
Sample records for entwicklung einer gem-support-struktur

  1. Entwicklung von Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren - ein klassischer und ein kombinatorischer Ansatz zur Inhibitoroptimierung


    Machon, Uwe Rainer


    Ziel der Dissertation „Entwicklung von Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren – ein klassischer und ein kombinatorischer Ansatz zur Inhibitoroptimierung“ war die Optimierung von neuen Inhibitoren von Falcipain-2 und Rhodesain als neue potentielle Wirkstoffe gegen Malaria bzw. die Schlafkrankheit über zwei verschiedene Methoden. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen klassischen und einen kombinatorischen Ansatz. Der klassische Ansatz basiert auf einer Struktur, deren Aktivität per Zufall entdeckt wurde. In Scr...

  2. Zur Rekonstruktion einer Typologie jugendlichen Medienhandelns gemäß dem Leitbild der Triangulation

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    Klaus Peter Treumann


    Full Text Available Die im Folgenden dargestellten Ergebnisse sind im Rahmen des von der DFG geförderten Forschungsprojekts „Eine Untersuchung zum Mediennutzungsverhalten 12- bis 20-Jähriger und zur Entwicklung von Medienkompetenz im Jugendalter“ entstanden, das gemeinsam von Klaus Peter Treumann, Uwe Sander und Dorothee Meister geleitet wird. Das Forschungsprojekt untersucht das Medienhandeln Jugendlicher sowohl hinsichtlich Neuer als auch alter Medien. Zum einen fragen wir dabei nach den Ausprägungen von Medienkompetenz in verschiedenen Dimensionen und zum anderen konzentrieren wir uns auf die Entwicklung einer empirisch fundierten Typologie jugendlichen Medienhandelns. Methodologisch ist die Untersuchung an dem Leitbild der Triangulation orientiert und kombiniert qualitative und quantitative Zugänge zum Forschungsfeld in Form von Gruppendiskussionen, leitfadengestützten Einzelinterviews und einer Repräsentativerhebung.

  3. Final report on the development of a disturbanceless NDE compact cooling device; Abschlussbericht zur Entwicklung einer stoerarmen maschinellen NDE-Kompaktkuehlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaiser, G.


    The project comprised the following aspects: 1. Development of a disturbance-free, mechanized compact cooling system for a NDE measuring system on the basis of a commercial SL200-10 split stirling cooling system of AEG Infrarotmodule GmbH, Heilbronn; 2. Support of the development work at the HTSL/Hall magnetometer of Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena; 3. Measurements of HTSL/Hall magnetometer samples and thermal characterisation. [German] Im Rahmen dieses Vorhabens wurden die folgenden Aufgabenstellungen behandelt: 1. Entwicklung einer stoerarmen, maschinellen Kompaktkuehlung fuer ein NDE-Messsystem auf der Basis eines kommerziellen Split-Stirlingkuehlers SL200-10 der Firma AEG Infrarotmodule GmbH, Heilbronn, 2. Unterstuetzung der Entwicklungsarbeiten am HTSL/Hall-Magnetometer, die bei der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet in Jena durchgefuehrt wurden, 3. Messungen an HTSL/Hall-Magnetometer-Proben zu deren thermischer Charakterisierung. (orig.)

  4. Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines auf dem Stellungsfeldermodell basierenden syntaktischen Annotationsverfahrens für Lernerkorpora innerhalb einer Mehrebenen-Architektur mit Schwerpunkt auf schriftlichen Texten fortgeschrittener Deutschlerner


    Doolittle, Seanna


    Die Arbeit zeigt exemplarisch die Möglichkeiten, die die Mehrebenen-Korpusarchitektur bei der Annotation von „standard-“ und „nicht standardsprachlichen“ Äußerungen in einem gemeinsamen Korpus bieten. // Konkret beschäftigt sie sich mit der Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines auf dem Stellungsfeldermodell basierenden syntaktischen Annotationsverfahrens für Lernerkorpora, bestehend aus schriftlichen Texten fortgeschrittener Deutschlerner, innerhalb einer Mehrebenen-Architektur. Die Felderannotat...

  5. Kultur- und Nationalbewusstsein:zur Gestaltung einer nationalen Identität Madagaskars


    Wallner, I. (Ingo)


    Die Zusammenführung der einzelnen madagassischen Gesellschaften zu einer „Prä-Nation“ fand 1896 durch die franz. Annexion Madagaskars ein Ende. Die Gesellschaften, in denen die Familie, ihre Ahnen, das Land der Ahnen sowie die kosmologischen Beziehungen den räumlich begrenzten identitären Horizont bildeten, instrumentalisierte die Kolonialmacht durch ihre politique des races. Ethnisierung wurde zum Instrument einer divide et impera-Politik. Das Ergebnis war der Abbruch einer Entwicklung zu na...

  6. Gas amplification properties of GEM foils; Gasverstaerkungseigenschaften von GEM-Folien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beck, Jeannine


    procedure were developed and a laser-measurement arrangement for the measurement of GEM surface profiles designed and tested. The Planeness of framed GEM foils was determined, whereby height differences up to 1 mm resulted. [German] Im Rahmen des Detektorkonzeptes International Linear Detector fuer das kuenftige Beschleunigerprojekt International Linear Collider, an dem Elektronen und Positronen bei Schwerpunktsenergien von 500 GeV zur Kollision gebracht werden, soll eine Zeit-Projektions-Kammer als zentrale Spurkammer eingesetzt werden. Mit der Verwendung einer derartigen Kammer als Spurdetektor ist eine dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion der Spurpunkte moeglich. Durchfliegt ein Teilchen das Gasvolumen innerhalb der Kammer, ionisiert es einzelne Gasatome und die entstandenen Elektronen bewegen sich nach der Verstaerkung in der GEM-Anordnung (engl. Gas Electron Multiplier) zur Anode, so dass eine zweidimensionale Projektion der Teilchenspur moeglich ist. Die dritte Dimension wird aus der Driftzeit der Elektronen errechnet. Die Vorteile dieses Auslesesystems bestehen darin, dass eine bessere Ortsaufloesung als mit einer Vieldraht-Proportional-Kammer erreicht wird und die rueckdriftenden Ionen stark unterdrueckt werden koennen. Ziel dieser Arbeit sind Untersuchungen fuer ein GEM-Modul, das in einem grossen TPCPrototypen genutzt werden soll. Hinsichtlich verschiedener Anforderungen gilt es unterschiedliche GEMs zu vergleichen, um eine optimale Auswahl treffen zu koennen. In einem am DESY vorhandenen kleinen Prototypen wurden Messungen zur Erfassung von GEM-beschreibenden Parametern durchgefuehrt. Die Inbetriebnahme der Test-TPC war Bestandteil dieser Arbeit. Es wurden Spuren durch eine radioaktive Quelle erzeugt, mit deren Hilfe die Gasverstaerkung bestimmt wurde. Mit dem Messaufbau wurden verschiedenartige Gasverstaerkerfolien hinsichtlich ihrer Verstaerkungseigenschaften und ihres Energieaufloesungsvermoegens verglichen und systematisch studiert. Es wurden fuenf

  7. Die Entwicklung von Kindern: eine Einführung


    Siegler, Robert; DeLoache, Judy; Eisenberg, Nancy


    Das Kapitel behandelt zunächst die Gründe für die Untersuchung der Kindesentwicklung und ihre historischen Wurzeln. Es werden anschließend Leitfragen der Kindesentwicklung sowie Methoden der Untersuchung kindlicher Entwicklung erläutert. Eine Zusammenfassung stellt schließlich die Kernthesen der einzelnen Abschnitte in einer kompakten Übersicht dar.(DIPF/paul)

  8. Planung einer Mobile Learning Application für medizinische Lerninhalte [Planning of a mobile learning application for medical contents

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    Walther, Patrick


    Full Text Available [english] Due to the high popularity of mobile devices barriers for mobile learning are becoming less. Place-and time-independent access to information is part of everyday life. The number of mobile applications is steadily growing. Currently there are more than 500,000 mobile applications, so-called apps, available for the Apple iPhone/iPad which can be downloaded in the Apple iTunes Store. More than ten percent of these apps are mobile learning applications.Before starting development of a mobile app we need to analyze all requirements accurately. This is due to the fact that there is a multiplicity of different operating systems with different functionalities. This paper shows general properties of so-called native, hybrid, and web applications and advantages and disadvantages in development and use of the finished application. In addition, current software, which supports the development of a mobile application is explained.Finally the differences of the various development options are shown based on concrete mobile applications.[german] Aufgrund der hohen Verbreitung mobiler Endgeräte werden die Barrieren für das mobile Lernen immer geringer und orts- und zeitunabhängiger Zugriff auf Informationen ist längst im Alltag angekommen. Die Zahl mobiler Applikation wächst stetig an. So stehen beispielsweise aktuell mehr als 500.000 mobile Applikationen, sogenannte Apps, für das Apple iPhone/iPad, dem Nutzer über den Apple iTunes Store bereit. Hiervon sind mehr als zehn Prozent mobile Lernapplikationen.Vor der eigentlichen Entwicklung einer App muss, u.a. aufgrund der Vielzahl mobiler Betriebssysteme und Funktionen der verschiedenen mobilen Endgeräte, zuvor eine genaue Bedarfsanalyse durchgeführt werden um die passende Entwicklungsvariante zu wählen.In diesem Beitrag werden die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten (nativ, hybrid, web zur Entwicklung einer mobilen Applikation, als auch deren Vor- und Nachteile bei der Entwicklung und Nutzung der

  9. Textuniversalien - Betrachtung an konkreten Texten/Textereignissen

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    Rolf Müller


    Full Text Available Unter diesem Titel möchte ich zunächst auf die Diskussion über linguistische Universalien vor fast einem halben Jahrhundert zuriickgreifen. Damals wurde der Universalienbegriff in die Linguistik, welche sich von der philologischen Sprachwissenschaft absetzte und gem als "modern" apostrophierte, eingeführt. Sie verstand sich als universelle, über einzelsprachliche Besonderheiten hinaus am lingual Wesentlichen interessierte Wissenschaft. Die Hinwendung zur Muttersprache, zu deren innerer Form und zur Deskription als inhaltsbezogener Grammatik wurde als weniger oder gar nicht mehr aktuell empfunden. Struktur und struktural/strukturell erfaßten als Termini statt dessen die leitenden Aspekte des Sprachverständnisses. Am weitesten gehend wurde durch die sog. "TG" die Formulierung der sprachlichen Äußerung als prozessualer Vorgang erklärt. Der ideale Sprecher/Hörer ist danach kompetent, unter Anwendung eines Apparates von Formulierungsregeln sowie entsprechender Auswahl aus einem Inventar von grammatischen Komponenten Sätze zu generieren, auch wenn diese völlig neu und nicht wiederholt sind. Aufgrund des prozessualen Vorgangs ist der Sprecher auch kompetent für die Auflösung einer Ambiguität von oberflächig gleichen Sätzen, indem er diesen differente Tiefenstrukturen zuordnet. Lange blieb die klassische Semantik eine Disziplin der Lexikologie. Die Semantik wurde erst nach einer Phase der Fortentwicklung als ein Aspekt in diese Grammatik eingeführt. Es ist klar, ich habe hier auf Grundzüge des mit dem Namen Noam Chomsky verbundenen Grammatikmodells hingewiesen. Die berühmten Titel markieren die Entwicklung: Syntactic Structures (1957 und Aspects of  the  Theory of Syntax  (1965/(Dt.  1969. Es ist da von Syntax die Rede, und wirklich zielt diese Grammatik auf die Erklärung der Kompetenz des Sprechers/Hörers fiir die Formulierung der Sätze, also auf die Erklärung einer Satzkompetenz. Von Text, worauf sich in dieser Studie das

  10. Energy report for Bavaria, 1996/97. Data on the development of the Bavarian energy industry, with an energy balance; Energiebericht Bayern 1996/97. Daten zur Entwicklung der bayerischen Energiewirtschaft mit Energiebilanz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The report presents the energy balance for Bavaria and provides information on: Bavarian energy industry; structure and development of primary and end-use energy consumption; situation and development of energy sources (electricity, gas, mineral oil, coal, district heating). (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Bericht enthaelt die Energiebilanz Bayern fuer das Berichtsjahr und bietet Informationen zur Energiewirtschaft in Bayern, zur Struktur und Entwicklung des Primaer- und Endenergieverbrauchs und zur Situation und Entwicklung bei den einzelnen Energietraegern (Elektrizitaet, Gas, Mineraloel, Kohle, Fernwaerme). (orig.)

  11. Entwicklung eines kontinuierlichen Verfahrens zur enzymkatalysierten Synthese eines strukturierten Triglycerides


    Stadler, Hans-Gerhard


    Ausgangspunkt für die in der vorliegenden Arbeit durchgeführten Entwicklung eines kontinuierlichen Verfahrens zur Synthese des strukturierten Triglycerides 1,3-Oleyl-2-palmitoylglycerin war die von Schmid [Schmid 1999] entwickelte lipase-katalysierte Zwei-Schritt-Synthese für strukturierte Triglyceride vom Typ ABA [European Patent Application; EP 0 882 797 A2]. In der ersten Reaktionsstufe dieser zweistufigen Umesterung wird in einer Folgereaktion das Substrat Tripalmitin mit Hilfe ein...

  12. Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Bericht der BLK an die Regierungschefs von Bund und Ländern zur Umsetzung des Orientierungsrahmens



    Der Orientierungsrahmen "Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung" wurde 1998 durch die Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung (BLK) beschlossen. In dem vorliegenden Dokument wird auf der Grundlage einer Umfrage der BLK-Geschäftsstelle bei den Kultus- und Wissenschaftsministerien über seine Umsetzung berichtet. Der Bericht gliedert sich wie folgt: 1. Rechtliche und politische Grundlagen sowie landesspezifische Initiativen/Programme einer Bildung für nachhaltige Ent...

  13. Development of a two-phase, two-component jet pump refrigerator for utilization of low-temperature solar heat. Final report; Entwicklung einer Zweiphasen-/Zweikomponenten-Strahlpumpenkaelteanlage zur Nutzung solarer Niedertemperaturwaerme. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mostofizadeh, C.; Bohne, D.


    A solar refrigerator for air conditioning and cooling was developed. The key component is a two-phase, two-component jet pump with ammonia and water as working fluid. Both the pump flow and the suction flow can be two-phase flows. This way, the advantages of both the absorption and the compression principle will be utilized, and a compact size will be achieved. Upon termination of the calculations, the function of the pump will be investigated in a 0 W pilot plant. For this, various geometries were calculated and tested for their potential efficiencies. A prototype will be constructed on the basis of the results. [German] Das Ziel des Vorhabens besteht in der Entwicklung einer solarbetriebenen Kaelteanlage fuer Klimatisierungs- und Kuehlungszwecke. Die Hauptkomponente der Kaelteanlage ist eine Zweiphasen-/Zweikomponenten-Strahlpumpe, die mit dem Arbeitsgemisch Ammoniak/Wasser betrieben wird. Sowohl der Treib- als auch der Saugstrom koennen zweiphasig sein. Dadurch sollen einerseits die Vorteile des Absorptions- und des Kompressionsprinzips miteinander verknuepft und andererseits ein kompakter Aufbau erreicht werden. Nach Abschluss der thermodynamischen und kinetischen Berechnungen soll die Funktion der Zweiphasen-/Zweikomponenten-Strahlpumpe mit Hilfe einer Pilotanlage mit ca. 20 kW Kaelteleistung untersucht werden. Dazu werden nach Vorausberechnungen verschiedene Geometrien in Bezug auf erzielbare Wirkungsgrade getestet. Die Ergebnisse bilden die Basis fuer den Bau eines Prototyps. (orig.)

  14. Projekt Multimedia Storytelling. Konzeption und Umsetzung einer Content-Marketing-Plattform an der ETH-Bibliothek


    Kyburz, Deborah


    Storytelling begeistert und macht als Methode von sich Reden. Die ETH-Bibliothek bediente sich des Storytelling für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung einer neuen Content-Marketing-Plattform namens Explora. Erzählt werden dort Geschichten zu digitalisierten Beständen der Sammlungen und Archive und zu Dienstleistungen der ETH-Bibliothek. Im Zentrum steht hierbei die Frage der attraktiven Präsentation des (Multimedia-)Contents. Der Beitrag skizziert, warum Storytelling und Wissenschaft eine geeignet...

  15. Haftung des "Director" einer englischen "Limited" gemäß § 64 GmbHG

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringe, Georg


    Für die Frage, ob und inwiefern auf EU-Auslandsgesellschaften inländisches Insolvenz- bzw. Gläubigerschutzrecht angewandt werden kann, differenziert der EuGH in seiner Entscheidung zwischen Vorschriften, die die Gründung der Gesellschaft und solchen, welche die spätere Tätigkeit betreffen. Wolf-G......-Georg Ringe (JZ 2016, 573) untersucht die Konsequenzen einer solchen Differenzierung und widerspricht dem Ergebnis des EuGH, der zur Anwendung des (insolvenzrechtlich qualifizierten) § 64 GmbHG im Fall einer englischen Limited kommt....

  16. Wie Geschwister sich in ihrer musikalischen Entwicklung beeinflussen. Ergebnisse einer Erhebung mit offenem Fragebogen


    Olbertz, Franziska


    Die Rolle der Geschwister in der musikalischen Entwicklung sollte anhand empirischer Daten fassbar gemacht und damit eine Forschungslücke der musikalischen Entwicklungspsychologie geschlossen werden. Dazu wurden in der aktuellen Studie zunächst die Formen der musikalischen Beeinflussung unter Geschwistern qualitativ erhoben und kategorisiert. Einfache quantitative Analysen desselben Materials sollten auch Hypothesen über die Bedeutung einiger Variablen ermöglichen, wie z. B. des Altersabstand...

  17. Über den Nachrichtenwert von Friedensjournalismus - Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Studie

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    Monika Spohrs


    Full Text Available Laut Nachrichtenwertforschung hängt die Publikations- und Lesenswürdigkeit von Nachrichtentexten von den Nachrichtenfaktoren der zu publizierenden Ereignisse ab. Als anerkannte Nachrichtenfaktoren gelten beispielsweise Negativität, Vereinfachung und Personifizierung. Friedensjournalistische Arbeiten weichen von diesen Kriterien oft ab, indem sie versuchen, die berichteten Ereignisse in ihrer Komplexität darzustellen, den Fokus nicht auf negative Ereignisse zu legen und auch strukturellen Themen Raum zu geben. Aber sind sie deshalb weniger publikationswürdig? Der folgende Artikel zeigt anhand einer experimentellen Studie, welche Akzeptanz Friedensjournalismus beim Leser finden kann, auch wenn dies teilweise den Theorien der Nachrichtenwertforschung widerspricht. Des weiteren wird gezeigt, wie sich konstruktive Berichterstattung auf die mentalen Modelle der Rezipienten auswirkt und in welchem Zusammenhang diese beiden Ergebnisse miteinander stehen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden einer für die Leserschaft der deutschen Qualitätspresse hinsichtlich Alter und Bildungsgrad repräsentativen Stichprobe von n = 128 Versuchspersonen Zeitungsartikel zu drei verschiedenen Ereignissen im Konfliktfeld des ehemaligen Jugoslawien dargeboten. Zu jedem Ereignis wurden vier verschiedene Textvarianten verwendet: eine gemäßigt eskalationsorientierte Originalfassung aus einer deutschen Qualitätszeitung (Die Welt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung und drei modifizierte Versionen dieser Artikel, (a mit gemäßigt deeskalations-orientiertem Framing, (b mit stark deeskalationsorientiertem Framing und (c mit einer Verschärfung der Eskalationsorientierung der dargestellten Konflikte. Die Aufgabe der Vpn bestand darin, zu jedem der drei Ereignisse eine Textvariante zu lesen und danach in eigenen Worten schriftlich wiederzugeben und anschließend einen Fragebogen zu Akzeptanz, Glaubwürdigkeit, Ausgewogenheit, Neuigkeitsgehalt, Bewertung und

  18. Soziale Interaktion, Lebensqualität und Krankheitsverarbeitung bei Akne-Patienten : Fall-Kontroll-Studie mit 32 Akne-Patienten und einer parallelisierten Gruppe Gesunder


    Dittmer, Julia Gesine Erdmute


    Hintergrund Acne vulgaris ist mehr als ein vorübergehendes Pubertätsproblem: Sie kann schwere psychische Folgeerscheinungen verursachen. Fragestellung In der vorliegenden zweiarmigen Studie sollten Erkenntnisse zu sozialer Interaktion, Lebensqualität und Krankheitsverarbeitung von Akne-Patienten im Vergleich zu einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe gewonnen werden. Besonderes Interesse galt dabei der sozialen Interaktionsangst und dem Affekt Ekel. Ferner wurde die Entwicklung der genannten P...

  19. Short version of the 1996 environmental expertise on the implementation of a sustainable, environmentally acceptable development. Conclusions and recommendations for action; Kurzfassung des Umweltgutachtens 1996 zur Umsetzung einer dauerhaft-umweltgerechten Entwicklung. Schlussfolgerungen und Handlungsempfehlungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The aim of the present expertise is to set new orientation marks for the tedious, conflict-laden procedure of bringing the ideal of a sustainable, environmentally acceptable development to realisation. By submitting this expertise the Environmental Council has acted in accordance with its assignment to report periodically on certain well-defined issues; specifically, to analyse generic questions of environmental protection, describe the environmental situation in Germany with regard to selected sectors of environmental protection, and give a critical valuation of current environmental policy. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Das vorliegende Gutachten hat das Ziel, weitere Markierungen fuer den langwierigen und konflikttraechtigen Weg zur Umsetzung des Leitbildes einer dauerhaft-umweltgerechten Entwicklung zu setzen. Der Umweltrat kommt auch in diesem Gutachten seinem Auftrag nach, im Rahmen der periodischen Begutachtung uebergreifende Fragen des Umweltschutzes zu analysieren und fuer ausgewaehlte Umweltschutzsektoren die Umweltsituation in Deutschland zu beschreiben und die Umweltpolitik kritisch zu bewerten. (orig./SR)

  20. Auf dem Weg zu einer ‹vernetzenden› Profession. Theoretisch-konzeptionelle Überlegungen zum Selbstverständnis der Medienpädagogik

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    Kai-Uwe Hugger


    Full Text Available In die Professionalisierungsdebatte der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Disziplin gehört auch die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Selbstverständnis der Medienpädagogik bzw. des Medienpädagogen. Die Medienpädagogische Professionalisierungsdiskussion stellt daher für den Autor gleichzeitig die Basis für einen Klärungsversuch einer medienpädagogischen Identität dar. Er beschreibt und analysiert Professionalisierungsstrategien aufgrund von vier Konzepten medienpädagogischer Professionalität: der beschützend-wertevermittelnde, der gesellschaftskritisch-wissenschaftszentrierte, der bildungstechnologisch-opitimierende und der vernetzte Medienpädagoge. Über den Begriff der Medienkompetenz nach Baacke stellt er zentrale Eckpunkte einer Struktur medienpädagogischen Handelns auf. (DIPF/Orig..

  1. Application of laser-optical diagnostics for the support of direct-injection gasoline combustion process development; Einsatz laseroptischer Messverfahren zur Unterstuetzung der Entwicklung von Brennverfahren mit Benzin-Direkteinspritzung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hentschel, W.; Meyer, H.; Stiebels, B. [Volkswagenwerk AG, Wolfsburg (Germany). Abt. Forschung und Entwicklung


    The development of direct-injection gasoline engines at Volkswagen was supported strictly from the beginning by the means of optical diagnostics and CFD-simulations. Basic phenomena, such as the formation of the in-cylinder flow field, the penetration of the spray formed by a hollow-cone swirl-type injector at high fuel pressure, the interaction of spray and flow and the formation of an ignitable mixture were analysed in details. The paper describes the laser-optical techniques-particle-image-velocimetry, laser-Doppler-anemometry, videostroboscopy, high-speed cinematography and laser-induced fluorescence - which were used during the development of the DI gasoline combustion process. Examples taken from engines with optical access to the combustion chamber demonstrate the capability of the techniques and pinpoint where the design of the combustion process benefits from experimental and simulation investigations. (orig.) [German] Die Entwicklung von Ottomotoren mit Benzin-Direkteinspritzung wurde bei Volkswagen von Beginn an konsequent durch den Einsatz optischer Messverfahren und CFD-Simulationen unterstuetzt. Damit konnten grundlegende Phaenomene, wie die Ausbildung des Stroemungsfeldes im Motorbrennraum, die Ausbreitung des durch einen Hohlkegel-Drallinjektor unter hohem Druck eingespritzten Kraftstoffs sowie die Wechselwirkung der Luftstroemung im Zylinder mit den Einspritzstrahlen und die Bildung einer zuendfaehigen Ladungswolke detailliert untersucht werden. Das Paper beschreibt die laseroptischen Messverfahren - Particle-Image-Velocimetry, Laser-Doppler-Anemometry, Video-Stroboskopie, Hochgeschwindikgkeits-Kinematographie und Laserinduzierte Fluoreszenz - die bei der Brennverfahrensentwicklung eingesetzt werden und zeigt anhand einer Reihe von konkreten Beispielen, wo Antworten auf Grundsatzfragen zur Auslegung des Brennverfahrens durch Messergebnisse an optisch zugaenglichen Motoren und durch CFD-Simulationen erarbeitet werden koennen. (orig.)

  2. Structure dynamics with regard to non-linear support behavior; Dynamische Strukturberechnung unter Beruecksichtigung nichtlinearen Lagerverhaltens

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Driessen, W. [Technischer Ueberwachungs-Verein Nord e.V., Hamburg (Germany)


    Because of modifications to a feed-water line of a power plant structural calculations of the pipework were performed. As a result of a linear (modal) analysis very high restraint forces on the supports were calculated. In order to reduce conservatisms in the calculation the model was optimized with regard to the support stiffnesses and nonlinear behavior of slide bearings, guides and shock absorbers were taken into account. The main result of the non-linear analysis, which was performed by methods of direct-integration, was that nonlinearity yields evident differences in structural frequencies and in energy dissipation (damping) in comparison to the linear analysis. The high restraint forces on the supports became smaller for most of the supports but at some points the forces of the non-linear analysis were even higher. So the conservatism of the linear analysis is not fully valid for the whole structure. The relevance of the non-linear effects in dynamic piping calculations is shown by comparing the calculation result with measurements which were performed on structures in the plant. (orig.) [German] Im Rahmen der Aenderung der Speisewasserleitung einer Kraftwerksanlage wurde die Struktur neu berechnet. Die Analysen mit einem linearen Modell (modal), das ueblicherweise verwendet wird, ergaben hohe Lasten an Halterungen. Zum Abbau von Konservativitaeten wurde eine realistischere Modellierung durch die Beruecksichtigung des nichtlinearen Verhaltens der in der Anlage befindlichen Gleitlager, Fuehrungen und Stossbremsen in der Berechnung vorgenommen. Die Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass durch die Nichtlinearitaet das Frequenzverhalten der Struktur und die Dissipation von Energie durch Reibvorgaenge wesentlich beeinflusst werden. Des Weiteren ist festzustellen, dass aus linearen Analysen nicht uneingeschraenkt konservative Ergebnisse gewonnen werden. Die Relevanz der Beruecksichtigung des nichtlinearen Lagerverhaltens bei einer dynamischen Strukturberechnung wird

  3. Die FPÖ im internationalen Vergleich - Zwischen Rechtspopulismus, Deutschnationalismus und Österreich-Patriotismus

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    Anton Pelinka


    Full Text Available Die Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ fällt im europäischen Kontext deshalb auf, weil sie die erfolgreichste der Parteien ist, die mit dem Begriff "Rechtspopulismus" bezeichnet werden. Der Beitrag versucht, die Erfolge der FPÖ bei Wahlen aus den Rahmenbedingungen des österreichischen politischen Systems und der österreichischen Gesellschaft zu erklären. Das als "hyperstabil" bezeichnete politische System Österreichs hat in den letzten 20 bis 25 Jahren signifikante Veränderungen durchgemacht. Die Erfolge der FPÖ sind eine Begleiterscheinung dieser Veränderungen - weder deren Ursache, noch deren Auslöser. Dies wird umso deutlicher, wenn die Veränderungen der österreichischen Gesellschaft und ihrer politischen Kultur in die Analyse einbezogen werden: Zuerst begann sich die Loyalität innerhalb der politisch-weltanschaulichen Lager aufzulösen - und dann erst begann der Aufstieg der FPÖ von einer kleinen, um Respektabilität bemühten Partei zu einer ihre Außenseiterrolle betonenden Protestpartei. Die Besonderheit der FPÖ, die sich auch in der europäischen Reaktion auf ihre Regierungsbeteiligung seit dem Februar 2000 äußerte, muss auch aus der Vorgeschichte der Zweiten Republik allgemein und der Freiheitlichen Partei im besonderen erklärt werden. Darin spiegelt sich auch der Zusammenhang zwischen der Entwicklung österreichischer Identität von einer transnationalen über eine deutschnationale zu einer spezifisch österreichischen nationalen Identität. Die in dieser Entwicklung zum Ausdruck kommenden Brüche werden in der Widersprüchlichkeit der FPÖ zugespitzt verdeutlicht: In ihren deutschnationalen Wurzeln verkörpert die FPÖ die Absage an die Konvergenz von Staat und Nation; in ihrer "populistischen" Orientierung ist die Partei aber österreichisch-patriotisch. Die FPÖ ist schließlich auch in der sozialen Struktur ihrer Wählerschaft zu begreifen: Die Partei artikuliert vor allem die Interessen der

  4. Soziologische Wissenskulturen zwischen individualisierter Inspiration und prozeduraler Legitimation. Zur Entwicklung qualitativer und interpretativer Sozialforschung in der deutschen und französischen Soziologie seit den 1960er Jahren

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    Reiner Keller


    Full Text Available Wie wissen Soziologinnen und Soziologen, was sie wissen? Trotz der Internationalisierung der Soziologie bestehen nach wie vor starke sprachräumliche Unterschiede in der soziologischen Wissensproduktion, in eingesetzten Theorien, Methoden und Fragestellungen. Der nachfolgende Beitrag erläutert die Entwicklung und Ausprägung der Unterschiedlichkeit soziologischer Wissenskulturen im Hinblick auf den Einsatz qualitativer bzw. interpretativer Ansätze seit den 1960er Jahren in Deutschland und Frankreich. Er stützt sich auf ein von uns 2012-2014 geleitetes Forschungsprojekt und dessen empirische Grundlagen: Dokumentenanalysen und Interviews. Wissenskulturen werden als die Arten und Weisen der Produktion und Legitimation von (hier: soziologischem Wissen verstanden. Diesbezüglich lässt sich von der Erkenntnisproduktion als dem zentralen Handlungsproblem soziologischen Forschens sprechen. Während für die französischsprachige Soziologie diagnostisch von einer Lösung dieses Erkenntnisproblems durch die den Forschenden zugeschriebenen Kompetenzen und Inspirationen ausgegangen werden kann, schiebt sich im deutschsprachigen Raume eine prozedurale Legitimation durch Verfahren in den Vordergrund. Der Beitrag rekonstruiert exemplarisch die Ausgangssituation dieser Entwicklungen um die Wende zu den 1960er Jahren und bettet sie in die weitere Entfaltung der jeweiligen Soziologien ein. Er will damit zur gegenwärtigen Entwicklung einer reflexiven Soziologie beitragen. URN:

  5. Möglichkeiten der Umsetzung einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung unter Verwendung kooperativer Lernformen im Geographieunterricht


    Stange, Sarah


    „Ohne Nachhaltigkeit gibt es keine gute Zukunft“ betonte die Bildungsstaatssekretärin Cornelia Quennet-Thielen in einem Interview Anfang Oktober (BMBF 2015). Sie erklärte weiter: „Und ohne Bildung bleibt Nachhaltigkeit nur eine Forderung.“ (ebd.) Genau zehn Jahre sind vergangen, seit die Vereinten Nationen die UN-Dekade für Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, kurz BNE, ausriefen. Der Leitgedanken der Nachhaltigkeit sollte über die Bildung Eingang in die Alltagswelten finden. Nun ist die UN-D...

  6. Development of new layer systems for sliding bearings under high mechanical and tribological stress. Final report; Entwicklung neuer Schichtsysteme fuer den Einsatz bei mechanisch-tribologisch hochbeanspruchten Gleitlagern. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mathias, M.; Herrmann, B.


    The report describes the sputtering technique as a coating method for sliding bearings of high-speed diesel engines. The project aimed at the development of a heavy-duty, wear-resistant sputtered layer on a copper-lead basis for sliding bearings. (HW) [Deutsch] Es wird berichtet ueber die Einfuehrung der Sputtertechnik als Beschichtungsverfahren fuer Gleitlager fuer schnell laufende Dieselmotoren. Ziel des Projektes war die Entwicklung einer hochbelastbaren, verschleissfesten Gleitlager-Sputterschicht auf Kupfer-Blei-Basis. (HW)

  7. Lakon Baratayuda Versi Klaten: Kajian Struktur Naratif


    Endah Budiarti


    Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menemukan aliran tindakan hero dalam Lakon Baratayuda versi Klaten. Teori struktur cerita rakyat Vladimir Propp diadaptasi dan dimodifikasi dalam tulisan ini. Teori Propp mengatakan bahwa sebuah cerita rakyat memiliki struktur yang dibentuk dari fungsi-fungsi yang bergerak berurutan. Berdasarkan teori tersebut, metode analisis yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode struktural model Propp. Upaya untuk dapat menemukan aliran tindakan sang hero p...

  8. Struktur Metafora Melayu Pada Gurindam Dua Belas


    Muliani, Suri


    Skripsi ini berjudul “ Struktur Metafora Melayu Pada Gurindam Dua Belas”. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan mengumpulkan data atau bahan-bahan yang berhubungan dengan struktur metafora. Pembahasan dalam skripsi ini merupakan pemaparan tentang struktur metafora Melayu, yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang jenis-jenis metafora ditinjau dari sintaksis. Dalam hal ini objek penelitiannya adalah puisi rakyat yaitu gurindam. Dari hasil penelitia...

  9. Structure, design and statistical programme library of the meteorological database of Potsdam-Institut fuer Klimaforschung; Struktur, Aufbau und statistische Programmbibliothek der meteorologischen Datenbank am Potsdam-Institut fuer Klimaforschung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oesterle, H.; Glauer, J. [Potsdam-Institut fuer Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), Potsdam (Germany); Denhard, M. [Frankfurt Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Meteorologie und Geophysik


    The relational database management system (ORACLE) using different client interfaces (browser, SQL, precompiler) is the most important basis for data organization and storage. The creation of a data bank system at PIK includes: Acquisition of meteorological data series for the projects executed at PIK; development of a database structure on the basis of daily values; control, analysis and classification of data into given storage formats; development and application of statistical software. There are currently 20 different types of data sets with daily, monthly and annual data which are functionally interconnected and updated. All data sets are continuously updated. (orig.) [Deutsch] Wesentliche Grundlage der Datenorganisation und -speicherung bildet das relationale Datenbanksystem ORACLE mit den dazugehoerigen Werkzeugen (Browser, SQL- und Precompiler). Die Entwicklung des Datenbanksystems am PIK umfasst folgende Etappen: - Erwerb von meteorologischen Datensaetzen fuer die am Institut laufenden Forschungsvorhaben; - Entwicklung einer Speicherstruktur auf der Basis von Tageswerten; - Kontrolle, Analyse und Einordnung der Daten in die vorgegebenen Speicherformate; - Entwicklung der zur Datennutzung notwendigen statistischen Programmbibliothek. Zur Zeit gibt es 20 verschiedene Typen von Datensaetzen. Sie enthalten taegliche, monatliche und jaehrliche Daten und sind funktional miteinander verbunden. Alle Datensaetze werden kontinuierlich erweitert. (orig.)

  10. Analysis of GEM properties and development of a GEM support structure for the ILD time projection chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hallermann, Lea


    In the concept of the International Large Detector (ILD), developed for the International Linear Collider (ILC) a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is envisaged as main tracking detector. Such gaseous detectors have to be equipped with amplification devices in order to enlarge the amount of charge, which is set free by ionization caused by traversing charged particles. Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGDs) will be used in the ILD TPC as amplification stage. In this thesis, Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) - one specific MPGD species - are analyzed concerning various properties. Effective gains and energy resolutions are compared for GEM foils produced by different manufacturers. A good understanding of these observables is obtained by interpretation of the results with the help of geometrical parameters. Height profile measurements of GEM foils have been performed for the first time and the impact of non perfect flat GEMs is analyzed, especially on dE/dx determination and drift field quality. The results emphasize the need of a flat installation of GEMs in TPCs. As a consequence, a new mounting device has been developed to ensure flatness and to provide a method to cover large readout areas, as in the ILD TPC, by introducing the least possible amount of dead material into the detector. The developed structure has been tested in a TPC protoype, taking cosmic muon data. The influence of the mounting on track reconstruction, single point resolution, tracking efficiency and dE/dx measurements is quantified. The developed mounting is applicable in a large scale TPC, if some design considerations are taken into account. (orig.)

  11. Analysis of GEM properties and development of a GEM support structure for the ILD time projection chamber

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hallermann, Lea


    In the concept of the International Large Detector (ILD), developed for the International Linear Collider (ILC) a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is envisaged as main tracking detector. Such gaseous detectors have to be equipped with amplification devices in order to enlarge the amount of charge, which is set free by ionization caused by traversing charged particles. Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGDs) will be used in the ILD TPC as amplification stage. In this thesis, Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) - one specific MPGD species - are analyzed concerning various properties. Effective gains and energy resolutions are compared for GEM foils produced by different manufacturers. A good understanding of these observables is obtained by interpretation of the results with the help of geometrical parameters. Height profile measurements of GEM foils have been performed for the first time and the impact of non perfect flat GEMs is analyzed, especially on dE/dx determination and drift field quality. The results emphasize the need of a flat installation of GEMs in TPCs. As a consequence, a new mounting device has been developed to ensure flatness and to provide a method to cover large readout areas, as in the ILD TPC, by introducing the least possible amount of dead material into the detector. The developed structure has been tested in a TPC protoype, taking cosmic muon data. The influence of the mounting on track reconstruction, single point resolution, tracking efficiency and dE/dx measurements is quantified. The developed mounting is applicable in a large scale TPC, if some design considerations are taken into account. (orig.)

  12. Elektrische Energieversorgung (United States)

    Schulz, Detlef

    Nur mit einer zuverlässigen und wirtschaftlichen elektrischen Energieversorgung ist eine nachhaltige gesellschaftliche Entwicklung von Industrienationen möglich. Gleichzeitig muss diese selbst so nachhaltig, d. h. umweltverträglich gestaltet werden, dass auch zukünftige Generationen nicht in ihrer Entfaltung behindert werden. Eine versorgungssichere, wirtschaftliche und umweltverträgliche Energiebereitstellung ergibt sich nicht zwingend allein aus einer technisch evolutionären Entwicklung und ist auch bis heute nicht ausschließlich nur mit einer der bekannten Wandlungstechnologien nachweislich realisierbar.

  13. Control and supervision of a time projection chamber with GEM readout; Steuerung und Ueberwachung einer Zeitprojektionskammer mit GEM-Auslese

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaiser, David


    To get a deeper understanding of the structure of nucleons and the strong interaction binding the constituents inside, the CBELSA/TAPS experiment investigates the resonance spectrum of baryons by meson photoproduction within the scope of the SFB/TRR 16 ''Subnuclear Structure of Matter''. In order to support and expand the physical program, the existing Inner Detector will be replaced by a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) within the next few years. This allows for the detection of charged reaction channels, which can't be measured with the CBELSA/TAPS experiment up to now, as well as for particle identification from the specific energy loss. A First prototype with GEM foils for charge amplification in front of the readout plane and suitable size for the CBELSA/TAPS experiment was built in collaboration with the TU Munich, the detector laboratory of the GSI in Darmstadt and the Stefan-Meyer-Institute of the University Vienna. The TPC has been commissioned successfully within the FOPI experiment at the GSI during several test beam campaigns. Additionally, systematic studies have been carried out with a smaller Test-TPC using a TestBench providing an accurate external track definition. As the electron drift velocity in the TPC volume is a crucial parameter for the exact track reconstruction, detailed simulations of the drift velocity and its dependency on external parameters, such as drift voltage, pressure, gas flow or temperature, have been carried out. The results of these simulations recommend a constant monitoring of all examined parameters to allow a reasonable use of the simulated drift velocities. For this purpose, and to ensure a safe and stable operation of the TPCs and the other detectors on the TestBench, the required hardware, the control software based on a data base and a graphical user interface were designed and constructed as the main part of this work. With this so-called SlowControl, it was possible to measure, control and

  14. A GEM of an SSC detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The SSC Laboratory has decided to support the GEM (Gammas, Electrons, and Muons) detector collaboration in the next stage of its work, development of a Technical Design Report. Initial ideas for GEM as the second major SSC detector were aired last year

  15. Development of a fluidized-bed method for on-line evaluation of radiotracers in vitro; Entwicklung einer Fliessbettechnik zur Bewertung von Radiopharmaka an Zellkulturen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Noll, T.


    This study presents the development of a continuously operating fluidized-bed bioreactor for on-line evaluation of radiotracers in vitro, which combines tissue-like three-dimensional cell cultivation in open porous microcarriers with a technique for on-line radioactivity detection. The long time stability of steady-state permits a large number of experiments using the same culture. All relevant parameters (O{sub 2}, pH, T, etc.) can be adjusted according to the experimental requirements. The flux of the circulating medium can be adapted to the blood flow of the corresponding organism, while the input function of the radiotracer is freely adjustable for simulation of in vivo conditions. Sampling and examination of the immobilized cells care possible at any time. Using this system, the kinetics of 2-[{sup 18}F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) in human glioma cells (86HG39) were studied and it was shown that the dependence of the lumped constant (LC) for FDG on the medium glucose concentration is similar to that obtained in the rat brain. For normoglycemic concentrations the LC was determined to be in the range of 0.7, while in hypoglycemia it increased progressively up to a value of 1.22 at a glucose concentration of 3 mM. The rate constants in the three compartment model were found to be similar to those obtained in vivo using PET; indicating the validity of the system for tracer evaluation. Furthermore the kinetics of both diastereomeric forms of 4-[{sup 18}F]fluoro-proline was investigated and found that both diastereomeres were not metabolized and reached an identical intracellular steady state concentration. The trans-form was transported three times faster than the cis-diastereomere, indicated by the rate constants. (orig.) [German] Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung eines kontinuierlich betriebenen Wirbelschichtreaktors zur on-line Bewertung von Radiotracern an Zellkulturen. Der Bioreaktor kombiniert eine gewebeaehnliche, dreidimensionale Zellkultivierung in


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    Yus Rama Denny


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan studi awal pembuatan dan pengolahan bahan mineral Indonesia sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan termistor NTC. Bahan mineral yarosit dari alam dimurnikan dengan larutan HCl, diendapkan dengan menggunakan NH4OH dan dipanaskan pada suhu kalsinasi 700oC selama 2 jam. Pembuatan termistor NTC dilakukan dengan mecampurkan serbuk yarosit hasil pemurnian dan pengendapan dengan TiO2. Pasta termistor FeTiO3 dicetak dipermukaan alumina substrat dengan metode screen printing, kemudian dilakukan pemanasan pada suhu 500oC selama 1 jam diruangan udara dilanjutkan disinter pada suhu 1100oC selama 1 jam diruangan hidrogen. Sifat listrik keramik film tebal hasil sinter diukur pada berbagai suhu. Struktur kristal dievaluasi dengan difraksi sinar x (XRD, dan struktur mikro dievaluasi dengan menggunakan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope. Data analisis XRD memperlihatkan bahwa seluruh keramik film tebal berstruktur heksagonal (Illiminite. Data struktur mikro dan sifat listrik memperlihatkan bahwa termistor dari yarosit memenuhi kebutuhan pasar.

  17. Development of a CdTe/CdS solar wafer. Final report; Entwicklung einer CdTe/CdS Duennschicht-Solarzelle. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koentges, M.; Reineck-Koch, R.


    The focus was on the development and optimisation of the close-spaced sublimation process in an inline coating plant for production of stable high-efficiency CdS/CdTe solar wafers. An inline plant was to be constructed by ANTEC GmbH and ISFH. Film layers were to be optimised, and investigations were to show whether processing of single films is possible without breaking the vacuum, e.g. for etching. The results were to be used directly by ANTEC GmbH. An efficiency of 14 percent and an idle voltage of about 850 V were to be achieved with a film thickness of 2 {mu}m. To achieve these goals, the following project stages were envisaged: 1. Replacement of the expensive window material ITO by a less costly material. 2. Higher stability of the back contact by using appropriate intermediate layers. 3. Alternative activation processes other than the conventional CdCl{sub 2} activation. 4. Investigation of the effects of the activation step on the electric properties of the sample. [German] Die uebergreifende Aufgabenstellung des Projektes war die Entwicklung und Optimierung des Close-spaced-Sublimation verfahrens in einer Inline-Beschichtungsanlage fuer die Herstellung stabiler und hocheffizienter CdS/CdTe Duennschichtsolarzellen. Mit dem Wissen der ANTEC GmbH sollte zusammen mit dem ISFH eine Inline-Anlage konzipiert und gebaut werden. Die fuer die Solarzelle notwendigen Einzelschichten sollten in dem Inline-Prozess optimiert werden. Es sollte ermittelt werden, ob eine Prozessierung der Einzelschichten ohne Brechen des Vakuums, z.B. fuer einen Aetzschritt, moeglich ist. Die erzielten Ergebnisse sollen direkt der ANTEC GmbH zufliessen. In dem Projekt wurde als Endziel ein Wirkungsgrad der CdTe/CdS-Duennschichtsolarzelle von 14% und eine Erhoehung der Leerlaufspannung auf Werte um 850 mV angestrebt. Gleichzeitig sollte die CdTe-Schichtdicke auf 2 {mu}m vermindert werden. Um dieses Gesamtziel zu erreichen, sollen folgende Teilaufgaben bearbeitet werden: 1) Das teuere

  18. Politische Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und die UN-Dekade der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung


    Brunold, Andreas (Prof.)


    Politische Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und die UN-Dekade der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. - In: Aktuelle theoretische und empirische Projekte in der Politikdidaktik / GPJE (Hrsg.). - Schwalbach/Ts. : Wochenschau-Verl., 2009. - S. 68-83. - (Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Politikdidaktik und Politische Jugend- und Erwachsenenbildung ; 8)

  19. Polnische qualitative Soziologie: Entwicklung und Hauptthemen


    Konecki, Krzysztof T.; Kacperczyk, Anna M.; Marciniak, Lukasz T.


    In dem vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Entwicklung der qualitativen Soziologie in Polen rekonstruiert, indem deren wesentliche intellektuelle Wurzeln und einige Hauptthemen der polnischen Soziologie vorgestellt werden. Romantizismus und die induktive Methode sind essenzielle Elemente für die Entwicklung der Disziplin in Polen gewesen und Charakteristika ihrer Besonderheit. Die Bedeutung von Florian ZNANIECKI für die Entstehung der polnischen qualitativen Soziologie wird gewürdigt. URN: urn:n...


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    Endi Sarwoko


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan rata-rata struktur modal antar industri, menguji pengaruh perubahan earnings perusahaan terhadap struktur modal, dan menguji pengaruh risiko pasar dengan struktur modal perusahaan. Struktur modal dalam penelitian ini diproksikan dengan debt to equity ratio dan debt to total assets. Data diperoleh dari Pojok Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ Universitas Brawijaya, sampel sebanyak 40 perusahaan yang diambil secara Purposive dengan kriteria perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut aktif mencatatkan laporan keuangannya di BEJ dan aktif melakukan perdagangan saham selama 6 tahun terakhir. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh terbalik antara perubahan earnings perusahaan terhadap D/E tetapi perubahan earnings ternyata tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap D/A. Risiko pasar tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap debt to equity, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ketika akan melakukan pembelian saham investor tidak mempertimbangkan risiko pasar. Sedangkan berdasarkan pengaruh terhadap D/A diperoleh hasil risiko pasar berpengaruh signifikan terhadap debt to total assets,  manajemen perusahaan sangat memperhatikan dampak risiko pasar dalam menentukan kebijakan struktur modal perusahaan, karena dalam memberikan pinjaman kreditur biasanya sangat mempertimbangkan aset yang dimiliki perusahaan didanai dari mana, hutang atau modal sendiri.

  1. Pengaruh Struktur Organisasi dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Penerapan Business Entity Concept

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    Widya Exsa Marita


    Full Text Available Masalah pengelolaan dana merupakan momok yang sering mengakibatkan kegagalan usaha pada suatu perusahaan terutama UMKM. Pengelolaan dana yang efektif dan efisien dapat tercapai jika suatu perusahaan mampu menerapkan akuntansi yang baik. Penerapan akuntansi yang baik haruslah diawali dengan penerapan konsep akuntansi, salah satunya yaitu business entity concept. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh struktur organisasi dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap penerapan business entity concept. Objek penelitian yang diambil adalah UD. Agung Mulia Jaya dengan sampel sebanyak 200 reponden yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah struktur organisasi dan ukuran perusahaan, sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah penerapan business entity concept. Untuk menguji adanya pengaruh struktur organisasi dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap penerapan business entity concept, maka dilakukan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil pengujian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa kedua variabel bebas yaitu struktur organisasi dan ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh terhadap penerapan business entity concept. Secara parsial, struktur organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap penerapan business entity concept, namun sebaliknya ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh negatif terhadap penerapan business entity concept. Koefisien determinasi menghasilkan nilai 67,4% yang berarti penerapan business entity concept dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel struktur organisasi dan ukuran perusahaan sebesar 67,4% atau bersifat kuat.

  2. Zu einer inhaltsorientierten Theorie des Lernens und Lehrens der biologischen Evolution (United States)

    Wallin, Anita

    Der Zweck dieser Studie (zwecks Überblick siehe dazu Abb. 9.1) war zu untersuchen, wie die Schüler der Sekundarstufe II ein Verständnis von der Theorie der biologischen Evolution entwickeln. Vom Ausgangspunkt "Vorurteile der Schüler“ ausgehend wurden Unterrichtssequenzen entwickelt und drei verschiedene Lernexperimente in einem zyklischen Prozess durchgeführt. Das Wissen der Schüler wurde vor, während und nach den Unterrichtssequenzen mit Hilfe von schriftlichen Tests, Interviews und Diskussionsrunden in kleinen Gruppen abgefragt. Etwa 80 % der Schüler hatten vor dem Unterricht alternative Vorstellungen von Evolution, und in dem Nachfolgetest erreichten circa 75 % ein wissenschaftliches Niveau. Die Argumentation der Schüler in den verschiedenen Tests wurde sorgfältig unter Rücksichtnahme auf Vorurteile, der konzeptionellen Struktur der Theorie der Evolution und den Zielen des Unterrichts analysiert. Daraus konnten Einsichten in solche Anforderungen an Lehren und Lernen gewonnen werden, die Herausforderungen an Schüler und Lehrer darstellen, wenn sie anfangen, evolutionäre Biologie zu lernen oder zu lehren. Ein wichtiges Ergebnis war, dass das Verständnis existierender Variation in einer Population der Schlüssel zum Verständnis von natürlicher Selektion ist. Die Ergebnisse sind in einer inhaltsorientierten Theorie zusammengefasst, welche aus drei verschiedenen Aspekten besteht: 1) den inhaltsspezifischen Aspekten, die einzigartig für jedes wissenschaftliche Feld sind; 2) den Aspekten, die die Natur der Wissenschaft betreffen; und 3) den allgemeinen Aspekten. Diese Theorie kann in neuen Experimenten getestet und weiter entwickelt werden.

  3. Effekt einer ad libitum verzehrten fettreduzierten Kost, reich an Obst, Gemüse und Milchprodukten auf den Blutdruck bei Borderline-Hypertonikern (United States)

    Möseneder, Jutta M.


    In der randomisierten, multizentrischen DASH-Studie (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hy-pertension), die unter kontrollierten Bedingungen stattfand, führte eine fettreduzierte Mischkost, reich an Obst, Gemüse und Milchprodukten, bei Borderline-Hypertonikern zu einer signifikanten Blutdrucksenkung. Während der Studienphase wurden Körpermasse, Natrium-Aufnahme sowie Alkoholzufuhr aufgrund der bekannten Einflussnahme auf den Blutdruck konstant gehalten. In der eigenen Pilot-Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob das Ergebnis der DASH-Studie (i) mit deutschen Hypertonikern und (ii) unter habituellen Ernährungs- und Lebensbedingungen mit regelmäßig durchgeführter Ernährungsberatung und ad libitum Verzehr anstelle des streng kontrollierten Studienansatzes bestätigt werden kann. Eine Konstanz der Körpermasse, der Natrium-Urinausscheidung (unter diesem Studienansatz valider als die Aufnahme) und des Alkoholkonsums wurde vorausgesetzt. Die Studienpopulation setzte sich aus 53 übergewichtigen Probanden mit einer nicht medikamentös therapierten Borderline-Hypertonie und ohne Stoffwechselerkrankungen zusammen. Die Studienteilnehmer wurden randomisiert entweder der Idealgruppe mit einer fettarmen Kost reich an Milchprodukten, Obst und Gemüse (ähnlich der DASH-Idealgruppe) oder der Kontrollgruppe mit habitueller Ernährungsweise zugeteilt. Über einen Zeitraum von fünf Wochen wurde den Probanden etwa 50% ihres täglichen Lebensmittelbedarfes entsprechend ihrer Gruppenzugehörigkeit kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt. Gelegenheitsblutdruckmessungen und 24h-Blutdruckmessungen, Ernährungs- und Aktivitätsprotokolle, Blut- und Urinproben sowie anthropometrische Messungen wurden vor, während und fünf Wochen nach der Interventionsphase durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in der Idealgruppe keine signifikante Blutdrucksenkung beobachtet werden konnte. Dies lässt sich durch die Tatsache erklären, dass die Lebens-mittel- und Nährstoffaufnahme der deutschen

  4. GEM: Performance and aging tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, H.S.; Kadyk, J.; Han, S.H.; Hong, W.S.; Perez-Mendez, V.; Wenzel, W.; Pitts, K.; Martin, M.D.; Hutchins, J.B.


    Performance and aging tests have been done to characterize Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs), including further design improvements such as a thicker GEM and a closed GEM. Since the effective GEM gain is typically smaller than the absolute GEM gain, due to trapping of avalanche electrons at the bottom GEM electrode, the authors performed field simulations and measurements for better understanding, and discuss methods to eliminate this effect. Other performance parameters of the GEMs are also presented, including absolute GEM gain, short-term and long-term gain stabilities


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Tofa Wijaya


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki pengaruh temperatur tuang terhadap ketangguhan impak dan struktur mikro hasil pengecoran paduan aluminium dengan menggunakan cetakan pasir. Bahan penelitian ini adalah paduan alumunium dari scrap aluminium, kemudian dilebur dan dituang ke dalam cetakan dengan variasi temperatur tuang dari 660 °C, 700 °C dan 740 °C. Pengujian impak dilakukan untuk mengetahui ketangguhan impak pada hasil coran dengan menggunakan alat uji impak Charpy (ASTM E 23-02a. Foto struktur mikro dilakukan dengan menggunakan mikroskop optik Nikon seri 661103. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi temperatur tuang pada saat pengecoran berpengaruh terhadap nilai ketangguhan impak dan struktur mikro hasil coran. Dari tiga variasi temperatur tuang yang dilakukan, semakin tinggi temperatur tuang maka nilai ketangguhan impaknya juga semakin meningkat. Struktur mikro yang terbentuk dari  logam paduan aluminium coran secara umum memiliki bentuk struktur mikro berupa struktur dendrite.

  6. Simulation of pendulum shock experiments on a passenger car front axle; Simulation von Pendelschlagversuchen an einer PKW-Vorderachse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sporer, L.; Witt, R.; Muehlbauer, R. [BMW Group, Muenchen (Germany)


    The contribution describes the development and application of a method for simulating loads resulting from misuse on car body components. The development of the method and its validation by experiments are described, and its application in the development of the BMW-5 series is gone into. [German] Der Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methode zur Simulation von Missbrauchsbelastungen an Fahrwerkskomponenten. Im ersten Abschnitt ist die systematische Entstehung der Methode und die Absicherung der Simulationsergebnisse durch Ersatzversuche dargestellt. In den folgenden Abschnitten steht die Anwendung der Methode in der Fahrwerksentwicklung bei BMW am Beispiel der Vorderachse der aktuellen 5-er Baureihe im Vordergrund. Das Deformationsverhalten einzelner Lenker bzw. die Schadenskette an der gesamten Achse werden sowohl fuer den seitlichen, als auch fuer den frontalen Pendelschlag aufgezeigt. (orig.)


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    Edi Susilo


    Full Text Available Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perubahan sosial masyarakat dan dinamika kapasitas ruang dan titik kritis struktur sosial dalam ekosistem pesisir. Penyebab utama perubahan struktur adalah masuknya unsur-unsur pembentuk struktur dari luar (individu, sistem, atau karena meningkatnya akses masyarakat terhadap perubahan di lingkungan lokal, maupun di lingkungan sosial luarnya. Dinamika kapasitas ruang struktur sosial di ekosistem pesisir Karanggongso selama masa pengamatan dapat dijelaskan melalui dua indikator penting, obyektif dan subyektif. Titik kritis ada yang berlaku secara umum, dan ada yang berlaku secara khusus. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa teori evolusi berpeluang besar untuk disintesakan dengan teori-teori lain seperti teori konflik, ekuilibrium, dan teori timbul –tenggelam. Proses sistesa ini merupakan langkah opearasional pemetaan teori skematis yang dilakukan oleh Appelbaum. Dinamika struktur sosial sangat penting diketahui oleh pemeritah dan LSM, yang mana mereka memiliki perencanaan pembangunan dalam masyarakat nelayan. Kata kunci: struktur sosial, evolusi, kapasitas ruang, titik kritis ABSTRACT Research aim is to analyse any social changes and dynamic of space capacity and critical point of social structure in  coastal ecosystem. The main factor of  structural change is external factor of structural formation (individu , system, or increase of community access to the change of local social environment, and external social environment. Dynamics of space capacity of social structure in coastal ecosystem of Karanggongso during periode of research can be explained through the two indicators, objective and subjective. There are a general critical point and a special critical point. This results explain that a evolution theory  suggest a high possibility to be synthesized with any other theories, e.g. a conflict theory, an equilibrium theory,   and a “timbul-tenggelam” theory. The synthesis process is an

  8. Origins of GEMS Grains (United States)

    Messenger, S.; Walker, R. M.


    Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected in the Earth s stratosphere contain high abundances of submicrometer amorphous silicates known as GEMS grains. From their birth as condensates in the outflows of oxygen-rich evolved stars, processing in interstellar space, and incorporation into disks around new stars, amorphous silicates predominate in most astrophysical environments. Amorphous silicates were a major building block of our Solar System and are prominent in infrared spectra of comets. Anhydrous interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) thought to derive from comets contain abundant amorphous silicates known as GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfides) grains. GEMS grains have been proposed to be isotopically and chemically homogenized interstellar amorphous silicate dust. We evaluated this hypothesis through coordinated chemical and isotopic analyses of GEMS grains in a suite of IDPs to constrain their origins. GEMS grains show order of magnitude variations in Mg, Fe, Ca, and S abundances. GEMS grains do not match the average element abundances inferred for ISM dust containing on average, too little Mg, Fe, and Ca, and too much S. GEMS grains have complementary compositions to the crystalline components in IDPs suggesting that they formed from the same reservoir. We did not observe any unequivocal microstructural or chemical evidence that GEMS grains experienced prolonged exposure to radiation. We identified four GEMS grains having O isotopic compositions that point to origins in red giant branch or asymptotic giant branch stars and supernovae. Based on their O isotopic compositions, we estimate that 1-6% of GEMS grains are surviving circumstellar grains. The remaining 94-99% of GEMS grains have O isotopic compositions that are indistinguishable from terrestrial materials and carbonaceous chondrites. These isotopically solar GEMS grains either formed in the Solar System or were completely homogenized in the interstellar medium (ISM). However, the

  9. Not Your Ordinary GEM (United States)


    Through Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding from NASA's Stennis Space Center, Geophex devised a new design for broadband electromagnetic sensors. Geophex developed a patented sensing technology, capable not only of coastal monitoring, but also a variety of other functions, including environmental pollution characterization, groundwater contamination detection, archaeological study, and mineral detection. The new technology is offered in several of the company's products the GEM-2, GEM-2A, and the GEM-3. The Geophex products consist of two primary electromagnetic coils, which are stimulated by alternating currents that generate a magnetic field in the object targeted for investigation. GEM-2 is a handheld, lightweight, programmable, digital device. GEM-2A is an airborne version of the sensor. Suspended from a helicopter, the GEM-2A is used to search for mineral deposits and to survey large tracts of land. The GEM-3 is capable of detecting buried landmines and other active munitions. GEM-3 identifies landmines by their brand names. Because each landmine has its own unique electromagnetic response to the broad frequency band emitted by the GEM-3, bomb identification and disposal strategies are made easier.


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    Fitri Rahmiyatun


    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kebijakan modal kerja yang terdiri dari struktur aktiva, perputaran modal kerja dan pendanaan modal kerja terhadap profitabilitas pada perusahaan farmasi yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan farmasi yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2005 sampai dengan 2015 yang berjumlah 10 perusahaan. Sedangkan sampel penelitian ini adalah dua perusahaan yaitu PT. Kimia Farma yang mewakili perusahaan milik BUMN dan PT.Kalbe Farma yang mewakili perusahaan swasta. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: (1 struktur aktiva berpengaruh positif dan sangat signifikan terhadap profitabilitas; (2 pendanaan modal kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas, dan (3 struktur aktiva dan pendanaan modal kerja secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap profitabilitas.Implikasinya adalah bahwa perusahaan yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia khususnya PT. Kimia Farma dan PT. Kalbe Farma harus meningkatkan secara optimal struktur aktiva karena berpengaruh sangat signifikan terhadap profitabilitas. Peningkatan struktur aktiva akan berdampak baik terhadap kinerja perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut. Hal ini sangat relevan mengingat masih minimnya penelitian di bidang ini.   Kata kunci: Perputaran Modal Kerja, Pendanaan Modal Kerja Dan Profitabilitas.

  11. Developing connectivity of the phases in a short fibre reinforced aluminium piston alloy subjected to creep; Entwicklung der Konnektivitaet der Phasen in einer kurzfaserverstaerkten Aluminium-Kolbenlegierung unter Kriechbelastung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Requena, G.C.; Degischer, H.P.; Marks, E.D. [Institute of Materials Science and Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13/308 - A1040 Vienna (Australia); Boller, E. [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (France)


    The evolution of the micro-structure during creep of an AlSi12CuMgNi piston alloy with 15 vol% of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} short fibres is investigated by means of synchrotron micro-tomography. The results reveal a 3D morphology of the rigid phases in the composite: the eutectic-Si, the short fibres and the Fe- and Ni-rich intermetallic particles, which form an interconnected hybrid reinforcement. The connectivity of these phases increases during creep exposure at 300 C due to the diffusion induced ripening of Si and of the intermetallic particles. The hybrid reinforcement reaches almost complete percolation after 6400 h of creep exposure. The fibre orientation analysed by three-dimensional Fast Fourier Transformation does not indicate any reorientation of the fibres along the load direction. The formerly observed strengthening effect during creep exposure is attributed to the increasing load carrying capacity of the interconnected hybrid reinforcement. The analysis of creep damage during secondary creep stage shows the increase of the void volume fraction by a factor of 2 with respect to the void content from processing, while the number of voids per volume remains practically constant. The voids are located at interfaces of the rigid phases and not within the {alpha}-aluminium matrix. (Abstract Copyright [2007], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.) [German] Das drei-dimensionale Gefuege einer AlSi12CuMgNi-Kolbenlegierung verstaerkt mit 15 vol% Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-Kurzfasern wird mittels Synchrotron Mikro-Tomographie dargestellt. Der loesungsgegluehte Ausgangszustand enthaelt ein zusammenhaengendes Netzwerk aus Kurzfasern und Fe- und Ni-reichen Primaerausscheidungen, das darueber hinaus durch eine Vielzahl von Si-Bruecken des Eutektikums verbunden wird. Die Konnektivitaet nimmt mit der Dauer der Kriechbelastung bei 300 C zu, besonders durch die Reifung der Si-Teilchen, die zu einer in sich zusammenhaengenden Struktur zusammenwachsen, die mit dem bereits vorhandenen Netzwerk mit den

  12. Vorhersagbarkeit einer koronaren Herzkrankheit im Rahmen einer arbeitsmedizinischen Vorsorgeuntersuchung


    Berghoff, Bent Elger


    Angesichts der hohen Prävalenz der koronaren Herzkrankheit in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sollte deren frühe Erkennung wesentlicher Bestandteil einer arbeitsmedizinischen Vorsorgeuntersuchung sein. Dies sollte nicht nur zum Schutz des betroffenen Arbeitnehmers geschehen, sondern auch zum Schutz Dritter, die als Folge einer unerwarteten Manifestation gefährdet werden könnten. Mehrere Gesetze und Verordnungen schreiben daher verschiedene Anlässe vor, die eine spezielle arbeitsmedizinisch...

  13. Pendugaan Struktur Patahan Dengan Metode Gaya Berat

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    Ibrahim Sota


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pendugaan struktur patahan mengguankan metode gayaberat. Kontras densitas tersebut berasosiasi dengan ketebalan sedimen dan keberadaan struktur patahan atau lipatan. Untuk mengetahui lokasi patahan dan lipatan maka anomali residual terlebih dahulu dipisahkan dari anomali total (anomali Bouguer dengan metode perata-rataan bergerak. Kontur anomali residual memperlihatkan keberadaan lipatan dan patahan secara kualitatif sedangkan interpretasi kuantitatif dengan pemodelan kedepan 2D memperlihatkan secara jelas lokasi patahan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa lokasi patahan/sesar naik berada di bagian timurlaut yang berorientasi baratlaut-tenggara sedangkan patahan/sesar normal tersebar secara lokal yang juga berorientasi baratlaut-tenggara.

  14. Development of a new thin film technology for PV systems: Open-system CCSVT process for production of ZnSe/CuGaSe{sub 2} hetero diodes. Final report; Entwicklung einer neuen Duennschichttechnologie fuer die Photovoltaik: CCSVT-Verfahren im offenen System zur Herstellung von ZnSe/CuGaSe{sub 2}-Heterodioden. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lux-Steiner, M.C.; Jaeger-Waldau, A.


    A new technology for fast, large-surface deposition of high-quality semiconducting thin films for PV systems. The new technology, CSVT (close-space vapour transport), is based on a combination of VPE (vapour phase epitaxy) in open systems and CVT (chemical vapour phase transport) in closed systems. The two-source CVD experiments with two different transport gases, i.e. Cu{sub 2}Se with iodine and Ga{sub 2}Se{sub 3} with HCl, enabled controlled variation of the Cu:Ga ratio in the gaseous phase. The solar cells produced had efficiencies of more than 4%. The best solar cell produced had an efficiency of 4.8% and an open terminal voltage of 863 mV. [German] Ziel des Vorhabens war die Entwicklung einer neuen Technologie zur schnellen, grossflaechigen Abscheidung von qualitativ hochstehenden, halbleitenden Duennschichten fuer die Photovoltaik. Das Konzept des neuen Abscheideverfahrens, CSVT (close-space vapour transport) im offenen System, basiert auf einer Kombination der etablierten Methoden VPE (vapour phase epitaxy) im offenen und CVT (chemical vapour phase transport) im geschlossenen System. Die 2-Quellen-CVD-Experimente mit den zwei unterschiedlichen Transportgasen (Cu{sub 2}Se mit Iod; Ga{sub 2}Se{sub 3} mit HCl) ermoeglichten die kontrollierte Variation des Cu:Ga=Verhaeltnisses in der Gasphase. Bisher konnten so Solarzellen mit Wirkungsgraden ueber 4% hergestellt werden, wobei bei der bisher besten Solarzelle ein Wirkungsgrad von {eta}=4.8% und eine offene Klemmenspannung von V{sub oc}=863 mV erreicht wurde. (orig.)

  15. Development of a glass GEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Hiroyuki; Mitsuya, Yuki; Fujiwara, Takeshi; Fushie, Takashi


    Gas electron multipliers (GEMs) apply the concept of gas amplification inside many tiny holes, realizing robust and high-gain proportional counters. However, the polyimide substrate of GEMs prevents them from being used in sealed detector applications. We have fabricated and tested glass GEMs (G-GEMs) with substrates made of photosensitive glass material from the Hoya Corporation. We fabricated G-GEMs with several different hole diameters and thicknesses and successfully operated test G-GEMs with a 100×100 mm 2 effective area. The uniformity of our G-GEMs was good, and the energy resolution for 5.9 keV X-rays was 18.8% under uniform irradiation of the entire effective area. A gas gain by the G-GEMs of up to 6700 was confirmed with a gas mixture of Ar (70%)+CH 4 (30%). X-ray imaging using the charge division readout method was demonstrated

  16. Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Oct 28, 2011 ... For more resources and access to the GEM Practitioners Network, ... Home · Resources · Publications ... The Association for Progressive Communications Women's Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP) developed ...

  17. Gas Electron Multipliers: Development of large area GEMs and spherical GEMs

    CERN Document Server

    Duarte Pinto, Serge; Brock, Ian


    Gaseous radiation detectors have been a crucial part of high-energy physics instrumentation since the 1960s, when the first multiwire proportional counters were built. In the 1990s the first micropattern gas detectors (MPGDs) saw the light; with sub-millimeter feature sizes these novel detectors were faster and more accurate than their predecessors. The gas electron multiplier (GEM) is one of the most successful of these technologies. It is a charge multiplication structure made from a copper clad polymer foil, pierced with a regular and dense pattern of holes. I will describe the properties and the application of GEMs and GEM detectors, and the research and development I have done on this technology. Two of the main objectives were the development of large area GEMs (~m^2) for particle physics experiments and GEMs with a spherical shape for x-ray or neutron diffraction detectors. Both have been realized, and the new techniques involved are finding their way to applications in research and industry.

  18. Gas electron multipliers. Development of large area GEMS and spherical GEMS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinto, Serge Duarte


    Gaseous radiation detectors have been a crucial part of high-energy physics instrumentation since the 1960s, when the first multiwire proportional counters were built. In the 1990s the first micropattern gas detectors (MPGDS) saw the light; with sub-millimeter feature sizes these novel detectors were faster and more accurate than their predecessors. The gas electron multiplier (GEM) is one of the most successful of these technologies. It is a charge multiplication structure made from a copper clad polymer foil, pierced with a regular and dense pattern of holes. I describe the properties and the application of GEMs and GEM. detectors, and the research and development I have done on this technology. Two of the main objectives were the development of large area GEMs ({proportional_to}m{sup 2}) for particle physics experiments and GEMs with a spherical shape for X-ray or neutron diffraction detectors. Both have been realized, and the new techniques involved are finding their way to applications in research and industry. (orig.)

  19. Gas electron multipliers: Development of large area GEMS and spherical GEMS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinto, Serge Duarte


    Gaseous radiation detectors have been a crucial part of high-energy physics instrumentation since the 1960s, when the first multiwire proportional counters were built. In the 1990s the first micropattern gas detectors (MPGDS) saw the light; with sub-millimeter feature sizes these novel detectors were faster and more accurate than their predecessors. The gas electron multiplier (GEM) is one of the most successful of these technologies. It is a charge multiplication structure made from a copper clad polymer foil, pierced with a regular and dense pattern of holes. I describe the properties and the application of GEMs and GEM. detectors, and the research and development I have done on this technology. Two of the main objectives were the development of large area GEMs (∝m 2 ) for particle physics experiments and GEMs with a spherical shape for X-ray or neutron diffraction detectors. Both have been realized, and the new techniques involved are finding their way to applications in research and industry. (orig.)

  20. Arbeit 4.0 in der Benutzungsabteilung einer großen Universitätsbibliothek

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    Silke Glitsch


    Full Text Available Die Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt erreicht seit den 2010er-Jahren eine neue Dimension. Wie ihre Folgen die Arbeit der Benutzungsabteilung der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen prägen, erläutert der Bericht beispielhaft anhand der Einführung elektronischer Kassen an den Servicetheken und von Druck- und Kopierkonten für Privatnutzerinnen und -nutzer, der Einführung einer Dienstplansoftware, der Lernraumentwicklung der Bereichsbibliothek Medizin und der Entwicklung neuer Services für Promovierende. Since the 2010s, the digitisation of labour has been gaining a new dimension. This report describes how its consequences manifest themselves in the Readers’ Services Department at Göttingen State and University Library. The examples used for illustration are the introduction of electronic cash registers at the library’s service desks, of print and copy accounts for private users and of an employee scheduling software as well as the development of the Medical Library as a learning space and of new services for doctoral candidates.

  1. Developing a model system for simulation of changes induced by more effective circular flow concepts in industry and energy management. Systems technology and economic modelling aspects shown with the example of the materials flow in the paper industry; Entwicklung eines Modellsystems zur Simulation der energiewirtschaftlichen und strukturellen Veraenderungen einer verstaerkten Kreislaufwirtschaft. Systemtechnische und oekonomische Modellierung am Beispiel des Stoffstroms 'Papier'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nathani, C.


    The impacts of a long-term change from our present industrial society to an economy based on circular flow concepts approaching the characteristics of the concept of sustainable development have to be taken into account in macroeconomic modelling as well, or else there is no appropriate basis for examination and assessment of the effects of various resource management policy options on the economy. One possible methodological approach is to link single, process-oriented models of sectors of the industry with input-output models and macroeconomic models. This study presents an approach using as an example the pulp and paper industry of Germany, covering the period from 1995 until 2020. The results are found to improve the methodological perspective between the process models and the MIS model of the family of IKARUS models and also offer an additional advantage in that they may serve as a data source for other input-output models and macroeconomic modelling. (orig./CB) [German] Diese Einfluesse eines langfristigen Wandels von einer heutigen Industriegesellschaft zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft mit Merkmalen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung muessen sich auch in den Strukturen makrooekonomischer Modelle wiederfinden, um die Auswirkungen verschiedener ressourcenpolitischer Optionen auf die Wirtschaft angemessen pruefen zu koennen. Ein methodischer Weg zu dieser Aufgabe ist die Verknuepfung einzelner prozessorientierter Branchenmodelle mit Input-Output-Modellen und makrooekonomischen Modellen. Der vorliegende Bericht will hierzu einen Baustein am Beispiel der Zellstoff- und Papierindustrie fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland fuer die Zeitperiode 1995-2020 beitragen. Diese Ergebnisse verbessern nicht nur die methodische Perspektive zwischen den Prozessmodellen und dem MIS-Modell der IKARUS-Modellfamilie, sondern koennen als Erfahrungs- und Datenquelle fuer andere Input-Output-Modelle und makrooekonomische Modelle genutzt werden. (orig.)

  2. Development of ecological and economical super-insulations for various applications. Subproject 1: scientific development of ecological super-insulations for industrial application. Subproject 2: experimental synthesis and development of a pilot plant for continuously production and realisation of multilayer-insulation materials. Final report; Entwicklung oekologischer und wirtschaftlicher Super-Isolationen fuer vielfaeltige Anwendungen. Teilvorhaben 1: Wissenschaftliche Entwicklung oekologischer Super-Isolationen fuer industrielle Anwendungen. Teilvorhaben 2: Experimentelle Struktursynthese und Entwicklung einer Technikumsanlage zur kontinuierlichen Herstellung von Mehrschicht-Daemmstoffen. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Offermann, P.; Freudenberg, C.; Schenk, A.; Doerfel, A.; Hoffmann, G.; Roedel, H.; Schierz, C.; Hopf, W.


    deliverables. A precondition for this is the continued work and the successful combination of the present solutions with new innovative materials. (orig.) [German] Waermedaemmstoffe finden in unterschiedlichen Bereichen, aus denen ihre speziellen Aufgaben resultieren, Anwendung. Materialien wie Daemmstoffe aus Mineralfasern und Schaumkunststoffe werden im Bauwesen und fuer die Industriedaemmung eingesetzt. Waermedaemmstoffe aus natuerlichen Rohstoffen finden, wenn auch nur begrenzt, im Bauwesen Anwendung. Im Bekleidungsbereich werden neben Vliesstoffen aus synthetischen Polymeren oder Schafwolle besonders im out-door-Bereich gestrickte Fleece verwendet. Die Zielstellung des Projektes besteht in der Entwicklung eines Daemmmaterials mit sehr geringer Waermeleitfaehigkeit bei sehr geringer Dichte sowie hohen Freiheitsgraden hinsichtlich der Struktur- und Stoffparameter. Die Umsetzung erfolgt mit dem Verfahren der elektrostatischen Beflockung. Es wird ein Rechenmodell zur Ermittlung optimaler Strukturen hinsichtlich Waermeleitfaehigkeit und Dichte erstellt. Im Anschluss an eine anforderungsgerechte Materialauswahl werden praktische Untersuchungen zur Wirkungsweise des Materials durchgefuehrt. Es wird eine Technikumsanlage zur kontinuierlichen Herstellung des Materials installiert und erprobt. Das Ergebnis des Projektes besteht in einer sehr variablen gestaltbaren Daemmstoffstruktur mit hervorragenden Eigenschaften. Das entwickelte Material wird als Super-Isolations-Flock-Daemmstoff bezeichnet. Bei definierten Strukturbedingungen und entsprechender Materialauswahl koennen Werte fuer die Waermleitfaehigkeit im Bereich von 0,027 W/mK und 0,030 W/mK erreicht werden. Die Dichte fuer derartige Strukturen liegt im Bereich zwischen 10 kg/m{sup 3} und 20 kg/m{sup 3}. Fuer Anwendungsbeispiele ohne hohen mechanische Anforderunge koennen Strukturen mit einer Dichte von ca. 7 kg/m{sup 3} erzielt werden. Der Super-Isolations-Flock-Daemmstoff findet im Bekleidungsbereich sowie im technischen

  3. Oman. Quality Culture in Higher Education A Good-Practice Example

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    Nicola Huson


    Diesem Ansatz folgend liefert die folgende Reflektion zu der Entwicklung einer Lehrendeninitiative an der German University of Technology in Oman ein Good-Practice-Beispiel für die Förderung einer Qualitätskultur innerhalb einer Hochschulinstitution. Diese erfolgt unter Berücksichtigung der soziokulturellen, institutionellen und initiative-bezogenen Rahmenbedingungen und verifiziert das Beispiel innerhalb eines theoretischen Qualitätskulturmodells.

  4. Analisis Kekuatan Struktur Pallet Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tria Mariz Arief


    Full Text Available Pallet sebagai suatu alat bantu untuk mempermudah proses bongkar-muat logistik. Palletdigunakan hampir dalam berbagai lingkungan transportasi logistik. Pada bahasan berikutdikhususkan dalam lingkup transportasi di dalam pesawat udara khususnya pada pesawatangkut militer. Di lingkungan militer pallet digunakan untuk transport logistik baik secara normalmuat (loading dan bongkar (unloading maupun kondisi bongkar dengan diterjunkan daripesawat udara. Untuk pemenuhan penggunaan tersebut dilakukan perancangan ulang (reverseengineering struktur pallet yang dapat dimanufaktur secara lokal. Hipotesis awal menunjukkanbahwa berdasarkan kondisi pembebanan pada pallet dapat diperkirakan bahwa kondisitegangan dan regangan maksimum akan terjadi pada posisi sudut struktur pallet yang ditransferbebannya ke komponen plat besi penahan siku-siku dan baut. Material yang digunakan padastruktur pallet adalah Allumunium Alloy 7075-T6 dengan kekuatan tarik sebesar 503 MPa.Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan simulasi numerik dengan metoda elemen hingga(FEM. Proses simulasi numerik kekuatan struktur pallet difokuskan pada pembebanan statis(termasuk pengaruh factor G dalam interval beban statis 4 ton sampai 7 ton. Analisis dilakukanpada perubahan variabel tegangan dan regangan terhadap variasi beban yang diberikan untukmendapatkan tingkat keamanan struktur (margin safety. Pemodelan dilakukan denganidealisasi model ¼ bagian menggunakan elemen terstruktur dengan jenis elemen hexahedral(brick dengan jumlah 73803 elemen dan 360323 node. Hasil analisis menunjukkan teganganekuivalen maksimum struktur Pallet adalah 94 MPa yang terjadi di penguat sudut (anglebracket. Sedangkan pada struktur penguat lapis (sandwich structure berbahan thick blockyang mempunyai kekuatan sebesar 20 MPa adalah sebesar 0.84 MPa. Tingkat keamanansecara keseluruhan struktur dengan mempertimbangkan factor G hingga 2 adalah 5.3.Kata kunci: Analisis struktur, pallet, logistik, reverse engineering, FEM

  5. Renewable energy and air pollution abatement in the Rhine-Neckar region. Assessment, potential, and perspectives of renewable energy sources in the Rhine-Neckar region; Klimaschutz durch Erneuerbare Energien in der Region Rhein-Neckar. Bestandsaufnahme, Potenziale und Entwicklungsperspektiven Erneuerbarer Energien im Wirtschaftsraum Rhein-Neckar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirschl, B.


    The study analyzed the situation, potential and obstacles of renewable energy sources and developed strategic recommendations on this basis for enhancing the use of renewables in the Rhein-Neckar region. [German] Gegenstand der nachfolgenden Untersuchung ist eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme, Potenzial- und Hemmnisanalyse sowie die Entwicklung darauf basierender Strategieempfehlungen, die zu einer Initiative zur Foerderung Erneuerbarer Energien fuehren koennen. Dabei bilden die erstgenannten Bestandteile der Untersuchung die Basis fuer die Entwicklung von Vorschlaegen zur Strategieentwicklung, d.h. zur Identifizierung von inhaltlichen und konzeptionellen Vorschlaegen zur Ausgestaltung einer Initiative fuer Erneuerbare Energien in der Region Rhein-Neckar. (orig.)

  6. Pemanfaatan TKKS Sebagai Pengisi Komposit Epoxy Untuk Struktur Bergerak Mesin CNC Perkayuan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Abstract CNC machinery is widely used at various kind of industrial sector to manufacture of art products up to satellite products. Instead of its massive utilization in automotive and electronic industry which mostly use metallic component, wood working industry has been using it to produces furniture’s, merchandises, and other house ware products which apply light weight non-metallic low density material. High removal rate in wood machining process needs high speed application due to its low density material; however most of wood working CNC machine is built on heavy steel structure for both its supporting structure and moving structure. In fact, the raw material is much lighter than the carrier itself. Its wasteful dynamic movement causes energy loses and vibrations that effect on machining accuracy, live of cutting tool, and productivity. This research applied new light weight composite material base on renewable resource of oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB natural fiber as filler material combine with polymer epoxy as it’s matrix to be constructed as moving mechanical structure of high speed 3D CNC woodworking machine to improve its dynamic performance. Comparative analysis showed that it has better dynamic performance on high speed machining process compared with traditional cast iron material. Abstrak Mesin Perkakas CNC (Computerized Numerical Control digunakan luas oleh industri untuk memproduksi mulai dari benda-benda seni kerajinan hingga untuk membuat satelit. Selain pemanfaatannya secara besar-besaran di industri otomotif dan elektronika yang umumnya menggunakan komponen logam, industri perkayuan telah banyak menggunakannya untuk memproduksi mebel, barang kerajinan, dan peralatan rumah tangga lainnya dengan mengaplikasikan bahan bukan logam seperti kayu yang berberat jenis rendah dan ringan. Tingkat pemotongan yang tinggi pada proses permesinan kayu membutuhkan permesinan cepat akibat berat jenis bahannya yang rendah tersebut

  7. GEM - The Global Earthquake Model (United States)

    Smolka, A.


    Over 500,000 people died in the last decade due to earthquakes and tsunamis, mostly in the developing world, where the risk is increasing due to rapid population growth. In many seismic regions, no hazard and risk models exist, and even where models do exist, they are intelligible only by experts, or available only for commercial purposes. The Global Earthquake Model (GEM) answers the need for an openly accessible risk management tool. GEM is an internationally sanctioned public private partnership initiated by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which will establish an authoritative standard for calculating and communicating earthquake hazard and risk, and will be designed to serve as the critical instrument to support decisions and actions that reduce earthquake losses worldwide. GEM will integrate developments on the forefront of scientific and engineering knowledge of earthquakes, at global, regional and local scale. The work is organized in three modules: hazard, risk, and socio-economic impact. The hazard module calculates probabilities of earthquake occurrence and resulting shaking at any given location. The risk module calculates fatalities, injuries, and damage based on expected shaking, building vulnerability, and the distribution of population and of exposed values and facilities. The socio-economic impact module delivers tools for making educated decisions to mitigate and manage risk. GEM will be a versatile online tool, with open source code and a map-based graphical interface. The underlying data will be open wherever possible, and its modular input and output will be adapted to multiple user groups: scientists and engineers, risk managers and decision makers in the public and private sectors, and the public-at- large. GEM will be the first global model for seismic risk assessment at a national and regional scale, and aims to achieve broad scientific participation and independence. Its development will occur in a

  8. Complete Tem-Tomography: 3D Structure of Gems Cluster (United States)

    Matsuno, J.; Miyake, A.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Messenger, S.; Nakamura-Messenger, K.


    GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfide) grains in interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are considered to be one of the ubiquitous and fundamental building blocks of solids in the Solar System. They have been considered to be interstellar silicate dust that survived various metamorphism or alteration processes in the protoplanetary disk but the elemental and isotopic composition measurements suggest that most of them have been formed in the protoplanetary disk as condensates from high temperature gas. This formation model is also supported by the formation of GEMS-like grains with respect to the size, mineral assemblage, texture and infrared spectrum by condensation experiments from mean GEMS composition materials. Previous GEMS studies were performed only with 2D observation by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) or scanning TEM (STEM). However, the 3D shape and structure of GEMS grains and the spatial distribution of Fe/FeS's has critical information about their formation and origin. Recently, the 3D structure of GEMS grains in ultrathin sections of cluster IDPs was revealed by electron tomography using a TEM/STEM (JEM-2100F, JEOL). However, CT images of thin sections mounted on Cu grids acquired by conventional TEM-tomography are limited to low tilt angles (e. g., less than absolute value of 75 deg. In fact, previous 3D TEM observations of GEMS were affected by some artifacts related to the limited tilt range in the TEM used. Complete tomographic images should be acquired by rotating the sample tilt angle over a range of more than absolute value of 80 deg otherwise the CT images lose their correct structures. In order to constrain the origin and formation process of GEMS grains more clearly, we performed complete electron tomography for GEMS grains. Here we report the sample preparation method we have developed for this study, and the preliminary results.

  9. Aufgabenbezogene Differenzierung und Entwicklung des verbalen Selbstkonzepts im Anfangsunterricht


    Lipowsky, Frank; Kastens, Claudia; Lotz, Miriam; Faust, Gabriele


    Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, wie sich aufgabenbezogene Differenzierung im Deutschunterricht auf die Entwicklung des verbalen Selbstkonzepts von Erst- und Zweitklässlern (Lesen und Schreiben) auswirkt. Die untersuchte Stichprobe setzt sich aus 735 Schülern des ersten Schuljahres zusammen, die 38 Klassen an staatlichen und privaten Grundschulen besuchen und die bis zum Ende des zweiten Schuljahres in ihrer Entwicklung untersucht wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen sowohl einen indirekten als au...

  10. Analisis Hasil Filtering Karous-Hjelt Berdasarkan Beda Spasi Dalam Penggambaran Struktur Bawah Permukaan Tanah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miftakhul Maulidina


    Full Text Available Struktur penyusun tanah di setiap wilayah dapat digambarkan melalui pemodelan berdasarkan nilai resistivitas material penyusunnya. Tujuan penelitian ini membuat penggambaran struktur bawah permukaan tanah melalui filtering Karous-Hjelt dengan variasi spasi. Adapun spasi dalam pengambilan data di lapangan adalah spasi 1 meter dan spasi 0,5 meter pada masing-masing line. Penelitian ini sekaligus melengkapi hasil penelitian sebelumnya tentang penentuan struktur bawah permukaan tanah di sekitar Candi Gambar Wetan (Maulidina, 2015. Data yang dimasukkan merupakan data hasil pengukuran Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic di area Candi Gambar Wetan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengolahan data menggunakan filtering Karous-Hjelt untuk penggambaran struktur bawah permukaan tanah pada kedalaman 0 – 6 meter untuk dua jenis data berdasarkan variasi spasi. Hasil pengolahan menunjukkan penggambaran struktur bawah permukaan tanah spasi 0,5 m memiliki rentang nilai resistivitas yang lebih mendetail dibandingkan spasi 1 m. Hasil ini dapat menambah informasi dan bisa digunakan sebagai acuan dalam penelitian berikutnya.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susi Sulistiana


    Full Text Available Tanaman mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengatasi atau mengeliminir pencemaran udara yang terjadi di kota, salah satunya adalah tanaman puring. Stomata adalah salah satu organ tumbuhan yang digunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. Fungsi utama stomata adalah sebagai tempat pertukaran gas, seperti CO2 yang diperlukan oleh tumbuhan dalam proses fotosintesis. Namun, stomata juga bertindak sebagai salah satu jalur masuknya polutan khususnya polutan yang berasal dari udara. Untuk mempertegas pengaruh akumulasi timbal terhadap daun tanaman puring secara morfologi yang telah dilakukan oleh Sulistiana dan Setijorini tahun 2014, perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan dengan melakukan pengamatan anatomi daun terutama struktur stomata daun tanaman puring. Penelitian bertujuan membandingkan struktur stomata antar kultivar puring dan membuktikan adanya hubungan antara akumulasi timbal (Pb dengan struktur stomata daun dari beberapa kultivar puring. Bahan penelitian yang digunakan adalah daun segar dari 13 kultivar tanaman puring yang ditanam di Perumahan Batan Indah, Kecamatan Kademangan, Tangerang Selatan. Pengamatan struktur stomata daun dilakukan dengan cara pembuatan preparat paradermal Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian meliputi jumlah stomata, jumlah sel epidermis, panjang stomata, lebar stomata, indeks stomata, dan kerapatan stomata. Hasil yang diperoleh adanya korelasi positif antara kadar Pb dan struktur stomata daun kultivar puring melalui parameter-paramater yang diamati terutama jumlah stomata, lebar stomata, indeks stomata, dan kerapatan stomata.

  12. Analisis Struktur Kristal Lifepo4 Olivine Sebagai Bahan Katoda Batere Li-Ion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Indra Gunawan


    Full Text Available Sintesis LiFePO4 dilakukan dengan pencampuran LiCl, FeCl2.4H2O dan H3PO4 ekuimolar ke dalam air. Homogenasi larutan dilakukan dengan pengaduk magnetic pada suhu 60o C. Prekursor LiFePO4 diperoleh setelah pemanasan 200o C dengan furnace selama 2 jam. Sintering prekursor LiFePO4 dilakukan pada suhu 700o C dengan furnace selama 4 jam dengan aliran N2 untuk membentuk fasa kristalit LiFePO4. Kemurnian fasa dan struktur kristal dianalisis dengan menggunakan XRD. Analisis struktur kristal dari pola difraksi sinar-X dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak FULLPROF. Pengamatan morfologinya dilakukan dengan menggunakan SEM dengan kombinasi energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS dan pengukuran gugus fungsional dengan FT-IR. Hasil analisis struktur kristal menunjukkan bahwa senyawa LiFePO4 memiliki struktur Kristal orthorhombic, space group 62, simbol Pnma (Hermann-Mauguin dengan parameter kisi a= 6.0019999, b= 10.330000, c= 4.6999998. 

  13. GEM1: First-year modeling and IT activities for the Global Earthquake Model (United States)

    Anderson, G.; Giardini, D.; Wiemer, S.


    GEM is a public-private partnership initiated by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to build an independent standard for modeling and communicating earthquake risk worldwide. GEM is aimed at providing authoritative, open information about seismic risk and decision tools to support mitigation. GEM will also raise risk awareness and help post-disaster economic development, with the ultimate goal of reducing the toll of future earthquakes. GEM will provide a unified set of seismic hazard, risk, and loss modeling tools based on a common global IT infrastructure and consensus standards. These tools, systems, and standards will be developed in partnership with organizations around the world, with coordination by the GEM Secretariat and its Secretary General. GEM partners will develop a variety of global components, including a unified earthquake catalog, fault database, and ground motion prediction equations. To ensure broad representation and community acceptance, GEM will include local knowledge in all modeling activities, incorporate existing detailed models where possible, and independently test all resulting tools and models. When completed in five years, GEM will have a versatile, penly accessible modeling environment that can be updated as necessary, and will provide the global standard for seismic hazard, risk, and loss models to government ministers, scientists and engineers, financial institutions, and the public worldwide. GEM is now underway with key support provided by private sponsors (Munich Reinsurance Company, Zurich Financial Services, AIR Worldwide Corporation, and Willis Group Holdings); countries including Belgium, Germany, Italy, Singapore, Switzerland, and Turkey; and groups such as the European Commission. The GEM Secretariat has been selected by the OECD and will be hosted at the Eucentre at the University of Pavia in Italy; the Secretariat is now formalizing the creation of the GEM Foundation. Some of GEM's global

  14. Graphics gems

    CERN Document Server

    Glassner, Andrew S


    ""The GRAPHICS GEMS Series"" was started in 1990 by Andrew Glassner. The vision and purpose of the Series was - and still is - to provide tips, techniques, and algorithms for graphics programmers. All of the gems are written by programmers who work in the field and are motivated by a common desire to share interesting ideas and tools with their colleagues. Each volume provides a new set of innovative solutions to a variety of programming problems.

  15. Graphics Gems III IBM version

    CERN Document Server

    Kirk, David


    This sequel to Graphics Gems (Academic Press, 1990), and Graphics Gems II (Academic Press, 1991) is a practical collection of computer graphics programming tools and techniques. Graphics Gems III contains a larger percentage of gems related to modeling and rendering, particularly lighting and shading. This new edition also covers image processing, numerical and programming techniques, modeling and transformations, 2D and 3D geometry and algorithms,ray tracing and radiosity, rendering, and more clever new tools and tricks for graphics programming. Volume III also includes a

  16. Zusammenarbeit aus Sicht eines outgesourcten Instandhalters (United States)

    Grüßer, Stefan; Loeven, Heinz-Wilhelm

    Dauerhafter Unternehmenserfolg ist nur mit einer fortschrittlichen Instandhaltung zu erzielen. Durch den enormen Kostendruck infolge der Globalisierung und die Innovationssprünge auf der technischen Seite wird auch die Frage nach der modernen Organisationsform für die Instandhaltung gestellt. Eine Möglichkeit der Kostenoptimierung ist das Outsourcing von Instandhaltungsleistungen. Hierbei ist es unerlässlich, dass sich die Mitarbeiter zum Dienstleister entwickeln. In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung der InfraServ Knapsack von einer internen Instandhaltungsabteilung hin zu einem Industriellen Dienstleister beschrieben und Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit mit externen Kunden aus der Sicht des outgesourcten Instandhalters geschildert. Es werden die wichtigen Entwicklungsschritte zur Dienstleistungsorientierung der früheren Eigeninstandhaltung aufgezeigt. Dieser Beitrag ist nicht als "Königsweg“ zu verstehen, er soll vielmehr anhand der Erfahrungen einer outgesourcten Eigeninstandhaltung Anregungen für die Entwicklung der eigenen Instandhaltungsorganisation liefern.

  17. Graphics gems V (Macintosh version)

    CERN Document Server

    Paeth, Alan W


    Graphics Gems V is the newest volume in The Graphics Gems Series. It is intended to provide the graphics community with a set of practical tools for implementing new ideas and techniques, and to offer working solutions to real programming problems. These tools are written by a wide variety of graphics programmers from industry, academia, and research. The books in the series have become essential, time-saving tools for many programmers.Latest collection of graphics tips in The Graphics Gems Series written by the leading programmers in the field.Contains over 50 new gems displaying some of t

  18. Integration einer Volltextsuchmaschine in Meta-Akad


    Tuchbreiter, Jochen


    Das Projekt Meta-Akad hat das Ziel, Lernenden und Lehrenden den möglichst einfachen, umfassenden und schnellen Zugriff auf Lehrmaterial zu ermöglichen. Dabei werden verschiedene, über die Aspekte einer reinen Internet- Suchmaschine hinausgehende Aspekte berücksichtigt: Neben dem Aufbau einer umfangreichen und repräsentativen Sammlung von Lerndokumenten sollen diese mittels bibliothekarischer Methoden erschlossen und mit umfangreichen Metadaten, wie beispielsweise einer inhaltlichen Einordnung...

  19. FPGA-based GEM detector signal acquisition for SXR spectroscopy system (United States)

    Wojenski, A.; Pozniak, K. T.; Kasprowicz, G.; Kolasinski, P.; Krawczyk, R.; Zabolotny, W.; Chernyshova, M.; Czarski, T.; Malinowski, K.


    The presented work is related to the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector soft X-ray spectroscopy system for tokamak applications. The used GEM detector has one-dimensional, 128 channel readout structure. The channels are connected to the radiation-hard electronics with configurable analog stage and fast ADCs, supporting speeds of 125 MSPS for each channel. The digitalized data is sent directly to the FPGAs using fast serial links. The preprocessing algorithms are implemented in the FPGAs, with the data buffering made in the on-board 2Gb DDR3 memory chips. After the algorithmic stage, the data is sent to the Intel Xeon-based PC for further postprocessing using PCI-Express link Gen 2. For connection of multiple FPGAs, PCI-Express switch 8-to-1 was designed. The whole system can support up to 2048 analog channels. The scope of the work is an FPGA-based implementation of the recorder of the raw signal from GEM detector. Since the system will work in a very challenging environment (neutron radiation, intense electro-magnetic fields), the registered signals from the GEM detector can be corrupted. In the case of the very intense hot plasma radiation (e.g. laser generated plasma), the registered signals can overlap. Therefore, it is valuable to register the raw signals from the GEM detector with high number of events during soft X-ray radiation. The signal analysis will have the direct impact on the implementation of photon energy computation algorithms. As the result, the system will produce energy spectra and topological distribution of soft X-ray radiation. The advanced software was developed in order to perform complex system startup and monitoring of hardware units. Using the array of two one-dimensional GEM detectors it will be possible to perform tomographic reconstruction of plasma impurities radiation in the SXR region.

  20. Influence of hormone substitution therapy on postmenopausal uterus; Einfluss einer Hormonsubstitution auf den postmenopausalen Uterus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Otte, A.; Ruedisueli, A.; Goetze, M.; Leibundgut, U.; Mueller-Brand, J. [Inst. fuer Nuklearmedizin, Kantonsspital, Universitaetskliniken, Basel (Switzerland); Nitzsche, E.U. [Abt. Nuklearmedizin, Radiologische Universitaetsklinik, Freiburg (Germany)


    In a 58-year-old postmenopausal woman blood flow and blood pool images of bone scintigraphy showed a focus of increased activity in the right pelvic region. Computed tomography and ultrasound exhibited no abnormalities in the abdomen; especially the uterus and ovaries were normal. Careful anamnestic evaluation revealed that the patient received a long-term peroral estrogen/gestagen replacement therapy for the prevention of osteoporosis, but did not have menstruation-like bleedings for the last twelve months of therapy. At time of admission, the patient was on day 25 of hormone replacement therapy, and the uterus wash, therefore, in a premenstrual stage. Hence, despite cessation of bleedings in postmenopausal women, one should think of hormone replacement therapy as an explanation for vascular pelvic tumors seen by the first two phases of bone scintigraphy, before further diagnostic steps are undertaken. (orig.) [Deutsch] Bei der Skelettszintigraphie einer 58jaehrigen postmenopausalen Frau erkannte man in der Perfusions- und Blood-pool-Phase einen unklaren Fokus erhoehter Aktivitaet im rechten Becken. Computertomographie und Sonographie des Abdomens, insbesondere des Uterus und der Ovarien, waren unauffaellig. Nach eingehender anamnestischer Befragung stellte sich heraus, dass die Patientin unter einer mehrjaehrigen peroralen Oestrogen-/Gestagen-Hormonsubstitutionstherapie zur Osteoporose-Prophylaxe stand, jedoch seit den letzten zwoelf Monaten der Therapie ueber keine menstruationsaehnlichen Abbruchblutungen mehr berichten konnte. Bei ihrer Zuweisung befand sich die Patientin am 25. Tag der Hormonsubstitutionstherapie und ihr Uterus somit in einem praemenstruellen Stadium. Trotz Ausbleibens der Blutung bei postmenopausalen Frauen sollte somit an die Moeglichkeit der Hormonsubstitution gedacht und danach gefragt werden, wenn in den ersten beiden Phasen der Skelettszintigraphie eine unklare, gut vaskularisierte Struktur im kleinen Becken gefunden wird, bevor weitere

  1. Revolution by way of technical transfer in the development of locomotive brake systems; Revolutionierung in der Entwicklung von Bremssystemen bei Lokomotiven durch Technologietransfer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wright, E.C. [New York Air Brake (United States). Bereich Engineering; Sinn, R. [New York Air Brake (United States). Bereich Elektronik und Software


    With the use of components from other sectors and orientation on the technologies of other fields it has been possible to enhance the standard of electronic braking systems. The reliability of the CCBII is ten times greater than with conventional systems. The physical volume could be reduced by 40 percent and the weight by 30 percent. The CCBII has functional redundancy and the Locotrol Distributed Power System is already integrated. A diagnostics system allows repair times to be reduced to 20 minutes. Production is now commencing and it is planned to make the first deliveries starting from January 1998. (orig.) [Deutsch] Durch das Einbinden von Entwurfsverfahren aus der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie sowie der Verwendung von Komponenten aus dem Automobilsektor, hochentwickelter Werkstoffe und Techniken ist es moeglich, neue Wege bei Bremssystemen zu gehen. Der Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung einer neuen Generation von computergesteuerten Bremssystemen fuer Lokomotiven. (orig.)

  2. Mexican gems as thermoluminescent dosimeters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azorin N, J.


    The possibility of using naturally ocurring mexican gems as thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) was investigated. Twelve types of gems were irradiated with X and gamma rays in order to determinate their dosimetric properties. Three of these gems showed favorable thermoluminescent characteristics compared with commercial thermoluminescent dosimeters. The plots of their thermoluminescent response as a function of gamma dose are straight lines on full log paper in the dose range 10 -2 to 10 2 Gy. The energy dependence is very strong to low energies of the radiation. Their fading was found to be about 5%/yr. and they may be annealed as reused without loss in sensitivity. Therefore, these gems can be used as X and gamma radiation dosimeters. (author)

  3. Determinan Permodalan Bank Melalui Profitabilitas, Risiko, Ukuran Perusahaan, Efisiensi Dan Struktur Aktiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sugeng Haryanto


      Penelitian ini menganalisis kausalitas antara CAR, profitabilitas, risiko, ukuran perusahaan, efisiensi dan struktur aset industri perbankan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan kriteria bank telah go public sebelum 2008 dan menerbitkan laporan keuangan 2008-2013. Total sampel adalah 23 bank. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh profitabilitas, risiko, ukuran perusahaan, efisiensi dan struktur modal dari aset bank. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas, ukuran dan struktur aktiva memiliki dampak positif terhadap CAR. Sementara itu, risiko bank memiliki dampak negatif terhadap CAR. Efisiensi tidak berdampak pada CAR. Kontribusi penelitian ini untuk pengelolaan industri perbankan, peneliti dan regulator (Bank Indonesia adalah bahwa ada suatu keharusan untuk meningkatkan rasio kecukupan modal dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing perbankan nasional.

  4. A large ungated TPC with GEM amplification (United States)

    Berger, M.; Ball, M.; Fabbietti, L.; Ketzer, B.; Arora, R.; Beck, R.; Böhmer, F. V.; Chen, J.-C.; Cusanno, F.; Dørheim, S.; García, F.; Hehner, J.; Herrmann, N.; Höppner, C.; Kaiser, D.; Kis̆, M.; Kleipa, V.; Konorov, I.; Kunkel, J.; Kurz, N.; Leifels, Y.; Müllner, P.; Münzer, R.; Neubert, S.; Rauch, J.; Schmidt, C. J.; Schmitz, R.; Soyk, D.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Voss, B.; Walther, D.; Zmeskal, J.


    A Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is an ideal device for the detection of charged particle tracks in a large volume covering a solid angle of almost 4 π. The high density of hits on a given particle track facilitates the task of pattern recognition in a high-occupancy environment and in addition provides particle identification by measuring the specific energy loss for each track. For these reasons, TPCs with Multiwire Proportional Chamber (MWPC) amplification have been and are widely used in experiments recording heavy-ion collisions. A significant drawback, however, is the large dead time of the order of 1 ms per event generated by the use of a gating grid, which is mandatory to prevent ions created in the amplification region from drifting back into the drift volume, where they would severely distort the drift path of subsequent tracks. For experiments with higher event rates this concept of a conventional TPC operating with a triggered gating grid can therefore not be applied without a significant loss of data. A continuous readout of the signals is the more appropriate way of operation. This, however, constitutes a change of paradigm with considerable challenges to be met concerning the amplification region, the design and bandwidth of the readout electronics, and the data handling. A mandatory prerequisite for such an operation is a sufficiently good suppression of the ion backflow from the avalanche region, which otherwise limits the tracking and particle identification capabilities of such a detector. Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) are a promising candidate to combine excellent spatial resolution with an intrinsic suppression of ions. In this paper we describe the design, construction and the commissioning of a large TPC with GEM amplification and without gating grid (GEM-TPC). The design requirements have driven innovations in the construction of a light-weight field-cage, a supporting media flange, the GEM amplification and the readout system, which are

  5. Design of a propeller turbine with a variable revolution number; Entwicklung einer Propellerturbine mit variabler Drehzahl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fella, G.; Wierer, C. [Fella GmbH Maschinen- und Apparatebau, Amorbach (Germany); Goede, E.; Batrekhy, S.; Ruprecht, A. [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Stroemungsmechanik und Hydraulische Stroemungsmaschinen


    The small hydroelectric power station of Rupboden in the Oberfranken district was reactivated after having been decommissioned for 30 years. This new low pressure plant consists of an open-flume turbine with an adjustable diffusor and a firm rotor disk (propeller) with a vertical rod. A large range of operation at a constant height of fall is ensured by a variable revolution number. The profiles of the adjustable diffusor and rotor disk and the design of the draft tube were optimized using numerical flow calculation. First operating experience is very positive. The turbine runs extremely smoothly over the entire range. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Kleinwasserkraftwerk Rupboden in Oberfanken wurde nach 30 Jahren Stillstand reaktiviert. Die neue Niederdruckanlage besteht aus einer Schachtturbine mit verstellbarem Leitapparat, feststehendem Laufrad (Propeller) mit senkrechter Welle. Zum Erzielen eines grossen Betriebsbereiches bei gleichbleibender Fallhoehe wurde eine variable Drehzahl vorgesehen. Die Profilierung von Leitapparat und Laufrad sowie die Formgebung fuer das Saugrohr wurden mit numerischer Stroemungsberechnung optimiert. Erste Betriebserfahrungen sind sehr positiv. Die Turbine laeuft im gesamten Leistungsbereich ausserordentlich ruhig. (orig.)

  6. Transformation


    Laux, Gunther


    Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der These, dass jegliche technologische Entwicklung ihre Widerspiegelung in Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Stadt findet. In diesem Zusammenhang wird untersucht ob, wodurch, inwieweit oder warum eine Veränderung des europäischen Stadtbildes und des Raumbegriffs aufgrund der aktuellen Medientechnologie stattfindet. Vor dem Hintergrund situativer, phänomenologischer, historischer, soziologischer, regulativer und ökonomischer Betrachtungen bildet die Entwicklung einer al...

  7. Pengaruh Metode Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD dan Pemahaman Struktur Kalimat terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Narasi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sigit Widiyarto


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini  untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode Teams Achievment Division dan pemahaman  struktur kalimat terhadap keterampilan menulis Bahasa kalimat narasi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan analisis dua jalur (Anova.Data  di lapangan  memakai hasil tes. Sampel diambil pada kelas VII SMP Swasta Future Gate Jatikramat Kota Bekasi. Jumlah siswa pada kelas kontrol dan eksperimen sebanyak 50 siswa. Berdasarkan analisis data yang dihitung dengan memakai Spss 22 dapat disimpulkan : 1.   Terdapat pengaruh signifikan metode Student Teams Achievment Division( STAD terhadap keterampilan menulis. 2 Tidak terdapat Pengaruh Struktur Kalimat terhadap Keterampilan menulis narasi. . 3. Tidak terdapat pengaruh  Metode STAD dan pemahaman  struktur kalimat secara bersama-sama terhadap keterampilan menulis narasi Kata Kunci  :  metode STAD, Penguasaan struktur kalimat dan keterampilan menulis narasi 

  8. Design, Aufbau, Test und Integration der Empfänger-Optik des Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory


    Brasse, Michael


    Als Interstellares Medium (ISM) werden die Gas- und Staubwolken bezeichnet, die sich innerhalb einer Galaxie zwischen den Sternen befinden. Im ISM findet die Sternentstehung und -entwicklung in einer Galaxie statt. Es trägt damit zur Evolution einer Galaxie bei. Das “Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory“ (STO) ist ein ballongestütztes Observatorium gewesen, dessen Aufgabe in der großflächigen Kartierung von ionisiertem Kohlenstoff, C+, und ionisiertem Stickstoff, N+, im ISM der Milchstraße ...

  9. Gas amplification properties of GEM foils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beck, Jeannine


    In the framework of the detector concept International Linear Detector for the future accelerator project International Linear Collider, in which electrons and positrons at c. m. energies of 500 GeV are brought to collision, a time projection chamber shall be applied as central track detector. By the application of such a chamber as track detector a three-dimensional reconstruction of the track points is possible. If a particle passes the gas volume within the chamber it ionizises single gas atoms and the arising electrons move after the amplification in the GEM arrangement to the anode, so that a two-dimensional projection of the particle track is possible. The third dimension is calculated from the drift time of the electrons. The advances of this readout system consist therein that a better position resolution than by a multiwire proportional chamber is reached and the back-drifting ions can be strongly suppressed. Aim of this thesis are studies for a GEM module, which shall be used in a large TPC prototype. Concerning different requirements it is valid to compare different GEMs in order to can meet an optimal choice. In a small prototype present at DESY measurements for the acquisition of GEM-describing parameters were performed. The taking into operation of the test TPC was part of this thesis. Tracks were generated by a radioactive source, by means of which the gas amplification was determined. With the measurement arrangement gas-amplifier foils of different kind were compared in view of their amplification properties and their energy resolution power and systematically studied. Five different GEM performances were studied in the test TPC. These foils differ in their geometrical classification parameters, the fabrication process, or the materials. The GEMs produced at CERN possess in comparison with GEMs of the Japanese firm SciEnergy and a GEM of the US-American firm Tech-Etch the best amplification and resolution properties. Furthermore a new GEM framing

  10. Research parallel to 'Solarthermie 2000'. Development of a standardized acceptance test for industrial-scale solar thermal systems. Final report; Begleitforschung Solarthermie 2000. Entwicklung eines standardisierten Abnahmeverfahrens fuer solarthermische Grossanlagen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beikircher, T.; Benz, N.; Gut, M.; Schwenk, C.; Schoelkopf, W.


    First, a simple and efficient tool for projecting solar thermal power systems was to be developed by ITW Stuttgart (see separate ITW Stuttgart report). Parallel to this, a fast and simple method was to be developed for in-situ assessment or the annual yield of such systems, with a maximum error of 5 percent. The following steps were taken: 1. Development of a measuring system for the task; 2. Selection of methods of evaluation for the dynamic in situ short-term test; 3. Development and testing of the method in several industrial-scale systems and validation by comparison with the results of conventional measurements. The dynamic in situ short-term test method developed on this basis consists of six steps which are described in the report. The measuring accuracy depends on the correct function of the plant. [German] Zunaechst sollte fuer solarthermische Grossanlagen ein Katalog standardisierter Anlagenkonfigurationen erstellt und anschliessend in die gaengigen Planungswerkzeuge TRNSYS und TSOL uebertragen werden, um Planern ein einfaches und leistungsfaehiges Werkzeug zur Auslegung und zur Berechnung des GSR zur Verfuegung zu stellen. Damit sollen Planungsfehler aufgrund fehlender Erfahrung mit Solaranlagen vermieden und ein Standard fuer innovative Anlagenkonzepte verbreitet werden. Dieser Arbeitspunkt wurde ausschliesslich durch das ITW Stuttgart bearbeitet, siehe separater Berichtsteil des ITW Stuttgart. Parallel dazu war ein Testverfahren zu entwickeln, mit dem der Jahresertrag grosser thermischer Solaranlagen in situ, d.h. an der installierten Anlage vor Ort, ohne Eingriff in die Anlage, um die Gewaehrleistungspflicht des Anlagenbauers zu erhalten, auf 5% genau, um ein klares juristisches Kriterium fuer die Feststellung einer etwaigen Nachbesserungspflicht des Erbauers zu haben, kostenguenstig und in kurzer Zeit (maximal 6 Wochen) bestimmt werden kann. Hierzu waren folgende Arbeiten notwendig: 1. Entwicklung einer an die Aufgabenstellung angepassten Messtechnik

  11. Development and application of a new tool in driver task analysis; Entwicklung und Anwendung einer neuen Methodik zur Fahreraufgabenanalyse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fastenmeier, W.; Gstalter, H. [mensch-verkehr-umwelt Institut fuer Angewandte Psychologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    A framework for driver task analysis is derived from a model of the drivers information processing. The first step of the procedure (SAFE) is to divide a given driving task (e.g. left turning in a signalised intersection of a certain type) into subtasks. These subtasks are appointed to defined stretches of the road and the time structure of the subtasks is determined. For each subtask an analysis format is used, that organizes different requirements into perception, expectation, judgement, memory, decision and driver action. In a next step, typical driver errors are appointed to the subtasks. Afterwards the information gathered in the analysis procedure is compressed to ratings of the complexity and risk included in each subtask. After the crucial subtasks of a driving task have been determined, a list of those requirements that led to that rating can be compiled. These lists give the potential for aiding the driver e.g. by use of driver assistance systems. (orig.) [German] In den Verkehrswissenschaften existieren bislang keine verkehrsspezifischen Standardverfahren, die eine Anforderungsanalyse auf der Ebene der Fahraufgaben erlauben. Dieser Beitrag stellt die Grundzuege eines Verfahrens zur Fahraufgabenanalyse dar (SAFE: Situative Anforderungsanalyse von Fahraufgaben). Es basiert auf einer Modellvorstellung zu den Informationsverarbeitungsprozessen, die waehrend der Bewaeltigung der Fahraufgabe eine Rolle spielen. Der erste Schritt der Aufgabenanalyse besteht darin, eine ausgewaehlte Fahraufgabe (z.B. Linksabbiegen in einer ampelgeregelten Kreuzung bestimmten Typs) in Teilaufgaben zu zerlegen und eine zeitliche Strukturierung dieser Teilaufgaben vorzunehmen. Diese werden raeumlichen Segmenten zugeordnet, die nacheinander durchfahren werden muessen. Fuer jede Teilaufgabe erfolgt dann die eigentliche Anforderungsanalyse, die nach den Kapiteln Wahrnehmung, Erwartungsbildung, Beurteilung, Gedaechtnisprozesse, Entscheidung/Planung sowie Fahrzeugbedienung mit jeweils

  12. Development of a Diehard GEM using PTFE insulator substrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wakabayashi, M; Tamagawa, T; Takeuchi, Y; Aoki, K; Taketani, A; Komiya, K; Hamagaki, H


    We have developed the gas electron multiplier (GEM) using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulator substrate (PTFE-GEM). Carbonization on insulator layer by discharges shorts the GEM electrodes, causing permanent breakdown. Since PTFE is hard to be carbonized against arc discharges, PTFE-GEM is expected to be robust against breakdown. Gains as high as 2.6 × 10 4 were achieved with PTFE-GEM (50 μm thick) in Ar/CO 2 = 70%/30% gas mixture at V GEM = 730 V. PTFE-GEM never showed a permanent breakdown even after suffering more than 40000 times discharges during the experiment. The result demonstrates that PTFE-GEM is really robust against discharges. We conclude that PTFE is an excellent insulator material for the GEM productions

  13. Development of a Diehard GEM using PTFE insulator substrate


    Wakabayashi, M.; Komiya, K.; Tamagawa, T.; Takeuchi, Y.; Aoki, K.; Taketani, A.; Hamagaki, H.


    We have developed the gas electron multiplier (GEM) using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulator substrate (PTFE-GEM). Carbonization on insulator layer by discharges shorts the GEM electrodes, causing permanent breakdown. Since PTFE is hard to be carbonized against arc discharges, PTFE-GEM is expected to be robust against breakdown. Gains as high as 2.6x10^4 were achieved with PTFE-GEM (50 um thick) in Ar/CO2 = 70%/30% gas mixture at V_GEM = 730V. PTFE-GEM never showed a permanent breakdown...

  14. Progress on large area GEMs (VCI 2010)

    CERN Document Server

    Villa, Marco; Alfonsi, Matteo; Brock, Ian; Croci, Gabriele; David, Eric; de Oliveira, Rui; Ropelewski, Leszek; Taureg, Hans; van Stenis, Miranda


    The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) manufacturing technique has recently evolved to allow the production of large area GEMs. A novel approach based on single mask photolithography eliminates the mask alignment issue, which limits the dimensions in the traditional double mask process. Moreover, a splicing technique overcomes the limited width of the raw material. Stretching and handling issues in large area GEMs have also been addressed. Using the new improvements it was possible to build a prototype triple-GEM detector of ~ 2000 cm2 active area, aimed at an application for the TOTEM T1 upgrade. Further refinements of the single mask technique give great control over the shape of the GEM holes and the size of the rims, which can be tuned as needed. In this framework, simulation studies can help to understand the GEM behavior depending on the hole shape.

  15. Polen, Deutschland, die EU und Russland


    Wilkiewicz, Zbigniew


    Besonders seit dem EU-Beitritt Polens ist es um die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen nicht besonders gut bestellt. In den vergangenen Jahren hat man sich in erster Linie an bilateralen Konflikten abgearbeitet und keine gemeinsame Europapolitik betrieben. Im Beitrag wird diese Entwicklung rekonstruiert und danach gefragt, ob es angesichts einer solchen Entwicklung Aussichten auf die Wiederherstellung der deutsch-polnischen Interessengemeinschaft gibt oder die Interessen beider Staaten so stark d...

  16. Technology-Enhanced Learning @ CELSTEC: Ausgangslage, Entwicklung und Trends

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klemke, Roland


    Klemke, R. (2011). Technology-Enhanced Learning @ CELSTEC: Ausgangslage, Entwicklung und Trends. Presentation given to visitors from Currenta GmbH in the Learning Media Lab. February, 15, 2011, Heerlen, Netherlands. ICoper-project.

  17. Evaluasi Kesesuaian Struktur Organisasi Pengelola Teknologi Informasi dengan Rencana Jangka Panjang Instansi (Studi Kasus pada Dinas XYZ

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arief Anwar Shodiq


    Full Text Available Setiap lembaga atau instansi memerlukan teknologi informasi (TI untuk mendukung banyak aktivitas dalam menangani proses bisnisnya. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan pengelolaan teknologi informasi yang ideal dan pembentukan struktur organisasi yang relevan dan dapat menjawab kebutuhan akan kelancaran proses bisnisnya. Tidak terkecuali pada Dinas XYZ sebagai lembaga pemerintahan yang bertugas sebagai pengelola pendidikan dan kebudayaan di tingkat provinsi. Dibutuhkan sebuah struktur organisasi pengelola teknologi informasi yang selaras dengan Rencana Jangka Panjang Instansi untuk mendukung tujuan bisnisnya. Dan ketika perencanaan strategis ini diperbaharui, struktur organisasi juga dituntut untuk diperbaharui mengikuti perubahan kebijakan yang baru. Untuk itu, diperlukan analisis komprehensif mengenai perancangan struktur organisasi yang ideal bagi Dinas XYZ ini, yang meliputi studi pendahuluan yang mengkaji literatur dan kondisi kekinian Dinas XYZ, identifikasi Business Goals, identifikasi IT Goals dan IT Process, penentuan struktur organisasi pengelola TI masa depan beserta tanggung jawab masing-masing bagian, dan analisis gap mengenai kondisi saat ini dan kebutuhan TI masa depan, yang semua itu disesuaikan dengan framework COBIT 4.1 sebagai acuan best practice bagi pengelolaan teknologi informasi.

  18. Performance of gas electron multiplier (GEM) detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, S. H.; Moon, B. S.; Kim, Y. K.; Chung, C. E.; Kang, H. D.; Cho, H. S.


    We have investigated in detail the operating properties of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors with a double conical and a cylindrical structure in a wide range of external fields and GEM voltages. With the double conical GEM, the gain gradually increased with time by 10%; whereas this surface charging was eliminated with the cylindrical GEM. Effective gains above 1000 were easily observed over a wide range of collection field strengths in a gas mixture of Ar/CO 2 (70/30). The transparency and electron collection efficiency were found to depend on the ratio of external field and the applied GEM voltage; the mutual influence of both drift and collection fields was found to be trivial

  19. Discriminating cosmic muons and X-rays based on rise time using a GEM detector (United States)

    Wu, Hui-Yin; Zhao, Sheng-Ying; Wang, Xiao-Dong; Zhang, Xian-Ming; Qi, Hui-Rong; Zhang, Wei; Wu, Ke-Yan; Hu, Bi-Tao; Zhang, Yi


    Gas electron multiplier (GEM) detectors have been used in cosmic muon scattering tomography and neutron imaging over the last decade. In this work, a triple GEM device with an effective readout area of 10 cm × 10 cm is developed, and a method of discriminating between cosmic muons and X-rays based on rise time is tested. The energy resolution of the GEM detector is tested by 55Fe ray source to prove the GEM detector has a good performance. Analysis of the complete signal-cycles allows us to get the rise time and pulse heights. The experiment result indicates that cosmic muons and X-rays can be discriminated with an appropriate rise time threshold. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11135002, 11275235, 11405077, 11575073)

  20. GEM Building Taxonomy (Version 2.0) (United States)

    Brzev, S.; Scawthorn, C.; Charleson, A.W.; Allen, L.; Greene, M.; Jaiswal, Kishor; Silva, V.


    This report documents the development and applications of the Building Taxonomy for the Global Earthquake Model (GEM). The purpose of the GEM Building Taxonomy is to describe and classify buildings in a uniform manner as a key step towards assessing their seismic risk, Criteria for development of the GEM Building Taxonomy were that the Taxonomy be relevant to seismic performance of different construction types; be comprehensive yet simple; be collapsible; adhere to principles that are familiar to the range of users; and ultimately be extensible to non-buildings and other hazards. The taxonomy was developed in conjunction with other GEM researchers and builds on the knowledge base from other taxonomies, including the EERI and IAEE World Housing Encyclopedia, PAGER-STR, and HAZUS. The taxonomy is organized as a series of expandable tables, which contain information pertaining to various building attributes. Each attribute describes a specific characteristic of an individual building or a class of buildings that could potentially affect their seismic performance. The following 13 attributes have been included in the GEM Building Taxonomy Version 2.0 (v2.0): 1.) direction, 2.)material of the lateral load-resisting system, 3.) lateral load-resisting system, 4.) height, 5.) date of construction of retrofit, 6.) occupancy, 7.) building position within a block, 8.) shape of the building plan, 9.) structural irregularity, 10.) exterior walls, 11.) roof, 12.) floor, 13.) foundation system. The report illustrates the pratical use of the GEM Building Taxonomy by discussing example case studies, in which the building-specific characteristics are mapped directly using GEM taxonomic attributes and the corresponding taxonomic string is constructed for that building, with "/" slash marks separating attributes. For example, for the building shown to the right, the GEM Taxonomy string is: DX1/MUR+CLBRS+MOCL2/LWAL3/

  1. GEM Technical Design Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The GEM collaboration was formed in June 1991 to develop a major detector for the SSC. The primary physics objectives of GEM are those central to the motivation for the SSC, to study high p{sub T} physics - exemplified by the search for Higgs bosons - and to search for new physics beyond the standard model. The authors present in this Technical Design Report (TDR) a detector with broad capabilities for the discovery and subsequent study of electroweak symmetry breaking, the origin of mass and flavor, and other physics requiring precise measurements of gammas, electrons, and muons - hence the name, GEM. In addition, as a design goal, they have taken care to provide the robustness needed to do the physics that requires high luminosity. Finally, good coverage and hermeticity allow the detection of missing transverse energy, E{sub T}. The GEM design emphasizes clean identification and high resolution measurement of the primary physics signatures for high p{sub T} physics. The approach is to make precise energy measurements that maximize the sensitivity to rare narrow resonances, to detect the elementary interaction products (quarks, leptons, and photons), and to build in the features required to reduce backgrounds.

  2. GEM Technical Design Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The GEM collaboration was formed in June 1991 to develop a major detector for the SSC. The primary physics objectives of GEM are those central to the motivation for the SSC, to study high p T physics - exemplified by the search for Higgs bosons - and to search for new physics beyond the standard model. The authors present in this Technical Design Report (TDR) a detector with broad capabilities for the discovery and subsequent study of electroweak symmetry breaking, the origin of mass and flavor, and other physics requiring precise measurements of gammas, electrons, and muons - hence the name, GEM. In addition, as a design goal, they have taken care to provide the robustness needed to do the physics that requires high luminosity. Finally, good coverage and hermeticity allow the detection of missing transverse energy, E T . The GEM design emphasizes clean identification and high resolution measurement of the primary physics signatures for high p T physics. The approach is to make precise energy measurements that maximize the sensitivity to rare narrow resonances, to detect the elementary interaction products (quarks, leptons, and photons), and to build in the features required to reduce backgrounds

  3. Umweltbildung - Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Was macht den Unterschied?


    Rost, Jürgen


    Der vorliegende Beitrag will zeigen, dass Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung gegenüber herkömmlicher Umweltbildung tatsächlich eine neue Qualität hat. ... Das Konzept der Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung hat eine weitere Facette neben der Umweltbildung, nämlich das Konzept des globalen Lernens. Zunächst werden die zentralen Probleme dargestellt, die die Umwelterziehung in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten nicht lösen konnte und woran sie vielleicht gescheitert ist. Abschnitt 2 be...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Ridloah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel struktur aktiva, ukuran perusahaan, operating leverage, profitabilitas, likuiditas dan pertumbuhan penjualan terhadap Struktur Modal perusahaan sektor keuangan serta mengetahui variabel manakah yang paling berpengaruh terhadap stuktur modal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan sektor keuangan multifinansial yang terdaftar di BEI yang memiliki laporan keuangan dalam ICMD tahun 2008. Penentuan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh secara simultan variabel independen terhadap Struktur Modal. Hanya ada tiga variabel independen yang berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap variabel dependen yaitu ukuran perusahaan, profitabilitas dan likuiditas. Dari variabel-variabel tersebut, variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap stuktur modal adalah ukuran perusahaan. Saran yang penulis sampaikan dalam penelitian ini, bahwa untuk mencapai Struktur Modal yang optimal, perusahaan perlu meningkatkan profitabilitas, likuiditas dan ukuran perusahaan dengan cara meningkatkan profit margin dan meningkatkan asset yang dimiliki perusahaan. This study aims to determine the effect of asset structure variables, firm Size, operating leverage, profitability, liquidity and growth in sales of corporate capital structure of the financial sector as well as knowing which variables most affect the capital structure. The populations of this study were all multifinansial financial sector companies have been listed on the Stock Exchange which has ICMD financial statements in 2008. Purposive sampling method is used to analyse the samples of this study. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that there is a simultaneous effect of independent variables of corporate capital structure of the financial sector. There are only three independent variables that significantly influence the dependent variable that is

  5. How to reduce the ion feedback in GEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, S. H.; Kang, S. M.; Kim, Y. G.


    The feedback of positive ions in Gas Electron Multiplier(GEM) has to be suppressed to reduce the photocathode degradation in GEM photomultiplier and to prevent the field distortion in a Time Projection Chamber(TPC). The ion feedback dependency on the drift electric field, the transfer field, the asymmetry in the voltages across the GEM, and the effective gain was measured in various gases. The ion feedback is sensitive to the drift field and the effective gain. A model prediction of the ion feedback in multiple GEM was compared with the measurement. The ion gating method, which is being studyed in TPC, is introduced to reduce the ion feedback in GEM. With Maxwell and Garfield calculation, we obtained the reduction of the ion feedback by placing the wires between the drift plate and the GEM. We calculated the depedency of the ion feedback with respect to the bias voltage on the wire, the distance between the wires, and the distance between the wire and the GEM

  6. GEM simulation methods development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tikhonov, V.; Veenhof, R.


    A review of methods used in the simulation of processes in gas electron multipliers (GEMs) and in the accurate calculation of detector characteristics is presented. Such detector characteristics as effective gas gain, transparency, charge collection and losses have been calculated and optimized for a number of GEM geometries and compared with experiment. A method and a new special program for calculations of detector macro-characteristics such as signal response in a real detector readout structure, and spatial and time resolution of detectors have been developed and used for detector optimization. A detailed development of signal induction on readout electrodes and electronics characteristics are included in the new program. A method for the simulation of charging-up effects in GEM detectors is described. All methods show good agreement with experiment

  7. The gas electron multiplier (GEM)

    CERN Document Server

    Bouclier, Roger; Dominik, Wojciech; Hoch, M; Labbé, J C; Million, Gilbert; Ropelewski, Leszek; Sauli, Fabio; Sharma, A


    We describe operating priciples and results obtained with a new detector component: the Gas Electrons Multiplier (GEM). Consisting of a thin composite sheet with two metal layers separated by a thin insulator, and pierced by a regular matrix of open channels, the GEM electrode, inserted on the path of electrons in a gas detector, allows to transfer the charge with an amplification factor approaching ten. Uniform response and high rate capability are demonstrated. Coupled to another device, multiwire or micro-strip chamber, the GEM electrode permit to obtain higher gains or less critical operation; separation of the sensitive (conversion) volume and the detection volume has other advantages, as a built-in delay (useful for triggering purposes) and the possibility of applying high fields on the photo-cathode of ring imaging detectors to improve efficiency. Multiple GEM grids in the same gas volume allow to obtain large amplification factors in a succession of steps, leading to the realization of an effective ga...

  8. First results of spherical GEMs

    CERN Document Server

    Pinto, Serge Duarte; Brock, Ian; Croci, Gabriele; David, Eric; de Oliveira, Rui; Ropelewski, Leszek; van Stenis, Miranda; Taureg, Hans; Villa, Marco


    We developed a method to make GEM foils with a spherical geometry. Tests of this procedure and with the resulting spherical GEMs are presented. Together with a spherical drift electrode, a spherical conversion gap can be formed. This eliminates the parallax error for detection of x-rays, neutrons or UV photons when a gaseous converter is used. This parallax error limits the spatial resolution at wide scattering angles. Besides spherical GEMs, we have developed curved spacers to maintain accurate spacing, and a conical field cage to prevent edge distortion of the radial drift field up to the limit of the angular acceptance of the detector. With these components first tests are done in a setup with a spherical entrance window but a planar readout structure; results will be presented and discussed. A flat readout structure poses difficulties, however. Therefore we will show advanced plans to make a prototype of an entirely spherical double-GEM detector, including a spherical 2D readout structure. This detector w...

  9. Development of a superconducting CH-accelerator-structure for light and heavy ions; Entwicklung einer supraleitenden CH-Beschleuniger-Struktur fuer leichte und schwere Ionen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liebermann, Holger


    This work deals with the development of the prototype of a superconducting CH accelerator structure. The simulations were calculated with the program CST Microwave Studio. It is based on the finite integration theory, which the Maxwell equations in a two-grid matrix form convicted so they can be solved numerically. In another chapter, a method for determining the coupling strength is discussed. The conditions that previously were created for the optimization of the prototype of the superconducting CH structure are described. It was for the optimization of the field distribution on the beam axis by adjusting the end cell design, optimization of support for the magnetic and electric fields, leading to reduction of the quadrupole component of the CH-structure, the coupling and, finally, the possibility of static tuning during the completion of the structure. On the basis of these investigations the completion of an initial prototype superconducting at the company ACCEL in Bergisch Gladbach was commissioned. Finally simulations for an operation accelerator facility, and a look at possible areas of the superconducting CH-structure are presented. The optimizations performed for the high power injector led to a more stable operation of the plant. Through this work it could be shown that the newly-CH structure is very well suited for use in superconducting accelerators. (orig.)

  10. MOTOP - engine optimization with evolutionary algorithms. Final report; MOTOP - Motoroptimierung mit Evolutionaeren Algorithmen. Endbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fleischhauer, T.; Knoedler, K.; Poland, J.; Zell, A.


    The BMW AG Munich, Drive system development, Test and simulation systems, and the University of Tuebingen, chair' of Computer Architecture at the Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for Computer Science, worked together in the project MOTOP to solve a number of optimization tasks in the application of motor control units. The most important research topic was the development of the online optimization algorithm mbminimize with a robust constraint handling. The goal was to bring the new software developed in the project to the point where it is directly usable at the motor test bed. This goal was met until the end of the project in so far, as a robust modelling of the primary objective function, a robust parameter change strategy (including retraction strategy in case of a parameter limit violation), a variable limit modelling and an optimized parameter change strategy could be realized. Another important point was the development of active learning methods for these applications. These methods allow the integration of newly measured data directly into the online measurement point planning, reducing the total number of measurements considerably, and improving the quality of the models. (orig.) [German] Die BMW AG Muenchen, Entwicklung Antrieb, Pruef-/Simulationssysteme, und die Universitaet Tuebingen, Lehrstuhl Rechnerarchitektur am Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut fuer Informatik, bearbeiteten im MOTOP-Projekt verschiedene Optimierungsaufgaben im Gesamtprozess der Applikation von Motorsteuergeraeten. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt war die Entwicklung des Online-Optimierungsalgorithmus mbminimize mit einer robusten Constraint-Behandlung. Das Ziel war dabei, die entwickelte Software fuer die automatisierte Optimierung der Motorparameter direkt am Pruefstand einsatzbereit zu machen. Dieses Ziel konnte bis Ende des Berichtszeitraums in Form einer robusten Modellierung der primaeren Zielfunktion, einer robusten Verstellstrategie (inkl. Rueckzugstrategie im Falle einer Limitverletzung

  11. Recent Developments in GEM-Based Neutron Detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saenboonruang, K.


    The gas electron multiplier (GEM) detector is a relatively new gaseous detector that has been used for less than 20 years. Since the discovery in 1997 by F. Sauli, the GEM detector has shown excellent properties including high rate capability, excellent resolutions, low discharge probability, and excellent radiation hardness. These promising properties have led the GEM detector to gain popularity and attention amongst physicists and researchers. In particular, the GEM detector can also be modified to be used as a neutron detector by adding appropriate neutron converters. With properties stated above and the need to replace the expensive 3 He-based neutron detectors, the GEM-based neutron detector will be one of the most powerful and affordable neutron detectors. Applications of the GEM-based neutron detectors vary from researches in nuclear and particle physics, neutron imaging, and national security. Although several promising progresses and results have been shown and published in the past few years, further improvement is still needed in order to improve the low neutron detection efficiency (only a few percent) and to widen the possibilities for other uses.

  12. Gender - Schlüsselthema für Entwicklung sowie Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung


    von Hagen, Markéta; Willems, Johanna


    Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter ist international als Schlüssel für Nachhaltige Entwicklung anerkannt. Die internationale und deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit hat zum Ziel, Frauen und Männer gleichermaßen am Entwicklungsprozess zu beteiligen und profitieren zu lassen. Die Integration des Gender-Ansatzes bedeutet, dass Entwicklungsmaßnahmen die Geschlechterverhältnisse berücksichtigen und versuchen diese im Sinne der Gleichberechtigung zu beeinflussen. Der Gender-Ansatz ist einerseits a...

  13. Neutron beam imaging with GEM detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albani, G.; Cazzaniga, C.; Rebai, M.; Gorini, G.; Croci, G.; Muraro, A.; Cippo, E. Perelli; Tardocchi, M.; Cavenago, M.; Murtas, F.; Claps, G.; Pasqualotto, R.


    Neutron GEM-based detectors represent a new frontier of devices in neutron physics applications where a very high neutron flux must be measured such as future fusion experiments (e.g. ITER Neutral beam Injector) and spallation sources (e.g. the European Spallation source). This kind of detectors can be properly adapted to be used both as beam monitors but also as neutron diffraction detectors that could represent a valid alternative for the 3 He detectors replacement. Fast neutron GEM detectors (nGEM) feature a cathode composed by one layer of polyethylene and one of aluminium (neutron scattering on hydrogen generates protons that are detected in the gas) while thermal neutron GEM detectors (bGEM) are equipped with a borated aluminium cathode (charged particles are generated through the 10 B(n,α) 7 Li reaction). GEM detectors can be realized in large area (1 m 2 ) and their readout can be pixelated. Three different prototypes of nGEM and one prototype of bGEM detectors of different areas and equipped with different types of readout have been built and tested. All the detectors have been used to measure the fast and thermal neutron 2D beam image at the ISIS-VESUVIO beamline. The different kinds of readout patterns (different areas of the pixels) have been compared in similar conditions. All the detectors measured a width of the beam profile consitent with the expected one. The imaging property of each detector was then tested by inserting samples of different material and shape in the beam. All the samples were correctly reconstructed and the definition of the reconstruction depends on the type of readout anode. The fast neutron beam profile reconstruction was then compared to the one obtained by diamond detectors positioned on the same beamline while the thermal neutron one was compared to the imaged obtained by cadmium-coupled x-rays films. Also efficiency and the gamma background rejection have been determined. These prototypes represent the first step towards

  14. Entwicklung einer Methode zur monetären Bewertung des Wassers für ein Unternehmen unter Einbeziehung des Wasser-Fußabdrucks


    Hentschel, Nora


    Wassernutzung und Abbau der Frischwasser-Ressourcen sind heutzutage ein Thema, das als so wichtig wahrgenommen wird wie der Klimawandel. Wasser wird somit zunehmend Auswirkungen auf den ökonomischen Wert von Unternehmen haben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den monetären Wert des Wassers mithilfe des Wasser-Fußabdrucks zu bestimmen. Hierfür werden nach einer kurzen Einführung in Kapitel 2 der ökologische Fußabdruck, der CO2-Fußabdruck und der Wasser-Fußabdruck kurz vorgestellt und in...

  15. Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors (United States)

    Gnanvo, Kondo


    Gaseous detectors have played a pivotal role as tracking devices in the field of particle physics experiments for the last fifty years. Recent advances in photolithography and micro processing techniques have enabled the transition from Multi Wire Proportional Chambers (MWPCs) and Drift Chambers to a new family of gaseous detectors refer to as Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs). MPGDs combine the basic gas amplification principle with micro-structure printed circuits to provide detectors with excellent spatial and time resolution, high rate capability, low material budget and high radiation tolerance. Gas Electron Multiplier (GEMs) is a well-established MPGD technology invented by F. Sauli at CERN in 1997 and deployed various high energy physics (HEP) and nuclear NP experiment for tracking systems of current and future NP experiments. GEM detector combines an exceptional high rate capability (1 MHz / mm2) and robustness against harsh radiation environment with excellent position and timing resolution performances. Recent breakthroughs over the past decade have allowed the possibility for large area GEMs, making them cost effective and high-performance detector candidates to play pivotal role in current and future particle physics experiments. After a brief introduction of the basic principle of GEM technology, I will give a brief overview of the GEM detectors used in particle physics experiments over the past decades and especially in the NP community at Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory (JLab) and Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). I will follow by a review of state of the art of the new GEM development for the next generation of colliders such as Electron Ion Collider (EIC) or High Luminosity LHC and future Nuclear Physics experiments. I will conclude with a presentation of the CERN-based RD51 collaboration established in 2008 and its major achievements regarding technological developments and applications of MPGDs.

  16. Extending the ISC-GEM Global Earthquake Instrumental Catalogue (United States)

    Di Giacomo, Domenico; Engdhal, Bob; Storchak, Dmitry; Villaseñor, Antonio; Harris, James


    After a 27-month project funded by the GEM Foundation (, in January 2013 we released the ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue (1900 2009) ( as a special product to use for seismic hazard studies. The new catalogue was necessary as improved seismic hazard studies necessitate that earthquake catalogues are homogeneous (to the largest extent possible) over time in their fundamental parameters, such as location and magnitude. Due to time and resource limitation, the ISC-GEM catalogue (1900-2009) included earthquakes selected according to the following time-variable cut-off magnitudes: Ms=7.5 for earthquakes occurring before 1918; Ms=6.25 between 1918 and 1963; and Ms=5.5 from 1964 onwards. Because of the importance of having a reliable seismic input for seismic hazard studies, funding from GEM and two commercial companies in the US and UK allowed us to start working on the extension of the ISC-GEM catalogue both for earthquakes that occurred beyond 2009 and for earthquakes listed in the International Seismological Summary (ISS) which fell below the cut-off magnitude of 6.25. This extension is part of a four-year program that aims at including in the ISC-GEM catalogue large global earthquakes that occurred before the beginning of the ISC Bulletin in 1964. In this contribution we present the updated ISC GEM catalogue, which will include over 1000 more earthquakes that occurred in 2010 2011 and several hundreds more between 1950 and 1959. The catalogue extension between 1935 and 1949 is currently underway. The extension of the ISC-GEM catalogue will also be helpful for regional cross border seismic hazard studies as the ISC-GEM catalogue should be used as basis for cross-checking the consistency in location and magnitude of those earthquakes listed both in the ISC GEM global catalogue and regional catalogues.

  17. Ion feedback effect in the multi GEM structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Se Hwan; Kim, Yong Kyun; Han, Sang Hyo; Ha, Jang Ho; Moon, Byung Soo; Chung, Chong Eun


    The feedback of positive ions in a gas electron multiplier (GEM) has to be suppressed to reduce the photocathode degradation in GEM photomultipliers and to prevent the field distortion in a time projection chamber (TPC). The ion feedback dependency on the drift electric field, the transfer field, the asymmetry in the voltages across the GEM, and the effective gain was carefully measured in various gases. The ion feedback is sensitive to the drift field and the effective gain. A model prediction of the ion feedback in a double GEM structure was compared with the measurement. Our systematic study of the ion feedback effect can lead to progress in gas detectors with GEMs.

  18. Study of etching processes in the GEM detectors

    CERN Document Server

    Zavazieva, Darina


    Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors are known to operate stably at high gains and high particle fluxes. Though, at very high gains and fluxes it was observed that the insulating polyimide layer between the GEM electrodes gets etched, changing the original shape of the hole, and therefore varying the gain and the energy resolution of the detector. The idea of the project to observe degradation effect of the GEM foils during the Triple GEM detector operation in extreme conditions under X-ray radiation.

  19. Body weight gain after radioiodine therapy of hyperthyroidism; Koerpergewichtsentwicklung nach Radioiodtherapie einer Hyperthyreose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheidhauer, K.; Odatzidu, L.; Schicha, H. [Koeln Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Kiencke, P. [Koeln Univ. (DE). Inst. fuer Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Epidemiologie (IMSIE)


    Aim: Analysis and follow up of body weight after radioiodine therapy (RITh) of hyperthyroidism, since excessive weight gain is a common complaint among these patients. Methods: Therapy and body weight related data of 100 consecutive RITh-patients were retrospectively analysed from the time before up to three years after RITh. All patients suffered from hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease or autonomy), but were adjusted to euthyroid levels after RITh. Patients' data were compared to a control group of 48 euthyroid patients out of the same ambulance and during the same time scale. Results: All patients (RITh and controls) gained weight over the time. There was no statistically significant difference in BMI development over three years between RITh-patients and controls (5.5% resp. 4.9% increase). In the first year after RITh, weight gain of the RITh patients was higher indeed, but lower in the follow up, resulting in the same range of weight gain after three years as the controls. Besides that women showed a slightly higher increase of BMI than men, and so did younger patients compared to elder as well as patients with overweight already before RITh. Conclusions: An initially distinct increase of body weight after RITh of hyperthyroidism is mainly a compensation of pretherapeutic weight loss due to hyperthyroidism. Presupposing adequate euthyroid adjustment of thyroid metabolism after therapy, RITh is not responsible for later weight gain and adipositas. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Untersuchung der Entwicklung des Koerpergewichtes nach {sup 131}I-Therapie einer Hyperthyreose, da der Radioiodtherapie (RITh) haeufig eine exzessive posttherapeutische Gewichtszunahme angelastet wird. Methoden: Retrospektiv wurden therapie- und koerpergewichtsbezogene Daten von 100 konsekutiven Patienten vor und bis drei Jahre nach RITh einer Hyperthyreose (Morbus Basedow oder funktionelle Autonomie) erfasst und mit denen einer euthyreoten Kontrollgruppe (n = 48) verglichen. Die

  20. TA project 'Elements of a strategy for sustainable development in the energy sector'. Preliminary study; TA-Projekt 'Elemente einer Strategie fuer eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung'. Vorstudie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fleischer, T.; Gruenwald, R.; Oertel, D.; Paschen, H.


    The issue of projecting policies ensuring appropriate energy supply in the future has become more important in Germany after conclusion of the agreement on a long-term nuclear power phase-out. A recent comparative analysis of a selection of scientific studies forecasting the implications of a nuclear power phase-out has shown that there is demand for more studies examining the issue in greater detail, and on the basis of an enlarged scope of research topics. Hence the present study, intended as a preliminary analysis, will investigate the potential, conditions of successful application, conceivable support schemes, and effects of those policy options that in any case, apart from the nuclear power phase-out scenario, are of essential importance in the context of building the proper conditions for sustainable development of Germany's energy sector. The options and strategies examined are: stepping up energy efficiency programmes and incentives, enhancing exploitation of the considerable potential of renewable energy sources, considering problems and benefits of enhanced use of fossil energy sources, primarily natural gas. (orig./CB) [German] Die Frage der zukuenftigen Ausgestaltung der Energieversorgung hat nach der Vereinbarung ueber den langfristigen Kernenergie-Ausstieg einen hoeheren Stellenwert erhalten. Nach Vorliegen einer vergleichenden Analyse ausgewaehlter wissenschaftlicher Studien zu den Auswirkungen eines Ausstiegs aus der Nutzung der Kernenergie in Deutschland wurde deutlich, dass vertiefende Untersuchungen noetig sind, und dass das Thema umfassender formuliert werden muss. Die vorliegende Analyse in der Form einer Vorstudie untersucht daher die Potenziale, Einsatzbedingungen, Foerdermoeglichleiten und Auswirkungen derjenigen strategischen Optionen, die auf jeden Fall, abgesehen von den Auswirkungen eines Ausstiegs aus der Kernenergie, von zentraler Bedeutung fuer eine langfristig nachhaltige Entwicklung im Energiesektor Deutschlands sein werden

  1. The GEM-Mars general circulation model for Mars: Description and evaluation (United States)

    Neary, L.; Daerden, F.


    GEM-Mars is a gridpoint-based three-dimensional general circulation model (GCM) of the Mars atmosphere extending from the surface to approximately 150 km based on the GEM (Global Environmental Multiscale) model, part of the operational weather forecasting and data assimilation system for Canada. After the initial modification for Mars, the model has undergone considerable changes. GEM-Mars is now based on GEM 4.2.0 and many physical parameterizations have been added for Mars-specific atmospheric processes and surface-atmosphere exchange. The model simulates interactive carbon dioxide-, dust-, water- and atmospheric chemistry cycles. Dust and water ice clouds are radiatively active. Size distributed dust is lifted by saltation and dust devils. The model includes 16 chemical species (CO2, Argon, N2, O2, CO, H2O, CH4, O3, O(1D), O, H, H2, OH, HO2, H2O2 and O2(a1Δg)) and has fully interactive photochemistry (15 reactions) and gas-phase chemistry (31 reactions). GEM-Mars provides a good simulation of the water and ozone cycles. A variety of other passive tracers can be included for dedicated studies, such as the emission of methane. The model has both a hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic formulation, and together with a flexible grid definition provides a single platform for simulations on a variety of horizontal scales. The model code is fully parallelized using OMP and MPI. Model results are evaluated by comparison to a selection of observations from instruments on the surface and in orbit, relating to atmosphere and surface temperature and pressure, dust and ice content, polar ice mass, polar argon, and global water and ozone vertical columns. GEM-Mars will play an integral part in the analysis and interpretation of data that is received by the NOMAD spectrometer on the ESA-Roskosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. The present paper provides an overview of the current status and capabilities of the GEM-Mars model and lays the foundations for more in-depth studies in support

  2. Welthafte Wirklichkeit in ihrer Begrundung in Gott: Versuch einer ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Welthafte Wirklichkeit in ihrer Begrundung in Gott: Versuch einer offenbarungstheologischen Neuinterpretation der Transzendentalienmetaphysik. Gottes Offenbarung in Jesus Christus als Ermoglichung des Vertrauens zu einer menschlichen Welt.

  3. Qualifizierungsbedarfe, -ansätze und -strategien im Secondhand Sektor. Ein Europäischer Good-Practice-Bericht


    Arold, Heike; Koring, Claudia; Windelband, Lars


    Vor dem Hintergrund eines sich ändernden Konsumverhaltens sowie des Wandels in der Umweltpolitik ist zukünftig mit einem Wachstum des Secondhand Sektors zu rechnen. Um die Qualität sowie die Professionalisierung innerhalb der im Sektor operierenden Unternehmen zu stärken, bedarf es der Entwicklung einer europaweit einheitlichen und sektorspezifischen Qualifizierung, die an den realen Arbeitsprozessen und Anforderungen ausgerichtet ist. Der vorliegende Good-Practice-Bericht zeigt neben einer a...

  4. Progress in GEM-based gaseous photomultipliers

    CERN Document Server

    Chechik, R; Breskin, Amos; Buzulutskov, A F; Guedes, G P; Mörmann, D; Singh, B K


    We discuss recent progress in gaseous photomultipliers (GPMTs) comprising UV-to-visible spectral range photocathodes (PCs) coupled to multiple Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM). The PCs may be either semitransparent or reflective ones directly deposited on the first-GEM surface. These detectors provide high gain, even in noble gases, are sensitive to single photons, have nanosecond time resolution, and offer good localization. The operation of CsI-based GPMTs in CF sub 4 opens new applications in Cherenkov detectors, where both the radiator and the photosensor operate in the same gas. The latest results on sealed visible-light detectors, combining bialkali PCs and Kapton-made GEMs are presented.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Novia Rachmayanti


    Full Text Available AbstrakVirus dengue (DENV telah menyebabkan sekitar 50 juta kasus infeksi demam berdarah setiap tahunnya, akan tetapi hingga saat ini belum terdapat vaksin maupun antivirus yang mampu mencegah atau mengobati penyakit tersebut. Selama pengembangan vaksin dan antivirus, diperoleh berbagai informasi tentang struktur protein DENV yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai target obat. Makalah membahas tentang struktur proteomik pada DENV, yaitu glikoprotein pada envelope, NS3 protease, NS3 helikase, NS5 metiltransferase, dan NS5 RNA-dependent RNA polimerase.AbstractDengue virus (DENV has caused over 50 millions infection every year. However, to date neither vaccine nor medicine could be used to prevent or cure the illness. During researches in finding the vaccine or antiviral for DENV, information on DENV protein structure has been obtained which is potentially used as drug target. This paper disscuss DENV proteomic structure that consist of envelope glicoprotein, NS3 protease, NS3 helicase, NS5 methyl-transferase, and NS5 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.

  6. 3D Observation of GEMS by Electron Tomography (United States)

    Matsuno, Junya; Miyake, Akira; Tsuchiyama, Akira; Nakamura-Messenger, Keiko; Messenger, Scott


    Amorphous silicates in chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles (CP-IDPs) coming from comets are dominated by glass with embedded metal and sulfides (GEMS). GEMS grains are submicron-sized rounded objects (typically 100-500) nm in diameter) with anaometer-sized (10-50 nm) Fe-Ni metal and sulfide grains embedded in an amorphous silicate matrix. Several formation processes for GEMS grains have been proposed so far, but these models are still being debated [2-5]. Bradley et al. proposed that GEMS grains are interstellar silicate dust that survived various metamorphism or alteration processes in the protoplanetary disk and that they are amorphiation products of crystalline silicates in the interstellar medium by sputter-deposition of cosmic ray irradiation, similar to space weathering [2,4]. This consideration is based on the observation of nano-sized crystals (approximately 10 nm) called relict grains in GEMS grains and their shapes are pseudomorphs to the host GEMS grains. On the other hand, Keller and Messenger proposed that most GEMS formed in the protoplanetary disk as condensates from high temperature gas [3,5]. This model is based on the fact that most GEMS grains have solar isotopic compositions and have extremely heterogeneous and non-solar elemental compositions. Keller and Messenger (2011) also reported that amorphous silicates in GEMS grains are surrounded by sulfide grains, which formed as sulfidization of metallic iron grains located on the GEMS surface. The previous studies were performed with 2D observation by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) or scanning TEM (STEM). In order to understand the structure of GEMS grains described above more clearly, we observed 3D structure of GEMS grains by electron tomography using a TEM/STEM (JEM-2100F, JEOL) at Kyoto University. Electron tomography gives not only 3D structures but also gives higher spatial resolution (approximately a few nm) than that in conventional 2D image, which is restricted by

  7. Kurzskala zur Erfassung der Unternehmenskultur


    Jöns, Ingela; Hodapp, Markus; Weiss, Katharina


    Die Kulturskala zur Erfassung der Unternehmenskultur (KUK) fokussiert auf die Einstufung der Kultur des eigenen Unternehmens und eines anderen Unternehmens durch die Mitarbeiter, wie dies z.B. im Fall von Fusionen von Bedeutung ist. Ihre vier Dimensionen (Strategie, Struktur, Führung und Zusammenarbeit) werden anhand eines bündigen Inventars von 15 Merkmalen erfasst. In einer Untersuchung bei drei Unternehmen der Chemie- und Energiebranche mit einer Gesamtstichprobe von n = 724 konnte gezeigt...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miswanto Miswanto


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study aimed to test whether there is equity market timing on capital structure manufacturing company in Indonesia, and whether market timing of equity in the long term (persistent effect on the capital structure of Indonesian manufacturing company. The sample used is the Indonesian manufacturing companies that go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI in 2000-2008, and the data used is panel. Results of this study indicate that there is equity market timing on capital structure. Thus, there are indications of the practice of issuing shares at high and repurchasing at a low price. The results also indicate that equity market timing persistent influence on the capital structure.Keywords: equity market timing, market-to-book ratio, leverage, capital structure, and market value.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah ada market timing ekuitas pada struktur modal perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia, dan apakah market timing ekuitas dalam jangka panjang (persisten berpengaruh terhadap struktur modal perusahaan manufaktur Indonesia. Sampel yang digunakan adalah perusahaan manufaktur Indonesia yang melakukan IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI tahun 2000–2008, dan data yang digunakan adalah data panel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada market timing ekuitas pada struktur modal. Dengan demikian, ada indikasi praktik menerbitkan ekuitas saham pada saat harga (nilai pasar ekuitas tinggi dan stock repurchase (membeli kembali saham pada harga rendah. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa market timing ekuitas berpengaruh secara persisten terhadap struktur modal.Kata kunci: market timing ekuitas, market-to-book ratio, leverage, struktur modal, dan nilai pasar.

  9. Gravity model improvement using GEOS-3 (GEM 9 and 10) (United States)

    Lerch, F. J.; Klosko, S. M.; Laubscher, R. E.; Wagner, C. A.


    The use of collocation permitted GEM 9 to be a larger field than previous derived satellite models, GEM 9 having harmonics complete to 20 x 20 with selected higher degree terms. The satellite data set has approximately 840,000 observations, of which 200,000 are laser ranges taken on 9 satellites equipped with retroreflectors. GEM 10 is complete to 22 x 22 with selected higher degree terms out to degree and order 30 amounting to a total of 592 coefficients. Comparisons with surface gravity and altimeter data indicate a substantial improvement in GEM 9 over previous satellite solutions; GEM 9 is in even closer agreement with surface data than the previously published GEM 6 solution which contained surface gravity. In particular the free air gravity anomalies calculated from GEM 9 and a surface gravity solution are in excellent agreement for the high degree terms.

  10. Rechtsgrundlagen einer Pflicht zur Einrichtung einer Compliance-Organisation


    Meyer, Susanne; Fredrich, Jan


    Im deutschen Recht ist weiterhin nicht vollständig geklärt, ob und in welchem Umfang Unternehmen verpflichtet sind, eine Compliance Organisation einzurichten. Eine solche zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass einer organisatorisch verselbständigten Einheit die zukunftsorientierte Sorge für das gesetzmäßige Verhalten aller Unternehmensangehörigen ebenso anvertraut ist wie die Umsetzung und Erstellung interner Richtlinien. In bestimmten Branchen, insbesondere der Finanzbranche, aber auch dort, wo nac...

  11. GEM-based thermal neutron beam monitors for spallation sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Croci, G.; Claps, G.; Caniello, R.; Cazzaniga, C.; Grosso, G.; Murtas, F.; Tardocchi, M.; Vassallo, E.; Gorini, G.; Horstmann, C.; Kampmann, R.; Nowak, G.; Stoermer, M.


    The development of new large area and high flux thermal neutron detectors for future neutron spallation sources, like the European Spallation Source (ESS) is motivated by the problem of 3 He shortage. In the framework of the development of ESS, GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) is one of the detector technologies that are being explored as thermal neutron sensors. A first prototype of GEM-based thermal neutron beam monitor (bGEM) has been built during 2012. The bGEM is a triple GEM gaseous detector equipped with an aluminum cathode coated by 1μm thick B 4 C layer used to convert thermal neutrons to charged particles through the 10 B(n, 7 Li)α nuclear reaction. This paper describes the results obtained by testing a bGEM detector at the ISIS spallation source on the VESUVIO beamline. Beam profiles (FWHM x =31 mm and FWHM y =36 mm), bGEM thermal neutron counting efficiency (≈1%), detector stability (3.45%) and the time-of-flight spectrum of the beam were successfully measured. This prototype represents the first step towards the development of thermal neutrons detectors with efficiency larger than 50% as alternatives to 3 He-based gaseous detectors


    Murthy, S.R.N.


    This paper is the first attempt in introducing the medicinal importance of gems as found in the Sanskrit text ‘Rasaratnasamuccaya’, which has been rendered an English translation here. The modern physicians and gemologists will find this study quite useful in continuing research and, thus, develop a new field of gem medicine. PMID:22556526

  13. Data Integration for Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Gene Expression of Zebrafish development: the GEMS database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Belmamoune Mounia


    Full Text Available The Gene Expression Management System (GEMS is a database system for patterns of gene expression. These patterns result from systematic whole-mount fluorescent in situ hybridization studies on zebrafish embryos. GEMS is an integrative platform that addresses one of the important challenges of developmental biology: how to integrate genetic data that underpin morphological changes during embryogenesis. Our motivation to build this system was by the need to be able to organize and compare multiple patterns of gene expression at tissue level. Integration with other developmental and biomolecular databases will further support our understanding of development. The GEMS operates in concert with a database containing a digital atlas of zebrafish embryo; this digital atlas of zebrafish development has been conceived prior to the expansion of the GEMS. The atlas contains 3D volume models of canonical stages of zebrafish development in which in each volume model element is annotated with an anatomical term. These terms are extracted from a formal anatomical ontology, i.e. the Developmental Anatomy Ontology of Zebrafish (DAOZ. In the GEMS, anatomical terms from this ontology together with terms from the Gene Ontology (GO are also used to annotate patterns of gene expression and in this manner providing mechanisms for integration and retrieval . The annotations are the glue for integration of patterns of gene expression in GEMS as well as in other biomolecular databases. At the one hand, zebrafish anatomy terminology allows gene expression data within GEMS to be integrated with phenotypical data in the 3D atlas of zebrafish development. At the other hand, GO terms extend GEMS expression patterns integration to a wide range of bioinformatics resources.

  14. Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung und Fairer Handel


    Mathar, Reiner


    Im Rahmen des BLK-Programms '21' kann Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung im schulischen Rahmen greifbar gemacht werden. Der Beitrag beschreibt einige Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel des Fairen Handels. (DIPF/Orig.)

  15. Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Kinerja Keuangan dan Kebijakan Hutang sebagai Variabel Intervening

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewi Kusuma Wardani


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study aims to determine the influence of ownership structure on firm value of financial performance and debt policy as an intervening variable. Data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the OSIRIS database and indexes that are the result of previous research. This study used the path analysis conducted using the Eviews 6.0 and SPSS 17 programs. From the results of data analysis can be concluded that in Indonesia (1 the ownership structure proxied by insider ownership has no relationship with debt policy; (2 the ownership structure proxied by insider ownership has relationship with financial performance; (3 debt policy has not affect stock prices, as a proxy of firm value; (4 there is a positive influence on financial performance with corporate values; and (5 there is no influence of ownership structure on corporate value through debt policy and financial performance as an intervening variable.Keywords: ownership structure, firm value, debt policy, financial performanceAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh struktur kepemilikan terhadap kinerja keuangan yang mana kebijakan hutang sebagai variabel intervening. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari database OSIRIS dan indeks yang merupakan hasil dari penelitian sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan program Eviews 6.0 dan program SPSS 17. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa di Indonesia (1 struktur kepemilikan yang ditunjukkan oleh insider ownership tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kebijakan utang; (2 struktur kepemilikan yang ditunjukkan oleh insider ownership memiliki hubungan dengan kinerja keuangan, (3 kebijakan hutang tidak mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan yang diproksi oleh harga saham; (4 ada pengaruh positif kinerja keuangan terhadap nilai perusahaan, dan (5 tidak ada pengaruh struktur kepemilikan terhadap nilai perusahaan melalui kebijakan

  16. SUPERCOLLIDER: A GEM of a detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Now being prepared as a major experimental facility for the 87- kilometre Superconducting Supercollider (SSC) being built in Ellis County, Texas, is the GEM detector project. GEM thus becomes the companion to the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration (SDC), the first major SSC detector to emerge (March 1992, page 13). This is in keeping with the SSC Laboratory's aim of two major detectors with overlapping and complementary strengths. GEM is designed to observe all SSC signatures, with emphasis on precise measurement of electrons, photons and muons. Hence the name GEM - ''Gammas, Electrons and Muons.'' Design goals are clean signatures for leptons, jets, and missing transverse energy, maximum sensitivity to narrow resonances, and low backgrounds. Also important is maintaining significant capability at high luminosity (10 34 cm -2 s -1 ). GEM has some distinctive features. A key concept is the exterior magnet, surrounding all detector elements. Inside the magnet are a muon tracking system, a precision calorimeter, and a compact central tracker. This allows the muon momentum to be measured the air of the radiation shielded area outside the thick calorimeter, giving both high precision and robustness at high luminosity. A large magnet gives a large lever arm (at least 4 m) for precise muon momentum measurement. Placing the magnet outside also minimizes the material between tracker and calorimeters, so that the calorimeters are limited only by their inherent resolutions

  17. Development of a dynamic short-term test method for installed thermal solar systems; Entwicklung eines dynamischen Kurzzeittestverfahrens fuer installierte thermische Solaranlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beikircher, T.; Gut, M.; Kronthaler, P.; Oberdorf, C.; Schoelkopf, W. [Bayerisches Zentrum fuer Angewandte Energieforschung, Muenchen (Germany). Abt. Solarthermie und Biomasse


    A short-term test method for in-situ measurement of the collector field, pipelines and heat exchanger of large-surface solar systems was developed at ZAE Bayern, together with the necessary technical systems (mobile acquisition of meteorological data via telemetering, non-invasive surface temperature sensors and ultrasonic volume flow measuring instruments). Dynamic measurements were made for 11 days in a large-surface solar system of the ``Solarthermie 2000`` programme using the new measuring system. In order to optimize the evaluation procedure, the plant was simulated, and the influence of different models and operating conditions during the measurements on the prediction quality was investigated in detail. On this basis, it was possible to predict the long-term collector yield of the ZfS Hilden, which was measured for a period of 7 months, with an error of less than 5%. The method will be validated in two further industrial-scale systems. [Deutsch] Am ZAE Bayern wurde ein Kurzzeittestverfahren zur insitu-Vermessung des Kollektorkreises (Kollektorfeld, Rohrleitungen, Waermetauscher) grosser Solaranlagen entwickelt. Hierzu wurde eine der Aufgabenstellung angepasste Messtechnik entwickelt (Mobile meteorologische Datenerfassung mit Funkbetrieb, nicht-invasive Oberflaechen-Temperaturfuehler und Ultraschall-Volumenstrommessgeraete). Der Kollektorkreis einer grossen Solaranlage aus dem Programm Solarthermie 2000 wurde dynamisch ueber 11 Tage (29.10.-8.11.1997) mit der neuen Messtechnik vermessen. Zur Entwicklung eines geeigneten Auswerteverfahrens wurde die Anlage simulatorisch abgebildet und der Einfluss verschiedener Modellansaetze und der Betriebsbedingungen waehrend des Mess- und Vorhersagezeitraums auf die Vorhersageguete im Detail untersucht. Mit dem entwickelten Verfahren konnte aus der dynamischen Kurzzeitvermessung der in einer Langzeitmessung der ZfS Hilden ueber 7 Monate ermittelte Kollektorertrag nach dem solaren Waermetauscher auf deutlich besser als 5

  18. New Approach for 2D Readout of GEM Detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasell, Douglas K.


    Detectors based on Gas Electron Multiplication (GEM) technology are becoming more and more widely used in nuclear and high energy physics and are being applied in astronomy, medical physics, industry, and homeland security. GEM detectors are thin, low mass, insensitive to magnetic fields, and can currently provide position resolutions down to ∼50 microns. However, the designs for reconstructing the position, in two dimensions (2D), of the charged particles striking a GEM detector are often complicated to fabricate and expensive. The objective of this proposal is to investigate a simpler procedure for producing the two dimensional readout layer of GEM detectors using readily available printed circuit board technology which can be tailored to the detector requirements. We will use the established GEM laboratory and facilities at M.I.T. currently employed in developing GEM detectors for the STAR forward tracking upgrade to simplify the testing and evaluation of the new 2D readout designs. If this new design proves successful it will benefit future nuclear and high energy physics experiments already being planned and will similarly extend and simplify the application of GEM technology to other branches of science, medicine, and industry. These benefits would be not only in lower costs for fabrication but also it increased flexibility for design and application.

  19. Analysis of activation yields by INC/GEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furihata, Shiori; Nakashima, Hiroshi


    Excitation functions of the nuclides produced from the reaction on nitrogen and oxygen target irradiated by nucleons are analyzed using INC/GEM. It is shown that INC/GEM reproduces most of the cross sections within a factor of two to three. (author)

  20. "Neu lernen ist leichter als umlernen". Über die Schwierigkeiten einer bildungsgewohnten Gruppe, neue (mediale Partizipationsformen aufzubauen

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    Anna-Maria Kamin


    Full Text Available Das Internet bietet Lernenden vielfältige Möglichkeiten zur Wissensorganisation und -kommunikation in formalen und informellen Bildungskontexten. Bislang nutzen selbst bildungsaffine erwachsene Lerner diese unterstützenden Potenziale des Internets vielfach nur zurückhaltend. Dieser zögerliche Gebrauch zeigt sich auch dann, wenn die Implementierung virtuell vernetzter Applikationen in der Planung von den Lernenden von den Akteuren prinzipiell gefordert und begrüsst wird. Im Zentrum unseres Beitrags stehen mögliche Gründe und Bedingungen für diese vermeintlichen Widerstände und Problematiken bei der Integration des Partizipationsraums Internet für berufliche Lernprozesse. Grundlage für die Diskussion sind die Praxiserfahrungen und empirischen Ergebnisse einer explorativen Fall­studie mit einem ethisch beratenden Gremium. Die bisherige Bilanz des Projektvor­habens unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, in diesem Kontext theoretische Konzepte zu Lernwiderständen, generationsspezifischen Aspekten, zur Mediendidaktik und zu Lerngewohnheiten und Transfer zu diskutieren. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass digitale Lern- und Arbeitsformen unmittelbar an eingeschliffene Lernroutinen gebunden sind. Lernende benötigen Zeit, Raum, Anlässe und Struktur, um Handlungs- und Lernroutinen aufzubrechen und neue zu entwickeln. Nur so können digitale Partizipationsmöglichkeiten erfolgreich in den Arbeitsalltag integriert werden.

  1. Optimierung der Hupkraftverteilung eines airbagintegrierten Automobillenkrades mit Hilfe einer Parameterstudie


    Pietsch, Karsten


    Die Hupkraftverteilung eines airbagintegrierten Automobillenkrades wird mit Hilfe einer Parameterstudie in MathCAD so optimiert, das an jeder Krafteinleitungsposition die Hupe mit einer geforderten Mindestkraft betätigt werden kann. Nach der Modellierung in MathCAD der zugehörigen Geometrie und der Dimensionierung der Federlagerung ist das zugehörige mechanische Ersatzmodell mit Hilfe einer Parameterstudie verändert worden, so dass die Hupkraftforderung erfüllt wird.


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    Natelda Rosaldiah Timisela


    berlangsung baik dan lancar. Hasil analisis terhadap pengukuran indeks struktural statistik seperti indeks pengukuran GFI (0,901, AGFI (0,857, TLI (0,994, CFI (0,995, CMIN/DF (1,022, RMSEA (0,015, probabilitas (0,423 dan nilai χ2 (84,834. Data tersebut berada dalam rentang nilai yang diharapkan memenuhi kriteria. Kata kunci:  Manajemen rantai pasok, kinerja agroindustri, pangan lokal, dan model persamaan struktural

  3. Development of Gas Electron Multiplier(GEM) for digital radiographic system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moon, B. S.; Chung, C. E.; Lee, J. W.


    Two computer programs SHOWFIELD and IMAGEQUAL have been developed. SHOWFIELD is used to draw electric field lines for GEM detectors and IMAGEQUAL is used to study the spatial resolution of x-ray images. Various simulation runs have been carried out using EGS4 to study the characteristics of electrons generated by micro-channel plates and Ar, Xe gases. A prototype GEM detector was developed through this project. The GEM detector is composed of a pair of GEM plates, a micro-channel plate, readout circuit in a gas filled chamber. GEM plate were made in CERN to meet KAERI's design specification and the micro-channel plates were purchased from Proxitronic company

  4. The determination of the orbit of the Japanese satellite Ajisai and the GEM-T1 and GEM-T2 gravity field models (United States)

    Sanchez, Braulio V.


    The Japanese Experimental Geodetic Satellite Ajisai was launched on August 12, 1986. In response to the TOPEX-POSEIDON mission requirements, the GSFC Space Geodesy Branch and its associates are producing improved models of the Earth's gravitational field. With the launch of Ajisai, precise laser data is now available which can be used to test many current gravity models. The testing of the various gravity field models show improvements of more than 70 percent in the orbital fits when using GEM-T1 and GEM-T2 relative to results obtained with the earlier GEM-10B model. The GEM-T2 orbital fits are at the 13-cm level (RMS). The results of the tests with the various versions of the GEM-T1 model indicate that the addition of satellite altimetry and surface gravity anomalies as additional data types should improve future gravity field models.


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    Atok Masofyan Hadi


    Full Text Available Rhizhopora apiculata is the plants mangrove of the tribe Rhizoporaceae. Detailed study of related species in Indonesia is still lacking. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the character of morphological and anatomical structure of vegetative species. The method used is the method of observation and exploration of the facts as a marker plant systematics. The results showed that the morphological characteristics of stem leaves roots in accordance with existing literature. Data anatomical vegetative structure is new data that is used to strengthen its position in Rhizoporaceae. Rhizhopora apiculata merupakan tumbuhan mangrove dari suku Rhizoporaceae. Kajian secara mendetail terkait spesies di Indonesia masih sangat kurang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis karakter morfologis dan anatomis struktur vegetatif spesies. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode pengamatan dan eksplorasi fakta sebagai penanda sistematika tumbuhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik morfologi daun batang akar sesuai dengan literatur yang telah ada. Data anatomi struktur vegetatif merupakan data baru yang digunakan untuk memperkuat kedudukannya dalam Rhizoporaceae.

  6. Struktur und Dynamik in der Netzwerkanalyse

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trier, M.; Stegbauer, C.; Häußling, R.


    Die Methodik der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse (SNA) ist auf die quantitative Untersuchung von strukturellen Mustern in Graphen ausgerichtet. Die Analyse arbeitet gegenwärtig meist mit Daten aus einer einmaligen und kumulierten Erhebung der Netzwerkstruktur zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt. Diese

  7. Gas electron multiplier (GEM) foil test, repair and effective gain calculation (United States)

    Tahir, Muhammad; Zubair, Muhammad; Khan, Tufail A.; Khan, Ashfaq; Malook, Asad


    The focus of my research is based on the gas electron multiplier (GEM) foil test, repairing and effective gain calculation of GEM detector. During my research work define procedure of GEM foil testing short-circuit, detection short-circuits in the foil. Study different ways to remove the short circuits in the foils. Set and define the GEM foil testing procedures in the open air, and with nitrogen gas. Measure the leakage current of the foil and applying different voltages with specified step size. Define the Quality Control (QC) tests and different components of GEM detectors before assembly. Calculate the effective gain of GEM detectors using 109Cd and 55Fe radioactive source.


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    Khoirul Fatah


    Full Text Available Waduk Wadas lintang memiliki potensi perikanan yang cukup besar baik perikanan tangkap maupun perikanan budidaya. Kegiatan penangkapan ikan di waduk Wadaslintang saat ini sudah cukup tinggi, yang akan berdampak langsung pada struktur komunitas ikan yang menyebabkan pergeseran pola hubungan antara pemangsa,mangsa atau pesaing pada berbagai tingkat trofik. Tujuan penelitian ini untukmengetahui pola hubungan antar kelompok ikan berdasarkan tingkat trofik dari tingkat trofik terendah sampai kepada ikan karnivor, sehingga diperoleh gambaran peran kelompok ikan dalam komunitas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April, Juni, September dan Nopember 2013 di perairan waduk Wadaslintang. Analisa data mencakup komposisi hasil tangkapan dan kebiasaan makan ikan serta tingkat trofik komunitas ikan. Analisis sidik ragam untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar tingkat trofik. Ikan contoh diperoleh dari nelayan dengan alat tangkap jaring, mulai dari ukuran 0,75 – 4,5 inchi. Hasil penelitian diketemukan sebanyak 15 jenis ikan yang didominasi oleh ikan nila dengan persentase berat mencapai 56,45%. Struktur komunitas ikan di perairan waduk Wadaslintang tersusun atas tiga kelompok tingkat trofik yaitu ikan patin, nila, tawes dan nilem mempunyai jenjang trofik terendah (3,5. Kelompok ikan pada tingkat trofik rendah 3.5. Fish group on trophic level < 2.5 levels is very important group in supporting good community structure in Wadaslintang reservoir as a way to sustainability of populaion oh the other groups with higher trophic level.

  9. nGEM fast neutron detectors for beam diagnostics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Croci, G.; Claps, G.; Cavenago, M.; Dalla Palma, M.; Grosso, G.; Murtas, F.; Pasqualotto, R.; Perelli Cippo, E.; Pietropaolo, A.; Rebai, M.; Tardocchi, M.; Tollin, M.; Gorini, G.


    Fast neutron detectors with a sub-millimetric space resolution are required in order to qualify neutron beams in applications related to magnetically-controlled nuclear fusion plasmas and to spallation sources. A nGEM detector has been developed for the CNESM diagnostic system of the SPIDER NBI prototype for ITER and as beam monitor for fast neutrons lines at spallation sources. The nGEM is a triple GEM gaseous detector equipped with polypropylene and polyethylene layers used to convert fast neutrons into recoil protons through the elastic scattering process. This paper describes the results obtained by testing a nGEM detector at the ISIS spallation source on the VESUVIO beam line. Beam profiles (σ x =14.35 mm, σ y =15.75 mm), nGEM counting efficiency (around 10 -4 for 3 MeV n <15 MeV), detector stability (≈4.5%) and the effect of filtering the beam with different type of materials were successfully measured. The x beam profile was compared to the one measured by a single crystal diamond detector. Finally, the efficiency of the detector was simulated exploiting the GEANT4 tool

  10. Pengaruh Growth Opportunity, Liquidity, Profitability, dan Tangibility terhadap Struktur Modal pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia


    Harahap, Artika Hemdi


    Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh komponen growth opportunity, liquidity, profitability, dan tangibility terhadap struktur modal pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh komponen growth opportunity, liquidity, profitability, dan tangibility terhadap struktur modal. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah komponen growth opportunity, liquidity, profitability, d...

  11. Die Entwicklung des Verhaltens bei der Nahrungsaufnahme, der Pflege und dem Spielen bei Kindern im 2. und 3. Lebensjahr in Tageseinrichtungen


    Sporrer, Tobias


    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einem Teil des Dokumentationsbogens der kindlichen Entwicklung, der im Lóczy-Institut in Budapest unter der Leitung der Kinderärztin Emmi Pikler erarbeitet wurde. Mit ihm können außerhäuslich betreute Kinder in ihrer Entwicklung beobachtet und diese dokumentiert werden. Das Ziel ist, differenzierte Aussagen zur Entwicklung der betreuten Kinder machen zu können. Die Normierung des Bogens erfolgte erstmals in den 1960er Jahren in Ungarn. Wir führen in...


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    Ery Diniardi


    Full Text Available Indonesia yang kaya bahan baku untuk industri mempunyai potensi yang besar untuk menghasilkan produk industri lokal satunya adalah polimer. Pemanfaatan polimer mengalami pemanfaatan yang sangat pesat, terutama pada industri otomotif. Polimer dibedakan menjadi 4 macam, menurut sifat masing-masing bahan tersebut, diantaranya adalah thermoplastik, thermoset, elastomer dan thermoplastik elastomer. Dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui mutu dan unsur dari bahan polimer, khususnya pada kipas radiator. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah pengujian tarik, impak dan struktur mikro (identifikasi pada bahan polimer. Hasil uji tarik pada berbagai tingkat temperatur tarik menunjukan perbedaan yang signifikan, namun demikian regangan patah pada temperatur uji 90oC mempunyai nilai jauh lebih besar dibandingkan pada temperatur uji 24oC, demikian halnya dengan hasil uji impak. Hasil indentifikasi struktur mikro bahan tersebut diketahui sebagai polipropilen (PP.

  13. Konzeptionelle Entwicklung innovativer Bremssysteme


    Schwankl, L.


    Im Rahmen des hier vorgestellten Kooperationsprojekts wurden vorhandene elektromagnetische Bremsen nach konstruktionsmethodischen Gesichtspunkten überarbeitet. Nach einer intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit dem bestehenden System wurde unter Anwendung unterschiedlichster Kreativitätstechniken eine große Anzahl von neuen Lösungsvorschlägen erarbeitet und dokumentiert. Bereits in den frühen Phasen der Produktentwicklung wurden die relevanten, produktbestimmenden Eigenschaften mittels einfacher An...

  14. GEMS Revealed: Spectrum Imaging of Aggregate Grains in Interplanetary Dust (United States)

    Keller, L. P.; Messenger, S.; Christoffersen, R.


    Anhydrous interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) of cometary origin contain abundant materials that formed in the early solar nebula. These materials were transported outward and subsequently mixed with molecular cloud materials and presolar grains in the region where comets accreted [1]. GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfides) grains are a major component of these primitive anhydrous IDPs, along with crystalline Mg-rich silicates, Fe-Ni sulfides, carbonaceous material, and other trace phases. Some GEMS grains (5%) are demonstrably presolar based on their oxygen isotopic compositions [2]. However, most GEMS grains are isotopically solar and have bulk chemical compositions that are incompatible with inferred compositions of interstellar dust, suggesting a solar system origin [3]. An alternative hypothesis is that GEMS grains represent highly irradiated interstellar grains whose oxygen isotopic compositions were homogenized through processing in the interstellar medium (ISM) [4]. We have obtained the first quantitative X-ray maps (spectrum images) showing the distribution of major and minor elements in individual GEMS grains. Nanometer-scale chemical maps provide critical data required to evaluate the differing models regarding the origin of GEMS grains.

  15. The GEM Detector projective alignment simulation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wuest, C.R.; Belser, F.C.; Holdener, F.R.; Roeben, M.D.; Paradiso, J.A.; Mitselmakher, G.; Ostapchuk, A.; Pier-Amory, J.


    Precision position knowledge (< 25 microns RMS) of the GEM Detector muon system at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory (SSCL) is an important physics requirement necessary to minimize sagitta error in detecting and tracking high energy muons that are deflected by the magnetic field within the GEM Detector. To validate the concept of the sagitta correction function determined by projective alignment of the muon detectors (Cathode Strip Chambers or CSCs), the basis of the proposed GEM alignment scheme, a facility, called the ''Alignment Test Stand'' (ATS), is being constructed. This system simulates the environment that the CSCs and chamber alignment systems are expected to experience in the GEM Detector, albeit without the 0.8 T magnetic field and radiation environment. The ATS experimental program will allow systematic study and characterization of the projective alignment approach, as well as general mechanical engineering of muon chamber mounting concepts, positioning systems and study of the mechanical behavior of the proposed 6 layer CSCs. The ATS will consist of a stable local coordinate system in which mock-ups of muon chambers (i.e., non-working mechanical analogs, representing the three superlayers of a selected barrel and endcap alignment tower) are implemented, together with a sufficient number of alignment monitors to overdetermine the sagitta correction function, providing a self-consistency check. This paper describes the approach to be used for the alignment of the GEM muon system, the design of the ATS, and the experiments to be conducted using the ATS

  16. Wir überwachen uns. Wie die Sicherheit durch die Digitalisierung immer tiefer in den Alltag eingreift und warum uns das nicht interessiert

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Schinagl


    Full Text Available Der Bereich der Überwachung und Sicherheit unterliegt einer neoliberalen Neuausrichtung. Mit der Entstehung unheiliger Allianzen zwischen Staat und Wirtschaft, gezielter Privatisierung und einer neuen Warenförmigkeit von Sicherheit entgrenzen sich zunehmend auch deren Produktionsprozesse. Das Subjekt wird durch eine Digitalisierung der Alltagswelten zunehmend in die Sicherheitsarbeit mit eingebunden und übernimmt zentrale Aufgaben. Der Mensch, ohne dessen Zutun das digitale Überwachungssystem nicht so gut funktionieren würde, erscheint außerstande und unwillig, sich dieser Entwicklung zu entziehen.

  17. A Cylindrical GEM Detector with Analog Readout for the BESIII Experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cibinetto, G. [BESIII CGEM group, INFN Ferrara (Italy)


    Inner Trackers (IT) are key detectors in Particle Physics experiments; excellent spatial resolution, radiation transparency and hardness, and operability under high occupancies are main requirements. We aim to design, build and commission by 2017 a Cylindrical GEM (CGEM) detector candidate to be the new IT of the BESIII spectrometer, hosted on BEPC2 in IHEP, Beijing; BESIII data taking will last until at least 2020. The IT itself will represent an evolution w.r.t. the state of the art of GEM detectors, since the use of new kind of mechanical supports for the GEM foils will reduce the total radiation length of the detector and improve its tracking performance; an innovative design of the CGEM anode will allow for smaller capacitance and hence for bigger signals. The relatively strong BESIII magnetic field requires a new analogue readout; full custom front-end electronics, including a dedicated ASIC, will be designed and produced for optimal data collection. Prototype Beam Test results showing the measurement of the spatial resolution in a 1 Tesla magnetic field will be presented among with the mechanical design and simulations. (authors)

  18. SINTAP: draft of a unified European failure assessment procedure. An introduction; SINTAP: Entwurf einer vereinheitlichten europaeischen Fehlerbewertungsprozedur. Eine Einfuehrung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zerbst, U.; Kocak, M. [GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstofforschung; Wiesner, C. [The Welding Institute (TWI), Cambridge (United Kingdom). Structural Integrity Dept.; Hodulak, L. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Werkstoffmechanik (IWM), Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)


    Fracture mechanics based flaw assessment concepts are increasingly used in industrial regulations and standards. A considerable number of different guidelines and procedures are available which are partly based on each other but also exhibit significant differences. At this background, the EU sponsored SINTAP, an interdisciplinary Brite Euram project. SINTAP stands for 'Structural Integrity Assessment Procedures for European Industry'. From 1996 to 1999 seventeen organisations from nine European countries participated in the project the aim of which was to unify the available procedures. The present report is an introduction into the content, the structure and the scientific background of the procedure which was generated within SINTAP. (orig.) [German] Bruchmechanische Bewertungskonzepte werden international in zunehmendem Masse Bestandteil industrieller Regelwerke und Fachbereichsstandards. Bereits heute existiert eine Vielzahl derartiger Vorschriften und Rechnerprogramme, die teilweise aufeinander aufbauen, teilweise aber auch signifikante Unterschiede aufweisen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde durch die EU von 1996 bis 1999 SINTAP, ein interdisziplinaeres Brite-Euram-Projekt gefoerdert, dessen Ziel in einer Vereinheitlichung der vorhandenen Ansaetze bestand, und an dem siebzehn Institutionen aus neun europaeischen Laendern beteiligt waren. SINTAP steht fuer 'Structural Integrity Assessment Procedures for European Industry'. Der vorliegende Bericht ist eine Einfuehrung in Inhalt, Struktur und wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund der im Ergebnis des Projektes entstandenen SINTAP-Prozedur. (orig.)

  19. Mycotic aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery after septic embolism; Entwicklung eines mykotischen Aneurysmas der A. mesenterica superior nach septischer Embolie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmidt, F.; Dinkel, H.P. [Institut fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Inselspital, Universitaetsklinik Bern (Switzerland)


    Mycotic aneurysms of the aorta and the visceral arteries are life-threatening diseases, due to potential rupture and organ or limb ischemia. They occur in endocarditis, immunodeficiency, bacteremia and fungemia, and have a poor prognosis.We report on a case of a 54-year-old male patient suffering from abdominal angina after mitral valve replacement for septic mycotic endocarditis. In presence of a mycotic-embolic occlusion of the left popliteal artery and multiple septic organ infarctions a mycotic aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery was found in abdominal spiral-CT.Based on sequential spiral-CT examinations, this case demonstrates the development of a septic aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery. (orig.) [German] Mykotische Aneurysmen der Aorta und ihrer Aeste stellen wegen Rupturgefahr und moeglicher Minderperfusion von Organen und Extremitaeten eine lebensgefaehrliche Erkrankung mit unguenstiger Prognose dar. Beguenstigende Faktoren sind geschwaechte Immunabwehr, Endokarditis, Bakteriaemie und Fungaemie.Wir berichten ueber einen 54-jaehrigen Patienten, der nach einem Mitralklappenersatz bei mykotischer Endokarditis zunehmende abdominelle Beschwerden im Sinne einer Angina abdominalis entwickelte. Die abdominelle Spiralcomputertomographie zeigte ein mykotisches Aneurysma der A. mesenterica superior. Daneben bestanden ein mykotischer Verschluss der linken A. poplitea und multiple septische Organinfarkte.Der Fall demonstriert anhand sequentieller Computertomographien eindrucksvoll die Entwicklung eines septischen Viszeralarterienaneurysmas. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rini Yunita


    Full Text Available Abstract  This article explains about parameter estimation of structural equation model with ordered categorical variable using Bayes method. The basic assumptions of SEM are the data type is continuous, minimum scale is interval, and it has to satisfy the normality assumption. The categorical data is ordinal data which the observation is in discrete form, and to treat the categorical data as normally distributed continuous data is by finding threshold parameter for each categorical data. Bayes method only focuses on individual data by combining sample data and the research data before (prior information, in order to minimize the error rate. Hence, the parameter estimation of structural equation model can be obtained well. In this estimation process, it is done numerically by using Monte Carlo method, i.e. Gibbs Sampling and Metropolis Hasting. Keywords:   Structural Equation Modeling ,categorical data, Threshold, Gibbs Sampling, Metropolis Hasting. Abstrak Dalam artikel ini dijelaskan tentang estimasi parameter dari model persamaan struktural dengan variabel kategorik terurut dengan menggunakan metode Bayes. Asumsi dasar dari SEM adalah  jenis datanya kontinu dan minimal berskala interval serta memenuhi asumsi normalitas. Sementara data kategorik merupakan data ordinal dengan pengamatan dalam bentuk diskrit, untuk dapat memperlakukan data kategorik sebagai data kontinu berdistribusi normal yaitu dengan mencari treshold paramater untuk masing-masing data kategorik. Metode Bayes  hanya berfokus pada data individu dengan menggabungkan antara data sampel dengan data penelitian sebelumnya (informasi prior, dengan tujuan untuk meminimalkan tingkat kesalahan. Sehingga estimasi parameter dari model persamaan struktural dapat dihasilkan dengan baik. Dalam proses estimasi, hal ini dilakukan secara numerik dengan menggunakan metode Monte Carlo, yaitu Gibbs Sampling dan Metropolis Hasting. Kata Kunci:  Model Persamaan Struktural, data kategorik

  1. Game programming gems

    CERN Document Server

    DeLoura, Mark


    For the countless tasks involved in creating a game engine there are an equal number of possible solutions. But instead of spending hours and hours trying to develop your own answers, now you can find out how the pros do it! Game Programming Gems is a hands-on, comprehensive resource packed with a variety of game programming algorithms written by experts from the game industry and edited by Mark DeLoura, former software engineering lead for Nintendo of America, Inc. and now the newly appointed editor-in-chief of Game Developer magazine. From animation and artificial intelligence to Z-buffering, lighting calculations, weather effects, curved surfaces, mutliple layer Internet gaming, to music and sound effects, all of the major techniques needed to develop a competitive game engine are covered. Game Programming Gems is written in a style accessible to individuals with a range of expertise levels. All of the source code for each algorithm is included and can be used by advanced programmers immediately. For aspir...

  2. Reduction of energy consumption and reduction of galvanisation fluid loss by means of innovative galvanisation drums made of novel materials and with novel geomentries. Final report; Senkung des Energieverbrauches und Verringerung der Galvanisierbadverschleppung durch die Entwicklung von innovativen Galvanisiertrommeln aus neuen Werkstoffen mit neuer Geometrie. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tscherwitschke, R.


    The project intended to develop a galvanizing drum with higher efficiency (30 percent) without inducing limitations, either by reducing the exposure time at identical energy consumption or by permitting a higher coating rate at higher energy consumption. Developments during the last 50 years have been unsatisfactory in this field. (orig.) [German] Ziel des Projektes war, eine Galvanisiertrommel zu entwickeln, die ohne sonstige Einschraenkung eine signifikante Leistungssteigerung erbringt, konkret bei gleichem Energie-Einsatz (V x A) die Expositionszeit beim Galvanisierprozess reduziert oder bei gleichem Energie-Einsatz ein groesseres Warenvolumen mit der gleichen Schichtdicke, galvanisch beschichtet. Angestrebte Effizienzsteierung war 30%. In der gleichen Groessenordnung sollte eine Energieeinsparung einhergehen. In den letzten 50 Jahren gab es nur eine Entwicklung in diese Richtung, die sich aus einer Reihe von Gruenden nicht dauerhaft durchgesetzt hat. (orig.)

  3. Zur Sozialgeschichte der Gerechtigkeit in der Neuzeit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koller Peter


    Full Text Available Der Beitrag verfolgt das Ziel, die Entwicklung der Idee der Gerechtigkeit in der Neuzeit im Kontext des sozialen Wandels zu erhellen. Zu diesem Zweck wird nach einer einleitenden Erörterung des dieser Idee zugrundeliegenden Gerechtigkeitsbegriffs (1 zuerst das Projekt einer vertragstheoretischen Begründung einer gerechten staatlichen Ordnung in der frühen Neuzeit vor dem Hintergrund des Herausbildung des modernen Staates behandelt (2. Im Anschluss werden die theoretischen Leitideen und gesellschaftlichen Triebkräfte des Kampfes um bürgerliche Freiheit und demokratische Teilhabe beleuchtet (3, wovon ausgehend dann die Entstehung der heute vorherrschenden Vorstellung von sozialer Gerechtigkeit einer näheren Betrachtung unterzogen wird (4. Der Beitrag endet mit einigen Bemerkungen über die Gerechtigkeitsprobleme der Gegenwart und die künftigen Herausforderungen im Kampf um Gerechtigkeit (5.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nanang Prisandy


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan perbedakan visualisasi atribut dan struktur tubuh pada tokoh Antareja Yogyakarta dengan Surakarta. Sumber data utamanya adalah wayang kulit Antareja Yogyakarta dan Surakarta. hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perbedakan atribut dan struktur tubuh (sanggul, jamang , sumping, garuda mungkur, dewala, ulur-ulur, kelat bahu, gelang tangan, praba, sabuk/paningset, pending , badong, kampuh, uncal wastra, uncal kencana, kunca, seluar terluar, seluar panjang, krocong, muka, mata, mulut, hidung, badan, tangan, kaki pada Antareja Yogyakarta dengan Antareja Surakarta.

  5. GEM - A novel gaseous particle detector

    CERN Document Server

    Meinschad, T


    The work carried out within the framework of this Ph.D. deals with the construction of gaseous prototype detectors using Gas Electron Multiplier electrodes for the amplification of charges released by ionizing particles. The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) is a thin metal-clad polymer foil, etched with a high density of narrow holes, typically 50-100mm-2. On the application of a potential difference between the conductive top and bottom sides each hole acts as independent proportional counter. This new fast device permits to reach large amplification factors at high rates with a strong photon and ion-mediated feedback suppression due to the avalanche confinement in the GEM-holes. Here, in particular studies have been performed, which should prove, that the GEM-technology is applicable for an efficient measurement of single Cherenkov photons. These UV-photons can be detected in different ways. An elegant solution to develop large area RICH-detectors is to evaporate a pad-segmented readout-cathode of a multi-wire...

  6. Gain uniformity experimental study performed on triple-GEM gas detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong Liyuan; Qi Huirong; Lu Xinyu; Ouyang Qun; Chen Yuanbo; Li Yuhong


    With the application of the two-dimensional GEM gaseous detector in X-ray imaging, the correction method of gain uniformity caused by triple-GEM avalanche structures and electric field uniformity should be studied. The paper reported the study of the triple-GEM detector with effective area 100 mm × 100 mm used the Pad's size of 9.5 mm × 9.5 mm. In the test, 100 readout channels were designed. Results showed that gain remained stable over time; at air flow increases, gain from increases obviously to changes very little. Particularly, triple-GEM's gain uniformity was very good (more than 80%) and the range of energy resolution was from 0.18 to 0.2. To improve gain consistency of results, the difference value revised was obtained to be about 0.1 by the least square method. It provided a better method to improve gain uniformity of GEM detector. (authors)

  7. A gravity model for crustal dynamics (GEM-L2) (United States)

    Lerch, F. J.; Klosko, S. M.; Patel, G. B.; Wagner, C. A.


    The Laser Geodynamics Satellite (Lageos) was the first NASA satellite which was placed into orbit exclusively for laser ranging applications. Lageos was designed to permit extremely accurate measurements of the earth's rotation and the movement of the tectonic plates. The Goddard earth model, GEM-L2, was derived mainly on the basis of the precise laser ranging data taken on many satellites. Douglas et al. (1984) have demonstrated the utility of GEM-L2 in detecting the broadest ocean circulations. As Lageos data constitute the most extensive set of satellite laser observations ever collected, the incorporation of 2-1/2 years of these data into the Goddard earth models (GEM) has substantially advanced the geodynamical objectives. The present paper discusses the products of the GEM-L2 solution.

  8. X-Ray Polarimetry with GEMS (United States)

    Strohmayer, Tod


    The polarization properties of cosmic X-ray sources are still largely unexplored. The Gravity and Extreme Magnetism SMEX (GEMS) will carry out the first sensitive X-ray polarization survey of a wide range of sources including; accreting compact objects (black holes and neutron stars), AGN, supernova remnants, magnetars and rotation-powered pulsars. GEMS employs grazing-incidence foil mirrors and novel time-projection chamber (TPC) polarimeters leveraging the photoelectric effect to achieve high polarization sensitivity in the 2 - 10 keV band. I will provide an update of the project status, illustrate the expected performance with several science examples, and provide a brief overview of the data analysis challenges

  9. Erweiterung des QTI-Standards zur Unterstützung von LongMenu-Fragen sowie Abbildung spezifischer Metadaten in QTI 2.1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Holzer, Matthias


    Full Text Available Anlässlich der Entwicklung einer Prüfungsfragendatenbank wird die Erweiterung des wichtigsten standardisierten Austauschformats für Prüfungsfragen (QTI um einen medizinspezifischen Fragentyp (LongMenu sowie die Verschlagwortung von Prüfungsitems mit medizinspezifischen Klassifikationen beschrieben. Zur standardgemäßen Erweiterung für LongMenu-Fragen wurde die Liste der Antwortoptionen in einer eigenen Datei abgelegt und mittels einer Listen-ID und der ID des Begriffes in dieser Liste aus der QTI-Spezifikation referenziert. Zusätzlich wurde eine Klassifikation nach der „Learning Objects Metadata Specification“ (LOM in den Metadatenbereich des QTI-Datensatzes integriert, der eine Beschreibung des Fragetyps, des Fachgebietes und des Organsystems eines Items erlaubt.

  10. Structure of the amplitude equation of the climate; Struktur der Amplitudengleichung des Klimas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hauschild, A. [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Meteorologie


    The structure of the `amplitude equation`, a new dynamic equation on the seasonal time scale is derived, in which the weather scales may be treated statistically. The elsewhere-introduced climate-specific seasonally smoothed amplitudes and phases of the Fourier spectral representation are used as new prognostic variables. For the vorticity it is shown, that the still unsolved problem of the parameterisation of subscale transports may be solved in the `amplitude equation`. The approach could be successful because of the empirically derived statistical properties of the amplitudes (Poisson distribution and ergodicity) and of the phases (equipartition) of sub-planetary waves could be used. They allow a scale separation of weather and climate and lead to a tremendous reduction of the number of the horizontal degree of freedom of the amplitude equation to be between 10{sup 3} and 10{sup 4}. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es wird die Struktur der `Amplitudengleichung`, einer neuen dynamischen Gleichung auf der saisonalen Zeitskala abgeleitet. Anhand analysierter Daten des EZMW wird gezeigt, dass in der `Amplitudengleichung` die explizite Dynamik des Wetters tatsaechlich statistisch behandelt werden kann. Als prognostische Variablen der Gleichung werden die woanders neu eingefuehrten, klimaspezifischen, saisonal geglaetteten Amplituden und Phasen der Fourier-Spektraldarstellung verwendet. Am Beispiel der Vorticity wird gezeigt, dass das bisher ungeloeste Problem der Behandlung der subskaligen Transporte in der `Amplitudengleichung` grundsaetzlich geloest werden kann. Dies gelingt durch Ausnutzung der ebenfalls empirisch abgeleiteten besonderen statistischen Eigenschaften der Amplituden (Poissonverteilung und Ergodizitaet) und Phasen (Gleichverteilung) der subplanetaren Wellen, die eine Skalentrennung von Wetter und Klima ermoeglichen. Dies fuehrt zur erheblichen Reduktion der Zahl der horizontalen Freiheitsgrade der Amplitudengleichung auf 10{sup 3} bis 10{sup 4}. Die Ableitung

  11. Simulation of the dielectric charging-up effect in a GEM detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alfonsi, M.; Croci, G.; Duarte Pinto, S.; Rocco, E.; Ropelewski, L.; Sauli, F.; Veenhof, R.; Villa, M.


    The charging up effect is well-known in detectors containing dielectric materials and it is due to electrons and ions liberated in an avalanche and collected on the dielectric surfaces. In particular in Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) based detectors, charges can be captured by the Kapton that separates top and bottom electrodes. The collection of a substantial number of charges on the dielectric surfaces induces a modification of the field inside the GEM holes that implies important consequences on some fundamental parameters such as the electron transparency and the effective gain. The correct simulation of this effect opens new ways to the detailed study of the processes that happens in a GEM-based detector and gives the possibility to optimise the GEM geometry in order to avoid it. This paper compares results of the measurements and the simulations, with and without the introduction of the charging-up effect, of the GEM electron transparency in the case of a single GEM detector. The introduction of the charging up effect in the simulation resulted to be crucial in order to get the proper agreement with the measurements. The measurements and simulations of the GEM effective gain will be the subject of a future work.

  12. Toward improved guideline quality: using the COGS statement with GEM. (United States)

    Shiffman, Richard N; Michel, Georges


    The Conference on Guideline Standardization (COGS) was convened to create a standardized documentation checklist for clinical practice guidelines in an effort to promote guideline quality and facilitate implementation. The statement was created by a multidisciplinary panel using a rigorous consensus development methodology. The Guideline Elements Model (GEM) provides a standardized approach to representing guideline documents using XML. In this work, we demonstrate the sufficiency of GEM for describing COGS components. Using the mapping between COGS and GEM elements we built an XSLT application to examine a guideline's adherence (or non-adherence) to the COGS checklist. Once a guideline has been marked up according to the GEM hierarchy, its knowledge content can be reused in multiple ways.

  13. Performance of GEM detectors in high intensity particle beams

    CERN Document Server

    Bachmann, S; Ketzer, B; Deutel, M; Ropelewski, Leszek; Sauli, Fabio; Bondar, A E; Buzulutskov, A F; Shekhtman, L I; Sokolov, A; Tatarinov, A A; Vasilev, A; Kappler, S; Schulte, E C


    We describe extensive tests of Double GEM and Triple GEM detectors, including full size prototypes for the COMPASS experiment, exposed to high intensity muon, proton and pion beams at the Paul~Scherrer Institute and at CERN. The measurements aim at detecting problems possible under these operation conditions, the main concern being the occurrence of discharges induced by beam particles. Results on the dependence of the probability for induced discharges on the experimental environment are presented and discussed. Implications for the application of GEM~detectors in experiments at high luminosity colliders are illustrated.

  14. Summer Student Project: GEM Simulation and Gas Mixture Characterization

    CERN Document Server

    Oviedo Perhavec, Juan Felipe


    Abstract This project is a numerical simulation approach to Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors design. GEMs are a type of gaseous ionization detector that have proposed as an upgrade for CMS muon endcap. The main advantages of this technology are high spatial and time resolution and outstanding aging resistance. In this context, fundamental physical behavior of a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) is analyzed using ANSYS and Garfield++ software coupling. Essential electron transport properties for several gas mixtures were computed as a function of varying electric and magnetic field using Garfield++ and Magboltz.

  15. Struktur und Entwicklung des Immunsystems der Hühnerlunge


    Zengerling, Grammatia


    Comparatively little is known about the structure and development of the lung associated immune system in the chicken, despite its important role in the defence numerous infectious diseases. In this study lung samples were obtained from line M11 leghorn chickens on days 1, 3 and 7 after hatch and of 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 13 weeks old birds for immunohistological, scanning as well as transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Monclonal antibodies reactive with T-cells (CD3, CD4, CD8), B cells (BU-1),...

  16. Ein (erneuter) Versuch, modernen Ungleichheitsstrukturen auf die Spur zu kommen An(other) Attempt at Getting at the Core of Modern Structures of Inequality


    Irene Dölling


    Die Verschränkung zweier Ungleichheitsstrukturen – der ‚klassischen‘ Sozialstruktur und der Struktur der Geschlechterverhältnisse – ist für die Autorin eine Ursache dafür, dass seit Einführung der Marktwirtschaft ostdeutsche Frauen massiv vom Arbeitsmarkt verdrängt werden. Aufbauend auf Grundannahmen über die Entstehung moderner Ungleichheitsstrukturen vergleicht Schäfgen die Entwicklung von Sozialstruktur und Geschlechterverhältnissen der BRD und der DDR, die sie beide als moderne Gesellscha...

  17. Possible Gems and Ultra-Fine Grained Polyphase Units in Comet Wild 2. (United States)

    Gainsforth, Z.; Butterworth, A. L.; Jilly-Rehak, C. E.; Westphal, A. J.; Brownlee, D. E.; Joswiak, D.; Ogliore, R. C.; Zolensky, M. E.; Bechtel, H. A.; Ebel, D. S.; hide


    GEMS and ultrafine grained polyphase units (UFG-PU) in anhydrous IDPs are probably some of the most primitive materials in the solar system. UFG-PUs contain nanocrystalline silicates, oxides, metals and sulfides. GEMS are rounded approximately 100 nm across amorphous silicates containing embedded iron-nickel metal grains and sulfides. GEMS are one of the most abundant constituents in some anhydrous CPIDPs, often accounting for half the material or more. When NASA's Stardust mission returned with samples from comet Wild 2 in 2006, it was thought that UFG-PUs and GEMS would be among the most abundant materials found. However, possibly because of heating during the capture process in aerogel, neither GEMS nor UFG-PUs have been clearly found.

  18. The Mitochondrial GTPase Gem1 Contributes to the Cell Wall Stress Response and Invasive Growth of Candida albicans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara Koch


    Full Text Available The interactions of mitochondria with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER are crucial for maintaining proper mitochondrial morphology, function and dynamics. This enables cells to utilize their mitochondria optimally for energy production and anabolism, and it further provides for metabolic control over developmental decisions. In fungi, a key mechanism by which ER and mitochondria interact is via a membrane tether, the protein complex ERMES (ER-Mitochondria Encounter Structure. In the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the mitochondrial GTPase Gem1 interacts with ERMES, and it has been proposed to regulate its activity. Here we report on the first characterization of Gem1 in a human fungal pathogen. We show that in Candida albicans Gem1 has a dominant role in ensuring proper mitochondrial morphology, and our data is consistent with Gem1 working with ERMES in this role. Mitochondrial respiration and steady state cellular phospholipid homeostasis are not impacted by inactivation of GEM1 in C. albicans. There are two major virulence-related consequences of disrupting mitochondrial morphology by GEM1 inactivation: C. albicans becomes hypersusceptible to cell wall stress, and is unable to grow invasively. In the gem1Δ/Δ mutant, it is specifically the invasive capacity of hyphae that is compromised, not the ability to transition from yeast to hyphal morphology, and this phenotype is shared with ERMES mutants. As a consequence of the hyphal invasion defect, the gem1Δ/Δ mutant is drastically hypovirulent in the worm infection model. Activation of the mitogen activated protein (MAP kinase Cek1 is reduced in the gem1Δ/Δ mutant, and this function could explain both the susceptibility to cell wall stress and lack of invasive growth. This result establishes a new, respiration-independent mechanism of mitochondrial control over stress signaling and hyphal functions in C. albicans. We propose that ER-mitochondria interactions and the ER

  19. The Mitochondrial GTPase Gem1 Contributes to the Cell Wall Stress Response and Invasive Growth of Candida albicans. (United States)

    Koch, Barbara; Tucey, Timothy M; Lo, Tricia L; Novakovic, Stevan; Boag, Peter; Traven, Ana


    The interactions of mitochondria with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are crucial for maintaining proper mitochondrial morphology, function and dynamics. This enables cells to utilize their mitochondria optimally for energy production and anabolism, and it further provides for metabolic control over developmental decisions. In fungi, a key mechanism by which ER and mitochondria interact is via a membrane tether, the protein complex ERMES (ER-Mitochondria Encounter Structure). In the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae , the mitochondrial GTPase Gem1 interacts with ERMES, and it has been proposed to regulate its activity. Here we report on the first characterization of Gem1 in a human fungal pathogen. We show that in Candida albicans Gem1 has a dominant role in ensuring proper mitochondrial morphology, and our data is consistent with Gem1 working with ERMES in this role. Mitochondrial respiration and steady state cellular phospholipid homeostasis are not impacted by inactivation of GEM1 in C. albicans . There are two major virulence-related consequences of disrupting mitochondrial morphology by GEM1 inactivation: C. albicans becomes hypersusceptible to cell wall stress, and is unable to grow invasively. In the gem1 Δ / Δ mutant, it is specifically the invasive capacity of hyphae that is compromised, not the ability to transition from yeast to hyphal morphology, and this phenotype is shared with ERMES mutants. As a consequence of the hyphal invasion defect, the gem1 Δ / Δ mutant is drastically hypovirulent in the worm infection model. Activation of the mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase Cek1 is reduced in the gem1 Δ / Δ mutant, and this function could explain both the susceptibility to cell wall stress and lack of invasive growth. This result establishes a new, respiration-independent mechanism of mitochondrial control over stress signaling and hyphal functions in C. albicans . We propose that ER-mitochondria interactions and the ER-Mitochondria Organizing

  20. Investigations of the long-term stability of a GEM-TPC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fedorchuk, Oleksiy [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg (Germany); Universitaet Hamburg, Institut fuer Experimentalphysik, Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg (Germany); Collaboration: LCTPC-Deutschland-Collaboration


    For the International Large Detector (ILD) at the planned International Linear Collider (ILC) a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is foreseen as the main tracking detector. The gas amplification will be done by Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD). One option is to use Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM).While the applicability of GEMs for the gas amplification in a TPC readout has been shown, the focus of the current research is to improve the high voltage stability and reliability of the readout modules. This is a crucial requirement for the operation in the final ILD TPC. The main focus of the research presented in this talk is on studies of the discharge stability and operational features of large area 22 x 18 cm{sup 2} GEM foils. We present systematic studies of the stability of GEM foils under different operation conditions. These studies include measurements and calculations of the dynamic behavior of charges in the GEM foils after a trip. The results will be used to develop methods to avoid destructive discharges in the final readout module.

  1. Development and testing of redundant optical fiber sensing systems with self-control, for underground nuclear waste disposal site monitoring. Vol. 1: Summary and evaluation. Final report; Entwicklung und Erprobung redundanter faseroptischer Messsysteme mit Selbstkontrolle zur Endlagerueberwachung. Bd. 1: Zusammenfassung und Auswertung. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jobmann, M.; Fischer, S.; Voet, M.


    Fiber optic sensors have been developed or further developed, for specific tasks of the research project reported, as for instance detecting and signalling changes of geophysical or geochemical parameters in underground waste storage sites which are of relevance to operating safety. Such changes include e.g. materials dislocations, extensions, temperatures, humidity, pH value and presence of gaseous carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The measuring principle chosen is the fiber Bragg Grating method, as a particularly versatile method easy to integrate into fiber optic networks. After development and successful lab-scale testing of all sensors, except for the gas sensors, field test systems have been made for underground applications and have been tested in situ in the experimental Konrad mine of DBE. Most of the problems discovered with these tests could be resolved wihtin the given project period, so that finally field-test proven sensing systems are available for further activities. The report explains the system performance with a concrete example which shows inter alia beneficial aspects of the system with respect to on-site operation, and the potentials offered in establishing more direct connections between numerical safety analyses and measured results. (orig./CB) [German] Im Rahmen dieses Forschungsprojektes wurden faseroptische Sensoren entwickelt bzw. weiterentwickelt, die in der Lage sind, Veraenderungen relevanter geophysikalischer und geochemischer Groessen im Bereich der Grubenraeume zu signalisieren, die zu einer Gefaehrdung der Betriebssicherheit fuehren koennten. Im einzelnen sind dies Verschiebungen, Dehnungen, Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit, pH-Werte und Gasgehalte an Kohlendioxid und Wasserstoff. Als Messprinzip wurde aus den moeglichen optischen Verfahren das 'Bragg-Gitter' Prinzip zur Entwicklung gewaehlt, da es besonders vielseitig ist und sich gut in groessere optische Netzwerke integrieren laesst. Nach Entwicklung und erfolgreichem Test der

  2. Irradiation study on GEM IPC preamp/shaper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kandasamy, A.


    The Preamplifier/Shaper Integrated Circuit for the GEM Interpolating Pad Chamber (IPC), designed by Paul. O'Connor, Brookhaven National Laboratory is for amplifying the charge signal from the Pad cathodes into a voltage pulse which goes to the Analog Random Access Memory (ARAM) integrated circuit. The GEM IPC integrated circuit has a SemiGaussian voltage pulse output with a 30ns shaping time. The integrated circuits were fabricated using Harris Semiconductors AVLSI1-RA process in-order for the electronics on the wafer to survive up to 2 mad of ionizing radiation during its operation life time. The details of the electronics on the GEM IPC integrated circuits is explained in the design memorandum by Paul. O'Connor. The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of the electronics on this IC fabricated using the above process to withstand ionizing radiation up to the above mentioned dose level

  3. Analisis Keandalan Struktur Padeye Berdasarkan Konfigurasi Rigging pada Lifting Upper Deck Modul Modec dengan Pendekatan Dinamik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iqbal Gayuh Raharjaning Mukti Sumarsono


    Full Text Available Di dalam perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang fabrikasi, lifting merupakan salah satu tahapan terpenting dalam membangun bangunan lepas pantai sehingga diperlukan perhitungan dan analisis tambahan untuk memperhatikan apakah struktur tersebut aman ataupun tidak. Sekenario lifting berdasarkan konfigurasi rigging dapat dibuat untuk menentukan rigging equipment yang tepat. Pada kasus ini, struktur yang di-lifting adalah struktur upper deck dari modul MODEC yang dikerjakan oleh PT. GPS Batam. Deck ini memiliki panjang sekitar 19,5 m dan lebar 9 m. Berat total struktur dengan equipment sebesar 55 ton. Konfigurasi rigging yang akan digunakan ada tiga, yaitu Model A (tanpa spreader bar, Model B (satu spreader bar, dan Model C (dua spreader bar. Dari ketiga konfigurasi tersebut akan diperoleh dimensi padeye yang berbeda- beda. Model A, Model B, dan Model C memiliki diameter hole padeye masing-masing sebesar 74 mm, 65 mm, dan 52 mm. Tegangan dan UC tertinggi sama- sama terjadi pada Model A sebesar 17625,99 psi dan untuk UC sebesar 0,52. Tetapi hal ini berbanding terbalik apabila ditinjau dari daerah lubang. Tegangan ataupun UC yang lebih tinggi jatuh pada Model C yang menggunakan dua spreader bar sebesar 13936,58 psi dan nilai UC sebesar 0,45. Tegangan yang terjadi di attachments maupun sekitar hole dijadikan variabel dalam mencari keandalan yang terjadi pada tiap padeye dengan metode Mean value first order second moment (MVFOSM. Sehingga didapatkan Probality of Failure (PoF pada attachments padeye pada Model A, B, dan C masing- masing sebesar 0,126%, 0,064 %, dan 0,0001 %. Sedangkan PoF pada hole padeye sebesar 0,062% untuk Model A, 0,10 % untuk Model B, dan 0,23% untuk Model C.

  4. GEM applications outside high energy physics

    CERN Document Server

    Duarte Pinto, Serge


    From its invention in 1997, the Gas Electron Multiplier has been applied in nuclear and high energy physics experiments. Over time however, other applications have also exploited the favorable properties of GEMs. The use of GEMs in these applications will be explained in principle and practice. This paper reviews applications in research, beam instrumentation and homeland security. The detectors described measure neutral radiations such as photons, x-rays, gamma rays and neutrons, as well as all kinds of charged radiation. This paper provides an overview of the still expanding range of possibilities of this versatile detector concept.

  5. Politische Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und das Konzept des Globalen Lernens


    Brunold, Andreas (Prof.)


    Politische Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und das Konzept des Globalen Lernens. - In: Standortbestimmung Politische Bildung / Heinrich Oberreuter (Hrsg.). - Schwalbach/Ts. : Wochenschau-Verl., 2009. - S. 307-333. - (Tutzinger Schriften zur politischen Bildung)

  6. GEM-based gaseous photomultipliers for UV and visible photon imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moermann, D.; Balcerzyk, M.; Breskin, A.; Chechik, R.; Singh, B.K.; Buzulutskov, A.


    We present the current status of our research on GEM-based gaseous photomultipliers. Detectors combining multi-GEM electron multipliers with semi-transparent and reflective photocathodes are discussed. We present recent progress in extending the sensitivity of these detectors into the visible range. We demonstrate the long-term stability of an argon-sealed bi-alkali photo-diode and provide preliminary results of a gas-sealed Kapton-GEM detector with a bi-alkali photocathode. The problem of ion-induced secondary electron emission is addressed

  7. Gas electron multiplier (GEM) operation with tissue-equivalent gases at various pressures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farahmand, M.; Bos, A.J.J.; Eijk, C.W.E. van


    We have studied the operation of two different Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) structures in both methane and propane based Tissue-Equivalent (TE) gases at different pressures varying from 0.1 to 1 atm. This work was motivated to explore the possibility of using a GEM for a new type of Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter. In methane based TE gas, a maximum safe GEM gain of 1.5x10 3 has been reached while in propane based TE gas this is 6x10 3 . These maxima have been reached at different gas pressures depending on GEM structure and TE gas. Furthermore, we observed a decrease of the GEM gain in time before it becomes stable. Charge up/polarisation effects can explain this

  8. Fine-pitch glass GEM for high-resolution X-ray imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujiwara, T.; Toyokawa, H.; Mitsuya, Y.


    We have developed a fine-pitch glass gas electron multiplier (G-GEM) for high-resolution X-ray imaging. The fine-pitch G-GEM is made of a 400 μm thick photo-etchable glass substrate with 150 μm pitch holes. It is fabricated using the same wet etching technique as that for the standard G-GEM. In this work, we present the experimental results obtained with a single fine-pitch G-GEM with a 50 × 50 mm 2 effective area. We recorded an energy resolution of 16.2% and gas gain up to 5,500 when the detector was irradiated with 5.9 keV X-rays. We present a 50 × 50 mm 2 X-ray radiograph image acquired with a scintillation gas and optical readout system.

  9. Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer NMR-Methoden: Orientierungsmedien zur Strukturbestimmung mit anisotropen Parametern und Metabonomics


    Büchler, Silke


    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Orientierungsmedien zur Strukturbestimmung mit anisotropen Parametern, sowie die Etablierung von Metabonomics-Studien an Flüssigzellkulturen und Reispflanzen.

  10. ASS-induzierte Asthmaanfälle nach ASS-Desaktivierung - Fallbericht einer seltenen Komplikation


    Doktorowski, S; Creutz, P; Förster-Ruhrmann, U; Olze, H


    Einleitung: Patienten mit einer nasalen Polyposis (NP), einem Asthma und einer ASS-Intoleranz sind häufig durch schwere Krankheitsverläufe gekennzeichnet. Die ASS-Desaktivierung ist eine Therapieoption mit günstigen Effekten auf rhinitische und pulmonale Beschwerden.Methoden: Vorstellung eines ungewöhnlichen Verlaufs eines Patienten nach ASS-Desaktivierung. Ergebnisse: Ein männlicher 34-jähriger Patient mit einer ASS-Trias (NP-Grad 2., FEV-1 94,7%, Ø Peakflow 470 l/Min) erhielt stationär p...

  11. High-resolution laser-projection display system using a grating electromechanical system (GEMS) (United States)

    Brazas, John C.; Kowarz, Marek W.


    Eastman Kodak Company has developed a diffractive-MEMS spatial-light modulator for use in printing and display applications, the grating electromechanical system (GEMS). This modulator contains a linear array of pixels capable of high-speed digital operation, high optical contrast, and good efficiency. The device operation is based on deflection of electromechanical ribbons suspended above a silicon substrate by a series of intermediate supports. When electrostatically actuated, the ribbons conform to the supporting substructure to produce a surface-relief phase grating over a wide active region. The device is designed to be binary, switching between a reflective mirror state having suspended ribbons and a diffractive grating state having ribbons in contact with substrate features. Switching times of less than 50 nanoseconds with sub-nanosecond jitter are made possible by reliable contact-mode operation. The GEMS device can be used as a high-speed digital-optical modulator for a laser-projection display system by collecting the diffracted orders and taking advantage of the low jitter. A color channel is created using a linear array of individually addressable GEMS pixels. A two-dimensional image is produced by sweeping the line image of the array, created by the projection optics, across the display screen. Gray levels in the image are formed using pulse-width modulation (PWM). A high-resolution projection display was developed using three 1080-pixel devices illuminated by red, green, and blue laser-color primaries. The result is an HDTV-format display capable of producing stunning still and motion images with very wide color gamut.

  12. Use of aluminium plates to simulate the dosimetry of gems during e-beam irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fortes, Marcio Z.; Sousa, Fernando N.C. de; Boente, Otavio C., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Aceletron Irradiacao Industrial, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Sousa, Nuno R.A., E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Mecanica


    The e-beam technology is used in the industrial irradiation of several products like turf, sterilization of medical products, cosmetics, polymers, food, and gems. More than 70% of the gems commercialized in the world receive treatments similar to those present in nature, including heat, and irradiation, in order to improve their value. Since aluminum has a density similar to that of several commercial gems, this paper presents a study of the penetration of electrons in calibrated aluminum plates simulating several different thicknesses ranging from 5 to 30 mm, and comparing with the one obtained in gems. This allows the monitoring of the dose received by gems during irradiation with e-beam systems measuring the delivered surface dose. This procedure is very important for industrial processing of stones due to the irregularities present on most gems, what makes dosimetry a very complex task. The determination of the thicknesses of the gems for which the surface dose is the lowest dose on the whole product assures the precise determination of the minimum dose received by the gems during industrial processing. (author)

  13. United Nations conference of environment and development, held at Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. Documents. Agenda 21; Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen fuer Umwelt und Entwicklung im Juni 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. Dokumente. Agenda 21

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With the translation of Agenda 21 all the documents released in connection with the United Nations Conference of Environment and Development (UNCED) at Rio de Janeiro (June 1992) have now been made generally available also in the German language. Agenda 21, which in 40 chapters discusses the basic political platforms of environment-oriented sustainable development, is an action programme for the 21st century adopted at Rio by more than 170 states. The action programme contains detailed instructions as to the practices to be abandoned to prevent any further deteriorations as well as strategies to be adopted to gradually relieve the situation and to ensure a reasonable and sustainable exploitation of our natural resources. One important approach to this goal is that environmental issues are considered within a global context, thus being a prominent factor in all political spheres. The rules set up in this action programme are applicable to industrial and developing countries alike. It offers - in broad outline - prescriptions for the combatting poverty, control of overpopulation, reconciliation of commercial and environmental interests, disposal of refuse and chemicals, for climate, energy and agricultural policies as well as the ways in which industrial and developing countries could cooperate both financially and in terms of shared technologies. The bilateral and multilateral development policies of the Federal Government are largely based on Agende 21. (orig./HP) [Deutsch] Mit der Uebersetzung der Agenda 21 sind nunmehr alle Dokumente der Konferenz fuer Umwelt und Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro (June 1992) auch in deutscher Sprache der Oeffenlichkeit zugaenglich. Die Agenda 21, die mit ihren 40 Kapiteln alle wesentlichen Politikbereiche einer umweltvertraeglichen, nachhaltigen Entwicklung anspricht, ist das in Rio von mehr als 170 Staaten verabschiedete Aktionsprogramm fuer das 21. Jahrhundert. Mit diesem Aktionsprogramm werden

  14. Lokālo aizguvumu nozīmju attīstības tendences Ziemeļrietumvidzemes izloksnēs (Baltijas somu valodu aizguvumi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elga Kagaine


    Full Text Available TENDENZEN DER BEDEUTUNGSENTWICKLUNG VON LOKALEN ENTLEHNUNGEN IN DEN MUNDARTEN NORDWESTLIVLANDS (Entlehnungen aus den ostseefinnischen Sprachen Zusammenfassung Bei den meisten lokalen Entlehnungen ist nach ihrem Eintritt und Adaptierung in der Rede der Mundartträger auch eine Weiterentwicklung der semantischen Struktur zu beobachten. Die Bedeutungserweiterung und Bildung sekundärer Bedeutungen trifft man bei in einem relativ breiterem Areal gebräuchlichen Entlehnungen, zumeist solchen, wo auch die Entlehnungsquelle ein polysemisches bzw. zur Polysemie tendiertes Wort ist. Die Bedeutungsentwicklung ist sowohl mit den allgemeinen Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Entwicklung von Polysemie (z.B., mit Bedeutungsübertragung: koska ‚(verdorrte Baumrinde; abgerissene Tannenrinde’ -> ‚Schale von Beeren und Hülsenfrüchten; Kornschale’ -> ‚vertrocknete Schicht auf der Oberfläche eines Stoffes; Kruste; Schorf’ -> ‚Haut (des Tieres’; topsis ‚kleines, auch altes Gefäß (aus Blech, Ton oder einem anderen Stoff’ -> ‚ein Gericht – Klumpen aus Erbsen und Hanf’ -> ‚ein Gewächs’ -> ‚dicker, stämmiger Mensch’ und der Einfügung von Wörtern in die Entwicklungsmodelle der semantischen Struktur, welche in der Entlehnersprache vorhanden sind, als auch mit Aktualisierung der konnotativen Elemente verbunden, derzufolge die entlehnten Lexeme emotional-expressive Färbung oder eine Gebrauchseinschränkung erfahren (z. B. magāt ‚schlafen’ -humorvolle bzw. ironische Färbung oder aber Gebrauch in Konversation mit Kindern. Bei Charakterisierung der semantischen Entwicklung von lokalen Entlehnungen soll auch der Umstand beachtet werden, daß diese Entwicklung der Spezifik der mündlichen Kommunikationsform ausgesetzt und mit Eigenartigkeiten der individuellen Auffassung und Äußerung der Mundartträger sowie verschiedenen extralinguistischen Umständen verbunden ist. Demzufolge können auch die semantischen Grenzen der Entlehnungen ungef

  15. Evaluation of ozone profile and tropospheric ozone retrievals from GEMS and OMI spectra

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Bak


    Full Text Available South Korea is planning to launch the GEMS (Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer instrument into the GeoKOMPSAT (Geostationary Korea Multi-Purpose SATellite platform in 2018 to monitor tropospheric air pollutants on an hourly basis over East Asia. GEMS will measure backscattered UV radiances covering the 300–500 nm wavelength range with a spectral resolution of 0.6 nm. The main objective of this study is to evaluate ozone profiles and stratospheric column ozone amounts retrieved from simulated GEMS measurements. Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI Level 1B radiances, which have the spectral range 270–500 nm at spectral resolution of 0.42–0.63 nm, are used to simulate the GEMS radiances. An optimal estimation-based ozone profile algorithm is used to retrieve ozone profiles from simulated GEMS radiances. Firstly, we compare the retrieval characteristics (including averaging kernels, degrees of freedom for signal, and retrieval error derived from the 270–330 nm (OMI and 300–330 nm (GEMS wavelength ranges. This comparison shows that the effect of not using measurements below 300 nm on retrieval characteristics in the troposphere is insignificant. However, the stratospheric ozone information in terms of DFS decreases greatly from OMI to GEMS, by a factor of ∼2. The number of the independent pieces of information available from GEMS measurements is estimated to 3 on average in the stratosphere, with associated retrieval errors of ~1% in stratospheric column ozone. The difference between OMI and GEMS retrieval characteristics is apparent for retrieving ozone layers above ~20 km, with a reduction in the sensitivity and an increase in the retrieval errors for GEMS. We further investigate whether GEMS can resolve the stratospheric ozone variation observed from high vertical resolution Earth Observing System (EOS Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS. The differences in stratospheric ozone profiles between GEMS and MLS are comparable to those

  16. M.C. simulation of GEM neutron beam monitor with 10B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yanfeng; Sun Zhijia; Liu Ben; Zhou Jianrong; Yang Guian; Dong Jing; Xu Hong; Zhou Liang; Huang Guangming; Yang Lei; Li Yi


    The neutron beam monitor based on GEM detector has been carefully studied with the Monte-Carlo method in this article. The simulation framework is including the ANSYS and the Garfield, which was used to compute the electric field of GEM foils and simulate the movement of electrons in gas mixture respectively. The GEM foils' focus and extract coefficients have been obtained. According to the primary results, the performing of the monitor is improved. (authors)

  17. Online measurement of nitrification inhibitors in sewage received by an industrial sewage treatment plant. Development of a nitrification toximeter; Online-Messung nitrifikationshemmender Stoffe im Zulauf einer Industrieklaeranlage - Entwicklung eines Nitrifikationstoximeters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haid, M. [BASF AG, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Germany)


    At an industrial sewage treatment plant, the ammonium freight in the effluent is to be further reduced in the future through nitrification. But constantly low effluent concentrations are only possible if the nitrification process is not inhibited. Bouts of critical concentrations of nitrification inhibitors in sewage received by treatment plant are potentially disturbing. Online measurement of nitrification inhibitors in sewage arriving at the treatment plant is to recognize such bouts and permit timely alert so that counter-measures can be taken, which may consist in routing sewage with such toxic concentrations into a storage basin, whereby a sharp slump in the nitrification process can be avoided. (orig.) [German] In einer Industrieklaeranlage soll kuenftig durch Nitrifikation die Ammoniumfracht im Auslauf weiter gesenkt werden. Konstant niedrige Ablaufwerte sind aber nur dann moeglich, wenn der Nitrifikationsprozess ungestoert ablaufen kann. Stoesse nitrifikationshemmender Stoffe in kritischen Konzentrationen im Zulauf zur Klaeranlage sind eine moegliche Stoergroesse. Mit Hilfe einer Online-Nitrifikationshemmmessung im Klaeranlagenzulauf sollen solche Stoesse erkannt und rechtzeitig alarmiert werden, damit Gegenmassnahmen, wie z.B. das Auffangen des toxischen Stosses durch eine Sicherheitsschaltung in einem Speicherbecken, eingeleitet und so signifikante Einbrueche des Nitrifikationsprozesses vermieden werden koennen. (orig.)

  18. Pengaruh Struktur Audit, Konflik Peran, dan Ketidakjelasan Peran terhadap Kinerja Auditor


    Hanif, Rheny Afriana


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan memperoleh bukti empiris mengenaipengaruh struktur audit, konflik peran, dan ketidakjelasan peran terhadap kinerjaauditor.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jawa Timur dengan responden auditor yang bekerjapada Kantor Akuntan Publik Jawa Timur sesuai dengan Directory KantorAkuntan Publik yang dikeluarkan oleh IAI. Pengambilan sample dilakukandengan tehnik proportionate stratified random sampling yang didasarkan padadua strata yaitu partner dan staf audit. Pe...

  19. Continuous health monitoring of Graphite Epoxy Motorcases (GEM) (United States)

    Finlayson, Richard D.; Schaafsma, David T.; Shen, H. Warren; Carlos, Mark F.; Miller, Ronnie K.; Shepherd, Brent


    Following the explosion of Delta 241 (IIR-1) on January 17th, 1997, the failure investigation board concluded that the Graphite Epoxy Motorcases (GEM's) should be inspected for damage just prior to launch. Subsequent investigations and feedback from industry led to an Aerospace Corporation proposal to instrument the entire fleet of GEM's with a continuous health monitoring system. The period of monitoring would extend from the initial acceptance testing through final erection on the launch pad. As this proposal demonstrates, (along with the increasing use of advanced composite materials in aircraft, automobiles, military hardware, and aerospace components such as rocket motorcases) a sizable need for composite health assessment measures exist. Particularly where continuous monitoring is required for the detection of damage from impacts and other sources of high mechanical and thermal stresses. Even low-momentum impacts can lead to barely visible impact damage (BVID), corresponding to a significant weakening of the composite. This damage, undetectable by visual inspection, can in turn lead to sudden and catastrophic failure when the material is subjected to a normal operating load. There is perhaps no system with as much potential for truly catastrophic failure as a rocket motor. We will present an update on our ongoing efforts with the United States Air Force Delta II Program Office, and The Aerospace Corporation. This will cover the development of a local, portable, surface-mounted, fiberoptic sensor based impact damage monitor designed to operate on a Delta II GEM during transport, storage, and handling. This system is designed to continuously monitor the GEMs, to communicate wirelessly with base stations and maintenance personnel, to operate autonomously for extended periods, and to fit unobtrusively on the GEM itself.

  20. Reactivity worth of gas expansion modules (GEMs) in the fast flux test facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, L.R.; Nelson, J.V.; Burke, T.M.; Rawlins, J.A.; Daughtry, J.W.; Bennett, R.A.


    A new passive shutdown device called a gas expansion module (GEM) has been developed at Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory to insert negative reactivity during a primary system loss of flow in a liquid-metal reactor (LMR). A GEM is a hollow removable core component which is sealed at the top and open at the bottom. An argon gas bubble trapped inside the assembly expands when core inlet pressure decreases (caused by a flow reduction) and expels sodium from the assembly. The GEMs are designed so that the level of the liquid-sodium primary system coolant within a GEM is above the top of the core when the primary pumps are operating at full flow and is below the bottom of the core when the primary pumps are off. When a GEM is placed at the boundary of the core and radial reflector, the drop in sodium level increases core neutron leakage and inserts negative reactivity. The results of these measurements confirm the effectiveness of GEMs in adding negative reactivity in loss-of-flow situations. It follows, therefore, that the inherent safety of LMRs, comparable in size to the FFTF, can be enhanced by the use of GEMs

  1. Development of single mask GEM foils in India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pant, L.M.; Mohanty, A.K.; Pinto, O.J.; Gadhadharan, S.; Menon, Pradeep; Sharma, Archana; Oliveira, Rui De; )


    There are various techniques available around the globe for making punch through holes for Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGDs), such as Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs). The GEM foils consists of 5 μm of Cu clad on both the sides of 50 μm polymide (PMMA/kapton) (5/50/5). At present these foils are developed in South Korea without having any adhesive between the Cu and polymide. The available techniques range from chemical etching, reactive plasma etching and laser etching. However, for GEM detectors, having an active area upto 5000 cm 2 , the chemical etching process using a Single Mask has been developed at CERN which is faster from the viewpoint of mass production of such foils for the upgrades which are foreseen in a couple of years with the Large Hadron Collider facility at CERN

  2. The current status of the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) research at Kasetsart University, Thailand (United States)

    Kumpiranon, P.; Kulasri, K.; Rittirong, A.; Saenboonruang, K.


    During the past decade, Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors have been greatly developed and utilized in numbers of applications including advanced nuclear and particle researches, medical imaging, astrophysics, and neutron detection for national security. Our GEM research group at the Department of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Thailand, realized in its excellent properties/potentials and started extensive researches on GEM detectors. To build a strong foundation on our research group, two 10 cm × 10 cm triple GEM detectors were characterized on their important properties including absolute gains and detection uniformity. Moreover, to widen applications of the GEM detector, our group had modified the GEM detector by introducing either solid or gaseous neutron converters to the detector so that the detector could effectively detect neutrons. These modifications included coating a thin film of 10B and natB to the GEM drift cathode for thermal neutron detection and flowing a gas mixture of He/CO2 (80:20 and 70:30) and C4H10/He/CO2 (7:70:23) for fast neutron detection. Results showed that the modified GEM-based neutron detector could detect both types of neutrons with different relative efficiencies and gains depending on thicknesses and types of neutron converters. This article discusses basic knowledge of the GEM detector, construction and testing procedures, results, and discussion.

  3. Struktur, Fungsi, dan Makna Talempong Bundo dalam Upacara Maanta Padi Saratuih

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilma Sriwulan


    Full Text Available Talempong bundo adalah istilah untuk permainan musik talempong oleh sekelompok musisiperempuan di Nagari Singkarak Minangkabau. Permainan musik ini hanya dipertunjukkan dalamupacara maanta padi saratuih, yaitu upacara persembahan hasil panen yang dilakukan oleh perempuanperempuandari pihak induak bako dalam rangkaian tradisi perkawinan anak pisangnya. Dalam upacaraini induak bako menjemput anak pisang, membawanya ke rumah bako, kemudian mengantarkankembali dengan arak-arakan maanta padi saratuih. Talempong bundo merupakan satu-satunya musikprosesi yang dihadirkan dalam upacara itu, dan hingga saat ini kehadirannya masih dijunjung tinggioleh masyarakat setempat. Fokus dari tulisan ini menjelaskan latar belakang kehadiran talempong bundodi dalam upacara maanta padi saratuih, melacak dan menjelaskan struktur talempong bundo dan relasiantar struktur secara fungsional, dan kemudian menjelaskan makna talempong bundo dalam upacaratersebut. Melalui teori fungsionalisme struktural A.R. Radcliffe-Brown dibantu dengan teori simbolVictor Turner diperoleh pemahaman bahwa prosesi arak-arakan maanta padi saratuih yang didukungoleh bunyi-bunyian talempong bundo mengumandangkan kepada masyarakat bahwa eksistensi pihakinduak bako masih fenomenal di daerah tersebut. Talempong bundo merupakan simbol eksistensipihak induak bako dalam konteks legitimasi terhadap anak pisangnya. Keberadaan talempong bundodalam upacara maanta padi saratuih merupakan representasi sistem matrilineal dalam masyarakatMinangkabau di Nagari Singkarak The Structure, Function, and Meaning of Talempong Bundo in the Ceremony of MaantaPadi Saratuih. Talempong bundo is a term that is used for music performace of talempong by some femalemusicians in Nagari Singkarak, Minangkabau. The music is typically performed only in the ceremony ofmaanta padi saratuih, namely an offering ceremony for a rice harvest that is made by some women of induakbako in a context of their anak pisang, a tradition of its

  4. Portable XRF: A Tool for the Study of Corundum Gems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barone Germana


    Full Text Available Origin of gemstones is a key aspect not only in gemological field but also in Cultural Heritage studies, for the correct evaluation of precious artifacts. The studies on gems require the application of non-invasive and non-destructive methods; among them, portable spectroscopic techniques has been demonstrated as powerful tools, providing a fingerprint of gems for origin and provenance determination. In this study, portable XRF spectroscopy has been applied to test the potential of the technique for the origin determination of corundum gems. The obtained results allowed distinguishing natural and synthetic rubies and sapphires.


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    Taufik Arfan


    Full Text Available Abstrak—Pentingnya museum tari di Makassar adalah untuk memperkenalkan budaya yang dimiliki di Sulawesi Selatan yang dapat dikenal oleh seluruh manca negara, serta parawisatawan dan semua orang untuk berkunjung. Tujuan penelitian non arsitektural ini adalah menampilkan unsur kebudayaan, sejarah serta memperkenalkan Tari Tradisional yang ada di Sulawesi Selatan, sedangkan tujuan arsitekturalnya adalah menentukan lokasi yang sesuai dengan keberadaan museum tari, merancang ruang-ruang yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan standar Museum serta kebutuhan ruang untuk Museum seni tari, merancang museum tari yang dikaitkan dengan ekspos struktur pada fasad dan penggabungannya dengan teori fraktal, merancang penggunaan fasad bangunan,struktur, utilitas, penampilan bangunan, serta tranformasi bentuk pada museum tari dan merancang tata massa pada museum tari. Hasil laporan ini adalah mendesain bangunan museum tari di Makassar dengan pendekatan ekspos pada struktur fasade bangunan dan penerapan teori fraktal yang disesuaikan dengan standar dan kebutuhan ruang. Kata Kunci :Museum tari, struktur, fasad, fractal Abstract-The importance of dance in Makassar museum is to introduce a culture held in South Sulawesi, which can be known by all foreign countries, as well as parawisatawan and everyone to visit. The research objective non architecturally it is featuring elements of culture, history and introduce Traditional Dance in South Sulawesi, while the purpose of the architectural is to determine the location that corresponds to the existence of the museum of dance, designing spaces required in accordance with the standards Museum as well as the need for space for art museum dance, design a museum of dance that is associated with exposure to the facade structure and merger with fractal theory, designing the use of facades of buildings, structures, utilities, appearance of the building, as well as the transformation of the museum forms of dance and design the masses on

  6. Graphics gems

    CERN Document Server

    Heckbert, Paul S


    Graphics Gems IV contains practical techniques for 2D and 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and image processing. The book presents articles on polygons and polyhedral; a mix of formulas, optimized algorithms, and tutorial information on the geometry of 2D, 3D, and n-D space; transformations; and parametric curves and surfaces. The text also includes articles on ray tracing; shading 3D models; and frame buffer techniques. Articles on image processing; algorithms for graphical layout; basic interpolation methods; and subroutine libraries for vector and matrix algebra are also demonstrated. Com

  7. Combined readout of a triple-GEM detector (United States)

    Antochi, V. C.; Baracchini, E.; Cavoto, G.; Di Marco, E.; Marafini, M.; Mazzitelli, G.; Pinci, D.; Renga, F.; Tomassini, S.; Voena, C.


    Optical readout of GEM based devices by means of high granularity and low noise CMOS sensors allows to obtain very interesting tracking performance. Space resolution of the order of tens of μm were measured on the GEM plane along with an energy resolution of 20%÷30%. The main limitation of CMOS sensors is represented by their poor information about time structure of the event. In this paper, the use of a concurrent light readout by means of a suitable photomultiplier and the acquisition of the electric signal induced on the GEM electrode are exploited to provide the necessary timing informations. The analysis of the PMT waveform allows a 3D reconstruction of each single clusters with a resolution on z of 100 μm. Moreover, from the PMT signals it is possible to obtain a fast reconstruction of the energy released within the detector with a resolution of the order of 25% even in the tens of keV range useful, for example, for triggering purpose.

  8. GEM the gas electron multiplier

    CERN Document Server

    Sauli, Fabio


    We describe the basic structure and operation of a new device, the Gas Electron Multiplier. Consisting in a polymer foil, metal-clad on both sides and perforated by a high density of holes, the GEM mesh allows to pre-amplify charges released in the gas with good uniformity and energy. Coupled to a micro-strip plate, the pre-amplification element allows to preserve high rate capability and resolution at considerably lower operating voltages, thus completely eliminating discharges and instabilities. Several GEM grids can be operated in cascade; charge gains are large enough to allow detection of signals in the ionization mode on the last element, permitting the use of a simple printed circuit as read-out electrode. Two-dimensional read-out can then be easily implemented. A new generation of simple, reliable and cheap fast position sensitive detectors seems at hand.

  9. arXiv The new cylindrical GEM inner tracker of BESIII

    CERN Document Server

    Lavezzi, L.; Amoroso, A.; Ferroli, R. Baldini; Bertani, M.; Bettoni, D.; Bianchi, F.; Calcaterra, A.; Canale, N.; Capodiferro, M.; Carassiti, V.; Cerioni, S.; Chai, Jy; Chiozzi, S.; Cibinetto, G.; Cossio, F.; Cotta Ramusino, A.; De Mori, F.; Destefanis, M.; Dong, J.; Evangelisti, F.; Farinelli, R.; Fava, L.; Felici, G.; Fioravanti, E.; Garzia, I.; Gatta, M.; Greco, M.; Leng, Cy; Li, H.; Maggiora, M.; Malaguti, R.; Marcello, S.; Melchiorri, M.; Mezzadri, G.; Mignone, M.; Morello, G.; Pacetti, S.; Patteri, P.; Pellegrino, J.; Pelosi, A.; Rivetti, A.; Rolo,; Savrié, M.; Scodeggio, M.; Soldani, E.; Sosio, S.; Spataro, S.; Tskhadadze, E.; Verma, S.; Wheadon, R.; Yan, L.


    The Cylindrical GEM-Inner Tracker (CGEM-IT) is the upgrade of the internal tracking system of the BESIII experiment. It consists of three layers of cylindrically-shaped triple GEMs, with important innovations with respect to the existing GEM detectors, in order to achieve the best performance with the lowest material budget. It will be the first cylindrical GEM running with analog readout inside a 1T magnetic field. The simultaneous measurement of both the deposited charge and the signal time will permit to use a combination of two algorithms to evaluate the spatial position of the charged tracks inside the CGEM-IT: the charge centroid and the micro time projection chamber modes. They are complementary and can cope with the asymmetry of the electron avalanche when running in magnetic field and with non-orthogonal incident tracks. To evaluate the behaviour under different working settings, both planar chambers and the first cylindrical prototype have been tested during various test beams at CERN with 150 GeV/c...

  10. Research of boron conversion coating in neutron detector with boron deposited GEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Di; Sun Zhijia; Zhou Jianrong; Wang Yanfeng; Yang Guian; Xu Hong; Chen Yuanbai; Xiao Yu; Diao Xungang


    GEM is a flourishing new gas detector and nowadays its technology become more mature. It has outstanding properties, such as excellent position resolution, high counting rate, radiation resistance, simple and flexible signal readout, can be large-area detector, wide application range. Detector with boron deposited GEM uses multilayer GEM with deposited boron film as neutron conversion carrier which reads out the information of neutron shot from the readout electrode with gas amplification from every GEM layer. The detector is high performance which can meet the demands of neutron detector of a new generation. Boron deposited neutron conversion electrode with boron deposited cathode and GEM included is the core part of the detector. As boron is a high-melting-point metalloid (> 2 000 ℃), electroplating and thermal evaporation are inappropriate ways. So finding a way to deposit boron on electrode which can meet the demands become a key technology in the development of neutron detector with boron deposited GEM. Compared with evaporation, sputtering has features such as low deposition temperature, high film purity, nice adhesive, thus is appropriate for our research. Magnetron sputtering is a improved way of sputtering which can get lower sputtering air pressure and higher target voltage, so that we can get better films. Through deposit process, the research uses magnetron sputtering to deposit pure boron film on copper electrode and GEM film. This method can get high quality, nice adhere, high purity, controllable uniformity, low cost film with high speed film formation. (authors)



    Jurica Lucyanda; Lilyana -


    Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji bagaimana free cash flow dan struktur kepemilikan berpengaruh terhadap dividend payout ratio pada perusahaan nonkeuangan yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda. Penelitian ini menggunakan data empiris dari Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan sampel sebanyak 70 perusahaan per tahun untuk tiga periode (2007-2009). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, ditemukan bahwa variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhad...

  12. Performance of an optical readout GEM-based TPC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Margato, L.M.S.; Fraga, F.A.F.; Fetal, S.T.G.; Fraga, M.M.F.R.; Balau, E.F.S.; Blanco, A.; Marques, R. Ferreira; Policarpo, A.J.P.L


    We report on the operation of a GEM-based small TPC using an optical readout. The detector was operated with a mixture of Ar+CF 4 using 5.48 MeV alpha particles obtained from a 241 Am source and the GEM scintillation was concurrently read by a CCD camera and a photomultiplier. Precision collimators were used to define the track orientation. Qualitative results on the accuracy of the track angle, length and charge deposition measurements are presented

  13. Ingrid Hemmer; Entwicklung und Strucktur der Rentierwirtschaft in Finnmark und Troms (Nordnorwegen

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    Sven Skjenneberg (ed.


    Full Text Available The thesis was approved for the Phil. dr. 's degree at the University of Bamberg, West-Germany. The dissertation took place in Bamberg February 29, 1984. A shortened version is published as Vol No. I of «Bamberger Wirtschafts-geographishe Arbeiten» (with English summary.Kort om avhandlingen: Det var avhandlingens formål å analysere reindrifta i Finnmark og Troms ut fra økonomisk geografiske synspunkter. I den sammenheng skulle følgende punkter undersøkes: — analyse av endringer i reindrifta, særlig siden 1945, omfattende utgangssituasjonen, utløsende faktorer og de nye strukturer som har oppstått, — detaljert analyse av dagens økonomiske og sosiale strukturer med deres regionale differensiering, der også samspillet av medvirkende faktorer skal påvises, — forsøk på å vurdere reindriftas utvikling i framtida. Arbeidet er ment som et bidrag til bedre kunnskaper om reindrifta og de subpolare utkantområder.

  14. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM emissions from snow surfaces in northern New York.

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    J Alexander Maxwell

    Full Text Available Snow surface-to-air exchange of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM was measured using a modified Teflon fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP dynamic flux chamber (DFC in a remote, open site in Potsdam, New York. Sampling was conducted during the winter months of 2011. The inlet and outlet of the DFC were coupled with a Tekran Model 2537A mercury (Hg vapor analyzer using a Tekran Model 1110 two port synchronized sampler. The surface GEM flux ranged from -4.47 ng m(-2 hr(-1 to 9.89 ng m(-2 hr(-1. For most sample periods, daytime GEM flux was strongly correlated with solar radiation. The average nighttime GEM flux was slightly negative and was not well correlated with any of the measured meteorological variables. Preliminary, empirical models were developed to estimate GEM emissions from snow surfaces in northern New York. These models suggest that most, if not all, of the Hg deposited with and to snow is reemitted to the atmosphere.

  15. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) emissions from snow surfaces in northern New York. (United States)

    Maxwell, J Alexander; Holsen, Thomas M; Mondal, Sumona


    Snow surface-to-air exchange of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) was measured using a modified Teflon fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) dynamic flux chamber (DFC) in a remote, open site in Potsdam, New York. Sampling was conducted during the winter months of 2011. The inlet and outlet of the DFC were coupled with a Tekran Model 2537A mercury (Hg) vapor analyzer using a Tekran Model 1110 two port synchronized sampler. The surface GEM flux ranged from -4.47 ng m(-2) hr(-1) to 9.89 ng m(-2) hr(-1). For most sample periods, daytime GEM flux was strongly correlated with solar radiation. The average nighttime GEM flux was slightly negative and was not well correlated with any of the measured meteorological variables. Preliminary, empirical models were developed to estimate GEM emissions from snow surfaces in northern New York. These models suggest that most, if not all, of the Hg deposited with and to snow is reemitted to the atmosphere.

  16. GEM Foil Quality Assurance For The ALICE TPC Upgrade (United States)

    Brücken, Erik; Hildén, Timo


    The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is dedicated to heavy ion physics to explore the structure of strongly interacting matter. The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) of ALICE is a tracking detector located in the central region of the experiment. It offers excellent tracking capabilities as well as particle identification. After the second long shutdown (LS2) the LHC will run at substantially higher luminosities. To be able to increase the data acquisition rate by a factor of 100, the ALICE TPC experiment has to replace the Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC) -based readout chambers. The MWPC are operated with gating grid that limits the rate to O(kHz). The new ReadOut Chamber (ROC) design is based on Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology operating in continuous mode. The current GEM productions scheme foresees the production of more than 800 GEM foils of different types. To fulfill the requirements on the performance of the GEM TPC readout, necessitates thorough Quality Assurance (QA) measures. The QA scheme, developed by the ALICE collaboration, will be presented in detail.

  17. GEM Foil Quality Assurance For The ALICE TPC Upgrade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brücken Erik


    Full Text Available The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC at CERN is dedicated to heavy ion physics to explore the structure of strongly interacting matter. The Time Projection Chamber (TPC of ALICE is a tracking detector located in the central region of the experiment. It offers excellent tracking capabilities as well as particle identification. After the second long shutdown (LS2 the LHC will run at substantially higher luminosities. To be able to increase the data acquisition rate by a factor of 100, the ALICE TPC experiment has to replace the Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC –based readout chambers. The MWPC are operated with gating grid that limits the rate to O(kHz. The new ReadOut Chamber (ROC design is based on Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM technology operating in continuous mode. The current GEM productions scheme foresees the production of more than 800 GEM foils of different types. To fulfill the requirements on the performance of the GEM TPC readout, necessitates thorough Quality Assurance (QA measures. The QA scheme, developed by the ALICE collaboration, will be presented in detail.

  18. High voltage distribution scheme for large size GEM detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saini, J.; Kumar, A.; Dubey, A.K.; Negi, V.S.; Chattopadhyay, S.


    Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors will be used for Muon tracking in the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the Facility for Anti-proton Ion Research (FAIR) at Darmstadt, Germany. The sizes of the detector modules in the Muon chambers are of the order of 1 metre x 0.5 metre. For construction of these chambers, three GEM foils are used per chamber. These foils are made by two layered 50μm thin kapton foil. Each GEM foil has millions of holes on it. In such a large scale manufacturing of the foils, even after stringent quality controls, some of the holes may still have defects or defects might develop over the time with operating conditions. These defects may result in short-circuit of the entire GEM foil. A short even in a single hole will make entire foil un-usable. To reduce such occurrences, high voltage (HV) segmentation within the foils has been introduced. These segments are powered either by individual HV supply per segment or through an active HV distribution to manage such a large number of segments across the foil. Individual supplies apart from being costly, are highly complex to implement. Additionally, CBM will have high intensity of particles bombarding on the detector causing the change of resistive chain current feeding the GEM detector with the variation in the intensity. This leads to voltage fluctuations across the foil resulting in the gain variation with the particle intensity. Hence, a low cost active HV distribution is designed to take care of the above discussed issues

  19. Performance Evaluation of the COBRA GEM for the Application of the TPC (United States)

    Terasaki, Kohei; Hamagaki, Hideki; Gunji, Taku; Yamaguchi, Yorito


    Suppression of the back-drifting ions from avalanche region to drift space (IBF: Ion Backflow) is the key for a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) since IBF easily distorts the drift field. To suppress IBF, Gating Grid system is widely used for the TPC but this limits the data taking rate. Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) has advantages in the reduction of IBF and high rate capability. By adopting GEM, it is possible to run a TPC continuously under high rate and high multiplicity conditions. Motivated by the study of IBF reduction for RICH with Thick COBRA, which has been developed by F. A. Amero et al., we developed COBRA GEMs for the application of a TPC. With a stack configuration, IBF reaches about 0.1 ~ 0.5%, which is ×5--10 better IBF than the standard GEMs. However, the measured energy resolution with COBRA is 20% (σ) and this is much worse than the resolution with standard GEMs. Measurement of long-time stability of gain indicates that gain of COBRA varies significantly due to charging up effect. Simulation studies based on Garfield++ are performed for understanding quantitatively the reasons of worse energy resolution and instability of gain. In this presentation, we will report the simulation studies together with the measured performance of the COBRA GEM.

  20. Experiment study on the thick GEM-like multiplier for X-ray photoelectrons energy deposition gaining

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Pengfei; Ye Yan; Long Yan; Cao Ningxiang; Jia Xing; Li Jianfeng


    The GEM is a novel detector with high gain,high time and location resolution. Imitating the structure of the GEM, a thick GEM-like multiplier which has the similar function with that of the GEM is designed and manufactured. The characteristics of the thick GEM-like multiplier increasing electron energy deposition in absorbing medium has been experimentally studied. The results indicate that the energy deposition gain of x-ray photoelectron in medium is apparent, and the maximum energy deposition can increase by more than 40%. Some suggestions of further increasing the energy deposition are given, and the future application of the way of increasing the x-ray photoelectron energy deposition by the thick GEM-like multiplier in hard x-ray imaging is prospected. (authors)

  1. Zusammenfassungen in Deutsch

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    Nora Wiedenmann


    Full Text Available 1. Eine hybride Heuristik zur Lösung des Triangulations-ProblemsGloria Cerasela Crişan, Camelia Mihaela Pintea2. Vorschlag einer datenbasierten Architektur für eine Kardiologie-Netzwerk-AnwendungHorea Adrian Greblă, Călin Ovidiu Cenan3. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung: zur technologischen Dimension des PrivatlebensLiliana Mâţă4. Ausgewählte Operationen für Assembler EncodingTomasz Praczyk5. Computerbasierte Programme zur Sprechtherapie bei Dyslalie und Dyslexie-DysgraphieIolanda Tobolcea, Mirela Danubianu6. Gedacht soap, jedoch gesagt ‘oaps’. Der Lautvorspann (Sound Preparation Period: Backward Calculation von der Äußerung bis zur Muskel-InnervierungNora Wiedenmann7. State of the Art: Lösungskonzepte für KoalitionsspieleSimina Brânzei8. Die Faktoren von Intelligenz-Entwicklung und individuelle PerformanzGheorghe Dumitriu9. Einige Ergebnisse zur Fuzzy-TheorieAngel Garrido10. Wissensfusion in akademischen NetzwerkenHorea Adrian Grebla, Calin Ovidiu Cenan, Liana Stanca11. Eine Delphi-Anwendung für die syntaktische und lexikalische Analyse eines Phrasen verwendenden Cocke-Younger-Kasami -Algorithmus.Bogdan Pătruţ, Ioana Boghian12. Über ein Problem von Passdaten bei Gebrauch von Bézier-KurvenCarmen Violeta Muraru13. State of the Art: Verifizierung von Unterschriften-Biometrie-DatenMohamed Soltane, Noureddine Doghmane, Noureddine Guersi14. Die Neurowissenschaften des Lehrens von Erzähltexten: zur Erleichterung der sozialenund emotionalen EntwicklungLisa Whalen15. Logische Grundlagen der Künstlichen IntelligenzAngel Garrido16. Psychologisch-mystische Aspekte zu St. Evagrius Ponticus und St. Maximus dem BekennerGheorghe Teofil Popovici17. Geo-spatiale Analyse-StrukturElisabeta Antonia Haller18. Henric Sanielevici – von der Literaturkritik zur Anatomie oder Wie beeinflusst der Schädelumfang die Literatur?Adrian Jicu19. Wie komplex das menschliche Gehirn funktioniert: die beiden HemisphärenIulia Cristina Timofti20

  2. Experimental and Theoretical Progress on the GEM Theory (United States)

    Brandenburg, J. E.

    This paper reports experimental and theoretical progress on the GEM unification theory. In theoretical progress, the derivation of the GEM theory using it in a fully covariant form is achieved based on the principle of self-cancellation of the ZPF EM stress-momentum tensor. This derivation reveals that the final Gravity-EM system obeys a Helmholtz-like equation resembling that governing sound propagation. Finally an improved derivation of the formula for the Newton Gravitation constant is shown, qresulting in the formula G = e2/(4πɛ0 me mp) α exp (-2 (α-.86/σ2…) = 6.673443 x10-11 N-m2 kg-2 that agrees with experimental values to 3 parts per 100,000. Experiments have found parity violating weight reductions in gyroscopes driven by rotating EM fields. These experiments appear to confirm gravity modification using electromagnetism predicted by the GEM theory through the Vacuum Bernoulli Equation.

  3. Kembalikan Lagu Anak-anak Indonesia: Sebuah Analisis Struktur Musik

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    Ardipal - -


    . Yaitu musik sebagai pengembangan seni di lingkungan tertentu  dan musik sebagai seni komersial. Dari sisi musik komersial, hampir dua dekade terakhir  ini lagu anak-anak menghilang di media massa. Digantikan oleh lagu orang dewasa. Hal ini tentu mempengaruhi perkembangan psikologis, fisik, dan mental anak-anak. Secara teoritik, masalah ini hal ini dapat ditinjau dari produksi musik melalui pendekatan (1 konfik (hegemoni dan (2 interpretasi/makna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan struktur musik lagu anak-anak dan struktur musik orang dewasa. Data diambil dari lagu anak-anak dan lagu pop orang dewasa. Metoda analisis difokuskan pada fitur lagu berdasarkan struktur musik dan dampaknya. Instrumen kunci dalam penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri dan instrumen pembantu berupa panduan kodifikasi data. Kemudian mendeskripsikan unsur-unsur tersebut yang terdapat dalam beberapa lagu anak-anak dan dewasa. Untuk menjaga keabsahan data, dilakukan kegiatan triangulasi data. Kegiatan analisis data dimulai dari tahap memilih dan mengodifikasi data, menganalisis data sesuai dengan fitur musiknya masing-masing, dan tahap menarik kesimpulan serta verifikasi. Dari data lagu yang diambil sebagai sampel penelitian, terlihat bahwa pola ritmis, melodis, interval, tempo, hingga rentang nada belum laik  dinyanyikan oleh anak-anak. Pemaksaan anak-anak untuk meniru lagu tersebut dapat berakibat fatal seperti kerusakan pita suara, kram otot rahang. Akhirnya, disarankan agar partisipan seni, dan juga Demikian juga jaringan infrastuktur seni, harus dapat memiliki pandangan yang sama dan kuat  dalam pengembangan seni musik di Indonesia, khususnya untuk lagu anak-anak. Kata Kunci: lagu anak-anak, lagu perjuangan, lagu orang dewasa, struktur musik

  4. Performance Measurement und Environmental Performance Measurement


    Sturm, Anke


    Die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift besteht in der Entwicklung einer systematisierten Vorgehensweise, eines Controllingmodells, zur unternehmensinternen Umweltleistungsmessung. Das entwickelte Environmental Performance Measurement (EPM)-Modell umfaßt die fünf Stufen Festlegung der Ziele der Umweltleistungsmessung (1. Stufe), Erfassung der Umwelteinflüsse nach der ökologischen Erfolgsspaltung (2. Stufe), Bewertung der Umwelteinflüsse auf der Grundlage des qualitätszielbezogen...

  5. Isabella Löhr, Die Globalisierung geistiger Eigentumsrechte. Neue Strukturen internationaler Zusammenarbeit (1886-1952 (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft 195. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2010, 342 S.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Lydorf


    Full Text Available In ihrer Dissertation verfolgt Isabella Löhr die Frage, wie sich ausgehend von der nationalen Gesetzgebung des 19. Jh. hin zum Welturheberrechtsabkommen von 1952 der globale Urheberrechtschutz entwickelte. Aus einer globalen Perspektive analysiert die Autorin eine Vielzahl von Aspekten, zum Beispiel den Einfluss des Urheberrechts auf die Entwicklung der Buchproduktion und die herausragende Rolle der Organisationen, die den Urheberrechtsschutz institutionalisierten.

  6. Einsatzverhalten genuteter CBN-Schleifscheiben mit keramischer Bindung beim Außenrund-Einstechschleifen


    Kirchgatter, Mathias


    Industrielle Schleifprozesse für Bauteile aus gehärteten Stahlwerkstoffen werden vermehrt mit keramisch gebundenen CBN-Schleifscheiben durchgeführt, die sich bei vielen Anwendungen aufgrund ihres Eigenschaftsprofils und der erweiterten Einstellbarkeit der Bindungsspezifikationen gegenüber anderen Schleifwerkzeugtypen durchsetzen. Der Optimierungsdruck der Großserien- und Massenfertigungsprozesse hat bereits zu einer beachtlichen Entwicklung hinsichtlich der Leistungsfähigkeit dieses Werkzeugt...

  7. Labor and global justice : emerging reform coalitions in the world s only superpower


    Turner, Lowell


    "Thema dieses Beitrags sind neu erstarkte Arbeiter-, Umwelt- und Studentenbewegungen in den USA, die in Fallstudien über deren Kampagnen (Lebensstandard, Anti-Sweatshop, nachhaltige Entwicklung und Justice for Janitors) untersucht werden. Die Fallbeispiele dokumentieren überraschende Evidenzen für die Wiederbelebung eines progressiven Aktivismus in Amerika an einer kritischen Wegscheide mit kontrastierenden Perspektiven - Washington-Konsensus versus Seattle-Koalition, kapitalgesteuerte Antige...

  8. Rohstoffliche und verfahrenstechnische Einflussfaktoren der Pyrolyse biogener Rohstoffe


    Reichel, Denise


    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit rohstofflichen und verfahrenstechnischen Einflussfaktoren bei der Biomassepyrolyse. Ausgehend von der Entwicklung einer kleintechnischen Festbettpyrolyseapparatur, erfolgten experimentelle Untersuchungen an 26 biogenen Einsatzstoffen unter verschiedenen Prozessbedingungen. Die Apparatur erlaubt eine vollständige Bilanzierung und Gewinnung aller Produkte, zudem können Einflüsse durch sekundäre Reaktionen in der Gasphase minimiert werden. Die Einsa...

  9. Formation of GEMS from shock-accelerated crystalline dust in Superbubbles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westphal, A; Bradley, J P


    Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) contain enigmatic sub-micron components called GEMS (Glass with Embedded Metal and Sulfides). The compositions and structures of GEMS indicate that they have been processed by exposure to ionizing radiation but details of the actual irradiation environment(s) have remained elusive. Here we propose a mechanism and astrophysical site for GEMS formation that explains for the first time the following key properties of GEMS; they are stoichiometrically enriched in oxygen and systematically depleted in S, Mg, Ca and Fe (relative to solar abundances), most have normal (solar) oxygen isotopic compositions, they exhibit a strikingly narrow size distribution (0.1-0.5 (micro)m diameter), and some of them contain ''relict'' crystals within their silicate glass matrices. We show that the compositions, size distribution, and survival of relict crystals are inconsistent with amorphization by particles accelerated by diffusive shock acceleration. Instead, we propose that GEMS are formed from crystalline grains that condense in stellar outflows from massive stars in OB associations, are accelerated in encounters with frequent supernova shocks inside the associated superbubble, and are implanted with atoms from the hot gas in the SB interior. We thus reverse the usual roles of target and projectile. Rather than being bombarded at rest by energetic ions, grains are accelerated and bombarded by a nearly monovelocity beam of atoms as viewed in their rest frame. Meyer, Drury and Ellison have proposed that galactic cosmic rays originate from ions sputtered from such accelerated dust grains. We suggest that GEMS are surviving members of a population of fast grains that constitute the long-sought source material for galactic cosmic rays. Thus, representatives of the GCR source material may have been awaiting discovery in cosmic dust labs for the last thirty years

  10. Design of large size segmented GEM foils and Drift PCB for CBM MUCH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saini, J.; Dubey, A.K.; Chattopadhyay, S.


    Triple GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier), sector shaped detectors will be used for Muon tracking in the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at Anti-proton Ion Research (FAIR) facility at Darmstadt, Germany. The sizes of the detectors modules in the Muon Chambers (MUCH) are of the order of 1 meter with active area of about 75cms. Progressive pad geometry is chosen for the readout from these detectors. In construction of these chambers, three GEM foils are stacked on top of each other in a 3/2/2/2 gap configuration. The GEM foils are double layered copper clad 50μm thin Kapton foil. Each GEM foil has millions of holes on it. Foils of large surface area are prone to damages due to discharges owing to the high capacitance of the foil. Hence, these foils have their top surfaces divided into segments of about 100 Further segmentation may be necessary when there are high rate requirements, as in the case of CBM. For the GEM foils of CBM MUCH, a 24 segment layout has been adopted. Short-circuit in any of the GEM-holes will make entire foil un-usable. To reduce such occurrences, segment to segment isolation using opto-coupler in series with the GEM-foil segments has been introduced. Hence, a novel design for GEM chamber drift-PCB and foils has been made. In this scheme, each segment is powered and controlled individually. At the same time, the design takes into account, the space constraints, not only in x-y plane, but also in the z, due to compact assembly of MUCH detector layers


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    FAM Mulyani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Nilai LC50-96 jam pada uji toksisitas ikan Nila Larasati yang dipapar timbal; mengetahui perubahan struktur  mikroanatomi dan mengetahui pada konsentrasi berapa timbal menyebabkan perubahan struktur mikroanatomi insang. Sampel uji toksisitas sebanyak 120 ekor untuk mengetahui tingkat  kematian ikan hingga 50% dalam 96 jam, dan uji perlakuan sebanyak 80 ekor dengan konsentrasi 0 ppm; 259,51 ppm; 291,94 ppm; dan 324,38 ppm. Pada akhir minggu ke empat diambil sampel insang dan dilakukan analisis gambaran struktur mikroanatomi insang secara diskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kerusakan edema 0%-25%, fusi lamela antara 1%-75%, hiperplasia 0%-50%, epithelial lifting 0%-50%, dan nekrosis 0%-50%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai  LC50-96 jam pada uji toksisitas ikan Nila Larasati sebesar 324,38 ppm dan mulai terjadi perubahan struktur mikroanatomi insang pada konsentrasi 259,51 ppm. The objective of thje study was to determine the value of LC50-96 hours in a toxicity test of Nila Larasati fish exposed to lead acetate; to determine the changes in the microanatomy structure and to determine the concentration of lead acetate which causes microanatomy structure changes in the gills of Nila Larasati fish. The samples were 120 fish to find out the 50% fish mortality within 96 hours, and 80 fish in treatment test with the lead acetate concentrations of 0 ppm; 259.51 ppm; 291.94 ppm; and 324.38 ppm. At the end of the 4th week of the research, the gill samples were taken and the analysis of the microanatomy structure was carried out descriptively. The result of the analysis showed that there were 0%-25% edema, 1%-75% lamella fusion, 0%-50% hyperplasia, 0%-50% epithelial lifting and 0%-50% necrosis. It was concluded that the value of LC50-96 hours in Nila Larasati fish toxicity test was 324.38 ppm; and microanatomy changes started to occur in the lead acetate concentration of 259.51 ppm. 


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Astiwi Indriani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi struktur modal (Debt to Equity Ratio/DER perusahaan yang sahamnya aktif dalam Jakarta Islamic Index periode tahun 2003-2005, dengan menggunakan variabel pertumbuhan penjualan, pertumbuhan aset, Return on Asset (ROA, ukuran perusahaan serta likuiditas. Penentuan struktur modal perusahaan yang efeknya masuk kategori efek syariah merupakan kebijakan yang diambil manajemen untuk memperoleh sumber dana yang dapat digunakan perusahaan secara maksimal dengan memenuhi ketentuan syariah. Dengan purposive sampling didapatkan sampel sebanyak 11 perusahaan. Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa ROA berpengaruh negatif, dan ukuran perusahaan (size firm  berpengaruh positif terhadap DER.This study investigates the factors that influence capital structure i.e. debt to equity ratio (DER. Sales growth, asets growth, Return on Aset (ROA, firm size and liquidity are used as independent variable The determination of capital structure is management policy to obtain  funds that can be used optimally. Syaria stocks have certain capital structure rule. Sample of this study is active stocks in Jakarta Islamic  Index traded in the period of 2003-2005. Using purposive sampling, 11 stocks are included as sample. The result shows that Return on Aset effect negatively and firm size has positive influence on Debt Equity Ratio.

  13. The Gravity and Extreme Magnetism Small Explorer (GEMS) (United States)

    Kallman, T. R.


    The Gravity and Extreme Magnetism Small Explorer (GEMS) was selected by NASA for flight in 2014 to make a sensitive search for X-ray polarization from a wide set of source classes, including stellar black holes, Seyfert galaxies and quasars, blazars, rotation and accretion-powered pulsars, magnetars, shell supernova remnants and pulsar wind nebulae. Among the primary scientific objectives are determining the effects of the spin of black holes and the geometry of supermassive black hole accretion, determining the configurations of the magnetic fields and the X-ray emission of magnetars, and determining the magnetic structure of the supernova shocks in which cosmic rays are accelerated. GEMS will observe 23 targets during a 16 month prime mission, in observations that will be able to reach predicted levels of polarization. The mission can be extended to provide a guest observer phase. The GEMS instrument has time projection chamber polarimeters with high 2-10 keV efficiency at the focus of thin foil mirrors. The 4.5 m focal length mirrors will be deployed on an extended boom. The spacecraft with the instrument is rotated with a period of about 10 minutes to enable measurement and correction of systematic errors. A small Bragg reflection soft X-ray experiment takes advantage of this rotation to obtain a measurement at 0.5 keV. The design of the GEMS instrument and the mission, the expected performance and the planned science program will be discussed.

  14. Study on Physical Properties and Chemical Composition of Some Myanmar Gems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kyaw Myint Htoo; Tun Khin; Sein Htoon


    Physical properties of some Myanmar gems were studied by using refractometer, dichroscope, polariscope, SG test, UV test and microscope. Then, chemical composition were investigated by XRF-technique. After that, gem identification, evaluation, colour improvement were studied according to these physical properties and chemical composition

  15. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Glycosidase Inhibitors: gem-Difluoromethylenated Nojirimycin Analogues

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bols, Mikael; Wang, Ruo-Wen; Qiu, Xiao-Long


    In our ongoing program aimed at the design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel gem-difluoromethylenated glycosidase inhibitors, gem-4,4-difluoromethylenated iminosugars (5-9) were synthesized. The biological evaluation of these synthetic iminosugars showed that the gem....... It is proposed that the unprotonated iminosugar is the species preferably bound by beta-glucosidase, due to the lower pK(a) value of iminosugar 6 than of 1 or 36, leaving iminosugars 1 and 36 mostly protonated at pH 5.0, while iminosugar 6 is not. Iminosugar 6 also displayed good and selective inhibition of beta...

  16. Mesa-redonda - A estética do teatro de Brecht

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caco Coelho


    Full Text Available Drei Erfahrungsberichte über Bertolt Brechts Theater auf brasilianischen Bühnen. Caco Coelho spricht über den Zyklus der Brecht-Lesungen, -Aufführungen und -Vorträge seiner Theatergruppe Os Fodidos Privilegiados 1998 in Rio de Janeiro. Fernando Peixoto vertritt die Ansicht, daß der zentrale Punkt von Brechts Theater darin besteht, Emotionen im zwischenmenschlichen Verhalten und in ihren politisch-historischen Kontexten verstehbar zu machen. Er erzählt unter anderm von einer "Wiederentdeckung" der Brechtschen Theaterästhetik durch eine Laiengruppe in Amazonien und vertritt insgesamt ein undogmatisches, auf die heutigen Verhältnisse ausgerichtetes Lernen mit Brecht. Willi Bolle berichtet von seiner Inszenierung von Brechts Die Hochzeit (1919 mit einer Laien-Theatergruppe in São Paulo 1997-1998, in der die lineare Struktur des Textes durchbrochen wurde durch die Einführung einer neuen Perspektive sowie einer neuen Figur, der Braut, die sich das Hochzeitsfest in der Erinnerung vergegenwärtigt.

  17. The cylindrical GEM detector of the KLOE-2 experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bencivenni, G.; Ciambrone, P.; De Lucia, E.; Domenici, D.; Felici, G.; Fermani, P.; Morello, G.; Branchini, P.; Cicco, A. Di; Czerwinski, E.


    The KLOE-2 experiment started its data taking campaign in November 2014 with an upgraded tracking system at the DAΦNE electron-positron collider at the Frascati National Laboratory of INFN. The new tracking device, the Inner Tracker, operated together with the KLOE-2 Drift Chamber, has been installed to improve track and vertex reconstruction capabilities of the experimental apparatus. The Inner Tracker is a cylindrical GEM detector composed of four cylindrical triple-GEM detectors, each provided with an X-V strips-pads stereo readout. Although GEM detectors are already used in high energy physics experiments, this device is considered a frontier detector due to its fully-cylindrical geometry: KLOE-2 is the first experiment benefiting of this novel detector technology. Alignment and calibration of this detector will be presented together with its operating performance and reconstruction capabilities.

  18. CMS GEM detector material study for the HL-LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Muhammad, Saleh


    A study on the Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) foil material is performed to determine the moisture diffusion rate and saturation level and the moisture effects on its mechanical properties. The study is focused on the foil contact with ambient air and moisture to determine the value of the diffusion coefficient of water in the detector polyimide. The presence of water inside the detector foil can determine the changes in its mechanical and electrical properties. A simulated model is developed by taking into account the real GEM foil (hole dimensions, shapes and material), which describes the adsorption on a sample. This work describes the model, its experimental verification, the water diffusion within the entire sheet geometry of the GEM foil, thus gaining concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the system and the effects on the mechanical properties.

  19. Gemcitabine-loaded albumin nanospheres (GEM-ANPs) inhibit PANC-1 cells in vitro and in vivo (United States)

    Li, Ji; Di, Yang; Jin, Chen; Fu, Deliang; Yang, Feng; Jiang, Yongjian; Yao, Lie; Hao, Sijie; Wang, Xiaoyi; Subedi, Sabin; Ni, Quanxing


    With the development of nanotechnology, special attention has been given to the nanomaterial application in tumor treatment. Here, a modified desolvation-cross-linking method was successfully applied to fabricate gemcitabine-loaded albumin nanospheres (GEM-ANPs), with 110 and 406 nm of mean diameter, respectively. The aim of this study was to assess the drug distribution, side effects, and antitumor activity of GEM-ANPs in vivo. The metabolic viability and flow cytometry analysis revealed that both GEM-ANPs, especially 406-nm GEM-ANPs, could effectively inhibit the metabolism and proliferation and promote the apoptosis of human pancreatic carcinoma (PANC-1) in vitro. Intravenous injection of 406-nm GEM-ANPs exhibited a significant increase of gemcitabine in the pancreas, liver, and spleen of Sprague-Dawley rats ( p PANC-1-induced tumor mice, intravenous injection of 406-nm GEM-ANPs also could effectively reduce the tumor volume by comparison with free gemcitabine. With these findings, albumin nanosphere-loading approach might be efficacious to improve the antitumor activity of gemcitabine, and the efficacy is associated with the size of GEM-ANPs.

  20. Die Relevanz des Gruppendiskussionsverfahrens und der dokumentarischen Methode für die medienpädagogische Professionsforschung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Welling


    Full Text Available Ausgehend von der Notwendigkeit einer qualitativ-empirisch fundierten medienpädagogischen Professionsforschung erörtert der Beitrag, wie das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren für diesen Zweck nutzbar gemacht werden kann. Anhand der exemplarischen Rekonstruktion medienpädagogischer Orientierungsmuster von in der offenen Jugendarbeit tätigen Pädagogen/-innen mit Hilfe der dokumentarischen Methode wird die praktische Anwendung des Verfahrens demonstriert und kritisch reflektiert. Dabei wird u. a. deutlich, dass das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren gut geeignet ist, zur Schliessung existierender Lücken der medienpädagogischen Professionsforschung beizutragen und gleichzeitig einen vielversprechenden Ansatz zur Entwicklung einer regelmässig eingeforderten reflexiven Professionalisierung zu leisten vermag.

  1. Measurement of CP-violation with the GEM detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Hiroaki


    In this note, the feasibility of measuring CP-violation in the B-meson system with the GEM detector at SSC is described, using the decay mode B d → J/ψ + K 0 S → μ + μ - π + π - for the β angle measurement. In Section 2, the signature of the signal is discussed. Section 3 is devoted to a description of the GEM performance, including the estimation of the backgrounds. The rate of the signal is discussed in Section 4, and the summary is given in Section 5

  2. Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen in smektischen Flüssigkristallen vom de Vries-Typ


    Nonnenmacher, Dorothee


    Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ein besseres physikalisches Verständnis der Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen in smektischen Flüssigkristallen vom de Vries-Typ zu erarbeiten und damit eine Basis für rationale Synthesestrategien dieser wissenschaftlich wie technologisch interessanten Materialklasse zu schaffen. Im Sinne dieser Zielvorstellung wurden drei Aspekte bearbeitet: Der Mechanismus der Phasenumwandlung SmA - SmC vom de Vries-Typ, das rationale Design smektischer Flüssigkristalle vom de Vries...

  3. Tomographic capabilities of the new GEM based SXR diagnostic of WEST

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jardin, A.; Mazon, D.; O’Mullane, M.; Mlynář, Jan; Löffelmann, Viktor; Imríšek, Martin; Chernyshova, M.; Czarski, T.; Kasprowicz, G.; Wojenski, A.; Bourdelle, C.; Malard, P.


    Roč. 11, July (2016), č. článku C07006. ISSN 1748-0221. [International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostics fix Technologies (ICFDT4). Frascati (Rome), 30.03.2016-01.04.2016] Institutional support: RVO:61389021 Keywords : GEM * SXR * tomography * plasma diagnostics Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics OBOR OECD: 2.11 Other engineering and technologies Impact factor: 1.220, year: 2016

  4. Investigations on Important Properties of the 10 cm x 10 cm GEM Prototype

    CERN Document Server

    Saenboonruang, Kiadtisak; Kulasri, Kittipong; Ritthirong, Anawat


    The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector is one of promising particle and radiation detectors that has been improved greatly from previous gas detectors. The improvement includes better spatial resolutions, higher detection rate capabilities, and flexibilities in designs. In particular, the 10 cm x 10 cm GEM prototype is designed and provided by the Gas Detectors Development group (GDD) at CERN, Switzerland. With its simplicity in operations and designs, while still maintaining high qualities, the GEM prototype is suitable for both start-up and advanced researches. This article aims to report the investigations on some important properties of the 10 cm x 10 cm GEM detector using current measurement and signal counting. Results have shown that gains of the GEM prototype exponentially increase as voltage supplied to the detector increases, while the detector reaches full efficiency (plateau region) when the voltage is greater than 4100 V. In terms of signal sharing between X and Y strips of the readout, X str...

  5. Entwicklung und Evaluation computerbasierter Trainingsaufgaben für das wissenschaftliche Schreiben


    Proske, Antje


    Wissenschaftliches Schreiben ist eine sehr komplexe Aufgabe, die eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Aktivitäten umfasst. Viele Studierende haben jedoch Schwierigkeiten, die damit verbundenen Anforderungen selbständig zu bewältigen. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses der vorliegenden Arbeit stand daher die Entwicklung und Evaluation interaktiver computerbasierter Trainingsaufgaben, die Studienanfänger beim Erwerb von Grundkompetenzen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens unterstützen. Zentrale Anliegen di...

  6. Ideen zu einer Literatursoziologie des Internets. Mit einer Blogotop-Analyse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peer Trilcke


    Full Text Available Der Essay skizziert und exemplifiziert die Möglichkeiten einer Literatursoziologie des Internets und plädiert in diesem Zusammenhang für eine Empirisierung der Forschung zu diesem rasant wachsenden, jedoch bisher in seiner Differenziertheit allenfalls oberflächlich beschriebenen Feld der Kommunikation über Literatur. Hierzu werden die literaturwissenschaftlichen Internet Studies und ihr literatursoziologischer Teilbereich innerhalb der allgemeinen Digital Humanities verortet. Als Beispiel für eine in diesem Sinne relational-empirische Literatursoziologie des Internets werden erste Ergebnisse der Analyse eines sog. Bücherblogotops präsentiert, anhand derer sich einige Mechanismen der sekundären literarischen Kommunikation zwar nicht repräsentativ, aber doch exemplarisch diskutieren lassen.

  7. Study of relevant parameters of GEM-based detectors

    CERN Document Server

    Croci, Gabriele; Sauli, Fabio; Ragazzi, S


    The Gas Electron Multiplier consist of a thin Kapton insulating (50 $\\mu$m) foil copper-clad on both sides and perforated by a high density, regular matrix of holes (around 100 per square millimeter). Typically the distance between holes (pitch) is 140 $\\mu$m and diameters of about 70 $\\mu$m. The mesh is realised by conventional photolitographic methods as used for the fabrication of multi-layer board. Upon application of a potential difference between the GEM electrodes, a high dipole field develops in the holes focusing the field lines between the drift electrode and the readout element. Electron drift along the channel and the charge is amplified by a factor that depends on the field density and the length of the channel. Owing to their excellent position resolution and rate capability GEM-based detector are very suitable to be used in different applications: from the high energy physics to the medical field. The GEM temporal and rate gain stability was studied and it was discovered that the gain variation...

  8. Development of a regional concept for energy management for the region of Karlsruhe. Final report; Entwicklung eines regionalen Energiemanagement-Konzeptes und Anwendung auf die TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe. Endbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rentz, O.; Fichtner, W.; Frank, M. [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). Inst. fuer Industriebetriebslehre und Industrielle Produktion; Wolf, M.A.; Rejman, M.; Eyerer, P. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Chemische Technologie (ICT) (Germany); Reimert, R.; Schulz, A.; Buren, V. v. [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). Engler-Bunte-Institut Bereich 1 - Gas, Erdoel und Kohle; Schaefers, B.; Bernart, Y. [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (DE). Institut fuer Soziologie (IfSoz) (Germany)


    Major objectives of this project are: to prepare a cross-disciplinary analysis of all characteristic aspects of the energy supply and demand patterns of a group of selected energy-intensive companies in the Karlsruhe and Rhine harbour area (5 industrial power consumers, 1 utility), to identify practical approaches for optimization and integration of energy and material flows, (networking), and to develop optimised investment and energy supply options within the framework of given conditions. The basis of the optimal solution and energy network presented and explained in detail is a new combined-cycle power plant running as a gas-fired CHP plant, substituting about 50% of the systems formerly used. (orig./CB) [German] Fragestellungen der Effizienzsteigerung und der Verwertung von Abfaellen und Abwaerme gewinnen an Relevanz vor dem Hintergrund der begrenzten Aufnahmekapazitaet der Umweltmedien fuer Schadstoffe. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurde am Beispiel der Region Karlsruhe (5 Industrieunternehmen und 1 EVU) die Entwicklung betriebsuebergreifender Energieversorgungssysteme (Netzwerke) interdisziplinaer analysiert und beschrieben. Zielsetzungen des Projekts waren unter anderem: Bestimmung von zukunftsfaehigen Optionen, intelligente Vernetzung von Energiestroemen, wirtschaftliche Optimierung betriebsuebergreifender Energiemanagement-Loesungen. Die optimale vorgestellte Loesung ist charakterisiert durch den Neubau einer zentralen, gasgefeuerten GuD-Anlage, die etwa die Haelfte der bisherigen Anlagen ersetzt und zusammen mit den weiterhin genutzten Anlagen die Energieversorgung der Unternehmen sicherstellt. (orig./CB)

  9. 3D simulation of electron and ion transmission of GEM-based detectors (United States)

    Bhattacharya, Purba; Mohanty, Bedangadas; Mukhopadhyay, Supratik; Majumdar, Nayana; da Luz, Hugo Natal


    Time Projection Chamber (TPC) has been chosen as the main tracking system in several high-flux and high repetition rate experiments. These include on-going experiments such as ALICE and future experiments such as PANDA at FAIR and ILC. Different R&D activities were carried out on the adoption of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) as the gas amplification stage of the ALICE-TPC upgrade version. The requirement of low ion feedback has been established through these activities. Low ion feedback minimizes distortions due to space charge and maintains the necessary values of detector gain and energy resolution. In the present work, Garfield simulation framework has been used to study the related physical processes occurring within single, triple and quadruple GEM detectors. Ion backflow and electron transmission of quadruple GEMs, made up of foils with different hole pitch under different electromagnetic field configurations (the projected solutions for the ALICE TPC) have been studied. Finally a new triple GEM detector configuration with low ion backflow fraction and good electron transmission properties has been proposed as a simpler GEM-based alternative suitable for TPCs for future collider experiments.

  10. The HadGEM2 family of Met Office Unified Model climate configurations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    The HadGEM2 Development Team: G. M. Martin


    Full Text Available We describe the HadGEM2 family of climate configurations of the Met Office Unified Model, MetUM. The concept of a model "family" comprises a range of specific model configurations incorporating different levels of complexity but with a common physical framework. The HadGEM2 family of configurations includes atmosphere and ocean components, with and without a vertical extension to include a well-resolved stratosphere, and an Earth-System (ES component which includes dynamic vegetation, ocean biology and atmospheric chemistry. The HadGEM2 physical model includes improvements designed to address specific systematic errors encountered in the previous climate configuration, HadGEM1, namely Northern Hemisphere continental temperature biases and tropical sea surface temperature biases and poor variability. Targeting these biases was crucial in order that the ES configuration could represent important biogeochemical climate feedbacks. Detailed descriptions and evaluations of particular HadGEM2 family members are included in a number of other publications, and the discussion here is limited to a summary of the overall performance using a set of model metrics which compare the way in which the various configurations simulate present-day climate and its variability.

  11. Development, characterization and qualification of first GEM foils produced in India (United States)

    Shah, Aashaq; Ahmed, Asar; Gola, Mohit; Sharma, Ram Krishna; Malhotra, Shivali; Kumar, Ashok; Naimuddin, Md.; Menon, Pradeep; Srinivasan, K.


    The increasing demand for Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foils has been driven by their application in many current and proposed high-energy physics experiments. Micropack, a Bengaluru-based company, has established and commercialized GEM foils for the first time in India. Micropack used the double-mask etching technique to successfully produce 10 cm × 10 cm GEM foil. In this paper, we report on the development as well as the geometrical and electrical properties of these foils, including the size uniformity of the holes and leakage current measurements. Our characterization studies show that the foils are of good quality and satisfy all the necessary quality control criteria.

  12. The development of neutron detectors for the GEM instrument at ISIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rhodes, N.J.; Johnson, M.W.; Schooneveld, E.M.


    GEM is a new General Materials diffractometer now being commissioned at ISIS. To meet its broad based scientific programme GEM requires a large area position sensitive detector which covers a wide range of scattering angles and exhibits a high neutron count rate stability. This paper discusses the design of a ZnS/ 6 Li fibre coupled detector array that meets the GEM requirements. Typical detector characteristics are documented together with the current status of the project. Two thirds of the detector array are operational and from the results obtained to date it is already obvious that the impact of this instrument on neutron scattering studies will be profound. (author)

  13. Microstructured boron foil scintillating G-GEM detector for neutron imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujiwara, Takeshi, E-mail: [Research Institute for Measurement and Analytical Instrumentation, Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Center for Advanced Photonics, Neutron Beam Technology Team, RIKEN, Saitama (Japan); Bautista, Unico [Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan); Philippine Nuclear Research Institute-Department of Science and Technology (PNRI-DOST), Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City (Philippines); Mitsuya, Yuki [Nuclear Professional School, The University of Tokyo, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki (Japan); Takahashi, Hiroyuki [Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan); Yamada, Norifumi L. [Neutron Science Laboratory, Institute of Material Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan); Otake, Yoshie; Taketani, Atsushi [Center for Advanced Photonics, Neutron Beam Technology Team, RIKEN, Saitama (Japan); Uesaka, Mitsuru [Nuclear Professional School, The University of Tokyo, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki (Japan); Toyokawa, Hiroyuki [Research Institute for Measurement and Analytical Instrumentation, Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan)


    In this study, a new simple neutron imaging gaseous detector was successfully developed by combining a micro-structured {sup 10}B foil, a glass gas electron multiplier (G-GEM), and a mirror–lens–charge-coupled device (CCD)–camera system. The neutron imaging system consists of a chamber filled with Ar/CF{sub 4} scintillating gas mixture. Inside this system, the G-GEM is mounted for gas multiplication. The neutron detection in this system is based on the reaction between {sup 10}B and neutrons. A micro-structured {sup 10}B is developed to overcome the issue of low detection efficiency. Secondary electrons excite Ar/CF{sub 4} gas molecules, and high-yield visible photons are emitted from those excited gas molecules during the gas electron multiplication process in the G-GEM holes. These photons are easily detected by a mirror–lens–CCD–camera system. A neutron radiograph is then simply formed. We obtain the neutron images of different materials with a compact accelerator-driven neutron source. We confirm that the new scintillating G-GEM-based neutron imager works properly with low gamma ray sensitivity and exhibits a good performance as a new simple digital neutron imaging device.

  14. A free-volume modification of GEM-QC to correlate VLE and LLE in polymer solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radfarnia, H.R.; Taghikhani, V.; Ghotbi, C.; Khoshkbarchi, M.K.


    The generalized quasi-chemical (GEM-QC) model proposed by Wang and Vera is modified to correlate better the phase equilibrium and to overcome the shortcoming of the original model to predict the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of binary polymer solutions. This shortcoming is mainly because the GEM-QC model does not consider the effect of free-volume, which is important in systems containing molecules with large size differences. The proposed modification is based on replacing the combinatorial term of the GEM-QC model by a term proposed by Kontogerogis et al., which includes the effect of the free-volume. The main advantage of the free volume generalized quasi-chemical (GEM-QC-FV) model over the original GEM-QC is its ability to predict the phase behaviour of binary polymer solutions with LCST behaviour. In addition, the free volume UNIQUAC (UNIQUAC-FV) model is used to correlate VLE and LLE experimental data for binary polymer solutions. The comparison of the results obtained from the GEM-QC-FV model and the UNIQUAC-FV model shows the superiority of the GEM-QC-FV model in correlating the VLE and LLE experimental data for binary polymer solutions

  15. 3D-Master-Leitungssatz - Konzept zur Entwicklung von Leitungssätzen als 3D-Master in einem realistischen, vollständigen DMU-Modell


    Neckenich, Jonas


    Die Fokussierung auf eine 3D-orientierte Produktentwicklung und einen durchgängigen 3D-Prozess wird in der heutigen Industrie immer wichtiger. Im Entwicklungsprozess des Kabelbaums trifft dabei die bauraumorientierte 3D-Entwicklung auf die produktorientierte 2D-Entwicklung. Die unsaubere Trennung zwischen bestehenden Definitionssystemen im heutigen Entwicklungsprozess führt dabei zu Datendiskrepanzen, Zeitverzug und Fehlern. Im Digital Mock-Up, welcher zur digitalen Absicherung des Fahrzeugs ...

  16. Influence of the freezing process on the pore structure of freeze-dried collagen sponges; Einfluss des Einfriervorganges auf die Porenstruktur gefriergetrockneter Kollagenschwaemme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoof, H.; Bruns, L.; Apel, J.; Heschel, I.; Rau, G. [Helmholz-Inst. fuer Biomedizinische Technik, Aachen (Germany)


    Freeze-dried sponges are used as colonisable tissue implants. As their porous structure is important for rapid colonisation it was found desirable to be able to produce homogeneous pore structures to specification. The structure of freeze-dried sponges is largely the same as the ice crystal morphology of frozen samples. In industrial manufacture suspensions are solidified in a cold bath. Freezing conditions are not stationary in this process, rendering ice crystal morphology inhomogeneous. However, studies on directed solidification as it is used in the Bridgman or the power-down method have shown that certain freezing conditions permit the production of collagen sponges of homogenous predefined pore size. [Deutsch] Gefriergetrocknete Kollagenschwaemme werden als besiedelbare Gewebeimplantate eingesetzt. Da die poroese Struktur fuer eine zuegige Besiedelung von grosser Bedeutung ist, sollen Kollagenschwaemme mit einer einstellbaren und homogenen Porenstruktur hergestellt werden. Die Struktur der gefriergetrockneten Schwaemme entspricht weitestgehend der Eiskristallmorphologie der gefrorenen Probe. Bei der industriellen Herstellung werden Suspensionen in einem Kaeltebad erstarrt. Die Einfrierbedingungen sind dabei nicht stationaer, was zu einer inhomogenen Eiskristallmorphologie fuehrt. Untersuchungen zur gerichteten Erstarrung nach dem Bridgman- und dem Power-Down-Verfahren ergaben jedoch, dass unter bestimmten Einfrierbedingungen Kollagenschwaemme mit homogener und definierbarer Porengroesse hergestellt werden koennen. (orig.)

  17. Graphics gems II

    CERN Document Server

    Arvo, James


    Graphics Gems II is a collection of articles shared by a diverse group of people that reflect ideas and approaches in graphics programming which can benefit other computer graphics programmers.This volume presents techniques for doing well-known graphics operations faster or easier. The book contains chapters devoted to topics on two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry and algorithms, image processing, frame buffer techniques, and ray tracing techniques. The radiosity approach, matrix techniques, and numerical and programming techniques are likewise discussed.Graphics artists and comput

  18. Photovoltaics for appliances and small systems. Enhancement of the PVS for Windows simulation program for development and simulation of PV appliances and small systems. Final report; Photovoltaik fuer Geraete und Kleinsysteme. Erweiterung des Simulationsprogramms PVS fuer Windows zur Entwicklung und Simulation von PV-versorgten Geraeten und Kleinsystemen. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogt, R.; Imann, C.; Jung, V.


    The PVS simulation program for Windows was to be extended to the development and simulation of PV-supported equipment and small systems. The following new functions were to be integrated: a) Simulation and dimensioning of indoor power supply of systems with different light sources and independent outdoor systems. b)Integration of small wind generators in the simulation and dimensioning of isolated autonomous systems, including wind data and a component database for small wind turbines; c) Differentiation of the PVS battery model for different battery types (lead, Ni/Cd, Li etc.), optimized operating strategies and flexible dimensioning including an additional component database for battery types; d) Extensive cost analysis for PV-supported appliances and small systems, from investments to consumption, operation and maintenance. This will facilitate investment decisions and help systems of this type along in the market. All program components were designed for high flexibility. Users should be able to vary as many parameters as possible, and to generate and modify their own records. The current project focused on the user interface, i.e. input, data processing, and output. Parallel to this, the Fraunhofer ISE Institute worked on modifications of the computer hardware. [German] Das Projekt zielte auf eine Erweiterung des Simulationsprogramms PVS fuer Windows zur Entwicklung und Simulation von PV-versorgten Geraeten und Kleinsystemen hin. Das Entwicklungsprodukt sollte zusaetzlich zu den bisherigen Funktionen insbesondere Folgendes leisten: (a) Simulation und Dimensionierung der Energieversorgung von Geraeten im Indoor-Bereich, wobei unterschiedliche Lichtquellen verarbeitet werden muessen, sowie von sonstigen netzfreien (Outdoor-) Kleinsystemen. (b) Einbindung kleiner Windgeneratoren in die Simulation und Dimensionierung von netzfernen Systemen (Insel-Anlagen), einschliesslich Bereitstellung der Wind-Daten und einer zusaetzlichen Komponenten-Datenbank fuer kleine

  19. Effekte des oxidativen Stresses auf die Expression der Scavenger-Rezeptoren CD36 und SR-BI und des Transkriptionsfaktors PPARγ in Makrophagen


    Westendorf, Thomas


    Ziel dieser Dissertationsschrift war es, die Effekte des oxidativen Stresses in Form von oxLDL auf die Expression der atherogenen Scavenger-Rezeptoren CD36, SR-BI, des Transkriptionsfaktors PPARγ und pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine zu untersuchen. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen beruhen auf der Annahme, dass modifizierte LDL durch Induktion der genannten Scavenger-Rezeptoren und nachfolgende unregulierte Aufnahme in Makrophagen mit Bildung von Schaumzellen entscheidend zur Entwicklung einer ...

  20. Herstellung von Convenience-Erzeugnissen aus Süß- und Salzwasserfischen


    Strebl-Schneider, Scarlett


    Die vorhandenen Kapazitäten der nationalen Teichwirtschaft werden aufgrund der begrenzten Absatzmöglichkeiten des einheimischen Speisekarpfens nicht ausgeschöpft. Im Hinblick auf die Überfischung zahlreicher Salzwasserfischbestände und die zunehmende Tendenz zu einer nachhaltigen Fischerei, entstand seitens eines Fisch verarbeitenden Unternehmens die Intention, die nationalen Ressourcen durch die Entwicklung von neuartigen Convenience-Erzeugnissen auf der Basis von Karpfen effizienter zu nutz...

  1. GEMs with Double Layred Micropattern Electrodes and their Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Di Mauro, A.; Nappi, E.; Oliveira, R.; Peskov, V.; Pietropaolo, F.; Picchi, P.

    We have developed and tested several new designs of GEM detectors with micropattern electrodes manufactured by microelectronic technology. In one design, the inner layer of the detector electrode consists of thin metallic strips and the outer layer is made of a resistive grid manufactured by a screen printing technology. In other designs, the electrodes were made of metallic strips fed by HV via micro-resistors manufactured by a screen printing technology. Due to these features, the new detectors have several important advantages over conventional GEMs or ordinary thick GEMs. For example, the resistive grid (in the first design) and the screen printed resistors (in other designs) limited the current in case of discharges, making these detectors intrinsically spark-protected. We will here describe our tests with the photosensitive versions of these detectors (coated with CsI layers) and the efforts of implementing them in several applications. In particular, we will focus on our activity towards the ALICE RICH...

  2. Modelling Chemical Equilibrium Partitioning with the GEMS-PSI Code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kulik, D.; Berner, U.; Curti, E


    Sorption, co-precipitation and re-crystallisation are important retention processes for dissolved contaminants (radionuclides) migrating through the sub-surface. The retention of elements is usually measured by empirical partition coefficients (Kd), which vary in response to many factors: temperature, solid/liquid ratio, total contaminant loading, water composition, host-mineral composition, etc. The Kd values can be predicted for in-situ conditions from thermodynamic modelling of solid solution, aqueous solution or sorption equilibria, provided that stoichiometry, thermodynamic stability and mixing properties of the pure components are known (Example 1). Unknown thermodynamic properties can be retrieved from experimental Kd values using inverse modelling techniques (Example 2). An efficient, advanced tool for performing both tasks is the Gibbs Energy Minimization (GEM) approach, implemented in the user-friendly GEM-Selector (GEMS) program package, which includes the Nagra-PSI chemical thermodynamic database. The package is being further developed at PSI and used extensively in studies relating to nuclear waste disposal. (author)

  3. Modelling Chemical Equilibrium Partitioning with the GEMS-PSI Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulik, D.; Berner, U.; Curti, E.


    Sorption, co-precipitation and re-crystallisation are important retention processes for dissolved contaminants (radionuclides) migrating through the sub-surface. The retention of elements is usually measured by empirical partition coefficients (Kd), which vary in response to many factors: temperature, solid/liquid ratio, total contaminant loading, water composition, host-mineral composition, etc. The Kd values can be predicted for in-situ conditions from thermodynamic modelling of solid solution, aqueous solution or sorption equilibria, provided that stoichiometry, thermodynamic stability and mixing properties of the pure components are known (Example 1). Unknown thermodynamic properties can be retrieved from experimental Kd values using inverse modelling techniques (Example 2). An efficient, advanced tool for performing both tasks is the Gibbs Energy Minimization (GEM) approach, implemented in the user-friendly GEM-Selector (GEMS) program package, which includes the Nagra-PSI chemical thermodynamic database. The package is being further developed at PSI and used extensively in studies relating to nuclear waste disposal. (author)

  4. Is Kyoto Fatally Flawed? An Analysis with MacGEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eyckmans, J.; Van Regemorter, D.; Van Steenberghe, V.


    In this paper we present some numerical simulations with the MacGEM model to evaluate the consequences of the recent Marrakesh agreements and the defection of the USA for the Kyoto Protocol. MacGEM is a global marginal abatement cost model for carbon emissions from fossil fuel use based on the GEM-E3-World general equilibrium. Nonparticipation of the USA causes the equilibrium carbon price in Annex B countries to fall by approximately 50% since an important share of permit demand falls out. Carbon sinks enhancement activities enable Parties to fulfil their reduction commitment at lower compliance costs and cause the equilibrium permit price to decrease by 40%. Finally, it is shown that the former Soviet Union and central European countries have substantial monopoly power in the Kyoto carbon permit market. We conclude that the recent accords have eroded completely the Kyoto Protocol's emission targets but that they have the merit to have saved the international climate change negotiation framework

  5. Activity of CERN and LNF groups on large area GEM detectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alfonsi, M. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Bencivenni, G. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN, Frascati (Italy); Brock, I. [Physikalisches Institute der Universitat Bonn, Bonn (Germany); Cerioni, S. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN, Frascati (Italy); Croci, G.; David, E. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); De Lucia, E. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN, Frascati (Italy); De Oliveira, R. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); De Robertis, G. [Sezione INFN di Bari, Bari (Italy); Domenici, D., E-mail: Danilo.Domenici@lnf.infn.i [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN, Frascati (Italy); Duarte Pinto, S. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Felici, G.; Gatta, M.; Jacewicz, M. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN, Frascati (Italy); Loddo, F. [Sezione INFN di Bari, Bari (Italy); Morello, G. [Dipeartimento di Fisica Universita della Calabria e INFN, Cosenza (Italy); Pistilli, M. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN, Frascati (Italy); Ranieri, A. [Sezione INFN di Bari, Bari (Italy); Ropelewski, L. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Sauli, F. [TERA Foundation, Novara (Italy)


    We report on the activity of CERN and INFN-LNF groups on the development of large area GEM detectors. The two groups work together within the RD51 Collaboration, to aim at the development of Micro-pattern Gas detectors technologies. The vast request for large area foils by the GEM community has driven a change in the manufacturing procedure by the TS-DEM-PMT laboratory, needed to overcome the previous size limitation of 450x450mm{sup 2}. Now a single-mask technology is used allowing foils to be made as large as 450x2000mm{sup 2}. The limitation in the short size, due to the definite width of the raw material, can be overcome by splicing more foils together. A 10x10cm{sup 2} GEM detector with the new single-mask foil has been tested with X-rays and the results are shown. Possible future applications for large area GEM are the TOTEM experiment upgrade at CERN, and the KLOE-2 experiment at the Dafne {Phi}-factory in Frascati.

  6. Activity of CERN and LNF groups on large area GEM detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alfonsi, M.; Bencivenni, G.; Brock, I.; Cerioni, S.; Croci, G.; David, E.; De Lucia, E.; De Oliveira, R.; De Robertis, G.; Domenici, D.; Duarte Pinto, S.; Felici, G.; Gatta, M.; Jacewicz, M.; Loddo, F.; Morello, G.; Pistilli, M.; Ranieri, A.; Ropelewski, L.; Sauli, F.


    We report on the activity of CERN and INFN-LNF groups on the development of large area GEM detectors. The two groups work together within the RD51 Collaboration, to aim at the development of Micro-pattern Gas detectors technologies. The vast request for large area foils by the GEM community has driven a change in the manufacturing procedure by the TS-DEM-PMT laboratory, needed to overcome the previous size limitation of 450x450mm 2 . Now a single-mask technology is used allowing foils to be made as large as 450x2000mm 2 . The limitation in the short size, due to the definite width of the raw material, can be overcome by splicing more foils together. A 10x10cm 2 GEM detector with the new single-mask foil has been tested with X-rays and the results are shown. Possible future applications for large area GEM are the TOTEM experiment upgrade at CERN, and the KLOE-2 experiment at the Dafne Φ-factory in Frascati.

  7. arXiv GEM Foil Quality Assurance For The ALICE TPC Upgrade

    CERN Document Server

    INSPIRE-00019412; Hildén, Timo


    The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is dedicated to heavy ion physics to explore the structure of strongly interacting matter. The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) of ALICE is a tracking detector located in the central region of the experiment. It offers excellent tracking capabilities as well as particle identification. After the second long shutdown (LS2) the LHC will run at substantially higher luminosities. To be able to increase the data acquisition rate by a factor of 100, the ALICE TPC experiment has to replace the Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC) –based readout chambers. The MWPC are operated with gating grid that limits the rate to O(kHz). The new ReadOut Chamber (ROC) design is based on Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology operating in continuous mode. The current GEM productions scheme foresees the production of more than 800 GEM foils of different types. To fulfill the requirements on the performance of the GEM TPC readout, nec...

  8. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) fluxes over canopy of two typical subtropical forests in south China (United States)

    Yu, Qian; Luo, Yao; Wang, Shuxiao; Wang, Zhiqi; Hao, Jiming; Duan, Lei


    Mercury (Hg) exchange between forests and the atmosphere plays an important role in global Hg cycling. The present estimate of global emission of Hg from natural source has large uncertainty, partly due to the lack of chronical and valid field data, particularly for terrestrial surfaces in China, the most important contributor to global atmospheric Hg. In this study, the micrometeorological method (MM) was used to continuously observe gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) fluxes over forest canopy at a mildly polluted site (Qianyanzhou, QYZ) and a moderately polluted site (Huitong, HT, near a large Hg mine) in subtropical south China for a full year from January to December in 2014. The GEM flux measurements over forest canopy in QYZ and HT showed net emission with annual average values of 6.67 and 0.30 ng m-2 h-1, respectively. Daily variations of GEM fluxes showed an increasing emission with the increasing air temperature and solar radiation in the daytime to a peak at 13:00, and decreasing emission thereafter, even as a GEM sink or balance at night. High temperature and low air Hg concentration resulted in the high Hg emission in summer. Low temperature in winter and Hg absorption by plant in spring resulted in low Hg emission, or even adsorption in the two seasons. GEM fluxes were positively correlated with air temperature, soil temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation, while it is negatively correlated with air humidity and atmospheric GEM concentration. The lower emission fluxes of GEM at the moderately polluted site (HT) when compared with that in the mildly polluted site (QYZ) may result from a much higher adsorption fluxes at night in spite of a similar or higher emission fluxes during daytime. This shows that the higher atmospheric GEM concentration at HT restricted the forest GEM emission. Great attention should be paid to forests as a crucial increasing Hg emission source with the decreasing atmospheric GEM concentration in polluted areas because of Hg

  9. Lebenswelt Polizei. Ein ethnografischer Zugang zur Berufsidentität von Polizeibeamten


    Behr, Rafael


    In meinem Beitrag stelle ich einige Besonderheiten und Probleme des Konzepts einer "ethnografischen Polizeiforschung" dar. Empirische Referenz ist eine ethnografische Untersuchung mehrerer Hessischer Polizeidienststellen im Jahr 1995. Die "teilnehmende Beobachtung des Gewaltmonopols" ist zwar nicht neu, nach wie vor aber in mehrfacher Hinsicht spannend, weil es sich um den Blick auf ein exklusives Gewaltverhältnis handelt, das zwar durch individuelle Akteure vollzogen wird, das aber strukture...

  10. Development of a time projection chamber using gas electron multipliers (GEM-TPC)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oda, S.X.; Hamagaki, H.; Ozawa, K.; Inuzuka, M.; Sakaguchi, T.; Isobe, T.; Gunji, T.; Morino, Y.; Saito, S.; Yamaguchi, Y.L.; Sawada, S.; Yokkaichi, S.


    We developed a prototype time projection chamber using gas electron multipliers (GEM-TPC) for high energy heavy ion collision experiments. To investigate its performance, we conducted a beam test with three kinds of gases (Ar(90%)-CH 4 (10%), Ar(70%)-C 2 H 6 (30%) and CF 4 ). Detection efficiency of 99%, and spatial resolution of 79μm in the pad-row direction and 313μm in the drift direction were achieved. The test results show that the GEM-TPC meets the requirements for high energy heavy ion collision experiments. The configuration and performance of the GEM-TPC are described

  11. Gallium Electromagnetic (GEM) Thrustor Concept and Design (United States)

    Polzin, Kurt A.; Markusic, Thomas E.


    We describe the design of a new type of two-stage pulsed electromagnetic accelerator, the gallium electromagnetic (GEM) thruster. A schematic illustration of the GEM thruster concept is given in Fig. 1. In this concept, liquid gallium propellant is pumped into the first stage through a porous metal electrode using an electromagneticpump[l]. At a designated time, a pulsed discharge (approx.10-50 J) is initiated in the first stage, ablating the liquid gallium from the porous electrode surface and ejecting a dense thermal gallium plasma into the second state. The presence of the gallium plasma in the second stage serves to trigger the high-energy (approx.500 I), send-stage puke which provides the primary electromagnetic (j x B) acceleration.

  12. Environmental policy in the Federal Republic of Germany

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Simonis, U.E.


    After a short description of the basic aims of environmental policy the general development of environmental policy in the FRG is gone into. Here above all the sectors air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and waste materials are dealt with. Finally the most important elements of the decision-making processes are explained and a short history of environmental policy in the FRG is given. (UA). [Deutsch] Nach einer kurzen Erlaeuterung der Grundziele der Umweltpolitik wird in kurzer Form auf die allgemeine Entwicklung der Umweltpolitik in der BRD eingegangen. Dabei werden insbesondere die Bereiche Luftverschmutzung, Wasserverschmutzung, Laermbelaestigung und Abfallmaterialien behandelt. Abschliessend werden die wichtigsten Grundzuege des Entscheidungs-Findungs-Prozesses erlaeutert, und es wird die historische Entwicklung der Umweltpolitik in der BRD skizziert. (UA).

  13. Application of CMOS charge-sensitive preamplifier in triple-GEM detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai Yongfang; Li Jin; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Deng Zhi; Li Yulan; Liu Yinong; Li Yuanjing


    Among the various micro-pattern gas detectors (MPGD) that are available, the gas electron multiplier (GEM) detector is an attractive gas detector that has been used in particle physics experiments. However the GEM detector usually needs thousands of preamplifier units for its large number of micro-pattern readout strips or pads, which leads to considerable difficulties and complexities for front end electronics (FEE). Nowadays, by making use of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-based application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), it is feasible to integrate hundreds of preamplifier units and other signal process circuits in a small-sized chip, which can be bound to the readout strips or pads of a micro-pattern particle detector (MPPD). Therefore, CMOS ASIC may provide an ideal solution to the readout problem of MPPD. In this article, a triple GEM detector is constructed and one of its readout strips is connected to a CMOS charge-sensitive preamplifier chip. The chip was exposed to an 55 Fe source of 5.9 kev X-ray, and the amplitude spectrum of the chip was tested, and it was found that the energy resolution was approximately 27%, which indicates that the chip can be used in triple GEM detectors. (authors)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fifi Widyaningsih


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh good corporate governance dan struktur kepemilikan saham dalam perusahaan terhadap peningkatan kinerja perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder, yaitu laporan keuangan tahunan perusahaan manufaktur yang telah terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia untuk tahun 2010-2011. Pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Analisis data dengan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil analisis regresi linier berganda dalam penelitian ini adalah corporate governance memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan, sedangkan struktur kepemilikan saham baik kepemilikan dari pihak institusional ataupun manajerial tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan.

  15. Review Essay: Das dialogische Selbst zwischen simultaner Pluralität und Halt verleihenden Sprachpraktiken

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie-Cécile Bertau


    Full Text Available "Das dialogische Selbst" von Frank-M. STAEMMLER ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zu einem dialogischen Menschenbild, das von verschiedenen Seiten als Alternative zur methodologischen Individualismus formuliert wird. Der Zusammenhang zwischen einer dialogischen Theorie des Selbst und konkreten therapeutischen Techniken wird einleuchtend hergestellt; klar wird dabei, dass dialogisches Denken eine Herausforderung an tradierte Denkmuster ist. Es sabotiert die Denkfigur der "abgelösten Vorgängigkeit" (BERTAU 2015 (von "Ich", "Selbst" zugunsten des je tatsächlichen Geschehens. Allerdings können Pluralität und Dynamik, Performativität und Gegenwärtigkeit des Geschehens ihrerseits nicht beliebig sein und bloß emergent, sie erfahren vielmehr eine Struktur, ohne die sie nicht (wieder- erkennbar wären. Wie das Verhältnis von Geschehen und Struktur zu denken ist, scheint mir eine der Kernfragen des dialogischen Denkens zu sein. Nach einer formalen Betrachtung und inhaltlichen Übersicht des Buchs diskutiere ich diese Frage entlang STAEMMLERs eigenen Ideen über zwei Themen: Pluralität und Sprache. Das Verhältnis von Geschehen und Struktur ist demnach über die sprachliche Form in der Zeit, über die Zeit, zu denken. Angeredetwerden von einem "Du", das immer auch das allgemeine "Man" (oder "Wir" stellvertritt, verleiht dem "Ich" als dialogischem Selbst Stabilität in der Vielfalt. Der Schritt zur Öffnung der Intersubjektivität ins Öffentliche wird damit als notwendiges Moment zur Überwindung des Individualismus angesehen. URN:

  16. Analysis of current situation of information disclosure of listed companies on GEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhirong Shen


    Full Text Available In the afternoon on October 23th, 2009, GEM was officially launched in our country. Due to the lack of experience in the market supervision, information disclosure violations frequently occurred. In April 2015, Shenzhen Stock Exchange puts forward morning information disclosure system to strengthen the reform of information disclosure system. Therefore, this paper deeply focuses on the current situation of information disclosure violations on GEM for the purpose of attracting more attention to the problems. Through studying the information disclosure violations of the listed companies on GEM from 2011 to September 30th, 2015, this paper divides the violations into the following four types: false record, misleading statement, material misstatement and delayed disclosure. On the other hand, we find that these types of violations are concurrent. From this discussion, we may safely draw the conclusion that the information disclosure of listed companies on GEM has the problem of untruthfulness, incorrectness, incompleteness and delay.

  17. Characteristics of triple GEM detector for the ALICE TPC upgrade at CERN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patra, Rajendra Nath; Singaraju, R.N.; Ahammed, Z.; Nayak, T.K.; Viyogi, Y.P.; Biswas, S.


    Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector, introduced by F. Sauliin 1997 and has been widely improved in last two decades for applications to high energy physics experiments and imaging. GEM detectors have several advantages, like good spatial resolution (∼100 μm), high detection efficiency (>98%), high rate handling capability (∼105 Hz/mm"2 ) and reasonable time response (∼5 ns). The unique features of the GEM detector make it suitable for experiments at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and FAIR at GSI. With the increase of beam luminosity of LHC for its next phase of running from the year 2020, the ALICE experiment is planning to take data for PbPb collisions at a rate of 50 kHz. The ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) will be upgraded by GEM based read-out to fulfil this future goal. In this report, results of a thorough test in the laboratory using a newly developed online data monitoring system are discussed

  18. Einfluss des Alltagskontextes auf den Prozess einer Ernährungsverhaltensmodifikation : eine qualitative Untersuchung von Personen mit erhöhten Cholesterinwerten


    Hildebrandt, Karen


    Das erkenntnisleitende Forschungsinteresse gilt einer umfassenden Betrachtung ernährungsbezogenen Handelns in den drei Alltagsbereichen „Haushalt/Familie“, „Arbeitsplatz/Kollegen“ und „Freizeit/Freunde“ mit dem Ziel, individuell erlebte Bedingungen und Faktoren einer Ernährungsverhaltensmodifikation herauszuarbeiten. In die Untersuchung sind Personen mit einer Fettstoffwechselstörung eingeschlossen worden, die sich in verschiedenen Stadien einer Gesundheitsverhaltensmodifikation befinden. ...

  19. Uniformity studies in large area triple-GEM based detectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akl, M. Abi [Science Program, Texas A& M University at Qatar, PO Box 23874, Doha (Qatar); Bouhali, O., E-mail: [Science Program, Texas A& M University at Qatar, PO Box 23874, Doha (Qatar); Qatar Computing Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, PO Box 5825, Doha (Qatar); Castaneda, A.; Maghrbi, Y.; Mohamed, T. [Science Program, Texas A& M University at Qatar, PO Box 23874, Doha (Qatar)


    Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) based detectors have been used in many applications since their introduction in 1997. Large areas, e.g. exceeding 30×30 cm{sup 2}, of GEM detectors are foreseen in future experiments which puts stringent requirements on the uniformity of response across the detection area. We investigate the effect of small variations of several parameters that could affect the uniformity. Parameters such as the anode pitch, the gas gap, the size and the shape of the holes are investigated. Simulation results are presented and compared to previous experimental data.

  20. HydroGEM, a hydrogen fuelled utility vehicle. Case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoevenaars, A.J.; Kraaij, G.J.; De Bruijne, M.; Weeda, M.


    This report describes the conversion of a Global Electric Motorcars (GEM, a Chrysler company) electric utility vehicle into a Fuel Cell Vehicle called HydroGEM, at the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). The report is prepared as a case study within the framework of Task 18 on 'Evaluation of Integrated Hydrogen Systems' of the IEA Hydrogen Implementing Agreement. The vehicle's fuel cell system was designed in 2005, manufactured and built into the vehicle in 2006 and operated from 2007 onwards. The design-choices, assembly, operation and maintenance-issues are presented and discussed.

  1. 16 CFR 23.25 - Misuse of the word “gem.” (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Misuse of the word âgem.â 23.25 Section 23... JEWELRY, PRECIOUS METALS, AND PEWTER INDUSTRIES § 23.25 Misuse of the word “gem.” (a) It is unfair or deceptive to use the word “gem” to describe, identify, or refer to a ruby, sapphire, emerald, topaz, or...

  2. Reduction experiment of FeO-bearing amorphous silicate: application to origin of metallic iron in GEMS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsuno, Junya; Tsuchiyama, Akira; Miyake, Akira [Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502 (Japan); Noguchi, Ryo [Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043 (Japan); Ichikawa, Satoshi, E-mail: [Institute for Nano-science Design, Osaka University, 1-3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531 (Japan)


    Glass with embedded metal and sulfides (GEMS) are amorphous silicates included in anhydrous interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and can provide information about material evolution in our early solar system. Several formation processes for GEMS have been proposed so far, but these theories are still being debated. To investigate a possible GEMS origin by reduction of interstellar silicates, we synthesized amorphous silicates with a mean GEMS composition and performed heating experiments in a reducing atmosphere. FeO-bearing amorphous silicates were heated at 923 K and 973 K for 3 hr, and at 1023 K for 1-48 hr at ambient pressure in a reducing atmosphere. Fe grains formed at the interface between the silicate and the reducing gas through a reduction. In contrast, TEM observations of natural GEMS show that metallic grains are uniformly embedded in amorphous silicates. Therefore, the present study suggests that metallic inclusions in GEMS could not form as reduction products and that other formation process such as condensation or irradiation are more likely.

  3. Plattenepithelkarzinom in Verbindung mit einer roten Tätowierung. (United States)

    Schmitz, Inge; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Ernert, Carsten; Tannapfel, Andrea


    Obwohl Tätowierungen in den letzten Jahren außerordentlich beliebt geworden sind, wurde in der Literatur bisher nur über wenige Fälle schwerer Reaktionen berichtet, die zu einer malignen Transformation führten. Dies steht im Kontrast zu der praktisch unüberschaubaren Zahl an Tätowierungen weltweit. Die Zusammensetzung der für Tätowierungen verwendeten Farbstoffe variiert stark, und selbst gleiche Farbtöne können unterschiedliche Komponenten enthalten. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es zu untersuchen, auf welche Weise Tätowierungen möglicherweise Hautkrebs auslösen können. Wir berichten über den seltenen Fall einer 24-jährigen Frau, bei der sich sieben Monate nachdem sie eine Tätowierung auf dem Fußrücken erhalten hatte in unmittelbarer Nähe des verwendeten roten Farbstoffs ein Plattenepithelkarzinom entwickelte. Die Komplikationen begannen mit einer unspezifischen Schwellung. Die Läsion wurde histologisch untersucht. Die Zusammensetzung des inkorporierten Farbstoffs wurde mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie in Kombination mit energiedispersiver Elementanalyse analysiert. Zur weiteren Charakterisierung wurden Thermogravimetrie und Pulverdiffraktometrie eingesetzt. Der Tätowierungsfarbstoff enthielt hauptsächlich Bariumsulfat; Spuren von Al, S, Ti, P, Mg und Cl ließen sich ebenfalls nachweisen. Bei der Analyse zeigten sich Pigmentgranula unterschiedlicher Größe. In seltenen Fällen kann Tätowierungstinte karzinogene Effekte haben, die multifaktoriell zu sein scheinen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Development of a guidance manual for the identification and assessment of interactions as part of Environmental Impact Assessment; Entwicklung einer Arbeitsanleitung zur Beruecksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen in der Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rassmus, J.; Bruening, H.; Kleinschmidt, V.; Reck, H.; Dierssen, K.; Bonk, A. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Oekologie-Zentrum


    , a methodology for the cross-media assessment of effects was developed. Here, the direct and indirect (caused e.g. via effect chains/webs) effects already described in the chapters specific to the various protected assets are examined to select and jointly assess those among them that are of relevance to general objectives or sub-objectives (protection of human health, improvement of environmental conditions to improve the quality of life for human beings, preservation of habitat potentials for plants and animals). (orig.) [German] Ziel des Vorhabens war die Entwicklung einer praxisorientierten Arbeitsanleitung fuer die Beruecksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen in der UVP. Die Arbeitsanleitung soll Vorhabenstraeger und deren Gutachter bei der Ermittlung und Beschreibung der Auswirkungen eines Vorhabens auf Wechselwirkungen und der entsprechenden sachgerechten Darstellung innerhalb der Antragsunterlagen und Behoerden bei der folgenden Bewertung unterstuetzen. Im Rahmen des Vorhabens wurden die entsprechenden rechtlichen und naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen (hier insbesondere der Kenntnistand der Oekosystemforschung), die im In- und Ausland bekannten Leitfaeden/Arbeitsanleitungen und die in der Praxis angewandten Ansaetze ausgewertet und weiterentwickelt. Dies erfolgte u.a. durch die Auswertung der entsprechenden Literatur und durch Expertenworkshops. Nach der im Vorhaben entwickelten Definition sind unter Wechselwirkungen im Sinne der EU-UVP-Richtlinie und Paragraph 2 UVPG, die in der Umwelt ablaufenden Prozesse zu verstehen. Bei der in der UVP-Praxis gegenwaertig angewandten Betrachtung von Wirkungsketten und -netzen werden Prozesse bzw. Wechselwirkungen bereits weitgehend ermittelt und beschrieben, da die Glieder der Ketten und Netze ueber Prozesse miteinander verbunden sind. Die im Vorhaben entwickelte Arbeitsanleitung geht hier einen Schritt weiter, indem sie ein Verfahren fuer die systematische Bearbeitung von Wirkungsketten- und -netzen mit definierten

  5. Die Entstehung einer Nachbarsegmentdekompensation nach lumbaler Spondylodese. Einfluß des sagitalen Profils


    Noe, Stephan


    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen der frühen Dekompensation einer Nachbaretage neben einem fusioniertem Bandscheibensegment im Lendenwirbelsäulenbereich und dem sagittalen Profil der Lendenwirbelsäule besteht. Im Rahmen der Untersuchungen wurden in einer retrospektiven Untersuchung die Krankenakten und Röntgenbilder von 51 Patienten der Zentralkliniken Bad Berka (Wirbelsäulenchirurgie) und Patienten der Orthopädischen Klinik des Universitä...

  6. Overview of the GEM muon system cosmic ray test program at the SSCL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milner, E.C.


    Muon track resolution exceeding 75-μm per plane is one of the main strengths of the GEM detector design, and will be crucial in searches for Higgs Bosons, heavy Z-Bosons, technicolor, and supersymmetry. Achieving this resolution coal requires improved precision in muon chambers and their alignment. A cosmic ray test stand known as the Texas Test Rio, (TTR) has been created at the SSCL for studying candidate GEM muon chamber technologies. Test results led to selecting Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) as the GEM muon system baseline chamber technology

  7. [Osteopathie bei gastroösophagealem Reflux mit Hiatushernie: Ein Fallbericht gemäß der CARE-Leitlinie]. (United States)

    Rotter, Gabriele; Brinkhaus, Benno


    Hintergrund: Das Vorhandensein einer Hiatushernie kann das Auftreten einer gastroösophagealen Refluxerkrankung (GERD) als Komplikation bedingen. Konventionelle medizinische Therapiemaßnahmen können zu unerwünschten Ereignissen und Rezidiven führen. Bisher sind die Effekte von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei Hiatushernie und GERD nicht bekannt. Fallbericht: Eine 59-jährige Patientin mit endoskopisch diagnostizierter chronischer Gastritis, GERD und Hiatushernie beklagte einen persistierenden gastroösophagealen Reflux trotz konventionell-medizinischer konservativer Therapie. Die osteopathische Diagnostik ergab eine funktionelle Störung im Bereich des Magens und der Kardia mit einer Beteiligung zugehöriger Reflexzonen. Nach einer osteopathischen Behandlung als individuelle, befundorientierte Therapie ließen die Beschwerden erheblich nach. Die Hiatushernie war nach einer dieser Behandlung endoskopisch nicht mehr nachweisbar. Schlussfolgerungen: Dieser Fallbericht schildert die Symptomreduktion einer GERD nach osteopathischer Behandlung. In der endoskopischen Folgeuntersuchung fand sich die initial diagnostizierte Hiatushernie nicht mehr, diese Befund änderung könnte jedoch auf die unterschiedlichen Untersucher zurückgeführt werden. Prospektive kontrollierte klinische Studien sind notwendig, um den Stellenwert von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei GERD mit Hiatushernie zu untersuchen. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  8. The GEM code. A simulation program for the evaporation and the fission process of an excited nucleus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Furihata, Shiori [Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc., Tokyo (Japan); Niita, Koji [Research Organization for Information Science and Technology, Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); Meigo, Shin-ichiro; Ikeda, Yujiro; Maekawa, Fujio [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    The GEM code is a simulation program which describes the de-excitation process of an excited nucleus, which is based on the Generalized Evaporation Model and the Atchison fission model. It has been shown that the combination of the Bertini intranuclear cascade model and GEM accurately predicts the cross sections of light fragments, such as Be produced from the proton-induced reactions. It has also been shown that the use of the reevaluated parameters in the Atchison model improves predictions of cross sections of fission fragments produced from the proton-induced reaction on Au. In this report, we present details and the usage of the GEM code. Furthermore, the results of benchmark calculations are shown by using the combination of the Bertini intranuclear cascade model and the GEM code (INC/GEM). Neutron spectra and isotope production cross sections from the reactions on various targets irradiated by protons are calculated with INC/GEM. Those results are compared with experimental data as well as the calculation results with LAHET. INC/GEM reproduces the experiments of double differential neutron emissions from the reaction on Al and Pb. The isotopic distributions for He, Li, and Be produced from the reaction on Ag are in good agreement with experimental data within 50%, although INC/GEM underestimates those of heavier nuclei than O. It is also shown that the predictions with INC/GEM for isotope production of light fragments, such as Li and Be, are better than those calculation with LAHET, particularly for heavy target. INC/GEM also gives better estimates of the cross sections of fission products than LAHET. (author)

  9. Performance study of a GEM-TPC prototype using cosmic rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yulan; Qi Huirong; Li Jin; Gao Yuanning; Li Yuanjing; Yang Zhenwei; Fujii, Keisuke; Matsuda, Takeshi


    Time projection chambers (TPCs) have been successfully used as the central tracking devices in a number of high-energy physics experiments. However, the performance requirements on TPCs for future high-energy physics experiments greatly exceed the abilities of traditional TPCs read out by multi-wire proportional chambers (MWPCs). Micro-pattern gas detectors (MPGDs), such as gas electron multipliers (GEMs) or micromegas, have great potential to improve TPC performance when used as readout detectors. In order to evaluate its feasibility, a GEM-based TPC prototype with a drift length up to 50 cm was designed. Measurements of the spatial resolution of cosmic-ray tracks without and with a magnetic field (B=1 T) are presented. A very good performance is achieved, matching the analytic formula for the spatial resolution of a MPGD-readout TPC. A dedicated study shows that the increase of GEM detector gain can improve the TPC's spatial resolution.

  10. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM fluxes over canopy of two typical subtropical forests in south China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Q. Yu


    Full Text Available Mercury (Hg exchange between forests and the atmosphere plays an important role in global Hg cycling. The present estimate of global emission of Hg from natural source has large uncertainty, partly due to the lack of chronical and valid field data, particularly for terrestrial surfaces in China, the most important contributor to global atmospheric Hg. In this study, the micrometeorological method (MM was used to continuously observe gaseous elemental mercury (GEM fluxes over forest canopy at a mildly polluted site (Qianyanzhou, QYZ and a moderately polluted site (Huitong, HT, near a large Hg mine in subtropical south China for a full year from January to December in 2014. The GEM flux measurements over forest canopy in QYZ and HT showed net emission with annual average values of 6.67 and 0.30 ng m−2 h−1, respectively. Daily variations of GEM fluxes showed an increasing emission with the increasing air temperature and solar radiation in the daytime to a peak at 13:00, and decreasing emission thereafter, even as a GEM sink or balance at night. High temperature and low air Hg concentration resulted in the high Hg emission in summer. Low temperature in winter and Hg absorption by plant in spring resulted in low Hg emission, or even adsorption in the two seasons. GEM fluxes were positively correlated with air temperature, soil temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation, while it is negatively correlated with air humidity and atmospheric GEM concentration. The lower emission fluxes of GEM at the moderately polluted site (HT when compared with that in the mildly polluted site (QYZ may result from a much higher adsorption fluxes at night in spite of a similar or higher emission fluxes during daytime. This shows that the higher atmospheric GEM concentration at HT restricted the forest GEM emission. Great attention should be paid to forests as a crucial increasing Hg emission source with the decreasing atmospheric GEM concentration

  11. A refined gravity model from Lageos /GEM-L2/ (United States)

    Lerch, F. J.; Klosko, S. M.; Patel, G. B.


    Lageos satellite laser ranging (SLR) data taken over a 2.5 yr period were employed to develop the Goddard Earth Model GEM-L2, a refined gravity field model. Additional data was gathered with 30 other satellites, resulting in spherical harmonics through degree and order 20, based on over 600,000 measurements. The Lageos data was accurate down to 10 cm, after which the GEM 9 data were used to make adjustments past order 7. The resolution of long wavelength activity, through degree and order 4, was made possible by the Lageos data. The GEM-L2 model features a 20 x 20 geopotential, tracking station coordinates (20), 5-day polar motion and A1-UT1 values, and a GM value of 398,600.607 cu km/sq sec. The accuracy of station positioning has been raised to within 6 cm total position globally and within 1.8 cm in baselines. It is concluded that SLR is useful for measuring tectonic plate motions and inter-plate deformations.

  12. The TOTEM GEM Telescope (T2) at the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quinto, M.; Berretti, M.; David, E.; Garcia, F.; Greco, V.; Heino, J.; Hilden, T.; Kurvinen, K.; Lami, S.; Latino, G.; Lauhakangas, R.; Oliveri, E.; Ropelewski, L.; Scribano, A.; Turini, N.; Stenis, M. van


    The TOTEM T2 telescope will measure inelastically produced charged particles in the forward region of the LHC Interaction Point 5. Each arm of the telescope consists in a set of 20 triple-GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) detectors with tracking and trigger capabilities. The GEM technology has been considered for the design of TOTEM very forward T2 telescopes thanks to its characteristics: large active areas, good position and timing resolution, excellent rate capability and radiation hardness. Each of the four T2 half arms has been fully assembled and equipped with electronics at CERN and systematically tested in the SPS beam line H8 in 2008/09. After some optimization, the operation of the GEM chambers was fully satisfactory and the T2 telescopes were installed and commissioned in their final positions at the LHC interaction point. During the first LHC run (December 2009) the T2 telescopes have collected data, at 900 GeV and 2.36 TeV. We will present here the performances of the detector and the preliminary results obtained using the data collected.

  13. The TOTEM GEM Telescope (T2) at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quinto, M. [INFN Sezione di Bari, Via E.Orabona n 4, 70126 Bari (Italy); Berretti, M. [University of Siena, Physics Department, Via Roma 56, I-53100 Siena (Italy); INFN Sezione di Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3. I-56127. Pisa (Italy); David, E. [CERN, PH Department, 1211 Geneva 23, Geneva (Switzerland); Garcia, F. [University of Helsinki, Institute of Physics and Department of Physical Sciences, Helsinki (Finland); Greco, V. [University of Siena, Physics Department, Via Roma 56, I-53100 Siena (Italy); INFN Sezione di Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3. I-56127. Pisa (Italy); Heino, J.; Hilden, T.; Kurvinen, K. [University of Helsinki, Institute of Physics and Department of Physical Sciences, Helsinki (Finland); Lami, S. [INFN Sezione di Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3. I-56127. Pisa (Italy); Latino, G. [University of Siena, Physics Department, Via Roma 56, I-53100 Siena (Italy); INFN Sezione di Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3. I-56127. Pisa (Italy); Lauhakangas, R. [University of Helsinki, Institute of Physics and Department of Physical Sciences, Helsinki (Finland); Oliveri, E. [University of Siena, Physics Department, Via Roma 56, I-53100 Siena (Italy); INFN Sezione di Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3. I-56127. Pisa (Italy); Ropelewski, L. [CERN, PH Department, 1211 Geneva 23, Geneva (Switzerland); Scribano, A.; Turini, N. [University of Siena, Physics Department, Via Roma 56, I-53100 Siena (Italy); INFN Sezione di Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3. I-56127. Pisa (Italy); Stenis, M. van [CERN, PH Department, 1211 Geneva 23, Geneva (Switzerland)


    The TOTEM T2 telescope will measure inelastically produced charged particles in the forward region of the LHC Interaction Point 5. Each arm of the telescope consists in a set of 20 triple-GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) detectors with tracking and trigger capabilities. The GEM technology has been considered for the design of TOTEM very forward T2 telescopes thanks to its characteristics: large active areas, good position and timing resolution, excellent rate capability and radiation hardness. Each of the four T2 half arms has been fully assembled and equipped with electronics at CERN and systematically tested in the SPS beam line H8 in 2008/09. After some optimization, the operation of the GEM chambers was fully satisfactory and the T2 telescopes were installed and commissioned in their final positions at the LHC interaction point. During the first LHC run (December 2009) the T2 telescopes have collected data, at 900 GeV and 2.36 TeV. We will present here the performances of the detector and the preliminary results obtained using the data collected.

  14. Ironieentwicklung unter interaktionslinguistischer Perspektive


    Kotthoff, Helga


    Der vorliegende Aufsatz gibt Einblick in ein Pilotprojekt zur Entwicklung von Ironie und vergleichbaren Formen der Kommunikation einer Bewertungskluft in Interaktionssituationen mit Schulkindern. Um Ironie zu verstehen, muss man davon ausgehen, dass Äußerungen verschiedene Bedeutungsschichten haben können. Man kann diesem Typus indirekten Sprechens nur Sinn zuordnen, wenn man generelle Haltungen des Sprechers inferieren kann, und diese Haltung dann gleichzeitig zum Ausgangspunkt nimmt, auch s...

  15. Mikrofluidisch gestützte zellbasierte Assays mit gedruckter Sensorik für High-Content Analytik


    Pfister, Cornelia


    Die Arbeit beschreibt die Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung einer sensorbestückten Multiwellplatte für automatisierte Assays an lebenden Zellen bzw. Gewebeproben. Zudem wurde eine Analyse verschiedener Methoden zur Fertigung dreidimensionaler Mikrostrukturen zur Immobilisierung nicht-adhärenter Zellen durchgeführt. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bildet die Entwicklung eines Druckprozesses für opto-chemische Sensoren in der neuen Multiwellplatte. This work describes the further de...

  16. Hochempfindliche Oberflächenwellen-Sensoren für die Medizinische Diagnostik


    Rupp, Swen


    Kernpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Sensorsystems zur medizinischen Diagnostik von Immunreaktionen. Ein großes Interesse besteht an einer schnellen Detektion von Antigen-Antikörper-Reaktionen. Geringe Stoffkonzentrationen sollen im Bereich von µg/ml in Plasma, Serum oder Blut nachgewiesen werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein einfach handhabbares Sensorsystem entwickelt, das für den Einsatz in Arztpraxen und Laboratorien geeignet ist. Als physikalische Grundlage dienen Senso...

  17. Das Sabbatjahr für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer: Wer profitiert und in welcher Form?


    Rothland, Martin


    Das Sabbatjahr für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer wird programmatisch als Maßnahme der Belastungsreduktion, der Regeneration sowie der Ressourcenstärkung diskutiert. Empirische Belege für die erwarteten Effekte finden sich jedoch kaum. Im Rahmen einer Längsschnittstudie mit drei Erhebungszeitpunkten vor, während und nach dem Sabbatjahr werden die Entwicklung der Belastungswahrnehmung, des Gesundheitszustands und allgemeiner sowie arbeitsbezogener Emotionen (Berufs- und Lebenszufriedenheit) auf der Ba...

  18. Akzeptanz von Location Based Services


    Bauer, Hans H.; Haber, Tobias E.; Reichardt, Tina; Bökamp, Marten


    Die enormen Investitionen in UMTS-Lizenzen und den Aufbau einer neuen Netzinfrastruktur zwingen die Mobilfunkanbieter zur Erschließung neuer Umsatzpotenziale. Durch Entwicklung neuer mobiler Mehrwertdienste hoffen sie, die „Killerapplikation“ der 3. Mobilfunkgeneration zu finden, die ähnlich wie der Short Message Service (SMS) für GSM, zum Treiber des UMTS-Markterfolges werden kann. Nach Meinung vieler Marktbeobachter könnten Location Based Services, d.h. mobile Dienste, die ...

  19. Lageroptimierung 2.0: Das Online-WMS


    Wolf, Oliver; Geißen, Tim; Rahn, Jonas; Haselberger, Julia


    Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML unterstützt zahlreiche Unternehmen sowohl bei der Auswahl des richtigen Warehouse Management Systems als auch durch die Entwicklung einer Plattform, die das Anbieten, Mieten und Anwenden logistischer IT-Unterstützung in der Cloud möglich macht. Von »warehouse logistics« zur »Logistics Mall« - vom konventionell betriebenen Warehouse Management System zum WMS aus der Steckdose.

  20. Ganzheitlich prozessorientierte Entscheidungsunterstützung am Beispiel der Automobillackierung : Ein Beitrag zum industriellen Stoffstrommanagement


    Rosenau-Tornow, Dirk


    Im Rahmen der sich verknappenden Ressourcen, der Anforderungen durch die Umweltgesetzgebung sowie des Gedankens einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung wird es für Unternehmen zunehmend wichtiger, den Aufwand für die Herstellung von Gütern und Dienstleistungen effizienter zu gestalten. Dabei gewinnt eine ganzheitliche Sichtweise unternehmerischer Entscheidung im Sinne von Technik, Ökonomie und Ökologie an Bedeutung, die eine Entkopplung von Wirtschaftswachstum und Ressourcenverbrauch bewirkt. Für betr...

  1. Die FPÖ - ein Phänomen im internationalen Vergleich : Erfolg und Misserfolg des identitären Rechtspopulismus


    Heinisch, Reinhard


    'Der Aufsatz versteht sich als Bestandsaufnahme der verzweigten Rechtspopulismusforschung. Konkret soll hier versucht werden, die Entwicklung der Haider-FPÖ als integraler Teil des neuen europäischen Rechtspopulismus zu beschreiben, dessen politische Stärken und Schwächen sich weitgehend aus den spezifischen strukturellen Eigenschaften dieses Phänomens ergeben. Nach einer eingehenden Analyse der Konvergenz rechtspopulistischer Strömungen in Richtung identitärer Programmatik wird besonders das...

  2. Neuropsychologische Aspekte der Diagnostik von Kindern mit umschriebenen Entwicklungsstörungen schulischer Fertigkeiten


    Blender, Anja


    Die vorliegende Studie liefert empirische Evidenz für die Annahme von umschriebenen Entwicklungsstörungen schulischer Fertigkeiten als Manifestation einer auffälligen neuropsychologischen Entwicklung. Von allen untersuchten neuropsychologischen Funktionen erwies sich die phonologische Verarbeitung, insbesondere die phonologische Bewusstheit, als die am höchsten diskriminative Variable für umschriebene Lernstörungen im Lesen und/ oder Rechtschreiben sowie in der kombinierten Form mit Rechenstö...

  3. Promene komponenata i strukture mleka tokom fermentacije dodatkom nekonvencionalnog startera


    Kanurić Katarina


    Promene komponenata i strukture mleka ispitane su tokom fermentacije korišćenjem inokuluma kombuhe kultivisane na crnom čaju zaslađenom saharozom u koncentraciji 10%. Fermentacija mleka sa 2,2% mlečne masti izvršena je na dve različite temperature (37°C i 42°C) i uzorci su analizirani na sledećim pH vrednostima: 6,1; 5,8; 5,4; 5,1; 4,8 i 4,6. Urađena je determinacija i identifikacija produkata fermentacije laktoze kao što su: šećeri, organske kiseline i masne kiseline. Ispitane su teksturalne...

  4. IT-diplomacy. Four steps to sensible implementation; IT-Diplomatie. Vier Schritte zur sinnvollen Umsetzung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wittkewitz, J. [Wittkewitz Communications, Hannover (Germany)


    A growing number of international press releases deal with enterprise application integration (EAI). Every modern company, willing to cope with accelerating market movements, had experiences with ist own IT-infrastructure - some were painful and expensive. That is one of the reasons for a business need for a built-in flexibility inside the heterogenic IT-landscapes inside and between enterprises. (orig.) [German] Seit einiger Zeit geistert der Begriff enterprise application integration (EAI) durch die internationale Presse. Jedes moderne Unternehmen, das gewillt ist, den schnellen Marktveraenderungen gerecht zu werden, hat nicht selten schmerzlich erfahren, dass die Integration einer heterogenen IT-Landschaft Not tut. Doch dazu bedarf es einer grundlegend flexiblen Struktur innerhalb und zwischen Unternehmen. (orig.)

  5. Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement an Bibliotheken: Prozessfindung am Beispiel wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken im deutschsprachigen Raum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Birte Lindstädt


    Full Text Available Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement ist ein unternehmerisches Konzept aus der Betriebswirtschaft, das insbesondere in der Konsumgüterindustrie zur Anwendung kommt. Der damit verbundene Prozess richtet das gesamte unternehmerische Handeln an einzelnen Produkten oder Produktgruppen und den damit verbundenen Kundenbedürfnissen aus. Die Anwendung des Produkt- und Innovationsmanagements für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken erfordert eine Anpassung des Managementprozesses auf die Erfordernisse einer öffentlichen Einrichtung mit kulturellem Bildungsauftrag. In einer wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek erfüllt das Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement zwei wichtige Funktionen: Zum einen sollen bestehende Produkte laufend überprüft und an die strategischen Ziele und Kundenbedürfnisse angepasst werden (Produktmanagement, zum anderen bedarf es einer kontinuierlichen Marktbeobachtung und Entwicklung neuer Produkte im Rahmen der strategischen Ziele (Innovationsmanagement. Im Folgenden werden auf der Grundlage einer Literaturrecherche und der Analyse von sechs Anwendungsbeispielen die wichtigsten Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Einführung eines Produkt- und Innovationsmanagements aufgezeigt sowie ein optimierter Prozess dargestellt, wie Produkt- und Innovationsmanagement an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken ein- und durchgeführt werden kann.

  6. Gravity model improvement using GEOS 3 /GEM 9 and 10/. [and Seasat altimetry data (United States)

    Lerch, F. J.; Wagner, C. A.; Klosko, S. M.; Laubscher, R. E.


    Although errors in previous gravity models have produced large uncertainties in the orbital position of GEOS 3, significant improvement has been obtained with new geopotential solutions, Goddard Earth Model (GEM) 9 and 10. The GEM 9 and 10 solutions for the potential coefficients and station coordinates are presented along with a discussion of the new techniques employed. Also presented and discussed are solutions for three fundamental geodetic reference parameters, viz. the mean radius of the earth, the gravitational constant, and mean equatorial gravity. Evaluation of the gravity field is examined together with evaluation of GEM 9 and 10 for orbit determination accuracy. The major objectives of GEM 9 and 10 are achieved. GEOS 3 orbital accuracies from these models are about 1 m in their radial components for 5-day arc lengths. Both models yield significantly improved results over GEM solutions when compared to surface gravimetry, Skylab and GEOS 3 altimetry, and highly accurate BE-C (Beacon Explorer-C) laser ranges. The new values of the parameters discussed are given.

  7. PLC-controlled cryostats for the BlackGEM and MeerLICHT detectors (United States)

    Raskin, Gert; Morren, Johan; Pessemier, Wim; Bloemen, Steven; Klein-Wolt, Marc; Roelfsema, Ronald; Groot, Paul; Aerts, Conny


    BlackGEM is an array of telescopes, currently under development at the Radboud University Nijmegen and at NOVA (Netherlands Research School for Astronomy). It targets the detection of the optical counterparts of gravitational waves. The first three BlackGEM telescopes are planned to be installed in 2018 at the La Silla observatory (Chile). A single prototype telescope, named MeerLICHT, will already be commissioned early 2017 in Sutherland (South Africa) to provide an optical complement for the MeerKAT radio array. The BlackGEM array consists of, initially, a set of three robotic 65-cm wide-field telescopes. Each telescope is equipped with a single STA1600 CCD detector with 10.5k x 10.5k 9-micron pixels that covers a 2.7 square degrees field of view. The cryostats for housing these detectors are developed and built at the KU Leuven University (Belgium). The operational model of BlackGEM requires long periods of reliable hands-off operation. Therefore, we designed the cryostats for long vacuum hold time and we make use of a closed-cycle cooling system, based on Polycold PCC Joule-Thomson coolers. A single programmable logic controller (PLC) controls the cryogenic systems of several BlackGEM telescopes simultaneously, resulting in a highly reliable, cost-efficient and maintenance-friendly system. PLC-based cryostat control offers some distinct advantages, especially for a robotic facility. Apart of temperature monitoring and control, the PLC also monitors the vacuum quality, the power supply and the status of the PCC coolers (compressor power consumption and temperature, pressure in the gas lines, etc.). Furthermore, it provides an alarming system and safe and reproducible procedures for automatic cool down and warm up. The communication between PLC and higher-level software takes place via the OPC-UA protocol, offering a simple to implement, yet very powerful interface. Finally, a touch-panel display on the PLC provides the operator with a user-friendly and robust

  8. Promoting microbiology education through the iGEM synthetic biology competition. (United States)

    Kelwick, Richard; Bowater, Laura; Yeoman, Kay H; Bowater, Richard P


    Synthetic biology has developed rapidly in the 21st century. It covers a range of scientific disciplines that incorporate principles from engineering to take advantage of and improve biological systems, often applied to specific problems. Methods important in this subject area include the systematic design and testing of biological systems and, here, we describe how synthetic biology projects frequently develop microbiology skills and education. Synthetic biology research has huge potential in biotechnology and medicine, which brings important ethical and moral issues to address, offering learning opportunities about the wider impact of microbiological research. Synthetic biology projects have developed into wide-ranging training and educational experiences through iGEM, the International Genetically Engineered Machines competition. Elements of the competition are judged against specific criteria and teams can win medals and prizes across several categories. Collaboration is an important element of iGEM, and all DNA constructs synthesized by iGEM teams are made available to all researchers through the Registry for Standard Biological Parts. An overview of microbiological developments in the iGEM competition is provided. This review is targeted at educators that focus on microbiology and synthetic biology, but will also be of value to undergraduate and postgraduate students with an interest in this exciting subject area. © FEMS 2015. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  9. Therapie einer postoperativ entstandenen zystischen Raumforderung mit Picibanil (OK-432): Ein Fallbericht


    Schlüter, A; Weller, P; Mattheis, S; Lang, S


    Einleitung: Picibanil (=OK432) ist ein Lysat bestehend aus Penicillin G und mit H2O2 attenuiertem Streptococcus pyogenes. In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde Picibanil zur Therapie von Pleuraergüssen, Lymphangiomen, Chylusfisteln, medianen Halszysten und Ranulae eingesetzt. Es verursacht eine Immunreaktion mit aseptischer Entzündung. Dies führt zu einer Zerstörung des Endothels und konsekutiv zu einer Verklebung und Schrumpfung des Zystensacks.Falldarstellung: Wir berichten über einen 40-jähri...

  10. Der Ritter mit dem Hemd : drei Fassungen einer mittelalterlichen Erzählung


    Dunphy, Graeme


    Unter den zahlreichen Motiven, die in der mittelalterlichen Literatur mit Frauendienst verbunden sind, gehört das vom Ritter mit dem Hemd zu den besonders interessanten. Es erscheint zunächst in dem ersten von fünf Fabliaux aus einer verlorenen Turiner Handschrift, die dem sonst unbekannten altfranzösischen Dichter Jacques de Baisieux zugeschrieben werden, einer heiteren Kurzgeschichte mit dem Titel "Des trois chevaliers et del chainse". In der vorliegenden Untersuchung gilt es, der Frage der...

  11. Characterization of the allergen Sol gem 2 from the fire ant venom, Solenopsis geminata

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Sukprasert


    Full Text Available Sol i 2 is a potent allergen in Solenopsis invicta venom, and most humans exhibit reactivity to it. The Sol gem 2 allergen found in the venom of the Thai tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata was analysed in the present study. The protein was present in higher amounts than other proteins, as determined by SDS-PAGE, and presumably has allergenic properties similar to those of Sol i 2. Sol gem 2 molecular weight is 28 and 15 kDa, respectively, under non-reducing and reducing conditions, indicating that its native form is a dimer. LC-MS/MS analysis confirmed its similarity to Sol i 2. The mono/dimeric form of Sol gem 2 was determined to be relevant by proteomic approach and immunoblotting. An anti-Sol gem 2 antibody was produced in mice, with a titer greater than 1:800 according to the Western blotting analysis. The Sol gem 2-neutralising activity of this antibody was determined in crickets. The paralytic dose 50 (PD50 of crude S. geminata venom was elevated from 0.18 mg/g of body weight to more than 0.90 mg/g of body weight after preincubation with antibody at a ratio of 1:1. These results suggest that Sol gem 2 plays an important role in mediating the effects of the piperidine derivatives in the venom.

  12. An aging study of triple GEMs in Ar-CO sub 2

    CERN Document Server

    Guirl, L; May, J; Miyamoto, J; Shipsey, I


    An aging study was performed using triple GEMs and a print circuit board (PCB) with an intense X-ray radiation source. The GEM chamber consists of three identical GEMs and a large gas gain (6000) was shared by them. The chamber and its gas circulation line was carefully cleaned and constructed with stainless steel materials. The detector was irradiated continuously about 750 h without interruption until a large amount of charge was accumulated. A single-wire counter served as a monitoring device to check the beam and ambient conditions. The quality of the Ar-CO sub 2 gas was checked by gas chromatography and no measurable amount of hydrocarbons were found. 27 mC/mm sup 2 was accumulated with no noticeable degradation and no deposit or discoloration was found in an optical check.

  13. Gas Gain Measurement Of GEM-Foil In Argon-Carbon Dioxide Mixture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen Ngoc Duy; Vuong Huu Tan; Le Hong Khiem


    Nuclear reaction measurement with radioactive beam at low energy plays an important role in nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. The trajectory of particle beams can be obtained by using an active gas target, multiple-sampling and tracking proportional chamber (MSTPC), as a proportional counter. Because of intensity of low energy radioactive beam, in the stellar reaction such as (α, p), (p, α), it is necessary to increase the gain for the counter. In this case, a gas electrons multiplier (GEM) foil will be used, so the proportional counter is called GEM-MSTPC. The efficient gas gain of GEM foils which relates to foil thickness and operating pressure was investigated with two type of the foils, 400 μm and 200 μm, in Argon (70%) + Carbon dioxide (30%) mixture. (author)

  14. Wits Post Graduate Symposium Poster - iGEM

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Millroy, L


    Full Text Available This document is a poster providing details of the 2010 International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) competition. The origins of the competition, as well as criteria, judging, sponsors, topic and team, are briefly described....

  15. Studies of characteristics of triple GEM detector for the ALICE-TPC upgrade

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patra, Rajendra Nath; Singaraju, R.N.; Ahammed, Z.; Nayak, T.K.; Biswas, S.


    Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) is a novel gas detector in the field of radiation detection. GEM detectors have tremendous advantages over other types gas detectors like high rate handling capability with high efficiency and very low ion back flow (IBF). These detectors are most suitable for the use in the future experiments in high-energy proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI. A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) at the LHC is a dedicated experiment for the study of Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). In few years, the data taking rate for Pb-Pb collisions will increase by 100 times to 50 KHz. The ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main tracking detector in ALICE. It is planned that by the year 2018, GEM detectors will replace the present readout planes of TPC. The goal of the present study is to characterize the GEM detector to achieve the performance goal of the TPC

  16. Inkrementelles und oberflächenkompositionales Parsen von Koordinationsellipsen


    Kapfer, Jörg


    Die Bezeichnung Koordinationsellipse wird in Ermangelung einer besseren Alternative verwendet, auch wenn sie der Zielsetzung widerspricht, eine Alternative zu Ansätzen aufzuzeigen, die im elliptischen Konjunkt weggelassene Elemente postulieren und diese soweit zu rekonstruieren versuchen, dass für sämtliche Konjunkte die gleiche Struktur angenommen werden kann. Das inkrementelle Parsen ist insofern für eine oberflächenkompositionale Analyse von Koordinationsellipsen unerlässlich, als die Stru...

  17. Metal-mediated gem-Difluoroallylation of N-Acylhydrazones: Highly Efficient Synthesis of a,a-Difluorohomoallylic Amines

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    YUE Xuyi; QIU Xiaolong; QING Fengling


    Indium-mediated gem-difluoroallylation of aldehyde-derived N-acylhydrazones 1a-1q and 4a-4g with 3-bromo-3,3-difluoropropene 2 afforded a,a-difluorohomoallylic hydrazides 3a-3q and 5a-5g in high yields, re-spectively. Functional groups such as nitro, phenolic hydroxyl, benzyloxy and even C=C bonds of a,fl-unsaturated aldehydes were compatible under this mild and operationally simple gem-difluoroallylic reaction condition. By means of substitution of Zn powder for indium, gem-difluoroallylation of ketone-derived N-acylhydrazones 6a-6d also provided the corresponding a,a-difluorohomoallylic hydrazides 7a-7d in medium yields. The N-N bond cleavage of the hydrazide 3a proceeded smoothly to give the corresponding primary gem-difluorohomoallylic amine 8, which could be converted to gem-difluoro-δ-substituted α,β-unsaturated lactam 11 via acryloylation fol-lowed by ring closing metathesis (RCM) reaction.

  18. Improved model of the Earth's gravitational field: GEM-T1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marsh, J.G.; Lerch, F.J.; Christodoulidis, D.C.


    Goddard Earth Model T1 (GEM-T1), which was developed from an analysis of direct satellite tracking observations, is the first in a new series of such models. GEM-T1 is complete to degree and order 36. It was developed using consistent reference parameters and extensive earth and ocean tidal models. It was simultaneously solved for gravitational and tidal terms, earth orientation parameters, and the orbital parameters of 580 individual satellite arcs. The solution used only satellite tracking data acquired on 17 different satellites and is predominantly based upon the precise laser data taken by third generation systems. In all, 800,000 observations were used. A major improvement in field accuracy was obtained. For marine geodetic applications, long wavelength geoidal modeling is twice as good as in earlier satellite-only GEM models. Orbit determination accuracy has also been substantially advanced over a wide range of satellites that have been tested

  19. Screening the Drug Sensitivity Genes Related to GEM and CDDP in the Lung Cancer Cell-lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chunyu YANG


    Full Text Available Background and objective Screening of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC cell lines with gemcitabine hydrochloride (GEM and cisplatin (CDDP related to drug sensitivity gene might clarify the action mechanism of anti-cancer drugs and provide a new clue for overcoming drug resistance and the development of new anti-cancer drugs, and also provide theoretical basis for the clinical treatment of individual. Methods The drug sensitivity of CDDP and GEM in 4 SCLC cell lines and 6 NSCLC cell lines was determined using MTT colorimetric assay, while the cDNA macroarray was applied to detect the gene expression state related to drug sensitivity of 10 lung cancer cell line in 1 291, and the correlation between the two was analysized. Results There were 6 genes showing significant positive correlation (r≥0.632, P < 0.05 with GEM sensitivity; 45 genes positively related to CDDP; another 41 genes related to both GEM and CDDP (r≥± 0.4. Lung cancer with GEM and CDDP sensitivity of two types of drugs significantly related genes were Metallothinein (Signal transduction molecules, Cathepsin B (Organization protease B and TIMP1 (Growth factor; the GEM, CDDP sensitivity associated genes of lung cancer cell lines mainly distributed in Metallothinein, Cathepsin B, growth factor TIMP1 categories. Conclusion There existed drug-related sensitive genes of GEM, CDDP in SCLC and NSCLC cell lines; of these genes, Metallothinein, Cathepsin B and TIMP1 genes presented a significant positive correlation with GEM drug sensitivity, a significant negative correlation with CDDP drug sensitivity.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    A new styrene-substituted chlorocyclotriphosphazene, gem-methyl(vinylbenzyl) tetrachlorocyclotriphosphazene, has been prepared from vinylbenzylmagnesium chloride and hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene. The organosubstituted chlorocyclotriphosphazene has been used in radical homo- and copolymerization

  1. ENED-GEM: A Conceptual Framework Model for Psychological Enjoyment Factors and Learning Mechanisms in Educational Games about the Environment (United States)

    Fjællingsdal, Kristoffer S.; Klöckner, Christian A.


    Based on a thorough review of psychological literature, this article seeks to develop a model of game enjoyment and environmental learning (ENvironmental EDucational Game Enjoyment Model, ENED-GEM) and delineate psychological processes that might facilitate learning and inspire behavioral change from educational games about the environment. A critically acclaimed digital educational game about environmental issues (Fate of the World by Red Redemption/Soothsayer Games) was used as a case study. Two hundred forty-nine reviews of the game from the popular gaming and reviewing platform known as Steam were analyzed by means of a thematic content analysis in order to identify key player enjoyment factors believed to be relevant to the process of learning from games, as well as to gain an understanding of positive and negative impressions about the game’s general content. The end results of the thematic analysis were measured up to the suggested ENED-GEM framework. Initial results generally support the main elements of the ENED-GEM, and future research into the importance of these individual core factors is outlined. PMID:28701988

  2. ENED-GEM: A Conceptual Framework Model for Psychological Enjoyment Factors and Learning Mechanisms in Educational Games about the Environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kristoffer S. Fjællingsdal


    Full Text Available Based on a thorough review of psychological literature, this article seeks to develop a model of game enjoyment and environmental learning (ENvironmental EDucational Game Enjoyment Model, ENED-GEM and delineate psychological processes that might facilitate learning and inspire behavioral change from educational games about the environment. A critically acclaimed digital educational game about environmental issues (Fate of the World by Red Redemption/Soothsayer Games was used as a case study. Two hundred forty-nine reviews of the game from the popular gaming and reviewing platform known as Steam were analyzed by means of a thematic content analysis in order to identify key player enjoyment factors believed to be relevant to the process of learning from games, as well as to gain an understanding of positive and negative impressions about the game’s general content. The end results of the thematic analysis were measured up to the suggested ENED-GEM framework. Initial results generally support the main elements of the ENED-GEM, and future research into the importance of these individual core factors is outlined.

  3. ENED-GEM: A Conceptual Framework Model for Psychological Enjoyment Factors and Learning Mechanisms in Educational Games about the Environment. (United States)

    Fjællingsdal, Kristoffer S; Klöckner, Christian A


    Based on a thorough review of psychological literature, this article seeks to develop a model of game enjoyment and environmental learning (ENvironmental EDucational Game Enjoyment Model, ENED-GEM) and delineate psychological processes that might facilitate learning and inspire behavioral change from educational games about the environment. A critically acclaimed digital educational game about environmental issues (Fate of the World by Red Redemption/Soothsayer Games) was used as a case study. Two hundred forty-nine reviews of the game from the popular gaming and reviewing platform known as Steam were analyzed by means of a thematic content analysis in order to identify key player enjoyment factors believed to be relevant to the process of learning from games, as well as to gain an understanding of positive and negative impressions about the game's general content. The end results of the thematic analysis were measured up to the suggested ENED-GEM framework. Initial results generally support the main elements of the ENED-GEM, and future research into the importance of these individual core factors is outlined.

  4. Untersuchung zur Konzeption einer elektrohydraulischen Energieversorgung für zukünftige Pkw-Bremssysteme


    Mutschler, Robert


    Eine elektrohydraulische Energieversorgung für PKW-Bremssysteme wird vorgestellt. Diese Systeme können mit brake by wire klassifiziert werden. Die Energieversorgung besteht aus einem hydropneumatischen Speicher, einer Hochdruckpumpe und einem elektrischen Antrieb. Die Komponenten werden hinsichtlich Automobilanforderungen ausgelegt. Eine neue Methode der Minimierung hydraulischer Pulsationen, die von einer Hochdruck Kolbenpumpe verursacht werden, wird gezeigt.

  5. Die Energiesicherheit Europas in Bezug auf Erdgas und die Auswirkungen einer Kartellbildung im Gassektor


    Krämer, Luis-Martín


    Die Dissertation untersucht die aktuelle Sicherheit der europaeischen Erdgasversorgung. Sie beruecksichtigt zudem die moeglichen Auswirkungen einer Kartellbildung auf die europaeische Gasversorgungssicherheit. Die Arbeit besteht aus einer detaillierten empirischen Studie und darauf aufbauender Szenarioanalyse. Hierzu wird auf den Interdependenzansatz von Robert O. Keohane und Joseph Nye zurueckgegriffen. Zur Darstellung des komplexen Themenbereichs wird auf die Darstellungspraxis der Dichten ...

  6. Analysis of unscrammed loss of flow and heat sink for PRISM with GEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slovik, G.C.; Van Tuyle, G.J.; Kennett, R.J.


    The US Department of Energy is sponsoring an advanced liquid-metal reactor design by General Electric Company (GE) called PRISM. The intent is to design a reactor with passively safe responses to many operational and severe accidents. PRISM is under review at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission for licensability with Brookhaven National Laboratory providing technical assistance. Recently, the PRISM design has been modified to include three gas expansion modules (GEMs) on its core periphery. The GEMs were added to quickly reduce the power (by inserting negative reactivity) during loss-of-flow events to curtail peak fuel and clad temperatures predicted in the previous design. The GEM prototypes have been tested at the Fast Flux Test Facility. The significance of the GEMs in PRISM is discussed in this paper through the evaluation of the unprotected loss of flow (ULOF) and loss of heat sink using the SSC code. It has been demonstrated in the past that SSC predicts results similar to GE and other liquid-metal reactor codes

  7. MeerLICHT and BlackGEM: custom-built telescopes to detect faint optical transients (United States)

    Bloemen, Steven; Groot, Paul; Woudt, Patrick; Klein Wolt, Marc; McBride, Vanessa; Nelemans, Gijs; Körding, Elmar; Pretorius, Margaretha L.; Roelfsema, Ronald; Bettonvil, Felix; Balster, Harry; Bakker, Roy; Dolron, Peter; van Elteren, Arjen; Elswijk, Eddy; Engels, Arno; Fender, Rob; Fokker, Marc; de Haan, Menno; Hagoort, Klaas; de Hoog, Jasper; ter Horst, Rik; van der Kevie, Giel; Kozłowski, Stanisław; Kragt, Jan; Lech, Grzegorz; Le Poole, Rudolf; Lesman, Dirk; Morren, Johan; Navarro, Ramon; Paalberends, Willem-Jelle; Paterson, Kerry; Pawłaszek, Rafal; Pessemier, Wim; Raskin, Gert; Rutten, Harrie; Scheers, Bart; Schuil, Menno; Sybilski, Piotr W.


    We present the MeerLICHT and BlackGEM telescopes, which are wide-field optical telescopes that are currently being built to study transient phenomena, gravitational wave counterparts and variable stars. The telescopes have 65 cm primary mirrors and a 2.7 square degree field-of-view. The MeerLICHT and BlackGEM projects have different science goals, but will use identical telescopes. The first telescope, MeerLICHT, will be commissioned at Sutherland (South Africa) in the first quarter of 2017. It will co-point with MeerKAT to collect optical data commensurate with the radio observations. After careful analysis of MeerLICHT's performance, three telescopes of the same type will be commissioned in La Silla (Chile) in 2018 to form phase I of the BlackGEM array. BlackGEM aims at detecting and characterizing optical counterparts of gravitational wave events detected by Advanced LIGO and Virgo. In this contribution we present an overview of the science goals, the design and the status of the two projects.

  8. Prospektive Entwicklung des postoperativen Sprachverstehens nach Tympanoplastik bei chronischer Otitis media


    Knof, B; Plotz, K; Krack, A; Stumper, J; Schönfeld, R


    Einleitung: Tympanoplastiken I/III bei chron. Otitis media COM (mesotympanalis CMOM und epitympanalis CEOM). In der Literatur werden erfolgreiche operative Behandlungen mit Verringerung der Schallleitungskomponente (air-bone gap) belegt (Gierke et al. 2011). Aus Sicht des Patienten steht die Verbesserung des Hörvermögens und des Sprachverstehens im Alltag im Vordergrund. Das Ziel war die Untersuchung der Entwicklung des Hörvermögens in Ruhe sowie im Störgeräusch.Methoden: An den Hör- und Sp...

  9. Development of triple GEM detector for a heavy ion physics experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhardwaj, A.; Biswal, K.; Gupta, R.


    Building and testing of micro-pattern gas detector such as Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) for several upcoming High-Energy Physics (HEP) experiment projects, is an advance area of research in the field of detector development. We have carried out the long-term stability test and the uniformity of the relative gain over a GEM detector. The method of long-term test and uniformity of the relative gain and the results are presented in this article

  10. lumpGEM: Systematic generation of subnetworks and elementally balanced lumped reactions for the biosynthesis of target metabolites.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meric Ataman


    Full Text Available In the post-genomic era, Genome-scale metabolic networks (GEMs have emerged as invaluable tools to understand metabolic capabilities of organisms. Different parts of these metabolic networks are defined as subsystems/pathways, which are sets of functional roles to implement a specific biological process or structural complex, such as glycolysis and TCA cycle. Subsystem/pathway definition is also employed to delineate the biosynthetic routes that produce biomass building blocks. In databases, such as MetaCyc and SEED, these representations are composed of linear routes from precursors to target biomass building blocks. However, this approach cannot capture the nested, complex nature of GEMs. Here we implemented an algorithm, lumpGEM, which generates biosynthetic subnetworks composed of reactions that can synthesize a target metabolite from a set of defined core precursor metabolites. lumpGEM captures balanced subnetworks, which account for the fate of all metabolites along the synthesis routes, thus encapsulating reactions from various subsystems/pathways to balance these metabolites in the metabolic network. Moreover, lumpGEM collapses these subnetworks into elementally balanced lumped reactions that specify the cost of all precursor metabolites and cofactors. It also generates alternative subnetworks and lumped reactions for the same metabolite, accounting for the flexibility of organisms. lumpGEM is applicable to any GEM and any target metabolite defined in the network. Lumped reactions generated by lumpGEM can be also used to generate properly balanced reduced core metabolic models.

  11. La Gemäldegalerie di Dresda. Evoluzione dal Settecento a fine Ottocento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aloisia Marzotto Caotorta


    Full Text Available Since its foundation, the Gemäldegalerie (Old Masters Picture Gallery in Dresden has been considered one of the most magnificent picture galleries in Europe. Not only during the Augustan Age there was a keen interest in the arts, but also a strong understanding of the arts as a means of political power claims. In this context, the Gemäldegalerie was the most representative display of this phenomenon. This article aims to explore the complex role played by the galleries of royal and aristocratic residences in Saxony, concentrating on the Gemäldegalerie between the 18th and 19th centuries as a case study, as well as focusing on its impact on contemporary German literature.

  12. Beiträge zu einer kognitiv ausgerichteten Lexikographie

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jahrhunderten immer wieder abgelegte Bekenntnis zu dem Satz Sprache dient dem Ausdruck von Gedanken oder einer seiner Varianten zeigt, kognitive Orien- tierung ein altes Programm mit Sprache befaßter Disziplinen ist, hat sich eine. Linguistik, die dieses Programm wirklich auf ihre Fahnen geschrieben hat, erst.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Untung Setiono


    (Automatic Teller Machine dan EDC (Electronic Data Capture. Di tahun 2012 perusahaan membeli software tandem dari vendor luar negeri dimana menghabiskan dana USD 3,4 juta, dengan pembelian ini maka dari itu penting untuk di teliti: 1 kebijakan struktur modal perusahaan, 2 kebijakan modal kerja  perusahaan dan 3 hubungan kinerja keuangan perusahaan berdasarkan dua kebijakan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, mengukur hubungan variabel struktur modal dan modal kerja perusahaan. Pada penelitian telah menemukan: 1 kebijakan struktur modal perusahaan sejalan dengan teori Pecking Order, dimana perusahaan lebih menggunakan dana modal sendiri sebelum menggunakan hutang jangka panjang pada pihak lain, 2 kebijakan modal kerja perusahaan kurang efisien, dikarenakan sebagian besar asset lancar adalah dalam bentuk deposito berjangka bulanan dan bahkan melebihi hutang lancer itu sendiri, dan 3 hubungan antara hutang jangka pendek dan rasio likuiditas adalah negative, sedangkan total hutang (jangka pendek dan jangka panjang berkorelasi positif dengan rasio solvabilitas/leverage perusahaan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan manajemen untuk lebih mengurangi asset lancer mereka dan lebih menggunakan asset tersebut untuk investasi jangka panjang, bukan hanya untuk deposito berjangka.Kata kunci: ATM, EDC, regresi, struktur modal, kinerja keuangan

  14. The development and evaluation of mini-GEMs - short, focused, online e-learning videos in geriatric medicine. (United States)

    Garside, Mark J; Fisher, James M; Blundell, Adrian G; Gordon, Adam L


    Mini Geriatric E-Learning Modules (Mini-GEMs) are short, focused, e-learning videos on geriatric medicine topics, hosted on YouTube, which are targeted at junior doctors working with older people. This study aimed to explore how these resources are accessed and used. The authors analyzed the viewing data from 22 videos published over the first 18 months of the Mini-GEM project. We conducted a focus group of U.K. junior doctors considering their experiences with Mini-GEMS. The Mini-GEMs were viewed 10,291 times over 18 months, equating to 38,435 minutes of total viewing time. The average viewing time for each video was 3.85 minutes. Learners valued the brevity and focused nature of the Mini-GEMs and reported that they watched them in a variety of settings to supplement clinical experiences and consolidate learning. Watching the videos led to an increase in self-reported confidence in managing older patients. Mini-GEMs can effectively disseminate clinical teaching material to a wide audience. The videos are valued by junior doctors due to their accessibility and ease of use.

  15. The TOTEM T2 telescope based on triple-GEM chambers

    CERN Document Server

    Bagliesi, M G; Brucken, E; Cecchi, R; David, E; Garcia, F; Greco, V; Heino, J; Hilden, T; Kurvinen, K; Lauhakangas, R; Lami, S; Latino, G; Magazzu, G; Oliveri, E; Pedreschi, E; Ropelewski, L; Scribano, A; Spinella, F; Turini, N; van Stenis, M


    The TOTEM experiment at LHC has chosen the triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology for its T2 telescope which will provide charged track reconstruction in the pseudorapidity range 5.3<|η|<6.5 and a fully inclusive trigger for inelastic events. GEMs are gas filled detectors which combine good spatial resolution with very high rate capability and a good resistance to radiation. Preliminary results of cosmic ray tests performed at CERN on final T2 modules before installation are here presented. Comparisons between real and simulated detector performance are also shown.

  16. The TOTEM T2 telescope based on triple-GEM chambers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bagliesi, M.G., E-mail: mg.bagliesi@pi.infn.i [University of Siena and INFN Pisa (Italy); Berretti, M. [University of Siena and INFN Pisa (Italy); Brucken, E. [Helsinki (Finland); Cecchi, R. [University of Siena and INFN Pisa (Italy); David, E. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Garcia, F. [Helsinki (Finland); Greco, V. [University of Siena and INFN Pisa (Italy); Heino, J.; Hilden, T.; Kurvinen, K.; Lauhakangas, R. [Helsinki (Finland); Lami, S.; Latino, G.; Magazzu, G.; Oliveri, E.; Pedreschi, E. [University of Siena and INFN Pisa (Italy); Ropelewski, L. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Scribano, A.; Spinella, F.; Turini, N. [University of Siena and INFN Pisa (Italy)


    The TOTEM experiment at LHC has chosen the triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology for its T2 telescope which will provide charged track reconstruction in the pseudorapidity range 5.3<|{eta}|<6.5 and a fully inclusive trigger for inelastic events. GEMs are gas filled detectors which combine good spatial resolution with very high rate capability and a good resistance to radiation. Preliminary results of cosmic ray tests performed at CERN on final T2 modules before installation are here presented. Comparisons between real and simulated detector performance are also shown.

  17. Proceedings of the GEM Collaboration Meeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bojowald, J.; Ilieva, I.; Klimala, W.; Machner, H.; Razen, B.; Kliczewski, S.; Magiera, A.; Smyrski, J.; Roy, B.J.; Urban, J.


    The main subject of the GEM meeting were: meson production near threshold, mesic atoms, nuclear resonances, symmetry violation, light ions structure and interactions. Additionally some apparatus problems like electronic equipment and charged particle detector have been discussed. The volume contains copies of transparencies supplied by the authors which are not normal full texts of papers

  18. Landscape changes in East Berlin after 1989


    Dellenbaugh, Mary Hartshorn


    Die Arbeit behandelt eine Reihe zusammenhängender Veränderungen, die nach dem Fall der Mauer im Ostteil von Berlin stattfanden. In drei Aufsätzen wird die Geschichte des unmittelbaren Wandels der Diskurse über Raumtypologien dargestellt, die symbolische Aneignung beschrieben, die in den Aushandlungsprozessen um die Schaffung einer vereinten Berliner Innenstadt stattfand und die Auswirkungen der Veränderungen in der diskursiven und symbolischen Neuausrichtung am Beispiel der Entwicklung zweie...

  19. Stabilität und Frieden? Ehebeziehungen im Transformationsprozeß

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martina Ritter


    Full Text Available In der sehr guten Studie, die auf der Kooperation von amerikanischen und russischen Forscherinnen beruht, werden die ehelichen Beziehungen im gegenwärtigen Rußland diskutiert. Nach einer kontextuellen Einbettung in eine historische Reflexion über die Entwicklung von Ehe und Familie in Rußland und der Sowjetunion und nach transformationstheoretischen Überlegungen werden Themen wie Geschlechterbilder, Arbeitsteilung, Ehe-Qualität und Gewalt mit Hilfe quantitativer Methoden analysiert.

  20. Changing life styles - changing competencies : Turkish migrant youth in Europe


    Kagitcibasi, Cigdem


    "Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Misere der türkischen jugendlichen Migranten in Europa unter dem Gesichtspunkt, dass Migration auch sozialen Wandel darstellt indem sich Lebensstile verändern, die neue Kompetenzen erforderlich machen. Damit jugendliche Migranten einen Gewinn statt einer Last für die Aufnahmegesellschaften darstellen ist eine volle Integration unumgänglich. Diese beinhaltet die Förderung von kognitiven Kompetenzen und der psychosozialen Entwicklung auch im Hinblick auf...

  1. Simulation von Heißrubbeln im Gesamtbremssystem


    Könning, Maximilian


    Bremsenrubbeln ist eine fremderregte Schwingung des Bremssystems, die es in der Ent-wicklung zu vermeiden gilt. Eine Wirkungskette des Heißrubbelns wurde in einem Vorgängerprojekt erarbeitet und bildet die Grundlage für diese Arbeit. Die Entstehung des Heißrubbelns besteht aus verschiedenen Phasen und beginnt mit einer initialen Verwellung. Daraus resultieren im Bremssystem Bremsmomentschwankungen und die schwankende Reibleistung führt wiederum zu einem Wachstum der Bremsscheibenverformung. ...

  2. Einflüsse von Computer- und Mediennutzung auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen


    Süss, Daniel


    Kinder und Jugendliche entwickeln ihre Persönlichkeit in aktiver Auseinandersetzung mit Medien. Medienkompetenz ist zu einer Entwicklungsaufgabe geworden. Zugleich verändern die Medien die allgemeinen Sozialisationsprozesse wie die Integration in die Peergroup und die Ablösung von den Eltern. Medien können sowohl als Ressourcen wie auch als Risiken für die Entwicklung wirksam werden. Empirische Studien zeigen, dass Kinder einen immer reichhaltigeren Medienzugang haben und viel Zeit mit Bildsc...

  3. Zeeman-Doppler Imaging of active late-type stars


    Kopf, Markus


    Stellare Magnetfelder spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung und Entwicklung von Sternen. Leider entziehen sie sich aber, aufgrund ihrer großen Entfernung zur Erde, einer direkten Beobachtung. Dies gilt zumindest für derzeitige und in naher Zukunft zur Verfügung stehende Instrumente. Um aber beispielsweise zu verstehen, ob Magnetfelder durch einen Dynamoprozess generiert werden oder Überbleibsel der Sternentstehung sind, ist es zwingend erforderlich, die Oberflächenstruktur und die ze...

  4. Ein Richdata-Konzept für Virtuelle Realität dargestellt am Beispiel der Fahrzeugkonfiguration


    Ni, Cheng


    Die Integration ist einer der wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für den VR-Einsatz im industriellen Entwicklungs- und Produktionsprozess. Ausgereifte integrierte VR-Lösungen benötigen vielfältige Informationsformen, um neben der visuellen Szene auch die Beschreibung, Logik, Überwachung und Kontrollierbarkeit des zu integrierenden Prozesses in der VR-Anwendung darzustellen. In VR wurden sie allerdings bisher nicht in der gleichen Intensität wie die Erzeugung, Verarbeitung und Anzeige von Geometrieda...

  5. Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan Saham Leverage Faktor Intern Dan Faktor Ekstern Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi empirik pada perusahaan manufaktur dan non manufaktur di Bursa Efek Jakarta

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    Full Text Available The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of ownership structure%2C leverage%2C external factor%2C internal factor on the value of the firms in Jakarta Stock Exchange. It is argued that unlike the agency problem advanced stock market%2C the agency problem in the Jakarta Stock Exchange is the divergence of interest between the minority holders and majority holders. This is because the Jakarta Stock Exchange is characterized%2C among other things%2C by the domination of large shareholders. It is hypotheses that :(1 there are the impact ownership structure %2C external factor%2C internal factor%2C on leverage%2C (2 there are the impact of ownership structure %2C external factor%2C internal factor%2C leverage on value of the firm . This study is to examine Agency Theory%2C Jensen and Meckling (1976%2C Pecking Order Theory%2C Myers (1984%2C Trade Off Model and Signaling Theory (1979. Population in this study are public company listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange during 2000 – 2004. As much as 134 firms listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange were taken as a sample using a purposive sampling method.The data were then analyzed by the structural equation modeling ( SEM analysis%2C using the AMOS Program version 4.01.The results of this study show that (1 there are the impact of ownership structure %2C external factor%2C internal factor on leverage%2C(2there are the impact of ownership structure%2C external factor%2C internal factor%2C leverage%2C on valueof the firm . The result of the study is not support the Agency Theory%2C Jensen and Meckling (1976%2C but the result of the study is support Pecking Order Theory%2C Myers (1984%2C Trade off model and Signaling Theory%2C Battacharya (1979. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Tujuan utama dari studi ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh struktur kepemilikan%2C leverage%2C faktor ekstern%2C dan faktor intern terhadap nilai perusahaan di Bursa Efek Jakarta. Tidak seperti pada permasalahan keagenan di pasar

  6. Entwurf von Regelkreisen (United States)

    Horn, Joachim

    Betrachtet werde der Standardregelkreis gemäß Abb. 74.1. GS(s) bezeichnet die Übertragungsfunktion der Strecke, die bekannt sei. GR(s) bezeichnet die Übertragungsfunktion des Regelgliedes, dessen Struktur und Parameter so zu bestimmen sind, dass der geschlossene Regelkreis die gewünschten Eigenschaften besitzt. Zunächst sollen diese Forderungen an die Regelung dargestellt und die zu ihrer Erfüllung erforderlichen Bedingungen hergeleitet werden.

  7. Financial recognition of material misstatement risks of listed companies on GEM


    Jie Ming; Yicong Jiang


    Listed companies on GEM are characterized by strong innovation, great growth ability, high risks and high yields. Starting from these characteristics, this paper carries out analysis by using the financial indicators that are effective to recognize the material misstatement risks and easy to be acquired, and combines with the sample data with high material misstatement risks on GEM in 2012 to 2014 to test the significance of spss difference, and finds that the material misstatement company an...

  8. GEM Detectors in the Experiments at e+e- Colliders in BINP

    CERN Document Server

    Maltsev, T V


    Micro-pattern gaseous detectors possess a high spatial resolution in tens micron scale together with high rate capability up to 107 cm-2s-1. In addition, they have all advantages of gaseous detectors, such as relatively low costs per unit area, the possibility to equip a large area as well as a high uniformity. Cascaded Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) based detectors are used in the collider experiments at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP), and they are being developed for a number of new projects. In this article the review of GEM based detectors for the tagging system of the KEDR experiment at the VEPP-4M collider and for the DEUTERON facility at the VEPP-3 storage ring is presented. The GEM detector application of the CMD-3 detector upgrade at the VEPP-2000 collider and the Super τ Factory detector are discussed.


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    S. E. Nugroho


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi struktur konsep mahasiswa calon guru tentang medan elektrostatik. Data diperolehdengan menggunakan metode thinks-aloud, didukung metode lain yaitu wawancara, diskusi, dan tes tertulis Responden penelitianterdiri atas delapan mahasiswa semester 2 yang telah menempuh fisika dasar sebagai kelompok I, dan sembilan mahasiswasemester 6 yang telah menempuh mata kuliah kelistrikan dan kemagnetan sebagai kelompok II. Mahasiswa tersebut diberipertanyaan real-worlds yang menyangkut konsep dasar medan dan memerlukan jawaban secara spontan. Hasil studi inimenunjukan bahwa (1 struktur konsep mahasiswa mengenai medan elektrostatik pada umumnya mengalami fragmentasi; (2mahasiswa mengalami kerancuan dalam memahami konsep medan elektrostatik; (3 Pada umumnya, mahasiswa masihberlandaskan konsep gaya dalam memahami tentang medan. The purpose of this research is to explore the concept structure of electrostatics field of teacher candidate student. In thisexperiment, we used thinks-aloud method and varied by others (interview, discussion and written-test. Respondent consisted ofeight students of second semester passing Basic Physics subject as the first group and nine students of sixth semester passingelectricity and magnetism subject as the second group. On these students the real world questions related to concept of field andneeded spontaneous answer are asked. The study result shows that (1 in general the concept structure of electrostatics field ofstudents undergoes fragmenting process; (2 the students experience contamination in understanding the electrostatics fieldconcept, and (3 in general the students are still based on the force concept in understanding the field.Keywords: framing analysis, teacher candidate student, concept structure


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    S Fauziyah


    Full Text Available Energi geothermal merupakan salah satu kekayaan sumber daya alam yang sedang dikembangkan. Salah satu kawasan geothermal tersebut adalah kawasan wisata mata air panas Krakal, Kebumen. Sumber daya alam geothermal tersebut dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata. Dalam pengembangannya, belum ada informasi struktur bawah permukaan daerah wisata tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran struktur bawah permukaan daerah mata air panas Krakal. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode geolistrik konfigurasi schlumberger pada 5 lintasan dengan 3 titik sounding tiap lintasan. Pengolahan data menggunakan software Progress dan Surfer 10.  Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan struktur bawah permukaan tersusun oleh 3 lapisan batuan yaitu batu pasir dengan kisaran nilai resistivitas kurang dari 10 Ωm dan ketebalan hingga 20 meter, batu lempung berpasir  dengan rentang nilai resistivitas 10-50 Ωm dan ketebalan mencapai 20 meter, dan batu lempung gamping dengan kisaran resistivitas 50-65 Ωm dan ketebalan 20 meter. Anomali resistivitas rendah mengindikasikan adanya akuifer air panas dan air dingin yang muncul ke permukaan.  Geothermal energy is one of the wealth of natural resources that are being developed. One such area is the tourist area of geothermal hot springs Krakal, Kebumen. Natural geothermal resources were developed as a tourist attraction. In its development, no information on subsurface structure of the tourist area. This study aims to reveal the subsurface structure of the Hot Springs area Krakal. Data collection was performed by Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method in five 3-point sounding track with each track. Data processing using the software Surfer Progress and 10. The results of the processing of the data showed subsurface structure is composed of 3 layers of rock is sandstone with a range of resistivity values of less than 10 Ωm and a thickness of up to 20 meters, sandy clay stone with a range of values of

  11. Struktur Vegetasi Kawasan Hutan Alam dan Hutan Rerdegradasi di Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andi Kusumo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Hutan Tesso Nilo merupakan kawasan dengan tingkat keanekaragaman tanaman berpembuluh dan merupakan habitat bagi satwa terancam punah yaitu harimau sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae dan gajah sumatera (Elephas maximus sumatranus. Kawasan ini tidak luput dari kegiatan perambahan dan di konversi menjadi perkebunan dan permukiman. Pembukaan lahan hutan akan mengakibatkan rusaknya fungsi hutan dan mengakibatkan musnahnya berbagai jenis flora dan fauna. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh perambahan hutan terhadap strukur vegetasi kawasan hutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan menggunakan sampling vegetasi petak dalam jalur dilokasi hutan alam dan hutan terdegradasi akibat perambahan. Hasil dianalisis untuk mengetahui kelimpahan vegetasi, indeks nilai penting dan indeks keanekaragaman (Shannon-Wiener. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perambahan hutan mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan pada struktur vegetasi. Perambahan mengakibatkan penurunan jumlah kelimpahan vegetasi, nilai keanekaragaman, dan dominansi jenis (indeks nilai penting baik pada tingkat semai, pancang, tiang dan pohon. Kata kunci: Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo, struktur vegetasi, perambahan ABSTRACT Tesso Nilo forest is an area with a greater diversity of vascular plants and habitat for an endangered species, namely the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae and the Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus. This area was not spared from encroachment and conversion to plantations and settlements. Forest clearing will cause damage to forest functions and lead to the extinction of various species of flora and fauna. The purpose of this study was to determine the consequences caused by the encroachment of the structure of forest vegetation. The method used was a survey by sampling vegetation plots in the path of the location of natural forests and forests degraded due to encroachment. The results were analyzed to determine the

  12. Study of long-term operation of triple-GEM detectors for the high rate environment in CMS

    CERN Document Server

    Merlin, Jeremie Alexandre


    The CMS GEM collaboration is working on the possible instrumentation of the high-eta region of the CMS Endcap with Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors, a technology capable to sustain the hostile environment that will be encountered at the high-luminosity LHC. To ensure the long-term operation of large triple-GEM detectors in the CMS experiment, we are performing a set of studies in order to measure and understand the aging effect of triple-GEM Muon chambers. The aging includes all the processes that lead to a significant degradation of the performances of the detector gain drop, non-uniformity, dark current, discharges and resolution loss. The project is focused on monitoring continuously the response of the detector when irradiated by a source of Cs 137 at CERN in the Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF). Moreover, the new technology employed for stretching the GEM foils, so called NS2, introduces new, carefully chosen materials and components in the detectors. Outgassing tests are performed in order to va...

  13. Identifikasi Struktur Bawah Permukaaan Pada Lapangan Panasbumi X Dengan Menggunakan Metode Audio Magnetotelurik Dan Magnetotelurik


    Dewi, Cinantya Nirmala; Maryanto, Sukir; Gaffar, Eddy Z


    Penelitian geofisika dengan menggunakan metode audio magnetotelurik dan magnetotelurik telah dilaksanakan di lapangan panasbumi X. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur bawah permukaan dan menentukan sistem panasbumi di daerah penelitian. Daerah penelitian terdiri dari 3 lintasan dengan jumlah titik pengukuran sebanyak 24 titik. Pengolahan data dilakukan hingga didapatkan peta kontur resistivitas. Hasil pengolahan data 2D menunjukkan bahwa nilai resistivitas lapisan bawah p...

  14. Internationale Medienpädagogik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Trültzsch-Wijnen


    Full Text Available Internationale Vergleiche sind nicht immer einfach, denn sie verlangen große Sensibilität und die Offenheit, sich auf fremde Kulturen einzulassen. Dies betrifft auch die Medienpädagogik, denn wie in einer Kultur mit Medien umgegangen wird, hängt von verschiedenen Einflussfaktoren ab. Dies macht es schwer, einheitliche Kategorien für den internationalen Vergleich von Medienpädagogik zu finden. Es lassen sich aber einige Rahmenbedingungen definieren, welche die Entwicklung der Medienpädagogik in einer bestimmten Kultur oder einem bestimmten Land beeinflussen können: das Mediensystem und Medienangebot, historische Entwicklungen (gesellschaftlich, politisch, das Bildungssystem, theoretische Ansätze (Wissenschaft, Kunst und kulturelle Besonderheiten (vgl. Wijnen 2008; Süss/Lampert/Wijnen 2013: 198–200.

  15. Vom Webstuhl zum World Wide Web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heide Palmer


    Full Text Available Die Autorin ist Direktorin der „Cybernetic Culture Research Unit“ an der University of Warwick. Sie bezeichnet sich als eine der Begründerinnen des „Cyberfeminismus“ und will mit nullen + einsen das Thema Frauen und Computer in ein neues Licht setzen. Ihre zentrale These lautet, dass das Internet eine Weiterentwicklung des Webstuhls sei. Mit Hilfe einer collage-artigen Erzählweise bildet Plant die nicht-lineare Struktur moderner Kommunikationsmittel ab.

  16. Evaluation of a GEM and CAT-based detector for radiation therapy beam monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brahme, A.; Danielsson, M.; Iacobaeus, C.; Ostling, J.; Peskov, V.; Wallmark, M.


    We are developing a radiation therapy beam monitor for the Karolinska Institute. This monitor will consist of two consecutive detectors confined in one gas chamber: a 'keV-photon detector', which will allow diagnostic quality visualization of the patient, and a 'MeV-photon detector', that will measure the absolute intensity of the therapy beam and its position with respect to the patient. Both detectors are based on highly radiation resistant gas and solid photon to electron converters, combined with GEMs and a CAT as amplification structures. We have performed systematic studies of the high-rate characteristics of the GEM and the CAT, as well as tested the electron transfer through these electron multipliers and various types of converters. The tests show that the GEM and the CAT satisfy all requirements for the beam monitoring system. As a result of these studies we successfully developed and tested a full section of the beam monitor equipped with a MeV-photon converter placed between the GEM and the CAT

  17. Reduksi Suara Lengkingan pada Struktur Cakram dengan Beban Gesek melalui Penambahan Massa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muchlisinalahuddin Muchlisinalahuddin


    Full Text Available Suara lengkingan (squeal noise sering terjadi jika salah satu permukaan kontak logambergesekan dengan permukaan logam lainnya padakondisi tertentu. Dalam banyakpengamatan, spektrum frekuensi yang dihasilkan didominasi oleh sejumlah puncak yangsangat tajam biasanya dalam rentang frekuensi 1-20 kHz, sering berupa bentuk frekuensitunggal. Tulisan ini difokuskan pada modifikasi struktur untuk mengurangi suara lengkinganyaitu dengan menambahkan massa pada struktur bebentuk cakram sebagai pemodelan daribentuk sederhana dari roda kereta api. Beberapa massa ditambahkan pada struktur cakramuntuk mencegah getaran yang tidak stabil akibat gesekan dan untuk untuk mengurangi suaralengkingan. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya ditemukan bahwa penambahan massa untukstruktur dengan gesekan yang menyebabkan suara lengkingan dapat diterapkan untukmenggeser atau mengurangi wilayah yang tidak stabil dari modus terkopel. dengan caramenghilangkan daerah tak stabil dari kondisi kerja. Pada penelitian ini, penambahan dua,empat dan delapan massa tambahan dengan berbagai ukuran ditambahkan di tepi cakram,dimana amplitudo getarannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan diposisi lainnya. Sehingga didapatkanbahwa dengan menambahkan delapan massa tambahan ditepi cakram suara lengkingan dapatdihilangkan, terutama dengan penambahan massa 50 gram dapat menghilangkan suaralengkingan dan dapat menggeser frekuensi pribadi menjadi 2114 Hz.Kata Kunci : suara lengkingan, modus terkopel, peredam dinamik,penambahan massa Squeal noise often occurs when a contact surfaces of metal rubbing against another metalsurface under certain conditions. In many observations, the frequency spectrum is dominatedby a number of very sharp peaks typically in the frequency range 1-20 kHz, often in singlefrequency form. This paper is focused on structural modifications to reduce the squeal noise byadding a mass in a simple thin disc as a simple model of train wheel where squeal noise isfrequently found when the train moves

  18. Entwicklung einer Produktstrategie für einen Veranstaltungskalender Wirtschaftswissenschaften


    Steinhagen, Elisabeth


    Diese Arbeit hat das Ziel, am Beispiel des ZBW-Veranstaltungskalenders zu zeigen, dass eine Produktstrategie ein wertvolles Instrument ist, um ein Informationsprodukt erfolgreich zu etablieren bzw. weiterzuentwickeln. Dafür werden in Anlehnung an Methoden der strategischen Unternehmensplanung und des Produktmanagements wichtige Einflussfaktoren für das Produkt ZBWVeranstaltungskalender systematisch identifiziert und mittels IST-Analyse, Zielgruppenanalyse sowie Wettbewerbsanalyse unters...

  19. Implementation of the P barANDA Planar-GEM tracking detector in Monte Carlo simulations (United States)

    Divani Veis, Nazila; Ehret, Andre; Firoozabadi, Mohammad M.; Karabowicz, Radoslaw; Maas, Frank; Saito, Nami; Saito, Takehiko R.; Voss, Bernd; PANDA Gem-Tracker Subgroup


    The P barANDA experiment at FAIR will be performed to investigate different aspects of hadron physics using anti-proton beams interacting with a fixed nuclear target. The experimental setup consists of a complex series of detector components covering a large solid angle. A detector with a gaseous active media equipped with gas electron multiplier (GEM) technique will be employed to measure tracks of charged particles at forward direction in order to achieve a high momentum resolution. In this work, a full setup of the GEM tracking detector has been implemented in the P barANDA Monte Carlo simulation package (PandaRoot) based on the current technical and conceptual design, and the expected performance of the P barANDA GEM-tracking detector has been investigated. Furthermore, material-budget studies in terms of the radiation length of the P barANDA GEM-tracking detector have been made in order to investigate the effect of the detector materials and its associated structures to particle measurements.

  20. A new design using GEM-based technology for the CMS experiment (United States)

    Ressegotti, M.


    The muon system of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the LHC is currently not instrumented for pseudorapidity higher than |η|> 2.4. The main challenges to the installation of a detector in that position are the high particle flux to be sustained, a high level of radiation, and the ability to accomodate a multilevel detector into the small available space (less than 30 cm). A new back-to-back configuration of a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector is presented with the aim of developing a compact, multi-layer GEM detector. It is composed of two independent stacked triple-GEM detectors, positioned with the anodes toward the outside and sharing the same cathode plane, which is located at the center of the chamber, to reduce the total detector's thickness. A first prototype has been produced and tested with an X-Ray source and muon beam. First results on its performance are presented.

  1. A new design using GEM-based technology for the CMS experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Ressegotti, Martina


    The muon system of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the LHC is currently not instrumented for pseudorapidity higher than abs(${\\eta}$)${ > 2.4}$. The main challenges to the installation of a detector in that position are the high particle flux to be sustained, a high level of radiation, and the ability to accomodate a multilevel detector into the small available space (less than 30 cm). A new back-to-back configuration of a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector is presented with the aim of developing a compact, multi-layer GEM detector. It is composed of two independent stacked triple-GEM detectors, positioned with the anodes toward the outside and sharing the same cathode plane, which is located at the center of the chamber, to reduce the total detector's thickness. A first prototype has been produced and tested with an X-Ray source and muon beam. First results on its performance are presented.

  2. Numerical Investigation on Electron and Ion Transmission of GEM-based Detectors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhattacharya Purba


    Full Text Available ALICE at the LHC is planning a major upgrade of its detector systems, including the TPC, to cope with an increase of the LHC luminosity after 2018. Different R&D activities are currently concentrated on the adoption of the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM as the gas amplification stage of the ALICE-TPC upgrade version. The major challenge is to have low ion feedback in the drift volume as well as to ensure a collection of good percentage of primary electrons in the signal generation process. In the present work, Garfield simulation framework has been adopted to numerically estimate the electron transparency and ion backflow fraction of GEM-based detectors. In this process, extensive simulations have been carried out to enrich our understanding of the complex physical processes occurring within single, triple and quadruple GEM detectors. A detailed study has been performed to observe the effect of detector geometry, field configuration and magnetic field on the above mentioned characteristics.

  3. Numerical Investigation on Electron and Ion Transmission of GEM-based Detectors (United States)

    Bhattacharya, Purba; Sahoo, Sumanya Sekhar; Biswas, Saikat; Mohanty, Bedangadas; Majumdar, Nayana; Mukhopadhyay, Supratik


    ALICE at the LHC is planning a major upgrade of its detector systems, including the TPC, to cope with an increase of the LHC luminosity after 2018. Different R&D activities are currently concentrated on the adoption of the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) as the gas amplification stage of the ALICE-TPC upgrade version. The major challenge is to have low ion feedback in the drift volume as well as to ensure a collection of good percentage of primary electrons in the signal generation process. In the present work, Garfield simulation framework has been adopted to numerically estimate the electron transparency and ion backflow fraction of GEM-based detectors. In this process, extensive simulations have been carried out to enrich our understanding of the complex physical processes occurring within single, triple and quadruple GEM detectors. A detailed study has been performed to observe the effect of detector geometry, field configuration and magnetic field on the above mentioned characteristics.

  4. Energy resolution studies of an IROC GEM prototype for the ALICE TPC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mathis, Andreas [TU Muenchen, Physik Department E12, Excellence Cluster ' ' Universe' ' , D-85748, Garching (Germany); Collaboration: ALICE-Collaboration


    The ALICE collaboration (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is planning an upgrade of its central barrel detectors, to be able to cope with the increased LHC luminosity beyond 2018. In order to fully exploit the increase in collision rate to about 50 kHz in Pb-Pb, the TPC is foreseen to be operated in an ungated mode with continuous readout. This demands for a replacement of the currently used, gated MWPC by GEM-based readout chambers, while retaining the present tracking and particle identification capabilities of the TPC via measurement of the specific energy loss (dE/dx). The present baseline solution for the TPC upgrade consists of a stack of four large-sized GEM foils as amplification stage, containing both Standard (S, 140 μm) and Large Pitch (LP, 280 μm) GEM foils arranged in the order S-LP-LP-S. This arrangement has been proven as advantageous in terms of ion backflow and energy resolution. A prototype of an ALICE IROC (Inner Readout Chamber) was equipped with such a quadruple GEM stack, installed inside a field cage and exposed to a beam of electrons and pions from the CERN PS. The performance of the prototype in terms of energy resolution has been evaluated and is presented.

  5. Struktur Komunitas Fitoplankton di Perairan yang Terdampak Air Bahang PLTU Paiton Kabupaten Probolinggo Jawa Timur


    Muzaki, Farid Kamal; Aunurohim, Aunurohim; Indraswari, Boing


    PLTU Paiton merupakan salah satu pembangkit listrik tenaga uap menggunakan air sebagai pendingin kondensor kemudian dikembalikan lagi ke perairan sekitar sebagai air bahang, sehingga akan memberikan input panas bagi perairan. Meningkatnya suhu perairan akibat air bahang ini, secara langsung maupun tidak langsung akan berpengaruh terhadap komponen biotik dan abiotik penyusun ekosistem laut, salah satu yang akan terpengaruh adalah fitoplankton yakni berupa struktur komunitas yang meliputi keane...

  6. Study of gain variation as a function of physical parameters of GEM foil

    CERN Document Server

    Das, Supriya


    The ALICE experiment at LHC has planned to upgrade the TPC by replacing the MWPC with GEM based detecting elements to restrict the IBF to a tolerable value. However the variation of the gain as a function of physical parameters of industrially produced large size GEM foils is needed to be studied as a part of the QA procedure for the detector. The size of the electron avalanche and consequently the gain for GEM based detectors depend on the electric field distribution inside the holes. Geometry of a hole plays an important role in defining the electric field inside it. In this work we have studied the variation of the gain as a function of the hole diameters using Garfield++ simulation package.


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    Zairin Zain


    Full Text Available Rumah itu dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fisik dan spiritual bagi penghuni. Ini berarti bahwa fungsi rumah secara fisik dibangun untuk mempertahankan hidup mereka dari ancaman lingkungan seperti iklim, cuaca atau hewan liar, sementara rumah juga diperuntukkan untuk kebutuhan rohani mereka dengan memfasilitasi interaksi antara penghuni di rumah atau interaksi dengan orang di luar rumah. Untuk itu, menarik untuk mendalami kearifan lokal  yang hidup di  masyarakat tradisional di Kota  Sambas Kalimantan Barat, melalui pemahaman disain struktural  dari  elemen-elemen  tempat tinggal tersebut. Disain struktural bangunan dikerjakan dalam memenuhi tujuan-tujuan untuk  safety,  values,  fitness,  compatibility  dan  flexibility. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa disain struktural rumah tradisional Melayu di kota Sambas dibangun dengan  Tujuan  Safety  diperoleh dari keadaan yang memperhatikan kedominanan, proporsi dan keseimbangan; Tujuan Value diperoleh dari perhatian terhadap konstruksi ruang, keterhubungan ruang, susunan dan perletakan kolom; Tujuan Fitness diperoleh dari pemilihan dan pola struktur; Tujuan Compatibility diperoleh dari perhatian terhadap pemilihan material, orientasi bangunan dan bentuk-bentuk struktur ruang; sedangkan Tujuan Flexibility diperoleh dari susunan dan keterkaitan ruang serta pemilihan sistem struktur.   The house was built to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the occupants. This means that the physical functions of house was bulit to maintain their living from environmental threats such as climate, weather or wild animals, while the house as well intended for their spiritual needs to facilitating the interaction between the occupants in the house or interaction with people outside the house. For that, it is interesting to explore the local wisdom that growing in traditional people of the Sambas town West Kalimantan, through an understanding of the structural design of the

  8. Development and prototypical application of analysis methods for complex anion mixtures in waters and heavy metal organyls in sediments; Entwicklung und prototypische Anwendung von Analysenverfahren fuer komplexe Anionengemische in Waessern und Schwermetallorganylen in Sedimenten. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anders, B.; Knoechel, A.; Potgeter, H.; Staub, S.; Stocker, M.


    When it comes to assessing the hazards emanating from heavy pollutants in waters mere elemental analysis provides too little information. Due to the great differences in toxicity and mobility it is important to know more about the exact species in question. This is particularly true of heavy metals that form stable organyls, specifically As, Pb, Sn and Hg, but also of alkylated arsenic acids, which need to be measured in complex anion mixtures. The purpose of the present project was to develop robust, powerful analysis methods and thus overcome the existing deficit in reliable analysis methods for these substances. An important approach in this connection is the use of coupled chromatography and detection systems for separation and analysis. [German] Hinsichtlich der von einer Schwermetallbelastung in Gewaessern ausgehenden Gefahren liefert die reine Elementanalytik nur unzureichende Aussagen. Aufgrund der grossen Unterschiede in Toxiditaet und Mobilitaet ist die Kenntnis der jeweils vorliegenden Spezies bedeutungsvoll. Dies gilt in besonderem Masse fuer die stabile Organyle bildenden Schwermetalle As, Pb, Sn und Hg sowie die alkylierten Arsensaeuren, die es innerhalb komplexer Anionengemische zu bestimmen gilt. Hinsichtlich ihrer sicheren Bestimmung bestehen methodische Defizite, die das vorliegende Projekt durch die Entwicklung robuster, nachweisstarker Analysenverfahren zu beseitigen versucht. Grosse Bedeutung kommt dabei gekoppelten Systemen aus Chromatographie und Detektion als Trenn- und Bestimmungsmethode zu. (orig.)


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    Taufik Setyadi Aras


    Full Text Available Identity of Indonesia as agrarian country begins fading. A lot of the traditional farmers change their job to industrial sectors then impacting on behavior patterns of society to the environment and reducing the knowledge and skills in the traditional farming. The issues examined are the vocabulary of Sundanese traditional agricultural systems by using study the structure and semantics. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. This research applies some theories from Djajasudarma (2009 and 2013, Kridalaksana (2005, and Ramlan (1991. The results of this study that a category of vocabulary of Sundanese traditional agriculture systems divide into four classes, verbs and verbal, nouns and nominal, numeralia, derivative formand adjectives. The structure divides into two forms; base form and derivative form. Derivative form has four types, affixation, reduplication, acronym, and the combined of word. The meaning of vocabulary referring to tools and equipment, cultivation activities, circumstances and conditions of paddy, planting, place and crock, time, traditional ceremonies, community leaders’ rice pests, and size or dosage. ABSTRAK Identitas Indonesia sebagai negara agraris mulai luntur. Tidak sedikit petani tradisional beralih pekerjaan ke sektor industri sehingga berdampak pada pola perilaku masyarakat terhadap lingkungan serta mengikis pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam tata cara bertani tradisional. Masalah yang diteliti adalah kosakata sistem pertanian tradisional berbahasa Sunda dengan menggunakan kajian struktur dan makna. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan yaitu teori Djajasudarma (2009 dan 2013, Kridalaksana (2005, dan Ramlan (1991 . Berdasarkan penelitian, diketahui empat kelas kata yang ditemukan, yaitu verba(l, nomina(l, numeralia, dan adjektiva. Struktur kosakata ada dua bentuk, yaitu bentuk dasar dan turunan. Bentuk turunan ada empat, yaitu berdasarkan

  10. GEMS: Underwater spectrometer for long-term radioactivity measurements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sartini, Ludovica, E-mail: ludovica.sartini@ingv.i [Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sect.Roma 2, Roma (Italy); Genoa University, Genoa (Italy); Simeone, Francesco; Pani, Priscilla [' Sapienza' University and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sect.Roma, Roma (Italy); Lo Bue, Nadia; Marinaro, Giuditta [Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sect.Roma 2, Roma (Italy); Grubich, Andry; Lobko, Alexander [Institute for Nuclear Problems (INP), Belarus State University, Minsk (Belarus); Etiope, Giuseppe [Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sect.Roma 2, Roma (Italy); Capone, Antonio [' Sapienza' University and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sect.Roma, Roma (Italy); Favali, Paolo [Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Sect.Roma 2, Roma (Italy); Gasparoni, Francesco; Bruni, Federico [Tecnomare S.p.A., Venice (Italy)


    GEMS (Gamma Energy Marine Spectrometer) is a prototype of an autonomous radioactivity sensor for underwater measurements, developed in the framework for a development of a submarine telescope for neutrino detection (KM3NeT Design Study Project). The spectrometer is highly sensitive to gamma rays produced by {sup 40}K decays but it can detect other natural (e.g., {sup 238}U,{sup 232}Th) and anthropogenic radio-nuclides (e.g., {sup 137}Cs). GEMS was firstly tested and calibrated in the laboratory using known sources and it was successfully deployed for a long-term (6 months) monitoring at a depth of 3200 m in the Ionian Sea (Capo Passero, offshore Eastern Sicily). The instrument recorded data for the whole deployment period within the expected specifications. This monitoring provided, for the first time, a continuous time-series of radioactivity in deep-sea.

  11. Development of a GEM-based high rate TPC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neubert, Sebastian; Hoeppner, Christian; Ketzer, Bernhard; Weitzel, Quirin; Paul, Stefan; Woerner, Lisa; Konorov, Igor; Mann, Alexander [Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Physik Department E18, Garching (Germany)


    A TPC is considered as the central tracker of the PANDA experiment, which is currently being planned at the new accelerator complex FAIR at Darmstadt. PANDA is designed as an internal target experiment at the antiproton storage ring HESR. The central tracker has to measure particle trajectories over a wide momentum range (0.1-8 GeV/c) from up to 2.10{sup 7} antiproton-proton annihilations/s. The continuous nature of the antiproton beam makes the use of a traditional ion gate impractical. Owing to their intrinsic ion suppression properties, GEM foils are planned as the amplification stage. A small prototype of this GEM-TPC (diameter 200 mm, drift length 77 mm) has been built and characterized with cosmic muons. Results such as spatial resolution, cluster distributions, and diffusion properties are presented in this talk.

  12. Development of a GEM-based TPC for PANDA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoeppner, Christian; Ketzer, Bernhard; Konorov, Igor; Mann, Alexander; Neubert, Sebastian; Paul, Stephan; Weitzel, Quirin; Woerner, Lisa [Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Physik Department E18, 85748 Garching (Germany)


    A TPC is considered as the central tracker of the PANDA experiment, which is currently being planned at the new accelerator complex FAIR at Darmstadt. PANDA is designed as an internal target experiment at the antiproton storage ring HESR. The central tracker has to measure particle trajectories over a wide momentum range (0.1-8 GeV/c) from up to 2.10{sup 7} antiproton-proton annihilations/s. The continuous nature of the antiproton beam makes the use of a traditional ion gate impractical. Owing to their intrinsic ion suppression properties, GEM foils are planned as the amplification stage. A small prototype of this GEM-TPC (diameter 200 mm, drift length 77 mm) has been built and characterized with cosmic muons. Results such as spatial resolution, cluster distributions, and diffusion properties are presented in this talk.

  13. A triple GEM gamma camera for medical application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anulli, F. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati (Italy); Balla, A. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati (Italy); Bencivenni, G. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati (Italy); Corradi, G. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati (Italy); D' Ambrosio, C. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati (Italy); Domenici, D. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati (Italy); Felici, G. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati (Italy); Gatta, M. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati (Italy); Morone, M.C. [Dipartimento di Biopatologia e Diagnostica per immagini, Universita di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy); INFN - Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy); Murtas, F. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati (Italy)]. E-mail:; Schillaci, O. [Dipartimento di Biopatologia e Diagnostica per immagini, Universita di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy)


    A Gamma Camera for medical applications 10x10cm{sup 2} has been built using a triple GEM chamber prototype. The photon converters placed in front of the three GEM foils, has been realized with different technologies. The chamber, High Voltage supplied with a new active divider made in Frascati, is readout through 64 pads, 1mm{sup 2} wide, organized in a row of 8cm long, with LHCb ASDQ chip. This Gamma Camera can be used both for X-ray movie and PET-SPECT imaging; this chamber prototype is placed in a scanner system, creating images of 8x8cm{sup 2}. Several measurements have been performed using phantom and radioactive sources of Tc99m(140keV) and Na22(511keV). Results on spatial resolution and image reconstruction are presented.

  14. Simulation of space-charge effects in an ungated GEM-based TPC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Böhmer, F.V., E-mail:; Ball, M.; Dørheim, S.; Höppner, C.; Ketzer, B.; Konorov, I.; Neubert, S.; Paul, S.; Rauch, J.; Vandenbroucke, M.


    A fundamental limit to the application of Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) in high-rate experiments is the accumulation of slowly drifting ions in the active gas volume, which compromises the homogeneity of the drift field and hence the detector resolution. Conventionally, this problem is overcome by the use of ion-gating structures. This method, however, introduces large dead times and restricts trigger rates to a few hundred per second. The ion gate can be eliminated from the setup by the use of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foils for gas amplification, which intrinsically suppress the backflow of ions. This makes the continuous operation of a TPC at high rates feasible. In this work, Monte Carlo simulations of the buildup of ion space charge in a GEM-based TPC and the correction of the resulting drift distortions are discussed, based on realistic numbers for the ion backflow in a triple-GEM amplification stack. A TPC in the future P{sup ¯}ANDA experiment at FAIR serves as an example for the experimental environment. The simulations show that space charge densities up to 65 fC cm{sup −3} are reached, leading to electron drift distortions of up to 10 mm. The application of a laser calibration system to correct these distortions is investigated. Based on full simulations of the detector physics and response, we show that it is possible to correct for the drift distortions and to maintain the good momentum resolution of the GEM-TPC.

  15. Simulation of space-charge effects in an ungated GEM-based TPC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Böhmer, F.V.; Ball, M.; Dørheim, S.; Höppner, C.; Ketzer, B.; Konorov, I.; Neubert, S.; Paul, S.; Rauch, J.; Vandenbroucke, M.


    A fundamental limit to the application of Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) in high-rate experiments is the accumulation of slowly drifting ions in the active gas volume, which compromises the homogeneity of the drift field and hence the detector resolution. Conventionally, this problem is overcome by the use of ion-gating structures. This method, however, introduces large dead times and restricts trigger rates to a few hundred per second. The ion gate can be eliminated from the setup by the use of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foils for gas amplification, which intrinsically suppress the backflow of ions. This makes the continuous operation of a TPC at high rates feasible. In this work, Monte Carlo simulations of the buildup of ion space charge in a GEM-based TPC and the correction of the resulting drift distortions are discussed, based on realistic numbers for the ion backflow in a triple-GEM amplification stack. A TPC in the future P ¯ ANDA experiment at FAIR serves as an example for the experimental environment. The simulations show that space charge densities up to 65 fC cm −3 are reached, leading to electron drift distortions of up to 10 mm. The application of a laser calibration system to correct these distortions is investigated. Based on full simulations of the detector physics and response, we show that it is possible to correct for the drift distortions and to maintain the good momentum resolution of the GEM-TPC

  16. Analisis Zona Permeabel Fluida Sistem Panas Bumi Gunungapi Slamet Berdasarkan Analisis Kerapatan Kelurusan Citra SRTM Dan Struktur Geologi

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    Sachrul Iswahyudi


    Full Text Available Keberadaan manifestasi panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet tidak dapat dipisahkan dari zona-zona permeabilitas yang berkembang. Lokasi-lokasi lulus air tersebut (zona permeabel yang memungkinkan terbentuknya sirkulasi fluida tempat air masuk untuk mengisi reservoir panas bumi dan air keluar ke permukaan bumi sebagai manifesatasi mata air panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet. Publikasi yang berupa hasil penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi zona-zona permeabel tersebut berdasarkan anaslisis kerapatan kelurusan yang terekam dalam citra SRTM. Identifikasi kelurusan-kelurusan pada citra berdasarkan komponen-komponen interpretasi citra, yaitu tona, tekstur, pola, bentuk dan relief. Hasil analisis tersebut dikompilasi dengan data struktur geologi regional yang sebelumnya telah diidentifikasi dan data lapangan berupa manifestasi mata air panas. Lokasi-lokasi dengan kerapatan kelurusan yang tinggi pada citra SRTM umumnya bersesuaian dengan zona struktur geologi regional keberadaan manifestasi mata air panas. Daerah tersebut memanjang relatif utara-selatan di bagian barat dan timur-barat di bagian selatan peta. Daerah-daerah inilah yang merupakan daerah lulus air tempat fluida bersirkulasi membentuk sistem panasbumi Gunungapi Slamet.

  17. Fürchtet China Edward Snowden?


    Rühlig, Tim


    Vielfach ist argumentiert worden, China sei einer der Hauptprofiteure von den Enthüllungen des ehemaligen amerikanischen Geheimdienstmitarbeiters Edward Snowden. Amerikas früherer Vizepräsident Dick Cheney sieht in ihm gar einen Spion der Volksrepublik China. Peking wies das sofort zurück. Ein Blick auf die chinesische Diskussion um Edward Snowden zeigt: Nicht nur Cheneys Vermutung schießt deutlich über das Ziel hinaus. Denn die chinesische Führung beobachtet die Entwicklung gleichsam aufmerk...

  18. Blockchain


    Gayvoronskaya, Tatiana (M. Sc.); Meinel, Christoph (Prof. Dr.); Schnjakin, Maxim (Dr.)


    Der Begriff Blockchain ist in letzter Zeit zu einem Schlagwort geworden, aber nur wenige wissen, was sich genau dahinter verbirgt. Laut einer Umfrage, die im ersten Quartal 2017 veröffentlicht wurde, ist der Begriff nur bei 35 Prozent der deutschen Mittelständler bekannt. Dabei ist die Blockchain-Technologie durch ihre rasante Entwicklung und die globale Eroberung unterschiedlicher Märkte für Massenmedien sehr interessant. So sehen viele die Blockchain-Technologie entweder als eine Allzwec...

  19. Richard H. Thaler: Wirtschaftsnobelpreisträger 2017


    Bruttel, Lisa Verena; Stolley, Florian


    Der diesjährige Nobelpreisträger Richard H. Thaler ist einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit vor allem durch sein mit Cass R. Sunstein gemeinsam verfasstes Buch zum Nudging bekannt geworden. Tatsächlich hat er in den vergangenen 40 Jahren die Entwicklung der Verhaltensökonomie entscheidend mitgeprägt und vorangebracht. Thaler hat die Annahmen hinter dem Modell des Homo oeconomicus untersucht und die Abweichungen menschlichen Verhaltens von den Rationalitätsannahmen auf zwei wesentliche Ursachen zurü...

  20. Wässrige Nanosuspensionen zur pulmonalen Applikation


    Scherließ, Holger


    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Entwicklung einer Nanosuspensionsformulierung zur inhalativen Anwendung mit dem schwerlöslichen Antimykotikum Itraconazol untersucht. Viele der neu entwickelten pharmazeutischen Wirkstoffe sind nach der Arzneibuchdefinition als schwerlöslich, sehr schwer löslich oder gar praktisch unlöslich einzuteilen. Das bedingt in der Praxis häufig Probleme in der Bioverfügbarkeit und stellt eine große Herausforderung für die Galenik dar. Die Herstellung der Nan...

  1. Von Mumien, Cyborgs und Röntgenbildern

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    Regina Schleicher


    Full Text Available Unter dem Titel Techniken der Reproduktion liegt ein Sammelband vor, der die Beiträge einer Tagung an der Universität Paderborn vom Dezember 2001 enthält. In enger Verknüpfung verschiedener disziplinärer Perspektiven werden Schlaglichter auf eine Vielzahl von Themen geworfen, die sich mit dem Begriff „Reproduktion“ verbinden. Dabei wird deutlich, wie eng die Geschichte der Medien und die Entwicklung von Technologien der biologischen Fortpflanzung miteinander verzahnt sind.

  2. Does GEM-Encoding Clinical Practice Guidelines Improve the Quality of Knowledge Bases? A Study with the Rule-Based Formalism (United States)

    Georg, Gersende; Séroussi, Brigitte; Bouaud, Jacques


    The aim of this work was to determine whether the GEM-encoding step could improve the representation of clinical practice guidelines as formalized knowledge bases. We used the 1999 Canadian recommendations for the management of hypertension, chosen as the knowledge source in the ASTI project. We first clarified semantic ambiguities of therapeutic sequences recommended in the guideline by proposing an interpretative framework of therapeutic strategies. Then, after a formalization step to standardize the terms used to characterize clinical situations, we created the GEM-encoded instance of the guideline. We developed a module for the automatic derivation of a rule base, BR-GEM, from the instance. BR-GEM was then compared to the rule base, BR-ASTI, embedded within the critic mode of ASTI, and manually built by two physicians from the same Canadian guideline. As compared to BR-ASTI, BR-GEM is more specific and covers more clinical situations. When evaluated on 10 patient cases, the GEM-based approach led to promising results. PMID:14728173

  3. Does GEM-encoding clinical practice guidelines improve the quality of knowledge bases? A study with the rule-based formalism. (United States)

    Georg, Georg; Séroussi, Brigitte; Bouaud, Jacques


    The aim of this work was to determine whether the GEM-encoding step could improve the representation of clinical practice guidelines as formalized knowledge bases. We used the 1999 Canadian recommendations for the management of hypertension, chosen as the knowledge source in the ASTI project. We first clarified semantic ambiguities of therapeutic sequences recommended in the guideline by proposing an interpretative framework of therapeutic strategies. Then, after a formalization step to standardize the terms used to characterize clinical situations, we created the GEM-encoded instance of the guideline. We developed a module for the automatic derivation of a rule base, BR-GEM, from the instance. BR-GEM was then compared to the rule base, BR-ASTI, embedded within the critic mode of ASTI, and manually built by two physicians from the same Canadian guideline. As compared to BR-ASTI, BR-GEM is more specific and covers more clinical situations. When evaluated on 10 patient cases, the GEM-based approach led to promising results.

  4. Financial recognition of material misstatement risks of listed companies on GEM

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    Jie Ming


    Full Text Available Listed companies on GEM are characterized by strong innovation, great growth ability, high risks and high yields. Starting from these characteristics, this paper carries out analysis by using the financial indicators that are effective to recognize the material misstatement risks and easy to be acquired, and combines with the sample data with high material misstatement risks on GEM in 2012 to 2014 to test the significance of spss difference, and finds that the material misstatement company and the normal company have significant difference in the profitability, solvency, growth ability and cash flow.

  5. From eco-efficiency in overall sustainable development in enterprises; Von Oekoeffizienz zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung in Unternehmen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weizsaecker, E.U. von; Stigson, B; Seiler-Hausmann, J D [eds.


    Eco-efficiency is achieved when goods and services satisfy human needs, increase the quality of life, at prices which are competitive and when environmental impacts and resource intensity are decreased to a degree that they are in accordance with the expected capacities of the Earth. Eco-efficiency is a management approach that allows enterprises to carry out environmental protection measures from a market-oriented point of view. Eco-efficiency shows that ecology and economy do not contradict each other. On the contrary, in combination, they present a gain for enterprises. The motto is: To produce more with less. The WBCSD and its member enterprises have agreed to make economic growth and sustainable development the guideline for their economic entrepreneurial actions. The WBCSD supports the close co-operation of the economy, government and other organizations, as it is only together that we can help sustainable development to achieve a breakthrough. (orig.) [German] Oekoeffizienz ist dann erreicht, wenn Gueter und Dienstleistungen die menschlichen Beduerfnisse befriedigen, die Lebensqualitaet erhoehen und wettbewerbsfaehige Preise aufweisen, und die oekologischen Auswirkungen und die Ressourcenintensitaet waehrend des Lebenszyklus soweit verringert werden, dass eine Uebereinstimmung mit der voraussichtlichen Belastbarkeit der Erde besteht. Oekoeffizienz steht fuer einen Managementansatz, der Unternehmen erlaubt, Umweltschutzmassnahmen unter Marktgesichtspunkten durchzufuehren. Mit Oekoeffizienz wird zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass Oekonomie und Oekologie sich nicht ausschliessen, sondern in Kombination einen Gewinn fuer Unternehmen darstellen. Das Motto lautet: Mehr mit weniger produzieren. Der WBCSD und seine Mitgliedsunternehmen haben sich darauf verstaendigt, ihr Handeln von den Prinzipien des oekonomischen Wachstums und der nachhaltigen Entwicklung leiten zu lassen. Der WBCSD unterstuetzt die enge Zusammenarbeit von Wirtschaft, Staat und anderen Organisationen


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    Masumi Ananingati Rahayu


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh secara parsial maupun simultan struktur modal dan volume penjualan terhadap profitabilitas pada Primer Koperasi Purnawirawan Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia(PRIMKOPPABRI di Kabupaten Kendal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan motede statistik dan bersifat kausalitas yang mengacu pada laporan keuangan (neraca dan rugi laba dalam bentuk bulanan periode Januari sampai Desember selama tahun 2010-2012. Berdasarkan hasil uji secara parsial untuk struktur modal dan volume penjualan terhadap profitabilitas berpengaruh secara signifikan dengan kontribusi sebesar 14,5% untuk struktur modal sedangkan volume penjualan sebesar 7,07%. Secara simultan ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara struktur modal dan volume penjualan terhadap profitabilitas pada PRIMKOPPABRI Kab.Kendal dengan kontribusi sebesar 18,5%. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh persamaan regresi berganda sebagai berikut: Y= -0,005 + 0,029 X1+ 0,019 X 2 + e. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the effect of partially and simultaneously the capital structure on profitability and sales volume in the Primary Cooperative Retired Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (PRIMKOPPABRI in Kendal. This study used a quantitative approach and descriptive research using statistical motede and causality are referring to the financial statements (balance sheet and income statement in the form of a monthly period of January to December during the years 2010-2012. Based on the test results for the partial capital structure on profitability and sales volume of significant influence with a contribution of 14,5 % to the capital structure while sales volume amounted to 7,07%. Simultaneously there is a significant influence of capital structure on profitability and sales volume in PRIMKOPPABRI Kab.Kendal with a contribution of 18,5 %. From the calculations

  7. GPU Computing Gems Emerald Edition

    CERN Document Server

    Hwu, Wen-mei W


    ".the perfect companion to Programming Massively Parallel Processors by Hwu & Kirk." -Nicolas Pinto, Research Scientist at Harvard & MIT, NVIDIA Fellow 2009-2010 Graphics processing units (GPUs) can do much more than render graphics. Scientists and researchers increasingly look to GPUs to improve the efficiency and performance of computationally-intensive experiments across a range of disciplines. GPU Computing Gems: Emerald Edition brings their techniques to you, showcasing GPU-based solutions including: Black hole simulations with CUDA GPU-accelerated computation and interactive display of

  8. Untersuchung eines breitbandigen Koaxial-Hohlleiterübergangs für einen Schottky-Strahldiagnosedetektor

    CERN Document Server

    Ehret, M; Wendt, M

    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Koaxial-Hohlleiterübergang im Mikrowellenbereich (4.8 GHz) untersucht und verbessert. Diese Kopplung ist eine der Schlüsselstellen des sogenannten „Schottky-Detektors“. Dieser Detektor befindet sich innerhalb des Teilchenbeschleunigers des Large Hadron Colliders am CERN. Während der Arbeit wurden verschiedene Untersuchungen am Detektor durchgeführt und anhand der ermittelten Ergebnisse eine veränderte Kopplerstruktur entwickelt. Diese Struktur wurde zuerst anhand von verschiedenen Modellen in einer elektromagnetischen Feldsimulation überprüft und mit Hilfe verschiedener Algorithmen verifiziert. Im nächsten Schritt wurde ein Testaufbau entwickelt, mit dem eine Überprüfung und eine abschließende Betrachtung der Ergebnisse möglich war. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit der neu entwickelten Struktur die Kopplereigenschaften wesentlich verbessert und die Zielvorgaben sogar deutlich übertroffen wurden.

  9. Building a large-area GEM-based readout chamber for the upgrade of the ALICE TPC

    CERN Document Server

    Gasik, Piotr


    A large Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main device for tracking and charged-particle identification in the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. After the second long shutdown in 2019-2020, the LHC will deliver Pb beams colliding at an interaction rate up to 50 kHz, which is about a factor of 100 above the present read-out rate of the TPC. To fully exploit the LHC potential the TPC will be upgraded based on the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology. A prototype of an ALICE TPC Outer Read-Out Chamber (OROC) was equipped with twelve large-size GEM foils as amplification stage to demonstrate the feasibility of replacing the current Multi Wire Proportional Chambers with the new technology. With a total area of $\\sim$0.76 m$^2$ it is the largest GEM-based detector built to date. The GEM OROC was installed within a test field cage and commissioned with radioactive sources.

  10. Building a large-area GEM-based readout chamber for the upgrade of the ALICE TPC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gasik, P. [Physik Department E62, Technische Universität München, Garching (Germany); Excellence Cluster ‘Origin and Structure of the Universe’, Garching (Germany)


    A large Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main device for tracking and charged-particle identification in the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. After the second long shutdown in 2019–2020, the LHC will deliver Pb beams colliding at an interaction rate up to 50 kHz, which is about a factor of 100 above the present read-out rate of the TPC. To fully exploit the LHC potential the TPC will be upgraded based on the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology. A prototype of an ALICE TPC Outer Read-Out Chamber (OROC) was equipped with twelve large-size GEM foils as amplification stage to demonstrate the feasibility of replacing the current Multi Wire Proportional Chambers with the new technology. With a total area of ∼0.76 m{sup 2} it is the largest GEM-based detector built to date. The GEM OROC was installed within a test field cage and commissioned with radioactive sources.

  11. Building a large-area GEM-based readout chamber for the upgrade of the ALICE TPC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gasik, P.


    A large Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main device for tracking and charged-particle identification in the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. After the second long shutdown in 2019–2020, the LHC will deliver Pb beams colliding at an interaction rate up to 50 kHz, which is about a factor of 100 above the present read-out rate of the TPC. To fully exploit the LHC potential the TPC will be upgraded based on the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology. A prototype of an ALICE TPC Outer Read-Out Chamber (OROC) was equipped with twelve large-size GEM foils as amplification stage to demonstrate the feasibility of replacing the current Multi Wire Proportional Chambers with the new technology. With a total area of ∼0.76 m 2 it is the largest GEM-based detector built to date. The GEM OROC was installed within a test field cage and commissioned with radioactive sources.

  12. Detection and Imaging of High-Z Materials with a Muon Tomography Station Using GEM Detectors

    CERN Document Server

    Gnanvo, K; Bittner, W; Costa, F; Grasso, L; Hohlmann, M; Locke, J B; Martoiu, S; Muller, H; Staib, M; Tarazona, A; Toledo, J


    Muon tomography based on the measurement of multiple scattering of atmospheric cosmic ray muons is a promising technique for detecting and imaging heavily shielded high-Z nuclear materials such as enriched uranium. This technique could complement standard radiation detection portals currently deployed at international borders and ports, which are not very sensitive to heavily shielded nuclear materials. We image small targets in 3D using $2\\times 2 \\times 2$ mm^3 voxels with a minimal muon tomography station prototype that tracks muons with Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors read out in 2D with x-y microstrips of 400 micron pitch. With preliminary electronics, the GEM detectors achieve a spatial resolution of 130 microns in both dimensions. With the next GEM-based prototype station we plan to probe an active volume of ~27 liters. We present first results on reading out all 1536 microstrips of a $30 \\times 30$ cm^2 GEM detector for the next muon tomography prototype with final frontend electronics and DAQ...

  13. Resolution studies of a GEM-based TPC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Killenberg, M.


    Currently there are four different concept studies trying to optimise the detector for the requirements at the ILC. In three of these detector concepts a time projection chamber (TPC) is foreseen as the main tracking device. To achieve the intended spatial resolution of 100 {mu}m, micro pattern gas detectors (MPGD) are considered for gas amplification. The two different MPGDs discussed for the ILC TPC are Micro-Mesh Gaseous Detectors (Micromegas) and Gas Electron Multiplier foils (GEMs). The current thesis shows resolution studies with a TPC prototype equipped with a triple GEM readout structure. A hodoscope made up of silicon strip sensors gives a precision reference track, allowing an unbiased measurement of the spatial resolution. High statistics measurements have been conducted at the DESY test beam facility, which provides positrons with a tunable energy between 1 GeV and 6 GeV. Using the independent measurement of the hodoscope allows systematic studies of the homogeneity of the TPC's electric field. The fluctuations of the field in the chamber's central region were found to be {delta}E/E=8.10{sup -3}. Field distortions have been determined and corrected, reducing the remaining deviations to a level well below the spatial resolution of the TPC. One important task is to reduce the number of ions drifting back into the sensitive volume. Special GEM settings with minimised ion backdrift have been examined with respect to their influence on the spatial resolution and it was found that the spatial resolution is not degraded using these special settings. The TPC prototype has been operated in a 4 T magnetic field, provided by a superconducting solenoid located at DESY Hamburg. Again the spatial resolution measured with the ion backdrift optimised settings is compared to that achieved with nonoptimised settings. In both cases the measured resolution is approximately 130 {mu}m. (orig.)

  14. Resolution studies of a GEM-based TPC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Killenberg, M.


    Currently there are four different concept studies trying to optimise the detector for the requirements at the ILC. In three of these detector concepts a time projection chamber (TPC) is foreseen as the main tracking device. To achieve the intended spatial resolution of 100 μm, micro pattern gas detectors (MPGD) are considered for gas amplification. The two different MPGDs discussed for the ILC TPC are Micro-Mesh Gaseous Detectors (Micromegas) and Gas Electron Multiplier foils (GEMs). The current thesis shows resolution studies with a TPC prototype equipped with a triple GEM readout structure. A hodoscope made up of silicon strip sensors gives a precision reference track, allowing an unbiased measurement of the spatial resolution. High statistics measurements have been conducted at the DESY test beam facility, which provides positrons with a tunable energy between 1 GeV and 6 GeV. Using the independent measurement of the hodoscope allows systematic studies of the homogeneity of the TPC's electric field. The fluctuations of the field in the chamber's central region were found to be ΔE/E=8.10 -3 . Field distortions have been determined and corrected, reducing the remaining deviations to a level well below the spatial resolution of the TPC. One important task is to reduce the number of ions drifting back into the sensitive volume. Special GEM settings with minimised ion backdrift have been examined with respect to their influence on the spatial resolution and it was found that the spatial resolution is not degraded using these special settings. The TPC prototype has been operated in a 4 T magnetic field, provided by a superconducting solenoid located at DESY Hamburg. Again the spatial resolution measured with the ion backdrift optimised settings is compared to that achieved with nonoptimised settings. In both cases the measured resolution is approximately 130 μm. (orig.)

  15. Beiträge zu einer kognitiv ausgerichteten lexikographie | Figge ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nach einer "kognitiven Wende" in der Psychologie in der zweiten Hälfte der sechziger Jahre haben auch Teile der Linguistik und der Psycholinguistik begonnen, sich kognitiv zu orientieren. Hier wird ein Modell zugrunde gelegt, nach dem sprachliche Einheiten auf Einheiten des Gedächtnisses referieren. Einheiten des ...

  16. Von der Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte zu einer Rechtsgeschichte Europas in globalhistorischer Perspektive

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Duve


    In den letzten Jahren sind im Zuge der Diskussion um postkoloniale Perspektiven auf die Geschichte, um Transnationale und Globalgeschichte, viele Grundlagen der traditionellen Europahistoriographie kritisiert und massiv erschüttert worden. Das wirft Fragen auch an die Europäische Rechtsgeschichte auf: Welches Europabild liegt ihr zu Grunde? Auf welchen intellektuellen und konzeptionellen Grundlagen beruht sie? Wie antwortet sie auf die Vorwürfe des Eurozentrismus, des epistemischen Kolonialismus, wie auf die Forderung, Europa zu ›provinzialisieren‹? Wie definiert sie das Verhältnis der Europäischen zur Transnationalen und Globalen Rechtsgeschichte? – Diesen und ähnlichen Fragen wenden sich die folgenden Überlegungen zu. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einer Auseinandersetzung mit der Tradition, ihren konzeptionellen Grundlagen und deren wissenschaftshistorischem Kontext (1. Teil, 1.–6.. Aus dieser kritischen Bestandsaufnahme und den Ergebnissen der Debatte um Globalgeschichte ergeben sich Ausgangspunkte und Aufgaben einer in Vielem auf den Leistungen der Disziplin aufbauenden, doch notwendigerweise auf einer anderen Konzeption beruhenden Rechtsgeschichte Europas in globalhistorischer Perspektive (2. Teil, 7.–11..

  17. Promising energy converters for the next century. Fuel cells for cogeneration systems; Aussichtsreicher Energiewandler fuers naechste Jahrhundert. Brennstoffzelle fuer Kraft-Waerme-Kopplung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hilscher, G


    First there is a report on experience with phosphoric acid fuel cell plants (PAFC), which the operators used in a 200 kW plant of Onsi (HEAG, Ruhrgas AG, Thyssengas AG) and a 79 kW plant of Kinetics Technology (Solar-Wasserstoff Bayern GmbH). After this, the present state of development of oxide ceramic high temperature fuel cells (SOFC) and polymer electrolyte diaphragm fuel cells (PEMFC) is briefly described. (MM) [Deutsch] Zuerst wird ueber Erfahrungen mit Phosphorsaeure-Brennstoffzellen-Anlagen (PAFC) berichtet, die die Betreiber einer 200 kW-Anlage von Onsi (HEAG, Ruhrgas AG, Thyssengas AG) und einer 79 kW-Anlage von Kinetics Technology (Solar-Wasserstoff-Bayern GmbH) hatten. Danach wird kurz der derzeitige Stand der Entwicklung bei den oxidkeramischen Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzellen (SOFC) und Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brennstoffzellen (PEMFC) wiedergegeben. (MM)

  18. Anmerkungen zur Methode einer theologischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialethik


    Mack, Elke


    "Moderne theologische Wirtschafts- und Sozialethik sollte im Rahmen der wissenschaftstheoretischen Schritte 'Analyse, Synthese, Operationalisierung' erfolgen. Die christliche Wirtschafts- und Sozialethik erfüllt bei diesem Zuschnitt den Anspruch einer modernen theologischen Gerechtigkeitstheorie, die erstens ihr hermeneutisches Vorverständnis hinreichend klärt und analytisch an Problemstellungen herangeht, die zweitens auf der Basis eines hypothetischen Konsenses aller Betroffener zu normativ...

  19. GEM System: automatic prototyping of cell-wide metabolic pathway models from genomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nakayama Yoichi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Successful realization of a "systems biology" approach to analyzing cells is a grand challenge for our understanding of life. However, current modeling approaches to cell simulation are labor-intensive, manual affairs, and therefore constitute a major bottleneck in the evolution of computational cell biology. Results We developed the Genome-based Modeling (GEM System for the purpose of automatically prototyping simulation models of cell-wide metabolic pathways from genome sequences and other public biological information. Models generated by the GEM System include an entire Escherichia coli metabolism model comprising 968 reactions of 1195 metabolites, achieving 100% coverage when compared with the KEGG database, 92.38% with the EcoCyc database, and 95.06% with iJR904 genome-scale model. Conclusion The GEM System prototypes qualitative models to reduce the labor-intensive tasks required for systems biology research. Models of over 90 bacterial genomes are available at our web site.

  20. Quality of the spare triple-GEM detectors

    CERN Document Server

    Lenci, Rosario; Paoletti, Emiliano; Pasquali, Luigi; Pinci, Davide; Piscitelli, Carmelo; Poli Lener, Marco; Sciubba, Adalberto; Tskhadadze, Edisher


    Triple-GEM chambers equip the inner region of the M1 muon station. In order to provide spare detectors in case of problems in the operating ones, new chambers have been assembled at the Frascati National Laboratories of the INFN. This note summarizes the results of the quality tests performed at the end of the production procedure.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisa Tjondro


    Full Text Available This research intends to know the influence of the level of assurance, CPA firm's reputation, aspirant debitor's capital structure and bank size on bank loan decisions. The applied regression technique used to solve this problem are Chi-square test, Friedman test and Regression with the help of software SPSS 10th version. This research's results proved that the aspirant debitor's capital structure and bank size have influence on bank lending decisions, while level of assurance and CPA firm's reputation proved of no influence on bank lending decisions. From these two variables, aspirant debitor's capital structure has the highest impact on bank loan decisions in Indonesia. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah level of assurance, reputasi kantor akuntan publik, struktur modal calon debitur, dan ukuran bank mempengaruhi keputusan pemberian kredit oleh bank. Teknik analisis yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut adalah Chi-square test, Friedman test, dan Regresi dengan memakai alat bantu software SPSS versi 10.0. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa struktur modal calon debitur dan ukuran bank berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pemberian kredit bank, sedangkan variabel level of assurance dan reputasi kantor akuntan publik terbukti tidak mempengaruhi keputusan pemberian kredit bank. Dari kedua variabel tersebut, struktur modal adalah variabel yang memiliki tingkat pengaruh paling tinggi terhadap keputusan pemberian kredit bank di Indonesia. Kata kunci: level of assurance, keputusan pemberian kredit bank.

  2. Deoxygenative gem-difluoroolefination of carbonyl compounds with (chlorodifluoromethyltrimethylsilane and triphenylphosphine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fei Wang


    Full Text Available Background: 1,1-Difluoroalkenes cannot only be used as valuable precursors for organic synthesis, but also act as bioisosteres for enzyme inhibitors. Among various methods for their preparation, the carbonyl olefination with difluoromethylene phosphonium ylide represents one of the most straightforward methods.Results: The combination of (chlorodifluoromethyltrimethylsilane (TMSCF2Cl and triphenylphosphine (PPh3 can be used for the synthesis of gem-difluoroolefins from carbonyl compounds. Comparative experiments demonstrate that TMSCF2Cl is superior to (bromodifluoromethyltrimethylsilane (TMSCF2Br and (trifluoromethyltrimethylsilane (TMSCF3 in this reaction.Conclusion: Similar to many other Wittig-type gem-difluoroolefination reactions in the presence of PPh3, the reaction of TMSCF2Cl with aldehydes and activated ketones is effective.

  3. Use of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy in the determination of gem provenance: beryls

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McManus, Catherine E.; McMillan, Nancy J.; Harmon, Russell S.; Whitmore, Robert C.; De Lucia, Frank C. Jr.; Miziolek, Andrzej W.


    The provenance of gem stones has been of interest to geologists, gemologists, archeologists, and historians for centuries. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) provides a minimally destructive tool for recording the rich chemical signatures of gem beryls (aquamarine, goshenite, heliodor, and morganite). Broadband LIBS spectra of 39 beryl (Be3Al2Si6O18) specimens from 11 pegmatite mines in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Maine (USA) are used to assess the potential of using principal component analysis of LIBS spectra to determine specimen provenance. Using this technique, beryls from the three beryl-bearing zones in the Palermo no. 1 pegmatite (New Hampshire) can be recognized. However, the compositional variation within this single mine is comparable to that in beryls from all three states. Thus, a very large database with detailed location metadata will be required to routinely determine gem beryl provenance

  4. Design and implementation of the infrastructure of HadGEM3: the next-generation Met Office climate modelling system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. T. Hewitt


    Full Text Available This paper describes the development of a technically robust climate modelling system, HadGEM3, which couples the Met Office Unified Model atmosphere component, the NEMO ocean model and the Los Alamos sea ice model (CICE using the OASIS coupler. Details of the coupling and technical solutions of the physical model (HadGEM3-AO are documented, in addition to a description of the configurations of the individual submodels. The paper demonstrates that the implementation of the model has resulted in accurate conservation of heat and freshwater across the model components. The model performance in early versions of this climate model is briefly described to demonstrate that the results are scientifically credible. HadGEM3-AO is the basis for a number of modelling efforts outside of the Met Office, both within the UK and internationally. This documentation of the HadGEM3-AO system provides a detailed reference for developers of HadGEM3-based climate configurations.

  5. Design and simulation of a control system for a run-off-river power plant; Entwurf und Simulation einer Staustufenregelung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ott, C.


    In run-off-river plants with low discharge and under head-control, changes of inflow lead to amplified changes of outflow. In this thesis a frequency-domain-based design-procedure is introduced, which allows to add an inflow-dependent signal to the head-controller of conventional combined head- and flow-controllers. This efficiently minimizes the discharge amplification. The non-linearity of the channel-reach is taken into consideration by adapting the settings of the controller to the actual discharge. The development of a time-domain-based program system, taking into account all nonlinearities of a run-off-river-plant, is described. Using different test-functions, the capability of the improved combined head- and flow-control can be demonstrated. In both the time- and the frequency-domain it is shown, that the quality of control is not influenced to a significant extent by the inevitable inaccuracies in the description of the channel-reach and in the measurement of the actual inflow and outflow. (orig.) [German] Die Arbeit bietet eine Loesung fuer das Problem, dass im Niedrigwasserbereich wasserstandsgeregelter Staustufen Zuflussaenderungen durch die Staustufe verstaerkt an den Unterlieger weitergegeben werden. Als Problemloesung wird ein frequenzbereichsgestuetztes Entwurfsverfahren vorgestellt, mit dem die gebraeuchliche OW-Q-Regelung um eine zuflussabhaengige Aufschaltung auf den Pegelregler erweitert werden kann. Zusammen mit der Aufschaltung des Zuflusses auf den Abflussregler wird damit die Durchflussverstaerkung deutlich reduziert. Die Nichtlinearitaet der Regelstrecke 'Stauraum' wird durch eine Parameteradaption an den Staustufendurchfluss beruecksichtigt. Weiterhin wird die Entwicklung eines Programmsystems zur nichtlinearen Simulation einer Staustufenkette im Zeitbereich beschrieben. Damit kann anhand verschiedener Lastfaelle die Leistungsfaehigkeit der verbesserten OW-Q-Regelung nachgewiesen werden. Es wird im Zeit- und Frequenzbereich

  6. ABCB1-Gen-Polymorphismus in einer polnischen Kohorte ist mit Risiko für bullöses Pemphigoid assoziiert. (United States)

    Rychlik-Sych, Mariola; Barańska, Małgorzata; Dudarewicz, Michał; Skrętkowicz, Jadwiga; Żebrowska, Agnieszka; Owczarek, Jacek; Waszczykowska, Elżbieta


    Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen, das für das P-Glykoprotein kodiert, können die intrazelluläre Konzentration von Xenobiotika beeinflussen und so zur Entwicklung von Autoimmunerkrankungen, einschließlich des bullösen Pemphigoids (BP), beitragen. In der vorliegenden Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob in einer polnischen Kohorte die C3435T- und G2677T/A-Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen mit dem Risiko für ein BP assoziiert sind. Die Studie umfasste 71 Patienten mit BP und 156 gesunde Probanden. Der C3435T-Polymorphismus wurde mittels PCR-RFLP bestimmt und der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus mittels Allel-spezifischer PCR. Es gab zwar keine Korrelation zwischen dem C3435-Polymorphismus und dem BP-Risiko, aber wir konnten eine derartige Assoziation hinsichtlich des G2677T/A-Polymorphismus nachweisen. Das relative Risiko eines BP war bei Personen mit dem 2677TA-Genotyp um mehr als den Faktor fünf erhöht (OR = 5,52; p = 0,0063) und bei Trägern des 2677TT-Genotyps mehr als verdoppelt (OR = 2,40; p = 0,0076). Mit 2,40 (p = 0,000018) war die OR bei Trägern des 2677T-Allels ebenfalls erhöht. Die höhere Prävalenz des 2677GG-Genotyps und des 2677G-Allels bei der Kontrollgruppe sowie eine OR < 1,0 (0,22 beziehungsweise 0,33) legen eine Schutzfunktion des 2677G-Allels hinsichtlich der Ausbildung eines BP nahe. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie zeigen, dass der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus im ABCB1-Gen das Risiko für die Entstehung eines BP beeinflussen könnte. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Präanalytik zur HCMV-Diagnostik


    Travers-Podmaniczky, Gabrielle


    Die kongenitale HCMV-Infektion ist der wichtigste Auslöser geistiger Retardierung viraler Genese und ist für die meisten neurosensorischen Hörstörungen nicht genetischen Ursprunges verantwortlich. Die Entwicklung neuer Strategien zur Prävention der HCMV-Infektion bei Neugeborenen ist also von höchster Dringlichkeit. Die Einführung von universellen Screeningprogrammen bei Neugeborenen könnte die frühzeitige Erkennung einer Infektion und somit einen frühen therapeutischen Einsatz ermöglichen. U...

  8. Einführung in die Konstruktionsmethodik (United States)

    Linke, Petra; Weidermann, Frank

    Für die Entwicklung eines konkurrenzfähigen Produktes ist eine sehr gute Idee von entscheidender Bedeutung. Eine mittelmäßige Idee, konstruktiv gut umgesetzt reicht beim heutigen Verdrängungswettbewerb nicht mehr, um am Markt bestehen zu können. Rund 80% der Kosten eines Produktes werden in der Konstruktion festgelegt. Deshalb steht am Anfang einer Produktentwicklung immer eine intensive Ideenfindung. Der konstruktive Entwicklungsprozess ist dann weiter gegliedert in Planen und Klären der Aufgabe, Konzipieren, Entwerfen und Ausarbeiten.

  9. Secondary scintillation yield from GEM and THGEM gaseous electron multipliers for direct dark matter search (United States)

    Monteiro, C. M. B.; Fernandes, L. M. P.; Veloso, J. F. C. A.; Oliveira, C. A. B.; dos Santos, J. M. F.


    The search for alternatives to PMTs as photosensors in optical TPCs for rare event detection has significantly increased in the last few years. In particular, in view of the next generation large volume detectors, the use of photosensors with lower natural radioactivity, such as large area APDs or GM-APDs, with the additional possibility of sparse surface coverage, triggered the intense study of secondary scintillation production in micropattern electron multipliers, such as GEMs and THGEMs, as alternatives to the commonly used uniform electric field region between two parallel meshes. The much higher scintillation output obtained from the electron avalanches in such microstructures presents an advantage in those situations. The accurate knowledge of the amount of such scintillation is important for correct detector simulation and optimization. It will also serve as a benchmark for software tools developed and/or under development for the calculation of the amount of such scintillation.The secondary scintillation yield, or electroluminescence yield, in the electron avalanches of GEMs and THGEMs operating in gaseous xenon and argon has been determined for different gas pressures. At 1 bar, THGEMs deliver electroluminescence yields that are more than one order of magnitude higher when compared to those achieved in GEMs and two orders of magnitude when compared to those achieved in a uniform field gap. The THGEM electroluminescence yield presents a faster decrease with pressure when comparing to the GEM electroluminescence yield, reaching similar values to what is achieved in GEMs for xenon pressures of 2.5 bar, but still one order of magnitude higher than that produced in a uniform field gap. Another exception is the GEM operating in argon, which presents an electroluminescence yield similar to that produced in a uniform electric field gap, while the THGEM achieves yields that are more than one order of magnitude higher.

  10. Advances in Trace Element “Fingerprinting” of Gem Corundum, Ruby and Sapphire, Mogok Area, Myanmar

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    F. Lin Sutherland


    Full Text Available Mogok gem corundum samples from twelve localities were analyzed for trace element signatures (LA-ICP-MS method and oxygen isotope values (δ18O, by laser fluorination. The study augmented earlier findings on Mogok gem suites that suggested the Mogok tract forms a high vanadium gem corundum area and also identified rare alluvial ruby and sapphire grains characterised by unusually high silicon, calcium and gallium, presence of noticeable boron, tin and niobium and very low iron, titanium and magnesium contents. Oxygen isotope values (δ18O for the ruby and high Si-Ca-Ga corundum (20‰–25‰ and for sapphire (10‰–20‰ indicate typical crustal values, with values >20‰ being typical of carbonate genesis. The high Si-Ca-Ga ruby has high chromium (up to 3.2 wt % Cr and gallium (up to 0. 08 wt % Ga compared to most Mogok ruby (<2 wt % Cr; <0.02 wt % Ga. In trace element ratio plots the Si-Ca-Ga-rich corundum falls into separate fields from the typical Mogok metamorphic fields. The high Ga/Mg ratios (46–521 lie well within the magmatic range (>6, and with other features suggest a potential skarn-like, carbonate-related genesis with a high degree of magmatic fluid input The overall trace element results widen the range of different signatures identified within Mogok gem corundum suites and indicate complex genesis. The expanded geochemical platform, related to a variety of metamorphic, metasomatic and magmatic sources, now provides a wider base for geographic typing of Mogok gem corundum suites. It allows more detailed comparisons with suites from other deposits and will assist identification of Mogok gem corundum sources used in jewelry.

  11. SAFIRA. Subproject B 3.1: reductive dechlorination of chloroaromatics by means of electrochemical methods and membrane-supported catalysts for in-situ treatment of contaminated groundwater. Final report; SAFIRA. Teilprojekt B 3.1: Reduktive Dechlorierung von Chloraromaten mit elektrochemischen Methoden und Membran-gestuetzten Katalysatoren zur in-situ-Behandlung von kontaminierten Grundwaessern. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kopinke, F.D.; Mackenzie, K.; Koehler, R.; Battke, J.


    The objective of the sub-project was the development and experimental testing of a mainly passive, in situ technology for the abiotic dehalogenation of halogenated organic hydrocarbons (HOCs) within the aquifer. The technology to be developed should be applicable not only for aliphatic HOCs but also for dehalogenation of aromatic halogenated pollutants. During the first two years of the project, the main focus of our research was the development and testing of novel membrane-supported catalysts. The catalytically active component Pd was embedded in highly disperse form into non-porous silicone membranes in order to protect it from ionic catalyst poisons and erosion. At the laboratory scale, the novel catalysts proved their suitability for dehalogenation of various classes of HOCs within the water phase. The membrane-supported catalysts were developed in co-operation with a working group from the GKSS Geesthacht and their novelty was protected in a patent disclosure (DE 19952 732A1). Especially for their use under field conditions, membrane-supported Pd catalysts were produced as hollow fibres where the reaction partner hydrogen was fed from the interior of the fibres. Unfortunately, the high activity of these catalysts was not sustainable under Bitterfeld groundwater conditions - sulphur poisoning occurred due to non-ionic catalyst poisons situated in the aquifer and H{sub 2}S produced by sulphate-reducing bacteria. In order to enhance the catalyst stability and therefore their applicability in a scaled-up technology, our studies were then focused on the suppression of microbial activity and on catalyst regeneration. (orig.) [German] Das Ziel des Teilprojektes war die Entwicklung und experimentelle Pruefung eines weitgehend passiven, in-situ-tauglichen Verfahrens zur abiotischen Dehalogenierung von HKW im Aquifer, das auch auf halogenierte aromatische Verbindungen anwendbar ist. In den ersten zwei Jahren des Projektes stand die Entwicklung und Testung von Membran

  12. Die Etablierung massenspektrometrischer quantitativer Studien des Herzproteoms während der embryonalen Entwicklung und der Alterung


    Konzer, Anne


    Neue Erkenntnisse über die physiologischen, molekularen und pathologischen Prozesse im Herzen konnten im letzten Jahrzehnt anhand von Modellorganismen gewonnen werden. Die Entwicklung neuer Techniken ermöglichte außerdem die Etablierung umfangreicher und eindrucksvoller Studien basierend auf den neusten Mikroskopieverfahren, auf globalen Genexpressionsanalysen (Microarray) sowie auf modernen Massenspektrometrie (MS)- basierenden Proteinanalysen anhand von hochauflösenden Tandem-Massenspektrom...

  13. Study of the spatial resolution of low-material GEM tracking detectors

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    Kudryavtsev V.N.


    Full Text Available The spatial resolution of GEM based tracking detectors has been simulated and measured. The simulation includes the GEANT4 based transport of high energy electrons with careful accounting for atomic relaxation processes including emission of fluorescent photons and Auger electrons and custom post-processing, including accounting for diffusion, gas amplification fluctuations, the distribution of signals on readout electrodes, electronics noise and a particular algorithm of the final coordinate calculation (center of gravity. The simulation demonstrates that a minimum of the spatial resolution of about 10 μm can be achieved with strip pitches from 250 μm to 300 μm. For larger pitches the resolution is quickly degrading reaching 80-100 μm at a pitch of 500 μm. The spatial resolution of low-material triple-GEM detectors for the DEUTRON facility at the VEPP-3 storage ring is measured at the extracted beam facility of the VEPP-4M collider. The amount of material in these detectors is reduced by etching the copper of the GEMs electrodes and using a readout structure on a thin kapton foil rather than on a glass fibre plate. The exact amount of material in one DEUTRON detector is measured by studying multiple scattering of 100 MeV electrons in it. The result of these measurements is X/X0 = 2.4×10−3 corresponding to a thickness of the copper layers of the GEM foils of 3 μm. The spatial resolution of one DEUTRON detector is measured with 500 MeV electrons and the measured value is equal to 35 ± 1 μm for orthogonal tracks.

  14. Study of the spatial resolution of low-material GEM tracking detectors (United States)

    Kudryavtsev, V. N.; Maltsev, T. V.; Shekhtman, L. I.


    The spatial resolution of GEM based tracking detectors has been simulated and measured. The simulation includes the GEANT4 based transport of high energy electrons with careful accounting for atomic relaxation processes including emission of fluorescent photons and Auger electrons and custom post-processing, including accounting for diffusion, gas amplification fluctuations, the distribution of signals on readout electrodes, electronics noise and a particular algorithm of the final coordinate calculation (center of gravity). The simulation demonstrates that a minimum of the spatial resolution of about 10 μm can be achieved with strip pitches from 250 μm to 300 μm. For larger pitches the resolution is quickly degrading reaching 80-100 μm at a pitch of 500 μm. The spatial resolution of low-material triple-GEM detectors for the DEUTRON facility at the VEPP-3 storage ring is measured at the extracted beam facility of the VEPP-4M collider. The amount of material in these detectors is reduced by etching the copper of the GEMs electrodes and using a readout structure on a thin kapton foil rather than on a glass fibre plate. The exact amount of material in one DEUTRON detector is measured by studying multiple scattering of 100 MeV electrons in it. The result of these measurements is X/X0 = 2.4×10-3 corresponding to a thickness of the copper layers of the GEM foils of 3 μm. The spatial resolution of one DEUTRON detector is measured with 500 MeV electrons and the measured value is equal to 35 ± 1 μm for orthogonal tracks.

  15. A Muon Tomography Station with GEM Detectors for Nuclear Threat Detection (United States)

    Staib, Michael; Gnanvo, Kondo; Grasso, Leonard; Hohlmann, Marcus; Locke, Judson; Costa, Filippo; Martoiu, Sorin; Muller, Hans


    Muon tomography for homeland security aims at detecting well-shielded nuclear contraband in cargo and imaging it in 3D. The technique exploits multiple scattering of atmospheric cosmic ray muons, which is stronger in dense, high-Z nuclear materials, e.g. enriched uranium, than in low-Z and medium-Z shielding materials. We have constructed and operated a compact Muon Tomography Station (MTS) that tracks muons with six to ten 30 cm x 30 cm Triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors placed on the sides of a 27-liter cubic imaging volume. The 2D strip readouts of the GEMs achieve a spatial resolution of ˜130 μm in both dimensions and the station is operated at a muon trigger rate of ˜20 Hz. The 1,536 strips per GEM detector are read out with the first medium-size implementation of the Scalable Readout System (SRS) developed specifically for Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors by the RD51 collaboration at CERN. We discuss the performance of this MTS prototype and present experimental results on tomographic imaging of high-Z objects with and without shielding.


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    Iin Mutmainah Eka Risdawaty


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh struktur modal, ukuran perusahaan, asimetri informasi, dan profitabilitas terhadap kualitas laba. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan manufaktur yang  terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI yang berjumlah 123 perusahaan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan mengunakan metode purposive sampling dan diperoleh sebanyak 59 perusahaan. Data di analisa dengan menggunakan Regresi Linier Berganda. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa struktur modal yang diproksikan dengan leverage dan profitabilitas yang diproksikan oleh return on asset (ROA memiliki pengaruh dengan kualitas laba. Sementara itu ukuran perusahaan yang diproksikan dengan Ln Log total Asset dan asimetri informasi yang diproksikan dengan Spread tidak memiliki pengaruh dengan kualitas laba. Hasil penelitian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa seluruh variable independen berpengaruh terhadap kualitas laba. Penelitian selanjutnya bisa menggunakan proksi lain untuk mengukur kualitas laba seperti Corporate Governance.This study aimed to analyze the effect of capital structure, company size, asymmetry of information, and the profitability of the quality of earnings. The study population was all companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI, which amounted to 123 companies. Sampling was done by using purposive sampling method and obtained as many as 59 companies. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The result showed that the capital structure and leverage proxies with proxy profitability by return on assets (ROA has influence with the quality of earnings. While the size of the company which is proxied by Log Ln total assets and information asymmetry Spread proxy with no influence by the quality of earnings. Simultaneous research results show that all the independent variables affect the quality laba. Future studies could use another proxy to measure the quality of earnings as Corporate Governance.

  17. Boltzmann und das Ende des mechanistischen Weltbildes

    CERN Document Server

    Renn, Jürgen


    Der Wissenschaftshistoriker und Physiker Jürgen Renn untersucht die Rolle des österreichischen Physikers und Philosophen Ludwig Boltzmann (18441906) bei der Entwicklung der modernen Physik. Boltzmann war einer der letzen Vertreter des mechanistischen Weltbildes und stand somit am Ende eines Zeitalters. Renn porträtiert den Wissenschaftler aber als einen Pionier der modernen Physik, dessen Beschäftigung mit den inneren Spannungen der klassischen Physik ihn visionär zukünftige Fragestellungen aufgreifen ließ. So befasste sich Boltzmann etwa mit den Grenzproblemen zwischen Mechanik und Thermodynamik, die ihn zur Entwicklung immer raffinierterer Instrumente der statistischen Physik antrieb, die schließlich zu Schlüsselinstrumenten der modernen Physik wurden. Boltzmanns Werk steht somit am Übergang vom mechanistischen Weltbild zur Relativitäts- und Quantentheorie. Der Aussage des viel bekannteren Physikers Albert Einstein, dass Fantasie wichtiger sei als Wissen, hält Jürgen Renn im Hinblick auf Leben ...

  18. From the components to the stack. Developing and designing 5kW HT-PEFC stacks; Von der Komponente zum Stack. Entwicklung und Auslegung von HT-PEFC-Stacks der 5 kW-Klasse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bendzulla, Anne


    moegliche Stackkonzepte typischer Auspraegung entwickelt und mithilfe einer eigens dazu erarbeiteten Bewertungsmethodik auf praktische Eignung untersucht. Zwei als vielversprechend eingestufte Stackkonzepte werden weiter detailliert, ausgelegt und mittels Shortstackversuchen charakterisiert. Der Vergleich der Stackkonzepte zeigt eine prinzipielle Eignung beider Konzepte fuer den Einsatz in einem HT-PEFC-System mit On-Board-Versorgung. Allerdings weichen die Leistungsdaten der Stackkonzepte z.T. stark voneinander ab. Das fuer den Einsatz in einem HT-PEFC-System bevorzugte Stackkonzept zeichnet sich durch robustes Betriebsverhalten und reproduzierbare Leistungsdaten auf hohem Niveau aus. Darueber hinaus ermoeglicht das Stackkonzept bei kompakter Bauweise (120W/l bei 60 W/kg) eine flexibel an die jeweilige Anwendung anpassbare Kuehlung mit Waermetraegeroel oder Luft. Des Weiteren kann im Betrieb ein definierter Temperaturgradient eingestellt werden, der die CO-Toleranz um bis zu 10 mV erhoeht. Das im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelte Shortstackkonzept bietet somit eine geeignete Basis fuer die Entwicklung eines 5 kW-HT-PEFC-Systems. Themenfelder fuer weiteren Forschungsaktivitaeten liegen dabei in der Leistungssteigerung durch Gewichts- bzw. Volumenreduktion sowie der Optimierung des Waermemanagements. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass die HT-PEFC-Stacks zukuenftig insbesondere in Verbindung mit einer On-Board- Versorgung einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Effizienssteigerung leisten koennen.

  19. bildbild – visuelle Kompetenz im Unterricht

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    Norbert Grube


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Artikel stellt das Webseiten-Projekt bildbild vor. Der Webseite liegt die Motivation zugrunde, Schülerinnen und Schüler für ein Nachdenken über globale Themen zu sensibilisieren. Ein solches Nachdenken ist immer auch eines über bildlich vermittelte Wirklichkeit. Es ist mit bildbild ein Anliegen, angesichts einer allseits konstatierten «Bilderflut» ein didaktisches Medium zu entwickeln, das einen Fundus an historischen und aktuellen Fotografien zur Verfügung stellt und diese so aufbereitet, dass sie gerade nicht hinter ihrer illustrativen Funktion verschwinden. Dadurch sollen die Bilder für ein selbständiges Lernen auf dem Weg hin zu einer visuellen Kompetenz einsetzbar gemacht werden. Der Beitrag beleuchtet die Entwicklung der Webseite vor dem Hintergrund kulturkritischer Haltungen zum Bild seit der Moderne sowie im Rahmen dessen, was seit den 1970er Jahren im pädagogischen Kontext als Visual Literacy diskutiert und gefördert wird. Dabei wird auch auf die medialen Potenziale einer Webseite für die Bildlesekompetenz von Jugendlichen eingegangen.

  20. Entrepreneurship in Ireland 2012: global entrepreneurship monitor (GEM)


    Fitzsimons, Paula; O'Gorman, Colm


    Report on entrepreneurship in Ireland in the year 2012. Data used is the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data for Ireland and selected comparative countries. The report profiles entrepreneurs, reports on the rate of entrepreneurship in Ireland, discusses female entrepreneurship, and positions these results in the context of Irish entrepreneurship policy.

  1. Idealized climate change simulations with a high-resolution physical model: HadGEM3-GC2 (United States)

    Senior, Catherine A.; Andrews, Timothy; Burton, Chantelle; Chadwick, Robin; Copsey, Dan; Graham, Tim; Hyder, Pat; Jackson, Laura; McDonald, Ruth; Ridley, Jeff; Ringer, Mark; Tsushima, Yoko


    Idealized climate change simulations with a new physical climate model, HadGEM3-GC2 from The Met Office Hadley Centre are presented and contrasted with the earlier MOHC model, HadGEM2-ES. The role of atmospheric resolution is also investigated. The Transient Climate Response (TCR) is 1.9 K/2.1 K at N216/N96 and Effective Climate Sensitivity (ECS) is 3.1 K/3.2 K at N216/N96. These are substantially lower than HadGEM2-ES (TCR: 2.5 K; ECS: 4.6 K) arising from a combination of changes in the size of climate feedbacks. While the change in the net cloud feedback between HadGEM3 and HadGEM2 is relatively small, there is a change in sign of its longwave and a strengthening of its shortwave components. At a global scale, there is little impact of the increase in atmospheric resolution on the future climate change signal and even at a broad regional scale, many features are robust including tropical rainfall changes, however, there are some significant exceptions. For the North Atlantic and western Europe, the tripolar pattern of winter storm changes found in most CMIP5 models is little impacted by resolution but for the most intense storms, there is a larger percentage increase in number at higher resolution than at lower resolution. Arctic sea-ice sensitivity shows a larger dependence on resolution than on atmospheric physics.

  2. Spatial resolution studies of a GEM-TPC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berger, Martin [TU Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Collaboration: GEM-TPC-Collaboration


    A GEM-TPC can exploit the intrinsic suppression of back drifting ions from the amplification stage of the GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) foils to overcome the problem of drift-field distortions in an ungated operation. To explore the possibility of such a continuously running TPC (Time Projection Chamber) a large-size detector was built. This detector, with a drift length of 728 mm and a radius of 308 mm and a total of 10254 electronic channels, was designed as an upgrade for the FOPI experiment at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) to improve the secondary vertex resolution especially for K{sup 0}{sub S}- and Λ-reconstruction and the PID capabilities. After commissioning a large statistics of cosmic data and beam-target reactions has been collected and the obtained tracks in the TPC have been used to improve the tracking algorithms. During the track finding and fitting procedure a clustering algorithm which takes into account the track topology as well as the full 3D spatial information is employed. The the clustering algorithm, the cluster error calculation and the tracking resolution are discussed in this contribution.

  3. A GEM readout with radial zigzag strips and linear charge-sharing response (United States)

    Zhang, Aiwu; Hohlmann, Marcus; Azmoun, Babak; Purschke, Martin L.; Woody, Craig


    We study the position sensitivity of radial zigzag strips intended to read out large GEM detectors for tracking at future experiments. Zigzag strips can cover a readout area with fewer strips than regular straight strips while maintaining good spatial resolution. Consequently, they can reduce the number of required electronic channels and related cost for large-area GEM detector systems. A non-linear relation between incident particle position and hit position measured from charge sharing among zigzag strips was observed in a previous study. We significantly reduce this non-linearity by improving the interleaving of adjacent physical zigzag strips. Zigzag readout structures are implemented on PCBs and on a flexible foil and are tested using a 10 cm × 10 cm triple-GEM detector scanned with a strongly collimated X-ray gun on a 2D motorized stage. Angular resolutions of 60-84 μrad are achieved with a 1.37 mrad angular strip pitch at a radius of 784 mm. On a linear scale this corresponds to resolutions below 100 μm.


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    Irwan Abdullah


    Full Text Available Peluang partisipasi perempuan dalam politik melalui kuota tiga puluh persen pada kenyataannya masih mengalami sejumlah kendala struktural. Penyebabnya adalah kesalah pahaman dari peran perempuan yang menempatkan perempuan bukan sebagai pemimpin tetapi hanya sebagai ‘pemanis’ politik untuk menarik massa pemilih. Selain itu, kurangnya tindakan afirmatif yang dilakukan oleh pihak partai juga melemahkan posisi perempuan dalam politik. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa hambatan struktural untuk keterlibatan perempuan dalam politik dapat diselesaikan dengan komitmen dan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak, yaitu perempuan itu sendiri, masyarakat, partai politik dannegara sebagai penjamin yang bertanggung jawab untuk pemenuhan hak-hak politik perempuan. Tanpa sinergi berbagai pihak, hak-hak politik perempuan masih akan diabaikan. kata kunci: Calon anggota legislatif perempuan, Hakpolitik perempuan, Reposisi perempuan   The opportunities of women participation in politics through a quota of thirty percent in reality is still experiencing a number of structural constraints.The cause is a misconception of women role which places women not as a leader but only as a political‘sweetener’ to attract the masses of voters. Besides,the lack of affirmative actions undertaken by theparties also weakens the position of women in politics.The article concludes that the structural obstacles towomen’s involvement in politics can be solved with the commitment and cooperation of many parties, namelythe women themselves, society, political parties andthe state as the guarantor which is responsible for thefulfillment of the political rights of women. Without thesynergy of various parties, women’s political rights willstill be neglected. Keywords : Candidates for Legislative Women, Women’sPolitical Rights, Women Repositioning


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    Cindy Taurusta


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan hasil survey yang dilakukan peneliti pada Mahasiswa/i Teknik Informatika semester 5 sebanyak 41.9% dan semester 7 sebanyak 24.2%, diperoleh hasil bahwa dari beberapa pelajaran pemrograman dasar di Jurusan Teknik Informatika, mata kuliah Algortima dan Struktur Data lah yang memiliki prosentasi tingkat kepahaman paling rendah yaitu 11.5% dan tingkat kesukaan/minat hanya 8.2%. Maka dari itu peneliti membuat Rancang Bangun Game Algoritma dan Struktur Data Berbasis Role Playing Game (RPG Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. mayoritas mahasiswa lebih suka bermain game sambil mengungkapkan misi yaitu sebesar 85,7%. Dan didapat bahwa sebesar 61,9% koresponden mengatakan bahwa game Algoritma dan Struktru Data “Fun with ALGOS” ini sudah dapat dikatakan sangat efektif, bagus, dan menyenangkan. Sedangkan hasil apakah game ini perlu diterapkan dalam metode pengajaran Algoritma dan Struktur Data, didapat sebesar 66,7% mahasiswa mendukung metode ini diterapkan di seluruh Universitas. Sedangkan dari sisi Ahli Materi, sebesar 100% mengatakan bahwa perlu ada metode pengajaran baru. Dan ketika peneliti menanyakan apakah metode pembelajaran baru itu berupa game, maka kedua ahli meteri tersebut juga seluruhnya yaitu 100% mengatakan setuju, karena memberikan warna baru dalam dunia pengajaran. Namun untuk materinya sendiri masih kurang sesuai penyampaiaan dalam setiap misinya, maka perlu ditingkatkan kepahaman materi dengan misi yang harus diselesaikan pemain. Dari segi ahli media sendiri mengatakan bahwa sebesar 100% mengatakan bahwa game ini menarik untuk dimainkan begitupun dari segi storyboard-nya. Namun dari segi grafisnya seluruh ahli media yaitu 100% mengatakan cukup menarik dan dari segi karakternya masih kurang dan monoton. Sedangkan dari segi ketertarikan seluruh aspek koresponden mulai dari mahasiswa, ahli materi, dan ahli media terdapat rata – rata 3.67 (sangat baik yang membuktikan

  6. Die Zukunft des Sozialstaates Deutschland: Elemente einer Reformstrategie


    Lampert, Heinz


    Die Notwendigkeit einer Reform des Sozialstaates Deutschland ist nach Auffassung des Autors evident, weil eine zu hohe Staats- und Sozialabgabenquote zu Steuervermeidung, Verringerung der Leistungsbereitschaft, Schwarzarbeit, Steuerhinterziehung, Korruption und Betrug führen und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Wirtschaft gefährden. Der Sozialstaat, den der Verfasser als eine der großen Errungenschaften der Neuzeit interpretiert, kann nach seiner Überzeugung aber so reformiert werden, daß soziale...

  7. Teori Pecking Order dan Trade-Off dalam Analisis Struktur Modal di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    D Agus Harjito


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study aims to test the pecking order theory and trade-off theory of capital structure in the analysis of the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Pecking order theory is represented by the variable profitability and growth, while the variables volatility of earnings, tangibility of assets and the size represents a trade-off theory. The company's goal is prosperity of shareholder value. To achieve these objectives the company needs funds from internal sources and external sources. Internal sources in the form of retained earnings, while the external sources of debt and shareholders' approval in the pecking order theory. This study uses the data of financial ratios of the firms during the period 2000-2010. To analyze the data, this study uses a multiple regression with the dependent variable is the debt ratio, while profitability, growth, volatility of earnings, tangibility of assets and size as independent variables. The results show that asset structure and company size has a positive and significant impact on capital structure, while profitability has a negative effect on debt ratios. But company's growth rate has not relationship with the debt ratio or capital structure. Simultaneously, the all independent variables affect capital structure significantly.Keywords: pecking order, trade-off, capital structure, debt rasioAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji teori pecking order dan teori trade-off dalam analisis struktur modal di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Teori pecking order diwakili oleh variabel profitability dan growth, sementara variabel-variabel volatility of earnings, tangibility of assets dan size mewakili teori trade-off. Tujuan perusahaan adalah memakmurkan nilai pemegang saham. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut perusahaan membutuhkan dana yang diperoleh dari sumber internal dan sumber eksternal. Sumber internal berupa laba ditahan, sedangkan sumber eksternal berupa hutang dan saham sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam teori pecking order

  8. GEM: a dynamic tracking model for mesoscale eddies in the ocean (United States)

    Li, Qiu-Yang; Sun, Liang; Lin, Sheng-Fu


    The Genealogical Evolution Model (GEM) presented here is an efficient logical model used to track dynamic evolution of mesoscale eddies in the ocean. It can distinguish between different dynamic processes (e.g., merging and splitting) within a dynamic evolution pattern, which is difficult to accomplish using other tracking methods. To this end, the GEM first uses a two-dimensional (2-D) similarity vector (i.e., a pair of ratios of overlap area between two eddies to the area of each eddy) rather than a scalar to measure the similarity between eddies, which effectively solves the "missing eddy" problem (temporarily lost eddy in tracking). Second, for tracking when an eddy splits, the GEM uses both "parent" (the original eddy) and "child" (eddy split from parent) and the dynamic processes are described as the birth and death of different generations. Additionally, a new look-ahead approach with selection rules effectively simplifies computation and recording. All of the computational steps are linear and do not include iteration. Given the pixel number of the target region L, the maximum number of eddies M, the number N of look-ahead time steps, and the total number of time steps T, the total computer time is O(LM(N + 1)T). The tracking of each eddy is very smooth because we require that the snapshots of each eddy on adjacent days overlap one another. Although eddy splitting or merging is ubiquitous in the ocean, they have different geographic distributions in the North Pacific Ocean. Both the merging and splitting rates of the eddies are high, especially at the western boundary, in currents and in "eddy deserts". The GEM is useful not only for satellite-based observational data, but also for numerical simulation outputs. It is potentially useful for studying dynamic processes in other related fields, e.g., the dynamics of cyclones in meteorology.

  9. GEM-E3: A computable general equilibrium model applied for Switzerland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bahn, O.; Frei, C.


    The objectives of the European Research Project GEM-E3-ELITE, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Centre for European Economic Research (Germany), were to further develop the general equilibrium model GEM-E3 (Capros et al., 1995, 1997) and to conduct policy analysis through case studies. GEM-E3 is an applied general equilibrium model that analyses the macro-economy and its interaction with the energy system and the environment through the balancing of energy supply and demand, atmospheric emissions and pollution control, together with the fulfillment of overall equilibrium conditions. PSI's research objectives within GEM-E3-ELITE were to implement and apply GEM-E3 for Switzerland. The first objective required in particular the development of a Swiss database for each of GEM-E3 modules (economic module and environmental module). For the second objective, strategies to reduce CO 2 emissions were evaluated for Switzerland. In order to develop the economic, PSI collaborated with the Laboratory of Applied Economics (LEA) of the University of Geneva and the Laboratory of Energy Systems (LASEN) of the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). The Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO) and the Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) contributed also data. The Swiss environmental database consists mainly of an Energy Balance Table and of an Emission Coefficients Table. Both were designed using national and international official statistics. The Emission Coefficients Table is furthermore based on know-how of the PSI GaBE Project. Using GEM-E3 Switzerland, two strategies to reduce the Swiss CO 2 emissions were evaluated: a carbon tax ('tax only' strategy), and the combination of a carbon tax with the buying of CO 2 emission permits ('permits and tax' strategy). In the first strategy, Switzerland would impose the necessary carbon tax to achieve the reduction target, and use the tax


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, J.; Qian, S.-B.


    High-quality three-color light curves of the binary FG Gem were measured and analyzed. A new method based on extensive searching of isochrones was used to investigate possible parameters for the binary. FG Gem is found to be an Algol-type semi-detached binary system with a primary star temperature of 8200 K and a mass ratio of 0.41(1). The correctness and reliability of our result requires the verification of precision spectroscopy or standard star observations. We investigate a new possible cause for the orbital period variations based on times of minimum light data. It is suggested from the quantitative analysis that variations in the orbital period can be explained by intermittent mass transfer and angular momentum loss from stellar winds leaving the system on rotating magnetic fields.

  11. Bus systems: Integrated facility management; Bus-Systeme: Gewerkeuebergreifende Gebaeudeautomation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baumgarth, S.; Heiser, M. [Fachhochschule Braunschweig-Wolfenbuettel, Wolfenbuettel (Germany)


    Optimisation of facility management relies indispensably on uncomplicated interactive communication between different systems by different producers. An example is described: The system comprises two closed-cycle cooling towers, a cold water set and two different loads (ventilators). Each system can be controlled separately. The trend in automation is in the direction of intelligence even at field level. [German] Unverzichtbare Voraussetzung fuer das Ausschoepfen von Optimierungspotentialen in der Gebaeudeautomation ist die unkomplizierte, wechselseitige Kommunikation zwischen Anlagen und Automatisierungsstationen verschiedener Gewerke und Hersteller. Am Beispiel einer komplexen Anlage, die aus zwei Kuehltuermen mit geschlossenem Kreislauf, einem Kaltwasserersatz sowie unterschiedlichen Verbrauchern (Lueftungsanlagen) besteht, soll die Verknuepfung kaeltetechnischer Gewerke naeher dargestellt werden. Jeder der Teilbereiche ist ueber eine umfangreiche Strategie zu regeln und zu steuern. Dabei geht die Entwicklung in der Gebaeudeautomation hin zu einer Verlagerung der Intelligenz in die Feldebene. (orig./AKF)

  12. Pollutant monitoring in the Elbe river with the aid of the zebra mussel. A classification system - 1990-1997; Schadstoffueberwachung der Elbe mit der Dreikantmuschel. Ein Klassifizierungssystem - 1990-1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krieg, H.J. [Hydrobiologische Untersuchungen und Gutachten - HUuG, Tangstedt (Germany); Gaumert, T. [comps.] [Wasserguetestelle Elbe, Hamburg (Germany)


    The pollutant burden of the Elbe river can now be assessed more accurately with the aid of a new classification system based on pollutant accumulation in the soft tissue of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), which provided the basis for a 7-stage pollution scale for individual substances. This closes a gap in pollution analysis of the Elbe river and makes statements on pollutant levels more efficient. [Deutsch] Die Schadstoffbelastung der Elbe kann mit Hilfe eines neuen und hier erstmalig vorgestellten Klassifizierungssystems besser als bisher bewertet werden. Die Auswertung angereicherter Schadstoffgehalte im Weichkoerper der in den Elbe-Messstationen gehaelterten Dreikantmuschel Dreissena polymorpha fuehrte zur Entwicklung einer siebenstufigen Belastungs-Skala fuer einzelne Substanzen. Mit diesem Verfahren kann somit ein offener Bereich bei der Bewertung der Schadstoffbelastung der Elbe geschlossen und die Gewaesserueberwachung mit einer hoeheren Aussagekraft betrieben werden. (orig.)

  13. A FPGA-based signal processing unit for a GEM array detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yen, W.W.; Chou, H.P.


    in the present study, a signal processing unit for a GEM one-dimensional array detector is presented to measure the trajectory of photoelectrons produced by cosmic X-rays. The present GEM array detector system has 16 signal channels. The front-end unit provides timing signals from trigger units and energy signals from charge sensitive amplifies. The prototype of the processing unit is implemented using commercial field programmable gate array circuit boards. The FPGA based system is linked to a personal computer for testing and data analysis. Tests using simulated signals indicated that the FPGA-based signal processing unit has a good linearity and is flexible for parameter adjustment for various experimental conditions (authors)

  14. Aircraft Research Guideline 1999 - 2002: High pressure compressor - preliminary design as a basis for the development of an efficient and environmentally friendly core engine. Final report; Leitlinie Luftfahrtforschung 1999 - 2002: Hochdruckverdichter-Vorauslegung als Grundlagenuntersuchung zur Entwicklung eines Kerntriebwerkes fuer einen effizienten und umweltfreundlichen Antrieb. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klinger, H.


    This report completes the documentation for the research project 'High Pressure Compressor - Preliminary Design as Basis for the Development of an Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Core Engine' which was funded by the Ministry of Economics of State Brandenburg. The objective of the project is to deliver a preliminary compressor aerodynamic design as well as design studies for an efficient, weight and cost improved compressor. The increase of stage pressure ratio and improved efficiency, whilst stage and blade count is reduced, has been achieved by advanced 3D methods. Compressor stability also at off-design conditions will be retained. The mechanical design focusses on a cost and weight optimised rotor not only for a conventional bladed discs but also for Blish stages. Various options for split casings have been developed and assessed. Alternative vortex reducers based on different design options have been carried out. The results from this project will be directly exploited in a follow-on project for a new nine-stage compressor. The new high pressure compressor will be a key element of the future two-shaft-engine architecture. (orig.) [German] Der vorliegende Bericht schliesst das vom Land Brandenburg im Rahmen der Leitlinie Luftfahrtforschung gefoerderte Vorhaben 'Hochdruckverdichter - Vorauslegung als Grundlagenuntersuchung zur Entwicklung eines Kerntriebwerkes fuer einen effizienten und umweltfreundlichen Antrieb' ab. Ziel dieses Vorhabens ist es, im Rahmen einer aerodynamischen Vorauslegung sowie Designstudien die notwendigen Technologien zu erarbeiten, um einen hinsichtlich Effizienz, Kosten, Gewicht und Wartungsintervallen verbesserten Hochdruckverdichter auszulegen. Die Erhoehung des Druckverhaeltnisses und des Wirkungsgrads bei verringerter Stufen- und Schaufelzahl sowie ein stabiles Betriebsverhalten auch ausserhalb des Auslegungspunktes wurde dabei durch eine aeusserst fortschrittliche 3D Schaufelauslegung erreicht. Auf der

  15. [Cardiodoron® bei Patienten mit Schlafstörungen - Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Beobachtungsstudie]. (United States)

    Rother, Claudia; Schnelle, Martin

    Hintergrund: Schlafstörungen gehören zu den häufigsten gesundheitlichen Problemen der heutigen Zeit. Stress und die dadurch bedingte innere Anspannung sowie eine unrhythmische Lebensführung z.B. durch Schichtarbeit sind bekannte auslösende Faktoren. Weniger bekannt ist, dass auch funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden zu Störungen des Schlafs führen können und dass deren Behandlung zu einer Verbesserung der Schlafqualität beiträgt. Ganzheitlich betrachtet geht es daher um die Wiederherstellung einer gesunden Rhythmik, insbesondere des Herz-/Atem- sowie des Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus, die Cardiodoron®, eine Heilpflanzenkomposition aus Primula veris, Hyoscyamus niger und Onopordum acanthium, unterstützt. Patienten und Methoden: Mittels einer prospektiven, multizentrischen Beobachtungsstudie sollte ermittelt werden, wie sich funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden und/oder Schlafstörungen unter der Behandlung mit Cardiodoron® (Dilution) über 3-6 Monate entwickeln. Im Zeitraum von September 2009 bis März 2012 dokumentierten 92 Ärzte 501 Patienten, von denen 380 über Schlafstörungen klagten und deren Daten in dieser Publikation näher betrachtet werden. Nach einer Aufnahmeuntersuchung erfolgte nach 90 Tagen eine Abschlussuntersuchung und bei Fortführung der Therapie nach nochmals 90 Tagen eine Follow-up-Untersuchung. Neben 30 ärztlicherseits bewerteten Symptomen beurteilten die Patienten ihr Befinden mittels Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) nach Buysse und der Beschwerden-Liste nach von Zerssen (B-L und B-L'). Ergebnisse: Unter der Cardiodoron®-Therapie gingen bei guter Verträglichkeit sowohl die Ausprägung der Schlafstörungen (um 65% von 2,0 auf 0,7 Punkte) als auch die erfassten 30 Symptome (um 59% von 24,3 auf 9,9 Punkte) deutlich zurück (p mit Schlafstörungen (mit oder ohne funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden) kann die Ausprägung der Beschwerden mit Cardiodoron® deutlich gesenkt werden. Cardiodoron® ist gut verträglich. © 2016 S

  16. Investigations regarding the mass budget in the propagation of a passive admixture from a line source; Untersuchungen zur Stoffbilanz bei der Ausbreitung einer passiven Beimengung aus einer Linienquelle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wenzel, A. [Brandenburgische Technische Univ. Cottbus (Germany). Inst. fuer Boden-, Luft- und Gewaesserschutz


    Under stationary conditions, passive admixtures are transported by advection and by vertical as well as horizontal turbulent diffusion. The importance of individual contributions for the exchange of passive admixtures emanating from a straight line source with a constant source strength under neutral stratification conditions is discussed. For this purpose, all terms of the mass budget for a control volume around a straight line source are calculated using a stochastic Lagrange model (LS), whose properties are discussed. As a test for the LS model, the vertical and horizontal mass flows in the soil layer are simulated and compared with SANA data. The mass flows calculated for the propagation of a passive admixture from a line source are evaluated regarding their share of the mass budget. (orig.) [Deutsch] Unter stationaeren Bedingungen erfolgt der Transport von passiven Beimengungen durch Advektion sowie vertikale und horizontale turbulente Diffusion. Die Bedeutung der einzelnen Beitraege fuer den Austausch von passiven Beimengungen, die von einer geraden Linienquelle mit konstanter Quellstaerke unter neutralen Schichtungsbedingungen ausgehen, wird diskutiert. Dazu werden mit einem Lagrangeschen stochastischen (LS) Modell, dessen Eigenschaften besprochen werden, alle Terme der Stoffbilanz fuer ein Kontrollvolumen um eine gerade Linienquelle berechnet. Als Test fuer das LS-Modell werden die vertikalen und die horizontalen Stofffluesse in der Bodenschicht simuliert und mit SANA-Daten verglichen. Die fuer die Ausbreitung einer passiven Beimengung von einer Linienquelle berechneten Massenfluesse, werden hinsichtlich ihres Anteils an der Stoffbilanz ausgewertet. (orig.)

  17. The role of evaporites in the formation of gems during metamorphism of carbonate platforms: a review (United States)

    Giuliani, Gaston; Dubessy, Jean; Ohnenstetter, Daniel; Banks, David; Branquet, Yannick; Feneyrol, Julien; Fallick, Anthony E.; Martelat, Jean-Emmanuel


    The mineral and fluid inclusions trapped by gemstones during the metamorphism of carbonate platform successions are precious markers for the understanding of gem genesis. The nature and chemical composition of inclusions highlight the major contribution of evaporites through dissolution or fusion, depending on the temperature of formation from greenschist to granulite facies. The fluids are highly saline NaCl-brines circulating either in an open system in the greenschist facies (Colombian and Afghan emeralds) and with huge fluid-rock metasomatic interactions, or sulphurous fluids (ruby, garnet tsavorite, zoisite tanzanite and lapis-lazuli) or molten salts formed in a closed system with a low fluid mobility (ruby in marble) in the conditions of the amphibolite to granulite facies. These chloride-fluoride-sulphate ± carbonate-rich fluids scavenged the metals essential for gem formation. At high temperature, the anions SO4 2-, NO3 -, BO3 - and F- are powerful fluxes which lower the temperature of chloride- and fluoride-rich ionic liquids. They provided transport over a very short distance of aluminium and/or silica and transition metals which are necessary for gem growth. In summary, the genetic models proposed for these high-value and ornamental gems underline the importance of the metamorphism of evaporites formed on continental carbonate shelves and emphasise the chemical power accompanying metamorphism at moderate to high temperatures of evaporite-rich and organic matter-rich protoliths to form gem minerals.


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    Toto Sudiro


    Full Text Available Kehandalan dan umur pakai sistem Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC ditentukan oleh kestabilan lapisan bond coat dan thermal grown oxide (TGO. Sehingga sangatlah penting untuk memahami mekanisme pembentukan dan degradasi lapisan ini. Pada makalah ini akan dibahas analisis struktur mikro lapisan bond coat NiAl yang dideposisikan pada substrat CoCrNi dengan menggunakan gabungan metoda electroplating dan pack-cementation. Pada makalah ini juga dibahas mekanisme pembentukan void disepanjang interface bond coat¬-substrat setelah tes oksidasi.

  19. The application of a monolithic triphenylphosphine reagent for conducting Ramirez gem-dibromoolefination reactions in flow. (United States)

    Roper, Kimberley A; Berry, Malcolm B; Ley, Steven V


    The application of a monolithic form of triphenylphosphine to the Ramirez gem-dibromoolefination reaction using flow chemistry techniques is reported. A variety of gem-dibromides were synthesised in high purity and excellent yield following only removal of solvent and no further off-line purification. It is also possible to perform the Appel reaction using the same monolith and the relationship between the mechanisms of the two reactions is discussed.

  20. Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science GEMS: Teaching Robotics to High School Students (United States)


    find amusing but that we find of less educational value, like having the robots say comical things. Those who have more teaching time would doubtless...Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science GEMS: Teaching Robotics to High School Students by Edward M. Measure and Edward Creegan...TR-6220 January 2013 Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS): Teaching Robotics to High School Students Edward M

  1. BoNus: Development and use of a radial TPC using cylindrical GEMs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fenker, H.; Baillie, N.; Bradshaw, P.; Bueltmann, S.; Burkert, V.; Christy, M.; Dodge, G.; Dutta, D.; Ent, R.; Evans, J.; Fersch, R.; Giovanetti, K.; Griffioen, K.; Ispiryan, M.; Jayalath, C.; Kalantarians, N.; Keppel, C.; Kuhn, S.; Niculescu, G.; Niculescu, I.


    A specialized system of target and detector was developed at Jefferson Lab to provide new access to information about neutron structure from electron-neutron interactions. It allows identification and measurement of spectator protons produced in e - d→e - p s X scattering events. The detector is a radial time-projection chamber optimized for the acceptance of low-momentum protons. Gas gain is provided by three cascaded curved Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs), the first application of GEMs in any configuration other than flat. This article provides details about the development and construction of the detector, its performance, and the analysis of the data from the successful running of its first physics experiment

  2. Environmental information systems. Fundamental concepts and applications. 2. new rev. and enl. ed.; Umweltinformationssysteme. Grundlegende Konzepte und Anwendungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fischer-Stabel, Peter (ed.) [Hochschule Trier (Germany). Professur Geomatik und Visualisierung; Hochschule Trier (Germany). Inst. fuer Softwaresysteme in Wirtschaft, Umwelt und Verwaltung


    Environmental Information Systems (EIS) of different dimensions today represent important tools to ensure a fast and qualified action in the face of the ever-growing needs of the environment. This publication is an interdisciplinary textbook which contents convey the conception and development of environmental information systems. Accessing the innovations of the last five years in the development of EIS in their 2nd Edition: in addition to the various disciplines which traditionally have to contribute in the development of environmental information systems, new topics had been modified in the present edition, to take into account of the extended interests of students in the framework of environmental information technology education. [German] Umweltinformationssysteme (UIS) der verschiedensten Dimensionen stellen heute wichtige Hilfsmittel dar, um angesichts der staendig wachsenden Anforderungen im Umweltbereich ein schnelles und qualifiziertes Handeln sicherzustellen. Diese Publikation ist ein interdisziplinaer angelegtes Lehrbuch, dessen Inhalte die Konzeption und Entwicklung von Umweltinformationssystemen vermitteln. Sie greift in ihrer 2. Auflage die Innovationen der letzten fuenf Jahre in der Entwicklung von UIS auf: Neben den verschiedenen Disziplinen, welche traditionell bei der Entwicklung von Umweltinformationssystemen Beitraege leisten muessen, wurden in der vorliegenden Auflage auch neue Themenfelder bearbeitet, um den erweiterten Interessen der Studierenden im Rahmen einer umweltbezogenen informationstechnischen Ausbildung Rechnung zu tragen.

  3. First measurements with new high-resolution gadolinium-GEM neutron detectors

    CERN Document Server

    Pfeiffer, Dorothea; Birch, Jens; Etxegarai, Maddi; Hall-Wilton, Richard; Höglund, Carina; Hultman, Lars; Llamas-Jansa, Isabel; Oliveri, Eraldo; Oksanen, Esko; Robinson, Linda; Ropelewski, Leszek; Schmidt, Susann; Streli, Christina; Thuiner, Patrik


    European Spallation Source instruments like the macromolecular diffractometer, NMX, require an excellent neutron detection efficiency, high-rate capabilities, time resolution, and an unprecedented spatial resolution in the order of a few hundred micrometers over a wide angular range of the incoming neutrons. For these instruments solid converters in combination with Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs) are a promising option. A GEM detector with gadolinium converter was tested on a cold neutron beam at the IFE research reactor in Norway. The {\\mu}TPC analysis, proven to improve the spatial resolution in the case of $^{10}$B converters, is extended to gadolinium based detectors. For the first time, a Gd-GEM was successfully operated to detect neutrons with an estimated efficiency of 10% at a wavelength of 2 {\\AA} and a position resolution better than 350 {\\mu}m.

  4. Das Portfolio als Beitrag zur Reflexion persönlicher Kompetenzentwicklung in der Religions-/PädagogInnenbildung. Chancen einer neuen Lern- und Bewertungskultur - am Beispiel einer Fallstudie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander van Dellen


    Full Text Available ”Competence orientation” in pedagogy education constitutes a central point within the draft laws formulated on the 12th of June 2013. These see the use of portfolios as playing a crucial part of religious instruction education. This is based on the expectation that portfolios act as continuous and helpful companions throughout the various educational phases and therefore benefit students’ reflections on individual competence development. Portfolios allow effective measures towards personal development as a professional educator to be taken. The format at hand, which was conceived as a case study at the Institute for Practical Theology (department catechetics, religious education studies and religious didactics at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Innsbruck, is intended to be used as a basis for a discussion on the benefits of a continuous portfolio as a reflection tool for students’ personal competence development. The first step illustrates the genesis and structure of the portfolio concept (2, so that the second step can then outline the potentials held by this new culture of using portfolios as learning and assessment tools in religious instruction education (3. In den vom österreichischen Parlament am 12. Juni 2013 beschlossenen Gesetzesentwürfen zur zukünftigen PädagogInnenbildung stellt die Kompetenzorientierung einen Kernpunkt dar. In diesem Zusammenhang wird in der Ausbildung von Religions-/PädagogInnen der Einsatz von Portfolios verstärkt eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Damit ist die Hoffnung verbunden, dass das Portfolio als Kontinuum in den unterschiedlichen Phasen der Religions-/PädagogInnenbildung für Studierende ein hilfreiches Instrument für die Reflexion ihrer individuellen Kompetenzentwicklung bildet. Somit kann eine wirksame Maßnahme der persönlichen Entwicklung in der Professionalisierung für den Lehrberuf gesetzt werden. In den vorliegenden Ausführungen soll auf der Grundlage einer

  5. Hard assets : The return of rare diamonds and gems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Renneboog, Luc; Spaenjers, Christophe; Grynberg, Roman; Mbayi, Letsema

    This note examines the investment performance of diamonds and other gems (sapphires, rubies, and emeralds) over the period 1999–2010, using a novel data set of auction transactions. Over our time frame, the annualized real USD returns for white and colored diamonds equaled 6.4% and 2.9%,

  6. Hard assets : The return on rare diamonds and gems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Renneboog, L.D.R.; Spaenjers, C.


    This note examines the investment performance of diamonds and other gems (sapphires, rubies, and emeralds) over the period 1999–2010, using a novel data set of auction transactions. Over our time frame, the annualized real USD returns for white and colored diamonds equaled 6.4% and 2.9%,

  7. Hard Assets : The Returns on Rare Diamonds and Gems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Renneboog, L.D.R.; Spaenjers, C.


    This paper examines the investment performance of diamonds and other gems (sapphires, rubies, and emeralds) over the period 1999-2010, using a novel data set of auction transactions. Between 1999 and 2010, the annualized real USD returns for white and colored diamonds equaled 6.4% and 2.9%,

  8. Ein Entscheidungsmodell zur Weitergabe persönlicher Daten im Internet (United States)

    Treiblmaier, Horst

    In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten wandelte sich das Internet von einer Spielwiese für technikbegeisterte Computerspezialisten zu einem vielseitig einsetzbaren weltweiten Netzwerk für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen. Maßgeblichen Anteil daran besaß die rasante Entwicklung des World Wide Web (WWW), das, durch die Möglichkeit multimediale Inhalte zu vermitteln, für einen großen Teil der Bevölkerung industrialisierter Länder zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens wurde. Dass diese Entwicklung noch lange nicht abgeschlossen ist, zeigt die derzeitige Diskussion zum Thema Web 2.0 bzw. 3.0. Waren es in den letzten Jahren die hohen Umsatzzuwächse im E-Commerce und multimedial gestaltete Webseiten in Kombination mit aufwändigen Applikationen, die für ständig steigende Nutzerzahlen im World Wide Web sorgten, so wird dieser Innovationsschub nunmehr durch eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen fortgesetzt, die sich durch die zunehmende Vernetzung der Nutzer untereinander auszeichnen.


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    Rita Prasetyowati


    Full Text Available Peningkatan efisiensi sel surya titania terus dikembangkan. Salah satunya adalah memodifikasi titania yang berfungsi sebagai lapisan aktif. Lapisan titania dapat disisipi dengan logam Cu. Penyisipan logam Cu pada TiO2 dilakukan melalui pembuatan nanokomposit TiO2-Cu dengan metode sol-gel. Lapisan TiO2-Cu yang terbentuk dikarakterisasi dengan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy untuk mengetahui struktur morfologi permukaan, EDX (Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy untuk mengetahui komposisi bahan. Sedangkan resistansi lapisan diukur menggunakan Jembatan Wheatstone. Berdasarkan hasil SEM dapat ditunjukkan bahwa struktur morfologi permukaan lapisan TiO2-Cu tidak berbeda secara signifikan dengan lapisan TiO2, yaitu cukup homogen dan memiliki ukuran butir (grain yang hampir sama. Tetapi dari hasil EDX diperoleh bahwa lapisan TiO2-Cu yaitu lapisan TiO2 yang disisipi logam tembaga mengandung  unsur Ti sebanyak 59,8%, unsur O sebanyak 40,02% dan unsur Cu sebanyak 0,19%. Sedangkan lapisan TiO2 saja mengandung unsur Ti sebanyak 54,25% dan unsur O sebanyak 45,75%. Penyisipan logam tembaga pada lapisan titania dapat menurunkan resistansi listrik lapisan. Nilai resistansi lapisan TiO2 adalah 7,714 kilo ohm. Sedangkan nilai resistansi lapisan TiO2-Cu adalah 6,624 kilo ohm.

  10. Developments and the preliminary tests of Resistive GEMs manufactured by a screen printing technology

    CERN Document Server

    Agócs, G; Oliveira, R; Martinego, P; Peskov, Vladimir; Pietropaolo, P; Picchi, P


    We report promising initial results obtained with new resistive-electrode GEM (RETGEM) detectors manufactured, for the first time, using screen printing technology. These new detectors allow one to reach gas gains nearly as high as with ordinary GEM-like detectors with metallic electrodes; however, due to the high resistivity of its electrodes the RETGEM, in contrast to ordinary hole-type detectors, has the advantage of being fully spark protected. We discovered that RETGEMs can operate stably and at high gains in noble gases and in other badly quenched gases, such as mixtures of noble gases with air and in pure air; therefore, a wide range of practical applications, including dosimetry and detection of dangerous gases, is foreseeable. To promote a better understanding of RETGEM technology some comparative studies were completed with metallic-electrode thick GEMs. A primary benefit of these new RETGEMs is that the screen printing technology is easily accessible to many research laboratories. This accessibilit...

  11. Stufenweise Integration von eLearning an der Technischen Universität München (United States)

    Pätzold, Sebastian; Graf, Stephan; Gergintchev, Ivan; Pongratz, Hans; Rathmayer, Sabine

    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt als Best Practice Beispiel die stufenweise Integration eines Learning Management Systems (LMS) in die Infrastruktur von Information und Kommunikation (IuK) der Technischen Universität München (TUM). Dabei wird sowohl die Konsolidierung mehrfach angebotener Funktionalitäten und Dienste in den verschiedenen Portalen der Universität als auch die sukzessive Optimierung der Abläufe aufgezeigt. Gleichzeitig wird auf zukünftige weitere Entwicklungen hin zu einer vollständigen Integration der IuK, aber auch auf die Probleme in den unterschiedlichen Stadien der Entwicklung eingegangen.

  12. Databases on Demand (DBoD)


    Poley, Christoph


    In einer der letzten Ausgaben haben wir ausführlich über das Projekt DBoD berichtet. Darin wurde detailliert auf den Inhalt von DBoD, die Benutzergruppen an den Hochschulen, auf technische Details und die Verknüpfung it dem Datenbank-Informationssystem (DBIS) eingegangen. DBoD wird von der Europäischen Union im Rahmen des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) gefördert. Seitdem ist ein halbes Jahr vergangen. Zeit, in der sich DBoD von einem Projekt in den Startlöchern hin zu ein...

  13. The application of a monolithic triphenylphosphine reagent for conducting Ramirez gem-dibromoolefination reactions in flow

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kimberley A. Roper


    Full Text Available The application of a monolithic form of triphenylphosphine to the Ramirez gem-dibromoolefination reaction using flow chemistry techniques is reported. A variety of gem-dibromides were synthesised in high purity and excellent yield following only removal of solvent and no further off-line purification. It is also possible to perform the Appel reaction using the same monolith and the relationship between the mechanisms of the two reactions is discussed.

  14. Development of the DAQ System of Triple-GEM Detectors for the CMS Muon Spectrometer Upgrade at LHC

    CERN Document Server


    The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) upgrade project aims at improving the performance of the muon spectrometer of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment which will suffer from the increase in luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). After a long technical stop in 2019-2020, the LHC will restart and run at a luminosity of 2 × 1034 cm−2 s−1, twice its nominal value. This will in turn increase the rate of particles to which detectors in CMS will be exposed and affect their performance. The muon spectrometer in particular will suffer from a degraded detection efficiency due to the lack of redundancy in its most forward region. To solve this issue, the GEM collaboration proposes to instrument the first muon station with Triple-GEM detectors, a technology which has proven to be resistant to high fluxes of particles. Within the GEM collaboration, the Data Acquisition (DAQ) subgroup is in charge of the development of the electronics and software of the DAQ system of the detectors. This thesis presents th...

  15. GEM detector performance with innovative micro-TPC readout in high magnetic field

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    Garzia I.


    Full Text Available Gas detector development is one of the pillars of the research in fundamental physics. Since several years, a new concept of detectors, called Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD, allowed to overcome several problems related to other types of commonly used detectors, like drift chamber and micro strips detectors, reducing the rate of discharges and providing better radiation tolerance. Among the most used MPGDs are the Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs. Invented by Sauli in 1997, nowadays GEMs have become an important reality for particle detectors in high energy physics. Commonly deployed as fast timing detectors and triggers, their fast response, high rate capability and high radiation hardness make them also suitable as tracking detectors. The readout scheme is one of the most important features in tracking technology. Analog readout based on the calculation of the center of gravity technique allows to overcome the limit imposed by digital pads, whose spatial resolution is limited by the pitch dimensions. However, the presence of high external magnetic fields can distort the electronic cloud and affect the performance. The development of the micro-TPC reconstruction method brings GEM detectors into a new prospective, improving significantly the spatial resolutionin presence of high magnetic fields. This innovative technique allows to reconstruct the 3-dimensional particle position, as Time Projection Chamber, but within a drift gap of a few millimeters. In these report, the charge centroid and micro-TPC methods are described in details. We discuss the results of several test beams performed with planar chambers in magnetic field. These results are one of the first developments of micro-TPC technique for GEM detectors, which allows to reach unprecedented performance in a high magnetic field of 1 T.

  16. GEM detector performance with innovative micro-TPC readout in high magnetic field (United States)

    Garzia, I.; Alexeev, M.; Amoroso, A.; Baldini Ferroli, R.; Bertani, M.; Bettoni, D.; Bianchi, F.; Calcaterra, A.; Canale, N.; Capodiferro, M.; Cassariti, V.; Cerioni, S.; Chai, J. Y.; Chiozzi, S.; Cibinetto, G.; Cossio, F.; Cotta Ramusino, A.; De Mori, F.; Destefanis, M.; Dong, J.; Evangelisti, F.; Evangelisti, F.; Farinelli, R.; Fava, L.; Felici, G.; Fioravanti, E.; Gatta, M.; Greco, M.; Lavezzi, L.; Leng, C. Y.; Li, H.; Maggiora, M.; Malaguti, R.; Marcello, S.; Melchiorri, M.; Mezzadri, G.; Mignone, M.; Morello, G.; Pacetti, S.; Patteri, P.; Pellegrino, J.; Pelosi, A.; Rivetti, A.; Rolo, M. D.; Savrié, M.; Scodeggio, M.; Soldani, E.; Sosio, S.; Spataro, S.; Tskhadadze, E.; Verma, S.; Wheadon, R.; Yan, L.


    Gas detector development is one of the pillars of the research in fundamental physics. Since several years, a new concept of detectors, called Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD), allowed to overcome several problems related to other types of commonly used detectors, like drift chamber and micro strips detectors, reducing the rate of discharges and providing better radiation tolerance. Among the most used MPGDs are the Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs). Invented by Sauli in 1997, nowadays GEMs have become an important reality for particle detectors in high energy physics. Commonly deployed as fast timing detectors and triggers, their fast response, high rate capability and high radiation hardness make them also suitable as tracking detectors. The readout scheme is one of the most important features in tracking technology. Analog readout based on the calculation of the center of gravity technique allows to overcome the limit imposed by digital pads, whose spatial resolution is limited by the pitch dimensions. However, the presence of high external magnetic fields can distort the electronic cloud and affect the performance. The development of the micro-TPC reconstruction method brings GEM detectors into a new prospective, improving significantly the spatial resolutionin presence of high magnetic fields. This innovative technique allows to reconstruct the 3-dimensional particle position, as Time Projection Chamber, but within a drift gap of a few millimeters. In these report, the charge centroid and micro-TPC methods are described in details. We discuss the results of several test beams performed with planar chambers in magnetic field. These results are one of the first developments of micro-TPC technique for GEM detectors, which allows to reach unprecedented performance in a high magnetic field of 1 T.

  17. Performance of the full size nGEM detector for the SPIDER experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muraro, A., E-mail: [Istituto di Fisica del Plasma “P. Caldirola” – CNR, Milan (Italy); Dipartimento di Fisica “G. Occhialini”, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy); Croci, G. [Istituto di Fisica del Plasma “P. Caldirola” – CNR, Milan (Italy); Dipartimento di Fisica “G. Occhialini”, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy); Sez. INFN Milano-Bicocca, Milano (Italy); Albani, G. [Dipartimento di Fisica “G. Occhialini”, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy); Claps, G. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati – INFN, Frascati (Italy); Cavenago, M. [Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro – INFN, Legnaro (Italy); Cazzaniga, C. [Dipartimento di Fisica “G. Occhialini”, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy); Dalla Palma, M. [Consorzio RFX, Padova (Italy); Grosso, G. [Istituto di Fisica del Plasma “P. Caldirola” – CNR, Milan (Italy); Murtas, F. [Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati – INFN, Frascati (Italy); Pasqualotto, R. [Consorzio RFX, Padova (Italy); Perelli Cippo, E. [Istituto di Fisica del Plasma “P. Caldirola” – CNR, Milan (Italy); Rebai, M. [Dipartimento di Fisica “G. Occhialini”, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy); Tardocchi, M.; Tollin, M. [Istituto di Fisica del Plasma “P. Caldirola” – CNR, Milan (Italy); Gorini, G. [Dipartimento di Fisica “G. Occhialini”, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy); Sez. INFN Milano-Bicocca, Milano (Italy)


    The ITER neutral beam test facility under construction in Padova will host two experimental devices: SPIDER, a 100 kV negative H/D RF beam source, and MITICA, a full scale, 1 MeV deuterium beam injector. SPIDER will start operations in 2016 while MITICA is expected to start during 2019. Both devices feature a beam dump used to stop the produced deuteron beam. Detection of fusion neutrons produced between beam-deuterons and dump-implanted deuterons will be used as a means to resolve the horizontal beam intensity profile. The neutron detection system will be placed right behind the beam dump, as close to the neutron emitting surface as possible thus providing the map of the neutron emission on the beam dump surface. The system uses nGEM neutron detectors. These are Gas Electron Multiplier detectors equipped with a cathode that also serves as neutron–proton converter foil. The cathode is designed to ensure that most of the detected neutrons at a point of the nGEM surface are emitted from the corresponding beamlet footprint (with dimensions of about 40×22 mm{sup 2}) on the dump front surface. The size of the nGEM detector for SPIDER is 352 mm×200 mm. Several smaller size prototypes have been successfully made in the last years and the experience gained on these detectors has led to the production of the full size detector for SPIDER during 2014. This nGEM has a read-out board made of 256 pads (arranged in a 16×16 matrix) each with a dimension of 22 mm×13 mm. This paper describes the production of this detector and its tests (in terms of beam profile reconstruction capability, uniformity over the active area, gamma rejection capability and time stability) performed on the ROTAX beam-line at the ISIS spallation source (Didcot-UK).

  18. Performance of the full size nGEM detector for the SPIDER experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muraro, A.; Croci, G.; Albani, G.; Claps, G.; Cavenago, M.; Cazzaniga, C.; Dalla Palma, M.; Grosso, G.; Murtas, F.; Pasqualotto, R.; Perelli Cippo, E.; Rebai, M.; Tardocchi, M.; Tollin, M.; Gorini, G.


    The ITER neutral beam test facility under construction in Padova will host two experimental devices: SPIDER, a 100 kV negative H/D RF beam source, and MITICA, a full scale, 1 MeV deuterium beam injector. SPIDER will start operations in 2016 while MITICA is expected to start during 2019. Both devices feature a beam dump used to stop the produced deuteron beam. Detection of fusion neutrons produced between beam-deuterons and dump-implanted deuterons will be used as a means to resolve the horizontal beam intensity profile. The neutron detection system will be placed right behind the beam dump, as close to the neutron emitting surface as possible thus providing the map of the neutron emission on the beam dump surface. The system uses nGEM neutron detectors. These are Gas Electron Multiplier detectors equipped with a cathode that also serves as neutron–proton converter foil. The cathode is designed to ensure that most of the detected neutrons at a point of the nGEM surface are emitted from the corresponding beamlet footprint (with dimensions of about 40×22 mm"2) on the dump front surface. The size of the nGEM detector for SPIDER is 352 mm×200 mm. Several smaller size prototypes have been successfully made in the last years and the experience gained on these detectors has led to the production of the full size detector for SPIDER during 2014. This nGEM has a read-out board made of 256 pads (arranged in a 16×16 matrix) each with a dimension of 22 mm×13 mm. This paper describes the production of this detector and its tests (in terms of beam profile reconstruction capability, uniformity over the active area, gamma rejection capability and time stability) performed on the ROTAX beam-line at the ISIS spallation source (Didcot-UK).

  19. The Gem Infrasound Logger and Custom-Built Instrumentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, Jacob F.; Ronan, Timothy J.


    Here, we designed, built, and recorded data with a custom infrasound logger (referred to as the Gem) that is inexpensive, portable, and easy to use. We also describe its design process, qualities, and applications in this article. Field instrumentation is a key element of geophysical data collection, and the quantity and quality of data that can be recorded is determined largely by the characteristics of the instruments used. Geophysicists tend to rely on commercially available instruments, which suffice for many important types of fieldwork. However, commercial instrumentation can fall short in certain roles, which motivates the development of custom sensors and data loggers. Particularly, we found existing data loggers to be expensive and inconvenient for infrasound campaigns, and developed the Gem infrasound logger in response. In this article, we discuss development of this infrasound logger and the various uses found for it, including projects on volcanoes, high-altitude balloons, and rivers. Further, we demonstrate that when needed, scientists can feasibly design and build their own specialized instruments, and that doing so can enable them to record more and better data at a lower cost.

  20. Implementierung einer Visualisierungsanwendung für Apples iOS


    Felder, Christian


    Am Peter Grünberg Institut sowie am Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) des Forschungszentrums Jülich ist schon seit Jahren eine standardisierte Grafikbibliothek im Einsatz, die auf einer Implementierung des grafischen Kernsystems (GKS) basiert. Zahlreiche Anwendungen und Programmschnittstellen aus dem Bereich der Instrumentierungs-, Simulations- und Auswertesoftware wurden auf der Basis dieser Bibliothek entwickelt, die sowohl von höhereren Programmiersprachen als auch gängigen Interpre...

  1. Some Interesting Mathematical Gems -R-ES-ONANCE--Isep-te ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Same thing applies to results cho- sen here" I shall not refer to gems like Godel's incom- plete theorern or the ... ematics, theoretical computer science, probability and statistics. Based on an invited talk dedi- cated to Dr P L Bhatnagar,. Founder Professor of the Math- ematics Department (then known as Department of Ap-.

  2. Präoperative Vorhersge der Rezidivrate des klinisch lokalisierten Prostatakarzinoms nach einer radikalen Prostatektomie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Graefen M


    Full Text Available Die radikale Prostatektomie scheint die zur Zeit effektivste Therapie des klinisch lokalisierten Prostatakarzinoms zu sein. Dennoch liegt die Rezidivrate bei bis zu 40 % der operierten Patienten. Mit dieser Arbeit wurde anhand präoperativer Befunde ein Algorithmus entwickelt, mit welchem die Prognose des klinisch lokalisierten Prostatakarzinoms bereits vor einer operativen Therapie abgeschätzt werden kann. Hierzu wurden multiple präoperative Befunde, welche bei der Diagnose des Prostatakarzinoms erhoben werden, bezüglich ihres Einflusses auf einen PSA-Progress nach radikaler Prostatektomie geprüft. Dies erfolgte mittels einer univariaten Kaplan-Meier Analyse sowie einer multivariaten Statistik (Cox-Regression und CART-Analyse. Schwerpunkt bildete hierbei die Einbeziehung der Ergebnisse der systematischen Sextanten-Biopsie der Prostata. Alle präoperativen Befunde haben in der univariaten Kaplan-Meier Analyse einen signifikanten Einfluß auf ein PSA-Rezidiv. In der Cox-Regression hatte der Anteil an niedrigdifferenziertem Prostatakarzinom den größten Einfluß auf das Auftreten eines Tumorprogresses, gefolgt von der Anzahl der positiven Stanzen in der Biopsie und dem präoperativen PSA-Wert; alle anderen Parameter hatten keinen unabhängig signifikanten Einfluß auf den Tumorprogress. Mittels der zusätzlich durchgeführten CART Analyse konnten verschiedene Risikogruppen definiert werden, deren Rezidivrisiko bei 3 % für Patienten mit geringem Rezidivrisiko sowie 80 % für solche mit einem hohen Rezidivrisiko 2 Jahre nach der Operation betrug. Der niedrigdifferenzierte Tumoranteil hat somit den größten Einfluß auf die Prognose eines klinisch lokalisierten Prostatakarzinoms. Anhand der präsentierten CART-Analysen wurden einfach anwendbare Entscheidungsbäume entwickelt, mit denen eine Abschätzung des Therapieerfolges des klinisch lokalisierten Prostatakarzinoms bereits vor einer Operation möglich ist.

  3. Zur Konzeption kritischer Stadtforschung. Ansätze jenseits einer Eigenlogik der Städte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Kemper


    Full Text Available Kritische Stadtforschung dient in Gestalt der „kritischen Stadtsoziologie“ gegenwärtig als Negativfolie für jene Stadtforschungsperspektive, die mit dem Postulat einer „Eigenlogik der Städte“ (EdS antritt. Eine (Selbst-Verständigung über konzeptionelle Grundlagen und forschungsstrategische Absichten einer kritischen Stadtforschung dagegen gibt es kaum. Ausgehend von dieser Beobachtung ist es das Ziel dieses Beitrags, zu einer Konturierung kritischer Stadtforschung beizutragen. Dafür skizzieren wir zunächst Eckpunkte der EdS-Perspektive. Anschließend wird ein Blick zurück auf den Klassiker Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England (1845 von Friedrich Engels geworfen. Daran verdeutlichen wir drei Schritte in der Etablierung einer kritischen Haltung in der Stadtforschung: die Berücksichtigung der historisch-sozialen Voraussetzungen für gegenwärtige Stadtentwicklungsprozesse, die Analyse der städtischen Raum- und Sozialverhältnisse als krisen- und konfliktvermittelte und deshalb als dynamische Verhältnisse sowie die Konzeptionierung dieser Verhältnisse als veränderbar. An drei wiederkehrenden Diskussionsfeldern sozialwissenschaftlicher Stadtforschung schließlich verfolgen wir, wie einerseits die EdS-Perspektive sich dieser Themen annimmt und wie andererseits eine kritische Haltung im Umgang mit diesen Themen eingenommen werden kann. Für eine kritische Stadtforschung schlagen wir vor, (a „Stadt“ nicht als dauerhaft definiert und nicht als erklärend für sozialräumliche Verhältnisse zu begreifen, (b auch Städte als Räume zu konzipieren, die sich im gegenseitigen Wechselverhältnis mit Gesellschaft konstituieren, (c mit einem Konzept von Differenz, das Unterschiede sozial erklärt, zu arbeiten, wenn Städte als einzigartig erlebte Orte analysiert werden sollen.

  4. The optimisation of a water distribution system using Bentley WaterGEMS software

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Świtnicka Karolina


    Full Text Available The proper maintenance of water distribution systems (WDSs requires from operators multiple actions in order to ensure optimal functioning. Usually, all requirements should be adjusted simultaneously. Therefore, the decision-making process is often supported by multi-criteria optimisation methods. Significant improvements of exploitation conditions of WDSs functioning can be achieved by connecting small water supply networks into group systems. Among many potential tools supporting advanced maintenance and management of WDSs, significant improvements have tools that can find the optimal solution by the implemented mechanism of metaheuristic methods, such as the genetic algorithm. In this paper, an exemplary WDS functioning optimisation is presented, in relevance to a group water supply system. The action range of optimised parameters included: maximisation of water flow velocity, regulation of pressure head, minimisation of water retention time in a network (water age and minimisation of pump energy consumption. All simulations were performed in Bentley WaterGEMS software.

  5. First results with the general equilibrium model GEM-E3 Switzerland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bahn, O.; Frei, C.


    The GEM-E3 model has been implemented and applied for Switzerland. It has been in particular used to assess an ecological tax reform in Switzerland. Results of this analysis are presented here. (author)

  6. Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM concentrations and mercury depositions at a high-altitude mountain peak in south China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    X. W. Fu


    Full Text Available China is regarded as the largest contributor of mercury (Hg to the global atmospheric Hg budget. However, concentration levels and depositions of atmospheric Hg in China are poorly known. Continuous measurements of atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM were carried out from May 2008 to May 2009 at the summit of Mt. Leigong in south China. Simultaneously, deposition fluxes of THg and MeHg in precipitation, throughfall and litterfall were also studied. Atmospheric GEM concentrations averaged 2.80±1.51 ng m−3, which was highly elevated compared to global background values but much lower than semi-rural and industrial/urban areas in China. Sources identification indicates that both regional industrial emissions and long range transport of Hg from central, south and southwest China were corresponded to the elevated GEM level. Seasonal and diurnal variations of GEM were observed, which reflected variations in source intensity, deposition processes and meteorological factors. Precipitation and throughfall deposition fluxes of THg and MeHg in Mt. Leigong were comparable or lower compared to those reported in Europe and North America, whereas litterfall deposition fluxes of THg and MeHg were higher compared to Europe and North America. This highlights the importance of vegetation to Hg atmospheric cycling. In th remote forest ecosystem of China, deposition of GEM via uptake of foliage followed by litterfall was very important for the depletion of atmospheric Hg. Elevated GEM level in ambient air may accelerate the foliar uptake of Hg through air which may partly explain the elevated litterfall deposition fluxes of Hg observed in Mt. Leigong.

  7. Benchmarking the CEMDATA07 database to model chemical degradation of concrete using GEMS and PHREEQC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacques, Diederik; Wang, Lian; Martens, Evelien; Mallants, Dirk


    Thermodynamic equilibrium modelling of degradation of cement and concrete systems by chemically detrimental reactions as carbonation, sulphate attack and decalcification or leaching processes requires a consistent thermodynamic database with the relevant aqueous species, cement minerals and hydrates. The recent and consistent database CEMDATA07 is used as the basis in the studies of the Belgian near-surface disposal concept being developed by ONDRAF/NIRAS. The database is consistent with the thermodynamic data in the Nagra/PSI-Thermodynamic Database. When used with the GEMS thermodynamic code, thermodynamic modelling can be performed at temperatures different from the standard temperature of 25 C. GEMS calculates thermodynamic equilibrium by minimizing the Gibbs free energy of the system. Alternatively, thermodynamic equilibrium can also be calculated by solving a nonlinear system of mass balance equations and mass action equations, as is done in PHREEQC. A PHREEQC-database for the cement systems at temperatures different from 25 C is derived from the thermodynamic parameters and models from GEMS. A number of benchmark simulations using PHREEQC and GEM-Selektor were done to verify the implementation of the CEMDATA07 database in PHREEQC-databases. Simulations address a series of reactions that are relevant to the assessment of long-term cement and concrete durability. Verification calculations were performed for different systems with increasing complexity: CaO-SiO 2 -CO 2 , CaO-Al 2 O 3 -SO 3 -CO 2 , and CaO-SiO 2 -Al 2 O 3 -Fe 2 O 3 -MgO-SO 3 -CO 2 . Three types of chemical degradation processes were simulated: (1) carbonation by adding CO 2 to the bulk composition, (2) sulphate attack by adding SO 3 to the bulk composition, and (3) decalcification/leaching by putting the cement solid phase sequentially in contact with pure water. An excellent agreement between the simulations with GEMS and PHREEQC was obtained

  8. GEM-E3: A computable general equilibrium model applied for Switzerland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bahn, O. [Paul Scherrer Inst., CH-5232 Villigen PSI (Switzerland); Frei, C. [Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and Paul Scherrer Inst. (Switzerland)


    The objectives of the European Research Project GEM-E3-ELITE, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Centre for European Economic Research (Germany), were to further develop the general equilibrium model GEM-E3 (Capros et al., 1995, 1997) and to conduct policy analysis through case studies. GEM-E3 is an applied general equilibrium model that analyses the macro-economy and its interaction with the energy system and the environment through the balancing of energy supply and demand, atmospheric emissions and pollution control, together with the fulfillment of overall equilibrium conditions. PSI's research objectives within GEM-E3-ELITE were to implement and apply GEM-E3 for Switzerland. The first objective required in particular the development of a Swiss database for each of GEM-E3 modules (economic module and environmental module). For the second objective, strategies to reduce CO{sub 2} emissions were evaluated for Switzerland. In order to develop the economic, PSI collaborated with the Laboratory of Applied Economics (LEA) of the University of Geneva and the Laboratory of Energy Systems (LASEN) of the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). The Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO) and the Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) contributed also data. The Swiss environmental database consists mainly of an Energy Balance Table and of an Emission Coefficients Table. Both were designed using national and international official statistics. The Emission Coefficients Table is furthermore based on know-how of the PSI GaBE Project. Using GEM-E3 Switzerland, two strategies to reduce the Swiss CO{sub 2} emissions were evaluated: a carbon tax ('tax only' strategy), and the combination of a carbon tax with the buying of CO{sub 2} emission permits ('permits and tax' strategy). In the first strategy, Switzerland would impose the necessary carbon tax to achieve

  9. Construction of the TH-GEM detector components for metrology of low energy ionizing radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, N.F.; Castro, M.C.; Caldas, L.V.E., E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Silva, T.F.; Luz, H. Natal da [Universidade de São Paulo (IF/USP), São Paulo, SP (Brazil). Instituto de Física


    The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector was originally proposed as a position sensitive detector to determine trajectories of particles prevenient from high energy collisions. In order to study the potential of TH-GEM type detectors in dosimetric applications for low energy X-rays, specifically for the mammography standard qualities, it was proposed to construct a prototype with characteristics suitable for such use. In this work the general, structural and material parameters applicable to the necessary conditions were defined, establishing the process of construction of the components of a prototype. (author)

  10. Construction of the TH-GEM detector components for metrology of low energy ionizing radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, N.F.; Castro, M.C.; Caldas, L.V.E.; Silva, T.F.; Luz, H. Natal da


    The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector was originally proposed as a position sensitive detector to determine trajectories of particles prevenient from high energy collisions. In order to study the potential of TH-GEM type detectors in dosimetric applications for low energy X-rays, specifically for the mammography standard qualities, it was proposed to construct a prototype with characteristics suitable for such use. In this work the general, structural and material parameters applicable to the necessary conditions were defined, establishing the process of construction of the components of a prototype. (author)

  11. Construction of the TH-GEM detector components for metrology of low energy ionizing radiation (United States)

    Silva, N. F.; Silva, T. F.; Castro, M. C.; Natal da Luz, H.; Caldas, L. V. E.


    The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector was originally proposed as a position sensitive detector to determine trajectories of particles prevenient from high-energy collisions. In order to study the potential of TH-GEM type detectors in dosimetric applications for low energy X-rays, specifically for the mammography standard qualities, it was proposed to construct a prototype with characteristics suitable for such use. In this work the general, structural and material parameters applicable to the necessary conditions were defined, establishing the process of construction of the components of a prototype.

  12. Förderung beruflicher Handlungskompetenz durch reflektiertes Erfahrungslernen mit digitalen Medien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Hellriegel


    Full Text Available Eine gelingende Entwicklung beruflicher Handlungsfähigkeit in der dualen Berufsausbildung ist auf eine Kooperation von Lehrenden, Ausbildenden und Auszubildenden angewiesen. Häufig scheitert diese Zusammenarbeit jedoch an den spezifischen Lernkulturen und der räumlichen Trennung der verschiedenen Lernorte. Das BMBF-geförderte Forschungsprojekt KOLA: «Kompetenzorientiertes Lernen im Arbeitsprozess mit digitalen Medien» greift diese Problematik auf und verfolgt das Ziel, mithilfe digitaler Medien eine Lernortkooperation zu befördern. Erprobt wird das entwickelte System, bestehend aus einer App und einer Browser-basierten Plattform, in saarländischen Ausbildungsstätten des Elektrohandwerks im Untersuchungszeitraum von Oktober 2014 bis September 2017. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wird ein lerntheoretischer Ansatz verfolgt, der sich im Kontext von Konstruktivismus und Pragmatismus verorten lässt. Der vorliegende Beitrag fokussiert dabei das didaktische Konzept des Projektes, welches einerseits die didaktischen Grundannahmen und andererseits das hieraus abgeleitete Nutzungsszenario darstellt.

  13. Systematic measurements of the gain and the energy resolution of single and double mask GEM detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biswas, S.; Schmidt, D.J.; Abuhoza, A.; Frankenfeld, U.; Garabatos, C.; Hehner, J.; Kleipa, V.; Morhardt, T.; Schmidt, C.J.; Schmidt, H.R.; Wiechula, J.


    Systematic studies on the gain and the energy resolution have been carried out by varying the voltage across the GEM foils for both single mask and double mask triple GEM detector prototypes. Variation of the gain and the energy resolution has also been measured by varying either the drift voltage, transfer voltage and induction voltage keeping other voltages constant. The results of the systematic measurements have been presented.

  14. GEnomes Management Application ( a new software tool for large-scale collaborative genome analysis. (United States)

    Gonzalez, Michael A; Lebrigio, Rafael F Acosta; Van Booven, Derek; Ulloa, Rick H; Powell, Eric; Speziani, Fiorella; Tekin, Mustafa; Schüle, Rebecca; Züchner, Stephan


    Novel genes are now identified at a rapid pace for many Mendelian disorders, and increasingly, for genetically complex phenotypes. However, new challenges have also become evident: (1) effectively managing larger exome and/or genome datasets, especially for smaller labs; (2) direct hands-on analysis and contextual interpretation of variant data in large genomic datasets; and (3) many small and medium-sized clinical and research-based investigative teams around the world are generating data that, if combined and shared, will significantly increase the opportunities for the entire community to identify new genes. To address these challenges, we have developed GEnomes Management Application (, a software tool to annotate, manage, visualize, and analyze large genomic datasets ( currently contains ∼1,600 whole exomes from 50 different phenotypes studied by 40 principal investigators from 15 different countries. The focus of is on user-friendly analysis for nonbioinformaticians to make next-generation sequencing data directly accessible. Yet, provides powerful and flexible filter options, including single family filtering, across family/phenotype queries, nested filtering, and evaluation of segregation in families. In addition, the system is fast, obtaining results within 4 sec across ∼1,200 exomes. We believe that this system will further enhance identification of genetic causes of human disease. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Fast drift CRID with GEM

    CERN Document Server

    Vavra, J; McCulloch, M; Stiles, P; Sauli, Fabio


    The only available technique at the present time, to perform particle identification up to 40-50 GeV/c in a 4 pi solenoidal geometry using the Cherenkov ring imaging method is the use of gaseous detectors filled with either TMAE or TEA photocathodes, and a combination of the gaseous, and solid or liquid radiators. If one would consider building such a device, one may want to investigate alternative methods of building a single-electron detector. This paper investigates the feasibility of using the GEM together with a simple MWPC detector employing 33 mu m diameter carbon wires to obtain a second coordinate. The results are compared to the CRID single-electron detector.

  16. "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung" - die Sicht der Kinder : Ergebnisse aus dem weltweiten OMEP-Projekt


    Engdahl, Ingrid


    Während der UNESCO Dekade „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ (BNE) führte die Weltorganisation für Frühe Bildung (OMEP) zwischen 2009-2014 ein umfangreiches Projekt zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit durch. Das übergeordnete Ziel des Projektes war das Bewußtsein der OMEP Mitglieder und der internationalen Fachgemeinde für die Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) zu stärken. Dabei wurde ein besonderer Fokus auf die kindorientierte Perspektive gelegt.

  17. Municipal climate protection as a measure for sustainable energy supply under the conditions of globalization and liberalization? An empirical investigation considering the municipal actors and public utility companies; Kommunaler Klimaschutz als Instrument einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung unter den Bedingungen von Globalisierung und Liberalisierung? Eine empirische Untersuchung unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Akteure Kommune und Stadtwerke

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bielitza-Mimjaehner, Ralf


    With the background of the threatening global warming that requires a reduction of greenhouse gas emission by 20 % until 2010 und by 80% until 2050 in Germany, t is reasonable to consider local or municipal climate protection activities. A climate protection politics ''from the bottom'' is not only contributing to a real greenhouse gas reduction, but also triggering the stagnant international climate politics and enhances the sustainable development on a local level. Due to this fact amongst others the Enquete commission of the German Bundestag ''sustainable energy supply under the conditions of globalization and liberalization'' identifies the municipal climate protection activities as important part within the mix of measures that will allow the initiation of an alteration of the actual energy system toward a sustainable energy supply in the long-run. The consequences of globalization and liberalization on the municipal level have not yet been discussed or considered by the Enquete commission. This thesis analyses the conditions induced by the globalization and liberalization on the municipal climate protection activities as constituent of a sustainable energy supply. The project is focusing on the municipal actors and the public utility companies as central point of the considerations. [German] Vor dem Hintergrund einer drohenden globalen Erwaermung, die eine Reduktion der klimawirksamen Treibhausgase bundesweit um 20 % bis 2010 und um 80 % bis 2050 noetig macht, sind Klimaschutzaktivitaeten auf einer lokalen oder kommunalen Ebene in mehreren Dimensionen sinnvoll. Den tatsaechlichen, bezifferbaren Reduktionen von CO2, die hier geleistet werden, gesellt sich ein ''vorbildhafter'' Druck auf eine stockende internationale Klimapolitik hinzu, ebenso leistet die ''Klimaschutzpolitik von unten'' einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung der lokalen Ebene durch Lerneffekte Vorschub. Unter anderem aus

  18. Neuere Untersuchungen zur Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Niederhöfer


    Full Text Available Seit einigen Jahren ist die Analyse von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie Gegenstand zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten; Zielvorstellung ist dabei die Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Erkennung eines möglichen Voranfallszustandes. Im Vordergrund steht beispielsweise die Approximation einer so genannten effektiven Korrelationsdimension, die Bestimmung der maximalen Lyapunov-Exponenten, Detektionsverfahren für Muster bei Zellularen Nichtlinearen Netzwerken, die Bestimmung der mittleren Phasenkohärenz und Verfahren zur nichtlinearen Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen. Trotz umfangreicher Bemühungen kann bis heute eine Erkennung von Anfallsvorboten mit einer Sensitivität und Spezifität, die eine automatisierte Anfallsvorhersage ermöglichen würde, noch nicht durchgeführt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden neue Ergebnisse zur Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie vorgestellt. Dabei werden Signale, welche mittels intrakranieller electrocorticographischer (ECoG und stereoelectroencephalographischer (SEEG Ableitungen registriert wurden, segmentweise analysiert. Unter der Annahme, dass sich Änderungen des Systems ,,Gehirn" als Änderungen im Prädiktor, d.h. in seinen Systemparametern widerspiegeln, könnte eine nähere Betrachtung der Prädiktoreigenschaften zu einer Erkennung von Anfallsvorboten führen.

  19. Dijk- en oeverval aan den cal. Willem Annapolder (Gem. Kapelle)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhagen, H.J.


    Foto's van de aanleg van de dijk- en oeverval aan den cal. Willem Annapolder (Gem. Kapelle) 3. Linkerhelft dijkval Willem Annapolder. 30 Dec. 1936 4. Rechtehelft dijkval Willem Annapolder. 30 Dec. 1936 5. Overzicht dijkval Willem Annaolder. 30 Dec. 1936 6. Kleikisting binnendijks aangebacht. 14/15

  20. Psikoanalisa Islam, Menggali Struktur Psikis Manusia dalam Perspektif Islam

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lalu Heri Afrizal


    Full Text Available Pengaruh Teori Psikoanalisa Sigmund Freud dalam kajian psikologi modern cukup dominan mewarnai ilmu pengetahuan secara umum yang berbicara tentang manusia, seperti kedokteran, filsafat, agama, seni, sastra, antropologi, maupun politik. Padahal teori-teori Freud tentang konsep manusia, yang menjadi basis utama dalam mengkaji prilaku dan kejiwaan manusia, sangat dipengaruhi oleh doktrin ateisme yang dianutnya. Kondisi ini tentu sangat memprihatinkan. Sebab, ketika psikologi semacam ini diajarkan dan diyakini oleh umat Islam yang belum sadar terhadap paradigma psikologi modern, maka akan menjadi masalah. Padahal doktrin-doktrin di dalamnya sangat bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Sementara itu, kajian-kajian ilmuwan Muslim kontemporer mengenai hal ini belum banyak mewarnai. Oleh karena itu,sangat diperlukan kajian mendalam mengenai ilmu psikologi yang berbasis pandangan hidup Islam, sehingga ditemukan konsep manusia yang utuh dan islami. Tulisan ini mencoba mengkaji permasalahan psikologi melalui kajian tematis-analitis terhadap teks-teks al-Qur’an dan al-Hadits. Sebagai perbandingan, kajian dimulai dengan mengungkap konsep manusia menurut Psikoanalisa Sigmund Freud, kemudian disusul pembahasan tentang struktur psikis manusia menurut Islam.

  1. Characterization of multilayer Thick-GEM geometries as 10B converters aiming thermal neutron detection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natal da Luz H.


    Full Text Available Boron-based thermal neutron detectors have recently regained some attention from the instrumentation community as a strong alternative to helium-3 detectors. From the existing concepts exploiting boron layers in position sensitive detectors, the Cascade [1] is the one that takes full advantage of the 2D capabilities of gaseous detectors, with the position resolution not limited by the architecture of the detector. In this work, a proposal for the Cascade detector, based on Thick-GEMs is presented, together with some preliminary studies of the suitable pitch that optimizes the neutron conversion efficiency, while keeping the collection efficiency intact. The characterization of Thick-GEM prototypes produced in Brazil with hole pitch from 0.75 to 3 mm shows that these devices already present a stable performance at low gains, also resulting in fair energy resolution, when cascaded with a standard KaptonTM 50 µm GEM. Results of the first attempts of boron film depositions with Ion Beam Assisted Deposition and characterization by Ion Beam Analysis are also presented.

  2. Characterization of multilayer Thick-GEM geometries as 10B converters aiming thermal neutron detection (United States)

    Natal da Luz, H.; Souza, F. A.; Moralles, M.; Carlin, N.; Oliveira, R. A. N.; Bregant, M.; Suaide, A. A. P.; Chubaci, J. F. D.; Matsuoka, M.; Silva, T. F.; Moro, M. V.; Rodrigues, C. L.; Munhoz, M. G.


    Boron-based thermal neutron detectors have recently regained some attention from the instrumentation community as a strong alternative to helium-3 detectors. From the existing concepts exploiting boron layers in position sensitive detectors, the Cascade [1] is the one that takes full advantage of the 2D capabilities of gaseous detectors, with the position resolution not limited by the architecture of the detector. In this work, a proposal for the Cascade detector, based on Thick-GEMs is presented, together with some preliminary studies of the suitable pitch that optimizes the neutron conversion efficiency, while keeping the collection efficiency intact. The characterization of Thick-GEM prototypes produced in Brazil with hole pitch from 0.75 to 3 mm shows that these devices already present a stable performance at low gains, also resulting in fair energy resolution, when cascaded with a standard KaptonTM 50 µm GEM. Results of the first attempts of boron film depositions with Ion Beam Assisted Deposition and characterization by Ion Beam Analysis are also presented.

  3. Renewables in figures. National and international trends in 2016; Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen. Nationale und internationale Entwicklung im Jahr 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The expansion of renewable energies is a central pillar of the energy transition. The development is positive: In 2016, renewable energies accounted for 31.7 percent of total gross electricity consumption. The brochure informs about the progress achieved in the further development of renewable energies in Germany, Europe and the world. The data on the development of renewable energies in Germany is based on the results of the Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat), which compiles the balance sheet of renewable energies for Germany on behalf of the BMWi. The data published here are a snapshot with the editorial deadline of August 2016 - they are still provisional in some places, especially for 2016. At the same time, current time series on the development of renewable energies in Germany since 1990 as well as a variety of graphs are published on the websites of the BMWi. These time series and graphs will be updated at the turn of the year 2017/2018. [German] Der Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien ist eine zentrale Saeule der Energiewende. Die Entwicklung ist positiv: Im Jahr 2016 hatten die erneuerbare Energien einen Anteil von 31,7 Prozent am gesamten Bruttostromverbrauch. Mit der Broschuere wird ueber den erreichten Fortschritt beim weiteren Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland, in Europa und der Welt informiert. Grundlage der Daten zur Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland sind die Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe Erneuerbare Energien-Statistik (AGEE-Stat), die im Auftrag des BMWi die Bilanz der erneuerbaren Energien fuer Deutschland erarbeitet. Die hier veroeffentlichten Daten stellen eine Momentaufnahme mit Redaktionsschluss August 2016 dar - sie haben insbesondere fuer das Jahr 2016 an einigen Stellen noch vorlaeufigen Charakter. Parallel werden auf den Internetseiten des BMWi aktuelle Zeitreihen zur Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland seit dem Jahr 1990 sowie vielfaeltige Schaubilder veroeffentlicht

  4. Ion space-charge effects in multi-GEM detectors: challenges and possible solutions for future applications

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2079251; Streli, Christina

    Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors are well known both for stable operation under irradiation with high particle fluxes and high achievable effective gains. The aim of this thesis is two-fold: to investigate the limits of GEM detector operation due to space-charge effects, and to develop a means to reduce the magnitude of the observed effects and thus extend those limitations. The first part of the thesis presents a comprehensive study of the intrinsic limits of triple-GEM detectors under exposure to very high fluxes of soft X-rays or operation at very large effective gains. The behaviour of the effective gain, ion back-flow and the pulse-height spectra is explained in terms of the movement and accumulation of positive ions throughout the detector volume, resulting in distortions of the transfer and amplification fields. Numerical computations, and measurements on double-stage and single-stage detectors confirm the model describing the observed effects. Discussions on ways to extend the limits of gas...

  5. Quality control for the first large areas of triple-GEM chambers for the CMS endcaps (United States)

    Abbaneo, D.; Abbas, M.; Abbrescia, M.; Abi Akl, M.; Aboamer, O.; Acosta, D.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmed, W.; Aleksandrov, A.; Altieri, P.; Asawatangtrakuldee, C.; Aspell, P.; Assran, Y.; Awan, I.; Bally, S.; Ban, Y.; Banerjee, S.; Barashko, V.; Barria, P.; Bencze, G.; Beni, N.; Benussi, L.; Bhopatkar, V.; Bianco, S.; Bos, J.; Bouhali, O.; Braghieri, A.; Braibant, S.; Buontempo, S.; Calabria, C.; Caponero, M.; Caputo, C.; Cassese, F.; Castaneda, A.; Cauwenbergh, S.; Cavallo, F. R.; Celik, A.; Choi, M.; Choi, S.; Christiansen, J.; Cimmino, A.; Colafranceschi, S.; Colaleo, A.; Conde Garcia, A.; Czellar, S.; Dabrowski, M. M.; De Lentdecker, G.; De Oliveira, R.; de Robertis, G.; Dildick, S.; Dorney, B.; Endroczi, G.; Errico, F.; Fenyvesi, A.; Ferry, S.; Furic, I.; Giacomelli, P.; Gilmore, J.; Golovtsov, V.; Guiducci, L.; Guilloux, F.; Gutierrez, A.; Hadjiiska, R. M.; Hauser, J.; Hoepfner, K.; Hohlmann, M.; Hoorani, H.; Iaydjiev, P.; Jeng, Y. G.; Kamon, T.; Karchin, P.; Korytov, A.; Krutelyov, S.; Kumar, A.; Kim, H.; Lee, J.; Lenzi, T.; Litov, L.; Loddo, F.; Madorsky, A.; Maerschalk, T.; Maggi, M.; Magnani, A.; Mal, P. K.; Mandal, K.; Marchioro, A.; Marinov, A.; Majumdar, N.; Merlin, J. A.; Mitselmakher, G.; Mohanty, A. K.; Mohapatra, A.; Molnar, J.; Muhammad, S.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Naimuddin, M.; Nuzzo, S.; Oliveri, E.; Pant, L. M.; Paolucci, P.; Park, I.; Passeggio, G.; Pavlov, B.; Philipps, B.; Piccolo, D.; Postema, H.; Puig Baranac, A.; Radi, A.; Radogna, R.; Raffone, G.; Ranieri, A.; Rashevski, G.; Riccardi, C.; Rodozov, M.; Rodrigues, A.; Ropelewski, L.; RoyChowdhury, S.; Ryu, G.; Ryu, M. S.; Safonov, A.; Salva, S.; Saviano, G.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, R.; Shah, A. H.; Shopova, M.; Sturdy, J.; Sultanov, G.; Swain, S. K.; Szillasi, Z.; Talvitie, J.; Tatarinov, A.; Tuuva, T.; Tytgat, M.; Vai, I.; Van Stenis, M.; Venditti, R.; Verhagen, E.; Verwilligen, P.; Vitulo, P.; Volkov, S.; Vorobyev, A.; Wang, D.; Wang, M.; Yang, U.; Yang, Y.; Yonamine, R.; Zaganidis, N.; Zenoni, F.; Zhang, A.


    The CMS Collaboration plans to equip the very forward muon system with triple-GEM detectors that can withstand the environment of the High-Luminosity LHC. This project is at the final stages of R&D and moving to production. An unprecedented large area of several 100 m2 are to be instrumented with GEM detectors which will be produced in six different sites around the world. A common construction and quality control procedure is required to ensure the performance of each detector. The quality control steps will include optical inspection, cleaning and baking of all materials and parts used to build the detector, leakage current tests of the GEM foils, high voltage tests, gas leak tests of the chambers and monitoring pressure drop vs. time, gain calibration to know the optimal operation region of the detector, gain uniformity tests, and studying the efficiency, noise and tracking performance of the detectors in a cosmic stand using scintillators.

  6. Quality control for the first large areas of triple-GEM chambers for the CMS endcaps

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abbaneo D.


    Full Text Available The CMS Collaboration plans to equip the very forward muon system with triple-GEM detectors that can withstand the environment of the High-Luminosity LHC. This project is at the final stages of R&D and moving to production. An unprecedented large area of several 100 m2 are to be instrumented with GEM detectors which will be produced in six different sites around the world. A common construction and quality control procedure is required to ensure the performance of each detector. The quality control steps will include optical inspection, cleaning and baking of all materials and parts used to build the detector, leakage current tests of the GEM foils, high voltage tests, gas leak tests of the chambers and monitoring pressure drop vs. time, gain calibration to know the optimal operation region of the detector, gain uniformity tests, and studying the efficiency, noise and tracking performance of the detectors in a cosmic stand using scintillators.

  7. Quality control for the first large areas of triple-GEM chambers for the CMS endcaps

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2068936; Abbas, M.; Abbrescia, M.; Abi Akl, M.; Aboamer, O.; Acosta, D.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmed, W.; Aleksandrov, A.; Altieri, P.; Asawatangtrakuldee, C.; Aspell, P.; Assran, Y.; Awan, I.; Bally, S.; Ban, Y.; Banerjee, S.; Barashko, V.; Barria, P.; Bencze, G.; Beni, N.; Benussi, L.; Bhopatkar, V.; Bianco, S.; Bos, J.; Bouhali, O.; Braghieri, A.; Braibant, S.; Buontempo, S.; Calabria, C.; Caponero, M.; Caputo, C.; Cassese, F.; Castaneda, A.; Cauwenbergh, S.; Cavallo, F.R.; Celik, A.; Choi, M.; Choi, S.; Christiansen, J.; Cimmino, A.; Colafranceschi, S.; Colaleo, A.; Conde Garcia, A.; Czellar, S.; Dabrowski, M.M.; De Lentdecker, G.; De Oliveira, R.; de Robertis, G.; Dildick, S.; Dorney, B.; Endroczi, G.; Errico, F.; Fenyvesi, A.; Ferry, S.; Furic, I.; Giacomelli, P.; Gilmore, J.; Golovtsov, V.; Guiducci, L.; Guilloux, F.; Gutierrez, A.; Hadjiiska, R.M.; Hauser, J.; Hoepfner, K.; Hohlmann, M.; Hoorani, H.; Iaydjiev, P.; Jeng, Y.G.; Kamon, T.; Karchin, P.; Korytov, A.; Krutelyov, S.; Kumar, A.; Kim, H.; Lee, J.; Lenzi, T.; Litov, L.; Loddo, F.; Madorsky, A.; Maerschalk, T.; Maggi, M.; Magnani, A.; Mal, P.K.; Mandal, K.; Marchioro, A.; Marinov, A.; Majumdar, N.; Merlin, J.A.; Mitselmakher, G.; Mohanty, A.K.; Mohapatra, A.; Molnar, J.; Muhammad, S.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Naimuddin, M.; Nuzzo, S.; Oliveri, E.; Pant, L.M.; Paolucci, P.; Park, I.; Passeggio, G.; Pavlov, B.; Philipps, B.; Piccolo, D.; Postema, H.; Puig Baranac, A.; Radi, A.; Radogna, R.; Raffone, G.; Ranieri, A.; Rashevski, G.; Riccardi, C.; Rodozov, M.; Rodrigues, A.; Ropelewski, L.; RoyChowdhury, S.; Ryu, G.; Ryu, M.S.; Safonov, A.; Salva, S.; Saviano, G.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, R.; Shah, A.H.; Shopova, M.; Sturdy, J.; Sultanov, G.; Swain, S.K.; Szillasi, Z.; Talvitie, J.; Tatarinov, A.; Tuuva, T.; Vai, I.; Van Stenis, M.; Venditti, R.; Verhagen, E.; Verwilligen, P.; Vitulo, P.; Volkov, S.; Vorobyev, A.; Wang, D.; Wang, M.; Yang, U.; Yang, Y.; Yonamine, R.; Zaganidis, N.; Zenoni, F.; Zhang, A.


    The CMS Collaboration plans to equip the very forward muon system with triple-GEM detectors that can withstand the environment of the High-Luminosity LHC. This project is at the final stages of R&D and moving to production. An unprecedented large area of several 100 m2 are to be instrumented with GEM detectors which will be produced in six different sites around the world. A common construction and quality control procedure is required to ensure the performance of each detector. The quality control steps will include optical inspection, cleaning and baking of all materials and parts used to build the detector, leakage current tests of the GEM foils, high voltage tests, gas leak tests of the chambers and monitoring pressure drop vs. time, gain calibration to know the optimal operation region of the detector, gain uniformity tests, and studying the efficiency, noise and tracking performance of the detectors in a cosmic stand using scintillators.

  8. Disease specific stress of tumor patients at the beginning of radiotherapy. Effect on psychosocial support requirement; Krankheitsspezifische Belastungen von Tumorpatienten zu Beginn einer Strahlentherapie. Auswirkungen auf den psychosozialen Betreuungsbedarf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sehlen, S.; Hollenhorst, H.; Schymura, B.; Firsching, M.; Duehmke, E. [Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., Muenchen (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie; Aydemir, U. [Inst. fuer Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Klinikum Grosshadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., Muenchen (Germany); Herschbach, P. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Psychosomatische Medizin, Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie


    Purpose: Radiotherapy brings a tumor patient into a special life situation in which different variables play a role of often unknown importance. The goal of this study was to investigate disease specific stress of tumor patients at the beginning of radiotherapy with established psychodiagnostic questionnaires and to evaluate the effect on psychosocial support requirement in order to reduce stress and to improve quality of life and compliance during radiotherapeutical treatment. Patients and Methods: 732 patients were screened, of whom 446 (60.9%) fulfilled the criteria for inclusion (refusals 21.0%, low Karnofsky performance status 6.6%, management problems 3.4%, language barriers 3.0%, cognitive restrictions 2.6%, death 2.5%). Disease specific aspects of stress in the questionnaire (Fragebogen zur Belastung von Krebspatienten, FBK), life situation (LS) and self-defined care requirements (BB) were self-rated by patients with different tumor types before radiotherapy. Medical and sociodemographic data were also documented. We investigated 446 patients (262 male, 184 female; median age 60.0 years) with different diagnoses. Results: Stress was observed mainly due to reduction of efficiency, anxiety and pain on the subscales. Women had a significant higher stress on subscales of pain (p=0.016) and anxiety (p=0.009), patients younger than 45 years in the subscale information (p=0.002) and patients older than 45 and younger than 60 years in the subscale anxiety (p=0.002) and the total score (p=0.003). Patients with mamma carcinoma had the highest stress. The maximum percentages of patients under high stress were found for the subscales of efficiency (43%) and anxiety (40%). The support requirement was characterized by the need of more medical information and dialogue with the doctor. We saw a significant correlation of high stress and high care requirement. Conclusions: Psychosocial support should be founded on psychosocial stress diagnostic and self-defined care

  9. Test beam studies of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors for the upgrade of CMS endcap muon system

    CERN Document Server

    Sharma, Ram Krishna


    The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will provide exceptional high instantaneous and integrated luminosity. The forward region $\\mid \\eta \\mid \\geq 1.5$ of the CMS detector will face extremely high particle rates in tens of $KHz/cm^{2}$ and hence it will affect the momentum resolution and longevity of the muon detectors. To overcome these issues the CMS collaboration has decided to install new large size rate capable Triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors in the forward region of CMS muon system. The first set of Triple GEM detectors will be installed in the GE1/1 region $(1.5 \\leq \\eta \\leq 2.2)$ of muon endcap during the LS2 of the LHC and the next one will be installed in the GE2/1 region $(1.6 \\leq \\eta \\leq 2.5)$, during the LS3. Towards this goal, full-size CMS Triple GEM prototype chambers have been fabricated and put under the test beam at the CERN SPS test beam facility. The GEM detectors were operated with two gas mixtures $Ar/CO_{2}$ (70/30) and $Ar/CO_{2}/CF_{4}$ (40/15/45). In 2014 and 2016, ...

  10. Dialoge in Online-Leserforen – Struktur und Gegenstand : Untersuchungen zur Markenidentifikation am Beispiel der „Locationgate“-Affäre


    Rosumek, Anita


    Mit der Entwicklung des Social Web, also einem Internet, in dem sich immer mehr Nutzer untereinander auf Kommunikationsplattformen wie Facebook, in Foren und Bewertungsplattformen und auf Microblogging-Diensten wie Twitter austauschen, überschlagen sich Kommunikationsspezialisten mit Ratschlägen für Unternehmen, wie sie die Kommunikation im Internet insbesondere in kritischen Situationen zu gestalten hätten, und diverse Dienstleister bieten die Beobachtung (Monitoring) der Kommunikation über ...

  11. ANALISIS VEGETASI DAN VISUALISASI STRUKTUR VEGETASI HUTAN KOTA BARUGA, KOTA KENDARI Vegetation Analysis and Visualization of vegetation Structure Baruga Urban Forest, Kendari City

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zulkarnain Zulkarnain


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi, struktur dan tingkat keragaman vegetasi di Hutan Kota Baruga, Kota Kendari. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sensus. Data dianalisis untuk memperoleh Indeks Nilai Penting (INP dan Index Keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener (H'. Software Sexi-FS digunakan untuk mendapatkan visualisasi distribusi vegetasi dan stratifikasi lapisan tajuk yang menyerupai kondisi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi vegetasi disusun oleh 76 spesies yang terkelompok dalam 29 famili dengan jumlah total 8.296 individu untuk semua spesies. Alstonia macrophylla, Gironniera subaequalis dan Nephelium lappaceum adalah spesies yang mendominasi komunitas vegetasi. Distribusi vegetasi menunjukkan pola distribusi mengelompok, dengan stratifikasi terdiri 4 lapisan tajuk, yang menunjukkan bahwa lokasi-studi disusun oleh lapisan tajuk yang relatif lengkap. Indeks keragaman tergolong tinggi, dengan nilai lebih dari 3 pada tingkat pertumbuhan pohon, tiang dan pancang, kecuali pada tingkat semai dengan H'= 2,89. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ketahanan ekosistem hutan cukup baik. Kata Kunci : Komposisi vegetasi, Keanekaragaman, Struktur vegetasi, Hutan Kota.

  12. "Doing pupil" nach Schulschluss – Videografie an einer Kinderuniversität

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandra König


    Full Text Available Auf der Basis einer Videografie an einer Kinderuniversität wird in dem vorliegenden Beitrag die Frage verfolgt, wie an einem außerschulischen Lernort generationale Ordnung hergestellt wird und welche Gestalt diese annimmt. Als heuristischer Rahmen dient das Modell der "Sozialisation als generationales Ordnen" (BÜHLER-NIEDERBERGER 2011; BÜHLER-NIEDERBERGER & TÜRKYILMAZ 2014. Die Analyse der ersten Sitzungen von zwei kontrastiven Kursen an der Kinder- und Jugenduniversität zeigt erstens, wie Kinder struktursensitiv Regeln in dem unbekannten Kontext erspüren, erarbeiten und modifizieren, wie sie KomplizInnen in der Herstellung generationaler Ordnung sind. Zweitens wird die Dominanz der schulischen Ordnung und des SchülerInnenstatus für Kindheit deutlich. Die Kinder stellen "Schule" her – paradoxerweise auch in einem außerschulischen Kontext. Drittens wird im kontrastiven Vergleich der untersuchten Kurse eine Varianz dieser Ordnungen – in Bezug auf die Form des Wissens und Adressierung der Kinder – herausgearbeitet, die allerdings die Dominanz der schulischen Ordnung nicht bricht. URN:

  13. International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Sparrow, RW


    Full Text Available . At this meeting it was requested that the CSIR act as the administrative co-ordinating arm of the team. Following from this meeting a brochure was produced advertising the iGEM competition inside Wits and for Honours student nominations to be team members.... The academic year in South Africa commences in February. By late February 2010 student nominations had been received from which the supervisors selected the team members. The first team meeting was held on 5th March 2010. After which the team...

  14. The GEM Theory of the Unification of Gravitation and Electro-Magnetism (United States)

    Brandenburg, J. E.


    The GEM (Gravity Electro-Magnetism), theory is presented as an alloy of Sakharov and Kaluza-Klein approaches to field unification. GEM uses the concept of gravity fields as Poynting fields to postulate that the non-metric portion of the EM stress tensor becomes the metric tensor in strong fields leading to "self-censorship". Covariant formulation of the GEM theory is accomplished through definition of the spacetime metric tensor as a portion of the EM stress tensor normalized by its own trace: gab = 4(FcaFcb )/(FabFab), it is found that this results in a massless ground state vacuum and a Newtonian gravitation potential f=1/2 E2/B2 =GM/r , where E, B and F are part of the vacuum Zero Point Fluctuation (ZPF) and M and r are the mass and distance from the center of a gravitating body and G is the Newton gravitation constant. It is found that a Lorentz flat-space metric is recovered in the limit of a vacuum full spectrum ZPF. The vacuum ZPF energy and vacuum quantities G, h, c, gives birth to particles quantities mp, me, e,-e in a process triggered by the appearance of the Kaluza-Klein fifth dimension, where also the EM and gravity forces split from each other in a process correlated to the splitting apart of protons and electrons. The separate appearance of the proton and electron occurs as the splitting of a light-like spacetime interval of zero-length into a finite space-like portion containing three subdimensions identified with the quarks and a time-like portion identified with the electron. The separation of mass with charge for the electron and proton pair comes about from a U(1) symmetry with a rotation in imaginary angle. A logarithmic variation of charge with mass for the proton-electron pair results and leads to the formula ln(ro/rp) = s, where s = (mp/me)1/2 , where mp and me are the electron and proton masses respectively and where ro =e2/moc2 , and where mo = (mpme)1/2 and where rp is the Planck length . This leads to the formula G=e2/mo2aexp(-2s)=6

  15. GEM, Fuel Cycle Cost and Economics for Thermal Reactor, Present Worth Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hughes, J.A.; Hang, D.F.


    1- Description of problem or function: GEM is used to predict fuel cycle costs for any type nuclear system (i.e., BWR, HTGR, PWR, LMFBR, GCFR,... ). The current version is limited to thermal reactors. GEM is designed for production use by large utilities which have several reactor types on their system. GEM has been written so as to accommodate all major fuel management activities undertaken by a utility - (1) fuel bid analysis, (2) evaluation of actual day to day operation, and (3) system simulation and optimization studies. 2 - Method of solution: Costs are calculated using present-worth techniques and continuous compounding. The equations are based on an investor-owned utility capitalization structure which easily covers the range of industrial, private, and public (government) owned utilities. Three distinct types of analysis (cash flow, allocated costs, yearly cash flow) are performed, each yielding identical results. Using these as a basis many other analyses are undertaken. 3 - Restrictions on the complexity of the problem: Dimensions of all arrays are carried as variables throughout the analysis. The maximum size of each array is set by the user in program MAIN. Current values are set so that maxima are: 50 batches per case study, 20 year batch life, 30 year case study, 120 batch burn time-steps, 20 individual payments (sales) associated with each cost component

  16. Aging measurements on triple-GEM detectors operated with $CF_{4}$-based gas mixtures

    CERN Document Server

    Alfonsi, M; De Simone, P; Murtas, F; Poli Lener, M P; Bonivento, W; Cardini, A; Raspino, D; Saitta, B; Pinci, D; Baccaro, S; 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2005.03.054


    We present the results of a global irradiation test of full size triple-GEM detectors operated with CF/sub 4/-based gas mixtures. This study has been performed in the framework of an R&D activity on detectors for the innermost region of the first muon station of the LHCb experiment. The prototypes have been irradiated at the Calliope facility of the ENEA-Casaccia with a high intensity 1.25 MeV detectors performances have been measured with X-rays and with a 3 Ge V pion beam at CERN. A SEM analysis on several samples of the detectors has been performed to complete the understanding of the physical processes occurring in a GEM detector during a strong irradiation.

  17. Development of a nitrogen-cooled cryoprobe with non-electric defrosting for use in corporeal cavities; Entwicklung einer stickstoffgekuehlten Kryosonde mit nicht-elektrischer Abtauung fuer den Einsatz in Koerperhoehlen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schumann, B. [Inst. fuer Luft- und Kaeltetechnik GmbH, Dresden (Germany); Herzog, R. [Inst. fuer Luft- und Kaeltetechnik GmbH, Dresden (Germany); Krantz, H. [Medizinische Akademie Dresden (Germany); Spoerl, E. [Medizinische Akademie Dresden (Germany)


    Cryotherapy has been used succesfully for about 20 years in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms of the skin or mucous membranes. A problematic circumstance is that cryoprobes applied while still body-warm induce formation of large ice crystals during the cooling process. To evade the adhesive forces developed by these crystals the probe must be defrosted at the end of the procedure. Cryoprobes for use in corporeal cavities must therefore be designed to specific technical requirements. This paper presents target specifications for the new development of a gynaecological cryoprobe. In this connection it explains the thermodynamic principle of function, its constructional realisation, and the technical concept employed for the design of a cryoprobe. (BWI) [Deutsch] Die Kryotherapie wird seit etwa 20 Jahren mit Erfolg zur Behandlung von gut- und boesartigen Neubildungen der Haut und der Schleimhaut eingesetzt. Bei koerperwarm aufgesetzten Kryosoden bilden sich allerdings waehrend des Abkuehlprozesses groessere Eiskristalle heraus, die Haftkraefte ausloesen, so dass die Sonde nach Therapieende abgetaut werden muss. Bei der Anwendung von Kryosonden in Koerperhoehlen ergeben sich deshalb besondere technische Forderungen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Zielstellung fuer die Neuentwicklung einer gynaekologischen Kryosonde vor. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auf das thermodynamische Funktionsprinzip sowie die konstruktive Umsetzung und das geraetetechnische Konzept eingegangen. (BWI)

  18. Die Erforschung kollektiver und individueller Dynamik – Zu einer historisch und prozess-soziologisch orientierten interpretativen Sozialforschung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriele Rosenthal


    Full Text Available In diesem Beitrag konzentriere ich mich auf die Vorteile einer konsequent durchgeführten interpretativen oder rekonstruktiven Sozialforschung gegenüber anderen qualitativen Verfahren und verdeutliche, inwiefern wir diese Vorteile noch konsequenter verfolgen können als bisher. Dabei stellen sich die folgenden Fragen: Was können wir mit wenigen, aber aufwendigen Fallrekonstruktionen mit dem Ziel einer "theoretischen Verallgemeinerung" am Einzelfall im Unterschied zu qualitativen Verfahren mit umfangreichen Stichproben leisten, die eher eine numerische oder quantitative Verallgemeinerung zum Ziel haben? Inwiefern kommen wir damit überhaupt zu "allgemeinen" Aussagen über die soziale (kollektive und individuelle Wirklichkeit, über eine bestimmte Gruppierung, Organisation oder Ortsgemeinde, einen kollektiver Konflikt, ein bestimmtes Milieu oder soziales Netzwerk? Bei der Behandlung dieser Fragen geht es mir vor allem um ein Plädoyer für eine methodisch stärker historisch und prozess-soziologisch orientierte interpretative Sozialforschung. M.E. liegen in einer konsequenten Rekonstruktion der Verläufe und Wandlungsprozesse von einzelnen "Fällen" und ihrer Verflechtungen mit anderen "Fällen" die Chancen für eine wirklich empirisch geerdete Theorieentwicklung. URN:

  19. Limits of a spatial resolution of the cascaded GEM based detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudryavtsev, V.N.; Maltsev, T.V.; Shekhtman, L.I.


    Spatial resolution of tracking detectors based on GEM cascades is determined in the simulation and measured. The simulation includes GEANT4 implemented transport of high energy electrons with careful accounting for atomic relaxation processes including emission of fluorescent photons and Auger electrons and custom post-processing taking into account diffusion, gas amplification fluctuations, the distribution of signals over readout electrodes, electronics noise and particular algorithm of final coordinate calculation (centre-of-gravity algorithm). The simulation demonstrates that the minimum of the spatial resolution of about 10–20 μm can be achieved with a gas mixture of Ar-CO 2 (75%–25%) at a strip pitch in the range from 250 μm to 300 μm. At a larger pitch the resolution quickly degrades reaching 70–100 μm at a pitch of 450–500 μm. The reasons of such behavior are discussed and corresponding hypothesis is tested. Particularly, the effect of electron cloud modification due to a GEM operation is considered using the ANSYS and Garfield++ simulation programs. The detection efficiency and spatial resolution of low-material triple-GEM detectors for the DEUTERON facility at BINP are measured at the extracted beam facility of the VEPP-4M collider. One-coordinate resolution of two detectors for the DEUTERON facility is measured with a 2 GeV electron beam. The determined values of the detectors' spatial resolution is equal to 46.6 ± 0.1 μm and 38.5 ± 0.2 μm for orthogonal tracks in two detectors, respectively.

  20. Limits of a spatial resolution of the cascaded GEM based detectors (United States)

    Kudryavtsev, V. N.; Maltsev, T. V.; Shekhtman, L. I.


    Spatial resolution of tracking detectors based on GEM cascades is determined in the simulation and measured. The simulation includes GEANT4 implemented transport of high energy electrons with careful accounting for atomic relaxation processes including emission of fluorescent photons and Auger electrons and custom post-processing taking into account diffusion, gas amplification fluctuations, the distribution of signals over readout electrodes, electronics noise and particular algorithm of final coordinate calculation (centre-of-gravity algorithm). The simulation demonstrates that the minimum of the spatial resolution of about 10-20 μm can be achieved with a gas mixture of Ar-CO2 (75%-25%) at a strip pitch in the range from 250 μm to 300 μm. At a larger pitch the resolution quickly degrades reaching 70-100 μm at a pitch of 450-500 μm. The reasons of such behavior are discussed and corresponding hypothesis is tested. Particularly, the effect of electron cloud modification due to a GEM operation is considered using the ANSYS and Garfield++ simulation programs. The detection efficiency and spatial resolution of low-material triple-GEM detectors for the DEUTERON facility at BINP are measured at the extracted beam facility of the VEPP-4M collider. One-coordinate resolution of two detectors for the DEUTERON facility is measured with a 2 GeV electron beam. The determined values of the detectors' spatial resolution is equal to 46.6 ± 0.1 μm and 38.5 ± 0.2 μm for orthogonal tracks in two detectors, respectively.