
Sample records for entre debates encrucijadas

  1. Al rescate de Franco y del franquismo: el hispanismo mexicano en la encrucijada de la Segunda Guerra Mundial

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    Carlos Sola Ayape


    Full Text Available En 1945, y una vez terminada la segunda guerra mundial, los países vencedores –México, entre ellos– identificaron al régimen franquista como un saldo de guerra y, entre otras medidas en contra, se prohibió el ingreso de España en las Naciones Unidas. En defensa propia, y con un Franco acorralado, los arquitectos del franquismo diseñaron un plan estratégico para aguantar los embates del exterior, contando para ello con la ayuda de hispanistas mexicanos como Alfonso Junco o Jesús Guisa y Azevedo. Así, y teniendo en cuenta los perfiles de esta encrucijada histórica, el objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el discurso del hispanismo mexicano, concebido instrumentalmente para salir en defensa de Franco y del franquismo.

  2. Entre sueños agrarios y discurso ecologista. Las encrucijadas contemporáneas de la colonización de la Selva Lacandona (Chiapas, México

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    Ingreet Juliet Cano Castellanos


    Full Text Available Las plantaciones de palma africana son un elemento emergente en los actuales paisajes de la región Marqués de Comillas, en el sureste de la Selva Lacandona. Varios miembros de la población campesina que allí se asentó desde 1970 consideran dichas plantaciones como una alternativa de producción benéfica tanto en términos ecológicos, como económicos. Dicha situación se presenta pese a los impactos negativos que esta especie puede tener sobre los ecosistemas de selva de la región. Estos últimos, de por sí profundamente modificados a través de la deforestación y la ganade-ría extensiva. ¿Cómo entender el uso local de un discurso ecologista para hablar de una especie exótica, considerada por algunos científicos como un factor adverso en ecosistemas intertropicales? Responder a esta pregunta es la puerta de entrada a un análisis de las encrucijadas provocadas por lo que denomino el proceso de “ecologización” de la Selva Lacandona. Asimismo, es una oportunidad para abordar los cambios ambientales y sociales, inte-grando en el análisis las relaciones que se dan entre sociedad y Estado.

  3. La no neutralidad del dinero en el largo plazo. Un debate entre Chicago & Viena.

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    Ravier Adrián O.


    Full Text Available Existen numerosos consensos entre los economistas de Chicago y Viena en lo que concierne a la comprensión del funcionamiento de los mercados y las políticas públicas, y en el rechazo al intervencionismo, el socialismo y el totalitarismo. Sin embargo, en lo referente a temas macroeconómicos, y en particular a la política monetaria y a la neutralidad o no neutralidad de sus efectos en el largo plazo, aparecen diferencias sustanciales. Este artículo repasa el debate entre estas dos escuelas de pensamiento, tomando como base una crítica que el Dr. Humphrey elaboró en 1984. La relevancia de discutir este trabajo, veinticinco años después de su publicación consiste en retomar un debate que permaneció olvidado desde entonces.

  4. Intersecciones: cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada

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    Javier Fernandez Galeano


    Full Text Available Intersecciones: cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada es sin duda una obra seminal que abre el camino para otras muchas nuevas investigaciones y trabajos teóricos. Es pionera en la aplicación en el ámbito español del concepto de interseccionalidad, tras el desarrollo previo de este tipo de estudios fundamentalmente en entornos anglosajones. El afán de aportar un nueva mirada sobre las situaciones de opresión que constituyen nuestro día a día como sujetos sociales es una constante en los trabajos aglutinados en este libro. A su vez, los diferentes enfoques temáticos escogidos por los autores aparecen articulados de una forma muy acertada a través de un marco teórico bien fundamentado y contextualizado.

  5. debates, encrucijadas y críticas desde el enfoque CTS

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    César Pérez Jiménez


    Full Text Available La educación ha asumido la incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC, presuponiendo la transformación sustancial del currículum, la formación permanente de docentes, y la adecuación social-estructural de la escuela como escenario pedagógico. Este trabajo busca analizar las posibilidades de desarrollo socio-cultural de la educación, desde la perspectiva de las oportunidades locales de accesibilidad y aprovechamiento de los recursos telemáticos, enfatizando la construcción de identidades individuales y colectivas sustentadas en representaciones sobre aspectos tecnocientíficos, que permitan la integración de conocimientos disciplinares y saberes sociales en las acciones pedagógicas. Su estructura da cuenta de la organización de una serie de presupuestos conductores del discurso emancipatorio, el cual busca asidero en el marco de las racionalidades educativas a la luz de los desarrollos tecnocientíficos actuales. Se discute la vinculación entre ciencia, tecnología y sociedad (CTS, la alianza entre la educación y las TIC, así como los retos que se plantean como resultado de esta dialéctica, y la valoración del enfoque CTS como clave para la reformulación de una educación democrática orientada a la legitimación de las ciudadanías sociales. Finalmente, se subraya la necesidad de un proyecto político-educativo sustentado en el sentido ético-social para la democratización de las TIC

  6. Mitigación del cambio climático versus desarrollo económico -El debate asiático frente a la Conferencia de Copenhague-

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    Hiroshi Wago Rojas


    de una sana política medio ambiental. Para lograr una solución a la encrucijada entre la mitigación y el desarrollo económico, es fundamental la creatividad en las proposiciones y el compromiso político en Copenhague, así como la profundización en los mecanismos flexibles, los cuales, acompañados de la participación ciudadana, son pilares fundamentales para un verdadero desarrollo sostenible.

  7. Contribuição ao debate entre psicanálise e ciência: Feyerabend Contribution to the debate between psychoanalysis and science: Feyerabend

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    Daniel Menezes Coelho


    Full Text Available Trata-se de apresentar a contribuição de Paul Feyerabend ao debate entre psicanálise e ciência. A obra deste autor parece fornecer um novo horizonte de discussão, pois esvazia a pretensão de idealizar a ciência e a apresenta como atividade humana, impura, sem qualquer regra racional de funcionamento. Primeiro, faremos uma 'varredura' pelo campo atual de discussão, destacando alguns artigos que contribuem para esse debate. Seguiremos com uma crítica ao esforço de regramento epistemológico; e, por fim, apresentaremos a obra de Feyerabend, concentrando nossa atenção na leitura do célebre volume Contra o método, e no que esta obra acrescenta ao debate.Our goal is to present the contribution of Paul Feyerabend's works to the debate between psychoanalysis and science. Feyerabend's works seem to presents a new discussion horizon, since it empties out there the pretension to idealize science, and presents it as a human activity, impure, without any rational rule of functioning. First, we will scan the current discussion field, highlighting some articles that contribute to the debate. We will follow by doing some critics to epistemology and its ruling efforts. Finally, we will present Feyerabend's works, concentrating our attention on the lecture of Against Method, his famous volume, and what this work adds to the debate.

  8. Entre Debates e Embates: uma reflexão sobre epistemologias feministas latino-americanas

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    Renata Araújo Matos


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente texto objetiva discutir proposições elaboradas por parte de pensadoras feministas latino-americanas, pautando sua contribuição para os estudos teóricos que buscam compreender a construção dos padrões coloniais que ainda persistem na análise social da região. Entende-se que é pertinente fazer referência aos debates e confrontos internos aos movimentos e ao pensamento feminista para, dessa forma, evitar o caminho simplificador de não-reconhecimento, sem exceções, das contribuições do pensamento social já institucionalizado. Palavras-chaves: mulheres; feminismos latino-americanos; epistemologias feministas.   Between Debates and Blocks: a Reflection on Latin American Feminists Epistemologies Abstract The present article aims to discuss Latin American thinkers propositions and how their contributions impact on the regional decolonial studies. It is understood that it is pertinent to refer to debates and internal confrontations with feminist movements and thinking. In this way, one can avoid the simplistic path of non-recognition, without exceptions, of the contributions of already institutionalized social thought. Keywords: Women, Latin American Feminists, Feminists Epistemologies   Entre Debates y Embates: una reflexión sobre epistemologías feministas latinoamericanas Resumen El presente texto tiene como objetivo discutir proposiciones elaboradas por parte de pensadoras feministas latinoamericanas, pautando su contribución para los estudios teóricos que buscan comprender la construcción de los estándares coloniales que aún persisten en el análisis social de la región. Se considera pertinente hacer referencia a los debates y confrontaciones internos a los movimientos y al pensamiento feminista para, de esa forma, evitar el camino simplificador de no-reconocimiento, sin excepciones, de las contribuciones del pensamiento social ya institucionalizado.     Palabras-clave: mujeres; feminismos

  9. Sobre os limites da interpretação. O debate entre Umberto Eco e Jacques Derrida

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    Eduardo Ramalho Rabenhorst


    Full Text Available A proposta do presente trabalho é examinar o debate sobre os limites da atividade interpretativa, tomando por base as propostas do desconstrucionismo de Jacques Derrida e da semiologia de Umberto Eco. Tentaremos mostrar que as discordâncias entre as duas perspectivas poderiam ser suficientemente aplainadas a partir da identificação de um ponto de convergência fornecido pelas idéias de contexto e de compreensão intersubjetiva.

  10. Nacionalismos e internacionalismo: um debate entre Michael Löwy e Michel Cahen

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    Ângela Lazagna


    Full Text Available Este artigo consiste em um debate realizado entre Michel Löwy e Michael Cahen em meados dos anos 1990 e revisto para esta publicação. Mesmo que a discussão refira-se a acontecimentos que até certo ponto podem ser considerados datados, a preocupação de fundo que é comum a esses artigos concede-lhes atualidade: a necessidade do aprofundamento de uma reflexão, a partir da teoria marxista, sobre o problema dos nacionalismos e do internacionalismo em tempos de mundialização. Esse aprofundamento, segundo os autores, faz-se necessário sobretudo por meio de uma reflexão que rompa criticamente com uma visão eurocêntrica dos diferentes nacionalismos e que supere a atitude de muitos marxistas de desprezarem tudo aquilo que não seja diretamente relevante à "consciência de classe".

  11. Elisabeth Mulder: una escritora en la encrucijada entre el Modernismo y la Modernidad

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    Mañas Martínez, María del Mar


    Full Text Available This essay is about Elisabeth Mulder (Barcelona 1904-1987 works. We can settle her works mainly between 30’s and 50’s. This essay is structured in three main parts. 1 “ the lyrical prehistory of Elisabeth Mulder” (“prehistory” and “history” are concepts used by Consuelo Berges referring to two different periods in the works of Elisabeth Mulder, analyses the evolution of her lyrical works between 1927 and 1933; an evolution from the poetry of symbolism and ”malditismo” to the poetry of the serenity of the Novecentism. 2: “The narrative history of Elisabeth Mulder” offers us the chronological study of her narrative works, as well as the study of the main formal and topical characteristics of her narrative works, going beyond the clichés settled by the critics about Mulder’s cosmopolitan, and elegant novel, a novel that was so different from the Spanish postwar- novel. This essay offers us three interesting elements in Mulder’s narrative works: her concept about identity, her concept about love and the utilization of humour as an element to break literary clichés. 3 “A writer between Modernism and Modern Times” analyses the combination of elements that come from the Modernism and the ones that come from the Avant-Garde in the narrative works of Elisabeth Mulder.El presente artículo estudia la obra de Elisabeth Mulder (1904-1987 escritora barcelonesa que desarrolló su obra principalmente entre los años 30 y 50. Está estructurado en tres partes. 1 “La prehistoria lírica” de Elisabeth Mulder (“prehistoria e historia son términos que proceden de Consuelo Berges para referirse a dos períodos distintos de la producción de Elisabeth Mulder estudia la evolución de su poesía entre 1927 y 1933, desde el simbolismo y el “malditismo” hasta la serenidad novecentista. 2“La historia narrativa de Elisabeth Mulder”intercala el estudio cronológico con el establecimiento de las líneas principales tem

  12. Bajtín en la encrucijada de las ciencias humanas europeas “en crisis”. Revisión de un debate / Bakhtin at the crossroads of the European Human Sciences “in crisis”. Review of a debate

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    Bénédicte Vauthier


    Full Text Available RESUMEM: En este artículo se valora la aportación del Círculo de Bajtin a las ciencias humanas. Después de esbozar el contexto de escritura, se valora el diálogo implícito que se instaura entre estos autores y teóricos alemanes. Los textos de Bajtin de los años veinte (Hacia una fi losofía del acto ético, “Autor y personaje en la actividad estética” “Problema del contenido, material y forma en la actividad estética” forman un conjunto coherente, verdadero cimento de la “Estilística de la creación verbal”. Bajtin toma cartas en el debate que enfrentó a Husserl con Dilthey. El marxismo y la filosofía del lenguaje y Freudismo: un bosquejo crítico de V. Volochinov; El método formal en los estudios literarios de P. Medvedev ponen al alcance de un mayor público las ideas fi losófi cas del joven Bajtín. De ahí la necesidad de no instaurar una ruptura hermenéutica entre textos que se aclaran recíprocamente. ABSTRACT: In this article, we evaluate the contribution of the Bakthin Circle to human sciences. After sketching out the writing context, we consider the implicitdialogue that is established between these authors and some Germantheoreticians. Bakhtin’s texts of the twenties (Toward a Philosophy ofthe Act, Author and Hero in Aesthetic Activity, The Problem of Content, Material, and Form in Verbal Art constitute a consistent set, true basis of the “aesthetics of verbal creation”. Bakhtin plays a part in the debate between Husserl and Dilthey. Voloshinov’s Marxism and the Philosophy of Language and Freudianism as well as P. Medvedev’s The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship made the philosophical ideas of the young Bakhtin understandable for a larger public. It is, therefore, necessary not to establish a hermeneutic break between texts which make one another clearer.

  13. Superficie artificial y viviendas unifamiliares en España, dentro del debate entre ciudad compacta y dispersa


    Moliní Fernández, Fernando; Salgado, Miguel


    La mayoría de los autores parece considerar que la urbanización de baja densidad, con tipología edificatoria unifamiliar, es menos sostenible que la ciudad compacta, aunque no deja de haber voces discrepantes. En este artículo se analiza el debate entre ciudad compacta y dispersa, el crecimiento de la superficie artificial en España y, sobre todo, el número, la evolución y la distribución de las viviendas unifamiliares en España Most authors seem to consider low-density urban sprawls with ...

  14. Técnica e Inteligência Artificial: O debate entre J. Searle e D. Dennett/Technique and Artificial intelligence: the debate between J. Searle and D. Dennett


    Viana, Wellistony Carvalho; Professor do ICESPI, Professor do PPG em Ética e Epistemologia/UFPI.


    O debate entre J. Searle e D. Dennett acerca da possibilidade técnica de uma Inteligência artificial gira em torno de uma única questão: estados mentais expressam algo intrínseco, privado e subjetivo, experimentado em primeira-pessoa ou não passam de entidades obscurantistas, frutos da ignorância e, em princípio, reduzíveis à objetividade científica da neurociência? Searle defende a primeira tese, enquanto Dennett argumenta pela segunda. O texto expõe a posição de Dennett, a crítica de Searle...

  15. Karl Polanyi e o "Grande Debate" entre substantivistas e formalistas na antropologia econômica Karl Polanyi and the "Great Debate" between the substantivists and formalists in economic anthropology

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    Nuno Miguel Cardoso Machado


    Full Text Available Na raiz do pensamento Polanyiano, encontra-se a distinção entre economia no sentido substantivo e economia no sentido formal. Com efeito, a concepção substantivista - que define a economia como um processo instituído de interação entre o homem e o ambiente natural e social que o rodeia e resulta em contínua oferta de meios para satisfazer as necessidades humanas - constitui a base do método preconizado pelo autor: a análise institucional. Com tal distinção, Polanyi (1977a pretende evitar a "falácia economicista" que consiste na identificação automática da economia com sua forma de mercado. Ao contrário, só na moderna economia capitalista é que um "sistema de mercados formadores de preços" desempenha papel fundamental. Essas questões foram alvo de um "Grande Debate" entre as correntes substantivista - encabeçada por Polanyi - e formalista no contexto da disciplina da Antropologia Econômica.At the root of Polanyian thought, a distinction can be found between the substantive and formal concepts of the economy. In fact, the substantivist conception, that defines the economy as an instituted process of interaction between man and its natural and social environment, which results in a continuous supply of material means to meet human needs, constitutes the basis of the method recommended by the author: institutional analysis. With this distinction, Polanyi intends to avoid the "economistic fallacy", which consists of the automatic identification of the economy in its market form. Only in the modern capitalist economy does a system of "price-making markets" play a fundamental role. These questions were amply discussed in the so-called "Great Debate" between the substantivist and formalist schools of thought in the discipline of Economic Anthropology.

  16. Difusión cultural universitaria: entre el ocaso y el porvenir

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    Laura Regil Vargas


    Full Text Available Este artículo inicia con un breve estudio de los signos vitales de la difusión dentro de la universidades. Cada vez es más frecuente encontrar a la difusión cultural en las universidades públicas detenida frente a la disyuntiva entre el debilitamiento y el porvenir, la agonía y la reactivación. Quienes se interesen en dar pasos que permitan transformar esta encrucijada, como punto de partida, encontrarán aquí pautas para la reflexión, orientadas a la puesta en marcha de acciones que apoyen y fortalezcan esta actividad, siempre mencionada como sustantiva, aunque, en la práctica, ubicada por debajo de la investigación y la docencia. En suma, es una propuesta para crear el porvenir de la difusión, a partir del análisis, la crítica constante y la evaluación.

  17. Dictadura y facultades extraordinarias: un debate entre el republicanismo clásico y el liberalismo en el contexto de la guerra entre Chile y la Confederación Perú-Boliviana (1836-1839 = Ditadura e poderes extraordinários: um debate entre o republicanismo clássico e o liberalismo no contexto da guerra entre o Chile e a Confederação Peru-Boliviana (1836-1839 = Dictatorship and extraordinary powers: a debate between classical republicanism and liberalism in the context of the war between Chile and the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1836-1839

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    Arellano González, Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa os discursos políticos desdobrados em torno das implicações dos poderes extraordinários e os estados de sítio presentes na Constituição Chilena de 1833. A pesquisa procura iluminar a tensão que emerge entre o pensamento republicano clássico e o liberal a partir da justificação dos "poderes de emergência" na ordem constitucional. Com esse objetivo, será analisado o debate político-ideológico que surgiu na esfera pública chilena em 1839 pelas implicações dos "poderes extraordinários" implementados durante a guerra entre o Chile e a Confederação Peru-Boliviana. A hipótese é que a partir desse debate público é possível ver uma passagem da linguagem política republicana clássica para uma mais liberal, evidenciada na discussão sobre os mecanismos e âmbito constitucional das circunstâncias excepcionais. O material usado para reconstruir esses discursos políticos é a imprensa contemporânea e as moções parlamentares

  18. Debates passados, presentes e futuros da aprendizagem organizacional: um estudo comparativo entre a produção acadêmica nacional e internacional

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    Adriana Roseli Wünsch Takahashi


    Full Text Available Apesar de se apresentar como uma área multidisciplinar, e de não contar com uma teoria amplamente aceita, a aprendizagem organizacional avança e apresenta pontos de consenso que a estabelecem como um campo de conhecimento. Váriosesforços de revisão sobre o tema foram publicados nos últimos dez anos, fundamentando a definição de desafios emergentes, que apontam campos promissores para futuras pesquisas. Este artigo recupera alguns dos principais debates e prospecções, comparando a produção acadêmica nacional e internacional e identificandoas convergências e divergências entre eles. Os resultados da análise mostram que alguns tópicos presentes no debate internacional são atuais na pesquisa nacional, enquanto outros, não. Com base nessas constatações, propõe-se uma sugestão de agenda para pesquisas futuras em aprendizagem organizacional que envolvaaspectos teóricos, contextuais e metodológicos, e que propicie em condições de intervir, de forma mais intensa, no debate que se trava sobre o tema no plano internacional.

  19. La encrucijada en Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo / The Crossroads in Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo

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    Lilia Leticia García-Peña


    Full Text Available La obra de Juan Rulfo sintetiza la realidad del campo mexicano, captura el contorno de las identidades individuales y de la estructura de la interacción social del mundo que tanto le preocupó y del que es intérprete indiscutible, pero también supo convertir en materia narrativa aquellas atmósferas que rebasan el contexto mexicano y social. En este trabajo abordaré el tema de la encrucijada en el imaginario simbólico de Pedro Páramo (1955 como expresión de una reelaboración del mito de Hermes, analizaré cómo la novela de Juan Rulfo muestra estos ecos herméticos y qué sentido estético y sociocultural tiene esta resonancia mítica.

  20. Pragmatismo e idealismo: o debate entre pioneiros e católicos em dois manuais no Brasil dos anos de 1930 - Pragmatism and idealism: the debate between catholics and pioneers in Brazil in two books of the 1930s

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    Maria de Lourdes Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Na década de 1930 acentuava-se o debate educacional brasileiro entre dois grupos rivais, que se utilizaram do livro como um dispositivo estratégico para divulgar ou censurar concepções pedagógicas com a intenção de consolidar um determinado modelo escolar. Neste contexto e por uma perspectiva histórico-cultural, o presente trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre dois impressos de coleções pedagógicas que circularam no Brasil: Democracia e educação, de John Dewey (1936 e A filosofia da educação sob o ponto de vista democrático, de Herman Harrel Horne (1938.Palavras-chave: coleções pedagógicas, estratégia, práticas, modelo escolar. PRAGMATISM AND IDEALISM: THE DEBATE BETWEEN CATHOLICS AND PIONEERS IN BRAZIL IN TWO BOOKS OF THE 1930SAbstractIn the 1930 the Brazilian educational discussion took place between two opposing groups, who used the book as a strategic device aimed to disseminate or censure pedagogical concepts with the intent of consolidating a particular school model. In this context and a cultural-historical perspective, this paper presents a discussion of two printed collections pedagogical that circulated in Brazil: Democracy and Education by John Dewey (1936 and The Philosophy of Education from the democratic point of view, by Herman Harrell Horne (1938.Key-words: pedagogical collections, strategy, practices, school model. EL PRAGMATISMO Y EL IDEALISMO: EL DEBATE ENTRE CATÓLICOS Y PIONEROS EN BRASIL EN DOS LIBROS DE LA DÉCADA DE 1930ResumenEn los años 1930 acentuado el debate educativo brasileño entre dos grupos rivales, que utilizan el libro como un mecanismo estratégico para dar a conocer o censurar conceptos pedagógicos con la intención de consolidar un modelo de escuela particular. En este contexto y una perspectiva histórico-cultural, este artículo presenta un análisis de dos colecciones impresas pedagógicos distribuidos en Brasil: Democracia y educación, de John Dewey (1936 y La filosofía de

  1. La Intrascendencia del debate positivismo-iusnaturalismo: Las normas de ius cogens

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    Andrés Molina-Ochoa


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es probar la irrelevancia del debate entre iusnaturalismo y positivismo para resolver problemas típicos del derecho. El artículo se fundamenta en las respuestas que positivistas y naturalistas podrían dar al problema de la existencia de normas de ius cogens, particularmente, al problema de la obligatoriedad y validez de dichas normas. Al probar que tanto el positivismo inclusivista y exclusivista, así como el iusnaturalismo responden a los problemas del ius Mogens de la misma forma, el artículo concluye que no hay un verdadero debate entre estas dos teorías, excepto por la discusión que todavía continúa sobre si el derecho puede ser una ciencia descriptiva o tiene que ser una disciplina normativa. En este sentido, el debate entre positivistas y iusnaturalistas puede considerarse como un capítulo más en la larga discusión acerca de la naturaleza de las ciencias sociales.

  2. Entre el Ejército del Comintern y la solidaridad antifascista: la trayectoria de Giuseppe Di Vittorio en el debate sobre la naturaleza de las Brigadas Internacionales

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    Full Text Available El debate historiográfico sobre la naturaleza de las Brigadas Internacionales durante la Guerra Civil Española de 1936-1939 se encuentra hoy día fracturado entre las tesis favorables a su sumisa supeditación a los intereses del partido-Estado Soviético y aquellas que apuestan por otorgarle un cierto grado de autonomía y una importante dosis de solidaridad. Sin embargo, este debate dispone de una nueva fuente de análisis gracias a la trayectoria de uno de los máximos dirigentes del citado cuerpo internacionalista, Giuseppe Di Vittorio. El histórico militante antifascista italiano generó una amplia y controvertida actividad durante los meses que estuvo presente en la República Española, entre octubre de 1936 y febrero de 1937. Así, ocupó el tercer lugar en el escalafón directivo de la sede española de las Brigadas Internacionales en Albacete, participó activamente en la defensa de Madrid, desarrolló una intensa capacidad propagandística para difundir las Brigadas Internacionales entre la población civil republicana, protagonizó diferentes conflictos políticos y personales con otros miembros del aparato brigadista y fue retirado del territorio republicano en extrañas circunstancias. Así, pues, su amplia y variada actividad al frente de las Brigadas Internacionales le convierte en un protagonista privilegiado para analizar la naturaleza de las Brigadas Internacionales.

  3. State-Civil Society Partnership: issues for debate and new researches [Parceria entre o Estado e a Sociedade Civil: pontos para o debate e novas pesquisas

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    Mário Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available In this paper we look at the literature related to partnership between state and civil society, especially partnership between public and non-for-profi t organisations. We discuss the differing perspectives of partnership and attempt to identify some of the main theoretical concerns about partnership between state and civil society in the governance context. In this paper, we argue that the historical background of partnership has not been included among factors used in explaining the resort to partnership in governance. In spite of existing analyses showing that partnership brings social benefi ts in their own right, we try to show that there is no evidence that this ‘social technology’ contributes effectively to bringing power to powerless people and social groups. Most of the literature shows that partnership tries to make relationship between local people and local governance stronger and improve the possibilities for powerless people and social groups to participate in local governance. However, we do not fi nd clear evidence in the literature that partnership allows for a shift in political power. Finally, we show that it is unclear whether the interaction between ordinary people and the state through a participatory process has successfully helped to build social cohesiveness for different social groups. The main contribution of this paper is to expand the understanding of the factors that infl uence the process of partnership between state and civil society (positively and negatively for local development. ---- Parceria entre o Estado e a Sociedade Civil: pontos para o debate e novas pesquisas ---- Resumo ---- Neste artigo analisamos a literatura de parceria entre o estado e a sociedade civil, em particular sobre a parceria entre as organizações públicas e as organizações sem fins lucrativos. Discutimos as diferentes perspectivas do conceito de parceria e objetivamos destacar algumas das principais preocupações teóricas sobre

  4. Sequía, inmigración y políticas locales: el Sahel en la encrucijada del desarrollo

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    Sara Nso


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de delimitar los principales factores socio-económicos y políticos que ponen en relación desertificación y flujos migratorios internacionales, en el área Sahel. A través del estudio -no exhaustivo para todos los países de la muestra, por ausencia de datos disponibles- de dichas realidades en Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Malí, Mauritania, Níger y Senegal, el análisis del elemento local será privilegiado, sin despreciar por ello el valor de las dinámicas regionales. Desde una perspectiva "transnacionalista", se aportarán así las claves para la comprensión global de la problemática saheliana, con el objetivo de sacar a esta región de la encrucijada del subdesarrollo.


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    Lilliana Alicia Chacón Solís


    Full Text Available Este artículo se origina a partir de la hipótesis de que los y las docentes de las carreras de música en instituciones de E ducaci ón S uperior de Costa Rica experimentan incertidumbre en su labor como jurados de las pruebas de ejecución musical . P or un lado, la institución se rige por un sistema de evaluación sumativo que impone objetividad; y por otro, la subjetividad en la valoración de la ejecución musical es ineludible. Lo anterior resulta en una encrucijada que afecta las dinámicas de enseñanza y de aprendizaje. Para conocer sobre la evaluación de las pruebas con jurado en dicha institución, se realizaron cinco entrevistas a docente s y estudiantes, y diez cuestionarios a profesores. El análisis de las respuestas trata sobre tres temas principales: la esfera del contenido ( ¿ qué evaluar ? , ¿ cómo se asigna la nota ? , ¿ qué rubros deben evaluarse en la prueba ? y ¿ qué características debe poseer e l instrumento de evaluación ? , la esfera de la organización (relacionada con la conformación y la función del jurado y el plano diacrónico (vinculado con la percepción de los cambios realizados con respecto a la forma de evaluar.

  6. La escuela hoy en la encrucijada. Hacia otra educación desde la ética de E. Lévinas

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    Full Text Available La escuela está padeciendo una fuerte crisis pedagógica. Y parece que está en una encrucijada. La ausencia de criterios firmes que ayuden a orientar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la escuela está contribuyendo a la pérdida de confianza y credibilidad de lo que transmite. esta frágil situación aconseja encontrar otro tipo de educación. Desde la ética del filósofo Emmanuel Lévinas se realizan algunas propuestas pedagógicas: el profesor como responsable de la educación de sus alumnos, el establecimiento de la relación educativa desde una perspectiva ética y la utilización de la narración y el testimonio como elementos facilitadores de la práctica educativa en la escuela.

  7. El aporte de la ética del cuidado al debate ético contemporáneo entre imparcialistas y parcialistas

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    Daniela Alegría Fuentes


    Full Text Available La filosofía moral contemporánea ha acusado al requisito de imparcialidad de ser excesivamente exigente, represor de las diferencias, psicológicamente insostenible, inviable, etc. Durante las últimas décadas la teoría moral ha puesto especial atención a las relaciones de amistad y de amor, relaciones en las que claramente se prefiere a uno sobre los demás y una concepción moral que se oponga a este tipo de relaciones no parece aceptable. Así, cada vez se ha ido ampliando más la bibliografía que cuestiona a las teorías morales imparciales. Esto ha derivado a que exista una oposición entre los imparcialistas (kantianos y consecuencialistas y los parcialistas (ética del cuidado. El presente trabajo mostrará los principales aportes de la ética del cuidado a este debate.


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    Ramón Sánchez Sánchez


    Full Text Available The purpose of this investigation is to show the impact in the economic, energy, ecological and sociocultural order that has experienced the sugar agroindustry in the local and territorial development of Encrucijada municipality, in Villa Clara province. The main methods and techniques used have been the surveys, the documentary analysis, the work with experts, agrarian commission’s reports of the municipal assembly, the matrix of weaknesses, strengths, threats, opportunities and the scenarios technique for the approach of strategic actions. In this work, a diagnosis study of the municipality is carried out, determining the main strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities with the corresponding strategies and actions for their improvement. Among the main results of the work is the contribution of 41 866,76 Cuban pesos in a sugar harvest for the contribution of sugar production, final honey, urea honey, cane bagasse for animal food, ice and the electric power generation as a contribution to the national net. Finally, the general procedure used is shown to directives and workers of the sector for the implementation and generalization of the work and its necessary level of consciousness of the value and importance of those productions for the improvement of conditions and quality of life of the citizens of this municipality. For the evaluation of this work the technique of consent index is used among experts.

  9. Las matemáticas españolas en su encrucijada

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    de León, Manuel


    Full Text Available The recent celebration of the 25th International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid last August was undoubtedly the most outstanding milestone in the history of Spanish mathematics. It was in large part a reward for the extraordinary progress made in this discipline in recent years, while at the same time opening up a new phase in this development. The term “Horizon 2006”, which we coined at the time, symbolized the challenge set by providing a definitive boost for Spanish mathematics. In what follows, I will attempt to give a brief description of the recent past, as well as placing the present situation in an international context, with the aim of pointing out not only the great possibilities taking shape in the immediate future, but also the dangers should we fail to adopt the right course.La reciente celebración en Madrid del XXV International Congress of Mathematicians el pasado mes de agosto de 2006 ha sido sin duda el hito más importante en la historia de las matemáticas españolas. En gran medida es un premio al extraordinario progreso experimentado por esta disciplina en los últimos años, y a la vez, ha supuesto un punto y aparte en esta evolución. El término de Horizonte 2006 que en su momento acuñamos, simbolizaba el reto que suponía dar un impulso definitivo a las matemáticas españolas. En las próximas líneas trataré de hacer una breve descripción del pasado reciente así como poner en un contexto internacional el presente, con la intención de señalar las enormes posibilidades que se abren en el futuro inmediato, pero también los peligros de no acertar en las encrucijadas que encaramos.

  10. Aspectos ecológicos de la anidación de Caiman crocodilus chiapasius (Bocourt, 1876 en la reserva de la biosfera La Encrucijada, México

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    González–Desales, G. A.


    Full Text Available Ecological aspects of nesting in Caiman crocodilus chiapasius (Bocourt 1876 in La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve, Mexico Studies on caiman, Caiman crocodilus chiapasius, in Mexico are scarce. The present study was conducted to evaluate the key characteristics regarding the reproductive ecology of caiman in Mexico. We conducted nest searches from April to September 2014. We observed that nests were built in June and that hatching occurred in September and October. The phase of the moon had an effect on nesting events. The height of the nest, the distance to the nearest tree, and the distance from the top of the nest to the first egg were related to hatching success and incubation temperature.

  11. El debate sobre las heurísticas. Una disputa sobre los criterios de buen razonamiento entre la Tradición de Heurística y Sesgo y la Racionalidad Ecológica

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    Ana Laura Fonseca


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es mostrar que el problema central detrás del debate sostenido entre Daniel Kahneman y Gerd Gigerenzer acerca del papel del razonamiento heurístico en nuestra comprensión de la racionalidad humana es cómo caracterizar el razonamiento normativo. Para ello, muestro que en la literatura sobre razonamiento heurístico se ha asumido una distinción tajante –incluso en muchos casos se asume una oposición– entre razonamiento formal y razonamiento heurístico. Argumento que la discusión se ha centrado en cuál de estos tipos de razonamientos debe ser considerado como modelo de nuestro razonar; hago ver que analizando textos de George Pólya y de Herbert A. Simon podemos rastrear este problema. Este análisis nos permitirá hacer notar la relevancia de dicho debate, que muchas veces ha sido una mera disputa semántica. In this paper I argue that the central problem behind the debate between Daniel Kahneman and Gerd Gigerenzer regarding the role of heuristic reasoning in our comprehension of human rationality is the way in which we characterize normative reasoning. To this end, I show how, in the recent literature about heuristic reasoning, a sharp distinction has been drawn –in certain cases, even an opposition– between formal and heuristic reasoning. I argue that the discussion has focused on which one of these kinds of reasoning should be taken as the right model of our reasoning. I show that this point may be tracked by analyzing the texts of George Pólya and Herbert A. Simon. This analysis will allow us to notice the relevance of said debate, which has, often times, been considered a mere semantic dispute.

  12. Una encrucijada estética en Artigas: entre el realismo socialista y el concretismo

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    Raphael Grazziano


    Full Text Available O artigo explora o posicionamento ambivalente de Artigas no debate político-cultural da Guerra Fria, durante a década de 1950, em que se opunham dois movimentos artísticos principais. Por um lado, o realismo socialista, tendência que tomou força na Rússia pós-revolucionária, sobretudo a partir da ascensão de Stalin, ao se colocar como a nova arte das massas proletárias, nas diretrizes da política cultural comum aos diversos partidos comunistas. Por outro lado, o concretismo, já então visto como uma nova vanguarda moderna de abstração geométrica, mas que era atacado pelos militantes comunistas, por seus supostos vínculos “imperialistas”. Para tal, mapeamos o tratamento que o arquiteto deu a cada vertente, em duas fontes simultâneas. Uma se refere aos textos e aulas de Artigas, que permitiram perceber as transformações que as acepções de cada movimento sofreram ao longo de sua carreira. A outra é a de seus projetos, em que estudamos duas casas paradigmáticas: a Olga Baeta, de 1956, e a Rubens de Mendonça, de 1958. Embora a primeira seja normalmente vista como “realista socialista”, e a segunda, como “concretista”, a análise dos desenhos não permite uma vinculação estrita a nenhuma delas. Ambas as posições estão mescladas nas duas casas e são desenvolvidas de modo inconcluso, o que revelaria o impasse cultural em que Artigas se encontrava. Impasse presente nas obras e nos textos,referente não só ao desenvolvimento formal que cada frente lhe abria, como também por suas vinculações a projetos políticos e nacionais de longo alcance.

  13. Antiterrorist policy and public debate, 1996-2009 | Política antiterrorista y debate público, 1996-2009

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    Juan Avilés


    Full Text Available This paper examines the important role that terrorism has played in Spanish political debates over the last few years. To this end, we explore the breaking of the antiterrorist consensus between national parties and the PNV in the wake of the Lizarra agreement, the legislative and judicial offensive directed against ETA and its supporters backed by the consensus between the PP and PSOE during Aznar’s second term in office, the political impact of the terrorist attacks of 11 March 2004 and the conspiracy theories spread by certain sectors of the media, and the clash brought about by Zapatero’s initial attempt to negotiate with ETA. | Este artículo examina el importante papel que el terrorismo ha jugado en el debate político español en estos últimos años. Los temas centrales se refieren a la ruptura del consenso antiterrorista entre los partidos de ámbito nacional y el PNV a raíz del pacto de Lizarra, la ofensiva legislativa y judicial contra ETA y su entorno apoyada por el consenso entre PP y PSOE en la segunda legislatura de Aznar, el impacto político de los atentados del 11-M y las teorías conspirativas propagadas por algunos medios de comunicación, y el enfrentamiento que se produjo por la tentativa inicial de Zapatero de negociar con ETA.

  14. Aprendizajes y encrucijadas del periodismo. Entre la Paz de Pastrana y la seguridad democrática de Uribe

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    Fabio López de la Roche


    Full Text Available El autor hace un profundo análisis sobre los aciertos y errores de los medios de comunicación al informar sobre el conflicto armado y los procesos de paz que se han llevado a cabo en Colombia. Presenta, en una primera parte, una visión sintética del periodismo en el proceso de paz con las FARC entre 1999 y 2002, poniendo especial atención a la relación con las fuentes de información acerca de la guerra. Una segunda parte analiza los problemas y riesgos del cubrimiento periodístico del conflicto en el contexto de la seguridad democrática del presidente Uribe y de sus presiones por redefinirlo semánticamente.


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    Osmar Henrique Moura da Silva

    Full Text Available Um trabalho anterior justificou a necessidade de preparar os estudantes para debates racionais entre concepções e/ou teorias rivais e propôs a Reconstrução Racional Didática (RRD como uma alternativa nesse sentido, seguindo uma estratégia de ensino inspirada em Lakatos. O presente estudo apresenta análises de alguns resultados obtidos a partir de uma aplicação dessa estratégia no ensino formal dos conceitos de calor e temperatura em alunos do ensino médio.

  16. Determinismo-indeterminación y el debate de los determinantes-determinación social de la salud / Determinism–indetermination and the debate on determinants- social determination of health


    Fernando Peñaranda; Carlos E. Rendón


    El debate entre determinantes sociales de la salud o determinación social de la salud, promovido por la medicina social latinoamericana a raíz de la propuesta presentada por la Comisión sobre los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud de la oms, pasa por analizar la tensión entre determinismo e indeterminismo y sus repercusiones para concebir la causalidad desde un punto de vista histórico y epistemológico. Este artículo presenta algunas tendencias sobre la visión cosm...

  17. Estudio retórico-comunicativo de los debates presidenciales mexicanos (2006

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    Felicísimo Valbuena de la Fuente


    Full Text Available En su Retórica, Aristóteles distinguió materiales de prueba personal (ethos,argumentales (logos y dramáticos, o de experiencia (pathos. También distinguió entre discursos judiciales, deliberativos y epidícticos o demostrativos. El autor de este trabajo quiere demostrar que la Retórica de Aristóteles sigue vigente analizando los debates presidenciales mexicanos en 2006. Se ocupa de cómo cada candidato se atuvo a las normas de los debates, su concepción del público y cómo emplearon los tres tipos de materiales. Asimismo, ilustra sus afirmaciones con numerosos ejemplos.

  18. It's no debate, debates are great. (United States)

    Dy-Boarman, Eliza A; Nisly, Sarah A; Costello, Tracy J

    A debate can be a pedagogical method used to instill essential functions in pharmacy students. This non-traditional teaching method may help to further develop a number of skills that are highlighted in the current Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Standards 2016 and Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education Educational Outcomes 2013. Debates have also been used as an educational tool in other health disciplines. Current pharmacy literature does illustrate the use of debates in various areas within the pharmacy curriculum in both required and elective courses; however, the current body of literature would suggest that debates are an underutilized teaching tool in pharmacy experiential education. With all potential benefits of debates as a teaching tool, pharmacy experiential preceptors should further explore their use in the experiential setting. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Determinismo-indeterminación y el debate de los determinantes-determinación social de la salud / Determinism–indetermination and the debate on determinants- social determination of health

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    Fernando Peñaranda


    Full Text Available El debate entre determinantes sociales de la salud o determinación social de la salud, promovido por la medicina social latinoamericana a raíz de la propuesta presentada por la Comisión sobre los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud de la oms, pasa por analizar la tensión entre determinismo e indeterminismo y sus repercusiones para concebir la causalidad desde un punto de vista histórico y epistemológico. Este artículo presenta algunas tendencias sobre la visión cosmológica y epistemológica en la historia del pensamiento occidental que han marcado dicho debate, analizando las tensiones entre posiciones monista/pluralista por un lado y determinista/ indeterminista por el otro, y sus repercusiones sobre la forma de concebir al sujeto y su relación con la naturaleza, así como el papel de la libertad humana, la causalidad y el azar. En las conclusiones se propone una puerta de salida a las tensiones y conflictos analizados desde la dialéctica que permita superar la cosmovisión causal de la realidad, en la cual se dé espacio para la acción del sujeto como agente. The debate between social “determinants” or “determination” of health, fostered by the Latin American Social Medicine movement after the proposal of the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health, involves analyzing the tension between determinism and indeterminism as well as its implications for conceiving causality from a historical and epistemological point of view. This paper presents some trends regarding the cosmological and epistemological view in the Western history of thought that have marked this debate. At the same time, it analyzes the tensions between monist / pluralist positions on the one hand, and deterministic / indeterministic on the other. Similarly, it analyzes their impact on the perception of subjects, the subject / nature relationship, and the role of human freedom, causality and randomness. The conclusions discuss a way out of the tensions

  20. El error neurocientífico de Descartes, entre Spinoza y Aquinas. El debate entre Damasio y Stump sobre el carácter eliminativo o vitalista del materialismo en la neuroética, neuropolítica y neuroeconomía

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    Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Se analiza el debate entre Eleonore Stump y Antonio Damasio a propósito de dos posibles estrategias a la hora de superar el “error” neurocientífico del dualismo cartesiano respecto de la correlación entre mente y cerebro, a saber: o bien se corrige el “error” neurocientífico de Descartes desde un modelo híbrido de tipo monista como el de Spinoza que ahora también se utiliza para justificar un materialismo eliminativo aún más radicalizado, a pesar de seguir manteniendo de un modo meramente heurístico las diferencias entre mente y cerebro, al modo propuesto por Antonio Damasio; o bien se recurre a un modelo dualista vitalista de integración jerarquizada interactiva entre la mente y el cerebro, al modo propuesto por Aquinas, y aún antes Aristóteles, con una indudable ventaja. En este segundo caso sería posible justificar la existencia de diversos niveles de autorregulación deliberativa entre mente y cerebro, sin tener que restringir de un modo apriorista los márgenes de libertad y espontaneidad a un único nivel autoinmune básico de tipo determinista, salvo que se hiciera con fines meramente heurísticos, al modo ahora también señalado por Eleonore Stump. Por su parte la comunicación analiza las consecuencias que cada una de estas propuestas pueden llegar a tener para la justificación de los diversos tipos de autorregulación que hoy día se asignan a la neuroética, neuropolítica y neuroeconomía.

  1. Asociaciones de inmigrantes en la encrucijada. Acción transnacional y riesgos de cooptación

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    Joan Lacomba

    Full Text Available Resumen En este artículo tratamos de contribuir al debate en torno al papel de las asociaciones de inmigrantes en las sociedades de origen y destino, así como puente entre las mismas. El creciente número y potencial de las asociaciones ha puesto de relieve su contribución al desarrollo y a la dinamización de las sociedades civiles de uno y otro lado. Sin embargo, este proceso no está exento de limitaciones y dinámicas que pueden entrar en contradicción con el papel fundacional de las mismas asociaciones. La interacción con las instituciones de los países de origen de origen y destino, y el acceso a programas y fondos públicos estatales, habría generado un escenario en el que las asociaciones han experimentado cambios organizativos y en su relación con el poder que han sido objeto de crítica.

  2. El periodista, entre el Poder

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    JL Dader


    Full Text Available El periodismo se debate, desde sus orígenes, entre la reproducción servil de versiones interesadas o la distorsión de propio cuño, por conocimiento insuficiente de una realidad que sólo puede entrever. Los poderes que amenazan la independencia periodística no han hecho más que crecer o aumentar su habilidad con el paso del tiempo. Surgido como ‘oficio de esclavos’ en la época romana, muchos indicadores actuales parecen retornarle al punto de partida: relaciones públicas estratégicas a gran escala, auge de los ‘spin doctors’, extorsión descarnada en las democracias más débiles y populismo de las redes sociales, entre otros. Todo ello, unido o alentado por la degradación interna y el desaliento de la propia institución periodística incapaz de distanciarse de todas esas fuerzas. Su respuesta no puede ser de alianza o competencia con los poderes que la circundan, sino de hábil distanciamiento para moverse entre todos ellos sin dejar de ejercer la vigilancia que los ciudadanos siguen necesitando de su ejercicio profesional.

  3. La encrucijada de las identidades culturales

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    Luis Ernesto Ramírez


    Full Text Available Este documento es una primera y muy general reflexión en torno de los sentidos de uniformidad y diversidad de algunos discursos filosófico-políticos y académicos en su relación con el problema de las identidades, sobre la posibilidad que ofrece la literatura en general y la «Novela de la violencia» en particular como fuente de indagación científica y, finalmente, sobre la relación existente entre los valores y la vida cotidiana.

  4. Debates sobre teoría del capital On some debates in capital theory

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    Sen Amartya


    Full Text Available En este articulo, Amartya Sen pone en escena una de las discusiones mas candentes en el debate económico de los años sesenta y setenta -la controversia de la teoría de capital entre las escuelas de Cambridge, la inglesa y la norteamericana- a traves de dos personajes: Euda y Subhuti, este ultimo un antiguo discípulo suyo que debido a algunos deslices debe reencarnar como economista en el siglo XX. La pieza esta llena de humor e ironía y, también, de agudas observaciones sobre este debate. Joan Robinson, (1954 abrio la discusión cuando pregunto como se media el capital en funcion de de producción agregada neoclásica. Sraffa (1960 mostro que la medida de capital no es independiente de la distribución y de los precios, y Garegnani (1970, que una funcion neoclasica bien comportada descansa en supuestos y restricciones demasiado exigentes e irreales. Sen , a traves de Buda, recomienda a su discípulo: "oh, Subhuti, no gastes tu vida en un problema que qiza sea trivial".In this article, Amartya Sen dramatizes one of the most heated discussions in the economic debates of the sixties and seventies the controversy over the theory of capital between the Cambridge schools of England and America- by means of two characters: Buddha and Subhuti, the latter an old disciple who, owing to some slips, must reincarnate as an economist in the twentieth century. The piece is full of humor and irony, as well as sharp observations about this debate. Joan Robinson (1954 opened the deba te when she asked how capital was measured in the neoclassical aggregated production function. Sraffa (1960 showed that the measurement of capital is not independent from the distribution of prices, and Garegnani (1970 showed that a well behaved neoclassical production function rests upon assumptions and restrictions that are too demanding and unreal. Sen, through Buddha, recommends to his disciple: "Do not spend your life, oh Subhuti, on a problem that may be trivial.

  5. El posicionamiento de la revista El Renacimiento (1847 en el debate arquitectónico entre clasicismo y romanticismo en la España isabelina

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    María Victoria Álvarez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La Europa decimonónica asistió al surgimiento de una de las aportaciones más novedosas y originales al campo de la historiografía artística contemporánea: las publicaciones periódicas en las que se abordaba el estudio de las Bellas Artes desde una perspectiva bastante alejada de la seriedad característica de las academias. El caso español no fue una excepción en este sentido, aunque hubo que esperar hasta el reinado de Isabel II (1806-1878 para que la recién conquistada libertad de prensa permitiera la aparición de publicaciones de este tipo. En algunos casos estaban estrechamente relacionadas con la defensa de los ideales románticos, mientras que en otros tenían como finalidad servir de entretenimiento al gran público sin comprometerse con ninguna ideología. Y entre las más interesantes que vieron la luz durante el reinado isabelino, El Renacimiento (1847 posee una especial relevancia tanto por su preciosismo como por la seriedad con la que trató la cuestión artística. En el presente estudio nos centraremos en el análisis de los artículos publicados en ella sobre el debate entre clasicismo y romanticismo que estaba teniendo lugar en España por aquel entonces, comparando las opiniones de sus redactores a este respecto y las razones por las cuales poseían posicionamientos ciertamente diferentes.

  6. Debates teóricos das relações internacionais, política externa e a interação entre o nível internacional e o doméstico

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    Tamara Silvana Menuzzi Diverio


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar algumas contribuições das teorias de relações internacionais e dos principais autores que até hoje provocam debates nessa área de estudos. Neste espaço, serão destacadas algumas abordagens do tema, tais como o realismo e o neorrealismo, o liberalismo e o liberalismo neoinstitucional. Na sequência, será apresentada uma revisão da literatura e dos principais conceitos da análise de política externa, além da interação entre os níveis doméstico e internacional, utilizando a Teoria dos Jogos de dois níveis, de Putnam.

  7. El Socialista versus El debate (Enero-Septiembre 1933

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    Arbeloa, Víctor Manuel


    Full Text Available The author analyzes the first nine months of 1933 breakthrough year, and leave the judgment to the reader, the opinions and attitudes of two principal Spanish media-The Debate-Socialist and service, respectively, of the PSOE and the CEDA, concerning the Left and the Right, Socialism and political Catholicism, Fascism and Nazism, the socialist revolution, which is prepared in Spain, Orders and religious Congregations, whose law is discussed in Parliament, the “eternal issues” of the Spanish anticlericalism-antieclesialism: God, Jesus, the Church, the Pope, the bishops, clergy, Catholics...La lectura de El Socialista y de El Debate permite conocer mejor y interpretar las posiciones de la izquierda y de la derecha, del socialismo y del catolicismo político, entre enero y septiembre de 1933. En esos meses, se produce el ascenso del fascismo y del nazismo y un giro en la estrategia de la izquierda. La posición de la Santa Sede ante el Gobierno de México, reforzó la opción legalista de los católicos que dieron su sufragio a la CEDA. La línea de cada uno de los dos diarios, la confrontación entre ellos, enmarca y da fondo al bloque de los trabajos legislativos, a la solución de la crisis de junio, con la salida del Partido Radical, a la dimisión de Manuel Azaña en septiembre y a la convocatoria de elecciones legislativas, que dan paso a una nueva situación política.

  8. Determinismo-indeterminismo y el debate de los determinantes-determinación social de la salud


    Peñaranda, Fernando; Rendón, Carlos E


    El debate entre determinantes sociales de la salud o determinación social de la salud, promovido por la medicina social latinoamericana a raíz de la propuesta presentada por la Comisión sobre los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud de la OMS, pasa por analizar la tensión entre determinismo e indeterminismo y sus repercusiones para concebir la causalidad desde un punto de vista histórico y epistemológico. Este artículo presenta algunas tendencias sobre la visión cosmológica y epistemológica en ...

  9. Los orígenes del debate sobre la justicia global

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    Peña Echeverría, Javier


    Full Text Available The notion of global justice and the theory of justice attached to it are new in the current moral and political philosophy. However, this paper aims to show that the present debate on global justice is partially based upon problems and concepts that had previously been an issue of reflection and controversy in the history of the philosophical and juridical thinking. In particular, it tries to be a reflection on the following three ideas: first, on a universal human community conceived of as a framework that coexists with the fact of being a member of particular political societies; second, on the distinctions between perfect and imperfect rights and duties, as well as between requirements of justice and beneficence; and finally, on justification, conditions, and limits for communication, trade and property among members of different political societies.

    La idea de una justicia global y el enfoque desde ese punto de vista de la teoría de la justicia son novedosos en la filosofía moral y política actual. Sin embargo, este artículo trata de mostrar que el debate actual sobre la justicia global se sustenta en parte sobre conceptos y problemas que fueron anteriormente objeto de reflexión y controversia en la historia del pensamiento filosófico y jurídico: la idea de una comunidad humana universal como marco de referencia que convive con la pertenencia a sociedades políticas particulares; la distinción entre derechos y deberes perfectos e imperfectos, así como entre exigencias de justicia y de beneficencia; y la justificación, condiciones y límites de la comunicación, el comercio y la propiedad entre miembros de distintas sociedades políticas.

  10. Let's Put "Debate" into "Presidential Debates." (United States)

    Benoit, William L.

    Presidential debates come in all shapes and sizes. The presence and length of opening statements and closing remarks, the opportunity and length of rebuttal, the nature of the questioner, and other factors have created a bewildering variety of formats. However, most scholars agree that these confrontations are not "really" debates but merely…

  11. Energies: the real debate; Energies: Le Vrai Debat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Concurrently to the National Debate on the energies, a real debate has been proposed by seven associations of the environment protection and improvement. This debate, international, proposes: a panorama of the stakes, a presentation of the nuclear as an energy source not necessary dangerous, the relation between climate and employment and the conditions of existence and development of a local energy policy. (A.L.B.)

  12. El centro del mundo para los gallegos


    Mandianes Castro, Manuel


    Estudio sobre la noción de espacio en Galicia. Se pretende demostrar que para los gallegos el universo tiene un centro, con diferentes niveles de aprehensión, alrededor del cual se organiza la comunidad. Para este trabajo se han realizado encuestas entre los habitantes de la región de la Limia (Orense) y los de Loureses. El trabajo se divide en tres apartados atendiendo a los distintos niveles de percepción del centro del mundo: "lareira" (hogar), "encrucillada" (encrucijada) y cementerio.

  13. Arte y Publicidad: Elementos para debate Art and Advertising: Issues for Debate

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    Alejandra Walzer


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan algunos elementos para el debate en torno a la relación entre publicidad y arte. Algunos autores han señalado que la publicidad es el arte en la era de la muerte del arte, sin embargo, discutiremos esta afirmación tomando como punto de anclaje la diferente lógica de estos dos campos de la producción imaginística y estética. Para ello nos centraremos en los fines, en los destinatarios y en la autoría, tanto en lo referido a las artes como a la publicidad.This article presents an advance for discussion about the relationship between advertising and art. Some authors have argued that advertising is an art in times when art has died. However, we will discuss this statement considering the logic of these two different fields, both image and aesthetic production. To that effect, we will focus on the purposes, addressees and authorship, all of them in regard to the arts and advertising.

  14. A debate about the merits of debate in nurse education. (United States)

    Hartin, Peter; Birks, Melanie; Bodak, Marie; Woods, Cindy; Hitchins, Marnie


    In this 'Issues for Debate' paper, the issue is debate. Today's nurses must be able to advocate, lead, and grow 'big ideas', as well as knowing their way around a patient's body and mind. This paper reports, partly, on a research study into the use of debate to develop clinical reasoning and thinking skills in nursing students. The study was conducted with first and third-year nursing students enrolled at an Australian regional university. Students were asked to comment on the effectiveness of debate as an educational strategy. We combine the results of this research study with literature and discussion into the educational uses of debate to put the argument that using debate in nursing education can be an effective way to foster the type of creative, intelligent, thoughtful and forward-thinking nurses needed in the modern healthcare system. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. A atualidade do marxismo para o debate ambiental

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    Antonio Inacio Andrioli


    Full Text Available

    Karl Marx contribuiu decisivamente para o progresso do debate sobre a relação entre economia e natureza, ao interpretar a acumulação capitalista através das suas contradições sociais, ao contrário da concepção clássica liberal, baseada restritamente nas limitações naturais. De acordo com as análises de Marx, a continuidade do modo de produção capitalista, orientado, prioritariamente, pela maximização dos lucros, conduz, tendencialmente, a uma crescente exploração, alienação e expropriação da força de trabalho, por um lado, e, por outro, à deteriorização da base de produção econômica, da fonte da riqueza, ou seja, da natureza. Como esse debate evoluiu no decorrer dos tempos? Qual é a atualidade do pensamento marxiano diante da crise ecológica mundial? É essa a abordagem do presente texto, que se insere no debate teórico e político da obra de Marx e do marxismo contemporâneo.

  16. La infracción adolescente a la ley penal en el centro del debate sobre seguridad pública en Uruguay

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    Carolina González-Laurino


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre el debate uruguayo de laseguridad pública centrado en la infracción penal juvenil, en el marco de la presentación de unproyecto que propone bajar la edad de imputabilidad penal de dieciocho a dieciséis años presentadaa plebiscito en 2014, y de las ambigüedades planteadas a nivel legislativo por la izquierda en elgobierno desde 2005, que se debate entre el discurso de la represión y el de la rehabilitación social.Asimismo se propone un debate acerca de la rehabilitación social en contextos de encierro.

  17. Los estudios musicales superiores y la encrucijada de la evaluación

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    Lilliana Alicia Chacón Solís


    Full Text Available Este artículo se origina a partir de la hipótesis de que los y las docentes de las carreras de música en instituciones de Educación Superior de Costa Rica experimentan incertidumbre en su labor como jurados de las pruebas de ejecución musical. Por un lado, la institución se rige por un sistema de evaluación sumativo que impone objetividad; y por otro, la subjetividad en la valoración de la ejecución musical es ineludible. Lo anterior resulta en una encrucijada que afecta las dinámicas de enseñanza y de aprendizaje. Para conocer sobre la evaluación de las pruebas con jurado en dicha institución, se realizaron cinco entrevistas a docentes y estudiantes, y diez cuestionarios a profesores. El análisis de las respuestas trata sobre tres temas principales: la esfera del contenido (¿qué evaluar?, ¿cómo se asigna la nota?, ¿qué rubros deben evaluarse en la prueba? y ¿qué características debe poseer el instrumento de evaluación?, la esfera de la organización (relacionada con la conformación y la función del jurado y el plano diacrónico (vinculado con la percepción de los cambios realizados con respecto a la forma de evaluar. This research stems from the hypothesis that faculty members of music careers at the national higher education institutions of Costa Rica, who participate as judges in musical performance tests are at a crossroads between the need for objectivity—imposed by the prevailing summative evaluation system—and the unavoidable subjectivity with which they assess the students’ musical performances. This causes uncertainty in the dynamics of teaching and learning. In order to learn about assessment of jury examinations, five interviews with teachers and students were conducted, and ten questionnaires to teachers were answered. The analysis of the responses relates to three main topics: content (what to evaluate?, how to assign the grades?, what items to evaluate?, and what the assessment tool should look like

  18. ¿Música vieja, música nueva? Procesos de cambio cultural en la práctica de las cuerdas tradicionales andinas de Colombia, transición al siglo XXI


    López Gil, Gustavo Adolfo


    Este trabajo recoge una reflexión acerca de la dinámica tradición-renovación en la práctica actual de las cuerdas andinas "colombianas"1 a partir de la experiencia investigativa, artística y pedagógica del autor. Desde los ejes "cambio cultural" y "música tradicional andina, políticas culturales" -Plan Nacional de Música para la Convivencia-PNMC, se aborda la encrucijada de una práctica musical que se debate como alternativa válida de expresión y respuesta efectiva a las necesidades y gustos ...

  19. Debat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brodersen, John


    DEBAT: Det er glædeligt, at flere debattører anerkender, at der sker overbehandling og overdiagnostik i sundhedsvæsnet. Næste skridt er, at branchen erkender medicinens mangler, skriver John Brodersen.......DEBAT: Det er glædeligt, at flere debattører anerkender, at der sker overbehandling og overdiagnostik i sundhedsvæsnet. Næste skridt er, at branchen erkender medicinens mangler, skriver John Brodersen....

  20. La infracción adolescente a la ley penal en el centro del debate sobre seguridad pública en Uruguay

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    Carolina González-Laurino, Uruguay


    Full Text Available (descriptivo Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre el debate uruguayo de la seguridad pública centrado en la infracción penal juvenil, en el marco de la presentación de un proyecto que propone bajar la edad de imputabilidad penal de dieciocho a dieciséis años presentada a plebiscito en 2014, y de las ambigüedades planteadas a nivel legislativo por la izquierda en el gobierno desde 2005, que se debate entre el discurso de la represión y el de la rehabilitación social. Asimismo se propone un debate acerca de la rehabilitación social en contextos de encierro.

  1. El matrimonio entre ciudadanos del mismo sexo: ¿Derecho fundamental u opción legislativa?


    Barrero Ortega, Abraham


    Como es sabido, la legalización del matrimonio entre ciudadanos del mismo sexo en 2005 suscitó en nuestro país uno de los debates constitucionales más trascendentes de los últimos años. La doctrina española se posicionó a favor y en contra de la constitucionalidad de la Ley 13/2005. Recientemente, la STC 198/2012 ha venido a zanjar el debate. El Tribunal Constitucional ha avalado la constitucionalidad del matrimonio homosexual, pero introduciendo matices y salvedades significativas en cuanto ...

  2. A Europa no Mundo Entre as Guerras 1919-1939


    Rollo, Maria Fernanda; Ribeiro, Maria Manuela Tavares; Pires, Ana Paula; Cunha, Alice; Valente, Isabel Maria Freitas


    O II Encontro A Europa no Mundo é dedicado ao estudo, análise, debate e interpretação das transformações políticas, económicas, sociais e culturais ocorridas na Europa durante o período entre guerras. Os textos compilados neste e-book correspondem a uma parte das comunicações apresentadas no Encontro, reflectem a investigação realizada e procuram constituir um ponto de partida para novas e mais aprofundadas reflexões.

  3. Public debate - radioactive wastes management; Debat public - gestion des dechets radioactifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Between September 2005 and January 2006 a national debate has been organized on the radioactive wastes management. This debate aimed to inform the public and to allow him to give his opinion. This document presents, the reasons of this debate, the operating, the synthesis of the results and technical documents to bring information in the domain of radioactive wastes management. (A.L.B.)

  4. La précarité : une catégorie d’analyse pertinente des enjeux de la norme d’emploi et des situations sociales « d’entre-deux »

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    Maryse Bresson


    Full Text Available Le présent article propose de prolonger le débat sur « La précarité » commencé dans la livraison de SociologieS mise en ligne le 27 septembre 2010. Il met en perspective les analyses d’Henri Eckert et Mircea Vultur, et propose une grille d’analyse de la précarité ou plus exactement, ici, des emplois dits « atypiques ». L’auteure invite à distinguer d’une part, les représentations sociales et les ressentis « subjectifs » des individus ; d’autre part, les processus économiques et sociaux associés aux transformations du marché du travail, afin de mieux articuler ensuite ces deux dimensions, en insistant sur l’enjeu de la norme d’emploi, et sur l’idée « d’entre-deux » proposée comme clé de lecture de la précarité.Precariousness: a pertinent analysis of the standard of employment issues and of "in-between" social situationsThis paper proposes to extend the debate on "Precariousness" started in SociologieS online on September 27, 2010. It puts into perspective analyses of Henry Eckert and Mircea Vultur, and offers an analysis of precariousness, or more precisely, here, jobs as "atypical". The author invites to distinguish, on the one hand, social representations and how individualsfeel subjectively the precariousness; on the other hand, economic and social processes associated to changes in the labour market, in order to better articulate these two dimensions, with particular emphasis on the issue of the standard of employment, and on the idea of "in-between" proposed as a key to reading the precariousness.¿Es la precariedad un concepto pertinente en lo que concierne la problemática del empleo y des situaciones sociales ambiguas?Este artículo es la continuación del debate sobe la precariedad publicado en la red en Sociologies el 27 septiembre de 2010. Pone en perspectiva los análisis de Henri Eckert y de Mircea Vultur y presenta un panel de análisis de la precariedad en particular de los

  5. El eclipse de los conceptos. Sobre el debate de la violencia rebelde/franquista

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    Jorge Marco


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza dos debates cen-trales en los estudios sobre la violencia rebel-de/franquista durante la Guerra Civil española y el franquismo: las tensiones conceptuales entre el exterminio y el programa de conversión forzosa en el marco de la intención aniquiladora de los perpetradores; y el debate sobre los efectos de la eugenesia franquista en la cons-trucción del “enemigo interno” y en la planifica-ción de la violencia. El autor reflexiona sobre diferentes marcos teóricos aplicados en España: genocidio, exterminio, limpieza política, etc.; y advierte de los peligros de ciertos excesos conceptuales.Palabras clave: genocidio, eugenesia, exterminio, Guerra Civil española, franquismo, violencia.________________Abstract: The article analyzes two central deba-tes in studies of rebel/francoist violence during the Spanish Civil War and the Franco dictator-ship: the conceptual tensions between extermi-nation and the forced conversion program within the framework of the perpetrators’ annihilating intentions; and the debate regar-ding the effects of Francoist eugenics in cons-tructing the "enemy" and planning violence. The author reflects on different theoretical fra-meworks applied in Spain: genocide, extermina-tion, political cleansing, etc.; and warns of the dangers of certain conceptual excesses.Keywords: Genocide, Eugenics, Extermi-nation, Spanish Civil War, Francoist Dictatorship, Violence.

  6. O canto da laicidade: Daniela Mercury e o debate sobre casamento civil igualitário no Brasil

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    Rafael da Silva Noleto

    Full Text Available Resumo A performance pública da cantora Daniela Mercury ao assumir (em 2013 um relacionamento conjugal com outra mulher é tomada como ponto de partida para a discussão sobre moralidades religiosas no contexto de debates acerca do casamento civil igualitário no Brasil contemporâneo. Pretende-se abordar a conflituosa inserção de moralidades religiosas em certos debates públicos sobre direitos, destacando a noção de “subjetivismo” como um valor estruturante da modernidade na produção de sujeitos autônomos em meio a diversas formações religiosas. O debate aqui contido também almeja destacar as tensões entre a formação católica de Daniela Mercury e seu pertencimento atual ao candomblé, problematizando questões sobre homoparentalidade à luz dos valores religiosos professados pela cantora.

  7. Financiar la segregación educativa: Un debate sobre la LOMCE desde una perspectiva crítica de género


    Venegas, Mar; Heras, Purificación


    La reforma educativa que ha supuesto la LOMCE desde su aprobación en diciembre de 2013 ha abierto importantes debates educativos y sociales sobre los cambios que supone con respecto a la LOE (2006), de entre los cuales cabe destacar la financiación con fondos públicos de las escuelas que segregan por sexo (single-sex). En este artículo empezamos analizando los cambios introducidos por la LOMCE desde una perspectiva crítica de género; a continuación, centramos el análisis en el debate sobre la...

  8. Fútbol, nacionalismo y xenofobia en México: debates en la prensa sobre los jugadores extranjeros y naturalizados, 1943-1945


    Carrillo Reveles, Veremundo


    Resumen: A partir de un debate en la prensa, se analizan las circunstancias que propiciaron la promulgación de un decreto presidencial, vigente entre 1945 y 2005, que restringía la participación de jugadores extranjeros y naturalizados en el balompié profesional de México. El fútbol, considerado como "arena pública", es el contexto con base en el cual se propone que en el fondo de la discusión sobre la restricción está la confrontación entre concepciones diversas sobre la pertenencia a la com...

  9. A public debate on nuclear? A first assessment of the two EPR and wastes debates organised by the Public Debate National Commission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a presentation of the organisation, the background and the participants of both debates (about the EPR and about nuclear wastes), this publication reports the conclusions published by those who organized these debates, extracts of interventions, work-group reports. These interventions, debates and work-groups were dealing with the industrial policy and the maintaining of abilities, the EPR safety. Other contributions are discussing the content of this kind of debates

  10. Exemelification of parliamentary debates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gielissen, T.; Marx, M.


    Parliamentary debates are an interesting domain to apply state-of-the-art information retrieval technology. Parliamentary debates are highly structured transcripts of meetings of politicians in parliament. These debates are an important part of the cultural heritage of countries; they are often free

  11. Reestructuración del sector agrario en Chile 1975-2010: entre el proteccionismo del Estado y el modelo económico neoliberal

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    Sandra Ríos-Núñez


    Full Text Available Entre 1975-2010, el modelo de desarrollo de la agricultura chilena ha sido un caso paradigmático de crecimiento basado en un cambio importante de las orientaciones productivas, donde se produce una reorientación hacia aquellas producciones no tradicionales para la exportación como motor de crecimiento económico. La reestructuración económica de mediados de los setenta impuso un modelo económico neoliberal donde se fomentaron aquellas actividades productivas que poseían capacidades para comercializar productos en los mercados internacionales. Especialmente se hace referencia a productos agrarios no tradicionales (sector frutícola y la industria forestal - madera y celulosa principalmente. El paradigma exportador chileno funcionó basado en un alto nivel de endeudamiento con bancos y una excesiva concentración en grandes poderes compradores (especialmente mercados estadounidenses. El modelo fue exitoso mientras las rentabilidades fueron altas y los costos eran controlados, sin embargo, en los últimos años los márgenes de rentabilidad han disminuido cuestionando la continuidad de este modelo agroexportador. En este sentido, el sector se encuentra en una importante encrucijada que exige replantear las bases bajo las cuales se ha sustentado. Esta investigación utiliza la Nueva economía política de la agricultura, los Regímenes Alimentarios y el Estructuralismo económico como herramientas teórico-metodológicas para analizar los procesos antes mencionados.

  12. El debate Santos – Zuluaga, el uso de formas y secuencias recurrentes como mecanismos lingüístico-discursivos

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    Bayter Henry Hernández


    Full Text Available Nos proponemos analizar los mecanismos lingüístico-discursivos movilizados por los dos candidatos a las últimas elecciones colombianas de 2014. Nuestro objetivo es poner de manifiesto las diferentes estructuras discursivas utilizadas por los dos candidatos durante el debate entre la primera y la segunda vuelta del 9 de junio de 2014.

  13. The public debate on CIGEO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document first indicates the two laws which govern the public debate on the storage of high activity and long life wastes. It reports the progress of this public debate which started with a statement of 45 associations committed in the protection of environment saying they will not participate to this debate. A first debate in Bures had to be very quickly stopped as these opponents irrupted into the room. The vision of these opponents is very briefly presented. The reaction of public debate organizers is indicated. The results of the debate are briefly discussed. It appears that the ethical aspect is often raised by the opponents and this document outlines that their reactions were mostly irrational. The major issues of the debate have been: risks related to water, hydrogen and earthquake, costs and financing, transport safety, the loss of geological resources, job creation, and governance. The various aspects of this public debate are commented and discussed

  14. Debates in Religious Education. The Debates in Subject Teaching Series (United States)

    Barnes, L. Philip, Ed.


    What are the key debates in Religious Education teaching today? "Debates in Religious Education" explores the major issues all RE teachers encounter in their daily professional lives. It encourages critical reflection and aims to stimulate both novice and experienced teachers to think more deeply about their practice, and link research…

  15. Vitalism and the Darwin Debate (United States)

    Henderson, James


    There are currently both scientific and public debates surrounding Darwinism. In the scientific debate, the details of evolution are in dispute, but not the central thesis of Darwin's theory; in the public debate, Darwinism itself is questioned. I concentrate on the public debate because of its direct impact on education in the United States. Some…

  16. Lecturas sobre la encrucijada entre género, TIC y videojuegos : Adriana Gil y Montse Vall-llovera (coordinadoras). Género, TIC y videojuegos


    Revista Argentina de Estudios de Juventud


    Género, Tic y videojuegos coordinado, por Adriana Gil y Montse Vall-llovera, viene a ocupar un lugar vacante en la indagación sobre las diferentes formas de apropiación de los videojuegos entre jóvenes y niños, y abre algunos interrogantes sobre los modos en que pensamos y abordamos las apropiaciones de las TICs en general. Centrándose en estos dispositivos lúdicos como "tecnologías de género" trabajan en forma medular las formas en que las modelaciones del género están inscriptas en tramas, ...

  17. El debate actual sobre la familia en la teoría social: ¿desaparición, transformación o profundización en una categoría antropológica básica?


    Ortiz-de-Landázuri, C. (Carlos)


    Donati ha justificado recientemente la posible compatibilidad entre las teorías de Lévi Strauss y Talcott Parsons respecto de la familia, sin aceptar las críticas que por este motivo formuló Foucault. Con este fin se reconstruye el debate actual entre siete autores contemporáneos sobre la familia.

  18. La Constitución ecuatoriana de 1961: el debate

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    Peter V. N. Henderson


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza el proceso de elaboración de la Constitución ecuatoriana de 1861, sus principales innovaciones y los debates que suscitó. Esta carta constitucional amplió el sufragio y modificó la estructura administrativa territorial, y sustituyó la división geográfica del Ecuador en departamentos por provincias. También revisa los impactos regionales que produjo la nueva estructura administrativa. Además, el estudio realiza una descripción de la coyuntura en que ascendió Gabriel García Moreno a la jefatura del Estado ecuatoriano y las discrepancias en torno a las libertades individuales, las políticas económicas y las relaciones entre la Iglesia y el Estado católico.

  19. Urbanismo e antiurbanismo no debate nacional

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    Full Text Available resumo Este trabalho aponta aspectos do debate em torno da construção da nação e da nacionalidade brasileiras, ao longo das primeiras décadas do século XX, na medida em que tais discussões envolvem temas relacionados ao urbanismo enquanto princípio e ao papel das cidades no país que se pretendia construir. Naquele momento, urbanismo se opunha a ruralismo, agrarismo e outras correntes de pensamento que viam com maus olhos os grandes centros urbanos. De maneira geral, as posições ideológicas em pauta na época debatiam-se entre termos contraditórios: de um lado, a aspiração do moderno, com suas referências urbanas, europeias e norte-americanas; de outro, a busca do caráter nacional brasileiro, em que predominariam elementos tradicionais e rurais. Urbanismo e antiurbanismo são elementos que podem ilustrar tais dilemas, evidenciando limites ideológicos presentes no momento da introdução da urbanística moderna no Brasil.

  20. Dictadura y memoria: El conflictivo contrapunto entre las memorias de la dictadura en Rosario

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    Gabriela Águila


    Full Text Available El artículo explora la relación entre la (o las memorias de la última dictadura militar (1976-83 y el impacto público y social de ciertas políticas de la memoria en la ciudad de Rosario, así como los debates desplegados en el espacio público y político local en estos últimos años respecto de la preservación de la memoria del periodo.The article explores the relations between memories of last military dictatorship (1976-83 and the public and social impact of some politics of memory in Rosario, Argentina. In this way, analyzes various debates development in recent years in public and politic space about preservation of memory of this period.


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    Gustavo Agüero


    Full Text Available É possível falar de objetividade no campo da moral? É possível sustentar uma forma de cognitivismo moral sem postular fatos ou propriedades morais? O conceito de objetividade, tradicionalmente pertencente aos jogos de linguagem das ciências naturais também está começando a ser proposto em linguagem moral com uma função igualmente importante: dar sentido ao discurso moral. Mas pode esta reivindicação se reconciliar como objetivo de defesa do pluralismo das sociedades democráticas contemporâneas? Estas questões norteadoras de nosso desenvolvimento são analisadas no contexto do debate entre Jürgen Habermas e Hilary Putnam.

  2. The Crisis in Policy Debate. (United States)

    Rowland, Robert C.; Deatherage, Scott


    Asserts that policy debate is declining, mainly because of incomprehensible argumentation and speaking. Claims that judges should intervene in the debate process to demand certain minimums of effective argument. Advocates the creation of a debate coach organization that would establish general norms for judging behavior. (MM)

  3. 11 CFR 110.13 - Candidate debates. (United States)


    ... debates include at least two candidates; and (2) The staging organization(s) does not structure the... PROHIBITIONS § 110.13 Candidate debates. (a) Staging organizations. (1) Nonprofit organizations described in 26..., subparts D and E. (b) Debate structure. The structure of debates staged in accordance with this section and...

  4. Benedetto Croce, entre Ética y Política

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    Francesc Morató i Pastor


    Full Text Available Recuperar la vertiente política del Idealismo Italiano, más allá de la imagen localista que lo ha rodeado, del cual es muestra una figura tan europea como Croce, singular teórico y político, presente en grandes debates desde la crisis finisecular del mar-xismo y la alternativa sindicalista hasta el fin de la segunda guerra, crítico siempre con un pensar tendente al olvido del carácter histórico de todo lo real, no menos que de la inevitable tensión entre lo bueno y lo útil, la economía y la política.

  5. Benedetto Croce, entre ética y política

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    Francesc Morató i Pastor


    Full Text Available Recuperar la vertiente política del Idealismo Italiano, más allá de la imagen localista que lo ha rodeado, del cual es muestra una figura tan europea como Croce, singular teórico y político, presente en grandes debates desde la crisis finisecular del marxismo y la alternativa sindicalista hasta el fin de la segunda guerra, crítico siempre con un pensar tendente al olvido del carácter histórico de todo lo real, no menos que de la inevitable tensión entre lo bueno y lo útil, la economía y la política.

  6. Argumentos para el debate sobre la legalización de la marihuana en México


    Sofía Hernández González; Julio Sotelo Morales


    La legalización de la marihuana en México ha generado intenso debate. La complejidad del fenómeno merece que se expongan detalladamente los puntos a favor y en contra de la legalización de una tercera sustancia adictiva aparte del alcohol y el tabaco. Entre los pros más relevantes se encuentran el control de comercialización, calidad y producción de la marihuana; y la posibilidad de incrementar el conocimiento epidemiológico y científico para mejorar la prevención de adiccio...

  7. Historia, memoria, pedagogía. Un debate que sigue abierto

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    Sebastián Vargas Álvarez


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como propósito reactivar el debate académico e investigativo en torno a las relaciones entre memoria, historia y pedagogía, teniendo en cuenta que se ha dado recientemente una renovación en el campo de la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la historia, pero que ha operado más en el plano teórico que en las prácticas educativas como tal. Así mismo, se socializa la experiencia de investigación en enseñanza/aprendizaje de la historia que un grupo de profesores de la Facultad de Educación de Uniminuto vienen realizando desde 2010 a partir del trabajo de campo en el Colegio El Salitre de Suba, Bogotá.


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    María Jimena Mantilla


    Full Text Available En este artículo me propongo recuperar algunos elementos del debate neurociencias-psicoanálisis para reflexionar acerca de en uno de los procesos de construcción de sentido propios de la modernidad: la división naturaleza/ sociedad. Siguiendo las reflexiones de Latour planteo que la construcción discursiva de las oposiciones psicoanálisis-neurociencias remite al trabajo de purificación propio de la modernidad mediante el cual se produce una línea divisoria entre la naturaleza y la sociedad. Sin embargo, las transformaciones biomédicas contemporáneas plantean nuevas visiones de la naturaleza y la biología abierta a la modificación tecnológica, borrando la distinción estricta entre lo social y lo natural. En esa línea, describo el impacto de los procesos de biologización en el campo psiquiátrico al tiempo que analizo como la noción de plasticidad cerebral no sólo se convierte en un articulador entre psicoanálisis y neurociencias sino que se trata de un término dinamizador de una biología que asume nuevas significaciones. 


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    Manuel Barahona Montero


    Full Text Available Desde Malthus el debate sobre las interrelaciones entre población y crecimiento económico han estado signadas por profundas discrepancias en cuanto al sentido e impacto de su acción recíproca de causa y efecto.Las preocupaciones de Malthus se centraron básicamente en el conflicto que él percibía entre el crecimiento de la población y el aumento de los bienes de subsistencia. En la etapa moderna, se ha tendido a visualizar el problema desde la óptica de las relaciones entre el crecimiento poblacional y el incremento del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB o el ingreso agregado por habitante.En el abordaje de estos asuntos, básicamente se han decantado dos posiciones. Una de corte poblacionista que al asumir la población como el principal recurso con que cuentan las sociedades para su desarrollo postula que el crecimiento demográfico incide favorablemente en el proceso de desarrollo. Alternativamente, surge un conjunto de interpretaciones que apuntan a que una disminución en el ritmo de crecimiento poblacional puede incidir de manera favorable en la economía y la reducción de los niveles de pobreza.

  10. Turismo em favelas: notas etnográficas sobre um debate em curso

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    Camila Moraes


    Full Text Available As favelas do Rio de Janeiro têm sido alvo de intensa visitação turística desde os anos 2000. Se antes esse turismo se concentrava na Rocinha, paradigmática favela turística, hoje expande-se para outras favelas da cidade, e tal expansão vem acompanhada da ampliação do debate sobre esse tipo específico de turismo. Neste artigo, analiso três eventos de disputa em torno do tema “turismo em favelas”, ocorridos entre 2014 e 2015: a série de debates “Fala Vidigal!”; o I Congresso de Turismo de Base Comunitária da Rocinha; e o Grupo de Trabalho (GT sobre Turismo em Favelas na Câmara dos Vereadores do Rio de Janeiro. Os três eventos se apresentaram como interessantes cenários para observação participante e análise dos discursos sobre turismo em favela, tanto por parte da academia, como também por parte de empreendedores externos, empreendedores locais, moradores de favelas e órgãos públicos.

  11. Public debate - radioactive wastes management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Between September 2005 and January 2006 a national debate has been organized on the radioactive wastes management. This debate aimed to inform the public and to allow him to give his opinion. This document presents, the reasons of this debate, the operating, the synthesis of the results and technical documents to bring information in the domain of radioactive wastes management. (A.L.B.)

  12. Psicanálise e neurociências: um mapa dos debates Psicoanálisis y neurociencias: un mapa de los debates Psychoanalysis and neurosciences: a map of the debates

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    Marcia Moraes Davidovich


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende apresentar um mapa panorâmico dos debates em torno da relação e da possível articulação entre a psicanálise e as neurociências. No campo psicanalítico são identificados três grupos principais, definidos a partir de seus pressupostos: (1 hibridação, (2 isolamento e (3 interlocução. O primeiro grupo entende ser necessária a construção de um campo híbrido, já que as neurociências poderiam fornecer à psicanálise fundamentos e instrumentos metodológicos e conceituais mais sólidos sobre o funcionamento psíquico. Esta proposta vem sendo desenvolvida com a fundação da neuropsicanálise. Já o segundo grupo, marcado fortemente pelo discurso lacaniano, é refratário a qualquer forma de articulação, por considerá-las todas epistemologicamente inviáveis, resultando necessariamente em uma submissão da psicanálise aos ditames cientificistas atuais. Por fim, o terceiro grupo entende ser a interlocução, sem a hierarquização dos modelos em jogo, fonte fértil para a formulação de novas hipóteses teóricas e para a revisão do edifício conceitual da psicanálise.Este artículo pretende presentar un mapa panorámico de los debates sobre la relación y la posible articulación entre Psicoanálisis e Neurociencias. En el campo psicoanalítico, son identificados tres grupos principales, definidos a partir de sus presuposiciones: (1 hibridismo, (2 aislamiento e (3 interlocución. El primer grupo entiende como necesaria la construcción de un campo híbrido, ya que las Neurociencias podrían suministrar a la Psicoanálisis fundamentos e instrumentos metodológicos y conceptuales más sólidos sobre el funcionamiento psíquico. A su vez el segundo grupo, marcado fuertemente por el discurso lacaniano, es refractario a cualquier forma de articulación por considerarla epistemológicamente inviable y resultando necesariamente en una sumisión de la psicoanálisis al dictamen cientificista actual. Por último

  13. Dictadura y memoria: El conflictivo contrapunto entre las memorias de la dictadura en Rosario

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    Gabriela Águila


    Full Text Available El artículo explora la relación entre la (o las memorias de la última dictadura militar (1976-83 y el impacto público y social de ciertas políticas de la memoria en la ciudad de Rosario, así como los debates desplegados en el espacio público y político local en estos últimos años respecto de la preservación de la memoria del periodo.

  14. Do controverso “chão da escola” às controvérsias da etnografia: aproximações entre antropologia e educação

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    Alexandre Barbosa Pereira

    Full Text Available Resumo: O artigo discute os dilemas da aproximação interdisciplinar entre antropologia e educação, a partir de duas perspectivas importantes: a etnografia e as práticas culturais juvenis. Aborda-se como a etnografia constitui um ponto controverso de diálogo. Discute também a incontornável e clássica discussão sobre as noções de juventude e de fases da vida, que tem propiciado um debate bastante profícuo, agregando pesquisas que se situam entre a antropologia e a educação. Conclui-se, assim, que a antropologia pode contribuir para o debate público sobre a educação e as diferenças no mundo contemporâneo, mas, para isso, precisa aproximar-se mais do contexto educacional e escolar.

  15. Emocionalidad y moralidad en el debate sobre la clonación humana

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    Santiago Gabriel Calise


    Full Text Available El artículo que se presenta a continuación está dedicado al análisis de las emociones desplegadas en el debate bioético en torno del tema de la clonación humana. Al igual que respecto de otras innovaciones científicas que generan polémica, las posiciones suelen tender hacia el miedo o la esperanza. Aquí, a través de los conceptos de P. Livet, se pondrá el acento en el análisis de la relación entre las emociones desplegadas, los valores que estas emociones revelan y el proceso de revisión de las últimas. También será esencial analizar si realmente existe coherencia entre las emociones expresadas y los valores defendidos (identidad, dignidad, etc.. Ante su falta, se hablará, como señala Ogien, de pánico moral, situación en la cual, la puesta en escena de grandes reglas morales universales y de profundos sentimientos de indignación, esconde el rechazo a ir al fondo de las propias razones morales, por miedo a tener que admitir que los propios prejuicios se encuentran infundados.

  16. Violência institucional e humanização em saúde: apontamentos para o debate

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    Yuri Nishijima Azeredo

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente trabalho parte das políticas de humanização e seu debate acadêmico para refletir sobre a violência institucional na saúde. Tendo por base pesquisa sobre as publicações científicas na Saúde Coletiva, constata-se que nesse debate a violência que se identifica nas relações entre profissionais e usuários, núcleo das indagações na temática da humanização, é concebida como um excessivo poder no uso da autoridade profissional, sendo esta pouco discutida. Apresentando as reflexões de Hannah Arendt como um novo aporte teórico acerca dos conceitos de ‘autoridade’, ‘poder’ e ‘violência’, objetiva-se distinguir e repensar esses fenômenos. Conjugando essas reflexões com a história da institucionalização da saúde no Brasil, em especial as mudanças no trabalho médico durante o século XX, concluímos que o problema da violência institucional na saúde não se fundamenta em um excesso de autoridade e poder dos profissionais, mas no seu contrário: quando a autoridade profissional se esvazia e as relações entre os homens não se dão através das relações de poder é que está aberto o espaço para o fenômeno da violência.

  17. The Great Mini-Debate (United States)

    Benucci, Heather


    Debates remain popular in English language courses, and this activity gives students a low-stress opportunity to develop their speaking debating skills. This lesson plan is appropriate for upper intermediate or advanced students. Goals of the activity are to present an oral argument using evidence and use functional language related to agreeing,…

  18. Moving beyond the GM debate.

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    Ottoline Leyser


    Full Text Available Once again, there are calls to reopen the debate on genetically modified (GM crops. I find these calls frustrating and unnecessarily decisive. In my opinion the GM debate, on both sides, continues to hamper the urgent need to address the diverse and pressing challenges of global food security and environmental sustainability. The destructive power of the debate comes from its conflation of unrelated issues, coupled with deeply rooted misconceptions of the nature of agriculture.

  19. Editorial: La guerra y el progreso médico

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    Francisco Gnecco Mozo


    Quienes atribuyen a la guerra una influencia directa en el conocimiento de las localizaciones cerebrales y de la fisiología nerviosa en general, no se dan cuenta de que el camino de las balas por entre la encrucijada nerviosa del cerebro o la medula no merecía ser seguido por el ojo estudioso en más de tres ocasiones para cada trayectoria, y la criminalidad ordinaria de los países en paz daba de sí más que suficiente material para estos estudios. ¡Qué cruel inutilidad la de millones de cráneos destrozados por la metralla desde el punto de vista de la experimentación fisiológica!

  20. Affective Learning and the Classroom Debate (United States)

    Jagger, Suzy


    A commonly used teaching method to promote student engagement is the classroom debate. This study evaluates how affective characteristics, as defined in Bloom's taxonomy, were stimulated during debates that took place on a professional ethics module for first year computing undergraduates. The debates led to lively interactive group discussions…

  1. Raciocínio científico e probabilidade: uma comparação entre o bayesianismo e a estatística do erro

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    Agnaldo Cuoco Portugal


    Full Text Available   O artigo apresenta os principais elementos de dois enfoques alternativos para o uso do cálculo de probabilidades na análise do raciocínio científico: o bayesianismo e a estatística do erro. O debate entre essas correntes é um dos mais relevantes da filosofia da ciência contemporânea e constitui uma continuação do conhecido debate entre Popper e Kuhn. São apresentadas explicações do bayesianismo que outros enfoques têm dificuldade em justificar, especialmente o paradoxo dos corvos. Não obstante seus pontos positivos, o enfoque bayesiano não está imune a críticas, como a de que não soluciona adequadamente o problema de Duhem. A estatística do erro, em particular, propõe a aplicação de métodos estatísticos e do cálculo de probabilidades para explicar o raciocínio científico de forma radicalmente distinta do bayesianismo. Com isso, o debate iniciado por Popper e Kuhn tem uma continuação em termos probabilísticos e está longe de concluído.

  2. Por dentro do debate Piaget-Wallon: o desenrolar da controvérsia sobre a origem e desenvolvimento do pensamento simbólico


    Dener Luiz da Silva


    O debate entre dois teóricos de grande relevância para a história da Psicologia da Educação Henri Wallon (1879-1962) e Jean Piaget (1896-1980) - é examinado, buscando identificar suas controvérsias e situá-las em seus respectivos contextos históricos e científicos no período entre 1920 e 1960, no qual ambos os autores disputavam a hegemonia no campo de conhecimento da Psicologia Genética francófona. Atenção especial é dada à controvérsia sobre a origem e formação da função simbólica, tendo e...

  3. 11 CFR 100.154 - Candidate debates. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Candidate debates. 100.154 Section 100.154 Federal Elections FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION GENERAL SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS (2 U.S.C. 431) Exceptions to Expenditures § 100.154 Candidate debates. Funds used to defray costs incurred in staging candidate debates in...

  4. 11 CFR 100.92 - Candidate debates. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Candidate debates. 100.92 Section 100.92 Federal Elections FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION GENERAL SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS (2 U.S.C. 431) Exceptions to Contributions § 100.92 Candidate debates. Funds provided to defray costs incurred in staging candidate debates...

  5. As origens da discussão do componente social da democracia brasileira: a querela entre Rui Barbosa e Oliveira Vianna Origins of the debate on the social component in brazilian democracy: the controversy between Rui Barbosa and Oliveira Vianna

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    Letícia Godinho de Souza


    Full Text Available Este trabalho recupera a polêmica entre Rui Barbosa e Oliveira Vianna, na origem do debate, no pensamento brasileiro relativo à dimensão social da democracia. Antecede a substituição de um regime político liberal, defendido por Rui Barbosa, por um modelo corporativo, instituidor de direitos sociais, sustentado por Oliveira Vianna. Esses intelectuais revelaram-se “porta-vozes” das representações da sociedade sobre o tema, criando uma cultura política em que ainda são defi nidos os termos desse debate no Brasil. A concepção individualista de Barbosa propõe um regime político baseado no mecanismo das instituições “eletivas” clássicas da democracia representativa. O esforço intelectual de Vianna apresenta um modelo alternativo, enraizado na “realidade social”, cuja conseqüência histórica resulta na instalação de um Estado centralizado e corporativo. Destacamos a necessidade de uma síntese que conjugue ambas as dimensões: a liberal, comprometida com a proteção das liberdades civis e políticas; e a tradição “corporativa”, empenhada no aprofundamento dos direitos sociais. Palavras-chave: Rui Barbosa. Oliveira Vianna. Liberalismo. Corporativismo. Democracia. Cidadania. Origins of the debate on the social component in brazilian democracy: the controversy between Rui Barbosa and Oliveira Vianna This article deals with the controversy between Rui Barbosa and Oliveira Vianna, which lays on the basis of the debate about the social dimension of democracy in Brazilian political thinking. It anticipates the substitution of the liberal regime – sustained by Rui Barbosa – by a corporative one – advocated by Oliveira Vianna. These thinkers appear as representative of the different opinions harbored within the society about this question, creating a political culture that still nowadays establishes the terms of the debate. The individualist view of Barbosa proposes a political regime based on the

  6. Book review: The Wilderness Debate Rages On: Continuing the Great New Wilderness Debate (United States)

    Peter Landres


    The Wilderness Debate Rages On is a collection of mostly previously published papers about the meaning, value, and role of wilderness and continues the discussion that was propelled by the editors' previous book The Great New Wilderness Debate (also a collection of papers) published in 1998. The editors state that this sequel to their previous book is mandated...

  7. La universidad colombiana, ¿opción agotada?

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    César Humberto Arias Pabón


    Full Text Available El propósito de este opúsculo es plantear algunas reflexiones acerca de la encrucijada en que se encuentra la universidad. Encrucijada que va más allá de la simple polaridad universidad investigativa – universidad profesionalizante. El autor tiene la intención de llamar la atención sobre alternativas diferentes para abordar el problema, que permitan que la razón de ser de la universidad se dignifique y fortalezca.

  8. Speech and Debate as Civic Education (United States)

    Hogan, J. Michael; Kurr, Jeffrey A.; Johnson, Jeremy D.; Bergmaier, Michael J.


    In light of the U.S. Senate's designation of March 15, 2016 as "National Speech and Debate Education Day" (S. Res. 398, 2016), it only seems fitting that "Communication Education" devote a special section to the role of speech and debate in civic education. Speech and debate have been at the heart of the communication…

  9. The Power of In-Class Debates (United States)

    Kennedy, Ruth R.


    The students in three sections of a class rated their knowledge and identified their view before and after each of five in-class debates. The degree of self-reported knowledge was significantly different after four of the five debates. Between 31% and 58% of participants changed their views after participating in or observing each debate. Some…

  10. El debate debe continuar. Jesús A. Bejarano y la enseñanza de la economía The debate must go on. Bejarano and the teaching of economics

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    Kalmanovitz Salomón


    Full Text Available Este ensayo recoge la participación de Jesus Antonio Bejarano en los debates que se dieron en torno a la enseñanza de la economía en el país entre 1980 y el presente. Figuran el problema del currículo sus contenídos y secuencia, el papel que debe jugar el lenguaje, la lectura de fuentes o de manuales, la formalización matematica y la misma pedagogia. Es tambIén una reminiscencia sobre la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional y un somero analisis de la Universidad como institución. La pregunta que se hace al final es ¿hacia donde va la Facultad?This essay covers Bejarano' s participation in debates on the teaching of economics in Colombia from 1980 to the present time. Among the issues raised are curricular design, their contents and sequence, the role of language, the use of primary sources in economic theory versus textbooks, mathematical formalization and pedagogy itself. It is also a personal memoir of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Universidad Nacional, and includes a summary analysis of the University as an institution. The essay ends with the question: whither the Faculty?

  11. Encuentros entre la India y Occidente en el mundo antiguo

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    María Teresa Román López


    Full Text Available Hay diversos testimonios sobre relaciones comerciales y culturales que, mucho antes de la caída de Babilonia y hasta el siglo vi de nuestra Era, tenían lugar entre el Próximo Oriente y Occidente, por un lado, y la India por otro. La expedición de Alejandro Magno en la India dio lugar no sólo a contactos militares, sino a debates filosófico-religiosos. Se halla una descripción casi completa de la flora en los autores griegos, y no es posible ignorar el arte grecobúdico que floreció después de la muerte de Alejandro en los reinos helénicos de la frontera. Está demostrado que misioneros budistas fueron enviados por el emperador Ashoka a Siria, Egipto, IVIacedonia, etc. En la época del Imperio romano las relaciones entre la India y el mundo occidental fueron muy frecuentes.There are several testimonies about comercial and cultural relationships that, after the falling of Babilonia and unta the VI century of our edge, were made between next Orient and Occident in one side, and India on the other side. The expedition of Alexander the Great to India made, note only military relations but philosophie and religious debates. It has been found a mostly complete description of the Flora on the greek authors, and it's not posible to ignore the grecobudie art that bloomed after Alexander death at the Helenio Kingdoms on the border. It's preved that budist missioners were send by the Ashoka emperor to Siria, Egipt, Macedonie, etc. On the Román Empire edge the relationships between India and the Occident worid were so frecuent.

  12. Debate sobre a teoria dos blocos semânticos e a semântica do acontecimento: quase-bloco, locutor-posição e espaço de enunciação = Debate on the theory of semantic blocks and semantic of event: quasi-block, speaker-position and space of enunciation

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    Carel, Marion


    Full Text Available O projeto deste debate objetivou estabelecer um (raro momento de reflexão sobre alguns temas caros à Linguística no Brasil segundo a óptica da teoria francesa intitulada Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos (TBS. Fundada em 1992 pela Dra. Marion Carel, a TBS é considerada a versão mais radical da teoria antes chamada Teoria da Argumentação na Língua, desenvolvida inicialmente por Jean-Claude Anscombre e Oswald Ducrot. Este debate tomou profundidade teórica rica e inédita, e devido à condição técnica dos temas abordados, bem como ao modo teórico das questões e respostas, a discussão ganhou cunho particular, motivo pelo qual demos um nome para este debate, que bem lhe sumariasse no rol das pesquisas sobre a TBS. Esperamos, assim, traçar um diálogo, no sentido acadêmico bem positivo desta palavra, entre os modos de raciocínio francês e brasileiro, no quadro que aqui dispomos, e esperar boas continuidades a partir deste debate

  13. A disputa entre o Papa Bonifácio VIII e o Rei Filipe IV no final do século XIII

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    Strefling, Sérgio Ricardo


    Full Text Available A questão das relações entre Igreja e Estado provocou debates prolongados e acesos, principalmente durante a idade média, no momento em que a igreja, dotada de um domínio próprio temporal, encontrava-se em convívio com o Sacro Império Romano que abraçava os mesmos súditos e apoiava-se sobre bases jurídicas derivadas do Cristianismo. Sob tal situação ainda era possível manter uma diferenciação entre estado e Igreja? No presente estudo, apresentaremos a polêmica causada pela teoria do Papa Bonifácio VIII no conflito com o Rei Filipe, o Belo. Daí surgem três documentos importantes, entre eles, a Bula Unam Sanctam

  14. Interfaces entre a Pedagogia do Teatro e os Estudos da Performance

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    Luciana Hartmann


    Full Text Available texto propõe o debate sobre pontos de contato entre a nova terminologia utilizada nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem em teatro, a Pedagogia do Teatro, e os Estudos da Performance. Partindo de uma análise dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN Arte I e II e das perspectivas histórico-críticas trazidas por alguns dos principais pesquisadores brasileiros que tem se dedicado ao tema, busca-se, ao longo do texto, refletir sobre as contribuições que os Estudos da Performance podem trazer para o desenvolvimento do campo da Pedagogia do Teatro.

  15. Exploring the compassion deficit debate. (United States)

    Stenhouse, Rosie; Ion, Robin; Roxburgh, Michelle; Devitt, Patric Ffrench; Smith, Stephen D M


    Several recent high profile failures in the UK health care system have promoted strong debate on compassion and care in nursing. A number of papers articulating a range of positions within this debate have been published in this journal over the past two and a half years. These articulate a diverse range of theoretical perspectives and have been drawn together here in an attempt to bring some coherence to the debate and provide an overview of the key arguments and positions taken by those involved. In doing this we invite the reader to consider their own position in relation to the issues raised and to consider the impact of this for their own practice. Finally the paper offers some sense of how individual practitioners might use their understanding of the debates to ensure delivery of good nursing care. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem na formação profissional em saúde: debates atuais Active teaching-learning methodologies in health education: current debates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Minardi Mitre


    Full Text Available As vertiginosas transformações das sociedades contemporâneas têm colocado em questão, de modo cada vez mais incisivo, os aspectos relativos à formação profissional. Este debate ganha contornos próprios no trabalho em saúde, na medida em que a indissociabilidade entre teoria e prática, o desenvolvimento de uma visão integral do homem e a ampliação da concepção de cuidado tornam-se prementes para o adequado desempenho laboral. Com base nestas considerações, o objetivo do presente artigo é discutir as principais transformações metodológicas no processo de formação dos profissionais de saúde, com ênfase na apreciação das metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem.The vertiginous transformations of the contemporary societies have been raising questions concerning aspects of professional education. Such questions have been raised in a more and more incisive way. This debate gains a new shape when applied to health work, where theory and practice cannot be dissociated, and where the development of an integral vision of the human being and the amplification of the concept care are essential for a proper performance. Based on these considerations, this article aims to discuss the main methodological transformations in the education process of health professionals, with emphasis to active teaching-learning methodologies.

  17. Compatibilidad o conflicto entre objetivos sociales y financieros de las microfinanzas: debates teóricos y evidencia empírica

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    Jorge Gutiérrez-Goiria


    Full Text Available Las microfinanzas representan un sector en crecimiento, que no está exento de cuestionamientos. Los efectos de estas prácticas, así como los posibles conflictos entre los objetivos sociales y financieros, son cuestiones aún debatidas que precisan profundización. El artículo parte de los análisis teóricos y empíricos, que abordan diferentes aspectos sobre las Instituciones Microfinancieras y su operativa. En el sector conviven los enfoques orientados a las necesidades de desarrollo y sociales, junto a otros más cercanos a la economía financiera y a la ampliación de la base del sistema financiero. Las posibles tensiones entre estas visiones, que podrían por ejemplo plantear problemas para trabajar atendiendo a los más pobres de forma sostenible, se sitúan como una preocupación clave. En este marco, partiendo de un profundo análisis teórico y bibliográfico, se realiza un estudio cuantitativo a partir de una amplia base de datos, que abarca más de 1.000 instituciones microfinancieras, tratadas con un Análisis de Componentes Principales. Además de arrojar luz sobre otras cuestiones, el artículo concluye que no existe una contradicción insoslayable entre la búsqueda de una mayor proyección social de las Instituciones Microfinancieras y su propia solvencia financiera, mostrando que, en la práctica, ambas cuestiones pueden ser compatibles y complementarias.

  18. El debate en torno a la regulación de la igualdad de género en la familia El debate en torno a la regulación de la igualdad de género en la familia

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    Victoria Gómez


    Full Text Available Family encapsulates some of the most prominent dimensions of gender equality since it is a main field of sharing life. The purpose of this paper is to briefly present some of these relevant questions in the context of the Spanish society at present. With a backdrop of a very rapid social change, this paper focuses on innovative new laws and consequent debates, paying attention to: (a the limits of conciliation of employment and family life and the specific problems which Spanish women are facing nowadays, (b equality after divorce, (c new governmental measures against gender violence and subsequent criticism by feminists in favour of less punitive and more constructive rules, and finally (d how homosexual marriage potentially comprises new theoretical ways of looking at gender equality.Como espacio de convivencia por excelencia, la familia engloba la mayor parte de las posibles dimensiones de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres. El artículo, centrado en algunas de las cuestiones que en la actualidad asociamos con igualdad de género en el contexto familiar, realiza un cierto recorrido por la nueva normativa legal y los temas que muestran especial trascendencia en España en el momento presente: las limitaciones de la conciliación entre familia y empleo, la igualdad tras el divorcio, el debate suscitado en el movimiento feminista en torno a las medidas contra la violencia de género y, finalmente, las opciones de innovación y ruptura que brinda el matrimonio homosexual en el contexto de la igualdad de género.

  19. Teaching Speaking Through Debate Technique

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    . Suranto


    Full Text Available Abstract : Teaching Speaking Through Debate Technique. Speaking is one of the basic competence from the other fourth basic competence (listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking ability should be mastered by every students, in order to achieve that competence students should be given the right technique to study sepaking. The successfull of the students speaking can be seen from their ability to express idea, thought and feeling through speaking. The objective of this Action Research is to improve students’s oral communication skill through the debate technique. This study was conducted at MA Ma’arif Nu 5 Sekampung Lampung Timur from March to April 2014. The research data were taken from students in the eleventh class, with 28 students and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The research findings indicate that there are improvements in students’ english speaking skill through the debate technique. By analyzing data qualitatively and quantitatively from the end of the first cycle to the second cycle and it was found that the students’ English speaking skill increased 20,9% over the standard that has been determined by the researcher that is 65%. The researcher concludes that the students’ english speaking skill can be improve through the debate technique in learning process.   Key words : action research, debate technique, english speaking skill

  20. The Debate. (United States)

    Current Issues in Language and Society, 1997


    The transcript of a debate within a group of specialists in translation is presented. The discussion addresses: translator "visibility" in translations and reader reception; the relationship of functionalism in translation, comparative linguistics, and intercultural communication; the client's power; literary translation; the…

  1. Quem sou eu para discordar de um ministro do STF? O ensino do direito entre argumento de autoridade e livre debate de ideias Who am I to disagree with a supreme court justice? Legal education between argument from authority and free debate of ideas

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    Virgílio Afonso da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo narrar uma experiência concreta com aulas participativas. O que se pretende é, entre outras coisas, demonstrar que nem sempre são necessárias reformulações radicais na metodologia do ensino jurídico para que resultados positivos sejam alcançados. Algumas das formas tradicionais de ensino - no caso em questão, os seminários - às vezes não produzem os efeitos desejados, por deficiências no planejamento ou por reproduzirem vícios do ensino jurídico, como: Ensino não participativo; foco no argumento de autoridade; muita exposição e pouco debate; falta de incentivo a posturas críticas etc. A reprodução desses vícios, aliada ao fato de que, nos seminários, muitas vezes o professor está ausente, parece-nos ser a causa da percepção generalizada de que aulas de seminários são uma forma menos importante de aprendizado. Nossa experiência tem demonstrado que esse cenário pode ser muito diferente, se alguns cuidados forem tomados.The aim of this paper is to narrate an experience with participative classes. We argue that radical changes in the current methods of legal education are not always necessary in order to achieve positive outcomes. Sometimes the participative methods already used in brazilian legal education - we focus on seminars - fail to lead to good results either due to deficiencies in planning, or because they tend to replicate the most common problems associated with non-participative methods, such as: Focusing on arguments from authority; excess of lecturing and lack of debate; lack of incentive to critical attitudes, among many others. The replication of these problems, combined with the recurrent absence of the professor responsible for the course, seems to us to be the main cause of the widespread perception that seminars are a method of learning of minor importance. our experience, however, has shown that this scenario may change significantly if due care is exercised.

  2. Entre/Plantas


    Montoro Coso, Ricardo; Sonntag, Franca Alexandra


    La palabra Inter-és proviene etimológicamente de las palabras latinas inter y esse; y significa “lo que está-entre dos o más personas, o sea lo que las une pero también las separa”. Los prefijos inter- y entre-, en la mayor parte de los casos, describen estados o acciones ambiguas de los términos que preceden. De esta operación aditiva surgen maclas de vocablos; el inter-sticio como la “hendidura o espacio que media entre dos cuerpos o entre dos partes de un mismo cuerpo”; y así sucesivamente...

  3. Debate preparation/participation: an active, effective learning tool. (United States)

    Koklanaris, Nikki; MacKenzie, Andrew P; Fino, M Elizabeth; Arslan, Alan A; Seubert, David E


    Passive educational techniques (such as lectures) are thought to be less productive than active learning. We examined whether preparing for and participating in a debate would be an effective, active way to learn about a controversial topic. We compared quiz performance in residents who attended a lecture to residents who prepared for/participated in a debate. Twelve residents each participated in one lecture session and one debate session. Learning was evaluated via a quiz. Quizzes were given twice: before the debate/lecture and 1 week after the debate/lecture. Quiz scores were compared using repeated measures analysis of variance, with a p value of debating was given to all participants. There was a statistically significant difference in the pretest mean quiz score between the debate and lecture groups: 78.3% and 52.5%, respectively (p = .02). Similarly, on posttest quizzes, the average debater scored 85.8%, versus 61.7% for the lecture group (p = .003). Although no one in the debate group scored lower on a follow-up quiz, 3 residents in the lecture group did worse on follow-up. When learning about a controversial topic, residents who prepared for/participated in a debate achieved higher quiz scores and were better at retaining information than those who attended a lecture. When faced with teaching a controversial topic, organizing a debate may be more effective than giving a lecture.

  4. The Artilect Debate (United States)

    de Garis, Hugo; Halioris, Sam

    Twenty-first-century technologies will allow the creation of massively intelligent machines, many trillions of times as smart, fast, and durable as humans. Issues concerning industrial, consumer, and military applications of mobile autonomous robots, cyborgs, and computer-based AI systems could divisively split humanity into ideological camps regarding whether "artilects" (artificial intellects) should be built or not. The artilect debate, unlike any before it, could dominate the 21st-century political landscape, and has the potential to cause conflict on a global scale. Research is needed to inform policy and individual decisions; and healthy debate should be initiated now to prepare institutions and individuals alike for the impact of AI.

  5. Green grabbing debate and Madagascar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Casse, Thorkil; Razafy, Fara Lala; Wurtzebach, Zachary


    and capitalise natural assets. First, to provide some context on the green grabbing debate, we discuss the trade-offs between conservation and development objectives. In addition, we refer briefly to the broader land grabbing debate of which green grabbing is a sub-component. Second, we question the theoretical...

  6. Student Pressure Subject of Debate (United States)

    Gewertz, Catherine


    This article discusses student pressure as a subject of debate. The latest debate about schoolwork is being fueled by three recent books: "The Homework Myth" by Alfie Kohn, "The Case Against Homework" by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish, and "The Overachievers", by Alexandra Robbins, which depicts overextended high…

  7. Origem e ascensão do debate sobre o capital internacional na formação econômica brasileira (1889-1964 Origin and rise of the debate about international capital in the Brazilian economic formation (1889-1964

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    Alexandre Macchione Saes


    Full Text Available O artigo discute a origem e a ascensão do debate intelectual sobre o capital internacional na formação econômica brasileira, entre o início do período republicano e a eclosão do golpe militar em 1964. Esse período divide-se em “origem”, do final do século XIX a 1930, e “ascensão”, do Governo Vargas ao início do regime ditatorial em 1964. O primeiro momento situa os debates embrionários à problemática da atuação do capital estrangeiro que suscitaram as primeiras manifestações nacionalistas. A partir da Revolução de 1930, os governos se voltaram para a industrialização, mas tal estratégia jamais se mostrou plenamente autônoma à utilização de recursos externos. Nesse contexto histórico que, os pensadores brasileiros nos anos 50 e 60 passaram a debater sobre a questão do capital estrangeiro versus capital nacional naquele padrão de desenvolvimento que se consolidava. Palavras-chave: Capital internacional. Vias de desenvolvimento. Debate intelectual. The article discusses the origin and rise of the debate about international capital in the Brazilian economic formation, between the inception of the Republican period and the launch of 1964 coup d’etat. This period is divided into “origin”, from the last decade of 19th century to 1930, and “rise”, from the Vargas government to the military government in 1964. The first moment shows the preliminary debates arising from issues regarding the foreign capital dynamic that promoted the initial nationalistic manifestations. As of the 1930 revolution, governments invested in industrialization, but this strategy was never fully autonomous from the utilization of foreign resources. Within in this historical context, Brazilian intellectuals in the 50’s and 60’s started to discuss the foreign versus national capital issues in that new development pattern that was being setting across the country. Keywords: International capital. Ways of

  8. Infoentretenimiento periodístico en la cobertura de las elecciones. El caso de los debates presidenciales

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    Martín Echeverría


    Full Text Available La cobertura periodística de las elecciones se centra cada vez más en conflictos, escándalos, acontecimientos chuscos o cobertura de “carrera de caballos”, fenómeno identificado con el término infoentretenimiento, lo que va en detrimento de la sustancia de las elecciones, esto es, las propuestas y perfiles de liderazgo de candidatos. Para determinar el alcance de estas tendencias en la prensa mexicana, tomamos como caso de estudio la cobertura de los debates presidenciales de 2012, eventos ricos en contenido político de gran utilidad cívica, y realizamos un análisis de contenido de cinco periódicos nacionales midiendo los encuadres vinculados con el infoentretenimiento (N=290 notas. Encontramos que la cobertura estuvo centrada en encuadres de conflicto entre actores y de evaluación de desempeño del evento, reproduciendo de manera marginal las posiciones y perfiles de los candidatos. Consecuentemente dicho tratamiento desaprovecha el potencial de formación cívica de los debates, tan significativo para la democracia.

  9. The Danish Biofuel Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Janus


    of biofuels enrol scientific authority to support their positions? The sociological theory of functional differentiation combined with the concept of advocacy coalition can help in exploring this relationship between scientific claims-making and the policy stance of different actors in public debates about...... biofuels. In Denmark two distinct scientific perspectives about biofuels map onto the policy debates through articulation by two competing advocacy coalitions. One is a reductionist biorefinery perspective originating in biochemistry and neighbouring disciplines. This perspective works upwards from...

  10. Cholesterol: the debate should be terminated. (United States)

    Nathan, David G


    Here, I offer personal perspectives on cholesterol homeostasis that reflect my belief that certain aspects of the debate have been overstated.-Nathan, D. G. Cholesterol: the debate should be terminated. © FASEB.

  11. MO-FG-BRB-01: Debater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bayouth, J.


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  12. MO-FG-BRB-03: Debater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herman, M.


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  13. MO-FG-BRB-04: Debater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seibert, J.


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  14. MO-FG-BRB-02: Debater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazle, J.


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  15. Literacy as Social Action in City Debate (United States)

    Cridland-Hughes, Susan


    This study examines critical literacy and the intersections of oral, aural, written, and performative literate practices in City Debate, an afterschool program dedicated to providing debate instruction to students in a major Southeastern city. Previous research into definitions and beliefs about literacy in an urban debate program over its twenty…

  16. Consciousness operationalized, a debate realigned. (United States)

    Carruthers, Peter; Veillet, Bénédicte


    This paper revisits the debate about cognitive phenomenology. It elaborates, defends, and improves on our earlier proposal for resolving that debate, according to which the test for irreducible phenomenology is the presence of explanatory gaps. After showing how proposals like ours have been misunderstood or misused by others, we deploy our operationalization to argue that the correct way to align the debate over cognitive phenomenology is not between sensory and (alleged) cognitive phenomenology, but rather between non-conceptual and (alleged) conceptual or propositional phenomenology. In doing so we defend three varieties of non-sensory (amodal) 1 non-conceptual phenomenology: valence, a sense of approximate number, and a sense of elapsed time. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Transversal Lines of the Debates

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    Yolanda Onghena


    Full Text Available The Transversal Lines of the Debates gathers for publication the presentations of the scholars invited to the seminar. In the papers, Yolanda Onghena observes that the evolution from the cultural to the inter-cultural travels along four axes: the relations between cultureand society; the processes of change within identity-based dynamics; the representations of the Other; and, interculturality. Throughout the presentations and subsequent debates, whenever the different participants referred to aspects of the cultural identity problematic--”angst”, “obsession”, “deficit”, manipulation”, and others, these same participants in the Transversal Lines of the Debates also showed that, in certain areas, an optimistic viewpoint is not out of the question.

  18. Online debates to enhance critical thinking in pharmacotherapy. (United States)

    Charrois, Theresa L; Appleton, Michelle


    To assess the impact of teaching strategies on the complexity and structure of students' arguments and type of informal reasoning used in arguments. Students were given an introduction to argumentation followed by 2 formal debates, with feedback provided in between. Four debate groups were randomly selected for evaluation. In debate 1, all groups posted 1 argument, and all 4 arguments were rationalistic and ranked as high-level arguments. In debate 2, members of the 4 groups posted a total of 33 arguments, which were evaluated and received an overall median ranking lower than that for debate 1. All debates were categorized as rationalistic. Students were able to formulate rationalistic arguments to therapeutic controversies; however, their level of argumentation decreased over the course of the study. Changes planned for the future include conducting the debates in the context of patient scenarios to increase practical applicability.

  19. El conflicto mujer-embrión en debate parlamentario sobre el aborto The woman-embryo conflict in the abortion debate at the parliament

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    Susana Rostagnol


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el conflicto mujer-embrión en los debates del Senado uruguayo entre octubre y noviembre 2007 en ocasión de la discusión del proyecto de ley que legaliza el aborto. Intenta dar cuenta de algunas nociones subyacentes a la discusión, a las que clasifica sintéticamente como aquellas que promueven el 'control patrimonial del cuerpo' y las que promueven la autonomía. Desde esta perspectiva se analiza el carácter abstracto o concreto del aborto en las distintas argumentaciones, para luego discutir el carácter de persona otorgado al zef (zigoto-embrión-feto en base a fundamentos biomédicos. Luego se discute el carácter de persona moral asignado a la mujer embarazada. Finalmente se presenta el aborto como un hecho cuya significación hace a la organización de las relaciones sociales.This article analyzes the woman-embryo conflict discussed by the Uruguayan Senate during the debates on abortion legalization in October and November 2007. Its aim is to show the underlying notions, which are classified as those that promote the 'patrimonial control over the body' and those that promote autonomy. From that perspective, it analyzes the abstract or concrete standpoint given to abortion in the Senators arguments. Then, it discusses the personhood assigned to zef (zygote-embryo-fetus based on biomedical arguments. It also discusses the attribute of moral person given/or not to the pregnant woman. Finally it shows that abortion is basically a fact that influences directly in the organization of social relations.

  20. Make your point! debate for ESL/EFL students

    CERN Document Server

    Lubetsky, Michael H


    This valuable workbook and downloadable audio can turn any ESL student into an accomplished debater!Make Your Point! opens the world of formal debate to the English learner. Debate fundamentals are taught form the first chapter in a student-centered format suitable for large and small classes alike.Each of the ten chapters offers a ""language focus"" and a ""debatable focus."" As students learn new debate skills, they also build important language skills. All task chains integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing activities. Most activities are intended for pairs and small groups.

  1. Entre gueixas e samurais: a imigração japonesa nas revistas ilustradas (1897-1945)


    Marcia Yumi Takeuchi


    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os debates em torno da imigração japonesa nas revistas ilustradas brasileiras publicadas nas cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, e na documentação diplomática, tendo em vista a difusão do antiniponismo na sociedade brasileira entre os anos 1897 e 1945. Buscarei comprovar, a partir da análise das charges e caricaturas publicadas nessas revistas, sejam de cunho literário ou irreverente (cômico), que a iconografia exerceu papel fundamental na construçã...

  2. Darfur debated

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    Roberta Cohen


    Full Text Available Bruising debates within the human rights and humanitarian communities have centered on the numbers who have died in Darfur, the use of the term genocide, the efficacy of military versus political solutions and the extent to which human rights advocacy can undermine humanitarian programmes on the ground.

  3. Comentarios sobre el artículo de Héctor Sauret: “El proyecto Puiggrós de Ley sobre Regulación del ejercicio de la docencia de la Educación Superior, entre viejos y nuevos paradigmas sobre las universidades privadas”

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    Juan Carlos Pugliese


    Full Text Available En el número 1 de DEBATE UNIVERSITARIO se debatió los proyectos de ley alternativos y diversas opiniones sobre la modificación del ejercicio de la docencia de la Educación Superior. Entre dichas opiniones se incluyó un artículo del Dr. Sauret : " El proyecto Puiggrós de Ley sobre Regulación del ejercicio de la docencia de la Educación Superior: entre viejos y nuevos paradigmas sobre las universidades privadas”. En referencia a este material (que puede consultarse en se desarrolla el siguiente comentario.

  4. Bajo materialismo y surrealismo. El debate Bataille-Breton

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    Noelia Denise Dunan


    Full Text Available Hacia 1923 Georges Bataille era un joven desconocido que comenzaba a entablar amistades y también enemistades en el núcleo del movimiento surrealista e intelectual de París. Alentado por algunos de aquellos vínculos, lee a Mauss y Durkheim, Nietzsche y Freud y, comienza a delinear un pensamiento que se plasmará en la creación de Documents. Resulta difícil comprender la relevancia de esta revista y la producción batailleana sin referir a sus primeras lecturas y al debate que tempranamente entabló con el máximo exponente del movimiento surrealista, André Breton. Bataille coordinó allí un grupo de disidentes y convirtió la publicación en una máquina contra el surrealismo. El presente artículo desarrolla la formación de Bataille para hacer hincapié en la categoría de bajo materialismo construida en tensión entre el idealismo surrealista y los distintos materialismos. Así puede verse que Documents y el bajo materialismo conjugan las preocupaciones que perseguirá toda su vida.

  5. entre jóvenes caleños y caleñas

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    Teresita María Sevilla Peñuel


    Full Text Available El artículo se enmarca en el debate en torno al concepto de riesgo que se da desde las ciencias sociales y humanas entre la denominada corriente realista que tiende a asumir que las conductas que implican riesgo son irracionales y que aquellas que lo evitan son producto de la racionalidad y la posición que, desde el constructivismo social, apunta a interpretar la toma de riesgo no como un hecho aislado e irracional sino como respuesta a lógicas econômicos, determinou-se que elementos tais como a avaliação positiva de não usar o preservativo, as diferenças do gênero na eleição da parelha sexual e os benefícios de ter um filho o uma filha numa idade antecipada, entre outros, jogam um papel fundamental nos processos de negociação do risco. Neste sentido, argumenta-se que as condutas de risco estão inseridas em armações de sentido muito densas com ligações sócias e contextuais muito fortes.

  6. La confianza como encrucijada: cultura, desarrollo y corrupción

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    Esteban Laso


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, la teoría social se ha volcado a buscar explicaciones a las dificultades en el desarrollo socioeconómico más allá de los terrenos de la economía y la sociología. La confianza, el “espíritu” que anima las sociedades, se ha convertido en un concepto imprescindible para entender los caminos del desarrollo y el cruce entre la psicología, la economía y la cultura. En este texto propongo una definición del concepto útil para las diversas ciencias sociales, exploro sus implicaciones en el desarrollo y la corrupción con especial énfasis en el Ecuador y trazo una línea para futuros estudios.

  7. Argumentos para el debate sobre la legalización de la marihuana en México

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    Sofía Hernández González


    Full Text Available La legalización de la marihuana en México ha generado intenso debate. La complejidad del fenómeno merece que se expongan detalladamente los puntos a favor y en contra de la legalización de una tercera sustancia adictiva aparte del alcohol y el tabaco. Entre los pros más relevantes se encuentran el control de comercialización, calidad y producción de la marihuana; y la posibilidad de incrementar el conocimiento epidemiológico y científico para mejorar la prevención de adicciones y la investigación de usos médicos mediante ensayos clínicos. Entre los contras, se mencionan el potencial riesgo para la salud del consumidor y los daños a terceros por conducir bajo el influjo de la marihuana con las subse-cuentes alteraciones en habilidades motoras, así como cambios emocionales, por ejemplo agresividad y modificación de la conducta. Lo realmente relevante, independientemente de la decisión consensuada es conducir la discusión con información de calidad y enfrentar este problema de manera satisfactoria y sin prejuicios.

  8. Teorias sobre a propagação da febre amarela: um debate científico na imprensa paulista, 1895-1903

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    Soraya Lódola


    Full Text Available O artigo descreve o debate sobre as teorias de propagação da febre amarela na imprensa paulista. Nosso recorte temporal foi definido entre 1895 e 1903, período de grande incidência da enfermidade no Brasil e de crescente influência da bacteriologia nas teorias sobre as doenças. Realizou-se pesquisa documental em jornais de grande circulação de São Paulo e periódicos médicos da época. Os dados empíricos foram coletados no Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo e na biblioteca da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo. Foi identificado confronto entre as teorias de propagação da febre amarela, revelador de disputa simbólica por espaço na constituição do campo científico.

  9. Rhetorical Legitimacy, and the Presidential Debates. (United States)

    Lucaites, John Louis


    Explores the negative popular reaction to the 1988 Presidential Debates. Examines how these events function as ritualistic enactments of the , thus providing a rhetorical legitimacy for the electoral process in a system dedicated to . Suggests how the 1988 debates failed to satisfy that function. (MM)

  10. The Debate over Inclusive Fitness as a Debate over Methodologies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rubin, Hannah

    This article analyzes the recent debate surrounding inclusive fitness and argues that certain limitations ascribed to it by critics—such as requiring weak selection or providing dynamically insufficient models—are better thought of as limitations of the methodological framework most often used with

  11. Young Voters’ Responses to Polemical Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kock, Christian Erik J

    I will present an authentic case: 24 young voters in a Danish “Folk high school” watching a televised, very polemical debate between the two contenders for the office of Prime Minister of Denmark shortly before the parliamentary election in 2015. I asked this group to note down all their evaluative...... of alert young voters like or dislike debaters to do in a mediated polemical debate to which they are spectators: what speech act types, rhetorical maneuvers, argument types, etc., make them—metaphorically speaking—either cheer or hiss? This picture, in turn, may be held against various normative...

  12. Educação em direitos humanos: o currículo entre o relativismo e o universalismo

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    Ana Tereza Reis da Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO:O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma reflexão acerca dos paradoxos que envolvem a ideia de universalidade e de particularidade tanto no campo dos Direitos Humanos quanto no campo curricular. Consequentemente, procuraremos esclarecer em que medida os embates entre os enfoques relativistas e universalistas do currículo e dos Direitos Humanos se colocam como impeditivos para a consolidação de uma Educação em Direitos Humanos. Para tanto, recuperaremos o debate em torno das questões da diversidade e do currículo que visa, sobretudo, contestar a racionalidade moderna e suas pretensões universalistas. E, ainda, recuperaremos as contradições que pautam a relação entre a universalidade dos Direitos Humanos e a diversidade dos sujeitos para os quais estes se direcionam.

  13. The State of College Debate According to a Survey of Its Coaches: Data to Ground the Discussion of Debate and Civic Engagement (United States)

    Hlavacik, Mark; Lain, Brian; Ivanovic, Matea; Ontiveros-Kersch, Brian


    In 2015, prominent figures from the debate community gathered at Penn State for a Conference on Speech and Debate as Civic Education. Convened in response to a perceived decline in debate's contributions to civic education, the conference also aimed to start a conversation about the future of debate education. Although a great deal can be learned…

  14. A parentalidade homossexual: uma exposição do debate psicanalítico no cenário francês atual The homosexual parenthood: an exposition of the psychoanalytical debate in the contemporary French scenario

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    Simone Perelson


    Full Text Available Após situar a homoparentalidade no contexto das novas práticas sociais e médicas referentes à filiação e à reprodução, o artigo apresenta um cenário do debate francês atual sobre essa questão. Serão nele confrontados os pensamentos de cinco psicanalistas: Joël Dor, e sua teorização sobre o papel da função paterna e da diferença anatômica entre os sexos na estruturação do sujeito; Pierre Legendre, e sua articulação entre os campos do jurídico e do psíquico na inscrição do ser humano na ordem da filiação; Michel Tort, e sua crítica às teorias de Legendre; Geneviève Delaisi de Parseval, e sua proposta de uma definição mais ampla da família; e, enfim, Sabine Prokhoris, e a sua distinção entre 'sexuação' e 'diferença dos sexos'. Através dessa apresentação, buscar-se-á desmontar os argumentos contrários e indicar a legitimidade da argumentação favorável à filiação homossexual.After situating homoparenthood within the context of the new social and medical practices concerning parenthood and reproduction, the article presents a scenario of the contemporary French debate on this issue. The thinking of five psychoanalysts on this matter will be broached : Joël Dor and his theory about the role of the function of the father and about the anatomic difference between sexes in the structure process of the subject; Pierre Legendre and his articulation between the fields of law and the psych in the involvement of the human being in the order of parenthood; Michel Tort and his criticism of the theories of that author; and Genevieve Delaisi de Parseval and her proposal of a broader definition of the family. And, finally, Sabine Prokhoris, and her distinction between "sexuation" and "difference of the sexes". This presentation intends to dismantle the opposite arguments and demonstrates the legitimacy of the reasoning favorable to homosexual parenthood.

  15. Advanced information access to parliamentary debates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marx, M.


    Parliamentary debates are highly structured transcripts of meetings of politicians in parliament. These debates are an important part of the cultural heritage of many countries; they are often free of copy-right; citizens often have a legal right to inspect them; and several countries make great

  16. Advanced Information Acces to Parliamentary Debates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marx, M.


    Parliamentary debates are highly structured transcripts of meetings of politicians in parliament. These debates are an important part of the cultural heritage of many countries; they are often free of copy-right; citizens often have a legal right to inspect them; and several countries make great

  17. Rhinology Future Debates, an EUFOREA Report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fokkens, W. J.; Bachert, C.; Bernal-Sprekelsen, M.; Bousquet, J.; Djandji, M.; Dorenbaum, A.; Hakimi-Mehr, D.; Hendry, S.; Hopkins, C.; Leunig, A.; Mannent, L.; Mucha, D.; Onerci, M.; Pugin, B.; Toppila-Salmi, S.; Rowe, P.; Seys, S. F.; Stimson, S.; Strzembosz, A.; Hellings, P. W.


    The first Rhinology Future Debates was held in Brussels in December 2016, organized by EUFOREA (European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airways diseases). The purpose of these debates is to bring novel developments in the field of Rhinology to the attention of the medical,


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    Ana Inés Mallimaci Barral


    Full Text Available En los últimos años el campo de los estudios migratorios se ha visto atravesado por una disputa entre dos perspectivas. Por un lado, el paradigma asimilacionista relacionado con cierto “nacionalismo metodológico”, clásico pero algo arcaico. Por otro lado, la perspectiva transnacional que ha sostenido que los desplazamientos de personas no derivan de manera necesaria en la generación de prácticas de asimilación por parte de los y las migrantes ni tampoco por parte de las sociedades receptoras. Desde la convicción de que los debates conceptuales deben estar encarnados y construidos desde trabajos empíricos, este trabajo propone el análisis de un caso, la festividad religiosa de los y las migrantes bolivianos en Ushuaia, para analizar las tensiones y articulaciones entre lógicas transnacionales y asimilacionistas que atraviesan la vida cotidiana de las poblaciones migrantes.

  19. How to depolarise the ethical debate over human embryonic stem cell research (and other ethical debates too!). (United States)

    Espinoza, Nicolas; Peterson, Martin


    The contention of this paper is that the current ethical debate over embryonic stem cell research is polarised to an extent that is not warranted by the underlying ethical conflict. It is argued that the ethical debate can be rendered more nuanced, and less polarised, by introducing non-binary notions of moral rightness and wrongness. According to the view proposed, embryonic stem cell research--and possibly other controversial activities too--can be considered 'a little bit right and a little bit wrong'. If this idea were to become widely accepted, the ethical debate would, for conceptual reasons, become less polarised.

  20. Media Nihilism and the Presidential Debates. (United States)

    Hogan, J. Michael


    Discusses the function of media nihilism--the rhetoric of "crisis and failure"--in the 1988 Presidential Debates. Examines journalists' debate questions, noting that they painted an almost wholly negative portrait of America. Suggests that the candidate who effectively "skewers" the media on its own hypocrisy should be declared…

  1. Financiando o SUS: algumas questões para o debate Funding the Brazilian National Health Service (SUS: some issues for the debate

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    Ruben Araujo de Mattos


    Full Text Available Este debate discute questões relacionadas ao financiamento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS. Na primeira parte, Ruben de Mattos defende a criação de dispositivos para a elevação progressiva dos gastos públicos em saúde. Segundo o debatedor, o maior desafio do governo será viabilizar - e sustentar - um sistema que garanta, de fato, o acesso universal e igualitário. Mattos também destaca a importância dos repasses federais entre os níveis de governos, por vê-los como instrumentos capazes de reduzir as desigualdades entre as regiões e incentivar políticas que contribuam para a consolidação do SUS. Na segunda parte, Nilson do Rosário afirma que o ajuste fiscal da década de 1990, conseqüência da política de estabilização monetária, limitou a capacidade de financiamento governamental na atenção à saúde, gerando efeitos perversos devido à ampliação da desigualdade social. A seguir, explica como o setor saúde respondeu às exigências de ajuste macroeconômico nas despesas públicas através de estratégias substitutivas, contexto em que o Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF se expandiu rapidamente, tornando-se estratégico na agenda da ampliação da atenção ambulatorial básica do país.This work discusses some of the issues related to the funding of the Brazilian National Health Service (SUS. In the first part of the paper, Ruben de Mattos advocates the creation of devices to guarantee a progressive increase in the public health budget. In the debater's view, the greatest challenge facing the government is the development - and the maintenance - of a system that can de facto guarantee universal and equalitarian access. Mattos also emphasizes the importance of the federal government's transfers of funds to local governments since the latter are seen as instrumental in the attempts to reduce inequality between regions and to encourage policies that will contribute to the SUS' consolidation. In the second part, Nilson

  2. How to depolarise the ethical debate over human embryonic stem cell research (and other ethical debates too!)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Espinoza, N.; Peterson, M.B.


    The contention of this paper is that the current ethical debate over embryonic stem cell research is polarised to an extent that is not warranted by the underlying ethical conflict. It is argued that the ethical debate can be rendered more nuanced, and less polarised, by introducing non-binary

  3. Rhinology Future Debates, an EUFOREA Report. (United States)

    Fokkens, W J; Bachert, C; Bernal-Sprekelsen, M; Bousquet, J; Djandji, M; Dorenbaum, A; Hakimi-Mehr, D; Hendry, S; Hopkins, C; Leunig, A; Mannent, L; Mucha, D; Onerci, M; Pugin, B; Toppila-Salmi, S; Rowe, P; Seys, S F; Stimson, S; Strzembosz, A; Hellings, P W


    The first Rhinology Future Debates was held in Brussels in December 2016, organized by EUFOREA (European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airways diseases). The purpose of these debates is to bring novel developments in the field of Rhinology to the attention of the medical, paramedical and patient community, in a highly credible and balanced context. For the first time in Rhinology, a peer to peer scientific exchange with key experts in the field of rhinology and key medical colleagues from leading industries let to a brainstorming and discussion event on a number of hot issues in Rhinology. Novel developments are presented by key experts from industry and/or key thought leaders in Rhinology, and then followed by a lively debate on the potential positioning of new developments in care pathways, the strengths and weaknesses of the novel development(s), and comparisons with existing and/or competing products, devices, and/or molecules. As all debates are recorded and distributed on-line with limited editing (, EUFOREA aims at maximizing the education of the target groups on novel developments, allowing a critical appraisal of the future and a more rapid implementation of promising novel tools, techniques and/or molecules in clinical practise in Europe. The next Rhinology Future debate will be held in Brussels in December 2017.

  4. The debate on expanding criminal law towards upper class criminality and minimal criminal law

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    Julio César Montáñez-Ruiz


    Full Text Available Hoy en día el debate sobre la pregunta de cuáles conflictos sociales deben ser castigados desde la óptica de la política criminal aún continúa. La batalla para imponer un particular discurso de criminalidad está relacionada con el hecho de que el marco de la criminalización depende del legislador que refleja la expansión punitiva. El propósito de este artículo es discutir sobre la lucha entre modelos de criminalización, los cuales, de una parte, tienden a la aplicación del sistema criminal persiguiendo a la criminalidad de las clases poderosas y, de otra, buscan el criterio de intervención mínima para prevenir la excesiva intervención del derecho penal.

  5. La diferencia entre 'matar' y 'dejar morir' y su repercusión en el debate contemporáneo sobre la eutanasia

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    Elías Pérez Sánchez


    Full Text Available En la actualidad se defiende con mucha frecuencia la llamada humanización de la muerte" como alternativa frente al vitalismo médico y ante cualquier defensa de la eutanasia voluntaria activa. Esta postura se justifica asumiendo una diferencia moral significativa entre "hacer algo" y "dejar que algo ocurra", entre "matar" y "dejar morir". En la presente comunicación presentaré un esbozo de los fundamentos sobre los que descansa tal distinción a la vez que cuestionaré su relevancia moral cuando se aplica a situaciones eutanásicas complejas.Today, so-called "humanisation of death" is frequently defended as an alternative to medical vitalism and to any defence of active voluntary euthanasia. This position is justified by the assumption of a difference between "doing something" and "allowing something to happen", or between"killing" and "letting someone die". This paper presents an outline of the foundations on which this distinction lies, and questions its moral relevance when applied to complex situations of euthanasia.

  6. Is Dance a Sport?: A Twenty-First-Century Debate (United States)

    Guarino, Lindsay


    This article discusses a new debate which has emerged for dancers. For many years dancers debated dance as art versus entertainment. This age-old debate still exists without a consensus, yet there is suddenly a new generation of dancers with a fresh debate. Legions of young performers are fervently proclaiming that their dance is actually a sport.…

  7. Using Debates to Teach Information Ethics (United States)

    Peace, A. Graham


    This experience report details the use of debates in a course on Information Ethics. Formal debates have been used in academia for centuries and create an environment in which students must think critically, communicate well and, above all, synthesize and evaluate the relevant classroom material. They also provide a break from the standard…

  8. Leagues Revive Debate in City Schools (United States)

    Keller, Bess


    This article describes how the National Association for Urban Debate Leagues is reviving debate competitions among high school students in city schools. Starting in Atlanta in 1985 and boosted by seed money from the billionaire George Soros' Open Society Institute, urban educators and their supporters in 2002 formed the National Association for…

  9. Unpacking the great transmission debate (United States)

    Denning, Kathryn


    The debate about the wisdom of sending interstellar transmissions is well-known to those involved in SETI, and frustrating for many. Its tendency towards intractability is a result of multiple factors, including: different models of the scientist's role as citizen and/or leader; disparate ideas about society's readiness to cope with frontier science; variable political substrates, particularly ideas concerning individual freedom and state control; competing ideologies of globalization; and the perceived relative risks and benefits of contact. (Variations in the latter, i.e. assessments of the risks and benefits of contact, derive partly from different thinking styles, including tolerance for risk, and partly from inferences based upon episodes of biological and cultural contact on Earth.) Unpacking the debate into its components may be of use to those debating policy about SETI transmissions, or at the very least, help keep in focus what, precisely, the perennial arguments are really about.

  10. Geen debat zonder publiek : het internationale debat over synthetische biologie ontleed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stemerding, D.; Est, van Q.C.


    Dit rapport brengt het internationaal opgekomen debat in kaart over synthetische biologie in vier verschillende landen: de Verenigde Staten, Nederland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Duitsland. De beschrijving richt zich op vier onderscheiden discoursen in maatschappelijke debatten over nieuwe

  11. O conceito de igualdade na filosofia política contemporânea: Um debate entre Rawls, Dworkin e Amartya Sen

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    Fabio Alves Gomes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Uma das questões mais interessantes do debate contemporâneo sobre a justiça, no âmbito da teoria política normativa, diz respeito sobre qual foco deveria ocupar a posição central de uma visão igualitarista: igualdade baseada em satisfação de necessidades básicas, bens primários como propõe Rawls, igualdade de recursos como defende Dworkin ou, como quer Amartya Sen, igualdade de capacidades? Com o que, afinal, os igualitaristas deveriam se preocupar? Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar criticamente essas três perspectivas.

  12. The European debate on governance networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Eva; Torfing, Jacob


    This paper aims to take stock of the European debate on governance networks in order to assess whether or not it has succeeded to develop a new a viable paradigm based on clear concepts, sound theories and methods and an expansive research agenda. The political and institutional conditions...... for the emergence of the Europe governance debate are analyzed and the notions of ‘governance’ and ‘governance networks’ are critically examined and defined. A brief assessment of the empirical significance of governance networks at different levels of governing is followed by a presentation and comparison...... development, the European debate on governance networks provides a new and important paradigm for understanding the emerging forms of multilateral action and pluricentric governance....

  13. Dualidade e dicotomia da geografia moderna: a especificidade científica e o debate recente no âmbito da geografia brasileira

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    Francisco MENDONÇA


    Full Text Available A geografia moderna nasceu com expressiva característica dualística, evidenciada pelo tratamento da natureza por um lado e, por outro, pelo da sociedade e de suas dinâmicas. Com o aprofundamento destes dois ramos no século XX e com o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico dentro da ciência, através do qual ressaltou-se o caráter ideológico do pensamento científico, o dualismo geográfico foi alçado à condição de dicotomia. Dualidade e dicotomia da geografia tornaram-se então, sobretudo depois da década de cinquenta, temas de acirrados debates na academia e nas entidades de congregação de geógrafos. Este tipo de debate intensificou-se dentro da geografia brasileira a partir do final dos anos setenta, tendo promovido um considerável distanciamento entre geógrafos físicos e geógrafos humanos.

  14. The public debate on the energy in France: the issue conditions; Le debat public sur l'energie en France: les conditions de la reussite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This session on the issue conditions of the public debate on the energy, took place around two presentations. The first one dealt with public debate cases analysis, the Souviron, the citizen conference and the CNDP (national Commission of Public Debate) models. The second one wondered on the debate objectives, key of the debate issue. (A.L.B.)

  15. Entre la ambigüedad y la audacia: la vivisección alejandrina y los anatomistas del Renacimiento

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    Conde Parrado, Pedro


    Full Text Available We study the reception, amongst Renaissance anatomists, of the passage where Celsus talks about human vivisection at Alexandria. We aime to know to what extent the question of vivisection was still alive.

    Estudiamos la recepción, entre los anatomistas del Renacimiento, de la noticia sobre las vivisecciones humanas en Alejandría transmitida por Cornelio Celso, intentando conocer hasta qué punto se mantenía vigente en la época el debate sobre tal práctica.

  16. Encrucijadas de la (incomunicación intercultural: la voz pionera de Montserrat del Amo / Crossroads at intercultural communication: Montserrat del Amo’s pioneer voice

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    Noelia Ibarra


    Full Text Available Resumen: En el entorno sociohistórico contemporáneo, en el que la interculturalidad se ha convertido en uno de los núcleos de controversia y debate más destacados, la obra de Montserrat del Amo nos revela, con sorprendente anticipación, una lúcida mirada en torno a la convivencia entre culturas en un mismo espacio geográfico. El análisis detenido de dos de sus obras representativas nos ofrecerá un meditado dibujo de las causas y de las consecuencias de los movimientos migratorios y, fundamentalmente, nos ofrecerá diferentes alternativas para disolver las barreras surgidas por la incomunicación lingüística y erradicar los prejuicios respecto a la inmigración. Abstract: In contemporary socio-historical environment in wich multiculturalism has become one of the centers of controversy, Montserrat del Amo’s work reveals, with surprising advance, a lucid look about the coexistence of cultures in the same geographic space. The detailed analysis of two of her representative works offers us a thoughtful picture of the causes and consequences of migration and basically, it shows different alternatives to break up the barriers encountered by linguistic isolation and eliminate prejudices about immigration.


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    Suciati Suciati


    Full Text Available Many students do not like English debate. They argue that in the debate, they should apply four skills in English and should have appropriate matter, manner, and method. One of the reasons which make them do not like the debate is their lack of motivation. To solve this problem, teacher or lecturer should apply the appropriate technique in the teaching-learning process. Cooperative controversy technique is different with the traditional debate. In this technique, debaters change positions and try to reach a consensus at the end of the debate. By doing it before practicing the real English debate format, the students will get the basic knowledge about the debate so they do not directly practice the complicated one. Cooperative controversy increases the number of ideas, quality of ideas, feelings of stimulation, and enjoyment and originality of expression in creative problem solving. If it is compared to the group which does not use controversy, in controversy, the members get motivation and satisfaction in solving the problems.Keywords: English debate, students’ motivation, cooperative controversy

  18. Metáforas de Lula e Alckmin nos debates de 2006 em uma perspectiva da Lingüística de Corpus

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    Tony Berber Sardinha


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é contrastar o uso de metáforas pelos dois candidatos no segundo turno das eleições presidenciais de 2006, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva e Geraldo Alckmin, para saber até que ponto Lula, que foi vitorioso nas urnas, usou metáforas de modo mais eficaz do que o outro candidato durante os debates televisados. Foi colhido um corpus de transcrições desses debates, que foi então analisado em termos da presença de metáforas lingüísticas e conceptuais. O uso de metáforas dos dois candidatos foi contrastado e a análise revelou que houve poucas diferenças entre os candidatos. Ambos usaram quantidades parecidas delas. A principal diferença entre eles foi em relação à ênfase. Alckmin pulverizou suas metáforas: colocou em cena um número maior delas, mas com poucas ocorrências de cada. Lula foi mais seletivo e o neutralizou, conseguindo concentrar seu discurso em metáforas mais afinadas com seus propósitos.The aim of this study is to contrast the use of metaphors by the two presidential contenders in the runoff of the Brazilian presidential race of 2006, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva and Geraldo Alckmin, in order to establish if Lula, who was victorious, actually used metaphors in a more effective way than his opponent on the television debates. Metaphor use by both candidates was compared, and the analysis revealed that there were few differences between the two candidates. Both used similar quantities of them. The main difference was stress. Alckmin scattered his metaphors, by putting in place a greater number of them, with few occurrences of each. Lula, on the other hand, was more selective and neutralized his opponent, thus being able to stress metaphors that were better suited to his needs.

  19. Debates in History Teaching. The Debates in Subject Teaching Series (United States)

    Davies, Ian, Ed.


    "Debates in History Teaching" explores the major issues all history teachers encounter in their daily professional lives. It encourages critical reflection and aims to stimulate both novice and experienced teachers to think more deeply about their practice, and link research and evidence to what they have observed in schools. Written by a range of…

  20. Young Danes and perceptions of information and political debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stald, Gitte Bang


    of information and political debate The debates could be like, well, on Facebook. Or, it could be in kind of small groups. Like with one’s friends. I mean, if you talk things through, and you get a new view on things and they get a new view. Discussing things, that is a good idea. (Anders, 19 years) The profound...... changes in information and debate patterns and -practices, in particular for young citizens, are important. Societal reference points are increasingly missing and young people have started their own information and debate practices by using available digital media, while still including traditional media...... and f2f encounters in their information and debate repertoire. Changing practices affect perceptions of what information and informed citizenship is, and how informed citizenship translates into engagement, debate, and democratic participation. Hence, there are discrepancies between traditional...

  1. Islamic fashion, media debates and styles of interaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Connie Carøe

    and at the same time to match an Islamic moral code or aesthetics. In a Danish context, I argue, these disagreements have a bearing on strategies of Muslim women in terms of relations vis-à-vis the non-Muslim majority population. The debate among Muslims is seconded by a media debate on Islam and again like...... elsewhere it is highly politicized Since the 1990‟s Muslim women‟s headscarf - or hijab - has constantly reappeared as an issue of the on-going media debates, but the properties of the hijab (headscarf) as a consumer item (Navaro-Yashin 2004, Sandikci & Ger 2007) have escaped these debates. Instead various...

  2. Teaching the Mantle Plumes Debate (United States)

    Foulger, G. R.


    There is an ongoing debate regarding whether or not mantle plumes exist. This debate has highlighted a number of issues regarding how Earth science is currently practised, and how this feeds into approaches toward teaching students. The plume model is an hypothesis, not a proven fact. And yet many researchers assume a priori that plumes exist. This assumption feeds into teaching. That the plume model is unproven, and that many practising researchers are skeptical, may be at best only mentioned in passing to students, with most teachers assuming that plumes are proven to exist. There is typically little emphasis, in particular in undergraduate teaching, that the origin of melting anomalies is currently uncertain and that scientists do not know all the answers. Little encouragement is given to students to become involved in the debate and to consider the pros and cons for themselves. Typically teachers take the approach that “an answer” (or even “the answer”) must be taught to students. Such a pedagogic approach misses an excellent opportunity to allow students to participate in an important ongoing debate in Earth sciences. It also misses the opportunity to illustrate to students several critical aspects regarding correct application of the scientific method. The scientific method involves attempting to disprove hypotheses, not to prove them. A priori assumptions should be kept uppermost in mind and reconsidered at all stages. Multiple working hypotheses should be entertained. The predictions of a hypothesis should be tested, and unpredicted observations taken as weakening the original hypothesis. Hypotheses should not be endlessly adapted to fit unexpected observations. The difficulty with pedagogic treatment of the mantle plumes debate highlights a general uncertainty about how to teach issues in Earth science that are not yet resolved with certainty. It also represents a missed opportunity to let students experience how scientific theories evolve, warts

  3. Nem só de debates epistemológicos vive o pesquisador em administração: alguns apontamentos sobre disputas entre paradigmas e campo científico

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    Milka Alves Correia Barbosa

    Full Text Available A discussão sobre abordagens paradigmáticas no campo da Administração pode ser profícua quando provoca os pesquisadores a refletir sobre premissas, práticas e valores compartilhados por uma comunidade científica. Entretanto, ao extremo, torna-se uma disputa que impede a busca de outras abordagens para lidar com a complexidade dos fenômenos sociais. Nesse sentido, importa compreender que, na produção do conhecimento científico, os pesquisadores não se deparam somente com escolhas acerca de epistemologia, de lógica ou de teoria linguística, mas, também, com problemas de política. Este ensaio objetiva contribuir com reflexões sobre o pesquisador e os desafios epistemológicos e políticos com os quais se depara no fazer pesquisa, argumentando que não se trata somente de uma escolha entre positivismos e interpretativismos, mas igualmente envolve disputas de poder dentro de um campo científico. Para tanto, foram selecionados intencionalmente textos com conceitos-chave, como paradigmas e campo científico. Em resposta ao objetivo geral deste ensaio, consideramos que o fazer ciência constitui uma atividade humana que possui vínculo indissociável com espaço e tempo e imbrica-se com jogos de poder. Entendemos, ainda, que o campo científico da Administração no Brasil é um espaço de competitividade e lutas políticas do qual fazemos parte, quer seja como opressores ou privilegiados, mas nunca como meros expectadores. Nessa arena, nem só de debates epistemológicos vive o pesquisador em Administração.

  4. Using debate to teach pharmacy students about ethical issues. (United States)

    Hanna, Lezley-Anne; Barry, Johanne; Donnelly, Ryan; Hughes, Fiona; Jones, David; Laverty, Garry; Parsons, Carole; Ryan, Cristin


    To create, implement, and evaluate debate as a method of teaching pharmacy undergraduate students about ethical issues. Debate workshops with 5 hours of contact with student peers and facilitators and 5 hours of self-study were developed for second-year pharmacy students. Student development of various skills and understanding of the topic were assessed by staff members and student peers. One hundred fifty students completed the workshops. The mean score for debating was 25.9 out of 30, with scores ranging from 23.2 to 28.7. Seventy percent of students agreed that the debates were a useful teaching method in the degree program. A series of workshops using debates effectively delivered course content on ethical issues and resulted in pharmacy students developing skills such as teamwork, peer assessment, communication, and critical evaluation. These findings suggest that pharmacy students respond favorably to a program using debates as a teaching tool.

  5. Debating China's assertiveness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    He, Kai; Feng, Huiyun


    Engaging the recent debate on China's assertive foreign policy, we suggest that it is normal for China – a rising power – to change its policy to a confident or even assertive direction because of its transformed national interests. We argue also that it is better to understand future US–China re...

  6. O cognitivismo moral pragmático entre as antinomias metaéticas realistas e antirrealistas

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    Léo Peruzzo Júnior


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta o cognitivismo moral pragmático como forma de superar as antinomias metaéticas realistas e antirrealistas e a (impossibilidade de representação mental do conteúdo moral. Esta posição é sustentada a partir da reconstrução do debate instaurado entre cognitivistas e não cognitivistas; especialmente nas interpretações fornecidas pelo realismo moral de McDowell e pelo quase-realismo de Blackburn. Assim, o pressuposto comum a essas duas teorias metaéticas [cognitivismo e não cognitivismo] pretende ser superado pelo cognitivismo pragmático, uma vez que suas falsas dicotomias partem da tese de que todo conhecimento moral é proposicional. Para sanar esse paradoxo, evitamos uma dicotomia radical entre fatos e valores, isto é, não há ações que podem ser valoradas extrinsecamente ao contexto do seu uso.


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    Michael Padilla-Mora


    Full Text Available La teoría de la mente refiere a la habilidad para predecir y explicar el comportamiento de los demás, haciendo referencia a sus estados mentales internos, y es considerada como un aspecto fundamental del desarrollo cognitivo durante los años preescolares. Por otra parte, la capacidad de memoria de trabajo es un sistema que permite mantener en mente un determinado número de representaciones de manera simultánea, y también constituye una habilidad central para el desarrollo cognitivo de la población preescolar. En esta investigación se analizan las relaciones entre el desarrollo de la teoría de la mente y la capacidad de memoria de trabajo en 60 niños y niñas preescolares de entre 5 y 7 años, enfatizando posibles diferencias asociadas con el sexo de los participantes. Para la evaluación de la teoría de la mente se utilizaron 6 pruebas de falsa-creencia, mientras la capacidad de memoria de trabajo fue evaluada por medio de 2 tareas de señalamiento autoordenado. Los resultados revelan diferencias entre los sexos en el desarrollo de la teoría de la mente, y descartan la asociación entre esa misma habilidad y la capacidad de memoria de trabajo. Estos hallazgos se discuten en el contexto del debate actual respecto al de sarrollo de la teoría de la mente y las diferencias entre los sexos en el desarrollo cognitivo.

  8. Debate as an alternative method for medical literature evaluation. (United States)

    Toor, Rebecca; Samai, Kathryn; Wargo, Ryan


    To determine the student impression of utilizing a debate style journal club as an alternative approach for preceptors to teach medical literature evaluation skills to pharmacy students undergoing Advance Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) in both acute care and ambulatory care. Students were asked to debate on a controversial topic or two drugs with similar indications. Each side had to research supporting evidence based medicine and use literature appraisal skills to incorporate the information logically into an oral debate style format. Approximately fifteen minutes were allotted for each debate, allowing five minutes for each opening argument, three minutes for each rebuttal, and two minutes for each closing argument. Students were then asked to complete a post-debate survey using a Likert Scale to evaluate their perception of the debate style journal club. Following implementation of the debate style journal club, students reported being more confident with their ability to find, compare, and retain information from primary literature with a mean of 4.1, 4.2, and 4.4 respectively on a Likert Scale. Students also reported overall enjoyment and satisfaction with a mean of 4.0. Debate style journal clubs have the capability to teach pharmacy students vital literature appraisal skills, and are a well-liked alternative to the traditional style journal club. Incorporating this method improved student interest as well as increased their ability to find, compare, and retain the information gathered from primary literature. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. The debate on international revitalisation of labour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søborg, Henrik

    Globalisation has sparked off a new debate on international labour and trade unions in different disciplines such as industrrial relations, labour history, sociology and geography......Globalisation has sparked off a new debate on international labour and trade unions in different disciplines such as industrrial relations, labour history, sociology and geography...

  10. A Debate and Decision-Making Tool for Enhanced Learning (United States)

    López Garcia, Diego A.; Mateo Sanguino, Tomás de J.; Cortés Ancos, Estefania; Fernández de Viana González, Iñaki


    Debates have been used to develop critical thinking within teaching environments. Many learning activities are configured as working groups, which use debates to make decisions. Nevertheless, in a classroom debate, only a few students can participate; large work groups are similarly limited. Whilst the use of web tools would appear to offer a…

  11. The Dewey-Hutchins Debate: A Dispute over Moral Teleology (United States)

    Johnston, James Scott


    In this essay, James Scott Johnston claims that a dispute over moral teleology lies at the basis of the debate between John Dewey and Robert M. Hutchins. This debate has very often been cast in terms of perennialism, classicism, or realism versus progressivism, experimentalism, or pragmatism. Unfortunately, casting the debate in these terms…

  12. Muslim dress and the head-scarf debate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moors, A.; Skov, L.


    Debates about the presence of students wearing head scarves in public schools in West Europe started in the late 1980s; about a decade later, the employment of women wearing head scarves also became the focus of attention. These debates need to be seen within a context in which a new generation of

  13. Debate Revives Old Arguments on HPV Vaccine (United States)

    Shah, Nirvi


    The author reports on a Republican presidential debate which revives the contention over requiring middle school girls to be vaccinated against the virus that causes cervical cancer. At the September 12 debate, U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann, of Minnesota, and Rick Santorum, a former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, attacked Texas Governor…

  14. Religious organizations debate nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dowell, T.


    This paper reviews the history of the religious debate on nuclear energy over the last thirty years. In the 1950s, religious statements recognized the peaceful uses of atomic energy as a blessing from God and called upon world leaders to promote its use. Nuclear energy programmes were launched in this decade. In the 1960s, there was still religious approval of nuclear energy, but questions about ethics arose. It was not until the 1970s, after the oil crisis, that serious questioning and criticism of nuclear energy emerged. This was particularly true in the United States, where the majority of statements originated - especially in 1979, the year of the Three Mile Island accident. Around this time, the World Council of Churches developed the concept of the just, participatory and sustainable society. The meaning and use of these terms in the nuclear energy debate is examined. This paper also compares the balanced debate of the World Council with the case against the plutonium economy prepared by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Three religious statements from the 1980s are examined. A United Church of Canada resolution, critical of nuclear energy, is compared with a favourable report from the Methodist Church in England. Both use similar values: in one case, justice, participation and sustainability; in the other case, concern for others, participation and stewardship. There are not many Catholic statements on nuclear energy. One which is cautious and favourable is examined in detail. It is concluded that the use of concepts of justice, participation and sustainability (or their equivalents) has not clarified the nuclear debate

  15. A disputa pela laicidade: Uma análise das interações discursivas entre Jean Wyllys e Silas Malafaia

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    Roberta Bivar Carneiro Campos


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo analisa conflitos envolvendo lideranças laicas e religiosas na esfera pública brasileira entre os anos de 2010 e 2013. O pastor Silas Malafaia protagoniza os confrontos aqui recapitulados, primeiro contra a deputada Iara Bernardi, na ocasião de um debate sobre o PLC 122/2006, passando por sua tão repercutida entrevista no programa de Marília Gabriela e culminando no embate travado contra o deputado Jean Wyllys por ocasião do PDC que ficou conhecido como da “cura gay”. Partindo de um diálogo entre a teoria social contemporânea e a filosofia política, avaliamos os dilemas apresentados a partir dos pontos de vista últimos em disputa, iluminando os sentidos que definem as respectivas concepções do que seja a vida numa sociedade laica e democrática.

  16. La micro-historia como referente teórico-metodológico. Un recorrido por sus vertientes y debates conceptuales

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    Ronen Man


    Full Text Available La microhistoria como referente teórico-metodológico. Un recorrido por sus vertientes y debates conceptualesResumen: El artículo hace una contribución historiográfica sobre la microhistoria como vertiente teórico epistemológica, de tal manera que la ubica en su contexto de surgimiento, recorre sus principales referentes e incursiona en sus lineamientos metodológicos y conceptuales. Se repasan los debates que atravesó la corriente con respecto a cuestiones tales como la representatividad de los casos de estudio, el tema de relativismo, la original apreciación de un contexto, así como los límites y los riesgos del análisis micro. Asimismo se incursiona en las complejas derivas de la racionalidad individual y de la autonomía relativa que suponen los actores sociales; para terminar ingresando en la fructífera relación entre microhistoria e historia local.Palabras clave: microhistoria; historia local; teoría; metodología; representación.__________________Abstract:Microhistory as a theoretical - methodological reference. A tour of its tendencies and conceptual debates.Abstract: This article makes a historiographical contribution about the microhistory as epistemological theoretical tendency, in a way that it places it in its emerging context, goes round its main references, and enters in its methodological and conceptual guidelines. The debates that went through the current on issues such as the representativeness of the cases of study, the topic of relativism, the original appreciation of a context and the limits and risks of microanalysis, are reviewed. Likewise, we venture into the complex drifts of individual rationality and the relative autonomy that are supposed by the social actors; to end going into the fruitful relationship between microhistory and local history.Keywords: microhistory; local history; theory; methodology; representation.

  17. Manifiesto de Historia a Debate.

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    Historia a Debate


    Full Text Available Después de ocho años de contactos, reflexiones y debates, a través de congresos, encuestas y últimamente Internet, hemos sentido la urgencia de explicitar y actualizar nuestra posición en diálogo crítico con otras corrientes historiográficas, asimismo desarrolladas en la última década del siglo XX: (1 el continuismo de los años 60-70, (2 el posmodernismo, y (3 el retorno a la vieja historia, la última “novedad” historiográfica.Estamos viviendo una transición histórica e historiográfica de resultados todavía inciertos. Historia a Debate como tendencia historiográfica quiere contribuir a la configuración de un paradigma común y plural de los historiadores del siglo XXI que asegure para la historia y su escritura una nueva primavera. A tal fin hemos elaborado 18 propuestas metodológicas, historiográficas y epistemológicas, que presentamos a los historiadores y a las historiadoras del mundo para su debate y, en su caso, adhesión crítica y posterior desarrollo.

  18. Entre conflitos e debates : a criação da Justiça do Trabalho no Brasil (1934-1943)


    Ligia Lopes Fornazieri


    Resumo: Este estudo é dedicado à análise da criação e da legitimação da Justiça do Trabalho no Brasil, desde a sua previsão na Constituição de 1934 até a publicação da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT), através das discussões ocorridas tanto no âmbito jurídico como político em torno do tema, tendo como ponto principal a discussão entre Oliveira Vianna, responsável pela elaboração do anteprojeto de organização da Justiça do Trabalho, Waldemar Ferreira, deputado encarregado de dar parecer...

  19. MO-FG-BRB-00: AAPM Presidential Debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  20. Escuela media y abandono escolar en Argentina: aproximaciones a un debate pendiente Middle school and dropout in Argentina: approaches to an unresolved debate

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    Analia Otero


    Full Text Available Este texto tiene como objetivo exponer panorámicamente un recuento del surgimiento histórico de la educación media en Argentina, para avanzar luego en la evolución de la expansión matricular hasta la actualidad, contemplando los rasgos fundamentales de la misma. A partir de allí, se expondrán factores incidentes en la problemática del abandono escolar, prestando énfasis a las características de la modalidad técnica. Se retomarán puntos centrales de un debate escasamente explorado que es aquel que aborda la intersección específica entre abandono escolar y los estudiantes de modalidad técnica. Se subraya que las condiciones del mercado laboral actual, como la amplitud de la precarización, el avance del sector servicios y la estrechez en materia de industrialización tornan aún más acuciante el contorno de discusiones sobre esta problemática. Este panorama marcha en paralelo a cambios de envergadura en el sistema educativo nacional, enmarcados en sucesivas modificaciones a las normativas jurídicas que lo orientan.This text aims to expose panoramically a recount of the historical emergence of secondary education in Argentina, to advance later in the evolution of the expansion currently watching enrolling until the fundamental features of it. From there, it will expose the factors which affect the dropout problem giving particular emphasis to the characteristics of the technical arrangement. Focal points will resume in a little explored that debate is one that addresses the specific intersection between ESL students and technical arrangement. It emphasizes that current labor market conditions, as the amplitude of the precarious, the advance of the service sector and the narrowness in industrialization becomes even more pressing the outline of discussions on this issue. Panorama marching in parallel with major changes in the national education system, surrounded by successive amendments to legal regulations that guide the system.

  1. Debate on science and technology promotion for overcoming economic crisis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book records debate point and topic presentation of debate on science and technology promotion for overcoming economic difficulties which lists opening greeting, topic presentation such as innovation of national science technology system, sufficient supply and demand of science and engineering personnel, invigoration of technology research of corporation and general debate. This debate was held by the Policy Board of democratic and liberal party on 22 May 1990 in Press center.

  2. Qualidade de vida e saúde: um debate necessário Quality of life and health: a necessary debate

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    Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho traz para o debate as relações entre saúde e qualidade de vida. Busca situar os discursos que se constróem na área da saúde em outros setores e outras disciplinas. Trata de uma representação social criada a partir de parâmetros subjetivos (bem-estar, felicidade, amor, prazer, realização pessoal, e também objetivos, cujas referências são a satisfação das necessidades básicas e das necessidades criadas pelo grau de desenvolvimento econômico e social de determinada sociedade. Mostra os principais instrumentos construídos nos últimos anos para medir qualidade de vida e as discussões que provocam. Reflete, também, sobre o campo semântico em que se desenvolvem as representações e ações voltadas para a qualidade de vida, como as noções de desenvolvimento, democracia, modo, condições e estilo de vida. Na área da saúde, discute a tendência de se estreitar o conceito de qualidade de vida ao campo biomédico, vinculando-o à avaliação econômica. Apresenta os mais variados instrumentos criados para medi-la nessa referida concepção. Considera a proposta de promoção da saúde como a mais relevante estratégia do setor, para evitar o reducionismo médico e realizar um diálogo intersetorial. Argumenta, porém, que essa proposta ainda carece de aprofundamento e de ser testada nas práticas sanitárias.This paper discusses the relationships between quality of life and health by applying the discourses emerging in the health sector to other fields and other disciplines. These relationships constitute social representation based on subjective parameters (well-being, happiness, love, pleasure, personal satisfaction, and on objective ones such as satisfaction of basic needs and of the needs created by the degree of economical and social development of a given society. The text presents the main instruments which have been constructed during the last years for measuring quality of life, as well as the debate they

  3. Universidad y ciudadanía: elementos para una agenda de diálogo común

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    Juan Fredy Rozo Bellón


    Full Text Available La Amazonia es en la conciencia colectiva del planeta el espacio natural y cultural más conservado y donde es posible el desarrollo sostenible. Pero la realidad es otra: factores históricos y económicos, aunados a la codicia, la ignorancia y las erradas políticas andinas para las selvas han llevado a esta región a soportar intensos procesos de deforestación y extracción de sus recursos naturales y culturales. Al analizar la encrucijada del sin modelo económico actual del Amazonas, se encuentra que la salida está en apoyar técnica y decididamente a los productores indígenas y campesinos para estructurar participativamente encadenamientos comerciales entre diferentes sectores productivos, como una gran red asociativa de "empresas" e iniciativas sostenibles locales.

  4. El Amazonas en el camino de la sostenibilidad

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    Nelson Pinilla


    Full Text Available La Amazonia es en la conciencia colectiva del planeta el espacio natural y cultural más conservado y donde es posible el desarrollo sostenible. Pero la realidad es otra: factores históricos y económicos, aunados a la codicia, la ignorancia y las erradas políticas andinas para las selvas han llevado a esta región a soportar intensos procesos de deforestación y extracción de sus recursos naturales y culturales. Al analizar la encrucijada del sin modelo económico actual del Amazonas, se encuentra que la salida está en apoyar técnica y decididamente a los productores indígenas y campesinos para estructurar participativamente encadenamientos comerciales entre diferentes sectores productivos, como una gran red asociativa de "empresas" e iniciativas sostenibles locales.

  5. Com amigos assim, quem precisa de inimigos? Dois neo-realistas reduzem a amizade entre os EUA e Israel ao tráfico de influência

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    Peter Demant


    Full Text Available Em resposta ao artigo "O Lobby de Israel", sustenta-se que a proximidade entre os EUA e Israel é cultivada pelo Lobby e não por ele criada. Defende-se também que as conclusões de Mearsheimer e Walt são baseadas em pesquisa descuidada, deturpações e lógica falsa, mas que ainda assim a tese central é digna de debate.In response to the article "The Israel Lobby", this essay states that proximity between USA and Israel is cultivated by the Lobby, not created by it. It is also argued that Mearsheimer and Walt's conclusions are based on poor research, debasement and false logics, but that its main argument deserves serious debate.

  6. Debate: a strategy for teaching critical thinking. (United States)

    Bell, E A


    Nurses in advanced practice require high-level critical thinking skills. Two elements of critical thinking are discovery and justification. The process of justification is focused on argumentation skills. Using the debate process to analyze, critique, and construct arguments may be an effective teaching-learning technique. Suggestions for the use of debate in graduate nursing curricula are included.

  7. Beyond the mammography debate: a moderate perspective. (United States)

    Kaniklidis, C


    After some decades of contention, one can almost despair and conclude that (paraphrasing) "the mammography debate you will have with you always." Against that sentiment, in this review I argue, after reflecting on some of the major themes of this long-standing debate, that we must begin to move beyond the narrow borders of claim and counterclaim to seek consensus on what the balance of methodologically sound and critically appraised evidence demonstrates, and also to find overlooked underlying convergences; after acknowledging the reality of some residual and non-trivial harms from mammography, to promote effective strategies for harm mitigation; and to encourage deployment of new screening modalities that will render many of the issues and concerns in the debate obsolete. To these ends, I provide a sketch of what this looking forward and beyond the current debate might look like, leveraging advantages from abbreviated breast magnetic resonance imaging technologies (such as the ultrafast and twist protocols) and from digital breast tomosynthesis-also known as three-dimensional mammography. I also locate the debate within the broader context of mammography in the real world as it plays out not for the disputants, but for the stakeholders themselves: the screening-eligible patients and the physicians in the front lines who are charged with enabling both the acts of screening and the facts of screening at their maximally objective and patient-accessible levels to facilitate informed decisions.

  8. Investigating the Debate Narrative Pattern of Elahi-Name

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    qudsiyeh rezvanyan


    Full Text Available Debate is a system based on narration and the triple bases of narration - which according to Claude Bermond is consisted of: explanation of a stable stand, divergence possibility, and divergence impossibility –can be explored and retrieved in debate patterns. Due to the debate’s controversial nature and the possibility that one of the debaters might not be convinced, there’s more space and time to present more reasoning and continual analogies, allegories, and tirades, and hence in the end one of the debaters will overcome the other, the opposition between them is prominent. In classical literature of Iran, as one of the cradles of culture, discourses are debatable, because discourse atmosphere is a monologic. So works which are formatted in a conversational cast are based on the dominance of power. One of these works is “Elahi-Name” by Attar which is going to be investigated in this paper with a descriptive-analytical way. By employing debates in Elahi-Name, Attar shows the veracity of the patriarchal position held by Khalif against his six young sons and it also shows the meagerness of the efforts made against ancient customs in the horizon of Iranian intellectuality. Moreover, by the unconvinced position held by the sons, Attar uses time to prolong the speech and present telling explanations on the veracity of his position and hence achieve his didactical goals in Elahi-Name.

  9. Construindo pontes entre ciência, política e práticas em saúde coletiva


    Bosi, Maria Lúcia Magalhães; Gastaldo, Denise


    O artigo analisa elementos nucleares no debate nacional e internacional acerca da necessária integração entre ciência, política e práticas em Saúde Coletiva e apresenta subsídios para essa integração. São assinalados alguns obstáculos situados tanto no plano conceitual como aqueles presentes nas relações que se processam em outras esferas e se interpõem à pretendida integração. Dentre os elementos assinalados, evidencia-se que ciência, política e o âmbito das práticas no setor não são campos ...

  10. Las personas con discapacidad intelectual como investigadoras. Debates, retos y posibilidades de la investigación inclusiva

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    Judit Fullana Noell


    Full Text Available En las últimas dos décadas se ha desarrollado, especialmente en el contextoanglosajón, una enfoque de investigación social y educativa denominado “investigacióninclusiva” (Walmsley y Johnson, 2003 que promueve la participaciónde las personas con discapacidad intelectual en la investigación, bien sea comoasesoras, como co-investigadoras, o bien como líderes y promotoras de investigacionessobre temas que les afectan. Este desarrollo se ha producido a raíz dela progresiva implementación del modelo social en el análisis de la discapacidady de la constitución de grupos de autodefensa que ganan protagonismo tras lapublicación de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de laspersonas con Discapacidad (2006. En este artículo presentamos los principales debates metodológicos que ha generado la inclusión de las personas con discapacidadintelectual en los procesos de toma de decisiones sobre la investigación,y planteamos los principales debates y retos, sobre todo desde el punto de vistametodológico, que plantea dicha inclusión. Los principales debates tienenrelación con la participación de las personas con discapacidad intelectual enla investigación y los apoyos necesarios, su representatividad en las distintasfases y la equidad de las relaciones entre investigadores con y sin discapacidad.Los retos, que derivan de estos debates, se sitúan en torno a cómo proporcionaoportunidades para participar, para estar representados en las distintas fases y entorno al compromiso ético de los investigadores sin discapacidad para asegurarla participación. Basamos nuestro análisis en la revisión de la literatura sobrelos procesos de investigación inclusiva y en la reflexión fruto de nuestra propiaexperiencia como investigadoras que hemos desarrollado procesos inclusivos deinvestigación en los últimos años.

  11. Is undifferentiated spondyloarthritis a discrete entity? A debate. (United States)

    Deodhar, Atul; Miossec, Pierre; Baraliakos, Xenofon


    The concept of undifferentiated spondyloarthritis has been introduced recently to describe a clinical setting where the classical features of spondyloarthritis (SpA) are not fully present. Whether this is a discrete entity was the basis of a debate during the 4th International Congress on Controversies in Rheumatology & Autoimmunity held in Bologna, Italy 9-11 March 2017. The pro and con aspects of the debate are presented. The implications of the debate are important ranging from diagnostic aspects to consequences for the society and the payers. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. A Responsabilidade das Universidades Públicas pela Oferta de Cursos de Pós-Graduação Remunerados: Debate entre Administrativistas e Consumeristas


    Trentini, Flavia; Scoton, Luis Eduardo Brito


    O presente artigo discute a responsabilidade de consumo das universidades públicas em razão da oferta ao mercado de cursos de pós-graduação remunerados. Para tanto, parte-se dos debates acerca da aplicabilidade do CDC aos serviços públicos em geral, sendo expostos os diferentes posicionamentos a respeito do tema, apresentados tanto por autores da escola administrativista quanto da escola consumerista. Por fim, aborda-se a possibilidade jurídica de caracterização da universidade pública enquan...

  13. Complicaciones obstétricas y médicas en el Trastorno de Déficit Atencional/Hiperactividad (TDAH): ¿hay diferencias entre los subtipos?


    Connie Capdevila-Brophy; José Blas Navarro-Pastor; Josep Artigas-Pallarés; Jordi Obiols-Llandrich


    El debate actual sobre los subtipos de Trastorno de Déficit Atencional/ Hiperactividad (TDAH) se centra en determinar si las similitudes y diferencias halladas en la sintomatología asociada aportan evidencia para conceptualizar los subtipos como manifestaciones de distinto trastorno. El objetivo de este estudio retrospectivo ex post facto es investigar las diferencias entre los subtipos de TDAH con predominio de inatención (TDAH-I) (n = 20) y TDAH combinado (TDAH-C) (n = 39) en...

  14. Debating the Social Thinking of Carlos Nelson Coutinho

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    Bruno Bruziguessi


    Full Text Available BRAZ, Marcelo; RODRIGUES, Mavi (Org.. Cultura, democracia e socialismo: as idéias de Carlos Nelson Coutinho em debate. [Culture, democracy and socialism: The ideas of Carlos Nelson Coutinho in debate]. Rio de Janeiro: Mórula, 2016. 248 p.

  15. El concepto de net neutrality y la tensión entre regulación pública y autorregulación privada de las redes

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    Joan Barata


    Full Text Available El término net neutrality (NN se ha convertido hoy en día en un lugar común y en uno de los ejes de cualquier debate acerca de la regulación de la Red y de los contenidos, servicios y aplicaciones que circulan por ella. La idea de NN incide, esencialmente, en los términos en los que los ISP intervienen en los intercambios y comunicaciones que se producen entre, por un lado, usuarios finales, y por el otro, aquellos operadores que utilizan la plataforma de Internet para suministrar todo tipo de servicios y contenidos. El debate sobre la NN no es solo un debate económico que se mueva exclusivamente en el terreno de la defensa de la libre competencia en el mercado, tal y como se ha advertido anteriormente, la NN puede presentar también una clara vertiente de control de contenidos y por ello de incidencia en el ejercicio del derecho fundamental a la libertad de expresión y de información.

  16. Inaccuracies in Media Coverage of the 1996 and 2000 Presidential Debates. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; Currie, Heather


    Compares data from a content analysis of the 1996 and 2000 presidential debates with news coverage of those debates. Concludes that the average newspaper story in 2000 only reported 7% of what the candidates said in a debate. Suggests that voters cannot expect to obtain an accurate or complete representation of presidential debates from media…

  17. “O religioso após a religião”: um debate entre Marcel Gauchet e Luc Ferry (“The religious after religion”: an debate between Marcel Gauchet and Luc Ferry - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n19p71

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    Henrique Marques Lott


    Full Text Available A riqueza do debate ocorrido entre os filósofos Luc Ferry e Marcel Gauchet, em janeiro de 1999, deu origem a este artigo, em que os autores exploram os temas e as questões discutidas naquela ocasião. O artigo apresenta as diferentes posições dos dois pensadores franceses, cuja preocupação maior é pensar as condições de possibilidade da religião e do religioso nos tempos atuais. Tempos em que, segundo os debatedores, predomina a individualização da crença e nos quais a presença de uma religiosidade sempre mais inquieta, difusa e incerta convive com o enfraquecimento institucional das religiões. Longe de desaparecer num universo cada vez mais laicizado, o religioso, como indagação sobre o sentido último da vida ou como aspiração ao absoluto, tende a permanecer como um substrato insuperável. Como, então, pensar o religioso após a religião? O texto apresenta as diferentes e divergentes posições de Ferry e Gauchet acerca da pertinência do uso de termos clássicos como "sagrado", "divino", "transcendente", dentre outros, para tratar os constituintes dessa religiosidade contemporânea e inquieta, própria de uma época na qual se torna impossível a edificação de um mundo de parte a parte estruturado pela religião e na qual o religioso impregnaria todos os setores da vida pública e privada. Palavras-chave: Religião; Religiosidade; Secularização; Autonomia; Heteronomia.   Abstract This paper analyses the questions and problems that was discussed during an important debate between the French philosophers Marcel Gauchet and Luc Ferry, which take place at Paris on January, 1999. The paper discusses the different conceptions of these thinkers about the status of religion and the religious in nowadays. Days that witnesses the individualization of religious belief and the presence of a restless, uncertain and spread religiosity which however, lives side by side with an institutional weakening of the historical religions

  18. O debate entre comunitaristas e cosmopolitas e as teorias de Relações Internacionais: Rawls como uma via média The cosmopolitan-communitarian debate and the International Relations theory: the Rawls's law of people as a middle ground theory

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    Feliciano de Sá Guimarães


    Full Text Available O artigo revisa as principais abordagens de comunitaristas e cosmopolitas acerca da justiça distributiva internacional no intuito de problematizá-las dentro das teorias contemporâneas de Relações Internacionais, notadamente do construtivismo e do racionalismo (institucionalismo. Além disso, o trabalho pretende reclassificar a proposta de Rawls para a arena internacional em meio a tal debate. Acredita-se que a obra O direito dos povos (RAWLS, 2004, embora geralmente caracterizada como cosmopolita e em certa medida racionalista, guarde semelhanças importantes com algumas noções do comunitarismo e do construtivismo.The article debates the main communitarian and cosmopolitan perspectives in terms of international distributive justice in order to rethink the international relations theory, especially the constructivism and the neo-liberalism. Moreover, the article intends to analyze the John Rawls's Law of People for the international arena as a middle ground theory between the communitarism and the cosmopolitism.

  19. O debate legislativo carioca sobre a “mudança da homossexualidade”: ciência, política e religião

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    Ana Teresa Acatauassú Venancio

    Full Text Available Resumo O artigo analisa o debate na mídia impressa em torno do projeto de lei 717/03, apresentado na Assembleia Legislativa do Rio de Janeiro em agosto de 2003, que previa o uso de verbas públicas para a “mudança da homossexualidade”. Foram utilizadas como fontes de pesquisa notícias sobre este projeto publicadas em jornais e revistas de grande circulação estadual e nacional, considerando-se os autores, os atores sociais e as categorias citadas nos diferentes tipos de matéria, bem como os argumentos contrários e favoráveis à proposta legislativa. Verificamos assim o modo como argumentos relativos aos campos científico, religioso e político ressignificaram as relações entre natureza/cultura e normal/patológico, operando de modo especifico, e por vezes contraditório, com valores caros às sociedades modernas contemporâneas, como igualdade entre os homens e livre arbítrio individual.

  20. Public policy and media frames: the debate over migration in Brazil

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    Augusto Veloso Leão


    Full Text Available The main goal of this article is to provide a good basis to assess the way media frames are embedded in a wider social scenario, and how public and political preferences can be researched through media debate. The methodology adopted allows for an analysis of newspaper articles that can show broader trends of the debate and serve as a thermometer to measure public debate. It can further highlight details and enable in-depth analyses of media discourse. The article explores the interconnectedness of media debate and policy-making process by means of the analysis of articles published in a Brazilian newspaper between 2009 and 2010. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies are employed to identify the frames used in media and to offer insights of their relationship with the political debate. The ongoing political debate has raised attention to the issue of migration, with a great numbers of actors expressing very diverse points of view. A broader public debate has been initiated and some portions of it find voice in different means of communication. The paper argues that changes in the public and in the media debate are a response to changes in the political debate, while at the same time the first two also help to outline the latter.

  1. Den brede, folkelige debat om EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dosenrode, Søren


    I Danmark er EUropa noget fjernt på trods af, at EU er rammen om dansk politik, både udenrigs og indenrigs. Danmark er medlem af en de facto føderation, men de brede folkelige debater om hvordan EU skal gestaltes har manglet.......I Danmark er EUropa noget fjernt på trods af, at EU er rammen om dansk politik, både udenrigs og indenrigs. Danmark er medlem af en de facto føderation, men de brede folkelige debater om hvordan EU skal gestaltes har manglet....

  2. Revisiting the Seeming Unanimous Verdict on the Great Debate on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The great debate on African Philosophy refers to the debate as to whether African Philosophy does exist or not. The debate aroused great interest among Philosophy scholars who were predominantly polarized into two opposing positions - those who denied the existence of African Philosophy and those who insisted on the ...

  3. Inventar o passado, construir o futuro: São Paulo entre nacionalismos e cosmopolitismos nas primeiras décadas do século 20

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    Joana Mello de Carvalho e Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo aponta como a questão do estilo mais adequado para São Paulo estava inserida no debate autorizado de engenheiros e arquitetos, ao mesmo tempo em que animava a discussão entre intelectuais e o público leigo. A partir dos textos do jornalista e escritor modernista Menotti del Picchia (1892-1988 e do arquiteto russo Gregori Warchavchik (1896-1972, publicados sobretudo no jornal Correio Paulistano, bem como os do escritor e editor Monteiro Lobato (1884-1948 e do engenheiro português Ricardo Severo (1869-1940, veiculados n’O Estado de S. Paulo, e ainda das crônicas do crítico e poeta Mário de Andrade (1893-1945, divulgadas no Diário Nacional, percebe-se que o tema da fisionomia daquela cidade em plena marcha de progresso alimenta a construção do discurso acerca da nacionalidade e da modernidade artística, nas primeiras décadas do século 20. Tal debate ocorre em um campo de investigação e experimentação artísticas intensas, que se dá no embate entre a idealização universalista, a defesa radical da modernidade artística, o tradicionalismo conservador e o patriotismo tacanho.

  4. The great climate debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sudhakara Reddy, B.; Assenza, Gaudenz B.


    For over two decades, scientific and political communities have debated whether and how to act on climate change. The present paper revisits these debates and synthesizes the longstanding arguments. Firstly, it provides an overview of the development of international climate policy and discusses clashing positions, represented by sceptics and supporters of action on climate change. Secondly, it discusses the market-based measures as a means to increase the win-win opportunities and to attract profit-minded investors to invest in climate change mitigation. Finally, the paper examines whether climate protection policies can yield benefits both for the environment and the economy. A new breed of analysts are identified who are convinced of the climate change problem, while remaining sceptical of the proposed solutions. The paper suggests the integration of climate policies with those of development priorities that are vitally important for developing countries and stresses the need for using sustainable development as a framework for climate change policies.

  5. 'Homeopathy': untangling the debate. (United States)

    Relton, Clare; O'Cathain, Alicia; Thomas, Kate J


    There are active public campaigns both for and against homeopathy, and its continuing availability in the NHS is debated in the medical, scientific and popular press. However, there is a lack of clarity in key terms used in the debate, and in how the evidence base of homeopathy is described and interpreted. The term 'homeopathy' is used with several different meanings including: the therapeutic system, homeopathic medicine, treatment by a homeopath, and the principles of 'homeopathy'. Conclusions drawn from one of these aspects are often inappropriately applied to another aspect. In interpreting the homeopathy evidence it is important to understand that the existing clinical experimental (randomised controlled trial) evidence base provides evidence as to the efficacy of homeopathic medicines, but not the effectiveness of treatment by a homeopath. The observational evidence base provides evidence as to the effectiveness of treatment by a homeopath. We make four recommendations to promote clarity in the reporting, design and interpretation of homeopathy research.

  6. The internal suicide debate hypothesis: exploring the life versus death struggle. (United States)

    Harris, Keith M; McLean, John P; Sheffield, Jeanie; Jobes, David


    Researchers and theorists (e.g., Shneidman, Stengel, Kovacs, and Beck) hyothesized that suicidal people engage in an internal debate, or struggle, over whether to live or die, but few studies have tested its tenability. This study introduces direct assessment of a suicidal debate, revealing new aspects of suicidal ideation. Results, from an online survey (N = 1,016), showed nearly all suicide-risk respondents engaged in the debate. In addition, debate frequency accounted for 54% of the variance in suicidality scores, and showed significant associations with other indicators of suicide risk. Likely factors of the debate, reasons for living and dying, showed significant differences by suicidality, and most suicide-risk participants reported going online for such purposes, demonstrating a behavioral component of the debate.

  7. Um estudo sobre a relação entre a Democracia Digital e a Participação Política a partir do debate sobre o Programa Mais Médicos no Facebook

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    Ilana Camurça Landim


    Full Text Available O artigo trata da discussão sobre democracia digital, realizando um percursoconceitual sobre o que se propõe a representar a nomenclatura democraciadigital, analisando aspectos facilitadores do processo democrático seguidos do surgimento,como o processo de desburocratização, maior acesso à participação política pormeio de computadores, aplicativos e ferramentas. Dentre as ferramentas dademocracia digital estão as redes sociais, enfatizando o Facebook pela ampla adesão e uso feito pelos cidadãos brasileiros,tomando a página governamental do Ministério da Saúde e o debate sobre o ProgramaMais Médicos como ilustração para embasar a discussão. Em seguida, é posto emdiscussão o conceito de participação política no contexto da rede socialescolhida, levantando aspectos positivos, como sendo esse um espaço de relaçãosocial vindo a tornar-se político, bem como aspectos a serem questionados, comoo alcance comprometido em rede que não abrange o público em sua totalidade seconfigurar como participação política. Por fim, discute-se a esfera pública, odebate e a deliberação no contexto do Facebookcomo conceitos para averiguar a relação entre a democracia digital e a participaçãopolítica.


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    Henry Manuel Mora Jiménez


    Full Text Available Aunque en Costa Rica no se ha seguido en los últimos quince años una política económica neoliberal a ultranza, sino una “a la tica”; todo el debate económico y el accionar del sector público durante este período ha sido permeable a la lógica del ajuste estructural. Pero la actual encrucijada obliga a “tirios y troyanos”, a críticos y defensores del ajuste, a superar este enfoque aún predominante. Independientemente de los logros y fracasos acumulados desde 1983 hasta la fecha, en el campo económico y social, el país debe, urgentemente, realizar un “viraje estratégico”, pues la sensación de estancamiento o lento crecimiento de los últimos años se ha convertido en cruda realidad, con el agravante de que ya no podemos seguir viviendo del pasado. En el texto se aborda la problemática nacional en las siguientes cinco áreas:Estabilidad macroeconómica: sin ser artificial, continúa siendo frágil, dependiente en alto grado de la entrada de capitales externos y arrastrando una crisis fiscal latente que recurrentemente estalla. Esto en gran parte se explica por los rasgos de inestabilidad estructural que aun persisten.Gobernabilidad y Reforma del Estado: el estilo de gobernabilidad moldeada durante el período 1950-1975 ya no es viable, y la vacilante reforma del Estado está contribuyendo solo de manera precaria a construir nuevas formas de gobernabilidad acordes con las exigencias de las modernas sociedades democráticas. La gran tarea por delante es reconstruir un Estado estratégico y solidario; que facilite la irrupción de la sociedad civil en la vida pública nacional.Transformación productiva y competitividad: avanza, pero sin un rumbo claro y seguro, pues se adolece de una estrategia nacional de desarrollo de la competitividad internacional, que supere prácticas anticuadas de intervención estatal y viejos pero maquillados dogmas antiestatales que conducen a visiones parciales sobre el papel de las empresas y del

  9. Darfur a debate


    Cohen, Roberta


    Los enconados debates mantenidos por las comunidades humanitarias y de derechos humanos se centran en el número de víctimas de Darfur, el uso del término “genocidio”, la eficacia de las soluciones militares en comparación con las políticas y en analizar hasta qué punto la defensa de los derechos humanos puede debilitar los programas humanitarios sobre el terreno.

  10. The biofuels in debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rigaud, Ch.


    As the development of the biofuels is increasing in the world, many voices are beginning to rise to denounce the environmental risks and the competition of the green fuels with the alimentary farming. The debate points out the problems to solve to develop a sustainable channel. (A.L.B.)

  11. WORKSHOP: Discussion, debate, deliberation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jeliazkova, Margarita I.


    Discussing, deliberating and debating are a core part of any democratic process. To organise these processes well, a great deal of knowledge and skill is required. It is not simple to find a good balance between a number of elements: appropriate language and terminology; paying attention to solid

  12. Petition may trigger parliamentary debate on regulator's fee. (United States)


    THE NURSING and Midwifery Council's (NMC) proposed registration fee increase to £120 is likely to be debated in parliament after a petition against the rise reached 100,000 signatures. The petition, started by mental health liaison nurse Steve Iwasyk, gained the necessary number of signatures to spark a debate.

  13. Medicinal cannabis: moving the debate forward. (United States)

    Newton-Howes, Giles; McBride, Sam


    There has been increased interest in cannabis as a medicine both nationally and internationally. Internationally, cannabis is accepted as a medication for a variety of purposes in a variety of legal guises and this, associated with anecdotes of the utility of cannabis as medication has led for calls for it to be 'medicalised' in New Zealand. This viewpoint discusses the issues associated with this approach to accessing cannabis and some of the difficulties that may be associated with it. It is important doctors are at the forefront of the debate surrounding medicalised cannabis. Recommendations as to the ongoing debate are offered.

  14. A philosophical analysis of the evidence-based medicine debate


    Sehon, Scott R; Stanley, Donald E


    Abstract Background The term "evidence-based medicine" (or EBM) was introduced about ten years ago, and there has been considerable debate about the value of EBM. However, this debate has sometimes been obscured by a lack of conceptual clarity concerning the nature and status of EBM. Discussion First, we note that EBM proponents have obscured the current debate by defining EBM in an overly broad, indeed almost vacuous, manner; we offer a clearer account of EBM and its relation to the alternat...

  15. La nación a debate: el discurso nacionalista en la prensa liberal antiporfirista.

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    Margarita Espinosa Blas


    Full Text Available En México, como en la mayoría de los estados latinoamericanos, el proceso de consolidación nacional fue lento, penoso y accidentado; tanto que para muchos estudiosos los procesos nacionales resultan inacabados aún en el siglo XX. En el caso mexicano se considera al porfiriato como la etapa de consolidación del estado-nacional en la que fue posible la unificación de un relato nacional exitoso pero interrumpido con la Revolución Mexicana. Sin embargo, más allá de los logros y del aparente consenso entre la clase política porfiriana, la cuestión nacional generó polémicos debates en la prensa y en la tribuna. Frente a la imagen nacional construida por la elite oligárquica y política, cierto sector de la prensa vinculado con grupos de oposición liberal cuestionó los argumentos de la nación imaginada por la élite en el poder, pero también reforzó algunos aspectos de esa imagen nacional arraigados en el imaginario colectivo. En este trabajo se analiza y explica una parte de este debate a través del estudio del discurso hemerográfico mexicano del periodo 1890-1910, particularmente en aquellos diarios de oposición identificados con el ideario liberal como El Hijo del Ahuizote y otros considerados precursores de la Revolución Mexicana como Regeneración y El Demócrata.

  16. Immigration in the United States 2016 Presidential Debates: A Functional Analysis

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    Ahmed Hasani Yaseen


    Full Text Available This paper describes an analysis of the three U.S. 2016 presidential debates published in The New York Times using Benoit’s (2007a functional theory. The three presidential debates in the U.S., which occur every four years, remain as the most sensitive political rhetoric that lead to the election of the next U.S. President. These debates include discussion of different issues between the two presidential candidates. One of these issues is immigration. The U.S. presidential debates have been researched by many on various aspects but there has not been a study that focus primarily on the issue of immigration in the three 2016 U.S. presidential debates. All statements regarding this issue between the two presidential candidates, Trump and Clinton, were extracted from these debates and analyzed using Benoit's (2007a functional theory. Findings revealed that attack statements occurred more than acclaims, and defences were less used than acclaims. The statements included in these debates pertained to policy (30% and character (70%. As expected, general goals were employed more often using acclaim function rather than attack and defend. However, ideals were employed more often using defence than to acclaim and attack. Due to different contexts, situations, and participants, Benoit's (2007a functional theory may not be generalized for all debates. This study reveals certain inconsistencies regarding some of the hypotheses of Benoit's (2007a functional theory in relation to our knowledge of the presidential debates, specifically the issue of immigration.

  17. Debating the viability of ethnicity

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    Vilna Bashi


    Full Text Available [First paragraph] Immigration and the Political Economy of Home: West Indian Brooklyn and American Indian Minneapolis, 1945-1992. RACHEL BUFF. Berkeley: University of Califomia Press, 2001. xv + 240 pp. (Paper US$ 18.95 Black Cuban, Black American: A Memoir. EVELIO GRILLO. Houston TX: Arte Püblico Press, 2000. xvi + 134 pp. (Paper US$ 13.95 West Indian in the West: Self Representations in an Immigrant Community. PERCY C. HINTZEN. New York: New York University Press, 2001. x + 200pp. (Paper US$ 18.50 Caribbean Families in Britain and the Transatlantic World. HARRY GOULBOURNE & MARY CHAMBERLAIN (eds.. Oxford UK: Macmillan, 2001. xvi + 270 pp. (Paper £15.50 Legacies: The Story of the Immigrant Second Generation. ALEJANDRO PORTES & RUBÉN G. RUMBAUT. Berkeley: University of Califomia Press/ New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001. xxiv + 406 pp. (Paper US$ 19.95 "Ethnicity" and its meaning, both as an identity and as a resilient cultural influence, has dominated late twentieth-century social scientific analyses of the process of immigrant incorporation. Perhaps we may mark the crowning of the term with the publication of Glazer and Moynihan's The Melting Pot, one famous tome that "explained" varying "assimilation" outcomes among the "new" (post-1965 newcomers by examining their ethnic culture for flaws or strengths that justified socioeconomic failure or success. Muddying the ensuing policy debate was the use of buzzwords, like mainstream, deviant, assimilated, minority, black matriarch, absent father, and underclass, that were themselves categorizing and hierarchical. The tautology of hierarchically labeling groups and then asking why groups with different labels have different outcomes seems to be perpetually invisible to the parties in the assimilation debate, but the debate itself rages on. Newer scholarship has added a different voice to that debate, arguing that variance in "assimilation" is instead explained by incorporation into

  18. Use of a policy debate to teach residents about health care reform. (United States)

    Nguyen, Vu Q C; Hirsch, Mark A


    Resident education involves didactics and pedagogic strategies using a variety of tools and technologies in order to improve critical thinking skills. Debating is used in educational settings to improve critical thinking skills, but there have been no reports of its use in residency education. The present paper describes the use of debate to teach resident physicians about health care reform. We aimed to describe the method of using a debate in graduate medical education. Second-year through fourth-year physical medicine and rehabilitation residents participated in a moderated policy debate in which they deliberated whether the United States has one of the "best health care system(s) in the world." Following the debate, the participants completed an unvalidated open-ended questionnaire about health care reform. Although residents expressed initial concerns about participating in a public debate on health care reform, all faculty and residents expressed that the debate was robust, animated, and enjoyed by all. Components of holding a successful debate on health care reform were noted to be: (1) getting "buy-in" from the resident physicians; (2) preparing the debate; and (3) follow-up. The debate facilitated the study of a large, complex topic like health care reform. It created an active learning process. It encouraged learners to keenly attend to an opposing perspective while enthusiastically defending their position. We conclude that the use of debates as a teaching tool in resident education is valuable and should be explored further.

  19. Cartografías interculturales: procesos educativos y traducción entre culturas

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    Eduardo S. VILA MERINO


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende ofrecer elementos para el debate y la reflexión en torno a consecuencias pedagógicas vinculadas a la interculturalidad y los necesarios, aunque a menudo olvidados, procesos de diálogo y traducción entre culturas que conlleva este término, de manera que contribuya a pensar sobre lo hecho, lo que se hace y lo que habría que hacer en su nombre educativamente. En un primer análisis, más general, se elaboran una serie de reflexiones en torno a las implicaciones económicas, sociales y políticas de lo cultural desde lo «multi» y lo «inter», así como posteriormente de la construcción de lo educativo desde la transversalidad intercultural como espacio ético, de manera que sirva a modo de un somero posicionamiento y planteamiento de los procesos de diálogo y traducción intercultural en las realidades educativas, a veces tan artificializadas. De ahí se pasa a enmarcar y repensar el concepto de lo intercultural y la traducción entre culturas en el marco de la teoría de la educación, ya que esto nos va a brindar oportunidades para visibilizar y discernir que no todo lo que se encasilla como intercultural lo es. Finalmente, a la luz de todo lo anterior, y con un ánimo propositivo, se establecen una serie de conclusiones en forma de reflexiones y condiciones para el diálogo y el trabajo de traducción entre culturas que nos permitan abrir espacios fértiles para mejorar los marcos teóricos, metodológicos y éticos de la praxis educativa acorde con la posición teórica intercultural aquí defendida.

  20. MO-FG-BRB-02: Debater [medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hazle, J. [UT MD Anderson Cancer Center (United States)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  1. MO-FG-BRB-03: Debater [medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herman, M. [Mayo Clinic (United States)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  2. Contemporary Expert Debates on the SCO-Related Issues

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    Igor Evgen'evich Denisov


    Full Text Available Since its establishment the SCO has always attracted a lot of expert attention. The SCO Forum was founded in 2006 to bring together for annual debates experts from all member-states. Within this format in-depth discussions took place in April 2016 in Dushanbe, which hosted this year conference of the SCO Forum. Participating experts and officials reviewed problems of security, economic cooperation (including transport and water-energy issues and SCO enlargement, the latter being one of the most debatable. Experts presented some new thesis on all these problems, in particular on the enlargement issue. These new thesis are summed up in this article. Besides, the SCO Forum this year had many statements on the organization approaching a sort of new phase in its development. This line of discussions may lead in the future to even more active debates on SCO's role in the world. This article puts emphasis on the new elements of these debates and reviews major experts' attitudes within this line of discussion on the SCO being in front of a new stage of development.

  3. UK parliamentary debate analysis: bombing ISIL in Syria. (United States)

    Rashed, Haifa


    This paper examines the arguments presented for and against the UK government's motion for the UK to intervene militarily in Syria in the House of Commons debate on ISIL in Syria that took place on 2 December 2015. It considers what the most common arguments were in favour of and in opposition to the motion as well as which arguments were given the most emphasis, in order to understand the prime justifications given that led to the decision to approve the motion. It suggests that due to the shadow of the 2003 Iraq war, politicians in the debate placed a considerable emphasis on the legal justification for military intervention. It argues that the focus on the national security of the UK and its allies in this particular debate seems to contrast with previous military interventions where humanitarian motives were more widely stated. This paper calls for further comparative research of parliamentary debates in order to track such changes in the rhetoric used by UK politicians to defend their support for military intervention.

  4. Classroom Debate Format: Effect on Student Learning and Revelations about Student Tendencies (United States)

    Tessier, Jack T.


    To assess the effect of debate format on learning, four formats were separately employed in an environmental issues course. Learning was greatest when students wrote about a debate they witnessed, the teacher provided debate questions, and students received a reward for winning. Students valued debates for developing their arguing skills, used the…

  5. Debates in Teaching Bioethics (United States)

    Kedraka, Katerina; Kourkoutas, Yiannis


    In this small scale study in higher education, a good educational practice on the teaching of Bioethics based on transformative learning and accomplished by debates is presented. The research was carried out in June 2016 at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece and it includes the assessment of…

  6. Learning through debate during problem-based learning: an active learning strategy. (United States)

    Mumtaz, Sadaf; Latif, Rabia


    We explored medical student's views and perceptions of a series of debates conducted during problem-based learning (PBL) practiced as a part of the Spiral curriculum at the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. A series of debates were employed during PBL sessions for second-year female medical students, over the period 2014-2016. Each cohort of students was randomly split into 10 small PBL groups and exposed to weekly PBL activity. Within each group, the students were divided into a proposition half and an opposition half. Students were given 1 wk for debate preparation. The students' responses were recorded on a formulated questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data, and results are presented as percentages. The usefulness of debate in alleviating potential difficulties in communicating with patients was agreed to by 69% ( n = 126) of participants. That these sessions evoked critical thinking among students was reported by 78% ( n = 142). This series of debates helped 61% ( n = 111) of students to learn effectively about controversial issues. Seventy-one percent ( n = 130) considered that debate promoted argument generation and interpretation skills. Enhanced ability to analyze and research evidence was reported by 59% ( n = 108) of students. One hundred and thirteen students (62%) agreed that debate helped them to improve clinical decision-making, and 75% of students agreed that debates encouraged tolerance toward diverse viewpoints/convincing strategies. The majority of our medical students found debating enhanced analytic decision-making, communication, and critical thinking skills. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.

  7. El arbitrio de tierras de 1622 y el debate sobre las propiedades y los derechos coloniales de los indios

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    Glave, Luis Miguel


    Full Text Available This article analyses the 1622 tax on the sale of lands within the context of the broad debate regarding the lawfulness of the sale and composition of properties, initiated at the end of the sixteenth century. The opportunity to press upon the natives’ resources is studied, as well as the defensive measures available to them, while striving to call attention to the dialogue between metropolitan policy – which sought to increase monetary resources in times of need – and discrepancies within the Andean kingdom at a time of legal and administrative changes that attempted to respond to imperial demands.Este artículo analiza un arbitrio sobre la venta de tierras de 1622, situándolo en el extenso debate acerca de la licitud de la enajenación y composición de propiedades comenzado a finales del siglo XVI. Se estudia la coyuntura de presión sobre los recursos de los naturales y las opciones de defensa de los mismos, procurando resaltar el diálogo entre la política metropolitana, que buscaba ampliar recursos monetarios en tiempo de necesidad, y las discrepancias internas del reino andino en pleno proceso de cambios administrativos y legales que intentaban responder a esa demanda imperial.

  8. El Uruguay progresista: entre la soberanía y el biocontrol

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    Marcelo Rossal


    Full Text Available A partir de un largo proceso de investigación etnográfica con usuarios de drogas en situación de extrema pobreza, presento un recorrido del tratamiento que distintos sectores del Estado uruguayo otorgan a los ciudadanos que se encuentran en sus márgenes: personas en situación de pobreza extrema, encarceladas o con usos problemáticos de drogas. Uruguay, un país entendido como progresista y liberal, con leyes que en los últimos años han regulado el acceso de las personas al cannabis, al matrimonio igualitario y de las mujeres a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, tiene una contracara tutelar y vigilante que exige la obediencia de los sujetos para otorgar el ejercicio de los derechos y los cuidados. Al igual que en otras partes, el Estado uruguayo se debate entre las amenazas a su soberanía y el ejercicio de formas contemporáneas del biocontrol.

  9. A public debate on energy in France, how to make it successful?; Le debat public sur l'energie en France: les conditions de la reussite

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    Roche, L.


    In this short article the author presents the different kinds of public debates. A debate can lead to a decision or not, be local or national and be directed to a large audience (all the citizens) or to a reduced public (specific users,...). Till now 2 types of public debates have been organized in France, the citizen conference and the public information meeting. In a citizen conference a panel of about 15 people, that are representative of the French society, are specially trained on the topic of the conference in order to enable them to participate actively in it and to contribute to the writing of the issued recommendations. 2 citizen conferences have taken place in France one about global warming and the other on gene engineering (OGM), both were lacking in notoriety. The second type of debate is a non-decision debate whose aim is to assure the information of the public on a particular topic and to give him the opportunity to express himself on that topic. This kind of debate implies the presence of experts and counter-experts and requires an important preliminary work (public information, selection of the experts and debate framing) from the authorities. (A.C.)

  10. Framing the policy debate over spirits excise tax in Poland. (United States)

    Zatonski, Mateusz; Hawkins, Benjamin; McKee, Martin


    Industry lobbying remains an obstacle to effective health-oriented alcohol policy. In 2013, an increase in excise tax on spirits was announced by the Polish government. This article presents a qualitative analysis of the public debate that ensued on the potential economic, health and social effects of the policy. It focuses on how competing groups, including industry actors, framed their position and sought to dominate the debate. Online archives of five Polish national newspapers, two spirits trade associations, and parliamentary and ministerial archives were searched. A thematic content analysis of the identified sources was conducted. The overall findings were compared with existing research on the framing of the Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) debate in the UK. A total of 155 sources were analysed. Two main frames were identified: health, and economic. The spirits industry successfully promoted the economic frame in their own publications and in the media. The debate was dominated by arguments about potential growth of the grey market and losses in tax revenue that might result from the excise tax increase. The framing of the debate in Poland differed from the framing of the MUP debate in the United Kingdom. The Polish public health community was unsuccessful in making health considerations a significant element of the alcohol policy debate. The strategies pursued by UK health advocates offer lessons for how to make a more substantial impact on media coverage and promote health-oriented legislation.

  11. O debate dos economistas sobre a sustentabilidade: uma avaliação sob a ótica da análise do processo produtivo de Georgescu-Roegen

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    Charles C. Mueller


    Full Text Available O artigo avalia o debate que a economia do meio ambiente vem travando em torno do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, tendo por base contribuições de Nicholas Georgecu-Roegen. Este autor se notabilizou por ter trazido para a análise econômica o conceito de entropia, hoje peça fundamental da estrutura conceitual da economia ecológica. Entretanto, não é este o aspecto da obra de Georgecu-Roegen aqui focalizado. Ressaltam-se, ao invés, contribuições para a discussão derivadas de sua análise do processo produtivo. Procura-se mostrar, de forma especial, que a incorporação, pela economia do meio ambiente, da distinção, sugerida pelo autor, entre a categoria de capital natural de estoque e a de fundo de serviços ambientais básicos, forçaria as visões sobre a sustentabilidade a se confrontarem com aspectos fundamentais da inter-relação entre o sistema econômico e o meio ambiente, que hoje tendem a estar ocultos nas hipóteses simplificadoras da análise convencional da sustentabilidade.Based on contributions from Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, the paper evaluates the debate in economics regarding the concept of sustainable development. This author is renowned for having introduced in economic analysis the concept of entropy, today an important building block of ecological economics. However, this is not the aspect focused here. We emphasize, instead, the contribution to the discussion that can be derived from his analysis of the production process. We point out, especially, that if the analysis of the interaction between the economic system and the environment incorporates the distinction suggested by the author, between the category of stocks of inputs of natural capital and that of its funds of basic environmental services, the sustainability debate would be forced to confront central aspects that tend to remain hidden by the simplifying assumptions of the conventional analyses of sustainability.

  12. Derailing the Growth Debate

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    Nørgaard, Jørgen


    that we know today implies that the report was in any sense fundamentally wrong. A cohort of critics at the time, it can be said, was seriously in error when they managed to derail the debate by rejecting the report’s conclusions, and a lot of the critique was not related to the content of the report...

  13. Using Small Group Debates to Actively Engage Students in an Introductory Microbiology Course† (United States)

    Shaw, Joyce A.


    Debates stimulate critical thinking and can be a highly effective way to actively engage students in the classroom. This paper describes a small group debate format in which groups of four to six students debated preassigned topics in microbiology in front of the rest of the class. Rapid advancements in science, especially in microbiology, provide the scaffolding for students to locate and share evidence-based information from a plethora of complex and often conflicting sources. Student-generated debate presentations can be a welcome respite from the lecture format. Debates were scheduled throughout the course to coincide with topics being covered. Questionnaires distributed immediately after each debate revealed that the debates were well received by students and were effective in changing student attitudes and misconceptions. Debate preparation provided students the opportunity to gain proficiency in accessing information from electronic databases, to use resources from professional organizations, and to synthesize and analyze information. In addition, the debate process gave students experience in developing oral communication skills. PMID:23653803

  14. Entre el liberalismo radical y la necesidad: los debates en torno al monopolio estatal del tabaco en México, 1821-1824

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    Jesús Hernández Jaimes


    Full Text Available La empresa estatal del tabaco fue una de las fuentes de recursos más importantes para el gobierno virreinal novohispano desde el último cuarto del siglo XVIII. Una vez conseguida la independencia, la clase política y algunos sectores económicos se enfrascaron en una disputa en torno al destino de dicho monopolio. Para algunos, su existencia contrariaba los principios modernos del liberalismo, además de que encarnaba el supuesto despotismo del régimen colonial que se buscaba sepultar. Para otros, la precariedad de la Hacienda nacional justificaba su continuidad. Creían que la construcción del Estado requería necesariamente de una constitución hacendaria en la que el estanco del tabaco debía tener un lugar relevante. Este ensayo da cuenta de este intenso debate ocurrido en el momento fundacional del nuevo país y se analizan las ideas políticas y económicas, así como los intereses en torno al estanco del tabaco.The tobacco monopoly was one of the most important financial resources of the New Spain's viceregal government during the last twenty-five years of the eighteenth-century. Once Mexico achieved independence, politicians and representatives of various economic interests became absorbed in a dispute over its future. Some thought that its existence went against modern liberal principals, as well as exemplifying the Colonial regime's alleged despotism from which the new nation was trying to escape. Others believed that the fragility of the Public Treasury justified its survival. They thought that the tobacco monopoly was necessary for the construction of the State and the constitution of a viable tax system. Without the State no liberty could be guaranteed. This essay describes the intense debate on this subject which occurred during the foundational moments of the new country. It also analyses the political and economic ideas that were discussed and the interests that were involved in them.

  15. National debate on the energies; Debat national sur les energies

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    This document gathered the allocutions presented at the national debate on the energies of the 18 march 2003. The full text of the presentations of the Ministry of the industry N. Fontaine and the first Ministry J.P. Raffarin are provided. A synthesis of the answers to the following questions is also presented: understand the energy, the increase of the energy demand, the international consumption, the necessary changes of the consumption and production modes, the environmental impact, the resources, the decision making and the deciders. (A.L.B.)

  16. Frames in the Ethiopian Debate on Biofuels

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    Brigitte Portner


    Full Text Available Biofuel production, while highly contested, is supported by a number of policies worldwide. Ethiopia was among the first sub-Saharan countries to devise a biofuel policy strategy to guide the associated demand toward sustainable development. In this paper, I discuss Ethiopia’s biofuel policy from an interpretative research position using a frames approach and argue that useful insights can be obtained by paying more attention to national contexts and values represented in the debates on whether biofuel production can or will contribute to sustainable development. To this end, I was able to distinguish three major frames used in the Ethiopian debate on biofuels: an environmental rehabilitation frame, a green revolution frame and a legitimacy frame. The article concludes that actors advocating for frames related to social and human issues have difficulties entering the debate and forming alliances, and that those voices need to be included in order for Ethiopia to develop a sustainable biofuel sector.

  17. Debates presidenciales y calidad de la democracia. Análisis empírico normativo de los debates mexicanos de 2012

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    Martín Echeverría-Victoria


    Full Text Available Para que una democracia sea de calidad, el sistema político deberá asegurar la comprensión informada de los ciudadanos acerca de los asuntos públicos, para lo cual los debates presidenciales son mecanismos idóneos. A través de un análisis de contenido de los debates presidenciales mexicanos de 2012, hallamos evidencia de riqueza argumentativa, aunque con ciertos aspectos simplificadores.

  18. Impact of a debate on pharmacy students' views of online pharmacy practice. (United States)

    Bussières, Jean-François; Delicourt, Anais; Belaid, Nedjma; Quirion, Marie-Pierre; Desroches, Julien; Bégin, Josiane; Fragasso-Marquis, Anne-Marie; Lamarre, Diane


    To evaluate the impact of a debate on pharmacy students' perceptions, using online pharmacy practice as the debate topic. This is a quasi-experimental interrupted time-series study. A 60 min debate was organized as a lunchtime meeting. A four-category Likert scale questionnaire (fully agree, partially agree, partially disagree, fully disagree) measured the debate participants' level of agreement with 25 statements (main issues associated with online pharmacy) in the pre-phase (before the debate), post-phase 1 (after the debate) and post-phase 2 (6 months after the debate). One hundred and seventy-seven students were recruited (response rate of 100% in the pre-phase and post-phase 1, 31% in post-phase 2). Four questions measured the perceptions of the students on this pedagogical technique. The overall proportion of respondents in favour of online pharmacy practice showed little variation among the three phases. However, on average (mean ± SD) 43 ± 8% of the respondents changed their opinion, 21 ± 7% reversed their opinion, 22 ± 4% nuanced their opinion and 1 ± 1% radically changed their opinion. Respectively 98% (post-phase 1) and 96% (post-phase 2) of the respondents were of the opinion that debate was a very useful teaching formula in their pharmacist training and 79 and 66% thought debate significantly changed their opinion of the issue. Few data have been collected on the use of debates as part of healthcare professional training. The impact of a debate on how pharmacy students feel about online pharmacy practice is described. © 2012 The Authors. IJPP © 2012 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

  19. Fair balance between generations, between territories; Juste equilibre entre generations, entre territoires

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    The law from December 30, 1991, precisely defines 3 axes of researches for the management of high level and long-lived radioactive wastes: separation/transmutation, surface storage and underground disposal. A global evaluation report about these researches is to be supplied in 2006 by the French government to the Parliament. A first synthesis of the knowledge gained after 14 years of research has led the national commission of the public debate (CNDP) to organize a national debate about the general options of management of high-level and long-lived radioactive wastes before the 2006 date line. The debate comprises 4 public hearings (September 2005: Bar-le-Duc, Saint-Dizier, Pont-du-Gard, Cherbourg), 12 round-tables (October and November 2005: Paris, Joinville, Caen, Nancy, Marseille), a synthesis meeting (December 2005, Dunkerque) and a closing meeting (January 2006, Lyon). This document is the synthesis of the debates of the Nancy round table about the perenniality of our knowledge concerning the localization and properties of nuclear wastes and about the perenniality of the financial means that may be left to future generations for the continuation of the management of these wastes. These proceedings are followed by 6 presentations dealing with: the nuclear fuel cycle, the future charges of the nuclear industry, the financing of the long term management of radioactive wastes, the principles of the financing system developed by the ONDRAF (Belgium), the inventory of nuclear liabilities, and some elements of reflection about the present day generation duties with respect to the long-term care-taking of radioactive wastes. (J.S.)

  20. La Migración Internacional México-Estados Unidos ante el Debate Contemporáneo entre el Iusnaturalismo y Positivismo Jurídico

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    Eduardo Fernández Guzmán


    Full Text Available Durante las últimas décadas se han erigido nuevas pautas y patrones migratorios que han contribuido a que los movimientos migratorios presenten un nivel de globalización nunca antes conocido en la historia. Incluido los derechos del migrante mismo. La migración internacional jamás ha tenido tanta difusión, ni ha sido tan importante en términos políticos y socioeconómicos como lo es hoy en día. Ni nunca antes se había percibido a esta como un problema que afectara a la seguridad nacional de los países receptores y en estrecha relación con el conflicto a escala global. La migración de México a Estados Unidos se ha convertido en el mayor circuito migratorio entre dos países en el mundo. Millones de mexicanos esperan que los derechos emanados de las convenciones internacionales se hagan realidad. Violación sistemática donde la legislación de Estados Unidos no admite recomendaciones de supuestos derechos naturales que se cocinan en otras latitudes. Reflejo de la pugna moderna entre el Iusnaturalismo y el Positivismo Jurídico.

  1. José Martí entre los Hilos Ocultos del Reformismo Cubano

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    María Caridad Pacheco González


    Full Text Available Este artículo discute hasta qué punto, tras la muerte de Martí, se generaliza en la isla de Cuba el desconocimiento de su obra literaria, la oposición a su pensamiento político y en consecuencia, un abandono a su discurso revolucionario y popular. Se describe el proceso con el que se generalizan las contradicciones entre los independentistas, en medio de la recuperación de su legado a manos de los emigrados. Luego de décadas de debates, se presentan las manifestaciones que exaltan su lucha nacionalista, la difusión de sus obras y la defensa de sus postulados e ideas, convirtiéndose los criterios martianos en la base ideológica de la nación cubana y del reformismo, en su tránsito de colonia a república.   This article discusses the extent to which, after his death, the literary output of José Martí became generally unknown, opposition to his political thought as well, resulting in the abandonment of his popular and revolutionary discourse. The contradictions among those in favor of Cuban independence is examined, with the recovery of Martí’s legacy left to emigrants. After decades of debate, praise of his nationalist struggle reappears, along with the diffusion of his oeuvre and the defense of his propositions and ideas, transforming the tenets of Martí’s thought into the ideological base of Cuban nationalism and reform, in the island's transition from colony to republic.

  2. Locos entre cuerdos, cuerdos en ambientes patológicos

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    Rodríguez-Arias Palomo, José Luis


    Full Text Available Mental Health moves within a territory of uncertain boundaries: weather a behavior is considered healthy or sick depends on factors such as the historical moment, the culture and society in which the diagnosis is made or simply the professional’s ideology on the matter. In this paper, the borders between madness and sanity will be explored from the point of view of Radical Constructivism (Watzlawick, 1988. The classification criteria currently used in Mental Health units will be questioned through a series of examples which reveal their instability and fuzziness. The thesis behind this debate is that the autonomy of the patient should be considered precisely in this context of relativity. Though “mad”, they have equal rights to sane people to decide over their own existence and their own ways of leading their lives.La Salud Mental se mueve en un territorio con límites imprecisos: la consideración de un comportamiento como sano o enfermo depende del momento histórico, de la sociedad y la cultura en la que se produce o, sencillamente, de la ideología del profesional que califica ese comportamiento. Desde la perspectiva del Constructivismo Radical se exploran estos límites entre la locura y la cordura y se cuestionan los criterios de clasificación al uso en los Servicios de Salud Mental a través de una serie de ejemplos, que ponen de relieve la inestabilidad de estos y la oscuridad de los mismos. La idea que atraviesa este debate es que la autonomía de los pacientes cobra protagonismo, precisamente, en la relatividad del diagnóstico en Salud Mental, ya que, aunque “locos”, tienen igual derecho que los cuerdos a decidir sobre su propia existencia y su propio estilo de vivir.

  3. The Boussinesq Debate: Reversibility, Instability, and Free Will. (United States)

    Michael Mueller, Thomas


    In 1877, a young mathematician named Joseph Boussinesq presented a mémoire to the Académie des sciences which demonstrated that some differential equations may have more than one solution. Boussinesq linked this fact to indeterminism and to a possible solution to the free will versus determinism debate. Boussinesq's main interest was to reconcile his philosophical and religious views with science by showing that matter and motion do not suffice to explain all there is in the world. His argument received mixed criticism that addressed both his philosophical views and the scientific content of his work, pointing to the physical "realisticness" of multiple solutions. While Boussinesq proved to be able to face the philosophical criticism, the scientific objections became a serious problem, thus slowly moving the focus of the debate from the philosophical plane to the scientific one. This change of perspective implied a wide discussion on topics such as instability, the sensitivity to initial conditions, and the conservation of energy. The Boussinesq debate is an example of a philosophically motivated debate that transforms into a scientific one, an example of the influence of philosophy on the development of science.

  4. El debate micro-macro: dilemas y contextos

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    Vania Salles


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the general terms of the sociological debate on the micro macro question. Not only the main trends organizing the debate are examined, but also some ways to solve the dichotomies present in some proposals. It is held that contemporary theoretical practice produces —after the classics and with different focuses— a reflexivecorpus and research practices rooted in the blurring of the micro macro as polar questions, by the way of offering integrating proposals and overcoming reducing positions.

  5. Ethics and animal experimentation: what is debated?

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    Paixão Rita Leal


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to raise some points for an understanding of the contemporary debate over the ethics of using animals in scientific experiments. We present the various positions from scientific and moral perspectives establishing different ways of viewing animals, as well as several concepts like 'animal ethics', 'animal rights', and 'animal welfare'. The paper thus aims to analyze the importance and growth of this debate, while proposing to expand the academic approach to this theme in the field of health.

  6. Ethics and animal experimentation: what is debated?

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    Rita Leal Paixão

    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to raise some points for an understanding of the contemporary debate over the ethics of using animals in scientific experiments. We present the various positions from scientific and moral perspectives establishing different ways of viewing animals, as well as several concepts like 'animal ethics', 'animal rights', and 'animal welfare'. The paper thus aims to analyze the importance and growth of this debate, while proposing to expand the academic approach to this theme in the field of health.

  7. Provincialising the World Culture Theory Debate: Critical Insights from a Margin (United States)

    Takayama, Keita


    Neo-institutionalist theory of global "isomorphism", or so-called World Culture Theory (WCT), has been much debated in comparative education. One notable feature of the debate is that the vast majority of its participants belong to a handful of closely knit comparative education communities. Ironically enough then, a debate that…

  8. Beyond the realism debate: The metaphysics of 'racial' distinctions. (United States)

    Lemeire, Olivier


    The current metaphysical race debate is very much focused on the realism question whether races exist. In this paper I argue against the importance of this question. Philosophers, biologists and anthropologists expect that answering this question will tell them something substantive about the metaphysics of racial classifications, and will help them to decide whether it is justified to use racial categories in scientific research and public policy. I argue that there are two reasons why these expectations are not fulfilled. First of all, the realism question about race leads to a very broad philosophical debate about the semantics of general terms and the criteria for real kinds, rather than to a debate about the metaphysics of racial categories specifically. Secondly, there is a type of race realism that is so toothless that it is almost completely uninformative about the metaphysics of race. In response to these worries, I argue that the metaphysical race debate should rather be focused on the question in what way and to what extent 'racial' distinctions can ground the epistemic practices of various scientific disciplines. I spell out what I mean by this, and go on to demonstrate that trying to answer this question leads to a more fruitful metaphysical debate. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Consumer-mediated health information exchanges: the 2012 ACMI debate. (United States)

    Cimino, James J; Frisse, Mark E; Halamka, John; Sweeney, Latanya; Yasnoff, William


    The American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) sponsors periodic debates during the American Medical Informatics Fall Symposium to highlight important informatics issues of broad interest. In 2012, a panel debated the following topic: "Resolved: Health Information Exchange Organizations Should Shift Their Principal Focus to Consumer-Mediated Exchange in Order to Facilitate the Rapid Development of Effective, Scalable, and Sustainable Health Information Infrastructure." Those supporting the proposition emphasized the need for consumer-controlled community repositories of electronic health records (health record banks) to address privacy, stakeholder cooperation, scalability, and sustainability. Those opposing the proposition emphasized that the current healthcare environment is so complex that development of consumer control will take time and that even then, consumers may not be able to mediate their information effectively. While privately each discussant recognizes that there are many sides to this complex issue, each followed the debater's tradition of taking an extreme position in order emphasize some of the polarizing aspects in the short time allotted them. In preparing this summary, we sought to convey the substance and spirit of the debate in printed form. Transcripts of the actual debate were edited for clarity, and appropriate supporting citations were added for the further edification of the reader. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  10. El consumo de drogas en el debate de la salud pública

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    Andrés Felipe Tirado-Otálvaro


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este texto sitúa el consumo de drogas ilegales en el debate actual entre la salud pública tradicional, frente a las propuestas latinoamericanas, y propone la necesidad de abordar el tema desde de una salud pública alternativa, centrada en la vida y el protagonismo de los sujetos, los grupos y los movimientos sociales, mediante una praxis contrahegemónica, para orientar así la discusión sobre la necesidad de generar políticas públicas incluyentes y democráticas. El consumo de drogas ha sido abordado desde la medicina clínica como un problema que genera trastornos mentales y enfermedades infecciosas, ya sea por las prácticas sexuales de riesgo, o el uso de jeringas para el consumo intravenoso; desde la política, como un problema relacionado con fenómenos delictivos; y desde la salud pública tradicional, como un problema que genera abandono escolar y laboral, aumento en la demanda de servicios de salud, muerte y violencia; sin embargo, no todas las formas de consumo representan un uso problemático, ni desencadenan trastornos por uso de sustancias.

  11. Por uma leitura geográfico-cultural dos resíduos sólidos: reflexões para o debate na Geografia

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    Fábio de Oliveira Neves


    Full Text Available El tema de los residuos de las actividades cotidianas es amplio y de naturaleza controvertida y compleja. Sin embargo, con frecuencia esta discusión es reducida a la racionalidad económico-instrumental de los expertos. En este artículo se presenta un enfoque geográfico-cultural sobre el tema de los residuos, basado en el imaginario sobre los desechos y su espacialidad. Esta investigación ofrece un marco teórico para la comprensión de las prácticas de manejo de los residuos: la confrontación entre el principio de la recuperación y el de la relegación. Mientras que la urgencia por recuperar los residuos parece un consenso en la sociedad contemporánea, el principio de relegación sigue presente en muchos contextos. El enfrentamiento entre estos dos principios no solo abre posibilidades para superar la discusión técnica y económica, sino que, además, permite profundizar en aspectos culturales y espaciales fundamentales para el debate en la geografía.

  12. The debate on minimal deterrence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arbatov, A.; Karp, R.C.; Toth, T.


    Revitalization of debates on minimal nuclear deterrence at the present time is induced by the end of the Cold War and a number of unilateral and bilateral actions by the great powers to curtail nuclear arms race and reduce nuclear weapons arsenals

  13. Effets Josephson generalises entre antiferroaimants et entre supraconducteurs antiferromagnetiques (United States)

    Chasse, Dominique

    L'effet Josephson est generalement presente comme le resultat de l'effet tunnel coherent de paires de Cooper a travers une jonction tunnel entre deux supraconducteurs, mais il est possible de l'expliquer dans un contexte plus general. Par exemple, Esposito & al. ont recemment demontre que l'effet Josephson DC peut etre decrit a l'aide du boson pseudo-Goldstone de deux systemes couples brisant chacun la symetrie abelienne U(1). Puisque cette description se generalise de facon naturelle a des brisures de symetries continues non-abeliennes, l'equivalent de l'effet Josephson devrait donc exister pour des types d'ordre a longue portee differents de la supraconductivite. Le cas de deux ferroaimants itinerants (brisure de symetrie 0(3)) couples a travers une jonction tunnel a deja ete traite dans la litterature Afin de mettre en evidence la generalite du phenomene et dans le but de faire des predictions a partir d'un modele realiste, nous etudions le cas d'une jonction tunnel entre deux antiferroaimants itinerants. En adoptant une approche Similaire a celle d'Ambegaokar & Baratoff pour une jonction Josephson, nous trouvons un courant d'aimantation alternee a travers la jonction qui est proportionnel a sG x sD ou fG et sD sont les vecteurs de Neel de part et d'autre de la jonction. La fonction sinus caracteristique du courant Josephson standard est donc remplacee.ici par un produit vectoriel. Nous montrons que, d'un point de vue microscopique, ce phenomene resulte de l'effet tunnel coherent de paires particule-trou de spin 1 et de vecteur d'onde net egal au vecteur d'onde antiferromagnetique Q. Nous trouvons egalement la dependance en temperature de l'analogue du courant critique. En presence d'un champ magnetique externe, nous obtenons l'analogue de l'effet Josephson AC et la description complete que nous en donnons s'applique aussi au cas d'une jonction tunnel entre ferroaimants (dans ce dernier cas, les traitements anterieurs de cet effet AC s'averent incomplets). Nous

  14. Os dilemas da justiça distributiva: Uma análise a partir do diálogo entre John Rawls e Robert Nozick

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    Pedro Uetela


    Full Text Available No contexto da filosofia política contemporânea, o debate sobre a justiça culminou com a elaboração do princípio clássico da justiça distributiva de John Rawls. Todavia, a conceptualização sobre o que é justiça parece ter permeado as reflexões filosóficas de muitos pensadores desde a antiguidade. A partir destes e de outros referenciais teóricos e metodológicos, o presente artigo busca, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica e hermenêutica, estabelecer um diálogo entre a teoria de justiça distributiva de John Rawls e de Robert Nozick. O mesmo formula a tese de que, tal como a determinação da métrica de justiça foi divergente entre diferentes gerações de cientistas políticos, o mesmo se repete entre Rawls e Nozick. Como resultado, não existe um único modelo de definição do que é justo como sempre ocorreu ao menos ao longo do contexto histórico da filosofia política.

  15. The nuclear power debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woerndl, B.


    This material-intensive analysis of the public dispute about nuclear power plants uses the fundamental thoughts of the conflict theory approach by Georg Simmel, linking them to results of recent value change research. Through the medium of a qualitative content analysis of arguments in favour of and against nuclear energy it is shown how values are expressed and move, how they differentiate and get modified, in conflicting argumentation patterns. The first part reconstructs the history of the nuclear power conflict under the aspect of its subject priorities changing from time to time. The second part shows, based on three debate priorities, how social value patterns recognized for the moment changed in and by the conflict: the argumentation is that the nuclear power controversy has led to a relativization of its scientific claim for recognition; it has created a problem awareness with regard to purely quantitatively oriented growth objectives and developed criteria of an ecologically controlled satisfaction of needs; the debate has paved the way, in the area of political regulation models, for the advancement of basic democratic elements within a representative democracy. (orig./HP) [de


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    Ni Luh Putu Krisnawati


    Full Text Available At present, competition regarding English debating is a common thing. All countries are competing in the World Debating Competition either for high school or university level. The spread of this “popular culture” has made other country to adopt the English debating system and translate that system into their native language. However it cannot be denied that there are also many jargons that need to be translated into the native language without changing the meaning. This research is focused on the jargons of the English parliamentary debating and its translation into Indonesia. The aims of this study are to identify the jargons in English parliamentary debating and its equivalence in Indonesia and also to know the procedures used in translating the jargons in English parliamentary debating into Indonesia. The theory used for this study is the theory proposed by Peter Newmark (1988 regarding the procedure of translation. The findings shows that they are five procedure of translation used in translating the jargons of English parliamentary debating into Indonesia namely literal translation, functional equivalent, couplets, transference, and naturalization.

  17. Understanding the debate on medical education research: a sociological perspective. (United States)

    Albert, Mathieu


    Since the mid-1990s, a debate has taken place among medical education scholars regarding the forms that research should take and the roles it should play. Editors of major journals in medical education and prominent researchers in the domain have repeatedly addressed the issue and have attempted to define what medical education research should be. The goal of this article is to look at the debate from a sociological perspective and to outline the social factors shaping it. An analysis of the texts published since 1990 addressing the issue shows that the debates can be deconstructed in four topics: epistemology, methodology, the primary purpose of medical education research, and the "quality" of the projects carried out in the domain. However, the debates can also be amalgamated and synthesized using the concept of "field" as developed by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. A "field" refers to the configuration of power relations among individuals, social groups, or institutions within a domain of activities. Scientific fields are typically structured around a "bipolar" opposition pattern. At one pole stand those individuals who promote greater collaboration with nonscientists as well as research aimed at responding to practical needs. At the opposite pole stand those individuals who aspire to achieve independence of the field from such external constraints. The use of the concept of "field" allows us to understand the debate from a larger perspective and to establish parallels with similar debates in other scientific fields. In doing so, we will have the opportunity to learn from the experience of these other fields and be more reflective about the debate in which we engage.

  18. Causas e soluções da desigualdade entre negros e brancos: raça ou classe? Políticas específicas ou políticas universalistas?

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    Wellington Gil Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os principais argumentos utilizados no debate sobre as causas das desigualdades entre negros e brancos no Brasil enfatizando as análises de classe e as análises de raça e as possíveis soluções para essa desigualdade, políticas universalistas e políticas específicas. Procura-se demonstrar que o antagonismo entre essas análises pode ser superado em favor de uma análise integradora a qual resulta na adoção de políticas públicas que garantam democraticamente igualdade de acesso ao ensino superior considerando as especificidades dos grupos excluídos sem descuidar das necessidades da população em geral.

  19. The German Debate on Tactical Nuclear Weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meier, Olivier


    This report analyses the debate in Germany about tactical nuclear weapons deployments in Europe. It is mainly based on interviews conducted with senior officials from the German Federal Foreign Ministry, the Federal Ministry of Defence, senior members of Parliament as well as experts from research institutes and think-tanks. The interviews focused on the more recent past in the German debate as well as the future of tactical nuclear weapon deployments in Germany and Europe. The report concludes that while a change of Germany's position on tactical nuclear weapons is unlikely to change in the short-term, several developments will make it unlikely that the continued involvement of Germany in NATO nuclear sharing will have to be debated in the medium term. Should the next Parliamentary elections, which will take place in 2009 at the latest, result in a Social Democrat-led government, a push for a reduction of Germany's involvement in NATO nuclear sharing appears possible. A conservative-led government is likely to maintain the nuclear status quo within NATO

  20. E-cigarettes: a need to broaden the debate. (United States)

    Latif, E; Nair, M


    The unregulated market for e-cigarettes continues to grow, with debates on their efficacy and impact on global public health. E-cigarettes, or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDs), are marketed as a 'safe' alternative to tobacco products and a tool for 'harm reduction'. Some public health experts are calling it a 'game changer' and favour the 'harm reduction' strategy, while others dispute this claim. In our opinion, the debate needs to be broadened to encompass other related concerns and effects on non-users and affected stakeholders. As with tobacco control, a holistic approach is needed to build a raft of policies that effectively address the issue from all angles and look beyond the direct health implications of e-cigarette use to explore the social, economic, political and environmental aspects of this debate, putting 'harm reduction' in context.

  1. Reflections on the Evolution of the Debate: From Drakht-i Asurig to Nima Poems

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    Narges Mohammadi badr


    Full Text Available Abstract Debate is a poetry or prose in which two things or two people are opposite and discuss the issue with each other until finally one of them overcomes the other. In this genre, the purpose of the writer or poet from this mutuality is proofing a philosophical or moral conclusion or showing his or her art of poetry. In this genre, the main character is human being, animals, other objects or abstract concepts. To compose debate usually the template of odes, sonnets and couplets are used. The base of this kind of literary goes to the time of Plato and Aristotle and the history of it can be divided into before and after Islam. The reasons behind its evolutions and regressions can be studied over the historical periods. Debate before Islam: This method was common in Iranian culture and literature. It seems that the Iranians have adapted this genre which has the characteristics of oral literature from Mesopotamia in ancient periods. One example can be seen in Akkadian, Sumerian texts. The oldest debate in Iranian culture is the one of Drakht-i Asurig[1] in Parthian Pahlavi language in which tree and goat arise to debate and controversy in order to count their advantages and conquered the other side. Finally, this struggle leads to the victory of goat against the tree. Debate after Islam: In Islamic era, debate was more widespread among poets of Azerbaijan and Iraq. Although Hakim Ferdowsi for composing his unique stories has used different species such as dialogue, monologue, praying, brag, lamentation and the debate. But the Unsuri has used this way of expression, to allegory for expressing and proving his theory. Among available Conversations, the debate between "Raven and the Hawk" can be pointed. A.fter the advent of Islam poets such as Ferdowsi, Unsury, Asadi Tusi, Nizami Ganjavi, Dehlavī, Sanai and Attar, Saadi, Rumi, Hafiz, Jami, etc. have paid attention to this genre. After the time of Asadi, many debates of self-description have grown

  2. Great software debates

    CERN Document Server

    Davis, A


    The industry’s most outspoken and insightful critic explains how the software industry REALLY works. In Great Software Debates, Al Davis, shares what he has learned about the difference between the theory and the realities of business and encourages you to question and think about software engineering in ways that will help you succeed where others fail. In short, provocative essays, Davis fearlessly reveals the truth about process improvement, productivity, software quality, metrics, agile development, requirements documentation, modeling, software marketing and sales, empiricism, start-up financing, software research, requirements triage, software estimation, and entrepreneurship.

  3. Moving research beyond the spanking debate. (United States)

    MacMillan, Harriet L; Mikton, Christopher R


    Despite numerous studies identifying a broad range of harms associated with the use of spanking and other types of physical punishment, debate continues about its use as a form of discipline. In this commentary, we recommend four strategies to move the field forward and beyond the spanking debate including: 1) use of methodological approaches that allow for stronger causal inference; 2) consideration of human rights issues; 3) a focus on understanding the causes of spanking and reasons for its decline in certain countries; and 4) more emphasis on evidence-based approaches to changing social norms to reject spanking as a form of discipline. Physical punishment needs to be recognized as an important public health problem. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Pos-modernidade ou antimodernidade? Uma reflexão em torno do debate moderno/pós-moderno

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    Everton Garcia da Costa


    Full Text Available Este ensaio constitui-se em uma reflexão histórica em torno do debate moderno/pós-moderno. O objetivo do texto, de modo mais preciso, é apresentar e rebater algumas das críticas que pensadores – tais como Habermas, Rouanet, Giddens e Lipovetsky – lançam em direção às chamadas teorias pós-modernas, acusando-as de serem, na verdade, discursos de antimodernidade. Na visão desses autores, não há uma ruptura real entre a modernidade e aquilo que tem sido chamado de “pós-modernidade”. Contrariamente a essa perspectiva, o trabalho ora apresentado parte do pressuposto de que há, de fato, um conjunto de deslocamentos – descontinuidades, desencaixes, pontos de ruptura – que separam uma matriz moderna de uma matriz pós-moderna.

  5. Entre vecinos: Retos de la justicia transicional a nivel local. El caso de la sierra de la Macarena, Colombia.

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    Keren Marín González


    Full Text Available El actual proceso de paz entre el Gobierno Colombiano y las FARC- EP en la Habana ha reavivado el debate en torno a los límites y alcances de la justicia transicional. Fenómenos como la victimización horizontal, consecuencia de la participación indirecta de los civiles en el conflicto, plantea una serie de retos para el modelo de justicia transicional que se defina en la mesa; en particular cómo proceder cuando la violencia ha sido utilizada entre vecinos. Este artículo se centra en esta tensión y para ello presenta una caracterización de los límites de la justicia transicional y analiza los contextos de oportunidad donde la victimización horizontal ha tenido lugar en una región colombiana fuertemente afectada por el conflicto armado, la Sierra de La Macarena. El artículo concluye con la formulación de una hipótesis orientada a proponer una posible alternativa para superar la violencia horizontal en el post conflicto: la posible complementariedad entre los mecanismos de transición y las experiencias locales de justicia comunitaria. The current peace process between the Colombian Government and FARC - EP in Havana has rekindled the debate over the limits and scope of transitional justice. Phenomena such as horizontal victimization, result of the indirect participation of civilians in the conflict, poses a number of challenges for the transitional justice model, which is defined at the table; in particular how to proceed when violence has been used among neighbors. This article focuses on this tension and, for that, this presents a description of the boundaries of transitional justice and discusses the contexts of opportunity where the horizontal victimization has taken place in a Colombian region strongly affected by the armed conflict, la Sierra de La Macarena. The article concludes with the formulation of a hypothesis aimed at proposing a possible alternative in order to overcome the horizontal violence in the post conflict

  6. MO-FG-BRB-01: Debater [medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bayouth, J. [University of Wisconsin (United States)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  7. Autonomía y nacionalidad vasca. El debate sobre los Fueros vascos en el Senado de 1864

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    Javier PÉREZ NÚÑEZ


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: E1 debate sobre los Fueros vascos realizado en el Senado en junio de 1864, sin que para nada afectara a las relaciones que desde 1844 se habían mantenido entre las provincias Vascongadas y la Administración central, marcó un antes y un después. A partir del mismo, a la par del proceso de descomposición de la Monarquía constitucional isabelina, se inició en esas provincias una reacción fuerista tradicionalista en toda regla. Esa reacción fue, entre otras razones, una respuesta al discurso efectuado en ese debate por el senador andaluz, Manuel Sánchez Silva, oponiéndose al mantenimiento de los regímenes forales de esas provincias, en el que por primera vez en las Cortes generales decimonónicas, no se fundamentó en la contradicción que, desde los presupuestos básicos del Estado liberal, significaba esa persistencia, sino en el análisis histórico de la realidad foral. Aquí, en esta transferencia de la crítica a los fundamentos históricos de los Fueros vascos, ante la imposibilidad de realizarla desde el modelo liberal doctrinario vigente, salvaguardador de los mismos, se encuentra una de las claves de ese debate de la cámara alta. La otra se halla en la utilización por parte del senador vascongado, Pedro Egafta, también por primera vez en la historia del constitucionalismo español, de la palabra nacionalidad aplicada a esas provincias. Esta expresión, que bajo concepto alguno, implicaba ninguna idea disgregadora, en cambio sí lo era de un proyecto nacional español que, asentándose en la conservación de la autonomía que gozaban las Vascongadas, planteaba la traslación del modelo vigente en las mismas al resto del Estado. En el rechazo de este plan para regenerar España y la defensa del Estado nacional de los moderados, realizada por el presidente del Gobierno, Alejandro Mon, se encuentra el último de los elementos a tener en cuenta de esa discusión del Senado. ABSTRACT: The debate on the Basque statutes

  8. A debate on open inflation (United States)

    Hawking, S. W.


    This is a reproduction of Professor Stephen Hawking's part in a debate, which took place at the COSMO 98 Coference, in Monterey, California. Two other physicists, Andrei Linde and Alexander Villenkin, also took part. Professor Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, in England.

  9. Beyond the Virtues-Principles Debate. (United States)

    Keat, Marilyn S.


    Indicates basic ontological assumptions in the virtues-principles debate in moral philosophy, noting Aristotle's and Kant's fundamental ideas about morality and considering a hermeneutic synthesis of theories. The article discusses what acceptance of the synthesis might mean in the theory and practice of moral pedagogy, offering examples of…

  10. El debate sobre la convergencia económica internacional e interregional: enfoques teóricos y evidencia empírica

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    Edgard Moncayo


    Full Text Available La globalización, con sus efectos diferenciadores por países, regiones y grupos sociales, vuelve a animar el debate sobre la hipótesis de convergencia, a la base de la teoría neoclásica del crecimiento. En este artículo se lleva a cabo una exhaustiva revisión de la evidencia empírica sobre la cuestión convergencia/divergencia en los niveles de ingreso per cápita, entre países y entre regiones subnacionales. Se concluye que después de que en las décadas de los ‘60 y ‘70 se verificara un proceso de convergencia, a partir de los ‘80 la tendencia dominante es hacia la polarización. Esta evolución parecería estarle dando la razón a las teorías de crecimiento endógeno y la Nueva Geografía Económica, en el sentido de que la actividad productiva tiende a aglomerarse con una lógica de causación circular acumulativa, allí donde ya está concentrada.The discriminatory effects of globalization, in regard to countries, subnational regions and social groups, put new life into the debate over the convergence hypotesis, at the very base of the neoclassical growth theory. This paper offers an exhaustive revision of the empirical evidence regarding the convergence/divergence in per capita income level issue, both among countries as well as among subnational regions. It is concluded that after two a decades of convergence, in the sixties and seventies, from the eighties on there is a dominant trend towards polarization. This evolution seems to confirm the claims of endogenous growth theory and the New Economic Geography, in the sense that economic activity tends to agglomerate with a circular cause and effect logic, where it is already concentrated.



    Castillejos Aragón, Mónica


    Este artículo explica por qué además de las decisiones judiciales de la Suprema Corte de México, se debe poner especial atención a la reciente participación de los órganos legislativos para entender algunas causas y condiciones que han generado cambio social en México. Particularmente, este trabajo se enfoca en el análisis de los debates sobre la despenalización del aborto y de los matrimonios entre parejas del mismo sexo.AbstractThis article explains why it is important to take into consider...

  12. Endostatin (EntreMed). (United States)

    Grosios, K


    EntreMed has licensed the worldwide rights to the angiogenesis inhibitor Endostatin, a 20 kDa C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, from the Children's Hospital of Boston, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. It is being developed as a potential cancer treatment and may also be useful in certain types of blindness and arthritis [227427]. EntreMed filed an IND for Endostatin in June 1999 [334125] and as of September 1999, phase I trials were underway [341462]. As of April 2000, the company had initiated plans for testing low doses of Endostatin in cancer patients using continuous infusion and sc administration in a further phase I study to be conducted in Europe [361594]. A phase I trial of Endostatin which will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Endostatin at a range of doses in no more than 100 cancer patients has been initiated. The trial will take place at the University of Texas MD Anderson Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin Cancer Center in Madison. The National Cancer Center will be sponsoring the trial, which is expected to be completed in late 2000. As of March 2000, there had been no serious adverse events attributable to Endostatin administration. The first report from this trial is expected in autumn 2000 [341462], [366312]. The mechanism of action for Endostatin remains unclear, although reports from the 91st AACR Meeting in April 2000 showed that recombinant human endostatin bound to a number of tropomyosin cDNAs in a library screen [362039]. In preclinical studies, repeated administration of Endostatin consistently shrank primary tumors and did not produce any drug resistance. In mice, a variety of tumors which had progressed to 1 to 2% of total body weight, regressed to microscopic, dormant lesions following Endostatin treatment [231418], [231470], [270673]. Types of cancers which respond to Endostatin include lung, skin, vascular and fibrosarcomas. Toxicology studies in cynomolgus monkeys showed that bolus injections of

  13. Visualizing Europe’s Refugee Crisis on the ‘Debating Europe’ Platform

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    Camelia Cmeciu


    Full Text Available The images picturing the refugee crisis are heavily emotion-laden and the picture of the dead boy Aylan on the beach is such an example. Besides newspapers where pictures of refugees have been used to stir the readers’ attention, debating platforms have used visual images to initiate debates with the EU citizens about Europe’s refugee crisis. Designed on a ‘bottom-up approach’, the ‘Debating Europe’ platform empowers citizens by encouraging a dialogue between Europe’s policymakers and experts, on the one hand, and citizens, on the other hand. Each debate embeds an issue to be addressed and visual images which may serve as incentives for a vivid debate. The selection of these visuals plays a significant role in the representation of a particular issue. The sample used for this qualitative analysis consists of the visual images (photographs and infographics of nine debates on Europe’s refugee crisis (2013-2015. Since Europe’s refugee crisis is both about attributing responsibility and human interest, we will provide an integrated visual framework for our analysis. Using a qualitative content analysis of the visual images depicting the refugee crisis we want to identify (1 the types and the salience of the participants depicted, (2 the communication strategies and the (rebordering issues used to (delegitimate these represented participants, (3 the types of emotions used by the ‘Debating Europe’ platform to visually frame the refugee crisis.

  14. Students as Customers in Higher Education: Reframing the Debate (United States)

    Guilbault, Melodi


    Even though marketing in higher education (HE) is well established, there is a continued debate about who the customer is, with many still not accepting that students should be viewed as customers in HE. The student as customer model has its opponents and proponents. This paper reframes the debate using the framework of market orientation,…

  15. Sociedade civil, Estado e autonomia: argumentos, contra-argumentos e avanços no debate

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    Adrian Gurza Lavalle


    Full Text Available O cenário brasileiro das relações entre Estado e sociedade civil tem se reconfigurado ao longo das últimas três décadas, suscitando esforços da literatura especializada para diagnosticar tais mudanças mediante deslocamentos analíticos e revisões de pressupostos. Em diálogo com um diagnóstico recente de conjunto que recoloca algumas teses importantes na literatura e segundo o qual essa reconfiguração é uma passagem de um período histórico de autonomia plena dos atores sociais para um momento de interdependência com o Estado, o artigo desenvolve quatro contra-argumentos amparados em deslocamentos teórico-analíticos e metodológicos que, junto à extensa pesquisa empírica, marcam avanços no debate do país sobre as relações socioestatais. Os contra-argumentos partem do pressuposto da mútua constituição, ou codeterminação, entre Estado e sociedade civil e revisam criticamente os argumentos sobre a emergência tardia da sociedade civil no Brasil, seu nascimento sob o signo de uma não relação com o Estado e os partidos políticos, bem como sobre o advento da interdependência com o Estado no período pós-constituinte. No seu todo, o conjunto dos contra-argumentos mostra os ganhos analíticos de uma perspectiva centrada nas interações socioestatais e de uma compreensão relacional de autonomia tanto no plano da prática dos atores quanto no plano da teoria.

  16. Understanding conservationists' perspectives on the new-conservation debate. (United States)

    Holmes, George; Sandbrook, Chris; Fisher, Janet A


    A vibrant debate about the future direction of biodiversity conservation centers on the merits of the so-called new conservation. Proponents of the new conservation advocate a series of positions on key conservation ideas, such as the importance of human-dominated landscapes and conservation's engagement with capitalism. These have been fiercely contested in a debate dominated by a few high-profile individuals, and so far there has been no empirical exploration of existing perspectives on these issues among a wider community of conservationists. We used Q methodology to examine empirically perspectives on the new conservation held by attendees at the 2015 International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB). Although we identified a consensus on several key issues, 3 distinct positions emerged: in favor of conservation to benefit people but opposed to links with capitalism and corporations, in favor of biocentric approaches but with less emphasis on wilderness protection than prominent opponents of new conservation, and in favor of the published new conservation perspective but with less emphasis on increasing human well-being as a goal of conservation. Our results revealed differences between the debate on the new conservation in the literature and views held within a wider, but still limited, conservation community and demonstrated the existence of at least one viewpoint (in favor of conservation to benefit people but opposed to links with capitalism and corporations) that is almost absent from the published debate. We hope the fuller understanding we present of the variety of views that exist but have not yet been heard, will improve the quality and tone of debates on the subject. © 2016 The Authors. Conservation Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society for Conservation Biology.

  17. Novel Debate-Style Cardiothoracic Surgery Journal Club: Results of a Pilot Curriculum. (United States)

    Luc, Jessica G Y; Nguyen, Tom C; Fowler, Clara S; Eisenberg, Steven B; Wolf, Randall K; Estrera, Anthony L; Vaporciyan, Ara A; Antonoff, Mara B


    Traditional journal clubs addressing single articles are limited by the lack of a standardized process for conduct and evaluation. We developed a novel, debate-style journal club for trainees to use best available evidence to address controversial topics in cardiothoracic surgery through discussion of realistic patient scenarios. After implementation of our new curriculum, trainee knowledge acquisition and retention were assessed by a summative test of published literature and standardized debate scoring. Feedback was additionally obtained by trainee and faculty surveys. Cardiothoracic surgery trainees (n = 4) participated in five debates each over 10 monthly sessions. Written examination results after debate revealed a nonsignificant improvement in scores on topics that were debated compared with topics that were not (+9.8% versus -4.2%, p = 0.105). Trainee ability to sway the debate position supported by the attendee strongly correlated with trainee use of supporting literature (r = 0.853), moderately correlated with persuasiveness (r = 0.465), and overall effect of the debate (r = 0.625). Surveys completed by trainees and faculty unanimously favored the debate-style journal club as compared to the traditional journal club in gaining familiarity and applying published literature to questions encountered clinically. Our novel debate-style cardiothoracic surgery journal club is an effective educational intervention for cardiothoracic surgery trainees to acquire, retain, and gain practice in applying specialty-specific literature-based evidence to controversial case-based issues. Evaluation by multi-institutional expansion is needed to validate our preliminary findings in this initial trainee cohort. Copyright © 2017 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    LUSTIGOVÁ, Lenka


    Full Text Available This study focuses on the development of speaking skills in intermediate and lower level university classes through the simplified format of debates. The aim of this paper is to describe teaching observations with special attention given to the preparatory stages, strengths and challenges of simplified debate faced by both the teacher and the students. Observations were made while teaching speaking through simple debate to 19 - 20 year-old-students of general English at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague in intermediate and lower level classes. By describing the methods and procedures used to engage in debates, this paper aims to enrich pedagogical methods for effectively teaching speaking skills and thus serve ESL teachers at large. By contextualizing debate within a milieu larger than the ESL classroom, this study also accesses possibilities for further application of simplified debate to heighten training for other subjects, while drawing upon the democratic context supported by debate.

  19. en la migración entre México y Estados Unidos: aportes de una encuesta de flujos

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    Cristóbal Mendoza Pérez


    Full Text Available Aunque el debate sobre transnacionalismo ha sido limitado en demografía, esta disciplina ha explorado diferentes dimensiones relativas a espacio, tiempo y constitución de redes migratorias que encajan en una perspectiva transnacional del fenómeno migratorio. Concretamente, a partir del análisis de la Encuesta sobre Migración en la Frontera Norte de México (EMIF, en este artículo se reflexiona sobre los patrones de movilidad de los migrantes procedentes del interior de México, la relevancia de las redes migratorias a la hora de constituir espacios sociales transnacionales y el papel que juegan las ciudades fronterizas en la formación de espacios transnacionales para la migración entre México y Estados Unidos.

  20. el ocaso y el porvenir

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    Laura Regil Vargas


    Full Text Available Este artículo inicia con un breve estudio de los signos vitales de la difusión dentro de la universidades. Cada vez es más frecuente encontrar a la difusión cultural en las universidades públicas detenida frente a la disyuntiva entre el debilitamiento y el porvenir, la agonía y la reactivación. Quienes se interesen en dar pasos que permitan transformar esta encrucijada, como punto de partida, encontrarán aquí pautas para la reflexión, orientadas a la puesta en marcha de acciones que apoyen y fortalezcan esta actividad, siempre mencionada como sustantiva, aunque, en la práctica, ubicada por debajo de la investigación y la docencia. En suma, es una propuesta para crear el porvenir de la difusión, a partir del análisis, la crítica constante y la evaluación.

  1. De la incógnita del indio al indio como sombra: el debate de la antropología guatemalteca en torno al indio y la nación, 1921-1938

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    Casáus Arzú, Marta


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the weight of the «de-generation» and «re-generation» trends in the Latinamerican social ideas at the beginning of the 20th Century. It is discussed the way in which these influences took shape within an intense debate on «the Indian problem». In this debate a group of intellectuals known as «the Guatemalan Anthropology pioneer generation» played a decisive role.

    El artículo analiza la importancia que tuvieron a principios del siglo XX , las corrientes degeneracionistas y regeneracionistas en el pensamiento social latinoamericano, y como en el caso de Guatemala se van a plasmar en un interesante debate mantenido por las elites intelectuales de la «Generación de 1920», entre espiritualistas y positivistas acerca del « problema del indio» y su relación con el imaginario de nación. Al final acaba imponiéndose la eugenesia o el blanqueamiento de la nación, y la exclusión de los indígenas de la ciudadanía. En este debate participan un grupo de intelectuales denominados «la generación pionera de la antropología guatemalteca», que, aunque muchos de ellos no fueron antropólogos de profesión, si estuvieron muy influidos por el indigenismo mexicano y fundaron el Instituto Indigenista de Guatemala, en 1944.

  2. The hydrogen economy- A debate on the merits

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Van Vuuren, DS


    Full Text Available stream_source_info van Vuuren_2007.pdf.txt stream_content_type text/plain stream_size 5193 Content-Encoding UTF-8 stream_name van Vuuren_2007.pdf.txt Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 The Hydrogen Economy A Debate... cheapest alternative. • The Hydrogen Economy or its alternative will only really take off when cheap coal production begins to peak Slide 10 © CSIR 2006 Global Warming • The risk is real, but the debate...

  3. Mago contra falsario: un duelo de insultos entre Calvino y Servet

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    Tausiet, María


    Full Text Available The trial of the Spanish theologian and physician Miguel Servet, charged with heresy and blasphemy by the Council of Geneva in 1553, led to a long and abstruse debate between two apparently irreconcilable standpoints. In an attempt to clarify the terms of discussion on such crucial areas as the Trinity, divine immanence and the immortality of the soul, Calvin and Servet embarked on a three-day written debate (15-17 September 1553. In what ultimately became a genuine «duel to the death», what stands out, over and above the actual argumentation, is their use of insults as rhetorical weapons. Given that both adversaries were equally convinced that they were defending the «true faith», most of their attacks were aimed at demonstrating the false nature of their opponent. Thus, according to Servet, Calvin was nothing but an impostor (a latter-day «Simon Magus», while Calvin branded the Spaniard a slanderer and «falsifier».

    El proceso contra el teólogo y médico español Miguel Servet, acusado por el consistorio de Ginebra de hereje y blasfemo en 1553, dio lugar a un largo y abstruso debate teológico entre dos posturas aparentemente irreconciliables. Con la intención de clarificar los términos de la discusión acerca de temas tan cruciales como la Trinidad e inmanencia divinas, o la inmortalidad del alma, Calvino y Servet acordaron mantener una discusión por escrito en latín que duró tres días (15-17 septiembre de 1553. En el contexto de un enfrentamiento que acabó convirtiéndose en un auténtico «duelo a muerte», si algo destaca por encima de cualquier argumentación es la utilización del insulto como arma retórica. Teniendo en cuenta que ambos contendientes estaban convencidos de defender la «verdadera fe», la mayoría de las descalificaciones expresaban la idea de falsedad del contrario. De este modo, según Servet, Calvino no era sino un impostor (un nuevo «Simon Magus», mientras que éste tildó al español de

  4. Debating food security policy in two different ideational settings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farsund, Arild Aurvåg; Daugbjerg, Carsten


    in Australia and Norway is compared. In Australia, agricultural normalism (agricultural markets and production are considered to be similar to those of other economic sectors) has been dominant since the mid-1980s, while Norwegian agricultural policy making has been dominated by agricultural exceptionalism...... (agriculture is considered a unique economic sector with special market and production conditions). It is demonstrated in the article how these two opposing institutionalised ideational foundations have influenced the nature of the food security debate in the two countries. In Australia, the debate emphasises...... the positive role of the market and trade in providing global food security. In Norway, the debate highlights the need to regulate market forces and restrict trade in order to allow countries to develop their own agricultural sectors....

  5. Asociativismo: una experiencia de servicio a la comunidad y aprendizaje colectivo entre organizaciones no gubernamentales y docentes universitarios

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    Chosco Díaz, Cecilia


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo presenta una experiencia de servicio a la comunidad cuyo objetivo fue fortalecer las “Capacidades Institucionales” de diversas organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs vinculadas a la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS. En las últimas décadas, el sistema universitario argentino incrementó los subsidios para proyectos de extensión destinados a ONGs. Como parte de ese proceso, docentes universitarios del campo de la administración, dedicados al análisis organizacional, comenzaron a analizar las dinámicas organizativas de las ONGs. En este sentido, en el marco del proyecto “Asociativismo” se realizaron siete talleres debate sobre experiencias y saberes organizacionales (entre agosto y diciembre del año 2013. En efecto se generó un espacio de aprendizaje colectivo que propicio por un lado, el autodiagnóstico de las organizaciones. Mientras que por otro lado, fomentó los vínculos e interacciones entre las organizaciones y los docentes. Además se originaron procesos de doble transferencia de conocimiento -saber popular y académico-, posicionando a la administración dentro de la extensión, junto a otros campos de conocimiento.

  6. Asociativismo: Una experiencia de servicio a la comunidad y aprendizaje colectivo entre organizaciones no gubernamentales y docentes universitarios

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    Cecilia Chosco Diaz


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo presenta una experiencia de servicio a la comunidad cuyo objetivo fue fortalecer las “Capacidades Institucionales” de diversas organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs vinculadas a la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS. En las últimas décadas, el sistema universitario argentino incrementó los subsidios para proyectos de extensión destinados a ONGs. Como parte de ese proceso, docentes universitarios del campo de la administración, dedicados al análisis organizacional, comenzaron a analizar las dinámicas organizativas de las ONGs. En este sentido, en el marco del proyecto “Asociativismo” se realizaron siete talleres debate sobre experiencias y saberes organizacionales (entre agosto y diciembre del año 2013. En efecto se generó un espacio de aprendizaje colectivo que propicio por un lado, el autodiagnóstico de las organizaciones. Mientras que por otro lado, fomentó los vínculos e interacciones entre las organizaciones y los docentes. Además se originaron procesos de doble transferencia de conocimiento -saber popular y académico-, posicionando a la administración dentro de la extensión, junto a otros campos de conocimiento.

  7. The nuclear debate in Austria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weish, P.


    This report was published during the debate about the construction of nuclear-power-plants in Austria and before the national referendum, which prevented the implementing of “Zwentendorf”, Austria´s first nuclear-power-plant. The report gives a view over the events in the discussion about Austria´s nuclear-future. (kancsar)

  8. Evolution: Don't Debate, Educate. (United States)

    Bybee, Rodger W.


    Discusses controversy over the teaching of biological evolution and other scientific ideas such as Big Bang theory. Recommends that teachers avoid debating creationists, help students develop a greater understanding and appreciation for science as a way of explaining the natural world, and emphasize inquiry and the nature of science. (Contains 19…

  9. Gilles Deleuze and the contemporary biopolitical debate

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    Marcelo Antonelli


    Full Text Available The present work is a research on Gilles Deleuze’s contribution to the contemporary biopolitical debate. To begin with, we analyze his interpretation of Foucault’s conception of biopolitics, especially the vitalist matrix of his reading, and we examine its impact on the distinction between “biopower” and “biopolitics” according to certain authors (Lazzarato, Negri, Revel. We then reveal the presence of deleuzian notions in other perspectives (the “impersonal” in Esposito, the “society of control” in Negri. Finally, we propose renewing the fundamental tensions of the debate on Life, Politics, Language and the Condition of Man, based on concepts elaborated by Deleuze

  10. El primer centro nacional de debate sobre medicina familiar

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    Félix J. Sansó soberats


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye el texto íntegro de la relatoría del I Centro Nacional de Debate sobre Medicina Familiar organizado por la UJC y realizado en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos el día 3 de febrero de 1995. En este documento se presentan los principales criterios expresados por los más de 300 delegados que asistieron a aquel evento, entre los que estuvieron estudiantes de medicina y enfermería, enfermeras y licenciadas en enfermería relacionadas con la atención primaria, médicos recién graduados, residentes y especialistas en MGI; así como también responsables del plan, administrativos y políticos, a diferentes niveles. Esta relatoría constituye un interesante material, que nos expone la situación de la medicina familiar en Cuba en la primera mitad de la década de los 90. Su estudio permite comparar la situación de entonces con cualquier época anterior o posterior de la salud pública cubana, y evidencia el desarrollo alcanzado hasta hoy. Muestra, incluso, que algunas de las ideas expuestas en aquel encuentro constituyen aún verdaderos anhelos; y por tanto, cuánto se puede avanzar en el permanente empeño de perfeccionar nuestro modelo de Medicina Familiar.The present paper constitutes the full text of the Report of the First National Center of Debate on Family Medicine, organized by the Young Communist League and carried out in the Medical School in Cienfuegos province on February 3rd, 1995. This document set forth the main criteria stated by over 300 delegates participating in the event, among them medical and nursing students, nurses involved in primary health care, physicians who has just graduated, residents and Comprehensive General Medicine specialist as well as administrative and political representatives in charge of the plan at different levels. This report is an interesting material that shows the situation of family medicine in Cuba from the first half of the 90’s. The study of this

  11. Divergencias en la conceptualización de la relación entre culturas

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    César Cisternas Irarrázabal

    Full Text Available Resumen La conceptualización de la relación entre culturas es un tópico que está lejos de un acuerdo sobre cuál es el mejor término para analizar aquella realidad. Desde diferentes corrientes filosóficas, tales como el liberalismo, republicanismo, comunitarismo o postcolonialismo, se han dado miríadas de visiones sobre la materia, en las cuales también ha jugado un papel el uso pragmático que se le da a los conceptos. El presente artículo pretende mapear la discusión en este campo. Para esto, se dividió el debate geopolíticamente; de este modo, se presenta, por una parte, la realidad en la modernidad central, y por la otra, el estado del arte en Latinoamérica. Se llega a la conclusión que, en muchos casos, las diferencias entre los enfoques no son tan radicales como pareciera a primera vista en la discusión. Asimismo, se observa que existen ciertos puntos sobre los cuales cualquier sugerencia en materia de interculturalidad debe pronunciarse, a saber, la naturaleza de las identidades, las características deseadas del Estado-nación, la postura frente a la modernidad occidental, la aceptabilidad de la democracia y los derechos humanos como valores universales, quiénes son los sujetos interculturales y si las relaciones se deben basar en la igualdad o el reconocimiento. 1

  12. Articulación entre servicios de salud y “medicina indígena”: reflexiones antropológicas sobre política y realidad en Brasil

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    Esther Jean Langdon


    Full Text Available Este artículo contribuye al diálogo entre las ciencias sociales y la medicina social en América Latina a través de la exploración del pluralismo terapéutico en las políticas y servicios de salud indígena en Brasil. Revisa las investigaciones recientes en antropología, así como los conceptos y debates actuales, para examinar críticamente las políticas de salud indígena en Brasil y su concepto de “atención diferenciada”, que propone la articulación entre las prácticas oficiales de salud y las terapias indígenas. Varias contradicciones y tensiones están presentes entre la organización estructural del subsistema de salud indígena en el nivel nacional y las prácticas cotidianas de los equipos de salud en el nivel local. Guiados por la ideología hegemónica de la biomedicina, los profesionales de salud no reconocen las dinámicas y la agencia expresada en las practicas indígenas de salud.

  13. Insights into the Dialogic Communication on the ‘Debating Europe’ Internet Channels

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    Alexandra Bardan


    Full Text Available This article aims to provide an overview of the online interaction of the ‘Debating Europe’ platform using the theoretical framework of dialogic communication. A brief historical approach of the notion “Web 2.0” further informs about the functions of the ‘Debating Europe’ platform and its mission statement. Related work opens an interrogation on the ‘Debating Europe’ platform as a virtual space meant to connect European citizens and politicians in online debates concerning EU matters. The empirical study regards the use of dialogic principles on the ‘Debating Europe’ platform, focusing on a cross comparison of its three Internet channels: the website, the Facebook page and the Twitter account. The results indicate the website as the main dialogic channel, while Facebook and Twitter fulfill mainly information dissemination purposes.

  14. Naturlighed, barnets tarv og kompensationsberettigelse i den politiske debat om kunstig befrugtning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lasse


    moral principles, the functioning based and the responsibility-sensitivity principle, that both independently and together support the conclusion that people suffering the disadvantage of being infertile is in fact entitled to public funded compensation. The article concludes that it is morally......This article provides a normative discussion of the political debate on public funded fertility-treatment in Denmark. It shows that especially three normative considerations attract attention in the debate. In the early part of the debate (1996) many Danish politicians weigh highly the moral......, and due to Parfit’s non-identity problem the interest of the child is irrelevant to such political debates. In the late part of the debate (2010) the question of whether infertility entails compensation-entitlement becomes crucial. Drawing on insights of political philosophy, the article suggests two...

  15. Idealism and realism in International Relations: an ontological debate

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    Vitor Ramon Fernandes


    Full Text Available The debate between realism and idealism continues to mark the discipline of International Relations. On the one hand, realism argues that international politics is a struggle for power and a quest for survival, which results in a condition of permanent conflict between States without any possibility of evolution or progress. On the other hand, idealism considers it possible to build a world of peaceful coexistence, prosperity and well-being, achieved through cooperation and based on values and aspirations shared by humans. The object of this article is to analyse the debate between idealism and realism, considering it as an ontological debate and taking into account the controversy it has generated. The argument presented here is that both realism and idealism are two responses to the creation and maintenance of international order, that is, how States relate in international society; however these responses are not mutually exclusive and can coexist in constant tension with one another. An analysis of internationalist thought of two authors, Hans Morgenthau and Raymond Aron, is also presented, which relates to how they are positioned in this debate as well as International Relations as a whole.

  16. Ecos recientes de un debate inconcluso acerca de la Revolución Agrícola en Inglaterra y de la transformación de su economía agraria entre 1500 y 1850


    Carzolio, María Inés


    El debate acerca de la existencia, cronología y factores de una "revolución agrícola" que precede y se relaciona con la "revolución industrial" tiene larga data. Los temas sustantivos de este debate conservan una importancia central para comprender el desarrollo tanto de la agricultura como de la economía inglesas en los siglos que median de 1500 a 1850. A lo largo del mismo se han configurado una versión tradicional y otra revisionista. Resulta posible a esta altura, realizar una confrontaci...

  17. Frames and comparators: How might a debate on synthetic biology evolve? (United States)

    Torgersen, Helge; Schmidt, Markus


    A stimulated early public debate is frequently advocated when introducing an emerging technology like synthetic biology (SB). To debate a still quite abstract technology, participants functionally need a frame that determines which arguments are legitimate and which issues are relevant. Often, such frames are based on previous debates over other novel technologies. Three technologies currently provide frames for discussing SB: (green) biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology. In the biotechnology debate, risk has long been emphasised over economic benefits. More recently, nanotechnology has been referred to mostly in terms of benefits, while risks tended to be an issue for scientific discourses. This has frequently been related to the many outreach activities around nanotechnology. Information technology, finally, has retained the image of being ‘cool’ and useful on a personal level. The technology itself is taken for granted and only the consequences of particular applications have been up for discussion. Upstream engagement exercises in SB will have to consider the comparator chosen more diligently, because it might influence the debate on SB ‘out there’ in the long run. PMID:23805003

  18. Frames and comparators: How might a debate on synthetic biology evolve? (United States)

    Torgersen, Helge; Schmidt, Markus


    A stimulated early public debate is frequently advocated when introducing an emerging technology like synthetic biology (SB). To debate a still quite abstract technology, participants functionally need a frame that determines which arguments are legitimate and which issues are relevant. Often, such frames are based on previous debates over other novel technologies. Three technologies currently provide frames for discussing SB: (green) biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology. In the biotechnology debate, risk has long been emphasised over economic benefits. More recently, nanotechnology has been referred to mostly in terms of benefits, while risks tended to be an issue for scientific discourses. This has frequently been related to the many outreach activities around nanotechnology. Information technology, finally, has retained the image of being 'cool' and useful on a personal level. The technology itself is taken for granted and only the consequences of particular applications have been up for discussion. Upstream engagement exercises in SB will have to consider the comparator chosen more diligently, because it might influence the debate on SB 'out there' in the long run.

  19. Evolução e caracterização dos níveis de pobreza do Nordeste entre 1995 e 2005


    Sobel, Tiago Farias; Gonçalves, Michela Barreto Camboim; Costa, Ecio de Farias


    Existe um amplo consenso entre cientistas, políticos, pesquisadores e intelectuais de todo o mundo de que a redução da pobreza deve ser vista como uma das prioridades das políticas públicas. Deste modo, a mensuração do nível de pobreza se torna alvo de um intenso debate, na medida em que é necessário primeiramente identificar onde ela está localizada para, em seguida, ter-se condições de combatê-la. Hoje no Brasil esta preocupação se torna mais evidente quando as análises enfocam o espaço eco...

  20. A campanha #foraricardoteixeira no Twitter: interações sociais e debate público a respeito do esporte

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    Diego de Sousa Mendes


    Full Text Available Em 2011 ganhou espaço na mídia um movimento que se iniciou no Twitter e que reivindicava a saída do então presidente da Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF. O episódio demonstrava o poder que a mobilização popular assumia nas Redes Sociais. A partir dessa temática, realizamos uma pesquisa com o objetivo de investigar como são os debates públicos sobre fatos esportivos na Rede Social Twitter, a partir de um estudo de caso da campanha "Fora Ricardo Teixeira". Para tal, analisamos 725 postagens textuais do Twitter e acompanhamos a campanha por seis meses. Constatamos que, para protestar, os participantes debatem entre si, divulgam opiniões pessoais e informações da mídia que não são presentes nos meios televisivos, além de abordarem a temática esportiva de modo amplo e crítico.

  1. Presidential Debate Watching, Issue Knowledge, Character Evaluation, and Vote Choice (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; Hansen, Glenn J.


    This study employs NES (National Election Survey) data from several presidential elections to investigate the effects of presidential debate watching on voters' issue knowledge, character evaluation, and vote choice. Debates can instill issue knowledge; however, voters are less likely to learn about incumbent presidents seeking re-election after a…

  2. Tracing the French Policy PISA Debate: A Policy Configuration Approach (United States)

    Pons, Xavier


    This article traces the evolution of the French policy PISA debate from 2001 to 2014 by analysing the results of two original qualitative researches. Theoretically, this debate is the outcome of specific policy configurations, which predetermine its scope, content and effectiveness. These configurations are themselves described through their…

  3. Brand Components in Electoral Debates: Presidential Elections Romania 2009

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    Ovidiu-Aurel GHIUȚĂ


    Full Text Available The present paper illustrates the use of the brand and its components in the most important campaign debate of the presidential elections in Romania in 2009.The research method we have selected is the case study. The research technique consisted of the content analysis of the two speeches. The conducted analysis has included all the three types of the content analysis: conceptual, relational and qualitative analysis. The content analysis has been conducted by using the Nvivo software. The identification of the candidate’s brand in a single debate particularly entails its presence throughout the electoral campaign. We can outline the main component of the brand notion the two candidates have resorted to in this debate: Băsescu resorted to positioning, while Antonescu opted for differentiation and positioning.


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    Andre André Luis Amorim de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Dentro do contexto da Terceira Revolução Industrial, marcada pela crise estrutural do capital, a centralidade do trabalho permanece sendo uma referência importante no que tange à compreensão histórica geográfica do papel da força de trabalho frente às mutações impostas pelo capital. Este artigo procura resgatar (e contribuir com alguns elementos importantes no que se refere à centralidade do trabalho num momento decisivo em que o capital tem exigido, cada vez mais, novos aparatos de gestão da força de trabalho, o que significa a ampliação da precarização do trabalho. Apresentamos também como elemento importante deste contexto uma aproximação do debate sobre a relação entre homem e natureza, considerando a centralidade do entendimento sobre o trabalho e sua polissemia.

  5. Active learning through a debate series in a first-year pharmacy self-care course. (United States)

    Lampkin, Stacie J; Collins, Christine; Danison, Ryan; Lewis, Michelle


    To evaluate the usefulness of formal debates in the pharmacy classroom as a way to learn course material and as a tool for developing competency in essential skills including critical thinking, communication, public speaking, research methods, and teamwork. Debates were incorporated into a self-care course, where students were assigned different debate topics focused on controversial issues. Quantitative analysis was completed to assess debate style learning, knowledge about the subjects presented, and the impact on necessary skills. Quizzes given before and after debates showed up to a 36% improvement in grades and up to a 31% change in opinions on the topic. Students assessed themselves as more competent in the skill sets at the completion of the debate series. Incorporation of debates into didactic style courses offers students an opportunity to improve upon skills that will help them succeed as pharmacists.

  6. Debate, Research on E-Cigarettes Continues (United States)

    Since they first began to be sold in North America in the mid-2000s, electronic cigarettes have been the subject of intense debate. NCI's Dr. Michele Bloch recently presented an update on some of the issues surrounding e-cigarettes.

  7. Israel debates raising commitment to CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Watzman, H


    Israel's science ministry is debating whether to apply for full membership of CERN since the 1992 agreement allowing Israel observer status is about to expire. Israeli physicists are pushing for full membership for political as well as scientific reasons (1 page).

  8. Greenhouse effect: a much debate question

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lenoir, Y.


    After a two year inquiry, a french research worker has denounced the official thesis of a growth of greenhouse effect. This paper gives the point of view of the author on climatic change and opens the debate with two another experts

  9. As antinomias metaéticas entre cegos e não-cegos e o problema do realismo moral = The antinomies metaethical between the blind and not-blind and the problem of moral realism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peruzzo Júnior, Léo


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta o cognitivismo moral pragmático como forma de superar as antinomias clássicas entre cegos e não-cegos e a (impossibilidade de representação mental do conteúdo moral. Esta posição é sustentada a partir da reconstrução do debate metaético instaurado entre cognitivistas e não-cognitivistas, especialmente nas interpretações fornecidas pelo realismo moral de McDowell e pelo quase-realismo de Blackburn. Assim, o pressuposto comum a essas duas teorias metaéticas [cognitivismo e não-cognitivismo] pretende ser superado pelo cognitivismo pragmático, uma vez que suas falsas dicotomias partem da tese de que todo conhecimento moral é proposicional. Para sanar esse paradoxo, evitamos uma dicotomia radical entre fatos e valores, isto é, não há ações que podem ser valoradas extrinsecamente ao contexto do seu uso

  10. Interviewers' challenging questions in British broadcast debate interviews

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Emmertsen, Sofie


    that these are constructed in adherence with the IR’s formal neutrality as provided by the turn-taking system for the news interview. The paper suggests that debate interview cannot be adequately understood as organised according to one turn-taking system, but rather as organised by the turn-taking system for news......In recent years some British broadcast panel interviews take a particularly confrontational form. In these debate interviews, news seems to be generated as arguments provided by the interviewees who participate as protagonists of opposite positions. This paper will briefly attempt to show...

  11. Social influence in televised election debates: a potential distortion of democracy. (United States)

    Davis, Colin J; Bowers, Jeffrey S; Memon, Amina


    A recent innovation in televised election debates is a continuous response measure (commonly referred to as the "worm") that allows viewers to track the response of a sample of undecided voters in real-time. A potential danger of presenting such data is that it may prevent people from making independent evaluations. We report an experiment with 150 participants in which we manipulated the worm and superimposed it on a live broadcast of a UK election debate. The majority of viewers were unaware that the worm had been manipulated, and yet we were able to influence their perception of who won the debate, their choice of preferred prime minister, and their voting intentions. We argue that there is an urgent need to reconsider the simultaneous broadcast of average response data with televised election debates.

  12. A questão da continuidade da política macroeconômica entre o governo Cardoso e Lula (1995-2006

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    José Marcos Nayme Novelli


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo é compreender a continuidade da política macroeconômica entre o governo Cardoso e o governo Lula. O artigo organiza-se em três seções. Na primeira, descreve-se sucintamente a política macroeconômica dos governos Cardoso e Lula. Na segunda, apresenta-se e discute-se o debate da literatura especializada a respeito da hipótese da continuidade da política macroeconômica entre os dois governos. Na terceira seção, é feito um mapeamento dos dirigentes estatais, em que ressaltamos certos aspectos que contribuíram para tal continuidade entre os dois governos. Sem desconsiderar a ação dos beneficiários últimos dos resultados de tal política, identificamos três fatores para explicar a manutenção da política macroeconômica: i a própria estrutura do capitalismo brasileiro e sua inserção na economia mundial; ii a força das idéias ortodoxas difundidas pela mídia e dominantes na equipe econômica (Ministério da Fazenda e Banco Central do Brasil, que foi recrutada no mesmo "campo"; iii a aceitação das "regras do jogo" da democracia pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT.

  13. A Functional Analysis of the 1988 Bush-Dukakis Presidential Debates. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; Brazeal, LeAnn M.


    Applies the Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse to the 1988 presidential debates between George Bush and Michael Dukakis. Challenges the notion that this campaign was mostly negative. Concludes that despite the belief that modern campaigns are devoid of substance, these debates stressed policy about twice as much as character. (SG)

  14. Epilogue: global food security, rhetoric, and the sustainable intensification debate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuijper, T.W.M.; Struik, P.C.


    The need to feed nine billion people in 2050 has given rise to widespread debate in science and policy circles. The debate is largely framed in neo-Malthusian terms, and elements of global food security (resilience of the food system, food quantity and quality, right to and access to food) demand

  15. Religión y salud: la intervención pública de agentes religiosos católicos formados en bioética en el debate parlamentario sobre la muerte digna en la Argentina

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    Gabriela Irrazábal


    Full Text Available Desde una perspectiva sociológica, este trabajo aborda una de las aristas de la intervención pública de ciertos sectores del catolicismo en la elaboración y sanción de leyes de salud. En particular se hace foco en el debate en comisiones parlamentarias sobre la llamada ley de “muerte digna” (Ley 26742 en el cual se convocó a un grupo de expertos en bioética para asesorar a los senadores sobre los alcances y límites de la ley. La mayoría de los expertos invitados pregonan la perspectiva de la bioética personalista, un desarrollo teológico de la bioética del catolicismo contemporáneo. En el debate no participaron representantes de otros credos consolidando la ampliamente estudiada imbricación entre el catolicismo y lo político en Argentina.

  16. La encrucijada del temor : redefiniendo la relación entre estado y ciudadanía en Chile

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dammert, Lucía


    Fear of crime is a little known phenomenon and has been barely explored within the social sciences. However, it has a profound social, cultural and economic impact and may even help to redefine how the rule of law is structured. Chile is a fearful country. Several analyses have shown the diverse

  17. La depresión: encrucijada entre las nuevas modalidades del ser y el dispositivo farmacéutico

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    Diego E. Londoño


    Full Text Available Siguiendo la tesis del sociólogo Alain Ehrenberg, la depresión se instaló en las sociedades occidentales como una consecuencia de las nuevas modalidades del individuo. La emancipación y la soberanía individual comenzadas en el siglo de las luces trajeron consigo nuevos malestares de la mente. La neurastenia resume la primera “epidemia” mundial que muestra las consecuencias de estas mutaciones antropológicas. La neurosis y el psicoanálisis demuestran que la depresión y otras formas de sufrimiento de las personas ordinarias son el resultado de un precio a pagar por entrar en la civilización. Para Ehrenberg, la epidemia contemporánea de depresión es el rostro de un eclipse de la culpabilidad y el conflicto interior, favoreciendo una apertura de infinitas posibilidades y la consagración personal como nuevos ideales constitutivos de la personalidad y la identidad, siendo la depresión una disfunción o insuficiencia a convertirse en uno mismo. Sin embargo, las tesis de Ehrenberg no toman en cuenta el esfuerzo realizado por la industria farmacéutica y el dispositivo comercial y de mercadeo creado para modificar las costumbres y el saber médico, facilitando así la explosión diagnóstica y autodiagnóstica de este trastorno controversial.

  18. The Debates in Marx's Scholarship on Dimensions of Human nature ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Debates in Marx scholarship revolve around whether Karl Marx recognizes the individual and social dimensions of human nature and which of the two he prefers. This paper considers the debates in two ways. The first relates to Marx scholarship in favour of the individual dimension of human nature. The second concerns ...

  19. An Examination of Undefined Forms of Proof in Academic Debate. (United States)

    Underwood, Willard A.

    Although texts on debate and argumentation deal with accepted forms of evidence, reasoning, and logical methods of proof, they do not cover adequately the "undefined" forms of proof. Criteria of evidence found in forensic literature are not always followed strictly by judges, in courtroom or classroom. Many debate judges allow imprecise, vague, or…

  20. The GM foods debate in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scholderer, Joachim


    The debate on genetically modified (GM) foods has been led on multiple levels in Europe, including such diverse frames of reference as economic policy and international trade, environmental risk, bioethics, consumer protection and food safety. The shifting frames of reference are traced over...

  1. Orphan Drug Debate: A Cheat Sheet. (United States)

    Patel, Krishna R


    In some respects, the 1983 Orphan Drug Act is a success story. But high prices and allegations that some drug companies have twisted the law to their advantage have made it controversial. Here are some of the main points in the debate.

  2. An online debate series for first-year pharmacy students. (United States)

    Lin, Swu-Jane; Crawford, Stephanie Y


    This article describes an online debate series that was developed as a new component to an introductory core course for first-professional year pharmacy students. Objectives were to facilitate the group process, introduce controversial issues related to the US healthcare system, improve critical thinking and communication skills, enable students' ability to analyze and evaluate evidence, help develop skills in formulating written arguments, and encourage tolerance of diverse points of view. One hundred sixty-two students were assigned to 40 teams (half assigned to argue as "Pros" and half as "Cons") and paired into 20 debating groups. The paired teams posted 3 arguments in an online forum alternatively over a 12-week period. The winning teams were determined by a panel of 3 judges. Feedback from the judges was posted online and summarized in an in-class discussion. Thematic analysis of qualitative data from students and faculty members demonstrated the effectiveness of the online debate component in helping students work together in a group, learn alternative sides of complex issues, and write persuasive arguments. This novel online-debate forum was a feasible teaching and learning strategy, which helped pharmacy students improve their communication skills and critical thinking, expanded their scope of knowledge, and provided a platform for group process.

  3. Consumer-Mediated Health Information Exchanges: The 2012 ACMI Debate (United States)

    Cimino, James J.; Frisse, Mark; Halamka, John; Sweeney, Latanya; Yasnoff, William


    The American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) sponsors periodic debates during the American Medical Informatics Fall Symposium to highlight important informatics issues of broad interest. In 2012, a panel debated the following topic: “Resolved: Health Information Exchange Organizations Should Shift Their Principal Focus to Consumer-Mediated Exchange in Order to Facilitate the Rapid Development of Effective, Scalable, and Sustainable Health Information Infrastructure.” Those supporting the proposition emphasized the need for consumer-controlled community repositories of electronic health records (health record banks) to address privacy, stakeholder cooperation, scalability, and sustainability. Those opposing the proposition emphasized that the current healthcare environment is so complex that development of consumer control will take time and that even then, consumers may not be able to mediate their information effectively. While privately, each discussant recognizes that there are many sides to this complex issue, each followed the debater’s tradition of taking an extreme position in order emphasize some of the polarizing aspects in the short time allotted them. In preparing this summary, we sought to convey the substance and spirit of the debate in printed form. Transcripts of the actual debate were edited for clarity, and appropriate supporting citations were added for the further edification of the reader. PMID:24561078

  4. Exploring Parliamentary Debate as a Pedagogical Tool to Develop English Communication Skills in EFL/ESL Classrooms

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    Eunice M. Aclan


    Full Text Available To survive in the 21st century workplace, communication skills are extremely important. However, a mismatch between the industry requirement and the university graduates’ competencies in terms of effective communication skills exists. Rote learning and lack of opportunities to practice English communication skills inside and outside the classroom are common issues in EFL/ESL contexts. Thus, this qualitative study was conducted to explore how debate as a pedagogical tool with three stages - pre-debate, actual debate and post-debate - can develop communication skills. The data were gathered through semi-structured one-on-one interview with five debate experts across from ASEAN countries and focus group interview with six ASEAN debate students. The participants of this study  described  the use of the pre-debate stage for the research and brainstorming tasks  that engage the team members with each other, the actual debate for the arguments, POI and rebuttals that actively engage debaters with their opponents, and the post-debate stage that engage all the debaters with the adjudicators, their team-mates and their opponents. This pedagogical aspect focusing on the three stages of debate which has implications for SLA and language teaching was not substantially dealt with in previous studies on debate.

  5. The structure of the climate debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tol, Richard S.J.


    First-best climate policy is a uniform carbon tax which gradually rises over time. Civil servants have complicated climate policy to expand bureaucracies, politicians to create rents. Environmentalists have exaggerated climate change to gain influence, other activists have joined the climate bandwagon. Opponents to climate policy have attacked the weaknesses in climate research. The climate debate is convoluted and polarized as a result, and climate policy complex. Climate policy should become easier and more rational as the Paris Agreement has shifted climate policy back towards national governments. Changing political priorities, austerity, and a maturing bureaucracy should lead to a more constructive climate debate. - Highlights: • Strong discrepancy between ideal and actual climate policy explained by incentives of policy-makers. • Paris Agreement allows for greater emphasis on national climate policies. • Shifting priorities and maturing bureaucracies allows climate policies to focus on greenhouse gas emission reduction.

  6. [The Danish debate on priority setting in medicine - characteristics and results]. (United States)

    Pornak, S; Meyer, T; Raspe, H


    Priority setting in medicine helps to achieve a fair and transparent distribution of health-care resources. The German discussion about priority setting is still in its infancy and may benefit from other countries' experiences. This paper aims to analyse the Danish priority setting debate in order to stimulate the German discussion. The methods used are a literature analysis and a document analysis as well as expert interviews. The Danish debate about priority setting in medicine began in the 1970s, when a government committee was constituted to evaluate health-care priorities at the national level. In the 1980s a broader debate arose in politics, ethics, medicine and health economy. The discussions reached a climax in the 1990s, when many local activities - always involving the public - were initiated. Some Danish counties tried to implement priority setting in the daily routine of health care. The Council of Ethics was a major player in the debate of the 1990s and published a detailed statement on priority setting in 1996. With the new century the debate about priority setting seemed to have come to an end, but in 2006 the Technology Council and the Danish Regions resumed the discussion. In 2009 the Medical Association called for a broad debate in order to achieve equity among all patients. The long lasting Danish debate on priority setting has entailed only very little practical consequences on health care. The main problems seem to have been the missing effort to bundle the various local initiatives on a national level and the lack of powerful players to put results of the discussion into practice. Nevertheless, today the attitude towards priority setting is predominantly positive and even politicians talk freely about it. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  7. Brunch and debate on theatre and quantum physics

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    The "Comédie de Genève" theatre is organizing a brunch on Sunday 18 January to accompany the play "Kaïros, sisyphes et zombies" which is playing from 15 to 25 January. Michel Cassé, astrophysicist and Director of Research at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) in Paris, will come to debate with the play’s director, Oskar Gómez Mata, and the entire Kaïros team on the topic of "Théâtre – physique quantique: enquête sur le réel". While the parents take part in the "debate-brunch", the children can have fun with activities organized by "la Bulle d’Air" musical association. Sunday 18 January The brunch starts at 11:30 followed by the debate at 12:30, "la Bulle d’Air" activities will run from 12:30 to 14:00. La Comédie de Genève, 6 bd des Philosophes, 1205 Geneva Entry with brunch: 18 CHF (15 CHF for members). Entry without brunch: 10 CHF Animation for the children: free.

  8. [Personal genomics: are we debating the right Issues?]. (United States)

    Vayena, E; Mauch, F


    The debate about personal genomics and their role in personalized medicine has been, to some extent, hijacked by the controversy about commercially available genomic tests sold directly to consumers. The clinical validity and utility of such tests are currently limited and most medical associations recommend that consumers refrain from testing. Conversely, DTC genomics proponents and particularly the DTC industry argue that there is personal utility in acquiring genomic information. While it is necessary to debate risks and benefits of DTC genomics, we should not lose sight of the increasingly important role that genomics will play in medical practice and public health. Therefore, and in anticipation of this shift we also need to focus on important implications from the use of genomics information such as genetic discrimination, privacy protection and equitable access to health care. Undoubtedly, personal genomics will challenge our social norms maybe more than our medicine. Sticking to the polarization of «to have or not to have DTC genomics» risks to takes us away from the critical issues we need to be debating.

  9. Introduction of formal debate into a postgraduate specialty track education programme in periodontics in Japan. (United States)

    Saito, A; Fujinami, K


    To evaluate the formal debate as an active learning strategy within a postgraduate specialty track education programme in periodontics. A formal debate was implemented as an active learning strategy in the programme. The participants were full-time faculty, residents and dentists attending special courses at a teaching hospital in Japan. They were grouped into two evenly matched opposing teams, judges and audience. As a preparation for the debate, the participants attended a lecture on critical thinking. At the time of debate, each team provided a theme report with a list of references. Performances and contents of the debate were evaluated by the course instructors and audience. Pre- and post-debate testing was used to assess the participants' objective knowledge on clinical periodontology. Evaluation of the debate by the participants revealed that scores for criteria, such as presentation performance, response with logic and rebuttal effectiveness were relatively low. Thirty-eight per cent of the participants demonstrated higher test scores after the debate, although there was no statistically significant difference in the mean scores between pre- and post-tests. At the end of the debate, vast majority of participants recognised the significance and importance of the formal debate in the programme. It was suggested that the incorporation of the formal debate could serve as an educational tool for the postgraduate specialty track programme. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  10. Social influence in televised election debates: a potential distortion of democracy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Colin J Davis

    Full Text Available A recent innovation in televised election debates is a continuous response measure (commonly referred to as the "worm" that allows viewers to track the response of a sample of undecided voters in real-time. A potential danger of presenting such data is that it may prevent people from making independent evaluations. We report an experiment with 150 participants in which we manipulated the worm and superimposed it on a live broadcast of a UK election debate. The majority of viewers were unaware that the worm had been manipulated, and yet we were able to influence their perception of who won the debate, their choice of preferred prime minister, and their voting intentions. We argue that there is an urgent need to reconsider the simultaneous broadcast of average response data with televised election debates.

  11. MO-FG-BRB-00: AAPM Presidential Debate [medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  12. MO-FG-BRB-04: Debater [Medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seibert, J. [UC Davis Medical Center (United States)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  13. Quantum mechanics interpretation: scalled debate; La interpretacion de la teoria cuantica: un debate permanente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez Gomez, J. L.


    This paper discusses the two main issues of the so called quantum debate, that started in 1927 with the famous Bohr-Einstein controversy; namely non-separability and the projection postulate. Relevant interpretations and formulations of quantum mechanics are critically analyzed in the light of the said issues. The treatment is focused chiefly on fundamental points, so that technical ones are practically not dealt with here. (Author) 20 refs.

  14. Social partners debate collective agreement system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van het Kaar, R.


    Worries about levels of union membership have prompted debates on the collective bargaining system in the Netherlands. Governments have supported collective bargaining but the current Minister for Employment has stressed the need to enlarge the social base of the system and has sought advice from


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    Francisco José Torres Alfosea


    Full Text Available El conflicto del Kurdistán es uno de los de mayor duración y gravedad en Oriente Medio; y sobre todo, debe considerarse un conflicto regional, que interesa no sólo a Turquía, sino a las relaciones económicas, militares y diplomáticas entre Occidente y el mundo islámico. Los trámites para la adhesión de Turquía a la Unión Europea (desde 1999, la invasión de Iraq (2003-2011 y las revueltas árabes de Siria (2011 son cuestiones en apariencia tangenciales que han afectado directamente a la situación de los habitantes del Kurdistán. Los kurdos, residentes en un terreno que rezuma agua y petróleo, y en el paso estratégico de las líneas de oleoductos y gaseoductos que abastecen o abastecerán a Occidente, han visto cómo sus aspiraciones de obtener un estado libre e independiente, que alguna vez le fueron reconocidas, están hoy más lejanas que nunca. Pero el debate de este conflicto geoestratégico suele olvidar las relaciones de poder internacional y se focaliza en la lucha por los derechos humanos, olvidando en la mayor parte de las ocasiones que de entre ellos, el de la libre determinación no es el menor.

  16. Considerações acerca da noção de razão pública no debate Rawls-Habermas

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    Raquel Kritsch


    Full Text Available Uma das diferenças principais entre o liberalismo político e a teoria da ação comunicativa repousa na fundamentação oferecida por seus formuladores da neutralidade de procedimento para alcançar princípios que devam reger as práticas e instituições políticas diante da pluralidade das doutrinas abrangentes em sociedades marcadas por uma grande heterogeneidade social e cultural. Tal distinção na fundamentação aparece com clareza na noção de razão pública, tema central do famoso debate no qual Rawls lança mão da idéia de overllaping consensus para explicitar uma concepção política da justiça que possa ser aceita pelas diversas doutrinas abrangentes de uma sociedade democrática bem-ordenada. Já o procedimento ideal de Habermas é o da deliberação, que pressupõe uma associação que se julga capaz de regular de um modo imparcial as condições de convivência numa sociedade, fazendo uso, para isso, de uma racionalidade procedimental para a justificação moral. Trata-se assim, aqui, de elucidar e debater duas fundamentações distintas (neutralidade de objetivo e princípio racionalmente justificável da noção de razão pública.

  17. Patient safety is not elective: a debate at the NPSF Patient Safety Congress. (United States)

    McTiernan, Patricia; Wachter, Robert M; Meyer, Gregg S; Gandhi, Tejal K


    The opening keynote session of the 16th Annual National Patient Safety Foundation Patient Safety Congress, held 14-16 May 2014, featured a debate addressing the merits and challenges of accountability with respect to key issues in patient safety. The specific resolution debated was: Certain safety practices should be inviolable, and transgressions should result in penalties, potentially including fines, suspensions, and firing. The themes discussed in the debate are issues that healthcare professionals and leaders commonly struggle with in their day-to-day work. How do we draw a line between systems problems and personal failings? When should clinicians and staff be penalised for failing to follow a known safety protocol? The majority of those who listened to the live debate agreed that it is time to begin holding health professionals accountable when they wilfully or repeatedly violate policies or protocols put in place by their institutions to protect the safety of patients. This article summarises the debate as well as the questions and discussion generated by each side. A video of the original debate can be found at Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  18. “En attendant Godot”. La participación ciudadana en el urbanismo, a propósito del debate entre Horacio Capel y Jean-Pierre Garnier.


    Vicent Boira, Josep


    La participación ciudadana es un canal adecuado para la reforma de la ciudad, aunque debe ser aplicada por convencimiento y a la vista de los avances en el estudio de la concepción del espacio desde la ciencia geográfica. Cuando se cumplen cincuenta años de la edición del libro de Jane Jacobs “Death and life of great American cities” es más importante que nunca debatir sobre el papel activo de los ciudadanos en un sistema democrático electivo. Revisamos estos temas dentro del debate más ampli...

  19. A calf is born : a reconstruction of the public debate on animal biotechnology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Theune, E.


    'How should public debates be understood?' is the central question of this study. And it is answered by reconstructing a single public debate, namely the debate about the transgenic bull Herman. Herman the bull was created by Gene Pharming in 1989. An extra gene has been inserted in his genome as to

  20. Recetas contra el conjuro: los estilos de desarrollo en el Uruguay contemporáneo y los debates sobre el desarrollo latinoamericano (1973-2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastián Levalle


    Full Text Available Desde el comienzo de la década de 1950, el Secretario General de la CEPAL, Raúl Prebisch, alertó sobre el deterioro de los términos del intercambio que afectaba a los países del subcontinente en función del mayor crecimiento de la demanda de productos manufacturados importados con respecto a la de bienes primarios a exportar. El aporte prebischeano al mensaje de la industrialización prefiguró una serie de debates que las ciencias sociales latinoamericanas comenzaron a darse en los años 1960/70. En dichos intercambios sedimentó un conjunto de conceptos explicativos de la realidad latinoamericana que en los trabajos posteriores fueron relegados a un segundo plano. Frente a esta amnesia recurrente en el pensamiento de nuestros países creemos pertinente analizar los principales estilos de desarrollo del Uruguay entre 1974 y 2014 desde aquellos debates fundantes de las ciencias sociales latinoamericanas. En primer lugar, analizaremos la configuración de un estilo de desarrollo dependiente, concentrador y excluyente desde 1973 hasta el 2004. En un segundo momento, analizaremos las características de las políticas económicas y sociales implementadas por los gobiernos del Frente Amplio (2005-2014.

  1. Hacía la construcción de una teoría de la interpretación: en torno al debate Habermas-Gadamer

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    Full Text Available Se analizan los siguientes aspectos del debate entre Habermas y Gadamer: el concepto de hermenéutica y su reformulación por Gadamer; el lenguaje y la comprensión; el papel del lenguaje en la comprensión en las ciencias sociales contemporáneas; los diferentes tipos de comprensión; el lenguaje y la tradición en Gadamer; la historia, el lenguaje y el discurso; la crítica de Habermas a la hermenéutica de Gadamer. Ambos autores emplean la perspectiva de la Escuela Crítca en sus razonamientos. Gadamer se apoya en los esquemas idealistas, mientras que Habermas permanece fiel a las tesis básicas de la Escuela de Frankfurt, aunque las ha reformulado radicalmente. La clave de ambas aproximaciones es el lenguaje: para Gadamer el lenguaje es una realidad en sí misma, mientras que para Habermas es un aspecto de la realidad que debe ser combinado con otros para facilitar la comprensión. Es un debate en el que los participantes tienen más en común de lo que parece a simple vista. Los dos ocupan la misma plataforma de la nueva lingüística en las ciencias sociales.

  2. Recent debates in philosophy of management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rendtorff, Jacob Dahl


    In this chapter, we examine legitimacy in relation to recent debates on the philosophy of management and corporations that have emerged to deal with the decline of Protestant ethics. On this basis, we discuss the concepts of corporate citizenship and the good citizen corporations as recent efforts...

  3. Debating death: religion, politics, and the Oregon Death With Dignity Act. (United States)

    Purvis, Taylor E


    In 1994, Oregon passed the Oregon Death With Dignity Act, becoming the first state in the nation to allow physician-assisted suicide (PAS). This paper compares the public discussion that occurred in 1994 and during the Act's implementation in 1997 and examines these debates in relation to health care reform under the Obama administration. I argue that the 1994 and 1997 Oregon PAS campaigns and the ensuing public debate represent the culmination of a growing lack of deference to medical authority, concerns with the doctor-patient relationship, and a desire for increased patient autonomy over decisions during death. The public debate over PAS in Oregon underscored the conflicts among competing religious, political, and personal interests. More visible and widespread than any other American debate on PAS, the conflict in Oregon marked the beginning of the now nationwide problem of determining if and when a terminally ill person can choose to die.

  4. Psychopathy and Personality: Advances and Debates. (United States)

    Miller, Joshua D; Lynam, Donald R


    Nine original articles comprise this special issue of the Journal of Personality addressing personality-based perspectives of psychopathy. In this introduction to the special issue, we review five advances and areas of agreement that are highlighted across the articles, including the utility of trait perspectives to psychopathy, the emergence of a prototypical trait profile of psychopathy, the importance of recognizing earlier developmental manifestations of psychopathy, the ongoing study and revelation of the basic neural underpinnings of psychopathy, and the important theoretical and empirical association between psychopathy and antisocial behavior. At the same time, several important debates remain, which are also highlighted in the special issue's articles. These debates center around the necessity and sufficiency of certain psychopathy traits, the role of traits alternatively labeled stable Extraversion, fearless dominance, or boldness, and the validity and utility of separating psychopathy from Machiavellianism as is done in research on the Dark Triad. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Great nuclear debate: German--American disagreements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaiser, K.


    The post-war international consensus on nuclear nonproliferation has been eroding because of the debate over actions taken by some countries and because of the U.S. response with a unilateral change in nuclear policy. The chronology of developments is traced, noting that the 1973--74 oil crisis, India's nuclear explosion in 1974, and the exchange of Brazilian uranium for German technology all had a major role in the policy controversy. New nonproliferation proposals by the Carter administration, by precipitating debate between those wanting tighter export controls and those with nuclear commercial interests, also introduced several foreign-relations problems because of the emphasis on international agreements and a technological approach. The U.S. is credited with taking a constructive step to correct the inadequacies of the present policies and exerting pressure for global involvement in reassessing the rules on armaments and proliferation. Significant U.S. leadership could also take the form of lower energy consumption

  6. Aportes al debate de legalización del uso medicinal de la marihuana en Colombia

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    Guillermo Castaño Pérez


    Full Text Available Es intenso el debate sobre legalización de la marihuana para usos terapéuticos, buscando minimizar la criminalización del usuario. Paradójicamente a pesar de la evidencia de efectos nocivos de la marihuana su consumo aumenta, hay altas prevalencias de vida y surgen variedades más potentes y peligrosas de cannabis. Objetivo: analizar la información disponible sobre marihuana, describiendo la evidencia que existe y, de esta manera, aportar al debate actual sobre la legalización de esta sustancia para usos medicinales en Colombia. Metodología: Revisión sobre componentes de la marihuana, efectos y evidencia terapeútica. Resultados: La planta contiene más de 400 compuestos activos y de la mayoría se desconoce su toxicidad. Contiene, además, unos 66 cannabinoides. Hay alguna evidencia del efecto medicinal de algunos compuestos pero falta investigación. Una cosa son cannabinoides sintéticos y derivados de la planta, otra el consumo de la “yerba”. Discusión: Componentes benéficos de la planta no pueden, hasta hoy, separarse de los tóxicos. En uso terapéutico o recreativo se ingieren unos y otros. Cannabinoides producen en humanos un síndrome que altera funciones cerebrales como memoria, estado de ánimo, sueño, atención, humor, coordinación, cognición, percepción del tiempo y distorsión de la información, entre otras, además de generar dependencia, tolerancia, adicción y síndrome de abstinencia, todas ya probadas. Conclusiones: El desconocimiento de efectos adversos del uso de la planta de marihuana como medicamento, sin conocer muy bien qué se está consumiendo, plantea importantes riesgos para la salud.

  7. An Online Debate Series for First-Year Pharmacy Students (United States)

    Crawford, Stephanie Y.


    Objectives This article describes an online debate series that was developed as a new component to an introductory core course for first-professional year pharmacy students. Objectives were to facilitate the group process, introduce controversial issues related to the US healthcare system, improve critical thinking and communication skills, enable students' ability to analyze and evaluate evidence, help develop skills in formulating written arguments, and encourage tolerance of diverse points of view. Design One hundred sixty-two students were assigned to 40 teams (half assigned to argue as “Pros” and half as “Cons”) and paired into 20 debating groups. The paired teams posted 3 arguments in an online forum alternatively over a 12-week period. The winning teams were determined by a panel of 3 judges. Assessment Feedback from the judges was posted online and summarized in an in-class discussion. Thematic analysis of qualitative data from students and faculty members demonstrated the effectiveness of the online debate component in helping students work together in a group, learn alternative sides of complex issues, and write persuasive arguments. Conclusion This novel online-debate forum was a feasible teaching and learning strategy, which helped pharmacy students improve their communication skills and critical thinking, expanded their scope of knowledge, and provided a platform for group process. PMID:17429512

  8. A relação inseparável entre o Regional e o Nacional: Monteiro Lobato e a Paulistanidade

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    Danyllo Di Giorgio Martins da Mota


    Full Text Available Esse artigo tem como objetivo discutir a definição conceitual da idéia de Paulistanidade e sua presença na obra de Monteiro Lobato durante a década de 1920, sobretudo no livro Mr. Slang e o Brasil de 1927. A valorização do estado de São Paulo como lugar de modernidade e modernização se relacionou, a partir do final do século XIX, com a construção de imagens do estado paulista como símbolo a ser seguido pelo Brasil. Nesses debates, o trabalho de Monteiro Lobato acaba por expor a relação indissociável entre as esferas regional e nacional.

  9. Het gentech debat ontleed : een analyse van terugkerende kernthema's en argumenten.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keulartz, F.W.J.; Oever, v.d. L.; Vriend, H.


    In deze signalering is een analyse gemaakt van het maatschappelijke debat rond genetische modificatie en haar toepassingen. Met deze analyse van het debat hoopt de COGEM overheden en andere betrokkenen meer inzicht in de terugkerende thema's en de gehanteerde argumenten te geven en de achtergronden

  10. Responsabilidade e Imputabilidade: Diálogos entre a Psicanálise e o Direito

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    Aline Fridman

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo do artigo é tomar a atualidade dos debates sobre responsabilidade e imputabilidade para discuti-la em um diálogo entre a Psicanálise e o Direito. Revisita-se a etimologia dos vocábulos freudianos e as elucidações de Lacan, recuperando a definição de responsabilidade em Psicanálise e contrapondo-a à aplicabilidade das categorias jurídicas.Sugere-se que o sujeito responsável é constituído e comandado pela adesividade (Haftbarkeit pulsional que antecede o dever de respondere (Verantwortung.Convocado pelo trabalho da análise, pela fala, a assumir a responsabilidade por seus pensamentos imorais subjacentes aos sonhos e à vida de vigília, esse sujeito determinado pelas pulsões não é escutado pelas operações do Direito, voltadas para indicar com exatidão o imputável e o incapaz de entendimento e autodeterminação.

  11. Aproximaciones teóricas a la relación naturaleza - cultura: algunas contribuciones entre 1980 – 2004

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    Ricardo Gómez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es mostrar algunas de las críticas más importantes dadas en el debate actual entre naturaleza y cultura. Busca reivindicar nuevos paradigmas de las ciencias dentro de la problemática del agotamiento de los recursos naturales del hogar que habitamos, la tierra, y el papel que juegan las comunidades locales contra el discurso predador del capitalismo global, a partir de su existencia cultural y social. Este trabajo se divide en tres partes que proponen por analogía, un símil entre los momentos de cambio de la noche al amanecer de un nuevo día; de la misma forma en que podríamos pasar de paradigmas “clásicos”, a procesos sociales recientes que incluyen los conocimientos locales. La primera, llamada “la noche”, expone brevísimamente los planteamientos más comunes que el capitalismo y las corrientes positivistas de la ciencia, mantienen frente a la naturaleza. La segunda, “el amanecer”, es una de las partes más importantes del presente escrito, ya que realiza una crítica a la oscuridad de la noche, a los planteamientos del capitalismo global desde el marxismo, el post-estructuralismo y el género. La tercera, “nuevo día”, concluye que a la luz de estas nuevas perspectivas de análisis podemos comprender mejor la relación entre los seres humanos y la tierra. Estos nuevos conocimientos políticos, culturales, ambientales y globales, desde el centro y la periferia, están atravesados por vínculos de poder que proponen una posición integradora entre conceptos aparentemente contradictorios y suponen susuperación a partir de la conciencia que autogeneran buscando orientar el tema político hacia estos nuevos conocimientos dentro de una agenda global.

  12. Zola, Lourdes and the New Religious Crowd in Ideological Debates in Portugal (1894-1932 Zola, Lourdes et la foule religieuse dans les débats idéologiques au Portugal (1894-1932

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    Eduardo Cintra Torres


    Full Text Available The impact of Émile Zola’s novel on Lourdes was felt in Portugal even before its publication in France in 1894. The naturalist writer’s documentary fiction plucked a central chord in the political and religious debate of the time, particularly the dichotomy between science and religion, the renewal of faith and the legitimacy of the crowd in public spaces. This paper deals with only one aspect of that debate, active in Portugal between 1894 and 1932 – the impact of Zola´s innovative thesis about Lourdes’ new religious crowd and ‘the crowd’s healing power’. The development of the debates shows how Catholic sectors increasingly incorporated the ‘crowd’ into renewed Catholicism, especially after the Fátima events of 1917, while the liberal bourgeoisie continued to reject the masses.L’impact du roman Lourdes d’Émile Zola au Portugal s’est fait avant même sa publication en France en 1894. Cette fiction documentaire de l’écrivain naturaliste a touché une corde sensible dans les débats politiques et religieux de l’époque, notamment en atour de questions telles que la dichotomie entre science et religion, le renouveau de la foi catholique et la légitimité de la foule dans l’espace public. Cet article se penche sur un aspect particulier des débats qui furent actifs au Portugal entre 1894 et 1932 : l’impact de la thèse originale de Zola sur les foules religieuses de Lourdes et le pouvoir guérisseur de la foule. Le développement des débats montre comment les catholiques ont progressivement incorporé la « foule » dans leur vision d’un catholicisme renouvelé, alors que la bourgeoisie libérale continua à rejeter les masses, particulièrement après les apparitions de Fátima en 1917.

  13. Parliamentary cultures and human embryos: the Dutch and British debates compared

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kirejczyk, Marta


    Twenty years ago, the technology of in vitro fertilization created a new artefact: the human embryo outside the woman's body. In many countries, political debates developed around this artefact. One of the central questions in these debates is whether it is permissible to use human embryos in

  14. Promoting Active Learning of Ethical Issues in Marketing Communications Using Debates (United States)

    Roy, Donald P.


    Expectations from the business world and business school accreditation bodies to create learning outcomes that enhance students' understanding of ethical concepts call for marketing educators to integrate ethics into their pedagogy. This paper summarizes a debate activity used in an undergraduate marketing communications course. Debates engage…

  15. La sociologie clinique entre psychanalyse et socioanalyse

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    Vincent de Gaulejac


    Full Text Available L'introduction de la démarche clinique en sociologie conduit à réinterroger les différences et les complémentarités entre la psychanalyse et la sociologie sur trois points : leur façon d'appréhender la question de l'inconscient; le poids respectif des déterminations psychiques et sociales, le travail qu'un sujet peut effectuer sur son histoire pour en modifier le cours. Ces questions ont été l'objet de nombreux débats. Le présent article met en perspective les positions de Sigmund Freud et de Pierre Bourdieu. L'un et l'autre incarnent et défendent des points de vue théoriques qui articulent une théorie de l'homme en société étayée sur une pratique de changement. Confrontation intéressante dans la mesure où les postulats de départ de ces deux auteurs sont très éloignés. Sigmund Freud cherche la clé explicative des comportements humains du côté du registre intra psychique, alors que Pierre Bourdieu la pose du côté de l'intériorisation des structures sociales. Pourtant à partir de prémisses différents ils se rejoignent sur bien des points. Ces convergences permettent de s'appuyer sur leurs approches pour définir les contours d'une méthodologie qui s'inspire tout à la fois de la psychanalyse et de la socioanalyse.Clinical sociology between psychoanalysis and socioanalysisThe introduction of the clinical approach in sociology lead us to reconsider the differencies and complementarities between psychoanalysis and sociology on three aspects: their way of taking into account the unconscious; the relative weight of social and psychic predeterminations; the work that can be done by somebody on his/her own history in order to modify its course. Those questions have been largely debated. The purpose of this article is to compare on those topics the positions of Sigmund Freud and Pierre Bourdieu. Both develop theories which include a conception of man in society supported by a change practice. The interest of this

  16. Case-based debates: an innovative teaching tool in nephrology education. (United States)

    Jhaveri, Kenar D; Chawla, Arun; Shah, Hitesh H


    Medical educators have called for new teaching methods and materials that supplement the traditional lecture format, and education in a range of health professions, including medicine, nursing, and pharmacy, is using a game-based approach to teach learners. Here, we describe a novel teaching tool in a case-based debate using the game format. Two teams of first- and second-year nephrology fellows participated in a PowerPoint game-based debate about which tests to order to diagnose transplant-related case. Our pilot study assessed the participant acceptance of case-based debate sessions and rewards system, and participant perceptions of using this approach to teach fellows and residents the importance of each test ordered and its cost-effectiveness in medicine. Each test ordered requires an explanation and has a point value attached to it (based on relevance and cost of positive and negative test results). The team that comes up with the diagnosis with most points wins the game. A faculty member leads a short concluding discussion. Subjective evaluations found these case-based debates to be highly entertaining and thought-provoking and to enhance self-directed learning.

  17. The standardization debate: A conflation trap in critical care electroencephalography. (United States)

    Ng, Marcus C; Gaspard, Nicolas; Cole, Andrew J; Hoch, Daniel B; Cash, Sydney S; Bianchi, Matt; O'Rourke, Deirdre A; Rosenthal, Eric S; Chu, Catherine J; Westover, M Brandon


    Persistent uncertainty over the clinical significance of various pathological continuous electroencephalography (cEEG) findings in the intensive care unit (ICU) has prompted efforts to standardize ICU cEEG terminology and an ensuing debate. We set out to understand the reasons for, and a satisfactory resolution to, this debate. We review the positions for and against standardization, and examine their deeper philosophical basis. We find that the positions for and against standardization are not fundamentally irreconcilable. Rather, both positions stem from conflating the three cardinal steps in the classic approach to EEG, which we term "description", "interpretation", and "prescription". Using real-world examples we show how this conflation yields muddled clinical reasoning and unproductive debate among electroencephalographers that is translated into confusion among treating clinicians. We propose a middle way that judiciously uses both standardized terminology and clinical reasoning to disentangle these critical steps and apply them in proper sequence. The systematic approach to ICU cEEG findings presented herein not only resolves the standardization debate but also clarifies clinical reasoning by helping electroencephalographers assign appropriate weights to cEEG findings in the face of uncertainty. Copyright © 2014 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. TRABALHO, EMPREGO, PRECARIEDADE: dimensões conceituais em debate

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    Francisco Beckenkamp Vargas

    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir conceitualmente a noção de precariedade do trabalho, tendo em vista que ela é amplamente utilizada na sociologia, sem que um significado preciso seja formulado. Propõe-se uma abordagem relacional e construtivista, que procura articular as condições objetivas e subjetivas de produção do fenômeno em questão. Para tanto, parte-se do debate sobre o conceito de trabalho, a fim de melhor definir em que consiste sua precariedade. Argumenta-se, igualmente, a necessidade de situar esse debate no âmbito de quadros teóricos mais amplos de interpretação sociológica. Identificam-se duas dimensões cruciais na análise da precariedade do trabalho, a relação de emprego ou trabalho e a atividade laboral propriamente dita, discutindo-se exemplarmente as perspectivas teóricas de dois autores franceses especialmente interessados nesse tema: Robert Castel e Serge Paugam. Finalmente, discutem-se algumas implicações desse debate para a realidade brasileira, sustentando-se a importância de dar um tratamento multidimensional ao fenômeno.

  19. Genetic engineering in agriculture and corporate engineering in public debate: risk, public relations, and public debate over genetically modified crops. (United States)

    Patel, Rajeev; Torres, Robert J; Rosset, Peter


    Corporations have long influenced environmental and occupational health in agriculture, doing a great deal of damage, making substantial profits, and shaping public debate to make it appear that environmental misfortunes are accidents of an otherwise well-functioning system, rather than systemic. The debate over the genetically modified (GM) crops is an example. The largest producer of commercial GM seeds, Monsanto, exemplifies the industry's strategies: the invocation of poor people as beneficiaries, characterization of opposition as technophobic or anti-progress, and portrayal of their products as environmentally beneficial in the absence of or despite the evidence. This strategy is endemic to contemporary market capitalism, with its incentives to companies to externalize health and environmental costs to increase profits.

  20. Massemedier som forum for politisk debat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Bo; Trapp, Leila


    Ifølge normative teorier om politisk offentlighed og demokrati bør der i deliberative demokratier som det danske foregå en bred offentlig debat, inden politikere træffer beslutninger. Debatten, der i dagens Danmark hovedsagelig foregår i massemedierne, skal blandt andet sikre, at alle synspunkter...

  1. Quantum mechanics interpretation: scalled debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez Gomez, J. L.


    This paper discusses the two main issues of the so called quantum debate, that started in 1927 with the famous Bohr-Einstein controversy; namely non-separability and the projection postulate. Relevant interpretations and formulations of quantum mechanics are critically analyzed in the light of the said issues. The treatment is focused chiefly on fundamental points, so that technical ones are practically not dealt with here. (Author) 20 refs

  2. The nuclear debate in Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macaulay, H.L.


    The author argues that the nuclear debate in Canada is concerned less with the safety of nuclear power plants and more with arguments of economics and social decision-making. The nuclear industry cannot afford to neglect the continuing need to inform the public about nuclear risks. But there is also a need to develop specific arguments to increase public acceptance of nuclear energy as an economic, democratic and equitable energy option

  3. Ví­deo entre: camadas

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    André Brasil


    Full Text Available Haveria mudanças de linguagem e representação que se tornaram possí­veis devido ao uso de câmeras e estruturas de produção digital, particularmente no campo videoarte? Provocado por essa questão inicial, um grupo de realizadores e pesquisadores em artemí­dia realizou uma discussão via internet, buscando identificar tendências da produção videográfica contemporânea. O debate resultou no (hipertexto que se segue, coletivo e aberto, articulado em camadas. Palavras-chave ví­deo, tecnologias digitais, novas poéticas Abstract Does the use of cameras and of digital production structures make it possible changes in language and visual representation? On being challenged by this question, a group of promoters and researchers in artmidia started a debate via an internet chat, aiming at identifying tendencies in contemporary videographic production. This article is the outcome of such a debate, in the shape of a collective and open hipertext, articulated in many discursive layers. Key words: video, digital technologies, new poetics

  4. The nuclear debate: ethics versus effectiveness; Morale et efficacite dans le debat nucleaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lambert, D


    Following some political maneuvering, a new debate on the future of nuclear deterrence is about to resurface. And a first deadline has been set by the need to restore the strategic balance between the United States and Russia before the START Treaty ends on 5 December 2009, as well as by preparation for the next NPT Review Conference. Perception of the main threat has changed, but so have concepts of deterrence. Far from outmoded, deterrence forms part of a broader vision in which realism has the edge over idealism. (author)

  5. Clarín y Página/12 en el debate sobre la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual

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    Brenda Inés Di Paolo


    Full Text Available [es] El trabajo de investigación pretende dar cuenta de las modalidades enunciativas adoptadas por dos de los principales diarios de alcance nacional –Clarín y Página/12– en uno de los momentos de mayor tensión en la relación entre los medios concentrados de comunicación y el gobierno de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, el debate sobre la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual (LSCA. La búsqueda se orienta a establecer criterios que delimiten la especificidad conceptual del campo de lo político y su relación con el campo de la comunicación. Pretende indagar en la tensión entre poder corporativo y poder de democratización del espacio radioeléctrico a través de un análisis de la construcción de títulos y noticias en los diarios Clarín y Página/12 en el debate de audiencias públicas de la LSCA en la Cámara de Diputados, el día 8 de septiembre de 2009. El estudio recorre un corpus de 14 noticias, en las cuales observaremos la producción de los encuadres (volantas, títulos y bajadas y su correspondencia con los cuerpos o textos. El abordaje teórico apunta a problematizar la relación: medios y política articulando las categorías de Eliseo Verón para el análisis de la prensa y su propuesta conceptual sobre la enunciación política. [en] Our research addresses the discursive modes adopted by two of the main national newspapers—Clarín and Pá- gina/12—on the occasion of one of the most stressing moments of the relation between concentrated mass media and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s administration: the debate over the Law of Audiovisual Communication Services (LSCA, in Spanish. Our research seeks to establish criteria for the conceptual specification of the political field as related to the communication field. It tackles the tension between corporative and democratic power over the radio space by analyzing the headlines and news in Clarín and Página/12 during the LSCA public hearings in The House

  6. Debate: The concept of culture has outlived its usefulness for psychiatry. (United States)

    Rashed, Mohammed A; Bingham, Rachel; Poole, Norman A; Sanati, Abdi; van Staden, Werdie


    This paper presents a debate in which the authors participated at the World Psychiatric Association conference in Cape Town, South Africa in November 2016. Professor van Staden acted as chair and here, as at the debate, provides a rationale for debating a topic that many of those involved in mental health believe to be decided. The discussion that ensued demonstrated, however, that while the arguments have moved on they have not ceased. Who won? Well that depends how you look at it. A few in the audience shifted position towards the motion but the majority remained opposed. What do you think? Declaration of interest None.

  7. To Watch or to Read? The Respective Influence of Televised Political Debates and Media Debate Coverage on Citizen Learning (United States)

    Kunde, Meg


    Courses: Media and Politics, Political Communication, Political Rhetoric, Media Effects. Objective: By taking part in a classroom activity, students will explore how cognitive frames and media frames play a role in learning from political debates.

  8. Beyond Learning and Persona: Extending the Scope of Presidential Debate Effects. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; McKinney, Mitchell S.; Holbert, R. Lance


    Uses a pretest/posttest design to assess more subtle effects of watching a 2000 presidential debate on attitudes and vote intention among undergraduate students. Notes that leadership and overall policy stance became more important factors in vote choice after watching the debate. Demonstrates a variety of potentially important effects of watching…

  9. Teacher-Pay Experiments Mounting Amid Debate (United States)

    Olson, Lynn


    The debate over linking teacher pay to student test scores that ignited on Capitol Hill recently underscores the growing momentum--and continued controversy--behind tying what teachers earn to what students learn. Both the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers came out swinging against language in a draft bill for…

  10. Why and How EFL Students Learn Vocabulary in Parliamentary Debate Class

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    Eunice M. Aclan


    Full Text Available Vocabulary, the backbone of any language including English, is foundational for listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four macro-skills are necessary not only in gaining knowledge as English is the language to access major information sources particularly the World Wide Web but also in the demanding globalized workplace. Vocabulary is seen to be learned better when it is contextualized thus language teachers should design communicative activities such as debate. However, debate, being more known as a competitive rather than a classroom activity worldwide, has not been explored yet for its potential to develop vocabulary among EFL/ESL students although it has been identified for its power in developing communication skills in general as well as critical thinking and other soft skills. Thus, this qualitative study was conducted to explore why and how EFL students learn vocabulary in classroom debate. The data were gathered through end-of-course evaluation and focus group interview with seven participants from the Middle East, African and ASEAN countries. The findings show that students learned vocabulary due to debate’s interactive nature requiring contextualized and meaningful language use from preparation to actual debate. EFL students described how they learned vocabulary through debate which has implications for SLA and language teaching.   Keywords: Noticing hypothesis, Comprehensible input, Incomprehensible input, Vocabulary building strategies

  11. The crisis of fair value accounting: Making sense of the recent debate


    Laux, Christian; Leuz, Christian


    The recent financial crisis has led to a vigorous debate about the pros and cons of fair-value accounting (FVA). This debate presents a major challenge for FVA going forward and standard setters’ push to extend FVA into other areas. In this article, we highlight four important issues as an attempt to make sense of the debate. First, much of the controversy results from confusion about what is new and different about FVA. Second, while there are legitimate concerns about marking to market (or ...

  12. El Derecho Agrario en el Debate sobre el Género en el Campo: Oportunidades y Desafíos

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    Rabah Belaidi


    Full Text Available La cuestión de género en el campo se presenta como un tema que no se ve con la profundidad requerida por el derecho puesto por el Estado en nuestro país. La investigación de este trabajo establece la realidad de las mujeres rurales brasileñas, de clase social baja, a cuestionar el contexto en el que el derecho agrario ayuda a reducir o perpetúa la desigualdad de género en el campo. Se trata de un análisis jurídico en un enfoque particular de la realidad de las mujeres rurales, sobre todo en tono crítico frente a sus dificultades en el acceso a los recursos agrícolas, extensión rural, a los créditos, a la tierra y permanecer en ella, entre otras condiciones que ofrecen las barreras a las actividades autónomas de las mujeres rurales. El objetivo es verificar el papel del derecho agrario en relación con las mujeres rurales e indicar, por medio de la crítica de la ciencia moderna y opresiva, debates necesarios sobre el destaque local y la invisibilidad socio-económica de las mujeres rurales, a partir de posibles enfoques ecofeministas. Por lo tanto, este estudio se estableció con la literatura, de acuerdo con el método deductivo de análisis. En un primer momento, es criticada la opresión patrocinada por el modelo hegemónico de la agricultura, con el fin de fomentar las prácticas de resistencia, especialmente ecofeministas. La falsa exención del derecho agrario en la cuestión de género en el campo, tras una posición a favor del capital. Después, hay contextualización del debate, para que exprese la relación entre el medio rural, el agronegocio, las dificultades de supervivencia que enfrentan las mujeres rurales y el derecho agrario, para relacionar la preocupación con el medio ambiente al feminismo y la necesidad de que el derecho del estado no perpetua la desigualdad de género y construya espacios abiertos de participación efectiva de la mujer rural en tiempos de toma de decisiones. Por último, nociones est

  13. Effects of Presidential Debate Watching and Ideology on Attitudes and Knowledge. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; Webber, David J.; Berman, Julie


    Compares respondents who watched the first 1996 presidential debate with respondents who did not. Finds (1) those who watched the debate could more accurately recognize issue positions of Clinton and Dole than nonwatchers; (2) differences in the groups' assessment of character traits of the leading candidates; and (3) more respondents gave policy…

  14. The Internal Suicide Debate Hypothesis: Exploring the Life versus Death Struggle (United States)

    Harris, Keith M.; McLean, John P.; Sheffield, Jeanie; Jobes, David


    Researchers and theorists (e.g., Shneidman, Stengel, Kovacs, and Beck) hypothesized that suicidal people engage in an internal debate, or struggle, over whether to live or die, but few studies have tested its tenability. This study introduces direct assessment of a suicidal debate, revealing new aspects of suicidal ideation. Results, from an…

  15. Clearing the Waters of the Fracking Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ernstoff, Alexi; Ellis, Brian R.


    reserves, but instead, to highlight similar environmental challenges presented by other industrial activities. Many research and knowledge gaps remain regarding the ultimate impact of high volume hydraulic fracturing on the environment, however, the high profile nature of the fracking debate can help raise......Much of the debate on “fracking” in the United States is fueled by poor communication among stakeholders. Information in the public sphere may be provided by biased sources, and complicated academic research is often misinterpreted by media sources. The goal of this review is to provide an open......-access source for a non-technical audience that facilitates a balanced discussion on the complex topics related to hydraulic fracturing and its impact on water resources. The limited information available suggests that many of the environmental concerns related to hydraulic fracturing activities may be similar...

  16. The Debate over eHealth

    CERN Document Server

    Gaddi, Antonio Vittorino


    The future of eHealth and telemedicine has recently become a much debated and controversial subject. It is widely believed that eHealth will play an increasingly important role in shaping healthcare systems in the twenty-first century. The rising burden of chronic diseases and the potential of eHealth for cutting costs and improving quality and safety of health services make eHealth a great opportunity for providing more efficient health care.

  17. Reframing the English Grammar Schools Debate (United States)

    Morris, Rebecca; Perry, Thomas


    In October 2015 the Department for Education (DfE) permitted a grammar school in Tonbridge, Kent, to open up an annexe in Sevenoaks, 10 miles away. Amidst claims that the annexe was essentially a new grammar school, the decision reignited an old debate about the value of academically-selective "grammar" schools in England. The intensity…

  18. The Net Neutrality Debate: The Basics (United States)

    Greenfield, Rich


    Rich Greenfield examines the basics of today's net neutrality debate that is likely to be an ongoing issue for society. Greenfield states the problems inherent in the definition of "net neutrality" used by Common Cause: "Network neutrality is the principle that Internet users should be able to access any web content they choose and…

  19. Debate: a teaching-learning strategy for developing competence in communication and critical thinking. (United States)

    Darby, Michele


    The literature highlights key benefits from debate as a teaching-learning strategy for developing critical thinking and analytical skills while fostering teamwork and communication. Authors report that this method of teaching-learning has been implemented successfully in nursing and occupational therapy programs and would benefit other academic programs in the health sciences, particularly in courses that cover controversial issues. Although there are disadvantages to using the debate as a teaching-learning strategy, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. In conclusion, debating is an effective pedagogical strategy because of the level of responsibility for learning and active involvement required by all student debaters. Moreover, it provides an experience by which students can develop competencies in researching current issues, preparing logical arguments, actively listening to various perspectives, differentiating between subjective and evidence-based information, asking cogent questions, integrating relevant information, and formulating their own opinions based on evidence. After the debate is over, students also report that the experience is FUN!

  20. How Can a Taxonomy of Stances Help Clarify Classical Debates on Scientific Change?

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    Hakob Barseghyan


    Full Text Available In this paper, we demonstrate how a systematic taxonomy of stances can help elucidate two classic debates of the historical turn—the Lakatos–Feyerabend debate concerning theory rejection and the Feyerabend–Kuhn debate about pluralism during normal science. We contend that Kuhn, Feyerabend, and Lakatos were often talking at cross-purposes due to the lack of an agreed upon taxonomy of stances. Specifically, we provide three distinct stances that scientists take towards theories: acceptance of a theory as the best available description of its domain, use of a theory in practical applications, and pursuit (elaboration of a theory. We argue that in the Lakatos–Feyerabend debate, Lakatos was concerned with acceptance whereas Feyerabend was mainly concerned with pursuit. Additionally, we show how Feyerabend and Kuhn’s debate on the role of pluralism/monism in normal science involved a crucial conflation of all three stances. Finally, we outline a few general lessons concerning the process of scientific change.

  1. Can NGOs Make a Difference? Revisiting and Reframing a 20-year Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Opoku-Mensah, Paul Yaw


    The article seeks to connect the vibrant debates in the Nordic region on NGOs and the aid system with the international comparative debates on NGOs and development alternatives. It argues for a    reformulation of the international debate on NGOs and development alternatives to address...... the foundational questions related to the formative role and structural impact of the international aid system on NGOs and their roles. This reformulation moves the discussions further and enables analyses that provide understanding of the actual and potential role of NGOs to transform development  processes....

  2. Romans 1:18-32 amidst the gay-debate: Interpretative options | Punt ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The prominence of Romans 1:18-32 in the gay-debate is the subject of various and wide-ranging opinions as far as the most adequate interpretation of this passage. This contribution puts the debate about the text into perspective by surveying some recent alternative opinions on its meaning. It is established that two ...


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    Carlos Eduardo Sell


    Full Text Available O mais conhecido texto de Max Weber – A ética protestante e o ‘espírito’ do capitalismo – é um livro que, ainda hoje, provoca inúmeras controvérsias. De fato, a vinculação estabelecida por Weber entre determinadas formas de conduta religiosa e seus reflexos na esfera econômica já engendrava polêmicas logo após a publicação do livro deste pensador. O objetivo deste artigo será retomar estas polêmicas, contextualizando o debate. Na primeira parte situam-se as obras antecedentes com as quais Weber estava em diálogo e, na parte seguinte, contemplam-se os esclarecimentos do autor a seus críticos diretos. Através da revisão da história da obra pretende-se contribuir para o esclarecimento da natureza epistemológica, bem como levantar subsídios para a determinação específica do conteúdo deste importante escrito weberiano.

  4. Entre Casandra y Clío: A propósito del pasado, el presente y el futuro de la filosofía de la historia

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    Moro Abadía, Óscar


    Full Text Available Taking the publication of the second edition of Concha Roldan’s Entre Casandra y Clío as reference, this article analyses the philosophy of history from the perspectives of the past, the present and the future. First, the paper examines the current disciplinary crisis in an effort to define the philosophy of history at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Second, the article considers the historical dimension of the debated scientific nature of historical knowledge and includes the current implications of this controversy. Third, the essay explores the ways in which the philosophy of history can play an ethical function.

    Tomando como referencia la publicación de la segunda edición del libro de Concha Roldán Entre Casandra y Clío, el presente artículo examina algunas cuestiones relacionadas con el pasado, el presente y el futuro de la filosofía de la historia. En primer lugar, se analiza la crisis actual que atraviesa la disciplina tratando de determinar cuál puede ser el sentido de la filosofía de la historia en el comienzo del siglo XXI. En segundo lugar, se pasa revista al debate a propósito del carácter científico del conocimiento histórico y se examinan sus implicaciones en la actualidad. En tercer lugar, se intenta determinar la función ética que puede desempeñar la filosofía de la historia.

  5. Funciones de la fotografía en las relaciones interculturales entre familias inmigrantes

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    Full Text Available En este artículo presentamos los resultados y el análisis de uno de los objetivos del proyecto I+D+i aprobado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España titulado Mediaciones audiovisuales en las relaciones entre escuela y familias inmigrantes. Concretamente, el dirigido a conocer las funciones que tienen las imágenes fotográficas en las relaciones de un grupo de padres inmigrantes en el colegio al que asisten sus hijos e hijas. Los datos presentados corresponden a las narraciones biográfico-culturales y visuales iniciadas en las aulas por estas familias junto a la tutora del grupo, y continuadas en sus contextos personal y social. Concluimos que las fotografías en los relatos han tenido las funciones de: fuente de información, soporte de análisis, reflexión y debate y, finalmente, medio para comunicar el conocimiento experiencial generado. Dentro de esta última, se han utilizado tres procedimientos que hemos denominado: denotativo autorreferencial, connotativo texto-visual y secuencial.

  6. Senate begins clean air legislation debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yates, M.


    This article reports on Senate debate on the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1989. Topics include acid rain provisions, administration objections, costs of the bill including disparity of costs in different regions and cost-sharing proposals, and the effects the current energy policy will have on the bill. Presidential, Senate, and subcommittee views on the bill are presented

  7. Debates over School Shutdowns Heating Up (United States)

    Zubrzycki, Jaclyn


    As school closures are increasingly used as a remedy to budget woes and a solution to failing schools in many cities, debates are intensifying about their effect on student performance and well-being, on district finances, and on communities and the processes districts use to choose which schools will be shuttered. Student and parent groups in…

  8. El desarrollo económico de la Rusia Soviética: entre papas y ojivas

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    Eduardo Crespo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza el contexto económico y geopolítico del debate sobre la industrialización ocurrido al interior del partido bolchevique entre Preobrazhenski y Bukharin. Un rápido catch up industrial era imprescindible para un país aislado en términos internacionales, en proceso revolucionario, y atrasado en términos económicos. Sin embargo, el proceso de industrialización enfrentaba significativas contradicciones sociales. La entrega de las tie-rras a los campesinos en el inicio de la revolución generó una caída del excedente agrícola que trababa el proceso de industrialización. En ese contexto, se plantearon dos alternativas: o se aceleraba el desarrollo industrial con el riesgo de declarar una guerra a la mayoría campesina, o se optaba por un crecimiento a “paso de tortuga”, que imposibilitaba el necesario catch up industrial y militar con las potencias más desarrolladas.

  9. As Interfaces entre Empreendedorismo Social, Negócios Sociais e Redes Sociais no Campo Social

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    Maria de Fátima da Silva


    Full Text Available Este ensaio discute os conceitos do empreendedorismo social, dos negócios sociais e das redes sociais no enfrentamento das demandas sociais, respondendo à pergunta: há interfaces entre esses conceitos? A busca pela mudança social tem no empreendedorismo social, nos negócios sociais e nas redes sociais a possibilidade de gerar ações inovadoras por organizações que atuam tanto no setor público como no privado, com o objetivo de promover a transformação social. As interfaces podem contribuir para a construção do campo da gestão social na medida em que a ação empreendedora no desenvolvimento dos negócios sociais intensifica-se com as redes sociais. O debate dessas ideias sugere a abertura de novos caminhos que possam contribuir para o enfrentamento dos problemas sociais.

  10. The 'humanitarian dimension' of nuclear disarmament: a legitimate debate?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tertrais, Bruno


    Since 2010, a debate on the 'humanitarian dimension' of disarmament has been initiated by several governments and non-governmental organisations. It is not unreasonable to measure the potential impact of a major nuclear event on populations and on the biosphere. Yet the grounds for this debate are questionable, and its political conclusions even more so. (author)

  11. Mayor's Firm Hand over N.Y.C. Schools Sparks New Debate (United States)

    Archer, Jeff


    This article reports a new debate on mayoral control over New York City schools. Mayoral control of the N.Y.C. schools was at the center of renewed debate, after Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg replaced two members of the city's education policymaking board to ensure enough votes for a controversial plan he backed to end social promotion. The shakeup…

  12. Learning through Debate during Problem-Based Learning: An Active Learning Strategy (United States)

    Mumtaz, Sadaf; Latif, Rabia


    We explored medical student's views and perceptions of a series of debates conducted during problem-based learning (PBL) practiced as a part of the Spiral curriculum at the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. A series of debates were employed during PBL sessions for second-year female medical students, over the period 2014-2016.…

  13. La cuestión sanitaria en el debate modernidad-posmodernidad The sanitary question in the modernity-postmodernity debate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celia Iriart


    Full Text Available Este trabajo situa a la cuestión sanitaria en el debate modernidad-posmodernidad. Tal análisis se realiza desde una posición filosófica que plantea la crisis de la modernidad y cuestiona la torsión ideológica que a la misma le propicía la posmodernidad obturando las visiones cuestionadoras. Propiciando una vision alternativa de lo político pensada desde el plano de la potencia, recuperando el rol del sujeto en la decisión de producir transformaciones.This work analyzes the sanitary question in the modernity-postmodernity debate. Such analyses are performed form a philosophical position that states the crisis of Modernity and questions the ideological twist that to itself propitiates postmodernity, shutting out questioning views or visions. It propitiates an alternative view of politics, thinking of it from the potency plane and giving a role to the subject in the decision of producing transformations.

  14. Debate on global warming as a socio-scientific issue: science teaching towards political literacy (United States)

    dos Santos, Wildson Luiz Pereira


    The focus of this response to the original article by Tom G. H. Bryce and Stephen P. Day (Cult Stud Sci Educ. doi: 10.1007/s11422-012-9407-1, 2013) is the use of empirical data to illustrate and expand the understanding of key points of their argument. Initially, I seek to discuss possible answers to the three questions posed by the authors related to: (1) the concerns to be addressed and the scientific knowledge to be taken into account in the climate change debate, (2) the attention to be paid to perspectives taken by "alarmists" and "deniers," and (3) the approaches to be used to conduct controversial global warming debate. In this discussion, I seek to contribute to the debate proposed by the original paper, illustrating various points commented on by the authors and expanding to other possibilities, which highlight the importance of political issues in the debate. Therefore, I argue that socio-political issues must be taken into account when I aim for a scientific literacy that can enhance students' political education. Likewise, I extend the debate presented in the original article, emphasizing the attention that should be paid to these aspects and approaching science education from a critical perspective. Highlighting only the confirmation bias without considering political implications of the debate can induce a reductionist and empiricist view of science, detached from the political power that acts on scientific activity. In conclusion, I support the idea that for a critical science education, the discussion of political issues should be involved in any controversial debate, a view, which goes beyond the confirmation bias proposed by Bryce and Day for the global warming debate. These issues are indeed vital and science teachers should take them into account when preparing their lessons for the debate on climate change.

  15. General Assembly debate on IAEA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    On 3 November 1959, the General Assembly of the United Nations considered the annual report of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the first report to cover a full operational year of the Agency - 1 July 1959 to 30 June 1959, more recent developments having been summarized in a preface. At the end of the debate the Assembly adopted a resolution, submitted jointly by Czechoslovakia, the Union of South Africa and the United Arab Republic, taking note of the report

  16. A Tricky Trait: Applying the Fruits of the "Function Debate" in the Philosophy of Biology to the "Venom Debate" in the Science of Toxinology. (United States)

    Jackson, Timothy N W; Fry, Bryan G


    The "function debate" in the philosophy of biology and the "venom debate" in the science of toxinology are conceptually related. Venom systems are complex multifunctional traits that have evolved independently numerous times throughout the animal kingdom. No single concept of function, amongst those popularly defended, appears adequate to describe these systems in all their evolutionary contexts and extant variations. As such, a pluralistic view of function, previously defended by some philosophers of biology, is most appropriate. Venom systems, like many other functional traits, exist in nature as points on a continuum and the boundaries between "venomous" and "non-venomous" species may not always be clearly defined. This paper includes a brief overview of the concept of function, followed by in-depth discussion of its application to venom systems. A sound understanding of function may aid in moving the venom debate forward. Similarly, consideration of a complex functional trait such as venom may be of interest to philosophers of biology.

  17. Fatal exit the automotive black box debate

    CERN Document Server

    Kowalick, Tom


    "Fatal Exit: The Automotive Black Box Debate cuts through thirty years of political wrangling and institutional biases to provide an argument for the Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorder (MVEDR). This automotive equivalent of an airplane's flight recorder or black box is intended to solve the mysteries of car crashes and improve the safety of our roads. The reader is taken inside the automotive industry and the government highway safety establishment to foster an understanding of the politics and the positions on all sides of this safety debate. The author takes an unbiased approach, chronologically presenting each argument and uncovering the agendas and mandates of each of the stakeholders." "This publication is essential reading for all consumers who need to have their voices heard on this critical issue, as well as for attorneys, public safety advocates, public policy administrators, engineers, automotive professionals, journalists, and insurance executives."--Jacket.

  18. La ponderación de los derechos en el estado de escasez. Entre la dimensión de peso jurídica y la eficiencia económica.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edgar A. Quiroga Natale


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como propósito fundamental contribuir al debate académico que se ha generado en torno al control constitucional a la economía suscitado por la adopción de un ordenamiento económico “híbrido” (a partir de la Carta Política de 1991 que articula modelos distintos (y hasta excluyentes, bajo la concepción de una “economía social de mercado”. El referido presupuesto normativo ha creado una fuerte tensión entre juristas y economistas respecto de la concepción misma del modelo, razón por la cual la diferencia del lenguaje y los métodos de análisis distan entre sí y se producen, de manera reiterada, decisiones judiciales en materia económica caracterizadas por la ineficiencia (respecto de la asignación de recursos e inequitativas (respecto de su distribución.

  19. Context and scale: Distinctions for improving debates about physician "rationing". (United States)

    Tilburt, Jon C; Sulmasy, Daniel P


    Important discussions about limiting care based on professional judgment often devolve into heated debates over the place of physicians in bedside rationing. Politics, loaded rhetoric, and ideological caricature from both sides of the rationing debate obscure precise points of disagreement and consensus, and hinder critical dialogue around the obligations and boundaries of professional practice. We propose a way forward by reframing the rationing conversation, distinguishing between the scale of the decision (macro vs. micro) and its context (ordinary allocation vs. extraordinary re-allocation) avoiding the word "rationing." We propose to shift the terminology, using specific, descriptive words to defuse conflict and re-focus the debate towards substantive issues. These distinctions can clarify the real ethical differences at stake and facilitate a more constructive conversation about the clinical and social responsibilities of physicians to use resources ethically at the bedside and their role in allocating medical resources at a societal level.

  20. Mudando o debate sobre o tráfico de mulheres Shifting the debate on the traffic of women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kamala Kempadoo


    Full Text Available Neste texto apresento perspectivas e abordagens importantes no debate internacional sobre o tráfico de pessoas, e sublinho alguns dos principais pontos de crítica sobre o referencial contemporâneo hegemônico, pontos esses articulados através de projetos de pesquisa-ação e de intervenções contra o tráfico nas bases da sociedade. Argumento que, a despeito de mudanças substanciais no entendimento global sobre o tráfico, fortemente influenciadas por dois discursos feministas claramente diferentes (feminismo radical e feminismo transnacional, muito do que se busca hoje em nome de uma guerra ao tráfico tem conseqüências problemáticas para comunidades pobres ao redor do mundo, e tem implicações em termos de raça e gênero. As políticas norte-americanas são aqui trazidas ao debate para ilustrar algumas dessas tendências.In this text I present central perspectives and approaches in the international debate about the trafficking of persons, and highlight some of the main points of critique about the contemporary hegemonic framework that are articulated through action-research projects and grassroots anti-trafficking interventions. I argue that despite substantial shifts in global understandings about trafficking, which are heavily influenced by two distinctly different feminist discourses (radical feminism and transnational feminism, today much of what is pursued in the name of a war on trafficking has troubling consequences for poor communities around the world, and has gendered and racialized implications. US anti-trafficking policies are drawn upon here to illustrate some of these tendencies.

  1. Huntington in Holland: The Public Debate on Muslim Immigrants in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vellenga, S.J.


    Since the beginning of this century, Muslim immigrants have become the subject of a heated debate in the Netherlands. This article examines and analyses this debate which is characterised by five distinctive elements: culturalisation, Islamisation, rejection of Islam, ‘new’ nationalism and the plea

  2. Nuclear power debate and public opinion in Belarus: From Chernobyl to Ostrovets. (United States)

    Novikau, Aliaksandr


    The Belarusian government's decision of the last decade to build a nuclear power plant near the city of Ostrovets, in northern Belarus, has proven to be controversial, resulting in a great deal of debate about nuclear energy in the country. The debate was inevitably shaped by the traumatic event that affected Belarus - the Chernobyl nuclear accident of 1986. The Belarusian authorities have consistently promoted a positive view of nuclear energy to the population in order to overcome the so-called 'Chernobyl syndrome' and deliberately shaped nuclear risk communication. As a result, the issue of trust remains crucial in all nuclear debates in Belarus.

  3. Theory Wars: An Argument Against Arguments in the so-called Ludology/Narratology Debate


    Pearce, Celia


    This paper attempts to offer an alternative to the agonistic debate presented by Gonzalo Frasca in "Ludologists Love Stories Too," in Level Up, DiGRA 2003 conference proceedings. While Frasca’s position is that the ludology/narratology debate is spurious and fraught with misunderstandings, his paper simultaneously succeeds in deepening the gap by further polarizing the alleged two sides of a debate that, in Frasca’s words, "never took place." Furthermore, the paper adds to the misunderstandin...

  4. Similarity Arguments in the Genetic Modification Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Andreas


    In the ethical debate on genetic modification (GM), it is common to encounter the claim that some anti-GM argument would also apply an established, ethically accepted technology, and that the anti-GM argument is therefore unsuccessful. The paper discusses whether this argumentative strategy, the ...

  5. Debating Diversity: Ethics and Controversial Public Issues (United States)

    Darr, Christopher R.


    Courses: Ethics, Organizational Communication, Political Communication. Objectives: After completing this unit activity, students should be able to (1) apply multiple ethical perspectives to real-world diversity issues in a debate format, and (2) explain the role of informational and social category diversity in current controversies.

  6. Sociología de la dominación vs. filosofía de la emancipación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Cervera-Marzal


    Full Text Available El presente artículo explora la siguiente afirmación: los pensamientos críticoscontemporáneos están en crisis. Estos se escinden en dos polos que conducencada uno a un callejón sin salida. De un lado, las corrientes de pensamientofocalizadas en la crítica de los mecanismos de sujeción tienden a cosificar a estosúltimos al punto de obstruir la posibilidad de liberarse. Del otro lado, lospensamientos alternativos al proceso de resistencia y de subjetivación subestimandemasiado la pregnancia de las estructuras de opresión. Si las “críticas de ladominación”- de las que la sociología bourdiesiana constituye un arquetipo –pecan por fatalismo, los “pensamientos de la emancipación” – de los que lafilosofía rancieriana es el mejor ejemplo – presentan un exceso de irenismo. Laraíz de esta doble encrucijada reside en el error conceptual consistente en partirde una impermeabilidad absoluta entre los conceptos de dominación y deemancipación. La obra del filósofo francés Miguel Abensour ayuda a salir de estacrisis. Para ello, conviene cambiar la perspectiva, a fin de reconocer la existenciade una complicidad secreta entre la libertad y la servidumbre.

  7. The Necessity of Debate: A Comment on Commentaries. (United States)

    Deegan, Dorothy H.


    Raises issues related to the relationship between literacy practices and literacy philosophies and theories. Addresses the question of whether the "great debate" regarding literacy education can and should be resolved. (SR)

  8. Bullying y cyberbulling: diferencias entre colegios públicos-privados y religiosos-laicos

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    Maite Garaigordobil


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Analizar diferencias en el bullying presencial y el cyberbulling entre colegios públicos-privados y religiosos-laicos. Método. Participaron 3026 adolescentes y jóvenes del País Vasco (España, de 12 a 18 años (48.5% varones y 51.5% mujeres. Se administró el Test Cyberbullying (Garaigordobil, 2013 para evaluar el bullying cara a cara y el cyberbulling. El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo y comparativo de corte transversal. Resultados. Los resultados evidenciaron: (a la cantidad de conductas de bullying que sufren, realizan y observan es similar en centros públicos y privados; en cyberbulling la cantidad de conductas que sufren y realizan es similar, aunque en los centros privados se observa mayor cantidad de conductas; (b el porcentaje de víctimas, agresores y observadores de bullying fue similar en centros públicos y privados; entre tanto, el porcentaje de cibervíctimas y ciberagresores fue similar, sin embargo el porcentaje de ciberobservadores fue mayor en los centros privados; (c la cantidad de conductas de bullying y cyberbulling que sufren las víctimas y realizan los agresores fue similar en los centros religiosos y laicos, sin embargo en los religiosos se observaron más conductas de bullying y cyberbulling; y (d se encontró un mayor porcentaje de agresores y observadores de bullying en centros religiosos, no obstante el porcentaje de víctimas de bullying, cibervíctimas, ciberagresores y ciberobservadores fue similar en los colegios religiosos y laicos. Conclusión. El debate se centra en la presencia del acoso en todos los centros educativos, con independencia del nivel socioeconómico y de la orientación religiosa de los mismos.

  9. Effects of Watching Primary Debates in the 2000 U.S. Presidential Campaign. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; McKinney, Mitchell S.; Stephenson, Michael T.


    Reports the results of two studies measuring the effects on undergraduate communication students of watching U.S. presidential primary debates. Concludes that primary debates are capable of influencing both policy and character impressions of the candidates, as well as changing voting intentions and increasing voter confidence. (SG)

  10. Improvement of debate competence: an outcome of an introductory course for medical humanities

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    Kyung Hee Chun


    Full Text Available Purpose: Academic debate is an effective method to enhance the competences of critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills and cooperation skills. The present study examined the improvement of debate competence which is an outcome of debate-based flipped learning. Methods: A questionnaire was administrated to second-year premedical school students at Yeungnam University. In total 45 students participated in the survey. The survey questionnaire was composed of 60 items of eight subfactors on debate competence. To investigate the homogeneous of low and high achievement groups, 18 items on empathy and 75 items on critical thinking scales were used. To compare the pretest with posttest scores, data was analyzed using paired sample t-test. Results: There were no significant differences between low and high achievement groups by average grade at the beginning of the semester. There was a significant improvement in high achievers on the logical argumentation (p<0.001, proficiency in inquiry (p<0.01, active participation (p<0.001, ability to investigate and analyze (p<0.001, observance of debate rules (p<0.05, and acceptability (p<0.05. Even in low achievers, active participation (p<0.05 and ability to investigate and analyze (p<0.01 were significantly improved. Conclusion: Results showed that students could improve their debate competence by the debate-based flipped learning. A prospective and comparative study on the communication and teamwork competences needs to be conducted in the future. It is suggested that in-depth discussion for the curriculum design and teaching will be needed in terms of the effectiveness and the outcomes of the medical humanities.

  11. Invest in what energizes students to learn: Investigating students’ attitude towards debate in the foreign language classroom

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    el Majidi, Abid; de Graaff, Rick; Janssen, Daniel


    Debate has noticeably been penetrating our educational practice the last decades. Many studies have revealed many benefits of debate, including sharping up debaters’ critical and analytical thinking, and deepening their understanding of the issues being debated. Debate has also been deemed as an

  12. Die debat rondom die vertolking van die amptelike ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies ... Debate around the interpretation of the official language policy principles of the ... Any discussion of language planning must first take into account the underlying orientation.

  13. The corporatism of fascist Italy between words and reality = O corporativismo da Itália fascista entre palavras e realidade = El corporativismo de la Italia fascista entre las palabras y la realidad

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    Gagliardi, Alessio


    Full Text Available É de conhecimento geral que intervenções estatais na Itália nas décadas de 1920 e 1930 se desenvolveram fora de instituições corporativas. A história do corporativismo fascista, no entanto, não é totalmente sem sucessos. Apesar da falha da "revolução corporativista" e da "terceira via fascista", o corporativismo fascista, desde meados dos anos 1920, ajudou no desenvolvimento progressivo de um novo sistema político para regular a relação entre o Estado e interesses privados. O presente artigo examina não apenas a arcabouço institucional (os sistemas de leis formais, regulamentações, procedimentos e normas informais, mas também suas atividades reais e atos. Esse trabalho aborda debates internos, importância política e institucional adquirida por instituições corporativas em regimes fascistas e comportamentos de organizações empreendedoras e sindicatos trabalhistas. Dessa forma, este artigo visa ressaltar as consequências "reais" do corporativismo fascista, diferente das ideológicas

  14. European integration assessed in the light of the 'rules vs. standards debate'

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    F. Weber (Franziska)


    textabstractThe interplay of various legal systems in the European Union (EU) has long triggered a debate on the tension between uniformity and diversity of Member States' (MS) laws. This debate takes place among European legal scholars and is also paralleled by economic scholars, e.g. in the ambit

  15. Research: Online Debate, Not Angry But Neutral

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eberholst, Mads Kæmsgaard; Hartley, Jannie Møller


    Social media debate has a bad reputation. Often described as meaningless, rude and derogatory, in extreme cases virtual disagreements have even led to threats and violence in the real world. Female politicians, in particular, have been targeted by trolls and subject to slander and vitriol. Yet new...

  16. Innovate or perish : The RSM Insight debate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Gilbert (Russell)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Although innovation is one the hottest management topics of the 21st century, very few firms excel at it. Here, in the first RSM Insight debate, three of the school’s leading management scholars discuss how firms should approach the subject of innovation and what

  17. Debate on the legalization of abortion in Zimbabwe. (United States)


    In Zimbabwe, where over 70,000 illegal abortions are performed each year and complications from clandestine abortion are a leading cause of maternal mortality, the abortion law debate has been re-opened. Under the present law, abortion is legal only to save the life of the mother and women who undergo illegal abortion face strict criminal sanctions. Timothy Stamps, the Minister of Health and Child Welfare, has stated, "The first rights of a child are to be desired, to be wanted, and to be planned." Dr. Illiff, of the University of Zimbabwe's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, has noted, "We cannot stop abortion. The choice is how safe it is." Illiff pointed out that urban Zimbabwe women run a 262 times greater risk of dying of abortion complications than their counterparts in the UK where abortion is legal. As the Women's Action Group has observed, men have dominated the current debate on abortion. The group has issued an appeal to women to enter into this debate that concerns their bodies to ensure that another law is not imposed on them. The group's appeal for action states: "We as Women's Action Group believe that every woman should decide what's right and what's wrong in her life. She and only she should be the master of her destiny. Her voice should be heard louder than anyone else's."

  18. Radioactive wastes: debated issues about the Cigeo project - White paper III by the ANCCLI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a presentation of the interest of the ANCCLI in radioactive wastes, a presentation of the 2013 public debate as an administrative stage within a long process, a presentation of the chronology of the decision process regarding high-activity and medium-activity long-life wastes, and a discussion of a return on experience on the 2005 public debate, this publication discusses the main debated themes: waste warehousing, storage reversibility, ethical issues, the Cigeo inventory, and the impacts on the territory. The Aarhus convention (which addresses public debate) is given in appendix, as well as a contradictory overview of the history of high- and medium-activity long-life waste management



    Juan Ramón Fallada García-Valle


    Aunque en la década de los 60 del siglo pasado adquiriera bastante relevancia, actualmente algunos consideran superado el debate entre democracia y tecnocracia, entre participación y experticie, al haberse alcanzado un compromiso entre ambos sistemas de toma de decisiones y de legitimación, de forma que, en lugar de oponerse, ambos sistemas se complementarían. En esta comunicación se pretende plantear la conveniencia de reabrir aquel debate, pero reformulado en la contraposición entre estado ...

  20. An Overview of Latin American Health Policies and Debates

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    Asa Cristina Laurell


    Full Text Available It is now 15 years since the publication of Investing in Health (World Bank, 1993, a report which set the course for health care system reform in Latin America and around of the world. Since that time a great many studies about the reforms have been published and new reforms have been launched to “correct” the defects of the earlier ones. The objective of this paper is to call into question the entire current political debate over health care, as well as to clarify key concepts and practices. To this end I will analyze the current vogue of interrelated proposals for a second reform of the state. I will examine debates over insurance as a way of grant universal coverage; the separation between the regulation, financing and provision of health services; and the public private partnerships for the construction, financing, and management of hospitals. This paper will also examine the development of a new scientific discourse around “evidence-based policies” and academic referral networks. The goal of this paper is not to offer a comprehensive treatment of these issues, but rather to question some assumptions and contribute to the larger debate.

  1. Debates y controversias sobre las imágenes de la actualidad internacional. Foto-impacto en las portadas globales

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    Estrella Israel Garzón


    Full Text Available Las imágenes periodísticas son objeto de debates y controversias. Desde la niña de Trang Bang hasta las imágenes de niñas y mujeres en el terremoto y la epidemia de cólera de Haití en 2010, los comentarios se suceden sobre el valor simbólico y comunicativo de lo representado. Las imágenes de prensa reconocidas como “Foto del año” por la World Press Photo en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2011 representan conflictos y catástrofes internacionales en las que los protagonistas son principalmente mujeres, niños y niñas; se trata de imágenes cargadas de drama y pathos. Los ejes de la discusión son la jerarquización en portada frente al derecho a la intimidad, la visibilidad de las personas enfermas y víctimas de catástrofes y la respuesta social ante las imágenes a través de la red.

  2. Audience perceptions of candidates' appropriateness as a function of nonverbal behaviors displayed during televised political debates. (United States)

    Seiter, John S; Weger, Harry


    Compared to televised debates using a single-screen format, such debates using a split screen presenting both debaters simultaneously show viewers the nonverbal reactions of each debater's opponent. The authors examined how appropriate or inappropriate such nonverbal behaviors are perceived to be. Students watched one of four versions of a televised debate. One version used a single-screen format, showing only the speaker, whereas the other three versions used a split-screen format in which the speaker's oppodent displayed constant, occasional, or no nonverbal disagreement with the speaker. Students then rated the debaters' appropriateness. Analysis indicated that the opponent was perceived to be less appropriate when he displayed any background disagreement compared to when he did not. The students perceived the speaker as most appropriate when his opponent displayed constant nonverbal disagreement.

  3. Teaching Group Work with "The Great Debaters" (United States)

    Moe, Jeffry; Autry, Linda; Olson, Joann S.; Johnson, Kaprea F.


    An experiential learning activity, based on the film "The Great Debaters" (Washington, D., 2007), was used during a group work class. Description and preliminary evaluation of the activity is provided, including analysis of participant scores on the group leader self-efficacy instrument at multiple points. Implications and future…

  4. Gun Control: The Debate and Public Policy. (United States)

    Watkins, Christine


    Provides an overview and background information on the debate over gun control, as well as several teaching ideas. Handouts include a list of related topics drawn from various disciplines (economics, U.S. history), seven arguments for and against gun control, and a set of policy evaluation guidelines. (MJP)

  5. Climate Change Journalism: From Agony to Agonistic Debate

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    Yves Pepermans


    Full Text Available Starting from a politicized outlook on climate change, this essay criticizes mainstream journalistic norms for failing to enable an agonistic, democratic debate about how to move forward. Based on a targeted search for examples from the reporting (and reflection thereof of two Dutch-speaking alternative news sites (DeWereldMorgen and De Correspondent, we seek to illustrate how their respective (climate journalists look for truth, generate democratic debate and hold power accountable by combining practices from constructive journalism, slow journalism and advocacy journalism. We find these journalists to focus on patterns, root causes and underlying values, rather than on novelty or exceptional events. Furthermore, an impartial and detached style of reporting is explicitly denounced in favor of an open and reflexive choice of news-making based on advocacy.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Løvlie, Anders Sundnes; Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea

    Based on data from a survey among contributors (n=3470) to the online comments sections of four Norwegian newspapers, we investigate the following research question: How do contributors to online comments sections in newspaper websites describe their experiences of repercussions from participation...... in debates? Through analysis of two survey questions asking respondents whether they have experienced problems in everyday life after participating in online comments, we find that women to a larger degree report such problems. However, when studying the types of problems reported, we fail to replicate...... earlier findings about gender differences associated with different types of problems. Instead, we find a surprising dominance of relatively inconsequential issues, leading to a discussion about the communicative competencies of participants, and the challenge in facilitating online debate for people...

  7. As opinioes dos brasileiros sobre ciencia e tecnologia: o paradoxo da relacao entre informacao e atitudes

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    Yurij Castelfranchi


    Full Text Available Em muitos debates sobre as relações entre ciência e sociedade, em particular quanto à aceitação das tecnologias ou à percepção de seus riscos, existe uma hipótese subjacente: a de que a ignorância gera medo, e o medo gera desconfiança ou hostilidade contra a ciência e a tecnologia. Neste artigo mostramos que essa hipótese é questionável. Com base numa recente enquete nacional, apontamos que atitudes otimistas sobre ciência e tecnologia não dependem do nível escolar ou da informação declarada ou acessada pelas pessoas sobre o tema. Indivíduos com escassa informação possuem, em geral, atitudes positivas. Pessoas com maior escolaridade e acesso à informação possuem atitudes diversificadas, otimistas sobre alguns aspectos, porém mais críticas sobre outros.

  8. Peter Shepheard Espacios intermedios entre la arquitectura y el paisaje

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    Juan J. Tuset


    Full Text Available ResumenAcabada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el Movimiento Moderno se debatió entre su continuidad o crisis, lo que llevó a numerosos arquitectos y críticos a formular teorías y adoptar actitudes disciplinares trasgresoras con el momento. Una de ellas fue la del arquitecto, urbanista y paisajista inglés Peter Shepheard quien desarrolló una actividad profesional, teórica y docente de la que se trasluce la relevancia del concepto in between como una de las claves defi nitorias del diseño arquitectónico en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Para Shepheard el diseño moderno debía ser el encuentro entre la arquitectura, el urbanismo y el paisaje. Aseveración que vino precedida por diferentes tipos de obras arquitectónicas, proyectos urbanos, artículos y publicaciones sobre el diseño del paisaje y del jardínque le convirtieron en una voz de referencia en el contexto británico. Shepheard alentó a los paisajistas a convencerse de que las tres disciplinas anteriores convergen en un sola y que la responsabilidad de la joven profesión de arquitecto del paisaje es asumir el reto del diseño arquitectónico, urbano y paisajístico como un todo en la búsqueda y defi nición de espacios intermedios entre la arquitectura y el paisaje. AbstractAfter the Second World War, Modernism started to debate his continuity or crisis. This led many architects and critics to formulate theories and take up breaking disciplinary attitudes against that time. One of them was the English architect, urban planner and landscape designer Peter Shepheard who developed a professional, theoretical and academic career where the concept in between got relevance as one of the defi ning keys of the architectural design in the second half of the twentieth century. To Shepheard modern design should be the encounter between architecture, urbanism and landscape. This claim was preceded by different types of architectural works, urban projects, articles and publications on

  9. O Futuro do Turismo de Santa Catarina - Previsões entre 2007 e 2011

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    Graciella Martignago


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo apresenta o resultado da primeira parte de uma pesquisa Delphi sobre “O Futuro do Turismo em Santa Catarina” realizada com painel de especialistas do setor, composto por empresários e acadêmicos. O objetivo fundamental foi o de identificar o cenário prospectivo mais provável de forma a orientar proposições e ações para atuação diante do cenário previsto. A metodologia considerou a escolha preliminar de 36 especialistas, segundo onze tópicos para análise, dos quais foram selecionados 12 especialistas para aplicação das rodadas de questionário. O resultado da pesquisa Delphi foi debatido entre os especialistas e debatedores em mesmo número, em três sessões principais que compuseram a pesquisa: demanda e oferta turística; a economia do turismo catarinense; as ações. Palavras-chave: pesquisa Delphi; cenários; tendências em turismo; estratégia. Abstract This article presents the results of the first part of a Delphi research about “The Future of Tourism from Santa Catarina” with specialists from the sector – entrepreneurs and academics. The main purpose was to identify the most probable prospective scenario in order to orient propositions and action to act over the scenario. The methodology considered the preliminary choice of 36 specialists, under 12 analysis topics, from which 12 specialists were selected to answer it in rounds. The Delphi research result was debated among the specialists and debaters in a seminar. Three sections composed the research and the seminar: touristy offer and demand; Santa Catarina tourism economy; actions. Keywords: Delphi research; scenaries; tendencies in tourism; strategy.

  10. Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa - Vol ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    El kiswahili y el español en una encrucijada lingüística en Kenya · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. JN Muasya, 9-24. ...

  11. “El espacio público es donde se representa mejor una sociedad”

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    Santiago Cirugeda [entrevistado


    Full Text Available El consejo de redacción de Encrucijadas entrevista al arquitecto Santiago Cirugeda discutiendo acerca del problema de la vivienda y el papel de la ciudadanía en el diseño, gestión y uso de los espacios públicos y la ciudad.

  12. Entrainement au Debat Public et a la Negociation d'Affaires en Anglais (Training in Public Debate and Business Negotiation in English) (United States)

    Rivas, Michele


    This article describes a program designed to give native French speakers who already speak English further skills in oral presentation, public debate, and the language of business negotiations. (Text is in French.) (CLK)

  13. Using Debates as Assessment in a Physiotherapy Capstone Course: A Case Example (United States)

    Weeks, Benjamin K.; Laakso, Liisa


    While not a new teaching and learning approach, debating may be considered novel when included in a suite of more traditional teaching and learning activities. Despite the potential benefits of debates for the development of generic skills, their use in physiotherapy education remains unreported. Thus, our aim was to evaluate student satisfaction…

  14. ERIC First Analysis: Agricultural Policy. 1986-87 National High School Debate Resolutions. (United States)

    Wagner, David L.; Fraleigh, Douglas

    Designed to serve as a framework in which high school debate students, coaches, and judges can evaluate the issues, arguments, and evidence concerning which agricultural policies best serve the United States, this booklet provides guidelines for research on the 1986-87 debate resolutions selected by the National Federation of State High School…

  15. Debating Modernity as Secular Religion: Hans Kelsen’s futile exchange with Eric Voegelin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomassen, Bjørn


    This article reviews the mysterious and recently published last book by Hans Kelsen, “Secular Religion. A Polemic Against the Misinterpretation of Modern Social Philosophy, Science and Politics as ‘New Religions’”, contextualizing it with reference to the little known dialogue between Hans Kelsen...... and Eric Voegelin. The confrontation between Kelsen and Voegelin, two of the most illustrious émigré scholars who found in America their new home, is important to revisit because it touches upon several axes of debate of crucial importance to postwar intellectual history: the religion/secularity debate......, the positivist/anti-positivist debates, and the controversy that also led to the famous Voegelin/Arendt debate: how to read the horrors of totalitarianism into a historical trajectory of modernity. Although the Kelsen/Voegelin exchange ended in failure and bitterness its substance matter goes to the heart...

  16. Determinantes de la precarización laboral en Argentina entre 2003-2013: entre los cambios y las continuidades

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    Marcelo Delfini


    Full Text Available El crecimiento económico experimentado por Argentina desde 2003 ha tenido su correlato en la mejora de los indicadores laborales. No obstante, la precarización laboral se ha mantenido, luego de una baja importante hasta el año 2007, en valores muy elevados. Partiendo de la idea central que la precarización constituye para el capital, una reducción de costos, el objetivo de este artículo es dar cuenta de los determinantes de la informalidad entre los trabajadores asalariados, estableciendo continuidades y cambios entre los años 2003 y 2013. Para ello utilizamos una metodología cuantitativa con fuentes secundarias de información, a partir de las cuales realizamos dos tipo de análisis, el primero de carácter descriptivo a partir del cual se busca dar cuenta de las características del mercado de trabajo argentino entre 1990 y 2013 y el segundo se realiza por medio de una regresión logística binomial, que permite acercarnos a los determinantes de la precarización de las condiciones de trabajo. En este sentido, se pudo observar que entre los años 2003 y 2013, se consolidó una precarización laboral, cuyos determinantes no lograron modificarse sustancialmente entre los años de referencia.


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    Full Text Available As transformações políticas e econômicas que vem acontecendo na sociedade, cada vez mais, demandam uma escola democrática que atenda aos novos contextos sociais, ou seja, uma escola que cumpra sua função social. Neste contexto, a participação e o diálogo na tomada de decisões nas escolas, bem como a articulação entre as dimensões pedagógica e administrativa são indispensáveis para a construção de um ambiente escolar que possa oportunizar a formação de sujeitos engajados em defender/reivindicarem seus direitos como cidadãos e por meio de seus deveres construírem uma sociedade menos desigual. É com base neste contexto que o presente trabalho buscou analisar/refletir como a gestão escolar lida com seu papel pedagógico, visto que segundo Souza (2006, a maioria das escolas públicas, ainda tem uma gestão marcada pelo conceito de ensino tradicional que contempla em sua forma de gerir uma instituição os processos administrativos e burocráticos com mais vigor. Esse estudo é fruto de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada no Instituto Superior de Educação Professor Aldo Muylaert, em Campos dos Goytacazes, em 2014 como requisito para conclusão do curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia. Tratou-se de um estudo de caso levando em conta sua amplitude subjetiva e contemporânea, fundamentado metodologicamente em Minayo (2011, para reflexões acerca do tema e do trabalho de duas diretoras da escola campo. Conforme os estudos teóricos abordados neste trabalho, pelos autores Paro (2010, Lück (2011 e Souza (2006, pode-se ressaltar a compreensão de que a partir de meados da década de 80, com as reformas da educação, um novo olhar sobre a gestão escolar nasce mostrando o quão é limitado gerir uma instituição que abarque somente os aspectos administrativos. Foi possível identificar na pesquisa de campo que há uma grande distância entre as intenções e a realidade no que tange a participação da gestão no contexto pedag

  18. Sentencing and Other Controversial Issues: Why We Need Rational Debate More Than Ever

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    Ian Gray


    Full Text Available The article seeks to demonstrate the importance of rational debate in the community on controversial issues. It focuses on the need for rationalism to prevail in community debates on controversial issues. Issues inclusive of sentencing, climate change, mental health and its prevalence in the prison system and ‘whether courts are out of touch’ with the community. The article recognises the difficulties faced by those engaged in community issues and concludes by promoting the need to maintain a tolerant and harmonious society by engaging in well informed rational debate.

  19. Soviet debate on missile defense

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parrott, B.


    Although the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) is meant to cope with the danger of a Soviet nuclear attack, the recent US debate over SDI has paid surprisingly little attention to Soviet views of ballistic missile defense. Despite the existence of a substantial body of pertinent scholarship, the debate has failed to take adequate account of major changes in Soviet ballistic missile defense policy since the mid-1960s. It has also neglected the links between current Soviet military policy and broader Soviet political and economic choices. The Soviets regard SDI not as a novel undertaking to reduce the risks of nuclear war but as an extension of the geopolitical competition between the superpowers. This competition has been dominated in the 1980s, in the Soviet view, by sharply increased US assertiveness and the decline of detente. Viewing SDI as a manifestation of these general trends, Soviet decision makers find the prospect of an unregulated race in ballistic missile defenses and military space technologies deeply unsettling. The deterioration of superpower relations has raised serious doubts in Moscow about the wisdom of Soviet external policy during the 1970s and has provoked sharp internal differences over policy toward the US. Already highly suspicious of the Reagan administration, the elite is united by a general conviction that SDI is an American gambit that may ultimately undercut past Soviet strategic gains and pose a grave new threat to Soviet security. 14 references.

  20. Función discursiva en los debates televisados. Un estudio transcultural de los debates políticos en México, España y Estados Unidos

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    Nilsa Téllez


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca describir y comparar las estrategias discursivas utilizadas en los debates televisados, así como las de los candidatos ganadores de las últimas elecciones presidenciales de México y Estados Unidos, y las elecciones generales españolas. Para lo anterior, se realizó un análisis de contenido donde se aplicó la Teoría Funcional del Discurso de Campaña Política. Se observó que la aclamación fue la estrategia predominante en los debates de México y Estados Unidos, mientras que en los de España fue el ataque. Sin embargo, los tres candidatos ganadores emplearon más la aclamación que otras estrategias. Además, en los debates se abordaron más los temas de política que los de candidato.

  1. Exploring SETAC's roles in the global dialogue on sustainability--an opening debate. (United States)

    McCormick, Ron; Kapustka, Larry; Stahl, Cynthia; Fava, Jim; Lavoie, Emma; Robertson, Cory; Sanderson, Hans; Scott, Heidi; Seager, Tom; Vigon, Bruce


    A combination platform-debate session was held at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America annual meeting in Boston (November 2011). The session was organized by members of the Advisory Group on Sustainability, newly formed and approved as a global entity by the SETAC World Council just prior to the meeting. The platform portion of the session provided a historical backdrop for the debate that was designed to explore SETAC's role in the sustainability dialogue. The debate portion presented arguments for and against the proposition that "Science is the primary contribution of SETAC to the global dialogue on sustainability." Although the debate was not designed to achieve a definitive sustainability policy for SETAC, the audience clearly rejected the proposition, indicating a desire from the SETAC membership for an expanded role in global sustainability forums. This commentary details the key elements of the session, identifies the contribution the Advisory Group will have at the World Congress in Berlin (May 2012), and invites interested persons to become active in the Advisory Group. Copyright © 2012 SETAC.

  2. Debatable Premises in Telecom Policy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    HURWITZ, Justin; Layton, Roslyn


    in the world. The Internet is opening up new platforms for business, education, government, and civic engagement. It has literally been a driving force in toppling governments. Telecommunications policy is important to every government in the world, and debates over what policies should be implemented......Around the world, telecommunications policy is one of the most important areas of public policy. The modern economy is driven by telecom technologies, and many telecom-related firms – Google, Apple, Facebook, and myriad fixed and mobile Internet service providers – are among the largest companies...

  3. Debatable Premises in Telecom Policy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hurwitz, Justin (Gus); Layton, Roslyn


    ‟t stand up well to critical analysis. This paper collects and responds to a number of these premises that, collectively, underlie much popular, political, and academic support for increased telecommunications regulation in the United States and Europe – as well as much of the rest of the world....... in the world. The Internet is opening up new platforms for business, education, government, and civic engagement. It has literally been a driving force in toppling governments. Telecommunications policy is important to every government in the world, and debates over what policies should be implemented...

  4. National debate on the energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document gathered the allocutions presented at the national debate on the energies of the 18 march 2003. The full text of the presentations of the Ministry of the industry N. Fontaine and the first Ministry J.P. Raffarin are provided. A synthesis of the answers to the following questions is also presented: understand the energy, the increase of the energy demand, the international consumption, the necessary changes of the consumption and production modes, the environmental impact, the resources, the decision making and the deciders. (A.L.B.)

  5. Keynesian, Monetarist and Supply-Side Policies: An Old Debate Gets New Life (United States)

    Niederjohn, M. Scott; Wood, William C.


    Debates over how to promote a healthy economy are pervasive once more, after decades when it seemed such debates had been put to rest. The market meltdown of 2008 ended a long string of years in which monetary policy reigned supreme. Monetary policy is the regulation of money and the banking system to influence economic variables. Its adherents,…

  6. Drawing Conclusions: Confusion between Data and Theory in the Traumatic Memory Debate (United States)

    Silberg, Joyanna


    This paper examines one of the chief problems in the ongoing debate about the nature and prevalence of the various memory mechanisms that may operate in determining whether a victim/survivor of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) will have delayed recall of the victimization. One of the key problems in the debate about delayed or suppressed memory of…

  7. A bioética da proteção e a compaixão laica: o debate moral sobre a eutanásia Bioethics of protection and the laic compassion: the moral debate on euthanasia

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    Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista


    Full Text Available O debate bioético sobre a eutanásia (“boa morte” vem sendo polarizado, classicamente, entre os princípios da sacralidade da vida - argumentação contra - e da qualidade de vida, representado pelo princípio vicário do respeito à autonomia - argumentação pró. Em ambos os casos, a questão se constrói em torno da pertinência e da legitimidade moral, ou não, de um indivíduo poder decidir sobre o desenlace de sua própria existência, requerendo para si uma boa morte. Sem embargo, a eutanásia pressupõe sempre, além de um eu, um outro, o qual deverá efetuar a ação - ou ater-se à não-ação - que culminará na abreviação da vida. Propor uma discussão acerca deste último ponto, tendo como base os referenciais teóricos da bioética da proteção e o conceito de compaixão laica, é o escopo do presente ensaio.The bioethical debate on euthanasia (“good death” has been classically polarized between the principles of sacredness of life - the argumentation against - and the quality of life, represented by the vicarious principle of respect for autonomy - the argumentation in favor. In both cases the question is built around the pertinence and moral legitimacy - or not - of the individual possibility to decide about the termination of one’s own existence, demanding for oneself a good death. Undoubtedly, euthanasia always implies besides the self, the other, who will either carry out the action - or hold to non-action - culminating in the abbreviation of life. To propose a discussion about this last referred issue, based on the bioethics of protection theoretical references and the concept of laic compassion is the scope of the present essay.

  8. The file of the national debate on energy transition. Knowledge base, Current status, Commitments, Stakes, The debate. Let us imagine together our tomorrow's energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batho, Delphine


    Within the perspective of the French national debate on energy transition, four main issues are to be addressed: how to move towards energy efficiency and sobriety, which trajectory to reach the defined energy mix in 2025 and which types of possible scenarios by 2030 and 2050 while complying with climate-related commitments of France, which choices in terms of renewable energies and new energy technologies with which strategy of industry and land development, which costs, benefits and financing for energy transition. Within this context, this publication aims at providing all those who want to be informed or participate with information on the current situation of energy in France, in Europe and in the World. It also aims at presenting the main social, economic and ecologic challenges of energy transition. It proposes contributions and opinions of organisations which belong to the Debate National Council. Thus, after a presentation of the energy situation, the report recalls and comments the various commitments: European and international commitments, French legal frameworks and existing laws, additional political commitments. The main challenges are then discussed as the main debate issues: energy consumption management, energy mix equilibrium, development of the renewable energy sector and of new energy technologies, costs, benefits and financing. Transverse challenges are discussed, such as: energy safety, economic, social, environmental, international, and governance stakes. Finally, debate objectives, its mains steps, its locations and bodies are presented

  9. Using Role Play to Debate Animal Testing (United States)

    Agell, Laia; Soria, Vanessa; Carrió, Mar


    The use of animals in biomedical research is a socio-scientific issue in which decision-making is complicated. In this article, we describe an experience involving a role play activity performed during school visits to the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) to debate animal testing. Role playing games require students to defend different…

  10. [The historian's competence tested by authority: on an academic debate of the 18th century]. (United States)

    Schandeler, Jean-Pierre


    The debate which took place in the 1720s at the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Letters on the possibility or impossibility of understanding the history of the first centuries of Rome is generally interpreted to be less of a debate than an important epistemological clarification. A contextualization which takes into account the political stakes of the debate allows one to understand that the debate was the beginning of a larger process of the autonomisation of the field of historical studies, not only from the perspective of disciplinary divides, but also in relation to monarchal power.

  11. Improvement of debate competence: an outcome of an introductory course for medical humanities. (United States)

    Chun, Kyung Hee; Lee, Young Hwan


    Academic debate is an effective method to enhance the competences of critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills and cooperation skills. The present study examined the improvement of debate competence which is an outcome of debate-based flipped learning. A questionnaire was administrated to second-year premedical school students at Yeungnam University. In total 45 students participated in the survey. The survey questionnaire was composed of 60 items of eight subfactors on debate competence. To investigate the homogeneous of low and high achievement groups, 18 items on empathy and 75 items on critical thinking scales were used. To compare the pretest with posttest scores, data was analyzed using paired sample t-test. There were no significant differences between low and high achievement groups by average grade at the beginning of the semester. There was a significant improvement in high achievers on the logical argumentation (phumanities.

  12. Discursos latinoamericanistas en los debates arquitectónicos de la década de 1980. Los seminarios de Arquitectura Latinoamericana (SAL

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    María Rosa Zambrano


    Full Text Available Este artículo explora los discursos que se generaron en los Seminarios de Arquitectura Latinoamericana entre 1985 y 1993, a partir de la reconstrucción de sus debates sobre las nociones de identidad y modernidad y regionalismo, y de su plasmación por algunos de sus participantes en diversas conferencias y publicaciones de arquitectura de aquel periodo. Se trató en cierto modo de una reacción a la crisis económica prácticamente general a partir de la década de los 80 y al subsiguiente desinterés por la producción arquitectónica de América Latina por los principales historiadores y críticos foráneos. Todo ello en contraste con el reconocimiento internacional de obras y autores de las décadas de 1940 y 1950 y el optimismo y conciencia de progreso de esos mismos años.

  13. Ssk or Esw? -- the Bloor-Lynch Debate Revisited (United States)

    Cheng, Kai-Yuan


    Philosophical discussions of rule-following in the later Wittgenstein (1953, 1967) are an important source of inspiration for the development of views on the social nature of scientific knowledge. Two major opposing views in this inquiry -- Bloor's sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) (1983, 1991, 1992, 1997) and Lynch's (1992, 1993) ethnomethodological studies of work (ESW) -- represent two positions derived from two different readings of Wittgenstein's later writings on rule-following. The aim of this paper is two-fold. One is to re-examine the noted Bloor-Lynch debate by considering Kusch's (2004) recent discussion of this debate. Another is to show that a new semantic framework of rule-following ascriptions based on a cognitive approach to the study of generics can be provided such that SSK and ESW are compatible in it (Leslie, 2009; Cheng, 2011).

  14. Ciudades Seguras e Inclusivas Investigación para reducir la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    PANELISTAS. Dra. Nausheen H. Anwar. Institute of Business Administration,. Pakistán. La encrucijada de vulnerabilidad, género y violencia en el Pakistán urbano. Alice Taylor. Instituto Promundo, Brazil. Comprensión de las identidades masculinas no violentas para ciudades seguras e inclusivas. Diana Sánchez ...

  15. Public Debates over Islam and the Awareness of Muslim identity in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Shadid, W.


    National and international events in which Muslims have been engaged have triggered heated debates on the integration of these groups in and their loyalty to Dutch society. In this regard, Dutch government has intervened, directly and indirectly, in Muslim religious affairs. The debates and the

  16. Opening up the societal debate on climate engineering; How newspaper frames are changing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scholte, S.; Vasileiadou, E.; Petersen, A.C.


    The use of climate engineering or geoengineering technologies to combat climate change has been a controversial topic, even in the scientific debate. In recent studies, it has been claimed that the debate on climate engineering technologies may be closing down prematurely, with detrimental effects

  17. Opening up the societal debate on climate engineering: How newspaper frames are changing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scholte, S.; Vasileiadou, E.; Petersen, A.C.


    The use of climate engineering or geoengineering technologies to combat climate change has been a controversial topic, even in the scientific debate. In recent studies, it has been claimed that the debate on climate engineering technologies may be closing down prematurely, with detrimental effects

  18. Synthesis of the national debate on France's energy transition presented by the debate national Council

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This synthesis of the French national debate on energy transition highlights and discusses fifteen challenges which deal with the respect of France's commitments, the struggle against energy poverty, the role of energy efficiency and of energy saving in a new economic growth model with stakes of improved competitiveness and job creation, an energy mix which results in low carbon emissions, and in a secure, diversified, balanced and competitive energy supply. These challenges also concern levers of success for transition (investment, development of local abilities, a more ambitious and better coordinated European policy), and transition governance

  19. Debate presidencial en la TV: ¿ayuda a ganar una elección?

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    Luis Eladio Proaño


    Full Text Available El debate es un instrumento para evaluar alternativas y saber por quién votar. El debate expone a los electores a criterios contrapuestos, brinda la oportunidad de ejercer el juicio crítico y elegir la mejor alternativa. Se trata de una nueva forma de hacer política. Es un reto al anacronismo de la audiencia cautiva. Al candidato en cambio le sorprende en su íntimo pensamiento en forma independiente, personal y espontánea. El debate añade los ingredientes del conflicto y el dramatismo para atraer a un considerable número de ciudadanos.

  20. The 2014 Varsity Medical Ethics Debate: should we allow genetic information to be patented? (United States)

    Metcalfe, Kiloran H M; Worsley, Calum A; Swerner, Casey B; Sinha, Devan; Solanki, Ravi; Ravi, Krithi; Dattani, Raj S


    The 2014 Varsity Medical Ethics debate convened upon the motion: "This house believes that genetic information should not be commoditised". This annual debate between students from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, now in its sixth year, provided the starting point for arguments on the subject. The present article brings together and extends many of the arguments put forward during the debate. We explore the circumstances under which genetic material should be considered patentable, the possible effects of this on the research and development of novel therapeutics, and the need for clear guidelines within this rapidly developing field.The Varsity Medical Debate was first held in 2008 with the aim of allowing students to engage in discussion about ethics and policy within healthcare. Two Oxford medical students, Mahiben Maruthappu and Sanjay Budheo founded the event. The event is held annually and it is hoped that this will allow future leaders to voice a perspective on the arguments behind topics that will feature heavily in future healthcare and science policy. This year the Oxford University Medical Society at the Oxford Union hosted the debate.

  1. Bioethics and the Stem Cell Research Debate (United States)

    Shapiro, Robyn S.


    Bioethics--the study of ethical issues in science and medicine--has grown to become a significant academic and service-oriented discipline with its own research centers, conferences, journals, and degree programs. As these issues have moved to the center of public debate, the law has assumed an increasingly important place in the discipline of…

  2. Innovate or perish: The RSM Insight debate


    Gilbert, Russell


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Although innovation is one the hottest management topics of the 21st century, very few firms excel at it. Here, in the first RSM Insight debate, three of the school’s leading management scholars discuss how firms should approach the subject of innovation and what it takes to be successful at it.

  3. THE QUEST OF INDONESIAN MUSLIM IDENTITY: Debates on Veiling from the 1920s to 1940s

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    Ali Tantowi


    Full Text Available This paper undertakes a debate of wearing  veil for Muslim women among Indonesian Muslim scholars and role of modernist Muslims in propagating it in the early twentieth century. It shows that, the modernist Muslims’ propagation on veil had massively started in the early twentieth century trough printed media and encountered fierce responses from others. In addition, the debate itself was influenced by similar trends in Middle Eastern countries, especially Egypt, which became the reference of Islamic current issues at the time. Because of the uncompromising propagation on veil, the debate not only stimulated polemics but also invited physical violence, which was proven to be unproductive for the campaign. Therefore, the spread of veil among Indonesian Muslim during those decades in Java was not significant with only few Muslim women who were affiliated to Modernist organization such as Muhammadiyah and Persis wore veils. The debate itself was not merely a contentious religious debate but also cultural debate which shows the quest of identity as being Indonesian and being Muslim at the same time. The issue of cutting off from Western cultural domination also spiced up the veiling debate.

  4. Pluralist Democracy or Scientistic Monocracy? Debating Ritual Slaughter

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. Valenta (Markha)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Many participants in the recent fierce debate on ritual slaughter in the Netherlands have understood this to be a conflict between religious and secular values, pitting religious freedom against animal welfare. The great variety in viewpoints among all groups

  5. El debate entre liberales y conservadores en Centroamérica : distintos medios para un objetivo connún, la construcción de una república de ciudadanos (1821-1900

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    Sonia Alda Mejías


    Full Text Available La aspiración común de los liberales y los conservadores en Centroamérica en el siglo XIX fue construir una república representativa de ciudadanos instruidos y formados. La diferencia radico en cómo realizar este proceso de transformación. Este debate determinó en buena parte la evolución de la ciudadanía y los diferentes modelos de república implantados a lo largo del siglo XIX en la región. Mediante el estudio comparado de la legislación electoral y los textos constitucionales se comprueba la existencia de tres modelos de república diferentes en coherencia con la forma en que ambos grupos concibieron la forma, el ritmo y los medios para lograr un objetivo compartido por ambos.The common goal of liberals and conservatives In Centroamérica during the nineteeth century was the construction of a representative republic constituted by formed and instructed citizens. Tfie difference among them was how to perform this transformation process. The debate determined basically the evolution of citizenship and the distinctive modela of republican order implanted during the century. Through the comparative analysis of electoral legislatlon and ttie Cartas Magnas can be preved tfie existence of three different republican models according withi tlie common goal of the two already mentioned groups.

  6. Debate on class issue in contemporary sociology

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    Antonić Slobodan


    Full Text Available The contemporary debate on class issue within the sociology in English speaking countries focuses on two questions. The first question is whether the crisis of the Marxist class analysis, which arose as a consequence of weakening of class identity and class behavior, is at the same time a sign of crisis of sociological class conception. There are American, British and Australian sociologists whose answer to this question is affirmative. However, others have been claiming that the Marxist class analysis could be replaced by the Weberian concept of stratification. The second question in this debate is on the exploratory importance of class for sociological analysis. Some sociologists have been claiming that its explanatory capacity is exhausted. However, there are others who argue that classes remain one of the most important tools a modern sociologist has. Finally, this paper points to the third way of saving the class analysis. It is about focusing on collective identity and collective action of the members of "developed" professions, as a kind of "small" classes or "proto-classes".

  7. Ontology-Based Role Association Networks for Visualizing Trends in Political Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Troels; Christiansen, Henning; Eberholst, Mads Kæmsgaard


    Online resources, large data repositories and streaming social network messagesembed plenitudes of interesting knowledge, often of associative nature. A specific communicative context, such as the political debate in a given country, has groupings of actors, with changing attitudes and stancestow......Online resources, large data repositories and streaming social network messagesembed plenitudes of interesting knowledge, often of associative nature. A specific communicative context, such as the political debate in a given country, has groupings of actors, with changing attitudes...

  8. The construction of 'social constructionism': A case study in the rhetoric of debate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Katzko, M.W.


    There is a dimension to the ongoing debate on `constructionism' that deserves closer scrutiny. In this paper I wish to draw attention to some features of the debate as movements in opposition, illustrated with examples comparing the articles in Theory & Psychology, 11(3), with literature outside


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    Gustavo Rodríguez Albor


    Full Text Available Desde el surgimiento de la Ayuda Oficial al Desarrollo (AOD su papel y eficacia ha sido un tema de amplio debate en el escenario político, económico y social. En efecto, la eficacia de este sistema internacional de apoyo a las economías en desarrollo se ve cuestionado frecuentemente dado los problemas de asimetría de información de los agentes, los contratos incompletos, los incentivos perversos y los costos de transacción, entre otros, que afectan su calidad y resultados. Este artículo pretende hacer una reflexión desde la economía neo-institucional sobre las diferentes problemáticas y obstáculos que enfrenta AOD. El mensaje central es que es necesario realizar una serie de arreglos institucionales que garanticen el objetivo de los flujos de ayuda recibidos, con el fin de que este mecanismo se convierta en uno de los diferentes instrumentos relevantes en la lucha contra la pobreza extrema y en general, el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM.

  10. A path forward in the debate over health impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals. (United States)

    Zoeller, R Thomas; Bergman, Åke; Becher, Georg; Bjerregaard, Poul; Bornman, Riana; Brandt, Ingvar; Iguchi, Taisen; Jobling, Susan; Kidd, Karen A; Kortenkamp, Andreas; Skakkebaek, Niels E; Toppari, Jorma; Vandenberg, Laura N


    Several recent publications reflect debate on the issue of "endocrine disrupting chemicals" (EDCs), indicating that two seemingly mutually exclusive perspectives are being articulated separately and independently. Considering this, a group of scientists with expertise in basic science, medicine and risk assessment reviewed the various aspects of the debate to identify the most significant areas of dispute and to propose a path forward. We identified four areas of debate. The first is about the definitions for terms such as "endocrine disrupting chemical", "adverse effects", and "endocrine system". The second is focused on elements of hormone action including "potency", "endpoints", "timing", "dose" and "thresholds". The third addresses the information needed to establish sufficient evidence of harm. Finally, the fourth focuses on the need to develop and the characteristics of transparent, systematic methods to review the EDC literature. Herein we identify areas of general consensus and propose resolutions for these four areas that would allow the field to move beyond the current and, in our opinion, ineffective debate.

  11. Jóvenes titulados superiores en la encrucijada de la crisis

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    Alessandro Gentile


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 La educación superior es una opción estratégica que ha asumido relevancia creciente entre los jóvenes españoles para evitar la precariedad provocada por la crisis y para prepararse mejor a la hora de buscar un empleo de calidad. De esta forma, se ha consolidado un segmento de jóvenes altamente formados que acudieron a los estudios post-obligatorios para encontrar trabajos acorde con su titulación. Sin embargo, una vez acabados los estudios, la situación ocupacional de los universitarios no mejora automáticamente y tampoco según sus expectativas de partida, porque la coyuntura económica negativa está perjudicando su integración social. Se asiste, pues, a una correspondencia incompleta e inadecuada entre la cualificación formal de los jóvenes y su colocación laboral. La devaluación de los títulos educativos y su limitada orientación a las exigencias prácticas del mercado de trabajo no favorece la estabilidad y tampoco la promoción de carreras ordenadas y coherentes. Por otra parte, el mismo mercado de trabajo expulsa a los jóvenes que tienen un nivel de estudio bajo y posiciona los que disponen de una preparación académica en empleos que necesitan una formación inferior. Además, el sistema productivo español no es plenamente receptivo para una mano de obra muy cualificada: el crecimiento económico se ha estancado, el sector público de servicios ha comenzado una profunda reestructuración a partir del adelgazamiento y del desmantelamiento de sus plantillas, y la inversión en innovación y en sectores avanzados es netamente inferior a la que se registra en los demás países europeos.Los jóvenes titulados superiores en nuestro país viven el presente con mucha inestabilidad y con poca seguridad para el futuro. Cada vez más, están conscientes de que la formación se extiende a lo largo de toda la vida, pero que no necesariamente les permitirá integrarse en la

  12. Considerações sobre o dilema entre cor/raça/mestiçagem e ações afirmativas no Brasil / Consideration on the dilemma between color/race/miscegenation and affirmative action in Brazil

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    Mozart Linhares da Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo problematiza as abordagens racialistas e não-racialistas que marcam o debate sobre ações afirmativas no Brasil tomando a miscigenação como eixo norteador de ambas as posturas político-teóricas. Propõe uma crítica às abordagens que visam a racialização das identidades no país bem como às abordagens dos intelectuais que, em nome das idiossincrasias locais ou mesmo dos princípios igualitaristas, procuram contornar as políticas diferencialistas. É na tensão entre as políticas de redistribuição e reconhecimento que o texto assenta, portanto, a análise sobre os dilemas entre cor/raça/mestiçagem e políticas de ações afirmativas no Brasil.Abstract The article discusses the racialists and non-racialist approaches that mark the debate on affirmative action’s in Brazil taking miscegenation as a guideline for both political andtheoretical stances. It proposes a critique of the approaches to the racialization of the identities in the country as well as the approaches of the intellectuals who, on behalf of local idiosyncrasies or even egalitarian principles, try to avent differential policies. It is the tension between the redistribution and recognition policies that the text is based on, therefore, the analysis of the dilemmas between color/race/miscegenation and affirmative action policies in Brazil.

  13. "Managed competition" for Ireland? The single versus multiple payer debate.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Mikkers, Misja


    A persistent feature of international health policy debate is whether a single-payer or multiple-payer system can offer superior performance. In Ireland, a major reform proposal is the introduction of \\'managed competition\\' based on the recent reforms in the Netherlands, which would replace many functions of Ireland\\'s public payer with a system of competing health insurers from 2016. This article debates whether Ireland meets the preconditions for effective managed competition, and whether the government should implement the reform according to its stated timeline. We support our arguments by discussing the functioning of the Dutch and Irish systems.

  14. Twitter Gets Favorited in the Education Debate (United States)

    Supovitz, Jonathan


    The author describes how the interactive study of social media's effect on the Common Core debate was designed and executed. Important findings from the study were: 1) We live in an increasingly interconnected social world. 2) Media has evolved over the last half century from a passive system dominated by a few central opinion makers to the…

  15. Utilization of debate as an educational tool to learn health economics for dental students in Malaysia. (United States)

    Khan, Saad A; Omar, Hanan; Babar, Muneer Gohar; Toh, Chooi G


    Health economics, a special branch of science applying economic principles to the health delivery system, is a relatively young subdiscipline. The literature is scanty about teaching health economics in the medical and dental fields. Delivery methods of this topic vary from one university to another, with lectures, seminars, and independent learning reported as teaching/learning tools used for the topic. Ideally, debates should foster the development of logical reasoning and communication skills. Health economics in dentistry is taught under the community oral health module that constitutes part of an outcome-based dental curriculum in a private dental school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For this study, the students were divided into two groups: active participants (active debaters) and supporting participants (nonactive debaters). The debate style chosen for this activity was parliamentary style. Active and nonactive debaters' perceptions were evaluated before and after the activity through a structured questionnaire using a five-point rating scale addressing the topic and perceptions about debate as an educational tool. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used as a measure of internal consistency for the questionnaire items. Among a total of eighty-two third-year dental students of two successive cohorts (thirty-eight students and forty-four students), seventy-three completed the questionnaire, yielding a response rate of 89 percent. Students' responses to the questionnaire were analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance test. Results revealed that the students felt that their interest in debate, knowledge of the topic, and reinforcement of the previous knowledge had improved following participation in the debate. Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that debate was a useful tool in teaching health economics to dental students.

  16. Public debate about the EPR nuclear power plant at Flamanville; Debat public sur la centrale nucleaire EPR a Flamanville

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The project of building of he EPR reactor at Flamanville (Manche, France) has been submitted to the public debate. This document includes a presentation of the project and of the rules of the public debate, a synthesis of the file made by the prime contractor (EDF), a synthesis of the collective book of national actors concerned by the project (a group of associations for environment protection, Areva company, the ministries of economy and ecology, Global Chance, association of pro-nuclear ecologists (AEPN), 'Sortir du Nucleaire' (out-of nuclear) network, group of scientists for the information about nuclear (GSIEN), association for the promotion of the Flamanville site (Proflam), French nuclear energy society (SFEN) in association with 'Sauvons le Climat' (let's save climate), regional collective association 'EPR non merci, ni ailleurs, ni ici' (EPR, no thanks, neither elsewhere, nor here), NegaWatt), and 5 detailed books of actors: ACRO (association for the control of radioactivity in Western France), CFDT and CGT syndicates, the economic and social council of Basse Normandie region, and Proflam. (J.S.)

  17. Public debate about the EPR nuclear power plant at Flamanville; Debat public sur la centrale nucleaire EPR a Flamanville

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The project of building of he EPR reactor at Flamanville (Manche, France) has been submitted to the public debate. This document includes a presentation of the project and of the rules of the public debate, a synthesis of the file made by the prime contractor (EDF), a synthesis of the collective book of national actors concerned by the project (a group of associations for environment protection, Areva company, the ministries of economy and ecology, Global Chance, association of pro-nuclear ecologists (AEPN), 'Sortir du Nucleaire' (out-of nuclear) network, group of scientists for the information about nuclear (GSIEN), association for the promotion of the Flamanville site (Proflam), French nuclear energy society (SFEN) in association with 'Sauvons le Climat' (let's save climate), regional collective association 'EPR non merci, ni ailleurs, ni ici' (EPR, no thanks, neither elsewhere, nor here), NegaWatt), and 5 detailed books of actors: ACRO (association for the control of radioactivity in Western France), CFDT and CGT syndicates, the economic and social council of Basse Normandie region, and Proflam. (J.S.)

  18. La América del Sud (1876-1880 y las perspectivas católicas sobre el vínculo entre la ciencia y el catolicismo en la Buenos Aires de fines del siglo XIX

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    Diego Castelfranco

    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la construcción de un discurso sobre la ciencia por parte de diversos actores católicos en la Argentina de la década de 1870. La indagación está centrada en el periódico católico La América del Sud (1876-1880, que puede ser considerado uno de los voceros más importantes del catolicismo en el período. El tema es abordado prestando atención a las siguientes tres cuestiones: en primer lugar, se estudia la problemática del acercamiento católico a la ciencia en el marco de las disputas contemporáneas entre católicos y anticlericales; en segundo lugar, se intenta ubicar los debates en el contexto de las pugnas que, en esos mismos años, se libraban en Europa y Estados Unidos con respecto al carácter del vínculo entre la ciencia y a religión; por último, se observa la relación entre las ideas expresadas por La América del Sud y aquellas expresadas por la Curia de Buenos Aires

  19. Cuerpo, derechos y salud integral: Análisis de los debates parlamentarios de las leyes de Identidad de Género y Fertilización Asistida (Argentina, 2011-2013

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    Anahí Farji Neer


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan los debates parlamentarios de la Ley 26743 de Identidad de Género y de la Ley 26862 de Fertilización Asistida, desarrollados en el Congreso Nacional argentino entre los años 2011 y 2013. A través de la técnica de análisis de contenido cualitativo se analizan las versiones taquigráficas de los debates parlamentarios con el fin de responder los siguientes interrogantes: ¿cómo fue caracterizado el problema público al cual ambas leyes darían respuesta?, ¿cómo fue conceptualizada la misión de ambas leyes?, ¿en qué medida dicha definición implicó poner en entredicho las nociones de salud y enfermedad con relación a la cobertura de tratamientos de optimización o modificación corporal por parte del sistema público de salud? El proceso de sanción de ambas leyes implicó tensionar los conceptos de salud y enfermedad como categorías morales. En dicho marco emergió una noción ampliada del concepto de salud integral que incluyó los deseos reproductivos y corporales de los ciudadanos y ciudadanas.

  20. The heterogeneity of mental representation: Ending the imagery debate. (United States)

    Pearson, Joel; Kosslyn, Stephen M


    The possible ways that information can be represented mentally have been discussed often over the past thousand years. However, this issue could not be addressed rigorously until late in the 20th century. Initial empirical findings spurred a debate about the heterogeneity of mental representation: Is all information stored in propositional, language-like, symbolic internal representations, or can humans use at least two different types of representations (and possibly many more)? Here, in historical context, we describe recent evidence that humans do not always rely on propositional internal representations but, instead, can also rely on at least one other format: depictive representation. We propose that the debate should now move on to characterizing all of the different forms of human mental representation.