
Sample records for ensamble con robots

  1. Líneas de Ensamble Auto-balanceables


    Palomino Sánchez, José Manuel


    Este documento presenta una monografía de las líneas de ensamble auto-balanceables. Este tipo de líneas se han popularizado con la implementación de la manufactura esbelta en muchas empresas de diferentes ramos. Sin embargo, su estudio es aún incipiente, por lo que el objetivo de este proyecto es hacer una revisión de la literatura existente con el propósito de identificar posibles trabajos en esta área. Las líneas de ensamble auto-balanceables, también descritas en la literatura como Buck...

  2. Heurística para el balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas


    Emilsy Medina Chacón; Ruth Illada García


    El presente artículo expone el diseño de un método heurístico para el Balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas, el cual está basado en la combinación de las teorías de balance de líneas tradicionales y dos métodos de evaluación ergonómica, el Método REBA y la evaluación multitarea de carga física, lográndose que con una única herramienta, se alcance un equilibrio de las variables de tiempo y  biomecánicas. El valor agregado del planteamiento radica en el tratamiento simul...

  3. Heurística para el balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas


    Emilsy Medina Chacón; Ruth Illada García


    El presente artículo expone el diseño de un método heurístico para el Balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas, el cual está basado en la combinación de las teorías de balance de líneas tradicionales y dos métodos de evaluación ergonómica, el Método REBA y la evaluación multitarea de carga física, lográndose que con una única herramienta, se alcance un equilibrio de las variables de tiempo y biomecánicas. El valor agregado del planteamiento radica en el tratamiento simul...

  4. Planeación asistida por computadora del proceso tecnológico de ensamble.

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    L. L. Tomás García


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo está dedicado a la optimización bajo criterios múltiples de la planificación de procesos de ensamble mecánico a partir de su modelo geométrico tridimensional. Se soporta sobre un enfoque que integra tanto información geométrica como restricciones tecnológicas del proceso de ensamble. En el desarrollo de la misma quedó demostrado, que una vez conocido el modelo geométrico tridimensional de un ensamble, la aplicación de criterios tecnológicos y geométricos al proceso inverso de desensamble y su posterior tratamiento con métodos evolutivos, genera planes deensamble mecánico próximos a los óptimos de acuerdo al sistema de preferencias del decisor. La integración de la información permite disminuir el número de secuencias a evaluar y de elementos a procesar, con lo que se evita la generación y evaluación de todas las secuencias posibles con la consecuente disminución del tiempo de procesamiento. Como resultado de la aplicación del modelo integrado propuesto, se obtiene la planificación del proceso de ensamblemecánico con una reducción del tiempo de ensamble debido a que en las secuencias obtenidas se reduce el número de cambios de dirección de ensamble, los cambios de herramientas y de puestos de trabajo, así como se minimiza la distancia a recorrer debido al cambio de puestos de trabajo. Esto se logra mediante un modelo de optimización multiobjetivo basado en algoritmos genéticos.This work deals with the combinatorial problem of generating and optimizing technologically feasible assembly sequences and process planning involving tools and work places. The assembly sequences and related technological decisions are obtained from a 3D model of the assembled parts based on mating conditions along with a set of technological criteria, which allows automatically analyzing and generating the sequences. The generated assembly sequences are pre-processed and optimized for the assembly Process Planning using

  5. Giochiamo con i robot

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    Andrea Bonarini


    Full Text Available "Giochiamo con i robot" e' un laboratorio interattivo per grandi e piccini realizzato per l'edizione 2007 del Festival della Scienza di Genova. Lungo un percorso che va dalla telerobotica alla robotica evolutiva, il laboratorio sviluppa il tema di dare intelligenza ai robot. Questo percorso, le cui tappe sono le varie installazioni, si conclude nella "bottega" dove e' possibile costruire e programmare i propri robot o smontare e modificare quelli esposti durante il percorso didattico. I visitatori sono coinvolti in attivita' ludiche grazie alle quali possonoentrare in contatto con alcune delle idee potenti della robotica,

  6. Planificación y optimización asistida por computadora de secuencias de ensamble mecánico // Computer aided Planning and optimization for mechanical assembly.

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    L. L. Tomás-García


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo versa sobre la generación, planificación y optimización de secuencias deensamble mecánico a partir de su modelo geométrico tridimensional. Se soporta sobre un enfoqueque integra tanto información geométrica como restricciones tecnológicas del proceso deensamble. En el desarrollo de la misma quedó demostrado, que una vez conocido el modelogeométrico tridimensional de un ensamble, la aplicación de criterios tecnológicos y geométricos alproceso inverso de desensamble y su posterior tratamiento con el método de algoritmosevolutivos, genera una planificación optimizada del su proceso de ensamble mecánico. Laintegración de la información permite disminuir el número de secuencias a evaluar y de elementosa procesar, con lo que se evita la generación y evaluación de todas las secuencias posibles con laconsecuente disminución del tiempo de procesamiento. Como resultado de la aplicación delmodelo integrado propuesto, se obtiene la planificación del proceso de ensamble mecánico conuna reducción del tiempo de ensamble debido a que en las secuencias de ensamble obtenidas sereduce el número de cambios de dirección de ensamble, los cambios de herramientas y de puestosde trabajo, así como se minimiza la distancia a recorrer debido al cambio de puestos de trabajo.Esto se logra mediante un modelo de optimización multiobjetivo basado en algoritmos evolutivos.Palabras claves: ensamble mecánico, algoritmos genéticos, optimización multiobjetivo.____________________________________________________________________________AbstractThis work deals with the combinatorial problem of generating and optimizing feasible assemblysequences and doing the process planning involving tools and work places. The assembly sequencesare obtained from a 3D model of the assembled parts based on mating conditions along with a setof technological criteria, which allows automatically analyzing and generating the sequences. Thegenerated

  7. Heurística para el balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas

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    Emilsy Medina Chacón


    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone el diseño de un método heurístico para el Balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas, el cual está basado en la combinación de las teorías de balance de líneas tradicionales y dos métodos de evaluación ergonómica, el Método REBA y la evaluación multitarea de carga física, lográndose que con una única herramienta, se alcance un equilibrio de las variables de tiempo y biomecánicas. El valor agregado del planteamiento radica en el tratamiento simultáneo de dos aspectos que por ahora han sido abordados de forma independiente, y se alcanza a través de una función multi-objetivo que valora parámetros de capacidad de producción, ocio y nivel de riesgo músculo esquelético en las soluciones generadasa través del algoritmo. Con el método heurístico diseñado, se obtiene un abanico de soluciones adecuadas que proporcionan un equilibrio entre productividad y salud del trabajador. De este grupo de soluciones, se selecciona la más ajustada a los requerimientos y necesidades, según la experiencia de las personas encargadas de la toma de decisiones en la organización. El método desarrollado, debido a su estructura genérica, puede ser implementado en cualquier línea de ensamble, ajustando los datos para cada caso específico. This paper presents the design of a Heuristic Method to Balance Assembly Lines with Ergonomic considerations, which is based on the combination of traditional balance lines theoriesand two methods of ergonomic evaluation, the “REBA” method and the Multitasking Rating of Physical Load, whereby a balance between the time variable and biomechanical is achieved in the same tool, which is an innovative method since at present these two aspects are evaluated separately. This is done through a multi-objective function that values parameters of production capacity, leisure and risk level of skeletal muscle in the solutions generated by the algorithm.With the

  8. Heurística para el balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas

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    Emilsy Medina Chacón


    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone el diseño de un método heurístico para el Balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas, el cual está basado en la combinación de las teorías de balance de líneas tradicionales y dos métodos de evaluación ergonómica, el Método REBA y la evaluación multitarea de carga física, lográndose que con una única herramienta, se alcance un equilibrio de las variables de tiempo y  biomecánicas. El valor agregado del planteamiento radica en el tratamiento simultáneo de dos aspectos que por ahora han sido abordados de forma independiente, y se alcanza a través de una función multi-objetivo que valora parámetros de capacidad de producción, ocio y nivel de riesgo músculo esquelético en las soluciones generadasa través del algoritmo. Con el método heurístico diseñado, se obtiene un abanico de soluciones adecuadas que proporcionan un equilibrio entre productividad y salud del trabajador. De este grupo de soluciones, se selecciona la más ajustada a los requerimientos y necesidades, según la experiencia de las personas encargadas de la toma de decisiones en la organización. El método desarrollado, debido a su estructura genérica, puede ser implementado en cualquier línea de ensamble,  ajustando los datos para cada caso específico.   This paper presents the design of a Heuristic Method to Balance Assembly Lines with Ergonomic considerations, which is based on the combination of traditional balance lines theoriesand two methods of ergonomic evaluation, the “REBA” method and the Multitasking Rating of Physical Load, whereby a balance between the time variable and biomechanical is achieved in the same tool, which is an innovative method since at present these two aspects are evaluated separately. This is done through a multi-objective function that values parameters of production capacity, leisure and risk level of skeletal muscle in the solutions generated by the algorithm


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    Diaz-Olarte J


    Full Text Available Se estudió la abundancia y la composición de los ensambles algales asociadosa Utricularia foliosa en siete plantas localizadas en la quebrada Yahuarcaca(Amazonas - Colombia. Los objetivos fueron determinar los ensambles algalesdentro del microecosistema de U. foliosa y sus variaciones de acuerdo con lascondiciones de los nutrientes. Los cambios en la riqueza y la abundancia de losensambles estuvieron infl uenciados por las fl uctuaciones en el nivel del agua y laconcentración de PO . En los ensambles de aguas abiertas se observó la dominanciade cianobacterias heterocitadas, diatomeas y organismos de gran capacidad móvilcomo euglenófi tos. Las condiciones del microambiente creadas por U. foliosacontrolan la diversidad y las densidades algales. Esto hace muy posible que U.foliosa genere condiciones fi siológicas óptimas que favorecen una alta riquezade especies tico-epífi tas como desmidias y diatomeas perifíticas. Se forma así unmicroecosistema del cual obtiene más benefi cios de la comunidad que de la mismaestrategia de la carnivoría desarrollada por U. foliosa. Se analiza además la relaciónentre la composición algal y las variables físicas y químicas por medio de un análisisde correspondencia canónica distendida.

  10. La relazione empatica con i robot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marti, P.; Iacono, I.; Tittarelli, M.


    È possibile instaurare una relazione empatica tra un essere umano e un robot? Il presente studio valuta le soluzioni di design adottate nella progettazione di una maschera empatica, implementata su un tablet, che consente all’anziano di dialogare nell’ambiente domestico con un robot che lo assiste

  11. Ensambles de aves en agroecosistemas de la provincia de Buenos Aires: su relación con los patrones de uso de la tierra y las características del paisaje


    Codesido, Mariano


    Entre enero de 2006 y enero de 2008 se estudió estacionalmente la estructura de los ensambles de aves en los agroecosistemas de las diferentes unidades ecológicas de la Región Pampeana comprendidas dentro de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Pampa Ondulada, Pampa Interior Plana, Pampa Interior Arenosa, Pampa Deprimida y Pampa Austral). Los objetivos generales de la tesis son: a) describir la estructura de los ensambles de aves terrestres de los agroecosistemas de la provincia de Buenos Aires, b) ...

  12. Control de Tracción en Robots Móviles con Ruedas

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    R. Fernández


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta una solución para mejorar el rendimiento de los robots móviles con ruedas que se desplacen sobre superficies con un bajo coeficiente de fricción estática. En estas circunstancias, los robots móviles con ruedas pueden experimentar pérdidas de tracción, y por tanto, sufrir deslizamientos a lo largo de la superficie. La solución descrita propone la utilización de una configuración especial para el robot móvil, en la que todas las ruedas son accionadas de forma independiente, y una estructura de control que consta de tres partes bien diferenciadas: un controlador de seguimiento con realimentación de estado basado en el modelo cinemático del robot, una extensión de la ley de control cinemático resultante para incorporar la dinámica del robot móvil utilizando backstepping, y un algoritmo de distribución de la fuerza de tracción global, que calcula las señales de referencia adecuadas para cada una de las ruedas. Con esta estructura se consigue controlar la posición y la velocidad del robot móvil, y al mismo tiempo, distribuir la fuerza de tracción global entre las ruedas, evitando así el deslizamiento del robot. El funcionamiento de los algoritmos de control es evaluado mediante pruebas experimentales. Abstract: This article presents a solution to improve the performance of wheeled mobile robots that move upon surfaces with small coefficient of static friction. In these circumstances the wheeled mobile robots can experience loss of traction and therefore, slide along the surface. The proposed solution implies the use of a special configuration for the mobile robot, in which all the wheels are driven independently, and a control structure which consists of three distinct parts: firstly, a state-feedback tracking controller based on the kinematic model of the mobile robot is derived. Secondly, an extension of the kinematic control law is made to incorporate the dynamics of the wheeled mobile

  13. Caracterización de la composición y fluctuaciones en la densidad y diversidad de los ensambles planctónicos en cuatro humedales de Tarapacá

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    Esteban Quinan


    Full Text Available La limnología de los humedales interiores en Tarapacá presenta ciclos productivos altamente dependientes de las lluvias estivales y las condiciones fisicoquímicas del medio. Entre 2013 y 2015 se estudiaron ensambles planctónicos de dos lagunas de evaporación y dos quebradas, durante dos temporadas productivas y dos vegetativas, junto con esto se observaron las condiciones fisicoquímicas asociadas. Los resultados mostraron que el fitoplancton en general estuvo dominado por diatomeas y solo en una quebrada por algas verdes, mientras que el zooplancton presentó composiciones muy distintas entre las lagunas y entre las quebradas, con importantes variaciones temporales. En lagunas las densidades altas de zooplancton asociaron positivamente con sólidos disueltos totales y su diversidad inversamente con la temperatura, por su parte la diversidad de fitoplancton mantuvo una relación inversa con la riqueza de zooplancton.

  14. Incorporación de Riesgos Ergonómicos en el Balanceo de Líneas de Ensamble en U

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    Jairo R. Coronado-Hernandez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de optimización en el balanceo de línea en U considerando riesgos ergonómicos de las tareas dentro de las estaciones de trabajo. El documento, explora diferentes métodos ergonómicos, los cuales pueden ser involucrados dentro de una línea de ensamble. Por medio de un ejemplo, se evidencia como se balancea las tareas en diferentes estaciones de trabajo, respetando el nivel aceptable ergonómico en actividades repetitivas, valorado por medio del método Check List OCRA para una línea de ensamble en U.

  15. Arquitectura Basada en Roles Aplicada en Equipos de Fútbol de Robots con Control Centralizado

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    José G. Guarnizo


    Full Text Available Resumen: El fútbol de robots ofrece un entorno adecuado para el diseño y la validación de arquitecturas de sistemas multi-robot. Al clasificar las ligas de fútbol de robots existentes se encuentran ligas con arquitecturas centralizadas que poseen percepción global del entorno y donde los robots son controlados desde un ordenador a través de un único sistema de toma de decisiones. En este artículo se presenta una arquitectura basada en roles para equipos de fútbol de robots con percepción global y control centralizado. En esta arquitectura un rol es seleccionado para cada jugador por medio de una función. A partir de este rol y de las condiciones de juego presentes se selecciona un comportamiento que el jugador deberá ejecutar. La función que es utilizada para la asignación de roles es activada cuando el balón cambia de cuadrante en el campo de juego. La estrategia presentada es comparada en simulación realizando partidos contra un equipo que posee una estrategia de roles constantes y un equipo con una estrategia jerárquica basada en selección de tácticas y posteriormente asignación de roles a partir de la táctica seleccionada. Los resultados mostraron no solo un mejor rendimiento del equipo con la estrategia basada en roles, sino también uniformidad en los comportamientos realizados por los jugadores del equipo durante las transiciones de roles y comportamientos. Abstract: Robot soccer offers an adequate domain in order to design and validate architectures for robot-coordination. One classification refers to centralized architectures, which correspond to robot soccer environments with global perception and centralized control of the robots, using only one decision-making system. In this paper it is presented a centralized robot soccer architecture based on roles, where one role is assigned to each player in order to select a specific behaviour depending on game conditions. Roles

  16. Robots Móviles con Orugas Historia, Modelado, Localización y Control

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    Ramón González


    Full Text Available Resumen: Uno de los campos de aplicación más significativos de la robótica móvil consiste en robots capaces de operar en condiciones exteriores sobre terrenos no preparados (robots planetarios, robots en agricultura, robot en operaciones de búsqueda y rescate, robots militares, etc.. Sin embargo, conseguir que los robots se muevan de forma eficiente y precisa en este tipo de entornos no es una tarea sencilla. Un primer aspecto crítico es el sistema de locomoción. En este caso, las orugas constituyen una alternativa sólida a otro tipo de sistemas y desde principios del siglo XX han demostrado sus bondades en vehículos tripulados. En este artículo se motiva y se demuestra mediante pruebas reales la idoneidad de este tipo de locomoción para robots móviles en terrenos no preparados. Es importante remarcar que este artículo pretende ser un resumen extendido del libro recientemente publicado por los autores “Autonomous Tracked Robots in Planar Off-Road Conditions” (González et al., 2014, y, por lo tanto, no pretende ser una contribución original. Inicialmente se presenta una perspectiva histórica de los vehículos y los robots con orugas. Posteriormente se discuten los aspectos de modelado con especial mención al fenomeno del deslizamiento. A continuación, se analizan varias estrategias de localización, en particular, la odometria visual. También se analiza el aspecto del control de navegación, para ello se analizan varias estrategias con compensación del deslizamiento. Finalmente se expresan las conclusiones del trabajo en base a la experiencia de los autores en este campo. Abstract: One of the most significant research field in mobile robotics deals with robots operating in off-road conditions (planetary rovers, agriculture robots, search and rescue operations, military robots, etc.. However, obtaining a successful result is not an easy task. One primary point is the

  17. Robot articulado de 5 GDL didáctico diseñado para fabricarse con impresora 3D.




    [ES] El proyecto consta en diseñar un brazo articulado de 5 GDL. Se modelará toda la estructura del robot para ser impresa en 3D. Se fabricará el robot y se construirá el prototipo. Se desarrollará el sistema de control para mover los distintos ejes y se programará para ello. Torró Lluch, P. (2015). Robot articulado de 5 GDL didáctico diseñado para fabricarse con impresora 3D. TFGM

  18. Desarrollo de Experimentos de un Robot Navegador con Redes Neuronales en un Ambiente Estructurado: Programación de Conductas con Algoritmo de Retropropagación

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    Alejandro Hossian


    Full Text Available El presente artículo busca comunicar los avances realizados en el análisis y desarrollo de experimentos realizados en computadora para robots navegadores mediante la aplicación de Tecnologías Inteligentes. Para su realización se dispone de software y hardware apropiados a partir de los cuales se diseña un ambiente de navegación con obstáculos definidos en el marco de un entorno industrial. En este contexto, se diseña un ambiente computarizado con el cual el robot interactúa, en el cual se desplaza hasta llegar a un objetivo predeterminado, tratando de no colisionar. Bajo estas premisas y requisitos de usuario, se analiza el desempeño del robot a los efectos de procurar optimizar su performance dentro de este escenario. Para evaluar las potencialidades y limitaciones que presentan las conductas del robot, y en función de la complejidad del ambiente de navegación y de las tareas que éste debe llevar a cabo, se hace uso de las tecnologías de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA. A tal efecto, una arquitectura de RNA de tipo Backpropagation es la que se utiliza en el presente trabajo.

  19. Lázaro: Robot Móvil dotado de Brazo para Contacto con el Suelo

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    Jesús M. García


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo tiene por objetivo describir a Lázaro, el cual es un pequeño robot móvil que posee un brazo diseñado especialmente para propiciar un punto adicional de contacto con el suelo que puede utilizarse para mejorar la estabilidad al vuelco y superar obstáculos. Específicamente, se aborda la descripción de la estructura mecánica así como los componentes electrónicos destinados a percepción, comunicación y control. Posteriormente, se revisan las características de funcionamiento de este robot, en cuanto a su cinemática, arquitectura de control, modos de operación e interface. Finalmente, se hace una descripción de algunas pruebas de funcionamiento. Abstract: This paper aims to describe Lázaro, which is a small mobile robot that has an arm designed especially to provide an additional contact point with the ground that can be used to improve the tipover stability and to overcome obstacles. Specifically, the description of the mechanical structure and electronic components for perception, communication and control is discussed. Subsequently, the operating characteristics of the robot are reviewed in terms of kinematics, control architecture, operating modes and interface. Finally, a description of some performance tests is presented. Palabras clave: Robots móviles, estabilidad al vuelco, control de movimiento, tele-operación, Keywords: Mobile robots, tipover stability, motion control, teleoperation

  20. “Arisco” un robot social con capacidad de interaccion, motivacion y aprendizaje

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    S. Domínguez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se describe la arquitectura del robot social “Arisco” con especial atención a su sistemas de interacción, motivación, planificación y aprendizaje. Arisco es una cabeza mecatrónica con capacidad de interacción y que incluye: gran expresividad mediante gesticulación, reconocimiento y síntesis de voz, seguimiento visual, extracción de información de internet, y sistema de aprendizaje y motivación. Palabras clave: robot social, aprendizaje, interacción, visión artificial, localización sonora

  1. Diseño e implementación de un prototipo de robot asistente para personas con discapacidad motriz y adultos mayores, basado en inteligencia artificial


    Valencia Redrován, David Patricio; González Delgado, Luis Enrique


    El documento consiste en el diseño, construcción, ensamblaje y programación de un prototipo de robot asistente que sirve para el apoyo a apersonas adultas mayores y personas con discapacidad motriz. La construcción del robot se realizó 100% en el Ecuador y para su elaboración se usó una impresora 3D. El prototipo cuenta con algoritmos de inteligencia artificial. The document consist in the design, construction, assembly and programming of a prototype robot assistant that provides support t...

  2. Robots de servicio


    Aracil, Rafael; Balaguer, Carlos; Armada, Manuel


    8 págs, 9 figs. El término Robots de Servicio apareció a finales de los años 80 como una necesidad de desarrollar máquinas y sistemas capaces de trabajar en entornos diferentes a los fabriles. Los Robots de Servicio tenían que poder trabajar en entornos noestructurados, en condiciones ambientales cambiantes y con una estrecha interacción con los humanos. En 1995 fue creado por la IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, el Technical Committee on Service Robots, y este comité definió en el año...

  3. Robots de servicio

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    Rafael Aracil


    Full Text Available Resumen: El término Robots de Servicio apareció a finales de los años 80 como una necesidad de desarrollar máquinas y sistemas capaces de trabajar en entornos diferentes a los fabriles. Los Robots de Servicio tenían que poder trabajar en entornos noestructurados, en condiciones ambientales cambiantes y con una estrecha interacción con los humanos. En 1995 fue creado por la IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, el Technical Committee on Service Robots, y este comité definió en el año 2000 las áreas de aplicación de los Robots de Servicios, que se pueden dividir en dos grandes grupos: 1 sectores productivos no manufactureros tales como edificación, agricultura, naval, minería, medicina, etc. y 2 sectores de servicios propiamente dichos: asistencia personal, limpieza, vigilancia, educación, entretenimiento, etc. En este trabajo se hace una breve revisión de los principales conceptos y aplicaciones de los robots de servicio. Palabras clave: Robots de servicio, robots autónomos, robots de exteriores, robots de educación y entretenimiento, robots caminantes y escaladores, robots humanoides

  4. Estimación de la fuerza de contacto para el control de robots manipuladores con movimientos restringidos

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    Javier Gámez García


    Full Text Available Resumen: En aquellas operaciones robóticas en las que un robot manipulador interactúa con su entorno resulta de extremada importancia poder controlar la fuerza que aquél ejerce sobre este. Con este objetivo, se suele colocar habitualmente un sensor de fuerza en la muñeca del manipulador, cerrando de esta forma el lazo de control. En lo que se refiere a estos sensores, uno de los principales problemas que plantean es que sus medidas están influenciadas no sólo por las fuerzas de contacto, sino también por las fuerzas relacionadas con la dinámica de la herramienta del manipulador, es decir, las fuerzas de inercia. En este artículo se presenta un nuevo estimador de la fuerza de contacto consistente en la integración de la información de sensores de fuerza, posición y aceleración. Además, se describe un procedimiento de calibración automático ‘plugand-play’ para la identificación y ajuste de los parámetros de este observador. Tanto el observador de la fuerza de contacto como el procedimiento de calibración automático han sido verificados experimentalmente en un robot industrial ABB con arquitectura software abierta. Palabras clave: Control de fuerza en robots manipuladores, Fusión sensorial, Observadores, Calibración Automática

  5. Ensamble de crustáceos bentónicos en un lago salino tropical Benthic crustaceans assemblage in a tropical, saline lake

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    Ma. del Carmen Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo reconoce la composición, estructura y distribución espacial del ensamble de crustáceos bentónicos de Alchichica, un lago salino tropical ubicado en el extremo oriental del altiplano mexicano. El lago presenta una riqueza taxonómica de crustáceos bentónicos compuesta por 1 anfípodo (Hyalella azteca, 1 isópodo (Caecidotea williamsi y 2 ostrácodos (Limnocythere inopinata y Candona sp.. Comparada con otros lagos tropicales, la riqueza de especies es reducida. A pesar de lo anterior, es importante mencionar el grado elevado de endemismo representado por C. williamsi, recientemente descrita para el lago Alchichica; adicionalmente, es factible que tanto Candona como H. azteca sean especies nuevas y endémicas del lago. Los crustáceos bentónicos se distribuyen desde la zona litoral hasta la zona más profunda del lago (62 m con abundancias y riqueza taxonómica variables. Los ostrácodos fueron los crustáceos que con mayor frecuencia se recolectaron en el lago, en la zona litoral, en el talud, y en la zona profunda de la que son habitantes exclusivos. Los anfípodos constituyeron el segundo grupo en abundancia de la zona litoral y talud y estuvieron ausentes en la zona profunda. Los isópodos sólo se encuentran asociados a los depósitos de tufa, hábitat característico del lago que se extiende a lo largo del talud, por lo que con las técnicas de muestreo tradicional empleadas en el presente estudio no fueron capturados. En este ensamble de crustáceos predominan las especies de desarrollo directo y con posiciones tróficas que incluyen componentes herbívoros (H. azteca, omnívoros (C. williamsi y bacterívoros (L. inopinata y Candona sp..This work acknowledges the composition, structure and spatial distribution of the benthic crustaceans assemblage of Alchichica, a tropical saline lake located in the easternmost portion of the Mexican highlands. The benthic crustaceans' assemblage was comprised by 1 amphipod

  6. Un nuevo método cooperativo para encontrar personas en un entorno urbano con robots móviles


    Goldhoorn, Alex; Garrell Zulueta, Anais; Alquézar Mancho, René; Sanfeliu Cortés, Alberto


    Se presenta un nuevo método para localizar a personas en entornos urbanos usando robots móviles sociales que trabajan de manera cooperativa, el cual supera las limitaciones de enfoques ya existentes, que se adaptan a entornos específicos, o se basan en comportamientos humanos poco realistas. Con este m ´etodo cooperativo los robots pueden encontrar a personas fuera del campo de rango de sensores u ocultados por obstáculos dinámicos o estáticos. Nuestro enfoque incluye la búsqueda de personas,...

  7. Sistemas integrados con Arduino




    Design of a robot prototype remotely controllable from Bluetooth using Arduino. Control and testing of sensors and events interacting with Arduino and Bluetooth. Diseño de un prototipo de robot controlable remotamente con Bluetooth utilizando Arduino. Control y verificación de los sensores y eventos que interactúan mediante el Arduino y el Bluetooth. El Yakouti, M. (2017). Sistemas integrados con Arduino. TFGM

  8. Robot Biocooperativo con Modulación Háptica para Tareas de Neurorehabilitación de los Miembros Superiores

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    C. Rodríguez-Guerrero


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los robots biocooperativos pueden mejorar las terapias tradicionales de rehabilitación proporcionando al paciente la asistencia adecuada en el instante adecuado. Distintos pacientes necesitan diferentes niveles de asistencia por parte del robot. Por ello, es muy interesante poder analizar el estado del paciente para, a partir de este análisis, determinar el grado de asistencia que el robot de rehabilitación debe proporcionarle.En este artículo se presenta un novedoso método de rehabilitación para pacientes con discapacidad en los miembros superiores, que incluye las señales fisiológicas del paciente en el lazo de realimentación del control del robot de rehabilitación. Esto permite que el robot se “adapte” a las necesidades de cada paciente, regulando dinámicamente la cantidad de asistencia/resistencia de cada terapia, en función de los valores de las señales fisiológicas del paciente, que se miden y procesan “on-line”, mientras el paciente ejecuta las actividades de rehabilitación asistido por el robot. De esta forma, se conjuga la intensidad de la terapia con el estado de salud del paciente, pudiendo detectar y corregir (variando la intensidad de la actividad realizada, situaciones de estrés y ansiedad en el paciente, que podrían comprometer el resultado del programa de rehabilitación planificado. Palabras clave: Robot, control biocooperativo, psicofisiología, rehabilitación, háptico

  9. Análisis del Comportamiento de Robots Móviles con RNA. Un Acercamiento desde el Paradigma Reactivo

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    Alejandro Hossian


    Full Text Available Por medio de la navegación es posible guiar el curso de un robot móvil a través de un entorno con presencia de obstáculos. Se conocen diferentes esquemas para llevar a cabo esta tarea, pero todos ellos tienen el objetivo común de dirigir el vehículo hacia su destino de la manera más segura y eficiente posible. La capacidad de reacción que pueda poseer el robot cuando se encuentra ante situaciones inesperadas, debe constituir su cualidad más distintiva para desenvolverse eficazmente en el entorno donde este deba operar, lo cual indica el grado de autonomía que este posee. La navegación robótica es aplicable a múltiples disciplinas y entornos industriales; y en este sentido, la aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial a través de las diferentes tecnologías inteligentes que la componen (redes neuronales, algoritmos genéticos y aprendizaje automático entre otras cobra un gran protagonismo dentro del campo de la Robótica Cognitiva para su desarrollo. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo se focaliza en el análisis y presentación de resultados de investigación en técnicas de navegación robótica, que se han obtenidos en base a experimentos llevados a cabo mediante la aplicación de la tecnología de las redes neuronales artificiales, las cuales concentran las mejores características del paradigma reactivo en lo que se refiere a la navegación autónoma de robots. En el presente artículo se evalúa la efectividad y el desempeño de este paradigma mediante la aplicación de una red neuronal de arquitectura sencilla, obteniendo conclusiones en lo que respecta a la conducta deseada del robot y comparándola con la que manifiesta en su desempeño. Los parámetros que se analizan para esta evaluación están relacionados con la evitación de obstáculos, velocidad de respuesta, optimización de las trayectorias que adopta y el logro de los objetivos.

  10. Planificación de trayectorias para un robot tipo con restricciones dinámicas

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    Leonardo Solaque Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta una aproximación a la planificación de caminos óptimos para un sistema con restricciones dinámicas y desplazándose dentro de un espacio libre de obstáculos. Se considera el modelo dinámico del dirigible y un análisis para el planteamiento de modelos simplificados o comúnmente conocidos como modelos de control. Se propone una planificación de la trayectoria desde el punto de vista de la teoría óptima utilizando un modelo de la dinámica de un robot móvil (que se desplaza a velocidad constante y en avance, es decir con restricciones dinámicas como punto de partida para la primera aproximación a los caminos óptimos. Para el suavizado de las trayectorias del dirigible se proponen dos modelos con relajación en la dinámica de la variable de control y finalmente se presenta una simulación de la comparación de los diferentes resultados.

  11. Diseño de un calibrador de calidad para disminuir el desperdicio en el área de ensamble de un componente para automóvil

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    Paloma Michelle Torres Hernández


    Full Text Available Esta investigación de tipo aplicada es realizada en una empresa dentro de la industria automotriz en Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua México, en la cual se presenta un problema en el área de preforme para el doblez de los pines de los transistores que son ensamblados en un dispositivo llamado AFC (Automotive Fan Control, por sus siglas en inglés, el cual es utilizado para el funcionamiento del encendido y apagado de los ventiladores de enfriamiento del motor de un vehículo. El propósito de este proyecto es el diseñar un calibrador de calidad (Gage Go no Go, traducido al inglés mediante el método de la función de despliegue de la calidad para verificar el correcto ensamble de estos componentes, debido a que actualmente la empresa no cuenta con dicho calibrador. Los resultados muestran que la función de despliegue de la calidad es una metodología que garantiza el diseño satisfactorio de este tipo de dispositivo.

  12. Diseño de un calibrador de calidad para disminuir el desperdicio en el área de ensamble de un componente para automóvil

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    Paloma Michelle Torres Hernández


    Full Text Available Esta investigación de tipo aplicada es realizada en una empresa dentro de la industria automotriz en Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua México, en la cual se presenta un problema en el área de preforme para el doblez de los pines de los transistores que son ensamblados en un dispositivo llamado AFC (Automotive Fan Control, por sus siglas en inglés, el cual es utilizado para el funcionamiento del encendido y apagado de los ventiladores de enfriamiento del motor de un vehículo. El propósito de este proyecto es el diseñar un calibrador de calidad (Gage Go no Go, traducido al inglés mediante el método de la función de despliegue de la calidad para verificar el correcto ensamble de estos componentes, debido a que actualmente la empresa no cuenta con dicho calibrador. Los resultados muestran que la función de despliegue de la calidad es una metodología que garantiza el diseño satisfactorio de este tipo de dispositivo.

  13. Desarrollo de un Banco de Pruebas Experimental mediante Control de Fuerza con Robot Industrial para el Análisis de la Respuesta Mecánica de Asientos de Coche

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    A. Valera


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de un banco de pruebas experimental para el análisis de la respuesta mecánica de los asientos de vehículos durante la entrada y salida de pasajeros. Para realizar este desarrollo, se consideran dos fases: la primera fase es la captura de datos, realizada mediante una manta sensorizada con una red de galgas de presión y un sistema de fotogrametría a fin de capturar el movimiento realizado por una persona al sentarse en el asiento de un automóvil. La segunda fase consiste en reproducir dicho movimiento de forma automática mediante un maniquí acoplado a un robot, controlando la fuerza que ejerce el maniquí sobre el asiento.El desarrollo debe permitir aplicar diferentes estrategias de control de fuerza con robots industriales, utilizando para ello una plataforma de prueba consistente en el robot IRB140 de ABB y un sensor de fuerza industrial JR3 de 6 grados de libertad. Como arquitectura de control, se presentan dos alternativas. La primera utiliza la aplicación software WebWare SDK de ABB. En la segunda solución, se ha modificado el controlador original S4CPlus del robot, proporcionando una arquitectura abierta de control que permite la implementación de nuevos algoritmos de control de movimiento y fuerza en el robot industrial.Con esta aplicación, se simula el proceso realizado por una persona al sentarse y levantarse del asiento de un automóvil, monitorizándose y controlándose la fuerza que ejerce un maniquí sobre un asiento para garantizar igualdad de condiciones con el caso real. El sistema desarrollado tiene numerosas aplicaciones prácticas, como por ejemplo la de poder analizar el desgaste que estos movimientos ocasionan en la tapicería de los asientos. Palabras clave: control de fuerza, control de robots, simulación de movimientos humanos, control por computador, aplicaciones digitales de computación, robots manipuladores

  14. Robot Saltador y Procedimiento para su Control


    Akinfiev, Teodor; Armada, Manuel; Fernández, Roemi; Montes, Héctor


    Robot saltador para el movimiento en terrenos con obstáculos, que contiene al menos un resorte (4) con uno de sus extremos unido al cuerpo (1) del robot, y una cadena cinemática entre el motor (5) y el resorte (4) que comprende un cilindro (7) conectado con el eje del motor (5) y una cuerda (8), con uno de sus extremos conectado al cilindro (7) y con el segundo extremo conectado al pie (3). El procedimiento de control se caracteriza porque en el momento en el que el pie (3) pierde el contacto...

  15. Robotic liver surgery (United States)

    Leung, Universe


    Robotic surgery is an evolving technology that has been successfully applied to a number of surgical specialties, but its use in liver surgery has so far been limited. In this review article we discuss the challenges of minimally invasive liver surgery, the pros and cons of robotics, the evolution of medical robots, and the potentials in applying this technology to liver surgery. The current data in the literature are also presented. PMID:25392840

  16. Fundamentals of soft robot locomotion. (United States)

    Calisti, M; Picardi, G; Laschi, C


    Soft robotics and its related technologies enable robot abilities in several robotics domains including, but not exclusively related to, manipulation, manufacturing, human-robot interaction and locomotion. Although field applications have emerged for soft manipulation and human-robot interaction, mobile soft robots appear to remain in the research stage, involving the somehow conflictual goals of having a deformable body and exerting forces on the environment to achieve locomotion. This paper aims to provide a reference guide for researchers approaching mobile soft robotics, to describe the underlying principles of soft robot locomotion with its pros and cons, and to envisage applications and further developments for mobile soft robotics. © 2017 The Author(s).


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    Oscar Andrés Vivas Albán


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una aplicación eficiente de un control por modelo de referencia sobre un robot de tipo SCARA. El control estudiado es un control predictivo funcional, el que hace uso de un modelo dinámico simplificado del robot. Los ensayos simulados se realizan sobre un robot de cuatro grados de libertad, tipo SCARA. Con el fin de comparar diferentes estrategias de control, se diseña un controlador clásico tipo PID y dos controladores basados en el modelo de referencia. En este último caso el sistema se linealiza y se desacoplada por realimentación, lo que transforma el sistema a controlar en un simple par de integradores. Al sistema lineal y desacoplado resultante se le aplica el control por par calculado y el control predictivo funcional. Los tres controladores estudiados se simulan sobre el robot SCARA con valores numéricos reales. Las pruebas permiten valorar las respuestas de estos controladores en seguimiento de trayectoria, rechazo de perturbaciones y presencia de errores en el modelado con consignas complejas similares a las utilizadas en procesos de fabricación.This paper describes an efficient approach for model based control, applied on a SCARA robot. The studied control is the predictive functional control which uses a simplified dynamical model of the robot. The simulated tests are made on a SCARA type robot, with four DOF. To compare several control strategies, a classical PID control and two model based controllers are designed. In the last case, the model is first linearized and decoupled by feedback, transforming the system into a double set of integrators. Computed torque control and predictive functional control are applied to the linear and decoupled system. The three studied controllers are simulated on the SCARA robot with real numerical values. Tracking performance, disturbance rejection and model robot mismatch are enlightened, using complex machining tasks trajectories and error presence in the modelling

  18. Spatio-temporal variability in ontogenetic guild structure of an intertidal fish assemblage in central Chile Variabilidad espacio-temporal en la estructura de gremios ontogenéticos de un ensamble de peces intermareales de Chile central

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    variabilidad en las condiciones ambientales, especialmente en peces intermareales, los que alcanzan varios órdenes de magnitud en tamaño corporal. Sin embargo, la influencia de los cambios ontogenéticos en la membresía gremial sobre la estructura espacio-temporal de los ensambles de peces permanece virtualmente desconocida. En este trabajo estudiamos la variabilidad espacio-temporal en la estructura de los gremios alimenticios ontogenéticos (OFG de los ensambles de peces intermareales que ocurren en el intermareal rocoso de la costa de Chile central. Para esto realizamos an��lisis de componentes principales (PCA y pruebas de aleatorización (pruebas R de la composición relativa de las OFG de estos ensambles, obtenidos de muestreos estacionales en diez pozas intermareales ubicadas en dos alturas de mareas en la zona intermareal en tres localidades entre los 33° y 34° S. En general, los PCA y pruebas R sugieren que la variabilidad espacial domina sobre la variabilidad temporal en la estructura de las OFG, debido principalmente a la alta representatividad de las especies omnívoras en las pozas altas del intermareal en dos de las tres localidades muestreadas. Sin embargo, cambios relacionados a la fenología en la representación de las clases de tamaño de los peces (i.e. reclutamiento de carnívoros en primavera-verano junto con diferencias ontogenéticas en la selección de hábitat (e.g., selección por pozas del intermareal bajo por la OFG de carnívoros de gran tamaño contribuyeron a una diferenciación espacial y temporal de la estructura de la OFG. Finalmente, la representación relativa de cada OFG se correlacionó con la de sus especies dominantes, sin evidencia de una compensación por densidad. Esto sugiere bajos niveles de redundancia funcional entre las especies en cada OFG, lo cual denota la vulnerabilidad del funcionamiento de estos ensambles a perturbaciones sesgadas en tamaño corporal tales como la pesca.

  19. Robot con figura humana para la realización de tareas de mercadeo y publicidad

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    Gustavo Ruiz Duarte


    Full Text Available Resumen:En el presente trabajo se describe una propuesta destinada a desarrollar un sistema robotizado con figura humana,especie de humanoide, capacitado para realizar diferentes tareas. Inicialmente, se preparara para la realizaciónde la tarea específica de mercadeo y publicidad en diferentes sectores de la población y para una variadagama de productos y servicios. Dentro del desarrollo del mismo se asegura el estudio científico de las diferentesfases de la robótica y las telecomunicaciones y sus interrelaciones con la ingeniería de sistemas, no solo comoun complemento de este programa, sino además como un énfasis de la misma. Se definen las posibles etapas ymétodos que se van a emplear en su desarrollo y las múltiples aplicaciones tecnológicas del trabajo.Palabras claves:Interrelaciones, microcontroles, tiempo real, Robótica, dispositivoAbstract:This job describes a proposal to develop a robotic system with a human image, like a humanoid, able to performdifferent tasks. First at all, be prepared to perform the specific task of marketing and advertising and for a widerange of products and services. Within the development, it ensures the scientific study of the different phases ofrobotics and telecommunications and their relationships with systems engineering, not only as a supplement to thisdiscipline also as a focus of it. Possible stages are defined and methods to be used in its development and the manytechnological applications of the job.Key Words:Interrelations, microcontrollers, real-time, robotic, device.

  20. RemoteBot: una aplicación que combina robots y dispositivos móviles


    Queiruga, Claudia Alejandra; Banchoff Tzancoff, Claudia M.; López, Fernando


    RemoteBot es una aplicación clienteservidor que permite controlar los robots del proyecto "Programando con Robots y Software Libre" mediante dispositivos móviles Android. RemoteBot es una aplicación innovadora que combina robots con dispositivos móviles. RemoteBot es el resultado de la articulación del proyecto de I+D "Programando con Robots y Software Libre" con la cátedra “Laboratorio de Software” de 4to. año de las carreras Lic. en Informática y Lic. en Sistemas de la Facultad de Inf...

  1. Aplicación de Tecnologías Inteligentes para el Estudio de Conductas de Robots Móviles en Ambientes de Trabajo con Obstáculos Fijos

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    Alejandro Hossian


    Full Text Available La Inteligencia Artificial (IA encuentra sus raíces en distintos mitos y leyendas a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad. De manera tal que con el transcurso del tiempo, la IA se ha ido nutriendo de un variopinto espectro de tecnologías; las cuales han sido y siguen siendo de suma utilidad en distintas áreas disciplinares. A tal efecto, y este es el caso del presente artículo, corresponde citar el área de estudio de la navegación de robots móviles, cuyos tópicos de investigación constituyen un aporte sustancial en distintos sectores del desarrollo (industriales, medicinales, seguridad, aeroespacial, entre otros. El presente trabajo centra su análisis en el comportamiento que registran los robots móviles en ambientes de navegación estructurados, en los cuales los obstáculos permanecen fijos mientras el robot realiza las acciones requeridas por el usuario. Los primeros experimentos tuvieron como soporte la aplicación de las Tecnologías Inteligentes de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA, los cuales se focalizaron en la implementación del algoritmo de aprendizaje supervisado de retropropagación del error (backpropagation. Actualmente, y con el propósito de mejorar la performance del vehículo robótico con la tecnología aplicada, se realizan experimentos mediante la aplicación de algoritmos inteligentes de carácter deliberativo, los cuales se orientan hacia la planificación de las tareas que el robot debe realizar dentro de su entorno de operación.

  2. Optimization approaches for robot trajectory planning

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    Carlos Llopis-Albert


    Full Text Available The development of optimal trajectory planning algorithms for autonomous robots is a key issue in order to efficiently perform the robot tasks. This problem is hampered by the complex environment regarding the kinematics and dynamics of robots with several arms and/or degrees of freedom (dof, the design of collision-free trajectories and the physical limitations of the robots. This paper presents a review about the existing robot motion planning techniques and discusses their pros and cons regarding completeness, optimality, efficiency, accuracy, smoothness, stability, safety and scalability.

  3. Pros and Cons: A Balanced View of Robotics in Knee Arthroplasty. (United States)

    Lonner, Jess H; Fillingham, Yale A


    In both unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA), compared with conventional techniques robotic technology has been shown to optimize the precision of bone preparation and component alignment, reducing outliers and increasing the percentage of components aligned within 2° or 3° of the target goal. In addition, soft tissue balance can be quantified through a range of motion in UKA and TKA using the various robotic technologies available. Although the presumption has been that the improved alignment associated with robotics will improve function and implant durability, there are limited data to support that notion. Based on recent and emerging data, it may be unreasonable to presume that robotics is necessary for both UKA and TKA. In fact, despite improvements in various proxy measures, the precision of robotics may be more important for UKA than TKA, although if system costs and surgical efficiencies continue to improve, streamlining perioperative processes, reducing instrument inventory, and achieving comparable outcomes in TKA may be a reasonable goal of robotic surgery. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Morphology Independent Learning in Modular Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, David Johan; Bordignon, Mirko; Schultz, Ulrik Pagh


    speed its modules independently and in parallel adjust their behavior based on a single global reward signal. In simulation, we study the learning strategy?s performance on different robot con?gurations. On the physical platform, we perform learning experiments with ATRON robots learning to move as fast...

  5. Compliant actuation of rehabilitation robots

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vallery, Heike; Veneman, J.F.; van Asseldonk, Edwin H.F.; Ekkelenkamp, R.; Buss, Martin; van der Kooij, Herman


    This article discusses the pros and cons of compliant actuation for rehabilitation robots on the example of LOPES, focusing on the cons. After illustrating the bandwidth limitations, a new result has been derived: if stability in terms of passivity of the haptic device is desired, the renderable

  6. Controller design for Robotic hand through Electroencephalogram


    Pandelidis P.; Kiriazis N.; Orgianelis K.; Koulios N.


    - This paper deals with the designing, the construction and the control of a robotic hand via an electroencephalogram sensor. First a robotic device that is able to mimic a real human hand is constructed. A PID controller is designed in order to improve the performance of the robotic arm for grabbing objects. Furthermore, a novel design approach is presented for controlling the motion of the robotic arm using signals produced from an innovative electroencephalogram sensor that detects the con...

  7. Interfaz entre el plan de producción y el programa de producción en ambientes de ensamble Interface between the production plan and the master production schedule in assembly environments

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    Marcos Moya Navarro


    Full Text Available En un entorno de producción existe una relación directa entre el mercado y los procesos de manufactura de los bienes. Sin embargo, cuando la producción está inmersa en un ambiente de ensamble, el procedimiento de la planificación y la programación se vuelve complejo, con el riesgo de que la empresa pierda ventaja competitiva en términos de incumplimiento de las fechas de entrega y elevados costos de planificación y control. La programación lineal constituye una herramienta apropiada para construir modelos de programación y control de la producción en entornos de manufactura complejos. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la interfaz entre el plan de producción y el programa de producción en ambientes de ensamble mediante el modelado por programación lineal. Para ello, se seleccionó un entorno que produce tres productos finales cuya estructura de producto está dispuesta en tres niveles con un máximo de ocho componentes. Los datos proporcionados por el plan de producción se desglosaron en diez órdenes, cada una indicando el tipo de producto, la cantidad por producir y su respectiva fecha de entrega. Los resultados obtenidos en el programa de producción establecieron la recepción de pedidos planificados y el programa de componentes totales requeridos en cada periodo de producción, para minimizar los costos totales de emisión de órdenes de producción e inventario.In a production environment there is a direct relationship between the market and the manufacturing process of goods.When production is immersed in an assembly environment, the process of production planning and scheduling becomes complex, and the enterprises have the risk of losing competitive advantages in terms of not meeting delivery dates and production high costs. Linear programming has become an appropriate tool for production planning and scheduling in complex manufacturing environments. The aim of this paper is to show the interface between both the


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    Abdelhakim Cherfia


    Full Text Available This paper presents a geometrical model of a constrained robot of three degrees of freedom (d.o.f added to a PPP passive central segment. This structure provides a pure translation motion. We will also determine the relations between generalized and articular velocities by using the inverse Jacobian matrix. Further, we determine the reciprocal relations between cartesian and angular velocities of the end-effector via articular velocities by simple derivation of the direct geometrical model expressions. A determination of the workspace based on the geometrical model analysis is derived followed by a numerical calculation of all the atteignables points enabling a graphical visualisation of such a workspace. Moreover, the analysis of the Jacobian matrix has permitted to ensure that there are no singularities of type 1 and 2 in such a structure. A prototype of a parallel robot has been built up in our laboratory in order to validate the proposed models.Este trabajo presenta el modelo geométrico de un robot paralelo con tres grados de libertad (d.o.f agregados a un segmento central pasivo del PPP. Esta estructura proporciona un movimiento de translación pura. También determinaremos las relaciones entre las velocidades generalizadas y articulares usando la matriz Jacobiana inversa. Además, determinamos las relaciones recíprocas entre las velocidades cartesianas y angulares del end-effector vía velocidades articulares por la derivación simple de las expresiones del modelo geométrico directo. Una determinación del espacio de trabajo basado en el análisis del modelo geométrico es derivado seguido por un cálculo numérico de todos los puntos que deben alcanzarse permitiendo una visualización gráfica de tal espacio de trabajo. Por otra parte, el análisis de los coeficientes de la matriz Jacobiana permite asegurar que no haya singularidades del tipo 1 y 2 en tal estructura. Se ha realizado un prototipo de robot paralelo en nuestro laboratorio

  9. El ensamble carábidológico: un indicador de sustentabilidad en los agroecosistemas de vid de la costa de Berisso, Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Paleologos, María Fernanda; Cicchino, Armando; Sarandón, Santiago Javier


    Existen estudios que han señalado una relación positiva entre la diversidad de la vegetación, la complejidad del hábitat y los procesos del ecosistema. La familia Carabidae (Coleoptera) ha demostrado ser buena indicadora del grado de disturbio, de ciertas condiciones ambientales y de factores antrópicos. Se analizó el ensamble de carábidos (dominancia relativa y composición) en una parcela de vid y sus ambientes seminaturales (monte ribereño y canal colector de agua) de la zona de Berisso, Bu...

  10. Consideraciones para el rediseño de la línea de ensamble de vehículos aéreos no tripulados desarrollados por la Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana

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    Ricardo Daniel Fiallos Castillo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el re-diseño de la línea de ensamblaje de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (por siglas en inglés, UAVs destinados a realizar diversas misiones a grandes alturas llevadas a cabo en el Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana (CIDFAE. La metodología que se aplicó consta de tres fases: la primera comprende el análisis de la situación estratégica actual; la segunda estima la capacidad del proceso productivo con el uso de las normas de tiempo predeterminadas en base al sistema MTM-2; la tercera realiza el estudio de la distribución de las instalaciones mediante simulación. Como resultado final se opta por una distribución mixta que garantiza una producción en serie de UAVs. La construcción de piezas se realiza en células de fabricación; y el ensamble final por estaciones de trabajo; además se establecen estrategias para el fortalecimiento de la capacidad operativa de producción de la instalación que se proyecta a tres UAVs, producidos cada dos meses

  11. Evaluación experimental del caminado en tiempo real de un robot bípedo de 5 g.d.l. con marcha basada en movimientos cicloidales

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    Víctor De-León-Gómez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se presentan los resultados de las pruebas de caminado realizadas con el robot bípedo de 5 grados de libertad (g.d.l. desarrollado en el Instituto Tecnológico de la Laguna (ITLag. El patrón de marcha que se aplica en este robot se basa en leyes de movimiento de tipo cicloidal, las cuales le permiten avanzar mediante pasos sin impactos. Los experimentos realizados mostraron un adecuado comportamiento mecánico del robot y un desempeño eficaz de la ley de control aplicada para mantener el ZMP (acrónimo de Zero Moment Point dentro del polígono de soporte de los pies del robot durante la marcha. Los parámetros especificados para el patrón de marcha aseguraron un caminado estable del robot, sin saturar los pares demandados a los actuadores. Abstract: The results of experimental tests of walking of the 5 degrees of freedom (dof biped robot developed at the Instituto Tecnológico de la Laguna (ITLag are presented in this paper. The gait pattern that is applied in this robot is based on cycloidal motion-type laws, which allow to advance by steps without impacts. Experiments showed an adequate mechanical behavior of the robot and effective performance of the control law applied to keep the ZMP (Zero Moment Point inside of the support polygon of the robot's feet during walking. The specified parameters for gait pattern ensured a stable walking of the robot, without saturating the torque applied by the actuators. Palabras clave: Robots bípedos, patrones de marcha, ZMP, movimiento cicloidal, seguimiento de trayectorias., Keywords: Biped robots, gait patterns, ZMP, cycloidal motion, path tracking.

  12. Is there redundancy in bioengineering for molluscan assemblages on the rocky shores of central Chile? ¿Existe redundancia en la bioingeniería de los ensambles de moluscos de las costas rocosas de Chile central?

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    través de sus propias estructuras físicas e incrementan la diversidad local. En costas rocosas existen grandes solapamientos en la composición de las comunidades asociadas a bioingenieros que forman habitats frondosos (algas o mitílidos. Nosotros investigamos la potencial redundancia en la provisión de este tipo de habitat comparando ensambles faunísticos asociados a mantos de Perumytilus purpuratus y frondas de Corallina officinalis var. chilenis, Gelidium chilense y Gastroclonium cylindricum. En tres oportunidades, entre septiembre de 2003 y enero de 2004, muestreamos ensambles de moluscos asociados a cada uno de estos bioingenieros, en alturas de mareas similares en dos áreas rocosas de Chile central. De las 31 especies de moluscos identificados, 30 fueron encontrados en Corallina y 19-22 fueron identificados en los otros habitat. El conjunto de especies asociado a cada bioingeniero se sobrepone ampliamente, demostrando el potencial de redundancia en la provisión de habitat y poca especificidad de habitat. Sin embargo, análisis multivariados y univariados mostraron que los bioingenieros, con excepción de Gastroclonium, contenían un ensamble de moluscos único en al menos uno de los periodos de muestreo, ya sea en la variación en la frecuencia de ocurrencia, riqueza y abundancia total. Estudios recientes han destacado diversos procesos antropogénicos y naturales que influencian directamente la diversidad y composición de especies en bioingenieros de costas rocosas. Se demuestra que para la costa de Chile central la pérdida de cualquier de los bioingenieros analizados no alteraría sustancialmente el conjunto total de especies de moluscos, alojados en ellos. Sin embargo, la pérdida de cualquier bioingeniero, excepto Gastroclonium, resultaría en una disminución local de la biodiversidad debido a que cada uno de los ensambles de moluscos en Perumytilus, Corallina y Gelidium, contiene una estructura comunitaria significativamente diferente, en al menos

  13. Minería de datos con información de contexto para la clasificación de imágenes satelitales / Data mining with context information for satellite image classifi cation

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    Jesús A. González


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un esquema de clasifi cación multi-modelos para imágenes satelitales apoyado con información de contexto conel que se mejora la precisión de una pre-clasifi cación obtenida conalgoritmos paramétricos. El nuevo esquema utiliza una red semántica como representación de conocimiento que almacena patrones creados con un ensamble de árboles de decisión (alimentado con características espectrales, de textura y geométricas para describir a las regiones de interés y por otro lado patrones espaciales creados a partir de unarepresentación basada en grafos (con información de contexto a partir de relaciones espaciales entre las regiones de interés. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el esquema de clasifi cación propuesto mejora la precisión de la pre-clasifi cación de los algoritmos paramétricosal utilizar información de contexto.

  14. Robotic and user interface solutions for hazardous and remote applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schempf, H.


    Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) is developing novel robotic and user interface systems to assist in the cleanup activities undertaken by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Under DOE's EM-50 funding and administered by the Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC), CMU has developed a novel asbestos pipe-insulation abatement robot system, called BOA, and a novel generic user interface control and training console, dubbed RoboCon. The use of BOA will allow the speedier abatement of the vast DOE piping networks clad with hazardous and contaminated asbestos insulation by which overall job costs can be reduced by as much as 50%. RoboCon will allow the DOE to evaluate different remote and robotic system technologies from the overall man-machine performance standpoint, as well as provide a standardized training platform for training site operators in the operation of remote and robotic equipment

  15. RoboCon: A general purpose telerobotic control center

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Draper, J.V.; Noakes, M.W. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States). Robotics and Process Systems Div.; Schempf, H. [Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA (United States); Blair, L.M. [Human Machine Interfaces, Inc., Knoxville, TN (United States)


    This report describes human factors issues involved in the design of RoboCon, a multi-purpose control center for use in US Department of Energy remote handling applications. RoboCon is intended to be a flexible, modular control center capable of supporting a wide variety of robotic devices.

  16. RoboCon: A general purpose telerobotic control center

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Draper, J.V.; Noakes, M.W.; Blair, L.M.


    This report describes human factors issues involved in the design of RoboCon, a multi-purpose control center for use in US Department of Energy remote handling applications. RoboCon is intended to be a flexible, modular control center capable of supporting a wide variety of robotic devices

  17. Wireless robot teleoperation via internet using IPv6 over a bluetooth personal area network

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    Carlos Araque Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el diseño, construcción y pruebas de un sistema que permite la manipulación y visualización del robot Microbot Teachmover usando una conexión inalámbrica Bluetooth con dirección IPv6, brindando la posibilidad de manejar el robot desde diferentes escenarios: desde un dispositivo móvil que se encuentra en la misma piconet del robot; desde un computador que se encuentre en la misma piconet del robot y desde un computador que se encuentre conectado a Internet con una dirección IPv6.

  18. VladBot. Robot para posicionamiento de medida


    Plata Rueda, Ángel


    VladBot es un robot autónomo diseñado para posicionar en interiores un micrófono de medida. Este prototipo puede valorar la idea de automatizar medidas acústicas en interiores mediante un robot autónomo. Posee dos ruedas motrices y una rueda loca. Ésta rueda loca aporta maniobrabilidad al robot. Un soporte extensible hecho de aluminio sostiene el micrófono de medida. VladBot ha sido diseñado con tecnologías de bajo coste y bajo una plataforma abierta, Arduino. Arduino es una plataforma el...

  19. Modelo cinematico del mini robot movil Ricimaf

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    Abelardo del Pozo Quintero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo describe el modelo dinámico del mini robot móvil construido en el Icimaf, cuya  tracción se logra mediante dos motores de paso acoplados a dos ruedas plásticas forradas con una capa de goma para facilitar su  movimiento y una pequeña rueda direccional. Se elabora la estructura jacobiana necesaria para el desarrollo del modelo dinámico. Se incluye el análisis de un rasgo especial de estos robots, que  es su naturaleza no holonómica, en contraste  con los robots manipuladores, lo que da lugar a un tipo de restricción del movimiento. La elaboración del modelo dinámico originó el empleo de los multiplicadores de Lagrange. Para la obtención de las ecuaciones dinámicas se emplea el método de Euler-Lagrange

  20. Comparative study for chaotic behaviour in fire fighting robot

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    Magda Judith Morales Tavera


    Full Text Available El trabajo de supervisión de incendios es un caso de estudio, donde el control caótico podría minimizar las lesiones en humanos, materiales y ambientales. En este artículo se propone un control caótico para un robot móvil, con el fin de hacer una nueva inspección en espacios regulares, desplazándolo a través de trayectorias no determinadas. Una naturaleza caótica en el robot, es adicionada, integrando la cinemática con las ecuaciones no lineales de Arnold y Lorenz, en el mismo sistema.

  1. Diseño e implementación de un sistema de control para el robot móvil P3-AT por medio de gestos manuales

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    Manuel Veintimilla


    Full Text Available Este documento detalla como se construyó una relación entre un usuario y un robot móvil a través de una red cliente servidor inalámbrica utilizando el sensor Kinect para la respectiva adquisicion de datos. El robot se mueve con los gestos indicados por la persona, ya sea que se necesite explorar o simplemente trasladar el robot. El usuario debe desarrollar la destreza para manipular el robot siguiendo el manual de usuario e iniciar con el simulador, así con este procedimiento se evita tener errores desde la conexión con el robot hasta la ejecución de los comportamientos. Los comportamientos se ejecutan con botones en la interfaz del cliente, y cada uno de forma exclusiva.

  2. Integración del brazo robot IRB120 en entorno ROS-MATLAB


    Gómez Cuadrado, José Manuel


    Este proyecto usa el entorno ROS (Robot Operating System) para desarrollar el control del brazo robot IRB 120 y su implementación en el entorno de trabajo MATLAB. Se explicará la creación del modelo del robot, la planificación de trayectorias y la comunicación con dicho robot. This project uses the ROS (Robot Operating System) environment for developing the control of the IRB 120 robotic arm and its implementation in the MATLAB working environment. It will explain the creation of the...

  3. Robotic-assisted surgery in ophthalmology. (United States)

    de Smet, Marc D; Naus, Gerrit J L; Faridpooya, Koorosh; Mura, Marco


    Provide an overview of the current landscape of robotics in ophthalmology, including the pros and cons of system designs, the clinical development path, and the likely future direction of the field. Robots designed for eye surgery should meet certain basic requirements. Three designs are currently being developed: smart surgical tools such as the steady hand, comanipulation devices and telemanipulators using either a fixed or virtual remote center of motion. Successful human intraocular surgery is being performed using the Preceyes surgical system. Another telemanipulation robot, the da Vinci Surgical System, has been used to perform a pterygium repair in humans and was successful in ex-vivo corneal surgery despite its nonophthalmic design. Apart from Preceyes' BV research platform, none of the currently eye-specific systems has reached a commercial stage. Systems are likely to evolve from robotic assistance during specific procedural steps to semiautonomous surgery, as smart sensors are introduced to enhance the basic functionalities of robotic systems. Robotics is still in its infancy in ophthalmology but is rapidly reaching a stage wherein it will be introduced into everyday ophthalmic practice. It will most likely be introduced first for demanding vitreo-retinal procedures, followed by anterior segment applications.

  4. Robot-assisted surgery for gastric cancer (United States)

    Procopiuc, Livia; Tudor, Ştefan; Mănuc, Mircea; Diculescu, Mircea; Vasilescu, Cătălin


    Minimally invasive surgery for gastric cancer is a relatively new research field, with convincing results mostly stemming from Asian countries. The use of the robotic surgery platform, thus far assessed as a safe procedure, which is also easier to learn, sets the background for a wider spread of minimally invasive technique in the treatment of gastric cancer. This review will cover the literature published so far, analyzing the pros and cons of robotic surgery and highlighting the remaining study questions. PMID:26798433

  5. Robots como ferramenta pedagógica nos primeiros anos a aprendizagem como participação

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe y analiza un proyecto realizado con dos grados del 1er ciclo de enseñanza básica en Portugal (2doy 3er grado que trabajaron en conjunto con robots, tomando el aprendizaje como un fenómeno intrín-secamente relacionado a la participación en comunidades de práctica (Lave, 1996; Lave; Wenger, 1991. Se pretende caracterizar a los participantes, a la metodología de trabajo implementada, describirlos artefactos utilizados (robots y escritura de una historia y analizar la relación de los participantes con los robots, así como los patrones de participación que se relevaron con este tipo de trabajo. Se busca enfatizar e las contribuciones derivadas de la participación en ambientes sociales digitales para el aprendizaje de los alumnos, como la participación y la negociación conjunta de significados, la importancia de que los robots y la historia hayan sido “construidos” por los alumnos y la existencia de un repertorio compartido y un emprendi-miento conjunto.

  6. Core reactor simulation of the Central Laguna Verde (CLV) reactor in stationary state and an example of the application in the recharge options analysis of cycle 3; Simulacion del nucleo del reactor de la Central Laguna Verde (CLV) en estado estacionario y ejemplo de aplicacion en el analisis de alternativas de recarga del ciclo 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ocampo Mansilla, Hector; Francois Lacouture, Juan Luis; Blanco Lara, Jesus; Cortes Campos, Carlos Cristobal; Esquivias Montoya, Jesus; Esquivel Torres, Jose Luis; Martin del Campo Marquez, Cecilia [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico); Montes Tadeo, Jose Luis [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ), Salazar (Mexico); Sanchez Herrera, Luciano; Torres Alvarez, Carlos [Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    alargamiento del ciclo. Del valor inicial de diseno de 100 ensambles para el ciclo 3, la GE propone aumentar dicha fraccion de 112 a 120 ensambles. Esto impacta en el costo de la segunda recarga, y el proposito de esta investigacion es analizar opciones con combustible de mayor enriquecimiento en U-235 para minimizar el numero de ensambles en dicha recarga. Los analisis realizados muestran que los disenos propuestos por GE no cumplen con la energia requerida propuesta para el ciclo, aun usando en la recarga unicamente combustibles de 3.03% de enriquecimiento. Se propone, asimismo, enriquecer hasta 3.25% el combustible para cumplir con la demanda de energia con un minimo de ensambles.

  7. Core reactor simulation of the Central Laguna Verde (CLV) reactor in stationary state and an example of the application in the recharge options analysis of cycle 3; Simulacion del nucleo del reactor de la Central Laguna Verde (CLV) en estado estacionario y ejemplo de aplicacion en el analisis de alternativas de recarga del ciclo 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ocampo Mansilla, Hector; Francois Lacouture, Juan Luis; Blanco Lara, Jesus; Cortes Campos, Carlos Cristobal; Esquivias Montoya, Jesus; Esquivel Torres, Jose Luis; Martin del Campo Marquez, Cecilia [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico); Montes Tadeo, Jose Luis [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ), Salazar (Mexico); Sanchez Herrera, Luciano; Torres Alvarez, Carlos [Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    alargamiento del ciclo. Del valor inicial de diseno de 100 ensambles para el ciclo 3, la GE propone aumentar dicha fraccion de 112 a 120 ensambles. Esto impacta en el costo de la segunda recarga, y el proposito de esta investigacion es analizar opciones con combustible de mayor enriquecimiento en U-235 para minimizar el numero de ensambles en dicha recarga. Los analisis realizados muestran que los disenos propuestos por GE no cumplen con la energia requerida propuesta para el ciclo, aun usando en la recarga unicamente combustibles de 3.03% de enriquecimiento. Se propone, asimismo, enriquecer hasta 3.25% el combustible para cumplir con la demanda de energia con un minimo de ensambles.

  8. Concepción, Desarrollo y Avances en el Control de Navegación de Robots Submarinos Paralelos: El Robot Remo-I

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    César Álvarez


    Full Text Available Resumen: El robot REMO I es un vehículo submarino operado remotamente (ROV, que tiene como cuerpo principal, una estructura paralela de Stewart – Gough, que le permite variar su geometría para realizar maniobras de navegación con gran flexibilidad con solo modificar la orientación y el desplazamiento de un único impulsor situado en la parte trasera. Como consecuencia, el robot puede describir trayectorias complejas para llegar a lugares de difícil acceso dentro del agua. En este trabajo se presenta una breve descripción mecánica del REMO I, su sistema de instrumentación y control, y las estrategias a utilizar para la arquitectura de control que se emplea en el control de lastrado y la navegación. Palabras clave: Vehículos submarinos, robots submarinos, estructura paralela, plataformas Stewart – Gough, ROV, AUV

  9. Kinematics and Application of a Hybrid Industrial Robot – Delta-RST

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    Ning Liu


    Full Text Available Serial robots and parallel robots have their own pros and cons. While hybrid robots consisting of both of them are possible and expected to retain their merits and minimize the disadvantages. The Delta-RST presented here is such a hybrid robot built up by integrating a 3-DoFs traditional Delta parallel structure and a 3-DoFs RST robotic wrist. In this paper, we focus on its kinematics analysis and its applications in industry. Firstly, the robotic system of the Delta-RST will be described briefly. Then the complete and systemic kinematics of this kind of robot will be presented in detail, followed by simulations and applications to demonstrate the correctness of the analysis, as well as the effectiveness of the developed robotic system. The closed-form kinematic analysis results are universal for similar hybrid robots constructing with the Delta parallel mechanism and serial chains.

  10. Diseño e implementación de un controlador de velocidad PID multivariable para un robot con configuración de triciclo


    Garvín Moreno, Víctor


    La robótica móvil constituye un área de desarrollo y explotación de interés creciente. Existen ejemplos de robótica móvil de relevancia destacada en el ámbito industrial y se estima un fuerte crecimiento en el terreno de la robótica de servicios. En la arquitectura software de todos los robots móviles suelen aparecer con frecuencia componentes que tienen asignadas competencias de gobierno, navegación, percepción, etcétera, todos ellos de importancia destacada. Sin embargo, existe un el...

  11. Desarrollo de un robot móvil compacto integrado en el middleware ROS

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    André Araújo


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta el robot TraxBot y su integración completa en el Robot Operating System (ROS. El TraxBot es una plataforma de robótica móvil, desarrollada y ensamblada en el Instituto de Sistemas y Robótica (ISR Coimbra. El objetivo de este trabajo es reducir drásticamente el tiempo de desarrollo, proporcionando abstracción de hardware y modos de operación intuitiva, permitiendo a los investigadores centrarse en sus motivaciones principales de investigación, por ejemplo, la búsqueda y rescate con múltiples robots o robótica de enjambres. Se describen las potencialidades del TraxBot, que combinado con un controlador de ROS específicamente desarrollado, facilita el uso de varias herramientas para el análisis de datos y la interacción entre múltiples robots, sensores y dispositivos de teleoperación. Para validar el sistema, se llevaron a cabo diversas pruebas experimentales utilizando robots reales y virtuales. Abstract: This paper presents the TraxBot robot and its full integration in the Robotic Operating System (ROS. The TraxBot is a compact mobile robotic platform developed and assembled at the Institute of Systems and Robots (ISR Coimbra. The goal in this work is to drastically decrease the development time, providing hardware abstraction and intuitive operation modes, allowing researchers to focus in their main research motivations, e.g., search and rescue, multi-robot surveillance or swarm robotics. The potentialities of the TraxBot are described which, combined with the ROS driver developed, provide several tools for data analysis and easiness of interaction between multiple robots, sensors and tele-operation devices. To validate the approach, diverse experimental tests using real and virtual simulated robots were conducted. Palabras clave: ROS, robot móvil, sistemas embebidos, diseño, middleware, montaje y test., Keywords: ROS, mobile robot, Arduino, embedded system, design, assembling and testing.


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    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la implementación de un sistema basado en servicios web semánticos, orientados hacia la manipulación remota de robots capaces de ejecutar jugadas básicas de fútbol, diseñados y desarrollados con la plataforma de hardware libre Arduino. Dichos servicios fueron descritos semánticamente con el lenguaje ontológico OWL-S y bajo una ontología de dominio común que describe un robot capaz de jugar fútbol.





    Este artículo presenta la implementación de un sistema basado en servicios web semánticos, orientados hacia la manipulación remota de robots capaces de ejecutar jugadas básicas de fútbol, diseñados y desarrollados con la plataforma de hardware libre Arduino. Dichos servicios fueron descritos semánticamente con el lenguaje ontológico OWL-S y bajo una ontología de dominio común que describe un robot capaz de jugar f&ua...

  14. Control of walking robots using virtual springs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Oort, Gijs; Stramigioli, Stefano; Gevers, M.; Sepulchre, R.


    At the Control Engineering group of the University of Twente, we are conducting research on control of bipedal robots. In our search for robust and energy efficient control, we are making extensive use of simulation. In order to facil- itate the development of algorithms, we want to design con-

  15. Control desacoplado de un actuador de rigidez variable para robots asistenciales

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    J. Medina


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los actuadores de rigidez variable son dispositivos que permiten cambiar la posición y rigidez articular de un robot en forma simultánea. En los últimos años se han diseñado y desarrollado muchos dispositivos de este tipo, con la esperanza de favorecer la seguridad en la interacción humano-robot y mejorar el rendimiento dinámico de los robots. En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo de un controlador para un actuador de rigidez variable de configuración serie. La estrategia de control se basa en la linealización por realimentación y el ajuste de dos controladores lineales. Esta estrategia permite el seguimiento de referencias de posición y rigidez articular de forma simultánea y desacoplada. Además, se realizan simulaciones en las que se incorpora este dispositivo dentro del robot asistencial ASIBOT, a fin de evaluar el desempeño del controlador, los cambios en la dinámica del robot y las posibles ventajas que tendrá la inclusión del mismo a nivel de seguridad en la interacción física humano-robot. Abstract: The variable stiffness actuators are devices that change the position and stiffness of a robot simultaneously. In recent years have been designed and developed many devices of this type, hoping to ensure safety in human-robot interaction and improve the dynamic performance of robots. In this article, we present the control of a variable stiffness actuator with serial configuration. The control strategy is based on feedback linearization and adjustment of two linear controllers. This allows the control, independently, of the stiffness and the equilibrium position of the joint. Finally, the behavior of this device within the assistive robot ASIBOT, is simulated in order to assess: the controller performance, changes in the dynamics of the robot and possible advantages of a level of safety during physical interaction human-robot. Palabras clave: control de robot

  16. CRUSER 2015, TechCon, Robots in the Roses, Robo-Ethics [video



    CRUSER 2015 events Technical Consortium Robots in the Roses Robo-Ethics Ray Buettner, CRUSER Director Tim Chung, CRUSER Deputy Director LT Raymond Davis, Systems Engineering student LT Patrick Livesay, Systems Engineering student LT Eric Beaty, National Security Affairs student Matt Kiefer, recent distance learning graduate


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    Luis Carrillo-Reid


    Full Text Available Un tema central para las neurociencias consiste en descifrar la forma en la cual las redes neuronales biológicas procesan la información y guardan memorias. En 1949 Donald Hebb propuso que la actividad reverberante de pequeños circuitos neuronales llamados "ensambles" funcionaría como el sustrato sobre el cual se construyen las rutas de la memoria. Sin embargo, para poder almacenar cualquier tipo de información compleja, los ensambles neuronales deberían tener la habilidad de organizarse en jerarquías, es decir, pequeñas subrutinas que componen procedimientos más elaborados. Nuestros experimentos muestran que los circuitos con estas capacidades pueden encontrarse en pequeños pedazos de cerebro aislado in vitro y estudiarse con detalle. De esta manera, el cerebro como cualquier sistema puede ser entendido y estudiado de acuerdo con sus elementos básicos y sus reglas de composición; permitiéndonos entender desde la forma en la cual nos comunicamos hasta los hábitos que determinan nuestra vida cotidiana. Los hallazgos experimentales aquí descritos podrían sentar las bases para entender tanto los estados cerebrales normales como los patológicos, con lo cual será posible proponer soluciones para distintas enfermedades neurodegenerativas que tienen un gran impacto en la sociedad.

  18. Experiencias en el desarrollo de una aplicación robótica con control de fuerza para taladrado de huesos

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    J.C. Fraile


    Full Text Available Resumen: En los sistemas de cirugía ortopédica asistida por ordenador (CAOS, el taladrado del hueso en la reparación de fracturas de huesos largos (para estabilizarlos con placas, clavos o tornillos es una tarea compleja que el cirujano debe realizar con gran precisión, evitando el calentamiento excesivo del tejido óseo. En la cirugía asistida por robots, se han utilizado principalmente robots industriales (Robodoc, Caspar, Crigos adaptados a ambientes quirúrgicos para ayudar al cirujano en esta tarea. En esta tarea de taladrado de huesos es necesario tener en cuenta varios factores: temperatura del hueso, velocidades de giro y avance de la herramienta de taladrado y fuerzas y pares que actúan sobre el hueso durante su taladrado.Es fundamental el desarrollo de algoritmos de control del robot manipulador para garantizar que las distintas variables que intervienen en el proceso de taladrado tomen los valores adecuados, bajo el control del cirujano, y así lograr una mayor calidad y precisión en la tarea quirúrgica de taladrado del hueso.Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de los robots industriales tienen una arquitectura de control propietaria que impide una fácil implantación de algoritmos de control externos basados en realimentación multisensorial (visión, fuerza.En este artículo se presenta el diseño de una arquitectura de control distribuido y abierto, que se ha implantado sobre el controlador de un robot Staubli. En ella se ha desarrollado una estrategia de control basada en realimentación de fuerza, que permite al cirujano realizar la tarea quirúrgica de taladrado del hueso con elevada precisión. Durante el taladrado con el robot, las fuerzas y pares que actúan sobre el hueso son medidos y utilizados para controlar la velocidad de avance de la herramienta de taladrado, y para controlar la fuerza aplicada al hueso. Se han obtenido resultados experimentales en condiciones de laboratorio con el manipulador equipado con un

  19. Panzer Wakeful, Robot Autónomo de vigilancia y seguridad


    Gómez Castillo, Leopoldo


    Un robot de vigilancia y seguridad para una zona determinada.Tiene tres plataformas, es de tipo móvil y específicamente de oruga (tipo tanque), con muchos componentes como cámara, sensores, láseres, ...

  20. Control Servo-Visual de un Robot Manipulador Planar Basado en Pasividad

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    Carlos Soria


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se diseña un controlador servo visual basado en la propiedad de pasividad del sistema visual. Se propone un regulador con ganancias de control variables, de tal manera que se evita la saturación de los actuadores y al mismo tiempo presenta la capacidad de corregir errores de pequeña magnitud. Asimismo el diseno se hace tenieñdo en cuenta el desempeño L2, a fin de darle capacidad de seguimiento de objetos en movimiento, con un error de control pequeño. Se muestran resultados experimentales realizados en un robot manipulador industrial tipo planar para verificar el cumplimiento de los objetivos del controlador propuesto. Palabras Clave: robot manipulador industrial, control servo visual, control no lineal, pasividad

  1. Seguimiento de Trayectorias en Robots Manipuladores: Revisión de Soluciones y Nuevas Propuestas

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    S. Torres


    Full Text Available Resumen: El problema del seguimiento de trayectoria en robots manipuladores ha sido abordado aplicando una gran variedad de controladores, desde estructuras sencillas basadas en PD hasta otras más complejas basadas en controladores adaptativos y robustos. Estas últimas técnicas presentan inconvenientes como la presunción de ciertas cotas en los términos de la ecuación dinámica del robot o la no inclusión de las ligaduras del sistema en el algoritmo de control. En el presente trabajo se hace una revisión de las técnicas clásicas de control de manipuladores y se introduce un conjunto de técnicas novedosas de control robusto y de control predictivo, con las que se evitan los problemas comentados. En particular se describe un controlador con una acción robusta autoadaptativa, necesaria para evitar los errores en la cancelación de términos no lineales de la dinámica del robot. Este esquema es mejorado mediante técnicas predictivas que permiten la inclusión de las ligaduras de movimiento del robot en el algoritmo de control. Se incluyen resultados reales y en simulación en un robot PUMA-560 de Unimation que prueban la bondad de dichos controladores. Palabras clave: Manipuladores robot, Control Robusto, Control Adaptativo, Control Autoadaptativo, Control Predictivo, Implementación, Tareas en tiempo real

  2. Relación entre características del hábitat y estructura del ensamble de insectos en humedales palustres urbanos del centro-sur de Chile Relationship between habitat characteristics and insect assemblage structure in urban freshwater marshes from central-south Chile

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    Full Text Available Los humedales son ecosistemas altamente productivos que se caracterizan por cumplir múltiples funciones, manteniendo además una alta diversidad biológica. No obstante, casi la mitad de los humedales en el mundo ha desaparecido en el último siglo debido al proceso de desarrollo urbano. En Chile, la diversidad bioclimática genera una gran variedad de ambientes acuáticos. Estos ecosistemas también han sido expuestos a fuertes presiones antrópicas, debido al proceso de urbanización. En la intercomuna Concepción-Talcahuano-San Pedro (Región del Biobío más del 23 % (1.734 ha del área ocupada por humedales se ha perdido en las últimas tres décadas. Evaluamos la relación entre características del hábitat (morfométricas, limnológicas y vegetacionales y la estructura del ensamble de insectos en siete humedales palustres de la intercomuna, con el fin de determinar los efectos de la urbanización sobre los patrones de diversidad en estos ecosistemas. Los análisis mostraron que la abundancia relativa y la diversidad de especies se relacionan positivamente con la naturalidad de la matriz y el contenido de oxígeno en el agua, esta última característica fue el predictor más importante para la estructura del ensamble de insectos. De las 24 morfoespecies de insectos analizadas, la abundancia de siete especies fue relacionada significativamente con las características del hábitat consideradas. La naturalidad de la matriz, el área del humedal, la heterogeneidad vegetacional y la concentración de oxígeno disuelto se relacionaron positivamente con la abundancia de estas especies, mientras que la conductividad y/o turbidez del agua mostró un efecto negativo sobre ella. La disminución de la diversidad de insectos determinada por características del hábitat asociadas con la pérdida, fragmentación, homogeneización, eutroficación y/o contaminación de los humedales indica que los insectos podrían ser utilizados como indicadores de

  3. Experiencias en el desarrollo de una aplicación robótica con control de fuerza para taladrado de huesos


    J.C. Fraile; J. Pérez-Turiel; J.L. González-Sánchez; J. López-Cruzado; J.L. Rodríguez


    Resumen: En los sistemas de cirugía ortopédica asistida por ordenador (CAOS), el taladrado del hueso en la reparación de fracturas de huesos largos (para estabilizarlos con placas, clavos o tornillos) es una tarea compleja que el cirujano debe realizar con gran precisión, evitando el calentamiento excesivo del tejido óseo. En la cirugía asistida por robots, se han utilizado principalmente robots industriales (Robodoc, Caspar, Crigos) adaptados a ambientes quirúrgicos para ayudar al cirujano e...

  4. Enabling technologies for the prassi autonomous robot

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taraglio, S; Nanni, V [ENEA, Robotics and Information Technology Division, Rome (Italy)


    In this book are summarised some of the results of the PRASSI project as presented by the different partners of the effort. PRASSI is an acronym which stands for Autonomous Robotic Platform for the Security and Surveillance of plants, the Italian for it is 'Piattaforma Robotica per la Sorveglianza e Sicurezza d'Impianto'. This project has been funded by the Italian Ministry for the Education, the University and the Research (MIUR) in the framework of the project High Performance Computing Applied to Robotics (Calcolo Parallelo con Applicazioni alla Robotica) of the law 95/1995. The idea behind such an initiative is that of fostering the knowledge and possibly the use of high performance computing in the research and industrial community. In other words, robotic scientists are always simplifying their algorithms or using particular approaches (e.g. soft computing) in order to use standard processors for difficult sensorial data processing; well, what if an embedded parallel computer were available, with at least one magnitude more of computing power?.

  5. Laws on Robots, Laws by Robots, Laws in Robots : Regulating Robot Behaviour by Design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leenes, R.E.; Lucivero, F.


    Speculation about robot morality is almost as old as the concept of a robot itself. Asimov’s three laws of robotics provide an early and well-discussed example of moral rules robots should observe. Despite the widespread influence of the three laws of robotics and their role in shaping visions of

  6. Incremental active learning of sensorimotor models in developmental robotics


    Ribes Sanz, Arturo


    La rápida evolución de la robótica esta promoviendo que emerjan nuevos campos relacionados con la robótica. Inspirándose en ideas provinientes de la psicología del desarrollo, la robótica del desarrollo es un nuevo campo que pretende proveer a los robots de capacidades que les permiten aprender de una manera abierta durante toda su vida. Hay situaciones donde los ingenieros o los diseñadores no pueden prever todos los posibles problemas que un robot pueda encontrar. Tal como el número de tare...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel Eduardo Gil Pérez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo describe el diseño de un módulo conductual para robots de propósito general, implementado en el marco de una arquitectura de control para sistemas multi-robots.El mismo está estructurado en cuatro capas: reactiva, cognitiva, social, y una capa transversal que gestiona un conjunto de emociones básicas, que afectan de forma directael comportamiento del robot y su disposición hacia la ejecución de las tareas y hacia la interrelación con los otros individuos del sistema (es decir, a las otras capas. El objetivo de la arquitectura es brindar una plataforma que facilite los procesos de auto-organización y emergencia del sistema.Se propone un modelo emocional, que toma en consideración cuatro emociones básicas y un estado neutro; esto con el fin de dotar a los robots de un factor adicional que influya en su funcionamiento, que puede ser determinante cuando estos enfrentan situaciones donde la incertidumbre se hace presente. De esta forma, se busca mejorar su proceso de toma de decisión y su adaptación a las dinámicas presentes en el entorno, en particular analizando la influencia de las emociones en sistemas de este tipo.

  8. Cultural Robotics: The Culture of Robotics and Robotics in Culture

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    Hooman Samani


    Full Text Available In this paper, we have investigated the concept of “Cultural Robotics” with regard to the evolution of social into cultural robots in the 21st Century. By defining the concept of culture, the potential development of a culture between humans and robots is explored. Based on the cultural values of the robotics developers, and the learning ability of current robots, cultural attributes in this regard are in the process of being formed, which would define the new concept of cultural robotics. According to the importance of the embodiment of robots in the sense of presence, the influence of robots in communication culture is anticipated. The sustainability of robotics culture based on diversity for cultural communities for various acceptance modalities is explored in order to anticipate the creation of different attributes of culture between robots and humans in the future.


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    Jesús Alberto Torres Velásquez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo contiene el procedimiento para implementar diferentes técnicas de procesamiento de  imágenes y principalmente el algoritmo de esqueletización con el objetivo de planificar rutas libres de obstáculos para robots móviles; mediante una fotografía tomada sobre un área determinada con los obstáculos y el robot (construido con el kit de robótica LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT. Se realiza el debido procesamiento a dicha imagen, para luego, de forma remota enviar una serie de órdenes vía Bluetooth desde un computador usando MATLAB; ordenes generadas por el algoritmo aplicado sobre la imagen ya procesada, con el fin de obtener el desplazamiento de la plataforma móvil a un punto de llegada determinado por el usuario. 

  10. Friendly network robotics; Friendly network robotics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper summarizes the research results on the friendly network robotics in fiscal 1996. This research assumes an android robot as an ultimate robot and the future robot system utilizing computer network technology. The robot aiming at human daily work activities in factories or under extreme environments is required to work under usual human work environments. The human robot with similar size, shape and functions to human being is desirable. Such robot having a head with two eyes, two ears and mouth can hold a conversation with human being, can walk with two legs by autonomous adaptive control, and has a behavior intelligence. Remote operation of such robot is also possible through high-speed computer network. As a key technology to use this robot under coexistence with human being, establishment of human coexistent robotics was studied. As network based robotics, use of robots connected with computer networks was also studied. In addition, the R-cube (R{sup 3}) plan (realtime remote control robot technology) was proposed. 82 refs., 86 figs., 12 tabs.

  11. Robot vision for nuclear advanced robot

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakayama, Ryoichi; Okano, Hideharu; Kuno, Yoshinori; Miyazawa, Tatsuo; Shimada, Hideo; Okada, Satoshi; Kawamura, Astuo


    This paper describes Robot Vision and Operation System for Nuclear Advanced Robot. This Robot Vision consists of robot position detection, obstacle detection and object recognition. With these vision techniques, a mobile robot can make a path and move autonomously along the planned path. The authors implemented the above robot vision system on the 'Advanced Robot for Nuclear Power Plant' and tested in an environment mocked up as nuclear power plant facilities. Since the operation system for this robot consists of operator's console and a large stereo monitor, this system can be easily operated by one person. Experimental tests were made using the Advanced Robot (nuclear robot). Results indicate that the proposed operation system is very useful, and can be operate by only person. (author)

  12. Multi-Robot Search for a Moving Target: Integrating World Modeling, Task Assignment and Context (United States)


    Gemignani1, Daniele Nardi1 Abstract— In this paper, we address coordination within a team of cooperative autonomous robots that need to accomplish a common... cooperate to achieve a common goal. During the last years, the approaches to Multi-Robot Systems have been noticed and categorized in different survey...the environment). To highlight how our contribution compares to existing approaches, we categorize existing works on Fig. 2 by con - sidering their

  13. Calliphoridae (Diptera en parches de Selva Pedemontana con distinto grado de intervención antrópica en Tucumán (Argentina

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    Sofía M. OLEA


    Full Text Available En el noroeste de la Argentina, se encuentra la ecoregión de las Yungas, donde existe escasa información ecológica sobre Calliphoridae. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo ampliar el conocimiento sobre la riqueza, la composición y la abundancia de Calliphoridae en tres parches selváticos, en áreas con distinto grado de urbanización. Los muestreos se realizaron mensualmente desde noviembre de 2009 hasta mayo de 2010 en tres localidades: San Miguel de Tucumán (sitio urbano, Nueva Esperanza (sitio rural y El Taficillo (selva. Se registraron 8 especies: Lucilia cluvia (Walker, Lucilia sericata (Meigen, Lucilia sp., Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann, Paralucilia pseudolyrcea (Mello y Calliphora nigribasis Macquart. Para las especies más abundantes, se calculó el Índice de Sinantropía (IS. La asociación entre la abundancia de las especies y los sitios fue examinada mediante un Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP. Lucilia cluvia fue dominante en todos los sitios y muestras, con una leve predominancia hacia sectores menos afectados por la urbanización. Los resultados del presente estudio reflejan la composición de los ensambles de Calliphoridae representativos de la Selva Pedemontana de las Yungas de Tucumán, caracterizados por una fuerte dominancia de especies del genero Lucilia.

  14. Efecto de los cortafuegos sobre el ensamble de hormigas (Hymenoptera, Formicidae en una región semiárida, Argentina Effects of firebreaks on ant density (Hymenoptera, Formicidae in a semiarid region, Argentina

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    Francisco Rodrigo Tizón


    Full Text Available En las regiones áridas y semiáridas los bordes de los caminos o cortafuegos pueden afectar variables micro-climáticas las cuales, a su vez, alteran la abundancia de las hormigas que nidifican en el suelo. Se estudió la densidad de nidos en ambientes con diferentes características edáficas (suelos sueltos y compactados, y de cobertura de vegetación (monte cerrado, pastizal y suelo desnudo. El área de estudio se encuentra en el sur del Caldenal (sudeste de La Pampa, tiene 12 ha clausuradas al pastoreo con seis unidades experimentales en cada una de las cuales se seleccionaron tres sitios con cobertura leñosa (monte, con cobertura herbácea (pastizal y con el 80% de suelo desnudo (cortafuegos. En cada sitio se registraron la temperatura superficial, y la humedad, el pH, y el grado de compactación del suelo. La densidad de nidos se evaluó colocando tres transectas (80 m x 5 m al azar por cada unidad experimental. La temperatura del suelo fue mayor en los cortafuegos y la compactación del suelo fue mayor en los ambientes de monte y pastizal. El ensamble de hormigas estudiado no mostró diferencias (p>0,05 de nidificación entre los ambientes. En cambio, Acromyrmex striatus (Roger, 1863 se encontró principalmente en los cortafuegos donde los suelos sueltos con mayor porosidad permiten mayor intercambio gaseoso e infiltración de agua. La construcción de cortafuegos favorece el establecimiento de especies cortadoras de hojas que por ventajas competitivas podrían afectar negativamente la composición de la comunidad de hormigas y las comunidades vegetales.In arid and semiarid regions, the presence of roads or firebreaks can affect microclimatic variables that influence the abundance of soil nesting ants. We studied ant nest density in environments with different soil types (loose and compacted soil, and vegetation cover (shrubland, grassland and bare soil south of Caldenal, La Pampa, Argentina. We selected three areas with woody cover

  15. Seguimiento de trayectorias con un robot móvil de configuración diferencial

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    Leonardo Enrique Solaque Guzmán


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se desarrolla un sistema de control, aplicado en un robot móvil de configuración diferencial, para seguir una trayectoria determinada. Para dar solución al problema, primero se implementa la cinemática directa del robot para simular el comportamiento del mismo. Luego para cumplir el objetivo, dos sistemas de control (holonómico y no-holonómico, fueron desarrollados e implementados a partir de la cinemática inversa. Posteriormente, se desarrollan pruebas que permiten comparar el rendimiento de los dos controladores, determinando cuál proporciona la mejor solución.

  16. Sistema multi-robot para localización e identificación de vehículos

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    C. Sagues


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un sistema multi-robot para localización e identificación de vehículos que están estacionados en un recinto abierto o cerrado. El sistema realiza una planificación a priori y una asignación de tareas a los miembros del equipo optimizando el tiempo de la misión. El equipo de robots está dotado de sensores de visión que permiten la localización de los vehículos y la identificación de su matrícula. El controlador de movimiento de cada robot utiliza un sensor láser para el posicionamiento frente al vehículo a identificar y un sistema de control basado en visión realiza el posicionamiento preciso para la adquisición de la imagen de la matrícula que permita su posterior identificación. El sistema multi-robot dispone de capacidad de comunicaciones entre ellos y con una estación central de mando, con la que se intercambian comandos e incidencias y eventualmente datos, con restricciones de tiempo real. Los sensores utilizados están comercialmente disponibles y los algoritmos han sido desarrollados por el grupo Robótica, Percepción y Tiempo Real de la Universidad de Zaragoza en el marco de proyectos financiados por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Integra diversas tecnologías de planificación, navegación, percepción y comunicaciones, adaptadas en el proyecto a la aplicación concreta. Palabras clave: Sistemas multi-robot, Robótica móvil, Navegación, Planificación y asignación de tareas, Protocolos de comunicación, Visión porcomputador, Tiempo real

  17. Creating spatial awareness in unmanned ground robots using SLAM

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    sensor data to get information of the environment, to formulate its plan to achieve the given goals, to plan a path for movement to a designated location, to allow the robot to update itself con- tinuously to incorporate observed changes in its plans, etc. Among these activities, autonomous movement is very important for mobile ...

  18. Robotics (United States)

    Popov, E. P.; Iurevich, E. I.

    The history and the current status of robotics are reviewed, as are the design, operation, and principal applications of industrial robots. Attention is given to programmable robots, robots with adaptive control and elements of artificial intelligence, and remotely controlled robots. The applications of robots discussed include mechanical engineering, cargo handling during transportation and storage, mining, and metallurgy. The future prospects of robotics are briefly outlined.

  19. Desarrollo del Robot Paralelo Parallix LKF-240

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    Eduardo Castillo Castañeda


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta al robot paralelo PARALLIX LKF-2040 desarrollado en la Instituto Politécnico Nacional y actualmente comercializado en Instituciones de Educación Superior para fortalecer la enseñanza de la mecatrónica. Este mecanismo posee una plataforma fija y otra móvil. Los actuadores están montados en la plataforma fija, reduciendo el cableado y manteniéndolo fuera del espacio de trabajo. La plataforma móvil es el elemento efector y puede ser posicionada en un amplio espacio de trabajo. La estructura del manipulador es ligera, simplificando la dinámica y minimizando el peso a desplazar. Lo anterior, permite utilizar el par generado por los motores sólo para el desplazamiento de la carga. El robot PARALLIX LKF-2040 tiene sus orígenes en la configuración del robot tipo Delta pero tiene articulaciones rotacionales en lugar de esféricas, proporcionando un espacio de trabajo más amplio. Primeramente, se presenta el concepto de robot paralelo y sus ventajas respecto a los robots convencionales tipo serial. Se muestra la estructura geométrica de un robot paralelo tipo 3RSS y se encuentra la solución de su cinemática inversa. También, se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis del espacio de trabajo y el diseño de una arquitectura de control de tres ejes para servomotores con encoder incremental en cuadratura. Además, se proponen técnicas novedosas basadas en análisis de imágenes para determinar la precisión y la repetibilidad del robot, así como la rigidez bajo diferentes condiciones de carga.

  20. Robot 2015 : Second Iberian Robotics Conference : Advances in Robotics

    CERN Document Server

    Moreira, António; Lima, Pedro; Montano, Luis; Muñoz-Martinez, Victor


    This book contains a selection of papers accepted for presentation and discussion at ROBOT 2015: Second Iberian Robotics Conference, held in Lisbon, Portugal, November 19th-21th, 2015. ROBOT 2015 is part of a series of conferences that are a joint organization of SPR – “Sociedade Portuguesa de Robótica/ Portuguese Society for Robotics”, SEIDROB – Sociedad Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Robótica/ Spanish Society for Research and Development in Robotics and CEA-GTRob – Grupo Temático de Robótica/ Robotics Thematic Group. The conference organization had also the collaboration of several universities and research institutes, including: University of Minho, University of Porto, University of Lisbon, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, University of Aveiro, University of Zaragoza, University of Malaga, LIACC, INESC-TEC and LARSyS. Robot 2015 was focussed on the Robotics scientific and technological activities in the Iberian Peninsula, although open to research and delegates from other...

  1. Enabling technologies for the prassi autonomous robot

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taraglio, S.; Nanni, V. [ENEA, Robotics and Information Technology Division, Rome (Italy)


    In this book are summarised some of the results of the PRASSI project as presented by the different partners of the effort. PRASSI is an acronym which stands for Autonomous Robotic Platform for the Security and Surveillance of plants, the Italian for it is 'Piattaforma Robotica per la Sorveglianza e Sicurezza d'Impianto'. This project has been funded by the Italian Ministry for the Education, the University and the Research (MIUR) in the framework of the project High Performance Computing Applied to Robotics (Calcolo Parallelo con Applicazioni alla Robotica) of the law 95/1995. The idea behind such an initiative is that of fostering the knowledge and possibly the use of high performance computing in the research and industrial community. In other words, robotic scientists are always simplifying their algorithms or using particular approaches (e.g. soft computing) in order to use standard processors for difficult sensorial data processing; well, what if an embedded parallel computer were available, with at least one magnitude more of computing power?.

  2. Performance of the PdNi and PdNiSe as cathodes in PEM fuel cells; Desempeno de PdNi y PdNiSe como catodos en celdas de combustible tipo PEM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santana, A.; Ramos-Sanchez, G.; Vazquez, G.; Solorza-Feria, O. [Centro de Investigaciones y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    busqueda de las condiciones optimas de preparacion de EME's con catodos de PdNi y PdNiSe, las variables de manejo para la preparacion de ensambles son muchas, sin embargo, nuestra busqueda se centra en dos variables: Relacion catalizador/ Carbon Vulcan® (CV) y la cantidad de catalizador. Se prepararon ensambles de 5 cm{sup 2} de area activa con catodos de PdNi y PdNiSe y anodo de tela Carbon con Pt Etek®, estos ensambles se probaron en un modulo de pruebas Electrochem a diferentes condiciones de Presion y temperatura de gases. El metodo de optimizacion se llevo a cabo de acuerdo a un metodo simplex con las variables antes mencionadas y como variable de respuesta la densidad de potencia por unidad de masa y area de catalizador.

  3. Cultural Robotics: The Culture of Robotics and Robotics in Culture


    Hooman Samani; Elham Saadatian; Natalie Pang; Doros Polydorou; Owen Noel Newton Fernando; Ryohei Nakatsu; Jeffrey Tzu Kwan Valino Koh


    In this paper, we have investigated the concept of “Cultural Robotics” with regard to the evolution of social into cultural robots in the 21st Century. By defining the concept of culture, the potential development of a culture between humans and robots is explored. Based on the cultural values of the robotics developers, and the learning ability of current robots, cultural attributes in this regard are in the process of being formed, which would define the new concept of cultural robotics. Ac...

  4. Robot educativo de bajo costo que interpreta melodías en piano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeison Alberto Buitrago Suescún


    Full Text Available Presenta el diseño de un robot educacional que interpreta melodías en un piano. El propósito principal de este robot es servir como instrumento de prácticas en materias relacionadas con fundamentos de robótica, especialmente en los temas de análisis cinemático. Su control se implementó en el software Matlab, que es de uso común en las universidades. Los materiales y equipos utilizados para su implementación son de fáciladquisición y bajo costo, con el fin de que pueda ser replicado fácilmente por un estudiante. La aplicación del intérprete de melodías en un piano estimula a los estudiantes desde edades tempranas a incursionar en esta área tan importante.

  5. Robot Actors, Robot Dramaturgies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jochum, Elizabeth

    This paper considers the use of tele-operated robots in live performance. Robots and performance have long been linked, from the working androids and automata staged in popular exhibitions during the nineteenth century and the robots featured at Cybernetic Serendipity (1968) and the World Expo...

  6. Is Ethics of Robotics about Robots? Philosophy of Robotics Beyond Realism and Individualilsm.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coeckelbergh, Mark


    If we are doing ethics of robotics, what exactly is the object of our inquiry? This paper challenges 'individualist' robot ontology and 'individualist' social philosophy of robots. It is argued that ethics of robotics should not study and evaluate robotics exclusively in terms of individual

  7. Exploratorium: Robots. (United States)

    Brand, Judith, Ed.


    This issue of Exploratorium Magazine focuses on the topic robotics. It explains how to make a vibrating robotic bug and features articles on robots. Contents include: (1) "Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns" (Ray Bradbury); (2) "Robots at Work" (Jake Widman); (3) "Make a Vibrating Robotic Bug" (Modesto Tamez); (4) "The Robot…

  8. Diseño de un laboratorio remoto de robots y procesos de manufactura industriales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Castillo Ortega


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda el diseño de un Laboratorio Remoto de Robots y Procesos de Manufactura Industriales. Primero se presenta el estado del arte y después se expone una propuesta que consiste en acceder por software al escritorio remoto de las PC que controlan dichos dispositivos y también acceder por hardware a un dispositivo diseñado para manipular el Teach pendant (consola de programación de los robots industriales para su programación sin modificar tanto el software propietario como el hardware original de cada equipo. Se utilizó un servidor web tipo LAMP programado con software libre para la administración del uso de los equipos; la retroalimentación de los usuarios remotos se realizó mediante monitoreo con cámaras IP.

  9. Aplicación de un juego de empresa como recurso didáctico para mejorar la enseñanza-aprendizaje del planeamiento y control de la producción según el modelo de teoría de restricciones


    Tapia Vargas, Flor de María Milagros


    Esta tesis tiene como objetivo poner a disposición de la comunidad académica y empresarial un juego de empresa, como recurso didáctico, que permitirá mejorar la enseñanza-aprendizaje del planeamiento y control de la producción según el modelo de teoría de restricciones. El juego propuesto simula una línea de producción con ocho centros de trabajo, de los cuales, el cuarto es el cuello de botella, y el séptimo es el de ensamble. Para cumplir con los objetivos del estudio y someter a prue...

  10. Robotics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheide, A.W.


    This article reviews some of the technical areas and history associated with robotics, provides information relative to the formation of a Robotics Industry Committee within the Industry Applications Society (IAS), and describes how all activities relating to robotics will be coordinated within the IEEE. Industrial robots are being used for material handling, processes such as coating and arc welding, and some mechanical and electronics assembly. An industrial robot is defined as a programmable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for a variety of tasks. The initial focus of the Robotics Industry Committee will be on the application of robotics systems to the various industries that are represented within the IAS

  11. Asignación óptima de la tolerancia final y selección de la mejor secuencia de procesamiento condicionado a las capacidades de manufactura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Robles Obando


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se centra en el desarrollo de un modelo tanto para la optimización de las tolerancias de los componentes de un ensamble como para la selección de la secuencia de procesamiento que pueda maquinar la dimensión de un componente con estas tolerancias. Para obtener tolerancias óptimas para todos los componentes de un ensamble, así como su más adecuada secuencia de procesamiento, el modelo propuesto se basa en la minimización del costo de manufactura así como la “pérdida de calidad” (quality loss que resulta de la percepción del cliente y cuando no se logran las especificaciones requeridas en las dimensiones. Para ser realista, al modelo se le incorporaron restricciones de manufactura decisivas como las provenientes de las capacidades de maquinado, los errores de medición y las capacidades del proceso.

  12. Toxicidad de pesticidas, ensambles de peces y su relación con las características limnológicas en arroyos pampeanos


    Paracampo, Ariel


    El crecimiento de la población humana y el aumento del consumo producen un creciente deterioro de los sistemas naturales, especialmente en el ámbito limnológico. Los ecosistemas de agua dulce han perdido mayor diversidad biológica y hábitats en comparación con los terrestres y los océanos. En la Argentina, los agroecosistemas representan el paisaje dominante de la región Pampeana donde actualmente el cultivo más importante es la soja, que a partir del año 2009 representó aproximadam...

  13. Towards Versatile Robots Through Open Heterogeneous Modular Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lyder, Andreas

    arises, a new robot can be assembled rapidly from the existing modules, in contrast to conventional robots, which require a time consuming and expensive development process. In this thesis we define a modular robot to be a robot consisting of dynamically reconfigurable modules. The goal of this thesis......Robots are important tools in our everyday life. Both in industry and at the consumer level they serve the purpose of increasing our scope and extending our capabilities. Modular robots take the next step, allowing us to easily create and build various robots from a set of modules. If a problem...... is to increase the versatility and practical usability of modular robots by introducing new conceptual designs. Until now modular robots have been based on a pre-specified set of modules, and thus, their functionality is limited. We propose an open heterogeneous design concept, which allows a modular robot...

  14. Does transition from the da Vinci Si to Xi robotic platform impact single-docking technique for robot-assisted laparoscopic nephroureterectomy? (United States)

    Patel, Manish N; Aboumohamed, Ahmed; Hemal, Ashok


    To describe our robot-assisted nephroureterectomy (RNU) technique for benign indications and RNU with en bloc excision of bladder cuff (BCE) and lymphadenectomy (LND) for malignant indications using the da Vinci Si and da Vinci Xi robotic platform, with its pros and cons. The port placement described for Si can be used for standard and S robotic systems. This is the first report in the literature on the use of the da Vinci Xi robotic platform for RNU. After a substantial experience of RNU using different da Vinci robots from the standard to the Si platform in a single-docking fashion for benign and malignant conditions, we started using the newly released da Vinci Xi robot since 2014. The most important differences are in port placement and effective use of the features of da Vinci Xi robot while performing simultaneous upper and lower tract surgery. Patient positioning, port placement, step-by-step technique of single docking RNU-LND-BCE using the da Vinci Si and da Vinci Xi robot are shown in an accompanying video with the goal that centres using either robotic system benefit from the hints and tips. The first segment of video describes RNU-LND-BCE using the da Vinci Si followed by the da Vinci Xi to highlight differences. There was no need for patient repositioning or robot re-docking with the new da Vinci Xi robotic platform. We have experience of using different robotic systems for single docking RNU in 70 cases for benign (15) and malignant (55) conditions. The da Vinci Xi robotic platform helps operating room personnel in its easy movement, allows easier patient side-docking with the help of its boom feature, in addition to easy and swift movements of the robotic arms. The patient clearance feature can be used to avoid collision with the robotic arms or the patient's body. In patients with challenging body habitus and in situations where bladder cuff management is difficult, modifications can be made through reassigning the camera to a different port with

  15. Socially intelligent robots: dimensions of human-robot interaction. (United States)

    Dautenhahn, Kerstin


    Social intelligence in robots has a quite recent history in artificial intelligence and robotics. However, it has become increasingly apparent that social and interactive skills are necessary requirements in many application areas and contexts where robots need to interact and collaborate with other robots or humans. Research on human-robot interaction (HRI) poses many challenges regarding the nature of interactivity and 'social behaviour' in robot and humans. The first part of this paper addresses dimensions of HRI, discussing requirements on social skills for robots and introducing the conceptual space of HRI studies. In order to illustrate these concepts, two examples of HRI research are presented. First, research is surveyed which investigates the development of a cognitive robot companion. The aim of this work is to develop social rules for robot behaviour (a 'robotiquette') that is comfortable and acceptable to humans. Second, robots are discussed as possible educational or therapeutic toys for children with autism. The concept of interactive emergence in human-child interactions is highlighted. Different types of play among children are discussed in the light of their potential investigation in human-robot experiments. The paper concludes by examining different paradigms regarding 'social relationships' of robots and people interacting with them.

  16. Study for increasing the stabilization time of a catalytic dye to facilitate the fabrication of membrane electrode assemblies; Estudio para incrementar el tiempo de estabilizacion de una tinta catalitica para facilitar la fabricacion de ensambles membrana-electrodo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores Hernandez, J. Roberto [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)] e-mail:; Martinez Vado, F. Isaias [Facultad de Quimica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Cano Castillo, Ulises, Albarran Sanchez, Lorena [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    An infrastructure project has been underway for hydrogen technology and fuel cells at the Electrical Research Institute (IIE, Spanish acronym). Part of this project is an activity for the fabrication of membrane electrode assemblies (MEA). Currently, a fabrication process is well-established for the MEA using the spray technique. In addition, a catalytic dye base composition has been developed for use in the fabrication of high-quality MEA with a good degree of reproducibility. Nevertheless, the instability of the dye over time prevents continuous fabrication of MEA. This document presents the results obtained, to-date, of research conducted at the IIE aimed at increasing the stability of the catalytic dye by adding a surfactant with different concentrations and increasing the concentration of the Nafion® solution. It was found that the effect of adding the surfactant to the catalytic dye results in a qualitative decrease in the agglomerate sizes, while also decreasing the porosity of the dye once it has dried. In addition, it was found that increasing the amount of Nafion® in the catalytic die increases the porosity. [Spanish] En el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) se ha venido trabajando en un proyecto de infraestructura sobre la tecnologia de hidrogeno y celdas de combustible. Dentro de este proyecto se tiene una actividad orientada a la fabricacion de Ensambles Membrana-Electrodo (MEA's). Actualmente se tiene un proceso de fabricacion bien establecido para la elaboracion de MEA's utilizando la tecnica de rociado, asimismo, se tiene una composicion base de tinta catalitica con la cual se fabrican MEA's de buena calidad y con buen grado de reproducibilidad. Sin embargo, la inestabilidad de la tinta con respecto al tiempo impide tener una fabricacion continua de los MEA's. En este documento se presentan los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora de una investigacion que se realiza en el IIE orientada a incrementar la estabilidad de la


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Alexander Salinas


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el modelado matemático y estructural, la simulación por computador y el control por par calculado del robot para cirugía laparoscópica ‘LapBot’, que ha sido desarrollado en el Grupo de Investigación de Automática Industrial de la Universidad del Cauca, Colombia. Inicialmente se muestra un resumen de los principales robots utilizados como asistentes para cirugías de laparoscopia en el mundo, y de cómo tratan ellos el problema del paso por la incisión practicada en la cavidad abdominal. Con base en lo anterior se describen los requerimientos que deben cumplir los robots de este tipo y a partir de éstos se diseña el robot LapBot. Se muestra el modelo cinemático y dinámico del robot LapBot, así como el modelo de la restricción espacial que representa el punto de incisión abdominal. Se implementa una estrategia de control basada en el modelo del robot (control por par calculado. Diversas trayectorias en un plano y en un espacio de tres dimensiones son utilizadas para validar tanto el modelo como el controlador.This paper presents the mathematical and structural model, simulation and computed torque control of the LapBot robot, developed by the Group of Investigation of Industrial Automatics, of the University of Cauca, Colombia. First, a summary of the principal surgery assistant robots of the world is presented, and how they solve the problem of passing through the incision into the abdominal cavity. Based on this, the conditions that must be fulfilled by the robots of this type is exposed, and from these conditions the LapBot robot is designed. Its kinematics and dynamics model is shown, as well as the mathematical spatial restriction that incision represents. A control strategy based on the model (computed torque control is implemented. Several trajectories defined in a plane and in a three dimensions space are used to validate the model and the control.

  18. Control de la mano robot Inmoov-SR mediante casco NeuroSky Mindset


    Hernández Martínez, Antonio


    En este trabajo el objetivo es conseguir controlar los movimientos de apertura y cierre de la mano robot InMoov-SR conectada al brazo IRB120 de ABB mediante señales EEG, recogidas por medio del casco NeuroSky Mindset. Las señales son recogidas cuando el sujeto está en estado basal y cuando realiza movimiento con su mano y son procesadas con la ayuda de Matlab para de esta manera conseguir establecer las señales de control necesarias para activar la apertura o el cierre de la mano. Final...

  19. Modelling and simulation of multi spindle drilling redundant SCARA robot using SolidWorks and MATLAB/SimMechanics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saravana Mohan Mariappan


    Full Text Available Los robots son sistemas electromecánicos que necesitan enfoque mecatrónico antes de fabricarlos, esto con el fin de reducir el costo de desarrollo. En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo intento de modelado PRRP (prismáticos-revoluto-revoluto-prismático, una configuración redundante SCARA (Brazo robótico articulado de respuesta selectiva, herramienta de perforación milti-eje (MSDT usando el software CAD de SolidWorks y el estudio dinámico con la ayuda de MATLAB/SimMechanics de perforación. Un SCARA con MSDT se utiliza para perforar varios agujeros en las placas de circuito impreso (PCB y la chapa metálica. En este trabajo, el modelo de CAD 3D del robot propuesto se convierte en un diagrama de bloque SimMechanics exportando a MATLAB/SimMechanics segunda generación de tecnología de modelado y simulación. Entonces se realiza una simulación SimMechanics y utilizando su capacidad de detección de movimiento la velocidad de parámetros dinámicos y la torsión del manipulador se observa la estructura del robot variable modificado. Los resultados de la simulación indican un cambio considerable en el rendimiento dinámico para diferentes parámetros de diseño.

  20. Robot engineering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Seul


    This book deals with robot engineering, giving descriptions of robot's history, current tendency of robot field, work and characteristic of industrial robot, essential merit and vector, application of matrix, analysis of basic vector, expression of Denavit-Hartenberg, robot kinematics such as forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, cases of MATLAB program, and motion kinematics, robot kinetics like moment of inertia, centrifugal force and coriolis power, and Euler-Lagrangian equation course plan, SIMULINK position control of robots.

  1. Robot engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Seul


    This book deals with robot engineering, giving descriptions of robot's history, current tendency of robot field, work and characteristic of industrial robot, essential merit and vector, application of matrix, analysis of basic vector, expression of Denavit-Hartenberg, robot kinematics such as forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, cases of MATLAB program, and motion kinematics, robot kinetics like moment of inertia, centrifugal force and coriolis power, and Euler-Lagrangian equation course plan, SIMULINK position control of robots.

  2. Caminata del robot humanoide RH-2 en la plataforma de simulación OpenHRP


    Torre Doblas, Carlos de


    En primer lugar, en este proyecto se trabajará con el simulador OpenHRP3, intentando comprender su funcionamiento interno (carga de archivos, lenguajes, funcionalidades, etc.). También se adaptará el modelo del robot humanoide Rh-2 al entorno del mismo, pudiendo así realizar simulaciones. La verdadera finalidad de este proyecto, y en lo que se ha hecho especial incapié, es simular el robot sosteniendo una caja, validando así las fuerzas que sienten las distintas partes del cuerpo en los momen...

  3. Calibration of Robot Reference Frames for Enhanced Robot Positioning Accuracy


    Cheng, Frank Shaopeng


    This chapter discussed the importance and methods of conducting robot workcell calibration for enhancing the accuracy of the robot TCP positions in industrial robot applications. It shows that the robot frame transformations define the robot geometric parameters such as joint position variables, link dimensions, and joint offsets in an industrial robot system. The D-H representation allows the robot designer to model the robot motion geometry with the four standard D-H parameters. The robot k...

  4. Control del brazo robot IRB120 mediante el dispositivo háptico PHANTOM


    Pardo Alía, Samuel


    El proyecto expuesto en el presente libro consiste en el control del brazo robot IRB120 a través de diferentes aplicaciones por medio de una interfaz gráfica creada con el software matemático MATLAB. Todo ello se llevará a cabo gracias a un socket de comunicación desarrollado en lenguaje RAPID que permite el envío simultáneo de varias posiciones al robot. Entre esas aplicaciones destaca el empleo del dispositivo háptico Phantom Omni para la creación de dibujos o textos a man...

  5. A line follower robot implementation using Lego's Mindstorms Kit and Q-Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hector-Gabriel Acosta-Mesa


    Full Text Available Un problema común al trabajar con robots móviles es que la fase de programación puede ser un proceso largo, costoso y difícil para los programadores. Los Algoritmos de Aprendizaje por Refuerzo ofrecen uno de los marcos de trabajo más generales en el ámbito de aprendizaje de máquina. Este trabajo presenta un enfoque usando el algoritmo de Q-Learning en un robot Lego para que aprenda "por sí mismo" a seguir una línea negra dibujada en una superficie blanca. El entorno de programación utilizado en este trabajo es Matlab.A common problem working with mobile robots is that programming phase could be a long, expensive and heavy process for programmers. The reinforcement learning algorithms offer one of the most general frameworks in learning subjects. This work presents an approach using the Q-Learning algorithm on a Lego robot in order for it to learn by itself how to follow a blackline drawn down on a white surface, using Matlab [5] as programming environment.

  6. Generic robot architecture (United States)

    Bruemmer, David J [Idaho Falls, ID; Few, Douglas A [Idaho Falls, ID


    The present invention provides methods, computer readable media, and apparatuses for a generic robot architecture providing a framework that is easily portable to a variety of robot platforms and is configured to provide hardware abstractions, abstractions for generic robot attributes, environment abstractions, and robot behaviors. The generic robot architecture includes a hardware abstraction level and a robot abstraction level. The hardware abstraction level is configured for developing hardware abstractions that define, monitor, and control hardware modules available on a robot platform. The robot abstraction level is configured for defining robot attributes and provides a software framework for building robot behaviors from the robot attributes. Each of the robot attributes includes hardware information from at least one hardware abstraction. In addition, each robot attribute is configured to substantially isolate the robot behaviors from the at least one hardware abstraction.

  7. Molecular Robots Obeying Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. (United States)

    Kaminka, Gal A; Spokoini-Stern, Rachel; Amir, Yaniv; Agmon, Noa; Bachelet, Ido


    Asimov's three laws of robotics, which were shaped in the literary work of Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) and others, define a crucial code of behavior that fictional autonomous robots must obey as a condition for their integration into human society. While, general implementation of these laws in robots is widely considered impractical, limited-scope versions have been demonstrated and have proven useful in spurring scientific debate on aspects of safety and autonomy in robots and intelligent systems. In this work, we use Asimov's laws to examine these notions in molecular robots fabricated from DNA origami. We successfully programmed these robots to obey, by means of interactions between individual robots in a large population, an appropriately scoped variant of Asimov's laws, and even emulate the key scenario from Asimov's story "Runaround," in which a fictional robot gets into trouble despite adhering to the laws. Our findings show that abstract, complex notions can be encoded and implemented at the molecular scale, when we understand robots on this scale on the basis of their interactions.

  8. Colias: An Autonomous Micro Robot for Swarm Robotic Applications

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    Farshad Arvin


    Full Text Available Robotic swarms that take inspiration from nature are becoming a fascinating topic for multi-robot researchers. The aim is to control a large number of simple robots in order to solve common complex tasks. Due to the hardware complexities and cost of robot platforms, current research in swarm robotics is mostly performed by simulation software. The simulation of large numbers of these robots in robotic swarm applications is extremely complex and often inaccurate due to the poor modelling of external conditions. In this paper, we present the design of a low-cost, open-platform, autonomous micro-robot (Colias for robotic swarm applications. Colias employs a circular platform with a diameter of 4 cm. It has a maximum speed of 35 cm/s which enables it to be used in swarm scenarios very quickly over large arenas. Long-range infrared modules with an adjustable output power allow the robot to communicate with its direct neighbours at a range of 0.5 cm to 2 m. Colias has been designed as a complete platform with supporting software development tools for robotics education and research. It has been tested in both individual and swarm scenarios, and the observed results demonstrate its feasibility for use as a micro-sized mobile robot and as a low-cost platform for robot swarm applications.

  9. Communitarian educative proposal with robotics: evaluation and learning process outcomes Propuesta comunitaria con robótica educativa: valoración y resultados de aprendizaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Dolores Castro Rojas


    attention to which ideas from our field do help these students build effective projects and significant robotics classroom. Normal.dotm 0 0 1 202 1154 Universidad de Salamanca 9 2 1417 12.0 0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} El proyecto busca diversificar la oferta educativa de niños, niñas y adolescentes que viven en condiciones de pobreza y riesgo social, mediante una propuesta didáctica con robótica educativa en la que las personas participantes diseñan, construyen y programan prototipos robóticos ambientados en situaciones reales.  Las construcciones se hacen con bloques y operadores mecánicos (LEGO y se programan con un lenguaje iconográfico (Robolab 2.9.  La propuesta se enfoca en los procesos de  diseño, construcción,  programación y la divulgación de resultados y productos. La ejecución y evaluación de la propuesta y de los resultados de aprendizaje se realizó en tres centros comunitarios (Centros Interactivos, que son centros de aprendizaje no formales, ubicados en comunidades urbano marginales. Se observó que al finalizar los talleres los estudiantes elaboran proyectos grupales que representan sitios o eventos, utilizan  mecanismos integrados por diferentes máquinas y operadores para la transmisión de movimiento, los programas para sus prototipos incluyen estructuras de multitareas y ciclos


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Rocío Díaz Tribaldos

    Full Text Available El presente artículo muestra el diseño y construcción de un guante háptico con realimentación vibratoria. El guante construido, llamado Virtual Touch, involucra sensores de flexión con el fin de captar en todo momento el movimiento realizado por la mano, así como pequeños motores de vibración que indican al usuario el contacto con un objeto virtual. Se implementaron dos tipos de software para manejar el dispositivo, primero que todo una aplicación en el ambiente ROS (Robotic Operation System basado en Linux®, y como segunda instancia una aplicación en Windows® utilizando como motor de renderizado gráfico a VTK (The Visualization ToolKit, open source. Las dos aplicaciones muestran el guante virtual que sigue fielmente los movimientos de la mano real, además de que indican claramente el contacto con un objeto virtual. Además, en el caso de la aplicación realizada con VTK, se puede observar la deformación realizada sobre el objeto. Las aplicaciones futuras de este dispositivo son múltiples, entre ellas el diagnóstico médico.

  11. Control de Robots Móviles con Incertidumbres Dinámicas usando Redes de Base Radial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco G. Rossomando


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un control de seguimiento de trayectorias de robots móviles. La estructura de control propuesta combina una linealización por realimentación basada en el modelo cinemático nominal, y una red neuronal directa para el control dinámico adaptable. La dinámica del robot es aprendida por una red neuronal basada en funciones de base radial (RN-FBR en un lazo de realimentación adaptable, ajustando el peso y las funciones de base radial. Se muestra un análisis de estabilidad del sistema de neuro-control adaptable. Se comprueba que los errores de control están limitados en función del error de aproximación de la RN-FBR. El funcionamiento del controlador también se verifica experimentalmente. Palabras clave: robot móvil, control no lineal, redes neuronales, control adaptable, funciones de base radial

  12. Kinematics and trajectory synthesis of manipulation robots

    CERN Document Server

    Vukobratović, Miomir


    A few words about the series "Scientific Fundamentals of Robotics" should be said on the occasion of publication of the present monograph. This six-volume series has been conceived so as to allow the readers to master a contemporary approach to the construction and synthesis of con­ trol for manipulation ~obots. The authors' idea was to show how to use correct mathematical models of the dynamics of active spatial mecha­ nisms for dynamic analysis of robotic systems, optimal design of their mechanical parts based on the accepted criteria and imposed constraints, optimal choice of actuators, synthesis of dynamic control algorithms and their microcomputer implementation. In authors' oppinion this idea has been relatively successfully realized within the six-volume mono­ graphic series. Let us remind the readers of the books of this series. Volumes 1 and 2 are devoted to the dynamics and control algorithms of manipulation ro­ bots, respectively. They form the first part of the series which has a certain topic...

  13. El estado de la guitarra eléctrica en la música académica contemporánea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johan León Ramírez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este escrito es dar importancia al repertorio para guitarra eléctrica comprendido en la producción de música académica contemporánea y, al mismo tiempo, proporcionar valor al instrumento dentro de esta estética musical. Para esto, se hace un estudio de los antecedentes relacionados con el tema tratado, examinando algunos textos escritos por otros autores con preocupaciones similares a las mías, observando posteriormente el trabajo artístico que robustece el repertorio existente, referenciando el trabajo realizado por algunos ensambles, guitarristas y, específicamente, compositores en Colombia.

  14. Micro intelligence robot

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeon, Yon Ho


    This book gives descriptions of micro robot about conception of robots and micro robot, match rules of conference of micro robots, search methods of mazes, and future and prospect of robots. It also explains making and design of 8 beat robot like making technique, software, sensor board circuit, and stepping motor catalog, speedy 3, Mr. Black and Mr. White, making and design of 16 beat robot, such as micro robot artist, Jerry 2 and magic art of shortening distances algorithm of robot simulation.

  15. Modelling of industrial robot in LabView Robotics (United States)

    Banas, W.; Cwikła, G.; Foit, K.; Gwiazda, A.; Monica, Z.; Sekala, A.


    Currently can find many models of industrial systems including robots. These models differ from each other not only by the accuracy representation parameters, but the representation range. For example, CAD models describe the geometry of the robot and some even designate a mass parameters as mass, center of gravity, moment of inertia, etc. These models are used in the design of robotic lines and sockets. Also systems for off-line programming use these models and many of them can be exported to CAD. It is important to note that models for off-line programming describe not only the geometry but contain the information necessary to create a program for the robot. Exports from CAD to off-line programming system requires additional information. These models are used for static determination of reachability points, and testing collision. It’s enough to generate a program for the robot, and even check the interaction of elements of the production line, or robotic cell. Mathematical models allow robots to study the properties of kinematic and dynamic of robot movement. In these models the geometry is not so important, so are used only selected parameters such as the length of the robot arm, the center of gravity, moment of inertia. These parameters are introduced into the equations of motion of the robot and motion parameters are determined.

  16. Towards Sociable Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ngo, Trung Dung

    This thesis studies aspects of self-sufficient energy (energy autonomy) for truly autonomous robots and towards sociable robots. Over sixty years of history of robotics through three developmental ages containing single robot, multi-robot systems, and social (sociable) robots, the main objective...... of roboticists mostly focuses on how to make a robotic system function autonomously and further, socially. However, such approaches mostly emphasize behavioural autonomy, rather than energy autonomy which is the key factor for not only any living machine, but for life on the earth. Consequently, self......-sufficient energy is one of the challenges for not only single robot or multi-robot systems, but also social and sociable robots. This thesis is to deal with energy autonomy for multi-robot systems through energy sharing (trophallaxis) in which each robot is equipped with two capabilities: self-refueling energy...

  17. Biomass feeds vegetarian robot; Biomassa voedt vegetarische robot

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van den Brandt, M. [Office for Science and Technology, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Washington (United States)


    This brief article addresses the EATR robot (Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot) that was developed by Cyclone Power and uses biomass as primary source of energy for propulsion. [Dutch] Een kort artikel over de door Cyclone Power ontwikkelde EATR-robot (Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot) die voor de voortdrijving biomassa gebruikt als primaire energiebron.

  18. Robot Futures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Anja; Grindsted Nielsen, Sally; Jochum, Elizabeth Ann

    Robots are increasingly used in health care settings, e.g., as homecare assistants and personal companions. One challenge for personal robots in the home is acceptance. We describe an innovative approach to influencing the acceptance of care robots using theatrical performance. Live performance...... is a useful testbed for developing and evaluating what makes robots expressive; it is also a useful platform for designing robot behaviors and dialogue that result in believable characters. Therefore theatre is a valuable testbed for studying human-robot interaction (HRI). We investigate how audiences...... perceive social robots interacting with humans in a future care scenario through a scripted performance. We discuss our methods and initial findings, and outline future work....

  19. Soft Robotics Week

    CERN Document Server

    Rossiter, Jonathan; Iida, Fumiya; Cianchetti, Matteo; Margheri, Laura


    This book offers a comprehensive, timely snapshot of current research, technologies and applications of soft robotics. The different chapters, written by international experts across multiple fields of soft robotics, cover innovative systems and technologies for soft robot legged locomotion, soft robot manipulation, underwater soft robotics, biomimetic soft robotic platforms, plant-inspired soft robots, flying soft robots, soft robotics in surgery, as well as methods for their modeling and control. Based on the results of the second edition of the Soft Robotics Week, held on April 25 – 30, 2016, in Livorno, Italy, the book reports on the major research lines and novel technologies presented and discussed during the event.

  20. Towards Versatile Robots Through Open Heterogeneous Modular Robots


    Lyder, Andreas


    Robots are important tools in our everyday life. Both in industry and at the consumer level they serve the purpose of increasing our scope and extending our capabilities. Modular robots take the next step, allowing us to easily create and build various robots from a set of modules. If a problem arises, a new robot can be assembled rapidly from the existing modules, in contrast to conventional robots, which require a time consuming and expensive development process. In this thesis we define a ...

  1. Robotic architectures

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mtshali, M


    Full Text Available In the development of mobile robotic systems, a robotic architecture plays a crucial role in interconnecting all the sub-systems and controlling the system. The design of robotic architectures for mobile autonomous robots is a challenging...

  2. Soft Robotics. (United States)

    Whitesides, George M


    This description of "soft robotics" is not intended to be a conventional review, in the sense of a comprehensive technical summary of a developing field. Rather, its objective is to describe soft robotics as a new field-one that offers opportunities to chemists and materials scientists who like to make "things" and to work with macroscopic objects that move and exert force. It will give one (personal) view of what soft actuators and robots are, and how this class of soft devices fits into the more highly developed field of conventional "hard" robotics. It will also suggest how and why soft robotics is more than simply a minor technical "tweak" on hard robotics and propose a unique role for chemistry, and materials science, in this field. Soft robotics is, at its core, intellectually and technologically different from hard robotics, both because it has different objectives and uses and because it relies on the properties of materials to assume many of the roles played by sensors, actuators, and controllers in hard robotics. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Simulación de un sistema de manufactura flexible con redes de Petri coloreadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Diego Murillo Soto


    Full Text Available Una forma de estudiar un sistema de manufactura flexible es por medio de un modelo del sistema y someterlo a un simulacro para observar sus índices de comportamiento, gráficas, etc. Siguiendo esta pauta, el presente trabajo plantea la simulación de una línea de producción con tres máquinas, dos robots y tres tipos de productos distintos. Con dicho sistema se desea obtener, en forma automática, porcentajes del uso de las máquinas, tamaño promedio de las colas, gráficas del comportamiento de las colas y el diagrama Gantt. El modelado de la línea de producción se realizó con Redes de Petri Coloreadas (RdPC y su implementación se realizó con la herramienta CPNTool.

  4. Exploiting Child-Robot Aesthetic Interaction for a Social Robot


    Lee, Jae-Joon; Kim, Dae-Won; Kang, Bo-Yeong


    A social robot interacts and communicates with humans by using the embodied knowledge gained from interactions with its social environment. In recent years, emotion has emerged as a popular concept for designing social robots. Several studies on social robots reported an increase in robot sociability through emotional imitative interactions between the robot and humans. In this paper conventional emotional interactions are extended by exploiting the aesthetic theories that the sociability of ...

  5. Evolutionary robotics

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In evolutionary robotics, a suitable robot control system is developed automatically through evolution due to the interactions between the robot and its environment. It is a complicated task, as the robot and the environment constitute a highly dynamical system. Several methods have been tried by various investigators to ...

  6. Interactive Exploration Robots: Human-Robotic Collaboration and Interactions (United States)

    Fong, Terry


    For decades, NASA has employed different operational approaches for human and robotic missions. Human spaceflight missions to the Moon and in low Earth orbit have relied upon near-continuous communication with minimal time delays. During these missions, astronauts and mission control communicate interactively to perform tasks and resolve problems in real-time. In contrast, deep-space robotic missions are designed for operations in the presence of significant communication delay - from tens of minutes to hours. Consequently, robotic missions typically employ meticulously scripted and validated command sequences that are intermittently uplinked to the robot for independent execution over long periods. Over the next few years, however, we will see increasing use of robots that blend these two operational approaches. These interactive exploration robots will be remotely operated by humans on Earth or from a spacecraft. These robots will be used to support astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS), to conduct new missions to the Moon, and potentially to enable remote exploration of planetary surfaces in real-time. In this talk, I will discuss the technical challenges associated with building and operating robots in this manner, along with lessons learned from research conducted with the ISS and in the field.

  7. Estructura Robótica Pre-Tensada para Robot en Tuberías Petroleras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Alejandra Urdaneta


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un robot basado en la estructura Pre-Tensada con el fin de realizar tareas de inspección y mantenimiento en tuberías petroleras. Este tipo de estructura mecánica se caracteriza por su bajo peso y su alta capacidad de adaptación a los diferentes diámetros.La aplicación requiere que el dispositivo desarrollado se desplace verticalmente y a alta velocidad por las tuberías utilizadas en la extracción del petróleo. Cabe destacar que en dichas instalaciones se cuenta con Bombas Electro Sumergibles (BES y Bombas de Cavidad Progresiva (BCP, ambas muy sensibles a las condiciones adversas del entorno; por lo tanto, la importancia de esta investigación radica en que el robot incorpora una red de sensores específicos para medir aquellas variables que puedan interferir en el funcionamiento normal de las bombas. Además, este robot permite automatizar la recuperación de objetos que pueden caer al pozo durante la instalación y mantenimiento del mismo, actualmente este proceso es manual.En este artículo se describen detalladamente las hipótesis de diseño realizadas y la metodología utilizada para el desarrollo del primer prototipo. Finalmente se presentan los resultados obtenidos de dicho desarrollo a través de los cuales se ha podido validar la potencialidad de la aplicación. Abstract: This paper presents the development of a robot based on the prestressed structure to carry out maintenance inspection on oil pipelines. This type of mechanical structure is characterized by low weight and high capacity of adaptation to different diameters. The application requires the device to move vertically and developed high-speed. Note that in such facilities with electric submersible pumps (ESP and Progressive Cavity Pumps (BCP, both highly sensitive to adverse environmental conditions, therefore, the importance of this research is that the robot incorporates a specific sensor network to measure those

  8. Respuesta del microfitoplancton a la adición de nitrato y ácido silícico en fiordos de la Patagonia chilena

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pamela Labbé-Ibáñez


    Full Text Available La Patagonia chilena está experimentando un aumento del uso del suelo y océano costero y el acelerado derretimiento de algunos glaciares, por lo que uno de los escenarios a futuro es que los fiordos adyacentes reciban cantidades variables de agua dulce y nutrientes inorgánicos. Se estudió la respuesta de ensambles de fitoplancton de los fiordos Reloncaví en invierno y Comau en primavera, a la adición de nitrato y ácido silícico en experimentos de microcosmos. Los ensambles fitoplanctónicos estudiados respondieron a la adición de nutrientes con incrementos en la abundancia celular biomasa autotrófica (clorofila-a y cambios en la composición específica, destacando el cambio de dominancia de especies de diatomeas pennadas a céntricas formadoras de cadenas. Estos resultados dan indicios acerca de los factores que afectan a las comunidades microalgales en un escenario de cambio climático e intervención antrópica de los fiordos de la Patagonia Norte.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hidetsugu Suto


    Full Text Available A novel concept of media education called “robot literacy” is proposed. Here, robot literacy refers to the means of forming an appropriate relationship with intelligent robots. It can be considered a kind of media literacy. People who were born after the Internet age can be considered “digital natives” who have new morals and values and behave differently than previous generations in Internet societies. This can cause various problems among different generations. Thus, the necessity of media literacy education is increasing. Internet technologies, as well as robotics technologies are growing rapidly, and people who are born after the “home robot age,” whom the author calls “robot natives,” will be expected to have a certain degree of “robot literacy.” In this paper, the concept of robot literacy is defined and an approach to robot literacy education is discussed.

  10. Robotic buildings(s)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bier, H.H.


    Technological and conceptual advances in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and material science have enabled robotic building to be in the last decade prototypically implemented. In this context, robotic building implies both physically built robotic environments and robotically

  11. Operation and handling of a mobile robot with tricycle structure; Operacion y maniobrabilidad de un robot movil con estructura de triciclo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Segovia de los Rios, J.A. [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    In this article the main cares that are for the appropriate operation of a designed mobile robot and built for the transport of radioactive materials are reported. In a same way, it is shown that the maneuverability of the vehicle is adapted for its tele operation in the atmospheres for where the irradiated charge should be made circulate, using for it the controls that have been designated of a remote control of general use. (Author)

  12. Cloud Robotics Platforms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Busra Koken


    Full Text Available Cloud robotics is a rapidly evolving field that allows robots to offload computation-intensive and storage-intensive jobs into the cloud. Robots are limited in terms of computational capacity, memory and storage. Cloud provides unlimited computation power, memory, storage and especially collaboration opportunity. Cloud-enabled robots are divided into two categories as standalone and networked robots. This article surveys cloud robotic platforms, standalone and networked robotic works such as grasping, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM and monitoring.

  13. Distributed Robotics Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Henrik Hautop; Pagliarini, Luigi


    Distributed robotics takes many forms, for instance, multirobots, modular robots, and self-reconfigurable robots. The understanding and development of such advanced robotic systems demand extensive knowledge in engineering and computer science. In this paper, we describe the concept of a distribu......Distributed robotics takes many forms, for instance, multirobots, modular robots, and self-reconfigurable robots. The understanding and development of such advanced robotic systems demand extensive knowledge in engineering and computer science. In this paper, we describe the concept...... to be changed, related to multirobot control and human-robot interaction control from virtual to physical representation. The proposed system is valuable for bringing a vast number of issues into education – such as parallel programming, distribution, communication protocols, master dependency, connectivity...

  14. A preliminary cyber-physical security assessment of the Robot Operating System (ROS) (United States)

    McClean, Jarrod; Stull, Christopher; Farrar, Charles; Mascareñas, David


    Over the course of the last few years, the Robot Operating System (ROS) has become a highly popular software framework for robotics research. ROS has a very active developer community and is widely used for robotics research in both academia and government labs. The prevalence and modularity of ROS cause many people to ask the question: "What prevents ROS from being used in commercial or government applications?" One of the main problems that is preventing this increased use of ROS in these applications is the question of characterizing its security (or lack thereof). In the summer of 2012, a crowd sourced cyber-physical security contest was launched at the cyber security conference DEF CON 20 to begin the process of characterizing the security of ROS. A small-scale, car-like robot was configured as a cyber-physical security "honeypot" running ROS. DEFFCON-20 attendees were invited to find exploits and vulnerabilities in the robot while network traffic was collected. The results of this experiment provided some interesting insights and opened up many security questions pertaining to deployed robotic systems. The Federal Aviation Administration is tasked with opening up the civil airspace to commercial drones by September 2015 and driverless cars are already legal for research purposes in a number of states. Given the integration of these robotic devices into our daily lives, the authors pose the following question: "What security exploits can a motivated person with little-to-no experience in cyber security execute, given the wide availability of free cyber security penetration testing tools such as Metasploit?" This research focuses on applying common, low-cost, low-overhead, cyber-attacks on a robot featuring ROS. This work documents the effectiveness of those attacks.

  15. Robot Mechanisms

    CERN Document Server

    Lenarcic, Jadran; Stanišić, Michael M


    This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the area of robot mechanisms, primarily considering industrial manipulators and humanoid arms. The book is intended for both teaching and self-study. Emphasis is given to the fundamentals of kinematic analysis and the design of robot mechanisms. The coverage of topics is untypical. The focus is on robot kinematics. The book creates a balance between theoretical and practical aspects in the development and application of robot mechanisms, and includes the latest achievements and trends in robot science and technology.

  16. Filigree Robotics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tamke, Martin; Evers, Henrik Leander; Clausen Nørgaard, Esben


    Filigree Robotics experiments with the combination of traditional ceramic craft with robotic fabrication in order to generate a new narrative of fine three-dimensional ceramic ornament for architecture.......Filigree Robotics experiments with the combination of traditional ceramic craft with robotic fabrication in order to generate a new narrative of fine three-dimensional ceramic ornament for architecture....

  17. Hydraulic bilateral construction robot; Yuatsushiki bilateral kensetsu robot

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maehata, K.; Mori, N. [Kayaba Industry Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    Concerning a hydraulic bilateral construction robot, its system constitution, structures and functions of important components, and the results of some tests are explained, and the researches conducted at Gifu University are described. The construction robot in this report is a servo controlled system of a version developed from the mini-shovel now available in the market. It is equipped, in addition to an electrohydraulic servo control system, with various sensors for detecting the robot attitude, vibration, and load state, and with a camera for visualizing the surrounding landscape. It is also provided with a bilateral joy stick which is a remote control actuator capable of working sensation feedback and with a rocking unit that creates robot movements of rolling, pitching, and heaving. The construction robot discussed here, with output increased and response faster thanks to the employment of a hydraulic driving system for the aim of building a robot system superior in performance to the conventional model designed primarily for heavy duty, proves after tests to be a highly sophisticated remotely controlled robot control system. (NEDO)

  18. Laboratorio remoto para la enseñanza de la programación de un robot industrial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Ariza L.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe la evolución del desarrollo y funcionamiento de un laboratorio remoto para la enseñanza de la automatización. Por medio de una aplicación Web, un software de acceso remoto que permite una conexión multiusuario independiente y archivos que contienen código con comandos del símbolo del sistema. Con esto se logra administrar el laboratorio evitando conflictos de uso entre los usuarios. Con este desarrollo se busca incrementar el tiempo de productividad y eliminar las restricciones de espacio y tiempo para la utilización de un robot manipulador de tipo industrial.

  19. Robotics education

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benton, O.


    Robotics education courses are rapidly spreading throughout the nation's colleges and universities. Engineering schools are offering robotics courses as part of their mechanical or manufacturing engineering degree program. Two year colleges are developing an Associate Degree in robotics. In addition to regular courses, colleges are offering seminars in robotics and related fields. These seminars draw excellent participation at costs running up to $200 per day for each participant. The last one drew 275 people from Texas to Virginia. Seminars are also offered by trade associations, private consulting firms, and robot vendors. IBM, for example, has the Robotic Assembly Institute in Boca Raton and charges about $1,000 per week for course. This is basically for owners of IBM robots. Education (and training) can be as short as one day or as long as two years. Here is the educational pattern that is developing now

  20. Desarrollo de una interfaz para el control del robot IRB desde Matlab


    Gutiérrez Corbacho, Azahara


    El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar la comunicación con el brazo robótico, IRB120 de ABB, a través de la herramienta de software matemático Matlab. Para ello desarrollaremos un socket de comunicación, que se encargará enviar y procesar los datos. Para comprobar que la comunicación funciona y que el envío de datos se realiza correctamente, se implementarán en Matlab, una serie de interfaces de comunicación con el robot y una aplicación final. La primera, será una interfaz gráfica r...

  1. Robot Aesthetics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jochum, Elizabeth Ann; Putnam, Lance Jonathan

    This paper considers art-based research practice in robotics through a discussion of our course and relevant research projects in autonomous art. The undergraduate course integrates basic concepts of computer science, robotic art, live performance and aesthetic theory. Through practice...... in robotics research (such as aesthetics, culture and perception), we believe robot aesthetics is an important area for research in contemporary aesthetics....

  2. Robots: l'embarras de richesses [:survey of robots available

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meieran, H.; Brittain, K.; Sturkey, R.


    A survey of robots available for use in the nuclear industry is presented. Two new categories of mobile robots have been introduced since the last survey (April 1987): pipe crawlers and underwater robots. The number of robots available has risen to double what it was two years ago and four times what it was in 1986. (U.K.)

  3. Robots Social Embodiment in Autonomous Mobile Robotics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian Duffy


    Full Text Available This work aims at demonstrating the inherent advantages of embracing a strong notion of social embodiment in designing a real-world robot control architecture with explicit ?intelligent? social behaviour between a collective of robots. It develops the current thinking on embodiment beyond the physical by demonstrating the importance of social embodiment. A social framework develops the fundamental social attributes found when more than one robot co-inhabit a physical space. The social metaphors of identity, character, stereotypes and roles are presented and implemented within a real-world social robot paradigm in order to facilitate the realisation of explicit social goals.

  4. Robotic intelligence kernel (United States)

    Bruemmer, David J [Idaho Falls, ID


    A robot platform includes perceptors, locomotors, and a system controller. The system controller executes a robot intelligence kernel (RIK) that includes a multi-level architecture and a dynamic autonomy structure. The multi-level architecture includes a robot behavior level for defining robot behaviors, that incorporate robot attributes and a cognitive level for defining conduct modules that blend an adaptive interaction between predefined decision functions and the robot behaviors. The dynamic autonomy structure is configured for modifying a transaction capacity between an operator intervention and a robot initiative and may include multiple levels with at least a teleoperation mode configured to maximize the operator intervention and minimize the robot initiative and an autonomous mode configured to minimize the operator intervention and maximize the robot initiative. Within the RIK at least the cognitive level includes the dynamic autonomy structure.

  5. An Intelligent Robot Programing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hong, Seong Yong


    This book introduces an intelligent robot programing with background of the begging, introduction of VPL, and SPL, building of environment for robot platform, starting of robot programing, design of simulation environment, robot autonomy drive control programing, simulation graphic. Such as SPL graphic programing graphical image and graphical shapes, and graphical method application, application of procedure for robot control, robot multiprogramming, robot bumper sensor programing, robot LRF sencor programing and robot color sensor programing.

  6. An Intelligent Robot Programing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Seong Yong


    This book introduces an intelligent robot programing with background of the begging, introduction of VPL, and SPL, building of environment for robot platform, starting of robot programing, design of simulation environment, robot autonomy drive control programing, simulation graphic. Such as SPL graphic programing graphical image and graphical shapes, and graphical method application, application of procedure for robot control, robot multiprogramming, robot bumper sensor programing, robot LRF sencor programing and robot color sensor programing.

  7. Neuro-robotics from brain machine interfaces to rehabilitation robotics

    CERN Document Server



    Neuro-robotics is one of the most multidisciplinary fields of the last decades, fusing information and knowledge from neuroscience, engineering and computer science. This book focuses on the results from the strategic alliance between Neuroscience and Robotics that help the scientific community to better understand the brain as well as design robotic devices and algorithms for interfacing humans and robots. The first part of the book introduces the idea of neuro-robotics, by presenting state-of-the-art bio-inspired devices. The second part of the book focuses on human-machine interfaces for pe

  8. Cloud Robotics Model


    Mester, Gyula


    Cloud Robotics was born from the merger of service robotics and cloud technologies. It allows robots to benefit from the powerful computational, storage, and communications resources of modern data centres. Cloud robotics allows robots to take advantage of the rapid increase in data transfer rates to offload tasks without hard real time requirements. Cloud Robotics has rapidly gained momentum with initiatives by companies such as Google, Willow Garage and Gostai as well as more than a dozen a...

  9. Space Robotics Challenge (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Space Robotics Challenge seeks to infuse robot autonomy from the best and brightest research groups in the robotics community into NASA robots for future...

  10. Are Sex Robots as Bad as Killing Robots


    Richardson, Kathleen


    In 2015 the Campaign Against Sex Robots was launched to draw attention to the technological production of new kinds of objects: sex robots of women and children. The campaign was launched shortly after the Future of Life Institute published an online petition: “Autonomous Weapons: An Open Letter From AI and Robotics Researchers” which was signed by leading luminaries in the field of AI and Robotics. In response to the Campaign, an academic at Oxford University opened an ethics thread “Are sex...

  11. Multi-robot control interface (United States)

    Bruemmer, David J [Idaho Falls, ID; Walton, Miles C [Idaho Falls, ID


    Methods and systems for controlling a plurality of robots through a single user interface include at least one robot display window for each of the plurality of robots with the at least one robot display window illustrating one or more conditions of a respective one of the plurality of robots. The user interface further includes at least one robot control window for each of the plurality of robots with the at least one robot control window configured to receive one or more commands for sending to the respective one of the plurality of robots. The user interface further includes a multi-robot common window comprised of information received from each of the plurality of robots.

  12. Robotics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lorino, P; Altwegg, J M


    This article, which is aimed at the general reader, examines latest developments in, and the role of, modern robotics. The 7 main sections are sub-divided into 27 papers presented by 30 authors. The sections are as follows: 1) The role of robotics, 2) Robotics in the business world and what it can offer, 3) Study and development, 4) Utilisation, 5) Wages, 6) Conditions for success, and 7) Technological dynamics.

  13. FPGA for Robotic Applications: from Android/Humanoid Robots to Artificial Men

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tole Sutikno


    Full Text Available Researches on home robots have been increasing enormously. There has always existed a continuous research effort on problems of anthropomorphic robots which is now called humanoid robots. Currently, robotics has evolved to the point that different branches have reached a remarkable level of maturity, that neural network and fuzzy logic are the main artificial intelligence as intelligent control on the robotics. Despite all this progress, while aiming at accomplishing work-tasks originally charged only to humans, robotic science has perhaps quite naturally turned into the attempt to create artificial men. It is true that artificial men or android humanoid robots open certainly very broad prospects. This “robot” may be viewed as a personal helper, and it will be called a home-robot, or personal robot. This is main reason why the two special sections are issued in the TELKOMNIKA sequentially.

  14. Teaching Joint-Level Robot Programming with a New Robotics Software Tool

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Gonzalez


    Full Text Available With the rising popularity of robotics in our modern world there is an increase in the number of engineering programs that offer the basic Introduction to Robotics course. This common introductory robotics course generally covers the fundamental theory of robotics including robot kinematics, dynamics, differential movements, trajectory planning and basic computer vision algorithms commonly used in the field of robotics. Joint programming, the task of writing a program that directly controls the robot’s joint motors, is an activity that involves robot kinematics, dynamics, and trajectory planning. In this paper, we introduce a new educational robotics tool developed for teaching joint programming. The tool allows the student to write a program in a modified C language that controls the movement of the arm by controlling the velocity of each joint motor. This is a very important activity in the robotics course and leads the student to gain knowledge of how to build a robotic arm controller. Sample assignments are presented for different levels of difficulty.

  15. Timing of Multimodal Robot Behaviors during Human-Robot Collaboration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Lars Christian; Fischer, Kerstin; Suvei, Stefan-Daniel


    In this paper, we address issues of timing between robot behaviors in multimodal human-robot interaction. In particular, we study what effects sequential order and simultaneity of robot arm and body movement and verbal behavior have on the fluency of interactions. In a study with the Care-O-bot, ...... output plays a special role because participants carry their expectations from human verbal interaction into the interactions with robots....

  16. Robotics Potential Fields

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jordi Lucero


    Full Text Available This problem was to calculate the path a robot would take to navigate an obstacle field and get to its goal. Three obstacles were given as negative potential fields which the robot avoided, and a goal was given a positive potential field that attracted the robot. The robot decided each step based on its distance, angle, and influence from every object. After each step, the robot recalculated and determined its next step until it reached its goal. The robot's calculations and steps were simulated with Microsoft Excel.

  17. Healthcare Robotics


    Riek, Laurel D.


    Robots have the potential to be a game changer in healthcare: improving health and well-being, filling care gaps, supporting care givers, and aiding health care workers. However, before robots are able to be widely deployed, it is crucial that both the research and industrial communities work together to establish a strong evidence-base for healthcare robotics, and surmount likely adoption barriers. This article presents a broad contextualization of robots in healthcare by identifying key sta...

  18. RIPE [robot independent programming environment]: A robot independent programming environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, D.J.; Lennox, R.C.


    Remote manual operations in radiation environments are typically performed very slowly. Sensor-based computer-controlled robots hold great promise for increasing the speed and safety of remote operations; however, the programming of robotic systems has proven to be expensive and difficult. Generalized approaches to robot programming that reuse available software modules and employ programming languages which are independent of the specific robotic and sensory devices being used are needed to speed software development and increase overall system reliability. This paper discusses the robot independent programming environment (RIPE) developed at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). The RIPE is an object-oriented approach to robot system architectures; it is a software environment that facilitates rapid design and implementation of complex robot systems for diverse applications. An architecture based on hierarchies of distributed multiprocessors provides the computing platform for a layered programming structure that models applications using software objects. These objects are designed to support model-based automated programming of robotic and machining devices, real-time sensor-based control, error handling, and robust communication

  19. Evolutionary Developmental Robotics: Improving Morphology and Control of Physical Robots. (United States)

    Vujovic, Vuk; Rosendo, Andre; Brodbeck, Luzius; Iida, Fumiya


    Evolutionary algorithms have previously been applied to the design of morphology and control of robots. The design space for such tasks can be very complex, which can prevent evolution from efficiently discovering fit solutions. In this article we introduce an evolutionary-developmental (evo-devo) experiment with real-world robots. It allows robots to grow their leg size to simulate ontogenetic morphological changes, and this is the first time that such an experiment has been performed in the physical world. To test diverse robot morphologies, robot legs of variable shapes were generated during the evolutionary process and autonomously built using additive fabrication. We present two cases with evo-devo experiments and one with evolution, and we hypothesize that the addition of a developmental stage can be used within robotics to improve performance. Moreover, our results show that a nonlinear system-environment interaction exists, which explains the nontrivial locomotion patterns observed. In the future, robots will be present in our daily lives, and this work introduces for the first time physical robots that evolve and grow while interacting with the environment.

  20. Recent advances in robotics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beni, G.; Hackwood, S.


    Featuring 10 contributions, this volume offers a state-of-the-art report on robotic science and technology. It covers robots in modern industry, robotic control to help the disabled, kinematics and dynamics, six-legged walking robots, a vector analysis of robot manipulators, tactile sensing in robots, and more

  1. Análisis del deslizamiento en el punto de apoyo de un robot bípedo de 5-gdl

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.A. Vazquez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En los análisis de los diversos problemas que la locomoción bípeda representa, es común la consideración de hipótesis específicas para evaluar el desempeño de un robot en un ambiente de trabajo particular. Una de estas hipótesis consiste en omitir un eventual deslizamiento, que puede existir entre los puntos o superficies de contacto de un robot bípedo con el suelo. Aunque en situaciones prácticas esta dinámica puede ser despreciable, la velocidad relativa generada por un posible deslizamiento depende tanto de las características de fricción en el punto de contacto, como de la misma dinámica del sistema. Este trabajo se enfoca en el análisis de la dinámica de deslizamiento de un robot bípedo en su punto de apoyo durante la ejecución de su ciclo de marcha. Se considera un robot sólo con articulaciones de rodilla y cadera en cada pata, por lo que, dada la ausencia de articulación de tobillo, el contacto con la superficie es considerado puntual. Se desarrollan algunas expresiones analíticas para determinar las condiciones del fenómeno de deslizamiento al considerar un grado de libertad adicional de tipo traslacional en el extremo de la pata de apoyo. Abstract: Most of the works which deal with biped robots, consider certain assumptions to evaluate their strategies in order to get a specific objective. One of these assumptions considers a non slip condition, which implies that the contact point with the walking surface does not move along the walking axis. Although, in realistic terms, this movement could be negligible, it depends on the friction characteristics between the points of contact. This work is focused on the slip dynamic analysis of the support contact point and leads to analytical expressions to determine conditions of the slip phenomenon. This is done by considering an additional degree of freedom at the end of the supporting leg in the walking cycle. Palabras clave: Robótica, Fricción viscosa, Modelo

  2. The Settings, Pros and Cons of the New Surgical Robot da Vinci Xi System for Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS): A Comparison With the Popular da Vinci Si System. (United States)

    Kim, Da Hee; Kim, Hwan; Kwak, Sanghyun; Baek, Kwangha; Na, Gina; Kim, Ji Hoon; Kim, Se Heon


    The da Vinci system (da Vinci Surgical System; Intuitive Surgical Inc.) has rapidly developed in several years from the S system to the Si system and now the Xi System. To investigate the surgical feasibility and to provide workflow guidance for the newly released system, we used the new da Vinci Xi system for transoral robotic surgery (TORS) on a cadaveric specimen. Bilateral supraglottic partial laryngectomy, hypopharyngectomy, lateral oropharyngectomy, and base of the tongue resection were serially performed in search of the optimal procedures with the new system. The new surgical robotic system has been upgraded in all respects. The telescope and camera were incorporated into one system, with a digital end-mounted camera. Overhead boom rotation allows multiquadrant access without axis limitation, the arms are now thinner and longer with grabbing movements for easy adjustments. The patient clearance button dramatically reduces external collisions. The new surgical robotic system has been optimized for improved anatomic access, with better-equipped appurtenances. This cadaveric study of TORS offers guidance on the best protocol for surgical workflow with the new Xi system leading to improvements in the functional results of TORS.

  3. Put Your Robot In, Put Your Robot Out: Sequencing through Programming Robots in Early Childhood (United States)

    Kazakoff, Elizabeth R.; Bers, Marina Umaschi


    This article examines the impact of programming robots on sequencing ability in early childhood. Thirty-four children (ages 4.5-6.5 years) participated in computer programming activities with a developmentally appropriate tool, CHERP, specifically designed to program a robot's behaviors. The children learned to build and program robots over three…

  4. Aprendizaje con robótica, algunas experiencias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Antonio López Ramírez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el análisis de experiencias, revisadas en diversos artículos, acerca de la implementación de la robótica en la educación, con el fin de obtener referentes pertinentes para la construcción de una propuesta para el aprendizaje de la robótica en la educación básica secundaria y media. Se consideran dos ámbitos de aplicación de la robótica en la educación: el primero es el aprendizaje de la robótica mediante la conceptualización de cada uno de los subsistemas de un robot para luego realizar la construcción de robots con diferentes propósitos, en este ámbito el objetivo es desarrollar las competencias, en los estudiantes, para el diseño y construcción de tecnofactos robóticos, mediante un proceso de construcción del conocimiento necesario para hacerlo; el segundo ámbito de aplicación es la utilización de la robótica como medio que motiva y da sentido a la construcción de conocimiento en diversas áreas, promoviendo habilidades y competencias en los estudiantes. Además, el aprendizaje de la robótica y el aprendizaje con robótica pueden ser mediados por la informática, la cual aporta tecnologías y herramientas software como los lenguajes de modelado matemático y simulación, tutoriales multimediales, laboratorios virtuales y remotos, entre otros. Así, este artículo se propone destacar cómo la robótica en el aula de clase permite, por una parte, el enriquecer estrategias de aprendizaje como apoyo a la formación integral de los estudiantes, y por otra, es un campo que presenta una demanda creciente en la atención de docentes e investigadores, así como en los estímulos para su investigación, desarrollo y divulgación de parte del estado.

  5. Human Robot Interaction for Hybrid Collision Avoidance System for Indoor Mobile Robots

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mazen Ghandour


    Full Text Available In this paper, a novel approach for collision avoidance for indoor mobile robots based on human-robot interaction is realized. The main contribution of this work is a new technique for collision avoidance by engaging the human and the robot in generating new collision-free paths. In mobile robotics, collision avoidance is critical for the success of the robots in implementing their tasks, especially when the robots navigate in crowded and dynamic environments, which include humans. Traditional collision avoidance methods deal with the human as a dynamic obstacle, without taking into consideration that the human will also try to avoid the robot, and this causes the people and the robot to get confused, especially in crowded social places such as restaurants, hospitals, and laboratories. To avoid such scenarios, a reactive-supervised collision avoidance system for mobile robots based on human-robot interaction is implemented. In this method, both the robot and the human will collaborate in generating the collision avoidance via interaction. The person will notify the robot about the avoidance direction via interaction, and the robot will search for the optimal collision-free path on the selected direction. In case that no people interacted with the robot, it will select the navigation path autonomously and select the path that is closest to the goal location. The humans will interact with the robot using gesture recognition and Kinect sensor. To build the gesture recognition system, two models were used to classify these gestures, the first model is Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPNN, and the second model is Support Vector Machine (SVM. Furthermore, a novel collision avoidance system for avoiding the obstacles is implemented and integrated with the HRI system. The system is tested on H20 robot from DrRobot Company (Canada and a set of experiments were implemented to report the performance of the system in interacting with the human and avoiding

  6. Robots and lattice automata

    CERN Document Server

    Adamatzky, Andrew


    The book gives a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art research and engineering in theory and application of Lattice Automata in design and control of autonomous Robots. Automata and robots share the same notional meaning. Automata (originated from the latinization of the Greek word “αυτόματον”) as self-operating autonomous machines invented from ancient years can be easily considered the first steps of robotic-like efforts. Automata are mathematical models of Robots and also they are integral parts of robotic control systems. A Lattice Automaton is a regular array or a collective of finite state machines, or automata. The Automata update their states by the same rules depending on states of their immediate neighbours. In the context of this book, Lattice Automata are used in developing modular reconfigurable robotic systems, path planning and map exploration for robots, as robot controllers, synchronisation of robot collectives, robot vision, parallel robotic actuators. All chapters are...

  7. Robot vision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hall, E.L.


    Almost all industrial robots use internal sensors such as shaft encoders which measure rotary position, or tachometers which measure velocity, to control their motions. Most controllers also provide interface capabilities so that signals from conveyors, machine tools, and the robot itself may be used to accomplish a task. However, advanced external sensors, such as visual sensors, can provide a much greater degree of adaptability for robot control as well as add automatic inspection capabilities to the industrial robot. Visual and other sensors are now being used in fundamental operations such as material processing with immediate inspection, material handling with adaption, arc welding, and complex assembly tasks. A new industry of robot vision has emerged. The application of these systems is an area of great potential

  8. Multi-Locomotion Robotic Systems New Concepts of Bio-inspired Robotics

    CERN Document Server

    Fukuda, Toshio; Sekiyama, Kosuke; Aoyama, Tadayoshi


    Nowadays, multiple attention have been paid on a robot working in the human living environment, such as in the field of medical, welfare, entertainment and so on. Various types of researches are being conducted actively in a variety of fields such as artificial intelligence, cognitive engineering, sensor- technology, interfaces and motion control. In the future, it is expected to realize super high functional human-like robot by integrating technologies in various fields including these types of researches. The book represents new developments and advances in the field of bio-inspired robotics research introducing the state of the art, the idea of multi-locomotion robotic system to implement the diversity of animal motion. It covers theoretical and computational aspects of Passive Dynamic Autonomous Control (PDAC), robot motion control, multi legged walking and climbing as well as brachiation focusing concrete robot systems, components and applications. In addition, gorilla type robot systems are described as...

  9. Robot Wars: US Empire and geopolitics in the robotic age (United States)

    Shaw, Ian GR


    How will the robot age transform warfare? What geopolitical futures are being imagined by the US military? This article constructs a robotic futurology to examine these crucial questions. Its central concern is how robots – driven by leaps in artificial intelligence and swarming – are rewiring the spaces and logics of US empire, warfare, and geopolitics. The article begins by building a more-than-human geopolitics to de-center the role of humans in conflict and foreground a worldly understanding of robots. The article then analyzes the idea of US empire, before speculating upon how and why robots are materializing new forms of proxy war. A three-part examination of the shifting spaces of US empire then follows: (1) Swarm Wars explores the implications of miniaturized drone swarming; (2) Roboworld investigates how robots are changing US military basing strategy and producing new topological spaces of violence; and (3) The Autogenic Battle-Site reveals how autonomous robots will produce emergent, technologically event-ful sites of security and violence – revolutionizing the battlespace. The conclusion reflects on the rise of a robotic US empire and its consequences for democracy. PMID:29081605

  10. Robotic vision system for random bin picking with dual-arm robots

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kang Sangseung


    Full Text Available Random bin picking is one of the most challenging industrial robotics applications available. It constitutes a complicated interaction between the vision system, robot, and control system. For a packaging operation requiring a pick-and-place task, the robot system utilized should be able to perform certain functions for recognizing the applicable target object from randomized objects in a bin. In this paper, we introduce a robotic vision system for bin picking using industrial dual-arm robots. The proposed system recognizes the best object from randomized target candidates based on stereo vision, and estimates the position and orientation of the object. It then sends the result to the robot control system. The system was developed for use in the packaging process of cell phone accessories using dual-arm robots.

  11. Modular Robotic Wearable

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Henrik Hautop; Pagliarini, Luigi


    In this concept paper we trace the contours and define a new approach to robotic systems, composed of interactive robotic modules which are somehow worn on the body. We label such a field as Modular Robotic Wearable (MRW). We describe how, by using modular robotics for creating wearable....... Finally, by focusing on the intersection of the combination modular robotic systems, wearability, and bodymind we attempt to explore the theoretical characteristics of such approach and exploit the possible playware application fields....

  12. Marine Robot Autonomy

    CERN Document Server


    Autonomy for Marine Robots provides a timely and insightful overview of intelligent autonomy in marine robots. A brief history of this emerging field is provided, along with a discussion of the challenges unique to the underwater environment and their impact on the level of intelligent autonomy required.  Topics covered at length examine advanced frameworks, path-planning, fault tolerance, machine learning, and cooperation as relevant to marine robots that need intelligent autonomy.  This book also: Discusses and offers solutions for the unique challenges presented by more complex missions and the dynamic underwater environment when operating autonomous marine robots Includes case studies that demonstrate intelligent autonomy in marine robots to perform underwater simultaneous localization and mapping  Autonomy for Marine Robots is an ideal book for researchers and engineers interested in the field of marine robots.      

  13. Industrial Robots. (United States)

    Reed, Dean; Harden, Thomas K.

    Robots are mechanical devices that can be programmed to perform some task of manipulation or locomotion under automatic control. This paper discusses: (1) early developments of the robotics industry in the United States; (2) the present structure of the industry; (3) noneconomic factors related to the use of robots; (4) labor considerations…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maribel Santos Miranda-Pinto


    of three. From this robot validation process we recognize that there are dequate robots which should be considered in activities with children.   KEYWORDS: Robotics; Preschool; Robots for Preschool; Kids Media Lab Project.     RESUMEN Este texto presenta parte de una investigación realizada en el ámbito del proyecto Kids Media Lab: Tecnologías y Aprendizaje de Programación en Edad Preescolar sobre los robos para niños en edad preescolar (3 a 6 años. El análisis a diversos robos fue realizada durante tres focus group, en diversos momentos, con especialistas de diversas áreas (Investigadores, Profesores universitarios, Profesores de secundaria de informática, Educadores de infancia, Profesores de primaria y Profesores de atención temprana, a fin de observar las potencialidades y fragilidades de los robos, con vista a decidir sobre su utilización en los jardines de infancia. Destacamos que esta investigación permitió reconocer características pertinentes de los robos que se comercializan en el mercado internacional e indicados para niños a partir de los tres años. De este proceso de validación, reconocemos que están disponibles robos interesantes y que tienen que tenerse en cuenta en las actividades con niños en edad preescolar.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Robótica; Preescolar; Robos para o Preescolar; Proyecto Kids Media Lab.

  15. Social Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Social robotics is a cutting edge research area gathering researchers and stakeholders from various disciplines and organizations. The transformational potential that these machines, in the form of, for example, caregiving, entertainment or partner robots, pose to our societies and to us as indiv......Social robotics is a cutting edge research area gathering researchers and stakeholders from various disciplines and organizations. The transformational potential that these machines, in the form of, for example, caregiving, entertainment or partner robots, pose to our societies and to us...... as individuals seems to be limited by our technical limitations and phantasy alone. This collection contributes to the field of social robotics by exploring its boundaries from a philosophically informed standpoint. It constructively outlines central potentials and challenges and thereby also provides a stable...

  16. Non-manufacturing applications of robotics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dauchez, P.


    This book presents the different non-manufacturing sectors of activity where robotics can have useful or necessary applications: underwater robotics, agriculture robotics, road work robotics, nuclear robotics, medical-surgery robotics, aids to disabled people, entertainment robotics. Service robotics has been voluntarily excluded because this developing sector is not mature yet. (J.S.)

  17. Advanced robot locomotion.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neely, Jason C.; Sturgis, Beverly Rainwater; Byrne, Raymond Harry; Feddema, John Todd; Spletzer, Barry Louis; Rose, Scott E.; Novick, David Keith; Wilson, David Gerald; Buerger, Stephen P.


    This report contains the results of a research effort on advanced robot locomotion. The majority of this work focuses on walking robots. Walking robot applications include delivery of special payloads to unique locations that require human locomotion to exo-skeleton human assistance applications. A walking robot could step over obstacles and move through narrow openings that a wheeled or tracked vehicle could not overcome. It could pick up and manipulate objects in ways that a standard robot gripper could not. Most importantly, a walking robot would be able to rapidly perform these tasks through an intuitive user interface that mimics natural human motion. The largest obstacle arises in emulating stability and balance control naturally present in humans but needed for bipedal locomotion in a robot. A tracked robot is bulky and limited, but a wide wheel base assures passive stability. Human bipedal motion is so common that it is taken for granted, but bipedal motion requires active balance and stability control for which the analysis is non-trivial. This report contains an extensive literature study on the state-of-the-art of legged robotics, and it additionally provides the analysis, simulation, and hardware verification of two variants of a proto-type leg design.

  18. Scaling Robotic Displays: Displays and Techniques for Dismounted Movement with Robots (United States)


    you are performing the low crawl 4.25 5.00 Drive the robot while you are negotiating the hill 6.00 5.00 Drive the robot while you are climbing the... stairs 4.67 5.00 Drive the robot while you are walking 5.70 5.27 HMD It was fairly doable. 1 When you’re looking through the lens, it’s not...Scaling Robotic Displays: Displays and Techniques for Dismounted Movement with Robots by Elizabeth S. Redden, Rodger A. Pettitt

  19. Composing replication services

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stéphane Drapeau


    Full Text Available El marco de reproducción RS2.7 visita de nuevo la función de reproducción para poder proporcionar servicios basados en componentes para entornos de diversos tipos. Identifica claramente qué funciones mínimas son relevantes en la reproducción, al ligar y sincronizar réplicas para poder soportar los niveles correctos de coherencia. El presente artículo aborda cómo el soporte para el nivel de coherencia puede ser descompuesto con relación a dos dimensiones: funcional y programada. Jugar con estas dos dimensiones permite suministrar diversos servicios de reproducción con el simple ensamble de componentes RS2.7. De esta forma, se aplicó un prototipo de RS2.7 operacional a una plataforma para aplicaciones interactivas de red

  20. Cambios espacio-temporales del plancton en la ciénaga de Aayapel (Córdoba-Colombia), durante la época de menor nivel del agua


    Jaramillo-Londoño, Juan Carlos; Aguirre-Ramírez, Néstor Jaime


    Se evaluaron los cambios espaciales y temporales de los ensambles fitoplanctónicos y zooplanctónicos durante la época de menor nivel de agua en la Ciénaga de Ayapel. Se tomaron muestras integradas en toda la columna de agua, en seis estaciones de muestreo, siguiendo el eje longitudinal de la ciénaga en sentido norte-sur, y durante siete días continuos. Durante el período de estudio la ciénaga se comportó como un sistema de aguas blandas, alcalino, altamente turbio, con profundidad y transpare...



    Santos De la Cruz, Eulogio; Rojas Lazo, Oswaldo; Yenque Dedios, Julio; Lavado Soto, Aurelio


    A hydraulic system project includes the design, materials selection and construction of the hydraulic piston, hydraulic circuit and the joint with the pump and its accesories. This equiment will be driven by the force of moving fluid, whose application is in the devices of machines, tools, printing, perforation, packing and others. El proyecto de un sistema hidráulico, comprende el diseño, selección de materiales y construcción del pistón hidráulico, circuito hidráulico y el ensamble con l...

  2. Patrones de diversidad de aves a lo largo de un gradiente latitudinal de bosques ribereños del río Paraná medio, Argentina


    Berduc, Alfredo; Lorenzón, Rodrigo Ezequiel; Beltzer, Adolfo Héctor


    Se estudió la variación de la riqueza de especies (diversidad alfa), la diversidad beta, la abundancia y la equidad de ensambles de aves a lo largo de un gradiente latitudinal de 500 km de bosques ribereños. Se muestrearon 5 localidades ubicadas en dirección norte-sur mediante una técnica mixta: transectos y puntos de conteo. La riqueza de especies decreció con el incremento de la latitud, reproduciendo el patrón de la riqueza regional informado en estudios previos. Los resultados apoyaron la...

  3. Rafael Iglesia


    Iglesia, Rafael


    "La arquitectura no existe,lo que existe son las obras de arquitectura …".Una mirada que se detiene en el problema de los pesos,ensambles,finalmente la construcción,y que enfrenta el proyecto en su presencia física,"bajo la luz ".La obra de Iglesia,construida con maderas argentinas,barro y hormigón,resiste la gravedad bajo el cielo rosarino. "Architecture does not exist,what exists is works of architecture …".A review that halts at the problems of weights,joints,the construction itself and...

  4. Sobre Radio y Estética. Una Mirada desde la Filosofía del Arte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo M. Haye


    Full Text Available La radio es capaz de producir obras de arte, artefactos incorpóreos y fugaces que resultan del ensamble armonioso de sus componentes discursivos. El arte se manifiesta cuando los textos sonoros amalgaman materiales amasados con la especificidad de lo estético y cuando se obtienen mensajes expresivos a partir de atributos como la multisensorialidad, sinestesia, registro de los relieves, principio de visibilidad, criterio cinemático y verosimilitud. Entonces, también la radio despliega la actividad central del arte que consiste en expresar emociones.

  5. Human-Robot Interaction (United States)

    Sandor, Aniko; Cross, E. Vincent, II; Chang, Mai Lee


    Human-robot interaction (HRI) is a discipline investigating the factors affecting the interactions between humans and robots. It is important to evaluate how the design of interfaces affect the human's ability to perform tasks effectively and efficiently when working with a robot. By understanding the effects of interface design on human performance, workload, and situation awareness, interfaces can be developed to appropriately support the human in performing tasks with minimal errors and with appropriate interaction time and effort. Thus, the results of research on human-robot interfaces have direct implications for the design of robotic systems. For efficient and effective remote navigation of a rover, a human operator needs to be aware of the robot's environment. However, during teleoperation, operators may get information about the environment only through a robot's front-mounted camera causing a keyhole effect. The keyhole effect reduces situation awareness which may manifest in navigation issues such as higher number of collisions, missing critical aspects of the environment, or reduced speed. One way to compensate for the keyhole effect and the ambiguities operators experience when they teleoperate a robot is adding multiple cameras and including the robot chassis in the camera view. Augmented reality, such as overlays, can also enhance the way a person sees objects in the environment or in camera views by making them more visible. Scenes can be augmented with integrated telemetry, procedures, or map information. Furthermore, the addition of an exocentric (i.e., third-person) field of view from a camera placed in the robot's environment may provide operators with the additional information needed to gain spatial awareness of the robot. Two research studies investigated possible mitigation approaches to address the keyhole effect: 1) combining the inclusion of the robot chassis in the camera view with augmented reality overlays, and 2) modifying the camera

  6. Next generation light robotic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villangca, Mark Jayson; Palima, Darwin; Banas, Andrew Rafael


    -assisted surgery imbibes surgeons with superhuman abilities and gives the expression “surgical precision” a whole new meaning. Still in its infancy, much remains to be done to improve human-robot collaboration both in realizing robots that can operate safely with humans and in training personnel that can work......Conventional robotics provides machines and robots that can replace and surpass human performance in repetitive, difficult, and even dangerous tasks at industrial assembly lines, hazardous environments, or even at remote planets. A new class of robotic systems no longer aims to replace humans...... with so-called automatons but, rather, to create robots that can work alongside human operators. These new robots are intended to collaborate with humans—extending their abilities—from assisting workers on the factory floor to rehabilitating patients in their homes. In medical robotics, robot...

  7. Human-Robot Interaction: Does Robotic Guidance Force Affect Gait-Related Brain Dynamics during Robot-Assisted Treadmill Walking?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kristel Knaepen

    Full Text Available In order to determine optimal training parameters for robot-assisted treadmill walking, it is essential to understand how a robotic device interacts with its wearer, and thus, how parameter settings of the device affect locomotor control. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different levels of guidance force during robot-assisted treadmill walking on cortical activity. Eighteen healthy subjects walked at 2 km.h-1 on a treadmill with and without assistance of the Lokomat robotic gait orthosis. Event-related spectral perturbations and changes in power spectral density were investigated during unassisted treadmill walking as well as during robot-assisted treadmill walking at 30%, 60% and 100% guidance force (with 0% body weight support. Clustering of independent components revealed three clusters of activity in the sensorimotor cortex during treadmill walking and robot-assisted treadmill walking in healthy subjects. These clusters demonstrated gait-related spectral modulations in the mu, beta and low gamma bands over the sensorimotor cortex related to specific phases of the gait cycle. Moreover, mu and beta rhythms were suppressed in the right primary sensory cortex during treadmill walking compared to robot-assisted treadmill walking with 100% guidance force, indicating significantly larger involvement of the sensorimotor area during treadmill walking compared to robot-assisted treadmill walking. Only marginal differences in the spectral power of the mu, beta and low gamma bands could be identified between robot-assisted treadmill walking with different levels of guidance force. From these results it can be concluded that a high level of guidance force (i.e., 100% guidance force and thus a less active participation during locomotion should be avoided during robot-assisted treadmill walking. This will optimize the involvement of the sensorimotor cortex which is known to be crucial for motor learning.

  8. Human-Robot Interaction: Does Robotic Guidance Force Affect Gait-Related Brain Dynamics during Robot-Assisted Treadmill Walking? (United States)

    Knaepen, Kristel; Mierau, Andreas; Swinnen, Eva; Fernandez Tellez, Helio; Michielsen, Marc; Kerckhofs, Eric; Lefeber, Dirk; Meeusen, Romain


    In order to determine optimal training parameters for robot-assisted treadmill walking, it is essential to understand how a robotic device interacts with its wearer, and thus, how parameter settings of the device affect locomotor control. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different levels of guidance force during robot-assisted treadmill walking on cortical activity. Eighteen healthy subjects walked at 2 km.h-1 on a treadmill with and without assistance of the Lokomat robotic gait orthosis. Event-related spectral perturbations and changes in power spectral density were investigated during unassisted treadmill walking as well as during robot-assisted treadmill walking at 30%, 60% and 100% guidance force (with 0% body weight support). Clustering of independent components revealed three clusters of activity in the sensorimotor cortex during treadmill walking and robot-assisted treadmill walking in healthy subjects. These clusters demonstrated gait-related spectral modulations in the mu, beta and low gamma bands over the sensorimotor cortex related to specific phases of the gait cycle. Moreover, mu and beta rhythms were suppressed in the right primary sensory cortex during treadmill walking compared to robot-assisted treadmill walking with 100% guidance force, indicating significantly larger involvement of the sensorimotor area during treadmill walking compared to robot-assisted treadmill walking. Only marginal differences in the spectral power of the mu, beta and low gamma bands could be identified between robot-assisted treadmill walking with different levels of guidance force. From these results it can be concluded that a high level of guidance force (i.e., 100% guidance force) and thus a less active participation during locomotion should be avoided during robot-assisted treadmill walking. This will optimize the involvement of the sensorimotor cortex which is known to be crucial for motor learning.

  9. Roles and Self-Reconfigurable Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dvinge, Nicolai; Schultz, Ulrik Pagh; Christensen, David Johan


    A self-reconfigurable robot is a robotic device that can change its own shape. Self-reconfigurable robots are commonly built from multiple identical modules that can manipulate each other to change the shape of the robot. The robot can also perform tasks such as locomotion without changing shape......., significantly simplifying the task of programming self-reconfigurable robots. Our language fully supports programming the ATRON self-reconfigurable robot, and has been used to implement several controllers running both on the physical modules and in simulation.......A self-reconfigurable robot is a robotic device that can change its own shape. Self-reconfigurable robots are commonly built from multiple identical modules that can manipulate each other to change the shape of the robot. The robot can also perform tasks such as locomotion without changing shape....... Programming a modular, self-reconfigurable robot is however a complicated task: the robot is essentially a real-time, distributed embedded system, where control and communication paths often are tightly coupled to the current physical configuration of the robot. To facilitate the task of programming modular...

  10. Robot Teachers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgård, Rikke Toft; Ess, Charles Melvin; Bhroin, Niamh Ni

    The world's first robot teacher, Saya, was introduced to a classroom in Japan in 2009. Saya, had the appearance of a young female teacher. She could express six basic emotions, take the register and shout orders like 'be quiet' (The Guardian, 2009). Since 2009, humanoid robot technologies have...... developed. It is now suggested that robot teachers may become regular features in educational settings, and may even 'take over' from human teachers in ten to fifteen years (cf. Amundsen, 2017 online; Gohd, 2017 online). Designed to look and act like a particular kind of human; robot teachers mediate human...... existence and roles, while also aiming to support education through sophisticated, automated, human-like interaction. Our paper explores the design and existential implications of ARTIE, a robot teacher at Oxford Brookes University (2017, online). Drawing on an initial empirical exploration we propose...

  11. Accelerating Robot Development through Integral Analysis of Human-Robot Interaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kooijmans, T.; Kanda, T.; Bartneck, C.; Ishiguro, H.; Hagita, N.


    The development of interactive robots is a complicated process, involving a plethora of psychological, technical, and contextual influences. To design a robot capable of operating "intelligently" in everyday situations, one needs a profound understanding of human-robot interaction (HRI). We propose

  12. Micro Robotics Lab (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Our research is focused on the challenges of engineering robotic systems down to sub-millimeter size scales. We work both on small mobile robots (robotic insects for...

  13. Robot fish bio-inspired fishlike underwater robots

    CERN Document Server

    Li, Zheng; Youcef-Toumi, Kamal; Alvarado, Pablo


    This book provides a comprehensive coverage on robot fish including design, modeling and optimization, control, autonomous control and applications. It gathers contributions by the leading researchers in the area. Readers will find the book very useful for designing and building robot fish, not only in theory but also in practice. Moreover, the book discusses various important issues for future research and development, including design methodology, control methodology, and autonomous control strategy. This book is intended for researchers and graduate students in the fields of robotics, ocean engineering and related areas.

  14. Robotics in endoscopy. (United States)

    Klibansky, David; Rothstein, Richard I


    The increasing complexity of intralumenal and emerging translumenal endoscopic procedures has created an opportunity to apply robotics in endoscopy. Computer-assisted or direct-drive robotic technology allows the triangulation of flexible tools through telemanipulation. The creation of new flexible operative platforms, along with other emerging technology such as nanobots and steerable capsules, can be transformational for endoscopic procedures. In this review, we cover some background information on the use of robotics in surgery and endoscopy, and review the emerging literature on platforms, capsules, and mini-robotic units. The development of techniques in advanced intralumenal endoscopy (endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection) and translumenal endoscopic procedures (NOTES) has generated a number of novel platforms, flexible tools, and devices that can apply robotic principles to endoscopy. The development of a fully flexible endoscopic surgical toolkit will enable increasingly advanced procedures to be performed through natural orifices. The application of platforms and new flexible tools to the areas of advanced endoscopy and NOTES heralds the opportunity to employ useful robotic technology. Following the examples of the utility of robotics from the field of laparoscopic surgery, we can anticipate the emerging role of robotic technology in endoscopy.

  15. Implementation and Reconfiguration of Robot Operating System on Human Follower Transporter Robot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Addythia Saphala


    Full Text Available Robotic Operation System (ROS is an im- portant platform to develop robot applications. One area of applications is for development of a Human Follower Transporter Robot (HFTR, which  can  be  considered  as a custom mobile robot utilizing differential driver steering method and equipped with Kinect sensor. This study discusses the development of the robot navigation system by implementing Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM.

  16. Caracterización de un robot para aplicaciones de mecanizado con requerimientos de tolerancias


    Ferreras Higuero, Eugenio


    El presente Trabajo fin Fin de Máster, versa sobre una caracterización preliminar del comportamiento de un robot de tipo industrial, configurado por 4 eslabones y 4 grados de libertad, y sometido a fuerzas de mecanizado en su extremo. El entorno de trabajo planteado es el de plantas de fabricación de piezas de aleaciones de aluminio para automoción. Este tipo de componentes parte de un primer proceso de fundición que saca la pieza en bruto. Para series medias y altas, en función de las pr...

  17. Presentation robot Advee

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Krejsa, Jiří; Věchet, Stanislav; Hrbáček, J.; Ripel, T.; Ondroušek, V.; Hrbáček, R.; Schreiber, P.


    Roč. 18, 5/6 (2012), s. 307-322 ISSN 1802-1484 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20760514 Keywords : mobile robot * human - robot interface * localization Subject RIV: JD - Computer Applications, Robot ics

  18. Robotic surgery update. (United States)

    Jacobsen, G; Elli, F; Horgan, S


    Minimally invasive surgical techniques have revolutionized the field of surgery. Telesurgical manipulators (robots) and new information technologies strive to improve upon currently available minimally invasive techniques and create new possibilities. A retrospective review of all robotic cases at a single academic medical center from August 2000 until November 2002 was conducted. A comprehensive literature evaluation on robotic surgical technology was also performed. Robotic technology is safely and effectively being applied at our institution. Robotic and information technologies have improved upon minimally invasive surgical techniques and created new opportunities not attainable in open surgery. Robotic technology offers many benefits over traditional minimal access techniques and has been proven safe and effective. Further research is needed to better define the optimal application of this technology. Credentialing and educational requirements also need to be delineated.

  19. Robot-laser system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akeel, H.A.


    A robot-laser system is described for providing a laser beam at a desired location, the system comprising: a laser beam source; a robot including a plurality of movable parts including a hollow robot arm having a central axis along which the laser source directs the laser beam; at least one mirror for reflecting the laser beam from the source to the desired location, the mirror being mounted within the robot arm to move therewith and relative thereto to about a transverse axis that extends angularly to the central axis of the robot arm; and an automatic programmable control system for automatically moving the mirror about the transverse axis relative to and in synchronization with movement of the robot arm to thereby direct the laser beam to the desired location as the arm is moved

  20. Effects of Robot Facial Characteristics and Gender in Persuasive Human-Robot Interaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aimi S. Ghazali


    Full Text Available The growing interest in social robotics makes it relevant to examine the potential of robots as persuasive agents and, more specifically, to examine how robot characteristics influence the way people experience such interactions and comply with the persuasive attempts by robots. The purpose of this research is to identify how the (ostensible gender and the facial characteristics of a robot influence the extent to which people trust it and the psychological reactance they experience from its persuasive attempts. This paper reports a laboratory study where SociBot™, a robot capable of displaying different faces and dynamic social cues, delivered persuasive messages to participants while playing a game. In-game choice behavior was logged, and trust and reactance toward the advisor were measured using questionnaires. Results show that a robotic advisor with upturned eyebrows and lips (features that people tend to trust more in humans is more persuasive, evokes more trust, and less psychological reactance compared to one displaying eyebrows pointing down and lips curled downwards at the edges (facial characteristics typically not trusted in humans. Gender of the robot did not affect trust, but participants experienced higher psychological reactance when interacting with a robot of the opposite gender. Remarkably, mediation analysis showed that liking of the robot fully mediates the influence of facial characteristics on trusting beliefs and psychological reactance. Also, psychological reactance was a strong and reliable predictor of trusting beliefs but not of trusting behavior. These results suggest robots that are intended to influence human behavior should be designed to have facial characteristics we trust in humans and could be personalized to have the same gender as the user. Furthermore, personalization and adaptation techniques designed to make people like the robot more may help ensure they will also trust the robot.

  1. Robotic seeding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Søren Marcus; Fountas, Spyros; Sørensen, Claus Aage Grøn


    Agricultural robotics has received attention for approximately 20 years, but today there are only a few examples of the application of robots in agricultural practice. The lack of uptake may be (at least partly) because in many cases there is either no compelling economic benefit......, or there is a benefit but it is not recognized. The aim of this chapter is to quantify the economic benefits from the application of agricultural robots under a specific condition where such a benefit is assumed to exist, namely the case of early seeding and re-seeding in sugar beet. With some predefined assumptions...... with regard to speed, capacity and seed mapping, we found that among these two technical systems both early seeding with a small robot and re-seeding using a robot for a smaller part of the field appear to be financially viable solutions in sugar beet production....

  2. An Adaptive Robot Game

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Søren Tranberg; Svenstrup, Mikael; Dalgaard, Lars


    The goal of this paper is to describe an adaptive robot game, which motivates elderly people to do a regular amount of physical exercise while playing. One of the advantages of robot based games is that the initiative to play can be taken autonomously by the robot. In this case, the goal is to im......The goal of this paper is to describe an adaptive robot game, which motivates elderly people to do a regular amount of physical exercise while playing. One of the advantages of robot based games is that the initiative to play can be taken autonomously by the robot. In this case, the goal...... is to improve the mental and physical state of the user by playing a physical game with the robot. Ideally, a robot game should be simple to learn but difficult to master, providing an appropriate degree of challenge for players with different skills. In order to achieve that, the robot should be able to adapt...

  3. Facilitating Programming of Vision-Equipped Robots through Robotic Skills and Projection Mapping

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Rasmus Skovgaard

    The field of collaborative industrial robots is currently developing fast both in the industry and in the scientific community. Companies such as Rethink Robotics and Universal Robots are redefining the concept of an industrial robot and entire new markets and use cases are becoming relevant for ...

  4. Evolution of robotic arms. (United States)

    Moran, Michael E


    The foundation of surgical robotics is in the development of the robotic arm. This is a thorough review of the literature on the nature and development of this device with emphasis on surgical applications. We have reviewed the published literature and classified robotic arms by their application: show, industrial application, medical application, etc. There is a definite trend in the manufacture of robotic arms toward more dextrous devices, more degrees-of-freedom, and capabilities beyond the human arm. da Vinci designed the first sophisticated robotic arm in 1495 with four degrees-of-freedom and an analog on-board controller supplying power and programmability. von Kemplen's chess-playing automaton left arm was quite sophisticated. Unimate introduced the first industrial robotic arm in 1961, it has subsequently evolved into the PUMA arm. In 1963 the Rancho arm was designed; Minsky's Tentacle arm appeared in 1968, Scheinman's Stanford arm in 1969, and MIT's Silver arm in 1974. Aird became the first cyborg human with a robotic arm in 1993. In 2000 Miguel Nicolalis redefined possible man-machine capacity in his work on cerebral implantation in owl-monkeys directly interfacing with robotic arms both locally and at a distance. The robotic arm is the end-effector of robotic systems and currently is the hallmark feature of the da Vinci Surgical System making its entrance into surgical application. But, despite the potential advantages of this computer-controlled master-slave system, robotic arms have definite limitations. Ongoing work in robotics has many potential solutions to the drawbacks of current robotic surgical systems.

  5. Advanced mechanics in robotic systems

    CERN Document Server

    Nava Rodríguez, Nestor Eduardo


    Illustrates original and ambitious mechanical designs and techniques for the development of new robot prototypes Includes numerous figures, tables and flow charts Discusses relevant applications in robotics fields such as humanoid robots, robotic hands, mobile robots, parallel manipulators and human-centred robots

  6. Design and Implementation of Fire Extinguisher Robot with Robotic Arm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Memon Abdul Waris


    Full Text Available Robot is a device, which performs human task or behave like a human-being. It needs expertise skills and complex programming to design. For designing a fire fighter robot, many sensors and motors were used. User firstly send robot to an affected area, to get live image of the field with the help of mobile camera via Wi-Fi using IP camera application to laptop. If any signs of fire shown in image, user direct robot in that particular direction for confirmation. Fire sensor and temperature sensor detects and measures the reading, after confirmation robot sprinkle water on affected field. During extinguish process if any obstacle comes in between the prototype and the affected area the ultrasonic sensor detects the obstacle, in response the robotic arm moves to pick and place that obstacle to another location for clearing the path. Meanwhile if any poisonous gas is present, the gas sensor detects and indicates by making alarm.

  7. The Tactile Ethics of Soft Robotics: Designing Wisely for Human-Robot Interaction. (United States)

    Arnold, Thomas; Scheutz, Matthias


    Soft robots promise an exciting design trajectory in the field of robotics and human-robot interaction (HRI), promising more adaptive, resilient movement within environments as well as a safer, more sensitive interface for the objects or agents the robot encounters. In particular, tactile HRI is a critical dimension for designers to consider, especially given the onrush of assistive and companion robots into our society. In this article, we propose to surface an important set of ethical challenges for the field of soft robotics to meet. Tactile HRI strongly suggests that soft-bodied robots balance tactile engagement against emotional manipulation, model intimacy on the bonding with a tool not with a person, and deflect users from personally and socially destructive behavior the soft bodies and surfaces could normally entice.

  8. Robot-assisted general surgery. (United States)

    Hazey, Jeffrey W; Melvin, W Scott


    With the initiation of laparoscopic techniques in general surgery, we have seen a significant expansion of minimally invasive techniques in the last 16 years. More recently, robotic-assisted laparoscopy has moved into the general surgeon's armamentarium to address some of the shortcomings of laparoscopic surgery. AESOP (Computer Motion, Goleta, CA) addressed the issue of visualization as a robotic camera holder. With the introduction of the ZEUS robotic surgical system (Computer Motion), the ability to remotely operate laparoscopic instruments became a reality. US Food and Drug Administration approval in July 2000 of the da Vinci robotic surgical system (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA) further defined the ability of a robotic-assist device to address limitations in laparoscopy. This includes a significant improvement in instrument dexterity, dampening of natural hand tremors, three-dimensional visualization, ergonomics, and camera stability. As experience with robotic technology increased and its applications to advanced laparoscopic procedures have become more understood, more procedures have been performed with robotic assistance. Numerous studies have shown equivalent or improved patient outcomes when robotic-assist devices are used. Initially, robotic-assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy was deemed safe, and now robotics has been shown to be safe in foregut procedures, including Nissen fundoplication, Heller myotomy, gastric banding procedures, and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. These techniques have been extrapolated to solid-organ procedures (splenectomy, adrenalectomy, and pancreatic surgery) as well as robotic-assisted laparoscopic colectomy. In this chapter, we review the evolution of robotic technology and its applications in general surgical procedures.

  9. Grasping in Robotics

    CERN Document Server


    Grasping in Robotics contains original contributions in the field of grasping in robotics with a broad multidisciplinary approach. This gives the possibility of addressing all the major issues related to robotized grasping, including milestones in grasping through the centuries, mechanical design issues, control issues, modelling achievements and issues, formulations and software for simulation purposes, sensors and vision integration, applications in industrial field and non-conventional applications (including service robotics and agriculture).   The contributors to this book are experts in their own diverse and wide ranging fields. This multidisciplinary approach can help make Grasping in Robotics of interest to a very wide audience. In particular, it can be a useful reference book for researchers, students and users in the wide field of grasping in robotics from many different disciplines including mechanical design, hardware design, control design, user interfaces, modelling, simulation, sensors and hum...

  10. Designing Emotionally Expressive Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tsiourti, Christiana; Weiss, Astrid; Wac, Katarzyna


    Socially assistive agents, be it virtual avatars or robots, need to engage in social interactions with humans and express their internal emotional states, goals, and desires. In this work, we conducted a comparative study to investigate how humans perceive emotional cues expressed by humanoid...... robots through five communication modalities (face, head, body, voice, locomotion) and examined whether the degree of a robot's human-like embodiment affects this perception. In an online survey, we asked people to identify emotions communicated by Pepper -a highly human-like robot and Hobbit – a robot...... for robots....

  11. Advancing the Strategic Messages Affecting Robot Trust Effect: The Dynamic of User- and Robot-Generated Content on Human-Robot Trust and Interaction Outcomes. (United States)

    Liang, Yuhua Jake; Lee, Seungcheol Austin


    Human-robot interaction (HRI) will soon transform and shift the communication landscape such that people exchange messages with robots. However, successful HRI requires people to trust robots, and, in turn, the trust affects the interaction. Although prior research has examined the determinants of human-robot trust (HRT) during HRI, no research has examined the messages that people received before interacting with robots and their effect on HRT. We conceptualize these messages as SMART (Strategic Messages Affecting Robot Trust). Moreover, we posit that SMART can ultimately affect actual HRI outcomes (i.e., robot evaluations, robot credibility, participant mood) by affording the persuasive influences from user-generated content (UGC) on participatory Web sites. In Study 1, participants were assigned to one of two conditions (UGC/control) in an original experiment of HRT. Compared with the control (descriptive information only), results showed that UGC moderated the correlation between HRT and interaction outcomes in a positive direction (average Δr = +0.39) for robots as media and robots as tools. In Study 2, we explored the effect of robot-generated content but did not find similar moderation effects. These findings point to an important empirical potential to employ SMART in future robot deployment.

  12. Next-generation robotic surgery--from the aspect of surgical robots developed by industry. (United States)

    Nakadate, Ryu; Arata, Jumpei; Hashizume, Makoto


    At present, much of the research conducted worldwide focuses on extending the ability of surgical robots. One approach is to extend robotic dexterity. For instance, accessibility and dexterity of the surgical instruments remains the largest issue for reduced port surgery such as single port surgery or natural orifice surgery. To solve this problem, a great deal of research is currently conducted in the field of robotics. Enhancing the surgeon's perception is an approach that uses advanced sensor technology. The real-time data acquired through the robotic system combined with the data stored in the robot (such as the robot's location) provide a major advantage. This paper aims at introducing state-of-the-art products and pre-market products in this technological advancement, namely the robotic challenge in extending dexterity and hopefully providing the path to robotic surgery in the near future.

  13. Humanlike Robots - The Upcoming Revolution in Robotics (United States)

    Bar-Cohen, Yoseph


    Humans have always sought to imitate the human appearance, functions and intelligence. Human-like robots, which for many years have been a science fiction, are increasingly becoming an engineering reality resulting from the many advances in biologically inspired technologies. These biomimetic technologies include artificial intelligence, artificial vision and hearing as well as artificial muscles, also known as electroactive polymers (EAP). Robots, such as the vacuum cleaner Rumba and the robotic lawnmower, that don't have human shape, are already finding growing use in homes worldwide. As opposed to other human-made machines and devices, this technology raises also various questions and concerns and they need to be addressed as the technology advances. These include the need to prevent accidents, deliberate harm, or their use in crime. In this paper the state-of-the-art of the ultimate goal of biomimetics, the development of humanlike robots, the potentials and the challenges are reviewed.

  14. Humanlike robots: the upcoming revolution in robotics (United States)

    Bar-Cohen, Yoseph


    Humans have always sought to imitate the human appearance, functions and intelligence. Human-like robots, which for many years have been a science fiction, are increasingly becoming an engineering reality resulting from the many advances in biologically inspired technologies. These biomimetic technologies include artificial intelligence, artificial vision and hearing as well as artificial muscles, also known as electroactive polymers (EAP). Robots, such as the vacuum cleaner Rumba and the robotic lawnmower, that don't have human shape, are already finding growing use in homes worldwide. As opposed to other human-made machines and devices, this technology raises also various questions and concerns and they need to be addressed as the technology advances. These include the need to prevent accidents, deliberate harm, or their use in crime. In this paper the state-of-the-art of the ultimate goal of biomimetics, the development of humanlike robots, the potentials and the challenges are reviewed.

  15. Inverse kinematic solution for near-simple robots and its application to robot calibration (United States)

    Hayati, Samad A.; Roston, Gerald P.


    This paper provides an inverse kinematic solution for a class of robot manipulators called near-simple manipulators. The kinematics of these manipulators differ from those of simple-robots by small parameter variations. Although most robots are by design simple, in practice, due to manufacturing tolerances, every robot is near-simple. The method in this paper gives an approximate inverse kinematics solution for real time applications based on the nominal solution for these robots. The validity of the results are tested both by a simulation study and by applying the algorithm to a PUMA robot.

  16. Fish and robots swimming together: attraction towards the robot demands biomimetic locomotion. (United States)

    Marras, Stefano; Porfiri, Maurizio


    The integration of biomimetic robots in a fish school may enable a better understanding of collective behaviour, offering a new experimental method to test group feedback in response to behavioural modulations of its 'engineered' member. Here, we analyse a robotic fish and individual golden shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas) swimming together in a water tunnel at different flow velocities. We determine the positional preference of fish with respect to the robot, and we study the flow structure using a digital particle image velocimetry system. We find that biomimetic locomotion is a determinant of fish preference as fish are more attracted towards the robot when its tail is beating rather than when it is statically immersed in the water as a 'dummy'. At specific conditions, the fish hold station behind the robot, which may be due to the hydrodynamic advantage obtained by swimming in the robot's wake. This work makes a compelling case for the need of biomimetic locomotion in promoting robot-animal interactions and it strengthens the hypothesis that biomimetic robots can be used to study and modulate collective animal behaviour.

  17. Micro robot bible

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Jin Yeong


    This book deals with micro robot, which tells of summary of robots like entertainment robots and definition of robots, introduction of micro mouse about history, composition and rules, summary of micro controller with its history, appearance and composition, introduction of stepping motor about types, structure, basic characteristics, and driving ways, summary of sensor section, power, understanding of 80C196KC micro controller, basic driving program searching a maze algorithm, smooth turn and making of tracer line.

  18. Micro robot bible

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Jin Yeong


    This book deals with micro robot, which tells of summary of robots like entertainment robots and definition of robots, introduction of micro mouse about history, composition and rules, summary of micro controller with its history, appearance and composition, introduction of stepping motor about types, structure, basic characteristics, and driving ways, summary of sensor section, power, understanding of 80C196KC micro controller, basic driving program searching a maze algorithm, smooth turn and making of tracer line.

  19. Robots at Work


    Graetz, Georg; Michaels, Guy


    Despite ubiquitous discussions of robots' potential impact, there is almost no systematic empirical evidence on their economic effects. In this paper we analyze for the first time the economic impact of industrial robots, using new data on a panel of industries in 17 countries from 1993-2007. We find that industrial robots increased both labor productivity and value added. Our panel identification is robust to numerous controls, and we find similar results instrumenting increased robot use wi...

  20. Posicionamiento de robots basado en visión


    Marcano Gamero, Cosme Rafael


    Se ha hecho una revisión somera de algunos métodos de localización de robots basados en la visión computarizada. Estos métodos incluyen: a. uso de marcas de referencias fijadas a tierra b. modelos de objetos c. mapas d. construcción de mapas basado en las características observadas. Todos estos métodos están en experimentación. Se han hecho significativos avances en la fusión de varias de estas técnicas como aquellos basados en la odometría, en conjunto con técnicas de construcción de mapas b...

  1. To Err Is Robot: How Humans Assess and Act toward an Erroneous Social Robot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicole Mirnig


    Full Text Available We conducted a user study for which we purposefully programmed faulty behavior into a robot’s routine. It was our aim to explore if participants rate the faulty robot different from an error-free robot and which reactions people show in interaction with a faulty robot. The study was based on our previous research on robot errors where we detected typical error situations and the resulting social signals of our participants during social human–robot interaction. In contrast to our previous work, where we studied video material in which robot errors occurred unintentionally, in the herein reported user study, we purposefully elicited robot errors to further explore the human interaction partners’ social signals following a robot error. Our participants interacted with a human-like NAO, and the robot either performed faulty or free from error. First, the robot asked the participants a set of predefined questions and then it asked them to complete a couple of LEGO building tasks. After the interaction, we asked the participants to rate the robot’s anthropomorphism, likability, and perceived intelligence. We also interviewed the participants on their opinion about the interaction. Additionally, we video-coded the social signals the participants showed during their interaction with the robot as well as the answers they provided the robot with. Our results show that participants liked the faulty robot significantly better than the robot that interacted flawlessly. We did not find significant differences in people’s ratings of the robot’s anthropomorphism and perceived intelligence. The qualitative data confirmed the questionnaire results in showing that although the participants recognized the robot’s mistakes, they did not necessarily reject the erroneous robot. The annotations of the video data further showed that gaze shifts (e.g., from an object to the robot or vice versa and laughter are typical reactions to unexpected robot behavior

  2. ROILA : RObot Interaction LAnguage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mubin, O.


    The number of robots in our society is increasing rapidly. The number of service robots that interact with everyday people already outnumbers industrial robots. The easiest way to communicate with these service robots, such as Roomba or Nao, would be natural speech. However, the limitations

  3. Evidence for robots. (United States)

    Shenoy, Ravikiran; Nathwani, Dinesh


    Robots have been successfully used in commercial industry and have enabled humans to perform tasks which are repetitive, dangerous and requiring extreme force. Their role has evolved and now includes many aspects of surgery to improve safety and precision. Orthopaedic surgery is largely performed on bones which are rigid immobile structures which can easily be performed by robots with great precision. Robots have been designed for use in orthopaedic surgery including joint arthroplasty and spine surgery. Experimental studies have been published evaluating the role of robots in arthroscopy and trauma surgery. In this article, we will review the incorporation of robots in orthopaedic surgery looking into the evidence in their use. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017.

  4. Message Encryption in Robot Operating System: Collateral Effects of Hardening Mobile Robots

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco J. Rodríguez-Lera


    Full Text Available In human–robot interaction situations, robot sensors collect huge amounts of data from the environment in order to characterize the situation. Some of the gathered data ought to be treated as private, such as medical data (i.e., medication guidelines, personal, and safety information (i.e., images of children, home habits, alarm codes, etc.. However, most robotic software development frameworks are not designed for securely managing this information. This paper analyzes the scenario of hardening one of the most widely used robotic middlewares, Robot Operating System (ROS. The study investigates a robot’s performance when ciphering the messages interchanged between ROS nodes under the publish/subscribe paradigm. In particular, this research focuses on the nodes that manage cameras and LIDAR sensors, which are two of the most extended sensing solutions in mobile robotics, and analyzes the collateral effects on the robot’s achievement under different computing capabilities and encryption algorithms (3DES, AES, and Blowfish to robot performance. The findings present empirical evidence that simple encryption algorithms are lightweight enough to provide cyber-security even in low-powered robots when carefully designed and implemented. Nevertheless, these techniques come with a number of serious drawbacks regarding robot autonomy and performance if they are applied randomly. To avoid these issues, we define a taxonomy that links the type of ROS message, computational units, and the encryption methods. As a result, we present a model to select the optimal options for hardening a mobile robot using ROS.

  5. 1st Iberian Robotics Conference

    CERN Document Server

    Sanfeliu, Alberto; Ferre, Manuel; ROBOT2013; Advances in robotics


    This book contains the proceedings of the ROBOT 2013: FIRST IBERIAN ROBOTICS CONFERENCE and it can be said that included both state of the art and more practical presentations dealing with implementation problems, support technologies and future applications. A growing interest in Assistive Robotics, Agricultural Robotics, Field Robotics, Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation, Humanoid Robots, Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Marine Robotics, has been demonstrated by the very relevant number of contributions. Moreover, ROBOT2013 incorporates a special session on Legal and Ethical Aspects in Robotics that is becoming a topic of key relevance. This Conference was held in Madrid (28-29 November 2013), organised by the Sociedad Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Robótica (SEIDROB) and by the Centre for Automation and Robotics - CAR (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)), along with the co-operation of Grupo Temático de Robótica CEA-GT...

  6. Springer handbook of robotics

    CERN Document Server

    Khatib, Oussama


    The second edition of this handbook provides a state-of-the-art cover view on the various aspects in the rapidly developing field of robotics. Reaching for the human frontier, robotics is vigorously engaged in the growing challenges of new emerging domains. Interacting, exploring, and working with humans, the new generation of robots will increasingly touch people and their lives. The credible prospect of practical robots among humans is the result of the scientific endeavour of a half a century of robotic developments that established robotics as a modern scientific discipline. The ongoing vibrant expansion and strong growth of the field during the last decade has fueled this second edition of the Springer Handbook of Robotics. The first edition of the handbook soon became a landmark in robotics publishing and won the American Association of Publishers PROSE Award for Excellence in Physical Sciences & Mathematics as well as the organization’s Award for Engineering & Technology. The second edition o...

  7. Innovations in robotic surgery. (United States)

    Gettman, Matthew; Rivera, Marcelino


    Developments in robotic surgery have continued to advance care throughout the field of urology. The purpose of this review is to evaluate innovations in robotic surgery over the past 18 months. The release of the da Vinci Xi system heralded an improvement on the Si system with improved docking, the ability to further manipulate robotic arms without clashing, and an autofocus universal endoscope. Robotic simulation continues to evolve with improvements in simulation training design to include augmented reality in robotic surgical education. Robotic-assisted laparoendoscopic single-site surgery continues to evolve with improvements on technique that allow for tackling previously complex pathologic surgical anatomy including urologic oncology and reconstruction. Last, innovations of new surgical platforms with robotic systems to improve surgeon ergonomics and efficiency in ureteral and renal surgery are being applied in the clinical setting. Urologic surgery continues to be at the forefront of the revolution of robotic surgery with advancements in not only existing technology but also creation of entirely novel surgical systems.

  8. Faster-than-real-time robot simulation for plan development and robot safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crane, C.D. III; Dalton, R.; Ogles, J.; Tulenko, J.S.; Zhou, X.


    The University of Florida, in cooperation with the Universities of Texas, Tennessee, and Michigan and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is developing an advanced robotic system for the US Department of Energy under the University Program for Robotics for Advanced Reactors. As part of this program, the University of Florida has been pursuing the development of a faster-than-real-time robotic simulation program for planning and control of mobile robotic operations to ensure the efficient and safe operation of mobile robots in nuclear power plants and other hazardous environments

  9. Soft-Material Robotics


    Wang, L; Nurzaman, SG; Iida, Fumiya


    There has been a boost of research activities in robotics using soft materials in the past ten years. It is expected that the use and control of soft materials can help realize robotic systems that are safer, cheaper, and more adaptable than the level that the conventional rigid-material robots can achieve. Contrary to a number of existing review and position papers on soft-material robotics, which mostly present case studies and/or discuss trends and challenges, the review focuses on the fun...

  10. AssistMe robot, an assistance robotic platform

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. I. Alexan


    Full Text Available This paper presents the design and implementation of a full size assistance robot. Its main purpose it to assist a person and eventually avoid a life threatening situation. Its implementation revolves around a chipKIT Arduino board that interconnects a robotic base controller with a 7 inch TABLET PC and various sensors. Due to the Android and Arduino combination, the robot can interact with the person and provide an easy development platform for future improvement and feature adding. The TABLET PC is Webcam, WIFI and Bluetooth enabled, offering a versatile platform that is able to process data and in the same time provide the user a friendly interface.

  11. Socially Impaired Robots: Human Social Disorders and Robots' Socio-Emotional Intelligence


    Vitale, Jonathan; Williams, Mary-Anne; Johnston, Benjamin


    Social robots need intelligence in order to safely coexist and interact with humans. Robots without functional abilities in understanding others and unable to empathise might be a societal risk and they may lead to a society of socially impaired robots. In this work we provide a survey of three relevant human social disorders, namely autism, psychopathy and schizophrenia, as a means to gain a better understanding of social robots' future capability requirements. We provide evidence supporting...

  12. Educational Robotics as Mindtools (United States)

    Mikropoulos, Tassos A.; Bellou, Ioanna


    Although there are many studies on the constructionist use of educational robotics, they have certain limitations. Some of them refer to robotics education, rather than educational robotics. Others follow a constructionist approach, but give emphasis only to design skills, creativity and collaboration. Some studies use robotics as an educational…

  13. Robot friendship: Can a robot be a friend?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Emmeche, Claus


    Friendship is used here as a conceptual vehicle for framing questions about the distinctiveness of human cognition in relation to natural systems such as other animal species and to artificial systems such as robots. By exploring this very common form of a human interpersonal relationship......, the author indicates that even though it is difficult to say something generally true about friendship among humans, distinct forms of friendship as practiced and distinct notions of friendship have been investigated in the social and human sciences and in biology. A more general conceptualization...... of friendship as a triadic relation analogous to the sign relation is suggested. Based on this the author asks how one may conceive of robot-robot and robot-human friendships; and how an interdisciplinary perspective upon that relation can contribute to analyse levels of embodied cognition in natural...

  14. Multi-robot caravanning

    KAUST Repository

    Denny, Jory


    We study multi-robot caravanning, which is loosely defined as the problem of a heterogeneous team of robots visiting specific areas of an environment (waypoints) as a group. After formally defining this problem, we propose a novel solution that requires minimal communication and scales with the number of waypoints and robots. Our approach restricts explicit communication and coordination to occur only when robots reach waypoints, and relies on implicit coordination when moving between a given pair of waypoints. At the heart of our algorithm is the use of leader election to efficiently exploit the unique environmental knowledge available to each robot in order to plan paths for the group, which makes it general enough to work with robots that have heterogeneous representations of the environment. We implement our approach both in simulation and on a physical platform, and characterize the performance of the approach under various scenarios. We demonstrate that our approach can successfully be used to combine the planning capabilities of different agents. © 2013 IEEE.

  15. Self-Organizing Robots

    CERN Document Server

    Murata, Satoshi


    It is man’s ongoing hope that a machine could somehow adapt to its environment by reorganizing itself. This is what the notion of self-organizing robots is based on. The theme of this book is to examine the feasibility of creating such robots within the limitations of current mechanical engineering. The topics comprise the following aspects of such a pursuit: the philosophy of design of self-organizing mechanical systems; self-organization in biological systems; the history of self-organizing mechanical systems; a case study of a self-assembling/self-repairing system as an autonomous distributed system; a self-organizing robot that can create its own shape and robotic motion; implementation and instrumentation of self-organizing robots; and the future of self-organizing robots. All topics are illustrated with many up-to-date examples, including those from the authors’ own work. The book does not require advanced knowledge of mathematics to be understood, and will be of great benefit to students in the rob...

  16. Human-robot interaction tests on a novel robot for gait assistance. (United States)

    Tagliamonte, Nevio Luigi; Sergi, Fabrizio; Carpino, Giorgio; Accoto, Dino; Guglielmelli, Eugenio


    This paper presents tests on a treadmill-based non-anthropomorphic wearable robot assisting hip and knee flexion/extension movements using compliant actuation. Validation experiments were performed on the actuators and on the robot, with specific focus on the evaluation of intrinsic backdrivability and of assistance capability. Tests on a young healthy subject were conducted. In the case of robot completely unpowered, maximum backdriving torques were found to be in the order of 10 Nm due to the robot design features (reduced swinging masses; low intrinsic mechanical impedance and high-efficiency reduction gears for the actuators). Assistance tests demonstrated that the robot can deliver torques attracting the subject towards a predicted kinematic status.

  17. Pose Estimation and Adaptive Robot Behaviour for Human-Robot Interaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svenstrup, Mikael; Hansen, Søren Tranberg; Andersen, Hans Jørgen


    Abstract—This paper introduces a new method to determine a person’s pose based on laser range measurements. Such estimates are typically a prerequisite for any human-aware robot navigation, which is the basis for effective and timeextended interaction between a mobile robot and a human. The robot......’s pose. The resulting pose estimates are used to identify humans who wish to be approached and interacted with. The interaction motion of the robot is based on adaptive potential functions centered around the person that respect the persons social spaces. The method is tested in experiments...

  18. From sex robots to love robots: is mutual love with a robot possible?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nyholm, S.R.; Frank, L.E.; Danaher, J.; McArthur, N.


    Some critics of sex-robots worry that their use might spread objectifying attitudes about sex, and common sense places a higher value on sex within love-relationships than on casual sex. If there could be mutual love between humans and sex-robots, this could help to ease the worries about

  19. The relation between people's attitudes and anxiety towards robots in human-robot interaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Graaf, M.M.A.; Ben Allouch, Soumaya


    This paper examines the relation between an interaction with a robot and peoples’ attitudes and emotion towards robots. In our study, participants have had an acquaintance talk with a social robot and both their general attitude and anxiety towards social robots were measured before and after the

  20. Robotic hand project


    Karaçizmeli, Cengiz; Çakır, Gökçe; Tükel, Dilek


    In this work, the mechatronic based robotic hand is controlled by the position data taken from the glove which has flex sensors mounted to capture finger bending of the human hand. The angular movement of human hand’s fingers are perceived and processed by a microcontroller, and the robotic hand is controlled by actuating servo motors. It has seen that robotic hand can simulate the movement of the human hand that put on the glove, during tests have done. This robotic hand can be used not only...

  1. PEAR: Prototyping Expressive Animated Robots - A framework for social robot prototyping


    Balit , Etienne; Vaufreydaz , Dominique; Reignier , Patrick


    International audience; Social robots are transitioning from lab experiments to commercial products, creating new needs for proto-typing and design tools. In this paper, we present a framework to facilitate the prototyping of expressive animated robots. For this, we start by reviewing the design of existing social robots in order to define a set of basic components of social robots. We then show how to extend an existing 3D animation software to enable the animation of these components. By co...

  2. Developing a successful robotics program. (United States)

    Luthringer, Tyler; Aleksic, Ilija; Caire, Arthur; Albala, David M


    Advancements in the robotic surgical technology have revolutionized the standard of care for many surgical procedures. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the important considerations in developing a new robotics program at a given healthcare institution. Patients' interest in robotic-assisted surgery has and continues to grow because of improved outcomes and decreased periods of hospitalization. Resulting market forces have created a solid foundation for the implementation of robotic surgery into surgical practice. Given proper surgeon experience and an efficient system, robotic-assisted procedures have been cost comparable to open surgical alternatives. Surgeon training and experience is closely linked to the efficiency of a new robotics program. Formally trained robotic surgeons have better patient outcomes and shorter operative times. Training in robotics has shown no negative impact on patient outcomes or mentor learning curves. Individual economic factors of local healthcare settings must be evaluated when planning for a new robotics program. The high cost of the robotic surgical platform is best offset with a large surgical volume. A mature, experienced surgeon is integral to the success of a new robotics program.

  3. Communication of Robot Status to Improve Human-Robot Collaboration (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Future space exploration will require humans and robots to collaborate to perform all the necessary tasks. Current robots mostly operate separately from humans due...

  4. Making Humanoid Robots More Acceptable Based on the Study of Robot Characters in Animation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fatemeh Maleki


    Full Text Available In this paper we take an approach in Humanoid Robots are not considered as robots who resembles human beings in a realistic way of appearance and act but as robots who act and react like human that make them more believable by people. Regarding this approach we will study robot characters in animation movies and discuss what makes some of them to be accepted just like a moving body and what makes some other robot characters to be believable as a living human. The goal of this paper is to create a rule set that describes friendly, socially acceptable, kind, cute... robots and in this study we will review example robots in popular animated movies. The extracted rules and features can be used for making real robots more acceptable.

  5. Robotics in medicine (United States)

    Kuznetsov, D. N.; Syryamkin, V. I.


    Modern technologies play a very important role in our lives. It is hard to imagine how people can get along without personal computers, and companies - without powerful computer centers. Nowadays, many devices make modern medicine more effective. Medicine is developing constantly, so introduction of robots in this sector is a very promising activity. Advances in technology have influenced medicine greatly. Robotic surgery is now actively developing worldwide. Scientists have been carrying out research and practical attempts to create robotic surgeons for more than 20 years, since the mid-80s of the last century. Robotic assistants play an important role in modern medicine. This industry is new enough and is at the early stage of development; despite this, some developments already have worldwide application; they function successfully and bring invaluable help to employees of medical institutions. Today, doctors can perform operations that seemed impossible a few years ago. Such progress in medicine is due to many factors. First, modern operating rooms are equipped with up-to-date equipment, allowing doctors to make operations more accurately and with less risk to the patient. Second, technology has enabled to improve the quality of doctors' training. Various types of robots exist now: assistants, military robots, space, household and medical, of course. Further, we should make a detailed analysis of existing types of robots and their application. The purpose of the article is to illustrate the most popular types of robots used in medicine.

  6. Inventing Japan's 'robotics culture': the repeated assembly of science, technology, and culture in social robotics. (United States)

    Sabanović, Selma


    Using interviews, participant observation, and published documents, this article analyzes the co-construction of robotics and culture in Japan through the technical discourse and practices of robotics researchers. Three cases from current robotics research--the seal-like robot PARO, the Humanoid Robotics Project HRP-2 humanoid, and 'kansei robotics' - show the different ways in which scientists invoke culture to provide epistemological grounding and possibilities for social acceptance of their work. These examples show how the production and consumption of social robotic technologies are associated with traditional crafts and values, how roboticists negotiate among social, technical, and cultural constraints while designing robots, and how humans and robots are constructed as cultural subjects in social robotics discourse. The conceptual focus is on the repeated assembly of cultural models of social behavior, organization, cognition, and technology through roboticists' narratives about the development of advanced robotic technologies. This article provides a picture of robotics as the dynamic construction of technology and culture and concludes with a discussion of the limits and possibilities of this vision in promoting a culturally situated understanding of technology and a multicultural view of science.

  7. German robots: The impact of industrial robots on workers


    Dauth, Wolfgang; Findeisen, Sebastian; Südekum, Jens; Wößner, Nicole


    We study the impact of rising robot exposure on the careers of individual manufacturing workers, and the equilibrium impact across industries and local labor markets in Germany. We find no evidence that robots cause total job losses, but they do affect the composition of aggregate employment. Every robot destroys two manufacturing jobs. This accounts for almost 23 percent of the overall decline of manufacturing employment in Germany over the period 1994-2014, roughly 275,000 jobs. But this lo...

  8. Autonomous military robotics

    CERN Document Server

    Nath, Vishnu


    This SpringerBrief reveals the latest techniques in computer vision and machine learning on robots that are designed as accurate and efficient military snipers. Militaries around the world are investigating this technology to simplify the time, cost and safety measures necessary for training human snipers. These robots are developed by combining crucial aspects of computer science research areas including image processing, robotic kinematics and learning algorithms. The authors explain how a new humanoid robot, the iCub, uses high-speed cameras and computer vision algorithms to track the objec

  9. Robotic arm (United States)

    Kwech, Horst


    A robotic arm positionable within a nuclear vessel by access through a small diameter opening and having a mounting tube supported within the vessel and mounting a plurality of arm sections for movement lengthwise of the mounting tube as well as for movement out of a window provided in the wall of the mounting tube. An end effector, such as a grinding head or welding element, at an operating end of the robotic arm, can be located and operated within the nuclear vessel through movement derived from six different axes of motion provided by mounting and drive connections between arm sections of the robotic arm. The movements are achieved by operation of remotely-controllable servo motors, all of which are mounted at a control end of the robotic arm to be outside the nuclear vessel.

  10. Nomogramas para ensamble y uso de la Inyectora Unidrench® de dispositivo venturi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Villalobos Roberto


    Full Text Available El término drench se refiere a la incorporación al suelo de un agroquímico en solución con el riego. Basada en un dispositivo venturi, Unidrench® es una inyectora desarrollada para aplicar este tipo de productos en áreas cultivadas en camas con especies como flores, hierbas aromáticas, hortalizas, etc. Operando con cualquier hidrante que suministre agua a presión, la inyectora permite realizar aplicaciones eficientes a través de sistemas de riego manual con manguera, empleando boquillas denominadas de acuerdo a su forma como cacho, codo, poma, flauta, y otras. Como las especificaciones del equipo se ajustan según las necesidades del usuario, el objetivo de esta investigación consistió en la caracterización hidráulica de la inyectora Unidrench ® y la construcción de sus nomogramas de desempeño. En el Laboratorio de Hidráulica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá, se probaron diferentes especificaciones, así: i para cinco tipos de boquilla (descarga libre, cacho doble, flauta y poma doble de 400 y 1.000 huecos, se determinaron tanto caudales de riego como de inyección; ii se probaron dos longitudes (50 y 75 m de manguera de PVC; iii tanto en esta última como en los inyectores venturi que utiliza el sistema se ensayaron diámetros de 1,9 y 2,54 cm (¾ y 1 pulgada; y iv los reguladores de presión se evaluaron a seis niveles diferentes (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 y 40 PSI . Para facilitar la utilización del equipo se incluyen sus instrucciones de operación.

  11. Toward cognitive robotics (United States)

    Laird, John E.


    Our long-term goal is to develop autonomous robotic systems that have the cognitive abilities of humans, including communication, coordination, adapting to novel situations, and learning through experience. Our approach rests on the recent integration of the Soar cognitive architecture with both virtual and physical robotic systems. Soar has been used to develop a wide variety of knowledge-rich agents for complex virtual environments, including distributed training environments and interactive computer games. For development and testing in robotic virtual environments, Soar interfaces to a variety of robotic simulators and a simple mobile robot. We have recently made significant extensions to Soar that add new memories and new non-symbolic reasoning to Soar's original symbolic processing, which should significantly improve Soar abilities for control of robots. These extensions include episodic memory, semantic memory, reinforcement learning, and mental imagery. Episodic memory and semantic memory support the learning and recalling of prior events and situations as well as facts about the world. Reinforcement learning provides the ability of the system to tune its procedural knowledge - knowledge about how to do things. Mental imagery supports the use of diagrammatic and visual representations that are critical to support spatial reasoning. We speculate on the future of unmanned systems and the need for cognitive robotics to support dynamic instruction and taskability.

  12. Conceptions of health service robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lystbæk, Christian Tang


    Technology developments create rich opportunities for health service providers to introduce service robots in health care. While the potential benefits of applying robots in health care are extensive, the research into the conceptions of health service robot and its importance for the uptake...... of robotics technology in health care is limited. This article develops a model of the basic conceptions of health service robots that can be used to understand different assumptions and values attached to health care technology in general and health service robots in particular. The article takes...... a discursive approach in order to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the social values of health service robots. First a discursive approach is proposed to develop a typology of conceptions of health service robots. Second, a model identifying four basic conceptions of health service robots...

  13. Continuum limbed robots for locomotion (United States)

    Mutlu, Alper

    This thesis focuses on continuum robots based on pneumatic muscle technology. We introduce a novel approach to use these muscles as limbs of lightweight legged robots. The flexibility of the continuum legs of these robots offers the potential to perform some duties that are not possible with classical rigid-link robots. Potential applications are as space robots in low gravity, and as cave explorer robots. The thesis covers the fabrication process of continuum pneumatic muscles and limbs. It also provides some new experimental data on this technology. Afterwards, the designs of two different novel continuum robots - one tripod, one quadruped - are introduced. Experimental data from tests using the robots is provided. The experimental results are the first published example of locomotion with tripod and quadruped continuum legged robots. Finally, discussion of the results and how far this technology can go forward is presented.

  14. Soft computing in advanced robotics

    CERN Document Server

    Kobayashi, Ichiro; Kim, Euntai


    Intelligent system and robotics are inevitably bound up; intelligent robots makes embodiment of system integration by using the intelligent systems. We can figure out that intelligent systems are to cell units, while intelligent robots are to body components. The two technologies have been synchronized in progress. Making leverage of the robotics and intelligent systems, applications cover boundlessly the range from our daily life to space station; manufacturing, healthcare, environment, energy, education, personal assistance, logistics. This book aims at presenting the research results in relevance with intelligent robotics technology. We propose to researchers and practitioners some methods to advance the intelligent systems and apply them to advanced robotics technology. This book consists of 10 contributions that feature mobile robots, robot emotion, electric power steering, multi-agent, fuzzy visual navigation, adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system, swarm EKF localization and inspection robot. Th...

  15. Robotics and remote systems applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rabold, D.E.


    This article is a review of numerous remote inspection techniques in use at the Savannah River (and other) facilities. These include: (1) reactor tank inspection robot, (2) californium waste removal robot, (3) fuel rod lubrication robot, (4) cesium source manipulation robot, (5) tank 13 survey and decontamination robots, (6) hot gang valve corridor decontamination and junction box removal robots, (7) lead removal from deionizer vessels robot, (8) HB line cleanup robot, (9) remote operation of a front end loader at WIPP, (10) remote overhead video extendible robot, (11) semi-intelligent mobile observing navigator, (12) remote camera systems in the SRS canyons, (13) cameras and borescope for the DWPF, (14) Hanford waste tank camera system, (15) in-tank precipitation camera system, (16) F-area retention basin pipe crawler, (17) waste tank wall crawler and annulus camera, (18) duct inspection, and (19) deionizer resin sampling

  16. Situation Assessment for Mobile Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beck, Anders Billesø

    Mobile robots have become a mature technology. The first cable guided logistics robots were introduced in the industry almost 60 years ago. In this time the market for mobile robots in industry has only experienced a very modest growth and only 2.100 systems were sold worldwide in 2011. In recent...... years, many other domains have adopted the mobile robots, such as logistics robots at hospitals and the vacuum robots in our homes. However, considering the achievements in research the last 15 years within perception and operation in natural environments together with the reductions of costs in modern...... sensor systems, the growth potential for mobile robot applications are enormous. Many new technological components are available to move the limits of commercial mobile robot applications, but a key hindrance is reliability. Natural environments are complex and dynamic, and thus the risk of robots...

  17. Fundamentals of soft robot locomotion


    Calisti, M.; Picardi, G.; Laschi, C.


    Soft robotics and its related technologies enable robot abilities in several robotics domains including, but not exclusively related to, manipulation, manufacturing, human���robot interaction and locomotion. Although field applications have emerged for soft manipulation and human���robot interaction, mobile soft robots appear to remain in the research stage, involving the somehow conflictual goals of having a deformable body and exerting forces on the environment to achieve locomotion. This p...

  18. Open Issues in Evolutionary Robotics. (United States)

    Silva, Fernando; Duarte, Miguel; Correia, Luís; Oliveira, Sancho Moura; Christensen, Anders Lyhne


    One of the long-term goals in evolutionary robotics is to be able to automatically synthesize controllers for real autonomous robots based only on a task specification. While a number of studies have shown the applicability of evolutionary robotics techniques for the synthesis of behavioral control, researchers have consistently been faced with a number of issues preventing the widespread adoption of evolutionary robotics for engineering purposes. In this article, we review and discuss the open issues in evolutionary robotics. First, we analyze the benefits and challenges of simulation-based evolution and subsequent deployment of controllers versus evolution on real robotic hardware. Second, we discuss specific evolutionary computation issues that have plagued evolutionary robotics: (1) the bootstrap problem, (2) deception, and (3) the role of genomic encoding and genotype-phenotype mapping in the evolution of controllers for complex tasks. Finally, we address the absence of standard research practices in the field. We also discuss promising avenues of research. Our underlying motivation is the reduction of the current gap between evolutionary robotics and mainstream robotics, and the establishment of evolutionary robotics as a canonical approach for the engineering of autonomous robots.

  19. Mergeable nervous systems for robots. (United States)

    Mathews, Nithin; Christensen, Anders Lyhne; O'Grady, Rehan; Mondada, Francesco; Dorigo, Marco


    Robots have the potential to display a higher degree of lifetime morphological adaptation than natural organisms. By adopting a modular approach, robots with different capabilities, shapes, and sizes could, in theory, construct and reconfigure themselves as required. However, current modular robots have only been able to display a limited range of hardwired behaviors because they rely solely on distributed control. Here, we present robots whose bodies and control systems can merge to form entirely new robots that retain full sensorimotor control. Our control paradigm enables robots to exhibit properties that go beyond those of any existing machine or of any biological organism: the robots we present can merge to form larger bodies with a single centralized controller, split into separate bodies with independent controllers, and self-heal by removing or replacing malfunctioning body parts. This work takes us closer to robots that can autonomously change their size, form and function.Robots that can self-assemble into different morphologies are desired to perform tasks that require different physical capabilities. Mathews et al. design robots whose bodies and control systems can merge and split to form new robots that retain full sensorimotor control and act as a single entity.

  20. Evolving self-assembly in autonomous homogeneous robots: experiments with two physical robots. (United States)

    Ampatzis, Christos; Tuci, Elio; Trianni, Vito; Christensen, Anders Lyhne; Dorigo, Marco


    This research work illustrates an approach to the design of controllers for self-assembling robots in which the self-assembly is initiated and regulated by perceptual cues that are brought forth by the physical robots through their dynamical interactions. More specifically, we present a homogeneous control system that can achieve assembly between two modules (two fully autonomous robots) of a mobile self-reconfigurable system without a priori introduced behavioral or morphological heterogeneities. The controllers are dynamic neural networks evolved in simulation that directly control all the actuators of the two robots. The neurocontrollers cause the dynamic specialization of the robots by allocating roles between them based solely on their interaction. We show that the best evolved controller proves to be successful when tested on a real hardware platform, the swarm-bot. The performance achieved is similar to the one achieved by existing modular or behavior-based approaches, also due to the effect of an emergent recovery mechanism that was neither explicitly rewarded by the fitness function, nor observed during the evolutionary simulation. Our results suggest that direct access to the orientations or intentions of the other agents is not a necessary condition for robot coordination: Our robots coordinate without direct or explicit communication, contrary to what is assumed by most research works in collective robotics. This work also contributes to strengthening the evidence that evolutionary robotics is a design methodology that can tackle real-world tasks demanding fine sensory-motor coordination.

  1. [Robotics in pediatric surgery]. (United States)

    Camps, J I


    Despite the extensive use of robotics in the adult population, the use of robotics in pediatrics has not been well accepted. There is still a lack of awareness from pediatric surgeons on how to use the robotic equipment, its advantages and indications. Benefit is still controversial. Dexterity and better visualization of the surgical field are one of the strong values. Conversely, cost and a lack of small instruments prevent the use of robotics in the smaller patients. The aim of this manuscript is to present the controversies about the use of robotics in pediatric surgery.

  2. Toward a framework for levels of robot autonomy in human-robot interaction. (United States)

    Beer, Jenay M; Fisk, Arthur D; Rogers, Wendy A


    A critical construct related to human-robot interaction (HRI) is autonomy, which varies widely across robot platforms. Levels of robot autonomy (LORA), ranging from teleoperation to fully autonomous systems, influence the way in which humans and robots may interact with one another. Thus, there is a need to understand HRI by identifying variables that influence - and are influenced by - robot autonomy. Our overarching goal is to develop a framework for levels of robot autonomy in HRI. To reach this goal, the framework draws links between HRI and human-automation interaction, a field with a long history of studying and understanding human-related variables. The construct of autonomy is reviewed and redefined within the context of HRI. Additionally, the framework proposes a process for determining a robot's autonomy level, by categorizing autonomy along a 10-point taxonomy. The framework is intended to be treated as guidelines to determine autonomy, categorize the LORA along a qualitative taxonomy, and consider which HRI variables (e.g., acceptance, situation awareness, reliability) may be influenced by the LORA.

  3. [Robot-aided training in rehabilitation]. (United States)

    Hachisuka, Kenji


    Recently, new training techniques that involve the use of robots have been used in the rehabilitation of patients with hemiplegia and paraplegia. Robots used for training the arm include the MIT-MANUS, Arm Trainer, mirror-image motion enabler (MIME) robot, and the assisted rehabilitation and measurement (ARM) Guide. Robots that are used for lower-limb training are the Rehabot, Gait Trainer, Lokomat, LOPES Exoskeleton Robot, and Gait Assist Robot. Robot-aided therapy has enabled the functional training of the arm and the lower limbs in an effective, easy, and comfortable manner. Therefore, with this type of therapy, the patients can repeatedly undergo sufficient and accurate training for a prolonged period. However, evidence of the benefits of robot-aided training has not yet been established.

  4. Current status of robotic simulators in acquisition of robotic surgical skills. (United States)

    Kumar, Anup; Smith, Roger; Patel, Vipul R


    This article provides an overview of the current status of simulator systems in robotic surgery training curriculum, focusing on available simulators for training, their comparison, new technologies introduced in simulation focusing on concepts of training along with existing challenges and future perspectives of simulator training in robotic surgery. The different virtual reality simulators available in the market like dVSS, dVT, RoSS, ProMIS and SEP have shown face, content and construct validity in robotic skills training for novices outside the operating room. Recently, augmented reality simulators like HoST, Maestro AR and RobotiX Mentor have been introduced in robotic training providing a more realistic operating environment, emphasizing more on procedure-specific robotic training . Further, the Xperience Team Trainer, which provides training to console surgeon and bed-side assistant simultaneously, has been recently introduced to emphasize the importance of teamwork and proper coordination. Simulator training holds an important place in current robotic training curriculum of future robotic surgeons. There is a need for more procedure-specific augmented reality simulator training, utilizing advancements in computing and graphical capabilities for new innovations in simulator technology. Further studies are required to establish its cost-benefit ratio along with concurrent and predictive validity.

  5. A Human-Robot Interaction Perspective on Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics. (United States)

    Beckerle, Philipp; Salvietti, Gionata; Unal, Ramazan; Prattichizzo, Domenico; Rossi, Simone; Castellini, Claudio; Hirche, Sandra; Endo, Satoshi; Amor, Heni Ben; Ciocarlie, Matei; Mastrogiovanni, Fulvio; Argall, Brenna D; Bianchi, Matteo


    Assistive and rehabilitation devices are a promising and challenging field of recent robotics research. Motivated by societal needs such as aging populations, such devices can support motor functionality and subject training. The design, control, sensing, and assessment of the devices become more sophisticated due to a human in the loop. This paper gives a human-robot interaction perspective on current issues and opportunities in the field. On the topic of control and machine learning, approaches that support but do not distract subjects are reviewed. Options to provide sensory user feedback that are currently missing from robotic devices are outlined. Parallels between device acceptance and affective computing are made. Furthermore, requirements for functional assessment protocols that relate to real-world tasks are discussed. In all topic areas, the design of human-oriented frameworks and methods is dominated by challenges related to the close interaction between the human and robotic device. This paper discusses the aforementioned aspects in order to open up new perspectives for future robotic solutions.

  6. DSLs in robotics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz, Ulrik Pagh; Bordignon, Mirko; Stoy, Kasper


    Robotic systems blend hardware and software in a holistic way that intrinsically raises many crosscutting concerns such as concurrency, uncertainty, and time constraints. These concerns make programming robotic systems challenging as expertise from multiple domains needs to be integrated...... conceptually and technically. Programming languages play a central role in providing a higher level of abstraction. This briefing presents a case study on the evolution of domain-specific languages based on modular robotics. The case study on the evolution of domain-specific languages is based on a series...... of DSL prototypes developed over five years for the domain of modular, self-reconfigurable robots....

  7. Robotic arm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwech, H.


    A robotic arm positionable within a nuclear vessel by access through a small diameter opening and having a mounting tube supported within the vessel and mounting a plurality of arm sections for movement lengthwise of the mounting tube as well as for movement out of a window provided in the wall of the mounting tube is disclosed. An end effector, such as a grinding head or welding element, at an operating end of the robotic arm, can be located and operated within the nuclear vessel through movement derived from six different axes of motion provided by mounting and drive connections between arm sections of the robotic arm. The movements are achieved by operation of remotely-controllable servo motors, all of which are mounted at a control end of the robotic arm to be outside the nuclear vessel. 23 figs

  8. Human-robot skills transfer interfaces for a flexible surgical robot. (United States)

    Calinon, Sylvain; Bruno, Danilo; Malekzadeh, Milad S; Nanayakkara, Thrishantha; Caldwell, Darwin G


    In minimally invasive surgery, tools go through narrow openings and manipulate soft organs to perform surgical tasks. There are limitations in current robot-assisted surgical systems due to the rigidity of robot tools. The aim of the STIFF-FLOP European project is to develop a soft robotic arm to perform surgical tasks. The flexibility of the robot allows the surgeon to move within organs to reach remote areas inside the body and perform challenging procedures in laparoscopy. This article addresses the problem of designing learning interfaces enabling the transfer of skills from human demonstration. Robot programming by demonstration encompasses a wide range of learning strategies, from simple mimicking of the demonstrator's actions to the higher level imitation of the underlying intent extracted from the demonstrations. By focusing on this last form, we study the problem of extracting an objective function explaining the demonstrations from an over-specified set of candidate reward functions, and using this information for self-refinement of the skill. In contrast to inverse reinforcement learning strategies that attempt to explain the observations with reward functions defined for the entire task (or a set of pre-defined reward profiles active for different parts of the task), the proposed approach is based on context-dependent reward-weighted learning, where the robot can learn the relevance of candidate objective functions with respect to the current phase of the task or encountered situation. The robot then exploits this information for skills refinement in the policy parameters space. The proposed approach is tested in simulation with a cutting task performed by the STIFF-FLOP flexible robot, using kinesthetic demonstrations from a Barrett WAM manipulator. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Measuring Attitudes Towards Telepresence Robots


    M Tsui, Katherine; Desai, Munjal; A. Yanco, Holly; Cramer, Henriette; Kemper, Nicander


    Studies using Nomura et al.’s “Negative Attitude toward Robots Scale” (NARS) [1] as an attitudinal measure have featured robots that were perceived to be autonomous, indepen- dent agents. State of the art telepresence robots require an explicit human-in-the-loop to drive the robot around. In this paper, we investigate if NARS can be used with telepresence robots. To this end, we conducted three studies in which people watched videos of telepresence robots (n=70), operated te...

  10. Robotic environments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bier, H.H.


    Technological and conceptual advances in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and material science have enabled robotic architectural environments to be implemented and tested in the last decade in virtual and physical prototypes. These prototypes are incorporating sensing-actuating

  11. 2016 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics

    CERN Document Server

    Nakamura, Yoshihiko; Khatib, Oussama; Venture, Gentiane


    Experimental Robotics XV is the collection of papers presented at the International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan on October 3-6, 2016. 73 scientific papers were selected and presented after peer review. The papers span a broad range of sub-fields in robotics including aerial robots, mobile robots, actuation, grasping, manipulation, planning and control and human-robot interaction, but shared cutting-edge approaches and paradigms to experimental robotics. The readers will find a breadth of new directions of experimental robotics. The International Symposium on Experimental Robotics is a series of bi-annual symposia sponsored by the International Foundation of Robotics Research, whose goal is to provide a forum dedicated to experimental robotics research. Robotics has been widening its scientific scope, deepening its methodologies and expanding its applications. However, the significance of experiments remains and will remain at the center of the discipline. The ISER gatherings are...

  12. Caracterización de plásmidos de Acinetobacter spp. de origen hospitalario y ambiental


    Salto, Ileana Paula


    Los plásmidos pueden ser considerados como un ensamble de distintos módulos funcionales característicos que le confieren su identidad (Thomas, 2000). Los plásmidos pueden contener en su secuencia genes de proteínas con funciones plenamente plasmídicas (replicación, movilización y mantenimiento), como así también módulos accesorios que le confieren al microorganismo huésped alguna función beneficiosa para competir por un nicho ecológico. Estos plásmidos, cumplen una función particular y necesa...



    Padilla García, José Aarón


    En este trabajo de investigación se propone un procedimiento para determinar la respuesta de estado estacionario de un robot manipulador planar, el cual pertence a un tipo de sis- temas no lineales caracterizado por el producto de estados, mediante el modelado en Bond Graph con una causalidad derivativa (BGD) en los elementos almacenadores. Esta repre- sentación del sistema no tiene sentido físico, pero dentro del marco teórico del Bond Graph puede proporcionar información vali...

  14. sistemas de producción tipo kanban: Descripción, componentes, diseño del sistema, y bibliografía relacionada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Javier Parra Ortega


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objeto de estudio, los sistemas de producción tipo ensamble (tree structure tipo Kanban, mono-producto, con tiempos de procesamiento aleatorios para las estaciones que lo conforman, y con capacidad limitada de producción para cada estación. Adicionalmente, se restringe el análisis de dichos sistemas, para horizontes finitos de producción. Después de una descripción del mecanismo de operación de un sistema Kanban simple, de los elementos que los componen, y del estado del arte en sistemas de producción tipo Kanban, se propone e implementa un modelo heurístico para determinar el número de kanbans, minimizando el costo promedio del inventario en proceso.

  15. Service Oriented Robotic Architecture for Space Robotics: Design, Testing, and Lessons Learned (United States)

    Fluckiger, Lorenzo Jean Marc E; Utz, Hans Heinrich


    This paper presents the lessons learned from six years of experiments with planetary rover prototypes running the Service Oriented Robotic Architecture (SORA) developed by the Intelligent Robotics Group (IRG) at the NASA Ames Research Center. SORA relies on proven software engineering methods and technologies applied to space robotics. Based on a Service Oriented Architecture and robust middleware, SORA encompasses on-board robot control and a full suite of software tools necessary for remotely operated exploration missions. SORA has been eld tested in numerous scenarios of robotic lunar and planetary exploration. The experiments conducted by IRG with SORA exercise a large set of the constraints encountered in space applications: remote robotic assets, ight relevant science instruments, distributed operations, high network latencies and unreliable or intermittent communication links. In this paper, we present the results of these eld tests in regard to the developed architecture, and discuss its bene ts and limitations.

  16. Robot Control Overview: An Industrial Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. Brogårdh


    Full Text Available One key competence for robot manufacturers is robot control, defined as all the technologies needed to control the electromechanical system of an industrial robot. By means of modeling, identification, optimization, and model-based control it is possible to reduce robot cost, increase robot performance, and solve requirements from new automation concepts and new application processes. Model-based control, including kinematics error compensation, optimal servo reference- and feed-forward generation, and servo design, tuning, and scheduling, has meant a breakthrough for the use of robots in industry. Relying on this breakthrough, new automation concepts such as high performance multi robot collaboration and human robot collaboration can be introduced. Robot manufacturers can build robots with more compliant components and mechanical structures without loosing performance and robots can be used also in applications with very high performance requirements, e.g., in assembly, machining, and laser cutting. In the future it is expected that the importance of sensor control will increase, both with respect to sensors in the robot structure to increase the control performance of the robot itself and sensors outside the robot related to the applications and the automation systems. In this connection sensor fusion and learning functionalities will be needed together with the robot control for easy and intuitive installation, programming, and maintenance of industrial robots.

  17. Low cost submarine robot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ponlachart Chotikarn


    Full Text Available A submarine robot is a semi-autonomous submarine robot used mainly for marine environmental research. We aim todevelop a low cost, semi-autonomous submarine robot which is able to travel underwater. The robot’s structure was designedand patented using a novel idea of the diving system employing a volume adjustment mechanism to vary the robot’s density.A light weight, flexibility and small structure provided by PVC can be used to construct the torpedo-liked shape robot.Hydraulic seal and O-ring rubbers are used to prevent water leaking. This robot is controlled by a wired communicationsystem.

  18. Vision-Based Robot Following Using PID Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chandra Sekhar Pati


    Full Text Available Applications like robots which are employed for shopping, porter services, assistive robotics, etc., require a robot to continuously follow a human or another robot. This paper presents a mobile robot following another tele-operated mobile robot based on a PID (Proportional–Integral-Differential controller. Here, we use two differential wheel drive robots; one is a master robot and the other is a follower robot. The master robot is manually controlled and the follower robot is programmed to follow the master robot. For the master robot, a Bluetooth module receives the user’s command from an android application which is processed by the master robot’s controller, which is used to move the robot. The follower robot receives the image from the Kinect sensor mounted on it and recognizes the master robot. The follower robot identifies the x, y positions by employing the camera and the depth by using the Kinect depth sensor. By identifying the x, y, and z locations of the master robot, the follower robot finds the angle and distance between the master and follower robot, which is given as the error term of a PID controller. Using this, the follower robot follows the master robot. A PID controller is based on feedback and tries to minimize the error. Experiments are conducted for two indigenously developed robots; one depicting a humanoid and the other a small mobile robot. It was observed that the follower robot was easily able to follow the master robot using well-tuned PID parameters.

  19. Cinemática inversa de robot serial utilizando algoritmo genético basado en MCDS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Jairo Vaca González


    Full Text Available Los robots manipuladores seriales son herramientas eficaces para realizar tareas repetitivas y de precisión en la industria, siempre que se comprenda la cinemática involucrada en el posicionamiento y orientación del efector final. Este artículo presenta una metodología para resolver el problema cinemático inverso de un robot serial (Melfa RV-2A utilizando un algoritmo genético (AG a partir del modelo cinemático directo Screws (MCDS. Para esto, se obtienen los parámetros Screw que modelan el robot, se calcula el espacio de trabajo asociado y se diseña el AG contemplando una función multi-objetivo de alcance de posición y orientación en que se sitúa el efector final, con respecto a una coordenada y orientación de un punto objetivo establecido. La validación del AG se realiza según la aptitud, el tiempo de convergencia y la cantidad de generaciones usadas por la función para alcanzar el objetivo. Por tanto, la implementación de un AG basado en un MCDS es una herramienta prometedora que podría utilizarse para calcular la cinemática inversa de robots seriales. Esta novedosa implementación permite establecer por primera vez la exposición matricial de un sistema cinemático directo para obtener la solución cinemática inversa de un robot serial. En consecuencia, se demuestra que esta es una metodología factible y eficiente para solucionar la cinemática inversa de cualquier tipo de robot manipulador.

  20. ROBOTICS 2014 - The International Conference on ROBOTICS, Bucharest, Romania, October 23-24, 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iulian TABĂRĂ


    Full Text Available ROBOTICS 2014 was organized by Robotics Society of Romania (RSR with the support of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB, Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy (ISMRA and Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (TUCEB, Ministry of National Education (MNE, under the patronage of International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM. The first scientific event in the field of Robotics in Romania was held at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB, in 1981, by Professor Chrisitan PELECUDI, head of the Mechanisms and Robots research and design team MERO (MEchanisms and RObots and was named "National Symposium of Robotics ". Since the first edition have been held in Romania various scientific events dedicated to Robotics under the name of National Seminars (first fifteen events, since 1981 and National and International Conferences (last five editions. This is the 22nd edition of these scientific events, the first three (1981, 1982, and 1983 being held at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest.

  1. Robotic hand with modular extensions (United States)

    Salisbury, Curt Michael; Quigley, Morgan


    A robotic device is described herein. The robotic device includes a frame that comprises a plurality of receiving regions that are configured to receive a respective plurality of modular robotic extensions. The modular robotic extensions are removably attachable to the frame at the respective receiving regions by way of respective mechanical fuses. Each mechanical fuse is configured to trip when a respective modular robotic extension experiences a predefined load condition, such that the respective modular robotic extension detaches from the frame when the load condition is met.

  2. Physical Human Robot Interaction for a Wall Mounting Robot - External Force Estimation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alonso García, Alejandro; Villarmarzo Arruñada, Noelia; Pedersen, Rasmus


    The use of collaborative robots enhances human capabilities, leading to better working conditions and increased productivity. In building construction, such robots are needed, among other tasks, to install large glass panels, where the robot takes care of the heavy lifting part of the job while...

  3. Vision-Based Robot Following Using PID Control


    Chandra Sekhar Pati; Rahul Kala


    Applications like robots which are employed for shopping, porter services, assistive robotics, etc., require a robot to continuously follow a human or another robot. This paper presents a mobile robot following another tele-operated mobile robot based on a PID (Proportional–Integral-Differential) controller. Here, we use two differential wheel drive robots; one is a master robot and the other is a follower robot. The master robot is manually controlled and the follower robot is programmed to ...

  4. Why Robots Should Be Social: Enhancing Machine Learning through Social Human-Robot Interaction. (United States)

    de Greeff, Joachim; Belpaeme, Tony


    Social learning is a powerful method for cultural propagation of knowledge and skills relying on a complex interplay of learning strategies, social ecology and the human propensity for both learning and tutoring. Social learning has the potential to be an equally potent learning strategy for artificial systems and robots in specific. However, given the complexity and unstructured nature of social learning, implementing social machine learning proves to be a challenging problem. We study one particular aspect of social machine learning: that of offering social cues during the learning interaction. Specifically, we study whether people are sensitive to social cues offered by a learning robot, in a similar way to children's social bids for tutoring. We use a child-like social robot and a task in which the robot has to learn the meaning of words. For this a simple turn-based interaction is used, based on language games. Two conditions are tested: one in which the robot uses social means to invite a human teacher to provide information based on what the robot requires to fill gaps in its knowledge (i.e. expression of a learning preference); the other in which the robot does not provide social cues to communicate a learning preference. We observe that conveying a learning preference through the use of social cues results in better and faster learning by the robot. People also seem to form a "mental model" of the robot, tailoring the tutoring to the robot's performance as opposed to using simply random teaching. In addition, the social learning shows a clear gender effect with female participants being responsive to the robot's bids, while male teachers appear to be less receptive. This work shows how additional social cues in social machine learning can result in people offering better quality learning input to artificial systems, resulting in improved learning performance.

  5. Why Robots Should Be Social: Enhancing Machine Learning through Social Human-Robot Interaction.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joachim de Greeff

    Full Text Available Social learning is a powerful method for cultural propagation of knowledge and skills relying on a complex interplay of learning strategies, social ecology and the human propensity for both learning and tutoring. Social learning has the potential to be an equally potent learning strategy for artificial systems and robots in specific. However, given the complexity and unstructured nature of social learning, implementing social machine learning proves to be a challenging problem. We study one particular aspect of social machine learning: that of offering social cues during the learning interaction. Specifically, we study whether people are sensitive to social cues offered by a learning robot, in a similar way to children's social bids for tutoring. We use a child-like social robot and a task in which the robot has to learn the meaning of words. For this a simple turn-based interaction is used, based on language games. Two conditions are tested: one in which the robot uses social means to invite a human teacher to provide information based on what the robot requires to fill gaps in its knowledge (i.e. expression of a learning preference; the other in which the robot does not provide social cues to communicate a learning preference. We observe that conveying a learning preference through the use of social cues results in better and faster learning by the robot. People also seem to form a "mental model" of the robot, tailoring the tutoring to the robot's performance as opposed to using simply random teaching. In addition, the social learning shows a clear gender effect with female participants being responsive to the robot's bids, while male teachers appear to be less receptive. This work shows how additional social cues in social machine learning can result in people offering better quality learning input to artificial systems, resulting in improved learning performance.

  6. Robot Tracer with Visual Camera (United States)

    Jabbar Lubis, Abdul; Dwi Lestari, Yuyun; Dafitri, Haida; Azanuddin


    Robot is a versatile tool that can function replace human work function. The robot is a device that can be reprogrammed according to user needs. The use of wireless networks for remote monitoring needs can be utilized to build a robot that can be monitored movement and can be monitored using blueprints and he can track the path chosen robot. This process is sent using a wireless network. For visual robot using high resolution cameras to facilitate the operator to control the robot and see the surrounding circumstances.

  7. Robotics for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiraiwa, Takanori; Watanabe, Atsuo; Miyasawa, Tatsuo


    Demand for robots in nuclear power plants is increasing of late in order to reduce workers' exposure to radiations. Especially, owing to the progress of microelectronics and robotics, earnest desire is growing for the advent of intellecturized robots that perform indeterminate and complicated security work. Herein represented are the robots recently developed for nuclear power plants and the review of the present status of robotics. (author)

  8. Robotics for nuclear power plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shiraiwa, Takanori; Watanabe, Atsuo; Miyasawa, Tatsuo


    Demand for robots in nuclear power plants is increasing of late in order to reduce workers' exposure to radiations. Especially, owing to the progress of microelectronics and robotics, earnest desire is growing for the advent of intellecturized robots that perform indeterminate and complicated security work. Herein represented are the robots recently developed for nuclear power plants and the review of the present status of robotics.

  9. 30 Years of Robotic Surgery. (United States)

    Leal Ghezzi, Tiago; Campos Corleta, Oly


    The idea of reproducing himself with the use of a mechanical robot structure has been in man's imagination in the last 3000 years. However, the use of robots in medicine has only 30 years of history. The application of robots in surgery originates from the need of modern man to achieve two goals: the telepresence and the performance of repetitive and accurate tasks. The first "robot surgeon" used on a human patient was the PUMA 200 in 1985. In the 1990s, scientists developed the concept of "master-slave" robot, which consisted of a robot with remote manipulators controlled by a surgeon at a surgical workstation. Despite the lack of force and tactile feedback, technical advantages of robotic surgery, such as 3D vision, stable and magnified image, EndoWrist instruments, physiologic tremor filtering, and motion scaling, have been considered fundamental to overcome many of the limitations of the laparoscopic surgery. Since the approval of the da Vinci(®) robot by international agencies, American, European, and Asian surgeons have proved its factibility and safety for the performance of many different robot-assisted surgeries. Comparative studies of robotic and laparoscopic surgical procedures in general surgery have shown similar results with regard to perioperative, oncological, and functional outcomes. However, higher costs and lack of haptic feedback represent the major limitations of current robotic technology to become the standard technique of minimally invasive surgery worldwide. Therefore, the future of robotic surgery involves cost reduction, development of new platforms and technologies, creation and validation of curriculum and virtual simulators, and conduction of randomized clinical trials to determine the best applications of robotics.

  10. Human Robotic Systems (HRS): Controlling Robots over Time Delay Element (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This element involves the development of software that enables easier commanding of a wide range of NASA relevant robots through the Robot Application Programming...

  11. Formation Control and Obstacle Avoidance for Multiple Mobile Robots%多移动机器人避障编队控制

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    杨甜甜; 刘志远; 陈虹; 裴润


    This paper considers the problem of formation con-trol and obstacle avoidance for a group of nonholonomic mobile robots. On the basis of suboptimal model predictive control, two control algorithms are proposed. Both algorithms are formulated such that they solve as solving the optimal control problems in which the cost functions are coupled with the dynamics of each interacting robot. A potential function is used to define the ter- minal state penalty term, and a corresponding terminal state region is added to the optimization constraints. Moreover, the main issues inclusive of stability and safety are also discussed. Simulation results show the feasibility of the proposed control strategies.

  12. Advances in robot kinematics

    CERN Document Server

    Khatib, Oussama


    The topics addressed in this book cover the whole range of kinematic analysis, synthesis and design and consider robotic systems possessing serial, parallel and cable driven mechanisms. The robotic systems range from being less than fully mobile to kinematically redundant to overconstrained.  The fifty-six contributions report the latest results in robot kinematics with emphasis on emerging areas such as design and control of humanoids or humanoid subsystems. The book is of interest to researchers wanting to bring their knowledge up to date regarding modern topics in one of the basic disciplines in robotics, which relates to the essential property of robots, the motion of mechanisms.

  13. Effect of cognitive biases on human-robot interaction: a case study of robot's misattribution


    Biswas, Mriganka; Murray, John


    This paper presents a model for developing long-term human-robot interactions and social relationships based on the principle of 'human' cognitive biases applied to a robot. The aim of this work is to study how a robot influenced with human ‘misattribution’ helps to build better human-robot interactions than unbiased robots. The results presented in this paper suggest that it is important to know the effect of cognitive biases in human characteristics and interactions in order to better u...

  14. Robotic systems in spine surgery. (United States)

    Onen, Mehmet Resid; Naderi, Sait


    Surgical robotic systems have been available for almost twenty years. The first surgical robotic systems were designed as supportive systems for laparoscopic approaches in general surgery (the first procedure was a cholecystectomy in 1987). The da Vinci Robotic System is the most common system used for robotic surgery today. This system is widely used in urology, gynecology and other surgical disciplines, and recently there have been initial reports of its use in spine surgery, for transoral access and anterior approaches for lumbar inter-body fusion interventions. SpineAssist, which is widely used in spine surgery, and Renaissance Robotic Systems, which are considered the next generation of robotic systems, are now FDA approved. These robotic systems are designed for use as guidance systems in spine instrumentation, cement augmentations and biopsies. The aim is to increase surgical accuracy while reducing the intra-operative exposure to harmful radiation to the patient and operating team personnel during the intervention. We offer a review of the published literature related to the use of robotic systems in spine surgery and provide information on using robotic systems.

  15. Robots in the Roses



    2014-04 Robots in the Roses A CRUSER Sponsored Event. The 4th Annual Robots in the Roses provides a venue for Faculty & NPS Students to showcase unmanned systems research (current or completed) and recruit NPS Students to join in researching on your project. Posters, robots, vehicles, videos, and even just plain humans welcome! Families are welcome to attend Robots in the Roses as we'll have a STEM activity for children to participate in.

  16. Robot Motion and Control 2011

    CERN Document Server


    Robot Motion Control 2011 presents very recent results in robot motion and control. Forty short papers have been chosen from those presented at the sixth International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control held in Poland in June 2011. The authors of these papers have been carefully selected and represent leading institutions in this field. The following recent developments are discussed: • Design of trajectory planning schemes for holonomic and nonholonomic systems with optimization of energy, torque limitations and other factors. • New control algorithms for industrial robots, nonholonomic systems and legged robots. • Different applications of robotic systems in industry and everyday life, like medicine, education, entertainment and others. • Multiagent systems consisting of mobile and flying robots with their applications The book is suitable for graduate students of automation and robotics, informatics and management, mechatronics, electronics and production engineering systems as well as scientists...

  17. Full autonomous microline trace robot (United States)

    Yi, Deer; Lu, Si; Yan, Yingbai; Jin, Guofan


    Optoelectric inspection may find applications in robotic system. In micro robotic system, smaller optoelectric inspection system is preferred. However, as miniaturizing the size of the robot, the number of the optoelectric detector becomes lack. And lack of the information makes the micro robot difficult to acquire its status. In our lab, a micro line trace robot has been designed, which autonomous acts based on its optoelectric detection. It has been programmed to follow a black line printed on the white colored ground. Besides the optoelectric inspection, logical algorithm in the microprocessor is also important. In this paper, we propose a simply logical algorithm to realize robot's intelligence. The robot's intelligence is based on a AT89C2051 microcontroller which controls its movement. The technical details of the micro robot are as follow: dimension: 30mm*25mm*35*mm; velocity: 60mm/s.

  18. Rehabilitation robotics. (United States)

    Krebs, H I; Volpe, B T


    This chapter focuses on rehabilitation robotics which can be used to augment the clinician's toolbox in order to deliver meaningful restorative therapy for an aging population, as well as on advances in orthotics to augment an individual's functional abilities beyond neurorestoration potential. The interest in rehabilitation robotics and orthotics is increasing steadily with marked growth in the last 10 years. This growth is understandable in view of the increased demand for caregivers and rehabilitation services escalating apace with the graying of the population. We provide an overview on improving function in people with a weak limb due to a neurological disorder who cannot properly control it to interact with the environment (orthotics); we then focus on tools to assist the clinician in promoting rehabilitation of an individual so that s/he can interact with the environment unassisted (rehabilitation robotics). We present a few clinical results occurring immediately poststroke as well as during the chronic phase that demonstrate superior gains for the upper extremity when employing rehabilitation robotics instead of usual care. These include the landmark VA-ROBOTICS multisite, randomized clinical study which demonstrates clinical gains for chronic stroke that go beyond usual care at no additional cost. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Robots of the Future

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    two main types of robots: industrial robots, and autonomous robots. .... position); it also has a virtual CPU with two stacks and three registers that hold 32-bit strings. Each item ..... just like we can aggregate images, text, and information from.

  20. A Human–Robot Interaction Perspective on Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipp Beckerle


    Full Text Available Assistive and rehabilitation devices are a promising and challenging field of recent robotics research. Motivated by societal needs such as aging populations, such devices can support motor functionality and subject training. The design, control, sensing, and assessment of the devices become more sophisticated due to a human in the loop. This paper gives a human–robot interaction perspective on current issues and opportunities in the field. On the topic of control and machine learning, approaches that support but do not distract subjects are reviewed. Options to provide sensory user feedback that are currently missing from robotic devices are outlined. Parallels between device acceptance and affective computing are made. Furthermore, requirements for functional assessment protocols that relate to real-world tasks are discussed. In all topic areas, the design of human-oriented frameworks and methods is dominated by challenges related to the close interaction between the human and robotic device. This paper discusses the aforementioned aspects in order to open up new perspectives for future robotic solutions.

  1. A Human–Robot Interaction Perspective on Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics (United States)

    Beckerle, Philipp; Salvietti, Gionata; Unal, Ramazan; Prattichizzo, Domenico; Rossi, Simone; Castellini, Claudio; Hirche, Sandra; Endo, Satoshi; Amor, Heni Ben; Ciocarlie, Matei; Mastrogiovanni, Fulvio; Argall, Brenna D.; Bianchi, Matteo


    Assistive and rehabilitation devices are a promising and challenging field of recent robotics research. Motivated by societal needs such as aging populations, such devices can support motor functionality and subject training. The design, control, sensing, and assessment of the devices become more sophisticated due to a human in the loop. This paper gives a human–robot interaction perspective on current issues and opportunities in the field. On the topic of control and machine learning, approaches that support but do not distract subjects are reviewed. Options to provide sensory user feedback that are currently missing from robotic devices are outlined. Parallels between device acceptance and affective computing are made. Furthermore, requirements for functional assessment protocols that relate to real-world tasks are discussed. In all topic areas, the design of human-oriented frameworks and methods is dominated by challenges related to the close interaction between the human and robotic device. This paper discusses the aforementioned aspects in order to open up new perspectives for future robotic solutions. PMID:28588473

  2. Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality

    CERN Document Server

    Hassanien, Aboul


    A beyond human knowledge and reach, robotics is strongly involved in tackling challenges of new emerging multidisciplinary fields. Together with humans, robots are busy exploring and working on the new generation of ideas and problems whose solution is otherwise impossible to find. The future is near when robots will sense, smell and touch people and their lives. Behind this practical aspect of human-robotics, there is a half a century spanned robotics research, which transformed robotics into a modern science. The Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality is a compilation of emerging application areas of robotics. The book covers robotics role in medicine, space exploration and also explains the role of virtual reality as a non-destructive test bed which constitutes a premise of further advances towards new challenges in robotics. This book, edited by two famous scientists with the support of an outstanding team of fifteen authors, is a well suited reference for robotics researchers and scholars from related ...

  3. Can Social Robots Qualify for Moral Consideration? Reframing the Question about Robot Rights

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herman T. Tavani


    Full Text Available A controversial question that has been hotly debated in the emerging field of robot ethics is whether robots should be granted rights. Yet, a review of the recent literature in that field suggests that this seemingly straightforward question is far from clear and unambiguous. For example, those who favor granting rights to robots have not always been clear as to which kinds of robots should (or should not be eligible; nor have they been consistent with regard to which kinds of rights—civil, legal, moral, etc.—should be granted to qualifying robots. Also, there has been considerable disagreement about which essential criterion, or cluster of criteria, a robot would need to satisfy to be eligible for rights, and there is ongoing disagreement as to whether a robot must satisfy the conditions for (moral agency to qualify either for rights or (at least some level of moral consideration. One aim of this paper is to show how the current debate about whether to grant rights to robots would benefit from an analysis and clarification of some key concepts and assumptions underlying that question. My principal objective, however, is to show why we should reframe that question by asking instead whether some kinds of social robots qualify for moral consideration as moral patients. In arguing that the answer to this question is “yes,” I draw from some insights in the writings of Hans Jonas to defend my position.

  4. Multi-Robot Assembly Strategies and Metrics (United States)



    We present a survey of multi-robot assembly applications and methods and describe trends and general insights into the multi-robot assembly problem for industrial applications. We focus on fixtureless assembly strategies featuring two or more robotic systems. Such robotic systems include industrial robot arms, dexterous robotic hands, and autonomous mobile platforms, such as automated guided vehicles. In this survey, we identify the types of assemblies that are enabled by utilizing multiple robots, the algorithms that synchronize the motions of the robots to complete the assembly operations, and the metrics used to assess the quality and performance of the assemblies. PMID:29497234

  5. Multi-Robot Assembly Strategies and Metrics. (United States)

    Marvel, Jeremy A; Bostelman, Roger; Falco, Joe


    We present a survey of multi-robot assembly applications and methods and describe trends and general insights into the multi-robot assembly problem for industrial applications. We focus on fixtureless assembly strategies featuring two or more robotic systems. Such robotic systems include industrial robot arms, dexterous robotic hands, and autonomous mobile platforms, such as automated guided vehicles. In this survey, we identify the types of assemblies that are enabled by utilizing multiple robots, the algorithms that synchronize the motions of the robots to complete the assembly operations, and the metrics used to assess the quality and performance of the assemblies.

  6. Present and Future of Nuclear Robotics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bielza Ciaz-Caneja, M.; Carmena Servet, P.; Gomez Santamaria, J.; Gonzalez Fernandez, J.; Izquierdo Mendoza, J.A.; Linares Pintos, F.; Martinez Gonzalez; Muntion Ruesgas, A.; Serna Oliveira, M.A.


    New technologies have increased the use of robotic systems in fields other than Industry. As a result, research and developers are focusing their interest in concepts like Intelligent Robotics and Robotics in Services. This paper describes the use of Robotics in Nuclear facilities, where robots can be used to protect workers in high radiation areas, to reduce total worker exposure and to minimise downtime. First, the structure of robot systems is introduced and the benefits of nuclear robots is presented. Next, the paper describes some specific nuclear applications and the families of nuclear robots present in the market. After that, a section is devoted to Nuclear Robotics in Spain, with emphasis in some of the developments being carried out at present. Finally, some reflections about the future of robots in Nuclear Industry are offered. (Author) 18 refs

  7. Robots as Confederates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fischer, Kerstin


    This paper addresses the use of robots in experimental research for the study of human language, human interaction, and human nature. It is argued that robots make excellent confederates that can be completely controlled, yet which engage human participants in interactions that allow us to study...... numerous linguistic and psychological variables in isolation in an ecologically valid way. Robots thus combine the advantages of observational studies and of controlled experimentation....

  8. Developing new behavior strategies of robot soccer team SjF TUKE Robotics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mikuláš Hajduk


    Full Text Available There are too many types of robotic soccer approaches at present. SjF TUKE Robotics, who won robot soccer world tournament for year 2010 in category MiroSot, is a team with multiagent system approach. They have one main agent (master and five agent players, represented by robots. There is a point of view, in the article, for code programmer how to create new behavior strategies by creating a new code for master. There is a methodology how to prepare and create it following some rules.

  9. Learning robotics using Python

    CERN Document Server

    Joseph, Lentin


    If you are an engineer, a researcher, or a hobbyist, and you are interested in robotics and want to build your own robot, this book is for you. Readers are assumed to be new to robotics but should have experience with Python.

  10. Open middleware for robotics

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Namoshe, M


    Full Text Available and their technologies within the field of multi-robot systems to ease the difficulty of realizing robot applications. And lastly, an example of algorithm development for multi-robot co-operation using one of the discussed software architecture is presented...

  11. Design-Oriented Enhanced Robotics Curriculum (United States)

    Yilmaz, M.; Ozcelik, S.; Yilmazer, N.; Nekovei, R.


    This paper presents an innovative two-course, laboratory-based, and design-oriented robotics educational model. The robotics curriculum exposed senior-level undergraduate students to major robotics concepts, and enhanced the student learning experience in hybrid learning environments by incorporating the IEEE Region-5 annual robotics competition…

  12. Interaction with Soft Robotic Tentacles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Jonas


    Soft robotics technology has been proposed for a number of applications that involve human-robot interaction. In this tabletop demonstration it is possible to interact with two soft robotic platforms that have been used in human-robot interaction experiments (also accepted to HRI'18 as a Late...

  13. Survival of falling robots (United States)

    Cameron, Jonathan M.; Arkin, Ronald C.


    As mobile robots are used in more uncertain and dangerous environments, it will become important to design them so that they can survive falls. In this paper, we examine a number of mechanisms and strategies that animals use to withstand these potentially catastrophic events and extend them to the design of robots. A brief survey of several aspects of how common cats survive falls provides an understanding of the issues involved in preventing traumatic injury during a falling event. After outlining situations in which robots might fall, a number of factors affecting their survival are described. From this background, several robot design guidelines are derived. These include recommendations for the physical structure of the robot as well as requirements for the robot control architecture. A control architecture is proposed based on reactive control techniques and action-oriented perception that is geared to support this form of survival behavior.

  14. Robot Games for Elderly

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Søren Tranberg


    improve a person’s overall health, and this thesis investigates how games based on an autonomous, mobile robot platform, can be used to motivate elderly to move physically while playing. The focus of the investigation is on the development of games for an autonomous, mobile robot based on algorithms using...... spatio-temporal information about player behaviour - more specifically, I investigate three types of games each using a different control strategy. The first game is based on basic robot control which allows the robot to detect and follow a person. A field study in a rehabilitation centre and a nursing....... The robot facilitates interaction, and the study suggests that robot based games potentially can be used for training balance and orientation. The second game consists in an adaptive game algorithm which gradually adjusts the game challenge to the mobility skills of the player based on spatio...

  15. Survival of falling robots (United States)

    Cameron, Jonathan M.; Arkin, Ronald C.


    As mobile robots are used in more uncertain and dangerous environments, it will become important to design them so that they can survive falls. In this paper, we examine a number of mechanisms and strategies that animals use to withstand these potentially catastrophic events and extend them to the design of robots. A brief survey of several aspects of how common cats survive falls provides an understanding of the issues involved in preventing traumatic injury during a falling event. After outlining situations in which robots might fall, a number of factors affecting their survival are described. From this background, several robot design guidelines are derived. These include recommendations for the physical structure of the robot as well as requirements for the robot control architecture. A control architecture is proposed based on reactive control techniques and action-oriented perception that is geared to support this form of survival behavior.

  16. Lessons of nuclear robot history

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oomichi, Takeo


    Severe accidents occurred at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station stirred up people's great expectation of nuclear robot's deployment. However unexpected nuclear disaster, especially rupture of reactor building caused by core meltdown and hydrogen explosion, made it quite difficult to introduce nuclear robot under high radiation environment to cease accidents and dispose damaged reactor. Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ) set up committee to look back upon lessons learned from 50 year's past experience of nuclear robot development and summarized 'Lessons of nuclear robot history', which was shown on the home page website of RSJ. This article outlined it with personal comment. History of nuclear robot developed for inspection and maintenance at normal operation and for specific required response at nuclear accidents was reviewed with many examples at home and abroad for TMI, Chernobyl and JCO accidents. Present state of Fukushima accident response robot's introduction and development was also described with some comments on nuclear robot development from academia based on lessons. (T. Tanaka)

  17. The Power of Educational Robotics (United States)

    Cummings, Timothy

    The purpose of this action research project was to investigate the impact a students' participation in educational robotics has on his or her performance in the STEM subjects. This study attempted to utilize educational robotics as a method for increasing student achievement and engagement in STEM subjects. Over the course of 12 weeks, an after-school robotics program was offered to students. Guided by the standards and principles of VEX IQ, a leading resource in educational robotics, students worked in collaboration on creating a design for their robot, building and testing their robot, and competing in the VEX IQ Crossover Challenge. Student data was gathered through a pre-participation survey, observations from the work they performed in robotics club, their performance in STEM subject classes, and the analysis of their end-of-the-year report card. Results suggest that the students who participate in robotics club experienced a positive impact on their performance in STEM subject classes.

  18. Clean-room robot implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Comeau, J.L.


    A robot has been incorporated in a clean room operation in which vacuum tube parts are cleaned just prior to final assembly with a 60 lb/in 2 blast of argon gas. The robot is programmed to pick up the parts, manipulate/rotate them as necessary in the jet pattern and deposit them in a tray precleaned by the robot. A carefully studied implementation plan was followed in the procurement, installation, modification and programming of the robot facility. An unusual configuration of one tube part required a unique gripper design. A study indicated that the tube parts processed by the robot are 12% cleaner than those manually cleaned by an experienced operator

  19. Referees check robots after qualifying match at regional robotic competition at KSC (United States)


    Referees check the robots on the floor of the playing field after a qualifying match of the 1999 Southeastern Regional robotic competition at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex . Thirty schools from around the country have converged at KSC for the event that pits gladiator robots against each other in an athletic-style competition. The robots have to retrieve pillow- like disks from the floor, as well as climb onto the platform (with flags) and raise the cache of pillows to a height of eight feet. KSC is hosting the event being sponsored by the nonprofit organization For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, known as FIRST. The FIRST robotics competition is designed to provide students with a hands-on, inside look at engineering and other professional careers.

  20. Design and Implementation of a New DELTA Parallel Robot in Robotics Competitions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jonqlan Lin


    Full Text Available This investigation concerns the design and implementation of the DELTA parallel robot, covering the entire mechatronic process, involving kinematics, control design and optimizing methods. To accelerate the construction of the robot, 3D printing is used to fabricate end-effector parts. The parts are modular, low-cost, reconfigurable and can be assembled in less time than is required for conventionally fabricated parts. The controller, including the control algorithm and human-machine interface (HMI, is coded using the Borland C++ Builder 6 Personal software environment. The integration of the motion controller with image recognition into an opto-mechatronics system is presented. The robot system has been entered into robotic competitions in Taiwan. The experimental results reveal that the proposed DELTA robot completed the tasks in those competitions successfully.

  1. Working with Robots: The Real Story. (United States)

    Fey, Carol


    Looks at some of the realities of life with robots: robots aren't replacing entire shifts of workers; a robot is just a tool; regular plant personnel maintain robots; and job category and seniority dictate who is trained to maintain robots. (CT)

  2. Robots: An Impact on Education. (United States)

    Blaesi, LaVon; Maness, Marion


    Provides background information on robotics and robots, considering impact of robots on the workplace and concerns of the work force. Discusses incorporating robotics into the educational system at all levels, exploring industry-education partnerships to fund introduction of new technology into the curriculum. New funding sources and funding…

  3. Robotics in hazardous waste management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahalingam, R.J.; Jayaraman, K.M.; Cunningham, A.J.; Meieran, H.B.; Zafrir, H.; Kroitoru, L.


    This paper addresses the advent of mobile robotic systems into the earth sciences and environmental studies. It presents issues surrounding the rationale for employing stationary and mobile robots to assist in waste chemical site remediation and cleanup activities, missions that could be conducted, and the current availability status for these devices. This rationale is an extension of that being promoted by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to assist in resolving environmental restoration and waste management (ER and WM) issues associated with several DOE national laboratories, facilities, and other sites. DOE has also committed to restore the environment surrounding the existing storage facilities and sites to a safe state. Technologies that are expected to play a major role in these activities are stationary and mobile robotic devices, and in particular, mobile robots. Specific topics discussed in this article include: introduction to robotics: motivations for considering robots in HWM: incorporation of robotics into HWM methods--this subsection includes a rationale for performing a ''screening test'' to determine the advantages of using a robot; safety and performance factors; illustrations for robots in action and current and future trends

  4. Evaluación en un paciente con ictus en fase crónica de un sistema autoadaptativo de neurorehabilitación robótica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Morales


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este art́ıculo presenta un nuevo sistema de rehabilitación capaz de adaptarse al estado psicofisiológico del paciente durante tareas de rehabilitación robótica. Con este tipo de terapia se puede maximizar la motivación y participación del paciente durante la actividad de rehabilitación. En este trabajo se extienden los resultados del estudio presentado en (Badesa et al., 2014b, realizado con sujetos sanos, a su utilización con pacientes que hayan sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular. En una primera parte del art́ıculo se presentan los distintos componentes del sistema adaptativo, y se realiza una comparativa de distintas técnicas de aprendizaje automático para clasificar el estado psicofisiológico del paciente entre tres estados posibles: estresado, nivel de excitación media y relajado. Finalmente, se muestran los resultados del sistema autoadaptativo con un paciente con ictus en fase crónica, que modifica el comportamiento del robot de rehabilitación y de la tarea virtual en función de las medidas de las señales fisiológicas. Abstract: This paper presents a new rehabilitation system that is able to adapt its performance to patient's psychophysiological state during the execution of robotic rehabilitation tasks. Using this approach, the motivation and participation of the patient during rehabilitation activity can be maximized. In this paper, the results of the study with healthy subjects presented in (Badesa et al., 2014b have been extended for using them with patients who have suffered a stroke. In the first part of the article, the different components of the adaptive system are exposed, as well as a comparison of different machine learning techniques to classify the patient's psychophysiological state between three possible states: stressed, average excitation level and relaxed are presented. Finally, the results of the auto-adaptive system which

  5. Future of robotic surgery. (United States)

    Lendvay, Thomas Sean; Hannaford, Blake; Satava, Richard M


    In just over a decade, robotic surgery has penetrated almost every surgical subspecialty and has even replaced some of the most commonly performed open oncologic procedures. The initial reports on patient outcomes yielded mixed results, but as more medical centers develop high-volume robotics programs, outcomes appear comparable if not improved for some applications. There are limitations to the current commercially available system, and new robotic platforms, some designed to compete in the current market and some to address niche surgical considerations, are being developed that will change the robotic landscape in the next decade. Adoption of these new systems will be dependent on overcoming barriers to true telesurgery that range from legal to logistical. As additional surgical disciplines embrace robotics and open surgery continues to be replaced by robotic approaches, it will be imperative that adequate education and training keep pace with technology. Methods to enhance surgical performance in robotics through the use of simulation and telementoring promise to accelerate learning curves and perhaps even improve surgical readiness through brief virtual-reality warm-ups and presurgical rehearsal. All these advances will need to be carefully and rigorously validated through not only patient outcomes, but also cost efficiency.

  6. Hand-held medical robots. (United States)

    Payne, Christopher J; Yang, Guang-Zhong


    Medical robots have evolved from autonomous systems to tele-operated platforms and mechanically-grounded, cooperatively-controlled robots. Whilst these approaches have seen both commercial and clinical success, uptake of these robots remains moderate because of their high cost, large physical footprint and long setup times. More recently, researchers have moved toward developing hand-held robots that are completely ungrounded and manipulated by surgeons in free space, in a similar manner to how conventional instruments are handled. These devices provide specific functions that assist the surgeon in accomplishing tasks that are otherwise challenging with manual manipulation. Hand-held robots have the advantages of being compact and easily integrated into the normal surgical workflow since there is typically little or no setup time. Hand-held devices can also have a significantly reduced cost to healthcare providers as they do not necessitate the complex, multi degree-of-freedom linkages that grounded robots require. However, the development of such devices is faced with many technical challenges, including miniaturization, cost and sterility, control stability, inertial and gravity compensation and robust instrument tracking. This review presents the emerging technical trends in hand-held medical robots and future development opportunities for promoting their wider clinical uptake.

  7. Human-Robot Planetary Exploration Teams (United States)

    Tyree, Kimberly


    The EVA Robotic Assistant (ERA) project at NASA Johnson Space Center studies human-robot interaction and robotic assistance for future human planetary exploration. Over the past four years, the ERA project has been performing field tests with one or more four-wheeled robotic platforms and one or more space-suited humans. These tests have provided experience in how robots can assist humans, how robots and humans can communicate in remote environments, and what combination of humans and robots works best for different scenarios. The most efficient way to understand what tasks human explorers will actually perform, and how robots can best assist them, is to have human explorers and scientists go and explore in an outdoor, planetary-relevant environment, with robots to demonstrate what they are capable of, and roboticists to observe the results. It can be difficult to have a human expert itemize all the needed tasks required for exploration while sitting in a lab: humans do not always remember all the details, and experts in one arena may not even recognize that the lower level tasks they take for granted may be essential for a roboticist to know about. Field tests thus create conditions that more accurately reveal missing components and invalid assumptions, as well as allow tests and comparisons of new approaches and demonstrations of working systems. We have performed field tests in our local rock yard, in several locations in the Arizona desert, and in the Utah desert. We have tested multiple exploration scenarios, such as geological traverses, cable or solar panel deployments, and science instrument deployments. The configuration of our robot can be changed, based on what equipment is needed for a given scenario, and the sensor mast can even be placed on one of two robot bases, each with different motion capabilities. The software architecture of our robot is also designed to be as modular as possible, to allow for hardware and configuration changes. Two focus

  8. Dynamic photogrammetric calibration of industrial robots (United States)

    Maas, Hans-Gerd


    Today's developments in industrial robots focus on aims like gain of flexibility, improvement of the interaction between robots and reduction of down-times. A very important method to achieve these goals are off-line programming techniques. In contrast to conventional teach-in-robot programming techniques, where sequences of actions are defined step-by- step via remote control on the real object, off-line programming techniques design complete robot (inter-)action programs in a CAD/CAM environment. This poses high requirements to the geometric accuracy of a robot. While the repeatability of robot poses in the teach-in mode is often better than 0.1 mm, the absolute pose accuracy potential of industrial robots is usually much worse due to tolerances, eccentricities, elasticities, play, wear-out, load, temperature and insufficient knowledge of model parameters for the transformation from poses into robot axis angles. This fact necessitates robot calibration techniques, including the formulation of a robot model describing kinematics and dynamics of the robot, and a measurement technique to provide reference data. Digital photogrammetry as an accurate, economic technique with realtime potential offers itself for this purpose. The paper analyzes the requirements posed to a measurement technique by industrial robot calibration tasks. After an overview on measurement techniques used for robot calibration purposes in the past, a photogrammetric robot calibration system based on off-the- shelf lowcost hardware components will be shown and results of pilot studies will be discussed. Besides aspects of accuracy, reliability and self-calibration in a fully automatic dynamic photogrammetric system, realtime capabilities are discussed. In the pilot studies, standard deviations of 0.05 - 0.25 mm in the three coordinate directions could be achieved over a robot work range of 1.7 X 1.5 X 1.0 m3. The realtime capabilities of the technique allow to go beyond kinematic robot

  9. Robots As Intentional Agents: Using Neuroscientific Methods to Make Robots Appear More Social. (United States)

    Wiese, Eva; Metta, Giorgio; Wykowska, Agnieszka


    Robots are increasingly envisaged as our future cohabitants. However, while considerable progress has been made in recent years in terms of their technological realization, the ability of robots to interact with humans in an intuitive and social way is still quite limited. An important challenge for social robotics is to determine how to design robots that can perceive the user's needs, feelings, and intentions, and adapt to users over a broad range of cognitive abilities. It is conceivable that if robots were able to adequately demonstrate these skills, humans would eventually accept them as social companions. We argue that the best way to achieve this is using a systematic experimental approach based on behavioral and physiological neuroscience methods such as motion/eye-tracking, electroencephalography, or functional near-infrared spectroscopy embedded in interactive human-robot paradigms. This approach requires understanding how humans interact with each other, how they perform tasks together and how they develop feelings of social connection over time, and using these insights to formulate design principles that make social robots attuned to the workings of the human brain. In this review, we put forward the argument that the likelihood of artificial agents being perceived as social companions can be increased by designing them in a way that they are perceived as intentional agents that activate areas in the human brain involved in social-cognitive processing. We first review literature related to social-cognitive processes and mechanisms involved in human-human interactions, and highlight the importance of perceiving others as intentional agents to activate these social brain areas. We then discuss how attribution of intentionality can positively affect human-robot interaction by (a) fostering feelings of social connection, empathy and prosociality, and by (b) enhancing performance on joint human-robot tasks. Lastly, we describe circumstances under which

  10. Robots As Intentional Agents: Using Neuroscientific Methods to Make Robots Appear More Social (United States)

    Wiese, Eva; Metta, Giorgio; Wykowska, Agnieszka


    Robots are increasingly envisaged as our future cohabitants. However, while considerable progress has been made in recent years in terms of their technological realization, the ability of robots to interact with humans in an intuitive and social way is still quite limited. An important challenge for social robotics is to determine how to design robots that can perceive the user’s needs, feelings, and intentions, and adapt to users over a broad range of cognitive abilities. It is conceivable that if robots were able to adequately demonstrate these skills, humans would eventually accept them as social companions. We argue that the best way to achieve this is using a systematic experimental approach based on behavioral and physiological neuroscience methods such as motion/eye-tracking, electroencephalography, or functional near-infrared spectroscopy embedded in interactive human–robot paradigms. This approach requires understanding how humans interact with each other, how they perform tasks together and how they develop feelings of social connection over time, and using these insights to formulate design principles that make social robots attuned to the workings of the human brain. In this review, we put forward the argument that the likelihood of artificial agents being perceived as social companions can be increased by designing them in a way that they are perceived as intentional agents that activate areas in the human brain involved in social-cognitive processing. We first review literature related to social-cognitive processes and mechanisms involved in human–human interactions, and highlight the importance of perceiving others as intentional agents to activate these social brain areas. We then discuss how attribution of intentionality can positively affect human–robot interaction by (a) fostering feelings of social connection, empathy and prosociality, and by (b) enhancing performance on joint human–robot tasks. Lastly, we describe circumstances under

  11. Robots As Intentional Agents: Using Neuroscientific Methods to Make Robots Appear More Social

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Wiese


    Full Text Available Robots are increasingly envisaged as our future cohabitants. However, while considerable progress has been made in recent years in terms of their technological realization, the ability of robots to interact with humans in an intuitive and social way is still quite limited. An important challenge for social robotics is to determine how to design robots that can perceive the user’s needs, feelings, and intentions, and adapt to users over a broad range of cognitive abilities. It is conceivable that if robots were able to adequately demonstrate these skills, humans would eventually accept them as social companions. We argue that the best way to achieve this is using a systematic experimental approach based on behavioral and physiological neuroscience methods such as motion/eye-tracking, electroencephalography, or functional near-infrared spectroscopy embedded in interactive human–robot paradigms. This approach requires understanding how humans interact with each other, how they perform tasks together and how they develop feelings of social connection over time, and using these insights to formulate design principles that make social robots attuned to the workings of the human brain. In this review, we put forward the argument that the likelihood of artificial agents being perceived as social companions can be increased by designing them in a way that they are perceived as intentional agents that activate areas in the human brain involved in social-cognitive processing. We first review literature related to social-cognitive processes and mechanisms involved in human–human interactions, and highlight the importance of perceiving others as intentional agents to activate these social brain areas. We then discuss how attribution of intentionality can positively affect human–robot interaction by (a fostering feelings of social connection, empathy and prosociality, and by (b enhancing performance on joint human–robot tasks. Lastly, we describe

  12. Two Legged Walking Robot


    Kraus, V.


    The aim of this work is to construct a two-legged wirelessly controlled walking robot. This paper describes the construction of the robot, its control electronics, and the solution of the wireless control. The article also includes a description of the application to control the robot. The control electronics of the walking robot are built using the development kit Arduino Mega, which is enhanced with WiFi module allowing the wireless control, a set of ultrasonic sensors for detecting obstacl...

  13. RHOBOT: Radiation hardened robotics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bennett, P.C.; Posey, L.D. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    A survey of robotic applications in radioactive environments has been conducted, and analysis of robotic system components and their response to the varying types and strengths of radiation has been completed. Two specific robotic systems for accident recovery and nuclear fuel movement have been analyzed in detail for radiation hardness. Finally, a general design approach for radiation-hardened robotics systems has been developed and is presented. This report completes this project which was funded under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program.

  14. RHOBOT: Radiation hardened robotics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bennett, P.C.; Posey, L.D.


    A survey of robotic applications in radioactive environments has been conducted, and analysis of robotic system components and their response to the varying types and strengths of radiation has been completed. Two specific robotic systems for accident recovery and nuclear fuel movement have been analyzed in detail for radiation hardness. Finally, a general design approach for radiation-hardened robotics systems has been developed and is presented. This report completes this project which was funded under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program

  15. Automated technological equipment-robot complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhitomirskii, S.V.; Samorodskikh, B.L.


    This paper surveys the types of automated technological equipment robot complexes. The principal elements of such complexes are described. Complexes are divided into two principal groups: those using simultaneously acting robots, and those using successively acting robots. The great variety of types of robots using successive action is then described

  16. Cognición imitativa para un robot mediante una comunidad de replicadores neuro-meméticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dante Giovanni Sterpin Buitrago


    Full Text Available Como herramienta de inteligencia artificial, la computación memética emplea modelos de ciertos elementos cerebrales, llamados neuro-memes, hipotéticamente implicados en la simbolización, diseminación y evolución de las características culturales en las sociedades humanas. Con la finalidad de simular el gran potencial evolutivo de los neuro-memes, recientemente se presentó el Perceptrón auto-supervisado (SSP como replicador neuro-memético artificial, cuya capacidad de aprendizaje imitativo fue verificada al controlar un robot muy sencillo. Con respecto a dicha capacidad se observó una deficiencia aprehensiva cuando el imitador solamente observa la conducta libremente evidenciada por el instructor. Al atender dicha deficiencia se encontró la incapacidad de imitar una conducta con ciertas características. Considerando que el SSP es un modelo orientado al desarrollo de sistemas colectivos, en este artículo se presenta un sistema multi-agente compuesto por varios SSP, con el cual se solucionaron dichas dificultades encontradas en un SSP individual.

  17. Experiential Learning of Robotics Fundamentals Based on a Case Study of Robot-Assisted Stereotactic Neurosurgery (United States)

    Faria, Carlos; Vale, Carolina; Machado, Toni; Erlhagen, Wolfram; Rito, Manuel; Monteiro, Sérgio; Bicho, Estela


    Robotics has been playing an important role in modern surgery, especially in procedures that require extreme precision, such as neurosurgery. This paper addresses the challenge of teaching robotics to undergraduate engineering students, through an experiential learning project of robotics fundamentals based on a case study of robot-assisted…

  18. Teleautonomous Control on Rescue Robot Prototype

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Son Kuswadi


    Full Text Available Robot application in disaster area can help responder team to save victims. In order to finish task, robot must have flexible movement mechanism so it can pass through uncluttered area. Passive linkage can be used on robot chassis so it can give robot flexibility. On physical experiments, robot is succeeded to move through gravels and 5 cm obstacle. Rescue robot also has specialized control needs. Robot must able to be controlled remotely. It also must have ability to move autonomously. Teleautonomous control method is combination between those methods. It can be concluded from experiments that on teleoperation mode, operator must get used to see environment through robot’s camera. While on autonomous mode, robot is succeeded to avoid obstacle and search target based on sensor reading and controller program. On teleautonomous mode, robot can change control mode by using bluetooth communication for data transfer, so robot control will be more flexible.

  19. International Conference Educational Robotics 2016

    CERN Document Server

    Moro, Michele; Menegatti, Emanuele


    This book includes papers presented at the International Conference “Educational Robotics 2016 (EDUROBOTICS)”, Athens, November 25, 2016. The papers build on constructivist and constructionist pedagogy and cover a variety of topics, including teacher education, design of educational robotics activities, didactical models, assessment methods, theater robotics, programming & making electronics with Snap4Arduino, the Duckietown project, robotics driven by tangible programming, Lego Mindstorms combined with App Inventor, the Orbital Education Platform, Anthropomorphic Robots and Human Meaning Makers in Education, and more. It provides researchers interested in educational robotics with the latest advances in the field with a focus on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) education. At the same time it offers teachers and educators from primary to secondary and tertiary education insights into how educational robotics can trigger the development of technological interest and 21st c...

  20. Medical robotics. (United States)

    Ferrigno, Giancarlo; Baroni, Guido; Casolo, Federico; De Momi, Elena; Gini, Giuseppina; Matteucci, Matteo; Pedrocchi, Alessandra


    Information and communication technology (ICT) and mechatronics play a basic role in medical robotics and computer-aided therapy. In the last three decades, in fact, ICT technology has strongly entered the health-care field, bringing in new techniques to support therapy and rehabilitation. In this frame, medical robotics is an expansion of the service and professional robotics as well as other technologies, as surgical navigation has been introduced especially in minimally invasive surgery. Localization systems also provide treatments in radiotherapy and radiosurgery with high precision. Virtual or augmented reality plays a role for both surgical training and planning and for safe rehabilitation in the first stage of the recovery from neurological diseases. Also, in the chronic phase of motor diseases, robotics helps with special assistive devices and prostheses. Although, in the past, the actual need and advantage of navigation, localization, and robotics in surgery and therapy has been in doubt, today, the availability of better hardware (e.g., microrobots) and more sophisticated algorithms(e.g., machine learning and other cognitive approaches)has largely increased the field of applications of these technologies,making it more likely that, in the near future, their presence will be dramatically increased, taking advantage of the generational change of the end users and the increasing request of quality in health-care delivery and management.

  1. Beyond Speculative Robot Ethics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smits, M.; Van der Plas, A.


    In this article we develop a dialogue model for robot technology experts and designated users to discuss visions on the future of robotics in long-term care. Our vision assessment study aims for more distinguished and more informed visions on future robots. Surprisingly, our experiment also lead to

  2. Robotic assisted laparoscopic colectomy.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Pandalai, S


    Robotic surgery has evolved over the last decade to compensate for limitations in human dexterity. It avoids the need for a trained assistant while decreasing error rates such as perforations. The nature of the robotic assistance varies from voice activated camera control to more elaborate telerobotic systems such as the Zeus and the Da Vinci where the surgeon controls the robotic arms using a console. Herein, we report the first series of robotic assisted colectomies in Ireland using a voice activated camera control system.

  3. Toward understanding social cues and signals in human-robot interaction: effects of robot gaze and proxemic behavior. (United States)

    Fiore, Stephen M; Wiltshire, Travis J; Lobato, Emilio J C; Jentsch, Florian G; Huang, Wesley H; Axelrod, Benjamin


    As robots are increasingly deployed in settings requiring social interaction, research is needed to examine the social signals perceived by humans when robots display certain social cues. In this paper, we report a study designed to examine how humans interpret social cues exhibited by robots. We first provide a brief overview of perspectives from social cognition in humans and how these processes are applicable to human-robot interaction (HRI). We then discuss the need to examine the relationship between social cues and signals as a function of the degree to which a robot is perceived as a socially present agent. We describe an experiment in which social cues were manipulated on an iRobot Ava(TM) mobile robotics platform in a hallway navigation scenario. Cues associated with the robot's proxemic behavior were found to significantly affect participant perceptions of the robot's social presence and emotional state while cues associated with the robot's gaze behavior were not found to be significant. Further, regardless of the proxemic behavior, participants attributed more social presence and emotional states to the robot over repeated interactions than when they first interacted with it. Generally, these results indicate the importance for HRI research to consider how social cues expressed by a robot can differentially affect perceptions of the robot's mental states and intentions. The discussion focuses on implications for the design of robotic systems and future directions for research on the relationship between social cues and signals.

  4. Design of Piano -playing Robotic Hand

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lin Jen-Chang


    Full Text Available Unlike the market slowdown of industrial robots, service & entertainment robots have been highly regarded by most robotics reseach and market research agencies. In this study we developed a music playing robot (which can also work as a service robot for public performance. The research is mainly focused on the mechanical and electrical control of piano-playing robot, the exploration of correlations among music theory, rhythm and piano keys, and eventually the research on playing skill of keyboard instrument. The piano-playing robot is capable of control linear motor, servo-motor and pneumatic devices in accordance with the notes and rhythm in order to drive the mechanical structure to proper positions for pressing the keys and generating music. The devices used for this robot are mainly crucial components produced by HIWIN Technology Corp. The design of robotic hand is based on the direction of anthropomorphic hand such that five fingers will be used for playing piano. The finger actuations include actions of finger rotation, finger pressing, and finger lifting; time required for these 3 stages must meet the requirement of rhythm. The purpose of entertainment robot can be achieved by playing electric piano with robotic hand, and we hope this research can contribute to the development of domestic entertainment music playing robots.

  5. Robotic aortic surgery. (United States)

    Duran, Cassidy; Kashef, Elika; El-Sayed, Hosam F; Bismuth, Jean


    Surgical robotics was first utilized to facilitate neurosurgical biopsies in 1985, and it has since found application in orthopedics, urology, gynecology, and cardiothoracic, general, and vascular surgery. Surgical assistance systems provide intelligent, versatile tools that augment the physician's ability to treat patients by eliminating hand tremor and enabling dexterous operation inside the patient's body. Surgical robotics systems have enabled surgeons to treat otherwise untreatable conditions while also reducing morbidity and error rates, shortening operative times, reducing radiation exposure, and improving overall workflow. These capabilities have begun to be realized in two important realms of aortic vascular surgery, namely, flexible robotics for exclusion of complex aortic aneurysms using branched endografts, and robot-assisted laparoscopic aortic surgery for occlusive and aneurysmal disease.

  6. Robot hunts sludge and hoses it away

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trovato, S.A.


    Engineers are frustrated by the need to maintain equipment that tools can only reach with difficulty and that human hands cannot reach at all. Accessibility for inspection and maintenance is a frequently overlooked factor in the design of many types of equipment. Such is the case with pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) nuclear power plants that use steam generators. The steam generators form the boundary between the nuclear reactor coolant system and the secondary turbine cycle. Inspection and maintenance are hindered not only by inaccessibility but by radiation as well. To facilitate inspection and maintenance on the secondary side of these generators, Consolidated Edison of New York has collaborated in the development of a robot called Cecil - the Con Edison Combined Inspection and Lancing system. This article describe CECIL

  7. Living with robots: investigating the user acceptance of social robots in domestic environments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Graaf, M.M.A.


    Over the most recent decades, the field of social robotics has advanced rapidly. There are a growing number of different types of robots, and their roles within society are expanding. This dissertation has argued that investigating the long-term acceptance of social robots in home environments is

  8. From Child-Robot Interaction to Child-Robot-Therapist Interaction: A Case Study in Autism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Giannopulu


    Full Text Available Troubles in social communication as well as deficits in the cognitive treatment of emotions are supposed to be a fundamental part of autism. We present a case study based on multimodal interaction between a mobile robot and a child with autism in spontaneous, free game play. This case study tells us that the robot mediates the interaction between the autistic child and therapist once the robot-child interaction has been established. In addition, the child uses the robot as a mediator to express positive emotion playing with the therapist. It is thought that the three-pronged interaction i.e., child-robot-therapist could better facilitate the transfer of social and emotional abilities to real life settings. Robot therapy has a high potential to improve the condition of brain activity in autistic children.

  9. Effects of Interruptibility-Aware Robot Behavior


    Banerjee, Siddhartha; Silva, Andrew; Feigh, Karen; Chernova, Sonia


    As robots become increasingly prevalent in human environments, there will inevitably be times when a robot needs to interrupt a human to initiate an interaction. Our work introduces the first interruptibility-aware mobile robot system, and evaluates the effects of interruptibility-awareness on human task performance, robot task performance, and on human interpretation of the robot's social aptitude. Our results show that our robot is effective at predicting interruptibility at high accuracy, ...

  10. Robotics for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakayama, Ryoichi; Kimura, Motohiko; Abe, Akira


    A continuing need exists for automatic or remote-controlled machines or robots which can perform inspection and maintenance tasks in nuclear power plants. Toshiba has developed several types of monofunctional and multi- functional robots for such purposes over the past 20 years, some of which have already been used in actual plants. This paper describes new multifunctional robots for inspection and maintenance. An inspection robot has been applied in an actual plant for two years for performance testing. Maintenance robots for grinding tasks have also been developed, which can be easily teleoperated by the operator using automatic control. These new robots are expected to be applied to actual inspection and maintenance work in nuclear power plants. (author)

  11. Social categorization of social robots: anthropomorphism as a function of robot group membership. (United States)

    Eyssel, Friederike; Kuchenbrandt, Dieta


    Previous work on social categorization has shown that people often use cues such as a person's gender, age, or ethnicity to categorize and form impressions of others. The present research investigated effects of social category membership on the evaluation of humanoid robots. More specifically, participants rated a humanoid robot that either belonged to their in-group or to a national out-group with regard to anthropomorphism (e.g., mind attribution, warmth), psychological closeness, contact intentions, and design. We predicted that participants would show an in-group bias towards the robot that ostensibly belonged to their in-group--as indicated by its name and location of production. In line with our hypotheses, participants not only rated the in-group robot more favourably--importantly, they also anthropomorphized it more strongly than the out-group robot. Our findings thus document that people even apply social categorization processes and subsequent differential social evaluations to robots. ©2011 The British Psychological Society.

  12. Mobile robotics for CANDU maintenance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lipsett, M.G.; Rody, K.H.


    Although robotics researchers have been promising that robotics would soon be performing tasks in hazardous environments, the reality has yet to live up to the hype. The presently available crop of robots suitable for deployment in industrial situations are remotely operated, requiring skilled users. This talk describes cases where mobile robots have been used successfully in CANDU stations, discusses the difficulties in using mobile robots for reactor maintenance, and provides near-term goals for achievable improvements in performance and usefulness. (author) 5 refs., 2 ills

  13. Robotic system for process sampling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dyches, G.M.


    A three-axis cartesian geometry robot for process sampling was developed at the Savannah River Laboratory (SRL) and implemented in one of the site radioisotope separations facilities. Use of the robot reduces personnel radiation exposure and contamination potential by routinely handling sample containers under operator control in a low-level radiation area. This robot represents the initial phase of a longer term development program to use robotics for further sample automation. Preliminary design of a second generation robot with additional capabilities is also described. 8 figs

  14. An example of the use of robotics in French nuclear power plants the ISIS robot

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seguy, J.; Thirion, H.


    The authors report how Robotics in French nuclear power plants (NPP) is used to solve maintenance problems. One of the most typical example of the use of robotics in French NPP is the ISIS robot. The first generation of this robot has performed the repair of corroded upper internal structures in Chinon A3 gaz cooled reactor. Two robots of this type have successfully welded more than 200 repair parts in the core without major failure during more than 12,000 hours

  15. The EMeRGE modular robot, an open platform for quick testing of evolved robot morphologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moreno Garcia, Rodrigo; Liu, Ceyue; Faina, Andres


    This work presents the hardware design and implementation of the EMeRGE open modular robot platform. EMeRGE (Easy Modular Embodied Robot Generation) modules are designed to be cheap and easy to build and their hardware is open for anyone to use and modify. Four magnetic connectors enable the quick...... assembly of different complex robot morphologies like the ones generated by evolutionary robotics experiments. Non-human agents, like robotic manipulators, can also take advantage of the magnetic connectors to assemble and disassemble morphologies....

  16. Measurement of the robot motor capability of a robot motor system: a Fitts's-law-inspired approach. (United States)

    Lin, Hsien-I; Lee, C S George


    Robot motor capability is a crucial factor for a robot, because it affects how accurately and rapidly a robot can perform a motion to accomplish a task constrained by spatial and temporal conditions. In this paper, we propose and derive a pseudo-index of motor performance (pIp) to characterize robot motor capability with robot kinematics, dynamics and control taken into consideration. The proposed pIp provides a quantitative measure for a robot with revolute joints, which is inspired from an index of performance in Fitts's law of human skills. Computer simulations and experiments on a PUMA 560 industrial robot were conducted to validate the proposed pIp for performing a motion accurately and rapidly.

  17. Control de movimiento robótico con detección cognitiva y facial mediante Emotiv EEG


    Monge Lay, Sebastián; Aracena Pizarro, Diego


    Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de una interfaz cerebro-computador utilizando el dispositivo Emotiv EEG, en donde se realizan reconocimientos de gestos faciales y pensamientos cognitivos, los que serán traducidos en movimientos que serán ejecutados por un robot Lego Mindstorms, con la idea de verificar si realmente Emotiv realiza un buen reconocimiento y puede ser utilizado para el movimiento de dispositivos. El trabajo es motivado por otras investigaciones realizadas, en donde se aplicar...

  18. Remote controlled data collector robot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jozsef Suto


    Full Text Available Today a general need for robots assisting different human activities rises. The goal of the present project is to develop a prototyping robot, which provides facilities for attaching and fitting different kinds of sensors and actuators. This robot provides an easy way to turn a general purpose robot into a special function one.

  19. Recent Development of Rehabilitation Robots

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhiqin Qian


    Full Text Available We have conducted a critical review on the development of rehabilitation robots to identify the limitations of existing studies and clarify some promising research directions in this field. This paper is presented to summarize our findings and understanding. The demands for assistive technologies for elderly and disabled population have been discussed, the advantages and disadvantages of rehabilitation robots as assistive technologies have been explored, the issues involved in the development of rehabilitation robots are investigated, some representative robots in this field by leading research institutes have been introduced, and a few of critical challenges in developing advanced rehabilitation robots have been identified. Finally to meet the challenges of developing practical rehabilitation robots, reconfigurable and modular systems have been proposed to meet the identified challenges, and a few of critical areas leading to the potential success of rehabilitation robots have been discussed.

  20. Studying Robots Outside the Lab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blond, Lasse

    and ethnographic studies will enhance understandings of the dynamics of HRI. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes how users and the context of use matters to integration of robots, as it is shown how roboticists are unable to control how their designs are implemented in practice and that the sociality of social...... robots is inscribed by its users in social practice. This paper can be seen as a contribution to studies of long-term HRI. It presents the challenges of robot adaptation in practice and discusses the limitations of the present conceptual understanding of human-robotic relations. The ethnographic data......As more and more robots enter our social world there is a strong need for further field studies of human-robotic interaction. Based on a two-year ethnographic study of the implementation of the South Korean socially assistive robot in Danish elderly care this paper argues that empirical...

  1. Integration of Haptics in Agricultural Robotics (United States)

    Kannan Megalingam, Rajesh; Sreekanth, M. M.; Sivanantham, Vinu; Sai Kumar, K.; Ghanta, Sriharsha; Surya Teja, P.; Reddy, Rajesh G.


    Robots can differentiate with open loop system and closed loop system robots. We face many problems when we do not have a feedback from robots. In this research paper, we are discussing all possibilities to achieve complete closed loop system for Multiple-DOF Robotic Arm, which is used in a coconut tree climbing and cutting robot by introducing a Haptic device. We are working on various sensors like tactile, vibration, force and proximity sensors for getting feedback. For monitoring the robotic arm achieved by graphical user interference software which simulates the working of the robotic arm, send the feedback of all the real time analog values which are produced by various sensors and provide real-time graphs for estimate the efficiency of the Robot.

  2. Resultaat van 6 jaar Field Robot Event : studenten, netwerk en een prototype robot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Henten, van E.J.; Bakker, T.; Evert, van F.K.; Hofstee, J.W.


    In 2003 beleefde het Field Robot Event (FRE) in Wageningen zijn primeur. De FRE is een internationale wedstrijd, waarin field robots met elkaar de competitie aangaan om zo goed mogelijk autonoom door een perceel te navigeren en een landbouwkundige taak uit te voeren. Dit jaar wordt het Field Robot

  3. Design of Piano -playing Robotic Hand


    Lin Jen-Chang; Hsin-Cheng Li; Kuo-Cheng Huang; Shu-Wei Lin


    Unlike the market slowdown of industrial robots, service & entertainment robots have been highly regarded by most robotics reseach and market research agencies. In this study we developed a music playing robot (which can also work as a service robot) for public performance. The research is mainly focused on the mechanical and electrical control of piano-playing robot, the exploration of correlations among music theory, rhythm and piano keys, and eventually the research on playing skill of...

  4. Vitruvian Robot

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasse, Cathrine


    future. A real version of Ava would not last long in a human world because she is basically a solipsist, who does not really care about humans. She cannot co-create the line humans walk along. The robots created as ‘perfect women’ (sex robots) today are very far from the ideal image of Ava...

  5. Novel robotic systems and future directions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ki Don Chang


    Full Text Available Robot-assistance is increasingly used in surgical practice. We performed a nonsystematic literature review using PubMed/MEDLINE and Google for robotic surgical systems and compiled information on their current status. We also used this information to predict future about the direction of robotic systems based on various robotic systems currently being developed. Currently, various modifications are being made in the consoles, robotic arms, cameras, handles and instruments, and other specific functions (haptic feedback and eye tracking that make up the robotic surgery system. In addition, research for automated surgery is actively being carried out. The development of future robots will be directed to decrease the number of incisions and improve precision. With the advent of artificial intelligence, a more practical form of robotic surgery system can be introduced and will ultimately lead to the development of automated robotic surgery system.

  6. Robotic devices for nuclear plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abel, E


    The article surveys the background of nuclear remote handling and its associated technology, robotics. Manipulators, robots, robot applications, extending the range of applications, and future developments, are all discussed.

  7. A Multi-Sensorial Hybrid Control for Robotic Manipulation in Human-Robot Workspaces

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan A. Corrales


    Full Text Available Autonomous manipulation in semi-structured environments where human operators can interact is an increasingly common task in robotic applications. This paper describes an intelligent multi-sensorial approach that solves this issue by providing a multi-robotic platform with a high degree of autonomy and the capability to perform complex tasks. The proposed sensorial system is composed of a hybrid visual servo control to efficiently guide the robot towards the object to be manipulated, an inertial motion capture system and an indoor localization system to avoid possible collisions between human operators and robots working in the same workspace, and a tactile sensor algorithm to correctly manipulate the object. The proposed controller employs the whole multi-sensorial system and combines the measurements of each one of the used sensors during two different phases considered in the robot task: a first phase where the robot approaches the object to be grasped, and a second phase of manipulation of the object. In both phases, the unexpected presence of humans is taken into account. This paper also presents the successful results obtained in several experimental setups which verify the validity of the proposed approach.

  8. Environmental restoration and waste management: Robotics technology development program: Robotics 5-year program plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This plan covers robotics Research, Development, Demonstration, Testing and Evaluation activities in the Program for the next five years. These activities range from bench-scale R ampersand D to full-scale hot demonstrations at DOE sites. This plan outlines applications of existing technology to near-term needs, the development and application of enhanced technology for longer-term needs, and initiation of advanced technology development to meet those needs beyond the five-year plan. The objective of the Robotic Technology Development Program (RTDP) is to develop and apply robotics technologies that will enable Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (ER ampersand WM) operations at DOE sites to be safer, faster and cheaper. Five priority DOE sites were visited in March 1990 to identify needs for robotics technology in ER ampersand WM operations. This 5-Year Program Plan for the RTDP detailed annual plans for robotics technology development based on identified needs. In July 1990 a forum was held announcing the robotics program. Over 60 organizations (industrial, university, and federal laboratory) made presentations on their robotics capabilities. To stimulate early interactions with the ER ampersand WM activities at DOE sites, as well as with the robotics community, the RTDP sponsored four technology demonstrations related to ER ampersand WM needs. These demonstrations integrated commercial technology with robotics technology developed by DOE in support of areas such as nuclear reactor maintenance and the civilian reactor waste program. 2 figs

  9. [Robot-assisted pancreatic resection]. (United States)

    Müssle, B; Distler, M; Weitz, J; Welsch, T


    Although robot-assisted pancreatic surgery has been considered critically in the past, it is nowadays an established standard technique in some centers, for distal pancreatectomy and pancreatic head resection. Compared with the laparoscopic approach, the use of robot-assisted surgery seems to be advantageous for acquiring the skills for pancreatic, bile duct and vascular anastomoses during pancreatic head resection and total pancreatectomy. On the other hand, the use of the robot is associated with increased costs and only highly effective and professional robotic programs in centers for pancreatic surgery will achieve top surgical and oncological quality, acceptable operation times and a reduction in duration of hospital stay. Moreover, new technologies, such as intraoperative fluorescence guidance and augmented reality will define additional indications for robot-assisted pancreatic surgery.

  10. The Robotic Decathlon: Project-Based Learning Labs and Curriculum Design for an Introductory Robotics Course (United States)

    Cappelleri, D. J.; Vitoroulis, N.


    This paper presents a series of novel project-based learning labs for an introductory robotics course that are developed into a semester-long Robotic Decathlon. The last three events of the Robotic Decathlon are used as three final one-week-long project tasks; these replace a previous course project that was a semester-long robotics competition.…

  11. Collision-free motion coordination of heterogeneous robots

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ko, Nak Yong [Chosun University, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); Seo, Dong Jin [RedOne Technologies, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); Simmons, Reid G. [Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania (United States)


    This paper proposes a method to coordinate the motion of multiple heterogeneous robots on a network. The proposed method uses prioritization and avoidance. Priority is assigned to each robot; a robot with lower priority avoids the robots of higher priority. To avoid collision with other robots, elastic force and potential field force are used. Also, the method can be applied separately to the motion planning of a part of a robot from that of the other parts of the robot. This is useful for application to the robots of the type mobile manipulator or highly redundant robots. The method is tested by simulation, and it results in smooth and adaptive coordination in an environment with multiple heterogeneous robots

  12. Collision-free motion coordination of heterogeneous robots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, Nak Yong; Seo, Dong Jin; Simmons, Reid G.


    This paper proposes a method to coordinate the motion of multiple heterogeneous robots on a network. The proposed method uses prioritization and avoidance. Priority is assigned to each robot; a robot with lower priority avoids the robots of higher priority. To avoid collision with other robots, elastic force and potential field force are used. Also, the method can be applied separately to the motion planning of a part of a robot from that of the other parts of the robot. This is useful for application to the robots of the type mobile manipulator or highly redundant robots. The method is tested by simulation, and it results in smooth and adaptive coordination in an environment with multiple heterogeneous robots

  13. Project ROBOTICS 2008

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Conrad, Finn

    Mathematical modelling of Alto Robot, direct- and inverse kinematic transformation,simulation and path control applying MATLAB/SIMULINK.......Mathematical modelling of Alto Robot, direct- and inverse kinematic transformation,simulation and path control applying MATLAB/SIMULINK....

  14. Review of emerging surgical robotic technology. (United States)

    Peters, Brian S; Armijo, Priscila R; Krause, Crystal; Choudhury, Songita A; Oleynikov, Dmitry


    The use of laparoscopic and robotic procedures has increased in general surgery. Minimally invasive robotic surgery has made tremendous progress in a relatively short period of time, realizing improvements for both the patient and surgeon. This has led to an increase in the use and development of robotic devices and platforms for general surgery. The purpose of this review is to explore current and emerging surgical robotic technologies in a growing and dynamic environment of research and development. This review explores medical and surgical robotic endoscopic surgery and peripheral technologies currently available or in development. The devices discussed here are specific to general surgery, including laparoscopy, colonoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, and thoracoscopy. Benefits and limitations of each technology were identified and applicable future directions were described. A number of FDA-approved devices and platforms for robotic surgery were reviewed, including the da Vinci Surgical System, Sensei X Robotic Catheter System, FreeHand 1.2, invendoscopy E200 system, Flex® Robotic System, Senhance, ARES, the Single-Port Instrument Delivery Extended Research (SPIDER), and the NeoGuide Colonoscope. Additionally, platforms were reviewed which have not yet obtained FDA approval including MiroSurge, ViaCath System, SPORT™ Surgical System, SurgiBot, Versius Robotic System, Master and Slave Transluminal Endoscopic Robot, Verb Surgical, Miniature In Vivo Robot, and the Einstein Surgical Robot. The use and demand for robotic medical and surgical platforms is increasing and new technologies are continually being developed. New technologies are increasingly implemented to improve on the capabilities of previously established systems. Future studies are needed to further evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each robotic surgical device and platform in the operating suite.

  15. Human-machine Interface for Presentation Robot

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Krejsa, Jiří; Ondroušek, V.


    Roč. 6, č. 2 (2012), s. 17-21 ISSN 1897-8649 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20760514 Keywords : human-robot interface * mobile robot * presentation robot Subject RIV: JD - Computer Applications, Robotics

  16. Vision servo of industrial robot: A review (United States)

    Zhang, Yujin


    Robot technology has been implemented to various areas of production and life. With the continuous development of robot applications, requirements of the robot are also getting higher and higher. In order to get better perception of the robots, vision sensors have been widely used in industrial robots. In this paper, application directions of industrial robots are reviewed. The development, classification and application of robot vision servo technology are discussed, and the development prospect of industrial robot vision servo technology is proposed.

  17. Mutual Visibility by Robots with Persistent Memory


    Bhagat, Subhash; Mukhopadhyaya, Krishnendu


    This paper addresses the mutual visibility problem for a set of semi-synchronous, opaque robots occupying distinct positions in the Euclidean plane. Since robots are opaque, if three robots lie on a line, the middle robot obstructs the visions of the two other robots. The mutual visibility problem asks the robots to coordinate their movements to form a configuration, within finite time and without collision, in which no three robots are collinear. Robots are endowed with a constant bits of pe...

  18. Robotic assisted andrological surgery (United States)

    Parekattil, Sijo J; Gudeloglu, Ahmet


    The introduction of the operative microscope for andrological surgery in the 1970s provided enhanced magnification and accuracy, unparalleled to any previous visual loop or magnification techniques. This technology revolutionized techniques for microsurgery in andrology. Today, we may be on the verge of a second such revolution by the incorporation of robotic assisted platforms for microsurgery in andrology. Robotic assisted microsurgery is being utilized to a greater degree in andrology and a number of other microsurgical fields, such as ophthalmology, hand surgery, plastics and reconstructive surgery. The potential advantages of robotic assisted platforms include elimination of tremor, improved stability, surgeon ergonomics, scalability of motion, multi-input visual interphases with up to three simultaneous visual views, enhanced magnification, and the ability to manipulate three surgical instruments and cameras simultaneously. This review paper begins with the historical development of robotic microsurgery. It then provides an in-depth presentation of the technique and outcomes of common robotic microsurgical andrological procedures, such as vasectomy reversal, subinguinal varicocelectomy, targeted spermatic cord denervation (for chronic orchialgia) and robotic assisted microsurgical testicular sperm extraction (microTESE). PMID:23241637

  19. Problems of Sport Biomechanics and Robotics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wlodzimierz S. Erdmann


    Full Text Available This paper presents many common areas of interest of different specialists. There are problems described from sport, biomechanics, sport biomechanics, sport engineering, robotics, biomechanics and robotics, sport biomechanics and robotics. There are many approaches to sport from different sciences and engineering. Robotics is a relatively new area and has had moderate attention from sport specialists. The aim of this paper is to present several areas necessary to develop sport robots based on biomechanics and also to present different types of sport robots: serving balls, helping to provide sports training, substituting humans during training, physically participating in competitions, physically participating in competitions against humans, serving as models of real sport performance, helping organizers of sport events and robot toys. Examples of the application of robots in sports communities are also given.

  20. Pyrotechnic robot - constructive design and command

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ionel A. Staretu


    Full Text Available Pyrotechnic robots are service robots used to reduce the time for intervention of pyrotechnic troops and to diminish the danger for the operators. Pyrotechnic robots are used to inspect dangerous areas or/and to remove and to distroy explosive or suspicious devices/objects. These robots can be used to make corridors through mined battle fields, for manipulation and neutralization of unexploded ammunition, for inspection of vehicles, trains, airplanes and buildings. For these robots, a good functional activity is determined with regard to work space dimensions,, robotic arm kinematics and gripper characteristics. The paper shows the structural, kinematic, static synthesis and analysis as well as the design and functional simulation of the robotic arm and the grippers attached on the pyrotechnic robot designed by the authors.

  1. Probabilistic approaches to robotic perception

    CERN Document Server

    Ferreira, João Filipe


    This book tries to address the following questions: How should the uncertainty and incompleteness inherent to sensing the environment be represented and modelled in a way that will increase the autonomy of a robot? How should a robotic system perceive, infer, decide and act efficiently? These are two of the challenging questions robotics community and robotic researchers have been facing. The development of robotic domain by the 1980s spurred the convergence of automation to autonomy, and the field of robotics has consequently converged towards the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Since the end of that decade, the general public’s imagination has been stimulated by high expectations on autonomy, where AI and robotics try to solve difficult cognitive problems through algorithms developed from either philosophical and anthropological conjectures or incomplete notions of cognitive reasoning. Many of these developments do not unveil even a few of the processes through which biological organisms solve thes...

  2. WebotsTM: Professional Mobile Robot Simulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivier Michel


    Full Text Available Cyberbotics Ltd. develops WebotsTM, a mobile robotics simulation software that provides you with a rapid prototyping environment for modelling, programming and simulating mobile robots. The provided robot libraries enable you to transfer your control programs to several commercially available real mobile robots. WebotsTM lets you define and modify a complete mobile robotics setup, even several different robots sharing the same environment. For each object, you can define a number of properties, such as shape, color, texture, mass, friction, etc. You can equip each robot with a large number of available sensors and actuators. You can program these robots using your favorite development environment, simulate them and optionally transfer the resulting programs onto your real robots. WebotsTM has been developed in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, thoroughly tested, well documented and continuously maintained for over 7 years. It is now the main commercial product available from Cyberbotics Ltd.

  3. Training in urological robotic surgery. Future perspectives. (United States)

    El Sherbiny, Ahmed; Eissa, Ahmed; Ghaith, Ahmed; Morini, Elena; Marzotta, Lucilla; Sighinolfi, Maria Chiara; Micali, Salvatore; Bianchi, Giampaolo; Rocco, Bernardo


    As robotics are becoming more integrated into the medical field, robotic training is becoming more crucial in order to overcome the lack of experienced robotic surgeons. However, there are several obstacles facing the development of robotic training programs like the high cost of training and the increased operative time during the initial period of the learning curve, which, in turn increase the operative cost. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy is the most commonly performed robotic surgery. Moreover, robotic surgery is becoming more popular among urologic oncologists and pediatric urologists. The need for a standardized and validated robotic training curriculum was growing along with the increased number of urologic centers and institutes adopting the robotic technology. Robotic training includes proctorship, mentorship or fellowship, telementoring, simulators and video training. In this chapter, we are going to discuss the different training methods, how to evaluate robotic skills, the available robotic training curriculum, and the future perspectives.

  4. Robot-assisted gait training for stroke patients: current state of the art and perspectives of robotics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morone G


    Full Text Available Giovanni Morone,1,2 Stefano Paolucci,1,2 Andrea Cherubini,3 Domenico De Angelis,1 Vincenzo Venturiero,1 Paola Coiro,1 Marco Iosa1,2 1Private Inpatient Unit, 2Clinical Laboratory of Experimental Neurorehabilitation, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy; 3Department of Robotics, LIRMM UM-CNRS, Montpellier, France Abstract: In this review, we give a brief outline of robot-mediated gait training for stroke patients, as an important emerging field in rehabilitation. Technological innovations are allowing rehabilitation to move toward more integrated processes, with improved efficiency and less long-term impairments. In particular, robot-mediated neurorehabilitation is a rapidly advancing field, which uses robotic systems to define new methods for treating neurological injuries, especially stroke. The use of robots in gait training can enhance rehabilitation, but it needs to be used according to well-defined neuroscientific principles. The field of robot-mediated neurorehabilitation brings challenges to both bioengineering and clinical practice. This article reviews the state of the art (including commercially available systems and perspectives of robotics in poststroke rehabilitation for walking recovery. A critical revision, including the problems at stake regarding robotic clinical use, is also presented. Keywords: exoskeleton, neurorehabilitation, robot-assisted walking training, wearable robot, activities of daily living, motor learning, plasticity

  5. RoboCon: Operator interface for robotic applications. Final report: RoboCon electrical interfacing -- system architecture, and Interfacing NDDS and LabView

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schempf, H.


    The first appendix contains detailed specifications of the electrical interfacing employed in Robocon. This includes all electrical signals and power requirement descriptions up to and including the interface entry points for external robots and systems. The reader is first presented with an overview of the overall Robocon electrical system, followed by sub-sections describing each module in detail. The appendices contain listings of power requirements and the electrical connectors and cables used, followed by an overall electrical system diagram. Custom electronics employed are also described. The Network Data Delivery Service (NDDS) is a real-time dissemination communications architecture which allows nodes on a network to publish data and subscribe to data published by other nodes while remaining anonymous. The second appendix explains how to facilitate a seamless interface between NDDS and LabView and provides sample source code used to implement an NDDS consumer which writes a string to a socket.

  6. Robotics in percutaneous cardiovascular interventions. (United States)

    Pourdjabbar, Ali; Ang, Lawrence; Behnamfar, Omid; Patel, Mitul P; Reeves, Ryan R; Campbell, Paul T; Madder, Ryan D; Mahmud, Ehtisham


    The fundamental technique of performing percutaneous cardiovascular (CV) interventions has remained unchanged and requires operators to wear heavy lead aprons to minimize exposure to ionizing radiation. Robotic technology is now being utilized in interventional cardiology partially as a direct result of the increasing appreciation of the long-term occupational hazards of the field. This review was undertaken to report the clinical outcomes of percutaneous robotic coronary and peripheral vascular interventions. Areas covered: A systematic literature review of percutaneous robotic CV interventions was undertaken. The safety and feasibility of percutaneous robotically-assisted CV interventions has been validated in simple to complex coronary disease, and iliofemoral disease. Studies have shown that robotically-assisted PCI significantly reduces operator exposure to harmful ionizing radiation without compromising procedural success or clinical efficacy. In addition to the operator benefits, robotically-assisted intervention has the potential for patient advantages by allowing more accurate lesion length measurement, precise stent placement and lower patient radiation exposure. However, further investigation is required to fully elucidate these potential benefits. Expert commentary: Incremental improvement in robotic technology and telecommunications would enable treatment of an even broader patient population, and potentially provide remote robotic PCI.

  7. Using insects to drive mobile robots - hybrid robots bridge the gap between biological and artificial systems. (United States)

    Ando, Noriyasu; Kanzaki, Ryohei


    The use of mobile robots is an effective method of validating sensory-motor models of animals in a real environment. The well-identified insect sensory-motor systems have been the major targets for modeling. Furthermore, mobile robots implemented with such insect models attract engineers who aim to avail advantages from organisms. However, directly comparing the robots with real insects is still difficult, even if we successfully model the biological systems, because of the physical differences between them. We developed a hybrid robot to bridge the gap. This hybrid robot is an insect-controlled robot, in which a tethered male silkmoth (Bombyx mori) drives the robot in order to localize an odor source. This robot has the following three advantages: 1) from a biomimetic perspective, the robot enables us to evaluate the potential performance of future insect-mimetic robots; 2) from a biological perspective, the robot enables us to manipulate the closed-loop of an onboard insect for further understanding of its sensory-motor system; and 3) the robot enables comparison with insect models as a reference biological system. In this paper, we review the recent works regarding insect-controlled robots and discuss the significance for both engineering and biology. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Cognitive Coordination for Cooperative Multi-Robot Teamwork

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wei, C.


    Multi-robot teams have potential advantages over a single robot. Robots in a team can serve different functionalities, so a team of robots can be more efficient, robust and reliable than a single robot. In this dissertation, we are in particular interested in human level intelligent multi-robot

  9. Student teams maneuver robots in qualifying match at regional robotic competition at KSC (United States)


    All four robots, maneuvered by student teams behind protective walls, converge on a corner of the playing field during qualifying matches of the 1999 Southeastern Regional robotic competition at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex . Thirty schools from around the country have converged at KSC for the event that pits gladiator robots against each other in an athletic-style competition. The robots have to retrieve pillow- like disks from the floor, as well as climb onto the platform (with flags) and raise the cache of pillows to a height of eight feet. KSC is hosting the event being sponsored by the nonprofit organization For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, known as FIRST. The FIRST robotics competition is designed to provide students with a hands-on, inside look at engineering and other professional careers.

  10. Robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Palep Jaydeep


    Full Text Available The term "robot" was coined by the Czech playright Karel Capek in 1921 in his play Rossom′s Universal Robots. The word "robot" is from the check word robota which means forced labor.The era of robots in surgery commenced in 1994 when the first AESOP (voice controlled camera holder prototype robot was used clinically in 1993 and then marketed as the first surgical robot ever in 1994 by the US FDA. Since then many robot prototypes like the Endoassist (Armstrong Healthcare Ltd., High Wycombe, Buck, UK, FIPS endoarm (Karlsruhe Research Center, Karlsruhe, Germany have been developed to add to the functions of the robot and try and increase its utility. Integrated Surgical Systems (now Intuitive Surgery, Inc. redesigned the SRI Green Telepresence Surgery system and created the daVinci Surgical System ® classified as a master-slave surgical system. It uses true 3-D visualization and EndoWrist ® . It was approved by FDA in July 2000 for general laparoscopic surgery, in November 2002 for mitral valve repair surgery. The da Vinci robot is currently being used in various fields such as urology, general surgery, gynecology, cardio-thoracic, pediatric and ENT surgery. It provides several advantages to conventional laparoscopy such as 3D vision, motion scaling, intuitive movements, visual immersion and tremor filtration. The advent of robotics has increased the use of minimally invasive surgery among laparoscopically naοve surgeons and expanded the repertoire of experienced surgeons to include more advanced and complex reconstructions.

  11. Design Minimalism in Robotics Programming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anthony Cowley


    Full Text Available With the increasing use of general robotic platforms in different application scenarios, modularity and reusability have become key issues in effective robotics programming. In this paper, we present a minimalist approach for designing robot software, in which very simple modules, with well designed interfaces and very little redundancy can be connected through a strongly typed framework to specify and execute different robotics tasks.

  12. Design Minimalism in Robotics Programming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anthony Cowley


    Full Text Available With the increasing use of general robotic platforms in different application scenarios, modularity and reusability have become key issues in effective robotics programming. In this paper, we present a minimalist approach for designing robot software, in which very simple modules, with well designed interfaces and very little redundancy can be connected through a strongly typed framework to specify and execute different robotics tasks.

  13. Measurement of the Robot Motor Capability of a Robot Motor System: A Fitts’s-Law-Inspired Approach


    C. S. George Lee; Hsien-I Lin


    Robot motor capability is a crucial factor for a robot, because it affects how accurately and rapidly a robot can perform a motion to accomplish a task constrained by spatial and temporal conditions. In this paper, we propose and derive a pseudo-index of motor performance (pIp ) to characterize robot motor capability with robot kinematics, dynamics and control taken into consideration. The proposed pIp provides a quantitative measure for a robot with revolute joints, which is inspired from an...

  14. Why Robots Should Be Social: Enhancing Machine Learning through Social Human-Robot Interaction (United States)

    de Greeff, Joachim; Belpaeme, Tony


    Social learning is a powerful method for cultural propagation of knowledge and skills relying on a complex interplay of learning strategies, social ecology and the human propensity for both learning and tutoring. Social learning has the potential to be an equally potent learning strategy for artificial systems and robots in specific. However, given the complexity and unstructured nature of social learning, implementing social machine learning proves to be a challenging problem. We study one particular aspect of social machine learning: that of offering social cues during the learning interaction. Specifically, we study whether people are sensitive to social cues offered by a learning robot, in a similar way to children’s social bids for tutoring. We use a child-like social robot and a task in which the robot has to learn the meaning of words. For this a simple turn-based interaction is used, based on language games. Two conditions are tested: one in which the robot uses social means to invite a human teacher to provide information based on what the robot requires to fill gaps in its knowledge (i.e. expression of a learning preference); the other in which the robot does not provide social cues to communicate a learning preference. We observe that conveying a learning preference through the use of social cues results in better and faster learning by the robot. People also seem to form a “mental model” of the robot, tailoring the tutoring to the robot’s performance as opposed to using simply random teaching. In addition, the social learning shows a clear gender effect with female participants being responsive to the robot’s bids, while male teachers appear to be less receptive. This work shows how additional social cues in social machine learning can result in people offering better quality learning input to artificial systems, resulting in improved learning performance. PMID:26422143

  15. Robotics for nuclear facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, Akira; Nakayama, Ryoichi; Kubo, Katsumi


    It is highly desirable that automatic or remotely controlled machines perform inspection and maintenance tasks in nuclear facilities. Toshiba has been working to develop multi-functional robots, with one typical example being a master-slave manipulator for use in reprocessing facilities. At the same time, the company is also working on the development of multi-purpose intelligent robots. One such device, an automatic inspection robot, to be deployed along a monorail, performs inspection by means of image processing technology, while and advanced intelligent maintenance robot is equipped with a special wheel-locomotion mechanism and manipulator and is designed to perform maintenance tasks. (author)

  16. Modeling and identification for high-performance robot control : an RRR-robotic arm case study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kostic, D.; Jager, de A.G.; Steinbuch, M.; Hensen, R.H.A.


    We explain a procedure for getting models of robot kinematics and dynamics that are appropriate for robot control design. The procedure consists of the following steps: (i) derivation of robot kinematic and dynamic models and establishing correctness of their structures; (ii) experimental estimation

  17. Desarrollo de un entorno de programación para un robot simulado Turtlebot-2 con brazo manipulador WIDOWX mediante la conexión V-REP y MATLAB


    Fernández-Vega, Iván


    El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado ha sido el de implementar un entorno de programación para un robot móvil Turtlebot-2 dotado de un brazo articulado WidowX. Para ello, se ha modelado este conjunto robótico en el simulador V-REP a partir de las descripciones físicas de los mismos, y se han ajustado diversos parámetros para que el comportamiento del robot simulado sea lo más parecido al del robot real. Para implementar las aplicaciones que controlen nuestro co...

  18. Special Issue on Intelligent Robots

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Genci Capi


    Full Text Available The research on intelligent robots will produce robots that are able to operate in everyday life environments, to adapt their program according to environment changes, and to cooperate with other team members and humans. Operating in human environments, robots need to process, in real time, a large amount of sensory data—such as vision, laser, microphone—in order to determine the best action. Intelligent algorithms have been successfully applied to link complex sensory data to robot action. This editorial briefly summarizes recent findings in the field of intelligent robots as described in the articles published in this special issue.

  19. Which Robot Features Can Stimulate Better Responses from Children with Autism in Robot-Assisted Therapy?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaeryoung Lee


    Full Text Available This study explores the response of autistic children to a few design features of the robots for autism therapy and provides suggestions on the robot features that have a stronger influence on the therapeutic process. First, we investigate the effect of selected robot features on the development of social communication skills in autistic children. The results indicate that the toy's “face” and “moving limb” usually draw the children's attention and improve children's facial expression skills, but do not contribute to the development of other social communication skills. Secondly, we study the response of children with low-functioning autism to robots with verbal communication functionalities. Test results show that children interacted with the verbal-featured robot more intensively than with the experimenter. We conclude that robots with faces and moving limbs can engage autistic children in a better way. Facial expression of the robots can elicit a greater response than prompting by humans.

  20. Technology of disaster response robot and issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tadokoro, Satoshi


    The needs, function structure , ability of disaster response robot are stated. Robots are classified by move mode such as Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), Legged Robots, Exoskeleton, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Wall Climbing Robots, robots for narrow space. Quince, disaster response robot, collected at first information in the building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Functions of rescue robots and technical problems under disaster conditions, shape and characteristics of robots and TRL, PackBot, Pelican, Quince, scope camera, and three-dimensional map made by Quince are illustrated. (S.Y.)

  1. Robot skills for manufacturing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Mikkel Rath; Nalpantidis, Lazaros; Andersen, Rasmus Skovgaard


    -asserting robot skills for manufacturing. We show how a relatively small set of skills are derived from current factory worker instructions, and how these can be transferred to industrial mobile manipulators. General robot skills can not only be implemented on these robots, but also be intuitively concatenated...... products are introduced by manufacturers. In order to compete on global markets, the factories of tomorrow need complete production lines, including automation technologies that can effortlessly be reconfigured or repurposed, when the need arises. In this paper we present the concept of general, self...... in running production facilities at an industrial partner. It follows from these experiments that the use of robot skills, and associated task-level programming framework, is a viable solution to introducing robots that can intuitively and on the fly be programmed to perform new tasks by factory workers....

  2. Robotics at Savannah River

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Byrd, J.S.


    A Robotics Technology Group was organized at the Savannah River Laboratory in August 1982. Many potential applications have been identified that will improve personnel safety, reduce operating costs, and increase productivity using modern robotics and automation. Several active projects are under way to procure robots, to develop unique techniques and systems for the site's processes, and to install the systems in the actual work environments. The projects and development programs are involved in the following general application areas: (1) glove boxes and shielded cell facilities, (2) laboratory chemical processes, (3) fabrication processes for reactor fuel assemblies, (4) sampling processes for separation areas, (5) emergency response in reactor areas, (6) fuel handling in reactor areas, and (7) remote radiation monitoring systems. A Robotics Development Laboratory has been set up for experimental and development work and for demonstration of robotic systems

  3. Towards Light‐guided Micro‐robotics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glückstad, Jesper

    ‐dimensional microstructures. Furthermore, we exploit the light shaping capabilities available in the workstation to demonstrate a new strategy for controlling microstructures that goes beyond the typical refractive light deflections that are exploited in conventional optical trapping and manipulation e.g. of micro......Robotics in the macro‐scale typically uses light for carrying information in machine vision for monitoring and feedback in intelligent robotic guidance systems. With light’s miniscule momentum, shrinking robots down to the micro‐scale regime creates opportunities for exploiting optical forces...... and torques in micro‐robotic actuation and control. Indeed, the literature on optical trapping and micro‐manipulation attests to the possibilities for optical micro‐robotics. Advancing light‐driven micro‐robotics requires the optimization of optical force and optical torque that, in turn, requires...

  4. Application of robotics in nuclear facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Byrd, J.S.; Fisher, J.J.


    Industrial robots and other robotic systems have been successfully applied at the Savannah River nuclear site. These applications, new robotic systems presently under development, general techniques for the employment of robots in nuclear facilities, and future systems are discussed

  5. Robotic transthoracic esophagectomy. (United States)

    Puntambekar, Shailesh; Kenawadekar, Rahul; Kumar, Sanjay; Joshi, Saurabh; Agarwal, Geetanjali; Reddy, Sunil; Mallik, Jainul


    We have initially published our experience with the robotic transthoracic esophagectomy in 32 patients from a single institute. The present paper is the extension of our experience with robotic system and to best of our knowledge this represents the largest series of robotic transthoracic esophagectomy worldwide. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of the robotic transthoracic esophagectomy for esophageal cancer in a series of patients from a single institute. A retrospective review of medical records was conducted for 83 esophageal cancer patients who underwent robotic esophagectomy at our institute from December 2009 to December 2012. All patients underwent a thorough clinical examination and pre-operative investigations. All patients underwent robotic esophageal mobilization. En-bloc dissection with lymphadenectomy was performed in all cases with preservation of Azygous vein. Relevant data were gathered from medical records. The study population comprised of 50 men and 33 women with mean age of 59.18 years. The mean operative time was 204.94 mins (range 180 to 300). The mean blood loss was 86.75 ml (range 50 to 200). The mean number of lymph node yield was 18. 36 (range 13 to 24). None of the patient required conversion. The mean ICU stay and hospital stay was 1 day (range 1 to 3) and 10.37 days (range 10 to 13), respectively. A total of 16 (19.28%) complication were reported in these patents. Commonly reported complication included dysphagia, pleural effusion and anastomotic leak. No treatment related mortality was observed. After a median follow-up period of 10 months, 66 patients (79.52%) survived with disease free stage. We found robot-assisted thoracoscopic esophagectomy feasible in cases of esophageal cancer. The procedure allowed precise en-bloc dissection with lymphadenectomy in mediastinum with reduced operative time, blood loss and complications.

  6. Robots for Astrobiology! (United States)

    Boston, Penelope J.


    The search for life and its study is known as astrobiology. Conducting that search on other planets in our Solar System is a major goal of NASA and other space agencies, and a driving passion of the community of scientists and engineers around the world. We practice for that search in many ways, from exploring and studying extreme environments on Earth, to developing robots to go to other planets and help us look for any possible life that may be there or may have been there in the past. The unique challenges of space exploration make collaborations between robots and humans essential. The products of those collaborations will be novel and driven by the features of wholly new environments. For space and planetary environments that are intolerable for humans or where humans present an unacceptable risk to possible biologically sensitive sites, autonomous robots or telepresence offer excellent choices. The search for life signs on Mars fits within this category, especially in advance of human landed missions there, but also as assistants and tools once humans reach the Red Planet. For planetary destinations where we do not envision humans ever going in person, like bitterly cold icy moons, or ocean worlds with thick ice roofs that essentially make them planetary-sized ice caves, we will rely on robots alone to visit those environments for us and enable us to explore and understand any life that we may find there. Current generation robots are not quite ready for some of the tasks that we need them to do, so there are many opportunities for roboticists of the future to advance novel types of mobility, autonomy, and bio-inspired robotic designs to help us accomplish our astrobiological goals. We see an exciting partnership between robotics and astrobiology continually strengthening as we jointly pursue the quest to find extraterrestrial life.

  7. Automatic control system generation for robot design validation (United States)

    Bacon, James A. (Inventor); English, James D. (Inventor)


    The specification and drawings present a new method, system and software product for and apparatus for generating a robotic validation system for a robot design. The robotic validation system for the robot design of a robotic system is automatically generated by converting a robot design into a generic robotic description using a predetermined format, then generating a control system from the generic robotic description and finally updating robot design parameters of the robotic system with an analysis tool using both the generic robot description and the control system.



    Madhav. Rao


    As the field of robotics are advancing, robotics education needs to consider technological advances and societal level of interest. Realizing computer games in robotic platforms is one such technological advance for educating students in robotics science. Realizing computer games in robotics environment is still a challenge due to high investment factor in developing robot models. However the effort can lead to the enhanced interest in robotics education and further involvement in science and...

  9. Robotics 101 (United States)

    Sultan, Alan


    Robots are used in all kinds of industrial settings. They are used to rivet bolts to cars, to move items from one conveyor belt to another, to gather information from other planets, and even to perform some very delicate types of surgery. Anyone who has watched a robot perform its tasks cannot help but be impressed by how it works. This article…

  10. Tank-automotive robotics (United States)

    Lane, Gerald R.


    To provide an overview of Tank-Automotive Robotics. The briefing will contain program overviews & inter-relationships and technology challenges of TARDEC managed unmanned and robotic ground vehicle programs. Specific emphasis will focus on technology developments/approaches to achieve semi- autonomous operation and inherent chassis mobility features. Programs to be discussed include: DemoIII Experimental Unmanned Vehicle (XUV), Tactical Mobile Robotics (TMR), Intelligent Mobility, Commanders Driver Testbed, Collision Avoidance, International Ground Robotics Competition (ICGRC). Specifically, the paper will discuss unique exterior/outdoor challenges facing the IGRC competing teams and the synergy created between the IGRC and ongoing DoD semi-autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle and DoT Intelligent Transportation System programs. Sensor and chassis approaches to meet the IGRC challenges and obstacles will be shown and discussed. Shortfalls in performance to meet the IGRC challenges will be identified.

  11. Building a Better Robot (United States)

    Navah, Jan


    Kids love to build robots, letting their imaginations run wild with thoughts of what they might look like and what they could be programmed to do. Yet when students use cereal boxes and found objects to make robots, often the projects look too similar and tend to fall apart. This alternative allows students to "build" robots in a different way,…

  12. Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments Recent Advances in Designing Service Robots for Complex Tasks in Everyday Environments

    CERN Document Server

    Zöllner, Marius; Bischoff, Rainer; Burgard, Wolfram; Haschke, Robert; Hägele, Martin; Lawitzky, Gisbert; Nebel, Bernhard; Plöger, Paul; Reiser, Ulrich


    People have dreamed of machines, which would free them from unpleasant, dull, dirty and dangerous tasks and work for them as servants, for centuries if not millennia. Service robots seem to finally let these dreams come true. But where are all these robots that eventually serve us all day long, day for day? A few service robots have entered the market: domestic and professional cleaning robots, lawnmowers, milking robots, or entertainment robots. Some of these robots look more like toys or gadgets rather than real robots. But where is the rest? This is a question, which is asked not only by customers, but also by service providers, care organizations, politicians, and funding agencies. The answer is not very satisfying. Today’s service robots have their problems operating in everyday environments. This is by far more challenging than operating an industrial robot behind a fence. There is a comprehensive list of technical and scientific problems, which still need to be solved. To advance the state of the art...

  13. Robot NAO cantante


    Caballero Pamos, Adrián


    En los últimos años la robótica ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial incorporando todo tipo de funcionalidades. Introducir el mundo musical en los robots es una de ellas. En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se presenta el desarrollo de un sistema que permite al robot NAO leer una partitura, analizarla y reproducirla a modo de canto. La finalidad del trabajo es que el robot actúe como un intérprete frente a una partitura musical tal y como lo haría un humano. Debe ser capaz de interpretar cual...

  14. Odico Formwork Robotics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Asbjørn


    In the next decade or so, the widespread adoption of robotics is set to transform the construction industry: building techniques will become increasingly automated both on– and off–site, dispensing with manual labour and enabling greater cost and operational efficiencies. What unique opportunities......, however, does robotics afford beyond operational effectiveness explicitly for the practice of architecture? What is the potential for the serial production of non–standard elements as well as for varied construction processes? In order to scale up and advance the application of robotics, for both...

  15. Beyond speculative robot ethics: a vision assessment study on the future of the robotic caretaker. (United States)

    van der Plas, Arjanna; Smits, Martijntje; Wehrmann, Caroline


    In this article we develop a dialogue model for robot technology experts and designated users to discuss visions on the future of robotics in long-term care. Our vision assessment study aims for more distinguished and more informed visions on future robots. Surprisingly, our experiment also led to some promising co-designed robot concepts in which jointly articulated moral guidelines are embedded. With our model, we think to have designed an interesting response on a recent call for a less speculative ethics of technology by encouraging discussions about the quality of positive and negative visions on the future of robotics.

  16. Evolutionary robotics – A review

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    R. Narasimhan (Krishtel eMaging) 1461 1996 Oct 15 13:05:22

    a need for a technique by which the robot is able to acquire new behaviours automatically .... Evolutionary robotics is a comparatively new field of robotics research, which seems to ..... Technical Report: PCIA-94-04, Institute of Psychology,.

  17. Measurement of the Robot Motor Capability of a Robot Motor System: A Fitts’s-Law-Inspired Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. S. George Lee


    Full Text Available Robot motor capability is a crucial factor for a robot, because it affects how accurately and rapidly a robot can perform a motion to accomplish a task constrained by spatial and temporal conditions. In this paper, we propose and derive a pseudo-index of motor performance (pIp to characterize robot motor capability with robot kinematics, dynamics and control taken into consideration. The proposed pIp provides a quantitative measure for a robot with revolute joints, which is inspired from an index of performance in Fitts’s law of human skills. Computer simulations and experiments on a PUMA 560 industrial robot were conducted to validate the proposed pIp for performing a motion accurately and rapidly.

  18. Robot modelling; Control and applications with software

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ranky, P G; Ho, C Y


    This book provides a ''picture'' of robotics covering both the theoretical aspect of modeling as well as the practical and design aspects of: robot programming; robot tooling and automated hand changing; implementation planning; testing; and software design for robot systems. The authors present an introduction to robotics with a systems approach. They describe not only the tasks relating to a single robot (or arm) but also systems of robots working together on a product or several products.

  19. Robotics research at Electrotechnical Laboratory-R and D program for advanced robot technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wakamatsu, S; Akahori, H; Shirai, Y; Kakikura, M


    The purposes of this paper are both to introduce the outline of robotics researches at Electrotechnical Laboratory and to describe the relation between those researches and the national project so called robotics for critical work. The authors first describe the robotics researches and related topics historically which have been continued from the latter half of 1960s as a part of researches on artificial intelligence at Electrotechnical Laboratory. Secondly, they mention the present aspects of our researches, its relation with past results, and changes of basic concepts on robotics systems. Finally, as an extension of our researches, they propose some approaches to establish the following techniques which make very important roles for the success of the national project; (1) manipulation techniques, (2) sensor techniques, (3) autonomous robot control techniques, (4) advanced tele-operation techniques and, (5) system totalizing techniques. 15 references.

  20. Application of emission CT on nano-robot radiation imaging tracing and isotope sign in nano-robot

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xuewu; Cheng Jianping; Kang Kejun


    Nano-technology has been a scientific and technical frontier with major trends foreseen in several disciplines. Nano-robot is the most remarkable imagination of the application of nano-technology. And it should be concerned of tracing technology along with nano-robot. The character of nano-robot is deeply analyzed, the development status of emission CT is integrated, and the application of emission CT on nano-robot radiation imaging tracing is discussed. The isotope sign of nano-robot is especially calculated and analyzed

  1. Robot-assisted gait training for stroke patients: current state of the art and perspectives of robotics. (United States)

    Morone, Giovanni; Paolucci, Stefano; Cherubini, Andrea; De Angelis, Domenico; Venturiero, Vincenzo; Coiro, Paola; Iosa, Marco


    In this review, we give a brief outline of robot-mediated gait training for stroke patients, as an important emerging field in rehabilitation. Technological innovations are allowing rehabilitation to move toward more integrated processes, with improved efficiency and less long-term impairments. In particular, robot-mediated neurorehabilitation is a rapidly advancing field, which uses robotic systems to define new methods for treating neurological injuries, especially stroke. The use of robots in gait training can enhance rehabilitation, but it needs to be used according to well-defined neuroscientific principles. The field of robot-mediated neurorehabilitation brings challenges to both bioengineering and clinical practice. This article reviews the state of the art (including commercially available systems) and perspectives of robotics in poststroke rehabilitation for walking recovery. A critical revision, including the problems at stake regarding robotic clinical use, is also presented.

  2. Assistant Personal Robot (APR: Conception and Application of a Tele-Operated Assisted Living Robot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduard Clotet


    Full Text Available This paper presents the technical description, mechanical design, electronic components, software implementation and possible applications of a tele-operated mobile robot designed as an assisted living tool. This robotic concept has been named Assistant Personal Robot (or APR for short and has been designed as a remotely telecontrolled robotic platform built to provide social and assistive services to elderly people and those with impaired mobility. The APR features a fast high-mobility motion system adapted for tele-operation in plain indoor areas, which incorporates a high-priority collision avoidance procedure. This paper presents the mechanical architecture, electrical fundaments and software implementation required in order to develop the main functionalities of an assistive robot. The APR uses a tablet in order to implement the basic peer-to-peer videoconference and tele-operation control combined with a tactile graphic user interface. The paper also presents the development of some applications proposed in the framework of an assisted living robot.

  3. Adaptive heterogeneous multi-robot teams

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parker, L.E.


    This research addresses the problem of achieving fault tolerant cooperation within small- to medium-sized teams of heterogeneous mobile robots. The author describes a novel behavior-based, fully distributed architecture, called ALLIANCE, that utilizes adaptive action selection to achieve fault tolerant cooperative control in robot missions involving loosely coupled, largely independent tasks. The robots in this architecture possess a variety of high-level functions that they can perform during a mission, and must at all times select an appropriate action based on the requirements of the mission, the activities of other robots, the current environmental conditions, and their own internal states. Since such cooperative teams often work in dynamic and unpredictable environments, the software architecture allows the team members to respond robustly and reliably to unexpected environmental changes and modifications in the robot team that may occur due to mechanical failure, the learning of new skills, or the addition or removal of robots from the team by human intervention. After presenting ALLIANCE, the author describes in detail the experimental results of an implementation of this architecture on a team of physical mobile robots performing a cooperative box pushing demonstration. These experiments illustrate the ability of ALLIANCE to achieve adaptive, fault-tolerant cooperative control amidst dynamic changes in the capabilities of the robot team.

  4. Robots Cannot Lie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borggreen, Gunhild


    En analyse af den japanske robot-menneske teaterstykke Hataraku Watashi med fokus på Austins og Butlers begreb om performativitet.......En analyse af den japanske robot-menneske teaterstykke Hataraku Watashi med fokus på Austins og Butlers begreb om performativitet....

  5. Robot Vision Library (United States)

    Howard, Andrew B.; Ansar, Adnan I.; Litwin, Todd E.; Goldberg, Steven B.


    The JPL Robot Vision Library (JPLV) provides real-time robot vision algorithms for developers who are not vision specialists. The package includes algorithms for stereo ranging, visual odometry and unsurveyed camera calibration, and has unique support for very wideangle lenses

  6. Robotics and general surgery. (United States)

    Jacob, Brian P; Gagner, Michel


    Robotics are now being used in all surgical fields, including general surgery. By increasing intra-abdominal articulations while operating through small incisions, robotics are increasingly being used for a large number of visceral and solid organ operations, including those for the gallbladder, esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon, and rectum, as well as for the endocrine organs. Robotics and general surgery are blending for the first time in history and as a specialty field should continue to grow for many years to come. We continuously demand solutions to questions and limitations that are experienced in our daily work. Laparoscopy is laden with limitations such as fixed axis points at the trocar insertion sites, two-dimensional video monitors, limited dexterity at the instrument tips, lack of haptic sensation, and in some cases poor ergonomics. The creation of a surgical robot system with 3D visual capacity seems to deal with most of these limitations. Although some in the surgical community continue to test the feasibility of these surgical robots and to question the necessity of such an expensive venture, others are already postulating how to improve the next generation of telemanipulators, and in so doing are looking beyond today's horizon to find simpler solutions. As the robotic era enters the world of the general surgeon, more and more complex procedures will be able to be approached through small incisions. As technology catches up with our imaginations, robotic instruments (as opposed to robots) and 3D monitoring will become routine and continue to improve patient care by providing surgeons with the most precise, least traumatic ways of treating surgical disease.

  7. A cargo-sorting DNA robot. (United States)

    Thubagere, Anupama J; Li, Wei; Johnson, Robert F; Chen, Zibo; Doroudi, Shayan; Lee, Yae Lim; Izatt, Gregory; Wittman, Sarah; Srinivas, Niranjan; Woods, Damien; Winfree, Erik; Qian, Lulu


    Two critical challenges in the design and synthesis of molecular robots are modularity and algorithm simplicity. We demonstrate three modular building blocks for a DNA robot that performs cargo sorting at the molecular level. A simple algorithm encoding recognition between cargos and their destinations allows for a simple robot design: a single-stranded DNA with one leg and two foot domains for walking, and one arm and one hand domain for picking up and dropping off cargos. The robot explores a two-dimensional testing ground on the surface of DNA origami, picks up multiple cargos of two types that are initially at unordered locations, and delivers them to specified destinations until all molecules are sorted into two distinct piles. The robot is designed to perform a random walk without any energy supply. Exploiting this feature, a single robot can repeatedly sort multiple cargos. Localization on DNA origami allows for distinct cargo-sorting tasks to take place simultaneously in one test tube or for multiple robots to collectively perform the same task. Copyright © 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  8. Robots for use in autism research. (United States)

    Scassellati, Brian; Admoni, Henny; Matarić, Maja


    Autism spectrum disorders are a group of lifelong disabilities that affect people's ability to communicate and to understand social cues. Research into applying robots as therapy tools has shown that robots seem to improve engagement and elicit novel social behaviors from people (particularly children and teenagers) with autism. Robot therapy for autism has been explored as one of the first application domains in the field of socially assistive robotics (SAR), which aims to develop robots that assist people with special needs through social interactions. In this review, we discuss the past decade's work in SAR systems designed for autism therapy by analyzing robot design decisions, human-robot interactions, and system evaluations. We conclude by discussing challenges and future trends for this young but rapidly developing research area.

  9. Anthropomorphism in Human-Robot Co-evolution. (United States)

    Damiano, Luisa; Dumouchel, Paul


    Social robotics entertains a particular relationship with anthropomorphism, which it neither sees as a cognitive error, nor as a sign of immaturity. Rather it considers that this common human tendency, which is hypothesized to have evolved because it favored cooperation among early humans, can be used today to facilitate social interactions between humans and a new type of cooperative and interactive agents - social robots. This approach leads social robotics to focus research on the engineering of robots that activate anthropomorphic projections in users. The objective is to give robots "social presence" and "social behaviors" that are sufficiently credible for human users to engage in comfortable and potentially long-lasting relations with these machines. This choice of 'applied anthropomorphism' as a research methodology exposes the artifacts produced by social robotics to ethical condemnation: social robots are judged to be a "cheating" technology, as they generate in users the illusion of reciprocal social and affective relations. This article takes position in this debate, not only developing a series of arguments relevant to philosophy of mind, cognitive sciences, and robotic AI, but also asking what social robotics can teach us about anthropomorphism. On this basis, we propose a theoretical perspective that characterizes anthropomorphism as a basic mechanism of interaction, and rebuts the ethical reflections that a priori condemns "anthropomorphism-based" social robots. To address the relevant ethical issues, we promote a critical experimentally based ethical approach to social robotics, "synthetic ethics," which aims at allowing humans to use social robots for two main goals: self-knowledge and moral growth.

  10. Robot transparency, trust and utility (United States)

    Wortham, Robert H.; Theodorou, Andreas


    As robot reasoning becomes more complex, debugging becomes increasingly hard based solely on observable behaviour, even for robot designers and technical specialists. Similarly, non-specialist users have difficulty creating useful mental models of robot reasoning from observations of robot behaviour. The EPSRC Principles of Robotics mandate that our artefacts should be transparent, but what does this mean in practice, and how does transparency affect both trust and utility? We investigate this relationship in the literature and find it to be complex, particularly in nonindustrial environments where, depending on the application and purpose of the robot, transparency may have a wider range of effects on trust and utility. We outline our programme of research to support our assertion that it is nevertheless possible to create transparent agents that are emotionally engaging despite having a transparent machine nature.

  11. Attitudinal Change in Elderly Citizens Toward Social Robots: The Role of Personality Traits and Beliefs About Robot Functionality. (United States)

    Damholdt, Malene F; Nørskov, Marco; Yamazaki, Ryuji; Hakli, Raul; Hansen, Catharina Vesterager; Vestergaard, Christina; Seibt, Johanna


    Attitudes toward robots influence the tendency to accept or reject robotic devices. Thus it is important to investigate whether and how attitudes toward robots can change. In this pilot study we investigate attitudinal changes in elderly citizens toward a tele-operated robot in relation to three parameters: (i) the information provided about robot functionality, (ii) the number of encounters, (iii) personality type. Fourteen elderly residents at a rehabilitation center participated. Pre-encounter attitudes toward robots, anthropomorphic thinking, and personality were assessed. Thereafter the participants interacted with a tele-operated robot (Telenoid) during their lunch (c. 30 min.) for up to 3 days. Half of the participants were informed that the robot was tele-operated (IC) whilst the other half were naïve to its functioning (UC). Post-encounter assessments of attitudes toward robots and anthropomorphic thinking were undertaken to assess change. Attitudes toward robots were assessed with a new generic 35-items questionnaire (attitudes toward social robots scale: ASOR-5), offering a differentiated conceptualization of the conditions for social interaction. There was no significant difference between the IC and UC groups in attitude change toward robots though trends were observed. Personality was correlated with some tendencies for attitude changes; Extraversion correlated with positive attitude changes to intimate-personal relatedness with the robot (r = 0.619) and to psychological relatedness (r = 0.581) whilst Neuroticism correlated negatively (r = -0.582) with mental relatedness with the robot. The results tentatively suggest that neither information about functionality nor direct repeated encounters are pivotal in changing attitudes toward robots in elderly citizens. This may reflect a cognitive congruence bias where the robot is experienced in congruence with initial attitudes, or it may support action-based explanations of cognitive dissonance reductions

  12. Attitudinal change in elderly citizens towards social robots: the role of personality traits and beliefs about robot functionality.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malene Flensborg Damholdt


    Full Text Available Attitudes towards robots influence the tendency to accept or reject robotic devices. Thus it is important to investigate whether and how attitudes towards robots can change. In this pilot study we investigate attitudinal changes in elderly citizens toward a tele-operated robot in relation to three parameters: (i the information provided about robot functionality, (ii the number of encounters, (iii personality type. Fourteen elderly residents at a rehabilitation centre participated. Pre-encounter attitudes towards robots, anthropomorphic thinking, and personality were assessed. Thereafter the participants interacted with a tele-operated robot (Telenoid during their lunch (c. 30 min. for up to three days. Half of the participants were informed that the robot was tele-operated (IC whilst the other half were naïve to its functioning (UC. Post-encounter assessments of attitudes towards robots and anthropomorphic thinking were undertaken to assess change. Attitudes towards robots were assessed with a new generic 35-item questionnaire (Attitudes towards social robots scale: ASOR-5, offering a differentiated conceptualization of the conditions for social interaction.There was no significant difference between the IC and UC groups in attitude change towards robots though trends were observed. Personality was correlated with some tendencies for attitude changes; Extraversion correlated with positive attitude changes to intimate-personal relatedness with the robot (r=.619 and to psychological relatedness (r=.581 whilst Neuroticism correlated negatively (r=-.582 with mental relatedness with the robot. The results tentatively suggest that neither information about functionality nor direct repeated encounters are pivotal in changing attitudes towards robots in elderly citizens. This may reflect a cognitive congruence bias where the robot is experienced in congruence with initial attitudes, or it may support action-based explanations of cognitive dissonance

  13. Emotion based human-robot interaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Berns Karsten


    Full Text Available Human-machine interaction is a major challenge in the development of complex humanoid robots. In addition to verbal communication the use of non-verbal cues such as hand, arm and body gestures or mimics can improve the understanding of the intention of the robot. On the other hand, by perceiving such mechanisms of a human in a typical interaction scenario the humanoid robot can adapt its interaction skills in a better way. In this work, the perception system of two social robots, ROMAN and ROBIN of the RRLAB of the TU Kaiserslautern, is presented in the range of human-robot interaction.

  14. Legal Frame of Non-Social Robots

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fosch Villaronga, Eduard; Husty, M.; Hofbaur, M.; Can Dede, M.I.


    This paper describes some relevant legal aspects concerning non-social robots. Special attention is drawn to Person Carrier Robots (PCaR) and Physical Assistant Robots (PAR). Although concrete legal binding regulations concerning these two sub-types of Personal Care Robots (PCR) are missing, the

  15. Multibody system dynamics, robotics and control

    CERN Document Server

    Gerstmayr, Johannes


    The volume contains 19 contributions by international experts in the field of multibody system dynamics, robotics and control. The book aims to bridge the gap between the modeling of mechanical systems by means of multibody dynamics formulations and robotics. In the classical approach, a multibody dynamics model contains a very high level of detail, however, the application of such models to robotics or control is usually limited. The papers aim to connect the different scientific communities in multibody dynamics, robotics and control. Main topics are flexible multibody systems, humanoid robots, elastic robots, nonlinear control, optimal path planning, and identification.

  16. Traveling Robots and Their Cultural Baggage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blond, Lasse

    When social robots are imported from Asia to Europe they bring along with them a cultural luggage consisting of foreign sociotechnical imaginary. The effort to adopt the robot Silbot to Nordic social services exposed unfamiliar and cultural-dependent views of care, cognition, health and human...... nature. Studying Silbot in “the wild” highlighted these issues as well as the human-robot interaction and the adaptation of the robot to real life praxis. The importance of comprehending robots as parts of sociotechnical ensembles is emphasized as well as the observance of how robots are shaped...... by the cultural context in the recipient countries....

  17. Semiotics and Human-Robot Interaction


    Sequeira, Joao; Ribeiro, M.Isabel


    The social barriers that still constrain the use of robots in modern societies will tend to vanish with the sophistication increase of interaction strategies. Communication and interaction between people and robots occurring in a friendly manner and being accessible to everyone, independent of their skills in robotics issues, will certainly foster the breaking of barriers. Socializing behaviors, such as following people, are relatively easy to obtain with current state of the art robotics. Ho...

  18. Sociable Robots Through Self-Maintained Energy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trung Dung Ngo


    Full Text Available Research of autonomous mobile robots has mostly emphasized interaction and coordination that are natually inspired from biological behavior of birds, insects, and fish: flocking, foraging, collecting, and sharing. However, most research has been only focused on autonomous behaviors in order to perform robots like animals, whereas it is lacked of determinant to those behaviours: energy. Approaching to clusted amimal and the higher, collective and sharing food among individuals are major activity to keep society being. This paper issues an approach to sociable robots using self-maintained energy in cooperative mobile robots, which is dominantly inspired from swarm behavior of collecting and sharing food of honey-bee and ant. Autonomous mobile robots are usually equipped with a finite energy, thus they can operate in a finite time. To overcome the finitude, we describe practical deployment of mobile robots that are capable of carrying and exchanging fuel to other robots. Mechanism implementation including modular hardware and control architecture to demonstrate the capabicities of the approach is presented. Subsequently, the battery exchange algorithm basically based on probabilistic modeling of total energy on each robot located in its local vicinity is described. The paper is concluded with challenging works of chain of mobile robots, rescue, repair, and relation of heterogeneous robots.

  19. Sociable Robots through Self-maintained Energy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henrik Schioler


    Full Text Available Research of autonomous mobile robots has mostly emphasized interaction and coordination that are natually inspired from biological behavior of birds, insects, and fish: flocking, foraging, collecting, and sharing. However, most research has been only focused on autonomous behaviors in order to perform robots like animals, whereas it is lacked of determinant to those behaviours: energy. Approaching to clusted amimal and the higher, collective and sharing food among individuals are major activity to keep society being. This paper issues an approach to sociable robots using self-maintained energy in cooperative mobile robots, which is dominantly inspired from swarm behavior of collecting and sharing food of honey-bee and ant. Autonomous mobile robots are usually equipped with a finite energy, thus they can operate in a finite time. To overcome the finitude, we describe practical deployment of mobile robots that are capable of carrying and exchanging fuel to other robots. Mechanism implementation including modular hardware and control architecture to demonstrate the capabicities of the approach is presented. Subsequently, the battery exchange algorithm basically based on probabilistic modeling of total energy on each robot located in its local vicinity is described. The paper is concluded with challenging works of chain of mobile robots, rescue, repair, and relation of heterogeneous robots.

  20. Perspectives of construction robots (United States)

    Stepanov, M. A.; Gridchin, A. M.


    This article is an overview of construction robots features, based on formulating the list of requirements for different types of construction robots in relation to different types of construction works.. It describes a variety of construction works and ways to construct new or to adapt existing robot designs for a construction process. Also, it shows the prospects of AI-controlled machines, implementation of automated control systems and networks on construction sites. In the end, different ways to develop and improve, including ecological aspect, the construction process through the wide robotization, creating of data communication networks and, in perspective, establishing of fully AI-controlled construction complex are formulated.

  1. Afterword: Robot Conceptualizations Between Continuity and Innovation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leopoldina Fortunati


    Full Text Available The aim of this afterword is to discuss a topic that links all the papers presented in this special issue. This transversal topic is the forms of social robots. Firstly, social robots form is discussed in light of the forms of robotics we have inherited from the past. This includes the models of society that each of them embodied, as well as the social logic of the emotions connected to them. Secondly, social robots form is analyzed in light of the arrival in a new area for robotics, that of robots in the domestic sphere. Here, the system of filters created by the mass appropriation of information and communication technologies in the last two decades, has set the premise for a change of the social contract that has made social robot penetration possible. Whilst exploring the models and the meanings of social robots in the domestic sphere it emerges that robotics is following two different paths: one addressing the material part of housework (more traditional robotics and the other addressing the immaterial part of reproduction work (more innovative robotics. Finally, the paper analyzes the dematerialization process of social robotics that is still taking place, a practice that is defined herein as “ubiquitous social roboting.”

  2. Robotized transcranial magnetic stimulation

    CERN Document Server

    Richter, Lars


    Presents new, cutting-edge algorithms for robot/camera calibration, sensor fusion and sensor calibration Explores the main challenges for accurate coil positioning, such as head motion, and outlines how active robotic motion compensation can outperform hand-held solutions Analyzes how a robotized system in medicine can alleviate concerns with a patient's safety, and presents a novel fault-tolerant algorithm (FTA) sensor for system safety

  3. Raspberry Pi robotics projects

    CERN Document Server

    Grimmett, Richard


    This book is for enthusiasts who want to use the Raspberry Pi to build complex robotics projects. With the aid of the step-by-step instructions in this book, you can construct complex robotics projects that can move, talk, listen, see, swim, or fly. No previous Raspberry Pi robotics experience is assumed, but even experts will find unexpected and interesting information in this invaluable guide.

  4. Robotic hand and fingers (United States)

    Salisbury, Curt Michael; Dullea, Kevin J.


    Technologies pertaining to a robotic hand are described herein. The robotic hand includes one or more fingers releasably attached to a robotic hand frame. The fingers can abduct and adduct as well as flex and tense. The fingers are releasably attached to the frame by magnets that allow for the fingers to detach from the frame when excess force is applied to the fingers.

  5. Environmental restoration and waste management: Robotics technology development program: Robotics 5-year program plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This plan covers robotics Research, Development, Demonstration, Testing, activities in the Program for the next five years. These activities range from bench-scale R ampersand D to fullscale hot demonstrations at DOE sites. This plan outlines applications of existing technology to near-term needs, the development and application of enhanced technology for longer-term needs, and an initiation of advanced technology development to meet those needs beyond the five-year plan. The objective of the Robotic Technology Development (RTDP) is to develop and apply robotics technologies that will enable Environmental Restoration and Waste Management operations at DOE sites to be safer, faster and cheaper. Five priority DOE sites were visited in March 1990 to identify needs for robotics technology in ER ampersand WM operations. This 5-Year Program Plan for the RTDP detailed annual plans for robotics technology development based on identified needs. This 5-Year Program Plan discusses the overall approach to be adopted by the RTDP to aggressively develop robotics technology and contains discussions of the Program Management Plan, Site Visit and Needs Summary, Approach to Needs-Directed Technical Development, Application-Specific Technical Development, and Cross-Cutting and Advanced Technology. Integrating application-specific ER ampersand WM needs, the current state of robotics technology, and the potential benefits (in terms of faster, safer, and cheaper) of new technology, the Plan develops application-specific road maps for robotics RDDT ampersand E for the period FY 1991 through FY 1995. In addition, the Plan identifies areas where longer-term research in robotics will have a high payoff in the 5- to 20-year time frame. 12 figs

  6. Human-Robot Teaming: From Space Robotics to Self-Driving Cars (United States)

    Fong, Terry


    In this talk, I describe how NASA Ames has been developing and testing robots for space exploration. In our research, we have focused on studying how human-robot teams can increase the performance, reduce the cost, and increase the success of space missions. A key tenet of our work is that humans and robots should support one another in order to compensate for limitations of manual control and autonomy. This principle has broad applicability beyond space exploration. Thus, I will conclude by discussing how we have worked with Nissan to apply our methods to self-driving cars, enabling humans to support autonomous vehicles operating in unpredictable and difficult situations.

  7. Robot assistant versus human or another robot assistant in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. (United States)

    Gurusamy, Kurinchi Selvan; Samraj, Kumarakrishnan; Fusai, Giuseppe; Davidson, Brian R


    The role of a robotic assistant in laparoscopic cholecystectomy is controversial. While some trials have shown distinct advantages of a robotic assistant over a human assistant others have not, and it is unclear which robotic assistant is best. The aims of this review are to assess the benefits and harms of a robot assistant versus human assistant or versus another robot assistant in laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and to assess whether the robot can substitute the human assistant. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Science Citation Index Expanded (until February 2012) for identifying the randomised clinical trials. Only randomised clinical trials (irrespective of language, blinding, or publication status) comparing robot assistants versus human assistants in laparoscopic cholecystectomy were considered for the review. Randomised clinical trials comparing different types of robot assistants were also considered for the review. Two authors independently identified the trials for inclusion and independently extracted the data. We calculated the risk ratio (RR) or mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence interval (CI) using the fixed-effect and the random-effects models based on intention-to-treat analysis, when possible, using Review Manager 5. We included six trials with 560 patients. One trial involving 129 patients did not state the number of patients randomised to the two groups. In the remaining five trials 431 patients were randomised, 212 to the robot assistant group and 219 to the human assistant group. All the trials were at high risk of bias. Mortality and morbidity were reported in only one trial with 40 patients. There was no mortality or morbidity in either group. Mortality and morbidity were not reported in the remaining trials. Quality of life or the proportion of patients who were discharged as day-patient laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients were not reported in any

  8. Snake Robots Modelling, Mechatronics, and Control

    CERN Document Server

    Liljebäck, Pål; Stavdahl, Øyvind; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy


    Snake Robots is a novel treatment of theoretical and practical topics related to snake robots: robotic mechanisms designed to move like biological snakes and able to operate in challenging environments in which human presence is either undesirable or impossible. Future applications of such robots include search and rescue, inspection and maintenance, and subsea operations. Locomotion in unstructured environments is a focus for this book. The text targets the disparate muddle of approaches to modelling, development and control of snake robots in current literature, giving a unified presentation of recent research results on snake robot locomotion to increase the reader’s basic understanding of these mechanisms and their motion dynamics and clarify the state of the art in the field. The book is a complete treatment of snake robotics, with topics ranging from mathematical modelling techniques, through mechatronic design and implementation, to control design strategies. The development of two snake robots is de...

  9. Social robots from a human perspective

    CERN Document Server

    Taipale, Sakari; Sapio, Bartolomeo; Lugano, Giuseppe; Fortunati, Leopoldina


    Addressing several issues that explore the human side of social robots, this book asks from a social and human scientific perspective what a social robot is and how we might come to think about social robots in the different areas of everyday life. Organized around three sections that deal with Perceptions and Attitudes to Social Robots, Human Interaction with Social Robots, and Social Robots in Everyday Life, the book explores the idea that even if technical problems related to robot technologies can be continuously solved from a machine perspective, what kind of machine do we want to have and use in our daily lives? Experiences from previously widely adopted technologies, such smartphones, hint that robot technologies could potentially be absorbed into the everyday lives of humans in such a way that it is the human that determines the human-machine interaction. In a similar way to how today’s information and communication technologies were first designed for professional/industrial use, but which soon wer...

  10. New Trends in Robotics for Agriculture: Integration and Assessment of a Real Fleet of Robots

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Emmi


    Full Text Available Computer-based sensors and actuators such as global positioning systems, machine vision, and laser-based sensors have progressively been incorporated into mobile robots with the aim of configuring autonomous systems capable of shifting operator activities in agricultural tasks. However, the incorporation of many electronic systems into a robot impairs its reliability and increases its cost. Hardware minimization, as well as software minimization and ease of integration, is essential to obtain feasible robotic systems. A step forward in the application of automatic equipment in agriculture is the use of fleets of robots, in which a number of specialized robots collaborate to accomplish one or several agricultural tasks. This paper strives to develop a system architecture for both individual robots and robots working in fleets to improve reliability, decrease complexity and costs, and permit the integration of software from different developers. Several solutions are studied, from a fully distributed to a whole integrated architecture in which a central computer runs all processes. This work also studies diverse topologies for controlling fleets of robots and advances other prospective topologies. The architecture presented in this paper is being successfully applied in the RHEA fleet, which comprises three ground mobile units based on a commercial tractor chassis.

  11. New Trends in Robotics for Agriculture: Integration and Assessment of a Real Fleet of Robots (United States)

    Gonzalez-de-Soto, Mariano; Pajares, Gonzalo


    Computer-based sensors and actuators such as global positioning systems, machine vision, and laser-based sensors have progressively been incorporated into mobile robots with the aim of configuring autonomous systems capable of shifting operator activities in agricultural tasks. However, the incorporation of many electronic systems into a robot impairs its reliability and increases its cost. Hardware minimization, as well as software minimization and ease of integration, is essential to obtain feasible robotic systems. A step forward in the application of automatic equipment in agriculture is the use of fleets of robots, in which a number of specialized robots collaborate to accomplish one or several agricultural tasks. This paper strives to develop a system architecture for both individual robots and robots working in fleets to improve reliability, decrease complexity and costs, and permit the integration of software from different developers. Several solutions are studied, from a fully distributed to a whole integrated architecture in which a central computer runs all processes. This work also studies diverse topologies for controlling fleets of robots and advances other prospective topologies. The architecture presented in this paper is being successfully applied in the RHEA fleet, which comprises three ground mobile units based on a commercial tractor chassis. PMID:25143976

  12. New trends in robotics for agriculture: integration and assessment of a real fleet of robots. (United States)

    Emmi, Luis; Gonzalez-de-Soto, Mariano; Pajares, Gonzalo; Gonzalez-de-Santos, Pablo


    Computer-based sensors and actuators such as global positioning systems, machine vision, and laser-based sensors have progressively been incorporated into mobile robots with the aim of configuring autonomous systems capable of shifting operator activities in agricultural tasks. However, the incorporation of many electronic systems into a robot impairs its reliability and increases its cost. Hardware minimization, as well as software minimization and ease of integration, is essential to obtain feasible robotic systems. A step forward in the application of automatic equipment in agriculture is the use of fleets of robots, in which a number of specialized robots collaborate to accomplish one or several agricultural tasks. This paper strives to develop a system architecture for both individual robots and robots working in fleets to improve reliability, decrease complexity and costs, and permit the integration of software from different developers. Several solutions are studied, from a fully distributed to a whole integrated architecture in which a central computer runs all processes. This work also studies diverse topologies for controlling fleets of robots and advances other prospective topologies. The architecture presented in this paper is being successfully applied in the RHEA fleet, which comprises three ground mobile units based on a commercial tractor chassis.

  13. Development of Methodologies, Metrics, and Tools for Investigating Human-Robot Interaction in Space Robotics (United States)

    Ezer, Neta; Zumbado, Jennifer Rochlis; Sandor, Aniko; Boyer, Jennifer


    Human-robot systems are expected to have a central role in future space exploration missions that extend beyond low-earth orbit [1]. As part of a directed research project funded by NASA s Human Research Program (HRP), researchers at the Johnson Space Center have started to use a variety of techniques, including literature reviews, case studies, knowledge capture, field studies, and experiments to understand critical human-robot interaction (HRI) variables for current and future systems. Activities accomplished to date include observations of the International Space Station s Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM), Robonaut, and Space Exploration Vehicle (SEV), as well as interviews with robotics trainers, robot operators, and developers of gesture interfaces. A survey of methods and metrics used in HRI was completed to identify those most applicable to space robotics. These methods and metrics included techniques and tools associated with task performance, the quantification of human-robot interactions and communication, usability, human workload, and situation awareness. The need for more research in areas such as natural interfaces, compensations for loss of signal and poor video quality, psycho-physiological feedback, and common HRI testbeds were identified. The initial findings from these activities and planned future research are discussed. Human-robot systems are expected to have a central role in future space exploration missions that extend beyond low-earth orbit [1]. As part of a directed research project funded by NASA s Human Research Program (HRP), researchers at the Johnson Space Center have started to use a variety of techniques, including literature reviews, case studies, knowledge capture, field studies, and experiments to understand critical human-robot interaction (HRI) variables for current and future systems. Activities accomplished to date include observations of the International Space Station s Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator

  14. Biological Soft Robotics. (United States)

    Feinberg, Adam W


    In nature, nanometer-scale molecular motors are used to generate force within cells for diverse processes from transcription and transport to muscle contraction. This adaptability and scalability across wide temporal, spatial, and force regimes have spurred the development of biological soft robotic systems that seek to mimic and extend these capabilities. This review describes how molecular motors are hierarchically organized into larger-scale structures in order to provide a basic understanding of how these systems work in nature and the complexity and functionality we hope to replicate in biological soft robotics. These span the subcellular scale to macroscale, and this article focuses on the integration of biological components with synthetic materials, coupled with bioinspired robotic design. Key examples include nanoscale molecular motor-powered actuators, microscale bacteria-controlled devices, and macroscale muscle-powered robots that grasp, walk, and swim. Finally, the current challenges and future opportunities in the field are addressed.

  15. Controller Design Of Unicycle Mobile Robot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohd Zamzuri Abd Rashid


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: The ability of unicycle mobile robot to stand and move around using one wheel has attracted a lot of researchers to conduct studies about the system, particularly in the design of the system mechanisms and the control strategies. This paper reports the investigation done on the design of the controller of the unicycle mobile robot system to maintain its stability in both longitudinal and lateral directions. The controller proposed is a Linear Quadratic Controller (LQR type which is based on the linearized model of the system. A thorough simulation studies have been carried out to find out the performance of the LQR controller. The best controller gain, K acquired through the simulation is selected to be implemented and tested in the experimental hardware. Finally, the results obtained from the experimental study are compared to the simulation results to study the controller efficacy. The analysis reveals that the proposed controller design is able to stabilize the unicycle mobile robot.ABSTRAK: Kemampuan robot satu roda untuk berdiri dan bergerak di sekitar telah menarik minat ramai penyelidik untuk mengkaji sistem robot terutamanya didalam bidang rangka mekanikal dan strategi kawalan robot. Kertas kajian ini melaporkan hasil penyelidikan ke atas strategi kawalan robot bagi memastikan sistem robot satu roda dapat distabilkan dari arah sisi dan hadapan. Strategi kawalan yang dicadang, menggunakan teknik kawalan kuadratik sejajar (Linear Quadratic Control yang berdasarkan model robot yang telah dipermudahkan. Kajian simulasi secara terperinci telah dijalankan bagi mengkaji prestasi strategi kawalan yang dicadangkan. Dari kajian simulasi sistem robot, pemilihan faktor konstan, K yang sesuai di dalam strategi kawalan telah dibuat, agar dapat dilaksanakan ke atas sistem robot yang dibangunkan. Keputusan dari kajian simulasi dan tindak balas oleh sistem robot yang dibangunkan akhirnya dibandingkan bagi melihat kesesuaian faktor kostan, K

  16. Merging the fields of swarm robotics and new media: Perceiving swarm robotics as new media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monika O. Ivanova


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to provide evidence that swarm robotic systems can be perceived as new media objects. A thorough description of the five principles of new media proposed by Lev Manovich in “The Language of New Media” is presented. This is complemented by a state of the art on swarm robotics with an in-depth comparison of the characteristics of both fields. Also presented are examples of swarm robotics used in new media installations in order to illustrate the cutting-edge applications of robotics and artificial intelligence achieved through the unity of bothfields. The hypothesis of this research is that a novel point of view would be introduced by examining the field of swarm robotics through the scope of new media, which would benefit thework of both new media and swarm robotic researchers.

  17. Robotics and nuclear power. Report by the Technology Transfer Robotics Task Team

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A task team was formed at the request of the Department of Energy to evaluate and assess technology development needed for advanced robotics in the nuclear industry. The mission of these technologies is to provide the nuclear industry with the support for the application of advanced robotics to reduce nuclear power generating costs and enhance the safety of the personnel in the industry. The investigation included robotic and teleoperated systems. A robotic system is defined as a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. A teleoperated system includes an operator who remotely controls the system by direct viewing or through a vision system

  18. Robotics On-Board Trainer (ROBoT) (United States)

    Johnson, Genevieve; Alexander, Greg


    ROBoT is an on-orbit version of the ground-based Dynamics Skills Trainer (DST) that astronauts use for training on a frequent basis. This software consists of two primary software groups. The first series of components is responsible for displaying the graphical scenes. The remaining components are responsible for simulating the Mobile Servicing System (MSS), the Japanese Experiment Module Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS), and the H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) Free Flyer Robotics Operations. The MSS simulation software includes: Robotic Workstation (RWS) simulation, a simulation of the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS), a simulation of the ISS Command and Control System (CCS), and a portion of the Portable Computer System (PCS) software necessary for MSS operations. These components all run under the CentOS4.5 Linux operating system. The JEMRMS simulation software includes real-time, HIL, dynamics, manipulator multi-body dynamics, and a moving object contact model with Tricks discrete time scheduling. The JEMRMS DST will be used as a functional proficiency and skills trainer for flight crews. The HTV Free Flyer Robotics Operations simulation software adds a functional simulation of HTV vehicle controllers, sensors, and data to the MSS simulation software. These components are intended to support HTV ISS visiting vehicle analysis and training. The scene generation software will use DOUG (Dynamic On-orbit Ubiquitous Graphics) to render the graphical scenes. DOUG runs on a laptop running the CentOS4.5 Linux operating system. DOUG is an Open GL-based 3D computer graphics rendering package. It uses pre-built three-dimensional models of on-orbit ISS and space shuttle systems elements, and provides realtime views of various station and shuttle configurations.

  19. Elements of Autonomous Self-Reconfigurable Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, David Johan

    In this thesis, we study several central elements of autonomous self-reconfigurable modular robots. Unlike conventional robots such robots are: i) Modular, since robots are assembled from numerous robotic modules. ii) Reconfigurable, since the modules can be combined in a variety of ways. iii) Self......-reconfigurable, since the modules themselves are able to change how they are combined. iv) Autonomous, since robots control themselves without human guidance. Such robots are attractive to study since they in theory have several desirable characteristics, such as versatility, reliability and cheapness. In practice...... however, it is challenging to realize such characteristics since state-of-the-art systems and solutions suffer from several inherent technical and theoretical problems and limitations. In this thesis, we address these challenges by exploring four central elements of autonomous self-reconfigurable modular...

  20. Robotic instrumentation: Evolution and microsurgical applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sijo J Parekattil


    Full Text Available This article presents a review of the history and evolution of robotic instrumentation and its applications in urology. A timeline for the evolution of robotic instrumentation is presented to better facilitate an understanding of our current-day applications. Some new directions including robotic microsurgical applications (robotic assisted denervation of the spermatic cord for chronic orchialgia and robotic assisted vasectomy reversal are presented. There is a paucity of prospective comparative effectiveness studies for a number of robotic applications. However, right or wrong, human nature has always led to our infatuation with the concept of using tools to meet our needs. This chapter is a brief tribute to where we have come from and where we may be potentially heading in the field of robotic assisted urologic surgery.

  1. Designing the robot inclusive space challenge

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajesh Elara Mohan


    Full Text Available A novel robotic challenge, namely the robot inclusive spaces (RIS challenge, is proposed in this paper, which is a cross disciplinary and design focused initiative. It aims to foster the roboticists, architects, and designers towards realizing robot friendly social spaces. Contrary to conventional robotics competitions focusing on designing robots and its component technologies, robot inclusive spaces challenge adopts an interdisciplinary “design for robots” strategy to overcome the traditional research problem in real world deployments of social robots. In order to realize the RIS, various architectural elements must be adapted including: design principles for inclusive spaces, lighting schemes, furniture choices and arrangement, wall and floor surfaces, pathways among others. This paper introduces the format and design principles of RIS challenge, presents a first run of the challenge, and gives the corresponding analysis.

  2. Negative Affect in Human Robot Interaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rehm, Matthias; Krogsager, Anders


    The vision of social robotics sees robots moving more and more into unrestricted social environments, where robots interact closely with users in their everyday activities, maybe even establishing relationships with the user over time. In this paper we present a field trial with a robot in a semi...

  3. A Mini-Curriculum for Robotics Education. (United States)

    Jones, Preston K.

    This practicum report documents the development of a four-lesson multimedia program for robotics instruction for fourth and seventh grade students. The commercial film "Robot Revolution" and the videocassette tape "Robotics" were used, along with two author-developed slide/audiotape presentations and 14 overhead transparency foils. Two robots,…

  4. Teen Sized Humanoid Robot: Archie (United States)

    Baltes, Jacky; Byagowi, Ahmad; Anderson, John; Kopacek, Peter

    This paper describes our first teen sized humanoid robot Archie. This robot has been developed in conjunction with Prof. Kopacek’s lab from the Technical University of Vienna. Archie uses brushless motors and harmonic gears with a novel approach to position encoding. Based on our previous experience with small humanoid robots, we developed software to create, store, and play back motions as well as control methods which automatically balance the robot using feedback from an internal measurement unit (IMU).

  5. International Conference on Robot Ethics

    CERN Document Server

    Sequeira, Joao; Tokhi, Mohammad; Kadar, Endre; Virk, Gurvinder


    This book contains the Proceedings of the International Conference on Robot Ethics, held in Lisbon on October 23 and 24, 2015. The conference provided a multidisciplinary forum for discussing central and evolving issues concerning safety and ethics that have arisen in various contexts where robotic technologies are being applied. The papers are intended to promote the formulation of more precise safety standards and ethical frameworks for the rapidly changing field of robotic applications. The conference was held at Pavilhão do Conhecimento/Ciência Viva in Lisbon and brought together leading researchers and industry representatives, promoting a dialogue that combines different perspectives and experiences to arrive at viable solutions for ethical problems in the context of robotics. The conference topics included but were not limited to emerging ethical, safety, legal and societal problems in the following domains: • Service/Social Robots: Robots performing tasks in human environments and involving close ...

  6. Diel and tidal variation in surf zone fish assemblages of a sheltered beach in southern Brazil Variación diaria y mareal de ensambles de peces en la zona de surf de una playa protegida en el sur de Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiana C Félix-Hackradt


    Full Text Available Diel and tidal variations of fish assemblages were assessed at Pontal beach, southern Brazil, using a seine net. Species richness was greater at night, whereas fish number, weight, and richness (cornmunity indicators were all influenced by the tidal state. Samples from rising tides were more representative, probably due to onshore fish movements for feeding purposes. However, lower catches were associated with high tides, mainly through net avoidance, indicating that sampling in these conditions is not highly informative. Clupeoids exhibited greater variation in a 24 h period, and the night occurrence of A. tricolor and daylight shoaling of Harengula clupeola, Anchoa parva and Sardinella brasiliensis suggested distinct strategies for avoiding daylight predators. In some species, this behaviour may have been induced by the bottom morphology and tidal state, facilitating nearshore grouping. In addition to being caught at night, the occurrences of Menticirrhus littoralis, Pomadasys corvinaefórmis, Umbrina coroides and Hyporhamphus unifasciatus indicated a spatial niche partition according to tidal state. Although not evaluated properly, temporal fluctuations could reflect species recruitment patterns. Seasonal fluctuations have to be considered when analysing short-term changes in the cornmunity as such fluctuations are synchronized with the natural history of the species, making it difficult to interpret short-term variations in isolation.Se utilizó una red de arrastre para evaluar la variación diaria y mareal del ensamble de peces en la playa de Pontal, sur de Brasil. Se encontró la mayor riqueza de especies durante la noche mientras que la abundancia, peso y riqueza (indicadores de la comunidad fueron influenciados por la marea. Las muestras de marea creciente fueron las más representativas debido probablemente a los movimientos costeros con fines alimentarios; sin embargo, las menores capturas estuvieron asociadas a pleamares debido a la

  7. Anthropomorphism in Human–Robot Co-evolution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luisa Damiano


    Full Text Available Social robotics entertains a particular relationship with anthropomorphism, which it neither sees as a cognitive error, nor as a sign of immaturity. Rather it considers that this common human tendency, which is hypothesized to have evolved because it favored cooperation among early humans, can be used today to facilitate social interactions between humans and a new type of cooperative and interactive agents – social robots. This approach leads social robotics to focus research on the engineering of robots that activate anthropomorphic projections in users. The objective is to give robots “social presence” and “social behaviors” that are sufficiently credible for human users to engage in comfortable and potentially long-lasting relations with these machines. This choice of ‘applied anthropomorphism’ as a research methodology exposes the artifacts produced by social robotics to ethical condemnation: social robots are judged to be a “cheating” technology, as they generate in users the illusion of reciprocal social and affective relations. This article takes position in this debate, not only developing a series of arguments relevant to philosophy of mind, cognitive sciences, and robotic AI, but also asking what social robotics can teach us about anthropomorphism. On this basis, we propose a theoretical perspective that characterizes anthropomorphism as a basic mechanism of interaction, and rebuts the ethical reflections that a priori condemns “anthropomorphism-based” social robots. To address the relevant ethical issues, we promote a critical experimentally based ethical approach to social robotics, “synthetic ethics,” which aims at allowing humans to use social robots for two main goals: self-knowledge and moral growth.

  8. Anthropomorphism in Human–Robot Co-evolution (United States)

    Damiano, Luisa; Dumouchel, Paul


    Social robotics entertains a particular relationship with anthropomorphism, which it neither sees as a cognitive error, nor as a sign of immaturity. Rather it considers that this common human tendency, which is hypothesized to have evolved because it favored cooperation among early humans, can be used today to facilitate social interactions between humans and a new type of cooperative and interactive agents – social robots. This approach leads social robotics to focus research on the engineering of robots that activate anthropomorphic projections in users. The objective is to give robots “social presence” and “social behaviors” that are sufficiently credible for human users to engage in comfortable and potentially long-lasting relations with these machines. This choice of ‘applied anthropomorphism’ as a research methodology exposes the artifacts produced by social robotics to ethical condemnation: social robots are judged to be a “cheating” technology, as they generate in users the illusion of reciprocal social and affective relations. This article takes position in this debate, not only developing a series of arguments relevant to philosophy of mind, cognitive sciences, and robotic AI, but also asking what social robotics can teach us about anthropomorphism. On this basis, we propose a theoretical perspective that characterizes anthropomorphism as a basic mechanism of interaction, and rebuts the ethical reflections that a priori condemns “anthropomorphism-based” social robots. To address the relevant ethical issues, we promote a critical experimentally based ethical approach to social robotics, “synthetic ethics,” which aims at allowing humans to use social robots for two main goals: self-knowledge and moral growth. PMID:29632507

  9. Robotic system for glovebox size reduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center (ISRC) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is developing technologies for glovebox size reduction in the DOE nuclear complex. A study was performed for Kaiser-Hill (KH) at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) on the available technologies for size reducing the glovebox lines that require size reduction in place. Currently, the baseline approach to these glovebox lines is manual operations using conventional mechanical cutting methods. The study has been completed and resulted in a concept of the robotic system for in-situ size reduction. The concept makes use of commercially available robots that are used in the automotive industry. The commercially available industrial robots provide high reliability and availability that are required for environmental remediation in the DOE complex. Additionally, the costs of commercial robots are about one-fourth that of the custom made robots for environmental remediation. The reason for the lower costs and the higher reliability is that there are thousands of commercial robots made annually, whereas there are only a few custom robots made for environmental remediation every year. This paper will describe the engineering analysis approach used in the design of the robotic system for glovebox size reduction

  10. The Human-Robot Interaction Operating System (United States)

    Fong, Terrence; Kunz, Clayton; Hiatt, Laura M.; Bugajska, Magda


    In order for humans and robots to work effectively together, they need to be able to converse about abilities, goals and achievements. Thus, we are developing an interaction infrastructure called the "Human-Robot Interaction Operating System" (HRI/OS). The HRI/OS provides a structured software framework for building human-robot teams, supports a variety of user interfaces, enables humans and robots to engage in task-oriented dialogue, and facilitates integration of robots through an extensible API.

  11. Robots that care

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Looije, R.; Arendsen, J.; Saldien, J.; Vanderborght, B.; Broekens, J.; Neerincx, M.


    Many countries face pressure on their health care systems. To alleviate this pressure, 'self care' and 'self monitoring' are often stimulated with the use of new assistive technologies. Social robotics is a research area where robotic technology is optimized for various social functions. One of

  12. Multi-robot caravanning

    KAUST Repository

    Denny, Jory; Giese, Andrew; Mahadevan, Aditya; Marfaing, Arnaud; Glockenmeier, Rachel; Revia, Colton; Rodriguez, Samuel; Amato, Nancy M.


    of waypoints. At the heart of our algorithm is the use of leader election to efficiently exploit the unique environmental knowledge available to each robot in order to plan paths for the group, which makes it general enough to work with robots that have

  13. Robotics: The next step? (United States)

    Broeders, Ivo A M J


    Robotic systems were introduced 15 years ago to support complex endoscopic procedures. The technology is increasingly used in gastro-intestinal surgery. In this article, literature on experimental- and clinical research is reviewed and ergonomic issues are discussed. literature review was based on Medline search using a large variety of search terms, including e.g. robot(ic), randomized, rectal, oesophageal, ergonomics. Review articles on relevant topics are discussed with preference. There is abundant evidence of supremacy in performing complex endoscopic surgery tasks when using the robot in an experimental setting. There is little high-level evidence so far on translation of these merits to clinical practice. Robotic systems may appear helpful in complex gastro-intestinal surgery. Moreover, dedicated computer based technology integrated in telepresence systems opens the way to integration of planning, diagnostics and therapy. The first high tech add-ons such as near infrared technology are under clinical evaluation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design

    CERN Document Server

    Braumann, Johannes


    Architects, artists, and designers have been fascinated by robots for many decades, from Villemard’s utopian vision of an architect building a house with robotic labor in 1910, to the design of buildings that are robots themselves, such as Archigram’s Walking City. Today, they are again approaching the topic of robotic fabrication but this time employing a different strategy: instead of utopian proposals like Archigram’s or the highly specialized robots that were used by Japan’s construction industry in the 1990s, the current focus of architectural robotics is on industrial robots. These robotic arms have six degrees of freedom and are widely used in industry, especially for automotive production lines. What makes robotic arms so interesting for the creative industry is their multi-functionality: instead of having to develop specialized machines, a multifunctional robot arm can be equipped with a wide range of end-effectors, similar to a human hand using various tools. Therefore, architectural researc...

  15. Cross-Cultural Understanding of Robotics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peronard, Jean-Paul


    This article aims to improve our understanding of how people in a healthcare context adopt robot technology and, in particular, the importance of culture in this process. The adoption of technology can be problematic when transferring technology from one culture to another. Differences in values...... and beliefs about robotics can affect the motivation for as well as the practice of using robotics in healthcare. Therefore, this paper seeks to develop a deeper theoretical understanding of the cultural impact on robotics adoption by using a cross-cultural perspective to explain variation in priorities...... and discuss possible guidelines to help build a strategy for introducing robotics into a culture’s healthcare sector and broaden the current agenda in international technology marketing....

  16. Robotic Surgery for Lung Cancer (United States)

    Ambrogi, Marcello C; Fanucchi, Olivia; Melfi, Franco; Mussi, Alfredo


    During the last decade the role of minimally invasive surgery has been increased, especially with the introduction of the robotic system in the surgical field. The most important advantages of robotic system are represented by the wristed instrumentation and the depth perception, which can overcome the limitation of traditional thoracoscopy. However, some data still exist in literature with regard to robotic lobectomy. The majority of papers are focused on its safety and feasibility, but further studies with long follow-ups are necessary in order to assess the oncologic outcomes. We reviewed the literature on robotic lobectomy, with the main aim to better define the role of robotic system in the clinical practice. PMID:25207216

  17. Robots in mining

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Green, J


    Full Text Available ? • FOG – Fall of ground • Who is at risk? • What is the cost of incident? • What can we do about it? The Robot Potential • Technology • Conclusion © CSIR 2010 Slide 3 Yes Robots can improve mine safety Robot patrols unoccupied areas Generates a... risk map Additional tool Inform miners in making safe © CSIR 2010 Slide 4 Miner Safety Statistics • from DME (2010/03) • March 2010 • 490 000 employed • 400 000 suppliers1 • 9 died, 7 in rockfall incidents 2 • Prior year- March 2010 • 152...

  18. Information Engineering in Autonomous Robot Software

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ziafati, P.


    In order to engage and help in our daily life, autonomous robots are to operate in dynamic and unstructured environments and interact with people. As the robot's environment and its behaviour are getting more complex, so are the robot's software and the knowledge that the robot needs to carry out

  19. Analyzing Cyber-Physical Threats on Robotic Platforms. (United States)

    Ahmad Yousef, Khalil M; AlMajali, Anas; Ghalyon, Salah Abu; Dweik, Waleed; Mohd, Bassam J


    Robots are increasingly involved in our daily lives. Fundamental to robots are the communication link (or stream) and the applications that connect the robots to their clients or users. Such communication link and applications are usually supported through client/server network connection. This networking system is amenable of being attacked and vulnerable to the security threats. Ensuring security and privacy for robotic platforms is thus critical, as failures and attacks could have devastating consequences. In this paper, we examine several cyber-physical security threats that are unique to the robotic platforms; specifically the communication link and the applications. Threats target integrity, availability and confidential security requirements of the robotic platforms, which use MobileEyes/arnlServer client/server applications. A robot attack tool (RAT) was developed to perform specific security attacks. An impact-oriented approach was adopted to analyze the assessment results of the attacks. Tests and experiments of attacks were conducted in simulation environment and physically on the robot. The simulation environment was based on MobileSim; a software tool for simulating, debugging and experimenting on MobileRobots/ActivMedia platforms and their environments. The robot platform PeopleBot TM was used for physical experiments. The analysis and testing results show that certain attacks were successful at breaching the robot security. Integrity attacks modified commands and manipulated the robot behavior. Availability attacks were able to cause Denial-of-Service (DoS) and the robot was not responsive to MobileEyes commands. Integrity and availability attacks caused sensitive information on the robot to be hijacked. To mitigate security threats, we provide possible mitigation techniques and suggestions to raise awareness of threats on the robotic platforms, especially when the robots are involved in critical missions or applications.

  20. Analyzing Cyber-Physical Threats on Robotic Platforms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khalil M. Ahmad Yousef


    Full Text Available Robots are increasingly involved in our daily lives. Fundamental to robots are the communication link (or stream and the applications that connect the robots to their clients or users. Such communication link and applications are usually supported through client/server network connection. This networking system is amenable of being attacked and vulnerable to the security threats. Ensuring security and privacy for robotic platforms is thus critical, as failures and attacks could have devastating consequences. In this paper, we examine several cyber-physical security threats that are unique to the robotic platforms; specifically the communication link and the applications. Threats target integrity, availability and confidential security requirements of the robotic platforms, which use MobileEyes/arnlServer client/server applications. A robot attack tool (RAT was developed to perform specific security attacks. An impact-oriented approach was adopted to analyze the assessment results of the attacks. Tests and experiments of attacks were conducted in simulation environment and physically on the robot. The simulation environment was based on MobileSim; a software tool for simulating, debugging and experimenting on MobileRobots/ActivMedia platforms and their environments. The robot platform PeopleBotTM was used for physical experiments. The analysis and testing results show that certain attacks were successful at breaching the robot security. Integrity attacks modified commands and manipulated the robot behavior. Availability attacks were able to cause Denial-of-Service (DoS and the robot was not responsive to MobileEyes commands. Integrity and availability attacks caused sensitive information on the robot to be hijacked. To mitigate security threats, we provide possible mitigation techniques and suggestions to raise awareness of threats on the robotic platforms, especially when the robots are involved in critical missions or applications.