
Sample records for enfermedad periodontal factores

  1. Enfermedad periodontal y factores locales y sistémicos asociados

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    María Elena González Díaz


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico transversal en 3 áreas de salud del municipio Santa Clara en el período de enero a diciembre de 1999, con el objetivo de determinar la condición periodontal de los encuestados y establecer sus nexos con factores locales y sistémicos existentes. Se determinó la prevalencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal mediante la aplicación del índice de necesidad de tratamiento periodontal en la comunidad, y se relacionaron sus categorizaciones con factores locales y generales explorados durante el estudio. La prevalencia fue alta, vinculada con la edad y con el grado de higiene bucal. El hábito de fumar se asoció con la enfermedad ya establecida, la caries dental con estados incipientes; los casos con maloclusiones eran mayoritariamente enfermos y la patología sistémica más asociada con la enfermedad periodontal fue la diabetes.A cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted in 3 health areas of the municipality of Santa Clara from January to December, 1999, with the aim of determining the periodontal conditions of the surveyed and to establish its links with the existing local and systemic factors. The prevalence and severity of the periodontal disease was determined by applying the index of need of periodontal treatment in the community and its categorizations were related to local and general factors explored during the study. The prevalence was high related to the age and to the degree of oral hygiene. Smoking was associated with the already established disease, whereas dental caries were associated with incipient states. Most of the cases with malocclusions were sick and diabetes was the systemic pathology most associated with periodontal disease.

  2. La enfermedad periodontal como riesgo de enfermedades sistémicas The periodontal disease as a risk for systemic diseases

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    Maritza Peña Sisto


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva acerca de la presencia de enfermedad periodontal como factor de riesgo asociado con diversas enfermedades sistémicas. Algunos autores han propuesto el nacimiento de la medicina periodontal, como nueva disciplina, para explicar estas asociaciones. Las evidencias que emergieron en el último decenio arrojaron luz sobre el lado inverso de la relación entre salud general y salud bucal, o sea, los efectos potenciales de la enfermedad periodontal sobre una amplia variedad de sistemas de órganos. En los últimos años han surgido numerosos informes basados en estudios epidemiológicos en los que las infecciones buco-dentales se asocian con enfermedades sistémicas, entre ellas alteraciones cerebrovasculares, respiratorias, diabetes mellitus y resultados adversos del embarazo, debido a los lipopolisacáridos, las bacterias gramnegativas viables del biofilm y citoquinas proinflamatorias que pueden ingresar al torrente sanguíneo e influir en la salud general y susceptibilidad a ciertas enfermedades. Se reúnen los modelos de interacción y mecanismos propuestos, además de evidencias que sustentan las teorías proclamadas, prestando especial interés a la causalidad entre ambos procesos.An exhaustive bibliographic review of the presence of the periodontal disease as a risk factor associated with diverse systemic diseases was made. Some authors have proposed the emergence of periodontal medicine as a new discipline to explain these associations. The evidences that appeared in the last decade shed light on the opposite side of the relation between general health and oral health, that is, the potential effects of the periodontal diseases on a wide range of organ systems. In the last years, several reports have been based on epidemiological studies in which the oro-dental diseases are associated with systemic diseases, such as cerebrovascular and respiratory disorders, diabetes mellitus and adverse

  3. La enfermedad periodontal, ¿un factor de riesgo más para el infarto cerebral isquémico aterotrombótico?

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    María Elena González Díaz

    Full Text Available De forma compactada se explica la relación biológicamente plausible que existe entre la aparición de accidentes cerebrovasculares, particularmente de infarto cerebral isquémico aterotrombótico y la precedencia de enfermedad periodontal inmuno-inflamatoria crónica. Se sugiere la necesidad de estudios que vinculen ambas entidades para conciliar los resultados de las investigaciones internacionales con las realizadas en nuestro medio. Se propone el análisis del estado periodontal en los pacientes pertenecientes a grupos de riesgo o víctimas de enfermedades cerebrovasculares. La consideración de la enfermedad periodontal inmuno-inflamatoria crónica como un factor de riesgo más para el infarto cerebral isquémico aterotrombótico, debe pasar de una interrogante a una estrategia.

  4. Enfermedad periodontal en adolescentes


    Navarro Napóles, Josefa


    Introducción: durante mucho tiempo se creyó que la enfermedad periodontal era una afección de la adultez, sin embargo la falta de motivación en la práctica de la higiene oral en la etapa de la adolescencia condiciona su aparición. Objetivo: identificar el estado periodontal en adolescentes de la escuela Secundaria Básica Urbana ¨Raúl Pujols¨, en la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba, en el periodo de septiembre 2014 hasta marzo 2015. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descript...

  5. Enzimas proteolíticas relacionadas con la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria

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    Bárbara E. García Triana


    Full Text Available La enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria ocasiona la destrucción de los tejidos que protegen y soportan al diente; es por eso de gran importancia el papel que pueden desempeñar las enzimas que sean capaces de degradar la matriz del tejido conectivo, como las enzimas proteolíticas. Existen evidencias de que las metaloproteinasas de la matriz, las proteasas leucocitarias y las bacterianas, pueden participar en la etiopatogenia de esta enfermedad. Su acción es regulada en los tejidos, por la presencia de inhibidores específicos, de manera que un desbalance proteasas-inhibidores a favor de los primeros, conduciría a la destrucción de las proteínas de la matriz del tejido conectivo. A su vez, en la actividad proteolítica influyen diferentes factores, que de manera global, inducen un fenotipo degradativo o formativo, y que por lo tanto, podrían estar involucrados en la etiopatogenia de la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria.The periodontal disease brings about the destruction of the protective and supporting tissues of the teeth, therefore, the role of enzymes capable of degrading connective tissue matrix is of great importance. There are evidences of the possible involvement of the matrix metalloproteinases, leukocyte proteases and bacterial proteases in the pathogenesis of such disease. Their action is controlled by specific inhibitors in the tissues. This means that any protease-inhibitor imbalance favouring the presence of proteases may lead to the destruction of matrix connective tissue. In turn, proteolytic activity is influenced by different factors that globally induce a degradative or formative phenotype, and thus, may be involved in the pathogenesis of the periodontal disease.

  6. Factores de riesgo asociados con la enfermedad periodontal en niños

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    Joany Duque de Estrada Riverón


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio analítico del tipo casos y controles en el municipio de Colón, provincia de Matanzas, durante los cursos académicos 2000-2002, con el objetivo de caracterizar los principales factores de riesgo asociados con la enfermedad periodontal. Se investigó una población de 2 995 niños de 9, 12 y 15 años, de los cuales se tomó una muestra aleatoria aproximadamente del 50 % (P=0,50, los que se dividieron en 60 casos y 60 controles. Se consideraron como casos los niños portadores de la enfermedad y como controles los niños sanos. Se determinó que la higiene bucal fue nula en el 100 %, la infección microbiana se presentó en un alto porcentaje (46,70 %, la respiración bucal afectó al 28,30 % de los pacientes, las enfermedades sistémicas se observaron en el 35,00 %, el apiñamiento dentario en el 26,70 y las obturaciones defectuosas el 66,70 % de los casos.In order to characterize the main risk factors associated with the periodontal disease, an analytical case control study was carried out in the municipality of Colón, province of Matanzas, during the academic courses 2000-2002, in a population of 2 995 children aged 9, 12 and 15. A randomized sample of approximately 50 % (P=0.50 was taken. They were divided into 60 cases and 60 controls. Those children carriers of the disease were considered as cases, and the sound as controls. It was determined that oral hygiene was nil in 100 %. Microbial infection was observed in a high percentage (46.70 %. Respiration by the mouth affected 28.30 % of the cases. The systemic diseases were found in 35 %, tooth- crowding in 26.70 and defecient

  7. La enfermedad periodontal asociada al paciente con Síndrome de Down

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    Rubens Demicheri A.

    Full Text Available Resumen: El Síndrome de Down es una de las condiciones de discapacidad más comunes. Dentro de las patologías bucales más prevalentes, la enfermedad periodontal es una de las asociadas con este síndrome. Se considera que la persona con Síndrome de Down presenta una mayor susceptibilidad a contraer esta enfermedad. En este artículo se describen los factores etiológicos y las características clínicas de la enfermedad en pacientes portadores del síndrome

  8. Enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria asociada a un absceso pulmonar. Presentación de un caso


    López Rodríguez, Vania Julexis; Garcías Rodríguez, Marisel; Gómez Martínez, Ana Iris; Díaz Gonzáles, Gabriela


    Fundamento: A pesar, de que hay reportes de casos en la literatura internacional, que asocian la enfermedad periodontal con enfermedades respiratorias y medidas para la prevención de la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria, sino se establece un adecuado manejo de esta última, puede evolucionar con una complicación sistémica como es el absceso pulmonar. Objetivo: Ilustrar cómo la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria puede asociarse a un absceso pulmonar como complicación sistémica en su evolució...

  9. Enfermedad periodontal en pacientes infectados por el VIH

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    Caridad Nazco Ríos


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo transversal en 22 pacientes seropositivos al VIH ingresados en el Sanatorio Provincial de Villa Clara, con el propósito de determinar la prevalencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal, su relación con las etapas clínicas de la infección por el VIH, la población linfocitaria, la higiene bucal y las infecciones agudas del grupo estudiado. El mayor número de pacientes pertenecían al grupo de edades de 20 a 29 años y el sexo masculino fue el más encontrado; la prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal fue del 100 %, la destrucción avanzada la lesión más severa (13,6 % en pacientes del grupo II de la enfermedad por VIH, y la gingivitis con bolsa la más frecuente (86,45 %. La higiene bucal fue deficiente en todos los examinados. La estomatitis aftosa fue la infección aguda más frecuente. No se encontraron formas de enfermedad periodontal asociadas con el VIH. La cifra de inmunocompetentes alcanzó el 68,2 % y el 31,8 % presentó una inmunodepresión leve.An epidemiological descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 22 HIV seropositive patients admitted at the Provincial Sanatorium of Villa Clara aimed at determining the prevalence and severity of the periodontal disease, its relationship with the clinical stages of the HIV infection, the lymphocitary population, the oral hygiene and the acute infections of the studied group. Most of the patients were between 20 and 29 years old; whereas males were the most affected. There was a prevalence of the periodontal disease of 100 %. The advanced destruction was the most serious lesion (13.6 % in patients from the group II of the disease caused by HIV and the gingivitis with pocket was the most common (86.45 %. Oral hygiene was deficient in all individuals that were examined. The aphthous stomatitis was the most frequent acute infection. There were no forms of periodontal diseases associated with HIV. The figure of

  10. Interleukina 18, ¿nuevo factor a tener en cuenta en la patogénesis de la enfermedad periodontal? Interleukin 18, A new factor in the pathogenesis of the periodontal disease


    R. Andrés; J. Amaro; A. Bascones


    La enfermedad periodontal es un proceso infeccioso, crónico y de naturaleza inflamatoria, donde se produce la pérdida de los tejidos de sostén del diente. Existe un acuerdo general en que son las bacterias de la placa las responsables del inicio y mantenimiento de la enfermedad; pero se cree que será el tipo de respuesta inmune del individuo, la responsable del grado de destrucción periodontal que se desarrolle. Se piensa que una respuesta mediada por anticuerpos produciría una mayor destrucc...



    Maita Véliz, Luis; Casteñeda Mosto, María


    Los niños disminuidos requieren recibir una adecuada evaluación de su estado de salud periodontal. Es necesario investigar en esta población la prevalenciada enfermedad periodontal (E. P.) siendo escasos los trabajos en el país. La literatura de otros países reporta una prevalencia y severidad alta de E. P. en individuos con síndrome de Down. Los objetivos de la investigación están referidos a conocer la prevalencia de enfermedad periodontal: las áreas periodontales con mayor enfermedad perio...

  12. Higiene Oral en Enfermedad Periodontal: Consideraciones Históricas, Clínicas y Educativas.

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    Jhon Fredy Briceño Castellanos


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE Históricamente se han discutido diversos modelos de enfermedad periodontal para direccionar su enfoque terapéutico. Actualmente se reconoce que la enfermedad periodontal es de origen bacteriano, su comportamiento puede ser reversible y registra alta prevalencia en países de bajos ingresos. Objetivo: Primero, analizar los diversos abordajes preventivos a través de la historia. Segundo, abordar sus implicaciones clínicas y educativas. Conclusión: La higiene oral ha sido la práctica más evidenciada de prevención en enfermedad periodontal pero se requieren más estudios multidisciplinarios a largo plazo para evaluar su eficacia e impacto real.

  13. Eficacia del tratamiento de la enfermedad periodontal sobre marcadores de riesgo cardiovascular




    Los principales factores de riesgo relacionados con eventos cardiovasculares son: edad, género, hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus, tabaquismo, bajo nivel de lipoproteínas de alta densidad, genética, estrés, obesidad y sedentarismo; pero existen factores de riesgo no identificados aún para explicar el modelo cardiovascular. La enfermedad periodontal ha emergido en las últimas décadas como un posible factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de eventos cardiovasculares. Una revisión sistemátic...

  14. El papel de la genética en la aparición y desarrollo de la periodontitis: II: Polimorfismos asociados a la enfermedad periodontal The role of genetics in the development and progression of periodontitis: II: Polymorphism associated to periodontal disease


    D. Rodrigo-Gómez; A. Oteo-Calatayud; A. Alonso-Rosado; A. Bascones-Martínez


    La periodontitis es una enfermedad multifactorial que resulta de la interacción de bacterias periodontopatógenas con los mecanismos de respuesta inmune del huésped y que se caracteriza por una reacción inflamatoria que afecta al aparato de inserción del diente. Las enfermedades multifactoriales habitualmente envuelven complejas interacciones de muchos genes y factores ambientales. El tipo de variaciones genéticas involucradas en este tipo de enfermedades se denominan polimorfismos genéticos, ...

  15. La Peroxidación lipídica en la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria experimental

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    Bárbara E García Triana


    Full Text Available La peroxidación de los lípidos de las membranas de los tejidos periodontales, parece estar implicada en la etiopatogenia de la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria. En este estudio utilizamos perros Beagles, a los cuales se les provocó la enfermedad, por ligadura de los dientes de una hemiarcada, mientras la hemiarcada opuesta se empleó como control. Al final del experimento, las variables estudiadas (profundidad del surco gingival, altura ósea y niveles de malonil-dialdehído fueron significativamente superiores en la hemiarcada ligada, con respecto a la no ligada. Concluimos que el uso de este modelo es factible en nuestras condiciones. Estos resultados apoyan la teoría de la participación de la peroxidación lipídica en la etiopatogenia de la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria.The lipid peroxidation of the periodontal membranes seems to be involved in the pathogenesis of the periodontal disease. We used for this study Beagles dogs which were caused such a disease by applying a ligature to a dental hemiarch teeth whereas the opposite hemiarch was used as a control. At the end of the experiment, the studied variables (gingival sulcus depth, bone height and malonyl-dialdehyde levels were significantly higher in the ligated hemiarch. We concluded that the use of this model is feasible in our conditions. These results back up the theory of the role of lipid peroxidation in the pathogenesis of the periodontal diseases.

  16. Conocimientos de los médicos sobre enfermedad periodontal y su relación con complicaciones en el embarazo

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    Martha Juliana Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Estudios recientes han vinculado a las enfermedades bucales con condiciones sistémicas. Específicamente, la enfermedad periodontal se ha relacionado con parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer y preclampsia. Objetivo: Evaluar los conocimientos y las prácticas de los médicos generales y ginecobstetras sobre la enfermedad periodontal y su relación con complicaciones del embarazo. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en una muestra de 139 médicos generales y 24 ginecobstetras. Se aplicó un cuestionario de autoreporte, se calcularon frecuencias y proporciones para las variables cualitativas, promedios y desviaciones estándar para las cuantitativas. Para establecer las diferencias entre los grupos se realizó la prueba de Chi cuadrado, el test exacto de Fisher, la prueba t de Student y la U. de Mann Whitney según la naturaleza y distribución de las variables. Resultados: El 66,9% (93 de los médicos generales y el 75,0% (18 de los ginecobstetras consideraron que la enfermedad periodontal podría ser un factor de riesgo para la salud de la madre y su hijo. Así mismo, el 30,7% (42 de los médicos generales y el 45,8% (11 de los ginecobstetras relacionaron a la enfermedad periodontal con el parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer y preclampsia. A pesar de estos hallazgos, sólo el 77,4% (106 de los médicos y el 54,2% (13 de los ginecobstetras "siempre" remitían a la gestante a consulta odontológica. Conclusión: Aunque los participantes tenían conocimientos sobre los tópicos evaluados, hace falta una mayor aplicación de los mismos para asegurar el bienestar del binomio madre e hijo.

  17. Enfermedad periodontal en embarazadas adolescentes. Revisión bibliográfica

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    Antonieta Cotis


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Indagar en la literatura información sobre la enfermedad periodontal en adolescentes embarazadas, que le permitan al odontopediatra opininar acerca de los diferentes hallazgos según las patología periodontales más prevalentes en estas pacientes. Materiales y métodos: Se rasteo literatura impresa en libros y revistas, así como búsqueda de artículos publicados en internet, desde 1963 hasta 2013, en español e ingles se tomó en consideración el periodo de embarazó en la adolescencia. Resultados: Se encontraron 40 publicaciones sobre enfermedad periodontal y embarazo, de los cuales solo 4 se referian a adolescentes, los autores coinciden en que se requiere una mayor atención interdisciplinaria, que incluya al Odontólogo, no solo por la salud bucal de la madre gestante sino para asegurarle mejores condiciones de desarrollo del proceso gestacional y el hijo que está en formación, así como existe controversia sobre la influencia del embarazo sobre la enfermedad periodontal. Conclusión: Es bien sabido que los cambios hormonales durante, la adolescencia, el embarazo, producen alteraciones sobre el periodonto, que se verían agravados por condiciones desfavorables de higiene oral. El odontopediatra como profesional de la salud que atiende a los adolescentes, debe cuidar la cavidad bucal de la adolescente y su hijo en formación, lo más importante es educar y prevenir a la paciente y su representante, sobre los estados fisiológicos de la mujer puede tener efectos sistémicos y locales que abarcan la cavidad bucal.

  18. Influencia del consumo de cannabis en la enfermedad periodontal: una Scoping Review

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    Matias Mederos

    Full Text Available Resumen: Recientes publicaciones plantean la posible asociación del cannabis (Cannabis sativa con el desarrollo de la periodontitis. Objetivo: Analizar la influencia del consumo de cannabis en la enfermedad periodontal, relevando la evidencia disponible e identificando las variables asociadas en los estudios . Material y método: se realizó una Scoping Review a partir de una búsqueda estructurada en PubMed/ MEDLINE, Science Direct, LILACS, SciELO hasta mayo de 2017 . Resultados: Estudios “In vivo” mostraron una mayor pérdida ósea en animales expuestos a Cannabis. Los casos clínicos muestran que el uso crónico de cannabis puede resultar en agrandamientos gingivales y periodontitis crónica severa localizada. Los estudios epidemiológicos demuestran una asociación estadística entre Cannabis y periodontitis. Conclusiones: El consumo del Cannabis parece estar asociado con una mayor presencia de periodontitis. Sin embargo, se desconoce el mecanismo específico por el cual actúa en los tejidos gingivales.

  19. Proteína C reactiva como marcador inflamatorio en la enfermedad periodontal

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    Víctor Martínez-Aguilar


    Full Text Available La Proteína C Reactiva (PCR es una de las proteínas plasmáticas que aparecen en la fase aguda de la inflamación. La periodontitis se relaciona con niveles elevados de PCR en adul tos y con una reducción de la misma después de su tratamiento. La diabetes, por otro lado, es una enfermedad que compromete la respuesta tanto inflamatoria como reparativa del organismo y los tejidos periodontales son particularmente sensibles a su efecto. La PCR por lo tanto, puede ser útil en el diagnóstico y en la determinación de progresión de la enfermedad periodontal (EP. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los niveles de PCR en pacientes con EP y pacientes con EP y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2. Se incluyeron 60 sujetos distribuidos en 3 grupos: 15 pacientes con EP (Grupo 1, 15 pacientes con EP y DM2 (grupo 2 y 30 pacientes sistémicamente sanos (grupo 3. A cada uno de los participantes se les realizaron pruebas bioquímicas: Proteína C Re activa (NycoCard® PCR, HbA1c (NycoCard® y glucosa en sangre. Para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal se siguieron los parámetros del 5° Taller Europeo de Periodontología. Para evaluar las diferencias entre los grupos se usó la prueba de Kruskal Wallis. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas al comparar la concentración de PCR en los 3 grupos (p<0.01, siendo el grupo de pacientes sanos el que presentaba el menor promedio (4.88±0.08 y los mayores promedios para los grupos de EP (5 .95±2.23 y EP/DM2 (5.21±0.20. Además se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0.01 en los tres grupos con respecto a la concentración hemoglobina, talla, IMC y PI. Los resultados indican que los niveles séricos de PCR se elevan en pacientes con EP y en pacientes con EP y DM2. Aunque se notó esta diferencia, existen diversos factores tanto locales como sistémicos que pueden potencialmente influir en los niveles de PCR y estos representan una limitación y dificultad al momento de

  20. Mediadores bioquímicos involucrados en la fisiopatología y diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal

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    Facundo Ledesma


    Full Text Available En el desarrollo de la enfermedad periodontal  (EP  intervienen enzimas derivadas tanto del huésped como de los microorganismos presentes en la placa dental.  La presente revisión abordó el papel que cumplen diversos mediadores de la EP y sus utilidades clínicas. La fosfatasa alcalina, la β-glucuronidasa, la catepsina B, las MMP-8 y MMP-9, la elastasa y las Dipeptidil peptidasas II y IV, son útiles en el monitoreo y la planificación del tratamiento. La catepsina B, la MMP-8, la elastasa, las dipeptidil peptidasas II y IV, son utilizadas para diferenciar la gingivitis y la periodontitis. Las exotoxinas bacterianas del Aggregatibacter  actinomycetemcomitans, indican la severidad de la enfermedad periodontal agresiva y ayudan al pronóstico del caso.

  1. Mediadores bioquímicos involucrados en la fisiopatología y diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal

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    Facundo Ledesma


    Full Text Available En el desarrollo de la enfermedad periodontal  (EP  intervienen enzimas derivadas tanto del huésped como de los microorganismos presentes en la placa dental.  La presente revisión abordó el papel que cumplen diversos mediadores de la EP y sus utilidades clínicas. La fosfatasa alcalina, la β-glucuronidasa, la catepsina B, las MMP-8 y MMP-9, la elastasa y las Dipeptidil peptidasas II y IV, son útiles en el monitoreo y la planificación del tratamiento. La catepsina B, la MMP-8, la elastasa, las dipeptidil peptidasas II y IV, son utilizadas para diferenciar la gingivitis y la periodontitis. Las exotoxinas bacterianas del Aggregatibacter  actinomycetemcomitans, indican la severidad de la enfermedad periodontal agresiva y ayudan al pronóstico del caso.

  2. Conocimientos sobre salud bucal y demanda de servicios estomatológicos en relación con la enfermedad periodontal en embarazadas Knowledge on oral health and demand of dental services in relation to the periodontal disease in pregnant women

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    Caridad Almarales Sierra


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: evaluar el nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucal y su relación con la prevalencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal, así como la demanda de servicios estomatológicos por parte de las embarazadas, determinar la prevalencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal en las embarazadas, evaluar la relación entre el nivel de conocimientos y la prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal, asimismo la relación entre la demanda de servicios estomatológicos y la prevalencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal. MÉTODOS: se aplicó una encuesta a 71 gestantes de los policlínicos Moncada, Plaza y Rampa que fueron captadas en el período de septiembre a diciembre del 2006. Para determinar la afectación periodontal de las mismas se aplicó el índice periodontal de Russell ®. RESULTADOS: mostraron un predominio de las embarazadas con nivel de conocimiento insatisfactorio (59,1%. La prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal en el grupo estudiado fue alta (87,3 %, no así la gravedad. Se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre el nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucal y la prevalencia de la enfermedad (p=0,01586, no siendo así con la gravedad. CONCLUSIONES: La demanda de atención estomatológica por parte de las embarazadas fue baja (sólo solicitaron atención el 36,6 % y no estuvo relacionada con la prevalencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal, ni con el nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucalOBJECTIVES: to assess the level of knowledge on oral health and its connection with the prevalence and severity of the periodontal disease, as well as the demand of dental services on the part of the pregnant women, to determine the prevalence and severity of the periodontal disease in pregnant women, to evaluate the relationship between the level of knowledge and the prevalence of the periodontal disease, and between the demand of dental services and the prevalence and severity of the periodontal disease. METHODS

  3. Estudio de la enfermedad periodontal y la higiene bucal en dientes en desoclusión Study of periodontal disease and oral higiene in dysocclusion

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    Jorge Sotres Vázquez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación en 50 pacientes que acudieron al Servicio de Periodoncia de la Clínica Estomatológica “Hermanos Gómez”. Se realizó un examen clínico para evaluar la presencia de contactos oclusales en los dientes presentes. El grado de higiene bucal se midió mediante el índice de higiene bucal de Greene y Vermillion , y la prevalencia y la gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal mediante el índice periodontal de Russell . En los casos en que los dientes no ocluían se señaló la causa . La desoclusión dental mostró una alta incidencia, con el 27,82 % de los dientes sin contactos oclusales ; la causa más frecuente fue la ausencia de dientes antagónicos (78,1 % . En los casos de desoclusión se empeoró la higiene bucal. Tanto la prevalencia como la gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal aumentaron en los dientes que no ocluían.A research was undertaken among 50 patients that received attention at the Periodontics Service of “Hermanos Gómez” Dental Clinic. A clinical examination was made to evaluate the presence of occlusal contacts in the present teeth. The oral higiene degree was measured by Greene and Vermillion's oral higiene index, whereas the the prevalence and severity of the periodontal disease was measured by using Russell's periodontal index. In those cases in which the teeth did not occlude, the cause was mentioned. Dysocclusion showed a high incidence with 27.82 % of the tooth without occlusal contacts. The most frequent cause was the absence of antagonic tooth (78.1 %. Oral higiene was worse in the cases presenting dysocclusion. Both, the prevalence and the severity of the periodontal disease increased in the tooth that did not occlude.

  4. Factores de riesgo y su relación con la enfermedad periodontal en el área del Policlínico “Ángel A. Aballí ”

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    José Alberto Méndez González


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal en pacientes de 15 a 65 años de edad del área de salud del Policlínico “Ángel A. Aballí ” del municipio Habana Vieja, pertenecientes a 14 consultorios seleccionados del médico de la familia, en el período comprendido entre octubre del 2005 y julio del 2006, con el objetivo de estimar la prevalencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal y determinar los factores de riesgo asociados con esta. Se seleccionó una muestra de 229 pacientes por el método de selección aleatoria con probabilidad proporcional al tamaño de los consultorios del médico de la familia. La gingivitis fue la afección más prevalente asociada con factores como caries, obturaciones deficientes, higiene deficiente, maloclusiones y personas hipertensas tratadas con Nifedipina . De los factores estudiados, el hábito de fumar, la higiene deficiente y el consumo de nifedipina tuvieron asociación estadísticamente significativa en relación con la periodontitis .

  5. Estrés oxidativo, diabetes mellitus y enfermedad periodontal. Una revisión sistemática


    Araceli Grizel Valdez Penagos; Víctor Manuel Mendoza Núñez


    La enfermedad periodontal humana (EPH) es una alteración inflamatoria que incrementa el daño y pérdida de tejido, como resultado de complejas interacciones entre bacterias patogénicas y la respuesta inmune del huésped. Al mismo tiempo, ha sido señalado que la diabetes mellitus (DM) incrementa la incidencia de EPH. Al respecto, las especies reactivas de oxígeno (EROs) han sido implicadas en la patogénesis de ambas enfermedades. Por lo tanto, se ha hipotetizado que la mayor incidencia ...

  6. Necesidad del abandono del tabaquismo para la prevención de enfermedad periodontal y otras afecciones

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    Eladio Miguel Traviesas Herrera


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el papel que ejerce el tabaquismo como factor de riesgo de múltiples afecciones que inciden en el estado de salud del individuo. Se revisaron artículos originales y de revisión, localizados a través de Pubmed, Google y revistas internacionales y nacionales reconocidas, que correspondieron a las palabras claves seleccionadas. El periodo de búsqueda de la información estuvo comprendido entre los meses de enero a diciembre del año 2010. Se destacó la influencia que ejerce esta práctica en la aparición de las enfermedades bucales siguientes: lesiones premalignas, cáncer bucal, estomatitis nicotínica y periodontopatías inflamatorias agudas y crónicas. Se expresó la influencia de esta práctica en el desarrollo y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal. También se exploraron en esta revisión aspectos relacionados con el abandono del tabaquismo: las ventajas físicas, psicológicas, económicas inmediatas y a largo plazo que representa esta conducta, así como los procesos y los métodos que en la actualidad se explotan para dicho abandono. Se evidenció que resulta necesario implementar técnicas para el abandono del tabaquismo y de esta forma contribuir a la devolución de la salud periodontal.

  7. La enfermedad periodontal como factor de riesgo de parto pretérmino y de bajo peso al nacer en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia 2002-2003.

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    Christian Alberto Lizarraga Marroquin


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre parto pretérmino (PP y de bajo peso (BP al nacer (PPBP y la enfermedad periodontal (EP materna. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio tipo casos y controles de 156 madres, 53 casos (madres de bebés con PPBP y 103 controles (bebés de madres nacidos con >37 semanas y más de 2 500g. Se interrogó a las madres y se revisó las historias clínicas, se registraron datos como: grado de instrucción, estado civil, hábitos de fumar, alcohol, drogas y otros factores de riesgo conocidos. Un solo examinador calibrado registró los indicadores periodontales: profundidad al sondaje, nivel de inserción clínica, sangrado al sondaje y presencia de placa. El análisis se hizo con técnicas de estratificación o regresión logística. Resultados: Los niños pretérminos con y sin bajo peso y a término con bajo peso tienen poco más del doble de probabilidad de tener madres con pérdida de nivel de inserción clínica OR 2,14 (IC 95% 1,24-3,68. Hay asociación de PPBP con la pérdida del nivel de inserción clínica, controlando por peso materno, número de controles prenatales y antecedentes de hijos con BP al nacer. Conclusión: La enfermedad periodontal es un factor de riesgo independiente y potencial de PPBP (Rev Med Hered 2005;16:172-177.

  8. Salud periodontal en personas viviendo con VIH/sida. Pinar del Río, 2008 Periodontal health in people living with HIV/AIDS in Pinar del Rio, 2008

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    Eridalia Fuentes Ayala


    Full Text Available En la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH el deterioro del sistema inmune por una disminución de los linfocitos TCD4 aumenta la susceptibilidad a padecer diferentes patologías en la cavidad oral y entre ellas las del periodonto. Fueron objetivos de esta investigación determinar la prevalencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal de las PVIH/sida, así como su asociación a los factores como el conteo de TCD4, el uso de terapia antirretroviral y el índice de higiene bucal simplificado. Se determinaron además los factores de riesgo locales de enfermedad periodontal. Para ello, se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en 207 personas viviendo con VIH/sida pertenecientes a la provincia de Pinar del Río en el año 2008, los cuales asistieron al control serológico en el momento de la investigación. Se utilizaron los índices de higiene bucal simplificado y el índice periodontal de Russell revisado. Se usaron las frecuencias absolutas y relativas y para describir la asociación entre variables las pruebas de Bartholomew y ji cuadrado al 95 % de confianza. Se determinó una alta prevalencia de la enfermedad obteniéndose un 78,3 %. Los factores de riesgo locales en la enfermedad periodontal más frecuentes son la placa dentobacteriana, caries y dientes ausentes no restituidos. Se identificó una relación significativa entre los resultados de los TCD4 y el estado periodontal, así como con la higiene bucal. No se encontró asociación con la enfermedad periodontal y el tratamiento antirretroviral.In the infection by the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV the deterioration of the immune system due to a diminution of the TCD4 lymphocytes increases the sensitivity of suffering from different pathologies in oral cavity and among them those in periodontal region. This research paper was aimed at determining the prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases in people living with HIV/AIDS and the association with

  9. Respuesta inmune en las enfermedades del periodonto : desde salud hasta enfermedad y sus implicaciones terapéuticas


    Botero Torres, Javier Enrique


    Los cambios estructurales en las enfermedades periodontales, considerando desde gingivitis hasta periodontitis, son el resultado de un evento inflamatorio, que es iniciado y perpetuado por bacterias por largos períodos de tiempo. Una serie de eventos celulares y moleculares ocurren en diferentes grados de complejidad tan pronto las bacterias comienzan a acumularse alrededor de los dientes. No obstante, aunque las bacterias son necesarias para iniciar la enfermedad periodontal, es la respuesta...

  10. Uso de modelos epidemiológicos para estimar la incidencia de caries dental y enfermedad periodontal en embarazadas chilenas


    Corsini Muñoz,G; Zaror Sánchez,C; Vallejos Vallejos,C


    Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de caries y enfermedad periodontal en embarazadas chilenas mediante un modelo de incidencia, prevalencia y mortalidad (IPM). Material y Método: Se construyó un modelo IPM con la prevalencia estimada en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud del año 2003 y los datos del Estudio de Carga de Enfermedad en Chile en el año 2007. Para efectos de estimar la población de mujeres embarazadas, se utilizó como variable de aproximación, los partos por edad de las mujeres según l...

  11. La peroxidación lipídica en la etiopatogenia de la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria

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    Bárbara E García Triana


    Full Text Available Las especies reactivas del oxígeno están implicadas en la etiopatogenia de la inflamación. Durante la activación de los leucocitos, se liberan grandes cantidades de estas especies, cuya función es la eliminación de los agentes patógenos. Si las defensas antioxidantes de los tejidos no funcionan eficientemente, son inducidas reacciones radicálicas que afectan a las biomoléculas. El ataque a los lípidos de la membrana celular provoca su peroxidación, con la consiguiente formación de nuevas especies radicálicas y metabolitos tóxicos. La presencia de un fuerte infiltrado inflamatorio en los tejidos periodontales, durante la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria, ha sugerido la posible participación de las especies reactivas del oxígeno en la etiopatogenia de esta enfermedad. Se supone que el ataque de estas sustancias a los tejidos periodontales con deficiente defensa antioxidante, provoca la aparición de la peroxidación lipídica, que puede conducir a la lisis celular y la activación de proteasas.The reative oxygen species are involved in the pathogenesis of inflammation. Leukocyte activation released a great amount of these species the function of which is to eliminate pathogen agents. If antioxidant tissue defenses do not act properly, then radical reactions affecting biomolecules are induced. The attack on cell membrane lipids caused their peroxidation followed by the formation of new radical species and toxic metabolites. The existence of a strong inflammatory infiltrate in periodontal tissues in the course of the periodontal disease suggest the possible involvement of reactive oxygen species in the pathogenesis of this disease. It is supposed that the attack of these substances on the poorly antioxidant defended periodontal tissues makes the lipid peroxidation take place, which may lead to cellular lysis and proteases activation.

  12. Prevantion and maintenance in periodontal and preimplant pathology


    Serrano Cuenca, V.; Noguerol Rodríguez, B.


    Se valoran los distintos factores de riesgo en la enfermedad periodontal y periimplantaria, con el fin de establecer la prevención y control de los mismos. Se describen detalladamente los distintos métodos de monitorización del paciente, motivación, así como las diversas técnicas para el control de la placa bacteriana. Se analizan las distintas fases del mantenimiento tanto a nivel periodontal como periimplantario.The risk factors in periodontal and periimplant disease are determined, to esta...

  13. Enfermedad periodontal: ¿es factor de riesgo para parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer o preeclampsia?

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    José Luis Castaldi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Evaluar si la enfermedad periodontal (EP constituye un factor de riesgo de parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer o preeclampsia y si hay alguna relación entre las formas clínicas de la EP y los resultados obstétricos mencionados. MÉTODOS: Estudio analítico, transversal y prospectivo de todas las mujeres que tuvieron su parto en el Hospital Dr. José Penna, de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Argentina, entre el 1.º de febrero y el 18 de julio de 2003 y entre el 1.º de marzo y el 31 de mayo de 2004. A las mujeres que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión (ser mayor de 18 años, tener al menos 18 dientes, no ser diabética y que los hijos hubieran sobrevivido al parto se les practicó un examen odontológico en busca de hemorragia al sondaje, movilidad dentaria o inflamación gingival y se realizaron mediciones clínicas de la pérdida de inserción. Se calcularon las razones de posibilidades (odds ratios, RP con sus intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95% y se ajustaron los resultados por las variables "ser fumadora" y "tener anemia". RESULTADOS: Se registraron 2 003 nacimientos, correspondientes a 1 982 partos. Se excluyeron 420 (21,2% mujeres por no cumplir los criterios de inclusión o por no poder realizárseles el diagnóstico odontológico previsto. De las 1 562 mujeres evaluadas, 809 (51,8% presentaban alguna de las afecciones buscadas; de ellas, 274 (17,5% padecían EP grave y 535 (34,3% tenían gingivitis. En total, 149 (9,5% partos fueron pretérmino, en 161 (10,3% nacieron niños con bajo peso y en 157 (10,0% se presentaron casos de preeclampsia. No se observó asociación alguna entre la EP y el parto pretérmino (RP = 1,06; IC95%: 0,74 a 1,50, el bajo peso al nacer (RP = 1,05; IC95%: 0,74 a 1,47 y la preeclampsia (RP = 0,99; IC95%: 0,70 a 1,40. El riesgo de dar a luz un niño con bajo peso al nacer en el subgrupo de fumadoras de más de 10 cigarrillos diarios fue mayor en las que tenían enfermedad periodontal grave que

  14. Necesidad del abandono del tabaquismo para la prevención de enfermedad periodontal y otras afecciones It is necessary to quit smoking to prevent periodontal disease and other affections

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    Eladio Miguel Traviesas Herrera


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el papel que ejerce el tabaquismo como factor de riesgo de múltiples afecciones que inciden en el estado de salud del individuo. Se revisaron artículos originales y de revisión, localizados a través de Pubmed, Google y revistas internacionales y nacionales reconocidas, que correspondieron a las palabras claves seleccionadas. El periodo de búsqueda de la información estuvo comprendido entre los meses de enero a diciembre del año 2010. Se destacó la influencia que ejerce esta práctica en la aparición de las enfermedades bucales siguientes: lesiones premalignas, cáncer bucal, estomatitis nicotínica y periodontopatías inflamatorias agudas y crónicas. Se expresó la influencia de esta práctica en el desarrollo y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal. También se exploraron en esta revisión aspectos relacionados con el abandono del tabaquismo: las ventajas físicas, psicológicas, económicas inmediatas y a largo plazo que representa esta conducta, así como los procesos y los métodos que en la actualidad se explotan para dicho abandono. Se evidenció que resulta necesario implementar técnicas para el abandono del tabaquismo y de esta forma contribuir a la devolución de la salud periodontal.A bibliographic review was made on the smoking role as risk factor of multiple affections with impact on the subject's health. Authors reviewed original papers and of reviews located by Pubmed, Google and international national recognized journals corresponding to selected key words. Information search period was from January to December, 2010. It was emphasized in a particular way the influence of this practice on appearance of following oral pathologies: pre-malignant lesions, oral cancer, nicotinic stomatitis as well as the acute and chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases. The influence of this practice in the development and severity of periodontal disease was expressed. Also, the authors

  15. Salivary pH alterations in smoker patients with periodontal disease


    Osorio González, A.Y.; Bascones Martínez, A.; Villarroel-Dorrego, M.


    Introducción: El tabaquismo es un factor de riesgo muy importante en la enfermedad periodontal. Para que la nicotina sea absorbida efectivamente el pH de la saliva pareciera sufrir cambios en sus propiedades. Se estima que el pH en la saliva no estimulada oscila entre 5,5 a 7,9, aumentando a medida que aumenta el flujo salival. Alteraciones del pH pudieran ser una de las causa de la activación de la enfermedad periodontal en fumadores. Objetivo: El propósito de este trabajo fue determinar la ...

  16. El neutrófilo y su importancia en la enfermedad periodontal The neutrophil and the relationship with the periodontal disease


    G. Barbieri Petrelli; J. Flores Guillén; F. Vignoletti


    El presente artículo es una revisión bibliográfica del papel que cumple el neutrófilo dentro del sistema inmunológico y de la relación que existe entre esta célula y la enfermedad periodontal. Las defensas del organismo están representadas por el sistema inmunológico, encargado de evitar el ingreso de cualquier agente extraño o de destruirle en caso de haber traspasado previamente las barreras biológicas. El neutrófilo es una de las células más importantes de este sistema, siendo la primera d...

  17. Asociación entre enfermedad periodontal y disfunción endotelial valorada por vasodilatación mediada por flujo en la arteria braquial: Estudio piloto Association between periodontal disease and endothelial dysfunction assessed by flow-mediated dilation in the brachial artery: Pilot study

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    Álvaro J Ruiz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar la disfunción endotelial a través de la vasodilatación mediada por flujo (VMF en la arteria braquial en pacientes fumadores con periodontitis crónica avanzada y compararla con pacientes fumadores sin enfermedad periodontal, para determinar si hay diferencias en cuando a disfunción endotelial entre quienes presentan o no periodontitis crónica avanzada. Métodos: se incluyeron 30 pacientes con hábito de tabaquismo, 15 con periodontitis crónica avanzada y 15 sin periodontitis. Se realizó historia clínica completa, exámenes de laboratorio y prueba de vasodilatación mediada por flujo de la arteria braquial. Resultados: el estudio mostró que había diferencias significativas en los diámetros finales, resultantes de vasodilatación mediada por flujo (p=0,0328, con menores valores finales para quienes tenían enfermedad periodontal. Las diferencias en las respuestas porcentuales y en el número de personas con disfunción determinada dicotómicamente, no alcanzaron significación estadística. Conclusión: se observó que el grupo de pacientes con periodontitis crónica avanzada tuvo diámetros resultantes luego de la prueba que fueron significativamente menores que los del grupo de controles. Aunque al evaluar las diferencias en porcentajes no se alcanzó significación estadística, el estudio mostró una respuesta claramente menor en vasodilatación en el grupo con enfermedad periodontal.Objective: To evaluate endothelial dysfunction through flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD in the brachial artery in smokers with advanced chronic periodontitis and compare it with smokers without periodontal disease, to determine whether there are differences in endothelial dysfunction among those with or without advanced chronic periodontitis. Methods: We included 30 patients with smoking habit, 15 with advanced chronic periodontitis and 15 without periodontal disease. We performed a complete medical history, laboratory tests and flow

  18. Influencia de la terapia periodontal no quirúrgica en nivel de pH salival y líquido crevicular gingival en pacientes con enfermedad periodontal atendidos en la Clínica Especializada de la FO-USMP


    Villaverde Moscol, Lizeth Rosario


    Determina la influencia de la terapia periodontal no quirúrgica en el nivel de pH salival y el pH líquido crevicular gingival en los pacientes con enfermedad periodontal atendidos en la Clínica Especializada de FO-USMP. La muestra fue conformada por 64 pacientes. Se utilizó tiras reactivas para la recolección del pH salival y pH del líquido crevicular gingival antes y después (07 días) de realizado el terapia periodontal no quirúgica en los pacientes diagnosticados con dos de los tipos de enf...

  19. Respuesta al tratamiento periodontal de diabéticos tipo 2 con mal control metabólico y obesos intolerantes a la glucosa, con periodontitis severa Impact of the periodontal therapy in both clinical and metabolic parameters in type 2 diabetic and prediabetic obese patients with severe periodontitis


    V Pavez Correa; A V Araya Quintanilla; Baksai López N


    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) es un factor de riesgo para periodontitis, a su vez, el control metabólico de los diabéticos se dificulta por la presencia de la infección periodontal, aumentando el riesgo de complicaciones crónicas y eventualmente, la mortalidad por diabetes. Ambas enfermedades se relacionan porque los mediadores de inflamación generados en la infección periodontal y la translocación de bacterias de la cavidad oral a la circulación sistémica, podrían actuar como agravantes de la insul...

  20. Salud bucal y xilitol: usos y posibilidades en caries y enfermedad periodontal en poblaciones "PEPE"


    Panesso Suescún, Ernesto A; Calle Arroyave, María Clara; Meneses Gómez, Edwin J


    La caries dental y la enfermedad periodontal constituyen un problema constante que demanda muchos recursos pero que sigue atacando día a día a la población, razón por la cual se deben explorar nuevas posibilidades de prevención y tratamiento complementarias a las ya existentes. El xilitol es un alcohol de 5 carbonos derivado de la D-xilosa cuyo mecanismo de acción es inhibir el crecimiento bacteriano, principalmente de Streptococcus mutans en la saliva y la biopelícula además de mejorar el fl...

  1. Estrés oxidativo, diabetes mellitus y enfermedad periodontal. Una revisión sistemática

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    Araceli Grizel Valdez Penagos


    Full Text Available La enfermedad periodontal humana (EPH es una alteración inflamatoria que incrementa el daño y pérdida de tejido, como resultado de complejas interacciones entre bacterias patogénicas y la respuesta inmune del huésped. Al mismo tiempo, ha sido señalado que la diabetes mellitus (DM incrementa la incidencia de EPH. Al respecto, las especies reactivas de oxígeno (EROs han sido implicadas en la patogénesis de ambas enfermedades. Por lo tanto, se ha hipotetizado que la mayor incidencia de EPH en los sujetos con DM en comparación con los sanos es debida al estrés oxidativo (EOx. Sin embargo, las evidencias científicas son escasas. En este artículo se presenta una revisión sistemática en relación al vínculo entre el EOx, la DM y EPH.

  2. Enfermedad gingival asociada al paciente pediátrico asmático


    Carfi Marin, Indhira Del Valle; Alarcón Palacios, Marco


    El asma es una enfermedad infl amatoria crónica del sistema respiratorio, caracterizada por ser hipersensible y episódica, reversible y con síntomas de abstracción del fl ujo de aire. La prevalencia del asma ha ido en aumento a través de todas las edades, sexo y grupos raciales; y resulta ser mayor entre los niños que en adultos. Últimamente ha sido asociada en numerosas investigaciones a la prevalencia de caries y enfermedad periodontal, donde diversos factores y la respuesta inmune actúan d...

  3. La peroxidación lipídica en la etiopatogenia de la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria

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    Bárbara E García Triana

    Full Text Available Las especies reactivas del oxígeno están implicadas en la etiopatogenia de la inflamación. Durante la activación de los leucocitos, se liberan grandes cantidades de estas especies, cuya función es la eliminación de los agentes patógenos. Si las defensas antioxidantes de los tejidos no funcionan eficientemente, son inducidas reacciones radicálicas que afectan a las biomoléculas. El ataque a los lípidos de la membrana celular provoca su peroxidación, con la consiguiente formación de nuevas especies radicálicas y metabolitos tóxicos. La presencia de un fuerte infiltrado inflamatorio en los tejidos periodontales, durante la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria, ha sugerido la posible participación de las especies reactivas del oxígeno en la etiopatogenia de esta enfermedad. Se supone que el ataque de estas sustancias a los tejidos periodontales con deficiente defensa antioxidante, provoca la aparición de la peroxidación lipídica, que puede conducir a la lisis celular y la activación de proteasas.

  4. Evaluación del efecto de la ozonoterapia sobre la diversidad y número de bacterias presentes en la cavidad oral de perros con enfermedad periodontal


    Patiño Godoy, Norma del Consuelo


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la eficacia de la ozonoterapia como tratamiento para el control de las bacterias de la cavidad oral en la enfermedad periodontal en los perros que llegaron a consulta a la veterinaria Orovet del cantón Huaquillas. Para el cumplimiento del objetivo se diseñó una investigación de tipo experimental. Se trabajó con una muestra de 30 perros que llegaron a la veterinaria Orovet de la ciudad de Huaquillas, quienes presentaron signos de enfermedad ...

  5. Periodontitis determining the onset and progression of Huntington's disease: review of the literature

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    María Lourdes Rodríguez Coyago


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Hungtinton es un trastorno neurodegenerativo, causado por la expansión de un triplete de citosina, adenina, guanina en el gen de la huntingtina. Se manifiesta con un deterioro físico, cognitivo y psiquiátrico a distintas edades en el adulto, con un pronóstico fatal. Además del número de repeticiones del triplete, existirían otros factores que explicarían el inicio de esta enfermedad a más temprana edad. Se sabe que la neuroinflamación es un protagonista en los trastornos neurodegenerativos, no siendo la enfermedad de Huntington una excepción. La neuroinflamación exacerba el daño neuronal producido por la mutación, al existir activación aberrante de la célula microglía, disfunción de astrocitos y células dendríticas; compromiso de la barrera hematoencefálica y activación de complemento, todas ellas como efecto directo e indirecto de la mutante y otros estímulos como infecciones crónicas. Es el interés del presente trabajo analizar la periodontitis, como modelo de infección bucodental crónica y fuente de inflamación sistémica. Hipotetizamos que el potencial rol de la periodontitis en la enfermedad de Huntington y los mecanismos por los cuales contribuiría a la manifestación temprana y progreso de dicha enfermedad, para lo cual se consideraron revisiones sistemáticas, metanálisis y estudios experimentales publicados tanto en español como en inglés obtenidos del PubMed y SciELO. Son diversos los mecanismos que generan inflamación en el cerebro de estos pacientes, adquiriendo especial protagonismo los mecanismos de la inmunidad innata. Las infecciones buco dentarias crónicas, como la enfermedad periodontal, pueden constituir un factor exacerbante de la neuroinflamación que per se asocia la enfermedad de Huntington.

  6. Enfermedad periodontal: ¿es factor de riesgo para parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer o preeclampsia? Periodontal disease: is it a risk factor for premature labor, low birth weight or preeclampsia?

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    José Luis Castaldi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Evaluar si la enfermedad periodontal (EP constituye un factor de riesgo de parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer o preeclampsia y si hay alguna relación entre las formas clínicas de la EP y los resultados obstétricos mencionados. MÉTODOS: Estudio analítico, transversal y prospectivo de todas las mujeres que tuvieron su parto en el Hospital Dr. José Penna, de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Argentina, entre el 1.º de febrero y el 18 de julio de 2003 y entre el 1.º de marzo y el 31 de mayo de 2004. A las mujeres que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión (ser mayor de 18 años, tener al menos 18 dientes, no ser diabética y que los hijos hubieran sobrevivido al parto se les practicó un examen odontológico en busca de hemorragia al sondaje, movilidad dentaria o inflamación gingival y se realizaron mediciones clínicas de la pérdida de inserción. Se calcularon las razones de posibilidades (odds ratios, RP con sus intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95% y se ajustaron los resultados por las variables "ser fumadora" y "tener anemia". RESULTADOS: Se registraron 2 003 nacimientos, correspondientes a 1 982 partos. Se excluyeron 420 (21,2% mujeres por no cumplir los criterios de inclusión o por no poder realizárseles el diagnóstico odontológico previsto. De las 1 562 mujeres evaluadas, 809 (51,8% presentaban alguna de las afecciones buscadas; de ellas, 274 (17,5% padecían EP grave y 535 (34,3% tenían gingivitis. En total, 149 (9,5% partos fueron pretérmino, en 161 (10,3% nacieron niños con bajo peso y en 157 (10,0% se presentaron casos de preeclampsia. No se observó asociación alguna entre la EP y el parto pretérmino (RP = 1,06; IC95%: 0,74 a 1,50, el bajo peso al nacer (RP = 1,05; IC95%: 0,74 a 1,47 y la preeclampsia (RP = 0,99; IC95%: 0,70 a 1,40. El riesgo de dar a luz un niño con bajo peso al nacer en el subgrupo de fumadoras de más de 10 cigarrillos diarios fue mayor en las que tenían enfermedad periodontal grave que

  7. Periodontitis-associated risk factors in pregnant women

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    Maria Dilma Bezerra de Vasconcellos Piscoya


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study was to investigate the risk factors associated with periodontitis in pregnant women. METHODS: This study was conducted in two stages. In Stage 1, a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of periodontitis among 810 women treated at the maternity ward of a university hospital. In Stage 2, the factors associated with periodontitis were investigated in two groups of pregnant women: 90 with periodontitis and 720 without. A hierarchized approach to the evaluation of the risk factors was used in the analysis, and the independent variables related to periodontitis were grouped into two levels: 1 socio-demographic variables; 2a variables related to nutritional status, smoking, and number of pregnancies; and 2b variables related to oral hygiene. Periodontitis was defined as a probing depth > 4 mm and an attachment loss > 3 mm at the same site in four or more teeth. A logistic regression analysis was also performed. RESULTS: The prevalence of periodontitis in this sample was 11%. The variables that remained in the final multivariate model with the hierarchized approach were schooling, family income, smoking, body mass index, and bacterial plaque. CONCLUSION: The factors identified underscore the social nature of the disease, as periodontitis was associated with socioeconomic, demographic status, and poor oral hygiene.

  8. Enfermedad Periodontal en la población joven y adulta uruguaya del Interior del país: Relevamiento Nacional 2010-2011

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    Susana Lorenzo

    Full Text Available Durante los años 2010-2011, la Facultad de Odontología, Udelar realizó el “Primer Relevamiento Nacional de salud bucal en población joven y adulta uruguaya”. Metodología: estudio poblacional con muestreo complejo en fases que abarcó todo el país urbano (ciudades con más de 20.000 habitantes y las edades de 15-24, 35-44 y 65-74 años, mediante dos muestras independientes: departamentos del interior (n=922 y Montevideo (n=563. Se aplicaron los “Métodos Básicos para estudios poblacionales” (OMS, 1997. Mediante un examen clínico se recogió información en los domicilios sobre: caries, paradenciopatías, lesiones mucosas, maloclusiones. Se aplicó un cuestionario sobre factores socio-culturales. Para el diagnóstico, medición y resumen de la Enfermedad Periodontal, se usó el Índice Periodontal Comunitario (CPI incorporándose las modificaciones introducidas por el “Projecto SB Brasil 2010”. Resultados: población adulta (35-44/65-74: proporción de individuos: sanos 12% y 1.3%; con bolsas ≥ 4mm: 17% y 6%, respectivamente y con alta proporción sextantes excluidos (49,7 % y 89,5%.

  9. Patógenos periodontales y sus relaciones con enfermedades sistémicas Periodontal pathogens and their relationships with systemic diseases

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    Maritza Peña Sisto


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades periodontales son infecciones caracterizadas por la presencia de más de 200 especies bacterianas que, por infestación metastásica, pueden llegar a diferentes órganos anatómicos y ocasionar cambios patológicos. En este artículo se describen los datos más importantes sobre el descubrimiento de los diversos patógenos periodontales en diferentes sistemas del organismo humano, sus aspectos epidemiológicos, mecanismos de acción, así como su relación con la patogenia de las diferentes enfermedades. También se hace mención especial de la presencia de estos gérmenes como iniciadores y perpetuadores de procesos sépticos en los sistemas cardiovascular, respiratorio, gastrointestinal, renal, nervioso, oftálmico y en el embarazo.Periodontal diseases are infections characterized by the presence of more than 200 bacterial species that, through metastasic infection, can reach different anatomical organs and can cause pathological changes. In this work the most important data are described on the discovery of the diverse periodontal pathogens in different systems of the human organism, their epidemiological aspects, action mechanisms, as well as their relationship with the pathogenesis of different diseases. Special mention is also made on the presence of these germs as begginners and perpetuators of septic events in the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, nervous, ophthalmic systems and in pregnancy.

  10. Relación entre enfermedad periodontal y parto prematuro. Bajo peso al nacimiento: una revisión de la literatura


    Flores, J.; Oteo, A.; Mateos, L.; Bascones, A.


    A pesar de los esfuerzos realizados en el control del embarazo y el parto, la frecuencia de los partos prematuros no ha disminuido en las dos últimas décadas. El parto prematuro supone una seria amenaza para la salud del recién nacido, y representa además un porcentaje muy importante de los costes destinados a la atención sanitaria perinatal. La investigación científica ha revelado diversos mecanismos por los que infecciones remotas como la enfermedad periodontal pueden participar en la patog...

  11. Validación cruzada del Perfil de Impacto de Salud Oral aplicado a enfermedad periodontal

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    José Moral de la Rubia


    Full Text Available El Perfil de Impacto de Salud Oral (OHIP - 14 es el instrumento más empleado para evaluar la eficacia de tratamientos odontológicos. Con el propósito de dilucidar su estructura factorial y establecer la validez cruzada de la escala aplica da a la enfermedad periodontal (OHIP - 14 - PD , este estudio tiene como objetivos : 1 explorar la estructura factorial del OHIP - 14 - PD , y 2 contrastar la invarianza de los modelos propuestos para e l OHIP - 14 y de los derivados del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE entre una muestra de población general y una muestra clínica odontológica . Se aplicó el OHIP - 14 - PD a 249 pacientes adultos odontológicos y 256 adultos de población general de Monterrey, México . El AFE reveló modelos de uno, dos y tres factores. Los modelos jerarqui zados propuestos arrojaron soluciones inadmisibles. Se concluye que el modelo un if actor ial tuvo las mejores propiedades, aunque el bi factor ial (impacto físico [ítems del 1 al 7] y psicosocial [ítems del 8 al 14] también resultó válido. L os dos modelos fue ron invariante s e n pesos de medida, pero no en las varianzas de los factores y residuos. En ambos modelos, el ajuste mejor ó con la inclusión de la correlación entre los residuos de los ítems 5 y 6.

  12. Marcadores de inmunorrespuesta en la periodontitis juvenil

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    Amparo Pérez Borrego,


    Full Text Available La periodontitis juvenil es una enfermedad del periodonto propia de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, afecta principalmente los primeros molares y los incisivos y se caracteriza por la pérdida severa del hueso alveolar alrededor de dientes permanentes sin correspondencia entre la rapidez y severidad de la destrucción con los factores locales. En la causa de la enfermedad se citan factores genéticos, infecciosos e inmunológicos. Estudiamos algunos marcadores de inmunorrespuesta en 6 adolescentes que acudieron a nuestro servicio con el diagnóstico de periodontitis juvenil, además de su valoración clínica y radiológica. Ambos sexos se afectaron por igual, la movilidad dentaria y el sangramiento al sondeo fueron los hallazgos clínicos más relevantes y el índice de higiene bucal fue adecuado en todos los casos. No encontramos homogeneidad en las alteraciones inmunológicas, pero todos los pacientes estuvieron afectados en más de un marcador. Predominaron las alteraciones funcionales de linfocitos T en los estudios celulares. La hipogammaglobulinemia y la IgM elevada fueron las alteraciones más frecuentes en la inmunidad de anticuerpos. Se señala la dificultad que aún existe para explicar la patogenia de la enfermedad basándose solamente en un único factor de riesgo, así como la importancia de la valoración individual de cada enfermo.Juvenile periodontitis is a disease of the periodontium inherent to adolescents and young adults, affecting mainly the first molars and incisives and characterized by the severe loss of the alveolar bone sorrounding the permanent teeth with no correspondance between the celerity and severity of the destruction and the local factors. Genetic, infectious and immunological factors are considereed as the causes of the disease. Some immunoresponse markers were studied in 6 adolescents that were seen at our service with the diagnosis of juvenile periodontitis in addition to their clinical and radiological

  13. Chronic periodontitis with multiple risk factor syndrome: a case report. (United States)

    Shimoe, Masayuki; Yamamoto, Tadashi; Iwamoto, Yoshihiro; Shiomi, Nobuyuki; Maeda, Hiroshi; Nishimura, Fusanori; Takashiba, Shogo


    Multiple risk factor syndrome is a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors, such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and obesity associated epidemiologically with insulin resistance. This report describes the clinical course of a patient suffering from severe periodontitis with multiple risk factor syndrome, and discusses the association between periodontal infection and systemic health. The patient had a history of type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension for over 10 years. At baseline, her hemoglobin A1 c was 8.1%. However, she had no diabetic complications except periodontitis. The IgG antibody titers against Porphyromonas gingivalis FDC 381 and SU63 were elevated above the mean of healthy subjects +2 standard deviations. Intensive periodontal treatment, including periodontal surgery, was performed to reduce periodontal infection and bacteremia. Her systemic and periodontal conditions were evaluated longitudinally for 10 years. Following periodontal treatment, antibody titers against Porphyromonas gingivalis and hemoglobin A1c values were significantly improved. The other clinical data and medication for her systemic condition also remained stable during supportive periodontal therapy. However, she developed myocardial infarction, and showed continuous deterioration of hemoglobin A1 c level and periodontitis. The long-term clustering of risk factors, such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and periodontitis, are associated with the development of myocardial infarction. Treatment of systemic conditions in combination with comprehensive periodontal treatment is important in management of patients with multiple risk factor syndrome.

  14. Doença periodontal em portadoras de valvopatia durante a gravidez: estudo clínico e microbiológico Enfermedad periodontal en portadoras de valvopatía durante la gravidez: estudio clínico y microbiológico Periodontal disease in pregnant patients with rheumatic valvular disease: clinical and microbiological study

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    Walkiria Samuel Ávila


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A doença periodontal representa risco à gestante portadora de valvopatia reumática, seja para contrair endocardite infecciosa, seja por propiciar complicações obstétricas. OBJETIVO: Estudar a frequência da doença periodontal em portadoras de valvopatia reumática durante a gravidez. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 140 gestantes, comparáveis quanto a idade e o nível socioeconômico, divididas em: 70 portadoras de doença valvar reumática e 70 mulheres saudáveis. Todas se submeteram a: 1 avaliação clínica odontológica que incluiu a análise dos seguintes parâmetros: 1.1 profundidade à sondagem, 1.2 distância da linha esmalte-cemento à margem gengival, 1.3 nível clínico de inserção, 1.4 índice de sangramento, 1.5 índice de placa bacteriana, e, 1.6 comprometimento de furca; e, 2 exame microbiológico nas amostras de saliva e do cone que considerou o controle positivo para as cepas das bactérias Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsithia e Aggregobacter actinomycetemcomitans. RESULTADOS: A lesão valvar mitral foi prevalente (65 casos = 92,8% dentre as gestantes cardiopatas. A comparação entre os grupos mostrou não haver diferenças entre idade e a paridade, e embora tenham sido verificadas diferenças entre as medidas da distância da linha esmalte-cemento à margem gengival (p = 0,01 e o índice de placa (p=0,04, a frequência da doença periodontal identificada em 20 (14,3% gestantes, não foi diferente entre os grupos (p = 0,147. O exame microbiológico mostrou uma proporção maior da bactéria P. gingivalis na saliva de gestantes saudáveis (p = 0,004. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo clínico e microbiológico periodontal durante a gravidez demonstrou igual frequência da doença periodontal em portadoras de valvopatia reumática quando comparada às mulheres saudáveis.FUNDAMENTO: La enfermedad periodontal, caracterizada por el estado inflamatorio e infeccioso permanente de la cavidad oral, representa riesgo a la

  15. Relación entre enfermedad periodontal y parto prematuro. Bajo peso al nacimiento: una revisión de la literatura The relationship between periodontal disease and preterm low birth weight: a literature review


    J. Flores; A. Oteo; L. Mateos; A. Bascones


    A pesar de los esfuerzos realizados en el control del embarazo y el parto, la frecuencia de los partos prematuros no ha disminuido en las dos últimas décadas. El parto prematuro supone una seria amenaza para la salud del recién nacido, y representa además un porcentaje muy importante de los costes destinados a la atención sanitaria perinatal. La investigación científica ha revelado diversos mecanismos por los que infecciones remotas como la enfermedad periodontal pueden participar en la patog...

  16. Enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes: factores causales y vigilancia

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    Carmen Luisa Suárez Larreinaga


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo exponer los conceptos y algunos de los factores causales más importantes en la aparición y diseminación de las enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes, así como presentar brevemente algunas de las actividades de vigilancia epidemiológica y su importancia en la detección y control de estas enfermedadesThe objective of this paper is to expound the concepts and some of the most important causal factors in the appearance and spreading of emergent and reemergent diseases, as well as to make a brief presentation of some of the epidemiological surveillance activities and their importance in the detection and control of these diseases

  17. Increased and correlated expression of connective tissue growth factor and transforming growth factor beta 1 in surgically removed periodontal tissues with chronic periodontitis. (United States)

    Mize, T W; Sundararaj, K P; Leite, R S; Huang, Y


    Both gingival tissue destruction and regeneration are associated with chronic periodontitis, although the former overwhelms the latter. Studies have shown that transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1), a growth factor largely involved in tissue regeneration and remodeling, is upregulated in chronic periodontitis. However, the gingival expression of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF or CCN2), a TGF-β1-upregulated gene, in patients with periodontitis remains undetermined. Although both CTGF/CCN2 and TGF-b1 increase the production of extracellular matrix, they have many different biological functions. Therefore, it is important to delineate the impact of periodontitis on gingival CTGF/CCN2 expression. Periodontal tissue specimens were collected from seven individuals without periodontitis (group 1) and from 14 with periodontitis (group 2). The expression of CTGF and TGFβ1 mRNAs were quantified using real-time PCR. Analysis using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test showed that the levels of expression of both CTGF/CCN2 and TGFβ1 mRNAs were significantly increased in individuals with periodontitis compared with individuals without periodontitis. Furthermore, analysis using a nonparametric correlation (Spearman r) test showed a positive correlation between TGFβ1 and CTGF/CCN2 mRNAs. The gingival expression levels of CTGF/CCN2 and TGFβ1 mRNAs in individuals with periodontitis are upregulated and correlated. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la periodontitis agresiva

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    Ricardo Benza-Bedoya

    Full Text Available Resumen: La periodontitis agresiva es una enfermedad de baja prevalencia, multifactorial, de avance rápido, sin compromiso sistémico, con alteraciones inmunológicas, con fuerte influencia genética, agregación familiar y generalmente de instalación temprana. Tiene dos formas: una localizada, y otra generalizada. No está debidamente aclarado, si se trata de una enfermedad periodontal diferente a otras o si es la expresión fenotípica de una periodontitis crónica en pacientes susceptibles. Su protocolo diagnóstico incluye una historia médica dental, examen clínico periodontal y examen radiológico. El tratamiento de la periodontitis agresiva incluye principalmente, control de higiene bucal, raspaje y alisado radicular, complementado con terapia antibiótica sistémica y local. La terapia quirúrgica depende de los casos. La terapia de mantenimiento es imprescindible para lograr mejores resultados. El objetivo de este artículo fue revisar los protocolos diagnósticos y terapéuticos y proponer un flujograma de tratamiento en base a evidencias científicas recientes.


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    Jenny Hortencia Fuentes Sánchez


    Full Text Available El tabaquismo como factor de riesgo en enfermedad periodontal ha sido evaluado durante muchos años, encontrándose una relación directa. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, con el objetivo de determinar la necesidad de tratamiento periodontal de una población de adultos jóvenes fumadores que ingresa a primer semestre de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. En el examen odontológico, se seleccionaron  adultos jóvenes fumadores y  adultos jóvenes no fumadores. Así mismo, se realizo el examen clínico periodontal con base en el Índice de Necesidad de Tratamiento Periodontal de las Comunidades. El total de los adultos jóvenes que participaron en el estudio fueron ciento treinta y nueve. Entre ellos encontramos setenta adultos jóvenes fumadores y sesenta y nueve adultos jóvenes no fumadores.  Al evaluar las Necesidades de Tratamiento en el grupo  fumadores encontramos que 86% presenta NT: 2 ,9% presenta  NT: 3 ,4% presenta  NT: 1 ,1% presenta NT: 0. Al evaluar las Necesidades de Tratamiento Periodontal en el grupo de no fumadores, encontramos que el 86% presenta NT: 2; 14% presenta NT: 1. En la necesidad de tratamiento de los adultos jóvenes fumadores, el 86% (NT: 2 presenta necesidad en educación en higiene oral y terapia básica periodontal (raspaje y alisado radicular, pulido coronal. Al evaluar el Índice de Necesidades de Tratamiento se observó, una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en adultos jóvenes fumadores que en no fumadores; ya que presentan un compromiso periodontal mayor. Esto demuestra la relación entre el hábito de tabaquismo y la presencia de enfermedad periodontal en adultos jóvenes fumadores.

  20. Assessing risk factors for periodontitis using regression (United States)

    Lobo Pereira, J. A.; Ferreira, Maria Cristina; Oliveira, Teresa


    Multivariate statistical analysis is indispensable to assess the associations and interactions between different factors and the risk of periodontitis. Among others, regression analysis is a statistical technique widely used in healthcare to investigate and model the relationship between variables. In our work we study the impact of socio-demographic, medical and behavioral factors on periodontal health. Using regression, linear and logistic models, we can assess the relevance, as risk factors for periodontitis disease, of the following independent variables (IVs): Age, Gender, Diabetic Status, Education, Smoking status and Plaque Index. The multiple linear regression analysis model was built to evaluate the influence of IVs on mean Attachment Loss (AL). Thus, the regression coefficients along with respective p-values will be obtained as well as the respective p-values from the significance tests. The classification of a case (individual) adopted in the logistic model was the extent of the destruction of periodontal tissues defined by an Attachment Loss greater than or equal to 4 mm in 25% (AL≥4mm/≥25%) of sites surveyed. The association measures include the Odds Ratios together with the correspondent 95% confidence intervals.

  1. Estado periodontal de los estudiantes de la facultad de odontología de la UNMSM (2002)


    Maita Véliz, Luis; Vacca Dickson, Gustavo; Castañeda Mosto, María; Zegarra Aguilar, Roxana; Grados Pomarino, Sixto


    Las enfermedades periodontales, según expertos de la "Organización Mundial de la Salud" son una de las afecciones más comunes en el género humano. Son múltiples las investigaciones realizadas especialmente en los últimos años, acerca de la limitación del daño para evitar llegar a la fase más avanzada de la enfermedad. La verdadera solución es hacer el diagnóstico precoz de la lesión periodontal y desarrollar medidas de prevención específica para la enfermedad periodontal (E. P.). Se realizó...

  2. Progress in the identification of genetic factors in periodontitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laine, M.L.; Jepsen, S.; Loos, B.G.


    The susceptibility to periodontitis is determined by a complex interplay between bacteria, the immune system, and life-style factors, and is mainly regulated by genes. The genetic factors contributing to the pathogenesis of periodontitis are still not fully defined. The aim of the present review is

  3. Enfermedad hipertensiva gestacional, algunos factores de riesgo

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    Karen Luz Torres Rojas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, con el objetivo de describir  algunos factores de riesgo asociados a la Enfermedad Hipertensiva Gestacional (EHG, en la Clínica Comoro, del distrito  Dili,  en el período comprendido del 1 de junio de 2006 al 31 de mayo de 2007.  La muestra quedó constituida por 99 embarazadas  con diagnóstico  de hipertensión gestacional. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, paridad, factores de riesgo (antecedentes  familiares de  hipertensión arterial,  pielonefritis, obesidad, antecedentes de eclampsia, alcoholismo y tabaquismo, enfermedades crónicas asociadas y formas clínicas presentadas.  La EHG se presentó con más frecuencia en las pacientes del grupo de edad de 35 años y más, seguido por el grupo de 15-19 años. La nuliparidad predominó en las gestantes estudiadas. El factor de riesgo más frecuente fue el antecedente familiar de hipertensión arterial. La forma clínica que prevaleció fue la pre eclampsia-eclampsia.

  4. Novel application of stem cell-derived factors for periodontal regeneration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inukai, Takeharu; Katagiri, Wataru; Yoshimi, Ryoko; Osugi, Masashi; Kawai, Takamasa; Hibi, Hideharu; Ueda, Minoru


    Highlights: ► Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) secrete a variety of cytokines. ► Cytokines were detected in conditioned medium from cultured MSCs (MSC-CM). ► MSC-CM enhanced activation of dog MSCs and periodontal ligament cells. ► MSC-CM significantly promoted alveolar bone and cementum regeneration. ► Multiple cytokines contained in MSC-CM promote periodontal regeneration. -- Abstract: The effect of conditioned medium from cultured mesenchymal stem cells (MSC-CM) on periodontal regeneration was evaluated. In vitro, MSC-CM stimulated migration and proliferation of dog MSCs (dMSCs) and dog periodontal ligament cells (dPDLCs). Cytokines such as insulin-like growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, transforming growth factor-β1, and hepatocyte growth factor were detected in MSC-CM. In vivo, one-wall critical-size, intrabony periodontal defects were surgically created in the mandible of dogs. Dogs with these defects were divided into three groups that received MSC-CM, PBS, or no implants. Absorbable atelo-collagen sponges (TERUPLUG®) were used as a scaffold material. Based on radiographic and histological observation 4 weeks after transplantation, the defect sites in the MSC-CM group displayed significantly greater alveolar bone and cementum regeneration than the other groups. These findings suggest that MSC-CM enhanced periodontal regeneration due to multiple cytokines contained in MSC-CM.

  5. Periodontitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis y su relación con la expresión de quorum sensing Periodontitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis and its relation to quorum sensing expression

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    Antonio Díaz Caballero


    Full Text Available Los mecanismos de señalización bacteriana desempeñan un papel fundamental en el establecimiento y progresión de la enfermedad periodontal. Dadas estas circunstancias es crucial profundizar en el entendimiento de estos mecanismos para intentar proveer estrategias terapéuticas novedosas. El presente artículo de revisión, de carácter narrativo, tiene como objetivo conducir un análisis crítico de la evidencia disponible sobre la influencia de Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg y expresión de quorum sensing (Qs en enfermedad periodontal. Se realizó una búsqueda a través de bases de datos como Ovid (MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, Hinari. El conocimiento actual de estos mecanismos ofrece la posibilidad de desarrollar nuevos y profundos estudios (teóricos y experimentales sobre la expresión del QS en pacientes con enfermedad periodontal y permitirá un novedoso campo de investigación con el que no se cuenta en la actualidad. Desde su descubrimiento, el QS se vislumbra como un espacio de investigación valioso en el cual se debe insistir de manera permanente. La anterior evidencia permite concluir que a través de la regulación de la expresión de determinados genes en bacterias como la PG, se puede efectuar la inhibición de la formación de las biopelículas que tiene efectos directos e indirectos sobre el desarrollo de la enfermedad periodontal.The bacterial signaling mechanisms play a key role in the establishment and progression of periodontal disease. Due to these circumstances it is crucial to deepen in the understanding of these mechanisms to try to provide novel therapeutic strategies. The objective of present narrative literature review was to make a critical analyze of the available evidence on the influence of Porphyromonas gingivalis (PG and the quorum sensing expression in periodontal disease. Using the Ovid (MEDLINE ScienceDirect, Hinari database we made a search. The current knowledge of these mechanisms offers the possibility of

  6. Novel application of stem cell-derived factors for periodontal regeneration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Inukai, Takeharu, E-mail: [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan); Katagiri, Wataru, E-mail: [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan); Yoshimi, Ryoko, E-mail: [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan); Osugi, Masashi, E-mail: [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan); Kawai, Takamasa, E-mail: [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan); Hibi, Hideharu, E-mail: [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan); Ueda, Minoru, E-mail: [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) secrete a variety of cytokines. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cytokines were detected in conditioned medium from cultured MSCs (MSC-CM). Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer MSC-CM enhanced activation of dog MSCs and periodontal ligament cells. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer MSC-CM significantly promoted alveolar bone and cementum regeneration. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Multiple cytokines contained in MSC-CM promote periodontal regeneration. -- Abstract: The effect of conditioned medium from cultured mesenchymal stem cells (MSC-CM) on periodontal regeneration was evaluated. In vitro, MSC-CM stimulated migration and proliferation of dog MSCs (dMSCs) and dog periodontal ligament cells (dPDLCs). Cytokines such as insulin-like growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, transforming growth factor-{beta}1, and hepatocyte growth factor were detected in MSC-CM. In vivo, one-wall critical-size, intrabony periodontal defects were surgically created in the mandible of dogs. Dogs with these defects were divided into three groups that received MSC-CM, PBS, or no implants. Absorbable atelo-collagen sponges (TERUPLUG Registered-Sign ) were used as a scaffold material. Based on radiographic and histological observation 4 weeks after transplantation, the defect sites in the MSC-CM group displayed significantly greater alveolar bone and cementum regeneration than the other groups. These findings suggest that MSC-CM enhanced periodontal regeneration due to multiple cytokines contained in MSC-CM.

  7. Expresión de citoquinas Th17 y su correlación con periodontopatógenos y el área periodontal inflamada en pacientes con periodontitis crónica


    Herane, A.; Chaparro, A.; Quintero, A.; Sanz, A.; Hernández, M.; Gaedechens, D.; Carrión, F.; Inostroza, C.


    Antecedentes: La periodontitis es una enfermedad inflamatoria infecciosa que involucra una respuesta inmune del hospedero y se caracteriza por destrucción del hueso alveolar, el objetivo del estudio es analizar la expresión de citoquinas Th17 y su correlación con periodontopatógenos y el área periodontal inflamada en pacientes con periodontitis crónica. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo exploratorio en el que se reclutaron 23 pacientes con diagnóstico de periodontitis crónica y un gru...

  8. Prevalencia de caries y enfermedad periodontal en estudiantes de odontología

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    Katherine Margarita Arrieta Vergara


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de describir la prevalencia de caries y enfermedad periodontal en estudiantes de odontología y determinar la asociación con variables demográficas, se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal. La muestra se seleccionó por muestreo probabilístico estratificado y correspondió a 234 estudiantes del programa de Odontología de la Universidad de Cartagena. Las mediciones clínicas se realizaron a través de los índices: COP, ICDAS II, INTCP y de higiene bucal simplificado de Green y Vermillion. Además se midió la edad, sexo y estrato socioeconómico. Se realizó análisis univariado (distribuciones de frecuencia y promedios, análisis bivariados y se usó la prueba estadística X² para la significancia estadística. La prevalencia general de experiencia de caries en los sujetos participantes fue de 55,9 % (IC 95 %; 49-62, al mostrarse mayor prevalencia de las lesiones precavitacionales. En cuanto al COP-S, el promedio fue de 10,1 (DE= 5,5, al observarse más alto para el grupo de estudiantes mayores de 26 años (p= 0,05 y en estudiantes que pertenecen al estrato 1 (bajo (p= 0,03. Se presentó una alta carga de morbilidad bucal, pero según la gravedad de la mayoría de los eventos, estos se encuentran en etapa inicial, lo que permitió un diagnóstico oportuno para evitar su progresión.


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    Silvia MÂRŢU


    Full Text Available Introduction: The periodontal disease represents a malady characterized by an extremely high incidence. The manifestations and evolution of the periodontal diseases vary for each form in part, being influenced by systemic and local risk factors. Scope of the study: To evaluate the periodontal status on a group of patients, versus the syste‐ mic and local factors. Materials and method: The study was performed on a group of 170 patients, whose odonto‐periodontal status was evaluated by strict clinical and paraclinical examinations, on establishing the inflammation indices and the periodontal diagnosis. Results: The main cause of the analysis was gingival ble‐ eding; an increased number of smokers was registered among the patients. Out of the local factors, especially important were edentations and malocclusions. Also, a higher number of aggressive generalized periodontites has been noticed. Discussion: The forms of the periodontal diseases are obviously influenced by the systemic context, while the forms of localized chronic periodontitis associa‐ ted with generalized chronic gingivitis reflect the role pla‐ yed by the local risk factors. Conclusions: Stress and smoking represent significant risk factors in the installation of periodontal pathology, with a really alarming preva‐ lence. The aggressive forms of periodontitis showed a higher frequency than that recorded in literature.

  10. Keratinocyte growth factor mRNA expression in periodontal ligament fibroblasts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dabelsteen, S; Wandall, H H; Grøn, B


    Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is a fibroblast growth factor which mediates epithelial growth and differentiation. KGF is expressed in subepithelial fibroblasts, but generally not in fibroblasts of deep connective tissue, such as fascia and ligaments. Here we demonstrate that KGF mRNA is expres......Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is a fibroblast growth factor which mediates epithelial growth and differentiation. KGF is expressed in subepithelial fibroblasts, but generally not in fibroblasts of deep connective tissue, such as fascia and ligaments. Here we demonstrate that KGF m......RNA is expressed in periodontal ligament fibroblasts, and that the expression is increased upon serum stimulation. Fibroblasts from human periodontal ligament, from buccal mucosa, from gingiva, and from skin were established from explants. Alkaline phosphatase activity was used as an indicator of the periodontal...

  11. Algunos riesgos durante el embarazo en relación con la enfermedad periodontal y la caries dental en Yemen Some risks during pregnancy related to periodontal disease and dental cavities in Yemen

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    Maribel de las Mercedes Bastarrechea Milián


    Full Text Available Yemen es un país con grandes diferencias regionales en su estructura social, económica y de alfabetización, lo cual se demuestra en los índices de mortalidad materna, mortalidad infantil y morbilidad de los niños menores de 5 años y las existentes necesidades para el cuidado de salud de su población. Teniendo en cuenta esta situación nos propusimos valorar cómo influyen en el estado de salud bucal de la embarazada algunos riesgos biosociales identificados en la bibliografía. Para ello se realizó un estudio analítico transversal y fueron estudiadas todas las embarazadas encontradas en el Al Wahdah Teaching Hospital y en el policlínico de atención prenatal de Kormarzar, ambos situados en la ciudad de Adén, Yemen, durante un período de 8 meses. Las gestantes fueron clasificadas según nivel de riesgo (alto, moderado y bajo y estos fueron relacionados con la presencia de caries dental y enfermedad periodontal.Yemen is a country with great regional differences in its social, economic and literacy structure, which is demonstrated in death mother mortality, children mortality of children aged younger than 5 and the present needs for health care of its population. Taking into account this situation our objective was to value how some biosocial risk factors identified in the bibliography may influence on the buccal health status in the pregnant. Thus, a cross-sectional analytical study was conducted and also all pregnant seen in the Al Wahdah Teaching Hospital and in prenatal care polyclinic in Kormazar, both located in Aden city, Yemen during 8 months. Pregnants were classified according the risk level (high, moderate and low and these were related to presence of dental cavities and periodontal disease.

  12. Modifiable risk factors in periodontitis: at the intersection of aging and disease. (United States)

    Reynolds, Mark A


    Chronic inflammation is a prominent feature of aging and of common age-related diseases, including atherosclerosis, cancer and periodontitis. This volume examines modifiable risk factors for periodontitis and other chronic inflammatory diseases. Oral bacterial communities and viral infections, particularly with cytomegalovirus and other herpesviruses, elicit distinct immune responses and are central in the initiation of periodontal diseases. Risk of disease is dynamic and changes in response to complex interactions of genetic, environmental and stochastic factors over the lifespan. Many modifiable risk factors, such as smoking and excess caloric intake, contribute to increases in systemic markers of inflammation and can modify gene regulation through a variety of biologic mechanisms (e.g. epigenetic modifications). Periodontitis and other common chronic inflammatory diseases share multiple modifiable risk factors, such as tobacco smoking, psychological stress and depression, alcohol consumption, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis. Interventions that target modifiable risk factors have the potential to improve risk profiles for periodontitis as well as for other common chronic diseases. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Gene therapy with growth factors for periodontal tissue engineering–A review (United States)

    Gupta, Shipra; Mahendra, Aneet


    The treatment of oral and periodontal diseases and associated anomalies accounts for a significant proportion of the healthcare burden, with the manifestations of these conditions being functionally and psychologically debilitating. A challenge faced by periodontal therapy is the predictable regeneration of periodontal tissues lost as a consequence of disease. Growth factors are critical to the development, maturation, maintenance and repair of oral tissues as they establish an extra-cellular environment that is conducive to cell and tissue growth. Tissue engineering principles aim to exploit these properties in the development of biomimetic materials that can provide an appropriate microenvironment for tissue development. The aim of this paper is to review emerging periodontal therapies in the areas of materials science, growth factor biology and cell/gene therapy. Various such materials have been formulated into devices that can be used as vehicles for delivery of cells, growth factors and DNA. Different mechanisms of drug delivery are addressed in the context of novel approaches to reconstruct and engineer oral and tooth supporting structure. Key words: Periodontal disease, gene therapy, regeneration, tissue repair, growth factors, tissue engineering. PMID:22143705

  14. Periodontal and periimplant maintenance: a critical factor in long-term treatment success. (United States)

    Shumaker, Nicholas D; Metcalf, Brett T; Toscano, Nicholas T; Holtzclaw, Dan J


    Periodontal maintenance (PM) is a critical factor in the long-term success of both periodontal and dental implant therapy. Studies have shown both modern periodontal and dental implant therapies are effective in maintaining natural teeth and replacing lost teeth, respectively. However, without a regular program of clinical reevaluation, plaque control, oral hygiene instruction, and reassessment of biomechanical factors, the benefits of treatment often are lost and inflammatory disease in the form of recurrent periodontitis or periimplantitis may result. This article reviews the goals, types, and appropriate frequency of PM in periodontal and dental implant therapy, as well as the incidence and etiology of periimplant disease and strategies for management when recurrent disease develops during the maintenance phase of treatment.

  15. Periodontitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis y su relación con la expresión de quorum sensing

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    Antonio Díaz Caballero


    Full Text Available Los mecanismos de señalización bacteriana desempeñan un papel fundamental en el establecimiento y progresión de la enfermedad periodontal. Dadas estas circunstancias es crucial profundizar en el entendimiento de estos mecanismos para intentar proveer estrategias terapéuticas novedosas. El presente artículo de revisión, de carácter narrativo, tiene como objetivo conducir un análisis crítico de la evidencia disponible sobre la influencia de Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg y expresión de quorum sensing (Qs en enfermedad periodontal. Se realizó una búsqueda a través de bases de datos como Ovid (MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, Hinari. El conocimiento actual de estos mecanismos ofrece la posibilidad de desarrollar nuevos y profundos estudios (teóricos y experimentales sobre la expresión del QS en pacientes con enfermedad periodontal y permitirá un novedoso campo de investigación con el que no se cuenta en la actualidad. Desde su descubrimiento, el QS se vislumbra como un espacio de investigación valioso en el cual se debe insistir de manera permanente. La anterior evidencia permite concluir que a través de la regulación de la expresión de determinados genes en bacterias como la PG, se puede efectuar la inhibición de la formación de las biopelículas que tiene efectos directos e indirectos sobre el desarrollo de la enfermedad periodontal.

  16. The two-way relationship between iatrogenic factor and periodontal tissues

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    Sri Oktawati


    Full Text Available Iatrogenic factors refer to anyinadequate medical treatment or diagnostic proceduresconducted inadvertently by practitioners who precipitate adverse injuries or symptoms. The unavoidable consequences of these factors should be corrected promptly, as they may result in erroneous treatment or new injury either on the tooth or the periodontium or both. Periodontal disease has a multifactorial etiology, which results from the interaction of local and systemic factors, intrinsically or extrinsically. Therefore, in most cases of periodontal disease, aninterdisciplinary approach is needed, such as restorative treatment of interproximal cavities that may induced food impacted. In contrary, a periodontal therapy could also act as an iatrogenic factor in the case of dentinal hypersensitivity or gingival recessionthat frequently creates an adverse effect in esthetic. Our discussion here is presented so that dentists could treat carefully and give a lot of attention to potential danger of other consequences of iatrogenic factors.

  17. Risk factors of chronic periodontitis on healing response: a multilevel modelling analysis. (United States)

    Song, J; Zhao, H; Pan, C; Li, C; Liu, J; Pan, Y


    Chronic periodontitis is a multifactorial polygenetic disease with an increasing number of associated factors that have been identified over recent decades. Longitudinal epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that the risk factors were related to the progression of the disease. A traditional multivariate regression model was used to find risk factors associated with chronic periodontitis. However, the approach requirement of standard statistical procedures demands individual independence. Multilevel modelling (MLM) data analysis has widely been used in recent years, regarding thorough hierarchical structuring of the data, decomposing the error terms into different levels, and providing a new analytic method and framework for solving this problem. The purpose of our study is to investigate the relationship of clinical periodontal index and the risk factors in chronic periodontitis through MLM analysis and to identify high-risk individuals in the clinical setting. Fifty-four patients with moderate to severe periodontitis were included. They were treated by means of non-surgical periodontal therapy, and then made follow-up visits regularly at 3, 6, and 12 months after therapy. Each patient answered a questionnaire survey and underwent measurement of clinical periodontal parameters. Compared with baseline, probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL) improved significantly after non-surgical periodontal therapy with regular follow-up visits at 3, 6, and 12 months after therapy. The null model and variance component models with no independent variables included were initially obtained to investigate the variance of the PD and CAL reductions across all three levels, and they showed a statistically significant difference (P periodontal therapy with regular follow-up visits had a remarkable curative effect. All three levels had a substantial influence on the reduction of PD and CAL. Site-level had the largest effect on PD and CAL reductions.

  18. Prevalence and risk factors of CKD in Chinese patients with periodontal disease.

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    Kejin Liu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Periodontal disease is common among adults and is associated with an increasing risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD. We aimed to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of CKD in patients with periodontal disease in China. METHODS: In the current cross-sectional study, patients with periodontal disease were included from Guangdong Provincial Stomatological Hospital between March 2011 and August 2011. CKD was defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m(2, the presence of albuminuria, or hematuria. All patients with periodontal disease underwent a periodontal examination, including periodontal probing pocket depth, gingival recession, and clinical attachment level by Florida Probe. They completed a questionnaire and had blood and urine samples taken. The adjusted prevalence of indicators of kidney damage was calculated and risk factors associated with CKD were analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 1392 patients with periodontal disease were invited to participate this study and 1268 completed the survey and examination. After adjusting for age and sex, the prevalence of reduced eGFR, albuminuria, and hematuria was 2.7% (95% CI 1.7-3.7, 6.7% (95% CI 5.5-8.1 and 10.9% (95% CI 9.2-12.5, respectively. The adjusted prevalence of CKD was 18.2% (95% CI 16.2-20.3. Age, male, diabetes, hypertension, history of CKD, hyperuricemia, and interleukin-6 levels (≥7.54 ng/L were independent risk factors for reduced eGFR. Female, diabetes, hypertension, history of CKD, hyperuricemia, high level of cholesterol, and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP (≥ 1.03 mg/L and TNF-α levels (≥ 1.12 ng/L were independently associated with an increased risk of albuminuria. Female, lower education (factors for hematuria. CONCLUSIONS: 18.2% of Chinese patients with periodontal disease have proteinuria, hematuria, or reduced eGFR, indicating the presence of kidney damage

  19. Age and oral health: current considerations Edad y salud oral: consideraciones actuales

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    Andrew Tawse-Smith


    Full Text Available Dental plaque is still considered the main etiological factor for periodontal diseases. Our understanding of periodontal disease has advanced from the previous concepts where gingivitis slowly progressed to periodontitis to a more complex scenario that correlates several risk factors in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. Among these factors, age has been associated with increased rates of periodontal disease as the population gets older. Although the loss of alveolar bone and periodontal attachment is common in the elderly population, and there is evident age-related changes in the periodontium, severe periodontitis is not a natural consequence of ageing. The importance of identifying the risk factors that participate in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease at an early phase, both of the individual and the disease, as well as evaluating the capacity of the individual to control dental plaque will enable the implementation of an adequate preventive program, where the needs and limitations of the individual are considered to specifically tailor the oral hygiene procedures and the mouthwashes to be used.La placa dental es aún considerada el factor etiológico primario de la enfermedad periodontal. La etiopatogenia de esta enfermedad ha avanzado del concepto anterior donde una gingivitis progresaba lentamente a una periodontitis, a un escenario más complejo donde varios factores de riesgo se correlacionan. Dentro estos factores, el envejecimiento ha sido asociado con mayores porcentajes de enfermedad periodontal a medida que la población envejece. Aunque la pérdida ósea y de inserción es común en el adulto mayor y los cambios del periodonto son evidentes con la edad, la enfermedad periodontal severa no es una consecuencia natural del envejecimiento. La importancia de identificar en una etapa temprana del individuo y de la enfermedad los factores de riesgo que participan en la patogenesis de la enfermedad periodontal, así como la

  20. Factores de riesgo en la enfermedad coronaria

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    Francisco Grajales


    Full Text Available

    We performed a case-control study comparing 40 cases of clinically, electrocardiographically and enzymatically proven myocardial infarction with 16 controls matched for age, sex and Institution. We found association between the myocardial infarction and cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, cholesterol above 250 mg/dl, triglycerides above 150 mg/dl, uric acid over 8 mg/dill men or 6 mg/dill women, family history of diabetes or coronary heart disease, sedentary Life style, amount of coffee drinking and use of birth-control pills. These factors were synergistic. The high prevalence of smoking In the general population leads to the suggestion that It Is the most Important risk factor and that It could explain the greater number of cases of coronary disease, even If the association was not strong. Any public health actions aimed at reducing the frequency of this disease should include smoking reduction.

    Mediante un estudio de casos y controles, se compararon 40 pacientes con infarto del m 10- cardio comprobado clínica, electrocardiográfica y enzimáticamente, con 16 controles equiparados por edad, sexo e Institución; se comprobó asociación con el hábito de fumar, la presión arterial elevada, el colesterol de 250 ó más mg/dl; los triglicéridos de 150 ó más mg/dl, el ácido úrico de 8 ó más mg/dl en hombres y de 6 ó más mg/dl en mujeres; los antecedentes familiares de diabetes y enfermedad coronarla; la vida sedentaria; la Ingestión de café y el uso de anticonceptivos orales; también se demostró el sinergismo de dichos factores.

    Por la elevada prevalencia de fumadores en la población general se presume que el hábito de fumar fue el

  1. Trefoil factors in saliva and gingival tissues of patients with chronic periodontitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chaiyarit, Ponlatham; Chayasadom, Anek; Wara-Aswapati, Nawarat


    BACKGROUND: Trefoil factors (TFFs) are secreted molecules that are involved in cytoprotection against tissue damage and the immune response. TFFs have been detected in saliva and oral tissues, but their clinical significance has never been investigated in patients with chronic periodontitis....... The objective of this study is to determine whether TFF expression in saliva and gingival tissues is associated with periodontal pathology. METHODS: Saliva and gingival tissue samples were collected from 25 non-periodontitis individuals and 25 patients with chronic periodontitis (CP). Enzyme...... observed in patients with CP (P = 0.003 and P periodontal pathology and number of Porphyromonas gingivalis...

  2. Factors Associated with Periodontal Disease in Pregnant Diabetic Women. (United States)

    Anwar, N; Zaman, N; Nimmi, N; Chowdhury, T A; Khan, M H


    There have been an association between systemic diseases and hormonal changes particularly diabetes which has been cited as a risk factor in the progression of periodontitis in pregnant women. The incidence and severity of periodontal diseases are increasing at a higher rate and a common condition in pregnant diabetic women among Bangladeshi population. This cross sectional study included 200 pregnant women who were selected from gynecological department and examined at the dental unit. The clinical parameters used were the Silness and Loe plaque index (PI), gingival scores and periodontal status and any relationship to socio demographic variables (age, occupation, level of education and urban or rural residence) and clinical variables (gestation period, previous pregnancy, type of diabetes and periodontal maintenance) were evaluated. The results showed that these clinical parameters increased concomitantly with an increase in the stage of pregnancy and in women with multiple pregnancies. Increased age, lower level of education, unemployment and patients residing in rural areas were associated with significantly higher gingival scores and periodontal measures. Women with increased age and multiple pregnancies usually have less interest to frequent periodontal maintenance showing a significant statistical relation between an increased age and changes in gingival and periodontal status; however no significant association was found between increased age and plaque index. It is concluded that gingival inflammatory symptoms are aggravated during pregnancy in diabetic women and are related to different clinical and demographic variables.

  3. Prevalence and risk factors of periodontal disease among pre-conception Chinese women. (United States)

    Jiang, Hong; Su, Yi; Xiong, Xu; Harville, Emily; Wu, Hongqiao; Jiang, Zhijun; Qian, Xu


    Periodontal disease is one of the most common chronic infectious diseases. It has been reported that periodontal disease is associated with various adverse pregnancy outcomes including preterm birth, low birth weight, and gestational diabetes mellitus. Given the fact that the treatment for periodontal disease during pregnancy was ineffective in improving pregnancy outcomes by most of studies, the pre-conception period has been put forward as a more optimal time. However, very few studies have reported the prevalence of periodontal disease among pre-conception women. This study aimed to examine the prevalence and risk factors of periodontal disease among Chinese pre-conception women. A survey was conducted among pre-conception women at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Changzhou, China between January 2012 and December 2014. A total of 987 pre-conception women were recruited for a full-mouth dental examination after providing informed consent. A dental examination was carried out by probing six sites per tooth using a manual UNC-15 probe and a recording form. The overall rate of periodontal disease among participants was 73.9% (729/987) (95% confidence interval (CI): 71.0-76.6%). Among women with periodontal disease, 48.0% of cases were mild, 50.9% were moderate and 1.1% were severe. Self-reported bleeding during tooth brushing was the only significant predictive factor for overall periodontal disease (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 3.71, 95% CI: 2.24, 6.15, P periodontal disease (aOR: 5.17, 95% CI: 3.05, 8.79, P periodontal disease was found in pre-conception Chinese women. Women who have bleeding during tooth brushing could be at increased risk of periodontal disease, and might require further oral health care.

  4. Algunas reflexiones sobre el tabaquismo como factor de riesgo para diferentes enfermedades

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    Miriam Bolet Astoviza


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión sobre el tabaquismo como factor de riesgo para muchas enfermedades, entre ellas, las cardiovasculares, con el objetivo de profundizar sobre los efectos perjudiciales de esta drogadicción, y para que todos los médicos se actualicen sobre el tema. Trata la magnitud del problema, enfermedades que provoca, fumadores activos y pasivos, prevención y recomendaciones.A literature review on smoking as a risk factor in many diseases, particularly, the cardiovascular diseases was made to delve into the harmful effects of this drug addiction and to update the knowledge of all the physicians on this topic. This paper deals with the size of the problem, the diseases caused, active and passive smokers, prevention and recommendations.

  5. Papel del estrés en la etiopatogenia de la Enfermedad Periodontal The role of stress in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease


    G Barbieri Petrelli; L Mateos Ramírez; Bascones Martínez


    En el carácter crónico de la periodontitis está determinada la influencia de condiciones o factores de riesgo en la progresión de este cuadro patológico. Entre éstas se encuentran diabetes, tabaco, desórdenes genéticos, etc. Recientemente, diversos estudios han intentado relacionar el estrés psicológico a la prevalencia y progresión de la EP, con distintos resultados en función de la población estudiada, así como de la capacidad de aislar este posible factor de riesgo de otros que pudieran in...

  6. Periodontitis as a Modifiable Risk Factor for Dementia: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. (United States)

    Lee, Yao-Tung; Lee, Hsin-Chien; Hu, Chaur-Jongh; Huang, Li-Kai; Chao, Shu-Ping; Lin, Chia-Pei; Su, Emily Chia-Yu; Lee, Yi-Chen; Chen, Chu-Chieh


    To determine whether periodontitis is a modifiable risk factor for dementia. Prospective cohort study. National Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan. Individuals aged 65 and older with periodontitis (n = 3,028) and an age- and sex-matched control group (n = 3,028). Individuals with periodontitis were compared age- and sex-matched controls with for incidence density and hazard ratio (HR) of new-onset dementia. Periodontitis was defined according to International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes 523.3-5 diagnosed by dentists. To ensure diagnostic validity, only those who had concurrently received antibiotic therapies, periodontal treatment other than scaling, or scaling more than twice per year performed by certified dentists were included. Dementia was defined according to ICD-9-CM codes 290.0-290.4, 294.1, 331.0-331.2. After adjustment for confounding factors, the risk of developing dementia was calculated to be higher for participants with periodontitis (HR = 1.16, 95% confidence interval = 1.01-1.32, P = .03) than for those without. Periodontitis is associated with greater risk of developing dementia. Periodontal infection is treatable, so it might be a modifiable risk factor for dementia. Clinicians must devote greater attention to this potential association in an effort to develop new preventive and therapeutic strategies for dementia. © 2016, Copyright the Authors Journal compilation © 2016, The American Geriatrics Society.

  7. Correlación clínico-histopatológicaen la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoriacrónica

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    Nereyda Riesgo Lobaina


    Full Text Available Se realizó el estudio de 40 biopsias seleccionadas en el Departamento de Anatomía Patológica de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, 20 correspondientes a pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de gingivitis crónica y 20 pacientes con periodontitis, con la finalidad de conocer los principales cambios que se producen en el epitelio y la lámina propia. Estos casos tuvieron la condición de no referir al interrogatorio enfermedad sistémica, lo cual se verificó al consultar las historias clínicas de los casos seleccionados. El análisis de las muestras de biopsias obtenidas demostró la alta correspondencia del diagnóstico clínico y los hallazgos histomorfológicos encontrados, lo cual corrobora una serie de estudios realizados en nuestro país y a nivel mundial.Study of 40 selected biopsies was carried out in Pathologic Anatomy Department of Dentistry Faculty of Havana City, 20 ot them corresponding to patients with clinical diagnosis of chronic gingivitis, in order to know main changes produced in epithelium and lamina propria. These cases, when they were interviewed not refered systemic disease, which was verified by searching in medical records of selected patients. Analysis of sample biopsies obtained demonstrate a high corrspondence between clinical diagnosis and histomorphologic findings, what corroborates a serie of studies carried out in our country and worldwide.

  8. Hepatocyte Growth Factor Levels in the Saliva and Gingival Crevicular Fluid in Smokers with Periodontitis

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    Sukumaran Anil


    Full Text Available Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF production by oral fibroblasts is enhanced by various molecules that are induced during inflammatory conditions including periodontitis. HGF plays an important role in the progression of periodontitis, by stimulating intense growth of epithelial cells and preventing regeneration of connective tissue attachments. Smokers have a greater risk factor in the pathogenesis and progression of periodontal disease. The objective of the study was to estimate the level of HGF in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF in smokers with periodontitis and to compare these levels with that of nonsmokers with periodontitis and healthy controls. The HGF levels were found to be significantly high in the saliva and GCF of smokers with periodontitis compared to both never-smokers with periodontitis and the healthy control group. The elevated levels of HGF in the saliva and GCF in the study population could explain the intrinsic mechanism triggering the severity of the periodontitis in smokers. Further studies are necessary to validate the current observations and to establish a sensitive marker to predict periodontal disease activity.

  9. Psychological Stress Delays Periodontitis Healing in Rats: The Involvement of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor

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    Ya-Juan Zhao


    Full Text Available Objective. To evaluate the effects of psychological stress on periodontitis healing in rats and the contribution of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF expression to the healing process. Methods. Ninety-six rats were randomly distributed into control group, periodontitis group, and periodontitis plus stress group. Then, the rats were sacrificed at baseline and week(s 1, 2, and 4. The periodontitis healing condition was assessed, and the expression of interleukin-1β (IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α, and bFGF were tested by immunohistochemistry. Results. The stressed rats showed reduced body weight gain, behavioral changes, and increased serum corticosterone and ACTH levels (. The surface of inflammatory infiltrate, alveolar bone loss, attachment loss, and expression of IL-1β and TNF-α in the stress group were higher than those in the periodontitis group at weeks 2 and 4 (. Rats with experimental periodontitis showed decreased bFGF expression (, and the recovery of bFGF expression in the stress group was slower than that in the periodontitis group (. Negative correlations between inflammatory cytokines and bFGF were detected. Conclusion. Psychological stress could delay periodontitis healing in rats, which may be partly mediated by downregulation of the expression of bFGF in the periodontal ligament.

  10. Periodontal Disease: A Possible Risk-Factor for Adverse Pregnancy Outcome. (United States)

    Parihar, Anuj Singh; Katoch, Vartika; Rajguru, Sneha A; Rajpoot, Nami; Singh, Pinojj; Wakhle, Sonal


    Bacterial invasion in subgingival sites especially of gram-negative organisms are initiators for periodontal diseases. The periodontal pathogens with persistent inflammation lead to destruction of periodontium. In recent years, periodontal diseases have been associated with a number of systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular-disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory diseases and adverse pregnancy outcomes including pre-term low-birth weight (PLBW) and pre-eclampsia. The factors like low socio-economic status, mother's age, race, multiple births, tobacco and drug-abuse may be found to increase risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. However, the same are less correlated with PLBW cases. Even the invasion of both aerobic and anerobic may lead to inflammation of gastrointestinal tract and vagina hence contributing to PLBW. The biological mechanism involved between PLBW and Maternal periodontitis is the translocation of chemical mediators of inflammation. Pre-eclampsia is one of the commonest cause of both maternal and fetal morbidity as it is characterized by hypertension and hyperprotenuria. Improving periodontal health before or during pregnancy may prevent or reduce the occurrences of these adverse pregnancy outcomes and, therefore, reduce the maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Hence, this article is an attempt to review the relationship between periodontal condition and altered pregnancy outcome.


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    T. Fernández-Mora


    Full Text Available La ateroesclerosis está involucrada en el desarrollo de la enfermedad cardiovascular, una de las principales enfermedades de morbimortalidad en el mundo. Se han determinado una serie de factores de riesgo, tanto clásicos como emergentes, implicados en el desarrollo de esta enfermedad. Recientes investigaciones han demostrado que la inflamación juega un papel clave en el desarrollo de la ateroesclerosis. Las células del sistema inmune se encuentran presentes en todos los estadios de las lesiones arterioescleróticasy sus moléculas efectoras pueden acelerar la progresión de las lesiones y orquestar los mecanismos de inflamación inducidos en los síndromes coronarios agudos. La evidencia crítica implica a mediadores de la inmunidad tanto innata como adquirida en los diferentes estados de la ateroesclerosis. Dentro de loscomponentes inmunes involucrados en el proceso de la ateroesclerosis se encuentran componentes celulares como macrófagos, linfocitos, células dendríticas, mastocitos, células NK; componentes humoralescomo anticuerpos, citocinas proinflamatorias y moduladoras de la respuesta inmune, complemento, proteínas de fase aguda; y otros componentes como moléculas de adhesión y de choque térmico. A partirdel esclarecimiento del papel del sistema inmune en el desarrollo de la arterioesclerosis, han surgido una serie de perspectivas diagnósticas y terapéuticas para la enfermedad cardiovascular.

  12. A critique on nuclear factor-kappa B and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3: The key transcription factors in periodontal pathogenesis

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    Ranjith Ambili


    Full Text Available Periodontal disease is initiated by microorganisms in dental plaque, and host immunoinflammatory response to the microbial challenge helps in disease progression. Conventional periodontal therapy was mainly targeted on the elimination of microbial component. However, a better understanding of molecular aspects in host response will enable the clinicians to formulate effective host modulation therapy (HMT for the periodontal management. Inflammatory mediators were the main targets for HMT in the past. Transcription factors can regulate the production of multiple mediators simultaneously, and inhibition of these factors will be more beneficial than blocking individual molecule. Two important transcription factors implicated in chronic inflammatory diseases are nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB and signal transducers and activators of transcription 3. The role of these factors in periodontal disease is a less explored area. This comprehensive review is aimed at unveiling the critical role of NF-κB and signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 in periodontal pathogenesis. An online search was performed using MEDLINE/PubMed database. All publications till 2016 related to NF-κB, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3, and inflammation were included in writing this review. A total of 27,390 references were published based on the search terms used. Out of these, 507 were related to the periodontal research published in English till 2016. Relevant papers were chosen after carefully reading the abstract. This review has attempted to comprehend the existing knowledge regarding the role of transcription factors NF-κB and STAT3 in periodontal disease. Moreover, it also provides a connecting molecular link for the periodontal medicine concept.

  13. Prevalencia y gravedad de las periodontopatías en adultos jóvenes del municipio Artemisa en relación con la práctica del tabaquismo Prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases in young adults of Artemisa municipality in relation to smoking.

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    Eladio Miguel Traviesas Herrera


    Full Text Available Las periodontopatías inmunoinflamatorias crónicas son una de las enfermedades que más prevalecen en la actualidad. Asociadas a estas se encuentra como factor de riesgo el tabaquismo. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en adultos jóvenes fumadores comprendidos entre 15 y 29 años que acudieron al Servicio de Estomatología del P.P.U. (Policlínico “Adrián Sansarico”, del municipio Artemisa desde septiembre 2005 hasta febrero 2006, con la finalidad de identificar la prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal. Se agruparon los individuos atendiendo a la edad, estado periodontal y cantidad de cigarrillos que consumen diariamente. Se llevó a cabo la realización de una encuesta y el examen bucal a todos los que aprobaron formar parte de la muestra; se aplicó el índice periodontal de Russell revisado por la OMS. Existe un comportamiento similar en los registros de fumadores y no fumadores en nuestra muestra. La prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal es del 100 % en los examinados fumadores, no así en la población no fumadora. En nuestro estudio pudimos determinar que la intensidad del tabaquismo aumenta a medida que se incrementa la edad de los examinados, así como que el estado periodontal de los fumadores se deteriora en correspondencia con la intensidad de esta práctica. El estado periodontal de los fumadores está más comprometido en los fumadores con respecto a los no fumadores.Chronic immuno-inflammatory periodontal diseases are one of nowadays more prevalent diseases. Associated to above is the smoking as risk factor. A cross, descriptive and observational study was conducted in smokers young adults aged 15-29, seen in Stomatology Emergency (“Adrián Sansarico” Polyclinic in Artemisa municipality from September 2005 to February 2006, to identify prevalence of periodontal disease. By age, periodontal status, cigarettes smoked a day subjects were grouped. A survey and a oral examination were

  14. Cicatrización guiada en perros criollos con enfermedad periodontal natural Uso de barreras de fabricación nacional

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    Carmen Alicia Cardozo de Martínez


    Full Text Available Este estudio multietapas evaluó, mediante el empleo de membranas de fabricación nacional, la capacidad regenerativa del periodonto en perros criollos con enfermedad periodontal natural. Siguiendo el diseño experimental de boca dividida -validado por Wikesjo y colaboradores- aplicado para la arcada inferior, se tomó un lado experimental y un lado control, escogiéndose como zonas de trabajo los segundos y terceros premolares. La membrana de fabricación nacional se colocó sobre el lado experimental, cubriendo el defecto furcal, previo raspaje y alisado radicular, en tanto que sobre el defecto control no se colocó membrana, recibiendo solo raspaje y alisado radicular. Las membranas se retiraron entre la cuarta y sexta semana posimplantación. Los resultados fueron los siguientes: 1 clínicamente, sobre los sitios experimentales, se obtuvo una ganancia promedio de inserción de 4,4 mm, mientras que sobre los controles la ganancia promedio fue de 3,6 mm; 2 en términos de porcentaje, se obtuvo una reducción promedio de 62,85% de la profundidad de los defectos sobre los sitios experimentales, en tanto que sobre los controles fue de 51,42%; 3 histométricamente, sobre el lado experimental hubo neoformación de cemento y ligamento periodontal que, en promedio, fue de 3,35 mm, lo cual correspondió a un 47,85% mientras que sobre los controles fue de 3,08 mm, que correspondió a 44%; en cuanto al hueso neoformado, el promedio fue de 2,313 mm (33,71% para los sitios experimentales y de 1,6 mm (22,85% para los sitios control. Histológicamente, se apreció neoformación de cemento radicular, nuevo ligamento periodontal y neoformación ósea hacia el fondo del defecto tanto en los sitios experimentales como en los sitios control; sin embargo, en promedio, la respuesta fue estadísticamente superior en los sitios con membrana. Llamó laatención la enorme variabilidad al evaluar la respuesta en forma individual, encontrándose que, en algunos de los

  15. Trophic factors from adipose tissue-derived multi-lineage progenitor cells promote cytodifferentiation of periodontal ligament cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sawada, Keigo; Takedachi, Masahide; Yamamoto, Satomi; Morimoto, Chiaki; Ozasa, Masao; Iwayama, Tomoaki; Lee, Chun Man; Okura, Hanayuki; Matsuyama, Akifumi; Kitamura, Masahiro; Murakami, Shinya


    Stem and progenitor cells are currently being investigated for their applicability in cell-based therapy for periodontal tissue regeneration. We recently demonstrated that the transplantation of adipose tissue-derived multi-lineage progenitor cells (ADMPCs) enhances periodontal tissue regeneration in beagle dogs. However, the molecular mechanisms by which transplanted ADMPCs induce periodontal tissue regeneration remain to be elucidated. In this study, trophic factors released by ADMPCs were examined for their paracrine effects on human periodontal ligament cell (HPDL) function. ADMPC conditioned medium (ADMPC-CM) up-regulated osteoblastic gene expression, alkaline phosphatase activity and calcified nodule formation in HPDLs, but did not significantly affect their proliferative response. ADMPCs secreted a number of growth factors, including insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 (IGFBP6), hepatocyte growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor. Among these, IGFBP6 was most highly expressed. Interestingly, the positive effects of ADMPC-CM on HPDL differentiation were significantly suppressed by transfecting ADMPCs with IGFBP6 siRNA. Our results suggest that ADMPCs transplanted into a defect in periodontal tissue release trophic factors that can stimulate the differentiation of HPDLs to mineralized tissue-forming cells, such as osteoblasts and cementoblasts. IGFBP6 may play crucial roles in ADMPC-induced periodontal regeneration. - Highlights: • ADMPC-derived humoral factors stimulate cytodifferentiation of HPDLs. • ADMPCs secret growth factors including IGFBP6, VEGF and HGF. • IGFBP6 is involved in the promotion effect of ADMPC-CM on HPDL cytodifferentiation

  16. Trophic factors from adipose tissue-derived multi-lineage progenitor cells promote cytodifferentiation of periodontal ligament cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sawada, Keigo [Department of Periodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka (Japan); Takedachi, Masahide, E-mail: [Department of Periodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka (Japan); Yamamoto, Satomi; Morimoto, Chiaki; Ozasa, Masao; Iwayama, Tomoaki [Department of Periodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka (Japan); Lee, Chun Man [Medical Center for Translational Research, Osaka University Hospital, Osaka (Japan); Okura, Hanayuki; Matsuyama, Akifumi [Research on Disease Bioresources, Platform of Therapeutics for Rare Disease, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Osaka (Japan); Kitamura, Masahiro; Murakami, Shinya [Department of Periodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka (Japan)


    Stem and progenitor cells are currently being investigated for their applicability in cell-based therapy for periodontal tissue regeneration. We recently demonstrated that the transplantation of adipose tissue-derived multi-lineage progenitor cells (ADMPCs) enhances periodontal tissue regeneration in beagle dogs. However, the molecular mechanisms by which transplanted ADMPCs induce periodontal tissue regeneration remain to be elucidated. In this study, trophic factors released by ADMPCs were examined for their paracrine effects on human periodontal ligament cell (HPDL) function. ADMPC conditioned medium (ADMPC-CM) up-regulated osteoblastic gene expression, alkaline phosphatase activity and calcified nodule formation in HPDLs, but did not significantly affect their proliferative response. ADMPCs secreted a number of growth factors, including insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 (IGFBP6), hepatocyte growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor. Among these, IGFBP6 was most highly expressed. Interestingly, the positive effects of ADMPC-CM on HPDL differentiation were significantly suppressed by transfecting ADMPCs with IGFBP6 siRNA. Our results suggest that ADMPCs transplanted into a defect in periodontal tissue release trophic factors that can stimulate the differentiation of HPDLs to mineralized tissue-forming cells, such as osteoblasts and cementoblasts. IGFBP6 may play crucial roles in ADMPC-induced periodontal regeneration. - Highlights: • ADMPC-derived humoral factors stimulate cytodifferentiation of HPDLs. • ADMPCs secret growth factors including IGFBP6, VEGF and HGF. • IGFBP6 is involved in the promotion effect of ADMPC-CM on HPDL cytodifferentiation.

  17. Nivel de información sobre salud periodontal en un grupo de pacientes diabéticos del municipio Palmira

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    Margarita Marchán Margolles


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo tranversal para determinar el nivel de conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad periodontal en 94 pacientes diabéticos dispensarizados procedentes de 8 consultorios médicos de la familia pertenecientes al Policlínico de Palmira. Se detectó que el 76,6 % de los pacientes encuestados no tenían conocimientos sobre la enfermedad periodontal y su relación con la diabetes mellitus. El nivel de conocimiento general del grupo fue calificado de regular, para el 44,6 %.A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 94 classified diabetic patients from 8 family physician’s offices corresponding to the Polyclinic of Palmira to determine their knowledge about the periodontal disease. It was found that 76.6 % of the surveyed patients knew nothing about this disease and its relationship with diabetes mellitus. The general level of knowledge of the group was considered as fair, accounting for 44.6 %.

  18. Conocimientos sobre la enfermedad de Chagas y factores de riesgo en comunidades epidemiológicamente diferentes de Argentina

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    Sanmartino Mariana


    Full Text Available Actualmente, el control de la enfermedad de Chagas se basa en acciones químicas contra la vinchuca. Sin embargo, existen factores de riesgo como la falta de higiene y el desorden que serían responsables de la persistencia de focos de triatominos. Teniendo en cuenta que las comunidades expuestas al riesgo de contraer la enfermedad poseen escasos conocimientos sobre ella, se definió el nivel óptimo de conocimientos y se determinó el nivel medio de conocimientos de los habitantes de dos zonas epidemiológicamente diferentes de Argentina y se identificaron los factores de riesgo presentes en ambas. El nivel óptimo de conocimientos se definió por 25 "nociones elementales" sobre la enfermedad, a partir de las cuales se elaboraron los cuestionarios para evaluar el nivel medio de conocimientos. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron un predominio de los factores de riesgo relacionados con la construcción de las viviendas y el desorden y un limitado nivel de conocimientos sobre la enfermedad. Resultó deficiente el conocimiento de información básica sobre la enfermedad, relacionada, por ejemplo, con el reconocimiento de las ninfas y el mecanismo de transmisión. Un mejor conocimiento del tema supondría un importante avance en la lucha contra la enfermedad de Chagas, conduciendo a los habitantes de áreas endémicas a una mejor comprensión de su realidad y a la adquisición de hábitos que les permitan ser los protagonistas de su propio bienestar.

  19. Estimation of salivary tumor necrosis factor-alpha in chronic and aggressive periodontitis patients. (United States)

    Varghese, Sheeja S; Thomas, Hima; Jayakumar, N D; Sankari, M; Lakshmanan, Reema


    Periodontitis is a chronic bacterial infection characterized by persistent inflammation, connective tissue breakdown and alveolar bone destruction mediated by pro-inflammatory mediators. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) is an important pro-inflammatory mediator that produced causes destruction of periodontal tissues. The aim of the study is to estimate the salivary TNF-α in chronic and aggressive periodontitis and control participants and further correlate the levels with clinical parameter such as gingival index (GI), plaque index (PI), probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment loss. The study population consisted of 75 subjects age ranging from 25 to 55 years attending the outpatient section of Department of Periodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital. The study groups included Groups 1, 2, and 3 with participants with healthy periodontium (n = 25), generalized chronic periodontitis (n = 25) and generalized aggressive periodontitis (n = 25), respectively. Salivary samples from the participants were used to assess the TNF-α levels using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. GI and PI were found to be significantly higher in chronic and aggressive periodontitis compared to the controls. The mean TNF-α value in chronic periodontitis patients (12.92 ± 17.21 pg/ml) was significantly higher than in control subjects (2.15 ± 3.60 pg/ml). Whereas, in aggressive periodontitis patients the mean TNF-α (7.23 ± 7.67) were not significantly different from chronic periodontitis or healthy subjects. Among periodontitis participants, aggressive periodontitis subjects exhibited a significant positive correlation between the salivary TNF-α and PPD. Salivary TNF-α levels are significantly higher in chronic periodontitis than in healthy subjects, but there was no significant correlation with the clinical parameters.

  20. Periodontal abscess during supportive periodontal therapy: a review of the literature. (United States)

    Silva, Geraldo L M; Soares, Rodrigo V; Zenóbio, Elton G


    The aim of this review is to present the current status of the occurrence and management of a periodontal abscess during supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). A periodontal abscess depicts typical features and has been described in patients under SPT in clinical trials. Common periodontal pathogens have been observed in this lesion and some etiologic factors may be responsible for its recurrence. This condition can be isolated or associated with factors that can change the prognosis of affected teeth. Although it has been frequently noticed in untreated periodontitis, the periodontal abscess can also occur in patients under SPT and has been regarded as one of the possible complications of SPT. Patients with a high susceptibility to periodontal disease lost more teeth than those with a healthy periodontium. Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention for periodontal abscesses in patients under SPT are extremely important for the management of the periodontal abscess since this condition can lead to loss of the involved tooth. A single case of a tooth diagnosed with periodontal abscess that responds favorably to adequate treatment does not seem to affect its longevity. An accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment can preserve the longevity of affected teeth.

  1. Association between serum antibodies to periodontal bacteria and rheumatoid factor in NHANES III (United States)

    Goh, Charlene E.; Kopp, Jacob; Papapanou, Panos N.; Molitor, Jerry A.; Demmer, Ryan T.


    Objective Alterations in the microbiome, including the periodontal microbiome, may be a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Most studies that have analyzed this association are relatively small, focus primarily on a single periodontal pathogen (Porphyromonas gingivalis), and are not population-based. We investigated the association between elevated serum IgG antibodies to 19 periodontal species and the prevalence of rheumatoid factor (RF) in a large nationally representative sample of adults. Methods The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey is a cross-sectional sample of the non-institutionalized US population (n=33,994). Our study population included all dentate participants ≥60 years, who did not have RA as defined by a modified version of the American College of Rheumatology 1987 criteria, and had complete data for both serum IgG antibodies against periodontal bacteria and serum RF antibody titer (n=2461). Results Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) (95% CI) summarizing the relationship between the 19 periodontal serum IgGs and RF seropositivity ranged from 0.53 (0.29, 0.97) to 1.27 (0.79, 2.06), and 17 of the 19 observed ORs were periodontal IgGs to be mostly unassociated with RF seropositivity in the nationally representative NHANES III. Elevated antibody levels to P. intermedia and C. ochracea were associated with lower odds of RF seropositivity. PMID:27110949

  2. Periodontitis as a Risk Factor of Atherosclerosis

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    Jirina Bartova


    Full Text Available Over the last two decades, the amount of evidence corroborating an association between dental plaque bacteria and coronary diseases that develop as a result of atherosclerosis has increased. These findings have brought a new aspect to the etiology of the disease. There are several mechanisms by which dental plaque bacteria may initiate or worsen atherosclerotic processes: activation of innate immunity, bacteremia related to dental treatment, and direct involvement of mediators activated by dental plaque and involvement of cytokines and heat shock proteins from dental plaque bacteria. There are common predisposing factors which influence both periodontitis and atherosclerosis. Both diseases can be initiated in early childhood, although the first symptoms may not appear until adulthood. The formation of lipid stripes has been reported in 10-year-old children and the increased prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents is a risk factor contributing to lipid stripes development. Endothelium damage caused by the formation of lipid stripes in early childhood may lead to bacteria penetrating into blood circulation after oral cavity procedures for children as well as for patients with aggressive and chronic periodontitis.

  3. Maternal Risk Factors and Periodontal Disease: A Cross-sectional Study among Postpartum Mothers in Tamil Nadu. (United States)

    Govindasamy, Rohini; Dhanasekaran, Manikandan; Varghese, Sheeja S; Balaji, V R; Karthikeyan, B; Christopher, Ananthi


    It is inconclusive that periodontitis is an independent risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes. This study aims to investigate the association between maternal periodontitis and preterm and/or low birth weight babies. This was a prospective cross-sectional study. After prior informed consent, 3500 postpartum mothers were selected from various hospitals in Tamil Nadu and categorized into the following groups: group-1 - Normal term normal birth weight ( n = 1100); Group-2 - Preterm normal birth weight ( n = 400); Group-3 - preterm low birth weight (PTLBW) ( n = 1000); and Group-4 - Normal term low birth weight ( n = 1000). Periodontal examination was done, and risk factors were ascertained by means of questionnaire and medical records. Comparison between case groups and control groups were done, odds ratio (OR) was calculated, and statistical significance were assessed by Chi-square tests. To control for the possible confounders, all variables with P < 0.05 were selected and entered into multivariate regression model, and OR and 95% confidence limits were again estimated. SPSS-15 software was used. Periodontitis was diagnosed in 54.8%, 52.3%, 53.8%, 59.4%, respectively. On comparison between the groups, none of periodontal parameters showed significant association except for the crude association observed in Group-4 for mild periodontitis (OR - 1.561; P = 0.000) and PTLBW. Periodontitis is not a significant independent risk factor, and obstetric factors contribute a major risk for preterm and/or low birth weight babies.

  4. Investigation of relationship between tumor necrosis factor α in gingival and periodontitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Jingjie; Yang Xia; Hou Guihua; Wang Weiyue; Wang Haodan; Jia Hongying; Li Yantao


    42 periodontitis patients and 15 health controls are selected to determine the amount of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in inflamed gingival and the normal gingival by RIA. The elations between TNF-α and clinical parameters are analysed. The results show that the level of TNF-α in inflamed gingival is higher than that in the controls (P<0.01). The relationship between TNF-α and clinical parameters indicate that the level of TNF-α positively correlate to the degree of periodontitis and group damage. It indicates TNF-α may be one of the mechanism in the pathogenesis of periodontitis disease

  5. Excessive Consumption of Green Tea as a Risk Factor for Periodontal Disease among Korean Adults

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    Kyungdo Han


    Full Text Available This study was performed to assess the relationship between the amount of green tea that is consumed and periodontitis. It is based on data obtained from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, conducted between 2008 and 2010. A community periodontal index equal to code 3 was defined as moderate periodontitis, and code 4 was defined as severe periodontitis (n = 16,726. Consumption of green tea less than one cup per day was associated with a decreased prevalence of periodontal disease among Korean adults. The association between the consumption of green tea and periodontal disease was independent of various potential confounding factors, such as age, sex, body mass index, smoking, drinking, exercise, metabolic syndrome, frequency of tooth brushing per day, use of secondary oral products, the number of dental examination per year, diabetes, hypertension, and white blood cell count. Adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence interval of no consumption was 1.360 (1.156, 1.601 when participants with consumption of two times per week ≤ x < 7 times per week was considered as a reference. However, consumption of one or more cups per day increased the prevalence of moderate and severe periodontitis. In conclusion, excessive consumption of green tea may be considered as a risk factor for periodontal disease among Korean adults.


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    Jenny Hortencia Fuentes Sánchez


    Full Text Available   Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} El tabaquismo como factor de riesgo en enfermedad periodontal ha sido evaluado durante muchos años, encontrándose una relación directa. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, con el objetivo de determinar la necesidad de tratamiento periodontal de una población de adultos jóvenes fumadores que ingresa a primer semestre de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. En el examen odontológico, se seleccionaron  adultos jóvenes fumadores y  adultos jóvenes no fumadores. Así mismo, se realizo el examen clínico periodontal con base en el Índice de Necesidad de Tratamiento Periodontal de las Comunidades. El total de los adultos jóvenes que participaron en el estudio fueron ciento treinta y nueve. Entre ellos encontramos setenta adultos jóvenes fumadores y sesenta y nueve adultos jóvenes no fumadores.  Al evaluar las Necesidades de Tratamiento en el grupo  fumadores encontramos que 86% presenta NT: 2 ,9% presenta  NT: 3 ,4% presenta  NT: 1 ,1% presenta NT: 0. Al evaluar las Necesidades de Tratamiento Periodontal en el grupo de no fumadores, encontramos que el 86% presenta NT: 2; 14% presenta NT: 1. En la necesidad de tratamiento de los adultos jóvenes fumadores, el 86% (NT: 2 presenta necesidad en educación en higiene oral

  7. Enfermedad periodontal y embarazo. Revisión de la literatura


    B. María De Los Ángeles Herane, DRA.; DR. C. Carlos Godoy; DR. C. Patricio Herane


    La gingivitis del embarazo es una enfermedad inflamatoria producida por bacterias con una alta prevalencia, que va del 35 al 100%, según estudios. La severidad de la gingivitis aumentó gradualmente y alcanzó su peak en el tercer trimestre, seguido por una súbita disminución de la severidad en postparto, el cual se correlacionó con un aumento gradual en el nivel plasmático de progesterona y niveles de estrógenos que alcanzan su peak en el tercer trimestre y que sufren una repentina caída despu...

  8. El estado periodontal y la higiene bucal en los pacientes cardiópatas del Policlínico “Plaza de la Revolución” The periodontal state and the oral hygiene in cardiopathy patients at “Plaza de la Revolución ” Polyclinic

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    María Elena Pueo Lazo


    Full Text Available La enfermedad periodontal se relaciona con las enfermedades cardiovasculares, ya que los microorganismos del surco gingival y de las bolsas periodontales pueden agravar el inicio y curso de estas afecciones cardiovasculares. Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, a una muestra no probabilística de 210 cardiópatas del Policlínico "Plaza de la Revolución" en el mes de febrero del 2003, a los que se les aplicó el índice de higiene bucal revisado (IHB-R de Greene y Vermillion, y el índice periodontal revisado de Russell (IP-R. Las variables del estudio fueron: la edad, el sexo, el estado periodontal y el grado de higiene bucal. Se pudo constatar que el 91 % de estos pacientes presentó algún grado de afección periodontal, y fueron los adultos jóvenes los de mayor prevalencia en cuanto a enfermedad gingival crónica, con el 83,3 %. La gravedad de las periodontopatías aumentó con la edad; no hubo diferencias significativas en canto al sexo. Solo el 8 % de estos pacientes tuvo buena higiene bucal; en el grupo estudiado predominó la higiene deficiente. Se evidenció que a medida que la higiene bucal fue más deficiente, el grado de afección periodontal aumentó, por lo cual resulta importante aplicar medidas preventivo-curativas, para mejorar la salud periodontal y así disminuir los riesgos en este grupo de pacientes dispensarizados.The periodontal disease is related to the cardiovascular diseases, since the microorganisms of the gingival sulcus and of the periodontal pockets may aggravate the beginning and the course of these cardiovascular affections. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in a non-probabilistic sample of 210 cardiopathy patients of “Plaza de la Revolución ” Polyclinic in February 2003. They were applied the revised oral higiene index (R-OHI of Greene and Vermillion, and the revised periodontal index of Russell (R-PI.The following variables were studied: age, sex, periodontal state, and

  9. Efficacy therapy in a nonsurgical periodontal treatment in aggressive periodontitisno

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    Nelly Garcia-Madueño


    Full Text Available La terapia periodontal no quirúrgica es la clave para el control y el mantenimiento de la enfermedad periodontal logrando evitar la fase quirúrgica en muchos casos. Paciente de sexo masculino de 46 años de edad con diagnóstico de periodontitis agresiva generalizada se realizó el control mecánico de placa bacteriana, motivación e instrucción de higiene oral, raspado y alisado radicular manual por cuadrantes, clorhexidina al 0.12% en colutorio 15 ml por 30s dos veces al día por siete días; se complementó con terapia antibiótica sistémica clindamicina de 300mg tres veces al día por siete días. Durante un año de seguimiento con tratamiento periodontal de soporte se observó una reducción de los parámetros clínicos como sangrado al sondaje, disminución de la perdida de inserción y estabilidad del nivel óseo.

  10. Maternal risk factors and periodontal disease: A cross-sectional study among postpartum mothers in Tamil Nadu

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    Rohini Govindasamy


    Full Text Available Background and Aim: It is inconclusive that periodontitis is an independent risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes. This study aims to investigate the association between maternal periodontitis and preterm and/or low birth weight babies. Settings and Design: This was a prospective cross-sectional study. After prior informed consent, 3500 postpartum mothers were selected from various hospitals in Tamil Nadu and categorized into the following groups: group-1 – Normal term normal birth weight (n = 1100; Group-2 – Preterm normal birth weight (n = 400; Group-3 – preterm low birth weight (PTLBW (n = 1000; and Group-4 – Normal term low birth weight (n = 1000. Periodontal examination was done, and risk factors were ascertained by means of questionnaire and medical records. Statistical Analysis: Comparison between case groups and control groups were done, odds ratio (OR was calculated, and statistical significance were assessed by Chi-square tests. To control for the possible confounders, all variables with P < 0.05 were selected and entered into multivariate regression model, and OR and 95% confidence limits were again estimated. SPSS-15 software was used. Results: Periodontitis was diagnosed in 54.8%, 52.3%, 53.8%, 59.4%, respectively. On comparison between the groups, none of periodontal parameters showed significant association except for the crude association observed in Group-4 for mild periodontitis (OR - 1.561; P = 0.000 and PTLBW. Conclusion: Periodontitis is not a significant independent risk factor, and obstetric factors contribute a major risk for preterm and/or low birth weight babies

  11. Factores de riesgo de la enfermedad tromboembólica en puérperas

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    Yudelca Esperanza Abelino Castillo


    Full Text Available Introducción: la enfermedad tromboembólica es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad materna en los países desarrollados. Objetivo: determinar los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad tromboembolia durante el puerperio en gestantes con riesgo ingresadas en el Hospital General "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" en el período de enero a diciembre del año 2011 para disminuir su incidencia. Material y método: se realizó un estudio observacional, longitudinal, analítico y aplicado. De un universo total de 5598 paridas o cesareadas, la muestra definitiva quedó constituida por 47 casos y 23 controles aleatoriamente. La información se obtuvo de las historias clínicas individuales. Para analizar las variables utilizamos el porcentaje y la determinación del odds ratio (OR, el intervalo de confianza (IC, así como la prueba estadística X2. Resultados: el riesgo de la enfermedad tromboembólica fue independiente de la edad materna y la paridad, pero fue 23,57 veces mayor en las que usaron anticonceptivos orales, así como en el 31,9 % de las pacientes con insuficiencia venosa, y en el 73,4% de las pacientes cesareadas y con trombosis venosa superficial, donde predominaron el dolor, el edema y la taquicardia. Conclusiones: la condición de estado trombofílico obliga a su vigilancia estrecha durante el puerperio para detectar los factores de riesgo más frecuentes de la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa (uso de anticonceptivos orales, pacientes con insuficiencia venosa y cesareadas, siendo su tratamiento profiláctico la piedra angular para prevenir los episodios trombóticos.

  12. Antimicrobial peptides as a possible interlink between periodontal diseases and its risk factors: A systematic review. (United States)

    Li, S; Schmalz, G; Schmidt, J; Krause, F; Haak, R; Ziebolz, D


    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play a critical role in controlling innate and acquired immune responses. Local dysregulation of AMP is implicated in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases as a response to periodontal pathogen challenge. Changes in AMP expression also characterize tobacco smoking, diabetes mellitus, obesity and rheumatoid arthritis, which are established risk factors of periodontal diseases, suggesting AMP may act as putative mechanistic links between these. The aim was to evaluate and summarize critically the current evidence pertaining to interrelationships between AMPs, periodontal diseases and selected periodontal disease risk factors. General and theme specific keywords were used to search the PUBMED database for studies relevant to AMP, periodontal diseases, smoking, diabetes mellitus, obesity and rheumatoid arthritis and critically reviewed. A total of 131 abstracts and 119 full text articles were screened for relevance; 13 studies were selected for inclusion after critical review. Local AMP dysregulation characteristic to periodontal diseases appears to occur within a broader landscape of complex systemic immune perturbations independently induced by smoking, metabolic and rheumatoid disease. The nature of these interactions and mechanistic pathways involved are inadequately understood. AMPs could be possible mechanistic interlinks between periodontal diseases and its risk factors. However, such evidence is very limited and more in vivo and in vitro studies are necessary to clarify the nature of such relationships. A greater understanding of AMPs as shared mediators is essential for unraveling their value as therapeutic or biomarker candidates. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Is Khat (Catha edulis) chewing a risk factor for periodontal diseases? A systematic review. (United States)

    Kalakonda, Butchibabu; Al-Maweri, Sadeq-Ali; Al-Shamiri, Hashem-Motahir; Ijaz, Anum; Gamal, Shukri; Dhaifullah, Esam


    Khat (Catha edulis) chewing is a highly prevalent habit in the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa, and has recently spread to Western countries. The association between khat chewing and oral mucosal lesions is well documented in the literature. However, there is no concrete evidence on the association between khat chewing and periodontal disease. The purpose of this systematic review was to analyze the influence of khat chewing on periodontal health. A literature search of PubMed, Scopus and Web of Sciences databases was carried out to identify relevant articles published from 1990 to May 2017. The inclusion criteria were all clinical studies that assessed the relationship between khat chewing and periodontal disease. The search yielded 122 articles, of which 10 were included in this systematic review. Most of the studies exhibited a positive correlation between khat chewing and periodontal disease. Altogether, the analysis of the current evidence reveals that khat chewing is destructive to the periodontium and enhances the risk of periodontal disease progression. However, due to variability of studies, more longitudinal case-controlled studies are highly warranted to establish a causal relation between khat chewing and periodontal disease. Key words: Khat chewing, periodontal health, periodontal disease, risk factor.

  14. [Periodontal treatment for cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review]. (United States)

    Deng, Linkai; Li, Chunjie; Li, Qian; Zhang, Yukui; Zhao, Hongwei


    To evaluate the efficacy of periodontal treatment for the management of cardiovascular risk factors. Eligible studies in Cochrane Controlled Trials Register/CENTRAL, PubMed, EMBASE, and China Biology Medicine disc (CBMdisc) were searched until October 13, 2011. References of the included studies were hand searched. Two reviewers assessed the risk of bias and extracted the data of the included studies in duplicate. Meta-analysis was conducted with Revman 5.1. Six randomized controlled trials involving 682 participants were included. One case had low risk of bias, another one had moderate risk of bias, and the remaining four had high risk of bias. Meta-analysis showed that periodontal treatment has no significant effect on C-reactive protein, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides (P > 0.05). However, the treatment had a significant effect on high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [MD = 0.05, 95% CI (0.00, 0.09), P = 0.04]. Periodontal treatment has good effects on controlling high-density lipoprotein cholesterol although more randomized controlled trials must be conducted to verify its effectiveness.

  15. Is periodontitis a comorbidity of COPD or can associations be explained by shared risk factors/behaviors? (United States)

    Hobbins, Stephanie; Chapple, Iain Lc; Sapey, Elizabeth; Stockley, Robert A


    COPD is recognized as having a series of comorbidities potentially related to common inflammatory processes. Periodontitis is one of the most common human inflammatory diseases and has previously been associated with COPD in numerous observational studies. As periodontitis and COPD are both chronic, progressive conditions characterized by neutrophilic inflammation with subsequent proteolytic destruction of connective tissue, it has been proposed that they share common pathophysiological processes. The mechanisms proposed to link COPD and periodontitis include mechanical aspiration of oral contents into the respiratory tree, overspill of locally produced inflammatory mediators into the systemic circulation or oral or lung-derived bacteremia activating an acute-phase response and also reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cytokine release by systemic neutrophils at distant sites. Studies of systemic neutrophils in COPD and chronic periodontitis describe altered cellular functions that would predispose to inflammation and tissue destruction both in the lung and in the mouth, again potentially connecting these conditions. However, COPD and periodontitis also share risk factors such as age, chronic tobacco smoke exposure, and social deprivation that are not always considered in observational and interventional studies. Furthermore, studies reporting associations have often utilized differing definitions of both COPD and periodontitis. This article reviews the current available evidence supporting the hypothesis that COPD and inflammatory periodontal disease (periodontitis) could be pathologically associated, including a review of shared inflammatory mechanisms. It highlights the potential limitations of previous studies, in particular, the lack of uniformly applied case definitions for both COPD and periodontitis and poor recognition of shared risk factors. Understanding associations between these conditions may inform why patients with COPD suffer such a burden of comorbid

  16. Validation of reported genetic risk factors for periodontitis in a large-scale replication study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schaefer, A.S.; Bochenek, G.; Manke, T.; Nothnagel, M.; Graetz, C.; Thien, A.; Jockel-Schneider, Y.; Harks, I.; Staufenbiel, I.; Wijmenga, C.; Eberhard, J.; Guzeldemir-Akcakanat, E.; Cine, N.; Folwaczny, M.; Noack, B.; Meyle, J.; Eickholz, P.; Trombelli, L.; Scapoli, C.; Nohutcu, R.; Bruckmann, C.; Doerfer, C.; Jepsen, S.; Loos, B.G.; Schreiber, S.


    Aim Many studies investigated the role of genetic variants in periodontitis, but few were established as risk factors. We aimed to validate the associations of recent candidate genes in aggressive periodontitis (AgP). Material and Methods We analysed 23 genes in 600 German AgP patients and 1441

  17. Validation of reported genetic risk factors for periodontitis in a large-scale replication study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schaefer, Arne S.; Bochenek, Gregor; Manke, Thomas; Nothnagel, Michael; Graetz, Christian; Thien, Anneke; Jockel-Schneider, Yvonne; Harks, Inga; Staufenbiel, Ingmar; Wijmenga, Cisca; Eberhard, Joerg; Guzeldemir-Akcakanat, Esra; Cine, Naci; Folwaczny, Mathias; Noack, Barbara; Meyle, Joerg; Eickholz, Peter; Trombelli, Leonardo; Scapoli, Chiara; Nohutcu, Rahime; Bruckmann, Corinna; Doerfer, Christof; Jepsen, Soren; Loos, Bruno G.; Schreiber, Stefan

    Aim Many studies investigated the role of genetic variants in periodontitis, but few were established as risk factors. We aimed to validate the associations of recent candidate genes in aggressive periodontitis (AgP). Material and Methods We analysed 23 genes in 600 German AgP patients and 1441

  18. Enfermedad de Alzheimer


    Serrano Reyes, Carlos Daniel; Fundación Valle de Lili


    ¿Cuáles son las manifestaciones de la enfermedad de Alzheimer?/ Signos de alarma de la enfermedad de Alzheimer/ ¿Cómo se diagnostica la enfermedad?/ ¿Cómo se trata la enfermedad de Alzheimer?/ ¿Qué se está investigando sobre la enfermedad?/ ¿Qué otras enfermedades se parecen al Alzheimer?

  19. Enfermedad periodontal en pacientes con discapacidad en custodia versus pacientes con discapacidad independientes

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    Fermín-Guerrero-Del Ángel


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar el estado de salud periodontal en pacientes con discapacidad en custodia versus pacientes independientes en su higiene oral. Material y métodos: Se examinaron pacientes con discapacidad, ambos sexos, 3 a 19 años que acuden al Servicio de Odontopediatría del Centro de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón (CRIT Tamaulipas mediante revisión de cavidad oral y aplicación del Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado (IHOS, Índice Periodontal Comunitario de la Necesidad de Tratamiento (IPCNT y entrevista con su cuidador primario. Se agruparon en dos categorías: Independientes y de Custodia. Resultados: En el total de la muestra la Media y Desviación estándar (D.E. de IPCNT fue de 0.89±0.54, así como el IHOS de 1.88±0.77. El IPCNT en pacientes con discapacidad de Custodia fue 0.91±0.57 e Independientes de 0.86±0.49 (p=0.70, IHOS en pacientes de Custodia 1.89±0.78 e Independientes 1.87±.0.74 (p=.93. IPCNT en géneros masculino 1.03±0.54 y femenino 0.75±0.51 (p=.009. IHOS en pacientes que habitan área rural 2.41±1.25 y área urbana 1.83±0.68 (p=.02. Relación entre la edad y la necesidad de tratamiento periodontal (p=0.001. Frecuencia del cepillado del grupo Independientes 2.03±0.56 y de Custodia 2.00±0.75 (p=.84. Conclusiones: No existe diferencia en el estado de salud periodontal y el grado de higiene oral entre pacientes con discapacidad Independientes y de Custodia. La mayoría de los pacientes Independientes y de Custodia tienen una necesidad de tratamiento de Instrucción de Higiene Oral (TN1 y tienen Higiene Oral Regular.

  20. Factores Psicológicos en la Enfermedad

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    Ernesto Bustamante Zuleta


    Full Text Available

    “No debemos olvidar que la Psicología forma parte de la medicina y que en su mayor parte no es más que la fisiología de las porciones más altas del cerebro”. Charcot 1891.

    El hecho, que se olvida con tanta frecuencia en la práctica médica, de que el hombre (sano pero sobre todo cuando está enfermo piensa, siente, interpreta correctamente, pero especialmente teme. teme la muerte, teme la enfermedad, teme la incapacidad, teme el dolor, debe ser tenido siempre presente para así no olvidarse de examinar físicamente al paciente, y también explorar sus características psicológicas, su personalidad y sus problemas para poder apreciar adecuadamente sus síntomas de origen orgánico, psicológico o las modificaciones que los factores psicológicos provocan en las enfermedades orgánicas.

    Se olvida también inexplicablemente que el hombre, tanto o más que cualquier otro miembro del reino animal, está dirigido en todos sus actos voluntarios o involuntarios por su Sistema Nervioso Central; que el hombre es lo que su comportamiento lo lleva a ser y que el comportamiento traduce una determinada forma de funcionar cada cerebro.

    El hombre, por tener un cerebro más desarrollado, ha dominado a las demás especies. En la especie humana antes, ahora y siempre el mejor dotado cerebralmente sobresaldrá, en cualquier sentido, sobre sus semejantes y en esto interviene no sólo la capacidad intelectual sino las habilidades de distinto tipo, la capacidad de trabajo, la tenacidad y sobre todo la capacidad de adaptación o de modificación adecuada del ambiente, que es una de las cualidades de la especie humana que más han influido en su progreso.

    En todo sentido, pero especialmente desde el punto de vista médico influye también sobre todo, el adecuado equilibrio emocional. Vive en general más feliz, más tranquilo y más sano el individuo más equilibrado emocionalmente, enfrente de tantas otras

  1. Role of genetic in periodontal disease

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    Anand Narayanrao Wankhede


    Full Text Available Genetics is the study and understanding of the phenomena of heredity and variation. A large number of genes are associated with many systemic conditions. Periodontitis is inflammatory condition of periodontium. Periodontium consists of gingiva, periodontal ligament, cementum, and alveolar bone. It is considered being a multifactorial disease. Studies of animals and humans support the concept that a large number of genes' factor may be associated with periodontitis and clearly play a role in the predisposition and progression of periodontal diseases. It has been proven that genetic factors impair inflammatory and immune responses during periodontal diseases. Research on identifying specific genes causing periodontitis may improve and prevent the disease progression. The aim of this article is to focus on genetic risk factors and its influence for the various forms of periodontal disease.

  2. Enfermedad de Parkinson


    Orozco V., Jorge Luis; Fundación Valle de Lili


    ¿Qué tan frecuente es la enfermedad de Parkinson?/ ¿Qué ocasiona la enfermedad?/ ¿Existen otras formas de Parkinsonismo?/ ¿Quién desarrolla la enfermedad de Parkinson?/ ¿Cuales son los síntomas principales?/ ¿Cómo se diagnostica la enfermedad de Parkinson?/ ¿Cómo se trata la enfermedad?/Tratamiento quirúrgico/Aspectos prácticos del tratamiento/Verdades sobre la enfermedad de Parkinson.

  3. Growth/differentiation factor-5: pre-clinical and clinical evaluations of periodontal regeneration and alveolar augmentation--review. (United States)

    Lee, Jaebum; Wikesjö, Ulf M E


    Growth/differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) plays critical roles in mesenchymal cell differentiation and stimulates human periodontal ligament cell proliferation. Potentially, GDF-5 may also play roles in wound healing including periodontal regeneration and alveolar augmentation. The objective of this review was to provide up-to-date information from pre-clinical/clinical studies evaluating GDF-5 for these indications. A comprehensive search using PubMed and Google search engines was conducted to identify reports on GDF-5 applied to periodontal and alveolar indications. Two reviewers independently screened the titles and abstracts from a total of 479 reports. Full-length articles of 17 pre-clinical and four clinical studies were selected and reviewed. Canine-, porcine- and non-human primate-based models as well as human clinical trials were used in the evaluation of GDF-5 in support of periodontal regeneration and alveolar augmentation. An absorbable collagen sponge (ACS), β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) and a poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) were evaluated as candidate carriers for GDF-5 using various dose and healing intervals demonstrating significantly enhanced periodontal regeneration/alveolar augmentation including cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone with limited, if any, adverse effects. Growth/differentiation factor-5 supports periodontal regeneration/alveolar augmentation without aberrant healing events documented in qualified pre-clinical models and clinical pilot studies. In perspective, GDF-5 appears a promising technology for periodontal regeneration/alveolar augmentation. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Periodontal infection as a risk factor for preterm low birth weight

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    Gandhimadhi D


    Full Text Available Introduction: There is an overwhelming body of evidence strongly suggesting that periodontal infection may have a significant negative impact on pregnancy outcome in some women. The aim of this study was to determine the association, if any, between periodontal disease and preterm low birth weight. Materials and Methods : A total of 211 mothers between the ages of 17 and 35 were grouped into two categories based on the gestational age and weight of the baby as cases (< 37 weeks, < 2500 g and controls (>37 weeks, >2500 g. Relevant obstetric history and information on other primary risk factors for preterm low birth weight were obtained. Investigation reports on blood group, Rh factor and hemoglobin (Hb were also gathered. Oral assessments included: simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S, gingival bleeding index, probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level (CAL. Results: Cases had significantly more attachment loss and probing pocket depth, poor oral hygiene, more percentage of sites with attachment loss (Extent and more mean attachment loss per site (Severity and less Hb than controls. The number of visits for prenatal care and the percentage of sites with CAL≥2mm (Extent 2 remained significant when compared to other variables. Conclusion: The study indicated that periodontal disease is a contributing factor for preterm low birth weight.

  5. Java project on periodontal diseases. The natural development of periodontitis: risk factors, risk predictors and risk determinants : risk factors, risk predictors and risk determinants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van der Velden, U.; Abbas, F.; Armand, S.; Loos, B. G.; Timmerman, M. F.; Van der Weijden, G. A.; Van Winkelhoff, A. J.; Winkel, E. G.

    Objective: To identify risk factors, risk predictors and risk determinants for onset and progression of periodontitis. Material and Methods: For this longitudinal, prospective study all subjects in the age range 15-25 years living in a village of approximately 2000 inhabitants at a tea estate on

  6. Longitudinal study of prognostic factors in established periodontitis patients. (United States)

    Machtei, E E; Dunford, R; Hausmann, E; Grossi, S G; Powell, J; Cummins, D; Zambon, J J; Genco, R J


    Numerous indicators for disease progression have been described in the last decade. The purpose of this study was to examine, longitudinally, a large battery of clinical, microbiological, and immunological indicators, to try to determine whether the presence of one or a combination of these parameters at baseline, would correlate positively with increased attachment and or bone loss (true prognostic factors). Following initial screening, 79 patients with established periodontitis were monitored longitudinally for one year. Whole mouth clinical measurements, plaque gingival and calculus indices, together with pocket depth and attachment level measurements, were repeated every three months. Full mouth radiographic survey, performed at baseline and 12 months, served to determine changes in crestal bone height using an image enhancement technique. Subgingival plaque samples were taken at baseline and every 3 months. Immunofluorescence assays were performed for the a battery of target microorganisms. Serum and GCF samples for IgG subclasses analysis were obtained at each visit and assayed using ELISA techniques. Likewise blood, samples were also drawn at each visit for a quantitative analysis of serum cotinine level. The overall mean attachment loss (AL) and bone loss (BL) were almost identical (0.159 mm and 0.164 mm, respectively). Individual patients variation was large (-0.733 to +1.004 mm). An overall 6.89% of sites were active; individual patients' means ranged from 0-28.9%. Mean pocket depth (PD) showed minimal change over the study period (-0.033 mm) thus suggesting that most if not all the AL was accompained by concomitant gingival recession. Smokers exhibited greater AL and radiographic BL compared to non-smokers. Likewise, patients' cotinine level showed direct correlation with outcomes of progressive periodontal breakdown. Past severity of periodontal involvement, as reflected in the patients baseline PD, AL and crestal bone height, showed good correlation

  7. Doença periodontal materna como fator associado ao baixo peso ao nascer Maternal periodontal disease as a factor associated with low birth weight

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    Simone Seixas da Cruz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudos recentes têm apresentado evidências de que a doença periodontal em gestantes pode ser um dos determinantes do baixo peso ao nascer. Realizou-se estudo para verificar a existência de associação entre doença periodontal materna e baixo peso ao nascer. MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo caso-controle com 302 mulheres, sendo 102 mães de nascidos vivos de baixo peso (grupo caso e 200 mães de nascidos vivos com peso normal (grupo controle. A existência de associação entre doença periodontal e baixo peso ao nascer foi avaliada mediante modelo multivariado de regressão logística, considerando outros fatores de risco para o baixo peso. RESULTADOS: Ambos os grupos de mães eram comparáveis no que se refere a idade, altura, peso pré-gestacional, tabagismo, alcoolismo, doenças prévias, estado civil, situação socioeconômica, número de escovações e uso de fio dental, número de refeições diárias, e visitas ao dentista. A doença periodontal foi diagnosticada em 57,8% das mães do grupo caso e 39,0% do grupo controle. A análise de regressão logística indicou associação positiva entre doença periodontal e baixo peso ao nascer (ORbruto=2,15; IC 95%: 1,32-3,48, especialmente entre as mães com escolaridade menor ou igual a quatro anos (ORajustada=3,98; IC 95%: 1,58-10,10. CONCLUSÕES: A doença periodontal é um possível fator de risco para o baixo peso ao nascer.OBJECTIVE: Recent studies have presented evidence that periodontal disease in pregnant women may be a determining factor for low birth weight. The present investigation was carried out to verify whether or not there is an association between maternal periodontal disease and low birth weight. METHODS: This was a case-control study on 302 women, of whom 102 were the mothers of live newborns of low weight (case group and 200 were the mothers of live newborns of normal birth weight (control group. The existence of an association between periodontal disease and low

  8. Marker of cemento-periodontal ligament junction associated with periodontal regeneration. (United States)

    Hara, Ryohko; Wato, Masahiro; Tanaka, Akio


    The purpose of this study was to identify factors promoting formation of the cemento-periodontal ligament junction. Regeneration of the cemento-periodontal ligament junction is an important factor in recovery of the connective tissue attachment to the cementum and it is important to identify all specific substances that promote its formation. To clarify the substances involved in cemento-periodontal ligament junction formation, we produced a monoclonal antibody (mAb) to human cemento-periodontal ligament junction (designated as the anti-TAP mAb) and examined its immunostaining properties and reactive antigen. Hybridomas producing monoclonal antibody against human cemento-periodontal ligament junction antigens were established by fusing P3U1 mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with homogenized human cemento-periodontal ligament junction. The mAb, the anti-TAP mAb for cemento-periodontal ligament junction, was then isolated. The immunoglobulin class and light chain of the mAb were examined using an isotyping kit. Before immunostaining, antigen determination using an enzymatic method or heating was conducted. Human teeth, hard tissue-forming lesions, and animal tissues were immunostained by the anti-TAP mAb. The anti-TAP mAb was positive in human cemento-periodontal ligament junction and predentin but negative in all other human and animal tissues examined. In the cemento-osseous lesions, the anti-TAP mAb was positive in the peripheral area of the cementum and cementum-like hard tissues and not in the bone and bone-like tissues. The anti-TAP mAb showed IgM (kappa) and recognized phosphoprotein. The anti-TAP mAb is potentially useful for developing new agents promoting cementogenesis and periodontal regeneration.

  9. El anisakis y sus enfermedades como enfermedad profesional

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    José Manuel Vicente Pardo

    Full Text Available El anisakis es un parásito complejo de los animales marinos. El hombre no es el hospedador adecuado, ya que en él la larva L3 no puede completar su ciclo vital, siendo por tanto un hospedador accidental u ocasional, que se interpone en el ciclo vital del nemátodo, y al que el anisakis le puede causar tanto la parasitación como la alergia, cuando ingiere pescado o cefalópodos crudos o poco cocinados: tales como sushi, sashimi, ceviche gravlax noruego, lomi-lomi hawaiano, así como pescados en escabeche, vinagre, desecado, ahumados, semiconservas, o en salazón que contengan este parásito en su forma de larva en estadio tres L3. Las enfermedades por anisakis constituyen un problema de salud pública, generalizado y que ha aumentado su incidencia en los últimos años. En 2012, se notificaron 20.000 casos de anisakiasis en todo el mundo. España es el segundo país con mayor número de intoxicaciones por Anisakis después de Japón. Diversos estudios en España sobre la prevalencia de la sensibilización reflejan una elevada prevalencia entre pacientes que han sufrido episodios de reacciones alérgicas. El 50 por ciento de quienes manipulan directamente el pescado presentan sensibilidad a anisakis. Siendo por tanto cada vez más común la afectación por y en el desarrollo del trabajo, constituyendo entonces procesos considerados como enfermedad profesional cuando se dan las circunstancias determinantes causales de trabajo, riesgo y exposición que para ello deben concurrir. La afección puede presentarse tanto por contacto laboral como por contacto en el consumo ordinario de pescado infestado, lo que hará difícil el estimar como causa exclusiva o consecuente la aparición de la enfermedad a consecuencia del desempeño del trabajo. Los sectores laborales de riesgo por enfermedades por anisakis, son los pescadores, pescaderos ("pescateros" y cocineros. En general todos aquellos que trabajan tanto en la captura, limpieza, manipulación, venta

  10. Enfermedad coronaria en pacientes con psoriasis

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    Walter Masson


    Full Text Available Comunicaciones previas asociaron la psoriasis con la enfermedad coronaria. Desconocemos si en nuestro país o región existe dicha asociación. Se realizó un estudio transversal analizando los datos de la historia clínica electrónica de un sistema de salud de Buenos Aires. Analizamos todos los pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de psoriasis entre el 1 de enero de 2003 y el 31 de julio de 2011 y los comparamos con un grupo control, en una relación 2:1, obtenido en forma aleatoria del mismo sistema de salud, apareados por edad y sexo. Determinamos la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y de enfermedad coronaria. Analizamos la asociación entre la enfermedad coronaria y la psoriasis mediante análisis uni y multivariado. Se incluyeron 3 833 sujetos (1 286 pacientes con psoriasis y 2 547 controles. La prevalencia de hipertensión arterial (50% vs. 38%, p < 0.001, tabaquismo (25% vs. 17%, p < 0.001, diabetes (12% vs. 8%, p < 0.001 y enfermedad coronaria (4.98% vs. 3.06%, p = 0.003 fue mayor en los sujetos con psoriasis en comparación con el grupo control. Independientemente de la edad, la presencia de diabetes, hipertensión arterial o tabaquismo, hubo una asociación significativa entre la enfermedad coronaria y la psoriasis (OR 1.48, IC95% 1.04-2.11, p = 0.03. En conclusión, en esta población de Buenos Aires, los pacientes con psoriasis tuvieron una mayor prevalencia de diabetes, hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo y enfermedad coronaria. La asociación entre la psoriasis y la enfermedad coronaria fue independiente de los factores de riesgo explorados.

  11. Periodontal disease and systemic complications

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    Rui Vicente Oppermann


    Full Text Available Periodontal diseases comprise a number of infectious and inflammatory conditions brought about by the interaction between supragingival and subgingival biofilms and the host inflammatory response. Periodontal diseases should be considered systemic conditions. This means that they are both modulated by the body's systems and play a role as a risk factor for systemic derangements. The current evidence supports some of these interactions, such as smoking as a risk factor for periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus, as both influenced by and influencing inflammatory changes in the periodontal tissue. Other potential associations are still being researched, such as obesity, hormonal changes, cardiovascular disease, and adverse outcomes in pregnancy. These, and others, still require further investigation before the repercussions of periodontal disease can be fully elucidated. Nevertheless, at the present time, the treatment of periodontal diseases-and, most importantly, their prevention-enables adequate intervention as a means of ensuring periodontal health.

  12. Clinical treatment of a patient with generalized advanced chronic periodontitis at the school of dentistry of Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia. A case report


    Rendón Osorio, Willer Leandro; Guzmán Zuluaga, Isabel Cristina; Torres Quiroz, Ingrid Ximena; Botero Zuluaga, Leticia


    La enfermedad periodontal afecta la salud del paciente comprometiendo la forma, función y estética del sistema estomatognático, llevando a un deterioro notable de la calidad de vida de las personas. En este caso clínico se presenta el tratamiento integral de un paciente de sexo masculino de 43 años de edad con periodontitis crónica avanzada generalizada que incluyó: tratamiento periodontal no quirúrgico, quirúrgico y de rehabilitación oral, hecho durante dieciocho meses por un estudiante de ú...

  13. Factores de riesgo asociados con la enfermedad caries dental en niños

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    Johany Duque de Estrada Riverón


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio sobre los factores de riesgo que más inciden en la aparición de la enfermedad caries dental, dada la alta prevalencia que presenta, que afecta del 95 al 99 % de la población y la sitúa como la principal causa de pérdida de dientes. El estudio analítico del tipo casos y controles se llevó a cabo en el municipio de Colón, Matanzas, durante los cursos académicos 2000-2002. El universo estuvo constituido por 2 995 niños de 9-12 y 15 años de edad, de los cuales se tomó una muestra aleatoria de alrededor del 50 % (P = 0,50. En la selección, se consideraron como casos al grupo de pacientes portadores de la enfermedad caries dental, y como controles a los niños sanos o que no presentaron síntomas de la enfermedad. Se determinó el grado de infección por E. mutans (41 %, el grado de resistencia del esmalte a la dilución ácida (24 %, mala higiene bucal (80 % e ingestión de alimentos azucarados (100 %.

  14. Are sickle cell anaemia and sickle cell trait predictive factors for periodontal disease? A cohort study. (United States)

    de Carvalho, H L C C; Thomaz, E B A F; Alves, C M C; Souza, S F C


    Periodontal diseases are associated with bacterial challenge and the host immune response, and are also modulated by genetic factors. There is evidence that sickle cell anaemia (SCA) does not represent a risk factor for periodontal diseases. However, it is still unclear whether the heterozygous condition [sickle cell trait (SCT)] is associated with periodontal diseases. SCT is a genetic condition that can cause vaso-occlusive events, which may be associated with a propensity to bacterial infections. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of SCA and SCT with periodontal diseases by evaluating clinical and radiographic characteristics. The sample (n = 369) was selected and divided into two groups: exposed groups [HbSS (SCA genotype) and HbAS (SCT genotype) = 246] and a nonexposed group (HbAA = 123). HbAA consisted of individuals without SCA and SCT. The clinical parameters evaluated were plaque index, gingival index, calculus index, clinical probing depth, clinical attachment level, gingival recession, tooth mobility and furcation involvement. The percentage of alveolar bone loss was measured using a Schei ruler. Binomial and Poisson regressions were used to estimate correlations of interest (α = 0.05). None of the periodontal parameters was associated with SCA. SCT was associated with gingivitis (p = 0.041) and periodontitis (p = 0.002). Individuals with SCT had a lower plaque index (p = 0.044) but a higher calculus index (p = 0.003) and greater alveolar bone loss (p = 0.010) compared with subjects in the HbAA group. SCT can act as a predictor for establishment of periodontal diseases. There was no correlation between SCA and periodontal diseases. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Relationship between Acute Phase of Chronic Periodontitis and Meteorological Factors in the Maintenance Phase of Periodontal Treatment: A Pilot Study. (United States)

    Takeuchi, Noriko; Ekuni, Daisuke; Tomofuji, Takaaki; Morita, Manabu


    The acute phase of chronic periodontitis may occur even in patients during supportive periodontal therapy. However, the details are not fully understood. Since the natural environment, including meteorology affects human health, we hypothesized that weather conditions may affect occurrence of acute phase of chronic periodontitis. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between weather conditions and acute phase of chronic periodontitis in patients under supportive periodontal therapy. Patients who were diagnosed with acute phase of chronic periodontitis under supportive periodontal therapy during 2011-2013 were selected for this study. We performed oral examinations and collected questionnaires and meteorological data. Of 369 patients who experienced acute phase of chronic periodontitis, 153 had acute phase of chronic periodontitis without direct-triggered episodes. When using the autoregressive integrated moving average model of time-series analysis, the independent covariant of maximum hourly range of barometric pressure, maximum hourly range of temperature, and maximum daily wind speed were significantly associated with occurrence of acute phase of chronic periodontitis (p chronic periodontitis.

  16. Enfermedades de la pobreza, enfermedades tropicales desatendidas


    Pecoul, Bernard; Alvarado, J.


    Las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETDs) se caracterizan por su altísima incidencia en países de renta baja haciendo bueno el nefasto ciclo pobreza-enfermedad-pobreza. Las ETDs son ajenas al mundo occidental por lo que no son consideradas prioritarias, pero tampoco lo son para los gobiernos de los países endémicos al afectar a las poblaciones rurales sin voz política. Los escasos beneficios que proporcionan los medicamentos para estas enfermedades las hacen poco atractivas para la inve...

  17. Sangramiento gingival y flora bacteriana en la gingivitis y la periodontitis

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    Iriam Baldemira Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 30 sitios o áreas periodontales que presentaban gingivitis y 30 con periodontitis, con el objetivo de determinar la relación existente entre el sangramiento gingival y la flora microbiana presente en la gingivitis y la periodontitis. Los pacientes seleccionados no presentaban antecedentes de enfermedad general y no habían recibido medicación antimicrobiana ni tratamiento periodontal en los útimos 6 meses; en el caso de las mujeres, no podían estar embarazadas. En los dientes seleccionados se procedió a tomar la muestra cumpliendo con los requisitos establecidos; luego se examinó inmediatamente en el microscopio de campo oscuro. Los resultados obtenidos indican que no hubo relación entre los morfotipos microbianos y los diferentes valores del índice de sangramiento gingival.Thirty periodontal sites presenting with gingivitis and 30 with periodontitis were studied with the aim of determining the relation between gingival bleeding and microflora present in gingivitis and periodontitis. Patients selected for the study did not present with a history of systemic diseases and received neither antimicrobial medication nor periodontal treatment during the last 6 months, in the case of women it was required that they were not pregnant. The sample was taken in the teeth chosen in compliance with the requirements established; then the sample was immediately examined in the dark field microscope. Results obtained suggest that there was no relationship between microbial morphological types and the different values of the gingival bleeding index.

  18. Total anti-oxidant capacity of saliva in chronic periodontitis patients before and after periodontal treatment. (United States)

    Shirzaiy, M; Ansari, S M; Dehghan, J H; Ghaeni, S H


    Periodontal disease is among the most common inflammatory conditions which is associated with many different factors. One of the contributing factors to the pathogenesis of this condition may compromise the defensive mechanism of antioxidants. The present study evaluates the antioxidant capacity of saliva in periodontal patients before and after periodontal treatment. In this cross sectional study, 31 patients systemically healthy non smokers with chronic periodontitis were recruited. The antioxidant capacity of saliva was measured before the initial phase of periodontal therapy and after completion of the treatment. Data were analyzed using SPSS 19 software. Paired T-Test, Independent sample T-test and ANOVA tests were used as appropriated. The mean and standard deviation antioxidant capacity of the saliva after the treatment.(0.962± 0.287µM)was significantly higher than before the treatment (0.655 ± 0.281 µM ,pperiodontal treatment was higher among men than among women; however, the difference was not significant (P=0.07). The mean difference of salivary antioxidant capacity was not significantly differed among different ages (P=0.772). The antioxidant capacity of saliva was higher after periodontal therapy among patients with periodontal disease, however the change was not varied across the ages and gender. Therefore, the alterations in the defensive mechanism of antioxidants could be the key factors contribute to the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases.



    Solanki, Gaurav; Solanki, Renu


    A healthy periodontium is needed for the general well being of an individual. However, periodontal diseases are common and periodontal infections are increasingly associated with systemic diseases. The literature is focused on the association between periodontal infections and systemic diseases. The individuals with periodontal disease may be at higher risk for adverse medical outcomes including cardiovascular diseases, respiratory infections, adverse pregnancy outcomes, rheumatoid arthritis ...

  20. Risk factors for chronic periodontitis in Sri Lankan adults: a population based case-control study. (United States)

    Wellapuli, Nimali; Ekanayake, Lilani


    To determine risk factors for chronic periodontitis in 30-60 year olds in Sri Lanka. Cases and controls for this population based unmatched case-control study were identified from a broader cross-sectional study which was conducted to determine the prevalence of chronic periodontitis in 30-60 year old adults in Colombo district Sri Lanka. The study included 694 cases and 706 controls. Data were collected by means of a pre-tested interviewer administered questionnaire to obtain information about socio-demographic and behavioural factors, a physical examination to record anthropometric measurements and an oral examination. Being a male, a Muslim, belonging to the 45-60 year old age group, having less than 12 years of education, using the finger to clean teeth, current smoking, current betel quid chewing, self-reported diabetes and hypertension emerged as risk factors for chronic periodontitis. Several socio-demographic and behavioural factors as well as co-morbid conditions emerged as independent risk factors for chronic periodontits in this population. The findings could be used for planning programmes to reduce the burden of chronic periodontits in Colombo district Sri Lanka.

  1. Enfermedad acido-peptica


    Echavarría, Hector Raúl; Fundación Valle de Lili; Mendoza, Alfredo


    ¿En qué consisten las enfermedades que se denominan con el término genérico de enfermedad acido-péptica?/ ¿Cuáles son sus síntomas?/ ¿Cómo se comporta la enfermedad acido-péptica y cuáles son sus causas?/ ¿Cómo se evitan estas enfermedades y como se tratan?

  2. Diagnóstico por el laboratorio de las enfermedades periodontales y periimplantarias


    Bullon, Pedro


    Desde el punto de vista epidemiológico la enfermedad periodontal tiene una enorme trascendencia. El diagnóstico del proceso es una necesidad para, con arreglo a él, realizar el tratamiento y la prevención mas propiada. El enfoque del diagnóstico depende del concepto que sobre la patogenia se tiene en un momento dado. Desde esa perspectiva se hace un análisis de los distintos métodos de diagnóstico que existen. Se llega a la conclusión de que actualmente el método clínico, mediante el sonda...

  3. IL6 and IL10 are genetic susceptibility factors of periodontal disease

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    Luca Scapoli


    Conclusions: The present investigation indicated that polymorphisms of IL6 and IL10 constitute risk factors for chronic periodontitis, while there was no evidence implicating a specific IL1A or IL1B genotype.

  4. Relationship between stress factor and periodontal disease in a rural area population in Japan


    Akhter, Rahena; Hannan, MA; Okhubo, R; Morita, M


    Objectives: Several studies conducted in Western countries have shown significant associations between stress factors and periodontal disease. However, there have been only a few studies conducted in Asian countries. The present study was designed to identify possible relationship between stress and periodontal disease in residents of a rural area in Japan. Material and Methods: Data were collected from 1,089 adults with at least six natural teeth in a typical farming district of Japan. S...

  5. Factores de riesgo y personalidad premórbida en la enfermedad de Alzheimer


    Conde Sala, Josep Lluís


    Los objetivos de la investigación fueron: a) explorar e identificar de factores de riesgo no- biológicos para las demencias, b) plantear probables perfiles de riesgo bio - psico - sociales de forma específica para la enfermedad de Alzheimer y c) sugerir elementos de prevención para un posible desarrollo de políticas de salud pública. La hipótesis subyacente hacía referencia a la existencia de unos factores de riesgo de tipo psicosocial y de personalidad, presentes anteriormente al desarrollo ...

  6. Detección y prevalencia de patógenos periodontales de una población con periodontitis crónica en Uruguay mediante metodología convencional y metagenómica

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    Virginia Papone

    Full Text Available Resumen Las enfermedades periodontales son un significativo problema mundial a nivel de salud humana. Décadas de investigaciones, evidencian que en la mayoría de los casos la periodontitis crónica es la más común, caracterizada por ser de evolución lenta, con formación de bolsas periodontales, posterior reabsorción del hueso alveolar, pérdida y destrucción de piezas dentarias y tejido óseo. Si bien se reconoce el origen multifactorial en el desarrollo de la periodontitis, es relevante la participación de la microbiota subgingival en la etiología de la enfermedad periodontal. Algunas de las especies bacterianas patógenas que han sido asociadas con el desarrollo de la enfermedad periodontal son Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, entre otras. En este estudio, nos propusimos investigar cuáles de éstas cinco especies estaban presentes en las bolsas periodontales de 51 pacientes uruguayos con periodontitis crónica. Para alcanzar éste objetivo se utilizó una técnica convencional microbiológica y metagenómica (multiplex-PCR. Los resultados de la técnica convencional microbiológica evidenciaron la presencia de A. actinomycetemcomitans (33% y de bacterias negras pigmentadas anaerobias (100% en las muestras. De los resultados obtenidos en la multiplex-PCR, se demostró que las especies de mayor prevalencia fueron F. nucleatum (100%, T. forsythia (92% y P. gingivalis (88%. Por el contrario, las especies de menor prevalencia fueron P. intermedia (39% y A. actinomycetemcomitans (33%

  7. Serum placental growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 and -2 levels in periodontal disease, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. (United States)

    Sert, Tuba; Kırzıoğlu, F Yeşim; Fentoğlu, Ozlem; Aylak, Firdevs; Mungan, Tamer


    The aim of this study is the evaluation of levels of serum interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), placental growth factor (PIGF), and soluble VEGF receptor (sVEGFR)-1 and -2 in the association between periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes. One hundred and nine mothers, who recently gave birth, and 51 women who were not recently pregnant, aged 18 to 35 years, were included in this study. The mothers were classified as term birth, preterm birth (PTB), and preterm low birth weight (PLBW) in respect to their gestational age and baby's birth weight. The birth mothers were grouped as having gingivitis or periodontitis. The non-pregnant group also included periodontally healthy patients. Venous blood samples were collected to evaluate serum IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, VEGF, PIGF, and sVEGFR-1 and -2 levels. Mother's weight, education, and income level were significantly associated with pregnancy outcomes. Serum levels of IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, VEGF, and sVEGFR-1 and -2 showed an increase in significance when related to pregnancy. Whereas in the PLBW group IL-1β, VEGF, and sVEGFR-2 levels were increased, in the PTB group sVEGFR-1 levels were increased. Additionally, the patients in the PLBW group with periodontitis had higher serum levels of IL-1β, VEGF, sVEGFR-2, and IL-1β/IL-10. The serum levels of IL-1β, VEGF, and sVEGFR-1 and -2 may have a potential effect on the mechanism of the association between periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

  8. The global burden of periodontal disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Poul E; Ogawa, Hiroshi


    Chronic diseases are accelerating globally, advancing across all regions and pervading all socioeconomic classes. Unhealthy diet and poor nutrition, physical inactivity, tobacco use, excessive use of alcohol and psychosocial stress are the most important risk factors. Periodontal disease...... is a component of the global burden of chronic disease, and chronic disease and periodontal disease have the same essential risk factors. In addition, severe periodontal disease is related to poor oral hygiene and to poor general health (e.g. the presence of diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases......). The present report highlights the global burden of periodontal disease: the ultimate burden of periodontal disease (tooth loss), as well as signs of periodontal disease, are described from World Health Organization (WHO) epidemiological data. High prevalence rates of complete tooth loss are found in upper...

  9. Role of periodontal pathogenic bacteria in RANKL-mediated bone destruction in periodontal disease. (United States)

    Kajiya, Mikihito; Giro, Gabriela; Taubman, Martin A; Han, Xiaozhe; Mayer, Marcia P A; Kawai, Toshihisa


    Accumulated lines of evidence suggest that hyperimmune responses to periodontal bacteria result in the destruction of periodontal connective tissue and alveolar bone. The etiological roles of periodontal bacteria in the onset and progression of periodontal disease (PD) are well documented. However, the mechanism underlying the engagement of periodontal bacteria in RANKL-mediated alveolar bone resorption remains unclear. Therefore, this review article addresses three critical subjects. First, we discuss earlier studies of immune intervention, ultimately leading to the identification of bacteria-reactive lymphocytes as the cellular source of osteoclast-induction factor lymphokine (now called RANKL) in the context of periodontal bone resorption. Next, we consider (1) the effects of periodontal bacteria on RANKL production from a variety of adaptive immune effector cells, as well as fibroblasts, in inflamed periodontal tissue and (2) the bifunctional roles (upregulation vs. downregulation) of LPS produced from periodontal bacteria in a RANKL-induced osteoclast-signal pathway. Future studies in these two areas could lead to new therapeutic approaches for the management of PD by down-modulating RANKL production and/or RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis in the context of host immune responses against periodontal pathogenic bacteria.

  10. Is overweight/obesity a risk factor for periodontitis in young adults and adolescents?: a systematic review. (United States)

    Khan, S; Barrington, G; Bettiol, S; Barnett, T; Crocombe, L


    Obesity in young adults and adolescents is associated with chronic co-morbidities. This project investigated whether being overweight or obese is a risk factor for periodontitis in adolescents (13-17 years) and young adults (18-34 years). A search of 12 databases was conducted using Medical Subject Headings/Index and Emtree terms. Based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, articles published between 2003 and 2016 were screened that reported periodontal and anthropometric measures. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to appraise the quality of studies. Of 25 eligible studies from 12 countries, 17 showed an association between obesity and periodontitis (odds ratios ranged from 1.1 to 4.5). The obesity indicators of body mass index, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio and body fat percentage were significantly associated with measures of periodontitis of bleeding on probing, plaque index, probing depths, clinical attachment loss, calculus, oral hygiene index and community periodontal index. Two prospective cohort studies in the review showed no significant association between obesity and periodontitis, but these studies had limitations of study design and used inappropriate epidemiological diagnostic measures of periodontitis. There was evidence to suggest that obesity is associated with periodontitis in adolescents and young adults. Systematic Review Registration: PROSPERO Registration Number: CRD42016046507. © 2018 World Obesity Federation.

  11. Validity of partial protocols to assess the prevalence of periodontal outcomes and associated sociodemographic and behavior factors in adolescents and young adults. (United States)

    Peres, Marco A; Peres, Karen G; Cascaes, Andreia M; Correa, Marcos B; Demarco, Flávio F; Hallal, Pedro C; Horta, Bernardo L; Gigante, Denise P; Menezes, Ana B


    Most studies comparing prevalence of periodontal disease and risk factors by using partial protocols were performed in adult populations, with several studies being conducted in clinical settings. The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of partial protocols in estimating the prevalence of periodontal outcomes in adolescents and young adults from two population-based birth cohorts from Pelotas, Brazil, and to assess differences in the estimation and strength of the effect measures when partial protocols are adopted compared to full-mouth examination. Gingival bleeding at probing among adolescents (n = 339) and young adults (n = 720) and dental calculus and periodontal probing depth among young adults were assessed using full-mouth examinations and four partial protocols: Ramfjord teeth (RT), community periodontal index (CPI), and two random diagonal quadrants (1 and 3, 2 and 4). Socioeconomic, demographic, and periodontal health-related variables were also collected. Sensitivity, absolute and relative bias, and inflation factors were calculated. Prevalence ratio for each periodontal outcome for the risk factors was estimated. Two diagonal quadrants showed better accuracy; RT had the worst, whereas CPI presented an intermediate pattern when compared to full-mouth examination. For bleeding assessment in adolescence, RT and CPI underestimated by 18.4% and 16.2%, respectively, the true outcome prevalence, whereas among young adults, all partial protocols underestimated the prevalence. All partial protocols presented similar magnitude of association measures for all investigated periodontal potential risk factors. Two diagonal quadrants protocol may be effective in identifying the risk factors for the most relevant periodontal outcomes in adolescence and in young adulthood.

  12. A etiologia multifatorial da recessão periodontal The etiologic factors of periodontal recession

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    Karen Ferreira Gazel Yared


    Full Text Available A literatura apresenta vários fatores relacionados na etiologia da recessão periodontal, além do processo inflamatório induzido pelo biofilme bacteriano, os quais incluem fatores externos e anatômicos locais. Por meio deste estudo, revistou-se a literatura sobre tais fatores, cujo conhecimento é de grande importância para o ortodontista, contribuindo durante o diagnóstico, planejamento e tratamento ortodôntico propriamente dito.The literature shows that besides dental plaque, some external and anatomic local factors are still related to gingival recession etiology. This study reviewed the literature about those factors, which knownledge is of great benefit to the orthodontist, contributing during diagnostic, planning and orthodontic treatment.

  13. Periodontal tissue damage in smokers

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    Hutojo Djajakusuma


    Full Text Available Dental plaque is the primary etiological factor in periodontal diseases. However, there are many factors that can modify how an individual periodontal tissue will respond to the accumulation of dental plaque. Among such risk factors, there is increasing evidence that smoking tobacco products alters the expression and rate of progression of periodontal diseases. The aim of this study was to find out the loss of periodontal tissue adhesion in smokers by measuring pocket depth using probe, and by measuring alveolar bone damage using Bone Loss Score (BLS radiographic methods on teeth 12, 11, 21, 22, 32, 31, 41, 42. Based on T Test statistical analysis, there were significant differences in pocket depth damage of alveolar bone in smokers and non smokers. In conclusion there were increasing pocket depth and alveolar bone damage in smokers.

  14. Factors related to periodontal disease in a rural population Fatores associados à doença periodontal em uma população rural

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    Taíze Cassia Nascimento de Macêdo


    Full Text Available To estimate the prevalence and related aspects of periodontitis in a rural area of the State of Bahia, Brazil, this cross-sectional study was carried out in the village of Matinha dos Pretos, Feira de Santana County, Bahia, among 172 subjects ranging from 20 to 60 years of age. During household visits, a full-mouth periodontal exam was performed on each subject, who also answered a questionnaire about socio-demographic, economic and health-related issues. The factors assessed were plaque index, bleeding on probing index, probing depth, gingival recession or hyperplasia measurements. Clinical attachment loss was also calculated. The multivariate logistic regression method was used to evaluate the relative contribution of these factors to the periodontitis condition. The prevalence of periodontitis was 24.4%. The following factors were all positively associated with the presence of periodontitis: being male (OR = 1.58; 1.00 - 2.53, being 30 years of age or older (OR = 2.80; 1.00 - 7.39, living in a house where there was more than one person per room (OR = 1.53; 0.96 - 2.45, being a cigarette or pipe smoker or ex-smoker (OR = 1.49; 0.92 - 2.39, having a plaque index of over 65% (OR = 2.97; 2.72 - 7.39 and more than four missing teeth (OR = 1.51; 0.82 - 2.78. The authors concluded that socioeconomic and biological factors, especially poor oral hygiene and older age, are positively associated with periodontitis in the rural population of a small village in the county of Feira de Santana, State of Bahia, Brazil.Para estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados à periodontite em uma área rural do Estado da Bahia foi realizado um estudo transversal com 172 indivíduos, de 20 a 60 anos de idade residentes no povoado de Matinha dos Pretos, Feira de Santana (BA. Durante visitas domiciliares, um exame clínico periodontal completo foi realizado para cada indivíduo, que também respondeu a um questionário a respeito de fatores sociodemográficos, econ

  15. Periodontal disease in pregnancy is a risk factor for preeclampsia. (United States)

    Shetty, Mamatha; Shetty, Prasanna Kumar; Ramesh, Amitha; Thomas, Biju; Prabhu, Sumathi; Rao, Aruna


    Many recent studies have evaluated the relation between periodontitis and pregnancy complications. This study aimed to examine the association between preeclampsia and periodontitis in Indian women. A total of 130 pregnant women were enrolled between 26-32 weeks of gestation. Oral health examinations were performed at recruitment and again within 48 hours of delivery to determine the presence and/or progression of periodontitis in all subjects. Pocket depth, clinical attachment loss (CAL), and gingival index were measured in all subjects. There was significant (p periodontitis both at recruitment and after delivery. Multiple logistic regression demonstrated that periodontitis both at enrolment (OR = 5.78, 95% CI 2.41-13.89) as well as within 48 hours of delivery (OR = 20.15, 95% CI 4.55-89.29), may be associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia.

  16. Improvement of pustulosis palmaris et plantaris by periodontal infection control in a patient with chronic periodontitis. (United States)

    Murai, Osamu; Sasaki, Daisuke; Ando, Yoshinori; Fujimura, Akira; Oikawa, Hiromi; Suwa, Nagisa; Watabe, Daisuke; Maeda, Fumihiko; Endo, Kohki; Yaegashi, Takashi; Akasaka, Toshihide; Naruishi, Koji


    Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris (PPP) is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune-type disease characterized by sterile pustules of skin. The skin inflammation is influenced by several factors such as drugs, sunlight, metabolic and psychogenic factors as well as metal allergy. Here, we report a rare case that intensive periodontal treatment might have contributed to the improvement of skin inflammation. Skin inflammation regressed 1 month after intensive periodontal treatment. Both CD4/CD8 ratio and % of B cells in the blood sample were slightly decreased corresponding to the improvement of periodontal inflammation. Infection control of periodontal lesions might be one of attractive therapeutic targets in management of PPP.

  17. Knowledge of risk factors and the periodontal disease-systemic link in dental students' clinical decisions. (United States)

    Friesen, Lynn Roosa; Walker, Mary P; Kisling, Rebecca E; Liu, Ying; Williams, Karen B


    This study evaluated second-, third-, and fourth-year dental students' ability to identify systemic conditions associated with periodontal disease, risk factors most important for referral, and medications with an effect on the periodontium and their ability to apply this knowledge to make clinical decisions regarding treatment and referral of periodontal patients. A twenty-one question survey was administered at one U.S. dental school in the spring semester of 2012 to elicit the students' knowledge and confidence regarding clinical reasoning. The response rate was 86 percent. Periodontal risk factors were accurately selected by at least 50 percent of students in all three classes; these were poorly controlled diabetes, ≥6 mm pockets posteriorly, and lack of response to previous non-surgical therapy. Confidence in knowledge, knowledge of risk factors, and knowledge of medications with an effect on the periodontium improved with training and were predictive of better referral decision making. The greatest impact of training was seen on the students' ability to make correct decisions about referral and treatment for seven clinical scenarios. Although the study found a large increase in the students' abilities from the second through fourth years, the mean of 4.6 (out of 7) for the fourth-year students shows that, on average, those students missed correct treatment or referral on more than two of seven clinical cases. These results suggest that dental curricula should emphasize more critical decision making with respect to referral and treatment criteria in managing the periodontal patient.

  18. Enfermedad periodontal y embarazo. Revisión de la literatura

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    B. María De Los Ángeles Herane, DRA.


    Full Text Available La gingivitis del embarazo es una enfermedad inflamatoria producida por bacterias con una alta prevalencia, que va del 35 al 100%, según estudios. La severidad de la gingivitis aumentó gradualmente y alcanzó su peak en el tercer trimestre, seguido por una súbita disminución de la severidad en postparto, el cual se correlacionó con un aumento gradual en el nivel plasmático de progesterona y niveles de estrógenos que alcanzan su peak en el tercer trimestre y que sufren una repentina caída después del postparto. La asociación entre gingivitis y aumento de los esteroides sexuales sistémicos ha sido extensamente reportada y los mecanismos biológicos detrás de este florido estado inflamatorio han sido estudiados por décadas. Este artículo muestra el rol de las hormonas sexuales femeninas en la gravedad de la gingivitis aunque la higiene bucal sea buena constantemente.

  19. Association of Periodontitis and Subsequent Depression (United States)

    Hsu, Chih-Chao; Hsu, Yi-Chao; Chen, Hsuan-Ju; Lin, Che-Chen; Chang, Kuang-Hsi; Lee, Chang-Yin; Chong, Lee-Won; Kao, Chia-Hung


    Abstract Periodontitis is a systemic and chronic inflammatory disease associated with multiple physical conditions. Distress and depression are other problems affecting the progression of periodontitis. However, the causal relationship between depression and periodontitis has not been adequately investigated. This aim of this study was to determine the association between periodontitis and the subsequent development of depression. We identified 12,708 patients with newly diagnosed periodontitis from 2000 to 2005 and 50,832 frequency-matched individuals without periodontitis. Both groups were followed until diagnosed with depression, withdrawal from the National Health Insurance program, or the end of 2011. The association between periodontitis and depressio was analyzed using Cox proportional hazard regression models. The incidence density rate of depression was higher in the periodontitis group than in the nonperiodontitis group, with an adjusted hazard ratio of 1.73 (95% confidence interval 1.58–1.89) when adjusting for sex, age, and comorbidity. Cox models revealed that periodontitis was an independent risk factor for depression in patients, except for comorbidities of diabetes mellitus (DM), alcohol abuse, and cancer. Periodontitis may increase the risk of subsequent depression and was suggested an independent risk factor regardless of sex, age, and most comorbidities. However, DM, alcohol abuse, and cancer may prevent the development of subsequent depression because of DM treatment, the paradoxical effect of alcohol, and emotional distress to cancer, respectively. Prospective studies on the relationship between periodontitis and depression are warranted. PMID:26705230

  20. Risk Factors for Peri-Implantitis: Effect of History of Periodontal Disease and Smoking Habits. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Claudio Stacchi


    Full Text Available Objectives: The purpose of this review was to evaluate whether history of periodontitis and smoking habits could represent a risk factor for peri-implantitis and implant loss. Material and Methods: This systematic review followed PRISMA guidelines and was registered at the PROSPERO database [registration numbers CRD42016034160 (effect of history of periodontitis and CRD42016033676 (effect of smoking]. Broad electronic (MEDLINE and manual searches were conducted among articles published from January 1st 1990 up to December 31st 2015, resulting in 49332 records for history of periodontitis and 3199 for smoking habits. Selection criteria included prospective studies comparing two cohorts of patients, with and without the investigated risk factor, with a minimum follow-up period of three years, and reporting data on peri-implantitis and implant loss occurrence. Considering that only prospective studies were included, dichotomous data were expressed as risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Results: Three studies evaluating history of periodontitis (on which quantitative analysis was performed and one study on smoking effect were included. Both implant and patient-based meta-analyses revealed a significantly higher risk of developing peri-implantitis in patients with a history of periodontitis compared with periodontally healthy subjects, but not a statistically significant increased risk for implant loss. Conclusions: The outcomes of this systematic review indicate history of periodontitis as a possible risk factor for peri-implantitis, while insufficient data are present in literature to evaluate the role of smoking. However, available evidence is still weak and immature, and sound epidemiological studies are needed to analyse the specific contribution of these potential risk factors.

  1. Evaluación periodontal de pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitus Periodontal evaluation of patients with diabetes mellitus.

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    Carlos Rogério Ribeiro Fontanini


    Full Text Available Los portadores de diabetes mellitus presentan manifestaciones sistémicas que pueden interferir en la atención odontológica. El riesgo de periodontitis aumenta cuando el paciente está descompensado metabólicamente. El objetivo de nuestra investigación fue evaluar las condiciones periodontales relacionadas en pacientes con diabetes mellitus. Se examinaron 57 pacientes portadores de diabetes. Las condiciones periodontales fueron evaluadas por el índice CPITN. Se constató un inadecuado control metabólico, pues 38 pacientes (66,67 % se encontraban con niveles glicémicos alterados. Se evaluaron en total 342 sextantes y 49 fueron considerados válidos para examen. Los códigos 0 y 1 estuvieron representados por un paciente cada uno; el código 2 fue observado en 11 sextantes examinados; el código 3 en 18 y el código 4 en 22 de estos. Concluimos que la enfermedad periodontal es muy severa en diabéticos. En función de las manifestaciones bucales encontradas en esos pacientes, podemos sugerir que individuos portadores de diabetes mellitus representan un grupo especial que requiere medidas odontológicas preventivas y terapéuticas específicas.Diabetes mellitus carriers show systemic manifestations that may interfere with odontological care. The risk of periodontitis increases with metabolic decompensation of a patient. The objective of our research work was to evaluate the periodontal condition in patients with diabetes mellitus. Fifty seven diabetic patients were examined. CPITN index served to assess the periodontal conditions. It was established that metabolic control was inadequate since 38 patients (66,67% presented with altered glycemic levels. Three hundred and forty two sextants were assessed, 49 of which were considered valid for test. Codes 0 and 1 were represented by one patient each; code 2 was observed in 11 analyzed sextants; code 3 in 18 and code 4 in 22. We concluded that periodontal disease is very severe in diabetics

  2. Effects of anxiety and depression on periodontal diseases: review article

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    Mahvash Mousavi jazi


    Full Text Available   Background and Aims: Periodontitis does not affect on all patients by the same way. There are some risk factors in some people that make them more sensitive to progress of periodontitis. Smoking, uncontrolled diabetes, and special pathogens increase the risk of periodontitis. Other factors such as stress, depression and anxiety, are not crucial risk factors for periodontitis yet. Biologic explanation of this relation is that mental conditions and exposure to stressful situations can alter immune response. The aim of this study was to review the psychological factors of anxiety and depression associated with periodontitis.   Materials and Methods: For this review article, we have searched through internet by the following keywords; periodontal disease, anxiety, depression. We have tried to cover almost all dental– related sites and journals as well as Pubmed from 1990-2010.   Conclusion: Most published studies support a positive relationship between periodontitis and several psycho-social factors. Life style, stressful conditions, hormonal changes, nonchalance in oral hygiene, habits such as smoking are predisposing factors in periodontal diseases.

  3. Genetic susceptibility of periodontitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laine, M.L.; Crielaard, W.; Loos, B.G.


    In this systematic review, we explore and summarize the peer-reviewed literature on putative genetic risk factors for susceptibility to aggressive and chronic periodontitis. A comprehensive literature search on the PubMed database was performed using the keywords ‘periodontitis’ or ‘periodontal

  4. Enfermedad renal crónica: epidemiología y factores de riesgo

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    Dr. H. Juan Carlos Flores


    Full Text Available Chile se encuentra en una fase tardía de la transición demográfico-epidemiológica, caracterizada por envejecimiento de la población y un enorme aumento de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Dentro de éstas, se encuentra la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC, y sus factores de riesgo, diabetes e hipertensión. ERC, cuya prevalencia se estima en 10%, se asocia a un alto riesgo de mortalidad cardiovascular y progresión renal; su evolución es habitualmente silenciosa, y puede pasar inadvertida para los pacientes, médicos y autoridades de salud. Sólo recientemente ha aumentado la conciencia de ERC, como un problema de salud pública, considerando su amplia distribución, complicaciones y costo. Una nueva definición y clasificación de ERC ha contribuido a establecer programas de detección e intervención precoz, que deben hacerse en el nivel de atención primaria. Los gobiernos deben implementar con urgencia programas de tamizaje y vigilancia de ERC, para establecer su magnitud, epidemiología, morbimortalidad y tendencias.

  5. Periodontal Disease: A Possible Risk-Factor for Adverse Pregnancy Outcome


    Parihar, Anuj Singh; Katoch, Vartika; Rajguru, Sneha A; Rajpoot, Nami; Singh, Pinojj; Wakhle, Sonal


    Bacterial invasion in subgingival sites especially of gram-negative organisms are initiators for periodontal diseases. The periodontal pathogens with persistent inflammation lead to destruction of periodontium. In recent years, periodontal diseases have been associated with a number of systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular-disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory diseases and adverse pregnancy outcomes including pre-term low-birth weight (PLBW) and pre-eclampsi...

  6. Factores asociados a la enfermedad discal lumbar de origien laboral calificados por la junta de calificación de invalidez regional de Meta, entre 2001 y 2014


    Contreras Pinto, Wilson José


    La enfermedad de disco lumbar de origen laboral se presenta como una patología frecuente a nivel mundial en la masa trabajadora de diferentes sectores económicos expuesta a factores de riesgo biomecánico, afectando negativamente a la persona como ser individual y social, y repercutiendo en las economías en diferentes niveles. Objetivo Establecer la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo biomecánico en los casos con diagnóstico de enfermedad de disco lumbar calificados como enfermedad de orige...

  7. Periodontal health and global public health

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Poul E; Baehni, Pierre C


    Chronic diseases are a growing burden to people, to health-care systems and to societies across the world. The rapid increase in the burden of chronic diseases is particularly prevalent in the developing countries. Periodontal disease is one of the two most important oral diseases contributing...... to the global burden of chronic disease. In addition to social determinants, periodontal health status is related to several proximal factors. Modifiable risk factors, such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet and nutrition, obesity, psychological stress and insufficient personal....../oral hygiene, are important and these principal risk factors for periodontal disease are shared by other chronic diseases. The present monograph is devoted to the existing evidence on the practice of public health related to periodontal health. Public health is defined as the process of mobilizing and engaging...

  8. Riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares en ancianos: hábitos de vida, factores sociodemográficos y clínicos

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    Ana Luisa Brandão de Carvalho

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre los hábitos de vida relacionados con el riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares y los factores sociodemográficos y clínicos en ancianos. Metodología: Estudio transversal, realizado con 100 ancianos en unidades básicas de salud de una ciudad del nordeste de Brasil. Se utilizó un guion de entrevista y examen físico para la recogida de los datos, aplicado de marzo a julio de 2015. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: Los hábitos de vida y datos sociodemográficos y clínicos que presentaron asociaciones estadísticas fueron: sexo con hábitos de tabaquismo y alcoholismo; diabetes mellitus e hipertensión arterial con el deseo de controlar la enfermedad; alteración en la presión arterial con práctica de actividad física y deseo de controlar la enfermedad. Conclusión: Los hábitos de vida de la población anciana relacionados con riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares pueden sufrir influencias de los factores sociodemográficos y clínicos. Esos hallazgos contribuyen a la dirección de las acciones de enfermería en la prevención de los riesgos cardiovasculares a través de la promoción de hábitos de vida saludables.

  9. Ozone therapy in periodontics. (United States)

    Gupta, G; Mansi, B


    Gingival and Periodontal diseases represent a major concern both in dentistry and medicine. The majority of the contributing factors and causes in the etiology of these diseases are reduced or treated with ozone in all its application forms (gas, water, oil). The beneficial biological effects of ozone, its anti-microbial activity, oxidation of bio-molecules precursors and microbial toxins implicated in periodontal diseases and its healing and tissue regeneration properties, make the use of ozone well indicated in all stages of gingival and periodontal diseases. The primary objective of this article is to provide a general review about the clinical applications of ozone in periodontics. The secondary objective is to summarize the available in vitro and in vivo studies in Periodontics in which ozone has been used. This objective would be of importance to future researchers in terms of what has been tried and what the potentials are for the clinical application of ozone in Periodontics.


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    Dr. Raúl Martínez-Fernández.


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Parkinson es un trastorno neurodegenerativo complejo y de presentación heterogénea. Aunque aún no se dispone de ningún fármaco que enlentezca la progresión de la enfermedad, existe un arsenal terapéutico extenso y eficaz para el control sintomático en cada una de sus fases, por lo que es importante realizar un diagnóstico preciso así como un correcto manejo de fármacos que garantice un estado óptimo en los paciente que la sufren, lo que resultará en una mejora en su calidad de vida. Además, dado que es el trastorno neurodegenerativo más frecuente tras la enfermedad de Alzheimer y que su factor de riesgo principal es la edad, la enfermedad de Parkinson supone, cada vez más, un reto de salud pública en nuestras sociedades occidentales progresivamente envejecidas. Esta revisión pretende actualizar los aspectos clínicos y diagnósticos fundamentales de la enfermedad de Parkinson así como las principales estrategias terapéuticas disponibles.

  11. Obstetricians' knowledge of periodontal disease as a potential risk factor for preterm delivery and low birth weight

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    José Mariano da Rocha


    Full Text Available There is little information about the knowledge and attitudes of physicians regarding oral care. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitudes of obstetricians about the relationship between periodontal disease and preterm/low birth weight. A questionnaire was emailed to members of the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FEBRASGO. The questionnaire elicited both personal information and knowledge and attitudes regarding the relationship between periodontal diseases and preterm labor. A total of 875 obstetricians responded to the questionnaire. The majority of respondents were female (54.1%, resided in the Southeast (45.6%, worked in both the public and private sectors (61.4%, and had over 15 years of experience in obstetrics (48.9%. A large proportion of obstetricians (93.4% stated that bacteria were associated with periodontal disease, and 94% reported that periodontitis was a condition more severe than gingivitis. In total, over 80% of participating obstetricians reported smoking, preeclampsia, bacterial vaginosis and periodontal disease as risk factors or possible risk factors for preterm birth or low birth weight. A correlation between the experience of the obstetricians and referral of their patients for dental examinations (p < 0.001 was observed. Also, obstetricians who had had their own dental visits more recently were more likely to recommend the same for their patients (p < 0.001. It is concluded that, although obstetricians were aware of the association between gingival inflammation and adverse obstetric outcomes, the attitudes of these professionals were not in agreement with their apparent knowledge regarding periodontal diseases and their possible repercussions.

  12. Growth/differentiation factor-5 significantly enhances periodontal wound healing/regeneration compared with platelet-derived growth factor-BB in dogs. (United States)

    Kwon, Hyuk-Rak; Wikesjö, Ulf M E; Park, Jung-Chul; Kim, Young-Taek; Bastone, Patrizia; Pippig, Susanne D; Kim, Chong-Kwan


    Recombinant human growth/differentiation factor-5 (rhGDF-5) in a particulate beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP) carrier is being evaluated to support periodontal regeneration. The objective of this study was to evaluate periodontal wound healing/regeneration following an established clinical (benchmark) protocol including surgical implantation of rhGDF-5/beta-TCP in comparison with that following implantation of recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor-BB (rhPDGF) combined with a particulate beta-TCP biomaterial using an established canine defect model. Bilateral, 4 x 5 mm (width x depth), one-wall, critical-size, intrabony periodontal defects were surgically created at the mandibular second and fourth pre-molar teeth in five adult Beagle dogs. Defect sites were randomized to receive rhGDF-5/beta-TCP or the rhPDGF construct followed by wound closure for primary intention healing. The animals were sacrificed following an 8-week healing interval for histological and histometric examination. Clinical healing was generally uneventful. Sites receiving rhGDF-5/beta-TCP exhibited a significantly enhanced cementum formation compared with sites receiving the rhPDGF construct, averaging (+/-SD) 4.49+/-0.48 versus 2.72+/-0.91 mm (palveolar bone. Both protocols displayed beta-TCP residues apparently undergoing resorption. Application of both materials appears safe, as they were associated with limited, if any, adverse events. rhGDF-5/beta-TCP shows a significant potential to support/accelerate periodontal wound healing/regeneration. Application of rhGDF-5/beta-TCP appears safe and should be further evaluated in human clinical trials.

  13. Evaluation of salivary tumor necrosis factor-alpha in patients with the chronic periodontitis: A case-control study. (United States)

    Yousefimanesh, Hojatollah; Maryam, Robati; Mahmoud, Jahangirnezhad; Mehri, Ghafourian Boroujerdnia; Mohsen, Taghipour


    Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease that leads to inflammation of the tissues supporting the teeth, bone loss, attachment loss progressively. In chronic periodontitis for starting the host response and inflammatory reaction, the presence of the infectious agent is necessary. One of inflammatory factors is tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) that appear to be important in the destruction of periodontal tissues that were examined in this study. This study was performed in the laboratory and case-control study. The samples of study collected from 30 individuals with chronic periodontitis and 30 healthy controls that matched for age and sex, together. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected from patients and then TNF-α level were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and were compared with the control group. In this study for statistical analysis, Mann-Whitney was used. There were differences in mean salivary concentrations of TNF-α in controls and patients. The average concentration in the case group was 9.1 (pg/ml) and the control group was 8.7 (pg/ml), but there was no significant difference between case and control groups (P > 0.05). The results of this analysis showed no significant relationship between two groups TNF-α concentration. This biomarker can not seem to be a good index to evaluate or predict periodontal disease.

  14. Evaluation of salivary tumor necrosis factor-alpha in patients with the chronic periodontitis: A case-control study

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    Hojatollah Yousefimanesh


    Full Text Available Context: Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease that leads to inflammation of the tissues supporting the teeth, bone loss, attachment loss progressively. In chronic periodontitis for starting the host response and inflammatory reaction, the presence of the infectious agent is necessary. Aims: One of inflammatory factors is tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α that appear to be important in the destruction of periodontal tissues that were examined in this study. Materials and Methods: This study was performed in the laboratory and case-control study. The samples of study collected from 30 individuals with chronic periodontitis and 30 healthy controls that matched for age and sex, together. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected from patients and then TNF-α level were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and were compared with the control group. Statistical Analysis Used: In this study for statistical analysis, Mann-Whitney was used. Results: There were differences in mean salivary concentrations of TNF-α in controls and patients. The average concentration in the case group was 9.1 (pg/ml and the control group was 8.7 (pg/ml, but there was no significant difference between case and control groups (P > 0.05. Conclusions: The results of this analysis showed no significant relationship between two groups TNF-α concentration.This biomarker can not seem to be a good index to evaluate or predict periodontal disease.

  15. The relationship of malocclusion with periodontal status, dental caries, and sociodemographic factors in school children of Ludhiana

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    Saurabh Goel


    Full Text Available Aim: The aim of this study was to find the relationship of orthodontic malocclusion with periodontal status, dental caries, and sociodemographic factors. Materials and Methods: The study population comprised 400 school-going children of age 11–14 years. The severity of malocclusion was determined by Treatment Priority Index. The sociodemographic factors were evaluated using a questionnaire that enquired about age, gender, parents' monthly income, and their educational status. Periodontal status was assessed using Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Need (CPITN index. To know about dental caries, decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT index was used in this study. Statistical Analysis Used: Spearman's rank correlation coefficients were used to find an association between variables. The effect of sociodemographic factors on treatment priority index (TPI scores was examined using Chi-square test. Student's t-test (to compare TPI scores of different genders and analysis of variance (to compare TPI scores among different age groups were used in this study. Results: Out of a total of 400 children included in the study, 19.5% students had normal occlusion whereas a majority of them (80.5% showed some sort of malocclusion. CPITN scores revealed that 3.1% pupils had no sign of the disease, 57.5% showed gingival bleeding after gentle probing, and 39.4% had supra or subgingival calculus. Conclusions: No statistically significant correlation was found between the orthodontic treatment need, periodontal status, and sociodemographic factors while a significant relation is observed of TPI with DMFT.

  16. The Role of Nutrition in Periodontal Health: An Update

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    Shariq Najeeb


    Full Text Available Periodontal health is influenced by a number of factors such as oral hygiene, genetic and epigenetic factors, systemic health, and nutrition. Many studies have observed that a balanced diet has an essential role in maintaining periodontal health. Additionally, the influences of nutritional supplements and dietary components have been known to affect healing after periodontal surgery. Studies have attempted to find a correlation between tooth loss, periodontal health, and nutrition. Moreover, bone formation and periodontal regeneration are also affected by numerous vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. The aim of this review is to critically appraise the currently available data on diet and maintenance of periodontal health and periodontal healing. The effects of nutritional intervention studies to improve the quality of life and well-being of patients with periodontal disease have been discussed.

  17. [The salivary factors related to caries and periodontal disease in children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus]. (United States)

    Wang, Meng-xing; Wang, Xin; Zhang, Zhi; Qin, Man


    To detect the salivary factors related to caries and periodontal disease and to analyze the risk of caries and periodontal disease in children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus. The study comprised 30 children with diabetic mellitus, aged 7-15 years old, and 60 healthy age-and gender-matched children. Caries and periodontal indexes were recorded and saliva related factors were analyzed. Caries indexes of diabetes children [permanent teeth: decay missing filling tooth (DMFT) M (Q1,Q3) = 0(0, 4), deciduous teeth: decay missing filling tooth (dmft) M (Q1,Q3) = 0(0, 1)] were not significantly different with those of healthy children [DMFT M (Q1,Q3) = 1(0, 3), dmft M (Q1,Q3) = 0(0, 4)], but plaque index (PLI) (1.25 ± 0.33) and bleeding index (BI) (0.74 ± 0.45) of diabetes children were significantly higher than those of healthy children (PLI was 0.93 ± 0.31,BI was 0.34 ± 0.22) (P 0.05). Salivary glucose, immunoglobulin sIgA and sIgG were not significantly different between the two groups (P > 0.05).Salivary lysozyme of diabetes children was significantly higher than that of healthy children (P 0.05). Diabetes mellitus can lead to the changes of some salivary factors related to gingivitis in diabetes children. Children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus may have a higher risk of periodontal disease.

  18. Periodontal status and associated risk factors among childbearing age women in Cixi City of China* (United States)

    Wu, Yan-min; Liu, Jia; Sun, Wei-lian; Chen, Li-li; Chai, Li-guo; Xiao, Xiang; Cao, Zheng


    Objective: To investigate the periodontal status and associated risk factors among women of childbearing age to increase the awareness of oral health. Methods: The study was conducted on childbearing age women in Cixi, a city in Zhejiang Province in the southeast of China. A total of 754 women participated in periodontal examination while receiving prenatal care. Data of the women were collected from the Cixi Family Planning Commission and during an interview. Clinical periodontal indices, such as bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), and clinical attachment level (CAL) were measured during the examination. Statistical analysis on subject-based data was performed. Results: The prevalence of periodontal disease among childbearing age women in Cixi was high (84.7%). A significant association was found between the disease and educational level, pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives, stress, alcohol consumption, overweight, dental visit, and teeth brushing (Pperiodontal disease showed deep PD, obvious BOP, and clinical attachment loss. Among this population, pregnancy was closely associated with higher BOP percentage; teeth brushing no more than once per day or brushing for less than 1 min (Pperiodontal status of childbearing age women in Cixi needs to be improved urgently. Attention towards the periodontal health should be warranted, especially for those in special statuses and with poor awareness. PMID:23463766

  19. [The importance of local and general factors in development of inflammatory periodontal diseases in children and adolescents]. (United States)

    Shishinashvili, T E; Tsagareli, Z G; Khimshiashvili, N B


    The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of local and general adverse risk factors and their role in the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases in children and adolescents. The study of the dental status among 618 school children, 9 to 15 years of age has been performed. The obtained results revealed an ambiguous influence of general and local risk factors on the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Namely, among the general risk factors the main role is given to hormonal functioning state of juvenile age (26.5%) - (arhythmia formation of hormonal activity). Among the local risk factors inducing inflammatory periodontal diseases at young age, the most significant are tooth-jaw anomalies (32.2%), especially - dental occlusion pathology, lips' bridle attachment anomalies, absence of interdental contacts, small vestibule of the mouth and so on. Poor oral hygiene, however, is also a significant factor in all age groups. Definition of the role and importance of general and local risk factors, taking into consideration patient's age, is of great importance in organization of early prevention, giving the possibility to predict disease possible development, choose most appropriate way to treat the specific situation, reduce the need of complex treatment and improve treatment outcomes.

  20. Strengthening the prevention of periodontal disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Poul Erik; Ogawa, Hiroshi


    BACKGROUND: The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the burden of periodontal disease in adult populations worldwide, to emphasize the essential risk factors common to periodontal disease and chronic diseases, to outline important new strategies for effective prevention of periodontal...... disease, and to inform about the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in developing a national capacity for the prevention of disease. METHODS: Information about periodontal health status as measured by the Community Periodontal Index system is stored in the WHO Global Oral Health Data Bank....... Updated information concerning WHO standard age groups was used to describe the prevalence rates of signs of periodontal disease, i.e., gingival bleeding, periodontal pocketing, and loss of attachment. RESULTS: Gingival bleeding is highly prevalent among adult populations in all regions of the world...

  1. Tabaco y diabetes como factores de riesgo de enfermedades no transmisibles

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    Maria de la Caridad Casanova Moreno


    Full Text Available Sr. Editor: La tendencia actual en cuanto a las enfermedades no transmisibles y en especial a la diabetes mellitus se dirige a manejar el estado general del sujeto, donde el riesgo vascular ocupa un lugar importante para el control de la enfermedad, así como el aumento de peso, entre otros. En este tema, resulta muy importante la divulgación del artículo publicado en el Vol. 39, número 8 de agosto de 2014, titulado: Incidencia de factores de riesgo y modalidades de enfermedad ateroesclerótica en pacientes de Puerto Padre en el periodo comprendido entre mayo de 2012 y junio de 2013, donde se encontró que los factores de riesgo de enfermedad ateroesclerótica más incidentes fueron el hábito de fumar, la hipertensión arterial, la diabetes mellitus y la obesidad. La diabetes mellitus (DM se ha convertido en un creciente problema de salud en el mundo. Ahora se sabe que fumar causa diabetes tipo 2 (DM2, también conocida como la diabetes del adulto. Los fumadores tienen entre el 30 y el 40 % más de probabilidades de tener DM2 que los no fumadores. Mientras más cigarrillos fume una persona, más alto es su riesgo de DM. La DM puede producir complicaciones de salud graves como las enfermedades cardiacas, la ceguera, la insuficiencia renal y el daño en los nervios y los vasos sanguíneos de los pies y las piernas, lo cual puede llevar a situaciones como la amputación. Una persona con DM que fuma tiene más probabilidades de tener dificultad para regular la insulina y controlar la enfermedad que las personas con diabetes que no fuman. Tanto el tabaquismo como la diabetes causan problemas con el flujo de la sangre. Esto eleva el riesgo de ceguera y amputación. Los fumadores con DM, además, tienen más probabilidades de tener insuficiencia renal que las personas con diabetes que no fuman. (1 En Cuba la prevalencia de DM para el año 2013 fue de 53,7 x 1 000 habitantes., valor que aumentó con la edad, siendo para esta enfermedad los años de


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    Saidina Hamzah Daliemunthe


    Full Text Available Periodontal disease is one of the risk factors for certain systemic conditions. Retrospective and prospective studies showed that pregnant women with periodontitis have significantly higher risk to deliver preterm low birth weight infants (gestation period < 37 weeks and birth weight < 2500 grams, and the risk increase as the periodontitis progressed during pregnancy. Periodontal disease could mediate this systemic effect through the action of periodontal pathogens and lipopolysaccharide increasing the production of prostaglandin and cytokine (physiologic mediators in parturition which will trigger the delivery of preterm low birth weight among women with periodontitis. It is concluded that periodontal disease is an independent risk factor for preterm low birth weight, and inclusion of oral prophylaxis procedure during pregnancy should be considered.

  3. Interaction between endodontics and periodontics. (United States)

    Rotstein, Ilan


    Endodontic-periodontal lesions present challenges to the clinician regarding diagnosis, treatment planning and prognosis. Etiologic factors, such as bacteria and viruses, as well as contributing factors, such as trauma, root resorptions, perforations, cracks and dental malformations, play an important role in the development and progression of such lesions. Treatment and prognosis of endodontic-periodontal lesions vary, depending on the etiology, pathogenesis and correct diagnosis of each specific condition. This chapter will appraise the interrelationship between endodontic and periodontal lesions and provide biological and clinical evidence for diagnosis, prognosis and decision-making in the treatment of these conditions. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Acute periodontal lesions. (United States)

    Herrera, David; Alonso, Bettina; de Arriba, Lorenzo; Santa Cruz, Isabel; Serrano, Cristina; Sanz, Mariano


    This review provides updates on acute conditions affecting the periodontal tissues, including abscesses in the periodontium, necrotizing periodontal diseases and other acute conditions that cause gingival lesions with acute presentation, such as infectious processes not associated with oral bacterial biofilms, mucocutaneous disorders and traumatic and allergic lesions. A periodontal abscess is clinically important because it is a relatively frequent dental emergency, it can compromise the periodontal prognosis of the affected tooth and bacteria within the abscess can spread and cause infections in other body sites. Different types of abscesses have been identified, mainly classified by their etiology, and there are clear differences between those affecting a pre-existing periodontal pocket and those affecting healthy sites. Therapy for this acute condition consists of drainage and tissue debridement, while an evaluation of the need for systemic antimicrobial therapy will be made for each case, based on local and systemic factors. The definitive treatment of the pre-existing condition should be accomplished after the acute phase is controlled. Necrotizing periodontal diseases present three typical clinical features: papilla necrosis, gingival bleeding and pain. Although the prevalence of these diseases is not high, their importance is clear because they represent the most severe conditions associated with the dental biofilm, with very rapid tissue destruction. In addition to bacteria, the etiology of necrotizing periodontal disease includes numerous factors that alter the host response and predispose to these diseases, namely HIV infection, malnutrition, stress or tobacco smoking. The treatment consists of superficial debridement, careful mechanical oral hygiene, rinsing with chlorhexidine and daily re-evaluation. Systemic antimicrobials may be used adjunctively in severe cases or in nonresponding conditions, being the first option metronidazole. Once the acute

  5. Probable autoimmune causal relationship between periodontitis and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease with microbial dental plaque as the initiator of periodontal disease. However, the manifestation and progression of the disease is influenced by a wide variety of determinants and factors. The strongest type of causal relationship is the association of systemic and periodontal disease.

  6. Biomechanical force induces the growth factor production in human periodontal ligament-derived cells. (United States)

    Ichioka, Hiroaki; Yamamoto, Toshiro; Yamamoto, Kenta; Honjo, Ken-Ichi; Adachi, Tetsuya; Oseko, Fumishige; Mazda, Osam; Kanamura, Narisato; Kita, Masakazu


    Although many reports have been published on the functional roles of periodontal ligament (PDL) cells, the mechanisms involved in the maintenance and homeostasis of PDL have not been determined. We investigated the effects of biomechanical force on growth factor production, phosphorylation of MAPKs, and intracellular transduction pathways for growth factor production in human periodontal ligament (hPDL) cells using MAPK inhibitors. hPDL cells were exposed to mechanical force (6 MPa) using a hydrostatic pressure apparatus. The levels of growth factor mRNA and protein were examined by real-time RT-PCR and ELISA. The phosphorylation of MAPKs was measured using BD™ CBA Flex Set. In addition, MAPKs inhibitors were used to identify specific signal transduction pathways. Application of biomechanical force (equivalent to occlusal force) increased the synthesis of VEGF-A, FGF-2, and NGF. The application of biomechanical force increased the expression levels of phosphorylated ERK and p38, but not of JNK. Furthermore, the levels of VEGF-A and NGF expression were suppressed by ERK or p38 inhibitor. The growth factors induced by biomechanical force may play a role in the mechanisms of homeostasis of PDL.

  7. Obstetric knowledge, attitude, and behavior concerning periodontal diseases and treatment needs in pregnancy: influencing factors in France. (United States)

    Cohen, Laura; Schaeffer, Mickaël; Davideau, Jean-Luc; Tenenbaum, Henri; Huck, Olivier


    Many studies have shown that periodontal diseases are risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes. The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge and clinical attitude of French obstetricians and/or gynecologists regarding periodontal diseases. A cross-sectional study was performed on randomly selected French obstetricians and/or gynecologists using a self-administered, structured questionnaire during an annual French professional congress. The questionnaire was completed by 190 French obstetricians and/or gynecologists. Among respondents, 88% were aware of the inflammatory and infectious nature of periodontal diseases. Furthermore, 74.7% of respondents were conscious of its negative impact on pregnancy outcomes. Few obstetricians and/or gynecologists (26.3%) interviewed patients about oral health. Information on oral health was systematically provided to patients by 10.5% of the practitioners. However, 55.6% addressed this issue if they considered the patient at risk for pregnancy. Only 33.2% of practitioners systematically referred the patient to a dentist. Periodontal disease knowledge and consideration levels increased in more experienced practitioners with a private practice and a personal history of periodontal disease. Periodontal knowledge of the French obstetricians and/or gynecologists surveyed seemed satisfyingly apparent and influenced by levels of professional experience and personal history. However, clinical behavior did not adequately correlate with this knowledge.

  8. Evaluación psicológica en adultos mayores con factores de riesgo para la enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Juana Adela Fong Estrada


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 100 adultos mayores que acudieron a la consulta de Geriatría del Policlínico de Especialidades "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, durante el trimestre enero-marzo del 2012, a fin de evaluar psicológicamente a los ancianos con factores de riesgo de enfermedad de Alzheimer. Para determinar si existían signos de demencia se emplearon los tests de Hachinski, Mini-Mental y Hasegawa. En la serie prevalecieron la ingestión de alcohol, seguido del antecedente familiar de la enfermedad y el deterioro moderado. Se concluyó que en las consultas de Geriatría es de vital importancia la determinación de los factores de riesgo de la citada afección y la realización de los tests para detectar precozmente el deterioro cognitivo en los gerontes.

  9. Osteoporosis and Periodontitis. (United States)

    Wang, Chin-Wei Jeff; McCauley, Laurie K


    Osteoporosis and periodontitis are both diseases characterized by bone resorption. Osteoporosis features systemic degenerative bone loss that leads to loss of skeletal cancellous microstructure and subsequent fracture, whereas periodontitis involves local inflammatory bone loss, following an infectious breach of the alveolar cortical bone, and it may result in tooth loss. Most cross-sectional studies have confirmed the association of osteoporosis and periodontitis primarily on radiographic measurements and to a lesser degree on clinical parameters. Multiple shared risk factors include age, genetics, hormonal change, smoking, as well as calcium and vitamin D deficiency. Both diseases could also be risk factors for each other and have a mutual impact that requires concomitant management. Suggested mechanisms underlying the linkage are disruption of the homeostasis concerning bone remodeling, hormonal balance, and inflammation resolution. A mutual interventional approach is emerging with complex treatment interactions. Prevention and management of both diseases require interdisciplinary approaches and warrants future well-controlled longitudinal and interventional studies for evidence-based clinical guidelines.

  10. Association between periodontal flap surgery for periodontitis and vasculogenic erectile dysfunction in Koreans. (United States)

    Lee, Jae-Hong; Choi, Jung-Kyu; Kim, Sang-Hyun; Cho, Kyung-Hyun; Kim, Young-Taek; Choi, Seong-Ho; Jung, Ui-Won


    The National Health Insurance Service-National Sample Cohort and medical checkup data from 2002 to 2013 were used to evaluate the association between periodontal surgery for the treatment of periodontitis (PSTP) and vasculogenic erectile dysfunction (VED). Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were applied to a longitudinal retrospective database to assess the association between PSTP and VED while adjusting for the potential confounding effects of sociodemographic factors (age, household income, insurance status, health status, residence area, and smoking status) and comorbidities (diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris, cerebral infarction, and myocardial infarction). Among the 7,148 PSTP within the 268,296 recruited subjects, the overall prevalence of VED in PSTP was 1.43% (n=102). The bivariate analysis showed that VED was significantly related to PSTP (odds ratio [OR], 1.99; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.38-2.06; P periodontal flap surgery had a significantly higher risk of VED, after adjusting for potential confounding factors. Further studies are required to identify the key mechanisms underlying the association between severe periodontal disease and VED.

  11. Common periodontal diseases of children and adolescents. (United States)

    Al-Ghutaimel, Hayat; Riba, Hisham; Al-Kahtani, Salem; Al-Duhaimi, Saad


    Background. Since 2000, studies, experiments, and clinical observations revealed high prevalence of periodontal diseases among children and adolescents. Therefore, this paper was designed to provide an update for dental practitioners on epidemiology, microbiology, pathology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal diseases in children and adolescents. Methods. This paper reviews the current literature concerning periodontal diseases in pediatric dentistry. It includes MEDLINE database search using key terms: "periodontal diseases in children," "Periodontal diseasesin adolescents," "periodontal diseases risk factors," "microbiology of periodontal diseases," "classification of periodontal diseases," "epidemiology of periodontal diseases," and "treatment of periodontal diseases." Articles were evaluated by title and/or abstract and relevance to pediatric dentistry. Sixty-five citations were selected by this method and by the references within the chosen articles. A review of the comprehensive textbooks on pediatric dentistry and periodontology was done. Some recommendations were based on the opinions of experienced researchers and clinicians, when data were inconclusive.

  12. Factors Influencing Dental Students' Interest in Advanced Periodontal Education: Perspectives of Department Chairs. (United States)

    Hearty, Luke; Demko, Catherine; Bissada, Nabil F; da Silva, Andre Paes B


    The number of graduates of U.S. dental schools enrolled in U.S. postdoctoral programs in periodontics has been decreasing. The aims of this study were to determine the perspectives of periodontics department chairs regarding 1) features of a school's predoctoral curriculum that promote student interest in advanced periodontal education and 2) characteristics of a periodontal residency program that make it more attractive to dental students over other specialty programs. In 2015, a 14-question survey was designed and sent to chairs of periodontics departments at all 65 U.S. dental schools at the time. Questions addressed number of instructional hours; specialty clinic rotations; elective courses; number of applicants to periodontal residency; existence of a residency program; length of the residency program; and externships, fellowships, and financial stipends offered. The survey response rate was 73.8%. The results showed that departments offering more than seven clinical credit hours in periodontics to predoctoral students had the greatest number of residency applicants. Most of the applicants were from institutions that offered specialty clinic rotations, elective courses, and residency programs in periodontics. The number of applicants did not change significantly if a stipend or fellowship was offered. However, the availability of an externship was significantly associated with a greater number of applicants (p=0.042). These results suggest that offering periodontal clinical rotations, elective courses, and especially externships in periodontics during predoctoral education may encourage more graduating students to pursue postdoctoral periodontal education.

  13. Estimación de la carga de las enfermedades cardiovasculares atribuible a factores de riesgo modificables en Argentina Estimate of the cardiovascular disease burden attributable to modifiable risk factors in Argentina

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    Adolfo Rubinstein


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar la carga de la enfermedad, su proporción atribuible a los principales factores de riesgo cardiovascular modificables y los costos médicos directos por hospitalización, asociados con las enfermedades coronarias y los accidentes cerebrovasculares en Argentina. MÉTODOS: Se elaboró un modelo analítico a partir de los datos de mortalidad en Argentina en 2005 y la prevalencia de los principales factores de riesgo cardiovascular (hipertensión arterial, hipercolesterolemia, sobrepeso, obesidad, hiperglucemia, tabaquismo actual y pasado, sedentarismo y consumo inadecuado de frutas y verduras. Se estimaron la carga de la enfermedad -años potenciales de vida perdidos (APVP y años de vida saludable (AVISA perdidos- y los costos de hospitalización por las enfermedades cardiovasculares analizadas. RESULTADOS: En 2005 se perdieron en Argentina más de 600 000 AVISA y se contabilizaron casi 400 000 APVP por enfermedades coronarias y accidentes cerebrovasculares; 71,1% de los AVISA perdidos, 73,9% de APVP y 76,0% de los costos asociados son atribuibles a facto-res de riesgo modificables. La hipertensión arterial fue el factor de riesgo de mayor impacto, tanto en hombres como en mujeres: 37,3% del costo total, 37,5% de los APVP y 36,6% de los AVISA perdidos. CONCLUSIONES: La mayor parte de la carga de la enfermedad en Argentina por enfermedades cardiovasculares está relacionada con factores de riesgo modificables -por lo tanto evitables- y podría reducirse mediante intervenciones poblacionales y clínicas basadas en un enfoque de riesgo, que ya han demostrado ser efectivas en función del costo, asequibles y factibles en países como Argentina.OBJETIVE: Estimate the burden of disease, the proportion attributable to the principal modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, and the direct medical cost of hospitalization associated with coronary heart disease and stroke in Argentina. METHODOLOGY: An analitical model was prepared using

  14. Association between obesity and chronic periodontitis: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Palle, Ajay Reddy; Reddy, C M Sanjeeva Kumar; Shankar, B Shiva; Gelli, Vemsi; Sudhakar, Jaradoddi; Reddy, K Krishna Mohana


    Chronic periodontitis is multifactorial and numerous risk factors have been identified to contribute in the disease progression. Current study aimed to conduct a cross-sectional study in a population of patients with cardiovascular diseases in order to correlate the association between obesity [body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC)] and periodontal disease parameters. The study was of a cross-sectional design and a total of 201 patients were examined after obtaining their informed consent. Subjects who had a history of cardiovascular diseases and under treatment were included in the study. Two indicators of obesity were used: BMI and WC. The following periodontal parameters were assessed: Probing depth, clinical attachment level. The oral hygiene status of the subjects was assessed by the oral hygiene index (OHI, simplified) given by John C Greene and Jack R Vermillion. The influence of the BMI and other confounding variables on periodontitis severity was assessed by multivariate logistic regression analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Significant association was seen with low density lipoproteins (LDL) and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.005), triglyceride levels (TGL) and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.005), cholesterol and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.005), BMI and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.001), OHI and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.001). Significant association was seen with smoking and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.005), BMI and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.001), WC and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.001), cholesterol and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.001), OHI and severity of periodontitis (p < 0.001). Obesity has been implicated as a risk factor for several conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc. In our study the relation between measures of overall and abdominal obesity (BMI and WC) and periodontal disease showed significant association in the multivariate logistic regression analysis

  15. C-reactive protein as a systemic marker of inflammation in periodontitis. (United States)

    Pejcic, A; Kesic, L J; Milasin, J


    Periodontitis has been identified as a potential risk factor for systemic pathologies such as cardiovascular disease (CVD). The aims of this investigation were to assess the relationship between periodontitis and systemic inflammatory factor, as well as to discover whether there is a relation to the severity of periodontitis and to the periodontopathogens. Periodontal examinations and serum C-reactive protein (CRP) level measurements were performed in 50 patients with periodontitis. Periodontal health indicators included the gingival bleeding on probing index and periodontal disease status. The patients with moderate periodontitis had low attachment loss and pocket depth periodontitis had high attachment loss and pocket depth >5 mm. The control group comprised 25 volunteers with healthy gingiva, gingival sulcus periodontal parameters and CRP levels were significantly higher in the patients with periodontitis. Patients who had severe periodontitis, with high levels of mean clinical attachment loss, and subjects with moderate periodontitis had higher mean CRP levels. The percentage of subjects with elevated levels of CRP >5 mg/l was greater in the higher clinical attachment loss group compared to the group with lower attachment loss. The presence of P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans were also associated with elevated CRP levels and poor periodontal status. Periodontitis and the presence of P. gingivalis are associated with an enhanced inflammatory response expressed by higher CRP levels. The association of periodontitis with CRP levels appears to be a contributing factor for CVD and might be a possible intermediate pathway in this association.

  16. Síndrome de Down y enfermedad de Alzheimer: factores de riesgo, evaluación e intervención

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    Elvira Díaz Pérez


    Full Text Available Existe una estrecha relación entre el síndrome de Down y la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Diversos factores de riesgo influyen en esta relación, en la que la evaluación de la demencia es difícil debido a la falta de instrumentos y tratamientos específicos. Se realizó una búsqueda de los años comprendidos entre 2005-2015 en diferentes bases de datos. Se identificaron diversos factores de riesgo (genéticos, ambientales, cognitivos y se encontraron varios instrumentos de evaluación, poco adecuados y/o con debilidades psicométricas. Los tratamientos existentes son escasos y, casi exclusivamente, farmacológicos. Se discute acerca de la importancia de llevar a cabo estudios sistemáticos sobre los factores de riesgo para la prevención de la enfermedad de Alzheimer en personas con síndrome de Down, así como la necesidad de un protocolo de evaluación específico y adaptado que permita implementar tratamientos más específicos y efectivos.

  17. Identification of subgingival periodontal pathogens and association with the severity of periodontitis in patients with chronic kidney diseases: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Ismail, Fidan Bahtiar; Ismail, Gener; Dumitriu, Anca Silvia; Baston, Catalin; Berbecar, Vlad; Jurubita, Roxana; Andronesi, Andreea; Dumitriu, Horia Traian; Sinescu, Ioanel


    The aim of our study was to assess the subgingival profile of 9 periodontal pathogens, by means of real-time PCR, in a group of predialysis chronic kidney disease patients with and without periodontal disease and to identify the risk factors associated with periodontal disease in these patients. This is a single centre cross-sectional cohort study performed on 70 CKD patients. Patients received a full-mouth periodontal examination and the following parameters were assessed: periodontal pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing, and plaque index; subgingival biofilm samples were collected from the deepest periodontal pocket of each quadrant and were pooled in one transporting unit. Clinical data were drawn from the medical file of the patients. T. denticola (P = 0.001), T. forsythia (P < 0.001), and P. micros (P = 0.003) are significantly associated with periodontal disease in CKD subjects but in a multivariate model only age and T. forsythia remain independent risk factors for periodontal disease in patients with CKD. In our cohort, age and T. forsythia are independently associated with periodontitis in CKD patients. Within the limits of this study, CKD was not significantly associated with a particular subgingival periodontal pathogens profile in periodontitis patients.

  18. Identification of Subgingival Periodontal Pathogens and Association with the Severity of Periodontitis in Patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Fidan Bahtiar Ismail


    Full Text Available Background. The aim of our study was to assess the subgingival profile of 9 periodontal pathogens, by means of real-time PCR, in a group of predialysis chronic kidney disease patients with and without periodontal disease and to identify the risk factors associated with periodontal disease in these patients. Material and Methods. This is a single centre cross-sectional cohort study performed on 70 CKD patients. Patients received a full-mouth periodontal examination and the following parameters were assessed: periodontal pocket depth (PPD, clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing, and plaque index; subgingival biofilm samples were collected from the deepest periodontal pocket of each quadrant and were pooled in one transporting unit. Clinical data were drawn from the medical file of the patients. Results. T. denticola (P=0.001, T. forsythia (P<0.001, and P. micros (P=0.003 are significantly associated with periodontal disease in CKD subjects but in a multivariate model only age and T. forsythia remain independent risk factors for periodontal disease in patients with CKD. Conclusions. In our cohort, age and T. forsythia are independently associated with periodontitis in CKD patients. Within the limits of this study, CKD was not significantly associated with a particular subgingival periodontal pathogens profile in periodontitis patients.

  19. Association Between Serum Antibodies to Periodontal Bacteria and Rheumatoid Factor in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. (United States)

    Goh, Charlene E; Kopp, Jacob; Papapanou, Panos N; Molitor, Jerry A; Demmer, Ryan T


    Alterations in the microbiome, including the periodontal microbiome, may be a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Most studies that have analyzed this association are relatively small, focus primarily on a single periodontal pathogen (Porphyromonas gingivalis), and are not population based. This study was undertaken to investigate the association between elevated serum levels of IgG antibodies to 19 periodontal species and the prevalence of rheumatoid factor (RF) in a large nationally representative sample of adults. The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES-III) is a cross-sectional sample of the noninstitutionalized US population (n = 33,994). Our study population included all dentate participants who were 60 years and older, did not have RA as defined by a modified version of the American College of Rheumatology 1987 criteria, and had complete data for both serum IgG antibodies against periodontal bacteria and serum RF antibody titer (n = 2,461). Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) summarizing the relationship between the 19 periodontal serum IgG antibodies and RF seropositivity ranged from 0.53 (95% CI 0.29-0.97) to 1.27 (95% CI 0.79-2.06), and 17 of the 19 observed ORs were periodontal bacteria are mostly unassociated with RF seropositivity in the nationally representative NHANES-III. Elevated levels of antibodies to P intermedia and C ochracea are associated with lower odds of RF seropositivity. © 2016, American College of Rheumatology.

  20. Poor periodontal health: A cancer risk?

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    K S Rajesh


    Full Text Available Evidence indicates that chronic infections and inflammation are associated with increased risk of cancer development. There has also been considerable evidence that proves the interrelationship between bacterial and viral infections and carcinogenesis. Periodontitis is a chronic oral infection thought to be caused by gram-negative anaerobic bacteria in the dental biofilm. Periodontal bacteria and viruses may act synergistically to cause periodontitis. Many studies have shown that periodontal pockets may act as reservoirs for human papilloma virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus, and suspected agents associated with oral cancer. Periodontitis, characterized by epithelial proliferation and migration, results in a chronic release of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, prostaglandins, and enzymes, all of which are associated with cancer development. This review article intends to shed light on the association between periodontal health and carcinogenesis.

  1. Poor periodontal health: A cancer risk? (United States)

    Rajesh, K S; Thomas, Deepak; Hegde, Shashikanth; Kumar, M S Arun


    Evidence indicates that chronic infections and inflammation are associated with increased risk of cancer development. There has also been considerable evidence that proves the interrelationship between bacterial and viral infections and carcinogenesis. Periodontitis is a chronic oral infection thought to be caused by gram-negative anaerobic bacteria in the dental biofilm. Periodontal bacteria and viruses may act synergistically to cause periodontitis. Many studies have shown that periodontal pockets may act as reservoirs for human papilloma virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus, and suspected agents associated with oral cancer. Periodontitis, characterized by epithelial proliferation and migration, results in a chronic release of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, prostaglandins, and enzymes, all of which are associated with cancer development. This review article intends to shed light on the association between periodontal health and carcinogenesis.

  2. State of oral hygiene and identification of the main risk factors for inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues in young people

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    Makarenko M.V.


    Full Text Available A high percentage of prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases in young age causes urgency of treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissue in young age. Therefore, the research purpose was to investigate the hygienic condition and identification of the main risk factors for gingivitis in patients aged 18-30 years. 286 people aged from 18 to 30 years were observed in the study. To assess hygienic condition of the oral cavity and to determine the thickness of plaque indices OHI-S (simplified oral hygiene index Green Vermilyona and Silness Loe were used. Studies of oral hygiene status suggests that in patients with different etiologies of periodontal tissue inflammation, oral hygienic condition ranged from "satisfactory" to "poor." Therefore the results of study of hygiene and periodontal indices and samples confirmed presence of moderately expressed inflammation in the gums in young adults with chronic catarrhal gingivitis. Most often inflammation in the gums, namely, chronic catarrhal gingivitis was determined in patients with fixed prosthesis designs in the mouth or in violation of the bite, related to the major risk factors for periodontal disease occurring in young adults aged from 18 to 30 years.

  3. Periodontal and serum protein profiles in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with tumor necrosis factor inhibitor adalimumab. (United States)

    Kobayashi, Tetsuo; Yokoyama, Tomoko; Ito, Satoshi; Kobayashi, Daisuke; Yamagata, Akira; Okada, Moe; Oofusa, Ken; Narita, Ichiei; Murasawa, Akira; Nakazono, Kiyoshi; Yoshie, Hiromasa


    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α inhibitor has been shown to affect the periodontal condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of the present study is to assess the effect of a fully humanized anti-TNF-α monoclonal antibody, adalimumab (ADA), on the periodontal condition of patients with RA and to compare serum protein profiles before and after ADA therapy. The study participants consisted of 20 patients with RA treated with ADA. Clinical periodontal and rheumatologic parameters and serum cytokine levels were evaluated at baseline and 3 months later. Serum protein spot volume was examined with two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Proteins with significant difference in abundance before and after ADA therapy were found and identified using mass spectrometry and protein databases. The patients showed a significant decrease in gingival index (P = 0.002), bleeding on probing (P = 0.003), probing depth (P = 0.002), disease activity score including 28 joints using C-reactive protein (P protein spots obtained, nine spots were significantly decreased in abundance at reassessment, corresponding to complement factor H, phospholipase D, serum amyloid A, complement component 4, and α-1-acid glycoprotein (P periodontal condition of patients with RA, which might be related to differences in serum protein profiles before and after ADA therapy.

  4. Gingivitis and periodontitis as a risk factor for stroke: A case-control study in the Iranian population. (United States)

    Hashemipour, Maryam Alsadat; Afshar, Afsaneh Jahanshahi; Borna, Roya; Seddighi, Behnas; Motamedi, Amin


    Periodontitis and gingivitis are one of the most infectious diseases in human. Several studies have been carried out on dependence of periodontitis and stroke. The aim of this study was to investigate the gingivitis and periodontitis as a risk factor for stroke in Iranian population. A case-control study was conducted on 100 patients suffering from stroke as case group, and 100 hospitalized patients as control group. The case group included 42 males and 58 females, and in control group there were 44 males and 56 females. Using a University of North Carolina-15 manual probe, the clinical attachment level, the distance between the cemento-enamel junction and the probed base of the periodontal pocket, were recorded by gingival and periodontal indexes. The data were analyzed by multiple logistic regressions, Chi-square test, Fisher's test, t-test, Man Whitney, and SPSS11.5 software program. P > 0.05 was considered as significant. The case group included 42 males and 58 females, and in control group 44 males and 56 females were included. In this investigation, the average of gingival index in men and women of case group was 1.22 ± 0.55 and 1.31 ± 0.55, respectively. This study showed that the average of gingival index in case group was more than control group. Periodontal index in both groups in men was more than women. The moderate and severe periodontitis in case group were more than that of control group (P = 0.003, P = 0.001). The result of this study shows that there is a significant relation between stroke and periodontal index; however, there isn't any significant relation between stroke and gingival index.

  5. Epidemiología de las Enfermedades Periodontales en el Uruguay. Pasado y presente.

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    Ernesto Andrade

    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo del artículo fue realizar una revisión sobre la Enfermedad Periodontal en Uruguay. Fueron consultadas bases de datos internacionales (PUBMED, SCOPUS, EBSCO, SciELO. Paralelamente la búsqueda abarcó fuentes nacionales (Biblioteca Nacional de Odontología, Centro de documentación de la Facultad de Odontología, Ministerio de Salud Pública, Dirección Nacional de Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, complementado por búsqueda manual. Los estudios hallados aportaron información epidemiológica útil, además de permitir un repaso histórico sobre conceptos de epidemiología, etio-patogenía y corrientes hegemónicas de la periodoncia. La Enfermedad Gingival representa la patología más prevalente, mientras que los cuadros periodontales destructivos afectan fundamentalmente a los adultos. La edad, el origen geográfico, la clase social y el hábito de fumar son indicadores fuertemente asociados con dichos trastornos. De la lectura pormenorizada de los artículos recopilados se plantean sugerencias a ser consideradas en los próximos relevamientos epidemiológicos.

  6. C-reactive protein in relation to early atherosclerosis and periodontitis. (United States)

    Yakob, Maha; Meurman, Jukka H; Jogestrand, Tomas; Nowak, Jacek; Söder, Per-Östen; Söder, Birgitta


    Periodontitis may affect atherosclerosis via the chronic inflammation. We investigated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) in relation to early vascular atherosclerotic changes in non-symptomatic subjects with and without long-term periodontitis. Carotid ultrasonography with calculation of common carotid artery intima-media area (cIMA) was performed, and hsCRP and atherosclerosis risk factors were analysed in randomly chosen 93 patients with periodontitis and 41 controls. The relationship between hsCRP, cIMA and atherosclerosis risk factors was evaluated with multiple logistic regression analysis. Women displayed lower hsCRP (p periodontitis, cIMA values were higher than in controls. Periodontitis appeared to be a major predictor for increased cIMA (odds ratio, 3.82; 95% confidence interval, 1.19-12.26). Neither of these factors was significantly associated with hsCRP which thus appeared not sensitive enough to be a marker for periodontitis or atherosclerosis. Hence, irrespective of low hsCRP levels, periodontitis appeared to increase the risk for atherosclerosis.

  7. Enfermedades raras y catastróficas en un hospital del norte peruano: Características y factores asociados a la mortalidad

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    Mario J. Valladares-Garrido


    Full Text Available Objetivos: El objetivo fue determinar las características y los factores asociados a la mortalidad en los pacientes atendidos por enfermedades raras (ER y catastróficas (EC en un hospital de la seguridad social del norte peruano. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal analítico, se utilizaron datos reportados de pacientes atendidos en un hospital del norte del Perú durante el año 2013. Se caracterizó a los pacientes, las enfermedades y se obtuvieron datos estadísticos de asociación. Resultados: De los 2316 pacientes, 2135 (92% tuvieron EC y 181 (8% ER. La enfermedad más común fue la insuficiencia renal crónica inespecífica (43%, pero la deficiencia hereditaria del factor VIII fue la que generó mayor gasto total (más de 850 426,35 € y por cada paciente (2115,49 €. En el análisis multivariado se encontró asociación con la mortalidad al sexo femenino (p<0,001, RPa: 1,76, IC95%:1,67-1,86, la edad (p<0,001, RPa: 1,02, IC95%:1,01-1,03 y la cantidad de días hospitalizados (p<0,001, RPa: 1,08, IC95%:1,07- 1,09, ajustando por el tipo de enfermedad. Conclusión: Existen características económicas y factores asociados a la mortalidad en los pacientes atendidos en nuestro medio, por lo que deberían realizarse más investigaciones para conocer mejor sobre este grupo, ya que generalmente se encuentra desatendido.

  8. Periodontal disease as a potential factor for systemic inflammatory response in the dog. (United States)

    Kouki, M I; Papadimitriou, S A; Kazakos, G M; Savas, I; Bitchava, D


    Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease that has numerous consequences both locally and systemically The aim of this study was to assess whether periodontal disease causes systemic inflammatory response in otherwise healthy, adult dogs. We estimated the total mouth periodontal score (TMPS), measured the concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP), hematocrit, and albumin, and determined the white blood cell (WBC) and polymorphonuclear cell (PMN) counts in client-owned dogs. There was a statistically significant relationship between the gingival bleeding index (TMPS-G) and CRP concentration, and WBC and PMN counts, possibly during the active periods of periodontal tissue destruction. No correlation was found between the periodontal destruction index (TMPS-P) and the measured blood parameters. We conclude that chronic periodontal disease does not cause anemia or a reduction in serum albumin. However, active periods of periodontal inflammation may be associated with laboratory values suggestive of a systemic inflammatory response.

  9. Enfermedades de notificación obligatoria


    Instituto Nacional de Salud


    Presenta datos estadísticos de Enfermedades inmunoprevenibles como: Rubéola y sarampión, Tos ferina, Influenza A H1N1; Enfermedades transmitidas por vectores como: Dengue, Fiebre amarilla, Enfermedad de Carrión, Leismaniosis; Enfermedades zoonóticas como: Rabia anima y por último enfermedades de Transmisión sexual como: VIH - SIDA

  10. Enfermedades de notificación obligatoria


    Instituto Nacional de Salud


    Presenta datos estadísticos de Enfermedades inmunoprevenibles como: Rubéola y sarampión, Tos ferina, Influenza A H1N1; Enfermedades transmitidas por vectores como: Dengue, Fiebre amarilla, Enfermedad de Carrión, Leismaniosis; Enfermedades zoonóticas como: Rabia animal y por último enfermedades de Transmisión sexual como: VIH - SIDA

  11. Enfermedades de notificación obligatoria


    Instituto Nacional de Salud


    Presenta datos estadísticos de Enfermedades inmunoprevenibles como: Rubéola y sarampión, Tos ferina, Influenza A H1N1; Enfermedades transmitidas por vectores como: Dengue, Fiebre amarilla, Enfermedad de Carrión, Leismaniosis; Enfermedades zoonóticas como: Rabia animal y por último enfermedades de Transmisión sexual como: VIH - SIDA

  12. Gingival and Periodontal Diseases in Children and Adolescents

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    Vivek Singh Chauhan


    Full Text Available Periodontal diseases are among the most frequent diseases affecting children and adolescents. These include gingivitis, localized or generalized aggressive periodontitis (a.k.a., early onset periodontitis and periodontal diseases associated with systemic disorders. The effects of periodontal diseases observed in adults have earlier inception in life period. Gingival diseases in a child may progress to jeopardize the periodontium in adulthood. Therefore, periodontal diseases must be prevented and diagnosed early in the life. This paper reviews the most common periodontal diseases affecting children: chronic gingivitis (or dental plaque-induced gingival diseases and aggressive periodontitis. In addition, systemic diseases that affect the periodontium in young children and necrotizing periodontal diseases are addressed. The prevalence, diagnostic characteristics, microbiology, host- related factors, and therapeutic management of each of these disease entities are discussed.

  13. Clinical, psychophysiological and psychological aspects of risk factors of periodontal disease development in clinically healthy persons

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    I.N. Nikulina


    Full Text Available The research goal is to determine risk factors of periodontal disease development, psychophysiological personal types and their interrelations in clinically healthy persons. 47 first-year cadets of St.-Petersburg Military School of radio electronics have been examined. This group of respondents has been chosen by presence of such social stressor as change of place of living (97,9% cadets have arrived in St.-Petersburg from other cities and republics of the Russian Federation and strict disciplinary conditions. The research has revealed a low level of oral hygiene, cases of mild gingivitis in most respondents. The general mental state of group under study is characterized by raised level of personal anxiety and low indices of reactive anxiety. The examined group has demonstrated anxiety, tension, indecision and lowered stress stability. Clinically healthy persons are more liable to develop inflammatory and inflammatory-destructive periodontal diseases. It was possible to determine psychophysiological features correlated with physiological parameters of risk degree of periodontal diseases. It may have a great significance in defining of periodontal disease etiology and pathogenesis

  14. La hipermocisteinemia un factor de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, fácil de modificar

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    Beatriz E. Meneses Londoño


    Full Text Available The homicysteine (hcy, is an intermedia metabolity in the transformation of metionine to cysteine. Metabolic elimination of these substance depends on vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid and enzymes such like cistationine -sintase, and metilentetrahidrofolate reductase. The common denominators in heredity deficiency of one fo these enzymes or the ones taking part of the metabolism of the folate or the vitamin B12 are a significant raise of Hcy in blood and cardiovascular diseases. Since these observations, they began to relate the Hcy vith vascular disease. Researches in the last two decades point a moderate raise of Hcy as a risk factor in vascular alterations. This metabolity for mechanisms including activation of some ciagulation factors and inactivation of natural anticoagulants helps the thrombi forming and vascular endothelium damage. The raise of this substance is easy to midify through drug and diet media. Due to this, the Hcy takes part of an analytic parameter of growing use in clinical practice, in cardiovascular diseases patients, in the diagnosis and motitorizing of the response to anemia treatment caused by lack of vitamins B12 and/or folic acid, the value of the risk of having defects of the neural tube or espontaneus abortion, specially in cases where they are repetitive. A homocisteína (hcy, es un metabolito intermediario en la conversión de metionina a cisteína. La eliminación metabólica de esta sustancia es dependiente de las vitaminas B6, B12 y ácido fólico y de enzimas tales como la cistationina -sintasa, metionina sintasa y metilenotetrahidrofolato reductasa. Los denominadores comunes en las deficiencias hereditarias de una de estas enzimas o de las que intervienen en metabolismo del folato o de la vitamina B12 son el aumento severo de Hcy en sangre y las enfermedades cardiovasculares. A partir de estas observaciones, se empezó a relacionar Hcy en sangre y las enfermedades cardiovasculares. A partir de estas

  15. Enfermedades de notificación obligatoria


    Instituto Nacional de Salud


    Presenta enfermedades inmunoprevenibles como: Sarampión y rubéola, Tos Ferina; Enfermedades trnasmitidas por vectores: dengue, Fiebre amarilla, Leismaniosis; Enfermedades de transmisión sexual: VIH/SIDA; Enfermedades zoonóticas: rabia animal

  16. La placa bacteriana: conceptos básicos para el higienista bucodental


    Poyato Ferrera, Manuel María; Segura-Egea, Juan J; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Bullon, Pedro


    La placa bacteriana es el factor etiológico principal de las dos enfermedades bucodentales de mayor prevalencia, la caries y la enfermedad periodontal. El higienista bucodental y colaborador del odontoestomatólogo en la aplicación del programa de control de placa, debe conocer en profundidad la microbiología de la placa bacteriana dental, así como los mecanismos implicados en su patogenicidad cariogénica y periodontal, aspectos que se revisan a continuación. Dental plaque is the main etiol...

  17. Enfermedades de notificación obligatoria


    Instituto Nacional de Salud


    Artículo online Presenta datos estadísticos de Enfermedades inmunoprevenibles como: Rubéola y sarampión, Tos ferina, Influenza A H1N1; Enfermedades transmitidas por vectores como: Dengue, Fiebre amarilla, Enfermedad de Carrión, Leismaniosis; Enfermedades zoonóticas como: Rabia animal y por último enfermedades de Transmisión sexual como: VIH - SIDA

  18. Enfermedades de notificación obligatoria


    Instituto Nacional de Salud


    Presenta datos estadísticos de las enfermedades inmunoprevenibles como: Rubéola y sarampión, Tos ferina, Influenza A H1N1; enfermedades transmitidas por vectores como: Dengue, Fiebre amarilla, Enfermedad de Carrión, Leismaniosis; enfermedades zoonóticas como: Rabia animal y Rabia humana y por último enfermedades de Transmisión sexual como: VIH - SIDA

  19. Enfermedades de notificación obligatoria


    Instituto Nacional de Salud


    Artículo online Presenta datos estadísticos de Enfermedades inmunoprevenibles como: Rubéola y sarampión, Tos ferina, Influenza A H1N1; Enfermedades transmitidas por vectores como: Dengue, Fiebre amarilla, Enfermedad de Carrión, Leismaniosis; Enfermedades zoonóticas como: Rabia animal y Rabia humana y por último enfermedades de Transmisión sexual como: VIH - SIDA

  20. Periodontal disease and halitosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alzoman, Hamad


    Halitosis is a general term used to describe an unpleasant or offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity. It is a condition that has health and social implications in the life of those who suffer from it. The origin of halitosis is related to both systemic and oral conditions although the oral causes predominate. Volatile sulfur compound is the primary gas responsible for halitosis. They are formed as a result of gram-negative bacterial putrefaction. The major sites for oral halitosis are the dorsum of the tongue and periodontal pockets. There is a correlation between the amount of plaque on the tongue and periodontitis with the severity of halitosis. The aim of this article was to review the data and correlate periodontitis with severity of halitosis and the effect of halitosis- inducing factors on the progress of periodontal diseases. (author)

  1. Is the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the Dental Plaque of Patients with Chronic Periodontitis a Risk Factor for Gastric Infection?

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    Mohammed Al Asqah


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori is considered to be a pathogen responsible for gastritis and peptic ulcers, and a risk factor for gastric cancer. A periodontal pocket in the teeth of individuals with chronic periodontitis may function as a reservoir for H pylori.

  2. Caries temprana de infancia: ¿enfermedad infecciosa?

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    F. Sandra Rojas, Dra.


    Full Text Available La caries dental es una de las enfermedades más comunes en la infancia y las personas continúan siendo susceptible a través de la vida. Aunque actualmente puede ser detenida y potencialmente revertida en etapas tempranas, no es autolimitada, progresa en forma crónica si no existe un cuidado y control de los factores que la producen, llegando a la destrucción de dientes, dolor, alteraciones funcionales, sistémicas y consecuencias en la calidad de vida de las personas. La caries temprana de infancia, de inicio precoz en niños, es causada en forma frecuente por hábitos alimenticios inapropiados y la adquisición temprana de microorganismos como Streptococcus mutans. Se ha sugerido una transmisión vertical de madre a hijo como la vía principal de adquisición de Streptococcus mutans, y también se ha demostrado en la literatura, que existiría una transmisión horizontal entre niños y sus cuidadores, compañeros de jardín infantil y colegios. Por esta razón durante muchos años se ha definido la enfermedad caries como infecciosa y transmisible. Nuevos avances en técnicas moleculares han dado evidencia acerca de la microflora autóctona y cómo la placa dental o biofilm funciona como un sistema ecológico dinámico y complejo. Existe evidencia que la caries dental no es una enfermedad infecciosa clásica, como se creía hace unos años, por el contrario, esta enfermedad es el resultado de un cambio ecológico en la biopelícula adquirida en la superficie dental. Además la transmisión de Streptococcus mutans de la madre hacia el hijo no implica que la enfermedad se desarrolle, por el contrario, la caries dental hoy se describe como una enfermedad común, compleja y multifactorial, donde interactúan varios factores de riesgo, entre los más destacados conductuales, ambientales y genéticos.


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    José Miguel Baena Díez


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la principal causa de mortalidad en España. El objetivo del estudio es estudiar la asociación entre la agrupación (clustering de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y el riesgo de padecer eventos cardiovasculares mayores: cardiopatía isquémica, enfermedad cerebrovascular y arteriopatía periférica de extremidades inferiores. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado en un centro de salud urbano. Se estudiaron 2.248 historias clínicas de personas con edad igual o superior a 15 años, seleccionadas mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Los datos se obtuvieron por revisión de las historias clínicas, estimando la odds ratio (OR para padecer algún evento cardiovascular (n = 224, cardiopatía isquémica (n = 123, enfermedad cerebrovascular (n = 84 y arteriopatía periférica (n = 55 respecto al número de factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Se incluyeron los factores de riesgo cardiovascular tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial, hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia, diabetes y obesidad. La OR fue ajustada por edad y sexo. Resultados: El porcentaje de pacientes con 0,1, 2, 3 y 4-6 factores de riesgo cardiovascular fue de 39,1, 32,8, 17,5, 6,9 y 3,7 respectivamente. Las OR para el riesgo de tener algún evento cardiovascular asociada a 1, 2, 3 y 4-6 factores de riesgo cardiovascular fueron de 1,6 (IC95%: 0,9-2,7, 2,8 (IC95%: 1,7-4,7, 3,6 (IC95%: 1,9-6,5 y 5,6 (IC95%: 2,9-10,8, respectivamente. Las OR para la cardiopatía isquémica, asociada a los mismos niveles de riesgo, fueron de 2,3 (IC95%: 1,1-4,6, 2,5 (IC95%: 1,2-5,2, 5,3 (IC95%: 2,4-11,5 y 6,2 (IC95%: 2,7-14,3, respectivamente. Para la enfermedad cerebrovascular las OR fueron 1,1 (IC95%: 0,5-2,5, 2,3 (IC95%: 1,2-5,3, 2,4 (IC95%: 1,0-5,9 y 5,6 (IC95%: 2,2-14,1, respectivamente. Las OR para la arteriopatía periférica fueron 2,1 (IC95%: 0,8-5,9 , 3,7 (IC95%: 1,3-10,5, 3,3 (IC95%: 1,0-11,1 y 6,1 (IC95%: 1

  4. Qat Habit in Yemen Society: A Causative Factor for Oral Periodontal Diseases (United States)

    Ali, Aiman A.


    The effect of a common habit among Yemeni population on the periodontal status was investigated. This cross-sectional study was done on 2500 Yemenis with mean age 27.01 years (1818 males and 682 females). Among these 1528 were qat chewers and 972 were non-chewers. Detailed questionnaire and pre-designed scoring system for the periodontal status were employed for each case. Study results indicated that out of 972 non-chewers 116(12%) had periodontal pocketing and 18 (1.9%) cases had gingival recession. On the other hand, out of 1528 chewers, 468 (31.8%) had periodontal pockets and 98 (6.4%) with gum bleeding, p<0.05. These effects were found to increase with increased frequency and duration of chewing. It was concluded that habit of qat can cause damage to the periodontal ligament as pocketing and gum recession. PMID:17911664

  5. Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo 2005: resultados principales. Prevalencia de factores de riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares en la Argentina

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    Daniel Ferrante


    Full Text Available Hasta el momento no contábamos con estimaciones a nivel nacional de los principales factores de riesgo de morbimortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares que permitieran una estrategia de promoción y prevención primaria. En el marco del desarrollo de políticas de salud pública, el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación inició las actividades para la realización de la primera “Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo”. ObjetivosDescribir la prevalencia de los principales factores de riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares en la Argentina y su asociación con características sociodemográficas.Material y métodosDesde el 12 marzo y hasta el 17 de junio de 2005 se llevó a cabo la primera Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo. Se utilizó un cuestionario validado previamente para la Argentina, propuesto por la OPS y la OMS. La muestra fue probabilística, a nivel de viviendas, con representatividad nacional y provincial. Criterio de inclusión: población adulta (18 años y más. Se obtuvieron los principales indicadores de prevalencia de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de los CDC, se evaluaron asociaciones entre características sociodemográficas y se estimó la frecuencia de control de presión arterial y colesterol.ResultadosSe realizaron 41.392 encuestas, con una tasa de respuesta del 86,7%. Los principales indicadores a nivel nacional fueron: baja actividad física 46,2%, consumo de tabaco 33,4% 18 a 64 años y 29,7% en adultos, presión arterial elevada 34,4% (en personas que se controlaron,sobrepeso-obesidad 49,1%, bajo consumo de frutas y verduras 35,3%, diabetes 11,9%(en personas que se controlaron, colesterol elevado 27,8% (en personas que se controlaron,consumo de alcohol de riesgo 9,6%. Para casi todos los factores de riesgo evaluados se observó mayor prevalencia en la población de menores ingresos, con necesidades básicas insatisfechas y menor nivel educativo. Se observaron prevalencias significativas tambi

  6. Interleukin-1β expression on periodontitis patients in Surabaya

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    Chiquita Prahasanti


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontal disease, commonly known as periodontitis is an infectious disease which has multifactorial etiologic factors. It may affect everybody in any ages with no gender nor sex predilection and usually can be detected under routine clinical examination. This disease is a manifestation of local factors, host factor and environmental factors, resulting in periodontal tissue damage which may cause tooth mobility and tooth loss. Interleukin-1 is a pro-inflammatory protein which functions primarily as inflammatory mediator in host innate immune responses. IL-1 is a regulator, affecting many biological activities including proliferation, development, homeostasis, regeneration, repair and inflammation which contribute to tissue damage and alveolar bone resorption. Purpose: This research was aimed to reveal the basic pathogenesis of periodontitis and could determine the future definitive treatment for patients with periodontitis. Methods: Data were obtained from 40 patients with aggressive periodontitis and 40 patients with chronic periodontitis. Samples were collected from periodontal tissue patients and protein expression of IL-1β was performed with immunohistochemistry. Results: Most female patient suffer aggressive periodontitis and chronic periodontitis. The datas were analyzed with t-test. The t values result was -8623, significance 0.001, with α = 5%, which indicated there was significant difference in IL-1β expression between aggressive and chronic periodontitis. The box plot diagram showed marked difference in distribution of protein expression of IL-1β between patients with aggressive periodontitis and chronic periodontitis. With a regression equation, it might be concluded that the protein expression of IL-1β might affect the incidence of aggressive periodontitis and chronic periodontitis. The OR value was calculated for 0.746 (sign.= 0.001, which indicate each increment of one unit protein expression of IL-1β will lead

  7. Periodontal parameters following orthodontic treatment in patients with aggressive periodontitis: A before-after clinical study (United States)

    Khorsand, Afshin; Paknejad, Mojgan; Yaghobee, Siamak; Ghahroudi, Amir Alireza Rasouli; Bashizadefakhar, Hourieh; Khatami, Masoomeh; Shirazi, Mohsen


    Background: The success of combined periodontal and orthodontic approach in the treatment of aggressive periodontitis patients with the pathologic extruded anterior teeth is a main concern and stability of the treatment results is an important factor to evaluate the treatment. The present study investigated the periodontal parameters at the end of the orthodontic treatment in patients with the aggressive periodontitis. Materials and Methods: Eight patients with an aggressive periodontal disease, extruded maxillary incisors, infrabony defects and probing depth of ≥5 mm were enrolled in this clinical trial (before, after). After periodontal therapy, orthodontic treatment was carried out for intrusion and alignment of teeth. Plaque index (PI), probing pocket depth (PPD), distance between incisal edge and interdental papilla, root length (RL), and defect dimensions (depth and width) were examined at the end of treatment and three as well as 6 months afterward. The data were subjected to repeated measure ANOVA test. P orthodontic approach would be a successful treatment with acceptable stability in the case of regular follow-up visits and controlled oral hygiene habits. PMID:24379862

  8. Enfermedad de Kawasaki

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    Carlos Coronel Carvajal


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión actualizada de la enfermedad de Kawasaki, con el objetivo de familiarizar a pediatras y médicos de la familia con los elementos clínicos de la enfermedad, para que de esta manera pueda ser diagnosticada y manejada oportunamente. La enfermedad de Kawasaki fue descrita por Tomisaki Kawasaki en 1967, y se manifiesta como un síndrome febril en la niñez temprana. La enfermedad se diagnostica con mayor frecuencia en los menores de 5 años, a través de una serie de criterios clínicos establecidos. La forma típica de la enfermedad tiene 3 fases de duración variable. La afectación cardíaca es la manifestación más importante de la enfermedad, del 10 al 40 % de los niños muestran signos de vasculitis coronaria, manifestada por aneurismas de las arterias coronarias.An updated review of Kawasaki disease was carried out to make pediatricians and family physicians familiar with the clinical elements of the disease so that it can be properly diagnosed and managed. Kawasaki disease was described by Tomisaki Kawasaki in 1967 and manifests as a febrile syndrome at early childhood. The disease is very often diagnosed in under five years-old children on the basis of a series of set clinical criteria. The typical form of the disease had 3 phases of variable duration. The cardiac effect is the most important manifestation of the disease since 10 to 40 % of children show signs of coronary vasculitis in the form of coronary arterial aneurysms.

  9. Molecular diagnostics of periodontitis


    Izabela Korona-Głowniak; Radosław Siwiec; Marcin Berger; Anna Malm; Jolanta Szymańska


    The microorganisms that form dental plaque are the main cause of periodontitis. Their identification and the understanding of the complex relationships and interactions that involve these microorganisms, environmental factors and the host’s health status enable improvement in diagnostics and targeted therapy in patients with periodontitis. To this end, molecular diagnostics techniques (both techniques based on the polymerase chain reaction and those involving nucleic acid analysis via hybridi...

  10. Acromegalia y enfermedad cardiovascular


    Perel, Cecilia; Echin, Mónica


    La acromegalia es producida por un adenoma hipofisario en más del 99% de los casos. Es una enfermedad desfigurante e inhabilitante, que al no ser tratada adecuadamente reduce la expectativa de vida en un promedio de diez años. Las complicaciones son secundarias al aumento de la hormona de crecimiento (GH: growth hormone) y del factor de crecimiento insulínico tipo 1 (IGF-1: insulin-like growth factor 1). Tanto la GH como la IGF-1 tienen receptores a nivel del miocito cardíaco, por el cual el ...

  11. Factores psicológicos que influyen en enfermedades médicas del sistema endocrino


    Sánchez Arribas, Sandra


    Las emociones negativas, el estrés y la depresión son interpretados como estímulos y/o respuestas asociadas a amenazas a la integridad del individuo. Estos estados psicológicos pueden desempeñar un papel esencial en la historia de algunas enfermedades médicas. Tradicionalmente se ha hablado de "Trastornos psicosomáticos" y actualmente, el DSM-5 habla de "Factores psicológicos que afectan a otras condiciones médicas". También los trastornos físicos suelen implicar, a distintos niveles, a...

  12. Effect of concentrated growth factor combined with guided bone regeneration on cell proliferation and bone resorption in patients with severe periodontitis

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    Qiang Gao


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the effect of concentrated growth factor (CGF combined with guided bone regeneration on cell proliferation and bone resorption in patients with severe periodontitis. Methods: Patients with severe periodontitis who were treated in Stomatology Department of Shenmu Hospital between May 2014 and February 2017 were selected as the research subjects and randomly divided into two groups, surgery + CGF group received concentrated growth factor combined with guided bone regeneration, and pure surgery group received guided bone regeneration. The contents of inflammatory response, cell proliferation and bone resorption markers in gingival crevicular fluid were determined 1 week after treatment. Results: 1 week after treatment, HMGB1, ICAM1, E-selectin, Smac, FasL, Caspase-8, Caspase-9, Caspase-3, RANKL and NTX contents in gingival crevicular fluid of surgery + CGF group were significantly lower than those of pure surgery group while PD-L1, hBD-3, Wnt3a, BGP and OPG contents were significantly higher than those of pure surgery group. Conclusion: Concentrated growth factor combined with guided bone regeneration for severe periodontitis can inhibit inflammatory response, apoptosis and bone resorption, which is beneficial to the reconstruction of periodontal tissue.

  13. Periodontal Health Status and Associated Factors: Findings of a Prenatal Oral Health Program in South Brazil

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    Marta Silveira da Mota Krüger


    Full Text Available Objective. The aims of this study were to evaluate the periodontal health of pregnant women and to investigate the association of periodontal status with demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, as well as medical and dental history. Materials and Methods. A total of 311 pregnant women were interviewed to obtain sociodemographic data along with medical and dental histories. Clinical examinations were performed to record the presence of visible plaque, gingival bleeding, and caries activity. The periodontal condition was evaluated by Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN in one tooth of each sextant (16, 11, 26, 36, 31, and 46. Results. After the adjustment analysis, the presence of visible plaque remained the main determinant of gingival bleeding (OR = 2.91, CI = 1.91–4.48. First-trimester pregnancy status was also a predictor, with a lower prevalence of gingival bleeding observed in the second (OR = 0.87, CI = 0.77–0.99 and third (OR = 0.82, CI = 0.73–0.93 trimesters. Conclusion. In pregnant women, the presence of dental plaque and first-trimester pregnancy status were the main implicated factors predicting gingival bleeding.

  14. Obesidad y enfermedad renal: consecuencias ocultas de la epidemia

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    Csaba P. Kovesdy


    Full Text Available La obesidad se ha convertido en una epidemia mundial, y se ha proyectado que su prevalencia se incrementrá en un 40% en la próxima década. Esta creciente prevalencia supone implicaciones tanto para el riesgo de desarrollo de diabetes y enfermedades cardiovasculares como para el desarrollo de enfermedad renal crónica. Un elevado índice de masa corporal es uno de los factores de riesgo más importantes para el desarrollo de enfermedad renal crónica. En individuos afectados por la obesidad, tiene lugar una hiperfiltración compensatoria necesaria para alcanzar la alta demanda metabólica secundaria al aumento del peso corporal. El incremeno de la presión intraglomerular puede generar daño renal y elevar el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad renal crónica a largo plazo. La incidencia de glomerulopatía asociada a obesidad se ha incrementado 10 veces en los últimos años. Así mismo se ha demostrado que la obesidad es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de nefrolitiasis y un número de neoplasias, incluyendo cáncer renal. Este año, el Día Mundial del Riñón promueve la educación acerca de las consecuencias nocivas de la obesidad y su asociación con la enfermedad renal, abogando por un estilo de vida saludable y la implementación de políticas publicas de salud que promuevan medidas preventivas alcanzables.

  15. Smoking-a true periodontal hazard

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    Mani Ameet M, Mani Shubhangi A, Tejnani Avneesh H, Gupta Ankit


    Full Text Available It is now well established that tobacco use in general and cigarette smoking in particular, is a major risk factor in the incidence and severity of several forms of periodontal diseases.A large number of studies have been published in the dental literature regarding this possible role. Much of the literature has also indicated that smokers affected with periodontitis respond less favourably to periodontal treatment be it non-surgical, surgical or regenerative. Numerous studies of the potential mechanisms whereby smoking tobacco may predispose to periodontal disease have been conducted, and it appears that smoking may affect the vasculature, the humoral immune system, and the cellular immune and inflammatory systems, and have effects throughout the cytokine and adhesion molecule network. The aim of this review is to consider the evidence for the association between smoking and periodontal diseases and to highlight the biological mechanisms whereby smoking may affect the periodontium.

  16. El desafío de la gestión de las enfermedades profesionales: solvitas perambulum

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    Clara Guillén Subirán


    Full Text Available Los cambios que tienen lugar en el entorno laboral repercuten en la naturaleza de las enfermedades profesionales planteando cada vez más desafíos. Este artículo se centra en ellos: el concepto enfermedad profesional tiene un carácter legal y no médico, las nuevas patologías y las enfermedades emergentes, las enfermedades profesionales con largos periodos de latencia, las posibles causas de las enfermedades profesionales que son incluso más complejas que la definición, porque, en muchos casos, los factores relacionados con el trabajo aumentan el riesgo de sufrir una enfermedad junto con otros factores extralaborales. Es precisamente esta compleja multicasualidad de las enfermedades profesionales la que no solo dificulta su reconocimiento y registro sino también su prevención y aseguramiento. En definitiva, se deberían desarrollar algunos métodos y realizar prácticas adecuadas para proponer estrategias,que respondan a estos retos: aseguramiento de una notificación fiable y motivación para que se notifique, fortalecimiento de la calidad del diagnóstico, seguimiento de los trabajadores expuestos, revisión y actualización de las listas de enfermedades profesionales y promoción de la prevención de las enfermedades profesionales.

  17. Ubiquitination in Periodontal Disease: A Review. (United States)

    Tsuchida, Sachio; Satoh, Mamoru; Takiwaki, Masaki; Nomura, Fumio


    Periodontal disease (periodontitis) is a chronic inflammatory condition initiated by microbial infection that leads to gingival tissue destruction and alveolar bone resorption. The periodontal tissue's response to dental plaque is characterized by the accumulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes, all of which release inflammatory mediators and cytokines to orchestrate the immunopathogenesis of periodontal disease. Ubiquitination is achieved by a mechanism that involves a number of factors, including an ubiquitin-activating enzyme, ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, and ubiquitin-protein ligase. Ubiquitination is a post-translational modification restricted to eukaryotes that are involved in essential host processes. The ubiquitin system has been implicated in the immune response, development, and programmed cell death. Increasing numbers of recent reports have provided evidence that many approaches are delivering promising reports for discovering the relationship between ubiquitination and periodontal disease. The scope of this review was to investigate recent progress in the discovery of ubiquitinated protein in diseased periodontium and to discuss the ubiquitination process in periodontal diseases.

  18. Periodontal disease is an independent predictor of intracardiac calcification. (United States)

    Pressman, Gregg S; Qasim, Atif; Verma, Nitin; Miyamae, Masami; Arishiro, Kumiko; Notohara, Yasuhiro; Crudu, Vitalie; Figueredo, Vincent M


    Periodontitis is the most common chronic inflammatory condition worldwide and is associated with incident coronary disease. We hypothesized that periodontal disease would also be associated with cardiac calcification, a condition which shares many risk factors with atherosclerosis and is considered a marker of subclinical atherosclerosis. Cross-sectional study at two sites (USA and Japan) involving subjects with both clinical echocardiograms and detailed dental examinations. Semiquantitative scoring systems were used to assess severity of periodontal disease and echocardiographic calcification. Fifty-six of 73 subjects (77%) had cardiac calcifications, and 51% had moderate to severe periodontal disease (score > 2). In unadjusted analysis, a significant relationship between periodontal score and cardiac calcification (Spearman rho = 0.4, P = 0.001) was noted, with increases in mean calcification score seen across increasing levels of periodontal disease. On multivariate logistic regression, adjusted for age, gender, race, glomerular filtration rate, and traditional risk factors, this association remained significant (P = 0.024). There was no significant interaction by study site, race, or gender. In a multiracial population, we found a significant association between the degree of periodontal disease, a chronic inflammatory condition, and cardiac calcification. Further, higher periodontal scores were associated with greater degrees of calcification.

  19. Examination of the relation between periodontal health status and cardiovascular risk factors: serum total and high density lipoprotein cholesterol, C-reactive protein, and plasma fibrinogen. (United States)

    Wu, T; Trevisan, M; Genco, R J; Falkner, K L; Dorn, J P; Sempos, C T


    Using data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988-1994), the authors examined the relation between periodontal health and cardiovascular risk factors: serum total and high density lipoprotein cholesterol, C-reactive protein, and plasma fibrinogen. A total of 10,146 participants were included in the analyses of cholesterol and C-reactive protein and 4,461 in the analyses of fibrinogen. Periodontal health indicators included the gingival bleeding index, calculus index, and periodontal disease status (defined by pocket depth and attachment loss). While cholesterol and fibrinogen were analyzed as continuous variables, C-reactive protein was dichotomized into two levels. The results show a significant relation between indicators of poor periodontal status and increased C-reactive protein and fibrinogen. The association between periodontal status and total cholesterol level is much weaker. No consistent association between periodontal status and high density lipoprotein cholesterol was detectable. Similar patterns of association were observed for participants aged 17-54 years and those 55 years and older. In conclusion, this study suggests that total cholesterol, C-reactive protein, and fibrinogen are possible intermediate factors that may link periodontal disease to elevated cardiovascular risk.

  20. Agresiones físicas en prisión, la enfermedad mental como factor de riesgo asociado

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    F. Caravaca-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la victimización física en la población penitenciaria teniendo en cuenta la existencia de algún tipo de enfermedad mental en el Centro Penitenciario de Albolote (Granada. Material y métodos: 270 personas privadas de libertad realizaron una encuesta anónima y voluntaria sobre victimización. Resultados: Un 36,7% del total de internos sufrió algún tipo de victimización física en prisión. Aproximadamente un 62,2% de los participantes perciben que tienen ansiedad, depresión, enfermedad bipolar, esquizofrenia u otra enfermedad mental, recibiendo la mitad tratamiento para estos problemas. Conclusiones: Las agresiones físicas para personas con enfermedad mental son 2.5 veces superiores respecto los que no tienen ninguna.

  1. Development of an Ontology for Periodontitis. (United States)

    Suzuki, Asami; Takai-Igarashi, Takako; Nakaya, Jun; Tanaka, Hiroshi


    In the clinical dentists and periodontal researchers' community, there is an obvious demand for a systems model capable of linking the clinical presentation of periodontitis to underlying molecular knowledge. A computer-readable representation of processes on disease development will give periodontal researchers opportunities to elucidate pathways and mechanisms of periodontitis. An ontology for periodontitis can be a model for integration of large variety of factors relating to a complex disease such as chronic inflammation in different organs accompanied by bone remodeling and immune system disorders, which has recently been referred to as osteoimmunology. Terms characteristic of descriptions related to the onset and progression of periodontitis were manually extracted from 194 review articles and PubMed abstracts by experts in periodontology. We specified all the relations between the extracted terms and constructed them into an ontology for periodontitis. We also investigated matching between classes of our ontology and that of Gene Ontology Biological Process. We developed an ontology for periodontitis called Periodontitis-Ontology (PeriO). The pathological progression of periodontitis is caused by complex, multi-factor interrelationships. PeriO consists of all the required concepts to represent the pathological progression and clinical treatment of periodontitis. The pathological processes were formalized with reference to Basic Formal Ontology and Relation Ontology, which accounts for participants in the processes realized by biological objects such as molecules and cells. We investigated the peculiarity of biological processes observed in pathological progression and medical treatments for the disease in comparison with Gene Ontology Biological Process (GO-BP) annotations. The results indicated that peculiarities of Perio existed in 1) granularity and context dependency of both the conceptualizations, and 2) causality intrinsic to the pathological processes

  2. Comprehensive Treatment of Severe Periodontal and Periimplant Bone Destruction Caused by Iatrogenic Factors

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    Gregor-Georg Zafiropoulos


    Full Text Available Dental implant success requires placement after periodontal therapy, with adequate bone volume, plaque control, primary stability, control of risk factors, and use of well-designed prostheses. This report describes the surgical and prosthetic management of a patient with severe iatrogenic periodontal/periimplant bone destruction. Methods. A 55-year-old female smoker with fixed partial dentures (FPDs supported on teeth and implants presented with oral pain, swelling, bleeding, and a 10-year history of multiple implant placements and implants/prosthesis failures/replacements. Radiographs showed severe bone loss, subgingival caries, and periapical lesions. All implants and teeth were removed except implants #4 and #10 which served to retain an interim maxillary restoration. Bone defects were covered with nonresorbable dPTFE membranes. In the mandible, three new implants were placed and loaded immediately with a bar-retained temporary denture. Results. Seven months postoperatively, the bone defects were regenerated, and three additional mandibular implants were placed. All mandibular implants were splinted and loaded with a removable overdenture. Conclusions. In this case, periimplant infection and tissue destruction resulted from the lack of periodontal treatment/maintenance and failure to use evidence-based surgical and loading protocols. Combination therapy resolved the disease and the patient's severe discomfort while providing immediate function and an aesthetic solution.

  3. Enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales en el niño

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    Roberto Razón Behar

    Full Text Available Las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales en el niño, comprenden un gran y heterogéneo grupo de raras enfermedades difusas pulmonares de morbilidad variada. Se caracterizan por cambios inflamatorios y fibróticos que causan remodelación de las paredes alveolares y de las vías respiratorias distales, y ocasionan un defecto restrictivo funcional y una alteración en el intercambio gaseoso, con hipoxemia progresiva. Son muchas las enfermedades que pueden afectar al intersticio pulmonar y múltiples las formas etiológicas causadas por una variedad de procesos patológicos, que incluyen, factores genéticos, asociación a enfermedades sistémicas, así como a respuestas inflamatorias o fibróticas a diferentes estímulos. Sin embargo, algunas veces su origen es desconocido, y se catalogan entonces como idiopáticas. Los neumólogos pediátricos han tratado de clasificar los casos de las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales en las diferentes categorías descritas originalmente en adultos, pero, en realidad, existen formas del adulto que no se observan en la infancia, y formas únicas de presentación pediátrica. Se señala la importancia del conocimiento de estas entidades, particularmente las de origen desconocido o idiopáticas.

  4. Link between rheumatoid arthritis and chronic periodontitis

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    Tomasz Kaczyński


    Full Text Available Chronic periodontitis is an infectious disease associated with the progressive destruction of periodontal tissues. In recent years, more and more data indicate an existing relationship between periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis. The link between both diseases has been confirmed in multiple studies. Despite the fact that this association might be based on shared environmental and genetic risk factors, a possible causal relation was advocated by experimental, epidemiological and interventional studies, with the leading role of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Individuals with chronic periodontitis are at an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, as well as rheumatoid arthritis patients are at an increased risk of chronic periodontitis and more severe forms of periodontitis. Furthermore, there is a correlation between the activity in both diseases – patients with more severe periodontitis suffer from more active rheumatoid arthritis. Intervention attempts were also performed, which demonstrated that eliminating periodontal infection and inflammation can affect the severity of rheumatoid arthritis. In this paper, we review the current knowledge about the link between both diseases, focusing on its clinical implications. Will periodontal treatment become a part of standard therapy for rheumatoid arthritis?

  5. Periodontal conditions in 35-44 and 65-74-year-old adults in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krustrup, Ulla; Petersen, Poul Erik


    OBJECTIVES: To assess the periodontal health status in the Danish adult population and to analyze how the level of periodontal health is associated with age, gender, urbanization, socio-economic factors, and dental visiting habits; furthermore, to compare the periodontal health status of Danish a...... is needed with further emphasis on preventive care, and public health programs should focus on risk factors shared by chronic diseases in order to improve the periodontal health of Danish adults.......OBJECTIVES: To assess the periodontal health status in the Danish adult population and to analyze how the level of periodontal health is associated with age, gender, urbanization, socio-economic factors, and dental visiting habits; furthermore, to compare the periodontal health status of Danish...... Organization Basic Methods Criteria. RESULTS: The clinical examination revealed a low prevalence of healthy periodontal conditions in both age groups: at age 35-44 years 7.7% and at age 65-74 years 2.4% had healthy periodontal conditions. A high proportion of the elderly had scores of severe periodontal health...

  6. Effect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment in patients with periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review (United States)

    Silvestre-Rangil, Javier; Bagan, Leticia; Bagan, Jose V.


    Background Periodontitis has been regarded as a potential risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A systematic review is made to determine whether nonsurgical periodontal treatment in patients with RA offers benefits in terms of the clinical activity and inflammatory markers of the disease. Material and Methods A search was made of the Medline-PubMed, Cochrane, Embase and Scopus databases to identify studies on the relationship between the two disease processes, and especially on the effects of nonsurgical treatment in patients of this kind. The search was based on the following keywords: rheumatoid arthritis AND periodontitis (MeSH), rheumatoid arthritis AND periodontal treatment. Results Eight articles on the nonsurgical treatment of patients with periodontitis and RA were finally included in the study. All of them evaluated clinical (DAS28) and laboratory test activity (ESR, CRP, IL-6, TNFα) before and after treatment. A clear decrease in DAS28 score and ESR was recorded, while other parameters such as CRP, IL-6 and TNFα showed a non significant tendency to decrease as a result of treatment. Conclusions Nonsurgical treatment improved the periodontal condition of patients with periodontitis and RA, with beneficial effects upon the clinical and laboratory test parameters (DAS28 and ESR), while other inflammatory markers showed a marked tendency to decrease. However, all the studies included in the review involved small samples sizes and follow-up periods of no more than 6 months. Larger and particularly longitudinal studies are therefore needed to more firmly establish possible significant relations between the two disease processes. Key words:Periodontitis, rheumatoid arthritis, periodontal treatment. PMID:26946202

  7. Host modulation therapeutics in periodontics: role as an adjunctive periodontal therapy. (United States)

    Shinwari, Muhammad Saad; Tanwir, Farzeen; Hyder, Pakiza Raza; Bin Saeed, Muhammad Humza


    Host Modulation Therapy (HMT) is a treatment concept that reduces tissue destruction and stabilizes or even regenerates inflammatory tissue by modifying host response factors. It has been used for treating osteoporosis and arthritis for several decades. However, its use in dentistry has only been recently reported. The objective of this article is to present a review of the various literatures available on HMT and also its role as adjunct therapy in periodontics. For identifying studies for this review, a PUBMED search was carried out in 2013 for all articles published till December 2012. The search was restricted to English language publications only. Longitudinal prospective and retrospective studies were included in the search. The key words used were: Host Modulation Therapy; Sub antimicrobial dose doxycycline and Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy. The main outcomes sought were host modulation therapeutics in periodontics. Exclusion criteria included cross sectional studies, short case series as well as studies with short follow-up periods. There is a paucity of literature on HMT in periodontics although the only drug approved by United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a subantimicrobial dose of doxycycline (SDD) with highly predictable results as a host modulating agent in periodontal diseases and also an effective adjunctive therapy in various diseases of periodontium. However, more randomized controlled trials are needed to obtain clinical guidelines on the usage of other host modulating agents as adjunct as well as definite therapy for periodontal diseases. SDD is an effective adjunct therapy when used in dosage of 20mg twice daily for minimum 3 months duration in various periodontal diseases with predictable clinical outcomes. It is also recommended that future clinical research on anti cytokine drugs, chemically modified tetracycline and other HMT agents should be conducted so that new drugs are available with highly predictable results.

  8. Programmed cell death in periodontitis: recent advances and future perspectives. (United States)

    Song, B; Zhou, T; Yang, W L; Liu, J; Shao, L Q


    Periodontitis is a highly prevalent infectious disease, characterized by destruction of the periodontium, and is the main cause of tooth loss. Periodontitis is initiated by periodontal pathogens, while other risk factors including smoking, stress, and systemic diseases aggravate its progression. Periodontitis affects many people worldwide, but the molecular mechanisms by which pathogens and risk factors destroy the periodontium are unclear. Programmed cell death (PCD), different from necrosis, is an active cell death mediated by a cascade of gene expression events and can be mainly classified into apoptosis, autophagy, necroptosis, and pyroptosis. Although PCD is involved in many inflammatory diseases, its correlation with periodontitis is unclear. After reviewing the relevant published articles, we found that apoptosis has indeed been reported to play a role in periodontitis. However, the role of autophagy in periodontitis needs further verification. Additionally, implication of necroptosis or pyroptosis in periodontitis remains unknown. Therefore, we recommend future studies, which will unravel the pivotal role of PCD in periodontitis, allowing us to prevent, diagnose, and treat the disease, as well as predict its outcomes. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Interleukin-32 levels in gingival crevicular fluid and saliva of patients with chronic periodontitis after periodontal treatment. (United States)

    Öngöz Dede, F; Balli, U; Bozkurt Doğan, Ş; Güven, B


    The cytokine, interleukin (IL)-32, is a relatively new discovery. However, it is very powerful for stimulating tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) under inflammatory conditions. The objective of this research was to explore fluctuations in the levels of TNF-α, IL-32 and IL-10, in both saliva and gingival crevicular fluid. The focus was on measurements taken before and after clinical treatment of chronic periodontitis. For the purposes of the study, a total of 27 patients with chronic periodontitis and 27 controls (periodontally healthy) were recruited. Important clinical periodontal criteria were established before and 4 wk after the start of the research. The chronic periodontitis group was given an initial form of periodontal care. Samples of saliva and gingival crevicular fluid were collected exactly 4 wk preceding and 4 wk following the care. The levels of IL-10, IL-32 and TNF-α present in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid were recorded via the use of an ELISA. At baseline, the levels of TNF-α and IL-32 in the gingival crevicular fluid and saliva were significantly higher among patients in the chronic periodontitis group than among patients in the control group (p chronic periodontitis group than the control group (p chronic periodontitis group when compared with the baseline readings. However, the levels of IL-10 were significantly higher (p periodontitis. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Longitudinal supportive periodontal therapy for severe chronic periodontitis with furcation involvement: a 12-year follow-up report. (United States)

    Komiya-Ito, Akiyo; Tomita, Sachiyo; Kinumatsu, Takashi; Fujimoto, Yoshihiro; Tsunoda, Masatake; Saito, Atsushi


    We report a case involving a 12-year follow-up after treatment for chronic periodontitis with furcation involvement. A 54-year-old woman presented with the chief complaint of hypersensitivity. Clinical examination at the first visit revealed 15% of sites with a probing depth ≥4 mm and 35% of sites with bleeding on probing. Initial periodontal therapy was implemented based on a clinical diagnosis of severe chronic periodontitis. Surgical periodontal therapy was subsequently performed at selected sites. For #44, regenerative periodontal therapy using enamel matrix derivative (Emdogain(®)) was selected. For #16, which exhibited a 2- to 3-wall vertical bony defect and class III (mesio-distal) furcation involvement, bone graft was scheduled. Other sites with residual periodontal pockets were treated by open flap debridement. For #37, with a gutter-shaped root, odontoplasty was performed. After reevaluation, the patient was placed on supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). During 12 years of SPT, the periodontal condition remained uneventful in most of the teeth. However, bone resorption was observed in the distal aspect of #37, making the prognosis poor. This indicates the need to continuously monitor risk factors, including inflammation and traumatic occlusion, during SPT. Although some problems still remain, severe periodontitis with furcation involvement was successfully maintained longitudinally with an adequate level of patient compliance and careful SPT.

  11. Periodontal disease as a potential factor of migraine chronification. (United States)

    Ameijeira, Pablo; Leira, Yago; Blanco, Juan; Leira, Rogelio


    Migraine is a hereditary constitutional base disorder, which is characterized by recurrent episodes of headache pulsatile characteristics associated with photophobia/phonophobia, nausea and/or vomiting. The main complication in migraine is the chronicity of the process, now recognized as a chronic migraine. Although pathogenic mechanisms that may influence the pathophysiology of migraine and its possible chronicity are not fully understood, previous studies have shown in patients with migraine molecular alterations of systemic inflammation, neurogenic inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, innate immunity, dysfunction of matrix proteases and blood-brain barrier. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory lesion caused by bacteria. After the bacterial infection begins, an immune response that will be responsible for individual susceptibility appears. More advanced forms of periodontitis have demonstrated molecular alterations of inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, dysfunction of matrix proteases and innate immunity, similar to those observed in migraine. Furthermore, the main molecular mediators of neurogenic inflammation related to activation of the trigeminovascular system, which are characteristic of migraine, are overexpressed in gingival crevicular fluid and mucosa in patients with periodontal disease. Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, insulin resistance, stroke or coronary artery disease are comorbidities that periodontal disease and migraine could share. Therefore, several mechanisms and hypotheses could explain the possible association between both diseases. However, epidemiological and molecular studies will be necessary to provide a better understanding of this potential association, which could be implicated in the chronification of migraine. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Assessment of Periodontal Tissue Status in Patients with Generalized Periodontitis and Essential Hypertension

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    T I Vicharenko


    Full Text Available Vascular disorders play a significant role in the development of dystrophic inflammatory process. There is a direct correlation between the degree of damage to blood vessels in the jaw and a depth of the destructive process in periodontal tissue. A certain role is played by endogenous factors, such as: age, vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus, essential hypertension and others. Clinical and epidemiological studies using pathological techniques showed significant changes in vascular wall of the artery in the periodontium, the interdental artery in particular.  Atherosclerosis, essential hypertension and periodontal pathology were proven to occur in individuals older than 40 years. The objective of the research was to determine periodontal tissue status in patients with stage II hypertension and generalized periodontitis of II degree of severity. Materials and methods. The study involved 36 patients with stage II hypertension and generalized periodontitis of II degree of severity (the main group. The patients’ age ranged from 35 to 54 years. The control group included 10 patients of corresponding age without generalized periodontitis and somatic pathology. To assess the status of periodontal tissues, we applied the Papillary-Marginal-Attached Index and the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs. When diagnosing periodontal disease, the classification of M.F. Danilevskyi was used. Results. The analysis of the indicators of the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs index showed the following results: in patients of the main group, the index was 2.38±0.07 points (p<0.001 pointing out a need for a course of professional oral hygiene. In patients of the control group, the index was 0.5±0.17 points indicating that there was no need for treatment, however, there was a need for improving oral hygiene. The indicators of the Papillary-Marginal-Attached Index in the main group were 55.49±1.96 points pointing out a severe degree of

  13. [Periodontal disease in pediatric rheumatic diseases]. (United States)

    Fabri, Gisele M C; Savioli, Cynthia; Siqueira, José T; Campos, Lucia M; Bonfá, Eloisa; Silva, Clovis A


    Gingivitis and periodontitis are immunoinflammatory periodontal diseases characterized by chronic localized infections usually associated with insidious inflammation This narrative review discusses periodontal diseases and mechanisms influencing the immune response and autoimmunity in pediatric rheumatic diseases (PRD), particularly juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (C-SLE) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). Gingivitis was more frequently observed in these diseases compared to health controls, whereas periodontitis was a rare finding. In JIA patients, gingivitis and periodontitis were related to mechanical factors, chronic arthritis with functional disability, dysregulation of the immunoinflammatory response, diet and drugs, mainly corticosteroids and cyclosporine. In C-SLE, gingivitis was associated with longer disease period, high doses of corticosteroids, B-cell hyperactivation and immunoglobulin G elevation. There are scarce data on periodontal diseases in JDM population, and a unique gingival pattern, characterized by gingival erythema, capillary dilation and bush-loop formation, was observed in active patients. In conclusion, gingivitis was the most common periodontal disease in PRD. The observed association with disease activity reinforces the need for future studies to determine if resolution of this complication will influence disease course or severity. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  14. Periodontal regeneration. (United States)

    Ivanovski, S


    The ultimate goal of periodontal therapy is the regeneration of the tissues destroyed as a result of periodontal disease. Currently, two clinical techniques, based on the principles of "guided tissue regeneration" (GTR) or utilization of the biologically active agent "enamel matrix derivative" (EMD), can be used for the regeneration of intrabony and Class II mandibular furcation periodontal defects. In cases where additional support and space-making requirements are necessary, both of these procedures can be combined with a bone replacement graft. There is no evidence that the combined use of GTR and EMD results in superior clinical results compared to the use of each material in isolation. Great variability in clinical outcomes has been reported in relation to the use of both EMD and GTR, and these procedures can be generally considered to be unpredictable. Careful case selection and treatment planning, including consideration of patient, tooth, site and surgical factors, is required in order to optimize the outcomes of treatment. There are limited data available for the clinical effectiveness of other biologically active molecules, such as growth factors and platelet concentrates, and although promising results have been reported, further clinical trials are required in order to confirm their effectiveness. Current active areas of research are centred on tissue engineering and gene therapy strategies which may result in more predictable regenerative outcomes in the future.

  15. Community periodontal treatment needs in South Korea. (United States)

    Lee, M-Y; Chang, S-J; Kim, C-B; Chung, W-G; Choi, E-M; Kim, N-H


    This study aimed to assess the relationship between socio-economic factors and community periodontal treatment needs in Korea. Data were obtained from the year 2009 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Our analysis included 7510 survey participants over the age of 19 years. To assess the relationship between socio-economic factors and the need for periodontal scaling, we performed multivariate logistic regression analyses for data with a complex sampling structure. PASW statistics 19.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used to perform the statistical analyses, and the results were expressed as odds ratios (OR) with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). A very high percentage of Korean adults required periodontal scaling (71.5%). After adjusting for sex, age, and socio-economic factors, the need for periodontal scaling was associated with low levels of education (OR: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.03-1.93), low incomes (OR: 1.27, 95% CI: 1.01-1.60), employment as a service and sales worker (OR: 1.39, 95% CI: 1.10-1.77), and employment as a manual worker (OR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.02-1.69). In South Korea, the need for periodontal scaling was associated with socio-economic factors, such as low levels of education, low incomes, employment as a service and sales worker and employment as a manual worker. Consequently, clinical and community dental hygienists should consider adults with these risk factors as belonging to high-priority subgroups to whom they should respond first. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Periodontal Disease Is an Independent Predictor of Intracardiac Calcification

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    Gregg S. Pressman


    Full Text Available Background. Periodontitis is the most common chronic inflammatory condition worldwide and is associated with incident coronary disease. Hypothesis. We hypothesized that periodontal disease would also be associated with cardiac calcification, a condition which shares many risk factors with atherosclerosis and is considered a marker of subclinical atherosclerosis. Methods. Cross-sectional study at two sites (USA and Japan involving subjects with both clinical echocardiograms and detailed dental examinations. Semiquantitative scoring systems were used to assess severity of periodontal disease and echocardiographic calcification. Results. Fifty-six of 73 subjects (77% had cardiac calcifications, and 51% had moderate to severe periodontal disease (score > 2. In unadjusted analysis, a significant relationship between periodontal score and cardiac calcification (Spearman rho = 0.4, P=0.001 was noted, with increases in mean calcification score seen across increasing levels of periodontal disease. On multivariate logistic regression, adjusted for age, gender, race, glomerular filtration rate, and traditional risk factors, this association remained significant (P=0.024. There was no significant interaction by study site, race, or gender. Conclusions. In a multiracial population, we found a significant association between the degree of periodontal disease, a chronic inflammatory condition, and cardiac calcification. Further, higher periodontal scores were associated with greater degrees of calcification.

  17. La Tuberculosis, Una Enfermedad Modificada*

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    Valentin Malagón Castro


    la reaparición de esta afección en el mundo, sus nuevas características y mal pronóstico, especialmente si el diagnóstico no se hace con presteza y se permite su avance, con las severas consecuencias funcionales y orgánicas a que da lugar.

    Hemos considerado 12 factores que permiten demostrar que la tuberculosis es una enfermedad modificada, factores que servirán de marco a este estudio.

    Los siguientes puntos serán tratados a continuación:

    1. El aumento de la incidencia mundial de la tuberculosis en la última década.
    2. El cambio de la edad en que se manifiesta la enfermedad.
    3. La repercusión que ha tenido sobre la tuberculosis la aparición del Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida en el mundo.
    4. Los cambios que ha sufrido la etiopatogenia de la enfermedad.
    5. La aparición de otras variedades del Micobacterium tuberculosis.
    6. Los cambios acontecidos en el modelo clínico de la Enfermedad.
    7. La observación de formas atípicas de la tuberculosis osteoarticular.
    8. Los nuevos, eficaces pero aún demorados medios de diagnóstico de la tuberculosis.
    9. La bondad y dificultades del tratamiento quimioterápico.
    10.La aparición de cepas tuberculosas resistentes a las drogas específicas.
    11.La necesidad del aislamiento del paciente tuberculoso portador de cepas resistentes a la quimioterapia actual.
    12.Las obscuras perspectivas que, con justificada razón, se vislumbran sobre el aumento en la incidencia de la tuberculosis, enfermedad modificada’ que amenaza en convertirse, otra vez, en una plaga para la humanidad en el siglo XXI...

  18. Indagation of serum and salivary reactive oxygen metabolite and cortisol levels in chronic periodontitis and stress-induced chronic periodontitis patients. (United States)

    Sudhakar, Uma; Thyagarajan, Ramakrishnan; Jeyapal, Bhagyameena; Jagadeesh, Sushuruthi; Jayakumar, Parvathee


    Periodontal disease is not a conventional bacterial infection but is an inflammatory disease initiated by immune response against a group of microorganisms in susceptible hosts. There are many intriguing researches that unfold the secrets of chronic periodontitis. The current researches in chronic periodontitis are directed toward an approach that respects the scientific relationship between the various risk factors, the genetic factors, and the progression of the disease. This study aims to evaluate the cortisol and reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) concentration in serum and to find out their association in periodontal health and disease. In this study, totally thirty patients have been taken and divided into two groups of chronic periodontitis (Group I) and stress-induced chronic periodontitis (Group II) and evaluated the correlation between the ROM and cortisol levels in them. This is the first study, where both the levels of ROM and cortisol are checked in the serum and saliva. The analysis is done to check the association between them. The data were statistically analyzed using software program (SPSSV 16), Pearson correlation, and paired t -test. Comparison of the mean ROM levels in Group I and Group II showed that mean ROM level in Group II is highly significant than Group I. Our study suggests that stress can have a role in the progression of periodontal disease by increasing the cortisol and ROM levels.

  19. Efficiency of nonsurgical periodontal therapy in moderate chronic periodontitis. (United States)

    Mlachkova, Antoaneta M; Popova, Christina L


    Chronic periodontitis is defined as an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of teeth caused by microorganisms in the dental biofilm, resulting in progressive destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone with pocket formation and gingival recession. Treatment of chronic periodontitis aims at arresting the inflammation and stopping the loss of attachment by removal and control of the supra- and subgingival biofilm and establishing a local environment and microflora compatible with periodontal health. The AIM of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of non-surgical therapy (scaling and root planning) in the treatment of moderate chronic periodontitis. The study included 30 patients aged between 33 and 75 years, of which 46.7% women and 53.3% men, diagnosed with moderate and, at some sites, severe periodontitis. They were treated with non-surgical periodontal therapy methods (scaling and root planning and curettage if indicated). Additionally, chemical plaque control with rinse water containing chlorhexidine was applied. The diagnostic and reassessment procedures included measuring the periodontal indices of 601 periodontal units before and after the therapy. The indices measured were the papillary bleeding index (PBI), the hygiene index (HI), the probing pocket depth (PPD) and the clinical attachment level (CAL). Significant reduction of plaque and gingival inflammation was found in all treated patients; we also found a statistically significant reduction of periodontal pockets with clinically measured depth 5 mm did not show statistically significant lower incidence rates probably due to the initially small percentage of deep pockets in the patients studied. There was a statistically significant reduction of all sites with attachment loss, the highest significance found at sites where the attachment loss was greater than 5 mm. The results of the study suggest that nonsurgical periodontal therapy is effective in managing the moderate

  20. A critical assessment of adverse pregnancy outcome and periodontal disease. (United States)

    Wimmer, Gernot; Pihlstrom, Bruce L


    Pre-term birth is a major cause of infant mortality and morbidity that has considerable societal, medical, and economic costs. The rate of pre-term birth appears to be increasing world-wide and efforts to prevent or reduce its prevalence have been largely unsuccessful. To review the literature for studies investigating periodontal disease as a possible risk factor for pre-term birth and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Variability among studies in definitions of periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes as well as widespread inadequate control for confounding factors and possible effect modification make it difficult to base meaningful conclusions on published data. However, while there are indications of an association between periodontal disease and increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcome in some populations, there is no conclusive evidence that treating periodontal disease improves birth outcome. Based on a critical qualitative review, available evidence from clinical trials indicates that, although non-surgical mechanical periodontal treatment in the second trimester of pregnancy is safe and effective in reducing signs of maternal periodontal disease, it does not reduce the rate of pre-term birth. Clinical trials currently underway will further clarify the potential role of periodontal therapy in preventing adverse birth outcomes. Regardless of the outcomes of these trials, it is recommended that large, prospective cohort studies be conducted to assess risk for adverse pregnancy outcome in populations with periodontal disease. It is critical that periodontal exposure and adverse birth outcomes be clearly defined and the many potential confounding factors and possible effect modifiers for adverse pregnancy outcome be controlled in these studies. If periodontal disease is associated with higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcome in these specific populations, large multicenter randomized-controlled trials will be needed to determine if prevention or

  1. Evaluation of the prevalence of periodontal disease as a non-classical risk factor in the group of patients undergoing hip and/or knee arthroplasty. (United States)

    Adamkiewicz, Karolina; Płatek, Anna E; Łęgosz, Paweł; Czerniuk, Maciej R; Małdyk, Paweł; Szymański, Filip M


    Periodontal disease is a chronic disease causing an inflammatory process that affects various organs and is as-sociated with an increased risk of many diseases, including bone and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of periodontal disease in continuous patients scheduled for hip or knee replacement surgery. The study was a prospective, epidemiological analysis performed in consecutive patients scheduled for total joint (hip or knee) replacement surgery. Patients enrolled into the study were screened for classical risk factors and had a dental evaluation performed for the diagnosis of periodontal disease. The study population consisted of 228 patients. A total of 137 (60.1%) patients were scheduled for a hip replace-ment surgery, while 91 (39.9%) had a knee replacement. The mean age of the study population was 66.8 ± 12.2 years, and 83 (36.4%) patients were male. A clinically significant disease was present in 65 (28.5%) cases, while all (100%) of the patients had at least minimal signs of periodontal disease. In patients with periodontal disease the percentage of tartar involvement of the teeth was 33.1 ± 26.8%, mean dental plaque coverage was 48.1 ± 29.8%, and bleeding occurred at a rate of 35.4 ± 29%. As for the hygiene level, it was generally poor in the majority of patients with periodontal disease. No differences in terms of baseline risk factors were present between patients with and without periodontal disease. In conclusion, periodontal diseases are highly prevalent in patients undergoing hip and/or knee replacement surgery. The presence of the periodontal disease is possibly associated with a worse prognosis and should be treated.

  2. Periodontitis increases rheumatic factor serum levels and citrullinated proteins in gingival tissues and alter cytokine balance in arthritic rats.

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    Mônica G Corrêa

    Full Text Available This study investigated some immunological features by experimental periodontitis (EP and rheumatoid arthritis (RA disease interact in destructive processes in arthritic rats. Rats were assigned to the following groups: EP +RA; RA; EP; and Negative Control. RA was induced by immunizations with type-II collagen and a local immunization with Complete Freund's adjuvant in the paw. Periodontitis was induced by ligating the right first molars. The serum level of rheumatoid factor (RF and anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACCPA were measured before the induction of EP (T1 and at 28 days after (T2 by ELISA assay. ACCPA levels were also measured in the gingival tissue at T2. The specimens were processed for morphometric analysis of bone loss, and the gingival tissue surrounding the first molar was collected for the quantification of interleukin IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, IL-17 and TNF-α using a Luminex/MAGpix assay. Paw edema was analyzed using a plethysmometer. Periodontitis increased the RF and ACCPA levels in the serum and in the gingival tissue, respectively. Besides, the level of paw swelling was increased by EP and remained in progress until the end of the experiment, when EP was associated with RA. Greater values of IL-17 were observed only when RA was present, in spite of PE. It can be concluded that periodontitis increases rheumatic factor serum levels and citrullinated proteins level in gingival tissues and alter cytokine balance in arthritic rats; at the same time, arthritis increases periodontal destruction, confirming the bidirectional interaction between diseases.

  3. Growth/differentiation factor-5: a candidate therapeutic agent for periodontal regeneration? A review of pre-clinical data. (United States)

    Moore, Yolanda R; Dickinson, Douglas P; Wikesjö, Ulf M E


    Therapeutic concepts involving the application of matrix, growth and differentiation factors have been advocated in support of periodontal wound healing/regeneration. Growth/differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5), a member of the bone morphogenetic protein family, represents one such factor. The purpose of this review is to provide a background of the therapeutic effects of GDF-5 expressed in various musculoskeletal settings using small and large animal platforms. A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify all reports in the English language evaluating GDF-5 using the PubMed and Google search engines, and a manual search of the reference lists from the electronically retrieved reports. Two reviewers independently screened the titles and abstracts from a total of 69 reports, 22 of which were identified as pre-clinical (in vivo) evaluations of GDF-5. The full-length article of the 22 pre-clinical reports was then reviewed. Various applications including cranial and craniofacial bone formation, spine fusion, long bone fracture healing, cartilage, and tendon/ligament repair using a variety of small and large animal platforms evaluating GDF-5 as a therapeutic agent were identified. A majority of studies, using biomechanical, radiographic, and histological analysis, demonstrated significant dose-dependent effects of GDF-5. These include increased/enhanced local bone formation, fracture healing/repair, and cartilage and tendon/ligament formation. GDF-5 frequently was shown to accelerate wound maturation. Several studies demonstrated GDF-5 to be a realistic alternative to autograft bone. Studies using pre-clinical models and human histology suggest GDF-5 may also increase/enhance periodontal wound healing/regeneration. GDF-5 appears a promising therapeutic agent for periodontal wound healing/regeneration as GDF-5 supports/accelerates bone and tendon/ligament formation in several musculoskeletal settings including periodontal tissues.

  4. Diabetes mellitus and periodontal health: dentists' knowledge. (United States)

    Al-Khabbaz, Areej K; Al-Shammari, Khalaf F


    There is a strong body of evidence to support the relationship between periodontal diseases and diabetes mellitus. Unless dental practitioners are aware of this link, they cannot apply the information to their daily practice. The aim of the study was, therefore, to evaluate the knowledge of dental practitioners concerning the effect of diabetes on periodontal health. This was a cross-sectional survey of randomly selected dental practitioners in Kuwait. Participants were asked about specific periodontal complications which they believed that patients diagnosed with diabetes were more susceptible to. A total of 220 dental practitioners (133 general dental practitioners and 87 dental specialists) participated in the study. Less than 60% of all study participants reported that tooth loss due to periodontal reasons and periodontal abscess were frequent among diabetic patients. Dental specialists, especially periodontists, were significantly more aware of periodontal complications associated with diabetes. Factors significantly associated with having knowledge about the effect of diabetes on periodontal health in logistic regression analysis were dentists who were older and those who were specialists. The results of this study indicate that knowledge about the effects of diabetes on periodontal health among this sample of dental practitioners is generally low, and dentists may underestimate the outcomes of periodontal diseases in diabetic patients. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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    J. D. Baia


    Full Text Available The periodontal disease is the most common disorder of oral cavity of the dogs, being characterized by the inflammation of the gingiva (gingivitis and periodontium (periodontitis, as a result of aerobic bacteria accumulation on the tooth surface, shaped as a biofilm, creating a microaerophilic environment that enhances the development of pathogenic anaerobic bacteria. The process of gingivitis can be reversed after proper treatment. If untreated, it progresses to periodontitis, an irreversible condition, because of the loss of epithelial adhesion. Animals with periodontitis have bone loss and consequently tooth mobility. This condition has the feeding as the main modifier factor. This means that the more solid is the food, the more friction with the tooth it will do, helping the removal of the biofilm. There are several predisposing factors of this disease, such as race, age, occlusion problems, immunodeficiency, among others. The clinical signs of periodontal disease may vary, being halitosis and gingivitis the most common findings. The diagnosis is made by direct inspection, where furcation exposure, inflammation and dental calculus can be seen. The best complementary tool to diagnose is the intra-oral radiography, which allows the visualization of bone structures that can not be seen during clinical inspection, helping to manage the treatment. The use of antibiotics is only complementary to treatment and only chosen in special cases. The treatment for this condition is surgical and requires sedation. It basically consists in the complete removal of dental calculus, followed by teeth polishing. The whole procedure is performed using specific techniques and instrumentation. There are various prophylactic methods, although daily brushing and the awareness of the owner about this condition are considered the ideal combination.

  6. The periodontal pain paradox: Difficulty on pain assesment in dental patients (The periodontal pain paradox hypothesis

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    Haryono Utomo


    Full Text Available In daily dental practice, the majority of patients’ main complaints are related to pain. Most patients assume that all pains inside the oral cavity originated from the tooth. One particular case is thermal sensitivity; sometimes patients were being able to point the site of pain, although there is neither visible caries nor secondary caries in dental radiograph. In this case, gingival recession and dentin hypersensitivity are first to be treated to eliminate the pain. If these treatments failed, pain may misdiagnose as pulpal inflammation and lead to unnecessary root canal treatment. Study in pain during periodontal instrumentation of plaque-related periodontitis revealed that the majority of patients feel pain and discomfort during probing and scaling. It seems obvious because an inflammation, either acute or chronic is related to a lowered pain threshold. However, in contrast, in this case report, patient suffered from chronic gingivitis and thermal sensitivity experienced a relative pain-free sensation during probing and scaling. Lowered pain threshold which accompanied by a blunted pain perception upon periodontal instrumentation is proposed to be termed as the periodontal pain paradox. The objective of this study is to reveal the possibility of certain factors in periodontal inflammation which may involved in the periodontal pain paradox hypothesis. Patient with thermal hypersensitivity who was conducted probing and scaling, after the relative pain-free instrumentation, thermal hypersensitivity rapidly disappeared. Based on the successful periodontal treatment, it is concluded that chronic gingivitis may modulate periodontal pain perception which termed as periodontal pain paradox

  7. Factores de riesgo en la predicción de las principales enfermedades bucales en los niños

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    . Johany Duque de Estrada Riverón


    Full Text Available Se realizó una actualización bibliográfica acerca de los factores de riesgo que influyen en la aparición de caries dental, periodontopatías y maloclusión dentaria. La noción de riesgo epidemiológico es función de la existencia del ser humano, viviendo en un ambiente social en variación permanente. El riesgo implica la probabilidad que tiene un individuo (riesgo individual de desarrollar una enfermedad determinada, un accidente o un cambio en su estado de salud en un período específico y en una comunidad dada. Se presenta una breve caracterización de la enfermedad caries dental, periodontopatías y maloclusiones, con la finalidad de establecer las medidas preventivas dirigidas fundamentalmente a la causa de la enfermedad desde su origen, así como para establecer los métodos educativos correspondientes.A bibliographic updating about the risk factors influencing on the appearance of dental caries, periodontopathies and dental malocclusion was made. The notion of epidemiologic risk is a function of the existance of the human beign, who lives in a social environment under permanent variation. The risk implies the possibility that a subject has (individual risk to develop certain disease, an accident or a change in his health status in an specfic period and in a given community. A biref characterization of the dental caries disease, periodontopathies and malocclusions is presented in order to establish the preventive measures directed mainly to the cause of the disease since its origin, as well as to take the corresponding educative measures.

  8. Prevención de la Neoformación del Biofilm Supragingival, Efectos colaterales y efectos microbiológicos de dos nuevas formulaciones, una al 0.12% y otra al 0.03% de Digluconato de clorhexidina, ambas con cloruro de Cetilpiridinio al 0.05%, en un modelo experimental de 4 días, en ausencia de cepillado. Estudio Clínico Aleatorizado.


    Mor Reinoso, Carolina


    La gingivitis y la periodontitis son dos enfermedades de alta prevalencia en la población mundial. Se estima que la gingivitis afecta al 82% de niños y adolescentes. En España, la última encuesta sobre salud bucal, realizada el año 2010, muestra que el 59,8% de los adultos tendría gingivitis y sólo el 14,8% tendría las encías sanas. En algunos individuos la gingivitis puede progresar a periodontitis, una enfermedad infecciosa crónica cuyo principal factor etiológico es la presencia de determi...

  9. Nutraceuticals in Periodontal Health: A Systematic Review on the Role of Vitamins in Periodontal Health Maintenance. (United States)

    Varela-López, Alfonso; Navarro-Hortal, María D; Giampieri, Francesca; Bullón, Pedro; Battino, Maurizio; Quiles, José L


    Periodontal disease, a relevant public health problem worldwide, is generally considered a common pathology of elderly people. In this respect, there is agreement about that nutritional status may be a modifying factor in the progression and healing of the periodontal tissues. Vitamins have been recommended as nutraceuticals for prevention and treatment of some pathological conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity or cancer. Thus, a systematic approach to determining how the different vitamin type could ameliorate periodontal risks or improve periodontal health is necessary to further the understanding of the potential benefits and risks of vitamins supplementation use. For this, a systematic review of English-written literature in PubMed until February 2018, which included both human and animal research on the relationship of each vitamin with periodontal disease, was conducted. Among all the analyzed vitamins those with antioxidant capacity and effects on immune system seem to be useful for prevention or improvement of periodontal disease, as well as those implicated in bone metabolism. In the first case, there are quite information in favor of various vitamins, mainly vitamin C, that is the most studied. In the second case, vitamin D seems to have the most relevant role.

  10. [Correlation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 polymorphisms with chronic periodontitis in Uygur adults]. (United States)

    Ma, T; Li, D D; Huang, P; Zhao, J


    Objective: To investigate the association between matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) polymorphisms and chronic periodontitis in Uygur adults. Methods: A total of 196 patients with chronic periodontitis and 97 healthy controls were selected from 2 500 Uygur people. Buccal swab samples were taken, the genomic DNA was extracted and the genotype distribution and allele frequency of MMP-9 were determined by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The distribution of genotypes, allele frequencies and risk factors were analyzed by chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. Results: Significant difference was found between healthy controls and the mild periodontitis and moderate to severe periodontitis in the MMP-9 1562C/T CC genotype expression (χ(2)=9.901, P= 0.002; χ(2)=13.397, Pperiodontitis and between the mild periodontitis and moderate to severe periodontitis (χ(2)=8.025, P= 0.005; χ(2)=11.159, Pperiodontitis and between mild periodontitis and moderate to severe periodontitis (χ(2)=6.270, P= 0.012; χ(2)=8.184, P= 0.004). Logistic analysis showed that age under 35 years old was the protective factor of chronic periodontitis ( OR= 0.061, 95% CI =0.035-0.108, Pchronic periodontitis ( OR= 2.392, 95% CI =1.496-3.819, Pchronic periodontitis in Uygur adults in Moyu county of Xinjiang is related to the age and gender and polymorphism of MMP-9. The age over 35 years old, male and CT genotype may be the risk factors of chronic periodontitis in Uygur adults.

  11. On the causes of persistent apical periodontitis: a review. (United States)

    Nair, P N R


    Apical periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disorder of periradicular tissues caused by aetiological agents of endodontic origin. Persistent apical periodontitis occurs when root canal treatment of apical periodontitis has not adequately eliminated intraradicular infection. Problems that lead to persistent apical periodontitis include: inadequate aseptic control, poor access cavity design, missed canals, inadequate instrumentation, debridement and leaking temporary or permanent restorations. Even when the most stringent procedures are followed, apical periodontitis may still persist as asymptomatic radiolucencies, because of the complexity of the root canal system formed by the main and accessory canals, their ramifications and anastomoses where residual infection can persist. Further, there are extraradicular factors -- located within the inflamed periapical tissue -- that can interfere with post-treatment healing of apical periodontitis. The causes of apical periodontitis persisting after root canal treatment have not been well characterized. During the 1990s, a series of investigations have shown that there are six biological factors that lead to asymptomatic radiolucencies persisting after root canal treatment. These are: (i) intraradicular infection persisting in the complex apical root canal system; (ii) extraradicular infection, generally in the form of periapical actinomycosis; (iii) extruded root canal filling or other exogenous materials that cause a foreign body reaction; (iv) accumulation of endogenous cholesterol crystals that irritate periapical tissues; (v) true cystic lesions, and (vi) scar tissue healing of the lesion. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the causative factors of non-resolving periapical lesions that are seen as asymptomatic radiolucencies post-treatment.

  12. Cardiopatías y enfermedades periodontales: ¿existen evidencias de asociación?


    Jiménez Beato, Gema; Machuca Portillo, Guillermo


    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares representan una de las principales causas de muerte en las sociedades desarrolladas. Estas enfermedades no sólo son importantes por la mortalidad que generan, sino por la gran cantidad de individuos afectados y en tratamiento que han de soportar los sistemas de salud de los distintos países. De ahí que la detección precoz de los factores de riesgo conducentes a desencadenar estas enfermedades haya sido vista como el mecanismo más eficaz p...

  13. Risk factors for periodontal diseases among Yemeni type II diabetic patients. A case-control study.

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    Anas Shamala


    Full Text Available Background: Chronic periodontal diseases are one of diabetes mellitus complications. The present study aims to compare the periodontal status of type II diabetic patients to a control group and assess the role of risk factors in both groups. Materials and methods: A case-control study was conducted of 270 individuals (132 type II diabetics and 138 non-diabetics. Full mouth periodontal examination including plaque index, gingival bleeding, gingival recession, clinical attachment loss (CAL, tooth mobility, furcation involvement and the number of missing teeth. The case group was subdivided according to glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c status (poorly controlled HbA1c >8 and well controlled HbA1c≤8 Likewise, the duration of diabetes mellitus as short or long duration (DM≤10 or >10. The diabetic group was also subdivided according to smoking and Khat chewing habits. Result: The severity of periodontal disease among type II diabetic patients were significantly higher compared to the control group regarding the plaque index 2.6 (1.6-4.3, bleeding on probing 3.5 (2.3-13.0, gingival recession 2.0 (1.2-3.4, furcation involvement 4.0 (2.3-6.7, clinical attachment loss 5.7 (3.1-10.5, tooth mobility 2.0 (1.2-3.4, and number of missing teeth 4.4 (2.3-8.5. In addition, poorly controlled type II DM and long duration had higher CAL and number of missing teeth than well-controlled DM and short duration. No significant differences were found between smokers/nonsmokers and Khat chewers/non-chewers among the diabetic group. Conclusion: Type II diabetic patients have severe periodontal destruction and tooth loss compared to non-diabetic people and there were no differences within the diabetic group in regards to smoking and Khat chewing habits.

  14. Some modern aspects of periodontal disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bergenholtz, A.; Jorkjend, L.


    During the last three to four decades, extensive changes in opinion concerning the etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of periodontal disease have taken place. During these decades, contributing factors are standardized and controlled trials, as well as epidemiological studies, were performed. Periodontics is no longer an art as it was at the end of the 19th century- it is a science based on research. Pyorrhea alveoiaris or periodontitis has been considered a multifactorial disease with bad prognosis which, together with caries, causes loss of teeth in the population. It was supposed to affect most of the population with age progress, trauma from occlusion, systemic diseases, and bad oral hygiene. The discovery that plaque was the cause of gingivitis, and that the subgingival microflora differed in composition between sites, teeth, and individuals created new suggestions and demands for the treatment of periodontal disease. The aim of this paper is to summarize some modern aspects on periodontal disease. (author)

  15. Is periodontal disease a reason or result for premature birth?

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    Turgut Demir


    Full Text Available Introduction: It is a known fact that there is a connection between periodontal disease and certain systemic conditions. Even though there are some contradictory results in the conducted studies, periodontal disease has been accepted as a risk factor affecting the negative terminations of pregnancy in recent years (premature birth [PB], low birth weight. This consideration is associated with a positive correlation between two conditions in some studies. The Hypothesis: Although there is such a relationship between periodontal disease and PB, the linking mechanism has not been explained as presence of the relation cannot reveal the cause-effect relationship. It should be discussed whether or not this positive connection is caused by the fact that periodontal disease is an independent risk factor for PB, or the change (hormonal, inflammatory in the systemic condition in PB cases causes a risk for periodontal disease. Evaluation of the Hypothesis: The fact that in PB cases the changes in steroid hormone levels might increase the incidence and severity of periodontal disease as in pregnancy, or there could be a common risk factor that may cause both cases, has not been revealed yet and should be taken into consideration.

  16. Coffee consumption and periodontal disease in males. (United States)

    Ng, Nathan; Kaye, Elizabeth Krall; Garcia, Raul I


    Coffee is a major dietary source of antioxidants as well as of other anti-inflammatory factors. Given the beneficial role of such factors in periodontal disease, whether coffee intake is associated with periodontal disease in adult males was explored. Existing data collected by a prospective, closed-panel cohort study of aging and oral health in adult males was used. Participants included the 1,152 dentate males in the Veterans Affairs (VA) Dental Longitudinal Study who presented for comprehensive medical and dental examinations from 1968 to 1998. Mean age at baseline was 48 years; males were followed for up to 30 years. Participants are not VA patients; rather, they receive their medical and dental care in the private sector. Periodontal status was assessed by probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing, and radiographic alveolar bone loss (ABL), measured on intraoral periapical radiographs with a modified Schei ruler method. Moderate-to-severe periodontal disease was defined as cumulative numbers of teeth exhibiting PD ≥4 mm or ABL ≥40%. Coffee intake was obtained from participant self-reports using the Cornell Medical Index and food frequency questionnaires. Multivariate repeated-measures generalized linear models estimated mean number of teeth with moderate-to-severe disease at each examination by coffee intake level. It was found that higher coffee consumption was associated with a small but significant reduction in number of teeth with periodontal bone loss. No evidence was found that coffee consumption was harmful to periodontal health. Coffee consumption may be protective against periodontal bone loss in adult males.

  17. Periodontal disease associated to systemic genetic disorders. (United States)

    Nualart Grollmus, Zacy Carola; Morales Chávez, Mariana Carolina; Silvestre Donat, Francisco Javier


    A number of systemic disorders increase patient susceptibility to periodontal disease, which moreover evolves more rapidly and more aggressively. The underlying factors are mainly related to alterations in immune, endocrine and connective tissue status. These alterations are associated with different pathologies and syndromes that generate periodontal disease either as a primary manifestation or by aggravating a pre-existing condition attributable to local factors. This is where the role of bacterial plaque is subject to debate. In the presence of qualitative or quantitative cellular immune alterations, periodontal disease may manifest early on a severe localized or generalized basis--in some cases related to the presence of plaque and/or specific bacteria (severe congenital neutropenia or infantile genetic agranulocytosis, Chediak-Higiashi syndrome, Down syndrome and Papillon-Lefévre syndrome). In the presence of humoral immune alterations, periodontal damage may result indirectly as a consequence of alterations in other systems. In connective tissue disorders, bacterial plaque and alterations of the periodontal tissues increase patient susceptibility to gingival inflammation and alveolar resorption (Marfan syndrome and Ehler-Danlos syndrome). The management of periodontal disease focuses on the control of infection and bacterial plaque by means of mechanical and chemical methods. Periodontal surgery and even extraction of the most seriously affected teeth have also been suggested. There are variable degrees of consensus regarding the background systemic disorder, as in the case of Chediak-Higiashi syndrome, where antibiotic treatment proves ineffective; in severe congenital neutropenia or infantile genetic agranulocytosis, where antibiotic prophylaxis is suggested; and in Papillon-Lefévre syndrome, where an established treatment protocol is available.

  18. Interrelationships of periodontitis and diabetes: A review of the current literature

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    Po-Chun Chang


    Full Text Available Diabetes and periodontitis are common chronic diseases in the world, and abundant epidemiological evidence implies a bidirectional relationship between the two diseases. It appears that diabetes is a risk factor for greater periodontal destruction, whereas managing periodontitis can also contribute to better glycemic control. The underlying regulatory mechanisms are also bidirectional. The hyperglycemic status may directly alter subgingival microbial compositions, impair cellular function, and change collagen metabolism. The formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs can further modify the extracellular matrix, and establishment of cellular receptor binding can amplify inflammation. Moreover, periodontitis also induces hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance. This cyclical relationship converges via overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β. Thus, this article highlights the importance of maintaining periodontal health to eliminate systemic complications and meticulous metabolic control to prevent further periodontal destruction. From a systemic aspect, targeting proinflammatory cytokines or receptors of AGEs could be a potential modality for treating periodontitis.

  19. [Relationship between periodontitis and levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein]. (United States)

    Pan, Heng-biao; Chen, Hui; Zhou, Na; Jin, Dan; Zhang, Jing; Peng, Chun-mei


    To evaluate the relationship between periodontitis and the traditional risk factors of coronary heart disease (CHD), as well as the role in the mechanisms responsible for high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) in the relationship of peridontitis and CHD. A periodontal examination was conducted on a total of 356 subjects, and community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN) was obtained from each subject. Periodontal status was categorized into TN periodontal, hsCRP concentration and routinely CHD serological indexes. In the groups of TN periodontal pockets were found in the Group hsCRP > or = 3.0 mg x L(-1) (P periodontal disease.

  20. Periodontitis: facts, fallacies and the future. (United States)

    Slots, Jørgen


    This volume of Periodontology 2000 represents the 25th anniversary of the Journal, and uses the occasion to assess important advancements in periodontology over the past quarter-century as well as the hurdles that remain. Periodontitis is defined by pathologic loss of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. The disease involves complex dynamic interactions among active herpesviruses, specific bacterial pathogens and destructive immune responses. Periodontal diagnostics is currently based on clinical rather than etiologic criteria, and provides limited therapeutic guidance. Periodontal causative treatment consists of scaling, antiseptic rinses and occasionally systemic antibiotics, and surgical intervention has been de-emphasized, except perhaps for the most advanced types of periodontitis. Plastic surgical therapy includes soft-tissue grafting to cover exposed root surfaces and bone grafting to provide support for implants. Dental implants are used to replace severely diseased or missing teeth, but implant overuse is of concern. The utility of laser treatment for periodontitis remains unresolved. Host modulation and risk-factor modification therapies may benefit select patient groups. Patient self-care is a critical part of periodontal health care, and twice-weekly oral rinsing with 0.10-0.25% sodium hypochlorite constitutes a valuable adjunct to conventional anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis treatments. A link between periodontal herpesviruses and systemic diseases is a strong biological plausibility. In summary, research during the past 25 years has significantly changed our concepts of periodontitis pathobiology and has produced more-effective and less-costly therapeutic options. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Indagation of serum and salivary reactive oxygen metabolite and cortisol levels in chronic periodontitis and stress-induced chronic periodontitis patients

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    Uma Sudhakar


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontal disease is not a conventional bacterial infection but is an inflammatory disease initiated by immune response against a group of microorganisms in susceptible hosts. There are many intriguing researches that unfold the secrets of chronic periodontitis. The current researches in chronic periodontitis are directed toward an approach that respects the scientific relationship between the various risk factors, the genetic factors, and the progression of the disease. Aim: This study aims to evaluate the cortisol and reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM concentration in serum and to find out their association in periodontal health and disease. Materials and Methods: In this study, totally thirty patients have been taken and divided into two groups of chronic periodontitis (Group I and stress-induced chronic periodontitis (Group II and evaluated the correlation between the ROM and cortisol levels in them. This is the first study, where both the levels of ROM and cortisol are checked in the serum and saliva. The analysis is done to check the association between them. Statistical Analysis: The data were statistically analyzed using software program (SPSSV 16, Pearson correlation, and paired t-test. Results: Comparison of the mean ROM levels in Group I and Group II showed that mean ROM level in Group II is highly significant than Group I. Conclusion: Our study suggests that stress can have a role in the progression of periodontal disease by increasing the cortisol and ROM levels.

  2. Asociación entre la agrupación (clustering de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular

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    Baena Díez José Miguel


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la principal causa de mortalidad en España. El objetivo del estudio es estudiar la asociación entre la agrupación (clustering de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y el riesgo de padecer eventos cardiovasculares mayores: cardiopatía isquémica, enfermedad cerebrovascular y arteriopatía periférica de extremidades inferiores. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado en un centro de salud urbano. Se estudiaron 2.248 historias clínicas de personas con edad igual o superior a 15 años, seleccionadas mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Los datos se obtuvieron por revisión de las historias clínicas, estimando la odds ratio (OR para padecer algún evento cardiovascular (n = 224, cardiopatía isquémica (n = 123, enfermedad cerebrovascular (n = 84 y arteriopatía periférica (n = 55 respecto al número de factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Se incluyeron los factores de riesgo cardiovascular tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial, hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia, diabetes y obesidad. La OR fue ajustada por edad y sexo. Resultados: El porcentaje de pacientes con 0,1, 2, 3 y 4-6 factores de riesgo cardiovascular fue de 39,1, 32,8, 17,5, 6,9 y 3,7 respectivamente. Las OR para el riesgo de tener algún evento cardiovascular asociada a 1, 2, 3 y 4-6 factores de riesgo cardiovascular fueron de 1,6 (IC95%: 0,9-2,7, 2,8 (IC95%: 1,7-4,7, 3,6 (IC95%: 1,9-6,5 y 5,6 (IC95%: 2,9-10,8, respectivamente. Las OR para la cardiopatía isquémica, asociada a los mismos niveles de riesgo, fueron de 2,3 (IC95%: 1,1-4,6, 2,5 (IC95%: 1,2-5,2, 5,3 (IC95%: 2,4-11,5 y 6,2 (IC95%: 2,7-14,3, respectivamente. Para la enfermedad cerebrovascular las OR fueron 1,1 (IC95%: 0,5-2,5, 2,3 (IC95%: 1,2-5,3, 2,4 (IC95%: 1,0-5,9 y 5,6 (IC95%: 2,2-14,1, respectivamente. Las OR para la arteriopatía periférica fueron 2,1 (IC95%: 0,8-5,9 , 3,7 (IC95%: 1,3-10,5, 3,3 (IC95%: 1,0-11,1 y 6,1 (IC95%: 1

  3. Conocimientos y factores de riesgo relacionados con la enfermedad de Chagas en dos comunidades panameñas donde Rhodnius pallescens es el vector principal

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    Lisbeth A. Hurtado


    Full Text Available Introducción. La implementación de los programas de vigilancia, prevención y control de la enfermedad de Chagas requiere una aproximación integral. La sostenibilidad de los programas depende de la participación comunitaria amparada en un conocimiento básico del problema. Objetivo. Evaluar los conocimientos de los entrevistados que facilitan o limitan la vigilancia, prevención y control de la enfermedad de Chagas en dos comunidades endémicas de Panamá donde Rhodnius pallescens es el vector principal. Materiales y métodos. Mediante un cuestionario se evaluaron los conocimientos y los factores de riesgo relacionados con la enfermedad de Chagas en 201 personas mayores de 10 años de las comunidades endémicas de Las Pavas y Lagartera Grande, ubicadas en la ribera oeste del Canal de Panamá. Con ayuda de los moradores también se evaluó la presencia de chinches triatominos en 93 viviendas a lo largo de un año. Resultados. De las personas entrevistadas, 69,2 % (139/201 tenía pocos o muy pocos conocimientos sobre la enfermedad de Chagas y 93 % (187/201 estaba expuesto a factores de riesgo moderados o altos. Se capturaron chinches triatominos en 20,4 % (19/93 de las viviendas evaluadas, de los cuales, el 86,8 % (66/76 era R. pallescens. Se encontró asociación significativa entre la presencia de chinches dentro de las viviendas y las viviendas catalogadas como precarias (p<0,01. Conclusión. A pesar de que en estas dos comunidades se han desarrollado programas de educación sanitaria, es necesario reforzar los conocimientos básicos sobre la enfermedad de Chagas antes de establecer medidas de prevención y vigilancia que involucren la participación activa de sus habitantes.

  4. Plasma antibody levels in periodontitis patients and controls

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Graswinckel, JEM; van der Velden, U; van Winkelhoff, AJ; Hoek, FJ; Loos, BG

    Background: A major aspect of the adaptive host response in periodontitis is the production of antibodies. Several risk and susceptibility factors for periodontitis, including smoking, age and composition of the subgingival microflora, have also been suggested to influence antibody production. Aim:


    Mendoza-Ticona, Alberto


    Existe evidencia suficiente para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en diversos profesionales especialmente entre los trabajadores de salud. En el Perú están normados y reglamentados los derechos laborales inherentes a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional, como la cobertura por discapacidad temporal o permanente. Sin embargo, estos derechos aún no han sido suficientemente socializados. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre el riesgo de adquirir tuberculosis en el lugar de trabajo, se revisan las evidencias para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores de salud y se presenta la legislación peruana vigente al respecto. PMID:22858771

  6. Pruebas diagnósticas en la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico


    Remes-Troche, José María


    En la actualidad la enfermedad por reflujo gastro esofágico (ERGE) no es una enfermedad simple y se tiene que considerar como una enfermedad heterogénea y multi-sintomática por lo que no hay una prueba estándar de oro. La decisión de que prueba utilizar, cuando utilizarla y cuál será su ganancia en el diagnóstico depende de varios factores. Para la evaluación estructural, la videoendoscopia se considera la prueba ideal ya que permite establecer la ausencia o presencia de erosiones y de compli...

  7. A pilot study into measurements of markers of atherosclerosis in periodontitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leivadaros, Efstratios; van der Velden, Ubele; Bizzarro, Sergio; ten Heggeler, Johanna M. A. G.; Gerdes, Victor E. A.; Hoek, Frans J.; Nagy, Thomas O. M.; Scholma, Jose; Bakker, Stephan J. L.; Gans, Rijk O. B.; ten Cate, Hugo; Loos, Bruno G.


    Periodontitis may be a possible risk factor for atherosclerosis. The current pilot study explored arterial wall thickness and other variables associated with atherosclerosis in healthy subjects with and without periodontitis. Patients with moderate (N = 34) and severe periodontitis (N = 15) and

  8. Diagnosis of periodontal diseases using different classification ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The codes created for risk factors, periodontal data, and radiographically bone loss were formed as a matrix structure and regarded as inputs for the classification unit. A total of six periodontal conditions was the outputs of the classification unit. The accuracy of the suggested methods was compared according to their ...

  9. [Effects of interleukin-18 and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in serum and gingival tissues of rat model with periodontitis exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia]. (United States)

    Wang, Bin; Wang, Xiaoqin


    This study evaluates the expression of interleukin-18 (IL-18) and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-lα in rat periodontitis model exposed to normoxia and chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) environments. The possible correlation between periodontitis and obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) was also investigated. Methods: Thirty-two Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly assigned into four groups: normoxia control, normoxia periodontitis, hypoxia control, and hypoxia periodontitis groups. The periodontitis models were established by ligating the bilateral maxillary second molars and employing high-carbohydrate diets. Rats in hypoxia control and hypoxia periodontitis groups were exposed to CIH treatment mimicking a moderately severe OSAHS condition. All animals were sacrificed after eight weeks, and the clinical periodontal indexes were detected. The levels of IL-18 and HIF-1α in serum and gingival tissues were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The correlation between attachment loss (AL) and the levels of IL-18 and HIF-lα in hypoxia periodontitis group was evaluated. The levels of IL-18 and HIF-lα in hypoxia periodontitis group were significantly higher than that in normoxia periodontitis and hypoxia control groups (Pperiodontal tissues, which is correlated with IL-18 and HIF-lα levels.

  10. Using risk assessment in periodontics. (United States)

    Woodman, Alan J


    Risk assessment has become a regular feature in both dental practice and society as a whole, and principles used to assess risk in society are similar to those used in a clinical setting. Although the concept of risk assessment as a prognostic indicator for periodontal disease incidence and activity is well established in the management of periodontitis, the use of risk assessment to manage the practical treatment of periodontitis and its sequelae appears to have less foundation. A simple system of initial risk assessment - building on the use of the Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE), clinical, medical and social factors - is described, linked to protocols for delivering care suited to general dental practice and stressing the role of long-term supportive care. The risks of not treating the patient are considered, together with the possible causes of failure, and the problems of successful treatment are illustrated by the practical management of post-treatment recession.

  11. The short-term effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on the circulating levels of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein in patients with chronic periodontitis. (United States)

    George, Annie Kitty; Janam, Prasanthila


    Recent epidemiological studies have shown that periodontal infection is a risk factor for a number of systemic diseases and conditions. In addition to the conventional risk factors, chronic infection and the subsequent generation of a systemic inflammatory response may be associated with this increased risk. This study was conducted to determine whether the presence of chronic periodontitis and subsequent non-surgical periodontal therapy could influence the serum levels of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with severe chronic generalized periodontitis. Participants were selected from subjects who attended the Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantololgy, Government Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram. Sera were obtained from 25 patients with periodontitis for baseline examination and reassessment after completion of treatment. As a control, sera were also obtained from 20 subjects without periodontitis. Interleukin-6 was determined by sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) was measured using latex turbidometric immunoassay. Data were analyzed using computer software, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 10. The level of interleukin-6 and hsCRP in the sera of periodontitis patients was seen to be higher than those of healthy controls. Interleukin-6 level tended to decrease with improvement of the periodontal condition following treatment and approached that of control subjects, and this decline was statistically significant. The hsCRP levels also showed a decreasing trend following periodontal treatment. In this study, we were able to show that periodontal disease significantly affects the serum levels of systemic inflammatory markers and that non-surgical periodontal therapy could bring about a decrease in the levels of these inflammatory markers.

  12. Periodontal disease in three siblings with familial neutropenia. (United States)

    Kirstilä, V; Sewón, L; Laine, J


    The periodontal status and treatment of three teenagers in a Finnish family with familial neutropenia is described. The mother was also diagnosed with neutropenia. At initial examination, the 15-year-old male and the 10-year-old female had severe periodontitis, whereas the 13-year-old male had oral ulcerations but no significant periodontal disease. The two siblings with periodontitis were treated and followed approximately 5 years. It was concluded that periodontal therapy including scaling, surgery, and use of antimicrobial agents can be successful in patients with familial neutropenia, and that such patients are not necessarily candidates for full mouth extraction. The role of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in which was used in the treatment of these patients remains to be established.

  13. Pathogenic mechanisms linking periodontal diseases with adverse pregnancy outcomes. (United States)

    Cetin, I; Pileri, P; Villa, A; Calabrese, S; Ottolenghi, L; Abati, S


    In the last 2 decades, a large proportion of studies have focused on the relationship between maternal periodontal disease and poor obstetric outcomes. The aim of the present review is to summarize the current knowledge about human studies on the pathogenetic mechanisms linking periodontal diseases with adverse pregnancy outcomes. A search of the medical literature was conducted using NIH (National Institute of Health) Pubmed through April 2011. Articles were identified with the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) and free text terms "small for gestational age (SGA)," "preeclampsia," "preterm labor," and "periodontal disease." Experimental human studies have shown that periodontal pathogens may disseminate toward placental and fetal tissues accompanied by an increase in inflammatory mediators in the placenta. As such, new inflammatory reactions within the placental tissues of the pregnant woman may occur, the physiological levels of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in the amniotic fluid may increase and eventually lead to premature delivery. Although many data from clinical trials suggest that periodontal disease may increase the adverse pregnancy outcome, the exact pathogenetic mechanism involved remains controversial. The findings explain the potential link between periodontal infections and adverse pregnancy outcomes. First, periodontal bacteria can directly cause infections both of the uteroplacenta and the fetus; second, systemic inflammatory changes induced by periodontal diseases can activate responses at the maternal-fetal interface. Of note, associative studies have produced different results in different population groups and no conclusive evidence has still been produced for the potential role of preventive periodontal care to reduce the risk factors of preterm birth.

  14. Exploring the relationship between periodontal disease and pregnancy complications. (United States)

    Bobetsis, Yiorgos A; Barros, Silvana P; Offenbacher, Steven


    Increasing evidence suggests that maternal gingivitis and periodontitis may be a risk factor for preterm birth and other adverse pregnancy outcomes. To clarify the possible mechanisms behind the association between periodontal disease and preterm delivery, the authors reviewed studies of the effect of infection with periodontal pathogens in animal models on pregnancy outcomes including fetal growth, placental structural abnormalities and neonatal health. After the first report, in 1996, of a potential association between maternal periodontal disease and delivery of a preterm/low-birth-weight infant in humans, many case control and prospective studies were published. This review summarizes these, as well as early studies involving periodontal intervention to reduce risk. Although there are some conflicting findings and potential problems regarding uncontrolled underlying risk factors, most of the clinical studies indicate a positive correlation between periodontal disease and preterm birth. Recent studies also have shown that there are microbiologic and immunological findings that strongly support the association. The studies indicate that periodontal infection can lead to placental-fetal exposure and, when coupled with a fetal inflammatory response, can lead to preterm delivery. Data from animal studies raise the possibility that maternal periodontal infections also may have adverse long-term effects on the infant's development. Education for patients and health care providers regarding the biological plausibility of the association and the potential risks is indicated, but there is insufficient evidence at this time for health care policy recommendations to provide maternal periodontal treatments for the purpose of reducing the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.

  15. Investigation of periodontal tissue during a long space flights (United States)

    Solovyeva, Zoya; Viacheslav, Ilyin; Skedina, Marina

    Previous studies conducted on the International Space Station found that upon completion of the space flight there are significant changes in the local immunity and periodontal microflora of astronauts. Also research in ground-based experiments that simulate space flight factors showed that prolonged hypokinesia antiorthostatic leads to impaired functional indicators of the periodontal vascular system, an unidirectional change from the microbiota and the immune system. That results in the appearance and progressive increase of the parodontial pathogenic bacteria and increase of the content of immunoglobulins in the oral fluid. All these changes are classified as risk factors for the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases in astronauts. However, the studies were unable to determine whether the changes result from a long space flight and the peculiarities of formation the local immunity and periodontal microbiota during the space flight, or they are one of the specific manifestations of the readaptationary post-flight condition of the body. In this regard, the planned research in a long space flight suggests: to use the means of microbial control, which can retain of the anaerobes periodontal microbiota sampling directly in the space flight; to assess the specificity of changes of the periodontal immune status under the influence of the space flight factors, and to assess the state of microcirculation of periodontal tissue in astronauts. A comprehensive study of the reaction of dentition during the space flight will make it possible to study the pathogenesis of changes for developing an adequate prevention aimed at optimizing the state of dentition of the astronauts.

  16. Association between erectile dysfunction and chronic periodontitis: A clinical study


    Ranjit Singh Uppal; Rajat Bhandari; Karanparkash Singh


    Background: In recent years, evidence has come forth supporting the notion that localized infectious diseases such as periodontal disease may indeed influence a number of systemic diseases. Erectile dysfunction (ED) and chronic periodontitis have common risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, cardiac diseases and smoking etc. Aim: The aim was to evaluate the periodontal status of the subjects suffering from ED and to find association between vasculogenic ED and chronic periodontitis, if a...

  17. Calidad de vida en adultos del Paraguay con enfermedad celiaca

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    Raúl Emilio Real-Delor


    Full Text Available La enfermedad celiaca altera el estado emocional, las relaciones sociales, la autonomía y la percepción de la salud, afectando la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud. Los objetivos fueron determinar la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud en adolescentes y adultos con enfermedad celiaca e investigar los factores que la afectan. Se realizó un estudio observacional, prospectivo, realizado en adolescentes y adultos del Paraguay portadores de enfermedad celiaca con al menos 6 meses en dieta sin gluten. Se aplicó el cuestionario CD-QOL. Fueron incluidos 114 sujetos, con edad media 30±10 años, siendo 58% del sexo femenino. La calidad de vida fue buena en 25%, regular en 49% y mala en 26%. Los factores asociados significativamente a mejor calidad de vida fueron el sexo femenino, el grupo etario >30 años y realizar actividades fuera del hogar. Se concluye que la calidad de vida de los celiacos adolescentes y adultos es regular en 49% de los encuestados.

  18. The Relationship Between Periodontal Disease and Neoplasms of the Oral Cavity: A Review Article

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    Full Text Available Context Oral cavity is one of the most common sites for neoplasms with a multifactorial etiology. Tobacco and alcohol are the main risk factors. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease affecting periodontal tissues such as gingiva, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Periodontal disease is linked to many systemic diseases. Recently a link between periodontal disease and cancer is suggested. The current review article aimed to evaluate the association between periodontal disease and risk of cancer in the oral cavity and some related factors. Evidence Acquisition Evidence suggests that oral cavity cancer is significantly more prevalent in patients with periodontal disease, poor oral hygiene or more missing teeth. Clinically, gingival squamous cell carcinoma (GSCC usually appears as an exophytic mass with a granular, papillary or verrucous surface or presents as an ulcerative lesion. Some reported cases of GSCC mimicking periodontal disease include gingival enlargement with no bone invasion, dentoalveolar abscess, erosive erythematosus lesion with keratotic papules, root exposure and tooth mobility, verrucous leukoplakia, verruciform xanthoma and development of hyperplastic granulation tissue after tooth extraction. Greater burden of oral flora that produce carcinogenic metabolites, human papilloma virus (HPV and other viruses that are residents of periodontal pocket, increased amount of inflammatory mediators and markers and some periodontal pathogens affecting cell cycle leading to mutation and dysplasia are considered as the rational for the relationship between malignant lesions of oral cavity and periodontal disease. Results Cancer of the oral cavity and periodontal disease are related from different aspects. Periodontal disease and tooth loss are considered as independent risk factors for cancer. Gingival squamous cell carcinoma can also mimic periodontal disease leading to misdiagnosis and delayed commencement of appropriate

  19. Association of Periodontitis and Subsequent Depression: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. (United States)

    Hsu, Chih-Chao; Hsu, Yi-Chao; Chen, Hsuan-Ju; Lin, Che-Chen; Chang, Kuang-Hsi; Lee, Chang-Yin; Chong, Lee-Won; Kao, Chia-Hung


    Periodontitis is a systemic and chronic inflammatory disease associated with multiple physical conditions. Distress and depression are other problems affecting the progression of periodontitis. However, the causal relationship between depression and periodontitis has not been adequately investigated. This aim of this study was to determine the association between periodontitis and the subsequent development of depression.We identified 12,708 patients with newly diagnosed periodontitis from 2000 to 2005 and 50,832 frequency-matched individuals without periodontitis. Both groups were followed until diagnosed with depression, withdrawal from the National Health Insurance program, or the end of 2011. The association between periodontitis and depressio was analyzed using Cox proportional hazard regression models.The incidence density rate of depression was higher in the periodontitis group than in the nonperiodontitis group, with an adjusted hazard ratio of 1.73 (95% confidence interval 1.58-1.89) when adjusting for sex, age, and comorbidity. Cox models revealed that periodontitis was an independent risk factor for depression in patients, except for comorbidities of diabetes mellitus (DM), alcohol abuse, and cancer.Periodontitis may increase the risk of subsequent depression and was suggested an independent risk factor regardless of sex, age, and most comorbidities. However, DM, alcohol abuse, and cancer may prevent the development of subsequent depression because of DM treatment, the paradoxical effect of alcohol, and emotional distress to cancer, respectively. Prospective studies on the relationship between periodontitis and depression are warranted.

  20. Prevalence of periodontal disease, its association with systemic diseases and prevention. (United States)

    Nazir, Muhammad Ashraf


    Periodontal diseases are prevalent both in developed and developing countries and affect about 20-50% of global population. High prevalence of periodontal disease in adolescents, adults, and older individuals makes it a public health concern. Several risk factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes, medication, age, hereditary, and stress are related to periodontal diseases. Robust evidence shows the association of periodontal diseases with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Periodontal disease is likely to cause 19% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease, and this increase in relative risk reaches to 44% among individuals aged 65 years and over. Type 2 diabetic individuals with severe form of periodontal disease have 3.2 times greater mortality risk compared with individuals with no or mild periodontitis. Periodontal therapy has been shown to improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetic subjects. Periodontitis is related to maternal infection, preterm birth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia. Oral disease prevention strategies should be incorporated in chronic systemic disease preventive initiatives to curtail the burden of disease in populations. The reduction in the incidence and prevalence of periodontal disease can reduce its associated systemic diseases and can also minimize their financial impact on the health-care systems. It is hoped that medical, dental practitioners, and other health-care professionals will get familiar with perio-systemic link and risk factors, and need to refer to the specialized dental or periodontal care.

  1. Effect of Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy on Serum and Salivary Concentrations of Visfatin in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis

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    Nader Abolfazli


    Full Text Available Background and aims. Visfatin, mainly secreted by visceral adipose tissue, especially by macrophages, plays an impor-tant role in regulating the defense and immune functions, and functions as a growth factor, a cytokine, an enzyme and more importantly as a proinflammatory mediator. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of non-surgical perio-dontal treatment on serum and salivary levels of visfatin in patients with generalized moderate-to-severe chronic periodonti-tis. Materials and methods. Eighteen patients with generalized moderate-to-severe chronic periodontitis were selected based on periodontal parameters of gingival index (GI, probing pocket depth (PPD, clinical attachment level (CAL and radio-graphic parameters. Serum and salivary samples were collected at baseline and one month following non-surgical periodon-tal therapy (scaling and root planing ([SRP]. Visfatin levels were measured using an ELISA kit. Data were analyzed by SPSS 15, using paired t-test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results. Mean salivary and serum levels of visfatin significantly decreased after non-surgical periodontal treatment (P<0.05. Changes in salivary visfatin levels were more prominent. Conclusion. According to the findings of this study it seems that there is a direct relationship between periodontal tissue inflammation and disease activity with salivary and serum visfatin levels.

  2. Association of Lifestyle-Related Comorbidities With Periodontitis (United States)

    Lee, Jae-Hong; Lee, Jung-Seok; Park, Jin-Young; Choi, Jung-Kyu; Kim, Dong-Wook; Kim, Young-Taek; Choi, Seong-Ho


    Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the association of periodontitis with lifestyle-related comorbidities (LCs) using data in the Korean National Health Insurance Cohort Database from 2002 to 2013. This was a retrospective study involving a large national cohort with patient samples (representing 2% of the total Korean population) stratified on the basis of sociodemographic information. Using this precisely extracted database, the correlations between LCs (cerebral infarction, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, and obesity) and periodontitis were investigated while adjusting for confounding bias. Univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate differences in variable factors. Among a total of 1,025,340 samples, 321,103 (31.3%) cases were diagnosed with periodontitis. Statistically significant associations were found between all LCs except myocardial infarction and periodontitis (P Periodontitis is significantly and positively correlated with LCs (except for myocardial infarction) after adjusting for confounding bias. In particular, lifestyle-related diseases, erectile dysfunction, and osteoporosis seem to be intimately related to periodontitis. PMID:26376407

  3. Contextual and individual determinants of periodontal disease: Multilevel analysis based on Andersen's model. (United States)

    Valente, Maria I B; Vettore, Mario V


    To investigate the relationship of contextual and individual factors with periodontal disease in dentate adults and older people using the Andersen's behavioural model. Secondary individual data from 6011 adults and 2369 older people from the Brazilian Oral Health Survey (2010) were combined with contextual data for 27 cities. Attachment loss (AL) categories for each sextant were coded and summed to obtain the periodontal disease measure. The association of predisposing, enabling and need characteristics at city and individual level with periodontal disease was assessed using an adapted version of the Andersen's behavioural model. Multilevel Poisson regression was used to estimate rate ratios (RR) and 95% CIs. Periodontal disease was associated with contextual predisposing (RR 0.93; 95% CI = 0.87-0.99) and enabling factors (RR 0.99; 95% CI = 0.98-0.99) in adults. Contextual predisposing was also associated with periodontal disease in older people (RR 0.82; 95% CI = 0.73-0.92). Individual predisposing (age, sex and schooling) and need characteristics (perceived treatment need) were common predictors of periodontal disease in adults and older people. Periodontal disease was also associated with behaviours in the latter age group. Contextual predisposing factors and individual characteristics influenced periodontal disease experience in adults and older people. Contextual enabling factors were also meaningful determinants of periodontal disease in the former age group. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Periodontitis and Insulin Resistance: Casual or Causal Relationship?

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    Abhijit N. Gurav


    Full Text Available Insulin resistance (IR is now considered as a chronic and low level inflammatory condition. It is closely related to altered glucose tolerance, hypertriglyceridemia, abdominal obesity, and coronary heart disease. IR is accompanied by the increase in the levels of inflammatory cytokines like interleukin-1 and 6, tumor necrosis factor-α. These inflammatory cytokines also play a crucial part in pathogenesis and progression of insulin resistance. Periodontitis is the commonest of oral diseases, affecting tooth investing tissues. Pro-inflammatory cytokines are released in the disease process of periodontitis. Periodontitis can be attributed with exacerbation of IR. Data in the literature supports a "two way relationship" between diabetes and periodontitis. Periodontitis is asymptomatic in the initial stages of disease process and it often escapes diagnosis. This review presents the blurred nexus between periodontitis and IR, underlining the pathophysiology of the insidious link. The knowledge of the association between periodontitis and IR can be valuable in planning effectual treatment modalities for subjects with altered glucose homeostasis and diabetics. Presently, the studies supporting this association are miniscule. Further studies are mandatory to substantiate the role of periodontitis in the deterioration of IR.

  5. Microbiological characteristics of subgingival microbiota in adult periodontitis, localized juvenile periodontitis and rapidly progressive periodontitis subjects. (United States)

    Nonnenmacher, C; Mutters, R; de Jacoby, L F


    To describe the prevalence of the cultivable subgingival microbiota in periodontal diseases and to draw attention to the polymicrobial nature of periodontic infections. The study population consisted of 95 patients, 51 females and 44 males, aged 14-62 years. Twenty-nine patients exhibited adult periodontitis (AP), six localized juvenile periodontitis (LJP), and 60 rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP). Two to four pooled bacterial samples were obtained from each patient. Samples were collected with sterile paper points from the deepest periodontal pockets. The samples were cultured under anaerobic and microaerophilic conditions using selective and non-selective media. Isolates were characterized to species level by conventional biochemical tests and by a commercial rapid test system. Prevotella intermedia and Capnocytophaga spp. were the most frequently detected microorganisms in all diagnostic groups. Porphyromonas gingivalis and Peptostreptococcus micros were found more frequently in AP and RPP patients, while Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Eikenella corrodens were associated with AP, LJP and RPP patients. The other bacterial species, including Actinomyces spp., Streptococcus spp. and Eubacterium spp., were detected at different levels in the three disease groups. The data show the complexity of the subgingival microbiota associated with different periodontal disease groups, indicating that the detection frequency and levels of recovery of some periodontal pathogens are different in teeth affected by different forms of periodontal disease.

  6. The Study of Mothers’ Periodontal Status and Newborn’s Low Birth Weight

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    M. Shirinzad


    Full Text Available Introduction & Objective: Recent studies have presented evidence that periodontal disease in pregnant women may be a determining factor for newborn’s low birth weight. The present investigation was carried out to verify whether there is an association between maternal periodontal disease and low birth weight of newborns.Materials and Methods: This was a case-control study on 330 women, containing 110 mothers having live newborns with weight 2500 g (control group. The existence of an association between periodontal disease and newborn’s low birth weight was evaluated by means of analytic statistics that considered other risk factors for low weight. The two groups were compared with regard to urinary infection, preeclampsia, premature rupture of membrane, placenta previa, primiparous, smoking, age, height, socioeconomic status and periodontal disease.Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the case and control groups for any of the covariables (P>0.05, but there was significant differences for principal independent variable (periodontal disease P<0.05.Conclusion: Results indicated a positive association between periodontal disease and newborn’s low birth weight. Thus periodontal disease is a possible risk factor for low birth weight.

  7. Immunologic burden links periodontitis to acute coronary syndrome. (United States)

    Liljestrand, John M; Paju, Susanna; Pietiäinen, Milla; Buhlin, Kåre; Persson, G Rutger; Nieminen, Markku S; Sinisalo, Juha; Mäntylä, Päivi; Pussinen, Pirkko J


    Periodontitis, a common polymicrobial inflammatory disease in the tooth supporting tissues, is a risk factor for coronary artery disease. One of the proposed underlying mechanisms is the systemic immune response to periodontal infection. We studied how serum antibodies against seven periodontal pathogens and their subgingival levels associate with each other, periodontitis, and coronary artery disease. The Parogene cohort included 505 Finnish patients (mean age 63 y) who underwent coronary angiography, and clinical and radiographic oral examinations. Coronary diagnosis was defined as no significant coronary artery disease (disease (≥50% stenosis, n = 184) and acute coronary syndrome (n = 169). Levels of subgingival Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Porphyromonas endodontalis, Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella forsythia, Campylobacter rectus, and Fusobacterium nucleatum were determined by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Serum antibody (IgA/IgG) levels were analyzed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Aggregate IgA/IgG burdens were calculated by summing and standardizing the serum antibody levels. Patients with active periodontitis were characterized by higher levels of subgingival bacteria and corresponding IgA/IgG response. Quartiles 2-4 of serum IgA/IgG burden indicated higher risk for acute coronary syndrome (OR 1.84, 95%CI 1.01-3.35 for IgA; OR 1.87, 95%CI 1.01-3.46 for IgG) independently of established cardiovascular risk factors, body mass index, number of teeth, subgingival bacterial levels and periodontal diagnosis. Our findings support the hypothesis that the association between periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases is partly mediated by the immunologic response for periodontal pathogens. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Association between chronic periodontitis and serum lipid levels

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    Pejčić Ana


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Periodontitis is a local inflammatory process mediating destruction of periodontal tissues triggered by bacterial insult. However, this disease is also characterized by systemic inflammatory host responses that may contrbute, in part, to the recently reported increased risk for systemic diseases, including an altered lipid metabolism. On the other hand, many people in the world are affected by hyperlipidemia, which is a known risk faktor for atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between periodontal disease and blood lipid levels. Methods. A total of 50 patients with periodontitis included in this study had no documented history of recent acute coronary events. The healthy, non-periodontal subjects (comparison group comprised 25 subjects. All the patients were periodontology examined and completed a medical history. Dental plaque index, probing depth, gingival index bleeding on probing and clinical attechment levels were recorded. Blood samples were taken on admission for measurements of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, hight density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol, and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol. Results. The obtained results showed that mean levels of cholesterol (6.09 ± 1.61 mmol/L, triglycerdes (2.19+1.67mmol/l and LDL cholesterol (4.09 ± 1.40 mmol/L in individuals with periodontitis were higer, and levels od HDL (1.43 ± 0.51 mmol/L was lower than those of individuals without periodontitis (4.86 ± 1.37; 1.14 ± 0.71; 3.18 ± 0.64; 1.53 ± 0.32 mmol/L, respectively. Conclusion. This study confirms a significant relationship between periodontal disease, regardless its intensity, and blood lipid levels in the studied population. The results imply that periodontitis may be a risk factor and may contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases (CVD. However, future prospective randomized studies have to determine whether

  9. Genetic influences in caries and periodontal diseases. (United States)

    Hassell, T M; Harris, E L


    Deciphering the relative roles of heredity and environmental factors ("nature vs. nurture") in the pathogenesis of dental caries and diseases of the periodontium has occupied clinical and basic researchers for decades. Success in the endeavor has come more easily in the case of caries; the complex interactions that occur between host-response mechanisms and putative microbiologic pathogens in periodontal disease have made elucidation of genetic factors in disease susceptibility more difficult. In addition, during the 30-year period between 1958 and 1987, only meager resources were targeted toward the "nature" side of the nature/nurture dipole in periodontology. In this article, we present a brief history of the development of genetic epistemology, then describe the three main research mechanisms by which questions about the hereditary component of diseases in humans can be addressed. A critical discussion of the evidence for a hereditary component in caries susceptibility is next presented, also from a historical perspective. The evolution of knowledge concerning possible genetic ("endogenous", "idiotypic") factors in the pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal disease is initiated with an analysis of some foreign-language (primarily German) literature that is likely to be unfamiliar to the reader. We identify a turning point at about 1960, when the periodontal research community turned away from genetics in favor of microbiology research. During the past five years, investigators have re-initiated the search for the hereditary component in susceptibility to common adult periodontal disease; this small but growing body of literature is reviewed. Recent applications of in vitro methods for genetic analyses in periodontal research are presented, with an eye toward a future in which persons who are at risk--genetically predisposed--to periodontal disease may be identified and targeted for interventive strategies. Critical is the realization that genes and environment

  10. Effect of lifestyle, education and socioeconomic status on periodontal health (United States)

    Gundala, Rupasree; Chava, Vijay K.


    Background: The health model which forms the basis is knowledge, attitude, temporary, and permanent behaviors. Currently, more emphasis has been directed towards the combined influence of lifestyle, education, levels and socioeconomic factors, instead of regular risk factors in dealing with chronic illnesses. The present study is conducted to correlate the periodontal health of people with reference to lifestyle, education level, and socioeconomic status. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Periodontics, Narayana Dental College and Hospital, Nellore. A total of 1350 subjects were examined and 948 patients were randomly selected from out patient department. Information about their lifestyle, education level, and socioeconomic status were recorded using a questionnaire and correlated with the periodontal status. Results: The statistical analysis showed significant decrease in periodontitis when income and education levels increased. Also the prevalence of periodontitis associated with a healthy lifestyle is significantly lower when compared to an unhealthy lifestyle. Conclusions: There is a strong association of lifestyle, education level, and socioeconomic status with periodontal health. PMID:22114373

  11. Development of formulation device for periodontal disease. (United States)

    Sato, Yasuhiko; Oba, Takuma; Watanabe, Norio; Danjo, Kazumi


    In addition to providing standard surgical treatment that removes the plaque and infected tissues, medications that can regenerate periodontal tissue are also required in the treatment of periodontal disease. As a form of regenerative medication, various growth factors are expected to be used while treating periodontal disease. A protein-like growth factor is often developed as a lyophilized product with dissolution liquid, considering its instability in the solution state. We have clarified that the formulation for periodontal disease needs to be viscous. When the lyophilized product was dissolved using a sticky solution, various problems were encountered, difficulty in dissolving and air bubbles, for example, and some efforts were needed to prepare the formulation. In this research, to identify the problem of preparing a viscous formulation, a lyophilized product (placebo) and sticky liquid were prepared by using vial and ampoule as the conventional containers. Based on these problems, a prototype administration device was developed, and its functionality was confirmed. As a result, it was suggested that the device with a useful mixing system that could shorten the preparation time was developed.

  12. Severity of Periodontitis and Metabolic Syndrome: Is There an Association? (United States)

    Gomes-Filho, Isaac Suzart; das Mercês, Magno Conceição; de Santana Passos-Soares, Johelle; Seixas da Cruz, Simone; Teixeira Ladeia, Ana Marice; Trindade, Soraya Castro; de Moraes Marcílio Cerqueira, Eneida; Freitas Coelho, Julita Maria; Marques Monteiro, Fernanda Maria; Barreto, Maurício Lima; Pereira Vianna, Maria Isabel; Nascimento Costa, Maria da Conceição; Seymour, Gregory John; Scannapieco, Frank A


    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a major factor for the occurrence of cardiovascular events. Causal factors for MetS are not well defined or yet unidentified. Preliminary investigations suggest that infections and inflammation may be involved in the etiology of this syndrome. This study aims to estimate the association between the severity of periodontitis (exposure) and MetS (outcome). A cross-sectional study was conducted with 419 participants recruited from the Diabetes and Hypertensive Treatment Center, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil. After administration of a questionnaire, general and oral clinical examination and laboratory tests were performed. Diagnosis of periodontitis and MetS was performed according to various criteria. The analysis of the effect of periodontitis on MetS used logistic regression analysis with adjustment for confounders. The prevalence of periodontitis was found to be between 34.61% and 55.37%, depending on the classification definitions used, and the prevalence of MetS ranged from 60.86% to 67.06%. In the group with periodontitis, 14.08% had severe and 41.29% had moderate levels of periodontitis. There was an association between severe periodontitis and MetS after adjustment for sex, age, household density, alcoholic beverage consumption, smoking habit, and cardiovascular disease (odds ratio ORadjusted_6 = 2.11, 95% confidence interval = 1.01 to 4.40, P = 0.05). The results suggest that periodontitis is associated with MetS, and that MetS prevalence is related to severe periodontitis.

  13. The short-term effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on the circulating levels of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein in patients with chronic periodontitis (United States)

    George, Annie Kitty; Janam, Prasanthila


    Background: Recent epidemiological studies have shown that periodontal infection is a risk factor for a number of systemic diseases and conditions. In addition to the conventional risk factors, chronic infection and the subsequent generation of a systemic inflammatory response may be associated with this increased risk. Aims: This study was conducted to determine whether the presence of chronic periodontitis and subsequent non-surgical periodontal therapy could influence the serum levels of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with severe chronic generalized periodontitis. Settings and Design: Participants were selected from subjects who attended the Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantololgy, Government Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram. Materials and Methods: Sera were obtained from 25 patients with periodontitis for baseline examination and reassessment after completion of treatment. As a control, sera were also obtained from 20 subjects without periodontitis. Interleukin-6 was determined by sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) was measured using latex turbidometric immunoassay. Statistical Analysis: Data were analyzed using computer software, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 10. Results: The level of interleukin-6 and hsCRP in the sera of periodontitis patients was seen to be higher than those of healthy controls. Interleukin-6 level tended to decrease with improvement of the periodontal condition following treatment and approached that of control subjects, and this decline was statistically significant. The hsCRP levels also showed a decreasing trend following periodontal treatment. Conclusions: In this study, we were able to show that periodontal disease significantly affects the serum levels of systemic inflammatory markers and that non-surgical periodontal therapy could bring about a decrease in the levels of these inflammatory markers. PMID:23633770

  14. The short-term effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on the circulating levels of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein in patients with chronic periodontitis

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    Annie Kitty George


    Full Text Available Background: Recent epidemiological studies have shown that periodontal infection is a risk factor for a number of systemic diseases and conditions. In addition to the conventional risk factors, chronic infection and the subsequent generation of a systemic inflammatory response may be associated with this increased risk. Aims: This study was conducted to determine whether the presence of chronic periodontitis and subsequent non-surgical periodontal therapy could influence the serum levels of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP in patients with severe chronic generalized periodontitis. Settings and Design: Participants were selected from subjects who attended the Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantololgy, Government Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram. Materials and Methods: Sera were obtained from 25 patients with periodontitis for baseline examination and reassessment after completion of treatment. As a control, sera were also obtained from 20 subjects without periodontitis. Interleukin-6 was determined by sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP was measured using latex turbidometric immunoassay. Statistical Analysis: Data were analyzed using computer software, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 10. Results: The level of interleukin-6 and hsCRP in the sera of periodontitis patients was seen to be higher than those of healthy controls. Interleukin-6 level tended to decrease with improvement of the periodontal condition following treatment and approached that of control subjects, and this decline was statistically significant. The hsCRP levels also showed a decreasing trend following periodontal treatment. Conclusions: In this study, we were able to show that periodontal disease significantly affects the serum levels of systemic inflammatory markers and that non-surgical periodontal therapy could bring about a decrease in the levels of these inflammatory markers.

  15. [Oxidative stress and antioxitant therapy of chronic periodontitis]. (United States)

    Shen, Y X; Guo, S J; Wu, Y F


    Chronic periodontitis is a progressive, infectious inflammation disease, caused by the dysbiosis of oral resident flora, leading to the destruction of periodontium. The onset of pathogenic microorganisms is the etiological factor of periodontitis, while the immuno-inflammatory response affects the progression of the disease. Under chronic periodontitis, oxidative stress occurs when excessive reactive oxygen species are produced and exceed the compensative capacity of the organism. Oxidative stress leads to the destruction of periodontium, in a direct way(damaging the biomolecule) or an indirect way(enhancing the produce of inflammatory cytokine and destructive enzymes). Therefore, as the antagonist of the reactive oxygen species, antioxidants may be helpful to treat the chronic periodontitis. This paper reviewed relevant literatures about the destructive role of excessive reactive oxygen species and protective role of antioxidants in chronic periodontitis.

  16. Use of minocycline as systemic antimicrobial therapy in refractory periodontitis with chronic gingival enlargement


    Khatri, Parag M.; Kumar, Rajesh


    Periodontal disease is a multifactorial disease having various risk factors, but a dynamic interaction between bacterial products and host response in association with genetic and environmental factors is considered as the primary cause for periodontal tissue destruction in periodontitis. This bacterial-host interaction which is ever-so-present in periodontitis directs us toward utilizing antimicrobial agents along with the routine mechanical debridement. This case report present a case of a ...

  17. Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chapple, Iain L C; Bouchard, Philippe; Cagetti, Maria Grazia


    Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As complex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors, such as a requir......Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As complex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors...... to periodontal diseases and caries susceptibility, with an attributable risk estimated to be up to 50%. The genetics literature for periodontal disease is more substantial than for caries and genes associated with chronic periodontitis are the vitamin D receptor (VDR), Fc gamma receptor IIA (Fc...... or composition, smoking, carbohydrate intake). Identification of these factors is crucial in the prevention of both diseases as well as in their management. AIM: To systematically appraise the scientific literature to identify potential risk factors for caries and periodontal diseases. METHODS: One systematic...

  18. The influence of smoking on clinical periodontal disease

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    Ina Hendiani


    Full Text Available Periodontal disease has very complex and multi factor etiology. Plaque bacteria is the main cause of periodontal disease and another risk factor that also plays a role is a smoking habit. Cigarette product such as nicotine can influence the development of periodontal disease that can directly and systemically damage the function of PMN cell. The research was conducted by taking a clinical examination on the smoking influence that covers the number of cigarettes and the period of smoking, and kind of cigarette to the worse of periodontal disease, and by measuring the epithelial attachment loss and the bleeding index. The research was conducted to 152 male aged 20-45 years old, comprised 80 smokers and 72 nonsmokers at the Clinic of Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. The result of the research showed that smoking gave influence on the worse of the periodontal disease. There was a profound relationship between the smoking period and the number of cigarettes consumed everyday indicated by the epithelial attachment loss. Smoking did not enhance gingival bleeding. The relationship between kinds of cigarette and the gingival bleeding score and the epithelial attachment loss did not show a significant bleeding.

  19. The Correlation between Chronic Periodontitis and Oral Cancer. (United States)

    Krüger, Maximilian; Hansen, Torsten; Kasaj, Adrian; Moergel, Maximilian


    Infections are increasingly considered as potential trigger for carcinogenesis apart from risk factors like alcohol and tobacco. The discussion about human papilloma virus (HPV) in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) points at a general role of infection for the development of oral carcinomas. Furthermore, first studies describe a correlation between chronic periodontitis and OSCC, thus, characterizing chronic inflammation as being a possible trigger for OSCC. In front of this background, we present four well-documented clinical cases. All patients showed a significant anatomical relation between OSCC and clinical signs of chronic periodontitis. The interindividual differences of the clinical findings lead to different theoretical concepts: two with coincidental appearance of OSCC and chronic periodontitis and two with possible de novo development of OSCC triggered by chronic inflammation. We conclude that the activation of different inflammatory cascades by chronic periodontitis negatively affects mucosa and bone. Furthermore, the inflammatory response has the potential to activate carcinogenesis. Apart from a mere coincidental occurrence, two out of four patients give first clinical hints for a model wherein chronic periodontitis represents a potential risk factor for the development of OSCC.

  20. The Correlation between Chronic Periodontitis and Oral Cancer

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    Maximilian Krüger


    Full Text Available Infections are increasingly considered as potential trigger for carcinogenesis apart from risk factors like alcohol and tobacco. The discussion about human papilloma virus (HPV in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC points at a general role of infection for the development of oral carcinomas. Furthermore, first studies describe a correlation between chronic periodontitis and OSCC, thus, characterizing chronic inflammation as being a possible trigger for OSCC. In front of this background, we present four well-documented clinical cases. All patients showed a significant anatomical relation between OSCC and clinical signs of chronic periodontitis. The interindividual differences of the clinical findings lead to different theoretical concepts: two with coincidental appearance of OSCC and chronic periodontitis and two with possible de novo development of OSCC triggered by chronic inflammation. We conclude that the activation of different inflammatory cascades by chronic periodontitis negatively affects mucosa and bone. Furthermore, the inflammatory response has the potential to activate carcinogenesis. Apart from a mere coincidental occurrence, two out of four patients give first clinical hints for a model wherein chronic periodontitis represents a potential risk factor for the development of OSCC.

  1. Use of minocycline as systemic antimicrobial therapy in refractory periodontitis with chronic gingival enlargement

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    Parag M Khatri


    Full Text Available Periodontal disease is a multifactorial disease having various risk factors, but a dynamic interaction between bacterial products and host response in association with genetic and environmental factors is considered as the primary cause for periodontal tissue destruction in periodontitis. This bacterial-host interaction which is ever-so-present in periodontitis directs us toward utilizing antimicrobial agents along with the routine mechanical debridement. This case report present a case of a female patient with recurrent periodontal infections with gingival enlargement treated with systemic Minocycline in conjunction with the conventional non-surgical approach.

  2. Use of minocycline as systemic antimicrobial therapy in refractory periodontitis with chronic gingival enlargement. (United States)

    Khatri, Parag M; Kumar, Rajesh


    Periodontal disease is a multifactorial disease having various risk factors, but a dynamic interaction between bacterial products and host response in association with genetic and environmental factors is considered as the primary cause for periodontal tissue destruction in periodontitis. This bacterial-host interaction which is ever-so-present in periodontitis directs us toward utilizing antimicrobial agents along with the routine mechanical debridement. This case report present a case of a female patient with recurrent periodontal infections with gingival enlargement treated with systemic Minocycline in conjunction with the conventional non-surgical approach.

  3. Definition of aggressive periodontitis in periodontal research. A systematic review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramírez, Valeria; Hach, Maria; López, Rodrigo


    . Consequently, considerable variation in the understanding of aggressive periodontitis can be anticipated. AIM: To systematically asses, the definitions of aggressive periodontitis reported in original periodontal research. METHODS: A systematic review of original research on aggressive periodontitis published.......7% of the publications no information is provided as to how the cases were defined. Many combinations of criteria for case definition were found. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed significant heterogeneity in the understanding and use of the term aggressive periodontitis in original research and poor documentation...

  4. Enfermedad de Chagas en Nicaragua

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    Carlos N. Talavera - López


    Full Text Available LA ENFERMEDAD DE CHAGAS ES UN PROBLEMA DE SALUD pública en toda Latinoamérica; alrededor de 20 millones de personas están infectadas y 200 millones están en riesgo de contraer la enfermedad. En 2006, la prevalencia en Centroamérica era del 7%. Actualmente no existe vacuna contra el protozoo y el tratamiento disponible resulta, aparte de poco efectivo, muy tóxico para el paciente. Los programas de control de vectores han ayudado a reducir los índices de infestación en Latinoamérica, pero aún falta mucho por hacer. En Nicaragua, la enfermedad de Chagas está subvalorada y los trabajos publicados son muy pocos. Es necesario investigar sobre esta enfermedad en nuestro país con otro enfoque, uno que no subvalore la enfermedad y ayude a desarrollar métodos diagnósticos y posibles tratamientos. Este artículo recopila información sobre los trabajos realizados porlos grupos más importantes de investigación en Chagas de Nicaragua en cuanto a epidemiología, control vectorial, diagnóstico y caracterización molecular.

  5. Diagnóstico educativo y capacitación periodontal

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    Odalys V Campaña Proenza


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación en individuos de ambos sexos, mayores de 14 años de edad y pertenecientes al área de salud que atiende la Facultad de Estomatología del ISCM-H, con el objetivo de evaluar un método de diagnóstico y capacitación en salud periodontal. La muestra fue seleccionada al azar y se dividió en 2 grupos (estudio y control. A cada uno de los individuos escogidos se les realizó una encuesta inicial para determinar conocimientos relativos a la enfermedad periodontal (diagnóstico educativo, y se determinó que eran semejantes, pues no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambas. El grupo de estudio se sometió al método educativo propuesto y los resultados de conocimientos obtenidos después de este mostraron diferencias significativas en relación con el diagnóstico educativo. Ambos grupos, que a su inicio eran semejantes, volvieron a encuestarse al año, y se observó que el grupo de estudio seguía manteniendo mejores resultados.A research was made in individuals over 14 of both sexes from the health area receiving attention at the Dental Faculty of the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana City aimed at evaluating a method of diagnosis and upgrading in periodontal health. The sample was selected at random and it was divided into 2 groups (study and control. An inititial survey was done to every selected individual to determine his knowledge of periodontal disease (diagnostic-educative and it was found that they were similar, since no statistically significant differences were observed between them. The study group was applied the proposed educative method and the results obtained showed marked differences in relation to the educative diagnosis. Both groups that were similar at the beginning were surveyed again a year later and the study group still had better results.

  6. Does smoking affect gingival crevicular fluid LL-37 levels following non-surgical periodontal treatment in chronic periodontitis? (United States)

    Türkoğlu, Oya; Eren, Gülnihal; Emingil, Gülnur; Azarsız, Elif; Kutukculer, Necil; Atilla, Gül


    LL-37 contributes to maintaining the balance between health and disease. Smoking is a risk factor for periodontitis that impairs neutrophil functions. The aim of the present study was to comparatively evaluate gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) LL-37 levels in smoker and non-smoker chronic periodontitis (CP) patients and controls, as well as the effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on GCF LL-37 levels. Thirty-one CP patients (16 smokers, 15 non-smokers) and thirty-one controls (16 smokers, 15 non-smokers) were included in the study. CP patients received non-surgical treatment. GCF LL-37 levels and periodontal parameters were assessed at baseline, 1 and 3 months after completion of non-surgical periodontal treatment. GCF LL-37 levels were analyzed by ELISA. No significant difference was observed in GCF LL-37 levels between smoker and non-smoker controls (p>0.05). Smoker CP group had significantly lower GCF LL-37 level than non-smoker CP group at baseline (pnon-smoker CP group at first week, 1 and 3 months after completion of non-surgical periodontal treatment (psmoker CP group (p>0.05). Periodontal parameters were correlated with GCF LL-37 levels in non-smoker CP group (psmoker CP group (p>0.05). GCF LL-37 levels do not seem to be affected from smoking in periodontal health. However, smoking might have a suppressive effect on GCF LL-37 levels in CP. Non-surgical treatment is effective in decreasing GCF LL-37 levels in non-smoker CP patients but not in smokers with CP. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  7. Diabetes and periodontal disease

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    Rajkumar Daniel


    Full Text Available Diabetes mellitus is a systemic disease characterized by increased blood glucose levels and abnormalities of lipid metabolism due to absence or decreased level of insulin. It affects all the body organs and their functions either directly or indirectly. Every dentist should have a basic understanding of the etiopathogenesis, oral and systemic manifestations of this disease. The periodontal diseases are a consequence of extension of the gingival inflammation into the underlying supporting structures of the periodontium, initiated by the presence of plaque and its products on the surfaces of the teeth and the adjoining structures. The progression of periodontal disease is influenced by variety of factors like microorganisms, host response, systemic background, and genetic makeup of the host. Amongst them, diabetes mellitus tops the list. Diabetes and periodontitis influence the clinical outcome of each other and control of both influences the clinical improvement of each.

  8. Prevalence of periodontal disease, its association with systemic diseases and prevention


    Nazir, Muhammad Ashraf


    Periodontal diseases are prevalent both in developed and developing countries and affect about 20-50% of global population. High prevalence of periodontal disease in adolescents, adults, and older individuals makes it a public health concern. Several risk factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes, medication, age, hereditary, and stress are related to periodontal diseases. Robust evidence shows the association of periodontal diseases with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular di...

  9. Autoimmunity-Basics and link with periodontal disease. (United States)

    Kaur, Gagandeep; Mohindra, Kanika; Singla, Shifali


    Autoimmune reactions reflect an imbalance between effector and regulatory immune responses, typically develop through stages of initiation and propagation, and often show phases of resolution (indicated by clinical remissions) and exacerbations (indicated by symptomatic flares). The fundamental underlying mechanism of autoimmunity is defective elimination and/or control of self-reactive lymphocytes. Periodontal diseases are characterized by inflammatory conditions that directly affect teeth-supporting structures, which are the major cause of tooth loss. Several studies have demonstrated the involvement of autoimmune responses in periodontal disease. Evidence of involvement of immunopathology has been reported in periodontal disease. Bacteria in the dental plaque induce antibody formation. Autoreactive T-cells, natural killer cells, ANCA, heat shock proteins, autoantibodies, and genetic factors are reported to have an important role in the autoimmune component of periodontal disease. The present review describes the involvement of autoimmune responses in periodontal diseases and also the mechanisms underlying these responses. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Factores de riesgo asociados a enfermedades cardiovasculares en un grupo de estudiantes del programa de medicina de la Universidad del Magdalena

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    Dary Luz Mendoza Meza


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades del sistema cardiovascular se constituyen en la principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en la población adulta de los países occidentales, sin embargo en la actualidad la incidencia de estas patologías en la población menor de 30 años esta alcanzando niveles alarmantes. Una de las explicaciones a este fenómeno es el aumento de actitudes que promueven los llamados factores de riesgo modificables como el sedentarismo, los malos hábitos alimenticios, el tabaquismo y el alcoholismo; lo anterior sumado a factores no modificables como la herencia y el género, contribuyen al desencadenamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Adicionalmente estas patologías fueron consideradas casi exclusivas de los países industrializados, sin embargo el problema se está expandiendo a los países en vía de desarrollo como Colombia, esto quizá producto del aumento en el ritmo de vida y a la adquisición de estilos de vida poco saludables El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la presencia de factores de riesgo asociados con las enfermedades cardiovasculares en un grupo de estudiantes del programa de medicina de la Universidad del Magdalena, como parte de un trabajo de investigación formativa correspondiente a la cátedra de Bioquímica. Como resultado se encontró que el 24% de los sujetos investigados presentó niveles de colesterol total y LDL por encima de los parámetros seguros. Los factores de riesgo asociados con estos altos niveles fueron, los antecedentes familiares con un 83%y el sobrepeso con un 50%. Este estudio se constituye en la base para la formulación de un proyecto que pretende determinar la relación entre los factores de riesgo cardiovascular modificable y no modificable, en la población estudiantil adolescente del Distrito de Santa Marta.

  11. Periodontitis (United States)

    ... this page: // Periodontitis To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Periodontitis is inflammation and infection of the ligaments and ...

  12. State of oral hygiene and identification of the main risk factors for inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues in young people.


    Makarenko, M. V.


    A high percentage of prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases in young age causes urgency of treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissue in young age. Therefore, the research purpose was to investigate the hygienic condition and identification of the main risk factors for gingivitis in patients aged 18-30 years. 286 people aged from 18 to 30 years were observed in the study. To assess hygienic condition of the oral cavity and to determine the thickness of pl...

  13. Periodontal Disease Part IV: Periodontal Infections


    Turnbull, Robert S.


    In Part IV of this article, the author describes two periodontal infections, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (trench mouth) and periodontal abscess, both acute painful conditions for which patients may seek advice from their family physician rather than their dentist.

  14. Relationship between maternal periodontal disease and low birth weight babies

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    Ahmad Haerian-Ardakani


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontal infections, which serve as a reservoir of inflammatory mediators, may pose a threat to the fetal-placental unit and cause adverse pregnancy outcomes. Objective: The aim of this study was assessing the periodontal status of women during puerperium and determining the possible relationship between their periodontal disease and low birth weight delivery. Materials and Methods: This was a case-control study. The sample included 88 ex-pregnant women were seen at maternity hospitals of Yazd, Iran. Half of the mothers had low birth babies (LBW (birth weight below 2500g- case group and the others had normal weight babies (>2500g- control group. The mothers’ data were obtained from medical files, interview and periodontal clinical examination carried out up to 3 days after delivery. Bleeding on probing, presence of supra-gingival calculus and CPITN (Community Periodontal Index for Treatment Needs were used for periodontal assessment Results: Among the known risk factors of LBW babies, history of previous LBW infant among case mothers reached statistical significance (p=0.0081, Student t-test. Mothers of LBW infants had less healthy areas of gingiva (p=0.042, and more deep pockets (p=0.0006, Mann-Whitney test. Conclusion: The maternal periodontal disease can be a potential independent risk factor for LBW.

  15. Efficacy of combined orthodontic-periodontic treatment for patients with periodontitis and its effect on inflammatory cytokines: A comparative study. (United States)

    Zhang, Jin; Zhang, Ai-Min; Zhang, Zong-Mei; Jia, Jin-Lin; Sui, Xin-Xin; Yu, Lu-Rui; Liu, Hai-Tao


    In this study, we aimed to investigate the efficacy of combined orthodontic-periodontic treatment in the treatment of patients with periodontitis and its effects on the levels of inflammatory cytokines. A total of 117 patients with periodontitis were randomly assigned to the basic group (receiving basic periodontic treatment, n = 58) and the combined group (receiving combined orthodontic-periodontic treatment, n = 59). In addition, 52 healthy people without periodontal disease were selected as the normal group. Probing depth, tooth mobility, plaque index, clinical attachment level, and sulcus bleeding index were recorded. ELISA was applied to detect gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and serum levels of inflammatory cytokines. A 2-year clinical follow-up was conducted. Before treatment, the periodontal parameters (probing depth, tooth mobility, plaque index, clinical attachement level, and sulcus bleeding index) and GCF and serum levels of inflammatory cytokines (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-1β, interleukin-5, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor-α, and prostaglandin E2) in the combined and basic groups were higher than those in the normal group. After 6 and 18 months of treatment, the periodontal parameters and GCF and serum levels of inflammatory cytokines decreased in the combined and basic groups. The periodontal parameters and the GCF and serum levels of inflammatory cytokines in the combined group were significantly lower than those in the basic group after 18 months of treatment. The combined group had a lower recurrence rate compared with the basic group. Combined orthodontic-periodontic treatment had good clinical efficacy in the treatment of periodontitis and could effectively decrease the levels of inflammatory cytokines. Copyright © 2017 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Novel chitosan/collagen scaffold containing transforming growth factor-β1 DNA for periodontal tissue engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yufeng; Cheng Xiangrong; Wang Jiawei; Wang Yining; Shi Bin; Huang Cui; Yang Xuechao; Liu Tongjun


    The current rapid progression in tissue engineering and local gene delivery system has enhanced our applications to periodontal tissue engineering. In this study, porous chitosan/collagen scaffolds were prepared through a freeze-drying process, and loaded with plasmid and adenoviral vector encoding human transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1). These scaffolds were evaluated in vitro by analysis of microscopic structure, porosity, and cytocompatibility. Human periodontal ligament cells (HPLCs) were seeded in this scaffold, and gene transfection could be traced by green fluorescent protein (GFP). The expression of type I and type III collagen was detected with RT-PCR, and then these scaffolds were implanted subcutaneously into athymic mice. Results indicated that the pore diameter of the gene-combined scaffolds was lower than that of pure chitosan/collagen scaffold. The scaffold containing Ad-TGF-β1 exhibited the highest proliferation rate, and the expression of type I and type III collagen up-regulated in Ad-TGF-β1 scaffold. After implanted in vivo, EGFP-transfected HPLCs not only proliferated but also recruited surrounding tissue to grow in the scaffold. This study demonstrated the potential of chitosan/collagen scaffold combined Ad-TGF-β1 as a good substrate candidate in periodontal tissue engineering

  17. Immunological disorders in formation of periodontal diseases at pregnant women

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    A.V. Lepilin


    Full Text Available The research goal is to study clinical and immunological features of parodentium and cytokine profile in oral cavity of pregnant women. The condition of parodentium tissues was studied at 200 women with physiological pregnancy and 300 women with pregnancy complicated by gestosis. According to the results of examination 50 women with gestosis and 50 women with physiological pregnancy had inflammatory periodontal diseases. Phenotyping of lymphocytes by immunofluorescence method, investigation of necrosis containing factor of tumour-a, interleukin-8, interleukin-4 and transforming growth factor beta-1 in oral cavity by immunofermental analysis were performed. Frequency and character of inflammatory periodontal diseases at pregnancy were defined. Correlation of gingivitis and periodontitis at pregnancy with extragenital pathology was demonstrated. Immune and cytokine disbalance contributed greatly to pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal diseases at pregnant women. Thus pathogenesis of oral hygiene, smoking, gestosis, immunosuppression and cytokine disbalance affects inflammatory periodontal diseases at pregnant women

  18. Periodontal Health in Mothers of Preterm and Term Infants

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    Shahrzad Zadeh-Modarres


    Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, there is a noticeable relationship between periodontal health and duration of pregnancy; periodontal disease could be a risk factor for preterm labor. Oral hygiene is strongly recommended to be included in prenatal care.

  19. Evaluating of Knowledge and Attitude of Patients with Periodontitis Concerning Effect of Smoking on Periodontal Health

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    F Atarbashi Moghadam


    Full Text Available Introduction: Although bacterial plaque is regarded as the major cause of periodontitis, the role of smoking as an important risk factor has been established in the progression of periodontal disease. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate knowledge and attitude of patients with periodontitis concerning effects of smoking on periodontal health. Method: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 300 patients with periodontitis, aged between 18-74 years, were selected via convenience sampling out of patients referred to Periodontology Department of Shahid Sadoughi Dental Faculty and Khatam Alanbia professional clinic of Yazd. The study data were collected using a questionnaire, which were then analyzed by SPSS software (ver. 17 applying Chi-square, T-test and ANOVA statistical tests. Results: The mean total scores of patients' knowledge and attitude in regard with smoking effect on periodontal health were reported 86.7±18.4 and 48.1±7.3, respectively. A significant relationship was observed between knowledge and attitude with students' educational level. In the present study, 42% of smokers tried to quit smoking at least once, among which 14.3% of cases occured due to oral and dental health as well as consultation with dentists. Conclusion: The study findings showed despite patients' good knowledge concerning the effect of smoking on periodontal health, their attitude was reported moderate. Patients' moderate attitude can be mentioned as the main reason of continuing smoking despite their good knowledge. Moreover, dentists were demonstrated to have a negligible role with respect to patients' awareness in this regard.

  20. Relative abundance of total subgingival plaque-specific bacteria in salivary microbiota reflects the overall periodontal condition in patients with periodontitis. (United States)

    Kageyama, Shinya; Takeshita, Toru; Asakawa, Mikari; Shibata, Yukie; Takeuchi, Kenji; Yamanaka, Wataru; Yamashita, Yoshihisa


    Increasing attention is being focused on evaluating the salivary microbiota as a promising method for monitoring oral health; however, its bacterial composition greatly differs from that of dental plaque microbiota, which is a dominant etiologic factor of oral diseases. This study evaluated the relative abundance of subgingival plaque-specific bacteria in the salivary microbiota and examined a relationship between the abundance and severity of periodontal condition in patients with periodontitis. Four samples (subgingival and supragingival plaques, saliva, and tongue coating) per each subject were collected from 14 patients with a broad range of severity of periodontitis before periodontal therapy. The bacterial composition was analyzed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing using Ion PGM. Of the 66 species-level operational taxonomic units (OTUs) representing the mean relative abundance of ≥ 1% in any of the four niches, 12 OTUs corresponding to known periodontal pathogens, including Porphyromonas gingivalis, were characteristically predominant in the subgingival plaque and constituted 37.3 ± 22.9% of the microbiota. The total relative abundance of these OTUs occupied only 1.6 ± 1.2% of the salivary microbiota, but significantly correlated with the percentage of diseased sites (periodontal pocket depth ≥ 4 mm; r = 0.78, P periodontal therapy, the total relative abundance of these 12 OTUs was evaluated as well as before periodontal therapy and reductions of the abundance through periodontal therapy were strongly correlated in saliva and subgingival plaque (r = 0.81, P bacteria representing the present condition of periodontal health.

  1. Periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia: a systematic review. (United States)

    Kunnen, Alina; van Doormaal, Jasper J; Abbas, Frank; Aarnoudse, Jan G; van Pampus, Maria G; Faas, Marijke M


    This review evaluates the possible relationship between periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia, a major pregnancy complication. A generalized inflammatory response plays an important role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Because periodontal disease is a low-grade inflammatory state, periodontal disease might contribute to the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. A literature search of PubMed, EMBASE and CINAHL until August 2010 revealed 12 eligible observational studies and three randomized-controlled trials (RCTs). It appeared difficult to compare these studies, due to variations in definitions of periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia, timing of periodontal examination and inadequate control for confounding factors. Eight observational studies reported a positive association, while four studies found no association. None of the RTCs reported reductions in pre-eclamptic rate after periodontal therapy during pregnancy. Therefore, it is questionable whether periodontal disease plays a causal role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. The observed association in eight observational studies might be the result of induction of periodontal disease due to the pre-eclamptic state or it may be an epiphenomenon of an exaggerated inflammatory response to pregnancy. Larger RCTs with pre-eclampsia as the primary outcome and pathophysiological studies are required to explore causality and to dissect biological mechanisms involved. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  2. Global oral health inequalities: task group--periodontal disease. (United States)

    Jin, L J; Armitage, G C; Klinge, B; Lang, N P; Tonetti, M; Williams, R C


    Periodontal diseases constitute one of the major global oral health burdens, and periodontitis remains a major cause of tooth loss in adults worldwide. The World Health Organization recently reported that severe periodontitis exists in 5-20% of adult populations, and most children and adolescents exhibit signs of gingivitis. Likely reasons to account for these prevalent diseases include genetic, epigenetic, and environmental risk factors, as well as individual and socio-economic determinants. Currently, there are fundamental gaps in knowledge of such fundamental issues as the mechanisms of initiation and progression of periodontal diseases, which are undefined; inability to identify high-risk forms of gingivitis that progress to periodontitis; lack of evidence on how to prevent the diseases effectively; inability to detect disease activity and predict treatment efficacy; and limited information on the effects of integration of periodontal health as a part of the health care program designed to promote general health and prevent chronic diseases. In the present report, 12 basic, translational, and applied research areas have been proposed to address the issue of global periodontal health inequality. We believe that the oral health burden caused by periodontal diseases could be relieved significantly in the near future through an effective global collaboration.

  3. Mechanisms of Bone Resorption in Periodontitis

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    Stefan A. Hienz


    Full Text Available Alveolar bone loss is a hallmark of periodontitis progression and its prevention is a key clinical challenge in periodontal disease treatment. Bone destruction is mediated by the host immune and inflammatory response to the microbial challenge. However, the mechanisms by which the local immune response against periodontopathic bacteria disturbs the homeostatic balance of bone formation and resorption in favour of bone loss remain to be established. The osteoclast, the principal bone resorptive cell, differentiates from monocyte/macrophage precursors under the regulation of the critical cytokines macrophage colony-stimulating factor, RANK ligand, and osteoprotegerin. TNF-α, IL-1, and PGE2 also promote osteoclast activity, particularly in states of inflammatory osteolysis such as those found in periodontitis. The pathogenic processes of destructive inflammatory periodontal diseases are instigated by subgingival plaque microflora and factors such as lipopolysaccharides derived from specific pathogens. These are propagated by host inflammatory and immune cell influences, and the activation of T and B cells initiates the adaptive immune response via regulation of the Th1-Th2-Th17 regulatory axis. In summary, Th1-type T lymphocytes, B cell macrophages, and neutrophils promote bone loss through upregulated production of proinflammatory mediators and activation of the RANK-L expression pathways.

  4. Aggressive and acute periodontal diseases. (United States)

    Albandar, Jasim M


    Inflammatory periodontal diseases are highly prevalent, although most of these diseases develop and progress slowly, often unnoticed by the affected individual. However, a subgroup of these diseases include aggressive and acute forms that have a relatively low prevalence but show a rapid-course, high rate of progression leading to severe destruction of the periodontal tissues, or cause systemic symptoms that often require urgent attention from healthcare providers. Aggressive periodontitis is an early-onset, destructive disease that shows a high rate of periodontal progression and distinctive clinical features. A contemporary case definition of this disease is presented. Population studies show that the disease is more prevalent in certain geographic regions and ethnic groups. Aggressive periodontitis is an infectious disease, and recent data show that in affected subjects the subgingival microbiota is composed of a mixed microbial infection, with a wide heterogeneity in the types and proportions of microorganisms recovered. Furthermore, there are significant differences in the microbiota of the disease among different geographic regions and ethnicities. There is also evidence that the Aggregatibacter actinomycetemycomitans-JP2 clone may play an important role in the development of the disease in certain populations. The host response plays an important role in the susceptibility to aggressive periodontitis, where the immune response may be complex and involve multiple mechanisms. Also, genetic factors seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of this disease, but the mechanisms of increased susceptibility are complex and not yet fully understood. The available data suggest that aggressive periodontitis is caused by mutations either in a few major genes or in multiple small-effect genes, and there is also evidence of gene-gene and gene-environment interaction effects. Diagnostic methods for this disease, based on a specific microbiologic, immunologic or

  5. The Prevalence and Associated Factors of Periodontitis According to Fasting Plasma Glucose in the Korean Adults (United States)

    Hong, Jae Won; Noh, Jung Hyun; Kim, Dong-Jun


    Abstract Although the relationship between diabetes and periodontitis is well established, the association between periodontitis and prediabetes has been investigated less extensively. Furthermore, there has been little research on the prevalence of periodontitis among individuals with prediabetes and diabetes as well as in the overall population using nationally representative data. Among 12,406 adults (≥19 years’ old) who participated in the 2012–2013 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a total of 9977 subjects completed oral and laboratory examinations and were included in this analysis. Periodontitis was defined as a community periodontal index score of ≥3 according to the World Health Organization criteria. The fasting plasma glucose level was categorized into the following 5 groups: normal fasting glucose (NFG) 1 (periodontitis among the Korean adult population was 24.8% (23.3–26.4%) (weight n = 8,455,952/34,086,014). The unadjusted weighted prevalences of periodontitis were 16.7%, 22.8%, 29.6%, 40.7%, and 46.7% in the NFG 1, NFG 2, IFG 1, IFG 2, and diabetes groups, respectively (P periodontitis increased to 29.7% in the IFG 2 group (P = 0.045) and 32.5% in the diabetes group (P periodontitis with the above-mentioned variables as covariates were 1.42 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.14–1.77, P = 0.002) in the diabetes group and 1.33 (95% CI 1.01–1.75, P = 0.044) in the IFG 2 group, respectively, compared with the NFG1 group. In conclusion, a higher range of IFG levels as well as diabetes, were positively associated with chronic periodontitis in a representative sample of Korean adults. This study suggests that individuals with a higher range of IFG levels before diabetes are at risk of periodontitis, and may benefit from dental screening. PMID:27057854

  6. Frequency of gingival and periodontal diseases among troops deployed in operational area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yousaf, A.; Manzoor, M.A.; Rafi, S.


    Objective: To find the Frequency of Gingival and Periodontal Diseases among Troops Deployed in Operational Area and to evaluate the treatment needs which might be helpful in oral health policy planning and specific intervention against periodontal disease. Design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at 140 mobile dental unit Swat from Dec 2009 to June 2011. Subjects and Methods: the periodontal status of 1500 personnels of Pakistan Army was examined using Basic periodontal Examination Index. Data was evaluated by SPSS version 16. Percentage of various gingival and periodontal disease traits was calculated and treatment needs determined. Results: Out of total 1500 subjects 12.8% subjects were having satisfactory periodontal health and required no treatment whereas 38.3% were having gingivitis requiring oral hygiene instruction and prophylaxis. Gingivitis modified by local factors was seen in 23.5% and required oral hygiene instruction and correction of modifying factors. Some (13.6%) were having mild periodontitis and required scaling, root planning and oral hygiene instruction whereas 11.8% were having moderate or advance periodontitis and required comprehensive periodontal treatment including surgical treatment. Conclusion: A large number of cases (82.7%) of gingivitis and periodontitis were detected in subject population which shows lack of awareness and self -consciousness among troops regarding their oral hygiene. (author)

  7. Periodontics and Oral-Systeric Relationships: Diabetes. (United States)

    Glascoe, Alison; Brown, Ronald; Robinson, Grace; Hailu, Kassahun


    The oral cavity is a part of the body. The health of the oral cavity affects the health of the entire body. This relationship is reciprocal, as the overall health of an individual will also affect the health of that individual's oral cavity. Periodontal disease is a common, chronic inflammatory disease affecting the supporting structures of the teeth. It has been proposed that periodontal disease is a risk factor for systemic diseases such as diabetes.

  8. Periodontal disease in Chinese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. (United States)

    Zhang, Qiuxiang; Zhang, Xiaoli; Feng, Guijaun; Fu, Ting; Yin, Rulan; Zhang, Lijuan; Feng, Xingmei; Li, Liren; Gu, Zhifeng


    Disease of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and periodontal disease (PD) shares the common multiple characteristics. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the prevalence and severity of periodontal disease in Chinese SLE patients and to determine the association between SLE features and periodontal parameters. A cross-sectional study of 108 SLE patients together with 108 age- and sex-matched healthy controls was made. Periodontal status was conducted by two dentists independently. Sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle factors, medication use, and clinical parameters were also assessed. The periodontal status was significantly worse in SLE patients compared to controls. In univariate logistic regression, SLE had a significant 2.78-fold [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.60-4.82] increase in odds of periodontitis compared to healthy controls. Adjusted for potential risk factors, patients with SLE had 13.98-fold (95% CI 5.10-38.33) increased odds against controls. In multiple linear regression model, the independent variable negatively and significantly associated with gingival index was education (P = 0.005); conversely, disease activity (P periodontitis of SLE in multivariate logistic regression (OR 1.348; 95% CI: 1.183-1.536, P < 0.001). Chinese SLE patients were likely to suffer from higher odds of PD. These findings confirmed the importance of early interventions in combination with medical therapy. It is necessary for a close collaboration between dentists and clinicians when treating those patients.

  9. Dental Investigations: Efficiency of Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy in Moderate Chronic Periodontitis

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    Mlachkova Antoaneta M.


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Chronic periodontitis is defined as an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of teeth caused by microorganisms in the dental biofilm, resulting in progressive destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone with pocket formation and gingival recession. Treatment of chronic periodontitis aims at arresting the inflammation and stopping the loss of attachment by removal and control of the supra- and subgingival biofilm and establishing a local environment and microflora compatible with periodontal health. The AIM of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of non-surgical therapy (scaling and root planning in the treatment of moderate chronic periodontitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 30 patients aged between 33 and 75 years, of which 46.7% women and 53.3% men, diagnosed with moderate and, at some sites, severe periodontitis. They were treated with non-surgical periodontal therapy methods (scaling and root planning and curettage if indicated. Additionally, chemical plaque control with rinse water containing chlorhexidine was applied. The diagnostic and reassessment procedures included measuring the periodontal indices of 601 periodontal units before and after the therapy. The indices measured were the papillary bleeding index (PBI, the hygiene index (HI, the probing pocket depth (PPD and the clinical attachment level (CAL. RESULTS: Significant reduction of plaque and gingival inflammation was found in all treated patients; we also found a statistically significant reduction of periodontal pockets with clinically measured depth ⋋ 5 mm (PD ⋋ 5 mm. Pockets with PD > 5 mm did not show statistically significant lower incidence rates probably due to the initially small percentage of deep pockets in the patients studied. There was a statistically significant reduction of all sites with attachment loss, the highest significance found at sites where the attachment loss was greater than 5 mm. CONCLUSION

  10. Factores de riesgo relacionados con mortalidad por enfermedad cerebro vascular. armenia 2008 = Risk factors associated with cerebrovascular disease mortality, Armenia, Colombia, 2008

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    Álvarez Aristizábal, Luis Carlos


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Enfermedad cerebro vascular (ECV se encuentra entre las primeras causas de morbimortalidad en adultos en todo el mundo. Comparte con la enfermedad cardiovascular factores de riesgo modificables y no modificables; constituye una prioridad para la salud pública realizar todos los esfuerzos necesarios en la prevención primaria a través del tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico adecuados.Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y la mortalidad del accidente cerebrovascular y la relación con factores de riesgo.Métodos: se realizó un estudio de cross sectional .Se revisaron 318 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de ECV que ingresaron a IPS de tercer nivel en la ciudad de Armenia entre 2005 y 2007. Se analizó la frecuencia de los factores de riesgo y se relacionaron con la mortalidad y tipos de ECV.Resultados: La edad promedio fue 72 años; la mortalidad del 29.9%. Presentaron ECV isquémico 61.9% y hemorrágica 38.1%, con una mortalidad de 21.3% y 43.8% respectivamente. Los factores de riesgo más prevalentes fueron: hipertensión arterial (74.5%, tabaquismo (23.3%, ACV o cardiopatía isquémica previos (15.4%, y diabetes (15.1%. Se encontraron asociados a mortalidad: presión arterial media al ingreso a urgencias mayor a 105 (OR 1.6, presión arterial diastólica mayor a 100 (OR 3.1 y ECV hemorrágica (OR 2.9.Conclusiones: los eventos hemorrágicos son menos frecuentes pero ocasionan mayor mortalidad que los isquémicos; es necesario realizar programas de prevención secundaria para el adecuado control de factores como la hipertensión arterial; además impulsar la promoción para el cambio a estilos de vida saludables.

  11. Familial periodontal disease in the Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques. (United States)

    Gonzalez, Octavio A; Orraca, Luis; Kensler, Terry B; Gonzalez-Martinez, Janis; Maldonado, Elizabeth; Ebersole, Jeffrey L


    Substantial ongoing research continues to explore the contribution of genetics and environment to the onset, extent and severity of periodontal disease(s). Existing evidence supports that periodontal disease appears to have an increased prevalence in family units with a member having aggressive periodontitis. We have been using the nonhuman primate as a model of periodontal disease for over 25 years with these species demonstrating naturally occurring periodontal disease that increases with age. This report details our findings from evaluation of periodontal disease in skulls from 97 animals (5-31 years of age) derived from the skeletons of the rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago. Periodontal disease was evaluated by determining the distance from the base of the alveolar bone defect to the cemento-enamel junction on 1st/2nd premolars and 1st/2nd molars from all four quadrants. The results demonstrated an increasing extent and severity of periodontitis with aging across the population of animals beyond only compensatory eruption. Importantly, irrespective of age, extensive heterogeneity in disease expression was observed among the animals. Linking these variations to multi-generational matriarchal family units supported familial susceptibility of periodontitis. As the current generations of animals that are descendants from these matrilines are alive, studies can be conducted to explore an array of underlying factors that could account for susceptibility or resistance to periodontal disease. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Prevalencia de factores de riesgo para enfermedad cardiovascular en el estado de Lara,Venezuela, 2008


    Infante Viloria, Elizabeth


    Descripció del recurs: 22 juliol 2011 Las enfermedades cardiovasculares, subgrupo de enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles, constituyen un importante problema de salud pública, no solo por su magnitud, reflejada en el primer lugar que ocupan entre las causas de morbi-mortalidad en el mundo, sino por su elevado poder discapacitante. Según la OMS cada año mueren más personas por esta causa que por otra. Se calcula que en 2005 murieron por esta causa 17,5 millones de personas, lo cual represe...

  13. Periodontal disease and oral health-related behavior as factors associated with preterm birth: a case-control study in south-eastern Brazil. (United States)

    Macedo, J F; Ribeiro, R A; Machado, F C; Assis, N M S P; Alves, R T; Oliveira, A S; Ribeiro, L C


    Several studies have suggested a link between periodontal disease and preterm birth, but the mechanism of how this occurs remains controversial. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether periodontal disease, defined according to two commonly used clinical definitions, is associated with preterm birth and to examine the association regarding oral health-related behaviors during pregnancy. This case-control study included women 18-40 years of age. Demographic and socio-economic data, information on current and previous pregnancies, and data on dental health-related behaviors and periodontal clinical parameters were collected within 48 h postpartum. Periodontal disease was assessed according to two definitions: four or more teeth with at least one site showing a probing depth of ≥ 4 mm and clinical attachment level of ≥ 3 mm (Definition 1); or at least one site with probing depth and clinical attachment level of ≥ 4 mm (Definition 2). The chi-square test was used to examine differences in the proportion of categorical variables. Bivariate analysis was performed to analyze the proportion of preterm births with respect to independent variables. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to assess the association between periodontal disease and preterm birth. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI). A total of 296 postpartum women met the inclusion criteria. The case group included 74 women who delivered a preterm neonate (Periodontal disease according to Definition 1 was not associated with fewer weeks of gestation (adjusted OR (OR adjusted ) = 1.62; 95% CI = 0.80-3.29; p = 0.178). However, a significant association was found between periodontal disease, according to Definition 2, and preterm birth (OR adjusted = 1.98; 95% CI = 1.14-3.43; p = 0.015). Increased appetite and a low number of daily toothbrushings were associated with preterm birth, regardless of the definition of periodontal disease used. Periodontal


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    Dewi-Nurul M Dewi-Nurul


    Full Text Available Stress is hypothesized as a common pathway for several related chronic diseases of man. Psychosocial stress as modified by perceptions and coping by patients can lead to physical processes. Psychoneuroimmunologic (PNI studies have suggested that psychosocial stress can alter immune function and increase vulnerability to illnesses. The patients also have high sensitivity to periodontal disease (PD. This article describes the association of stress as a physiological response to diseases such as PD, rheumatoid arthritis (RA, and inflammatory bowel disease. The psychosocial stress can lead to physiological processes through 1 the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA axis leading to glucocortico-steroid secretion; 2 the autonomic nervous system, resulting in the release of catecholamine; or 3 the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, resulting in the release of sex hormones. These processes may affect chronic diseases. It can be concluded that psychosocial stress in periodontal disease patients must be considered and social support must be provided in order to achieve an optimum periodontal therapy result.

  15. Adenovirus-mediated transfer of hepatocyte growth factor gene to human dental pulp stem cells under good manufacturing practice improves their potential for periodontal regeneration in swine. (United States)

    Cao, Yu; Liu, Zhenhai; Xie, Yilin; Hu, Jingchao; Wang, Hua; Fan, Zhipeng; Zhang, Chunmei; Wang, Jingsong; Wu, Chu-Tse; Wang, Songlin


    Periodontitis is one of the most widespread infectious diseases in humans. We previously promoted significant periodontal tissue regeneration in swine models with the transplantation of autologous periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) and PDLSC sheet. We also promoted periodontal tissue regeneration in a rat model with a local injection of allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the roles of the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) in periodontal tissue regeneration in swine. In the present study, we transferred an adenovirus that carried HGF gene into human DPSCs (HGF-hDPSCs) under good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions. These cells were then transplanted into a swine model for periodontal regeneration. Twenty miniature pigs were used to generate periodontitis with bone defect of 5 mm in width, 7 mm in length, and 3 mm in depth. After 12 weeks, clinical, radiological, quantitative and histological assessment of regenerated periodontal tissues was performed to compare periodontal regeneration in swine treated with cell implantation. Our study showed that injecting HGF-hDPSCs into this large animal model could significantly improve periodontal bone regeneration and soft tissue healing. A hDPSC or HGF-hDPSC sheet showed superior periodontal tissue regeneration compared to the injection of dissociated cells. However, the sheets required surgical placement; thus, they were suitable for surgically-managed periodontitis treatments. The adenovirus-mediated transfer of the HGF gene markedly decreased hDPSC apoptosis in a hypoxic environment or in serum-free medium, and it increased blood vessel regeneration. This study indicated that HGF-hDPSCs produced under GMP conditions significantly improved periodontal bone regeneration in swine; thus, this method represents a potential clinical application for periodontal regeneration.

  16. Increased physical activity decreases periodontitis risk in men

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merchant, Anwar T.; Pitiphat, Waranuch; Rimm, Eric B.; Joshipura, Kaumudi


    Background: Increased physical activity improves insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, and may therefore affect incidence of periodontitis. Methods: We studied the association of physical activity, walking and periodontitis in 39,461 male, US based, health professionals, 40-75 years old at baseline, more than half of whom were dentists, being followed up continuously since 1986. Participants were free of periodontitis, coronary heart disease and stroke at the start of follow-up. Physical activity and periodontitis were measured by validated questionnaires (expressed in metabolic equivalents - METs); the first report of professionally diagnosed periodontitis was considered a case. Results: Periodontitis risk decreased by 3% for every 10-MET increase in average physical activity after adjustment for age, smoking, diabetes, BMI, alcohol consumption and total calories (RR = 0.97; 95% CI: 0.95-0.99). The inverse trend remained significant in the categorical analysis. Compared to men in the lowest quintile of physical activity, those in the highest quintile had a 13% lower risk of periodontitis (RR = 0.87; 95% CI: 0.76-1.01, p-value, test for trend = 0.02). In a sub-sample of men with radiographs (n = 137) the physically active had less average bone loss (β = -0.29, p-value = 0.03) after multivariate adjustment compared to those inactive. Conclusions: In this large-scale prospective study, we found an inverse, linear association between sustained physical activity and periodontitis independent of known risk factors. The benefits of a physically active lifestyle may extend to periodontal health

  17. [Periodontal disease, tobacco and preterm delivery]. (United States)

    Resende, Marta; Pinto, Elisabete; Pinto, Miguel; Montenegro, Nuno


    Preterm delivery is associated with high mortality and morbility perinatal, being the costs dispended by the family and the National Health System with preterm newborns extremely high. However, it has been difficult to reduce its incidence due to the various factors involved. There is scientific evidence which support the relationship between periodontal disease and preterm delivery. There is also evidence of tobacco as a risk factor for periodontal disease, even though the relationship with preterm delivery is not yet clear. The aims of our study were to evaluate, in women in a post-partum period, dental and periodontal status as well as the exposure to tobacco and to establish the relationship between these two factors with preterm delivery. We performed a case control study with 237 parturient women from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Hospital S. João, E.P.E., during the first 48 hours after birth. A total of 86 gave birth at a gestational age under 37 weeks (case group ) and 151 gave birth to term newborns with birthweight equal or superior 2500 g (control group). The prevalence of some indicators of periodontal disease in the studied population was extremely high, namely gingival inflammation and gingival recession, and more of 30% had values of probing depth equal or higher than 4 mm significantly. Based on these periodontal indicators, only the presence of recession in more than two teeth seems to increase the risk of preterm delivery in fivefold (OR = 5,28; IC95%: 1,63-17,04). There is a statistically significant association between probing depth equal or higher than 4mm and smoking during pregnancy. This association might be relevant because 20% of preterm newborns mothers smoked during pregnancy and the proportion that stopped smoking during pregnancy in this group of mothers was almost half of the number of the control group. Therefore it is necessary to embody the information about this thematic in the health education, not only in

  18. Effects of concomitant use of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2 with beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) on the beagle dog 1-wall periodontal defect model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anzai, Jun; Kitamura, Masahiro; Nozaki, Takenori; Nagayasu, Toshie; Terashima, Akio; Asano, Taiji; Murakami, Shinya


    Research highlights: → Concomitant use of FGF-2 and β-TCP (an osteo-conductive scaffold) significantly promotes periodontal regeneration in the severe periodontitis model (1-wall defect model) of beagle dog. → FGF-2 enhanced new bone formation via β-TCP at the defects. → In particular, FGF-2 dramatically regenerated new periodontal ligament and cementum formations at the defects, that is one of the most important healing outcomes during the process of periodontal regeneration. → Epithelial downgrowth (undesirable wound healing) was decreased by administration of FGF-2. → This manuscript indicates for the first time that concomitant use of FGF-2 and β-TCP is efficacious in regenerating periodontal tissue following severe destruction of the tissue by progression of periodontitis. -- Abstract: The effects of concomitant use of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) on periodontal regeneration were investigated in the beagle dog 1-wall periodontal defect model. One-wall periodontal defects were created in the mesial portion of both sides of the mandibular first molars, and 0.3% FGF-2 plus β-TCP or β-TCP alone was administered. Radiographic evaluation was performed at 0, 3, and 6 weeks. At 6 weeks, the periodontium with the defect site was removed and histologically analyzed. Radiographic findings showed that co-administration of FGF-2 significantly increased bone mineral contents of the defect sites compared with β-TCP alone. Histologic analysis revealed that the length of the regenerated periodontal ligament, the cementum, distance to the junctional epithelium, new bone height, and area of newly formed bone were significantly increased in the FGF-2 group. No abnormal inflammatory response or ankylosis was observed in either group. These findings indicate the efficacy of concomitant use of FGF-2 and β-TCP as an osteoconductive material for periodontal regeneration following severe destruction by progressive

  19. Effects of concomitant use of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2 with beta-tricalcium phosphate ({beta}-TCP) on the beagle dog 1-wall periodontal defect model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anzai, Jun, E-mail: [Pharmacology Department, Central Research Laboratories, Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 14, Shinomiya, Minamigawara-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto 607-8042 (Japan); Department of Periodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, 1-8 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Kitamura, Masahiro, E-mail: [Department of Periodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, 1-8 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Nozaki, Takenori, E-mail: [Department of Periodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, 1-8 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan); Nagayasu, Toshie, E-mail: [Pharmacology Department, Central Research Laboratories, Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 14, Shinomiya, Minamigawara-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto 607-8042 (Japan); Terashima, Akio, E-mail: [Pharmacology Department, Central Research Laboratories, Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 14, Shinomiya, Minamigawara-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto 607-8042 (Japan); Asano, Taiji, E-mail: [Pharmacology Department, Central Research Laboratories, Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 14, Shinomiya, Minamigawara-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto 607-8042 (Japan); Murakami, Shinya, E-mail: [Department of Periodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, 1-8 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan)


    Research highlights: {yields} Concomitant use of FGF-2 and {beta}-TCP (an osteo-conductive scaffold) significantly promotes periodontal regeneration in the severe periodontitis model (1-wall defect model) of beagle dog. {yields} FGF-2 enhanced new bone formation via {beta}-TCP at the defects. {yields} In particular, FGF-2 dramatically regenerated new periodontal ligament and cementum formations at the defects, that is one of the most important healing outcomes during the process of periodontal regeneration. {yields} Epithelial downgrowth (undesirable wound healing) was decreased by administration of FGF-2. {yields} This manuscript indicates for the first time that concomitant use of FGF-2 and {beta}-TCP is efficacious in regenerating periodontal tissue following severe destruction of the tissue by progression of periodontitis. -- Abstract: The effects of concomitant use of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) and beta-tricalcium phosphate ({beta}-TCP) on periodontal regeneration were investigated in the beagle dog 1-wall periodontal defect model. One-wall periodontal defects were created in the mesial portion of both sides of the mandibular first molars, and 0.3% FGF-2 plus {beta}-TCP or {beta}-TCP alone was administered. Radiographic evaluation was performed at 0, 3, and 6 weeks. At 6 weeks, the periodontium with the defect site was removed and histologically analyzed. Radiographic findings showed that co-administration of FGF-2 significantly increased bone mineral contents of the defect sites compared with {beta}-TCP alone. Histologic analysis revealed that the length of the regenerated periodontal ligament, the cementum, distance to the junctional epithelium, new bone height, and area of newly formed bone were significantly increased in the FGF-2 group. No abnormal inflammatory response or ankylosis was observed in either group. These findings indicate the efficacy of concomitant use of FGF-2 and {beta}-TCP as an osteoconductive material for periodontal

  20. Periodontal disease as a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies. (United States)

    Corbella, Stefano; Taschieri, Silvio; Francetti, Luca; De Siena, Francesca; Del Fabbro, Massimo


    Periodontal disease is a highly prevalent group of illnesses of microbial etiology, whose consequence is a severe breakdown of tooth-supporting structures. A link between periodontal infection and several systemic conditions, among which adverse pregnancy outcomes, has been suggested in the recent years. The aim of this review based on case-control studies was to evaluate if periodontal disease could be considered as a risk factor for preterm birth, low birth-weight and preterm low birth-weight. An electronic search (via Pubmed) was performed for case-control studies investigating the relationship between periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes. From the initially retrieved 417 articles, 17 case-control studies, accounting for a total of 10,148 patients, were included in the review and in the meta-analysis. The estimated odds ratio was 1.78 (CI 95%: 1.58, 2.01) for preterm birth, 1.82 (CI 95%: 1.51, 1.20) for low birth-weight and 3.00 (CI 95%: 1.93, 4.68) for preterm low birth-weight. Despite the results of the analysis of pooled data suggested a link between periodontal diseases and adverse pregnancy outcomes, the presence of important confounders, whose effect could not be addressed, prevents a validation of the meta-analysis outcomes. Further more accurate investigations based on individual data analysis could give a better insight into the topic of the present review.

  1. Periodontal diseases in children and adolescents: a clinician's perspective part 2. (United States)

    Kumar, Ashish; Masamatti, Sujata Surendra; Virdi, Mandeep Singh


    The general dental practitioner and paediatric dentist are in a unique position to identify and distinguish between a seemingly innocuous condition that may be a normal physiological aberration or an early sign of severe destructive periodontal disease. Although severe destructive periodontal conditions are uncommon in children, it is essential that children receive a periodontal screening as part of their regular dental examination. Early diagnosis ensures a high likelihood of a successful therapeutic outcome, primarily by reduction of aetiologic factors, remedial therapy and development of an effective maintenance protocol. This prevents the recurrence and progression of disease and reduces the incidence of tooth loss. In the first article, we discussed the classification, plaque-induced and non plaque-induced gingival diseases, localized and generalized forms of chronic as well as aggressive periodontitis. In this second article, we discuss periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease, necrotizing periodontal diseases, periodontal screening and basic periodontal examination, and treatment of periodontal diseases in children and adolescents. Incorporation of periodontal screening in regular dental examination by dentists can help in early diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases. This could prevent further progression of disease and reduce the frequency of tooth loss.

  2. Periodontal treatment reduces chronic systemic inflammation in peritoneal dialysis patients. (United States)

    Siribamrungwong, Monchai; Yothasamutr, Kasemsuk; Puangpanngam, Kutchaporn


    Chronic systemic inflammation, a non traditional risk factor of cardiovascular diseases, is associated with increasing mortality in chronic kidney disease, especially peritoneal dialysis patients. Periodontitis is a potential treatable source of systemic inflammation in peritoneal dialysis patients. Clinical periodontal status was evaluated in 32 stable chronic peritoneal dialysis patients by plaque index and periodontal disease index. Hematologic, blood chemical, nutritional, and dialysis-related data as well as highly sensitive C-reactive protein were analyzed before and after periodontal treatment. At baseline, high sensitive C-reactive protein positively correlated with the clinical periodontal status (plaque index; r = 0.57, P periodontal disease index; r = 0.56, P periodontal therapy, clinical periodontal indexes were significantly lower and high sensitivity C-reactive protein significantly decreased from 2.93 to 2.21 mg/L. Moreover, blood urea nitrogen increased from 47.33 to 51.8 mg/dL, reflecting nutritional status improvement. Erythropoietin dosage requirement decreased from 8000 to 6000 units/week while hemoglobin level was stable. Periodontitis is an important source of chronic systemic inflammation in peritoneal dialysis patients. Treatment of periodontal diseases can improve systemic inflammation, nutritional status and erythropoietin responsiveness in peritoneal dialysis patients. © 2013 The Authors. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis © 2013 International Society for Apheresis.

  3. Periodontal therapy for the management of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic periodontitis. (United States)

    Li, Chunjie; Lv, Zongkai; Shi, Zongdao; Zhu, Ye; Wu, Yafei; Li, Longjiang; Iheozor-Ejiofor, Zipporah


    , and the Cochrane Collaboration's tool for risk of bias assessment was used for the critical appraisal of the literature. No studies were identified that assessed primary prevention of CVD in people with periodontitis. One study involving 303 participants with ≥ 50% blockage of one coronary artery or a coronary event within three years, but not the three months prior, was included. The study was at high risk of bias due to deviation from the protocol treatment allocation and lack of follow-up data. The trial compared scaling and root planing (SRP) with community care for a follow-up period of six to 25 months. No data on deaths (all-cause or CVD-related) were reported. There was insufficient evidence to determine the effect of SRP and community care in reducing the risk of CVD recurrence in patients with chronic periodontitis (risk ratio (RR) 0.72; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.23 to 2.22; very low quality evidence). The effects of SRP compared with community care on high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (mean difference (MD) 0.62; -1.45 to 2.69), the number of patients with high hs-CRP (RR 0.77; 95% CI 0.32 to 1.85) and adverse events (RR 9.06; 95% CI 0.49 to 166.82) were also not statistically significant. The study did not assess modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, other blood test results, heart function parameters or revascularisation procedures. We found very low quality evidence that was insufficient to support or refute whether periodontal therapy can prevent the recurrence of CVD in the long term in patients with chronic periodontitis. No evidence on primary prevention was found.

  4. Degenerative periodontal-diseases and oral osteonecrosis: The role of gene-environment interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baldi, D.; Izzotti, A.; Bonica, P.; Pera, P.; Pulliero, A.


    Chronic-degenerative dentistry diseases, including periodontal diseases and oral osteonecrosis, are widespread in human populations and represent a significant problem for public health. These diseases result from pathogenic mechanisms created by the interaction between environmental genotoxic risk-factors and genetic assets conferring individual susceptibility. Osteonecrosis occurs in subjects undergoing exposure to high doses of DNA-damaging agents for chemo- and radiotherapy of neoplastic diseases. In susceptible patients, ionizing radiation and biphosphonate-chemotherapy induce severe, progressive, and irreversible degeneration of facial bones, resulting in avascular necrosis of the jaw. This may also occur in patients receiving biphosphonate for osteoporosis therapy. Periodontal diseases include chronic, aggressive, and necrotizing periodontitis, often resulting in severe alteration of periodontal tissues and tooth loss. Cigarette smoking and chronic inflammation caused by specific bacteria are the main risk factors for periodontitis. Oxidative damage plays a fundamental pathogenic role, as established by detection of mitochondrial DNA damage in the gingival tissue of patients with periodontitis. Endogenous risk factors in dental diseases include polymorphisms for metabolic enzymes such as glutathione transferases M1 and T1, N-acetyl transferase 2, and CYP 1A1. Other genetic polymorphisms that confer susceptibility to dentistry diseases affect genes encoding metalloproteases (involved in periodontal tissue remodeling and degradation), cytokines (involved in inflammation), prothrombin, and DNA repair activities. These findings provide evidence that dentistry diseases are related to risk factors associated with environmental mutagenesis. This issue warrants future investigations aimed at improving oral health and preventing oral degenerative diseases using molecular and experimental approaches currently utilized in mutagenicity studies.

  5. Degenerative periodontal-diseases and oral osteonecrosis: The role of gene-environment interactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baldi, D. [Department of Medical, Biophysical, and Dentistry Sciences and Technologies, University of Genoa (Italy); Izzotti, A. [Department of Health Sciences, University of Genoa, Via A. Pastore 1 (Italy); Bonica, P.; Pera, P. [Department of Medical, Biophysical, and Dentistry Sciences and Technologies, University of Genoa (Italy); Pulliero, A., E-mail: [Department of Health Sciences, University of Genoa, Via A. Pastore 1 (Italy)


    Chronic-degenerative dentistry diseases, including periodontal diseases and oral osteonecrosis, are widespread in human populations and represent a significant problem for public health. These diseases result from pathogenic mechanisms created by the interaction between environmental genotoxic risk-factors and genetic assets conferring individual susceptibility. Osteonecrosis occurs in subjects undergoing exposure to high doses of DNA-damaging agents for chemo- and radiotherapy of neoplastic diseases. In susceptible patients, ionizing radiation and biphosphonate-chemotherapy induce severe, progressive, and irreversible degeneration of facial bones, resulting in avascular necrosis of the jaw. This may also occur in patients receiving biphosphonate for osteoporosis therapy. Periodontal diseases include chronic, aggressive, and necrotizing periodontitis, often resulting in severe alteration of periodontal tissues and tooth loss. Cigarette smoking and chronic inflammation caused by specific bacteria are the main risk factors for periodontitis. Oxidative damage plays a fundamental pathogenic role, as established by detection of mitochondrial DNA damage in the gingival tissue of patients with periodontitis. Endogenous risk factors in dental diseases include polymorphisms for metabolic enzymes such as glutathione transferases M1 and T1, N-acetyl transferase 2, and CYP 1A1. Other genetic polymorphisms that confer susceptibility to dentistry diseases affect genes encoding metalloproteases (involved in periodontal tissue remodeling and degradation), cytokines (involved in inflammation), prothrombin, and DNA repair activities. These findings provide evidence that dentistry diseases are related to risk factors associated with environmental mutagenesis. This issue warrants future investigations aimed at improving oral health and preventing oral degenerative diseases using molecular and experimental approaches currently utilized in mutagenicity studies.

  6. Clinical considerations in the management of inflammatory periodontal diseases in children and adolescents. (United States)

    Cabanilla, Leyvee; Molinari, Gail


    Periodontal diseases and conditions, as defined by The 1999 International Workshop for Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions presented some significant paradigm shifts based on evidence that the transition from plaque-associated reversible gingival diseases to periodontitis can occur in children and adolescents with characteristics which were previously thought to be typical of adult periodontitis. The purposes of this paper are to present the periodontal diseases and conditions described in the 1999 workshop sponsored by the American Academy of Periodontology, review the risk factors for the development of periodontal diseases in the pediatric and adolescent populations, and present appropriate clinical periodontal assessment and management for these age groups.

  7. The effect of spironolactone on experimental periodontitis in rats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grauballe, M.C.B.; Bentzen, B.H.; Bjornsson, M.


    Elevated levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) have been found in patients with adult periodontitis. Animal studies have shown that TNF plays an important role in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. New findings suggest that the aldosterone-inhibitor spironolactone possesses an anti-TNF effect....... The purpose of the study was to determine the anti-TNF effect of spironolactone in an endotoxic shock rat model and to disclose the effect of oral administration of spironolactone on the development of experimental periodontitis in rats....

  8. Association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehman, M.M.; Salama, R.P.


    Studies have supported the notion that subjects with periodontitis and patients with multiple tooth extractions as a result of chronic advanced periodontal disease (PDD) have a greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those who had little or no periodontal infection. Periodontitis may predispose affected patients to CVD by elevating systemic C-reactive protein level and pro-inflammatory activity in atherosclerotic lesions and accelerate development of cardiovascular diseases, Oral health variables including loss of teeth, positive plaque Benzoyl-D-L-Arginine- Naphthyl Amide test (BANA) scores, and compliant of xerostomia may by considered as risk indicators for CVD. Exact mechanism which links PDD and CVD has not been firmly established. The link between PDD and CVD may be attributed to bacteria entering blood stream and attaching to the fatty plaque in coronary artery and contributing to clot formation which can lead to heart attack. Inflammation caused by PDD increases the plaque build up. The association between the two disease entities is cause for concern. However, dental and medical practitioners should be aware of these findings to move intelligently to interact with inquiring patients with periodontitis. They should be urged to maintain medical surveillance of their cardiovascular status, and work on controlling or reducing all known risk factors associated with CVD, including periodontal infection. (author)

  9. Association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rehman, M M; Salama, R P [Ajman Univ. of Science and Technology Network, Abu-Dhabi Campus (United Arab Emirates)


    Studies have supported the notion that subjects with periodontitis and patients with multiple tooth extractions as a result of chronic advanced periodontal disease (PDD) have a greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those who had little or no periodontal infection. Periodontitis may predispose affected patients to CVD by elevating systemic C-reactive protein level and pro-inflammatory activity in atherosclerotic lesions and accelerate development of cardiovascular diseases, Oral health variables including loss of teeth, positive plaque Benzoyl-D-L-Arginine- Naphthyl Amide test (BANA) scores, and compliant of xerostomia may by considered as risk indicators for CVD. Exact mechanism which links PDD and CVD has not been firmly established. The link between PDD and CVD may be attributed to bacteria entering blood stream and attaching to the fatty plaque in coronary artery and contributing to clot formation which can lead to heart attack. Inflammation caused by PDD increases the plaque build up. The association between the two disease entities is cause for concern. However, dental and medical practitioners should be aware of these findings to move intelligently to interact with inquiring patients with periodontitis. They should be urged to maintain medical surveillance of their cardiovascular status, and work on controlling or reducing all known risk factors associated with CVD, including periodontal infection. (author)

  10. Endo-periodontal lesion--endodontic approach. (United States)

    Jivoinovici, R; Suciu, I; Dimitriu, B; Perlea, P; Bartok, R; Malita, M; Ionescu, C


    Endo-perio lesions might be interdependent because of the vascular and anatomic connections between the pulp and the periodontium. The aim of this study is to emphasise that primary endodontic lesion heals after a proper instrumentation, disinfection and sealing of the endodontic space. The primary endodontic lesion with a secondary periodontal involvement first requires an endodontic therapy and, in the second stage, a periodontal therapy. The prognosis is good, with an adequate root canal treatment; it depends on the severity of the periodontal disease, appropriate healing time and the response to the treatment. A correct diagnosis is sometimes difficult; an accurate identification of the etiologic factors is important for an adequate treatment. Primary perio-endo lesion may heal after a proper disinfection and sealing of the endodontic system, the one-year follow-up radiograph showing bonny repair. Invasive periodontal procedures should be avoided at that moment. The microorganisms and by-products from the infected root canal may cross accessory and furcal canals and determine sinus tract and loss of attachment. In both clinical cases presented in this article, successful healing was obtained after a proper disinfection and sealing of the endodontic system.

  11. Enfermedades diarreicas agudas en el niño: comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freddie Hernández Cisneros


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, pareado 1:1, con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgo de las enfermedades diarreicas agudas en el niño, en el Policlínico Comunitario Centro de Camagüey, durante 18 meses de trabajo. El grupo de casos estuvo representado por 89 niños de dicha área de salud egresados con ese diagnóstico, y el grupo control, por la misma cantidad de niños no egresados por ninguna enfermedad y de la misma área de salud. A ambos grupos se les aplicó una encuesta cuyos datos obtenidos se procesaron automatizadamente. Se encontraron como resultados más importantes un 97,67 % de niños menores de 1 año, la higiene doméstica no fue buena en el 80,9 % y la personal mala en el 73,03 %. Hubo destete precoz en el 65,17 % y hacinamiento en el 62,92 %, presentándose en el 45,9 % algún grado de desnutrición y el 37,08 % fueron bajo peso al nacer. El 32,58 % eran madres menores de 20 años y sólo el 15,73 % uso la lactancia materna pura. Se concluyó que todos los factores evaluados se comportaron como factores de riesgo, infiriéndose la importancia de la Educación para la Salud.A case-control study, matched 1:1, was conducted aimed at knowing the behaviour of some risk factors of acute diarrheal diseases in children at the Central Community Polyclinic of Camagüey, during 18 months. The case group was composed of 89 children from that health area that were discharged with that diagnosis, whereas the control group had the same number of children who were sound and lived in the same area. Both groups were surveyed and the data obtained were automatically processed. 97.6 % of the children were under 1, domestic hygiene was not good in 80.9 % and personal hygiene was also bad in 73.03 %. It was observed early weaning in 65.1 % and heaping in 62.92 %. Some degree of malnutrition was found in 15.9 % and 37.08 % were considered as low birth weight. 32.58 % were mothers under 20. Only 15

  12. Neuroimagen en la enfermedad de Alzheimer: nuevas perspectivas (United States)

    Becker, James T.


    Introducción y desarrollo En los próximos 50 años vamos a presenciar un incremento significativo de la población mayor de 65 años y por lo tanto va a aumentar, considerablemente, el número de individuos con riesgo de desarrollar demencias neurodegenerativas, especialmente la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). Las estrategias actuales de tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico se han centrado en las fases sintomáticas de esta enfermedad y, gradualmente, vamos teniendo una mayor comprensión de los posibles factores de riesgo del síndrome clínico. Conclusiones Los estudios de neuroimagen han sido muy útiles para mostrar los cambios estructurales del envejecimiento normal y patológico, así como también los factores de riesgo para la EA. Los tratamientos apropiados de los factores de riesgo y su posible combinación con tratamientos específicos para la EA podrían prolongar el período presintomático de la EA y, por tanto, mejorar la calidad de vida y disminuir la carga para el paciente, la familia y la sociedad. PMID:20517866

  13. The Relationship Between Periodontal Disease and Neoplasms of the Oral Cavity: A Review Article


    Nourelahi; Roshannia; Kameli; Hormozi


    Context Oral cavity is one of the most common sites for neoplasms with a multifactorial etiology. Tobacco and alcohol are the main risk factors. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease affecting periodontal tissues such as gingiva, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Periodontal disease is linked to many systemic diseases. Recently a link between periodontal disease and cancer is suggested. The current review article aimed to evaluate the association between periodonta...

  14. Regeneração periodontal em cães Periodontal regeneration in dogs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emily Correna Carlo Reis


    Full Text Available A doença periodontal pode ser definida como a condição inflamatória dos tecidos de suporte do dente em resposta ao acúmulo do biofilme. A consequencia é a formação de graves defeitos ósseos, devido à perda dos tecidos periodontais, levando, em última instância, à perda dos dentes, predisposição a fraturas de mandíbula e formação de comunicações oronasais. O principal tratamento é a prevenção, incluindo a escovação dentária diária e a profilaxia periodontal, procedimento realizado pelo médico veterinário para remoção do biofilme e cálculo dentário acumulados. A recuperação dos tecidos perdidos, ou seja, a regeneração periodontal, é um processo mais complexo, pois envolve a formação de três tecidos intimamente ligados: osso alveolar, ligamento periodontal e cemento. Assim, diversos materiais e técnicas foram e são constantemente desenvolvidos, incluindo membranas para regeneração tecidual guiada e a aplicação de enxertos e biomateriais, amplamente estudados na odontologia humana e já disponíveis para aplicação na rotina clínica veterinária. Adicionalmente, novas possibilidades surgem com a associação dessas técnicas a fatores de crescimento e células-tronco e o desenvolvimento das membranas multifuncionais.Periodontal disease can be defined as the inflammatory condition of the tooth-supportive tissues as a response to biofilm accumulation. The consequence is the formation of severe bone defects due to the loss of periodontal tissues that ultimately lead to tooth loss, predispose to mandible fractures and formation of oronasal communications. The main treatment is prevention, including daily tooth brushing and periodontal prophylaxis, a procedure done by veterinaries to remove retained biofilm and calculus. Recovering lost tissues, i.e. periodontal regeneration, is a more complex process involving the formation of three tissues highly connected: alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and

  15. La Enfermedad Celíaca


    Cueto Rua, Eduardo Ángel; Nanfito, Gabriela; Guzmán, Luciana


    La Enfermedad Celíaca (EC) es la intolerancia alimentaria de orden genético más frecuente de la especie humana. En nuestro Servicio de Gastroenterología hemos diagnosticado más de 1900 casos en los últimos 34 años, y 92 y 73 nuevos casos en los años 2004 y 2005, respectivamente. La EC es el resultado de la interacción entre factores genéticos (constante absoluta) expresados en la mucosa intestinal y la respuesta i...

  16. Postdoctoral periodontal program directors' perspectives of resident selection. (United States)

    Khan, Saba; Carmosino, Andrew J; Yuan, Judy Chia-Chun; Lucchiari, Newton; Kawar, Nadia; Sukotjo, Cortino


    Applications for postdoctoral periodontal programs have recently increased. The National Board Dental Examinations (NBDE) has adopted a pass/fail format. The purpose of this study is to examine the criteria used by accredited postdoctoral periodontal programs in the United States to evaluate potential applicants. A secondary purpose was to determine whether the absence of NBDE scores would change program directors' selection process. Basic demographic information of the program directors was also collected. A questionnaire was sent to all 54 program directors of accredited postdoctoral periodontal programs in the United States. The raw data were compiled, descriptive analyses were performed, and results were tabulated and ranked when applicable. Thirty-five of 54 program directors (64.8%) responded to the survey. The five most important factors in selecting residents were: 1) interview ratings; 2) dental school clinical grades; 3) dental school periodontics grades; 4) personal statement; and 5) letters of recommendation. The majority of the programs (94%; n = 33) require an interview, and many (86%; n = 30) have a committee that makes the final decision on candidate acceptance. More than half of the respondents (56%; n = 17) stated that the pass/fail format of the NBDE would affect the decision-making process. This study describes the criteria used by postdoctoral periodontal programs to help select applicants. Interview ratings, dental school grades, personal statements, and letters of recommendation were found to be the most important factors. Results from this study may be helpful for prospective postdoctoral periodontal program applicants in the United States.

  17. Periodontal disease, periodontal treatment and systemic nitric oxide in dogs. (United States)

    Nemec, A; Verstraete, F J M; Jerin, A; Šentjurc, M; Kass, P H; Petelin, M; Pavlica, Z


    Thirty-two client-owned dogs treated for periodontal disease were divided in group 1 if no periodontitis, group 2 if ≤25%, and group 3 if >25% of the teeth present were affected with periodontitis. Blood was tested before and 2 weeks after periodontal therapy for nitrosyl hemoglobin (HbNO), plasma nitrite/nitrate (NOx) and 3-nitrotyrosine (NT) levels. No HbNO was detected in any of the animals tested. There was no significant difference in the NOx plasma levels within each group or across the groups before and after the treatment, but a noticeable increase in NOx plasma levels was observed in group 3 after the treatment. Plasma NT was detected in only one third of the animals. NO levels varied greatly across individual dogs. The data are suggestive of an overall increase in systemic NO response 2 weeks after periodontal treatment in dogs with advanced periodontal disease, but the response is greatly individually-dependent. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Gene expression in periodontal tissues following treatment

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    Eisenacher Martin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In periodontitis, treatment aimed at controlling the periodontal biofilm infection results in a resolution of the clinical and histological signs of inflammation. Although the cell types found in periodontal tissues following treatment have been well described, information on gene expression is limited to few candidate genes. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine the expression profiles of immune and inflammatory genes in periodontal tissues from sites with severe chronic periodontitis following periodontal therapy in order to identify genes involved in tissue homeostasis. Gingival biopsies from 12 patients with severe chronic periodontitis were taken six to eight weeks following non-surgical periodontal therapy, and from 11 healthy controls. As internal standard, RNA of an immortalized human keratinocyte line (HaCaT was used. Total RNA was subjected to gene expression profiling using a commercially available microarray system focusing on inflammation-related genes. Post-hoc confirmation of selected genes was done by Realtime-PCR. Results Out of the 136 genes analyzed, the 5% most strongly expressed genes compared to healthy controls were Interleukin-12A (IL-12A, Versican (CSPG-2, Matrixmetalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1, Down syndrome critical region protein-1 (DSCR-1, Macrophage inflammatory protein-2β (Cxcl-3, Inhibitor of apoptosis protein-1 (BIRC-1, Cluster of differentiation antigen 38 (CD38, Regulator of G-protein signalling-1 (RGS-1, and Finkel-Biskis-Jinkins murine osteosarcoma virus oncogene (C-FOS; the 5% least strongly expressed genes were Receptor-interacting Serine/Threonine Kinase-2 (RIP-2, Complement component 3 (C3, Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase-2 (COX-2, Interleukin-8 (IL-8, Endothelin-1 (EDN-1, Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-2 (PAI-2, Matrix-metalloproteinase-14 (MMP-14, and Interferon regulating factor-7 (IRF-7. Conclusion Gene expression profiles found in periodontal tissues following

  19. Periodontal Disease, Tooth Loss, and Cancer Risk. (United States)

    Michaud, Dominique S; Fu, Zhuxuan; Shi, Jian; Chung, Mei


    Periodontal disease, which includes gingivitis and periodontitis, is highly prevalent in adults and disease severity increases with age. The relationship between periodontal disease and oral cancer has been examined for several decades, but there is increasing interest in the link between periodontal disease and overall cancer risk, with systemic inflammation serving as the main focus for biological plausibility. Numerous case-control studies have addressed the role of oral health in head and neck cancer, and several cohort studies have examined associations with other types of cancers over the past decade. For this review, we included studies that were identified from either 11 published reviews on this topic or an updated literature search on PubMed (between 2011 and July 2016). A total of 50 studies from 46 publications were included in this review. Meta-analyses were conducted on cohort and case-control studies separately when at least 4 studies could be included to determine summary estimates of the risk of cancer in relation to 1) periodontal disease or 2) tooth number (a surrogate marker of periodontal disease) with adjustment for smoking. Existing data provide support for a positive association between periodontal disease and risk of oral, lung, and pancreatic cancers; however, additional prospective studies are needed to better inform on the strength of these associations and to determine whether other cancers are associated with periodontal disease. Future studies should include sufficiently large sample sizes, improved measurements for periodontal disease, and thorough adjustment for smoking and other risk factors. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  20. Periodontitis in patients with focal tuberculosis

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    Alexandrova Е.А.


    Full Text Available The research goal is to investigate the mechanisms of formation and peculiarities of periodontitis in patients with focal tuberculosis. Patients with periodontitis and focal tuberculosis are proved to develop local inflammatory reaction with increased infection and activation of proinflammatory cytokines in parodontal pockets fluid. The main risk factor of frequent and durable recurrence of parodontal pathology in case of focal tuberculosis was the development of pathologic process as a cause of disbalance of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system, endotoxicosis syndrome

  1. Advanced drug delivery approaches against periodontitis. (United States)

    Joshi, Deeksha; Garg, Tarun; Goyal, Amit K; Rath, Goutam


    Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of gums involving the degeneration of periodontal ligaments, creation of periodontal pocket and resorption of alveolar bone, resulting in the disruption of the support structure of teeth. According to WHO, 10-15% of the global population suffers from severe periodontitis. The disease results from the growth of a diverse microflora (especially anaerobes) in the pockets and release of toxins, enzymes and stimulation of body's immune response. Various local or systemic approaches were used for an effective treatment of periodontitis. Currently, controlled local drug delivery approach is more favorable as compared to systemic approach because it mainly focuses on improving the therapeutic outcomes by achieving factors like site-specific delivery, low dose requirement, bypass of first-pass metabolism, reduction in gastrointestinal side effects and decrease in dosing frequency. Overall it provides a safe and effective mode of treatment, which enhances patient compliance. Complete eradication of the organisms from the sites was not achieved by using various surgical and mechanical treatments. So a number of polymer-based delivery systems like fibers, films, chips, strips, microparticles, nanoparticles and nanofibers made from a variety of natural and synthetic materials have been successfully tested to deliver a variety of drugs. These systems are biocompatible and biodegradable, completely fill the pockets, and have strong retention on the target site due to excellent mucoadhesion properties. The review summarizes various available and recently developing targeted delivery devices for the treatment of periodontitis.

  2. [State of the art diagnostic criteria of severe periodontitis]. (United States)

    Ouyang, X Y


    Periodontitis could be categorized as mild, moderate, and severe according to the severity of the disease. This categorizing system could also be used together with other classification systems. The present article introduced the status about the case definition of severe periodontitis, including the standard of case definitions for surveillance of periodontitis reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in partnership with the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the consensus report on the definition of periodontitis case for use in risk factor research by Europe workshop. A consensus on the state of the art definition of severe periodontitis for use in clinical work was gained base on the expertise of Chinese Society of Periodontology, Chinese Association of Stomatology. The background of this consensus and the significance of the criteria for the case definition were discussed.

  3. Treatment of a Periodontic-Endodontic Lesion in a Patient with Aggressive Periodontitis. (United States)

    Fahmy, Mina D; Luepke, Paul G; Ibrahim, Mohamed S; Guentsch, Arndt


    Case Description. This case report describes the successful management of a left mandibular first molar with a combined periodontic-endodontic lesion in a 35-year-old Caucasian woman with aggressive periodontitis using a concerted approach including endodontic treatment, periodontal therapy, and a periodontal regenerative procedure using an enamel matrix derivate. In spite of anticipated poor prognosis, the tooth lesion healed. This case report also discusses the rationale behind different treatment interventions. Practical Implication. Periodontic-endodontic lesions can be successfully treated if dental professionals follow a concerted treatment protocol that integrates endodontic and periodontic specialties. General dentists can be the gatekeepers in managing these cases.

  4. Treatment of a Periodontic-Endodontic Lesion in a Patient with Aggressive Periodontitis

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    Mina D. Fahmy


    Full Text Available Case Description. This case report describes the successful management of a left mandibular first molar with a combined periodontic-endodontic lesion in a 35-year-old Caucasian woman with aggressive periodontitis using a concerted approach including endodontic treatment, periodontal therapy, and a periodontal regenerative procedure using an enamel matrix derivate. In spite of anticipated poor prognosis, the tooth lesion healed. This case report also discusses the rationale behind different treatment interventions. Practical Implication. Periodontic-endodontic lesions can be successfully treated if dental professionals follow a concerted treatment protocol that integrates endodontic and periodontic specialties. General dentists can be the gatekeepers in managing these cases.

  5. Risk factors for the progression of periodontal disease in a Greek adult population. (United States)

    Chrysanthakopoulos, Nikolaos A


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the progression risk factors of periodontal disease by individual characteristics at baseline in a Greek adult population. The study sample consisted of 854 individuals. All participants were clinically examined and answered questions regarding sex, smoking status, socioeconomic status, low educational level, frequency of dental follow up, and oral hygiene habits. Serum levels of disease markers were investigated, and attachment levels were clinically recorded. For the assessment of periodontal disease progression, additional clinical attachment loss (CAL) was used if one or more sites showed a 3 mm or more increase in probing attachment level over a 2-year period. Statistical analysis was performed by using a modified multiple Poisson's analysis model. A total of 74% of the participants exhibited additional CAL over a 2-year period. Significant associations were observed between additional CAL and smoking (relative risk [RR] = 0.78, 95% confidence level [CI] = 0.65-0.92), attachment level of 5 mm or more at baseline (RR = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.75-1.05), educational level (RR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.76-1.07), socioeconomic status (RR = 0.86, 95% CI = 0.59-1.14), and irregular dental follow up (RR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.04-1.45). Smoking, baseline attachment level of 5 mm or more, low educational level, low socioeconomic status, and irregular dental follow up could be considered risk factors for further CAL. © 2015 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  6. [The clinical study of IgA nephropathy with severe chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis]. (United States)

    Cao, Y L; Qiao, M; Xu, Z H; Zou, G M; Ma, L L; Li, W G; Xu, B H


    To explore the clinical characteristics of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) with severe chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis. A total of 436 hospitalized patients who underwent renal needle biopsy in the department of nephrology of China-Japan Friendship Hospital from November 2013 to December 2014 were recruited in the study and blindly had periodontal examination. The patients were divided into IgAN group and non-IgAN group according to the renal pathology. The patients with IgAN were further categorized as non-periodontitis, chronic periodontitis and aggressive peridontitis group by Haas classification. The chronic periodontitis group was continually divided into mild, moderate and severe periodontitis group. The levels of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-6 in gingival crevicular fluid were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The prevalence of periodontitis in the study was 88.3% (385/436). The prevalence of chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis were higher in patients with IgAN than those with non-IgAN (Pchronic periodontitis was correlated with pathologic grading of IgAN (r=0.48, Pperiodontitis, those with severe chronic and aggressive periodontitis had more severe pathology, more frequent recurrent gross hematuria, higher levels of 24 h proteinuria, serum triglyceride and uric acid, higher periodontal probing depth and clinical attatchment level, as well as higer levels of IL-1β and IL-6, but had lower creatinine clearance rate (all Pchronic and aggressive periodontitis was higher in patients with IgAN. Chronic periodontitis is correlated with the onset and development of IgAN. Patients with IgAN have worse condition with the aggravation of periodontitis.

  7. The significance of motivation in periodontal treatment: validity and reliability of the motivation assessment scale among patients undergoing periodontal treatment. (United States)

    Pac, A; Oruba, Z; Olszewska-Czyż, I; Chomyszyn-Gajewska, M


    The individual evaluation of patients' motivation should be introduced to the protocol of periodontal treatment, as it could impact positively on effective treatment planning and treatment outcomes. However, a standardised tool measuring the extent of periodontal patients' motivation has not yet been proposed in the literature. Thus, the objective of the present study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Zychlińscy motivation scale adjusted to the needs of periodontology. Cross sectional study. Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine, Dental University Clinic, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. 199 adult periodontal patients, aged 20-78. 14-item questionnaire. The items were adopted from the original Zychlińscy motivation assessment scale. Validity and reliability of the proposed motivation assessment instrument. The assessed Cronbach's alpha of 0.79 indicates the scale is a reliable tool. Principal component analysis revealed a model with three factors, which explained half of the total variance. Those factors represented: the patient's attitude towards treatment and oral hygiene practice; previous experiences during treatment; and the influence of external conditions on the patient's attitude towards treatment. The proposed scale proved to be a reliable and accurate tool for the evaluation of periodontal patients' motivation.

  8. Enfermedad de Hirschsprung

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    K A Santos-Jasso


    Full Text Available El diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Hirschsprung se debe sospechar en el recién nacido que presenta datos de obstrucción intestinal: vómito, distensión abdominal y falla para el paso de meconio, en la primera semana de vida, lo que sustenta su origen congénito. Los pacientes con esta enfermedad son predominantemente del sexo masculino (84%; suelen presentar impactación fecal colónica y en la valoración abdominal muestran desimpactación, que puede ser explosiva en el examen digital del recto con vaciamiento en el 96% de los pacientes.

  9. Academic Stress Influences Periodontal Health Condition and Interleukin-1 beta Level

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    Sandra O. Kuswandani


    Full Text Available Stress is a risk factor for periodontal disease, causing increase levels of interleukin-1 beta that involve in periodontal destruction. Objective: To analyze the relationship between academic stress in residency program students conditions and levels of interleukin-1 beta in gingival crevicular fluid. Methods: Thirty eight subjects filled the questionnaire of Graduate Dental Environtmental Stress (GDES, periodontal examination and samples of gingival crevicular fluid were tested for interleukin-1 beta with the Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA test. Results: There were significant differences between academic stress to periodontal tissue in oral hygiene (p=0.038, bleeding on probing index (p=0.02, but no significant differences in pocket depth and loss of attachment (p=0.972. There were significant differences between academic stress to levels of interleukin-1 beta (p=0.03, but no significant differences between levels of interleukin-1 beta to periodontal tissue in oral hygiene (p=0.465, bleeding on probing index (p=0.826, pocket depth (p=0.968, and loss of attachment (p=0.968. Conclusion: Academic stress influences the periodontal risk factor and level of interleukin-1 beta.

  10. Host-bacterial interplay in periodontal disease

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    Rudrakshi Chickanna


    Full Text Available A literature search was performed using MEDLINE (PubMed and other electronic basis from 1991 to 2014. Search included books and journals based on the systematic and critical reviews, in vitro and in vivo clinical studies on molecular basis of host microbial interactions. Clearly, an understanding of the host susceptibility factor in addition to microbial factors by elucidating the molecular basis offers opportunity for therapeutic manipulation of advancing periodontal destruction. One of the hallmarks of pathogenesis is the ability of pathogenic organisms to invade surrounding tissues and to evade the host defence. This paper focuses the general overview of molecular mechanisms involved in the microbiota and host response to bacterial inimical behavior in periodontics.

  11. Periodontal health through public health - the case for oral health promotion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Watt, Richard G; Petersen, Poul E


    these factors but also must recognize and act upon the distal underlying influences that determine and pattern these identified risks. Recognition also needs to be placed on the interlinking and common risk factors shared by periodontal diseases and other chronic conditions. A complementary range of public......Periodontal diseases are highly prevalent, particularly amongst socially disadvantaged populations, impact on quality of life and are costly to treat. Clinical treatments and chairside preventive approaches alone will never adequately address this problem. Indeed in many parts of the developing...... world clinical care and chairside prevention are both unaffordable and inappropriate for the control of periodontal diseases. A paradigm shift away from the individualized treatment approach to a population public health model is needed to promote periodontal health and, in particular to address social...

  12. An overview of periodontal regenerative procedures for the general dental practitioner

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    M. Siaili


    Full Text Available The complete regeneration of the periodontal tissues following periodontal disease remains an unmet challenge, and has presented clinicians with a remarkably difficult clinical challenge to solve given the extensive research in this area and our current understanding of the biology of the periodontal tissues. In particular as clinicians we look for treatments that will improve the predictability of the procedure, improve the magnitude of the effect of treatment, and perhaps most importantly in the long term would extend the indications for treatment beyond the need for single enclosed bony defects to allow for suprabony regeneration, preferably with beneficial effects on the gingival soft tissues. A rapid development in both innovative methods and products for the correction of periodontal deficiencies have been reported during the last three decades. For example, guided tissue regeneration with or without the use of bone supplements has been a well-proven treatment modality for the reconstruction of bony defects prior to the tissue engineering era. Active biomaterials have been subsequently introduced to the periodontal community with supporting dental literature suggesting that certain factors should be taken into consideration when undertaking periodontal regenerative procedures. These factors as well as a number of other translational research issues will need to be addressed, and ultimately it is vital that we do not extrapolate results from pre-clinical and animal studies without conducting extensive randomized clinical trials to substantiate outcomes from these procedures. Whatever the outcomes, the pursuit of regeneration of the periodontal tissues remains a goal worth pursuing for our patients. The aim of the review, therefore is to update clinicians on the recent advances in both materials and techniques in periodontal regenerative procedures and to highlight the importance of both patient factors and the technical aspects of

  13. Morphometric assessment of periodontal tissues in relation to periodontal disease in dogs. (United States)

    Kyllar, Michal; Doskarova, Barbora; Paral, Vaclav


    Dimensions of periodontal tissues are thought to predispose to the development of periodontal disease in man and dogs. Several studies have suggested that thin gingiva correlates with an increased incidence of periodontal disease. In this study, we hypothesized that the dimensions of periodontal tissues will vary in different breeds of dogs and could possibly correlate with the incidence of periodontal disease. Forty-two jaws of dogs aged up to 5-years were examined post-mortem and gingival and alveolar bone thickness were measured using methods of transgingival probing and digital calipers, respectively. Dogs were divided into three groups based on their body weight. Group I (dogs compared with small and medium-sized breed dogs. Both gingival and alveolar bone dimensions may be predictors for severity of periodontal disease and influence clinical outcome in certain periodontal surgical procedures.

  14. Las enfermedades reumáticas: de la teoría a la realidad

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    Miguel Ángel Serra Valdés


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades reumáticas constituyen un reconocido problema de salud a nivel mundial; por su morbilidad, por la discapacidad que provocan, por su repercusión en el plano económico debido a los altos costos ocasionados a las instituciones sanitarias así como a las personas aquejadas. Las enfermedades reumáticas debieran estar incluidas dentro de las crónicas no trasmisibles si se tienen en cuenta en su definición aspectos como: factores de riesgo, curso crónico, repercusión en la calidad de vida, incidencia y prevalencia en la población general, mortalidad, etc., aspectos que en las enfermedades reumáticas coexisten.

  15. Factores emocionales en el abordaje de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Valoración actualizada desde la Psicocardiología Emotional Factors in the present a topic of Cardiovascular Diseases. Updated Assessment from Psychocardiology

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    Teresa Rodríguez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares exige un abordaje desde la multidisciplinariedad, por la presencia de diversos factores en su origen y evolución. La Psicocardiología se encarga de estudiar los factores de orden psicológico vinculados a estas enfermedades. En el presente trabajo se abordan los factores emocionales que repercuten en diferentes padecimientos coronarios, así como el vínculo de estos, con los diferentes tipos de personalidad. Se exponen resultados obtenidos sobre el estudio de diversas emociones en pacientes portadores de infarto agudo del miocardio en fase aguda, y se ilustra cómo realizar la intervención psicológica para lograr el control emocional de estos pacientes porque puede ser útil para los enfermos y en el mejoramiento del cuadro clínico en general. Finalmente se apela a la necesidad de crear una concientización en la comunidad médica, para que no se desestime el papel de factores de índole subjetiva a la hora de prevenir, diagnosticar y tratar cualquier enfermedad cardiaca.The treatment of cardiovascular diseases requires an approach from a variety of disciplines due to the presence of several factors in its origins and evolution. Psychocardiology is responsible for studying the factors related to psychology associated with these diseases. This paper addresses the emotional factors affecting different coronary heart diseases, as well as the link among them, with different types of personalities. Results on the study of various emotions in patients with acute myocardial infarction in the acute phase are presented and it is illustrates how to achieve psychological intervention for emotional control in these patients because it can be useful for them in the improvement of the overall clinical condition. Finally, it is appealed to the need of creating an awareness in the medical community not to discard the role of subjectivity when it comes to preventing, diagnosing and treating any cardiac

  16. Pregnancy and periodontal disease


    Sağlam, Ebru; Saruhan, Nesrin; Çanakçı, Cenk Fatih


    Some maternal immunological changes due to pregnancy increases susceptibility to infections. Periodontal disease, the main cause is plaque, is a common disease which is seen multifactorial and varying severity. There are many clinical criteria for diagnosis of periodontal disease. Correlation between pregnancy and periodontal inflammation is known for many years. Periodontal disease affects pregnant’s systemic condition and also has negative effects on fetus. Periodontal disease increases the...

  17. Role of periodontal pathogenic bacteria in RANKL-mediated bone destruction in periodontal disease


    Mikihito Kajiya; Gabriela Giro; Martin A. Taubman; Xiaozhe Han; Marcia P.A. Mayer; Toshihisa Kawai


    Accumulated lines of evidence suggest that hyperimmune responses to periodontal bacteria result in the destruction of periodontal connective tissue and alveolar bone. The etiological roles of periodontal bacteria in the onset and progression of periodontal disease (PD) are well documented. However, the mechanism underlying the engagement of periodontal bacteria in RANKL-mediated alveolar bone resorption remains unclear. Therefore, this review article addresses three critical subjects. First, ...

  18. Maternal periodontal disease and preterm birth: A case-control study

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    Pushpalatha Govindaraju


    Full Text Available Background and Objective: Preterm birth (PTB is an important issue in public health and is a major cause for infant mortality and morbidity. There is a growing consensus that systemic diseases elsewhere in the body may influence PTB. Recent studies have hypothesized that maternal periodontitis could be a high-risk factor for PTB. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between maternal periodontitis on PTB. Materials and Methods: Forty systemically healthy primiparous mothers aged 18–35 years were recruited for the study. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, they were categorized into PTB group as cases and full term birth group (FTB as controls. PTB cases (n = 20 defined as spontaneous delivery before/<37 completed weeks of gestation. Controls (FTB were normal births at or after 37 weeks of gestation. Data on periodontal status, pregnancy outcome variables, and information on other factors that may influence adverse pregnancy outcomes were collected within 2 days of labor. Data were subjected to Student's t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient statistical analysis. Results: Statistically significant difference with respect to the gestational period at the time of delivery and birth weight of the infants in (PTB group (<0.001 compared to (FTB group was observed. Overall, there was statistically significant poor periodontal status in the (PTB group compared to (FTB group. The statistical results also showed a positive correlation between gestational age and clinical parameters. Conclusion: An observable relationship was noticed between periodontitis and gestational age, and a positive correlation was found with respect to PTB and periodontitis. Further studies should be designed to establish periodontal disease as an independent risk factor for PTB/preterm low birth weight.

  19. Enfermedad de Chagas o Tripanosomiasis Americana.

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    Felipe Guhl


    Full Text Available

    Situación Actual de Colombia.

    La enfermedad de Chagas o tripanosomiasis americana es una enfermedad parasitaria crónica causada por un protozoario flagelado el Trypanosoma cruzi, descrito por primera vez por Carlos Chagas, médico brasileño, a comienzos de este siglo y en su honor se denominó la enfermedad que lleva su nombre.

    Este parásito normalmente se transmite al ser humano a través de insectos triatomíneos estrictamente hematófagos de la familia Reduviidae, en el momento en que perforan la piel para succionar la sangre que los alimenta.

    Sin embargo, no se inocula directamente por intermedio de las estructuras bucales del insecto en el momento de la picadura como en el caso de las tripanosomiasis africanas, si no que se deposita pasivamente en la piel a través de las heces del insecto, penetrando en el cuerpo por la herida que causa la picadura u otras abrasiones de la piel o de la mucosa. El T. cruzi, también puede transmitirse por infección congénita, por transfusión de sangre contaminada o por el transplante de órganos contaminados. El ciclo vital del parásito es largo y complejo y su desarrollo tiene varias etapas, tanto en el vector triatomineo como en el huésped vertebrado .

    La Enfermedad de Chagas constituye una amenaza permanente para casi la cuarta parte de toda la población de América Latina. Si bien la enfermedad se encuentra presente en toda América Central y del Sur, sus manifestaciones y características epidemiológicas son altamente variables entre una y otra zona endémica. Existe una gran diversidad en las tasas de prevalencia, formas de transmisión, características parasitarias, patología clínica, vectores y reservorios.

    Más que cualquier otra enfermedad parasitaria, la enfermedad de Chagas se relaciona con el desarrollo económico y social de la población: los insectos triatomineos y las enfermedades que ellos transmiten existirán mientras en

  20. Factores de riesgo de las enfermedades reumáticas en niños atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico Provincial “Mártires de Las Tunas”

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    Yordania Velázquez Avila


    Full Text Available Fundamento: las afecciones reumáticas son enfermedades inflamatorias crónicas que producen invalidez y en ocasiones conducen a la muerte del paciente. En el Hospital Pediátrico Provincial “Mártires de Las Tunas” no existen antecedentes de estudios analíticos sobre las colagenosis, sin embargo el número de casos ingresados por estas afecciones ha aumentado progresivamente, por esta razón se estudiaron los factores de riesgo con asociación causal de las colagenosis más frecuentes: artritis reactiva, lupus eritematoso y esclerodermia. Objetivo: determinar los factores de riesgo con asociación causal que favorecen la aparición de las enfermedades reumáticas en edades pediátricas en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Las Tunas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio analítico de casos y controles, durante el período de septiembre de 2011 a diciembre de 2013. La muestra fueron 150 individuos: el grupo de enfermos formado por 50 pacientes diagnosticados de colagenosis y el grupo control formado por 100 individuos no afectados. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, antecedentes familiares de colagenosis, exposición al sol, a enfermedades infecciosas y a situaciones estresantes. Toda la información recopilada se analizó estadísticamente, se calculó el porcentaje, odds ratio con su nivel de confianza para el 95 %, chi-cuadrado y probabilidad, o probabilidad exacta de Fisher. Resultados: en el grupo de enfermos predominaron las féminas, con 28 casos, y en el grupo de control prevalecieron los varones, 57; en ambos grupos predominaron los infantes sin antecedentes familiares de colagenosis y fue mayor el número de individuos expuestos al sol, este último resultó ser el tercer factor de riesgo con asociación causal; en el grupo de enfermos fue mayor la cantidad de pacientes expuestos a enfermedades infecciosas, con 40 individuos, tienendo 8,5 veces más riesgo de enfermar que las no expuestas, representó el

  1. Periodontal profile classes predict periodontal disease progression and tooth loss. (United States)

    Morelli, Thiago; Moss, Kevin L; Preisser, John S; Beck, James D; Divaris, Kimon; Wu, Di; Offenbacher, Steven


    Current periodontal disease taxonomies have limited utility for predicting disease progression and tooth loss; in fact, tooth loss itself can undermine precise person-level periodontal disease classifications. To overcome this limitation, the current group recently introduced a novel patient stratification system using latent class analyses of clinical parameters, including patterns of missing teeth. This investigation sought to determine the clinical utility of the Periodontal Profile Classes and Tooth Profile Classes (PPC/TPC) taxonomy for risk assessment, specifically for predicting periodontal disease progression and incident tooth loss. The analytic sample comprised 4,682 adult participants of two prospective cohort studies (Dental Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study and Piedmont Dental Study) with information on periodontal disease progression and incident tooth loss. The PPC/TPC taxonomy includes seven distinct PPCs (person-level disease pattern and severity) and seven TPCs (tooth-level disease). Logistic regression modeling was used to estimate relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association of these latent classes with disease progression and incident tooth loss, adjusting for examination center, race, sex, age, diabetes, and smoking. To obtain personalized outcome propensities, risk estimates associated with each participant's PPC and TPC were combined into person-level composite risk scores (Index of Periodontal Risk [IPR]). Individuals in two PPCs (PPC-G: Severe Disease and PPC-D: Tooth Loss) had the highest tooth loss risk (RR = 3.6; 95% CI = 2.6 to 5.0 and RR = 3.8; 95% CI = 2.9 to 5.1, respectively). PPC-G also had the highest risk for periodontitis progression (RR = 5.7; 95% CI = 2.2 to 14.7). Personalized IPR scores were positively associated with both periodontitis progression and tooth loss. These findings, upon additional validation, suggest that the periodontal/tooth profile classes and the derived

  2. Association of metabolic syndrome and chronic periodontitis in Colombians. (United States)

    Jaramillo, Adriana; Contreras, Adolfo; Lafaurie, Gloria Inés; Duque, Andrés; Ardila, Carlos Martín; Duarte, Silvia; Osorio, Lyda


    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a common chronic condition that increases the cardiovascular disease risk and is also linked to periodontitis. The study aim was to determine if a relationship exists between MetS and chronic periodontitis in adult Colombians. Participants were 220 healthy-gingivitis subjects and 431 periodontitis patients coming from the three largest Colombian cities. Periodontal status and MetS were determined in subjects. Univariate analysis and odds ratio were calculated within the 95 % confidence intervals and chi 2 test compared the groups. Variables were compared among the clinical periodontal groups and MetS by Wilcoxon and multivariate analysis, and logistic regression was performed for MetS and periodontitis. MetS had higher prevalence in periodontitis group (6.3 %) versus controls (3.2 %). In multivariate analysis, periodontitis was associated with MetS (adjusted OR = 2.72, 95 % CI 1.09-6.79), glucose intolerance with another component of MetS (adjusted OR = 1.78, 1.16 to 2.72), glucose resistance (adjusted OR = 11.46, 95 % CI 1.41-92.88), smoking (OR = 1.72, 95 % CI 1.09-2.71), and city of origin (2.69, 95 % CI 1.79-4.04). The study confirmed the positive association between MetS and periodontitis, being glucose sensitivity the strongly associated component. MetS must be taken into account by the dentist when evaluating risk factors for periodontitis, being useful for dentists to evaluate glycemia, lipidic profile, central obesity, and high blood pressure in patients. Interdisciplinary treatment must be recommended when a patient with MetS and periodontitis is being treated.

  3. Periodontitis and myocardial hypertrophy. (United States)

    Suzuki, Jun-Ichi; Sato, Hiroki; Kaneko, Makoto; Yoshida, Asuka; Aoyama, Norio; Akimoto, Shouta; Wakayama, Kouji; Kumagai, Hidetoshi; Ikeda, Yuichi; Akazawa, Hiroshi; Izumi, Yuichi; Isobe, Mitsuaki; Komuro, Issei


    There is a deep relationship between cardiovascular disease and periodontitis. It has been reported that myocardial hypertrophy may be affected by periodontitis in clinical settings. Although these clinical observations had some study limitations, they strongly suggest a direct association between severity of periodontitis and left ventricular hypertrophy. However, the detailed mechanisms between myocardial hypertrophy and periodontitis have not yet been elucidated. Recently, we demonstrated that periodontal bacteria infection is closely related to myocardial hypertrophy. In murine transverse aortic constriction models, a periodontal pathogen, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans markedly enhanced cardiac hypertrophy with matrix metalloproteinase-2 activation, while another pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.g.) did not accelerate these pathological changes. In the isoproterenol-induced myocardial hypertrophy model, P.g. induced myocardial hypertrophy through Toll-like receptor-2 signaling. From our results and other reports, regulation of chronic inflammation induced by periodontitis may have a key role in the treatment of myocardial hypertrophy. In this article, we review the pathophysiological mechanism between myocardial hypertrophy and periodontitis.

  4. Association between periodontal diseases and systemic illnesses: A survey among internal medicine residents in Nigeria. (United States)

    Umeizudike, Kehinde A; Iwuala, Sandra O; Ozoh, Obianuju B; Ayanbadejo, Patricia O; Fasanmade, Olufemi A


    To assess internal medicine residents' knowledge of associations between periodontal disease and systemic illnesses, and attitudes toward patients' periodontal health. A cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted among internal medicine residents attending the Faculty of Internal Medicine 2014 Update Course organized by the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Participants came from all over the country. Data on respondents' demographic characteristics, periodontal disease knowledge, knowledge of associations between periodontal disease and systemic illnesses, and attitudes toward patients' periodontal health were collected. Data were analyzed using Epi INFO software. The Pearson chi square test was used to measure significant association between categorical variables such as the knowledge of periodontal disease and gender, age group and designation of the participants (p ⩽ 0.05). Of 150 questionnaires distributed, 123 were returned (82% response rate); 109 questionnaires were completed properly and included in the analysis. The most common source of residents' information on oral health was television (59.4%). Only 11.2% of respondents were aware that gingival bleeding was the earliest sign of periodontal disease. Respondents correctly identified periodontal disease as a risk factor for coronary heart disease (45.9%), stroke (43.5%), hospital-acquired pneumonia (53.2%), diabetes mellitus (13.8%), and preterm birth (11%). Increased age (p = 0.032) and male gender (p = 0.022) were associated significantly with knowledge of periodontal disease as a risk factor for stroke. Higher designation (p = 0.002) and longer duration in residency training (p = 0.004) were associated significantly with knowledge of periodontal disease as risk factor for peripheral arterial disease. The majority (90.9%) of respondents had positive attitudes toward the referral of their patients for regular periodontal care. Knowledge of

  5. Comparison of salivary alpha-amylase levels in gingivitis and periodontitis

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    Dyah Nindita Carolina


    Full Text Available Background: The development of periodontal disease is influenced by bacteria-plaque, while there are also several factors modifying the host’s response, one of which is psychological stress. Alpha-amylase as a biomarker is also associated with periodontal inflammatory disease. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the difference of alpha-amylase level between gingivitis and periodontitis. Methods: This research constitutes a descriptive study involving 44 subjects, divided into two groups: one of 22 gingivitis subjects and the other of 22 periodontitis subjects. These individuals completed a PSS-14 questionnaire before their levels of alpha salivary amylase were measured by Cocorometer. Data was analyzed by means of a paired T test and a Mann Whitney test with p < 0.05. Results: There were significant differences between the alpha-amylase levels of gingivitis and periodontitis. However, no significant contrast existed in the PSS-14 scores of the two periodontal disease groups. Conclusion: In conclusion alpha-amylase levels in the periodontitis group were higher than those in the gingivitis group and could be used as marker indicators of stress.

  6. TLR4 Asp299Gly polymorphism may be protective against chronic periodontitis. (United States)

    Sellers, R M; Payne, J B; Yu, F; LeVan, T D; Walker, C; Mikuls, T R


    Periodontitis results from interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the coding region of the toll-like receptor 4 gene (TLR4) may be associated with periodontitis, although previous studies have been inconclusive. Moreover, the interaction between environmental factors, such as cigarette smoking (a major risk factor for periodontitis), and Porphyromonas gingivalis (a major periodontal pathogen) with the TLR4 coding region Asp299Gly SNP (rs4986790; a SNP associated with lipopolysaccharide-mediated inflammatory responses in periodontitis), have been largely ignored in previous reports. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the association between TLR4 Asp299Gly (rs4986790) with alveolar bone height loss (ABHL) and periodontitis, accounting for interactions between this SNP with smoking and P. gingivalis prevalence. The CD14/-260 SNP (rs2569190) served as a control, as a recent meta-analysis suggested no relationship between this SNP and periodontitis. This multicenter study included 617 participants who had rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. This report presents a secondary outcome from the primary case-control study examining the relationship of periodontitis with established rheumatoid arthritis. The Centers for Disease Control/American Academy of Periodontology case definitions of periodontitis were used for this analysis. Participants received a full-mouth clinical periodontal examination and panoramic radiograph. Percentage ABHL was measured on posterior teeth. The TLR4 Asp299Gly and CD14/-260 SNPs were selected a priori and genotypes were determined using the ImmunoChip array (Illumina(®) ). Minor allele frequencies and associations with periodontitis and ABHL did not differ according to rheumatoid arthritis vs. osteoarthritis status; therefore, data from these two groups were pooled. The presence of P. gingivalis was detected in subgingival plaque by PCR. Multivariate ordinal

  7. Tannerella forsythia and the HLA-DQB1 allele are associated with susceptibility to periodontal disease in Japanese adolescents. (United States)

    Shimomura-Kuroki, Junko; Yamashita, Kie; Shimooka, Shohachi


    Periodontal disease is a multiple factor disease caused by genetic factors, environmental factors, and periodontal bacteria (periodontal pathogens). The present study aimed to elucidate the risk factors for periodontal disease in Japanese adolescents. Subjects (11-16 years old) were classified into three groups: localized aggressive periodontitis (LAP), periodontal attachment loss (PAL), and periodontally healthy (PH) groups. Genomic DNA isolated from the buccal mucosa was used for single-nucleotide polymorphism analyses of the candidate genes (interleukin-1alpha-889; interleukin-1alpha +4845; interleukin-1beta +3954; an immunoglobulin G Fc gamma receptor, FcgammaRIIa-R/H131; and a human leukocyte antigen class II allele, HLA-DQB1) of aggressive periodontitis. Subgingival plaque samples obtained from the same subjects were used for 16S rRNAbased polymerase chain reaction analysis of five important periodontal pathogens (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia). Tannerella forsythia was detected in the deepest periodontal pockets in all subjects in the LAP and PAL groups. The prevalence of an atypical BamHI restriction site in HLA-DQB1 of the LAP group was significantly higher than that in the PH and PAL groups. Furthermore, all subjects who had the atypical BamHI restriction site in HLA-DQB1 had T. forsythia infection. These results suggested that T. forsythia is associated with periodontal disease in Japanese adolescents and also suggested that HLA-DQB1 is related to LAP and is associated with T. forsythia infection.

  8. The Association between Periodontal Disease and Preterm Low Birthweight in Kosovo

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    Kastriot Meqa


    Full Text Available Objective: Periodontal diseases have a high prevalence worldwide. Existing evidence support the concept that gingivitis and periodontitis are potentially infectious and they present inflammatory reservoirs that can be threatening to the fetoplacental unit. The objective of this study was to compare the periodontal status between women with normal delivery and those with preterm low-birthweight delivery. Materials and Methods: This study included 200 postpartum women whose periodontal and obstetrical parameters were taken. The periodontal condition was assessed bedside according to the modified criteria established by Machtei, while the birthweight and gestational age were assessed according to the World Health Organization criteria. Results: Women with periodontitis are statistically at 3.2 times higher risk to deliver a child with low weight, and at 3.4 times higher risk to deliver preterm, compared to women without periodontitis. The women with preterm low-birthweight babies had deeper periodontal pockets (2.49mm ± 0.49mm than women with normal delivery (2.26mm ± 0.49mm. Conclusions: Periodontal disease in pregnant women with a reservoir of organisms and their products can be considered a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcome.

  9. Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial asociada a rituximab

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    Marcelo Fernández Casares


    Full Text Available La introducción en la práctica clínica del anticuerpo anti-CD20 rituximab ha mejorado sustancialmente el pronóstico de diversas enfermedades autoinmunes y hematológicas. Con el incremento de su uso ha aumentado el registro de efectos adversos, entre ellos la toxicidad pulmonar. Una de sus complicaciones más serias es la enfermedad pulmonar intersticial, entidad potencialmente fatal que debe ser considerada en pacientes que han recibido rituximab y presentan disnea, fiebre y tos sin clara evidencia de infección. Presentamos un caso de enfermedad pulmonar intersticial asociada a rituximab.

  10. Maternal periodontal disease is associated with oxidative stress during pregnancy. (United States)

    Hickman, M Ashley; Boggess, Kim A; Moss, Kevin L; Beck, James D; Offenbacher, Steven


    We sought to determine if maternal periodontal disease is associated with oxidative stress as measured by serum 8-isoprostane. A secondary analysis was conducted using prospective data from the Oral Conditions and Pregnancy Study. Healthy women enrolled at periodontal disease status was categorized as healthy, mild, or moderate to severe by clinical criteria. Maternal serum was analyzed for 8-isoprostane using ultrasensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Elevated 8-isoprostane level was defined as ≥ 75th percentile. Maternal factors associated with elevated 8-isoprostane were determined using chi-square or T test. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess association between elevated 8-isoprostane and maternal factors. Seven hundred ninety-one women had complete data. Median (interquartile) 8-isoprostane serum level was 1806 (16 to 81,870) pg/dL. Using bivariate analysis, maternal age, race, marital status, utilization of public assistance, and mild or moderate to severe periodontal disease were associated with elevated serum 8-isoprostane. Using logistic regression, moderate to severe periodontal disease (adjusted odds ratio 2.9, 95% confidence interval: 1.7 to 5.0) remained significantly associated with an elevated serum 8-isoprostane level. Maternal periodontal disease is associated with oxidative stress during pregnancy. Further study is needed to determine the role of maternal oxidative stress in periodontal disease-associated adverse pregnancy outcomes. © Thieme Medical Publishers.

  11. Effect of Periodontal Disease on Preeclampsia (United States)

    Sayar, F; Hoseini, M Sadat; Abbaspour, S


    Background: A lot of studies have shown periodontal diseases as a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes. The association between periodontitis and preeclampsia has been studied recently with controversy. Considering the importance of preventing preeclampsia as a dangerous and life-threatening disease in pregnant women, the present study was carried out. Methods: Two hundred and ten pregnant women participated in this case-control study (105 controls & 105 cases) during years 2007 and 2008. Preeclamptic cases were defined as blood pressure ≥140/90mmHg and proteinuria +1. Control group were pregnant women with normal blood pressure without proteinuria. Both groups were examined during 48 hours after child delivery. Plaque Index (PLI), Pocket Depth (PD), Clinical Attachment Level (CAL), Bleeding On Probing (BOP), Gingival Recession (GR) were measured on all teeth except for third molars and recorded as periodontal examination. Data was analyzed using t-test, chi-square, and Mann-Whitney U statistical tests. Results: There was no significant difference between the two study groups for PD. CAL, GR, BOP significantly increased in the case group (P< 0.02). This study showed that preeclamptic cases were more likely to develop periodontal disease (P< 0.0001). Eighty three percent of the control group and 95% of the case group had periodontal disease (P< 0.005) which had shown that preeclamptic cases were 4.1 times more likely to have periodontal disease (OR= 4.1). Conclusion: Preeclamptic cases significantly had higher attachment loss and gingival recession than the control group. PMID:23113094

  12. A pilot study into measurements of markers of atherosclerosis in periodontitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leivadaros, E; van der Velden, U; Bizzarro, S; ten Heggeler, JMAG; Gerdes, VEA; Hoek, FJ; Nagy, TOM; Scholma, J; Bakker, SJL; Gans, ROB; ten Cate, H; Loos, BG

    Background: Periodontitis may be a possible risk factor for atherosclerosis. The current pilot study explored arterial wall thickness and other variables associated with atherosclerosis in healthy subjects with and without periodontitis. Methods: Patients with moderate (N = 34) and severe


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    Tsonko Uzunov


    Full Text Available Purpose: The aim of the research is to investigate the change in pulp vitality of teeth with periodontal disease using electric pulp tester (EPT. Methods: Subjected to observation were 108 patients with chronic periodontitis. Vitality of 805 teeth with periodontal pocket depth greater than 4 mm was studied by EPT. The research was conducted with EPT "Yonovit ". Results: The highest percentage of surveyed teeth (68.4% respond to the norm when they are tested with EPT – values between 3 μA and 10 μA . Teeth that respond to EPT with values ​​below 3 μA and between 35-100 μA are relatively equal - respectively 4.3% and 3.3%. With increased threshold of irritation – 10-35 μA react 23.4% of teeth. Small number of teeth have threshold of irritation over 100 μA - 0.6%. Conclusion: The value of EPT among periodontal damaged teeth depends on many factors - patient's age, extent of periodontal affect, group affiliation of teeth, etc.

  14. [Chronic periodontitis with Takayasu arteritis: a case report]. (United States)

    Gao, Wei; Luan, Qing-xian


    This case report concerns a 23-year-old woman with chronic periodontitis who had been previously diagnosed with Takayasu arteritis (TA). Her erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) level were decreased before and 3 months after non-surgical periodontal therapy with no change in her prescribed medications (ESR from 31.00 mm/h to 23.0 mm/h, CRP from 21.40 mg/L to 18.46 mm/h). Through the occasional findings, we raised a hypothetical analysis about the potential relationship between periodontitis and TA with respect to inflammatory factors, bacteria and medication. Further studies of large samples are needed to verify the findings.

  15. Prevalence of periodontitis among the adolescents aged 15-18 years in Mangalore City: An epidemiological and microbiological study

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    K Pallavi Nanaiah


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontitis is a group of inflammatory diseases affecting the supporting tissues of the tooth. Both aggressive periodontitis (AP and chronic periodontitis (CP have a multifactorial etiology, with dental plaque as the initiating factor. However, the initiation and progression of periodontitis are influenced by other factors including microbiologic, social and behavioral and systemic and genetic factors. The prevalence of periodontal diseases varies in different regions of the world according to the definition of periodontitis and the study population, and there are indications that they may be more prevalent in developing than in developed countries. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among the adolescents of 15-18 years of age in Mangalore City. One thousand one hundred students aged 15-18 years were selected for the study from the schools and colleges in Mangalore City using a convenient sampling method. The prevalence of AP and CP were assessed in the study using a community periodontal index. Students who were diagnosed clinically and radiographically were subjected to microbiological examination to confirm AP. Results: A high prevalence of gingivitis and periodontitis was found in students belonging to the lower socioeconomic status group compared with the higher socioeconomic groups, which were associated with poor oral hygiene habits. The prevalence of AP was found to be 0.36% and that of CP was found to be 1.5%. Conclusion: Oral diseases have a significant impact on the social and psychological aspects of an individual′s life. Exposure to risk factors, such as age, low socio-economic status, poor education, low dental care utilization, poor oral hygiene levels, smoking, psychosocial stress and genetic factors are significantly associated with an increased risk of periodontitis among adolescents. Although genetic factors play a major role in periodontitis, the treatment outcome will still be

  16. Grado de control metabólico y de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 con y sin enfermedad cardiovascular

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    Gerardo Garzón


    Conclusiones: En torno a la mitad de los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 tienen medido cada factor de riesgo cardiovascular. El porcentaje de pacientes con factores controlados es similar a lo publicado y es mayor en los pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular, pero mejorable. Esto sugiere priorizar las intervenciones en este grupo de pacientes de muy alto riesgo, mejorando la implementación de guías y la adherencia de los pacientes.

  17. Compliance with Supportive Periodontal Treatment in Patients with Dental Implants. (United States)

    Hu, Kai-Fang; Lin, Ying-Chu; Ho, Kun-Yen; Chou, Yu-Hsiang

    The need for dental implants is increasing, and supportive periodontal treatment can achieve long-term success and prevent peri-implantitis. Contributing factors to noncompliance with long-term scheduled supportive periodontal treatment remain unclear. To investigate whether demographic and clinical characteristics are associated with noncompliance, the authors analyzed data for patients who had received dental implants. The authors recruited patients participating in a supportive periodontal treatment program after receiving permanent prostheses on implants placed from 2005 to 2013. Demographic data and dental treatment histories were collected. Compliance was defined as a record of participation in a standard supportive periodontal treatment program for at least 1 year. The chi-square test, log-rank test, Kaplan-Meier survival curve, and Cox proportional hazards model were used for statistical analysis. The study included 120 patients (259 implants, 60% compliance). The two groups (compliant and noncompliant) differed significantly in frequency distributions for sex (P = .0017), educational level (P = .0325), and histories of substance use (P = .0016), periodontitis (P = .0005), and root planing or flap surgery (P = .0002). The Kaplan-Meier survival curves and log-rank test showed that increases in cumulative continuation rates were significantly associated with male sex (P = .0025); body mass index ≥ 24 kg/m² (P = .0093); and a history of periodontitis (P implant placement, root planing or flap surgery was the crucial factor in determining compliance with supportive periodontal treatment. However, well-designed large-scale studies with a larger sample size are needed to confirm the findings of this study.

  18. Genotype variation and capsular serotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis from chronic periodontitis and periodontal abscesses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yoshino, Takashi; Laine, Marja L.; van Winkelhoff, Arie Jan; Dahlen, Gunnar


    Porphyromonas gingivalis is considered an important pathogen in periodontal disease. While this organism expresses a number of virulence factors, no study combining different virulence polymorphisms has, so far, been conducted. The occurrence of combined virulence (Cv) genotypes in 62 isolates of P.

  19. Evaluation of association between psychological stress and serum cortisol levels in patients with chronic periodontitis - Estimation of relationship between psychological stress and periodontal status. (United States)

    Jaiswal, Roshni; Shenoy, Nina; Thomas, Biju


    Stress classically describes a destructive notion that can have a bearing on one's physical and mental health. It may also add to an increased propensity to periodontal disease. To investigate the association between psychological stress and serum cortisol levels in patients with chronic periodontitis. Forty subjects were recruited from the outpatient department at the Department of Periodontics, from a college in Mangalore, divided into two groups, i.e., twenty as healthy controls and twenty were stressed subjects with chronic periodontitis. The clinical examination included the assessment of probing pocket depth, clinical attachment level and oral hygiene index-simplified. Serum cortisol levels were estimated biochemically using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method and the estimation of psychological stress was done by a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation was used to review the collected data. Independent sample t -test was used for comparison and correlation was evaluation using Pearson's correlation test. As per our observation, high serum cortisol levels and psychological stress are positively linked with chronic periodontitis establishing a risk profile showing a significant correlation ( P periodontitis patients as it should be considered as an imperative risk factor for periodontal disease.

  20. Involvement of psychosocial factors in the association of obesity with periodontitis. (United States)

    Dumitrescu, Alexandrina L; Kawamura, Makoto


    The present case-control study of 79 subjects (19-69 yr) was designed to assess the relationship of several psychological determinants to periodontal disease and obesity. Periodontal clinical examinations were performed, and the subjects were asked to complete a set of questionnaires measuring Type A personality, anxiety, depression, dental anxiety, hopelessness, emotional intelligence, stress, self-esteem, optimism and satisfaction with life. In a bivariate analysis, overweight individuals presented higher levels of smoking exposure, anxiety and depression and lower levels of optimism and satisfaction with life. They were mainly females, with a higher number of sites and teeth with probing depth (PD) >6 mm and clinical attachment level (CAL) >5 mm. Patients with a mean PD exceeding 3 mm and a bleeding on probing index of >25% presented higher values of dental anxiety and lower levels of self-esteem. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that dental anxiety was positively associated with the number of teeth with a PD of >6 mm and with reasons for visiting a dentist, while satisfaction with life was associated with flossing frequency. We conclude that there is an association between several psychological determinants, periodontitis, and body mass index.

  1. Mangiferin ameliorates Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced experimental periodontitis by inhibiting phosphorylation of nuclear factor-κB and Janus kinase 1-signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling pathways. (United States)

    Li, H; Wang, Q; Ding, Y; Bao, C; Li, W


    Mangiferin is a natural polyphenol compound with anti-inflammatory properties. However, there have been few reports on the effect of mangiferin on periodontitis. Here, we investigated the anti-inflammatory effects of this compound on experimental periodontitis and the underlying mechanisms. Mice were inoculated with Porphyromonas gingivalis to induce periodontitis, and treated with mangiferin orally (50 mg/kg bodyweight, once a day) for 8 wk. Then, the alveolar bone loss was examined using a scanning electronic microscope. Expression of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and the phosphorylation levels of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and Janus kinase 1-signal transducer and activator of adhesion (JAK1-STAT) pathways in the gingival epithelium were detected using western blot analysis and immunohistochemical staining. The results showed that mice with periodontitis exhibited greater alveolar bone loss, stronger expression of TNF-α and higher phosphorylation levels of NF-κB and JAK1-STAT1/3 pathways in gingival epithelia, compared with control mice with no periodontitis. Moreover, treatment with mangiferin could significantly inhibit alveolar bone loss, TNF-α production and phosphorylation of NF-κB and JAK1-STAT1/3 pathways in gingival epithelia. Mangiferin has anti-inflammatory effects on periodontitis, which is associated with its ability to down-regulate the phosphorylation of NF-κB and JAK1-STAT1/3 pathways in gingival epithelia. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Socio-demographic factors related to periodontal status and tooth loss of pregnant women in Mbale district, Uganda

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    Okullo Isaac


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Information on the socio-behavioral distribution of periodontal status and tooth loss in pregnancy emanating from sub Saharan Africa is sparse. This study examined periodontal status and tooth loss in pregnant Ugandan women and assessed the relationship with socio-demographics factors, parity, dental care and oral hygiene. Methods Mothers were participants of a multicentre cluster-randomized behavioral intervention study (PROMISE-EBF Safety and Efficacy of Exclusive Breast feeding Promotion in the Era of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Uganda, these were pregnant women resident in Mbale district, recruited into the PROMISE EBF study between January 2006 and June 2008. A total of 886 women were eligible to participate of whom information became available for 877 (participation rate 98.9%, mean age 25.6 women who participated in the recruitment interview and 713 (mean age 25.5 women who got a clinical oral examination. Periodontal status was assessed using the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN. Results The prevalence of tooth loss was 35.7%, 0.6% presented with pockets shallow pockets (4–5 mm, whereas 3.3% and 63.4% displayed bleeding and calculus, respectively. A total of 32.7% were without any sign of periodontal disease. Binary logistic regression analyses revealed that older women, women from larger households and those presenting with microbial plaque were respectively, 3.4, 1.4 and 2.5 times more likely to have CPI score >0. Rural (OR = 0.9, nulliparous (OR = 0.4 and women who never visited a dentist (OR = 0.04 were less likely, whereas women from larger households (OR = 1.5 were more likely to have lost at least one tooth. Conclusion The results revealed moderate prevalence of bleeding and tooth loss, high prevalence of calculus, low frequency of pockets 4–5 mm. Disparity in pregnant women's oral health related to parity suggests that education of maternity care providers concerning oral health in

  3. Pasado, presente y futuro de la microbiología de la periodontitis Past, present and future of the microbiology of periodontis


    M. Escribano; P. Matesanz; A. Bascones


    Es bien sabido que la periodontitis es una enfermedad de origen infeccioso, pero posee características propias que hacen difícil su conocimiento etiopatogénico, y en consecuencia, su tratamiento. Numerosos avances relacionados con el estudio microbiológico de la placa bacteriana se están llevando a cabo en los últimos años, con el objetivo de optimizar los recursos terapéuticos y ofrecer a los pacientes una atención clínica predecible basada en la evidencia científica. El objetivo de este art...

  4. Treatment of a Periodontic-Endodontic Lesion in a Patient with Aggressive Periodontitis


    Fahmy, Mina D.; Luepke, Paul G.; Ibrahim, Mohamed S.; Guentsch, Arndt


    Case Description. This case report describes the successful management of a left mandibular first molar with a combined periodontic-endodontic lesion in a 35-year-old Caucasian woman with aggressive periodontitis using a concerted approach including endodontic treatment, periodontal therapy, and a periodontal regenerative procedure using an enamel matrix derivate. In spite of anticipated poor prognosis, the tooth lesion healed. This case report also discusses the rationale behind different tr...

  5. Periodontal disease and pregnancy outcomes: exposure, risk and intervention. (United States)

    Clothier, B; Stringer, M; Jeffcoat, Marjorie K


    Despite the many advances in medicine, the rate of preterm birth has not significantly decreased in the United States over the past several decades. In fact, the rate rose in 2003 to more than 12% of all births in the United States. This equates to over half a million premature births in the United States alone. Consequently, the identification of risk factors for preterm birth which are amenable to intervention would have far-reaching and long-lasting effects. There is emerging evidence of a relationship between periodontal health and adverse pregnancy outcomes, particularly preterm birth/preterm low-birth-weight infants. Therefore this chapter explores the putative association between periodontal disease and infant prematurity, as well as the results of intervention studies which treated periodontal disease in order to reduce the incidence of prematurity. Of 31 published studies, 22 show a positive association between premature birth and periodontal disease. Ongoing studies are addressing the efficacy of periodontal treatment for decreasing the incidence of infant prematurity.

  6. Periodontal health of older men: the MrOS dental study. (United States)

    Phipps, Kathy R; Chan, Benjamin K S; Jennings-Holt, Marie; Geurs, Nico C; Reddy, Michael S; Lewis, Cora E; Orwoll, Eric S


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and severity of periodontitis in men of 65+ years and identify demographic and lifestyle factors associated with its presence. Participants were recruited from the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study, a longitudinal study of risk factors for fractures in older men. Dental measures included clinical attachment loss (CAL), pocket depth (PD), calculus, plaque and bleeding on a random half-mouth, plus a questionnaire regarding access to care, symptoms and previous diagnosis. 1210 dentate men completed the dental visit. Average age was 75 years, 39% reported some graduate school education, 32% smoked 20 + pack years and 88% reported their overall health as excellent/good. In terms of periodontal health, 38% had sub-gingival calculus, 53% gingival bleeding, 82% CAL > or =5 mm and 34% PD > or =6 mm. The prevalence of severe periodontitis was 38%. Significant demographic and lifestyle factors associated with severe periodontitis in multivariate analyses included age > or =75 (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1-1.7) non-white race (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3-2.8), less than an annual dental visit (OR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.0), and 20 + pack years (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.6-2.7). A high proportion of healthy older men have evidence of periodontal destruction which could, given the growing ageing population, have a significant impact on the dental profession's ability to provide preventive and therapeutic care. The population at highest risk of periodontitis in MrOS is older minority men who smoke and do not have annual dental visits.

  7. Association between Periodontopathogens and CRP Levels in Patients with Periodontitis in Serbia

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    Ana Pejcic


    Full Text Available Background and aims. Recent epidemiological studies have shown that individuals with periodontitis have a significantly higher risk of developing coronary heart disease, which might be attributed to the complex microbiota in the dental plaque. Periodontopathogens have been reported as risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This study evaluated association of chronic periodontitis and periodontopathogens with CRP in systemically healthy Serbian adults. Materials and methods. Serum C-reactive protein levels were measured in 24 patients with moderate periodontitis, 26 patients with severe periodontitis, and 25 periodontally healthy subjects. Periodontal health indicators included gingival bleeding on probing and periodontal disease status. Patients with moderate periodontitis had low attachment loss and pocket depths of 5 mm. The control group with healthy gingiva had gingival sulcus of 5 mol/L was greater in the higher clinical AL group compared to the group with less attachment loss. Presence of periodontopathogens was also associated with elevated CRP levels and poor periodontal status. Conclusions. PD and subgingival periodontopathogens are associated with increased CRP levels. These findings suggest that periodontal infection may contribute to systemic inflammatory burden in otherwise healthy individuals.

  8. Endodontic-periodontal microsurgery for combined endodontic-periodontal lesions: An overview. (United States)

    Sharma, Ritu; Hegde, Vivek; Siddharth, M; Hegde, Rashmi; Manchanda, Gunsha; Agarwal, Pratul


    Endodontic and periodontal microsurgery has surpassed the success rates for traditional endodontic and periodontal surgical procedures. Excellent healing results are being attributed to both the techniques, when employed, for isolated endodontic or periodontal defects. Combined endodontic-periodontal lesions have been referred to as a true challenge, requiring not only endodontic microsurgical management but also concurrent bone grafting and membrane barriers techniques. The prevention of epithelial downgrowth and regeneration of periodontal cementum, fiber, and bone seals the fate of these cases. Achieving primary closure with submergence of grafts has a positive effect on GTR outcome. New techniques of periodontal microsurgery, such as minimally invasive papilla preserving flaps with passive internal mattress suturing, have managed to obtain 90% primary flap closure over grafted sites. Root surface treatment and conditioning has also shown to be beneficial for GTR. Endodontic microsurgery for the combined lesion has not integrated these advances yet. These advances, along with a recently suggested treatment strategy, are ushering in the level next in management of the combined lesions. This article offers an overview of the combined lesion, the disease, its classification, treatment strategy, regenerative tools, microsurgical recommendations, and outcome studies.

  9. Periodontal Bacteria and Prediabetes Prevalence in ORIGINS (United States)

    Demmer, R.T.; Jacobs, D.R.; Singh, R.; Zuk, A.; Rosenbaum, M.; Papapanou, P.N.; Desvarieux, M.


    Periodontitis and type 2 diabetes mellitus are known to be associated. The relationship between periodontal microbiota and early diabetes risk has not been studied. We investigated the association between periodontal bacteria and prediabetes prevalence among diabetes-free adults. ORIGINS (the Oral Infections, Glucose Intolerance and Insulin Resistance Study) cross sectionally enrolled 300 diabetes-free adults aged 20 to 55 y (mean ± SD, 34 ± 10 y; 77% female). Prediabetes was defined as follows: 1) hemoglobin A1c values ranging from 5.7% to 6.4% or 2) fasting plasma glucose ranging from 100 to 125 mg/dL. In 1,188 subgingival plaque samples, 11 bacterial species were assessed at baseline, including Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia, and Actinomyces naeslundii. Full-mouth clinical periodontal examinations were performed, and participants were defined as having no/mild periodontitis vs. moderate/severe periodontitis per the definition of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / American Academy of Periodontology. Modified Poisson regression evaluated prediabetes prevalence across bacterial tertiles. Prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals for third vs. first tertiles are presented. All analyses were adjusted for cardiometabolic risk factors. All results presented currently arise from the baseline cross section. Prediabetes prevalence was 18%, and 58% of participants had moderate/severe periodontitis. Prevalence ratios (95% confidence intervals) summarizing associations between bacterial levels and prediabetes were as follows: A. actinomycetemcomitans, 2.48 (1.34, 4.58), P = 0.004; P. gingivalis, 3.41 (1.78, 6.58), P = 0.0003; T. denticola, 1.99 (0.992, 4.00), P = 0.052; T. forsythia, 1.95 (1.0, 3.84), P = 0.05; A. naeslundii, 0.46 (0.25, 0.85), P = 0.01. The prevalence ratio for prediabetes among participants with moderate/severe vs. no/mild periodontitis was 1.47 (0.78, 2.74), P

  10. Morbimortalidad por enfermedad cerebrovascular de tipo isquémica Morbimortality from ischemic stroke

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    Adianis González González


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades cerebrovasculares constituyen la tercera causa de muerte en Cuba y en la mayoría de los países desarrollados. Tiene estrecha relación su aparición y tórpida evolución con la existencia de enfermedades o factores de riesgo como: diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial, enfermedades cardíacas, accidentes vasculares encefálicos previos, tabaquismo y obesidad. La isquemia cerebral constituye la causa de la mayoría de los ictus, tanto de tipo trombótico como embólico; sus consecuencias causan postración e incapacidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo de aquellos pacientes admitidos en la Sala de Cuidados Especiales del Hospital “General Calixto García” en el período de enero a julio de 2006, con diagnóstico de enfermedad cerebrovascular, para identificar los factores de riesgo más frecuentes, evaluar los protocolos de actuación, definir grado de incapacidad al egreso, así como las causas más frecuentes de muerte. Encontramos que la enfermedad tuvo mayor incidencia en la 7ma. y 8va. décadas de la vida, los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron la hipertensión arterial y el antecedente de enfermedad cerebrovascular previa, los protocolos de actuación no fueron cumplidos debidamente por múltiples causas. Solo un 26,2 % estaba asintomático al alta desde el punto de vista funcional, el resto presentaba algún tipo de discapacidad. La causa de muerte más frecuente fue extraneurológica.Strokes are the third cause of death in Cuba and in most of the developed countries. Its appearance and torpid evolution are closely related to the existence of diseases or risk factors, such as: diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, previous vascular encephalic accidents, smoking and obesity. Ischemic stroke is the cause of most of thrombotic and embolic strokes, whose consequences are prostration and disability. A cross-sectional descriptive study of those patients admitted in the special care ward of

  11. Periodontal Disease Status in an Isolated Greek Adult Population

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    N. A. Chrysanthakopoulos


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the periodontal condition of an adult population in three isolated regions in Greece and to determine the association of periodontal disease with several demographic, behavioral and environmental factors.Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 640 individuals, aged 20to69 years from three isolated regions. The following indices were assessed: Pocket Depth (PD, Clinical Attachment Level (CAL, Dental Plaque, Calculus and Bleeding on Probing (BOP. Statistical analysis was accomplished by multiple linear regression model which was used to assess the association between the mean clinical attachment loss and clinical, demographic and behavioral parameters.Results: The samples of the study showed high levels of dental plaque, dental calculus and BOP. The final multivariate model showed that age (p=0.000, gender (p=0.016 and presence of calculus (p=0.000 were associated with the mean clinical attachment loss. Age (p=0.000, gender (p=0.000 and dental plaque (p=0.027 were associated with gingival recession, while age (p=0.018 and gender (p=0.000 were associated with probing depth. Bleeding on probing, dental plaque, toothbrush frequency, level of education, tobacco consumption and reasons for dental visits were not associated with the mean clinical attachment loss.Conclusion: Periodontal disease consists of a complicated destructive condition of the Periodontal tissue with a.multi-factorial etiology. Oral hygiene instructions and a regular dental follow-up could play a significant role in the prevention of periodontal disease.Key Words: Periodontal Disease; Epidemiology; Risk Factors

  12. The Kidney and Periodontal Disease (KAPD) study: A pilot randomized controlled trial testing the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on chronic kidney disease. (United States)

    Grubbs, Vanessa; Garcia, Faviola; Jue, Bonnie L; Vittinghoff, Eric; Ryder, Mark; Lovett, David; Carrillo, Jacqueline; Offenbacher, Steven; Ganz, Peter; Bibbins-Domingo, Kirsten; Powe, Neil R


    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) remains a prevalent public health problem that disproportionately affects minorities and the poor, despite intense efforts targeting traditional risk factors. Periodontal diseases are common bacterial plaque-induced inflammatory conditions that can respond to treatment and have been implicated as a CKD risk factor. However there is limited evidence that treatment of periodontal disease slows the progression of CKD. We describe the protocol of the Kidney and Periodontal Disease (KAPD) study, a 12-month un-blinded, randomized, controlled pilot trial with two intent-to-treat treatment arms: 1. immediate intensive non-surgical periodontal treatment or 2. rescue treatment with delayed intensive treatment. The goals of this pilot study are to test the feasibility of conducting a larger trial in an ethnically and racially diverse, underserved population (mostly poor and/or low literacy) with both CKD and significant periodontal disease to determine the effect of intensive periodontal treatment on renal and inflammatory biomarkers over a 12-month period. To date, KAPD has identified 634 potentially eligible patients who were invited to in-person screening. Of the 83 (13.1%) of potentially eligible patients who attended in-person screening, 51 (61.4%) were eligible for participation and 46 enrolled in the study. The mean age of participants is 59.2years (range 34 to 73). Twenty of the participants (43.5%) are Black and 22 (47.8%) are Hispanic. Results from the KAPD study will provide needed preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of non-surgical periodontal treatment to slow CKD progression and inform the design future clinical research trials. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  13. Imagen, artista y enfermedad en la creación plástica


    Sánchez García, Nieves


    NOTA 520 8 La Tesis Doctoral, titulada “Imagen, artista y enfermedad en la creación plástica“, tiene como objetivo investigar y establecer la relación entre el arte, - como proceso creativo- y la enfermedad, entendida esta como un factor importante e, incluso, decisivo en la propia configuración de la imagen y de la personalidad del artista. Como punto de partida, se procede a analizar diacrónicamente y con profundidad el concepto de “la leyenda del artista” y la consideración social de la...

  14. Relationship of periodontal infection to serum antibody levels to periodontopathic bacteria and inflammatory markers in periodontitis patients with coronary heart disease (United States)

    Yamazaki, K; Honda, T; Domon, H; Okui, T; Kajita, K; Amanuma, R; Kudoh, C; Takashiba, S; Kokeguchi, S; Nishimura, F; Kodama, M; Aizawa, Y; Oda, H


    Several reports have demonstrated a possible association of periodontal infections with coronary heart disease (CHD) by elevated antibody titre to periodontopathic bacteria in CHD patients compared with non-diseased controls. Although each periodontopathic bacterium may vary in virulence for periodontitis and atherosclerosis, antibody response to multiple bacteria in CHD patients has not been understood fully. Therefore, serum levels of antibody to 12 periodontopathic bacteria together with other atherosclerotic risk markers were compared among 51 patients with CHD, 55 patients with moderate to severe chronic periodontitis and 37 healthy individuals. The antibody response was the most prevalent for Porphyromonas gingivalis, a major causative organism, in CHD as well as periodontitis patients. However, antibody positivity was different between CHD and periodontitis if the response was analysed for two different strains of P. gingivalis, namely FDC381 and Su63. While periodontitis patients were positive for both P. gingivalis FDC381 and Su63, a high frequency of antibody positivity for P. gingivalis Su63 but not for FDC381 was observed in CHD patients. The results indicate that the presence of particular periodontopathic bacteria with high virulence may affect atherogenesis. Identifying the virulence factors of P. gingivalis Su63 may gain insight into the new therapeutic modality for infection-induced deterioration of atherosclerosis. PMID:17645769

  15. Aggressive periodontitis treatment with diabetes mellitus : A case report

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    Arni Irawaty Djais


    Full Text Available Aggressive periodontitis is a periodontal disease occurring in healthy adolescent which is characterized by rapid loss alveolar bone happened in more than one permanent tooth.This disease has been classified in two types: localized and generalized. Localized aggressive periodontitis is characteristized by bone loss around the first molar and incisal, while generalized aggressive periodontitis is characterized by bone widespread pattern of periodontal distraction. One of the clinical feature aggressive periodonitis is distolabial migration of the maxillary incisors with concomitant diastema  formation. Radiographic findings show alveolar bone loss extending from the distal surface of the second premolar to the mesial surface of the second molar. Diabetes mellitus (DM is one of the predisposition factors that cause infection. DM will increase quantity of bacteria in oral, which will cause destruction in periodontal tissue, and continue to cause tooth mobility. However, well controlled DM patients can decrease the infection. The purpose of this study is to to inform a case with aggressive periodontitis with diabetes mellitus. A male 36 old presented with chief complaint mobile teeth and esthetic problem teeth. Radiographic evidence of severe attachment loss and bone loss around almost all the teeth. Treatment consisted of consulted to internist to control blood glucose level, periodontal pocket treatment with scalling root planing, splinting, flap surgery and antibiotic administration. The patient’s periodontal condition was stablized post treatment. Controlling oral hygiene to preventive disease progression was scheduled every three months. Patient refered to ortodontist to get ortodontic treatment to get esthetic result.

  16. Prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases in primary care. (United States)

    Matthews, Debora C


    The aim of this guidance is to support the dental team to; manage patients with periodontal diseases in primary care appropriately; improve the quality of decision making for referral to secondary care; improve the overall oral health of the population. It focuses on the prevention and non-surgical treatment of periodontal diseases and implant diseases in primary care. The surgical treatment of periodontal and implant diseases and the management of patients by periodontal specialists or in a secondary care setting are outwith the scope of this guidance and are not discussed in detail. The guidance is based on existing guidelines, including those from the British Society of Periodontology, relevant systematic reviews, research evidence and the opinion of experts and experienced practitioners. The methodological approach is based on the international standards set out by the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation (AGREE) Collaboration ( The guiding principle for developing guidance within SDCEP is to first source existing guidelines, policy documents, legislation or other recommendations. Similarly, relevant systematic reviews are also initially identified. These documents are appraised for their quality of development, evidence base and applicability to the remit of the guidance under development. In the absence of these documents or when supplementary information is required, other published literature and unpublished work may be sought.Review and updating. The guidance will be reviewed in three years and updated accordingly. Recommendations are provided for assessment and diagnosis; changing patient behaviour; treatment of gingival conditions; periodontal conditions; long term maintenance; management of patients with dental implants; referral and record keeping. The key recommendations highlighted are: Assess and explain risk factors for periodontal diseases to patients. Screen all patients for periodontal diseases at every routine

  17. Endo-periodontal lesion – endodontic approach (United States)

    Jivoinovici, R; Suciu, I; Dimitriu, B; Perlea, P; Bartok, R; Malita, M; Ionescu, C


    Endo-perio lesions might be interdependent because of the vascular and anatomic connections between the pulp and the periodontium. The aim of this study is to emphasise that primary endodontic lesion heals after a proper instrumentation, disinfection and sealing of the endodontic space. The primary endodontic lesion with a secondary periodontal involvement first requires an endodontic therapy and, in the second stage, a periodontal therapy. The prognosis is good, with an adequate root canal treatment; it depends on the severity of the periodontal disease, appropriate healing time and the response to the treatment. A correct diagnosis is sometimes difficult; an accurate identification of the etiologic factors is important for an adequate treatment. Primary perio-endo lesion may heal after a proper disinfection and sealing of the endodontic system, the one-year follow-up radiograph showing bonny repair. Invasive periodontal procedures should be avoided at that moment. The microorganisms and by-products from the infected root canal may cross accessory and furcal canals and determine sinus tract and loss of attachment. In both clinical cases presented in this article, successful healing was obtained after a proper disinfection and sealing of the endodontic system. PMID:25713618

  18. The periodontal abscess: a review. (United States)

    Herrera, D; Roldán, S; Sanz, M


    The periodontal abscess is a frequent periodontal condition in which periodontal tissues may be rapidly destroyed. Its importance is based on the possible need of urgent care, the affectation of tooth prognosis, and the possibility of infection spreading. There is scant information in the scientific literature regarding this condition and most of it has been published as case reports and text books, where conclusions are not evidence-based, but rather empirical observations made by recognised clinicians. The aim of this review was to critically analyse all available information on this subject in the dental and medical literature, including information on its prevalence, proposed etiologies and pathogenesis, diagnosis, microbiology and treatment alternatives. The periodontal abscess is the 3rd most frequent dental emergency, and it is specially prevalent among untreated periodontal patients and periodontal patients during maintenance. Different etiologies have been proposed, and 2 main groups can be distinguished, depending on its relation with periodontal pockets. In the case of a periodontitis-related abscess, the condition may appear as an exacerbation of a non-treated periodontitis or during the course of periodontal therapy. In non-periodontitis related abscesses, impaction of foreign objects, and radicular abnormalities are the 2 main causes. The abscess microflora seems to be similar to that of adult periodontitis, and it is dominated by gram-negative anaerobic rods, including well-known periodontal pathogens. Complications and consequences include tooth loss and the spread of the infection to other body sites. Diagnosis and treatment is mainly based on empiricism, since evidence-based data are not available. The role of systemic antibiotics, in the treatment of periodontal abscesses, is especially controversial.

  19. Gigi Tiruan Sebagian Kerangka Logam sebagai Penunjang Kesehatan Jaringan Periodontal

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    Putri Lenggogeny


    Frame Partial Denture as a Supportive Therapy for Periodontal Health. Partial denture is very important in maintaining periodontal health and maintaining the stability of the remaining teeth. The fabrication of denture is an important phase in comprehensive periodontal health therapy, so as to maintain the periodontal health. Removable partial dentures should be designed to reduce the accumulation of food residue and plaque on the teeth and gingival edge of the abutment. The selection of metallic materials as denture in case of periodontal compromise can help in preventing tooth movement and maintain the position of the teeth after periodontal treatment because the nature of metal is more rigid when compared with other materials, so that the success of the treatment can be achieved. Making good metal framework denture and good cooperation between all members of the medical team in handling the case will result in a successful treatment. The aim of the study is to enrich the knowledge for periodontists and prosthodontists in using metal removable prothesis in compromised periodontal patients. Providing information and educating patients in maintaining the cleanliness of denture and mouth are also an important factor that determines the success of the manufacture of dentures.

  20. Class I and II histone deacetylase expression in human chronic periodontitis gingival tissue. (United States)

    Cantley, M D; Dharmapatni, A A S S K; Algate, K; Crotti, T N; Bartold, P M; Haynes, D R


    Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are being considered to treat chronic inflammatory diseases at low doses. Currently HDACi that are more specific are being developed to target particular HDACs; therefore, this study aimed to determine levels and distribution of class I and II HDAC in human gingival samples obtained from patients with chronic periodontitis. Gingival biopsies were obtained from patients with and without (mild inflammation, no bone loss) periodontitis. Total RNA was isolated for real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction to determine expression of HDACs 1-10. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine protein distribution of HDACs 1, 5, 8 and 9. Factor VIII, CD3 and tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) were detected in serial sections to identify blood vessels, lymphocytes, pre-osteoclasts and osteoclasts cells respectively. Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) expression was also assessed. mRNA for HDAC 1, 5, 8 and 9 were significantly upregulated in chronic periodontitis gingival tissues compared to non-periodontitis samples (p chronic periodontitis samples (p chronic periodontitis gingival tissues. HDAC 1, 5, 8 and 9 expression was higher in gingival tissues from patients with chronic periodontitis compared to non-periodontitis samples. Results suggest that these HDACs could therefore be targeted with specific acting HDACi. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Maternal Periodontitis, Preeclampsia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

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    Pourandokht Afshari


    Full Text Available Background and Aim: Preeclampsia is a considerable problem of pregnancy. Endothelial dysfunction and placental hypoxia are the current hypothesis of preeclampsia. Chronic inflammation, including periodontitis may provoke systemic maternal and placental pro-inflammatory endothelial dysfunction, which represent a significant risk factor for diseases of vascular origin. So this study was carried out to evaluate the possible relationship between periodontitis and preeclampsia. Methods: A total of 360 pregnant women were included, corresponding to 180 pregnant women with mild or sever periodotitis in one group and 180 pregnant women with periodontal health in the other group. Periodontitis was determined by the sum of all pockets with pocket probing depth (PPD ≥4mm and bleeding on probing. periodontal health was defined as the absence of PPD≥ 4mm. Then two groups evaluated to determine the presence of preeclampsia. After delivery, Child weight at birth and gestational age was also evaluated. Chi square and t test analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: There was statistically significant difference between two groups in presence of preeclampsia (p=0.003. Women who had a worse periodontal condition were at higher risk for preeclampsia. In addition, birth weight and gestational age was statistically lower in the case group than the control group (p < 0.001. Conclusion: The results indicate that the presence and severity of peridontitis increase the risk for occurrence of preeclampsia and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

  2. Periodontal Diseases (United States)

    ... diseases. The primary research focus was on oral bacteria. Periodontal diseases were thought to begin when chalky white ... tools to target their treatment specifically to the bacteria that trigger periodontal disease. At the same time, because biofilms form ...

  3. Periodontitis in Chronic Heart Failure. (United States)

    Fröhlich, Hanna; Herrmann, Kristina; Franke, Jennifer; Karimi, Alamara; Täger, Tobias; Cebola, Rita; Katus, Hugo A; Zugck, Christian; Frankenstein, Lutz


    Periodontal disease has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. The purpose of our study was to investigate whether a correlation between periodontitis and chronic heart failure exists, as well as the nature of the underlying cause. We enrolled 71 patients (mean age, 54 ± 13 yr; 56 men) who had stable chronic heart failure; all underwent complete cardiologic and dental evaluations. The periodontal screening index was used to quantify the degree of periodontal disease. We compared the findings to those in the general population with use of data from the 4th German Dental Health Survey. Gingivitis, moderate periodontitis, and severe periodontitis were present in 17 (24%), 17 (24%), and 37 (52%) patients, respectively. Severe periodontitis was more prevalent among chronic heart failure patients than in the general population. In contrast, moderate periodontitis was more prevalent in the general population (P periodontal disease was not associated with the cause of chronic heart failure or the severity of heart failure symptoms. Six-minute walking distance was the only independent predictor of severe periodontitis. Periodontal disease is highly prevalent in chronic heart failure patients regardless of the cause of heart failure. Prospective trials are warranted to clarify the causal relationship between both diseases.

  4. Periodontal tissue regeneration with PRP incorporated gelatin hydrogel sponges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajima, Dai; Tabata, Yasuhiko; Sato, Soh


    Gelatin hydrogels have been designed and prepared for the controlled release of the transforming growth factor (TGF-b1) and the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB). PRP (Platelet rich plasma) contains many growth factors including the PDGF and TGF-b1. The objective of this study was to evaluate the regeneration of periodontal tissue following the controlled release of growth factors in PRP. For the periodontal ligament cells and osteoblast, PRP of different concentrations was added. The assessment of DNA, mitochondrial activity and ALP activity were measured. To evaluate the TGF-β1 release from PRP incorporated gelatin sponge, amounts of TGF-β1 in each supernatant sample were determined by the ELISA. Transplantation experiments to prepare a bone defect in a rat alveolar bone were an implanted gelatin sponge incorporated with different concentration PRP. In DNA assay and MTT assay, after the addition of PRP to the periodontal ligament cells and osteoblast, the cell count and mitochondrial activity had increased the most in the group with the addition of 5  ×  PRP. In the ALP assay, after the addition of PRP to the periodontal ligament cells, the cell activity had increased the most in the group with the addition of 3  ×  PRP. In the transplantation, the size of the bone regenerated in the defect with 3  ×  PRP incorporated gelatin sponge was larger than that of the other group. (paper)

  5. Periodontal tissue regeneration with PRP incorporated gelatin hydrogel sponges. (United States)

    Nakajima, Dai; Tabata, Yasuhiko; Sato, Soh


    Gelatin hydrogels have been designed and prepared for the controlled release of the transforming growth factor (TGF-b1) and the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB). PRP (Platelet rich plasma) contains many growth factors including the PDGF and TGF-b1. The objective of this study was to evaluate the regeneration of periodontal tissue following the controlled release of growth factors in PRP. For the periodontal ligament cells and osteoblast, PRP of different concentrations was added. The assessment of DNA, mitochondrial activity and ALP activity were measured. To evaluate the TGF-β1 release from PRP incorporated gelatin sponge, amounts of TGF-β1 in each supernatant sample were determined by the ELISA. Transplantation experiments to prepare a bone defect in a rat alveolar bone were an implanted gelatin sponge incorporated with different concentration PRP. In DNA assay and MTT assay, after the addition of PRP to the periodontal ligament cells and osteoblast, the cell count and mitochondrial activity had increased the most in the group with the addition of 5  ×  PRP. In the ALP assay, after the addition of PRP to the periodontal ligament cells, the cell activity had increased the most in the group with the addition of 3  ×  PRP. In the transplantation, the size of the bone regenerated in the defect with 3  ×  PRP incorporated gelatin sponge was larger than that of the other group.

  6. Serum lipids modify periodontal infection - C-reactive protein association. (United States)

    Haro, Anniina; Saxlin, Tuomas; Suominen, Anna-Liisa; Ylöstalo, Pekka; Leiviskä, Jaana; Tervonen, Tellervo; Knuuttila, Matti


    To investigate whether low-grade inflammation-related factors such as serum low-density (LDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) modify the association between periodontal infection and C-reactive protein. This study was based on a subpopulation of the Health 2000 Survey, which consisted of dentate, non-diabetic, non-rheumatic subjects who were 30-49 years old (n = 2710). The extent of periodontal infection was measured by means of the number of teeth with periodontal pocket ≥4 mm and teeth with periodontal pocket ≥6 mm and systemic inflammation using high sensitive C-reactive protein. The extent of periodontal infection was associated with elevated levels of C-reactive protein among those subjects whose HDL-C value was below the median value of 1.3 mmol/l or LDL-C above the median value of 3.4 mmol/l. Among those with HDL-C ≥ 1.3 mmol/l or LDL-C ≤ 3.4 mmol/l, the association between periodontal infection and serum concentrations of C-reactive protein was practically non-existent. This study suggests that the relation of periodontal infection to the systemic inflammatory condition is more complicated than previously presumed. The findings of this study suggest that the possible systemic effect of periodontal infection is dependent on serum lipid composition. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  7. Cardiovascular Risks Associated with Incident and Prevalent Periodontal Disease (United States)

    Yu, Yau-Hua; Chasman, Daniel I; Buring, Julie E; Rose, Lynda; Ridker, Paul M


    Aim While prevalent periodontal disease associates with cardiovascular risk, little is known about how incident periodontal disease influences future vascular risk. We compared effects of incident versus prevalent periodontal disease in developing major cardiovascular diseases (CVD), myocardial infarction (MI), ischemic stroke and total CVD. Material and Methods In a prospective cohort of 39863 predominantly white women, age ≥ 45 years and free of cardiovascular disease at baseline were followed for an average of 15.7 years. Cox proportional hazard models with time-varying periodontal status (prevalent [18%], incident [7.3%] vs. never [74.7%]) were used to assess future cardiovascular risks. Results Incidence rates of all CVD outcomes were higher in women with prevalent or incident periodontal disease. For women with incident periodontal disease, risk factor adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) were 1.42 (95% CI, 1.14–1.77) for major CVD, 1.72 (1.25–2.38) for MI, 1.41(1.02–1.95) for ischemic stroke, and 1.27(1.06–1.52) for total CVD. For women with prevalent periodontal disease, adjusted HRs were 1.14 (1.00–1.31) for major CVD, 1.27 (1.04–1.56) for MI, 1.12(0.91–1.37) for ischemic stroke, and 1.15(1.03–1.28) for total CVD. Conclusion New cases of periodontal disease, not just those that are pre-existing, place women at significantly elevated risks for future cardiovascular events. PMID:25385537

  8. Periodontal disease and percentage of calories from fat using national data. (United States)

    Hamasaki, T; Kitamura, M; Kawashita, Y; Ando, Y; Saito, T


    The association between periodontal disease and nutrient intake was examined using linked data from the 2005 National Health and Nutrition Survey, the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions and the Survey of Dental Diseases from the same year 'using linked data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey, the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions and the Survey of Dental Diseases, all from 2005'. There has been increasing focus on the importance of nutritional factors in disease in recent years, but very few studies in Japan have looked at the association between periodontal disease and nutrients. Therefore, in the present study we investigated factors associated with periodontal disease, particularly in terms of nutrient intake. Data from 3043 individuals, ≥ 20 years of age (the original study sample comprised 4873 individuals, but those younger than 20 years of age and pregnant women were excluded from the present study) were compiled from linked responses to these three surveys from the same year. Permission to use the data was obtained from the Lifestyle-Related Diseases Control General Affairs Division of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, Japan. Information including basic attributes, family structure, economic status, physical condition, lifestyle habits, diet, dental habits, blood data, intake of foods (including the categories of food) and nutrient-related information were obtained from the linked data. The individual maximum Community Periodontal Index (CPI) was used as an index of periodontal disease. Subjects were divided, according to maximum CPI, into groups in which CPI = 0-2 or CPI = 3-4, and associations between CPI and basic attributes, family structure, economic status, physical condition, lifestyle habits, diet, blood data and food intake were analyzed. Multivariate analysis revealed that the percentage of calories from fat was a nutrient factor associated with periodontal disease, with the percentage of calories from fat

  9. Effect of periodontal therapy on pregnancy outcome in women affected by periodontitis. (United States)

    Tarannum, Fouzia; Faizuddin, Mohamed


    There is convincing evidence to suggest that infections affecting the mother during pregnancy may produce alterations in the normal cytokine- and hormone-regulated gestation, which could result in preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, and preterm birth (PTB). Studies in the late 1990s associated periodontitis with preterm low birth weight (PLBW) deliveries, and this may have similar pathogenic mechanisms as other maternal infections. This study determined the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on pregnancy outcome. A total of 200 pregnant women with periodontitis were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. Detailed data about previous and current pregnancies were obtained. All women received a full-mouth periodontal examination, including oral hygiene index-simplified, bleeding index, and clinical attachment level. The women in the treatment group received non-surgical periodontal therapy during the gestational period, and those in the control group received periodontal treatment after delivery. Periodontal therapy included plaque control instructions and scaling and root planing performed under local anesthesia. The outcome measures assessed were gestational age and birth weight of the infant. PTB was recorded when delivery occurred at PTBs in the treatment group and 68 PTBs in the control group. Twenty-six LBW infants were recorded in the treatment group, and 48 LBW infants were noted in the control group. The mean gestational ages were 33.8+/-2.8 weeks and 32.7+/-2.8 weeks in the treatment and control groups, respectively. The difference was statistically significant at P<0.006. The mean birth weight was 2,565.3+/-331.2 g in the treatment group and 2,459.6+/-380.7 g in the control group, with the difference being statistically significant at P<0.044. A multiple regression model showed a significant effect of periodontal treatment on birth outcomes. Non-surgical periodontal therapy can reduce the risk for preterm births in mothers who


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    Ira Komara


    Full Text Available Objective: To identify the relationship between periodontitis in pregnant women through the periodontal disease index (PDI and low birth weight babies. Methods: A case-control study was conducted to determine the relationship between periodontitis in pregnant women through the periodontal disease index (PDI and the low birth weight babies (LBW. The participants were mothers with periodontitis and non-periodontitis mothers aged 20–35 years who gave birth in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology-Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung in the period of December to January 2005. Results: Based on the chisquare test results a highly significant relationship between periodontitis and low birth weight (p=0.002 was found. The Odd’s ratio showed that the risk of low birth weight in pregnant women with periodontitis was 15.58 times higher compared to those who did not suffer from periodontitis. The periodontal disease index has an accuracy of 88.6% in predicting the incidence of LBW. It strongly influenced the incidence of LBW with a high Odd’s ratio of 28.0. Pregnant women who suffer from periodontitis with a PDI > 3.25, have 19.2 times higher risk for delivering babies with LBW compared to the non-periodontitis mothers. Conclusions: The loss of attachment affects the possibility of delivering LBW babies.

  11. Impact of aggressive periodontitis and chronic periodontitis on oral health-related quality of life. (United States)

    Llanos, Alexandre Hugo; Silva, Carlos Guillermo Benítez; Ichimura, Karina Tamie; Rebeis, Estela Sanches; Giudicissi, Marcela; Romano, Marcelo Munhóes; Saraiva, Luciana


    The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the effect of different forms of periodontal diseases on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL). Fifty-two patients with Aggressive Periodontitis (AP) or Chronic Periodontitis (CP) were included: nine patients with Localized Aggressive Periodontitis (LAP), thirty-three patients with Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis (GAP) and ten patients with Generalized Chronic Periodontitis (GCP). Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaires (OHIP-14) were distributed after a clinical examination that measured the following periodontal parameters: tooth loss, bleeding on probing (BoP), probing depth (PD), gingival recession (REC) and clinical attachment level (CAL). The global OHIP-14 score means were 10.6 for LAP, 16.5 for GAP, and 17.5 for GCP. A statistically significant difference (p periodontitis. LAP, GAP and GCP have an impact on patient quality of life when measured using the OHIP-14. Patients with GAP and GCP had poorer OHRQoL than LAP patients.

  12. Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases: consensus report of group 2 of the joint EFP/ORCA workshop on the boundaries between caries and periodontal diseases. (United States)

    Chapple, Iain L C; Bouchard, Philippe; Cagetti, Maria Grazia; Campus, Guglielmo; Carra, Maria-Clotilde; Cocco, Fabio; Nibali, Luigi; Hujoel, Philippe; Laine, Marja L; Lingstrom, Peter; Manton, David J; Montero, Eduardo; Pitts, Nigel; Rangé, Hélène; Schlueter, Nadine; Teughels, Wim; Twetman, Svante; Van Loveren, Cor; Van der Weijden, Fridus; Vieira, Alexandre R; Schulte, Andreas G


    Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As complex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors, such as a requirement for a pathogenic plaque biofilm, yet they exhibit distinct pathophysiologies. Multiple exposures contribute to their causal pathways, and susceptibility involves risk factors that are inherited (e.g. genetic variants), and those that are acquired (e.g. socio-economic factors, biofilm load or composition, smoking, carbohydrate intake). Identification of these factors is crucial in the prevention of both diseases as well as in their management. To systematically appraise the scientific literature to identify potential risk factors for caries and periodontal diseases. One systematic review (genetic risk factors), one narrative review (role of diet and nutrition) and reference documentation for modifiable acquired risk factors common to both disease groups, formed the basis of the report. There is moderately strong evidence for a genetic contribution to periodontal diseases and caries susceptibility, with an attributable risk estimated to be up to 50%. The genetics literature for periodontal disease is more substantial than for caries and genes associated with chronic periodontitis are the vitamin D receptor (VDR), Fc gamma receptor IIA (Fc-γRIIA) and Interleukin 10 (IL10) genes. For caries, genes involved in enamel formation (AMELX, AMBN, ENAM, TUFT, MMP20, and KLK4), salivary characteristics (AQP5), immune regulation and dietary preferences had the largest impact. No common genetic variants were found. Fermentable carbohydrates (sugars and starches) were the most relevant common dietary risk factor for both diseases, but associated mechanisms differed. In caries, the fermentation process leads to acid production and the generation of biofilm components such as Glucans

  13. Periodontitis is associated with diabetic retinopathy in non-obese adults. (United States)

    Song, Su Jeong; Lee, Seong-Su; Han, Kyungdo; Park, Jun-Beom


    Patients with diabetes retinopathy appear to show increased susceptibility to periodontal disease. This study was performed to assess the relationship between periodontitis and the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in a large probability sample of the Korean population. A subgroup analysis was performed using body mass index diabetic retinopathy in relation to demographic variables and anthropometric characteristics of the participants is presented as means with their standard errors. The presence of periodontitis and presence of retinopathy categorized by body mass index (diabetic retinopathy after adjustment with variables, including age, sex, smoking, drinking, exercise, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, HbA1c, and duration of diabetes mellitus. There was a statistically significant increase in the prevalence of periodontitis in individuals who had proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The odds ratios [95% confidence intervals] of prevalence of diabetic retinopathy were 1.193 [0.757-1.881] for the whole population after adjustments with confounding factors. Subgroup analysis after adjustments with confounding factors showed that the odds ratios [95% confidence intervals] of prevalence were 2.206 [1.114-4.366] and 0.588 [0.326-1.061] among participants with body mass index diabetic retinopathy was positively associated with the presence of periodontitis in non-obese diabetic Korean adults after adjustment with confounding variables. Our findings suggest that when a periodontist finds the presence of periodontitis in non-obese diabetic patients, timely evaluation of the patient's ophthalmic evaluation should be 44 recommended.

  14. Periodontitis and gingivitis in inflammatory bowel disease: a case-control study. (United States)

    Vavricka, Stephan R; Manser, Christine N; Hediger, Sebastian; Vögelin, Marius; Scharl, Michael; Biedermann, Luc; Rogler, Sebastian; Seibold, Frank; Sanderink, René; Attin, Thomas; Schoepfer, Alain; Fried, Michael; Rogler, Gerhard; Frei, Pascal


    The oral cavity is frequently affected in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Periodontitis is thought to influence systemic autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. We aimed to analyze the relationship of periodontitis and gingivitis markers with specific disease characteristics in patients with IBD and to compare these data with healthy controls. In a prospective 8-month study, systematic oral examinations were performed in 113 patients with IBD, including 69 patients with CD and 44 patients with ulcerative colitis. For all patients, a structured personal history was taken. One hundred thirteen healthy volunteers served as a control group. Oral examination focussed on established oral health markers for periodontitis (bleeding on probing, loss of attachment, and periodontal pocket depth) and gingivitis (papilla bleeding index). Additionally, visible oral lesions were documented. Both gingivitis and periodontitis markers were higher in patients with IBD than in healthy control. In univariate analysis and logistic regression analysis, perianal disease was a risk factor for periodontitis. Nonsmoking decreased the risk of having periodontitis. No clear association was found between clinical activity and periodontitis in IBD. In only the CD subgroup, high clinical activity (Harvey-Bradshaw index > 10) was associated with 1 periodontitis marker, the loss of attachment at sites of maximal periodontal pocket depth. Oral lesions besides periodontitis and gingivitis were not common, but nevertheless observed in about 10% of patients with IBD. IBD, and especially perianal disease in CD, is associated with periodontitis. Optimal therapeutic strategies should probably focus on treating both local oral and systemic inflammation.

  15. ¿Qué es una enfermedad rara?


    Dirección General de Salud Pública y Participación. Gobierno del Principado de Asturias


    Enfermedades Raras en Asturias. Dirección General de Salud Pública y Participación. Informes breves 01 Defining what is meant by rare diseases. Definición de lo que se entiende por enfermedades raras.

  16. Secretomes from bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells enhance periodontal tissue regeneration. (United States)

    Kawai, Takamasa; Katagiri, Wataru; Osugi, Masashi; Sugimura, Yukiko; Hibi, Hideharu; Ueda, Minoru


    Periodontal tissue regeneration with the use of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) has been regarded as a future cell-based therapy. However, low survival rates and the potential tumorigenicity of implanted MSCs could undermine the efficacy of cell-based therapy. The use of conditioned media from MSCs (MSC-CM) may be a feasible approach to overcome these limitations. The aim of this study was to confirm the effect of MSC-CM on periodontal regeneration. MSC-CM were collected during their cultivation. The concentrations of the growth factors in MSC-CM were measured with the use of enzyme-linked immunoassay. Rat MSCs (rMSCs) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured in MSC-CM were assessed on wound-healing and angiogenesis. The expressions of osteogenetic- and angiogenic-related genes of rMSCs cultured in MSC-CM were quantified by means of real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis. In vivo, periodontal defects were prepared in the rat models and the collagen sponges with MSC-CM were implanted. MSC-CM includes insulin-like growth factor-1, vascular endothelial growth factor, transforming growth factor-β1 and hepatocyte growth factor. In vitro, wound-healing and angiogenesis increased significantly in MSC-CM. The levels of expression of osteogenetic- and angiogenic-related genes were significantly upregulated in rMSCs cultured with MSC-CM. In vivo, in the MSC-CM group, 2 weeks after implantation, immunohistochemical analysis showed several CD31-, CD105-or FLK-1-positive cells occurring frequently. At 4 weeks after implantation, regenerated periodontal tissue was observed in MSC-CM groups. The use of MSC-CM may be an alternative therapy for periodontal tissue regeneration because several cytokines included in MSC-CM will contribute to many processes of complicated periodontal tissue regeneration. Copyright © 2015 International Society for Cellular Therapy. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Chronic periodontitis, inflammatory cytokines, and interrelationship with other chronic diseases. (United States)

    Cardoso, Elsa Maria; Reis, Cátia; Manzanares-Céspedes, Maria Cristina


    Periodontal diseases, such as chronic periodontitis, share common inflammatory risk factors with other systemic and chronic inflammatory disorders. Mucosal tissues, such as oral epithelia, are exposed to environmental stressors, such as tobacco and oral bacteria, that might be involved in promoting a systemic inflammatory state. Conversely, chronic disorders can also affect oral health. This review will summarize recent evidence for the interrelationship between chronic periodontitis and other prevalent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. The association with pregnancy is also included due to possible obstetric complications. We will focus on inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha, IL-1, and IL-6, because they have been shown to be increased in patients with chronic periodontitis, in patients with chronic systemic diseases, and in patients with both chronic periodontitis and other chronic diseases. Therefore, an imbalance towards a proinflammatory immune response could underline a bidirectional link between chronic periodontitis and other chronic diseases. Finally, we highlight that a close coordination between dental and other health professionals could promote oral health and prevent or ameliorate other chronic diseases.

  18. Resistin: A Potential Biomarker for Periodontitis Influenced Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Induced Periodontitis

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    Archana Devanoorkar


    Full Text Available Biomarkers are highly specific and sensitive indicators of disease activity. Resistin is a recently discovered adipocytokine, having a potent biomarker quality. Initially resistin was thought to be produced by adipocytes alone; however, emerging evidence suggests that it is also produced in abundance by various cells of the immunoinflammatory system, indicating its role in various chronic inflammatory diseases. Data suggests that resistin plays a role in obesity, insulin resistance, cardiovascular diseases, and periodontitis. Resistin derived its name from the original observation that it induced insulin resistance (resist-in: resist insulin in mice and is downregulated in mature murine adipocytes cultured in the presence of insulin sensitizing drugs like thiazolidinediones. It is well recognized that obesity, is associated with insulin resistance and diabetes. A three-way relationship has been established between diabetes, obesity and periodontitis. Recent evidence also suggests an association between obesity and increased risk for periodontitis. Our previous research showed incremental elevation of resistin with periodontal disease activity and a reduced level of resistin, after periodontal therapy. Thus resistin would be one of the molecular links connecting obesity, periodontitis, and diabetes and may serve as a marker that links periodontal disease with other systemic diseases. A Medline/PubMed search was carried out for keywords “Diabetes Mellitus,” “Periodontitis,” and “Resistin,” and all relevant research papers from 1990 in English were shortlisted and finalized based on their importance. This review provides an insight into the biological action of resistin and its possible role in periodontitis influenced diabetes mellitus and diabetes induced periodontitis.

  19. Enfermedad de Chagas en Colombia

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    Fernando Serpa Florez


    Full Text Available


    La tripanosomiasis americana o enfermedad de Chagas se halla ampliamente distribuida en Centro y Sur América. La Organización Mundial de la Salud considera que pueden haber doce millones de casos de esta dolencia en el continente (1, estudiados principalmente en Argentina, Brasil y Venezuela. Se calcula que en Colombia tendríamos una incidencia muy alta de casos, (Marinkelle (2 estima que 7.140/0 de la población podría estar infectada o sea cerca de dos millones de personas, distribuidos en las zonas rurales del nordeste del país (cuenca del Catatumbo Magdalena Medio y Llanos Orientales (Piedemonte, Macarena y Meta cercano (3 (4 (5 Y que seis millones de nuestros compatriotas -22.30/0 de la población total- (2 corren el riesgo de adquirir la enfermedad pues habitan en regiones donde se dan las condiciones para que ésta se propague.

    La existencia de casos de tripanosomiasis americana y de sus vectores fue comprobada en Colombia desde 1929 cuando César Uribe Piedrahita (6 encontró en Prado, Tolima, vectores del mal infectados con T.

    cruzi e Ignacio Moreno Pérez observó dicho hemoflagelado en sangre de seres humanos en Cali (4. En los años siguientes Hernando Ucrós, Benjamín Otálora, Hernando Groot, Santiago Renjifo, Hernando Osorno, Carlos Duarte Rangel, C.J. Marinkelle, Augusto Corredor, Ernesto Suescún y varios otros investigadores colomb iano s describieron diversos focos de la enfermedad en Colombia y estudiaron la distribución de sus vectores y huéspedes intermediarios. En 1947 1. Caicedo y C. Hernández publicaron su informe sobre los primeros casos crónicos de enfermedad de Chagas comprobados en nuestro país, procedentes de la región de Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca (7 en tanto que, en 1961, Marcos Duque inicia los estudios sobre cardiopatía chagásica (8 y Hernando Rocha, en 1971, comunica

  20. Periodontal manifestations of systemic diseases and developmental and acquired conditions: Consensus report of workgroup 3 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions. (United States)

    Jepsen, Søren; Caton, Jack G; Albandar, Jasim M; Bissada, Nabil F; Bouchard, Philippe; Cortellini, Pierpaolo; Demirel, Korkud; de Sanctis, Massimo; Ercoli, Carlo; Fan, Jingyuan; Geurs, Nicolaas C; Hughes, Francis J; Jin, Lijian; Kantarci, Alpdogan; Lalla, Evanthia; Madianos, Phoebus N; Matthews, Debora; McGuire, Michael K; Mills, Michael P; Preshaw, Philip M; Reynolds, Mark A; Sculean, Anton; Susin, Cristiano; West, Nicola X; Yamazaki, Kazuhisa


    A variety of systemic diseases and conditions can affect the course of periodontitis or have a negative impact on the periodontal attachment apparatus. Gingival recessions are highly prevalent and often associated with hypersensitivity, the development of caries and non-carious cervical lesions on the exposed root surface and impaired esthetics. Occlusal forces can result in injury of teeth and periodontal attachment apparatus. Several developmental or acquired conditions associated with teeth or prostheses may predispose to diseases of the periodontium. The aim of this working group was to review and update the 1999 classification with regard to these diseases and conditions, and to develop case definitions and diagnostic considerations. Discussions were informed by four reviews on 1) periodontal manifestions of systemic diseases and conditions; 2) mucogingival conditions around natural teeth; 3) traumatic occlusal forces and occlusal trauma; and 4) dental prostheses and tooth related factors. This consensus report is based on the results of these reviews and on expert opinion of the participants. Key findings included the following: 1) there are mainly rare systemic conditions (such as Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome, leucocyte adhesion deficiency, and others) with a major effect on the course of periodontitis and more common conditions (such as diabetes mellitus) with variable effects, as well as conditions affecting the periodontal apparatus independently of dental plaque biofilm-induced inflammation (such as neoplastic diseases); 2) diabetes-associated periodontitis should not be regarded as a distinct diagnosis, but diabetes should be recognized as an important modifying factor and included in a clinical diagnosis of periodontitis as a descriptor; 3) likewise, tobacco smoking - now considered a dependence to nicotine and a chronic relapsing medical disorder with major adverse effects on the periodontal supporting tissues - is an important modifier to be included in

  1. Pathologies of the oral cavity in patients with non-controlled diabetes type 1 and type 2--analysis of periodontal status and periodontal treatment needs. (United States)

    Preferansow, Ewa; Sawczuk, Beata; Gołębiewska, Maria; Górska, Maria


    Decompensated diabetes is a major risk factor in the development of periodontal diseases. This leads to disturbances of carbohydrates, protein, and fat and morphological changes in many organs. These changes also apply to the masticatory system, especially periodontal tissues. The aim of the study was to assess the periodontal status and periodontal treatment needs in patients with non-controlled diabetes type 1 and type 2 (HbA1c > 7%), and to compare the results with the data obtained in a group of generally healthy patients. The study included 275 patients, 155 of them were patients with non-controlled diabetes during hospitalisation (study group), while 120 subjects constituted the control group of healthy people. The study excluded edentulous people. CPITN index (according to Ainamo et al.) was used to assess the periodontal state and periodontal treatment needs. The average level of glycated haemoglobin HbA1C among patients in the study group was 9.43% in women and slightly more at 9.57% in men. The periodontal status in healthy people was satisfactory, dominated by the maximum values of CPITN = 0, CPITN = 1, and CPITN = 2. The study group more frequently revealed the maximum values of CPITN = 3 and CPITN = 4. This shows the more advanced periodontal changes in this group. Due to the bad condition of the periodontium, the periodontal treatment needs proved to be far greater in the study group and related primarily to comprehensive specialist treatment (TN3). Decompensated diabetes may be an important cause of changes in periodontal tissues and may cause a significant loss of masticatory function in patients.

  2. Periodontal disease in a patient receiving Bevacizumab: a case report

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    Gujral Dorothy M


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits the action of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF thereby acting as an angiogenesis inhibitor. As a result, supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues is impaired and tumour cell growth is reduced. Reported side effects due to bevacizumab are hypertension and increased risk of bleeding. Bowel perforation has also been reported. Periodontal disease in patients on bevacizumab therapy has not been reported before. Case Presentation We report a case of a forty-three year old woman who developed periodontitis whilst receiving bevacizumab for lung cancer. The periodontal disease remained stable on discontinuation of the drug. Conclusion Further investigations are needed to determine the mechanism for bevacizumab-induced periodontal disease.

  3. Identification of biomarkers for periodontal disease using the immunoproteomics approach

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    Jesinda P. Kerishnan


    Full Text Available Background Periodontitis is one of the most common oral diseases associated with the host’s immune response against periodontopathogenic infection. Failure to accurately diagnose the stage of periodontitis has limited the ability to predict disease status. Therefore, we aimed to look for reliable diagnostic markers for detection or differentiation of early stage periodontitis using the immunoprotemic approach. Method In the present study, patient serum samples from four distinct stages of periodontitis (i.e., mild chronic, moderate chronic, severe chronic, and aggressive and healthy controls were subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE, followed by silver staining. Notably, we consistently identified 14 protein clusters in the sera of patients and normal controls. Results Overall, we found that protein levels were comparable between patients and controls, with the exception of the clusters corresponding to A1AT, HP, IGKC and KNG1 (p < 0.05. In addition, the immunogenicity of these proteins was analysed via immunoblotting, which revealed differential profiles for periodontal disease and controls. For this reason, IgM obtained from severe chronic periodontitis (CP sera could be employed as a suitable autoantibody for the detection of periodontitis. Discussion Taken together, the present study suggests that differentially expressed host immune response proteins could be used as potential biomarkers for screening periodontitis. Future studies exploring the diagnostic potential of such factors are warranted.

  4. Role of Hyperplasia of Gingival Lymphatics in Periodontal Inflammation. (United States)

    Papadakou, P; Bletsa, A; Yassin, M A; Karlsen, T V; Wiig, H; Berggreen, E


    Lymphatic vessels are important for maintenance of tissue fluid homeostasis and afferent antigen transport. In chronic inflammation, lymphangiogenesis takes place and is characterized by lymphatic endothelial cell proliferation and lymphatic hyperplasia. Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGFC) is the main known lymphangiogenic growth factor, and its expression is increased in periodontitis, a common chronic infectious disease that results in tissue destruction and alveolar bone loss. The role of lymphangiogenesis during development of periodontitis is unknown. Here, we test if transgenic overexpression of epithelial VEGFC in a murine model is followed by hyperplasia of lymphatic vessels in oral mucosa and if the lymphatic drainage capacity is altered. We also test if lymphatic hyperplasia protects against periodontal disease development. Transgenic keratin 14 (K14)-VEGFC mice had significant hyperplasia of lymphatics in oral mucosa, including gingiva, without changes in blood vessel vasculature. The basal lymph flow was normal but slightly lower than in wild-type mice when oral mucosa was challenged with lipopolysaccharide from Porphyromonas gingivalis. Under normal conditions, K14-VEGFC mice exhibited an increased number of neutrophils in gingiva, demonstrated enhanced phagocyte recruitment in the cervical lymph nodes, and had more alveolar bone when compared with their wild-type littermates. After induction of periodontitis, no strain differences were observed in the periodontal tissues with respect to granulocyte recruitment, bone resorption, angiogenesis, cytokines, and bone-related protein expressions or in draining lymph node immune cell proportions and vascularization. We conclude that overexpression of VEGFC results in hyperplastic lymphatics, which do not enhance lymphatic drainage capacity but facilitate phagocyte transport to draining lymph nodes. Hyperplasia of lymphatics does not protect against development of ligature-induced periodontitis.

  5. Effect of Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy on Interleukin-29 Levels in Gingival Crevicular Fluid of Chronic Periodontitis and Aggressive Periodontitis Patients

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    B. M. Shivaprasad


    Full Text Available Recently discovered interleukin 29 (IL-29 has antiviral properties and its production is induced by herpes viruses. This study was aimed at analyzing the effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on IL-29 levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF of chronic and aggressive periodontitis patients. A total of 60 participants were divided into healthy group (group 1; n = 20, chronic periodontitis group (group 2; n = 20, and aggressive periodontitis group (group 3; n = 20. GCF samples collected from each subject at baseline and 6–8 weeks after scaling and root planing were quantified for IL-29 levels using ELISA. The mean IL-29 concentration in GCF was found to be highest in group 3 (92.37 pg/μl. The mean IL-29 level in group 1 and group 2 was 36.88 pg/μl and 69.35 pg/μl respectively. After scaling and root planing, the mean concentration of IL-29 in GCF was increased to 85.99 pg/μl in group 2 and to 114.64 pg/μl in group 3. Results of the present study indicate that antiviral IL-29 level was highest in GCF of aggressive periodontitis patients and least in subjects with healthy periodontium, while that of chronic periodontitis lying in between. After non-surgical periodontal therapy, IL-29 levels increased both in chronic and aggressive periodontitis patients and deserve further investigation as a potential therapeutic agent in treating periodontitis.

  6. Biomarcadores en enfermedades relacionadas con el sistema nervioso

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    Elso Manuel Cruz Cruz


    Full Text Available El estudio de biomarcadores, o marcadores biológicos para el diagnóstico y seguimiento al tratamiento de enfermedades, constituye referente frecuente en la literatura científica biomédica actual. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica empleando los recursos disponibles en la red Infomed, específicamente Ebsco, The Cochrane Librery, PubMed, Hinari y SciELO, a través de los cuales se accedieron a las bases de datos: MEDLINE, Academic Search Premier, MedicLatina y Scopus. Se recopilaron varios artículos científicos, donde se hace referencia al empleo de biomarcadores en el diagnóstico de enfermedades relacionadas con el sistema nervioso. El factor de crecimiento endotelial, la inmunoglobulina G (IgG y el sistema arginina - óxido nítrico - citrulina, se refieren como indicadores prematuros de la hemorragia subaracnoidea. La disminución del amiloide beta y el aumento de las concentraciones de proteína tau en el líquido cefalorraquídeo, se cuentan entre los biomarcadores más prometedores e informativos que indiquen precozmente el Alzheimer y otras enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Estos mismos marcadores se comportan de manera contraria a nivel plasmático. La copeptina es un biomarcador fácilmente medible, que refleja la situación de estrés a la que está sometido el organismo y se propone su uso en el diagnóstico del síndrome de Burnout; además, niveles aumentados de α-amilasa y cromogranina A (CgA salivales pueden también ser utilizadas como indicadores de este síndrome. Se logró recoger en este artículo un compendio de ejemplos de marcadores biológicos, utilizados en el diagnóstico de enfermedades relacionadas de alguna forma con el sistema nervioso

  7. Oral conditions, periodontal status and periodontal treatment need of chronic kidney disease patients

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    Modupeoluwa Omotunde Soroye


    Conclusion: Majority of the CKD patients reviewed had poor periodontal status with code 2 TN. We, therefore, recommend nonsurgical periodontal treatment for all CKD patients to improve their oral health and forestall the systemic effects of periodontal pathology.

  8. Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy Reduces Saliva Adipokine and Matrix Metalloproteinase Levels in Periodontitis. (United States)

    Özcan, Erkan; Işıl Saygun, N; Serdar, Muhittin A; Umut Bengi, V; Kantarcı, Alpdoğan


    Adipokines enhance the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which play a role in extracellular matrix degeneration. The aim of this study is to determine the levels of some adipokines, proinflammatory cytokines, and MMPs in the saliva of patients with periodontitis and healthy individuals and to evaluate the changes after non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT). Of 32 individuals included in the study, 17 had periodontitis and 15 had healthy gingiva. Saliva samples were obtained from all individuals. In patients with periodontitis, samples were recollected 3 and 6 months after NSPT. Visfatin, chemerin, progranulin, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-8, MMP-8, and MMP-13 levels were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In patients with periodontitis, all of the parameters measured in the saliva were higher than those of healthy individuals. At 3 months, visfatin, progranulin, IL-8, and MMP-8 levels were significantly decreased compared with baseline values. The levels of other biochemical parameters, chemerin and IL-1β, were significantly decreased compared with baseline values at 6 months, and the levels became similar to those in healthy individuals. In the periodontitis group, positive correlations were found among visfatin and IL-8 (r = 0.909, P periodontal tissue in periodontitis by stimulating the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and MMPs.

  9. Immunohistochemical analysis of the gingiva with periodontitis of type I plasminogen deficiency compared to gingiva with gingivitis and periodontitis and healthy gingiva. (United States)

    Kurtulus Waschulewski, Idil; Gökbuget, Aslan Y; Christiansen, Nina M; Ziegler, Maike; Schuster, Volker; Wahl, Gerhard; Götz, Werner


    Type I plasminogen deficiency (Plgdef) is an uncommon chronic inflammation of mucous membranes. Gingival enlargements usually proceed with progressive periodontal destruction and tooth-loss. Plasmin(ogen)-independent enzymatic mechanisms for fibrin clearance have already been discussed in the literature. Our primary objective was to verify, immunohistochemically, the occurrence of different enzymatic factors involved in tissue breakdown of inflamed compared to healthy gingiva. Secondly, we tried to find out, if these patients have a similar microbiological profile to the patients with known gingivitis and periodontitis. Immunohistochemical analysis of enzymes elastase, plasminogen (plg), cathepsin G, matrix-metalloproteinase (MMP)-3 and MMP-7 and of glycoprotein fibrinogen were performed with gingival tissues from 3 healthy controls, 8 patients with Plgdef and 3 patients with gingivitis and periodontitis. Furthermore, plaque from 5 patients with plasminogen deficiency were also obtained to determine the microbiological profile. Significantly high numbers of elastase positive leukocytes were detected in all samples. Staining for MMP-3 and MMP-7 was seen in samples with gingivitis and periodontitis with a stronger staining in samples with periodontitis by Plgdef. Fibrinogen was detectable in all samples. Staining for plg was stronger in samples with periodontitis than in other samples. Staining for cathepsin G was weak in gingivitis and periodontitis. Subgingival microbial flora showed elevated colony forming units of Prevotella intermedia/nigrescens, Fusobacterium spp., Eikenella corrodens, Porphyromonas gingivalis and viridans streptococci. Strong staining of elastase, MMP-3 and MMP-7 and weak staining of plg in Plgdef samples supports the plasmin(ogen) - independent fibrin clearance. Similar subgingival microbiological flora was observed in periodontitis with Plgdef as in other periodontal diseases. Further investigations should determine the exact pathomechanism

  10. Surgical extractions for periodontal disease in a Western Lowland gorilla. (United States)

    Huff, John F


    This case report describes surgical exraction of multiple premolar and molar teeth in a Western Lowland gorilla. Postoperative photographs and radiographs indicated complete healing of the extraction sites. This case report includes a review of gorilla dental anatomy, oral disease in primates, pathogenesis of periodontal disease, predisposing factors to periodontal disease, and principles of surgical tooth extraction.

  11. Periodontal and hematological characteristics associated with aggressive periodontitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Anne Havemose; Westergaard, Jytte; Stoltze, Kaj


    Periodontitis shares several clinical and pathogenic characteristics with chronic arthritis, and there is some degree of coexistence. The aims of this study were to elucidate whether patients with localized aggressive periodontitis (LAgP), generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAgP), juvenile...... idiopathic arthritis (JIA), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) share periodontal and hematological characteristics distinguishing them from individuals free of diseases....

  12. Role of Systemic Markers in Periodontal Diseases: A Possible Inflammatory Burden and Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Diseases? (United States)

    Kalburgi, V; Sravya, L; Warad, S; Vijayalaxmi, K; Sejal, P; Hazeil, DJ


    Background: Periodontitis is a local inflammatory process mediating destruction of periodontium triggered by bacterial insult leading to systemic inflammatory mayhem in the host. Epidemiologically, it has been modestly associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) with elevated acute-phase reactant C-reactive protein (CRP) and rheological variables such as total leukocyte count and differential leukocyte count (TLC and DLC), which are potential predictors of CVD. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the serum CRP level, leukocyte count in chronic periodontitis patients and their relation to the severity of chronic periodontitis. Subjects and Methods: This cross-sectional study comprised 30 subjects, of which 20 were diagnosed as chronic periodontitis based on the Gingival index, probing depth and clinical attachment levels and 10 healthy subjects as controls. Following, which peripheral blood samples were drawn and serum CRP, TLC and DLC were quantified using the turbidimetric immunoassay. Data was analyzed using Intercooled Stata 9.2 version, (Stata corporation, LP, USA) ANOVA, Mann Whitney U test and Newman-Keuls post hoc procedures. P values less than) 0.05 were considered as significant Results: The mean serum CRP levels were statistically significant (P periodontitis subjects when compared with healthy controls. Leukocytes were significantly elevated in severe periodontitis compared with moderate periodontitis and controls; this finding was primarily explained by the increase in number of neutrophils. Conclusion: The increased serum CRP levels and neutrophils in chronic periodontitis subjects suggest an addition to the inflammatory burden of the individual potentially striking toward an increasing risk for cardiovascular events. Further research is needed to determine the specificity of these markers and their role in the inflammatory burden of one's systemic health. PMID:24971214

  13. Subgingival dysbiosis in smoker and non‑smoker patients with chronic periodontitis. (United States)

    Coretti, Lorena; Cuomo, Mariella; Florio, Ermanno; Palumbo, Domenico; Keller, Simona; Pero, Raffaela; Chiariotti, Lorenzo; Lembo, Francesca; Cafiero, Carlo


    Periodontitis is one of the most common oral inflammatory diseases, and results in connective tissue degradation and gradual tooth loss. It manifests with formation of periodontal pockets, in which anaerobic and Gram‑negative bacteria proliferate rapidly. Consequently, alteration of the subgingival microbiota is considered the primary etiologic agent of periodontitis. Previous studies have reported that smokers are at increased risk of periodontal disease, in both prevalence and severity, indicating that smoking is a risk factor for the onset and progression of the pathology. In the present study, 16S rRNA sequencing was employed to assess the subgingival microbiota in 6 smoker patients with chronic periodontitis, 6 non‑smoker patients with chronic periodontitis and 8 healthy controls. The results demonstrated significant alterations in the microbial structure of periodontitis patients. High relative abundance of Parvimonans, Desulfubulbus, Paludibacter, Haemophilus, and Sphaerochaeta genera characterized subgingival microbiota of periodontitis patients, both smokers and non‑smokers. Due to the high precision and sensitivity of the 16S rRNA sequencing method, analysis for low‑abundant genera (including Pedobacter, Granulicatella, Paracoccus, Atopobium, Bifidobacterium, Coprococcus, Oridobacteriu, Peptococcus, Oscillospira and Akkermansia) was feasible, and revealed novel phylotypes associated with periodontitis. Of note, a major microbial community alteration was evident in smoker patients, suggesting an association between smoking and severity of subgingival dysbiosis. The present study confirmed that chronic periodontitis is a polymicrobial disease where changes in the equilibrium of subgingival microbiota contribute to severity of pathology.

  14. Presence of gingivitis and periodontitis significantly increases hospital charges in patients undergoing heart valve surgery. (United States)

    Allareddy, Veerasathpurush; Elangovan, Satheesh; Rampa, Sankeerth; Shin, Kyungsup; Nalliah, Romesh P; Allareddy, Veerajalandhar


    To examine the prevalence and impact of gingivitis and periodontitis in patients having heart valve surgical procedures. Nationwide Inpatient Sample for the years 2004-2010 was used. All patients who had heart valve surgical procedures were selected. Prevalence of gingivitis/periodontitis was examined in these patients. Impact of gingivitis/periodontitis on hospital charges, length of stay, and infectious complications was examined. 596,190 patients had heart valve surgical procedures. Gingivitis/periodontitis was present in 0.2 percent. Outcomes included: median hospital charges ($175,418 with gingivitis/ periodontitis versus $149,353 without gingivitis/periodontitis) and median length of stay (14 days with gingivitis/periodontitis versus 8 days without gingivitis/periodontitis). After adjusting for the effects of patient- and hospital-level confounding factors, hospital charges and length of stay were significantly higher (p gingivitis/periodontitis compared to their counterparts. Further, patients with gingivitis/periodontitis had significantly higher odds for having bacterial infections (OR = 3.41, 95% CI = 2.33-4.98, p gingivitis/periodontitis. Presence of gingivitis and periodontitis is associated with higher risk for bacterial infections and significant hospital resource utilization.

  15. Periodontal Microbiota and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (United States)

    Desvarieux, Moïse; Demmer, Ryan T.; Rundek, Tatjana; Boden-Albala, Bernadette; Jacobs, David R.; Sacco, Ralph L.; Papapanou, Panos N.


    Background Chronic infections, including periodontal infections, may predispose to cardiovascular disease. We investigated the relationship between periodontal microbiota and subclinical atherosclerosis. Methods and Results Of 1056 persons (age 69±9 years) with no history of stroke or myocardial infarction enrolled in the Oral Infections and Vascular Disease Epidemiology Study (INVEST), we analyzed 657 dentate subjects. Among these subjects, 4561 subgingival plaque samples were collected (average of 7 samples/subject) and quantitatively assessed for 11 known periodontal bacteria by DNA-DNA checkerboard hybridization. Extensive in-person cardiovascular risk factor measurements, a carotid scan with high-resolution B-mode ultrasound, white blood cell count, and C-reactive protein values were obtained. In 3 separate analyses, mean carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) was regressed on tertiles of (1) burden of all bacteria assessed, (2) burden of bacteria causative of periodontal disease (etiologic bacterial burden), and (3) the relative predominance of causative/over other bacteria in the subgingival plaque. All analyses were adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, gender, education, body mass index, smoking, diabetes, systolic blood pressure, and LDL and HDL cholesterol. Overall periodontal bacterial burden was related to carotid IMT. This relationship was specific to causative bacterial burden and the dominance of etiologic bacteria in the observed microbiological niche. Adjusted mean IMT values across tertiles of etiologic bacterial dominance were 0.84, 0.85, and 0.88 (P=0.002). Similarly, white blood cell values increased across tertiles of etiologic bacterial burden from 5.57 to 6.09 and 6.03 cells × 109/L (P=0.01). C-reactive protein values were unrelated to periodontal microbial status (P=0.82). Conclusions Our data provide evidence of a direct relationship between periodontal microbiology and subclinical atherosclerosis. This relationship exists independent

  16. Aggressive periodontitis: case definition and diagnostic criteria. (United States)

    Albandar, Jasim M


    Aggressive periodontitis is a destructive disease characterized by the following: the involvement of multiple teeth with a distinctive pattern of periodontal tissue loss; a high rate of disease progression; an early age of onset; and the absence of systemic diseases. In some patients periodontal tissue loss may commence before puberty, whereas in most patients the age of onset is during or somewhat after the circumpubertal period. Besides infection with specific microorganisms, a host predisposition seems to play a key role in the pathogenesis of aggressive periodontitis, as evidenced by the familial aggregation of the disease. In this article we review the historical background of the diagnostic criteria of aggressive periodontitis, present a contemporary case definition and describe the clinical parameters of the disease. At present, the diagnosis of aggressive periodontitis is achieved using case history, clinical examination and radiographic evaluation. The data gathered using these methods are prone to relatively high measurement errors. Besides, this diagnostic approach measures past disease history and may not reliably measure existing disease activity or accurately predict future tissue loss. A diagnosis is often made years after the onset of the disease, partly because current assessment methods detect established disease more readily and reliably than they detect incipient or initial lesions where the tissue loss is minimal and usually below the detection threshold of present examination methods. Future advancements in understanding the pathogenesis of this disease may contribute to an earlier diagnosis. Insofar, future case definitions may involve the identification of key etiologic and risk factors, combined with high-precision methodologies that enable the early detection of initial lesions. This may significantly enhance the predictive value of these tests and detect cases of aggressive periodontitis before significant tissue loss develops. © 2014

  17. Rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis – inflammatory and infectious connections. Review of the literature

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    G. Rutger Persson


    Full Text Available An association between oral disease/periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA has been considered since the early 1820s. The early treatment was tooth eradication. Epidemiological studies suggest that the prevalence of RA and periodontitis may be similar and about 5% of the population are aged 50 years or older. RA is considered as an autoimmune disease whereas periodontitis has an infectious etiology with a complex inflammatory response. Both diseases are chronic and may present with bursts of disease activity. Association studies have suggested odds ratios of having RA and periodontitis varying from 1.8:1 (95% CI: 1.0–3.2, NS to 8:1 (95% CI: 2.9–22.1, p<0.001. Genetic factors are driving the host responses in both RA and periodontitis. Tumor necrosis factor-α, a proinflammatory cytokine, regulates a cascade of inflammatory events in both RA and periodontitis. Porphyromonas gingivalis is a common pathogen in periodontal infection. P. gingivalis has also been identified in synovial fluid. The specific abilities of P. gingivalis to citrullinate host peptides by proteolytic cleavage at Arg-X peptide bonds by arginine gingipains can induce autoimmune responses in RA through development of anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies. In addition, P. gingivalis carries heat shock proteins (HSPs that may also trigger autoimmune responses in subjects with RA. Data suggest that periodontal therapies combined with routine RA treatments further improve RA status. Conclusion s: Periodontal infection (P. gingivalis carries a unique risk for development of autoimmune antibodies associated with RA. Patients with RA have either lost many teeth or usually have severe periodontitis. Additional research, both in regards to basic mechanisms as well as clinical studies, are necessary before it can be said that there are causative links between RA and periodontitis. Cross-disciplinary research in well-defined populations should be performed to further enhance

  18. Subjetividad e interseccionalidad: experiencias de Enfermedad de Mujeres Negras con enfermedad falciforme

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    Eliana Costa Xavie


    Full Text Available El estudio tuvo el objetivo de conocer y analizar la historia de mujeres negras con enfermedad falciforme y comprender cómo la subjetividad de estas es construida y confrontada a partir de los sentidos subjetivos asociados con los marcadores de género, raza y clase social. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa en la que participaron 9 mujeres negras acompañadas por el Centro de Referencia de la Anemia Falciforme del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Las entrevistas semiestructuradas fueron analizadas por medio del análisis crítico del discurso. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres negras perciben su enfermedad como condición de salud que estrecha los lazos entre su pertenencia racial y sus construcciones de género y de clase. El discurso de esas mujeres negras trascendió a la complejidad de la enfermedad crónica, transformándola y construyendo posibilidades que las potencializan como mujeres, madres y sujetos sociales. Las mujeres señalaron que la interseccionalidad de raza, género y clase social impulsa la ceguera pública de la mujer negra y de las cuestiones relacionadas con la población negra intensificando el sentimiento de invisibilidad.

  19. The role of acquired immunity and periodontal disease progression. (United States)

    Teng, Yen-Tung A


    Our understanding of the pathogenesis in human periodontal diseases is limited by the lack of specific and sensitive tools or models to study the complex microbial challenges and their interactions with the host's immune system. Recent advances in cellular and molecular biology research have demonstrated the importance of the acquired immune system not only in fighting the virulent periodontal pathogens but also in protecting the host from developing further devastating conditions in periodontal infections. The use of genetic knockout and immunodeficient mouse strains has shown that the acquired immune response-in particular, CD4+ T-cells-plays a pivotal role in controlling the ongoing infection, the immune/inflammatory responses, and the subsequent host's tissue destruction. In particular, studies of the pathogen-specific CD4+ T-cell-mediated immunity have clarified the roles of: (i) the relative diverse immune repertoire involved in periodontal pathogenesis, (ii) the contribution of pathogen-associated Th1-Th2 cytokine expressions in periodontal disease progression, and (iii) micro-organism-triggered periodontal CD4+ T-cell-mediated osteoclastogenic factor, 'RANK-L', which is linked to the induction of alveolar bone destruction in situ. The present review will focus on some recent advances in the acquired immune responses involving B-cells, CD8+ T-cells, and CD4+ T-cells in the context of periodontal disease progression. New approaches will further facilitate our understanding of their underlying molecular mechanisms that may lead to the development of new treatment modalities for periodontal diseases and their associated complications.

  20. A clinical case report of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and its impact on the treatment of chronic periodontitis. (United States)

    Patil, B S; Giri, G R


    Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease with microbial dental plaque as the initiator of periodontal disease. However, the manifestation and progression of the disease is influenced by a wide variety of determinants and factors. The strongest type of causal relationship is the association of systemic and periodontal disease. Hashimoto's thyroiditis has also been considered as one of the causes of periodontal disease. This clinical case report highlights the impact of Hashimoto's thyroiditis on the outcome of periodontal therapy.

  1. Relevamiento de factores de riesgo y de enfermedad renal en familiares de pacientes en diálisis Survey of risk factors and renal disease in first-degree relatives of dialysis patients

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    Felipe Inserra


    Full Text Available En publicaciones previas se muestra que familiares con vínculo primario de pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad que la población general. Objetivo: conocer la frecuencia relativa de marcadores de enfermedad renal crónica y factores de riesgo cardiovascular entre familiares con vínculo primario de pacientes en diálisis. Material y métodos: se estudiaron 810 voluntarios, 668 mayores de 18 años. Se les realizó una encuesta sobre antecedentes de enfermedad renal y cardiovascular. Se midieron presión arterial y datos antropométricos, y se tomaron muestras para análisis de orina y sangre. Los parámetros valorados en la población adulta fueron: hábito de fumar, presencia de hipertensión arterial (HTA, obesidad, diabetes, hipercolesterolemia, creatininemia y clearance de creatinina estimado por MDRD, proteinuria y microalbuminuria por tira reactiva con lectura digital. En población pediátrica se consideraron los percentilos para peso y presión arterial. Se clasificó a la población por estadios de enfermedad renal crónica según recomendación de la National Kidney Foundation. Resultados: Frecuencias relativas de ERC= 29.6%; proteinuria = 13.9% y microalbuminuria= 8.7%. Las frecuencias relativas, ajustadas por sexo y edad, fueron: de HTA 41.8%, sobrepeso/obesidad 62.1%, e hipercolesterolemia 42.9%, y de hiperglucemia 5.2%. El 34.8% de los encuestados eran fumadores. En conclusión: En población adulta la prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad, hipertensión arterial e hipercolesterolemia entre familiares con vínculo primario de pacientes en TSR fue más elevada que las comunicadas en estudios poblaciones nacionales. La prevalencia de enfermedad renal crónica también fue elevada, estimándose en tres veces superior a la de la población general. Estos resultados apoyan el hecho que los familiares con vínculo primario de pacientes en diálisis constituyen una población de alto riesgo

  2. Host response mechanisms in periodontal diseases

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    Nora SILVA


    a stage that presents a significantly host immune and inflammatory response to the microbial challenge that determine of susceptibility to develop the destructive/progressive periodontitis under the influence of multiple behavioral, environmental and genetic factors.

  3. Host response mechanisms in periodontal diseases (United States)

    SILVA, Nora; ABUSLEME, Loreto; BRAVO, Denisse; DUTZAN, Nicolás; GARCIA-SESNICH, Jocelyn; VERNAL, Rolando; HERNÁNDEZ, Marcela; GAMONAL, Jorge


    presents a significantly host immune and inflammatory response to the microbial challenge that determine of susceptibility to develop the destructive/progressive periodontitis under the influence of multiple behavioral, environmental and genetic factors. PMID:26221929

  4. Comorbidity of periodontal disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmstrup, Palle; Damgaard, Christian; Olsen, Ingar


    Increasing evidence has suggested an independent association between periodontitis and a range of comorbidities, for example cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, and respiratory infections. Shared....... The present article presents an overview of the evidence linking periodontitis with selected systemic diseases and calls for increased cooperation between dentists and medical doctors to provide optimal screening, treatment, and prevention of both periodontitis and its comorbidities....... inflammatory pathways are likely to contribute to this association, but distinct causal mechanisms remain to be defined. Some of these comorbid conditions may improve by periodontal treatment, and a bidirectional relationship may exist, where, for example, treatment of diabetes can improve periodontal status...

  5. IQuaD dental trial; improving the quality of dentistry: a multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing oral hygiene advice and periodontal instrumentation for the prevention and management of periodontal disease in dentate adults attending dental primary care


    Clarkson, Jan E; Ramsay, Craig R; Averley, Paul; Bonetti, Debbie; Boyers, Dwayne; Campbell, Louise; Chadwick, Graham R; Duncan, Anne; Elders, Andrew; Gouick, Jill; Hall, Andrew F; Heasman, Lynne; Heasman, Peter A; Hodge, Penny J; Jones, Clare


    Background:\\ud Periodontal disease is the most common oral disease affecting adults, and although it is largely preventable it remains the major cause of poor oral health worldwide. Accumulation of microbial dental plaque is the primary aetiological factor for both periodontal disease and caries. Effective self-care (tooth brushing and interdental aids) for plaque control and removal of risk factors such as calculus, which can only be removed by periodontal instrumentation (PI), are considere...

  6. Oral hygiene and periodontal treatment needs in children and adolescents with coeliac disease in Greece. (United States)

    Tsami, A; Petropoulou, P; Panayiotou, J; Mantzavinos, Z; Roma-Giannikou, E


    To evaluate the factors that influence the oral hygiene and the periodontal treatment needs of children and adolescents with coeliac disease (CD) in Greece. The sample consisted of 35 children and adolescents, aged 4-18 years. The evaluation included consideration of the detailed medical history, the duration of CD and of gluten-free diet, the history of oral mucosal findings and a dental questionnaire that included information about oral hygiene habits, symptoms of periodontal disease and dental attendance. The clinical dental examination consisted of the simplified gingival index, the oral hygiene index and the periodontal screening and recording index. The chi square and logistic regression analysis were performed in order to determine the factors or parameters that had a statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05) impact on oral hygiene and periodontal treatment needs of children and adolescents with CD. The periodontal treatment need of children and adolescents with CD were high and most of them needed treatment of gingivitis (60.01%) and only a few subjects had a healthy periodontium (34.29%). The periodontal treatment need index, the simplified gingival index and the hygiene index correlated statistically significantly with the presence of a coexisting disease, frequency of tooth brushing, bleeding upon brushing and oral malodor. The periodontal treatment need of children and adolescents with CD correlated with factors that related to the presence of a second medical condition and to the personal oral hygiene habits. Additionally, the oral hygiene level and periodontal status of children with CD do not have any specific characteristics but they have similarities to the oral hygiene level and periodontal status of the children of the general population.

  7. Actualización sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Juan de J. Llibre Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Alzheimer es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa progresiva que afecta aproximadamente el 8 % de la población mayor de 65 años y el 30 % de la población mayor de 80 años, en los países con una alta expectativa de vida como el nuestro, con un elevado costo económico, social y fundamentalmente humano. Existe una necesidad urgente de investigaciones dirigidas a estimar la prevalencia e incidencia de la enfermedad, conocer sus factores de riesgo, así como cuantificar el impacto en la familia y en la sociedad, lo que permitiría trazar estrategias dirigidas a esta población y su familia. La mayor influencia en el diagnóstico temprano, la atención médica a los pacientes y su familia y su repercusión directa en la calidad de vida, dependerá de la preparación y actualización del equipo de atención primaria de salud. Es por ello que en la presente revisión se abordan los aspectos relacionados con la epidemiología y los factores de riesgo, el diagnóstico y las estrategias actuales de tratamiento de este creciente problema de salud.Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting approximately 8 % of the population over 65 and 30 % of the population over 80 in those countries with a life expectancy at birth as high as ours, with an elevated economic, social and mainly human cost. There is an urgent need to make researches directed to estimate the prevalence and incidence of the disease, to know its risk factors, and to quantify the impact on family and society, which will allow to establish strategies directed to this population and its family. The highest influence on the early diagnosis, the medical attention given to patients and their families and its direct repercussion on the quality of life, will depend on the training and updating of the primary health care team. That's why those aspects connected with the epidemiology and the risk factors, the diagnosis and the current strategies of

  8. Enfermedades potenciales derivadas de factores de riesgo presentes en la industria de producción de alimentos Potencial diseases arising from occupational hazards in the food production industry

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    Mónica Sánchez Aguilar


    Full Text Available La industria de la producción de alimentos presenta factores de riesgo laborales que van de los químicos hasta los psicosociales, por lo mismo los grupos de enfermedades que potencialmente se vinculan con ellos pueden ser aparentemente inocuas o poner en riesgo la vida del trabajador, lo que evidencia la necesidad de contar con una revisión extensa de la bibliografía nacional e internacional de enfermedades vinculadas a los riesgos presentes en los puestos de las áreas de producción hasta los puestos de mantenimiento de la industria de los alimentos. El propósito de esta publicación es evidenciar al lector el vínculo existente entre los factores de riesgos presentes en la industria de los alimentos y las enfermedades que estos pueden generar, y que frecuentemente son calificadas como enfermedades generales cuando en realidad son laborales, y así proporcionarle fundamentos sólidos según referencias nacionales e internacionales para un diagnóstico situacional y de salud más completo. Objetivos: Esta revisión pretende evidenciar el vínculo existente entre los factores de riesgos presentes en la industria de los alimentos y las enfermedades que pueden generarse a consecuencia de estos. Material y Método: Se han revisado hasta Diciembre de 2009 las siguientes bases de datos bibliográficas: Medline, SciELO, y PUBMED. Conclusiones: Un diagnóstico a fondo de enfermedades de presunto origen ocupacional implica el conocimiento y reconocimiento absoluto de los factores de riesgo laborales a los que se exponen los trabajadores diariamente o eventualmente, así como identificar rápidamente los efectos a la salud reales y potenciales de estos factores por parte de todos los responsables, directos e indirectos, de salud ocupacional al interior de los centros de trabajo.The industry of foods production presents occupational hazards that go from chemicals to psychosocial, because of that the groups of diseases that potentially been linked

  9. Enfermedad óseo mineral relacionada con la enfermedad renal crónica: Klotho y FGF23; implicaciones cardiovasculares

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    Laura Salanova Villanueva


    Full Text Available Una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad en el paciente con enfermedad renal crónica es la cardiovascular. La inflamación y las alteraciones en el metabolismo óseo mineral son una condición patológica que conlleva aumento del riesgo cardiovascular en la enfermedad renal crónica. Los parámetros bioquímicos clásicos del metabolismo óseo mineral como fósforo, calcio, vitamina D y PTH tienen una implicación muy conocida en el riesgo cardiovascular. Los nuevos marcadores, FGF23 y klotho, también podrían estar implicados en la enfermedad cardiovascular.

  10. Effect of Non Surgical Periodontal Therapy on Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Serum Visfatin Concentration in Periodontal Health and Disease

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    N.M. Raghavendra


    Full Text Available Visfatin is a pleiotropic mediator which acts as growth factor, cytokine, enzyme involved in energy including nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide metabolism and has been recently demonstrated to exert several pro-inflammatory functions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Visfatin concentration in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF and serum in patients with chronic periodontitis, and to evaluate the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on the GCF and serum visfatin concentration. 30 subjects (age range: 25 to 52 years were selected and divided into two groups based on the gingival index, probing depth, periodontal attachment level, and radiologic parameters (bone loss: group 1 (15 subjects with healthy periodontium, group 2 (15 subjects with chronic periodontitis, while, Group 2 patients after 8 weeks of the treatment (scaling and root planning, SRP constituted group 3. GCF samples (by microcapillary pipettes and serum samples (by venipuncture were collected to estimate the levels of Visfatin using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay kit. The mean Visfatin concentration in GCF and serum was observed to be the highest in group 2 and lowest in group 1. While concentration in group 3 was similar to group 1. The concentration of Visfatin in GCF and serum decreased after SRP. The Visfatin concentration in GCF and serum found to be highest in chronic periodontitis group and decreases after treatment. Hence Visfatin values can be considered as an “inflammatory marker” can be explored in future as a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of periodontal disease.

  11. Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva: diferencias entre hombres y mujeres

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    María Soledad Rodríguez-Pecci


    Full Text Available La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC ha aumentado su prevalencia en el sexo femenino. Los casos de mujeres se describen como más sintomáticas. A pesar de que la EPOC se ha vinculado a elevado riesgo cardiovascular, hay pocos estudios sobre diferencias por sexo. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue determinar la influencia del sexo sobre calidad de vida y síntomas, tratamiento, factores de riesgo y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV en una población de pacientes con EPOC. En este estudio prospectivo observacional de corte transversal, se incluyeron pacientes con EPOC ingresados consecutivamente entre el 1 de septiembre de 2008 al 1 de marzo de 2010. Se registraron edad, sexo, habito tabáquico, factores de riesgo y enfermedad cardiovascular, tratamiento y gravedad de la EPOC. Se midió índice tobillo-brazo (ITB y se realizó Euroqol-5D. Se incluyeron 246 pacientes (195 hombres. Los hombres fueron más ex fumadores (68.7% vs. 15.7%, p < 0.001, tuvieron un VEF1 menor (48.7% ± 15.7 vs. 58.2% ± 10.9 de teórico, p < 0.001 y mayor frecuencia de cardiopatía isquémica (16.4% vs. 5.9%, p = 0.04. Las mujeres presentaron más prevalencia de EPOC sin exposición al tabaco (64.7% vs. 7.2%, p < 0.001, más síntomas de ansiedad y depresión (p = 0.004 e ITB alterado en menor frecuencia (20% vs. 41.6%, p = 0.01. Concluimos que hubo diferencias en la EPOC en relación al sexo, con compromiso pulmonar y cardiovascular más grave en hombres y más síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en mujeres.

  12. Human Memory B Cells in Healthy Gingiva, Gingivitis, and Periodontitis. (United States)

    Mahanonda, Rangsini; Champaiboon, Chantrakorn; Subbalekha, Keskanya; Sa-Ard-Iam, Noppadol; Rattanathammatada, Warattaya; Thawanaphong, Saranya; Rerkyen, Pimprapa; Yoshimura, Fuminobu; Nagano, Keiji; Lang, Niklaus P; Pichyangkul, Sathit


    The presence of inflammatory infiltrates with B cells, specifically plasma cells, is the hallmark of periodontitis lesions. The composition of these infiltrates in various stages of homeostasis and disease development is not well documented. Human tissue biopsies from sites with gingival health (n = 29), gingivitis (n = 8), and periodontitis (n = 21) as well as gingival tissue after treated periodontitis (n = 6) were obtained and analyzed for their composition of B cell subsets. Ag specificity, Ig secretion, and expression of receptor activator of NF-κB ligand and granzyme B were performed. Although most of the B cell subsets in healthy gingiva and gingivitis tissues were CD19(+)CD27(+)CD38(-) memory B cells, the major B cell component in periodontitis was CD19(+)CD27(+)CD38(+)CD138(+)HLA-DR(low) plasma cells, not plasmablasts. Plasma cell aggregates were observed at the base of the periodontal pocket and scattered throughout the gingiva, especially apically toward the advancing front of the lesion. High expression of CXCL12, a proliferation-inducing ligand, B cell-activating factor, IL-10, IL-6, and IL-21 molecules involved in local B cell responses was detected in both gingivitis and periodontitis tissues. Periodontitis tissue plasma cells mainly secreted IgG specific to periodontal pathogens and also expressed receptor activator of NF-κB ligand, a bone resorption cytokine. Memory B cells resided in the connective tissue subjacent to the junctional epithelium in healthy gingiva. This suggested a role of memory B cells in maintaining periodontal homeostasis. Copyright © 2016 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  13. Dental Investigations: Efficiency of Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy in Moderate Chronic Periodontitis


    Mlachkova Antoaneta M.; Popova Christina L.


    INTRODUCTION: Chronic periodontitis is defined as an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of teeth caused by microorganisms in the dental biofilm, resulting in progressive destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone with pocket formation and gingival recession. Treatment of chronic periodontitis aims at arresting the inflammation and stopping the loss of attachment by removal and control of the supra- and subgingival biofilm and establishing a local environment and mic...

  14. 16S rDNA analysis of periodontal plaque in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and periodontitis patients. (United States)

    Wu, Xingwen; Chen, Jiazhen; Xu, Meng; Zhu, Danting; Wang, Xuyang; Chen, Yulin; Wu, Jing; Cui, Chenghao; Zhang, Wenhong; Yu, Liying


    This study investigated if chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is correlated with periodontitis via periodontal microbiota and if certain bacteria affect periodontitis as well as COPD. Moreover, the study investigated whether suffering from COPD is associated with a decrease in the richness and diversity of periodontal microbiota. Subgingival plaque was obtained from 105 patients. Bacterial DNA was isolated from 55 COPD and 50 non-COPD participants (either with or without periodontitis). 16S rRNA gene metagenomic sequencing was used to characterize the microbiota and to determine taxonomic classification. In the non-periodontitis patients, suffering from COPD resulted in a decrease in bacteria richness and diversity in the periodontal microenvironment. An increase in the genera Dysgonomonas , Desulfobulbus , and Catonella and in four species ( Porphyromonas endodontalis , Dysgonomonas wimpennyi , Catonella morbi , and Prevotella intermedia ) in both COPD and periodontitis patients suggests that an increase in these periodontitis-associated microbiota may be related to COPD. Three genera ( Johnsonella , Campylobacter , and Oribacterium ) were associated with COPD but not with periodontitis. The decrease in the genera Arcanobacterium , Oribacterium , and Streptomyces in COPD patients implies that these genera may be health-associated genera, and the decrease in these genera may be related to disease. These data support the hypothesis that COPD is correlated with periodontitis via these significantly changed specific bacteria.

  15. Factores asociados con el proceso de salud y enfermedad en San Antonio (Catamarca, Argentina: un enfoque antropológico

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    Bárbara Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar los procesos de salud y enfermedad entre los pobladores de El Cajón (Catamarca, Argentina y su vinculación con la biomedicina. Asimismo, estudiar las ar - ticulaciones entre la biomedicina y el sistema de salud tradicional. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cualitativa, mediante un abordaje etnográfico en el que la observación participante, la corresidencia y las entrevistas abiertas de sesiones múltiples cumplen un rol primordial. La pesquisa se ha centrado en los pobladores locales que regularmente asisten a la posta sanitaria, los enfermeros, los agentes sanitarios y los miembros del equipo de salud itinerante. La población total del lugar es aproximadamente 235 habitantes. Resultados: Se ha constatado que los procesos de salud y enfermedad no se limitan al cuerpo humano, sino que también en ellos intervienen el paisaje y los seres que lo pueblan. Se ha identificado que en la resolución de numerosas patologías resulta central la figura del especialista ritual. Se ha determinado que la gente valora y utiliza la biomedicina, aunque la asistencia a la institución hospitalaria suele ser rehuida. Conclusiones: Se ha identificado un uso combinado de ambos sistemas. En él influyen las valoraciones de las personas sobre la enfermedad de que se trate, pero también otros factores como la distancia hasta el centro asistencial y las relaciones interpersonales con los profe - sionales de la salud. Se resalta la relevancia del enfoque cualitativo para dar cuenta de las especificidades de las categorías locales, que resultan esquivas para un abordaje construido a partir de conceptos derivados del dualismo cartesiano.

  16. Regeneration of bone and periodontal ligament induced by recombinant amelogenin after periodontitis. (United States)

    Haze, Amir; Taylor, Angela L; Haegewald, Stefan; Leiser, Yoav; Shay, Boaz; Rosenfeld, Eli; Gruenbaum-Cohen, Yael; Dafni, Leah; Zimmermann, Bernd; Heikinheimo, Kristiina; Gibson, Carolyn W; Fisher, Larry W; Young, Marian F; Blumenfeld, Anat; Bernimoulin, Jean P; Deutsch, Dan


    Regeneration of mineralized tissues affected by chronic diseases comprises a major scientific and clinical challenge. Periodontitis, one such prevalent disease, involves destruction of the tooth-supporting tissues, alveolar bone, periodontal-ligament and cementum, often leading to tooth loss. In 1997, it became clear that, in addition to their function in enamel formation, the hydrophobic ectodermal enamel matrix proteins (EMPs) play a role in the regeneration of these periodontal tissues. The epithelial EMPs are a heterogeneous mixture of polypeptides encoded by several genes. It was not clear, however, which of these many EMPs induces the regeneration and what mechanisms are involved. Here we show that a single recombinant human amelogenin protein (rHAM(+)), induced in vivo regeneration of all tooth-supporting tissues after creation of experimental periodontitis in a dog model. To further understand the regeneration process, amelogenin expression was detected in normal and regenerating cells of the alveolar bone (osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts), periodontal ligament, cementum and in bone marrow stromal cells. Amelogenin expression was highest in areas of high bone turnover and activity. Further studies showed that during the first 2 weeks after application, rHAM(+) induced, directly or indirectly, significant recruitment of mesenchymal progenitor cells, which later differentiated to form the regenerated periodontal tissues. The ability of a single protein to bring about regeneration of all periodontal tissues, in the correct spatio-temporal order, through recruitment of mesenchymal progenitor cells, could pave the way for development of new therapeutic devices for treatment of periodontal, bone and ligament diseases based on rHAM(+).

  17. Cross-talk between Clinical and Host Response Parameters of Periodontitis in Smokers (United States)

    Nagarajan, R.; Miller, C.S.; Dawson, D.; Al-Sabbagh, M.; Ebersole, J.L.


    Periodontal diseases are a major public health concern leading to tooth loss and also shown to be associated with several chronic systemic diseases. Smoking is a major risk factor for developing numerous systemic diseases, as well as periodontitis. While it is clear that smokers have a significantly enhanced risk for developing periodontitis leading to tooth loss, the population varies with regards to susceptibility to disease associated with smoking. This investigation focuses on identifying differences in four broad sets of variables consisting of: (a) host response molecules, (b) periodontal clinical parameters, (c) antibody measures for periodontal pathogens and oral commensal bacteria challenge, and (d) other variables of interest in a smoking population with (n = 171) and without periodontitis (n = 117). Subsequently, Bayesian network structured learning techniques (BNSL) techniques were used to investigate potential associations and cross-talk between the four broad sets of variables. BNSL revealed two broad communities with markedly different topology between the non-periodontitis and periodontitis smoking population. Confidence of the edges in the resulting network also showed marked variations within and between the periodontitis and non-periodontitis groups. The results presented validated known associations, as well as discovered new ones with minimal precedence that may warrant further investigation and novel hypothesis generation. Cross-talk between the clinical variables and antibody profiles of bacteria were especially pronounced in the case of periodontitis and mediated by the antibody response profile to P. gingivalis. PMID:27431617

  18. Periodontal diseases in children and adolescents: a clinician's perspective part. (United States)

    Masamatti, Sujata Surendra; Kumar, Ashish; Virdi, Mandeep Singh


    Contrasting forms of periodontal disease can affect children and adolescents with varying prevalence, severity and extent, leading to a diverse prognosis in these age groups. For an early diagnosis and treatment of periodontal conditions in young patients, it is essential for the dental practitioner to be able to identify and classify the disease correctly at the earliest opportunity, applying basic principles along with understanding of aetiology and risk factors. The first part of this article discusses the classification, plaque-induced and non-plaque-induced gingival diseases, localized and generalized forms of chronic, as well as aggressive, periodontitis. Knowledge of different forms of periodontal diseases affecting children and adolescents may help to distinguish between different forms of diseases and have value in screening and early diagnosis of the disease.

  19. Impact of Yoga on Periodontal Disease and Stress Management. (United States)

    Sudhanshu, Archika; Sharma, Urvi; Vadiraja, H S; Rana, Rakesh Kumar; Singhal, Richa


    Yoga is considered to be one of the most important, effective, and valuable tools available for man to overcome various physical and psychological problems. Stress contributes significantly to the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases; hence, it becomes important to reduce the level of stress for prevention and management of diseases. The present study was aimed: (1) To understand and analyze the possibilities of employing yogic practices in the treatment of periodontal disease along with conventional dental therapy, (2) to understand the effect of stress on periodontal treatment outcome, (3) to evaluate the efficacy of yoga in the management of periodontal disease with reference to stress. An outpatient department-based parallel group randomized study was performed with standard treatment for periodontal disease yoga therapy as Group II and only standard treatment as Group I. Periodontal health status was recorded using indices of modified plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth, and clinical attachment loss (CAL). The Cohen's perceived stress questionnaire was also used to determine stress severity. The yogic intervention consists of lectures and practical sessions on asanas, pranayama, kriyas, and meditation. Repeated measure analysis of variance revealed a significant difference ( P stress scale score also reduced by 18.76 points in Group II as compared to only 2.58 points in Group I, BOP also shows better improvement in Group II with a reduction of 0.68 as compared to reduction of only 0.08 in Group I. The results obtained ascertained the role of yoga in stress reduction in periodontal disease. Although yoga does not play a direct role in improving periodontal disease, it accelerates the treatment outcomes by combating the stress which is a major factor affecting the treatment of periodontal disease.

  20. Estado dental y periodontal de población en tratamiento por consumo de drogas: Estudio piloto

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    Enrique Rotemberg

    Full Text Available El uso problemático de drogas puede afectar la salud oral de los consumidores. El presente estudio pretendió detectar la prevalencia de patología dentaria y periodontal en una población adolescente y adulta joven en tratamiento por drogo-dependencia. Se diseñó un estudio transversal, observacional y descriptivo, incluyendo a 72 individuos que se asisten por su adicción en el Portal Amarillo, centro de referencia nacional. La media del índice CPOD fue de 8,04. Al discriminar por franja etaria, la comprendida entre 15 y 24 años tuvo un CPOD de 5,31, mientras que la comprendida entre 25 y 35 años tuvo un valor de 11,27. El relevamiento paradencial mostró que el 65% de los participantes presentaron gingivitis y el 18% cuadros de periodontitis. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que existe una mayor prevalencia de enfermedad oral en pacientes drogo-dependientes que la población general. Los servicios de salud del primer nivel deberían desarrollar acciones especiales de prevención y detección precoz en pacientes drogo-dependientes