
Sample records for electro-obtencion con electrodos

  1. Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones


    Fernández López, Víctor Manuel; López de Lacey, Antonio; Rüdiger Ortiz, Olaf


    Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones. En la presente invención se protegen electrodos biológicos modificados con enzimas hidrogenasas (ánodos) mediante los cuales es posible obtener energía eléctrica del hidrógeno en una configuración típica de pilas de combustible; asimismo, con estos electrodos modificados con hidrogenasa (cátodos) es posible producir hidrógeno a partir de agua en una configuración típica de cél...


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    Graciela Romero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se compararon los electrodos POSAI (Película de Óxido Sobre Acero Inoxidable con los electrodos comerciales en la determinación potenciométrica de las sustancias activas sulfametoxazol y trimetoprima presentes en el medicamento Bactrim. La determinación de trimetoprima se llevó a cabo a través de la reacción ácido-base en medio no acuoso empleando ácido perclórico como solución titulante, mientras que en la valoración de sulfametoxazol se empleó nitrito de sodio para efectuar una reacción de óxido-reducción. El uso de los electrodos prototipo platino/POSAI para la reacción de óxido-reducción y el electrodo prototipo POSAI como electrodo de referencia en la reacción ácido-base presentaron un funcionamiento equiparable con el electrodo de platino/Ag/AgCl y el electrodo de vidrio comercial al detectar los mismos volúmenes de solución titulante en el punto de equivalencia bajo las condiciones de estudio en las determinaciones que se efectuaron a microescala.

  3. Efecto de la pirolusita, la caliza+fluorita y el ferrocromomanganeso en un electrodo básico con revestimiento periférico

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    Amado Cruz-Crespo


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el comportamiento de electrodos revestidos AWS E 7018, en función del contenido de los componentes en el revestimiento periférico aplicado, con el objetivo de mejorar su desempeño. Las proporciones en las mezclas para los revestimientos se establecieron con base en un diseño experimental de tipo Mc Lean Anderson, donde las variables de entrada son: X1- la pirolusita, X2- la caliza+fluorita (para relación caliza: fluorita=1 y X3- el FeCrMn. Las mezclas homogenizadas fueron aglomeradas con silicato de sodio y agua para conformar las pastas que se aplicaron por inmersión sobre el revestimiento básico de los electrodos de 3,2 mm de diámetro del núcleo metálico. Para evaluar los electrodos fueron obtenidas las isolíneas de comportamiento de las tasas de fusión y deposición, de la eficiencia de deposición y de la geometría de los cordones. Se concluye que la composición del revestimiento de mejor desempeño condiciona cambios favorables frente al electrodo sin revestimiento periférico, ya que aumenta la profundidad de penetración del cordón, el cual adquiere un perfil más estrecho.

  4. Bifunctional electrodes with ir and Ru oxide mixtures and pt for unified regenerative cells; Electrodos bifuncionales basados en mezclas de oxidos de Ir y Ru con Pt para celdas regenerativas unificadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duron-Torres, S.M.; Escalante-Garcia, I.L. [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas (Mexico); Cruz, J. C.; Arriaga-Hurtado; L.G. [Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica, Pedro Escobedo, Queretaro (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    reaccion de evolucion de oxigeno (OER) en el PEMWE son las etapas limitantes de las URFC segun sea el modo de operacion. La obtencion de electrocatalizadores bifuncionales que se desempenen de manera satisfactoria en ambas reacciones del oxigeno y que soporten las diferentes condiciones de trabajo encontradas en una celda de combustible y un electrolizador, es el enfoque principal de las investigaciones relacionadas con las URFC. El presente trabajo es una contribucion a la investigacion de electrocatalizadores bifuncionales y muestra algunos resultados preliminares del estudio electroquimico de diferentes mezclas de Pt gcc, IrO{sub 2} y RuO{sub 2} soportadas en Ebonex® como electrodos de oxigeno. La caracterizacion electroquimica por voltamperometria ciclica (CV), Voltamperometria lineal (LV) y Espectroscopia de Impedancia electroquimica (EIS) en H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} 0.5 M, en ausencia y presencia de oxigeno revela que los electrodos bifuncionales IrO{sub 2}-Pt y RuO{sub 2}-Pt soportados en Ebonex® presentan propiedades electrocataliticas razonables para las reacciones de evolucion y reduccion de oxigeno y presentan posibilidad para su uso en una URFC. Los electrodos basados en el oxido de Ir muestran una mayor estabilidad que los correspondientes electrodos basados en oxido de rutenio.

  5. 158. Extracción quirúrgica de electrodos de marcapasos y desfibrilador asistida con láser excimer

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    V.X. Mosquera Rodríguez


    Conclusiones: El láser Excimer se presenta como una alternativa eficaz para la extracción de electrodos intravasculares con resultados excelentes en nuestra serie, permitiendo tratar algunos pacientes que difícilmente podrían ser abordados con otras técnicas existentes. El riesgo de complicaciones cardiovasculares mayores exige que la técnica sea efectuada bajo anestesia general en un quirófano habilitado para cirugía cardíaca.

  6. Experiencia inicial con el retiro de electrodos de estimulación cardiaca mediante una técnica de extracción percutánea mecánica


    Mauricio Duque; Juan C. Díaz; Jorge E. Marín; Julián M. Aristizábal; Jorge E. Velásquez; Laura Duque; William Uribe


    Introducción: En Colombia el uso de técnicas de extracción de electrodos de estimulación cardiaca es infrecuente, en parte debido al alto costo de los materiales utilizados para la extracción percutánea y por otra parte por los riesgos percibidos asociados al procedimiento. Esto ha llevado a que muchos electrodos disfuncionantes o infectados sean abandonados o retirados mediante cirugía abierta. Con base en lo anterior se ha desarrollado un programa de extracción de electrodos mediante el uso...

  7. Perforación tardía del ventrículo derecho con electrodo de fijación activa en el septum y estimulación diafragmática como primera manifestación clínica

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    Alberto Negrete, MD


    Full Text Available La perforación miocárdica es una complicación infrecuente, relacionada con el implante de marcapasos y cardiodesfibriladores, que puede ocurrir al insertar los electrodos; sin embargo, en relación con la utilización de electrodos de fijación activa, ésta puede suceder después de varios días o semanas del implante. Se describe un caso clínico de un paciente a quien se le implantó un marcapasos bicameral con electrodos de fijación activa evidenciándose una semana más tarde perforación miocárdica por el electrodo ventricular, con estimulación diafragmática como manifestación clínica. Inicialmente no había evidencia radiológica de la perforación y requirió abordaje endovascular para extracción

  8. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales

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    Rosario Silva Gilli


    Full Text Available Contenido: Las creaciones en la agricultura. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales. El Convenio Internacional para la protección de las obtenciones vegetales (París 1961 y sus revisiones de Ginebra 1972, 1978,1991 Objeto de la protección legal. Condiciones del cultivar. Alcance de la protección. La protección de obtenciones vegetales en el Mercosur. Los Derechos de autor en el Mercosur. El Protocolo de Armonización de normas sobre Propiedad Intelectual en el Mercosur. El Acuerdo de Cooperación y facilitación sobre la protección de las obtenciones vegetales en los Estados Partes del Mercosur.  Alcance de la normativa Mercosur. Los Derechos sobre cultivares en Uruguay. Los Derechos de autor como derechos humanos. ¿Derechos de autor vs. derecho de propiedad intelectual? Reflexión final

  9. Selección automatizada de electrodos para la soldadura manual de los aceros al carbono

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    Alexander Velázquez Font


    Full Text Available Se aborda lo relativo a un sistema para la selección automatizada de electrodos en la soldadura de los aceros al carbono. Se inicia con una breve revisión de los problemas que presentan estos en su soldabilidad y los factores concernientes a la selección correcta del electrodo en los mismos. En el mismo se expone el fundamento teórico sobre el diseño del sistema el cual da solución a lo anteriormente expuesto. En la elaboración del software se tiene en cuenta los siguientes principios: propiedades mecánicas de la unión soldada, tipo de revestimiento, posición de la soldadura, etc. Se tienen en cuenta en el trabajo diferentes firmas y normas de fabricantes de electrodos y países que mas se utilizan en la industria mecánica en Cuba. El software tiene la ventaja de ser sencillo, rápido y seguro, garantizando la selección correcta de los electrodos para cada caso y situación. El software supone que el usuario no tenga que tener conocimientos profundos de soldadura, debido a que el sistema se encarga de la mayor parte de las decisiones para la selección del electrodo, procedimiento que con métodos convencionales, exigen del usuario una determinada experiencia en la selección de estos materiales para la soldadura de los aceros al carbono.

  10. Influencia de la composición fásica de la capa de barniz impermeabilizante de electrodos rutílicos sobre la porosidad en la soldadura subacuática mojada

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    Alexandre Queiroz


    Full Text Available Los electrodos rutílicos impermeabilizados se usan frecuentemente en la soldadura subacuática por su buen comportamiento tecnológico. Una alternativa para mejorar su comportamiento sería incorporar compuestos químicos a la capa de barniz. En el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos con la adición de una mezcla pirometalúrgica exotérmica en la primera capa de barniz de electrodos rutílicos del tipo 6013 y 7024. La mezcla pirometalúrgica propuesta proporciona, por etapas, oxígeno al medio, según la temperatura del revestimiento, alterando así la presión parcial del hidrógeno del medio circundante. El elemento químico portador de oxígeno en la mezcla pirometalurgia se reduce hasta su estado elemental, interactuando después con el baño de soldadura como desoxidante. Todo este proceso brinda un balance energético favorable al proceso de soldadura. A 50 metros de profundidad se comparan el comportamiento tecnológico, la cantidad de poros en el metal de soldadura, la estructura metalográfica y la composición química de los depósitos metálicos realizados con electrodos barnizados de la manera tradicional y con los barnizados con la mezcla pirometalúrgica. Con los electrodos del tipo 6013 cubiertos con barniz modificado se logró disminuir los niveles de porosidad en los cordones en un 16% y con los electrodos 7024 en un 59%.

  11. Experiencia inicial con el retiro de electrodos de estimulación cardiaca mediante una técnica de extracción percutánea mecánica

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    Mauricio Duque


    Conclusión: La extracción de electrodos por electrofisiólogos debidamente entrenados permite obtener resultados muy buenos con una baja tasa de complicaciones. El uso de vainas de extracción mecánica es una alternativa viable y de costo razonable en nuestro medio sin necesidad de recurrir a cirugía cardiaca o vainas de extracción láser.

  12. Terapia de resincronización con implante de electrodo ventricular izquierdo por vía epicárdica Resynchronization therapy with left ventricular electrode implant via epicardium

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    Francisco Gómez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la terapia de resincronización cardiaca es segura y efectiva para mejorar la clase funcional y la calidad de vida, y reducir la mortalidad en pacientes con falla cardiaca en estado funcional III y IV con terapia médica óptima. Métodos: este es el reporte del procedimiento realizado a un grupo de pacientes a quienes se les implantó un marcapasos tricameral para resincronización cardiaca, con inserción del electrodo ventricular izquierdo por vía epicárdica, realizado en la Unidad Cardiovascular y de Trasplantes del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl y la Universidad de Antioquia, en noviembre de 2004 a febrero de 2006. Los pacientes elegidos para la inserción cumplían con los criterios de falla cardiaca estadio C o D, según la clasificación de la NYHA III ó IV, corroborado con prueba funcional menor de 5 MET, fracción de eyección menor del 35%, QRS mayor de 120 milisegundos y criterios ecocardiográficos de disincronía intraventricular, interventricular o aurículo-ventricular. Resultados: se incluyeron nueve pacientes: cinco hombres y cuatro mujeres, con edad promedio de 57 años; ocho pacientes tenían bloqueo de rama izquierda del haz de His. El procedimiento de implante se realizó en dos tiempos, el primero en la sala de hemodinámica donde se ubicó el electrodo de aurícula derecha y ventrículo derecho, y el segundo en el quirófano, donde se puso un electrodo del ventrículo izquierdo por vía epicárdica por minitoracotomía anterior izquierda. El tiempo total del procedimiento osciló entre 35 a 210 minutos con un promedio de 105 minutos, menor en los últimos pacientes. Las medidas intraoperatorias demuestran un umbral de estimulación promedio de 0,9 mv; la duración del QRS fue menor a 130 milisegundos luego de la estimulación biventricular en el 100% de los casos y el tiempo de detección al estimular con el electrodo ventricular izquierdo, fue mayor de 100 milisegundos en el 100% de los

  13. Perspectiva de uso del poliestireno expandido, como alternativa de impermeabilizante, para electrodos empleados en la soldadura subacuática mojada

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    Lorenzo Perdomo González


    Full Text Available La soldadura subacuática mojada, usando el proceso manual con electrodorevestido (SMAW, es actualmente la técnica más empleada para realizar trabajos de reparación en condiciones subacuática (mojada, debido a las características de maniobrabilidad propias del proceso. El revestimiento es la parte estructural del electrodo que más influye sobre su campo de aplicación, por tanto su impermeabilización es requisito indispensable, la cual se realiza mediante la aplicación de capas impermeables sobre el mismo, utilizándose habitualmente para esta operación resinas, ceras, parafinas o barnices. En eltrabajo se presenta una evaluación preliminar, acerca del uso del poliestireno reciclado como alternativa para la fabricación de un impermeabilizante para estos electrodos, abordándose las características principales de su preparación y forma de aplicación. Para realizar la evaluación de este nuevo impermeabilizante, se realizaron depósitos de soldadura en lámina de aguay a 50 m de profundidad, comparándose el desempeño de los electrodos impermeabilizados con el barniz tradicional y con la nueva formulación, fundamentalmente en lo referido a la apariencia superficial del cordón y a la formación de poros en el metal depositado a 50 m de profundidad, además fue realizada la caracterización química a los depósitos obtenidos en lámina de agua. La evaluación preliminar evidenció la factibilidad de emplear el poliestireno expandido como material alternativo para la fabricación de impermeabilizante para los electrodos empleados en operaciones de soldadura subacuática mojada.

  14. El Mecanismo de la Electro - oxidación de Metanol y Etanol una Revisión Bibliográfica

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    Bibian Hoyos


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica del estudio de electro-oxidación de metanol y etanol en ánodos para celdas de combustible. Se muestran las dificultades principales para la comparación cuantitativa de los diversos resultados publicados, con énfasis en el resumen del estado del arte en la determinación del área de electrodos porosos y se plantean los mecanismos de las reacciones de oxidación de metanol y etanol en metales del grupo del platino, anotando las discrepancias y consensos actuales sobre el tema. Se sugieren además nuevas direcciones de investigación para trabajos futuros


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    Germán Buitrón


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la influencia de la separación de electrodos sobre la producción de electricidad y la eliminación de materia orgánica en celdas de combustible microbianas usando agua residual. Para ello se construyeron tres celdas de geometría semejante pero con diferente volumen. En promedio, se obtuvo una eficiencia de eliminación de materia orgánica del 71%. La duración del ciclo fue de 0.97 días para la celda de 40 mL, 1.03 días para la celda de 80 mL y 5.93 días para la celda de 120 mL. El aumento de distancia entre los electrodos (4, 8 y 12 cm no causó un efecto negativo en la generación de electricidad, pues en la mayor separación (celda de 120 mL se alcanzó un voltaje máximo de 660 mV, mientras que para las celdas de 40 y 80 mL fue de 540 mV y 532 mV, respectivamente. La densidad de potencia máxima se presentó en la celda con separación de 12 cm (408 mW/m2. Sin embargo, se observó que la potencia volumétrica disminuyó a medida que aumentó la separación entre los electrodos.

  16. Efecto sobre la reacción de oxígeno de la forma y la microestructura del contacto electrodo-electrolito de electrodos a difusión interna en Celdas de Combustible de Óxido Sólido (SOFC

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    Jiménez, R.


    Full Text Available In this work we have studied the elemental electrode shape and electrode - electrolyte contact microstructure influence of Internal diffusion (ID gas electrode in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC. First the influence over the electrolyte effective resistance is studied. Then the influence of the shape of the elemental contact grain of ID electrode is also studied. Finally the influence of the electrode - electrolyte contact microstructure in the electrode response for a pure diffuse control is modelled. From the obtained results, conclusions on the contact microstructure and electrode shape influence over the oxygen reaction of this kind of gas electrodes are commented.

    En este trabajo, se estudia la influencia de la forma del electrodo elemental y la microestructura del contacto electrodo-electrolito, del electrodo de gas a difusión interna en celdas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFC. Se determina la influencia de la microestructura del contacto electrodo electrolito sobre la resistencia efectiva del electrolito, la influencia de la forma del contacto de un grano elemental de un electrodo poroso suponiendo que sea aproximadamente una semiesfera sobre la reacción del electrodo y finalmente la influencia de la microestructura del contacto electrodo - electrolito en la respuesta a un control difusivo puro del electrodo. De los resultados obtenidos se pueden extraer conclusiones sobre la influencia de la microestructura del contacto y forma del electrodo en la reacción de oxígeno en este tipo de electrodos de gas.

  17. Diseño Mc. Lean‐Anderson aplicado para obtener recubrimientos de electrodos aleados con carbono, cromo y titanio//Mc. Lean‐Anderson design applied for recovered electrodes obtaining with carbon, chrome and titanium alloys

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    Carlos René Gómez-Pérez


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de electrodos recubiertos destinados al relleno superficial con el proceso de soldadura manual (SMAW, Shielded Metal Arc Welding. Para el diseño experimental se aplican un procedimiento de cálculo para el revestimiento y un plan de mezclas del tipo Mc. Lean-Anderson. En el diseño se conjuga una matriz compuesta por Calcita (26,73 %, Ferrosilicio (19,02 %,Ferromanganeso (16,58 %, Rutilo (26,69 %, Silicato de Potasio (11,70 % y diferentes cargas de aleación conformadas por Grafito (2 ≤ X1 ≤ 10 %, Ferro Cromo (5 ≤ X2 ≤ 35 %, ferrotungsteno (5 ≤ X3 ≤ 10 % y matriz (60 ≤ X4 ≤ 80 %. En el trabajo se ofrecen criterios sobre la selección de los niveles límites a explorar durante el plan experimental, a partir de consideraciones sobre los materiales empleados, sus rangos y el procedimiento de fabricación de los electrodos.Palabras claves: electrodos recubiertos, recubrimientos de electrodos, smaw, diseño de experimentos, relleno superficial._______________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn the present work the behavior of recovered electrodes for superficial filler with Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW process is study. For the experimental design a coating calculation procedure and a Mc. Lean- Anderson type experimental plan are used. On the experimental design a matrix, composed by Calcite (26,73 %, Ferrosilicio (19,02%, Ferromanganese (16,58%, Rutile (26,69%, Potassium Silicate (11,70 %, and a alloy, conformed by Graphite (2 ≤ X1 ≤ 10, Ferro Chromium (5 ≤ X2 ≤ 35 %, ferrotungsteno (5 ≤ X3 ≤ 10 % and matrix (60 ≤ X4 ≤ 80 % is conjugated. In the work some criteria on the selection of the levels limits to explore during the experimental plan are offer, starting from considerations on the materials employees, their ranges and the procedure of production of the electrodes.Key words: recovered electrodes, electrodes coating, smaw

  18. Fabricación de electrodos para control de transporte y alineamiento a micro y nanoescalas usando técnicas bottom-up y top-down

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    Darwin Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El continuo avance de aplicaciones en dispositivos de autoensamble, posicionamiento, sensores, actuadores, y que permitan controladamente la manipulación de micro y nanoestructuras, han generado amplio interés en el desarrollo de metodologías que permitan optimizar la fabricación de dispositivos para el control y manipulación a micro y nanoescalas. Este proyecto explora técnicas de fabricación de electrodos con el fin de encontrar una técnica óptima y reproducible. Se compara el rendimiento de cada técnica y se describen protocolos de limpieza y seguridad. Se diseñan e implementan tres geometrías para movilizar y posicionar micro y nanopartículas de hierro en una solución de aceite natural. Finalmente se generan campos eléctricos a partir de electroforesis, con el fin de encontrar la curva que describe el desplazamiento de las partículas con respecto al potencial aplicado. Estos resultados generan gran impacto en los actuales esfuerzos de fabricación bottom-up (controlando con campos la ubicación y la movilidad en dispositivos electrónicos. El hecho de fabricar geometría planar con electrodos genera la posibilidad de que se pueda integrar movimiento de partículas a los circuitos integrados que se fabrican en la actualidad.

  19. Desactivación de electrodos de oro modificados con hidróxido de níquel


    Caram, Bruno Federico; Tucceri, Ismael Ricardo


    En este trabajo se estudió la modificación (desactivación) que sufre el proceso de transporte de carga en películas de hidróxido de níquel, sintetizadas electroquímicamente sobre electrodos de oro, cuando son almacenadas sin uso durante tiempo prolongado. Se encontró que las películas usadas después de ser almacenadas, se tornan menos conductoras que las películas usadas inmediatamente después de ser preparadas. En este estudio se empleó como técnica electroquímica, la Voltamperometría Estaci...

  20. Valoraciones empírico-teóricas sobre los métodos de evaluación de la transferencia de carga eléctrica en la soldadura con electrodo revestido

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    Alejandro García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se basa en la valoración de resultados obtenidos experimentalmente, mediante la aplicación de diferentes métodos de evaluación, reportados en la literatura especializada, de la estabilidad en el proceso de transferencia de carga eléctrica a través del arco. Un diseño factorial simple, cuya variable independiente es la corriente de soldadura, fue aplicada al proceso con electrodos AWS A5.1 E6013. Los depósitos de soldadura fueran realizados en posición plana con el empleo de un dispositivo de alimentación por gravedad. Fue obteniendo mediante procesamiento digital de señales y técnicas estadísticas, criterios sobre la estabilidad del proceso de transferencia de carga eléctrica, refrendados mediante la aplicación de técnicas de inspección visual y estudio de la morfología. De los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que entre los parámetros considerados para valorar el proceso de transferencia de carga eléctrica la mediana de la conductividad de los picos de reencendido y la cantidad de picos de reencendido se presentan como los índices más representativos, tanto desde el punto estadístico como fenomenológico. Esto se corrobora en el hecho de que el estudio morfológico metalográfico y el análisis de estabilidad del proceso de transferencia de carga eléctrica coincide en que el régimen de 160 A (para electrodos de 4 mm de diámetro es el más estable, comprobándose la validez del método empleado.

  1. Catalizadores anodicos basados en platino para celdas de combustible de etanol

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    Full Text Available Se estudió el comportamiento electro catalítico de platino puro y aleaciones basadas en él con Ru, Sn, Ir y Os soportados en carbón para la electro oxidación de etanol con el propósito de desarrollar catalizadores anódicos para celdas de combustible directas de etanol. Adicionalmente, se construyeron electrodos porosos y ensambles electrodo-membrana para celdas de combustible poliméricas, en las cuales se probaron los ánodos. La caracterización de los catalizadores se realizó mediante voltametría cíclica, mientras que las pruebas del desempeño de las celdas se realizaron mediante pruebas de polarización corriente-potencial. En general, todas las aleaciones mostraron un menor potencial de inicio de la reacción y mayor actividad catalítica que el platino puro. Sin embargo en la zona de altos sobre potenciales, el platino puro tiene mayor actividad catalítica que las aleaciones. De acuerdo con estos resultados, las aleaciones estudiadas podrían ser útiles en celdas de combustible operando a corrientes moderadas y bajas

  2. Uso de fluidos dieléctricos a base de aceites en maquinado por descargas eléctricas por penetración/Case Study for the use of Vegetable Dielectric Fluid in Die-Sink Electro Discharge Machining (EDM.

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    Mauro Suarez Paipa


    Full Text Available En procesos de mecanizado por descarca eléctrica EDM (Electro Dischage Machining el fluido dieléctrico normalmente está compuesto por derivados del petróleo. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar fluidos alternativos a los tradicionales. En este contexto, fueron analizados 5 fluidos dieléctricos de origen vegetal, comparándolos con el desempeño de kerosene y aceite mineral. El material mecanizado fue acero rápido M2, usando parámetros de desbaste para electrodos de cobre y grafito. Fueron medidas las tasas de remoción de material (TMR, el desgaste de los electrodos, la rugosidad y la morfología de la superficie mecanizada. Los dieléctricos de origen vegetal presentaron un desempeño competitivo usando electrodos de cobre y grafito.EDM process commoly use petroleum based died fluids.The aim of this work is to evaluate alternative fluidsto traditional mineral ones. It was analyzed 5 different dielectric fluids derived of seeds. They were comparedwith kerosene and a mineral oil. The workpiece was speed-steel M2. The machining parameters were preestablished for working with copper and graphite electrodes. The material removal rate, the wear rate ofthe electrodes, the finishing and morphology of machined surface were all measured. Vegetable based oils showed a competitive performance using cooper and graphite electrodes when compared with mineral based oils.

  3. Electrodos de PVC/TTF-TCNQ modificados. Aplicación como sensores y biosensores electroquímicos


    Sánchez-Obrero, Guadalupe


    En este trabajo de Tesis Doctoral, se estudia el desarrollo de nuevos electrodos, basados en la modificación del electrodo compósito PVC/TTF-TCNQ, mediante nanopartículas de oro. Se pretende que estos nuevos electrodos sean susceptibles de ser empleados como sensores y/o biosensores electroquímicos, para la detección de analitos de interés. De ellos, se han elegido para su determinación la glucosa, el paracetamol y los compuestos fenólicos presentes en los vinos. La Tesis Doctoral está es...

  4. Análisis de soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables con aceros de medio y bajo carbono por SMAW

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    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de la soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI 304 y AISI 316 con aceros de bajo y medio carbono AISI 1020 – AISI 1045, empleando como materiales de aporte los electrodos EutecTrode® 52 NG, 54 NG y 57 NG, mediante el proceso de arco eléctrico con electrodo revestido (SMAW. Para analizar la soldabilidad de estos electrodos cuando se realiza la unión de aceros inoxidables con aceros al carbono, se practicaron pruebas metalográficas y ensayos mecánicos de dureza, doblez y tracción, con el fin de observar el comportamiento tanto de la zona afectada térmicamente como del cordón de soldadura, a partir del cambio en las propiedades mecánicas y metalúrgicas en las diferentes regiones de las uniones soldadas. Durante el proceso de soldadura se siguió una especificación del procedimiento de soldadura (WPS, para que los resultados fueran repetibles, minimizando los problemas de agrietamiento en caliente, agrietamiento en frío, formación de fase sigma y precipitación de carburos.

  5. Descargas inapropiadas por ruido eléctrico como manifestación de pérdida del aislante interno en un paciente con electrodo RIATA

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    Yuly A. Remolina


    Se expone el caso de un paciente de 64 años, quien cuatro años después del implante de un cardiodesfibrilador, presentó ocho descargas inapropiadas secundarias a extrusión de los alambres del electrodo por pérdida del aislante interno.

  6. Desarrollo de apio minimamente procesado fortificado con vitamina e, utilizando la ingenieria de matrices




    El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un producto minimamente procesado fortificado con vitamina E, a partir de apio (Apium graveolens L. var.dulce), utilizando la ingenieria de matrices como metodologia de obtencion de alimentos funcionales. Trozos de apio impregnados al vacio con dl¿¿tocoferol acetato emulsificado en una solucion isotonica al vegetal de NaCl, 1,2%, fueron evaluados en funcion del tiempo de almacenamiento y el envasado (con y sin vacio), en terminos de la cuantificacio...

  7. Tratamiento de aguas residuales del proceso de desengrase de autopartes con fines de reuso


    Arango Gómez, Sebastián; López Gutiérrez, Andrés


    Este estudio presenta los resultados obtenidos al utilizar la electrocoagulación con el fin de reducir las grasas y aceites, la demanda química de oxigeno, el carbono orgánico total, surfactantes y aumentar la biodegradabilidad de aguas residuales provenientes de un proceso de desengrase de autopartes, de una planta ensambladora de autos de la ciudad de Medellín. Se utilizaron cuatro electrodos conectados en paralelo, configuración bipolar, usando hierro como electrodo de sacrificio y alumini...

  8. Análisis por microscopía electroquímica de barrido de superficies electroactivas y desarrollo-caracterización de electrodos basados en un tejido de fibra de carbono




    Una parte importante del trabajo desarrollado en la presente tesis está basado en la puesta a punto y aplicación de la técnica de la microscopía electroquímica de barrido (SECM). Con esta técnica se han caracterizado electroquímicamente superficies sobre las que se han sintetizado una serie de materiales electroactivos desarrollados por nuestro grupo de investigación. Dichos materiales se sintetizan sobre diferentes substratos con el fin de disponer de electrodos de trabajo con aplicación en ...

  9. Electrodos austeníticos inoxidables semisintéticos para la soldadura manual por arco eléctrico: Una variante económica para las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PIME. // Semi-synthetic austenitics stainless steel electrodes for shielded metal arc welding: A

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    A. Paz Iglesias


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se brinda una valoración económica para la producción de electrodos austeníticos inoxidables tiposE308L, E309, E312 y E316L en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PIME. Lo significativo de la presente valoración esque se brindan los resultados obtenidos al fabricar los electrodos de forma semisintética; es decir, utilizando un solo tipo dealambre inoxidable (308L y añadiendo las ferroaleaciones necesarias en el revestimiento. Los resultados que se muestranestán basados en las experiencias de investigación, producción y comercialización de una planta con capacidad para 200toneladas al año, a la cual le es muy difícil insertarse en el mercado utilizando los mismos procedimientos tecnológicos yfinancieros de una gran empresa con grandes capitales y recursos.Palabras claves: Electrodos austeníticos inoxidables, electrodos sintéticos, ferroaleaciones, electrodossemisintéticos, electrodos convencionales, metal depositado.___________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper offers an economic valuation for the production of stainless electrodes type E308L, E309, E312 and E316L,for small and middle companies (PIME. The significant part of the present valuation gives the results obtained in theproduction of semi-synthetic electrodes; using just one type of stainless wire (308L and adding the ferroalloys neededin the coat. The results shown are based on investigation experiences, production and trading of companies with acapacity for 200 T/year, so it is very difficult to enter in the market using the same technological procedures of a bigcompany with higher capital and financial resources.Key words: Nonrusting austenistic electrodes, sintetic electrodes, semisintetic electrodes, iron alloy,conventional electrodes, metal deposition.

  10. Propuesta de un protocolo de electro-estimulación para el tratamiento de úlceras por presión grado II y III

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    Paola Andrea Quiroga Santamaría


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. El uso de estimulación eléctrica como terapia ayudante para la curación de heridas se remonta al año 1700. No obstante, a pesar de los avances científicos del siglo XX solo se conocen estudios experimentales hacia la década de los 70, cuando se inicia un proceso investigativo con el fin de conocer a mayor profundidad las propiedades eléctricas de la piel y el efecto que tiene la estimulación eléctrica en las reacciones fisiológicas de las células epidérmicas para aumentar y favorecer la curación de heridas. Objetivo. Proponer un protocolo de electro-estimulación para el tratamiento de úlceras por presión grados II y III, con base en la mejor evidencia reportada. Materiales y métodos. Búsqueda de artículos en diferentes bases de datos utilizando los títulos de términos médicos (Medical Subjects Headings MESH, con la utilización de los vocablos “Wound Healing”, “Pressure Ulcer” y el sub encabezado “Electrophysiology” y “Electrical Stimulation”. Resultados. Después de realizar el análisis de la información se presenta la fundamentación de los parámetros que contiene la propuesta del protocolo (tipo de corriente, forma de onda, intensidad, campo eléctrico, frecuencia; se sustenta el cambio de polaridad, ubicación de electrodos y tiempo de tratamiento. Conclusión. Ante la heterogeneidad de parámetros en la aplicación de electro-estimulación en el proceso de cicatrización de úlceras por presión, se propone desde la evidencia, un protocolo de electro-estimulación fundamentado en los procesos biológicos, eléctricos y mecánicos de la piel.

  11. Posicionamento ectópico de eletrodo de marcapasso Posicionamiento ectópico de electrodo de marcapaso Ectopic positioning of pacemaker electrode

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    Gildo Mota


    Full Text Available Apresentamos o caso de um paciente portador da forma cardíaca da doença de Chagas com disfunção ventricular esquerda e bloqueio atrioventricular de 2º grau Mobitz II, associados a vários episódios de síncope. Foi submetido a implante de marcapasso artificial definitivo dupla câmara. Após um ano do implante foi diagnosticado deslocamento de eletrodo atrial, sendo submetido a reimplante de eletrodo atrial. Após dois anos do primeiro procedimento cirúrgico, apresentava dispneia aos grandes esforços. Durante a avaliação, foi solicitado ecocardiograma, que detectou a presença de corpo estranho de características metálicas em câmaras cardíacas esquerdas, consistente com eletrodo de marcapasso ectópico.Referimos el caso de un paciente portador de la forma cardíaca de la enfermedad de Chagas con disfunción ventricular izquierda y bloqueo atrioventricular de 2° grado Mobitz II, asociados a varios episodios de síncope. Fue sometido a implante de marcapaso artificial definitivo doble cámara. Tras un año del implante se diagnosticó desplazamiento de electrodo atrial, con la sumisión del paciente a reimplante de electrodo atrial. Tras dos años del primer procedimiento quirúrgico, presentaba disnea a los grandes esfuerzos. Durante la evaluación, se solicitó ecocardiograma, que detectó presencia de cuerpo extraño de características metálicas en cámaras cardíacas izquierdas, de acuerdo con electrodo de marcapaso ectópico.The present case reports on a patient presenting the cardiac form of Chagas disease, with left ventricular dysfunction and second-degree atrioventricular block Mobitz type II, associated with several syncope episodes. The patient underwent a double-chamber definitive artificial pacemaker implant. One year after the implant, the displacement of the atrial electrode was diagnosed and the patient was submitted to re-implantation of the atrial electrode. Two years after the first surgical procedure, the

  12. Trombosis venosa subclavia asociada a electrodo de marcapasos y síndrome de la plaqueta pegajosa

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    Carolina Ocampo-Salgado


    Full Text Available Resumen: El síndrome de la plaqueta pegajosa en un trastorno cualitativo plaquetario en el que bajas concentraciones de epinefrina y adenosina difosfato producen hiperagregabilidad plaquetaria considerable. Se ha especulado mucho sobre la etiología de este trastorno sin que sean claros sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos. Desde el punto de vista clínico, se asocia a trombosis arteriales y venosas recurrentes en pacientes jóvenes, pérdidas gestacionales, otras complicaciones obstétricas y cefalea recurrente.En la literatura se ha descrito su presentación familiar, lo que hace sospechar su comportamiento hereditario autosómico dominante; también se ha reportado un fenotipo adquirido de la enfermedad en algunas poblaciones especiales como pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en terapia de reemplazo renal o posterior al trasplante renal y en pacientes con cuadros inflamatorios o inmunosupresión. Se expone el caso de una paciente con antecedente de cefalea de difícil manejo, síndrome hipertensivo asociado al embarazo y mortinato, con síndrome del nodo enfermo y disautonomía manejadas con implantación de marcapasos definitivo bicameral con sensor CLS, que desarrolló trombosis de la vena subclavia, asociada al electrodo de marcapasos, recurrente a pesar de anticoagulación con warfarina y rivaroxabán e incluso a pesar de antiagregación con ácido acetilsalicílico, con posterior diagnóstico de síndrome de la plaqueta pegajosa. Abstract: Sticky platelet syndrome is a qualitative platelet disorder in which low concentrations of adrenaline and adenosine diphosphate produce considerable platelet hyperaggregability. There has been much speculation on the origin of this disorder as its pathophysiological mechanisms of action are not yet clear. From a clinical point of view, it is associated with recurrent arterial and venous thrombosis in young patients, miscarriages, other obstetric complications and recurrent headaches.Its familial

  13. Construcción de electrodos de plata / cloruro de plata para medición de potenciales eléctricos en estructuras sumergidas


    Alejandro David, Agama Mosquera; Peña Estrella, Julián


    En este proyecto se logró construir en el laboratorio de materiales un electrodo experimental plata/cloruro de plata para medición de potenciales eléctricos en estructuras sumergidas. Utilizando un procedimiento experimental llamado electrolisis se formo sobre el electrodo, específicamente en la rejilla del electrodo experimental una capa fina de cloruro de plata. A continuación se realizó los cálculos pertinentes de la masa de cloruro de plata que se formo durante el proceso de electrolisis ...

  14. Nanoparticulas basadas en complejos de Fe(II) con transicion de espin: sintesis, caracterizacion y aplicaciones en electronica molecular (United States)

    Monrabal Capilla, Maria

    sintesis de otro nuevo tipo de nanoparticulas, obtenidas a partir de otro polimero de la misma familia, el [FeO8ZnO2(Htrz)3](BF4). Estas nanoparticulas se sintetizaron con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto de la dilucion del metal en la muestra. Como resultado se obtuvieron nanoparticulas que tambien presentan una estrecha distribucion de tamanos pero en este caso la transicion de espin no es tan abrupta como en los casos anteriores. Aunque sigue presentando un ciclo de histeresis termica bastante ancho y a temperaturas proximas a la temperatura ambiente. En el capitulo 4 se describiran las estrategias que se han seguido para mejorar la estabilidad y afinidad sobre diferentes sustratos de las nanoparticulas sintetizadas en el capitulo 2. Tambien se hablara de los intentos realizados parar depositarlas en superficies y embeberlas en diferentes matrices organicas e inorganicas. En el capitulo 5 presentaremos la obtencion de un interruptor molecular realizado poniendo en contacto nanoparticulas individuales sintetizadas en el capitulo 2, con unos electrodos separados varios nanometros. Este dispositivo exhibe "switching" y efecto memoria a temperaturas proximas a la temperatura ambiente como consecuencia de la biestabilidad intrinseca de las nanoparticulas. Ademas demostraremos que el estado magnetico de estas nanoparticulas puede ser controlado electricamente, ya que la transicion de espin en este nanodispositivo molecular puede ser inducida simplemente aplicando un voltaje, lo que puede ser de gran interes para la electronica molecular.

  15. Energía de ionización simple en la soldadura con electrodo revestido Simple ionization energy in coated electrode welding

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    Alejandro García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar, a la comunidad científica internacional, la concepción de un método de estimación de la energía de ionización simple, indispensable para el establecimiento del plasma térmico necesario para realizar el proceso de soldadura con electrodo revestido. A partir de la síntesis y el análisis de resultados teóricos y experimentales establecidos en la literatura especializada, fue deducido un método de estimación de la energía invertida en el proceso de ionización de determinado porcentaje de los elementos disociados que componen el gas heterogéneo (resultante de la descomposición de la masa de revestimiento en la unidad de tiempo, en función de la temperatura. La eficacia de la función eléctrica del revestimiento posibilita el desarrollo de las funciones metalúrgicas y operativas del consumible, dependiendo de las propiedades físico-químicas de los materiales del revestimiento y sus concentraciones relativas. La determinación de las proporciones exactas de los componentes de las mezclas que integran los revestimientos de los electrodos revestidos, constituye un importante reto tecnológico para los fabricantes, dadas las diferencias de composición química de las materias primas comercializadas y la necesidad de minimizar, integralmente, la relación costo-beneficio del producto. Una adecuada estabilidad eléctrica del proceso es imprescindible para obtener una óptima calidad de la unión soldada.The objective of the present work is to present to the international scientific community the conception of an estimation method of the simple ionization energy, indispensable for the establishment of the thermal plasma needed for covered electrode welding. Starting from the synthesis and the analysis of experimental and theoretical results established in the specialized literature, it was deduced a method for estimating the invested energy in the ionization process of determinate

  16. Sistema de adquisición de onda cerebral mediante electrodos secos y comunicación inalámbrica: aplicación a detección de somnolencia


    Vilatuña Canchigña, Betty Janneth; Yanchaliquín Guamán, Vanessa Jaqueline; Álvarez Rueda, Robin


    Este proyecto esta orientado a solucionar el problema de somnolencia en conductores de vehículos procurando disminuir los accidentes de tránsito, para lo cual se construyó un equipo instrumental que capta las ondas cerebrales emitiendo una señal de alerta oportuna cuando se detecta adormecimiento. Para conseguir este objetivo se trabaja con la señal de electroencefalograma (EEG), el cual se mide como una diferencia de voltaje entre dos electrodos. Esta señal biológica...

  17. Electrolisis de una disolución de ácido sulfúrico con empleo de electrodos de Cu. Práctica simulada interactiva.


    Milla González, Miguel


    En esta práctica simulada se realiza la electrolisis de una disolución de ácido sulfúrico 0.1 M utilizando electrodos de cobre. Para ello se hace el montaje experimental (mostrado mediante una sucesión de fotos) y se pesa previamente el ánodo que está constituido por una lámina de cobre. El experimento se inicia encendiendo la fuente de tensión. En este momento comienzan las reacciones redox en cátodo y ánodo. El proceso puede detenerse en cualquier instante, pero es aconsejable hacerlo para ...

  18. Caracterización de los niveles de exposición a campos electromagnéticos durante el tratamiento con diatermia

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    Douglas Deás Yero


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio del campo electromagnético generado por distintos electrodos de tipo capacitivo, empleados en el equipo de fisioterapia por diatermia de onda corta YB4-66, considerando su interacción con el medio ambiente que le rodea. Se realizaron las mediciones de campo eléctrico para diferentes configuraciones de tratamiento y se utilizó un medidor de campo eléctrico de sonda isotrópica. Se diseñó, mediante un software profesional de simulación, un modelo electromagnético paramétrico bidimensional con simetría axial, para obtener detalladamente en cada configuración de los electrodos evaluados la interacción del campo electromagnético con el tejido biológico y el ambiente exterior. Se halló una buena correspondencia entre los resultados obtenidos de forma experimental y las simulaciones, lo cual permitió identificar los niveles de exposición y tomar decisiones para lograr un tratamiento más efectivo y con el menor daño posible a los seres humanos.

  19. Techniques for contact and contact with friction problems; Tecnicas para problemas de contacto y contacto con friccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velandia Arana, Gonzalo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Different numerical techniques are presented based in the finite element method to obtain numerical solutions to contact and contact with friction problems between solid bodies, and compared between each other. [Espanol] Se presentan diferentes tecnicas numericas basadas en el metodo de elementos finitos para la obtencion de soluciones numericas de problemas de contacto y contacto con friccion entre cuerpos solidos, y se comparan entre si.

  20. Techniques for contact and contact with friction problems; Tecnicas para problemas de contacto y contacto con friccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velandia Arana, Gonzalo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Different numerical techniques are presented based in the finite element method to obtain numerical solutions to contact and contact with friction problems between solid bodies, and compared between each other. [Espanol] Se presentan diferentes tecnicas numericas basadas en el metodo de elementos finitos para la obtencion de soluciones numericas de problemas de contacto y contacto con friccion entre cuerpos solidos, y se comparan entre si.

  1. Mediciones de rompimiento electrostático en separaciones micrométricas

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    Sebastián Bonilla


    Full Text Available La continua miniaturización de dispositivos electrónicos y electro-mecánicos ha permitido el estudio de efectos no visibles a macroescalas, como es el caso del comportamiento de electrodos separados a microescala. Se presenta aquí el comportamiento de electrodos de aluminio a presión atmosférica para un rango de separaciones de 1 mm a 22 mm. Convencionalmente, el comportamiento de electrodos se describe a partir de la curva de Paschen. Los resultados demuestran que, a separaciones menores de 4 mm, el voltaje de rompimiento en los electrodos decae drásticamente y no presenta un mínimo como lo predice la curva de Paschen. Esta modificación establece condiciones críticas de operación en dispositivos basados en electrodos con separaciones a microescalas./ The continuous miniaturization of electronic and electromechanical devices has allowed the study of non-visible effects on macroscales, as it is the case of the behavior of microgap separated electrodes. The behavior of aluminum electrodes at atmospheric pressure appears here for a rank of separations of 1 mm to 22 mm. The Paschen curve is conventionally used to describe the behavior of electrodes. The results demonstrate that at separations smaller than 4 mm the breakdown voltage in the electrodes decays dramatically and it does not present a minimum as predicts the Paschen curve. This modification establishes critical conditions of operation in devices based on electrodes with microgap separations.

  2. Electrochemical performance in the hydrogen evolution reaction of Ni-TR (TR= La, Ce) materials synthesized using the solid state reaction method; Desempeno electroquimico en la reaccion de evolucion de hidrogeno de materiales de electrodo Ni-TR (TR = La, Ce) sintetizados por el metodo de reaccion de estado solido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torres-Huerta, A. M.; Dominguez-Crespo, M. A.; Ramirez-Meneses, E.; Yanez-Zamora, C. [CICATA, IPN, Altamira, Tamaulipas (Mexico); Avila-Garcia, I. [IPN, ESIQIE, UPALM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    relacionados con su operacion. El material de electrodo con mayor electroactividad es el Pt, pero debido a su costo elevado se han tenido que buscar electrocatalizadores alternativos con un balance entre costo y actividad. Uno de los materiales que mas se ha utilizado es el Niquel en conjunto con algunas de sus aleaciones. Este material ha demostrado un buen desempeno utilizando bajos sobrepotenciales en reacciones tradicionales como las reacciones de evolucion de hidrogeno (REH) y oxigeno (REO), asi como una alta resistencia a la corrosion y bajo costo. Particularmente, aleaciones binarias y ternarias han demostrado un incremento importante en la actividad de la REH al compararla con los materiales en su estado puro o masivo. Por esta razon, en la busqueda de nuevas alternativas con una aceptable eficiencia al compararla con los materiales a bajo costo, en este trabajo se obtuvieron materiales Ni-TR (TR = La, Ce) por el metodo de reaccion de estado solido, a partir de: a) acetilacetonatos metalicos y b) polvos metalicos. Estos materiales se sinterizaron durante 3 h a diferentes temperaturas (795 o 920 , 1000 y 1200 grados centigrados) a fin de evaluar su efecto en el desempeno electroquimico de los electrocatalizadores. La caracterizacion estructural y morfologica de materiales se realizo por las tecnicas de DRX y MEB, respectivamente. Asimismo, el desempeno electroquimico de los materiales de electrodo se evaluo en la REH utilizando voltametria ciclica (VC) y curvas potenciodinamicas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que a bajas temperaturas se obtiene una mezcla de oxidos (NiO, CeO{sub 2} y LaNiO{sub 3}); sin embargo a medida que la temperatura de sinterizado se incrementa, se alcanza la formacion de las aleaciones NiO-CeO{sub 2} y NiO-LaNiO{sub 3}, respectivamente. Al mismo tiempo se observo una clara dependencia de la actividad electrocatalitica con la fuente obtencion de estos materiales (Ni-TR).

  3. Estudio de electrodeposición de cobre sobre electrodos porosos de grafito y acero inoxidable vía SEM-DRX y análisis de imagen


    Constanzo-R., Robinson; Pagliero-N., Antonio; Vergara-G., Froilán


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativo de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el interior de electrodos porosos (EP) de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se realizaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de laboratorio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme al i...

  4. Primer implante de electrodo de estimulación selectiva del haz de His en Colombia: Reporte de dos casos First implantation of selective his bundle pacing in Colombia: Report of two cases

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    Jorge E Velásquez


    Full Text Available Se conoce que la estimulación en el ápex del ventrículo derecho produce disincronía ventricular y muchas veces los pacientes desarrollan miocardiopatía dilatada, lo que ha llevado a realizar una estimulación más fisiológica. Con el reciente desarrollo tecnológico de los electrodos para la estimulación selectiva del haz de His (fisiológica, se quiere mostrar la experiencia en el implante de este tipo de electrodos en los dos primeros casos del servicio de electrofisiología de la Clínica Medellín.Pacing in the right ventricular apex is known to produce ventricular dysynchrony and patients often develop dilated cardiomiopathy. For this reason, a more physiological stimulation has been performed. With the recent technological development of electrodes for selective stimulation of the His bundle, we want to show the experience of this type of implantation in the first two cases made in the electrophysiology laboratory in Medellin.

  5. Efecto del V y el Si Sobre la Microestructura de Depósitos Realizados con Electrodos Tubulares Revestidos de Alto Contenido de Mn (Hadfield

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    Manuel Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Las aleaciones para el relleno superficial Fe-Mn-C (Hadfield han demostrado una excelente resistencia al desgaste bajo altas cargas dinámicas. En los últimos años se han realizado numerosos estudios para aumentar la resistencia al desgaste y mejorar su desempeño, a través de la introducción de otros elementos de aleación. En el presente trabajo se investiga la microestructura y dureza de los depósitos de relleno con alto contenido de Mn y adiciones de 1.2% de V y 2.4% de Si. Los depósitos estudiados se realizaron utilizando electrodos tubulares revestidos fabricados a escala de laboratorio. Las fases y microconstituyentes en el metal depositado se identificaron mediante microscopía óptica (MO, electrónica de barrido (MEB, difracción de rayos X (DRX, dureza y microdureza. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, la adición de V al sistema aleante originó que la fase predominante fuera la austenita. Además, contribuyó a la formación de carburos de vanadio (VC en la microestructura de la capa de relleno, sin observarse la presencia de carburos complejos. Por otra parte, la presencia de Si favoreció la formación de una red de ferrita interdendrítica. La adición de estos elementos de aleación mejoró las propiedades de estos depósitos, potencializando su uso en aplicaciones que requieren alta resistencia al desgaste bajo altas cargas.

  6. Procedimiento para la obtención de micro- o nanopartículas sólidas


    Ventosa Rull, Nora; Veciana Miró, Jaume; Cano-Sarabia, Mary; Sala Vergés, Santiago


    Procedimiento para la obtencion de micro- o nanoparticulas solidas. La invencion proporciona un nuevo procedimiento para la obtencion de micro- o nanoparticulas solidas con estructura homogenea. Se proporciona un procedimiento que permite obtener micro- o nanoparticulas solidas de estructura homogenea, con un tamano de particula inferior a 10 ƒÊm donde el compuesto solido procesado revela la naturaleza, cristalina, amorfa, polimorfica, etc..., propia del compuesto d...

  7. Evaluación de diferentes tipos de barnices en la protección de electrodos para la soldadura subacuática//Evaluation of different types of varnishs to protect underwater welding electrodes

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    Manuel Rodríguez-Pérez


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo evaluar  las posibilidades de empleo de diferentes tipos de barnices como impermeabilizantes para los electrodos del tipo AWS E 6013, cuando se realiza la soldadura  en condiciones subacuática mojada. Los barnices evaluados son el Vinílico, Marítimo, base Poliuretano y una nueva variante base Isopor. Los métodos de evaluación incluye el comportamiento de la resistencia mecánica que le confiere al revestimiento a cada uno de los barnices, el agua adsorbida y el tipo de estructura en el cordón, utilizando microscopía óptica convencional. En este aspecto, la estructura en todos los cordones realizados con el electrodo E 6013, independientemente del impermeabilizante utilizado es similar, caracterizada por ferrita primaria o de contorno de grano y del tipo Widmanstätten, sin embargo, se determinó, que el impermeabilizante base Isopor, garantiza una mejor protección del electrodo en cuanto a la cantidad de agua adsorbida y adherencia del revestimiento.Palabras claves: soldadura subacuática, impermeabilizante, electrodos._______________________________________________________________________________The article aims to assess the potential use of different types of paints and waterproofing materials for the electrodes of type AWS E 6013, when performing underwater welding in wet conditions. The coatings evaluated are Vinyl, Maritime, polyurethane base and a new variant Isopor base. Evaluation methods include the behavior of the mechanical strength to the coating gives each of the varnishes, the adsorbed water and the type of structure in the welds, using conventional microscopy. In this sense, the structure in all the welds made with the electrode E 6013, regardless of waterproofed used is similar, characterized by primary or ferrite grain boundary and Widmanstätten type, however, it was determined that the base waterproofing Isopor, guarantees better protection of the electrode in terms of the amount of

  8. Sensores electroquímicos basados en nanomateriales de carbono


    Remesal García, Lucía


    Caracterización de tres sensores basados en materiales de nanocarbono mediante el análisis de diferentes compuestos. El objetivo del proyecto ha sido analizar que sensor es el más sensible para detectar los compuestos electroactivos en soluciones. Se han utilizado tres tipos diferentes de sensores: Electrodo de carbono modificado con nanotubos de carbono (CNT), Electrodo de carbono modificado con Nanofibras de carbono grafitizadas (CNF) y Electrodo de carbono modificado con grafeno (GPH). El ...

  9. Asymmetric electrooptic response in a nematic liquid crystal

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    Dascalu, Constanta [Politechnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest (Romania)


    An asymmetric electrooptic response in nematic liquid crystal (LC) has been obtained. The liquid crystal hybrid cell was made by using a standard configuration. One of the ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) electrodes was covered with a surfactant, which induces a homeotropic alignment. The second of the indium tin oxide electrodes was covered by a thin layer of photopolymer, which was previously mixed with an acid, which favours a process of release of protons. Such cations are responsible of electrochemical process in the LC leading to an asymmetric electrooptic response, which depend on the polarity of the applied electric field. This fact is due to an internal field, which change the effective voltage thresholds for the reorientation of the liquid crystal. During the anodic polarization, the optical switching is inhibited because the effective field decreases below the threshold value. On contrary for the opposite polarization the effective field is enough to determine a homeotropic alignment. [Spanish] Se ha obtenido una respuesta electro-optica asimetrica en cristales liquidos neumaticos. La celula hibrida de cristal liquido fue construida utilizando una configuracion estandar. Uno de los electrodos ITO fue cubierto con una pelicula delgada de material organico para inducir una alineacion homeotropa. El otro electrodo ITO fue cubierto con una pelicula delgada de fotopolimero anteriormente mezclada con un acido para favorecer la emision de protones. Estos cationes son responsables del proceso electroquimico en LC, conduciendo a una respuesta electro-optica asimetrica que depende de la polaridad del campo electrico aplicado. Este efecto es originado por un campo interno que cambia el umbral efectivo del voltaje para la reorientacion del cristal liquido. Durante la polarizacion anodica, la conmutacion optica se inhibe debido a que el campo efectivo disminuye abajo del valor del umbral. Por el contrario, para la polarizacion opuesta el campo efectivo es suficiente para

  10. El régimen de protección jurídica de las obtenciones vegetales en México: propuestas para una mejor adaptación al sistema CUPOV

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    Carlos Ernesto Arcudia Hernández


    Full Text Available El sistema de protección de propiedad industrial en variedades vegetales se encuentra regulado a nivel internacional en el Convenio Internacional para la Protección de Obtenciones Vegetales (CUPOV. Como parte de las obligaciones contraídas por México con la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio para América del Norte (TLCAN se encuentra la de dar protección a todas las variedades vegetales según el Acta del cupov de 1978 o la de 1991. Esta obligación se cumplió con la promulgación de la Ley Federal de Variedades Vegetales (LFVV en 1996. El artículo analiza, en un primer momento, las disposiciones del régimen de protección jurídica de variedades vegetales del cupov en torno al concepto de variedad vegetal; la prohibición de la doble protección; los requisitos para obtener un título de obtención vegetal, así como el contenido de la protección jurídica de la variedad vegetal. En un segundo momento se analiza la trasposición de la normativa del CUPOV a la LFVV con el objeto de sugerir propuestas de mejora a la regulación mexicana más acorde con los intereses nacionales.

  11. Producción de carbones ultralimpios usando flotación burbujeante y lixiviación con ácidos


    Barraza, Juan; Mejía, Isabel


    Los carbones ultralimpios representan una importante materia prima para la elaboración de productos de alto valor agregado tales como fibra de carbono, electrodos, espumas de carbón, entre otros. En este trabajo, carbones ultralimpios con concentraciones menores a 0,50% de ceniza (p/p, base seca, bs) se obtuvieron usando flotación burbujeante en columna y lixiviación con ácidos fluorhídrico (HF) y nítrico (HNO3). Los contenidos de ceniza se redujeron desde 19,60 % en los carbones alimentados ...

  12. Angioplastia del seno coronario en el implante de electrodo del ventrículo izquierdo Angioplasty of coronary sinus in left ventricle electrode implant

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    Alejandro Orjuela


    Full Text Available Con el incremento de implantes de dispositivos de estimulación cardíaca en pacientes con miocardiopatía dilatada, el diseno día a día más sofisticado de los mismos para satisfacer los requerimientos de los pacientes con cambios anatómicos que surgen como consecuencia de la misma dilatación cardíaca, tales como modificaciones en el calibre, curso, longitud y número de venas coronarias, cada vez se encuentran mayores dificultades para lograr los objetivos anatómicos, en particular el sitio ideal de posicionamiento del electrodo de estimulación ventricular izquierda en el seno coronario. Esta situación limita, en algunos casos, el beneficio terapéutico de esta técnica, viéndose, en ocasiones, en la necesidad de someter al paciente a toracotomía para posicionar el electrodo en el epicardio posterolateral del ventrículo izquierdo. Es así como, con el objetivo de abreviar los tiempos y la morbimortalidad e incrementar el éxito del implante, se disenó una estrategia basada en la técnica de hemodinámica para vencer las obstrucciones de las arterias coronarias y lograr, mediante angioplastia de las estrecheces del seno coronario, un abordaje más preciso a un determinado vaso epicárdico preseleccionado. Se describe la técnica usada en la angioplastia del seno coronario para este propósito.The design of devices of cardiac stimulation in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy has become more sophisticated due to the increment of its implantation, devices that must satisfy the requirements for patients with anatomical changes that appear as a consequence of the cardiac dilation such as caliber modifications, course, length and number of coronary veins. Every time is more difficult to achieve the anatomical objectives, particularly the ideal place for the left ventricular stimulation electrode position in the coronary sinus. This situation limits in some cases the therapeutical benefit of this technique, occasionally facing to the

  13. Aplicación terapéutica de la ionización al cobre en el tratamiento de las ulceraciones genitales en el hombre

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    Luis M. Salgar


    medio de una corriente eléctrica directa o continua. La cantidad de droga introducida está en proporción directa con la intensidad de la corriente y el tiempo que dure el electrodo en contacto con los tejidos. Un tratamiento prolongado con un pequeño amperaje hará penetrar más profundamente los iones que un tratamiento corto y de alto amperaje. Entre mayor sea la superficie de contacto con el electrodo activo mayor será la cantidad de corriente. Se considera que con un electrodo regular y la aplicación de diez miliamperios durante veinte minutos (200 miliamperios minuto, pueden penetrar los iones de cobre casi 8 milímetros en los tejidos enfermos.

  14. Evaluación del Deterioro de los Electrodos al Incrementar el Número de Pulsos del Tiempo de Soldadura en Aceros IF y HSLA Galvanizados y la Afectación de las Propiedades Mecánicas en los Puntos de Soldadura

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    Miguel Fernando Delgado-Pamanes

    Full Text Available Resumen: La soldadura de resistencia por puntos, es el método más importante en la industria ensambladora de carrocería autoportante o monocasco debido a su automatización, su rapidez, flexibilidad de soldar piezas con forma compleja, es económico debido a que no requiere metal de aporte, además de la posibilidad de aplicar pulsos de precalentamiento y de postcalentamiento para mejorar la soldabilidad del punto de soldadura, el cual se define como la capacidad de la estructura de proporcionar protección adecuada a los pasajeros contra lesiones en caso de una colisión, principalmente depende de la integridad y rendimiento mecánico del botón de soldadura. Para extender la vida de los vehículos se producen aceros galvanizados. Sin embargo, los recubrimientos de cinc han incrementado la dificultad de soldabilidad, siendo necesarias corrientes mayores en el proceso, pues se presenta una menor resistencia en la interfase de soldadura debido a una mejor conductividad eléctrica. Este trabajo investiga el efecto del galvanizado en la disminución de la vida de los electrodos, por esta razón, se deduce una pérdida en las propiedades mecánicas en los botones de soldadura conforme se aumenta el número de puntos de soldadura. El objetivo principal del presente estudio es correlacionar el desgaste de los electrodos con las propiedades mecánicas de los botones de soldadura. El procedimiento experimental consiste en hacer 1.000 puntos de soldadura; para cada vigésimo quinto punto de soldadura a partir del primero, los cuales se examinaron por estereoscopia, ensayos de dureza, ensayos de desbotonamiento y ensayos de tensión al corte. En el desgaste del electrodo, se evaluó la cara por impresión en papel carbón, microscopia óptica y espectroscopia de rayos-X (EDX.

  15. Transformaciones Microestructurales en Soldaduras Disímiles de Acero Inoxidable Austenítico con Acero Inoxidable Ferrítico

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    Sara María Aguilar-Sierra


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudian los fenómenos metalúrgicos que ocurren en la soldadura SMAW de un acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430 con un acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 316L. Para el estudio se utilizaron dos tipos de electrodos: austenítico AWS E309L y dúplex AWS E2209-16, ambos con un diámetro de 3,2 mm. Las uniones soldadas se realizaron con un solo pase y se variaron simultáneamente la corriente y la velocidad de soldadura; las condiciones fueron 49 A y 2,4 mm.s–1como valores bajos y 107 A y 4,3 mm.s–1como valores altos. Se evaluó la influencia del tipo de electrodo y de los parámetros de soldadura en la evolución microestructural de las zonas afectadas por el calor y de las zonas de fusión, encontrando diferencias en la morfología y cantidad de ferrita delta para todas las condiciones estudiadas. Se evidenció crecimiento y refinación de grano ferrítico y formación de martensita en la zona afectada por el calor del metal base ferrítico. Se evaluó también la resistencia a la tensión hallando similitudes en todas las soldaduras.

  16. Caracterizacíón del desgaste de electrodos de grafito en electroerosión por penetración


    Margüello Juaristi, Ignacio


    Estudio sobre la caracterización del desgaste de electrodos en electroerosión por penetración, así como el estudio del gap y de las dimensiones finales de las cavidades erosionadas en función de la tecnología de erosión empleada.

  17. Comportamiento del tiempo de duración, la frecuencia de los cortocircuitos y la conductividad eléctrica durante el reencendido del arco en la soldadura SMAW (AC con electrodos E6013 Behavior of short-circuit frequency and duration time and electrical conductivity on arc turn- on during SMAW (AC with E6013 electrodes

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    Alejandro García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la evaluación del comportamiento del tiempo de duración, la frecuencia de los cortocircuitos y la conductividad durante el reencendido del arco en el proceso de soldadura SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding, con corriente alterna y electrodos E6013. El análisis estadístico no-paramétrico garantiza un procesamiento robusto de los datos, atenuando la influencia de valores atípicos y errores derivados del empleo de aproximaciones a distribuciones continuas conocidas. La mediana y la mediana de la desviación absoluta (MAD, respecto a la mediana de los datos, constituyen los estimadores de localización y dispersión utilizados, respectivamente. El electrodo, en el régimen de 160 A, presenta una mayor estabilidad, en el aporte metálico, dada por el menor valor del MAD promedio del período de cortocircuito (39,36 ms y de la duración del cortocircuito (1,43 ms, reafirmada con la presencia de una mayor conductividad eléctrica durante el reencendido (1766,17x10-3 S·s-1.The objective of this work is the valuation of the behavior of short-circuits frequency and duration time and electrical conductivity on arc reigniting in SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding process with alternate current and E6013 electrodes. The non parametric statistic analysis realize a robust data processing, minimizing the outliers influence and mistakes derivates about employ of approximations to well know continues distributions. The median and the median absolute deviation (MAD respect to median of the data are the localization and dispersion estimators used, respectively. The electrode at 160 A present a better stability on metal transference supported on the most little value of MAD for the period of transference (39,36 ms, and the MAD of the short-circuit duration (1,43 ms, according with the presence of a major electric conductivity during the arc reigniting (1766,17x10-3 S·s-1.

  18. Desarrollo de sensores nanoestructurados basados en nanopartículas para análisis de fenoles de interés en alimentación.


    Duque Hernández, Patricia


    En este TFG se describe la fabricación de electrodos de pasta de carbono modificados con tres tipos de nanopartículas de óxidos metálicos (TiO2, NiO y CeO2). Cada electrodo ha sido ensayado en 4 antioxidantes distintos, compuestos fenólicos presentes en alimentos y bebidas, con objeto de determinar el efecto electrocatalítico de las nanopartículas empleadas y otra ventajas que ofrecen en su uso frente a los electrodos de pasta de carbono sin modificar. Se ha determinado el límite de detección...


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un producto minimamente procesado fortificado con vitamina E, a partir de apio (Apium graveolens L. var.dulce, utilizando la ingenieria de matrices como metodologia de obtencion de alimentos funcionales. Trozos de apio impregnados al vacio con dl¿¿tocoferol acetato emulsificado en una solucion isotonica al vegetal de NaCl, 1,2%, fueron evaluados en funcion del tiempo de almacenamiento y el envasado (con y sin vacio, en terminos de la cuantificacion de sus propiedades fisicoquimicas, color, textura, estabilidad de la vitamina E y caracteristicas sensoriales. Se formulo la emulsion con el objetivo de adicionar teoricamente un 73% del Valor Diario Recomendado (VDR vitamina E/100 g de apio fresco y su cuantificacion se realizo por HPLC. La respuesta a la impregnacion en la matriz fue de 12,10+-1,15%, lo cual permitio alcanzar un 112% VDR vitamina E/100g apio fresco, manteniendose este contenido durante el almacenamiento de 9 dias en ambos tipos de envasado. Los parametros fisicoquimicos del producto fueron afectados por la IV, el tiempo y el envasado, manteniendo su coloracion verdosa y presentando disminucion en la firmeza. La ingenieria de matrices constituye una metodologia efectiva para el desarrollo de apio minimamente procesado adicionado con vitamina E.

  20. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

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    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar y caracterizar el comportamiento mecánico en desgaste del acero API 5L X65, revestido con niobio en comparación al desempeño del revestimiento de la aleación de inconel 625 empleados en la industria de petróleo y gas. El revestimiento de niobio fue obtenido por el proceso de aspersión térmica a plasma de arco no transferido y el revestimiento inconel 625 por soldadura con electrodo revestido. La resistencia al desgaste por abrasión fue evaluada según la norma Petrobras N-2568, en un tribómetro CTER, la rugosidad y el volumen de material desgastado se determinó a través de perfilometría y la dureza de los revestimientos por microscopia Vickers. Los revestimientos obtenidos fueron caracterizados respecto a su morfología por microscopia electrónica de barrido (MEB y microscopía óptica (MO. La mayor dureza del revestimiento con niobio obtenido puede haber contribuido a reducir la tasa de desgaste en comparación con el revestimiento de inconel 625.

  2. Microscale adaptation of the potentiometric method with ion-selective electrode for the quantification of fluoride; Adaptacion a microescala del metodo potenciometrico con electrodo ion selectivo para la cuantificacion de fluoruro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guevara Ruiz, Paulina; Ortiz Perez, Maria Deogracias [Laboratorio de Bioquimica, Facultad de de Medicina, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    muestra necesarios, disminuya costo y substancias de desecho. Se valido el metodo potenciometrico establecido en la NMX-AA-077-SCFI-2001, asi como el metodo a microescala propuesto en este trabajo; posteriormente, se compararon ambos metodos mediante graficos y calculos estadisticos. Ademas se analizaron por ambos metodos 125 muestras de agua embotellada de venta en la ciudad de San Luis Potosi. Los datos de la validacion del metodo fueron optimos para su desempeno. Los resultados de la determinacion en las muestras de agua embotellada por ambos metodos, indican que la modificacion a microescala es estadisticamente comparable al metodo potenciometrico con electrodo ion selectivo. El metodo propuesto a microescala es apropiado para su utilizacion, con una reduccion de 95 % en costo y desechos generados.


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    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe el desarrollo de un método experimental empleado para construir las curvas de Corriente de Soldadura Vs. Velocidad de Alimentación de Alambre en proceso GMAW, con dos extensiones de electrodo en un modo de transferencia por corto circuito, utilizando un electrodo ER70S-6 y un gas 98%Ar-2%CO2. Se encontró que, manteniendo el voltaje constante, la corriente de soldadura se incrementó de manera proporcional (aproximadamente lineal a la velocidad de alimentación de alambre e inversamente proporcional a la extensión del electrodo. Se compararon las curvas construidas con las disponibles en la literatura y se encontró un desfase de aproximadamente 20 A respecto a la curva resultante para una distancia tubo de contacto-trabajo de 15 mm. Se determinó indirectamente la extensión del electrodo a partir de la estimación de las longitudes de arco fotografiadas durante los ensayos.


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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo estudia el comportamiento de electrodos revestidos para recubrimiento duro manual por arco eléctrico (SMAW, utilizados en la fabricación de blindajes laterales de molinos para la trituración de áridos. Se evaluaron tres materiales de aporte de diferentes fabricantes y recomendados para este tipo de aplicación. Se realizaron depósitos con diferentes niveles de corriente de soldadura, utilizando un dispositivo simulador que permite realizar ensayos de recubrimiento duro manual sin la interferencia directa del soldador. Se determinaron las características técnico-operativas de los consumibles de soldadura estudiados, tales como: tasa de fusión y deposición, rendimiento real, estabilidad de funcionamiento; así como se establecieron las propiedades de los depósitos: estructura metalográfica y dureza. El análisis integrado de estas características posibilito la selección del metal de aporte más adecuado, así como la mejor corriente de soldadura para esta aplicación concreta. Finalmente se desarrolló un ensayo de desgaste comparativo en condiciones reales de servicio, demostrando de esta manera la factibilidad de la sustitución de un elemento por otro.

  5. Variación de los parámetros eléctricos de la arena con la frecuencia

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    Oscar Germán Duarte Velasco


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de dos tipos de pruebas hechas a una clase de arena para obtener los valores de resistividad y permitividad eléctricas en el rango de los Hz hasta los MHz. Una de las pruebas fue realizada a frecuencias específicas con un generador de señales, y la otra fue hecha con un generador de impulsos de tensión, con lo cual se trabajó un espectro continuo de frecuencias. Las pruebas se llevaron a cabo para tres valores de humedad, y los resultados de ambas mostraron un comportamiento no lineal presente en la superficie de los electrodos de prueba. Esta no linealidad fue modelada y considerada en el procedi-miento de cálculo de los valores de permitividad y resistividad en el dominio de la frecuencia. Finalmente, se señalan los resultados, las conclusiones y el trabajo futuro.



    Barrado, Enrique; Gutiérrez, Evelin; Rodríguez, José Antonio; Castrillejo, Yolanda


    En esta comunicación se presenta el estudio del comportamiento electroquímico de los iones Cu(I) sobre electrodo de Carbono vítreo (GC) en el DES ChCl-EG 1:2 a 333,15 K. Junta de Castilla y León Proyecto VA171U14

  7. Role of the reference position on overpotential measurements

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    Figueiredo, F. M.


    Full Text Available Steady state polarisation measurements can be affected by electrode microstructure and geometrical arrangement. In particular, the relative position of the reference electrode with respect to the working and counter electrodes may influence the reference potential and therefore effect the overvoltage readings. The influence of the geometrical arrangement of the electrodes on the electrolyte potential lines, was simulated by solving the appropriate Maxwell equations. Simulations were in relatively good agreement with steady state polarisation and impedance spectroscopy results obtained with YSZ|LaMnO3-based cells. The use of impedance spectroscopy to assess the appropriateness of a given electrode configuration is suggested.

    La medida de los estados de polarización fijos puede estar afectada por la microestructura del electrodo y su configuración geométrica. En particular, la posición relativa del electrodo de referencia en relación con los electrodos de trabajo y conteo puede influenciar el potencial de referencia y por lo tanto afectar las lecturas de sobrevoltaje. La influencia de la configuración geométrica de los electrodos sobre las líneas potenciales del electrolito fue simulada por resolución de las ecuaciones de Maxwell apropiadas. Las simulaciones estuvieron en relativamente buen acuerdo con el estado de polariazación fijo y los resultados de espectroscopía de impedancia obtenidos con células basadas en YSZ|LaMnO3. Se sugiere el uso de espectroscopía de impedancias para valorar la conveniencia de una configuración de electrodo.

  8. Interfaz humano-computadora basada en señales de electrooculografía para personas con discapacidad motriz

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    Daniel Pacheco Bautista


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un prototipo que asiste, a personas con cierta discapacidad motriz, en la interacción con la computadora de una forma simple y económica, mediante señales de electrooculografía. Esta técnica permite detectar los movimientos oculares basada en el registro de la diferencia de potencial existente entre la córnea y la retina, tal propiedad es aprovechada en este proyecto para controlar el desplazamiento del cursor del ratón de una forma precisa sobre la pantalla de la computadora. El prototipo es un diseño compacto alimentado de una fuente única de 5V proveniente del puerto USB y utiliza la circuitería ya implementada en cualquier ratón electromecánico convencional con mínimas modificaciones. El uso de tales dispositivos así como de electrodos convencionales hace el producto de un costo relativamente bajo en relación a las propuestas en otros trabajos.

  9. Estimulación eléctrica medular para el tratamiento del dolor del síndrome postlaminectomía. Resultado del tratamiento con electrodos planos. Comparación de la eficacia clínica con electrodos de 16 polos frente a electrodos de 8 polos


    Almarcha Bethencourt, José Manuel


    Desde que a finales de la década de los 60 se comenzó a utilizar la EEM para el control del dolor crónico, el procedimiento ha sufrido muchos cambios. Por un lado, las indicaciones han ido aumentando: muchos tipos de dolor neuropático focal, dolor de origen vascular y dolor de origen visceral. Por otro lado, se suma una evolución tecnológica, con una mejoría evidente en los sistemas de estimulación no solo en los parámetros eléctricos y su eficiencia sino también en la mayor facilidad en lo q...

  10. Incertidumbre de la medición de masa en la determinación de los parámetros de consumo de electrodos de recargue Measurement uncertainty of mass in the determination of the consumption parameters of hardfacing electrodes

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    Rosenda Valdés Arencibia


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta la evaluación de la incertidumbre de las mediciones realizadas para la determinación de los parámetros de consumo de electrodos de recargue, dando énfasis a la medición de masa. Para ello fueron realizados tres depósitos a tres niveles de corriente (120 A, 145 A y 160 A, respectivamente, registrándose el tiempo de soldadura, la longitud del cordón, así como la masa inicial y final de las probetas y de los electrodos. A partir de los datos anteriores fueron determinados los parámetros de consumo. Fue calculada la incertidumbre asociada a la masa de las probetas, a la masa consumida del electrodo, a la masa depositada y a los parámetros de consumo. Al finalizar el trabajo se comprobó que el rendimiento del depósito muestra un comportamiento decreciente con la corriente, siendo el mejor resultado de (74,12 % para una corriente de soldadura de 120 A. Los valores de incertidumbre expandida para el rendimiento varían entre 1,47 % y 2,41 %, para la tasa de consumo fueron obtenidos valores entre 0,4 g/min y 0,6 g/min, mientras que para la tasa de deposición la incertidumbre varía de 0,6 g/min a 0,7 g/min.This work presents the evaluation of the uncertainty of the measurements to determine the consumption parameters of hardfacing electrode, emphasizing the mass measurement. The experimentation was carried out obtaining deposits at three levels of current (120 A, 145 A y 160 A and measuring the time spent in welding, the length of the welds the test plate and electrode mass (initial and final. Based on these results, the consumption parameters were also determined. The uncertainty related to the measurements the mass of the samples, the mass consumption of the electrode, the deposited mass and consumption parameters was determined. The results showed that the deposition efficiency increase as a function of the current, turning the best result (74.12 % at 120 A. The expanded measurement uncertainty associated to

  11. stainless steel by SEM-XRD and image analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robinson Constanzo-R.


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativ o de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el inter ior de electrodos porosos (EP de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se reali zaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de labora torio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme al interior del electrodo. En el electrodo de acero, la penetra ción del depósito en el espesor fue alrededor de 50%, mientras que para el grafito a lrededor de 90%. En forma general, se observó un aumento de la cantidad de depósito hacia el extremo frente al ánodo y con sitios de difer ente crecimiento en depósito de cobre. Esto demuestra una distr ibución de corriente y potencial, función de parámetros físicos de electrodo y de la s características fisicoquímicas e hidrodinámicos del electroli to.

  12. Estimulación multipunto mediante captura anódica del ventrículo izquierdo a través de un electrodo cuadripolar: evaluación hemodinámica no invasiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Toquero Ramos


    Conclusión: La estimulación multipunto mediante captura anódica a través de un electrodo cuadripolar es factible, demostrándose así diferencias significativas en el volumen latido y gasto cardiaco, aunque limitado a la población en ritmo sinusal.

  13. Electro photographic materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buzdugan, A.; Andries, A.; Iovu, M.


    The invention relates to the creation of electro photographic materials . The invention allows to extend the material photosensitivity into the infrared range of the spectrum. An electro photographic materials contains an electro conducting base, including a dielectric base 1, for example glass, an electro conducting layer 2, for example of Al, Ni, Cr, an injecting layer 3, consisting of amorphous indium phosphide, a vitreous layer 4 of the arsenic sulphide - antimony sulphide system and a transporting layer 5 of the arsenic sulphide or arsenic selenide

  14. Electrooxidación del etanol y bioetanol sobre catalizadores de naturaleza amorfa de composición Ni59Nb40Pt1 y Ni59Nb39Pt2


    Artutxa, E.; Pierna, A.; Lorenzo, A.; del Val, J.


    La ecotoxicidad de las disoluciones provenientes de las pilas de combustible de etanol directo (DEFC) disminuyetras el proceso de electrooxidación con electrodos de naturalezaamorfa. Esta disminución es función del potencialaplicado y de la composición del electrodo utilizado.El proceso de electrooxidación del etanol y bioetanol, sucedetras una secuencia de reacciones, donde se formanvarios productos intermedios que pueden afectar al procesogeneral de electrooxidación de los alcoholes.El bioe...

  15. Preparación de biosensores enzimáticos e inmunosensores basados en electrodos modificados con nanopartículas de oro


    Carralero Sanz, Verónica


    El objetivo principal de este trabajo ha sido aprovechar las ventajas del empleo de superficies electródicas nanoestructuradas para el desarrollo de biosensores electroquímicos con características analíticas mejoradas con respecto a otros diseños y la aplicación de los mismos a muestras reales de interés.

  16. Electro-Deposition Laboratory (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The electro-deposition laboratory can electro-deposit various coatings onto small test samples and bench level prototypes. This facility provides the foundation for...

  17. Proposal for electro-optic multiplier based on dual transverse electro-optic Kerr effect. (United States)

    Li, Changsheng


    A novel electro-optic multiplier is proposed, which can perform voltage multiplication operation by use of the Kerr medium exhibiting dual transverse electro-optic Kerr effect. In this kind of Kerr medium, electro-optic phase retardation is proportional to the square of its applied electric field, and orientations of the field-induced birefringent axes are only related to the direction of the field. Based on this effect, we can design an electro-optic multiplier by selecting the crystals of 6/mmm, 432, and m3m classes and isotropic Kerr media such as glass. Simple calculation demonstrates that a kind of glass-ceramic material with a large Kerr constant can be used for the design of the proposed electro-optic multiplier.

  18. Resultados de ensayos de soldadura a tope y por solape, con electrodo, de barras de aceros estirados en frío

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Calavera Ruiz, José


    Full Text Available The authors report on a series of tests carried out in the welding of reinforced concrete bars. The tested bars were cold drawn, with elastic limits of 4,200 and 5,000 kg/cm2. The tests included butt and overlap welding, involving excentric and axial overlaps, with joint reinforcements. Results of these experiments show that if the indicated method is adopted, including an average standard of workmanship, the weld attains 100 % of the bar strength.Los autores dan cuenta de una serie de ensayos realizados sobre soldadura de barras para hormigón armado. Las barras ensayadas son de acero estirado en frío con límites elásticos de 4.200 y 5.000 kp/cm2. Los ensayos abarcaron la soldadura a tope y la soldadura por solape, con sus variantes de solape excéntrico y solape centrado con cubrejuntas. Los resultados de los ensayos demuestran que siguiendo la técnica indicada, y con una calidad normal de ejecución, la soldadura presenta el 100 % de la resistencia de la barra.

  19. Producción de carbones ultralimpios usando flotación burbujeante y lixiviación con ácidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Barraza


    Full Text Available Los carbones ultralimpios representan una importante materia prima para la elaboración de productos de alto valor agregado tales como fibra de carbono, electrodos, espumas de carbón, entre otros. En este trabajo, carbones ultralimpios con concentraciones menores a 0,50% de ceniza (p/p, base seca, bs se obtuvieron usando flotación burbujeante en columna y lixiviación con ácidos fluorhídrico (HF y nítrico (HNO3. Los contenidos de ceniza se redujeron desde 19,60 % en los carbones alimentados hasta 8,70 % en los carbones flotados usando tres etapas en serie en una columna de flotación. Al usar lixiviación química con HF 7,53M y HNO3 2,3M, los carbones presentaron contenidos de 1,42% de ceniza, 0,86% de azufre y 2,00% de materia mineral, mientras que cuando se usó un proceso combinado de flotación seguido de lixiviación ácida con HF 19,2M y HNO3 8,12M se obtuvo un carbón con 0,48 % de ceniza 0,71 % de azufre y 0,96 % de materia mineral. Sin embargo, al usar carbón original (no flotado a las mismas concentraciones ácidas utilizadas en el proceso combinado se produjo un carbón ultralimpio de contenido de ceniza 0,33%.

  20. Electrodes friendly with the environment for detect heavy metal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jairo Alberto Barón-Jaimez


    Full Text Available Los últimos siglos, los metales pesados han sido extraídos y pr ocesados industrialmente; hoy en día, hacen parte de nuestra ca dena alimenticia y su detección ha generado gran interés a nivel int ernacional debido a los efectos adversos, en cantidades más all á de las permitidas para el ser humano. Por muchos años, los electrodos de mercurio han sido utilizados para detectar metales pesados; sin embargo, debido a las nuevas regulaciones y su alta toxicidad, nuevas alternativas para su reemplazo como electrodo en las téc nicas electroanalíticas han sido investigadas. Los electrodos de Bism uto se han situado como una alternativa para este tipo de activ idad debido a sus múltiples características semejantes a las del mercurio y su baja toxicidad, en este documento se presenta un panorama de este nuevo tipo de electrodo, junto con diferentes parámetros a tene r en cuenta para obtener mejores resultados.

  1. Self-supported carbon electrodes obtained by tape casting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubio-Marcos, F.


    Full Text Available This paper describes the preparation and electrochemical response of self-supported carbon electrodes prepared by tape casting. The dc electrical conductivity, σ, of the electrodes was determined by four-wire resistance measurements and a relation between the graphite/organic additives ratio and the electrical conductivity was established. The application of these self-supported carbon electrodes as working electrodes in analytical techniques was also evaluated using norepinephrine as electroactive substance in cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The results were compared with the traditional electrodes, carbon paste electrodes (CPEs, showing that the new self-supported carbon electrodes had both lower background noise and higher analytical response.

    Este artículo describe la preparación y respuesta electroquímica de electrodos de carbono autosoportados preparados mediante colado en cinta. La conductividad eléctrica en corriente continua de este nuevo tipo de electrodos de carbono se ha determinado usando el método de cuatro puntas y se ha establecido una relación ente la relación grafito/aditivos orgánicos y la conductividad eléctrica. La aplicación de estos electrodos autosoportados como electrodos de trabajo en diversas técnicas electroanalíticas también se ha evaluado, empleando norepinefrina como analito en voltametría cíclica y en cronoamperometría. Los resultados se compararon con los obtenidos empleando los electrodos de pasta de carbono tradicionales como electrodos de trabajo, viéndose que la señal de los nuevos electrodos autosoportados poseía menor ruido de fondo y mayor respuesta analítica.

  2. Efectos del régimen de propiedad intelectual de obtenciones vegetales en la seguridad y la soberanía alimentaria de México (20 años del TLCAN)


    Acuña Mayorga, David Acuña


    Este estudio de caso pretende explicar los efectos del actual del régimen de propiedad intelectual de obtenciones en la seguridad y la soberanía alimentaria de México. A pesar de algunos esfuerzos hechos por parte del Estado Mexicano por defender y apoyar el modo de producción familiar a pequeña escala, los efectos de este régimen y de la liberalización del comercio han llevado a que se desarrolle más el modo de producción agrícola industrial al cual suelen acceder principalmente los medianos...

  3. Óxidos de estaño: nuevos anodos para baterías de Ion-Litio


    Morales Palomino, Julián; Sánchez, L.


    La reacci n entre el litio y xidos aleaciones de esta o es reversible cuando se realiza por m todos electroqu micos y a bajos potenciales con respecto al electrodo de litio. Esta propiedad permite el uso de estos materiales como electrodos negativos en el dise o y construcci n de bater as tipo ion-litio. En el caso de xidos de esta o la reacci n de inserci n de litio en la matriz conduce a la formaci n de aleaciones Li-Sn. La presencia de agregados grandes de tomos de esta o, fo...

  4. Estudio comparativo de los procesos de soldadura smaw y gmaw en las uniones de tuberías de transporte de combustible


    Rivadeneyra Camino, Antonio; Serrano, Omar


    El sistema de transporte de combustible se realiza mediante sistemas de tuberías. Las uniones de los tubos se realiza por medio de proceso de soldadura SMAW o también llamado de electrodo revestido. Un proceso más rápido y que tiene mejor rendimiento en sus materiales consumibles es el proceso de soldadura GMAW o de electrodo desnudo con gas protector. Se realiza un estudio comparativo en todos los aspectos, como dilución, inspección visual, inspección radiográfica, ensayos y pruebas mecá...

  5. An interfacially plasticized electro-responsive hydrogel for transdermal electro-activated and modulated (TEAM) drug delivery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Indermun, S.; Choonara, Y.E.; Kumar, Pradeep; Toit, Du L.C.; Modi, G.; Luttge, R.; Pillay, V.


    This paper highlights the use of hydrogels in controlled drug delivery, and their application in stimuli responsive, especially electro-responsive, drug release. electro-conductive hydrogels (ECHs) displaying electro-responsive drug release were synthesized from semi-interpenetrating networks

  6. Improvement of the performance of a new type of single chamber microbial fuel cell compared to a conventional cell; Mejora del desempeno de un nuevo tipo de celda de combustible microbiana de una camara comparado con una celda convencional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez Larios, A.L.; Vazquez-Huerta, G.; Esparza-Garcia, F.; Solorza-Feria, O.; Poggi Varaldo, H.M. [Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    The objective of this work was to design, build and operate a new type of microbial fuel cell (MFC-A) and evaluate the architectural changes in the production of electricity. The results were compared with those of a standard fuel cell (MFC-B). The MFC-A consisted of a horizontal acrylate cylinder with two systems of sandwiched electrodes (each with a anode proton exchange membrane-cathode) separated by 78 mm. The MFC-B consisted of an anode and a cathode each in the opposite faces of the cell. The internal resistance of the cells were determined with polarization curves. The cells were operated in batch during 50 h at 30 degrees Celsius obtained with 38 mW/m{sup 2} and 5 mW/m{sup 2} for MFC-A and MFC-B, respectively. The changes in the architecture of the cell and design of the electrodes occurred at a power density 8 times greater, associated with the decrease in internal resistance of 1200 and 3900 {Omega} for MFC-A and MFC-B, respectively. The change in architecture (double electrode in the same volume for MFC-A) enabled obtaining a 13 times greater potential per unit volume, with 922 mW/m{sup 3} in the new MFC-A cell versus 69 mW/m{sup 3} in MFC-B. [Spanish] El objetivo de este trabajo fue disenar, construir y operar una celda de combustible microbiana de nuevo tipo (CCM-A), y evaluar los cambios de arquitectura en la produccion de electricidad. Los resultados fueron comparados con los de una celda de combustible estandar (CCM-B). La CCM-A consistio de un cilindro horizontal de acrilato, con dos sistemas de electrodos emparedados (cada uno con catodo/membrana de intercambio protonico/anodo) separados por 78 mm. La CCM-B consistio de un anodo y un catodo cada uno en las caras opuestas de la celda. Las Ri de las celdas fueron determinadas por curva de polarizacion. Las celdas fueron operadas en lote durante 50 h, a 30 grados centigrados, y fueron inoculadas con un inoculo sulfato reductor (In-SR) y cargadas con un extracto modelo similar al perfil de metabolitos

  7. Enhanced methanol electro-oxidation reaction on Pt-CoOx/MWCNTs hybrid electro-catalyst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nouralishahi, Amideddin; Rashidi, Ali Morad; Mortazavi, Yadollah; Khodadadi, Abbas Ali; Choolaei, Mohammadmehdi


    Highlights: • Promoting effects of Cobalt oxide on methanol electro-oxidation over Pt/MWCNTs are investigated. • Higher activity, about 2.9 times, and enhanced stability are observed on Pt-CoO x /MWCNTs. • Electrochemical active surface area of Pt nanoparticles is significantly improved upon CoO x addition. • Bi-functional mechanism is facilitated in presence of CoO x . - Abstract: The electro-catalytic behavior of Pt-CoO x /MWCNTs in methanol electro-oxidation reaction (MOR) is investigated and compared to that of Pt/MWCNTs. The electro-catalysts were synthesized by an impregnation method using NaBH 4  as the reducing agent. The morphological and physical characteristics of samples are examined by XRD, TEM, ICP and EDS techniques. In the presence of CoO x , Pt nanoparticles were highly distributed on the support with an average particle size of 2 nm, an obvious decrease from 5.1 nm for Pt/MWCNTs. Cyclic voltammetry, CO-stripping, Chronoamperometry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements are used to study the electrochemical behavior of the electro-catalysts. The results revealed a considerable enhancement in the oxidation kinetics of CO ads on Pt active sites by the participation of CoO x . Compared to Pt/MWCNTs, Pt-CoO x /MWCNTs sample has a larger electrochemical active surface area (ECSA) and higher electro-catalytic activity and stability toward methanol electro-oxidation. According to the results of cyclic voltammetry, the forward anodic peak current density enhances more than 89% at the optimum atomic ratio of Pt:Co = 2:1. Furthermore, inclusion of cobalt oxide species causes the onset potential of methanol electro-oxidation reaction to shift 84 mV to negative values compared to that on Pt/MWCNTs. Based on EIS data, dehydrogenation of methanol is the rate-determining step of MOR on both Pt/MWCNTs and Pt-CoO x /MWCNTs, at small overpotentials. However, at higher overpotentials, the oxidation of adsorbed oxygen-containing groups





    La electroreducción del oxígeno fue investigada a pH = 14 sobre electrodos de calcosita, pirita y galena mediante voltamperometría cíclica y por voltamperometría estacionaria usando una celda electroquímica de flujo de doble canal (CEFDC). La superficie de los electrodos fue caracterizada mediante consideraciones termodinámicas y cinéticas. En todos lo casos la reducción del O2 ocurre con formación de iones HO2-. Sobre calcosita la reacción de reducción del O2 (RRO) ocurre sobre una superfici...

  9. On nonlinear thermo-electro-elasticity. (United States)

    Mehnert, Markus; Hossain, Mokarram; Steinmann, Paul


    Electro-active polymers (EAPs) for large actuations are nowadays well-known and promising candidates for producing sensors, actuators and generators. In general, polymeric materials are sensitive to differential temperature histories. During experimental characterizations of EAPs under electro-mechanically coupled loads, it is difficult to maintain constant temperature not only because of an external differential temperature history but also because of the changes in internal temperature caused by the application of high electric loads. In this contribution, a thermo-electro-mechanically coupled constitutive framework is proposed based on the total energy approach. Departing from relevant laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamically consistent constitutive equations are formulated. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed thermo-electro-mechanically coupled framework, a frequently used non-homogeneous boundary-value problem, i.e. the extension and inflation of a cylindrical tube, is solved analytically. The results illustrate the influence of various thermo-electro-mechanical couplings.

  10. Electro-weak theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deshpande, N.G.


    By electro-weak theory is meant the unified field theory that describes both weak and electro-magnetic interactions. The development of a unified electro-weak theory is certainly the most dramatic achievement in theoretical physics to occur in the second half of this century. It puts weak interactions on the same sound theoretical footing as quantum elecrodynamics. Many theorists have contributed to this development, which culminated in the works of Glashow, Weinberg and Salam, who were jointly awarded the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics. Some of the important ideas that contributed to this development are the theory of beta decay formulated by Fermi, Parity violation suggested by Lee and Yang, and incorporated into immensely successful V-A theory of weak interactions by Sudarshan and Marshak. At the same time ideas of gauge invariance were applied to weak interaction by Schwinger, Bludman and Glashow. Weinberg and Salam then went one step further and wrote a theory that is renormalizable, i.e., all higher order corrections are finite, no mean feat for a quantum field theory. The theory had to await the development of the quark model of hadrons for its completion. A description of the electro-weak theory is given

  11. Electro-optic transceivers for terahertz-wave applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Q.; Tani, M.; Jiang, Zhiping; Zhang, X.-C.


    Because of the reciprocal behavior of the optical rectification and the electro-optic effect in a nonlinear optical crystal, an electro-optic transceiver can alternately transmit pulsed electromagnetic radiation (optical rectification) and detect the return signal (electro-optic effect) in the same crystal. However, the optimal condition of the electro-optic transceiver may be very different from that of the spatially separated emitter and receiver. We present a detailed description of the crystal-orientation dependence of the electro-optic terahertz devices (transmitter, receiver, and transceiver). It is found that for a (110) zinc-blende electro-optical crystal, the efficiency of the electro-optic transceiver will be optimized when the angle between the polarization of the optical pump beam and the crystallographic z axis [0,0,1] is 26 degree. Meanwhile, for a (111) crystal, the angle between the optical beam and the crystallographic direction [-1,-1,2] should be 23 degree. The experimental results from a (110) ZnTe transceiver verify theoretical calculations and demonstrate a direct way to optimize the working efficiency of an electro-optic terahertz transceiver. [copyright] 2001 Optical Society of America

  12. Electro-optic diffraction grating tuned laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hughes, R.S.


    An electro-optic diffraction grating tuned laser comprising a laser medium, output mirror, retro-reflective grating and an electro-optic diffraction grating beam deflector positioned between the laser medium and the reflective diffraction grating is described. An optional angle multiplier may be used between the electro-optic diffraction grating and the reflective grating. (auth)

  13. Fundamentals of electro-engineering I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rapsik, M.; Smola, M.; Bohac, M.; Mucha, M.


    This is the text-book of the fundamentals of electro-engineering. It contains the following chapters: (1) Selected terms in electro-engineering; (2) Fundamental electric values; (3) Energy and their transformations; (4) Water, hydro-energy and hydro-energetic potential of the Slovak Republic; (5) Nuclear power engineering; (6) Conventional thermal power plants; (7) Heating and cogeneration of electric power and heat production; (8) Equipment of electricity supply system; (9) Measurements in electro-engineering ; (10) Regulation of frequency and voltage, electric power quality

  14. Electro-optic polymers for high speed modulators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Balakrishnan, M.; Diemeer, Mart; Driessen, A.; Faccini, M.; Verboom, Willem; Reinhoudt, David; Leinse, Arne; Megret, P.; Wuilpart, M.; Bette, S.; Staquet, N.


    Different electro-optic polymer systems are analyzed with respect to their electro-optic activity, glass transition temperature $(T_g)$ and photodefinable properties. The polymers tested are polysulfone (PS) and polycarbonate (PC). The electro-optic chromophore,

  15. Enhanced methanol electro-oxidation reaction on Pt-CoO{sub x}/MWCNTs hybrid electro-catalyst

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nouralishahi, Amideddin, E-mail: [Catalysis and Nanostructured Materials Research Laboratory, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155/4563, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Caspian Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 43841-119, Rezvanshahr (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Catalysis and Nanotechnology Research Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), P.O. Box 14665-1998, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Rashidi, Ali Morad, E-mail: [Catalysis and Nanotechnology Research Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), P.O. Box 14665-1998, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Mortazavi, Yadollah, E-mail: [Catalysis and Nanostructured Materials Research Laboratory, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155/4563, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Khodadadi, Abbas Ali, E-mail: [Catalysis and Nanostructured Materials Research Laboratory, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155/4563, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Choolaei, Mohammadmehdi, E-mail: [Catalysis and Nanotechnology Research Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), P.O. Box 14665-1998, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Highlights: • Promoting effects of Cobalt oxide on methanol electro-oxidation over Pt/MWCNTs are investigated. • Higher activity, about 2.9 times, and enhanced stability are observed on Pt-CoO{sub x}/MWCNTs. • Electrochemical active surface area of Pt nanoparticles is significantly improved upon CoO{sub x} addition. • Bi-functional mechanism is facilitated in presence of CoO{sub x}. - Abstract: The electro-catalytic behavior of Pt-CoO{sub x}/MWCNTs in methanol electro-oxidation reaction (MOR) is investigated and compared to that of Pt/MWCNTs. The electro-catalysts were synthesized by an impregnation method using NaBH{sub 4} as the reducing agent. The morphological and physical characteristics of samples are examined by XRD, TEM, ICP and EDS techniques. In the presence of CoO{sub x}, Pt nanoparticles were highly distributed on the support with an average particle size of 2 nm, an obvious decrease from 5.1 nm for Pt/MWCNTs. Cyclic voltammetry, CO-stripping, Chronoamperometry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements are used to study the electrochemical behavior of the electro-catalysts. The results revealed a considerable enhancement in the oxidation kinetics of CO{sub ads} on Pt active sites by the participation of CoO{sub x}. Compared to Pt/MWCNTs, Pt-CoO{sub x}/MWCNTs sample has a larger electrochemical active surface area (ECSA) and higher electro-catalytic activity and stability toward methanol electro-oxidation. According to the results of cyclic voltammetry, the forward anodic peak current density enhances more than 89% at the optimum atomic ratio of Pt:Co = 2:1. Furthermore, inclusion of cobalt oxide species causes the onset potential of methanol electro-oxidation reaction to shift 84 mV to negative values compared to that on Pt/MWCNTs. Based on EIS data, dehydrogenation of methanol is the rate-determining step of MOR on both Pt/MWCNTs and Pt-CoO{sub x}/MWCNTs, at small overpotentials. However, at higher overpotentials, the

  16. Polymer Coatings Reduce Electro-osmosis (United States)

    Herren, Blair J.; Snyder, Robert; Shafer, Steven G.; Harris, J. Milton; Van Alstine, James M.


    Poly(ethylene glycol) film controls electrostatic potential. Electro-osmosis in quartz or glass chambers reduced or reversed by coating inside surface of chambers with monomacromolecular layers of poly(ethylene glycol). Stable over long times. Electrostatic potential across surface of untreated glass or plastic chamber used in electro-phoresis is negative and attracts cations in aqueous electrolyte. Cations solvated, entrains flow of electrolyte migrating toward cathode. Electro-osmotic flow interferes with desired electrophoresis of particles suspended in electrolyte. Polymer coats nontoxic, transparent, and neutral, advantageous for use in electrophoresis.

  17. Estimation of the neuromodulation parameters from the planned volume of tissue activated in deep brain stimulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviana Gómez-Orozco


    Full Text Available :La estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP es una terapia con resultados promisorios para el tratamiento de desórdenes del movimiento. Esta envía estimulación eléctrica por medio de un electrodo a una región específica del cerebro. La propagación espacial de la respuesta neuronal a esta estimulación se conoce como volumen de tejido activado (VTA. Cambios en los parámetros de estimulación que controlan el VTA, como la amplitud, el ancho de pulso y la configuración de polaridad del electrodo pueden afectar la efectividad de la terapia ECP. En este estudio, desarrollamos una metodología novedosa para estimar los parámetros de neuromodulación de ECP adecuados, a partir del VTA planeado, que trata de maximizar los efectos terapéuticos y minimizar los efectos adversos de la ECP. Para la estimación de las salidas continuas (amplitud y ancho de pulso, usamos regresión de soporte vectorial de múltiples salidas, tomando la geometría del VTA como espacio de entrada. Para la estimación de la configuración del electrodo desarrollamos varios problemas de clasificación, también utilizando máquinas de soporte vectorial para el mismo espacio de entrada. Nuestra metodología logra resultados prometedores tanto en el caso de regresión como para predecir los contactos activos del electrodo y su polaridad. Combinando técnicas de modelamiento de neuronas biológicas junto con aprendizaje de máquina, se introduce una novedosa área de investigación donde los parámetros de neuromodulación en ECP pueden sintonizarse manualmente especificando un volumen geométrico

  18. Medically relevant ElectroNeedle technology development.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmidt, Carrie Frances; Thomas, Michael Loren; McClain, Jaime L.; Harper, Jason C.; Achyuthan, Komandoor E.; Ten Eyck, Gregory A.


    ElectroNeedles technology was developed as part of an earlier Grand Challenge effort on Bio-Micro Fuel Cell project. During this earlier work, the fabrication of the ElectroNeedles was accomplished along with proof-of-concept work on several electrochemically active analytes such as glucose, quinone and ferricyanide. Additionally, earlier work demonstrated technology potential in the field of immunosensors by specifically detecting Troponin, a cardiac biomarker. The current work focused upon fabrication process reproducibility of the ElectroNeedles and then using the devices to sensitively detect p-cresol, a biomarker for kidney failure or nephrotoxicity. Valuable lessons were learned regarding fabrication assurance and quality. The detection of p-cresol was accomplished by electrochemistry as well as using fluorescence to benchmark ElectroNeedles performance. Results from these studies will serve as a guide for the future fabrication processes involving ElectroNeedles as well as provide the groundwork necessary to expand technology applications. One paper has been accepted for publication acknowledging LDRD funding (K. E. Achyuthan et al, Comb. Chem. & HTS, 2008). We are exploring the scope for a second paper describing the applications potential of this technology.

  19. Robust Position Control of Electro-mechanical Systems


    Rong Mei; Mou Chen


    In this work, the robust position control scheme is proposed for the electro-mechanical system using the disturbance observer and backstepping control method. To the external unknown load of the electro-mechanical system, the nonlinear disturbance observer is given to estimate the external unknown load. Combining the output of the developed nonlinear disturbance observer with backstepping technology, the robust position control scheme is proposed for the electro-mechanical system. The stabili...

  20. Electro-active sensor, method for constructing the same; apparatus and circuitry for detection of electro-active species (United States)

    Buehler, Martin (Inventor)


    An electro-active sensor includes a nonconductive platform with a first electrode set attached with a first side of a nonconductive platform. The first electrode set serves as an electrochemical cell that may be utilized to detect electro-active species in solution. A plurality of electrode sets and a variety of additional electrochemical cells and sensors may be attached with the nonconductive platform. The present invention also includes a method for constructing the aforementioned electro-active sensor. Additionally, an apparatus for detection and observation is disclosed, where the apparatus includes a sealable chamber for insertion of a portion of an electro-active sensor. The apparatus allows for monitoring and detection activities. Allowing for control of attached cells and sensors, a dual-mode circuitry is also disclosed. The dual-mode circuitry includes a switch, allowing the circuitry to be switched from a potentiostat to a galvanostat mode.

  1. Enhanced methanol electro-oxidation activity of Pt/MWCNTs electro-catalyst using manganese oxide deposited on MWCNTs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nouralishahi, Amideddin; Khodadadi, Abbas Ali; Mortazavi, Yadollah; Rashidi, Alimorad; Choolaei, Mohammadmehdi


    Highlights: • Promoting effects of manganese oxide (MnO x ) on methanol electro-oxidation over Pt/MWCNTs are studied. • 3.3 times higher activity and improved stability are observed on Pt/MnO x -MWCNTs in MOR. • Both hydrogen spill over and bi-functional mechanism are facilitated in presence of MnO x . • MnO x significantly enhances electrochemical active surface area and dispersion of Pt nanoparticles. • Proton conductivity of electrocatalyst layer is improved upon MnO x incorporation. - Abstract: Electro-oxidation of methanol on platinum nanoparticles supported on a nanocomposite of manganese oxide (MnO x ) and multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) is investigated. The morphology, structure, and chemical composition of the electro-catalysts are characterized by TEM, XRD, EDS, TGA, and H 2 -TPR. The electro-catalytic properties of electrodes are examined by cyclic voltammetry, CO-stripping, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and linear sweep voltammetry (LSV). Compared to Pt/MWCNTs, the Pt/MnO x -MWCNTs electro-catalyst exhibits about 3.3 times higher forward peak current density, during cyclic voltammetry, and 4.6 times higher exchange current density in methanol electro-oxidation reaction. In addition, deposition of manganese oxide onto MWCNTs dramatically increases the electrochemical active surface area from 29.7 for Pt/MWCNTs to 89.4 m 2 g −1 Pt for Pt/MnO x -MWCNTs. The results of long-term cyclic voltammetry show superior stability of Pt nanoparticles upon addition of manganese oxide to the support. Furthermore, the kinetics of formation of the chemisorbed OH groups improves upon manganese oxide incorporation. This leads to a lower onset potential of CO ads oxidation on Pt/MnO x -MWCNTs than on Pt/MWCNTs

  2. Tertiary treatment of landfill leachate by an integrated Electro-Oxidation/Electro-Coagulation/Electro-Reduction process: Performance and mechanism. (United States)

    Ding, Jing; Wei, Liangliang; Huang, Huibin; Zhao, Qingliang; Hou, Weizhu; Kabutey, Felix Tetteh; Yuan, Yixing; Dionysiou, Dionysios D


    This study presents an integrated Electro-Oxidation/Electro-Coagulation/Electro-Reduction (EO/EC/ER) process for tertiary landfill leachate treatment. The influence of variables including leachate characteristics and operation conditions on the performance of EO/EC/ER process was evaluated. The removal mechanisms were explored by comparing results of anode, cathode, and bipolar electrode substitution experiments. The performance of the process in a scaled-up reactor was investigated to assure the feasibility of the process. Results showed that simultaneous removal of carbonaceous and nitrogenous pollutants was achieved under optimal conditions. Ammonia removal was due to the free chlorine generation of EO while organic matter degradation was achieved by both EO and EC processes. Nitrate removal was attributed to both ER and EC processes, with the higher removal achieved by ER process. In a scaled-up reactor, the EO/EC/ER process was able to remove 50-60% organic matter and 100% ammonia at charge of 1.5 Ah/L with energy consumption of 15 kW h/m 3 . Considering energy cost, the process is more efficient to meet the requirement of organic removal efficiency less than 70%. These results show the feasibility and potential of the EO/EC/ER process as an alternative tertiary treatment to achieve the simultaneous removal of organic matter, ammonia, nitrate, and color of leachate. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Photoinduced electro-optics measurements of biosilica transformation to cristobalite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fuchs, Ido [Department of Chemistry and the Institute of Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900 (Israel); Aluma, Yaniv; Ilan, Micha [Department of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801 (Israel); Kityk, Iwan [Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czestochowa University, Czestochowa 42-201 (Poland); Mastai, Yitzhak, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry and the Institute of Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900 (Israel)


    In this paper we studied the photoinduced electro optics effects in the thermal transformation process of biosilica to cristobalite, at a relatively low temperature and ambient pressure. This process was characterized by a variety of standards techniques with emphasis on linear electro optic effect measurements. Overall we demonstrated that photoinduced electro optics measurements are very sensitive to the transformation from amorphous structure of silica in the natural sponge samples to laminar string morphology of cristobalite. With this technique we could probe the change in the samples chirality from achiral bio silica to chiral cristobalite structure. Furthermore it is shown that natural biosilica have photoinduced linear electro optics respond indicating the chiral natural of biosilica. - Graphical abstract: The phase transformation of biosilica from marine sponges to Cristobalite under thermal treatment was investigated using photoinduced electro optics measurements. The figure shows the changes of the electro-optic coefficient of cristobalite and biosilica. - Highlights: • We examine phase transformation of biosilica. • We report transition from amorphous biosilica to crystalline Cristobalite. • Biosilica transformation to Cristobalite at temperature of 850 °C. • Biosilica transformation is studied with photoinduced measurements. • We examine changes in the photoinduced linear electro optics properties.

  4. Photoinduced electro-optics measurements of biosilica transformation to cristobalite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuchs, Ido; Aluma, Yaniv; Ilan, Micha; Kityk, Iwan; Mastai, Yitzhak


    In this paper we studied the photoinduced electro optics effects in the thermal transformation process of biosilica to cristobalite, at a relatively low temperature and ambient pressure. This process was characterized by a variety of standards techniques with emphasis on linear electro optic effect measurements. Overall we demonstrated that photoinduced electro optics measurements are very sensitive to the transformation from amorphous structure of silica in the natural sponge samples to laminar string morphology of cristobalite. With this technique we could probe the change in the samples chirality from achiral bio silica to chiral cristobalite structure. Furthermore it is shown that natural biosilica have photoinduced linear electro optics respond indicating the chiral natural of biosilica. - Graphical abstract: The phase transformation of biosilica from marine sponges to Cristobalite under thermal treatment was investigated using photoinduced electro optics measurements. The figure shows the changes of the electro-optic coefficient of cristobalite and biosilica. - Highlights: • We examine phase transformation of biosilica. • We report transition from amorphous biosilica to crystalline Cristobalite. • Biosilica transformation to Cristobalite at temperature of 850 °C. • Biosilica transformation is studied with photoinduced measurements. • We examine changes in the photoinduced linear electro optics properties

  5. Direct electro-optic effect in langasites and α-quartz (United States)

    Ivanov, Vadim


    Strain-constant (clamped) electro-optic coefficients r11S of langasite La3Ga5SiO14 (LGS), langatate La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 (LGT), catangasite Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 (CTGS) and α-quartz are measured at 1540 nm in the frequency range of 3-25 MHz. Experimental ratio of clamped and unclamped electro-optic coefficients r11S/r11T is 0.97 for LGS, 0.91 for LGT, 0.31 for CTGS, and 0.49 for quartz. Most of direct electro-optic effect in LGS and LGT is associated with lanthanum ions: clamped electro-optic coefficient r11S in lanthanum-free CTGS is 14 times less than in LGS. Low piezoelectric contribution to unclamped electro-optic coefficient r11T makes LGS and LGT promising materials for electro-optic devices, whose performance can be deteriorated by piezoelectric effect, especially, for high-voltage optical voltage sensors.

  6. Application of electro-technology in heating industrial processes; Aplicacion de electrotecnologia en procesos industriales de calentamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez Milla, Guillermo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    The electro-technologies are systems and equipment that use electricity to produce and to process consumer goods. Also they can be used in industrial processes such as drying, heating, heat treatment and smelting. These technologies have demonstrated that electricity can not only be used for lighting system, motor operation or electrolysis, but that can also be applied in many industrial processes and allow the reduction of production costs to increase the productivity as well as to improve the safety and conditions at work. Combined to the former, the electro technologies offer other additional advantages such as facilitating the automation, robotization and computerized supervision of industrial production. The great variety of these technologies and their ample application fields makes difficult a presentation of them showing their advantages in the energy efficiency field and with respect to the added value of the product to be finished, as well as its impact to the environment when diminishing the polluting agents to the atmosphere. The present article mentions diverse types of electro technologies, doing emphasis in those dedicated to provide heat impulse due to the impact that, by their application, can produce in the electrical system and to the deduction of polluting agents to the environment. Table 1 shows the diverse rank of industries that can use electro technologies. The table of the type of industries that can use electro technologies is shown, as well as the evaluation of these. [Spanish] Las electrotecnologias son sistemas y equipos que utilizan electricidad para producir y procesar bienes de consumo. Tambien pueden ser usados en procesos industriales tales como secado, calentamiento, tratamiento con calor y fundicion. Estas tecnologias han demostrado que la electricidad no solo se puede usar para alumbrado, alimentacion de motores o electrolisis, sino que puede aplicarse en muchos procesos industriales y permitir la reduccion de costos de

  7. Multi-dimensional electro-omosis consolidation of clays

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yuan, J.; Hicks, M.A.; Dijkstra, J.


    Electro-osmosis consolidation is an innovative and effective ground improvement method for soft clays. But electro-osmosis is also a very complicated process, as the mechanical behaviour, and hydraulic and electrical properties of the soil are changing rapidly during the treatment process; this

  8. Electro-optical Detection of Charged Particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lazarus, D.M.


    The electric field of charged particles can induce transient changes in the polarization of light that produce sub-picosecond modulation of a laser beam. This is a consequence of the electro-optical effect in which the presence of the electric field in an electro-optical medium produces a change in the index of refraction of the medium resulting in a phase retardation between polarization components parallel and perpendicular to the electric field. We have observed the electro-optical effect due to 10 picosecond electron beam bunches with rise times that were limited by the bandwidth of our data acquisition system. This technology is being applied to particle beam diagnostics and has the potential to produce charged particle detectors combining excellent spatial resolution with unprecedented temporal precision.

  9. Crosslinked polyimide electro-optic materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kowalczyk, T.C.; Kosc, T.Z.; Singer, K.D. [Case Western Reserve University, Department of Physics, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7079 (United States); Beuhler, A.J.; Wargowski, D.A. [Amoco Research Center, Amoco Chemical Co., Naperville, Illinois 60566 (United States); Cahill, P.A.; Seager, C.H.; Meinhardt, M.B. [Sandia National Laboratories, Division 1811, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-1407 (United States); Ermer, S. [Lockheed Research and Development Division, Palo Alto, California 94304 (United States)


    We report studies of the optical and electro-optic properties of guest--host polymeric nonlinear optical materials based on aromatic, fluorinated, fully imidized, organic soluble, thermally, and photochemically crosslinkable, guest--host polyimides. We have introduced temperature stable nonlinear optical chromophores into these polyimides and studied optical losses, electric field poling, electro-optic properties, and orientational stability. We measured electro-optic coefficients of 5.5 and 12.0 pm/V for ((2,6-Bis(2-(3-(9-(ethyl)carbazolyl))ethenyl)4H-pyran-4-ylidene)propanedinitrile) (4-(Dicyanomethylene)-2-methyl-6-(p -dimethylaminostyryl)-4H-pyran) DCM-doped guest--host systems at 800 nm using a poling field of 1.3 MV/cm. Poling induced nonlinearities in single-layer films were in agreement with the oriented gas model, but were lower in three-layer films due to voltage division across the layers. {copyright} {ital 1995} {ital American} {ital Institute} {ital of} {ital Physics}.

  10. Electro-optic methods for longitudinal bunch diagnostics at FLASH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steffen, B.R.


    Precise measurements of the temporal profile of sub-picosecond electron bunches are of high interest for the optimization and operation of VUV and X-ray free electron lasers. In this thesis, the shortest electro-optic signals measured so far for electron bunch diagnostics are presented, reaching a time resolution of better than 50 fs (rms). The e ects that introduce signal distortions and limit the time resolution are studied in numerical simulations for different electro-optic detection materials and techniques. The time resolution is mainly limited by lattice resonances of the electro-optic crystal. Electro-optic signals as short as 54 fs (rms) are obtained with gallium phosphide (GaP) crystals in a crossed polarizer detection scheme using temporally resolved electro-optic detection. Measuring near crossed polarization, where the electro-optic signal is proportional to the velocity field of the relativistic electron bunch, the shortest obtained signal width is 70 fs (rms). The electro-optic signals are compared to electron bunch shapes that are measured simultaneously with a transverse deflecting structure with 20 fs resolution. Numerical simulations using the bunch shapes as determined with the transverse deflecting cavity as input data are in excellent agreement with electro-optical signals obtained with GaP, both for temporally and spectrally resolved measurements. In the case of zinc telluride (ZnTe) the observed signals are slightly broader and significantly smaller than expected from simulations. These discrepancies are probably due to the poor optical quality of the available ZnTe crystals. (orig.)

  11. Electro-optic methods for longitudinal bunch diagnostics at FLASH

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steffen, B.R.


    Precise measurements of the temporal profile of sub-picosecond electron bunches are of high interest for the optimization and operation of VUV and X-ray free electron lasers. In this thesis, the shortest electro-optic signals measured so far for electron bunch diagnostics are presented, reaching a time resolution of better than 50 fs (rms). The e ects that introduce signal distortions and limit the time resolution are studied in numerical simulations for different electro-optic detection materials and techniques. The time resolution is mainly limited by lattice resonances of the electro-optic crystal. Electro-optic signals as short as 54 fs (rms) are obtained with gallium phosphide (GaP) crystals in a crossed polarizer detection scheme using temporally resolved electro-optic detection. Measuring near crossed polarization, where the electro-optic signal is proportional to the velocity field of the relativistic electron bunch, the shortest obtained signal width is 70 fs (rms). The electro-optic signals are compared to electron bunch shapes that are measured simultaneously with a transverse deflecting structure with 20 fs resolution. Numerical simulations using the bunch shapes as determined with the transverse deflecting cavity as input data are in excellent agreement with electro-optical signals obtained with GaP, both for temporally and spectrally resolved measurements. In the case of zinc telluride (ZnTe) the observed signals are slightly broader and significantly smaller than expected from simulations. These discrepancies are probably due to the poor optical quality of the available ZnTe crystals. (orig.)

  12. Obtainment of Hg-free Mn/Zn solutions from spent alkaline batteries; Obtencion de soluciones de Mn/Zn libres de Hg provenientes de pilas alcalinas gastadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez-Nicolas, L.; Espinosa-Ramirez, I. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, UPALM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Aguilar, M. [Instituto de Fisica, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico); Palacios-Beas, E. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, UPALM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    a la naturaleza, terminando en basureros al aire libre o contenedores donde son incinerados, contaminando el ambiente, los suelos y los mantos acuiferos del planeta. Por lo anterior, en el presente trabajo se estudia la obtencion de soluciones de Mn y Zn (Mn/Zn {>=} 1) libres de Hg a partir de pilas alcalinas gastadas, para su utilizacion en la sintesis de ferritas (Mn,Zn)Fe{sub 2}O{sub 4} por via humeda. Se analiza el efecto del medio disolvente (H{sub 2}SO{sub 4}/H{sub 2}O{sub 2}, HCl y HCl/NO{sub 3}), la temperatura y el tiempo sobre el porcentaje de disolucion de los metales presentes en el material electrodico, utilizando espectroscopia de absorcion atomica (AA) y difraccion de rayos X (DRX) para la caracterizacion. Los resultados de la investigacion indican que las mejores condiciones de disolucion son MD=H{sub 2}SO{sub 4}/H{sub 2}O{sub 2}, T=50 grados centigrados y t =30 min, donde se obtiene 94.1 y 90.7 % (w/w) de Mn y Zn respectivamente, con Mn/Zn = 1.51. Se determino que el contenido de mercurio es 3.91%, superior al declarado en las especificaciones de las pilas, que se recupera mediante disolucion con HCl/HNO{sub 3} en el solido remanente.

  13. The Cementation of Boron to Steels by the Method of Electrolytic Deposition; Cementation Electrolytique d'Aciers par le Bore; Tsementirovanie bora v stali putem ehlektroliticheskogo osazhdeniya; Cementacion de Aceros con Boro por Deposito Electrolitico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawakami, M. [Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)


    This report describes a fabricating method for cementation of a control rod with boron. The cementing is carried out by electrolysis of fused borax at about 900 Degree-Sign C, the steel rod to be cemented acting as a cathode, and the graphite electrode as an anode. As the electrolysis progresses, boron is deposited on/the steel rod and diffused into it. When suitable conditions of electrolysis exist, a case of the steel rod with as much as 20% boron content can easily be obtained. The kinds of steel investigated were carbon steel, stainless steels, high chrome steel etc., and each of them showed good results. (author) [French] L'auteur expose une methode de fabrication d'une barre de commande en acier cemente par le bore. La cementation est effectuee par l'electrolyse de borax fondu a environ 900 Degree-Sign C, la barre d'acier a cementer formant cathode et une electrode en graphite constituant l'anode. Au cours du processus d 'electrolyse, le bore se depose sur la barre d'acier et est diffuse dans le metal. Lorsque l'electrolyse s'effectue dans les conditions requises, on peut obtenir facilement une barre d'acier dont la teneur en bore atteint jusqu'a 20%. Les recherches ont porte sur des aciers tels que les aciers au carbone ordinaires, les aciers inoxydables, les aciers refractaires au chrome, etc. et on a obtenu de bons resultats pour chacun de ces aciers. (author) [Spanish] La memoria describe un metodo de obtencion de barras de control cementadas con boro. La cementacion se efectua por electrolisis de borax fundido a unos 900 Degree-Sign C. Como catodo se emplea la barra de acero que se desea cementar y como anodo, un electrodo de grafito. Conforme progresa la electrolisis, el boro se deposita sobre la barra de acero y penetra en la misma por difusion. Si las condiciones en que se efectua la electrolisis son adecuadas, se logra facilmente la cementacion de la barra de acero, que alcanza un contenido de hasta 20% de boro. Entre los aceros investigados, figuran

  14. Influencia del Estado de Oxidación del Ión Cobalto en la Estabilidad de Electrodos Modificados con Monocapas SAM-TOA-ANTA-Con+-HRP-NHis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro R. Matheus*

    Full Text Available Influence of state oxidation of cobalt ion in the stability electrodes modified with monolayers SAM-TOA-ANTA-Con+-HRP-NHis. Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM was used to investigate the adsorption of the HRP-NHis enzyme (horseradish peroxidase, which was modified by the addition of a tail of six histidine on its extreme N-terminal. The QCM operating at flow of 0.025 mL min-1 on a crystal whose gold electrode was modified with monolayers of SAM-TOA-ANTA-Co2+ and SAM-TOA-ANTA -Co3+. The oxidize form was obtained from the electrochemical oxidation of a monolayer of SAM-TOA-ANTA-Co2+. The results suggest that the HRP-NHis is attached to both monolayers in a similar way; on the contrary, the desortion of the attached protein is dramatically different. Thus, whereas the ligand-Co2+ bonds are reversible, which allows that the anchored protein is easily replaced by imidazol molecules. The 3+ oxidation state of the metal does not allow the interchange of protein by the imidazol molecules.

  15. Electro-active bio-films: formation, characterization and mechanisms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parot, Sandrine


    Some bacteria, which are able to exchange electrons with a conductive material without mediator form on conductive surfaces electro-active bio-films. This bacterial property has been recently discovered (2001). Objectives of this work are to develop electro-active bio-films in various natural environments from indigenous flora, then through complementary electrochemical techniques (chrono-amperometry and cyclic voltammetry), to evaluate electro-activity of isolates coming from so-formed bio-films and to characterize mechanisms of electron transfer between bacteria and materials. First, electro-active bio-films have been developed under chrono-amperometry in garden compost and in water coming from Guyana mangrove. These bio-films were respectively able to use an electrode as electron acceptor (oxidation) or as electron donor (reduction). In compost, results obtained in chrono-amperometry and cyclic voltammetry suggest a two-step electron transfer: slow substrate consumption, then rapid electron transfer between bacteria and the electrode. Thereafter, the ability to reduce oxygen was demonstrated with cyclic voltammetry for facultative aerobic isolates from compost bio-films (Enterobacter spp. and Pseudomonas spp.) and for aerobic isolates obtained from marine electro-active bio-films (Roseobacter spp. in majority). Finally, bio-films inducing current increase in chrono-amperometry were developed in bioreactor with synthetic medium from a pure culture of isolates. Hence, for the first time, electro-activity of several anaerobic strains of Geobacter bremensis isolated from compost bio-films was highlighted. (author) [fr

  16. Electro-chemical grinding (United States)

    Feagans, P. L.


    Electro-chemical grinding technique has rotation speed control, constant feed rates, and contour control. Hypersonic engine parts of nickel alloys can be almost 100% machined, keeping tool pressure at virtual zero. Technique eliminates galling and permits constant surface finish and burr-free interrupted cutting.

  17. Influencia de la termodependencia de las propiedades físicas del acero en la simulación por elementos finitos del proceso de soldadura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Félix Ramos Morales


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un modelo de elementos finitos para simular la unión a tope, con electrodo E 7018 de 3,2 mm de diámetro, de dos placas de acero con bajo contenido de carbono y baja aleación. Adicionalmente, se estudia la influencia sobre la distribución de temperaturas en la placa al considerar la termo-dependencia de diferentes propiedades físicas del acero (conductividad térmica y calor específico.

  18. Junta de soldadura disímil de la aleación hk – 40 y del hierro fundido 24//Dissimilar welding joints of the alloy hk - 40 and of the cast iron 24

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomás Fernández‐Columbié


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es establecer el comportamiento microestructural de una unión soldada disímil en una aleación HK 40 y el hierro fundido 24, la cual se realiza en equipo que prestan servicios en la industria del níquel y que por las características de la unión, surgen en el mismo problema de agrietamiento. Se realizó una caracterización química de ambas aleaciones, luego por el proceso demecanizado se prepararon un total de nueve muestras, las que fueron soldada por proceso manual por arco eléctrico, los electrodos revestidos empleados fueron el E 312–16, el UTP 65 y el Castell Xiron 244, demostrándose en el análisis microestructural y en el diagrama de Schaeffler, que la disposición de la unión con el electrodo E 312–16 provoca la aparición de estructura interdendritica con origen a la fundición blanca, siendo más favorable la unión con el electrodo UTP 65. Se le realizó el análisis de microdureza en cada unión.Palabras claves: disímil, aleación, agrietamiento, soldadura, electrodos._____________________________________________________________________________AbstractIt is paper have the objective to establish the behaviour microstructure of an union welded dissimilar in an alloy HK 40 and the cast iron 24, which is carried out in team that you lend services in the industry of the nickel and that for the characteristics of the union, they arise in the same cracking problem. He was carried out a chemical characterization of both alloys, then for the process ofautomated got ready a total of nine samples, those that were welding for process shield for electric arch (SMAW, the electrodes lined employees were the E 312 - 16, the UTP 65 and the Castell Xiron 244, being demonstrated in the analysis microstructure and in the diagram of Schaeffler that the disposition of the union with the electrode E 312 - 16 cause the appearance of structure inter dendritewith origin to the white foundry, being more available the union

  19. Procesado electroquímico de un polímero conductor: mimetismo con los metales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Villanueva, S.


    Full Text Available When an anodic current density of 0.5 mA. cm-2 is applied during 60 s through acetonitrile solutions containing, 5 mM SNS + 0.1 M LiClO4, adherent and uniform poly(SNS films are electrogenerated on a platinum electrode. These polymeric films can be electrodissolved in the background solution when a cathodic current density is applied. They can be also electrodeposited from solutions of the reduced polymer in the background solution by flow of an anodic current. In this work the influence of different electrolytes: tetraethylammonium perchlorate (TEAClO4, tetrabutylammonium perchlorate (TBAClO4 and tetrahexyl-ammonium perchlorate (THAClO4 in electrogeneration, electrodissolution and electro deposition processes has been studied.

    Se ha demostrado que aplicando una densidad de corriente anódica de 0.5 mA. cm-2 a través de una disolución de acetonitrilo de concentración 5 mM en SNS y 0.1 M en LiClO4, se obtienen películas de poli(SNS adherentes y uniformes sobre un electrodo de platino. Estas películas poliméricas pueden electrodisolverse (al aplicar una densidad de corriente catódica y electrodepositarse (al oxidar las cadenas poliméricas que se encuentran reducidas y disueltas en la disolución de fondo. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la influencia de distintos electrolitos: tetraetilamonioperclorato (TEAClO4, tetrabutilamonioperclorato (TBAClO4 y tetrahexilamonioperclorato (THAClO4 en los procesos de electrogeneración, electrodisolución y electrodepósito.

  20. Pilas de combustible de una sola cámara, basadas en electrolitos de ceria dopada con gadolinia y operadas con metano y propano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Piñol, S.


    Full Text Available The main advantages of single-chamber solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs respect to dual-chamber SOFCs, are to simplify the device design and to operate in mixtures of hydrocarbon (methane, propane… and air, with no separation between fuel and oxidant. However, this design requires the use of selective electrodes for the fuel oxidation and the oxidant reduction. In this work, electrolyte-supported SOFCs were fabricated using gadolinia doped ceria (GDC as the electrolyte, Ni + GDC as the anode and LSC(La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ-GDC-Ag2O as the cathode. The electrical properties of the cell were determined in mixtures of methane + air and propane + air. The influence of temperature, gas composition and total flow rate on the fuel cell performance was investigated. As a result, the power density was strongly increased with increasing temperature, total flow rate and hydrocarbon composition. Under optimized gas compositions and total flow conditions, power densities of 70 and 320 mW/cm2 operating on propane at a temperature of 600ºC and methane (795ºC were obtained, respectively.

    La principal ventaja de las pilas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFCs de una sola cámara, frente a las bicamerales convencionales, es que permiten simplificar el diseño del dispositivo y operar con mezclas de hidrocarburos (metano, propano... y aire, sin necesidad de separar ambos gases, por medio del uso de electrodos selectivos a la oxidación del combustible y reducción del oxidante. En el presente trabajo, se han fabricado monopilas soportadas sobre electrolitos de ceria dopada con gadolinia (GDC, de 200 µm de espesor, usando Ni-GDC como ánodo y LSC(La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ-GDC-Ag2O como cátodo. Las propiedades eléctricas de la celda se determinaron en un reactor de una sola cámara, usando mezclas de metano + aire y propano + aire. Se investigó la influencia de la

  1. Theory-inspired development of organic electro-optic materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dalton, Larry R., E-mail: dalton@chem.washington.ed [Department of Chemistry, Bagley Hall 202D, Box 351700, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1700 (United States); Department of Electrical Engineering, Bagley Hall 202D, Box 351700, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1700 (United States)


    Real-time, time-dependent density functional theory (RTTDDFT) and pseudo-atomistic Monte Carlo-molecular dynamics (PAMCMD) calculations have been used in a correlated manner to achieve quantitative definition of structure/function relationships necessary for the optimization of electro-optic activity in organic materials. Utilizing theoretical guidance, electro-optic coefficients (at telecommunication wavelengths) have been increased to 500 pm/V while keeping optical loss to less than 2 dB/cm. RTTDDFT affords the advantage of permitting explicit treatment of time-dependent electric fields, both applied fields and internal fields. This modification has permitted the quantitative simulation of the variation of linear and nonlinear optical properties of chromophores and the electro-optic activity of materials with optical frequency and dielectric permittivity. PAMCMD statistical mechanical calculations have proven an effective means of treating the full range of spatially-anisotropic intermolecular electrostatic interactions that play critical roles in defining the degree of noncentrosymmetric order that is achieved by electric field poling of organic electro-optic materials near their glass transition temperatures. New techniques have been developed for the experimental characterization of poling-induced acentric order including a modification of variable angle polarization absorption spectroscopy (VAPAS) permitting a meaningful correlation of theoretical and experimental data related to poling-induced order for a variety of complex organic electro-optic materials.

  2. Theory-inspired development of organic electro-optic materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dalton, Larry R.


    Real-time, time-dependent density functional theory (RTTDDFT) and pseudo-atomistic Monte Carlo-molecular dynamics (PAMCMD) calculations have been used in a correlated manner to achieve quantitative definition of structure/function relationships necessary for the optimization of electro-optic activity in organic materials. Utilizing theoretical guidance, electro-optic coefficients (at telecommunication wavelengths) have been increased to 500 pm/V while keeping optical loss to less than 2 dB/cm. RTTDDFT affords the advantage of permitting explicit treatment of time-dependent electric fields, both applied fields and internal fields. This modification has permitted the quantitative simulation of the variation of linear and nonlinear optical properties of chromophores and the electro-optic activity of materials with optical frequency and dielectric permittivity. PAMCMD statistical mechanical calculations have proven an effective means of treating the full range of spatially-anisotropic intermolecular electrostatic interactions that play critical roles in defining the degree of noncentrosymmetric order that is achieved by electric field poling of organic electro-optic materials near their glass transition temperatures. New techniques have been developed for the experimental characterization of poling-induced acentric order including a modification of variable angle polarization absorption spectroscopy (VAPAS) permitting a meaningful correlation of theoretical and experimental data related to poling-induced order for a variety of complex organic electro-optic materials.

  3. Electro/powder separation process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunn, J.P.


    A report is presented to introduce the ELECTRO/POWDER process to the P/M Industry. The process effectively uses electrostatic forces to convey, sort, meter, and blend fine powders. The major advantages of this separating process consist of the processing of primary particles, low particle energy due to particle velocity control and the pattern of particle movement over the sieve (vertical oscillation of particles above the sieve aperture). The report briefly describes the forces involved in both mechanical and sieving devices, with major emphasis on the operating principles of this process. Sieve separation of particulates is basically the result of two physical separating processes which occur simultaneously or independently; separation (dispersion) of particulates from each other and the size separation by passage through fixed apertures. In order to accomplish this goal, mechanical sieving devices utilize various motions to induce shear forces between the sieve surface and the particulates, and between the particulates themselves. It is noted that the ELECTRO/POWDER process is making steady progress in becoming an industrial tool for sieving and feeding of fine particles. Its potential extends into both the blending and admixing of powders, either by incorporating two opposing feeders, one being charged with the opposite polarity or by modifying the ELECTRO/SIEVE to incorporate more than one input and a solid electrode to replace the sieve electrode

  4. Modelling electro-active polymers with a dispersion-type anisotropy (United States)

    Hossain, Mokarram; Steinmann, Paul


    We propose a novel constitutive framework for electro-active polymers (EAPs) that can take into account anisotropy with a chain dispersion. To enhance actuation behaviour, particle-filled EAPs become promising candidates nowadays. Recent studies suggest that particle-filled EAPs, which can be cured under an electric field during the manufacturing time, do not necessarily form perfect anisotropic composites, rather they create composites with dispersed chains. Hence in this contribution, an electro-mechanically coupled constitutive model is devised that considers the chain dispersion with a probability distribution function in an integral form. To obtain relevant quantities in discrete form, numerical integration over the unit sphere is utilized. Necessary constitutive equations are derived exploiting the basic laws of thermodynamics that result in a thermodynamically consistent formulation. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed electro-mechanically coupled framework, we analytically solve a non-homogeneous boundary value problem, the extension and inflation of an axisymmetric cylindrical tube under electro-mechanically coupled load. The results capture various electro-mechanical couplings with the formulation proposed for EAP composites.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iván Darío Mercado Martínez

    Full Text Available Mediante este estudio se determinó si la técnica de electrocoagulación contribuye a minimizar la concentración de níquel y materia orgánica y la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO en las aguas residuales de la industria automotriz. Se empleó un diseño experimental factorial multinivel aleatorio en el que la densidad de la corriente y el tiempo de reacción fueron evaluados en tres niveles, mientras que la separación entre electrodos fue analizada en dos niveles. La electrocoagulación se llevó a cabo en un reactor batch usando electrodos de hierro con arreglo monopolar. Fueron utilizadas las técnicas analíticas de digestión ácida, absorción atómica de llama de aire-acetileno y reflujo cerradocolorimétrico (micro DQO para determinar el contenido de los contaminantes. Las condiciones con que se obtuvo la mayor descontaminación del agua analizada fue con la densidad de corriente aplicada: 1,04 A/dm² y tiempo de operación: 17 minutos; con estas variables se observó que la separación electródica no influyó. Los resultados indican que la electrocoagulación podría ser usada para disminuir el níquel y la materia orgánica (DQO presentes en las aguas residuales de la industria automotriz.

  6. Drying brick masonry by electro-osmosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ottosen, Lisbeth M.; Rörig-Dalgaard, Inge


    When a fine grained, porous medium is applied an electric DC field, transport of matter occurs, and the transport mechanism in focus of the present study is electro-osmosis, which is transport of water. In laboratory it was shown possible to transport water inside a brick and brick/mortar system...... movement of water towards the cathode was seen. Thus the basis for utilizing the electro-osmotic effect for drying brick masonry is present, but proper electrodes still needs to be developed....

  7. Compliant electro-thermal microactuators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jonsmann, Jacques; Sigmund, Ole; Bouwstra, Siebe


    This paper describes design, microfabrication and characterisation of topology optimised compliant electro-thermal microactuators. The actuators are fabricated by a fast prototyping process using laser micromachining and electroplating. Actuators are characterised with respect to displacement...

  8. Rational design of organic electro-optic materials

    CERN Document Server

    Dalton, L R


    Quantum mechanical calculations are used to optimize the molecular first hyperpolarizability of organic chromophores and statistical mechanical calculations are used to optimize the translation of molecular hyperpolarizability to macroscopic electro-optic activity (to values of greater than 100 pm V sup - sup 1 at telecommunications wavelengths). Macroscopic material architectures are implemented exploiting new concepts in nanoscale architectural engineering. Multi-chromophore-containing dendrimers and dendronized polymers not only permit optimization of electro-optic activity but also of auxiliary properties including optical loss (both absorption and scattering), thermal and photochemical stability and processability. New reactive ion etching and photolithographic techniques permit the fabrication of three-dimensional optical circuitry and the integration of that circuitry with semiconductor very-large-scale integration electronics and silica fibre optics. Electro-optic devices have been fabricated exploiti...

  9. Nuevas tecnologías en la regeneración de aguas basadas en la eliminación electroquímica de contaminantes


    Pérez García, Gema


    RESUMEN:Este trabajo orientado a la investigación y desarrollo tiene como objetivo avanzar en el conocimiento de los fundamentos y aplicaciones de la tecnología de oxidación electroquímica con electrodos de diamante dopado con boro (DDB) y sus aplicaciones a la eliminación de contaminantes en procesos de tratamiento para reutilización de aguas residuales. De entre las múltiples aplicaciones que puede tener esta tecnología, en esta tesis se han evaluado tres de ellas: i) la eliminación de ...

  10. Magneto-optic and electro-optic modulators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutchinson, D.P.; Ma, C.H.; Price, T.R.; Staats, P.A.; Sluis, K.L.V.


    An important aspect of the Faraday rotation diagnostic for tokamak plasma measurement has been the development of suitable polarization modulators for submillimeter wavelength. The problems are to obtain high optical transmission and fast modulation frequencies. In ORNL, the authors have developed both a magneto-optic and an electro-optic submillimeter-wave modulators. These devices have been operated at modulation frequency of approximately 100 kHz, and both have high transmission. The original magneto-optic modulator consists of a 3 mm thick by 1.4 cm diameter 2-111 ferrite disk mounted at the center of an air core coil. Recently, a new ferrite modulator has been tested, which allows a much higher modulation frequency than the original device. A laboratory set-up designed to simulate a plasma heterodyne interferometer/polarimeter experiment has been used to determine the modulator characteristics. A mechanical polarization rotor was used to simulate the rotation by plasma. The transmission of the ferrite disk was 80 % at a wavelength of 0.447 mm. The authors have also performed preliminary measurement on an electro-optic modulator first demonstrated by Fetterman at Lincoln Laboratory, U.S. This device is a classical electro-optic modulator using a cryogenically cooled (4.2 K) LiTaO 3 crystal. Experiments are underway to determine the electro-optic properties of the crystal over the temperature range from 4.2 K to 77 K and over the range of wavelength from 0.118 mm to 0.447 mm. (Wakatsuki, Y.)

  11. Hydrogel Walkers with Electro-Driven Motility for Cargo Transport. (United States)

    Yang, Chao; Wang, Wei; Yao, Chen; Xie, Rui; Ju, Xiao-Jie; Liu, Zhuang; Chu, Liang-Yin


    In this study, soft hydrogel walkers with electro-driven motility for cargo transport have been developed via a facile mould-assisted strategy. The hydrogel walkers consisting of polyanionic poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid-co-acrylamide) exhibit an arc looper-like shape with two "legs" for walking. The hydrogel walkers can reversibly bend and stretch via repeated "on/off" electro-triggers in electrolyte solution. Based on such bending/stretching behaviors, the hydrogel walkers can move their two "legs" to achieve one-directional walking motion on a rough surface via repeated "on/off" electro-triggering cycles. Moreover, the hydrogel walkers loaded with very heavy cargo also exhibit excellent walking motion for cargo transport. Such hydrogel systems create new opportunities for developing electro-controlled soft systems with simple design/fabrication strategies in the soft robotic field for remote manipulation and transportation.

  12. Electro Spray Method for Flexible Display (United States)


    AFRL-AFOSR-JP-TR-2016-0095 Electro Spray Method for Flexible Display Yukiharu Uraoka NARA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Final Report 11/26/2016...DATES COVERED (From - To)  20 Mar 2013 to 19 May 2016 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Electro Spray Method for Flexible Display 5a.  CONTRACT NUMBER 5b.  GRANT...NUMBER FA2386-13-1-4024 5c.  PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 61102F 6. AUTHOR(S) Yukiharu Uraoka 5d.  PROJECT NUMBER 5e.  TASK NUMBER 5f.   WORK UNIT NUMBER 7

  13. Determinación de defectos de calidad en la canal y carne de cerdo mediante el uso de auditorías

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nancy Jerez-Timaure


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los defectos de calidad en canal y carne de cerdo, utilizando un formato de encuesta, y correlacionando los resultados de la misma con las características de la canal y la carne. La encuesta se aplicó durante el embarque, transporte, desembarque y proceso de beneficio. Se evaluaron cuatro grupos de 50 cerdos, con una frecuencia semanal. La evaluación individual se realizó desde el desembarque, conducción al aturdimiento, insensibilización, desangrado y escaldado. Se determinó el pH y la temperatura (45 min y 24 h, la capacidad de retención de agua, las pérdidas por goteo, el color y los defectos en canal al despiece. Se encontró que el 46.5 % de los cerdos fueron aturdidos incorrectamente, y el 53 % de los animales presentaron signos de sensibilidad al desangrado.Se obtuvieron siete correlaciones canónicas entre dos grupos de variables ("canal" y "beneficio". Las dos primeras correlaciones explicaron (P<0,05 el 61.6 % de la variación. Se comprobó que la colocación de electrodos, parpadeo, vocalización, reflejo de enderezar la cabeza, están altamente correlacionadas con la variable canónica "canal". El pH45min y pH24h, resultaron con mayor índice de correlación con la variable canoníca "beneficio". La fase crítica del proceso fue el aturdimiento, siendo la colocación del electrodo y parpadeo las variables con mayor asociación con las características de calidad. La encuesta constituye una herramienta de fácil uso para monitorear el proceso de embarque, transporte y beneficio de cerdos.

  14. Electro-Optical Laser Technology. Curriculum Utilization. Final Report. (United States)

    Nawn, John H.

    This report describes a program to prepare students for employment as laser technicians and laser operators and to ensure that they have the necessary skills required by the industry. The objectives are to prepare a curriculum and syllabus for an associate degree program in Electro-Optical Laser Technology. The 2-year Electro-Optical Laser program…

  15. Bioactivity of cellulose acetate/hydroxyapatite nanoparticle composite fiber by an electro-spinning process. (United States)

    Kwak, Dae Hyun; Lee, Eun Ju; Kim, Deug Joong


    Hydroxyapatite/cellulose acetate composite webs were fabricated by an electro-spinning process. This electro-spinning process makes it possible to fabricate complex three-dimensional shapes. Nano fibrous web consisting of cellulose acetate and hydroxyapatite was produced from their mixture solution by using an electro-spinning process under high voltage. The surface of the electro-spun fiber was modified by a plasma and alkaline solution in order to increase its bioactivity. The structure, morphology and properties of the electro-spun fibers were investigated and an in-vitro bioactivity test was evaluated in simulated body fluid (SBF). Bioactivity of the electro-spun web was enhanced with the filler concentration and surface treatment. The surface changes of electro-spun fibers modified by plasma and alkaline solution were investigated by FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy).

  16. Electro-Optics/Low Observables Laboratory (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Electro-Optics/Low Observables Laboratory supports graduate instruction for students enrolled in the Low Observables program. Its purpose is to introduce these...

  17. Bifunctional Pt-Si Alloys for Small Organic Molecule Electro-oxidation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Permyakova, Anastasia Aleksandrovna; Suntivich, Jin; Han, Binghong

    Designing highly active catalysts for electro-oxidation of small organic molecules can help to reduce the anodic overpotential for more efficient utilization of hydrocarbon fuels. The challenge in developing more active electrocatalysts for electro-oxidation reactions is to satisfy the stringent...... adsorption site. We will discuss the enhanced activity of Pt-Si alloys for small organic molecule oxidation, which can be attributed to the improved CO electro-oxidation kinetics on Pt-Si....

  18. Electro-osmotic flows inside triangular microchannels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vocale, P; Spiga, M; Geri, M; Morini, G L


    This work presents a numerical investigation of both pure electro-osmotic and combined electro-osmotic/pressure-driven flows inside triangular microchannels. A finite element analysis has been adopted to solve the governing equations for the electric potential and the velocity field, accounting for a finite thickness of the electric double layer. The influence of non-dimensional parameters such as the aspect ratio of the cross-section, the electrokinetic diameter and the ratio of the pressure force to the electric force on the flow behavior has been investigated. Numerical results point out that the velocity field is significantly influenced by the aspect ratio of the cross section and the electrokinetic diameter. More specifically, the aspect ratio plays an important role in determining the maximum volumetric flow rate, while the electrokinetic diameter is crucial to establishing the range of pressures that may be sustained by the electro-osmotic flow. Numerical results are also compared with two correlations available in the literature which enable to assess the volumetric flow rate and the pressure head for microchannels featuring a rectangular, a trapezoidal or an elliptical cross-section.

  19. Precision Munition Electro-Sciences Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — This facility allows the characterization of the electro-magnetic environment produced by a precision weapon in free flight. It can measure the radiofrequency (RF)...

  20. Use assessment of electronic power sources for SMAW

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Scotti, A.


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work was to assess the efficacy of the use of modern technologies for power supplies in Shielded Metal Are Welding (SMAW. Coupon tests were welded by using a series of five different classes of commercial electrodes, covering their current ranges. Both a conventional electromagnetic and an electronic (inverter power sources were employed. Fusion rate, deposition efficiency, bead finish and weld geometry were measured at each experiment. Current and voltage signals were acquired at a high rate to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the power sources. The static performances of both power sources were also determined. The results showed that despite the remarkable differences between the power supplies, based on static and dynamic characterizations, no significant difference was noticed in the operational behavior of the electrodes, in the given conditions, apart from a better anti-stick performance obtained with the electronic power source.

    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la eficacia del uso de tecnologías modernas para fuentes de energía en soldaduras con electrodo revestido (Shielded Metal Are Welding -SMAW-. Los materiales de ensayo se soldaron usando una serie de cinco clases diferentes de electrodos comerciales, cubriendo sus rangos de corriente. Para esto se utilizó una fuente de energía electromagnética convencional y una fuente de energía electrónica (inversora. La tasa de fusión, eficiencia de deposición, terminación del cordón así como el diseño de la soldadura se midieron en cada experimento. Las señales de corriente y voltaje se obtuvieron a una proporción alta para evaluar el comportamiento dinámico de las fuentes de energía. También se determinó la actuación estática de ambas fuentes. Los resultados mostraron que a pesar de las diferencias notables entre los suministros de energía, no se nota diferencia alguna significante en la conducta de trabajo de los electrodos, en

  1. Factors impacting the electro conductivity variations of clayey soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ouhadi, V. R.; Goodarzi, A. R.


    The variation of pore fluid properties in soil has a major effect on soil behaviour. This effect is a function of pore fluid properties and soil mineralogy. Such variation usually happens in the reservoirs of dams or in some geotechnical projects. The electro conductivity measurement is a simple method to monitor any variation in the pore fluid of soils. electro conductivity is the ability of a material to transmit (conduct) an electrical current. This paper focuses attention on the effect of soil-pore fluid interaction on the electro conductivity of clayey soils. A set of physico-chemical experiments are performed and the role of different factors including soil pH, soil mineralogy, soil: water ratio, cation and anion effects are investigated. The results of this study indicate that for soil that has a relatively low CEC, the anion type is an important factor, while the cation type does not noticeably affect the electro conductivity of the soil-solution. However, for such soil, an electrolyte property, i.e. its solubility, is much more effective than the CEC of the soil. In addition, it was observed that in the presence of neutral salts such as pore fluid, the pH of the soil-solution decreases causing an increase in the electro conductivity of the soil sample

  2. Future electro-optical sensors and processing in urban operations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grönwall, C.; Schwering, P.B.; Rantakokko, J.; Benoist, K.W.; Kemp, R.A.W.; Steinvall, O.; Letalick, D.; Björkert, S.


    In the electro-optical sensors and processing in urban operations (ESUO) study we pave the way for the European Defence Agency (EDA) group of Electro-Optics experts (IAP03) for a common understanding of the optimal distribution of processing functions between the different platforms. Combinations of

  3. Electro-spun PLA-PEG-yarns for tissue engineering applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kruse, Magnus; Greuel, Marc; Kreimendahl, Franziska; Schneiders, Thomas; Bauer, Benedict; Gries, Thomas; Jockenhoevel, Stefan


    Electro-spinning is widely used in tissue-engineered applications mostly in form of non-woven structures. The development of e-spun yarn opens the door for textile fabrics which combine the micro to nanoscale dimension of electro-spun filaments with three-dimensional (3D) drapable textile fabrics.

  4. The electro-chemical tests and the programmable autonomous potentiometer; Las pruebas electroquimicas y el potenciostato autonomo programable

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Ochoa, Esteban Miguel; Salazar Cruz, Sergio R.; Aguilar Soto, Armando; Ley Koo, Marcos [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The development of a programmable autonomous potentiostat is described as an instrumentation means for voltage and current measurement, considering that one of the main problems to solve is the metallic components corrosion. Also the electro-chemical tests that can be performed with this instrument are described, as well as some possible application [Espanol] Se describe el desarrollo de un potenciostato autonomo programable como medio de instrumentacion para medir voltajes y corrientes, tomando en cuenta que uno de los principales problemas por resolver es la corrosion de sus componentes metalicos. Se describen ademas las pruebas eletcroquimicas que pueden realizarse con este instrumento, asi como alguna posible aplicacion

  5. The electro-chemical tests and the programmable autonomous potentiometer; Las pruebas electroquimicas y el potenciostato autonomo programable

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Ochoa, Esteban Miguel; Salazar Cruz, Sergio R; Aguilar Soto, Armando; Ley Koo, Marcos [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The development of a programmable autonomous potentiostat is described as an instrumentation means for voltage and current measurement, considering that one of the main problems to solve is the metallic components corrosion. Also the electro-chemical tests that can be performed with this instrument are described, as well as some possible application [Espanol] Se describe el desarrollo de un potenciostato autonomo programable como medio de instrumentacion para medir voltajes y corrientes, tomando en cuenta que uno de los principales problemas por resolver es la corrosion de sus componentes metalicos. Se describen ademas las pruebas eletcroquimicas que pueden realizarse con este instrumento, asi como alguna posible aplicacion

  6. Electro-optical frequency shifting of lasers for plasma diagnostics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forman, P.R.


    An electro-optical frequency shifting device is proposed as an aid for plasma physics heterodyne interferometry and heterodyne scattering experiments. The method has the advantage over other electro-optic shifters, that a pure separable frequency shifted beam can be obtained even when less than half wave voltage is applied. (orig.) [de

  7. High performance electro-optical modulator based on photonic crystal and graphene (United States)

    Malekmohammad, M.; Asadi, R.


    An electro-optical modulator is demonstrated based on Fano-resonance effect in an out-of-plane illumination of one-dimensional slab photonic crystal composed of two graphene layers. It has been shown that high sensitivity of the Fano-resonance and electro-refractive tuning of graphene layers provides a suitable condition to obtain an electro-optical modulator with low energy consumption (8 pJ) with contrast of 0.4.

  8. Electro-decontamination of cementitious materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ben-Hadj-Hassine, S.


    The end of operations in nuclear facilities is followed by various decontamination and decommissioning operations. Similar to other electrochemical techniques such as re-alkalinisation and chloride extraction, an electrokinetic remediation process is being developed as a specific method for deeply contaminated concrete structures. Two cements, an ordinary Portland and a 30% slag cement, have been chosen for the conducted work.Mortars and concretes are contaminated by adding non-radioactive cesium in the batch water, cesium being a representative specie of deep encountered contaminants. The conducted experimental and numerical work have focused on three main aspects: characterizing and understanding the cesium transport mechanisms, assessing the electro-remediation process at lab-scale and evaluating the real scale constraints. Using existing knowledge of chloride transport mechanisms, experiments have been conducted to characterize the cesium interactions with cementitious phase and ionic transport in saturated materials. A numerical model have then been developed to describe the cesium transport, taking into account the ionic activity coefficients and interactions with solid phases. Indeed, lab-scale experiments have demonstrated that electro-remediation reduced to 20-50% the initially contained cesium after a three weeks treatment. Treated samples analysis confirmed that deeply diffused cesium is migrating to the surface. Moreover, conducted experiments showed the consistency between the different materials properties, applied currents and decontamination efficiency. A comparative analysis of experiments carried on samples with different shapes, formulations and contamination modes helped assessing and optimizing the process efficiency for various continuous and variable applied currents. Finally, electro-remediation experiments have also been carried on 1m 2 concrete slabs. Liquid catholyte and anolyte solutions are replaced by alumina gels and cellulose pastes

  9. Electro-optical hybrid slip ring (United States)

    Hong, En


    The slip ring is a rotary electrical interface, collector, swivel or rotary joint. It is a physical system that can perform continuous data transfer and data exchange between a stationary and a rotating structure. A slip ring is generally used to transfer data or power from an unrestrained, continuously rotating electro-mechanical system in real-time, thereby simplifying operations and eliminating damage-prone wires dangling from moving joints. Slip rings are widely used for testing, evaluating, developing and improving various technical equipment and facilities with rotating parts. They are widely used in industry, especially in manufacturing industries employing turbo machinery, as in aviation, shipbuilding, aerospace, defense, and in precise facilities having rotating parts such as medical Computerized Tomography (CT) and MRI scanners and so forth. Therefore, any improvement in slip ring technology can impact large markets. Research and development in this field will have broad prospects long into the future. The goal in developing the current slip ring technology is to improve and increase the reliability, stability, anti-interference, and high data fidelity between rotating and stationary structures. Up to now, there have been numerous approaches used for signal and data transfer utilizing a slip ring such as metal contacts, wires, radio transmission, and even liquid media. However, all suffer from drawbacks such as data transfer speed limitations, reliability, stability, electro-magnetic interference and durability. The purpose of the current research is to break through these basic limitations using an optical solution, thereby improving performance in current slip ring applications. This dissertation introduces a novel Electro-Optical Hybrid Slip Ring technology, which makes "through the air" digital-optical communication between stationary and rotating systems a reality with high data transfer speed, better reliability and low interference susceptibility

  10. Surface effects on anti-plane shear waves propagating in magneto-electro-elastic nanoplates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Bin; Zhang, Chunli; Chen, Weiqiu; Zhang, Chuanzeng


    Material surfaces may have a remarkable effect on the mechanical behavior of magneto-electro-elastic (or multiferroic) structures at nanoscale. In this paper, a surface magneto-electro-elasticity theory (or effective boundary condition formulation), which governs the motion of the material surface of magneto-electro-elastic nanoplates, is established by employing the state-space formalism. The properties of anti-plane shear (SH) waves propagating in a transversely isotropic magneto-electro-elastic plate with nanothickness are investigated by taking surface effects into account. The size-dependent dispersion relations of both antisymmetric and symmetric SH waves are presented. The thickness-shear frequencies and the asymptotic characteristics of the dispersion relations considering surface effects are determined analytically as well. Numerical results show that surface effects play a very pronounced role in elastic wave propagation in magneto-electro-elastic nanoplates, and the dispersion properties depend strongly on the chosen surface material parameters of magneto-electro-elastic nanoplates. As a consequence, it is possible to modulate the waves in magneto-electro-elastic nanoplates through surface engineering. (paper)

  11. The transverse shear deformation behaviour of magneto-electro-elastic shell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albarody, Thar M. Badri; Al-Kayiem, Hussain H.; Faris, Waleed


    Compared to the large number of possible magneto-electro-elastic shell theories, very few exact solutions determining the in-plane stresses, electric displacements and magnetic inductions are possible. While, solving the magneto-electro-elastic shell equations in terms of thermo-magneto-electro-elastic generalized field functions on arbitrary domains and for general conditions exactly are not always possible. In the present work, a linear version of magneto-electro-elastic shell with simply supported boundary conditions, solved exactly, provided that the lamination scheme is cross-ply or anti-symmetric angle-ply laminates. The exact solution that introduced herein can measure the in-plane stresses, electric displacements and magnetic inductions. It also allow for an accurate and usually elegant and conclusive investigation of the various sensations in a shell structure. However, it is important for micro-electro-mechanical shell applications to have an approach available that gives the transverse shear deformation Behaviour for cases that cannot examine experimentally. An investigated examples were accompanied and noteworthy conclusions were drawn which highlight the issues of the implementation of the exact solution, implication of the effects of the material properties, lay-ups of the constituent layers, and shell parameters on the static Behaviour

  12. The transverse shear deformation behaviour of magneto-electro-elastic shell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Albarody, Thar M. Badri; Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. [UniversitiTeknologi PETRONAS, Perak (Malaysia); Faris, Waleed [International Islamic University Malaysia, Perak (Malaysia)


    Compared to the large number of possible magneto-electro-elastic shell theories, very few exact solutions determining the in-plane stresses, electric displacements and magnetic inductions are possible. While, solving the magneto-electro-elastic shell equations in terms of thermo-magneto-electro-elastic generalized field functions on arbitrary domains and for general conditions exactly are not always possible. In the present work, a linear version of magneto-electro-elastic shell with simply supported boundary conditions, solved exactly, provided that the lamination scheme is cross-ply or anti-symmetric angle-ply laminates. The exact solution that introduced herein can measure the in-plane stresses, electric displacements and magnetic inductions. It also allow for an accurate and usually elegant and conclusive investigation of the various sensations in a shell structure. However, it is important for micro-electro-mechanical shell applications to have an approach available that gives the transverse shear deformation Behaviour for cases that cannot examine experimentally. An investigated examples were accompanied and noteworthy conclusions were drawn which highlight the issues of the implementation of the exact solution, implication of the effects of the material properties, lay-ups of the constituent layers, and shell parameters on the static Behaviour.

  13. Electro-optical rendezvous and docking sensors (United States)

    Tubbs, David J.; Kesler, Lynn O.; Sirko, Robert J.


    Electro-optical sensors provide unique and critical functionality for space missions requiring rendezvous, docking, and berthing. McDonnell Douglas is developing a complete rendezvous and docking system for both manned and unmanned missions. This paper examines our sensor development and the systems and missions which benefit from rendezvous and docking sensors. Simulation results quantifying system performance improvements in key areas are given, with associated sensor performance requirements. A brief review of NASA-funded development activities and the current performance of electro-optical sensors for space applications is given. We will also describe current activities at McDonnell Douglas for a fully functional demonstration to address specific NASA mission needs.

  14. An analysis of electro-osmotic and magnetohydrodynamic heat pipes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrison, M.A.


    Mechanically simple methods of improving heat transport in heat pipes are investigated. These methods are electro-osmotic and magnetohydrodynamic augmentation. For the electro-osmotic case, a detailed electrokinetic model is used. The electrokinetic model used includes the effects of pore surface curvature and multiple ion diffusivities. The electrokinetic model is extended to approximate the effects of elevated temperature. When the electro-osmotic model is combined with a suitable heat-pipe model, it is found that the electro-osmotic pump should be a thin membrane. Arguments are provided that support the use of a volatile electrolyte. For the magnetohydrodynamic case, a brief investigation is provided. A quasi-one-dimensional hydromagnetic duct flow model is used. This hydromagnetic model is extended to approximate flow effects unique to heat pipes. When combined with a suitable heat pipe model, it is found that there is no performance gain for the case considered. In fact, there are serious pressure-distribution problems that have not been previously recognized. Potential solutions to these pressure-distribution problems are suggested

  15. Evaluation of cold crack susceptibility on HSLA steel welded joints

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silverio-Freire Júnior, R. C.


    Full Text Available The present study addresses an evaluation of the effect of several welding parameters on cold cracking formation in welded joints of High Strength and Low Alloy steels, as well as the resulting microstructures and hardness values. The main parameters studied include the variation of the preheating temperature, drying time of the electrode, chemical composition and thickness of the base metal. The presence of cold cracking in the joints was analyzed from Tekken tests using steel plates made of SAR 80 T, 100 T and 120 T with of various thickness. The plates were welded by Shielded Metal Arc Welding either with or without pre-heating. Different preheating temperatures were studied, i.e., 375, 455 and 525 K. AWS E 12018 G and 11018 G electrodes were used under different conditions, i.e., not dried or dried up to 2, 3 and 4 h at 515 K. The results indicated the presence of cracks in the welded metals with the combination of hardness values above 230 HV and the formation of high contents of acicular ferrite (above 93 % in the welds without preheating. Higher crack susceptibility was also observed in the thick welded metal plates.

    Este trabajo evalúa la influencia de la variación de temperatura de precalentamiento, del tiempo de secado del electrodo, de la composición química y del espesor del metal base sobre la formación de fisuras en frío, inducidas por el hidrógeno en juntas soldadas de aceros de alta resistencia y baja aleación y su relación con la microestructura y dureza resultante. Para esto, se analizó la presencia de fisuras en frío en probetas para ensayos Tekken, fabricadas a partir de chapas de aceros SAR 80 T, 100 T y 120 T, con diferentes espesores y soldados por proceso de arco eléctrico con electrodo revestido, sin precalentamiento y con precalentamiento, a 375, 455 y 525 K, empleando electrodos AWS E 12018 G y 11018 G no secados y secados durante 2, 3 y 4 h. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron la presencia de fisuras

  16. Electro-oxidation of methanol on copper in alkaline solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heli, H.; Jafarian, M.; Mahjani, M.G.; Gobal, F.


    The electro-oxidation of methanol on copper in alkaline solutions has been studied by the methods of cyclic voltammetry, quasi-steady state polarization and chronoamperometry. It has been found that in the course of an anodic potential sweep the electro-oxidation of methanol follows the formation of Cu III and is catalysed by this species through a mediated electron transfer mechanism. The reaction also continues in the early stages of the reversed cycle until it is stopped by the prohibitively negative potentials. The process is diffusion controlled and the current-time responses follow Cottrellian behavior. The rate constants, turnover frequency, anodic transfer coefficient and the apparent activation energy of the electro-oxidation reaction are reported

  17. Quantum model for electro-optical amplitude modulation. (United States)

    Capmany, José; Fernández-Pousa, Carlos R


    We present a quantum model for electro-optic amplitude modulation, which is built upon quantum models of the main photonic components that constitute the modulator, that is, the guided-wave beamsplitter and the electro-optic phase modulator and accounts for all the different available modulator structures. General models are developed both for single and dual drive configurations and specific results are obtained for the most common configurations currently employed. Finally, the operation with two-photon input for the control of phase-modulated photons and the important topic of multicarrier modulation are also addressed.

  18. The contents of sesamol and related lignans in sesame, tahina and halva as determined by a newly developed polarographic and stripping voltammetric analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available The contents of antioxidant lignans (Sesamol in sesame, commercial formulations of tahina and halva, which are processed tahina foods, were determined by Differential Pulse Polarography (DPP with a capillary hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE. A platinum wire was used as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl was the reference electrode. Samples have been analyzed by standard addition procedures and found to be quantitative (p2=0.9999 (pSe determinó el contenido del lignano antioxidante (Sesamol en sésamo, formulaciones comerciales de tahina y halva, que es el producto procesado de tahina, por polarografía de pulsos diferencial (DPP con un capilar conteniendo un electrodo de gota de mercurio (HMDE. Un hilo de platino fué usado como el electrodo contador y Ag/AgCl como electrodo de referencia. Las muestras fueron analizadas por procedimientos de adición de patrones y se encontró que wl procedimiento era cuantitativo (p2= 0.9999 (p< 0.01. El método polarográfico propuesto (DPP es un método rápido y reproducible para la determinación simultánea de lignanos fenólicos en sésamo y otros productos alimentarios que contienen sésamo. Éste proporciona una detección cuantitativa adecuada y sensible de este compuesto nutraceútico en alimentos comerciales.

  19. Electro-Conductive Membranes for Permeation Enhancement and Fouling Mitigation: A Short Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrizia Formoso


    Full Text Available The research on electro-conductive membranes has expanded in recent years. These membranes have strong prospective as key components in next generation water treatment plants because they are engineered in order to enhance their performance in terms of separation, flux, fouling potential, and permselectivity. The present review summarizes recent developments in the preparation of electro-conductive membranes and the mechanisms of their response to external electric voltages in order to obtain an improvement in permeation and mitigation in the fouling growth. In particular, this paper deals with the properties of electro-conductive polymers and the preparation of electro-conductive polymer membranes with a focus on responsive membranes based on polyaniline, polypyrrole and carbon nanotubes. Then, some examples of electro-conductive membranes for permeation enhancement and fouling mitigation by electrostatic repulsion, hydrogen peroxide generation and electrochemical oxidation will be presented.

  20. Electro-Conductive Membranes for Permeation Enhancement and Fouling Mitigation: A Short Review. (United States)

    Formoso, Patrizia; Pantuso, Elvira; De Filpo, Giovanni; Nicoletta, Fiore Pasquale


    The research on electro-conductive membranes has expanded in recent years. These membranes have strong prospective as key components in next generation water treatment plants because they are engineered in order to enhance their performance in terms of separation, flux, fouling potential, and permselectivity. The present review summarizes recent developments in the preparation of electro-conductive membranes and the mechanisms of their response to external electric voltages in order to obtain an improvement in permeation and mitigation in the fouling growth. In particular, this paper deals with the properties of electro-conductive polymers and the preparation of electro-conductive polymer membranes with a focus on responsive membranes based on polyaniline, polypyrrole and carbon nanotubes. Then, some examples of electro-conductive membranes for permeation enhancement and fouling mitigation by electrostatic repulsion, hydrogen peroxide generation and electrochemical oxidation will be presented.

  1. Robust Hinfinity position control synthesis of an electro-hydraulic servo system. (United States)

    Milić, Vladimir; Situm, Zeljko; Essert, Mario


    This paper focuses on the use of the techniques based on linear matrix inequalities for robust H(infinity) position control synthesis of an electro-hydraulic servo system. A nonlinear dynamic model of the hydraulic cylindrical actuator with a proportional valve has been developed. For the purpose of the feedback control an uncertain linearized mathematical model of the system has been derived. The structured (parametric) perturbations in the electro-hydraulic coefficients are taken into account. H(infinity) controller extended with an integral action is proposed. To estimate internal states of the electro-hydraulic servo system an observer is designed. Developed control algorithms have been tested experimentally in the laboratory model of an electro-hydraulic servo system. Copyright © 2010 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Study for increasing the stabilization time of a catalytic dye to facilitate the fabrication of membrane electrode assemblies; Estudio para incrementar el tiempo de estabilizacion de una tinta catalitica para facilitar la fabricacion de ensambles membrana-electrodo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores Hernandez, J. Roberto [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)] e-mail:; Martinez Vado, F. Isaias [Facultad de Quimica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Cano Castillo, Ulises, Albarran Sanchez, Lorena [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    An infrastructure project has been underway for hydrogen technology and fuel cells at the Electrical Research Institute (IIE, Spanish acronym). Part of this project is an activity for the fabrication of membrane electrode assemblies (MEA). Currently, a fabrication process is well-established for the MEA using the spray technique. In addition, a catalytic dye base composition has been developed for use in the fabrication of high-quality MEA with a good degree of reproducibility. Nevertheless, the instability of the dye over time prevents continuous fabrication of MEA. This document presents the results obtained, to-date, of research conducted at the IIE aimed at increasing the stability of the catalytic dye by adding a surfactant with different concentrations and increasing the concentration of the Nafion® solution. It was found that the effect of adding the surfactant to the catalytic dye results in a qualitative decrease in the agglomerate sizes, while also decreasing the porosity of the dye once it has dried. In addition, it was found that increasing the amount of Nafion® in the catalytic die increases the porosity. [Spanish] En el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) se ha venido trabajando en un proyecto de infraestructura sobre la tecnologia de hidrogeno y celdas de combustible. Dentro de este proyecto se tiene una actividad orientada a la fabricacion de Ensambles Membrana-Electrodo (MEA's). Actualmente se tiene un proceso de fabricacion bien establecido para la elaboracion de MEA's utilizando la tecnica de rociado, asimismo, se tiene una composicion base de tinta catalitica con la cual se fabrican MEA's de buena calidad y con buen grado de reproducibilidad. Sin embargo, la inestabilidad de la tinta con respecto al tiempo impide tener una fabricacion continua de los MEA's. En este documento se presentan los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora de una investigacion que se realiza en el IIE orientada a incrementar la estabilidad de la

  3. Missile Electro-Optical Countermeasures Simulation Laboratory (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — This laboratory comprises several hardware-in-the-loop missile flight simulations designed specifically to evaluate the effectiveness of electro-optical air defense...

  4. Las neuronas de la conciencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Quian Quiroga


    Full Text Available El estudio de la conciencia ha sido descrito como uno de los grandes desafíos de la humanidad. Es por ello que los neurocientíficos se han dedicado a estudiar la percepción visual consciente de objetos. Un reciente estudio en humanos –implantados con electrodos intracraneales por motivos clínicos- mostró la presencia de neuronas que disparan exclusivamente cuando las imágenes son percibidas conscientemente.

  5. Electromigration of Contaminated Soil by Electro-Bioremediation Technique (United States)

    Azhar, A. T. S.; Nabila, A. T. A.; Nurshuhaila, M. S.; Shaylinda, M. Z. N.; Azim, M. A. M.


    Soil contamination with heavy metals poses major environmental and human health problems. This problem needs an efficient method and affordable technological solution such as electro-bioremediation technique. The electro-bioremediation technique used in this study is the combination of bacteria and electrokinetic process. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Pseudomonas putida bacteria as a biodegradation agent to remediate contaminated soil. 5 kg of kaolin soil was spiked with 5 g of zinc oxide. During this process, the anode reservoir was filled with Pseudomonas putida while the cathode was filled with distilled water for 5 days at 50 V of electrical gradient. The X-Ray Fluorescent (XRF) test indicated that there was a significant reduction of zinc concentration for the soil near the anode with 89% percentage removal. The bacteria count is high near the anode which is 1.3x107 cfu/gww whereas the bacteria count at the middle and near the cathode was 5.0x106 cfu/gww and 8.0x106 cfu/gww respectively. The migration of ions to the opposite charge of electrodes during the electrokinetic process resulted from the reduction of zinc. The results obtained proved that the electro-bioremediation reduced the level of contaminants in the soil sample. Thus, the electro-bioremediation technique has the potential to be used in the treatment of contaminated soil.

  6. Application of Electro Chemical Machining for materials used in extreme conditions (United States)

    Pandilov, Z.


    Electro-Chemical Machining (ECM) is the generic term for a variety of electrochemical processes. ECM is used to machine work pieces from metal and metal alloys irrespective of their hardness, strength or thermal properties, through the anodic dissolution, in aerospace, automotive, construction, medical equipment, micro-systems and power supply industries. The Electro Chemical Machining is extremely suitable for machining of materials used in extreme conditions. General overview of the Electro-Chemical Machining and its application for different materials used in extreme conditions is presented.

  7. Recent highlights in electro-driven separations- selected applications of alkylthiol gold nanoparticles in capillary electrophoresis and capillary electro-chromatography. (United States)

    Guihen, Elizabeth


    To date, alkylthiol gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been widely used in electro-chromatographic separation techniques as a viable alternative to traditional stationary phases. This is mainly due to their stability, chemical inertness, ease of functionality, increased phase ratio, ability to form self-assembled monolayers. They also yield versatile stationary phases with highly specific targeted functionalities. At the nanoscale region, the chemical and physical properties of a molecule display different attributes to that of the parent molecules or material, hence these features can be harnessed in electro-driven chromatographic separations. Application areas illustrating the use of AuNPs in separation science continue to grow and expand to cover many different kinds of analysis. The last decade has witnessed a successful trend in miniaturisation of chemical separation systems toward the micro and nanoscale ranges. Nanoparticle-based stationary phases fit well with performing chemical separations on microfluidic and capillary platforms. In this review the theory of the use of alkylthiol gold nanoparticles in electro-chromatographic driven separation methods will be discussed. This will be followed by details of recent and selected applications showing alkylthiol gold nanoparticles in capillary electrophoretic and open-tubular electro-chromatographic separations. This review will focus solely on alkylthiol based gold nanoparticles, therefore other kinds of chemical moieties bonded to gold nanoparticles are outside the scope of this review. Finally the future outlook of this exciting technology will be outlined in some detail in the final section. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Modification of porosity in the catalyst layer of membrane electrode assemblies using pore-forming agents; Modificacion de la porosidad en la capa catalitica de ensambles membrana-electrodo empleando agentes formadores de poros

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores Hernandez, J. Roberto [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)] e-mail:; Reyes, Brenda [UNAM. Facultad de Quimica, Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Barbosa P., Romeli [Centro de Investigacion en Energia, UNAM, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico); Cano Castillo, Ulises; Albarran, Lorena [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    Membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) are the most important part of PEM fuel cells since their interface results in the electrochemical reactions that make the generation of electricity possible. The MEA is composed of a proton exchange membrane, both sides of which are impregnated with a catalyst layer, normally of carbon-supported platinum. Depending on the technique used for its fabrication (atomization, serigraphy, brush methods, chemical reduction, etc.), the properties of the MEA can be different in terms of porosity, distribution of the catalyst, thickness and structure of the catalyst layer, and the quality of the union between the catalyst layer and the membrane, etc. Currently, the porosity of the electrodes is generated by isopropanol evaporation (solvent used in the dye) during the fabrication process conducted in the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE). This document presents the results obtained from adding a porous agent to the catalytic dye base composition used in the fabrication of MEA at the IIE. [Spanish] Los Ensambles Membrana-Electrodo (MEA's) son la parte mas importante en las celdas de combustibles tipo PEM, ya que en su interfaz se llevan a cabo las reacciones electroquimicas que hacen posible la generacion de electricidad. El MEA esta compuesto de una membrana de intercambio protonico a la cual se le impregna en ambos lados una capa catalitica normalmente de platino soportado en carbon. Dependiendo de la tecnica empleada en su fabricacion (atomizado, serigrafia, brocha, reduccion quimica, etc.), las propiedades del MEA pueden ser diferentes en cuanto a porosidad, distribucion del catalizador, grosor y estructura de la capa catalitica, asi como la calidad de la union entre la capa catalizadora y la membrana, etc. Actualmente, la porosidad de los electrodos es generada por la evaporacion del isopropanol (solvente utilizado en la tinta) durante el proceso de fabricacion que se realiza en el Instituto de Investigaciones

  9. Optical and electro-optic anisotropy of epitaxial PZT thin films (United States)

    Zhu, Minmin; Du, Zehui; Jing, Lin; Yoong Tok, Alfred Iing; Tong Teo, Edwin Hang


    Strong optical and electro-optic (EO) anisotropy has been investigated in ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.48Ti0.52)O3 thin films epitaxially grown on Nb-SrTiO3 (001), (011), and (111) substrates using magnetron sputtering. The refractive index, electro-optic, and ferroelectric properties of the samples demonstrate the significant dependence on the growth orientation. The linear electro-optic coefficients of the (001), (011), and (111)-oriented PZT thin films were 270.8, 198.8, and 125.7 pm/V, respectively. Such remarkable anisotropic EO behaviors have been explained according to the structure correlation between the orientation dependent distribution, spontaneous polarization, epitaxial strain, and domain pattern.

  10. Chaotic micromixer utilizing electro-osmosis and induced charge electro-osmosis in eccentric annulus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng, Huicheng; Wong, Teck Neng; Marcos; Che, Zhizhao


    Efficient mixing is of significant importance in numerous chemical and biomedical applications but difficult to realize rapidly in microgeometries due to the lack of turbulence. We propose to enhance mixing by introducing Lagrangian chaos through electro-osmosis (EO) or induced charge electro-osmosis (ICEO) in an eccentric annulus. The analysis reveals that the created Lagrangian chaos can achieve a homogeneous mixing much more rapidly than either the pure EO or the pure ICEO. Our systematic investigations on the key parameters, ranging from the eccentricity, the alternating time period, the number of flow patterns in one time period, to the specific flow patterns utilized for the Lagrangian chaos creation, present that the Lagrangian chaos is considerably robust. The system can obtain a good mixing effect with wide ranges of eccentricity, alternating time period, and specific flow patterns utilized for the Lagrangian chaos creation as long as the number of flow patterns in one time period is two. As the electric field increases, the time consumption for homogenous mixing is reduced more remarkably for the Lagrangian chaos of the ICEO than that of the EO.

  11. Chaotic micromixer utilizing electro-osmosis and induced charge electro-osmosis in eccentric annulus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feng, Huicheng; Wong, Teck Neng, E-mail:; Marcos [School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore); Che, Zhizhao [State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 (China)


    Efficient mixing is of significant importance in numerous chemical and biomedical applications but difficult to realize rapidly in microgeometries due to the lack of turbulence. We propose to enhance mixing by introducing Lagrangian chaos through electro-osmosis (EO) or induced charge electro-osmosis (ICEO) in an eccentric annulus. The analysis reveals that the created Lagrangian chaos can achieve a homogeneous mixing much more rapidly than either the pure EO or the pure ICEO. Our systematic investigations on the key parameters, ranging from the eccentricity, the alternating time period, the number of flow patterns in one time period, to the specific flow patterns utilized for the Lagrangian chaos creation, present that the Lagrangian chaos is considerably robust. The system can obtain a good mixing effect with wide ranges of eccentricity, alternating time period, and specific flow patterns utilized for the Lagrangian chaos creation as long as the number of flow patterns in one time period is two. As the electric field increases, the time consumption for homogenous mixing is reduced more remarkably for the Lagrangian chaos of the ICEO than that of the EO.

  12. Laminados magneto-electro-elásticos con variaciones en la orientación de la magnetización


    Joanka Hernández Cabanas; José Antonio Otero; Julián Bravo-Castillero; Reinaldo Rodríguez-Ramos; Guillermo Monsiváis Galindo


    Se han realizado varios estudios de la influencia de la orientación de la polarización en las características globales de los piezocompuestos. Extendiendo estas ideas, en el presente trabajo se estudia la influencia de la orientación de la magnetización en las características globales de un compuesto piezoeléctrico/piezomagnético. Usando el método de homogenización asintótica a doble escala se pueden obtener los coeficientes efectivos de laminados periódicos magnetoelectro- elásticos con cons...

  13. Electro and gamma nuclear physics in Geant4

    CERN Document Server

    Wellisch, J P; Degtyarenko, P V


    Adequate description of electro and gamma nuclear physics is of utmost importance in studies of electron beam-dumps and intense electron beam accelerators. I also is mandatory to describe neutron backgrounds and activation in linear colliders. This physics was elaborated in Geant4 over the last year, and now entered into the stage of practical application. In the {\\sc Geant4} Photo-nuclear data base there are at present about 50 nuclei for which the Photo-nuclear absorption cross sections have been measured. Of these, data on 14 nuclei are used to parametrize the gamma nuclear reaction cross-section The resulting cross section is a complex, factorized function of $A$ and $e = log(E_\\gamma)$, where $E_\\gamma$ is the energy of the incident photon. Electro-nuclear reactions are so closely connected with Photo-nuclear reactions that sometimes they are often called ``Photo-nuclear''. The one-photon exchange mechanism dominates in Electro-nuclear reactions, and the electron can be substituted by a flux of photons. ...

  14. Validating and improving the correction of ocular artifacts in electro-encephalography

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kierkels, J.J.M.


    For modern applications of electro-encephalography, including brain computer interfaces and single-trial Event Related Potential detection, it is becoming increasingly important that artifacts are accurately removed from a recorded electro-encephalogram (EEG) without affecting the part of the EEG

  15. Building electro-optical systems making it all work

    CERN Document Server

    Hobbs, Philip C D


    Praise for the First Edition ""Now a new laboratory bible for optics researchers has joined the list: it is Phil Hobbs's Building Electro-Optical Systems: Making It All Work.""-Tony Siegman, Optics & Photonics News Building a modern electro-optical instrument may be the most interdisciplinary job in all of engineering. Be it a DVD player or a laboratory one-off, it involves physics, electrical engineering, optical engineering, and computer science interacting in complex ways. This book will help all kinds of technical people sort through the complexit

  16. Recent progress in GeSi electro-absorption modulators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaisakul, Papichaya; Marris-Morini, Delphine; Rouifed, Mohamed-Said; Coudevylle, Jean-René; Roux, Xavier Le; Edmond, Samson; Vivien, Laurent; Frigerio, Jacopo; Chrastina, Daniel; Isella, Giovanni


    Electro-absorption from GeSi heterostructures is receiving growing attention as a high performance optical modulator for short distance optical interconnects. Ge incorporation with Si allows strong modulation mechanism using the Franz–Keldysh effect and the quantum-confined Stark effect from bulk and quantum well structures at telecommunication wavelengths. In this review, we discuss the current state of knowledge and the on-going challenges concerning the development of high performance GeSi electro-absorption modulators. We also provide feasible future prospects concerning this research topic. (review)

  17. Electro Thermal Chemical Gun Technology Study

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Diamond, P


    .... Michael Stroscio. Electro Thermal Chemical (ETC) gun technology refers to the use of plasma devices in place of traditional chemical ignitors to initiate the burning of high energy propellants in a controlled manner...

  18. Research Based on AMESim of Electro-hydraulic Servo Loading System (United States)

    Li, Jinlong; Hu, Zhiyong


    Electro-hydraulic servo loading system is a subject studied by many scholars in the field of simulation and control at home and abroad. The electro-hydraulic servo loading system is a loading device simulation of stress objects by aerodynamic moment and other force in the process of movement, its function is all kinds of gas in the lab condition to analyze stress under dynamic load of objects. The purpose of this paper is the design of AMESim electro-hydraulic servo system, PID control technology is used to configure the parameters of the control system, complete the loading process under different conditions, the optimal design parameters, optimization of dynamic performance of the loading system.

  19. Hybrid electro-optics and chipscale integration of electronics and photonics (United States)

    Dalton, L. R.; Robinson, B. H.; Elder, D. L.; Tillack, A. F.; Johnson, L. E.


    Taken together, theory-guided nano-engineering of organic electro-optic materials and hybrid device architectures have permitted dramatic improvement of the performance of electro-optic devices. For example, the voltage-length product has been improved by nearly a factor of 104 , bandwidths have been extended to nearly 200 GHz, device footprints reduced to less than 200 μm2 , and femtojoule energy efficiency achieved. This presentation discusses the utilization of new coarse-grained theoretical methods and advanced quantum mechanical methods to quantitatively simulate the physical properties of new classes of organic electro-optic materials and to evaluate their performance in nanoscopic device architectures, accounting for the effect on chromophore ordering at interfaces in nanoscopic waveguides.

  20. Recent Progress on Cellulose-Based Electro-Active Paper, Its Hybrid Nanocomposites and Applications. (United States)

    Khan, Asif; Abas, Zafar; Kim, Heung Soo; Kim, Jaehwan


    We report on the recent progress and development of research into cellulose-based electro-active paper for bending actuators, bioelectronics devices, and electromechanical transducers. The cellulose electro-active paper is characterized in terms of its biodegradability, chirality, ample chemically modifying capacity, light weight, actuation capability, and ability to form hybrid nanocomposites. The mechanical, electrical, and chemical characterizations of the cellulose-based electro-active paper and its hybrid composites such as blends or coatings with synthetic polymers, biopolymers, carbon nanotubes, chitosan, and metal oxides, are explained. In addition, the integration of cellulose electro-active paper is highlighted to form various functional devices including but not limited to bending actuators, flexible speaker, strain sensors, energy harvesting transducers, biosensors, chemical sensors and transistors for electronic applications. The frontiers in cellulose paper devices are reviewed together with the strategies and perspectives of cellulose electro-active paper and cellulose nanocomposite research and applications.

  1. Recent Progress on Cellulose-Based Electro-Active Paper, Its Hybrid Nanocomposites and Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Asif Khan


    Full Text Available We report on the recent progress and development of research into cellulose-based electro-active paper for bending actuators, bioelectronics devices, and electromechanical transducers. The cellulose electro-active paper is characterized in terms of its biodegradability, chirality, ample chemically modifying capacity, light weight, actuation capability, and ability to form hybrid nanocomposites. The mechanical, electrical, and chemical characterizations of the cellulose-based electro-active paper and its hybrid composites such as blends or coatings with synthetic polymers, biopolymers, carbon nanotubes, chitosan, and metal oxides, are explained. In addition, the integration of cellulose electro-active paper is highlighted to form various functional devices including but not limited to bending actuators, flexible speaker, strain sensors, energy harvesting transducers, biosensors, chemical sensors and transistors for electronic applications. The frontiers in cellulose paper devices are reviewed together with the strategies and perspectives of cellulose electro-active paper and cellulose nanocomposite research and applications.

  2. Pulsed-diode-pumped, all-solid-state, electro-optically controlled picosecond Nd:YAG lasers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorbunkov, Mikhail V; Shabalin, Yu V; Konyashkin, A V; Kostryukov, P V; Olenin, A N; Tunkin, V G; Morozov, V B; Rusov, V A; Telegin, L S; Yakovlev, D V


    The results of the development of repetitively pulsed, diode-pumped, electro-optically controlled picosecond Nd:YAG lasers of two designs are presented. The first design uses the active-passive mode locking with electro-optical lasing control and semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAM). This design allows the generation of 15-50-ps pulses with an energy up to 0.5 mJ and a maximum pulse repetition rate of 100 Hz. The laser of the second design generates 30-ps pulses due to combination of positive and negative electro-optical feedback and the control of the electro-optical modulator by the photocurrent of high-speed semiconductor structures. (active media. lasers)

  3. Recent Progress on Cellulose-Based Electro-Active Paper, Its Hybrid Nanocomposites and Applications


    Asif Khan; Zafar Abas; Heung Soo Kim; Jaehwan Kim


    We report on the recent progress and development of research into cellulose-based electro-active paper for bending actuators, bioelectronics devices, and electromechanical transducers. The cellulose electro-active paper is characterized in terms of its biodegradability, chirality, ample chemically modifying capacity, light weight, actuation capability, and ability to form hybrid nanocomposites. The mechanical, electrical, and chemical characterizations of the cellulose-based electro-active pa...

  4. ElectroGraph - Graphene-based electrodes for application in supercapacitors


    Kosidlo, Urszula


    The ElectroGraph project follows an integrated, technology driven approach in development of novel materials and components for realization of optimized supercapacitors. These are considered one of the newest innovations in the field of electrical energy storage. To design a supercapacitor with high energy and power density, it is crucial to select the correct electrode materials and the most suitable electrolytes. That is why ElectroGraph project focuses on development and use of graphene as...

  5. Comportamiento electroquímico de carbones activados con presencia de grupos superficiales de fósforo


    Gallardo-Fuentes, Aurora; Ruiz-Rosas, Ramiro; Berenguer-Betrian, Raul; Morallón, Emilia; Cazorla-Amorós, Diego; Nishihara, Hirotomo; Kyotani, Takashi; Rodríguez-Mirasol, José; Cordero, Tomás


    Debido a su elevada superficie específica y una combinación única de conductividad, estabilidad y gran versatilidad química-estructural, los carbones activados (CAs) se emplean como electrodos en diversas aplicaciones electroquímicas. En estas aplicaciones, los heteroátomos presentes en su superficie, tales como oxígeno y nitrógeno, juegan un papel muy importante. La presencia de grupos superficiales estables de fósforo ha sido menos estudiada, pero parece inducir efectos positivos en las pro...

  6. Materiales híbridos moleculares orgánicos-inorgánicos: síntesis y aplicación como electrodos en baterías recargables de litio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Torres-Gómez, G.


    Full Text Available A novel family of molecular hybrid materials based on electroactive inorganic species dispersed in conducting organic polymers is reported as electrodes for energy storage or conversion. Polyaniline and polypyrrole are effectively doped with electroactive polyoxometalates ([PMo12O40]3- or ferricyanide ([(FeCN6]3- anions as the only doping species. The high charge and size of these anions prevents their deintercalation during reduction in most cases. The synthesis of these hybrids can be made by chemical (bulk powders and electrochemical (films methods. For [PMo12O40]3-, nine aniline/pyrrole rings by anion are found in each case and the anion stays in the polymer matrix even after reduction at -0.4V (vs Ag/AgCl, 2.6V vs Li. In the case of Polypyrrole-FeCN6 hybrid the pyrrole-ring/Fe(CN6 ratio was around 10-12 depending on the temperature of synthesis. Temperature also affects the electrical conductivity, with the best values around 60Scm-1 (sample prepared at 0ºC. Fe(CN6 stays in the polymer matrix when the hybrid material is reduced in organic media. PMo12 hybrids intercalate up to 5.3 h+ during discharge (52 Ah/Kg whereas the hybrid with Fe(CN6 intercalates 2.7 lithium ions per formula unit (69Ah/Kg.

    Se describe la síntesis y aplicación como electrodos para el almacenamiento o conversión de energía de materiales híbridos basados en la dispersión de especies inorgánicas electroactivas en el seno de polímeros orgánicos conductores. Polianilina y polipirrol son dopados con polioxometalatos electroactivos ([PMo12O40]3- o aniones ferricianuro ([(FeCN6]3- como únicas especies dopantes. La elevada carga y tamaño de estos aniones evitan, en la mayoría de los casos, su desintercalación durante la reducción. Estos híbridos se han sintetizado por métodos químicos y electroquímicos, siendo la relación anillos de anilina o de pirrol por anión de [PMo12O40]3- de nueve, de manera que el anión permanece en el interior de la matriz

  7. Gradient effects in a new class of electro-elastic bodies (United States)

    Arvanitakis, Antonios


    Continuum theories for electro-elastic solids suggest the development of electric field or polarization-based models. Advanced versions of these models are the so-called gradient models, i.e., polarization gradient and electric field gradient models, which prove to be more than capable of explaining the behavior of a continuum in a wider range of length scales. In this work, implicit constitutive relations for electro-elastic bodies are considered with the introduction of polarization and electric field gradient effects. In this sense, the new class of electro-elastic bodies extends even further to account for nonlocality in constitutive equations, besides strain-limiting behavior and polarization saturation for large values of stresses and electric field, respectively. Nonlocality in constitutive equations is essential in modeling various phenomena.

  8. An Analysis of the Initiation Process of Electro-Explosive Devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Cesar de Carvalho Faria


    Full Text Available Electro-explosive devices (an electric resistance encapsulated by a primary explosive fundamentally convert electrical energy into thermal energy, to start off an explosive chemical reaction. Obviously, the activation of those devices shall not happen by accident or, even worse, by intentional exogenous influence. From an ordinary differential equation, which describes the electro-explosive thermal behavior, a remarkable, but certainly not intuitive, dependence of the temperature response on the time constant of the heat transfer process is verified: the temperature profile dramatically changes as the time constant spans a wide range of values, from much lesser than the pulse width to much greater than the pulse period. Based on this dependence, important recommendations, concerning the efficient and safety operation of electro-explosive devices, are proposed.

  9. The Study on the Performance of Carbon Supported PtSnM (M = W, Pd, and Ni) Ternary Electro-Catalysts for Ethanol Electro-Oxidation Reaction. (United States)

    Noh, Chang Soo; Heo, Dong Hyun; Lee, Ki Rak; Jeon, Min Ku; Sohn, Jung Min


    PtSn/C and Pt5Sn4M/C (M = W, Pd, Ni) electrocatalysts were prepared by impregnation method using NaBH4 as a reducing agent. Chemical composition, crystalline size, and alloy formation were determined by EDX, XRD and TEM. The average particle sizes of the synthesized catalysts were approximately 3.64-4.95 nm. The electro-chemical properties were measured by CO stripping, cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep voltammetry, and chronoamperometry. The maximum specific activity of the electro-catalysts for ethanol electro-oxidation was 406.08 mA m(-2) in Pt5Sn4Pd/C. The poisoning rate of the Pt5Sn4Pd/C (0.0017% s(-1)) was 4.5 times lower than that of the PtSn/C (0.0076% s(-1)).

  10. Electro-Optical Data Acquisition and Tracking System (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Electro-Optical Data Acquisition and Tracking System (EDATS) dynamically tracks and measures target signatures. It consists of an instrumentation van integrated...

  11. Present status of metrology of electro-optical surveillance systems (United States)

    Chrzanowski, K.


    There has been a significant progress in equipment for testing electro-optical surveillance systems over the last decade. Modern test systems are increasingly computerized, employ advanced image processing and offer software support in measurement process. However, one great challenge, in form of relative low accuracy, still remains not solved. It is quite common that different test stations, when testing the same device, produce different results. It can even happen that two testing teams, while working on the same test station, with the same tested device, produce different results. Rapid growth of electro-optical technology, poor standardization, limited metrology infrastructure, subjective nature of some measurements, fundamental limitations from laws of physics, tendering rules and advances in artificial intelligence are major factors responsible for such situation. Regardless, next decade should bring significant improvements, since improvement in measurement accuracy is needed to sustain fast growth of electro-optical surveillance technology.

  12. Electro-catalytic degradation of sulfisoxazole by using graphene anode. (United States)

    Wang, Yanyan; Liu, Shuan; Li, Ruiping; Huang, Yingping; Chen, Chuncheng


    Graphite and graphene electrodes were prepared by using pure graphite as precursor. The electrode materials were characterized by a scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurements. The electro-catalytic activity for degradation of sulfisoxazole (SIZ) was investigated by using prepared graphene or graphite anode. The results showed that the degradation of SIZ was much more rapid on the graphene than that on the graphite electrode. Moreover, the graphene electrode exhibited good stability and recyclability. The analysis on the intermediate products and the measurement of active species during the SIZ degradation demonstrated that indirect oxidation is the dominant mechanism, involving the electro-catalytic generation of OH and O2(-) as the main active oxygen species. This study implies that graphene is a promising potential electrode material for long-term application to electro-catalytic degradation of organic pollutants. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  13. Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles by Electro-reduction Method and Their Application as an Electro-hyperthermia System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Young Il; Kim, Kwangsoo; Kwon, Yongsoo; Cho, Heesang; Yoon, Changjin; Yoon, Taejong; Lee, Hak Jong


    We report the successful preparation of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) using a novel electroreduction process, which is simple, fast, and environmentally friendly (toxic chemicals such as strong reducing agents are not required). Our process allows for the mass production of Au NPs and adequate particle size control. The Au NPs prepared show high biocompatibility and are non-toxic to healthy human cells. By applying radiofrequency (RF) ablation, we monitored the electro-hyperthermia effect of the Au NPs at different RFs. The Au NPs exhibit a fast increase in temperature to 55 .deg. C within 5 min during the application of an RF of 13 MHz. This temperature rise is sufficient to promote apoptosis through thermal stress. Our work suggests that the selective Au NP-mediated electro-hyperthermia therapy for tumor cells under an RF of 13 MHz has great potential as a clinical treatment for specific tumor ablation

  14. Electro-optically actuated liquid-lens zoom (United States)

    Pütsch, O.; Loosen, P.


    Progressive miniaturization and mass market orientation denote a challenge to the design of dynamic optical systems such as zoom-lenses. Two working principles can be identified: mechanical actuation and application of active optical components. Mechanical actuation changes the focal length of a zoom-lens system by varying the axial positions of optical elements. These systems are limited in speed and often require complex coupled movements. However, well established optical design approaches can be applied. In contrast, active optical components change their optical properties by varying their physical structure by means of applying external electric signals. An example are liquidlenses which vary their curvatures to change the refractive power. Zoom-lenses benefit from active optical components in two ways: first, no moveable structures are required and second, fast response characteristics can be realized. The precommercial development of zoom-lenses demands simplified and cost-effective system designs. However the number of efficient optical designs for electro-optically actuated zoom-lenses is limited. In this paper, the systematic development of an electro-optically actuated zoom-lens will be discussed. The application of aberration polynomials enables a better comprehension of the primary monochromatic aberrations at the lens elements during a change in magnification. This enables an enhanced synthesis of the system behavior and leads to a simplified zoom-lens design with no moving elements. The change of focal length is achieved only by varying curvatures of targeted integrated electro-optically actuated lenses.

  15. Effect of temperature on the electro-oxidation of ethanol on platinum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula M. Camargo


    Full Text Available We present in this work an experimental investigation of the effect of temperature (from 25 to 180 ºC in the electro-oxidation of ethanol on platinum in two different phosphoric acid concentrations. We observed that the onset potential for ethanol electro-oxidation shifts to lower values and the reaction rates increase as temperature is increased for both electrolytes. The results were rationalized in terms of the effect of temperature on the adsorption of reaction intermediates, poisons, and anions. The formation of oxygenated species at high potentials, mainly in the more diluted electrolyte, also contributes to increase the electro-oxidation reaction rate.

  16. Electro-oxidation of methanol on gold in alkaline media: Adsorption characteristics of reaction intermediates studied using time resolved electro-chemical impedance and surface plasmon resonance techniques (United States)

    Assiongbon, K. A.; Roy, D.


    Electro-catalytic oxidation of methanol is the anode reaction in direct methanol fuel cells. We have studied the adsorption characteristics of the intermediate reactants of this multistep reaction on a gold film electrode in alkaline solutions by combining surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements with Fourier transform electro-chemical impedance spectroscopy (FT-EIS). Methanol oxidation in this system shows no significant effects of "site poisoning" by chemisorbed CO. Our results suggest that OH - chemisorbed onto Au acts as a stabilizing agent for the surface species of electro-active methanol. Double layer charging/discharging and adsorption/desorption of OH - show more pronounced effects than adsorption/oxidation of methanol in controlling the surface charge density of the Au substrate. These effects are manifested in both the EIS and the SPR data, and serve as key indicators of the surface reaction kinetics. The data presented here describe the important role of adsorbed OH - in electro-catalysis of methanol on Au, and demonstrate how SPR and FT-EIS can be combined for quantitative probing of catalytically active metal-solution interfaces.

  17. Electrode placement during electro-desalination of

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ottosen, Lisbeth M.; Andersson, Lovisa C. H.


    Carved stone sculptures and ornaments can be severely damaged by salt induced decay. Often the irregular surfaces are decomposed, and the artwork is lost. The present paper is an experimental investigation on the possibility for using electro-desalination for treatment of stone with irregular shape....... Electro-desalination experiments were made with different duration to follow the progress. Successful desalination of the whole stone piece was obtained, showing that also parts not being placed directly between the electrodes were desalinated. This is important in case of salt damaged carved stones......, where the most fragile parts thus can be desalinated without physically placing electrodes on them. The Cl removal rate was higher in the areas closest to the electrodes and slowest in the part, which was not placed directly between the electrodes. This is important to incorporate in the monitoring...

  18. Electrical and mechanical characterization of nanoscale-layered cellulose-based electro-active paper. (United States)

    Yun, Gyu-Young; Yun, Ki-Ju; Kim, Joo-Hyung; Kim, Jaehwan


    In order to understand the electro-mechanical behavior of piezoelectric electro active paper (EAPap), the converse and direct piezoelectric characterization of cellulose EAPap was studied and compared. A delay between the electrical field and the induced strain of EAPap was observed due to the inner nano-voids or the localized amorphous regions in layer-by-layered structure to capture or hold the electrical charges and remnant ions. The linear relation between electric field and induced strain is also observed. The electro-mechanical performance of EAPap is discussed in detail in this paper.

  19. Observation of nanometer-sized electro-active defects in insulating layers by fluorescence microscopy and electrochemistry. (United States)

    Renault, Christophe; Marchuk, Kyle; Ahn, Hyun S; Titus, Eric J; Kim, Jiyeon; Willets, Katherine A; Bard, Allen J


    We report a method to study electro-active defects in passivated electrodes. This method couples fluorescence microscopy and electrochemistry to localize and size electro-active defects. The method was validated by comparison with a scanning probe technique, scanning electrochemical microscopy. We used our method for studying electro-active defects in thin TiO2 layers electrodeposited on 25 μm diameter Pt ultramicroelectrodes (UMEs). The permeability of the TiO2 layer was estimated by measuring the oxidation of ferrocenemethanol at the UME. Blocking of current ranging from 91.4 to 99.8% was achieved. Electro-active defects with an average radius ranging between 9 and 90 nm were observed in these TiO2 blocking layers. The distribution of electro-active defects over the TiO2 layer is highly inhomogeneous and the number of electro-active defect increases for lower degree of current blocking. The interest of the proposed technique is the possibility to quickly (less than 15 min) image samples as large as several hundreds of μm(2) while being able to detect electro-active defects of only a few tens of nm in radius.

  20. Electro-ultrafiltration of industrial enzyme solutions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enevoldsen, Ann Dorrit; Hansen, Erik Børresen; Jonsson, Gunnar Eigil


    To reduce the problems with fouling and concentration polarization during crossflow ultrafiltration of industrial enzyme solutions an electric field is applied across the membrane. The filtration performance during electro-ultrafiltration (EUF) has been tested with several enzymes. Results show...

  1. Electro-chemo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clayey media; Couplage electro-chimio-hydro-mecaniques dans les milieux argileux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lemaire, Th


    The aim of this study is to understand coupled phenomena that occur in swelling porous materials like clays. Electro-chemo-hydro-mechanical contributions are taken into account to analyze transfers in such minerals. In a first part, a general discussion is proposed to introduce mineralogical and physico- chemical considerations of clayey media. An important objective of this chapter is to show the crucial role of the microstructure. In a second part is presented an imbibition test in a MX80 bentonite powder. The hydraulic diffusivity versus water content curve's decrease is explained thanks to a double porosity model that shows the progressive collapse of meso-pores due to swelling effects at the micro-scale. Thus a multi-scale analysis is necessary to well describe clayey media behaviour. The third chapter exposes such a multi-scale modelling (periodic homogenization). It is based on the double-layer theory and introduces an innovative concept of virtual electrolyte solution. First numerical results are given in a simple geometry (parallel platelets). In the next part are proposed numerical simulations of two kinds: response of the system to a chemical gradient and simulation of electro-osmosis. The end of this chapter puts into relief the necessity to integrate pH effects in the model. In the last part, chemical surface exchanges are incorporated in the modelling to understand pH and ionic force roles in electro-osmotic process. (author)

  2. Theory-Guided Design of Organic Electro-Optic Materials and Devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephanie Benight


    Full Text Available Integrated (multi-scale quantum and statistical mechanical theoretical methods have guided the nano-engineering of controlled intermolecular electrostatic interactions for the dramatic improvement of acentric order and thus electro-optic activity of melt-processable organic polymer and dendrimer electro-optic materials. New measurement techniques have permitted quantitative determination of the molecular order parameters, lattice dimensionality, and nanoscale viscoelasticity properties of these new soft matter materials and have facilitated comparison of theoretically-predicted structures and thermodynamic properties with experimentally-defined structures and properties. New processing protocols have permitted further enhancement of material properties and have facilitated the fabrication of complex device structures. The integration of organic electro-optic materials into silicon photonic, plasmonic, and metamaterial device architectures has led to impressive new performance metrics for a variety of technological applications.

  3. Nickel as a catalyst for the electro-oxidation of methanol in alkaline medium (United States)

    Abdel Rahim, M. A.; Abdel Hameed, R. M.; Khalil, M. W.

    The use of Ni as a catalyst for the electro-oxidation of methanol in alkaline medium was studied by cyclic voltammetry. It was found that only Ni dispersed on graphite shows a catalytic activity towards methanol oxidation but massive Ni does not. Ni was dispersed on graphite by the electro-deposition from acidic NiSO 4 solution using potentiostatic and galvanostatic techniques. The catalytic activity of the C/Ni electrodes towards methanol oxidation was found to vary with the amount of electro-deposited Ni. The dependence of the oxidation current on methanol concentration and scan rate was discussed. It was concluded from the electro-chemical measurements and SEM analysis that methanol oxidation starts as Ni-oxide is formed on the electrode surface.

  4. Night vision and electro-optics technology transfer, 1972 - 1981 (United States)

    Fulton, R. W.; Mason, G. F.


    The purpose of this special report, 'Night Vision and Electro-Optics Technology Transfer 1972-1981,' is threefold: To illustrate, through actual case histories, the potential for exploiting a highly developed and available military technology for solving non-military problems. To provide, in a layman's language, the principles behind night vision and electro-optical devices in order that an awareness may be developed relative to the potential for adopting this technology for non-military applications. To obtain maximum dollar return from research and development investments by applying this technology to secondary applications. This includes, but is not limited to, applications by other Government agencies, state and local governments, colleges and universities, and medical organizations. It is desired that this summary of Technology Transfer activities within Night Vision and Electro-Optics Laboratory (NV/EOL) will benefit those who desire to explore one of the vast technological resources available within the Defense Department and the Federal Government.

  5. Pt catalysts on PANI coated WC/C nanocomposites for methanol electro-oxidation and oxygen electro-reduction in DMFC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yaldagard, Maryam; Jahanshahi, Mohsen; Seghatoleslami, Naser


    Highlights: • In this work nanosized WC/C were successfully coated by PANI. • Pt particles (10.56 nm) were uniformly dispersed on the surface of PANI/WC/C support. • The Pt/PANI/WC/C exhibited higher MOR activity and CO tolerance than Pt/C. • The Pt/PANI/WC/C exhibited higher activity for ORR than Pt/C in RDE experiments. • Pt/PANI/WC/C showed good stability than that of Pt/C in the presence of methanol. - Abstract: In the present study a Pt/PANI/WC/C electrocatalyst was developed to increase the methanol electro-oxidation and oxygen electro-reduction activity and stability of commercial Pt/C electrocatalyst. WC/C was coated with protonated polyaniline (PANI) in situ during the polymerization of aniline. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) results illustrate the presence of PANI in the composite. The conductivity of PANI coated – WC/C has been compared with the conductivity of the corresponding mixtures of WC/C and Vulcan XC-72. X-ray diffraction results showed that Pt particles were dispersed on the support with mean particle size of about 10.56 nm. Transition electron microscopy images showed that the nanosized WC/C were successfully coated by PANI. Based on the electrochemical properties characterized by cyclic voltammetry, CO stripping and rotating disk electrode measurements it was found that the as prepared Pt/PANI/WC/C electrocatalyst exhibited a comparable activity for methanol oxidation reaction and oxygen reduction reaction with respect to the commercial one. A significant reduction in the potential of CO electro-oxidation peak from 0.75 V for Pt/C to 0.52 V for Pt/PANI/WC/C electrocatalyst indicates that an increase in the activity for CO electro-oxidation is achieved by replacing the carbon support by PANI coated WC/C. Chronoamerometry results also showed, in the presence of methanol the Pt/PANI/WC/C electrocatalyst still maintains a higher current density than Pt/WC/C and Pt/C

  6. Pt catalysts on PANI coated WC/C nanocomposites for methanol electro-oxidation and oxygen electro-reduction in DMFC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yaldagard, Maryam, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, P.O. Box 91775-1111 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Nanotechnology Research Institute, School of Chemical Engineering, Babol University of Technology (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Jahanshahi, Mohsen, E-mail: [Nanotechnology Research Institute, School of Chemical Engineering, Babol University of Technology (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Seghatoleslami, Naser, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, P.O. Box 91775-1111 (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Highlights: • In this work nanosized WC/C were successfully coated by PANI. • Pt particles (10.56 nm) were uniformly dispersed on the surface of PANI/WC/C support. • The Pt/PANI/WC/C exhibited higher MOR activity and CO tolerance than Pt/C. • The Pt/PANI/WC/C exhibited higher activity for ORR than Pt/C in RDE experiments. • Pt/PANI/WC/C showed good stability than that of Pt/C in the presence of methanol. - Abstract: In the present study a Pt/PANI/WC/C electrocatalyst was developed to increase the methanol electro-oxidation and oxygen electro-reduction activity and stability of commercial Pt/C electrocatalyst. WC/C was coated with protonated polyaniline (PANI) in situ during the polymerization of aniline. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) results illustrate the presence of PANI in the composite. The conductivity of PANI coated – WC/C has been compared with the conductivity of the corresponding mixtures of WC/C and Vulcan XC-72. X-ray diffraction results showed that Pt particles were dispersed on the support with mean particle size of about 10.56 nm. Transition electron microscopy images showed that the nanosized WC/C were successfully coated by PANI. Based on the electrochemical properties characterized by cyclic voltammetry, CO stripping and rotating disk electrode measurements it was found that the as prepared Pt/PANI/WC/C electrocatalyst exhibited a comparable activity for methanol oxidation reaction and oxygen reduction reaction with respect to the commercial one. A significant reduction in the potential of CO electro-oxidation peak from 0.75 V for Pt/C to 0.52 V for Pt/PANI/WC/C electrocatalyst indicates that an increase in the activity for CO electro-oxidation is achieved by replacing the carbon support by PANI coated WC/C. Chronoamerometry results also showed, in the presence of methanol the Pt/PANI/WC/C electrocatalyst still maintains a higher current density than Pt/WC/C and Pt/C.

  7. Barium Titanate Photonic Crystal Electro-Optic Modulators for Telecommunication and Data Network Applications (United States)

    Girouard, Peter D.

    The microwave, optical, and electro-optic properties of epitaxial barium titanate thin films grown on (100) MgO substrates and photonic crystal electro-optic modulators fabricated on these films were investigated to demonstrate the applicability of these devices for telecommunication and data networks. The electrical and electro-optical properties were characterized up to modulation frequencies of 50 GHz, and the optical properties of photonic crystal waveguides were determined for wavelengths spanning the optical C band between 1500 and 1580 nm. Microwave scattering parameters were measured on coplanar stripline devices with electrode gap spacings between 5 and 12 mum on barium titanate films with thicknesses between 230 and 680 nm. The microwave index and device characteristic impedance were obtained from the measurements. Larger (lower) microwave indices (impedances) were obtained for devices with narrower electrode gap spacings and on thicker films. Thinner film devices have both lower index mismatch between the co-propagating microwave and optical signals and lower impedance mismatch to a 50O system, resulting in a larger predicted electro-optical 3 dB bandwidth. This was experimentally verified with electro-optical frequency response measurements. These observations were applied to demonstrate a record high 28 GHz electro-optic bandwidth measured for a BaTiO3 conventional ridge waveguide modulator having 1mm long electrodes and 12 mum gap spacing on a 260nm thick film. The half-wave voltage and electro-optic coefficients of barium titanate modulators were measured for films having thicknesses between 260 and 500 nm. The half-wave voltage was directly measured at low frequencies using a polarizer-sample-compensator-analyzer setup by over-driving waveguide integrated modulators beyond their linear response regime. Effective in-device electro-optic coefficients were obtained from the measured half-wave voltages. The effective electro-optic coefficients were

  8. Highly stable and low loss electro-optic polymer waveguides for high speed microring modulators using photodefinition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Balakrishnan, M.; Diemeer, Mart; Driessen, A.; Faccini, M.; Verboom, Willem; Reinhoudt, David; Leinse, Arne; Sidorin, Y.; Waechter, C.A.


    Different electro-optic polymer systems are analyzed with respect to their electro-optic activity, glass transition temperature (Tg) and photodefinable properties. The polymers tested are polysulfone (PS) and SU8. The electro-optic chromophore, tricyanovinylidenediphenylaminobenzene (TCVDPA), which

  9. Defence electro-optics: European perspective (United States)

    Hartikainen, Jari


    In 2009 the United States invested in defence R&T 3,6 times and in defence research and development 6,8 times as much as all member states of the European Defence Agency (EDA) combined while the ratio in the total defence expenditure was 2,6 in the US' favour. The European lack of investments in defence research and development has a negative impact on the competitiveness of European defence industry and on the European non-dependence. In addition, the efficiency of investment is reduced due to duplication of work in different member states. The Lisbon Treaty tasks EDA to support defence technology research, and coordinate and plan joint research activities and the study of technical solutions meeting future operational needs. This paper gives an overview how EDA meets the challenge of improving the efficiency of European defence R&T investment with an emphasis on electro-optics and describes shortly the ways that governmental and industrial partners can participate in the EDA cooperation. Examples of joint R&T projects addressing electro-optics are presented.

  10. Performance of an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator on the F-18 Systems Research Aircraft (United States)

    Navarro, Robert


    An electro-hydrostatic actuator was evaluated at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. The primary goal of testing this actuator system was the flight demonstration of power-by-wire technology on a primary flight control surface. The electro-hydrostatic actuator uses an electric motor to drive a hydraulic pump and relies on local hydraulics for force transmission. This actuator replaced the F-18 standard left aileron actuator on the F-18 Systems Research Aircraft and was evaluated throughout the Systems Research Aircraft flight envelope. As of July 24, 1997 the electro-hydrostatic actuator had accumulated 23.5 hours of flight time. This paper presents the electro-hydrostatic actuator system configuration and component description, ground and flight test plans, ground and flight test results, and lessons learned. This actuator performs as well as the standard actuator and has more load capability than required by aileron actuator specifications of McDonnell- Douglas Aircraft, St. Louis, Missouri. The electro-hydrostatic actuator system passed all of its ground tests with the exception of one power-off test during unloaded dynamic cycling.

  11. Vertical electro-absorption modulator design and its integration in a VCSEL (United States)

    Marigo-Lombart, L.; Calvez, S.; Arnoult, A.; Thienpont, H.; Almuneau, G.; Panajotov, K.


    Electro-absorption modulators, either embedded in CMOS technology or integrated with a semiconductor laser, are of high interest for many applications such as optical communications, signal processing and 3D imaging. Recently, the integration of a surface-normal electro-absorption modulator into a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser has been considered. In this paper we implement a simple quantum well electro-absorption model and design and optimize an asymmetric Fabry-Pérot semiconductor modulator while considering all physical properties within figures of merit. We also extend this model to account for the impact of temperature on the different parameters involved in the calculation of the absorption, such as refractive indices and exciton transition broadening. Two types of vertical modulator structures have been fabricated and experimentally characterized by reflectivity and photocurrent measurements demonstrating a very good agreement with our model. Finally, preliminary results of an electro-absorption modulator vertically integrated with a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser device are presented, showing good modulation performances required for high speed communications.

  12. Knowledge-based Adaptive Tracking Control of Electro-hydraulic Actuator Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Poul Erik


    The paper deal with intelligent motion control and electro-hydraulic actuator systems for multiaxis machynes and robots.The research results are from the IMCIA research Programme supported by the Danish Technical Research Council, STVF.......The paper deal with intelligent motion control and electro-hydraulic actuator systems for multiaxis machynes and robots.The research results are from the IMCIA research Programme supported by the Danish Technical Research Council, STVF....

  13. Infra-red finiteness in quantum electro-dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawai, Takahiro


    The authors report some mathematical aspects of a recent solution of the infra-red catastrophe in quantum electro-dynamics. A principal result is that the coordinate space Feynman function can be separated into two factors the first of which is a unitary operator in photon space representing the classical electro-magnetic contribution to the amplitude, and the second of which is a residual factor representing the quantum fluctuation about the classical contribution. The main objectives were to verify: (i) the residual factor is free of infra-red divergences, and (ii) the dominant part of the singularity of the residual factor on the positive-α Landau surface has the same analytic form as it would have if the photons were massive. (Auth.)

  14. Electro Conductive Alumina Nanocomposites From Different Alumina-Carbides Mixtures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Díaz Luis A.


    SiC whiskers reinforced electrically conductive ceramic compositions provide a fully dense material with optimal mechanical properties. The capability of electro-discharge machining obtains good surface quality, chip-free edges, dimensional accuracy and complex shapes. The fracture toughness is improved two to three fold over individual ceramic components. Strength and hardness is also increased. Some composites were tested as a cutting tool to machine IN-718 nickel-base superalloy industrial laminating cylinders. The composites were formed and electro-discharge machined to a standard size cutting insert.

  15. Experimental study of the electrode material for electro-osmosis in mudflat sludge (United States)

    Liu, Yi-min; Xu, Hao-feng


    In order to study the performance of electro-osmosis, several tests including indoor electro-osmosis experiments using copper, aluminum as the anode and cathode electrode materials, and Mercury Intrusion Porosimiter (MIP) were conducted. The results indicate that the drainage ratio using aluminum is faster than that of copper while the energy consumption per unit is lower, the effectiveness is better than that of copper. After electro-osmosis, the percentage of pore with large diameter shows a remarkable decrease comparing with the remolded soil which result in the increase of pore with small diameter. The reasons were discussed in this paper.

  16. Electro-oxidation of Ethanol on Carbon Supported PtSn and PtSnNi Catalysts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nur Hidayati


    Full Text Available Even though platinum is known as an active electro-catalyst for ethanol oxidation at low temperatures (< 100 oC, choosing the electrode material for ethanol electro-oxidation is a crucial issue. It is due to its property which easily poisoned by a strong adsorbed species such as CO. PtSn-based electro-catalysts have been identified as better catalysts for ethanol electro-oxidation. The third material is supposed to improved binary catalysts performance. This work presents a study of the ethanol electro-oxidation on carbon supported Pt-Sn and Pt-Sn-Ni catalysts. These catalysts were prepared by alcohol reduction. Nano-particles with diameters between 2.5-5.0 nm were obtained. The peak of (220 crystalline face centred cubic (fcc Pt phase for PtSn and PtSnNi alloys was repositioned due to the presence of Sn and/or Ni in the alloy. Furthermore, the modification of Pt with Sn and SnNi improved ethanol and CO electro-oxidation. Copyright © 2016 BCREC GROUP. All rights reserved Received: 10th November 2015; Revised: 1st February 2016; Accepted: 1st February 2016 How to Cite: Hidayati, N., Scott, K. (2016. Electro-oxidation of Ethanol on Carbon Supported PtSn and PtSnNi Catalysts. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 11 (1: 10-20. (doi:10.9767/bcrec.11.1.394.10-20 Permalink/DOI:

  17. A study of the characteristics of indium tin oxide after chlorine electro-chemical treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Moonsoo; Kim, Jongmin; Cho, Jaehee; Kim, Hyunwoo; Lee, Nayoung; Choi, Byoungdeog, E-mail:


    Graphical abstract: The presence of Chlorine in the outer surface resulted in a highly electro-negative surface states and an increase in the vacuum energy level. - Highlights: • We investigated the influence of chlorine surface treatment on ITO properties. • Chlorination induced the change of the electro-static potential in the outer surface. • Chlorine electro-chemical treatment of ITO is a simple, fast and effective technique. - Abstract: In this work, we investigate the influence of a chlorine-based electro-chemical surface treatment on the characteristics of indium tin oxide (ITO) including the work function, chemical composition, and phase transition. The treated ITOs were characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), 4-point probe measurements, and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GI-XRD). We confirmed a change of the chemical composition in the near-surface region of the ITO and the formation of indium-chlorine (In-Cl) bonds and surface dipoles (via XPS). In particular, the change of the electro-static potential in the outer surface was caused by chlorination. Due to the vacuum-level shift after the electro-chemical treatment in a dilute hydrochloric acid, the ITO work function was increased by ∼0.43 eV (via UPS); furthermore, the electro-negativity of the chlorine anions attracted electrons to emit them from the hole transport layer (HTL) to the ITO anodes, resulting in an increase of the hole-injection efficiency.

  18. Estudio dieléctrico del envejecimiento físico


    Hernández, M. C; Suárez, N; Puma, M


    La influencia del envejecimiento físico en las propiedades dieléctricas de un poliarilato y un policarbonato derivados de la tirosina: Poli(DTH succinato) y poli(DTO carbonato) respectivamente, es estudiada utilizando la técnica de Corrientes de Polarización Estimuladas Térmicamente (TSPC). La caracterización dieléctrica, utilizando electrodos de bloqueo, permite estudiar el efecto de los cambios estructurales del material sobre las relajaciones asociadas con la redistribución de cargas debid...

  19. Electro-sensitivity: the physicians-laymen relationship under the test of an environmental pathology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oullion, Amandine


    This academic work addresses sociological and anthropological aspects of contemporary techniques. The authors more particularly examined how electro-sensitivity contributes to the re-composition of the relationship between physicians and laymen. After some methodological and theoretical considerations, the authors first addresses this issue from a macro-sociological and political point of view, i.e. by discussing the role of laymen in the definition and addressing of public health issues. They analyse the implication of electro-sensitive persons in the process of politicisation of their disease, and in research arrangements implemented on these issues. Then, they address the way electro-sensitivity reshapes the meeting between physician and patient. In the last part, they address the way electro-sensitivity questions the medical institution itself in terms of medical practices, and of power relationships within this institution

  20. On non-linear dynamics of a coupled electro-mechanical system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Darula, Radoslav; Sorokin, Sergey


    Electro-mechanical devices are an example of coupled multi-disciplinary weakly non-linear systems. Dynamics of such systems is described in this paper by means of two mutually coupled differential equations. The first one, describing an electrical system, is of the first order and the second one...... excitation. The results are verified using a numerical model created in MATLAB Simulink environment. Effect of non-linear terms on dynamical response of the coupled system is investigated; the backbone and envelope curves are analyzed. The two phenomena, which exist in the electro-mechanical system: (a......, for mechanical system, is of the second order. The governing equations are coupled via linear and weakly non-linear terms. A classical perturbation method, a method of multiple scales, is used to find a steadystate response of the electro-mechanical system exposed to a harmonic close-resonance mechanical...

  1. A Novel Electro-Thermal Laminated Ceramic with Carbon-Based Layer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yi Ji


    Full Text Available A novel electro-thermal laminated ceramic composed of ceramic tile, carbon-based layer, dielectric layer, and foaming ceramic layer was designed and prepared by tape casting. The surface temperature achieved at an applied voltage of 10 V by the laminated ceramics was 40.3 °C when the thickness of carbon-based suspension was 1.0 mm and the adhesive strength between ceramic tile and carbon-based layer was 1.02 ± 0.06 MPa. In addition, the thermal aging results at 100 °C up to 192 h confirmed the high thermal stability and reliability of the electro-thermal laminated ceramics. The development of this laminated ceramic with excellent electro-thermal properties and safety provides a new individual heating device which is highly expected to be widely applied in the field of indoor heat supply.

  2. Dense electro-optic frequency comb generated by two-stage modulation for dual-comb spectroscopy. (United States)

    Wang, Shuai; Fan, Xinyu; Xu, Bingxin; He, Zuyuan


    An electro-optic frequency comb enables frequency-agile comb-based spectroscopy without using sophisticated phase-locking electronics. Nevertheless, dense electro-optic frequency combs over broad spans have yet to be developed. In this Letter, we propose a straightforward and efficient method for electro-optic frequency comb generation with a small line spacing and a large span. This method is based on two-stage modulation: generating an 18 GHz line-spacing comb at the first stage and a 250 MHz line-spacing comb at the second stage. After generating an electro-optic frequency comb covering 1500 lines, we set up an easily established mutually coherent hybrid dual-comb interferometer, which combines the generated electro-optic frequency comb and a free-running mode-locked laser. As a proof of concept, this hybrid dual-comb interferometer is used to measure the absorption and dispersion profiles of the molecular transition of H 13 CN with a spectral resolution of 250 MHz.

  3. Rational design of organic electro-optic materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dalton, L R


    Quantum mechanical calculations are used to optimize the molecular first hyperpolarizability of organic chromophores and statistical mechanical calculations are used to optimize the translation of molecular hyperpolarizability to macroscopic electro-optic activity (to values of greater than 100 pm V -1 at telecommunications wavelengths). Macroscopic material architectures are implemented exploiting new concepts in nanoscale architectural engineering. Multi-chromophore-containing dendrimers and dendronized polymers not only permit optimization of electro-optic activity but also of auxiliary properties including optical loss (both absorption and scattering), thermal and photochemical stability and processability. New reactive ion etching and photolithographic techniques permit the fabrication of three-dimensional optical circuitry and the integration of that circuitry with semiconductor very-large-scale integration electronics and silica fibre optics. Electro-optic devices have been fabricated exploiting stripline, cascaded prism and microresonator device structures. Sub-1 V drive voltages and operational bandwidths of greater than 100 GHz have been demonstrated. Both single-and double-ring microresonators have been fabricated for applications such as active wavelength division multiplexing. Free spectral range values of 1 THz and per channel modulation bandwidths of 15 GHz have been realized permitting single-chip data rates of 500 Gb s -1 . Other demonstrated devices include phased array radar, optical gyroscopes, acoustic spectrum analysers, ultrafast analog/digital converters and ultrahigh bandwidth signal generators. (topical review)

  4. R and D status of oxide electro-refining reprocessing technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myochin, Munetaka


    The oxide electro-refining pyrochemical reprocessing is excellent in the resistivity against nuclear material diversion and in the suitability for oxide fuel cycle and has an excellent affinity for the technology of fuel production using the vibropac method. The oxide electro-refining pyrochemical reprocessing system has therefore been examined as a part of studies of commercialization of FBR cycle. This report outlines the examination results of fundamental data acquired for the system design. (M.H.)

  5. Spontaneously Bi decorated carbon supported Pd nanoparticles for formic acid electro-oxidation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauskar, Akshay S.; Rice, Cynthia A.


    Highlights: • Selective decoration of Bi onto commercial Pd/C is carried out by a simple gas controlled surface potential modulation technique. • Bi decorated Pd/C catalyst exhibits higher and sustained formic acid oxidation activity presumably via the electronic effect. • Shielding of Pd atoms by Bi increases long term stability. • Formic acid electro-oxidation current increased by 121% at 0.2 V vs. RHE. -- Abstract: The activity and stability of carbon supported palladium (Pd/C) nanoparticles decorated with a submonolayer of bismuth (Bi) for formic acid (FA) electro-oxidation was investigated herein. The FA electro-oxidation activity enhancement of Bi decorated Pd/C was evaluated electrochemically using a rotating disk electrode configuration by linear sweep voltammetric and chronoamperometric measurements. Commercial Pd/C was decorated by irreversible adsorption of Bi via a simple gas controlled surface potential modulation technique, and the coverage of Bi adatoms as measured by cyclic voltammetry was controlled in the range of 30–87%. An optimal Bi coverage was observed to be 40%, resulting in a favorable decrease in the FA onset potential by greater than 0.1 V and increase in electro-oxidation current density from 0.25 mA cm −2 SA to 0.55 mA cm −2 SA at 0.2 V vs. RHE, compared to commercial Pd/C. The results indicate that Bi decorated Pd nanoparticles have excellent properties for the electro-oxidation of FA, i.e. high electro-catalytic activity and excellent stability, due to sustained promotion of dehydrogenation pathway attributed to the electronic effect, thereby promoting FA adsorption in the CH-down orientation. Based on no significant shifting in the CO stripping peak position, minimal impact of Bi on the Pd-CO bond strength is observed. Chronoamperometry results show much better long-term electro-catalytic activity for Bi decorated Pd nanoparticles attributed to shielding of surface Pd atoms by Bi and reducing Pd dissolution

  6. Tracer Studies of the Influence of Foreign Substances at the Surface of the Electrodes. II Influence in electro crystallization phenomena; Accion de las sustancias extranas en la superficies de los electrodos. Estudio mediante radiotrazadores. II. Influencia en los procesos de electrocristalizacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Llopis, J; Gamboa, J M; Arizmendi, L


    The action of foreign substances present on the surface of the electrodes, in electro crystallization phenomena, has been studied. The number of Ag crystals per square centimeter of Pt electrode varies with the polishing, the current density and the presence of multilayers of stearic acid. The statistical distribution of Ag crystals without and with multilayers and their influence on the concentration index and the deformation of Ag crystals has been studied. the size of these crystals increases as the current density decreases. (Author) 16 refs.

  7. Coupled modeling and simulation of electro-elastic materials at large strains (United States)

    Possart, Gunnar; Steinmann, Paul; Vu, Duc-Khoi


    In the recent years various novel materials have been developed that respond to the application of electrical loading by large strains. An example is the class of so-called electro-active polymers (EAP). Certainly these materials are technologically very interesting, e.g. for the design of actuators in mechatronics or in the area of artificial tissues. This work focuses on the phenomenological modeling of such materials within the setting of continuum-electro-dynamics specialized to the case of electro-hyperelastostatics and the corresponding computational setting. Thereby a highly nonlinear coupled problem for the deformation and the electric potential has to be considered. The finite element method is applied to solve the underlying equations numerically and some exemplary applications are presented.

  8. Identificación de accionamiento de motor de inducción con bomba centrífuga usando lógica difusa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Delfín Rojas Purón


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de indicar zonas de trabajo con mejores rendimientos en los sistemas de accionamientoselectrohidráulicos, se realiza una identificación de los subsistemas del motor de inducción con bombacentrífuga encargada del transporte de hidromezclas de pulpas lateríticas, atendiendo a las variables quemás participan en la transferencia de energía, y con esto, supervisar y diagnosticar con anticipación sueficiencia. Se muestra un algoritmo con identificación difusa que correlaciona las funciones ofrecidasdesde la ecuación de los momentos del accionamiento eléctrico sobre la base de las pérdidas con el finde minimizar la potencia de entrada del sistema desde su contexto tecnológico y experimental.  With objetive to indicate sure areas of work with high yields in the system of electro-hydraulic workings,its is performance an identification of the subsystems of the induction motor with centrifugal pump thattransports pulp latheritic hydromixes, assisting to the variables that more participates in the energy transfer,and with this to supervise and to diagnose their efficiency in advance. A fuzzy algorithm is shown thatcorrelates the functions offered from losses based the moments equation of electric drives with thepurpose of minimizing the input power working from the experimental and technological context of thesystem.


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    A. S. Aleynik


    Full Text Available Subject of Research. We propose a method for dynamic measurement of half-wave voltage of electro-optic modulator as part of a fiber optic gyroscope. Excluding the impact of the angular acceleration o​n measurement of the electro-optical coefficient is achieved through the use of homodyne demodulation method that allows a division of the Sagnac phase shift signal and an auxiliary signal for measuring the electro-optical coefficient in the frequency domain. Method. The method essence reduces to decomposition of step of digital serrodyne modulation in two parts with equal duration. The first part is used for quadrature modulation signals. The second part comprises samples of the auxiliary signal used to determine the value of the scale factor of the modulator. Modeling is done in standalone model, and as part of a general model of the gyroscope. The applicability of the proposed method is investigated as well as its qualitative and quantitative characteristics: absolute and relative accuracy of the electro-optic coefficient, the stability of the method to the effects of angular velocities and accelerations, method resistance to noise in actual devices. Main Results. The simulation has showed the ability to measure angular velocity changing under the influence of angular acceleration, acting on the device, and simultaneous measurement of electro-optical coefficient of the phase modulator without interference between these processes. Practical Relevance. Featured in the paper the ability to eliminate the influence of the angular acceleration on the measurement accuracy of the electro-optical coefficient of the phase modulator will allow implementing accurate measurement algorithms for fiber optic gyroscopes resistant to a significant acceleration in real devices.

  10. Electro-Thermal-Mechanical Simulation Capability Final Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    White, D


    This is the Final Report for LDRD 04-ERD-086, 'Electro-Thermal-Mechanical Simulation Capability'. The accomplishments are well documented in five peer-reviewed publications and six conference presentations and hence will not be detailed here. The purpose of this LDRD was to research and develop numerical algorithms for three-dimensional (3D) Electro-Thermal-Mechanical simulations. LLNL has long been a world leader in the area of computational mechanics, and recently several mechanics codes have become 'multiphysics' codes with the addition of fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and chemistry. However, these multiphysics codes do not incorporate the electromagnetics that is required for a coupled Electro-Thermal-Mechanical (ETM) simulation. There are numerous applications for an ETM simulation capability, such as explosively-driven magnetic flux compressors, electromagnetic launchers, inductive heating and mixing of metals, and MEMS. A robust ETM simulation capability will enable LLNL physicists and engineers to better support current DOE programs, and will prepare LLNL for some very exciting long-term DoD opportunities. We define a coupled Electro-Thermal-Mechanical (ETM) simulation as a simulation that solves, in a self-consistent manner, the equations of electromagnetics (primarily statics and diffusion), heat transfer (primarily conduction), and non-linear mechanics (elastic-plastic deformation, and contact with friction). There is no existing parallel 3D code for simulating ETM systems at LLNL or elsewhere. While there are numerous magnetohydrodynamic codes, these codes are designed for astrophysics, magnetic fusion energy, laser-plasma interaction, etc. and do not attempt to accurately model electromagnetically driven solid mechanics. This project responds to the Engineering R and D Focus Areas of Simulation and Energy Manipulation, and addresses the specific problem of Electro-Thermal-Mechanical simulation for design and analysis of energy manipulation systems

  11. The NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Vistas in Electro-Nuclear Physics

    CERN Document Server

    Caplan, H S; Dressler, E T; The NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Vistas in Electro-Nuclear Physics


    The NATO Advanced Study Institute "New Vistas in Electro-Nuclear Physics" was held in Banff, Alberta, Canada from August 22 to September 4, 1985. This volume con­ tains the lecture notes from that Institute. The idea to organize this Institute coincided with the award of funding for a pulse stretcher ring at the University of Saskatchewan's Linear Accelerator Laboratory. This together with the high level of interest in electron accelerators worldwide convinced us that it was an appropriate time to discuss the physics to be learned with such machines. In particular that physics which requires high energy and/or high duty cycle accelerators for its extraction was intended to be the focus of the Institute. Thus the scope of the lec­ tures was wide, with topics ranging from the structure of the trinucleons to quark models of nucleons, QCD, and QHD. The theme however was that we are just trying to under­ stand the nucleus and that the electromagnetic probe can serve as a powerful tool in such a quest.


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    Harikumar Puthenveedu Sadasivan Pillai


    Full Text Available The performance of electrically stimulated phytoremediation in the removal of lead, cadmium and copper was assessed in this study. A combination of phyto and electro remediation was attempted in this study for the remediation of the metals from water. Three tanks were setup with different operating conditions for this experiment: control A (only phytoremediation system, control B (only electro remediation and treatment (combination of phyto and electro remediation. The electrically enhanced phytoremediation system and electro remediation system were operated 2h/day at voltages of 4V for 25 days continuously. In this experiment, the Eichhornia crassipes, an able phyto-remediator exhibited efficient and fast removal of heavy metals from synthetic solution in electro assisted phytoremediation system. The electrically enhanced phytoremediation using aluminum sheet electrodes showed better and effective removal of Cd, Pb and Cu than aluminum rod electrodes. A more favorable and moderate increase of pH was noticed in electrically stimulated phytoremediation system. Eichhornia crassipes has tremendous potential to reduce maximum amount of cadmium (within 15 days, lead (within 15 days and copper (within 10 days under electrically stimulated condition. Under electrified condition, maximum amount of Cd and Cu was accumulated in the aerial parts of Eichhornia crassipes but maximum concentration of Pb was attained by roots. This indicates the high heavy metal accumulation capacity of Eichhornia crassipes under electrified conditions. The results showed that 4V voltage is probably suitable to stimulate the Eichhornia crassipes to synthesize more chlorophyll and voltage can improve growth and ability to resist adverse circumstances by promoting chlorophyll synthesis. Eichhornia crassipes stimulated by an electric field has grown better and assimilated more metal. Bioconcentration factor (BCF an index of hyperaccumulation, indicates that electrically

  13. Research on a Micro-Nano Si/SiGe/Si Double Heterojunction Electro-Optic Modulation Structure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Song Feng


    Full Text Available The electro-optic modulator is a very important device in silicon photonics, which is responsible for the conversion of optical signals and electrical signals. For the electro-optic modulator, the carrier density of waveguide region is one of the key parameters. The traditional method of increasing carrier density is to increase the external modulation voltage, but this way will increase the modulation loss and also is not conducive to photonics integration. This paper presents a micro-nano Si/SiGe/Si double heterojunction electro-optic modulation structure. Based on the band theory of single heterojunction, the barrier heights are quantitatively calculated, and the carrier concentrations of heterojunction barrier are analyzed. The band and carrier injection characteristics of the double heterostructure structure are simulated, respectively, and the correctness of the theoretical analysis is demonstrated. The micro-nano Si/SiGe/Si double heterojunction electro-optic modulation is designed and tested, and comparison of testing results between the micro-nano Si/SiGe/Si double heterojunction micro-ring electro-optic modulation and the micro-nano Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI micro-ring electro-optic modulation, Free Spectrum Range, 3 dB Bandwidth, Q value, extinction ratio, and other parameters of the micro-nano Si/SiGe/Si double heterojunction micro-ring electro-optic modulation are better than others, and the modulation voltage and the modulation loss are lower.

  14. Electro-osmosis of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media using lattice Poisson-Boltzmann method. (United States)

    Chen, Simeng; He, Xinting; Bertola, Volfango; Wang, Moran


    Electro-osmosis in porous media has many important applications in various areas such as oil and gas exploitation and biomedical detection. Very often, fluids relevant to these applications are non-Newtonian because of the shear-rate dependent viscosity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the behaviors and physical mechanism of electro-osmosis of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media. Model porous microstructures (granular, fibrous, and network) were created by a random generation-growth method. The nonlinear governing equations of electro-kinetic transport for a power-law fluid were solved by the lattice Poisson-Boltzmann method (LPBM). The model results indicate that: (i) the electro-osmosis of non-Newtonian fluids exhibits distinct nonlinear behaviors compared to that of Newtonian fluids; (ii) when the bulk ion concentration or zeta potential is high enough, shear-thinning fluids exhibit higher electro-osmotic permeability, while shear-thickening fluids lead to the higher electro-osmotic permeability for very low bulk ion concentration or zeta potential; (iii) the effect of the porous medium structure depends significantly on the constitutive parameters: for fluids with large constitutive coefficients strongly dependent on the power-law index, the network structure shows the highest electro-osmotic permeability while the granular structure exhibits the lowest permeability on the entire range of power law indices considered; when the dependence of the constitutive coefficient on the power law index is weaker, different behaviors can be observed especially in case of strong shear thinning. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Modeling and stability of electro-hydraulic servo of hydraulic excavator (United States)

    Jia, Wenhua; Yin, Chenbo; Li, Guo; Sun, Menghui


    The condition of the hydraulic excavator is complicated and the working environment is bad. The safety and stability of the control system is influenced by the external factors. This paper selects hydraulic excavator electro-hydraulic servo system as the research object. A mathematical model and simulation model using AMESIM of servo system is established. Then the pressure and flow characteristics are analyzed. The design and optimization of electro-hydraulic servo system and its application in engineering machinery is provided.

  16. High-power electro-optic switch technology based on novel transparent ceramic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xue-Jiao; Ye Qing; Qu Rong-Hui; Cai Hai-wen


    A novel high-power polarization-independent electro-optic switch technology based on a reciprocal structure Sagnac interferometer and a transparent quadratic electro-optic ceramic is proposed and analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The electro-optic ceramic is used as a phase retarder for the clockwise and counter-clockwise polarized light, and their polarization directions are adjusted to their orthogonal positions by using two half-wave plates. The output light then becomes polarization-independent with respect to the polarization direction of the input light. The switch characteristics, including splitter ratios and polarization states, are theoretically analyzed and simulated in detail by the matrix multiplication method. An experimental setup is built to verify the analysis and experimental results. A new component ceramic is used and a non-polarizing cube beam splitter (NPBS) replaces the beam splitter (BS) to lower the ON/OFF voltage to 305 V and improve the extinction ratio by 2 dB. Finally, the laser-induced damage threshold for the proposed switch is measured and discussed. It is believed that potential applications of this novel polarization-independent electro-optic switch technology will be wide, especially for ultrafast high-power laser systems. (paper)

  17. Heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalyst for 1-butylpyridinium chloride degradation. (United States)

    Meijide, Jessica; Pazos, Marta; Sanromán, Maria Ángeles


    The application of the electro-Fenton process for organic compound mineralisation has been widely reported over the past years. However, operational problems related to the use of soluble iron salt as a homogeneous catalyst involve the development of novel catalysts that are able to operate in a wide pH range. For this purpose, polyvinyl alcohol-alginate beads, containing goethite as iron, were synthesised and evaluated as heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalyst for 1-butylpyridinium chloride mineralisation. The influence of catalyst dosage and pH solution on ionic liquid degradation was analysed, achieving almost total oxidation after 60 min under optimal conditions (2 g/L catalyst concentration and pH 3). The results showed good catalyst stability and reusability, although its effectiveness decreases slightly after three successive cycles. Furthermore, a plausible mineralisation pathway was proposed based on the oxidation byproducts determined by chromatographic techniques. Finally, the Microtox® test revealed notable detoxification after treatment which demonstrates high catalyst ability for pyridinium-based ionic liquid degradation by the electro-Fenton process.

  18. Thermo-electro-chemical storage (TECS) of solar energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wenger, Erez; Epstein, Michael; Kribus, Abraham


    Highlights: • A solar plant with thermally regenerative battery unifies energy conversion and storage. • Storage is a flow battery with thermo-chemical charging and electro-chemical discharging. • Sodium-sulfur and zinc-air systems are investigated as candidate storage materials. • Theoretical solar to electricity efficiencies of over 60% are predicted. • Charging temperature can be lowered with hybrid carbothermic reduction. - Abstract: A new approach for solar electricity generation and storage is proposed, based on the concept of thermally regenerative batteries. Concentrated sunlight is used for external thermo-chemical charging of a flow battery, and electricity is produced by conventional electro-chemical discharge of the battery. The battery replaces the steam turbine, currently used in commercial concentrated solar power (CSP) plants, potentially leading to much higher conversion efficiency. This approach offers potential performance, cost and operational advantages compared to existing solar technologies, and to existing storage solutions for management of an electrical grid with a significant contribution of intermittent solar electricity generation. Here we analyze the theoretical conversion efficiency for new thermo-electro-chemical storage (TECS) plant schemes based on the electro-chemical systems of sodium-sulfur (Na-S) and zinc-air. The thermodynamic upper limit of solar to electricity conversion efficiency for an ideal TECS cycle is about 60% for Na-S at reactor temperature of 1550 K, and 65% for the zinc-air system at 1750 K, both under sunlight concentration of 3000. A hybrid process with carbothermic reduction in the zinc-air system reaches 60% theoretical efficiency at the more practical conditions of reaction temperature <1200 K and concentration <1000. Practical TECS plant efficiency, estimated from these upper limits, may then be much higher compared to existing solar electricity technologies. The technical and economical

  19. Extreme nonlinear terahertz electro-optics in diamond for ultrafast pulse switching (United States)

    Shalaby, Mostafa; Vicario, Carlo; Hauri, Christoph P.


    Polarization switching of picosecond laser pulses is a fundamental concept in signal processing [C. Chen and G. Liu, Annu. Rev. Mater. Sci. 16, 203 (1986); V. R. Almeida et al., Nature 431, 1081 (2004); and A. A. P. Pohl et al., Photonics Sens. 3, 1 (2013)]. Conventional switching devices rely on the electro-optical Pockels effect and work at radio frequencies. The ensuing gating time of several nanoseconds is a bottleneck for faster switches which is set by the performance of state-of-the-art high-voltage electronics. Here we show that by substituting the electric field of several kV/cm provided by modern electronics by the MV/cm field of a single-cycle THz laser pulse, the electro-optical gating process can be driven orders of magnitude faster, at THz frequencies. In this context, we introduce diamond as an exceptional electro-optical material and demonstrate a pulse gating time as fast as 100 fs using sub-cycle THz-induced Kerr nonlinearity. We show that THz-induced switching in the insulator diamond is fully governed by the THz pulse shape. The presented THz-based electro-optical approach overcomes the bandwidth and switching speed limits of conventional MHz/GHz electronics and establishes the ultrafast electro-optical gating technology for the first time in the THz frequency range. We finally show that the presented THz polarization gating technique is applicable for advanced beam diagnostics. As a first example, we demonstrate tomographic reconstruction of a THz pulse in three dimensions.

  20. Electro-Deformation of Fused Cells in a Microfluidic Array Device

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan Liu


    Full Text Available We present a new method of analyzing the deformability of fused cells in a microfluidic array device. Electrical stresses—generated by applying voltages (4–20 V across discrete co-planar microelectrodes along the side walls of a microfluidic channel—have been used to electro-deform fused and unfused stem cells. Under an electro-deformation force induced by applying an alternating current (AC signal, we observed significant electro-deformation phenomena. The experimental results show that the fused stem cells were stiffer than the unfused stem cells at a relatively low voltage (<16 V. However, at a relatively high voltage, the fused stem cells were more easily deformed than were the unfused stem cells. In addition, the electro-deformation process is modeled based on the Maxwell stress tensor and structural mechanics of cells. The theoretical results show that a positive correlation is found between the deformation of the cell and the applied voltage, which is consistent with the experimental results. Combined with a numerical analysis and experimental study, the results showed that the significant difference of the deformation ratio of the fused and unfused cells is not due to their size difference. This demonstrates that some other properties of cell membranes (such as the membrane structure were also changed in the electrofusion process, in addition to the size modification of that process.

  1. Efecto de la Profundidad sobre la Soldabilidad de Aceros Ferríticos en Ambientes Simulados Unidos por Soldadura Húmeda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Macías López

    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la profundidad sobre las propiedades en soldaduras de ranura en “V” con varios cordones de relleno. Metal base y electrodos comerciales fueron utilizados (ASTM A36 y AWS E7014 y cuatro diferentes condiciones se utilizaron para desarrollar las soldaduras húmedas como son 10, 20, 30 y 40m de profundidad. Una cámara presurizada con 30 atmósferas de capacidad fue utilizada para simular la profundidad, inundada con agua fresca. Un buzo soldador fue quien realizo las soldaduras. Las propiedades en la sección transversal mediante pruebas de tenacidad CVN (Charpy V-notch, macro ataque y esfuerzo a la tensión fueron determinadas por correlación. Las pruebas mecánicas con mejores resultados se observaron en la condición de 20m de profundidad.

  2. Silicon-integrated thin-film structure for electro-optic applications (United States)

    McKee, Rodney A.; Walker, Frederick Joseph


    A crystalline thin-film structure suited for use in any of an number of electro-optic applications, such as a phase modulator or a component of an interferometer, includes a semiconductor substrate of silicon and a ferroelectric, optically-clear thin film of the perovskite BaTiO.sub.3 overlying the surface of the silicon substrate. The BaTiO.sub.3 thin film is characterized in that substantially all of the dipole moments associated with the ferroelectric film are arranged substantially parallel to the surface of the substrate to enhance the electro-optic qualities of the film.

  3. Cellulose Electro-Active Paper: From Discovery to Technology Applications (United States)

    Abas, Zafar; Kim, Heung Soo; Kim, Jaehwan; Kim, Joo-Hyung


    Cellulose electro-active paper (EAPap) is an attractive material of electro-active polymers (EAPs) family due to its smart characteristics. EAPap is thin cellulose film coated with metal electrodes on both sides. Its large displacement output, low actuation voltage and low power consumption can be used for biomimetic sensors/actuators and electromechanical system. Because cellulose EAPap is ultra-lightweight, easy to manufacture, inexpensive, biocompatible, and biodegradable, it has been employed for many applications such as bending actuator, vibration sensor, artificial muscle, flexible speaker, and can be advantageous in areas such as micro-insect robots, micro-flying objects, microelectromechanical systems, biosensors, and flexible displays.

  4. Energy-producing electro-flocculation for harvest of Dunaliella salina. (United States)

    Liu, Qing; Zhang, Meng; Lv, Tao; Chen, Hongjun; Chika, Anthony Okonkwo; Xiang, Changli; Guo, Minxue; Wu, Minghui; Li, Jianjun; Jia, Lishan


    In this study, an efficient electro-flocculation process for Dunaliella salina with energy production by aluminum-air battery has been successfully applied. The formed aluminum hydroxide hydrates during discharging of battery were positively charged, which have a great potential for microalgae flocculation. The precipitation of aluminum hydroxide hydrates by algae also could improve the performance of aluminum-air battery. The harvesting efficiency could reach 97% in 20mins with energy production of 0.11kWh/kg. This discharging electro-flocculation (DEF) technology provides a new energy producing process to effectively harvest microalgae. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Removal of PAHs from contaminated clayey soil by means of electro-osmosis

    KAUST Repository

    Lima, Ana T.


    The removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from clayey soils is an intricate task. The low porosity of compacted clayey soil hinders bacterial activity and makes convective removal by hydraulic flow impossible. Electro-osmosis is a process that has been used for the mobilization and cleanup of contaminants in clayey soils with varying successes. The present study focuses on the remediation of a contaminated peaty clay soil, located in Olst - the Netherlands, by means of electro-osmosis. The soil was originally contaminated by an asphalt production plant, active from 1903 to 1983, and presents high levels of all 16 priority PAHs indicated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Such a long contact times of PAH with the soil (≥100 years) presents a unique study material with well established solid/liquid contaminant partitioning equilibrium, preferable to artificially spiked soil. A batch of 6 electro-osmosis laboratory experiments was carried out to study the removal of 16 PAHs through electro-osmosis. In these experiments, water and a surfactant (Tween 80) were used to enhance the PAH desorption. The electro-osmotic conductivities ranged from 2.88 × 10-10 to a substantial 1.19 × 10-7 m2 V-1 s -1 when applying a current density of 0.005-0.127 A m-2. Electro-osmosis was expected to occur towards the cathode, because of natural soil characteristics (negative zeta potential), but presented scattered directions. The use of reference electrodes proved to be very effective to the prediction of the flow direction. Finally, the addition of Tween 80 as a surfactant enhanced PAH removal up to 30% of the total PAH content of the soil in 9 days. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.

  6. Electro-catalytic activity of Ni–Co-based catalysts for oxygen evolution reaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ju, Hua [School of Urban Rail Transportation, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006 (China); Li, Zhihu [College of Physics, Optoelectronics and Energy, Soochow University, Moye Rd. 688, Suzhou 215006 (China); Xu, Yanhui, E-mail: [College of Physics, Optoelectronics and Energy, Soochow University, Moye Rd. 688, Suzhou 215006 (China)


    Graphical abstract: The electro-catalytic activity of different electro-catalysts with a porous electrode structure was compared considering the real electrode area that was evaluated by cyclic measurement. - Highlights: • Ni–Co-based electro-catalysts for OER have been studied and compared. • The real electrode area is calculated and used for assessing the electro-catalysts. • Exchange current and reaction rate constant are estimated. • Ni is more useful for OER reaction than Co. - Abstract: In the present work, Ni–Co-based electrocatalysts (Ni/Co = 0:6, 1:5, 2:4, 3:3, 4:2, 5:1 and 6:0) have been studied for oxygen evolution reaction. The phase structure has been analyzed by X-ray diffraction technique. Based on the XRD and SEM results, it is believed that the synthesized products are poorly crystallized. To exclude the disturbance of electrode preparation technology on the evaluation of electro-catalytic activity, the real electrode surface area is calculated based on the cyclic voltammetry data, assumed that the specific surface capacitance is 60 μF cm{sup −2} for metal oxide electrode. The real electrode area data are used to calculate the current density. The reaction rate constant of OER at different electrodes is also estimated based on basic reaction kinetic equations. It is found that the exchange current is 0.05–0.47 mA cm{sup −2} (the real surface area), and the reaction rate constant has an order of magnitude of 10{sup −7}–10{sup −6} cm s{sup −1}. The influence of the electrode potential on OER rate has been also studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique. Our investigation has shown that the nickel element has more contribution than the cobalt; the nickel oxide has the best electro-catalytic activity toward OER.

  7. ETEM Studies of Electrodes and Electro-catalysts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jooss, Christian; Mildner, Stephanie; Beleggia, Marco


    Environmental TEM is an excellent tool for gaining insight into the atomic and electronic structure of electro-catalysts under operating conditions. Several electrochemical reactions such as oxidation/reduction processes of electrodes, heterogeneous gas phase catalysis of water splitting...

  8. Caracterización de electrodos de níquel dopados con nanopartiículas de paladio para la obtención de hidrógeno




    [ES] El sistema energético mundial está basado en los combustibles fósiles, y éstos conllevan graves problemas de contaminación además de ser fuentes de energía no renovables. Una de las nuevas alternativas energéticas es el hidrógeno. El hidrógeno es un vector energético idóneo para convertirse en el combustible del futuro. Con la creación de un sistema energético basado en el hidrógeno denominado “Economía del hidrógeno” se conseguiría energía de forma limpia y renovable. ...

  9. Catalysis as a tool for energy conservation in the refinery industry; Catalisis como herramienta de ahorro de energia en la industria de la refinacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castillo, S.; Moran-Pineda, M. [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Bazan, G.; Gonzalez, L.; Barrios, H. [Pemex-Refinacion, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    The catalysis, defined by the alchemists since its appearance, as that something or Philosophical Stone, with a special power to transform matter by means of the energy, has always represented a challenge to mankind, even more now, when most of the goods needed for its survival are related to a chemical process and nowadays, when they can not be imagined without the presence of a catalyzer. In the reciprocity between the chemical change and the catalyzer, the energy utilized represents the critical point. Once stated the above, it becomes interesting the study of the impact and the consequence of the binomial catalysis-energy in relation to the fuel recovery processes and the emission control processes, originated by its combustion, where the main objective is in establishing an analysis criterion for energy conservation with different trends; the first one, on the impact of the application of optimum catalytic systems in the fuel recovery processes and the second one on the optimum catalytic processes for emissions control. [Espanol] La catalisis desde su aparicion definida por los alquimistas como ese algo o piedra filosofal, con una fuerza especial para la transformacion de la materia mediante la energia, siempre ha representado un reto para el hombre, mas aun en la actualidad donde la mayoria de los bienes necesarios para su supervivencia estan relacionados con un proceso quimico y que hoy en dia no se conciben estos sin la presencia de un catalizador. En la reciprocidad entre el cambio quimico y el catalizador, la energia utilizada representa el punto critico. Dado lo anterior, resulta interesante el estudio del impacto y trascendencia del binomio catalisis-energia en relacion con los procesos para la obtencion de los combustibles y de los procesos para el control de emisiones, producto de la combustion de los mismos, donde el objetivo primordial esta en establecer un criterio de analisis de ahorro de energia con diferentes directrices; la primera, el impacto

  10. Catalysis as a tool for energy conservation in the refinery industry; Catalisis como herramienta de ahorro de energia en la industria de la refinacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castillo, S; Moran-Pineda, M [Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Bazan, G; Gonzalez, L; Barrios, H [Pemex-Refinacion, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    The catalysis, defined by the alchemists since its appearance, as that something or Philosophical Stone, with a special power to transform matter by means of the energy, has always represented a challenge to mankind, even more now, when most of the goods needed for its survival are related to a chemical process and nowadays, when they can not be imagined without the presence of a catalyzer. In the reciprocity between the chemical change and the catalyzer, the energy utilized represents the critical point. Once stated the above, it becomes interesting the study of the impact and the consequence of the binomial catalysis-energy in relation to the fuel recovery processes and the emission control processes, originated by its combustion, where the main objective is in establishing an analysis criterion for energy conservation with different trends; the first one, on the impact of the application of optimum catalytic systems in the fuel recovery processes and the second one on the optimum catalytic processes for emissions control. [Espanol] La catalisis desde su aparicion definida por los alquimistas como ese algo o piedra filosofal, con una fuerza especial para la transformacion de la materia mediante la energia, siempre ha representado un reto para el hombre, mas aun en la actualidad donde la mayoria de los bienes necesarios para su supervivencia estan relacionados con un proceso quimico y que hoy en dia no se conciben estos sin la presencia de un catalizador. En la reciprocidad entre el cambio quimico y el catalizador, la energia utilizada representa el punto critico. Dado lo anterior, resulta interesante el estudio del impacto y trascendencia del binomio catalisis-energia en relacion con los procesos para la obtencion de los combustibles y de los procesos para el control de emisiones, producto de la combustion de los mismos, donde el objetivo primordial esta en establecer un criterio de analisis de ahorro de energia con diferentes directrices; la primera, el impacto

  11. Wave propagation in magneto-electro-elastic nanobeams via two nonlocal beam models (United States)

    Ma, Li-Hong; Ke, Liao-Liang; Wang, Yi-Ze; Wang, Yue-Sheng


    This paper makes the first attempt to investigate the dispersion behavior of waves in magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) nanobeams. The Euler nanobeam model and Timoshenko nanobeam model are developed in the formulation based on the nonlocal theory. By using the Hamilton's principle, we derive the governing equations which are then solved analytically to obtain the dispersion relations of MEE nanobeams. Results are presented to highlight the influences of the thermo-electro-magnetic loadings and nonlocal parameter on the wave propagation characteristics of MEE nanobeams. It is found that the thermo-electro-magnetic loadings can lead to the occurrence of the cut-off wave number below which the wave can't propagate in MEE nanobeams.

  12. Electro-optic spatial decoding on the spherical-wavefront Coulomb fields of plasma electron sources. (United States)

    Huang, K; Esirkepov, T; Koga, J K; Kotaki, H; Mori, M; Hayashi, Y; Nakanii, N; Bulanov, S V; Kando, M


    Detections of the pulse durations and arrival timings of relativistic electron beams are important issues in accelerator physics. Electro-optic diagnostics on the Coulomb fields of electron beams have the advantages of single shot and non-destructive characteristics. We present a study of introducing the electro-optic spatial decoding technique to laser wakefield acceleration. By placing an electro-optic crystal very close to a gas target, we discovered that the Coulomb field of the electron beam possessed a spherical wavefront and was inconsistent with the previously widely used model. The field structure was demonstrated by experimental measurement, analytic calculations and simulations. A temporal mapping relationship with generality was derived in a geometry where the signals had spherical wavefronts. This study could be helpful for the applications of electro-optic diagnostics in laser plasma acceleration experiments.

  13. J/Ψ and φ Electro-production in Pomeron Exchange Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Baorong; Tan Zhenqiang; Gu Yunting; He Xiaorong; Zhou Lijuan; Ma Weixing


    Based on Pomeron exchange model, J/Ψ and φ production in electro-proton interaction are investigated with both linear and non-linear Pomeron trajectory. The experimental differential cross sections measured as a function of the kinematic variable Q 2 ,W and t are reproduced successfully in the model. Our conclusions are that the Pomeron exchange model is a successful description of J/Ψ and φ electro-productions on the proton, and that the linear trajectory is a good approximation to non-linearity of the Pomeron trajectory.

  14. Systems engineering and analysis of electro-optical and infrared systems

    CERN Document Server

    Arrasmith, William Wolfgang


    Introduction to Electro-optic and Infrared (EO/IR) Systems Engineering?Radiation in the Visible and Infrared Parts of the Electromagnetic SpectrumRadiation SourcesThe Effect of the Atmosphere on Optical PropagationBasic OpticsOptical ModulationThe Detection of Optical RadiationNoise in the Optical Detection ProcessTechnical Performance Measures and Metrics of Optical DetectorsModern Detectors and their Measures of PerformanceThe Effects of Cooling on Optical Detector NoiseSignal and Image ProcessingElectro-Optic and Infrared Systems AnalysisLaser Imaging Systems?Spectral Imaging?LIDAR and LADA

  15. High-power electro-optic switch technology based on novel transparent ceramic (United States)

    Xue-Jiao, Zhang; Qing, Ye; Rong-Hui, Qu; Hai-wen, Cai


    A novel high-power polarization-independent electro-optic switch technology based on a reciprocal structure Sagnac interferometer and a transparent quadratic electro-optic ceramic is proposed and analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The electro-optic ceramic is used as a phase retarder for the clockwise and counter-clockwise polarized light, and their polarization directions are adjusted to their orthogonal positions by using two half-wave plates. The output light then becomes polarization-independent with respect to the polarization direction of the input light. The switch characteristics, including splitter ratios and polarization states, are theoretically analyzed and simulated in detail by the matrix multiplication method. An experimental setup is built to verify the analysis and experimental results. A new component ceramic is used and a non-polarizing cube beam splitter (NPBS) replaces the beam splitter (BS) to lower the ON/OFF voltage to 305 V and improve the extinction ratio by 2 dB. Finally, the laser-induced damage threshold for the proposed switch is measured and discussed. It is believed that potential applications of this novel polarization-independent electro-optic switch technology will be wide, especially for ultrafast high-power laser systems. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61137004, 61405218, and 61535014).

  16. Giant quadratic electro-optical effect during polarization switching in ultrathin ferroelectric polymer films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blinov, L. M., E-mail:; Lazarev, V V; Palto, S P; Yudin, S G [Russian Academy of Sciences, Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography (Russian Federation)


    The low-frequency quadratic electro-optical effect with a maximum electro-optical coefficient of g = 8 Multiplication-Sign 10{sup -19} m{sup 2}/V{sup 2} (i.e., four orders of magnitude greater than the standard high-frequency value) has been studied in thin films of ferroelectric polymer PVDF(70%)-TrFE(30%). The observed effect is related to the process of spontaneous polarization switching, during which the electron oscillators of C-F and C-H dipole groups rotate to become parallel to the applied field. As a result, the ellipsoid of the refractive index exhibits narrowing in the direction perpendicular to the field. The field dependence of the electro-optical coefficient g correlates with that of the apparent dielectric permittivity, which can be introduced under the condition of ferroelectric polarization switching. The observed electro-optical effect strongly decreases when the frequency increases up to several hundred hertz. The temperature dependence of the effect exhibits clearly pronounced hysteresis in the region of the ferroelectric phase transition.

  17. Electro-Mechanical Systems for Extreme Space Environments (United States)

    Mojarradi, Mohammad M.; Tyler, Tony R.; Abel, Phillip B.; Levanas, Greg


    Exploration beyond low earth orbit presents challenges for hardware that must operate in extreme environments. The current state of the art is to isolate and provide heating for sensitive hardware in order to survive. However, this protection results in penalties of weight and power for the spacecraft. This is particularly true for electro-mechanical based technology such as electronics, actuators and sensors. Especially when considering distributed electronics, many electro-mechanical systems need to be located in appendage type locations, making it much harder to protect from the extreme environments. The purpose of this paper to describe the advances made in the area of developing electro-mechanical technology to survive these environments with minimal protection. The Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), the Glenn Research Center (GRC), the Langley Research Center (LaRC), and Aeroflex, Inc. over the last few years have worked to develop and test electro-mechanical hardware that will meet the stringent environmental demands of the moon, and which can also be leveraged for other challenging space exploration missions. Prototype actuators and electronics have been built and tested. Brushless DC actuators designed by Aeroflex, Inc have been tested with interface temperatures as low as 14 degrees Kelvin. Testing of the Aeroflex design has shown that a brushless DC motor with a single stage planetary gearbox can operate in low temperature environments for at least 120 million cycles (measured at motor) if long life is considered as part of the design. A motor control distributed electronics concept developed by JPL was built and operated at temperatures as low as -160 C, with many components still operational down to -245 C. Testing identified the components not capable of meeting the low temperature goal of -230 C. This distributed controller is universal in design with the ability to control different types of motors and read many different types of sensors. The controller

  18. Supersymmetric electro-weak effects on gsub(μ)-2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan, T.C.; Arnowitt, R.; Chamseddine, A.H.; Nath, P.


    A model independent analysis of the supersymmetric electroweak contribution to gsub(μ)-2 is discussed within the framework of N=1 Supergravity unified theory. A detailed comparison with existing experiment of two models (R.G. and T.B.) is carried out. The supersymmetric electro-weak contributions are found to be characteristically different and generally larger than the electro-weak contributions of the standard theory, and in many cases significantly larger. Effects of the hidden sector and the photino mass dependence of gsub(μ)-2 are also investigated. Present data already eliminates some choices of parameters. Reduction of existing experimental errors by a factor of 3 will make contact with most R.G. models and by a factor of 10 with most T.B. models. (orig.)

  19. Electro-optics of novel polymer-liquid crystalline composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ibragimov, T.D.; Bayramov, G.M.; Imamaliyev, A.R.; Bayramov, G.M.


    The polymer network liquid crystals based on the liquid crystals H37 and 5CB with PMVP and PEG have been developed. Mesogene substance HOBA is served for stabilization of obtaining composites. Kinetics of network formation is investigated by methods of polarization microscopy and integrated small-angle scattering. It is shown that gel-like states of the composite H-37+PMVP+HOBA and 5CB+PEG+HOBA are formed at polymer concentration above 7 percent and 9 percent, correspondingly. The basic electro-optic parameters of the obtained composites are determined at room temperature. Experimental results are explained by phase separation of the system, diminution of a working area of electro-optical effects and influence of areas with high polymer concentration on areas with their low concentration

  20. Design of an Electro-Optic Modulator for High Speed Communications (United States)

    Espinoza, David

    The telecommunications and computer technology industries have been requiring higher communications speeds at all levels for devices, components and interconnected systems. Optical devices and optical interconnections are a viable alternative over other traditional technologies such as copper-based interconnections. Latency reductions can be achieved through the use of optical interconnections. Currently, a particular architecture for optical interconnections is being studied at the University of Colorado at Boulder in the EMT/NANO project, called Broadcast Optical Interconnects for Global Communication in Many-Core Chip Multiprocessor. As with most types of networks, including optical networks, one of the most important components are modulators. Therefore adequate design and fabrication techniques for modulators contribute to higher modulation rates which lead to improve the efficiency and reductions in the latency of the optical network. Electro-optical modulators are presented in this study as an alternative to achieve this end. In recent years, nonlinear optical (NLO) materials have been used for the fabrication of high-speed electro-optical modulators. Polymers doped with chromophores are an alternative among NLO materials because they can develop large electro-optic coefficients and low dielectric constants. These two factors are critical for achieving high-speed modulation rates. These polymer-based electro-optical modulators can be fabricated using standard laboratory techniques, such as polymer spin-coating onto substrates, UV bleaching to achieve a refractive index variation and poling techniques to align the chromophores in cured polymers. The design of the electro-optic modulators require the use of the optical parameters of the materials to be used. Therefore the characterization of these materials is a required previous step. This characterization is performed by the fabrication of chromophores-doped polymer samples and conducting transmission and

  1. Advanced sensor fault detection and isolation for electro-mechanical flight actuators


    Ossmann, Daniel; van der Linden, Franciscus


    Moving towards the more electric aircraft to be able to replace mechanic, hydraulic and pneumatic components of an aircraft, the aircraft industry calls for new technologies able to support this trend. One of these technologies is the development of advanced electro-mechanical actuators for aircraft control surfaces. Step by step hydraulic actuators are replaced by their electro-mechanical alternatives featuring weight and cost savings. As hydraulic actuators are used for decades by the air...

  2. Multi-scale theory-assisted nano-engineering of plasmonic-organic hybrid electro-optic device performance (United States)

    Elder, Delwin L.; Johnson, Lewis E.; Tillack, Andreas F.; Robinson, Bruce H.; Haffner, Christian; Heni, Wolfgang; Hoessbacher, Claudia; Fedoryshyn, Yuriy; Salamin, Yannick; Baeuerle, Benedikt; Josten, Arne; Ayata, Masafumi; Koch, Ueli; Leuthold, Juerg; Dalton, Larry R.


    Multi-scale (correlated quantum and statistical mechanics) modeling methods have been advanced and employed to guide the improvement of organic electro-optic (OEO) materials, including by analyzing electric field poling induced electro-optic activity in nanoscopic plasmonic-organic hybrid (POH) waveguide devices. The analysis of in-device electro-optic activity emphasizes the importance of considering both the details of intermolecular interactions within organic electro-optic materials and interactions at interfaces between OEO materials and device architectures. Dramatic improvement in electro-optic device performance-including voltage-length performance, bandwidth, energy efficiency, and lower optical losses have been realized. These improvements are critical to applications in telecommunications, computing, sensor technology, and metrology. Multi-scale modeling methods illustrate the complexity of improving the electro-optic activity of organic materials, including the necessity of considering the trade-off between improving poling-induced acentric order through chromophore modification and the reduction of chromophore number density associated with such modification. Computational simulations also emphasize the importance of developing chromophore modifications that serve multiple purposes including matrix hardening for enhanced thermal and photochemical stability, control of matrix dimensionality, influence on material viscoelasticity, improvement of chromophore molecular hyperpolarizability, control of material dielectric permittivity and index of refraction properties, and control of material conductance. Consideration of new device architectures is critical to the implementation of chipscale integration of electronics and photonics and achieving the high bandwidths for applications such as next generation (e.g., 5G) telecommunications.

  3. Thermal management evaluation of the complex electro-optical system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nijemčević Srećko S.


    Full Text Available The thermal management of a complex electro-optical system aimed for outdoor application is challenging task due to the requirement of having an air-sealed enclosure, harsh working environment, and an additional thermal load generated by sunlight. It is essential to consider the effect of heating loads in the system components, as well as the internal temperature distribution, that can have influence on the system life expectancy, operational readiness and parameters, and possibility for catastrophic failure. The main objective of this paper is to analyze internal temperature distribution and evaluate its influence on system component operation capability. The electro-optical system simplified model was defined and related thermal balance simulation model based on Solid Works thermal analysis module was set and applied for temperature distribution calculation. Various outdoor environment scenarios were compared to evaluate system temperature distribution and evaluate its influence on system operation, reliability, and life time in application environment. This work was done during the design process as a part of the electro-optical system optimization. The results show that temperature distribution will not be cause for catastrophic failure and malfunction operation during operation in the expected environment.

  4. Effect of needle puncture and electro-acupuncture on mucociliary clearance in anesthetized quails

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wang Tianshan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Acupuncture therapy for obstructive respiratory diseases has been effectively used in clinical practice and the acupuncture points or acupoints of Zhongfu and Tiantu are commonly-used acupoints to treat patients with the diseases. Since the impaired mucociliary clearance is among the most important features of airway inflammation in most obstructive respiratory diseases, the effect of needle puncture and electro-acupuncture at the specific acupoints on tracheal mucociliary clearance was investigated in anesthetized quails. Methods Mucociliary transport velocity on tracheal mucosa was measured through observing the optimal pathway, and fucose and protein contents in tracheal lavages were determined with biochemical methods. In the therapeutic group, needle puncture or electro-acupuncture stimulation to the acupoints was applied without or with constant current output in 2 mA and at frequency of 100 Hz for 60 minutes. In the sham group, electro-acupuncture stimulation to Liangmen was applied. Results Our present experiments demonstrated that the electro-acupuncture stimulation to Zhongfu and Tiantu significantly increased tracheal mucociliary transport velocity and decreased the content of protein in the tracheal lavage, compared with the control group. Moreover, either needle puncture or electro-acupuncture stimulation to Zhongfu and Tiantu significantly reverted the human neutrophil elastase-induced decrease in tracheal mucociliary transport velocity and human neutrophil elastase -induced increase in the contents of fucose and protein in the tracheal lavage, compared with the control group. Conclusion These results suggest that either needle puncture or electro-acupuncture stimulation to the effective acupoints significantly improves both airway mucociliary clearance and the airway surface liquid and that the improvements maybe ascribed to both the special function of the points and the substantial stimulation of electricity.

  5. Electro-optic study of PZT ferroelectric ceramics using modulation of reflected light (United States)

    Kniazkov, A. V.


    Electro-optic coefficients of variations in the refractive index of PZT and PLZT ceramic materials induced by ac electric field are estimated using modulation of reflected light. The electro-optic coefficients of PLZT ceramics measured with the aid of conventional birefringence using the phase shift of transmitted radiation and the proposed method of birefringence using the modulation of reflected light are compared.

  6. Comparison of electro and chemical cautery in the treatment of anterior epistaxis. (United States)

    Toner, J G; Walby, A P


    In the ENT Department of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, the impression (supported only by anecdotes) was that electro-cautery was superior to chemical cautery in the treatment of simple anterior epistaxis. Since no evaluation of the relative merits of electro and chemical cautery has been reported, a prospective randomized study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of electro-cautery and cautery with silver nitrate. The results of the study showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the two methods in either controlling the epistaxis or in the incidence of complications. It is concluded that since cautery with a silver nitrate tipped applicator is simpler, and of equal effectiveness, it would appear to be the treatment of choice for simple anterior epistaxis.

  7. Cellulose Electro-Active Paper: From Discovery to Technology Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zafar eAbas


    Full Text Available Cellulose electro-active paper (EAPap is an attractive material of electro-active polymers (EAPs family due to its smart characteristics. EAPap is thin cellulose film coated with metal electrodes on both sides. Its large displacement output, low actuation voltage and low power consumption can be used for biomimetic sensors/actuators and electromechanical system. Because cellulose EAPap is ultra-lightweight, easy to manufacture, inexpensive, biocompatible, and biodegradable, it has been employed for many applications such as bending actuator, vibration sensor, artificial muscle, flexible speaker, and can be advantageous in areas such as micro-insect robots, micro-flying objects, microelectromechanical systems, biosensors, and flexible displays.

  8. Pt-Si Bifunctional Surfaces for CO and Methanol Electro-Oxidation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Permyakova, Anastasia A.; Han, Binghong; Jensen, Jens Oluf


    and storage. Here we report on Pt-Si bulk samples prepared by arc-melting, for the first time, with high activities toward the electro-oxidation of CO and methanol. Increasing the Si concentration on the surface was correlated with the shifts of onset oxidation potentials to lower values and higher activities...... for CO and methanol electro-oxidation. It is proposed that the reaction on the Pt-Si catalyst could follow a Langmuir-Hinshelwood type of mechanism, where substantially enhanced catalytic activity is attributed to the fine-tuning of the surface Pt-Si atomic structure....

  9. Nanocrystalline Mn-Mo-Ce Oxide Anode Doped Rare Earth Ce and Its Selective Electro-catalytic Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    SHI Yan-hua


    Full Text Available The anode oxide of nanocrystalline Mn-Mo-Ce was prepared by anode electro-deposition technology, and its nanostructure and selective electro-catalytic performance were investigated using the SEM, EDS, XRD, HRTEM, electrochemical technology and oxygen evolution efficiency testing. Furthermore, the selective electro-catalytic mechanism of oxygen evolution and chlorine depression was discussed. The results show that the mesh-like nanostructure Mn-Mo-Ce oxide anode with little cerium doped is obtained, and the oxygen evolution efficiency for the anode in the seawater is 99.51%, which means a high efficiency for the selective electro-catalytic for the oxygen evolution. Due to the structural characteristics of γ-MnO2, the OH- ion is preferentially absorbed, while Cl- absorption is depressed. OH- accomplishes the oxygen evolution process during the valence transition electrocatalysis of Mn4+/Mn3+, completing the selective electro-catalysis process. Ce doping greatly increases the reaction activity, and promotes the absorption and discharge; the rising interplanar spacing between active (100 crystalline plane promotes OH- motion and the escape of newborn O2, so that the selective electro-catalytic property with high efficient oxygen evolution and chlorine depression is achieved from the nano morphology effect.

  10. Comparison of the simultaneous measurement results of SCR fluxes received by geostationary satellites 'Electro-L' and 'GOES'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arakelov, A S; Burov, V A; Ochelkov, Y P


    In the present paper the comparison of the results of the simultaneous measurements of solar proton fluxes on board geostationary satellites 'GOES' and 'Electro' was made for the purpose of calibration of 'Electro-L' detectors and determination of the possibility to utilize 'Electro-L' data for space weather monitoring. It was shown that the solar proton observation data on board 'Electro-L' recalculated to energy thresholds of 'GOES' 10 and 30 MeV are in a good consistent with 'GOES' data and may be used for control of radiation conditions in near-earth space.

  11. Métodos instrumentales para la determinación de NaCl en las salmueras de aceitunas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García García, P.


    Full Text Available Aplicability of flame photometric and ion selective (sodium or chloride methods to determinate NaCI concentration in olive brines in comparison with the official one (Volhard, which uses AgNO3, is studied. According to the results using standard solutions or fermentative olive brines without previous lye treatment, no proportional systematic or constant systematic errors are detected and the percentaje of NaCl is evaluated by them with the same accuracy as by the reference. However, when the flame photometric or sodium ion-selective methods are used to determine this compound in Spanish olive brines, there is a deviation in comparison with the values obtained by the official one (Volhard that is correlated with the combine acidity concentration of the solution. This fact is due to the presence of sodium organic salts, called combined acidity, that are formed during the lye treatment or "cocido" that these fruits are given before fermentation. Nevertheless, is does not represent any problem as there is a good correlation between such combined acidity and the magnitude of the deviation, that permit to calculate the corresponding correction factor. In addition these problems can be solved using the chloride selective ion method.

    Se estudia la aplicación de la fotometría de llama y el empleo de electrodos selectivos de iones cloruro o sodio, para la determinación de la concentración de NaCl en las salmueras de aceitunas de mesa, comparándolos con el actualmente utilizado de valoración de nitrato de plata (Volhard. De acuerdo con los resultados, la utilización de los mismos a soluciones patrones o de aceitunas en salmuera no da lugar a errores sistemáticos porporcionales ni constantes, pudiéndose analizar dicho compuesto con la misma precisión que con el procedimiento de referencia. Sin embargo, cuando se analizan las correspondientes a las elaboradas al estilo español, los valores que se obtienen con la fotometría de

  12. Effect of temperature on the electro-oxidation of ethanol on platinum


    Camargo, Ana Paula M.; Previdello, Bruno A. F.; Varela, Hamilton; Gonzalez, Ernesto R.


    We present in this work an experimental investigation of the effect of temperature (from 25 to 180 ºC) in the electro-oxidation of ethanol on platinum in two different phosphoric acid concentrations. We observed that the onset potential for ethanol electro-oxidation shifts to lower values and the reaction rates increase as temperature is increased for both electrolytes. The results were rationalized in terms of the effect of temperature on the adsorption of reaction intermediates, poisons, an...

  13. Studies on Removal of Dyes from wastewater using Electro-coagulation Process


    N B. Patel; B D. Soni; J P. Ruparelia


    Electro-coagulation (EC) is one of the effective techniques to remove colour, COD and organic compounds from wastewater. In this paper electro coagulation technique has been used for the removal of colour and COD from dye solutions containing Direct Black 22 and Acid Red 97 using batch process. For batch the process effect of operational parameters such as current density, initial pH of the solution, time of electrolysis and electrode materials were studied to attempt max...

  14. Confinement dependence of electro-catalysts for hydrogen evolution from water splitting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mikaela Lindgren


    Full Text Available Density functional theory is utilized to articulate a particular generic deconstruction of the electrode/electro-catalyst assembly for the cathode process during water splitting. A computational model was designed to determine how alloying elements control the fraction of H2 released during zirconium oxidation by water relative to the amount of hydrogen picked up by the corroding alloy. This model is utilized to determine the efficiencies of transition metals decorated with hydroxide interfaces in facilitating the electro-catalytic hydrogen evolution reaction. A computational strategy is developed to select an electro-catalyst for hydrogen evolution (HE, where the choice of a transition metal catalyst is guided by the confining environment. The latter may be recast into a nominal pressure experienced by the evolving H2 molecule. We arrived at a novel perspective on the uniqueness of oxide supported atomic Pt as a HE catalyst under ambient conditions.

  15. Decolourisation of dyes under electro-Fenton process using Fe alginate gel beads

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosales, E.; Iglesias, O.; Pazos, M.; Sanromán, M.A.


    Highlights: ► Catalytic activity of Fe alginate gel beads for the remediation of wastewater was tested. ► New electro-Fenton process for the remediation of polluted wastewater. ► Continuous dye treatment without operational problem with high removal. - Abstract: This study focuses on the application of electro-Fenton technique by use of catalytic activity of Fe alginate gel beads for the remediation of wastewater contaminated with synthetic dyes. The Fe alginate gel beads were evaluated for decolourisation of two typical dyes, Lissamine Green B and Azure B under electro-Fenton process. After characterization of Fe alginate gel beads, the pH effect on the process with Fe alginate beads and a comparative study of the electro-Fenton process with free Fe and Fe alginate bead was done. The results showed that the use of Fe alginate beads increases the efficiency of the process; moreover the developed particles show a physical integrity in a wide range of pH (2–8). Around 98–100% of dye decolourisation was obtained for both dyes by electro-Fenton process in successive batches. Therefore, the process was performed with Fe alginate beads in a bubble continuous reactor. High color removal (87–98%) was attained for both dyes operating at a residence time of 30 min, without operational problems and maintaining particle shapes throughout the oxidation process. Consequently, the stable performance of Fe alginate beads opens promising perspectives for fast and economical treatment of wastewater polluted by dyes or similar organic contaminants.

  16. Decolourisation of dyes under electro-Fenton process using Fe alginate gel beads

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosales, E.; Iglesias, O.; Pazos, M. [Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Vigo, Isaac Newton Building, Campus As Lagoas, Marcosende 36310, Vigo (Spain); Sanroman, M.A., E-mail: [Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Vigo, Isaac Newton Building, Campus As Lagoas, Marcosende 36310, Vigo (Spain)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Catalytic activity of Fe alginate gel beads for the remediation of wastewater was tested. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer New electro-Fenton process for the remediation of polluted wastewater. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Continuous dye treatment without operational problem with high removal. - Abstract: This study focuses on the application of electro-Fenton technique by use of catalytic activity of Fe alginate gel beads for the remediation of wastewater contaminated with synthetic dyes. The Fe alginate gel beads were evaluated for decolourisation of two typical dyes, Lissamine Green B and Azure B under electro-Fenton process. After characterization of Fe alginate gel beads, the pH effect on the process with Fe alginate beads and a comparative study of the electro-Fenton process with free Fe and Fe alginate bead was done. The results showed that the use of Fe alginate beads increases the efficiency of the process; moreover the developed particles show a physical integrity in a wide range of pH (2-8). Around 98-100% of dye decolourisation was obtained for both dyes by electro-Fenton process in successive batches. Therefore, the process was performed with Fe alginate beads in a bubble continuous reactor. High color removal (87-98%) was attained for both dyes operating at a residence time of 30 min, without operational problems and maintaining particle shapes throughout the oxidation process. Consequently, the stable performance of Fe alginate beads opens promising perspectives for fast and economical treatment of wastewater polluted by dyes or similar organic contaminants.

  17. Neuroprotective effects of electro acupuncture on hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in newborn rats Ass. (United States)

    Xu, Tao; Li, Wenjie; Liang, Yiqun; Yang, Zhonghua; Liu, Jingdong; Wang, Yejun; Su, Nailun


    Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a common and potentially devastating condition in the neonate, associated with high mortality and morbidity. Effective treatment options are limited and therefore alternative therapies such as acupuncture are increasingly used. Previous studies have shown that electro acupuncture promoted proliferation of neural progenitor cell and increased expression of neurotrophic factor in HIE. However, effects of electro acupuncture on downstream signaling pathways have been rarely researched. So, in the present study, we aimed to evaluate the neuroprotective effects of electro acupuncture on HIE and to further investigate the role of GDNF family receptor member RET and its key downstream PI3-K/Akt pathway in the process. A rat HIE model was constructed by the left common carotid artery (LCCA) ligation method in combination with hypoxic treatment. Considering that Baihui (GV20), Dazhui (GV14), Quchi (LI11) and Yongquan (KI1) are commonly used in clinics for stroke treatment and are easy to locate, we chose the above four acupoints as the combination for electro acupuncture treatment which was performed once a day for different time periods. Hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and transmission electron microscopy results showed that electro acupuncture could ameliorate neurologic damage and alleviate the degenerative changes of ultra structure of cortical neurons in rats subjected to HIE. And the longer acupuncture treatment lasted, the better its therapeutic effect would be. This was accompanied by gradually increased expression of GDNF family receptor RET at the mRNA level and its downstream signaling Akt at the protein level in the ischemic cortex. These findings suggest that electro acupuncture shows neuroprotective effects in HIE, which at least in part is attributed to activation of PI3-K/Akt signaling pathway.

  18. Calificación de procedimientos de soldadura, operadores y soldadores en procesos smaw y gmaw, de acuerdo al código aws d1.1 para aceros estructurales


    Chan Pozo, Ma. Angelica; Serrano Valarezo, Omar


    Inicialmente, se explicará el procedimiento de calificación de soldaduras de ranura y se expondrán los tipos de ensayos de calificación establecidos por el código citado y sus respectivos criterios de aceptación. A continuación, se calificará una soldadura de ranura en V realizada mediante el proceso de Soldadura de Arco con Electrodo Revestido, SMAW. Si dicha soldadura fuera aprobada se elaborará el respectivo Certificado de Calificación del Procedimiento y el Registro de Calificación de...

  19. Electro-optical switching of liquid crystals of graphene oxide (United States)

    Song, Jang-Kun

    Electric field effects on aqueous graphene-oxide (GO) dispersions are reviewed in this chapter. In isotropic and biphasic regimes of GO dispersions, in which the inter-particle friction is low, GO particles sensitively respond to the application of electric field, producing field-induced optical birefringence. The electro-optical sensitivity dramatically decreases as the phase transits to the nematic phase; the increasing inter-particle friction hinders the rotational switching of GO particles. The corresponding Kerr coefficient reaches the maximum near the isotropic to biphasic transition concentration, at which the Kerr coefficient is found be c.a. 1:8 · 10-5 mV-2, the highest value ever reported in all Kerr materials. The exceptionally large Kerr effect arises from the Maxwell- Wagner polarization of GO particles with an extremely large aspect ratio and a thick electrical double layer (EDL). The polarization sensitively depends on the ratio of surface and bulk conductivities in dispersions. As a result, low ion concentration in bulk solvent is highly required to achieve a quality electro-optical switching in GO dispersions. Spontaneous vinylogous carboxylic reaction in GO particles produces H+ ions, resulting in spontaneous degradation of electro-optical response with time, hence the removal of residual ions by using a centrifuge cleaning process significantly improves the electro-optical sensitivity. GO particle size is another important parameter for the Kerr coefficient and the response time. The best performance is observed in a GO dispersion with c.a. 0.5 μm mean size. Dielectrophoretic migration of GO particles can be also used to manipulate GO particles in solution. Using these unique features of GO dispersions, one can fabricate GO liquid crystal devices similar to conventional liquid crystal displays; the large Kerr effect allows fabricating a low power device working at extremely low electric fields.

  20. High speed electro optic polymer micro-ringresonator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leinse, Arne; Diemeer, Mart; Driessen, A.


    An electro-optic polymer micro-ring resonator for high speed modulation was designed, realized and characterized. The design of layer-stack and electrodes was done such that modulation frequencies up till 1 GHz should be possible. The device consists of a ridge waveguide, defined in a negative

  1. Lumped-Element Dynamic Electro-Thermal model of a superconducting magnet (United States)

    Ravaioli, E.; Auchmann, B.; Maciejewski, M.; ten Kate, H. H. J.; Verweij, A. P.


    Modeling accurately electro-thermal transients occurring in a superconducting magnet is challenging. The behavior of the magnet is the result of complex phenomena occurring in distinct physical domains (electrical, magnetic and thermal) at very different spatial and time scales. Combined multi-domain effects significantly affect the dynamic behavior of the system and are to be taken into account in a coherent and consistent model. A new methodology for developing a Lumped-Element Dynamic Electro-Thermal (LEDET) model of a superconducting magnet is presented. This model includes non-linear dynamic effects such as the dependence of the magnet's differential self-inductance on the presence of inter-filament and inter-strand coupling currents in the conductor. These effects are usually not taken into account because superconducting magnets are primarily operated in stationary conditions. However, they often have significant impact on magnet performance, particularly when the magnet is subject to high ramp rates. Following the LEDET method, the complex interdependence between the electro-magnetic and thermal domains can be modeled with three sub-networks of lumped-elements, reproducing the electrical transient in the main magnet circuit, the thermal transient in the coil cross-section, and the electro-magnetic transient of the inter-filament and inter-strand coupling currents in the superconductor. The same simulation environment can simultaneously model macroscopic electrical transients and phenomena at the level of superconducting strands. The model developed is a very useful tool for reproducing and predicting the performance of conventional quench protection systems based on energy extraction and quench heaters, and of the innovative CLIQ protection system as well.

  2. Geochemical effects of electro-osmosis in clays

    KAUST Repository

    Loch, J. P. Gustav


    Geochemical effects of electro-osmosis in bentonite clay are studied in the laboratory, where a 6 mm thick bentonite layer is subjected to direct current. Acidification and alkalization near anode and cathode are expected, possibly causing mineral deterioration, ion mobilization and precipitation of new solids. Afterwards the clay is analysed by XRF and anolyte and catholyte are analysed by ICP-MS. In addition, as a preliminary experiment treated bentonite is analysed by high resolution μ-XRF. Electro-osmotic flow is observed. Due to its carbonate content the bentonite is pH-buffering. Alkalization in the catholyte is substantial. Ca, Na and Sr are significantly removed from the clay and accumulate in the catholyte. Recovery in the catholyte accounts for a small fraction of the element-loss from the clay. The rest will have precipitated in undetected solid phases. μ-XRF indicates the loss of Ca-content throughout the bentonite layer. © The Author(s) 2010.

  3. Design consideration of resonance inverters with electro-technological application (United States)

    Hinov, Nikolay


    This study presents design consideration of resonance inverters with electro-technological application. The presented methodology was achieved as a result of investigations and analyses of different types and working regimes of resonance inverters, made by the author. Are considered schemes of resonant inverters without inverse diodes. The first harmonic method is used in the analysis and design. This method for the case of inverters with electro-technological application gives very good accuracy. This does not require the use of a complex and heavy mathematical apparatus. The proposed methodology is easy to use and is suitable for use in training students in power electronics. Authenticity of achieved results is confirmed by simulating and physical prototypes research work.

  4. Magneto-electro-elastic buckling analysis of nonlocal curved nanobeams (United States)

    Ebrahimi, Farzad; Reza Barati, Mohammad


    In this work, a size-dependent curved beam model is developed to take into account the effects of nonlocal stresses on the buckling behavior of curved magneto-electro-elastic FG nanobeams for the first time. The governing differential equations are derived based on the principle of virtual work and Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. The power-law function is employed to describe the spatially graded magneto-electro-elastic properties. By extending the radius of the curved nanobeam to infinity, the results of straight nonlocal FG beams can be rendered. The effects of magnetic potential, electric voltage, opening angle, nonlocal parameter, power-law index and slenderness ratio on buckling loads of curved MEE-FG nanobeams are studied.

  5. Feedback-controlled electro-kinetic traps for single-molecule ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Jan 11, 2014 ... limited residence time of a given molecule within the detection volume. A common ... information on individual folding pathways, as well as to the internal dynamics between ..... Essentials for building an electro-kinetic trap.

  6. Electro-magnetic properties of heavy nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otsuka, Takaharu


    Two topics of electro-magnetic properties of heavy nuclei are discussed. The first topic is the M1 excitation from well-deformed heavy nuclei, and the other is the sudden increase of the isotope shift as a function of N in going away from the closed shell. These problems are considered in terms of the particle-number projected (Nilsson-) BCS calculation. (author)

  7. Global chaos synchronization of electro-mechanical gyrostat systems via variable substitution control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yun; Wu Xiaofeng; Liu Zhong


    This paper studies global synchronization of non-autonomous chaotic electro-mechanical gyrostat systems via variable substitution control. A master-slave non-autonomous synchronization scheme with variable substitution control is mathematically presented. Based on the scheme, some sufficient algebraic criteria for global chaos synchronization of master and slave electro-mechanical gyrostat systems via various single-variable coupling are derived. The effectiveness of the obtained criteria is numerically illustrated by the examples.

  8. Condutivity effect in electro-coagulation-flotation applied to physico-chemical wastewater treatment


    Francisco Javier Cuba Terán; Mário Luiz Rodrigues Foco


    This study reports on the effect of conductivity on the simultaneous applicability of water electrolysis , chemical coagulation and flotation fundamentals in the treatment of wastewater with large amounts of suspended matter, characterizing electro-coagulation-flotation (ECF) . Results from experiments carried out in a pilot study implanted and operated in the Laboratory of Environment Control (LCA), at the State University of Campinas in Limeira are presented. ECF was developed in an electro...

  9. 100 GHz pulse waveform measurement based on electro-optic sampling (United States)

    Feng, Zhigang; Zhao, Kejia; Yang, Zhijun; Miao, Jingyuan; Chen, He


    We present an ultrafast pulse waveform measurement system based on an electro-optic sampling technique at 1560 nm and prepare LiTaO3-based electro-optic modulators with a coplanar waveguide structure. The transmission and reflection characteristics of electrical pulses on a coplanar waveguide terminated with an open circuit and a resistor are investigated by analyzing the corresponding time-domain pulse waveforms. We measure the output electrical pulse waveform of a 100 GHz photodiode and the obtained rise times of the impulse and step responses are 2.5 and 3.4 ps, respectively.

  10. Gold nanoparticles prepared by electro-exploding wire technique in aqueous solutions (United States)

    Kumar, Lalit; Kapoor, Akanksha; Meghwal, Mayank; Annapoorni, S.


    This article presents an effective approach for the synthesis of Au nanoparticles via an environmentally benevolent electro-exploding wire (EEW) technique. In this process, Au nanoparticles evolve through the plasma generated from the parent Au metal. Compared to other typical chemical methods, electro-exploding wire technique is a simple and economical technique which normally operates in water or organic liquids under ambient conditions. Efficient size control was achieved using different aqueous medium like (1mM) NaCl, deionized water and aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH, pH 9.5) using identical electro-exploding conditions. The gold nanoparticles exhibited the UV-vis absorption spectrum with a maximum absorption band at 530 nm, similar to that of gold nanoparticles chemically prepared in a solution. The mechanism of size variation of Au nanoparticles is also proposed. The results obtained help to develop methodologies for the control of EEW based nanoparticle growth and the functionalization of nanoparticle surfaces by specific interactions.

  11. An electro-hydraulic servo control system research for CFETR blanket RH

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Changqi [Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui (China); Tang, Hongjun, E-mail: [Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui (China); Qi, Songsong [Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui (China); Cheng, Yong; Feng, Hansheng; Peng, Xuebing; Song, Yuntao [Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, Anhui (China)


    Highlights: • We discussed the conceptual design of CFETR blanket RH maintenance system. • The mathematical model of electro-hydraulic servo system was calculated. • A fuzzy adaptive PD controller was designed based on control theory and experience. • The co-simulation models of the system were established with AMESim/Simulink. • The fuzzy adaptive PD algorithm was designed as the core strategy of the system. - Abstract: Based on the technical design requirements of China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) blanket remote handling (RH) maintenance, this paper focus on the control method of achieving high synchronization accuracy of electro-hydraulic servo system. Based on fuzzy control theory and practical experience, a fuzzy adaptive proportional-derivative (PD) controller was designed. Then a more precise co-simulation model was established with AMESim/Simulink. Through the analysis of simulation results, a fuzzy adaptive PD control algorithm was designed as the core strategy of electro-hydraulic servo control system.

  12. An electro-hydraulic servo control system research for CFETR blanket RH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Changqi; Tang, Hongjun; Qi, Songsong; Cheng, Yong; Feng, Hansheng; Peng, Xuebing; Song, Yuntao


    Highlights: • We discussed the conceptual design of CFETR blanket RH maintenance system. • The mathematical model of electro-hydraulic servo system was calculated. • A fuzzy adaptive PD controller was designed based on control theory and experience. • The co-simulation models of the system were established with AMESim/Simulink. • The fuzzy adaptive PD algorithm was designed as the core strategy of the system. - Abstract: Based on the technical design requirements of China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) blanket remote handling (RH) maintenance, this paper focus on the control method of achieving high synchronization accuracy of electro-hydraulic servo system. Based on fuzzy control theory and practical experience, a fuzzy adaptive proportional-derivative (PD) controller was designed. Then a more precise co-simulation model was established with AMESim/Simulink. Through the analysis of simulation results, a fuzzy adaptive PD control algorithm was designed as the core strategy of electro-hydraulic servo control system

  13. 11. SIBEE: Brazilian symposium on electrochemistry and electro analytics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Theoretical and experimental papers are presented in these proceedings on the following subjects: fundamental electrochemistry, energy electrochemical conversion, electro catalysis, corrosion, polymers, molecular electrochemistry and bio electrochemistry

  14. Fabrication of an electro optic polymer ringresonator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leinse, Arne; Driessen, A.; Diemeer, Mart; de Ridder, R.M.; de Ridder, R.M; Altena, G.; Altena, G; Geuzebroek, D.H.; Dekker, R; Dekker, R.


    A ringresonator made of an electro optic (EO) polymer was designed, realized and characterized. The ring was made of a 4-dimethylamino-4-nitrostilbene (DANS) containing polymer and used in a vertical coupling with the waveguides. The waveguides were made of the photo-definable SU8, preventing an

  15. Cyclic voltammetric study of electro-oxidation of methanol on platinum electrode in acidic and neutral media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, A.S.A.; Ahmed, R.; Mirza, M.L.


    The electro-oxidation of methanol on electrochemically treated platinum foil was investigated in acidic and neutral media for comparison of cyclic voltammetric characteristics and elucidation of mechanism of electro-oxidation of methanol. The surface area and roughness factor of platinum electrode was calculated. The electro-oxidation of mathanol is an irreversible process giving. anodic peaks in both anodic and cathodic sweep. The characteristic peaks of electrooxidation of methanol appeared at almost the same potential region in both acidic and neutral media. In neutral medium, certain additional cathodic/anodic peaks appeared which were confirmed to arise by the reduction/oxidation of hydrogen ions. The exchange current density and heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant was higher in neutral medium as. compared with acidic medium. The thermodynamic parameters delta H, delta S, and delta G/sub 298/ were calculated. The values of delta H and delta G/sub 298/were positive which indicated that the process of electro-oxidation of methanol is an endothermic and nonspontaneous. The mechanism of electro-oxidation of methanol was same in both acidic and neutral media involving the formation of various adsorbed intermediate species through dissociative adsorption steps leading to the formation of Co adsorbed radicals, which are removed. during interaction with adsorbed hydrous oxides provided by the oxidation of adsorbed water molecules. The higher rate of electro-oxidation of methanol in neutral medium was interpreted in the tight of electrochemical mechanism and was attributed to the presence of comparatively small amount of hydrogen ions only along the surface of working electrode, which are produced during electro-oxidation of methanol. (author)

  16. An electro-thermal model and its application on a spiral-wound lithium ion battery with porous current collectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye, Yonghuang; Shi, Yixiang; Saw, Lip Huat; Tay, Andrew A.O.


    Highlights: • A local electro-thermal model is developed to verify the validity of a lump electro-thermal model. • Comparisons on edge effect of batteries with porous current collectors and batteries normal current collector foil. • Investigation on thermal performance of novel battery with porous current collector sheets. - Abstract: A local electro-thermal model for a spiral-wound lithium ion battery is developed to provide detailed and local insights of electrochemistry, transport phenomenon and heat transfer processes in spiral-wound geometries. The discharging potential, bulk heat generation rate, battery surface temperature and the temperature distribution within battery predicted by the model are used to verify a lumped electro-thermal model. The results show good agreement between the lumped electro-thermal model and the local electro-thermal model. The edge effect is investigated using the local electro-thermal model. And the results indicate that a novel battery with porous current collector sheets has a higher utilization rate of porous electrode materials than a commercial battery with normal current collector foils. The novel battery with porous current collector sheets is also investigated using the local electro-thermal model, simulation results show smaller liquid phase potential gradient and smaller liquid concentration gradient in the novel battery. The increased electrical resistance has minor effect on the overall heat generation within the battery when the porous current collector is employed, while it reduces the discharging potential of the battery

  17. Electro-chemo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clayey media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemaire, Th.


    The aim of this study is to understand coupled phenomena that occur in swelling porous materials like clays. Electro-chemo-hydro-mechanical contributions are taken into account to analyze transfers in such minerals. In a first part, a general discussion is proposed to introduce mineralogical and physico- chemical considerations of clayey media. An important objective of this chapter is to show the crucial role of the microstructure. In a second part is presented an imbibition test in a MX80 bentonite powder. The hydraulic diffusivity versus water content curve's decrease is explained thanks to a double porosity model that shows the progressive collapse of meso-pores due to swelling effects at the micro-scale. Thus a multi-scale analysis is necessary to well describe clayey media behaviour. The third chapter exposes such a multi-scale modelling (periodic homogenization). It is based on the double-layer theory and introduces an innovative concept of virtual electrolyte solution. First numerical results are given in a simple geometry (parallel platelets). In the next part are proposed numerical simulations of two kinds: response of the system to a chemical gradient and simulation of electro-osmosis. The end of this chapter puts into relief the necessity to integrate pH effects in the model. In the last part, chemical surface exchanges are incorporated in the modelling to understand pH and ionic force roles in electro-osmotic process. (author)

  18. Microfluidic System Simulation Including the Electro-Viscous Effect (United States)

    Rojas, Eileen; Chen, C. P.; Majumdar, Alok


    This paper describes a practical approach using a general purpose lumped-parameter computer program, GFSSP (Generalized Fluid System Simulation Program) for calculating flow distribution in a network of micro-channels including electro-viscous effects due to the existence of electrical double layer (EDL). In this study, an empirical formulation for calculating an effective viscosity of ionic solutions based on dimensional analysis is described to account for surface charge and bulk fluid conductivity, which give rise to electro-viscous effect in microfluidics network. Two dimensional slit micro flow data was used to determine the model coefficients. Geometry effect is then included through a Poiseuille number correlation in GFSSP. The bi-power model was used to calculate flow distribution of isotropically etched straight channel and T-junction microflows involving ionic solutions. Performance of the proposed model is assessed against experimental test data.





    En esta investigación doctoral se estudió experimentalmente una descarga plasma focus operada a decenas de joules y decenas de kiloamperes. El dispositivo genera una descarga coaxial por medio de un arreglo de electrodos los cuales consisten de un electrodo central, un aislante cilíndrico y un electrodo exterior. La descarga es alimentada por un generador capacitivo y se opera a presiones de algunos milibar. Los parámetros eléctricos típicos del dispositivo, denominado PF-50J, son T/4 ...

  20. Highly stable and low loss electro-optic polymer waveguides for high speed microring modulators using photodefinition (United States)

    Balakrishnan, M.; Diemeer, M. B. J.; Driessen, A.; Faccini, M.; Verboom, W.; Reinhoudt, D. N.; Leinse, A.


    Different electro-optic polymer systems are analyzed with respect to their electro-optic activity, glass transition temperature (T g) and photodefinable properties. The polymers tested are polysulfone (PS) and SU8. The electro-optic chromophore, tricyanovinylidenediphenylaminobenzene (TCVDPA), which was reported to have a high photochemical stability 1 has been employed in the current work. Tert-butyl-TCVDPA, having bulky side groups, was synthesized and a doubling of the electro-optic coefficient (r33) compared to the unmodified TCVDPA was shown. A microring resonator design was made based on the PS-TCVDPA system. SU8 (passive) and TCVDPA (active) channel waveguides were fabricated by the photodefinition technique and the passive waveguide losses were measured to be 5 dB/cm at 1550 nm.

  1. Current status and future aspects of R&D activities on electro- ceramic components in Japanese industry (United States)

    Takagi, Hiroshi


    The oldest pottery in Japan was made 16,500 years ago in Jomon period. On the background of a long history of Japanese ceramics, Murata and other Japanese manufacturers have been developing electro-ceramic materials and manufacturing many kinds of electronic components using them. In 1937, TDK manufactured ferrite cores first in the world. Then, Japanese electro-ceramic industry has led the world on electro-ceramic materials and components until now, especially in the fields of BaTiO3, PZT, PTC thermistor, ZnO varistor and insulating ceramics. From the analysis of the papers reported lately, R&D activities of Japanese manufacturers are understood to cover not only improving properties of electro-ceramics, but also appropriate technologies and basic technologies.

  2. Development of an electro-osmotic heat pump

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stoel, J.P. van der; Oostendorp, P.A.


    The majority of heat pumps and refrigerators is driven by a mechanical compressor. Although they usually function very well, the search for new and in some cases better heat pumping concepts continues. One of the topics in this field is the development of an electro-osmotic heat pump. As each

  3. The boundary element method applied to 3D magneto-electro-elastic dynamic problems (United States)

    Igumnov, L. A.; Markov, I. P.; Kuznetsov, Iu A.


    Due to the coupling properties, the magneto-electro-elastic materials possess a wide number of applications. They exhibit general anisotropic behaviour. Three-dimensional transient analyses of magneto-electro-elastic solids can hardly be found in the literature. 3D direct boundary element formulation based on the weakly-singular boundary integral equations in Laplace domain is presented in this work for solving dynamic linear magneto-electro-elastic problems. Integral expressions of the three-dimensional fundamental solutions are employed. Spatial discretization is based on a collocation method with mixed boundary elements. Convolution quadrature method is used as a numerical inverse Laplace transform scheme to obtain time domain solutions. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the capability of the proposed approach to treat highly dynamic problems.

  4. Photodefinable electro-optic polymer for high-speed modulators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Balakrishnan, M.; Faccini, M.; Diemeer, Mart; Verboom, Willem; Driessen, A.; Reinhoudt, David; Leinse, Arne


    Direct waveguide definition of a negative photoresist (SU8) containing tricyanovinylidenediphenylaminobenzene (TCVDPA) as electro-optic (EO) chromophore, has been demonstrated for the first time. This was possible by utilising the chromophore low absorption window in the UV region allowing

  5. Electrorretinograma: Valores normales con diferentes protocolos de estudio Electroretinogram: Normal values with different study protocols

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosaralis Paneca Santiesteban


    Full Text Available En 7 investigaciones por separado se llevó a cabo, el registro, la observación y comparación de los valores normales de frecuencia macular, amplitud y latencia de las ondas A y B del electrorretinograma, por cada ojo, obtenidos con diferentes electrodos, equipos y protocolos para registrarlo, usados durante los años 1977 hasta el 2000 en el laboratorio de Electrofisiología de la Visión del Instituto de Neurología y Neurocirugía. Se incluyó la metodología del electrorretinograma más recientemente utilizada, según las normas internacionales sobre el electrorretinograma estandarizado de la Sociedad Internacional para la Electrofisiología de la Visión, que fue el único protocolo de este trabajo en que se incluyó midriasis y preadaptación a la oscuridad o a la luz. Los valores de amplitud, latencia y réplica macular de cada uno de esos protocolos se exponen y se comparan entre sí los de similar protocolo. Ademàs, se presentan las curvas y valores del electrorretinograma estandarizado según las normas de la sociedad antes referidaA study was conducted in 7 separate researches, where the normal values of macular frequency, amplitude and latency of the A and B waves of the electroretinogram were recorded, observed and compared for each eye. These data were obtained with different electrodes, equipment and protocols that were used from 1977 to 2000 at the Laboratory of Vision Electrophysiology of the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery. These techniques have allowed to characterize diseases and to suggest the site of the injuries causing them

  6. Sobre la impedancia faradaica de la disolución electroquímica del níquel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agrisuelas, J.


    Full Text Available Consecutive impedance spectra for nickel electrodes in acid medium have been obtained. The first recorded spectrum is fitted to an equivalent circuit with three time constants, if one consider a partially or completely passivated electrode. The second registered spectrum is characteristic to a corrosion kinetic controlled by the transport across a finite layer thickness. The microscopic images show an increase in the irregularity of the electrode surface after the second spectrum is registered. Also, the double layer capacity is considerably increased.

    Se han obtenido espectros de impedancia consecutivos sobre electrodos de níquel en medio ácido. El primer espectro registrado se ajusta a un circuito equivalente con tres constantes de tiempo, considerando un electrodo parcialmente pasivado o completamente pasivado. El segundo espectro registrado es característico de una cinética de corrosión controlada por el transporte a través de una capa de espesor finito. Tras registrar el segundo espectro, las imágenes microscópicas muestran un aumento de la irregularidad en la superficie electródica. Al mismo tiempo la capacidad de doble capa aumenta considerablemente.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivonne Linares-Hernández


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue implementar un sistema electroquímico, mediante tratamientos de electrocoagulación, empleando electrodos de hierro y oxidación anódica directa (OAD, empleando electrodos de diamante dopados con boro (DDB, para tratar aguas residuales provenientes de una planta de tratamiento que recibe las descargas de 144 empresas de diferentes giros, de la zona industrial Toluca-Lerma, México. Los resultados de estos tratamientos, indicaron una remoción del 99% de la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO, 99% de color y 97% de turbidez, en un tiempo de 2 h. En el sistema acoplado, la electrocoagulación removió las partículas coloidales y suspendidas y la OAD, permitió la degradación de materia orgánica persistente. Se determinó la cantidad de lodos generados en el sistema y se caracterizaron por microscopia electrónica de barrido y análisis elemental. Se concluye que los métodos electroquímicos resultan ser aplicables y eficientes en la degradación compuestos que no son fácilmente biodegradables.

  8. Effects of electro-fishing on galvano-taxis and carcass quality characteristics in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edo D’Agaro


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of electro-fishing in sea water. We evaluated the feasibility of an electro-fishing system using numerical simulations for laboratory tanks and the open sea and performing a laboratory experiment. A non-homogeneous bi-dimensional electric-field model for marine water and fish based on discrete formulation of electro-magnetic field equations was developed using GAME (geometric approach for Maxwell equations software. Voltage gradients inside the fish and close to the body were determined. Re- sults showed that fish in the open sea and in groups had greater internal voltage differences than did fish in tanks and single fish. Sea bass (length:10 and 30 cm were exposed in laboratory tanks to pulsed direct current (PDC, 25-125 Hz and duty cycle (5-40%. We measured the electro-taxis and tetanus thresholds after electrical exposure. It is significant that these values decreased with increasing the size of fish. No differences were found after electro-fishing on overall appearance, internal and external haemorrhage, standard freshness scoring techniques and carcass quality characteristics

  9. Numerical simulation of the electro convective onset and complex flows of dielectric liquid in an annulus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fernandes, Dolfred Vijay; Lee, Heon Deok; Alapati, Suresh; Suh, Yong Kweon [Dong A Univ., Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    We conducted a numerical study on the onset of electro-convection as well as the complex flow phenomena of dielectric liquid subjected to unipolar autonomous charge injection in the annular gap between two concentric circular cylindrical electrodes. The Nernst Planck equations governing the charge density transport, the Poisson equation for the electric potential and the Navier Stokes equations for the fluid flow are solved numerically using the finite volume method. The developed code is validated by comparing the critical stability parameter values for the onset of electro convection with those obtained from the linear stability analysis. We identify in a parameter space the stable hydrostatic state and the electro convection state. The electro convection is again divided into three regimes: stationary, oscillatory and chaotic. For inner cylinder radius 1.0, i r {>=} we observed an increase in the number of charged plumes and vortex pairs with stability parameter T before the electro convection becomes chaotic. For outer injection, although the onset of electroconvection starts at T higher than the inner injection, the onset of chaotic motion occurs at lower T.

  10. Electro-scrubbing volatile organic carbons in the air stream with a gas diffusion electrode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang Ji, E-mail: [School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Environmental Risk Assessment and Control on Chemical Process, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237 (China); School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); Liu Kaichen; Jia Jinping; Cao Limei [School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China)


    It is demonstrated that exposing the VOC air streams to the electro-scrubbing reactor with a gas diffusion electrode leads to an efficient removal of organics. The importance order of the influence factors on the electro-scrubbing reactor performance is: conductivity, voltage and air stream flow-rate. The effective conductivity and high voltages generally are beneficial to the removal process and the air flow-rate is not a significant factor compared with the other two, indicating that the reactor might have a consistently satisfying performance within a wide range of gas volumetric load. The mass transfer of both organics and oxygen in the reactor is estimated by mathematical model, and the calculation determines the concentration boundary conditions for the 2-ethoxyethyl acetate removal: if the 2-ethoxyethyl acetate concentration in the inflow air stream holds C{sub G,i} {<=} 0.7198 % , the removal in the electro-scrubbing reactor is electrochemical reaction controlled; if C{sub G,i} > 0.7198 % , the controlling step will be the oxygen mass transfer from the air to the liquid in the electro-scrubbing reactor. The Apparent Current Efficiency of the electro-scrubbing reactor was also determined using COD data, which is significantly higher than some commercial metal oxide electrodes, showing that the reactor is energy efficient and has the promise for the future scale-up.

  11. Bimodal Porous Scaffolds by Sequential Electro spinning of Poly(glycolic acid) with Sucrose Particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wulkersdorfer, B.; Kao, K.K.; Agopian, V.G.; Ahn, A.; Dunn, J.C.; Wu, B.M.; Stelzner, M.; Kao, K.K.; Agopian, K.J.; Dunn, J.C.; Wu, B.M.; Stelzner, M.; Dunn, J.C.; Wu, B.M.


    Electro spinning is a method to produce fine, bio polymer mesh with a three-dimensional architecture that mimics native extra-cellular matrix. Due to the small fiber diameter created in this process, conventional electro spun scaffolds have pore sizes smaller than the diameter of most cells. These scaffolds have limited application in tissue engineering due to poor cell penetration. We developed a hybrid electro spinning/particulate leaching technique to create scaffolds with increased porosity and improved cellular ingrowth. Poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) and a sucrose-ethanol suspension were electro spun in equal, alternating sequences at intervals of one, two, and ten minutes each. The scaffolds revealed fiber mesh with micropores of 10 μm and uniformly distributed sucrose particles. Particulate leaching of sucrose from the one- or two-minute scaffolds revealed honeycomb structures with interconnected macro pores between 50 and 250 μm. Sucrose leaching from the ten-minute scaffolds resulted in laminated structures with isolated macro pores between 200 and 350 μm. Macro pore size was directly proportional to the duration of the sucrose spinning interval. After 24 hours of cell culture, conventionally spun scaffolds demonstrated no cellular penetration. Conversely, the PGA/sucrose scaffolds demonstrated deep cellular penetration. This hybrid technique represents a novel method of generating electro spun scaffolds with interconnected pores suitable for cellular ingrowth.

  12. Patient-controlled analgesia: therapeutic interventions using transdermal electro-activated and electro-modulated drug delivery. (United States)

    Indermun, Sunaina; Choonara, Yahya E; Kumar, Pradeep; Du Toit, Lisa C; Modi, Girish; Luttge, Regina; Pillay, Viness


    Chronic pain poses a major concern to modern medicine and is frequently undertreated, causing suffering and disability. Patient-controlled analgesia, although successful, does have limitations. Transdermal delivery is the pivot to which analgesic research in drug delivery has centralized, especially with the confines of needle phobias and associated pain related to traditional injections, and the existing limitations associated with oral drug delivery. Highlighted within is the possibility of further developing transdermal drug delivery for chronic pain treatment using iontophoresis-based microneedle array patches. A concerted effort was made to review critically all available therapies designed for the treatment of chronic pain. The drug delivery systems developed for this purpose and nondrug routes are elaborated on, in a systematic manner. Recent developments and future goals in transdermal delivery as a means to overcome the individual limitations of the aforementioned delivery routes are represented as well. The approval of patch-like devices that contain both the microelectronic-processing mechanism and the active medicament in a small portable device is still awaited by the pharmaceutical industry. This anticipated platform may provide transdermal electro-activated and electro-modulated drug delivery systems a feasible attempt in chronic pain treatment. Iontophoresis has been proven an effective mode used to administer ionized drugs in physiotherapeutic, diagnostic, and dermatological applications and may be an encouraging probability for the development of devices and aids in the treatment of chronic pain. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.

  13. Energy Harvesting Cycles of Dielectric ElectroActive Polymer Generators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dimopoulos, Emmanouil; Trintis, Ionut; Munk-Nielsen, Stig


    Energy harvesting via Dielectric ElectroActive Polymer (DEAP) generators has attracted much of the scientific interest over the past few years, mainly due to the advantages that these smart materials offer against competing technologies, as electromagnetic generators and piezoelectrics. Their hig......Energy harvesting via Dielectric ElectroActive Polymer (DEAP) generators has attracted much of the scientific interest over the past few years, mainly due to the advantages that these smart materials offer against competing technologies, as electromagnetic generators and piezoelectrics....... Their higher energy density, superior low-speed performance, light-weighted nature as well as their shapely structure have rendered DEAPs candidate solutions for various actuation and energy harvesting applications. In this paper, a thoroughly analysis of all energy harvesting operational cycles of a DEAP...

  14. Russian ElectroKhimPribor integrated plant - producer and supplier of enriched stable isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tatarinov, A.N.; Polyakov, L.A.


    Russian ElectroKhimPribor Integrated Plant, as well as ORNL, is a leading production which manufactures and supplied to the world market such specific products as stable isotopes. More than 200 isotopes of 44 elements can be obtained at its electromagnetic separator. Changes being underway for a few last years in Russia affected production and distribution of stable isotopes. There arose a necessity in a new approach to handling work in this field so as to create favourable conditions for both producers and customers. As a result, positive changes in calutron operation at ElectroKhimPribor has been reached; quality management system covering all stages of production has been set up; large and attractive stock of isotopes has been created; prospective scientific isotope-based developments are taken into account when planning separation F campaigns; executing the contracts is guaranteed; business philosophy has been changed to meet maximum of customer needs. For more than forty years ElectroKhimPribor have had no claim from customers as to quality of products or implementing contracts. Supplying enriched stable isotopes virtually to all the world's leading customers, ElectroKhimPribor cooperates successfully with Canadian company Trace Science since 1996

  15. A Combined Electro-Thermal Breakdown Model for Oil-Impregnated Paper

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meng Huang


    Full Text Available The breakdown property of oil-impregnated paper is a key factor for converter transformer design and operation, but it is not well understood. In this paper, breakdown voltages of oil-impregnated paper were measured at different temperatures. The results showed that with the increase of temperature, electrical, electro-thermal and thermal breakdown occurred successively. An electro-thermal breakdown model was proposed based on the heat equilibrium and space charge transport, and negative differential mobility was introduced to the model. It was shown that carrier mobility determined whether it was electrical or thermal breakdown, and the model can effectively explain the temperature-dependent breakdown.

  16. Secure communications of CAP-4 and OOK signals over MMF based on electro-optic chaos. (United States)

    Ai, Jianzhou; Wang, Lulu; Wang, Jian


    Chaos-based secure communication can provide a high level of privacy in data transmission. Here, we experimentally demonstrate secure signal transmission over two kinds of multimode fiber (MMF) based on electro-optic intensity chaos. High-quality synchronization is achieved in an electro-optic feedback configuration. Both 5  Gbit/s carrier-less amplitude/phase (CAP-4) modulation and 10  Gbit/s on-off key (OOK) signals are recovered efficiently in electro-optic chaos-based communication systems. Degradations of chaos synchronization and communication system due to mismatch of various hardware keys are also discussed.

  17. Thermo-controlled rheology of electro-assembled polyanionic polysaccharide (alginate) and polycationic thermo-sensitive polymers. (United States)

    Niang, Pape Momar; Huang, Zhiwei; Dulong, Virginie; Souguir, Zied; Le Cerf, Didier; Picton, Luc


    Several thermo-sensitive polyelectrolyte complexes were prepared by ionic self-association between an anionic polysaccharide (alginate) and a monocationic copolymer (polyether amine, Jeffamine®-M2005) with a 'Low Critical Solubility Temperature' (LCST). We show that electro-association must be established below the aggregation temperature of the free Jeffamine®, after which the organization of the system is controlled by the thermo-association of Jeffamine® that was previously electro-associated with the alginate. Evidence for this comes primarily from the rheology in the semi-dilute region. Electro- and thermo-associative behaviours are optimal at a pH corresponding to maximum ionization of both compounds (around pH 7). High ionic strength could prevent the electro-association. The reversibility of the transition is possible only at temperatures lower than the LCST of Jeffamine®. Similar behaviour has been obtained with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), which suggests that this behaviour can be observed using a range of anionic polyelectrolytes. In contrast, no specific properties have been found for pullulan, which is a neutral polysaccharide. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Mechanical and electro-mechanical properties of three-dimensional nanoporous graphene-poly(vinylidene fluoride composites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. P. Zheng


    Full Text Available Three-dimensional nanoporous graphene monoliths are utilized to prepare graphene-poly(vinylidene fluoride nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical and electro-mechanical properties. Pre-treatment of the polymer (poly(vinylidene fluoride, PVDF with graphene oxides (GOs facilitates the formation of uniform and thin PVDF films with a typical thickness below 100 nm well coated at the graphene nano-sheets. Besides their excellent compressibility, ductility and mechanical strength, the nanoporous graphene-PVDF nanocomposites are found to possess high sensitivity in strain-dependent electrical conductivity. The improved mechanical and electro-mechanical properties are ascribed to the enhanced crystalline β phase in PVDF which possesses piezoelectricity. The mechanical relaxation analyses on the interfaces between graphene and PVDF reveal that the improved mechanical and electro-mechanical properties could result from the interaction between the –C=O groups in the nanoporous graphene and the –CF2 groups in PVDF, which also explains the important role of GOs in the preparation of the graphene-polymer nanocomposites with superior combined mechanical and electro-mechanical properties.

  19. Electro-spun PLA-PEG-yarns for tissue engineering applications. (United States)

    Kruse, Magnus; Greuel, Marc; Kreimendahl, Franziska; Schneiders, Thomas; Bauer, Benedict; Gries, Thomas; Jockenhoevel, Stefan


    Electro-spinning is widely used in tissue-engineered applications mostly in form of non-woven structures. The development of e-spun yarn opens the door for textile fabrics which combine the micro to nanoscale dimension of electro-spun filaments with three-dimensional (3D) drapable textile fabrics. Therefore, the aim of the study was the implementation of a process for electro-spun yarns. Polylactic acid (PLA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) were spun from chloroform solutions with varying PLA/PEG ratios (100:0, 90:10, 75:25 and 50:50). The yarn samples produced were analyzed regarding their morphology, tensile strength, water uptake and cytocompatibility. It was found that the yarn diameter decreased when the funnel collector rotation was increasd, however, the fiber diameter was not influenced. The tensile strength was also found to be dependent on the PEG content. While samples composed of 100% PLA showed a tensile strength of 2.5±0.7 cN/tex, the tensile strength increased with a decreasing PLA content (PLA 75%/PEG 25%) to 6.2±0.5 cN/tex. The variation of the PEG content also influenced the viscosity of the spinning solutions. The investigation of the cytocompatibility with endothelial cells was conducted for PLA/PEG 90:10 and 75:25 and indicated that the samples are cytocompatible.

  20. Electrodeposited manganese dioxide nanostructures on electro-etched carbon fibers: High performance materials for supercapacitor applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kazemi, Sayed Habib; Maghami, Mostafa Ghaem; Kiani, Mohammad Ali


    Highlights: • We report a facile method for fabrication of MnO 2 nanostructures on electro-etched carbon fiber. • MnO 2 -ECF electrode shows outstanding supercapacitive behavior even at high discharge rates. • Exceptional cycle stability was achieved for MnO 2 -ECF electrode. • The coulombic efficiency of MnO 2 -ECF electrode is nearly 100%. - Abstract: In this article we introduce a facile, low cost and additive/template free method to fabricate high-rate electrochemical capacitors. Manganese oxide nanostructures were electrodeposited on electro-etched carbon fiber substrate by applying a constant anodic current. Nanostructured MnO 2 on electro-etched carbon fiber was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The electrochemical behavior of MnO 2 electro-etched carbon fiber electrode was investigated by electrochemical techniques including cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge/discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A maximum specific capacitance of 728.5 F g −1 was achieved at a scan rate of 5 mV s −1 for MnO 2 electro-etched carbon fiber electrode. Also, this electrode showed exceptional cycle stability, suggesting that it can be considered as a good candidate for supercapacitor electrodes

  1. Electrodeposited manganese dioxide nanostructures on electro-etched carbon fibers: High performance materials for supercapacitor applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kazemi, Sayed Habib, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan 45137-66731 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Center for Research in Climate Change and Global Warming (CRCC), Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan 45137-66731 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Maghami, Mostafa Ghaem [Department of Chemistry, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan 45137-66731 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Kiani, Mohammad Ali [Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Research Center of Iran, P.O. Box 14335-186, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Highlights: • We report a facile method for fabrication of MnO{sub 2} nanostructures on electro-etched carbon fiber. • MnO{sub 2}-ECF electrode shows outstanding supercapacitive behavior even at high discharge rates. • Exceptional cycle stability was achieved for MnO{sub 2}-ECF electrode. • The coulombic efficiency of MnO{sub 2}-ECF electrode is nearly 100%. - Abstract: In this article we introduce a facile, low cost and additive/template free method to fabricate high-rate electrochemical capacitors. Manganese oxide nanostructures were electrodeposited on electro-etched carbon fiber substrate by applying a constant anodic current. Nanostructured MnO{sub 2} on electro-etched carbon fiber was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The electrochemical behavior of MnO{sub 2} electro-etched carbon fiber electrode was investigated by electrochemical techniques including cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge/discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A maximum specific capacitance of 728.5 F g{sup −1} was achieved at a scan rate of 5 mV s{sup −1} for MnO{sub 2} electro-etched carbon fiber electrode. Also, this electrode showed exceptional cycle stability, suggesting that it can be considered as a good candidate for supercapacitor electrodes.

  2. The effect of electro-activation and eggshell powder on the neutralization of acid mine drainage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexey Kastyuchik


    Full Text Available Acid mine drainage (AMD production by sulfide mine tailing (SMT is a major environmental preoccupation because it can degrade water surface quality on account of its strong acidity and advanced content of sulfide, iron (Fe and other metals and metalloids. Acid neutralization and the precipitation of metals present in AMD were carried out by electro-activation with ion-exchange membranes, which is based on the self-generation of necessary conditions for acid neutralization and metal precipitation. The treatment of SMT was carried out by using an electro-activation cell generated alkaline solution in the cathode compartment. After 60 min of electro-activation, a pHcatholyte of 7.9–9.6, depending on the experimental conditions, was obtained. The absence of Fe and other trace metal ions in the catholyte provide evidence that the electro-activation of SMT promotes the precipitation of insoluble trace metals in the cathode compartment. This approach can be applied to real conditions in combination with a pretreatment of SMT neutralization, in which biological calcareous amendments are available. Finally, the electro-activation technology of acid mine drainage may be a feasible, cost-effective approach for SMT neutralization because it focuses on sustainable development.

  3. THz Electro-absorption Effect in Quantum Dots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Turchinovich, Dmitry; Monozon, Boris S.; Livshits, Daniil A.


    In a THz pump - optical probe experiment we demonstrate an instantaneous electro-absorption effect in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots, induced by the electric field of a single-cycle THz pulse with 3 THz bandwidth and with free-space peak electric field reaching 220 kV/cm. The transient modulation of QD...

  4. The Jellyfish: smart electro-active polymers for an autonomous distributed sensing node (United States)

    Blottman, John B.; Richards, Roger T.


    The US Navy has recently placed emphasis on deployable, distributed sensors for Force Protection, Anti-Terrorism and Homeland Defense missions. The Naval Undersea Warfare Center has embarked on the development of a self-contained deployable node that is composed of electro-active polymers (EAP) for use in a covert persistent distributed surveillance system. Electro-Active Polymers (EAP) have matured to a level that permits their application in energy harvesting, hydrophones, electro-elastic actuation and electroluminescence. The problem to resolve is combining each of these functions into an autonomous sensing platform. The concept presented here promises an operational life several orders of magnitude beyond what is expected of a Sonobuoy due to energy conservation and harvesting, and at a reasonable cost. The embodiment envisioned is that of a deployed device resembling a jellyfish, made in most part of polymers, with the body encapsulating the necessary electronic processing and communications package and the tentacles of the jellyfish housing the sonar sensors. It will be small, neutrally buoyant, and will survey the water column much in the manner of a Cartesian Diver. By using the Electro-Active Polymers as artificial muscles, the motion of the jellyfish can be finely controlled. An increased range of detection and true node autonomy is achieved through volumetric array beamforming to focus the direction of interrogation and to null-out extraneous ambient noise.

  5. Control of electro-chemical processes using energy harvesting materials and devices. (United States)

    Zhang, Yan; Xie, Mengying; Adamaki, Vana; Khanbareh, Hamideh; Bowen, Chris R


    Energy harvesting is a topic of intense interest that aims to convert ambient forms of energy such as mechanical motion, light and heat, which are otherwise wasted, into useful energy. In many cases the energy harvester or nanogenerator converts motion, heat or light into electrical energy, which is subsequently rectified and stored within capacitors for applications such as wireless and self-powered sensors or low-power electronics. This review covers the new and emerging area that aims to directly couple energy harvesting materials and devices with electro-chemical systems. The harvesting approaches to be covered include pyroelectric, piezoelectric, triboelectric, flexoelectric, thermoelectric and photovoltaic effects. These are used to influence a variety of electro-chemical systems such as applications related to water splitting, catalysis, corrosion protection, degradation of pollutants, disinfection of bacteria and material synthesis. Comparisons are made between the range harvesting approaches and the modes of operation are described. Future directions for the development of electro-chemical harvesting systems are highlighted and the potential for new applications and hybrid approaches are discussed.

  6. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of electro-mechanical impedance based SHM system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosiek, M; Martowicz, A; Uhl, T


    The paper deals with the application of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis performed for FE simulations for electro-mechanical impedance based SHM system. The measurement of electro-mechanical impedance allows to follow changes of mechanical properties of monitored construction. Therefore it can be effectively applied to conclude about presence of damage. Coupled FE simulations have been carried out for simultaneous consideration of both structural dynamics and piezoelectric properties of a simple beam with bonded transducer. Several indexes have been used to assess the damage growth. In the paper the results obtained with both deterministic and stochastic simulations are shown and discussed. First, the relationship between size of introduced damage and its indexes has been studied. Second, ranges of variation of selected model properties have been assumed to find relationships between them and damage indexes. The most influential parameters have been found. Finally, the overall propagation of considered uncertainty has been assessed and related histograms plotted to discuss effectiveness and robustness of tested damage indexes based on the measurement of electro-mechanical impedance.

  7. Magneto-optic and electro-optic modulators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutchinson, D.P.; Ma, C.H.; Price, T.R.; Staats, P.A.; Vander Sluis, K.L.


    An important aspect of the Faraday rotation diagnostic for tokamak plasma measurements has been the development of suitable polarization modulators for submillimeter wavelengths. The problems are to obtain high optical transmission and fast modulation frequencies. At ORNL we have developed both a magneto-optic and an electro-optic submillimeter-wave modulators. These devices have been operated at modulation frequencies of approximately 100 kHz and both have high transmission

  8. Design of a treatment pilot by electro-coagulation and electro-flotation of high charged liquid effluents; Conception d'un pilote de traitement par electrocoagulation-electroflottation d'effluents liquides fortement charges

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cames, M.C.; Leclerc, J.P.; Valentin, G.; Sanchez-Calvo, L.; Lapicque, F. [Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS-ENSIC), Lab. des Sciences du Genie Chimique, 54 - Nancy (France); Rostan, A.; Muller, P. [Centre de Recherche pour l' Environnement, l' Energie et le Dechet, Vivendi Environnement, 78 - Limay (France)


    The possibilities of the electro-coagulation and electro-flotation process has been studied on many industrial effluents by cells. The results show that the process efficiency is conditioned by the effluent nature and the dissolved aluminium quantity, what ever the initial rate of Carbon Organic Total (COT). Other parameters as the current density and the circulation speed are not significant. (A.L.B.)

  9. Electro-nuclear neutron generator–XADS at ITEP

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In this report, the purpose and status of the currently constructed ITEP experimental accelerator driven system (XADS) are discussed. This hybrid electro-nuclear facility of moderate power integrates the pulse proton linac (36 MeV, 0.5 mA) and heavy water sub-critical blanket assembly (heat power of 100 kW). Most parts of ...

  10. Experimental electro-thermal method for nondestructively testing welds in stainless steel pipes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, D.R.


    Welds in austenitic stainless steel pipes are notoriously difficult to nondestructively examine using conventional ultrasonic and eddy current methods. Survace irregularities and microscopic variations in magnetic permeability cause false eddy current signal variations. Ultrasonic methods have been developed which use computer processing of the data to overcome some of the problems. Electro-thermal nondestructive testing shows promise for detecting flaws that are difficult to detect using other NDT methods. Results of a project completed to develop and demonstrate the potential of an electro-thermal method for nondestructively testing stainless steel pipe welds are presented. Electro-thermal NDT uses a brief pulse of electrical current injected into the pipe. Defects at any depth within the weld cause small differences in surface electrical current distribution. These cause short-lived transient temperature differences on the pipe's surface that are mapped using an infrared scanning camera. Localized microstructural differences and normal surface roughness in the welds have little effect on the surface temperatures

  11. Nonlinear electro-mechanobiological behavior of cell membrane during electroporation

    KAUST Repository

    Deng, Peigang; Lee, Yi-Kuen; Lin, Ran; Zhang, Tong-Yi


    A nonlinear electroporation (EP) model is proposed to study the electro-mechanobiological behavior of cell membrane during EP, by taking the nonlinear large deformation of the membrane into account. The proposed model predicts the critical

  12. Highly reliable electro-hydraulic control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mande, Morima; Hiyama, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Makoto


    The unscheduled shutdown of nuclear power stations disturbs power system, and exerts large influence on power generation cost due to the lowering of capacity ratio; therefore, high reliability is required for the control system of nuclear power stations. Toshiba Corp. has exerted effort to improve the reliability of the control system of power stations, and in this report, the electro-hydraulic control system for the turbines of nuclear power stations is described. The main functions of the electro-hydraulic control system are the control of main steam pressure with steam regulation valves and turbine bypass valves, the control of turbine speed and load, the prevention of turbine overspeed, the protection of turbines and so on. The system is composed of pressure sensors and a speed sensor, the control board containing the electronic circuits for control computation and protective sequence, the oil cylinders, servo valves and opening detectors of the valves for control, a high pressure oil hydraulic machine and piping, the operating panel and so on. The main features are the adoption of tripling intermediate value selection method, the multiplying of protection sensors and the adoption of 2 out of 3 trip logic, the multiplying of power sources, the improvement of the reliability of electronic circuit hardware and oil hydraulic system. (Kako, I.)

  13. Analyticity in a phenomenology of electro-weak structure of hadrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubnicka, S.; Dubnickova, A. Z.


    The utility of an application of the analyticity in a phenomenology of electro-weak structure of hadrons is demonstrated in a number of obtained new and experimentally verifiable results. With this aim first the problem of an inconsistency of the asymptotic behavior of vector-meson-dominance model with the asymptotic behavior of form factors of baryons and nuclei is solved generally and a general approach for determination of the lowest normal and anomalous singularities of form factors from the corresponding Feynman diagrams is reviewed. Then many useful applications by making use of the analytic properties of electro-weak form factors and amplitudes of various electromagnetic processes of hadrons are carried out. (Author)

  14. The Neuroprotective Effect Of Electro-Acupuncture Against Ischemic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Neuroprotective Effect Of Electro-Acupuncture Against Ischemic Stroke In Animal Model: A Review. ... Conclusion: An awareness of the benefits of acupuncture might lead more patients into accepting acupuncture therapy for the management of patients with ischemic stroke and patients with high risk of ischemic stroke.

  15. Airborne Electro-Optical Sensor Simulation System. Final Report. (United States)

    Hayworth, Don

    The total system capability, including all the special purpose and general purpose hardware comprising the Airborne Electro-Optical Sensor Simulation (AEOSS) System, is described. The functional relationship between hardware portions is described together with interface to the software portion of the computer image generation. Supporting rationale…

  16. Removal of citrate and hypophosphite binary components using Fenton, photo-Fenton and electro-Fenton processes

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yao-Hui Huang; Hsiao-Ting Su; Li-Way Lin


    Both citrate and hypophosphite in aqueous solution were degraded by advanced oxidation processes (Fe2+/H2O2, UV/Fe2+/H2O2, and electrolysis/ Fe2+/H2O2) in this study. Comparison of these techniques in oxidation efficiency was undertaken. It was found that Fenton process could not degrade completely citrate in the presence of hypophosphite since it caused a series inhibition. Therefore, UV light (photo-Fenton) or electron current (electro-Fenton) was applied to improve the degradation efficiency of the Fenton process. Results showed that both photo-Fenton and electro-Fenton processes could overcome the inhibition of hypophosphite, especially the electro-Fenton.

  17. Strategies in electro-chemical machining of tungsten for divertor application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krauss, W.; Holstein, N.; Konys, J.


    For future application in a fusion power system a modular structured He cooled divertor concept is investigated under the framework of EFDA which is based on the use of pure W or W alloys for the thermally highly loaded parts. Due to the underlying physico-chemical principles electro-chemical machining (ECM) is the only shaping process which will not introduce microstructural defects, e.g. microcracks into work pieces as known by example from electro-discharge machining (EDM). However, ECM processes have no industrial application in W machining up to yet due to passivation effects using standard electrolytes known from steel working. Therefore, a systematical electrochemical development program was launched, and the electrochemical behavior of W was examined and passivation effects could be eliminated, successfully. The electrochemical shaping processes can be divided into two main categories. The first one is M-ECM, which represents the lithographic route based on structured anode masks, and the other is C-ECM, working with a negatively structured cathode as tool which is copied by electro-chemical dissolution. Both ECM branches are discussed on base of first machined structured parts, showing their process depending advantages and potential enhancements are revealed by applying pulsed currents instead of DC dissolution technique

  18. Advances in the electro-spark deposition coating process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, R.N.; Sheldon, G.L.


    Electro-spark deposition (ESD) is a pulsed-arc micro-welding process using short-duration, high-current electrical pulses to deposit an electrode material on a metallic substrate. It is one of the few methods available by which a fused, metallurgically bonded coating can be applied with such a low total heat input that the bulk substrate material remains at or near ambient temperatures. The short duration of the electrical pulse allows an extremely rapid solidification of the deposited material and results in an exceptionally fine-grained, homogenous coating that approaches (and with some materials, actually is) an amorphous structure. This structure is believed to contribute to the good tribological and corrosion performance observed for hardsurfacing materials used in the demanding environments of high temperatures, liquid metals, and neutron irradiation. A brief historical review of the process is provided, followed by descriptions of the present state-of-the-art and of the performance and applications of electro-spark deposition coatings in liquid-metal-cooled nuclear reactors

  19. Experimental Investigation – Magnetic Assisted Electro Discharge Machining (United States)

    Kesava Reddy, Chirra; Manzoor Hussain, M.; Satyanarayana, S.; Krishna, M. V. S. Murali


    Emerging technology needs advanced machined parts with high strength and temperature resistance, high fatigue life at low production cost with good surface quality to fit into various industrial applications. Electro discharge machine is one of the extensively used machines to manufacture advanced machined parts which cannot be machined by other traditional machine with high precision and accuracy. Machining of DIN 17350-1.2080 (High Carbon High Chromium steel), using electro discharge machining has been discussed in this paper. In the present investigation an effort is made to use permanent magnet at various positions near the spark zone to improve surface quality of the machined surface. Taguchi methodology is used to obtain optimal choice for each machining parameter such as peak current, pulse duration, gap voltage and Servo reference voltage etc. Process parameters have significant influence on machining characteristics and surface finish. Improvement in surface finish is observed when process parameters are set at optimum condition under the influence of magnetic field at various positions.

  20. Personal Review: Progress and prospect in electro-Fenton process for wastewater treatment

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    JIANG Cheng-chun; ZHANG Jia-fa


    As a novel advanced oxidation process (AOP), electro-Fenton process is powerful for degrading most organic compounds including toxic and non-biodegradable ones, and so has attracted great attention. This paper reviews this process in detail including the mechanism, electrolytic bath, electrode materials, aerations and operation parameters. The application of electro-Fenton method in wastewater treatment is evaluated and summarized. Future work in this field is suggested, and three main directions of new electrode exploitation, development of assisted technologies and mechanistic study should be strengthened.

  1. Electro-Optical Characterization of Bistable Smectic A Liquid Crystal Displays (United States)

    Buyuktanir, Ebru Aylin

    My dissertation focuses the characterization and optimization of the electro-optical properties of smectic A (SmA) based liquid crystal (LC) displays. I present the development of robust and flexible bistable SmA LC displays utilizing polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) technology. The SmA PDLC displays produced on plastic substrates present electrically reversible memory, high contrast ratio, paper-like sunlight readability, and wide viewing angle characteristics. In order to optimize the SmA PDLC display, I investigated polymerization conditions, such as polymer concentration effect, polymerization temperature, and UV-light intensity variations. I characterized the electro-optical responses-such as static-response, time-response, threshold characteristics, and contrast ratio values' of the optimized SmA PDLC display and compared them to those of the pure SmA LC. The best electro-optical performance of SmA PDLC formulation was obtained using the combination of low mW/cm 2 and high mW/cm2 UV-light curing intensity. The contrast ratio of the optimum SmA PDLC at a 5o collection angle was 83% of that of the pure SmA material on plastic substrates. I fabricated 2.5 x 2.5 in., 4 x 4 in., and 6 x 6 in. sized monochrome flexible SmA PDLC displays, as well as red, yellow, and fluorescent dyes colored SmA PDLC displays on plastic substrates. The electro-optic performance of the bistable SmA LC display consisting of a patterned field-induced polymer wall infrastructure was also studied and compared to those of pure SmA material. I found that the contrast ratio of the SmA LC encapsulated between polymer walls was much greater than that of the SmA PDLC system, approaching the contrast ratio value of the pure SmA material. I also improved the electro-optical characteristics of bistable SmA LC displays by adding ferroparticles into the system. Finally, I illustrated the unique capabilities of polarized confocal Raman microscopy (CRM) to resolve the orientational order of Sm

  2. Application of Electro-Fenton Technology to Remediation of Polluted Effluents by Self-Sustaining Process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Ángeles Fernández de Dios


    Full Text Available The applicability of electro-Fenton technology to remediation of wastewater contaminated by several organic pollutants such as dyes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons has been evaluated using iron-enriched zeolite as heterogeneous catalyst. The electro-Fenton technology is an advanced oxidation process that is efficient for the degradation of organic pollutants, but it suffers from the high operating costs due to the need for power investment. For this reason, in this study microbial fuel cells (MFCs were designed in order to supply electricity to electro-Fenton processes and to achieve high treatment efficiency at low cost. Initially, the effect of key parameters on the MFC power generation was evaluated. Afterwards, the degradation of Reactive Black 5 dye and phenanthrene was evaluated in an electro-Fenton reactor, containing iron-enriched zeolite as catalyst, using the electricity supplied by the MFC. Near complete dye decolourization and 78% of phenanthrene degradation were reached after 90 min and 30 h, respectively. Furthermore, preliminary reusability tests of the developed catalyst showed high degradation levels for successive cycles. The results permit concluding that the integrated system is adequate to achieve high treatment efficiency with low electrical consumption.

  3. Application of Electro-Fenton Technology to Remediation of Polluted Effluents by Self-Sustaining Process (United States)

    Fernández de Dios, Maria Ángeles; Iglesias, Olaia; Pazos, Marta; Sanromán, Maria Ángeles


    The applicability of electro-Fenton technology to remediation of wastewater contaminated by several organic pollutants such as dyes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons has been evaluated using iron-enriched zeolite as heterogeneous catalyst. The electro-Fenton technology is an advanced oxidation process that is efficient for the degradation of organic pollutants, but it suffers from the high operating costs due to the need for power investment. For this reason, in this study microbial fuel cells (MFCs) were designed in order to supply electricity to electro-Fenton processes and to achieve high treatment efficiency at low cost. Initially, the effect of key parameters on the MFC power generation was evaluated. Afterwards, the degradation of Reactive Black 5 dye and phenanthrene was evaluated in an electro-Fenton reactor, containing iron-enriched zeolite as catalyst, using the electricity supplied by the MFC. Near complete dye decolourization and 78% of phenanthrene degradation were reached after 90 min and 30 h, respectively. Furthermore, preliminary reusability tests of the developed catalyst showed high degradation levels for successive cycles. The results permit concluding that the integrated system is adequate to achieve high treatment efficiency with low electrical consumption. PMID:24723828

  4. Invariance properties of the Dirac equation with external electro ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    . Introduction. The objective of this short paper is to investigate the invariance properties of the Dirac equation with external electro-magnetic field. There exists a large number of literatures on the problem beginning almost from the formulation ...

  5. Análisis del proceso de corrosión producida en la junta de soldadura de tubería API 5L X70, por el transporte de crudo.


    Cahueñas Cotacachi, Luis Guillermo; Ballesteros Medina, Adolfo Luis


    177 hojas : ilustraciones, 29 x 21 cm + CD-ROM 4132 En el presente tema de tesis se analiza la velocidad de corrosión producida por el agua sedimentada de crudo en la zona interna del cordón de soldadura de una tubería API 5L X70 con electrodos E6010 y E7018. Se utiliza el método experimental mediante una cámara de niebla salina desarrollada para simular el medio corrosivo sobre los que se encuentra trabajando la tubería de oleoducto y soldadura, según los estándares internacionales para l...

  6. Study of copper deposit on a porous electrode of carbon and stainless steel by sem-xrd and image analysis


    Constanzo-R., Robinson; Pagliero-N., Antonio; Vergara-G., Froilán


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativ o de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el inter ior de electrodos porosos (EP) de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se reali zaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de labora torio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme ...

  7. Electro-optical phenomena based on ionic liquids in an optofluidic waveguide. (United States)

    He, Xiaodong; Shao, Qunfeng; Cao, Pengfei; Kong, Weijie; Sun, Jiqian; Zhang, Xiaoping; Deng, Youquan


    An optofluidic waveguide with a simple two-terminal electrode geometry, when filled with an ionic liquid (IL), forms a lateral electric double-layer capacitor under a direct current (DC) electric field, which allows the realization of an extremely high carrier density in the vicinity of the electrode surface and terminals to modulate optical transmission at room temperature under low voltage operation (0 to 4 V). The unique electro-optical phenomenon of ILs was investigated at three wavelengths (663, 1330 and 1530 nm) using two waveguide geometries. Strong electro-optical modulations with different efficiencies were observed at the two near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths, while no detectable modulation was observed at 663 nm. The first waveguide geometry was used to investigate the position-dependent modulation along the waveguide; the strongest modulation was observed in the vicinity of the electrode terminal. The modulation phase is associated with the applied voltage polarity, which increases in the vicinity of the negative electrode and decreases at the positive electrode. The second waveguide geometry was used to improve the modulation efficiency. Meanwhile, the electro-optical modulations of seven ILs were compared at an applied voltage ranging from ±2 V to ±3.5 V. The results reveal that the modulation amplitude and response speed increase with increasing applied voltage, as well as the electrical conductivity of ILs. Despite the fact that the response speed isn't fast due to the high ionic density of ILs, the modulation amplitude can reach up to 6.0 dB when a higher voltage (U = ±3.5 V) is applied for the IL [Emim][BF4]. Finally, the physical explanation of the phenomenon was discussed. The effect of the change in IL structure on the electro-optical phenomena was investigated in another new experiment. The results reveal that the electro-optical phenomenon is probably caused mainly by the change in carrier concentration (ion redistribution near charged

  8. Acetaminophen degradation by electro-Fenton and photoelectro-Fenton using a double cathode electrochemical cell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luna, Mark Daniel G. de; Veciana, Mersabel L.; Su, Chia-Chi; Lu, Ming-Chun


    Highlights: ► The electro-Fenton reactor using a double cathode electrochemical cell was applied. ► The initial Fe 2+ concentration was the most significant parameter for the acetaminophen degradation. ► Thirteen intermediates were identified and a degradation pathway was proposed. - Abstract: Acetaminophen is a widely used drug worldwide and is one of the most frequently detected in bodies of water making it a high priority trace pollutant. This study investigated the applicability of the electro-Fenton and photoelectro-Fenton processes using a double cathode electrochemical cell in the treatment of acetaminophen containing wastewater. The Box–Behnken design was used to determine the effects of initial Fe 2+ and H 2 O 2 concentrations and applied current density. Results showed that all parameters positively affected the degradation efficiency of acetaminophen with the initial Fe 2+ concentration being the most significant parameter for both processes. The acetaminophen removal efficiency for electro-Fenton was 98% and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of 43% while a 97% acetaminophen removal and 42% COD removal were observed for the photoelectro-Fenton method operated at optimum conditions. The electro-Fenton process was only able to obtain 19% total organic carbon (TOC) removal while the photoelectro-Fenton process obtained 20%. Due to negligible difference between the treatment efficiencies of the two processes, the electro-Fenton method was proven to be more economically advantageous. The models obtained from the study were applicable to a wide range of acetaminophen concentrations and can be used in scale-ups. Thirteen different types of intermediates were identified and a degradation pathway was proposed.

  9. Epithelial Fluid Transport is Due to Electro-osmosis (80%), Plus Osmosis (20%). (United States)

    Fischbarg, Jorge; Hernandez, Julio A; Rubashkin, Andrey A; Iserovich, Pavel; Cacace, Veronica I; Kusnier, Carlos F


    Epithelial fluid transport, an important physiological process shrouded in a long-standing enigma, may finally be moving closer to a solution. We propose that, for the corneal endothelium, relative proportions for the driving forces for fluid transport are 80% of paracellular electro-osmosis, and 20% classical transcellular osmosis. These operate in a cyclical process with a period of 9.2 s, which is dictated by the decrease and exhaustion of cellular Na + . Paracellular electro-osmosis is sketched here, and partially discussed as much as the subject still allows; transcellular osmosis is presented at length.

  10. Selection of a Commercial Anode Oxide Coating for Electro-oxidation of Cyanide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lanza Marcos Roberto V.


    Full Text Available This paper presents a study of the performance of two commercial dimensionally stable anode (DSA® oxide coatings in the electrochemical process for cyanide oxidation. The coatings studied were 70TiO2/30RuO2 and 55Ta2O5/45IrO2, on Ti substrate. The efficiency of both materials in the electro-oxidation of free cyanide was compared using linear voltammetry and electrolysis at constant potential. The 70TiO2/30RuO2 electrode shows a better performance in the electro-oxidation of free cyanide.

  11. Optical logic gates based on electro-optic modulation with Sagnac interferometer. (United States)

    Li, Qiliang; Zhu, Mengyun; Li, Dongqiang; Zhang, Zhen; Wei, Yizhen; Hu, Miao; Zhou, Xuefang; Tang, Xianghong


    In this work, we present a new structure to realize optical logic operation in a Sagnac interferometer with electro-optical modulation. In the scheme, we divide two counterpropagation signals in a Sagnac loop to two different arms with the electro-optical crystal by using two circulators. Lithium niobate materials whose electro-optical coefficient can be as large as 32.2×10(-12)  m/V make up the arms of the waveguides. Using the transfer matrix of the fiber coupler, we analyze the propagation of signals in this system and obtain the transmission characteristic curves and the extinction ratio. The results indicate that this optical switching has a high extinction ratio of about 60 dB and an ultrafast response time of 2.036 ns. In addition, the results reveal that the change of the dephasing between the two input signals and the modification of the modulation voltage added to the electro-optical crystal leads to the change of the extinction ratio. We also conclude that, in cases of the dephasing of two initial input signals Δφ=0, we can obtain the various logical operations, such as the logical operations D=A¯·B, D=A·B¯, C=A+B, and D=A⊕B in ports C and D of the system by adjusting the modulation voltage. When Δφ≠0, we obtain the arithmetic operations D=A+B, C=A⊕B, D=A·B¯, and C=A¯·B in ports C and D. This study is significant for the design of all optical networks by adjusting the modulation voltage.

  12. An electro-optic spatial light modulator for thermoelastic generation of programmably focused ultrasound (United States)


    The concept proposed is an electro-optic technique that would make it possible to spatially modulate a high power pulsed laser beam to thermoelastically induce focused ultrasound in a test material. Being a purely electro-optic device, the modulator, and therefore the depth at which the acoustic focus occurs, can be programmed electronically at electronic speeds. If successful, it would become possible to scan ultrasound continuously in three dimensions within the component or structure under test.

  13. Performance of ethanol electro-oxidation on Ni-Cu alloy nanowires through composition modulation. (United States)

    Tian, Xi-Ke; Zhao, Xiao-Yu; Zhang, Li-de; Yang, Chao; Pi, Zhen-Bang; Zhang, Su-Xin


    To reduce the cost of the catalyst for direct ethanol fuel cells and improve its catalytic activity, highly ordered Ni-Cu alloy nanowire arrays have been fabricated successfully by differential pulse current electro-deposition into the pores of a porous anodic alumina membrane (AAMs). The energy dispersion spectrum, scanning and transmission electron microscopy were utilized to characterize the composition and morphology of the Ni-Cu alloy nanowire arrays. The results reveal that the nanowires in the array are uniform, well isolated and parallel to each other. The catalytic activity of the nanowire electrode arrays for ethanol oxidation was tested and the binary alloy nanowire array possesses good catalytic activity for the electro-oxidation of ethanol. The performance of ethanol electro-oxidation was controlled by varying the Cu content in the Ni-Cu alloy and the Ni-Cu alloy nanowire electrode shows much better stability than the pure Ni one.

  14. Performance of ethanol electro-oxidation on Ni-Cu alloy nanowires through composition modulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tian Xike; Zhao Xiaoyu; Yang Chao; Pi Zhenbang; Zhang Lide; Zhang Suxin


    To reduce the cost of the catalyst for direct ethanol fuel cells and improve its catalytic activity, highly ordered Ni-Cu alloy nanowire arrays have been fabricated successfully by differential pulse current electro-deposition into the pores of a porous anodic alumina membrane (AAMs). The energy dispersion spectrum, scanning and transmission electron microscopy were utilized to characterize the composition and morphology of the Ni-Cu alloy nanowire arrays. The results reveal that the nanowires in the array are uniform, well isolated and parallel to each other. The catalytic activity of the nanowire electrode arrays for ethanol oxidation was tested and the binary alloy nanowire array possesses good catalytic activity for the electro-oxidation of ethanol. The performance of ethanol electro-oxidation was controlled by varying the Cu content in the Ni-Cu alloy and the Ni-Cu alloy nanowire electrode shows much better stability than the pure Ni one

  15. Electro-catalytic oxidation of reactive Orange 107 using cerium doped oxides of Nd3+ nanoparticle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rajkumar, K.; Muthukumar, M.; Mangalaraja, R.V.


    A new rare earth doped cerium oxide powder was used as a catalyst to investigate the removal of colour and TOC from simulated wastewater of Reactive Orange 107. The electro oxidation process was carried out in the reactor in presence of an electrolyte NaCl. Graphite electrode was used as anode and cathode and electrolysis were carried out at a current density of 34.96 mAcm -2 with a catalyst concentration of 0.05g L -1 . In order to find the efficiency of nanocatalyst, experiments were also conducted without catalyst. From the experiment, it was found that complete colour removal was achieved on electrocatalytic oxidation as well as electro oxidation. When comparing the above processes, catalytic oxidation shows more efficient than electro oxidation. With respect to the degradation of the dye, catalytic oxidation shows more TOC removal than the oxidation taken place without catalyst. It infers that even though the electro-catalytic oxidation process achieves complete decolouration but it does not achieve complete mineralisation. The FTIR and GCMS studies confirmed the formation of by-products. (author)

  16. Research on intelligent algorithm of electro - hydraulic servo control system (United States)

    Wang, Yannian; Zhao, Yuhui; Liu, Chengtao


    In order to adapt the nonlinear characteristics of the electro-hydraulic servo control system and the influence of complex interference in the industrial field, using a fuzzy PID switching learning algorithm is proposed and a fuzzy PID switching learning controller is designed and applied in the electro-hydraulic servo controller. The designed controller not only combines the advantages of the fuzzy control and PID control, but also introduces the learning algorithm into the switching function, which makes the learning of the three parameters in the switching function can avoid the instability of the system during the switching between the fuzzy control and PID control algorithms. It also makes the switch between these two control algorithm more smoother than that of the conventional fuzzy PID.

  17. Hybrid friction stir welding for dissimilar materials through electro-plastic effect (United States)

    Liu, Xun; Lan, Shuhuai; Ni, Jun


    A hybrid Friction Stir Welding approach and device for dissimilar materials joining employing Electro-Plastic Effect. The approach and device include an introduction of high density, short period current pulses into traditional friction stir welding process, which therefore can generate a localized softened zone in the workpiece during plastic stirring without significant additional temperature increase. This material softened zone is created by high density current pulses based on Electro-Plastic Effect and will move along with the friction stir welding tool. Smaller downward force, larger processing window and better joint quality for dissimilar materials are expected to be achieved through this hybrid welding technique.

  18. Progress in Nano-Electro-Optics III Industrial Applications and Dynamics of the Nano-Optical System

    CERN Document Server

    Ohtsu, Motoichi


    This unique monograph series "Progress in Nano-Electro Optics" reviews the results of advanced studies of electro-optics on the nanometric scale. This third volume covers the most recent topics of theoretical and experimental interest including classical and quantum optics, organic and inorganic material science and technology, surface science, spectroscopy, atom manipulation, photonics, and electronics. Each chapter is written by one or more leading scientists from the relevant field. Thus, high-quality scientific and technical information is provided to scientists, engineers, and students engaged in nano-electro optics and nanophotonics research. The first two volumes addressed the "Basics and Theory of Near Field Optics" (2002) and "Novel Devices and Atom Manipulation" (2003).

  19. Decolorisation of wastewater with a high percentage of indigo by the electro-coagulation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mejia, Claudia; Osorio Victor


    The electrochemical technology has enlarged its participation in the industry and it has been developed quickly like a strong and competitive alternative in an important number of processes; in the last years, one that is developing with force is the treatment of industrial effluents. In many cases, these methods are advantageous for their low or null consumption of reagents, what makes them environmentally attractiveness; this treatment technique uses as matter a clean reagent it prevails: the electric power. The fading is generally obtained by electro-oxidation with non-soluble anodes or for electro-coagulation with soluble anodes in those that the hydroxides of the metal resultants adsorbent the coloring. The purpose of this work is discoloring the residual waters of an industrial laundry by means of electro-coagulation

  20. Development of electro fused aggregates for use in refractories for the burning zone of cement kilns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, Luis Leonardo Horne Curimbaba


    Electro fused aggregates are largely used in refractory production due to the better performance reached when they are employed. In this work electro fused aggregates were designed for application in refractories for the burning zone of cement kilns. Initially reaction evaluation was conducted aiming the identification of the most prone refractory systems when single refractory phases react with Portland cement phases at high temperatures. In the next step, raw materials of the best refractory systems were electro fused to generate different aggregate compositions. The electro fused aggregates properties were evaluated and the classified ones were used to produce refractory bricks for the burning zone of cement kilns. General characteristics of these bricks were measured and compared with a standard magnesia-spinel refractory. Aggregates of the system Mg O - TiO 2 - Ca O, more specifically aggregates belonged to the compatibility triangle Mg O - Mg 2 TiO 4 - CaTiO 3 , showed suitable characteristics for development of refractories for the burning zone cement kilns. (author)

  1. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  2. Newly designed PdRuBi/N-Graphene catalysts with synergistic effects for enhanced ethylene glycol electro-oxidation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Tengfei; Huang, Yiyin; Ding, Kui; Wu, Peng; Abbas, Syed Comail; Ghausi, Muhammad Arsalan; Zhang, Teng; Wang, Yaobing


    Graphical abstract: We rationally design and synthesize a ternary PdRuBi/NG catalyst with significantly enhanced catalytic activity with synergetic effect of Ru and Bi towards ethylene glycol electro-oxidation. - Abstract: Palladium (Pd)-based catalysts are appealing electro-catalysts for alcohol oxidation reaction in fuel cell, but still not efficient as the complicated oxidation process and sluggish kinetic. Here we rationally design and synthesize a PdRuBi/NG tri-metallic catalyst with space synergetic effect for enhanced ethylene glycol electro-oxidation, in which both Ru and Bi in the catalyst are synergistic effective in promoting catalytic activity of Pd catalytic interlayer by electronic effect and surface modification mechanism respectively. It shows 4.2 times higher peak current density towards ethylene glycol electro-oxidation than commercial Pd/C catalyst, and the catalytic durability is also greatly improved.

  3. Nano wire conductance experiments above and below the reservoirs Curie temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Costa-Kraemer, J. L.; Briones, F. [Instituto de Microelectronica de Madrid, Madrid (Spain); Serena, P. A. [Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid, Madrid (Spain)


    The transport properties of Ni nano wires are studied using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) under clean high vacuum conditions. A basically flat nano wire conductance histogram is found independently of the magnetic state of the electrodes. This agrees with our previous studies in air but disagrees with recently published results. The possible origin of these discrepancies, together with additional experiments trying to discern the existence of a spin-dependent conductance in ferromagnetic nano wires, are presented. [Spanish] Las propiedades de transporte de nanoalambres de Ni son estudiadas usando un microscopio de efecto tunel bajo condiciones limpias de alto vacio. Se encuentra un histograma esencialmente plano independiente del estado magnetico de los electrodos. Esto concuerda con nuestros estudios previos en aire pero contrasta con resultados publicados recientemente. Se presentara una discusion sobre el posible origen experimental de estas discrepancias, con el fin de discernir sobre la existencia de una conductancia dependiente del espin en nanoalambres ferromagneticos.

  4. Methanol Electro-Oxidation on Pt-Ru Alloy Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon Nanotubes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yangchuan Xing


    Full Text Available Carbon nanotubes (CNTs have been investigated in recent years as a catalyst support for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Improved catalyst activities were observed and attributed to metal-support interactions. We report a study on the kinetics of methanol electro-oxidation on CNT supported Pt-Ru alloy nanoparticles. Alloy catalysts with different compositions, Pt53Ru47/CNT, Pt69Ru31/CNT and Pt77Ru23/CNT, were prepared and investigated in detail. Experiments were conducted at various temperatures, electrode potentials, and methanol concentrations. It was found that the reaction order of methanol electro-oxidation on the PtRu/CNT catalysts was consistent with what has been reported for PtRu alloys with a value of 0.5 in methanol concentrations. However, the electro-oxidation reaction on the PtRu/CNT catalysts displayed much lower activation energies than that on the Pt-Ru alloy catalysts unsupported or supported on carbon black (PtRu/CB. This study provides an overall kinetic evaluation of the PtRu/CNT catalysts and further demonstrates the beneficial role of CNTs.

  5. Modification and Performance Evaluation of a Low Cost Electro-Mechanically Operated Creep Testing Machine


    John J. MOMOH; Lanre Y. SHUAIB-BABATA; Gabriel O. ADELEGAN


    Existing mechanically operated tensile and creep testing machine was modified to a low cost, electro-mechanically operated creep testing machine capable of determining the creep properties of aluminum, lead and thermoplastic materials as a function of applied stress, time and temperature. The modification of the testing machine was necessitated by having an electro-mechanically operated creep testing machine as a demonstration model ideal for use and laboratory demonstrations, which will prov...

  6. Electro-optical properties of tetragonal KNbO 3

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Linear electro-optical tensor coefficients and optical susceptibility of tetragonal KNbO3 are calculated using a formalism based on bond charge theory. Results are in close agreement with the experimental data. The covalent Nb–O bonding network comprising the distorted NbO6 octahedral groups in the structure is found to ...

  7. Electro-precipitation of magnetite nanoparticles: an electrochemical study


    Ibrahim, Mona; Groenen-Serrano, Karine; Noé, Laure; Garcia, Cécile; Verelst, Marc


    Nanoparticles of magnetites (Fe3O4) are synthesized with a new process based on electro-precipitation in ethanol medium. A mechanism pathway is proposed consisting of a Fe(OH)3 precipitation followed by the reduction of iron hydroxide to magnetite in the presence of hydroxyl ions which are enerated at the cathode.

  8. A methodology for identification and control of electro-mechanical actuators. (United States)

    Tutunji, Tarek A; Saleem, Ashraf


    Mechatronic systems are fully-integrated engineering systems that are composed of mechanical, electronic, and computer control sub-systems. These integrated systems use electro-mechanical actuators to cause the required motion. Therefore, the design of appropriate controllers for these actuators are an essential step in mechatronic system design. In this paper, a three-stage methodology for real-time identification and control of electro-mechanical actuator plants is presented, tested, and validated. First, identification models are constructed from experimental data to approximate the plants' response. Second, the identified model is used in a simulation environment for the purpose of designing a suitable controller. Finally, the designed controller is applied and tested on the real plant through Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) environment. The described three-stage methodology provides the following practical contributions: •Establishes an easy-to-follow methodology for controller design of electro-mechanical actuators.•Combines off-line and on-line controller design for practical performance.•Modifies the HIL concept by using physical plants with computer control (rather than virtual plants with physical controllers). Simulated and experimental results for two case studies, induction motor and vehicle drive system, are presented in order to validate the proposed methodology. These results showed that electromechanical actuators can be identified and controlled using an easy-to-duplicate and flexible procedure.

  9. Electro-optical logic gates based on graphene-silicon waveguides (United States)

    Chen, Weiwei; Yang, Longzhi; Wang, Pengjun; Zhang, Yawei; Zhou, Liqiang; Yang, Tianjun; Wang, Yang; Yang, Jianyi


    In this paper, designs of electro-optical AND/NAND, OR/ NOR, XOR/XNOR logic gates based on cascaded silicon graphene switches and regular 2×1 multimode interference combiners are presented. Each switch consists of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer in which silicon slot waveguides embedded with graphene flakes are designed for phase shifters. High-speed switching function is achieved by applying an electrical signal to tune the Fermi levels of graphene flakes causing the variation of modal effective index. Calculation results show the crosstalk in the proposed optical switch is lower than -22.9 dB within a bandwidth from 1510 nm to 1600 nm. The designed six electro-optical logic gates with the operation speed of 10 Gbit/s have a minimum extinction ratio of 35.6 dB and a maximum insertion loss of 0.21 dB for transverse electric modes at 1.55 μm.

  10. Pressure control valve using proportional electro-magnetic solenoid actuator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yun, So Nam; Ham, Young Bog; Park, Pyoung Won


    This paper presents an experimental characteristics of electro-hydraulic proportional pressure control valve. In this study, poppet and valve body which are assembled into the proportional solenoid were designed and manufactured. The constant force characteristics of proportional solenoid actuator in the control region should be independent of the plunger position in order to be used to control the valve position in the fluid flow control system. The stroke-force characteristics of the proportional solenoid actuator is determined by the shape (or parameters) of the control cone. In this paper, steady state and transient characteristics of the solenoid actuator for electro-hydraulic proportional valve are analyzed using finite element method and it is confirmed that the proportional solenoid actuator has a constant attraction force in the control region independently on the stroke position. The effects of the parameters such as control cone length, thickness and taper length are also discussed

  11. Simulations of induced-charge electro-osmosis in microfluidic devices (United States)

    Ben, Yuxing


    Theories of nonlinear electrokinetic phenomena generally assume a uniform, neutral bulk electroylte in contact with a polarizable thin double layer near a metal or dielectric surface, which acts as a "capacitor skin". Induced-charge electro-osmosis (ICEO) is the general effect of nonlinear electro-osmotic slip, when an applied electric field acts on its own induced (diffuse) double-layer charge. In most theoretical and experimental work, ICEO has been studied in very simple geometries, such as colloidal spheres and planar, periodic micro-electrode arrays. Here we use finite-element simulations to predict how more complicated geometries of polarizable surfaces and/or electrodes yield flow profiles with subtle dependence on the amplitude and frequency of the applied voltage. We also consider how the simple model equations break down, due to surface conduction, bulk diffusion, and concentration polarization, for large applied voltages (as in most experiments).

  12. The concept of the double-purpose electro-nuclear facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergelson, B.P.; Balyuk, S.A. [Institute of theoretical and experimental physics, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    The parameters have been determined on a conceptual level of the electro-nuclear facility intended for electric power generation and minor actinide transmutation. Electro-nuclear facilities (ENFs) have been developed without apparent success for many years. The main difficulties are associated with high accelerator cost and absence of their own clearly defined place for ENFs in the nuclear-power complex. In recent years, however, the situation has changed in many aspects in connection with the rise in safety requirements for nuclear power industry and because of the necessity to decrease the equilibrium level of the long-lived radiotoxicity in particular. In the authors opinion double-purpose ENFs designed for power generation and tansmutation of minor actinides are promising. The results of conceptual investigations for such a facility being operated on liquid fuel in the condition of a uranium-plutonium fuel cycle are given here.

  13. Biotechnological advances in neuro-electro-stimulation for the treatment of hyposalivation and xerostomia. (United States)

    Lafaurie, Gloria; Fedele, Stefano; López, Rafael Martín-Granizo; Wolff, Andy; Strietzel, Frank; Porter, Stephen R; Konttinen, Yrjö T


    Treatment of xerostomia is a common clinical challenge in the oral medicine practice. Although some treatments have been used to improve the symptoms of xerostomia, none is completely satisfactory for the patients who suffer of this alteration. In the last years non-pharmacological treatments based on electro-stimulation for the treatment of xerostomia have been developed. This review is aimed at presenting new developments for the treatment of xerostomia, applying neuro-electro-stimulation by miniaturized intra-oral electro-stimulators. These devices increase salivary secretion and improve symptoms of oral dryness. Their effect is obtained by means of stimulation of the lingual nerve, in whose proximity the electrodes of the apparatus are placed. The objective of this mechanism is both to directly stimulate the salivary glands controlled by that nerve and to enhance the salivary reflex. Clinical studies have been carried out that have demonstrated the wetting effect of the method described in this article.

  14. High-Q photonic resonators and electro-optic coupling using silicon-on-lithium-niobate (United States)

    Witmer, Jeremy D.; Valery, Joseph A.; Arrangoiz-Arriola, Patricio; Sarabalis, Christopher J.; Hill, Jeff T.; Safavi-Naeini, Amir H.


    Future quantum networks, in which superconducting quantum processors are connected via optical links, will require microwave-to-optical photon converters that preserve entanglement. A doubly-resonant electro-optic modulator (EOM) is a promising platform to realize this conversion. Here, we present our progress towards building such a modulator by demonstrating the optically-resonant half of the device. We demonstrate high quality (Q) factor ring, disk and photonic crystal resonators using a hybrid silicon-on-lithium-niobate material system. Optical Q factors up to 730,000 are achieved, corresponding to propagation loss of 0.8 dB/cm. We also use the electro-optic effect to modulate the resonance frequency of a photonic crystal cavity, achieving a electro-optic modulation coefficient between 1 and 2 pm/V. In addition to quantum technology, we expect that our results will be useful both in traditional silicon photonics applications and in high-sensitivity acousto-optic devices.

  15. Acetaminophen degradation by electro-Fenton and photoelectro-Fenton using a double cathode electrochemical cell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luna, Mark Daniel G. de [Department of Chemical Engineering, University of the Philippines, 1011 Diliman, Quezon City (Philippines); Environmental Engineering Graduate Program, University of the Philippines, 1011 Diliman, Quezon City (Philippines); Veciana, Mersabel L. [Environmental Engineering Graduate Program, University of the Philippines, 1011 Diliman, Quezon City (Philippines); Su, Chia-Chi [Department of Environmental Resources Management, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan 717, Taiwan (China); Lu, Ming-Chun, E-mail: [Department of Environmental Resources Management, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan 717, Taiwan (China)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The electro-Fenton reactor using a double cathode electrochemical cell was applied. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The initial Fe{sup 2+} concentration was the most significant parameter for the acetaminophen degradation. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Thirteen intermediates were identified and a degradation pathway was proposed. - Abstract: Acetaminophen is a widely used drug worldwide and is one of the most frequently detected in bodies of water making it a high priority trace pollutant. This study investigated the applicability of the electro-Fenton and photoelectro-Fenton processes using a double cathode electrochemical cell in the treatment of acetaminophen containing wastewater. The Box-Behnken design was used to determine the effects of initial Fe{sup 2+} and H{sub 2}O{sub 2} concentrations and applied current density. Results showed that all parameters positively affected the degradation efficiency of acetaminophen with the initial Fe{sup 2+} concentration being the most significant parameter for both processes. The acetaminophen removal efficiency for electro-Fenton was 98% and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of 43% while a 97% acetaminophen removal and 42% COD removal were observed for the photoelectro-Fenton method operated at optimum conditions. The electro-Fenton process was only able to obtain 19% total organic carbon (TOC) removal while the photoelectro-Fenton process obtained 20%. Due to negligible difference between the treatment efficiencies of the two processes, the electro-Fenton method was proven to be more economically advantageous. The models obtained from the study were applicable to a wide range of acetaminophen concentrations and can be used in scale-ups. Thirteen different types of intermediates were identified and a degradation pathway was proposed.

  16. High Temperature Electro-Mechanical Devices For Nuclear Applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robertson, D.


    Nuclear power plants require a number of electro-mechanical devices, for example, Control Rod Drive Mechanisms (CRDM's) to control the raising and lowering of control rods and Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCP's) to circulate the primary coolant. There are potential benefits in locating electro-mechanical components in areas of the plant with high ambient temperatures. One such benefit is the reduced need to make penetrations in pressure vessels leading to simplified plant design and improved inherent safety. The feature that limits the ambient temperature at which most electrical machines may operate is the material used for the electrical insulation of the machine windings. Conventional electrical machines generally use polymer-based insulation that limits the ambient temperature they can operate in to below 200 degrees Celsius. This means that when a conventional electrical machine is required to operate in a hot area it must be actively cooled necessitating additional systems. This paper presents data gathered during investigations undertaken by Rolls-Royce into the design of high temperature electrical machines. The research was undertaken at Rolls-Royce's University Technology Centre in Advanced Electrical Machines and Drives at Sheffield University. Rolls- Royce has also been investigating high temperature wire and encapsulants and latterly techniques to provide high temperature insulation to terminations. Rolls-Royce used the experience gained from these tests to produce a high temperature electrical linear actuator at sizes representative of those used in reactor systems. This machine was tested successfully at temperatures equivalent to those found inside the reactor vessel of a pressurised water reactor through a full series of operations that replicated in service duty. The paper will conclude by discussing the impact of the findings and potential electro-mechanical designs that may utilise such high temperature technologies. (authors)

  17. Nitrate removal by electro-bioremediation technology in Korean soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Jeong-Hee; Maruthamuthu, Sundaram; Lee, Hyun-Goo; Ha, Tae-Hyun; Bae, Jeong-Hyo


    The nitrate concentration of surface has become a serious concern in agricultural industry through out the world. In the present study, nitrate was removed in the soil by employing electro-bioremediation, a hybrid technology of bioremediation and electrokinetics. The abundance of Bacillus spp. as nitrate reducing bacteria were isolated and identified from the soil sample collected from a greenhouse at Jinju City of Gyengsangnamdo, South Korea. The nitrate reducing bacterial species were identified by 16 s RNA sequencing technique. The efficiency of bacterial isolates on nitrate removal in broth was tested. The experiment was conducted in an electrokinetic (EK) cell by applying 20 V across the electrodes. The nitrate reducing bacteria (Bacillus spp.) were inoculated in the soil for nitrate removal process by the addition of necessary nutrient. The influence of nitrate reducers on electrokinetic process was also studied. The concentration of nitrate at anodic area of soil was higher when compared to cathode in electrokinetic system, while adding bacteria in EK (EK + bio) system, the nitrate concentration was almost nil in all the area of soil. The bacteria supplies electron from organic degradation (humic substances) and enhances NO 3 - reduction (denitrification). Experimental results showed that the electro-bio kinetic process viz. electroosmosis and physiological activity of bacteria reduced nitrate in soil environment effectively. Involvement of Bacillus spp. on nitrification was controlled by electrokinetics at cathode area by reduction of ammonium ions to nitrogen gas. The excellence of the combined electro-bio kinetics technology on nitrate removal is discussed.

  18. Electro pneumatic trainer embedded with programmable integrated circuit (PIC) microcontroller and graphical user interface platform for aviation industries training purposes (United States)

    Burhan, I.; Azman, A. A.; Othman, R.


    An electro pneumatic trainer embedded with programmable integrated circuit (PIC) microcontroller and Visual Basic (VB) platform is fabricated as a supporting tool to existing teaching and learning process, and to achieve the objectives and learning outcomes towards enhancing the student's knowledge and hands-on skill, especially in electro pneumatic devices. The existing learning process for electro pneumatic courses conducted in the classroom does not emphasize on simulation and complex practical aspects. VB is used as the platform for graphical user interface (GUI) while PIC as the interface circuit between the GUI and hardware of electro pneumatic apparatus. Fabrication of electro pneumatic trainer interfacing between PIC and VB has been designed and improved by involving multiple types of electro pneumatic apparatus such as linear drive, air motor, semi rotary motor, double acting cylinder and single acting cylinder. Newly fabricated electro pneumatic trainer microcontroller interface can be programmed and re-programmed for numerous combination of tasks. Based on the survey to 175 student participants, 97% of the respondents agreed that the newly fabricated trainer is user friendly, safe and attractive, and 96.8% of the respondents strongly agreed that there is improvement in knowledge development and also hands-on skill in their learning process. Furthermore, the Lab Practical Evaluation record has indicated that the respondents have improved their academic performance (hands-on skills) by an average of 23.5%.

  19. Response of multiphase magneto-electro-elastic sensors under ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The finite element formulation for coupled magneto-electro-elastic sensor bonded to a mild steel beam with plane stress assumption is presented in this paper. The beam is subjected to harmonic excitation with a point load at tip and a uniformly distributed load along the bottom surface of the mild steel beam. Numerical ...

  20. Lambda polarization in association K+ -Lambda electro-production

    CERN Document Server

    Teodorescu, L; Angelescu, T; Baker, O K; Ent, R; Guidal, M; Laget, J M; Mitchell, J; Niculescu, G; Vanderhaeghen, V; William, R


    The result of a feasibility study to measure the Lambda polarization in associated K+ -Lambda electro production is presented. This measurement was performed in the experimental Hall C at Jefferson Lab. The scattered electron was detected in the HMS spectrometer, and the electro-produced kaon and the proton from the Lambda -> ppi- decay were both detected in the SOS spectrometer. This quantity is very sensitive to the elementary p(e,e'K) [capital Lambda, Greek] process and gives information on resonance production, and Regge exchange, among others. The result presented was measured at Q2=1.50 (GeV/c)2 and cos [straight theta, small theta, Greek] K [small gamma, Greek] CM=14 sup o. The limits of the [capital Lambda, Greek] polarization, with respect to the p [small gamma, Greek] x pK axis, were found to be -0.21 and +0.89 with a confidence level of 68%. The result is compared to theoretical predictions based on an effective hadronic field Lagrangian model and a Regge framework model.

  1. Theoretical prediction of fast 3D AC electro-osmotic pumps. (United States)

    Bazant, Martin Z; Ben, Yuxing


    AC electro-osmotic (ACEO) pumps in microfluidics currently involve planar electrode arrays, but recent work on the underlying phenomenon of induced-charge electro-osmosis (ICEO) suggests that three-dimensional (3D) geometries may be exploited to achieve faster flows. In this paper, we present some new design principles for periodic 3D ACEO pumps, such as the "fluid conveyor belt" of ICEO flow over a stepped electrode array. Numerical simulations of these designs (using the standard low-voltage model) predict flow rates almost twenty times faster than existing planar ACEO pumps, for the same applied voltage and minimum feature size. These pumps may enable new portable or implantable lab-on-a-chip devices, since rather fast (mm s(-1)), tuneable flows should be attainable with battery voltages (<10 V).

  2. Topology and shape optimization of induced-charge electro-osmotic micropumps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregersen, Misha Marie; Okkels, Fridolin; Bazant, M. Z.


    For a dielectric solid surrounded by an electrolyte and positioned inside an externally biased parallel-plate capacitor, we study numerically how the resulting induced-charge electro-osmotic (ICEO) flow depends on the topology and shape of the dielectric solid. In particular, we extend existing...... conventional electrokinetic models with an artificial design field to describe the transition from the liquid electrolyte to the solid dielectric. Using this design field, we have succeeded in applying the method of topology optimization to find system geometries with non-trivial topologies that maximize...... the net induced electro-osmotic flow rate through the electrolytic capacitor in the direction parallel to the capacitor plates. Once found, the performance of the topology-optimized geometries has been validated by transferring them to conventional electrokinetic models not relying on the artificial...

  3. Micro electro-mechanical heater (United States)

    Oh, Yunje; Asif, Syed Amanulla Syed; Cyrankowski, Edward; Warren, Oden Lee


    A sub-micron scale property testing apparatus including a test subject holder and heating assembly. The assembly includes a holder base configured to couple with a sub-micron mechanical testing instrument and electro-mechanical transducer assembly. The assembly further includes a test subject stage coupled with the holder base. The test subject stage is thermally isolated from the holder base. The test subject stage includes a stage subject surface configured to receive a test subject, and a stage plate bracing the stage subject surface. The stage plate is under the stage subject surface. The test subject stage further includes a heating element adjacent to the stage subject surface, the heating element is configured to generate heat at the stage subject surface.

  4. Uranium-Molybdenum particles produced by electro-erosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cabanillas, Edgardo D.; Lopez, Marisol; Pasqualini, Enrique E.; Lombardo, D. J. C.


    We have produced spheroidal U-Mo particles by the electro-erosion method using pure water as dielectric. The particles were characterised by optical metallography, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS-EDAX) and X-ray diffraction. Spheroidal UO 2 particles with a peculiar distribution size were obtained with two distribution centred at 10 and 70 μm. The obtained particles have central inclusions of U and Mo compounds. (author)

  5. Hydrogen bonding intermolecular effect on electro-optical response of doped 6PCH nematic liquid crystal with some azo dyes (United States)

    Kiani, S.; Zakerhamidi, M. S.; Tajalli, H.


    Previous studies on the electro-optical responses of dye-doped liquid crystal have shown that dopant material have a considerable effect on their electro-optical responses. Despite the studies carried out on electro-optical properties of dye-doped liquid crystal, no attention has been paid to study of the interaction and structural effects in this procedure. In this paper, linear dyes and with similar structure were selected as dopants. The only difference in used dyes is the functional groups in their tails. So, doping of these dyes into liquid crystals determines the influence of interaction type on electro-optical behaviours of the doped systems. Therefore, in this work, two aminoazobenzene (;A-dye;: hydrogen bond donor) and dimethyl-aminoazobenzene (;B-dye;) dyes with different compositional percentages in liquid crystal host were used. Electro-optical Kerr behaviour, the pre-transition temperature and third order nonlinear susceptibility were investigated. The obtained results effectively revealed that type of interactions between the dye and liquid crystal is determinative of behavioral difference of doped system, compared to pure liquid crystal. Also, pre-transitional behaviour and thereupon Kerr electro-optical responses were affected by formed interactions into doped systems. In other words, it will be shown that addition of any dopants in liquid crystal, regardless of the nature of interactions, cannot cause appropriate electro-optical responses. In fact, type of dye, nature of interactions between dopant and liquid crystalline host as well as concentration of dye are the key factors in selecting the appropriate liquid crystal and dopant dye.

  6. Applied electro-optics educational and training program with multiple entrance and exit pathways (United States)

    Scott, Patricia; Zhou, Feng; Zilic, Dorothy


    This paper presents an innovative hands-on training program designed to create a pipeline of highly-skilled technical workers for today's workforce economy. The 2+2+2 Pennsylvania Integrated Workforce Leadership Program in Electro-Optics prepares students for a career in this new high-tech field. With seamless transition from high school into college, the program offers the versatility of multiple entrance and exit pathways. After completion of each educational level, students can exit the program with various skill levels, including certificates, an associate's degree, or a bachelor's degree. Launched by Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) in partnership with Lenape Vocational School (Lenape), the 2+2+2 educational pathway program was implemented to promote early training of high-school students. During the first level, students in their junior and/or senior year enroll in four Electro-Optics courses at Lenape. Upon completion of these courses and an Advanced Placement Equivalency course with an appropriate exam score, students can earn a certificate from Lenape for the 15+ credits, which also can be articulated into IUP's associate degree program in Electro-Optics. During the second level, students can earn an associate's degree in Electro-Optics, offered only at the IUP Northpointe Campus. After completion of the Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.), students are prepared to enter the workforce as senior technicians. During the third level, students who have completed the Associate of Science (A.S.) in Electro-Optics have the opportunity to matriculate at IUP's Indiana Campus to earn a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Applied Physics with a track in Electro-Optics. Hence, the name 2+2+2 refers to getting started in high school, continuing the educational experience with an associate's degree program, and optionally moving on to a bachelor's degree. Consequently, students move from one educational level to the next with advanced credits toward the next

  7. Electro-optical fuel pin identification system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirchner, T.L.


    A prototype Electro-Optical Fuel Pin Identification System referred to as the Fuel Pin Identification System (FPIS) has been developed by the Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory (HEDL) in support of the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) presently under construction at HEDL. The system is designed to remotely read an alpha-numeric identification number that is roll stamped on the top of the fuel pin end cap. The prototype FPIS consists of four major subassemblies: optical read head, digital compression electronics, video display, and line printer

  8. Electro-activation of sweet defatted whey: Impact on the induced Maillard reaction products and bioactive peptides. (United States)

    Kareb, Ourdia; Gomaa, Ahmed; Champagne, Claude P; Jean, Julie; Aïder, Mohammed


    Electro-activation was used to add value to sweet defatted whey. This study aimed to investigate and to characterize the bioactive compounds formed under different electro-activation conditions by molecular and proteomic approaches. The effects of electric current intensity (400, 500 or 600mA) and whey concentration (7, 14 or 21% (w/v)) as a function of the electro-activation time (0, 15, 30 or 45min) were evaluated. The targeted dependent variables were the formation of Maillard reaction products (MRPs), protein hydrolysates and glycated compounds. It was shown that the MRPs derived from electro-activated whey at a concentration of 14% had the highest potential of biological activity. SDS-PAGE analyses indicated the formation of hydrolysates and glycated compounds with different molecular weight distributions. FTIR indicated the predominance of intermediate MRPs, such as the Schiff base compounds. LC-MS/MS and proteomics analysis showed the production of multi-functional bioactive peptides due to the hydrolysis of whey proteins. Crown Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Renal arteriovenous fistula: A rare complication of electro-hydraulic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A 62-year-old man with type 1 Von Willebrand's disease was electively admitted to a Northern Ireland district general hospital for endoscopic management of a 1 cm right lower pole calculus. After pre-operative administration of appropriate haematological factors, flexible ureteroscopic electro-hydraulic lithotripsy (EHL).

  10. Electro-Catalysis System for Biodiesel Synthesis from Palm Oil over Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Plasma Reactor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Istadi Istadi


    Full Text Available Biodiesel synthesis reaction routes from palm oil using plasma electro-catalysis process over Dielectric-Barrier Discharge (DBD plasma reactor were studied. The study was focused on finding possible reaction mechanism route during plasma electro-catalysis process. The prediction was performed based on the changes of Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS and Fourier Transform Infra Red (FT-IR analyses to the biodiesel products with respect to time length of plasma treatment. It was found that main reaction mechanism occurred in the plasma electro-catalysis system was non-thermal pyrolysis rather than transesterification. The main reactions within the plasma treatment were due to collision between high energetic electrons (supplied from high voltage power supply through high voltage electrode and the reaction mixtures. The high energetic electrons affected the electrons pair of covalent bonding to be excited or dissociated even ionized at higher energy. Therefore, this plasma electro-catalysis system was promising for biodiesel synthesis from vegetable oils due to only very short time reaction was needed, even no need a catalyst, no soap formation, and no glycerol by-product. This system could produce fatty acid methyl ester yield of 75.65% at 120 seconds and other possible chemicals, such as alkynes, alkanes, esters, carboxylic acid, and aldehydes. However, during the plasma process, the reaction mechanisms were still difficult to be controlled due the action of available high energetic electrons. The advanced studies on how to control the reaction mechanism selectively in the plasma electro-catalysis will be published elsewhere. © 2014 BCREC UNDIP. All rights reservedReceived: 23rd January 2014; Revised: 20th March 2014; Accepted: 23rd March 2014[How to Cite: Istadi, I., Yudhistira, A.D., Anggoro, D.D., Buchori, L. (2014. Electro-Catalysis System for Biodiesel Synthesis from Palm Oil over Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Plasma Reactor

  11. A Fabry-Pérot electro-optic sensing system using a drive-current-tuned wavelength laser diode. (United States)

    Kuo, Wen-Kai; Wu, Pei-Yu; Lee, Chang-Ching


    A Fabry-Pérot enhanced electro-optic sensing system that utilizes a drive-current-tuned wavelength laser diode is presented. An electro-optic prober made of LiNbO(3) crystal with an asymmetric Fabry-Pérot cavity is used in this system. To lock the wavelength of the laser diode at resonant condition, a closed-loop power control scheme is proposed. Experiment results show that the system can keep the electro-optic prober at high sensitivity for a long working time when the closed-loop control function is on. If this function is off, the sensitivity may be fluctuated and only one-third of the best level in the worst case.

  12. The effect of number of nano structural coating containing Ti and Ru created by electro deposition (United States)

    Ardi, Simin; Asl, Shahin Khamene; Hoseini, Mirghasem; Pouladvand, Iman


    TiO2 and RuO2 have many applications in the field of photocataliysis, environmental protection, high charge storage capacity devices and etc. Electro deposition offers advantages such as rigid control of film thickness, uniformity and deposition rate. Electro deposition of RuO2-TiO2 coatings on Ti substrates was performed via hydrolysis by electro generated based of TiCl4 and RuCl3 salts dissolved in mixed methyl alcohol-water solvent in presence of hydrogen peroxide for one, three and six layer. The obtained coatings have been heated in electric furnace at 500 ˚C. Results show that coating with six layers on Ti substrate is the useful coating

  13. Electro-smog; Elektrosmog. Ein Thema in aller Munde, doch viele Quellen sind wenig bekannt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thalmann, K. [Ecosens AG, Wallisellen (Switzerland); Gugler, M. [Schaffner EMV AG, Luterbach (Switzerland)


    This article deals with the topic of electro-smog - the non-ionising radiation produced by technical installations in low and high-frequency ranges. Various sources such as mobile telephones, radio and television and newer sources such as WLAN and Bluetooth are discussed. The correct installation of electrical circuits in buildings is considered as being a simple and effective means of reducing mains-frequency electro-smog. Effects on human beings are discussed and regulations concerning protection against non-ionising radiation are examined. The fact that certain electrical and magnetic fields such as those caused by cookers, vacuum cleaners and hair-dryers are short term, whereas radio-alarms, laptops and charging stations are quasi-continuous sources. Also the placing of boilers and refrigerators is considered. The specific absorption rate (SAR) value for mobile telephones is also looked at and recommendations are made on keeping distance to electro-magnetic sources.

  14. Maximising electro-mechanical response by minimising grain-scale strain heterogeneity in phase-change actuator ceramics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oddershede, Jette; Hossain, Mohammad Jahangir; Daniels, John E.


    Phase-change actuator ceramics directly couple electrical and mechanical energies through an electric-field-induced phase transformation. These materials are promising for the replacement of the most common electro-mechanical ceramic, lead zirconate titanate, which has environmental concerns. Here......, we show that by compositional modification, we reduce the grain-scale heterogeneity of the electro-mechanical response by 40%. In the materials investigated, this leads to an increase in the achievable electric-field-induced strain of the bulk ceramic of 45%. Compositions of (100-x)Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-(x...... heterogeneity can be achieved by precise control of the lattice distortions and orientation distributions of the induced phases. The current results can be used to guide the design of next generation high-strain electro-mechanical ceramic actuator materials....

  15. A review of electro analytical determinations of some important elements (Zn, Se, As) in environmental samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lichiang; James, B.D.; Magee, R.J.


    This review covers electro analytical methods reported in the literature for the determination of zinc, cadmium, selenium and arsenic in environmental and biological samples. A comprehensive survey of electro analytical techniques used for the determination of four important elements, i.e. zinc, cadmium, selenium and arsenic is reported herein with 322 references up to 1990. (Orig./A.B.)

  16. Postgraduate education on electro-active polymers at Southern Denmark University (United States)

    Jones, Richard W.


    A recently introduced elective to the Master's of Science in Mechatronics program at Southern Denmark University, entitled 'Mechatronics: Design and Build' concentrates on some of the interdisciplinary aspects of Mechatronics Engineering. The 'Motion Control of Mechatronic Devices' is the main theme of this elective. Within this 'theme' the modelling, identification and compensation of nonlinear effects such as friction, stiction and hysteresis are considered. One of the most important components of the elective considers 'Smart Materials' and their use for actuation purposes. The theory, modelling and properties of piezoceramics. magneto- and electro- rheological fluids and dielectric electro active polymers (DEAP) are introduced in the 'Smart Materials' component. This paper initially reviews the laboratory experiments that have been developed for the dielectric electro active polymer section of the 'Mechatronics: Design and Build' elective. In lectures the students are introduced to the basic theory and fabrication of tubular actuators, that use DEAP material based on smart compliant electrode technology. In the laboratory the students to (a) carry out a series of experiments to characterise the tubular actuators, and (b) design a closed-loop position controller and test the performance of the controlled actuator for both step changes in desired position and periodic input reference signals. The last part of this contribution reviews some of the DEAP-based demonstration devices that been developed by Danfoss PolyPower A/S using their PolyPowerTM material which utilizes smart compliant electrode technology.

  17. Nano-opto-electro-mechanical systems (United States)

    Midolo, Leonardo; Schliesser, Albert; Fiore, Andrea


    A new class of hybrid systems that couple optical, electrical and mechanical degrees of freedom in nanoscale devices is under development in laboratories worldwide. These nano-opto-electro-mechanical systems (NOEMS) offer unprecedented opportunities to control the flow of light in nanophotonic structures, at high speed and low power consumption. Drawing on conceptual and technological advances from the field of optomechanics, they also bear the potential for highly efficient, low-noise transducers between microwave and optical signals, in both the classical and the quantum domains. This Perspective discusses the fundamental physical limits of NOEMS, reviews the recent progress in their implementation and suggests potential avenues for further developments in this field.

  18. Electro-mechanical probe positioning system for large volume plasma device (United States)

    Sanyasi, A. K.; Sugandhi, R.; Srivastava, P. K.; Srivastav, Prabhakar; Awasthi, L. M.


    An automated electro-mechanical system for the positioning of plasma diagnostics has been designed and implemented in a Large Volume Plasma Device (LVPD). The system consists of 12 electro-mechanical assemblies, which are orchestrated using the Modbus communication protocol on 4-wire RS485 communications to meet the experimental requirements. Each assembly has a lead screw-based mechanical structure, Wilson feed-through-based vacuum interface, bipolar stepper motor, micro-controller-based stepper drive, and optical encoder for online positioning correction of probes. The novelty of the system lies in the orchestration of multiple drives on a single interface, fabrication and installation of the system for a large experimental device like the LVPD, in-house developed software, and adopted architectural practices. The paper discusses the design, description of hardware and software interfaces, and performance results in LVPD.

  19. Leaching of manganese from electrolytic manganese residue by electro-reduction. (United States)

    Shu, Jiancheng; Liu, Renlong; Liu, Zuohua; Chen, Hongliang; Tao, Changyuan


    In this study, an improved process for leaching manganese from electrolytic manganese residue (EMR) by electro-reduction was developed. The mechanisms of the electro-reduction leaching were investigated through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence, and Brunauer Emmett Teller. The results show that the electric field could change the surface charge distribution of EMR particles, and the high-valent manganese can be reduced by electric field. The leaching efficient of manganese reached 84.1% under the optimal leaching condition: 9.2 wt% H 2 SO 4 , current density of 25 mA/cm 2 , solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:5, and leaching time for 1 h. It is 37.9% higher than that attained without an electric field. Meanwhile, the manganese content in EMR decreased from 2.57% to 0.48%.

  20. High-speed Si/GeSi hetero-structure Electro Absorption Modulator. (United States)

    Mastronardi, L; Banakar, M; Khokhar, A Z; Hattasan, N; Rutirawut, T; Bucio, T Domínguez; Grabska, K M; Littlejohns, C; Bazin, A; Mashanovich, G; Gardes, F Y


    The ever-increasing demand for integrated, low power interconnect systems is pushing the bandwidth density of CMOS photonic devices. Taking advantage of the strong Franz-Keldysh effect in the C and L communication bands, electro-absorption modulators in Ge and GeSi are setting a new standard in terms of device footprint and power consumption for next generation photonics interconnect arrays. In this paper, we present a compact, low power electro-absorption modulator (EAM) Si/GeSi hetero-structure based on an 800 nm SOI overlayer with a modulation bandwidth of 56 GHz. The device design and fabrication tolerant process are presented, followed by the measurement analysis. Eye diagram measurements show a dynamic ER of 5.2 dB at a data rate of 56 Gb/s at 1566 nm, and calculated modulator power is 44 fJ/bit.

  1. Electro-Fenton decolourisation of dyes in an airlift continuous reactor using iron alginate beads. (United States)

    Iglesias, O; Rosales, E; Pazos, M; Sanromán, M A


    In this study, electro-Fenton dye degradation was performed in an airlift continuous reactor configuration by harnessing the catalytic activity of Fe alginate gel beads. Electro-Fenton experiments were carried out in an airlift reactor with a working volume of 1.5 L, air flow of 1.5 L/min and 115 g of Fe alginate gel beads. An electric field was applied by two graphite bars connected to a direct current power supply with a constant potential drop. In this study, Lissamine Green B and Reactive Black 5 were selected as model dyes. Fe alginate gel beads can be used as an effective heterogeneous catalyst for the degradation of organic dyes in the electro-Fenton process, as they are more efficient than the conventional electrochemical techniques. At optimal working conditions (3 V and pH 2), the continuous process was performed. For both dyes, the degree of decolourisation increases when the residence time augments. Taking into account hydrodynamic and kinetic behaviour, a model to describe the reactor profile was obtained, and the standard deviation between experimental and theoretical data was lower than 6%. The results indicate the suitability of the electro-Fenton technique to oxidise polluted effluents in the presence of Fe alginate gel beads. Moreover, the operation is possible in a continuous airlift reactor, due to the entrapment of iron in the alginate matrix.

  2. Study of the p(e,e'π+)n electro-production reaction: form factor and electromagnetic radius of pion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michel, Bernard


    After having recalled the definitions and theoretical knowledge on the form factor and electromagnetic radius of hadron and pion, and discussed the relationship between electro-production and form factor for the pion, this research thesis recalls some theoretical aspects of the electro-production process. The author discusses the reaction kinematics and shows how the electro-production cross section can be broken down in terms of photon polarization. Then, he focuses on the cross section dynamic structure. After having recalled the different possible choices for amplitudes, he studies their behaviour, firstly within the framework of the Born approximation, and then within the framework of commonly used models, notably to take the resonant part of the phenomenon into account. The limits of the different models are outlined. The second part addresses the study of forward electro-production. The author shows how the pion form factor can be simply optimized. The author describes the experimental arrangement: electron beam and liquid hydrogen target, detection system, normalisation device, data acquisition logics. In the next chapter, the author describes how data are recorded until the obtainment of N electro-production events. Results are then interpreted in terms of form factor and electromagnetic radius. They are also compared with published results obtained with other electro-production experiments or measurements based on other processes [fr

  3. Analog electro-optical readout of SiPMs for compact, low power ToF PET/MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bieniosek, Matthew F; Levin, Craig S


    The aim of this work is to demonstrate time of flight (ToF) performance from analog electro-optical transmission of SiPM-based PET detector signals. In electro-optical readout schemes, scintillation signals are converted to near-infrared light by a laser diode and transmitted out of the MRI bore with fiber-optics [], greatly reducing the PET system's footprint, power consumption, and mutual interference with the MRI.

  4. Pyroelectrically Induced Pyro-Electro-Chemical Catalytic Activity of BaTiO3 Nanofibers under Room-Temperature Cold–Hot Cycle Excitations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuntao Xia


    Full Text Available A pyro-electro-chemical catalytic dye decomposition using lead-free BaTiO3 nanofibers was realized under room-temperature cold–hot cycle excitation (30–47 °C with a high Rhodamine B (RhB decomposition efficiency ~99%, which should be ascribed to the product of pyro-electric effect and electrochemical redox reaction. Furthermore, the existence of intermediate product of hydroxyl radical in pyro-electro-chemical catalytic process was also observed. There is no significant decrease in pyro-electro-chemical catalysis activity after being recycled five times. The pyro-electrically induced pyro-electro-chemical catalysis provides a high-efficient, reusable and environmentally friendly technology to remove organic pollutants from water.

  5. The chronicle of the electro-magnetostatic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bassalo, J.M.F.


    The Chronicle of the electro-magnetostatic is shown, since the first observation made by Tales de Mileto, in the VI centry B.C., about the magnetic and electric phenomenons, up to the mathematical learning of the electrical circuits, made by Kirchhoff, almost in the first half of the XIX century. In run away of this chronicle, the experimental laws involving the behavior of the electrical charge, in the insulators and in the conductors, are presented as well as the piezo and piro-electrical and chemical effects the electrical charge incite in some substances. (Author) [pt

  6. Electro-optic imaging Fourier transform spectrometer (United States)

    Chao, Tien-Hsin (Inventor); Znod, Hanying (Inventor)


    An Electro-Optic Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (EOIFTS) for Hyperspectral Imaging is described. The EOIFTS includes an input polarizer, an output polarizer, and a plurality of birefringent phase elements. The relative orientations of the polarizers and birefringent phase elements can be changed mechanically or via a controller, using ferroelectric liquid crystals, to substantially measure the spectral Fourier components of light propagating through the EIOFTS. When achromatic switches are used as an integral part of the birefringent phase elements, the EIOFTS becomes suitable for broadband applications, with over 1 micron infrared bandwidth.

  7. An analytical solution for the magneto-electro-elastic bimorph beam forced vibrations problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milazzo, A; Orlando, C; Alaimo, A


    Based on the Timoshenko beam theory and on the assumption that the electric and magnetic fields can be treated as steady, since elastic waves propagate very slowly with respect to electromagnetic ones, a general analytical solution for the transient analysis of a magneto-electro-elastic bimorph beam is obtained. General magneto-electric boundary conditions can be applied on the top and bottom surfaces of the beam, allowing us to study the response of the bilayer structure to electromagnetic stimuli. The model reveals that the magneto-electric loads enter the solution as an equivalent external bending moment per unit length and as time-dependent mechanical boundary conditions through the definition of the bending moment. Moreover, the influences of the electro-mechanic, magneto-mechanic and electromagnetic coupling on the stiffness of the bimorph stem from the computation of the beam equivalent stiffness constants. Free and forced vibration analyses of both multiphase and laminated magneto-electro-elastic composite beams are carried out to check the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed analytic solution

  8. Optical modulation techniques for analog signal processing and CMOS compatible electro-optic modulation (United States)

    Gill, Douglas M.; Rasras, Mahmoud; Tu, Kun-Yii; Chen, Young-Kai; White, Alice E.; Patel, Sanjay S.; Carothers, Daniel; Pomerene, Andrew; Kamocsai, Robert; Beattie, James; Kopa, Anthony; Apsel, Alyssa; Beals, Mark; Mitchel, Jurgen; Liu, Jifeng; Kimerling, Lionel C.


    Integrating electronic and photonic functions onto a single silicon-based chip using techniques compatible with mass-production CMOS electronics will enable new design paradigms for existing system architectures and open new opportunities for electro-optic applications with the potential to dramatically change the management, cost, footprint, weight, and power consumption of today's communication systems. While broadband analog system applications represent a smaller volume market than that for digital data transmission, there are significant deployments of analog electro-optic systems for commercial and military applications. Broadband linear modulation is a critical building block in optical analog signal processing and also could have significant applications in digital communication systems. Recently, broadband electro-optic modulators on a silicon platform have been demonstrated based on the plasma dispersion effect. The use of the plasma dispersion effect within a CMOS compatible waveguide creates new challenges and opportunities for analog signal processing since the index and propagation loss change within the waveguide during modulation. We will review the current status of silicon-based electrooptic modulators and also linearization techniques for optical modulation.

  9. Characterization of the behaviour of electro-galvanised steel sheets in terms of corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finoly, Guylene


    This research thesis reports the development of a test method for the characterization of the behaviour of electro-galvanised steel sheets (i.e. zinc coated steel sheets as those used in the automotive industry) with respect to corrosion, and the definition of a classification of these materials with respect to their surface activity. After an overview of the different existing methods of determination of corrosion rate, the author reports the development of an experimental device adapted to the electrochemical study of electro-galvanised sheets, i.e. adapted to their low thickness (0,7 mm) and coating characteristics (10 μm thick). This device is then used in the case of solid zinc. The authors reports the study of the behaviour of sheets in a NaCl solution in order to meet industrial conditions used to activate the surface before the phosphate conversion process which aims at ensuring paint adherence. A test is proposed and validated by comparison with other electrochemical or chemical methods, and used to study the behaviour of electro-galvanised sheets submitted to a phosphate conversion coating process [fr

  10. Tests, measurements, and characterization of electro-optic devices and systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wadekar, S.G.


    This book contains the proceedings on tests, measurements and characterization of electro-optic devices and systems. Topics covered include: Measurement of spectral dynamics in single-quantum-well lasers, High power computer controlled laser diode characterization tester, and Laser diode characterization instrumentation

  11. An Electromechanical Model for a Dielectric ElectroActive Polymer Generator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dimopoulos, Emmanouil; Trintis, Ionut; Munk-Nielsen, Stig


    Smart electroactive materials have attracted much of the scientific interest over the past few years, as they reflect a quite promising alternative to conservative approaches used nowadays in various transducer applications. Especially Dielectric ElectroActive Polymers (DEAPs), which are constantly...

  12. Diseño, construcción e implementación de un sistema electroneumático para el inflado de los neumáticos para la conducción por personas con capacidades diferentes - parapléjicas


    Ochoa Japa, Javier Rómulo; Cabrera Morocho, Luis Alberto; Ortega Guazhima, Manuel Eloy


    En producto de tesis se resume en la elaboración de un sistema electro neumático que se acopló a un vehículo Chevrolet Jimmy GMC, mismo sistema que está diseñado para censar la presión y temperatura de cada neumático y una vez obtenidos los datos de presión de los 4 neumáticos, el sistema puede corregir la falta de presión en el neumático averiado, ya sea con el vehículo detenido o en marcha. Este diseño e innovación tiene como objetivo principal el permitir que una persona con movilidad redu...

  13. Tumoral response factors after radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic liver Factores de respuesta tumoral tras ablación mediante radiofrecuencia del carcinoma hepatocelular sobre cirrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Calleja Kempin


    Full Text Available Objective: hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC ablation by radiofrequency (RFA is a novel technique with a great variety of methods whose efficacy and predictive factors have not been completely studied. Some of the main predictive factors in this type of treatment are analyzed in the present study. Patients and methods: ninety-three patients with hepatocellular carcinoma over cirrhosis, and with no indication for surgical resection were treated by RFA. Two different types of electrodes were used for RFA (refrigerated-"Cool-Tip" and perfusion with saline solution, the approach was percutaneous, by laparoscopy or laparotomy. Results: overall survival at 1, 2 and 3 years was 88, 81, and 76%, with a free-disease survival (FDS of 66, 31 and 17%, respectively. For tumors less than 3 cm, FDS at 1,2 and 3 years was 74, 44 and 30%, while for more than 3 cm in size FDS was 55, 12 and 0% (p = 0.02. FDS for HCC with one nodule was 70, 36 and 22%, and for more than one nodule it decreased to 50, 17 and 0% at 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively (p = 0.07. Surprisingly, the method employed for RFA has a main influence in FDS, with 0% at 3 years for perfusion electrodes and 26% for cool-tip electrodes at the same period. Conclusions: in this series, overall survival at three years was relatively high; however, tumoral size, number of nodules and RFS method were independent variables associated with disease-free survival.Objetivo: la ablación por radiofrecuencia del hepatocarcinoma (ARF es una técnica de reciente adquisición, cuya eficacia y factores predictivos no han sido suficientemente evaluados. El presente estudio fue diseñado para este análisis. Pacientes y métodos: se han tratado 93 pacientes con hepatocarcinoma sobre hígado cirrótico sin criterios de resección ni de trasplante hepático. El tratamiento se realizó mediante abordaje percutáneo, laparoscópico o mediante laparotomía con dos tipos de electrodos de radiofrecuencia, electrodo refrigerado y

  14. Efficient Baeyer-Villiger electro-oxidation of ketones with molecular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A new and efficient method for the synthesis of lactones and esters involving the application of an molecular oxygen-based electro-catalytic oxidation system and ionic liquid [bmim][OTf] as electrolyte has been developed. The reaction between various ketones with molecular oxygen proceeds in a three-electrode cell under ...

  15. Effectiveness of electro-fencing for restricting the ranging behaviour ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Here, we assessed the effectiveness of electro-fencing for restricting movement patterns of several wild ungulates in Akagera National Park (NP), Rwanda. Following the turmoil of the Rwandan genocide and civil war (1991–1995), large numbers of returning war refugees brought about an increasing pressure on land use, ...

  16. Free vibration analysis of magneto-electro-thermo-elastic nanobeams resting on a Pasternak foundation (United States)

    Jandaghian, A. A.; Rahmani, O.


    In this study, free vibration analysis of magneto-electro-thermo-elastic (METE) nanobeams resting on a Pasternak foundation is investigated based on nonlocal theory and Timoshenko beam theory. Coupling effects between electric, magnetic, mechanical and thermal loading are considered to derive the equations of motion and distribution of electrical potential and magnetic potential along the thickness direction of the METE nanobeam. The governing equations and boundary conditions are obtained using the Hamilton principle and discretized via the differential quadrature method (DQM). Numerical results reveal the effects of the nonlocal parameter, magneto-electro-thermo-mechanical loading, Winkler spring coefficients, Pasternak shear coefficients and height-to-length ratio on the vibration characteristics of METE nanobeams. It is observed that the natural frequency is dependent on the magnetic, electric, temperature, elastic medium, small-scale coefficient, and height-to-length ratio. These results are useful in the mechanical analysis and design of smart nanostructures constructed from magneto-electro-thermo-elastic materials.

  17. Free vibration analysis of magneto-electro-thermo-elastic nanobeams resting on a Pasternak foundation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jandaghian, A A; Rahmani, O


    In this study, free vibration analysis of magneto-electro-thermo-elastic (METE) nanobeams resting on a Pasternak foundation is investigated based on nonlocal theory and Timoshenko beam theory. Coupling effects between electric, magnetic, mechanical and thermal loading are considered to derive the equations of motion and distribution of electrical potential and magnetic potential along the thickness direction of the METE nanobeam. The governing equations and boundary conditions are obtained using the Hamilton principle and discretized via the differential quadrature method (DQM). Numerical results reveal the effects of the nonlocal parameter, magneto-electro-thermo-mechanical loading, Winkler spring coefficients, Pasternak shear coefficients and height-to-length ratio on the vibration characteristics of METE nanobeams. It is observed that the natural frequency is dependent on the magnetic, electric, temperature, elastic medium, small-scale coefficient, and height-to-length ratio. These results are useful in the mechanical analysis and design of smart nanostructures constructed from magneto-electro-thermo-elastic materials. (paper)

  18. A robust fibre laser system for electro-optic electron bunch profile measurements at FLASH

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wissmann, Laurens-Georg


    For the electro-optic measurement of electron bunch profiles at FLASH a robust ytterbium doped fibre laser (YDFL) system has been developed consisting of a laser oscillator and a two-staged amplifier. The oscillator is designed to meet the specifications of high reliability and low noise operation. The amplifier makes use of tailored nonlinearity to enhance the spectral bandwidth of the output laser pulses. Active repetition rate control enables sub-picosecond synchronisation of the laser to the accelerator reference RF. Using a two-stage gating scheme the output pulse train repetition rate is adopted to the accelerator repetition rate. An experimental site used for electro-optic electron bunch diagnostics has been redesigned to support single-shot bunch profile measurements based on spectral decoding. An existing bunch profile monitor with a similar laser system was upgraded and electro-optic bunch profile measurements were conducted, allowing for a comparison with measurements done with other longitudinal electron bunch diagnostics and with former measurements.

  19. Measurement of Sub-Picosecond Electron Bunches via Electro-Optic Sampling of Coherent Transition Radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maxwell, Timothy John [Northern Illinois U.


    Future collider applications as well as present high-gradient laser plasma wakefield accelerators and free-electron lasers operating with picosecond bunch durations place a higher demand on the time resolution of bunch distribution diagnostics. This demand has led to significant advancements in the field of electro-optic sampling over the past ten years. These methods allow the probing of diagnostic light such as coherent transition radiation or the bunch wakefields with sub-picosecond time resolution. We present results on the single-shot electro-optic spectral decoding of coherent transition radiation from bunches generated at the Fermilab A0 photoinjector laboratory. A longitudinal double-pulse modulation of the electron beam is also realized by transverse beam masking followed by a transverse-to-longitudinal phase-space exchange beamline. Live profile tuning is demonstrated by upstream beam focusing in conjunction with downstream monitoring of single-shot electro-optic spectral decoding of the coherent transition radiation.

  20. A robust fibre laser system for electro-optic electron bunch profile measurements at FLASH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wissmann, Laurens-Georg


    For the electro-optic measurement of electron bunch profiles at FLASH a robust ytterbium doped fibre laser (YDFL) system has been developed consisting of a laser oscillator and a two-staged amplifier. The oscillator is designed to meet the specifications of high reliability and low noise operation. The amplifier makes use of tailored nonlinearity to enhance the spectral bandwidth of the output laser pulses. Active repetition rate control enables sub-picosecond synchronisation of the laser to the accelerator reference RF. Using a two-stage gating scheme the output pulse train repetition rate is adopted to the accelerator repetition rate. An experimental site used for electro-optic electron bunch diagnostics has been redesigned to support single-shot bunch profile measurements based on spectral decoding. An existing bunch profile monitor with a similar laser system was upgraded and electro-optic bunch profile measurements were conducted, allowing for a comparison with measurements done with other longitudinal electron bunch diagnostics and with former measurements.

  1. Protective Effect Of Garlic Oil On Some Neurotransmitters And Physiological Parameters In Male Rats Exposed To electro pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, E.A.; Ali, E.A.


    Increasing exposure to electro pollution has become inevitable for people living in civilized and industrialized environments. This pollution can increase the production and life-span of free radicals which are causative factors in the oxidative damage of cellular structures and functions. This study evaluated the effects of exposure to electro pollution emitted from mobile base station on the oxidative status parameters, neurotransmitters, glycemic index and lipid profile in male rats and the protective role of garlic oil. Twenty four male albino rats were divided into three equal groups; group 1 served as control, group 2 exposed for 24 hr to electro pollution emitted from mobile base station founded on a roof of building for 4 weeks and group 3 exposed to electro pollution as group 2 then supplemented by stomach tube with garlic oil (250 mg/kg) for 4 weeks. Exposure to electro pollution caused significant increases in malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) while significant decreases in reduced glutathione (GSH) and catalase (CAT) were observed. Significant decrease in serotonin (5-HT) and significant increase in dopamine (DA) were also noticed with significant increase in serum glucose and significant decrease in insulin hormone. In addition, the lipid profile showed significant decrease in total cholesterol (TC) and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and significant increase in triglycerides (TG) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C). Garlic oil supplementation ameliorates almost these disturbances leading to the conclusion that garlic oil exhibited significant protection against oxidative stress, neuro degeneration, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidaemia produced by electro pollution

  2. Electrochemical performance for the electro-oxidation of ethylene glycol on a carbon-supported platinum catalyst at intermediate temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kosaka, Fumihiko; Oshima, Yoshito; Otomo, Junichiro


    Highlights: → High oxidation current in ethylene glycol electro-oxidation at intermediate temperature. → High C-C bond dissociation ratio of ethylene glycol at intermediate temperature. → Low selectivity for CH 4 in ethylene glycol electro-oxidation. → High selectivity for CO 2 according to an increase in steam to carbon ratios. - Abstract: To determine the kinetic performance of the electro-oxidation of a polyalcohol operating at relatively high temperatures, direct electrochemical oxidation of ethylene glycol on a carbon supported platinum catalyst (Pt/C) was investigated at intermediate temperatures (235-255 o C) using a single cell fabricated with a proton-conducting solid electrolyte, CsH 2 PO 4 , which has high proton conductivity (>10 -2 S cm -1 ) in the intermediate temperature region. A high oxidation current density was observed, comparable to that for methanol electro-oxidation and also higher than that for ethanol electro-oxidation. The main products of ethylene glycol electro-oxidation were H 2 , CO 2 , CO and a small amount of CH 4 formation was also observed. On the other hand, the amounts of C 2 products such as acetaldehyde, acetic acid and glycolaldehyde were quite small and were lower by about two orders of magnitude than the gaseous reaction products. This clearly shows that C-C bond dissociation proceeds almost to completion at intermediate temperatures and the dissociation ratio reached a value above 95%. The present observations and kinetic analysis suggest the effective application of direct alcohol fuel cells operating at intermediate temperatures and indicate the possibility of total oxidation of alcohol fuels.

  3. Active material, optical mode and cavity impact on nanoscale electro-optic modulation performance (United States)

    Amin, Rubab; Suer, Can; Ma, Zhizhen; Sarpkaya, Ibrahim; Khurgin, Jacob B.; Agarwal, Ritesh; Sorger, Volker J.


    Electro-optic modulation is a key function in optical data communication and possible future optical compute engines. The performance of modulators intricately depends on the interaction between the actively modulated material and the propagating waveguide mode. While a variety of high-performance modulators have been demonstrated, no comprehensive picture of what factors are most responsible for high performance has emerged so far. Here we report the first systematic and comprehensive analytical and computational investigation for high-performance compact on-chip electro-optic modulators by considering emerging active materials, model considerations and cavity feedback at the nanoscale. We discover that the delicate interplay between the material characteristics and the optical mode properties plays a key role in defining the modulator performance. Based on physical tradeoffs between index modulation, loss, optical confinement factors and slow-light effects, we find that there exist combinations of bias, material and optical mode that yield efficient phase or amplitude modulation with acceptable insertion loss. Furthermore, we show how material properties in the epsilon near zero regime enable reduction of length by as much as by 15 times. Lastly, we introduce and apply a cavity-based electro-optic modulator figure of merit, Δλ/Δα, relating obtainable resonance tuning via phase shifting relative to the incurred losses due to the fundamental Kramers-Kronig relations suggesting optimized device operating regions with optimized modulation-to-loss tradeoffs. This work paves the way for a holistic design rule of electro-optic modulators for high-density on-chip integration.

  4. A Real-Time Embedded Control System for Electro-Fused Magnesia Furnace

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fang Zheng


    Full Text Available Since smelting process of electro-fused magnesia furnace is a complicated process which has characteristics like complex operation conditions, strong nonlinearities, and strong couplings, traditional linear controller cannot control it very well. Advanced intelligent control strategy is a good solution to this kind of industrial process. However, advanced intelligent control strategy always involves huge programming task and hard debugging and maintaining problems. In this paper, a real-time embedded control system is proposed for the process control of electro-fused magnesia furnace based on intelligent control strategy and model-based design technology. As for hardware, an embedded controller based on an industrial Single Board Computer (SBC is developed to meet industrial field environment demands. As for software, a Linux based on Real-Time Application Interface (RTAI is used as the real-time kernel of the controller to improve its real-time performance. The embedded software platform is also modified to support generating embedded code automatically from Simulink/Stateflow models. Based on the proposed embedded control system, the intelligent embedded control software of electro-fused magnesium furnace can be directly generated from Simulink/Stateflow models. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed embedded control system, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL and industrial field experiments are both implemented. Experiments results show that the embedded control system works very well in both laboratory and industry environments.

  5. Augmentation of peristaltic microflows through electro-osmotic mechanisms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chakraborty, Suman


    The present work aims to theoretically establish that the employment of an axial electric field can substantially augment the rate of microfluidic transport occurring in peristaltic microtubes. For theoretical analysis, shape evolution of the tube is taken to be arbitrary, except for the fact that the characteristic wavelength is assumed to be significantly greater than the average radius of cross section. First, expressions for the velocity profile within the tube are derived and are subsequently utilized to obtain variations in the net flow rate across the same, as a function of the pertinent system parameters. Subsequently, the modes of interaction between the electro-osmotic and peristaltic mechanisms are established through the variations in the time-averaged flow rates for zero pressure rise and the pressure rise for zero time-averaged flow rates, as expressed in terms of the occlusion number, characteristic electro-osmotic velocity and the peristaltic wave speed. From the simulation predictions, it is suggested that a judicious combination of peristalsis and an axial electrokinetic body force can drastically enhance the time-averaged flow rate, provided that the occlusion number is relatively small

  6. Haptic device development based on electro static force of cellulose electro active paper (United States)

    Yun, Gyu-young; Kim, Sang-Youn; Jang, Sang-Dong; Kim, Dong-Gu; Kim, Jaehwan


    Haptic is one of well-considered device which is suitable for demanding virtual reality applications such as medical equipment, mobile devices, the online marketing and so on. Nowadays, many of concepts for haptic devices have been suggested to meet the demand of industries. Cellulose has received much attention as an emerging smart material, named as electro-active paper (EAPap). The EAPap is attractive for mobile haptic devices due to its unique characteristics in terms of low actuation power, suitability for thin devices and transparency. In this paper, we suggest a new concept of haptic actuator with the use of cellulose EAPap. Its performance is evaluated depending on various actuation conditions. As a result, cellulose electrostatic force actuator shows a large output displacement and fast response, which is suitable for mobile haptic devices.

  7. Integration of Flex Nozzle System and Electro Hydraulic Actuators to Solid Rocket Motors (United States)

    Nayani, Kishore Nath; Bajaj, Dinesh Kumar


    A rocket motor assembly comprised of solid rocket motor and flex nozzle system. Integration of flex nozzle system and hydraulic actuators to the solid rocket motors are done after transportation to the required place where integration occurred. The flex nozzle system is integrated to the rocket motor in horizontal condition and the electro hydraulic actuators are assembled to the flex nozzle systems. The electro hydraulic actuators are connected to the hydraulic power pack to operate the actuators. The nozzle-motor critical interface are insulation diametrical compression, inhibition resin-28, insulation facial compression, shaft seal `O' ring compression and face seal `O' ring compression.

  8. Contribution of electro-optics to plasma research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dillet, A.; Jacquot, C.; Stevenin, P.


    Two electro-optical devices useful for plasma diagnostic are described. The first includes two image converters and is able to record any luminous transient phenomenon (for instance, fast spectrography) with a photon gain sufficient to distinguish the physically observable luminous thresholds. The second makes use of the Faraday effect to measure magnetic fields without perturbation. A fast device has a pass band up to 30 MHz. A slower one can detect the '' of arc. (authors) [fr

  9. Lactic Acid Recovery in Electro-Enhanced Dialysis: Modelling and Validation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prado Rubio, Oscar Andres; Jørgensen, Sten Bay; Jonsson, Gunnar Eigil


    and migration across the boundary layers and membranes. The model is validated for Donnan dialysis recovery of different monoprotic carboxylic acids. Simulations are used to evaluate the potential enhancement of lactate fluxes under current load conditions, referred as Electro-Enhanced Dialysis operation...

  10. Granuloma en la incisión tras el implante de un estimulador eléctrico medular Granuloma in the incisin after implants of an spinal cord device


    P. Diéguez; V. Villanueva; S. López; J. De Andrés


    Presentamos el caso de un paciente que sufrió como complicación de la estimulación eléctrica medular, implantado a causa de su dolor neuropático, un granuloma en la incisión lumbar, a nivel de la conexión intermedia. Este granuloma evolucionó pese a su correcto diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz, a una infección de tejidos profundos con migración de los electrodos, por lo que precisó la retirada de éstos.It is showed you a patient who presented a granuloma in the lumbar incision at the level of...

  11. Sono-electro-magnetic therapy for treating chronic pelvic pain syndrome in men: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas M Kessler

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of sono-electro-magnetic therapy compared to placebo in men with refractory CPPS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind single center trial, we assessed the effect of sono-electro-magnetic therapy in men with treatment refractory CPPS. Sixty male patients were randomly assigned to treatment with either sono-electro-magnetic (n = 30 or placebo therapy (n = 30 for 12 weeks. The primary outcome was a change in the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI from baseline to 12 weeks. RESULTS: The 12-week difference between sono-electro-magnetic and placebo therapy in changes of the NIH-CPSI total score was -3.1 points (95% CI -6.8 to 0.6, p = 0.11. In secondary comparisons of NIH-CPSI sub-scores, we found differences between groups most pronounced for the quality-of-life sub-score (difference at 12 weeks -1.6, 95% CI -2.8 to -0.4, p = 0.015. In stratified analyses, the benefit of sono-electro-magnetic therapy appeared more pronounced among patients who had a symptom duration of 12 months or less (difference in NIH-CPSI total score -8.3, 95% CI -14.5 to 2.6 than in patients with a longer symptom duration (-0.8, 95% CI -4.6 to 3.1; p for interaction = 0.023. CONCLUSIONS: Sono-electro-magnetic therapy did not result in a significant improvement of symptoms in the overall cohort of treatment refractory CPPS patients compared to placebo treatment. Subgroup analysis indicates, however, that patients with a symptom-duration of 12 months or less may benefit from sono-electro-magnetic therapy, warranting larger randomized controlled trials in this subpopulation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00688506.

  12. Sono-electro-magnetic therapy for treating chronic pelvic pain syndrome in men: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. (United States)

    Kessler, Thomas M; Mordasini, Livio; Weisstanner, Christian; Jüni, Peter; da Costa, Bruno R; Wiest, Roland; Thalmann, George N


    To assess the efficacy and safety of sono-electro-magnetic therapy compared to placebo in men with refractory CPPS. In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind single center trial, we assessed the effect of sono-electro-magnetic therapy in men with treatment refractory CPPS. Sixty male patients were randomly assigned to treatment with either sono-electro-magnetic (n = 30) or placebo therapy (n = 30) for 12 weeks. The primary outcome was a change in the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) from baseline to 12 weeks. The 12-week difference between sono-electro-magnetic and placebo therapy in changes of the NIH-CPSI total score was -3.1 points (95% CI -6.8 to 0.6, p = 0.11). In secondary comparisons of NIH-CPSI sub-scores, we found differences between groups most pronounced for the quality-of-life sub-score (difference at 12 weeks -1.6, 95% CI -2.8 to -0.4, p = 0.015). In stratified analyses, the benefit of sono-electro-magnetic therapy appeared more pronounced among patients who had a symptom duration of 12 months or less (difference in NIH-CPSI total score -8.3, 95% CI -14.5 to 2.6) than in patients with a longer symptom duration (-0.8, 95% CI -4.6 to 3.1; p for interaction = 0.023). Sono-electro-magnetic therapy did not result in a significant improvement of symptoms in the overall cohort of treatment refractory CPPS patients compared to placebo treatment. Subgroup analysis indicates, however, that patients with a symptom-duration of 12 months or less may benefit from sono-electro-magnetic therapy, warranting larger randomized controlled trials in this subpopulation. NCT00688506.

  13. Harnessing electro driven separation technique for the separation of selected agrochemicals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wan Aini Wan Ibrahim; Alam, S.M. Monjurul; Azli Sulaiman


    Electro driven separation techniques offer a different approach to the analysis of complex mixtures than do traditional pressure-driven chromatographic system; it may rely on electrophoresis, the transport of charged species through a medium by an applied field or may rely on electro driven mobile phase to provide a true chromatographic separation. In the current work the potential of an electro driven separation technique viz. Micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC), is harnessed for the separation of selected agrochemicals (organophosphorus pesticides, OPPs) widely used in the agriculture sector in Malaysia. The current study compares the use of MEKC in normal mode (NM) and reverse mode (RM) for the separation of the selected OPPS. This study also highlights the difference in separations produced by performing separations in normal mode-MEKC (NM-MEKC) and reverse mode-MEKC (RM-MEKC) for the selected OPPs. In RM-MEKC, separation is conducted at acidic pH (pH 2.5 in the current work) where the electro osmotic flow (EOF) is weak whereas in NM-MEKC, the separation is carried out under basic pH (9.3 in this work) where the EOF is strong. A reverse migration order of the OPPs was observed under RM-MEKC. Separation under NM-MEKC was found to be superior to those of RM- MEKC. A comparison is also made between separations performed under sweeping-NM-MEKC and sweeping-RM-MEKC. In sweeping, the OPPs are prepared in the same background solution (BGS) minus the micelles and is adjusted to the same conductivity as the BGS. The study showed that NM-MEKC is more sensitive than RM-MEKC but sweeping-RM-MEKC is superior to sweeping-NM-MEKC. However, sweeping-RM-MEKC only separates two of the OPPs in a single run whereas sweeping-NM-MEKC separates four OPPs in a single run. The better choice of separation mode would be sweeping-NM- MEKC for more OPPs separation in a single run. (author)

  14. A Systems Engineering Approach to Electro-Mechanical Actuator Diagnostic and Prognostic Development (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The authors have formulated a Comprehensive Systems Engineering approach to Electro-Mechanical Actuator (EMA) Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) system...

  15. Enhancement of the catalytic activity of Pt nanoparticles toward methanol electro-oxidation using doped-SnO2 supporting materials (United States)

    Merati, Zohreh; Basiri Parsa, Jalal


    Catalyst supports play important role in governing overall catalyst activity and durability. In this study metal oxides (SnO2, Sb and Nb doped SnO2) were electrochemically deposited on titanium substrate (Ti) as a new support material for Pt catalyst in order to electro-oxidation of methanol. Afterward platinum nanoparticles were deposited on metal oxide film via electro reduction of platinum salt in an acidic solution. The surface morphology of modified electrodes were evaluated by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) techniques. The electro-catalytic activities of prepared electrodes for methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) and oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) absorbed on Pt was considered with cyclic voltammetry. The results showed high catalytic activity for Pt/Nb-SnO2/Ti electrode. The electrochemical surface area (ECSA) of a platinum electro-catalyst was determined by hydrogen adsorption. Pt/Nb-SnO2/Ti electrode has highest ECSA compared to other electrode resulting in high activity toward methanol electro-oxidation and CO stripping experiments. The doping of SnO2 with Sb and Nb improved ECSA and MOR activity, which act as electronic donors to increase electronic conductivity.

  16. A Survey on the Reliability of Power Electronics in Electro-Mobility Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gadalla, Brwene Salah Abdelkarim; Schaltz, Erik; Blaabjerg, Frede


    Reliability is an important issue in the field of power electronics since most of the electrical energy is today processed by power electronics. In most of the electro-mobility applications, e.g. electric and hybridelectric vehicles, power electronic are commonly used in very harsh environment...... and extending the service lifetime as well. Research within power electronics is of high interest as it has an important impact in the industry of the electro-mobility applications. According to the aforementioned explanations, this paper will provide an overview of the common factors (thermal cycles, power...... cycles, vibrations, voltage stress and current ripple stress) affecting the reliability of power electronics in electromobility applications. Also, the researchers perspective is summarized from 2001 to 2015....

  17. Improvement of chirped pulse contrast using electro-optic birefringence scanning filter method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeng Shuguang; Wang Xianglin; Wang Qishan; Zhang Bin; Sun Nianchun; Wang Fei


    A method using scanning filter to improve the contrast of chirped pulse is proposed, and the principle of this method is analyzed. The scanning filter is compared with the existing pulse-picking technique and nonlinear filtering technique. The scanning filter is a temporal gate that is independent on the intensity of the pulses, but on the instantaneous wavelengths of light. Taking the electro-optic birefringence scanning filter as an example, the application of scanning filter methods is illustrated. Based on numerical simulation and experimental research, it is found that the electro-optic birefringence scanning filter can eliminate a prepulse which is several hundred picoseconds before the main pulse, and the main pulse can maintain a high transmissivity. (authors)

  18. Evaluation of the different supported bifunctional electrocatalysts for unified regenerative cells; Evaluacion de diferentes soportes de electrocatalizadores bifuncionales para celdas regenerativas unificadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gurrola, M. P.; Torres-Amaya, D. S.; Duron-Torres, S. M.; Escalante-Garcia, I. L. [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Unidad Academica de Ciencias Quimicas, Zacatecas (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Arriaga-Hurtado, L.G. [Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica, Pedro Escobedo, Queretaro (Mexico)


    un solo dispositivo. Los retos de estos sistemas son aun mayores que en las celdas de combustible convencionales, siendo el problema tecnico mas apremiante, la optimizacion del electrodo de oxigeno. Los altos potenciales de operacion de estos dispositivos en el modo electrolizador, E >1.6 V vs. ENH, limitan el empleo de electrodos de Pt soportados en Vulcan. El Pt no es lo suficientemente electroactivo para catalizar la reaccion de evolucion de oxigeno (OER) y a estos potenciales los soportes basados en carbon sufren corrosion. Ademas de los estudios sobre materiales que funcionen como catalizadores bifuncionales, un importante numero de investigaciones se estan dirigiendo a la busqueda de nuevas matrices para su uso como soportes de electrocatalizadores para la OER y ORR{sup 1,2}. En este trabajo, se presentan los resultados preliminares obtenidos para el estudio cinetico de las reacciones de oxigeno, sobre diferentes mezclas de Pt con IrO{sub 2} y RuO{sub 2} soportados en diferentes formas de carbon y oxidos de titanio subestequiometricos. Los estudios se realizaron empleando voltamperometria ciclica (CV) y lineal (LV) para la OER y electrodo disco rotatorio (EDR) para la ORR en soluciones acuosas de H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} 0.5M. La tecnica de cronoamperometria (CA) proporciono informacion de la estabilidad electroquimica de los electrodos. Los resultados indican que los electrodos soportados en diferentes formas de carbon disminuyen paulatinamente su desempeno como consecuencia de la corrosion al realizar las reacciones de reduccion y formacion de oxigeno en ciclos consecutivos. Los oxidos de titanio, le confieren una mayor estabilidad a electrodos construidos sobre ese material, significando que pudieran representar un potencial como soporte para electrodos de oxigeno basados en mezclas de Pt, IrO{sub 2} y RuO{sub 2} como electrocatalizadores bifuncionales para las URFC.

  19. Electro-volatilization of ruthenium in nitric medium: influences of ruthenium species nature and models solutions composition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mousset, F.


    Ruthenium is one of the fission products in the reprocessing of irradiated fuels that requires a specific processing management. Its elimination, upstream by the PUREX process, has been considered. A process, called electro-volatilization, which take advantage of the RuO 4 volatility, has been optimised in the present study. It consists in a continuous electrolysis of ruthenium solutions in order to generate RuO 4 species that is volatilized and easily trapped. This process goes to satisfying ruthenium elimination yields with RuNO(NO 3 ) 3 (H 2 O) 2 synthetic solutions but not with fuel dissolution solutions. Consequently, this work consisted in the speciation studies of dissolved ruthenium species were carried out by simulating fuel solutions produced by hot acid attack of several ruthenium compounds (Ru(0), RuO 2 ,xH 2 O, polymetallic alloy). In parallel with dissolution kinetic studies, the determination of dissolved species was performed using voltammetry, spectrometry and spectro-electrochemistry. The results showed the co-existence of Ru(IV) and RuNO(NO 2 ) 2 (H 2 O) 3 . Although these species are different from synthetic RuNO(NO 3 ) 3 (H 2 O) 2 , their electro-oxidation behaviour are similar. The electro-volatilization tests of these dissolution solutions yielded to comparable results as the synthetic RuNO(NO 3 ) 3 (H 2 O) 2 solutions. Then, complexity increase of models solutions was performed by in-situ generation of nitrous acid during ruthenium dissolution. Nitrous acid showed a catalytic effect on ruthenium dissolution. Its presence goes to quasi exclusively RuNO(NO 2 ) 2 (H 2 O) 3 species. It is also responsible of the strong n-bond formation between Ru 2+ and NO + . In addition, it has been shown that its reducing action on RuO 4 hinders the electro-volatilization process. Mn 2+ and Ce 3+ cations also reveal, but to a lesser extent, an electro-eater behaviour as well as Pu 4+ and Cr 3+ according to the thermodynamics data. These results allow one to

  20. A Numerical Study of Scalable Cardiac Electro-Mechanical Solvers on HPC Architectures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Piero Colli Franzone


    Full Text Available We introduce and study some scalable domain decomposition preconditioners for cardiac electro-mechanical 3D simulations on parallel HPC (High Performance Computing architectures. The electro-mechanical model of the cardiac tissue is composed of four coupled sub-models: (1 the static finite elasticity equations for the transversely isotropic deformation of the cardiac tissue; (2 the active tension model describing the dynamics of the intracellular calcium, cross-bridge binding and myofilament tension; (3 the anisotropic Bidomain model describing the evolution of the intra- and extra-cellular potentials in the deforming cardiac tissue; and (4 the ionic membrane model describing the dynamics of ionic currents, gating variables, ionic concentrations and stretch-activated channels. This strongly coupled electro-mechanical model is discretized in time with a splitting semi-implicit technique and in space with isoparametric finite elements. The resulting scalable parallel solver is based on Multilevel Additive Schwarz preconditioners for the solution of the Bidomain system and on BDDC preconditioned Newton-Krylov solvers for the non-linear finite elasticity system. The results of several 3D parallel simulations show the scalability of both linear and non-linear solvers and their application to the study of both physiological excitation-contraction cardiac dynamics and re-entrant waves in the presence of different mechano-electrical feedbacks.

  1. Investigation and Estimation of Structure of Web from Electro spun Nano fibres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malasauskiene, J.; Milasius, R.


    During the electro spinning process the web of nano fibres is manufactured by means of electrostatic forces between two electrodes. The diameters of nano fibres usually differ and they depend on various parameters. The different fineness of fibres influences the structure of the web and herewith the end-use properties of such kind of nano material. Analysis of nano fibres diameters distribution also shows big differences; even more, the distributions are not spread along the normal distribution. Understanding the influence of electro spinning parameters and the reason why the shapes of distributions are so sophisticated is very important. The goal of this paper is to analyse the distribution of diameter and to propose the new criterion for nano fibres diameter comparison and web of nano fibres estimation. In this paper the influence of covering time of support material on structure of PA6.6 nano fibre web has been investigated. It was estimated that this parameter does not have a significant influence on the average diameter of nano fibres, and only the structure of web has been influenced by the changes in covering time. According to the results provided the phenomena of nano fibres sticking on the support material at the time of electro spinning can be proved and explained.

  2. Electro-Optical Parameters Of Hairy Rod Polymer/Dimethylformamide System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spasevska, Hristina


    Rigid rod polymers are materials with special features, that is the reason why they have large scientific and technological applications like isotropic-nematic and other types of transition. One of the biggest problems that happen while investigation to these polymers, at molecular level, is their poor solubility in most of the common solvents. Solubility gets better if while synthesize junctions flexible side chains, [1]. Remaining polymers belong on one new class - hairy rod polymers and have big potential for their technological applications. Because of their nonlinear optical properties and opportunity for self-organization in super molecular structures (films and fibers), can be used in electronics and telecommunications industry either at display-technologies [2]. That is the main reason why controlling the remaining polymer features and connection of their microscopic and macroscopic characteristics, like an complete characterization (in solutions and solid state) is from essential scientific interest, actually it is an imperative. The polymer POD-2/that is subject of investigation, bellows to hairy rod polymers and it is synthesized for the first time [3] by giving a support to their characterization. Measures on diluted solutions from the system POD-2/dimethylformamide are made by the method electric birefringence, at three temperatures (25, 40 and 55 o C). For different concentrations on system, from obtained electro-optical signals (EOS), dependence on electric birefringence (Δn) against applied electric field (E 2 ), is determined. By investigation of electro-optical effects, especially studding the way of their maintenance and losing, while applying electric square impulses, relaxation time τ o of polymer molecules is calculated. From these parameters, as presented data for EOS rise and decay too, deformational electro-optical effect has been determined. (Author)

  3. Applications of quantum electro-optic control and squeezed light

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lam, P.K.


    Full text: The control theory of electronic feedback or feedforward is a topic well understood by many scientists and engineers. With many of the modern equipment relying on automation and robotics, an understanding of this classical control theory is a common requisite for many technologists. In the field of optics, electronic control theory is also commonly used in many situations. From the temperature controlling of laser systems, the auto-alignment of optical elements, to the locking of optical resonators, all make use of electronic control theory in their operations. In this talk, we present the use the control theory in the context of quantum optics. In much the same as its classical counterpart, the 'quantum electro-optic' control loop consists simply of an optical beam splitter, a detector and an electro-optic modulator. This simple system, however, can offer many interesting applications when used in combination with nonclassical states of light. One well-known example of non-classical light is that of the squeezed state of light. A light beam is referred to as being amplitude 'squeezed' when its amplitude has less noise when compared to that of a coherent light state. In fact, the field fluctuation of such light states in some sense lower that the field fluctuation of the photonic vacuum state. Yet another interesting non-classical light state is the so-called 'Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen' entangled pair. This consists of two beams of light, each of which has properties that are highly dependent on each other. Using both the quantum electro-optic control loops and these light states, we demonstrate schemes which allow us to perform noiseless optical amplification, quantum non-demolition measurement and quantum teleportation. These schemes may be important building blocks to the realisation of future quantum communications and quantum information networks

  4. Field effect control of electro-osmotic flow in microfluidic networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Wouden, E.J.


    This thesis describes the development of a Field Effect Flow Control (FEFC) system for the control of Electro Osmotic Flow (EOF) in microfluidic networks. For this several aspects of FEFC have been reviewed and a process to fabricate microfluidic channels with integrated electrodes has been

  5. Estudio de cromóforos orgánicos con propiedades ópticas no lineales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Acebal, P.


    Full Text Available Second-order nonlinear optical properties of three dyes (methylene blue, thionine and coumarin 7 were evaluated using ab initio quantum mechanical methods and compared with those of a standard push-pull chromophores (disperse red 1, DMNPAA and PNA. The two level model was used to obtain the frequency dependency of the microscopic electrooptic effect, and the results show that the obtained values for the dyes are higher than the standard chromophores at wavelengths of the near infrared. Therefore, these dyes may be applied in photonic devices and photorefractive materials.

    Mediante métodos de cálculo ab initio se han estudiado las propiedades ópticas no lineales de segundo orden de tres colorantes (azul de metileno, tionina y coumarina 7, y se han comparado con los obtenidos para tres cromóforos donador-aceptor (disperse red 1, DMNPAA y PNA. Posteriormente se ha utilizado el modelo de los dos niveles para estimar la dependencia con la frecuencia del efecto electroóptico microscópico. Los resultados muestran que los colorantes estudiados tienen valores de esta propiedad del mismo orden o superiores que los cromóforos clásicos en longitudes de onda del infrarrojo cercano, por lo tanto puede estudiarse su aplicación en dispositivos fotónicos y materiales fotorrefractivos.

  6. A deterministic guide for material and mode dependence of on-chip electro-optic modulator performance (United States)

    Amin, Rubab; Suer, Can; Ma, Zhizhen; Sarpkaya, Ibrahim; Khurgin, Jacob B.; Agarwal, Ritesh; Sorger, Volker J.


    Electro-optic modulation is a key function in optical data communication and possible future optical computing engines. The performance of modulators intricately depends on the interaction between the actively modulated material and the propagating waveguide mode. While high-performing modulators were demonstrated before, the approaches were taken as ad-hoc. Here we show the first systematic investigation to incorporate a holistic analysis for high-performance and ultra-compact electro-optic modulators on-chip. We show that intricate interplay between active modulation material and optical mode plays a key role in the device operation. Based on physical tradeoffs such as index modulation, loss, optical confinement factors and slow-light effects, we find that bias-material-mode regions exist where high phase modulation and high loss (absorption) modulation is found. This work paves the way for a holistic design rule of electro-optic modulators for on-chip integration.

  7. Precision Force Control for an Electro-Hydraulic Press Machine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hong-Ming Chen


    Full Text Available This thesis is primarily intended to design a PC-based control system to control the force of an electro-hydraulic servo press system for implementing precision force control. The main feature is to develop a composite control by using the relief valve and the flow servo valve. Using feedback from a force sensor, a fuzzy controller was designed with LabVIEW software as the system control core for achieving a precision force control for the hydraulic cylinder on its travel and output. The weakness of hydraulic systems is that hydraulic oil is compressible and prone to leaking, and its characteristics can vary with oil temperature, thus making it difficult for a general linear controller to achieve accurate control. Therefore, a fuzzy controller was designed with LabVIEW along with a NI-PCI_6221 interface card and a load cell to control the servo valve flow and the relief valve to control the pressure source. The testing results indicate that accurate force control output of an electro-hydraulic servo press system can be obtained.

  8. Electrochemical performance for the electro-oxidation of ethylene glycol on a carbon-supported platinum catalyst at intermediate temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kosaka, Fumihiko; Oshima, Yoshito [Department of Environment Systems, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8563 (Japan); Otomo, Junichiro, E-mail: [Department of Environment Systems, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8563 (Japan)


    Highlights: > High oxidation current in ethylene glycol electro-oxidation at intermediate temperature. > High C-C bond dissociation ratio of ethylene glycol at intermediate temperature. > Low selectivity for CH{sub 4} in ethylene glycol electro-oxidation. > High selectivity for CO{sub 2} according to an increase in steam to carbon ratios. - Abstract: To determine the kinetic performance of the electro-oxidation of a polyalcohol operating at relatively high temperatures, direct electrochemical oxidation of ethylene glycol on a carbon supported platinum catalyst (Pt/C) was investigated at intermediate temperatures (235-255 {sup o}C) using a single cell fabricated with a proton-conducting solid electrolyte, CsH{sub 2}PO{sub 4}, which has high proton conductivity (>10{sup -2} S cm{sup -1}) in the intermediate temperature region. A high oxidation current density was observed, comparable to that for methanol electro-oxidation and also higher than that for ethanol electro-oxidation. The main products of ethylene glycol electro-oxidation were H{sub 2}, CO{sub 2}, CO and a small amount of CH{sub 4} formation was also observed. On the other hand, the amounts of C{sub 2} products such as acetaldehyde, acetic acid and glycolaldehyde were quite small and were lower by about two orders of magnitude than the gaseous reaction products. This clearly shows that C-C bond dissociation proceeds almost to completion at intermediate temperatures and the dissociation ratio reached a value above 95%. The present observations and kinetic analysis suggest the effective application of direct alcohol fuel cells operating at intermediate temperatures and indicate the possibility of total oxidation of alcohol fuels.

  9. A fitness-for-purpose evaluation of fracture critical electro-slag welds. (United States)


    A fitness-for-purpose evaluation was performed on the electro-slag flange welds of the West Fremont bridge approach : superstructures, per the request of FHWA. This evaluation required gathering knowledge of the material properties, fabrication : def...

  10. Electro-Fenton oxidation of reverse osmosis concentrate from sanitary landfill leachate: Evaluation of operational parameters. (United States)

    Fernandes, Annabel; Labiadh, Lazhar; Ciríaco, Lurdes; Pacheco, Maria José; Gadri, Abdellatif; Ammar, Salah; Lopes, Ana


    The electro-Fenton oxidation of a concentrate from reverse osmosis of a sanitary landfill leachate, with an initial chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 42 g L -1 , was carried out using a carbon-felt cathode and a boron doped diamond anode. The influence of the applied current intensity, initial pH and dissolved iron initial concentration on the electro-Fenton process was assessed. For the experimental conditions used, results showed that the initial pH is the parameter that more strongly influences the current efficiency of the electro-Fenton process, being this influence more pronounced on the oxidation rate than on the mineralization rate of the organic matter. The increase in iron initial concentration was found to be detrimental, since the natural amount of iron present in the effluent, 73 mg L -1 of total iron and 61 mg L -1 of dissolved iron, was sufficient to ensure the electro-Fenton process at the applied intensities - 0.2-1.4 A. For the more favourable conditions studied, initial pH of 3 and natural iron concentration, it was found an increase in the organic load and nitrogen removals with the applied current intensity. For the highest current intensity applied, a COD removal of 16.7 g L -1 was achieved after 8-h experiments. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Green Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Hybrid N-Doped ORR Electro-Catalysts Derived from Apricot Sap

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramesh Karunagaran


    Full Text Available Rapid depletion of fossil fuel and increased energy demand has initiated a need for an alternative energy source to cater for the growing energy demand. Fuel cells are an enabling technology for the conversion of sustainable energy carriers (e.g., renewable hydrogen or bio-gas into electrical power and heat. However, the hazardous raw materials and complicated experimental procedures used to produce electro-catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR in fuel cells has been a concern for the effective implementation of these catalysts. Therefore, environmentally friendly and low-cost oxygen reduction electro-catalysts synthesised from natural products are considered as an attractive alternative to currently used synthetic materials involving hazardous chemicals and waste. Herein, we describe a unique integrated oxygen reduction three-dimensional composite catalyst containing both nitrogen-doped carbon fibers (N-CF and carbon microspheres (N-CMS synthesised from apricot sap from an apricot tree. The synthesis was carried out via three-step process, including apricot sap resin preparation, hydrothermal treatment, and pyrolysis with a nitrogen precursor. The nitrogen-doped electro-catalysts synthesised were characterised by SEM, TEM, XRD, Raman, and BET techniques followed by electro-chemical testing for ORR catalysis activity. The obtained catalyst material shows high catalytic activity for ORR in the basic medium by facilitating the reaction via a four-electron transfer mechanism.

  12. Green Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Hybrid N-Doped ORR Electro-Catalysts Derived from Apricot Sap. (United States)

    Karunagaran, Ramesh; Coghlan, Campbell; Shearer, Cameron; Tran, Diana; Gulati, Karan; Tung, Tran Thanh; Doonan, Christian; Losic, Dusan


    Rapid depletion of fossil fuel and increased energy demand has initiated a need for an alternative energy source to cater for the growing energy demand. Fuel cells are an enabling technology for the conversion of sustainable energy carriers (e.g., renewable hydrogen or bio-gas) into electrical power and heat. However, the hazardous raw materials and complicated experimental procedures used to produce electro-catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in fuel cells has been a concern for the effective implementation of these catalysts. Therefore, environmentally friendly and low-cost oxygen reduction electro-catalysts synthesised from natural products are considered as an attractive alternative to currently used synthetic materials involving hazardous chemicals and waste. Herein, we describe a unique integrated oxygen reduction three-dimensional composite catalyst containing both nitrogen-doped carbon fibers (N-CF) and carbon microspheres (N-CMS) synthesised from apricot sap from an apricot tree. The synthesis was carried out via three-step process, including apricot sap resin preparation, hydrothermal treatment, and pyrolysis with a nitrogen precursor. The nitrogen-doped electro-catalysts synthesised were characterised by SEM, TEM, XRD, Raman, and BET techniques followed by electro-chemical testing for ORR catalysis activity. The obtained catalyst material shows high catalytic activity for ORR in the basic medium by facilitating the reaction via a four-electron transfer mechanism.

  13. Effects of preconditioning of electro-acupuncture on postoperative cognitive dysfunction in elderly: A prospective, randomized, controlled trial [Journal Club

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bosch, M.P.C.; Noort, M.W.M.L. van den


    Objective: Electro-acupuncture is a burgeoning treatment using the needle inserting into the body acupoints and the low-frequency pulse current being electrified by an electric acupuncture machine. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of preconditioning of electro-acupuncture on

  14. Novel Electro-Optical Coupling Technique for Magnetic Resonance-Compatible Positron Emission Tomography Detectors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter D. Olcott


    Full Text Available A new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI-compatible positron emission tomography (PET detector design is being developed that uses electro-optical coupling to bring the amplitude and arrival time information of high-speed PET detector scintillation pulses out of an MRI system. The electro-optical coupling technology consists of a magnetically insensitive photodetector output signal connected to a nonmagnetic vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL diode that is coupled to a multimode optical fiber. This scheme essentially acts as an optical wire with no influence on the MRI system. To test the feasibility of this approach, a lutetium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate crystal coupled to a single pixel of a solid-state photomultiplier array was placed in coincidence with a lutetium oxyorthosilicate crystal coupled to a fast photomultiplier tube with both the new nonmagnetic VCSEL coupling and the standard coaxial cable signal transmission scheme. No significant change was observed in 511 keV photopeak energy resolution and coincidence time resolution. This electro-optical coupling technology enables an MRI-compatible PET block detector to have a reduced electromagnetic footprint compared with the signal transmission schemes deployed in the current MRI/PET designs.

  15. Novel electro-optical coupling technique for magnetic resonance-compatible positron emission tomography detectors. (United States)

    Olcott, Peter D; Peng, Hao; Levin, Craig S


    A new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-compatible positron emission tomography (PET) detector design is being developed that uses electro-optical coupling to bring the amplitude and arrival time information of high-speed PET detector scintillation pulses out of an MRI system. The electro-optical coupling technology consists of a magnetically insensitive photodetector output signal connected to a nonmagnetic vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) diode that is coupled to a multimode optical fiber. This scheme essentially acts as an optical wire with no influence on the MRI system. To test the feasibility of this approach, a lutetium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate crystal coupled to a single pixel of a solid-state photomultiplier array was placed in coincidence with a lutetium oxyorthosilicate crystal coupled to a fast photomultiplier tube with both the new nonmagnetic VCSEL coupling and the standard coaxial cable signal transmission scheme. No significant change was observed in 511 keV photopeak energy resolution and coincidence time resolution. This electro-optical coupling technology enables an MRI-compatible PET block detector to have a reduced electromagnetic footprint compared with the signal transmission schemes deployed in the current MRI/PET designs.

  16. Assessing PAH removal from clayey soil by means of electro-osmosis and electrodialysis

    KAUST Repository

    Lima, Ana T.


    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are persistent and toxic contaminants which are difficult to remove from fine porous material like clayey soils. The present work aims at studying two electroremediation techniques for the removal of PAHs from a spiked natural silt soil from Saudi Arabia and a silty loam soil from The Netherlands which has been exposed to tar contamination for over 100. years. The two techniques at focus are electro-osmosis and electrodialysis. The latter is applied for the first time for the removal of PAH. The efficiency of the techniques is studied using these two soils, having been subjected to different PAH contact times. Two surfactants were used: the non-ionic surfactant Tween 80 and anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) to aid desorption of PAHs from the soil. Results show a large discrepancy in the removal rates between spiked soil and long-term field contaminated soil, as expected. In spiked soil, electro-osmosis achieves up to 85% while electrodialysis accomplishes 68% PAH removal. In field contaminated soil, electro-osmosis results in 35% PAH removal whereas electrodialysis results in 79%. Short recommendations are derived for the up-scale of the two techniques. © 2012.

  17. Assessing PAH removal from clayey soil by means of electro-osmosis and electrodialysis

    KAUST Repository

    Lima, Ana T.; Ottosen, Lisbeth M.; Heister, Katja; Loch, J.P. Gustav


    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are persistent and toxic contaminants which are difficult to remove from fine porous material like clayey soils. The present work aims at studying two electroremediation techniques for the removal of PAHs from a spiked natural silt soil from Saudi Arabia and a silty loam soil from The Netherlands which has been exposed to tar contamination for over 100. years. The two techniques at focus are electro-osmosis and electrodialysis. The latter is applied for the first time for the removal of PAH. The efficiency of the techniques is studied using these two soils, having been subjected to different PAH contact times. Two surfactants were used: the non-ionic surfactant Tween 80 and anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) to aid desorption of PAHs from the soil. Results show a large discrepancy in the removal rates between spiked soil and long-term field contaminated soil, as expected. In spiked soil, electro-osmosis achieves up to 85% while electrodialysis accomplishes 68% PAH removal. In field contaminated soil, electro-osmosis results in 35% PAH removal whereas electrodialysis results in 79%. Short recommendations are derived for the up-scale of the two techniques. © 2012.

  18. Current advances and trends in electro-Fenton process using heterogeneous catalysts - A review. (United States)

    Poza-Nogueiras, Verónica; Rosales, Emilio; Pazos, Marta; Sanromán, M Ángeles


    Over the last decades, advanced oxidation processes have often been used alone, or combined with other techniques, for remediation of ground and surface water pollutants. The application of heterogeneous catalysis to electrochemical advanced oxidation processes is especially useful due to its efficiency and environmental safety. Among those processes, electro-Fenton stands out as the one in which heterogeneous catalysis has been broadly applied. Thus, this review has introduced an up-to-date collation of the current knowledge of the heterogeneous electro-Fenton process, highlighting recent advances in the use of different catalysts such as iron minerals (pyrite, magnetite or goethite), prepared catalysts by the load of metals in inorganic and organic materials, nanoparticles, and the inclusion of catalysts on the cathode. The effects of physical-chemical parameters as well as the mechanisms involved are critically assessed. Finally, although the utilization of this process to remediation of wastewater overwhelmingly outnumber other utilities, several applications have been described in the context of regeneration of adsorbent or the remediation of soils as clear examples of the feasibility of the electro-Fenton process to solve different environmental problems. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. An automated thermoelectric power apparatus using electro-optic relays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chakravarti, A.; Ranganathan, R.


    We report the design and construction of a thermoelectric power apparatus using home-made electro-optic relays with Z-80A microprocessor for automatic data acquisition and control. The advantages of such relays made out of LED-LDR combinations for the measurement of ΔE and ΔT are discussed in details. (author). 7 refs., 5 figs

  20. Modeling and controller design on ARX model of Electro-Hydrolic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Electro-hydraulic actuator (EHA) is commonly used in industry for its linear movement, quick response and accurate positioning of heavy loads. However, the uncertainties, highly nonlinearities and time varying characteristic of EHA caused difficulties in controlling the system. This paper studies the performance of Fuzzy PID ...

  1. A Fast Electro-Thermal Co-Simulation Modeling Approach for SiC Power MOSFETs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ceccarelli, Lorenzo; Bahman, Amir Sajjad; Iannuzzo, Francesco


    The purpose of this work is to propose a novel electro-thermal co-simulation approach for the new generation of SiC MOSFETs, by development of a PSpice-based compact and physical SiC MOSFET model including temperature dependency of several parameters and a Simulink-based thermal network. The PSpice...... the FEM simulation of the DUT’s structure, performed in ANSYS Icepack. A MATLAB script is used to process the simulation data and feed the needed settings and parameters back into the simulation. The parameters for a CREE 1.2 kV/30 A SiC MOSFET have been identified and the electro-thermal model has been...

  2. Electro-optic architecture for servicing sensors and actuators in advanced aircraft propulsion systems (United States)

    Poppel, G. L.; Glasheen, W. M.


    A detailed design of a fiber optic propulsion control system, integrating favored sensors and electro-optics architecture is presented. Layouts, schematics, and sensor lists describe an advanced fighter engine system model. Components and attributes of candidate fiber optic sensors are identified, and evaluation criteria are used in a trade study resulting in favored sensors for each measurand. System architectural ground rules were applied to accomplish an electro-optics architecture for the favored sensors. A key result was a considerable reduction in signal conductors. Drawings, schematics, specifications, and printed circuit board layouts describe the detailed system design, including application of a planar optical waveguide interface.

  3. Electro-optic sampling for time resolving relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scoby, C. M.; Musumeci, P.; Moody, J.; Gutierrez, M.; Tran, T.


    The Pegasus laboratory at UCLA features a state-of-the-art electron photoinjector capable of producing ultrashort (<100 fs) high-brightness electron bunches at energies of 3.75 MeV. These beams recently have been used to produce static diffraction patterns from scattering off thin metal foils, and it is foreseen to take advantage of the ultrashort nature of these bunches in future pump-probe time-resolved diffraction studies. In this paper, single shot 2-d electro-optic sampling is presented as a potential technique for time of arrival stamping of electron bunches used for diffraction. Effects of relatively low bunch charge (a few 10's of pC) and modestly relativistic beams are discussed and background compensation techniques to obtain high signal-to-noise ratio are explored. From these preliminary tests, electro-optic sampling is suitable to be a reliable nondestructive time stamping method for relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction at the Pegasus lab.

  4. Coulomb field strength measurement by electro-optic spectral decoding system at the CALIFES beam line

    CERN Document Server

    Pan, R; Lefevre, T; Gillepsie, WA; CERN. Geneva. ATS Department


    Electro-optic (EO) techniques are increasingly used for longitudinal bunch profile measurements. A bunch profile monitor, based on electro-optic spectral decoding(EOSD), has been developed and demonstrated on the CALIFES beam line at CERN. The EO response is analysed using a frequency domain description, and two methods for extraction of absolute Coulomb field strengths from the electron bunch are demonstrated. Measurements at field strengths up to 1.3 MV/m agree with the expectation based on independent charge measurements.

  5. Electro-oxidation of reverse osmosis concentrates generated in tertiary water treatment. (United States)

    Pérez, G; Fernández-Alba, A R; Urtiaga, A M; Ortiz, I


    This work investigates the application of the electro-oxidation technology provided with boron doped diamond (BDD), an electrode material which has shown outstanding properties in oxidation of organic and inorganic compounds, for the treatment of reverse osmosis (RO) concentrates generated in tertiary wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium and several anions were measured during the electro-oxidation process, and the influence of the applied current density (20-200A/m(2)) was analysed on process kinetics. Analytical assessment showed that several emerging pollutants (pharmaceuticals, personal care products, stimulants, etc.) were presented both in the effluent of the secondary WWTP as well as in the RO concentrate. For this reason, a group of 10 emerging pollutants, those found with higher concentrations, was selected in order to test whether electro-oxidation can be also applied for their mitigation. In the removal of emerging pollutants the electrical current density in the range 20-100A/m(2) did not show influence likely due to the mass transfer resistance developed in the process when the oxidized solutes are present in such low concentrations. Their removal rates were fitted to first order expressions, and the apparent kinetic constants for the anodic oxidation of each compound were calculated. Finally, the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) has been checked; concluding that after selecting the appropriate operational conditions the attained concentration is lower than the standards for drinking water established in European and EPA regulations. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Airborne Thematic Thermal InfraRed and Electro-Optical Imaging System, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The innovation is an advanced Airborne Thematic Thermal InfraRed and Electro-Optical Imaging System (ATTIREOIS). ATTIREOIS sensor payload consists of two sets of...

  7. Electro-catalytic properties of tri-(Fe, Co and Ni shungite composites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bazarbay Serikbayev


    Full Text Available The article presents the results of electrochemical investigations obtained on carbon paste electrodes (CPE of shungite from the land Koksu. Electrochemical and electro-catalytic properties of shungite modified with iron, cobalt and nickel were compared.

  8. The electro-oxidation of lignin in Sappi Saiccor dissolving pulp mill ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Oct 28, 2009 ... were identified in the electro-oxidised reaction mixtures using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and high ... sea via a 7 km pipeline. ... the formation of dimers, using starting materials obtained from an acidic ...

  9. Separation of ions in nanofluidic channels with combined pressure-driven and electro-osmotic flow. (United States)

    Gillespie, Dirk; Pennathur, Sumita


    Separation of ionic species with the same electrophoretic mobility but different valence in electrolyte systems can occur within nanometer-scale channels with finite electrical double layers (EDLs). This is because EDL thicknesses are a significant fraction of slit height in such channels and can create transverse analyte concentration profiles that allow for unique separation modalities when combined with axial fluid flow. Previous work has shown such separation to occur using either pressure-driven flow or electro-osmotic flow separately. Here, we develop a Poisson-Boltzmann model to compare the separation of such ions using the combination of both pressure-driven and electro-osmotic flow. Applying a pressure gradient in the opposite direction of electro-osmotic flow can allow for zero or infinite retention of analyte species, which we investigate using three different wall boundary conditions. Furthermore, we determine conditions in fused silica nanochannels with which to generate optimal separation between two analytes of different charge but the same mobility. We also give simple rules of thumb to achieve the best separation efficacy in nanochannel systems.

  10. The effect of step height on the performance of three-dimensional ac electro-osmotic microfluidic pumps. (United States)

    Urbanski, John Paul; Levitan, Jeremy A; Burch, Damian N; Thorsen, Todd; Bazant, Martin Z


    Recent numerical and experimental studies have investigated the increase in efficiency of microfluidic ac electro-osmotic pumps by introducing nonplanar geometries with raised steps on the electrodes. In this study, we analyze the effect of the step height on ac electro-osmotic pump performance. AC electro-osmotic pumps with three-dimensional electroplated steps are fabricated on glass substrates and pumping velocities of low ionic strength electrolyte solutions are measured systematically using a custom microfluidic device. Numerical simulations predict an improvement in pump performance with increasing step height, at a given frequency and voltage, up to an optimal step height, which qualitatively matches the trend observed in experiment. For a broad range of step heights near the optimum, the observed flow is much faster than with existing planar pumps (at the same voltage and minimum feature size) and in the theoretically predicted direction of the "fluid conveyor belt" mechanism. For small step heights, the experiments also exhibit significant flow reversal at the optimal frequency, which cannot be explained by the theory, although the simulations predict weak flow reversal at higher frequencies due to incomplete charging. These results provide insight to an important parameter for the design of nonplanar electro-osmotic pumps and clues to improve the fundamental theory of ACEO.

  11. Size-dependent electro-magneto-elastic bending analyses of the shear-deformable axisymmetric functionally graded circular nanoplates (United States)

    Arefi, Mohammad; Zenkour, Ashraf M.


    This paper develops nonlocal elasticity equations and magneto-electro-elastic relations to size-dependent electro-magneto-elastic bending analyses of the functionally graded axisymmetric circular nanoplates based on the first-order shear deformation theory. All material properties are graded along the thickness direction based on exponential varying. It is assumed that a circular nanoplate is made from piezo-magnetic materials. The energy method and Ritz approach is employed for the derivation of governing equations of electro-magneto-elastic bending and the solution of the problem, respectively. The nanoplate is subjected to applied electric and magnetic potentials at top and transverse loads while it is rested on Pasternak's foundation. Some important numerical results are presented in various figures to show the influence of applied electric and magnetic potentials, small scale parameter and inhomogeneous index of an exponentially graded nanoplate.

  12. Modelling and LPV control of an electro-hydraulic servo system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Naus, G.J.L.; Wijnheijmer, F.P.; Post, W.J.A.E.M.; Steinbuch, M.; Teerhuis, A.P.


    This paper aims to show the modelling and control of an hydraulic servo system, targeting at frequency domain based controller design and the implementation of a LPV controller. The actual set-up consists of a mass, moved by a hydraulic cylinder and an electro-hydraulic servo valve. A nonlinear

  13. Electro-Click” on Conducting Polymer Films

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Thomas Steen; Lind, Johan Ulrik; Daugaard, Anders Egede

    for their own functionalization with high spatial resolution. Interdigitated microelectrodes prepared from the azide-containing conducting polymer were selectively functionalized in sequence by two alkyne-modified fluorophores by control of the applied potentials. “Electro-click” on conducting polymer films......An azide substituted 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene monomer is polymerised to yield a PEDOT like polymer with available azide groups (Figure 1). The azide groups enable post polymerization functionalization of the conducting polymer using a 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition reaction – also denoted “click...

  14. Sol-Gel Material-Enabled Electro-Optic Polymer Modulators (United States)

    Himmelhuber, Roland; Norwood, Robert A.; Enami, Yasufumi; Peyghambarian, Nasser


    Sol-gels are an important material class, as they provide easy modification of material properties, good processability and are easy to synthesize. In general, an electro-optic (EO) modulator transforms an electrical signal into an optical signal. The incoming electrical signal is most commonly information encoded in a voltage change. This voltage change is then transformed into either a phase change or an intensity change in the light signal. The less voltage needed to drive the modulator and the lower the optical loss, the higher the link gain and, therefore, the better the performance of the modulator. In this review, we will show how sol-gels can be used to enhance the performance of electro-optic modulators by allowing for designs with low optical loss, increased poling efficiency and manipulation of the electric field used for driving the modulator. The optical loss is influenced by the propagation loss in the device, as well as the losses occurring during fiber coupling in and out of the device. In both cases, the use of sol-gel materials can be beneficial due to the wide range of available refractive indices and low optical attenuation. The influence of material properties and synthesis conditions on the device performance will be discussed. PMID:26225971

  15. Descomposición electrocatalítica del NOx con el catalizador NiO/YSZ= Electrochemical catalytic descomposition of NOx with a NiO/YSZ catalyst


    Alfonso Martínez, María Pilar


    Los catalizadores basados en níquel presentan una buena actividad en la descomposición del NOx, pero son fuertemente inhibidos por el oxígeno. En este trabajo se estudió la regeneración de los centros activos del catalizador, obteniéndose una regeneración continua de los mismos cuando se llevaba a cabo una reducción electro-química del catalizador. Se observó un aumento en la selectividad de la celda electroquímica respecto a la reacción de descomposición de los óxidos de nitrógeno con el tie...

  16. Efecto del procedimiento de soldadura sobre las propiedades de uniones soldadas de aceros microaleados para cañería Welding procedure effect on the properties of microalloyed steel welded joints for metal fabrication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Zalazar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue, en esta primera etapa, comparar las propiedades mecánicas y la microestructura del acero HIC, aleado al Nb-Ti-Cu-Ni, resistente a la corrosión, con las del acero normal NOR, microaleado con Nb-V-Ti, ambos caracterizados mediante análisis químico, mediciones de dureza, estudios metalográficos y ensayos de tracción e impacto. Con el fin de establecer la temperatura de precalentamiento óptima se realizaron ensayos de soldabilidad Tekken a distintas temperaturas y de acuerdo con la Norma JIS Z 3158. Luego se llevaron a cabo soldaduras circunferenciales de cañerías fabricadas con ambos aceros diseñándose procedimientos para la utilización, por un lado, de electrodos revestidos (SMAW: shielded metal arc welding, electrodos de distintos proveedores para todas las pasadas y por el otro, la primera pasada usando soldadura automática con alambre macizo bajo CO2 (GMAW: gas metal arc welding y el resto de las mismas con alambre tubular autoprotegido (FCAW-S: flux cored arc welding-selfshielded. Las soldaduras fueron calificadas de acuerdo con el Código API 1104. Los resultados de los análisis metalográficos y los ensayos mecánicos de tracción, dureza e impacto de las juntas soldadas revelaron la influencia de los consumibles de soldadura y del metal base en las propiedades de las uniones. Se observaron diferencias en las propiedades de las uniones soldadas con consumibles de igual especificación y distintos proveedores. De las diferentes combinaciones ensayadas se definieron valores óptimos para la soldadura de estos aceros.The objective of this work was, in this first step, to compare mechanical property and microstructure of the steel HIC, alloyed with Nb-Ti-Cu-Ni, corrosion resistant, to those of a normal steel NOR, microlloyed with Nb-V-Ti, characterized through chemical analysis, hardness measurements, metallographic studies and tensile and Charpy-V properties. The preheating temperature was established

  17. Bio-Electro-Fenton process for the degradation of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in wastewater

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nadais, Helena; Li, Xiaohu; Alves, Nadine


    Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are ubiquitous municipal wastewater pollutants of which several are resistant to degradation in conventional wastewater treatment, and represent a major environmental health concern worldwide. An alternative treatment, the bio-electro-Fenton process......, has received increasing attention in past years. In this process the strong oxidant •HO is formed using the electrons derived from bacterial oxidation of organic substrate. In this work, a laboratory scale microbial electrolysis cell based bio-electro-Fenton process was developed for the treatment...

  18. Effective electro-optical modulation with high extinction ratio by a graphene-silicon microring resonator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ding, Yunhong; Zhu, Xiaolong; Xiao, Sanshui


    Graphene opens up for novel optoelectronic applications thanks to its high carrier mobility, ultra-large absorption bandwidth, and extremely fast material response. In particular, the opportunity to control optoelectronic properties through tuning of the Fermi level enables electro-optical modula......Graphene opens up for novel optoelectronic applications thanks to its high carrier mobility, ultra-large absorption bandwidth, and extremely fast material response. In particular, the opportunity to control optoelectronic properties through tuning of the Fermi level enables electro...... with an extinction ratio of 3.8 dB is successfully demonstrated by applying a square-waveform with a 4 V peak-to-peak voltage....

  19. Theory of Electro-Optical Properties of Graphene Nanoribbons


    Gundra, Kondayya; Shukla, Alok


    We present calculations of the optical absorption and electro-absorption spectra of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) using a $\\pi-$electron approach, incorporating long-range Coulomb interactions within the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model Hamiltonian. The approach is carefully bench marked by computing quantities such as the band structure, electric-field driven half metallicity, and linear optical absorption spectra of GNRs of various types, and the results are in good agreement with those obtaine...


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un procedimiento basado en el Método de los Elementos Finitos y en la Mecánica de la Fractura Elástica Lineal para obtener un modelo matemático de propagación de grietas en uniones soldadas de filete transversal. Se empleó como material para las placas acero estructural ASTM-A36 y como material de aporte fueron utilizados electrodos E6013, usando un procedimiento de soldadura SMAW. Las grietas modeladas fueron de tipo superficial ubicadas en el pie de la soldadura. Se encontraron razones de propagación que difieren hasta en un 41% entre grietas centradas y con excentricidad de un 90%. Se emplearon cordones con perfil recto y convexo encontrándose una diferencia pequeña en la vida de fatiga entre ambos tipos. Los resultados de los modelos obtenidos fueron contrastados con el método convencional de cálculo y validados por medio de ensayos experimentales. Los valores de vida de fatiga se encontraron dentro del intervalo de confianza para p=95%.

  1. Electro-optic architecture (EOA) for sensors and actuators in aircraft propulsion systems (United States)

    Glomb, W. L., Jr.


    Results of a study to design an optimal architecture for electro-optical sensing and control in advanced aircraft and space systems are described. The propulsion full authority digital Electronic Engine Control (EEC) was the focus for the study. The recommended architecture is an on-engine EEC which contains electro-optic interface circuits for fiber-optic sensors on the engine. Size and weight are reduced by multiplexing arrays of functionally similar sensors on a pair of optical fibers to common electro-optical interfaces. The architecture contains common, multiplex interfaces to seven sensor groups: (1) self luminous sensors; (2) high temperatures; (3) low temperatures; (4) speeds and flows; (5) vibration; (6) pressures; and (7) mechanical positions. Nine distinct fiber-optic sensor types were found to provide these sensing functions: (1) continuous wave (CW) intensity modulators; (2) time division multiplexing (TDM) digital optic codeplates; (3) time division multiplexing (TDM) analog self-referenced sensors; (4) wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) digital optic code plates; (5) wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) analog self-referenced intensity modulators; (6) analog optical spectral shifters; (7) self-luminous bodies; (8) coherent optical interferometers; and (9) remote electrical sensors. The report includes the results of a trade study including engine sensor requirements, environment, the basic sensor types, and relevant evaluation criteria. These figures of merit for the candidate interface types were calculated from the data supplied by leading manufacturers of fiber-optic sensors.

  2. Large-area Fabry-Perot modulator based on electro-optic polymers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benter, Nils; Bertram, Ralph Peter; Soergel, Elisabeth


    We present a large-area electro-optic Fabry-Perot modulator utilizing a photoaddressable bis-azo polymer placed between two dielectric mirrors with an open aperture of 2 cm. A modulation efficientcy of 1% at an effective modulation voltage of 20 V for a wavelength of 1.55 mymeter is demonstrated...

  3. The Relationship between the Monomer Chain Length and the Electro-Optical Properties of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liu J.


    Full Text Available Five polymers dispersed liquid crystalline (LC films were fabricated using photo-polymerizable monomers with different lengths of carbon chains. These LC films have shown different electro-optical (EO properties. Through their SEM pictures, the relationship between the linear electro-optical effect and the mesh size of the polymer network was explored. With the increase of number of photo-polymerizable monomers, the mesh size of the polymer network would become larger. So the liquid crystal molecules would be easily oriented in the electric field and therefore, the threshold voltage and saturation voltage would decrease. The open state response times were also reduced and the off state response times would be extended. The DFT simulations have shown principal role of the ground state dipole moments in the observed electro-optical efficiency.

  4. Electro-optical detection of charged particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Semertzidis, Y.K.; Castillo, V.; Kowalski, L.; Kraus, D.E.; Larsen, R.; Lazarus, D.M.; Magurno, B.; Nikas, D.; Ozben, C.; Srinivasan-Rao, T.; Tsang, T.


    We have made the first observation of a charged particle beam by means of its electro-optical effect on the polarization of laser light in a LiNbO 3 crystal. The modulation of the laser light during the passage of a pulsed electron beam was observed using a fast photodiode and a digital oscilloscope. The fastest rise time measured, 120 ps, was obtained in the single shot mode and was limited by the bandwidth of the oscilloscope and the associated electronics. This technology holds good for detectors of greatly improved spatial and temporal resolution for single relativistic charged particles as well as particle beams

  5. Electro-optical detection of charged particles

    CERN Document Server

    Semertzidis, Y K; Kowalski, L A; Kraus, D E; Larsen, R; Lazarus, D M; Magurno, B; Nikas, D; Ozben, C; Srinivasan-Rao, T; Tsang, Thomas


    We have made the first observation of a charged particle beam by means of its electro-optical effect on the polarization of laser light in a LiNbO sub 3 crystal. The modulation of the laser light during the passage of a pulsed electron beam was observed using a fast photodiode and a digital oscilloscope. The fastest rise time measured, 120 ps, was obtained in the single shot mode and was limited by the bandwidth of the oscilloscope and the associated electronics. This technology holds good for detectors of greatly improved spatial and temporal resolution for single relativistic charged particles as well as particle beams.

  6. Electro-optical detection of charged particles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Semertzidis, Y.K.; Castillo, V.; Kowalski, L.; Kraus, D.E.; Larsen, R.; Lazarus, D.M. E-mail:; Magurno, B.; Nikas, D.; Ozben, C.; Srinivasan-Rao, T.; Tsang, T


    We have made the first observation of a charged particle beam by means of its electro-optical effect on the polarization of laser light in a LiNbO{sub 3} crystal. The modulation of the laser light during the passage of a pulsed electron beam was observed using a fast photodiode and a digital oscilloscope. The fastest rise time measured, 120 ps, was obtained in the single shot mode and was limited by the bandwidth of the oscilloscope and the associated electronics. This technology holds good for detectors of greatly improved spatial and temporal resolution for single relativistic charged particles as well as particle beams.

  7. Design and Performance Evaluation of an Electro-Hydraulic Camless Engine Valve Actuator for Future Vehicle Applications. (United States)

    Nam, Kanghyun; Cho, Kwanghyun; Park, Sang-Shin; Choi, Seibum B


    This paper details the new design and dynamic simulation of an electro-hydraulic camless engine valve actuator (EH-CEVA) and experimental verification with lift position sensors. In general, camless engine technologies have been known for improving fuel efficiency, enhancing power output, and reducing emissions of internal combustion engines. Electro-hydraulic valve actuators are used to eliminate the camshaft of an existing internal combustion engines and used to control the valve timing and valve duration independently. This paper presents novel electro-hydraulic actuator design, dynamic simulations, and analysis based on design specifications required to satisfy the operation performances. An EH-CEVA has initially been designed and modeled by means of a powerful hydraulic simulation software, AMESim, which is useful for the dynamic simulations and analysis of hydraulic systems. Fundamental functions and performances of the EH-CEVA have been validated through comparisons with experimental results obtained in a prototype test bench.

  8. Influence of anionic surfactant on the process of electro-Fenton decolorized methyl orange. (United States)

    Ren, B X


    The electro-Fenton process has been shown to be very successful to remove dyes from water. However, the influence of other constituents in dyeing industry wastewater, such as Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) surfactants, has not been investigated. In this study, the effect of SDS surfactant on the kinetics of Methyl Orange degradation undergoing Electro-Fenton process was investigated. Results show that Methyl Orange degradation rate decreased as SDS concentration (below Critical Micelle Concentration, CMC) increased, which was attributed to the consumption of hydroxyl radicals (( )OH) by surfactants. The kinetics modeling indicates the reaction was the first-order reaction to Methyl Orange even SDS existing. The pseudo first-order rate constants decreased as SDS concentration increased.

  9. Dielectric and electro-optical parameters of two ferroelectric liquid crystals: a comparative study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar Misra, Abhishek; Kumar Srivastava, Abhishek; Shukla, J P; Manohar, Rajiv


    Dielectric relaxation and an electro-optical study of two ferroelectric liquid crystals having different spontaneous polarizations (Felix 16/100 and Felix 17/000) showing SmC* and SmA phases have been performed in the temperature range 30-80 compfn C. The experimental data have been used to determine different relaxation parameters, viz. distribution parameter, relaxation frequency, dielectric strength and rotational viscosity. The Goldstone mode of dielectric permittivity has been well observed for both the samples under investigation. The activation energy of both the samples has also been determined by the best theoretical fitting of the Arrhenius plot. We have also evaluated the optical response time and anchoring energy coefficients from electro-optical measurement techniques for these samples.

  10. Desarrollo e implementación de una técnica para la medición de impedancia en muestras de hueso húmedo de bovino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Elena Moncada


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para encontrar los valores de conductividad y permitividad eléctrica de los tejidos cortical y medular, en muestras de fémur de bovino. El tamaño de las muestras fue de diez centímetros, procedentes de animales sanos y jóvenes y con un tiempo de cuatro días después de muerto el animal. El hueso sin partes blandas fue empacado al vacío y conservado a 0°C hasta la realización de las pruebas. Para el mantenimiento y tratamiento de las muestras se desarrollaron protocolos experimentales. Para la medición se construyeron un par de electrodos de contacto de los cuales se encontró su valor de impedancia. El sistema de medición fue acompañado de un circuito RC paralelo para disminuir el efecto de la impedancia de los electrodos. Las mediciones se efectuaron para las frecuencias de 100 Hz y 120 Hz. Las variables medidas fueron impedancia (Z y ángulo (¿, y las calculadas a partir de ecuaciones matemáticas, fueron conductividad (¿ y permitividad (¿. Los resultados se encontraron dentro de los rangos reportados en literatura.

  11. Electro Optic Modulation In a Polymer Ringresonator (United States)

    Leinse, A.; Driessen, A.; Diemeer, M. B. J.


    A thermo optic and electro optic (EO) tunable polymer ringresonator was realized and tested. The device consisted of a microring resonator made of the 4-dimethylamino-4‵-nitrostilbene (DANS) containing polymer and measurements were done on the through port of this device. The ring was used in a vertical coupling structure. The port waveguides were made of the photo-definable epoxy (SU8). The rings used had a diameter of 100 μm and thermo optic tuning of about 170 pm/°C was measured. EO modulation was measured for TE polarization.

  12. The size-dependent vibration of embedded magneto-electro-elastic cylindrical nanoshells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ke, Liao-Liang; Wang, Yue-Sheng; Yang, Jie; Kitipornchai, Sritawat


    Based on the nonlocal Love’s shell theory, this paper develops an embedded magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) cylindrical nanoshell model. This model incorporates effects of the small scale parameter and thermo-electro-magnetic loadings. The surrounding elastic medium is described as the Winkler model characterized by the spring. By using this model and the Hamilton principle, the governing equations and boundary conditions are derived for free vibration of the embedded MEE cylindrical nanoshells. The Navier’s method is first utilized to obtain the analytical solution for the simply supported MEE nanoshell. Then, numerical solutions for MEE nanoshells under various boundary conditions are obtained by using the differential quadrature (DQ) method. A detailed parametric study is conducted to highlight the influences of the nonlocal parameter, temperature rise, external electric potential, external magnetic potential, spring constant, radius-to-thickness ratio and length-to-radius ratio on natural frequencies of MEE nanoshells. (paper)

  13. Complete achromatic and robustness electro-optic switch between two integrated optical waveguides (United States)

    Huang, Wei; Kyoseva, Elica


    In this paper, we present a novel design of electro-optic modulator and optical switching device, based on current integrated optics technique. The advantages of our optical switching device are broadband of input light wavelength, robustness against varying device length and operation voltages, with reference to previous design. Conforming to our results of previous paper [Huang et al, phys. lett. a, 90, 053837], the coupling of the waveguides has a hyperbolic-secant shape. while detuning has a sign flip at maximum coupling, we called it as with a sign flip of phase mismatch model. The a sign flip of phase mismatch model can produce complete robust population transfer. In this paper, we enhance this device to switch light intensity controllable, by tuning external electric field based on electro-optic effect.

  14. Preparación y estudio de fosfato de hierro y litio con diferentes morfologías y su aplicación en baterías de ión-litio


    Trócoli Jiménez, Rafael


    La investigación se ha centrado en la mejora de las propiedades electroquímicas del fosfato de hierro y litio, material positivo muy atractivo como electrodo en celdas litio ion. El óptimo comportamiento electroquímico de la estructura fosfolivina está basado en la meseta de potencial originada a 3.5 V. Las principales deficiencias del material, una muy baja conductividad intrínseca y un coeficiente de difusión de litio en la red muy pequeño, son causantes del pobre comportamiento electroquím...

  15. Effects of some factors on electro-osmotic dewatering of Laterite ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... effect on the EO process. The general effects were same for the two soil samples, but the rate of the effect varied, which implied that EO dewatering was site dependent. It was concluded that EO dewatering was a viable option for dewatering of tropical laterite. Keywords: Electro-osmosis, Soil Dewatering, Tropical Laterite, ...

  16. Linear electro-optical properties of tetragonal BaTiO 3

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Linear optical susceptibility and clamped linear electro-optical tensor coefficients of tetragonal BaTiO3 are calculated using a formalism based on bond charge theory. Calculated values are in close agreement with experimental data. The covalent Ti–O bonds constituting distorted TiO6 octahedral groups are found to be ...

  17. A microbial electro-fenton cell for removing carbamazepine in wastewater with electricity output. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Lu, Yaobin; Luo, Haiping; Liu, Guangli; Zhang, Renduo; Jin, Song


    High electrical energy is required for the electro-Fenton process to remove pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in wastewater. The aim of this study was to develop a novel and more cost-effective process, specifically a microbial electro-Fenton cell (MeFC), for treating PPCPs in wastewater. Acetylene black was selected as the catalyst for H 2 O 2 electrogeneration and Fe-Mn binary oxide for hydroxyl radical production. In addition to lowering energy needs, the MeFC produced a maximum power density of 112 ± 11 mW/m 2 with 1 g/L acetate as a representative substrate and 10 mg/L carbamazepine (CBZ) as a typical PPCP. Comparing with electro-Fenton process, the CBZ removal in the MeFC was 38% higher within 24 h operation (90% vs. 62%). Furthermore, the CBZ removal rate in the MeFC was 10-100 times faster than that in other biological treatment processes. Such enhanced degradation of CBZ in the MeFC was attributed to the synergistic reactions between radical oxidation of CBZ and biodegradation of degradative intermediates. The MeFC provides a promising method to remove PPCPs from wastewater coupling with efficient removal of other biodegradable organics. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Degradation characteristics of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in electro-biological system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, JingLi, E-mail: [Tianjin Key Laboratory of Aquatic Science and Technology, Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction, Tianjin 300384 (China); Cao, ZhanPing; Zhang, HongWei [School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387 (China); Zhao, LianMei [Tianjin Key Laboratory of Aquatic Science and Technology, Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction, Tianjin 300384 (China); Sun, XuDong; Mei, Feng [School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387 (China)


    Highlights: • The 2,4-D reductive degradation was studied in an electro-biological system. • The electric auxiliary accelerates 2,4-D microbial degradation. • A electron transfer is achieved between the electrode, bacteria and the pollutants. • The paper provides a promising way for the degradation of persistent organics. -- Abstract: The reductive degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was studied in an electro-biological system, a biological system and an electric catalytic system, respectively. Electrochemical characteristics were monitored by cyclic voltammetry and the intermediate products of 2,4-D degradation were determined by high speed liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that all 2,4-D degradations in the three systems conformed to the kinetics characteristics of one-order reaction, and the degradation kinetics constants were 28.74 × 10{sup −2} h{sup −1}, 19.73 × 10{sup −2} h{sup −1} and 3.54 × 10{sup −2} h{sup −1}, respectively. The kinetics constant in the electro-biological system was higher than the sum in the other two systems by 19%. The electrochemical assistance provided the electrons and accelerated the electron transfer rate in the microbial degradation of 2,4-D. The degradation resulted from the microbial reduction strengthened by the electrochemical assistance. The electron transfer existed between the electrode, cytochrome, NAD and the pollutants. A long-range electron transfer process could be achieved on the multi-phase interfaces between the electrode, bacteria and the pollutants.

  19. Óxidos de estaño: nuevos ánodos para baterías de Ion-Litio

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    Morales, J.


    Full Text Available The electrochemical reaction between Li and tin-based compounds, is reversible and takes place at low potentials measured against the Li electrode. This feature allows the use of these materials as negative electrodes in the manufacturing of Li-ion batteries. The lithium insertion in the tin oxides leads to the formation of Li-Sn alloys. The presence of large tin clusters, formed during the reaction, causes the cracking and crumblimg of the anodic material and the electronic contact between the particles is lost. The electrochemical performance of these materials can be optimized by controlling the growing and size of tin aggregates.

    La reacción entre el litio y óxidos o aleaciones de estaño es reversible cuando se realiza por métodos electroquímicos y a bajos potenciales con respecto al electrodo de litio. Esta propiedad permite el uso de estos materiales como electrodos negativos en el diseño y construcción de baterías tipo ion-litio. En el caso de óxidos de estaño la reacción de inserción de litio en la matriz conduce a la formación de aleaciones Li-Sn. La presencia de agregados grandes de átomos de estaño, formados durante la inserción de litio, origina la fragmentación y el desmoronamiento del material anódico. Este efecto provoca la pérdida del contacto eléctrico entre partículas, con el consiguiente deterioro de la batería. La optimización del rendimiento electroquímico de estos materiales se puede lograr mediante el control del crecimiento y tamaño de los agregados de estaño.


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    Maria I. Vera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un seguimiento del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de Electroquímica y se compararon los resultados obtenidos en evaluaciones parciales, con el objetivo de analizar si existen diferencias significativas en la apropiación de contenidos entre alumnos de carreras con diferentes perfiles. Se trabajó en los años 2009 y 2010 con dos grupos de alumnos en cada año, pertenecientes a carreras químicas y no químicas respectivamente. En ambos grupos se desarrollaron, con la misma carga horaria, contenidos conceptuales y procedimentales en clases teóricas con prácticas de resolución de problemas y de laboratorio. Para la evaluación se presentaron idénticas situaciones problemáticas, cuyos resultados muestran diferencias no significativas entre ambos grupos en la identificación del cátodo y del ánodo y cálculo de la fem estándar de la celda; en cambio en la aplicación de la Ecuación de Nernst y la identificación de especies químicas que reaccionan en los electrodos, hay diferencias significativas en las respuestas dadas.