
Sample records for eagle una causa

  1. MORIR SIN OTORRINOLARINGÓLOGO. Causas de muerte otorrinolaringológicas en una comunidad rural del siglo XIX

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    Rosana Villaoslada Fuentes


    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo: Mohedas de Granadilla es una localidad Extremeña situada al norte de la provincia de Cáceres. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es el análisis de la enfermedad y la muerte en esta localidad durante el siglo XIX.Material y Método: Para elaborar este trabajo nos hemos servido de fuentes demográficas que nos aportaban una información exhaustiva de los diagnósticos de defunción de las personas fallecidas en nuestra localidad, tales como el registro Civil y los archivos parroquiales referentes al siglo XIX.Resultados: Entre el 1 de Enero de 1870 y el 31 de Diciembre de 1900 se produjeron 1114 defunciones en Mohedas, con una tasa de mortalidad  media de 44 por mil habitantes, la tasa de mortalidad media disminuyó a lo largo del tiempo, de forma que en los primeros 16 años la tasa fue de 44,09 por cada mil habitantes, y en los segundos quince fue de 43,08 por mil.En relación con las causas de muerte otorrinolaringológicas, las infecciosas fueron las más frecuentes, dentro de éstas predominó la difteria (angina diftérica, laringitis diftérica, garrotillo o crup laríngeo. Otras causas menos frecuentes fueron: la tuberculosis laríngea, la parotioditis o las amigdalitis.  Conclusiones: Podemos concluir que la mortalidad en esta comunidad fue alta pero semejante a todo el medio rural de la Extremadura de aquellos años. Dentro de las causas otorrinolaringológicas las infecciosas fueron las más frecuentes.   

  2. Las causas del desempleo


    García Balbás, Salomé


    En este documento vamos a tratar de dar respuesta a la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuáles son las causas del desempleo? Para ello realizaremos un repaso de las principales teorías económicas del desempleo llegando a la conclusión de que existe una causa fundamental que lo genera: la rigidez de los salarios a la baja. Consideramos el desempleo como la existencia de un exceso de oferta en el mercado de trabajo y haremos alusión, únicamente, a la existencia de desempleo involuntario. La exposición de l...

  3. Los conflictos intraestatales contemporáneos: una aproximación a sus causas estructurales

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    Hugo F. Guerrero Sierra


    Full Text Available La propuesta del presente artículo es plantear un análisis conceptual en torno al fenómeno del conflicto social, específicamente cuando este deriva en dinámicas de orden violento. Del mismo modo, una vez establecida esta puntualización conceptual, y a través de la alusión a casos particulares, se presenta un breve recorrido por diferentes aportes que, desde el mundo de la academia, se han venido planteando respecto a la conexión entre el fenómeno de los conflictos intraestatales y sus posibles causas estructurales.

  4. Predatory threat of harpy eagles for yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys in the Atlantic Forest. (United States)

    Suscke, Priscila; Verderane, Michele; de Oliveira, Robson Santos; Delval, Irene; Fernández-Bolaños, Marcelo; Izar, Patrícia


    We describe seven encounters between different harpy eagle individuals (Harpia harpyja) and a group of yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus xanthosternos) in Una Biological Reserve. These interactions lasted 58 min on average. In each of those encounters, the capuchin monkeys used particular behavioral strategies against the harpy eagle that were not employed in reaction to other aerial predators. We did not observe any successful predation events, but after one of those encounters an infant disappeared from the capuchin group. As a whole, these observations indicate that the presence of harpy eagles in the group's home range increases predation risk for capuchin monkeys. The present report also suggests a reoccupation by H. harpyja of this area, as no previous recent records identify harpy eagle occurrence in Una Biological Reserve.

  5. La Ética condenada: una reflexión de las causas y consecuencias de su ostracismo en la enseñanza obligatoria

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    Enrique Ferrari Nieto


    Full Text Available La inclusión en el curso escolar 2008-2009 de la asignatura "Educación para la ciudadanía" en el currículo de la ESO (con una carga lectiva de una hora semanal vino acompañada de una polémica desmedida, alentada desde el ámbito político, por el temor a su posible carga dogmática, aunque el contenido ya estaba ahí antes, de modo transversal. Tres años después el debate parece cerrado (por el momento. Con lo que la cuestión ahora, con el tema reposado, podría ser atender a la - de verdad - gran damnificada por esa reforma educativa: la asignatura de Ética, en 4º ESO, que en muchas comunidades autónomas pasó de dos sesiones a una sola sesión a la semana, con la mitad de su contenido, además, enfocado al civismo. Mi propuesta es un análisis de las causas y las consecuencias del desprecio a la Ética como materia filosófica en el currículo escolar. Las causas arrancan de la incapacidad general para distinguir la ética de la moral: para entender los distintos niveles (uno filosófico, el otro no en que se mueve cada una. La consecuencia primera es, con la deslegitimación de la asignatura, la imposibilidad de motivar en el alumno una auténtica reflexión ética.

  6. La necesidad de establecer una condición jurídica para quienes deben migrar por causa de los desastres naturales : una realidad que atender desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos


    Torres-Villarreal, Maria-Lucia


    El incremento desmedido en el número de desastres naturales, sumado a la frecuencia con que estos ocurren a lo largo del mundo entero, ha evidenciado una de las mayores preocupaciones de los Estados: el desplazamiento forzado de la población por esta causa y la delicada situación de derechos humanos que esto implica, por lo cual los Organismos Internacionales han instado en reiteradas oportunidades a los Estados para actuar conjunta y prontamente para evitar que esta siga siendo una de las ca...

  7. Caracterización del ausentismo laboral por causas médicas en una empresa de alimentos de la ciudad de Bogotá, D.C. 2013 – 2014.


    Guerrero Ortiz, Andres Ricardo; Diaz Solano, Karol Andrea


    Resumen: Introducción: El ausentismo laboral por causa médica es un problema por la afectación que genera en el trabajador y en la empresa. Objetivo: Caracterizar el ausentismo laboral por causas médicas de una empresa de alimentos de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal con datos secundarios de registros de incapacidades de los años 2013 y 2014. El procesamiento de la información se realizó con el programa SPSS, se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central ...

  8. Mortalidad por causas externas en Medellín, 1999-2006

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    Doris Cardona Arango


    Full Text Available Caracterizar el comportamiento de la mortalidad por causas externas en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, entre 1999-2006, según sexo, edad y causa básica de muerte fue el objetivo de este estudio descriptivo longitudinal, con fuente de información secundaria de 22 128 registros de defunción por causas externas. El análisis realizado es univariado y bivariado por sexo, grupos de edad y causa de muerte. Las causas externas registradas en el periodo fueron: 72.9 por ciento por homicidio; 15.3 por ciento, accidente de transporte; 7.3 por ciento, traumatismos; 4.2 por ciento, por suicidio, y por otras causas, 0.4 por ciento. La mayor tasa de mortalidad se presentó en el grupo de edad de 20 a 24 años (27.6 por cien mil habitantes, hecho que merece especial consideración por las implicaciones sociales, familiares y laborales que representa el fallecimiento de una persona en su etapa productiva.

  9. Una revisión de inundaciones fluviales en Chile, período 1574-2012: causas, recurrencia y efectos geográficos


    Rojas,Octavio; Mardones,María; Arumí,José Luis; Aguayo,Mauricio


    Una revisión bibliográfica de inundaciones fluviales históricas en el período 15742012 a través de diferentes publicaciones, permite analizar, explicar y sistematizar causas o factores detonantes, periodos de recurrencia, distribución y efectos geográficos de las inundaciones acaecidas en Chile continental. Según el factor detonante se identifican 5 tipos principales de inundaciones asociadas a: procesos volcánicos, procesos nivoglaciares, deslizamientos, intervenciones antrópicas y precipita...

  10. Survey for hemoparasites in imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca), steppe eagles (Aquila nipalensis), and white-tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) from Kazakhstan. (United States)

    Leppert, Lynda L; Layman, Seth; Bragin, Evgeny A; Katzner, Todd


    Prevalence of hemoparasites has been investigated in many avian species throughout Europe and North America. Basic hematologic surveys are the first step toward evaluating whether host-parasite prevalences observed in North America and Europe occur elsewhere in the world. We collected blood smears from 94 nestling imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca), five nestling steppe eagles (Aquila nipalensis), and 14 nestling white-tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) at Naurzum Zapovednik (Naurzum National Nature Reserve) in Kazakhstan during the summers of 1999 and 2000. In 1999, six of 29 imperial eagles were infected with Lencocytozoon toddi. Five of 65 imperial eagles and one of 14 white-tailed sea eagle were infected with L. toddi in 2000. Furthermore, in 2000, one of 65 imperial eagles was infected with Haemoproteus sp. We found no parasites in steppe eagles in either year, and no bird had multiple-species infections. These data are important because few hematologic studies of these eagle species have been conducted.

  11. Principales causas de muerte en España : el uso de años de vida perdidos


    Arriaga, Eduardo


    En este artículo se analiza el nivel y cambio de la mortalidad de españa por causas de muerte desde 1981 a 1986. Primero se consideran grandes grupos de causas de muerte por edades, y posteriormente cada una de las causas principales de muerte. El análisis permite determinar las principales causas de muerte que operaban en españa en los dos años mencionados. Además, se determina el impacto que los cambios de mortalidad de cada causa tuvo sobre la vida humana, y las causas de muerte que más rá...

  12. El porcentaje de la insuficiencia renal crónica de causas no tradicionales (ERCnT) en una área agrícola de Panamá – protocolo de un estudio transversal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Olaf Chresten

    Titulo: El porcentaje de la insuficiencia renal crónica de causas no tradicionales (ERCnT) en una área agrícola de Panamá – protocolo de un estudio transversal Author: Dr. Olaf Jensen Resumen En las últimas décadas se ha notado un aumento importante en la incidencia de enfermedad renal crónica de...... causas e implementar las medidas preventivas. Objetivo El primer objetivo es responder a la pregunta ¿Se está constituyendo la insuficiencia renal crónica de causas no tradicionales, en un problema de salud pública y ocupacional en Panamá? – el segundo, es describir la comorbilidad de los pacientes con......, como ocupacional. Palabras clave Enfermedad renal crónica, agricultura, comorbilidad, medicina ocupacional....

  13. Obesidad abdominal y ausentismo por causa médica en una empresa de la industria metalmecánica en Cali, Colombia

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    Ricardo A Agredo Zúñiga


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de examinar la frecuencia de obesidad abdominal y el ausentismo laboral por causa médica, se realizó un estudio transversal en 185 varones pertenecientes a una industria metalmecánica. En ellos, además de datos sociodemográficos, se recogió datos antropométricos y se midió la circunferencia de cintura (CC en centímetros como indicador de obesidad abdominal. Se encontró, además de una alta frecuencia de obesidad abdominal (28,7%, que los trabajadores con obesidad abdominal presentaron mayor frecuencia, mayor tiempo y mayores costos por las incapacidades médicas. Se concluye que la obesidad abdominal en esta muestra fue altamente frecuente; no obstante, al tratarse de un riesgo reversible, las empresas podrían beneficiarse, en términos de ausentismo laboral, de programas preventivo promocionales destinados a controlar este problema.

  14. Doctrina. La embriaguez y la toxicomanía como causas de despido disciplinario


    Luis Enrique Nores Torres


    En el presente trabajo se aborda la embriaguez y la toxicomanía como causas de despi¬do improcedente en el Estatuto de los Trabajadores. A tal efecto se analizan las conduc¬tas básicas que dan pie a tal despido, los requisitos necesarios para que se produzca y la prueba de su incumplimiento. También se realiza una referencia a dichas causas de despido en los Convenios Colectivos.

  15. Las grandes causas de muerte en la América precolombina. Una perspectiva hemisférica

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    Suzanne Austin Alchon


    Full Text Available En los últimos 20 años, diversos especialistas han puesto en duda la imagen idílica que sobre América transmitieron los cronistas nativos respecto a que en este continente no se conocían enfermedades graves ni epidemias. Mediante los avances en paleopalotogía y paleodemografía se ha demostrado que antes del contacto con los europeos, en la América precolombina ocurrían con frecuencia epidemias, hambrunas y guerras, lo que disminuía las espectativas de vida y aumentaba la tasa de mortalidad. En este ensayo se examina la literatura reciente sobre la enfermedad y la salud en el continente, para saber cuáles eran las mayores causas de muerte en varias regiones del hemisferio en la época prehispánica, con lo que se intenta ofrecer una interpretación más exacta de los patrones de salud y mortalidad en el Nuevo Mundo, antes de 1492.

  16. Secuestro pulmonar una infrecuente causa de hipertension pulmonar persistente en el recién nacido reporte de un caso

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    Lupo Méndez


    Full Text Available La hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido ( HPPRN es una entidad frecuente en las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales ( UCIN , sin embargo, algunas de sus causas pasan desapercibidas, debido a su baja frecuencia y poca asociación con esta patología. A propósito de un caso en nuestra UCIN , en un neonato a término que presentó HPPRN secundario a una malformación pulmonar, raramente asociada con esta patología en este grupo etareo, ya que se encontró mayor disposición a factores propios del nacimiento, y noxas maternas. El paciente presentó dificultad respiratoria horas después de su nacimiento, con evolución y persistencia de su sintomatología, por lo que se necesitó de diversos medios diagnósticos para establecer su etiología. Es importante destacar que el primer ecocardiograma doppler no mostró ninguna alteración anatómica o funcional, reportado normal; con posterior empeoramiento clínico del neonato, por lo que se ordenó un control ecocardiografico, y se evidenció una presión pulmonar estimada de 71 mmHg; se continuó el estudio etiológico con imágenes complemen - tarias, en esta caso una tomografía de tórax contrastada, y finalmente fue corroborado con un cateterismo cardiaco, lo cual permitió a su vez, manejo terapéutico y corrección de anomalía estructural de vasos pulmonares.

  17. Ring Recoveries from Steppe Eagles and Eastern Imperial Eagles from the Russian and Kazakhstan Breeding Populations and a Review of Major Threats to Eagles in Iraq

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    Omar F. Al-Sheikhly


    Full Text Available The article summarizes ring recoveries from 2 Steppe Eagles (Aquila nipalensis and 2 Eastern Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca from Iraq that were ringed in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as ring recoveries from 2 Steppe Eagles and 3 Eastern Imperial Eagles from the border regions of Iraq (Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia that were ringed in Russia. Threats for eagles in Iraq are discussed in this article.

  18. Golden eagle records from the Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey: information for wind energy management and planning (United States)

    Eakle, Wade; Haggerty, Patti; Fuller, Mark; Phillips, Susan L.


    The purpose of this Data Series report is to provide the occasions, locations, and counts when golden eagles were recorded during the annual Midwinter Bald Eagle Surveys. Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) are protected by Federal statutes including the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) (16 USC 668-668c) and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) (16 USC 703-12). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) manages golden eagles with the goal of maintaining stable or increasing breeding populations (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2009). Development for the generation of electricity from wind turbines is occurring in much of the range of the golden eagle in the western United States. Development could threaten population stability because golden eagles might be disturbed by construction and operation of facilities and they are vulnerable to mortality from collisions with wind turbines (Smallwood and Thelander, 2008). Therefore, the Service has proposed a process by which wind energy developers can collect information that could lead to Eagle Conservation Plans (ECP), mitigation, and permitting that allow for golden eagle management in areas of wind energy development (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2011). The Service recommends that ECP be developed in stages, and the first stage is to learn if golden eagles occur at the landscape level where potential wind facilities might be located. Information about where eagles occur can be obtained from technical literature, agency files, and other sources of information including on-line biological databases. The broad North American distribution of golden eagles is known, but there is a paucity of readily available information about intermediate geographic scales and site-specific scales, especially during the winter season (Kochert and others, 2002).

  19. Causas de reintervenciones quirúrgicas por complicación postoperatoria en pacientes de una unidad de cuidados intensivos quirúrgicos sometidos a cirugía abdominal.

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    Andrea Mendiola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las causas de las reintervenciones luego de una cirugía abdominal en pacientes de una unidad de cuidados intensivos quirúrgicos de un hospital general. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, tipo reporte de casos. Se incluyeron a los pacientes postoperados de cirugía abdominal, hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Quirúrgicos del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia y quienes requirieron de reintervención quirúrgica entre febrero de 2009 y enero de 2010 por una complicación postoperatoria. Resultados: El hallazgo más frecuente fue la perforación en 31,6%, seguido de absceso abdominal 21,1% y dehiscencias 21,1%. Conclusiones: Las perforaciones fueron los hallazgos más frecuentes, siendo su frecuencia mayor a lo reportado en la literatura. La incidencia de reintervención fue de 15%.

  20. MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft System (MQ-1C Gray Eagle) (United States)


    Range Finder /Laser Designator, Synthetic Aperture Radar/Ground Moving Target Indicator, communications relay, and Hellfire Missiles. Ground strength . Each Gray Eagle company will consist of 125 soldiers within the Divisional CAB and the NTC. Each unit will have three identical...will bring these companies to full Gray Eagle System equipment strength . Each Gray Eagle company will consist of 125 soldiers within the divisional

  1. 77 FR 47628 - Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project; Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Meeting... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [P-13123-002-CA] Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project; Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Meeting Postponement On July 17, 2012, the...), on the Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project. However, the meeting has been postponed...

  2. Eagle's Syndrome (United States)

    Pinheiro, Thaís Gonçalves; Soares, Vítor Yamashiro Rocha; Ferreira, Denise Bastos Lage; Raymundo, Igor Teixeira; Nascimento, Luiz Augusto; Oliveira, Carlos Augusto Costa Pires de


    Summary Introduction: Eagle's syndrome is characterized by cervicopharyngeal signs and symptoms associated with elongation of the styloid apophysis. This elongation may occur through ossification of the stylohyoid ligament, or through growth of the apophysis due to osteogenesis triggered by a factor such as trauma. Elongation of the styloid apophysis may give rise to intense facial pain, headache, dysphagia, otalgia, buzzing sensations, and trismus. Precise diagnosis of the syndrome is difficult, and it is generally confounded by other manifestations of cervicopharyngeal pain. Objective: To describe a case of Eagle's syndrome. Case Report: A 53-year-old man reported lateral pain in his neck that had been present for 30 years. Computed tomography (CT) of the neck showed elongation and ossification of the styloid processes of the temporal bone, which was compatible with Eagle's syndrome. Surgery was performed for bilateral resection of the stylohyoid ligament by using a transoral and endoscopic access route. The patient continued to present pain laterally in the neck, predominantly on his left side. CT was performed again, which showed elongation of the styloid processes. The patient then underwent lateral cervicotomy with resection of the stylohyoid process, which partially resolved his painful condition. Final Comments: Patients with Eagle's syndrome generally have a history of chronic pain. Appropriate knowledge of this disease is necessary for adequate treatment to be provided. The importance of diagnosing this uncommon and often unsuspected disease should be emphasized, given that correct clinical-surgical treatment is frequently delayed. The diagnosis of Eagle's syndrome is clinical and radiographic, and the definitive treatment in cases of difficult-to-control pain is surgical. PMID:25992033

  3. Eagle's Syndrome

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    Pinheiro, Thaís Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Introduction: Eagle's syndrome is characterized by cervicopharyngeal signs and symptoms associated with elongation of the styloid apophysis. This elongation may occur through ossification of the stylohyoid ligament, or through growth of the apophysis due to osteogenesis triggered by a factor such as trauma. Elongation of the styloid apophysis may give rise to intense facial pain, headache, dysphagia, otalgia, buzzing sensations, and trismus. Precise diagnosis of the syndrome is difficult, and it is generally confounded by other manifestations of cervicopharyngeal pain. Objective: To describe a case of Eagle's syndrome. Case Report: A 53-year-old man reported lateral pain in his neck that had been present for 30 years. Computed tomography (CT of the neck showed elongation and ossification of the styloid processes of the temporal bone, which was compatible with Eagle's syndrome. Surgery was performed for bilateral resection of the stylohyoid ligament by using a transoral and endoscopic access route. The patient continued to present pain laterally in the neck, predominantly on his left side. CT was performed again, which showed elongation of the styloid processes. The patient then underwent lateral cervicotomy with resection of the stylohyoid process, which partially resolved his painful condition. Final Comments: Patients with Eagle's syndrome generally have a history of chronic pain. Appropriate knowledge of this disease is necessary for adequate treatment to be provided. The importance of diagnosing this uncommon and often unsuspected disease should be emphasized, given that correct clinical-surgical treatment is frequently delayed. The diagnosis of Eagle's syndrome is clinical and radiographic, and the definitive treatment in cases of difficult-to-control pain is surgical.

  4. 75 FR 53266 - United States Army Restricted Area, Designated Portions of Eagle Bay and Eagle River, Fort... (United States)


    ... Richardson, Alaska as well as an adjacent portion of Eagle Bay in the Knik Arm. More specifically, the... affected waters of Eagle Bay and Eagle River in order to enhance safety and security. This portion of Eagle... B. Olson), 441 G Street, NW., Washington, DC 20314-1000. Hand Delivery/Courier: Due to security...


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    Gustavo Caponi


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT EVO-DEVO AS HISTORICAL SCIENCE OF ULTIMATES CAUSES Having as starting point that a proximal cause is one which effects can be registered in the states of an individual organism, in this work I will argue that what defines an ultimate cause is the fact that its effects can be registered in the evolution of lineages, and not simply in population states. This, on the other hand, not only will allow us to clarify how the developmental constraints can be understood as causes of the evolutionary phenomena; but also it will allow us to point the eminently historical character of Developmental Evolutionary Biology that Wallace Arthur lessened in Biased Embryos and Evolution. Thus, and following this latter reasoning, I will also try to show that, although the action of developmental constraints could happen beyond the limits of a population or a particular species, that does not imply that we are before a comeback of typological thought in Evolutionary Biology. Key Words: Evolutionary Developmental Biology; Typological Thought; Ultimate Causes.   RESUMEN Partiendo de la premisa de que una causa próxima es aquella cuyos efectos pueden ser registrados en los estados de un organismo individual, en este trabajo sostendré que lo que define a una causa remota es el hecho de que sus efectos puedan ser registrados en la evolución de linajes, y no simplemente en estados poblacionales. Esto, por otra parte, no sólo nos permitirá entender en qué sentido los constreñimientos ontogenéticos deben ser comprendidos como causas remotas de los fenómenos evolutivos; sino que además nos permitirá poner en evidencia el carácter eminentemente histórico de la Biología Evolucionaria del Desarrollo que Wallace Arthur menoscabó en Biased Embryos and Evolution.  Así, y siguiendo esta última línea de razonamiento, también intentaré mostrar que, aunque la acción de dichos constreñimientos ontogenéticos pueda verificarse más allá de los l

  6. EAGLE: 'EAGLE'Is an' Algorithmic Graph Library for Exploration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) were introduced about a decade ago to enable flexible schema-free data interchange on the Semantic Web. Today data scientists use the framework as a scalable graph representation for integrating, querying, exploring and analyzing data sets hosted at different sources. With increasing adoption, the need for graph mining capabilities for the Semantic Web has emerged. Today there is no tools to conduct "graph mining" on RDF standard data sets. We address that need through implementation of popular iterative Graph Mining algorithms (Triangle count, Connected component analysis, degree distribution, diversity degree, PageRank, etc.). We implement these algorithms as SPARQL queries, wrapped within Python scripts and call our software tool as EAGLE. In RDF style, EAGLE stands for "EAGLE 'Is an' algorithmic graph library for exploration. EAGLE is like 'MATLAB' for 'Linked Data.'

  7. 78 FR 26358 - Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project, Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Meeting With... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [P-13123-002-CA] Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project, Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Meeting With the Bureau of Land Management a... Policy and Management Act and the Federal Power Act), on the Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric...

  8. 77 FR 22267 - Eagle Permits; Changes in the Regulations Governing Eagle Permitting (United States)


    ... with rotating wind turbines. Permit Duration and Transferability In February 2011, we published draft... permit applicants, because of the known risk to eagles from collisions with wind turbines and electric... change does not affect the tenure of any other migratory bird or eagle permit type. DATES: Electronic...

  9. Eagle syndrome. A narrative review

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    Heber Arbildo


    Full Text Available Painful disorders in the maxillofacial region are common in dental practice. Most of these conditions are not properly diagnosed because of inadequate knowledge of craniofacial and cervico-pharyngeal syndromes such as Eagle Syndrome. The aim of this review is to describe the general aspects, diagnosis and treatment of Eagle syndrome. Eagle syndrome or stylohyoid syndrome was first described by Watt W. Eagle in 1937. It was defined as orofacial pain related to the elongation of the styloid process and ligament stylohyoid calcification. The condition is accompanied by symptoms such as dysphonia, dysphagia, sore throat, glossitis, earache, tonsillitis, facial pain, headache, pain in the temporomandibular joint and inability to perform lateral movements of the neck. Diagnosis and treatment of Eagle syndrome based on symptoms and radiographic examination of the patient will determine the need for surgical or nonsurgical treatment. Eagle syndrome is a complex disorder demanding a thorough knowledge of its signs and symptoms to make a correct diagnosis and provide an appropriate subsequent treatment. Disseminating information about this syndrome among medical-dental professionals is essential to provide adequate dental care to patients.



    Gálvez M, Marcelo; Rojas C, Gonzalo; Cordovez M, Jorge; Ladrón de Guevara, David; Campos P, Manuel; López S, Isabel


    La epilepsia es una alteración neurológica crónica caracterizada por crisis convulsivas recurrentes y espontáneas, que clínicamente se clasifican como generalizadas o parciales, dentro de las cuales aproximadamente el 30% de los pacientes con epilepsia parcial son refractarios al tratamiento médico. Dentro del grupo refractario debemos descartar la presencia de una displasia cortical como causa subyacente de las crisis. Las displasias corticales son un tipo de malformaciones del desarrollo co...

  11. Ubush Darzhinov, The Crow and the Eagle


    Churyumova, Elvira; Churyumov, Anton


    The Kalmyk fairy tale about the crow and the eagle is mentioned in Pushkin’s famous novel called The Captain’s Daughter. In the novel the rebel Emelyan Pugachev recounts this fairy tale that he heard from an old Kalmyk woman.One day the crow and the eagle meet each other. The eagle asks the crow why it lived for 300 years whereas the eagle itself lived for only 30 years. The crow replies, “I drink the blood of the dead, that is why I live 300 years”. The eagle proposes to the crow that they s...

  12. ¿De quién es la culpa? Un estudio exploratorio de las causas de la espera en los servicios Una mirada innovadora al problema persistente de la espera en el marketing de servicios

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    Maria del Mar Pàmies


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio es ofrecer una mirada innovadora al problema persistente de la espera, examinando las percepciones de los consumidores, con el fin de identificar cuáles pueden ser sus causas. La espera es un fenómeno común asociado a la provisión de bienes y servicios, que tiene unas consecuencias negativas tanto para las empresas como para los consumidores. De manera general, se ha pensado que las empresas son las culpables de la espera. Para ello, se utiliza una metodología cualitativa y los datos se han recogido a través de 19 entrevistas en profundidad y 7 diarios personales. Los resultados del estudio han demostrado que las empresas no son las únicas culpables de la espera, sino que en muchas ocasiones son los propios consumidores sus causantes, porque, por ejemplo, no están preparados para recibir el servicio o llegan todos al mismo momento. Además, se ha encontrado que cuando la espera es culpa de la empresa, esta puede deberse, por una parte, a una mala gestión (porque hay una falta de personal o porque la reducción del tiempo de espera no es la prioridad para la organización o, por otra, a los trabajadores de la empresa (porque, por ejemplo, no están bien preparados o no están por el trabajo. Estos resultados tienen una serie de implicaciones prácticas para las empresas, ya que implican una complicación más en la gestión de la espera. Las empresas no solo tienen que esforzarse para gestionar y reducir la espera, sino que también tienen que preocuparse para que esta no se deba a causas que escapan de su control, como comportamientos o actitudes de sus trabajadores o de sus clientes.

  13. Conocimiento compartido sobre las causas de la presión arterial alta, en tres grupos de diferente edad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

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    Javier E. García de Alba García


    Full Text Available En este artículo se caracteriza la estructura semántica y la representación gráfica multidimensional sobre las causas de la hipertensión arterial, en una muestra de 36 personas, obreros residentes de la Colonia Fábrica de Atemajac en Guadalajara, México. Los resultados evidencian un modelo semántico compartido, dividido en dos subconjuntos de causas: las emociones con algunas variaciones de acuerdo al grupo de edad. Elementos que pueden incorporarse para otorgar una atención culturalmente adecuada.

  14. Agonistic asymmetries and the foraging ecology of Bald Eagles (United States)

    Knight, Richard L.; Skagen, Susan Knight


    We investigated the effects of both asymmetries and differing food levels on contest outcomes of wintering Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) feeding on chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) carcasses. Large eagles, regardless of age, were more successful in pirating than smaller eagles. Small pirating eagles were usually unsuccessful unless they were adults attempting to supplant other small eagles. Feeding eagles were more successful in defeating pirating eagles according to (1) whether their heads were up to prior to a pirating attempt, (2) how long their heads had been up, and (3) whether they displayed. During periods of food scarcity pirating eagles were less successful, a fact attributed in a proximate sense to the increase incidence of retaliation by feeding birds. When food was scarce and eagles had a choice between scavenging the pirating, they chose to scavenge more often. Body size appears to be an important factor in determining social dominance and influencing differences in foraging modes of wintering Bald Eagles.

  15. ¿Fue una meningitis tuberculosa terminal la causa de muerte de Simón Bolívar?

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    Fernando Guzmán Mora


    Full Text Available Simón Bolívar. Mucho se ha especulado sobre la causa de su uerte. Algunos han llegado al extremo de acusar a sus propios médicos de haber administrads medicamentos equivocados para los conocimientos de aquel entonces. Otros han mencionado la malaria como la enfermedad que causó su deceso. Las opiniones no son iguales y encuentran particular divergencia tres teorías sobre la causa última de su muerte: El paludismo, el absceso hepático amebiano y la tuberculosis.

  16. Prevalencia y causas de ceguera en Perú: encuesta nacional

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    Betty Campos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de ceguera y deficiencia visual en adultos de Perú y precisar sus causas, evaluar la cobertura y la calidad de los servicios de cirugía de catarata y determinar las barreras que impiden acceder a esos servicios. MÉTODOS: Estudio poblacional transversal con muestreo aleatorio por conglomerado en dos pasos de personas de 50 años o más, representativo de todo el país, mediante la metodología estándar de la Evaluación Rápida de Ceguera Evitable. Se midió la agudeza visual y se examinó el cristalino y el polo posterior por oftalmoscopía directa. Se calculó la cobertura de cirugía de catarata y se evaluó su calidad, además de las causas de tener una agudeza visual < 20/60 y las barreras para acceder a ese tratamiento. RESULTADOS:Se examinaron 4 849 personas. La prevalencia de ceguera fue 2,0% (intervalo de confianza de 95%: 1,5-2,5%. La catarata fue la causa principal de ceguera (58,0%, seguida por el glaucoma (13,7% y la degeneración macular relacionada con la edad (11,5%. Los errores de refracción no corregidos fueron la principal causa de deficiencia visual moderada (67,2%. La cobertura de cirugía de catarata fue de 66,9%, y 60,5% de los ojos operados de catarata logró una AV ≥ 20/60 con la corrección disponible. Las principales barreras para someterse a la cirugía de catarata fueron el alto costo (25,9% y no saber que el tratamiento es posible (23,8%. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de ceguera y deficiencia visual en Perú es similar a la de otros países latinoamericanos. La baja cobertura de cirugía de catarata y el envejecimiento poblacional indican que para aumentar el acceso a estos servicios se debe mejorar la educación de la población en salud ocular y la capacidad resolutiva de los servicios oftalmológicos y de cirugía de catarata, y reducir su costo.

  17. Causas de las crisis: especulación financiera, burbujas, machismo y otras explicaciones económicas de nuestras penurias


    Tapia Granados, Jose A


    Se comentan las ideas de los economistas poskeynesianos y neokeynesianos sobre las causas de la crisis actual, en general vista como una crisis financiera provocada por una deficiente regulación de los mercados financieros, aunque algunos poskeynesianos la consideran una crisis provocada por el estallido de una burbuja inmobiliaria e incluso hay quienes consideran que algunos desencadenantes de la crisis tienen que ver con el machismo de los líderes económicos. Se presentan luego algunas idea...

  18. Restoration of sea eagle population: A review

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    Josef RAJCHARD


    Full Text Available The population density of the white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla is very low in many countries. In last twenty years, the sea eagle population in South Bohemia was restored by strict protection subsidized by reintroduction. The active help consisted of feeding during winter and building of artificial nests. A new sea eagle breeding population arose in the Třeboň basin area in the early 1980’s. Until this time sea eagles had used former breeding places only for wintering, probably coming from the Baltic. The South Bohemian sea eagle population is very unique: it exists in a densely man-occupied landscape, mainly in areas with very intensive carp breeding in artificial fishponds and was partly artficially (help to wintering birds and reintroduction of some individuals restored. The experience from South Bohemia may have importance for populations of the sea eagle in other areas of its occurence, primarily in the continental conditions [Current Zoology 55 (5:–2009].

  19. Through the Eyes of the Eagle

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    The Eagle Books are a series of four books that are brought to life by wise animal characters - Mr. Eagle, Miss Rabbit, and Coyote - who engage Rain That Dances and his young friends in the joy of physical activity, eating healthy foods, and learning from their elders about health and diabetes prevention. Through the Eyes of the Eagle tells children about looking to the healthy ways and wisdom of their elders.

  20. 76 FR 22393 - Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project, Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Cancellation... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [P-13123-002-CA] Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project, Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Cancellation of Teleconference On March 15... Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project. This meeting has been cancelled. We will reschedule this...

  1. 36 CFR 71.5 - Golden Eagle Passport. (United States)


    ... by any means other than private, noncommercial vehicle, to Designated Entrance Fee Areas. Golden... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Golden Eagle Passport. 71.5... RECREATION FEES § 71.5 Golden Eagle Passport. (a) The Golden Eagle Passport is an annual permit, valid on a...

  2. Síndrome de eagle: revisión de la literatura


    Lacet de LIMA JR, José; Ferreira ROCHA, Julierme; Dias RIBEIRO, Eduardo; Santos Costa, Vânio; Marques DE SOUSA, Eliane


    El síndrome de Eagle, también conocido como el síndrome estiloide, síndrome de la arteria carótida o síndrome del proceso estiloide alargado y huesificado, consiste en el alargamiento del proceso estiloide o en la hosificación del ligamento estilóideo, produciendo dolores estimulados por los nervios cranianos y sensoriales. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una revisión de literatura, enfatizando peculiaridades sobre la anatomía, embriología, etiología, diagnóstico diferencial, sin...

  3. 76 FR 15971 - Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project; Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Teleconference (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [P-13123-002-CA] Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project; Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Teleconference a. Date and Time of Meeting: Friday, April 15, 2011 at 9 a.m. (Pacific Time). b. Place: By copy of this notice we are inviting all...

  4. 76 FR 22699 - Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project, Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Teleconference (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [P-13123-002--CA] Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project, Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Teleconference a. Date and Time of Meeting: Friday, May 6, 2011 at 1 p.m. (Pacific Time). b. Place: By copy of this notice we are inviting all...

  5. Juvenile Dispersal of Harpy Eagles (Harpia harpyja) in Ecuador


    Urios, Vicente; Muñiz López, Ruth; Vidal-Mateo, Javier


    The movement ecology of Harpy Eagles (Harpia harpyja) is poorly known due to the difficulty observing this species. We studied the movements of two juvenile Harpy Eagles before and during dispersal using GPS satellite telemetry in the Reserva de Producción Faunística Cuyabeno, Ecuador. Both eagles were tagged at their respective nest tree. For each eagle, we calculated the daily distance moved and the distance from each recorded position to the nest. One eagle started dispersal during its 28t...

  6. 78 FR 25263 - Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project; Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Meeting With... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [P-13123-002--CA] Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project; Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Meeting With the Bureau of Land Management a... Hydroelectric Project. e. All local, state, and federal agencies, tribes, and interested parties, are hereby...

  7. 77 FR 43280 - Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project, Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Meeting With... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [P-13123-002-CA] Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project, Eagle Crest Energy; Notice of Meeting With the Bureau of Land Management a... Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project. e. All local, state, and federal agencies, tribes, and...

  8. Through the Eyes of the Eagle

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    The Eagle Books are a series of four books that are brought to life by wise animal characters - Mr. Eagle, Miss Rabbit, and Coyote - who engage Rain That Dances and his young friends in the joy of physical activity, eating healthy foods, and learning from their elders about health and diabetes prevention. Through the Eyes of the Eagle tells children about looking to the healthy ways and wisdom of their elders.  Created: 8/4/2008 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 8/5/2008.

  9. Causas psicosociales de la deserción universitaria”


    Lizeth Reyes Ruiz; Eglys Castañeda Carranza; Dayana Pabón Castro


    Este artículo presenta las causas psicosociales de la deserción estudiantil del programa de Psicología de una Universidad de Barranquilla entre el 2009 y 2011. De un total de 65 personas, la muestra fue de 16 personas que cumplían con los criterios de selección. Se revisó la información existente en la Institución acerca de las pruebas MMPI y RAVEN, las pruebas saber 11, aspectos financieros, familiares y académicos. Los resultados muestran la correlación existente entre estas variables y la ...

  10. Atresia biliar: una enfermedad grave


    Ramonet, Margarita; Ciocca, Mirta; Alvarez, Fernando


    La atresia biliar es una grave enfermedad que se manifiesta en los recién nacidos, y se desconoce su causa. La inflamación y destrucciónprogresiva de los conductos biliares conducen a la aparición de ictericia, coluria y acolia entre la segunda y sexta semana de vida. Como existen múltiples causas de colestasis neonatal en esta etapa de la vida, es necesario realizar un diagnóstico y derivación precoz para ofrecer un tratamiento quirúrgico, con el fin de restablecer el flujo biliar. Alrededor...

  11. El deporte como causa de estrés oxidativo y hemólisis


    Javier F. Bonilla; Raúl Nárvaez; Lilian Chuaire


    Desde hace más de tres décadas se estableció que el ejercicio puede producir la anemia, una de las causas en la deficiencia de oxigenación a los tejidos. Sin embargo, esta relación preliminar realmente corresponde a un evento donde el plasma se diluye, razón por la cual no es una verdadera anemia, por lo que se acuñó el término “pseudoanemia del deportista”. La nueva información relaciona el ejercicio, de moderado a exhaustivo, con la pérdida de sangre a través de los sistemas gastrointestina...

  12. 50 CFR 22.23 - What are the requirements for permits to take depredating eagles and eagles that pose a risk to... (United States)


    ... the following conditions: (1) Bald or golden eagles may be taken under permit by firearms, traps, or other suitable means except by poison or from aircraft; (2) The taking of eagles under permit may be... take bald or golden eagles unless the Director has determined that such taking is compatible with the...

  13. La infancia: una misión, un reto

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    María Julia Rodríguez Fernández


    Full Text Available La causa por la infancia ha supuesto, tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una serie de empeños desde la comunidad internacional no siempre suficientes y ahora más que nunca necesarios. Esta causa cristaliza en 1946 con la creación del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia -UNICEF- que se convierte en el promotor de iniciativas en pro de los niños, que con el discurrir de los años se han ido adaptando y transformando en metas concretas a alcanzar y para lo cual ha utilizado todos los cauces a su alcance: la cooperación internacional, los tratados internacionales como marco jurídico, la implicación de los estados o la creación de alianzas multilaterales. La causa por el bienestar de la infancia es un reto para cada ser humano. Situar a la infancia en el centro de las perspectivas de futuro es una tarea universal. Tras la protección de la infancia, su desarrollo integral o su plena participación social está la base para la consecución de un mundo donde justicia, paz y libertad no sean sólo una realidad para unos pocos. 

  14. Golden Eagle Territories and Ecology at Site 300

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fratanduono, M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    Garcia and Associates (GANDA) was contracted by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to collect information on golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) use of Site 300. During 2014, we conducted surveys at Site 300 and for an area including a 10-mile radius of Site 300. Those surveys documented 42 golden eagle territories including two territories that overlapped with Site 300. These were named ‘Tesla’ and ‘Linac Road’. In 2015, we conducted surveys to refine the territory boundaries of golden eagle territories that overlapped with Site 300 and to document eagle activity at Site 300.

  15. Mercadeando causas ambientales


    Diana Forero


    En el presente escrito se presentan varias alternativas para el desarrollo del mercadeo de causas ambientales a través de entidades sin ánimo de lucro. En la primera parte se exploran los modelos de mercadeo que se han empelado con mayor regula-ridad: la filantropía estratégica, el mercadeo social y el mercadeo de causas. Se muestran las actividades más comunes en cada tipo de mercadeo y algunos puntos clave para desarrollarlo. En la segunda parte se presentan las barreras para la gestión del ...

  16. Análisis de las causas y consecuencias de los accidentes laborales ocurridos en dos proyectos de construcción

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    A. González

    Full Text Available Las labores que se realizan en los proyectos de construcción son consideradas de alto riesgo al facilitar la ocurrencia de accidentes laborales que afectan la integridad física, mental y social de los colaboradores como la productividad de las empresas. Por tal motivo, el propósito de este artículo es analizar las causas y consecuencias de los accidentes laborales ocurridos durante el segundo semestre del año 2012 en dos proyectos de construcción de Neiva, Colombia. El alcance fue de tipo documental considerando como fuente de información los soportes de los accidentes laborales reportados ante la Administradora de Riesgo Laborales (ARL; para determinar las causas que dieron origen a dichos accidentes se utilizó el modelo de Frank E. Bird. Se analizaron 117 accidentes en los que se identificaron 195 faltas de control, 136 factores personales, 112 factores del trabajo, 151 actos inseguros y 54 condiciones inseguras; lo anterior teniendo en cuenta que en algunos accidentes se presentaron más de una causa. De esta manera se concluye que el mayor porcentaje de accidentes de trabajo, ha sido generado por faltas de control seguidos por actos inseguros. Por tal motivo se recomienda la realización de programas de gestión de riesgos prioritarios, basados en una adecuada identificación de peligros, que permitan mitigar y controlar los riesgos, desarrollando a la vez en los trabajadores una cultura de autocuidado

  17. Causas psicosociales de la deserción universitaria”

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    Lizeth Reyes Ruiz


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta las causas psicosociales de la deserción estudiantil del programa de Psicología de una Universidad de Barranquilla entre el 2009 y 2011. De un total de 65 personas, la muestra fue de 16 personas que cumplían con los criterios de selección. Se revisó la información existente en la Institución acerca de las pruebas MMPI y RAVEN, las pruebas saber 11, aspectos financieros, familiares y académicos. Los resultados muestran la correlación existente entre estas variables y la deserción universitaria.

  18. Spizaetus hawk-eagles as predators of arboreal colobines. (United States)

    Fam, S D; Nijman, V


    The predation pressure put on primates by diurnal birds of prey differs greatly between continents. Africa and South America have specialist raptors (e.g. crowned hawk-eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus and harpy eagle Harpia harpyja) whereas in Asia the only such specialist's (Philippine eagle Pithecophaga jefferyi) distribution is largely allopatric with primates. The almost universal absence of polyspecific groups in Asia (common in Africa and South America) may indicate reduced predation pressure. As such there is almost no information on predation pressures on primates in Asia by raptors. Here we report successful predation of a juvenile banded langur Presbytis femoralis (~2 kg) by a changeable hawk-eagle Spizaetus cirrhatus. The troop that was attacked displayed no signs of being alarmed, and no calls were made before the event. We argue that in insular Southeast Asia, especially, large Spizaetus hawk-eagles (~2 kg) are significant predators of arboreal colobines. Using data on the relative size of sympatric Spizaetus hawk-eagles and colobines we make predictions on where geographically we can expect the highest predation pressure (Thai-Malay Peninsula) and which colobines are least (Nasalis larvatus, Trachypithecus auratus, P. thomasi) and most (P. femoralis, T. cristatus) affected.

  19. ASBO Eagle Institute: A Leadership Opportunity (United States)

    Scharff, James


    Each summer, ASBO International conducts an Eagle Institute leadership session in the Washington, D.C., area that provides a group of about 25 participants, including Eagle Award recipients, an opportunity to network with and learn from exemplary leaders inside and outside the field of school business management. Each year, the focus of the…


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    Víctor O. Martín Martín


    Full Text Available En España, la Reforma Agraria Liberal decimonónica debió haber supuesto la transición hacia un capitalismo agrario en el campo. Sin embargo lo que se generó fue un capitalismo atrasado, basado en el sistema de pago en trabajo o semifeudal. El objetivo de este artículo es aportar unas primeras conclusiones que muestren que una de las causas del subdesarrollo o atraso actual del Sur de España (Andalucía y Extremadura debe ser buscada en la inconclusa culminación del capitalismo agrario en estas regiones.

  1. The Conservation Status of Eagles in South African Law

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    JC Knobel


    Full Text Available This contribution is an introductory survey and preliminary evaluation of the conservation status of eagles in South African law. The methodology is primarily an interdisciplinary literature study of legal texts and texts from the natural sciences. Eagles are some of the largest and most powerful avian predators, and the human response to their presence is dualistic and polarised. At the one extreme, many people admire eagles, while at the other extreme they are perceived as a threat to economic and other interests, and may even be actively persecuted in a conviction that they are vermin. This duality in the human perception of eagles is also prevalent in South Africa and complicates their conservation. The mobility of eagles and other birds of prey means that they cannot be restrained by fencing national parks and other protected areas, and this heightens the likelihood of their entering into conflict with human interests. The conservation problems faced by eagles in South Africa can broadly be divided into direct and indirect threats. Direct threats include the intentional killing of eagles, and trade in eagles and their eggs. Indirect threats include non-targeted poisoning (where poisoned bait is used to control other predators, but eagles find the bait, feed on it, and succumb; habitat loss; mortality induced by dangerous structures; and disturbance. The legal status of eagles is influenced by a large body of legislative provisions, ranging from international and regional legal instruments, through national legislation, to provincial legislative measures. An overview of these provisions is given, with concise explanations of how they apply to the legal status of eagles and other birds of prey in South Africa. The conservation status of eagles in South African law is subsequently evaluated by considering the contribution of the applicable laws to three main types of conservation interventions. In respect of the first, habitat preservation

  2. Eagle syndrome – An overview

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    Kavitaa Nedunchezhian


    Full Text Available Eagle syndrome represents symptoms brought about by compression of vital neurovascular and muscular elements adjoining the styloid process because of the elongation of styloid process or ossification of the stylohyoid or stylomandibular ligament. It is crucial for dentists, otolaryngologists and neurologists to be aware of the elongation of the styloid process and associated signs and symptoms. This article reviews the aetiopathogenesis, classification, investigative procedures and treatment modalities associated with Eagle syndrome.

  3. Bald eagle predation on common loon egg (United States)

    DeStefano, Stephen; McCarthy, Kyle P.; Laskowski, Tom


    The Common Loon (Gavia immer) must defend against many potential egg predators during incubation, including corvids, Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), raccoons (Procyon lotor), striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), fisher (Martes pennanti), and mink (Neovison vison) (McIntyre 1988, Evers 2004, McCann et al. 2005). Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) have been documented as predators of both adult Common Loons and their chicks (Vliestra and Paruk 1997, Paruk et al. 1999, Erlandson et al. 2007, Piper et al. 2008). In Wisconsin, where nesting Bald Eagles are abundant (>1200 nesting pairs, >1 young/pair/year), field biologists observed four instances of eagle predation of eggs in loon nests during the period 2002–2004 (M. Meyer pers. comm.). In addition, four cases of eagle predation of incubating adult loons were inferred from evidence found at the loon nest (dozens of plucked adult loon feathers, no carcass remains) and/or loon leg, neck, and skull bones beneath two active eagle nests, including leg bones containing the bands of the nearby (nest surveillance video camera on Lake Umbagog, a large lake (32 km2) at Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge (UNWR) in Maine.

  4. Scaled Eagle Nebula Experiments on NIF

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pound, Marc W. [Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD (United States)


    We performed scaled laboratory experiments at the National Ignition Facility laser to assess models for the creation of pillar structures in star-forming clouds of molecular hydrogen, in particular the famous Pillars of the Eagle Nebula. Because pillars typically point towards nearby bright ultraviolet stars, sustained directional illumination appears to be critical to pillar formation. The experiments mock up illumination from a cluster of ultraviolet-emitting stars, using a novel long duration (30--60 ns), directional, laser-driven x-ray source consisting of multiple radiation cavities illuminated in series. Our pillar models are assessed using the morphology of the Eagle Pillars observed with the Hubble Space Telescope, and measurements of column density and velocity in Eagle Pillar II obtained at the BIMA and CARMA millimeter wave facilities. In the first experiments we assess a shielding model for pillar formation. The experimental data suggest that a shielding pillar can match the observed morphology of Eagle Pillar II, and the observed Pillar II column density and velocity, if augmented by late time cometary growth.

  5. Bald eagles of the Hanford National Environmental Research Park

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fitzner, R.E.; Watson, D.G.; Rickard, W.H.


    Since 1961, near-yearly aerial surveys of bald eagles along the Hanford reach of the Columbia River have been conducted. Prey resources available to the eagles have also been monitored and we have thus been able to examine predator-prey relationships in a statistical fashion. We report on a unique set of data which provides insight into one of the factors (prey availability) controlling bald eagle wintering populations. The winter distribution of the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) has been reported to closely follow the availability of prey (Servheen 1975, Southern 1963, Shea 1973, Spencer 1976). Fitzner and Hanson (1979) compared twelve years of eagle winter survey data on the Hanford DOE Site with waterfowl numbers and salmon redd densities over the same period and provided some statistical evidence that eagle wintering numbers varied somewhat dependently with changing salmon redd numbers but not with changing waterfowl numbers. This report re-examines Fitzner and Hanson's (1979) twelve year data set and supplies two additional years of data for the Hanford DOE Site in order to gain additional insight into predator-prey interactions.

  6. Posibles causas de aneurisma y pseudoaneurisma de la fístula arteriovenosa en pacientes con insuficiencia renal


    Franco Pérez, Neobalis; Valdés Pérez, Calixto; Savigne Gutiérrez, William Orlando; Reynaldo Concepción, Daniel


    El acceso vascular ideal debe proporcionar un flujo adecuado a las necesidades de la diálisis, debe ser de larga duración y tener una baja tasa de complicaciones. La realización de una fístula autóloga se considera de primera elección como acceso vascular para la hemodiálisis. Si bien se conocen las causas de los aneurismas y pseudoaneurismas de las fistulas, estos son muy pocos frecuentes y por ello es importante conocer que aparecen. Mostramos varios casos de aneurismas y pseudoaneurismas d...

  7. Causas e impactos de la deportación de migrantes centroamericanos de Estados Unidos a México


    Izcara Palacios, Simón Pedro; Andrade Rubio, Karla Lorena


    Durante la última década el número de migrantes expulsados con una orden de deportación de Estados Unidos a México casi se ha duplicado. No todos los migrantes deportados a México tienen nacionalidad mexicana, algunos son ciudadanos de países centroamericanos. Este artículo, fundamentado en una metodología cualitativa que incluye entrevistas en profundidad a 75 migrantes centroamericanos que fueron deportados de los Estados Unidos, analiza las causas y el efecto de la deportación de inmigrant...

  8. NIF Discovery Science Eagle Nebula (United States)

    Kane, Jave; Martinez, David; Pound, Marc; Heeter, Robert; Casner, Alexis; Villette, Bruno; Mancini, Roberto


    The University of Maryland and and LLNL are investigating the origin and dynamics of the famous Pillars of the Eagle Nebula and similar parsec-scale structures at the boundaries of HII regions in molecular hydrogen clouds. The National Ignition Facility (NIF) Discovery Science program Eagle Nebula has performed NIF shots to study models of pillar formation. The shots feature a new long-duration x-ray source, in which multiple hohlraums mimicking a cluster of stars are driven with UV light in series for 10 to 15 ns each to create a 30 to 60 ns output x-ray pulse. The source generates deeply nonlinear hydrodynamics in the Eagle science package, a structure of dense plastic and foam mocking up a molecular cloud containing a dense core. Omega EP and NIF shots have validated the source concept, showing that earlier hohlraums do not compromise later ones by preheat or by ejecting ablated plumes that deflect later beams. The NIF shots generated radiographs of shadowing-model pillars, and also showed evidence that cometary structures can be generated. The velocity and column density profiles of the NIF shadowing and cometary pillars have been compared with observations of the Eagle Pillars made at the millimeter-wave BIMA and CARMA observatories. Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.

  9. Kleptoparasitism by bald eagles wintering in south-central Nebraska (United States)

    Jorde, Dennis G.; Lingle, G.R.


    Kleptoparasitism on other raptors was one means by which Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) secured food along the North Platte and Platte rivers during the winters of 1978-1980. Species kelptoparasitized were Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis), Red-tailed Hawk (B. jamaicensis), Rough-legged Hawk (B. lagopus), Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), and Bald Eagle. Stealing of prey occurred more often during the severe winter of 1978-1979 when ice cover restricted eagles from feeding on fish than during the milder winter of 1979-1980. Kleptoparasitism occurred principally in agricultural habitats where large numbers of Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) were foraging. Subadults watched adults steal food and participated in food-stealing with adults, which indicated interspecific kleptoparasitism may be a learned behavior. We suggest factors that may favor interspecific kleptoparasitism as a foraging strategy of Bald Eagles in obtaining waterfowl during severe winters.

  10. The influence of weather on Golden Eagle migration in northwestern Montana (United States)

    Yates, R.E.; McClelland, B.R.; Mcclelland, P.T.; Key, C.H.; Bennetts, R.E.


    We analyzed the influence of 17 weather factors on migrating Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) near the Continental Divide in Glacier National Park, Montana, U.S.A. Local weather measurements were recorded at automated stations on the flanks of two peaks within the migration path. During a total of 506 hr of observation, the yearly number of Golden Eagles in autumn counts (1994-96) averaged 1973; spring counts (1995 and 1996) averaged 605 eagles. Mean passage rates (eagles/hr) were 16.5 in autumn and 8.2 in spring. Maximum rates were 137 in autumn and 67 in spring. Using generalized linear modeling, we tested for the effects of weather factors on the number of eagles counted. In the autumn model, the number of eagles increased with increasing air temperature, rising barometric pressure, decreasing relative humidity, and interactions among those factors. In the spring model, the number of eagles increased with increasing wind speed, barometric pressure, and the interaction between these factors. Our data suggest that a complex interaction among weather factors influenced the number of eagles passing on a given day. We hypothesize that in complex landscapes with high topographic relief, such as Glacier National Park, numerous weather factors produce different daily combinations to which migrating eagles respond opportunistically. ?? 2001 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.

  11. Interactive effects of prey and weather on golden eagle reproduction (United States)

    Steenhof, Karen; Kochert, Michael N.; McDonald, T.L.


    1. The reproduction of the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos was studied in southwestern Idaho for 23 years, and the relationship between eagle reproduction and jackrabbit Lepus californicus abundance, weather factors, and their interactions, was modelled using general linear models. Backward elimination procedures were used to arrive at parsimonious models.2. The number of golden eagle pairs occupying nesting territories each year showed a significant decline through time that was unrelated to either annual rabbit abundance or winter severity. However, eagle hatching dates were significantly related to both winter severity and jackrabbit abundance. Eagles hatched earlier when jackrabbits were abundant, and they hatched later after severe winters.3. Jackrabbit abundance influenced the proportion of pairs that laid eggs, the proportion of pairs that were successful, mean brood size at fledging, and the number of young fledged per pair. Weather interacted with prey to influence eagle reproductive rates.4. Both jackrabbit abundance and winter severity were important in predicting the percentage of eagle pairs that laid eggs. Percentage laying was related positively to jackrabbit abundance and inversely related to winter severity.5. The variables most useful in predicting percentage of laying pairs successful were rabbit abundance and the number of extremely hot days during brood-rearing. The number of hot days and rabbit abundance were also significant in a model predicting eagle brood size at fledging. Both success and brood size were positively related to jackrabbit abundance and inversely related to the frequency of hot days in spring.6. Eagle reproduction was limited by rabbit abundance during approximately twothirds of the years studied. Weather influenced how severely eagle reproduction declined in those years.7. This study demonstrates that prey and weather can interact to limit a large raptor population's productivity. Smaller raptors could be affected more

  12. Wintering bald eagle trends in northern Arizona, 1975-2000 (United States)

    Teryl G. Grubb


    Between 1975 and 2000, 4,525 sightings of wintering bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) were recorded at Mormon Lake in northern Arizona. Numbers of wintering eagles fluctuated little in the 20 years from 1975 through 1994 (5.5 ± 3.0 mean sightings per day). However, during the winters of 1995 through 1997 local record highs of 59 to 118 eagles...

  13. Ancient DNA Tells Story of Giant Eagle Evolution


    Bunce, Michael; Szulkin, Marta; Lerner, Heather R. L; Barnes, Ian; Shapiro, Beth; Cooper, Alan; Holdaway, Richard N


    Prior to human settlement 700 years ago New Zealand had no terrestrial mammals--apart from three species of bats--instead, approximately 250 avian species dominated the ecosystem. At the top of the food chain was the extinct Haast's eagle, Harpagornis moorei. H. moorei (10-15 kg; 2-3 m wingspan) was 30%-40% heavier than the largest extant eagle (the harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja), and hunted moa up to 15 times its weight. In a dramatic example of morphological plasticity and rapid size increase...

  14. 76 FR 9529 - Migratory Birds; Draft Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance (United States)


    ...-1231-9BPP] RIN 1018-AX53 Migratory Birds; Draft Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance AGENCY: Fish and... mail to: Attention: Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance; Division of Migratory Bird Management; U.S. Fish... implementing statutes including the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act...

  15. Steppe Eagle in the Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Igor V. Karyakin


    Full Text Available Between June 22 and July 18, 2017, fieldworks were carried out to study the population structure and demographic characteristics of the Steppe Eagle breeding groups (Aquila nipalensis in the central part of the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan. In the course of the work 808 birds we found, 280 Steppe Eagle breeding territories were localized. Within 10 registration areas 277 Steppe Eagle breeding territories (96.18 % were examined, including 70 successful nests with 102 nestlings. The occupation of breeding territories was 87.73 %, while the percentage of active nests in the occupied breeding territories was 69.14 %. Successful were 42.26 % of nests from the number of active nests and 25.63 % from the number of identified breeding territories. The number of nestlings in broods ranged from 1 to 3, averaging (n=71 1.45±0.56 nestlings per successful nest and (n=168 0.61±0.80 nestlings per occupied nest. With a very high percentage of nests with unsuccessful breeding (54.46 % of the number of active ones, high percentage of nests with dead clutch was recorded – 34.55 % of the number of nests with unsuccessful breeding. Distribution density of Steppe Eagle active nests averaged 7.67/100 km2, varying in different areas from 4.11 to 12.90/100 km2. The distribution density of Steppe Eagle successful nests on the areas varied from 0 to 4.81/100 km2 averaged 3.24/100 km2. For the area of habitats suitable for breeding across the Karaganda region (142,549.9 km2, the abundance of the Steppe Eagle in nesting was 4,794–5,814, at average 5,275 pairs and 2,183–2,647, at average 2,402 successful pairs.

  16. Fibroelastoma valvular aórtico como causa de accidente cerebrovascular embólico: Reporte de un caso




    Los tumores cardíacos son una causa rara de accidente cerebrovascular embólico. Comunicamos el caso de una paciente de 65 años quien debuta su historia con un accidente cerebrovascular. El estudio de fuente embólica con ecocardiografía transesofágica demostró un fibroelastoma de la válvula aórtica en el borde libre del velo no coronariano. El tumor fue extraído mediante circulación extracorpórea. El estudio anatomopatológico confirmó el diagnóstico y la paciente se encuentra en capacidad func...

  17. "BSR Eagle" lendas Tartusse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    8. veebr. Tartus Loodusuurijate Seltsi majas toimunud seminarist "Mida Juku õues ei õpi, seda Juhan vallaametnikuna ei tea", mis toimus Läänemere-piirkonna loodusharidusprojekti "BSR Eagle" raames

  18. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, species-based legal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 bestows legal protection on two North American eagle species in the United States of America. The Act was originally aimed at the legal protection of only one species: the Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus, the national symbol of the USA. Later the Act was amended to ...

  19. Constructing bald eagle nests with natural materials (United States)

    T. G. Grubb


    A technique for using natural materials to build artificial nests for bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and other raptors is detailed. Properly constructed nests are as permanently secured to the nest tree or cliff substrate as any eagle-built nest or human-made platform. Construction normally requires about three hours and at least two people. This technique is...

  20. Violencia intrafamiliar como causa de trastorno depresivo en mujeres que acuden al Centro de Apoyo Integral las tres Manuelas y al Hospital Cantonal de Sangolquí durante el año 2011


    Moreno Ronquillo, Tania Paulina


    El Trastorno Depresivo ocupa el primer lugar dentro de las causas de discapacidad en el mundo. La Violencia Intrafamiliar es un grave problema de Salud Pública, pudiendo ser una causa importante de depresión. Objetivo. Determinar si la Violencia Intrafamiliar es causa del desarrollo de Trastorno Depresivo en mujeres que acuden al Centro de Equidad y Justicia “Las Tres Manuelas”. Diseño: Observacional, Epidemiológico Analítico Longitudinal de casos y controles. Lugar y sujetos. El presente est...

  1. Conservation significance of alternative nests of golden eagles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brian A. Millsap


    Full Text Available Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos are long-lived raptors that maintain nesting territories that may be occupied for a century or longer. Within occupied nesting territories there is one nest in which eagles lay their eggs in a given year (i.e., the used nest, but there are usually other nests (i.e., alternative nests. Conservation plans often protect used nests, but not alternative nests or nesting territories that appear vacant. Our objective is to review literature on golden eagle use of alternative nests and occupancy of nesting territories to determine if alternative nests are biologically significant and warrant greater conservation consideration. Our review shows that: (1 alternative nests or their associated habitat are most often in core areas of golden eagle nesting territories; (2 alternative nests likely will become used in the future; (3 probability of an alternative nest becoming used is greatest where prey availability is high and alternative nest sites are limited; (4 likelihood of annual occupancy or reoccupancy of golden eagle nesting territories is high; and (5 prey availability is the most important determinant of nesting territory occupancy and breeding activity. We recommend alternative nests be treated with the same deference as used nests in land use planning.

  2. Probability of Elevated Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater in the Eagle River Watershed Valley-Fill Aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007 (United States)

    Rupert, Michael G.; Plummer, Niel


    This raster data set delineates the predicted probability of elevated nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Eagle River watershed valley-fill aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007. This data set was developed by a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey, Eagle County, the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, the Town of Eagle, the Town of Gypsum, and the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority. This project was designed to evaluate potential land-development effects on groundwater and surface-water resources so that informed land-use and water management decisions can be made. This groundwater probability map and its associated probability maps was developed as follows: (1) A point data set of wells with groundwater quality and groundwater age data was overlaid with thematic layers of anthropogenic (related to human activities) and hydrogeologic data by using a geographic information system to assign each well values for depth to groundwater, distance to major streams and canals, distance to gypsum beds, precipitation, soils, and well depth. These data then were downloaded to a statistical software package for analysis by logistic regression. (2) Statistical models predicting the probability of elevated nitrate concentrations, the probability of unmixed young water (using chlorofluorocarbon-11 concentrations and tritium activities), and the probability of elevated volatile organic compound concentrations were developed using logistic regression techniques. (3) The statistical models were entered into a GIS and the probability map was constructed.

  3. Alternative Fuels Data Center: Golden Eagle Delivers Beer With Natural Gas (United States)

    Trucks Golden Eagle Delivers Beer With Natural Gas Trucks to someone by E-mail Share Alternative Fuels Data Center: Golden Eagle Delivers Beer With Natural Gas Trucks on Facebook Tweet about Alternative Fuels Data Center: Golden Eagle Delivers Beer With Natural Gas Trucks on Twitter Bookmark

  4. Bald eagle site management plan for the Hanford Site, south-central Washington

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fitzner, R.F.; Weiss, S.G.


    The CERCLA remedial investigations of waste sites on the Hanford Site will involve lands containing or adjacent to a bald eagle nest, winter concentration areas, or communal night roost. Because these CERCLA investigations may affect bald eagles, the DOE has prepared this Bald Eagle Site Management Plan (BESMP). However, it is intended that this BESMP be used or updated so as to be also applicable to future activities that affect bald eagles on the Hanford Site. Bald eagles regularly use the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Site in south-central Washington State during winter months for roosting, perching, and foraging. Each of these activities requires buffer zones to protect eagles from human disturbances. Buffer zones developed in this plan follow recommended guidelines and are intended to be used in planning. If Hanford Site activities in the vicinity of identified bald eagle use areas are carried out in accordance with this plan, such actions are not likely to adversely affect the eagles or their habitat. Activities that may be exceptions will involve informal or formal (whichever is appropriate) consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service as required by the Endangered Species Act

  5. 76 FR 65507 - Notice of Petition for Rate Approval; Eagle Ford Midstream, LP (United States)


    ... Petition for Rate Approval; Eagle Ford Midstream, LP Take notice that on October 11, 2011, (Eagle Ford..., and its initial baseline Statement of Operating Conditions. Eagle Ford states that it is an existing..., currently providing intrastate services to its customers. Eagle Ford proposed rates for Section 311...

  6. The EAGLE simulations: atomic hydrogen associated with galaxies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Crain, Robert A.; Bahé, Yannick M.; Lagos, Claudia del P.; Rahmati, Alireza; Schaye, Joop; McCarthy, Ian G.; Marasco, Antonino; Bower, Richard G.; Schaller, Matthieu; Theuns, Tom; van der Hulst, Thijs


    We examine the properties of atomic hydrogen (H I) associated with galaxies in the Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments (EAGLE) simulations of galaxy formation. EAGLE's feedback parameters were calibrated to reproduce the stellar mass function and galaxy sizes at z = 0.1, and we

  7. Habitat Requirements and Foraging Ecology of the Madagascar Fish-Eagle


    Berkelman, James


    With a population estimate of 99 pairs, the Madagascar fish-eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) is one of the rarest birds of prey in the world. I investigated the ecological requirements of the Madagascar fish-eagle in 1994 and 1995 to help determine management action to prevent its extinction. I investigated fish-eagle foraging ecology in 1996 to determine its prey preference and whether fish abundance and availabi...

  8. eagle-i: An Ontology-Driven Framework For Biomedical Resource Curation And Discovery


    Erik Segerdell; Melanie L. Wilson; Ted Bashor; Daniela Bourges-Waldegg; Karen Corday; H. Robert Frost; Tenille Johnson; Christopher J. Shaffer; Larry Stone; Carlo Torniai; Melissa A. Haendel


    The eagle-i Consortium ("" comprises nine geographically and ethnically diverse universities across America working to build a federated network of research resources. Biomedical research generates many resources that are rarely shared or published, including: reagents, protocols, instruments, expertise, organisms, training opportunities, software, human studies, and biological specimens. The goal of eagle-i is to improve biomedical r...

  9. Preventing Philippine Eagle hunting: what are we missing?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jayson Ibanez


    Full Text Available Two pieces of information are minimally required to conserve endangered raptor species — (i an estimate of its remaining global population, and (ii the main factors responsible for its decline. Data suggest that no more than 400 adult pairs of the Critically Endangered Philippine Eagle could remain in the wild. As to what is causing population decline, shooting and hunting continue to be the primary factor while forest habitat loss is another. This paper reflects on the growing incident of human-caused deaths in Philippine Eagles, prominently on Mindanao Island where estimates suggest more than half of the eagle’s wild population exists. By analyzing data from eagle rescues, surveys, and field monitoring through radio and satellite tracking techniques, this paper shows that shooting and trapping is a “clear and present” danger which may potentially drive the population to extinction even when suitable forest habitats still exist. Cases of death within the last decade show that the nature and/or extent of law enforcement, conservation education, and population and habitat monitoring fall short of being effective deterrents to eagle persecution in the wild. We review emerging theories on wildlife crime and cases of community-based species conservation to justify a holistic and grounded approach to preventing eagle poaching as an alternative to the conservation status quo. 

  10. Lead and mercury in fall migrant golden eagles from western North America. (United States)

    Langner, Heiko W; Domenech, Robert; Slabe, Vincent A; Sullivan, Sean P


    Lead exposure from ingestion of bullet fragments is a serious environmental hazard to eagles. We determined blood lead levels (BLL) in 178 golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) captured during fall migration along a major North American flyway. These eagles spent the breeding season distributed over a large range and are the best currently available representation of free flying golden eagles on the continent. We found 58 % of these eagles containing increased BLL > 0.1 mg/L; 10 % were clinically lead poisoned with BLL > 0.6 mg/L; and 4 % were lethally exposed with BLL > 1.2 mg/L. No statistical difference in BLL existed between golden and bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Golden eagles captured on carrion had higher BLL than those captured using live bait suggesting differences in feeding habits among individuals. Median BLL increased with age class. We propose a conceptual model for the long-term increase in BLL after ingestion of lead particles. The mean blood mercury level in golden eagles was 0.023 mg/L. We evaluate a field test for BLL that is based on anodic stripping voltammetry. This cost-effective and immediate method correlated well with results from inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, although results needed to be corrected for each calibration of the test kit.

  11. Eagles of the RAF. The World War II Eagle Squadrons (United States)


    S Eagles. a majo0r concern. [here was probably no tmo7re halarod(us b1 )(1v Of water in the world during 1940 and 194 1 than the North Atlantic...cross between rugby , so~ccer and American football. 11 George Sperry continues the narrative: ’S~urveying the wreckage he I Bain] slightly lost his

  12. Golden Eagle Monitoring Plan for the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (United States)

    Wiens, David; Kolar, Patrick; Katzner, Todd


    This report describes options for monitoring the status and population trends of the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) within the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) area of Southern California in maintaining stable or increasing population in the planning area. The report profiles the ecology of golden eagles in the region and provides a range of potential sampling options to address monitoring needs and objectives. This approach also focused on links between changes in human land-use, golden eagle nesting and foraging habitat conditions, and population dynamics. The report outlines how monitoring data from demographic, prey, and habitat studies were used to develop a predictive demographic model for golden eagles in the DRECP area. Results from the model simulations suggest increases in renewable energy development could have negative consequences for population trajectories. Results also suggest site-specific conservation actions could reduce the magnitude of negative impacts to the local population of eagles. A monitoring framework is proposed including: (1) annual assessments of site-occupancy and reproduction by territorial pairs of golden eagles (including rates at which sites become colonized or vacated over time); (2) estimates of survival, movements, and intensity of use of landscapes by breeding and non-breeding golden eagles; (3) periodic (conducted every two to four years) assessments of nesting and foraging habitats, prey populations, and associations with land-use and management activities; and (4) updating the predictive demographic model with new information obtained on eagles and associated population stressors. The results of this research were published in the Journal of Rapture Research, Wiens, David,Inman, Rich D., Esque, Todd C., Longshore, Kathleen M. and Nussear, Kenneth (2017). Spatial Demographic Models to Inform Conservation Planning of Golden Eagles in Renewable Energy Landscapes. 51(3):234-257.

  13. Eagle's Syndrome


    Pinheiro,Thaís Gonçalves; Soares,Vítor Yamashiro Rocha; Ferreira,Denise Bastos Lage; Raymundo,Igor Teixeira; Nascimento,Luiz Augusto; Oliveira,Carlos Augusto Costa Pires de


    Summary Introduction:?Eagle's syndrome is characterized by cervicopharyngeal signs and symptoms associated with elongation of the styloid apophysis. This elongation may occur through ossification of the stylohyoid ligament, or through growth of the apophysis due to osteogenesis triggered by a factor such as trauma. Elongation of the styloid apophysis may give rise to intense facial pain, headache, dysphagia, otalgia, buzzing sensations, and trismus. Precise diagnosis of the syndrome is diffic...

  14. Validación de un cuestionario para evaluar causas administrativas de la baja notificación de reacciones adversas a los medicamentos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisset Ortiz Zamora

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo Diseñar y validar una encuesta para conocer las causas de tipo administrativo que pueden influir en la baja notificación de reacciones adversas a medicamentos (RAM. Métodos El cuestionario se diseñó a partir de una revisión bibliográfica y una tormenta de ideas. Las variables que se consideraron que pueden influir en la notificación fueron la carga de trabajo de los profesionales y su percepción del control de la actividad de farmacovigilancia. Para su validación, se encuestó a 60 profesionales de una muestra de conveniencia. La confiabilidad se calculó con la alfa de Cronbach y el coeficiente de Kuder Richardson. La validez de contenido se cuantificó con el coeficiente de Kendall y la de criterio, mediante la concordancia con el criterio establecido. Resultados El cuestionario tipo encuesta quedó constituido por 15 preguntas y estructurado en dos partes, información general y causas administrativas de la baja notificación de RAM. La alfa de Cronbach fue 0,87, el coeficiente de Kuder Richardson, 0,9033, y la validez total, 1,51, resultante de 70% de concordancia y un coeficiente de correlación por rangos de 0,81. Conclusiones La confiabilidad de la encuesta validada fue aceptable-elevada y su validez, aceptable.

  15. Violência e mortes por causas externas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Graciete Oliveira Vieira


    Full Text Available Através de um estudo ecológico caracterizou-se a violência e as mortes por causas externas em Salvador e Bahia utilizando-se dados da Fundação Nacional de Saúde-Ministério da Saúde, dos registros de mortalidade e das estimativas populacionais do IBGE. O risco de morrer por homicídio no Brasil é 3 vezes o do Estados Unidos, chegando a ser 40 vezes superior ao do Japão. Homicídio foi a primeira causa de anos potenciais de vidas perdidos (13,4% no Brasil (1997, seguido por acidentes de trânsito (10,6%. Causas externas foi a segunda causa de morte em Salvador e Bahia (1996. A violência tem raízes sócio-culturais e político-ideológicas e pode ser prevenida por ações intersetoriais e multidisciplinares.

  16. Malformación arteriovenosa pancreática como causa de pancreatitis aguda tratada por vía endovascular


    Kohan, Gustavo; Provenzano, Matías; Rosado, Martín; Farfan, Grisel; Sánchez, Nicolás; Fastman, Denise


    La malformación arterio-venosa (MAV) en el páncreas es una anomalía anatómica poco frecuente que puede ser causa de pancreatitis aguda. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 46 años cuyo diagnóstico se sospechó por los hallazgos de la tomografía computarizada con contraste endovenoso y por resonancia magnética y se confirmó mediante una arteriografía del tronco celíaco y de la arteria mesentérica superior. El tratamiento recibido fue por vía endovascular, aunque la otra opción válida para el ...

  17. Conservation significance of alternative nests of golden eagles (United States)

    Brian A. Millsap; Teryl G. Grubb; Robert K. Murphy; Ted Swem; James W. Watson


    Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) are long-lived raptors that maintain nesting territories that may be occupied for a century or longer. Within occupied nesting territories there is one nest in which eagles lay their eggs in a given year (i.e., the used nest), but there are usually other nests (i.e., alternative nests). Conservation plans often protect used nests, but...

  18. Cianocobalamina inhalada: una alternativa terapéutica eficaz y segura


    Mijares Zamuner, Matilde Bettina; González, Víctor; Abad, Ángel; Perdiguero, Miguel; Picó, Antonio


    La deficiencia de vitamina B12 o cobalamina es un trastorno nutricional frecuente, cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz es importante, debido a que es una causa reversible de alteración de la hematopoyesis y desmielinización del sistema nervioso central. La ingesta insuficiente de dicha vitamina junto con las alteraciones anatómicas o funcionales del estómago, páncreas e íleon terminal son las causas asociadas al déficit. Presentamos tres casos clínicos de pacientes con deficiencia de cobala...

  19. Movements and landscape use of Eastern Imperial Eagles Aquila heliaca in Central Asia (United States)

    Poessel, Sharon; Bragin, Evgeny A.; Sharpe, Peter B.; Garcelon, David K.; Bartoszuk, Kordian; Katzner, Todd E.


    Capsule: We describe ecological factors associated with movements of a globally declining raptor species, the Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca.Aims: To describe the movements, habitat associations and resource selection of Eastern Imperial Eagles marked in Central Asia.Methods: We used global positioning system (GPS) data sent via satellite telemetry devices deployed on Eastern Imperial Eagles captured in Kazakhstan to calculate distances travelled and to associate habitat and weather variables with eagle locations collected throughout the annual cycle. We also used resource selection models to evaluate habitat use of tracked birds during autumn migration. Separately, we used wing-tagging recovery data to broaden our understanding of wintering locations of eagles.Results: Eagles tagged in Kazakhstan wintered in most countries on the Arabian Peninsula, as well as Iran and India. The adult eagle we tracked travelled more efficiently than did the four pre-adults. During autumn migration, telemetered eagles used a mixture of vegetation types, but during winter and summer, they primarily used bare and sparsely vegetated areas. Finally, telemetered birds used orographic updrafts to subsidize their autumn migration flight, but they relied on thermal updrafts during spring migration.Conclusion: Our study is the first to use GPS telemetry to describe year-round movements and habitat associations of Eastern Imperial Eagles in Central Asia. Our findings provide insight into the ecology of this vulnerable raptor species that can contribute to conservation efforts on its behalf.

  20. Reproductive characteristics of migratory golden eagles in Denali National Park, Alaska (United States)

    McIntyre, Carol L.; Adams, Layne G.


    We describe reproductive characteristics of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) breeding in Denali National Park, Alaska during an entire snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) cycle, 1988-1997. Data on nesting eagles were collected at 58 to 72 nesting areas annually using two aerial surveys. Surveys were conducted during the incubation period to determine occupancy and nesting activities and late in the nestling period to count nestlings and determine nesting success. Annual occupancy rates of nesting areas did not vary significantly, whereas laying rates, success rates, and mean brood size varied significantly over the study period. Fledgling production for the study population varied sevenfold during the ten-year period. Laying rates, mean brood size, and overall population productivity were significantly correlated with abundance of cyclic snowshoe hare and Willow Ptarmigan (Lugopus lagopus) populations. Reproductive rates of Golden Eagles in Denali were similar to those of Golden Eagles from other high latitude study areas in North America, but lower than for Golden Eagles from temperate zone study areas in North America.

  1. Assessment of surface-water quantity and quality, Eagle River watershed, Colorado, 1947-2007 (United States)

    Williams, Cory A.; Moore, Jennifer L.; Richards, Rodney J.


    From the early mining days to the current tourism-based economy, the Eagle River watershed (ERW) in central Colorado has undergone a sequence of land-use changes that has affected the hydrology, habitat, and water quality of the area. In 2000, the USGS, in cooperation with the Colorado River Water Conservation District, Eagle County, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, Colorado Department of Transportation, City of Aurora, Town of Eagle, Town of Gypsum, Town of Minturn, Town of Vail, Vail Resorts, City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Utilities, and Denver Water, initiated a retrospective analysis of surface-water quantity and quality in the ERW.

  2. Evaluation of landscape level habitat characteristics of golden eagle habitat in Northwestern Mexico


    Bravo Vinaja, Maria Guadalupe


    Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos canadensis Linnaeus 1758) are declining in some areas throughout their Nearctic range (Sauer et al. 2011). This reduction is linked to changes in their habitat caused by human activities. Golden eagles inhabit an extensive range of environments (Watson 1997, Kochert et al. 2002). In the American Continent, the golden eagleâ s range encompasses Alaska, Canada, the United States and the Northern and Central portions of Mexico. Northern golden eagle populations...

  3. Characterizing Golden Eagle risk to lead and anticoagulant rodenticide exposure: A review (United States)

    Herring, Garth; Eagles-Smith, Collin A.; Buck, Jeremy A.


    Contaminant exposure is among the many threats to Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) populations throughout North America, particularly lead poisoning and anticoagulant rodenticides (AR). These threats may act in concert with others (e.g., lead poisoning and trauma associated with striking objects) to exacerbate risk. Golden Eagles are skilled hunters but also exploit scavenging opportunities, making them particularly susceptible to contaminant exposure from ingesting tissues of poisoned or shot animals. Lead poisoning has long been recognized as an important source of mortality for Golden Eagles throughout North America. More recently, ARs have been associated with both sublethal and lethal effects in raptor species worldwide. In this review, we examine the current state of knowledge for lead and AR exposure in Golden Eagles, drawing from the broader raptor contaminant ecology literature. We examine lead and AR sources within Golden Eagle habitats, exposure routes and toxicity, effects on individuals and populations, synergistic effects, and data and information needs. Continued research addressing data needs and information gaps will help with Golden Eagle conservation planning.

  4. Medidas para el fomento del derecho de las mujeres a una vida libre de violencias basadas en género (V.B.G) a partir de las causas del feminicidio del 2013 en la Comuna 10 de Cali


    Jordán Camacho, Óscar Eduardo; Ortiz Ramírez, Juan Pablo


    El estudio sobre las medidas para el fomento del derecho de las mujeres a una vida libre de violencias basadas en género (V.B.G) a partir de las causas del feminicidio en la comuna 10 de Cali no ha sido objeto de investigaciones. No obstante, se han realizado estudios sobre el tema de la violencia contra la mujer, entre los cuales se destacan los siguientes: Ruiz (2000), “La violencia contra la mujer en la sociedad actual: análisis y propuestas de prevención”, en este estudio se reflexiona...

  5. Probability of Elevated Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Concentrations in Groundwater in the Eagle River Watershed Valley-Fill Aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007 (United States)

    Rupert, Michael G.; Plummer, Niel


    This raster data set delineates the predicted probability of elevated volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in groundwater in the Eagle River watershed valley-fill aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007. This data set was developed by a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey, Eagle County, the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, the Town of Eagle, the Town of Gypsum, and the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority. This project was designed to evaluate potential land-development effects on groundwater and surface-water resources so that informed land-use and water management decisions can be made. This groundwater probability map and its associated probability maps was developed as follows: (1) A point data set of wells with groundwater quality and groundwater age data was overlaid with thematic layers of anthropogenic (related to human activities) and hydrogeologic data by using a geographic information system to assign each well values for depth to groundwater, distance to major streams and canals, distance to gypsum beds, precipitation, soils, and well depth. These data then were downloaded to a statistical software package for analysis by logistic regression. (2) Statistical models predicting the probability of elevated nitrate concentrations, the probability of unmixed young water (using chlorofluorocarbon-11 concentrations and tritium activities), and the probability of elevated volatile organic compound concentrations were developed using logistic regression techniques. (3) The statistical models were entered into a GIS and the probability map was constructed.

  6. Suspected lead toxicosis in a bald eagle (United States)

    Jacobson, E.; Carpenter, J.W.; Novilla, M.


    An immature bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was submitted to the University of Maryland, College Park, for clinical examination. The bird was thin, had green watery feces, and was unable to maintain itself in upright posture. Following radiography, the bird went into respiratory distress and died. Numerous lead shot were recovered from the gizzard, and chemical analysis of liver and kidney tissue revealed 22.9 and 11.3 ppm lead, respectively. The clinical signs, necropsy findings, and chemical analysis of the eagle were compatible with lead toxicosis.

  7. Use of noninvasive genetics to assess nest and space use by white-tailed eagles (United States)

    Bulut, Zafer; Bragin, Evgeny A.; DeWoody, J. Andrew; Braham, Melissa A.; Katzner, Todd E.; Doyle, Jacqueline M.


    Movement and space use are important components of animal interactions with the environment. However, for hard-to-monitor raptor species, there are substantial gaps in our understanding of these key determinants. We used noninvasive genetic tools to evaluate the details of space use over a 3-yr period by White-tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) at the Naurzum Zapovednik in northern Kazakhstan. We genotyped, at 10 microsatellite markers and one mitochondrial marker, 859 eagle feathers and assigned naturally shed feathers to individuals. We identified 124 White-tailed Eagles, including both members of 5–10 pairs per year, and were able to monitor birds across years. Distances between eagle nests and hunting perches were always greater than nearest neighbor distances, eagles never used the closest available hunting perch, and hunting perches were always shared with other eagles. When eagles switched nests between years, the nests they chose were almost always well outside the space that theory predicted they defended the prior year. Our data are inconsistent with classical territorial and colonial models of resource use; they more closely resemble semi-colonial behavior. It is unlikely that standard methods of animal tracking (e.g., marking and telemetry), would have provided a similarly cost-effective mechanism to gain these insights into spatial and temporal aspects of eagle behavior. When combined with existing information on space use of other local species, these data suggest that partitioning of spatial resources among White-tailed Eagles and other eagles at the Zapovednik may be facilitated by the alternative strategies of space use they employ.

  8. Final Report Bald and Golden Eagle Territory Surveys for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fratanduono, M. L. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    Garcia and Associates (GANDA) was contracted by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to conduct surveys for bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) at Site 300 and in the surrounding area out to 10-miles. The survey effort was intended to document the boundaries of eagle territories by careful observation of eagle behavior from selected viewing locations throughout the study area.

  9. The effects of wind turbines on white-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus Albicilla) in Hokkaido, Japan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shiraki, Saiko; Kitano, Masato


    Full text: The recent growth of wind facilities in Japan has raised concerns about bird collisions, especially for white-tailed eagles in Hokkaido, northern part of Japan. Approx. 150 pairs of white-tailed eagles breed in Hokkaido in the latest survey (Shiraki unpub. data) and these pairs are considered as residents. On the other hand, ca.500-700 white-tailed eagles including migrants from the breeding areas in Russia winter in Hokkaido. The major objectives of this study are to (1) examine the impacts of wind turbines on white-tailed eagles by information analysis in the previous accident reports of the collisions and by field investigations at the wind facilities, and (2) explore the possible factors which relate to the collisions of the eagles with wind turbines A total of 24 collisions of sea eagles (Haliaeetus spp.) have been reported by both incidental discoveries and fatality searching since 2004 in Hokkaido. 22 of the 24 fatalities were white-tailed eagles and 23 of the 24 were immature birds. Field surveys to estimate of fatality rate of white-tailed eagles and observations of the flight behaviours were carried out at the wind facilities including a total of 42 turbines for one and half years. Annual mortality for white-tailed eagles was estimated at 0.08 fatalities / yr / MW and the Risk Index (Smallwood et Thelander 2004) was calculated at 0.058, the second highest value after common buzzards (Buteo buteo) in this survey. In addition, white-tailed eagles and common buzzards flew at the altitudes of rotor zones of the wind turbines more frequently than the other raptors. The effects of the collisions at wind turbines on white-tailed eagles in Hokkaido based on the results of this study, and on the ecological and the genetically information of the population will be considered in the presentation. (Author)

  10. Through the Eyes of the Eagle (American Indian translation in Chickasaw)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    The Eagle Books are a series of four books that are brought to life by wise animal characters - Mr. Eagle, Miss Rabbit, and Coyote - who engage Rain That Dances and his young friends in the joy of physical activity, eating healthy foods, and learning from their elders about health and diabetes prevention. Through the Eyes of the Eagle tells children about looking to the healthy ways and wisdom of their elders (American Indian translation in Chickasaw).

  11. Through the Eyes of the Eagle (American Indian translation in Paiute)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    The Eagle Books are a series of four books that are brought to life by wise animal characters - Mr. Eagle, Miss Rabbit, and Coyote - who engage Rain That Dances and his young friends in the joy of physical activity, eating healthy foods, and learning from their elders about health and diabetes prevention. Through the Eyes of the Eagle tells children about looking to the healthy ways and wisdom of their elders (Listen to the American Indian translation in Paiute).

  12. Through the Eyes of the Eagle (American Indian translation in Shoshone)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    The Eagle Books are a series of four books that are brought to life by wise animal characters - Mr. Eagle, Miss Rabbit, and Coyote - who engage Rain That Dances and his young friends in the joy of physical activity, eating healthy foods, and learning from their elders about health and diabetes prevention. Through the Eyes of the Eagle tells children about looking to the healthy ways and wisdom of their elders (Listen to the American Indian translation in Shoshone).

  13. Whooping crane preyed upon by golden eagle (United States)

    Windingstad, Ronald M.; Stiles, Harry E.; Drewien, Roderick C.


    The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is the largest predatory bird in North America and is well known for its predatory abilities. Attacks have been reported on mammals such as whitetail jackrabbits (Lepus townsendi) (McGahan 1967, J. Wildl. Mgmt. 31: 496), pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana) (Bruhns 1970, Can. Field-Natur. 84: 301), Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) (Kelleher and O'Malia 1971, Auk 88: 186), and Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias) (Carnie 1954, Condor 56: 3). This communication describes an attack on an immature Whooping Crane (Grus americana) by a Golden Eagle and the subsequent necropsy findings.

  14. Condiciones de trabajo y salud de una universidad venezolana


    Rojas-Martini Maritza; Squillante Guido; Espinoza Carlos


    Objetivo. Identificar los procesos peligrosos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana como consecuencia de sus actividades laborales. Material y métodos. Se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones de exposición laboral de los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana (UN), de sus potenciales procesos peligrosos (PP) y de sus causas, mediante un estudio de corte transversal, efectuado en 1999. Se estudiaron 90 trabajadores de uno u otro sexo, pertenecientes ...

  15. Doença de Chagas como causa básica de óbito na região sudeste do Brasil: presença de causas contributárias

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    Dalva Marli Valério Wanderley


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se os atestados de pessoas falecidas no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 1987, cuja causa básica foi a cardiopatia chagásica, com a finalidade de conhecer a informação adicional que está presente no atestado como "causa contributária". Foram analisadas as informações existentes em 1.308 Declarações de Óbito. As causas contributárias foram identificadas e registradas a partir de uma leitura direta do atestado. Foram identificadas 261 Declarações com causas contributárias (20%, sendo 185 com apenas uma causa registrada e 75 com duas. As seis primeiras causas foram: megas, embolias, doença pulmonar crônica, infecções (exceto doença de Chagas, hipertensão arterial e desnutrição. Analisando a presença das causas contributárias no subgrupo de menores de 50 anos e de 50 anos ou mais, constatou-se uma maior proporção no grupo mais idoso e um perfil diferenciado de causas em cada subgrupo. As causas contributárias não apresentaram associação com sexo e local de residência.

  16. Doença de Chagas como causa básica de óbito na região sudeste do Brasil: presença de causas contributárias

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    Wanderley Dalva Marli Valério


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se os atestados de pessoas falecidas no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 1987, cuja causa básica foi a cardiopatia chagásica, com a finalidade de conhecer a informação adicional que está presente no atestado como "causa contributária". Foram analisadas as informações existentes em 1.308 Declarações de Óbito. As causas contributárias foram identificadas e registradas a partir de uma leitura direta do atestado. Foram identificadas 261 Declarações com causas contributárias (20%, sendo 185 com apenas uma causa registrada e 75 com duas. As seis primeiras causas foram: megas, embolias, doença pulmonar crônica, infecções (exceto doença de Chagas, hipertensão arterial e desnutrição. Analisando a presença das causas contributárias no subgrupo de menores de 50 anos e de 50 anos ou mais, constatou-se uma maior proporção no grupo mais idoso e um perfil diferenciado de causas em cada subgrupo. As causas contributárias não apresentaram associação com sexo e local de residência.

  17. Eagle Hill, Kenya: changes over 60 years | Thomsett | Scopus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Eagle Hill, the study site of the late Leslie Brown, was first surveyed over 60 years ago in 1948. The demise of its eagle population was near-complete less than 50 years later, but significantly, the majority of these losses occurred in the space of a few years in the late 1970s. Unfortunately, human densities and land use ...

  18. Daedalus Project's Light Eagle - Human powered aircraft (United States)


    The Michelob Light Eagle is seen here in flight over Rogers Dry Lake at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. The Light Eagle and Daedalus human powered aircraft were testbeds for flight research conducted at Dryden between January 1987 and March 1988. These unique aircraft were designed and constructed by a group of students, professors, and alumni of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology within the context of the Daedalus project. The construction of the Light Eagle and Daedalus aircraft was funded primarily by the Anheuser Busch and United Technologies Corporations, respectively, with additional support from the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, MIT, and a number of other sponsors. To celebrate the Greek myth of Daedalus, the man who constructed wings of wax and feathers to escape King Minos, the Daedalus project began with the goal of designing, building and testing a human-powered aircraft that could fly the mythical distance, 115 km. To achieve this goal, three aircraft were constructed. The Light Eagle was the prototype aircraft, weighing 92 pounds. On January 22, 1987, it set a closed course distance record of 59 km, which still stands. Also in January of 1987, the Light Eagle was powered by Lois McCallin to set the straight distance, the distance around a closed circuit, and the duration world records for the female division in human powered vehicles. Following this success, two more aircraft were built, the Daedalus 87 and Daedalus 88. Each aircraft weighed approximately 69 pounds. The Daedalus 88 aircraft was the ship that flew the 199 km from the Iraklion Air Force Base on Crete in the Mediterranean Sea, to the island of Santorini in 3 hours, 54 minutes. In the process, the aircraft set new records in distance and endurance for a human powered aircraft. The specific areas of flight research conducted at Dryden included characterizing the rigid body and flexible dynamics of the Light Eagle, investigating sensors for an

  19. Causas de la similar caída de la ocupación entre España y Grecia a pesar de su diferente caída en el PIB real durante el período 2008-2014


    Perejoan Martí, Ignasi


    Este proyecto profundizará en las causas que han llevado a España a padecer una evolución de la ocupación equiparable a Grecia. En Grecia, la recesión económica ha sido muy grave. Ha hecho caer la producción una quinta parte y ha obligado al país a pedir ayuda exterior de la Unión Europea para mantener su solvencia. Grecia ha quedado muy maltrecha económicamente por la crisis y su ocupación ha quedado también gravemente perjudicada a causa de la caída de la producción. Es...

  20. Eagle syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raina, Deepika; Gothi, Rajesh; Rajan, Sriram


    Eagle syndrome occurs due to elongation of the styloid process or calcification of the stylohyoid ligament, which then may produce a pain sensation due the pressure exerted on various structures in the head and neck. When suspected, imaging helps in identifying the abnormally elongated styloid process or the calcified ligament. In recent years, three-dimensional CT (3DCT) has proved to be valuable in these cases. We report the case of a 62-year-old man with this syndrome in whom imaging with 3DCT conclusively established the diagnosis

  1. Golden eagle population trends in the western United States: 1968-2010 (United States)

    Millsap, Brian A.; Zimmerman, Guthrie S.; Sauer, John R.; Nielson, Ryan M.; Otto, Mark; Bjerre, Emily; Murphy, Robert K.


    In 2009, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service promulgated permit regulations for the unintentional lethal take (anthropogenic mortality) and disturbance of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). Accurate population trend and size information for golden eagles are needed so agency biologists can make informed decisions when eagle take permits are requested. To address this need with available data, we used a log-linear hierarchical model to average data from a late-summer aerial-line-transect distance-sampling survey (WGES) of golden eagles in the United States portions of Bird Conservation Region (BCR) 9 (Great Basin), BCR 10 (Northern Rockies), BCR 16 (Southern Rockies/Colorado Plateau), and BCR 17 (Badlands and Prairies) from 2006 to 2010 with late-spring, early summer Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data for the same BCRs and years to estimate summer golden eagle population size and trends in these BCRs. We used the ratio of the density estimates from the WGES to the BBS index to calculate a BCR-specific adjustment factor that scaled the BBS index (i.e., birds per route) to a density estimate. Our results indicated golden eagle populations were generally stable from 2006 to 2010 in the 4 BCRs, with an estimated average rate of population change of −0.41% (95% credible interval [CI]: −4.17% to 3.40%) per year. For the 4 BCRs and years, we estimated annual golden eagle population size to range from 28,220 (95% CI: 23,250–35,110) in 2007 to 26,490 (95% CI: 21,760–32,680) in 2008. We found a general correspondence in trends between WGES and BBS data for these 4 BCRs, which suggested BBS data were providing useful trend information. We used the overall adjustment factor calculated from the 4 BCRs and years to scale BBS golden eagle counts from 1968 to 2005 for the 4 BCRs and for 1968 to 2010 for the 8 other BCRs (without WGES data) to estimate golden eagle population size and trends across the western United States for the period 1968 to 2010. In general, we

  2. Agencias de viajes en España: una industria convulsa


    Lacalle Muñoz de Cuerva, Luis


    El efecto de la aparición de las nuevas TIC ha sido especialmente intenso y veloz en la industria turística. Esta rápida adopción de la tecnología se ha convertido en una de las causas tanto de la desaparición de un gran número de agencias, como de una intensa transformación de la industria en los últimos años. La eficiencia de las agencias puede convertirse en una de las claves para permanecer en un escenario tan competitivo y novedoso. Un análisis de la eficiencia de las agen...

  3. El agrietamiento superficial de las pastas puras de cemento: una interpretación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Calleja, J.


    Full Text Available Not availableSe aborda por métodos analíticos y técnicas de difracción de rayos X el problema de determinar las posibles causas del agrietamiento superficial de galletas de pasta pura de cemento. Se encuentran diferencias de composición y constitución entre la zona superficial agrietada de las galletas y el resto de la masa, hallándose concordancia entre determinados constituyentes químicos calculados a base del análisis químico y los resultados de difracción de rayos X. Se interpretan estas diferencias como atribuibles a una exudación de lechada de la pasta, con extracción de álcalis solubles y yeso. Como consecuencia, la exudación provoca una carbonatación, una mayor retracción y posiblemente un fraguado acelerado en la zona superficial en relación con la masa interior de las galletas. Como causa directa de la ·exudación se acepta la hipótesis de una granulometría anormal del cemento, probablemente debida a un exceso de finos o gruesos por una molienda grosera, y producida por una deficiencia de tipo mecánico en el proceso de molturación del clínker.

  4. Haematological values for captive harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja

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    Marcos J. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Decreasing of harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja populations in natural environments, mainly in non-preserved areas, makes captive population management an important contribution to genetic diversity conservation. The aim of this study is to evaluate hematological parameters for captive harpy eagles maintained at the wild animals breeding center of Itaipu Binacional, Paraná State, Brazil. Fourteen blood samples from nine harpy eagles were collected from animals of both sexes, of different ages and with no clinical signs of disease. Significant variations were found in haematological values of hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC, leukocyte, a relative number of heterophils, absolute and relative number of lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils and plasma protein between groups of young (less than six months old and adult birds. Comparing males and females there was variation in the values of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume (MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH on heterophils, absolute and relative number of lymphocytes, eosinophils and basophils. There was also variation in the values of red blood cells, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume (MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC, leukocyte count, absolute number of lymphocytes, eosinophils and basophils among birds that study compared to another reference birds. Due to the limited information available on harpy eagle hematology, this study will be useful to the clinical assessment of birds maintained in captivity.

  5. Validade, confiabilidade e evitabilidade da causa básica dos óbitos neonatais ocorridos em unidade de cuidados intensivos da Rede Norte-Nordeste de Saúde Perinatal Validez, confiabilidad y evitabilidad de la causa básica de óbitos neonatales ocurridos en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de la Red Norte-Nordeste de Salud Perinatal Validity and reliability of data and avoidability of the underlying cause of neonatal deaths in the intensive care unit of the North-Northeast Perinatal Care Network

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    Isabel Marlúcia Lopes Moreira de Almeida


    Full Text Available Analisar a validade e confiabilidade da causa básica e a evitabilidade dos óbitos neonatais ocorridos em unidade de cuidados intensivos da Rede Norte-Nordeste de Saúde Perinatal (RENOSPE. A amostra foi de 53 óbitos neonatais contidos no banco de dados da RENOSPE e ocorridos em maternidade de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. A validade foi feita comparando-se as causas da Rede com as obtidas dos prontuários, sendo calculado kappa, sensibilidade e valor preditivo positivo (VPP. Na análise da evitabilidade, foi utilizada a Lista Brasileira de Causas de Mortes Evitáveis. Quando comparadas as causas de óbitos entre RENOSPE e prontuários, o kappa foi de 47,6% para causas maternas e 73,9% para malformações congênitas, sensibilidade de 95% e 83,3%, e VPP de 88,9% e 85,7%, respectivamente. O percentual de óbitos evitáveis na RENOSPE foi elevado, sendo por adequada atenção à mulher na gestação em 72% dos casos. As causas classificadas como malformações congênitas foram válidas, e os óbitos evitáveis apontam para necessidade do controle da gravidez.Analizar la validez y confiabilidad de la causa básica de los óbitos neonatales y su evitabilidad, ocurridos en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de la Red Norte-Nordeste de Salud Perinatal (RENOSPE. La muestra fue de 53 óbitos neonatales, incluidos en el banco de datos de la RENOSPE y ocurridos en la maternidad de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. La validez fue realizada comparándose las causas de la red, con las obtenidas de los historiales médicos, calculándose kappa, sensibilidad y valor predictivo positivo (VPP. En el análisis de la evitabilidad, se utilizó la lista brasileña de causas de muertes evitables. Resultados: cuando se comparan las causas de óbitos entre RENOSPE y los historiales, el kappa fue de un 47,6% con respecto a causas maternas y un 73,9% para malformaciones congénitas, sensibilidad de un 95% y un 83,3%, y VPP de un 88,9% y un 85,7%, respectivamente. El porcentaje de

  6. Exhumación, identificación y causa de muerte en la fosa común de Aibar-Oibar (Navarra

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nuñez, C.,


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de la investigación llevada a cabo en una fosa común situada en la localidad de Aibar (Navarra, en donde fueron inhumadas cuatro personas que fueron asesinadas en 1936. De conformidad a las fuentes documentales existentes así como al estudio antropológico y genético, se establece la identidad y la causa de la muerte relacionada con disparos por arma de fuego.

  7. Golden Eagle Migratory Behaviors in Response to Arctic Warming (United States)

    LaPoint, S.; Bohrer, G.; Davidson, S. C.; Gurarie, E.; Mahoney, P.; Boelman, N.


    Understanding how animals adapt to climate change is a conservation priority, particularly in arctic landscapes where these changes are accelerated. Doing so however, remains challenging because animal behavior datasets are typically conducted at site- or population-specific scales and are often short term (e.g., 2-3 years). We have overcome this challenge by compiling a long-term (25 years), large-scale (northwestern North America) dataset of > 0.5 million locations collected via 86 adult-aged golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) fitted with satellite and GPS data loggers. We used mechanistic range shift analyses to identify the locations and dates when each eagle performed a behavioral switch from a stationary phase (e.g., over-wintering or breeding) to migration and vice-versa. We annotated these spatio-temporal data with a suite of environmental data, including: %snow cover, time-to snow cover, time-to greening, air temperature, and wind direction and magnitude. Preliminary generalized additive mixed-models suggest these eagles have performed significant shifts in their departure dates, yet their arrival dates have remained relatively consistent. We will use a survival analysis (e.g., Cox proportional-hazard regression model) to quantify the influence of the environmental variables on these dates. It appears golden eagles migrating across northwestern North America are adapting to changes in the timing and duration of artic winters, by arriving to their northern breeding grounds earlier every spring, presumably to extend their breeding and chick rearing phases. Golden eagles exhibit some resiliency to changes in the arctic climate, but further work is warranted across other taxa and populations.


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    Amado E. Navarro


    Full Text Available Se reportó una muerte masiva de peces en el río Atoyac, presumiendo como causa el vertido de algún contaminante químico muy tóxico. El análisis de muestras de agua, sedimentos y tejidos, mostró una baja concentración de oxígeno disuelto y elevadas de amonio y de nitritos en el río el día del incidente, probables causas directas de la muerte de los peces. Por cromatografía de gases/espectrometría de masas, no se detectaron contaminantes persistentes pero sí, concentraciones elevadas de microcontaminantes orgánicos antrópicos, lo cual indica un vertido de residuos municipales al cauce de la corriente, causa indirecta de la muerte de los peces. Las concentraciones de coprostanol y epicoprostanol indican la presencia de heces de mamíferos, incluidas las de rumiantes, en el vertido. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la utilidad de determinar las concentraciones de los microcontaminantes orgánicos para esclarecer las causas de estos incidentes.

  9. 78 FR 900 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Alaska: Eagle River PM10 (United States)


    ... nonattainment area (Eagle River NAA) and the State's request to redesignate the area to attainment for the... NAAQS B. Eagle River NAA and Planning Background III. Requirements for Redesignation A. CAA Requirements... and LMPs A. Has the Eagle River NAA attained the applicable NAAQS? B. Does the Eagle River NAA have a...

  10. Causas de subnotificación de accidentes de trabajo y eventos adversos en Chile

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    Carolina Luengo

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo Describir las causas de subnotificación de accidentes de trabajo (AT y eventos adversos EA reportados por la literatura internacional e informantes claves del área de la salud y prevención de riesgos en Chile. Métodos Estudio de abordaje cualitativo y descriptivo, que incluye una revisión sistematizada de la literatura siguiendo el método SALSA de revisión (por sus siglas en inglés Search, Appraisal, Synthesis and Analyses; búsqueda, evaluación, síntesis y análisis y ajustado a la Declaración PRISMA (por sus siglas en inglés, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses; ítems de reporte preferidos para las revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis, y entrevistas a informantes clave del área de la salud y prevención de riesgos en Chile. Resultados Las principales causas de subnotificación de AT reportados por la literatura y por informantes clave fueron el factor económico y el desconocimiento. En cuanto a los EA, las principales causas señaladas fueron el temor a las sanciones, el escaso apoyo de las jefaturas, la falta de conocimiento y la sobrecarga de trabajo. Conclusiones Es importante seguir avanzando en el tema de la notificación de AT y EA e implementar medidas dirigidas a minimizar las que podrían ser las causas principales de subnotificación. En el caso de los AT, que el factor económico no sea un impedimento, sino un aliciente y en los EA, erradicar el temor a las sanciones y elaborar recomendaciones centradas en mejoras hacia el sistema, más que hacia la persona, en pro de un aprendizaje conjunto. En ambos casos, combatir el desconocimiento mediante capacitación y apoyo permanente y sistemático.

  11. A pilot golden eagle population study in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, California

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunt, G. [California Univ., Santa Cruz, CA (United States). Predatory Bird Research Group


    Orloff and Flannery (1992) estimated that several hundred reports are annually killed by turbine collisions, wire strikes, and electrocutions at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (WRA). The most common fatalities were those of red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), American kestrels (Falco sparvatius), and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), with lesser numbers of turkey vultures (Cathartes aura), common ravens (Corvus corax), bam owls (Tyto alba), and others. Among the species of raptors killed at Altamont Pass, the one whose local population is most likely to be impacted is the golden eagle. Besides its being less abundant than the others, the breeding and recruitment rates of golden eagles are naturally slow, increasing their susceptibility to decline as a result of mortality influences. The golden eagle is a species afforded special federal protection because of its inclusion within the Bald Eagle Protection Act as amended in 1963. There are no provisions within the Act which would allow the killing ``taking`` of golden eagles by WRA structures. This report details the results of field studies conducted during 19941. The primary purpose of the investigation is to lay the groundwork for determining whether or not turbine strikes and other hazards related to energy at Altamont Pass may be expected to affect golden eagles on a population basis. We also seek an understanding of the physical and biotic circumstances which attract golden eagles to the WRA within the context of the surrounding landscape and the conditions under which they are killed by wind turbines. Such knowledge may suggest turbine-related or habitat modifications that would result in a lower incidence of eagle mortality.

  12. The Bald And Golden Eagle Protection Act, Species-Based Legal Protection And The Danger Of Misidentification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johann C Knobel


    Full Text Available The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 bestows legal protection on two North American eagle species in the United States of America. The Act was originally aimed at the legal protection of only one species: the Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus, the national symbol of the USA. Later the Act was amended to extend protection also to the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos. The Bald Eagle was an Endangered Species, but the Golden Eagle was not formally listed as Endangered nationwide in the USA. One of the reasons for extending legal protection to the Golden Eagle under the Act was to strengthen the legal protection of the Bald Eagle, because immature Bald Eagles were being misidentified as Golden Eagles and shot. Additional factors relating to Golden Eagle mortality also made legal protection of the Golden Eagle desirable. The danger that a rare and legally protected species can be misidentified and mistaken for a more common and unprotected species can therefore serve as a reason for bestowing legal protection on the more common species as well. Other factors may also indicate that legal protection of the more common species is desirable, making the case more compelling. If this line of reasoning is applied in respect of South African birds of prey, a strong case can be made in favour of extending legal protection under the national biodiversity legislation to more species than the small number of species currently enjoying such protection. Species that are listed as Vulnerable under South African national biodiversity legislation may be misidentified as species that are not subject to such protection. Additional factors are also present that make such an extension of legal protection desirable.

  13. Eagle Syndrome Causing Vascular Compression with Cervical Rotation: Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demirtaş, Hakan; Kayan, Mustafa; Koyuncuoğlu, Hasan Rıfat; Çelik, Ahmet Orhan; Kara, Mustafa; Şengeze, Nihat


    Eagle syndrome is a condition caused by an elongated styloid process. Unilateral face, neck and ear pain, stinging pain, foreign body sensation and dysphagia can be observed with this syndrome. Rarely, the elongated styloid process may cause pain by compressing the cervical segment of the internal carotid and the surrounding sympathetic plexus, and that pain spreading along the artery can cause neurological symptoms such as vertigo and syncope. In this case report we presented a very rare eagle syndrome with neurological symptoms that occurred suddenly with cervical rotation. The symptoms disappeared as suddenly as they occurred, with the release of pressure in neutral position. We also discussed CT angiographic findings of this case. Radiological diagnosis of the Eagle syndrome that is manifested with a wide variety of symptoms and causes diagnostic difficulties when it is not considered in the differential diagnosis is easy in patients with specific findings. CT angiography is a fast and effective examination in terms of showing compression in patients with the Eagle syndrome that is considered to be atypical and causes vascular compression

  14. Golden Eagle predation on experimental Sandhill and Whooping Cranes (United States)

    Ellis, D.H.; Clegg, K.R.; Lewis, J.C.; Spaulding, E.


    There are very few published records of Golden Eagles preying upon cranes, especially in North America. During our experiments to lead cranes on migration behind motorized craft in the western United States, we experienced 15 attacks (four fatal) and believe many more attacks would have occurred (and more would have been fatal) without human intervention. We recognize eagle predation as an important risk to cranes especially during migration.

  15. El Mapa de la Incapacidad en España una necesidad urgente


    Araceli López-Guillén García; José Manuel Vicente Pardo


    Resumen: Es urgente adaptar los sistemas de recogida de datos en incapacidad laboral para conseguir una mejor explotación epidemiológica de los mismos que facilite conocer la situación, análisis y planificación estratégica sobre incapacidad, creando con una base de datos mínimos básicos el Mapa de la Incapacidad en España permitiendo conocer las causas y el impacto de las situaciones de incapacidad laboral, practicar una gestión integral de recursos, prevenir las situaciones de incapacidad la...

  16. Causas sociales de la depresión. Una revisión crítica del modelo atributivo de la depresión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvaro-Estramiana, José Luis


    Full Text Available Depression is the leading cause of deterioration in psychological well-being in the world. The present research aimed at analyzing depression from a socio-psychological perspective, focusing on the role of causal attributions on the origins of depressive disorders. Therefore, a model of depression is suggested in which the role of social factors such as stressful life events and coping strategies, social support, alienation and self-esteem are considered. The results are consistent with the attributional style hypothesis, as well as with the attribution model of depression. However, the results also point to the fact that the attributional style is not significantly associated to depression when taking into consideration the role of other social variables. These results lead us to the conclusion that a larger, and specifically more sociological, perspective is needed when analyzing depression.

    La depresión es la principal causa de deterioro en el bienestar psicológico en el mundo. la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo abordar el estudio de la depresión desde una perspectiva psicosociológica, analizando el papel que desempeñan las atribuciones causales en su génesis. para ello, se propone un modelo explicativo de la depresión que tiene en cuenta el papel de factores de naturaleza social, como los acontecimientos vitales estresantes y los recursos de afrontamiento, el apoyo social, la alienación y la autoestima. los resultados obtenidos son consistentes con la hipótesis de un estilo atributivo característico, así como con el modelo atributivo de la depresión. Sin embargo, también apuntan a que el estilo atributivo no está significativamente asociado a la depresión cuando tenemos en cuenta el papel de otras variables sociales. estos resultados indican la necesidad de una perspectiva más amplia, y específicamente sociológica, en los estudios sobre la depresión.

  17. Through the Eyes of the Eagle (American Indian translation in Shoshone)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    The Eagle Books are a series of four books that are brought to life by wise animal characters - Mr. Eagle, Miss Rabbit, and Coyote - who engage Rain That Dances and his young friends in the joy of physical activity, eating healthy foods, and learning from their elders about health and diabetes prevention. Through the Eyes of the Eagle tells children about looking to the healthy ways and wisdom of their elders (Listen to the American Indian translation in Shoshone).  Created: 4/9/2009 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 4/9/2009.

  18. Through the Eyes of the Eagle (American Indian translation in Chickasaw)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    The Eagle Books are a series of four books that are brought to life by wise animal characters - Mr. Eagle, Miss Rabbit, and Coyote - who engage Rain That Dances and his young friends in the joy of physical activity, eating healthy foods, and learning from their elders about health and diabetes prevention. Through the Eyes of the Eagle tells children about looking to the healthy ways and wisdom of their elders (American Indian translation in Chickasaw).  Created: 4/9/2009 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 4/9/2009.

  19. Through the Eyes of the Eagle (American Indian translation in Paiute)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    The Eagle Books are a series of four books that are brought to life by wise animal characters - Mr. Eagle, Miss Rabbit, and Coyote - who engage Rain That Dances and his young friends in the joy of physical activity, eating healthy foods, and learning from their elders about health and diabetes prevention. Through the Eyes of the Eagle tells children about looking to the healthy ways and wisdom of their elders (Listen to the American Indian translation in Paiute).  Created: 4/9/2009 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 4/9/2009.

  20. Research resources: curating the new eagle-i discovery system (United States)

    Vasilevsky, Nicole; Johnson, Tenille; Corday, Karen; Torniai, Carlo; Brush, Matthew; Segerdell, Erik; Wilson, Melanie; Shaffer, Chris; Robinson, David; Haendel, Melissa


    Development of biocuration processes and guidelines for new data types or projects is a challenging task. Each project finds its way toward defining annotation standards and ensuring data consistency with varying degrees of planning and different tools to support and/or report on consistency. Further, this process may be data type specific even within the context of a single project. This article describes our experiences with eagle-i, a 2-year pilot project to develop a federated network of data repositories in which unpublished, unshared or otherwise ‘invisible’ scientific resources could be inventoried and made accessible to the scientific community. During the course of eagle-i development, the main challenges we experienced related to the difficulty of collecting and curating data while the system and the data model were simultaneously built, and a deficiency and diversity of data management strategies in the laboratories from which the source data was obtained. We discuss our approach to biocuration and the importance of improving information management strategies to the research process, specifically with regard to the inventorying and usage of research resources. Finally, we highlight the commonalities and differences between eagle-i and similar efforts with the hope that our lessons learned will assist other biocuration endeavors. Database URL: PMID:22434835

  1. Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus population increases in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland: evidence for habitat saturation?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karla R. Letto


    Full Text Available Across North America, Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus populations appear to be recovering following bans of DDT. A limited number of studies from across North America have recorded a surplus of nonbreeding adult Bald Eagles in dense populations when optimal habitat and food become limited. Placentia Bay, Newfoundland is one of these. The area has one of the highest densities of Bald Eagles in eastern North America, and has recently experienced an increase in the proportion of nonbreeding adults within the population. We tested whether the observed Bald Eagle population trends in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland during the breeding seasons 1990-2009 are due to habitat saturation. We found no significant differences in habitat or food resource characteristics between occupied territories and pseudo-absence data or between nest sites with high vs. low nest activity/occupancy rates. Therefore there is no evidence for habitat saturation for Bald Eagles in Placentia Bay and alternative hypotheses for the high proportion of nonbreeding adults should be considered. The Newfoundland population provides an interesting case for examination because it did not historically appear to be affected by pollution. An understanding of Bald Eagle population dynamics in a relatively pristine area with a high density can be informative for restoration and conservation of Bald Eagle populations elsewhere.

  2. Probability of Unmixed Young Groundwater (defined using chlorofluorocarbon-11 concentrations and tritium activities) in the Eagle River Watershed Valley-Fill Aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007 (United States)

    Rupert, Michael G.; Plummer, Niel


    This raster data set delineates the predicted probability of unmixed young groundwater (defined using chlorofluorocarbon-11 concentrations and tritium activities) in groundwater in the Eagle River watershed valley-fill aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006-2007. This data set was developed by a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey, Eagle County, the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, the Town of Eagle, the Town of Gypsum, and the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority. This project was designed to evaluate potential land-development effects on groundwater and surface-water resources so that informed land-use and water management decisions can be made. This groundwater probability map and its associated probability maps were developed as follows: (1) A point data set of wells with groundwater quality and groundwater age data was overlaid with thematic layers of anthropogenic (related to human activities) and hydrogeologic data by using a geographic information system to assign each well values for depth to groundwater, distance to major streams and canals, distance to gypsum beds, precipitation, soils, and well depth. These data then were downloaded to a statistical software package for analysis by logistic regression. (2) Statistical models predicting the probability of elevated nitrate concentrations, the probability of unmixed young water (using chlorofluorocarbon-11 concentrations and tritium activities), and the probability of elevated volatile organic compound concentrations were developed using logistic regression techniques. (3) The statistical models were entered into a GIS and the probability map was constructed.

  3. Retracción gingival e hiperestesia dentinal: Causas y prevención Gingival recession and dentine hypersensitivity

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    Jorge Sotres Vázquez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación en 230 pacientes que acudieron a los Servicios de Prótesis y Periodoncia de la Clínica Estomatológica "Hermanos Gómez" durante el año 2002. Se les evaluó la presencia de retracción gingival, sus causas y la relación existente con la hiperestesia dentinal. Se determinó que el 17,3 % de los dientes examinados presentaron algún grado de retracción gingival. Las causas más frecuentes fueron ausencia de dientes antagonistas e inserciones frénicas anormales. Existió una estrecha relación entre la hiperestesia dentinal y la retracción gingival. No existieron diferencias significativas de retracción gingival según el sexo, pero sí con la edad, pues aumentó significativamente según aumentó la edad.A research study was performed on 230 patients who went to the Denture and Periodontics Service at "Hermanos Gómez" dental clinic in the year 2002. They were evaluated as to presence of gingival recession, its causes and its relation with dentine hypersensitity. It was determined that 17,3% of examined teeth presented with some level of gingival recession frequently caused by lack of opposite teeth and abnormal frenal insertions. Gingival recession did not show significant differences by sex but it did by age since it markedly increased with the age.

  4. Lead and eagles: demographic and pathological characteristics of poisoning, and exposure levels associated with other causes of mortality (United States)

    Franson, J. Christian; Russell, Robin E.


    We conducted a retrospective analysis to evaluate demographic and pathologic characteristics in 484 bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and 68 golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) diagnosed with lead poisoning at the U.S. Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center. As part of our analysis, we compared characteristics of lead poisoned eagles with those that died of other causes. Odds of lead poisoning were greater for bald eagles versus golden eagles, females versus males, adults versus juveniles, and eagles from the Mississippi and Central flyways versus the Atlantic and Pacific flyways. In addition to spatial, species, and demographic associations, we detected a distinct temporal trend in the collection date of lead poisoned bald eagle carcasses. These carcasses were found at greater frequency in late autumn and winter than spring and summer. Lesions in lead poisoned birds included emaciation, evidence of bile stasis, myocardial degeneration and necrosis, and renal tubular nephrosis and necrosis. Ingested lead ammunition or fragments were found in 14.2 % of bald eagles and 11.8 % of golden eagles. The overall mean liver lead concentration (wet weight basis) for eagles diagnosed with lead poisoning was 28.9 ± 0.69 SE mg/kg in bald eagles and 19.4 ± 1.84 SE mg/kg in golden eagles. In eagles diagnosed with collision trauma, electrocution, poisoning (other than lead), emaciation, infectious disease, trapping death, other, and undetermined causes, average liver lead concentrations were low (<1 mg/kg) and did not differ among causes of mortality. Thus, based on our data, we found no evidence that lead exposure of eagles predisposed them to other causes of mortality.

  5. Biotelemetery data for golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) captured in coastal southern California, February 2016–February 2017 (United States)

    Tracey, Jeff A.; Madden, Melanie C.; Sebes, Jeremy B.; Bloom, Peter H.; Katzner, Todd E.; Fisher, Robert N.


    Because of a lack of clarity about the status of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in coastal southern California, the USGS, in collaboration with local, State, and other Federal agencies, began a multi-year survey and tracking program of golden eagles to address questions regarding habitat use, movement behavior, nest occupancy, genetic population structure, and human impacts on eagles. Golden eagle trapping and tracking efforts began in September 2014. During trapping efforts from September 29, 2014, to February 23, 2016, 27 golden eagles were captured. During trapping efforts from February 24, 2016, to February 23, 2017, an additional 10 golden eagles (7 females and 3 males) were captured in San Diego, Orange, and western Riverside Counties. Biotelemetry data for 26 of the 37 golden eagles that were transmitting data from February 24, 2016, to February 23, 2017 are presented. These eagles ranged as far north as northern Nevada and southern Wyoming, and as far south as La Paz, Baja California, Mexico.

  6. 77 FR 839 - Pricing for 2011 American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for 2011 American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins Agency: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the re-pricing of the 2011 American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coins. The price of...

  7. Wind Energy Industry Eagle Detection and Deterrents: Research Gaps and Solutions Workshop Summary Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sinclair, Karin [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); DeGeorge, Elise [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) prohibits the 'take' of these birds. The act defines take as to 'pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture, trap, collect, destroy, molest or disturb.' The 2009 Eagle Permit Rule (74 FR 46836) authorizes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to issue nonpurposeful (i.e., incidental) take permits, and the USFWS 2013 Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance provides a voluntary framework for issuing programmatic take permits to wind facilities that incorporate scientifically supportable advanced conservation practices (ACPs). Under these rules, the Service can issue permits that authorize individual instances of take of bald and golden eagles when the take is associated with, but not the purpose of, an otherwise lawful activity, and cannot practicably be avoided. To date, the USFWS has not approved any ACPs, citing the lack of evidence for 'scientifically supportable measures.' The Eagle Detection and Deterrents Research Gaps and Solutions Workshop was convened at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in December 2015 with a goal to comprehensively assess the current state of technologies to detect and deter eagles from wind energy sites and the key gaps concerning reducing eagle fatalities and facilitating permitting under the BGEPA. During the workshop, presentations and discussions focused primarily on existing knowledge (and limitations) about the biology of eagles as well as technologies and emerging or novel ideas, including innovative applications of tools developed for use in other sectors, such as the U.S. Department of Defense and aviation. The main activity of the workshop was the breakout sessions, which focused on the current state of detection and deterrent technologies and novel concepts/applications for detecting and minimizing eagle collisions with wind turbines. Following the breakout sessions, participants were asked about their individual impressions of the

  8. Eagle-i: Making Invisible Resources, Visible (United States)

    Haendel, M.; Wilson, M.; Torniai, C.; Segerdell, E.; Shaffer, C.; Frost, R.; Bourges, D.; Brownstein, J.; McInnerney, K.


    RP-134 The eagle-i Consortium – Dartmouth College, Harvard Medical School, Jackson State University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Montana State University, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), the University of Alaska, the University of Hawaii, and the University of Puerto Rico – aims to make invisible resources for scientific research visible by developing a searchable network of resource repositories at research institutions nationwide. Now in early development, it is hoped that the system will scale beyond the consortium at the end of the two-year pilot. Data Model & Ontology: The eagle-i ontology development team at the OHSU Library is generating the data model and ontologies necessary for resource indexing and querying. Our indexing system will enable cores and research labs to represent resources within a defined vocabulary, leading to more effective searches and better linkage between data types. This effort is being guided by active discussions within the ontology community ( bringing together relevant preexisting ontologies in a logical framework. The goal of these discussions is to provide context for interoperability and domain-wide standards for resource types used throughout biomedical research. Research community feedback is welcomed. Architecture Development, led by a team at Harvard, includes four main components: tools for data collection, management and curation; an institutional resource repository; a federated network; and a central search application. Each participating institution will populate and manage their repository locally, using data collection and curation tools. To help improve search performance, data tools will support the semi-automatic annotation of resources. A central search application will use a federated protocol to broadcast queries to all repositories and display aggregated results. The search application will leverage the eagle-i ontologies to help guide users to valid queries via auto


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    Marlos Victor Fonsêca de Lima


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue identificar el perfil de los atendimientos por causas externas en la urgencia de un hospital público de referencia del Estado. Investigación descriptiva documental, con enfoque cuantitativo. En el análisis de datos, el período de enero a diciembre de 2009 se realizó 4.464 atendimientos por causas externas. La mayor frecuencia de las lesiones ocurrió en personas entre 21 y 40 años (37,70% y hombres (68,6%. Cuanto a las causas, las caídas (29% fue la mayor variable, seguido por accidente de motocicleta (17,98%, accidentes domiciliario (16,53%, agresión física (10,43% y accidente de motocicleta (8,84%. Se observó que 23,3% de los atendimientos realizados en la urgencia fueron de la población procedente de municipios aledaños. Hay, por lo tanto, la necesidad de mejorar la calidad de las informaciones acerca de las quejas motivadas por causas externas, principales causas de hospitalización y gastos en salud.

  10. Long-term survival despite low genetic diversity in the critically endangered Madagascar fish-eagle (United States)

    Johnson, J.A.; Tingay, R.E.; Culver, M.; Hailer, F.; Clarke, M.L.; Mindell, D.P.


    The critically endangered Madagascar fish-eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) is considered to be one of the rarest birds of prey globally and at significant risk of extinction. In the most recent census, only 222 adult individuals were recorded with an estimated total breeding population of no more than 100-120 pairs. Here, levels of Madagascar fish-eagle population genetic diversity based on 47 microsatellite loci were compared with its sister species, the African fish-eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer), and 16 of these loci were also characterized in the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Overall, extremely low genetic diversity was observed in the Madagascar fish-eagle compared to other surveyed Haliaeetus species. Determining whether this low diversity is the result of a recent bottleneck or a more historic event has important implications for their conservation. Using a Bayesian coalescent-based method, we show that Madagascar fish-eagles have maintained a small effective population size for hundreds to thousands of years and that its low level of neutral genetic diversity is not the result of a recent bottleneck. Therefore, efforts made to prevent Madagascar fish-eagle extinction should place high priority on maintenance of habitat requirements and reducing direct and indirect human persecution. Given the current rate of deforestation in Madagascar, we further recommend that the population be expanded to occupy a larger geographical distribution. This will help the population persist when exposed to stochastic factors (e.g. climate and disease) that may threaten a species consisting of only 200 adult individuals while inhabiting a rapidly changing landscape. ?? 2008 The Authors.

  11. Persistent pollutants in the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in the Federal Republic of Germany

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koeman, J.H.; Hadderingh, R.H.; Bijleveld, M.F.I.J.


    A study was made of the possible relationship between persistent pollutants and the decline in reproductive success of the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Schleswig Holstein, Federal Republic of Germany. Chemical analyses were made of Eagle's eggs, of one adult Eagle which was found

  12. Competitividad: causas y efectos del comercio internacional - La performance argentina : Cátedra de Análisis de Coyuntura y Previsión Económica


    Moreno, Manuel R.


    El objeto de este trabajo es analizar un tema tratado en la materia Análisis de Coyuntura y Previsión Económica a la hora de estudiar el comportamiento de los mercados. El término competitividad es actualmente muy utilizado, fundamentalmente curando se busca hacer una calificación positiva de una economía o actividad en particular. Sin embargo muchas veces no esta claro cuales son las causas ni mucho menos los efectos de la competitividad. En este trabajo se expondrán distintos enfoque e inte...

  13. 78 FR 57629 - Eagle Valley Clean Energy, LLC; Notice of Filing (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket Nos. EL13-87-000; QF13-658-000] Eagle Valley Clean Energy, LLC; Notice of Filing Take notice that on September 9, 2013, Eagle Valley Clean Energy, LLC filed Form 556 and a petition for certification as a qualifying small power production...

  14. Habitat segregation in two congeric hawk-eagles (Spizaetus bartelsi abd S. cirrhatus) in Java, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijman, V.


    On the island of Java, Indonesia, two congeneric hawk-eagles occur, i.e. the endemic Javan hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi and the wide-ranging changeable hawk-eagle S. cirrhatus. Comparisons with similar species-pairs in South East Asia suggest that these species may be competitors both in habitat

  15. Status of the White-Bellied Sea Eagle on Langkawi Islands, Northwestern Malaysia

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    Abolghasem Khaleghizadeh


    Full Text Available A survey was conducted to find nests of the White-Bellied Sea Eagle on Langkawi Islandand its sister islands in January2013. Inthis survey, a total of 34 nests of the White-Bellied Sea Eagle was counted.

  16. Causas de la deserción en la hospitalización parcial de adolescentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juana Velázquez Argota


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados del estudio de las causas de deserción de 23 adolescentes que funcionan al nivel neurótico en régimen de hospitalización parcial. Se distingue más de una causa de deserción, tanto en el grupo en que la deserción se produjo en la primera semana de hospitalización (9 casos, como en los de estadía más prolongada (14 casos, y se destacan la vaguedad de la conciencia de enfermedad, la pretensión de establecer una alianza psicopática con el terapeuta y la no formulación por el terapeuta de los objetivos de ingreso con claridad. Para prevenir la deserción se recomienda, antes de decidir el ingreso, explicar los objetivos de la hospitalización, trabajar en el desarrollo de la conciencia de enfermedad y el manejo psicoterapéutico cuidadoso de la propuesta de alianza psicopática.The results of the study about the causes of the dropout of 23 adolescents functioning at the neurotic level in a partial hospitalization regimen are presented. There is more than one cause of dropout, both in the group where it took place during the first week of hospitalization (9 cases and in those with a longer stay. It is stressed the vagueness of the consciousness of the disease, the pretension to establish a psychopathic alliance with the therapist, and the unclear formulation on the part of the therapist of the objectives of admission. To prevent the dropout, it is recommended, before deciding the admission, to explain the objectives of hospitalization, to work on the development of the conciousness of the disease, and the careful psychotherapeutic management of the proposal of the psychopathic alliance.

  17. Ospreys Use Bald Eagle Nests in Chesapeake Bay Area


    Therres, Glenn D.; Chandler, Sheri K.


    Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) and Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) share similar breeding habitat in the Chesapeake Bay area and elsewhere. The nests of these species are similar in size and appearance. Ospreys typically build large stick nests in dead trees or on man-made structures (C.J. Henny et al. 1974, Chesapeake Sci. 15:125-133; A.F. Poole 1989, Ospreys: a natural and unnatural history, Cambridge Univ. Press, NY), while Bald Eagles usually build larger nests in live trees (P.B. Woo...

  18. Reproduction and distribution of bald eagles in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, 1973-1993 (United States)

    Grim, Leland H.; Kallemeyn, Larry W.


    The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is classified as a threatened species in Minnesota. In 1973, the National Park Service began monitoring the distribution and reproduction of bald eagles in and immediately adjacent to Voyageurs National Park to obtain data that park management could use to protect bald eagles from the effects of use of the park by visitors and from the expansion of park facilities. Thirty-seven breeding areas were identified during 1973-93. Annual productivity ranged from 0.00 to 1.42 fledglings/occupied nest and averaged 0.68 during the 21 breeding seasons. The annual number of breeding pairs tripled, the mean number of fledged eaglets increased 5 times, and reproductive success doubled during the study. However, in more than 15 of the breeding seasons, the mean productivity and the annual reproductive success in Voyageurs National Park were below the 1 fledgling/occupied nest and the 70% reproductive success that are representative of healthy bald eagle populations. We suspect that toxic substances, human disturbance, severe weather, and lack of food in early spring may have kept bald eagles in Voyageurs National Park from achieving a breeding success that was similar to that of conspecifics in the nearby Chippewa National Forest. The cumulative effect of these variables on reproduction and on habitat of bald eagles in Voyageurs National Park is unknown and should be determined.

  19. Landscapes for Energy and Wildlife: Conservation Prioritization for Golden Eagles across Large Spatial Scales.

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    Jason D Tack

    Full Text Available Proactive conservation planning for species requires the identification of important spatial attributes across ecologically relevant scales in a model-based framework. However, it is often difficult to develop predictive models, as the explanatory data required for model development across regional management scales is rarely available. Golden eagles are a large-ranging predator of conservation concern in the United States that may be negatively affected by wind energy development. Thus, identifying landscapes least likely to pose conflict between eagles and wind development via shared space prior to development will be critical for conserving populations in the face of imposing development. We used publically available data on golden eagle nests to generate predictive models of golden eagle nesting sites in Wyoming, USA, using a suite of environmental and anthropogenic variables. By overlaying predictive models of golden eagle nesting habitat with wind energy resource maps, we highlight areas of potential conflict among eagle nesting habitat and wind development. However, our results suggest that wind potential and the relative probability of golden eagle nesting are not necessarily spatially correlated. Indeed, the majority of our sample frame includes areas with disparate predictions between suitable nesting habitat and potential for developing wind energy resources. Map predictions cannot replace on-the-ground monitoring for potential risk of wind turbines on wildlife populations, though they provide industry and managers a useful framework to first assess potential development.

  20. Modeling Late-Summer Distribution of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the Western United States. (United States)

    Nielson, Ryan M; Murphy, Robert K; Millsap, Brian A; Howe, William H; Gardner, Grant


    Increasing development across the western United States (USA) elevates concerns about effects on wildlife resources; the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is of special concern in this regard. Knowledge of golden eagle abundance and distribution across the western USA must be improved to help identify and conserve areas of major importance to the species. We used distance sampling and visual mark-recapture procedures to estimate golden eagle abundance from aerial line-transect surveys conducted across four Bird Conservation Regions in the western USA between 15 August and 15 September in 2006-2010, 2012, and 2013. To assess golden eagle-habitat relationships at this scale, we modeled counts of golden eagles seen during surveys in 2006-2010, adjusted for probability of detection, and used land cover and other environmental factors as predictor variables within 20-km2 sampling units randomly selected from survey transects. We found evidence of positive relationships between intensity of use by golden eagles and elevation, solar radiation, and mean wind speed, and of negative relationships with the proportion of landscape classified as forest or as developed. The model accurately predicted habitat use observed during surveys conducted in 2012 and 2013. We used the model to construct a map predicting intensity of use by golden eagles during late summer across our ~2 million-km2 study area. The map can be used to help prioritize landscapes for conservation efforts, identify areas where mitigation efforts may be most effective, and identify regions for additional research and monitoring. In addition, our map can be used to develop region-specific (e.g., state-level) density estimates based on the latest information on golden eagle abundance from a late-summer survey and aid designation of geographic management units for the species.

  1. Aplicación de la tribología y el análisis de la causa raíz (RCA en motores de combustión interna.

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    F. Martínez Pérez


    Full Text Available En el trabajo, se hace empleo de la herramienta de trabajo Análisis de la Causa Raíz (RCA para llegar a unas primeras conclusiones acerca de fallos producidos en el nudo tribológico válvula – guía de válvula en un motor de combustión interna, y así pasar a hallar la causa final y dar solución al problema. El método permite arribar a conclusiones en cuanto a la causa del problema.Application of tribology and root cause analysis (RCA on diesel engine.It is used the process root cause in the analysis of a problem in the tribological pair valve- valve guide of an internal combustion engine. Using this process was possible to have the first conclusions in the problem and finally to arrive to a final conclusion about the cause of the problem.

  2. 76 FR 53717 - Pricing for the 2011 American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coin (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for the 2011 American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coin AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the pricing of the 2011 American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coin. The price of...

  3. 75 FR 56093 - Eagle Rock Desoto Pipeline, LP; Notice of Motion for Extension of Rate Case Filing Deadline (United States)


    ... pipelines to extend the cycle for such reviews from three to five years.\\1\\ Therefore, Eagle Rock requests... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. PR09-1-002] Eagle Rock... notice that on September 8, 2010, Eagle Rock Desoto Pipeline, L.P. (Eagle Rock) filed a request to extend...

  4. The environmental dependence of H I in galaxies in the EAGLE simulations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marasco, Antonino; Crain, Robert A.; Schaye, Joop; Bahé, Yannick M.; van der Hulst, Thijs; Theuns, Tom; Bower, Richard G.


    We use the EAGLE suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations to study how the H I content of present-day galaxies depends on their environment. We show that EAGLE reproduces observed H I mass-environment trends very well, while semi-analytic models typically overpredict the average H I masses

  5. 77 FR 15457 - Pricing for the 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for the 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the price of the 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin. The coins will be offered...

  6. 76 FR 53717 - Pricing for the 2011 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for the 2011 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the re-pricing of the 2011 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin. The price of the coins...

  7. 76 FR 33026 - Pricing for the 2011 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for the 2011 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the price of the 2011 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin. The coin will be offered for...

  8. A evitabilidade de óbitos entre idosos em São Paulo, Brasil: análise das principais causas de morte La evitabilidad de óbitos entre ancianos en São Paulo, Brasil: análisis de las principales causas de muerte Avoidability of deaths from chronic illnesses in elderly individuals in São Paulo, Brazil

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    Aline Marques


    muerte evitables constituyeron un 82,6% del total de óbitos evitables, destacándose la hipertensión y los tumores asociados al tabaquismo. La expectativa de vida a los 60 años aumentaría en un 20% si esos óbitos no se produjesen. La sobremortalidad masculina fue observada en casi todas las causas de muerte evitables analizadas, lo que puede estar relacionado con una mayor exposición a factores de riesgo y a una menor utilización de los servicios de salud por los hombres. Se recomienda que las acciones de prevención y promoción de salud consideren las acentuadas diferencias de sexo y género.Avoidable causes of death have become an important indicator for evaluating health services. Such deaths would not occur if there were adequate prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment and the adoption of appropriate technologies. This article analyzes the pattern and magnitude of avoidable causes of death for the principal causes of death among elderly individuals up to 74 years of age, by gender, in São Paulo State, Brazil. The study further estimated the impact of avoidable causes of death on life expectancy among the elderly, and 62.5% of the deaths among elderly up to 74 years in São Paulo were due to these causes. The principal avoidable causes of death constituted 82.6% of all avoidable deaths, featuring hypertensions and tobacco-associated tumors. Life expectancy at 60 would increase by 20% if these deaths were avoided. Male excess mortality was observed in nearly all of the avoidable causes of death analyzed here, which could be related to greater exposure to risk factors and less use of health services by men. Prevention and health promotion measures should take these sharp gender differences into account.

  9. Causas y consecuencias de la deficiencia de hierro

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    Olivares Manuel


    Full Text Available La deficiencia de hierro es la deficiencia nutricional más prevalente y la principal causa de anemia a escala mundial. Además de las manifestaciones propias de la anemia, se han descrito otras manifestaciones no hematológicas tales como: disminución de la capacidad de trabajo físico y de la actividad motora espontánea, alteraciones de la inmunidad celular y de la capacidad bactericida de los neutrófilos, disminución de la termogénesis, alteraciones funcionales e histológicas del tubo digestivo, falla en la movilización de la vitamina A hepática, mayor riesgo de parto prematuro, bajo peso de nacimiento y de morbilidad perinatal, menor transferencia de hierro al feto, una disminución de la velocidad de crecimiento, alteraciones conductuales y del desarrollo mental y motor, velocidad de conducción más lenta de los sistemas sensoriales auditivo y visual, y reducción del tono vagal. La prevención de la deficiencia de hierro incluye cambios en los hábitos alimentarios, fortificación de los alimentos y la suplementación con hierro.

  10. Biotelemetry data for golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) captured in coastal southern California, November 2014–February 2016 (United States)

    Tracey, Jeff A.; Madden, Melanie C.; Sebes, Jeremy B.; Bloom, Peter H.; Katzner, Todd E.; Fisher, Robert N.


    The status of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in coastal southern California is unclear. To address this knowledge gap, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in collaboration with local, State, and other Federal agencies began a multi-year survey and tracking program of golden eagles to address questions regarding habitat use, movement behavior, nest occupancy, genetic population structure, and human impacts on eagles. Golden eagle trapping and tracking efforts began in October 2014 and continued until early March 2015. During the first trapping season that focused on San Diego County, we captured 13 golden eagles (8 females and 5 males). During the second trapping season that began in November 2015, we focused on trapping sites in San Diego, Orange, and western Riverside Counties. By February 23, 2016, we captured an additional 14 golden eagles (7 females and 7 males). In this report, biotelemetry data were collected between November 22, 2014, and February 23, 2016. The location data for eagles ranged as far north as San Luis Obispo, California, and as far south as La Paz, Baja California, Mexico.

  11. 77 FR 40704 - Price for the 2012 American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coin (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Price for the 2012 American Eagle Silver... States Mint is announcing the price of the 2012 American Eagle Silver Uncirculated Coin. The coin will be offered for sale at a price of $45.95. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: B. B. Craig, Associate Director...

  12. Tabulador de causas múltiplas de morte Multiple causes- of-death tabulator

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    Augusto H. Santo


    Full Text Available O uso de causas múltiplas de morte vem sendo atualmente preconizado para descrever e analisar os determinantes patológicos da mortalidade em populações, como complemento ao uso tradicional da causa básica de morte. O estudo das causas múltiplas pode realizar-se por meio da apresentação de todas as menções das causas básicas e associadas de morte e por meio de associações de causas. Um programa para microcomputador foi desenvolvido para processar bancos de dados contendo as causas de morte informadas no Modelo Internacional de Atestado Médico de Causa de Morte, denominado Tabulador de Causas Múltiplas, que gera uma tabela matriz a partir da qual podem ser derivadas as demais formas de apresentação e análise, além de poder ser usado como instrumento de crítica dos dados de mortalidade.The use of multiple-causes-of-death is currently being recommended in order to describe and analyze the pathological determinants of mortality in populations, as a supplement to the traditional use of the underlying cause of death. Multiple-causes-of-death can be studied by presenting all underlying and associated causes mentioned, and by means of associations of causes of death. Microcomputer software has been developed to process data files containing causes of death informed by physicians on the International Form of Medical Certificate of Causes of Death. The Multiple Cause of Death Tabulator software generates a matrix table from which the above forms of presentation and analysis can be achieved and mortality data be edited.

  13. 77 FR 43662 - Price for the 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Price for the 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin... is lowering the price of the 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin. The product will now be offered for sale at a price of $54.95. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: B. B. Craig, Associate Director for...

  14. La sucesión "mortis causa" en la explotación agrícola familiar

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    José Luis De Los Mozos


    Full Text Available Llevo nada menos que cuarenta años dando vueltas al tema de la sucesión mortis causa en el Derecho agrario y más concretamente, al de la sucesión en la explotación agrícola. Esto no constituye ningún mérito, naturalmente, no es más que una mera circunstancia que acredita, cuando mucho, la firmeza de una convicción. Durante este tiempo, con mayor o menor contacto con la realidad social, he seguido y sigo fiel a mis puntos de vista originarios; no es que nada haya cambiado en todos estos años, sino que ha cambiado casi todo.Pero es que las soluciones que me parecían entonces muy dudosas, ahora me parecen inadmisibles.La evolución económica y social, ha puesto de relieve que las ideas que se utilizaban hace medio siglo en la materia, actualmente han quedado obsoletas (...Contenido: Una distinción obligada y un recuerdo inevitable. El recurso a la atribución preferente. Las condicionantes de la atribución preferente. El concepto de explotación agrícola. La reforma del derecho sucesorio como recapitulación

  15. The First Record of Case of the Imperial Eagle and the Steppe Eagle Successful Breeding in the Mixed Pair in Western Kazakhstan and Records of Probable Hybrids of These Species in Russia and Kazakhstan

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    Igor V. Karyakin


    Full Text Available Facts mentioned in paper give evidence of the possibility of forming the mixed pairs between Steppe and Imperial Eagles, breeding success and fertility of hybrids. All the observed mixed pairs were found in the contact zone of the two species on the periphery of the Steppe Eagle breeding range under conditions of either decrease in numbers of one species (Steppe Eagle and the growth of another (in Western Kazakhstan, or decline in numbers of both species and the lack of birds of their own species (in Dauria. Considering the fact that the number of Steppe Eagles continues to decline, the hybridization process may amplify and this phenomenon requires a more thorough examination.

  16. Celiaquía: alternativas para una dieta libre de gluten.


    Calderón de Zacatares, Vilma Ruth


    El gluten es una proteína que se encuentra en algunos cereales como el trigo, cebada, centeno y en algunas personas causa la enfermedad Celíaca por esa razón las instituciones de El Salvador realizan investigaciones para mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias en la zona rural y garantizar a las comunidades el desarrollo de mercados.

  17. Comparabilidad entre la novena y la décima revisión de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades aplicada a la codificación de la causa de muerte en España

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    Ruiz M.


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analizar la comparabilidad entre la novena y la décima revisión de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE para el análisis de la codificación de la mortalidad en España. Métodos: A 80.084 boletines estadísticos de defunción disponibles, correspondientes a las Comunidades Autónomas de Andalucía, Cantabria, Murcia, Navarra y País Vasco, y la ciudad de Barcelona, inscritos en 1999, se les asigna la Causa Básica de Defunción (CBD según la novena y la décima revisión de la CIE. Las CBD se agregan en una lista de 17 grupos y se calcula la correspondencia simple, el índice kappa y las razones de comparabilidad por grandes causas. Resultados: El 3,6% de las defunciones cambia de grupo debido al aumento (36,4% de las enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias, principalmente por la inclusión del sida, y la correspondiente disminución por exclusión de las enfermedades endocrinas, nutricionales y metabólicas, que además pierden el síndrome mielodisplásico, que pasa al capítulo de las neoplasias. Aumenta (14,7% la agrupación formada por las enfermedades del sistema nervioso, del ojo y sus anexos, y del oído y de la apófisis mastoides, a expensas de las enfermedades mentales y del comportamiento, por la inclusión de la psicosis orgánica senil y presenil. Se incrementan las entidades mal definidas (14,1% al añadirse la parada cardíaca y sinónimos junto con la insuficiencia cardiorrespiratoria, en detrimento de las enfermedades del aparato circulatorio. Las enfermedades del sistema respiratorio aumentan (4,8% por la inclusión de la insuficiencia respiratoria, antes considerada una causa mal definida. Para el conjunto de causas se obtuvo una concordancia simple del 96,4% con un índice kappa del 94,9%. Conclusiones: La introducción de la CIE-10 afecta a la comparabilidad de las series estadísticas de mortalidad por causas. Los resultados de este estudio permiten conocer las principales modificaciones y

  18. 76 FR 27182 - Pricing for American Eagle and American Buffalo Bullion Presentation Cases (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for American Eagle and American Buffalo Bullion Presentation Cases AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the price increase of the American Eagle/Buffalo Bullion...

  19. Intususcepción intestinal por pólipo fibroide inflamatorio en una anciana

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    Antonio M. Maya


    Full Text Available El pólipo fibroide inflamatorio es un tumor benigno poco frecuente del tubo digestivo, descripto por Vanek en 1949. Son lesiones de etiología desconocida, originadas en la submucosa. Están formadas por células mononucleares y mesenquimatosas con citoplasma fusocelular, con una importante proporción de eosinófilos. Sus síntomas son variables, dependiendo de su localización, y son una r ara causa de intususcepción intestinal en adultos. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 82 años, que sufrió una rara intususcepción de intestino delgado, originada en un pólipo fibroide inflamatorio.

  20. Praga, una suburbanización semidirigida


    Welch Guerra, Max


    Índice Praga: breve perfil urbanístico. Nuevos factores para el desarrollo espacial desde 1989. Dos nuevos planes para la ciudad en su conjunto. Una suburbanización semidirigida. Entrevistas a expertos realizadas entre enero y julio de 2000. Bibliografía.ResumenDesde hace alrededor de 10 años se producen en Europa centrooriental transformaciones sociales profundas que abren un nuevo capítulo en la historia del urbanismo. A causa de muy diversos factores, en las estructuras urbanas de las gran...

  1. Quiste sinovial en articulación interapofisaria lumbar. Una causa infrecuente de lumbociática


    Villas, C. (Carlos); Leyes, M. (Manuel)


    Los quistes sinoviales de las articulaciones facetarias pueden ser asintomáticos o provocar dolor lumbar, con o sin clínica radicular. Se considera que son secundarios a traumatismos o a degeneración articular, y ocurren con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con espondi lolistesis. El diagnóstico se establece con la tomografía axial computarizada o la resonancia magnética, que mues tran una lesión quísti ca adyacente a la faceta articu lar. Realizamos una revis...

  2. Does the order of invasive species removal matter? The case of the eagle and the pig.

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    Paul W Collins


    Full Text Available Invasive species are recognized as a primary driver of native species endangerment and their removal is often a key component of a conservation strategy. Removing invasive species is not always a straightforward task, however, especially when they interact with other species in complex ways to negatively influence native species. Because unintended consequences may arise if all invasive species cannot be removed simultaneously, the order of their removal is of paramount importance to ecological restoration. In the mid-1990s, three subspecies of the island fox Urocyon littoralis were driven to near extinction on the northern California Channel Islands owing to heightened predation by golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos. Eagles were lured to the islands by an abundant supply of feral pigs Sus scrofa and through the process of apparent competition pigs indirectly facilitated the decline in foxes. As a consequence, both pigs and eagles had to be removed to recover the critically endangered fox. Complete removal of pigs was problematic: removing pigs first could force eagles to concentrate on the remaining foxes, increasing their probability of extinction. Removing eagles first was difficult: eagles are not easily captured and lethal removal was politically distasteful.Using prey remains collected from eagle nests both before and after the eradication of pigs, we show that one pair of eagles that eluded capture did indeed focus more on foxes. These results support the premise that if the threat of eagle predation had not been mitigated prior to pig removal, fox extinction would have been a more likely outcome.If complete eradication of all interacting invasive species is not possible, the order in which they are removed requires careful consideration. If overlooked, unexpected consequences may result that could impede restoration.

  3. Does the order of invasive species removal matter? The case of the eagle and the pig. (United States)

    Collins, Paul W; Latta, Brian C; Roemer, Gary W


    Invasive species are recognized as a primary driver of native species endangerment and their removal is often a key component of a conservation strategy. Removing invasive species is not always a straightforward task, however, especially when they interact with other species in complex ways to negatively influence native species. Because unintended consequences may arise if all invasive species cannot be removed simultaneously, the order of their removal is of paramount importance to ecological restoration. In the mid-1990s, three subspecies of the island fox Urocyon littoralis were driven to near extinction on the northern California Channel Islands owing to heightened predation by golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos. Eagles were lured to the islands by an abundant supply of feral pigs Sus scrofa and through the process of apparent competition pigs indirectly facilitated the decline in foxes. As a consequence, both pigs and eagles had to be removed to recover the critically endangered fox. Complete removal of pigs was problematic: removing pigs first could force eagles to concentrate on the remaining foxes, increasing their probability of extinction. Removing eagles first was difficult: eagles are not easily captured and lethal removal was politically distasteful. Using prey remains collected from eagle nests both before and after the eradication of pigs, we show that one pair of eagles that eluded capture did indeed focus more on foxes. These results support the premise that if the threat of eagle predation had not been mitigated prior to pig removal, fox extinction would have been a more likely outcome. If complete eradication of all interacting invasive species is not possible, the order in which they are removed requires careful consideration. If overlooked, unexpected consequences may result that could impede restoration.

  4. Entorno regulatorio y ausentismo laboral. Una aproximación teórica

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    Carlos Alberto Restrepo Rivillas


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta una revisión de literatura sobre trabajos recientes que se ocupan de las causas del absentismo desde varias perspectivas. En particular, se consideran causas asociadas con aspectos del contexto organizacional y social, demográficos, de personalidad, de actitudes y de toma de decisiones. Se detalla una propuesta metodológica en la que, mediante la aplicación de un modelo de regresión logística, utilizando datos de la Encuesta Continua de Hogares para Colombia, se puede evaluar la asociación entre el tipo de contrato y la probabilidad de incurrir en comportamientos de absentismo en las organizaciones. Se plantea que los empleados con contrato escrito tienen mayor probabilidad de ausentarse que las personas con contrato verbal. Igualmente se plantea una asociación positiva entre el absentismo y otras variables, como la intensión de retiro y el número de niños con los que convive el empleado. De igual modo se sugiere que la asociación entre tipo de contrato y absentismo difiere según el género y el estado civil del trabajador. Otras variables relacionadas con características de la organización se utilizan para controlar algunos efectos dentro de los modelos.

  5. Entorno regulatorio y ausentismo laboral. Una aproximación teórica

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    Carlos Alberto Restrepo Rivillas


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta una revisión de literatura sobre trabajos recientes que se ocupan de las causas del absentismo desde varias perspectivas. En particular, se consideran causas asociadas con aspectos del contexto organizacional y social, demográficos, de personalidad, de actitudes y de toma de decisiones. Se detalla una propuesta metodológica en la que, mediante la aplicación de un modelo de regresión logística, utilizando datos de la Encuesta Continua de Hogares para Colombia, se puede evaluar la asociación entre el tipo de contrato y la probabilidad de incurrir en comportamientos de absentismo en las organizaciones. Se plantea que los empleados con contrato escrito tienen mayor probabilidad de ausentarse que las personas con contrato verbal. Igualmente se plantea una asociación positiva entre el absentismo y otras variables, como la intensión de retiro y el número de niños con los que convive el empleado. De igual modo se sugiere que la asociación entre tipo de contrato y absentismo difiere según el género y el estado civil del trabajador. Otras variables relacionadas con características de la organización se utilizan para controlar algunos efectos dentro de los modelos.

  6. Spatial and temporal patterns in golden eagle diets in the western United States, with implications for conservation planning (United States)

    Bedrosian, Geoffrey; Watson, James W.; Steenhof, Karen; Kochert, Michael N.; Preston, Charles R.; Woodbridge, Brian; Williams, Gary E.; Keller, Kent R.; Crandall, Ross H.


    Detailed information on diets and predatory ecology of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) is essential to prioritize prey species management and to develop landscape-specific conservation strategies, including mitigation of the effects of energy development across the western United States. We compiled published and unpublished data on Golden Eagle diets to (1) summarize available information on Golden Eagle diets in the western U.S., (2) compare diets among biogeographic provinces, and (3) discuss implications for conservation planning and future research. We analyzed 35 studies conducted during the breeding season at 45 locations from 1940–2015. Golden Eagle diet differed among western ecosystems. Lower dietary breadth was associated with desert and shrub-steppe ecosystems and higher breadth with mountain ranges and the Columbia Plateau. Correlations suggest that percentage of leporids in the diet is the factor driving overall diversity of prey and percentage of other prey groups in the diet of Golden Eagles. Leporids were the primary prey of breeding Golden Eagles in 78% of study areas, with sciurids reported as primary prey in 18% of study areas. During the nonbreeding season, Golden Eagles were most frequently recorded feeding on leporids and carrion. Golden Eagles can be described as both generalist and opportunistic predators; they can feed on a wide range of prey species but most frequently feed on abundant medium-sized prey species in a given habitat. Spatial variations in Golden Eagle diet likely reflect regional differences in prey community, whereas temporal trends likely reflect responses to long-term change in prey populations. Evidence suggests dietary shifts from traditional (leporid) prey can have adverse effects on Golden Eagle reproductive rates. Land management practices that support or restore shrub-steppe ecosystem diversity should benefit Golden Eagles. More information is needed on nonbreeding-season diet to determine what food resources

  7. Menopon gaillinae lice in the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos and Marsh harear (Circus aeruginosus in Najaf province, Iraq

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    Al-Fatlawi M. A. A


    Full Text Available Our study considered as the first work on ectoparasites of the Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos and Marsh harear (Circus aeruginosus in Iraq. Overall, we examined 17 eagles for the period from 01\\Nov\\2016 until 25\\Feb\\2017, out of which 4were found infected (23.5%. All infected birds were female. Aquila was hunted from Najaf sea area. Under the wing and between feathers of Aquila grossly examined for detect any parasites. Lice of genus Menopon gaillinae isolated from 4 eagles, from under the wing area. Infected eagles suffering from skin redness. 38 parasites isolated from infected eagle, we prepared a slide from these louse for spp. classification. This study was on the first hand record of shaft louse (M. gallinae in Golden eagle and Marsh harear in Iraq

  8. Cetoacidosis Diabética como causa de ingreso en UTIPP

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    Frank Ernesto Medina Alí


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con el objetivo de describir el comportamiento de los ingresos por cetoacidosis diabética en adolescentes en la unidad de terapia intensiva polivalente pediátrica (utipp de Camagüey, desde enero de 1999 hasta diciembre del 2003, teniendo en cuenta que el adolescente diabético presenta problemas y características en su comportamiento que lo hacen marcadamente diferentes del niño y el adulto diabético y generalmente la diabetes del adolescente se considera ¿inestable¿ dado sus frecuentes episodios de hipoglucemia y cetoacidosis . El universo quedó integrado por 54 pacientes que ingresaron por esta causa, los cuales se obtuvieron del libro de ingresos y egresos y de la revisión de historias clínicas y los datos se procesaron en microstat. Se obtuvo como resultados que el grupo de edades más afectados fue el de 10-14 años con 62.96%, las féminas con 57.40% predominando como el año más afectado, el 1999 con 17 pacientes para un 31.48% con una disminución significativa en los años siguientes sólo ingresando el 12.97% en el 2003, el debut de la diabetes y las transgresiones dietéticas fueron las causas que más se presentan. Se concluye que la cetoacidosis es frecuente en la adolescencia, que la CAD severa constituye la forma más frecuente de debut, y que todo médico debe estar capacitado para reconocer precozmente dicho cuadro con el fin de evitar las complicaciones fatales para la vida de estos pacientes.

  9. 76 FR 27753 - American Eagle Savings Bank, Boothwyn, PA; Approval of Conversion Application (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Office of Thrift Supervision [AC-61: OTS Nos. 07212] American Eagle Savings Bank, Boothwyn, PA; Approval of Conversion Application Notice is hereby given that on May 3, 2011, the Office of Thrift Supervision approved the application of American Eagle Savings Bank, Boothwyn...

  10. 76 FR 65563 - Pricing for 2011 American Eagle Silver Proof and Uncirculated Coins (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for 2011 American Eagle Silver Proof and Uncirculated Coins AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the re-pricing of the 2011 American Eagle Silver Proof and Uncirculated Coins...

  11. Golden Eagle fatalities and the continental-scale consequences of local wind-energy generation. (United States)

    Katzner, Todd E; Nelson, David M; Braham, Melissa A; Doyle, Jacqueline M; Fernandez, Nadia B; Duerr, Adam E; Bloom, Peter H; Fitzpatrick, Matthew C; Miller, Tricia A; Culver, Renee C E; Braswell, Loan; DeWoody, J Andrew


    Renewable energy production is expanding rapidly despite mostly unknown environmental effects on wildlife and habitats. We used genetic and stable isotope data collected from Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) killed at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA) in California in demographic models to test hypotheses about the geographic extent and demographic consequences of fatalities caused by renewable energy facilities. Geospatial analyses of δ 2 H values obtained from feathers showed that ≥25% of these APWRA-killed eagles were recent immigrants to the population, most from long distances away (>100 km). Data from nuclear genes indicated this subset of immigrant eagles was genetically similar to birds identified as locals from the δ 2 H data. Demographic models implied that in the face of this mortality, the apparent stability of the local Golden Eagle population was maintained by continental-scale immigration. These analyses demonstrate that ecosystem management decisions concerning the effects of local-scale renewable energy can have continental-scale consequences. © 2016 Society for Conservation Biology.

  12. Causas de desapego a tratamiento, dieta y seguimiento de pacientes con diabetes y factores asociados con la enfermedad


    De la Cruz Maldonado, María Guadalupe; Vargas Morales, Juan Manuel; Ledezma Tristán, Erika Selene; Holguín Carrillo, Mariana Carolina; Martínez Castellanos, Alan Ytzeen; Fragoso Morales, Lilia Esperanza


    La Diabetes Mellitus (DM) es un problema de salud pública mundial que se presenta en una gran cantidad de países. En la región de las Américas, para el 2007, la mortalidad evitable por DM fue de 22,000 casos. México ocupa el segundo lugar mundial en prevalencia de diabetes y se estima que para 2018 podría ocupar el primer lugar. En este estudio se presentan las principales causas de desapego al tratamiento farmacológico y dieta indicada, en pacientes de un municipio de San Luis Potosí.Las pri...

  13. Assessment of frequency and duration of point counts when surveying for golden eagle presence (United States)

    Skipper, Ben R.; Boal, Clint W.; Tsai, Jo-Szu; Fuller, Mark R.


    We assessed the utility of the recommended golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) survey methodology in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2013 Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance. We conducted 800-m radius, 1-hr point-count surveys broken into 20-min segments, during 2 sampling periods in 3 areas within the Intermountain West of the United States over 2 consecutive breeding seasons during 2012 and 2013. Our goal was to measure the influence of different survey time intervals and sampling periods on detectability and use estimates of golden eagles among different locations. Our results suggest that a less intensive effort (i.e., survey duration shorter than 1 hr and point-count survey radii smaller than 800 m) would likely be inadequate for rigorous documentation of golden eagle occurrence pre- or postconstruction of wind energy facilities. Results from a simulation analysis of detection probabilities and survey effort suggest that greater temporal and spatial effort could make point-count surveys more applicable for evaluating golden eagle occurrence in survey areas; however, increased effort would increase financial costs associated with additional person-hours and logistics (e.g., fuel, lodging). Future surveys can benefit from a pilot study and careful consideration of prior information about counts or densities of golden eagles in the survey area before developing a survey design. If information is lacking, survey planning may be best served by assuming low detection rates and increasing the temporal and spatial effort.

  14. Eagle syndrome – An overview


    Kavitaa Nedunchezhian


    Eagle syndrome represents symptoms brought about by compression of vital neurovascular and muscular elements adjoining the styloid process because of the elongation of styloid process or ossification of the stylohyoid or stylomandibular ligament. It is crucial for dentists, otolaryngologists and neurologists to be aware of the elongation of the styloid process and associated signs and symptoms. This article reviews the aetiopathogenesis, classification, investigative procedures and treatment ...

  15. Hemograms for and nutritional condition of migrant bald eagles tested for exposure to lead. (United States)

    Miller, M J; Wayland, M E; Bortolotti, G R


    Plasma proteins, hematocrit, differential blood counts were examined and nutritional condition was estimated for bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) trapped (n = 66) during antumn migration, 1994-95 at Galloway Bay (Saskatchewan, Canada), for the purposes of estimating prevalence of exposure to lead. Sex and age differences in hematocrit and plasma proteins were not observed; however, female eagles exhibited larger median absolute heterophil counts than males. Hematologic values were similar to those previously reported from eagles in captivity. Departures from expected hematological values from a healthy population of eagles were not observed in birds with elevated levels of blood lead (> or =0.200 microg/ml). Similarly, nutritional condition was not related to blood-lead concentrations. Therefore, it appears that lead exposure in this population was below a threshold required to indicate toxicological alteration in the hematological values and index of nutritional condition that we measured.

  16. Tuberculosis una enfermedad prevenible y curable


    García-Goez, José Fernando; Bedoya Quintero, Yamile


    La tuberculosis (TB) es una de las infecciones mas importante a nivel mundial, pues causa un número importante de muertes a pesar de ser prevenible y curable La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que 1/3 de la población mundial se encuentra infectada por el Mycobacterium tuberculosis causante de la TB y anualmente se reportan 8.8 millones de casos nuevos de TB, que fallecen 3 millones de personas a consecuencia de esta enfermedad y entre un 10% y 12% de los pac...

  17. Ancient DNA provides new insights into the evolutionary history of New Zealand's extinct giant eagle. (United States)

    Bunce, Michael; Szulkin, Marta; Lerner, Heather R L; Barnes, Ian; Shapiro, Beth; Cooper, Alan; Holdaway, Richard N


    Prior to human settlement 700 years ago New Zealand had no terrestrial mammals--apart from three species of bats--instead, approximately 250 avian species dominated the ecosystem. At the top of the food chain was the extinct Haast's eagle, Harpagornis moorei. H. moorei (10-15 kg; 2-3 m wingspan) was 30%-40% heavier than the largest extant eagle (the harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja), and hunted moa up to 15 times its weight. In a dramatic example of morphological plasticity and rapid size increase, we show that the H. moorei was very closely related to one of the world's smallest extant eagles, which is one-tenth its mass. This spectacular evolutionary change illustrates the potential speed of size alteration within lineages of vertebrates, especially in island ecosystems.

  18. Y...¿Dónde está la resilencia? una reflexión conceptual

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    Juan Pablo Kalawski


    Full Text Available Tras analizar críticamente el desarrollo histórico del concepto de resiliencia en la psicología y la psiquiatría, proponemos no considerar la resiliencia como una variable psicológica en sí misma. En cambio, sugerimos considerar resilientes a todas las personas que presentan un resultado inesperado frente a una determinada situación adversa, independientemente de las causas de ese resultado. Ofrecemos además una distinción entre factores protectores, factores de recuperación y factores de control conductual. Finalmente, discutimos las implicaciones de estas propuestas para la investigación

  19. The genome sequence of a widespread apex Predator, the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) (United States)

    Jacqueline M. Doyle; Todd E. Katzner; Peter H. Bloom; Yanzhu Ji; Bhagya K. Wijayawardena; J. Andrew DeWoody; Ludovic. Orlando


    Biologists routinely use molecular markers to identify conservation units, to quantify genetic connectivity, to estimate population sizes, and to identify targets of selection. Many imperiled eagle populations require such efforts and would benefit from enhanced genomic resources. We sequenced, assembled, and annotated the first eagle genome using DNA from a male...

  20. Causas externas e mortalidade materna: proposta de classificacao


    Alves, Mercia Maria Rodrigues; Alves, Sandra Valongueiro; Antunes, Maria Bernadete de Cerqueira; Santos, Dirce Luiza Pereira dos


    OBJETIVO: Analisar os óbitos por causas externas e causas mal definidas em mulheres em idade fértil ocorridos na gravidez e no puerpério precoce. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 399 óbitos de mulheres em idade fértil de Recife, PE, de 2004 a 2006. A pesquisa utilizou o método Reproductive Age Mortality Survey e um conjunto de instrumentos de investigação padronizados. Foram usados como fontes de dados laudos do Instituto Médico Legal, prontuários hospitalares e da Estratégia Saúde da Família e ...

  1. Nesting by Golden Eagles on the North Slope of the Brooks Range in Northeastern Alaska (United States)

    Young, Donald D.; McIntyre, Carol L.; Bente, Peter J.; McCabe, Thomas R.; Ambrose, Robert E.


    Twenty-two Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) nesting territories and 31 occupied eagle nests were documented on the north slope of the Brooks Range in northeastern Alaska, 1988-1990, in an area previously thought to be marginal breeding habitat for eagles. The mean number of young/successful nest was 1.25 in 1988, 1.27 in 1989, and 1.13 in 1990; means did not differ significantly among years. Eighty percent (20/25) of the nestlings for which age was estimated were assumed to have successfully fledged. Nesting success was 79% (11/14) in 1989, the only year nesting success could be determined. Laying dates ranged from 23 March (1990) to 11 May (1989) with mean estimated laying dates differing significantly among years. Annual variation in nesting phenology coincided with annual differences in snow accumulations during spring. These results indicate that Golden Eagles consistently and successfully breed at the northern extent of their range in Alaska, although, productivity may be lower than that for eagles at more southern latitudes.

  2. Posibilidades de conocer la edad de una obra

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    Calleja, J.


    Full Text Available Not availableEl problema de conocer la edad de una obra se presenta con cierta frecuencia, unas veces surgido de querellas entre arrendadores y arrendatarios (desahucios por realización de modificaciones por porte de los segundos en fincas de los primeros, sin la autorización de éstos, y otras planteado por investigaciones de índole arqueológica. En el primer caso la ley fija un plazo de prescripción de los derechos del arrendador sobre el arrendatario, y de ahí que el problema gire alrededor de la fecha de ejecución de la obra causa del desahucio. En el segundo, la naturaleza del tema es muy diferente y, en general, éste se plantea de forma que hay que determinar si los restos hallados en unas ciertas excavaciones son o no de la misma época que los encontrados en otras.

  3. Ancient DNA provides new insights into the evolutionary history of New Zealand's extinct giant eagle.

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    Michael Bunce


    Full Text Available Prior to human settlement 700 years ago New Zealand had no terrestrial mammals--apart from three species of bats--instead, approximately 250 avian species dominated the ecosystem. At the top of the food chain was the extinct Haast's eagle, Harpagornis moorei. H. moorei (10-15 kg; 2-3 m wingspan was 30%-40% heavier than the largest extant eagle (the harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja, and hunted moa up to 15 times its weight. In a dramatic example of morphological plasticity and rapid size increase, we show that the H. moorei was very closely related to one of the world's smallest extant eagles, which is one-tenth its mass. This spectacular evolutionary change illustrates the potential speed of size alteration within lineages of vertebrates, especially in island ecosystems.


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    Mariana Tello


    Full Text Available En Argentina, lo judicial se configura como la principal vía a la hora de enfrentar las atrocidades cometidas durante la última dictadura (1976-1983, generando identidades como las de victimarios o víctimas. Si bien lo que define a estas figuras jurídicas es haber cometido o haber sido blanco de un delito; una aproximación antropológica a este caso revela la maleabilidad de estas representaciones y una constante disputa en torno a las mismas. El presente artículo se enfoca en un tipo particular de víctimas, las cuales son también los principales testigos de los crímenes cometidos durante la dictadura: los sobrevivientes de centros clandestinos de detención y exterminio. Más precisamente, busca analizar las memorias e identidades relacionadas con las experiencias concentracionarias a partir de una aproximación etnográfica alos testimonios judiciales vertidos en la Mega Causa “La Perla” (Córdoba, Argentina. El texto aborda cómo, en lo que se refiere a este grupo, las categorías de “testigos” o “víctimas” fueron construidas en diferentes escenas judiciales, para luego centrarse en las audiencias y específicamente en los pasajes con los que los sobrevivientes introducen sus testimonios. Estas introducciones resultan particularmente reveladoras en tanto contextos privilegiados para la disputa de las representaciones sobre los ’70, las identidades de sus protagonistas y, en términos más amplios, los procesos de gestión de esas identidades a lo largo de tres décadas.

  5. A spatially-dynamic preliminary risk assessment of the bald eagle at the Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzales, G.J.; Gallegos, A.F.; Foxx, T.S.; Fresquez, P.R.; Mullen, M.A.; Pratt, L.E.; Gomez, P.E.


    The Endangered Species Act of 1973 and the Record of Decision on the Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) require that the Department of Energy protect the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), a state and federally listed species, from stressors such as contaminants. A preliminary risk assessment of the bald eagle was performed using a custom FORTRAN code, ECORSK5, and the geographical information system. Estimated exposure doses to the eagle for radionuclide, inorganic metal, and organic contaminants were derived for varying ratios of aquatic vs. terrestrial simulated diet and compared against toxicity reference values to generate hazard indices (His). HI results indicate that no appreciable impact to the bald eagle is expected from contaminants at LANL from soil ingestion and food consumption pathways. This includes a measure of cumulative effects from multiple contaminants that assumes linear additive toxicity. Improving model realism by weighting simulated eagle foraging based on distance from potential roost sites increased the HI by 76%, but still to inconsequential levels. Information on risk by specific geographical location was generated, which can be used to manage contaminated areas, eagle habitat, facility siting, and/or facility operations in order to maintain risk from contaminants at low levels.


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    Yugo Floristán Floristán


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Existen pocos estudios que analicen los cambios en las estadísticas de mortalidad derivados de la utilización del software IRIS para la codificación automática de la causa de muerte en comparación a la codificación manual. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el impacto del uso de IRIS en las estadísticas de mortalidad de Navarra. Métodos: Se procedió a una doble codificación de la causa básica de 5.060 boletines de defunción correspondientes a los fallecimientos de residentes en Navarra en 2014. Se establecieron las correspondencias entre ambas codificaciones para los capítulos de la CIE10 y la lista de causas INE-102 y se estimó el cambio en las tasas de mortalidad. Resultados: Con el software IRIS se codificaron automáticamente el 90% de las defunciones. Se observó una coincidencia a 4 caracteres y en el mismo capítulo de la CIE10 en el 79,1 y el 92,0% de los casos. La coincidencia para la lista reducida INE-102 fue del 88,3%. Se encontraron coincidencias más elevadas en las defunciones de personas menores de 65 años. Se observó un incremento de las muertes por enfermedades endocrinas (31%, trastornos mentales (19% y enfermedades del sistema nervioso (9%, mientras que diminuyeron las enfermedades del sistema genitourinario (21%. Conclusiones: La coincidencia a nivel de los capítulos de CIE10 de la codificación con IRIS respecto a la manual se da en 9 de cada 10 defunciones. La implantación de IRIS comporta un incremento de las enfermedades endocrinas, fundamentalmente diabetes mellitus e hiperlipidemias, y de los trastornos mentales, fundamentalmente las demencias.

  7. Aplicación de la tribología y el análisis de la causa raíz (RCA en motores de combustión interna. // Application of tribology and root cause analysis (RCA on diesel engine.

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    F. Martínez Pérez


    Full Text Available En el trabajo, se hace empleo de la herramienta de trabajo Análisis de la Causa Raíz (RCA para llegar a unas primerasconclusiones acerca de fallos producidos en el nudo tribológico válvula – guía de válvula en un motor de combustióninterna, y así pasar a hallar la causa final y dar solución al problema. El método permite arribar a conclusiones en cuanto ala causa del problema.Palabras claves: Tribología, Análisis causa raíz, RCA, desgaste, motor de combustión interna.______________________________________________________________________________Abstract:It is used the process root cause in the analysis of a problem in the tribological pair valve- valve guide of an internalcombustion engine. Using this process was possible to have the first conclusions in the problem and finally to arriveto a final conclusion about the cause of the problem.Key words: Tribology, RCA, wear, engine.

  8. Completion evaluation of the Eagle Ford formation with heterogeneous proppant placement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viswanathan, A.; Altman, R.; Oussoltsev, D.; Kanneganti, K.; Xu, J.; Grant, D.; Indriati, S.; Pena, A.; Loayza, M.; Kirkham, B.; Rhein, T. [Society of Petroleum Engineers (Canada)


    With the major developments of the Eagle Ford shale in Texas, there has been an increasing focus on the optimization of stimulation techniques. Many techniques have already been implemented in order to improve productivity across Eagle Ford. This paper analyzes completion techniques currently in place through the Hawkville field with the goal of determining key parameters and their impact on the well. The paper focuses mainly on channel fracturing based on a heterogeneous proppant placement technique and evaluates it against current slickwater and hybrid stimulation treatments. The evaluation described in the paper was conducted by first collecting data from 51 horizontal wells in the Eagle Ford formation. It then follows through the evaluation completing a normalized production comparison, a productivity index analysis, neural network trained self-organizing maps, and numerical simulations. Through evaluations and comparisons the paper shows that channel fracturing can allow for a significant improvement in production of dry gas wells.

  9. La leucemia del bambino come causa di disgregazione familiare

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    G. Varchetta


    Full Text Available

    Introduzione: le patologie del bambino, soprattutto se gravi e durature, possono essere definite come “malattie della famiglia” a causa dell’intensità di assistenza richiesta, delle difficoltà organizzative quotidiane e dello stress causato. Obiettivo: identificare il ruolo di alcuni potenziali fattori di rischio coinvolti nella rottura di famiglie di bambini leucemici.

    Materiali e metodi: mediante l’uso di questionari, sono state studiate, durante l’anno 2002, 150 cartelle cliniche di bambini leucemici dell’ospedale pediatrico “Santobono-Pausillipon”- Dipartimento di Oncologia; 11 casi sono stati esclusi per incompletezza dei dati. Outcome è stata considerata la “separazione familiare.” Sono state analizzate le seguenti variabili: trapianto di midollo osseo, lavoro del padre, della madre e loro età ed educazione, sesso ed età del bambino (CA, numerosità della famiglia, stato socio-economico, probabilità clinica di guarire (CPR, appartenenza ad una associazione. Sono state condotte analisi bivariate e logistiche. Risultati: all’analisi bivariata CA e CPR, entrambi stratificati in tre livelli, sono risultati associati alla separazione. L’Odds Ratio grezzo (OR della separazione familiare con CA di 5/10 anni e bambini di 11 anni o più a confronto con quelli d’età di 0/4 era, rispettivamente, di 8.68 (p=0.02 e di 5.7 (p=0.07. L’OR grezzo della separazione con un CPR medio e un CPR buono confrontato con un CPR basso ha dato rispettivamente 0.35 (p=0.02 e 0.08 (p‹0.001. Un modello logistico che includeva CPR come variabile principale e controllata per CA ha evidenziato che la probabilità di guarigione è media o alta e, dopo aver aggiustato per l’età del bambino, è stato ottenuto un rischio di rottura familiare rispettivamente di 0.29 (p=0.01 e 0.08 (p=0.02.

    Conclusioni: la rottura dell’unità familiare è evento frequente in caso di grave



    Ortiz Chavez, Hilario Hildebrando; Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Perú).; Cumpa Gavidia, Marcial Estanislao


    como en incubación artificial de los huevos de pata Criolla. Para ello, se incubaron en total 900 huevos, de los cuales 778 fueron fértiles. Los resultados mostraron que el almacenamiento de los huevos en el nido hasta por tres semanas permitió una mayor viabilidad de los embriones, en comparación con el almacenamiento en sala para incubación artificial. Las causas principales de mortalidad embrionaria, tanto en incubación natural como en la artificial son consecuencia de la contaminación de ...

  11. 76 FR 67799 - Pricing for the American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for the American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the price of the American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set. The...

  12. 75 FR 11937 - Eagle Sportswear, Inc.; New York, NY; Notice of Termination of Investigation (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-73,023] Eagle Sportswear, Inc.; New York, NY; Notice of Termination of Investigation Pursuant to Section 223 of the Trade Act of 1974... company official on behalf of workers of Eagle Sportswear, Inc., New York, New York. The petitioner has...

  13. Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) habitat selection as a function of land use and terrain, San Diego County, California (United States)

    Tracey, Jeff A.; Madden, Melanie C.; Bloom, Peter H.; Katzner, Todd E.; Fisher, Robert N.


    Beginning in 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with Bloom Biological, Inc., began telemetry research on golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) captured in the San Diego, Orange, and western Riverside Counties of southern California. This work was supported by the San Diego Association of Governments, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Since 2014, we have tracked more than 40 eagles, although this report focuses only on San Diego County eagles.An important objective of this research is to develop habitat selection models for golden eagles. Here we provide predictions of population-level habitat selection for golden eagles in San Diego County based on environmental covariates related to land use and terrain.

  14. Eagle i-Bot: An Eye-controlled System

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    Onindita Afrin


    Full Text Available Hundreds of millions of people in the world are hand impaired in some way, and for many, there is no absolute solution. Operation of computers by physically disabled people; especially with hand impairment was quite impossible till now because use of hands plays a vital role in the use of mouse, touch pad and keyboard. We proposed a new system named as “Eagle i-Bot - An eye-controlled system” which has come with a feasible solution for this scenario. With this system, computers and robots can be controlled by the pair of eyes’ movement or iris movement and voice commands control all the mouse events. This system works with image processing system based on Voila-Jones algorithm and modified Ada-boost algorithms along with java robot class and sphinx-4 frameworks. In this paper, this system is described including software and hardware aspects, algorithms that are used and scopes where Eagle i-Bot can be used.

  15. Spatial demographic models to inform conservation planning of golden eagles in renewable energy landscapes (United States)

    Wiens, J. David; Schumaker, Nathan H.; Inman, Richard D.; Esque, Todd C.; Longshore, Kathleen M.; Nussear, Kenneth E


    Spatial demographic models can help guide monitoring and management activities targeting at-risk species, even in cases where baseline data are lacking. Here, we provide an example of how site-specific changes in land use and anthropogenic stressors can be incorporated into a spatial demographic model to investigate effects on population dynamics of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). Our study focused on a population of Golden Eagles exposed to risks associated with rapid increases in renewable energy development in southern California, U.S.A. We developed a spatially explicit, individual-based simulation model that integrated empirical data on demography of Golden Eagles with spatial data on the arrangement of nesting habitats, prey resources, and planned renewable energy development sites. Our model permitted simulated eagles of different stage-classes to disperse, establish home ranges, acquire prey resources, prospect for breeding sites, and reproduce. The distribution of nesting habitats, prey resources, and threats within each individual's home range influenced movement, reproduction, and survival. We used our model to explore potential effects of alternative disturbance scenarios, and proposed conservation strategies, on the future distribution and abundance of Golden Eagles in the study region. Results from our simulations suggest that probable increases in mortality associated with renewable energy infrastructure (e.g., collisions with wind turbines and vehicles, electrocution on power poles) could have negative consequences for population trajectories, but that site-specific conservation actions could reduce the magnitude of negative effects. Our study demonstrates the use of a flexible and expandable modeling framework to incorporate spatially dependent processes when determining relative effects of proposed management options to Golden Eagles and their habitats.

  16. A population study of golden eagles in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource area. Second-year progress report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Since January 1994, the Predatory Bird Research Group, University of California, Santa Cruz, has been conducting a field investigation of the ecology of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the vicinity of the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (WRA). The 190 km{sup 2} facility lies just east of San Francisco Bay in California and contains about 6,500 wind turbines. Grassland and oak savanna habitats surrounding the WRA support a substantial resident population of golden eagles. Each year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service receivers reports from the wind industry of about 30 golden eagle casualties occurring at the WRA, and it is probable that many more carcasses go unnoticed. Over 90 percent of the casualties are attributed to collisions with wind turbines. The main purpose of this study is to estimate the effect of turbine-related mortality on the golden eagle population of the area. Assessing the impact of the WRA kills on the population requires quantification of both survival and reproduction. To estimate survival rates of both territorial and non-territorial golden eagles, we tagged 179 individuals with radio-telemetry transmitters expected to function for about four years and equipped with mortality sensors. Population segments represented in the tagged sample include 79 juveniles, 45 subadults, 17n floaters (non-territorial adults), and 38 breeders. Effective sample sizes in the older segments increase as younger eagles mature or become territorial. Since the beginning of the study, we have conducted weekly roll-call surveys by airplane to locate the tagged eagles in relation to the WRA and to monitor their survival. The surveyed area extends from the Oakland Hills southeast through the Diablo Mountain Range to San Luis Reservoir about 75 km southeast of the WRA. The surveys show that breeding eagles rarely enter the WRA while the non-territorial eagles tend to move about freely throughout the study area and often visit the WRA.

  17. Causas referidas para o desenvolvimento de úlceras em pés de pessoas com diabetes mellitus Causas referidas al desarrollo de úlceras en piés de personas con diabetes mellitus Root causes for the development of foot ulcers of people with diabetes mellitus

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    Isabela dos Santos Martin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as causas referidas na etiologia das úlceras em pés de pessoas com Diabetes mellitus (DM. MÉTODOS: Estudo seccional, quantitativo, realizado no Ambulatório de Diabetes de um Hospital Universitário em Ribeirão Preto - SP. Os dados foram coletados com instrumento estruturado e exame físico dos pés de amostra de 30 pacientes diabéticos. RESULTADOS: Amostra com idade média de 57,5 anos, predominância do sexo masculino e baixa escolaridade; 90% possuíam DM tipo 2, de longa duração e mal controlado; obesidade/sobrepeso em 77% e insensibilidade plantar em 93,3%. A região metatarsiana foi o local de úlcera referido com maior frequência, e a causa foi a calosidade. CONCLUSÃO: as causas referidas envolvidas na etiologia das úlceras correspondem, de forma direta ou indireta, a fatores extrínsecos que podem ser prevenidos com cuidados básicos e de baixo custo. A insensibilidade plantar, fator fundamental desencadeador das úlceras, no entanto não foi reconhecida pelas pessoas.OBJETIVO: Analizar las causas referidas en la etiología de las úlceras en piés de personas con Diabetes mellitus (DM. MÉTODOS: Estudio seccional, cuantitativo, realizado en el consultorio externo de Diabetes de un Hospital Universitario en Ribeirão Preto - SP. Los datos fueron recolectados con un instrumento estructurado y examen físico de los piés de una muestra de 30 pacientes diabéticos. RESULTADOS: muestra conformada por personas con una edad promedio de 57,5 años, predominio del sexo masculino y baja escolaridad;el 90% poseían DM tipo 2, de larga duración y mal controlado; obesidad/sobre peso en el 77% e insensibilidad plantar en el 93,3%. La región metatarsiana fue referida, con mayor frecuencia, como el lugar de la úlcera y la causa fue la callosidad. CONCLUSIÓN: Las causas que están involucradas en la etiología de las úlceras corresponden, de forma directa o indirecta, a factores extrínsecos que pueden ser prevenidos

  18. Discussão sobre as causas da Síndrome de Burnout e suas implicações à saúde do profissional de enfermagem

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    Jorge Luiz Lima da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivos: describir las causas y consecuencias de Síndrome Burnout, discutiendo las posibles consecuencias para el profesional de enfermería. Método: estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, realizado a través de revisión de la literatura. El tema fue realizado por una división en categorías que aborden las causas y factores también el síndrome más amplio. Resultados: a partir del análisis de los resultados, parece que el proceso está estrechamente relacionado con factores de organización, individuales personales, e incluso inherente a la profesión. Los efectos descritos son numerosos, la participación de las esferas física, mental, emocional, organizacional y familiar. Conclusión: este es el problema actual que merece enfoques psicosociales y estudios que permitan medidas para minimizar el sufrimiento de los profesionales que trabajan.

  19. Desarrollo de una vacuna probiótica para el tratamiento del cáncer cérvico-uterino


    Cortés Pérez, Naima Gisela; Bermúdez Humarán, Luis Gilberto; Alcocer González, Juan Manuel; Gruss, Alexandra; Le Loir, Yves; Langella, Phillipe; Luna Leal, Roberto Montes de Oca


    Dado que el virus del papiloma humano tipo 16 (HPV- 16) es la principal causa del cáncer cérvicouterino, hay una gran necesidad de desarrollar una vacuna profiláctica y/o terapéutica. La oncoproteína E7 es constitutivamente producida por neoplasias cervicales y, por tanto, considerada como un blanco potencial para dirigir el desarrollo de una vacuna terapéutica contra el cáncer cérvico-uterino. En este trabajo desarrollamos un sistema inducible para expresar la proteín...

  20. La simulación como causa de ineficacia jurídica en el Código Civil cubano

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    Claudia Lorena Morffi Collado


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda un tema que ha adquirido una significativa relevancia a raíz del creciente desarrollo de las relaciones contractuales como expresión de la autonomía de la voluntad. La simulación no solo es utilizada en la vida cotidiana del hombre como autora de apariencias, sino que alcanza el ámbito de los negocios jurídicos. De ello se encargarán estas líneas, en las que se analizarán los contornos teóricos de la simulación como causa de ineficacia jurídica y su regulación en el Código Civil cubano de 1987.

  1. Causas externas e mortalidade materna: proposta de classificacao

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    Mercia Maria Rodrigues Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os óbitos por causas externas e causas mal definidas em mulheres em idade fértil ocorridos na gravidez e no puerpério precoce. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 399 óbitos de mulheres em idade fértil de Recife, PE, de 2004 a 2006. A pesquisa utilizou o método Reproductive Age Mortality Survey e um conjunto de instrumentos de investigação padronizados. Foram usados como fontes de dados laudos do Instituto Médico Legal, prontuários hospitalares e da Estratégia Saúde da Família e entrevistas com os familiares das mulheres falecidas. Óbitos por causa externa na gravidez foram classificados de acordo com a circunstância da morte usando-se o código O93 e calculadas as razões de mortalidade materna antes e depois da classificação. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 18 óbitos na presença de gravidez. A maioria das mulheres tinha entre 20 e 29 anos, de quatro a sete anos de estudo, eram negras, solteiras. Quinze óbitos foram classificados com o código O93 como morte relacionada à gravidez (13 por homicídio - O93.7; dois por suicídio - O93.6 e três mortes maternas obstétricas indiretas (uma homicídio - O93.7 e duas por suicídio - O93.6. Houve incremento médio de 35,0% nas razões de mortalidade materna após classificação. CONCLUSÕES: Os óbitos por causas mal definidas e no puerpério precoce não ocorrem por acaso e sua exclusão dos cálculos dos indicadores de mortalidade materna aumentam os níveis de subinformação.

  2. Atención integral y mejora de la calidad de vida en el paciente pediátrico oncológico: una intervención enfermera en cuidados paliativos


    Gil Sánchez, María


    El cáncer infantil constituye la primera causa de muerte por enfermedad en la población pediátrica en los países desarrollados y la segunda causa de muerte más frecuente en niños mayores de un año, después de los accidentes. Cada día más, es una enfermedad en la que aumentan las garantías de éxito y curación, aunque requiere de un tratamiento complejo, muchas veces largo y que afecta de forma determinante a la estructura personal y social de una familia. Durante las últimas décadas, los avanc...

  3. Diagnóstico de policitemia absoluta como posible causa de episodios convulsivos en un perro

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    Sandra Acevedo T.


    Full Text Available Se expone el caso de un perro poodle de 3 años de edad, el cual hace un año comenzó a convulsionar esporádicamente, principalmente después de hacer ejercicio y en algunas ocasiones presentó temblor generalizado. Al examen clínico realizado se observó mucosas orales y oculares hiperémicas. Al realizar los exámenes paraclínicos complementarios se encontró en hemogramas seriados un aumento marcado del hematocrito y la hemoglobina con niveles de proteínas plasmáticas en rangos normales, y una eritropoyectina 10 veces por debajo del rango normal. Se realizó ecografía abdominal y evaluación cardiaca. El diagnóstico fue de policitemia absoluta como la causa de las convulsiones.

  4. A análise da mortalidade por causa básica e por causas múltiplas Analysis of mortality by underlying and multiple causes of death

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    Ruy Laurenti


    Full Text Available Foram comentados alguns aspectos das estatísticas de mortalidade por causas básicas e por causas múltiplas. Utilizando uma amostra de óbitos ocorridos em hospitais e obtendo informações adicionais através dos prontuários médicos, foram refeitos os atestados comparando-os com os originais. Foi verificado que a causa básica está declarada incorretamente em 37,7% dos casos e que existem discordâncias que se compensam. O número médio de diagnósticos por atestados de óbito foi de 1,9, elevando-se para 2,9 quando se dispõem de informações adicionais. O número médio de diagnósticos adicionais que acompanhou a causa básica aumentou quanto mais longa foi a evolução da doença básica. A codificação de causas múltiplas tem como vantagens o reconhecimento de freqüências de doenças que raramente são consideradas básicas e as estatísticas de mortalidade por causas múltiplas não são afetadas pelas mudanças das regras de seleção da causa de morte.Some aspects of mortality statistics based on underlying and multiple causes of death are analysed. A sample was drawn for study from deaths ocurred in hospitals using the official death certificates. With the help of additional information taken from medical records the death certificates were filled out again and compared with the original ones showing that the basic cause of death was incorrectly stated in 37.7% of the official death certificates and that there were some counterbalancing divergences. The average number of diagnosis per official death certificate was 1.9. With additional information it went up to 2.9. The longer the evolution of the basic illness, the greater the increase of the average number of additional diagnosis accompanying the basic cause. The multiple causes of death classification allowed acknowledgement of rare causes of death that very seldomly appeared as underlying causes of death. The mortality statistics by causes are not affected by the changes

  5. Principales causas de la morosidad en la jurisdicción laboral

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    Rafael Ospina Morales


    Full Text Available El proyecto desarrollado es de gran magnitud e importancia, toda vez que surgen “cascadas de leyes” que al poco tiempo de su vigencia, están siendo modificadas, adicionadas o derogadas, por quienes solucionan todos los problemas de Estado con sus administrados, expidiendo leyes, SINAVERIGUARLAS CAUSAS que han generado la patología social en determinado momento. La Ley debe tener en cuenta el fenómeno social, pero no a la ligera, sino profundizando sobre el origen y causa del mismo. Esto es lo que pregona científicamente la Escuela Constructivista. Con la presente investigación se contribuye a establecer algunas de las causas que generan la morosidad en la jurisdicción laboral.

  6. Desarrollo de una Sonda de ADN de Origen Plasmídico para la identificación y detección de Neisseria gonorrhoeae.


    Torres Sánchez, María José


    Neisseria gonorrhoeae, es el agente causal de la gonococia, enfermedad de transmisión sexual reconocida como una de las causas principales de morbilidad en muchas zonas del mundo (Donegan, 1985). La gonococia es a menudo recurrente y ocasionalmente produce complicaciones, como la enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica –causa de embarazos ectópicos e infertilidad--, la infección gonocócica diseminada y la epididimitis, entre otras. Ya que el diagnós...

  7. Causas, medios y estrategias de afrontamiento en la agresión online en escolares de Murcia (España

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    Ana M. Gimenez Gualdo


    Full Text Available Las situaciones de violencia entre iguales o bullying forman parte de la vida cotidiana de muchos escolares que viven sumidos en un círculo vicioso de humillaciones y vejaciones constantes por parte de sus compañeros dentro del centro educativo. Además, la fácil accesibilidad de los menores a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC, el escaso control y la conciencia imperante de impunidad en la red, dispone al ciberespacio como el lugar idóneo para violentar a otros iguales con la telefonía móvil e Internet. Este es el caso del cyberbullying que se está convirtiendo en una amenaza creciente para la integridad personal, psicológica y social de sus implicados. Aunque haya pasado una década desde que se comenzara a estudiar este tema, aún son escasas las investigaciones en España que indaguen en el conocimiento de sus causas, factores, roles implicados y consecuencias. Por ello, el presente artículo muestra los resultados encontrados al analizar las causas que ciberagresores y cibervíctimas atribuyen a la existencia de cyberbullying, las herramientas tecnológicas más utilizadas y las estrategias de afrontamiento de un grupo de escolares entre 6º de Primaria a 1º de Bachillerato de la Región de Murcia (España. Se concluye alertando de la necesidad de ahondar en el mayor conocimiento de esta problemática para prevenir sus peligrosas consecuencias en la vida presente y futura de nuestros estudiantes.

  8. Knemidocoptic Mange in Wild Golden Eagles, California, USA

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Dr. Mike Miller reads an abridged version of the article, Knemidocoptic Mange in Wild Golden Eagles, California, USA .  Created: 9/21/2014 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 10/15/2014.

  9. Una reflexión sobre el concepto de síndrome

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    Héctor Reverend Pacheco


    Full Text Available El Síndrome es una constelación unida entre sí por un mecanismo anormal, que indica el camino o pauta que conduce a la causa que desequilibra al Sistema. En Medicina, el Síndrome es la constelación de síntomas y/o signos relacionados con un mecanismo anormal, que conduce al diagnóstico de la enfermedad que afecta al paciente.

  10. Alteraciones en el eje intestino-riñón durante la enfermedad renal crónica: causas, consecuencias y propuestas de tratamiento

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    Ivan Armando Osuna-Padilla


    Full Text Available La enfermedad renal crónica y el estado urémico se asocian con alteraciones en la permeabilidad intestinal y cambios en la microbiota intestinal, provocando una mayor producción y translocación de toxinas urémicas como sulfato de indoxilo (IS y sulfato de p-cresilo (pCS, detonando una respuesta inflamatoria. El estado inflamatorio y el incremento en concentraciones séricas de IS y pCS se han asociado con una mayor mortalidad, mayor número de eventos cardiovasculares y mayores alteraciones en el metabolismo mineral y óseo. Se han estudiado diversas estrategias nutricionales y farmacológicas para modular la microbiota intestinal y mejorar las alteraciones en la permeabilidad intestinal, entre ellas la suplementación con probióticos, prebióticos y simbióticos, modificaciones en la composición de la dieta y uso de agentes adsorbentes. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una revisión de las causas de las alteraciones intestinales y de la microbiota intestinal en el paciente con enfermedad renal crónica, analizando las consecuencias de dichos cambios y las intervenciones estudiadas hasta la actualidad.

  11. Análisis de las causas de rotación de personal de la empresa Holcrest S.A.S


    Domínguez Olaya, María Katherine


    La retención del personal es una parte importante de los esfuerzos del área de recursos humanos y de la organización en general, ya que la desvinculación representa costos y daño de la imagen organizacional. Es así como el estudio y análisis de la retención de personal se ha convertido en parte de la gestión organizacional. Con la presente investigación se busca analizar las causas que inciden en la rotación de personal en la empresa prestadora de servicios del grupo Holcim, Holcrest S.A.S, u...

  12. Teledetección no es Tele-adivinación: La importancia de las causas en Viticultura de Precisión

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    Gómez-Miguel Vicente D.


    Full Text Available La cartografía realizada a partir de la información procedente de sensores remotos es un producto de actualidad que se ofrece con éxito gracias principalmente a su atractiva presentación y a su bajo coste. La información se obtiene mediante sensores instalados en satélites, aviones y otras aeronaves a alta, media o baja altura, tripuladas o no y en vehículos terrestres autopropulsados o no. Los sensores y elementos asociados son capaces de procesar la radiación de gran parte del espectro electromagnético y convertirla en imágenes que representan la emisión de una determinada zona geográfica. A pesar de que el procedimiento puede llegar a ser muy sofisticado, el resultado que se proporciona al viticultor con mayor o menor detalle (resolución o más o menos elaborado, es prácticamente siempre el mismo: uno o varios mapas en los que se recoge la respuesta obtenida por el sensor de lo que hay en la parcela en el preciso momento en el que pasa el vehículo en el que se ha instalado. Por lo tanto, este mapa representa la respuesta del estado “electromagnético” de una parcela en un momento determinado, sin embargo, las causas de la variabilidad que se aprecia en el propio mapa se desconocen. Estas causas son muy complejas y se relacionan principalmente con la variabilidad de los elementos del clima, la geología, el relieve, el suelo, la planta y el momento de realización del proceso. Factores todos ellos de gran importancia en la configuración del terroir y que influyen en la calidad del producto. En este trabajo tratamos del alcance real de la teledetección y de la importancia de la cartografía de las causas que inciden en la heterogeneidad de la parcela/explotación para un uso adecuado en Viticultura de Precisión, todo ello dentro de un modelo general de producción vitícola para la obtención de vinos de calidad.

  13. Mortalidade em idosos por diabetes mellitus como causa básica e associada

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    Cláudia Medina Coeli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Analisar a mortalidade por diabetes mellitus em idosos e a subenumeração do diabetes como causa do óbito de acordo com estatísticas baseadas unicamente em causa básica de óbito. MÉTODOS:Foram revisadas todas as 2.974 declarações de óbito ocorridas em 1994 de idosos residentes em um núcleo habitacional localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Destas, foram estudados 291 óbitos, tendo o diabetes mellitus como causa básica (150 e associada (141. A proporção de óbitos em que a diabetes aparece como causa básica em relação ao total de óbitos por diabetes foi calculada de forma global e segundo sexo e faixa etária. RESULTADOS:Dos 291 óbitos estudados, 138 (47,4% ocorreram em homens, e 153, em mulheres (52,6%. As taxas de mortalidade apresentaram crescimento contínuo com o avançar da idade, sendo superiores no sexo masculino, embora a diferença entre sexos tenha sido menor para a análise baseada unicamente na causa básica. Observou-se proporção elevada de óbitos domiciliares (22%. A proporção de óbitos por diabetes como causa básica foi de 51,5%, sendo maior nas mulheres do que nos homens. CONCLUSÕES:A análise das estatísticas de mortalidade baseadas unicamente na causa básica do óbito pode levar a perfis distorcidos, em função da subenumeração não ocorrer aleatoriamente. Estudos adicionais em coortes de idosos brasileiros diabéticos são necessários para permitir uma avaliação mais acurada da mortalidade nesse grupo.

  14. Fiscalidad de la MIPYME mexicana como una causa de su cierre

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    Analaura Medina Conde


    Full Text Available Las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas empresas se pierden de manera acelerada, por lo que en la presente investigación se realiza un estudio de la fiscalidad a la que se enfrentan respecto de las aportaciones de seguridad social. Esto permite observar el objeto de estudio desde los elementos que componen la relación jurídico-tributaria. Es decir, desde el punto de vista del patrón, del trabajador y del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, ante el problema específico de cierre de un alto porcentaje de estas unidades económicas, que provocan la pérdida considerable de empleos, trabajadores condenados a una vejez sin seguridad social y a un Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social con problemas financieros. Por ello se listan algunas de las problemáticas de la MIPYME no porque sean específicas de ésta, sino porque la grande empresa tiene características diferentes. Así mismo se presenta la propuesta de posibles soluciones.

  15. Fiscalidad de la MIPYME mexicana como una causa de su cierre

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    Analaura Medina Conde


    Full Text Available Las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas empresas se pierden de manera acelerada, por lo que en la presente investigación se realiza un estudio de la fiscalidad a la que se enfrentan respecto de las aportaciones de seguridad social. Esto permite observar el objeto de estudio desde los elementos que componen la relación jurídico-tributaria. Es decir, desde el punto de vista del patrón, del trabajador y del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, ante el problema específico de cierre de un alto porcentaje de estas unidades económicas, que provocan la pérdida considerable de empleos, trabajadores condenados a una vejez sin seguridad social y a un Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social con problemas financieros. Por ello se listan algunas de las problemáticas de la MIPYME no porque sean específicas de ésta, sino porque la grande empresa tiene características diferentes. Así mismo se presenta la propuesta de posibles soluciones.

  16. Macroinvertebrate and algal community sample collection methods and data collected at selected sites in the Eagle River watershed, Colorado, 2000-07 (United States)

    Zuellig, Robert E.; Bruce, James F.


    State and local agencies are concerned about the effects of increasing urban development and human population growth on water quality and the biological condition of regional streams in the Eagle River watershed. In response to these needs, the U.S. Geological Survey initiated a study in cooperation with the Colorado River Water Conservation District, Eagle County, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, Colorado Department of Transportation, City of Aurora, Town of Eagle, Town of Gypsum, Town of Minturn, Town of Vail, Vail Resorts, Colorado Springs Utilities, Denver Water, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. As part of this study, previously collected macroinvertebrate and algal data from the Eagle River watershed were compiled. This report includes macroinvertebrate data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and(or) the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service from 73 sites from 2000 to 2007 and algal data collected from up to 26 sites between 2000 and 2001 in the Eagle River watershed. Additionally, a brief description of the sample collection methods and data processing procedures are presented.

  17. Success factors in cause-related marketing projects Determinantes de suceso en cumplimiento de programas de marketing relacionado a causas Determinantes de sucesso na implementação de programas de marketing relacionado a causas

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    Maíse Soares Pereira


    Full Text Available Corporate social responsibility attempts to align organizational and social objectives. Alignment can be achieved by application of cause-related marketing (CRM methods. Therefore this article seeks to identify main determinants of success in CRM campaigns. This research was qualitative for an in depth study of three Brazilian companies. Results show that widespread communication, use of marketing mix, synergy between the cause and company business and long term action as well as a strong reputation for social responsibility are mainstays for success in CRM objectivesLa visión de responsabilidad social como recurso estratégico empresarial representa una manera de, aunque bajo consideraciones éticas, hacer conque objetivos organizacionales caminen lado a lado con objetivos sociales. Una de las formas encontradas para aliar tales propósitos se refiere al esfuerzo de utilización de herramientas de Marketing Relacionado a Causas (MRC. Así, la intención de este artículo es identificar el conjunto de factores que influencian el suceso de campañas de MRC, a partir de su adopción por las empresas más actuantes y representativas del estado del arte en esta área. Las campañas desarrolladas en tres empresas actuantes en Brasil fueron evaluadas basándose en el modelo de factores extraído de las propuestas de Adkins (1999 y de Pringle y Thompson (2000. Por lo tanto, la finalidad de este estudio fue alcanzada mediante la investigación cualitativa con casos múltiples. Factores como amplia divulgación y utilización de los componentes (mix de marketing, sinergia entre causa y negocio de la empresa y duración de largo plazo, aliados a fuerte reputación de responsabilidad social, independientemente de las campañas, fueron identificados como los pilares necesarios para el suceso en el alcance de las metas de campañas de MRCA visão de responsabilidade social como recurso estratégico empresarial representa uma maneira de, ainda que sob

  18. 78 FR 24816 - Pricing for the 2013 American Eagle West Point Two-Coin Silver Set (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for the 2013 American Eagle West Point Two-Coin Silver Set AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the price of the 2013 American Eagle West Point Two-Coin Silver Set. The...

  19. ¿Puede haber algo que se llame una política ambiental?


    Álvarez, Freddy


    La pregunta enunciada de esta manera “puede haber”, cuestiona no sólo sobre la existencia de algo, pues existen políticas ambientales; no indaga sobre el “hay” ya que la existencia no está en duda; la pregunta ersa sobre el poder de la existencia: es saber si puede existir una política ambiental o no. La existencia nace del poder, porque ser es una cuestión de poder ser, el poder no es la causa del ser, pero no hay ser sin poder. Además no es tener poder, es ser a través del poder. En consec...

  20. Ossification of the stylohyoid chain on computed tomograms - Eagle syndrome; Die Ossifikation der stylohyoidalen Kette im Computertomogramm - Eagle-Syndrom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lugmayr, H; Krennmair, G [Krankenhaus St. Franziskus, Grieskirchen (Austria). Inst. fuer Radiologie; Lenglinger, F [Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Wels (Austria). Inst. fuer Radiologie


    The computed tomographic morphology of a typical Eagle syndrome is presented on the basis of a case history. In a 40-year-old female patient presenting with bilateral tinnitus, globus hystericus, and increasing hoarseness computed tomography revealed bilateral ossification of the stylohyoid ligament. The incidence of stylalgia is very low in comparison to the occurrence of a elongated styloid process or an ossified stylohyoid ligament. However, in cases of unexplained complaints in the head and neck region it should be considered in the differential diagnosis as it has therapeutic consequences. (orig.) [Deutsch] Anhand einer Kasuistik wird die computertomographische Morphologie eines typischen Eagle-Syndroms vorgestellt: Bei einem 40jaehrigen Patienten, der an beidseitigem Tinnitus, Globusgefuehl und zunehmender Heiserkeit litt, wurde computertomographisch eine beidseitige Ossifikation des Ligamentum stylohoideum nachgewiesen. Die Inzidenz einer Stylalgie ist verglichen mit der Praevalenz eines elongierten Processus styloideus oder einem verknoecherten Ligamentum stylochyoideum sehr selten. Sie sollte jedoch bei ungeklaerten Beschwerden im Kopf-Halsbereich differentialdiagnostisch in Erwaegung gezogen werden, da sie therapeutische Konsequenzen nach sich zieht. (orig.)

  1. 77 FR 28375 - Eagle Rock Desoto Pipeline, L.P.; Notice of Petition for Rate Approval (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. PR12-25-000] Eagle Rock Desoto Pipeline, L.P.; Notice of Petition for Rate Approval Take notice that on May 1, 2012, Eagle Rock Desoto Pipeline, L.P. (Desoto) filed a Rate Election pursuant to 284.123(b)(1) of the Commissions...

  2. Análisis y evaluación económica de los accidentes de trabajo en el marco de una empresa multiservicios


    Naves García, Nerea


    El presente TFM consiste primeramente, en el análisis y registro de los accidentes de trabajo registrados durante un año en una empresa multiservicios para posteriormente analizar sus causas y consecuencias en la empresa.

  3. Delimitación del Marketing con Causa o Marketing Social Corporativo mediante el análisis de empresas que realizan acciones de responsabilidad social


    Ramos e Silva, João Augusto; Periáñez Cañadillas, Iñaki


    Extracto del trabajo de investigación presentado en el programa de doctorado, que además está incluido en el formato de artículo en los anales (proceedings) de las II Jornadas Internacionales de Marketing Público y No Lucrativo (Zaragoza, abril de 2003). [ES] La ponencia es resultado de una investigación hecha para analizar si las características del Marketing con Causa o Marketing Social Corporativo, que propone la literatura, se reproducen en los estudios de casos de empresas que desa...

  4. Eagle's syndrome-A non-perceived differential diagnosis of temporomandibular disorder. (United States)

    Thoenissen, P; Bittermann, G; Schmelzeisen, R; Oshima, T; Fretwurst, T


    This article unveils a case of the classic styloid syndrome and states that panoramic imaging and ultrasound can be an alternative to computed tomography. In addition, the endoscope-assisted extraoral approach using CT-based navigation is useful. Eagle's Syndrome is an aggregate of symptoms described by Eagle in 1937. He described different forms: the classic styloid syndrome consisting of elongation of the styloid process which causes pain. Second, the stylo-carotid-artery syndrome which is responsible for transient ischemic attack or stroke. Using the example of a 66 years old male patient suffering from long term pain, we explain our diagnostic and surgical approach. After dissecting the styloid process of the right side using an extraoral approach, the pain ceased and the patient could be discharged without any recurrence of the pain up to this point. Eagle's syndrome, with its similar symptoms, is rather difficult to differentiate from temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD), but can be easily excluded from possible differential diagnoses of TMD using panoramic radiographs and ultrasound. Making use of low cost and easily accessible diagnostic workup techniques can reveal this particular cause for chronic pain restricting quality of life. Thereby differentiation from the TMD symptomatic complex is possible. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  5. Revamping EAGLE-I and experiences during Hurricanes Harvey and Irma (United States)

    Sanyal, J.; Chinthavali, S.; Myers, A.; Newby, S.; Redmon, D.


    EAGLE-I, the Environment for Analysis of Geo-Located Energy Information) is an operational system for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE), Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration (ISER) division to provide near real-time situational awareness of the nation's energy sector. The system geospatially maps energy assets and systems in electricity, oil and natural gas, petroleum, and coal, and tie together a variety of data sources into one visualization platform. The system serves the needs of the ESF#12 (Emergency Support Function - Energy) community and has users from FEMA, USDA, DHS, and other federal and state emergency response agencies. During the hurricane season, the EAGLE-I team improved the coverage of electric customers in areas where the hurricanes were expected to make landfall, provided custom reports for Puerto Rico using whatever data was available, and supported various requests for data during the events. Various attempts were also made to establish a direct contact with utilities. Acute shortage of information was felt as utility systems went down, particularly in the territories, which led to considerations of using indirect mechanisms such as processing night lights imagery. As the EAGLE-I system undergoes a significant modernization, these experiences have helped understand and guide priorities in the modernization.

  6. To migrate, stay put, or wander? Varied movement strategies in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). (United States)

    Wheat, Rachel E; Lewis, Stephen B; Wang, Yiwei; Levi, Taal; Wilmers, Christopher C


    Quantifying individual variability in movement behavior is critical to understanding population-level patterns in animals. Here, we explore intraspecific variation in movement strategies of bald eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ) in the north Pacific, where there is high spatiotemporal resource variability. We tracked 28 bald eagles (five immature, 23 adult) using GPS transmitters between May 2010 and January 2016. We found evidence of four movement strategies among bald eagles in southeastern Alaska and western Canada: breeding individuals that were largely sedentary and remained near nest sites year-round, non-breeding migratory individuals that made regular seasonal travel between northern summer and southern winter ranges, non-breeding localized individuals that displayed fidelity to foraging sites, and non-breeding nomadic individuals with irregular movement. On average, males traveled farther per day than females. Most nomadic individuals were immature, and all residential individuals (i.e. breeders and localized birds) were adults. Alternative movement strategies among north Pacific eagles are likely associated with the age and sex class, as well as breeding status, of an individual. Intraspecific variation in movement strategies within the population results in different space use patterns among contingents, which has important implications for conservation and management.

  7. Causas "fracas" e redes causais complexas em psiquiatria

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    Luís Fernando S. C. de Araújo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Realizamos uma análise do conceito de causalidade aplicado em psiquiatria e propomos sua abordagem baseada nas ideias de influências causais fracas e de redes causais complexas. MÉTODO: Análise conceitual de artigos e livros selecionados. RESULTADOS: Identificamos o modelo de causalidade INUS, proposto pelo filósofo J. L. Mackie que contorna algumas das dificuldades relacionadas à presença de múltiplas causas interdependentes, como parece ocorrer no caso dos transtornos mentais e mostramos que tal modelo se aplica bem ao TEPT. CONCLUSÃO: Sugerimos que o fracasso na busca de causas "fortes" para os transtornos mentais talvez indique a necessidade de revisão de nossas expectativas, com a adoção de modelos alternativos de causalidade.

  8. Energy Intensity and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Oil Production in the Eagle Ford Shale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yeh, Sonia; Ghandi, Abbas; Scanlon, Bridget R.; Brandt, Adam R.; Cai, Hao; Wang, Michael Q.; Vafi, Kourosh; Reedy, Robert C.


    A rapid increase in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing in shale and “tight” formations that began around 2000 has resulted in record increases in oil and natural gas production in the U.S. This study examines energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from crude oil and natural gas produced from ~8,200 wells in the Eagle Ford Shale in southern Texas from 2009 to 2013. Our system boundary includes processes from primary exploration wells to the refinery entrance gate (henceforth well-to-refinery or WTR). The Eagle Ford includes four distinct production zones—black oil (BO), volatile oil (VO), condensate (C), and dry gas (G) zones—with average monthly gas-to-liquids ratios (thousand cubic feet per barrel—Mcf/bbl) varying from 0.91 in the BO zone to 13.9 in the G zone. Total energy consumed in drilling, extracting, processing, and operating an Eagle Ford well is ~1.5% of the energy content of the produced crude and gas in the BO and VO zones, compared with 2.2% in the C and G zones. On average, the WTR GHG emissions of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel derived from crude oil produced in the BO and VO zones in the Eagle Ford play are 4.3, 5.0, and 5.1 gCO2e/MJ, respectively. Comparing with other known conventional and unconventional crude production where upstream GHG emissions are in the range 5.9–30 gCO2e/MJ, oil production in the Eagle Ford has lower WTR GHG emissions.

  9. Chromosome reshuffling in birds of prey: the karyotype of the world's largest eagle (Harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja) compared to that of the chicken (Gallus gallus). (United States)

    de Oliveira, Edivaldo H C; Habermann, Felix A; Lacerda, Oneida; Sbalqueiro, Ives J; Wienberg, Johannes; Müller, Stefan


    Like various other diurnal birds of prey, the world's largest eagle, the Harpy (Harpia harpyja), presents an atypical bird karyotype with 2n=58 chromosomes. There is little knowledge about the dramatic changes in the genomic reorganization of these species compared to other birds. Since recently, the chicken provides a "default map" for various birds including the first genomic DNA sequence of a bird species. Obviously, the gross division of the chicken genome into relatively gene-poor macrochromosomes and predominantly gene-rich microchromosomes has been conserved for more than 150 million years in most bird species. Here, we present classical features of the Harpy eagle karyotype but also chromosomal homologies between H. harpyja and the chicken by chromosome painting and comparison to the chicken genome map. We used two different sets of painting probes: (1) chicken chromosomes were divided into three size categories: (a) macrochromosomes 1-5 and Z, (b) medium-sized chromosomes 6-10, and (c) 19 microchromosomes; (2) combinatorially labeled chicken chromosome paints 1-6 and Z. Both probe sets were visualized on H. harpyja chromosomes by multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Our data show how the organization into micro- and macrochromosomes has been lost in the Harpy eagle, seemingly without any preference or constraints.

  10. Quest for safer skies: Modeling golden eagles and wind energy to reduce turbine risk (United States)

    Todd Katzner; Tricia Miller; Scott. Stoleson


    In a patch of sky above Pennsylvania, a golden eagle moves languidly, never flapping but passing quickly as it cruises southward on a cushion of air. It is migrating to its wintering grounds after a season of breeding in Quebec. As part of a team studying eagles on a daily basis—a project supported by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), West Virginia University,...

  11. the conservation status of eagles in south african law

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The conservation threats to eagles in South Africa may be classified into two broad ..... 3.1.6 The Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2001) (the ...... South Africa has highly advanced biodiversity legislation in place, but merely having.

  12. Tendencia de la tasa de mortalidad en una prisión española (1994-2004

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    Enrique Jesús Vera Remartínez


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Hay pocos trabajos sobre mortalidad en el ámbito penitenciario. El objetivo es describir las causas, tasas de mortalidad y su tendencia en una prisión española. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, de los fallecimientos en una prisión entre 01-01-1994 y 31-12-2004. Se recogieron las variables edad, sexo, fecha del óbito, serología VIH, número de CD4+ en su caso, y causa de muerte según la clasificación: muerte por VIH, por enfermedad no VIH, suicidio, intoxicación por drogas, y accidentes. Previa estandarización indirecta de tasas, comparamos la mortalidad del Centro con la del resto de las prisiones españolas. Establecimos la tendencia de las tasas de mortalidad mediante un modelo de regresión lineal. Resultados: 42 muertes, 41 hombres, 1 mujer. Mediana de edad de 33,10 años (27,72 - 36,12; IQR: 8,40. 30 (71,4% VIH+, con mediana de 177 linfocitos CD4+/µl 20 pacientes (45,24% fallecieron por VIH, 15 (38,10% por enfermedades no VIH, 3 (7,14% suicidios, 3 (7,14% intoxicaciones por drogas y 1 (2,38% accidentalmente. Las tasas crudas de mortalidad estuvieron entre 12,605‰ internos/año en 1997 y 1,758‰ internos/año en 2003, con tendencia descendente a razón de 0,976 muertes‰ internos/año (IC95%: 0,399-1,552; p=0,004. Estandarizando tasas nos corresponderían 28,6 muertes esperadas en el período, con una SMR de 1,4679. Conclusiones: Aunque la tendencia es descendente, la tasa de mortalidad obtenida en el período estudiado fue mayor que la esperada. La principal causa de mortalidad fue el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida.

  13. 76 FR 387 - Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; AREVA Enrichment Services, LLC (Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility) (United States)


    ... and Licensing Board; AREVA Enrichment Services, LLC (Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility) December 17, 2010... construction and operation of a gas centrifuge uranium enrichment facility--denoted as the Eagle Rock... site at . These and other documents relating...

  14. La deserción escolar en Costa Rica: un estudio de causas y consecuencias en una institución educativa.


    María Eugenia Rojas Rodríguez


    Esta investigación tiene como objeto de estudio identificar la deserción estudiantil en los sétimos años del Colegio Técnico Mario Quirós Sasso, ubicado en el cantón de La Unión, de la provincia de Cartago. En el proceso de investigación se identificó que la deserción es un fenómeno multi-causal. No obstante se identificó que entre las causas que más inciden en el abandono de la institución es la socioeconómica. Este estudio propone soluciones para asegurar la permanencia de...

  15. Using nestling feathers to assess spatial and temporal concentrations of mercury in bald eagles at Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, USA (United States)

    H. T. Pittman; W. W. Bowerman; L. H. Grim; Teryl Grubb; W. C. Bridges


    Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) have been utilized as a biosentinel of aquatic ecosystem health in the Great Lakes Region since the early 1960s. Bald eagle populations have been monitored at Voyageurs National Park (VNP), Minnesota, since 1973. For the past 20 years, researchers have collected feathers from nestling bald eagles to assess their dietary exposure...

  16. Eagle's syndrome: report of two cases using computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Sul Mi; Kwon, Hyuk Rok; Choi, Hang Moon; Park, In Woo


    Two cases of Eagle's syndrome are reported. The first case involved a 31-year-old man who complained of pain in his throat and pain at preauricular area on turning his head. Panoramic and computed tomography (CT) views showed bilateral stylohyoid ligament ossification. The symptoms were relieved after surgical removal. The second case involved a 56-year-old female whose chief complaints were a continuous dull pain and occasional 'shooting' pain on lower left molar area. During the physical examination, an ossified stylohyoid ligament was palpated at the left submandibular area. Panoramic and CT images showed prominent bilateral stylohyoid ligament ossification. CT scans also showed hypertrophy of left medial and lateral pterygoid muscles. The symptoms were relieved after medication. CT is a useful tool for the examination of ossified stylohyoid ligaments and studying the relationship between Eagle's syndrome and adjacent soft tissue.

  17. Time and Space Partitioning the EagleEye Reference Misson (United States)

    Bos, Victor; Mendham, Peter; Kauppinen, Panu; Holsti, Niklas; Crespo, Alfons; Masmano, Miguel; de la Puente, Juan A.; Zamorano, Juan


    We discuss experiences gained by porting a Software Validation Facility (SVF) and a satellite Central Software (CSW) to a platform with support for Time and Space Partitioning (TSP). The SVF and CSW are part of the EagleEye Reference mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). As a reference mission, EagleEye is a perfect candidate to evaluate practical aspects of developing satellite CSW for and on TSP platforms. The specific TSP platform we used consists of a simulated LEON3 CPU controlled by the XtratuM separation micro-kernel. On top of this, we run five separate partitions. Each partition runs its own real-time operating system or Ada run-time kernel, which in turn are running the application software of the CSW. We describe issues related to partitioning; inter-partition communication; scheduling; I/O; and fault-detection, isolation, and recovery (FDIR).

  18. Modelling the impact of toxic and disturbance stress on white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) populations. (United States)

    Korsman, John C; Schipper, Aafke M; Lenders, H J Rob; Foppen, Ruud P B; Hendriks, A Jan


    Several studies have related breeding success and survival of sea eagles to toxic or non-toxic stress separately. In the present investigation, we analysed single and combined impacts of both toxic and disturbance stress on populations of white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), using an analytical single-species model. Chemical and eco(toxico)logical data reported from laboratory and field studies were used to parameterise and validate the model. The model was applied to assess the impact of ∑PCB, DDE and disturbance stress on the white-tailed eagle population in The Netherlands. Disturbance stress was incorporated through a 1.6% reduction in survival and a 10-50% reduction in reproduction. ∑PCB contamination from 1950 up to 1987 was found to be too high to allow the return of white-tailed eagle as a breeding species in that period. ∑PCB and population trends simulated for 2006-2050 suggest that future population growth is still reduced. Disturbance stress resulted in a reduced population development. The combination of both toxic and disturbance stress varied from a slower population development to a catastrophical reduction in population size, where the main cause was attributed to the reduction in reproduction of 50%. Application of the model was restricted by the current lack of quantitative dose-response relationships between non-toxic stress and survival and reproduction. Nevertheless, the model provides a first step towards integrating and quantifying the impacts of multiple stressors on white-tailed eagle populations.

  19. The genome sequence of a widespread apex predator, the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos.

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    Jacqueline M Doyle

    Full Text Available Biologists routinely use molecular markers to identify conservation units, to quantify genetic connectivity, to estimate population sizes, and to identify targets of selection. Many imperiled eagle populations require such efforts and would benefit from enhanced genomic resources. We sequenced, assembled, and annotated the first eagle genome using DNA from a male golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos captured in western North America. We constructed genomic libraries that were sequenced using Illumina technology and assembled the high-quality data to a depth of ∼40x coverage. The genome assembly includes 2,552 scaffolds >10 Kb and 415 scaffolds >1.2 Mb. We annotated 16,571 genes that are involved in myriad biological processes, including such disparate traits as beak formation and color vision. We also identified repetitive regions spanning 92 Mb (∼6% of the assembly, including LINES, SINES, LTR-RTs and DNA transposons. The mitochondrial genome encompasses 17,332 bp and is ∼91% identical to the Mountain Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis. Finally, the data reveal that several anonymous microsatellites commonly used for population studies are embedded within protein-coding genes and thus may not have evolved in a neutral fashion. Because the genome sequence includes ∼800,000 novel polymorphisms, markers can now be chosen based on their proximity to functional genes involved in migration, carnivory, and other biological processes.

  20. Flight Paths of Migrating Golden Eagles and the Risk Associated with Wind Energy Development in the Rocky Mountains

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    Naira N. Johnston


    Full Text Available In recent years, the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains in northeastern British Columbia have received interest as a site of industrial wind energy development but, simultaneously, have been the subject of concern about wind development coinciding with a known migratory corridor of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos. We tracked and quantified eagle flights that crossed or followed ridgelines slated for one such wind development. We found that hourly passage rates during fall migration peaked at midday and increased by 17% with each 1 km/h increase in wind speed and by 11% with each 1°C increase in temperature. The propensity to cross the ridge tops where turbines would be situated differed between age classes, with juvenile eagles almost twice as likely to traverse the ridge-top area as adults or subadults. During fall migration, Golden Eagles were more likely to cross ridges at turbine heights (risk zone, < 150 m above ground under headwinds or tailwinds, but this likelihood decreased with increasing temperature. Conversely, during spring migration, eagles were more likely to move within the ridge-top area under eastern crosswinds. Identifying Golden Eagle flight routes and altitudes with respect to major weather systems and local topography in the Rockies may help identify scenarios in which the potential for collisions is greatest at this and other installations.

  1. Analysis of the root cause of failure in 34.5 kV premolded terminal; Analisis de la causa raiz de falla en terminal premoldeada en 34.5 kV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marroquin de Jesus, A; Olivares Ramirez, J. M [Universidad Tecnologica de San Juan del Rio, San Juan del Rio, Queretaro (Mexico)]. E-mails:;; Solis Gastelum, Adrian; Hernandez Cruz, Jose Rigoberto [Servicios Especiales Electricos, Santiago de Queretaro, Queretaro (Mexico)]. E-mails:;


    A large number of faults in power cables are associated with improper installation of joints and terminations. In a joint improperly installed the presences of partial discharges or excessive heat generation occur over time the complete failure of the cable. However, there are cases that have nothing to do with a faulty installation, but with the operating conditions of the cables. In this paper we review the procedure to handle an emergency service to the failure of premolded terminals in medium voltage indoor type, root cause analyzes and makes recommendations for the maintenance of power lines. [Spanish] Un gran numero de fallas en cables alimentadores son asociadas con una mala instalacion de empalmes y terminales. En un empalme mal instalado la presencia de descargas parciales o generacion excesiva de calor producen con el tiempo la falla completa del cable. Sin embargo, tambien existen causas que no tienen que ver con una mala instalacion sino con las condiciones de operacion de los cables. En el presente trabajo se revisa el procedimiento para atender un servicio de emergencia ante la falla de terminales premoldeadas tipo interior en media tension, se analiza la causa raiz y se hacen recomendaciones en cuanto al mantenimiento de cables de energia.

  2. Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of the Eagle Ford Shale: Results from the USGS Gulf Coast #1 West Woodway core (United States)

    Birdwell, Justin E.; Boehlke, Adam; Paxton, Stanley T.; Whidden, Katherine J.; Pearson, Ofori N.


    The Eagle Ford shale is a major continuous oil and gas resource play in southcentral Texas and a source for other oil accumulations in the East Texas Basin. As part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) petroleum system assessment and research efforts, a coring program to obtain several immature, shallow cores from near the outcrop belt in central Texas has been undertaken. The first of these cores, USGS Gulf Coast #1 West Woodway, was collected near Waco, Texas, in September 2015 and has undergone extensive geochemical and mineralogical characterization using routine methods to ascertain variations in the lithologies and chemofacies present in the Eagle Ford at this locale. Approximately 270 ft of core was examined for this study, focusing on the Eagle Ford Group interval between the overlying Austin Chalk and underlying Buda Limestone (~20 ft of each). Based on previous work to identify the stratigraphy of the Eagle Ford Group in the Waco area and elsewhere (Liro et al., 1994; Robison, 1997; Ratcliffe et al., 2012; Boling and Dworkin, 2015; Fairbanks et al., 2016, and references therein), several lithological units were expected to be present, including the Pepper Shale (or Woodbine), the Lake Waco Formation (or Lower Eagle Ford, including the Bluebonnet, Cloice, and Bouldin or Flaggy Cloice members), and the South Bosque Member (Upper Eagle Ford). The results presented here indicate that there are three major chemofacies present in the cored interval, which are generally consistent with previous descriptions of the Eagle Ford Group in this area. The relatively high-resolution sampling (every two ft above the Buda, 432.8 ft depth, and below the Austin Chalk, 163.5 ft depth) provides great detail in terms of geochemical and mineralogical properties supplementing previous work on immature Eagle Ford Shale near the outcrop belt.

  3. La traduccion del conocimiento en cancer cervicouterino: una brecha entre la investigacion sobre las causas y la investigacion sobre la atencion al paciente?

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    David Fajardo-Ortiz


    Full Text Available En este trabajo construimos un mapa de la traducción del conocimiento sobre cáncer cervicouterino, basado en el análisis de redes de citación y en el uso de términos del “Gene Ontology” y del Medical Heading Subject. Identificamos dos campos de investigación sobre cáncer cervicouterino, pobremente conectados entre sí, que difieren en estructura, contenido y evolución. Un área esta centrada en el estudio de las causas de la enfermedad, mientras que la otra se centra en la atención al paciente. En la primera área encontramos un proceso de traducción del conocimiento en la que la investigación clínica y la investigación básica se comunican a través de un conjunto de artículos que consolidan la infección por el papilomavirus como la causa necesaria del cáncer cervicouterino. La primera área está orientada a prevenir la infección por el virus del papiloma humano y el subsecuente desarrollo del cáncer cervicouterino, mientras que la otra área se ocupa de la estadificación y tratamiento de la enfermedad.

  4. Patrones de incubación y eclosión del Carbonero Común Parus major en un ambiente mediterráneo: causas y consecuencias


    Álvarez Mielgo, Elena


    Objetivos generales: Los principales objetivos de esta tesis son describir los patrones de incubación y eclosión de una población de carbonero común Parus major en un ambiente mediterráneo, profundizar en algunas de las causas que afectan a dichos patrones, centrándonos sobre todo en las características del nido, y describir sus posibles consecuencias en el desempeño reproductor. Hipótesis general: Las características parentales, las del nido, y las condiciones ambientales pueden afectar ...

  5. Mercadotecnia social y de causas.


    Julie A. Garrett; Lisa S Rochlin; Gloria Coe


    A partir de 1960 el público estadounidense empezó a presionar a la comunidad empresarial para que manifestará su responsabilidad social. Para los años ochenta, las empresas consideraron nuevos modelos de filantropía, American Express, acuñó la frase de "mercadotecnia de causas" para describir las relaciones beneficiosas entre las empresas y las entidades sin fines de lucro. México ha sido un ejemplo al aceptar la participación empresarial en cuestiones comunitarias y sociales gracias a los es...

  6. Eagles, Otters, and Unicorns: An Anatomy of Innovation. (United States)

    Grossman, Stephen R.; King, Margaret J.


    This article describes three archetypal workers: eagles who innovate by improvements, otters who innovate by extension, and unicorns who innovate by paradigm. Each of these innovators is discussed in terms of domain-relevant skills, manipulative skills, and motivation. Needs of each type in terms of business culture are discussed. (PB)

  7. Sex− and species−biased gene flow in a spotted eagle hybrid zone

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    Väli Ülo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recent theoretical and empirical work points toward a significant role for sex-chromosome linked genes in the evolution of traits that induce reproductive isolation and for traits that evolve under influence of sexual selection. Empirical studies including recently diverged (Pleistocene, short-lived avian species pairs with short generation times have found that introgression occurs on the autosomes but not on the Z-chromosome. Here we study genetic differentiation and gene flow in the long-lived greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga and lesser spotted eagle (A. pomarina, two species with comparatively long generation times. Results Our data suggest that there is a directional bias in migration rates between hybridizing spotted eagles in eastern Europe. We find that a model including post divergence gene flow fits our data best for both autosomal and Z-chromosome linked loci but, for the Z-chromosome, the rate is reduced in the direction from A. pomarina to A. clanga. Conclusions The fact that some introgression still occurs on the Z-chromosome between these species suggests that the differentiation process is in a more premature phase in our study system than in previously studied avian species pairs and that could be explained by a shorter divergence time and/or a longer average generation time in the spotted eagles. The results are in agreement with field observations and provide further insight into the role of sex-linked loci for the build-up of barriers to gene flow among diverging populations and species.

  8. La práctica judicial en las causas matrimoniales de la sociedad española del siglo XVIII

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    Margarita Ortega López


    Full Text Available El trabajo muestra los comportamientos y estrategias que siguieron los tribunales españoles del siglo XVIII en las causas matrimoniales. Se percibe en ellos como buscaban perpetuar a toda costa la convivencia entre los esposos bajo el principio básico de autoridad masculina y obediencia femenina, existiendo una evidente complicidad entre la magistratura y el cabeza de familia afectado.The study shows the behaviours and strategys, that follow the spanish courts during the XVIII century in the matrimonial lawsuit. In them perceive it, haw they search for perpetúate insistencely the coexistence between the husbands, under the basic principie of the masculine authority and femenine obedience; existing a obvious accomplicity between the magistrate and the family's leader affected.

  9. 77 FR 32716 - Price for the 2012 American Eagle San Francisco Two-Coin Silver Proof Set (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Price for the 2012 American Eagle San Francisco Two...: The United States Mint is announcing the price of the 2012 American Eagle San Francisco Two-Coin Silver Proof Set. The coin set will be offered for sale at a price of $149.95. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION...

  10. 75 FR 31811 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan for Bald Eagle... (United States)


    ... Species Act (ESA) requires that we implement a system, in cooperation with the States, to monitor... cooperation with the States, to effectively monitor for not less than 5 years the status of all species that... stratified sampling based on density of identified bald eagle nest sites. Our Bald Eagle Monitoring Team will...

  11. Un método de gestión ambiental de lixiviados mediante una biobarrera secuencial


    Zapata Muñoz, Andrés Felipe


    A partir de la descripción de las actividades propias de la operación del relleno sanitario y granja ambiental “Los Saltos”, y de la caracterización fisicoquímica de sus lixiviados, se propone un método de evaluación ambiental que incluye el análisis de las interacciones entre estos, como diagnóstico para la elaboración de una matriz causa efecto, donde se identifican los impactos sobre los componentes ambientales. Con esta información se realizó una matriz de importancia donde se clasificaro...

  12. 76 FR 5580 - Eagle Crest Energy Company; Notice of Applicant-Proposed Water Pipeline Route for the Proposed... (United States)


    ... Energy Company; Notice of Applicant-Proposed Water Pipeline Route for the Proposed Eagle Mountain Pumped... Hydroelectric Project (Eagle Mountain Project). This notice describes the water supply pipeline route proposed... property that would be crossed by the proposed water supply pipeline. We are currently soliciting comments...


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    Fabiano Engelmann

    Full Text Available Pretende-se analisar a emergência e consolidação da causa dos direitos humanos no Brasil nas últimas décadas. O argumento principal é que o movimento dos direitos humanos emerge, como em outros contextos da América latina, a partir da contestação do regime militar-autoritário e consolida-se a partir de marcos institucionais após a redemocratização do país. A análise do perfil das causas e dos trajetos dos principais líderes do movimento no Brasil permite afirmar que os direitos humanos transformam-se, ao longo da década de 90, em uma “causa de Estado”. Um dos indicadores mais forte dessa transformação é a articulação entre os movimentos militantes e a burocracia governamental e a expansão de programas de direitos humanos principalmente nas regiões sul, sudeste e norte.

  14. The utility of point count surveys to predict wildlife interactions with wind energy facilities: An example focused on golden eagles (United States)

    Sur, Maitreyi; Belthoff, James R.; Bjerre, Emily R.; Millsap, Brian A.; Katzner, Todd


    Wind energy development is rapidly expanding in North America, often accompanied by requirements to survey potential facility locations for existing wildlife. Within the USA, golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) are among the most high-profile species of birds that are at risk from wind turbines. To minimize golden eagle fatalities in areas proposed for wind development, modified point count surveys are usually conducted to estimate use by these birds. However, it is not always clear what drives variation in the relationship between on-site point count data and actual use by eagles of a wind energy project footprint. We used existing GPS-GSM telemetry data, collected at 15 min intervals from 13 golden eagles in 2012 and 2013, to explore the relationship between point count data and eagle use of an entire project footprint. To do this, we overlaid the telemetry data on hypothetical project footprints and simulated a variety of point count sampling strategies for those footprints. We compared the time an eagle was found in the sample plots with the time it was found in the project footprint using a metric we called “error due to sampling”. Error due to sampling for individual eagles appeared to be influenced by interactions between the size of the project footprint (20, 40, 90 or 180 km2) and the sampling type (random, systematic or stratified) and was greatest on 90 km2 plots. However, use of random sampling resulted in lowest error due to sampling within intermediate sized plots. In addition sampling intensity and sampling frequency both influenced the effectiveness of point count sampling. Although our work focuses on individual eagles (not the eagle populations typically surveyed in the field), our analysis shows both the utility of simulations to identify specific influences on error and also potential improvements to sampling that consider the context-specific manner that point counts are laid out on the landscape.

  15. 76 FR 13446 - Nittany Bald and Eagle Railroad Company-Operation Exemption-SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority (United States)


    ... Eagle Railroad Company-Operation Exemption-SEDA- COG Joint Rail Authority Nittany Bald and Eagle... 0.0 and milepost 1.8 in Castanea, Clinton County, Pa. The line is owned or leased by SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority (SEDA-COG). N&BE states that the line it proposes to operate is an extension of its...

  16. Abundance of Harpy and Crested Eagles from a reservoir-impact area in the Low- and Mid-Xingu River

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    TM. Sanaiotti

    Full Text Available Abstract In the Brazilian Amazon, two monospecific genera, the Harpy Eagle and Crested Eagle have low densities and are classified by IUCN as Near Threatened due to habitat loss, deforestation, habitat degradation and hunting. In this study, we evaluate occurrence of these large raptors using the environmental surveys database from Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant. Integrating the dataset from two methods, we plotted a distribution map along the Xingu River, including records over a 276-km stretch of river. Terrestrial surveys (RAPELD method were more efficient for detecting large raptors than standardized aquatic surveys, although the latter were complementary in areas without modules. About 53% of the records were obtained during activities of wildlife rescue/flushing, vegetation suppression or in transit. Between 2012 and 2014, four Harpy Eagles were removed from the wild; two shooting victims, one injured by collision with power lines and one hit by a vehicle. Also, seven nests were mapped. The mean distance between Harpy Eagle records was 15 km along the river channel, with a mean of 20 km between nests near the channel, which allowed us to estimate 20 possible pairs using the alluvial forest, riverine forest and forest fragments. Territories of another ten pairs will probably be affected by inundation of the Volta Grande channel, which is far from the main river. The average distance between Crested Eagle records was 16 km along the river channel. The only nest found was 1.3 km away from a Harpy Eagle nest. The remnant forests are under threat of being replaced by cattle pastures, so we recommend that permanently protected riparian vegetation borders (APP be guaranteed, and that forest fragments within 5 km of the river be conserved to maintain eagle populations.

  17. 76 FR 34103 - In the Matter of Areva Enrichment Services, LLC (Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility); Notice of... (United States)


    .... 10-899-02-ML-BD01] In the Matter of Areva Enrichment Services, LLC (Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility...'' portion of this proceeding regarding the December 2008 application by AREVA Enrichment Services, LLC (AES... gas centrifuge uranium enrichment facility--denoted as the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility (EREF)--in...

  18. Causas básicas e associadas de morte por Aids, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, 1998

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    Santo Augusto Hasiak


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Descrever o padrão da mortalidade devida a Aids segundo causas básica e associadas de morte no Estado de São Paulo, em 1998. MÉTODOS: Os dados sobre a mortalidade e a população residente no Estado de São Paulo, SP, para 1998, foram obtidos na Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados (Seade. As causas de morte foram codificadas pelas disposições da Décima Revisão da Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde. Os registros de Aids como causa básica e associada de morte foram recuperados e revistos. RESULTADOS: A Aids foi a causa básica em 4.619 mortes, correspondendo à décima causa (2,0% e ao coeficiente de mortalidade de 13,1 por 100.000 habitantes. As razões das mortes e os respectivos coeficientes entre homens e mulheres foram de 2,4 e 2,5. A Aids foi a segunda causa entre os homens de 20 a 34 anos de idade e entre as mulheres de 25 a 34. A idade média ao morrer entre as mulheres (34,1±12,2 anos foi estatisticamente menor que a dos homens (36,4±10,7 anos -- p<0,001. As principais causas associadas em mortes por Aids foram a insuficiência respiratória (36,1%, pneumonias (27,0%, tuberculose (19,6%, septicemias (18,6%, toxoplasmose (12,2%, pneumonia por P. carinii (8,3% e caquexia (7,9%. A Aids apresentou-se como causa associada em outras 84 mortes. As principais causas básicas destas mortes foram neoplasias malignas (28/84, afecções devidas ao uso do álcool (23/84 e diabetes mellitus (7/84. A idade média ao morrer por Aids como causa básica (35,7±11,2 anos foi estatisticamente menor que a idade média nas mortes em que Aids foi mencionada como causa associada (39,9±11,8 anos -- p<0,001. CONCLUSÕES: As causas múltiplas de morte resgatam parcialmente a história natural da Aids e oferecem subsídios para medidas preventivas adequadas e específicas.

  19. The EAGLE simulations: atomic hydrogen associated with galaxies (United States)

    Crain, Robert A.; Bahé, Yannick M.; Lagos, Claudia del P.; Rahmati, Alireza; Schaye, Joop; McCarthy, Ian G.; Marasco, Antonino; Bower, Richard G.; Schaller, Matthieu; Theuns, Tom; van der Hulst, Thijs


    We examine the properties of atomic hydrogen (H I) associated with galaxies in the Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments (EAGLE) simulations of galaxy formation. EAGLE's feedback parameters were calibrated to reproduce the stellar mass function and galaxy sizes at z = 0.1, and we assess whether this calibration also yields realistic H I properties. We estimate the self-shielding density with a fitting function calibrated using radiation transport simulations, and correct for molecular hydrogen with empirical or theoretical relations. The `standard-resolution' simulations systematically underestimate H I column densities, leading to an H I deficiency in low-mass (M⋆ < 1010 M⊙) galaxies and poor reproduction of the observed H I mass function. These shortcomings are largely absent from EAGLE simulations featuring a factor of 8 (2) better mass (spatial) resolution, within which the H I mass of galaxies evolves more mildly from z = 1 to 0 than in the standard-resolution simulations. The largest volume simulation reproduces the observed clustering of H I systems, and its dependence on H I richness. At fixed M⋆, galaxies acquire more H I in simulations with stronger feedback, as they become associated with more massive haloes and higher infall rates. They acquire less H I in simulations with a greater star formation efficiency, since the star formation and feedback necessary to balance the infall rate is produced by smaller gas reservoirs. The simulations indicate that the H I of present-day galaxies was acquired primarily by the smooth accretion of ionized, intergalactic gas at z ≃ 1, which later self-shields, and that only a small fraction is contributed by the reincorporation of gas previously heated strongly by feedback. H I reservoirs are highly dynamic: over 40 per cent of H I associated with z = 0.1 galaxies is converted to stars or ejected by z = 0.

  20. Why Did the Bald Eagle Almost Become Extinct? (United States)

    Glassman, Sarah J.; Sterling, Donna R.


    The activity described in this article poses a question, provides evidence needed to answer the question, and uses a cooperative learning structure within which students analyze the evidence and create their own questions. Students see how a single cause can interact with two natural systems--the water cycle and the bald eagle food chain--to…

  1. Frecuencia y causas de mortalidad en caballos pura sangre inglés de carreras en el hipódromo "La Rinconada", Caracas, Venezuela


    Morales, Abelardo; García, Francisco; Gomez, Marian; Leal, Luis; López, Pedro; Planas, Gilberto; Rodríguez, Carlos; Vallejo, Mariela; Morales, María


    Este trabajo describe la frecuencia y causas de muerte súbita o que conllevaron a la eutanasia de caballos de carreras Pura Sangre Inglés del Hipódromo “La Rinconada” en Caracas, Venezuela. Se estudiaron 129 casos de mortalidad, 69 en caballos y 60 en yeguas, de una población de 1900 equinos durante el año 2009, mediante necropsia y análisis hematológicos, bacteriológicos e histopatológicos. La mortalidad anual fue por lo tanto 7% con un promedio mensual de 11 equinos muertos. La frecuencia d...

  2. Vasculitis cerebral cisticercosa y neuropatía óptica isquémica en una paciente con amaurosis unilateral y recuperación ad integrum


    Enríquez Coronel,Guillermo; Santos Marcial,Edgar; Cabrera Aldana,Eibar Ernesto


    La cisticercosis es una parasitósis bien conocida que puede causar una gran cantidad de síndromes. La neuropatía isquémica-óptica es una enfermedad de adultos cuyas causas principales son hipertensión arterial y la diabetes y la arteritis de células gigantes. Presentamos el caso de una estudiante de medicina de 22 años que presentó súbitamente pérdida de la visión en el ojo derecho y después completa ceguera. Los estudios demostraron múltiples cisticercos en el hemisferio derecho. Fue tratada...

  3. Evidence for Neandertal jewelry: modified white-tailed eagle claws at Krapina.

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    Davorka Radovčić

    Full Text Available We describe eight, mostly complete white-tailed eagle (Haliaëtus [Haliaeetus] albicilla talons from the Krapina Neandertal site in present-day Croatia, dating to approximately 130 kyrs ago. Four talons bear multiple, edge-smoothed cut marks; eight show polishing facets and/or abrasion. Three of the largest talons have small notches at roughly the same place along the plantar surface, interrupting the proximal margin of the talon blade. These features suggest they were part of a jewelry assemblage, --- the manipulations a consequence of mounting the talons in a necklace or bracelet. An associated phalanx articulates with one of the talons and has numerous cut marks, some of which are smoothed. These white-tailed eagle bones, discovered more than 100 years ago, all derive from a single level at Krapina and represent more talons than found in the entire European Mousterian period. Presence of eight talons indicates that the Krapina Neandertals acquired and curated eagle talons for some kind of symbolic purpose. Some have argued that Neandertals lacked symbolic ability or copied this behavior from modern humans. These remains clearly show that the Krapina Neandertals made jewelry well before the appearance of modern humans in Europe, extending ornament production and symbolic activity early into the European Mousterian.


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    Alejandro Guzmán Brito


    Full Text Available El Código Civil reconoce un tipo de legado que denomina "con causa onerosa que pueda estimarse en dinero" (artículo 1367; pero que va mencionado de paso, en tema concerniente a su modo de contribuir subsidiariamente al cumplimiento de las legítimas y mejoras lesionadas en un testamento, o al pago de las deudas hereditarias, cuando no hay lo suficiente en la herencia para cubrirlas. De ello, empero, se deduce la existencia de un legado con causa onerosa que no puede estimarse en dinero, que, por lo demás, estaba reconocido en el artículo 1543 del "Proyecto de 1853", y que puede reponerse como posible. Ayuda a configurar su estructura y funciones el tipo donatario que el Código Civil llama "con causa onerosa" (artículo 1404, en el entendido que tal causa nunca es apreciable en dinero. De donde que se sugiera que el legado en examen debe analógicamente configurarse, no como suspensiva o resolutoriamente condicionado, sino como puro y simple, cuyo efecto, por ende, es hacer adquirir el emolumento de que se trate, pero también deberlo mientras la causa esté pendiente, de modo que si la causa no sigue, hay que restituirlo, y sólo lucrarlo cuando sigue.The Civil Code recognizes a kind of legacy, that he calls "with onerous cause, that could be estimated in money" (article 1367; but that is mentioned incidentally in the subject of contribution to payment of legal hereditary portion or hereditary debts, when there is not enough in the heritage to fill them. This, however, suggests the existence of a legacy with cause that can not be estimated in money, which, also incidentally, was recognized in article 1543 of "Project 1853" and that he may recover as possible. Help to shape its structure and functions the kind of gift, that the Civil Code call "with onerous cause" (article 1404, on the understanding that such cause is never appreciably in money. This suggests that the legacy under review must analogic configured, not as unter suspensive or

  5. Solving Man-Induced Large-Scale Conservation Problems: The Spanish Imperial Eagle and Power Lines (United States)

    López-López, Pascual; Ferrer, Miguel; Madero, Agustín; Casado, Eva; McGrady, Michael


    Background Man-induced mortality of birds caused by electrocution with poorly-designed pylons and power lines has been reported to be an important mortality factor that could become a major cause of population decline of one of the world rarest raptors, the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti). Consequently it has resulted in an increasing awareness of this problem amongst land managers and the public at large, as well as increased research into the distribution of electrocution events and likely mitigation measures. Methodology/Principal Findings We provide information of how mitigation measures implemented on a regional level under the conservation program of the Spanish imperial eagle have resulted in a positive shift of demographic trends in Spain. A 35 years temporal data set (1974–2009) on mortality of Spanish imperial eagle was recorded, including population censuses, and data on electrocution and non-electrocution of birds. Additional information was obtained from 32 radio-tracked young eagles and specific field surveys. Data were divided into two periods, before and after the approval of a regional regulation of power line design in 1990 which established mandatory rules aimed at minimizing or eliminating the negative impacts of power lines facilities on avian populations. Our results show how population size and the average annual percentage of population change have increased between the two periods, whereas the number of electrocuted birds has been reduced in spite of the continuous growing of the wiring network. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that solving bird electrocution is an affordable problem if political interest is shown and financial investment is made. The combination of an adequate spatial planning with a sustainable development of human infrastructures will contribute positively to the conservation of the Spanish imperial eagle and may underpin population growth and range expansion, with positive side effects on other endangered

  6. Cambio en la esperanza de vida según tres grandes grupos de causas de muerte en Medellín, Colombia, de 1989-1991 a 1994-1996

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    Hugo Grisales Romero


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Examinar los cambios en la esperanza de vida en Medellín, Colombia, entre los trienios de 1989-1991 y 1994-1996, en relación con los cuatro grupos de causas de muerte utilizados convencionalmente en los estudios sobre la carga de morbilidad: grupo 1, enfermedades transmisibles, perinatales, maternas y nutricionales; grupo 2, enfermedades no transmisibles; grupo 3, traumatismos; grupo 4, causas mal definidas. Estas últimas se excluyeron del análisis debido a su ambigüedad. Métodos. Para hacer los cálculos se utilizó el método descrito por J. H. Pollard en 1986, con ayuda del programa Microsoft Excel, usando las fórmulas requeridas para su aplicación. Las operaciones fueron verificadas con el programa EPIDAT (versión 3.0 no oficial. Resultados. Entre el primer y segundo trienio (1994-1996 y 1989-1991, respectivamente se observó una ganancia total de 1,93 años en la esperanza de vida al nacer, la cual subió de 62,13 a 64,06 años. Esta ganancia fue mayor en los hombres que en las mujeres (2,42 y 1,09 años, respectivamente. Al aplicar el método de Pollard, se advirtió una ganancia en la esperanza de vida general de 2,03 años para el total de la población. La ganancia en el sexo femenino se concentró en las edades extremas (niñas de 1 a 4 años y mujeres mayores de 54, y en los hombres en las edades intermedias (entre los 25 y 44 años. Se destaca, además, que en ambos sexos la mayor pérdida porcentual en la esperanza de vida se presentó en el grupo de 15 a 19 años (23% en los hombres y 4% en las mujeres, aproximadamente. El grupo 1 de causas de defunción se asoció con una pérdida de la esperanza de vida en los hombres (0,04 años, mientras que en el grupo 2 se observó en ambos sexos un aumento de dicha esperanza (0,60 años para los hombres y 0,55 años para las mujeres. Se destaca que la mayor ganancia masculina en la esperanza de vida se relacionó con una reducción de la mortalidad por traumatismos (1

  7. Cambio en la esperanza de vida según tres grandes grupos de causas de muerte en Medellín, Colombia, de 1989-1991 a 1994-1996

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    Grisales Romero Hugo


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Examinar los cambios en la esperanza de vida en Medellín, Colombia, entre los trienios de 1989-1991 y 1994-1996, en relación con los cuatro grupos de causas de muerte utilizados convencionalmente en los estudios sobre la carga de morbilidad: grupo 1, enfermedades transmisibles, perinatales, maternas y nutricionales; grupo 2, enfermedades no transmisibles; grupo 3, traumatismos; grupo 4, causas mal definidas. Estas últimas se excluyeron del análisis debido a su ambigüedad. Métodos. Para hacer los cálculos se utilizó el método descrito por J. H. Pollard en 1986, con ayuda del programa Microsoft Excel, usando las fórmulas requeridas para su aplicación. Las operaciones fueron verificadas con el programa EPIDAT (versión 3.0 no oficial. Resultados. Entre el primer y segundo trienio (1994-1996 y 1989-1991, respectivamente se observó una ganancia total de 1,93 años en la esperanza de vida al nacer, la cual subió de 62,13 a 64,06 años. Esta ganancia fue mayor en los hombres que en las mujeres (2,42 y 1,09 años, respectivamente. Al aplicar el método de Pollard, se advirtió una ganancia en la esperanza de vida general de 2,03 años para el total de la población. La ganancia en el sexo femenino se concentró en las edades extremas (niñas de 1 a 4 años y mujeres mayores de 54, y en los hombres en las edades intermedias (entre los 25 y 44 años. Se destaca, además, que en ambos sexos la mayor pérdida porcentual en la esperanza de vida se presentó en el grupo de 15 a 19 años (23% en los hombres y 4% en las mujeres, aproximadamente. El grupo 1 de causas de defunción se asoció con una pérdida de la esperanza de vida en los hombres (0,04 años, mientras que en el grupo 2 se observó en ambos sexos un aumento de dicha esperanza (0,60 años para los hombres y 0,55 años para las mujeres. Se destaca que la mayor ganancia masculina en la esperanza de vida se relacionó con una reducción de la mortalidad por traumatismos (1

  8. Laying the foundations for a human-predator conflict solution: assessing the impact of Bonelli's eagle on rabbits and partridges. (United States)

    Moleón, Marcos; Sánchez-Zapata, José A; Gil-Sánchez, José M; Barea-Azcón, José M; Ballesteros-Duperón, Elena; Virgós, Emilio


    Predation may potentially lead to negative effects on both prey (directly via predators) and predators (indirectly via human persecution). Predation pressure studies are, therefore, of major interest in the fields of theoretical knowledge and conservation of prey or predator species, with wide ramifications and profound implications in human-wildlife conflicts. However, detailed works on this issue in highly valuable--in conservation terms--Mediterranean ecosystems are virtually absent. This paper explores the predator-hunting conflict by examining a paradigmatic, Mediterranean-wide (endangered) predator-two prey (small game) system. We estimated the predation impact ('kill rate' and 'predation rate', i.e., number of prey and proportion of the prey population eaten, respectively) of Bonelli's eagle Aquila fasciata on rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa populations in two seasons (the eagle's breeding and non-breeding periods, 100 days each) in SE Spain. The mean estimated kill rate by the seven eagle reproductive units in the study area was c. 304 rabbits and c. 262 partridges in the breeding season, and c. 237 rabbits and c. 121 partridges in the non-breeding period. This resulted in very low predation rates (range: 0.3-2.5%) for both prey and seasons. The potential role of Bonelli's eagles as a limiting factor for rabbits and partridges at the population scale was very poor. The conflict between game profitability and conservation interest of either prey or predators is apparently very localised, and eagles, quarry species and game interests seem compatible in most of the study area. Currently, both the persecution and negative perception of Bonelli's eagle (the 'partridge-eating eagle' in Spanish) have a null theoretical basis in most of this area.

  9. El tabaco como reto educativo. una revisión desde una perspectiva sociopedagógica

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    Juan Agustín Morón Marchena


    Full Text Available El tabaco es la primera causa aislada de mortalidad prematura (de enfermedad evitable, invalidez y muerte prematura. En el marco de la Educación para la Salud, es una cuestión que debe tratarse desde un planteamiento de carácter sociopedagógico –como tantos otros ámbitos de la Promoción de la Salud-, por cuanto: a su consumo tiene efectos muy perjudiciales para la salud, pero debe abordarse desde una perspectiva social, superando la meramente médica. Conlleva aspectos económicos, fiscales, legislativos... b Por otro lado, cada vez somos más conscientes de que la educación es el “arma” más importante par enfrentarse de manera preventiva al consumo del tabaco. Desde esta visión, la prevención del tabaco es, pues, una tarea eminentemente social y comunitaria, y la educación es la herramienta primordial par afrontar este tema. Pero para conocer la realidad del tabaco, hay que conocer todos los aspectos que lo rodean: relevancia e incidencia social, efectos, consecuencias para la salud, datos estadísticos, legislación, fiscalidad, el marco escolar, etc. El artículo pretende, desde un ángulo informativo y divulgativo, acercarnos a estas cuestiones

  10. The White-Bellied Sea Eagle at Kepulauan Seribu National Park, Java, Indonesia

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    Gunawan Gunawan


    Full Text Available One of the remaining habitats of The White-Bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster in Java is The National Marine Park of Kepulauan Seribu (TNKpS. Administratively, the park includes Regency of Seribu Islands (Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Province. The area is 107,489 hectares, and geographically lies on 05º23’ – 05º40’ S and 106º25’ – 106º37’ E. The area is among 78 islands of 110 islands spreading from the north to the south which forms a group of island with similar morphology and oceanography. For field survey we use direct observation method, semi structured interview with local people. Finding of nests on 7 islands and data compilation of entering eagle to the rehabilitation center in Kepulauan Seribu in Kotok Besar island. Based on our survey result, the population of White-Bellied Sea Eagle in Kepulauan Seribu National park was estimated on 28–32 individual. Study on home range was conducted intensively by using polygon method on breeding pair of this species at Yu Island. Based on current results, the home range of this species was estimated on 13.9 km2.

  11. O aborto como causa de mortalidade materna: um pensar para o cuidado de enfermagem El aborto como causa de mortalidad materna: una reflexión sobre el cuidado de enfermería Abortion as a cause of maternal death: a thought for nursing care

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    Selisvane Ribeiro da Fonseca Domingos


    Full Text Available O aborto é um tema polêmico e um sério problema de saúde pública mundial, responsável pela manutenção das altas taxas de mortalidade materna em muitos países em desenvolvimento. No Brasil, por se tratar de um ato ilegal, muitas mulheres que não desejam manter uma gestação acabam por procurar clínicas clandestinas, submetendo-se ao aborto em condições precárias, o que acarreta graves consequências à sua saúde física e psicológica e à própria vida. Como enfermeiras, reconhecemos a magnitude das questões que permeiam as discussões sobre o abortamento e a mortalidade materna no cenário das políticas de saúde que envolvem a área da saúde da mulher e, dessa forma, nos propomos, com este artigo, realizar uma reflexão acerca do aborto como causa de mortalidade materna.El aborto es un tema polémico y un serio problema de salud pública mundial, responsable por el mantenimiento de las altas tasas de mortalidad materna en muchos países en desarrollo. En Brasil, por tratarse de un delito, muchas mujeres que no desean continuar con un embarazo acaban buscando clínicas clandestinas sometiéndose al aborto en condiciones precarias, lo que ocasiona graves consecuencias a su salud física y psicológica y a su propia vida. Como enfermeras, reconocemos la magnitud de las cuestiones que engloban las discursiones sobre el aborto y la mortalidad materna en el escenario de las políticas de salud relacionadas con el área de la salud de la mujer y, de esta forma, nos proponemos, con este artículo, realizar una reflexión sobre el aborto como causa de mortalidad materna.Abortion is a polemic theme and a serious public health problem in the world, responsible for the maintenance of high maternal death rates in many developing countries. In Brazil, even though it is an illegal act, many women who do not wish to maintain their pregnancy end up seeking underground clinics where they undergo abortions in precarious conditions, carrying

  12. Accidentes en la infancia: una problemática actual en pediatría Accidents in the childhood: a current problem in pediatrics

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    Migdalia Torres Márquez

    Full Text Available Las lesiones accidentales constituyen una de las principales causas de amenaza para la vida en la población infantil, por lo cual la prevención de accidentes puede considerarse una emergencia sanitaria y social, tanto por la elevada mortalidad, morbilidad y discapacidad que estos ocasionan como por el elevado costo económico que representan; por tal razón, en el presente estudio se revisó la bibliografía especializada sobre algunos aspectos de interés, tales como: factores de riesgo, causas más frecuentes, condiciones favorecedoras y algunas medidas para prevenirlos, teniendo en cuenta que padres y educadores desempeñan una función primordial en esta tarea.Accidental injuries constitute one of the main life-threatening causes in children population, therefore the prevention of accidents can be considered a social and health emergency due to their high mortality, morbidity, inability and economic high cost. The present study reviewed the specialized literature cited on some interesting aspects, such as risk factors, most frequent causes, favorable conditions and some measures to prevent them, considering that parents and educators play an essential role in this task.

  13. Mortalidad por causas violentas en adolescentes y jóvenes: un desafio para la Región de las Américas


    Yunes,João; Zubarew,Tamara


    Este trabajo describe la tendencia de la mortalidad por homicidios, suicidios, accidentes de tráfico y otras causas externas, en la población total, adolescente y joven, de 16 países de la Región de las Américas. Se utiliza información del período comprendido entre los años 1980 y para el ultimo año disponible de la decada de 1990, proveniente del Banco de Datos de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Se realiza una descripción diferencial de los subgrupos de adolescentes y jóvenes, por ...

  14. Data Release of UV to Submillimeter Broadband Fluxes for Simulated Galaxies from the EAGLE Project (United States)

    Camps, Peter; Trčka, Ana; Trayford, James; Baes, Maarten; Theuns, Tom; Crain, Robert A.; McAlpine, Stuart; Schaller, Matthieu; Schaye, Joop


    We present dust-attenuated and dust emission fluxes for sufficiently resolved galaxies in the EAGLE suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, calculated with the SKIRT radiative transfer code. The post-processing procedure includes specific components for star formation regions, stellar sources, and diffuse dust and takes into account stochastic heating of dust grains to obtain realistic broadband fluxes in the wavelength range from ultraviolet to submillimeter. The mock survey includes nearly half a million simulated galaxies with stellar masses above {10}8.5 {M}ȯ across six EAGLE models. About two-thirds of these galaxies, residing in 23 redshift bins up to z = 6, have a sufficiently resolved metallic gas distribution to derive meaningful dust attenuation and emission, with the important caveat that the same dust properties were used at all redshifts. These newly released data complement the already publicly available information about the EAGLE galaxies, which includes intrinsic properties derived by aggregating the properties of the smoothed particles representing matter in the simulation. We further provide an open-source framework of Python procedures for post-processing simulated galaxies with the radiative transfer code SKIRT. The framework allows any third party to calculate synthetic images, spectral energy distributions, and broadband fluxes for EAGLE galaxies, taking into account the effects of dust attenuation and emission.

  15. Mercadotecnia social y de causas.

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    Julie A. Garrett


    Full Text Available A partir de 1960 el público estadounidense empezó a presionar a la comunidad empresarial para que manifestará su responsabilidad social. Para los años ochenta, las empresas consideraron nuevos modelos de filantropía, American Express, acuñó la frase de "mercadotecnia de causas" para describir las relaciones beneficiosas entre las empresas y las entidades sin fines de lucro. México ha sido un ejemplo al aceptar la participación empresarial en cuestiones comunitarias y sociales gracias a los esfuerzos de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud.

  16. Análisis de la mortalidad en una población rural catalana en el último tercio del siglo XIX: Canet D'Adri, 1872-1900


    García Rafanell, Josep María; Saez Zafra, Marc; Faixedas Brunsoms, María Teresa


    Fundamento: Realizamos un análisis descriptivo de la mortalidad en una población rural catalana (Canet d'Adri, a 12 km de Girona) de 1872 a 1900. El conocimiento de las principales causas de muerte hace un siglo, principalmente la atribuida a enfermedades no trasmisibles, puede resultar bastante ilustrativo. El objetivo del trabajo fue mostrar el patrón de distribución de la mortalidad por edad y por causa de muerte, así como el de comparar la mortalidad por enfermedades infecciosas con la mo...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    USC 1531) (USA); and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity ... Province); Bophuthatswana Nature Conservation Act 3 of 1973 (Northwest Province, Free State) ... scientist may find it difficult to correctly identify members of the two species ..... usually sites its nest in trees close to water, the Golden Eagle usually breeds ...

  18. A Population Study of Golden Eagles in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area: Population Trend Analysis, 1994-1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunt, W. G.; Jackman, R. E.; Hunt, T. L.; Driscoll, D. E.; Culp, L.


    The wind industry has annually reported 28-43 turbine blade strike casualties of golden eagles in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, and many more carcasses have doubtless gone unnoticed. Because this species is especially sensitive to adult survival rate changes, we focused upon estimating the demographic trend of the population. In aerial surveys, we monitored survival within a sample of 179 radio-tagged eagles over a four-year period. We also obtained data on territory occupancy and reproduction of about 65 eagle pairs residing in the area. Of 61 recorded deaths of radio-tagged eagles during the four-year investigation, 23 (38%) were caused by wind turbine blade strikes. Additional fatalities were unrecorded because blade strikes sometimes destroy radio transmitters. Annual survival was estimated at 0.7867 (SE=0.0263) for non-territorial eagles and 0.8964 (SE=0.0371) for territorial ones. Annual reproduction was 0.64 (SE=0.08) young per territorial pair (0.25 per female). These parameters were used to estimate population growth rates under different modeling frameworks. At present, there are indications that a reserve of non-breeding adults still exists, i.e., there is an annual territorial reoccupancy rate of 100% and a low incidence (3%) of subadults as members of breeding pairs.

  19. A Population Study of Golden Eagles in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area: Population Trend Analysis, 1994-1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Predatory Bird Research Group Long Marine Laboratory


    The wind industry has annually reported 28-43 turbine blade strike casualties of golden eagles in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, and many more carcasses have doubtless gone unnoticed. Because this species is especially sensitive to adult survival rate changes, we focused upon estimating the demographic trend of the population. In aerial surveys, we monitored survival within a sample of 179 radio-tagged eagles over a four-year period. We also obtained data on territory occupancy and reproduction of about 65 eagle pairs residing in the area. Of 61 recorded deaths of radio-tagged eagles during the four-year investigation, 23 (38%) were caused by wind turbine blade strikes. Additional fatalities were unrecorded because blade strikes sometimes destroy radio transmitters. Annual survival was estimated at 0.7867 (SE=0.0263) for non-territorial eagles and 0.8964 (SE=0.0371) for territorial ones. Annual reproduction was 0.64 (SE=0.08) young per territorial pair (0.25 per female). These parameters were used to estimate population growth rates under different modeling frameworks. At present, there are indications that a reserve of non-breeding adults still exists, i.e., there is an annual territorial re-occupancy rate of 100% and a low incidence (3%) of sub-adults as members of breeding pairs

  20. Physical characteristics of bald eagle eggs from Maine, 2000 to 2012 (United States)

    Department of the Interior — Between 2000 and 2012, 91 abandoned or non‐viable bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) eggs were collected from55 nest territories in inland and coastal habitats in...

  1. Laying the foundations for a human-predator conflict solution: assessing the impact of Bonelli's eagle on rabbits and partridges.

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    Marcos Moleón

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Predation may potentially lead to negative effects on both prey (directly via predators and predators (indirectly via human persecution. Predation pressure studies are, therefore, of major interest in the fields of theoretical knowledge and conservation of prey or predator species, with wide ramifications and profound implications in human-wildlife conflicts. However, detailed works on this issue in highly valuable--in conservation terms--Mediterranean ecosystems are virtually absent. This paper explores the predator-hunting conflict by examining a paradigmatic, Mediterranean-wide (endangered predator-two prey (small game system. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We estimated the predation impact ('kill rate' and 'predation rate', i.e., number of prey and proportion of the prey population eaten, respectively of Bonelli's eagle Aquila fasciata on rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa populations in two seasons (the eagle's breeding and non-breeding periods, 100 days each in SE Spain. The mean estimated kill rate by the seven eagle reproductive units in the study area was c. 304 rabbits and c. 262 partridges in the breeding season, and c. 237 rabbits and c. 121 partridges in the non-breeding period. This resulted in very low predation rates (range: 0.3-2.5% for both prey and seasons. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The potential role of Bonelli's eagles as a limiting factor for rabbits and partridges at the population scale was very poor. The conflict between game profitability and conservation interest of either prey or predators is apparently very localised, and eagles, quarry species and game interests seem compatible in most of the study area. Currently, both the persecution and negative perception of Bonelli's eagle (the 'partridge-eating eagle' in Spanish have a null theoretical basis in most of this area.

  2. Estimation of occupancy, breeding success, and predicted abundance of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the Diablo Range, California, 2014 (United States)

    Wiens, J. David; Kolar, Patrick S.; Fuller, Mark R.; Hunt, W. Grainger; Hunt, Teresa


    We used a multistate occupancy sampling design to estimate occupancy, breeding success, and abundance of territorial pairs of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the Diablo Range, California, in 2014. This method uses the spatial pattern of detections and non-detections over repeated visits to survey sites to estimate probabilities of occupancy and successful reproduction while accounting for imperfect detection of golden eagles and their young during surveys. The estimated probability of detecting territorial pairs of golden eagles and their young was less than 1 and varied with time of the breeding season, as did the probability of correctly classifying a pair’s breeding status. Imperfect detection and breeding classification led to a sizeable difference between the uncorrected, naïve estimate of the proportion of occupied sites where successful reproduction was observed (0.20) and the model-based estimate (0.30). The analysis further indicated a relatively high overall probability of landscape occupancy by pairs of golden eagles (0.67, standard error = 0.06), but that areas with the greatest occupancy and reproductive potential were patchily distributed. We documented a total of 138 territorial pairs of golden eagles during surveys completed in the 2014 breeding season, which represented about one-half of the 280 pairs we estimated to occur in the broader 5,169-square kilometer region sampled. The study results emphasize the importance of accounting for imperfect detection and spatial heterogeneity in studies of site occupancy, breeding success, and abundance of golden eagles.

  3. Spatial variation of mercury levels in nesting Bonelli's eagles from Southwest Portugal: effects of diet composition and prey contamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palma, Luis; Beja, Pedro; Tavares, Paula C.; Monteiro, Luis R.


    Mercury (Hg) was determined in adult Bonelli's eagles (Hieraaetus fasciatus) and their avian prey, from samples of feathers collected between 1992 and 2001 at the nesting sites of 21 pairs in Southwest Portugal. Eagle Hg levels showed great variation, reflecting primarily differences in diet composition and food chain biomagnification. Concentrations were positively correlated with the dietary proportion of insectivorous and omnivorous birds (e.g. egrets, corvids and thrushes), with very low levels for pairs feeding mainly on herbivores (e.g. rabbits, pigeons and partridges). Differences in prey contamination among breeding territories added to dietary effects in determining variation of Hg levels in eagles, shaping a spatial pattern that was largely consistent with a source of contamination in a coal-burning power-plant lying upwind of the study area. Despite this presumed contamination, Hg levels seemed to be of little concern to this eagle population, though there might be subtle deleterious effects on the reproductive output of a few pairs. This study emphasizes the need to account for dietary effects when biomonitoring Hg contamination using birds of prey. - The effects of diet composition and prey contamination added up to determine the spatial variation of Hg levels in breeding Bonelli's eagles

  4. Epidemiología, medio ambiente y desigualdades por género en Tarragona, una provincia de Cataluña (España, 1960-1990

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    Margarita Gonzalvo-Cirac


    Full Text Available La presente investigación describe y analiza la evolución de la tendencia de la esperanza de vida en Tarragona, en Cataluña y en España entre 1960 y 1990. Tarragona es la que más aumenta. Existe una diferencia de mortalidad entre sexos con tendencia a un crecimiento distancial entre ambos. Para entender esta desigualdad territorial y entre sexos se utiliza el marco conceptual de la Teoría de la Transición Epidemiológica. La información de estadísticas consultada es del Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (INE y del Institut Nacional d’Estadistica de Catalunya (IDESCAT y se utiliza la metodología de la estandarización indirecta. Mediante la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades se ha elaborado una agrupación conjunta de grandes causas de muerte. En las tres zonas comparadas se produce un aumento de esperanza de vida de casi 8 años aunque con una diferencia cada vez mayor entre sexos a favor de las mujeres. En cuanto a las enfermedades, Tarragona presenta en este período una gran incidencia de muertes provocadas por enfermedades respiratorias y cánceres y tumores, mayor que en España a nivel de los dos sexos. Finalmente, la estandarización indirecta es un buen método para el análisis epidemiológico y los factores determinantes. Algunas causas que provocan enfermedades respiratorias y cánceres, pueden estar producidas por industrias nucleares y petroquímicas y son debidas a problemas ambientales. En Tarragona pueden estar afectando estas causas y su mejora en la década de 1980-1990 puede ser el resultado de la disminución de este tipo de enfermedades.

  5. On Themes of the Eagle by Alfred Tennyson

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Theme is significant to poetry.Not only music but also theme is related to poetry since its birth.Usually great poems have more than one theme.Nowadays different approaches of literary analysis are on stage.The different approaches are employed to expound the rich themes of The Eagle-in memorial of Hallam,in praise of Britain's colonial expansion and in eulogy of nature.

  6. Marco teórico para la construcción de una propuesta de turismo rural comunitario

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    Martha Cecilia Vinasco Guzmán


    Full Text Available El turismo rural comunitario se presenta como una receta para comunidades marginadas, habitantes de sitios ricos en recursos naturales y culturales que merecen ser conocidos por visitantes nacionales y extranjeros, sin tener en cuenta los elementos constitutivos de este tipo de turismo, que requiere del compromiso de todos los actores institucionales, económicos, ambientales y sociales, para que este ejercicio se convierta en una verdadera alternativa y no en despojo de los bienes naturales por empresas de capital que se apropian del manejo de los recursos o en una causa de deterioro ambiental.  En el presente artículo se hace una revisión de las diversas investigaciones en torno al turismo rural comunitario, como un aporte al conocimiento de aspectos relevantes para hacer de éste una oportunidad de empoderar a las comunidades, promover sus emprendimientos en torno al turismo experiencial y mejorar los procesos de conservación de los recursos naturales.

  7. El Retorno de la Complejidad y la Nueva Imagen del Ser Humano: Hacia una Psicología Compleja

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    Frederic Munné


    Full Text Available Recientes investigaciones muestran propiedades, como el determinismo caótico, la dimensión fractal o la borrosidad, de las que se desprende que la realidad es constitutivamente compleja en sus manifestaciones tanto físicas como psíquicas y sociales. Esto plantea la posibilidad de una ciencia social y una Psicología complejas. Este trabajo muestra el sentido original histórico de la complejidad, las causas y efectos de su abandono posterior y de su recuperación actual en una epistemología de la complejidad que aporta una comprensión del ser humano como un ser paradójico que es, a la vez, ordenado y caótico, regular e irregular, contradictorio y borroso, en su personalidad y su comportamiento.

  8. Ética y discurso periodístico: ¿una vuelta al humanismo?

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    Maricruz Castro Ricalde


    Full Text Available A raíz de los atentados terroristas del pasado 11 de septiembre en suelo estadounidense, se ha remarcado cómo los medios de comunicación no sólo han sido portadores de noticias, sino sujetos de atención en sí mismos, debido a sus nexos con una perspectiva ética o bien, a una ausencia de ella. La homogeneización informativa, la polarización de los sujetos de interés y el alimento de los prejuicios, son características de lo que están logrando a través de sus prácticas informativas y, por tanto, para cambiar este panorama, tienen una responsabilidad urgente en sus manos: erigirse en tribunas que promuevan la reflexión sobre la realidad. Informar, sí, pero aparejado a una visión ética, lo cual presupone aparejar el número de muertos a las causas que están detrás de esos sucesos.

  9. Turrialba: una economía local entre la crisis y el desarrollo

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    Rafael Arias Ramírez


    Full Text Available El estudio de caso en economía regional que se presenta se comenzó en el mes de octubre del 2005 como una iniciativa conjunta entre el Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica y la Sede del Atlántico, localizada en Turrialba. El propósito fundamental del estudio ha sido el análisis de las causas de la crisis socioeconómica que enfrenta el cantón y las potencialidades que el mismo tiene para impulsar una transformación productiva que redunde en mejores condiciones de vida para su población. Creemos que este estudio no sólo hace una contribución significativa con el desarrollo regional y local en Costa Rica, sino que también señala la ausencia de visión y políticas a nivel del gobierno nacional para promover una verdadera estrategia de desarrollo regional para el país.

  10. La disolución de las Sociedades Mercantiles: Causa ex voluntate


    Huertas López, Josefa


    Estudiando el Derecho Mercantil, se encuentra todo lo referente a las sociedades mercantiles, empezando por su constitución, transformación, fusión, escisión hasta de su extinción. Este estudio pese a la complejidad de su título, se centra en la disolución de las sociedades mercantiles y en concreto en la disolución por “CAUSA EX VOLUNTATE”. Diversos son los criterios que han utilizado los distintos autores a lo largo del tiempo para agruparlas, centrándose en las causas de disolución (arts. ...

  11. Alveolitis seca: una revisión de la literatura


    Vergara Buenaventura, Andrea


    La alveolitis seca es la complicación posoperatoria más frecuente como resultado de la alteración en la cicatrización de la herida alveolar después de una extracción dental. El manejo de esta afección tiene por objetivo el control del dolor durante el periodo de curación del cuadro, lo cual se logra fundamentalmente mediante medidas paliativas. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura es obtener suficiente información sobre las causas y otros factores que podrían estar involucrados en es...

  12. Alveolitis seca: una revisión de la literatura


    Andrea Vergara Buenaventura


    La alveolitis seca es la complicación posoperatoria más frecuente como resultado de la alteración en la cicatrización de la herida alveolar después de una extracción dental. El manejo de esta afección tiene por objetivo el control del dolor durante el periodo de curación del cuadro, lo cual se logra fundamentalmente mediante medidas paliativas. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura es obtener suficiente información sobre las causas y otros factores que podrían estar involucrados en...

  13. Una mirada a las elecciones presidenciales argentinas de 2011

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    Nicolás Cherny


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es presentar tres aspectos cruciales en la actualidad de la política argentina. En primer lugar, una serie de elementos de la economía y la política que contribuyen a desentrañar las causas del triunfo de Cristina Kirchner. En segundo término, procuraré mostrar algunos rasgos del proceso electoral de primarias abiertas que fue inaugurado en 2011. Finalmente, se esbozarán los dilemas de política que enfrentará el nuevo gobierno en su nuevo mandato.

  14. 78 FR 25758 - Migratory Birds; Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance: Module 1-Land-Based Wind Energy, Version 2 (United States)


    ...-FXMB123209EAGL0L2] RIN 1018-AX53 Migratory Birds; Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance: Module 1-- Land-Based Wind... Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 4401 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia... Act (BGEPA) (16 U.S.C. 668-668c), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) (16 U.S.C. 703-12), and the...

  15. Capítulo 12. Dispositivos de asistencia ventricular: una realidad en Colombia


    Echeverría, Luis E.; Salazar, Leonardo; Torres, Ángela; Figueredo, Antonio


    Introducción: La insuficiencia cardiaca es una de las causas prevalentes de morbimortalidad en el mundo. A pesar de la mejoría en la terapia médica y los dispositivos de estimulación cardiaca, existe un porcentaje de pacientes que progresan a falla cardiaca refractaria y sus opciones se reducen a inotrópicos, trasplante cardiaco y dispositivos de asistencia ventricular. Objetivo: Presentar las alternativas actuales de asistencia ventricular disponibles para los pacientes con falla cardiaca...

  16. 78 FR 57444 - Eagle Fund III, L.P.; Notice Seeking Exemption Under the Small Business Investment Act, Conflicts... (United States)


    ... Small Business Investment Act of 1958, as amended (the ``Act''), in connection with the financing of a... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [License No. 07/07-0116] Eagle Fund III, L.P.; Notice Seeking Exemption Under the Small Business Investment Act, Conflicts of Interest Notice is hereby given that Eagle...

  17. Long-term monitoring studies of pollutants on public lands: Bald Eagles in the Midwest

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bowerman, W.W. [Eagle Environmental Inc., Haslett, MI (United States)


    The role of public agencies to monitor the populations of wildlife species with protected status is paramount to the recovery of these species. Since the early 1960s, the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) populations within the Midwest have been monitored to determine number of breeding pairs, nest occupancy, and success rates. In addition to the reproductive outcome studies, abandoned eggs, blood samples, and feather samples have been collected to determine concentrations of organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and heavy metals. These surveys give an actual measure of population dynamics of a top-predator species in aquatic systems that integrates the effects of many different environmental pollutants. As concentrations of the organochlorine compounds have declined, bald eagle populations have increased in numbers and their reproductive success has improved. The recovery of this species has not been uniform however. In regions where DDT and PCB concentrations are still above thresholds associated with reproductive impairment, eagles still have impaired reproduction. These areas include the shorelines of the Great Lakes and Voyageurs National Park. Some areas such as the Chippewa National Forest have begun to show declines in reproduction due to density dependent factors. Recent proposals for ecosystem management and reclassification of the bald eagle have led to reduced emphasis for maintaining these long-term data sets. The utility and importance of maintaining surveys of top-predators that can give a measure of population-level effects of pollutants rather than an index will be discussed using examples from the Midwest.

  18. Doppler ultrasonography of the pectinis oculi artery in harpy eagles (Harpia harpyja

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    Wanderlei de Moraes


    Full Text Available Twenty harpy eagles (Harpia harpyja without systemic or ocular diseases were examined to measure blood velocity parameters of the pectinis oculi artery using Doppler ultrasonography. Pectinate artery resistive index (RI and pulsatility index (PI were investigated using ocular Doppler ultrasonography. The mean RI and PI values across all eyes were 0.44±0.10 and 0.62±0.20 respectively. Low RI and PI values found in the harpy eagle´s pectinis oculi artery compared with the American pekin ducks one and other tissue suggest indeed a high metabolic activity in pecten oculi and corroborates the hypothesis of a nutritional function and/or intraocular pressure regulation.

  19. Harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) nesting in manipulated forests (United States)

    Alvarez, E.; Ellis, D.H.


    Continental records point to shooting, removal of young and destruction of nests as the primary conservation problems for harpy eagles (Harpia harpyja); bird-observer visits are a new source of concern. Nesting events are roughly 3 yr apart. Nests are used during and after intensive manipulation of the surrounding habitat, and minimum distance between active sites was 3-5 km. In nine nesting sites along a 100-km stretch of the Imalaca Mountains in Venezuela, we fitted five fledglings with satellite-tracked tags from NASA. One of these birds was hacked with the help of the loggers who destroyed its nest. All these nests were active while logging ensued. Out of three renesting attempts, one failed when the nest collapsed. We salvaged two additional fledglings found in captivity. We are monitoring five nests in the buffer area of the Darien National Park in Panama, all within 3 km of human settlements where trees are regularly felled for firewood, lumber, and to clear more cropland. Eagles have been killed at two sites, a third site remains inactive since 1991, and the other two nests currently have fledglings.

  20. Resource availability and diet in Harpy Eagle breeding territories on the Xingu River, Brazilian Amazon

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    FH. Aguiar-Silva

    Full Text Available Abstract In the Tapajos-Xingu interfluve, one of the largest birds of prey, the Harpy Eagle, is under intense anthropogenic pressure due to historical and recent reductions in forest cover. We studied prey availability and use by Harpy Eagle on six breeding territories on the low- and mid-Xingu River, between 2013 and 2015. We evaluated food resource availability using the environmental-surveys database from two methods: terrestrial surveys (RAPELD method and fauna rescue/flushing before vegetation suppression for the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Complex construction. Harpy Eagle diet was identified by prey remains sampled around six nest trees. Eighteen species of mammals, birds and reptiles comprised the prey items. Most prey species were sloths, primates and porcupines, which have arboreal habits and are found in forested areas, but two species, hoatzin and iguana, are usually associated with riverine habitats. The proportion of prey from each species predated on the nest best studied was different from estimated availability (χ2 = 54.23; df = 16; p < 0.001, however there was a positive correlation (rs = 0.7; p < 0.01 between prey species consumed and abundance available, where the predation was more on species more abundant. Continuous monitoring of the Harpy Eagle diet at these nests could evidence changes in the assemblage of prey species available for Harpy Eagles, due to changes in the seasonal flood pulse of the Xingu River to be caused by the operation of the hydroelectric dam, and changes in habitat features by forest reduction around breeding territories. We believe that it is important to consider the protection of remnants of forested areas in the landscape matrix surrounding the breeding territories to maintain the food resource availability and allow all pairs to successfully reproduce.

  1. Eagle's syndrome associated with lingual nerve paresthesia: a case report. (United States)

    Dong, Zhiwei; Bao, Haihong; Zhang, Li; Hua, Zequan


    Eagle's syndrome is characterized by a variety of symptoms, including throat pain, sensation of a foreign body in the pharynx, dysphagia, referred otalgia, and neck and throat pain exacerbated by head rotation. Any styloid process longer than 25 mm should be considered elongated and will usually be responsible for Eagle's syndrome. Surgical resection of the elongated styloid is a routine treatment and can be accomplished using a transoral or an extraoral approach. We report a patient with a rare giant styloid process that was approximately 81.7 mm. He complained of a rare symptom: hemitongue paresthesia. After removal of the elongated styloid process using the extraoral approach, his symptoms, including the hemitongue paresthesia, were alleviated. We concluded that if the styloid process displays medium to severe elongation, the extraoral approach will be appropriate. Copyright © 2014 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Food habits of bald eagles wintering in northern Arizona (United States)

    Teryl G. Grubb; Roy G. Lopez


    We used pellets collected from roosts to supplement incidental foraging observations to identify prey species of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucoughalus) and to evaluate spatial and temporal trends in their food habits while wintering in northern Arizona between 1994-96. We analyzed 1057 pellets collected from 14 roosts, and identified five mammal and...

  3. Relieves prácticos de la prevalencia de una determinada causa en el factoring

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    María Elisa Camacho


    Full Text Available Continuando con el análisis sobre el contrato de factoring, en esta segunda entrega queremos concentrarnos en otra de sus principales problemáticas, cual es la relativa a su calificación jurídica teniendo en cuenta la multiplicidad de prestaciones que pueden estar a cargo de cada una de las partes, en especial de la sociedad de factoring. Para ello aprovecharemos nuevamente la experiencia italiana en la que se han desarrollados diversas posturas en torno a la tipicidad de dicho contrato y a la incidencia que estas tienen en importantes aspectos prácticos de la materia.

  4. Relieves prácticos de la prevalencia de una determinada causa en el factoring

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    María Elisa Camacho


    Full Text Available Continuando con el análisis sobre el contrato de factoring, en esta segunda entrega queremos concentrarnos en otra de sus principales problemáticas, cual es la relativa a su calificación jurídica teniendo en cuenta la multiplicidad de prestaciones que pueden estar a cargo de cada una de las partes, en especial de la sociedad de factoring. Para ello aprovecharemos nuevamente la experiencia italiana en la que se han desarrollados diversas posturas en torno a la tipicidad de dicho contrato y a la incidencia que estas tienen en importantes aspectos prácticos de la materia.

  5. La angustia por la causa // The angst by the cause

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    Juan Manuel Uribe


    Full Text Available El artículo pretende mostrar cómo en todo acto de fundación se sucede una pérdida, un resto que se pretende olvidar desde los múltiples discursos humanos, incluido el científico; empero, eso que resta y que se pretende olvidar es precisamente lo que retorna para descompletar, para desajustar la imaginaria completitud del ser de deseantes. Dicho retorno y la operación de resta, de des-completitud, es lo que genera la angustia, connatural al registro de lo simbólico. Para comprender este sentimiento y el movimiento de la fundación humana, Lacan crea en su algebra el "a", operador de la causa y objeto mismo que se mueve en el registro de lo real. // The present work tries to show how after every foundation act a loss appears, a memory that they pretend to forget from various human speeches, including scientific discourse; nevertheless, this that continue and is expected to be forgot is exactly what return to make incomplete, to disarrange the completeness imaginary of the desire person. Mentioned return and subtraction operation, of un-completeness, is the generator factor of angst, inherent to the symbolic record. Understanding this feeling and the movement of the human foundation, Lacan creates the "a" in his algebra, cause operator and object by itself that moves inside the real record.

  6. Desarrollo de una herramienta de vigilancia ambiental ciudadana basada en macroinvertebrados bentónicos en la Cuenca del Jequetepeque (Cajamarca, Perú)


    Flores Rojas, Diana; Huamantinco Araujo, Ana


    La cuenca de Jequetepeque está amenazada por la contaminación minera y ésta es una de las principales causas de los conflictos socioambientales. La vigilancia ciudadana de sus cuerpos de agua, con macroinvertebrados bentónicos, puede generar alertas tempranas de contaminación y acciones pertinentes de conservación. Atendiendo a esta importancia, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo desarrollar y evaluar la efectividad de una herramienta de vigilancia ambiental ciudadana para zonas con riesg...

  7. Genetic structure and viability selection in the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), a vagile raptor with a Holarctic distribution (United States)

    Doyle, Jacqueline M.; Katzner, Todd E.; Roemer, Gary; Cain, James W.; Millsap, Brian; McIntyre, Carol; Sonsthagen, Sarah A.; Fernandez, Nadia B.; Wheeler, Maria; Bulut, Zafer; Bloom, Peter; DeWoody, J. Andrew


    Molecular markers can reveal interesting aspects of organismal ecology and evolution, especially when surveyed in rare or elusive species. Herein, we provide a preliminary assessment of golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) population structure in North America using novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These SNPs included one molecular sexing marker, two mitochondrial markers, 85 putatively neutral markers that were derived from noncoding regions within large intergenic intervals, and 74 putatively nonneutral markers found in or very near protein-coding genes. We genotyped 523 eagle samples at these 162 SNPs and quantified genotyping error rates and variability at each marker. Our samples corresponded to 344 individual golden eagles as assessed by unique multilocus genotypes. Observed heterozygosity of known adults was significantly higher than of chicks, as was the number of heterozygous loci, indicating that mean zygosity measured across all 159 autosomal markers was an indicator of fitness as it is associated with eagle survival to adulthood. Finally, we used chick samples of known provenance to test for population differentiation across portions of North America and found pronounced structure among geographic sampling sites. These data indicate that cryptic genetic population structure is likely widespread in the golden eagle gene pool, and that extensive field sampling and genotyping will be required to more clearly delineate management units within North America and elsewhere.


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    Sri Purnama


    Full Text Available This dissertation discusses the Eagles dance as the identity of dance incultural change in isolated tribal community (SAD, in the village of PematangKabau, Air HItam District, Sarolangun Regency, Jambi Province. CentralGovernment through the Ministry of Social Affairs moved SAD out of the jungleand then settling on a permanent area and this activity has been carried out since1973. Furthermore, the settlement resulted in a fairly fundamental change, notonly in style and environment of SAD, but more important to the identity markersand self-identity of SAD.People of SAD who had been settled, strive to keep eagle dance even bymaking some changes as far as not to break out the essential elements of the Eagledance in order to avoid a total loss of identity and their self-identity in the newneighborhoods, This study aims to see how art, in this case Eagle dance, can be amarker of identity that attaches to the SAD after they settle outside the forest. Toachieve these objectives there are three main problems which will be soughtanswers in this study, namely: (1 What does the Eagles dance of SAD in thevillage of Pematang Kabau looks like?; (2 how is the status of the Eagles dancefor SAD in the village of Pematang Kabau; and (3 how is the impact andmeaning of Eagles dance towards the SAD changes?The study with the perspective of cultural studies designing as thisqualitative research is used to solve the three problems mentioned above by usingseveral concepts, theories and techniques of data collection. Concepts are referredto Eagle dance, cultural identity, change, and isolated tribal community. Thetheory used is the identity theory, the theory of semiotics, hegemony theory, andtheory of deconstruction. Data collection techniques include participantobservation, depth interviews, and study of literature / documentation. The datacollected is processed in a descriptive analytical and subsequently presented in theform of narrative, tables, and visual

  9. 50 CFR 22.26 - Permits for eagle take that is associated with, but not the purpose of, an activity. (United States)


    ...) Other interests. (5) Any additional factors that may be relevant to our decision whether to issue the..., SALE, PURCHASE, BARTER, EXPORTATION, AND IMPORTATION OF WILDLIFE AND PLANTS (CONTINUED) EAGLE PERMITS... cumulative effects of other permitted take and other additional factors affecting eagle populations; (ii...

  10. Effects of UV radiation on the UV-VIS absorption spectra of the EAGLE's medium components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollmann, G.; Redmann, K.


    The impact of ultraviolet light on uv/vis absorption spectra of selected individual components of the cell breeding medium according to Eagle (MEM) was investigated. The strongest alterations of light absorption were detected in L-phenylalanin, L-tyrosin and L-tryptophane. Thus, the absorption behaviour of the Eagle (MEM) medium changed post radiationem may be attributed to spectrophotometric alterations of absorption in aromatic amino acids. The results are discussed with regard to the effect on the surface charge of erythrocytes. (author)

  11. El desplazamiento forzado en Colombia: una revisión histórica y demográfica.


    Nubia Yaneth Ruiz R.


    El presente articulo se ocupa de la migración en Colombia a causa del desplazamiento no voluntario de la población, a la cual suele considerarse migración forzada. Se presenta una revisión general de problema, se sostiene su pertinencia en el debate contemporáneo de los problemas de población y se aborda la demografía del conflicto con una visión panorámica de la historia en que hunde, sus raíces la situación actual de! país; se formula asimismo un análisis general de las características pres...

  12. El desplazamiento forzado en Colombia: una revisión histórica y demográfica


    Ruiz R., Nubia Yaneth


    Resumen El presente artículo se ocupa de la migración en Colombia a causa del desplazamiento no voluntario de la población, a la cual suele considerarse migración forzada. Se presenta una revisión general de problema, se sostiene su pertinencia en el debate contemporáneo de los problemas de población y se aborda la demografía del conflicto con una visión panorámica de la historia en que hunde sus raíces la situación actual del país; se formula asimismo un análisis general de las característic...

  13. Utilization Probability Map for Migrating Bald Eagles in Northeastern North America: A Tool for Siting Wind Energy Facilities and Other Flight Hazards.

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    Elizabeth K Mojica

    Full Text Available Collisions with anthropogenic structures are a significant and well documented source of mortality for avian species worldwide. The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus is known to be vulnerable to collision with wind turbines and federal wind energy guidelines include an eagle risk assessment for new projects. To address the need for risk assessment, in this study, we 1 identified areas of northeastern North America utilized by migrating bald eagles, and 2 compared these with high wind-potential areas to identify potential risk of bald eagle collision with wind turbines. We captured and marked 17 resident and migrant bald eagles in the northern Chesapeake Bay between August 2007 and May 2009. We produced utilization distribution (UD surfaces for 132 individual migration tracks using a dynamic Brownian bridge movement model and combined these to create a population wide UD surface with a 1 km cell size. We found eagle migration movements were concentrated within two main corridors along the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Coast. Of the 3,123 wind turbines ≥100 m in height in the study area, 38% were located in UD 20, and 31% in UD 40. In the United States portion of the study area, commercially viable wind power classes overlapped with only 2% of the UD category 20 (i.e., the areas of highest use by migrating eagles and 4% of UD category 40. This is encouraging because it suggests that wind energy development can still occur in the study area at sites that are most viable from a wind power perspective and are unlikely to cause significant mortality of migrating eagles. In siting new turbines, wind energy developers should avoid the high-use migration corridors (UD categories 20 & 40 and focus new wind energy projects on lower-risk areas (UD categories 60-100.

  14. Utilization Probability Map for Migrating Bald Eagles in Northeastern North America: A Tool for Siting Wind Energy Facilities and Other Flight Hazards. (United States)

    Mojica, Elizabeth K; Watts, Bryan D; Turrin, Courtney L


    Collisions with anthropogenic structures are a significant and well documented source of mortality for avian species worldwide. The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is known to be vulnerable to collision with wind turbines and federal wind energy guidelines include an eagle risk assessment for new projects. To address the need for risk assessment, in this study, we 1) identified areas of northeastern North America utilized by migrating bald eagles, and 2) compared these with high wind-potential areas to identify potential risk of bald eagle collision with wind turbines. We captured and marked 17 resident and migrant bald eagles in the northern Chesapeake Bay between August 2007 and May 2009. We produced utilization distribution (UD) surfaces for 132 individual migration tracks using a dynamic Brownian bridge movement model and combined these to create a population wide UD surface with a 1 km cell size. We found eagle migration movements were concentrated within two main corridors along the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Coast. Of the 3,123 wind turbines ≥100 m in height in the study area, 38% were located in UD 20, and 31% in UD 40. In the United States portion of the study area, commercially viable wind power classes overlapped with only 2% of the UD category 20 (i.e., the areas of highest use by migrating eagles) and 4% of UD category 40. This is encouraging because it suggests that wind energy development can still occur in the study area at sites that are most viable from a wind power perspective and are unlikely to cause significant mortality of migrating eagles. In siting new turbines, wind energy developers should avoid the high-use migration corridors (UD categories 20 & 40) and focus new wind energy projects on lower-risk areas (UD categories 60-100).

  15. Summer and winter space use and home range characteristics of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in eastern North America (United States)

    Miller, Tricia A.; Brooks, Robert P.; Lanzone, Michael J.; Cooper, Jeff; O'Malley, Kieran; Brandes, David; Duerr, Adam E.; Katzner, Todd


    Movement behavior and its relationship to habitat provide critical information toward understanding the effects of changing environments on birds. The eastern North American population of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) is a genetically distinct and small population of conservation concern. To evaluate the potential responses of this population to changing landscapes, we calculated the home range and core area sizes of 52 eagles of 6 age–sex classes during the summer and winter seasons. Variability in range size was related to variation in topography and open cover, and to age and sex. In summer, eagle ranges that were smaller had higher proportions of ridge tops and open cover and had greater topographic roughness than did larger ranges. In winter, smaller ranges had higher proportions of ridge tops, hillsides and cliffs, and open cover than did larger ranges. All age and sex classes responded similarly to topography and open cover in both seasons. Not surprisingly, adult eagles occupied the smallest ranges in both seasons. Young birds used larger ranges than adults, and subadults in summer used the largest ranges (>9,000 km2). Eastern adult home ranges in summer were 2–10 times larger than those reported for other populations in any season. Golden Eagles in eastern North America may need to compensate for generally lower-quality habitat in the region by using larger ranges that support access to adequate quantities of resources (prey, updrafts, and nesting, perching, and roosting sites) associated with open cover and diverse topography. Our results suggest that climate change–induced afforestation on the breeding grounds and ongoing land cover change from timber harvest and energy development on the wintering grounds may affect the amount of suitable habitat for Golden Eagles in eastern North America.

  16. Ileo-ceco-rectal Intussusception Requiring Intestinal Resection and Anastomosis in a Tawny Eagle (Aquila rapax). (United States)

    Sabater, Mikel; Huynh, Minh; Forbes, Neil


    A 23-year-old male tawny eagle (Aquila rapax) was examined because of sudden onset of lethargy, regurgitation, and hematochezia. An intestinal obstruction was suspected based on radiographic findings, and an ileo-ceco-rectal intussusception was confirmed by coelioscopy. A 14.3-cm section of intestine was resected before an intestinal anastomosis was done. Coelomic endoscopic examination confirmed a postsurgical complication of adhesions between the intestinal anastomosis and the dorsal coelomic wall, resulting in a partial luminal stricture and requiring surgical removal of the adhesions. Rectoscopy was useful in diagnosing a mild luminal stricture related to the second surgery. Complete recovery was observed 2 months after surgery. Lack of further complications in the 2 years after surgery demonstrates good tolerance of intestinal resection and anastomosis of a large segment of bowel in an eagle. This report is the first reported case of intussusception in an eagle and emphasizes the potential use of endoscopic examination in the diagnosis as well as in the management of complications.

  17. Eagle syndrome surgical treatment with piezosurgery. (United States)

    Bertossi, Dario; Albanese, Massimo; Chiarini, Luigi; Corega, Claudia; Mortellaro, Carmen; Nocini, Pierfrancesco


    Eagle syndrome (ES) is an uncommon complication of styloid process elongation with stylohyoideal complex symptomatic calcification. It is an uncommon condition (4% of the population) that is symptomatic in only 4% of the cases. Eagle syndrome is usually an acquired condition that can be related to tonsillectomy or to a neck trauma. A type of ES is the styloid-carotid syndrome, a consequence of the irritation of pericarotid sympathetic fibers and compression on the carotid artery. Clinical manifestations are found most frequently after head turning and neck compression. Although conservative treatment (analgesics, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, local infiltration with steroids, or anesthetic agents) have been used, surgical treatment is often the only effective treatment in symptomatic cases. We present the case of a 55-year-old patient, successfully treated under endotracheal anesthesia. The cranial portion of the calcified styloid process was shortened through an external approach, using a piezoelectric cutting device (Piezosurgery Medical II; Mectron Medical Technology, Carasco, Italy) with MT1-10 insert, pump level 4, vibration level 7. No major postoperative complications such as nerve damage, hematoma, or wound dehiscence occurred. After 6 months, the patient was completely recovered. Two years after the surgery, the patient did not refer any symptoms related to ES. The transcervical surgical approach in patients with ES seems to be safe and effective, despite the remarkable risk for transient marginal mandibular nerve palsy. This risk can be decreased by the use of the piezoelectric device for its distinctive characteristics--such as precision, selective cut action, and bloodless cut.

  18. The Eagle of Womanhood: Dramatising the Strength of Nigerian ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Man is endowed with talent, he acquires knowledge, and skills that enable him thrive in the hostile world. ... It is Adaugo's unflinching effort in securing the survival of her family despite all odds that is considered the eagle of her womanhood, a womanist strength that also underscores an urgent need for change in the Igbo's ...

  19. Reuso de aguas residuales domésticas en agricultura. una revisión


    Silva, Jorge; Torres, Patricia; Madera, Carlos


    Las aguas residuales son una importante fuente adicional para satisfacer la demanda del recurso, a causa de la disponibilidad limitada de agua potable para cubrir los requerimientos de las poblaciones, los bajos costos, los beneficios para los suelos agrícolas y la disminución del impacto sobre el ambiente. Sin embargo, el predominio del uso de aguas residuales crudas o diluidas con aguas superficiales y el bajo porcentaje de aguas residuales tratadas en Colombia y en...

  20. Epizootic vacuolar myelinopathy of the central nervous system of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and American coots (Fulica americana) (United States)

    Thomas, N.J.; Meteyer, C.U.; Sileo, L.


    Unprecedented mortality occurred in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) at DeGray Lake, Arkansas, during the winters of 1994-1995 and 1996-1997. The first eagles were found dead during November, soon after arrival from fall migration, and deaths continued into January during both episodes. In total, 29 eagles died at or near DeGray Lake in the winter of 1994-1995 and 26 died in the winter of 1996-1997; no eagle mortality was noted during the same months of the intervening winter or in the earlier history of the lake. During the mortality events, sick eagles were observed overflying perches or colliding with rock walls. Signs of incoordination and limb paresis were also observed in American coots (Fulica americana) during the episodes of eagle mortality, but mortality in coots was minimal. No consistent abnormalities were seen on gross necropsy of either species. No microscopic findings in organs other than the central nervous system (CNS) could explain the cause of death. By light microscopy, all 26 eagles examined and 62/77 (81%) coots had striking, diffuse, spongy degeneration of the white matter of the CNS. Vacuolation occurred in all myelinated CNS tissue, including the cerebellar folia and medulla oblongata, but was most prominent in the optic tectum. In the spinal cord, vacuoles were concentrated near the gray matter, and occasional swollen axons were seen. Vacuoles were uniformly present in optic nerves but were not evident in the retina or peripheral or autonomic nerves. Cellular inflammatory response to the lesion was distinctly lacking. Vacuoles were 8-50 microns in diameter and occurred individually, in clusters, or in rows. In sections stained by luxol fast blue/periodic acid-Schiff stain, the vacuoles were delimited and transected by myelin strands. Transmission electron microscopy revealed intramyelinic vacuoles formed in the myelin sheaths by splitting of one or more myelin lamellae at the intraperiodic line. This lesion is characteristic of

  1. ¿Por qué somos el segundo sexo?: genealogía de una idea social


    Castellanos Llanos, Gabriela


    Este trabajo es producto de una investigación que comencé hace más de diez años. La ocasión que me motivó a comenzarla fue una conversación con otras feministas: mi hermana, Toa Castellanos, y Marta Quintero. Ellas habían comenzado a estudiar y discutir algunas obras de antropólogas feministas, a raíz de nuestras reuniones en el Grupo Amplio por la Liberación de la Mujer, y me preguntaron mi opinión sobre la cuestión de las causas: a qué se debe la situación social de subordinación de la muje...

  2. Análisis de las causas de muerte de los primeros habitantes de la ciudad de La Plata (1887

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    Flores, Olga B.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye un estudio preliminar que forma parte de un proyecto más amplio acreditado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y avalado por la Municipalidad de esa localidad "El Cementerio de La Plata. Su contexto histórico". Nuestra investigación se basó fundamentalmente en el análisis de las actas de defunción del Archivo del Cementerio Municipal con el fin de indagar sobre la incidencia diferencial o no de las causas de muerte en relación con la nacionalidad, el sexo, la edad, la profesión, entre otras. Estos datos fueron volcados en planillas con las que se sistematizó la información para toda la población. A partir de esta población, se determinó una muestra compuesta por todos los individuos de ambos sexos que se encuentran en las sepulturas en tierra y abarca el primer año de funcionamiento del Cementerio Municipal. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar cómo se distribuyeron las causas de muerte y su incidencia sobre los grupos de edad, género y grupo social, en los decesos ocurridos durante 1887. Según se desprende de los datos analizados, la probabilidad de fallecer antes de cumplir el año de vida es de más del 60%. Las razones para esta alta mortalidad infantil deberán buscarse en las condiciones sanitarias y nutricionales imperantes en la época y para este grupo social, considerando las enfermedades de mayor incidencia en los subadultos; también deben agregarse algunos casos de fallecimiento en los primeros días de vida por falta de desarrollo. En este grupo de edad las causas de muerte más comunes corresponden a las que pertenecen al sistema digestivo, respiratorio, infecciosas y en adultos a enfermedades cardiovasculares, cerebrales, etc.

  3. Características de las dispensaciones de omeprazol en una farmacia comunitaria

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    Ezquieta MF


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN Omeprazol es uno de los principios que más se dispensa en la farmacia comunitaria. Pertenece al grupo de los inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP y actúa inhibiendo la secreción de H+ al estómago, disminuyendo en consecuencia los síntomas derivados de una excesiva acidez gástrica. OBJETIVOS Estudiar las características de la utilización de omeprazol 20 mg por los pacientes en una farmacia comunitaria, tratando de investigar las causas de la elevada prevalencia de uso de este medicamento entre dicha población. RESULTADOS La primera prescripción fue del médico de familia en un 59% de los casos y del especialista en el 41%. Un 61% de los pacientes dejó de tomarlo y tuvo que volver por sentir molestias gástricas. Un 44% no sabe hasta cuándo tiene que tomarlo y un 35% cree que debe tomarlo siempre. Un 55% lo toma por estar tomando al mismo tiempo un AINE. DISCUSIÓN Este estudio se encuentra limitado por el reducido número de encuestas en una sola farmacia comunitaria. Los resultados apuntan a que las causas de la elevada utilización de omeprazol pueden ser varias: el uso de AINE durante largos periodos de tiempo en dosis elevadas, el envejecimiento de la población que necesita utilizar un AINE como antiagregante o toma varios medicamentos, el uso en indicaciones poco precisas o el empleo para afecciones gástricas menores y la gastroprotección en pacientes polimedicados sin factores de riesgo. Otro factor que también podría influir es el posible rebote ácido tras la supresión del tratamiento, que deriva en la utilización crónica del medicamento.

  4. 75 FR 20879 - Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To Release Airport Property at the Eagle County Regional... (United States)


    ... To Release Airport Property at the Eagle County Regional Airport, Eagle, CO AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of Request to Release Airport Property. SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to... provisions of section 125 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR 21...

  5. Capacidad de invasión de los eritrocitos de pollo de una cepa de Mycoplasma synoviae aislada en Argentina


    Uriarte, Javier; Cerdá, Raúl Oscar; Stanchi, Néstor Oscar


    Mycoplasma synoviae es uno de los patógenos más importantes en la industria de aves de corral y a menudo causa enfermedades de naturaleza crónica. Poco se sabe acerca de los mecanismos de persistencia en el hospedador y las cepas difieren significativamente en la invasividad y patogenicidad. Un estudio reciente demostró la capacidad de M. synoviae para invadir los eritrocitos de pollo (CER). El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si una cepa de campo de M. synoviae, aislada de una granja ...

  6. Distribuição espacial da violência: mortalidade por causas externas em Salvador (Bahia, Brasil

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    Paim Jairnilson Silva


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever a distribuição da mortalidade por causas externas no espaço urbano de Salvador, Estado da Bahia, Brasil, em 1991. Foram calculados indicadores de mortalidade por causas externas e por tipos específicos de violência. A mortalidade proporcional por causas externas foi de 15% e a taxa de mortalidade correspondeu a 78,0 óbitos por 100 000 habitantes. As taxas de mortalidade por homicídios e por acidentes de transporte foram de 32,2 e 21,8 por 100 000 habitantes, respectivamente. Os idosos apresentaram um maior risco de morte por causas externas, seguidos dos adultos jovens e adolescentes. No caso dos idosos, 38% das mortes foram por acidentes de transporte e 28%, por quedas. Em relação aos jovens, predominam os homicídios, especialmente no sexo masculino e na faixa etária de 15 a 29 anos. Constatou-se uma distribuição desigual da mortalidade por causas externas no espaço urbano, penalizando, especialmente no caso dos homicídios, as populações residentes em bairros pobres, com taxas superiores ao coeficiente médio de Salvador. É necessário desenvolver medidas de prevenção e controle, incluindo políticas públicas e ações programáticas de saúde, orientadas para o espaço social sujeito a maior risco de morte por causas externas.

  7. Causas de la congestión en la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa

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    Rafael Ballén Molina


    Full Text Available Mediante la investigación se estudiaron el movimiento de los procesos que cursan en el Consejo de Estado y en los Tribunales Contencioso Administrativos del País, las actividades que desarrollan los servidores públicos para administrar justicia. La congestión hace referencia a la acumulación de procesos en el despacho, es decir al represamiento de procesos, que puede existir por un desequilibrio entre la demanda de servicios y la capacidad del Estado para atenderla en su totalidad. En síntesis, se establecen las principales causas de la congestión tanto en el Consejo de Estado como en los Tribunales y las posibles alternativas de solución. Este trabajo genera un impacto directo en quienes se hayan relacionados estrechamente con esta jurisdicción y uno indirecto en todos los servidores públicos, en especial en los de las ramas judicial y ejecutiva. En sentido amplio y general, el impacto alcanza a toda la comunidad nacional, toda vez que de una u otra forma es tocada por este tipo de jurisdicción.

  8. Pharmacokinetics of intravenous and oral tramadol in the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). (United States)

    Souza, Marcy J; Martin-Jimenez, Tomas; Jones, Michael P; Cox, Sherry K


    Analgesia is becoming increasingly important in veterinary medicine, and little research has been performed that examined pain control in avian species. Tramadol is a relatively new drug that provides analgesia by opioid (mu), serotonin, and norepinephrine pathways, with minimal adverse effects. To determine the pharmacokinetics of tramadol and its major metabolite O-desmethyltramadol (M1) in eagles, 6 bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) were each dosed with tramadol administered intravenously (4 mg/kg) and orally (11 mg/kg) in a crossover study. Blood was collected at various time points between 0 and 600 minutes and then analyzed with high-performance liquid chromatography to determine levels of tramadol and M1, the predominate active metabolite. The terminal half-life of tramadol after intravenous dosing was 2.46 hours. The maximum plasma concentration, time of maximum plasma concentration, and terminal half life for tramadol after oral dosing were 2156.7 ng/ml, 3.75 hours, and 3.14 hours, respec vely. In addition, the oral bioavailability was 97.9%. Although plasma concentrations of ramadol and M1 associated with analgesia in any avian species is unknown, based on the obtained data and known therapeutic levels in humans, a dosage of 5 mg/kg PO q12h is recommended for bald eagles. Pharmacodynamic studies are needed to better determine plasma levels of tramadol and M1 associated with analgesia in birds.

  9. Food habits of Bald Eagles breeding in the Arizona desert (United States)

    Teryl G. Grubb


    Of 1814 foraging attempts, prey captures, or nest deliveries by Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in 14 Arizona breeding areas during 1983-1985, 1471 observations were identifiable to at least class: fish (76%), mammal (18%), bird (4%), and reptile/amphibian (2%). Forty-five species were recorded: catfish (Ictalurus punctatus, Pylodictis olivaris), suckers (...

  10. Manejo de las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA en una comunidad kaqchiquel de Guatemala

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    Sáenz de Tejada Sandra


    Full Text Available Las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA figuran entre las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad infantiles en América Latina. En Guatemala, la neumonía es la primera causa de muerte en niños pequeños y ocasiona aproximadamente una tercera parte de las consultas ambulatorias a servicios pediátricos. Una buena proporción de estas muertes se deben a un manejo deficiente, atribuible a la falta de reconocimiento de los primeros signos de neumonía, a la presencia de barreras que impiden una búsqueda inmediata de atención, a la consulta a proveedores inapropiados o a recomendaciones terapéuticas inadecuadas. El propósito de esta breve investigación cualitativa fue estudiar las percepciones y los comportamientos de los habitantes de San Juan Comalapa, comunidad kaqchiquel en el altiplano central de Guatemala, en lo que respecta a las IRA. Se entrevistó a 32 madres en su domicilio con el fin de determinar cómo clasificaban las IRA y qué signos y síntomas las hacían buscar atención inmediata. Los resultados revelaron que las madres sabían reconocer la presencia de respiración rápida, pero no de tiraje respiratorio (dos signos importantes de neumonía. Cuando buscaban atención, solían acudir a médicos u otros proveedores en centros de salud y ocasionalmente en consultorios privados, pero la búsqueda raras veces era oportuna debido a la poca accesibilidad de los servicios y a la subestimación de la gravedad de los síntomas. Esta conducta podría modificarse por medio de una intervención educativa. Al final se hacen recomendaciones orientadas a mejorar la comunicación verbal entre los proveedores de atención de salud y las madres.

  11. Manejo de las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA en una comunidad kaqchiquel de Guatemala

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    Sandra Sáenz de Tejada


    Full Text Available Las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA figuran entre las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad infantiles en América Latina. En Guatemala, la neumonía es la primera causa de muerte en niños pequeños y ocasiona aproximadamente una tercera parte de las consultas ambulatorias a servicios pediátricos. Una buena proporción de estas muertes se deben a un manejo deficiente, atribuible a la falta de reconocimiento de los primeros signos de neumonía, a la presencia de barreras que impiden una búsqueda inmediata de atención, a la consulta a proveedores inapropiados o a recomendaciones terapéuticas inadecuadas. El propósito de esta breve investigación cualitativa fue estudiar las percepciones y los comportamientos de los habitantes de San Juan Comalapa, comunidad kaqchiquel en el altiplano central de Guatemala, en lo que respecta a las IRA. Se entrevistó a 32 madres en su domicilio con el fin de determinar cómo clasificaban las IRA y qué signos y síntomas las hacían buscar atención inmediata. Los resultados revelaron que las madres sabían reconocer la presencia de respiración rápida, pero no de tiraje respiratorio (dos signos importantes de neumonía. Cuando buscaban atención, solían acudir a médicos u otros proveedores en centros de salud y ocasionalmente en consultorios privados, pero la búsqueda raras veces era oportuna debido a la poca accesibilidad de los servicios y a la subestimación de la gravedad de los síntomas. Esta conducta podría modificarse por medio de una intervención educativa. Al final se hacen recomendaciones orientadas a mejorar la comunicación verbal entre los proveedores de atención de salud y las madres.

  12. Laying the Foundations for a Human-Predator Conflict Solution: Assessing the Impact of Bonelli's Eagle on Rabbits and Partridges (United States)

    Moleón, Marcos; Sánchez-Zapata, José A.; Gil-Sánchez, José M.; Barea-Azcón, José M.; Ballesteros-Duperón, Elena; Virgós, Emilio


    Background Predation may potentially lead to negative effects on both prey (directly via predators) and predators (indirectly via human persecution). Predation pressure studies are, therefore, of major interest in the fields of theoretical knowledge and conservation of prey or predator species, with wide ramifications and profound implications in human-wildlife conflicts. However, detailed works on this issue in highly valuable –in conservation terms– Mediterranean ecosystems are virtually absent. This paper explores the predator-hunting conflict by examining a paradigmatic, Mediterranean-wide (endangered) predator-two prey (small game) system. Methodology/Principal Findings We estimated the predation impact (‘kill rate’ and ‘predation rate’, i.e., number of prey and proportion of the prey population eaten, respectively) of Bonelli's eagle Aquila fasciata on rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa populations in two seasons (the eagle's breeding and non-breeding periods, 100 days each) in SE Spain. The mean estimated kill rate by the seven eagle reproductive units in the study area was c. 304 rabbits and c. 262 partridges in the breeding season, and c. 237 rabbits and c. 121 partridges in the non-breeding period. This resulted in very low predation rates (range: 0.3–2.5%) for both prey and seasons. Conclusions/Significance The potential role of Bonelli's eagles as a limiting factor for rabbits and partridges at the population scale was very poor. The conflict between game profitability and conservation interest of either prey or predators is apparently very localised, and eagles, quarry species and game interests seem compatible in most of the study area. Currently, both the persecution and negative perception of Bonelli's eagle (the ‘partridge-eating eagle’ in Spanish) have a null theoretical basis in most of this area. PMID:21818399

  13. Diet of the White-Tailed Eagle During the Breeding Season in the Polesski State Radiation-Ecological Reserve, Belarus

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    Valeri V. Yurko


    Full Text Available This article presents data on the diet of the White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla collected during breeding seasons of 2006–2015 in the Polesski State Radiation-Ecological Reserve. The data included 127 records of prey remains belonging to 27 species of vertebrates collected in and under the nests. We discovered that the diet of the White-Tailed Eagle mainly consists of vertebrates of three classes: fishes (Pisces 48.1 %, birds (Aves 41.7 % and mammals (Mammalia 10.2 %. At the present, the main prey species in the diet of the White-Tailed Eagle in the breeding season are: Bream (Abramis brama – 22.0 %, Black Stork (Ciconia nigra – 12.6 %, Northern Pike (Esox lucius – 10.2 %, Wild Boar (Sus scrofa – 7.1 %, White Stork (Ciconia ciconia – 6.3 %, Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos – 5.5 % and Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra – 5.5 %. Together these species makes up 69.2 % or 2/3 of the diet of this raptor. We also established that cannibalism is a character feature of the local population of White-Tailed Eagle, and its proportion is 2.4 %.

  14. Causas e importancia del desempleo juvenil


    Vila Gómez, Juan Francisco


    A la hora de estudiar el problema del desempleo juvenil no hay que tener en cuenta solamente las causas de este problema; su conocimiento y análisis es importante para los encargados de las tomas de decisiones, planificadores y educadores. En el caso de España -y de la Comunidad Valenciana-, este problema se explica por la crisis económica de 1975, el Baby-Boom de los sesenta, la falta de relación entre los programas de enseñanza y demanda laboral, el proceso de innovación tecnológica y sus r...

  15. Doppler ultrasonography of the pectinis oculi artery in harpy eagles ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Low RI and PI values found in the harpy eagle´s pectinis oculi artery compared with the American pekin ducks one and other tissue suggest indeed a high metabolic activity in pecten oculi and corroborates the hypothesis of a nutritional function and/or intraocular pressure regulation. Keywords: Avian posterior segment, ...

  16. Ecologismo, igualdad y responsabilidad civil: una visión de la publicidad social televisiva

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    Alfonso Cortés González


    Full Text Available La publicidad social y el marketing de causas están de moda. En el presente artículo, a partir del análisis de una serie de campañas catalogadas como sociales, se propone un debate conceptual vital, y se argumenta, creemos que fundamentadamente, que este tipo concreto de publicidad que se estudia, debe entenderse y plantearse de manera distinta, para no confundir publicidad con argumento social con la comunicación para el cambio social.

  17. Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp. (Aves, Accipitridae in southern Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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    Felipe Zilio


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Neotropical hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp. are large forest raptors, having low population densities and high sensitivity to human disturbance. The three species of Brazil’s Atlantic forest (S. ornatus, S. melanoleucus, S. tyrannus are threatened and little is known of many aspects of their biology, such habitat requirements, nesting behavior, and food habitats. Here I present data about the breeding biology, diet and behavior of the Ornate Hawk-Eagle (S. ornatus; OHE and the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle (S. melanoleucus; BWHW, and estimations of distribution - extent of occurrence (EOO - and population sizes for the three hawk-eagles of the southern Atlantic Forest. I compiled data from nine years of field studies done in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina combined with data from the literature (n = 191 records. I calculated the total amount of forest available for each species by GIS analyses and estimated population sizes based on species density data from the literature. The EOO was 123,551 km² for BWHE, 92,512 km² for OHE, and 67,824 km² for Black Hawk-Eagle (S. tyrannus; BHE. All species experienced more than 30% shrinkage in their historical distribution (before the year 2000. Forest remnants comprise 32% of BHE’s EOO and around 20% for other hawk-eagle species. Population sizes estimated for the southern region were 869 pairs for BHE (1,684 individuals, 1,532 pairs for BWHE (2,849 individuals, and 2,020 pairs for OHE (1,192 individuals. Population size estimates based only on forest patches larger than 10 km² were 542 pairs for BHE (RS = 48 pairs; SC = 494 pairs, 818 pairs for BWHE (RS = 67 pairs; SC = 751 pairs, and 1,178 pairs for OHE (RS = 67 pairs; SC = 1,111 pairs. I recorded displays and copulation of BWHE in July; the nest was built in an inaccessible, emergent tree in the hillside of a valley. Two nests of OHE were found in emergent trees (20 m and 30 m height measured 138 x 115 x 45 cm and 132 x 100 x 100 cm; one

  18. Hábeas Corpus: contribuciones a la causa del estado de derecho

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    Norma Bouyssou


    Full Text Available La garantía del hábeas corpus despliega, con total humildad, razones para la permanente expansión de la libertad o bien para su contínuo resguardo. Su bajo perfil, sin embargo, es confundido con indiferencia en orden a su compromiso con la causa de la ciencia del derecho; ello se explica, por un lado, debido a la generalizada creencia que su reconocimiento expreso como derecho positivo -en los más altos niveles normativos-, es anticuerpo suficiente para puestas en peligro o atentados directos contra la autonomía personal a manos del Estado y, por el otro, lógicamente anclado en el predio precedente, en una suerte de desubicación contemporánea frente a un punto de partida de contención teorético (y en desuso del abuso del poder político, al que no obstante se le exigen soluciones con mayor intervención fáctica (y menos frenos en las relaciones sociales, aunque necesariamente adecuadas al orden anterior. Corresponde exponer la disconformidad con los pies en claves propias a la ciencia jurídica, sin hacer a un lado lo pragmático, método dual que se aplicará sobre la excursión que sigue, a la que se invita.

  19. Macroinvertebrate-based assessment of biological condition at selected sites in the Eagle River watershed, Colorado, 2000-07 (United States)

    Zuellig, Robert E.; Bruce, James F.; Healy, Brian D.; Williams, Cory A.


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Colorado River Water Conservation District, Eagle County, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, Colorado Department of Transportation, City of Aurora, Town of Eagle, Town of Gypsum, Town of Minturn, Town of Vail, Vail Resorts, Colorado Springs Utilities, Denver Water, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (FS), compiled macroinvertebrate (73 sites, 124 samples) data previously collected in the Eagle River watershed from selected USGS and FS studies, 2000-07. These data were analyzed to assess the biological condition (that is, biologically ?degraded? or ?good?) at selected sites in the Eagle River watershed and determine if site class (for example, urban or undeveloped) described biological condition. An independently developed predictive model was applied to calculate a site-specific measure of taxonomic completeness for macroinvertebrate communities, where taxonomic completeness was expressed as the ratio of observed (O) taxa to those expected (E) to occur at each site. Macroinvertebrate communities were considered degraded at sites were O/E values were less than 0.80, indicating that at least 20 percent of expected taxa were not observed. Sites were classified into one of four classes (undeveloped, adjacent road or highway or both, mixed, urban) using a combination of riparian land-cover characteristics, examination of topographic maps and aerial imagery, screening for exceedances in water-quality standards, and best professional judgment. Analysis of variance was used to determine if site class accounted for variability in mean macroinvertebrate O/E values. Finally, macroinvertebrate taxa observed more or less frequently than expected at urban sites were indentified. This study represents the first standardized assessment of biological condition of selected sites distributed across the Eagle River watershed. Of the 73 sites evaluated, just over

  20. Nonmotorized recreation and motorized recreation in shrub-steppe habitats affects behavior and reproduction of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). (United States)

    Spaul, Robert J; Heath, Julie A


    Different forms of outdoor recreation have different spatiotemporal activity patterns that may have interactive or cumulative effects on wildlife through human disturbance, physical habitat change, or both. In western North America, shrub-steppe habitats near urban areas are popular sites for motorized recreation and nonmotorized recreation and can provide important habitat for protected species, including golden eagles. Our objective was to determine whether recreation use (i.e., number of recreationists) or recreation features (e.g., trails or campsites) predicted golden eagle territory occupancy, egg-laying, or the probability a breeding attempt resulted in ≥1 offspring (nest survival). We monitored egg-laying, hatching and fledging success, eagle behavior, and recreation activity within 23 eagle territories near Boise, Idaho, USA. Territories with more off-road vehicle (ORV) use were less likely to be occupied than territories with less ORV use (β = -1.6, 85% CI: -2.8 to -0.8). At occupied territories, early season pedestrian use (β = -1.6, 85% CI: -3.8 to -0.2) and other nonmotorized use (β = -3.6, 85% CI: -10.7 to -0.3) reduced the probability of egg-laying. At territories where eagles laid eggs, short, interval-specific peaks in ORV use were associated with decreased nest survival (β = -0.5, 85% CI: -0.8 to -0.2). Pedestrians, who often arrived near eagle nests via motorized vehicles, were associated with reduced nest attendance (β = -11.9, 85% CI: -19.2 to -4.5), an important predictor of nest survival. Multiple forms of recreation may have cumulative effects on local populations by reducing occupancy at otherwise suitable territories, decreasing breeding attempts, and causing nesting failure. Seasonal no-stopping zones for motorized vehicles may be an alternative to trail closures for managing disturbance. This study demonstrates the importance of considering human disturbance across different parts of the annual cycle, particularly where

  1. The Eagle's EGGs (United States)


    VLT ISAAC Looks for Young Stars in the Famous "Pillars of Creation" Summary Through imaging at infrared wavelengths, evidence has been found for recent star formation in the so-called "Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle Nebula (also known as Messier 16 ), made famous when the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST) obtained spectacular visible-wavelength images of this object in 1995. Those huge pillars of gas and dust are being sculpted and illuminated by bright and powerful high-mass stars in the nearby NGC 6611 young stellar cluster . The Hubble astronomers suggested that perhaps even younger stars were forming inside. Using the ISAAC instrument on the VLT 8.2-m ANTU telescope at the ESO Paranal Observatory , European astronomers have now made a wide-field infrared image of the Messier 16 region with excellent spatial resolution, enabling them to penetrate the obscuring dust and search for light from newly born stars . Two of the three pillars are seen to have very young, relatively massive stars in their tips. Another dozen or so lower-mass stars seem to be associated with the small "evaporating gaseous globules (EGGs)" that the Hubble astronomers had discovered scattered over the surface of the pillars. These findings bring new evidence to several key questions about how stars are born . Was the formation of these new stars triggered as the intense ultraviolet radiation from the NGC 6611 stars swept over the pillars, or were they already there? Will the new stars be prematurely cut off from surrounding gas cloud, thus stunting their growth? If the new stars have disks of gas and dust around them, will they be destroyed before they have time to form planetary systems? PR Photo 37a/01 : Full wide-field ISAAC image of the Eagle Nebula. PR Photo 37b/01 : Close-up view of the ISAAC image , showing the famous "Pillars of Creation". PR Photo 37c/01 : Enlargement of the head of Column 1 . PR Photo 37d/01 : Enlargement of the head of Column 2 . PR Photo 37e/01

  2. Obesidade infantil: causas e estratégias preventivas

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    Vanessa Margareth Soares


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo auxiliar a compreensão das causas da obesidade infantil bem como mostrar algumas estratégias simples que podem contribuir na prevenção dessa doença. O caso ‘sobrepeso e obesidade’ é tratado por muitas pessoas sem a devida importância, por entenderem que o mesmo é apenas uma questão estética que não interfere em nada além da saúde física da criança obesa ou sobrepesada, o que é um engano, pois a obesidade e o sobrepeso tem várias causas e uma extensão de problemas, como a hipertensão e o diabetes entre outros, que estão associados direta ou indiretamente a esse mal. A pesquisa foi realizada com crianças de 4 a 5 anos, de uma escola pública e uma privada do município de Sinop - MT, tendo como respaldo metodológico a observação participante utilizando-se de questionários implícitos em diálogos, onde tivemos a oportunidade de compreender alguns aspectos sobre os hábitos alimentares e físicos das mesmas. Os diálogos foram analisados de forma qualitativa, onde munidos do índice de massa corporal, caderno de impressões, podemos constatar que o maior mal que a obesidade causa é o psicológico, pois as crianças sobrepesadas observadas se excluem do convívio social. Aos responsáveis e sociedade em geral cabe a responsabilidade de dar continuidade aos saberes aplicados em sala, estabelecendo hábitos mais saudáveis no ambiente em que vivem.Palavras-chave: educação; educação física e alimentar; obesidade infantil; alunos de 4 e 5 anos.

  3. Honrar al padre y salvar a la patria en No hay causa perdida de Álvaro Uribe Vélez

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    Wilson Orozco

    Full Text Available Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2012 en sus memorias No hay causa perdida da cuenta de sus ocho años de presidencia pero también de ciertos elementos de su vida privada. Uno de los eventos que realza es el intento de secuestro y asesinato de su padre Alberto Uribe Sierra en 1983. Este evento, junto con el secuestro y muerte de otras reconocidas personalidades le sirven al narrador para recrear una atmósfera de zozobra y tensión para justificar toda su política de seguridad militar. Dado que las memorias están narradas de una manera maniquea y en la forma del thriller de suspenso, se utilizaron las herramientas de la narratología para desentrañar su alto contenido patriarcal. Básicamente, se encontró que el narrador entronca hábilmente eventos personales y de conocimiento público para justificar su lucha y la salvación de la patria. La presentación que hace el narrador de sí mismo es la de un héroe que está constantemente abocado a restituir un orden conservador y un pasado de felicidad bucólica.

  4. Spatial variation of mercury levels in nesting Bonelli's eagles from Southwest Portugal: effects of diet composition and prey contamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palma, Luis [CCMAR, Universidade do Algarve, FCMA, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139 Faro (Portugal)]. E-mail:; Beja, Pedro [CCMAR, Universidade do Algarve, FCMA, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139 Faro (Portugal); ERENA, Av. Visconde Valmor, 11-3, 1000-289 Lisbon (Portugal); Tavares, Paula C. [IMAR, Universidade dos Acores, Departamento de Pescas e Oceanografia, Cais Sta. Cruz, 9901-862 Horta (Portugal); Monteiro, Luis R. [IMAR, Universidade dos Acores, Departamento de Pescas e Oceanografia, Cais Sta. Cruz, 9901-862 Horta (Portugal)


    Mercury (Hg) was determined in adult Bonelli's eagles (Hieraaetus fasciatus) and their avian prey, from samples of feathers collected between 1992 and 2001 at the nesting sites of 21 pairs in Southwest Portugal. Eagle Hg levels showed great variation, reflecting primarily differences in diet composition and food chain biomagnification. Concentrations were positively correlated with the dietary proportion of insectivorous and omnivorous birds (e.g. egrets, corvids and thrushes), with very low levels for pairs feeding mainly on herbivores (e.g. rabbits, pigeons and partridges). Differences in prey contamination among breeding territories added to dietary effects in determining variation of Hg levels in eagles, shaping a spatial pattern that was largely consistent with a source of contamination in a coal-burning power-plant lying upwind of the study area. Despite this presumed contamination, Hg levels seemed to be of little concern to this eagle population, though there might be subtle deleterious effects on the reproductive output of a few pairs. This study emphasizes the need to account for dietary effects when biomonitoring Hg contamination using birds of prey. - The effects of diet composition and prey contamination added up to determine the spatial variation of Hg levels in breeding Bonelli's eagles.

  5. PCBs and DDE, but not PBDEs, increase with trophic level and marine input in nestling bald eagles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamish Elliott, Kyle; Cesh, Lillian S.; Dooley, Jessica A.; Letcher, Robert J.; Elliott, John E.


    Concentrations of persistent contaminants often vary widely among individuals within a population. We hypothesized that such variation was caused mainly by differences in diet (biomagnification) and in coastal systems by the tendency of marine systems to act as contaminant sinks. We examined the relationship between contaminant concentrations and stable isotope ratios in nestling plasma from an apex predator with a particularly broad diet. Our study included freshwater, estuarine, inshore and pelagic breeding sites. Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) at the pelagic marine sites showed high trophic level and marine input, eagles at the freshwater sites showed low trophic level and marine input, and eagles at the estuarine and inshore marine sites had intermediate values. The relationship between trophic level and marine input may reflect longer food chains in pelagic compared to terrestrial ecosystems. ΣPCBs and DDE concentrations generally increased with trophic level and marine input, with the exception of the freshwater sites, while ΣPBDEs, hydroxylated-PBDEs and hydroxylated-PCBs increased with marine input, but were independent of trophic level. The relationships for ΣPCBs and DDE were often slightly stronger with marine input than trophic level, suggesting that oceanographic processes may be more important than trophic level. At freshwater locations, spatial variation may be more important than trophic level due to the heterogeneity of contaminant profiles between feeding locations (lakes, rivers, agricultural fields). Adults had similar isotopic composition to their chicks but higher contamination. Based on nests where prey composition was determined independently, isotopic enrichment values for nestling plasma were 1.6 ± 0.1 (δ 15 N) and - 0.4 ±0.2 (δ 13 C). We conclude that trophic level and marine influence are significant factors influencing PCB and DDE concentrations in eagles. However, trophic level in particular did not influence PBDEs

  6. Spatial patterns in occupancy and reproduction of Golden Eagles during drought: Prospects for conservation in changing environments (United States)

    Wiens, David; Kolar, Patrick; Hunt, W. Grainger; Hunt, Teresa; Fuller, Mark R.; Bell, Douglas A.


    We used a broad-scale sampling design to investigate spatial patterns in occupancy and breeding success of territorial pairs of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the Diablo Range, California, USA, during a period of exceptional drought (2014–2016). We surveyed 138 randomly selected sample sites over 4 occasions each year and identified 199 pairs of eagles, 100 of which were detected in focal sample sites. We then used dynamic multistate modeling to identify relationships between site occupancy and reproduction of Golden Eagles relative to spatial variability in landscape composition and drought conditions. We observed little variability among years in site occupancy (3-yr mean = 0.74), but the estimated annual probability of successful reproduction was relatively low during the study period and declined from 0.39 (± 0.08 SE) to 0.18 (± 0.07 SE). Probabilities of site occupancy and reproduction were substantially greater at sample sites that were occupied by successful breeders in the previous year, indicating the presence of sites that were consistently used by successfully reproducing eagles. We found strong evidence for nonrandom spatial distribution in both occupancy and reproduction: Sites with the greatest potential for occupancy were characterized by rugged terrain conditions with intermediate amounts of grassland interspersed with patches of oak woodland and coniferous forest, whereas successful reproduction was most strongly associated with the amount of precipitation that a site received during the nesting period. Our findings highlight the contribution of consistently occupied and productive breeding sites to overall productivity of the local breeding population, and show that both occupancy and reproduction at these sites were maintained even during a period of exceptional drought. Our approach to quantifying and mapping site quality should be especially useful for the spatial prioritization of compensation measures intended to help offset the

  7. Study of hydrodynamic characteristics of a Sharp Eagle wave energy converter (United States)

    Zhang, Ya-qun; Sheng, Song-wei; You, Ya-ge; Huang, Zhen-xin; Wang, Wen-sheng


    According to Newton's Second Law and the microwave theory, mechanical analysis of multiple buoys which form Sharp Eagle wave energy converter (WEC) is carried out. The movements of every buoy in three modes couple each other when they are affected with incident waves. Based on the above, mechanical models of the WEC are established, which are concerned with fluid forces, damping forces, hinge forces, and so on. Hydrodynamic parameters of one buoy are obtained by taking the other moving buoy as boundary conditions. Then, by taking those hydrodynamic parameters into the mechanical models, the optimum external damping and optimal capture width ratio are calculated out. Under the condition of the optimum external damping, a plenty of data are obtained, such as the displacements amplitude of each buoy in three modes (sway, heave, pitch), damping forces, hinge forces, and speed of the hydraulic cylinder. Research results provide theoretical references and basis for Sharp Eagle WECs in the design and manufacture.

  8. Uso de álcool como causa necessária de morte no Brasil, 2010 a 2012

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    Leila Posenato Garcia

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Descrever a mortalidade por doenças, condições e lesões para as quais o consumo de álcool é causa necessária durante o triênio de 2010 a 2012 no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. Foram considerados os óbitos cujas causas básicas foram classificadas em qualquer um dos 78 códigosda Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde (CID-10 correspondentes às doenças, condições e lesões para as quais o uso de álcool é causa necessária. RESULTADOS: Foram registrados 55 380 óbitos pelas causas consideradas, sendo 88,5% de homens. A taxa de mortalidade bruta (TMB no triênio foi de 9,6 por 100 000 habitantes na população geral, 17,35 por 100 000 homens para o sexo masculino e 2,15 por 100 000 mulheres para o sexo feminino. TMB mais elevadas foram observadas nos grupos de 50 a 59 (28,45 e de 60 a 69 (27,23 anos de idade e em pessoas de cor da pele preta ou parda (10,15. As regiões Nordeste (11,70 e Centro-Oeste (11,04 exibiram as taxas de mortalidade ajustadas mais elevadas. As doenças do fígado foram as principais causas de morte (55,3%. CONCLUSÕES: A mortalidade por causas associadas ao consumo de álcool é elevada no Brasil, especialmente entre os homens, na faixa etária de 50 a 69 anos e nos residentes das regiões Nordeste e Centro-Oeste.

  9. The significance of the golden eagles domestic areas, the habitat and movements for wind power establishment; Betydelsen av kungsoernars hemomraaden, biotopval och roerelser foer vindkraftsetablering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hipkiss, Tim; Dettki, Holger; Moss, Edward; Hoernfeldt, Birger [Inst. foer vilt, fisk och miljoe, Sveriges lantbruksuniv., Uppsala (Sweden); Ecke, Frauke [Inst. foer vilt, fisk och miljoe, Sveriges Lantbruksuniv., Uppsala (Sweden); Inst. foer vatten och miljoe, Sveriges Lantbruksuniv., Uppsala (Sweden); Sandgren, Carolin [Inst. foer vilt, fisk och miljoe, Sveriges Lantbruksuniv., Uppsala (Sweden); Naturvaardsenheten, Laensstyrelsen i Jaemtlands laen, Oestersund (Sweden)


    There is a need for developing methods for reliable environmental impact assessment of wind farms in Sweden, and to facilitate the establishment of 'eagle friendly' wind farms. During 2010 and 2011 a total of 43 adult and juvenile golden eagles in northern Sweden were marked with GPS transmitters, to provide information on the species home range, habitat selection and ranging behaviour. These transmitters have so far provided more than 100 000 valid GPS positions. Individual eagles fitted with the most effective type of transmitter provided on average more than 2,000 positions during the 2012 breeding season. The home ranges of adult golden eagles covered an average area of over 200 km{sup 2} during the breeding season, although there was considerable variation among eagles. Fledged juvenile eagles used a smaller area within their parents home range, until they left their natal area and their parents in October. Within their home ranges juvenile and adult eagles showed a particular preference for clear cuts, but also for coniferous forest on lichen-dominated bedrock, while dense, young forest and mires were avoided. Steep slopes were preferred over flatter areas. Adult golden eagles occasionally undertook long-distance movements during both summer and winter. Juveniles migrated south and spent their first winter in southern and central Sweden, and migrated north the following spring to the Scandinavian mountain region. The results in this report are largely based on one breeding season, and should thus be treated with some degree of caution. However, this also highlights the need for the project to continue, so that incoming transmitter data can continue to be processed and analysed, and that annual variation can be assessed. Nevertheless, we do not suspect that the results for e.g. habitat selection are in any way unusual, since they generally agree with what is known from other parts of the world, that golden eagles require open habitats for hunting and

  10. Cassin\\'s hawk-eagle Spizaetus africanus in Ndundulu Forest: a first ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A single adult Cassin's hawk-eagle Spizaetus africanus was sighted on five occasions over three years in a highland forest in the Udzungwa Mountains, the first ever record of this species in Tanzania. This discovery has potentially significant biogeographical implications, strengthening ancient links between the forests of ...

  11. Conflictos socio-ambientales y recursos hídricos en Guanacaste; una descripción desde el cambio en el estilo de desarrollo (1997-2006)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A. Ramirez Cover (Alonso)


    markdownabstractResumen El presente estudio se avoca a estudiar las causas y las dinámicas de conflicto por el agua en Guanacaste y su relación con las características del estilo de desarrollo allí implantado. El estudio concluye advirtiendo una problemática que, si no es controlada pronto

  12. Perfil de mortalidade por causas externas entre Adventistas do Sétimo Dia e a população geral

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    Ana Paula Costa Velten

    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo teve por objetivo comparar o perfil de mortalidade por causas externas entre Adventistas do Sétimo Dia e população geral do Espírito Santo no período de 2003 a 2009. Realizou-se busca dos Adventistas no banco nominal do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade de posse das informações dos Adventistas fornecidas pelas sedes administrativas da instituição. Os óbitos por causas externas ocorridos no período estudado foram então separados em dois grupos: Adventistas e população geral. Os Adventistas apresentaram menor mortalidade proporcional por causas externas (10% que a população geral (19%, sendo o sexo masculino o principal responsável por essa diferença. Em ambos os grupos os óbitos predominaram na faixa de 20 a 29 anos. As mortes por causas acidentais foram mais expressivas entre os Adventistas (68,08% enquanto as mortes por causas intencionais relacionadas às agressões e lesões autoprovocadas foram mais significativas na população geral (53,67% de todas as mortes. A razão de mortalidade padronizada para as causas externas foi 41,3, sendo assim ser Adventista reduziu a mortalidade em 58,7%. Acredita-se que o benefício dos Adventistas verificado em relação à mortalidade por causas externas possa estar relacionado à recomendação de abstinência do consumo de álcool por esse grupo.

  13. Multicausalidad, impunidad y violencia: una visión alternativa

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    Gaitán Daza, Fernando


    Full Text Available Este ensayo critica las explicaciones multicausales de la violencia y las que sostienen que la impunidad de los delitos penales es el principal estímulo al crimen y la violencia. Muestra la pobreza analítica de identificar a cada deficiencia institucional del Estado y la sociedad como causa objetiva de la violencia. También señala que no se debe confundir la impunidad, indicador del problema, con el problema mismo. Después de mostrar las deficiencias de estas explicaciones, desarrolla una alternativa basada en dos hechos centrales cuya importancia ha sido ignorada: la naturaleza organizada del crimen y el quiebre de la totalidad del sistema de seguridad y justicia colombiano.

  14. O hipertexto e o estranho: causas e efeitos

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    Everton Vinicius de Santa


    Full Text Available Segundo Barthes, o texto ideal é aquele que se apresenta em redes múltiplas e que se entrelaça, sem comprometer sua estrutura. Redes ou nós que fazem com que esse texto ofereça um universo de significantes e significados, ou seja, não tem início, é reversível, possui diversas entradas e isso se choca com a noção tradicional de práticas de leitura e escrita linear. Nesse sentido, nosso objetivo é demonstrar como o hipertexto causa "estranheza" partindo do conceito de “estranho” apontado por Freud em seu artigo Das Unheimlich (1919, a fim de que possamos compreender como essa relação obra/leitor vem sendo alterada e provocando sensações de dinamicidade distintas da inércia do papel, como observamos em O Jogo da Amarelinha (1963, de Julio Cortázar, e em textos de temática fantástica, como em E.T.A. Hoffmann e Edgar Allan Poe, não no sentido do assustador, mas do provocativo, do foregrounding que gera causas e efeitos significantes nas práticas literárias digitais conectadas ao ciberespaço.

  15. La afectividad desde una perspectiva de la subjetividad

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    Fernando L. González Rey

    Full Text Available La reflexión presentada por el autor tiene como punto de partida el concepto de subjetividad, el cual retoma desde una perpectiva compleja, dialógica y dialéctica, en la cual la subjetividad se define por los procesos de significación y sentido subjetivo que caracterizan al sujeto, la personalidad y las diferentes instancias sociales en las cuales el sujeto actúa. La necesidad se presenta en un relación recursiva con las emociones, en la cual ambas aparecen, en momentos diferentes, como causas y productos de las relaciones que establecen entre si. El motivo es definido como configuración constituyente de la personalidad y, simultáneamente, como sistema constituido por ella.

  16. Satellite tracking of a young Steppe Eagle from the United Arab ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Following recovery and successful rehabilitation, a young Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis was tagged with a 45 g GPS satellite transmitter to track its migration and identify potential wintering and summering areas of the species passing through the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The study is part of a larger study on ...

  17. Home in the heat: Dramatic seasonal variation in home range of desert golden eagles informs management for renewable energy development (United States)

    Braham, Melissa A.; Miller, Tricia A.; Duerr, Adam E.; Lanzone, Michael J.; Fesnock, Amy; LaPre, Larry; Driscoll, Daniel; Katzner, Todd E.


    Renewable energy is expanding quickly with sometimes dramatic impacts to species and ecosystems. To understand the degree to which sensitive species may be impacted by renewable energy projects, it is informative to know how much space individuals use and how that space may overlap with planned development. We used global positioning system–global system for mobile communications (GPS-GSM) telemetry to measure year-round movements of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) from the Mojave Desert of California, USA. We estimated monthly space use with adaptive local convex hulls to identify the temporal and spatial scales at which eagles may encounter renewable energy projects in the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan area. Mean size of home ranges was lowest and least variable from November through January and greatest in February–March and May–August. These monthly home range patterns coincided with seasonal variation in breeding ecology, habitat associations, and temperature. The expanded home ranges in hot summer months included movements to cooler, prey-dense, mountainous areas characterized by forest, grasslands, and scrublands. Breeding-season home ranges (October–May) included more lowland semi-desert and rock vegetation. Overlap of eagle home ranges and focus areas for renewable energy development was greatest when eagle home ranges were smallest, during the breeding season. Golden eagles in the Mojave Desert used more space and a wider range of habitat types than expected and renewable energy projects could affect a larger section of the regional population than was previously thought.



    Rigoberto León Sánchez; Blanca Elizabeth Jiménez Cruz; Asunción López Manjón; Kirareset Barrera García


    Diversos estudios han mostrado que los profesionales de la salud estigmatizan la obesidad, incluso aquellos que dedican su labor a la atención del paciente obeso. Es posible que dichas creencias negativas tengan que ver con la atribución de las causas de la obesidad, es decir, si se supone que la persona obesa tiene o no responsabilidad sobre su padecimiento. El propósito del presente trabajo fue examinar las creencias sobre las causas de la obesidad de dos grupos de estudiantes universitario...

  19. Más niños sanos por una mejor comunicación

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    Adolfo Negrotto


    Full Text Available Vamos a describir un proyecto de planificación de la comunicación al servicio de una causa muy concreta: educar para combatir la desnutrición infantil. Quien llevó a cabo este proyecto fue la Escuela Superior de Periodismo y Comunicación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina. Quienes se beneficiaron del proyecto fueron los niños de hasta seis años de los barrios Independencia y El Parque, de la localidad de Chilecito, provincia La Rioja, Argentina. La población total de esos barrios era de cinco mil personas.

  20. Estudio comparativo del tiro: balonkorf con dos manos; baloncesto con una mano


    García Pérez, Leontino


    Hace cuatro años, por motivos profesionales, llegué a Estepona, villa malagueña de la Costa del Sol; (lugar donde resido). En dicha zona conocí un deporte nuevo para mí, un deporte nuevo pero que tenía características parecidas a deportes conocidos y con el gran atractivo de ser un deporte mixto, y por esta causa lo podían jugar todos los alumnos de una clase, grupos de amigos, familiares, etc. La práctica del Balonkorf en la Costa del Sol y especialmente en los municipios de Estepona, F...

  1. Absentismo laboral por causa médica en trabajadores del área operativa de una compañía de extracción de minerales en Colombia, 2011 Sickness absence in workers from an operating area of a mining company in Colombia, 2011

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    Elsa María Vásquez Trespalacios


    Full Text Available Introducción: El sector minero es uno de los más dinámicos de la economía en Colombia, sin embargo, poco se conoce acerca del ausentismo laboral que enfrenta. Objetivo: Describir la magnitud del ausentismo laboral por causa médica en el área operativa de una empresa minera Colombiana, durante el año 2011. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo, transversal, en el que se analizaron 130 ausencias por causa médica. Los episodios se categorizaron según grupos diagnósticos de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades versión 10 (CIE-10 y se calcularon indicadores de ausentismo. Resultados y discusión: 66.9% de las ausencias se debió a enfermedad general y el 33.3% a accidentes de trabajo. El promedio de ausencia es de 4.28 +/-5.64 días por trabajador. Las enfermedades musculoesqueléticas y los traumatismos y envenenamientos tuvieron los mayores días de ausencia, similar a lo reportado por otros investigadores. Los accidentes de trabajo generaron 315 días de ausencia. 19 ausentistas repetitivos aportaron en total 100 días perdidos. La edad promedio de los ausentistas repetitivos es de 28.6 años+/-6.7. Los ausentistas crónicos generaron una pérdida de 258 días por cada 100 trabajadores programados.Introduction: The mining sector is one of the most dynamic in Colombian economy, however, little is known about absenteeism. Aim: To describe the extent of sickness absence in an operating area of a mining company in Colombia, in 2011. Material and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study, which analyzed 130 sickness absences. The episodes were categorized according to diagnostic groups of the International Classification of Diseases version 10 (ICD-10 and calculated rates of absenteeism. Results and discussion: 66.9% of absences were due to general illness and 33.3% of accidents at work. The average absence is 4.28 +/-5.64 days per worker. Most of absence days were generated by musculoskeletal diseases and injuries and

  2. De la bioética a la ecoética (Una reflexión desde el «Racionalismo dialéctico»)


    Luis Jair Gómez Giraldo


    La «crisis ambiental», a causa de la novedad, tiene dos características muy importantes. De un lado está el lenguaje en dos perspectivas. En la apreciación de Gastón Bachelard, el problema de la diversidad de conceptualizaciones y teorizaciones al respecto, y del lado de Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, la carencia de una clara certificación. La “Ética de la Tierra”, escrita por Aldo Leopold fue una primera aproximación a la configuración de un comportamiento ético referido a la problemática ambien...

  3. Two upward lightning at the Eagle Nest tower


    Montañá Puig, Juan; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Romero Durán, David; March Nomen, Víctor; Solà de Las Fuentes, Gloria; Pineda Ruegg, Nicolau; Soula, Serge; Hermoso Alameda, Blas


    A new instrument composed by a high speed camera, two high energy detectors, a E-field antenna and a VHF antenna were installed at the Eagle Nest tower (northeast of Spain) during summer 2011. With this equipment several lightning flashes to the tower and its vicinity have been observed. This paper presents two examples: the first was an upward negative leader triggered by a close c1oud-to-ground flash and the second was an upward negative flash not associated with previous lightning activity...

  4. Fadiga óssea: causa de dor em joelhos na osteoartrite

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    Wilson Campos Tavares Júnior


    Full Text Available A dor no joelho é o sintoma mais comum na osteoartrite, sendo a principal causa de incapacidade crônica em idosos e uma das principais fontes de morbidade atribuível à osteoartrite em geral. As causas de dor no joelho em pessoas com osteoartrite não são facilmente entendidas e o conhecimento sobre as causas da dor é fundamental para que futuramente sejam realizadas intervenções específicas. A fadiga óssea representa o remodelamento do osso subcondral na osteoartrite, levando a uma consequente alteração na forma do osso e/ou perda óssea. No entanto, a fadiga óssea não é algo facilmente interpretado, pois é de difícil detecção na ausência de defeitos claros da cortical e pela sobreposição de estruturas ósseas nas radiografias convencionais. A fadiga óssea está associada não apenas a dor no joelho, mas também a rigidez e incapacidade. Se a fadiga ocorre antes da osteoartrite avançada, isso sugere que alterações no osso subcondral podem ocorrer simultaneamente a alterações da cartilagem e que tratamentos visando sua preservação podem não ser eficazes. Lesões com padrão de edema ósseo estão associadas e são fatores preditivos para fadiga óssea. Este trabalho tem por objetivo rever a literatura mostrando a importância da fadiga óssea e de como diagnosticar esta alteração nos exames de imagem.

  5. Comportamiento agresivo en niños y adolescentes: Una perspectiva desde el ciclo vital


    Sabeh, Eliana; Caballero, Valeria; Contini de González, Evangelina Norma


    p. 77-95 El comportamiento agresivo se sitúa entre las problemáticas más significativas de nuestros tiempos. Tanto en el ámbito clínico como educativo constituye un motivo de consulta frecuente, que exige a los profesionales un estudio profundo de las causas, procesos y consecuencias de dichas conductas, a fin de establecer si se trata de conductas esperables o patológicas. El objetivo del presente artículo es llevar a cabo una revisión de planteamientos actuales sobre la conducta agresiva...

  6. O foro competente nas causas matrimoniais segundo a instrução Dignitas Connubii

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    Orsi, João Carlos


    Full Text Available A instrução Dignitas Connubii apresenta as normas que devem ser observadas nos tribunais eclesiásticos, dada para ser um vademecum para juízes e ministros dos tribunais, visando dar um tratamento mais veloz e seguro às causas de nulidade matrimonial. Importa observar que a Instrução recolhe todo o material extracodicial referente ao foro competente nas referidas causas matrimoniais. Tal informação é de grande importância para a justiça eclesiástica

  7. Density and productivity of bald eagles in Prince William Sound, Alaska, after the Exxon Valdez oil spill

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    White, C.M.; Ritchie, R.J.; Cooper, B.A.


    Helicopter surveys were conducted in Prince William Sound (PWS) to assess the effects of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill on the reproductive success and densities of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) one and two years after the spill (1990 and 1991). Densities of bald eagles were compared between an oiled area in southwestern PWS and an unoiled area in northern PWS. In all surveys (four in 1990, one in 1991) densities of eagles in the oiled areas generally were similar to or higher than those in the unoiled area. Reproductive success was compared between nesting territories that were oiled within 1 km of nests and nesting territories that were unoiled. In 1990, all measures of nest productivity, nest occupancy, and nesting success were similar between oiled and unoiled territories. In 1991, however, the number of young per successful nest was lower in oiled territories. The number of successful nests was slightly lower in 1991 than in 1990 in oiled territories but was significantly lower in 1991 in unoiled territories. Comparisons of nest occupancy and nesting success could not be made in 1991 because early surveys were not conducted. Differences between areas, territories, and years could not be attributed to oil, but rather appeared to be related to natural annual variability. Overall, no demonstrable effects of the oil spill on eagle density or reproduction could be detected in PWS one and two years after the spill. 70 refs., 1 fig., 3 tabs

  8. Causas da variabilidade do tempo de execução dos processos em diferentes sistemas construtivos

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    Herbert Melo Cruz

    Full Text Available Resumo Um dos grandes desafios para o gerenciamento da construção é a execução das atividades de acordo com as durações programadas, sendo comum a ocorrência de variabilidade. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar as causas da variabilidade do tempo de execução dos processos em diferentes sistemas construtivos, classificando-as em níveis de risco. A metodologia consistiu em um estudo de casos múltiplos em diferentes sistemas construtivos, sendo aplicado com diversos trabalhadores de obras um questionário com 31 causas de variabilidade divididas em oito categorias. Visou-se levantar as variáveis frequência e intensidade de atraso. Foram observadas obras de concreto armado (convencional, alvenaria estrutural e paredes de concreto moldadas no local. Para a análise dos dados foi criado um fator de atraso e aplicada uma metodologia de classificação das causas em níveis de risco através da análise de clusters. Como resultados foram apontadas as principais causas de variabilidade para cada um dos sistemas, sendo algumas semelhantes: retrabalho, baixa qualidade do trabalho e socialização. Análises estatísticas apontaram diferenças entre os sistemas: aqueles mais industrializados tiveram maior quantidade de causas classificadas em níveis de alto risco, porém o impacto da variabilidade no processo foi menor. Há deficiências por parte dos gestores para lidar com os impactos da variabilidade nos processos.

  9. Tromboflebitis extensa como causa de fiebre insidiosa puerperal


    Charco Roca, Luisa María; Bonmatí García, Lorena; Rubio Postigo, Gem


    Los eventos tromboembólicos son factores contribuyentes esenciales de morbilidad y mortalidad materna. La enfermedad tromboembólica complicada en el periodo puerperal a menudo se presenta con fiebre de causa desconocida y un dolor abdominal que puede confundirse con síntomas del postparto (1). El diagnostico de estos procesos deben hacerse por tomografía axial computerizada (TAC) (1,2). La terapia antiinflamatoria, antibiótica y anticoagulante oportuna y eficaz puede mejorar significativament...

  10. Doença de Chagas como causa básica de óbito na região sudeste do Brasil: presença de causas contributárias Chagas'disease as principal cause of death an area of southeastern Brazil: presence of contributory causes

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    Dalva Marli Valério Wanderley


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se os atestados de pessoas falecidas no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 1987, cuja causa básica foi a cardiopatia chagásica, com a finalidade de conhecer a informação adicional que está presente no atestado como "causa contributária". Foram analisadas as informações existentes em 1.308 Declarações de Óbito. As causas contributárias foram identificadas e registradas a partir de uma leitura direta do atestado. Foram identificadas 261 Declarações com causas contributárias (20%, sendo 185 com apenas uma causa registrada e 75 com duas. As seis primeiras causas foram: megas, embolias, doença pulmonar crônica, infecções (exceto doença de Chagas, hipertensão arterial e desnutrição. Analisando a presença das causas contributárias no subgrupo de menores de 50 anos e de 50 anos ou mais, constatou-se uma maior proporção no grupo mais idoso e um perfil diferenciado de causas em cada subgrupo. As causas contributárias não apresentaram associação com sexo e local de residência.Death certificates of all persons who died in 1987 in the State of S.Paulo, Brazil and which presented Chagas' disease as the principal cause of death, were studied with a view to analysing the existing additional information available as to contributory causes. After a direct reading of the 1,308 death certificates, the contributory causes were identified and registered. They were mentioned in 261 (20% of the certificates, 185 of them presenting only one, and 75 two of them. The 6 more frequent contributory causes were: "megas", embolism, chronic pulmonary disease, infections (other than Chagas' disease, arterial hypertension and malnutrition. When analysisng the presence of the contributory causes in two groups - persons of less than 50 years old, and those older than 50 a higher proportion of them was observed in the older group and a distinct profile of causes was found for each group. No statistic association was observed between


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    Josep María García Rafanell


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Realizamos un análisis descriptivo de la mortalidad en una población rural catalana (Canet d’Adri, a 12 km de Girona de 1872 a 1900. El conocimiento de las principales causas de muerte hace un siglo, principalmente la atribuida a enfermedades no trasmisibles, puede resultar bastante ilustrativo. El objetivo del trabajo fue mostrar el patrón de distribución de la mortalidad por edad y por causa de muerte, así como el de comparar la mortalidad por enfermedades infecciosas con la mortalidad por enfermedades no infecciosas en dicho ámbito geográfico y para el período analizado. Método: Se analizan tres aspectos: la distribución de las defunciones por edad y sexo; la evolución temporal y estacional; y la distribución por causas específicas. Resultados: El 49,3% de las defunciones correspondieron a mujeres y el 50,7% a hombres. La mortalidad más elevada correspondió a «menores de un año», 35,6% del total, seguido de «mayores de 65 años», 23,7%. El 33,4% de las defunciones se debió a enfermedades respiratorias, 31,1% enfermedades infecciosas, 13,4% enfermedades circulatorias y 2,6% enfermedades digestivas. En menores de 45 años la principal causa de muerte son las enfermedades infecciosas, sobre todo entre las mujeres. Las enfermedades respiratorias constituyeron la principal causa de mortalidad entre las mujeres mayores de 45 años y entre los hombres mayores de 65 años. Son muy importantes las defunciones por causas circulatorias, sobre todo entre los hombres mayores de 65. Conclusiones: Además de la conocida preponderancia de las enfermedades infecciosas como principal causa de mortalidad, es sorprendente la importancia de las enfermedades circulatorias (la tercera causa de muerte.

  12. Age- and season-specific variation in local and long-distance movement behavior of golden eagles (United States)

    Poessel, Sharon; Bloom, Peter H.; Braham, Melissa A.; Katzner, Todd E.


    Animal movements can determine the population dynamics of wildlife. We used telemetry data to provide insight into the causes and consequences of local and long-distance movements of multiple age classes of conservation-reliant golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in the foothills and mountains near Tehachapi, California. We estimated size and habitat-related correlates of 324 monthly 95 % home ranges and 317 monthly 50 % core areas for 25 birds moving locally over 2.5 years. We also calculated daily, hourly, and total distances traveled for the five of these birds that engaged in long-distance movements. Mean (±SD) monthly home-range size was 253.6 ± 429.4 km2 and core-area size was 26.4 ± 49.7 km2. Consistent with expectations, space used by pre-adults increased with age and was season-dependent but, unexpectedly, was not sex-dependent. For all ages and sexes, home ranges and core areas were dominated by both forest & woodland and shrubland & grassland habitat types. When moving long distances, eagles traveled up to 1588.4 km (1-way) in a season at highly variable speeds (63.7 ± 69.0 km/day and 5.2 ± 10.4 km/h) that were dependent on time of day. Patterns of long-distance movements by eagles were determined by age, yet these movements had characteristics of more than one previously described movement category (migration, dispersal, etc.). Our results provide a context for differentiating among types of movement behaviors and their population-level consequences and, thus, have implications for management and conservation of golden eagle populations.

  13. Possibility of Morphometrical Determining of Sex of Steppe Eagle Nestlings from Western and Eastern Populations?

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    Igor V. Karyakin


    Full Text Available Sexual dimorphism among nestlings of the Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis is poorly manifested. Thus, determining of sex by morphometric methods encountered many difficulties and could be completed only by the most experienced ornithologists who knows the species very well. This article presents a morphometric method for determining sex of nestlings of the Steppe Eagles from different breeding populations that belongs to different size classes. The method is based on classification formula obtained via linear discriminant analysis conducted for the data set of measurements of Steppe Eagle’s nestlings from Central Kazakhstan and Altai Republic in 2017. To control the sex determination of nestlings a molecular-genetics method was used.

  14. Global climate change: an unequivocal reality; Cambio climatico global: una realidad inequivoca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raynal-Villasenor, J.A. [Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Puebla (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    During several years, a long discussion has taken place over the reality of global climate change phenomenon and, if there is one, what could be its cause. Once the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC, 2007) - IPCC is part the United Nations Organization (UN) - was published, it was stated that there is a developing global climatic change and that the cause is unequivocally related with the human activity in the planet Earth. In this paper, relevant information is given about the development of global climatic change issues and some actions are mentioned that each human being of this planet can implement to mitigate it, since it has been accepted that it's impossible to stop it. [Spanish] Durante varios anos se ha discutido si existe un cambio climatico global y, si lo hay, cual es su causa. Una vez publicado el 4o. Reporte de Valoracion del Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climatico (IPCC, 2007) - el IPCC es parte de la Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) - se preciso que hay un cambio climatico global en desarrollo y la causa inequivoca que lo esta produciendo es la actividad humana en el planeta Tierra, tambien se hablo en el IPCC de las causas naturales por las cuales el planeta se esta calentando. En el presente articulo, se da informacion relevante al cambio climatico global en desarrollo y se mencionan algunas acciones que cada ser humano de este planeta puede implementar para mitigarlo, ya que es imposible detenerlo.


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    Jason E. Taylor


    Full Text Available The Blue Eagle emblem was created by the Roosevelt Administration in July of 1933 to give firms an incentive to comply with the provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act. Members of the Administration, including Roosevelt himself encouraged consumers to go on a nationwide shopping spree at Blue Eagle firms and to essentially boycott non-complying firms who were not allowed to display the emblem. While the Blue Eagle has received little attention from economists, most historical accounts of the New Deal, at minimum, make reference to the emblem’s attempt to modify economic behavior. This paper outlines the rise and fall of the emblem as an economic tool. It concludes that the emblem initially had economic meaning, but this began to fade in the late fall of 1933 and the emblem became largely meaningless by the spring of 1934. This conclusion is supported by an analysis of the emblem's presence in newspaper advertisements between 1933 and 1935.

  16. Trombosis Venosa Retiniana y Trombosis Venosa Profunda; ¿hablamos de dos manifestaciones de una misma enfermedad? Estudio comparativo de 2 cohortes.


    Guirado Torrecillas, Leticia


    La oclusión venosa retiniana (OVR) es un trastorno vascular retiniano muy frecuente (la 2ª en frecuencia tras la retinopatía diabética), poco conocida y una importante causa de pérdida de visión. Su prevalencia varía de un 0,3-1,6% y aumenta con la edad, sobre todo a partir de los 65 años. Su etiopatogenia está poco aclarada, ya que no parece que hay una relación estrecha con la triada clásica de trombogénesis de Virchow, y si con la proximidad anatómica entre las venas y las arterias retini...

  17. Geochemistry of Eagle Ford group source rocks and oils from the first shot field area, Texas (United States)

    Edman, Janell D.; Pitman, Janet K.; Hammes, Ursula


    Total organic carbon, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and vitrinite reflectance analyses performed on Eagle Ford Group core and cuttings samples from the First Shot field area, Texas demonstrate these samples have sufficient quantity, quality, and maturity of organic matter to have generated oil. Furthermore, gas chromatography and biomarker analyses performed on Eagle Ford Group oils and source rock extracts as well as weight percent sulfur analyses on the oils indicate the source rock facies for most of the oils are fairly similar. Specifically, these source rock facies vary in lithology from shales to marls, contain elevated levels of sulfur, and were deposited in a marine environment under anoxic conditions. It is these First Shot Eagle Ford source facies that have generated the oils in the First Shot Field. However, in contrast to the generally similar source rock facies and organic matter, maturity varies from early oil window to late oil window in the study area, and these maturity variations have a pronounced effect on both the source rock and oil characteristics. Finally, most of the oils appear to have been generated locally and have not experienced long distance migration. 

  18. Prevención de incendios provocados por causas eléctricas en centros comerciales


    Ñauta Chuisaca, Pedro Santiago; Ulloa Duran, Marco Javier


    A lo largo del tiempo se ha venido dando muchos incendios en la ciudad y en todo el país. Estos incendios son debidos a diversas causas, siendo las más señaladas por parte de la población y el personal que mitiga e investiga los mismos las de origen eléctrico, principalmente los cortocircuitos. Por tal razón se ha visto necesario establecer un marco de referencia en donde indique cuales son las causas eléctricas que pueden provocar incendios, para luego indicar las protecciones y medidas nece...

  19. Perfil de vítimas e tratamento de lesões por causas externas segundo atendimento pelo Centro de Reabilitação Municipal de Uberlândia, MG – Causas externas e fisioterapia

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    Carla Andréa Gondim Lemos


    Full Text Available No Brasil, as causas externas são responsáveis por grande número de incapacidades. A maioria das pesquisas tem dado ênfase à mortalidade e à demanda de atendimentos hospitalares, pouco se sabendo sobre a evolução das vítimas não fatais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi conhecer o perfil das vítimas e as características das lesões por causas externas, o tratamento fisioterapêutico e a evolução funcional de pacientes atendidos em um centro público de reabilitação. Os dados foram colhidos, prospectivamente, por entrevistas com os pacientes que ingressaram no Centro de Reabilitação Municipal (CEREM de Uberlândia, de janeiro a julho de 2005. A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino e predominaram aqueles de 20 a 59 anos, com baixas renda e escolaridade; as principais causas das lesões foram as quedas e os acidentes de trânsito; quase a metade dos eventos ocorreram em vias públicas e as fraturas foram comuns, principalmente em membros superiores. Os recursos fisioterapêuticos mais utilizados foram a cinesioterapia, a eletroterapia e a termoterapia por adição, e a maioria dos tratamentos iniciados foi concluída. O perfil dos pacientes que procuram o CEREM devido a lesões por causas externas parece refletir, sobretudo, aquele das pessoas que sofrem tais lesões. Recursos fisioterapêuticos relativamente simples mostraram-se suficientes para uma boa evolução dos pacientes.

  20. The role of 3D-printing technology in the diagnosis of Eagle syndrome: A case report. (United States)

    Lee, Dong Hoon; Yoon, Tae Mi; Lee, Joon Kyoo; Lim, Sang Chul


    Eagle syndrome is a rare clinical condition that can be associated with elongation of the styloid process. A 55-year-old man was presented with vague throat discomfort for several years. 3-dimentional (3D) computed tomography (CT) reconstruction, and printing revealed bilateral elongated styloid processes. The patient has been treated medically, and continues to demonstrate improvement with conservative treatment for 2 years. We report usefulness of 3D CT and 3D printing technology for diagnosis of Eagle syndrome. 3D CT reconstruction, and printing are beneficial in determining appropriate surgical strategy, and allowing the physician to better explain the lesion, and surgical details to patients.

  1. Ideación suicida en privados de libertad: Una propuesta para su atención


    -Chacón, Maureen Baltodano; -Cueva, Miguel Márquez


    ResumenLa conducta suicida es considerada la tercera causa de muerte en prisiones. Nuestra investigación se planteó como objetivos detectar la presencia de ideación suicida en privados de libertad (elemento fundamental de la conducta suicida) en el Centro del Programa de Atención Institucional (CPI) de Liberia, Costa Rica, y diseñar una propuesta psicoeducativa de prevención ante la presencia de ideas intrusivas y repetitivas de auto-daño, desde el enfoque cognitivo conductual.De julio a dici...

  2. Mulheres em idade fértil: causas de internação em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e resultados

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    Cátia Millene Dell Agnolo


    Full Text Available Introdução: Pacientes obstétricas representam uma fração significativa das admissões em unidades de cuidado intensivo e consistem em um desafio para a equipe. Objetivo: Analisar as principais causas de internação e morte materna de mulheres em idade fértil ocorridas em unidades de terapia intensiva de hospitais de um município do Noroeste do Paraná, Sul do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo exploratório, descritivo, retrospectivo, realizado com mulheres em idade fértil (10 a 49 anos internadas em três unidades de terapia intensiva existentes em um município do Noroeste do Paraná, por causas obstétricas e não obstétricas, no período de janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2009. Resultados: Foram encontradas 775 internações de mulheres em idade fértil, com uma média de idade de 33,7±10,3 anos, com duração média de internação de 5,0±8,4 dias. A maior parte das mulheres era do município estudado (67,2%, com baixa escolaridade (nível primário, 68,2%. Entre as causas obstétricas de internação, a pré-eclâmpsia grave e a eclâmpsia se constituíram na principal causa (71,3%; a pielonefrite se destacou sob outras condições no período gestacional (53%. Não foi encontrada associação estatística entre internações por causas obstétricas em unidade de terapia intensiva e óbito. Conclusão: As causas não obstétricas representaram a maioria das internações de mulheres em idade fértil nas unidades de terapia intensiva do município, no período estudado e, entre as causas obstétricas, a pré-eclâmpsia grave e eclampsia constituíram a principal causa.

  3. Causas básicas de las muertes neonatales en Brasil: conocer para prevenir Basic causes of neonatal deaths in Brazil: knowing to prevent

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    Linda Délia Carvalho de Oliveira Pedrosa


    Full Text Available La mortalidad neonatal es uno de los problemas de la salud pública más serios que enfrentan diversos países, incluido Brasil. Su análisis debe incluir la posibilidad de intervenciones con el objetivo de la prevención, y la evaluación de la atención es aplicada al binomio madre-neonato es un elemento que debe de considerarse centinela de esta ayuda. Una forma de analizar las muertes neonatales es clasificarlas. Con este propósito, algunas clasificaciones son usadas en todo el mundo. Todos estiman el conocimiento de la causa de la muerte neonatal y la disponibilidad de informaciones necesarias y fidedignas mediante el aporte de información estadística adecuada obtenida de documentos oficiales.

  4. Using nestling plasma to assess long-term spatial and temporal concentrations of organochlorine compounds in bald eagles within Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, USA (United States)

    H. Tyler Pittman; William W. Bowerman; Leland H. Grim; Teryl G. Grubb; William C. Bridges; Michael R. Wierda


    The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) population at Voyageurs National Park (VNP) provides an opportunity to assess long-term temporal and spatial trends of persistent environmental contaminants. Nestling bald eagle plasma samples collected from 1997 to 2010 were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides. Trends of total PCBs,...

  5. An example of an interspecific chick rearing in Birds of Prey: the Marsh Harrier grown by the Greater Spotted Eagle in Russia

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    Igor V. Karyakin


    Full Text Available We visited a breeding territory of the Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga in Zavyalivskiy Wildlife Preserve of Altai Region on the 1st August, 2014. In the nest, located in a pine tree, we found a fledgling of the Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus and a nestling of the Greater Spotted Eagle in the first juvenile plumage. When we approached the nest, the female GSE flew off, followed by the fledgling of the Harrier, who uttered food-begging calls, but soon returned to the nest. The present situation possibly emerged after the adult eagle caught a nestling of the harrier but failed to kill it. Judging by prey remains near the nest, another nestling of the Marsh Harrier was eaten at the age of 25 days. But the second one survived and begun to call for food. The maternal instinct of the female Greater Spotted Eagle would have prevented her from killing the harrier, instead prompting her to feed it.

  6. Mecanismo de falla de los tubos del sobrecalentador de una caldera acuotubular

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    John Jairo Coronado Marín


    Full Text Available En este artículo se investigaron las causas de las fallas presentadas por fisuración longitudinal a partir de la superficie externa en los tubos del sobrecalentador de una caldera acuotubular. La superficie externa de los tubos presentó una capa de color blanco-rojizo que presentó cadenas parafínicas: C-H, grupos funcionales: C-O, N-H y compuestos de azufre, esta capa frágil impide la transferencia de calor, causando un aumento de temperatura del tubo. La falla se presentó por termofluencia debido al sobrecalentamiento de larga duración, la microestructura del tubo de acero en el lado externo presentó: crecimiento de grano, globulización de la cemen-tita y fisuras intergranulares que producen pérdidas de las propiedades mecánicas del acero. Las observaciones anteriores evidencian un deterioro de la microestructura facilitado por un material que no está en capacidad de operar usando exclusivamente bagazo como combustible.

  7. Manifestaciones cutáneas por choque séptico en una adulta

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    Julio César González Aguilera


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una adulta de 33 años de edad con antecedentes de asma bronquial, que fue ingresada en el Hospital General Universitario "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes", en Bayamo (Granma, por choque séptico a causa de una bronconeumonía bacteriana, además de disfunción orgánica y acidosis metabólica sostenida, que requerían el apoyo de drogas vasoactivas a altas dosis. También aparecieron lesiones diseminadas en la piel, principalmente en las áreas distales de las manos y los pies, con coloración violácea y necrosis isquémicas hacia los pulpejos de los dedos. En los hemocultivos se aisló el Staphylococcus aureus, y el tratamiento consistió en sostén hemodinámico, antimicrobianos de amplio espectro, corticoesteroides y curas de las lesiones cutáneas, que incluyó la escisión del tejido necrosado

  8. The legal status of the Spanish imperial eagle in Spain and thoughts ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This contribution reflects on the contributory role of environmental law and policy in the successful conservation interventions on behalf of the rare Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti), with the aim of gaining insights that may be more universally applicable, including in jurisdictions such as South Africa. An overview of ...



    Ian Van der Waag


    With this book, Major Dave Becker has addressed an important hiatus in the military aviation history of South Africa. On Wings of Eagles is the first all-inclusive history of the South African Air Force to be published since 1970, when the SAAF (mistakenly!) celebrated their golden jubilee. The 1970 publication, Per Aspera ad Astra, was nonetheless a useful brochure and embodied the first attempt to present the entire history of the SAAF within one cover. It was, however, too superficial and ...

  10. Results of bald eagle, osprey and great blue heron nest site surveys near Fort MacKay, Alberta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strom, K.; Balagus, P.


    As part of the environmental impact assessment process, a study was conducted to assess the occurrence of bald eagle, osprey and great blue heron on Syncrude's proposed oil sand leases near Fort MacKay. The objective of the study was to determine the relative abundance, habitat preferences and nesting occurrences of these different birds. Aerial count surveys were conducted to include coverage of the shorelines of four rivers and 22 lakes. Breeding activities of the osprey, bald eagle and great blue heron were observed in the regional study area, but not in the local study area. 14 refs., 1 tab., 4 figs

  11. La transición de la teoría del equilibrio puntuado hacia una teoría de rango medio

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    Cachón, Vladimir


    Full Text Available The punctuated equilibrium theory is analysed as well as the causes of why at the present time it has become a middle-range theory although it was originally presented as a wide range evolution theory. The facts responsible for this transformation are studied. The article concludes with a vision of what is to be expected in the near future.

    Se analiza la teoría del equilibrio puntuado y las causas de que habiendo sido enunciada como una teoría evolutiva de amplio alcance en la actualidad sólo sea una teoría de aplicación limitada, o de rango medio. Se estudian los factores responsables de esta transformación y se concluye con una visión sobre lo que cabe esperar para el futuro próximo.


    Lindblom, Ronald A; Reichart, Letitia M; Mandernack, Brett A; Solensky, Matthew; Schoenebeck, Casey W; Redig, Patrick T


    Lead poisoning of scavenging raptors occurs primarily via consumption of game animal carcasses containing lead, which peaks during fall firearm hunting seasons. We hypothesized that snowfall would mitigate exposure by concealing carcasses. We categorized blood lead level (BLL) for a subsample of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) from the Upper Mississippi River Valley and described BLL with respect to age, sex, and snowfall. We captured Bald Eagles overwintering in the Upper Mississippi River Valley (n=55) between December 1999 and January 2002. Individual BLL ranged from nondetectable to 335 μg/dL, with 73% of the samples testing positive for acute exposure to lead. Eagle BLL did not significantly differ between age or sex, but levels were higher immediately following the hunting season, and they were lower when the previous month's snowfall was greater than 11 cm. This study suggests a window of time between the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) hunting season and the onset of snow when the population experienced peak exposure to lead. Combining these findings with existing research, we offer a narrative of the annual lead exposure cycle of Upper Mississippi River Valley Bald Eagles. These temporal associations are necessary considerations for accurate collection and interpretation of BLL.

  13. Causas y estrategias de solución de conflictos en las relaciones de pareja formadas por estudiantes universitarios

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    Laura Isaza Valencia


    Full Text Available Abstract This research paper describes the results of a study that was investigated by the couple relationships in a group of 210 university students. Specifically, it describes how these students named these relations, and the causes and strategies of conflict resolution. The sample was composed by 49,5% of women and 50,5% of men, who answered a structured survey. Among the ways to name the outstanding partner relationships: dating, friends with special rights or other forms that reflect informality. The name given to the relationship is associated with the degree of responsibility and commitment, while the causes of conflict are: infidelity, poor communication and loss of freedom. It also highlights communication and application support for a friend or a professional solution strategies. Resumen El presente artículo de investigación describe los resultados de un estudio en el que se indagó por las relaciones de pareja en un conjunto de 210 estudiantes universitarios. En específico, se describe la forma como estos estudiantes nombran dichas relaciones, así como las causas y las estrategias de solución de los conflictos. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 49.5% de mujeres y 50.5% de hombres, que respondieron una encuesta estructurada. Entre las formas de nombrar las relaciones de pareja sobresalen: el noviazgo, los amigos con derechos o especiales y otras formas que reflejan informalidad. El nombre dado a la relación se asocia al grado de responsabilidad y compromiso; en tanto que dentro de las causas de conflicto aparecen: infidelidad, falta de comunicación y pérdida de la libertad. Así mismo se destacan la comunicación y la solicitud de apoyo a un amigo o a un profesional como estrategias de solución.

  14. Bioenergetics model output - Trophic impacts of bald eagles in the Puget Sound food web (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This project is developing models to examine the ecological roles of bald eagles in the Puget Sound region. It is primarily being done by NMFS FTEs, in collaboration...

  15. El Enigma de las Causas de la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 El Enigma de las Causas de la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2

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    Juan Manuel Malacara


    Full Text Available Type 2 diabetes mellitus the most frequent metabolic disease, is induced by factors so far largely unknown. Genetic and environmental causes are implicated, among the latter obesity and sedentary life are the most important. The discovery of new hormones controlling food intake such as leptin, ghrelin and the YY3-36 peptide, are expected to provide new tools to reduce overfeeding. The genes associated with type 2 diabetes are intensively sought without success.It is possible that the genetic transmission is more complex than suppossed. The theory of the thrifty gene proposes an explanation for the increased obesity and diabetes in ethnic groups in transition from preindustrial to industrialized cultures. The theory of the fetal origins of adult disease, proposes that in the fetal life there is a window for metabolic programming under stress or caloric restriction. If the subject, however, at the adult life consumes excessive caloric intake, has a high risk for the metabolic syndrome. The mechanisms involved in insulin resistance are complex, and several molecules are under study as candidates to explain it. The diminution in insulin secretion is an other important factor for the initiation of type 2 diabetes. Glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity are factors that further reduce insulin secretion. Recent evidence indicates that inflammation is implicated in the onset of both diabetes and atherosclerosis. The elucidation of the nature of this process, as well as the pathways involved will be another important tool for a better management of this disease.La causa de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la enfermedad metabólica más frecuente, no es bien conocida. Tiene un componente genético y otro ambiental, en éste destacan la obesidad y el sedentarismo. El conocimiento de las nuevas hormonas que controlan la alimentación: la leptina, la ghrelina y el péptido YY3-36, es una esperanza para el control de la obesidad. No se han identificado los genes

  16. La problemática del aborto en el actual sistema de salud: la experiencia de trabajo en una Consejería Pre y Post Aborto del Conurbano Bonaerense


    Alzamendi, Sabrina; Cáceres, Macarena Florencia; Huaracallo Chiri, Romina; Lindner Magrath, Stefania


    Las complicaciones derivadas de los abortos practicados en condiciones de riesgo son la primera causa de muerte de personas con capacidad de gestar en Argentina, afectando especialmente a mujeres pobres. A lo largo de la historia, en muchas ocasiones, el aborto inseguro lleva a las mujeres a una muerte evitable o les deja secuelas en su salud física y mental. Las Consejerías Pre y Post aborto desarrolladas por diversos equipos de salud del país son una respuesta a esta problemática desde l...

  17. Causas indirectas, motivos o circunstancias de la portabilidad escritural en la piel humana = Indirect causes, reasons or circumstances of scriptural portability in human skin.

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    Celso Martínez Musiño


    Full Text Available Desde los orígenes del desarrollo humano se han encontrado vestigios que evidencian una necesidad intrínseca del marcado simbólico en la piel, en principio principalmente imágenes y, posteriormente, ya con algún sistema de escritura. Como objetivo se propone: identificar cuáles son las principales causas, razones o circunstancias por las que se utiliza la piel humana como soporte de la escritura. Algunos resultados, son: la piel del cuerpo humano es utilizado a por causas ajenas a la voluntad del individuo; b por motivaciones personales; y, c por circunstancias aún indefinidas, es decir, por cuestiones de extrema vulnerabilidad de la persona. Algunas conclusiones son: 1 a partir de las tres categorías mencionadas depende el tipo de escritura; 2 desde los umbrales de las civilizaciones, existe la necesidad de expresarse, de distinguirse individual o colectivamente, pintándose o tatuándose, tanto definitiva como temporalmente. La piel es uno de los medios, no solo de portar imágenes sino también de mostrar alguna forma de escritura (signos, palabras, letras, frases; 3 esta es una primera aproximación la cual puede ser una ventana de oportunidades para profundizar a futuro en el tema tratado = From the origins of human development, we have found traces, which show an intrinsic need of the symbolic marking on the skin, in the beginning mainly images, and then any writing system. The objective of this descriptive study is to identify what are the main causes, reasons or circumstances that human skin is used as a writing surface. Some results are the followings: the skin of the human body is used: a for reasons beyond the control of the individual; b personal motivations; and, c still undefined circumstances, that is, for reasons of extreme vulnerability of the person. Some conclusions are: 1 from the three categories mentioned it depends on the type of writing; 2 thresholds from primitive human being, it has had the need to express, to

  18. The use of lead isotope analysis to identify potential sources of lead toxicosis in a juvenile bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) with ventricular foreign bodies (United States)

    Franzen-Klein, Dana; McRuer, David; Slabe, Vincent; Katzner, Todd


    A male juvenile bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was admitted to the Wildlife Center of Virginia with a left humeral fracture a large quantity of anthropogenic debris in the ventriculus, a blood lead level of 0.616 ppm, and clinical signs consistent with chronic lead toxicosis. Because of the poor prognosis for recovery and release, the eagle was euthanatized. Lead isotope analysis was performed to identify potential anthropogenic sources of lead in this bird. The lead isotope ratios in the eagle's femur (0.8773), liver (0.8761), and kidneys (0.8686) were most closely related to lead paint (0.8925), leaded gasoline (0.8450), and zinc smelting (0.8240). The lead isotope ratios were dissimilar to lead ammunition (0.8179) and the anthropogenic debris in the ventriculus. This case report documents foreign body ingestion in a free-ranging bald eagle and demonstrates the clinical utility of lead isotope analysis to potentially identify or exclude anthropogenic sources of lead poisoning in wildlife patients.

  19. Validación de la causa básica de defunción en las muertes que requieren intervención medicolegal

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    Mercè Gotsens


    Full Text Available Fundamento, Las defunciones por causas externas requieren exámenes complementarios para determinar la causa demuerte. Si no se incorporan estos resultados a los registros de mortalidad estas causas pueden quedar mal clasificadas. El objetivo del estudio es validar la causa básica de defunción del Registro de Mortalidad con la obtenida de las fuentes forenses,en Barcelona entre los años 2004 y 2006. Métodos, Diseño transversal. La población de estudio son los fallecidos residentes en Barcelona con intervención medicolegal entre 2004 y 2006. Las fuentes de información son el Registro de Mortalidad y el archivo de patología forense delInstituto de Medicina Legal de Catalunya (IMLC (estándar de comparación. Las variables son la causa de defunción, el sexoy la edad. Se calcula la sensibilidad, el porcentaje de confirmación (PC y sus intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC95%. Resultados, La sensibilidad de las causas externas es 59,7% (IC95%,56,5-62,9 y el PC 96,7% (IC95%,94,8-98,0. Las lesiones por tráfico, las intoxicaciones y los suicidios estánsubnotificados en el Registro de Mortalidad siendo la sensibilidad inferior al 45% y el PC superior al 80%. Las causas maldefinidas están sobrenotificadas siendo la sensibilidad de 89,2% (IC95%,83,4-93,4 y el PC de 28,0% (IC95%,24,232,1. No hay diferencias por sexo y edad. Conclusiones, La validez de las causas externas del Registro de Mortalidad es escasa por la subnotificación y el elevadoporcentaje de causas mal definidas. Según los resultados, incorporar la información de las fuentes forenses al Registro deMortalidad aumenta la calidad de las estadísticas de mortalidad.

  20. Influences of Eagle Ford Shale Development on Superintendent Leadership Experiences: A Phenomenological Narrative (United States)

    Moczygemba, Jeanette Winn


    This phenomenological narrative study examined the effects of the Eagle Ford Shale development upon public school superintendent leadership experiences during the boom phase of the energy industry expansion. The four research questions investigated the shale development's influence on experiences in the areas of instruction, finance and…

  1. Geology and sequence stratigraphy of undiscovered oil and gas resources in conventional and continuous petroleum systems in the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Group and related strata, U.S. Gulf Coast Region (United States)

    Dubiel, Russell F.; Pearson, Ofori N.; Pitman, Janet K.; Pearson, Krystal M.; Kinney, Scott A.


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently assessed the technically recoverable undiscovered oil and gas onshore and in State waters of the Gulf Coast region of the United States. The USGS defined three assessment units (AUs) with potential undiscovered conventional and continuous oil and gas resources in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Turonian) strata of the Eagle Ford Group and correlative rocks. The assessment is based on geologic elements of a total petroleum system, including hydrocarbon source rocks (source rock maturation, hydrocarbon generation and migration), reservoir rocks (sequence stratigraphy and petrophysical properties), and traps (formation, timing, and seals). Conventional oil and gas undiscovered resources are in updip sandstone reservoirs in the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa and Woodbine Formations (or Groups) in Louisiana and Texas, respectively, whereas continuous oil and continuous gas undiscovered resources reside in the middip and downdip Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Shale in Texas and the Tuscaloosa marine shale in Louisiana. Conventional resources in the Tuscaloosa and Woodbine are included in the Eagle Ford Updip Sandstone Oil and Gas AU, in an area where the Eagle Ford Shale and Tuscaloosa marine shale display vitrinite reflectance (Ro) values less than 0.6%. The continuous Eagle Ford Shale Oil AU lies generally south of the conventional AU, is primarily updip of the Lower Cretaceous shelf edge, and is defined by thermal maturity values within shales of the Eagle Ford and Tuscaloosa that range from 0.6 to 1.2% Ro. Similarly, the Eagle Ford Shale Gas AU is defined downdip of the shelf edge where source rocks have Ro values greater than 1.2%. For undiscovered oil and gas resources, the USGS assessed means of: 1) 141 million barrels of oil (MMBO), 502 billion cubic feet of natural gas (BCFG), and 4 million barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL) in the Eagle Ford Updip Sandstone Oil and Gas AU; 2) 853 MMBO, 1707 BCFG, and 34 MMBNGL in the

  2. Post-fledging movements of white-tailed eagles: Conservation implications for wind-energy development. (United States)

    Balotari-Chiebao, Fabio; Villers, Alexandre; Ijäs, Asko; Ovaskainen, Otso; Repka, Sari; Laaksonen, Toni


    The presence of poorly sited wind farms raises concerns for wildlife, including birds of prey. Therefore, there is a need to extend the knowledge of the potential human-wildlife conflicts associated with wind energy. Here, we report on the movements and habitat use of post-fledging satellite-tagged white-tailed eagles in Finland, where wind-energy development is expected to increase in the near future. In particular, we examine the probability of a fledgling approaching a hypothetical turbine that is placed at different distances from the nest. We found that this probability is high at short distances but considerably decreases with increasing distances to the nest. A utilisation-availability analysis showed that the coast was the preferred habitat. We argue that avoiding construction between active nests and the shoreline, as well as adopting the currently 2-km buffer zone for turbine deployment, can avoid or minimise potential impacts on post-fledging white-tailed eagles.

  3. Predators as prey at a Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos eyrie in Mongolia (United States)

    Ellis, D.H.; Tsengeg, Pu; Whitlock, P.; Ellis, Merlin H.


    Although golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) have for decades been known to occasionally take large or dangerous quarry, the capturing of such was generally believed to be rare and/or the act of starved birds. This report provides details of an exceptional diet at a golden eagle eyrie in eastern Mongolia with unquantified notes on the occurrence of foxes at other eyries in Mongolia. Most of the prey we recorded were unusual, including 1 raven (Corvus corax), 3 demoiselle cranes (Anthropoides virgo), 1 upland buzzard (Buteo hemilasius), 3 owls, 27 foxes, and 11 Mongolian gazelles. Some numerical comparisons are of interest. Our value for gazelle calves (10 minimum count, 1997) represents 13% of 78 prey items and at least one adult was also present. Our total of only 15 hares (Lepus tolai) and 4 marmots (Marmota sibirica) compared to 27 foxes suggests not so much a preference for foxes, but rather that populations of more normal prey were probably depressed at this site. Unusual prey represented 65% of the diet at this eyrie.

  4. Diseño, desarrollo y validación de una plataforma on-line dirigida a profesores y nutricionistas para dispensar Educación Nutricional a niños: MEAL.


    Domínguez Rodríguez, Alejandro


    TEMA: Una de las principales causas identificadas por la cual los niños llevan a cabo una alimentación poco saludable es la falta de conocimientos sobre aspectos nutricionales, y por ello que la Educación Nutricional (EN), se plantea como un elemento clave para poder combatir esta seria problemática. Uno de los principales escollos para el desarrollo e implementación de los programas de EN es la falta de formación específica de los profesionales encargados de diseminarla, profesor...

  5. Breeding of the White-Tailed Eagle in the Omsk Region, Russia

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    Boris Yu. Kassal


    Full Text Available The White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla in the Omsk region prefers to breed within the Irtysh River floodplain and its tributaries, as well as along Rahtovo lake and large lake systems (Bolshie Krutinskie, Tyukalinskie, Ilyinskie. Its nests are built mainly on silver birch, aspen, Scots and Siberian pines, white willow and poplars, at a height of 6–15 m with zonal.

  6. Las crisis generales y particulares sufridas por el sector de alimentación en España, sus causas y su gestión de comunicación de crisis


    Saura, Pilar


    La autora analiza la gestión de comunicación de crisis en un sector clave para la economía española como es el de alimentación y bebidas, que presenta una gran complejidad. El antecedente más grave ocurrido en el sector, la intoxicación por el Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico en 1981, aumentó la sensibilidad de los españoles a la seguridad alimentaria. El análisis de las crisis más graves del sector, sus causas y su gestión de comunicación de crisis, en la década de los Noventa y ...

  7. Tracoma en América Latina: una oportunidad para su eliminación

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    Sheila West


    3. Como resultado de los hallazgos del mapeo, se podrían determinar las necesidades de control del tracoma para Colombia. Idealmente, incluiría la coordinación de actividades con Brasil y Perú en una colaboración multinacional sin precedentes, para eliminar una enfermedad que causa ceguera en su población. Existe un compromiso sólido entre la OMS, la OPS y organizaciones no gubernamentales para que las Américas sean la primera región que reporte la eliminación del tracoma. Estudios como éste son fundamentales para empezar a concientizar a la comunidad y para comenzar los esfuerzos para determinar cómo lograr el control del tracoma, con el fin de alcanzar la meta de su eliminación para el año 2020. * Traducción de Carlos Arturo Hernández, Comité Editorial, Biomédica, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

  8. Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in conventional and continuous petroleum systems in the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Group, U.S. Gulf Coast region, 2011 (United States)

    Dubiel, Russell F.; Pitman, Janet K.; Pearson, Ofori N.; Pearson, Krystal; Kinney, Scott A.; Lewan, Michael D.; Burke, Lauri; Biewick, Laura; Charpentier, Ronald R.; Cook, Troy A.; Klett, Timothy R.; Pollastro, Richard M.; Schenk, Christopher J.


    Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey assessed means of (1) 141 million barrels of oil (MMBO), 502 billion cubic feet of natural gas (BCFG), and 16 million barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL) in the conventional Eagle Ford Updip Sandstone Oil and Gas Assessment Unit (AU); (2) 853 MMBO, 1,707 BCFG, and 34 MMBNGL in the continuous Eagle Ford Shale Oil AU; and (3) 50,219 BCFG and 2,009 MMBNGL in the continuous Eagle Ford Shale Gas AU in onshore lands and State waters of the Gulf Coast.

  9. Planteamientos sobre la pobreza: una aproximación conceptual

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    Bertha Lucía Martínez Bernal


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se presentan varias definiciones o conceptos para la comprensión, medición y el análisis de la pobreza. Para ello se retoma la producción escrita de diferentes estudiosos e investigadores que han hecho aportes valiosos sobre el tema. Al lado de estos conceptos se analizan los diferentes enfoques que se utilizan para aproximarse al estudio de la pobreza, aunque estas no son teorías ni explicaciones de sus causas, sino perspectivas sobre pobreza que denotan dichos enfoques. Así mismo se desarrolla una revisión de las metodologías más utilizadas en los procesos de identificación y agregación. Finalmente se interpretan las políticas públicas en los sectores sociales.

  10. The Eagle Ford Shale, Texas: an initial insight into Late Cretaceous organic-rich mudrock palaeoenvironments (United States)

    Forshaw, Joline; Jarvis, Ian; Trabucho-Alexandre, João; Tocher, Bruce; Pearce, Martin


    The hypothesised reduction of oxygen within the oceans during the Cretaceous is believed to have led to extended intervals of regional anoxia in bottom waters, resulting in increased preservation of organic matter and the deposition of black shales. Episodes of more widespread anoxia, and even euxinia, in both bottom and surface waters are associated with widespread black shale deposition during Ocean Anoxic Events (OAEs). The most extensive Late Cretaceous OAE, which occurred ~ 94 Ma during Cenomanian-Turonian boundary times, and was particularly well developed in the proto-North Atlantic and Tethyan regions, lasted for around 500 kyr (OAE2). Although the causes of this and other events are still hotly debated, research is taking place internationally to produce a global picture of the causes and consequences of Cretaceous OAEs. Understanding OAEs will enable a better interpretation of the climate fluctuations that ensued, and their association with the widespread deposition of black shales, rising temperatures, increased pCO2, enhanced weathering, and increased nutrient fluxes. The Eagle Ford Formation, of Cenomanian - Turonian age, is a major shale gas play in SW and NE Texas, extending over an area of more than 45,000 km2. The formation, which consists predominantly of black shales (organic-rich calcareous mudstones), was deposited during an extended period of relative tectonic quiescence in the northern Gulf Coast of the Mexico Basin, bordered by reefs along the continental shelf. The area offers an opportunity to study the effects of OAE2 in an organic-rich shelf setting. The high degree of organic matter preservation in the formation has produced excellent oil and gas source rocks. Vast areas of petroleum-rich shales are now being exploited in the Southern States of the US for shale gas, and the Eagle Ford Shale is fast becoming one of the countries largest producers of gas, oil and condensate. The Eagle Ford Shale stratigraphy is complex and heterogeneous

  11. Diet of the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos (Aves: Accipitridae in Sarnena Sredna Gora Mountains (Bulgaria

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    Dilian G. Georgiev


    Full Text Available The material of pellets and food remains (as bone and shell fragments, hair, and feathers was collected after the breeding season from below and within one nest of Golden Eagles on rocks at Sarnena Sredna Gora Mts., north-east of Stara Zagora town. Our study was carried out during a three year period (1999, 2000 and 2002. Total 65 specimens from minimum 10 species of preys were identified among the food remains from which the reptiles dominated. Mostly preyed by the Golden Eagles couple were the tortoises (Testudo sp. with 55.4% from all registered individual preys. The most common prey from mammals was the hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus with 13.8%. Interesting fact was and the relatively high percentage of the cats with 7.7% (possibly most of them domestic ones.

  12. 78 FR 143 - Desert Mining, Inc., Eagle Broadband, Inc., Endovasc, Inc., Environmental Oil Processing... (United States)


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [File No. 500-1] Desert Mining, Inc., Eagle Broadband, Inc., Endovasc, Inc., Environmental Oil Processing Technology Corp., Falcon Ridge Development, Inc., Fellows... that there is a lack of current and accurate information concerning the securities of Desert Mining...

  13. Inmunidad humoral y trasplante renal posibilidades terapéuticas


    P. Jacqueline Pefaur, Dra.; M. Susana Elgueta, Dra.


    El trasplante renal es el tratamiento de elección para los pacientes con falla renal terminal. Las principales causas de pérdida de injertos son la muerte del paciente con injerto funcionante, especialmente de causa cardiovascular y la nefropatía crónica del injerto, con una pérdida crónica de injertos que resulta en un problema relevante. Dentro de las causas de nefropatía crónica destaca la causa inmunológica. Una de las causas de pérdida de injertos de origen inmunológico son los rechazos ...

  14. Application of threshold concepts to ecological management problems: occupancy of Golden Eagles in Denali National Park, Alaska: Chapter 5 (United States)

    Eaton, Mitchell J.; Martin, Julien; Nichols, James D.; McIntyre, Carol; McCluskie, Maggie C.; Schmutz, Joel A.; Lubow, Bruce L.; Runge, Michael C.; Edited by Guntenspergen, Glenn R.


    In this chapter, we demonstrate the application of the various classes of thresholds, detailed in earlier chapters and elsewhere, via an actual but simplified natural resource management case study. We intend our example to provide the reader with the ability to recognize and apply the theoretical concepts of utility, ecological and decision thresholds to management problems through a formalized decision-analytic process. Our case study concerns the management of human recreational activities in Alaska’s Denali National Park, USA, and the possible impacts of such activities on nesting Golden Eagles, Aquila chrysaetos. Managers desire to allow visitors the greatest amount of access to park lands, provided that eagle nesting-site occupancy is maintained at a level determined to be acceptable by the managers themselves. As these two management objectives are potentially at odds, we treat minimum desired occupancy level as a utility threshold which, then, serves to guide the selection of annual management alternatives in the decision process. As human disturbance is not the only factor influencing eagle occupancy, we model nesting-site dynamics as a function of both disturbance and prey availability. We incorporate uncertainty in these dynamics by considering several hypotheses, including a hypothesis that site occupancy is affected only at a threshold level of prey abundance (i.e., an ecological threshold effect). By considering competing management objectives and accounting for two forms of thresholds in the decision process, we are able to determine the optimal number of annual nesting-site restrictions that will produce the greatest long-term benefits for both eagles and humans. Setting a utility threshold of 75 occupied sites, out of a total of 90 potential nesting sites, the optimization specified a decision threshold at approximately 80 occupied sites. At the point that current occupancy falls below 80 sites, the recommended decision is to begin restricting

  15. Automating data citation: the eagle-i experience. (United States)

    Alawini, Abdussalam; Chen, Leshang; Davidson, Susan B; Da Silva, Natan Portilho; Silvello, Gianmaria


    Data citation is of growing concern for owners of curated databases, who wish to give credit to the contributors and curators responsible for portions of the dataset and enable the data retrieved by a query to be later examined. While several databases specify how data should be cited, they leave it to users to manually construct the citations and do not generate them automatically. We report our experiences in automating data citation for an RDF dataset called eagle-i, and discuss how to generalize this to a citation framework that can work across a variety of different types of databases (e.g. relational, XML, and RDF). We also describe how a database administrator would use this framework to automate citation for a particular dataset.

  16. Impacto de un programa de foto-educación en los conocimientos y hábitos de una población escolar.


    Adriana R. Cruz; Ximena Hormaza; Juliana Díaz; Andrés Vidal; Janeth Villanueva; Giovanna Osorio; Marisol Rebolledo; Luis Fernando Cárdenas


    Introducción. Colombia está expuesta todo el año a altos índices de radiación ultravioleta. Aunque aún no se cuenta con estadísticas precisas del cáncer cutáneo, se sabe que este problema es una causa frecuente de consulta, presentándose cada día en personas más jóvenes. Por esta razón, se realizó un trabajo de foto-educación en colegios de estrato socioeconómico 1 a 4 en Cali. Objetivo. Determinar el impacto de la foto-educación en los conocimientos y prácticas de fotoprotección en una pobla...



    Tomas, Leandro Juan; Medina, María Mercedes; Seara, Sergio Eduardo


    La deserción universitaria se ha convertido en problema estructural de la educación superior. En la FOLP se investigó esta problemática buscando identificar las posibles causas y a partir de los resultados, sugerir intervenciones para promover acciones específicas y disminuir el abandono universitario. Este trabajo se propuso caracterizar el comportamiento de la deserción, bajo la premisa de generar y proponer un seguimiento permanente que pudiese ser asumido por la administrac...

  18. Food web model output - Trophic impacts of bald eagles in the Puget Sound food web (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This project is developing models to examine the ecological roles of bald eagles in the Puget Sound region. It is primarily being done by NMFS FTEs, in collaboration...

  19. Free radical scavenging activity of Eagle tea and their flavonoids

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    Qiong Meng


    Full Text Available In this study, an online HPLC-DAD-MS coupled with 2,2′-azinobis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid diammonium salt (ABTS assay was employed for evaluating free radical scavenging activity of Eagle tea and their active components. Twenty-three chromatographic peaks were detected, and nineteen components had free radical scavenging activity. Among them, eight compounds were identified as flavonoids (hyperin, isoquercitrin, quercitrin, quercetin, kaempferol, catechins, chlorogenic acid and epicatechin based on MS data and standard chromatographic characters.

  20. The editing of Louis Adamic's book The Eagle and the Roots

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    Janja Žitnik Serafin


    Full Text Available The Eagle and the Roots is Louis Adamic's last book and, in his own opinion, his most important one. The printed version of that work is an expurgated version of the author's typescript which is preserved in several incomplete copies, kept in various public and private archives in Yugoslavia and in the United States. The work was written on the basis of the author's personal impressions during his second visit to his native land in 1949. The published version of The Eagle and the Roots discusses the political and economic conditions in Yugoslavia in 1949, the moods of the Yugoslav people, their top politicians and intellectuals at the time of the first five-year plan (Book One, including a biography of Josip Broz Tito until 1945 with an outline of the most important events in the country before and during World War II (Book Two. In various passages scattered in both books, it describes the selfsacrifice and the resistance of the Yugoslav people during the Liberation War. An important subject is the dissention between Tito and Stalin which had its germs in the prewar period. The author follows its development through the war and during the first years after the liberation until the Cominform resolution in June 1948.

  1. Baseflow recession analysis across the Eagle Ford shale play (Texas, USA) (United States)

    Arciniega, Saul; Brena-Naranjo, Agustin; Hernandez-Espriu, Jose Antonio; Pedrozo-Acuña, Adrian


    Baseflow is an important process of the hydrological cycle as it can be related to aquatic ecosystem health and groundwater recharge. The temporal and spatial dynamics of baseflow are typically governed by fluctuations in the water table of shallow aquifers hence groundwater pumping and return flow can greatly modify baseflow patterns. More recently, in some regions of the world the exploitation of gas trapped in shale formations by means of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has raised major concerns on the quantitative and qualitative groundwater impacts. Although fracking implies massive amounts of groundwater withdrawals, its contribution on baseflow decline has not yet been fully investigated. Furthermore, its impact with respect to other human activities or climate extremes such as irrigation or extreme droughts, respectively, remain largely unknown. This work analyzes baseflow recession time-space patterns for a set of watersheds located across the largest shale producer in the world, the Eagle Ford shale play in Texas (USA). The period of study (1985-2014) includes a pre-development and post-development period. The dataset includes 56 hydrometric time series located inside and outside the shale play. Results show that during the development and expansion of the Eagle Ford play, around 70 % of the time series displayed a significant decline wheras no decline was observed during the pre-development)

  2. Bald Eagle nestling mortality associated with Argas radiatus and Argas ricei tick infestation and successful management with nest removal in Arizona, USA (United States)

    Justice-Allen, Anne; Orr, Kathy; Schuler, Krysten L.; McCarty, Kyle; Jacobson, Kenneth; Meteyer, Carol U.


    Eight Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nestlings heavily infested with larval ticks were found in or under a nest near the confluence of the Verde and Salt rivers in Arizona in 2009-11. The 8-12-wk-old nestlings were slow to respond to stimuli and exhibited generalized muscle weakness or paresis of the pelvic limbs. Numerous cutaneous and subcutaneous hemorrhages were associated with sites of tick attachment. Ticks were identified as Argas radiatus and Argas ricei. Treatment with acaricides and infection with West Nile virus (WNV) may have confounded the clinical presentation in 2009 and 2010. However, WNV-negative birds exhibited similar signs in 2011. One nestling recovered from paresis within 36 h after the removal of all adult and larval ticks (>350) and was released within 3 wk. The signs present in the heavily infested Bald Eagle nestlings resembled signs associated with tick paralysis, a neurotoxin-mediated paralytic syndrome described in mammals, reptiles, and wild birds (though not eagles). Removal of the infested nest and construction of a nest platform in a different tree was necessary to break the cycle of infection. The original nesting pair constructed a new nest on the man-made platform and successfully fledged two Bald Eagles in 2012.

  3. Dimensiones del trauma social en una población en situación de desplazamiento por conflicto armado : Estudio de caso en una comunidad desplazada en los años 2012 y 2013 a la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia


    Palencia Cárdenas, Eder Luis


    El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar el trauma social en una población en situación de desplazamiento que llegó a la ciudad de Medellín a causa del conflicto armado en Colombia, utilizando como estrategia de análisis la teoría fundamentada y la perspectiva del interaccionismo simbólico. Los resultados revelan tres grandes categorías: El evento expulsor, las pérdidas y rupturas y el duelo. Las relaciones e interacciones entre estas categorías y sus respectivas subcategorías se articulan a ...

  4. Strength and Deformability of Light-toned Layered Deposits Observed by MER Opportunity: Eagle to Erebus Craters (United States)

    Okubo, C. H.; Schultz, R. A.; Nahm, A. L.


    The strength and deformability of light-toned layered deposits are estimated based on measurements of porosity from Microscopic Imager data acquired by MER Opportunity during its traverse from Eagle Crater to Erebus Crater.

  5. El Mapa de la Incapacidad en España una necesidad urgente

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    Araceli López-Guillén García


    Full Text Available Resumen: Es urgente adaptar los sistemas de recogida de datos en incapacidad laboral para conseguir una mejor explotación epidemiológica de los mismos que facilite conocer la situación, análisis y planificación estratégica sobre incapacidad, creando con una base de datos mínimos básicos el Mapa de la Incapacidad en España permitiendo conocer las causas y el impacto de las situaciones de incapacidad laboral, practicar una gestión integral de recursos, prevenir las situaciones de incapacidad laboral, potenciar los mecanismos de detección de la enfermedad y los aspectos preventivos de la salud laboral, mejorar la gestión sanitaria que precisa y la protección socio laboral. Conclusiones: Proponemos la base mínima de datos para la elaborar el Mapa de Incapacidad. Conociendo el impacto incapacitante de la pérdida de salud en la población trabajadora se procederá a una mejor gestión y adecuación de recursos atencionales, promocionales, preventivos, reintegradores, y prestacionales en torno a la incapacidad temporal y permanente. Conocer nuestra población "incapacitada (por enfermedad" es fundamental para cualquier análisis sobre impacto y necesidades de protección social, para contrastarla con la población activa, la población en formación o inactiva previa a la edad laboral, y la población inactiva jubilada.

  6. Mortalidade relacionada à asma no Município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, no período de 2000-2009: análise de causas múltiplas Mortalidad relacionada con el asma en el Municipio de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, durante el período de 2000-2009: análisis de causas múltiples Asthma-related mortality in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000-2009: a multicausal analysis

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    Gulnar Azevedo e Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo das causas múltiplas de óbitos permite conhecer a extensão real das estatísticas de mortalidade. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a tendência das taxas de mortalidade relacionada à asma, no Município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, no período de 2000-2009, com dados obtidos no Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade (SIM, de indivíduos com um ano ou mais de idade, em que a asma foi mencionada em qualquer linha ou parte do atestado médico da declaração de óbito. Para análise de dados foi utilizada a técnica de regressão linear. A série histórica mostrou tendência ao declínio nas taxas de mortalidade padronizadas relacionada à asma como causa básica e múltipla, com redução entre os homens e estabilidade entre as mulheres. Quando a asma foi a causa básica, as causas associadas mais frequentes foram doenças do aparelho respiratório. A mortalidade relacionada à asma foi subestimada quando considerada apenas como causa básica, o que poderia ser evitado com a utilização da metodologia de causas múltiplas nas estatísticas de mortalidade por asma.El estudio de las causas múltiples de óbitos permite conocer la extensión real de las estadísticas de mortalidad. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la tendencia de las tasas de mortalidad, relacionada con el asma, en el municipio de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, en el período de 2000-2009, con los datos obtenidos en el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad (SIM, de individuos con un año o más de edad, en quienes el asma fue mencionada en cualquier línea o parte del certificado médico de defunción. Para el análisis de datos fue utilizada la técnica de regresión lineal. La serie histórica mostró una tendencia al declive en las tasas de mortalidad estandarizadas, relacionada con el asma como causa básica y múltiple, con reducción entre los hombres y estabilidad entre las mujeres. Cuando el asma fue la causa básica, las razones asociadas m

  7. Size matters: abundance matching, galaxy sizes, and the Tully-Fisher relation in EAGLE (United States)

    Ferrero, Ismael; Navarro, Julio F.; Abadi, Mario G.; Sales, Laura V.; Bower, Richard G.; Crain, Robert A.; Frenk, Carlos S.; Schaller, Matthieu; Schaye, Joop; Theuns, Tom


    The Tully-Fisher relation (TFR) links the stellar mass of a disc galaxy, Mstr, to its rotation speed: it is well approximated by a power law, shows little scatter, and evolves weakly with redshift. The relation has been interpreted as reflecting the mass-velocity scaling (M ∝ V3) of dark matter haloes, but this interpretation has been called into question by abundance-matching (AM) models, which predict the galaxy-halo mass relation to deviate substantially from a single power law and to evolve rapidly with redshift. We study the TFR of luminous spirals and its relation to AM using the EAGLE set of Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmological simulations. Matching both relations requires disc sizes to satisfy constraints given by the concentration of haloes and their response to galaxy assembly. EAGLE galaxies approximately match these constraints and show a tight mass-velocity scaling that compares favourably with the observed TFR. The TFR is degenerate to changes in galaxy formation efficiency and the mass-size relation; simulations that fail to match the galaxy stellar mass function may fit the observed TFR if galaxies follow a different mass-size relation. The small scatter in the simulated TFR results because, at fixed halo mass, galaxy mass and rotation speed correlate strongly, scattering galaxies along the main relation. EAGLE galaxies evolve with lookback time following approximately the prescriptions of AM models and the observed mass-size relation of bright spirals, leading to a weak TFR evolution consistent with observation out to z = 1. ΛCDM models that match both the abundance and size of galaxies as a function of stellar mass have no difficulty reproducing the observed TFR and its evolution.

  8. Golden Eagle mortality at a utility-scale wind energy facility near Palm Springs, California (United States)

    Lovich, Jeffrey E.


    Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) mortality associated with wind energy turbines and infrastructure is under-reported and weakly substantiated in the published literature. I report two cases of mortality at a utility-scale renewable energy facility near Palm Springs, California. The facility has been in operation since 1984 and included 460 65KW turbines mounted on 24.4 m or 42.7 m lattice-style towers with 8 m rotor diameters. One mortality event involved a juvenile eagle that was struck and killed by a spinning turbine blade on 31 August, 1995. The tower was 24.4 m high. The other involved an immature female that was struck by a spinning blade on another 24.4 m tower on 17 April, 1997 and was later euthanized due to the extent of internal injuries. Other raptor mortalities incidentally observed at the site, and likely attributable to turbines, included three Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) found near turbines.

  9. Where eagles nest, the wind also blows: consolidating habitat and energy needs (United States)

    Tack, J.; Wilson, Jim


    Energy development is rapidly escalating in resource-rich Wyoming, and with it the risks posed to raptor populations. These risks are of increasing concern to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is responsible for protecting the persistence of protected species, including raptors. In support of a Federal mandate to protect trust species and the wind energy industry’s need to find suitable sites on which to build wind farms, scientists at the USGS Fort Collins Science Center (FORT) and their partners are conducting research to help reduce impacts to raptor species from wind energy operations. Potential impacts include collision with the turbine blades and habitat disruption and disturbance from construction and operations. This feature describes a science-based tool—a quantitative predictive model—being developed and tested by FORT scientists to potentially avoid or reduce such impacts. This tool will provide industry and resource managers with the biological basis for decisions related to sustainably siting wind turbines in a way that also conserves important habitats for nesting golden eagles. Because of the availability of comprehensive data on nesting sites, golden eagles in Wyoming are the prototype species (and location) for the first phase of this investigation.

  10. Eagle's syndrome with facial palsy

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    Mohammed Al-Hashim


    Full Text Available Eagle's syndrome (ES is a rare disease in which the styloid process is elongated and compressing adjacent structures. We describe a rare presentation of ES in which the patient presented with facial palsy. Facial palsy as a presentation of ES is very rare. A review of the English literature revealed only one previously reported case. Our case is a 39-year-old male who presented with left facial palsy. He also reported a 9-year history of the classical symptoms of ES. A computed tomography scan with three-dimensional reconstruction confirmed the diagnoses. He was started on conservative management but without significant improvement. Surgical intervention was offered, but the patient refused. It is important for otolaryngologists, dentists, and other specialists who deal with head and neck problems to be able to recognize ES despite its rarity. Although the patient responded to a treatment similar to that of Bell's palsy because of the clinical features and imaging, ES was most likely the cause of his facial palsy.

  11. Prevalencia de morbilidad osteomuscular en una empresa de servicios de seguridad electrónica en Bogotá, 2013


    Obando Pinzon, Yerald Thomas


    Introducción: actualmente los trastornos músculo esqueléticos (TME) han sido reconocidos como la principal causa de morbilidad en el trabajo, dado el porcentaje de ausentismo laboral que representa, generando reducción en la productividad de las industrias. Una visión general de la prevalencia en TME puede conducir a métodos de prevención de morbilidad adecuados para cada tipo de proceso, y así proporcionar un ambiente más seguro y confortable. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de sínto...

  12. Análisis sobre consumo de carne porcina en la Argentina : relevamiento sobre una población seleccionada


    Marchese, Nicolás Gaspar; Alippe, María Victoria; Vieites, Carlos María; López, María Virginia; De Caro, Adriana E. J.


    p.179-184 La carne porcina es la de mayor consumo en el mundo; en la Argentina tiene baja incidencia en el consumo total de carnes, especialmente en estado fresco. Se carece de antecedentes publicados para determinar las causas culturales y/o de información que provocan este comportamiento. Se realizó una encuesta de opinión sobre preferencias en el consumo de carnes, utilizando el Muestreo Aleatorio Estratificado con muestras de la población de la Facultad de Agronomía (UBA). No se observ...

  13. El fraude fiscal en España. Una estimación con datos de contabilidad nacional


    Pulido Alba, Emilio José


    [ES]Análisis del fraude fiscal en España atendiendo a tres pilares fundamentales: analizar las causas, proponer soluciones y cuantificar su magnitud. Todo el estudio culmina con el núcleo de la tesis cuyo objetivo es ofrecer una magnitud del fraude fiscal en los dos impuestos que más aportan a los ingresos tributarios, el IVA y el IRPF. Pretendemos ofrecer un índice de fraude fiscal lo más real posible para cada uno de estos dos impuestos y, para ello, la metodología a utilizar se basa en...

  14. Los felinos: ¿Una alternativa en estudios de toxicología genética?

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    Ana Zamora-Perez


    Full Text Available La prueba de micronúcleos (MN en sangre periférica es rápida, sencilla, económica y sirve para detectar genotóxicos ambientales. Los MN son fragmentos de cromosomas o cromosomas completos que por alguna causa quedan fuera del núcleo en mitosis, pero que incrementan significativamente cuando los organismos que los presentan de manera espontánea se exponen a genotóxicos. Por lo tanto, el requisito para que una especie pueda ser utilizada para esta prueba es que presente eritrocitos micronucleados espontáneos (EMNe, con lo que estas especies pueden ser potenciales bioindicadores de genotóxicos micronucleogénicos, con sólo una gota de su sangre. En el presente articulo es mostramos 9 especies de felinos que como característica general presentan EMNe. Del total de especies de felinos, el gato ha sido previamente probado, con resultados positivos y ya que también el león, yaguaroundi, lince, jaguar, puma, tigre de bengala, ocelote y leopardo presentan EMNe, esta familia puede ser propuesta como un grupo potencialmente adecuado para estudios de toxicogenética. En otras palabras, cada una de estas especies puede llegar a ser un modelo potencial para determinar exposición a genotóxicos en nuestro entorno, de una manera sencilla y rápida.

  15. SÍNDROME CORONARIO AGUDO DE CAUSA NO ATEROESCLERÓTICA / Acute coronary syndrome of non-atherosclerotic origin

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    Yuri Medrano Plana


    Full Text Available Resumen La embolia coronaria es una causa poco frecuente de síndrome coronario agudo. Dentro de los varios tipos de material embólico se encuentra el de origen tumoral. Estos émbolos pueden ocasionar isquemia miocárdica de intensidad variable, desde angina de pecho hasta infarto agudo de miocardio o incluso, muerte súbita. Se presenta una mujer de 58 años de edad, que presentó episodios de angina inestable con cambios eléctricos sin factores de riesgo y sin antecedentes de cardiopatía isquémica, que en la coronariografía se demostró la presencia de arterias coronarias normales. El ecocardiograma transesofágico informó imagen ecogénica polilobulada y pediculada hacia la superficie septal de la aurícula izquierda (posible mixoma, sin observarse trombos en las cavidades cardíacas. La paciente fue operada (exéresis quirúrgica del tumor, evolucionó favorablemente y fue trasladada a su hospital de origen 72 horas después. / Abstract Coronary embolism is a rare cause of acute coronary syndrome. Among the various types of embolic material is that of tumoral origin. These emboli can cause myocardial ischemia of varying intensity, from angina to acute myocardial infarction or even sudden death. The case of a 58-year-old woman who presented unstable angina episodes with electrical changes with no risk factors and no history of ischemic heart disease is presented. By means of coronary angiography, the presence of normal coronary arteries was showed. Transesophageal echocardiography showed the echogenic polylobulated and pedicled image towards the septal surface of the left atrium (possible myxoma; thrombi in the cardiac chambers were not observed. The patient underwent surgery (surgical removal of the tumor, had a good progress and was transferred to her hospital of origin 72 hours later.

  16. Internacionalização e ativismo judicial: causas políticas e causas jurídicas na década de 90 e 2000 Internationalization and judicial ativism: political and legal causes in the 90' and 2000

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    Fabiano Engelmann


    Full Text Available Pretende-se fornecer elementos para a análise da relação entre o fenômeno de internacionalização do direito e a emergência de advogados engajados na representação judicial de causas coletivas. São analisadas duas dimensões: a primeira expõe um panorama exploratório das causas coletivas no cenário nacional e internacional; a segunda aborda casos representativos de promoção de causas na década de 90 e 2000. Estas duas dimensões permitem avançar a hipótese de que a redemocratização política e a constituição de redes internacionais de circulação de causas políticas e jurídicas contribuem para a definição dos perfis de ativismo judicial.The article intends to supply with elements the analysis of the relation between the phenomenon of internationalization of Law and the emergency of lawyers engaged in the judicial representation of collective causes. Two dimensions are analyzed. A first one displays a exploratory panorama of the causes in the national and international scene. One second dimension of analysis approaches representative cases of promotion of causes in the decade of 90 and 2000. These two dimensions allow to advance the hypothesis of that the political redemocratization and the constitution of international nets of circulation of political and legal causes contribute for the definition of the profiles of judicial ativism.

  17. Effects of best-management practices in Eagle and Joos Valley Creeks in the Waumandee Creek Priority Watershed, Wisconsin, 1990-2007 (United States)

    Graczyk, David J.; Walker, John F.; Bannerman, Roger T.; Rutter, Troy D.


    In many watersheds, nonpoint-source contamination is a major contributor to water-quality problems. In response to the recognition of the importance of nonpoint sources, the Wisconsin Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Abatement Program (Nonpoint Program) was enacted in 1978. This report summarizes the results of a study to assess the effectiveness of watershed-management practices for controlling nonpoint-source contamination for the Eagle Creek and Joos Valley Creek Watersheds. Streamflow-gaging stations equipped for automated sample collection and continuous recording of stream stage were installed in July 1990 at Eagle and Joos Valley Creeks and were operated through September 2007. In October 1990, three rain gages were installed in each watershed and were operated through September 2007. Best-Management Practices (BMPs) were installed during 1993 to 2000 in Eagle and Joos Valley Creeks and were tracked throughout the study period. By the year 2000, a majority of the BMPs were implemented in the two watersheds and goals set by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the local Land Conservation Department had been achieved for the two study watersheds (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 1990). The distributions of the rainstorms that produced surface runoff and storm loads were similar in the pre-BMP (1990-93) and post-BMP implementation (2000-07) periods for both Eagle and Joos Valley Creeks. The highest annual streamflow occurred at both sites in water year 1993, which corresponded to the greatest above normal nonfrozen precipitation measured at two nearby NOAA weather stations. The minimum streamflow occurred in water year 2007 at both sites. Base-flow and stormwater samples were collected and analyzed for suspended solids, total phosphorus, and ammonia nitrogen. For both Eagle and Joos Valley Creeks the median concentrations of suspended solids and total phosphorus in base flow were lower during the post-BMP period compared to the pre

  18. Behavioural ecology, distribution and conservation of the Javan Hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi Stresemann, 1924

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sözer, Resit; Nijman, Vincent


    In the period December 1993 – January 1995 research on the behavioural ecology, distribution and conservation of the Javan Hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi was carried out by R. Sözer and V. Nijman, under supervision of BirdLife International / PHPA – Indonesia Programme. This research was part of the

  19. Remediating and Monitoring White Phosphorus Contamination at Eagle River Flats (Operable Unit C), Fort Richardson, Alaska

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Walsh, M. E; Racine, C. H; Collins, C. M; Walsh, M. R; Bailey, R. N


    .... Army Engineer District, Alaska, and U.S. Army Alaska, Public Works, describing the results of research, monitoring, and remediation efforts addressing the white phosphorus contamination in Eagle River Flats, an 865-ha estuarine salt marsh...

  20. Questa baseline and premining ground-water quality investigation. 8. Lake-sediment geochemical record from 1960 to 2002, Eagle Rock and Fawn Lakes, Taos County, New Mexico (United States)

    Church, S.E.; Fey, D.L.; Marot, M.E.


    Geochemical studies of lake sediment from Eagle Rock Lake and upper Fawn Lake were conducted to evaluate the effect of mining at the Molycorp Questa porphyry molybdenum deposit located immediately north of the Red River. Two cores were taken, one from each lake near the outlet where the sediment was thinnest, and they were sampled at 1-cm intervals to provide geochemical data at less than 1-year resolution. Samples from the core intervals were digested and analyzed for 34 elements using ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry). The activity of 137Cs has been used to establish the beginning of sedimentation in the two lakes. Correlation of the geochemistry of heavy-mineral suites in the cores from both Fawn and Eagle Rock Lakes has been used to develop a sedimentation model to date the intervals sampled. The core from upper Fawn Lake, located upstream of the deposit, provided an annual sedimentary record of the geochemical baseline for material being transported in the Red River, whereas the core from Eagle Rock Lake, located downstream of the deposit, provided an annual record of the effect of mining at the Questa mine on the sediment in the Red River. Abrupt changes in the concentrations of many lithophile and deposit-related metals occur in the middle of the Eagle Rock Lake core, which we correlate with the major flood-of-record recorded at the Questa gage at Eagle Rock Lake in 1979. Sediment from the Red River collected at low flow in 2002 is a poor match for the geochemical data from the sediment core in Eagle Rock Lake. The change in sediment geochemistry in Eagle Rock Lake in the post-1979 interval is dramatic and requires that a new source of sediment be identified that has substantially different geochemistry from that in the pre-1979 core interval. Loss of mill tailings from pipeline breaks are most likely responsible for some of the spikes in trace-element concentrations in the Eagle Rock Lake core. Enrichment of Al2O3, Cu, and Zn

  1. The role of high-fat diet in an APP/PS1 model of familial Alzheimer disease = Efecto de una dieta rica en grasas en ratones APP/PS1, modelo familiar de la enfermedad de Alzheimer


    Petrov, Dmitry


    La obesidad es una pandemia mundial, la cual según estudios recientes afecta a más de 2.000 millones de personas en todo el mundo y conlleva una fuerte presión de los sistemas sanitarios globales. El problema se ve aumentado no sólo por los costes directos asociados al sobrepeso, sino también por las comorbilidades relacionadas, entre ellas el incremento del riesgo de desarrollo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas, como por ejemplo la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA), principal causa de demencia s...


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    William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende brindar una noción de la condición de desplazado desde el punto de vista medio-ambiental, involucrando factores antropogénicos que ocasionan daños y perjuicios. Para tal fin, se realizó una revisión conceptual que abarca al desplazado ambiental como un problema global, destacando el régimen jurídico internacional que lo integra, y se acentúan como base los derechos humanos internacionales con el fin de entender el marco de la geopolítica ambiental en los aspectos económicos, culturales y ambientales como resultado de esta situación. Con esto, es comprensible que el deterioro ambiental es una de las principales causas del desplazamiento de las poblaciones que procuran asegurar su subsistencia, por ende, la ampliación del régimen jurídico podría garantizar la eficacia, en cuanto a la cooperación internacional se refiere, para acceder a medidas de acción ante los desastres de todo tipo, y se extendería el marco de la geopolítica ambiental en beneficio de las poblaciones desplazadas.

  3. Mortalidade por causas relacionadas ao aborto no Brasil: declínio e desigualdades espaciais

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    Bruno Gil de Carvalho Lima


    Full Text Available Além de constituir causa freqüente de internamentos obstétricos em países pobres, o aborto representa a incapacidade do sistema público de saúde de prover informação suficiente sobre métodos contraceptivos para prevenir gestações em vez de interrompê-las. No Brasil, as altas taxas de utilização de serviços de saúde por abortamentos refletem as dificuldades persistentes de contracepção e planejamento familiar. Além disso, a mortalidade por aborto serve como indicador da qualidade dos procedimentos abortivos, um ponto importante num país onde tal prática é ilegal e, portanto, clandestinamente realizada. No presente estudo, analisamos as taxas de mortalidade por causas relacionadas ao aborto entre mulheres de 10 a 54 anos de idade, incluindo aquelas que morreram por abortamentos espontâneos e provocados, de 1980 a 1995, segundo região de residência. As informações utilizadas foram obtidas do banco de dados sobre mortalidade do Sistema Único de Saúde --Ministério da Saúde. Dados sobre população foram obtidos junto à Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Estudaram-se 2 602 óbitos. Do total de óbitos, 15% foram devidos a aborto retido, aborto espontâneo e aborto induzido com indicação legalmente admitida. Oitenta e cinco por cento dos óbitos foram causados por aborto induzido sem indicação legalmente admitida e por aborto sem causa especificada. Os coeficientes de mortalidade por causas relacionadas ao aborto têm decrescido continuamente no Brasil, mas tais avanços têm-se distribuído desigualmente no país. A região que apresentou a menor queda na taxa (38% em 15 anos foi o Nordeste. As mulheres que morreram por aborto tiveram uma média de idade decrescente no período estudado.

  4. Regional ozone impacts of increased natural gas use in the Texas power sector and development in the Eagle Ford shale. (United States)

    Pacsi, Adam P; Kimura, Yosuke; McGaughey, Gary; McDonald-Buller, Elena C; Allen, David T


    The combined emissions and air quality impacts of electricity generation in the Texas grid and natural gas production in the Eagle Ford shale were estimated at various natural gas price points for the power sector. The increased use of natural gas in the power sector, in place of coal-fired power generation, drove reductions in average daily maximum 8 h ozone concentration of 0.6-1.3 ppb in northeastern Texas for a high ozone episode used in air quality planning. The associated increase in Eagle Ford upstream oil and gas production nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions caused an estimated local increase, in south Texas, of 0.3-0.7 ppb in the same ozone metric. In addition, the potential ozone impacts of Eagle Ford emissions on nearby urban areas were estimated. On the basis of evidence from this work and a previous study on the Barnett shale, the combined ozone impact of increased natural gas development and use in the power sector is likely to vary regionally and must be analyzed on a case by case basis.

  5. Óbitos infantis evitáveis em Belo Horizonte: análise de concordância da causa básica, 2010-2011

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    Simone Passos de Castro e Santos


    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivos: analisar o perfil dos óbitos infantis evitáveis investigados e a concordância entre a causa básica da declaração de óbito (DO original e da DO após investigação. Métodos: estudo de base populacional com análise dos óbitos infantis e dos óbitos evitáveis investigados pelo Comitê de Prevenção de Óbitos de Belo Horizonte (CMPOFI, em 2010 e 2011. A DO após investigação baseou-se na análise dos dados ambulatorial, hospitalar e domiciliar realizada pelo CMPOFI. As causas de morte foram codificadas segundo a Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde - 10º Revisão e a causa básica selecionada. A concordância entre a causa básica da DO original e da DO após investigação, analisada de acordo com lista reduzida de tabulação de causas de mortalidade infantil (LIR-MI, foi determinada pelo índice Kappa. Resultados: o Kappa foi fraco (K=0,389; IC95%: 0,192-05,76 quando avaliado pelos grupos da LIRMI. Houve mudanças relevantes na causa de óbito após investigação, com aumento da proporção de óbitos por asfixia, fatores maternos, infecções da criança, infecções perinatais, causas externas e morte súbita na infância. Conclusões: a investigação de óbitos possibilitou maior esclarecimento sobre as circunstâncias dos óbitos infantis evitáveis e a qualificação da causa básica, passos fundamentais para orientar as ações para sua prevenção.

  6. Confiabilidade da declaração de causa básica de mortes infantis em região metropolitana do sudeste do Brasil

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    Mendonça Elisabeth F.


    Full Text Available A partir de dados coletados para um estudo sobre a mortalidade infantil na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil, foi selecionada uma amostra aleatória de óbitos infantis ocorridos em 1989, para avaliar a concordância da causa básica de morte registrada na declaração de óbito e a obtida após revisão detalhada do prontuário hospitalar da criança. Verificou-se que 11,7% dos óbitos neonatais não tiveram a causa básica registrada no atestado, confirmada pela investigação nos prontuários médicos (kappa = 0,61, o mesmo ocorrendo em 44,0% dos pós-neonatais (kappa = 0,47. Esta maior discordância no grupo pós-neonatal provavelmente se deveu a maior dificuldade de definição das causas contribuintes e da causa básica dos óbitos por diarréias, pneumonias e desnutrição, principais causas de mortalidade nesse grupo. Em relação aos óbitos por desnutrição e diarréia, observou-se associação entre ambas em 76,9% das vezes em que a diarréia foi selecionada como causa básica, mostrando que essas patologias podem ser destacadas como um mesmo grupamento em saúde pública. As discordâcias encontradas demonstram que os médicos ainda dão pouca importância ao seu papel como agentes geradores de informação de saúde. Os dados da declaração de óbito fornecem indicação razoável das principais causas de mortes infantis, principalmente quando se considera o grupamento diarréia-pneumonia-desnutrição, composto de patologias evitáveis e ainda de grande relevância como causa de mortalidade infantil na região.

  7. Nutrición parenteral total en una paciente gestante con pancreatitis aguda e hipertrigliceridemia por déficit de lipoproteín lipasa


    Contreras-Bolívar, Victoria; González-Molero, Inmaculada; Valdivieso, Pedro; Olveira, Gabriel


    Presentamos un caso de pancreatitis aguda severa inducida por hipertrigliceridemia secundaria a déficit de lipoproteín lipasa (LPL) en una paciente gestante con diabetes gestacional, manejada inicialmente con dieta, siendo necesario posteriormente llevar a cabo medidas de soporte nutricional artificial: nutrición parenteral total. El déficit de LPL causa hipertrigliceridemia severa y, frecuentemente, pancreatitis aguda de repetición, situación de difícil manejo y de importante gravedad durant...

  8. De la bioética a la ecoética (Una reflexión desde el «Racionalismo dialéctico»

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    Luis Jair Gómez Giraldo


    Full Text Available La «crisis ambiental», a causa de la novedad, tiene dos características muy importantes. De un lado está el lenguaje en dos perspectivas. En la apreciación de Gastón Bachelard, el problema de la diversidad de conceptualizaciones y teorizaciones al respecto, y del lado de Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, la carencia de una clara certificación. La “Ética de la Tierra”, escrita por Aldo Leopold fue una primera aproximación a la configuración de un comportamiento ético referido a la problemática ambiental; luego vino la concepción bioética, que por carencia de su certificación, no logró una fundamentación operacional ni teórica adecuada. En este sentido se hace necesario clarificar muy bien el lenguaje para tener una expresión definida sobre esa crisis ambiental, la cual se ubica dentro de una temática que desborda el interés científico y se constituye en una preocupación política a todos los niveles. La otra característica es ser una temática claramente transdisciplinaria, lo que hace necesario avanzar sobre una buena fundamentación operacional y teórica para evitar discusiones sin un objeto claro de trabajo que conduzca a referentes distintos e indistinguibles.

  9. Ossification of the stylohyoid chain on computed tomograms - Eagle syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lugmayr, H.; Krennmair, G.; Lenglinger, F.


    The computed tomographic morphology of a typical Eagle syndrome is presented on the basis of a case history. In a 40-year-old female patient presenting with bilateral tinnitus, globus hystericus, and increasing hoarseness computed tomography revealed bilateral ossification of the stylohyoid ligament. The incidence of stylalgia is very low in comparison to the occurrence of a elongated styloid process or an ossified stylohyoid ligament. However, in cases of unexplained complaints in the head and neck region it should be considered in the differential diagnosis as it has therapeutic consequences. (orig.) [de

  10. A rare fatality due to calcified stylohyoid ligament (Eagle syndrome). (United States)

    Gupta, Avneesh; Aggrawal, Anil; Setia, Puneet


    The elongation or calcification of the stylohyoid ligament that leads to pressure symptoms, or entrapment of nearby glossopharyngeal nerve or carotid artery, is known as Eagle syndrome. A PubMed search leads to finding of rare fatality among the 49 reported cases. In the present case, the deceased was a 40-year-old male who choked on his food. We hypothesise that the impaction of food in the upper respiratory tract, as well as the inability to intubate the person, were both the result of the calcified stylohyoid ligament.

  11. Optical colours and spectral indices of z = 0.1 eagle galaxies with the 3D dust radiative transfer code skirt (United States)

    Trayford, James W.; Camps, Peter; Theuns, Tom; Baes, Maarten; Bower, Richard G.; Crain, Robert A.; Gunawardhana, Madusha L. P.; Schaller, Matthieu; Schaye, Joop; Frenk, Carlos S.


    We present mock optical images, broad-band and H α fluxes, and D4000 spectral indices for 30 145 galaxies from the eagle hydrodynamical simulation at redshift z = 0.1, modelling dust with the skirt Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. The modelling includes a subgrid prescription for dusty star-forming regions, with both the subgrid obscuration of these regions and the fraction of metals in diffuse interstellar dust calibrated against far-infrared fluxes of local galaxies. The predicted optical colours as a function of stellar mass agree well with observation, with the skirt model showing marked improvement over a simple dust-screen model. The orientation dependence of attenuation is weaker than observed because eagle galaxies are generally puffier than real galaxies, due to the pressure floor imposed on the interstellar medium (ISM). The mock H α luminosity function agrees reasonably well with the data, and we quantify the extent to which dust obscuration affects observed H α fluxes. The distribution of D4000 break values is bimodal, as observed. In the simulation, 20 per cent of galaxies deemed 'passive' for the skirt model, I.e. exhibiting D4000 >1.8, are classified 'active' when ISM dust attenuation is not included. The fraction of galaxies with stellar mass greater than 1010 M⊙ that are deemed passive is slightly smaller than observed, which is due to low levels of residual star formation in these simulated galaxies. Colour images, fluxes and spectra of eagle galaxies are to be made available through the public eagle data base.

  12. Estimating the potential impacts of large mesopredators on benthic resources: integrative assessment of spotted eagle ray foraging ecology in Bermuda.

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    Matthew J Ajemian

    Full Text Available Declines of large sharks and subsequent release of elasmobranch mesopredators (smaller sharks and rays may pose problems for marine fisheries management as some mesopredators consume exploitable shellfish species. The spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari is the most abundant inshore elasmobranch in subtropical Bermuda, but its predatory role remains unexamined despite suspected abundance increases and its hypothesized specialization for mollusks. We utilized a combination of acoustic telemetry, benthic invertebrate sampling, gut content analysis and manipulative experiments to assess the impact of spotted eagle rays on Bermudian shellfish resources. Residency and distribution of adult spotted eagle rays was monitored over two consecutive summers in Harrington Sound (HS, an enclosed inshore lagoon that has historically supported multiple recreational and commercial shellfish species. Telemetered rays exhibited variable fidelity (depending on sex to HS, though generally selected regions that supported relatively high densities of potential mollusk prey. Gut content analysis from rays collected in HS revealed a diet of mainly bivalves and a few gastropods, with calico clam (Macrocallista maculata representing the most important prey item. Manipulative field and mesocosm experiments with calico clams suggested that rays selected prey patches based on density, though there was no evidence of rays depleting clam patches to extirpation. Overall, spotted eagle rays had modest impacts on local shellfish populations at current population levels, suggesting a reduced role in transmitting cascading effects from apex predator loss. However, due to the strong degree of coupling between rays and multiple protected mollusks in HS, ecosystem-based management that accounts for ray predation should be adopted.

  13. Exotic lagomorph may influence eagle abundances and breeding spatial aggregations: a field study and meta-analysis on the nearest neighbor distance

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    Facundo Barbar


    Full Text Available The introduction of alien species could be changing food source composition, ultimately restructuring demography and spatial distribution of native communities. In Argentine Patagonia, the exotic European hare has one of the highest numbers recorded worldwide and is now a widely consumed prey for many predators. We examine the potential relationship between abundance of this relatively new prey and the abundance and breeding spacing of one of its main consumers, the Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle (Geranoaetus melanoleucus. First we analyze the abundance of individuals of a raptor guild in relation to hare abundance through a correspondence analysis. We then estimated the Nearest Neighbor Distance (NND of the Black-chested Buzzard-eagle abundances in the two areas with high hare abundances. Finally, we performed a meta-regression between the NND and the body masses of Accipitridae raptors, to evaluate if Black-chested Buzzard-eagle NND deviates from the expected according to their mass. We found that eagle abundance was highly associated with hare abundance, more than with any other raptor species in the study area. Their NND deviates from the value expected, which was significantly lower than expected for a raptor species of this size in two areas with high hare abundance. Our results support the hypothesis that high local abundance of prey leads to a reduction of the breeding spacing of its main predator, which could potentially alter other interspecific interactions, and thus the entire community.

  14. Internacionalização e ativismo judicial: causas políticas e causas jurídicas nas décadas de 1990 e 2000 International and judicial activism: political and juridical causes in 1990 and 2000’s

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    Fabiano Engelmann


    Full Text Available Pretende-se fornecer elementos para a análise da relação entre o fenômeno de internacionalização do direito e a emergência de advogados engajados na representação judicial de causas coletivas. São analisadas duas dimensões: uma primeira expõe um panorama exploratório das causas coletivas no cenário nacional e internacional. Uma segunda dimensão de análise aborda casos representativos de promoção de causas nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Estas duas dimensões permitem avançar a hipótese de que a redemocratização política e a constituição de redes internacionais de circulação de causas políticas e jurídicas contribuem para a definição dos perfis de ativismo judicial.The article intends to supply with elements the analysis of the relation between the phenomenon of internationalization of Law and the emergency of lawyers engaged in the judicial representation of collective causes. Two dimensions are analyzed: a first one displays a exploratory panorama of the causes in the national and international scene. One second dimension of analysis approaches representative cases of promotion of causes in the decades of 1990 and 2000. These two dimensions allow to advance the hypothesis of that the political redemocratization and the constitution of international nets of circulation of political and legal causes contribute for the definition of the profiles of judicial activism.

  15. Reconstrucción narrativa de una experiencia de hospitalización

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    Santa Parrello


    Full Text Available Al integrar la perspectiva más reciente de la Psicología de la salud con la Psicología cultural, este trabajo indaga, por medio de una entrevista narrativa, los relatos de N = 40 personas (11 M y 29 F, entre 20-60 años que han vivido una hospitalización por causa de un accidente o una enfermedad. Se parte de la hipótesis de que el hospital es una institución y un lugar físico impregnado de significados culturales y de vivencias emocionales personales. El objetivo consistió en explorar las modalidades con las cuales las y los participantes reconstruyeron narrativamente su experiencia hospitalaria y cómo se valoraron así mismos y a los otros en términos de recursos y vínculos. El corpus de las 40 entrevistas fue sometido a un análisis estadístico lexical por medio del software ALCESTE (Reinert, 1993, con el resultado de tres clases de discurso: (1 Solicitud de apoyo social, (2 el hospital como lugar de miedo e incertidumbre y (3 el hospital narrado con terminología médica. El análisis factorial de las correspondencias extrajo dos factores: el primero denominado “gravedad de la hospitalización” (polaridad mayor/menor y el segundo denominado “focus de la narración” (polaridad interno/externo. Se concluye que el hospital, aunque se concibe como una institución que ayuda a sanar, interrumpe la rutina diaria, produce aislamiento y provoca miedo. Este tipo de estudio puede contribuir a poner de manifiesto aspectos psicológicos en el proceso salud-enfermedad que sirvan como puente de comunicación con el personal sanitario.


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    German Alberto Chavez


    Full Text Available A través de una revisión histórico-epistemológica de algunos de los aspectos más relevantes de la teoría sintética de la evolución (TSE y de la teoría de la endosimbiosis seriada (TES, el presente ensayo pretende mostrar las principales diferencias epistemológicas y conceptuales de ambas teorías, llegando a la conclusión de que muy posiblemente la teoría de la endosimbiosis seriada que explica el origen de la célula eucariota, como también de otros organismos, podría ser una alternativa a la teoría sintética de la evolución, esto en virtud de que la TES difiere radicalmente en dos de los presupuestos conceptuales y epistemológicos fundamentales de la TSE, como son la evolución de una manera gradualista y la selección natural como principal motor evolutivo. En cuanto al primer aspecto, la TES propone que los cambios evolutivos importantes en eventos claves de la evolución biológica, como la aparición de la célula eucariota, se han dado de una manera no gradual y más acorde con un modelo de evolución biológica a saltos. En cuanto al segundo aspecto, es decir la preponderancia de la selección natural en el proceso evolutivo, la TES propone que esta solo juega un papel de ajuste fino de los organismos a su ambiente, sin que la selección natural llegue a ser la causa principal del origen de nuevas especies. En su lugar la TES propone la simbiosis como una posible causa del origen de nuevas especies. Igualmente, este ensayo propone que reconocer estos debates conceptuales y epistemológicos es clave en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la biología en general y de la evolución biológica en particular, en pos de superar una enseñanza de la biología que, de una manera sesgada y hegemónica, solo tenga en cuenta los presupuestos conceptuales y epistemológicos del neodarwinismo.

  17. Cancer en Chile y el mundo: Una mirada epidemiologica, presente y futuro


    G. Laura Itriago, Dra.; Dr. I. Nicolas Silva; F. Giovanna Cortes, Eu.


    El cáncer es una de las principales causas de muerte a nivel mundial. En 2008 hubo 12.7 millones de casos y 7,6 millones de muertes por cáncer (GLOBOCAN); 56% de los casos y 64% de las muertes ocurrió en países en vías de desarrollo. En los países desarrollados, el cáncer de pulmón, mama, colorectal y próstata representan el 46% del total de la carga por cáncer; en los países en vías de desarrollo: sarcoma de Kaposi, cáncer cérvico uterino, cáncer hepático, gástrico y de esófago representan e...

  18. Condiciones de trabajo y salud de una universidad venezolana

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    Rojas-Martini Maritza


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar los procesos peligrosos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana como consecuencia de sus actividades laborales. Material y métodos. Se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones de exposición laboral de los trabajadores de una universidad venezolana (UN, de sus potenciales procesos peligrosos (PP y de sus causas, mediante un estudio de corte transversal, efectuado en 1999. Se estudiaron 90 trabajadores de uno u otro sexo, pertenecientes a 24 áreas clasificadas como críticas por las autoridades de la UN. Se aplicaron una encuesta de área y una personal. En ésta, se investigaron características demográficas, historia clínica ocupacional, procesos peligrosos ocupacionales, uso de equipos de protección personal (EPP, conocimiento de riesgos laborales y hábitos. Se practicaron exámenes clínico-toxicológicos, entre otros. Se identificaron los principales PP químicos, físicos, biológicos, mecánicos, ergonómicos y psicosociales y el grado de riesgo (GR por cada área. Se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, así como también medidas de asociación y significancia estadística, pertinentes a cada caso. Resultados. Se obtuvo una correlación positiva, significativa entre la antigüedad en la UN y el número de signos y síntomas referidos por los trabajadores, pero no entre estos últimos y la edad o el sexo. Los síntomas en su mayoría resultaron no específicos. Conclusiones. En la UN se presentan variados procesos potencialmente peligrosos en las diferentes áreas laborales debido a las características inherentes a su misión. Se hacen las recomendaciones pertinentes para instaurar programas que den prioridad a las acciones preventivas, que lleven registros adecuados sobre siniestralidad laboral, morbilidad y mortalidad, y que permitan la detección temprana de enfermedades y accidentes ocupacionales.

  19. Una causa infrecuente de convulsión hipocalcémica: raquitismo congénito. Caso clínico


    Karabel, Duran; Karabel, Musemma; Yilmaz, Ayse Esra; Tas, Tugba; Karayel, Metin


    La deficiencia de vitamina D y el raquitismo son problemas de salud importantes en los países en desarrollo. El raquitismo congénito es una forma infrecuente de raquitismo. La deficiencia materna de vitamina D es el factor de riesgo más importante para la deficiencia de vitamina D y el raquitismo en los recién nacidos y lactantes. Presentamos el caso de un niño de 2 meses de edad, con convulsiones durante su hospitalización por neumonía. Se diagnosticó raquitismo congénito asociado a deficien...


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    Juliana Almeida Marques Lubenow


    Full Text Available Los accidentes con material corto-punzante son serios debido a las enfermedades que puedan ser causadas. El estudio es descriptivo, con abordaje cualitativa e fue desarrollado en hospital privado en Piauí, entre marzo y junio de 2011. El objetivo es analizar las causas atribuidas por técnicos de enfermería al su proprio accidente, utilizando la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Fueran hechas entrevistas en profundidad con 16 profesionales que sufrirán ese tipo de accidente. Los dados fueran procesados a través del programa ALCESTE 4.8 que evidenció falta de cuidado como la principal causa identificada por elles. También fueran apuntadas negligencia del colega de trabajo e agitación del paciente. La representación social predominante es que el accidente solamente ocurre pelo comportamiento irresponsable del profesional. Por lo tanto, cada exposición percutánea debe ser analizada individualmente en la búsqueda de causas reales que non culpen solamente el trabajador.

  1. 50 CFR 22.25 - What are the requirements concerning permits to take golden eagle nests? (United States)


    ... nests are inactive, if the taking is compatible with the preservation of the area nesting population of... Director—Attention: Migratory Bird Permit Office. You can find addresses for the appropriate Regional... applicant must calculate the area nesting population of golden eagles and identify on an appropriately...

  2. Proyecto Recreativo Comunitario: Mi Barrio Listo por una Vida Sana y Saludable

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    Abel Martínez Garriga


    Full Text Available La propuesta de un plan de acción de actividades físico-recreativa en el tiempo libre de los jóvenes del reparto Villamil pertenecientes a los CDR 2, 6 y 7 , de la circunscripción # 250 de Pinar del Río, es una tesis que plantea como objetivo, elaborar un Sistema de Acciones Físico Recreativas encaminadas ocupar el tiempo disponible con que cuentan los jóvenes, en aras de favorecer la práctica de una vida sana y saludable. Lo que nos proponemos con este proyecto es la ocupación de los jóvenes en actividades físico – recreativas en su tiempo libre y educarlos en cuanto al modo de vida que deben tener para ayudar a prevenir y curar enfermedades en el futuro que suelen producirse por causa del alcoholismo, el tabaquismo, la incorrecta alimentación, las horas de sueño y la falta de ejercicio y muchas otras. Las actividades que proponemos no son diferentes de aquellas que ya conocemos. La diferencia está dada en la intención en cuanto a la dirección del proceso educativo y a la metodología que utilizamos para la utilización de las diferentes actividades físico – recreativa y desarrollar una sociedad sana y culta.

  3. 76 FR 11523 - Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; AREVA Enrichment Services, LLC (Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility... (United States)


    ... and Licensing Board; AREVA Enrichment Services, LLC (Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility); Notice of... Governmental Entities Regarding Environmental Portion of Enrichment Facility Licensing Proceeding February 24.... White. In this 10 CFR part 70 proceeding regarding the request of applicant AREVA Enrichment Services...

  4. 75 FR 62895 - Notice of Availability of Safety Evaluation Report; AREVA Enrichment Services LLC, Eagle Rock... (United States)


    ... Evaluation Report; AREVA Enrichment Services LLC, Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Bonneville County, ID... report. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Breeda Reilly, Senior Project Manager, Advanced Fuel Cycle, Enrichment, and Uranium Conversion, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Material...

  5. Tendencia de la mortalidad por causas violentas en la población general y entre los adolescentes y jóvenes de la región de las américas

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    Yunes João


    Full Text Available Se analiza la tendencia de la mortalidad por causas externas y grupo de causas en 15 países, durante el período de 1979 a 1990. Se demuestra que en nueve países (Argentina, Canadá, Costa Rica, Chile, EE.UU. de Norteamérica, México, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago y Venezuela la tendencia de la mortalidad es descendiente en todos los grupos de edad estudiados y que en tres más, sea para la población general (Uruguay, sea para el grupo de 10 a 24 años (Panamá y Puerto Rico, se observa tambien una tendencia decreciente. Solo tres países (Brasil, Colombia y Cuba muestran tendencias francamente crecientes de su mortalidad en todos los grupos de edad, mientras en otros dos (Panamá y Puerto Rico, tales movimientos se aprecian en la población en general y en uno (Uruguay, afectan solo al grupo de 10 a 24 años de edad. La mortalidad por causas externas segun grupo de edad se concentra frecuentemente en el grupo de los adolescentes y jóvenes y las tendencias de la mortalidad por sexo, aunque predomine en el sexo masculino, las diferencias tienden a disminuir. Segun la magnitud de la mortalidad por causas externas se configuran tres grupos de países, de acuerdo a las tasas alcanzadas por este indicador: países de elevada mortalidad (Colombia, Cuba, Chile, México y Suriname; países de nivel intermedio (Brasil, Canadá, EE.UU. de Norteamérica, Puerto Rico y Venezuela; y países de moderada mortalidad (Argentina, Costa Rica, Panamá, Trinidad & Tobago y Uruguay. En relación a los grupos de causas externas resulta evidente que, a pesar de sus tendencias decrecientes, la mortalidad por accidentes de tráfico continúa siendo un grave problema en Brasil, Canadá, EE.UU. y Venezuela. La mortalidad por suicidio sigue siendo motivo de preocupación en Canadá, EE.UU., Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Argentina y Uruguay. En relación a la mortalidad por homicidio, ésta es particularmente alarmante en Brasil, Colombia, México, Panamá, Puerto Rico y

  6. Tendencia de la mortalidad por causas violentas en la población general y entre los adolescentes y jóvenes de la región de las américas

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    João Yunes

    Full Text Available Se analiza la tendencia de la mortalidad por causas externas y grupo de causas en 15 países, durante el período de 1979 a 1990. Se demuestra que en nueve países (Argentina, Canadá, Costa Rica, Chile, EE.UU. de Norteamérica, México, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago y Venezuela la tendencia de la mortalidad es descendiente en todos los grupos de edad estudiados y que en tres más, sea para la población general (Uruguay, sea para el grupo de 10 a 24 años (Panamá y Puerto Rico, se observa tambien una tendencia decreciente. Solo tres países (Brasil, Colombia y Cuba muestran tendencias francamente crecientes de su mortalidad en todos los grupos de edad, mientras en otros dos (Panamá y Puerto Rico, tales movimientos se aprecian en la población en general y en uno (Uruguay, afectan solo al grupo de 10 a 24 años de edad. La mortalidad por causas externas segun grupo de edad se concentra frecuentemente en el grupo de los adolescentes y jóvenes y las tendencias de la mortalidad por sexo, aunque predomine en el sexo masculino, las diferencias tienden a disminuir. Segun la magnitud de la mortalidad por causas externas se configuran tres grupos de países, de acuerdo a las tasas alcanzadas por este indicador: países de elevada mortalidad (Colombia, Cuba, Chile, México y Suriname; países de nivel intermedio (Brasil, Canadá, EE.UU. de Norteamérica, Puerto Rico y Venezuela; y países de moderada mortalidad (Argentina, Costa Rica, Panamá, Trinidad & Tobago y Uruguay. En relación a los grupos de causas externas resulta evidente que, a pesar de sus tendencias decrecientes, la mortalidad por accidentes de tráfico continúa siendo un grave problema en Brasil, Canadá, EE.UU. y Venezuela. La mortalidad por suicidio sigue siendo motivo de preocupación en Canadá, EE.UU., Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Argentina y Uruguay. En relación a la mortalidad por homicidio, ésta es particularmente alarmante en Brasil, Colombia, México, Panamá, Puerto Rico y

  7. Applying citizen-science data and mark-recapture models to estimate numbers of migrant golden eagles in an important bird area in eastern North America (United States)

    Dennhardt, Andrew J.; Duerr, Adam E.; Brandes, David; Katzner, Todd


    Estimates of population abundance are important to wildlife management and conservation. However, it can be difficult to characterize the numbers of broadly distributed, low-density, and elusive bird species. Although Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) are rare, difficult to detect, and broadly distributed, they are concentrated during their autumn migration at monitoring sites in eastern North America. We used hawk-count data collected by citizen scientists in a virtual mark–recapture modeling analysis to estimate the numbers of Golden Eagles that migrate in autumn along Kittatinny Ridge, an Important Bird Area in Pennsylvania, USA. In order to evaluate the sensitivity of our abundance estimates to variation in eagle capture histories, we applied candidate models to 8 different sets of capture histories, constructed with or without age-class information and using known mean flight speeds 6 1, 2, 4, or 6 SE for eagles to travel between hawk-count sites. Although some abundance estimates were produced by models that poorly fitted the data (ĉ > 3.0), 2 sets of population estimates were produced by acceptably performing models (cˆ less than or equal to 3.0). Application of these models to count data from November, 2002–2011, suggested a mean population abundance of 1,354 6 117 SE (range: 873–1,938). We found that Golden Eagles left the ridgeline at different rates and in different places along the route, and that typically ,50% of individuals were detected at the hawk-count sites. Our study demonstrates a useful technique for estimating population abundance that may be applicable to other migrant species that are repeatedly detected at multiple monitoring sites along a topographic diversion or leading line.

  8. Principais causas de hospitalização de pacientes em hemodiálise no município de Guarapuava, Paraná, Brasil Principales causas de hospitalización de pacientes de hemodiálisis en la ciudad de Guarapuava, Paraná, Brasil Main causes of hospitalization of hemodialysis patients in the city of Guarapuava, Paraná, Brazil

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    Daiane Roberta Pivatto


    Full Text Available Estudo quantitativo que teve como objetivo caracterizar pacientes renais crônicos em hemodiálise segundo variáveis sócio-demográficas e identificar as principais causas de internação destes pacientes no ano de 2007. A coleta de dados foi realizada em uma clínica de Guarapuava, Paraná, com 29 pacientes, em prontuários e através do programa informatizado Nefrodata, específico para centros de diálise e analisados através de estatística descritiva, onde 58,7% eram do sexo masculino, 62% casados e a idade média foi de 53,7 anos. Quanto às doenças de base houve um predomínio da nefropatia diabética com 31,1% e a crise hipertensiva com 11,8% entre as causas de internação. Estas causas estão em sua maioria relacionadas com a própria doença renal, sendo necessário orientações e intervenções da equipe multidisciplinar com enfoque no tratamento da insuficiência renal crônica e na adesão à terapia, com o objetivo de reduzir e até mesmo evitar estas hospitalizações.Cuantitativo estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar a los pacientes en hemodiálisis según socio-demográficos e identificar las principales causas de hospitalización en el año 2007. La recolección de datos se realizó en una clínica de Guarapuava, Paraná, Brasil, 29 pacientes cuyos datos se obtuvieron de los registros médicos y Nefrodata informático a través del programa, específico para centros de diálisis y se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva, donde el 58,7% fueron hombres, 62% casados y la edad media fue 53,7 años. En cuanto a las enfermedades subyacentes, con predominio de la nefropatía diabética con un 31,1% y en relación con las causas de hospitalización crisis hipertensiva predominó con 11,8%. Estas causas son en su mayoría relacionados con la enfermedad renal en sí, y las orientaciones necesarias y el equipo multidisciplinario de las intervenciones se centraron en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia renal crónica y la

  9. Detección precoz de hipoacusia neonatal no congénita en recién nacidos sometidos a ventilación mecánica en una unidad de neonatología de junio – septiembre 2012


    Díaz Torres, Mónica; Duque Cevallos, Sandra Marcela


    Introducción: La ventilación mecánica es una de las causas de hipoacusia en recién nacidos ingresados a una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales. Objetivo: Establecer el nivel de riesgo de los neonatos sometidos a ventilación mecánica de desarrollar hipoacusia no congénita en el Hospital Enrique Garcés de Quito durante Junio a septiembre del 2012. Sujeto: Se investigaron 101 pacientes que fueron Hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales de los cuales el 20,79% re...

  10. Molecular identification of Sarcocystis halieti n. sp., Sarcocystis lari and Sarcocystis truncata in the intestine of a white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla in Norway

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    Bjørn Gjerde


    Full Text Available An emaciated white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla from Western Norway was found and nursed briefly before it died. The necropsy revealed that the principal cause of death was an inflammation and occlusion of the bile ducts. A secondary finding was the presence in the intestinal mucosa of numerous sporulated Sarcocystis oocysts measuring 21.8–22.8 × 16.0–17.0 μm. The aim of this study was to identify these oocysts to species level using molecular methods. Genomic DNA was extracted from 10 mucosal scrapings containing oocysts and subjected to PCR amplification and sequencing of four DNA regions: the 18S and 28S rRNA genes, the ITS1 region and the cox1 gene. DNA of three previously known Sarcocystis spp. was identified, but only two of these, Sarcocystis halieti n. sp. and Sarcocystis lari, both employing sea birds as intermediate hosts, were considered to have used the sea eagle as a definitive host and to have formed oocysts in its intestine. The third species found, Sarcocystis truncata, employs red deer as intermediate hosts and seems to use felids as definitive hosts based on its phylogenetic position and prevalence. The sea eagle had probably recently ingested portions of one of the latter hosts (red deer or cat/lynx containing stages (sarcocysts/oocysts and thus DNA of S. truncata. The species S. halieti and S. lari could only be unambiguously separated from their most closely related congeners on the basis of their ITS1 sequences. This is the first report of Sarcocystis oocysts in sea eagles and the first identification to species level of Sarcocystis oocysts in any type of eagle. The sea eagle also acted as intermediate host of an unidentified Sarcocystis spp. as evidenced by the finding of six thin-walled sarcocysts in a histological section of cardiac muscle. Keywords: Sarcocystis, Haliaeetus albicilla, Oocysts, ITS1, Cox1, Phylogeny

  11. El desplazamiento forzado en Colombia: una revisión histórica y demográfica.

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    Nubia Yaneth Ruiz R.


    Full Text Available El presente articulo se ocupa de la migración en Colombia a causa del desplazamiento no voluntario de la población, a la cual suele considerarse migración forzada. Se presenta una revisión general de problema, se sostiene su pertinencia en el debate contemporáneo de los problemas de población y se aborda la demografía del conflicto con una visión panorámica de la historia en que hunde, sus raíces la situación actual de! país; se formula asimismo un análisis general de las características presentes del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia. El desarraigo de cetra de cuatro millones de personas desterradas dentro del territorio nacional es una de las más notables consecuencias del conflicto interno que ha vivido el país durante cerca de cinco décadas. Al ser una migración forzada, en la que muchas veces está en peligro la vida de la población, los mmtimientos no son planificados; es un proceso caótico en que la población es desarraigada de manera violenta. La investigación de la cual el presente articulo es una síntesis pretende determinar las implicaciones de dicho desplazamiento sobre la tierra rural abandonada por la población y sobre los territorios urbanos que reciben a las millones de desplazados.

  12. Changes in baseflow patterns in water-limited shale oil and gas regions: the Eagle Ford play (United States)

    Arciniega, S.; Brena-Naranjo, J. A.; Hernández-Espriú, A.; Pedrozo-Acuña, A.


    Quantifying and analyzing the contribution of groundwater from shallow aquifers to rivers as baseflow is very important for water supply and riverine ecosystem health, especially in water-limited catchments. Baseflow depends on the water available (precipitation), vegetation (land use, water use), aquifer properties and water-table depth. In this context, human activities such as groundwater abstraction for multiple purposes can alter the relationship between aquifer storage and baseflow. In this study, we analyzed observed changes in baseflow patterns of 40 catchments located across the Eagle Ford shale gas/oil play (Texas) during the period 1986-2015. The Eagle Ford sedimentary formation is actually the largest shale oil producing region in the US with large production in shale gas. Intensive unconventional resources extraction in the Eagle Ford play started in 2009 and gas/oil production increased faster than in other plays, accompanied by a rise in groundwater consumption for HF purposes. Spatial and temporal impacts on baseflow at the Eagle Ford play derived from HF were assessed by means of different patterns such as baseflow hydrograph separation, flow-duration curves, empirical storage-discharge relationships and streamflow recession curve analysis. A comparison during different periods of water use for HF activities was performed: pre-development period (1986-2000); moderate period (2001-2008); and intensive period (2009-2015). The pre-development period was considered as a baseline and catchments located inside and outside the play area were separately analyzed. The results show negative changes on baseflow patterns during the intensive HF period that were not observed during the moderate period, especially in catchments located inside the play. These changes were also characterized by a decline on mean annual baseflow volume and shorter hydrograph recession times, that led to a shift in the streamflow regime in some catchments from perennial to

  13. 76 FR 6114 - Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, North Fork Eagle Creek Wells Special Use Authorization (United States)


    ... National Forest, New Mexico, North Fork Eagle Creek Wells Special Use Authorization AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement. SUMMARY: The Lincoln National Forest will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to document and publicly disclose...

  14. La motivación en los voluntarios: Una aplicación del inventario de funciones al caso Colombia

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    Giovanni Pérez Ortega


    Full Text Available Este artículo, basado en “El inventario de funciones del Voluntariado –IFV-”, determina cuáles son las variables que motivan a los voluntarios en Colombia, a desarrollar las actividades relacionadas con el voluntariado. Se consideraron seis dimensiones (valores, carrera, social, comprensión, protección y mejora. El análisis de los resultados muestra que los voluntarios en Colombia se motivan principalmente porque pueden trabajar por una causa que es importante para ellos y porque pueden ayudar a los menos afortunados; variables pertenecientes a la dimensión de valores.

  15. Fiebre de origen desconocido, una forma de presentarse la tuberculosis

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    Lázaro Arturo Vidal Tallet


    Full Text Available La tuberculosis es una causa importante de fiebre de origen desconocido. Dentro de los factores de riesgo para estar infectado por el bacilo tuberculoso se encuentra la edad, la presencia de comorbilidades, la competencia inmunológica y la alta prevalencia de la enfermedad en el área geográfica. Los hallazgos clínicos, radiológicos, epidemiológicos y la respuesta a la terapéutica antimicrobiana, pueden orientar en el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad infecciosa. Se presenta un caso en el que los elementos clínicos y epidemiológicos (padre con diagnóstico de tuberculosis llevaron finalmente a la sospecha diagnóstica de tuberculosis extra pulmonar, que no pudo ser demostrada por cultivo, pero la respuesta terapéutica resultó concluyente, ya que, una vez iniciada esta, hubo total remisión del cuadro clínico y recuperación nutricional. La terapia antituberculosa con carácter terapéutico y diagnóstico debe ser considerada en todo paciente con fiebre de origen desconocido, que, además, presente elementos clínicos y epidemiológicos que justifiquen la posibilidad de infección por el bacilo.

  16. Recovery distances of nestling Bald Eagles banded in Florida and implications for natal dispersal and philopatry (United States)

    Wood, Petra Bohall


    I used band recovery data to examine distances between banding and recovery locations for 154 nestling Florida Bald Eagles and discuss the implications for understanding natal dispersal and philopatry in this species. Band recoveries occurred in 23 U.S. states and five Canadian provinces between 1931–2005. Recovery distance from the natal nest averaged longer for the youngest age classes (ANOVA: F  =  3.59; df  =  5, 153; P  =  0.005), for individuals banded in earlier decades (F  =  1.94; df  =  5, 153; P  =  0.093), and for the months of May through October (F  =  3.10; df  =  12, 153;P < 0.001). Of 35 individuals classed as mature (≥3.9 yr old when recovered; range 3.9–36.5 yr), 31 were located within Florida, which suggested a strong degree of philopatry to the natal state. Among 21 mature eagles of known sex with known banding and recovery locations in Florida, females, particularly younger birds, had longer recovery distances (N  =  9, mean  =  93 km, SE  =  22.4) than did males (N  =  12, mean  =  31 km, SE  =  5.3; t  =  2.67, df  =  19, P  =  0.026). The records examined here suggest a high degree of philopatry and relatively short natal dispersal distances, particularly in male Bald Eagles.

  17. A case of unilateral atypical orofacial pain with Eagle's syndrome

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    G V Sowmya


    Full Text Available Eagle's syndrome is not an uncommon condition, but less known to physicians, where an elongated styloid process or calcified stylohyoid ligament compresses the adjacent anatomical structures leading to orofacial pain. Diagnosis is made with appropriate radiological examination. Nonsurgical treatment options include reassurance, analgesia, and anti.inflammatory medications; and the surgical option includes a transoral or external approach. Here, we present a case report of a male patient, of age38 years, with a chief complaint of unilateral atypical orofacial pain on the right side of his face radiating to the neck region, for the last two months.

  18. Geologic map of the Vail West quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado (United States)

    Scott, Robert B.; Lidke, David J.; Grunwald, Daniel J.


    This new 1:24,000-scale geologic map of the Vail West 7.5' quadrangle, as part of the USGS Western Colorado I-70 Corridor Cooperative Geologic Mapping Project, provides new interpretations of the stratigraphy, structure, and geologic hazards in the area on the southwest flank of the Gore Range. Bedrock strata include Miocene tuffaceous sedimentary rocks, Mesozoic and upper Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, and undivided Early(?) Proterozoic metasedimentary and igneous rocks. Tuffaceous rocks are found in fault-tilted blocks. Only small outliers of the Dakota Sandstone, Morrison Formation, Entrada Sandstone, and Chinle Formation exist above the redbeds of the Permian-Pennsylvanian Maroon Formation and Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation, which were derived during erosion of the Ancestral Front Range east of the Gore fault zone. In the southwestern area of the map, the proximal Minturn facies change to distal Eagle Valley Formation and the Eagle Valley Evaporite basin facies. The Jacque Mountain Limestone Member, previously defined as the top of the Minturn Formation, cannot be traced to the facies change to the southwest. Abundant surficial deposits include Pinedale and Bull Lake Tills, periglacial deposits, earth-flow deposits, common diamicton deposits, common Quaternary landslide deposits, and an extensive, possibly late Pliocene landslide deposit. Landscaping has so extensively modified the land surface in the town of Vail that a modified land-surface unit was created to represent the surface unit. Laramide movement renewed activity along the Gore fault zone, producing a series of northwest-trending open anticlines and synclines in Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata, parallel to the trend of the fault zone. Tertiary down-to-the-northeast normal faults are evident and are parallel to similar faults in both the Gore Range and the Blue River valley to the northeast; presumably these are related to extensional deformation that occurred during formation of the northern end of the

  19. Notas para una lectura actualizado de "Ideología y utopía"

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    Full Text Available En este comentario de la traducción catalana de 1987 del clásico de 1929 de Karl Mannheim, "Ideología y Utopía", se argumenta que el contexto sociopolítico de los 70 ha influenciado profundamente las interpretaciones de la obra. Se pasa revista a los debates surgidos tras su publicación, concluyéndose que fue la excesiva expectación generada la principal causa de la incompresión y críticas posteriores. Se discuten las traducciones de algunos de sus conceptos cruciales, poniéndose de manifiesto el hecho de que muchas de éstas son el claro resultado de una antipatía ideológica que ha llevado a interpretaciones caprichosas.

  20. Cuidados de Enfermería en un paciente que ha sufrido un ACV


    Lobo López, Sandra


    El accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) o ictus es un trastorno brusco de la circulación cerebral que altera de forma transitoria o permanente la función de una determinada región del cerebro. Se puede producir por la oclusión de una arteria, disminuyendo el flujo de sangre que recibe una parte del cerebro (ictus isquémico) o por la rotura de una arteria cerebral (ictus hemorrágico). Es una de las principales causas de mortalidad e invalidez. Es la segunda causa de muerte en España (la primera ...