
Sample records for e-recruiting e-assessments und

  1. E-Government und E-Banking: Aktueller Stand, Evaluation und Erfolgsfaktoren


    Bayer, Tobias


    Zu Max Webers Zeiten entsprach die Bürokratie noch ganz dem Vorbild des preussischen Militärs " klare Hierarchien und klare Aufgabenbereiche schlugen sich nieder in Effizienz und Effektivität. Heute ist das Bild getrübt und Worte wie "Erstarrung", "Überreglementierung" und "Verwaltungskultur" machen die Runde. Neben den gestiegenen Erwartungen der Bürger, die sich in Zeiten des E-Banking und E-Commerce nicht mehr in lange Warteschlangen einreihen wollen und auf die rigiden Öffnungszeiten der ...

  2. E-recruitment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Anna


    E-recruitment, also known as online or web-based recruitment, is little discussed in research from an organizational perspective. The purpose of this chapter is therefore to analyze and discuss the process of e-recruitment, its key constituents and organizing principles. In doing so I draw...... on the results of a qualitative study conducted in 2008-2009, and on data stemming from industrial reports, articles from practitioner magazines, and in-depth interviews. The chapter provides a summary of e-recruitment properties and a composite matrix of the overall elements of e-recruitment organizing. E-recruitment...... is viewed as a case of virtual organizing- the organization of processes and activities which, via technology and human agents, facilitate time- and space-independent interaction and collaboration. In closure I offer a brief discussion of implications of the findings for HR managers and professionals...

  3. Editorial: Virtualität und E-Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Horst Dichanz


    Full Text Available Wer Anfang April den Weltkongress des ICDE in Düsseldorf besuchte, der unter dem Titel veranstaltet wurde, war von der Fülle der Veranstaltungen überrascht, die sich auf die eine oder andere Weise aus unterschiedlichster Sicht mit Fragen von Virtuellen Lernwelten und den Möglichkeiten des E-Learning befassten. Mindestens ebenso schwer zu überblicken waren die zahlreichen Produkte, die von Firmen aus zahlreichen Ländern für Zwecke der Gestaltung von virtuellen Lernwelten und zur Durchführung von E-Learning-Veranstaltungen angeboten wurden. Diese E-Learning-Produkte reichten von simplen Datenbanken verschiedenster Fächer über Lern- und Kommunikationsplattformen bis hin zu komplexen Oberflächen oder Rahmenprogrammen zur Konstruktion eigener Lernsoftware. - Über solide, methodisch nachprüfbare Erfolgsuntersuchungen konnten allerdings nur wenige berichten. Die Szene im Internet, das man auf «Virtualiät» und «E-Learning» durchforstet, ist kaum anders: Dutzende von Firmen und Instituten bieten «E-Learning»-Produkte an. Ohne im Detail zu beschreiben, was an ihrem Produkt nun «E-Learning» ist. In den meisten Fällen stellt sich heraus, dass es sich dabei um elektronisch gespeicherten, bearbeitbaren und/oder gewinnbaren Lernstoff handelt, dessen Lernnutzen zweifelsfrei unterstellt wird. Ein zweiter Schwachpunkt: Was konkret unter «Lernen» mithilfe elektronischer Medien gemeint ist, was sich die Produzenten, Autoren u.ä. darunter vorstellen, wird noch seltener thematisiert. Gleichwohl ist der Markt in allen Bildungsbereichen riesig, er wird als expandierend eingeschätzt, in Verbindung mit den elektronischen Medien wird gelegentlich sogar der Bildungsmarkt als ein Wachstumsmarkt charakterisiert. Viel Grund zu Optimismus, noch mehr Grund zu detaillierten Rückfragen! Doch sind Arbeiten, genaue Untersuchungen zu den Komplexen «Virtualität» und «E-Learning» noch mit der Lupe zu suchen. Es gehört zweifellos zu den Aufgaben einer

  4. eHealth recruitment challenges. (United States)

    Thompson, Debbe; Canada, Ashanti; Bhatt, Riddhi; Davis, Jennifer; Plesko, Lisa; Baranowski, Tom; Cullen, Karen; Zakeri, Issa


    Little is known about effective eHealth recruitment methods. This paper presents recruitment challenges associated with enrolling African-American girls aged 8-10 years in an eHealth obesity prevention program, their effect on the recruitment plan, and potential implications for eHealth research. Although the initial recruitment strategy was literature-informed, it failed to enroll the desired number of girls within a reasonable time period. Therefore, the recruitment strategy was reformulated to incorporate principles of social marketing and traditional marketing techniques. The resulting plan included both targeted, highly specific strategies (e.g., selected churches), and more broad-based approaches (e.g., media exposure, mass mailings, radio advertisements). The revised plan enabled recruitment goals to be attained. Media appeared to be particularly effective at reaching the intended audience. Future research should identify the most effective recruitment strategies for reaching potential eHealth audiences.

  5. eHealth Recruitment Challenges (United States)

    Thompson, Debbe; Canada, Ashanti; Bhatt, Riddhi; Davis, Jennifer; Plesko, Lisa; Baranowski, Tom; Cullen, Karen; Zakeri, Issa


    Little is known about effective eHealth recruitment methods. This paper presents recruitment challenges associated with enrolling African-American girls aged 8-10 years in an eHealth obesity prevention program, their effect on the recruitment plan, and potential implications for eHealth research. Although the initial recruitment strategy was…

  6. E-recruitment and Selection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Anna B.; Haahr, Lars


    The use of information and communication technologies has revolutionized e-recruitment and selection function in many organizations, especially transforming it into a time- and space-independent process of sourcing and evaluating candidates. In the process, organizations rely on websites, social...... media and job portals for sourcing candidates and deploy computerized and online assessment tools when selecting the best-qualified applicants. Similarly, their communication with jobseekers has moved to cyberspace and is often performed through applicant tracking systems, where hiring managers use...... mobile technologies to track and evaluate candidates. In this chapter, we present an overview of e-recruitment and selection practices and discuss the use of technology throughout the hiring process....


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    Ileana Hamburg


    Full Text Available eLearning wird durch seine Flexibilität und Zugänglichkeit als bedeutendes Instrument für die Implementierung lebenslangen Lernens (LLL angesehen. Es kann für kleine und mittelgroße Unternehmen (KMU einen Katalysator des Wandels sein und bietet damit die Chance zur Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Leistungsfähigkeit. Darüber hinaus kann eLearning dazu dienen, die Integration von KMU in den europäischen Markt zu fördern. Bis jetzt wird eLearning im Rahmen der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung jedoch nahezu ausschließlich in Großunternehmen genutzt, während es in KMU allenfalls eine marginale Rolle spielt. Im ersten Kapitel dieses Artikels wird auf den Perspektivenwechsel in der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung eingegangen. Im Anschluss daran werden die zentralen Elemente von eLearning vorgestellt (Kap. 2. Die mit eLearning verbundenen Chancen und Herausforderungen für KMU diskutiert (Kap. 3. Abschließend wird auf Erfahrungen mit eLearning in der Praxis am Beispiel von drei EU-finanzierten Projekten eingegangen. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf dem laufenden Projekt ARIEL -Analysing and Reporting the Implementation of Electronic Learning in Europe -, das vom Institut Arbeit und Technik, Gelsenkirchen, (IAT koordiniert wird.

  8. „NEW“ – Neue Energien West eG und Bürger-Energiegenossenschaft West eG


    Amschler, Helmut


    Helmut Amschler, Vorstand der Stadtwerke Grafenwöhr, stellt in seinem Beitrag 2 konkrete Genossenschaften – die Neue Energien West eG und die Bürger-Energiegenossenschaft West eG vor. Dabei diskutiert er u. a. Kriterien wie Bürgerbeteiligung und Transparenz.

  9. Der Einsatz von E-Portfolios in der Berufsausbildung - Konzeption und Potenziale

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    Uwe Elsholz


    Full Text Available In der beruflichen Bildung sind (E-Portfolios zur Reflexion des Gelernten – anders als etwa an Hochschulen oder in allgemeinbildenden Schulen – in Theorie und Praxis gegenwärtig kaum existent. Konzepte und Studien zum Einsatz von E-Portfolios in der Berufsausbildung und der Weiterbildung fehlen weitgehend, so dass die Potenziale von Portfolioarbeit für eine selbstbewusstere und selbstbestimmtere Gestaltung beruflichen Lernens bisher ungenutzt bleiben. Hier setzt dieser Beitrag an. Es wird ein Konzept vorgestellt, wie der Einsatz eines E-Portfolios die Berufsausbildung im dualen System unterstützen kann. Anhand des dargestellten Beispiels werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von E-Portfolios in der beruflichen Bildung aufgezeigt. Die Umsetzung des E-Portfolios findet im Rahmen des berufswissenschaftlich begründeten E- Learning-Konzepts der Kompetenzwerkst@tt statt (vgl. Howe/Knutzen 2007. Die Kompetenzwerkst@tt ist ein softwaregestütztes Ausbildungskonzept, das sich an realen beruflichen Arbeitsprozessen und Ansätzen des Situierten Lernens orientiert. Im Mittelpunkt des E-Portfolios als Teil der Kompetenzwerkst@tt steht die lernortübergreifende Dokumentation und Reflexion der Ausbildungsinhalte der Dualen Berufsausbildung. Im Beitrag wird gezeigt, wie die konzeptionellen Überlegungen zur Portfolioarbeit in der beruflichen Bildung vom Portfolio-Diskurs in anderen Bildungsbereichen beeinflusst sind, sich aber in der Umsetzung und in den konkreten Zielsetzungen deutlich unterscheiden. Es werden darüber hinaus weitere Möglichkeiten und Optionen von Portfolioarbeit in der beruflichen Bildung aufgezeigt.

  10. Medienpädagogik und E-Learning. Spielt die Medienpädagogik für das E-Learning eine Rolle?

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    Thomas Walden


    Full Text Available Der Beitrag von Thomas Walden sieht Medienpädagogik und E-Learning in einem korrelativen Verhältnis. Dabei wird das E-Learning als ein Teilbereich der Medienpädagogik veroret und es werden Argumente dafür geliefert: die Geschwindigkeit digitaler Innovation oder Datenschutz und Datensicherheit ... This text provides media education and e-learning in a correlative relationship. It locates e-learning as a part of the field of media education and provides arguments: the speed of digital innovation, economic estimation of e-learning, data protection and data security, which are currently being compensated at least in rudimentary form by a critical-reflexive media literacy.

  11. Siebel eEnergy ensures higher efficiency at HEW; Siebel eEnergy sorgt bei HEW fuer mehr Effizienz. Vertriebsvertraege und Service managen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ritter, U. [EMEA, Siebel Systems, Ismaning (Germany)


    HEW, a leading German energy provider, uses Siebel eEnergy to create a single, comprehensive view of customer information across multiple channels and integrating with the company's back office applications. Siebel eEnergy provides improved management of energy contracts and enables HEW to increase sales efficiency, accelerate the service delivery process, and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. (orig.) [German] HEW, eines der fuehrenden deutschen Energieversorgungsunternehmen, nutzt Siebel eEnergy, um ueber verschiedene Kanaele hinweg umfassende Kundenprofile zu erstellen und sie mit den Back-Office-Anwendungen zu integrieren. Siebel eEnergy bietet verbessertes Management der Energieversorgungs-Vertraege und ermoeglicht HEW dadurch, die Effizienz im Vertrieb zu steigern, die Bereitstellung und Lieferung von Energie zu beschleunigen und so Kundenzufriedenheit und Kundentreue zu erhoehen. (orig.)

  12. Nutzung und Akzeptanz von Electronic Commerce : E-Commerce und die Bürger


    Schenk, Michael; Wolf, Malthe


    Marktprognosen bescheinigen dem elektronischen Handel eine große Zukunft. Business-Transaktionen verändern sich rapide unter dem Einfluss elektronischer Kommunikationstechnologien. Wenngleich auch erwartet wird, dass sich Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce weltweit als erfolgreicher Vertriebs- und Kommunikationskanal etablieren wird, stößt E-Commerce derzeit noch nicht auf die erhoffte Akzeptanz in breiten Konsumentenschichten. Dies hängt nicht zuletzt mit der Verbreitung des Internet zusammen, ...

  13. Aufgabenspektrum, Ausgestaltung und Geschäftsmodelle von E-Learning-Einrichtungen an Hochschulen


    Bremer, Claudia; Eichhorn, Michael


    Im Rahmen des Projektes „Uni:prise – Universities as Enterprises“ wurden Geschäftsmodelle und Transferbeziehungen an Hochschulen untersucht und dabei auch speziell die Leistungen und Transferbeziehungen von Zentren und Einrichtungen an Hochschulen und Universitäten insbesondere aus dem Bereich E-Learning in den Blick genommen. Als Richtschnur für die Untersuchung diente dem Gesamtprojekt (Gaus & Raith, 2013) der Business Model Canvas nach Osterwalder und Pigneur (2009) mit neun Teilaspekten, ...

  14. Medienkompetenz und E-Portfolios für die Sekundarstufe I – ein Weg zur Medienbildung

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    Bernhard Ertl


    Full Text Available Medienkompetenz und digital literacy gehören inzwischen zu den Schlüsselkompetenzen und sind ein Teil der Medienbildung von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Medienbildung und/oder die dazu gehörigen Kompetenzen werden jedoch in Lehrplänen oft unterschiedlich verortet und definiert. Hierbei stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit kompetenzorientiertes Lernen den Ansprüchen an Medienbildung gerecht wird bzw. zur Medienbildung beitragen kann. Das Projekt EUfolio implementiert E-Portfolios in verschiedenen europäischen Klassen der Sekundarstufe I und realisiert dabei einen integrativen, fächerübergreifenden Ansatz. Dieser zielt primär auf den Erwerb von Schlüsselqualifikationen, kann jedoch implizit, etwa im Rahmen des reflektierenden Lernens mit E-Portfolios, zur Medienbildung beitragen. Der Artikel charakterisiert die Konzepte der Medienkompetenz und Medienbildung und diskutiert auf Basis des Projekts Eufolio, wie kompetenzorientiertes Lernen mit E-Portfolios einen Beitrag zur Medienbildung leisten kann.

  15. Virtual HRM: A Case of e-Recruitment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Anna


    Although electronic recruitment is a widespread managerial practice of acquiring personnel, it still remains unclear exactly which organisational processes fall under its existing definitions.  The research presented in this paper attempts to answer the fundamental question whether e-recruitment...... should be understood as means of automating the process of recruitment, or rather be treated as a more complex organisational concept.  To clarify this issue the paper discusses the phenomenon from the open-system organisational perspective of virtual organising. The paper draws on the results...... of the qualitative exploratory study conducted in Denmark in 2008-2009. It concludes that as organisational concept e-recruitment is not only about application of technology to recruitment tasks. The process of e-recruiting spans organisational boundaries and directed to and affected by external environment...

  16. Kostenorientiertes Controlling von E-Learning-Plattformen mit dem TCO-Konzept - Methodische Grundlagen, Softwareunterstützung und Entwicklungsperspektiven

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan vom Brocke


    Full Text Available Zur administrativen Unterstützung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen werden E-Learning-Plattformen eingesetzt, die auf der Grundlage des Internet Funktionen zur Distribution von Lehr- und Lernmaterialien und zur Kommunikation zwischen Lehrenden und Lernenden anbieten. Zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Beiträge und Marktstudien beschäftigen sich mit der multikriteriellen Evaluation dieser Softwareprodukte zur informatorischen Fundierung strategischer Investitionsentscheidungen. Demgegenüber werden Instrumente zum kostenorientierten Controlling von E-Learning-Plattformen allenfalls marginal thematisiert. Dieser Beitrag greift daher das Konzept der Total Cost of Ownership (TCO auf, das einen methodischen Ansatzpunkt zur Schaffung von Kostentransparenz von E-Learning-Plattformen bildet. Aufbauend auf den konzeptionellen Grundlagen werden Problembereiche und Anwendungspotenziale für das kostenorientierte Controlling von LMS identifiziert. Zur softwaregestützten Konstruktion und Analyse von TCO-Modellen wird das Open Source-Werkzeug TCO-Tool eingeführt und seine Anwendung anhand eines synthetischen Fallbeispiels erörtert. Abschließend erfolgt die Identifikation weiterführender Entwicklungsperspektiven des TCO-Konzepts im Kontext des E-Learning. Die dargestellte Thematik ist nicht nur von theoretischem Interesse, sondern adressiert auch den steigenden Bedarf von Akteuren aus der Bildungspraxis nach Instrumenten zur informatorischen Fundierung von Investitions- und Desinvestitionsentscheidungen im Umfeld des E-Learning.

  17. Weiße und Braune Zwerge zeigen sich unwirtlich (United States)

    Heller, René


    Mehr als 850 Exoplaneten haben Astronomen seit dem Jahr 1992 nachgewiesen. Die meisten von ihnen umkreisen normale Hauptreihensterne, aber es wurden auch Trabanten im Umlauf um Braune oder Weiße Zwerge aufgespürt. Nun haben Rory Barnes von der University of Washington in Seattle und René Heller am Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam die Bewohnbarkeit möglicher Planeten um solche Objekte untersucht und dabei festgestellt, dass sie für Leben, wie wir es kennen, ungeeignet sind.

  18. Reflecting on e-Recruiting Research Using Grounded Theory

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolfswinkel, Joost; Furtmueller-Ettinger, Elfriede; Wilderom, Celeste P.M.


    This paper presents a systematic review of the e-Recruiting literature through a grounded theory lens. The large number of publications and the increasing diversity of publications on e-Recruiting research, as the most studied area within e-HRM (Electronic Human Resource Management), calls for a

  19. Problem-Oriented Conceptual Model and Ontology for Enterprise e-Recruitment


    Alamro, S.; Dogan, Huseyin; Cetinkaya, Deniz; Jiang, N.


    Internet-led labour market has become so competitive forcing many organisations from different sectors to embrace e-recruitment. However, realising the value of the e-recruitment from a Requirements Engineering (RE) analysis perspective is challenging. The research is motivated by the results of a failed e-recruitment project as a case study by focusing on the difficulty of scoping and representing recruitment problem knowledge to systematically inform the RE process towards an e-recruitment ...

  20. The Use of Gamification at Different Levels of E-Recruitment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacek WOŹNIAK


    Full Text Available E-recruitment is a field of human resources where ICT tools are frequently used. We popularly assume that the scope with which they are used differs between countries, and that technical structure is the main reason for these differences. However, we lack the tools to explain why e-recruitment is considered more common in the US than in Poland, for instance, despite similar access to the Internet among employees and employers in both countries. The article presents a typology of four levels of e-recruitment methods, as a tool for explaining the differences in the maturity of using e-recruitment methods in these two countries. Additionally, for each of the four groups of e-recruitment methods, strong and weak points are shown, and the keys to their successful use are described. It has been also shown that a positive image of a company’s brand is a necessary condition for higher levels of e-recruitment to be successful. A special analysis is conducted of the use of gamification and games for e-recruitment purposes, and examples are given of their use on each of the four e-recruitment levels.

  1. Anforderungen von Studierenden an e-Learning-Systeme und an die Gestaltung elektronischer Fallbeispiele [Student’s specifications of e-learning systems for case-based teaching

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    von Müller, Lutz


    Full Text Available [english] Evolution of case-based teaching (CBT is influenced by student’s specifications and also by improvement of computer-based e-learning systems. In the present single center study of the University of Saarland Medical Center the medical students in the third year compared two case-based e-learning systems. CAMPUS-Classic-Player is an open system with almost unrestricted decision trees whereas the CAMPUS-Card-Player represents an educational structured e-learning platform. Learning from patients and also learning from students will be introduced as our pivotal principle for development of new e-learning strategies.A significantly better evaluation was found for the more structured CAMPUS-Card-Player with respect to profile, clarity, didactics, learning effects, and relevance for exam preparation. The student’s intentions for CBT were clearly focused on usability for preparation of future exams which can be better achieved by the help of more structured e-learning systems. The time to process and answer the cases was about for both players. We therefore propose that the time schedule for most users is limited per case irrespective of the complexity of decision trees, cases or e-learning systems. This remains to be mentioned for the design of future cases. [german] Die Weiterentwicklung von fallbasiertem Lernen wird durch die Anregungen der Studierenden („user“ und durch neue technische Entwicklungen und Möglichkeiten von e-Learning-Systemen bestimmt. In dieser prospektiven monozentrischen Studie am Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes wurde von Studierenden des 1. und 2. klinischen Semesters Medizin eine offene (CAMPUS-Classic-Player und ein strukturierte e-Learning-Plattform (CAMPUS-Card-Player für die Darstellung elektronischer Fallbeispiele verglichen und bewertet. Signifikant besser evaluiert wurde der CAMPUS-Card-Player in Bezug auf Form, Übersichtlichkeit, Zusatzmaterialien, Didaktik, Lerneffekt, Prüfungsrelevanz und

  2. The Value of e-HRM in Recruitment Strategies of Organizations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Anna B.


    Although the online hiring process is regarded as being more cost efficient, and the fastest route to finding the right candidates, i.e. more effective than traditional paper-based recruitment, little is known how e-HRM in general and e-recruitment in particular impact the outcome of various...... the organization’s perspective, and then, drawing on existing literatures and previous research, to propose which consequences the integration of e-HRM and e-recruitment might have for the those strategies....

  3. Identification and analysis of e{sup +}e{sup -}-pairs in C+C collisions at 1 AGeV; Identifikation und Analyse von e{sup +}e{sup -}-Paaren in C+C Stoessen bei 1 AGeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christ, T.


    The object of this thesis is the analysis of the data that have be recorded with HADES for the system {sup 12}C+{sup 12}C at a beam energy of E=1 AGeV. Within this work a probabilistic algorithm for efficient e{sup +}/e{sup -} identification and hadron suppression has been developed and integrated into the HADES analysis software. The method has been tested with extensive simulations and achieves an identification efficiency above 95% for momenta below p=600 MeV/c. Hadronic background in the e{sup +}/e{sup -}-sample up to p=600 MeV/c is reduced to less than 2%. For larger momenta the contamination with charged pions remains below 5%, for protons at polar angles below 44 it does not exceed 14%. After combination of the identified e{sup +}/e{sup -}-trajectories into pairs und subtraction of the combinatorial background there remains a physics signal of 47687{+-}1528 e{sup +}e{sup -}-pairs, for which distributions of invariant mass, transverse momentum and rapidity are determined. The signal-to-background ratio S/B for pair masses between 80 und 450 MeV/c{sup 2} is between 0.2 und 1. By applying further cuts upon the pair-sample the background induced by leptons from conversion processes is reduced substantially. After all cuts 11000{+-}432 e{sup +}e{sup -}-pairs remain. For M{sub e{sup +}}{sub e{sup -}} > 200 MeV/c{sup 2} S/B rises exponentially from about 2 to values of up to 10. The systematic error of the analysis for pairs with masses below 150 MeV/c{sup 2} is determined to be 17.5%, for higher masses a value of 23% is found. For transverse momentum and rapidity one finds below (above) M{sub e{sup +}}{sub e{sup -}}=150 MeV/c{sup 2} systematic errors of 17.5% (21.4%) and 15.3% (33.5%) respectively. Together with e{sup +}e{sup -} multiplicities published by HADES for the system {sup 12}C+{sup 12}C at E=2 AGeV the excitation function of the excess-multiplicity is determined from the measurement results. (orig.)

  4. E-Portfolios in berufsbegleitenden Studiengängen zu Neuen Medien

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    Klaus Himpsl


    Full Text Available Der Beitrag stellt das Konzept einer E-Portfolio-Implementierung in einem berufsbegleitenden, postgradualen Masterstudium für eine medienaffine Zielgruppe dar und beschreibt dieses auf mehreren Gestaltungsebenen, vom Curriculum über das Lehr-/Lernkonzept und die verwendeten Technologien bis hin zum Assessment. Für das bessere Verständnis wird zunächst der Studiengang «MA eEducation» vorgestellt und das Blended-Learning-Arrangement beschrieben. Ausgangspunkt für die E-Portfolio- Implementierung ist eine neu entwickelte Taxonomie für E-Portfolios, nach deren Typologie eine Kombination aus Reflexions-, Beurteilungs- und Präsentationsportfolio gewählt wird. Auf der Grundlage der pädagogischen Vor­überlegungen wird der Implementierungsprozess, das Portfoliokonzept und dessen softwaretechnische Umsetzung erläutert, wobei auch auf Fragen des Assessments und des Peer-Feedbacks eingegangen wird.

  5. Perceived infrastructural factors afffecting adoption of e-recruitment ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Perceived infrastructural factors afffecting adoption of e-recruitment among Human ... The emerging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a vital tool in the conduct of staff recruitment. ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  6. eCl rate at ss, a tool for the support of processes in eCommerce, materials management and plant documentation in view of process control; eCl rate at ss - ein Werkzeug zur Unterstuetzung der Prozesse im eCommerce, der Materialwirtschaft und der Anlagendokumentation, bezogen auf das PLT-Gewerk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eibl, M.; Westphal, D.; Zgorzelski, P. [Bayer AG, Leverkusen (Germany); Kaptein, U. [Degussa-Huels AG, Marl (Germany). Konzernbereich Beschaffung und Logistik; Rudolf, H.J. [ATplan Ges. fuer Planung in der Automatisierungstechnik mbH, Leverkusen (Germany)


    The increasing electronic exchange of data for the description of goods between different areas of an enterprise and between enterprises leads to the necessity to standardise data structures. This was the impact for the development of a classification system including attribute lists for products, goods and services. As a part of this project, a classification system and sets of attributes for process engineering and process control equipment for the purposes of procurement and technical materials management were developed. In a project of German enterprises a classification with sets of attributes was developed, which enables a simplification of the processes in the enterprise and beyond its boundaries in different applications up to eCommerce. The structure is called 'eCl rate at ss'. With the sets of attributes and the classification hierarchy of eCl rate at ss goods can be described in a standardised way. (orig.) [German] Der zunehmende elektronische Austausch von Daten zur Beschreibung von Guetern zwischen verschiedenen Bereichen eines Unternehmens und zwischen den Unternehmen fuehrt zu der Notwendigkeit, Datenstrukturen zu standardisieren. Dies war der Anstoss zur Erarbeitung einer einheitlichen Klassifikation mit Merkmalleisten fuer Produkte, Gueter und Dienstleistungen, darunter auch fuer verfahrenstechnische und prozessleittechnische Geraete, fuer die Zwecke der Beschaffung und der technischen Materialwirtschaft. In einem Projekt der deutschen Wirtschaft wurde eine Klassifikation mit Merkmalleisten entwickelt, die in verschiedenen Anwendungen bis hin zu eCommerce eine Vereinfachung der Prozesse im Unternehmen und ueber seine Grenzen hinaus ermoeglicht. Sie erhielt den Namen 'eCl rate at ss'. Mit den Merkmalleisten und der darueberliegenden Klassifikationshierarchie von eCl rate at ss koennen Gueter in einer standardisierten Art und Weise beschrieben werden. (orig.)

  7. Interaktive E-Learning-Module in der Humangenetik: Einsatz und Evaluation im Rahmen der Medizinstudierenden- und Humanbiologen-Ausbildung [Interactive e-learning courses in human genetics: Usage and evaluation by science and medical students at the faculty of medicin

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    Oeffner, Frank


    Full Text Available [english] Introduction: This study presents our online-teaching material within the k-MED project (Knowledge in Medical Education at the university of Marburg. It is currently organized in five e-learning modules: cytogenetics, chromosomal aberrations, formal genetics, fundamentals of molecular diagnostics, and congenital abnormalities and syndromes. These are basic courses intended to do the educational groundwork, which will enable academic teachers to concentrate on more sophisticated topics during their lectures. Methods: The e-learning modules have been offered to a large group of about 3300 students during four years at the Faculty of Medicine in Marburg. The group consists of science students (human biology and medical students in the preclinical or the clinical period, respectively. Participants were surveyed on acceptance by evaluating user-tracking data and questionnaires. Results and Conclusion: Analysis of the evaluation data proofs the broad acceptance of the e-learning modules during eight semesters. The courses are in stable or even increasing use from winter term 2005/06 until spring term 2009.Conclusion: Our e-learning-model is broadly accepted among students with different levels of knowledge at the Faculty of Medicine in Marburg. If the e-learning courses are maintained thoroughly, minor adaptations can increase acceptance and usage even furthermore. Their use should be extended to the medical education of technical assistances and nurses, who work in the field of human genetics.[german] Einleitung: Die vorliegende Studie beschreibt unser Online-Lehrmaterial Humangenetik im Zusammenhang mit dem k-MED-Projekt (Knowledge in Medical Education an der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Es besteht aus fünf E-Learning-Modulen: Zytogenetik, Chromosomenstörungen, Formalgenetik, Grundlagen der molekularen Diagnostik sowie Kongenitale Abnormitäten und Fehlbildungssyndrome. Diese E-Module sollen ein einheitliches Wissensniveau der

  8. Institutional Change as the Determinant of Adoption of E-recruitment Practices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Anna Borisovna

    Most of available research contributions on adoption of e-HRM and e-recruitment focus on organizational factors, such as company size and efficiency goals, and do not employ macro-level theoretical perspectives. By using institutional theory and institutional logics perspective as the theoretical.......g. size or ownership type. The research concludes that recruiters in Denmark employ e-recruitment techniques due to changes in the recruitment field, changes in the field logics, and the institutional change of the society in which they operate....

  9. What Factors Drive Job Seekers Attitude in Using E-Recruitment?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ritzky Karina Brahmana


    Full Text Available In a digital world, job seekers prefer to use e-recruitment for a vacancy searching. Thus, the expla- nation of the determinants of their attitude in using this technology is left unobserved. This article reports the result of a survey study on how users utilize e-recruitment to search for works. Three hundred eighty-five just-graduated undergraduate students answered questions regarding their intention of using the e-recruitment under Theory of Acceptance Model. We propose Perceived Use- fulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived of Enjoyment as the determinants of the job seekers intention. Results showed that those three variables influence the decision making of job seekers. We found also Perceived Usefulness is the mediating effect for jobs seekers in easy-to-use and enjoy feeling. This article provides evidence that e-recruitment has to be friendly user and fun to use to attract job seekers intention.

  10. Transforming Personnel Accessions: Recruiting in the E-Business World (United States)


    levels of PC-ownership and online access. Finally, the 1999 report found that poor rural households had replaced poor central city households as divide clearly impacts any transformation to an eBusiness, eEnterprise, and eCommerce etc. model for recruiting. This research will not assume the

  11. E-recruiting Platforms: Features that Influence the Efficiency of Online Recruitment Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ondina ROSOIU


    Full Text Available Twenty active e-recruitment platform users took part in this study for discovering the most asked for features in a web based hiring process. The respondents were chosen based on their history on such recruitment platforms. With the help of our Internet users we narrowed down the number of platforms, to research for outstanding features and tool efficiency, to five most impressive ones (e-jobs, hipo, bestjobs, LinkedIn, Freelancer. The results were as useful as we expected when we proposed an investigation related to the future of web recruiting platforms. They underlined in a specific manner that most of such web platform users need to have a professional and fully functional environment where they can list their accomplishments and experience and receive direct feedback from employers or employees. The study also shows in detail how much and why do users like to have certain functionalities when they are searching for a new job.

  12. E-recruiting Platforms: Features that Influence the Efficiency of Online Recruitment Systems


    Ondina ROSOIU; Cristian POPESCU


    Twenty active e-recruitment platform users took part in this study for discovering the most asked for features in a web based hiring process. The respondents were chosen based on their history on such recruitment platforms. With the help of our Internet users we narrowed down the number of platforms, to research for outstanding features and tool efficiency, to five most impressive ones (e-jobs, hipo, bestjobs, LinkedIn, Freelancer). The results were as useful as we expected when we proposed a...

  13. Ilse von zur Mühlen. Glanz und Elend. Mythos und Wirklichkeit der Herrenhäuser im Baltikum. Begleitpublikation zur gleichnahmigen Ausstellung des Ostpreußischen Landesmuseums und der Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft e.V. / Anja Wilhelmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wilhelmi, Anja, 1966-


    Arvustus: Mühlen, Ilse von zur. Glanz und Elend. Mythos und Wirklichkeit der Herrenhäuser im Baltikum. Begleitpublikation zur gleichnahmigen Ausstellung des Ostpreußischen Landesmuseums und der Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft e.V. (1. Dezember 2012 bis 14. April 2013), Lindenberg i. Allgäu 2012

  14. Participant Recruitment and Engagement in Automated eHealth Trial Registration: Challenges and Opportunities for Recruiting Women Who Experience Violence. (United States)

    Koziol-McLain, Jane; McLean, Christine; Rohan, Maheswaran; Sisk, Rose; Dobbs, Terry; Nada-Raja, Shyamala; Wilson, Denise; Vandal, Alain C


    accrued (completed baseline assessments). The majority (n=52, 58%) of the 89 women who dropped out between enrollment and accrual never logged in to the allocated isafe website. Of every 4 accrued women, 3 (314/412, 76.2%) identified the classified ad as their referral source, followed by friends and family (52/412, 12.6%). Women recruited through a friend or relative were more likely to self-identify as indigenous Māori and live in the highest-deprivation areas. Ads increased the accrual rate by a factor of 74 (95% CI 49-112). Print advertisements, website links, and networking were costly and inefficient methods for recruiting participants to a Web-based eHealth trial. Researchers are advised to limit their recruitment efforts to Web-based online marketplace and classified advertising platforms, as in the isafe case, or to social media. Online classified advertising in "Jobs-Other-volunteers" successfully recruited a diverse sample of women experiencing intimate partner violence. Preintervention recruitment data provide critical information to inform future research and critical analysis of Web-based eHealth trials. Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR): ACTRN12612000708853; (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation/6lMGuVXdK).

  15. Ideologiekritik des E-Learnings. Welchen Nutzen hat die Einführung von E-Learning?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katharina Kaiser-Müller


    Full Text Available Vor etwa sieben Jahren hat das damalige Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (bm:ukk, das seit 2014 Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen (BMBF genannt wird, verschiedene Maßnahmen im Blick auf neuen Medien – insbesondere im Blick auf das E-Learning – gesetzt, um einen Beitrag zur Vorbereitung der Lernenden auf eine Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft zu leisten. E-Learning wurde als Erfolgsfaktor für die Zukunft gesehen und mit der Begründung, es fördere das individuelle und selbst gesteuerte Lernen, gefördert. Die zentrale Frage ist dabei: Welchen Nutzen hat die Einführung von E-Learning? In diesem Artikel wird dahingehend aufgezeigt, dass E-Learning nicht wegen pädagogischem Bedarf, sondern durch ministeriell gesetzte Maßnahmen eingeführt wurde und dadurch – wenn auch nicht bewusst und schon gar nicht als solches kommuniziert – neoliberale Strukturen durchgesetzt wurden. Die Einführung von E-Learning hat somit für deren Akzeptanz gesorgt.

  16. Institutional Context and E-recruitment Practices of Danish Organisations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Anna B.


    and the adoption of e-recruitment from a macro organisational perspective. Design/methodology/approach - The study employs new institutional theory as a theoretical lens in order to understand how external pressures impact upon recruitment professionals and their practices. The empirical part is based...

  17. A Prototype for an e-Recruitment Platform using Semantic Web Technologies

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    Mihaela-Irina ENACHESCU


    Full Text Available Nowadays, the continuous demand for qualified candidates in the IT domain has empowered the use of e-Recruitment tools, which are becoming more and more exploited at the expense of the traditional methods. This study focuses on the use of ontologies in developing a job recommender system, which helps to automatically match job offers with the candidates' profiles and in reverse. In order to design the IT e-Recruitment ontology we have gathered a list with all the features a platform of this kind should provide, for both the job seeker and the recruiter. Based on the selected requirements, we developed the ontology that offers all the necessary means to implement such a job recommender system, designed to connect people with job opportunities and backwards. The second part of the paper proposes a Java based architecture to implement the e-Recruitment platform. To convert the users' input into RDF description, RDF2Go and RDFBeans APIs are employed. Storing and retrieving the data make use of the Jena Framework, which provides dedicated interfaces for accessing the Fuseki2 Server over HTTP. Finally, the prototype of the e-Recruitment platform is presented, together with its core functionalities.

  18. Participant Recruitment and Engagement in Automated eHealth Trial Registration: Challenges and Opportunities for Recruiting Women Who Experience Violence (United States)

    McLean, Christine; Rohan, Maheswaran; Sisk, Rose; Dobbs, Terry; Nada-Raja, Shyamala; Wilson, Denise; Vandal, Alain C


    , and randomized), 412 (82.2%) were accrued (completed baseline assessments). The majority (n=52, 58%) of the 89 women who dropped out between enrollment and accrual never logged in to the allocated isafe website. Of every 4 accrued women, 3 (314/412, 76.2%) identified the classified ad as their referral source, followed by friends and family (52/412, 12.6%). Women recruited through a friend or relative were more likely to self-identify as indigenous Māori and live in the highest-deprivation areas. Ads increased the accrual rate by a factor of 74 (95% CI 49–112). Conclusions Print advertisements, website links, and networking were costly and inefficient methods for recruiting participants to a Web-based eHealth trial. Researchers are advised to limit their recruitment efforts to Web-based online marketplace and classified advertising platforms, as in the isafe case, or to social media. Online classified advertising in “Jobs–Other–volunteers” successfully recruited a diverse sample of women experiencing intimate partner violence. Preintervention recruitment data provide critical information to inform future research and critical analysis of Web-based eHealth trials. ClinicalTrial Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR): ACTRN12612000708853; (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation/6lMGuVXdK) PMID:27780796

  19. Comparing Twitter and Online Panels for Survey Recruitment of E-Cigarette Users and Smokers. (United States)

    Guillory, Jamie; Kim, Annice; Murphy, Joe; Bradfield, Brian; Nonnemaker, James; Hsieh, Yuli


    E-cigarettes have rapidly increased in popularity in recent years, driven, at least in part, by marketing and word-of-mouth discussion on Twitter. Given the rapid proliferation of e-cigarettes, researchers need timely quantitative data from e-cigarette users and smokers who may see e-cigarettes as a cessation tool. Twitter provides an ideal platform for recruiting e-cigarette users and smokers who use Twitter. Online panels offer a second method of accessing this population, but they have been criticized for recruiting too few young adults, among whom e-cigarette use rates are highest. This study compares effectiveness of recruiting Twitter users who are e-cigarette users and smokers who have never used e-cigarettes via Twitter to online panelists provided by Qualtrics and explores how users recruited differ by demographics, e-cigarette use, and social media use. Participants were adults who had ever used e-cigarettes (n=278; male: 57.6%, 160/278; age: mean 34.26, SD 14.16 years) and smokers (n=102; male: 38.2%, 39/102; age: mean 42.80, SD 14.16 years) with public Twitter profiles. Participants were recruited via online panel (n=190) or promoted tweets using keyword targeting for e-cigarette users (n=190). Predictor variables were demographics (age, gender, education, race/ethnicity), e-cigarette use (eg, past 30-day e-cigarette use, e-cigarette puffs per day), social media use behaviors (eg, Twitter use frequency), and days to final survey completion from survey launch for Twitter versus panel. Recruitment method (Twitter, panel) was the dependent variable. Across the total sample, participants were recruited more quickly via Twitter (incidence rate ratio=1.30, P=.02) than panel. Compared with young adult e-cigarette users (age 18-24 years), e-cigarette users aged 25 to 34 years (OR 0.01, 95% CI 0.00-0.60, P=.03) and 35 to 44 years (OR 0.01, 95% CI 0.00-0.51, P=.02) were more likely to be recruited via Twitter than panel. Smokers aged 35 to 44 years were less

  20. Institutional Context and E-recruitment Practices of Danish Organisations


    Holm, Anna B.


    Purpose - Up to now, there has been little research on the impact of the external environment on recruitment practices of organizations, and in part it lags behind practice. This paper attempts to rectify this by studying recent changes in recruitment practices of Danish organizations and the adoption of e-recruitment from a macro organisational perspective.Design/methodology/approach - The study employs new institutional theory as a theoretical lens in order to understand how external pressu...

  1. The Evolution of E-Recruiting: A Content Analysis of Fortune 100 Career Web Sites


    In Lee


    Given hyper-competition and rapid environmental changes, one of the most critical sources of competitive advantage is attracting and retaining talented workers. E-recruiting is one of the most rapidly growing areas of e-business. To promote an understanding of the use of e-recruiting technologies and management practices utilized by leading business organizations, this study investigates the evolution of e-recruiting systems and analyzes the corporate career Web sites of Fortune 100 companies...

  2. The Use of Gamification at Different Levels of E-Recruitment


    Jacek WOŹNIAK


    E-recruitment is a field of human resources where ICT tools are frequently used. We popularly assume that the scope with which they are used differs between countries, and that technical structure is the main reason for these differences. However, we lack the tools to explain why e-recruitment is considered more common in the US than in Poland, for instance, despite similar access to the Internet among employees and employers in both countries. The article presents a typology of four levels o...

  3. E-Books in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken

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    Sandra Niemeyer


    Full Text Available Die zweitägige Veranstaltung „E-Books in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken, die am 18. und 19. März 2014 im Leibnizhaus in Hannover stattfand, beschäftigte sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten von E-Books. So standen unter anderem Themen wie die Nutzung von E-Books, Erwerbungsmodelle und Lizenzverträge auf dem Programm. Organisiert wurde die Veranstaltung von Technischen Informationsbibliothek (TIB und dem Verein Deutscher Bibliothekare (VDB.

  4. What Factors Drive Job Seekers Attitude in Using E-Recruitment?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ritzky Karina Brahmana


    Full Text Available In a digital world, job seekers prefer to use e-recruitment for a vacancy searching. Thus, the explanation of the determinants of their attitude in using this technology is left unobserved. This article reports the result of a survey study on how users utilize e-recruitment to search for works. Three hundred eighty-five just-graduated undergraduate students answered questions regarding their intention of using the e-recruitment under Theory of Acceptance Model. We propose Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived of Enjoyment as the determinants of the job seekers intention. Results showed that those three variables influence the decision making of job seekers. We found also Perceived Usefulness is the mediating effect for jobs seekers in easy-to-use and enjoy feeling. This article provides evidence that e-recruitment has to be friendly user and fun to use to attract job seekers intention.   Keywords: E-recruitment, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived of enjoyment, job seekers. Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}

  5. Review of e+e- reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spitzer, H.


    Recent experimental results on e + e - reactions are reviewed, in particular the properties of the heavy lepton tau und the UPSILON (9.46) and UPSILON' (10.02) mesons. Also the total hadronic cross section and the 2-jet structure of annihilation events are discussed. (orig.) [de

  6. Radiation Safety Report 2003, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V. and Verein fuer Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik Rossendorf e.V.; Jahresbericht Strahlenschutz 2003 des Forschungszentrums Rossendorf e.V. und des Vereins fuer Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik Rossendorf e.V.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sahre, P. (comp.)


    The annual report contains information and measured data obtained with the routine monitoring and measuring activities performed in 2003 at the VKTA and the nuclear research center, FZR, referring to health physics measurements and individual dosimetry of internal and external personnel, and ambient radioactivity monitoring in the area of the two facilities. [German] Der Jahresbericht informiert ueber die Taetigkeiten und die Messwerte des Jahres 2003, die im VKTA und FZR routinemaessig durchgefuehrt und gemessen wurden in den Bereichen: 1. Personenueberwachung, berufliche Strahlenexposition von internen Mitarbeitern oder externem Personal von Fremdfirmen. 2. Strahlenschutzumgebungsueberwachung. (orig./AJ)

  7. Term-driven E-Commerce


    Rolletschek, Gerhard


    Die Arbeit nimmt sich der textuellen Dimension des E-Commerce an. Grundlegende Hypothese ist die textuelle Gebundenheit von Information und Transaktion im Bereich des elektronischen Handels. Überall dort, wo Produkte und Dienstleistungen angeboten, nachgefragt, wahrgenommen und bewertet werden, kommen natürlichsprachige Ausdrücke zum Einsatz. Daraus resultiert ist zum einen, wie bedeutsam es ist, die Varianz textueller Beschreibungen im E-Commerce zu erfassen, zum anderen können die umfangrei...

  8. Visuelle Analyse von E-mail-Verkehr


    Mansmann, Florian


    Diese Arbeit beschreibt Methoden zur visuellen geographischen Analyse von E-mail Verkehr.Aus dem Header einer E-mail können Hostadressen und IP-Adressen herausgefiltert werden. Anhand einer Datenbank werden diesen Host- und IP-Adressen geographische Koordinaten zugeordnet.Durch eine Visualisierung werden in übersichtlicher Art und Weise mehrere tausend E-mail Routen dargestellt. Zusätzlich dazu wurden interktive Manipulationsmöglichkeiten vorgestellt, welche eine visuelle Exploration der Date...

  9. Perception of medical students on e-assessment conducted through Yengage portal

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    Latha Rajendra Kumar


    Full Text Available Introduction: E-learning includes various categories of media that distribute text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video, and includes technology applications and processes, computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/extranet learning. Information and communication systems motivate many e-learning processes. E-learning can occur in or out of the classroom. ILIAS (Integriertes Lern-, Informations- und Arbeitskooperations-System [German for "Integrated Learning, Information and Work Cooperation System"] is an open source web-based learning management system (LMS. It supports learning content management and tools for collaboration, communication, evaluation, and assessment for University students. Materials and Methods: First year medical students were requested to register in Yengage, and the date of the assessment was announced. Twenty MCQ from cardiovascular system was preloaded in the Yengage portal, and the students used their personal laptop to answer the questions within the stipulated time. The results were automatically loaded at the end of the assessment. Pre- and post-test was conducted to investigate the usefulness of the E- assessment. Results: The students responded that the E-assessment was easy to assess, unique as they received immediate feedback, customized and flexible. There was significant difference in the post-test score when compared to the pre-test score. Discussion: Technology has created new methods of assessment for today′s generation of students, and these advances are here to stay. Conclusion: It is possible to conduct online examinations in medical school regularly. The e-learning can enhance student interests and allows immediate feedback. Since e-learning is not well-established in India, we hope to create awareness and change the outlook of medical students in online teaching-learning and assessment program.

  10. Evaluation von multimedialen e-Lernkursen zur Vorbereitung auf ein biochemisches Praktikum [Evaluation of multimedia e-Learning preparatory courses for a practial course in Biochemistry

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    Rost, Birgit


    Full Text Available [english] The present study examined whether the application of multimedia learning courses is also suitable for preparing students for practical laboratory courses, both in terms of theory and practice. For this purpose, multimedia e-learning courses were provided and evaluated within the k-MED project. These courses were particularly tailored to the practical training in biochemistry, a mandatory course for third-semester students of medicine and dentistry in Marburg. Two weeks prior to the beginning of the practical course, one-half of the participants received the theoretical e-courses “lipid basics” and “lipid metabolism”, the other half was provided with the e-course “lipid methods”, which contained relevant laboratory techniques and digital guidance to the experiments. All participants were surveyed on user-friendliness and acceptance, and “hard” facts were collected with respect to success in learning for and attendance to the practical course. Assessment grades, test results, user-tracking data for the learning platform, and questionnaires were evaluated. Use of the e-courses led to a significant improvement in the level of achievement in terms of the assessment grades. Certain influencing factors, such as diligence or prior biochemical knowledge, were excluded by covariance analysis. The e-course led to improved levels of achievement in the practical training: groups to whom the methods course was provided made fewer experimental errors and needed less assistance from supervisors. Conclusion: e-learning courses cannot replace practical experience in laboratory courses; they can, however, as this extensive study shows, improve the level of achievement in classes by allowing more efficient preparation. Not only does this save time, but it also saves on expensive materials, relieves the burden on staff, and leads to a general improvement in teaching quality. [german] In der vorliegende Studie wurde untersucht, ob der

  11. Lernen und Prüfen mit virtuellen Patienten am Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin des Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg: Ergebnisse der Evaluation im Rahmen des E-Learning-Preises Baden-Württemberg 2007

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    Tönshoff, Burkhard


    Full Text Available Einleitung: Elektronische virtuelle Patienten kommen in der medizinischen Ausbildung zunehmend zum Einsatz. Evaluationen zur umfassenden curricularen Einbindung dieser innovativen E-Learning-Programme liegen bisher nicht vor. Methoden: Virtuelle Patienten wurden entsprechend wichtiger didaktischer Prinzipien gestaltet und seit Jahren sowohl zum Lernen als auch Prüfen im Rahmen des regulären Unterrichts von Medizinstudierenden in der Kinderheilkunde eingesetzt. Dieses Projekt wurde anhand eines Fragebogens des Kompetenzzentrums E-Learning Baden-Württemberg (Ulm evaluiert. Die Stichprobe bestand aus Studierenden des Pädiatrie-Moduls 4 (n=28, die dieses Modul an der Universität Heidelberg vom 25.6.–19.7.07 absolvierten. Ergebnisse: Der Rücklauf betrug 93%. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine sehr hohe Akzeptanz, Relevanz und Anwenderfreundlichkeit, einen sehr hohen Grad der Integration in das Gesamtcurriculum und einen sehr guten Lernerfolg. Das Projekt erhielt aufgrund der Bewerbungsunterlagen und der Evaluationsergebnisse den 1. Platz des E-Learning-Preises Baden-Württemberg 2007. Diskussion: Die Stichprobe ist klein. Sie bestätigt jedoch die Ergebnisse vorangegangener systematischer Evaluationen mit großen Studierendenzahlen. Fazit: Die umfassende curriculare Einbindung virtueller Patienten wird von Studierenden als sinnvoll und das praxisnahe Lernen unterstützend angesehen.

  12. Mediendidaktik und Wissensmanagement

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    Gabi Reinmann-Rothmeier


    Full Text Available Mediendidaktik und Wissensmanagement – das ist auf den ersten Blick ein ungleiches Paar: Die Mediendidaktik ist eine Teildisziplin der (Medien- Pädagogik, während Wissensmanagement ein genuin wirtschaftliches Thema mit betriebswirtschaftlichen Akzenten ist. Annäherungen zwischen der Mediendidaktik und Wissensmanagement gibt es zum einen durch den sog. E-Learning-Trend seitens der Wirtschaft, der mediendidaktisches Wissen und Können auf den Plan ruft, zum anderen durch wachsendes Interesse am Thema Wissensmanagement seitens der Pädagogik. Der Beitrag beschreibt sowohl für das E-Learning als auch für das Wissensmanagement aus pädagogisch-psychologischer Sicht jeweils ein Orientierungsmodell; beide Modelle machen die Berührungspunkte zwischen Mediendidaktik und Wissensmanagement deutlich. Neben einem Überblick über wirtschaftliche Argumente für eine Verschmelzung von E-Learning und Wissensmanagement werden aufbauend auf den beiden Orientierungsmodellen theoretische und praktische Verbindungslinien zwischen E-Learning und Wissensmanagement sowie die Rolle der Mediendidaktik in dem daraus entstehenden Wechselverhältnis herausgearbeitet.

  13. E-commerce in the energy sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sioshansi, F.P. [Menlo Energy Economics (MEE), Menlo Park, CA (United States)


    E-commerce and e-business are now part of the lexicon of modern business everywhere. The energy industry is no exception, although it is somewhat of a latecomer to the field, trailing a number of others. This article, which is based on a multi-client study titled 'E-commerce in the Energy Sector', is focused on the business applications of e-commerce in the energy sector, broadly defined to include oil, electricity, and natural gas industries. The study was conducted by Menlo Energy Economics (MEE) in collaboration with Global Business Network (GBN). (orig.) [German] E-commerce und E-business gehoeren heute im Geschaeftsleben zum guten Ton. Obwohl ein Nachzuegler auf diesem Gebiet, macht die Energiewirtschaft hier keine Ausnahme. Der Artikel, der auf einer von Menlo Energy Economics (MEE) und Global Business Network (GBN) durchgefuehrten Studie zum Thema 'E-commerce im Energie-Sektor' beruht, beschreibt die Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten fuer E-commerce im Energie-Sektor worunter hier Oel-, Elektrizitaets- und Erdgaswirtschaft zu verstehen sind. (orig.)

  14. e-commerce in the electricity supply industry: legal setting and selected legal issues arising in doing one's business via the Web; E-Commerce in der Elektrizitaetzwirtschaft: rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und ausgewaehlte Rechtsprobleme bei der Nutzung des Internets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Genten, A.; Rosin, P. [RWE Plus AG, Essen (DE). Privat Kundenmanagement (Recht)


    It is expected that e-commerce will be increasingly applied in business relations of the international electricity supply industry. This is why the contribution here sets out the legal provisions effective within the European Union as well as in Germany. Examples are given to illustrate specific aspects. (orig./CB) [German] Es wird erwartet, dass auch in der Elektrizitaetswirtschaft E-Commerce immer groessere Aufmerksamkeit findet. Demzufolge ist auch fuer die Elektrizitaetswirtschaft eine Auseinandersetzung mit den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und den Rechtsproblemen bei der Nutzung des Internets von Interesse. Die Abhandlung erlaeutert den Europaeischen Rechtsrahmen fuer E-Commerce und den nationalen Rechtsrahmen fuer E-Commerce. (orig./CB)

  15. e-Infrastructures Austria 2016: Bericht über das dritte Jahr des Hochschulraumstrukturmittelprojekts für den koordinierten Aufbau und die kooperative Weiterentwicklung von Repositorieninfrastrukturen

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    Bruno Bauer


    Full Text Available Im letzten Jahr des vom Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft auf drei Jahre geförderten HRSM-Projektes e-Infrastructures Austria konnten die drei Teilprojekte erfolgreich zu Ende geführt werden. An 25 Partnereinrichtungen wurden als In-Kind-Leistungen Repositorien aufgebaut bzw. sind derzeit in Planung. 2016 wurde von einer ExperInnengruppe eine Muster-Policy für Forschungsdatenmanagement; an einzelnen der Partnereinrichtungen wurden Forschungsdatenmanagementpläne erprobt. Das Ziel, Fortbildung und Vernetzung für Forschungsdatenmanagement zu ermöglichen, wurde im Berichtsjahr in Form von Workshops zu den Themen Metadaten und Langzeitarchivierung und insbesondere durch ein viertätiges Seminar für den professionellen Umgang mit Forschungsdaten erfolgreich umgesetzt. Es ist sehr erfreulich, dass mit dem Projektende von e-Infrastructures Austria das Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement nicht wieder aus dem Blickfeld der Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen geraten wird, sondern vielmehr – in mehreren Projekten – dieses Thema ab 2017 weiterentwickelt wird. Neben dem Folgeprojekt e-Infrastructures Austria Plus, an dem sich neun Institutionen beteiligen werden, widmen sich noch acht weitere öffentlich geförderte Projekte dem Thema Open Science. Gemeinsam bilden sie den Use Case Austria im Rahmen der European Open Science Cloud.

  16. E-purchasing of power stations? Chance and restraints of e-purchasing in the energy sector; Kraftwerkskauf im Internet. Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen elektronischer Beschaffung in der Energiewirtschaft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lueth, O.A.; Aust, E. [ AG (Germany)


    The most promising e-commerce opportunity in the energy sector is electronic sourcing via online bidding and online auctions respectively. Results of pilots show the way internet-platforms work and that even purchasing of a complex Power Station can be managed with a professional platform. [German] Fuer die Energiewirtschaft stecken die groessten E-Commerce-Potenziale im Bereich der elektronischen Beschaffung, vor allem durch elektronisch unterstuetzte Ausschreibungen. Der Beitrag schildert Ergebnisse erster Pilotprojekte und beschreibt die Voraussetzungen an Internet-Plattformen, die auch komplexe Ausschreibungen ermoeglichen - bis hin zur Ausschreibung komplexer Kraftwerksanlagen.

  17. E-Cigarette Awareness, Perceptions and Use among Community-Recruited Smokers in Hong Kong.

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    Man Ping Wang

    Full Text Available Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes are being increasingly used. We examined the correlates associated with e-cigarette awareness, use and perceived effectiveness in smoking cessation among Chinese daily smokers in Hong Kong.Daily smokers (N = 1,307 were recruited to a community-based randomised controlled trial ('Quit to Win' in 2014. Socio-demographic characteristics, conventional cigarette smoking status, nicotine addiction level, quit attempts, quit intention, e-cigarette awareness, use and perceived effectiveness on quitting were reported at baseline and 1-week follow-up. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with e-cigarette awareness, use and perceived effectiveness in quitting.Most smokers (82.6%, 95% CI 80.2%-84.9% had heard about e-cigarettes, and 13.3% (11.3%-15.5% ever used e-cigarettes. Most users (74.1% and non-users (91.2% did not perceive e-cigarettes as effective in quitting. Being younger and having a larger family income were associated with e-cigarette awareness. Being younger, a tertiary education and a stronger addiction to nicotine were associated with e-cigarette use, which was itself associated with lower levels of intention to quit and had no association with attempts to quit (P for trend 0.45. E-cigarette use, the last quit attempt being a month earlier, having made a quit attempt lasting 24 hours or longer and perceiving quitting as important were all associated with the perceived effectiveness of e-cigarettes in quitting (all P <0.05.Among community-recruited smokers who intended to quit, awareness of e-cigarettes was high, but most did not perceive e-cigarettes as effective in quitting. Correlates concerning e-cigarette perceptions and use will help to inform prospective studies, public education and policy on controlling e-cigarettes.

  18. E-Cigarette Awareness, Perceptions and Use among Community-Recruited Smokers in Hong Kong


    Wang, Man Ping; Li, William Ho Cheung; Jiang, Nan; Chu, Lai Yan; Kwong, Antonio; Lai, Vienna; Lam, Tai Hing


    Background Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are being increasingly used. We examined the correlates associated with e-cigarette awareness, use and perceived effectiveness in smoking cessation among Chinese daily smokers in Hong Kong. Methods Daily smokers (N = 1,307) were recruited to a community-based randomised controlled trial (?Quit to Win?) in 2014. Socio-demographic characteristics, conventional cigarette smoking status, nicotine addiction level, quit attempts, quit intention, e-cig...

  19. E-recruitment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Anna B.


    tasks and subtasks. For management, the main task is now that of communicating with candidates. In addition, a new on-going task of maintaining a corporate career website has become an integral part of the new recruitment process. The new design is presented in the following, and its implications...

  20. Comparing Twitter and Online Panels for Survey Recruitment of E-Cigarette Users and Smokers


    Guillory, Jamie; Kim, Annice; Murphy, Joe; Bradfield, Brian; Nonnemaker, James; Hsieh, Yuli


    Background E-cigarettes have rapidly increased in popularity in recent years, driven, at least in part, by marketing and word-of-mouth discussion on Twitter. Given the rapid proliferation of e-cigarettes, researchers need timely quantitative data from e-cigarette users and smokers who may see e-cigarettes as a cessation tool. Twitter provides an ideal platform for recruiting e-cigarette users and smokers who use Twitter. Online panels offer a second method of accessing this population, but th...


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    Naveed R. KHAN


    Full Text Available The study highlighted the significance of e-recruitment in the firms. In current epoch technology integrated the information in a sophisticated manner and has influenced on every setting of daily affaires. Hence job seekers are also get benefited with the internet era and start searching the jobs on internet. This study examined the relationship between the recruitment sources, job seekers’ perception and intention to pursue the job. Data was collected from 257 respondents and analysed in relation with the research objectives. The findings of the study showed that internet is the most preferred source to search the job among other recruitment sources. Furthermore, it is also suggested that the effectiveness of e-recruitment depends upon the placement of advertisement and salary is the most influential motivator to find interest in the job applied. Lastly, statistics of the study found that the recruitment sources and applicant’s perceptions of job significantly influence the intention to pursue the position applied by the job seeker.

  2. E-Portfolios, ‹eine Möglichkeit, viel für sich selbst zu lernen›. Der Einsatz von E-Portfolios als Reflexionsinstrument am Beispiel der Viadrina PeerTutoring-Ausbildung

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    Stefanie Vogler-Lipp


    Full Text Available Das Reflektieren und Verstehen des eigenen Lernprozesses gehört zu den studienrelevanten Fertigkeiten, die erlernt und während eines erfolgreichen Studiums vertieft werden sollten. Seit 2012 wird im Rahmen der Viadrina PeerTutoring-Ausbildung an der Europa-Universität Viadrina auf den Ausbau und die Weiterentwicklung der Reflexionskompetenzen sehr viel Wert gelegt. Im Folgenden werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zusammengefasst und erläutert, wie gutes Reflektieren angeleitet wird. Die Studierenden reflektieren ihre Lernprozesse in E-Portfolios. Um das komplexe Zusammenspiel einer guten Anleitung zum Reflektieren, den tatsächlichen Ergebnissen in den E-Portfolios und den Eindrücken der Mitarbeiter/innen am Zentrum für Schlüsselkompetenzen und Forschendes Lernen nachvollziehen zu können, werden am Ende einzelne Auszüge aus den E-Portfolios vorgestellt und für den Einsatz von E-Portfolio als Reflexionsinstrument plädiert.

  3. elecTUM: Umsetzung der eLearning-Strategie der Technischen Universität München (United States)

    Rathmayer, Sabine; Gergintchev, Ivan

    An der TUM wurde ein umfassendes und integriertes eLearning-Konzept umgesetzt, welches Präsenzstudium und eLearning in allen Leistungsbereichen der Universität miteinander verzahnt. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt lag dabei in der Schaffung einer effizienten und wettbewerbsfähigen integrierten eLearning Infrastruktur in Hinblick auf die noch weiter steigenden Studienanfängerzahlen ab dem Jahr 2011 sowie die Umsetzung von eBologna. Die Etablierung einer hochschulweiten Lernplattform stellte eine wesentliche Basis für die Umsetzung der eLearning-Strategie dar. Die wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit im Hinblick auf eine Verwertung der Projektergebnisse wurde durch die aktive Beteiligung an einer Vielzahl hochschulübergreifender Arbeitskreise, Fachtagungen und Kooperationen, vor allem über Organisations- und Dienstleistungsmodelle sowie innovative technische Entwicklungen, sichergestellt.

  4. Type 1 Diabetes eHealth Psychoeducation: Youth Recruitment, Participation, and Satisfaction (United States)

    Jaser, Sarah S; Faulkner, Melissa S; Murphy, Kathryn; Delamater, Alan; Grey, Margaret


    Background The Internet and other eHealth technologies offer a platform for improving the dissemination and accessibility of psychoeducational programs for youth with chronic illness. However, little is known about the recruitment process and yield of diverse samples in Internet research with youth who have a chronic illness. Objective The purpose of this study was to compare the demographic and clinical characteristics of youth with Type 1 diabetes on recruitment, participation, and satisfaction with 2 eHealth psychoeducational programs. Methods Youth with Type 1 diabetes from 4 sites in the United States were invited to participate (N=510) with 320 eligible youth consenting (mean age=12.3, SD 1.1; 55.3% female; 65.2% white; and mean A1C=8.3, SD 1.5). Data for this secondary analysis included demographic information (age, race/ethnicity, and income), depressive symptoms, and recruitment rates, including those who refused at point of contact (22.0%), passive refusers who consented but did not participate (15.3%), and those who enrolled (62.7%). Participation (80% lessons completed) and a satisfaction survey (ie, how helpful, enjoyable) were also analyzed. Chi-square or analysis of variance (ANOVA) analyses were used. Results There were significant differences in recruitment rates by income and race/ethnicity such that black, Hispanic, or mixed race/ethnicity and low-income youth were more likely to refuse passively compared to white and higher-income youth who were more likely to enroll (P<.001). Participation in program sessions was high, with 78.1% of youth completing at least 4 of 5 sessions. There were no significant differences in participation by program, age, gender, or race/ethnicity. Low-income youth were less likely to participate (P=.002). Satisfaction in both programs was also high (3.9 of 5). There were significant gender, race/ethnicity, and income differences, in that girls (P=.001), black, Hispanic, or mixed race/ethnicity youth (P=.02), and low

  5. Erro e Maestria na Bildung goethiana e seus desdobramentos


    Clímaco, Marco Antônio Araújo


    Resumo Da inspiração prometeica do Sturm und Drang à apoteose alegórica do Fausto II, a trajetória de Goethe perfaz um esforço contínuo para salvar e ressignificar a ingenuidade poética ante a exigência histórica de um inaudito antagonismo e autossuficiência individual, conferindo legitimidade ao seu sentimento inato da existência como "zweite Natur". Tal ambivalência induziu mesmo críticos benevolentes de Goethe a encarar seu projeto da Bildung como um momento preliminar e controverso, cujo ...

  6. Being in the Internet - more than just being ''cool''? e-business and its strategic importance in the utility and energy services industry; Praesenz im Internet - mehr als eine Imagefrage? Die strategische Bedeutung des e-business fuer die Versorgungs- und Energiewirtschaft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Greisinger, T.W. [IBM Global Utility and Energy Services Industry, Oak Brook, IL (United States); Moehl, W. [IBM Deutschland, Mainz (Germany). Vertriebsbereich Versorgungsunternehmen


    The Internet and related technologies belong into the daily life of supply and energy industry especially in the business to business sector. But the installation of a colourful homepage is not enough if one wants to remain competitive in the deregulated markets. The strategic implementation of e-business not only in relation to customers but also to optimisation of internal processes is a major success factor. The present article sheds light into these aspects and shows which enterprises especially in the USA have made e-business become a reality. (orig.) [German] Das Internet und verwandte Technologien gehoeren auch in der Versorgungs- und Energiewirtschaft laengst zum Alltag, vor allem im Geschaeftskundenbereich. Mit der Einrichtung einer bunten Homepage ist aber es laengst nicht mehr getan, will man in den deregulierten Maerkten wettbewerbsfaehig bleiben. Der strategische Einsatz von e-business zur Verbesserung von Kundenbeziehungen, aber auch zur Optimierung interner Prozesse ist vielmehr ein entscheidender Erfolgsfaktor geworden. Die Verfasser erlaeutern diese Gesichtspunkte und zeigen auf, welche Unternehmen vor allem in den USA bereits e-business zur Realitaet gemacht haben. (orig.)

  7. Medienpädagogische Gestaltungsideen zur Integration von E-Learning in der Hochschullehre

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    Ricarda T.D. Reimer


    Full Text Available Im ersten Teil des Artikels geht die Autorin der Frage nach, welche Rolle E-Learning an Hochschulen einnimmt. Sie nennt Projekte, die vom Bund (teilweise mit kommerzieller Beteiligung gefördert werden und äußert die These, dass E-Learning didaktischer Konzepte bedarf und somit eine Aufwertung der Pädagogik bedeuten könnte. Im Zuge des Wettbewerbs unter den Hochschulen müssten sich wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen mit der Konzeptualisierung von E- Learning und folglich mit mediendidaktischen Grundlagen auseinander setzen. Im Anschluss an diese, bildungstheoretischen Ausführungen beschreibt sie detailliert ein Seminar "Bildungstheorie in der Weiterbildung", das die Universitäten Bielefeld und Flensburg gemeinsam durchführten. Im Mittelpunkt stand die Anwendung von "blended learning". Präsenzelemente wurden von Online- Phasen abgelöst und begleitet. Das Seminar wurde evaluiert und kann somit Anstöße für weitere Konzepte geben.

  8. Development of the eHealth Literacy Assessment Toolkit, eHLA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Dorthe Furstrand; Kayser, Lars


    In a world with rising focus on the use of eHealth, the match between the competences of the individual and the demands of eHealth systems becomes increasingly important, thus making assessment of eHealth literacy as a measure of user competences a vital element. We propose the eHealth Literacy...

  9. 59. Report of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW). Annual report 2002; 59. Bericht der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW). Jahresbericht 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This annual report presents the activities of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW), important results of Rhine water monitoring, and current developments in water management. This year, a special measuring programme was jointly carried out by ARW and the Deutsche Kommission zur Reinhaltung des Rheins on isoproturone and chlorotolurone concentrations in Rhine water, which used to be quite high in the Lower Rhine in the past. Further, an incident involving chloracetophenone release into the Rhine was followed up, and the effects on freshwater supply were assessed. The report also contains two practical contributions by member waterworks on de-acidification of shore filtrate and on the calcite solubility of the raw water of a shore filtration and production plant. There is also a chapter on further options for evaluating long-term measuring series using time series analysis and enhanced statistical methods. [German] Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e. V. (ARW) legt hiermit bereits ihren 59. Jahresbericht vor, in dem ueber ihre Taetigkeiten, wesentliche Ergebnisse aus dem Untersuchungsprogramm der Rheinwasserwerke und aktuelle Entwicklungen aus der Wasserwirtschaft berichtet wird. Neben der Dokumentation und Bewertung der aktuellen Daten aus dem Untersuchungsprogramm, an dem zahlreiche Wasserwerke aktiv beteiligt sind, wird in dem vorliegenden Jahresbericht ueber ein gemeinsames Sondermessprogramm der ARW und der Deutschen Kommission zur Reinhaltung des Rheins zum Vorkommen und zur Bilanzierung der Eintraege von Isoproturon und Chlortoluron berichtet, die in der Vergangenheit in z. T. sehr hohen Konzentrationen im Niederrhein gefunden wurden. Ebenfalls durch zusaetzliche Untersuchungen der Wasserwerke konnte ein Schadensfall mit Chloracetophenon am Rhein verfolgt und die Auswirkungen auf die Trinkwassergewinnung abgeschaetzt werden. Des Weiteren sind zwei praxisnahe Beitraege aus Mitgliedswerken zur Entsaeuerung von Uferfiltrat und zum

  10. The Use by Large Polish Organizations of Information about CSR Activities in e-Recruitment

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    Kinga Wołodźko


    Full Text Available One of the advantages of e-recruitment is broadening the scope of information used to improve the organization’s image; information about the organization’s Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR is a tool usually recommended for this. The article proves that e-recruitment tools and CSR information are less widely used by the largest Polish companies than the public believes, and that such information could improve employer brand. Two types of data are used: the results of an e-survey concerning the perception of company attractiveness as an employer, based on its CSR activities (a sample of 1054 young Polish professionals and students, and direct observation of 300 websites of the biggest Polish enterprises. Less than 30% of the biggest companies publish information about their CSR activities on their websites, while for about 2/3 of potential candidates, such information would attract them to submit their application to this company (ceteris paribus. No gender difference were found.


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    Muhammad Taufik Syastra


    Full Text Available Rancang bangun sistem e-recruitment ini bertujuan untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan proses rekrutmen karyawan. Pada penelitian ini mengambil studi pada PT Mega Petro Synergy (PT MPS. PT. MPS merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang penyedia rekayasa konstruksi dan tenaga kerja industri berat. Kebutuhan PT MPS saat ini berkaitan dengan minimalisir biaya iklan, data yang real time dan juga kesalahan akibat proses penginputan data pelamar. Perancangan diarahkan pada pengembangan aplikasi berbasis android yang terintegrasi pada Man Power Information System (MPIS. Model SDLC yang digunakan adalah Waterfall. Perancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan pemodelan Unified Modelling Languange (UML meliputi use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram, dan sequence diagram. Selain UML, teknologi yang digunakan dalam proses perancangan adalah javascript, PHP, AngularJS, Laravel dan MySql. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi berbasis android yang dapat gunakan sebagai media iklan, penyedia data real time, serta mempermudah proses penginputan data pelamar.

  12. Costs and difficulties of recruiting patients to provide e-health support: pilot study in one primary care trust. (United States)

    Jones, Ray B; O'Connor, Anita; Brelsford, Jade; Parsons, Neil; Skirton, Heather


    Better use of e-health services by patients could improve outcomes and reduce costs but there are concerns about inequalities of access. Previous research in outpatients suggested that anonymous personal email support may help patients with long term conditions to use e-health, but recruiting earlier in their 'journey' may benefit patients more. This pilot study explored the feasibility and cost of recruiting patients for an e-health intervention in one primary care trust. The sample comprised 46 practices with total patient population of 250,000. We approached all practices using various methods, seeking collaboration to recruit patients via methods agreed with each practice. A detailed research diary was kept of time spent recruiting practices and patients. Researcher time was used to estimate costs. Patients who consented to participate were offered email support for their use of the Internet for health. Eighteen practices agreed to take part; we recruited 27 patients, most (23/27) from five practices. Practices agreed to recruit patients for an e-health intervention via waiting room leaflets (16), posters (16), practice nurses (15), doctors giving patients leaflets (5), a study website link (7), inclusion in planned mailshots (2), and a special mailshot to patients selected from practice computers (1). After low recruitment response we also recruited directly in five practices through research assistants giving leaflets to patients in waiting rooms. Ten practices recruited no patients. Those practices that were more difficult to recruit were less likely to recruit patients. Leaving leaflets for practice staff to distribute and placing posters in the practice were not effective in recruiting patients. Leaflets handed out by practice nurses and website links were more successful. The practice with lowest costs per patient recruited (£70) used a special mailshot to selected patients. Recruitment via general practice was not successful and was therefore expensive

  13. AmE 2012. Automotive meets electronics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This conference CD contains 19 contributions, which were presented at the AmE 2012. The main topics were: (1) Electrification; (2) High voltage (board networks) and electromagnetic compatibility; (3) Car-to-X and driver assistance; (4) Diagnosis; (5) Electrical systems. Six contributions were recorded separately for the ENERGY database. [German] Diese Tagungs-CD enthaelt 19 Beitraege, die auf der AmE 2012 vorgestellt wurden. Die Themenschwerpunkte waren: 1. Electrification; 2. Hochvolt(-bordnetze) und Elektromagnetische Vertraeglichkeit; 3. Car-to-X und Fahrerassistenz; 4. Diagnose; 5. Bordnetze. Sechs Beitraege wurden separat fuer die ENERGY-Datenbank aufgenommen.

  14. Enterprise Portals und Enterprise Application Integration - Begriffsbestimmung und Integrationskonzeptionen


    Schelp, Joachim; Winter, Robert


    Unter den Stichworten »Enterprise Portals« und »Enterprise Application Integration« werden neue Herausforderungen an die Applikationsarchitektur der Unternehmungen gestellt. Bei beiden spielt die Integration vorhandener und das Einfügen neuer Applikationen eine große Rolle. Beiden Themen ist gemein, dass sie die Diskussion bestimmter technischer Konzepte aus den vergangenen Jahren fortsetzen: Portale stellen das moderne Frontend dar, über das die verschiedenen E-Business-Konzepte umgesetzt we...

  15. Wenn Edusphäre und Blogosphäre sich treffen. Weblogs an Hochschulen zwischen Zitationskartell und Diskursrevolte

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    Stefanie Panke


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich dem Thema «Edublogging», also der Nutzung von Weblogs im Bildungsbereich, und fokussiert dabei auf den Hochschulsektor. Weblogs werden vielerorts als Instrument für die Lehre, aber auch als ­Diskussionsplattform im E-Learning-Forschungsdiskurs sowie als Mittel zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in E-Learning-Zentren und anderen Zentraleinrichtungen eingesetzt. Hinzu kommen Blogfarmen bzw. Multiblogs, die jedem und jeder Hochschulangehörigen mit wenigen Klicks die Einrichtung einer Weblog-Präsenz eröffnen. Entsprechend facettenreich präsentiert sich die Landschaft der Edublogs. Der Artikel beleuchtet das Phänomen «Edublogosphäre» durch eine umfangreiche Literatursichtung, Web-Recherchen, Inhaltsanalysen und Befragungen. Angestrebt wird eine Kartografie der vielfältigen Landschaft an Edublogs. Im Ergebnis werden Besonderheiten der Weblog-Strategien von E-Learning-Einrichtungen, bloggenden E-Learning-Wissenschaftlern/-innen, Blogfarmen und weiteren Einsatzformen in Hochschulbereich beschrieben.

  16. A critical analysis of the implementation of social networking as an e-recruitment tool within a security enterprise

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    Anthony Lewis


    Full Text Available Many enterprises are operating in complex and competitive environments, and changes in the internal and external environment have prompted them to engage in better ways of doing business. In order to respond to these changes, and survive in today’s volatile business environment, enterprises need to change their strategies. Human Resource departments are under pressure to keep operating costs low whilst also ensuring they are attracting, recruiting, and retaining talent within the enterprise. To achieve this, an increasing number of enterprises have adopted social networking into their recruitment strategy. This research aims to critically analyze the implementation of social networking as an e-recruitment tool within a Security Enterprise. The research key objective is to examine the importance of attracting Generation Y through the use of social networking sites and also to develop an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of using social networking as an e-recruitment tool. The research also looks at contemporary examples of enterprises that have implemented social networking into their recruitment strategy. A further objective of the research is to gain an understanding of the attitudes and perceptions of the use of social networking as an e-recruitment tool. To achieve this, the research has taken a mixed-methods approach whilst focusing on an interpretivist stance. Data was gathered through an interview with the HR Manager at the Security Enterprise and a questionnaire was distributed to 22 employees within the enterprise and 84 respondents on social networking sites. The overall attitudes and perceptions of respondents showed that social networking can be effectively used as an e-recruitment tool as long as a traditional recruitment method is also used.

  17. The E-assessment burger: Supporting the Before and After in E-Assessment Systems

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    Anne Adams


    Full Text Available This paper describes a threshold concept-driven e-assessment system that supports teachers in writing effective formative multiple-choice questions, creating quizzes tailored to students’ learning pathways. The system, which has been co-designed with teachers, acts as the ‘bun’ on either side of an ‘e-assessment burger’ pedagogically scaffolding quiz creation (the top of the bun, integrating the quiz within personalized learning trajectories (the burger and feeding the results back to the learners and teachers to guide the direction of future learning pathways (the bottom of the bun. The evaluation with 26 students in 3 subjects across two schools identified that supporting the before and after e-assessment empowers a shift in teachers’ encouragement for student ownership of assessment, guiding their learning pathways. Teachers also provide insights into how the system scaffolding and visualisations inspired changes to sequencing learning and teaching practices. In conclusion the changing role of assessment within a school ecosystem is debated.

  18. Umfrageforschung: Entscheidungsgrundlage für Politik und Wissenschaft



    "Der vorliegende Tagungsband dokumentiert die Beiträge der wissenschaftlichen Tagung 'Umfrageforschung - Entscheidungsgrundlage für Politik und Wissenschaft', die am 30. Juni und 1. Juli 2011 gemeinsam vom Statistischen Bundesamt, dem ADM Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute e.V. und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute e.V. (ASI) in Wiesbaden durchgeführt wurde." (Autorenreferat). Inhaltsverzeichnis: Christian König, Matthias Stahl, Erich Wiegand:...

  19. E-Cigarette Awareness, Perceptions and Use among Community-Recruited Smokers in Hong Kong. (United States)

    Wang, Man Ping; Li, William Ho Cheung; Jiang, Nan; Chu, Lai Yan; Kwong, Antonio; Lai, Vienna; Lam, Tai Hing


    Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are being increasingly used. We examined the correlates associated with e-cigarette awareness, use and perceived effectiveness in smoking cessation among Chinese daily smokers in Hong Kong. Daily smokers (N = 1,307) were recruited to a community-based randomised controlled trial ('Quit to Win') in 2014. Socio-demographic characteristics, conventional cigarette smoking status, nicotine addiction level, quit attempts, quit intention, e-cigarette awareness, use and perceived effectiveness on quitting were reported at baseline and 1-week follow-up. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with e-cigarette awareness, use and perceived effectiveness in quitting. Most smokers (82.6%, 95% CI 80.2%-84.9%) had heard about e-cigarettes, and 13.3% (11.3%-15.5%) ever used e-cigarettes. Most users (74.1%) and non-users (91.2%) did not perceive e-cigarettes as effective in quitting. Being younger and having a larger family income were associated with e-cigarette awareness. Being younger, a tertiary education and a stronger addiction to nicotine were associated with e-cigarette use, which was itself associated with lower levels of intention to quit and had no association with attempts to quit (P for trend 0.45). E-cigarette use, the last quit attempt being a month earlier, having made a quit attempt lasting 24 hours or longer and perceiving quitting as important were all associated with the perceived effectiveness of e-cigarettes in quitting (all P e-cigarette perceptions and use will help to inform prospective studies, public education and policy on controlling e-cigarettes.

  20. Qualität beim E-Learning: Der Lernende als Grundkategorie bei der Qualitätssicherung

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    Ulf Ehlers


    Full Text Available Qualität wird über die zukünftigen Erfolgschancen des E-Learning entscheiden. Das ist das Ergebnis vieler Analysen und Entwicklungen der letzten Zeit. So stellte etwa die KPMG-Studie heraus, dass es beim E-Learning nicht nur auf gute Technologie ankommt, sondern die betriebliche Lernkultur und der Lerner wesentlich mehr als bisher einzubeziehen sind. Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich damit, was Qualität beim E-Learning eigentlich ist und welche Konzepte zur Beschreibung und Sicherung von Qualität bestehen.

  1. Informationskompetenz und Information Literacy


    Ingold, Marianne


    Informationskompetenz ist heute als Begriff , Konzept und praktisches Tätigkeitsfeld von Bibliotheken weltweit etabliert. Entstehung, Verbreitung und Entwicklung von „Informationskompetenz“ im deutschsprachigen Raum stehen in engem Zusammenhang mit dem in den USA und international seit den 1980er Jahren diskutierten und praktisch umgesetzten Konzept der „Information Literacy“. Auch wenn die beiden Begriffe in der Regel gleichbedeutend verwendet werden, zeigt ein Vergleich der vorwiegend aus e...

  2. PHP und MySQL der Web-Baukasten fur Einsteiger und Individualisten

    CERN Document Server

    Damaschke, Giesbert


    Sie haben schon eigene Webseiten gebaut und mochten diese nun mit Funktionen ausstatten, fur die Sie PHP und MySQL benotigen? Giesbert Damaschke zeigt Ihnen in diesem Buch, wie Sie das schaffen. Schritt fur Schritt erlernen Sie die benotigten Programmier- und Datenbankgrundlagen - immer im Rahmen von typischen dynamischen Anwendungen. So erheben und speichern Sie zum Beispiel mit Formularen Kontaktdaten, prufen Benutzereingaben, erstellen Menus, richten einen Besucherzahler ein, verschicken E-Mails mit PHP oder entwickeln sogar einen eigenen Blog. Alle Codebeispiele werden ausfuhrlich erklart,


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    Dorota Buchnowska


    Full Text Available The changes taking place in the labor market cause that it is increasingly difficult to recruit employees with the right skills and competencies to companies. To reach the right candidates, they use modern IT solutions, such as ATS (Applicant Tracking System, which are supporting the processes of recruitment. Among others, they enable the publication of job offers on the Internet - on corporate websites, job portals and business social networking services - and apply for jobs online through these channels. This article pre-sents the evolution of the use of the Internet, and particularly the social media, in the recruitment process and presents a projekt of comprehensive research, which aims is to analyze and evaluate of the level of development of e-recruitment in Poland among largest companies.

  4. Regulation der FOXO-Gene durch E2F-1und die induzierbare systemische Rekombination eines konditionellen Allels in der Maus


    Geßner, Christine Ruth


    1.) FOXO1 und FOXO3A sind Zielgene von E2F-1 in Neuroblastomzellen. 2.) In einem Mausstamm, der ubiquitär ein CRE-ER Fusionsprotein exprimiert, konnte nach Tamoxifen Gabe die Rekombination des konditionellen mutierten p300 AS Gens in der untersuchten Geweben des entsprechenden Mausstammes nachgewiesen werden. Auf Basis dieses Experimentes kann nun die Tumorsuppressor von p300 in vivo untersucht werden.

  5. Substituting environmentally relevant flame retardants: assessment fundamentals. Vol. 1: results and summary overview; Erarbeitung von Bewertungsgrundlagen zur Substitution umweltrelevanter Flammschutzmittel. Bd. 1: Ergebnisse und zusammenfassende Uebersicht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leisewitz, A.; Kruse, H.; Schramm, E.


    The study examines the status, trends and alternatives (substitution and reduction potentials) in the use of flame retardants in selected product sectors: construction; electronics and electrical engineering; rail vehicles; textiles/upholstery. In addition, the study characterises thirteen flame retardants in terms of material flows, applications and toxicology/ecotoxicology. Vol. I: Summary overview of flame retardant applications in Germany in 1999/2000; characterisation of 13 flame retardants in terms of substance properties and application-specific characteristics, range of applications and quantities; derivation of assessment fundamentals for flame retardants, focussing on toxicology/ecotoxicology, suitability for closed-loop substance management, and potential for substitution and reduction; summary assessment of 13 flame retardants; summary overview of flame retardant applications. Vol. II: Analysis of flame retardant applications (state of the art, trends, alternatives) in: unsaturated polyester (UP) resins (rail vehicles); polyurethane (PU) insulating foams and one component foams (OCF) (construction sector); plastics for generic uses in electronic and electrical equipment, in casings for electronic and electrical equipment and in printed circuit boards (electronics/electrical engineering); and in upholstery and mattresses (textile applications). Vol. III: Toxicological/ecotoxicological profiles of substances: Decabromodiphenyl oxide; Tetrabromobisphenol A; Bis[pentabromophenyl]ethane; Hexabromocyclodo-decane, Tris[chloropropyl]phosphate, Resorcinol-bis-diphenylphosphate; N-Hydroxymethyl-3-dimethylphosphonopropionamide, Red phosphorus, Ammonium polyphosphate, Melamin cyanurate, Aluminiumtrihydroxide, Sodium borate decahydrate, Antimony trioxide. (orig.) [German] Untersucht werden Stand, Trends und Alternativen (Substitutions- und Minderungspotentiale) beim Einsatz von Flammschutzmitteln (FSM) in ausgewaehlten Produkten aus: Baubereich, Elektrotechnik

  6. Deutsch-slawischer Siedlungs- und Sprachkontakt im Gebiet zwischen Saale und Neiße – vorgestellt an ausgewählten Ortsnamen (Siedlungsnamen

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    Inge Bily


    Full Text Available Saale und Elbe bilden im Wesentlichen die westliche Begrenzung des ehemals kompakten altsorbischen Sprachgebietes. Im Norden schließt das Altsorbische an das Altpolabische, im Osten und Südosten an das Polnische und Tschechische an. Eigennamen bilden eine wichtige Quelle sowohl für die Aufhellung der Geschichte der Besiedlung wie auch ethnischer, sprachlicher und sozialer Verhältnisse, denn historische Siedlungsprozesse fanden ihren Niederschlag u.a. in historischen Belegen von Namen. Diese Belege wie auch die Ableitungsbasen und Benennungsmotive ebenso wie die phonologischen und morphologischen Merkmale der Namen des altsorbischen Kontaktgebietes enthalten eine Vielzahl von Zeugnissen deutsch-slawischer Kontinuität. Auf der Grundlage umfangreicher Studien zu Ortsnamen stellt der Beitrag ausgewählte Beispiele vor. Im ehemals altsorbischen Kontaktgebiet können Ortsnamen (Siedlungsnamen und ihre historische Überlieferung Hinweise auf Siedlungs- und Sprachkontakt geben. Dies belegen eine ganze Reihe von Merkmalen, so z.B.: 1. Unterscheidende Bestimmungswörter 2. Parallele Namengebung mit zeitweiliger Mehrnamigkeit 3. Umbenennung 4. Übersetzung 5. Benennungsparallelismus im deutsch-slawischen Kontaktgebiet 6. Scheinbare sekundäre semantische Verankerung (SSSV 7. Namenpaare 8. Unterscheidende Zusätze 9. Mischnamen (Hybride

  7. BeForE - 2016: Bericht Foresight in Higher Education


    Lübcke, Maren


    BeForE hat zum Ziel, für den Hochschulbereich relevante technologische Trends zu identifizieren, diese in einer realistischen Zeiteinschätzung zu verorten und eine robuste und skalierbare Methode für die Erstellung von zukünftigen BeForE Ausgaben zu entwickeln. Dazu wurde mit Hilfe computerlinguistischer Verfahren aus dem Big-Data-Bereich eine Metaanalyse über verschiedene Diskursräume durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden die Ergebnisse von acht verschiedenen Trendreports, 1‘416 wissenschaftlichen ...

  8. [Glanz und Elend - Mythos und Wirklichkeit der Herrenhäuser im Baltikum] / Karsten Brüggemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Brüggemann, Karsten, 1965-


    Arvustus: Glanz und Elend - Mythos und Wirklichkeit der Herrenhäuser im Baltikum. Hrsg. von Ilse von zur Mühlen im Auftrag der Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft e.V. und des Ostpreußischen Landesmuseums Lüneburg. Kunstverlag Josef Fink. Lindenberg im Allgäu 2012

  9. Mobile Arbeitswelten und Soziale Gestaltung: Electronic Mobility: Thesen und Empfehlungen. Vortrag gehalten auf dem Kongress "e-mobility - Mobile Arbeitswelten" 2005, Berlin


    Rump, J.; Balfanz, D.; Porak, A.; Schröter, W.


    Die Arbeitswelten der Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft befinden sich bereits seit längerer Zeit im Wandel. Das Internet sowie neue Technologien der Mobiltelefonie und der mobilen Datenübertragung ermöglichen den ubiquitären Einsatz von Lösungen, welche helfen, das Arbeitsleben der Menschen mobil, flexibel und vernetzt zu gestalten. Zugleich wird das (Arbeits-)Leben dadurch jedoch unsteter, unsicherer" und unberechenbarer. Tatsache ist, dass der Einsatz neuer mobiler Technologien die Rahm...

  10. E-Assessment: Institutional Development Strategies and the Assessment Life Cycle (United States)

    Tomas, Carmen; Borg, Michaela; McNeil, Jane


    E-assessment is an umbrella term that comprises a complex array of tools of varying capacities. This paper focuses on the topic of e-assessment from the perspective of its strategic institutional development in higher education. The paper argues that research on e-assessment has been dominated by a focus on investigating benefits of use and…

  11. A cluster randomised controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of eHealth-supported patient recruitment in primary care research: the TRANSFoRm study protocol. (United States)

    Mastellos, Nikolaos; Andreasson, Anna; Huckvale, Kit; Larsen, Mark; Curcin, Vasa; Car, Josip; Agreus, Lars; Delaney, Brendan


    Opportunistic recruitment is a highly laborious and time-consuming process that is currently performed manually, increasing the workload of already busy practitioners and resulting in many studies failing to achieve their recruitment targets. The Translational Medicine and Patient Safety in Europe (TRANSFoRm) platform enables automated recruitment, data collection and follow-up of patients, potentially improving the efficiency, time and costs of clinical research. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of TRANSFoRm in improving patient recruitment and follow-up in primary care trials. This multi-centre, parallel-arm cluster randomised controlled trial will compare TRANSFoRm-supported with standard opportunistic recruitment. Participants will be general practitioners and patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease from 40 primary care centres in five European countries. Randomisation will take place at the care centre level. The intervention arm will use the TRANSFoRm tools for recruitment, baseline data collection and follow-up. The control arm will use web-based case report forms and paper self-completed questionnaires. The primary outcome will be the proportion of eligible patients successfully recruited at the end of the 16-week recruitment period. Secondary outcomes will include the proportion of recruited patients with complete baseline and follow-up data and the proportion of participants withdrawn or lost to follow-up. The study will also include an economic evaluation and measures of technology acceptance and user experience. The study should shed light on the use of eHealth to improve the effectiveness of recruitment and follow-up in primary care research and provide an evidence base for future eHealth-supported recruitment initiatives. Reporting of results is expected in October 2015. EudraCT: 2014-001314-25.

  12. Female teams im eSport: Re-Konstruktion der Kategorie Geschlecht


    Streubel, Anett


    "Das Ziel dieses Papers ist es, die Herausbildung von "female Teams" im eSport zu untersuchen. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt hierbei auf Rekonstruktionsmechanismen der Kategorie Geschlecht, welche durch Sprache und Diskurse gebildet, erlernt und fortgeführt werden. Der Anteil der Spielerinnen, die das Computerspielen als Sport betreiben, wächst stetig an - deshalb soll in dieser Studie der Profibereich des eSport näher betrachtet werden. In einem Tätigkeitsfeld, in dem nicht der Körper im Mittelpu...

  13. Nutzung und Akzeptanz von E-Commerce


    Schenk, Michael; Wolf, Malthe


    Even with the so-called New Markets facing a world-wide break-down and the euphoria around electronic commerce subsequently cooling down market forecasts still predict a great future for electronic commerce. Influenced by electronic communication technologies, business transactions change rapidly. Although business-to-consumer e-commerce is expected to become a successful sales and communication channel world-wide, e-commerce was not accepted by broad consumer groups the way it was hoped for....

  14. E-health readiness assessment framework in iran. (United States)

    Rezai-Rad, M; Vaezi, R; Nattagh, F


    Concept of e-readiness is used in many areas such as e-business, e-commerce, e-government, and e-banking. In terms of healthcare, e-readiness is a rather new concept, and is propounded under the title of E-healthcare. E-health readiness refers to the readiness of communities and healthcare institutions for the expected changes brought by programs related to Information and Communications Technology (lCT). The present research is conducted aiming at designing E-health Readiness Assessment Framework (EHRAF) in Iran. The e-health readiness assessment framework was designed based on reviewing literature on e-readiness assessment models and opinions of ICT and health experts. In the next step, Delphi method was used to develop and test the designed framework. Three questionnaires developed to test and modify the model while determining weights of the indices; afterward they were either sent to experts through email or delivered to them in face. The designed framework approved with 4 dimensions, 11 constituents and 58 indices. Technical readiness had the highest importance coefficient (0.256099), and the other dimensions were of the next levels of coefficient importance: core readiness (0.25520), social communication readiness (0.244658), and engagement readiness (0.244039). The framework presents the movement route and investment priorities in e-health in Iran. The proposed framework is a good instrument for measuring the e-readiness in health centers in Iran, and for identifying strengths and weaknesses of these centers to access ICT and its implementation for more effectiveness and for analyzing digital divide between them, as well.

  15. E-Health Readiness Assessment Framework in Iran (United States)

    Rezai-Rad, M; Vaezi, R; Nattagh, F


    Background: Concept of e-readiness is used in many areas such as e-business, e-commerce, e-government, and e-banking. In terms of healthcare, e-readiness is a rather new concept, and is propounded under the title of E-healthcare. E-health readiness refers to the readiness of communities and healthcare institutions for the expected changes brought by programs related to Information and Communications Technology (lCT). The present research is conducted aiming at designing E-health Readiness Assessment Framework (EHRAF) in Iran. Methods: The e-health readiness assessment framework was designed based on reviewing literature on e-readiness assessment models and opinions of ICT and health experts. In the next step, Delphi method was used to develop and test the designed framework. Three questionnaires developed to test and modify the model while determining weights of the indices; afterward they were either sent to experts through email or delivered to them in face. Results: The designed framework approved with 4 dimensions, 11 constituents and 58 indices. Technical readiness had the highest importance coefficient (0.256099), and the other dimensions were of the next levels of coefficient importance: core readiness (0.25520), social communication readiness (0.244658), and engagement readiness (0.244039). Conclusion: The framework presents the movement route and investment priorities in e-health in Iran. The proposed framework is a good instrument for measuring the e-readiness in health centers in Iran, and for identifying strengths and weaknesses of these centers to access ICT and its implementation for more effectiveness and for analyzing digital divide between them, as well. PMID:23304661

  16. Big Data in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen: Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme


    Vossen, Gottfried; Lechtenbörger, Jens; Fekete, David


    Dieser Bericht untersucht das Potential von Big Data in und für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU). Dafür werden mittels einer Umfrage, Fokus-Interviews und zusätzlichen Recherchen die Potentiale und Herausforderungen bei Big Data untersucht, welche für KMU zu Tragen kommen. Der Begriff Big Data selbst wird genauer betrachtet und es wird erklärt, welche Dimensionen abseits schierer Größe ebenfalls dazu zählen, wie etwa Vielfalt oder Schnelligkeit der Daten. Weiter wird mit eingängigen Prax...

  17. Das politische Internet - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

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    Heinz Moser


    Full Text Available Das Internet und die Möglichkeiten, die sich mit Social Communities wie Facebook für die Zukunft einer stärker partizipativ ausgerichteten Demokratie ergeben, beschäftigt die politischen Debatten immer häufiger. Der Buchstaben «e» spiegelt dabei die Verheissungen dieser neuen Politik: e-Government, e-Participation und e- Demokratie sind Begriffe, die zu klären und daraufhin zu untersuchen sind, inwieweit die Bürgerpartizipation dadurch bei der jungen Generation eine neue Qualität erhält. Nachdem die digitalen Medien nicht nur in der arabischen Welt jüngere Menschen politisch zu mobilisieren imstande sind, stellt sich die Frage, ob sich mit diesen neuen Mitteln partizipative Interessen jenseits der etablierten Institutionen der Politik auf neue Weise artikulieren können – dies nicht zuletzt auch über Veränderungen in der Sphäre des Politischen selbst. Der vorliegende Aufsatz nimmt die Diskussion um das politische Internet auf und illustriert die damit verbundenen Fragestellungen im Rahmen einer empirischen Untersuchung zu politischen Gruppen aus der Schweiz, die sich auf Facebook gebildet haben.

  18. Health Consumers eHealth Literacy to Decrease Disparities in Accessing eHealth Information. (United States)

    Park, Hyejin; Cormier, Eileen; Glenna, Gordon


    The purpose of this study was to assess the perceived eHealth literacy of a general health consumer population so that health care professionals can effectively address skills gaps in health consumers' ability to access and use high quality online health information. Participants were recruited from three public library branches in a Northeast Florida community. The eHealth literacy scale (eHEALS) was used. The majority of participants (n = 108) reported they knew how and where to find health information and how to use it to make health decisions; knowledge of what health resources were available and confidence in the ability to distinguish high from low quality information was considerably less. The findings suggest the need for eHealth education and support to health consumers from health care professionals, in particular, how to access and evaluate the quality of health information.

  19. HPV16-E7 expression in squamous epithelium creates a local immune suppressive environment via CCL2- and CCL5- mediated recruitment of mast cells.

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    Anne-Sophie Bergot


    Full Text Available Human Papillomavirus (HPV 16 E7 protein promotes the transformation of HPV infected epithelium to malignancy. Here, we use a murine model in which the E7 protein of HPV16 is expressed as a transgene in epithelium to show that mast cells are recruited to the basal layer of E7-expressing epithelium, and that this recruitment is dependent on the epithelial hyperproliferation induced by E7 by inactivating Rb dependent cell cycle regulation. E7 induced epithelial hyperplasia is associated with increased epidermal secretion of CCL2 and CCL5 chemokines, which attract mast cells to the skin. Mast cells in E7 transgenic skin, in contrast to those in non-transgenic skin, exhibit degranulation. Notably, we found that resident mast cells in E7 transgenic skin cause local immune suppression as evidenced by tolerance of E7 transgenic skin grafts when mast cells are present compared to the rejection of mast cell-deficient E7 grafts in otherwise competent hosts. Thus, our findings suggest that mast cells, recruited towards CCL2 and CCL5 expressed by epithelium induced to proliferate by E7, may contribute to an immunosuppressive environment that enables the persistence of HPV E7 protein induced pre-cancerous lesions.

  20. Gõtter, Grãber und Gelehrte

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    Pedro Moacyr Campos


    Full Text Available CERAM, (C. W.. — Gõtter, Grãber und Gelehrte, Rowohlt Verlag, Hamburg.,  1951, 494 págs. (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo Bem merecido foi o sucesso encontrado pelo livro de Ceram, Gotter, Graber und Gelehrte, ("Deuses, túmulos e eruditos", que alcançou a cifra de 106.000 exemplares entre novembro de 1949 e março de 1951, continuando a ser reimpresso após esta data.

  1. Examination of the e{sup +} and e{sup +}e{sup -} pair emission from heavy ion collisions at the EPoS II spectrometer; Untersuchung der e{sup +}- und e{sup +}e{sup -}-Paaremission aus Schwerionenkollisionen mit dem EPoS II Spektrometer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baumann, J.


    In the course of examination of the positron and positron-electron pair emission from heavy ion collisions at the Coulomb barrier, the research groups EPOS I and ORANGE have found a number of line structures in the measured positron energy and cumulative pair energy spectra which up to present could not be fully explained, as theoretical interpretations so far remain inconsistent in some respects. For clarification, further measurements have been made at the completely new designed EPoS II spectrometer. Reproducibility of the lines is possible at a high level of statistical significance. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Bei Untersuchungen der Positron- und Positron- Elektron- Paaremissionaus Schwerionenkollisionen an der Coulombbarriere wurde von den Gruppen EPOS I und ORANGE eine Reihe von Linienstrukturen in den gemessenen Positronenenergie- und Paarsummenenergiespektren beobachtet, fuer die bislang keine in allen Punkten konsistente, theoretische Erklaerunggefunden werden konnte. Um ihre Ursachen zu klaeren, wurden mit dem voellig neu aufgebauten EPoS II Spektrometer weitere Messreihen durgefuehrt. Die Reproduzierbarkeit der Linien ist auf einem hohen statistischen Signifikanzniveau moeglich.

  2. Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR). Annual report 1999/2000; Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR). Jahresbericht 1999/2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuette, A.


    The annual report of the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. outlines the state of the art and the boundary conditions of energy plant utilisation. The organisational struture of the association and its research projects are presented. [German] Der Jahresbericht der Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. stellt Stand der Technik und Rahmenbedingungen fuer die Verwendung von Energiepflanzen dar. Die Organisation des Vereins sowie die gefoerderten Forschungsprojekte werden vorgestellt.

  3. Ectopic expression of eIF4E-transporter triggers the movement of eIF4E into P-bodies, inhibiting steady-state translation but not the pioneer round of translation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Hyung Chul; Cho, Hana; Kim, Yoon Ki


    Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is the best-characterized mRNA surveillance mechanism; this process removes faulty mRNAs harboring premature termination codons (PTCs). NMD targets newly synthesized mRNAs bound by nuclear cap-binding proteins 80/20 (CBP80/20) and exon junction complex (EJC), the former of which is thought to recruit the ribosome to initiate the pioneer round of translation. After completion of the pioneer round of translation, CBP80/20 is replaced by the cytoplasmic cap-binding protein eIF4E, which mediates steady-state translation in the cytoplasm. Here, we show that overexpression of eIF4E-T preferentially inhibits cap-dependent steady-state translation, but not the pioneer round of translation. We also demonstrate that overexpression of eIF4E-T or Dcp1a triggers the movement of eIF4E into the processing bodies. These results suggest that the pioneer round of translation differs from steady-state translation in terms of ribosome recruitment

  4. Benefit analysis of e-business solutions for utilities; Nutzenbetrachtung von E-Business-Branchenloesungen. Der Online-Weg zu den Privatkunden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koch, M.; Baier, D. [Lehrstuhl fuer Marketing und Innovationsmanagement und BTU Cottbus (Germany)


    E-Business-applications for internal and external business processes are an often dealt subject. In opposition to that the implementation of E-Business-Systems at the interface to the many private customers are taken only few notice. Even though the implementation requires additional investments utilities could save considerable costs. (orig.) [German] Die Unterstuetzung der internen und externen Geschaeftsprozesse durch E-Business-Systeme ist eine aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung oft behandelte Thematik. Weitgehend unbeachtet blieb bisher der Einsatz von E-Business-Systemen an der Schnittstelle zu den vielen Privatkunden. Trotz zusaetzlich notwendiger Investitionen lassen sich gerade an dieser Stelle hohe Kosten sparen. (orig.)

  5. E-health readiness assessment for e-health framework for Africa: a case study of hospitals in South Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Coleman, A


    Full Text Available This study assessed e-healthcare readiness of rural and urban hospitals in North West Province of South Africa. Outcome of assessment led to creation of e-health architectural framework for e-health solutions. Assessment was conducted in usage...

  6. Kommunikation und Lernen in partizipativen kulturellen und medialen Räumen

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    Elke Zobl


    Full Text Available Eine der interessantesten Transformationen in der Jugendkultur seit den 1990er-Jahren ist die steigende Zahl vor allem an Mädchen und jungen Frauen, die zu aktiven kulturellen Produzentinnen wurden. In diesem Artikel wird argumentiert, dass sie mit ihren eigenen kulturellen Produktionen und Netzwerken neue soziale und mediale Räume öffnen, die durch eine partizipative Kultur, selbst-organisiertes Lernen in informellen Kontexten und lokale, transnationale und virtuelle Vernetzung und Kommunikation geprägt sind. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, das Kommunizieren und Lernen in partizipativen kulturellen (bzw. sozialen und medialen Räumen am Beispiel queer-feministischer Festivals – sogenannter „Ladyfeste“ – darzustellen und ihre Bedeutung in (medien-pädagogischen Kontexten zu diskutieren.One of the most interesting transformations in youth culture since the 1990s is the growing number of girls and young women as active cultural producers. By creating their own cultural productions and networks, this article argues, that they open up new cultural (i. e. social and media spaces which are characterized by a participatory culture, self-organised learning and local, transnational and virtual networks and communication. Taking the example of queer-feminist festivals (so called “Ladyfests”, the aim of this article is to discuss communication and learning in participatory cultural and media spaces and their meaning in the context of (media-pedagogy.

  7. Informationsdesign von Bildungsportalen : Struktur und Aufbau netzbasierter Bildungsressourcen


    Panke, Stefanie


    Sowohl Unternehmen als auch Bildungseinrichtungen, Verlage, politische Organisationen, Verbände, Interessengruppen und Privatpersonen nutzen das Internet, um Informationen zu verbreiten. Die Varianz an Akteuren, Adressaten und Botschaften spiegelt sich wider in einem wachsenden Spektrum an Web-Genres: Suchmaschine, E-Commerce-Auftritt und Online-Zeitung teilen sich die Aufmerksamkeit der Leser unter anderem mit privaten Weblogs und kollaborativen Wissenssammlungen wie der Enzyklopädie Wikiped...

  8. Konflikt und Kooperation bei der Wassernutzung in Mittelasien

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wegerich, K.


    In Mittelasien sind Mensch, Natur und Wirtschaft auf das Wasser zweier Flusssysteme angewiesen: des Syr Darja im Norden und des Amu Darja im Süden. Beide Ströme sind in hohem Maße zur Stromgewinnung und landwirtschaftlichen Bewässerung erschlossen. Die Nutzung des Wassers birgt erhebliches Potential

  9. TeSLA e-assessment workshop

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, José


    Presentatie ten behoeve van de e-assessment workshop voor docenten van de Open Universiteit Nederland betrokken in de eerste TeSLA pilot. Topics: toetsfraude, toetsdesign, technologie voor authenticatie en verificatie van auteurschap.

  10. Editorial: Theoriebildung in Mediendidaktik und Wissensmanagement

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    Michael Kerres


    . Durch E-Learning wachsen diese Bereiche zusehends zusammen. Anhand von zwei Orientierungsmodellen aus pädagogisch-psychologischer Sicht werden die Berührungspunkte von Mediendidaktik und Wissensmanagement herausgearbeitet. Welche Anregungen lassen sich aus der Verbindung von Wissensmanagement und E-Learning gewinnen? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage stellt Andrea Back ein E-Learning-Referenzmodell vor. Es formuliert eine Basis für den Erwerb von Medienkompetenz und beinhaltet gleichzeitig ein Untersuchungsinstrument für die Beurteilung des Einsatzes von Wissensmanagement für E-learning. Andreas Breiter fragt nach dem Erfolg von Wissensmanagementsystemen mit neuen Medien in der Schule. Er verdeutlicht seine Erfahrungen anhand der Entwicklung eines webbasierten Wissensmanagementsystems. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spass beim Lesen und hoffen mit dieser Ausgabe eine Diskussion zur Theoriebildung in der Mediendidaktik anzuregen.

  11. Exploring Moodle Functionality for Managing Open Distance Learning E-Assessments

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    Indira KONERU


    Full Text Available Current and emerging technologies enable Open Distance Learning (ODL institutions integrate e-Learning in innovative ways and add value to the existing teaching-learning and assessment processes. ODL e-Assessment systems have evolved from Computer Assisted / Aided Assessment (CAA systems through intelligent assessment and feedback systems. E-Assessment (electronic assessment connotes using electronic technology and tools to design and administer assessments, collect and store students’ assessment evidences, grade performance, provide feedback and generate reports. The widely recognized advantages of e-Assessment over traditional, paper-based assessment include: lower long term costs, instant feedback to students, greater flexibility with respect to location and timing, improved reliability with machine marking, improved impartiality, and enhanced question styles that incorporate interactivity and multimedia. The advent of Learning Management Systems (LMS, such as Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment paved the way for integrated advanced services for: interactive dialogue, controlling knowledge at different stages of distance process and e-Assessment systems. Moodle provides the complete integrated environment for handling all aspects of e-Assessment from authoring questions through to reports for course teams (Butcher, 2008. This study explores how Moodle functionality: supports diagnostic, formative, summative and competency-based assessments and facilitates ODL institutions design, administer and manage e-Assessments.

  12. Einsatz von E-Portfolios bei der Qualifizierung pädagogischer Professionals in restriktiven Settings

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    Dirk Jahn


    Full Text Available Der Beitrag zeigt den Einsatz von E-Portfolios bei der Qualifizierung pädagogischer Professionals in der beruflichen Bildung auf. Dabei werden als Referenz die Theorie der Selbstreflexion, des kritischen Denkens sowie des Konzeptwandels zugrunde gelegt. Es werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, wie E-Portfolios auch in restriktiven Settings eingesetzt werden können. Bislang dominiert in der Literatur der Einsatz von E-Portfolios in der Schule bzw. in der Bildung von Lehrkräften. Restriktive Settings sind Settings, die für das formale Lernen nur kurze Zeiträume eröffnen, mit heterogenen Zielgruppen verbunden sind und die zum Teil ungünstige motivationale und kognitive Ausgangsvoraussetzungen mitbringen. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse fussen auf der Entwicklung, Erprobung und Erforschung eines solchen Settings, nämlich der Erprobung eines Qualifizierungskonzepts für pädagogische Professionals im Einzelhandel.

  13. Aufbau von regionalen Schülerforschungszentren Berichte und Praxisempfehlungen

    CERN Document Server

    Bayatloo, Annabel


    Angesichts des sich verschärfenden Fachkräftemangels ist es wichtig, die vorhandenen Begabungspotenziale noch wirkungsvoller zu identifizieren und auszuschöpfen. Vor allem im Bereich von Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik (MINT) erweist es sich als zielführend, künftig stärker auf forschendes Lernen zu setzen. Dieser pädagogische Ansatz wird auf vorbildliche Weise an Schülerforschungszentren verwirklicht. Aufgrund der Chancen für die Nachwuchsförderung, die mit diesen außerschulischen MINT-Bildungszentren verbunden sind, haben der Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK), die IHK Darmstadt, LernortLabor - Bundesverband der Schülerlabore e. V. und die Stiftung Jugend forscht e. V. gemeinsam einen Leitfaden für den „Aufbau regionaler Schülerforschungszentren“ erarbeitet. Die neue Publikation ist als Best Practice-Handreichung konzipiert und soll vor allem regionale Entscheidungsträger in die Lage versetzen, auf diesem Feld selbst aktiv zu werden und den begonnenen Pr...

  14. Assessing students' readiness towards e-learning (United States)

    Rahim, Nasrudin Md; Yusoff, Siti Hawa Mohd; Latif, Shahida Abd


    The usage of e-Learning methodology has become a new attraction for potential students as shown by some higher learning institutions in Malaysia. As such, Universiti Selangor (Unisel) should be ready to embark on e-Learning teaching and learning in the near future. The purpose of the study is to gauge the readiness of Unisel's students in e-Learning environment. A sample of 110 students was chosen to participate in this study which was conducted in January 2013. This sample consisted of students from various levels of study that are foundation, diploma and degree program. Using a structured questionnaire, respondents were assessed on their basic Internet skills, access to technology required for e-Learning and their attitude towards characteristics of successful e-Learning student based on study habits, abilities, motivation and time management behaviour. The result showed that respondents did have access to technology that are required for e-Learning environment, and respondents were knowledgeable regarding the basic Internet skills. The finding also showed that respondents' attitude did meet all characteristics of successful e-Learning student. Further analysis showed that there is no significant relationshipeither among gender, level of study or faculty with those characteristics. As a conclusion, the study shows that current Unisel's students are ready to participate in e-Learning environment if the institution decided to embark on e-Learning methodology.

  15. Constructing a Grounded Theory of E-Learning Assessment (United States)

    Alonso-Díaz, Laura; Yuste-Tosina, Rocío


    This study traces the development of a grounded theory of assessment in e-learning environments, a field in need of research to establish the parameters of an assessment that is both reliable and worthy of higher learning accreditation. Using grounded theory as a research method, we studied an e-assessment model that does not require physical…

  16. Employee recruitment. (United States)

    Breaugh, James A


    The way an organization recruits can influence the type of employees it hires, how they perform, and their retention rate. This article provides a selective review of research that has addressed recruitment targeting, recruitment methods, the recruitment message, recruiters, the organizational site visit, the job offer, and the timing of recruitment actions. These and other topics (e.g., the job applicant's perspective) are discussed in terms of their potential influence on prehire (e.g., the quality of job applicants) and posthire (e.g., new employee retention) recruitment outcomes. In reviewing research, attention is given to the current state of scientific knowledge, limitations of previous research, and important issues meriting future investigation.

  17. Identifying Health Consumers' eHealth Literacy to Decrease Disparities in Accessing eHealth Information. (United States)

    Park, Hyejin; Cormier, Eileen; Gordon, Glenna; Baeg, Jung Hoon


    The increasing amount of health information available on the Internet highlights the importance of eHealth literacy skills for health consumers. Low eHealth literacy results in disparities in health consumers' ability to access and use eHealth information. The purpose of this study was to assess the perceived eHealth literacy of a general health consumer population so that healthcare professionals can effectively address skills gaps in health consumers' ability to access and use high-quality online health information. Participants were recruited from three public library branches in a Northeast Florida community. The eHealth Literacy Scale was used. The majority of participants (n = 108) reported they knew how and where to find health information and how to use it to make health decisions; knowledge of what health resources were available and confidence in the ability to distinguish high- from low-quality information were considerably less. The findings suggest the need for eHealth education and support to health consumers from healthcare professionals, in particular, how to access and evaluate the quality of health information.

  18. E-Services quality assessment framework for collaborative networks (United States)

    Stegaru, Georgiana; Danila, Cristian; Sacala, Ioan Stefan; Moisescu, Mihnea; Mihai Stanescu, Aurelian


    In a globalised networked economy, collaborative networks (CNs) are formed to take advantage of new business opportunities. Collaboration involves shared resources and capabilities, such as e-Services that can be dynamically composed to automate CN participants' business processes. Quality is essential for the success of business process automation. Current approaches mostly focus on quality of service (QoS)-based service selection and ranking algorithms, overlooking the process of service composition which requires interoperable, adaptable and secure e-Services to ensure seamless collaboration, data confidentiality and integrity. Lack of assessment of these quality attributes can result in e-Service composition failure. The quality of e-Service composition relies on the quality of each e-Service and on the quality of the composition process. Therefore, there is the need for a framework that addresses quality from both views: product and process. We propose a quality of e-Service composition (QoESC) framework for quality assessment of e-Service composition for CNs which comprises of a quality model for e-Service evaluation and guidelines for quality of e-Service composition process. We implemented a prototype considering a simplified telemedicine use case which involves a CN in e-Healthcare domain. To validate the proposed quality-driven framework, we analysed service composition reliability with and without using the proposed framework.

  19. Error in objecto - warum E-Books keine Bücher sind

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    Ruth Katzenberger


    Full Text Available Elektronische Medien gewinnen für Bibliotheken zunehmend an Bedeutung. Trotz dieser Entwicklung bestehen in der bibliothekarischen Praxis erhebliche Unsicherheiten beim Umgang mit elektronischen Medien. Das liegt vor allem daran, dass ein gedrucktes Buch und seine elektronische Version den gleichen Inhalt haben. So liegt der Schluss nahe, dass es sich beim Print-Buch und seinem elektronischen Pendant um ein Zwillingspaar handelt, das in der bibliothekarischen Arbeit gleich behandelt werden kann. Dieser Eindruck wird verstärkt, wenn bei der elektronischen Ausleihe der E-Books von Ausleihe, Vormerkung und Widerruf gesprochen wird. Nachfolgend soll verdeutlich werden, dass der digitale Zwilling des Printbuches aus rechtlicher Sicht gerade kein „echter Zwilling“ ist. Dieser Beitrag umreißt die rechtliche Problematik, die sich ergibt, sobald Bibliotheken ihren Nutzern E-Books zur Verfügung stellen. Although electronic media are becoming more and more important for libraries, there is still considerable uncertainty about how to deal with these materials. Electronic media and print media have the same content. Therefore, librarians tend to think that a printed book and its electronic counterpart are, as it were, a pair of twins which can be treated alike. This assumption is reinforced by the  use of traditional terminology like “borrowing” and “reservation” in the contect of e-books, e-papers etc. However, from a legal point of view, the digital twin is not a twin at all.  The paper describes the legal problems connected to e-lending in libraries.

  20. E-learning enables parents to assess an infantile hemangioma. (United States)

    de Graaf, Marlies; Knol, Mirjam J; Totté, Joan E E; van Os-Medendorp, Harmieke; Breugem, Corstiaan C; Pasmans, Suzanne G M A


    Infantile hemangiomas (IH) at risk for complications need to be recognized early. We sought to determine if parents are able to assess, after e-learning, whether their child has an IH, is at risk for complications, and needs to be seen (urgently) by a specialist. This was a prospective study of 158 parents participating in an IH e-learning module. Parents were asked to assess their child's skin abnormality. A dermatologist answered the same questions (by e-consult). The 2 assessments were compared. Parents showed a 96% concordance with the dermatologist for correct diagnosis after e-learning. Concordances were 79%, 75%, and 84% (P e-learning module. E-learning by parents could result in earlier presentation and treatment of high-risk IH. Copyright © 2014 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Towards e-Government project assessment: European approach

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    Pavel Mates


    Full Text Available The objective of the paper is to analyse current approaches to the assessment of e-Government projects as the specifi c public projects and to suggest how to improve these approaches in order to eliminate their shortcomings. The nonnormative theoretical methods are used to analyse empirical results of previous researches; particularly the deduction method is used to prove that current approaches to the evaluation of e-Government projects have some inequalities, the analogy and comparison methods are used to create general typology of e-Government projects and the induction method is used to seek examples of the indicators and metrics. The results are based on analysis of extensive amount of e-Government projects, which have been realized in different European countries in the past twenty years. The basic result of the research is creation of the ten most common types of e-Government projects typology. The fundamental conclusion obtained from the results of this research is that this typology can be used as the core of new E-Government General Assessment Framework, which eliminates problems of previous approaches, allows adjusting metrics and indicators to each type of projects, keeps comparability of results and thus making possible the use of benchmarking methods.

  2. Using e-mail recruitment and an online questionnaire to establish effect size: A worked example. (United States)

    Kirkby, Helen M; Wilson, Sue; Calvert, Melanie; Draper, Heather


    Sample size calculations require effect size estimations. Sometimes, effect size estimations and standard deviation may not be readily available, particularly if efficacy is unknown because the intervention is new or developing, or the trial targets a new population. In such cases, one way to estimate the effect size is to gather expert opinion. This paper reports the use of a simple strategy to gather expert opinion to estimate a suitable effect size to use in a sample size calculation. Researchers involved in the design and analysis of clinical trials were identified at the University of Birmingham and via the MRC Hubs for Trials Methodology Research. An email invited them to participate.An online questionnaire was developed using the free online tool 'Survey Monkey©'. The questionnaire described an intervention, an electronic participant information sheet (e-PIS), which may increase recruitment rates to a trial. Respondents were asked how much they would need to see recruitment rates increased by, based on 90%. 70%, 50% and 30% baseline rates, (in a hypothetical study) before they would consider using an e-PIS in their research.Analyses comprised simple descriptive statistics. The invitation to participate was sent to 122 people; 7 responded to say they were not involved in trial design and could not complete the questionnaire, 64 attempted it, 26 failed to complete it. Thirty-eight people completed the questionnaire and were included in the analysis (response rate 33%; 38/115). Of those who completed the questionnaire 44.7% (17/38) were at the academic grade of research fellow 26.3% (10/38) senior research fellow, and 28.9% (11/38) professor. Dependent upon the baseline recruitment rates presented in the questionnaire, participants wanted recruitment rate to increase from 6.9% to 28.9% before they would consider using the intervention. This paper has shown that in situations where effect size estimations cannot be collected from previous research, opinions

  3. Forschende und ihre Daten: Ergebnisse einer österreichweiten Befragung. Report 2015 – Executive Summary und Empfehlungen

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    Bruno Bauer


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Beitrag bringt Executive Summary und Empfehlungen aus „Forschende und ihre Daten: Ergebnisse einer österreichweiten Befragung. Report 2015“. Dieser Report gibt einen Überblick über die österreichweite Befragung zu Forschungsdaten, die im Rahmen des Projekts e-Infrastructures Austria 2015 durchgeführt wurde. Diese richtete sich an das wissenschaftliche und künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Personal aller 21 öffentlichen Universitäten sowie an drei außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen in Österreich. Die Teilnehmenden wurden zu folgenden Themenbereichen befragt: Datentypen und Formate; Datenarchivierung, -sicherung und -verlust; ethische und rechtliche Aspekte; Zugänglichkeit und Nachnutzung; Infrastruktur und Services. Die in diesem Kontext erstmals auf nationaler Ebene durchgeführte Befragung diente der Erhebung des praktischen Umgangs mit Forschungsdaten in Österreich und ist somit die Basis für eine konsekutive Optimierung der zweckdienlichen Infrastruktur, für eine Anpassung der Serviceangebote sowie für eine Neuorientierung bei der Ermittlung von Ressourcen in diesem strategischen Bereich entsprechend der geäußerten Bedürfnisse der im Forschungsprozess Tätigen.

  4. Chancen und Grenzen der Subjektorientierung - Einblicke in die Bildungsarbeit des Archiv der Jugendkulturen e.V. Berlin


    Rohmann, Gabriele


    Ende der 1980er Jahre entwickelte sich in Deutschland die Jugendkulturarbeit. Seither sind eine Reihe von Angeboten in der außerschulischen Bildung entstanden, die die Interessen junger Menschen in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Arbeit stellen. Das Berliner Archiv der Jugendkulturen verbindet als eine der wenigen Einrichtungen Subjektorientierung, jugendkulturelle Themen und politische Bildung im Kontext der Gewalt- und Rechtsextremismusprävention und von Diskriminierungen. Anhand von Einblicken in di...

  5. Restaurierung von Seen und Renaturierung von Seeufern (United States)

    Grüneberg, Björn; Ostendorp, Wolfgang; Leßmann, Dieter; Wauer, Gerlinde; Nixdorf, Brigitte

    Süßwasserseen haben als ökosysteme und Lebensraum für Pflanzen und Tiere eine herausragende Bedeutung für die Artenvielfalt auf der Erde und prägen als Landschaftselemente unsere natürliche Umwelt. Seen fungieren als natürliche Stoffsenken, vor allem für Kohlenstoff und Nährstoffe, aber auch als Senken für in ihren Einzugsgebieten emittierte gelöste und feste Schadstoffe. Darüber hinaus ist Wasser eine wichtige Naturressource. Süßwasserseen stellen in den meisten Regionen der Erde lebenswichtige Quellen für die Versorgung mit Trinkwasser und tierischem Eiweiß (Fischfang) dar. Sie dienen als Wasserspeicher für die landwirtschaftliche und industrielle Nutzung. Auch für Erholungsaktivitäten des Menschen kommt ihnen eine große Bedeutung zu.

  6. Late inflammatory and thrombotic changes in irradiated hearts of C57BL/6 wild-type and atherosclerosis-prone ApoE-deficient mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Patties, I.; Glasow, A. [University of Leipzig, Department of Radiation Therapy, Leipzig (Germany); Haagen, J. [University of Technology, Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden (Germany); Doerr, W. [University of Technology, Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden (Germany); CCC, Medical University/AKH, Department of Radiation Oncology and Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiooncology, Vienna (Austria); Hildebrandt, G. [University of Rostock, Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, Rostock (Germany)


    Erkrankungen sind als Spaetfolgen der thorakalen Radiotherapie bekannt. In dieser Arbeit untersuchten wir inflammatorische und thrombotische Marker nach lokaler Bestrahlung des Herzens in zu Atherosklerose neigenden und Wildtyp-Maeusen. Atherosklerosegefaehrdete ApoE-defiziente (ApoE{sup -/-}) und C57BL/6-Wildtyp-Maeuse wurden mit 0,2 Gy, 2 Gy, 8 Gy oder 16 Gy bestrahlt und 20, 40 und 60 Wochen spaeter euthanasiert. Die Proteinexpression von CD31, VCAM-1 (vascular endothelial adhesion molecule-1), Thrombomodulin (TM) und CD45 wurde mittels Immunfluoreszenzfaerbung in Herzgewebeschnitten quantifiziert. Die Kapillardichte nahm 40 Wochen nach 16-Gy-Bestrahlung in C57BL/6-, nicht aber in ApoE{sup -/-}-Maeusen ab. Die Expression von CD31 verminderte sich in C57BL/6-Maeusen nach 40 Wochen (8 Gy), stieg jedoch in ApoE{sup -/-}-Maeusen nach 20 (2/8/16 Gy) und 60 Wochen (16 Gy) an. Die Kapillargroesse reduzierte sich in C57BL/6 40 Wochen nach Bestrahlung (8/16 Gy), vergroesserte sich aber in ApoE{sup -/-}-Maeusen 20 Wochen nach 16-Gy-Bestrahlung. Die endokardiale VCAM-1-Expression blieb nach Bestrahlung unveraendert. Die Anzahl TM-positiver Kapillaren verminderte sich nach 40 Wochen (8/16 Gy) in C57BL/6- und nach 60 Wochen (2/16 Gy) in ApoE{sup -/-}-Maeusen. Die Infiltration von Leukozyten war 40 Wochen nach 8-Gy- (nur ApoE{sup -/-}) und 16-Gy-Bestrahlung voruebergehend erhoeht. In beiden Mausstaemmen konnten nach einer Bestrahlung mit einer niedrigen Dosis von 0,2 Gy keine signifikanten Veraenderungen beobachtet werden. In dieser Studie wurde gezeigt, dass die lokale Bestrahlung des Herzens die mikrovaskulaere Struktur beeinflusst und eine dosis- und zeitabhaengige inflammatorische/thrombotische Reaktion in Maeusen hervorruft. Dabei treten signifikante prothrombotische Veraenderungen in beiden untersuchten Mausstaemmen auf, wobei diese nur in ApoE{sup -/-}-Maeusen progressiv verlaufen. Proinflammatorische Reaktionen, wie der Anstieg von Adhaesionsmolekuelen und die Einwanderung von

  7. 'et' special: ''E-world of energy''; 'et'-special: ''E-world of energy''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The 'et' special on the conference 'E-world of energy', held from February 13 - 15, 2001 in Essen (Germany) presents contributions of experts who offer solutions to issues and many topical questions arising in the business of traders and utilities as participants of (international) energy markets at various stages of transition towards workable competition. The translated titles of the 15 contributions reproduced in this 'et' special indicate the major contents of the conference papers: 1. Internet-based wholesale power trading as a competitive option to the power exchange. 2. Forward graphs in European electricity markets. 3. Portfolio management in energy trading. 4. Risk management concepts in energy trading. 5. E-commerce as a driving force of a change in the energy markets. 6. eHuman resources management - a vital aspect of corporate success. 7. A brand policy for electricity? 8. Is it really only the price that counts for the customers? 9. The City Power network: an example of successful customer loyalty strategy for local and regional utilities. 10. The Call Center, an important instrument for customer loyalty programmes. 11. eCommerce or eLlusion? 12. eBusiness as a corporate strategy. 13. Meeting the challenges of increasing IT requirements. 14. IT solutions for transmission and distribution network management. 15. Target costing - pinpointed cost planning and control for the energy supply industry. (orig./CB) [German] In dem 'et'-Special zur Konferenz 'E-world of energy', die vom 13.- 15. Februar 2001 in Essen stattfand, bieten Experten Loesungsvorschlaege fuer die aktuellen Fragen und Probleme an, die sich auf dem Weg zu liberalisierten Energiemaerkten stellen. Die folgenden Titel der 15 Beitraege geben eine Uebersicht ueber den Inhalt der Konferenzbeitraege. Themen: 1. Internetbasierte Grosshandelsmaerkte als Konkurrenz zu Energieboersen 2. Forward-Kurven in europaeischen Strommaerkten 3

  8. The P.E.A.C.E. Pack: A Computerized Online Assessment of School Bullying (United States)

    Slee, Phillip T.; Mohyla, Jury


    School bullying is an international problem with harmful outcomes for those involved. This study describes the design and field testing of an innovative computer-based social learning tool for assessing student perceptions of bullying developed for an Australian intervention program called the P.E.A.C.E. Pack. Students rate their peer group…

  9. Assessing the Value of E-Learning Systems (United States)

    Levy, Yair


    "Assessing the Value of E-Learning Systems" provides an extensive literature review pulling theories from the field of information systems, psychology and cognitive sciences, distance and online learning, as well as marketing and decision sciences. This book provides empirical evidence for the power of measuring value in the context of e-learning…


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    SIR, U. S. A. OSUJI,


    Full Text Available The rapid development of the information and communication technologies has brought about the modernization of teaching and learning across the globe. Today, teaching and learning are made easy through the use of computer technologies and/or the electronic and other multi-media elements. It is widely accepted that electronic learning naturally leads to electronic assessments or examinations. e-ssessments and e-examinations are widely used all over the world in the Open and Distance Learning institutions and some conventional face to face institutions. We are thus, moving from the pen and paper assessments to a paperless e-platform and e-assessments, which are necessary constants in the Open and Distance Learning (ODL system. e-assessments tend to eliminate the limitations and give answers to many questions emanating from the traditional assessments/examinations. Higher institutions in Nigeria are therefore advised to embrace it. The rest of the paper looks at e-assessment as a global change in assessment, benefits of e-assessment, challenges, requirements and responsibilities.

  11. Evaluation von E-Learning: Checklisten, Kriterienkataloge oder Evaluationskonzepte? Zum Stand der Bewertungsverfahren für E-Learning-Arrangements

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    Ulf-Daniel Ehlers


    Full Text Available Qualität in Bildungsmaßnahmen - als Legitimation oder aus wissenschaftlichem Interesse - ist ein Thema von hoher Bedeutung, auch - und gerade - im E-Learning. E-Learning, als eine noch relativ junge, nicht völlig etablierte, aber - so stellt sich immer häufiger heraus – kostenintensive Bildungsform, muss sich immer wieder der kritischen Frage nach der Qualität stellen, zumeist assoziiert mit Lernerfolg. Vielfältige Instrumente, um die Qualität zu überprüfen oder zu entwickeln, begleitend oder im Nachhinein, sind bislang konzipiert worden (vgl. Ehlers/Pawlowski/Goertz 2003. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick zum derzeitigen Stand der Dinge in Bezug auf zwei dieser Verfahrensweisen: zum einen geht es dabei um die Beurteilungen anhand von Kriterienkatalogen bzw. Checklisten und zum anderen um Evaluationsverfahren. Obwohl vielfach bereits umfassendere Managementsysteme zum Einsatz kommen, die die Qualität bei Anbietern kontinuierlich verbessern sollen, haben beide Verfahren eine steigende Bedeutung - da auch Managementverfahren immer wieder auf Kriterien oder Evaluationsverfahren zurückgreifen.

  12. E-learning. Today and tomorrow; E-Learning. Jetzt und in Zukunft

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gelbke, Silvana [Kraftwerksschule e.V., Essen (Germany)


    Today, new technologies revolutionize the way of handling information, exchanging knowledge and learning. The definition of the term ''e-learning'' mostly comprehends teaching and learning using a range of electronic media (Internet, CD-ROMs). However, further differentiation is necessary to describe the entire spectrum of methods included in this term. These different approaches are reflected in their implementation by the companies presented. (orig.)

  13. E-Learning als Möglichkeit zur Unterstützung des selbstgesteuerten Lernens an Berufsschulen

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    Silvia Dreer


    Full Text Available Im Mittelpunkt dieses Beitrages steht die Frage, wie durch die Potenziale von ELearning selbstgesteuertes Lernen an berufsbildenden Schulen (Berufsschulen unterstützt werden kann und wie diese neuen Lernangebote im Unterricht effektiv genutzt werden können. Dann werden bereits vorhandene empirische Belege zum selbstgesteuerten Lernen aufgearbeitet und unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten zur Förderung des selbstgesteuerten Lernens betrachtet bzw. welche Lernumgebungen notwendig sind, um selbstgesteuertes Lernen zu ermöglichen. Es wird auf die Besonderheiten von E-Learning eingegangen und eine mediendidaktische Konzeption realisiert. Im Rahmen der empirischen Untersuchung wird untersucht, ob selbstgesteuertes Lernen durch E-Learning unterstützt werden kann. Den Abschluss bildet eine Abschätzung des mediendidaktischen Potenzials von Lernumgebungen die selbstgesteuertes Lernen unterstützen in Hinblick auf den Unterricht in berufsbildenden Schulen.

  14. Vermittlung von Naturheilverfahren in der Veterinärmedizin mittels E-Learning [Teaching methods of alternative therapy in veterinary medicine via e-learning

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    Fidelak, Christian


    Full Text Available [english] The Free University’s Veterinary Clinic of Reproduction in the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Berlin, has been offering courses on alternative and complementary veterinary medicine to its students for several years. Due to time constraints and shortages in teaching staff, it has not been possible to satisfy student demand for instruction in these areas. To provide more detailed information as well as more opportunities for discussion and practica, subject area courses were modified in two steps. Initially, blended learning was implemented to include e-learning and in-class formats of instruction. Subsequently, an entire block of courses offered were transferred to e-learning format. Students may now voluntarily register for the e-learning course entitled “Introduction of alternative and complementary veterinary medicine” via the Internet and learn the basic principles of homoeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture and other alternative methods in veterinary medicine. After passing this basic course, blended learning courses enable advanced students to learn more about fundamentals of methods in greater detail as well as to perform practica with animal subjects. The evaluation of these courses showed that students rated e-learning to be a reasonable addendum to in-class instruction. More than two thirds of the students recommended an increased integration of e-learning into veterinary education. [german] Die Tierklinik für Fortpflanzung in Berlin bietet den Studierenden der Veterinärmedizin seit einigen Semestern Wahlpflichtkurse zu den Naturheilverfahren an. Der enormen Nachfrage seitens der Studierenden standen personelle und zeitliche Begrenzungen des Lehrpersonals gegenüber. Um den Interessenten dennoch umfangreiche Informationen zu bieten sowie Freiräume für Diskussionen und praktische Übungen zu schaffen, wurde das Ausbildungsangebot in zwei Projektphasen ausgebaut. Zunächst wurde dabei die Methode des Blended

  15. Zwischen Freakout und Normcore

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    Beate Großegger


    Full Text Available Bis Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts war Rebellion jugendkulturell ein großes Thema. Heute hat die Jugend das so genannte Establishment aus den Augen verloren; die breite Mehrheit gibt sich postheroisch, setzt auf individualitätsbezogene Werte und träumt, eingeschlossen in ihre bunten Lifestyleblasen, von einem perfekten Leben. Bezugnehmend auf aktuelle Befunde der Jugend- und Generationenforschung gibt Beate Großegger in ihrem Beitrag einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Werte- und Lifestyletrends im frühen 21. Jahrhundert und zeigt dabei, wie sehr die heutige Jugend Kind ihrer Zeit und Produkt gesellschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen ist. Until the late 20th century rebellion was an important aspect of various youth subcultures. But today’s youth has a different mindset. The majority acts post-heroically, i.e. they rather focus on their individual, their private lifestyle than opposing against the establishment. Wrapped in their lifestyle filterbubbles, they dream of a perfect life. Based on recent youth und generation studies Beate Großegger gives an overview of the most important youth cultural trends in the fields of values and lifestyles and introduces today’s youth as a child of our times.

  16. Efficacy of a new technique - INtubate-RECruit-SURfactant-Extubate - "IN-REC-SUR-E" - in preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Vento, Giovanni; Pastorino, Roberta; Boni, Luca; Cota, Francesco; Carnielli, Virgilio; Cools, Filip; Dani, Carlo; Mosca, Fabio; Pillow, Jane; Polglase, Graeme; Tagliabue, Paolo; van Kaam, Anton H; Ventura, Maria Luisa; Tana, Milena; Tirone, Chiara; Aurilia, Claudia; Lio, Alessandra; Ricci, Cinzia; Gambacorta, Alessandro; Consigli, Chiara; D'Onofrio, Danila; Gizzi, Camilla; Massenzi, Luca; Cardilli, Viviana; Casati, Alessandra; Bottino, Roberto; Pontiggia, Federica; Ciarmoli, Elena; Martinelli, Stefano; Ilardi, Laura; Colnaghi, Mariarosa; Matassa, Piero Giuseppe; Vendettuoli, Valentina; Villani, Paolo; Fusco, Francesca; Gazzolo, Diego; Ricotti, Alberto; Ferrero, Federica; Stasi, Ilaria; Magaldi, Rosario; Maffei, Gianfranco; Presta, Giuseppe; Perniola, Roberto; Messina, Francesco; Montesano, Giovanna; Poggi, Chiara; Giordano, Lucio; Roma, Enza; Grassia, Carolina; Ausanio, Gaetano; Sandri, Fabrizio; Mescoli, Giovanna; Giura, Francesco; Garani, Giampaolo; Solinas, Agostina; Lucente, Maria; Nigro, Gabriella; Del Vecchio, Antonello; Petrillo, Flavia; Orfeo, Luigi; Grappone, Lidia; Quartulli, Lorenzo; Scorrano, Antonio; Messner, Hubert; Staffler, Alex; Gargano, Giancarlo; Balestri, Eleonora; Nobile, Stefano; Cacace, Caterina; Meli, Valerio; Dallaglio, Sara; Pasqua, Betta; Mattia, Loretta; Gitto, Eloisa; Vitaliti, Marcello; Re, Maria Paola; Vedovato, Stefania; Grison, Alessandra; Berardi, Alberto; Torcetta, Francesco; Guidotti, Isotta; di Fabio, Sandra; Maranella, Eugenia; Mondello, Isabella; Visentin, Stefano; Tormena, Francesca


    Although beneficial in clinical practice, the INtubate-SURfactant-Extubate (IN-SUR-E) method is not successful in all preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome, with a reported failure rate ranging from 19 to 69 %. One of the possible mechanisms responsible for the unsuccessful IN-SUR-E method, requiring subsequent re-intubation and mechanical ventilation, is the inability of the preterm lung to achieve and maintain an "optimal" functional residual capacity. The importance of lung recruitment before surfactant administration has been demonstrated in animal studies showing that recruitment leads to a more homogeneous surfactant distribution within the lungs. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare the application of a recruitment maneuver using the high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) modality just before the surfactant administration followed by rapid extubation (INtubate-RECruit-SURfactant-Extubate: IN-REC-SUR-E) with IN-SUR-E alone in spontaneously breathing preterm infants requiring nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) as initial respiratory support and reaching pre-defined CPAP failure criteria. In this study, 206 spontaneously breathing infants born at 24(+0)-27(+6) weeks' gestation and failing nCPAP during the first 24 h of life, will be randomized to receive an HFOV recruitment maneuver (IN-REC-SUR-E) or no recruitment maneuver (IN-SUR-E) just prior to surfactant administration followed by prompt extubation. The primary outcome is the need for mechanical ventilation within the first 3 days of life. Infants in both groups will be considered to have reached the primary outcome when they are not extubated within 30 min after surfactant administration or when they meet the nCPAP failure criteria after extubation. From all available data no definitive evidence exists about a positive effect of recruitment before surfactant instillation, but a rationale exists for testing the following hypothesis: a lung recruitment

  17. OnLineLectures - eLearning als Ergänzung der tierärztlichen Fortbildung [Online Lectures - continuing education in veterinary medicine assisted by e-learning

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    Leidl, Werner


    Full Text Available [english] Practising veterinarians in Germany are obliged to take part in continuing education. Due to high expenses which are incurred while taking part in continuing education, such as replacement of personnel, travel costs, conference fees, etc., it is important that efforts toward achievement of learning objectives are maximized. Through the introduction of rapid e-learning techniques, several conferences have been digitised and made available via the internet including publication of CD-ROMs to give participants the possibility of repeated learning. The acceptability of this technique was tested via utilisation data and a survey of participants. It was found that 83.3% of lecturers provided their talks (i.e., a total of approximately 196 lectures for digital distribution. The website featuring the on-line lectures recorded an average of 22 visits per day during a 12-month period. The survey conducted on 82 participants showed a high level of acceptance toward the e-learning technique. In conclusion, there is evidence of a great demand for using new media in continuing education for practitioners of veterinary medicine. [german] Die Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte in Deutschland sind gesetzlich zur Fortbildung verpflichtet. Da die Gesamtkosten für die Fortbildung sehr hoch sind (Praxisvertreter, Reisekosten, Tagungsbeitrag, sollte der Lernerfolg möglichst ergiebig sein. Durch Rapid-eLearning wurden mehrere Vortragsveranstaltungen digitalisiert und per Internet und CD verbreitet, um die Möglichkeiten der Nacharbeitung zu verbessern. Anhand der Nutzungszahlen und einer Nutzerbefragung wurde die Akzeptanz dieser Technik überprüft. 83,3% der Referenten stellten ihre Vorträge für eine digitale Verbreitung zur Verfügung, sodass insgesamt 196 online-Vorträge entstanden sind. Die Internetseiten verzeichneten innerhalb von 12 Monaten durchschnittlich 22 Besuche (visits am Tag. In der Befragung von 82 Tagungsteilnehmern konnte eine hohe

  18. E-commerce opens up new opportunities for energy trading in the competitive markets; eCommerce: Neue Chancen im Energiewettbewerb

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Titzrath, B. [Anderson Consulting Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Duesseldorf (Germany); Scholtissek, S.


    The article discusses the opportunities opened up for energy supply companies in building or maintaining their competitive edge in the rapidly changing competitive environment. Pitfalls are described, and successful e-commerce strategies employing all available tools are explained, referring to the business-to-business segment as well as customer relationship management. (orig./CB) [German] Die Electronic Economy stellt die Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) nicht nur vor Herausforderungen, sondern eroeffnet auch grosse Chancen. Es ist jedoch Vorsicht geboten. Wer hier nicht seine eigene eCommerce-Strategie entwickelt und implementiert, dem drohen Marktanteilsverluste. (orig./CB)

  19. Gestaltung einer netzbasierten Lernumgebung für einen Fernstudiengang zu „Medien und Informationstechnologien in Erziehung, Unterricht und Bildung“

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    Gerhard Tulodziecki


    Full Text Available In diesem Beitrag stelle ich dar, wie wir in einem kooperativen Verbund eine netzbasierte Lernumgebung für einen Fernstudiengang zu „Medien und Informationstechnologien in Erziehung, Unterricht und Bildung“ gestalten. Das Projekt wird von zwei Arbeitsgruppen an der Universität Paderborn (Allgemeine Didaktik und Medienpädagogik, Didaktik der Informatik und einer Arbeitsgruppe an der Fernuniversität Hagen (Theorie der Schule und des Unterrichts getragen. Die Projektleitung teile ich mit Horst Dichanz, Bardo Herzig und Johannes Magenheim. Der Fernstudiengang basiert auf Entwicklungen zur Lehrerausbildung im Bereich neuer Medien, wie sie im Rahmen der Initiative „Bildungswege in der Informationsgesellschaft (BIG“ erarbeitet wurden (vgl. u.a. Tulodziecki/Moll/Gallasch 2001. Die – 1995 begonnene – BIG-Initiative geht auf die Bertelsmann Stiftung und Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung zurück. Die jetzige Projektarbeit wird von der ,, für Bildung“ gefördert.

  20. E-assessment and an e-training program among elderly care staff lacking formal competence: results of a mixed-methods intervention study. (United States)

    Nilsson, Annika; Engström, Maria


    Among staff working in elderly care, a considerable proportion lack formal competence for their work. Lack of formal competence, in turn, has been linked to higher staff ratings of stress symptoms, sleep disturbances and workload. 1) To describe the strengths and weaknesses of an e-assessment and subsequent e-training program used among elderly care staff who lack formal competence and 2) to study the effects of an e-training program on staff members' working life (quality of care and psychological and structural empowerment) and well-being (job satisfaction and psychosomatic health). The hypothesis was that staff who had completed the e-assessment and the e-training program would rate greater improvements in working life and well-being than would staff who had only participated in the e-assessments. An intervention study with a mixed-methods approach using quantitative (2010-2011) and qualitative data (2011) was conducted in Swedish elderly care. Participants included a total of 41 staff members. To describe the strengths and weaknesses of the e-assessment and the e-training program, qualitative data were gathered using semi-structured interviews together with a study-specific questionnaire. To study the effects of the intervention, quantitative data were collected using questionnaires on: job satisfaction, psychosomatic health, psychological empowerment, structural empowerment and quality of care in an intervention and a comparison group. Staff who completed the e-assessments and the e-training program primarily experienced strengths associated with this approach. The results were also in line with our hypotheses: Staff who completed the e-assessment and the e-training program rated improvements in their working life and well-being. Use of the e-assessments and e-training program employed in the present study could be one way to support elderly care staff who lack formal education by increasing their competence; increased competence, in turn, could improve their

  1. The effects of neurologic assessment E-learning in nurses. (United States)

    Shin, Ji Yeon; Issenberg, S Barry; Roh, Young Sook


    A firm understanding of the preliminary assessment of a patient with neurological disorders is needed for ensuring optimal patient outcomes. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of using e-learning on neurologic assessment knowledge, ability, and self-confidence among nurses. This study used a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Nurses working in the neurology and neurosurgery wards, Republic of Korea PARTICIPANTS: A convenience sample of 50 nurses was assigned to either the experimental group (n=24) or the control group (n=26). The experimental group participated in the self-directed e-learning program related to neurologic assessment, and control group underwent self-directed learning with handout. Knowledge, ability, and self-confidence were measured at pretest and posttest. There were no significant differences in knowledge (U=270, p=0.399) and self-confidence (U=241.5, p=0.171) between the two groups. Nurses in the experimental group showed higher neurologic assessment ability compared with those in the control group (U=199, p=0.028). Self-directed neurologic assessment e-learning induced improvement in the neurologic assessment ability among nurses. Self-directed e-learning can be applied for improving competencies in neurologic assessment. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. DGMK faculty meeting: Utilisation of energy and matter of wastes and renewable materials, Velen, 20-22 April 1998. Authors` manuscripts; Beitraege zur DGMK-Fachbereichstagung `Energetische und stoffliche Nutzung von Abfaellen und nachwachsenden Rohstoffen` 20.-22. April 1998 in Velen/Westf.. Autorenmanuskripte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This publication of the Deutsche Wissenschafatliche Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK) contains papers from the conference of the above title that was held in Velen in April 1998. Key subjects were biomass fluidized-bed pregasification, co-cracking of plastics and petroleum residues, waste incinerators, and economic aspects. (ABI) [Deutsch] Die Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK) veroeffentlicht Beitraege zu Fragen der energetischen und stofflichen Nutzung von Abfaellen und nachwachsenden Rohstoffen von ihrer Fachtagung in Velen im April 1998. Projekte befassen sich mit der Biomassevergasung in der Wirbelschicht und dem Cocracken von Kunststoffen und Erdoelrueckstaenden. Verschiedene Konzepte zum Betrieb von Muellverbrennungsanlagen werden vorgestellt und Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen aufgestellt. (ABI)

  3. Using open technical e-learning standards and service-orientation to support new forms of e-assessment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miao, Yongwu; Tattersall, Colin; Schoonenboom, Judith; Stevanov, Krassen; Aleksieva-Petrova, Adelina


    Miao, Y., Tattersall, C., Schoonenboom, J., Stevanov, K., & Aleksieva-Petrova, A. (2007). Using open technical e-learning standards and service-orientation to support new forms of e-assessment. In D. Griffiths, R. Koper & O. Liber (Eds.), Proceedings of the second TENCompetence Open Workshop on

  4. Leisure activities, apolipoprotein E e4 status, and the risk of dementia. (United States)

    Yang, Sheng-Ying; Weng, Pei-Hsuan; Chen, Jen-Hau; Chiou, Jeng-Min; Lew-Ting, Chih-Yin; Chen, Ta-Fu; Sun, Yu; Wen, Li-Li; Yip, Ping-Keung; Chu, Yi-Min; Chen, Yen-Ching


    Leisure activities have been associated with a decreased risk of dementia. However, to date, no study has explored how apolipoprotein E (ApoE) e4 status or vascular risk factors modified the association between leisure activities and dementia risks. This case-control study recruited patients (age ≥ 60 years) with Alzheimer's disease (AD; n = 292) and vascular dementia (VaD; n = 144) and healthy controls (n = 506) from three teaching hospitals in Taiwan between 2007 and 2010. Information on patient's leisure activities were obtained through a questionnaire. Conditional logistic regression models were used to assess the association of leisure activities and ApoE e4 status with the risk of dementia. High-frequency physical activity was associated with a decreased risk of AD [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 0.45], and the results become more evident among ApoE e4 carriers with AD (AOR = 0.30) and VaD (AOR = 0.26). Similar findings were observed for cognitive (AOR = 0.42) and social activities (AOR = 0.55) for AD. High-frequency physical, cognitive, and social activities were associated with a decreased risk of VaD (AOR = 0.29-0.60). Physical and social activities significantly interacted with each other on the risk of VaD (pinteraction = 0.04). Physical activity consistently protects against AD and VaD. Significant interactions were identified across different types of leisure activities in lowering dementia risk. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. Safety characteristics. Vol. 1. Combustible liquids and gases; Sicherheitstechnische Kenngroessen. Bd. 1. Brennbare Fluessigkeiten und Gase

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brandes, E.; Moeller, W. [Laboratorium ' Sicherheitstechnische Kenngroessen' , Braunschweig (Germany)


    This reference manual is based on the 2002 version of the CHEMSAFE database, which is produced since 1989 by the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), the BAM (Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung) and the DECHEMA (Gesellschaft fuer Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.). About 1,900 combustible gases and vapours are listed, along with explosion protection characteristics like flame point, ignition temperature, explosion limits, minimum ignition energy, normal gap width, maximum explosion pressure, and maximum pressure increase over time. Important thermophysical data are presented as well, e.g. boiling temperature, vapour pressure as a function of temperature, melting temperature, and density. Definitions of the characteristics are presented. There are several indexis to facilitate acces (CAS number, sum formula, synonyms). [German] Anwender in Industrie, Handel, Handwerk und Behoerden benoetigen verlaessliche Daten, von Fachleuten bewertete Kenngroessen des Brand- und Explosionsschutzes, um Brand- und Explosionsgefahren beim Verarbeiten, Abfuellen, Lagern, Befoerdern und Entsorgen brennbarer Stoffe beurteilen und angemessene Schutzmassnahmen ergreifen zu koennen. Die 1989 gemeinsam mit der Bundesanstalt fuer Materialfoschung und -pruefung (BAM) und der Gesellschaft fuer Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.v (DECHEMA) erstellte Datenbank CHEMSAFE diente als Grundlage dieses Nachschlagewerkes. Die hier bei Drucklegung wiedergegebenen Kenngroessen entsprechen dem Update 2002 der Datenbank CHEMSAFE. Etwa 1.900 brennbare Gase und Daempfe, Kenngroessen des Explosionsschutzes wie Flammpunkt, Zuendtemperatur, Explosionsgrenzen, Mindestzuendenergie, Normspaltweite, maximaler Explosionsdruck und maximaler zeitlicher Druckanstieg sind ebenso aufgelistet wie auch einige wichtige thermophysikalische Groessen wie Siedetemperatur, Dampfdruck als Funktion der Temperatur, Schmelztemperatur und Dichte. Die Angaben werden eingeleitet durch Definitionen

  6. Electromobility and electromagnetic compatibility of a BMS module; Elektromobilitaet und Elektromagnetische Vertraeglichkeit eines BMS-Moduls

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palme, Robert [Fachhochschule Nordhausen (Germany); Graebner, Frank; Kallemyer, Christian; Schmidt, Gunther; Hungsberg, Axel [Hoermann IMG GmbH, Nordhausen (Germany)


    In the years to come, electromobility will have an increasingly important role, also for economic reasons. So far, electric vehicles and e-vehicle concepts were hampered by technical problems, e.g. high proneness to disturbances and high EMC effects. EMP compatibility and the development of a BMS system for electric HV power stores are key issues. Increasing concentration of electronic and microprocessor systems in the environment increasingly causes interferences, disturbances and malfunctions. As a rule, efforts are made to make the equipment radiation-resistant by appropriate circuiting and layout design, but this is often insufficient and shielding casings are required. There are also legal aspects even though standardisation is still in its early stages. The draft EU Directive ECE R 10 (Draft 2010) is under discussion, which proposes to consider the effect of line impedance and voltage ratios of a battery charging station. In the publication, the grid-bound EMP of a BMS/accumulator package is modelled, measured, and simulated in an e-vehicle simulator. [German] Auch wirtschaftlich wird in den naechsten Jahren die Elektromobilitaet eine immer staerkere Rolle einnehmen. Bisherige Elektrofahrzeuge und E-Fahrzeugkonzepte weisen auf Grund der Neuartigkeit viele technischen Probleme und ''technische Kinderkrankenheiten'' auf. Eines dieser Probleme ist die hohe Stoeranfaelligkeit und grosse Stoeraussendung von leitungsgebundenen EMV Effekten und gestrahlten EMV Stoerungen. Ein spezielles Hauptproblem im Elektromobil ist der Stoersichere Aufbau (EMV) und die Realisierung eines BMS Systems fuer elektrische Hochvolt Energiespeicher. Die Konzentration der Elektronik und Mikroprozessortechnik in unserer Umgebung fuehrt immer haeufiger zur gegenseitigen Stoerung, was zu einer Beeinflussung dieser Systeme bis hin zum Funktionsausfall fuehren kann. Primaer wird versucht, durch entsprechendes Schaltungs- und Layoutdesign die Geraete abstrahl- und

  7. DGMK conference 'Energetic utilisation and recycling of waste and biomass'. Authors' manuscripts; Beitraege zur DGMK-Fachbereichstagung 'Energetische und stoffliche Nutzung von Abfaellen und Biomassen'. Autorenmanuskripte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This conference of Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle focused on energetic utilisation and recycling of waste materials and biomass, i.e. combustion, gasification and pyrolysis. Aspects of process control were gone into as well. [German] Die Fachbereichstagung der Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle beschaeftigte sich mit der energetischen und stofflichen Nutzung von Abfall und Biomasse. Verbrennung, Vergasung und Pyrolyse verschiedener Abfallstoffe sowie die Prozesssteuerung wurden eroertert.

  8. Assessing e-mail intent and tasks in e-mail messages

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sappelli, M.; Pasi, G.; Verberne, S.; Boer, M. de; Kraaij, W.


    In this paper, we analyze corporate e-mail messages as a medium to convey work tasks. Research indicates that categorization of e-mail could alleviate the common problem of information overload. Although e-mail clients provide possibilities of e-mail categorization, not many users spend effort on

  9. Ungeklärte Fragen zu den Handschriften Codex Calixtinus und Ripoll 99

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    Förster Binz, Verena


    Full Text Available There are still a number of unanswered questions in connection with the Codex Calixtinus (E-SCc s.s. They concern the origin of the compilation as it stands in the Codex Calixtinus and also partly in the manuscript Ripoll 99 (E-Bac 99, as well as the relationship between these two sources. This article takes up observations which are based on a detailed comparison of the versions of the tunes from the Mass for the Feast of St. James which appears in both Mss. and of these two with manuscripts in the tradition of Aquitaine and Central France. Several factors suggest that the original compilation was of Spanish or Southern French provenance and was edited and copied in Central France, also that the Mss. Ripoll 99 is neither a copy of the Codex Calixtinus nor based on a common original.

    [de] Im Zusammenhang mit dem Codex Calixtinus (E-SCc s.s. gibt es nach wie vor eine Reihe ungeklärter Fragen. Sie betreffen den Ursprung der im Codex Calixtinus und zum Teil auch in der Handschrift Ripoll 99 (E-Bac 99 überlieferten Kompilation sowie das Verhältnis zwischen diesen beiden Quellen. Der vorliegende Beitrag nimmt Beobachtungen auf, die auf einem detaillierten Vergleich der Melodiefassungen der in beiden Handschriften enthaltenen Messe für das Hauptfest des Jacobus und auf einer Gegeniiberstellung derselben mit Handschriften aus dem zentralfranzösischen und dem aquitanischen Überlieferungskontext basieren. Mehrere Faktoren sprechen dafür, daß die ursprtingliche Kompilation spanischer oder südfranzösischer Provenienz war und in Zentralfrankreich redigiert und kopiert wurde und daß die Handschrift Ripoll 99 keine Abschrift des Codex Calixtinus ist und auch nicht auf der selben Vorlage basiert wie dieser.

  10. Die Auswahl Der Richtigen E-Commerce-Software Für Das Eigene Unternehmen - Anwendung Des AHP-Modells(Şirketiniz İçin Doğru E-Ticaret Yazılım Seçimi – AHP-Model Uygulaması

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    Kemal YAMAN


    Full Text Available Die Auswahl der richtigen eBusiness-Software-Lösung hat für das eBusiness-Geschäft von Unternehmen eine große Bedeutung. Das bedeutet, dass die Unternehmen eines kompetentes, effizientes, flexibles und starkes Softwarepakets bedürfen. Dafür müssen sie eine ausführliche Analyse des passenden Softwarepaketes aus dem wirtschaftlichen Aspekt ausführen. Denn eine solche Softwarelösung soll einem Unternehmen ermöglichen, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen problemlos online anbieten zu können. Es wird festgestellt, dass sie Auswahl solcher Softwarepakete sorgfältig durchgeführt werden müssen, da diese unterschiedliche Stärken bzw. Eigenschaften aufweisen. Zum Beispiel hat eine Lösung sehr gute Marketing-Tools, die andere jedoch Sicherheits- oder Flexibilität-Tools. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird auf die Bedeutung der Auswahl einer eBusiness-Lösung eingegangen und es werden dabei die relevanten Eigenschaften von Softwarelösungen sowie ihre Relevanz für den Unternehmensgeschäftserfolg geschildert. Im zweiten Teil wird der Analytic Hierarchy Process dargestellt, bei dem das Entscheidungsproblem in kleinere Teilaufgaben aufgelöst werden, die dann zu lösen sind. Schließlich werden im dritten Teil in einer abschließenden Zusammenfassung die Ergebnisse und die Schlussfolgerungen geschildert.

  11. Investigations performed on the compost worm Eisenia fetida and selected species of earthworms concerning the intake of HCB and pyrene with the goal of deriving a bioaccumulation test; Untersuchungen zur Aufnahme von HCB und Pyren durch den Kompostwurm Eisenia fetida und ausgewaehlte Regenwurmwildarten. Ableitung eines Bioakkumulationstests

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vespermann, A.; Riepert, F.; Pflugmacher, J. [Biologische Bundesanstalt fuer Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Inst. fuer Oekotoxikologie im Pflanzenschutz, Berlin (Germany)


    The man issues of the studies described were the validation of a test design for the assessment of the bioaccumulation potential of environmental pollutants and the applicability of Eisenia fetida as a model-organism and artificial soil (OECD) as a standard test substrate. The test organisms used were E. fetida of our own breeding stock and Allolobophora caliginosa, Allolobophora chlorotica, Allolobophora longa and Lumbricus rubellus sampled from a field site. Test soils used were the artificial soil (OECD) and a BBA field soil. Soils were each contaminated with 10 mg HCB and Pyrene per soil dry-weight. Within the test period of 4 weeks, samples were taken weekly for residue analysis in the worms and soils. Bioaccumulation factors (AF) calculated for E. fetida and the free-living species were in the range of 10-17 (HCB) and 0.9-1.7 (Pyrene) depending on the soil used. By re-calculation of the concentrations in soil to concentrations in soil water, the resulting bioconcentration factors are compared with published BCF values determined from QSAR's of other worm species and fresh water fish. It could be concluded that the existing earthworm tests (OECD 1984, ISO 1998) represent an appropriate design for testing the bioconcentration potential of chemicals in soil. (orig.) [German] Ziel der beschriebenen Untersuchungen war die praktische Ueberpruefung eines Methodenentwurfs zur Erfassung der Bioakkumulation von Umweltchemikalien mit Eisenia fetida, der Eignung von E. fetida als Modellorganismus und des OECD-Kunstbodens als Standardsubstrat. Als Testorganismen wurden aus eigener Zucht der Kompostwurm Eisenia fetida und nach Feldentnahme Allolobophora caliginosa, Allolobophora chlorotica, Allolobophora longa und Lumbricus rubellus eingesetzt. Testboeden waren der OECD-Kunstboden und ein Boden vom Versuchsfeld der BBA in Berlin-Dahlem. Beiden Boeden wurden die Testsubstanzen Hexachlorbenzol und Pyren in einer Konzentration von 10 mg/kg Bodentrockengewicht zugemischt

  12. Die Verschränkung von Arbeitskultur, beruflichem Erfolg und Geschlecht in technik- und naturwissenschaftlichen Berufen

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    Inken Lind


    Full Text Available In dem Band geht die Autorin Dr. Yvonne Haffner, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Soziologie der Universität Darmstadt, den strukturellen Barrieren für eine gleichberechtigte Karriere von Frauen und Männern im Beruf nach. Dabei werden vor allem gängige Leistungskriterien in den Blick genommen und die verbreitete Vorstellung von der auf individuellen Leistungen beruhenden Karriere hinterfragt. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass karriererelevante Anforderungen nur in relativ geringem Maße an objektivierbare Leistungskriterien gebunden sind und impliziten, wenig objektivierbaren Kriterien eine besondere Bedeutung für den Karriereverlauf zukommt. Diese impliziten Kriterien beziehen sich auf die moderne Arbeitskultur mit ihrem hohen Verfügbarkeitsanspruch, der sich wiederum geschlechtsspezifisch unterschiedlich auswirkt.

  13. Qualitätssicherung von Online-Kursen in E-Learning Portalen

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    Stefan Iske


    Full Text Available Dieser Artikel fokussiert den Bereich des Qualitätsmanagements im e-Learning am Beispiel der Qualitätssicherung von Online-Kursen in einem E-Learning-Portal. Dargestellt wird ein Work-Flow spezifischer Qualitätsmanagement-Prozesse: (1 allgemeine Unterstützung der Autoren von Online-Kursen, (2 Evaluation erstellter Online-Kurse, (3 Feedback der Lernenden (Kursteilnehmer an den Kurs-Autor, (4 Feedback der Lernenden an das Qualitätssicherungs-Team (5 Feedback der Kurs-Autoren an das Qualitätssicherungs-Team, sowie (6 die zusammenfassende Evaluation des Lernenden- und Experten-Feedback durch das Qualitätssicherungs-Team. Dieser Work-Flow wurde empirisch getestet und in den europäischen E-Learning-Marktplatz "Columbus-Portal" implementiert, welcher im Rahmen des von der Europäischen Kommission (eTEN-Programm finanzierten Projektes " Electronic Learning and Assistan­ce Network" (ELAN entwickelt wurde. This article describes and reflects quality management in the field of e-learning, especially the assurance of the quality of provided on-line courses of an e-learning portal. A work flow of specific processes of quality management is presented, which consist of (1 general support of authors creating on-line courses, (2 evaluation of created on-line courses, (3 feedback of learners (course users to the author, (4 learner feedback to the quality assurance team (5 author feedback to the quality assurance team and (6 the evaluation of learner and expert-feedback. This work flow was empirically tested and implemented in the European e-learning marketplace “Columbus-Portal” which was developed in the project “Electronic Learning and Assistan­ce Network” (ELAN funded by the European Commission (eTen-programme.

  14. Kolloide in externen elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern


    Zhao, Jinyu


    Kolloide spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Forschung. In vielen Anwendungsgebieten, beispielsweise Optik, Mikro- und Nanoelektronik, Mikrofluidik, Automobilindustrie, Mineralölindustrie, dienen sie sowohl als Testsubstanzen als auch "Werkzeug", um grundlegende Vorgänge zu erforschen. In der Grundlagenforschung dienen kolloidale Suspensionen als Modelle für atomare und molekulare Systeme. In der vorliegenden Arbeit habe ich Suspensionen aus festen Kolloiden (auch als Partikel bezeichnet) in e...

  15. Environment and urbanism in West Africa. Contributions to waste management and recycling; Umwelt und Urbanitaet in Westafrika. Beitraege zur Muellverwertung und Abfallproblematik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chevron, M F; Reinprecht, C [Vienna Univ. (Austria); Traore, G [Direction Nationale de l' Action Sociale, Bamako (Mali)


    Scientists of different disciplines (ethnology, sociology, economy, ecotechnology) and practical experts from Mali and Austria discuss urban development, environmental aspects and waste problems in the cities of West Africa. Activities of different groups (e.g. women) at the point of contact between traditional networks and modern institutions are discussed. The problems of waste, environment and hygiene are discussed in consideration of the different social, cultural and ethnic groups and interpretation patterns involved. Technical solutions are presented. [German] Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen (Ethnologie, Soziologie, Oekonomie und Oekotechnologie) und Praktiker aus Mali und Oesterreich bechaeftigen sich mit aktuellen Aspekten der urbanen Entwicklung, der Umwelt und der Abfallproblematik in den Staedten Westafrikas. Es geht um die Rolle verschiedener Akteure in der Gesellschaft, insbesondere auch von Basisinitiativen und Frauengruppen, an der Schnittstelle von traditionellen Netzwerken und modernen Institutionen. Die Bewertungen von Abfall, Umwelt und Hygiene werden unter Beruecksichtigung der jeweiligen solzialen, kulturellen bzw. ethnischen Handlungskreise und Deutungsmuster diskutiert. Auch technische Loesungsvorschlaege werden vorgestellt. (orig.)

  16. Das strukturelle Defizit: Methodische Probleme und politische Implikationen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipp Heimberger


    Full Text Available Der strukturelle Budgetsaldo ist eine zentrale Kontrollgröße im EU-Fiskalregelwerk. Vor dem Hintergrund der rechtlichen Bindung der Fiskalpolitik über diese für Konjunktur- und Einmaleffekte korrigierte Budgetgröße sind jedoch erhebliche Prognoseabweichungen und Ex-post-Ergebniskorrekturen bei der Berechnung des strukturellen Budgetsaldos zu problematisieren. Dieses Papier beleuchtet diese Revisionen im Hinblick auf die zugrunde liegenden methodischen Probleme und diskutiert die politischen Implikationen. Das zentrale methodische Problem besteht in der Schätzung des Output-Potenzials. Die Europäische Kommission unterschätzte in den letzten Jahren die negativen Outputlücken, was eine Überschätzung der strukturellen Defizite zur Folge hat. Eine strikte rechtliche Bindung des Gesamtstaates an strukturelle Budgetregelgrenzen, die Vorgaben bis auf die zweite Nachkommastelle beinhalten, erscheint angesichts der hohen Revisionsanfälligkeit des strukturellen Budgetsaldos somit als problematisch.

  17. Ontology-Based e-Assessment for Accounting Education (United States)

    Litherland, Kate; Carmichael, Patrick; Martínez-García, Agustina


    This summary reports on a pilot of a novel, ontology-based e-assessment system in accounting. The system, OeLe, uses emerging semantic technologies to offer an online assessment environment capable of marking students' free text answers to questions of a conceptual nature. It does this by matching their response with a "concept map" or…

  18. Climate and transportation; Klima und Verkehr

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fabian, P. [Muenchen Univ. (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Bioklimatologie und Immissionsforschung


    This short contribution discusses emissions of the transportation sector, i.e. the global problem of carbon dioxide emissions and the regional ecological problem of nitric oxide, VOC and CO photosmog emissions. Reduction strategies are discussed. (RHM) [Deutsch] Im vorliegenden, kurzen Beitrag wird auf die Emissionen des Verkehrs, die Emissionen von CO{sub 2} - ein globales Klimaproblem - sowie die Emission von NO{sub x}, VOCs und CO-Photosmog als regionals Umwelt- und Klimaproblem eingegangen. Abschliessend werden Reduktionsstrategien dieskutiert. (RHM)


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Sprache und Generationen/Lingua ed età. In: Holtus, G.; Metzeltin, M. e Schmitt,. C. (ed.) Lexiconder Romanistischen. Linguistik. Tübingen: MaxNiemeyerVerlag: 231-236. Culicchia, G. 2009. Brucia la città. Milano: Mondadori. Forconi A. 1988. La mala lingua. Dizionario dello. «slang» italiano. Milano: Sugarco. Edizioni.

  20. Gesichtslose Cliquen? : Die Bedeutung von Interaktionsform, Geschlecht und Motivation in Onlinespielen


    Meißner, Malte


    In der vorliegenden Studie werden drei Arten von Onlinespielen anhand ihrer Interaktionsformen unterschieden: MMORPGs, E-Sports und Browserspiele. Hierzu wurden Datensätze von 4330 Spielern erhoben. Acht Faktoren konnten ermittelt werden, die für Onlinespieler im Spiel und im Umgang miteinander bedeutsam sind: Wettkampf, Freundschaft, Isolation, Glamour, Gewalterleben, Gemeinschaft, Anregung und Privatheit. Einige dieser Faktoren scheinen Einfluss darauf zu nehmen, wie lange Onlin...

  1. Öffentlich-rechtliche Medien, zivilgesellschaftliche Interessengruppen und die Mitverantwortung des Publikums

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    C. Herzog (Christian); D. Zetti (Daniela)


    markdownabstractDie Zukunft öffentlich-rechtlicher Medien und damit auch die Zukunft des Journalismus wird in zunehmendem Maße von gesteigerten Anforderungen an Transparenz und Partizipation in Bezug auf medienpolitische Entscheidungen geprägt. Aktuelle Schritte in diese Richtung sind „Audience

  2. Leicht für große Lasten: Laserunterstütztes Tapelegen und -wickeln thermoplastischer CFK-Prepregs


    Brecher, C.; Schlang, J.; Steyer, M.; Emonts, M.


    Mit dem laserunterstützten Verfahren lassen sich endlosfaserverstärkte Thermoplaste zu höchstleistungsfähigen Leichtbauteilen verarbeiten. Dabei sind durch die chemische Resistenz und günstigeren mechanischen Eigenschaften der Thermoplaste im Vergleich zu Duroplasten vollautomatisierte Verarbeitungsprozesse und kürzere Zykluszeiten möglich.

  3. Geometrische und stochastische Modelle zur Verarbeitung von 3D-Kameradaten am Beispiel menschlicher Bewegungsanalysen


    Westfeld, Patrick


    Die dreidimensionale Erfassung der Form und Lage eines beliebigen Objekts durch die flexiblen Methoden und Verfahren der Photogrammetrie spielt für ein breites Spektrum technisch-industrieller und naturwissenschaftlicher Einsatzgebiete eine große Rolle. Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten reichen von Messaufgaben im Automobil-, Maschinen- und Schiffbau über die Erstellung komplexer 3D-Modelle in Architektur, Archäologie und Denkmalpflege bis hin zu Bewegungsanalysen in Bereichen der Strömungsmesstech...

  4. E-learning and nursing assessment skills and knowledge - An integrative review. (United States)

    McDonald, Ewan W; Boulton, Jessica L; Davis, Jacqueline L


    This review examines the current evidence on the effectiveness of digital technologies or e-based learning for enhancing the skills and knowledge of nursing students in nursing assessment. This integrative review identifies themes emerging from e-learning and 'nursing assessment' literature. Literature reviews have been undertaken in relation to digital learning and nursing education, including clinical skills, clinical case studies and the nurse-educator role. Whilst perceptions of digital learning are well covered, a gap in knowledge persists for understanding the effectiveness of e-learning on nursing assessment skills and knowledge. This is important as comprehensive assessment skills and knowledge are a key competency for newly qualified nurses. The MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source electronic databases were searched for the period 2006 to 2016. Hand searching in bibliographies was also undertaken. Selection criteria for this review included: FINDINGS: Twenty articles met the selection criteria for this review, and five major themes for e-based learning were identified (a) students become self-evaluators; (b) blend and scaffold learning; (c) measurement of clinical reasoning; (d) mobile technology and Facebook are effective; and (e) training and preparation is vital. Although e-based learning programs provide a flexible teaching method, evidence suggests e-based learning alone does not exceed face-to-face patient simulation. This is particularly the case where nursing assessment learning is not scaffolded. This review demonstrates that e-based learning and traditional teaching methods used in conjunction with each other create a superior learning style. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Postoperative Verlaufskontrollen beim Ulcus cruris nach Shave-Operation und Hauttransplantation


    Pantelaki, Ioanna


    \\(\\bf Hintergrund:\\) Die Arbeit hat das Ziel die Shave-Operation mit Meshgraft-Deckung hinsichtlich der Einheilungsrate und der Schmerzreduktion zu untersuchen. \\(\\bf Methoden:\\) 56 Patienten mit einem Ulcus cruris unterzogen sich dem genannten Eingriff. Vor und 6 Monate nach der Operation wurden die Ulkusgröße, die bakterielle Besiedlung und die Schmerzintensität analysiert. \\(\\bf Ergebnis:\\) Bei 42,86% der Patienten konnte eine Abheilung erreicht werden, wobei die Ergebnisse hoch sign...

  6. Spannungsaktivierte Natriumkanäle im Corpus luteum des Primaten und ihre Rolle bei der Regulation von Steroidproduktion und Luteolyse


    Bulling, Andreas


    Im Ovar des Menschen und im Corpus Luteum des Rhesusaffen konnte die mRNA für einen bislang nur im peripheren Nervensystem und in neuroendokrinen Zellen gefundenen spannungsaktivierten Natriumkanal (eNaK, SCN9A) nachgewiesen werden. In kultivierten humanen Granulosaluteinzellen wurden sowohl die Transkriptmenge, als auch die durch depolarisierende Spannungspulse ausgelösten, TTX-sensitiven transienten Ströme durch hCG negativ reguliert. Trotz des gleichzeitigen Vorkommens spannungsaktivierter...

  7. TeSLA e-assessment workshop pilot 2


    Janssen, José


    Presentatie ten behoeve van de e-assessment workshop voor docenten van de Open Universiteit Nederland betrokken in de tweede TeSLA pilot. Topics: toetsfraude, toetsdesign, technologie voor authenticatie en verificatie van auteurschap, TeSLA instrument.

  8. Batteries and accumulators: everything you always wanted to know. Batteries, accumulators and the environment - questions and answers; Batterien und Akkus - Das wollten Sie wissen.. Fragen und Antworten zu Batterien, Akkus und Umwelt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leuthold, S.; Minkos, A. (comps.)


    Batteries and accumulators are part of our everyday life. This brochure answers problems related to their use and disposal, chargers and charging. Starter batteries for motor vehicles are left out of account, as are special batteries e.g. for electric fences or lights on building sites. The brochure also explains the legal fundamentals for disposal of batteries and provides information on environmental problems relating to production and disposal. Frequently asked questions are answered on the final pages. [German] Batterien und Akkus begleiten unseren Alltag. Solange sie die noetige mobile Versorgung ermoeglichen, sind sie gern gesehen. Versagen sie ihren Dienst, beginnen die Probleme: Wohin mit der leeren Batterie, dem nicht mehr funktionsfaehigen Akku (Keinesfalls in den Hausmuell.)? Welches ist das richtige Ladegeraet und das richtige Ladeverfahren fuer den Akku? Zu diesen und anderen Fragen rund um Geraetebatterien und -akkus gibt diese Broschuere Auskunft. Nicht betrachtet werden hier allerdings Starterbatterien (z.B. fuer Autos und Motorraeder) und bestimmte Spezialbatterien (z.B. fuer Weidezaeune oder Baustellenlampen), die einen Sonderfall darstellen. Die Broschuere erlaeutert auch die gesetzlichen Grundlagen fuer die Entsorgung unbrauchbarer Batterien und Akkus und gibt Informationen zur Umweltbelastung durch Herstellung und Entsorgung. Am Ende der Broschuere werden haeufig gestellte Fragen und deren Antworten zusammengestellt.

  9. e-Learning in Advanced Life Support-What factors influence assessment outcome? (United States)

    Thorne, C J; Lockey, A S; Kimani, P K; Bullock, I; Hampshire, S; Begum-Ali, S; Perkins, G D


    To establish variables which are associated with favourable Advanced Life Support (ALS) course assessment outcomes, maximising learning effect. Between 1 January 2013 and 30 June 2014, 8218 individuals participated in a Resuscitation Council (UK) e-learning Advanced Life Support (e-ALS) course. Participants completed 5-8h of online e-learning prior to attending a one day face-to-face course. e-Learning access data were collected through the Learning Management System (LMS). All participants were assessed by a multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) before and after the face-to-face aspect alongside a practical cardiac arrest simulation (CAS-Test). Participant demographics and assessment outcomes were analysed. The mean post e-learning MCQ score was 83.7 (SD 7.3) and the mean post-course MCQ score was 87.7 (SD 7.9). The first attempt CAS-Test pass rate was 84.6% and overall pass rate 96.6%. Participants with previous ALS experience, ILS experience, or who were a core member of the resuscitation team performed better in the post-course MCQ, CAS-Test and overall assessment. Median time spent on the e-learning was 5.2h (IQR 3.7-7.1). There was a large range in the degree of access to e-learning content. Increased time spent accessing e-learning had no effect on the overall result (OR 0.98, P=0.367) on simulated learning outcome. Clinical experience through membership of cardiac arrest teams and previous ILS or ALS training were independent predictors of performance on the ALS course whilst time spent accessing e-learning materials did not affect course outcomes. This supports the blended approach to e-ALS which allows participants to tailor their e-learning experience to their specific needs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Rezension von: Gabriele Dietze: Weiße Frauen in Bewegung. Genealogien und Konkurrenzen von Race- und Genderpolitiken. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2013.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipp Dorestal


    Full Text Available Gabriele Dietze zeichnet das Verhältnis der Kategorien Race und Gender innerhalb der US-amerikanischen Geschichte von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Präsidentschaftswahl von Barack Obama nach. Dabei demonstriert sie anhand von zentralen Figuren der weißen Frauenbewegung deren ambivalente Positionen, die oftmals für progressive Inhalte wie das Eintreten für Frauenrechte stehen, gleichzeitig aber dann Anliegen von African Americans nicht artikulieren oder gar zum Schweigen bringen. Ebenso zeigt Dietze mithilfe von Texten einiger schwarzer Autor_innen sowie anhand berühmter Gerichtsprozesse, dass schwarze Emanzipation nicht notwendigerweise mit feministischen Positionen einhergehen musste, sondern sich vielmehr eine Konkurrenzsituation zwischen Race und Gender entspann.

  11. Strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and building sustainable health information systems in resource limited countries: lessons learned from an M&E task-shifting initiative in Botswana. (United States)

    Mpofu, Mulamuli; Semo, Bazghina-Werq; Grignon, Jessica; Lebelonyane, Refeletswe; Ludick, Steven; Matshediso, Ellah; Sento, Baraedi; Ledikwe, Jenny H


    The demand for quality data and the interest in health information systems has increased due to the need for country-level progress reporting towards attainment of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and global health initiatives. To improve monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of health programs in Botswana, 51 recent university graduates with no experience in M&E were recruited and provided with on-the-job training and mentoring to develop a new cadre of health worker: the district M&E officer. Three years after establishment of the cadre, an assessment was conducted to document achievements and lessons learnt. This qualitative assessment included in-depth interviews at the national level (n = 12) with officers from government institutions, donor agencies, and technical organizations; and six focus group discussions separately with district M&E officers, district managers, and program officers coordinating different district health programs. Reported achievements of the cadre included improved health worker capacity to monitor and evaluate programs within the districts; improved data quality, management, and reporting; increased use of health data for disease surveillance, operational research, and planning purposes; and increased availability of time for nurses and other health workers to concentrate on core clinical duties. Lessons learnt from the assessment included: the importance of clarifying roles for newly established cadres, aligning resources and equipment to expectations, importance of stakeholder collaboration in implementation of sustainable programs, and ensuring retention of new cadres. The development of a dedicated M&E cadre at the district level contributed positively to health information systems in Botswana by helping build M&E capacity and improving data quality, management, and data use. This assessment has shown that such cadres can be developed sustainably if the initiative is country-led, focusing on recruitment and capacity

  12. Was Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftler von einem Fachinformationsdienst erwarten: Design und Ergebnisse einer Fachcommunity-Befragung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastian Stoppe


    Full Text Available Im Zuge der Entwicklung des Fachinformationsdienstes für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig hat der Autor eine onlinegestützte Befragung in der Fachcommunity vorgenommen. Ziel der Befragung war es, Bedürfnisse und Gewohnheiten der Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler hinsichtlich der Versorgung mit Literatur zu erfahren. Die Befragung ergab, dass die Mehrheit der Befragten verschiedene Recherchequellen nutzen muss, um relevante Literatur aufzufinden. Obwohl E-Books parallel genutzt werden, betrachten die meisten Befragten gedruckte Literatur als einfacher in der Handhabung. Umgekehrt verhält es sich bei Zeitschriften. Hier wird die elektronische Variante der gedruckten vorgezogen. Leipzig University Library is currently developing an Information Service for Communication and Media Studies. In preparation, the author conducted an online survey amongst academics in the discipline of Communication and Media Studies in order to learn more about their needs and habits when researching literature. For the majority of the academics who were interviewed it is necessary to search different sources to find the literature they need. Although they also use e-books, most academics prefer print publications because the handling is seen as easier. With journals it is the other way round: Electronic journals are preferred over printed journals.

  13. The Recruitment Process:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Anna

    , which were carried out in Denmark in 2008-2009 using qualitative research methods, revealed changes in the sequence, divisibility and repetitiveness of a number of recruitment tasks and subtasks. The new recruitment process design was identified and presented in the paper. The study concluded......The aim of this research was to determine whether the introduction of e-recruitment has an impact on the process and underlying tasks, subtasks and activities of recruitment. Three large organizations with well-established e-recruitment practices were included in the study. The three case studies...

  14. DGMK spring meeting of the 'Exploration and Production' department. Authors' manuscripts; DGMK-Fruehjahrstagung des Fachbereichs 'Aufsuchung und Gewinnung'. Autorenmanuskripte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The spring meeting of the Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. focused on exploration and production. Papers were presented on exploration and production in general, geology, deposit development, extraction of petroleum/natural gas, drilling, underground storage, geophysics and geochemistry. [German] Die Fruehjahrstagung der Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. wurde vom Fachbereich ''Aufsuchung und Gewinnung'' bestimmt. Die Vortraege beschaeftigten sich mit den Gebieten Exploration and Production allgemein, Geologie, Lagerstaettentechnik, Foerdertechnik fuer Erdoel/Erdgas, Bohrtechnik, Untertagesspeichertechnik, Geophysik und Geochemie.

  15. What factors influence successful recruitment of siblings of individuals with first episode psychosis to e-health interventions? A qualitative study. (United States)

    Sin, Jacqueline; Henderson, Claire; Spain, Debbie; Gamble, Catherine; Norman, Ian


    Recruitment to clinical research studies can prove complex. This is particularly true of mental health research, given factors such as confidentiality, capacity and consent, or when attempting to recruit family members as opposed to service users themselves. This study investigated the challenges experienced and strategies employed in the recruitment of siblings of people with first episode psychosis using Early Intervention in Psychosis Services (EIPS) in England. As part of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of an e-health intervention for siblings, we conducted a process evaluation study whereby semistructured interview was undertaken with clinical and research staff involved in recruitment of siblings. Data were analysed thematically. Twelve participants from six EIPS were interviewed. Data analysis revealed seven key themes: (i) limited comprehensive family data available; (ii) data governance and consent issues; (iii) organizational factors; (iv) convoluted recruitment methods; (v) concerns about service users' opinions; (vi) fluidity in siblings' needs and expectations; and (vii) strategies to enhance recruitment. Recruitment challenges identified in this study concerned administrative, organizational, process and attitudinal issues. These are similar to other studies recruiting mental health service users as well as family members. Failure to recruit to target implies that studies are underpowered to detect potential statistically or clinically meaningful changes. Future studies should establish how best to enhance family inclusiveness in clinical practice and research. © 2016 The Authors. Health Expectations published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Electronic Recruitment at CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    The Human Resources Department switches to electronic recruitment. From now on whenever you are involved in a recruitment action you will receive an e-mail giving you access to a Web folder. Inside you will find a shortlist of applications drawn up by the Human Resources Department. This will allow you to consult the folder, at the same time as everyone else involved in the recruitment process, for the vacancy you are interested in. This new electronic recruitment system, known as e-RT, will be introduced in a presentation given at 10 a.m. on 11 February in the Main Auditorium. Implemented by AIS (Administrative Information Services) and the Human Resources Department, e-RT will cover vacancies open in all of CERN's recruitment programmes. The electronic application system was initially made available to technical students in July 2003. By December it was extended to summer students, fellows, associates and Local Staff. Geraldine Ballet from the Recruitment Service prefers e-RT to mountains of paper! The Hu...

  17. E-nose, e-tongue and e-eye for edible olive oil characterization and shelf life assessment: A powerful data fusion approach. (United States)

    Buratti, Susanna; Malegori, Cristina; Benedetti, Simona; Oliveri, Paolo; Giovanelli, Gabriella


    The aim of this work was to investigate the applicability of e-senses (electronic nose, electronic tongue and electronic eye) for the characterization of edible olive oils (extra virgin, olive and pomace) and for the assessment of extra virgin olive oil and olive oil quality decay during storage at different temperatures. In order to obtain a complete description of oil samples, physico-chemical analyses on quality and nutritional parameters were also performed. Data were processed by PCA and a targeted data processing flow-sheet has been applied to physico-chemical and e-senses dataset starting from data pre-processing introducing an innovative normalization method, called t0 centering. On e-senses data a powerful mid-level data fusion approach has been employed to extract relevant information from different analytical sources combining their individual contributions. On physico-chemical data, an alternative approach for grouping extra virgin olive oil and olive oil samples on the basis of their freshness was applied and two classes were identified: fresh and oxidized. A k-NN classification rule was developed to test the performance of e-senses to classify samples in the two classes of freshness and the average value of correctly classified samples was 94%. Results demonstrated that the combined application of e-senses and the innovative data processing strategy allows to characterize edible olive oils of different categories on the basis of their sensorial properties and also to follow the evolution during storage of extra-virgin olive oil and olive oil sensorial properties thus assessing the quality decay of oils. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. L E E guide on electric power supply in high rise buildings. tot. rev. ed.; L E E. Leitfaden Elektrische Energie im Hochbau

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hennings, D.; Hinz, E.; Steinmueller, B.; Grossklos, M.


    Energy policy aiming at sustainability must take account of the noxious effects of fossil fuels. This guide will help to solve this problem. It is an easy to handle tool for integral planning and optimisation of electric power supply in administrative and office buildings, with a standard projecting procedure, a method for improving electric systems in buildings on the basis of characteristic values, and hints for planning and optimisation. It addresses builder owners and investors as well as architects, planners, engineers and energy consultants all of whom may be concerned in the planning of a building and its technical facilities. [German] Eine am Ziel der Nachhaltigkeit orientierte Energiepolitik muss Konsequenzen draus ziehen, dass der Einsatz der fossilen Energietraeger, auf denen unsere Energieversorgung bisher basiert, mit schaedlichen Umweltauswirkungen verbunden ist. Kohlendioxid und andere klimarelevante Spurengase heizen die Erdatmosphaere auf und drohen zur Klimakatastrophe zu fuehren; Stickoxid und Schwefeldioxid belasten mit dem sauren Regen Boden, Gewaesser und ganze Oekosysteme. Der vorliegende Leitfaden 'Elektrische Energie im Hochbau' will hier Abhilfe schaffen. Er stellt ein gut zu handhabendes Werkzeug dar, mit dessen Hilfe eine integrale Planung und Optimierung des rationellen Einsatzes elektrischer Energie in Dienstleistungsgebaeuden moeglich ist. Inhalte des Leitfadens sind die Darstellung des Planungsablaufs, ein Kennwertverfahren zur Verwertung und Verbesserung von elektrischen Anwendungen im Gebaeudebereich als Massnahme zur Investitions- und Betriebskostenreduzierung sowie Hinweise fuer Planung und Optimierung. Der Leitfaden richtet sich sowohl an die Bauherren bzw. Investoren als auch die an der Gebaeude- und Technikplanung Beteiligten, also die Architekten, Planer, Ingenieure und Energieberater. (orig.)

  19. Das Curriculum Health Technology Assessment (HTA, Version 2.0

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    Perleth, Matthias


    Full Text Available Health Technology Assessments (HTAs liefern für zahlreiche Entscheidungen im Gesundheitswesen relevante Informationen. Die Erstellung von HTA-Berichten erfordert gut ausgebildete, interdisziplinär arbeitende Spezialisten, die angemessene Interpretation und Umsetzung in Entscheidungen erfordert Verständnis seitens der Entscheidungsträger.Der Verein zur Förderung der Technologiebewertung im Gesundheitswesen (Health Technology Assessment e.V. und das Deutsche Netzwerk Evidenzbasierte Medizin e.V. haben bereits 2006 ein HTA-Curriculum entwickelt, das als Grundlage für HTA-Fortbildungskurse sowohl für Nutzer von HTA-Informationen wie auch für HTA-Autoren dient. Das Curriculum ist u.a. Grundlage für Fortbildungskurse an mehreren Universitäten. Aufgrund methodischer Weiterentwicklungen wurde nun eine Überarbeitung des Curriculums erforderlich. Das Curriculum greift auf Struktur und Inhalte international etablierter Studiengänge zurück, berücksichtigt aber auch die Besonderheiten der Regulation von Technologien und der Entscheidungsfindung in den Gesundheitssystemen der deutschsprachigen Länder. Es ist in insgesamt 10 Module untergliedert, die neben Grundlagen und Prinzipien von HTA u.a. auf die Statusbestimmung von Technologien, Prioritätensetzung, Wissens- und Informationsmanagement, Methodik der Erstellung von HTA-Berichten und Interessenkonflikte eingehen. Gegenüber der ursprünglichen Version wurden viele Inhalte präzisiert und Erfahrungen aus Lehrveranstaltungen, die das Curriculum umsetzen, wurden berücksichtigt.



    Cheah Fee Lian; Musa Abu Hassan; Jusang Bolong


    The purpose of this paper is to assess the e-community program launched by Penang Regional Development Authority (PERDA) based on participants. 276 survey forms were distributed randomly throughout four zones Multimedia Training Centers in Penang. Generally, the respondents admitted that PERDA’s e-community program had positive elements towards them. It was found that interpersonal source such as peers, neighbours and family members were main sources to provided information regarding PE...

  1. Rosenzweig: A ética como "primeira filosofia" e o dever de traduzir

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    Inácio Abdulkader


    Full Text Available Die Bedeutung und der Einfluss des Werkes von Franz Rosenzweig, jüdisch-deutscher Philosoph vom Beginn des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, werden noch immer nicht angemessen gewürdigt. Rosenzweig entwickelt in seinem Hauptwerk, der Stern der Erlösung, ausgehend von eminent theologischen Kategorien, sein philosophisches System. Dem "Monolog des Ich" der traditionellen Philosophie setzt Rosenzweig ein "Neues Denken" von existenzialistischem Gepräge entgegen, das die Mündlichkeit und den Dialog mit dem "Anderen" aufwertet und den Verstand ald Werkzeug der Reflexion ersetzt. Dieses Denken weist Korrespondenzen zur Philosophie W. Benjamins auf. Das "Neue Denken" übte einen starken Einfluss auf E. Lévinas aus, sowie auf zahlreiche interessante philosophie und theologische Ansätze nach dem "linguistic turn" und auf die postmoderne jüdische Geistigkeit. Rosenzweigs Philosophie hat andererseits in seiner Übersetzertätigkeit eine wichtige direkte Anwendung gefunden. Übersetzen erscheint Rosenzweig als Verpflichtung, die aus einer Ethik, verstanden als grundlegender Philosophie, erwächst. Der vorliegende Artikel analysiert einige Aspekte der Schriften Rosenzweigs, in denen sich eine "Philosophie der Übersetzung" abzeichnet.

  2. e-commerce as a tool in wholesale energy trading in Europe; eCommerce im europaeischen Energiegrosshandel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herrmann, M. [Andersen Consulting, Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Bereiche Energiehandel und Risikomanagement; Judisch, S.; Pieper, T. [RWE Energy Trading Ltd., Essen (Germany); Mohnhaupt, M. [Andersen Consulting Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Hamburg (Germany). Bereiche Industrieentwicklung und Geschaeftsstrategien fuer Energie- und Versorgungsunternehmen


    The article discusses why and how novel e-commerce trading channels based on the world wide web, emerging in addition to the OTC market and the exchange trading, will induce a significant change in energy trading. The value adding effects for market participants using the novel trading channels are explained. (orig./CB) [German] Zwischen den klassischen bilateralen Kanaelen und dem Boersensegment werden sich neue Kanaele etablieren, die einen gravierenden Wandel im Energiegrosshandel verursachen. Der zusaetzliche Wert fuer die Teilnehmer an diesen neuen Handelskanaelen wird charakterisiert. (orig./CB)

  3. Hochaufgelöste Magnetresonanz-Bildgebung der Mäuseaorta zur Bestimmung der Dynamik funktioneller Parameter durch Laufrad-Training bei ApoE-Knock-Out-Mäusen


    Offenberger, Wolfgang


    Einführung: Atherosklerose ist eine führende Ursache von Morbidität und Mortalität weltweit. Die ApoE-Knock-Out-Maus (ApoE-/-) ist das wichtigste Tiermodell für das Studium der Atherosklerose und von Interventionen auf diese Erkrankung. Mittels hochaufgelöster Magnet-Resonanz-Bildgebung ist es möglich, eine nicht-invasive in-vivo Gefäß-Charakterisierung bei Mäusen durchzuführen. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Auswirkungen von Sport auf die Gefäßfunktion der Aorta ascendens und abdominalis bei Ap...

  4. Diffuser Haarausfall und klinische Endokrinologie: Neue Erkenntnisse

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    Liptak J


    Full Text Available Diffuser Haarausfall ist ein häufiges Krankheitsbild in der täglichen Praxis, dessen Diagnostik allerdings oft eine Herausforderung darstellt. In den vergangenen 10 Jahren wurden große Fortschritte in der Erforschung der Effekte diverser Hormone erzielt. In murinen Haarfollikeln wird Corticoliberin (Corticotropin-releasing Hormone [CRH] mit einem Peak in der Anagenphase (Wachstumsphase exprimiert. Ein stressinduziert erhöhter CRH-Spiegel kann durch Aktivierung von Mastzellen zu erhöhtem Haarverlust führen. Melatonin wird ebenfalls im Haarfollikel exprimiert und wirkt dort auf unterschiedliche Rezeptoren. Besonders der nukleäre Retinoic Acid Receptor-(RAR- Related Orphan-Receptor alpha (RORα scheint regulatorisch auf haarzyklusabhängige Prozesse zu wirken und wird auch abhängig vom Haarzyklus exprimiert. Melatonin greift zudem in androgen- und östrogenvermittelte Signaltransduktionswege ein. Eine topische Anwendung von Melatonin kann zu einer Zunahme der Anagenhaare führen. Auch Leptin wird im Haarfollikel exprimiert und beeinflusst Haarwachstum und Hautregeneration durch Aktivierung von STAT3. Bei Mäusen konnte durch Leptin die Anagenphase induziert werden. Über den Zusammenhang zwischen androgenetischer Alopezie und Metabolischem Syndrom wurden zahlreiche widersprüchliche Daten veröffentlicht. Zuletzt wies eine große koreanische Studie eine positive Assoziation der Krankheitsbilder bei Frauen nach, jedoch nicht bei Männern. Prolaktin induziert den verfrühten Übergang zur Katagenphase, senkt die Proliferationsrate der Keratinozyten im Haarfollikel und steigert deren Apoptoserate. Eine zu Haarausfall führende Hyperprolaktinämie kann unter anderem durch diverse Medikamente, insbesondere typische und atypische Neuroleptika, hervorgerufen werden. Zahlreiche Studien an Mäusen konnten belegen, dass der Vitamin-D-Rezeptor (VDR eng mit dem Haarwachstum assoziiert ist. Dieser scheint den Haarzyklus unabhängig von seinen Liganden

  5. Nur die ersten Drei zählen! Optimierung der Rankingverfahren über Popularitätsfaktoren bei der Elektronischen Bibliothek Bremen (E-LIB

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    Elmar Haake


    Full Text Available Seit Einführung der neuen Discovery-Kataloge stehen unseren Nutzerinnen und Nutzern zusätzlich Millionen von Dokumenten neben dem lokalen Buchbestand zur Verfügung. Diese Zielgruppe muss in die Lage versetzt werden, die für sie relevanten Titel einfach und sicher zu finden. Die Qualität von Empfehlungsfunktionen und besonders der Relevanz-Ranking-Methoden sind daher für den Erfolg eines Discovery-Systems besonders wichtig. Das Ranking bibliothekarischer Suchmaschinentechnik ignoriert bisher das Feedback durch Nutzerinnen und Nutzer. Die Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen (SuUB setzt mit dem in Bremen entwickelten Discovery-System „E-LIB“ seit Sommer 2011 zusätzlich auf eine Modifikation des Treffer-Rankings über Popularitätsfaktoren der Medien wie Klickstatistik, Auflagen- und Exemplarzahl. Die maßgeschneiderte Entwicklung eines eigenen Bibliothekskataloges, den die SuUB seit 2004 mit dem Discovery-System „E-LIB“ in Bremen betreibt, erlaubt die schnelle und flexible Anpassung von Retrievalfunktionen an die Bedürfnisse der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer vor Ort. Since the introduction of modern discovery catalogues, users have been able to access millions of electronic documents in addition to local print holdings. For a search to be successful, users must be able to find relevant titles easily and reliably. The quality of recommendation functionality and especially the relevance ranking methods are essential for the success of every discovery system. Up to now, ranking methods of library catalogues have largely ignored user feedback. However, since 2011, the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB has developed modified ranking methods for its own discovery system E-LIB. These make use of popularity factors such as click statistics and information about the number of editions as well as the number of copies available for a given title. For the SuUB Bremen, the customized development of the discovery catalogue “E

  6. Preisgestaltung von eBook-Angeboten für Bibliotheken: Die Perspektive eines Publikumsverlags

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    Jonathan Beck


    Full Text Available Am Beispiel des Publikumsverlags C.H.Beck zeigt dieser Beitrag, wie und unter welchen Rahmenbedingungen digitale Bibliotheksangebote entstehen in Verlagen, deren Veröffentlichungen sich nicht primär an akademisch arbeitende Leser richten. Nach einer Vorbemerkung zu den Zielgruppen der verschieden Verlagsbereiche von C.H.Beck und die sich daraus ergebende historische Entwicklung digitaler Angebote legt der Beitrag dar, wie es zur Entwicklung des spezifischen Bibliotheksangebots „C.H.Beck eLibrary“ kam und welche Erwägungen bei der Preisfindung für dieses Angebot eine Rolle gespielt haben. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei den Kalkulationsgrundlagen in Publikumsverlagen sowie den relevanten rechtlichen und ökonomischen Umständen im Buchmarkt. Using the trade imprint C.H.Beck as example, this article shows how and under which restrictions digital library offers are created by publishers whose publications are not primarily focused on academic readers. Following introductory remarks regarding the target groups of the various C.H.Beck publishing divisions and on the consequential historical development of its digital offers, the article describes how the specific library offer “C.H.Beck eLibrary” was developed and which considerations were important in determining its pricing. Particular attention is given to cost factors in trade publishing and to relevant legal and economic conditions in book publishing.

  7. Risk factors for exclusive e-cigarette use and dual e-cigarette use and tobacco use in adolescents. (United States)

    Wills, Thomas A; Knight, Rebecca; Williams, Rebecca J; Pagano, Ian; Sargent, James D


    To describe electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use and cigarette use among adolescents and determine whether established risk factors for smoking discriminate user categories. School-based survey of 1941 high school students (mean age 14.6 years) in Hawaii; data collected in 2013. The survey assessed e-cigarette use and cigarette use, alcohol and marijuana use, and psychosocial risk and protective variables (eg, parental support, academic involvement, smoking expectancies, peer smoking, sensation seeking). Analysis of variance and multinomial regression examined variation in risk and protective variables across the following categories of ever-use: e-cigarette only, cigarette only, dual use (use of both products), and nonuser (never used either product). Prevalence for the categories was 17% (e-cigarettes only), 12% (dual use), 3% (cigarettes only), and 68% (nonusers). Dual users and cigarette-only users were highest on risk status (elevated on risk factors and lower on protective factors) compared with other groups. E-cigarette only users were higher on risk status than nonusers but lower than dual users. E-cigarette only users and dual users more often perceived e-cigarettes as healthier than cigarettes compared with nonusers. This study reports a US adolescent sample with one of the largest prevalence rates of e-cigarette only use in the existing literature. Dual use also had a substantial prevalence. The fact that e-cigarette only users were intermediate in risk status between nonusers and dual users raises the possibility that e-cigarettes are recruiting medium-risk adolescents, who otherwise would be less susceptible to tobacco product use. Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  8. E-commerce System Security Assessment based on Bayesian Network Algorithm Research


    Ting Li; Xin Li


    Evaluation of e-commerce network security is based on assessment method Bayesian networks, and it first defines the vulnerability status of e-commerce system evaluation index and the vulnerability of the state model of e-commerce systems, and after the principle of the Bayesian network reliability of e-commerce system and the criticality of the vulnerabilities were analyzed, experiments show that the change method is a good evaluation of the security of e-commerce systems.

  9. Using Think Aloud Protocols to Assess E-Prescribing in Community Pharmacies

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    Olufunmilola K. Odukoya, BPharm, MS


    Full Text Available Introduction: Think aloud protocol has rarely been used as a method of data collection in community pharmacies.Purpose: The aim of the report is to describe how think aloud protocols were used to identify issues that arise when using e-prescribing technology in pharmacies. In this paper, we report on the benefits and challenges of using think aloud protocols in pharmacies to examine the use of e-prescribing systems.Methods: Sixteen pharmacists and pharmacy technicians were recruited from seven community pharmacies in Wisconsin. Data were collected using direct observation alongside think aloud protocol. Direct observations and think aloud protocols took place between January-February, 2011. Participants were asked to verbalize their thoughts as they process electronic prescriptions.Results: Participants identified weaknesses in e-prescribing that they had previously not conceived. This created heightened awareness for vigilance when processing e-prescriptions. The main challenge with using think aloud protocols was due to interruptions in the pharmacies. Also, a few participants found it challenging to remember to continue verbalizing their thought process during think aloud sessions.Conclusion: The use of think aloud protocols as method of data collection is a new way for understanding the issues related to technology use in community pharmacy practice. Think aloud protocol was beneficial in providing objective information on e-prescribing use not solely based on pharmacist’s or technician’s opinion of the technology. This method provided detailed information on a wide variety of real time challenges with e-prescribing technology use in community pharmacies. Using this data collection method can help identify potential patient safety issues when using e-prescribing and suggestions for redesign.

  10. e-Assessment in a Limited-Resources Dental School Using an Open-Source Learning Management System. (United States)

    El Tantawi, Maha M A; Abdelsalam, Maha M; Mourady, Ahmed M; Elrifae, Ismail M B


    e-Assessment provides solutions to some problems encountered in dental students' evaluation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the experience of a limited-resources dental school with e-assessment provided through an open-source learning management system (LMS). Data about users' access and types of e-assessment activities at the Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, Egypt, were obtained from the web-based LMS Moodle. A questionnaire developed to assess students' perceptions of the e-assessment was also sent to students registered in two courses (undergraduate and postgraduate) with the same instructor. The results showed that most e-courses at the school had one form of e-assessment (82%) and, of these, 16.7% had summative assessment activities. There were significant differences among departments in the number of e-courses with e-assessment. One-quarter of e-courses with e-assessment used Moodle quizzes. Of 285 students registered in the two courses that included the questionnaire, 170 responded (response rate=59.6%). The responding students positively perceived the impact of e-assessment on learning and its reliability and security, whereas technical issues and related stresses were negatively perceived. This study suggests that e-assessment can be used at minimal cost in dental schools with limited resources and large class sizes with the least demands on faculty members and teaching staff time. For these schools, an open-source LMS such as Moodle provides formative e-assessment not available otherwise and accommodates various question formats and varying levels of instructors' technical skills. These students seemed to have a positive impression of the e-assessment although technical problems and related stresses are issues that need to be addressed.

  11. Social Web in Lehre und Forschung

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gruber, Marion


    Gruber, M. R. (2011). Social Web in Lehre und Forschung. Presentation at the Faculty of Arts, University of Zurich. January, 19, 2011, Info-Veranstaltung der E-Learning-Koordination der Philosophischen Fakultät, Zürich, Schweiz: Universität Zürich.

  12. Utilizing the Lead User Method for Promoting Innovation in E-Recuiting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Furtmueller-Ettinger, Elfriede; Wilderom, Celeste P.M.; van Dick, Rolf; Bondarouk, Tatiana; Ruel, Hubertus Johannes Maria; Guiderdoni-Jourdain, Karine; Oiry, Ewan


    In order to maintain their customer base, many e-recruiting firms are in need of developing innovations. The Lead User (LU) Method has been heralded in the new product innovation literature but not yet applied often in e-service settings. Based on an e-recruiting portal, the authors compare new

  13. Nachsteuer-optimale Anlage- und Finanzierungskonzepte in der Privaten Finanzplanung


    Mederer, Markus Friedrich


    In seiner Dissertation untersucht Herr Mederer zentrale Fragestellungen bei Anlage- und Finanzierungsentscheidungen in der Privaten Finanzplanung im Rahmen einer einheitlichen Nachsteuer-Betrachtung. Dies ist insofern von Bedeutung, da - wie einleitend aufzeigt wird - einerseits kundenseitig eine große Notwendigkeit für die Private Finanzplanung über alle Bevölkerungs- und Einkommensschichten hinweg existiert, nicht zuletzt aufgrund der immer komplexer werdenden steuerlichen Regelungen. Ander...

  14. Environment and health. Realistic risk assessment. Special expert opinion; Umwelt und Gesundheit. Risiken richtig einschaetzen. Sondergutachten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In this special expert opinion, the Environmental Council discusses the problem of how to assess the risk of environment-induced health hazards. In many cases, there is a discrepancy between scientific risk assessment and subjective risk perception of the exposed population in this context. The Environmental Council suggests that communication between all parties concerned should be improved by target-finding models and also proposes an integrative risk assessment procedure. It is particularly important to identify and characterize vulnerable groups by scientific methods. [German] In seinem Sondergutachten Umwelt und Gesundheit - Risiken richtig einschaetzen greift der Umweltrat die Problematik von Risikoabschaetzungen umweltbedingter Gesundheitsbeeintraechtigungen auf. In diesem Zusammenhang ist vielfach eine Diskrepanz zwischen wissenschaftlicher Risikoabschaetzung und der subjektiven Risikowahrnehmung seitens der Betroffenen festzustellen. Der Umweltrat verweist zur Verbesserung der Kommunikation zwischen den beteiligten Gruppen auf entsprechende Modelle zur Zielfindung und schlaegt einen integrativen Ansatz zur Risikobewertung vor. Von besonderer Bedeutung bei der Bewertung von umweltbedingten Gesundheitsbeeintraechtigungen ist die wissenschaftlich begruendete Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von empfindlichen Gruppen (vulnerablen Gruppen). (orig.)

  15. Building Communities in Resistance, Metelkova City in the Hands of Axt und Kelle

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    Sandi Abram


    Full Text Available The article deals with nomadic journeymen and journeywomen from the German guild Axt und Kelle and with their encounter with Metelkova. At the outset, the historical trajectory of German guilds, the constitution of Axt und Kelle and the custom of tramping artisans (i.e., walz are highlighted. The hypothesis that Axt und Kelle make use of re-appropriated spaces (i.e., squats either as a sporadic proactive clientele or they choose such spaces as their annual summer solidarity work camps is defended on a twofold basis: firstly, squats are considered and constructed as a substitute of the previously guaranteed houses of call (i.e., herberge by the classical guilds. Secondly, the guild intentionally constituted itself as a political subject with the mission of empowering communities in resistance. ACC Metelkova City was chosen as a solidarity work camp twice in the early and mid-00s when many emblematic interiors and exteriors were created. Focusing on the non-instrumentalized (own production of knowledge, exchange of experiences and outwardly oriented distribution, the article views the reciprocal interaction between ACC Metelkova City and Axt und Kelle through Mauss’s theory of the gift.

  16. Die Erforschung kollektiver und individueller Dynamik – Zu einer historisch und prozess-soziologisch orientierten interpretativen Sozialforschung

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    Gabriele Rosenthal


    Full Text Available In diesem Beitrag konzentriere ich mich auf die Vorteile einer konsequent durchgeführten interpretativen oder rekonstruktiven Sozialforschung gegenüber anderen qualitativen Verfahren und verdeutliche, inwiefern wir diese Vorteile noch konsequenter verfolgen können als bisher. Dabei stellen sich die folgenden Fragen: Was können wir mit wenigen, aber aufwendigen Fallrekonstruktionen mit dem Ziel einer "theoretischen Verallgemeinerung" am Einzelfall im Unterschied zu qualitativen Verfahren mit umfangreichen Stichproben leisten, die eher eine numerische oder quantitative Verallgemeinerung zum Ziel haben? Inwiefern kommen wir damit überhaupt zu "allgemeinen" Aussagen über die soziale (kollektive und individuelle Wirklichkeit, über eine bestimmte Gruppierung, Organisation oder Ortsgemeinde, einen kollektiver Konflikt, ein bestimmtes Milieu oder soziales Netzwerk? Bei der Behandlung dieser Fragen geht es mir vor allem um ein Plädoyer für eine methodisch stärker historisch und prozess-soziologisch orientierte interpretative Sozialforschung. M.E. liegen in einer konsequenten Rekonstruktion der Verläufe und Wandlungsprozesse von einzelnen "Fällen" und ihrer Verflechtungen mit anderen "Fällen" die Chancen für eine wirklich empirisch geerdete Theorieentwicklung. URN:

  17. E-Assessment: Challenges to the Legitimacy of VET Practitioners and Auditors (United States)

    Callan, Victor J.; Johnston, Margaret A.; Clayton, Berwyn; Poulsen, Alison L.


    This research examines what practitioners in vocational education and training (VET) organisations and external auditors judge to be the key issues in the current and future use of e-assessment. Applying the framework of legitimacy theory, the study examined the tensions around the use and growth of e-assessment in training organisations, and…

  18. Coordinated and unique functions of the E-selectin ligand ESL-1 during inflammatory and hematopoietic recruitment in mice. (United States)

    Sreeramkumar, Vinatha; Leiva, Magdalena; Stadtmann, Anika; Pitaval, Christophe; Ortega-Rodríguez, Inés; Wild, Martin K; Lee, Brendan; Zarbock, Alexander; Hidalgo, Andrés


    Beyond its well-established roles in mediating leukocyte rolling, E-selectin is emerging as a multifunctional receptor capable of inducing integrin activation in neutrophils, and of regulating various biological processes in hematopoietic precursors. Although these effects suggest important homeostatic contributions of this selectin in the immune and hematologic systems, the ligands responsible for transducing these effects in different leukocyte lineages are not well defined. We have characterized mice deficient in E-selectin ligand-1 (ESL-1), or in both P-selectin glycoprotein-1 (PSGL-1) and ESL-1, to explore and compare the contributions of these glycoproteins in immune and hematopoietic cell trafficking. In the steady state, ESL-1 deficiency resulted in a moderate myeloid expansion that became more prominent when both glycoproteins were eliminated. During inflammation, PSGL-1 dominated E-selectin binding, rolling, integrin activation, and extravasation of mature neutrophils, but only the combined deficiency in PSGL-1 and ESL-1 completely abrogated leukocyte recruitment. Surprisingly, we find that the levels of ESL-1 were strongly elevated in hematopoietic progenitor cells. These elevations correlated with a prominent function of ESL-1 for E-selectin binding and for migration of hematopoietic progenitor cells into the bone marrow. Our results uncover dominant roles for ESL-1 in the immature compartment, and a functional shift toward PSGL-1 dependence in mature neutrophils.

  19. La filosofia di Hans-Georg Gadamer e il problema del disagio della modernità. Ermeneutica, estetica, etica e politica


    Marino, Stefano


    L’ermeneutica filosofica di Hans-Georg Gadamer – indubbiamente uno dei capisaldi del pensiero novecentesco – rappresenta una filosofia molto composita, sfaccettata e articolata, per così dire formata da una molteplicità di dimensioni diverse che si intrecciano l’una con l’altra. Ciò risulta evidente già da un semplice sguardo alla composizione interna della sua opera principale, Wahrheit und Methode (1960), nella quale si presenta una teoria del comprendere che prende in esame ...

  20. Der Zellzyklusregulator Rca1 - Inhibitor und Substrat des Anaphase-Promoting-Komplexes in Drosophila melanogaster


    Morgenthaler, Christoph


    Ein wichtiger Kontrollmechanismus des Zellzyklus ist die irreversible Proteolyse von Zellzyklus-Regulatoren. Dabei markieren E3-Ligasen Zielproteine durch Ubiquitinmoleküle. Für den Abbau in der Mitose und der G1-Phase reguliert der APC/C-Komplex (Anaphase-Promoting-Complex/Cyclosome) als E3-Ligase den zeitlichen Verlauf des Zellzyklus. Die Aktivität des APC/C wiederum wird in den übrigen Zellzyklusstadien durch Phosphorylierung und durch Proteine der Rca1/Emi1-Proteinfamilie inaktiv gehalten...

  1. 283-E and 283-W hazards assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sutton, L.N.


    This report documents the hazards assessment for the 200 area water treatment plants 283-E and 283-W located on the US DOE Hanford Site. Operation of the water treatment plants is the responsibility of ICF Kaiser Hanford Company (ICF KH). This hazards assessment was conducted to provide emergency planning technical basis for the water treatment plants. This document represents an acceptable interpretation of the implementing guidance document for DOE ORDER 5500.3A which requires an emergency planning hazards assessment for each facility that has the potential to reach or exceed the lowest level emergency classification

  2. The value of eJournals to support ePortfolio development for assessment in teacher education

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    Susan Crichton


    Full Text Available This paper presents findings from a two-year pilot project into the use of ePortfolios as a tool for assessment in a two year, field-oriented, inquiry-based teacher preparation program. Participants consisted of five cohorts of pre-service student teachers and five instructors; interviews, focus groups, artifacts, and project meetings provided the raw data for analysis. The originality of this work rests in the importance of establishing an eJournal to accompany the ePortfolio. Based on our findings in this action research study, we challenge and add to the existing ePortfolio literature around such issues as ePortfolio project design, process vs. product, the use of templates, social software, and documentation. Résumé : Cet article présente les résultats d’un projet pilote de deux ans portant sur l’utilisation des portfolios électroniques comme outil d’évaluation au sein d’un programme de préparation des enseignants axé sur la recherche et la pratique d’une durée de deux ans. Les participants se composaient de cinq cohortes d’étudiants en enseignement non encore sur le marché du travail ainsi que de cinq instructeurs; les données brutes qui ont été analysées proviennent d’entretiens, de groupes de discussion, d’artefacts et de réunions de projet. L’originalité de ce travail réside dans l’importance attachée à la création d’un journal électronique pour accompagner le portfolio. Sur la base de nos conclusions dans cette étude de recherche appliquée, nous remettons en question la documentation existante tout en y contribuant sur des sujets tels que la conception du projet de portfolio électronique, la comparaison du processus et du produit, l’utilisation de modèles, les logiciels sociaux et la documentation.

  3. Von Zetteln und Apparaten. Subjektivierung in bundesdeutschen und britischen Arbeitsämtern der 1970er- und 1980er-Jahre

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    Wiebke Wiede


    Full Text Available The article examines the governance of unemployment by employment offices inthe Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom in the 1970s and 1980s, which were times of persisting mass unemployment in both countries, focusing on social meanings encoded into the social space of employment offices. Applying concepts from actor-network theory, the article investigates the agency of things in the administration of unemployment, e.g. folders of files, queue numbers or vacancy notices. In particular, the article considers the mechanisation and increasing use of machines and IT systems in German and British employment offices. With regard to processes of subjectivisation, it investigates how the unemployed experienced things and objects in employment offices. While the newly designed British Jobcentre offered jobs as part of a self-service concept, the German employment offices remained in the bureaucratic tradition whereby the unemployed primarily waited for employment counselling and placement. Der Beitrag untersucht Arbeitsämter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Großbritannien während der 1970er- und 1980er-Jahre, einer Zeit deutlich gestiegener Arbeitslosenzahlen. Im Fokus stehen die Verwaltungsvorgänge, begriffen als soziale Praktiken und Mensch-Ding-Verhältnisse. Mit der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie fragt der Aufsatz nach der Agency der Verwaltungsdinge im Arbeitsamt: den Bürogestaltungen, Aktenordnern, Wartenummern oder Stellenaushängen. Problematisiert wird besonders die in den 1970er- und 1980er-Jahren durchgesetzte Technisierung der administrativen Vorgänge, also der vermehrte Einsatz von Apparaten und EDV-Systemen in bundesdeutschen und britischen Arbeitsverwaltungen. In beiden Ländern wurde »Selbstbedienung« zu einem neuen Verhaltensdispositiv, das sich in den neu eingerichteten britischen Jobcentres jedoch schneller durchsetzte als im traditionellen deutschen Arbeitsamt, wo das passive Warten weiterhin eine vorherrschende

  4. Collaborative e-Learning: e-Portfolios for Assessment, Teaching and Learning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Wesel, Maarten


    This paper presents an innovative approach to e-learning by exploring a number of initiatives where there is a move towards collaborative use of Personal Development Plans (PDPs) integrated with e-portfolios as mechanisms for delivering such plans. It considers whether such a move towards more

  5. Recommended core items to assess e-cigarette use in population-based surveys. (United States)

    Pearson, Jennifer L; Hitchman, Sara C; Brose, Leonie S; Bauld, Linda; Glasser, Allison M; Villanti, Andrea C; McNeill, Ann; Abrams, David B; Cohen, Joanna E


    A consistent approach using standardised items to assess e-cigarette use in both youth and adult populations will aid cross-survey and cross-national comparisons of the effect of e-cigarette (and tobacco) policies and improve our understanding of the population health impact of e-cigarette use. Focusing on adult behaviour, we propose a set of e-cigarette use items, discuss their utility and potential adaptation, and highlight e-cigarette constructs that researchers should avoid without further item development. Reliable and valid items will strengthen the emerging science and inform knowledge synthesis for policy-making. Building on informal discussions at a series of international meetings of 65 experts from 15 countries, the authors provide recommendations for assessing e-cigarette use behaviour, relative perceived harm, device type, presence of nicotine, flavours and reasons for use. We recommend items assessing eight core constructs: e-cigarette ever use, frequency of use and former daily use; relative perceived harm; device type; primary flavour preference; presence of nicotine; and primary reason for use. These items should be standardised or minimally adapted for the policy context and target population. Researchers should be prepared to update items as e-cigarette device characteristics change. A minimum set of e-cigarette items is proposed to encourage consensus around items to allow for cross-survey and cross-jurisdictional comparisons of e-cigarette use behaviour. These proposed items are a starting point. We recognise room for continued improvement, and welcome input from e-cigarette users and scientific colleagues. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  6. Ribosomal studies on the 70S ribosome of E.coli by means of neutron scattering; Strukturuntersuchungen am 70S-Ribosom von E.coli unter Anwendung von Neutronenstreuung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burkhardt, N. [GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstofforschung


    Ribosomes are ribonucleo-protein complexes, which catalyse proteinbiosynthesis in all living organisms. Currently, most of the structural models of the prokaryotic 70S ribosome rely on electron microscopy and describe mainly the outer shape of the particle. Neutron scattering can provide information on the internal structure of the ribosome. Parts of the structure can be contrasted for neutrons by means of an isotopic exchange of the naturally occurring hydrogen ({sup 1}H) for deuterium ({sup 2}H), allowing direct measurements in situ. Specifically deuterium-labeled ribosomes (E. coli) were prepared and analysed with neutron scattering. The biochemical methods were established and combined to a generally applicable preparation system. This allows labeling of all ribosomal components in any combination. A systematic analysis of the protein and RNA phases resulted in the development of a new model for the 70S ribosome. This model describes not only the outer shape of the particle, but displays also an experimentally determined internal protein-RNA distribution and the border of subunits for the first time (four-phase model; resolution: 50A). Models of the 70S ribosome from other studies were evaluated and ranked according to consistency with the measured scattering data. Applying a new neutron scattering technique of particular sensitivity, the proton-spin contrast-variation, single proteins could be measured and localized. The positions of the proteins S6 and S10 were determined, providing the first coordinates of protein mass centers within the 70S ribosome. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ribosomen sind Ribonukleinsaeure-Protein Komplexe, die in allen lebenden Organismen die Proteinbiosynthese katalysieren. Strukturmodelle fuer das prokaryontische 70S-Ribosom beruhen derzeit vorwiegend auf elektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchungen und beschreiben im wesentlichen die aeussere Oberflaeche des Partikels. Informationen ueber die innere Struktur des Ribosoms koennen Messungen mit

  7. Ribosomal studies on the 70S ribosome of E.coli by means of neutron scattering; Strukturuntersuchungen am 70S-Ribosom von E.coli unter Anwendung von Neutronenstreuung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burkhardt, N [GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstofforschung


    Ribosomes are ribonucleo-protein complexes, which catalyse proteinbiosynthesis in all living organisms. Currently, most of the structural models of the prokaryotic 70S ribosome rely on electron microscopy and describe mainly the outer shape of the particle. Neutron scattering can provide information on the internal structure of the ribosome. Parts of the structure can be contrasted for neutrons by means of an isotopic exchange of the naturally occurring hydrogen ({sup 1}H) for deuterium ({sup 2}H), allowing direct measurements in situ. Specifically deuterium-labeled ribosomes (E. coli) were prepared and analysed with neutron scattering. The biochemical methods were established and combined to a generally applicable preparation system. This allows labeling of all ribosomal components in any combination. A systematic analysis of the protein and RNA phases resulted in the development of a new model for the 70S ribosome. This model describes not only the outer shape of the particle, but displays also an experimentally determined internal protein-RNA distribution and the border of subunits for the first time (four-phase model; resolution: 50A). Models of the 70S ribosome from other studies were evaluated and ranked according to consistency with the measured scattering data. Applying a new neutron scattering technique of particular sensitivity, the proton-spin contrast-variation, single proteins could be measured and localized. The positions of the proteins S6 and S10 were determined, providing the first coordinates of protein mass centers within the 70S ribosome. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ribosomen sind Ribonukleinsaeure-Protein Komplexe, die in allen lebenden Organismen die Proteinbiosynthese katalysieren. Strukturmodelle fuer das prokaryontische 70S-Ribosom beruhen derzeit vorwiegend auf elektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchungen und beschreiben im wesentlichen die aeussere Oberflaeche des Partikels. Informationen ueber die innere Struktur des Ribosoms koennen Messungen mit

  8. Review: Henry E. Brady & David Collier (Hrsg.) (2004). Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards


    Catón, Matthias


    Das Buch Rethinking Social Inquiry, herausgegeben von Henry E. BRADY und David COLLIER, ist eine Antwort auf den Band von KING, KEOHANE und VERBA (1994), in dem versucht wird, Standards der quantitativen Forschung in der qualitativen Forschung einzuführen. Die Autoren des hier rezensierten Buchs kritisieren viele der Vorschläge, da sie argumentieren, dass qualitative Forschung anderer Werkzeuge bedürfe. Trotzdem stimmen sie zu, dass die Grundlagen des Forschungsaufbaus ähnlich sind. Das Buch ...

  9. Review: Henry E. Brady & David Collier (Eds.) (2004). Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards


    Matthias Catón


    Das Buch Rethinking Social Inquiry, herausgegeben von Henry E. BRADY und David COLLIER, ist eine Antwort auf den Band von KING, KEOHANE und VERBA (1994), in dem versucht wird, Standards der quantitativen Forschung in der qualitativen Forschung einzuführen. Die Autoren des hier rezensierten Buchs kritisieren viele der Vorschläge, da sie argumentieren, dass qualitative Forschung anderer Werkzeuge bedürfe. Trotzdem stimmen sie zu, dass die Grundlagen des Forschungsaufbaus ähnlich sind. Das Buch ...

  10. Der Ausbau des Hochrheins zur Schifffahrtsstraße - Die Geschichte eines gescheiterten Großprojekts


    Steiner, Rudolf


    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Genese, Verfall und Scheitern eines der ehrgeizigsten technischen Großprojekte des 20. Jahrhunderts im süddeutschen Raum – dem Ausbau des Rheinabschnitts zwischen Basel und dem Bodensee zu einer schiffbaren Wasserstraße. Hatte es bereits seit dem Mittelalter mehrere erfolglose Versuche gegeben, die zahlreichen natürlichen Hindernisse auf dem Hochrhein, wie die genannte Strecke bezeichnet wird, zum Zwecke einer durchgängigen Schifffahrt bis zum Bodensee ...

  11. Ausbildung und Erwartungshaltung (United States)

    Knoke, Holger


    ätzlich mitbringen. Außerdem wird eine kurze Studiendauer vorausgesetzt. Und was für eine Ausbildung erwarten Wirtschaftsunternehmen von Hydrogeologen? Die Antwort auf diese Frage hängt einerseits von der Größe des Unternehmens und andererseits vom Markt mit seinen aktuell zu bearbeitenden Problemen ab. Allen gemein ist der Wunsch nach unternehmerischer Sichtweise und die Bereitschaft, Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Äußerungen von Managern, die Angewandte Geologen nur als Lieferanten von Zahlen (oder Größen) einschätzen, zeigen meines Erachtens, daß beide Seiten nicht die Fachproblematik des anderen erkennen und in ihre Sichtweise umsetzen können. Man kann mit Bedauern über solche Äußerungen hinweggehen und sie als Einzelfälle abtun. Sie zeigen jedoch exemplarisch ein Defizit im Verständnis zwischen Angewandten Geologen und Managern. Deren Ausbildung beruht zumeist auf einer juristischen oder betriebswirtschaftlichen bzw. volkswirtschaftlichen Grundlage. Um juristisch ausgebildeten Entscheidungsträgern eine Maßnahme oder deren Denk- und Entscheidungsweise nachvollzogen werden können. Wenn auf der anderen Seite von einem Angewandten Geologen eine Sanierungsmaßnahme vorgeschlagen wird, die einer Kosten-Nutzenanalyse nicht standhält, zeigt dies fehlende Einblicke in betriebswirtschaftliche Grundkenntnisse. Diese Art von Ausbildung fehlt im Angebot an den Deutschen Universitäten. Eine echte Studienreform müßte als Wahl- oder Wahlpflichtfächer Jura, Betriebswirtschaft und Informatik für alle Angewandten Geowissenschaftler berücksichtigen. Konsequenterweise muß dann auf andere Studieninhalte verzichtet werden, und es ergeben sich daraus eine Reihe von unbequemen Fragen: Was soll als Grundausbildung jeder Geologe wissen, was jeder Hydrogeologe? Kann z. B. ein Hydrogeologe ohne Grundkenntnisse der Ingenieurgeologie und der Lagerstättenkunde leben? Ist es nötig, Sedimentologie, Bodenkunde, Geophysik oder Paläontologie belegt zu haben? Sind Spezialisten in

  12. Bunsen meeting 2000: 99. general meeting of Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft fuer Physikalische Chemie e.V. - chemical and electrochemical energy storage and energy conversion; Bunsentagung 2000. Chemische und Elektrochemische Energie-Speicherung und -Wandlung mit Industriesymposium Batterien und Brennstoffzellen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stimming, U; Wokaun, A; Sandstede, G; Mund, K [comps.


    This proceedings volume contains abstracts of research reports and posters in the field of accumulators and fuel cells. [German] Dieser Tagungsband enthaelt Kurzfassungen von Fortschrittsberichten und Kurzvortraegen auf dem Gebiet der Batterien und Brennstoffzellen.

  13. A quality profile and techniques for eCommerce application assessment: D 2 ProducEbility-U


    Punter, T.; Steffens, P.


    This document presents the deliverables of the Work packages WP2.1 and WP2.2 of the Fraunhofer IESE 2002 internal project ProducEbility-U. It provides the definition of a quality profile for eCommerce applications and an overview of assessment criteria. This chapter provides a characterisation of eCommerce applications, compare the assessment of eCommerce applications with other FhG/IESE-assessments, and motivates the development of quality profile for eCommerce assessment. An eCommerce appli...

  14. Conceptualizing the e-Learning Assessment Domain using an Ontology Network

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    Lucía Romero


    Full Text Available During the last year, approaches that use ontologies, the backbone of the Semantic Web technologies, for different purposes in the assessment domain of e-Learning have emerged. One of these purposes is the use of ontologies as a mean of providing a structure to guide the automated design of assessments. The most of the approaches that deal with this problem have proposed individual ontologies that model only a part of the assessment domain. The main contribution of this paper is an ontology network, called AONet, that conceptualizes the e-assessment domain with the aim of supporting the semi-automatic generation of it. The main advantage of this network is that it is enriched with rules for considering not only technical aspects of an assessment but also pedagogic

  15. The AREVA integrated and sustainable concept of fatigue design, monitoring and re-assessment; AREVA FATIGUE CONCEPT - ein geschlossenes Konzept zur Verfolgung und Optimierung der auf Ermuedung basierenden Schaedigungseffekte von thermisch und mechanisch beanspruchten Kraftwerksbauteilen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Begholz, Steffen; Rudolph, Juergen [AREVA NP GmbH, Erlangen (Germany)


    Prevention of fatigue damage of components is an important topic with respect to safety and availability of a nuclear power plant. The issue of fatigue monitoring should be of primary interest throughout service life. Based on the changing general framework, i.e. planning of new plants with a projected lifetime of 60 years and the lifetime extension of existing plants AREVA is focussing R and D activities on improved detection methods. Primary objective is the realistic determination of the actual usage level of reactor components. The fatigue monitoring is supposed to enhance cost optimization and minimize inspection frequency. Fatigue monitoring should be implemented at the beginning of start-up period since the high loads during this phase introduce a significant contribution to the usage level. AREVA recommends the use of the FAMOS (fatigue monitoring system) for the assessment of the realistic transient loads and the data processing with respect to fatigue evaluation. Every 10 years the actual usage levels should be evaluated in detail according to the standards, based on measured load data. The fatigue evaluation is usually performed using finite element analyses taking into account the transient temperature loads at the component, dependent on the component demands based on elastic or elasto-plastic material behaviour. Potential problematic areas can be identified reliably. Direct measurement of fatigue damage, refined analysis concepts (short crack fracture mechanics, and ratcheting simulation) are supposed to support the concept. [German] Die Vermeidung von Ermuedungsschaeden an Komponenten der nuklearen Kraftwerkstechnik ist ein wichtiges Thema in Hinblick auf die Aufrechterhaltung der Anlagensicherheit sowie auf die Erhoehung der Verfuegbarkeit. Das Thema Ermuedungsueberwachung sollte somit waehrend der gesamten Laufzeit eines Kraftwerkes mit hoher Aufmerksamkeit verfolgt werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund und den sich aendernden Rahmenbedingungen, wie z

  16. Solar energy and nuclear power. Energy sources, environmental pollution and CO{sub 2} - problem; Solarenergie und Atomstrom. Energiequellen, Umweltbelastung und das CO{sub 2}-Problem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Metzner, H.


    In this volume the energy sources used today and possible alternatives like solar-, wind-, and hydro power, geothermal energy and renewable fuels are presented. The environmental pollution due to fossil fuel application (e.g. sulfur- and nitrogen oxides) as the use of nuclear power are discussed in detail. An extra chapter covers the CO2 problem (greenhouse effect, ice cover on earth, sea level, influence on plant growth and agricultural crop) as climatic forecasting. [German] In diesem Band werden die heute nutzbaren Energiequellen und die dazu moeglichen Alternativen wie Solarenergie, Wind-, und Wasserkraft, Erdwaerme und nachwachsende Rohstoffe aufgezeigt. Die Umweltbelastungen aus der Nutzung fossiler Brennstoffe (z.B. Schwefel- und Stickoxide) sowie der Kernenergie sind ausfuehrlich besprochen. Dem CO2-Problem (Treibhauseffekt, Eisbedeckung der Erde, Hoehe des Meeresspiegels, Auswirkungen auf Pflanzenwuchs und Agrarertraege) sowie den Klimaprognosen ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet.

  17. Preliminary Assessment of Spatial Competition in the Market for E85

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bentley Clinton


    The Preliminary Assessment of Spatial Competition in the Market for E85 presentation and supplementary report from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory examine how the spacing of E85 fueling stations impacts E85 retail pricing. The analysis finds an inverse correlation between station density and E85 prices, with local competition putting downward pressure on E85 prices. A gas station with E85 whose nearest competitor is within a 0.5 mile radius is associated with a lower E85 price per gallon than an otherwise identical station with E85 whose nearest competitor is farther away. The analysis also finds a higher level of correlation between E85 and both E10 and wholesale gasoline prices than with ethanol costs. This indicates that E85 may, in fact, be priced with respect to its substitute fuel, and not based on the cost of its inputs. These findings help identify key trends and barriers in E85 markets and highlight data gaps that, if addressed, could help enable competitive E85 markets. The analysis was released in February 2017 and uses national and Minnesota-specific price data.

  18. Homero e a filologia clássica

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    Friedrich Nietzsche


    Full Text Available Tradução, apresentação e notas referentes ao Discurso inaugural proferido por Nietzsche em 28 de maio de 1869 na Aula da Universidade da Basiléia, por ocasião da sua posse da cátedra de Filologia Clássica. Extraído de “Homer und die klassische Philologie”, in: NT/GT, op. cit., p. 1-25. [Tradução de Juan A. Bonaccini, Professor adjunto do departamento de Filosofia da UFRN.

  19. Uro Island I – Game-based E-Learning in der Urologie

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    Dern, Peter


    Full Text Available Game-based Learning verspricht gegenüber traditionellen Lernformen eine höhere Motivation des Lernenden, indem Lerninhalte in einer hoch-interaktiven, Regel-kontrollierten und kompetitiven Form präsentiert werden, und fördert nicht nur die Anwendung kognitiver sondern auch affektiver und psycho-motorischer Fähigkeiten. Mit Uro Island I wird hier ein Spiel-basiertes E-Learning-Programm für die „Beurteilung pathologischer Urinbefunde“ präsentiert, das das Genre der Adventure-Games für die medizinische Lehre nutzbar macht. Dazu wurden didaktische Spiel-Elemente und Sequenzen für Adventure-Games entwickelt, die geeignet sind entsprechend der spezifischen Inhalte und ihrer Kontexte medizinisches Wissen zu vermitteln. In einer Nutzbarkeitsanalyse (n=14 konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Studierenden im Wesentlichen gut mit Uro Island I arbeiten konnten, wobei lediglich die zu umfangreiche Länge der Dialoge negativ bewertet wurde. Die Spiel-Elemente zur Wissensvermittlung wurden entsprechend der Komplexität der medizinischen Inhalte und der Erfahrung der Studierenden mit Computerspielen sehr unterschiedlich aber grundsätzlich positiv bewertet. Der Spielspaß ist trotz der medizinischen Inhalte des Spieles erhalten geblieben, so dass die meisten Studierenden auch weitere Module von Uro Island I spielen würden. Mit Uro Island I wurde ein Adventure-Game für die Urologische Lehre entwickelt, mit dem gezeigt werden kann, dass es möglich ist, den Lerninhalt einer kompletten urologischen Unterrichtseinheit in diesem Format effektiv abzubilden. Es ist gelungen in einzelnen Spiel-Elementen und Sequenzen komplexe medizinische Sachverhalte in diesem Genre abzubilden, wobei der Spielspaß erhalten geblieben ist.

  20. Opportunities and restrictions in the use of E-learning and CBT in further training; Chancen und Einschraenkungen bei der Nutzung von E-Learning und CBT in der beruflichen Weiterbildung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guse, Siegfried [E.ON Energy from Waste AG, Helmstedt (Germany); Bieniek, Christoph [Stadtwerke Muenchen (Germany); Gelbke, Silvana [Kraftwerksschule e.V., Essen (Germany)


    E-learning programmes of Kraftwerksschule e.V. are drafted like courses. Learning takes place in a sequential manner. The participants are guided through the course according to a pre-determined sequence and, at the end of the learning units, must complete tasks through which the learning success is reviewed. Throughout the course, participants are closely supported by tutors who answer questions during chatter dates or by e-mail. Technically, the courses are implemented on a learning platform that offers all the necessary e-learning functions. (orig.)

  1. Assessing the User Experience of E-Books in Academic Libraries (United States)

    Zhang, Tao; Niu, Xi; Promann, Marlen


    We report findings from an assessment of e-book user experience (search and information seeking) from usage data and user tests. The usage data showed that most reading sessions were brief and focused on certain pages, suggesting that users mainly use e-books to find specific information. The user tests found that participants tended to use…


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    Ileana Hamburg


    Full Text Available eLearning through its flexibility and facility of access is seen as a major enabler of lifelong learning (LLL, as a catalyst of change and a chance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs to improve their business and to integrate into European market. But so far the eLearning in the context of vocational educational training has been mainly adopted by large enterprises, while only little activity can be observed in SMEs. The question arises what the chances and challenges for SMEs are and what is the experience with its usage. In this paper after a presentation of key issues in eLearning chances and challenges of eLearning for SMEs are discussed and experiences are exemplified by three EU-funded eLearning projects. The focus lies on the ongoing project ARIEL - Analysing and Reporting the Implementation of Electronic Learning in Europe - coordinated by the Institut Arbeit und Technik (IAT.

  3. Recommended core items to assess e-cigarette use in population-based surveys


    Pearson, Jennifer L; Hitchman, Sara C; Brose, Leonie S; Bauld, Linda; Glasser, Allison M; Villanti, Andrea C; McNeill, Ann; Abrams, David B; Cohen, Joanna E


    Background: A consistent approach using standardized items to assess e-cigarette use in both youth and adult populations will aid cross-survey and cross-national comparisons of the effect of e-cigarette (and tobacco) policies and improve our understanding of the population health impact of e-cigarette use. Focusing on adult behavior, we propose a set of e-cigarette use items, discuss their utility and potential adaptation, and highlight e-cigarette constructs that researchers should avoid wit...

  4. Einleitung: Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 5. Evaluation und Analyse

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    Ben Bachmair


    Full Text Available Evaluationsmethoden für E-Learning, Forschungsmethoden zur Mediennutzung und zur Analyse von Medienkulturen sind Gegenstand dieses Jahrbuchs Medienpädagogik. Dabei reicht das Spektrum der Medien von Fernsehen über Video bis zum Internet. Die Auswahl dieses Themenschwerpunkts kommt dabei nicht von ungefähr. Zum einen hat wissenschaftliche Medienforschung bereits eine lange Tradition und ist in vielen Disziplinen etabliert. Forschungsmethoden lieferten der medienpädagogischen Praxis empirisch fundierte Ergebnisse und Instrumente. Forschungsdesigns und Methodologien wurden entwickelt, um Mediennutzungsverhalten und Medienwirkungen zu erklären, Evaluationsmethoden eingesetzt, um Lernprozesse zu beurteilen. Zum anderen gewinnen Qualitätssicherung und Leistungsmessungen im Bildungssystem generell immer mehr an Bedeutung. In den Ergebnissen aktueller Evaluationen zeigen sich Bestrebungen nach Qualität von Bildungs- und Lernprozessen. Empirische Forschung kommt die Aufgabe zu medienpädagogische Wirkungsgrade und Zielerreichung zu überprüfen und zu kontrollieren. Quantitative Forschungsmethoden ermöglichen es Mediennutzungsverhalten bestimmter Zielgruppen in Wechselwirkung mit Programmstrukturen und -inhalten zu ermitteln. Nutzungsmuster von Medienangeboten – vor allem bei Kindern und Jugendlichen – sind auch bei der Entwicklung medienpädagogischer Ansätze wichtig. Qualitative Medienforschung dient als Planungsinstrument für medienpädagogische Konzeptionen sowie für medienpädagogische Praxis und hilft bei der Entwicklung neuer, mehr als bisher an inhaltlichen Kriterien orientierter Angebote eingesetzt werden. Eine der zentralen Fragestellungen war und ist dabei, mit welchen kognitiven und ästhetischen Vermittlungsformen die Inhalte einer Sendung am besten kommuniziert werden können. Dies ist zugleich eine der Grundfragen im Hinblick auf den Medieneinsatz in pädagogisch orientierten Lernprozessen (vgl. Dichanz 1998.

  5. Celan and his 'escape' Celan e sua "fuga"

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    Leandro Konder


    Full Text Available Presentation of the poem "Todesfuge" by Celan, pseudonym of Paul Pessach Antschel, Romenian Jew, written in German and published in Mohn und Gedächtnis, 1952. Keywords: Fascism. Judaism. Literature. Apresentação do poema "Fuga da Morte" de Celan, pseudônimo de Paul Pessach Antschel, judeu romeno de língua alemã, publicado no livro de poesia Ópio e Memória, de 1952. Palavras-chave: Fascismo. Judaísmo. Literatura.

  6. Sogenannte projektive Techniken: Verfahren zwischen Psychometrie, Hermeneutik und qualitativer Heuristik


    Schaipp, Christian; Plaum, Ernst


    Bezüglich der diagnostischen Tauglichkeit projektiver Verfahren existiert auf internationaler Ebene ein seit langem anhaltender Grundsatzstreit. In diesem Kontext wird deutlich gemacht, dass eine zweckmäßige Einordnung und ein angemessenes Verständnis projektiver Techniken erheblich erleichtert wird, wenn man drei wissenschaftstheoretische und methodologische Strömungen (Psychometrie, Hermeneutik, qualitative Heuristik) unterscheidet. Es wird dafür plädiert, derartige Verfahren vor allem in e...

  7. Off-air treatment in waste treatment systems and landfills - consequences for practical operation. 62. information meeting of ANS e.V.; Abluftbehandlung bei MBA und Deponiebetrieb - Konsequenzen fuer die Praxis. 62. Informationsgespraech des ANS e.V.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fricke, K.; Burth, M.; Dichtl, N.; Wallmann, R. (eds.)


    The new German Landfill Ordinance of 1 March 2001 specifies the requirements on construction and operation of mechanical-biological waste treatment plants and landfills as well as the continued operation of existing landfills. The conference provided current information of R + D projects as well as practical experience in Austria and Germany, with particular regard to the issues of off-air emissions and landfilling. [German] Seit dem 1. Maerz 2001 ist die Artikelverordnung rechtswirksam. Sie enthaelt Anforderungen an den Bau und Betrieb von mechanisch-biologischen Restabfallbehandlungsanlagen und Deponien. Die Abfallablagerungsverordnung hat darueber hinaus weitreichende Konsequenzen fuer die Betriebsdauer bestehender Deponien. Ziel der Tagung ist es, aktuelle Informationen aus laufenden Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben sowie Erfahrungen bei der praktischen Umsetzung zu praesentieren, die insbesondere zu den Themenkomplexen Abluftemissionen und Deponierung zur Zeit in Oesterreich und Deutschland vorliegen. (orig.)

  8. DGMK spring meeting of the 'Exploration and Production' department. Authors' manuscripts; DGMK-Fruehjahrstagung des Fachbereichs 'Aufsuchung und Gewinnung'. Autorenmanuskripte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The spring meeting of the Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. focused on exploration and production. Papers were presented on exploration and production in general, geology, deposit development, extraction of petroleum/natural gas, drilling, underground storage, geophysics and geochemistry. [German] Die Fruehjahrstagung der Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft fuer Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. wurde vom Fachbereich ''Aufsuchung und Gewinnung'' bestimmt. Die Vortraege beschaeftigten sich mit den Gebieten Exploration and Production allgemein, Geologie, Lagerstaettentechnik, Foerdertechnik fuer Erdoel/Erdgas, Bohrtechnik, Untertagesspeichertechnik, Geophysik und Geochemie.

  9. Developing an Intelligent Diagnosis and Assessment E-Learning Tool for Introductory Programming (United States)

    Huang, Chenn-Jung; Chen, Chun-Hua; Luo, Yun-Cheng; Chen, Hong-Xin; Chuang, Yi-Ta


    Recently, a lot of open source e-learning platforms have been offered for free in the Internet. We thus incorporate the intelligent diagnosis and assessment tool into an open software e-learning platform developed for programming language courses, wherein the proposed learning diagnosis assessment tools based on text mining and machine learning…

  10. Preliminary Assessment of Spatial Competition in the Market for E85

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clinton, Bentley [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    Anecdotal evidence suggests retail E85 prices may track retail gasoline prices rather than wholesale costs. This indicates E85 prices may be higher than they would be if priced on a cost basis hence limiting adoption by some price-sensitive consumers. Using publicly available and proprietary E83 and regular gasoline price data, we examine pricing behavior in the market for E85. Specifically, we assess the extent to which local retail competition in E85 markets decreases E85 retail prices. Results of econometric analysis suggest that higher levels of retail competition (measured in terms of station density) are associated with lower E85 prices at the pump. While more precise causal estimates may be produced from more comprehensive data, this study is the first to our knowledge that estimates the spatial competition dimension of E85 pricing behavior by firms. This is an initial presentation; a related technical report is also available.

  11. Critical analysis of e-health readiness assessment frameworks: suitability for application in developing countries. (United States)

    Mauco, Kabelo Leonard; Scott, Richard E; Mars, Maurice


    Introduction e-Health is an innovative way to make health services more effective and efficient and application is increasing worldwide. e-Health represents a substantial ICT investment and its failure usually results in substantial losses in time, money (including opportunity costs) and effort. Therefore it is important to assess e-health readiness prior to implementation. Several frameworks have been published on e-health readiness assessment, under various circumstances and geographical regions of the world. However, their utility for the developing world is unknown. Methods A literature review and analysis of published e-health readiness assessment frameworks or models was performed to determine if any are appropriate for broad assessment of e-health readiness in the developing world. A total of 13 papers described e-health readiness in different settings. Results and Discussion Eight types of e-health readiness were identified and no paper directly addressed all of these. The frameworks were based upon varying assumptions and perspectives. There was no underlying unifying theory underpinning the frameworks. Few assessed government and societal readiness, and none cultural readiness; all are important in the developing world. While the shortcomings of existing frameworks have been highlighted, most contain aspects that are relevant and can be drawn on when developing a framework and assessment tools for the developing world. What emerged is the need to develop different assessment tools for the various stakeholder sectors. This is an area that needs further research before attempting to develop a more generic framework for the developing world.

  12. Signals for compositeness in e-e+→e-e+ and e-e+→μ-μ+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bars, I.; Gunion, J.F.; Kwan, M.


    Theories in which leptons are composite lead to additional contributions (beyond those from the standard model) to the amplitudes for e - e + →e - e + and e - e + →μ - μ + . Detailed models, constructed by analogy between QCD and compositeness/precolor interactions lead to specific forms for these extra terms. We demonstrate that compositeness scales M as high as 4--7 TeV may be probed using e - e + collision machines currently available and planned for the near future. Sensitivity to the type of composite model and its parity-violation structure is demonstrated. In particular we point out that there are no standard-model contributions to the scattering e - e + →μ - μ + when the incoming e - and e + both have the same helicity. Observation of a nonzero cross section in such a helicity scattering state is prima facie evidence of flavor-changing vector currents in the t channel or scalar currents connecting the e and μ lepton sectors in the s channel

  13. The Research in e-HRM: Relevance and Implications in the Knowledge Society

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    Sofia TOTOLICI


    Full Text Available This article aims to review current empirical research on electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM and discusses some implications for future research, which will be focused on comparative analysis of how social and cultural factors might influence the implementation and development of e-HRM systems in different E.U. countries. Based on a definition and an initial framework, we analyzed the surveys conducted in this field as well as the case studies focused on practical e-HRM applications, the examined topics and the relevant findings. Another goal of this study is to highlight the gaps between e-HRM and HRIS (Human resource information system, which refers to ICT systems used within HR departments We are also interested in assessing the opportunities provided by Web 2.0 technologies for e-recruitment, the first field of human resource management to make extensive use of web-based technology.

  14. Inclusive (e,e'N), (e,e'NN), (e,e'π),... reactions in nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gil, A.; Oset, E.


    We study the inclusive (e,e'N), (e,e'NN), (e,e'π), (e,e'πN) reactions in nuclei using a Monte Carlo simulation method to treat the multichannel problem of the final state. The input consists of reaction probabilities for the different steps evaluated using microscopical many body methods. We obtain a good agreement with experiment in some channels where there is data and make predictions for other channels which are presently under investigation in several electron laboratories. The comparison of the theoretical results with experiment for several kinematical conditions and diverse channels can serve to learn about different physical processes occurring in the reaction. The potential of this theoretical tool to make prospections for possible experiments, aiming at pinning down certain reaction probabilities, is also emphasized. (orig.)

  15. Background information and first results on eco-audits in the water management and disposal sector; Hintergruende und Erfahrungen zur Oekoauditierung im Wasser- und Entsorgungsbereich

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keune, H.


    In spite of the large number of publications on eco-auditing, there are still details that are not generally known and may come as a surprise. The author presents various aspects of auditing, e.g. the indirect effects of customers`s wishes and competitors on the incentives given by new legal regulations, on the obstacles to eco-auditing posed by European and German legislation, and the fears of auditing. (orig.) [Deutsch] Trotz einer kaum noch ueberschaubaren Zahl von Veroeffentlichungen zum Oeko-Audit gibt es immer noch Details, die nicht allgemein bekannt sind und die zuweilen sogar noch ueberraschen koennen. Der Autor geht auf verschiedene Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit der Auditierung ein: Auf den `indirekten Zwang`, der von Kunden und der Konkurrenz ausgeuebt wird, auf die Anreize durch neue gesetzliche Regelungen, auf die Huerden der Auditierung aufgrund der EU-Verordnung und des deutschen Umweltaudit-Gesetzes zusammen mit dem Verwaltungs- und Strafrecht, dem Umweltinformationsrecht und dem Recht ueber den unlauteren Wettbewerb sowie auf die Angst vor der Auditierung. (orig.)

  16. Semantic modeling of portfolio assessment in e-learning environment

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    Lucila Romero


    Full Text Available In learning environment, portfolio is used as a tool to keep track of learner’s progress. Particularly, when it comes to e-learning, continuous assessment allows greater customization and efficiency in learning process and prevents students lost interest in their study. Also, each student has his own characteristics and learning skills that must be taken into account in order to keep learner`s interest. So, personalized monitoring is the key to guarantee the success of technology-based education. In this context, portfolio assessment emerge as the solution because is an easy way to allow teacher organize and personalize assessment according to students characteristic and need. A portfolio assessment can contain various types of assessment like formative assessment, summative assessment, hetero or self-assessment and use different instruments like multiple choice questions, conceptual maps, and essay among others. So, a portfolio assessment represents a compilation of all assessments must be solved by a student in a course, it documents progress and set targets. In previous work, it has been proposed a conceptual framework that consist of an ontology network named AOnet which is a semantic tool conceptualizing different types of assessments. Continuing that work, this paper presents a proposal to implement portfolios assessment in e-learning environments. The proposal consists of a semantic model that describes key components and relations of this domain to set the bases to develop a tool to generate, manage and perform portfolios assessment.

  17. Patient-centered recruitment and retention for a randomized controlled study. (United States)

    Chhatre, Sumedha; Jefferson, Ashlie; Cook, Ratna; Meeker, Caitlin R; Kim, Ji Hyun; Hartz, Kayla Marie; Wong, Yu-Ning; Caruso, Adele; Newman, Diane K; Morales, Knashawn H; Jayadevappa, Ravishankar


    Recruitment and retention strategies for patient-centered outcomes research are evolving and research on the subject is limited. In this work, we present a conceptual model of patient-centered recruitment and retention, and describe the recruitment and retention activities and related challenges in a patient-centered comparative effectiveness trial. This is a multicenter, longitudinal randomized controlled trial in localized prostate cancer patients. We recruited 743 participants from three sites over 15 months period (January 2014 to March 2015), and followed them for 24 months. At site 1, of the 773 eligible participants, 551 (72%) were enrolled. At site 2, 34 participants were eligible and 23 (68%) enrolled. Of the 434 eligible participants at site 3, 169 (39%) enrolled. We observed that strategies related to the concepts of trust (e.g., physician involvement, ensuring protection of information), communication (e.g., brochures and pamphlets in physicians' offices, continued contact during regular clinic visits and calling/emailing assessment), attitude (e.g., emphasizing the altruistic value of research, positive attitude of providers and research staff), and expectations (e.g., full disclosure of study requirements and time commitment, update letters) facilitated successful patient recruitment and retention. A stakeholders' advisory board provided important input for the recruitment and retention activities. Active engagement, reminders at the offices, and personalized update letters helped retention during follow-up. Usefulness of telephone recruitment was site specific and, at one site, the time requirement for telephone recruitment was a challenge. We have presented multilevel strategies for successful recruitment and retention in a clinical trial using a patient-centered approach. Our strategies were flexible to accommodate site-level requirements. These strategies as well as the challenges can aid recruitment and retention efforts of future large

  18. [Leben im Eismeer - Tauchuntersuchungen zur Biologie arktischer Meerespflanzen und Meerestiere (United States)

    Lippert; Karsten; Wiencke


    Die Maske wird nochmals auf Dichtigkeit überprüft, der Knoten der Sicherungsleine mit zwei halben Schlägen fixiert, dann rutscht die Taucherin von der Eiskante in das kalte Wasser. Eine halbe Stunde vergeht, bevor ihr Kopf wieder aus dem Eisloch auftaucht und sie ein großes Sammelnetz nach oben reicht, gefüllt mit verschiedenen Arten von Makroalgen. Obwohl noch große Flächen des Kongsfjordes im arktischen Spitzbergen zugefroren sind und das Festland von einer dicken Schneedecke bedeckt ist, hat unter Wasser in den Algenwäldern bereits der Sommer und damit die Saison der Meeresbiologen begonnen.

  19. Design, Aufbau, Test und Integration der Empfänger-Optik des Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory


    Brasse, Michael


    Als Interstellares Medium (ISM) werden die Gas- und Staubwolken bezeichnet, die sich innerhalb einer Galaxie zwischen den Sternen befinden. Im ISM findet die Sternentstehung und -entwicklung in einer Galaxie statt. Es trägt damit zur Evolution einer Galaxie bei. Das “Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory“ (STO) ist ein ballongestütztes Observatorium gewesen, dessen Aufgabe in der großflächigen Kartierung von ionisiertem Kohlenstoff, C+, und ionisiertem Stickstoff, N+, im ISM der Milchstraße ...

  20. Towards a Standardized e-Assessment System: Motivations, Challenges and First Findings

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    Denis Helic


    Full Text Available “Global Learning” with shared learning contents, resources, activities and goals is one of the contributions of Globalization. With the capability to use new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT it is a bit easier to have a technology based learning systems that enable learners to share the learning resources and possibilities. As a result many Learning Management Systems (LMS were developed with divers of platforms and approaches. Consequently, sharing learning resources and components has become a major challenge. E-assessment as a primary activity of any LMS is facing the same challenges and problems. In order to stand on this challenge people in the field of technology enhanced learning have recommended that LMS should conform to specific standards. This paper discuses this challenge, the consequences and limitations of standards in the modern learning settings. Moreover, it shows a service oriented framework for assessment which aims to make the e-assessment systems flexible and also to initiate the term of “Global Learning Assessment” with the possibility of sharing the e-assessment system components.

  1. 57th report of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW). Annual report 2000; 57. Bericht der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW). Jahresbericht 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the 57th annual report of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW) on Rhine water quality from the view of drinking water supply. The positive trends continued in some fields, especially in the case of chloride concentrations and freights. On the other hand, there was a significant increase of some organic pollutants like DTPA, glyphosate and AMPA. The microbiological specifications of the new Drinking Water Ordinance and the concentrations of tensides and their metabolites are gone into. The ARW is worried about new or newly identified organic substances in Rhine water, especially as there is a lack of toxicological data on these substances and of data concerning their behaviour during freshwater preparation for drinking. [German] Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Wasserwerke e.V. (ARW) legt hiermit ihren nunmehr 57. Jahresbericht vor, in dem ueber ihre Aktivitaeten und wichtige Ergebnisse aus dem Untersuchungsprogramm der Rhein-Wasserwerke berichtet wird. Wie in den Vorjahren steht im Mittelpunkt der fachlichen Arbeiten der ARW die Bewertung der Rheinwasserbeschaffenheit aus Sicht der Trinkwasserversorgung. Im ersten Teil dieses Jahresberichtes sind die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zusammengefasst, die insgesamt erkennen lassen, dass sich die positiven Tendenzen bei vielen Wassergueteparametern auch im Berichtsjahr 2000 fortgesetzt haben. Dies gilt vor allem fuer die Chlorid-Konzentrationen und -Frachten im Rhein, die im Vergleich zum Vorjahr deutlich zurueckgegangen sind. Im Gegensatz dazu haben die Konzentrationen einiger organischer Einzelstoffe, wie z. B. DTPA sowie Glyphosat und AMPA, im Jahr 2000 z. T. deutlich zugenommen. Weiterhin sind in diesem Jahresbericht eine ausfuehrliche Zusammenstellung ueber die mikrobiologischen Anforderungen, die sich aus der neuen Trinkwasserverordnung ergeben sowie ein Bericht ueber das Vorkommen von Tensiden und deren Metaboliten in Oberflaechengewaessern, wie z. B. im Rhein, enthalten. Insbesondere das Auftreten

  2. Ecological and economic assessment and optimisation of measures for in-house recycling in hot galvanizing plants; Oekologische und oekonomische Beurteilung und Optimierung von Massnahmen zur innerbetrieblichen Stoffkreislaufschliessung beim Feuerverzinken von Stahl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ackermann, R.; Fleischer, G. [TU Berlin, Inst. fuer Technischen Umweltschutz, Lehrstuhl Abfallvermeidung und Sekundaerrohstoffwirtschaft, Berlin (Germany)


    Exemplary strategies for materials use and recycling in a plant for hot galvanizing of steel are reviewed from an ecological and economic viewpoint and optimized. The changes resulting from the optimization measures are assessed in terms of cost and potential ecological effects. The results of this assessment, which is based on the methodology published in DIN EN ISO 14040 ff, illustrate the potential contained in the recycling option. (orig.) [German] Fuer das Feuerverzinken von Stahlbauteilen werden beispielhaft Strategien zur innerbetrieblichen Stoffkreislaufschliessung oekologisch und oekonomisch beurteilt und optimiert. Die sich hinsichtlich der betrieblichen Stoff- und Energiefluesse durch Optimierungsmassnahmen ergebenden Veraenderungen werden in Bezug auf die Kostensituation des Unternehmens und die oekologischen potentiellen Auswirkungen beurteilt. Die Ergebnisse der Oekologischen Betriebsoptimierung, die unter Nutzung methodischer Elemente der Oekobilanzierung (DIN EN ISO 14040 ff) erzielt werden, verdeutlichen, welche Potentiale in einer weitgehenden Schliessung des Stoffkreislaufs liegen. (orig.)

  3. Probabilistic exposure assessment in environmental medicine and customer protection. Part 1. Probabilistic exposure assessment for assessing the health effects of environmental pollution; Probabilistische Expositionsabschaetzung in Umweltmedizin und Verbraucherschutz. T. 1. Probabilistische Expositionsabschaetzung zur Beurteilung der gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Umweltbelastungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wintermeyer, D. [Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene


    In the risk assessment of possible health effects caused by environmental pollutants, it is significant to accurately estimate the pollutant exposure of the affected population. In quantitative exposure assessments there are basically two different approaches: The traditional method of deterministic exposure assessment combines measured data of the different exposure factors (e.g. pollutant concentration in ambient air, in the soil, etc.) mathematically with individual parameters (such as pollutant uptake rate, body weight, etc.). In order to characterize pollutant exposure and the health risks to be derived the 95{sup th} percentiles of all exposure factors, if available, are usually used in the pollutant exposure calculation. This so-called single-point approach for a worst case estimate tends to overestimate the pollutant exposure and sometimes leads to unrealistically high health risk estimates. In contrast, the probabilistic approach uses statistical distributions of all exposure factors, if available, combining them mathematically. In a Monte Carlo simulation, random samples are repeatedly drawn from all distributions of the exposure factors and combined with each other in order to calculate exposure. By repeating this procedure frequently, the simulation results finally converge to the exposure distribution. Especially in the peripheral parts of these distributions, which are particularly relevant in exposure assessment, frequently only a small amount of measured data is available. This causes inaccuracies since the probabilistic approach in exposure assessment substantially depends on the quality, quantity, and representativeness of the underlying data on which the distributions of the exposure factors are based. However, in all cases with a sufficient database, the probabilistic approach is obviously superior to the single point approach and should therefore be applied more often in the environmental risk assessment for the future. (orig.) [German] Fuer

  4. Editorial: Partizipationschancen im Kulturraum Internet nutzen und gestalten: Das Beispiel Web 2.0

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    Kerstin Mayrberger


    Web 2.0» auf dem Kongress «Bildung in der Demokratie» der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE im März 2010 in Mainz gehalten wurden. Hans Geser diskutiert in seinem Beitrag «Kakophonie und Selbstorganisation in der digitialen Agora» kritisch die Ausweitung niederschwelliger, öffentlicher Partizipationschancen. Dabei unterstreicht er die Bedeutsamkeit informeller politischer Bildungsprozesse, die ein digitales, politisches Engagement mit sich bringt bzw. bringen kann und deren Potenzial als Übungsfeld. Er führt erste Rahmenbedingungen und Basismerkmale einer «neuen politischen Öffentlichkeit» aus und geht auf die Folgen der Loskoppelung politischer Kommunikation vom politischen Handeln ein. Heinz Moser befasst sich in seinem Beitrag «Das politische Internet – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen» mit der Frage, inwieweit sich die Qualität und Kultur der Bürgerpartizipation durch die junge Generation und ihre Mediennutzungsvorlieben verändert. Nach Ausführungen zu Formen von eGouvernment, eParticipation und eVoting mit Bezug zu bestehenden sozialwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen im Kontext von eDemokratie folgt die Zusammenfassung einer empirischen Untersuchung von politischer Partizipation am Beispiel von politischen Gruppen aus der Schweiz, die sich auf Facebook gebildet haben. Heike Schaumburg stellt in ihrem Beitrag «Politische Bildung und das Web 2.0» eine empirische Studie vor, die der Frage nachgeht, inwieweit das Web 2.0 in der Lage ist, die in die Social Software gesetzten Hoffnungen nach mehr Partizipation, Kommunikation und Vernetzung für die politische Bildung zu erfüllen. Der Beitrag erörtert, welche Potenziale das Web 2.0 für die Politische Bildung mit Blick auf ihre didaktische Gestaltung bietet, bevor er auf Basis einer Analyse bildungspolitischer Internet-Angebote Aussagen über die gegenwärtige Verbreitung von Web 2.0 Angeboten in der Politischen Bildung trifft. Schliesslich wird auf der Grundlage einer Nutzerbefragung

  5. Management assessment using draft ANSI/ASQC-E4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hampton, E. Jr.


    Presented herein is a description of the process, methods, and techniques employed to conduct a comprehensive environmental management assessment of environmental waste management activities conducted by the Waste Management Department of Reynolds Electrical ampersand Engineering Co., Inc. (REECo) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) using the draft ANSI/ASQC-E4 standard


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    Cheah Fee Lian


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to assess the e-community program launched by Penang Regional Development Authority (PERDA based on participants. 276 survey forms were distributed randomly throughout four zones Multimedia Training Centers in Penang. Generally, the respondents admitted that PERDA’s e-community program had positive elements towards them. It was found that interpersonal source such as peers, neighbours and family members were main sources to provided information regarding PERDA’s e-community program to the respondents. The results showed that most respondents had positive attitude towards competence, ability to try and complexity of computer and the Internet after going through the program. However, there were respondents which had negative attitudes towards their ability to try using the computer and Internet after involving in this program. The results also found that features in PERDA’s ecommunity program become the core into such involvement. Therefore, efforts are needed now and then in order to enhance the quality of this program thus encouraging more participation in the future.

  7. écrivain-e. Par-delà le genre – par-delà le corps ?

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    Cécile Chamayou-Kuhn


    Full Text Available Cet article propose d’étudier la relation qu’entretiennent, d’une part, le langage et le corps et, d’autre part, la parole et l’identité sexuelle dans Die Kränkung d’Evelyn Schlag et Der Tod und das Mädchen : III (Rosamunde ; V (Die Wand d’Elfriede Jelinek. Malgré les divergences de ton que présentent ces oeuvres, qui appartiennent à deux genres littéraires différents, il semble permis de centrer l’analyse sur une problématique commune : le personnage de « l’écrivain-e » parvient-il à saisir son propre corps ? Dans cette perspective, nous nous appuyons sur la critique formulée par Judith Butler à l’égard de la psychanalyse lacanienne, tout en considérant sa théorie sur la construction discursive du corps. Trois thématiques peuvent être développées : la dialectique de « l’in-visibilité » féminine, les processus de matérialisation du corps et la pratique subversive de la mascarade en tant qu’elle met en évidence certains mécanismes d’aliénation dans le cadre d’une genèse du corps et de l’écriture. Aussi peut-on affirmer que le drame du corps investi symboliquement sous-tend ces œuvres : l’écrivain-e tente de s’extraire de l’ordre symbolique et de saper les fondements des catégories constitutives de l’identité que sont le désir, le sexe biologique (sex et l’identité sexuelle (gender. Si les processus d’écriture laissent envisager un dépassement de l’offense narcissique et de la maladie dans Die Kränkung, un tel dénouement paraît exclu dans l’univers jelinekien : ses « héroïnes », qui évoluent comme autant de fantômes du signifiant, entament une éternelle danse de mort.Untersucht wird im folgenden Artikel – anhand der Texte Die Kränkung von Evelyn Schlag und Der Tod und das Mädchen III (Rosamunde und V (Die Wand von Elfriede Jelinek – das Verhältnis von Sprache zum Körper sowie die Beziehung zwischen Sprechen und

  8. Ausländische Direktinvestitionen und Technologietransfer im angolanischen Energiesektor

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    Full Text Available Dem Zusammenhang von ausländischen Direktinvestionen (Foreign Direct Investment, FDI und Technologietransfer wird sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der politischen Analyse große Bedeutung zugeschrieben. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen belegen, dass FDI den Transfer von und/oder den Zugang zu Technologien erleichtert. Allerdings gibt es zu wenige empirische Studien, die diesen Zusammenhang in Bezug auf die Wirtschaft afrikanischer Staaten untersuchen. Der Autor will diese Lücke zu einem kleinen Teil schließen, indem er die Bedeutung des Technologietransfers durch den Zufluss von FDI im Energiesektor Angolas ermittelt. Seine Analyse basiert auf qualitativer Forschung in Angola im Jahr 2014. Er zeigt auf, dass sich die Erzeugung von Energie(trägern und die Verteilungsinfrastruktur - maschinelle Ausrüstung und Qualifizierung - durch den Zufluss von FDI erheblich entwickeln konnte. Allerdings gebe es keinen Beleg dafür, dass dieser Zufluss die endogenen wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Forschungspotenziale im angolanischen Energiesektor gefördert hat. Der Autor empfiehlt politische Maßnahmen zur Förderung dieser Fähigkeiten, insbesondere im Bereich der Produktion.

  9. Einfluss des Internets auf das Informations-, Einkaufs- und Verkehrsverhalten (United States)

    Nerlich, Mark R.; Schiffner, Felix; Vogt, Walter

    Mit Daten aus eigenen Erhebungen können das einkaufsbezogene Informations- und Einkaufsverhalten im Zusammenhang mit den verkehrlichen Aspekten (Distanzen, Verkehrsmittel, Wegekopplungen) dargestellt werden. Die Differenzierung in die drei Produktkategorien des täglichen, mittelfristigen und des langfristigen Bedarfs berücksichtigt in erster Linie die Wertigkeit eines Gutes, die seine Erwerbshäufigkeit unmittelbar bestimmt. Der Einsatz moderner IKT wie das Internet eröffnet dem Endverbraucher neue Möglichkeiten bei Information und Einkauf. Die verkehrliche Relevanz von Online-Shopping wird deutlich, wenn man berücksichtigt, dass im Mittel rund 17% aller Online-Einkäufe, die die Probanden durchgeführt haben, Einkäufe in Ladengeschäften ersetzen. Dies gilt in verstärktem Maße für Online-Informationen: etwa die Hälfte hätte alternativ im stationären Einzelhandel stattgefunden. Da der Erwerb von Gütern des täglichen Bedarfs häufig nahräumlich und in relevantem Anteil nicht-motorisiert erfolgen kann, sind in diesem Segment - im Gegensatz zum mittel- und langfristigen Bedarf - nur geringe Substitutionseffekte zu beobachten.


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    Full Text Available This paper proposes a hazard-based environmental impact assessment approach (E-Impact, for evaluating the environmental impact during process design and retrofit stages. E-Impact replaces the normalisation step of the conventional impact assessment phase. This approach compares the impact scores for different options and assigns a relative score to each option. This eliminates the complexity of the normalisation step in the evaluation phase. The applicability of the E-Impact has been illustrated through a case study of solvent selection in an acrylic acid manufacturing plant. E-Impact is used in conjunction with Aspen-HYSYS process simulator to develop mass and heat balance data.

  11. Perus Bevölkerung: Das historische Gewordensein von Diskriminierungen und Privilegierungen

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    Martina Neuburger


    Full Text Available Die Bevölkerungs- und Sozialstruktur Perus zeigt eine große Vielfalt, die sich erst aus einer Darstellung des Gewordenseins gesellschaftlicher Strukturen und den Verwobenheiten von soziopolitischen Prozessen in unterschiedlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Dimensionen erschließt. Die bereits in der inkaischen Gesellschaft angelegten Hierarchien wurden in der Kolonialzeit nicht gebrochen, sondern von der spanischen Krone reproduziert und mit eigenen Machtstrukturen überlagert. Die Systeme der Feudalgesellschaft mit Leibeigenschaft und Sklaverei wirken bis heute nach. Die hierarchischen Beziehungen zwischen den unterschiedlichen ethno-sozialen Gruppen sind bis heute durch die verschiedensten Formen von Diskriminierung und Rassismen wirkmächtig, wenn es um den Zugang zu Land und Einkommen, Bildung und gesellschaftliche Anerkennung geht. Anhand zweier Fallstudien arbeitet der Beitrag gesellschaftliche Strukturierungsdynamiken als Ergebnis ungleicher Machtstrukturen und postkolonialer Verhältnisse exemplarisch heraus. Das erste Beispiel fokussiert auf den Callejón de Huaylas im Department Ancash und setzt sich mit denjenigen Diskriminierungsmechanismen auseinander, unter denen insbesondere die ländlich-andine Bevölkerung leidet. Das zweite Beispiel konzentriert sich auf die ehemalige deutsch-tirolische Siedlung Pozuzo im Department Pasco, in dem die europä-isch-stämmige Bevölkerung als privilegierte Bevölkerungsgruppe ihre migrantische Identität machtvoll rekonstruiert und damit andere Zuschreibungen oder Hybriditäten negiert. In beiden Fallstudien spielen ethnische Zuschreibungen als Differenzkategorie und Legitimierungsstrategie eine wichtige Rolle für die Herausbildung der aufgezeigten Ungleichheiten.

  12. The need for a coordinated development of electromobility and renewable energies; Die Notwendigkeit einer koordinierten Entwicklung der Elektromobilitaet und regenerativer Energien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herzog, Helmut [Humboldt Univ. Berlin (Germany). Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultaet; Herzog, Raimond [FH Kiel (Germany)


    It is a declared goal of the Federal Government and almost all German parties to implement e-mobility by 2050 and to achieve the decarbonisation of the energy industry by the end of the century. Starting from these two premises, the motor vehicle industry and the electricity market will develop very dynamically. However, they must be coordinated by legal frameworks and, as far as possible, driven by market incentives for producers and purchasers of motor vehicles, electricity producers and consumers as well as network and storage system operators. Various approaches can be developed for this. [German] Es ist erklaertes Ziel der Bundesregierung und nahezu aller deutschen Parteien, die E-Mobilitaet bis 2050 durchzusetzen und die Dekarbonisierung der Energiewirtschaft bis Ende des Jahrhunderts zu erreichen. Von diesen beiden Praemissen ausgehend, werden sich die Kraftfahrzeugbranche und der Strommarkt sehr dynamisch entwickeln. Sie muessen aber durch gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen koordiniert und moeglichst marktkonform durch Anreize fuer Produzenten und Kaeufer von Kraftfahrzeugen, Stromerzeuger und -verbraucher sowie Netz- und Speicherbetreiber gelenkt werden. Dafuer lassen sich verschiedenen Ansaetze entwickeln.

  13. Intranasal delivery of E-selectin reduces atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- mice.

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    Xinhui Li

    Full Text Available Mucosal tolerance to E-selectin prevents stroke and protects against ischemic brain damage in experimental models of stroke studying healthy animals or spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats. A reduction in inflammation and neural damage was associated with immunomodulatory or "tolerogenic" responses to E-selectin. The purpose of the current study on ApoE deficient mice is to assess the capacity of this stroke prevention innovation to influence atherosclerosis, a major underlying cause for ischemic strokes; human E-selectin is being translated as a potential clinical prevention strategy for secondary stroke. Female ApoE-/- mice received intranasal delivery of E-selectin prior to (pre-tolerization or simultaneously with initiation of a high-fat diet. After 7 weeks on the high-fat diet, lipid lesions in the aorta, serum triglycerides, and total cholesterol were assessed as markers of atherosclerosis development. We also assessed E-selectin-specific antibodies and cytokine responses, in addition to inflammatory responses that included macrophage infiltration of the aorta and altered gene expression profiles of aortic mRNA. Intranasal delivery of E-selectin prior to initiation of high-fat chow decreased atherosclerosis, serum total cholesterol, and expression of the leucocyte chemoattractant CCL21 that is typically upregulated in atherosclerotic lesions of ApoE-/- mice. This response was associated with the induction of E-selectin specific cells producing the immunomodulatory cytokine IL-10 and immunosuppressive antibody isotypes. Intranasal administration of E-selectin generates E-selectin specific immune responses that are immunosuppressive in nature and can ameliorate atherosclerosis, a major risk factor for ischemic stroke. These results provide additional preclinical support for the potential of induction of mucosal tolerance to E-selectin to prevent stroke.

  14. Studienbegleitender und studienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht international (2: Einführung

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    Sabine Ylönen


    Full Text Available Mit dieser zweiten Ausgabe der ZIF zum vorliegenden Themenschwerpunkt ist die Erhebung eines Überblicks über die weltweite Situation des studienvorbereitenden und studienbegleitenden Deutschunterrichts vorläufig abgeschlossen. Im Verlaufe dieses Projekts entstand auch eine dritte thematische Ausgabe in der GFL, in die Beiträge aufgenommen wurden, die sich auf den Deutschunterricht für die Zielgruppe nichtmuttersprachlicher Studierender von Deutsch im Haupt- oder Nebenfach konzentrierte. Da die Deutschkenntnisse von StudienanfängerInnen dieser Fächer häufig niedrig sind und der Deutschunterricht zu einem festen Bestandteil ihres Studiums geworden ist, wurde die Definition des studienvorbereitenden und studienbegleitenden Deutschunterrichts erweitert und auf diese Zielgruppe ausgedehnt.   In die vorliegende thematische Ausgabe wurden zehn Beiträge von AutorInnen aus Australien, Chile, Deutschland, Finnland, Italien, Kolumbien, Lettland, Österreich, Polen, Russland, Serbien und den USA aufgenommen, in denen verschiedene Konzepte und empirische Studien vorgestellt werden. Karmelka Barić & Silvia Serena erörtern ausgehend von dem großangelegten und vom Goethe-Institut unterstützten Projekt „Studienbegleitender Deutschunterricht (SDU“ die Frage: „Wozu und wie kooperative Arbeitsformen im studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht?“, und Ines Paland-Riedmüller, Eliana Fuenzalida Donoso & Christina Kober erläutern am Beispiel des „Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO“-Projekts „Sprachliches Handeln in Studium und Wissenschaft – Vermittlungskonzepte für Blended Learning“ und illustrieren diese Konzepte an zwei Beispielen des Deutschunterrichts in Chile. Sabine Ylönen stellt die „Vorbereitung von Austauschstudierenden auf ein Studium in einem deutschsprachigen Land“ mit Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung mündlicher Fertigkeiten am Beispiel eines textsortenorientierten Blended-Learning-Konzepts vor, in dessen e-Learning-Komponente das

  15. Privatrechtliche Regelsetzung, Governance und Verhaltensökonomik

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    Florian Möslein


    Full Text Available ENGLISH: Governance and behavioral economics can enrich private law theory especially insofar as they contribute to effective rulemaking, i.e. to the choice of targeted regulatory instruments and the design of meaningful regulatory strategies. Conversely, both instruments are methodologically much less suited to define themselves protection objectives or to determine the substance matter of regulation. This task should be left to another, upstream level. Legal policy and regulation are to be separated, at least analytically. It is therefore not desirable, but (unfortunately not excluded in legal reality, that governance and behavioral economics are exploited as instruments of a hidden agenda of legal policy, regardless of their methodological suitability. DEUTSCH: Governance und Verhaltensökonomik können die Privatrechtswissenschaft vor allem insofern bereichern, als sie zu effektiver Regelsetzung, also zur Auswahl zielführender Regelungsinstrumente und zur Entwicklung sinnvoller Regelungsstrategien beitragen. Umgekehrt sind beide Instrumente methodisch ungleich weniger geeignet, selbst Schutzziele zu definieren und dadurch materielle Regelungsinhalte zu determinieren. Diese Aufgabe sollte einer anderen, vorgelagerten Ebene vorbehalten bleiben; Rechtspolitik und Regelsetzung sind zumindest analytisch voneinander zu trennen. Dass Governance und Verhaltensökonomik ungeachtet ihrer methodischen Eignung in der Rechtswirklichkeit instrumentalisiert werden, um versteckte Rechtspolitik zu betreiben, ist mithin nicht wünschenswert – aber (leider auch nicht ausgeschlossen.

  16. Designing effective eLearning for healthcare professionals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delf, P.


    Overview: eLearning has been identified as a versatile, economic method of delivering education, adopted by many education providers. Yet, little research has been undertaken into its impact as a sole method of delivery and effectiveness for imparting new knowledge or skills. This may have particular implications for busy healthcare practitioners wishing to access an educational programme to maintain, or extend their knowledge base in response to service needs. Aims and methodology: Following an action research approach and using an instructional design methodology, a discrete eLearning resource was devised and constructed to prepare non-medical healthcare practitioners to report radionuclide bone scans. Volunteers were recruited from across the UK to assess and establish the feasibility and efficacy of the module. Results: In terms of versatility, access, design and content, the module achieved resonance, with knowledge gains and transferability demonstrated, particularly amongst less experienced volunteers, suggesting a positive influence of the eLearning approach. Conclusions: Owing to the small-scale nature of the study, the capability of eLearning, as a sole educational medium to establish emergent skills, can only be cautiously expressed. However, as a tool for blended learning, continuing professional development, or audit purposes, it demonstrated its potential, confirming the place for this type of resource within the professional learning arena

  17. Pedagogically-Driven Ontology Network for Conceptualizing the e-Learning Assessment Domain (United States)

    Romero, Lucila; North, Matthew; Gutiérrez, Milagros; Caliusco, Laura


    The use of ontologies as tools to guide the generation, organization and personalization of e-learning content, including e-assessment, has drawn attention of the researchers because ontologies can represent the knowledge of a given domain and researchers use the ontology to reason about it. Although the use of these semantic technologies tends to…

  18. Bulgarin ja muud vene teemad ajakirjas Inland / Bulgarin und andere Russische Themen in der Zeitschrift Das Inland

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    Malle Salupere


    Full Text Available Das Inland (1836–1863 war meist für auswärtige Autoren und Materialien geschlossen, die wenigen Aufsätze und Referate über russische Autoren und Journalistik drehen sich hauptsächlich um den berüchtigten russischen Schriftsteller und Journalisten polnischer Herkunft Faddei Bulgarin (1789–1859, Gründer und Herausgeber der Tageszeitung Сeвeрнaя пчeлa (Nordische Biene – NB, Autor von vielgelesenen Romanen und Erzählungen und unzähliger Feuilletons, seit 1828 Besitzer des Gutes Karlowa an der Stadtgrenze Tartu, wo er die Sommerferien, zuweilen ganze Jahre verbrachte und auch begraben ist. Er wusste sich überall mehr Feinde als Freunde zu verschaffen, aber nicht wegen seiner angeblichen Denunziationen – das blieb ihm fremd, – sondern weil seine Meinung über Autoren, Künstler usw. nicht immer schmeichelnd war. Das Publikum vertraute ihm, was sich im Absatz der gelobten oder getadelten Werke wiederspiegelte. Daran liegt auch der Grund seines Streits mit Puschkin 1830 (den er früher und später immer hochgepriesen hat, worauf Letzterer mit bekannten bissigen Pamphlets antwortete, die anderthalb Jahrhunderte lang als die vertrauenswürdigste Quelle für Bulgarins Tätigkeit galten. Seit 1844 werden im Inland Referate aus der NB, meist mit Bulgarins Nachrichten aus Livland in seinen Sommerbriefen mit allerlei Beobachtungen und Meinungen über örtliche Geschichte und Verhältnisse, gebracht. Es war bekannt, dass die „Biene“ im Winterpalast vom Kaiser gelesen wurde, deshalb waren alle Behörden daran interessiert, dass ja nichts Ungünstiges unter des Allerhöchsten Augen komme. Bulgarin aber benutzte die Sonderstellung der Ostseeprovinzen dazu, um in maßlosen Lobliedern der deutschen Bildung und hiesiger Universität oder der blühenden Gutswirtschaft nach Aufhebung der Leibeigenschaft seine Ansichten und Vorschläge zu verstecken, soweit das bei der scharfen Zensuraufsicht möglich war. Russische Schriftsteller kommen

  19. Low-e Storm Windows: Market Assessment and Pathways to Market Transformation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cort, Katherine A.


    Field studies sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) have shown that the use of low-e storm windows can lead to significant heating and cooling energy savings in residential homes. This study examines the market for low-e storm windows based on market data, case studies, and recent experience with weatherization deployment programs. It uses information from interviews conducted with DOE researchers and industry partners involved in case studies and early deployment efforts related to low-e storm windows. In addition, this study examines potential barriers to market acceptance, assesses the market and energy savings potential, and identifies opportunities to transform the market for low-e storm windows and overcome market adoption barriers.

  20. Effectiveness of e-learning in hospitals. (United States)

    Chuo, Yinghsiang; Liu, Chuangchun; Tsai, Chunghung


    Because medical personnel share different work shifts (i.e., three work shifts) and do not have a fixed work schedule, implementing timely, flexible, and quick e-learning methods for their continued education is imperative. Hospitals are currently focusing on developing e-learning. This study aims to explore the key factors that influence the effectiveness of e-learning in medical personnel. This study recruited medical personnel as the study participants and collected sample data by using the questionnaire survey method. This study is based on the information systems success model (IS success model), a significant model in MIS research. This study found that the factors (i.e., information quality, service quality, convenience, and learning climate) influence the e-learning satisfaction and in turn influence effectiveness in medical personnel. This study provided recommendations to medical institutions according to the derived findings, which can be used as a reference when establishing e-learning systems in the future.

  1. Standortdebatte: (Gender Mainstreaming und Herrschaftskritik A Debate of Placement: (Gender Mainstreaming and Criticism of Power

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    Eva Sänger


    Full Text Available Die Autorinnen des Bandes Feminismus, Gender, Geschlecht der schweizerischen Zeitschrift Widerspruch diskutieren die Chancen und Risiken von Gender-Mainstreaming-Strategien im Horizont des neoliberalen Gesellschaftsumbaus und fragen im Diskussionsteil nach den Erkenntnispotenzialen und herrschaftskritischen Perspektiven der feministischen Theorie bzw. poststrukturalistischer und konstruktivistischer Ansätze.The authors of the volume Feminismus, Gender, Geschlecht of the Swiss journal Widerspruch discuss the prospects and risks of gender-mainstreaming strategies in the context of neoliberal social restructuring. In the discussion section, they consider the potential and critical perspectives of feminist theory, i.e. poststructuralist and constructivist methods.

  2. Adolescents' understanding and use of nicotine in e-cigarettes. (United States)

    Pepper, Jessica K; Farrelly, Matthew C; Watson, Kimberly A


    Nicotine harms adolescent brain development and contributes to addiction. Some adolescents report using nicotine-free e-cigarettes, but the accuracy of their reporting is unclear. We explored adolescents' use of nicotine-free e-cigarettes and understanding of chemicals in e-cigarettes, including nicotine. Using social media, we recruited 1589 US adolescents (aged 15-17) who reported past 30-day use of e-cigarettes in 2016. We assessed perceptions of the nicotine source in e-liquid and whether e-cigarette aerosol is just "water vapor." We explored differences among adolescents who usually used e-cigarettes with nicotine (n = 473) and without nicotine (n = 452). We used weights to calibrate our sample to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Twenty-nine percent usually used e-cigarettes without nicotine, 28% with nicotine, 39% with "both," and 5% were "not sure." Few participants (17% of non-nicotine users vs. 34% of nicotine users, p e-cigarette aerosol was just water vapor were more likely to usually use without nicotine. Older adolescents and current tobacco users were less likely to usually use without nicotine. The adolescents who reported usually using e-cigarettes without nicotine had poorer knowledge of e-cigarettes. This lack of understanding could contribute to inaccurate reporting of nicotine use. Most youth thought the nicotine in e-cigarettes was artificial, potentially indicating a belief that this nicotine is "safer." The US Food & Drug Administration will require nicotine warnings on e-cigarettes in 2018; a complementary educational campaign could address youths' misperceptions about nicotine and other chemicals in e-cigarette aerosol. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. La autorregulación de los aprendizajes en la asignatura de Estudios Sociales: El caso del estudiantado de undécimo año del Colegio Bilingüe Santa Cecilia


    Álvarez Chaves, Alejandra


    El estudio “La Autorregulación de los Aprendizajes en la Asignatura de Estudios Sociales: El caso del Estudiantado de Undécimo Año del Colegio Bilingüe Santa Cecilia”, San José, Octubre de 2012, permitió determinar cómo enfrenta la autorregulación de los aprendizajes en la asignatura de Estudios Sociales, estudiantes y docente en el hecho educativo en la institución seleccionada. Para ello se determinaron las principales formas de autorregulación de los aprendizajes implementadas por el estud...

  4. Recruiting primary care practices for practice-based research: a case study of a group-randomized study (TRANSLATE CKD) recruitment process. (United States)

    Loskutova, Natalia Y; Smail, Craig; Ajayi, Kemi; Pace, Wilson D; Fox, Chester H


    We assessed the challenging process of recruiting primary care practices in a practice-based research study. In this descriptive case study of recruitment data collected for a large practice-based study (TRANSLATE CKD), 48 single or multiple-site health care organizations in the USA with a total of 114 practices were invited to participate. We collected quantitative and qualitative measures of recruitment process and outcomes for the first 25 practices recruited. Information about 13 additional practices is not provided due to staff transitions and limited data collection resources. Initial outreach was made to 114 practices (from 48 organizations, 41% small); 52 (45%) practices responded with interest. Practices enrolled in the study (n = 25) represented 22% of the total outreach number, or 48% of those initially interested. Average time to enroll was 71 calendar days (range 11-107). There was no difference in the number of days practices remained under recruitment, based on enrolled versus not enrolled (44.8 ± 30.4 versus 46.8 ± 25.4 days, P = 0.86) or by the organization size, i.e. large versus small (defined by having ≤4 distinct practices; 52 ± 23.6 versus 43.6 ± 27.8 days; P = 0.46). The most common recruitment barriers were administrative, e.g. lack of perceived direct organizational benefit, and were more prominent among large organizations. Despite the general belief that the research topic, invitation method, and interest in research may facilitate practice recruitment, our results suggest that most of the recruitment challenges represent managerial challenges. Future research projects may need to consider relevant methodologies from businesses administration and marketing fields. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  5. Entwicklung einer schnell schaltenden Bremse und Kupplung für Linearbewegungen zum Überlastschutz in Werkzeugmaschinen


    Dennig, Hans-Jörg


    Große Kollisionskräfte aufgrund eines Bedien- oder Programmierfehlers sind ein zentrales Problem bei der modernen Produktion mit hocheffizienten Werkzeugmaschinen. Dadurch entstehen teure Reparaturen vor allem an der Hauptspindel und den Spindelmutter-Antrieben, was zu langen Ausfallzeiten an der betroffenen Maschine führt. Eine Umfrage bei insgesamt 23 Anwendern und Herstellern von Werkzeugmaschinen ergab, dass die Service- und Ersatzteilkosten durch eine heftige Kollision bis zu 23.000 € be...

  6. An intelligent service-based layered architecture for e learning and assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Javaid, Q.; Arif, F.


    The rapid advancement in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is causing a paradigm shift in eLearning domain. Traditional eLearning systems suffer from certain shortcomings like tight coupling of system components, lack of personalization, flexibility, and scalability and performance issues. This study aims at addressing these challenges through an MAS (Multi Agent System) based multi-layer architecture supported by web services. The foremost objective of this study is to enhance learning process efficiency by provision of flexibility features for learning and assessment processes. Proposed architecture consists of two sub-system namely eLearning and eAssesssment. This architecture comprises of five distinct layers for each sub-system, with active agents responsible for miscellaneous tasks including content handling, updating, resource optimization, load handling and provision of customized environments for learners and instructors. Our proposed architecture aims at establishment of a facilitation level to learners as well as instructors for convenient acquisition and dissemination of knowledge. Personalization features like customized environments, personalized content retrieval and recommendations, adaptive assessment and reduced response time, are believed to significantly enhance learning and tutoring experience. In essence characteristics like intelligence, personalization, interactivity, usability, laidback accessibility and security, signify aptness of proposed architecture for improving conventional learning and assessment processes. Finally we have evaluated our proposed architecture by means of analytical comparison and survey considering certain quality attributes. (author)

  7. Rezension von: Nancy E. Riley: Gender, Work, and Family in a Chinese Economic Zone. Laboring in Paradise. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2013.

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    Yvonne Berger


    Full Text Available Das Buch eignet sich vor allem für Wissenschaftler/-innen, die sich mit den Lebenswirklichkeiten von Arbeitsmigrantinnen in China aus geschlechtertheoretischer Sicht beschäftigen. Nancy E. Riley interessiert sich ethnographisch für den Zusammenhang von Geschlecht, Arbeit und Familie. Konkret geht die Autorin dabei der Frage nach, inwiefern die in der Dalian Economic Zone (DEZ arbeitenden Frauen Erwerbsarbeit als eine Ressource der sozialen Mobilität und der Verhandlung innerfamilialer Machtpositionen nutzbar machen können. Mit Fokus auf dieser (Sonder-Wirtschaftszone und den familialen Lebenswirklichkeiten der Frauen erschließen sich spannende Einsichten in das wirtschaftlich aufstrebende China und den damit einhergehenden sozialen Wandel von Geschlechterverhältnissen.

  8. Max Weber, la borsa e la ‘crisi del credito’ del 2008

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    Carlo Rossetti


    Full Text Available A partire da una rilettura di opere, come Die Protestantische Ethik und der Geist der Kapitalismus e Die Boersenequete, l'articolo mostra che – in linea con quanto Max Weber aveva descritto – l'assenza di regole generali condivise e di controlli pubblici mette in crisi le fondamenta del sistema finanziario. La privatizzazione neoliberista degli organi di controllo della finanza e la creazione di oscuri strumenti finanziari hanno contribuito alla regressione dell'organizzazione giuridica dello Stato, mettendo a serio rischio il principio di calcolabilità razionale che per secoli ha costituito il fondamento della teoria economica. In conclusione, Weber contribuisce a cogliere uno dei nodi fondamentali della crisi americana contemporanea: l'erosione dell’autorità indipendente posta a tutela dell’integrità del sistema.

  9. The Communication, Awareness, Relationships and Empowerment (C.A.R.E. Model: An Effective Tool for Engaging Urban Communities in Community-Based Participatory Research

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    Joniqua Ceasar


    Full Text Available Little is known about recruitment methods for racial/ethnic minority populations from resource-limited areas for community-based health and needs assessments, particularly assessments that incorporate mobile health (mHealth technology for characterizing physical activity and dietary intake. We examined whether the Communication, Awareness, Relationships and Empowerment (C.A.R.E. model could reduce challenges recruiting and retaining participants from faith-based organizations in predominantly African American Washington, D.C. communities for a community-based assessment. Employing C.A.R.E. model elements, our diverse research team developed partnerships with churches, health organizations, academic institutions and governmental agencies. Through these partnerships, we cultivated a visible presence at community events, provided cardiovascular health education and remained accessible throughout the research process. Additionally, these relationships led to the creation of a community advisory board (CAB, which influenced the study’s design, implementation, and dissemination. Over thirteen months, 159 individuals were recruited for the study, 99 completed the initial assessment, and 81 used mHealth technology to self-monitor physical activity over 30 days. The culturally and historically sensitive C.A.R.E. model strategically engaged CAB members and study participants. It was essential for success in recruitment and retention of an at-risk, African American population and may be an effective model for researchers hoping to engage racial/ethnic minority populations living in urban communities.

  10. The Communication, Awareness, Relationships and Empowerment (C.A.R.E.) Model: An Effective Tool for Engaging Urban Communities in Community-Based Participatory Research. (United States)

    Ceasar, Joniqua; Peters-Lawrence, Marlene H; Mitchell, Valerie; Powell-Wiley, Tiffany M


    Little is known about recruitment methods for racial/ethnic minority populations from resource-limited areas for community-based health and needs assessments, particularly assessments that incorporate mobile health (mHealth) technology for characterizing physical activity and dietary intake. We examined whether the Communication, Awareness, Relationships and Empowerment (C.A.R.E.) model could reduce challenges recruiting and retaining participants from faith-based organizations in predominantly African American Washington, D.C. communities for a community-based assessment. Employing C.A.R.E. model elements, our diverse research team developed partnerships with churches, health organizations, academic institutions and governmental agencies. Through these partnerships, we cultivated a visible presence at community events, provided cardiovascular health education and remained accessible throughout the research process. Additionally, these relationships led to the creation of a community advisory board (CAB), which influenced the study's design, implementation, and dissemination. Over thirteen months, 159 individuals were recruited for the study, 99 completed the initial assessment, and 81 used mHealth technology to self-monitor physical activity over 30 days. The culturally and historically sensitive C.A.R.E. model strategically engaged CAB members and study participants. It was essential for success in recruitment and retention of an at-risk, African American population and may be an effective model for researchers hoping to engage racial/ethnic minority populations living in urban communities.

  11. Sample-Größe und Sättigung in PhD-Studien, in denen qualitative Interviews zum Einsatz kommen


    Mason, Mark


    Sample-Größen sind in qualitativen Forschungsarbeiten von verschiedenen Einflüssen abhängig. Das Leitprinzip sollte jedoch immer die Sättigung, bezogen auf das jeweilige Forschungsthema sein. Diese Frage, mit der sich viele Autor/innen beschäftigt haben, wird weiter heiß diskutiert und – so einige – kaum hinreichend verstanden. Für eine eigene Untersuchung habe ich ein Sample von PhD-Studien, in denen qualitative Interviews als Erhebungsmethode genutzt wurde, aus gezogen und ...

  12. E-learning teaches attendings "how to" objectively assess pediatric urology trainees' surgery skills for orchiopexy. (United States)

    Fernandez, Nicolas; Maizels, Max; Farhat, Walid; Smith, Edwin; Liu, Dennis; Chua, Michael; Bhanji, Yasin


    Established methods to train pediatric urology surgery by residency training programs require updating in response to administrative changes such as new, reduced trainee duty hours. Therefore, new objective methods must be developed to teach trainees. We approached this need by creating e-learning to teach attendings objective assessment of trainee skills using the Zwisch scale, an established assessment tool. The aim of this study was to identify whether or not e-learning is an appropriate platform for effective teaching of this assessment tool, by assessing inter-rater correlation of assessments made by the attendings after participation in the e-learning. Pediatric orchiopexy was used as the index case. An e-learning tool was created to teach attending surgeons objective assessment of trainees' surgical skills. First, e-learning content was created which showed the assessment method videotape of resident surgery done in the operating room. Next, attendings were enrolled to e-learn this method. Finally, the ability of enrollees to assess resident surgery skill performance was tested. Namely, test video was made showing a trainee performing inguinal orchiopexy. All enrollees viewed the same online videos. Assessments of surgical skills (Zwisch scale) were entered into an online survey. Data were analyzed by intercorrelation coefficient kappa analysis (strong correlation was ICC ≥ 0.7). A total of 11 attendings were enrolled. All accessed the online learning and then made assessments of surgical skills trainees showed on videotapes. The e-learning comprised three modules: 1. "Core concepts," in which users learned the assessment tool methods; 2. "Learn to assess," in which users learned how to assess by watching video clips, explaining the assessment method; and 3. "Test," in which users tested their skill at making assessments by watching video clips and then actively inputting their ratings of surgical and global skills as viewed in the video clips (Figure

  13. e-Learning research: emerging issues?

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    Helen Beetham


    Full Text Available e-Learning research is an expanding and diversifying field of study. Specialist research units and departments proliferate. Postgraduate courses recruit well in the UK and overseas, with an increasing focus on critical and research-based aspects of the field, as well as the more obvious professional development requirements. Following this year's launch of a National e-Learning Research Centre, it is timely to debate what the field of study should be prioritising for the future. This discussion piece suggests that the focus should fall on questions that are both clear and tractable for researchers, and likely to have a real impact on learners and practitioners. Suggested questions are based on early findings from a series of JISC-funded projects on e-learning and pedagogy.

  14. Reliable implementation of intelligent load control and decentralized power generation in the E-Energy project E-DeMa; Zuverlaessige Integration intelligenter Laststeuerung und dezentraler Energieerzeugung im E-Energy Projekt E-DeMa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Langhammer, N.; Kays, R. [Technische Univ. Dortmund (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Kommunikationstechnik; Mueller, C.; Wietfeld, C. [Technische Univ. Dortmund (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Kommunikationsnetze; Kreutz, S.; Belitz, H.J.; Koenig, D.; Rehtanz, C. [Technische Univ. Dortmund (Germany). Inst. fuer Energiesysteme, Energieeffizienz und Energiewirtschaft


    The authors of the contribution under consideration report on the integration of intelligent load control and distributed power producers into future smart grid energy systems. The authors present the approaches and innovations that have been developed in the framework of the E-Energy project E-DeMa. The focus of this paper is on the implementation of a communication infrastructure that has been built up in E-DeMa in a large-scale field test in two pilot regions and is currently being tested. Furthermore, the economic potential of the so-called aggregator is presented that summarizes a variety of loads in the retail sector in and intelligently controls remotely.

  15. Multiparametric and molecular imaging of breast tumors with MRI and PET/MRI; Multiparametrische und molekulare Bildgebung von Brusttumoren mit MRT und PET-MRT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinker, K. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Division fuer Molekulare und Gender Bildgebung, Wien (Austria); Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Radiology, Molecular Imaging and Therapy Service, New York (United States); State University of Florida, Department of Scientific Computing in Medicine, Florida (United States); Marino, M.A. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Division fuer Molekulare und Gender Bildgebung, Wien (Austria); Policlinico Universitario G. Martino, University of Messina, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphologic and Functional Imaging, Messina (Italy); Meyer-Baese, A. [State University of Florida, Department of Scientific Computing in Medicine, Florida (United States); Helbich, T.H. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Division fuer Molekulare und Gender Bildgebung, Wien (Austria)


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast is an indispensable tool in breast imaging for many indications. Several functional parameters with MRI and positron emission tomography (PET) have been assessed for imaging of breast tumors and their combined application is defined as multiparametric imaging. Available data suggest that multiparametric imaging using different functional MRI and PET parameters can provide detailed information about the hallmarks of cancer and may provide additional specificity. Multiparametric and molecular imaging of the breast comprises established MRI parameters, such as dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), MR proton spectroscopy ({sup 1}H-MRSI) as well as combinations of radiological and MRI techniques (e.g. PET/CT and PET/MRI) using radiotracers, such as fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). Multiparametric and molecular imaging of the breast can be performed at different field-strengths (range 1.5-7 T). Emerging parameters comprise novel promising techniques, such as sodium imaging ({sup 23}Na MRI), phosphorus spectroscopy ({sup 31}P-MRSI), chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging, blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) and hyperpolarized MRI as well as various specific radiotracers. Multiparametric and molecular imaging has multiple applications in breast imaging. Multiparametric and molecular imaging of the breast is an evolving field that will enable improved detection, characterization, staging and monitoring for personalized medicine in breast cancer. (orig.) [German] Die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) der Brust ist ein etabliertes nichtinvasives bildgebendes Verfahren mit vielfaeltigen Indikationen. In den letzten Jahren wurden zahlreiche funktionelle MRT- und Positronenemissionstomographie(PET)-Parameter in der Brustbildgebung evaluiert, und ihre kombinierte Anwendung ist als multiparametrische Bildgebung definiert. Bisherige Daten legen nahe, dass die multiparametrische Bildgebung mit MRT und PET

  16. GnRH-Analoga und Add-back-Verfahren

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    Kleinstein J


    Full Text Available GnRH-Analoga haben eine große Bedeutung in der medikamentösen Therapie der Endometriose erlangt. Sie sind in der Lage, Endometrioseassoziierte Schmerzen zu beseitigen und sind Bestandteil der Therapie der endometriosebedingten Infertilität. Aufgrund der Chronizität der Endometriose bedarf es in vielen Fällen der Prolongation der GnRH-A-Therapie über den Zeitraum von 6 Monaten hinaus. Für diese Fälle eignet sich eine Add-back- Therapie nach dem Format von Hormonersatztherapien, um vasomotorischen Nebeneffekten und dem Knochensubstanzverlust entgegenwirken zu können. Dabei wird der Estrogenanteil niedrig dosiert eingesetzt, um innerhalb eines "therapeutischen Fensters" den Hypoestrogenismus auszugleichen, ohne das Endometriosewachstum zu fördern. Prinzipiell kann dazu das Estrogen oral, aber auch transdermal appliziert werden. Die Effektivität der Kombination aus GnRH-A plus Add-back bezüglich der Knochenprotektion konnte bereits für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 10 Jahren bestätigt werden, sodass damit eine Langzeitkonzeption für Frauen mit rezidivierender Endometriose und wiederholten operativen Eingriffen existiert. Alternativen zur klassischen Add-back mit Sexualsteroiden existieren vielfältig, aber ihr Einsatz ist durch Partialwirkungen und eigene Nebenwirkungen limitiert.

  17. eLearning in der Volksschule – ein Mehrwert? - Aspekte zu einem zukunftsorientierten Unterricht mit IKT

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    Ursula Dopplinger


    Full Text Available In einer Panelstudie wurde die Verbesserung der Schlüsselkompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern durch eLearning in vier Volksschulen untersucht. Mit der verwendeten Webquest-Methode wurden bei drei von vier Untersuchten im Bereich der Schlüsselkompetenzen Erfolge erzielt.

  18. Energiewende 4.0 - Chancen, Erfolgsfaktoren, Herausforderungen, Barrieren für Stadtwerke und Verteilnetzbetreiber (United States)

    Rieger, Volker; Weber, Sven

    Energiewende und Digitalisierung transformieren die Energiewirtschaft in noch nicht da gewesenem Maße. Durch den Wandel des linearen, vertikalen Geschäftsmodells in ein horizontales und vernetztes entstehen neue Geschäftsmodelle, in die vermehrt neue Anbieter aus anderen Branchen und Start-ups eintreten. Auf Basis langjähriger Beratungserfahrung erläutern die Autoren die zukünftige Geschäftslogik der Energiewelt 4.0. Anhand von Beispielen aus anderen Branchen zeigen sie dabei wesentliche Handlungsfelder speziell für regionale Energieunternehmen auf. Um in der neuen Energiewelt relevant zu bleiben, müssen Energieversorger ihre Kunden in den Fokus rücken, sich für Partnerschaften öffnen, in die Leistungsfähigkeit ihrer Infrastruktur investieren und v. a. einen Kulturwandel hin zu mehr Agilität und Offenheit vollführen.

  19. Knochen, Herz und Gefäße – „Bone-Vascular Axis“: Eine systematische Übersicht prospektiver Beobachtungsstudien // The Bone-Cardiovascular Axis: A Systematic Review of Prospective Studies

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    Tomaschitz A


    bone diseases the current evidence however indicates a potential benefit in screening for cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis in respective risk groups. p bKurzfassung/b: Osteoporose und atherosklerotische Erkrankungen sind mit massiv erhöhter Morbidität, Mortalität und Gesundheitskosten verbunden. Mit der „bone-vascular axis“ entstand in den letzten Jahren ein intensiv beforschtes, klinisch hoch relevantes Gebiet. Mechanistische Studien identifizierten komplexe wechselseitige Beziehungen zwischen der vaskulären Physiologie, der Knochenneubildung und der Knochenmineralisation. Herz und Gefäße spielen eine relevante Rolle für die muskuloskelettale Funktion und umgekehrt beeinflusst das Knochengewebe u. a. über endo- und parakrine Signalwege das Herz-Kreislaufsystem. Epidemiologische Studien wiesen auch nach Berücksichtigung gemeinsamer Risikofaktoren auf unabhängige, wechselseitige Interaktionen zwischen Herz, Gefäßen und Knochengewebe hin.brIm Rahmen einer systematischen Literaturrecherche (Medline, Pubmed wurden insgesamt 49 prospektive Studien, die den Zusammenhang zwischen Osteoporose, Knochenmineraldichte und Auftreten von Frakturen mit atherosklerotischen Erkrankungen beschreiben, selektiert. Dabei konnten diese Untersuchungen mehrheitlich eine erhöhte kardiovaskuläre Morbidität und Mortalität bei Frauen und Männern mit verminderter Knochenmineraldichte an verschiedenen Lokalisationen sowie nach osteoporotischen Frakturen nachweisen. Umgekehrt konnten zahlreiche Studien ein erhöhtes Risiko für die Entstehung einer Osteoporose sowie von osteoporotischen Frakturen bei Patienten mit atherosklerotischen Erkrankungen nachweisen. Schließlich konnten konsistente Assoziationen zwischen Herzinsuffizienz (7 Studien, Schlaganfall (16 Studien, peripherer arterieller Verschlusskrankheit (3 Studien und Knochenmineraldichte sowie Frakturrisiko detektiert werden.brGrundsätzlich lassen Beobachtungsstudien keine Rückschlüsse auf die Kausalität der

  20. Development of a process with reduced energy consumption and environmental pollution in the production of solid, thermostable iron ore agglomerates. Final report; Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Senkung des Energiebedarfs und der Umweltbelastung bei der Herstellung von festen und thermostabilen Eisenerzagglomeraten. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naundorf, W.; Trommer, D. [TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany); Guenter, H. [Koeppern Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH und Co. KG, Markkleeburg (Germany)


    In iron ore reduction with carbon, as a rule the ores are processed into stable and thermally stable agglomerates via emission-intensive processes, e.g. pelleting and combustion. This project aimed at the development of a process that avoids these problems, e.g. by agglomerating fine ores with binders and without emissions. [German] Bei der Reduktion von Eisenerz mit Kohlenstoff werden die Erze in der Regel vor dem Einsatz in den Reduktionsofen mit hohem Aufwand an Technik und Energie durch emissionsintensive Prozesse in transport- und thermofeste Agglomerate ueberfuehrt (Pelletier- und Brennprozess). Es ist das Ziel des Projektes, eine Verfahrensloesung ohne diese Nachteile zu entwickeln. Erfolgversprechend wird eine Verfahrenstechnik angesehen, bei der die Feinerze unter Zusatz von Bindestoffen ohne Emissionen agglomeriert werden. (orig.)

  1. RPA-Mediated Recruitment of the E3 Ligase RFWD3 Is Vital for Interstrand Crosslink Repair and Human Health. (United States)

    Feeney, Laura; Muñoz, Ivan M; Lachaud, Christophe; Toth, Rachel; Appleton, Paul L; Schindler, Detlev; Rouse, John


    Defects in the repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) are associated with the genome instability syndrome Fanconi anemia (FA). Here we report that cells with mutations in RFWD3, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that interacts with and ubiquitylates replication protein A (RPA), show profound defects in ICL repair. An amino acid substitution in the WD40 repeats of RFWD3 (I639K) found in a new FA subtype abolishes interaction of RFWD3 with RPA, thereby preventing RFWD3 recruitment to sites of ICL-induced replication fork stalling. Moreover, single point mutations in the RPA32 subunit of RPA that abolish interaction with RFWD3 also inhibit ICL repair, demonstrating that RPA-mediated RFWD3 recruitment to stalled replication forks is important for ICL repair. We also report that unloading of RPA from sites of ICL induction is perturbed in RFWD3-deficient cells. These data reveal important roles for RFWD3 localization in protecting genome stability and preserving human health. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Editorial: Computerspiele und Videogames in formellen und informellen Bildungskontexten

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    Johannes Fromme


    zu erproben, wie Computerspiele in den Bereich der aktiven, projektorientierten Medienarbeit eingebunden werden können, die sich dieser neuen Medien – im Unterschied zu Radio, Presse oder Film – bisher kaum angenommen hat. Das Konzept des Video Game Essays knüpft an der Film- und Videoarbeit an, erweitert es aber um einige neue Elemente, die mit den technischen Besonderheiten der Spiele zu tun haben. Der Ansatz kann als innovative Form der Medienanalyse angesehen werden, bleibt aber bei der Analyse nicht stehen, sondern eröffnet auch weitergehende Handlungs- und Lernpotenziale. Als Einsatzgebiete des Video Game Essays werden die ausserschulische Medienarbeit, die Schul- und die Hochschulausbildung genauer betrachtet. Claudia Lampert, Christiane Schwinge und Daniel Tolks zeichnen in ihrem Beitrag die bisherigen Entwicklungen im Bereich der Serious Games nach, die von anderen Ansätzen des mediengestützten Lernens wie E-Learning, Edutainment und Game-Based Learning abgegrenzt werden, und arbeiten den aktuellen Diskussions- und Forschungsstand auf. Die Potenziale und Grenzen werden am Beispiel zweier Spiele aus dem Gesundheitsbereich (Games for Health detaillierter diskutiert, für die auch erste empirische Befunde vorliegen. Serious Games gewinnen zwar – nach Ansicht der Autoren/innen vor allem aus Marketinggründen – zunehmend an Bedeutung, allerdings bestehe noch ein erheblicher Forschungs- und Evaluationsbedarf. Sabrina Schrammel und Konstantin Mitgutsch kritisieren, dass im medienpädagogischen Diskurs über Computerspiele der Umstand vernachlässigt werde, dass Spielen eine kulturell geprägte, aktive Auseinandersetzung mit einem Spielgegenstand sei. Ihnen geht es im vorliegenden Beitrag daher darum, die spezifische medial- kulturelle Praktik des Computerspielens zu erfassen bzw. dafür einen geeigneten methodischen und theoretischen Zugang zu entwickeln und vorzustellen. Das Spielen von Computerspielen wird in Anlehnung an den internationalen Diskurs

  3. Test Bed for Safety Assessment of New e-Navigation Systems

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    Axel Hahn


    Full Text Available New e-navigation strains require new technologies, new infrastructures and new organizational structures on bridge, on shore as well as in the cloud. Suitable engineering and safety/risk assessment methods facilitate these efforts. Understanding maritime transportation as a sociotechnical system allows the application of system-engineering methods. Formal, simulation based and in situ verification and validation of e-navigation technologies are important methods to obtain system safety and reliability. The modelling and simulation toolset HAGGIS provides methods for system specification and formal risk analysis. It provides a modelling framework for processes, fault trees and generic hazard specification and a physical world and maritime traffic simulation system. HAGGIS is accompanied by the physical test bed LABSKAUS which implements a physical test bed. The test bed provides reference ports and waterways in combination with an experimental Vessel Traffic Services (VTS system and a mobile integrated bridge: This enables in situ experiments for technological evaluation, testing, ground research and demonstration. This paper describes an integrated seamless approach for developing new e-navigation technologies starting with simulation based assessment and ending in physical real world demonstrations

  4. The Perception of Students on E-Assessment in Distance Education

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    Emine CABI


    Full Text Available This study was carried out to obtain the views of master's degree students studying via distance education about tools and methods of measurement and e-assessment. Exhibiting advantages and disadvantages of the use of different measurement tools and methods and assessment processes are considered to contribute to elimination of significant deficiencies in terms of both distance education institutions and teaching staff. Phenomenology, one of qualitative research designs, was used for data collection. Criterion sampling method, one of the purposive sampling methods, was taken into consideration. Being taken a course via distance education, and having the experience of measurement and evaluation by students was used as the sampling criteria. In this context, the study was conducted with a total of 10 students; four of which in the second semester and six of which in the third semester have taken course via distance education. In data collection, semi-structured interview form was used. There were five open-ended questions in the interview form. Descriptive analysis was used for the analysis of the obtained data. While assignments-projects and weekly online exams as the most preferred measurement tools by the students, navigation in the digital environment, reports and peer-evaluation were the least preferred ones. All of the students prefer e-assessment instead of the traditional evaluation for it is independent from space, providing equality of opportunity, more comprehensive. In e-assessment, it is stated that students who are responsible, highly motivated, contributor, inquisitive, skillful at using high-technology, are more successful.

  5. Using DEWIS and R for Multi-Staged Statistics e-Assessments (United States)

    Gwynllyw, D. Rhys; Weir, Iain S.; Henderson, Karen L.


    We demonstrate how the DEWIS e-Assessment system may use embedded R code to facilitate the assessment of students' ability to perform involved statistical analyses. The R code has been written to emulate SPSS output and thus the statistical results for each bespoke data set can be generated efficiently and accurately using standard R routines.…

  6. O diálogo da tradição e da renovação sobre a montagem de Tristão e Isolda de Richard Wagner por Peter Konwitschny

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    Alexandre Sobreira Martins


    Full Text Available A presente comunicação busca fazer uma leitura da montagem de Peter Konwitschny do drama musical Tristan und Isolde, do compositor alemão Richard Wagner encenada no Teatro Nacional de Munique durante o Festival de Ópera de Munique de 1998, considerando-o como uma revisão pós-moderna que busca romper com a tradição de encenações wagnerianas, trazendo o conteúdo do drama de Wagner para nosso contexto atual; essa leitura será feita à luz das propostas de Christopher Innes e Artaud sobre a representação teatral e as leituras de Homi Bhabha e Michel Foucault sobre a pós-modernidade.

  7. HABERMAS LEITOR DE ROUSSEAU: sobre o nexo interno entre Soberania Popular e Direitos Humanos

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    Wescley Fernandes Araújo Freire


    Full Text Available O artigo discute a correção e o alcance da estratégia reconstrutiva desenvolvida por Habermas, em Faktizität und Geltung. Beiträge zur Diskurstheorie des Rechts und demokratische Rechtstaats (1992, quanto ao problema do nexo interno entre Soberania Popular (Volkssouveränität e Direitos Humanos (Menschenrechte. Procurando equacionar a concorrência entre os princípios da Autonomia Privada e Soberania Popular, tal como figuram na filosofia política e jurídica de Rousseau e Kant, Habermas propõe a reconstrução do problema a partir do agir comunicativo (kommunikativen Handelns e do modelo de democracia deliberativa (deliberativen Demokratie. Argumento em favor da tese de que o republicanismo rousseauniano é marcado por um déficit deliberativo que assume forma no vazio de discursividade da vontade geral, cuja consequência seria uma forte pressão sobre os interesses individuais ou mesmo sua supressão no plano político. A formação discursiva da opinião pública e da vontade – por cidadãos livres, iguais e incluídos no processo de deliberação pública – constitui o núcleo do processo democrático (Kern des demokratischen Prozesses e a chave explicativa do nexo interno entre Soberania Popular e Direitos Humanos, através da transformação do Princípio do Discurso (D em Princípio da Democracia (De. Palavras-chave: Rousseau; Habermas; Soberania Popular; Direitos Humanos. HABERMAS READER ROUSSEAU: on the internal relation between Popular Sovereignty and Human Rights ABSTRACT This article discusses the correction and the scope of reconstructive strategy developed by Habermas in Faktizität und Geltung. Beiträge zur Diskurstheorie des Rechts und demokratische Rechtstaats (1992, on the issue of the internal connection between Popular Sovereignty (Volkssouveränität and Human Rights (Menschenrechte. Looking equate competition between the Principles of Private Autonomy and Popular Sovereignty as set out in the political and

  8. Fitting the e+e- → e+e- lineshape

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez, M.; Miquel, R.


    The implications of different treatments of the e + e - →e + e - cross sections in the context of Z parameter fitting are discussed. We show that fitting with a complete description of the process might become important for an accurate determination of the Z parameters. A fitting formula describing the integrated cross section in terms of the Z parameters is presented. This formula agrees with the most accurate calculations in the Standard Model to within 1 per mil. (orig.)

  9. Preliminary Assessment of Spatial Competition in the Market for E85: Presentation Supplement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clinton, Bentley [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Johnson, Caley [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Moriarty, Kristi [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Newes, Emily [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Vimmerstedt, Laura [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    The Preliminary Assessment of Spatial Competition in the Market for E85 presentation and supplementary report from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory examine how the spacing of E85 fueling stations impacts E85 retail pricing. The analysis finds an inverse correlation between station density and E85 prices, with local competition putting downward pressure on E85 prices. A gas station with E85 whose nearest competitor is within a 0.5 mile radius is associated with a lower E85 price per gallon than an otherwise identical station with E85 whose nearest competitor is farther away. The analysis also finds a higher level of correlation between E85 and both E10 and wholesale gasoline prices than with ethanol costs. This indicates that E85 may, in fact, be priced with respect to its substitute fuel, and not based on the cost of its inputs. These findings help identify key trends and barriers in E85 markets and highlight data gaps that, if addressed, could help enable competitive E85 markets. The analysis was released in February 2017 and uses national and Minnesota-specific price data.

  10. Teodicea e Trinità in Bonaventura
    Unde ergo habet zizania?


    Marco Rossini


    Teodicea e relazione. La teologia come garanzia di giustizia nella dialettica tra ordine e libero arbitrio. Teodicy and relationship. The theology as guarantee of justice in the dialectics between order and free will.

  11. E-learning quality assurance: aspects and criteria of e-learning evaluation


    Al-barakat, Ayman


    The field of e-learning quality is a major concern. E-learning quality evaluation not easy mission in e-Learning development, assessment of the product is the final step of the process, and the one that is usually ignored. As e-learning has been developed during the recent years, it became more and more apparent that quality would be one of the most crucial factors for its future. Many studies have been conducted on this issue trying to identify quality for e-learning.

  12. Ammonium recruitment and ammonia transport by E. coli ammonia channel AmtB

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nygaard, Thomas Pedersen; Rovira, C.; Peters, Günther H.j.


    To investigate substrate recruitment and transport across the Escherichia coli Ammonia transporter B (AmtB) protein, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of the AmtB trimer. We have identified residues important in recruitment of ammonium and intraluminal binding sites selective of ammonium......, which provide a means of cation selectivity. Our results indicate that A162 guides translocation of an extraluminal ammonium into the pore lumen. We propose a mechanism for transporting the intraluminally recruited proton back to periplasm. Our mechanism conforms to net transport of ammonia and can...

  13. Habermas e Heidegger: uma discórdia filosófica

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    Full Text Available resumo Benedito Nunes enquanto crítico literário baseou parte de suas interpretação dos textos de Clarice Lispector, Guimarães Rosa, Drummond e outros na obra Ser e tempo, de Martin Heidegger. Tomamos tal fato como ponto de partida para situar o pensamento de Heidegger no contexto da Segunda Guerra Mundial e seu envolvimento com o nacional-socialismo. O seu texto remete a um dos maiores críticos de Heidegger, o filósofo e sociólogo Jürgen Habermas, o primeiro a criticar, seguido de Marcuse, Adorno, Hugo Ott, Victor Farias e mais recentemente Emmanuel Faye, a atuação do autor de Sein und Zeit, enquanto professor e reitor da Universidade de Freiburg entre 1931-1945. Se Habermas, em sua crítica de 1953, ainda separara a filosofia de Heidegger do homem e cidadão, a partir de 1992 acaba convencido de que o antissemitismo e a adesão aberta de Heidegger ao partido nazista já permeavam, desde o início, sua obra filosófica. A recente (2013-2015 publicação dos chamados "Cadernos Negros" de Heidegger nos volumes 94, 95, 96, 97 e 98 nas Obras completas hoje, não deixam dúvida de que essa interpretação é correta, algo que Benedito Nunes, que faleceu em 2011, não podia saber.

  14. Hints on cost- and energy saving during lime-sand brick production; Hinweise zur Kosten- und Energieeinsparung bei der Kalksandstein-Produktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eden, W.


    The publication contains hints for reduction of energy consumption and cost in lime-sand brick production. The information was compiled by Bundesverband Kalksandsteinindustrie e.V. and was derived from technical discussions of the master seminars on production technology of the years 1995 - 2000, consultations form member organizations, or from other sources. [German] Diese Arbeit ist eine Zusammenstellung von Hinweisen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Kostensenkung bei der KS-Produktion und soll eine Hilfestellung bei entsprechenden Rationalisierungsmassnahmen in den Mitgliedsunternehmen sein. Die hier aufgefuehrten Hinweise und Anregungen entstammen den Fachdiskussionen der Meisterseminare zur Produktionstechnik aus den Jahren 1995 bis 2000, Beratungsgespraechen fuer Mitgliedsunternehmen oder wurden dem Bundesverband Kalksandsteinindustrie eV freundlicherweise fuer die Gemeinschaftsarbeit zur Verfuegung gestellt. (orig.)

  15. Measurement of the e+e- annihilation into the 4-leptonic final states e+e-e+e-, e+e-μ+μ-, and μ+μ-μ+μ- on the Z0 resonance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lehner, D.


    In this thesis results are presented, which are based on data, which were taken up with the detector of the ALEPH collaboration at the e + e - storage ring LEP in Geneva in the years 1990 and 1991. At c.m. energies between 88.25 GeV and 94.25 GeV the three reactions e + e - →μ + μ - μ + μ - , e + e - → e + e - μ + μ - and e + e - → e + e - e + e - were studied. After subtraction of the background from the ALEPH date the following N exp / μ +μ - μ + μ - = 4.88 ± (2.24) stat N exp / e + e - μ + μ - 24.1 (5.1) stat ± (0.16) sys and N exp / e + e - e + e - = 10.4 ± (4.1 stat) ± (0.44) sys results, while the event numbers expected according to the standard model are given by N theo / μ + μ - μ + μ - = 3.46 (0.04) stat ± (0.42) sys N theo / e + e - μ + μ - = 14.48 ± (0.19) stat ± (1.97) sys and N theo / e + e - e + e - = 12.24 ± (0.21) stat ± (1.46) sys. An X 2 test shows a confidence level of 30% for the hypothesis of the description of the data by the standard model of the electroweak interactions. Furthermore the invariant masses of the lepton pairs of the three final states studied were analyzed and a test of the universality of the photoproduction of electron and muon pairs was performed. The each measured data are in accordance with the predictions of the standard model. (orig./HSI) [de

  16. Managing recruitment and selection in the digital age: e-HRM and resumes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Furtmueller-Ettinger, Elfriede; Wilderom, Celeste P.M.; Tate, Mary


    Recruiters, in the business of screening job applicants, are increasingly dependent on information systems especially digital resume databases. However, the current literature does not provide a consensus on the requirements for resume content for digital recruiting. This research contributes to the

  17. E-learning project assessment: A new approach through the analysis of learners’ posts on social media

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    A. Caione


    Full Text Available E-learning assessment is a key aspect in the overall e-learning process. There are several parameters to consider during the assessment. In recent years, several sets of factors, called Critical Success Factors, have been defined to provide a structural approach to assessment. They focus on many aspects but, in our view, they do not properly consider student satisfaction with courses. In e-learning applications, student opinion must be examined where it is expressed: on e-learning course social pages and/or social pages outside the platform but specific to the e-learning course. The problem is that these resources are unstructured and thus it is important to structure these resources before using them for assessment. In this paper, we discuss a proposal that can capture student opinion from social pages, combining several techniques, such as Natural Language Processing, Information Extraction; ontologies that help us to understand what and how students discuss about e-learning courses.

  18. Risiko Video- und Computerspiele? Eine Studie über Video- und Computerspielnutzung und Aggression bei 12- und 16- jährigen Jugendlichen


    Schiller, Eva-Maria; Strohmeier, Dagmar; Spiel, Christiane


    Video -und Computerspielen ist heutzutage eine beliebte Freizeitaktivität von Kindern und Jugendlichen, besonders von Jungen. Trotz der großen Vielfalt der angebotenen Video- und Computerspiele für Kinder und Jugendliche, konzentriert sich die Forschung vorwiegend auf negative Einflüsse von gewalthaltigen Video- und Computerspielen. Da nicht alle Kinder und Jugendliche ausschließlich gewalthaltige Video- und Computerspiele spielen, betrachten wir diesen Fokus in der Wissenschaft als zu eng ge...

  19. High-momentum components in 3He(e,e') and (e,e'p)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sick, I.


    In this talk, the author discusses the properties of the 3 He spectral function S(K,E) at large momentum K and large separation energy E. He deals in particular with the question how to measure S, and how to understand the physics connected to it. As experimental input he uses (e,e') data. He starts by discussing how to understand (e,e') in terms of properties of S(K,E). For this purpose, an extensive discussion of the scaling function F(y) is needed. When once it is found out how to exploit inclusive scattering, he comes back to exclusive reactions and discusses the relative merits of (e,e'p) and (e,e') in order to investigate how these tools can best complement each other. Some conclusions on the properties of S(K,E) at large K and E, together with some suggestions for future activities follows. (Auth.)

  20. Preliminary Assessment of Spatial Competition in the Market for E85: Presentation Supplement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clinton, Bentley [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Johnson, Caley [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Moriarty, Kristi [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Newes, Emily [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Vimmerstedt, Laura [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    Anecdotal evidence suggests retail E85 prices may track retail gasoline prices rather than wholesale costs. This indicates E85 prices may be higher than they would be if priced on a cost basis hence limiting adoption by some price-sensitive consumers. Using publicly available and proprietary E85 and regular gasoline price data, we examine pricing behavior in the market for E85. Specifically, we assess the extent to which local retail competition in E85 markets decreases E85 retail prices. Results of econometric analysis suggest that higher levels of retail competition (measured in terms of station density) are associated with lower E85 prices at the pump. While more precise causal estimates may be produced from more comprehensive data, this study is the first to our knowledge that estimates the spatial competition dimension of E85 pricing behavior by firms. This technical report elaborates on a related presentation.

  1. Gesundheits- und Konzentrationsfähigkeitsuntersuchungen bei Büroangestellten im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie zu Exposition gegenüber tonerbasierten Bürogeräten


    Schumann, Henrik


    Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es zu untersuchen, ob und gegebenenfalls in welchem Maße der Betrieb von Laserdruckern und Fotokopiergeräten in Büro-räumen Einfluss auf die von Büroangestellten geäußerten Konzentrations- und Gesundheitsbeschwerden hat. Die Studie wurde dabei als eine Pilotstudie an-gelegt, die primär zur Aufgabe hatte, Erhebungsinstrumente auszuwählen, wei-terzuempfehlen und auf ihre Einsetzbarkeit zu überprüfen. Zu diesem Zwecke wurden zwischen Januar und Oktober 2006 in Ko...

  2. Control of eIF4E cellular localization by eIF4E-binding proteins, 4E-BPs. (United States)

    Rong, Liwei; Livingstone, Mark; Sukarieh, Rami; Petroulakis, Emmanuel; Gingras, Anne-Claude; Crosby, Katherine; Smith, Bradley; Polakiewicz, Roberto D; Pelletier, Jerry; Ferraiuolo, Maria A; Sonenberg, Nahum


    Eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4E, the mRNA 5'-cap-binding protein, mediates the association of eIF4F with the mRNA 5'-cap structure to stimulate cap-dependent translation initiation in the cytoplasm. The assembly of eIF4E into the eIF4F complex is negatively regulated through a family of repressor proteins, called the eIF4E-binding proteins (4E-BPs). eIF4E is also present in the nucleus, where it is thought to stimulate nuclear-cytoplasmic transport of certain mRNAs. eIF4E is transported to the nucleus via its interaction with 4E-T (4E-transporter), but it is unclear how it is retained in the nucleus. Here we show that a sizable fraction (approximately 30%) of 4E-BP1 is localized to the nucleus, where it binds eIF4E. In mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) subjected to serum starvation and/or rapamycin treatment, nuclear 4E-BPs sequester eIF4E in the nucleus. A dramatic loss of nuclear 4E-BP1 occurs in c-Ha-Ras-expressing MEFs, which fail to show starvation-induced nuclear accumulation of eIF4E. Therefore, 4E-BP1 is a regulator of eIF4E cellular localization.

  3. Strategic Biodiversity Risk Assessment (SBRA) of the offshore oil and gas exploration and production (E and P) plans and programs in Brazil; Avaliacao estrategica do risco a biodiversidade (AERB) nos planos e programas de E e P offshore de petroleo e gas natural no Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia, Katia Cristina


    This thesis proposes a methodological framework, called Strategic Biodiversity Risk Assessment (SBRA), within Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), as a way to efficiently incorporate the risks to biodiversity caused by accidental spills into the strategic levels of offshore oil and gas E and P decision-making process. Moreover, this approach can also indicate the exclusion (or postponement) of bidding areas with extreme environmental sensitivity, as well as the choices for environmental-friendly E and P technologies. In order to exemplify this methodological framework application, two case studies are presented, one of the offshore O and G development program in southern Bahia state, Northeast of Brazil, and other of the offshore development plan in Abrolhos region, Brazil. (author)

  4. Diagnostic systems for motor vehicles. From diagnosis and moni; Diagnosesysteme fuer Kraftfahrzeuge. Von der Diagnose und Ueberwachung bis zum E-Commerce

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baeker, B.; Forchert, T. [DB DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart (Germany). Abt. FT2/ED


    Starting from the technical necessity of having monitoring and diagnostic systems in all compartments of modern passenger cars, the contribution discusses how new service concepts can be integrated as well. New diagnostic approaches are outlined which, in addition to failure detection, also enable optimization of the development process chain. At the same time, the depth of diagnosis is improved in order to obtain a multitude of new meta information while driving, which will serve as a basis for installing new services in the vehicle. [German] Gestiegend Komfortanforderungen und die gewachsene Komplexitaet in heutigen und zukuenftigen Elektrik/Elektronik-Systemen fuer Kraftfahrzeuge erfordern leistungsfaehige Diagnosesysteme. Um gleichzeitig im Rahmen der Globalisierung die Wertschoepfungskette weiter zu staerken, muessen als logische Konsequenz des Marktes Ansaetze fuer neuartige Dienstleistungskonzepte erdacht und integriert werden. Dieser Aufsatz diskutiert ausgehend von der technischen Notwendigkeit zukuenftiger Ueberwachungs- und Diagnosesysteme in allen Bereichen moderner Kraftfahrzeuge moegliche Wege zu derartigen Ansaetzen denkbarer systemuebergreifender Dienstleistungsschritte am Fahrzeug. Dabei werden technologisch neuartige Diagnoseansaetze skizziert, die neben einer Fehlererkennung auch die Optimierung der Entwicklungsprozesskette zulassen. Eine gleichzeitige Erhoehung der Diagnosetiefe schafft die Grundlage, eine Vielzahl neuer Meta-Informationen waehrend der Fahrt zu generieren. Diese bilden die Basis fuer neue Dienste am Fahrzeug. (orig.)

  5. O fenômeno recrutamento e seleção de enfermeiros em hospitais: um enfoque fenomenológico The phenomenon of recruitment and selecting nurses in the hospital: a phenomenon approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo, desvelar o processo de recrutamento e seleção de enfermeiros a partir da experiência dos sujeitos que vi venciam essa prática. Para tanto buscou-se como trajetória metodológica a fenomenologia, na modal idade do fenômeno situado no referencial de Joel . Martins. Assim, o estudo foi realizado a partir do discurso de oito enfermeiros que experienciam o fenômeno. A análise dos depoimentos contemplou os momentos de descrição, redução e compreensão fenomenológicas, até o desvelamento da essencialidade do fenômeno investigado. Da análise fenomenológica dos discursos foi possível resgatar aspectos que representam a compreensão geral do processo de recrutamento e seleção de enfermeiros. Dessa forma, a essencialidade do fenômeno desvelado caracterizou-se pelas relações Homem, Organizações e Sociedade, relações essas de interdependência permeadas por múltiplos determinantes transituacionais. Nessa perspectiva, novos horizontes abriram-se no que tange o pensar recrutamento e seleção em enfermagem.This study had the purpose of showing the recruitment and selective process of nurses from their own experiences going through this process. The phenomenology was used as the methodological course, the phenomenon was based on the references by Joel Martins. The study was done from the speeches of eight nurses who went through the recruitment and selective process. The analysis of the speeches followed the moments of the phenomenological description, reduction and understanding until revealing the essence of the recruitment and selective process of nurses. From the phenomenological analysis of the speeches it was possible to get the aspects that represent the general understanding of the recruitment and selective process of nurses. In this way, the essence of the phenomenon was characterized by the relation among the man, the Company and the society, these relations were influenced by several

  6. Measurement of the $K_{L} \\to e^{+}e^{-}e^{+} e^{-}$ Decay Rate

    CERN Document Server

    Lai, A; Marras, D; Batley, J Richard; Dosanjh, R S; Gershon, T J; Kalmus, George Ernest; Lazzeroni, C; Munday, D J; Olaiya, E; Parker, M A; White, T O; Wotton, S A; Arcidiacono, R; Barr, G; Bocquet, G; Ceccucci, Augusto; Çuhadar-Dönszelmann, T; Cundy, Donald C; Doble, Niels T; Falaleev, V P; Gatignon, L; Gonidec, A; Gorini, B; Grafström, P; Kubischta, Werner; Lacourt, A; Norton, A; Panzer-Steindel, B; Tatishvili, G T; Wahl, H; Cheshkov, C; Khristov, P Z; Kekelidze, V D; Madigozhin, D T; Molokanova, N A; Potrebenikov, Yu K; Zinchenko, A I; Martin, V; Rubin, P; Sacco, R; Walker, A; Contalbrigo, M; Dalpiaz, Pietro; Duclos, J; Frabetti, P L; Gianoli, A; Martini, M; Petrucci, F; Savrié, M; Bizzeti, A; Calvetti, M; Collazuol, G; Graziani, G; Iacopini, E; Lenti, M; Martelli, F; Veltri, M; Eppard, M; Hirstius, A; Holtz, K; Kleinknecht, K; Koch, U; Köpke, L; Lopes da Silva, P; Marouelli, P; Mestvirishvili, I; Pellmann, I A; Peters, A; Schmidt, S A; Schönharting, V; Schué, Yu; Wanke, R; Winhart, A; Wittgen, M; Chollet, J C; Fayard, Louis; Iconomidou-Fayard, L; Unal, G; Wingerter-Seez, I; Anzivino, Giuseppina; Cenci, P; Imbergamo, E; Lubrano, P; Mestvirishvili, A; Nappi, A; Pepé, M; Piccini, M; Casali, R; Cerri, C; Cirilli, M; Costantini, F; Fantechi, R; Fiorini, Luca; Giudici, Sergio; Mannelli, I; Pierazzini, G M; Sozzi, M; Chèze, J B; De Beer, M; Debu, P; Derue, F; Formica, A; Granier de Cassagnac, R; Gouge, G; Marel, Gérard; Mazzucato, E; Peyaud, B; Turlay, René; Vallage, B; Holder, M; Maier, A; Ziolkowski, M; Biino, C; Cartiglia, N; Marchetto, F; Menichetti, E; Pastrone, N; Nassalski, J P; Rondio, Ewa; Szleper, M; Wislicki, W; Wronka, S; Dibon, Heinz; Jeitler, Manfred; Markytan, Manfred; Mikulec, I; Neuhofer, Günther; Pernicka, Manfred; Taurok, Anton; Widhalm, L; Beavis, D; Besliu, C; Budick, B; Bøggild, H; Chasman, C; Christensen, C H; Christiansen, P; Cibor, J; Debbe, R; Enger, E; Gaardhøje, J J; Germinario, M; Hagel, K; Ito, H; Jipa, A; Jundt, F; Jordre, J I; Jorgensen, C E; Karabowicz, R; Kim, E J; Kozik, T; Larsen, T M; Lee, J H; Lee, Y K; Lindal, S; Lystad, R; Løvhøiden, G; Majka, Z; Makeev, A; Mikelsen, M; Murray, M; Natowitz, J B; Neumann, B; Nielsen, B S; Ouerdane, D; Planeta, R; Rami, F; Ristea, C; Ristea, O; Röhrich, D; Samset, B H; Sandberg, D; Sanders, S J; Scheetz, R A; Staszel, P; Tveter, T S; Videbaek, F; Wada, R; Yin, Z; Zgura, I S


    The decay rate of the long-lived neutral K meson into the e^+ e^- e^+ e^- final state has been measured with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. Using data collected in 1998 and 1999, a total of 200 events has been observed with negligible background. This observation corresponds to a branching ratio of Br(K_L -> e^+ e^- e^+ e^-) = (3.30 + - 0.24_stat + - 0.23_sys + - 0.10_norm) x 10^-8.

  7. Using technology for global recruitment: why HR/OB scholars need US knowledge?


    Furtmueller-Ettinger, Elfriede


    This dissertation contributes to the Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) literature and specifically aims to enhance our understanding on how to design and innovate e-Recruiting technologies. Despite many organizations that proudly advertise their success with e-Recruiting services, it cannot be denied that many of these organizations – after years of experimenting with it – have already abandoned e-Recruiting, retreating to timeworn routine recruiting techniques such as newspaper ad...

  8. Human Papillomavirus 16 (HPV-16), HPV-18, and HPV-31 E6 Override the Normal Phosphoregulation of E6AP Enzymatic Activity. (United States)

    Thatte, Jayashree; Banks, Lawrence


    The human papillomavirus (HPV) E6 oncoproteins recruit the cellular ubiquitin ligase E6AP/UBE3A to target cellular substrates for proteasome-mediated degradation, and one consequence of this activity is the E6 stimulation of E6AP autoubiquitination and degradation. Recent studies identified an autism-linked mutation within E6AP at T485, which was identified as a protein kinase A phosphoacceptor site and which could directly regulate E6AP ubiquitin ligase activity. In this study, we have analyzed how T485-mediated regulation of E6AP might affect E6 targeting of some of its known substrates. We show that modulation of T485 has no effect on the ability of E6 to direct either p53 or Dlg for degradation. Furthermore, T485 regulation has no effect on HPV-16 or HPV-31 E6-induced autodegradation of E6AP but does affect HPV-18 E6-induced autodegradation of E6AP. In cells derived from cervical cancers, we find low levels of both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated E6AP in the nucleus. However, ablation of E6 results in a dramatic accumulation of phospho-E6AP in the cytoplasm, whereas nonphosphorylated E6AP accumulates primarily in the nucleus. Interestingly, E6AP phosphorylation at T485 confers association with 14-3-3 proteins, and this interaction seems to be important, in part, for the ability of E6 to recruit phospho-E6AP into the nucleus. These results demonstrate that HPV E6 overrides the normal phosphoregulation of E6AP, both in terms of its enzymatic activity and its subcellular distribution. IMPORTANCE Recent reports demonstrate the importance of phosphoregulation of E6AP for its normal enzymatic activity. Here, we show that HPV E6 is capable of overriding this regulation and can promote degradation of p53 and Dlg regardless of the phosphorylation status of E6AP. Furthermore, E6 interaction with E6AP also significantly alters how E6AP is subject to autodegradation and suggests that this is not a simple stimulation of an already-existing activity but rather a

  9. Framework for e-learning assessment in dental education: a global model for the future. (United States)

    Arevalo, Carolina R; Bayne, Stephen C; Beeley, Josie A; Brayshaw, Christine J; Cox, Margaret J; Donaldson, Nora H; Elson, Bruce S; Grayden, Sharon K; Hatzipanagos, Stylianos; Johnson, Lynn A; Reynolds, Patricia A; Schönwetter, Dieter J


    The framework presented in this article demonstrates strategies for a global approach to e-curricula in dental education by considering a collection of outcome assessment tools. By combining the outcomes for overall assessment, a global model for a pilot project that applies e-assessment tools to virtual learning environments (VLE), including haptics, is presented. Assessment strategies from two projects, HapTEL (Haptics in Technology Enhanced Learning) and UDENTE (Universal Dental E-learning), act as case-user studies that have helped develop the proposed global framework. They incorporate additional assessment tools and include evaluations from questionnaires and stakeholders' focus groups. These measure each of the factors affecting the classical teaching/learning theory framework as defined by Entwistle in a standardized manner. A mathematical combinatorial approach is proposed to join these results together as a global assessment. With the use of haptic-based simulation learning, exercises for tooth preparation assessing enamel and dentine were compared to plastic teeth in manikins. Equivalence for student performance for haptic versus traditional preparation methods was established, thus establishing the validity of the haptic solution for performing these exercises. Further data collected from HapTEL are still being analyzed, and pilots are being conducted to validate the proposed test measures. Initial results have been encouraging, but clearly the need persists to develop additional e-assessment methods for new learning domains.

  10. Die Krakauer Kirche von Karmeliten und Karmelitaninnen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Józef Szymon Wronski


    Full Text Available 1. Die Klosterkirche der unbeschuhten Karmelitinnen Zum Heiligen Josef. Ein glücklicher Auftakt und somit die charakteristische Einführung in das 20. Jh. für den Kirchenbau von Krakau war die Errichtung der Karmeliterinnen St. Josephs-Kirche an der Lobzowska-Straße 40, in der die Architekten (Tadeusz Stryjeński (1849-1943 - Projektant der Kirche und Franciszek Mączyński (1874-1947 - Ausführer des Bauprojektes mit eigenen Verbesserungen die historisch- eklektizistischen Formen d.h. die mittelalterlichen Formen vor allem des sog. Übergangsstils vereinfachten. Die Kirche, die in den Jahren 1903-1905 errichtet wurde, steht inmitten vom Baukomplex des Klosters, dessen Grundriss das Quadrat ist49. Der Kirchenbau ist ein dem Gesamtbau des Klosters eingefügter Längsraum. Hinter dem Chor liegt das Oratorium des Konvents. Das Material Backstein (mit Verwendung von Stein erinnert an die Baukunst eines der besten Architekten jener Zeit, nämlich Teodor Talowskis (1857-1910, der viele Kirchen in Südpolen, aber auch viele Bürgerhäuser nicht nur in Krakau im ausgehenden 19. Jh. baute. Die Architektur der Karmeliterinnen St. Josephs-Kirche ist immer noch im Malerischen begriffen. Aber die Vereinfachung der historischen Formen führt zu ihrer „Beruhigung” und dadurch zur Wuchtigkeit des Ausdrucks. Bemerkenswert ist die in dieser Zeit (in der Anlage noch seltene ausgewogene Proportionierung des Baukörpers. Das methodische Prinzip jener Zeit ist der Kontrast. Im Kontrast zu den gedrungenen und wuchtigen Formen des Baukörpers stehen z.B. die sich verjüngenden obeliskenförmigen und pylonenartigen Türmchen, die nicht nur die Eingangsfassade der Kirche flankieren, sondern auch an den Ecken des Querhauses der Kirche stehen. Die ingravierten weißen Steine an der Fassade in der Zahl von Zehn erinnern an das Gebot des Karmelterinnenordens: Bete täglich den Rosenkranz und sind zugleich ein Vanitativmotiv. 2. Die Klosterkirche der unbeschuhten

  11. Control of eIF4E cellular localization by eIF4E-binding proteins, 4E-BPs


    Rong, Liwei; Livingstone, Mark; Sukarieh, Rami; Petroulakis, Emmanuel; Gingras, Anne-Claude; Crosby, Katherine; Smith, Bradley; Polakiewicz, Roberto D.; Pelletier, Jerry; Ferraiuolo, Maria A.; Sonenberg, Nahum


    Eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4E, the mRNA 5′-cap-binding protein, mediates the association of eIF4F with the mRNA 5′-cap structure to stimulate cap-dependent translation initiation in the cytoplasm. The assembly of eIF4E into the eIF4F complex is negatively regulated through a family of repressor proteins, called the eIF4E-binding proteins (4E-BPs). eIF4E is also present in the nucleus, where it is thought to stimulate nuclear-cytoplasmic transport of certain mRNAs. eIF4E is transported...

  12. Konjunkturen gesellschaftstheoretischer Perspektiven auf große Städte: Zur Aktualität der „Thesen zur Soziologie der Stadt“ von Häußermann und Siebel (1978

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Wehrheim


    Full Text Available Wissenschaftliche Publikationen nach vielen Jahren neu oder erstmals zu lesen, lohnt sich in zweierlei Hinsicht: wegen ihres möglichen grundlegenden Gehalts und weil sie historische Dokumente sind, die im Vergleich interessieren. Die verwendete Sprache ist dabei auch ein Indikator für Konjunkturen der Akzeptanz wissenschaftlicher Erklärungsmodelle. Der von Häußermann/Siebel 1978 formulierte Vorwurf an Teile der (damaligen Stadtsoziologie, sie sei theorielos und entpolitisiert erweist sich aus heutiger Perspektive als zeitlos und er macht auch die Qualität des Aufsatzes aus. Um diesen Vorwurf heute einzuordnen und um Veränderungen und Kontinuitäten der Stadtsoziologie in den Blick zu nehmen, erscheinen mindestens sechs Aspekte bedenkenswert: zunächst ganz basal Veränderungen und Kontinuitäten im Untersuchungsgegenstand Stadt und Gesellschaft. Hinzu kommen Veränderungen und Kontinuitäten bei den Modi der Steuerung gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen, bei den Bedingungen institutionalisierter Forschung und Lehre, in der personellen Zusammensetzung der Protagonist_innen der Stadtsoziologie und schließlich Veränderungen und Kontinuitäten in Bezug auf soziale Bewegungen.

  13. Grundwassermodellbildung – Hydrostratigraphische Bewertungen mittels GCI-PetroKf, Datenbank- und Geoinformationssystemen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koch, Alexander; Fuchs, Sven; Göbel, Patricia

    reimportiert und für die Verwendung in Geoinformationssystemen (i.e. ArcGIS) weiter aufbereitet. Über Interpolationsverfahren konnte innerhalb des Programmes ArcGIS ein lateraler Bezug zwischen den verschiedenen Mächtigkeiten hergestellt werden, um so auf weitere Inhomogenitäten im Aufbau des Grundwasserleiter......-Systems schließen zu können. Anschließend wurden mittels ArcGIS die Quartärbasis des Modellraums konstruiert, sowie Grundwasserisolinien- und Grundwasserdifferenzenkarten berechnet. Die Grundwasserdifferenzenkarten reproduzieren gut die Grundwasserabsenkungen im Bereich von lokalen Tagebauen. Insgesamt zeigen sich...... gute Übereinstimmungen mit früheren hydrogeologischen Untersuchungen im Projektgebiet. Die Kombination des PetroKf-Algorithmus mit der Aufbereitung in einer Datenbank, sowie der Weiterverarbeitung in ArcGIS, zeigt einen praktikablen Weg zur Entwicklung und Parametrisierung eines hydrogeologischen...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamid Mohammad AZIMI


    Full Text Available This study is a descriptive and survey type work. Main objective of this research is to explore e-learning system components needs among students of colleges of education (one year Bachelor of Education or B.Ed. degree programme affiliated by University of Mysore, India. Needs assessment is one of the main investigative tools used by institutions to the identification of actual needs, gaps, and hidden parts in the system and other activities. Through a comprehensive needs assessment process, an institution can establish its e-learning goals. Based on this view, a researcher made questionnaire was designed and validated by experts in teacher education, ICT and e-learning field. For reliability of the tool a pilot test was carried and the Alpha Cronbach value found .8980 and classified as having acceptable. Researcher tried to find out the most high and the lowest ranks in needs of students. Also gender, type of institutions on dependency to government financial aids, types of learning subjects as background variables were studied.

  15. A Holistic approach to assess older adults' wellness using e-health technologies. (United States)

    Thompson, Hilaire J; Demiris, George; Rue, Tessa; Shatil, Evelyn; Wilamowska, Katarzyna; Zaslavsky, Oleg; Reeder, Blaine


    To date, methodologies are lacking that address a holistic assessment of wellness in older adults. Technology applications may provide a platform for such an assessment, but have not been validated. We set out to demonstrate whether e-health applications could support the assessment of older adults' wellness in community-dwelling older adults. Twenty-seven residents of independent retirement community were followed over 8 weeks. Subjects engaged in the use of diverse technologies to assess cognitive performance, physiological and functional variables, as well as psychometric components of wellness. Data were integrated from various e-health sources into one study database. Correlations were assessed between different parameters, and hierarchical cluster analysis was used to explore the validity of the wellness model. We found strong associations across multiple parameters of wellness within the conceptual model, including cognitive, functional, and physical. However, spirituality did not correlate with any other parameter studied in contrast to prior studies of older adults. Participants expressed overall positive attitudes toward the e-health tools and the holistic approach to the assessment of wellness, without expressing any privacy concerns. Parameters were highly correlated across multiple domains of wellness. Important clusters were noted to be formed across cognitive and physiological domains, giving further evidence of need for an integrated approach to the assessment of wellness. This finding warrants further replication in larger and more diverse samples of older adults to standardize and deploy these technologies across population groups.

  16. The NLC IR and e+e-/e- e- Compatibility Issues

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markiewicz, Thomas W


    This paper collects and summarizes information presented at previous e- e- workshops. Firstly, the various options for reconfiguring magnets and power sources to convert the NLC to e- e- operation are discussed. Secondly, the expected backgrounds from pair creation at the interaction point are presented. Lastly, beam loss in the extraction line is discussed.

  17. Geschlecht als Leistungsklasse. Der kleine Unterschied und seine großen Folgen am Beispiel der "gender verifications" im Leistungssport


    Müller, Marion


    Die Geschlechtersegregation im (Hoch-)Leistungssport mit unterschiedlichen Wettbewerben und Regeln für Frauen und Männer wird mit der körperlichen Geschlechterdifferenz und der damit verbundenen sportlichen Leistungsfähigkeit begründet. Unklar bleibt jedoch, warum nicht auch andere Merkmale, deren Korrelation mit sportlichen Leistungserfolgen mindestens genauso offensichtlich ist, zur Bildung von Leistungsklassen herangezogen werden. Beispiele hierfür sind die Körpergröße oder die ethnische H...

  18. The bioenergy village - preconditions and consequences of autonomous heat and power supply on the basis of biomass for agricultrue, ecology and lifestyle in rural regions. Final report phase I; Das Bioenergiedorf - Voraussetzungen und Folgen einer eigenstaendigen Waerme- und Stromversorgung durch Biomasse fuer Landwirtschaft, Oekologie und Lebenskultur im laendlichen Raum. Endbericht Phase I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruppert, H.; Ahl, C.; Girschner, W.; Krumbein, W.; Marggraf, R.; Scheffer, K.; Schmuck, P. (eds.)


    With support from the Federal Minister of Consumer Protection, Nutrition and Agriculture through the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (Renewable Fuels Agency), a project group of Goettingen University was able to demonstrate how complete conversion to biomass of heat and power supply can be achieved for a whole village with maximum social acceptance, environmental compatibility, and economic and technical efficiency. This and further projects will provide flexible, generally applicable concepts for wider use and are expected to give new impetus to bioenergy and help reduce CO2 emissions. This documentation presents the results of the first project phase, which lasted from October 2000 through November 2002. After describing the criteria for which the model village was selected, the work carried out by the various scientific disciplines cooperating in the project (environmental geoscience, crop research, soil research, agricultural economy, psychology, sociology and political science) is described, and the current project status is outlined. (orig.) [German] Mit Unterstuetzung des Bundesministeriums fuer Verbraucherschutz, Ernaehrung und Landwirtschaft durch die Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. konnte die Projektgruppe der Universitaet damit beginnen, beispielhaft in einem Dorf zu demonstrieren, wie eine komplette Umstellung der Strom- und Waermeversorgung auf den Energietraeger Biomasse sozial, umweltvertraeglich, wirtschaftlich und technisch erfolgen kann. Auf der Basis dieser konkreten Umstellugsarbeiten und Erfahrungen aus anderen aehnlichen Projekten sollen uebertragbare, flexible Konzepte erarbeitet werden, die der Nutzung der Bioenergie einen deutlichen Auftrieb geben und dadurch auch erhebliche Kohlendioxid-Einsparpotentiale erschliessen koennen. In dieser Dokumentation sind die Ergebnisse der ersten Phase des Projektes 'Das Bioenergiedorf' vom Oktober 2000 bis November 2002 niedergelegt. Es wird zunaechst in einem Ueberblick

  19. Verfügbarkeit elektronischer Lehr- und Lernmodule für die Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Humanmedizin [Availability of learning objects for graduate and continuing medical education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stausberg, Jürgen


    Full Text Available [english] A great number of learning objects is available for graduate and continuing medical education. Nevertheless, it is not known how well the range of available learning objects covers the needs of the various medical fields. To get an idea of this, the content of two catalogs of learning objects (LRSMed and KELDAmed was compared with the study regulations of the medical faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen on the one hand and with the 2006 directory of certified medical specialists on the other hand. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used as concordance measure in addition to a qualitative assessment. Correlation coefficients of 0.495 (LRSMed and 0.510 (KELDAmed show a relevant concordance with study regulations, while correlation coefficients of 0.300 and –0.182 reveal a worse concordance with continuing medical education. Therefore, the offers for graduate medical education correspond well with the medical fields, based on number of hours per semester per course. The absolute number of 1,822 learning objects from LRSMed and 1,769 from KELDAmed is excellent as well. The gap for continuing medical education can now be closed by means of funding from professional organizations and medical faculties and through healthcare policies. The quality of the learning objects offered by LRSMed and KELDAmed remains unknown, as there is yet no reliable and valid approach for assessing their quality. [german] Elektronische Lehr- und Lernmodule stehen inzwischen in großer Zahl für Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Humanmedizin zur Verfügung. Ob das Angebot die Fachgebiete in der erforderlichen Breite abdeckt ist unbekannt. Für eine erste Einschätzung wurden die Ressourcen von zwei umfassenden Katalogen, dem Learning Resource Server Medizin (LRSMed und der Kommentierten E-Learning Datenbank Medizin (KELDAmed, der Studienordnung der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Duisburg-Essen sowie der Ärztestatistik 2006 zu

  20. Providing a Framework for E-readiness Assessment and Action for E-Commerce in Ramak Dairy Company in Shiraz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Mohammadi


    Full Text Available This study aimed to provide a framework to assess the e-readiness of Ramak Company in Shiraz. To that end, after reviewing the related literature in the field of e-readiness and selecting the proper model, the model parameters were distributed among experts in the form of a questionnaire, and with the help of fuzzy screening, 49 indicators were finalized. Then, using the combination method of DEMATEL and Analysis of Network process, weight of the indicators was obtained. Finally, e-readiness of the indicators was investigated through proper statistical tests. The analysis indicated that the company had necessary preparation in the following indicators “market share of company” and “compliance with quality of ICT international standards”, “high bandwidth availability” and “diversity of communication channels available”, “quality of national wide ICT infrastructures” and “obstacles of trade investment” and any other observation. By doing the gap analysis, it was found that the dimensions of external environment readiness, the ICT readiness and external environment readiness, respectively had the highest priorities for enforcement action.

  1. Student Chemical Engineering Reflective ePortfolios--ChE Student Perceptions of Learning from Reflective ePortfolio Creation (United States)

    Cherrstrom, Catherine A.; Raisor, Cindy; Fowler, Debra


    Engineering educators and employers value and prioritize communication skills, but developing and assessing such skills in engineering programs is challenging. Reflective ePortfolios provide opportunities to enhance communication skills. The purpose of this three-­year qualitative case study was to investigate the use of reflective ePortfolios in…

  2. Up in Vapor: Exploring the Health Messages of E-Cigarette Advertisements. (United States)

    Willis, Erin; Haught, Matthew J; Morris Ii, David L


    Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have gained popularity in the United States, and marketers are using advertising to recruit new users to their products. Despite outright bans on traditional cigarette advertisements, e-cigarettes have no specific regulations. This study uses framing theory to explore the themes in e-cigarette advertisements. Also, practical implications are discussed.

  3. Recruiting for Prior Service Market (United States)


    perceptions, expectations and issues for re-enlistment • Develop potential marketing and advertising tactics and strategies targeted to the defined...01 JUN 2008 2. REPORT TYPE N/A 3. DATES COVERED - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Recruiting for Prior Service Market 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT...Command First Handshake to First Unit of Assignment An Army of One Proud to Be e e to Serve Recruiting for Prior Service Market MAJ Eric Givens / MAJ Brian

  4. Participant Outcomes from Methods of Recruitment for Videogame Research. (United States)

    Ryan, Courtney; Dadabhoy, Hafza; Baranowski, Tom


    The most productive methods of recruitment for a videogame for health (G4H) trial are not known. Success or failure of recruitment methods has been reported for a variety of clinical trials, but few specifically for G4H trials. This study's goal was to recruit 444 overweight or obese (body mass index percentile between the 84.5th-99.4th percentiles) children between the ages of 10-12 years. The article reports the results of different methods of participant recruitment. Participants had to agree to three fasting blood samples (baseline, immediately after, and 2 months later); be willing to wear an accelerometer for 7 days at each assessment; read and speak English fluently (because the games were in English); have no history of any condition that would affect what he/she could eat or how much physical activity he/she could get; and have an eligible home computer purchased in the last 5 years with high-speed internet. Hardware criteria reflected the types of computers upon which Diab-Nano could be effectively played. Recruitment was conducted over a 35-month period and included electronic media, print advertising, community recruitment, and an internal volunteer list. Respondents were guided to a web-based screening questionnaire that asked for source of hearing about the study. Although diverse recruitment methods were used, slow recruitment resulted in obtaining only 45% of the recruitment goal (n = 199). Electronic media (e.g., radio, television, and internet), which reached millions of targeted parents, resulted in only 76 respondents, of whom 13 became participants; print media (e.g., magazine, newsletter/newspaper, and mail), which also reached large numbers of parents, resulted in 192 respondents, of whom 19 became participants; community recruitment (e.g., school, friend or family, doctors office, flyer, work, community program) resulted in 162 respondents, of whom 38 became participants; and the internal volunteer list resulted in 413 respondents, of

  5. Role of PINK1 binding to the TOM complex and alternate intracellular membranes in recruitment and activation of the E3 ligase Parkin. (United States)

    Lazarou, Michael; Jin, Seok Min; Kane, Lesley A; Youle, Richard J


    Mutations in the mitochondrial kinase PINK1 and the cytosolic E3 ligase Parkin can cause Parkinson's disease. Damaged mitochondria accumulate PINK1 on the outer membrane where, dependent on kinase activity, it recruits and activates Parkin to induce mitophagy, potentially maintaining organelle fidelity. How PINK1 recruits Parkin is unknown. We show that endogenous PINK1 forms a 700 kDa complex with the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) selectively on depolarized mitochondria whereas PINK1 ectopically targeted to the outer membrane retains association with TOM on polarized mitochondria. Inducibly targeting PINK1 to peroxisomes or lysosomes, which lack a TOM complex, recruits Parkin and activates ubiquitin ligase activity on the respective organelles. Once there, Parkin induces organelle selective autophagy of peroxisomes but not lysosomes. We propose that the association of PINK1 with the TOM complex allows rapid reimport of PINK1 to rescue repolarized mitochondria from mitophagy, and discount mitochondrial-specific factors for Parkin translocation and activation. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. E-learning in pediatric basic life support: a randomized controlled non-inferiority study. (United States)

    Krogh, Lise Qvirin; Bjørnshave, Katrine; Vestergaard, Lone Due; Sharma, Maja Bendtsen; Rasmussen, Stinne Eika; Nielsen, Henrik Vendelbo; Thim, Troels; Løfgren, Bo


    Dissemination of pediatric basic life support (PBLS) skills is recommended. E-learning is accessible and cost-effective, but it is currently unknown whether laypersons can learn PBLS through e-learning. The hypothesis of this study was to investigate whether e-learning PBLS is non-inferior to instructor-led training. Participants were recruited among child-minders and parents of children aged 0-6 years. Participants were randomized to either 2-h instructor-led training or e-learning using an e-learning program (duration 17 min) including an inflatable manikin. After training, participants were assessed in a simulated pediatric cardiac arrest scenario. Tests were video recorded and PBLS skills were assessed independently by two assessors blinded to training method. Primary outcome was the pass rate of the PBLS test (≥8 of 15 skills adequately performed) with a pre-specified non-inferiority margin of 20%. In total 160 participants were randomized 1:1. E-learning was non-inferior to instructor-led training (difference in pass rate -4%; 95% CI -9:0.5). Pass rates were 100% among instructor-led trained (n=67) and 96% among e-learned (n=71). E-learners median time spent on the e-learning program was 30 min (range: 15-120 min) and the median number of log-ons was 2 (range: 1-5). After the study, all participants felt that their skills had improved. E-learning PBLS is non-inferior to instructor-led training among child-minders and parents with children aged 0-6 years, although the pass rate was 4% (95% CI -9:0.5) lower with e-learning. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Heavy quark spin correlations in e+e- annihilations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dalitz, R.H.; Goldstein, G.R.


    It is pointed out that in e + e - annihilation the physical situation is especially favourable for the observation of the strong spin correlation between the D * and anti D * in opposing c- and anti c-jets, predicted by QCD. Some assessment is given of the possibility of observing this in PEP and PETRA data, and with LEP. The possibilities for similar observations for (B * , anti B * ) and (T * , anti T * ) are briefly discussed. (orig.)

  8. Immunological and toxicological risk assessment of e-cigarettes. (United States)

    Kaur, Gagandeep; Pinkston, Rakeysha; Mclemore, Benathel; Dorsey, Waneene C; Batra, Sanjay


    Knowledge of the long-term toxicological and immunological effects of e-cigarette (e-cig) aerosols remains elusive due to the relatively short existence of vaping. Therefore, we performed a systematic search of articles published in public databases and analysed the research evidence in order to provide critical information regarding e-cig safety. Electronic nicotine delivery systems (or e-cigs) are an alternative to traditional cigarettes for the delivery of nicotine and are typically filled with glycerol or propylene glycol-based solutions known as e-liquids. Though present in lower quantities, e-cig aerosols are known to contain many of the harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke. However, due to the paucity of experimental data and contradictory evidence, it is difficult to draw conclusive outcomes regarding toxicological, immunological and clinical impacts of e-cig aerosols. Excessive vaping has been reported to induce inflammatory responses including mitogen-activated protein kinase, Janus tyrosine kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription and nuclear factor-κB signalling, similar to that induced by tobacco smoke. Based on recent evidence, prolonged exposure to some constituents of e-cig aerosols might result in respiratory complications such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and inflammation. Future studies are warranted that focus on establishing correlations between e-cig types, generations and e-liquid flavours and immunological and toxicological profiles to broaden our understanding about the effects of vaping. Copyright ©ERS 2018.

  9. Immunological and toxicological risk assessment of e-cigarettes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gagandeep Kaur


    Full Text Available Knowledge of the long-term toxicological and immunological effects of e-cigarette (e-cig aerosols remains elusive due to the relatively short existence of vaping. Therefore, we performed a systematic search of articles published in public databases and analysed the research evidence in order to provide critical information regarding e-cig safety. Electronic nicotine delivery systems (or e-cigs are an alternative to traditional cigarettes for the delivery of nicotine and are typically filled with glycerol or propylene glycol-based solutions known as e-liquids. Though present in lower quantities, e-cig aerosols are known to contain many of the harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke. However, due to the paucity of experimental data and contradictory evidence, it is difficult to draw conclusive outcomes regarding toxicological, immunological and clinical impacts of e-cig aerosols. Excessive vaping has been reported to induce inflammatory responses including mitogen-activated protein kinase, Janus tyrosine kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription and nuclear factor-κB signalling, similar to that induced by tobacco smoke. Based on recent evidence, prolonged exposure to some constituents of e-cig aerosols might result in respiratory complications such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and inflammation. Future studies are warranted that focus on establishing correlations between e-cig types, generations and e-liquid flavours and immunological and toxicological profiles to broaden our understanding about the effects of vaping.

  10. Radiological performance assessment for the E-Area Vaults Disposal Facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cook, J.R.


    These document contains appendices A-M for the performance assessment. They are A: details of models and assumptions, B: computer codes, C: data tabulation, D: geochemical interactions, E: hydrogeology of the Savannah River Site, F: software QA plans, G: completeness review guide, H: performance assessment peer review panel recommendations, I: suspect soil performance analysis, J: sensitivity/uncertainty analysis, K: vault degradation study, L: description of naval reactor waste disposal, M: porflow input file

  11. »Big Data« als Vision. Computereinführung und Organisationswandel in BKA und Staatssicherheit (1967–1989

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    Rüdiger Bergien


    Wandel der Personalprofile, der Informationsverarbeitung und der Wissensproduktion. Zudem wird gefragt, in welchem Maße das jeweilige politische System die EDV-Anwendungen im Sicherheitsbereich beeinflusste. Die Eigendynamik der institutionellen Expansion und des technischen Machbarkeitsdenkens war in West und Ost durchaus ähnlich.

  12. A Method for Assessing the Performance of e-Government Twitter Accounts

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    Konstantinos Antoniadis


    Full Text Available This paper introduces a method for assessing the influence of Twitter accounts of central e-government agencies. It first stresses the importance of activity and popularity of the e-government accounts, and also the importance of community formation among followers-citizens, as the two main stages of e-government adoption. The proposed approach combines activity and popularity of the accounts and followers’ community characteristics in a ranking system, using an idea originally introduced to measure blogosphere authority. A Twitter Authority Index is produced. The method is demonstrated through an extended example: 56 Twitter accounts of ministries of EU countries are sorted according to their indexes in the proposed ranking system. Detailed values for the ministries’ accounts and average values for the countries that the ministries belong to are reported and commented.

  13. Βιβλιοκρισία:P. SCHREINER-E. VOGT(eds., Karl Krumbacher. Leben und Werk, München, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission beim Verlag C. H. Beck, München 2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walter PUCHNER


    Full Text Available Βιβλιοκρισία: P. Schreiner-E. Vogt (eds., Karl Krumbacher. Leben und Werk, München, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission beim Verlag C. H. Beck, München 2011 (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, Jahrgang 2011, Heft 4, σελ. 147, 5 εικ., ΙSBN 978 3 7696 1569 0.

  14. Polychaeten aus den Zoologischen Museen von Leiden und Amsterdam I

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Augener, H.


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung eines sehr umfangreichen Polychaeten-Materials niedergelegt, das mir von Herrn Prof. Dr. E. D. van Oort in Leiden und Herrn Prof. Dr. L. F. de Beaufort in Amsterdam zur Bearbeitung übergeben wurde. Von diesem Material ist der dem Museum in Leiden

  15. Übergewicht und Adipositas in Kindheit und Jugend


    Nitzko, Sina


    Einführend wird auf wesentliche Entwicklungsaspekte der interessierenden Lebensphasen Kindheit und Jugend eingegangen. Im Anschluss daran werden verschiedene Aspekte von Übergewicht und Adipositas in Kindheit und Jugend thematisiert. Neben der Definition und Diagnostik, wird auf Möglichkeiten der Klassifikation sowie die Epidemiologie eingegangen. Dargestellt werden darüber hinaus körperliche und psychische Folgestörungen, welche mit Adipositas assoziiert sein können. Basierend auf der...

  16. Student Responses to an ICT-Based E-Assessment Application for the Teaching Practicum/Teaching Practice MODULE (United States)

    Davids, M. Noor


    Situated within the context of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in South Africa, this study introduces the notion of an interactive Teaching Practicum E- Assessment application: e-assessment application for the teaching practicum/Teaching Practice module to replace the current model of assessment. At present students enrolled for an Initial Teacher…

  17. Transform: assessing the potential of e-health to transform patient recruitment and follow-up in primary care studies.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mastellos, N.; Andreasson, A.; Curcin, V.; Verheij, R.; Hek, K.; Car, J.; Delaney, B.


    Background: Opportunistic recruitment to clinical studies is a particularly demanding process for GPs, patients and researchers. To date, this is performed manually using paper-based administration methods. The EU FP7-funded TRANSFoRm project team is currently finalising the tools to enable

  18. E-cigarette regulation and policy: UK vapers' perspectives. (United States)

    Farrimond, Hannah


    The rapid increase in use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has created an international policy dilemma concerning how to use these products. This study assesses the types of beliefs that e-cigarette users in the United Kingdom may hold concerning regulation. Qualitative thematic analysis of written answers to open-ended questions. United Kingdom, questionnaire conducted by post, 44% recruited from online forums and 56% non-online. Fifty-five UK vapers, 55% male, mean age 46 years, 84% sole users of e-cigarettes, 95% vaping daily. Open-ended questions on regulatory and policy options. 'Protecting youth' was seen as a fundamental regulatory requirement which should be achieved through childproofing, age limits, no advertising aimed at children and health warnings about addictiveness of nicotine, but not the restriction of flavours. There was little support for regulating e-cigarettes as medicines or limiting the strength of nicotine liquids. In terms of public use, participants argued against a blanket ban on public vaping given perceptions of a lack of scientific evidence of harm. However, they supported the principle of autonomy, that individuals and organizations have the right to restrict vaping. Some participants suggested banning vaping in places such as schools, hospitals or around food, in line with current smoking norms. Vapers' regulatory positions were accompanied by political concerns about the use (and misuse) of scientific evidence. With regard to regulation of e-cigarettes, issues that are salient to UK vapers may include the need for youth protection, regulation as medicines, strength of e-liquids, bans on public vaping and concerns about the misuse of scientific evidence. © 2016 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  19. Relações entre /s/ e /z/ e entre /e/ e /e/ não vozeado ou áfono Relations between /s/ and /z/ and between /e/ and voiceless /e/

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Aparecida Cielo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: correlacionar os tempos máximos de fonação (TMF e as relações entre os fricativos /s/ e /z/ (s/z e entre /e/ não vozeado e a vogal /e/ (ė/e de mulheres sem afecções laríngeas. MÉTODO: participaram 60 mulheres com média de 21,56 anos de idade. Coletaram-se os TMF/ė/, /e/, /s/ e /z/ e calcularam-se a relação s/z e a relação ė/e, com padrão de normalidade para as relações de 0,8 a 1,2; para os TMF/s/ e /z/, entre 15,57 e 34,17s; para o TMF/ė/, entre 16 a 18s; e para o TMF/e/, entre 14,04 e 26,96s. Testes de Lilliefords, Spearmann, Binomial e Mann-Whitney com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: correlação positiva entre TMF/s/ e TMF/ė/, TMF/z/ e TMF/e/, TMF/s/ e TMF/z/, e TMF/ė/ e TMF/e/. Não houve correlação entre as relações s/z e ė/e, nem diferenças entre a relação ė/e, enquanto a relação s/z foi significantemente normal. TMF/ė/ e TMF/e/ significantemente diminuídos; TMF/s/ e TMF/z/ significantemente normais. TMF/ė/ significantemente menor do que TMF/s/; TMF/e/ significantemente menor do que TMF/z/. CONCLUSÃO: os fonemas /s/ e /z/ isolados e sua relação ficaram dentro da normalidade e as relações s/z e ė/e não apresentaram correlação. Os TMF/ė/ e TMF/e/ mostraram-se diminuídos em relação à normalidade. O TMF/ė/ foi menor do que TMF/s/ e o TMF/e/ foi menor do que TMF/z/, possivelmente devido ao modo articulatório dos fricativos ter aumentado o tempo de emissão, independentemente do controle do nível glótico e respiratório.PURPOSE: correlate the maximum phonation time (MPT and the relations between the fricative /s/ and /z/ (s/z and between the vowels /ė/ and /e/ (ė/e of women without laryngeal disorders. METHOD: participants were 60 women with a mean of 21.56 years old. Were collected MPT/ė/, /e/, /s/ and /z/ and calculated the relations ė/e and s/z, with normal pattern for the relationship from 0.8 to 1.2; for MPT/s/ and MPT/z/, between 15.57 and 34.17s; for the

  20. Quantitative risk assessment of E. coli in street-vended cassava-based delicacies in the Philippines (United States)

    Mesias, I. C. P.


    In the Philippines, rootcrop-based food products are gaining popularity in street food trade. However, a number of street-vended food products in the country are reported to be contaminated with E. coli posing possible risk among consumers. In this study, information on quantitative risk assessment of E. coli in street-vended cassava-based delicacies was generated. The assessment started with the prevalence and concentration of E. coli at post production in packages of the cassava-based delicacies. Combase growth predictor was used to trace the microbial population of E. coli in each step of the food chain. The @Risk software package, version 6 (Palisade USA) was used to run the simulations. Scenarios in the post-production to consumption pathway were simulated. The effect was then assessed in relation to exposure to the defined infective dose. In the worst case scenario, a minimum and most likely concentration of 6.3 and 7.8 log CFU of E. coli per serving respectively were observed. The simulation revealed that lowering the temperature in the chain considerably decreased the E. coli concentration prior to consumption and subsequently decreased the percentage of exposure to the infective dose. Exposure to infective dose however was increased with longer lag time from postproduction to consumption.

  1. Students' Perceived Preference for Visual and Auditory Assessment with E-Handwritten Feedback (United States)

    Crews, Tena B.; Wilkinson, Kelly


    Undergraduate business communication students were surveyed to determine their perceived most effective method of assessment on writing assignments. The results indicated students' preference for a process that incorporates visual, auditory, and e-handwritten presentation via a tablet PC. Students also identified this assessment process would…

  2. Editorial: Informationstechnische Bildung und Medienerziehung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Annemarie Hauf-Tulodziecki


    Full Text Available Die schulische Medienerziehung bzw. die Medienbildung hat ihre derzeit hohe öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit nicht zuletzt der Tatsache zu verdanken, dass gerade die so genannten «Neuen Medien» - heute oft mit den Schlagworten «Multimedia» oder «Internet» abgekürzt - wichtige Erziehungs- und Bildungsmassnahmen erforderlich machen. In der öffentlichen Diskussion gehören inhaltliche Kurzschlüsse zur Tagesordnung: Wenn von «Medienkompetenz» die Rede ist, verbirgt sich dahinter häufig nur ein «Internetführerschein». Diese Beobachtung ärgert nicht nur Medienpädagogen, sondern auch Vertreter einer Informationstechnischen Bildung (1, da berechtigte pädagogische Ansprüche beider Gruppen wenig Beachtung finden. Mittlerweile gibt es eine Reihe von Empfehlungen von BLK und KMK zu diesem Thema, in denen zudem deutlich auf die wechselseitigen Bezüge hingewiesen werden. Die wachsende Bedeutung des Mediums Computer und die weiter zunehmende Digitalisierung traditioneller Medien erfordert sowohl für die Medienerziehung als auch für die Informatische Bildung eine Weiterentwicklung ihrer Ziele und Inhalte. Die Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. hat 1999 in ihrer Empfehlung «Informatische Bildung und Medienerziehung» aus ihrer Perspektive dargestellt, welche Aufgaben auf die Medienerziehung zukommen, wenn auch die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien bzw. die computerbasierten Medien in einer angemessenen Form thematisiert werden sollen. Erste praktische Ansätze, Inhalte aus beiden Bereichen bewusst zusammenzuführen, auch unter einer gemeinsamen Fach- oder Kursbezeichnung, sind häufig additiv und orientieren sich – trotz vorhandener Überschneidungen – an den etablierten medienpädagogischen oder an den informatischen Unterrichtsprinzipien. In dem vorliegenden Themenheft wird aus einer übergeordneten, medienpädagogischen Perspektive die Frage gestellt, wie eine konsistente Weiterentwicklung der Medienerziehung unter angemessener

  3. Germany and the nuclear non-proliferation; Current situation and prospects; Deutschland und die nukleare Nichtverbreitung; Zwischenbilanz und Ausblick

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Preisinger, J.


    A summary is given of the consequences, both positive and negative, of international non-proliferation policy. The numerous, complex branches and connections of national measures and inter-stake agreements for the peaceful, controlled uses of nuclear technology and related military technologies are expertly described, and assessed on their effectiveness. Weak aspects of the nuclear non-proliferation regime are pointed out and past reforms are illustrated and assessed in the light of recent developments. The interests of the German Federal Republic from the centre of this analysis. The author shows that, after a certain hesitary, German diplomacy has now become active in the establishment of an international non-proliferation regime. He concludes that Germany should take a strong initiative role in maintaining a peaceful international nuclear order. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es wird ein Resuemee der bisherigen Erfolge und Misserfolge internationaler Nichtverbreitungspolitik gezogen. Die komplexen, vielfach veraestelten und verschachtelten nationalen Massnahmen und zwischenstaatlichen Vereinbarungen zur Ueberwachung und friedlichen Zweckbindung von Nukleartechnologie und militaerisch relevanten Anschlusstechnologien werden sachkundig erlaeutert und auf ihre Wirksamkeit ueberprueft. Schwachstellen des nuklearen Nichtverbreitungsregimes werden offengelegt, Reformschritte der vergangenen Jahre werden dargestellt und im Lichte der juengsten Entwicklungen bewertet. Dabei steht die Interessenlage der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Zentrum der Analyse. Der Autor zeigt, dass die deutsche Diplomatie sich nach einer gewissen Zurueckhaltung schliesslich aktiv in die Gestaltung des internationalen Nichtverbreitungsregimes eingeschaltet hat. Er plaediert fuer eine kraftvolle Initiativrolle Deutschlands zur Erhaltung einer friedlichen internationalen Nuklearordnung. (orig.)

  4. Parameters for characterisation of the ecochemical soil status and the potential hazards of acidification and nitrogen saturation in level II forest sites; Kennwerte zur Charakterisierung des oekochemischen Bodenzustandes und des Gefaehrdungspotentials durch Bodenversauerung und Stickstoffsaettigung an Level II-Waldoekosystem-Dauerbeobachtungsflaechen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The ad hoc working group on soil acidification and nitrogen saturation of the Federal Government/Laender Working Group level II primarily aimed at drafting a manual for the interpretation of soil data (soil solid phase, soil solution) acquired on Level II plots. The manual contains parameters and proposals for evaluating the acid/base-status of forest soils, the nutrient supply and nitrogen status as well as for assessing the risks caused by aluminium, acid and heavy metal stress. Further parameters and proposals for evaluation concern the risks for spring and ground water quality through acidification and elevated nitrate concentrations. All parameters are described in detail, their informative value is discussed and examples are given for their use. A distinction is made between indicators to show the current ecochemical situation and to describe future risks, e.g. through progressive soil acidification, nutrient depletion and increasing nitrogen saturation. The manual thus fits in right with the overall objectives of the Level II Programme to reveal cause-effect relations in the forest damage situation and to give advice on timely counteraction via forecasts of the future development. (orig.) [German] Das vorrangige Ziel des Arbeitskreises 'Bodenversauerung und Stickstoffsaettigung' der Bundes-Laender-Arbeitsgruppe Level II war die Erarbeitung eines Auswerteleitfadens fuer die Bodendaten (Bodenfestphase, Sickerwasser) der Level II-Flaechen. Der Leitfaden enthaelt Kennwerte und Bewertungsvorschlaege zum Saeure-Base-Zustand des Waldbodens, zur Naehrstoffbereitstellung, zum Stickstoffstatus, zur Abschaetzung von Risiken durch Aluminium-, Saeure- und Schwermetallstress und zur Gefaehrdung des Quell- und Grundwassers durch Versauerung und steigende Nitratgehalte. Alle Kennwerte werden eingehend beschrieben, ihre Aussagekraft diskutiert und ihre Anwendung an Beispielen dargestellt. Unterschieden wird zwischen Indikatoren zur Darstellung der aktuellen

  5. Downhole dehydration - status report and implementation study; Downhole Dehydration - Statusbericht und Umsetzungsstudie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jacobs, D.; Schmidt, D. [BEB Erdgas und Erdoel GmbH, Hannover (Germany)


    Downhole dehydration, i.e. in-situ separation of water and oil, is an interesting new technology. The contribution describes the technology and the results of a field experiment. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Tail-End Foerderphase in der deutschen Erdoelproduktion, welche durch hohe Wasserhebekosten gekennzeichnet ist, erfordert zur Aufrechterhaltung der Wirtschaftlichkeit neue Gedankenansaetze. Ein aus wirtschaftlicher und technischer Sicht reizvoller Optimierungsgedanke ist die untertaegige Wasser/Oel Separation, auch Downhole Dehydration genannt. Unter Downhole Dehydration (DHD) versteht man also die untertaegige (teilweise) Separation des Lagerstaettenwassers vom Nassoel, kurz nachdem das Gemisch untertaegig in das Bohrloch eingetreten ist. Dabei wird das abgetrennte Lagerstaettenwasser untertage in einen geeigneten Horizont unmittelbar wieder injiziert und das Oel (wie bei der konventionellen Foerderung) zutage gepumpt, mit dem Ziel der Nutzung der daraus resultierenden Kosten- und Investitionsersparnis. Ziel dieses Vortrages ist es, einen kurzen Einblick in die erstmalig in Europa angewandte Technik zu geben und von den Erfahrungen des praktizierten Feldversuches zu berichten. (orig.)

  6. Digitale Rekonstruktion von historischem Bibliotheksgut. Projektvorstellung Leibniz-Fragmente und Massendigitalisierung von Flachware

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    Matthias Wehry


    Full Text Available Der Universalgelehrte Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz verwendete eine besondere Form der Wissensordnung: Teile seiner Manuskripte und Arbeitspapiere, z.B. Abschriften und Exzerpte, wurden von ihm zerschnitten und in einem so genannten „Zettel-Schrancken“, einem großen Zettelkasten, geordnet. Im vorgestellten Projekt wurde ein automatisiertes virtuelles Assistenzsystem erarbeitet, um die ursprünglichen Zusammenhänge der Notata im Augenblick ihrer Entstehung wiederherzustellen. Das Ergebnis des Projektes ist ein innovatives Massenverfahren zum Puzzeln und Scannen historischer handschriftlicher Dokumente. The polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz used a specific technique for knowledge organisation: He cut parts of his manuscripts and working papers, e.g., copies and excerpts, in pieces and filed them systematically in a so called “Zettel-Schrancken”, a hugh slipbox. In the project presented in this paper, an automated virtual reconstruction of the notes’ initial context at the moment of origin was developed. The result of the project is an innovative mass processing method for puzzling and scanning historical handwritten documents

  7. Taxonomy Development and Its Impact on a Self-learning e-Recruitment System


    Faliagka , Evanthia; Karydis , Ioannis; Rigou , Maria; Sioutas , Spyros; Tsakalidis , Athanasios; Tzimas , Giannis


    Part 4: Learning and Data Mining; International audience; In this work we present a novel approach for evaluating job applicants in online recruitment systems, using machine learning algorithms to solve the candidate ranking problem and performing semantic matching techniques. An application of our approach is implemented in the form of a prototype system, whose functionality is showcased and evaluated in a real-world recruitment scenario. The proposed system extracts a set of objective crite...

  8. Phylogenetische und funktionelle Analysen zur Kapsel O-Acetyltransferase NeuO von Escherichia coli K1


    Mordhorst, Ines Louise


    Escherichia coli ist ein Kommensale des menschlichen und tierischen Gastrointestinaltraktes. Einige E. coli-Stämme sind in der Lage, extraintestinale Erkrankungen beim Menschen wie Harnwegsinfekte, Neugeborenen-Meningitis und Sepsis, sowie beim Tier aviäre Coliseptikämien, hervorzurufen. Ein wichtiger Virulenzfaktor des Bakteriums ist dabei die aus α-2,8-verknüpften Sialinsäuremonomeren aufgebaute K1-Kapsel, die phasenvariabel mit einer hohen Frequenz O-acetyliert werden kann. Im Jahr 20...

  9. An Evaluation Framework and Instrument for Evaluating e-Assessment Tools (United States)

    Singh, Upasana Gitanjali; de Villiers, Mary Ruth


    e-Assessment, in the form of tools and systems that deliver and administer multiple choice questions (MCQs), is used increasingly, raising the need for evaluation and validation of such systems. This research uses literature and a series of six empirical action research studies to develop an evaluation framework of categories and criteria called…

  10. Assessment of the Optimization of E-Learning Facilities to Lecturers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study assessed the optimization of e-learning facilities to lecturers and students in Federal Colleges of Education in North West Zone of Nigeria. A descriptive survey was used. The population comprised all the lecturers and students in five (5) Federal Colleges of Education in the zone – numbering about 3,650 ...


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    Nelsio Rodrigues de Abreu


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho fez uma análise do uso da internet como instrumento de recrutamento de pessoal nas empresas do setor de hotelaria, avaliando deste modo, a intensidade de seu proveito como ferramenta à moderna Gestão de Pessoas. Para a efetuação desse trabalho, foi realizada uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativa e exploratória. O universo foi composto de empresários e colaboradores do setor hoteleiro de Maceió/AL, devido ao grande destaque desse lugare, considerado pólo e referenciai turístico nacionail. Assim, foram coletados dados juntos a 22 profissionais de Gestão de Pessoa em Maceió através de questionário estruturado, sendo um gestor por hotel. Quanto aos colaboradores foram aplicado outro questionário estruturado com 177 colaboradores em Maceió. Ressalta-se que a amostragem foi por acessibilidade, ou seja, não probabilista. Mas vale mencionar que, somadas todos os questionários aplicados, tem-se 199 questionários válidos. As informações coletadas foram analisadas via software SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Os resultados obtidos no estudo relevam os gestores reconhecem o potencial da internet, é subutizada, bem como os colaboradores que não utilizam a internet como forma de buscar novas oportunidades ou sua atual ocupação.

  12. E-Business requires E-Fulfillment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bingeman, D. [Canadian National, Toronto, ON (Canada)


    Canadian National with 21,000 miles of tracks from coast to coast, 22,000 employees and over four billion dollars in revenue, is one of North America's most efficient railway companies. This discussion paper outlines the steps CN is taking to meet the challenge of e-commerce. Two major competing forces have been identified as the principal influences on shaping customer channels: collaboration (forces striving to integrate manufacturers with their customers using e-commerce to provide a lower cost supply chain) and disaggregation (forces striving to put the supply chain decision in the hands of the receivers by using e-commerce). CN's assessment is that the changes wrought to the traditional relationship between manufactures, transportation companies and consumers, will demand consolidation of carrier relationships, outsourcing and relocation to the Internet, and integrating the Internet into existing logistics operations. Although CN has been doing electronic data interchange with customers and partners since 1982, it is evident that existing rail processes need to be changed further to meet the new demands. CN's strategy of how to implement the required changes and the elements of the new strategy are reviewed. 18 viewgraphs.

  13. Die Freunde im und die Freude am Fernsehen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amina Ovcina Cajacob


    Full Text Available Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, die Wirkungen von Popstars und Popbands auf Jugendliche (13- bis 17-Jährige zu erforschen. Im Mittelpunkt der Interessen steht die Frage, welche Wirkungen aus der Rezeption von Musiksendungen (bzw. Videoclips von Musiksendern entstehen und welche Charakteristika innerhalb der aufgebauten Beziehungen zu den Stars bemerkbar sind. Andererseits wurden die Unterschiede und Parallelen zwischen parasozialen Beziehungen zu den Stars und orthosozialen Beziehungen aufgezeigt. Im Zusammenhang mit der empirischen Untersuchung bezieht sich die Autorin auf den Uses-and-Gratifications-Approach, wobei die bedürfnissbefriedigenden Wirkungen von Musikkanälen und den dazu gehörigen Popstars im Mittelpunkt stehen. Mit Hilfe des Uses-and-Gratifications-Approach wird angenommen, dass das Konsumieren der Musiksendungen und der Musikstars von den Jugendlichen gezielt zur Befriedigung bestimmter Bedürfnisse eingesetzt wird.The objective of this study is to explore the effects of pop stars on adolescents (aged between 13 and 17. The focus of interest is the question what effect music channels (i.e. video clips from music channels produce and what characteristics are noticeable from the formed relationship between adolescents and pop stars. On the other side, parallels and differences have been drawn between the para-social relationships to pop stars and ortho-social relationships. In connection with empirical study, the author also refers to Uses-and Gratification-Approach where the need satisfying effects of music channels and pop stars are in focus. With the help of Uses-and Gratification-Approach it will be assumed, that aim of watching music channels and therefore pop stars will be pointed toward the gratification of specific needs.

  14. E85 Dispenser Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moriarty, K.; Johnson, C.; Sears, T.; Bergeron, P.


    This study reviews E85 dispensing infrastructure advances and issues and evaluates the geographic concentration of flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs), E85 stations, ethanol production facilities, and E85 suppliers. Costs, space, financial incentives, and barriers to adding E85 fueling equipment at existing stations are also assessed. This study found that E85 is increasingly available in the U.S. in half of the states; however, the other half have minimal or no E85 fueling options. Despite these gains, E85 is only available at 1% of U.S. gasoline stations. Ethanol production reached 9.5 billion gallons in 2008, but less than 1% is consumed as E85. FFVs have not reached a significant concentration in any county, metropolitan area, or state.

  15. Dimensioning and design rules for sliding bearings; optimisation problems; Bemessungs- und Gestaltungsregeln fuer Gleitlager: Optimierungsfragen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spiegel, K. [Fachhochschule Duesseldorf (Germany); Fricke, J.


    Already in the design stage of sliding bearings, optimal conditions for operation at a later stage should be envisaged. The contribution presents hints for optimal design and calculation of radial and axial bearings, e.g. gap design, optimised supporting strength, friction loss and lubricant throughput, lubricant exchange and lubricant heat exchange, and improved control of internal lubricant flow. [German] Bei der Auslegung von Gleitlagern ist es von Interesse, moeglichst optimale Bedingungen fuer den spaeteren Betrieb zu schaffen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden einige bereits bekannte und auch neue Hinweise zur optimalen Gestaltung und Berechnung, sowohl fuer Radial- als auch Axiallager gegeben. Dies betreffen im wesentlichen: die Gestaltung des Spaltverlaufs, Empfehlungen zur Optimierung der Tragfaehigkeit, der Reibungsverluste und des Schmierstoffdurchsatzes, Hinweise zum Schmierstoff- bzw. Schmierstoff-Waermeaustausch und die Verbesserung der inneren Schmierstofffuehrung. (orig.)

  16. Improving workplace-based assessment and feedback by an E-portfolio enhanced with learning analytics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Schaaf, Marieke; Donkers, Jeroen; Slof, Bert; Moonen-van Loon, Joyce; van Tartwijk, Jan; Driessen, Eric; Badii, Atta; Serban, Ovidiu; Ten Cate, Olle

    Electronic portfolios (E-portfolios) are crucial means for workplace-based assessment and feedback. Although E-portfolios provide a useful approach to view each learner’s progress, so far options for personalized feedback and potential data about a learner’s performances at the workplace often

  17. Study of the decay η→e+e-e+e- with WASA-at-COSY

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yurev, Leonid Sergeewitsch


    This work is dedicated to the study of the double Dalitz decay η→e + e - e + e - . For this rare decay of the η meson only an experimental upper limit for the branching ratio is known. The theoretical prediction is based on Quantum Electrodynamics for the branching ratio is about 2.5 x 10 -5 , which is a factor of three below the experimental upper limit. One of the main points of interest to study this decay is the possibility to measure the transition form factor, which describes the electromagnetic structure of the decaying neutral meson at the η→γ * γ * vertex. In the final state of the decay η→e + e - e + e - there are two lepton pairs, whose squared invariant mass equals the four momenta squared of the virtual photons. The knowledge about the structure of the transition form factor can indicate whether double vector meson dominance is realized in nature, which has important implications for kaon decays and the μ anomalous magnetic moment. Using the WASA at COSY facility it is possible for the first time to determine the branching ratio of the η→e + e - e + e - decay. The data analyzed in this work were taken in the reaction pd→ 3 Heη at 1 GeV kinetic energy and contain ∝10 x 10 6 events of η-mesons. A sample of (30±10) η→e + e - e + e - . event candidates has been extracted, corresponding to a branching ratio of 2.9 x 10 -5 .

  18. Exportação de nutrientes pelos frutos de melancia em função de épocas de cultivo, fontes e doses de potássio Nutrients recruitment of watermelon fruits in relation to seasons, potassium sources and doses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leilson C. Grangeiro


    Full Text Available Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em propriedades rurais, localizadas próxima a cidade de Borborema (SP, de outubro a dezembro/2001 e de fevereiro a abril/2002, com o objetivo de determinar as quantidades exportadas de nutrientes pelos frutos de melancia, em função de fontes e doses de potássio, em duas épocas de cultivo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados completos, em esquema fatorial 3x4, com três repetições, sendo avaliados as fontes: cloreto, nitrato e sulfato de potássio e as doses: 50; 100; 200 e 300 kg ha-1 de K2O. Com exceção do Mg, as maiores exportações de nutrientes pelos frutos foram obtidas no cultivo de outubro a dezembro. A massa seca e as exportações de N, P, K, e Ca aumentaram de forma quadrática com as doses de potássio. A aplicação KCl aumentou respectivamente, de forma quadrática e linear, as exportações de S e Cl pelos frutos de melancia.Two field experiments were conducted in Borborema, São Paulo State, Brazil, from October to December 2001 and February to April 2002, to evaluate the nutrients recruitment of watermelon fruits, Tide hybrid, as a result of potassium sources and doses. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with three replications, in 3x4 factorial scheme, the sources being evaluated: potassium chloride, nitrate and sulphate and doses of 50; 100; 200 and 300 kg ha-1 K2O. Greater recruitment of N, P, K, Ca, S and Cl by watermelon fruits was obtained in the first trial, while the recruitment of Mg was observed in the second trial. The dry mass and recruitment of N, P, K, and Ca increased with potassium doses. S and Cl of the watermelon fruits increased with the increase of KCl doses in a quadratic and linear form, respectively.

  19. Preferred flavors and reasons for e-cigarette use and discontinued use among never, current, and former smokers. (United States)

    Berg, Carla J


    To compare e-cigarette flavors preferred and reasons for use and discontinued use across never, current, and former e-cigarette users and cigarette smokers. We recruited 1567 participants aged 18-34 years through Facebook ads targeting tobacco users and nonusers in August 2014 to complete an online survey. We assessed tobacco use, preferred flavors, and reasons for e-cigarette use and discontinued use. Our sample was 49 % male, 87 % White; 56 % current cigarette smokers; and 53 % e-cigarette users. Current e-cigarette users used an average of 20.9 days in the past 30 (SD = 11.7) and 55.2 puffs/day (SD = 37.3). Compared to never and current smokers, former smokers used e-cigarettes more frequently (p's reason for e-cigarette use was "they might be less harmful than cigarettes". The most endorsed reason for discontinued e-cigarette use was "using other tobacco products instead". Never, current, and former smokers had distinct reasons for e-cigarette use and discontinued use and differed in flavor preferences. Regulating marketing and flavors may impact e-cigarette uptake by young adults.

  20. Evaluating e-Government and Good Governance Correlation

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    Suhardi Suhardi


    Full Text Available Assessing the achievement of Indonesian government institutions in implementing e-government has been conducted since around a decade ago. Several national assessments are available with almost the same ranking results. There is an agreement that the ultimate goal of e-government implementation is to achieve good government governance (GGG, while success stories of e-government require good governance practices. This study explored the correlation between e-government achievement and GGG achievement in Indonesia. Spearman’s rank correlation was used to characterize the relationship strength between e-government assessment results and good governance assessment results. The data were collected from institutions that participated in e-government and good governance assessments. The results showed that the correlation between these two entities is not very strong. Most cases showed that e-government implementation and the achievement of good governance have only a moderate positive correlation and none of the studied cases indicated a significant connection. This result can be attributed to the lack of emphasis on goals achievement in the assessments. Thus, it is recommended that future Indonesian e-government assessments should involve impact indicators.

  1. Ellbogen- und Handgelenksendoprothetik beim Rheumatiker - Richtlinien und Rehabilitation

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    Chochole M


    Full Text Available Die Endoprothetik an Ellbogen und Handgelenk ist seit etwa drei Jahrzehnten etabliert. An beiden Gelenken haben sich einzelne Implantate oder Designs durchgesetzt. Operationstechniken und Nachuntersuchungsergebnisse sind publiziert. Wenig ist jedoch zum Thema Nachbehandlung und Nachsorge veröffentlicht. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich detailliert mit der ärztlichen und therapeutischen Betreuung nach Implantation einer Ellbogen- oder Handgelenksendoprothese beim Patienten mit rheumatischer Arthritis unter Aufgliederung in Krankenhausaufenthalt, ambulanter Nachsorge sowie stationärer Rehabilitation. Dabei werden Zeitrahmen, Therapieziele und Behandlungen gesondert angeführt.

  2. E6AP is Required for Human Papillomavirus type 16 E6 to Cause Cervical Cancer in Mice (United States)

    Shai, Anny; Pitot, Henry C.; Lambert, Paul F.


    High-risk human papillomaviruses cause certain anogenital and head and neck cancers. E6, one of three potent HPV oncogenes that contribute to the development of these malignancies, is a multifunctional protein with many biochemical activities. Among these activities are its ability to bind and inactivate the cellular tumor suppressor p53, induce expression of telomerase, and bind to various other proteins including Bak, E6BP1, E6TP1, and proteins that contain PDZ domains such as hScrib and hDlg. Many of these activities are thought to contribute to E6’s role in carcinogenesis. E6’s interaction with many of these cellular proteins, including p53, leads to their destabilization. This property is mediated at least in part through E6’s ability to recruit the ubiquitin ligase, E6AP into complexes with these cellular proteins resulting in their ubiquitin–mediated degradation by the proteasome. In this study, we address the requirement for E6AP in mediating E6's acute and oncogenic phenotypes, including induction of epithelial hyperplasia, abrogation of DNA damage response and induction of cervical cancer. Loss of E6AP had no discernable effect on E6's ability to induce hyperplasia or abrogate DNA damage responses, akin to what we had earlier observed in the mouse epidermis. Nevertheless, in cervical carcinogenesis studies, there was a complete loss of E6’s oncogenic potential in mice nulligenic for E6AP. Thus, E6AP is absolutely required for E6 to cause cervical cancer. PMID:20530688

  3. Structural changes of eIF4E upon binding to the mRNA 5' monomethylguanosine and trimethylguanosine Cap. (United States)

    Rutkowska-Wlodarczyk, Izabela; Stepinski, Janusz; Dadlez, Michal; Darzynkiewicz, Edward; Stolarski, Ryszard; Niedzwiecka, Anna


    Recognition of the 5' cap by the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) is the rate-limiting step in the ribosome recruitment to mRNAs. The regular cap consists of 7-monomethylguanosine (MMG) linked by a 5'-5' triphosphate bridge to the first transcribed nucleoside, while some primitive eukaryotes possess a N (2), N (2),7-trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap structure as a result of trans splicing. Mammalian eIF4E is highly specific to the MMG form of the cap in terms of association constants and thermodynamic driving force. We have investigated conformational changes of eIF4E induced by interaction with two cap analogues, 7-methyl-GTP and N (2), N (2),7-trimethyl-GTP. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange and electrospray mass spectrometry were applied to probe local dynamics of murine eIF4E in the apo and cap-bound forms. The data show that the cap binding induces long-range conformational changes in the protein, not only in the cap-binding pocket but also in a distant region of the 4E-BP/eIF4G binding site. Formation of the complex with 7-methyl-GTP makes the eIF4E structure more compact, while binding of N (2), N (2),7-trimethyl-GTP leads to higher solvent accessibility of the protein backbone in comparison with the apo form. The results suggest that the additional double methylation at the N (2)-amino group of the cap causes sterical effects upon binding to mammalian eIF4E which influence the overall solution dynamics of the protein, thus precluding formation of a tight complex.

  4. Healthy e-health? Think 'environmental e-health'! (United States)

    Scott, Richard E; Saunders, Chad; Palacios, Moné; Nguyen, Duyen Thi Kim; Ali, Sajid


    The Environmental e-Health Research and Training Program has completed its scoping study to understand the breadth of a new field of research: Environmental e-Health. Nearly every aspect of modern life is associated, directly or indirectly, with application of technology, from a cup of coffee, through transportation to and from work, to appliances in the home and industrial activities. In recent decades the rapidly increasing application of information and communications technologies (ICT) has added to the cacophony of technological 'noise' around us. Research has shown that technology use, including ICTs, has impact upon the environment. Studying environmental impact in such a complex global setting is daunting. e-Health is now being used as a convenient microcosm of ICT application within which to study these impacts, and is particularly poignant given that e-Health's environmental harms conflict with its noble goals of 'doing no harm'. The study has identified impacts, both benefits and harms in all three life-cycle phases for e-Health: up-stream (materials extraction, manufacturing, packaging, distribution), mid-stream (use period), and down-stream (end-of-life processes--disposal, recycling). In addition the literature shows that a holistic 'Life Cycle Assessment' approach is essential to understand the complexity of the setting, and determine the true balance between total harms and total benefits, and for whom.

  5. Ageing and life-time management in nuclear power stations - concept and examples; Alterungs- und Lebensdauermanagement in Kernkraftwerken - Konzept und Beispiele

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erve, M.; Tenckhoff, E. [Siemens AG Unternehmensbereich KWU, Erlangen (Germany)


    Knowledge, assessment and understanding of phenomena caused by ageing, together with systematic utilization and extension of the technical life-time of components and systems, are of critical importance to the safety and economy of electricity generation in nuclear power stations. Economic use can be optimized by integrated ageing and life-time management; it can also be used to improve performance characteristics. (orig.) [Deutsch] Fuer die Sicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Stromerzeugung in Kernkraftwerken sind die Kenntnis, Bewertung und Beherrschung alterungsbedingter Phaenomene und systematische Ausnutzung bzw. Verlaengerung der technischen Lebensdauer der Komponenten und Systeme von zentraler Bedeutung. Durch ganzheitliches Alterungs- und Lebensdauermanagement, das auch auf die Verbesserung von Leistungsmerkmalen abzielt, kann der wirtschaftliche Nutzen optimiert werden. (orig.)

  6. Engine 3E. NO{sub x} reduction by means of homogenisation of mixtures inside combustion chambers. Final report; Engine 3E. NO{sub x}-Reduktion durch Homogenisierung des Gemisches in Brennkammern. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zarzalis, N.; Homann; Schubert


    This is the final report of the Technology Project 'NO{sub x} reduction by means of homogenisation of mixtures inside combustion chambers', which is part of the Engine 3E 2010 programme of the BMBF, which was to promote research in aircraft engineering. In this project, technologies were developed to achieve a 60% reduction of NO{sub x} emissions as compared to ICAO '95 in an annular combustion chamber in realistic operating conditions where the emissions of substances oher than NO{sub x} were to be of the same level as the emissions of modern jet drives. Further, the design of the new combustion chamber was to be conventional in order to retain the possibility of converting existing propulsion systems to the new technology. [German] Diese Notiz enthaelt den Abschlussbericht des Technologievorhabens 'NO{sub x}-Reduktion durch Homogenisierung des Gemisches in Brennkammern'. Das Vorhaben ist Teil des Luftfahrtfoerderprogramms Engine 3E 2010 der Bundesregierung und wird vom Bundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF) unter dem Foerderkennzeichen 20T9540 gefoerdert. Das Programm wurde am 01. Juli 1995 begonnen und endete am 30. Juni 1999. Entsprechend dem Foerderantrag wurden in dem Vorhaben Einzeltechnologien erarbeitet, die erforderlich sind, um eine 60% Reduktion der NO{sub x}-Emissionen gegenueber ICAO '95 in einer Ringbrennkammer unter realistischen Betriebsbedingungen zu demonstrieren, wobei die restlichen Emissionen das Emissionsniveau moderner Triebwerke nicht ueberschreiten sollten. Darueber hinaus sollte das aeussere Design der zu entwickelnden Brennkammer sind von konventionellen Brennkammern nicht unterscheiden, um die Moeglichkeit der Umruestung von alten Triebwerken mit der Brennkammern der neuen Technologie offen zu halten. (orig.)

  7. Imaging of the lumbosacral plexus. Diagnostics and treatment planning with high-resolution procedures; Bildgebung des Plexus lumbosacralis. Diagnostik und Therapieplanung mithilfe hochaufgeloester Verfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jengojan, S.; Schellen, C.; Bodner, G.; Kasprian, G. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Wien (Austria)


    Technical advances in magnetic resonance (MR) and ultrasound-based neurography nowadays facilitate the radiological assessment of the lumbosacral plexus. Anatomy and imaging of the lumbosacral plexus and diagnostics of the most common pathologies. Description of the clinically feasible combination of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound diagnostics, case-based illustration of imaging techniques and individual advantages of MRI and ultrasound-based diagnostics for various pathologies of the lumbosacral plexus and its peripheral nerves. High-resolution ultrasound-based neurography (HRUS) is particularly valuable for the assessment of superficial structures of the lumbosacral plexus. Depending on the examiner's experience, anatomical variations of the sciatic nerve (e. g. relevant in piriformis syndrome) as well as more subtle variations, for example as seen in neuritis, can be sonographically depicted and assessed. The use of MRI enables the diagnostic evaluation of more deeply located nerve structures, such as the pudendal and the femoral nerves. Modern MRI techniques, such as peripheral nerve tractography allow three-dimensional depiction of the spatial relationship between nerves and local tumors or traumatic alterations. This can be beneficial for further therapy planning. The anatomy and pathology of the lumbosacral plexus can be reliably imaged by the meaningful combination of MRI and ultrasound-based high resolution neurography. (orig.) [German] Durch technische Fortschritte im Bereich der magnetresonanz- (MR-) und ultraschallbasierten Neurographie ist der Plexus lumbosacralis heute der radiologischen Abklaerung zugaenglich. Anatomie und Bildgebung des Plexus lumbosacralis, Abklaerung der haeufigsten Pathologien. Erlaeuterung der klinisch sinnvollen Kombination von MR- und Ultraschalldiagnostik, Darstellung der Untersuchungstechniken und der jeweiligen Vorteile von MRT und Ultraschall anhand fallbasierter Praesentation unterschiedlicher

  8. Organic Trace Compounds as Emisions of Incineration Plants and their Toxicological and Ecotoxicological Classification - Part 2. Toxicological and ecotoxicological classification; Organische Spurenstoffe als Emissionen aus Verbrennungsanlagen und deren humantoxikologische und oekotoxikologische Einordnung. T. 2. Humantoxikologische und oekotoxikologische Einordnung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaiser, G.; Wiedmann, T.; Ballschmiter, K.


    In this report (`Organic Trace Compounds as Emissions of Incineration Plants and their Toxicological and Ecotoxicologial Classification - Part 2: Toxicological and Ecotoxicological Classification`) emissions of organic compounds, measured from German municipal waste incineration plants, are compared with toxicological and ecotoxicological data, limits and threshold values and environmental baseline levels. Emission data of other combustion processes are integrated if available. A modern waste incineration plant, observing German emission regulations, emits less of most substances reported here than other industrial processes or e.g. the combustion of wood or coal. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im vorliegenden Arbeitsbericht (`Organische Spurenstoffe als Emissionen aus Verbrennungsanlagen und deren humantoxikologische und oekotoxikologische Einordnung - Teil 2: Humantoxikologische und oekotoxikologische Einordnung`) werden die realen organischen Emissionen von Muellverbrennungsanlagen in groesstmoeglicher stofflicher Differenzierung toxikologisch eingeordnet. Hierzu werden die Daten mit human-/oekotoxikologischen Kenngroessen, Grenz- und Orientierungswerten sowie mit der Hintergrundbelastung verglichen und die inhalative Zusatzbelastung wird berechnet. Diese liegt fuer alle Stoffe im Bereich von 10{sup -9} bis 10{sup -1} Prozent. Eine Ausnahme bilden die Phthalsaeureester mit einem Spitzenwert fuer die Zusatzbelastung von 6,5%. Wenn vorhanden, werden die Emissionsdaten von anderen Verbrennungsprozessen mit in die Einordnung aufgenommen. Von vielen Substanzklassen wird bei einer Abfallverbrennungsanlage, die die Grenzwerte der 17. BImSchV einhaelt, weniger an die Umgebungsluft abgegeben als bei anderen industriellen Prozessen oder z.B. bei der Verbrennung von Kohle oder Holz. (orig.)

  9. Ultrasound-guided image fusion with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Clinical utility for imaging and interventional diagnostics of hepatic lesions; Ultraschallgestuetzte Bildfusion mittels CT und MRT. Klinische Bedeutung fuer die bildgebende und interventionelle Diagnostik von Leberlaesionen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clevert, D.A.; Helck, A.; Paprottka, P.M.; Trumm, C.; Reiser, M.F. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Zengel, P. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Campus Grosshadern, Klinik fuer Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde, Muenchen (Germany)


    Abdominal ultrasound is often the first-line imaging modality for assessing focal liver lesions. Due to various new ultrasound techniques, such as image fusion, global positioning system (GPS) tracking and needle tracking guided biopsy, abdominal ultrasound now has great potential regarding detection, characterization and treatment of focal liver lesions. Furthermore, these new techniques will help to improve the clinical management of patients before and during interventional procedures. This article presents the principle and clinical impact of recently developed techniques in the field of ultrasound, e.g. image fusion, GPS tracking and needle tracking guided biopsy and discusses the results based on a feasibility study on 20 patients with focal hepatic lesions. (orig.) [German] Bei der Bildfusion von Ultraschall mit anderen schnittbildgebenden Verfahren (CT, MRT) handelt es sich um ein relativ neuartiges Verfahren, welches unter Studienbedingungen jedoch bereits erfolgreich eingesetzt wurde. In der folgenden Machbarkeitsstudie soll der Nutzen weiterfuehrender Anwendungen der sonographischen Bildfusion, dem so genannten Global-Positioning-System- (GPS-) und Needle-Tracking, untersucht werden. Dabei handelt es sich um Instrumente, die insbesondere die Diagnostik und das Staging (GPS-Tracking) bzw. die bioptische Abklaerung (Needle-Tracking) von Patienten mit fokalen Leberlaesionen erleichtern. In diesem Artikel werden das Prinzip und die Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten dieser neuen Techniken anhand konkreter Beispiele in einem Kollektiv von 20 Patienten mit fokalen Leberlaesionen vorgestellt und erlaeutert. (orig.)

  10. Benefits and drawbacks of TOFD and SAFT for crack depth measurement at thick-walled vessels; Vor- und Nachteile von TOFD und SAFT zur Risstiefenmessung an dickwandigen Behaeltern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmitz, V.; Mueller, W. [IZFP, Saarbruecken (Germany); Hecht, A. [BASF AG, Ludwigshafen (Germany)


    The results presented in the paper show that TOFD can be applied in many cases as a low-cost and reliable testing method, but is less suitable for some cases. These are: Description of cracks in welded joints which yield a multitude of data, as e.g. microstructural data, so that the method is less suitable for austenitic weld testing; detection of small cracks. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Aus den gezeigten Beispielen ergibt sich, dass TOFD in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungsfaellen als preisguenstiges und zuverlaessiges Pruefverfahren eingesetzt werden kann, dass es aber fuer einige Anwendungsfaelle weniger geeignet ist: Diese Anwendungsfaelle sind: (1) Nachweis von Rissen in Schweissnaehten mit vielen Anzeigen, z.B. Gefuegeanzeigen, d.h. insbesondere bei austenitischen Schweissnaehten, und (2) Nachweis von kleinen Rissen. Der Nachweis auch von kleinen Rissen wird dahingegen beim Impuls-Echo Verfahren aufgrund des vorliegenden Winkelspiegeleffektes durchaus moeglich sein. Durch eine nachgeschaltete SAFT-Auswertung werden zum einen stoerendes Gefuegerauschen unterdrueckt und zum anderen Echos von Fehlstellen angehoben. Diese Verbesserung des Signal-Rausch-Abstandes fuehrt zu einer Verbesserung der Fehlererkennbarkeit und der Fehlerbewertung. (orig.)

  11. Was ist so Berlin? Eine kritische Rezension aktueller Linien und Fragestellungen der Stadtforschung in der deutschen Hauptstadt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Merrill


    Full Text Available Ende 2012 hat das Zitty Magazin des Tagesspiegels seine Werbekampagne „Das ist so Berlin“ gestartet. Seither sind kleine rot-weiße Aufkleber mit dieser Aussage überall in der Stadt aufgetaucht, auf Mülleimern, U-Bahn-Schildern und Bushaltestellen. Zum Teil als Reaktion auf diese Kampagne, fragt diese kritische, bilinguale Rezension Was ist so Berlin? um die aktuellen Linien und Fragestellungen der Stadtforschung in Berlin zu diskutieren. Dazu werden die Berlin-Sitzungen zweier internationaler Tagungen des Jahres 2013 rezensiert, die Sitzungen der Jahreskonferenz der Association of American Geographers (Los Angeles 9-13 April und es Jahrestreffen des Research Committee 21 (Berlin 29-31, sowie der Sammelband – The Berlin Reader: A Compendium on Urban Change and Activism (Transcript, 2013, herausgegeben von Matthias Bernt, Britta Grell und Andrej Holm. Im Anschluss betont die Rezension die Notwendigkeit die Vorstellungen zu Berlin und Berlins exceptionalism, die in der Stadtforschung entwickelt werden, fortlaufend so zu beleuchten, dass eine pluralistische Rhetorik, die Position und Verantwortung von Forscher_innen und wissenschaftliche Forschungslücken, berücksichtigt werden.

  12. Improving Workplace-Based Assessment and Feedback by an E-Portfolio Enhanced with Learning Analytics (United States)

    van der Schaaf, Marieke; Donkers, Jeroen; Slof, Bert; Moonen-van Loon, Joyce; van Tartwijk, Jan; Driessen, Eric; Badii, Atta; Serban, Ovidiu; Ten Cate, Olle


    Electronic portfolios (E-portfolios) are crucial means for workplace-based assessment and feedback. Although E-portfolios provide a useful approach to view each learner's progress, so far options for personalized feedback and potential data about a learner's performances at the workplace often remain unexploited. This paper advocates that…

  13. Fingerpainting am Touchscreen. Fünf Mal- und Zeichen-Apps für Android-Tablets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christoph Kaindel


    Full Text Available Malen auf dem Touchscreen eines Smartphones oder Tablets ist eine natürliche und intuitive Tätigkeit; anders als bei der Nutzung eines Grafiktabletts am PC gibt es so gut wie keine Umstellungsphase. Christoph Kaindel hat für uns fünf Mal- und Zeichen-Apps unter die Lupe genommen. Bereits für Kinder ist in den diversen Appstores eine große Zahl an einfachen Mal-Apps zu finden, mit meist nur wenigen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten und oft fragwürdiger Qualität. Am anderen Ende des Spektrums liegt der professionelle Einsatz von Tablets im Grafikbereich, für den spezialisierte und entsprechend teure Geräte notwendig sind. Ich werde einige Apps aus dem Mittelfeld vorstellen, die sich für einfache wie anspruchsvolle Vorhaben und Projekte eignen, auch auf schwächeren Tablets laufen und preisgünstig oder gratis sind. Alle Apps bieten die Möglichkeit, unterwegs zu malen, zu skizzieren, Fotos zu verfremden und die entstandenen Bilder am PC weiter bearbeiten zu können. Für PCs gibt es einige empfehlenswerte kostenlose Malprogramme, die ich bereits in einem anderen Artikel ( vorgestellt habe.

  14. Assessment selection in human-automation interaction studies: The Failure-GAM2E and review of assessment methods for highly automated driving. (United States)

    Grane, Camilla


    Highly automated driving will change driver's behavioural patterns. Traditional methods used for assessing manual driving will only be applicable for the parts of human-automation interaction where the driver intervenes such as in hand-over and take-over situations. Therefore, driver behaviour assessment will need to adapt to the new driving scenarios. This paper aims at simplifying the process of selecting appropriate assessment methods. Thirty-five papers were reviewed to examine potential and relevant methods. The review showed that many studies still relies on traditional driving assessment methods. A new method, the Failure-GAM 2 E model, with purpose to aid assessment selection when planning a study, is proposed and exemplified in the paper. Failure-GAM 2 E includes a systematic step-by-step procedure defining the situation, failures (Failure), goals (G), actions (A), subjective methods (M), objective methods (M) and equipment (E). The use of Failure-GAM 2 E in a study example resulted in a well-reasoned assessment plan, a new way of measuring trust through feet movements and a proposed Optimal Risk Management Model. Failure-GAM 2 E and the Optimal Risk Management Model are believed to support the planning process for research studies in the field of human-automation interaction. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Electromagnetic converters and sensors. Fundamentals, fieldnumerical calculation of electromagnetic fields and application in mechatronics. 2. new rev. and enl. ed.; Elektromagnetische Wandler und Sensoren. Grundlagen, feldnumerische Berechnung elektromagnetischer Felder und Anwendungen in der Mechatronik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cassing, W.; Stanek, W.; Erd, L.; Huebner, K.D.; Koch, J.; Dukart, A.


    Electrodynamic theories and calculation methods are discussed with particular regard to permanent electromagnetic circuits in mechatronics. Design strategies and computer calculation methods are explained by examples and applied to magnetic sensors, e.g. in automotive, electrically switched permanent magnet systems and actuators. The theoretical background is based primarily on the complete Maxwell's equations with their interdisciplinary related fields and up to compact formulations for use in relativistic quantum electrodynamics. [German] In diesem Fachbuch werden elektrodynamische Theorien und verschiedene Berechnungsverfahren unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung dauerelektromagnetischer Kreise in der Mechatronik behandelt. An ausgewaehlten Berechnungsbeispielen werden die wichtigsten Entwurfsstrategien und computerorientierten Rechenverfahren erlaeutert und auf magnetische Sensoren u.a. aus dem Bereich Automotive, elektrisch schaltbare Dauermagnetsysteme und Aktuatoren angewendet. Der theoretische Hintergrund hierfuer sind vorrangig die kompletten Maxwell'schen Gleichungen mit interdisziplinaeren Nachbargebieten bis hin zu kompakten Formulierungen fuer die relativistische Quantenelektrodynamik. (orig.)

  16. Using technology for global recruitment: why HR/OB scholars need US knowledge?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Furtmueller-Ettinger, Elfriede


    This dissertation contributes to the Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) literature and specifically aims to enhance our understanding on how to design and innovate e-Recruiting technologies. Despite many organizations that proudly advertise their success with e-Recruiting services, it

  17. Prozessentwicklung und Produktion von Wirkstoff-Metaboliten durch Ganzzellbiotransformation im Gramm-Maßstab mit humanem Cytochrom P450 exprimiert in E. coli


    Jahn, Berengar


    Cytochrom P450 (CYP) umfasst eine ubiquitär verbreitete Enzymüberfamilie mit einem sehr breiten Substrat- und Reaktionsspektrum. Im menschlichen Körper spielt CYP im Stoffwechsel von Medikamenten eine zentrale Rolle. In der pharmazeutischen Forschung werden aufgereinigte Wirkstoff-Metaboliten für die Strukturaufklärung, als Vergleichsstandard für die Pharmakokinetik und für die Klärung toxikologischer Risiken im Rahmen der Arzneimittelzulassung benötigt. Bisherige chemische oder mikrobiologis...

  18. Rosuvastatin reduces atherosclerotic lesions and promotes progenitor cell mobilisation and recruitment in apolipoprotein E knockout mice. (United States)

    Schroeter, Marco R; Humboldt, Tim; Schäfer, Katrin; Konstantinides, Stavros


    Statins enhance incorporation of bone marrow-derived cells into experimental neointimal lesions. However, the contribution of progenitor cells to progression of spontaneous atherosclerotic plaques, and the possible modulatory role of statins in this process, remain poorly understood. We compared the effects of rosuvastatin (1 and 10mg/kg BW) and pravastatin (10mg/kg) on progenitor cell mobilisation, recruitment into atherosclerotic plaques, and lesion growth. Statins were administered over 8 weeks to apolipoprotein E knockout mice on atherogenic diet. In addition, mice were lethally irradiated, followed by transplantation of bone marrow from LacZ transgenic mice. Rosuvastatin reduced lesion area and intima-to-media ratio at the brachiocephalic artery compared to vehicle, while both parameters were not significantly altered by pravastatin. Rosuvastatin also augmented endothelialisation (P<0.05) and reduced the smooth muscle cells (SMC) content (P=0.042) of lesions. Numbers of c-kit, sca-1 and flk-1, sca-1 double-positive progenitor cells were significantly increased in rosuvastatin compared to control-treated mice, both in the bone marrow and the peripheral blood. Similarly, the number of spleen-derived acLDL, lectin double-positive progenitor cells (P=0.001) and colony-forming units (P=0.0104) was significantly increased in mice treated with rosuvastatin compared to vehicle alone. In the bone marrow, increased Akt and p42/44 MAP kinase phosphorylation and upregulated SDF1alpha mRNA expression were observed. Importantly, rosuvastatin treatment also increased the plasma levels of c-kit ligand (P=0.003), and the number of c-kit-positive cells within atherosclerotic lesions (P=0.041). Our findings suggest that rosuvastatin reduces the size of atherosclerotic plaques, and this effect appears to involve progenitor cell mobilisation and recruitment into vascular lesions.

  19. Yeast eIF4B binds to the head of the 40S ribosomal subunit and promotes mRNA recruitment through its N-terminal and internal repeat domains. (United States)

    Walker, Sarah E; Zhou, Fujun; Mitchell, Sarah F; Larson, Victoria S; Valasek, Leos; Hinnebusch, Alan G; Lorsch, Jon R


    Eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF)4B stimulates recruitment of mRNA to the 43S ribosomal pre-initiation complex (PIC). Yeast eIF4B (yeIF4B), shown previously to bind single-stranded (ss) RNA, consists of an N-terminal domain (NTD), predicted to be unstructured in solution; an RNA-recognition motif (RRM); an unusual domain comprised of seven imperfect repeats of 26 amino acids; and a C-terminal domain. Although the mechanism of yeIF4B action has remained obscure, most models have suggested central roles for its RRM and ssRNA-binding activity. We have dissected the functions of yeIF4B's domains and show that the RRM and its ssRNA-binding activity are dispensable in vitro and in vivo. Instead, our data indicate that the 7-repeats and NTD are the most critical domains, which mediate binding of yeIF4B to the head of the 40S ribosomal subunit via interaction with Rps20. This interaction induces structural changes in the ribosome's mRNA entry channel that could facilitate mRNA loading. We also show that yeIF4B strongly promotes productive interaction of eIF4A with the 43S•mRNA PIC in a manner required for efficient mRNA recruitment.

  20. Nationale und transnationale Vernetzung polnischer Städte und Regionen: Auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung


    Dorsch, Pamela


    "Die Studie 'Nationale und transnationale Vernetzung polnischer Städte und Regionen - Bedeutung für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung' liefert einen Überblick über die Einbindung polnischer Kommunen und Wojewodschaften in allgemeine und politikfeldspezifische Netzwerke auf nationaler und transnationaler Ebene. Besondere Berücksichtigung findet hierbei die Vernetzung in Fragen von Nachhaltigkeit und des Umweltschutzes. Einführend zeigt die Studie den Prozess zunehmender Dezentral...

  1. E-cigarette specialty retailers: Data to assess the association between retail environment and student e-cigarette use


    Georgiana Bostean; Catherine M. Crespi; Patsornkarn Vorapharuek; William J. McCarthy


    The retail environment is a major social determinant of health, yet little is known about the e-cigarette specialty retailer environment. The e-cigarette specialty retail environment may be associated with e-cigarette use by middle and high school students, an issue that was addressed in a recent article entitled, ?E-cigarette use among students and e-cigarette specialty retailer presence near schools,? by Bostean and colleagues (G. Bostean, C.M. Crespi, P. Vorapharuek, W.J. McCarthy, 2016 [1...

  2. Energy efficiency. A textbook and handbook; Energieeffizienz. Ein Lehr- und Handbuch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pehnt, Martin (ed.) [IFEU Institut fuer Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH, Heidelberg (Germany)


    Apart from renewable energies, energy efficiency and energy conservation are the fundament for an economically optimized energy strategy. Energy efficiency involves different ranges: the energy and heating market for households and trades, the traffic sector and industrial production. Along the value creation chain energy efficiency signifies an effective conversion of raw materials, a use of by-products, a reduction of consumption and a modification of the behaviour. This text book offers a comprehensive overview of all ranges of energy efficiency. It interdisciplinary it gives an engineering understanding of the technologies for the reader and connects this with economic, sociological, energy political and ecological fundamentals. The manual is not only suitable for the teachings in relevant courses of studies (e.g. energy, environmental or process engineering, architecture, industrial engineering, geography and political economy, physics), but also offers a clear, intimate insight of the topic energy efficiency to specialists of neighbouring disciplines. [German] Energieeffizienz und Energieeinsparungen sind - neben erneuerbaren Energien - die Basis fuer eine volkswirtschaftlich optimierte Energiestrategie. Energieeffizienz betrifft unterschiedliche Bereiche: den Strom- und Waermemarkt fuer Haushalte und Gewerbe, den Verkehrssektor und die industrielle Produktion. Energieeffizienz entlang der Wertschoepfungskette bedeutet, Rohstoffe wirksam umzuwandeln, Nebenprodukte zu nutzen, Verbrauch zu reduzieren und Verhalten zu aendern. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen umfassenden Ueberblick ueber alle Bereiche der Energieeffizienz. Interdisziplinaer vermittelt es dem Leser ein ingenieurtechnisches Verstaendnis der Technologien und verknuepft dieses mit oekonomischen, sozialwissenschaftlichen, energiepolitischen und oekologischen Grundlagen. Das Handbuch ist nicht nur fuer die Lehre in einschlaegigen Studiengaengen (z. B. Energie-, Umwelt- oder Verfahrenstechnik, Architektur

  3. Time factor in e-learning and assessment


    Romero Velasco, Margarida


    Peer-reviewed Peer reviewed Time is probably one of the most polysemous words in education. In e-learning, characterization of the time factor is particularly relevant because of the high level of flexibility in the teaching and learning times, and the resulting responsibility of the e-learners in regulating their learning times.

  4. Europeanization of the Hospital Markets - Opportunities and Risks for German Hospitals (Europaeisierung des Krankenhausmarkets - Chancen und Risiken fuer deutsche Krankenhaeuser) (United States)


    Information Services Institut (3M HIS Institut) hat u.a. mit der Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur Pflege und Weiterentwicklung des deutschen DRG-Systems ftir... Pflege (Krankenhauspflege) a. die Kosten wachsen schneller als allgerneine Inflation b. praktisch stabile Krankenversicherungsentnahme c. es existieren 9...Krankenkassen d. die Pflege ist von der Krankenversicherung voll (theoretisch) vergUltet e. Missverhlitnis zwischen Versicherungsentnuhrne und

  5. A biochemical framework for eIF4E-dependent mRNA export and nuclear recycling of the export machinery. (United States)

    Volpon, Laurent; Culjkovic-Kraljacic, Biljana; Sohn, Hye Seon; Blanchet-Cohen, Alexis; Osborne, Michael J; Borden, Katherine L B


    The eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E acts in the nuclear export and translation of a subset of mRNAs. Both of these functions contribute to its oncogenic potential. While the biochemical mechanisms that underlie translation are relatively well understood, the molecular basis for eIF4E's role in mRNA export remains largely unexplored. To date, over 3000 transcripts, many encoding oncoproteins, were identified as potential nuclear eIF4E export targets. These target RNAs typically contain a ∼50-nucleotide eIF4E sensitivity element (4ESE) in the 3' UTR and a 7-methylguanosine cap on the 5' end. While eIF4E associates with the cap, an unknown factor recognizes the 4ESE element. We previously identified cofactors that functionally interacted with eIF4E in mammalian cell nuclei including the leucine-rich pentatricopeptide repeat protein LRPPRC and the export receptor CRM1/XPO1. LRPPRC simultaneously interacts with both eIF4E bound to the 5' mRNA cap and the 4ESE element in the 3' UTR. In this way, LRPPRC serves as a specificity factor to recruit 4ESE-containing RNAs within the nucleus. Further, we show that CRM1 directly binds LRPPRC likely acting as the export receptor for the LRPPRC-eIF4E-4ESE RNA complex. We also found that Importin 8, the nuclear importer for cap-free eIF4E, imports RNA-free LRPPRC, potentially providing both coordinated nuclear recycling of the export machinery and an important surveillance mechanism to prevent futile export cycles. Our studies provide the first biochemical framework for the eIF4E-dependent mRNA export pathway. © 2017 Volpon et al.; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the RNA Society.

  6. Targeting eukaryotic translation in mesothelioma cells with an eIF4E-specific antisense oligonucleotide.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blake A Jacobson

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Aberrant cap-dependent translation is implicated in tumorigenesis in multiple tumor types including mesothelioma. In this study, disabling the eIF4F complex by targeting eIF4E with eIF4E-specific antisense oligonucleotide (4EASO is assessed as a therapy for mesothelioma. METHODS: Mesothelioma cells were transfected with 4EASO, designed to target eIF4E mRNA, or mismatch-ASO control. Cell survival was measured in mesothelioma treated with 4EASO alone or combined with either gemcitabine or pemetrexed. Levels of eIF4E, ODC, Bcl-2 and β-actin were assessed following treatment. Binding to a synthetic cap-analogue was used to study the strength of eIF4F complex activation following treatment. RESULTS: eIF4E level and the formation of eIF4F cap-complex decreased in response to 4EASO, but not mismatch control ASO, resulting in cleavage of PARP indicating apoptosis. 4EASO treatment resulted in dose dependent decrease in eIF4E levels, which corresponded to cytotoxicity of mesothelioma cells. 4EASO resulted in decreased levels of eIF4E in non-malignant LP9 cells, but this did not correspond to increased cytotoxicity. Proteins thought to be regulated by cap-dependent translation, Bcl-2 and ODC, were decreased upon treatment with 4EASO. Combination therapy of 4EASO with pemetrexed or gemcitabine further reduced cell number. CONCLUSION: 4EASO is a novel drug that causes apoptosis and selectively reduces eIF4E levels, eIF4F complex formation, and proliferation of mesothelioma cells. eIF4E knockdown results in decreased expression of anti-apoptotic and pro-growth proteins and enhances chemosensitivity.

  7. Towards an E-market Model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivang, Reimer; Hinson, Robert; Somasundaram, Ramanathan


    on the literature survey and ídentification of gaps in the present e-market definitive models, the authors postulate a preliminary e-market reference model. Originality/ Value: Through synthesizing the e-market literature, and by taking into account contemporary e-market developments, key dimensions that define......Purpose: Seeks to argue that there are problems associated with e-market definitive efforts and consequently seeks proposes a new e-market model. Design/methodology/Approach: Paper based largely on literature survey and an assessment of the existing e-market conceptualizations. Findings: Based...

  8. e+e- collisions at 500 GeV: The physics potential

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zerwas, P.M.


    In this report the physics potential of e + e - colliders in the first phase up to a c.m. energy of √s=500 GeV is assessed. A luminosity of L=10 33 cm -2 sec -1 has been assumed in general, leading to an integrated luminosity of about ∫L=10 fb -1 per year. See hints under the relevant topics. (orig./HSI)

  9. Die Digitalisierung der Energiewirtschaft: Potenziale und Herausforderungen der IKT-Branche für Utility 4.0 (United States)

    Aichele, Christian; Schönberger, Marius

    Energieunternehmen haben auf dem Weg zur digitalen Transformation noch viele Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt derzeit auf der Modernisierung der IT-Systeme. Ausgangspunkt hierzu ist, dass sich bei den Endkonsumenten Mobile Applikationen, Smartphones, Tablet-PCs oder Smart TVs einer immensen Beliebtheit erfreuen. Durch diese Technologien wird die physische und virtuelle Welt in immer weiter zunehmendem Maße miteinander verknüpft. Mobile Applikation können einen wahren Hype hervorrufen und Verhaltensweisen auch nachhaltig verändern (ein Beispiel hierfür ist Pokémon Go, eine App die ein virtuelles Spiel mit der realen Umgebung kombiniert und die erstmalig auch eingefleischte Zocker aus der Anonymität ihrer häuslichen Umgebung hervorlocken konnte und für analoge Bewegung im Freien sorgte).

  10. 7 CFR Appendix E to Subpart E of... - Environmental Assessment Guidelines (United States)


    ... Subpart E of Part 1980 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) RURAL HOUSING SERVICE, RURAL BUSINESS-COOPERATIVE SERVICE, RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE, AND FARM SERVICE AGENCY, DEPARTMENT... rangelands, endangered species habitats, or other delicate or rare ecosystems. Attach adequate location maps...

  11. Audiopodcasts im Biochemiepraktikum – Kostengünstiges eLearning in bewährtem Hörfunkformat [Audio podcasts in practical courses in biochemistry – cost-efficient e-learning in a well-proven format from radio broadcasting

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    Münch-Harrach, Dieter


    Full Text Available [english] Introduction: Audio podcasts are an e-learning format that may help to motivate students to deal with the contents of medical education more intensely. We adopted a well-proven format from radio broadcasting, the radio documentary, to direct the listeners’ attention to information about practical courses in biochemistry over a period of 20 minutes at most. Information, original sounds, and a specific atmosphere allow listeners to perceive the contents intensely.Method: In order to organise the production of the podcast as cost-efficient and least time-consuming as possible, a student, a teacher, a clinician, and a technical assistant compile the core themes of their respective text blocks in an editorial conference first. After that, the speakers can elaborate on and record their blocks independently. Coordination is widely handled by the student. At two points of time, the podcasts were evaluated by the medical students by means of a questionnaire.Results: With little cost and time expenses, eight podcasts were produced. They have been used by the students extensively and have also been evaluated very positively by non-student listeners. For long-term usage, a regular reference to the podcast offer is required in the courses.Conclusion: Involving students, successful podcasts can be produced to support classroom teaching with little expenses and contribute to the external presentation of the medical faculty.[german] Einleitung: Audiopodcasts sind ein e-Learning Format, mit dem Studierende motiviert werden können, sich intensiver mit Lerninhalten des Medizinstudiums zu beschäftigen. Wir haben ein bewährtes Format aus dem Hörfunk, den „gebauten Beitrag“, übernommen, um die Aufmerksamkeit der Zuhörer über Zeiträume bis zu 20 Minuten auf Informationen zum Biochemiepraktikum zu richten. Informationen, O-Ton (Original-Ton und spezifische Atmosphäre lassen den Hörer die Inhalte intensiv erleben.Methode: Um die Erstellung der

  12. E-cigarette use, perceptions, and cigarette smoking intentions in a community sample of young adult nondaily cigarette smokers. (United States)

    Brikmanis, Kristin; Petersen, Angela; Doran, Neal


    E-cigarettes have been suggested as a strategy for reducing harm from cigarettes. Although e-cigarettes could be a less-harmful alternative to cigarettes for those trying to quit, there may also be costs that outweigh any benefits of reduction. The purpose of the present study was to prospectively investigate perceptions of e-cigarettes, cigarette smoking intentions, and their associations with e-cigarette use over time. Community participants (N = 348, 57% male) aged 18 to 24 years were recruited for a longitudinal study of tobacco use. Inclusion criteria included nondaily cigarette smoking for ≥ 6 months with no history of daily smoking. Participants reported e-cigarette use over the past 14 days at baseline, and for the past 9 days at 3, 6, and 9 months. Assessments were completed online or via mobile phone. Across the 4 assessments, 22% to 33% of participants reported recent e-cigarette use. Intent to quit smoking cigarettes and intent to maintain smoking were unrelated to e-cigarette frequency. E-cigarette frequency was positively associated with perceiving e-cigarettes as less harmful than cigarettes and more positive e-cigarette expectancies (ps E-cigarette use was also more frequent among those who smoked cigarettes frequently and who used e-cigarettes to circumvent cigarette bans more often (ps e-cigarette use more than harm reduction. Findings instead seem consistent with the hypothesis that e-cigarettes are more often used to complement ongoing cigarette smoking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  13. Konstitutionelle Entwicklungsverzögerung und Familiärer und Idiopathischer Kleinwuchs auf dem Prüfstand - Unterscheidbare Klinische Diagnosen oder Existenz eines Kontinuums?


    Schröter, Felix Alexander


    Kleinwuchs stellt den häufigsten Einweisungsgrund in der pädiatrisch endokrinologischen Sprechstunde dar. Viele dieser Patienten zeigen keine nachweisbaren medizinischen Ursachen für ihre geringe Körpergröße und werden als Konstitutionelle Entwicklungsverzögerung, Familiärer Kleinwuchs oder Idiopathischen Kleinwuchs diagnostiziert. Für die meisten dieser Patienten bleibt die Ätiologie ihres Kleinwuchses unbekannt obgleich...

  14. Energy in the residential building. Electricity, heat, e-mobility. 2. rev. and enl. ed.; Energie im Wohngebaeude. Strom, Waerme, E-Mobilitaet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwarzburger, Heiko


    Photovoltaics, heat pumps and fuel cells offer enormous potential for sustainable energy supply in residential buildings. Solar thermal energy and wood-fired boilers also play an important role in refurbishment. Due to the wide range of possible combinations, the wishes of building owners and homeowners for an ecologically and economically individually adapted energy concept can be fulfilled accurately. This book provides you with a holistic approach to the residential building and its supply of electricity, heat and water. All processes that play a role in the house's energy consumption are examined in their entirety for their potentials and potential savings. The author analyses and describes in detail the resources of buildings and their surroundings - and how they can be used for a truly independent supply. The focus is on reducing energy consumption and costs, the generation and supply of energy from renewable sources and energy storage - considered in new construction and modernisation. The supply of water is also dealt with if it touches on energy issues. The author draws attention to standards and regulations and gives practical advice for planning and installation. The focus is on the so-called sector coupling: electricity from the sun, wind and hydrogen is used to supply electrical consumers in the home, charging technology for electric vehicles, hot water and heating. The time of the boilers and combustion engines has elapsed. Clean electricity and digital controls - power and intelligence - determine the regenerative building technology. [German] Photovoltaik, Waermepumpen und Brennstoffzellen bieten enormes Potenzial, die Energieversorgung im Wohngebaeude nachhaltig zu gestalten. In der Sanierung spielen auch Solarthermie und Holzfeuerungen eine wichtige Rolle. Aufgrund der vielfaeltigen Kombinationsmoeglichkeiten lassen sich die Wuensche der Bauherren und Hausbesitzer nach einem oekologisch und oekonomisch individuell angepassten Energiekonzept

  15. QCD in e+e- annihilation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, A.


    The promise of e + e - annihilation as an ideal laboratory to test Quantum Chromodynamics, QCD, has been the dominating theme in elementary particle physics during the last several years. An attempt is made to partially survey the subject in deep perturbative region in e + e - annihilation where theoretical ambiguities are minimal. Topics discussed include a review of the renormalization group methods relevant for e + e - annihilation, total hadronic cross section, jets and large-psub(T) phenomena, non-perturbative quark and gluon fragmentation effects and analysis of the jet distributions measured at DORIS, SPEAR and PETRA. My hope is to review realistic tests of QCD in e + e - annihilation - as opposed to the ultimate tests, which abound in literature. (orig.)

  16. UIS Baden-Wuerttemberg. Project AJA. Application of JAVA-based and other efficient solutions in the areas of environment, traffic and administration. Phase V 2004; UIS Baden-Wuerttemberg. Projekt AJA. Anwendung JAVA-basierter und anderer leistungsfaehiger Loesungen in den Bereichen Umwelt, Verkehr und Verwaltung. Phase V 2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mayer-Foell, R.; Keitel, A.; Geiger, W. (eds.)


    Bundeslaendern die Umsetzung von Verwaltungsreformen - in Baden-Wuerttemberg der Vollzug des Verwaltungsstruktur-Reformgesetzes (VRG) - sowie die Umsetzung von e-Government-Konzepten derzeit zu zusaetzlichen Anforderungen an die Verwaltung und ihre IuK-Technik. Durch den Einsatz innovativer Informationstechnologien kann in vielen Bereichen ein bedeutender Beitrag zur Erfuellung dieser Anforderungen geleistet werden; genannt seien hier Portal-, Content-Management- und Integrations-Technologien sowie neue Techniken fuer den Web-basierten und mobilen Zugriff auf Informationen. Entwicklung uf Pflege der neuen Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme erfordern oft nicht unerhebliche Mittel. Aufgrund der knappen Haushaltslage der Gebietskoerperschaften koennen diese Mittel von den einzelnen zustaendigen Stellen zunehmend nicht mehr aufgebracht werden. Auch wuerden Einzelentwicklungen nicht den Anforderungen zum sparsamen Umgang mit Haushaltsmitteln und groesstmoeglicher Effektivitaet der eingesetzten Mittel entsprechen. Ein wichtiges Mittel, um diese Herausforderung zu bewaeltigen, ist die verstaerkte Zusammenarbeit der Gebietskoerperschaften bei der Entwicklung und Pflege der Informationssysteme. Um die Zusammenarbeit innerhalb des Landes Baden-Wuerttemberg sowie mit dem Bund und anderen Laendern zu foerdern, wurde Ende 1999 das F+E-Projekt AJA (Anwendung JAVA-basierter und anderer leistungsfaehiger Loesungen in den Bereichen Umwelt, Verkehr und Verwaltung) gegruendet. Das Projekt AJA ist im Jahr 2004 in seine fuenfte Phase gegangen und wird mit dieser Phase abgeschlossen. Der vorliegende Bericht ist die Projektdokumentation der Phase V von AJA im Jahr 2004. Er gibt die Aufgabenstellungen und die Ergebnisse der 19 F+E-Arbeiten wieder. (orig.)

  17. Exploring the e-cigarette e-commerce marketplace: Identifying Internet e-cigarette marketing characteristics and regulatory gaps. (United States)

    Mackey, Tim K; Miner, Angela; Cuomo, Raphael E


    The electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) market is maturing into a billion-dollar industry. Expansion includes new channels of access not sufficiently assessed, including Internet sales of e-cigarettes. This study identifies unique e-cigarette Internet vendor characteristics, including geographic location, promotional strategies, use of social networking, presence/absence of age verification, and consumer warning representation. We performed structured Internet search engine queries and used inclusion/exclusion criteria to identify e-cigarette vendors. We then conducted content analysis of characteristics of interest. Our examination yielded 57 e-cigarette Internet vendors including 54.4% (n=31) that sold exclusively online. The vast majority of websites (96.5%, n=55) were located in the U.S. Vendors used a variety of sales promotion strategies to market e-cigarettes including 70.2% (n=40) that used more than one social network service (SNS) and 42.1% (n=24) that used more than one promotional sales strategies. Most vendors (68.4%, n=39) displayed one or more health warnings on their website, but often displayed them in smaller font or in their terms and conditions. Additionally, 35.1% (n=20) of vendors did not have any detectable age verification process. E-cigarette Internet vendors are actively engaged in various promotional activities to increase the appeal and presence of their products online. In the absence of FDA regulations specific to the Internet, the e-cigarette e-commerce marketplace is likely to grow. This digital environment poses unique challenges requiring targeted policy-making including robust online age verification, monitoring of SNS marketing, and greater scrutiny of certain forms of marketing promotional practices. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. CRank: A Credit Assessment Model in C2C e-Commerce (United States)

    Zhang, Zhiqiang; Xie, Xiaoqin; Pan, Haiwei; Han, Qilong

    An increasing number of consumers not only purchase but also resell merchandise through C2C web sites. One of the greatest concerns for the netizens is the lacking of a fair credit assessment system. Trust and trustworthiness are crucial to the survival of online markets. Reputation systems that rely on feedback from traders help to sustain the trust. And reputation systems provide one of the ways of building trusts online. In this chapter, we investigate a credit assessment model, CRank, for the members in the context of e-market systems, such as Alibaba, eBay, to solve such problem as how to choose a credible business partner when the customer wants to purchase some products from the Internet. CRank makes use of feedback profile made up of ranks from other users as well as an overall feedback rating for the user based on the idea of PageRank. This model can be used to build a trustable relation network among business participants.

  19. Distanzen überwinden: Über das Potenzial audio-visueller e-Tandems für den Deutschunterricht von Erwachsenen in Kolumbien

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    Yasmin El-Hariri


    Full Text Available Sprachenlernen im Tandem ist eine Methode, bei der zwei Lernende mit unterschiedlichen Sprachen von- und miteinander lernen. Die wachsende Verfügbarkeit elektronischer Medien ermöglicht solche Kooperationen heutzutage auch über große Distanzen (e-Tandem. Der vorliegende Beitrag präsentiert Ergebnisse einer im August/September 2014 durchgeführten Onlinebefragung unter Deutschlernenden in Kolumbien. Ziel dieser Befragung war es, Sprachlerneinstellungen von Lernenden, deren Beweggründe für die Wahl von DaF sowie Erwartungshaltungen hinsichtlich e-Tandems zu erheben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen prinzipiell ein hohes Potenzial dieser Lernform, geben jedoch auch Hinweise auf in der Planung und Durchführung besonders zu beachtende Aspekte, die für eine gelungene Umsetzung unabdingbar sind.   Tandem language learning is a method which involves two learners with different languages learning from and with each other. The growing availability of electronic media nowadays allows such co-operation across long distances (e-Tandem. The present contribution presents results of an online survey conducted in August/September 2014 among learners of German in Colombia. The aim of this survey was to determine the learners' attitudes towards language learning, their motivation to choose German as a foreign language, as well as their expectations regarding e-Tandem language learning. Results show a high potential of such a learning approach; however, they also indicate crucial aspects which have to be considered specifically during implementation in order to develop the full potential of the method.

  20. eLearning Hands-On: Blending Interactive eLearning with Practical Engineering Laboratory (United States)

    Kiravu, Cheddi; Yanev, Kamen M.; Tunde, Moses O.; Jeffrey, Anna M.; Schoenian, Dirk; Renner, Ansel


    Purpose: Integrating laboratory work into interactive engineering eLearning contents augments theory with practice while simultaneously ameliorating the apparent theory-practice gap in traditional eLearning. The purpose of this paper is to assess and recommend media that currently fulfil this desirable dual pedagogical goal.…

  1. Diagnostic imaging of injuries and overuse in soccer players; Bildgebende Diagnostik von Verletzungen und Ueberlastungsschaeden bei Fussballern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jonge, M.C. de; Maas, M.; Kuijk, C. van [Department of Radiology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    Soccer is one of the most popular sports worldwide. There is a high incidence of injuries in soccer in which several intrinsic and extrinsic factors play a part. Most injuries are minor, self-limiting and do not need extensive medical treatment or imaging. Imaging can be required for several reasons e.g. when the clinical findings are doubtful, to replace arthroscopy (i. e. of the knee) or for prognostic reasons. All imaging modalities available to the radiologist can be used but MRI is the most valuable imaging modality with its superior contrast resolution and multiplanar capabilities. Basically, injuries in the soccer player can occur anywhere in the body like in every sport. The lower extremities, more specific the knee and ankle, are however the most injured parts. (orig.) [German] Fussball ist eine der weltweit populaersten Sportarten, und Verletzungen sind mit hoher Inzidenz zu finden, wobei bestimmte intrinsische und extrinsische Faktoren eine pathogenetisch wesentliche Rolle spielen. Der Schweregrad von Verletzungen ist meist gering und selbstlimitierend, eine ausgiebige Behandlung oder die Durchfuehrung bildgebender diagnostischer Massnahmen sind nicht noetig. Die radiologische Untersuchung ist indiziert bei klinisch unklaren Befunden, zur Planung einer etwaigen Arthroskopie oder zur klinisch-prognostischen Einschaetzung der Veraenderungen. Von den verfuegbaren Modalitaeten ist die MRT von groesster Bedeutung. Verletzungen als Folge des Fussballspielens sind in allen Koerperabschnitten zu beobachten, v. a. an den unteren Extremitaeten und hier besonders an Knie- und Sprunggelenk. (orig.)

  2. The C.R.E.A.T.E. Approach to Primary Literature Shifts Undergraduates’ Self-Assessed Ability to Read and Analyze Journal Articles, Attitudes about Science, and Epistemological Beliefs (United States)

    Hoskins, Sally G.; Lopatto, David; Stevens, Leslie M.


    The C.R.E.A.T.E. (Consider, Read, Elucidate hypotheses, Analyze and interpret data, Think of the next Experiment) method uses intensive analysis of primary literature in the undergraduate classroom to demystify and humanize science. We have reported previously that the method improves students’ critical thinking and content integration abilities, while at the same time enhancing their self-reported understanding of “who does science, and why.” We report here the results of an assessment that addressed C.R.E.A.T.E. students’ attitudes about the nature of science, beliefs about learning, and confidence in their ability to read, analyze, and explain research articles. Using a Likert-style survey administered pre- and postcourse, we found significant changes in students’ confidence in their ability to read and analyze primary literature, self-assessed understanding of the nature of science, and epistemological beliefs (e.g., their sense of whether knowledge is certain and scientific talent innate). Thus, within a single semester, the inexpensive C.R.E.A.T.E. method can shift not just students’ analytical abilities and understanding of scientists as people, but can also positively affect students’ confidence with analysis of primary literature, their insight into the processes of science, and their beliefs about learning. PMID:22135371

  3. Integrated assessment of environment and health: America's children and the environment Avaliação integrada de saúde e ambiente: crianças americanas e o ambiente

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    Amy D. Kyle


    Full Text Available There is a need for systematic approaches to assessment of environmental factors most relevant to health, health outcomes most influenced by the environment, and relationships between them, as well as for approaches to representing results of such assessments in policy deliberations. As a step in the development of such methods, we used findings and data from environmental protection and public health sectors to develop a set of measures representing topics relevant to children's environmental health. We used a definition of the environment that emphasized contaminants and a process that involved both analytic and deliberative elements. The steps in this process were to: a develop a conceptual framework to depict relationships between environment and health with relevant types of data and information, b select topic areas of significance for children, c identify best available data sources and devise measures, d assess possible surrogate data sources and measures when needed, e design and implement metrics for computation of measures; f select graphical representations of measures, g identify related measures, and h identify data gaps. Representatives of policy and stakeholder audiences participated in this process.No momento atual do conhecimento sobre o tema, existe a necessidade de avaliações sistemáticas a respeito dos fatores que mais contribuem para a saúde, das contribuições mais relevantes do setor saúde para o ambiente e das relações entre ambos os campos, assim como de abordagens sobre resultados das deliberações políticas sobre resultados dos estudos. Neste artigo, apresentamos achados e dados a respeito da proteção ambiental e de saúde visando desenvolver propostas a favor da saúde ambiental das crianças. Usamos uma definição de ambiente que enfatiza contaminantes e processos e envolvem elementos analíticos e deliberativos. As etapas do estudo foram: a desenvolver um marco conceitual que retratasse rela

  4. Studienbegleitender und studienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht international: Einführung

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    Sabine Ylönen


    . Admira Poçi & Ivanka Cilka behandeln in ihrem Artikel Studienbegleitender Deutschunterricht an der Universität der Künste in Tirana. Eine empirische Studie zur Fremdsprachenkompetenz der Gesangstudierenden die Problematik zielgruppenspezifischer Unterrichtsplanung in Albanien. Alexandra Ludewig, Nadine Baumgartner & Iris Ludewig-Rohwer diskutieren in ihrem Beitrag Strukturierte Peer-Support-Programme: Wie Hühneraugen und überlanges Warten die sprachliche und interkulturelle Kompetenz fördern aus australischer Sicht, wie interkulturelle Kompetenzen durch Partnerschaften mit deutschsprachigen Austauschstudierenden gefördert werden können. Inwiefern Interkulturelle Begegnungen im kontextfernen Sprachunterricht durch den Einsatz von Filmen ermöglicht werden können, erörtern Tatjana Louis & Franziska Kammer aus Kolumbien. Von eben diesem Problem der Kontextferne ausgehend stellen Yasmin El-Hariri & Nina Jung ihr kolumbianisch-österreichisches Projekt Distanzen überwinden: Über das Potenzial audio-visueller e-Tandems für den Deutschunterricht von Erwachsenen in Kolumbien vor. Um eine experimentelle Studie zum Nutzen von Fehlerkorrektur im studienbegleitenden und -vorbereitenden Deutschunterricht handelt es sich im Beitrag von Andrea Dlaska & Christian Krekeler. Petra Daryai-Hansen, Sonja Barfod & Lena Schwarz stellen ihr Konzept Das deutsche Sprachprofil an der Universität Roskilde. Ein didaktischer Ansatz für den studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht in Dänemark und seine Annahme durch Lehrpersonal und Studierende vor. Im Artikel Meet the Needs - Lernberatung und tutorielle Lernbegleitung heterogener Lerngruppen zwischen individuellen Bedürfnissen und fachlichen Anforderungen erörtern Astrid Buschmann-Göbels, Marie-Christin Bornickel & Marina Nijnikova, wie Lernerautonomie mithilfe von Tutorenprogrammen gefördert werden kann. Außerhalb des Schwerpunktes erscheint in dieser Ausgabe der Beitrag von Vera Busse zum Thema

  5. Nutritional Status Assessment (SMO 016E) (United States)

    Smith, S. M.; Zwart, S. R.; Heer, M.; Ericson, K.; Coburn, S. P.; Booth, S. A.; Jones, J. A.; Lupton, J.


    Until 2006, it was not been possible to assess nutritional status of crewmembers on the ISS during flight because blood and urine could not be collected during ISS missions. Postflight observations of alterations in status of several nutrients are troubling, and we require the ability to monitor the status of these nutrients during flight to determine if there is a specific impetus or timeframe for these changes. In addition to the monitoring of crew nutritional status during flight, in-flight sample collection would allow better assessment of countermeasure effectiveness. Collecting samples during flight is one of the objectives of SMO 016E, and it is also designed to expand the current medical requirement for nutritional assessment (MR016L) to include additional normative markers for assessing crew health and countermeasure effectiveness. Additional markers of bone metabolism will be measured to better monitor bone health and the effectiveness of countermeasures to prevent bone resorption. New markers of oxidative damage will be measured to better assess the type of oxidative insults that occur during space flight. The array of nutritional assessment variables will be expanded to include ones that will allow us to better understand changes in folate, vitamin K, and vitamin B6 status, as well as risk factors for cardiovascular and oxidative damage during and after flight. Stress hormones and hormones that affect bone and muscle metabolism will also be measured. Measuring these additional variables will allow us to better monitor the health of crewmembers and make more accurate recommendations for their rehabilitation. Several nutritional assessment variables are altered at landing, but it is not known how long these changes persist. We extended the original protocol to include an additional postflight blood and urine sample collection 30 days after landing. Data are being collected before, during, and after flight. These data will provide a complete survey of how

  6. Sustainable design, construction and living in the information age; Nachhaltiges Planen, Bauen und Wohnen im Informationszeitalter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bretthauser, G.; Dietze, S.; Haefele, K.H.; Isele, J.; Jaekel, J.


    prefabricated wall elements, of components for building design tools, for the information exchange between computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing, for the integration of home automation systems in the product model, of user interfaces and user adaptation of SmartHomes. Finally, possibilities of linking-up with R and D projects from other institutes in the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and potential external partners for cooperation are mentioned. (orig.) [German] Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich der Thematik des nachhaltigen Planens, Bauens und Wohnens im Informationszeitalter. Der Fokus liegt dabei, entsprechend der Aufgabengebiete und Kompetenzfelder des IAI, auf dem Beitrag der Informations- und Automatisierungstechnik. Die Studie basiert auf umfangreichen Recherchen, den Erfahrungen der Autoren und ersten Vorversuchen. Ihr Anliegen ist es, nach der Analyse des Entwicklungsstandes und der Entwicklungstrends Schlussfolgerungen fuer eigene F and E-Vorhaben zu ziehen. Die allgemeinen Rahmenbedingungen fuer zukuenftiges ''Bauen und Wohnen'' werden insbesondere unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Nachhaltigkeit praesentiert. Wichtige Fragestellungen innerhalb der sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und oekologischen Dimension eines nachhaltigen ''Bauens und Wohnens'' werden im Rahmen dieser Studie allerdings nur angerissen. Die Analyse des Entwicklungsstands und der Entwicklungstendenzen konzentriert sich auf drei Bereiche, den Einsatz der Informationstechnologie insbesondere in der Planungs- und Entwurfsphase, der automatisierten Fertigung und der Hausautomatisierung. Generell kann festgestellt werden, dass der verstaerkte Einsatz der Informations- und Automatisierungstechnik im Bereich ''Bauen und Wohnen'' ein grosses Innovationspotenzial birgt. Wichtige Tendenzen sind im Bereich Planung die Entwicklung von Standards fuer Produktdatenmodelle und die Nutzung von digitalen Gebaeudemodellen in allen Lebenszyklusphasen. Im

  7. Ingresso e mortalidade em uma floresta em diferentes estágios sucessionais no município de Castanhal, Pará Recruitment and mortality in a forest in different successional stages in Castanhal, Pará

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    Roberta de Fátima Rodrigues Coelho


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho descreve o ingresso e a mortalidade em uma floresta em diferentes estágios sucessionais, no município de Castanhal, Pará. A área de estudo está localizada na Estação Experimental da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. As parcelas foram implantadas em áreas de florestas sucessionais de diferentes idades (4, 8 e 12 anos. Nas florestas sucessionais de 4 e 8 anos foram utilizadas quatro parcelas de 10m x 10m e na floresta de 12 anos foram, 12 parcelas de 10m x 10m. Realizaram duas medições de todos os indivíduos com DAP>1cm, em intervalos de 12 meses, nas florestas sucessionais de 4 e 8 anos; e intervalo de 18 meses na floresta de 12 anos. Foram calculadas as taxas de ingresso e de mortalidade. Na floresta de 4 anos o ingresso foi maior que a mortalidade. Nas florestas sucessionais de 8 e 12 anos as densidades diminuíram, perdendo mais indivíduos por mortalidade do que ganhando por ingresso. Lacistema pubescens, Myrcia silvatica, Vismia guianensis, Rollinia exsucca e Miconia ciliata apresentaram muitos indivíduos mortos nas florestas estudadas.The present work describe recruitment and mortality in a forest in different successional stages in Castanhal, Pará. The study area is located at the Experimental Research Station of the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. Twelve 10m x 10m study plots were established in a 12-year-old secondary forest, and four 10m x 10m study plots were demarcated in a 4-year-old and an 8-year-old secondary forest. We measured diameter and height of all individuals with DBH>1cm at a 12-month interval in the 4 and 8-year-old stands, and an 18-month interval in the 12-year-old stand. Using this inventory data we calculated recruitment and mortality rates. In the 4-year-old forest, recruitment was greater than mortality, while in the 8 and 12-year-old forests experienced net mortality, as density declined over the measurement interval. Lacistema pubescens, Myrcia sylvatica, Vismia

  8. Recruiting an Internet Panel Using Respondent-Driven Sampling

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    Schonlau Matthias


    Full Text Available Respondent-driven sampling (RDS is a network sampling technique typically employed for hard-to-reach populations when traditional sampling approaches are not feasible (e.g., homeless or do not work well (e.g., people with HIV. In RDS, seed respondents recruit additional respondents from their network of friends. The recruiting process repeats iteratively, thereby forming long referral chains.

  9. Assessment of the risk of foodborne transmission and burden of hepatitis E in Switzerland. (United States)

    Müller, Alexandra; Collineau, Lucie; Stephan, Roger; Müller, Andrea; Stärk, Katharina D C


    The objective of this study was i) to quantify the risk of hepatitis E for Swiss consumers by specified pork products and ii) to estimate the total burden of human food-borne hepatitis E in Switzerland. A quantitative risk assessment from slaughter to consumption was carried out according to the Codex Alimentarius framework. In the hazard characterization, assumptions were made due to the lack of a dose-response relationship for oral exposure to hepatitis E virus (HEV). The prevalence of HEV in 160 pig livers of 40 different Swiss fattening farms was examined and determined to be 1.3% (CI 0.3%; 4.4%). This result was used as input in the risk assessment model, together with data from other published studies. The annual burden of hepatitis E was estimated in terms of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY), using data about hepatitis E cases diagnosed between 2010 and 2015 at two major hospitals located in the canton Ticino. Only the risk of foodborne hepatitis E from products containing pork liver was evaluated, as those containing only pork meat could not be evaluated because of lack of data on HEV load in pork. Assuming that successful oral infection occurs in 1% of servings contaminated with high HEV loads (>10 5 genome copies), and that acute illness develops in 5% of susceptible consumers, the most likely annual number of foodborne hepatitis E cases in Switzerland was estimated to be 1481 (95% CI 552; 4488) if all products containing pork liver were considered. If only high-risk products, such as plain pork liver and liver sausages (e.g. Saucisse au Foie), were considered, the annual number of cases was estimated to be 176 (95% CI 64; 498). We were unable to calculate the total burden of hepatitis E in Switzerland due to lack of data. Yet, for the canton Ticino, it was shown that a significant increase had occurred from 50 DALY per 100,000 inhabitants in 2015. This change could partly be due to an increased reporting and higher awareness among medical

  10. Sorption und Verbreitung per- und polyfluorierter Chemikalien (PFAS) in Wasser und Boden


    Gellrich, Vanessa


    PFAS (= Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) sind persistente organische Spurenstoffe, die weltweit in verschiedenen Umweltkompartimenten nachgewiesen werden konnten. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation sollte die Frage geklärt werden, wie die physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften der PFAS - besonders ihre Sorption am Boden - ihr Verhalten und ihre Verbreitung in der Umwelt beeinflussen. Dazu wurde zunächst eine Messmethode entwickelt, optimiert und validiert, mit der 17 per- und polyf...

  11. Dawn of e-government

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Helle Zinner; Damsgaard, Jan


    Most countries have defined strategies for e-government. The objectives for implementing e-government are often defined but the means for fuelling the adoption and diffusion of e-government are typically less well clear in the policy statements. The present study assesses the impact of latest...... internally and externally. The e-Day initiative represents a drastic change in the former policy statements concerning IT adoption and diffusion in Danish government. The policy statements had previously been based on voluntary adoption focusing on visions and pedagogical intervention in governmental...

  12. Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen in der Geschichtswissenschaft – Lösungsansätze und Perspektiven

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Meyer


    Full Text Available Seit 2008 werden „Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen“ durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG in einem Programm im Bereich der Literatur-und Informationsversorgung gefördert, vorangegangen sind dem verschiedene Entwicklungen vor allem in Großbritannien, wo das Thema schon einige Jahre früher auf der Agenda stand. „Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen“ werden unter anderem entwickelt für die Schulbuchforschung ( , die Asienstudien (crossasia , für eine „Visuelle Ethnologie“ , im Bereich der Kunstgeschichte (Meta-Image oder die neutestamentliche Textforschung. Am Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin beschäftigen sich die dort angesiedelten Projekte H-Soz-u-Kult und dessen Trägerverein Clio-online - Historisches Fachinformationssystem e.V. seit Beginn 2009 mit dem Thema; nach einem positiven Bescheid der DFG über die finanzielle Förderung zur Überführung der im Rahmen von Clio-online, H-Soz-u-Kult und damit verbundenen Projekten entwickelten Fachinformations- und Kommunikationsdienste in eine „Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung“ steht seit Januar 2011 deren praktische Umsetzung auf der Agenda des auf zwei Jahre angelegten Infrastrukturprojekts.

  13. Using e-technologies in clinical trials. (United States)

    Rosa, Carmen; Campbell, Aimee N C; Miele, Gloria M; Brunner, Meg; Winstanley, Erin L


    Clinical trials have been slow to incorporate e-technology (digital and electronic technology that utilizes mobile devices or the Internet) into the design and execution of studies. In the meantime, individuals and corporations are relying more on electronic platforms and most have incorporated such technology into their daily lives. This paper provides a general overview of the use of e-technologies in clinical trials research, specifically within the last decade, marked by rapid growth of mobile and Internet-based tools. Benefits of and challenges to the use of e-technologies in data collection, recruitment and retention, delivery of interventions, and dissemination are provided, as well as a description of the current status of regulatory oversight of e-technologies in clinical trials research. As an example of ways in which e-technologies can be used for intervention delivery, a summary of e-technologies for treatment of substance use disorders is presented. Using e-technologies to design and implement clinical trials has the potential to reach a wide audience, making trials more efficient while also reducing costs; however, researchers should be cautious when adopting these tools given the many challenges in using new technologies, as well as threats to participant privacy/confidentiality. Challenges of using e-technologies can be overcome with careful planning, useful partnerships, and forethought. The role of web- and smartphone-based applications is expanding, and the increasing use of those platforms by scientists and the public alike make them tools that cannot be ignored. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  14. Morbidity and mortality assessment in acute hepatitis-e

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamani, L.; Ismail, F.W.; Haider, S.W.; Jafri, W.


    Hepatitis-E is an enterically transmitted virus causing acute hepatitis. Mostly it is a self-limiting clinical course, but can be life threatening in certain high risk groups. Pakistan is endemic for Hepatitis-E with limited published literature. The aim of this study is to evaluate the predictors of mortality in patients with acute Hepatitis-E. Methods: We analyzed the medical records of 369 adult patients with Hepatitis-E infection admitted at Aga khan University Hospital, from January 1996 to December 2010. Details of their laboratory investigations, clinical course and complications such as FHF and mortality were noted. The outcome was compared, and determinants of mortality were evaluated in important patient subgroups. Results: Out of 369 patients with Hepatitis-E, 326 (88.3%) were discharged after full recovery. Out of these 22 (6%) patients had chronic liver disease CLD in this study, of whom 10 (2.7%) expired (p-value <0.001). There were about 67 (18%) pregnant patients, with a mean gestational age of 29.19 ± 7.68 weeks and 5 (1.4%) pregnant patients died (p-value=0.23). A total of 58 (15.7%) patients were co-infected with other hepatotropic virus, and a comparison did not find an increased risk of mortality in this group. Conclusion: This study showed that Hepatitis-E is significantly associated with mortality in patients suffering from pre-existing chronic liver disease. Pregnancy was not a determinant of mortality in Hepatitis-E patients in this study, and neither was co-infection with other Hepatotropic viruses. (author)

  15. Neue Laser und Strahlquellen - alte und neue Risiken?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paasch, Uwe; Schwandt, Antje; Seeber, Nikolaus


    Die Entwicklungen im Bereich dermatologischer Laser, hochenergetischer Blitzlampen, LED und neuer Energie- und Strahlquellen der letzten Jahre haben gezeigt, dass mit neuen Wellenlängen, Konzepten und Kombinationen zusätzliche, zum Teil über den ästhetischen Bereich hinaus gehende therapeutische ...

  16. Measurements of the absolute branching fractions for D→anti Kπe+νe, D→anti K*e+νe and determination of Γ(D+→anti K*0e+νe)/Γ(D+→anti K0e+νe)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ablikim, M.; Bai, J.Z.; Ban, Y.


    Using the data of about 33 pb -1 collected at and around 3.773 GeV with the BES-II detector at the BEPC collider, we have studied the exclusive semileptonic decays D + →K - π + e + ν e , D 0 →anti K 0 π - e + ν e , D + →anti K *0 e + ν e and D 0 →K *- e + ν e . The absolute branching fractions for the decays are measured to be BF(D + →K - π + e + ν e )=(3.50±0.75±0.27)%, BF(D 0 →anti K 0 π - e + ν e )=(2.61±1.04±0.28)%, BF(D + →anti K *0 e + ν e )=(5.06±1.21±0.40)% and BF(D 0 →K *- e + ν e )=(2.87±1.48±0.39)%. The ratio of the vector to pseudoscalar semileptonic decay rates Γ(D + →anti K *0 e + ν e )/Γ(D + →anti K 0 e + ν e ) is determined to be 0.57±0.17±0.02. (orig.)

  17. Incidental findings of liver, biliary system, pancreas and spleen in asymptomatic patients. Assessment and management recommendations; Zufallsbefunde von Leber, Gallensystem, Pankreas und Milz bei asymptomatischen Patienten. Bewertung und Managementempfehlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scharitzer, M.; Tamandl, D.; Ba-Ssalamah, A. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Wien (Austria)


    The increased use of highly developed imaging procedures, such as multidetector-row computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging has led to a substantial increase of asymptomatic and unexpected findings. Abdominal CT investigations are particularly affected with a large number of incidental findings. This valuable diagnostic procedure also entails the risk of complex and cost-intensive subsequent investigations with partly invasive procedures. For this reason radiologists are more often confronted with the difficult task of correctly assessing these lesions, to decide on the need for additional investigations and to inform the patient in detail about the clinical relevance. The aims of this article are to describe the most common abdominal incidentalomas, to assist with the interpretation and differential diagnosis and to give recommendations for further management. (orig.) [German] Die vermehrte Verwendung hoch entwickelter bildgebender Verfahren wie Multidetektorcomputertomographie und Magnetresonanztomographie hat zu einer betraechtlichen Zunahme asymptomatischer und unerwarteter Befunde gefuehrt. Besonders betroffen sind abdominelle CT-Untersuchungen mit einer Vielzahl inzidenteller Befunde. Dieses wertvolle Diagnoseverfahren birgt auch die Gefahr aufwendiger und auch kostenintensiver Folgeuntersuchungen mit z. T. invasiven Verfahren. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich fuer den Radiologen immer haeufiger die schwierige Aufgabe, diese Laesionen korrekt einzuschaetzen, ueber die Notwendigkeit einer weiteren Abklaerung zu entscheiden und den Patienten umfassend ueber die klinische Relevanz zu informieren. Das Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die am haeufigsten vorkommenden abdominellen Zufallsbefunde zu beschreiben sowie Hilfestellung bei ihrer Interpretation und Differenzialdiagnose mit Empfehlungen fuer das weitere Management zu geben. (orig.)

  18. Handlungsmuster von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern beim Einsatz neuer Medien. Grundlagen eines Projekts zur empirischen Unterrichtsforschung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sigrid Blömeke


    Full Text Available Ziel des vorzustellenden Projekts ist es in einem ersten Schritt, Handlungsmuster von Lehrpersonen beim Einsatz von neuen Medien im Unterricht der Fächer Deutsch, Mathematik und Informatik der Sekundarstufe II zu identifizieren. Zu diesem Zweck werden Videoaufnahmen von 30 Unterrichtsstunden im Hinblick auf zugrunde liegende ‚Unterrichtsscripts’ (i.e. didaktische Routinen analysiert und die subjektiven Theorien der Lehrkräfte zum Lehren und Lernen erhoben. Bei der Zusammensetzung der Stichprobe findet neben der Variation der Fachzugehörigkeit der Expertisegrad der Lehrpersonen bezogen auf den Einsatz neuer Medien Berücksichtigung, und zwar in zwei Abstufungen (hoch – niedrig. Auf diese Weise wird ermöglicht, in einem zweiten Schritt begründet Hypothesen zu Zusammenhängen zwischen Handlungsmustern sowie Fach und Expertise als Kontextfaktoren zu generieren und mögliche Geltungsbereiche zu beschreiben. Über diese Grundlagenforschung hinausgehend sollen in einem dritten Schritt anhand der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse Interventionen entwickelt werden, die eine Weiterentwicklung von Lehrerhandeln beim Einsatz neuer Medien im Unterricht ermöglichen. Hier stellt sich allerdings die Frage, wie sich Handeln grundsätzlich verändern lässt.

  19. Neue Shandite und Parkerite. Darstellung und röntgenographische Charakterisierung


    Anusca, Irina


    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, neue Verbindungen mit Shandit- und Parkeritstruktur zu darstellen und mittels röntgenographischen Methoden (Pulverdiffraktometrie und Einkristallanalyse), das thermische Verhalten durch DTA / DSC - Messungen und Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen (REM, EDX) zu charakterisieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist wie folgt im zwei Themen gegliedert: Shandite und Parkerite. Der ersten Teil dieser Arbeit befaßt sich mit metallreichen ternären Chalkogeniden M3A2X2, ...

  20. Organic trace substances as emissions from incineration plants and their humane toxicological and eco-toxicological classification. Organic emissions; Organische Spurenstoffe als Emissionen aus Verbrennungsanlagen und deren humantoxikologische und oekotoxikologische Einordnung. T. 1. Organische Emissionen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaiser, G.; Wiedmann, T.; Ballschmiter, K.


    This report (`Organic Trace Compounds as Emissions of Incineration Plants and their Toxicological and Ecotoxicological Classification - Part 1: Organic Emissions`) describes the reaction pathways in the flame chemistry of organic materials. Possible organic products of incomplete combustion formed at the trace level in various processes are summarized. The emissions of organic compounds from municipal waste incineration plants are named in detail and compared to those of other combustion processes, like e.g. the combustion of coal, sewage sludge or fuels. Quantitative figures are given if available. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im vorliegenden Arbeitsbericht (`Organische Spurenstoffe als Emissionen aus Verbrennungsanlagen und deren humantoxikologische und oekotoxikologische Einordnung - Teil 1: Organische Emissionen`) werden die grundlegenden chemischen Prozesse bei der unvollstaendigen Verbrennung von organischem Material beschrieben und die dabei als Spurenstoffe entstehenden Substanzklassen benannt. Im Tabellenteil werden die Emissionen von organischen Verbindungen aus Abfallverbrennungsanlagen qualitativ und quantitativ mit den Emissionen bei anderen thermischen Prozessen - z.B. Verbrennung von Kohle, Klaerschlamm oder Treibstoffen - verglichen. Dabei wurde auf groesstmoegliche stoffliche Differenzierung und vollstaendige Erfassung der Emissionen geachtet. (orig.)

  1. Zoophilie in Zoologie und Roman: Sex und Liebe zwischen Mensch und Tier bei Plutarch, Plinius dem Älteren, Aelian und Apuleius

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith Hindermann


    Full Text Available Die Bedeutung von Zoophilie in der antiken Literatur wurde bislang – mit Ausnahme des Mythos – kaum untersucht. Überblickt man die überlieferten literarischen Texte, fällt auf, dass Zoophilie ausserhalb des Mythos vor allem in zwei literarischen Gattungen auftritt : Einerseits in den zoologischen Schriften von Plutarch, Plinius dem Älteren und Aelian, andererseits im antiken Roman, d.h. in den Metamorphosen des Apuleius und im pseudo-lukianischen Onos. In diesem Beitrag soll untersucht werden, welche Funktion Zoophilie in den beiden literarischen Gattungen hat und wie die Autoren die sexuelle Praktik bewerten, die weder nach griechischem noch römischen Recht strafbar war. Da Vorstellungen über Tiere eng mit Gender und Geschlechterhierarchien verbunden sind, soll insbesondere die Frage berücksichtigt werden, inwiefern männliche und weibliche Verhaltens- und Rollenzuschreibungen bei der Darstellung zoophiler Akte wirksam werden.

  2. E2eUberIM

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wac, Katarzyna; Cummings, Mark; Dey, Jayanta


    , high-quality services, we propose an innovative end-to-end service management framework called e2eUberIM. This framework contains a scalable, flexible, and volatile information model (UberIM) and a real-time, "organic" communication and storage process (e2eUber). It leverages the proprietary interfaces...... of different vendors, enabling the resulting enhanced operations system environment to automatically and in real-time optimize operational overhead while maximizing the user experience, and quickly field new innovative, composed "any-services" (XaaS). We document the e2eUberIM requirements and its design...

  3. Die biene und ihre produkte in der kunst und im alltagsleben (Fruhchristliche und byzantinische Zeit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liveri Angeliki


    Full Text Available Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in zwei Teile geteilt: den kunst- und kulturhistorischen Teil. Im ersten Teil werden Darstellungen uber Bienen Bienenzucht, Honig und Wachs seit der fruhchristlichen bis zur spatbyzantinischen Zeit vorgefuhrt. Daher ist es als Beitrag in der "Ikonographie" der Biene wahrend dieser Zeit zu verstehen. Im kulturhistorischen Teil werden Informationen uber die Bienenzucht, den Handel mit Honig und Wachs sowie ihre vielfaltige Anwendung von der byzantinischen Gesellschaft an Hand der primaren Quellen, des Standes der Forschung und der archaologischen Funden erwahnt. Damit ist erwunscht ein moglichst gutes Bild der byzantinischen Bienenzucht wieder zu geben und die Nutzung der Bienenprodukte in Byzanz anschaulich zu machen.

  4. Erarbeitung eines geisteswissenschaftlichen Wachstums- und Fortpflanzungsbegriffs als Grundlage zur Bewertung aktueller Methoden der Pflanzenvermehrung und –züchtung


    Fleck, Michael


    Im Vergleich mit den allgemeinen Wachstumsvorgängen in der Natur, die jedem Menschen aus dem Miterleben des Jahreslaufes bekannt sind, verlaufen die generativen Prozesse (Fortpflanzung) im Pflanzenbereich sehr unanschaulich und im Verborgenen. Dennoch beeinflusst deren Verständnis in immer stärkerem Maße unser gesamtes Leben, indem der Mensch über die verschiedenen angewandten Verfahren der Pflanzenzüchtung die auf diesem Wege erzeugten Produkte (Saatgut) als Grundlage für die Erzeugung seine...

  5. Age-Related Effects of the Apolipoprotein E Gene on Brain Function. (United States)

    Matura, Silke; Prvulovic, David; Hartmann, Daniel; Scheibe, Monika; Sepanski, Beate; Butz, Marius; Oertel-Knöchel, Viola; Knöchel, Christian; Karakaya, Tarik; Fußer, Fabian; Hattingen, Elke; Pantel, Johannes


    The apolipoprotein E (ApoE) ɛ4 allele is a well-established genetic risk factor for sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Some evidence suggests a negative role of the ApoE ɛ4 allele for cognitive performance in late life, while beneficial effects on cognition have been shown in young age. We investigated age-related effects of the ApoE gene on brain function by assessing cognitive performance, as well as functional activation patterns during retrieval of Face-Name pairs in a group of young (n = 50; age 26.4±4.6 years, 25 ɛ4 carriers) and old (n = 40; age 66.1±7.0 years, 20 ɛ4 carriers) participants. A cross-sectional factorial design was used to examine the effects of age, ApoE genotype, and their interaction on both cognitive performance and the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) brain response during retrieval of Face-Name pairs. While there were no genotype-related differences in cognitive performance, we found a significant interaction of age and ApoE genotype on task-related activation bilaterally in anterior cingulate gyrus and superior frontal gyrus, as well as left and right insula. Old age was associated with increased activity in ɛ4 carriers. The increased BOLD response in old ɛ4 carriers during retrieval could indicate a neurocognitive disadvantage associated with the ɛ4 allele with increasing age. Furthermore, recruitment of neuronal resources resulted in enhanced memory performance in young ɛ4 carriers, pointing to a better neurofunctional capacity associated with the ApoE4 genotype in young age.

  6. Das RADAR Projekt: Datenarchivierung und -publikation als Dienstleistung - disziplinübergreifend, nachhaltig, kostendeckend

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthias Razum


    Full Text Available Die Nachvollziehbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse basiert zunehmend auf digitalen Daten. Deren Publikation, Verfügbarkeit und Nachnutzung muss im Rahmen guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis gewährleistet werden. Das Projekt RADAR geht diese Herausforderung durch die Etablierung einer generischen Infrastruktur für die Archivierung und Publikation von Forschungsdaten an. Dafür vereinen fünf Projektpartner aus den Informations- und Naturwissenschaften (FIZ Karlsruhe, TIB in Hannover, KIT/SCC, LMU München und IPB Halle ihre Kompetenzen. Durch enge Kooperation mit Wissenschaftler/innen, Datenzentren, Fachgesellschaften und Verlagen wird eine bedarfsgerechte Entwicklung der Infrastruktur sichergestellt. RADAR richtet sich an zwei Zielgruppen: Projekte (d. h. Forscher/innen und Institutionen. Es verfolgt dabei einen zweistufigen Ansatz: ein disziplinübergreifendes Einstiegsangebot zur formatunabhängigen Datenarchivierung mit minimalem Metadatensatz und ein erweitertes Angebot mit integrierter Datenpublikation. Der thematische Schwerpunkt  liegt bei den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen  im „long tail of science“, in denen Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen meist noch fehlen. RADAR erlaubt eine temporäre oder – im Falle einer Datenpublikation – eine zeitlich unbegrenzte Datenarchivierung. Das angestrebte Geschäftsmodell zielt auf einen sich selbst tragenden Betrieb mit einer Kombination aus Einmalzahlungen und institutionellen Angeboten ab. RADAR ist als Baustein der internationalen Informationsinfrastruktur geplant, der sich über Schnittstellen auch in weitere Datenmanagement-Dienste Dritter integrieren lässt. The transparency and reproducibility of scientific results are increasingly based on digital data. In compliance with good scientific practice data need to be published, accessible, and re-usable. The RADAR project aims to establish a generic infrastructure, which will provide archiving and publication

  7. E-Cigarette Users' Attitudes on the Banning of Sales of Nicotine E-Liquid, Its Implication on E-Cigarette Use Behaviours and Alternative Sources of Nicotine E-Liquid. (United States)

    Wong, Li Ping; Alias, Haridah; Agha Mohammadi, Nasrin; Ghadimi, Azadeh; Hoe, Victor Chee Wai


    The banning of sales of nicotine e-liquid in e-cigarette shops has been implemented in several states in Malaysia. The distribution of nicotine e-liquid can only be allowed by licensed pharmacies or registered medical practitioners. This study aimed to evaluate e-cigarette users' responses to the control policy in a cross-sectional survey of 851 e-cigarette users by utilizing a self-report questionnaire that assessed (1) attitudes on regulation policy of e-cigarette banning; (2) e-cigarette use behaviors; and (3) sources of e-liquid after the regulation policy has been implemented. Participants from the state of Selangor where the banning policy was implemented were surveyed. The majority (95.8%) opposed the banning and believed e-cigarettes should be sold to anyone aged 18 years or above as with tobacco cigarettes, only a minority believed that nicotine e-liquid should only be available for sale over the counter in pharmacy stores (14.6%) and in clinics with a doctor's prescription (11.8%). The majority (44.2%) reported that they would continue their e-cigarette use as before the banning policy, while 20% plan to completely stop e-cigarette usage without replacing it with any alternatives. The vast majority (87.9%) was still able to obtained nicotine e-liquid from e-cigarette shops in spite of the ban and the second most common source was from online purchase (63.1%). The sales of nicotine e-liquid from black-market were evidenced as many reported obtaining zero nicotine e-liquid from the black market (54.4%). Self- or home-made (30.8%) nicotine e-liquid was also reported. Majority of respondents that self-made e-liquid were from the average monthly income group (below MYR3000). Obtaining nicotine from the pharmacy was least preferred (21.4%). Provision of professional advice to nicotine e-liquid users along with the ban may lessen the likelihood of users switching to tobacco cigarettes or other nicotine alternatives. Banning of sales of nicotine e-liquid in e

  8. Vom Stabilitäts- und Wachstumsgesetz zum Wohlstands- und Nachhaltigkeitsgesetz


    Koll, Willi


    Das Stabilitäts- und Wachstumsgesetz wird bald 50 Jahre alt. Neue Herausforderungen erfordern eine Wirtschaftspolitik, die weit über die Ziele des Gesetzes hinausweist. Sie muss wirtschaftliches Wachstum und Stabilität mit den Zielen fiskalischer, sozialer und ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene verbinden. Der Autor gibt einen Über blick über solche umfassenden Zielsysteme und leitet daraus ab, wie eine derart erweiterte wirtschaftspolitische Agenda in ein Wohlst...

  9. Analyse und Regelung eines nichtlinearen Bremssystems mit elektromechanischen Stellgliedern


    Arnold, Armin


    Ein elektromechanisches Bremssystem bietet im Vergleich zu einer hydraulischen Bremsanlage prinzipbedingt Vorteile hinsichtlich Komfort, Sicherheit und Umwelt. Allerdings müssen aufgrund des unterschiedlichen Stellverhaltens angepasste Regelalgorithmen entwickelt werden. Dies geschieht durch einen modellgestützten Ansatz, der neben den Raddrehzahlen auch die gemessenen Zuspannkräfte als Eingangsgröße verwendet. Es wird gezeigt, dass trotz des langsameren Ansprechverhaltens mindestens die Brem...

  10. Behavioral economic substitution between conventional cigarettes and e-cigarettes differs as a function of the frequency of e-cigarette use. (United States)

    Snider, Sarah E; Cummings, K Michael; Bickel, Warren K


    Models measuring the interactions between consumption of conventional cigarettes and electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) in the marketplace are becoming vital forecast tools as the popularity of e-cigarettes increases and policy on tobacco products changes. Behavioral economics, which involves the integration of psychology and consumer demand, can be used to measure individuals' purchase behavior under different marketplace conditions. Our goal was to measure hypothetical conventional cigarette and e-cigarette purchasing among smokers with varying e-cigarette use patterns. Daily cigarette smokers were recruited using Amazon Mechanical Turk, an online crowdsourcing tool. Participants were asked about their frequency of e-cigarette use and to complete hypothetical single and cross-commodity purchase tasks. Frequency of e-cigarette use differentially affected how individuals consumed both conventional and e- cigarettes in different hypothetical marketplace conditions. The present study demonstrates four main findings: 1) the demand for conventional cigarettes was the lowest in those with greater frequency of e-cigarette use, 2) the demand for e-cigarettes was the highest in those with greater frequency of e-cigarette use, 3) when both products were available together, daily e-cigarette users purchased more e-cigarettes, but e-cigarettes served as a substitute for cigarettes in all groups regardless of frequency of use, and 4) the demand for conventional cigarette demand was lower in frequent e-cigarette users when e-cigarettes were concurrently available. Together, these data suggest that price and marketplace conditions will impact purchasing behavior of conventional and e-cigarettes users heterogeneously. Therefore, frequency of use patterns should be considered when implementing novel policies and/or marketplace changes. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of applications of the PARK program system; Unsicherheits- und Sensitivitaetsanalyse von Anwendungen des Programmsystems PARK

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luczak-Urlik, D.; Bleher, M.; Jacob, P.; Mueller, H. [GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit Neuherberg GmbH, Oberschleissheim (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenschutz; Hofer, E.; Krzykacz, B. [Gesellschaft fuer Reaktorsicherheit mbH (Greece)


    The (PARK) program package for assessment and abatement of off-site radiological consequences of nuclear accidents establishes radiologic analyses and prognoses on the basis of the measured data obtained by the IMIS system for ambient radiation monitoring. A probabilistic uncertainty and sensitivity analysis has been performed of the PARK-based mean specific activities of fodder and food and the potential radiation exposure of the population. Uncertainties were expressed in model input parameters, i.e. in measured values and radioecologic parameters via subjective probability distributions, within the framework of various emission scenarios (nuclide spectra describing two release modes, dry and wet deposition, and at three times over a one-year period). The resulting output data distributions were determined by Monte Carlo simulations. As a rule, the results of the analyses depend on the selected emission scenario. Measured values proved to be the major source of uncertainties (especially from in-situ soil activity measurements), and also the activity transfer data from fodder to food. As for wet deposition, uncertainties were added by the parameters used for determination of the interception factors. As the measuring stations cannot correlate their measured gamma dose rates with meteorologic data (precipitations), derived information relating to larger areas such as a ``Kreis`` (administrative district) is very much subject to uncertainties. The uncertainties of the PARK results are increasing with assessed increases in rainfall. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Programmsystem zur Abschaetzung und Begrenzung radiologischer Konsequenzen (PARK) erstellt radiologische Analysen und Prognosen aufgrund von Messdaten, welche im Rahmen des Integrierten Mess- und Informationssystems zur Ueberwachung der Umweltradioaktivitaet (IMIS) erhoben werden. Es wurde eine probabilistische Unsicherheits- und Sensitivitaetsanalyse fuer die in PARK berechneten mittleren spezifischen Aktivitaeten

  12. SU-E-I-71: Quality Assessment of Surrogate Metrics in Multi-Atlas-Based Image Segmentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, T; Ruan, D


    Purpose: With the ever-growing data of heterogeneous quality, relevance assessment of atlases becomes increasingly critical for multi-atlas-based image segmentation. However, there is no universally recognized best relevance metric and even a standard to compare amongst candidates remains elusive. This study, for the first time, designs a quantification to assess relevance metrics’ quality, based on a novel perspective of the metric as surrogate for inferring the inaccessible oracle geometric agreement. Methods: We first develop an inference model to relate surrogate metrics in image space to the underlying oracle relevance metric in segmentation label space, with a monotonically non-decreasing function subject to random perturbations. Subsequently, we investigate model parameters to reveal key contributing factors to surrogates’ ability in prognosticating the oracle relevance value, for the specific task of atlas selection. Finally, we design an effective contract-to-noise ratio (eCNR) to quantify surrogates’ quality based on insights from these analyses and empirical observations. Results: The inference model was specialized to a linear function with normally distributed perturbations, with surrogate metric exemplified by several widely-used image similarity metrics, i.e., MSD/NCC/(N)MI. Surrogates’ behaviors in selecting the most relevant atlases were assessed under varying eCNR, showing that surrogates with high eCNR dominated those with low eCNR in retaining the most relevant atlases. In an end-to-end validation, NCC/(N)MI with eCNR of 0.12 compared to MSD with eCNR of 0.10 resulted in statistically better segmentation with mean DSC of about 0.85 and the first and third quartiles of (0.83, 0.89), compared to MSD with mean DSC of 0.84 and the first and third quartiles of (0.81, 0.89). Conclusion: The designed eCNR is capable of characterizing surrogate metrics’ quality in prognosticating the oracle relevance value. It has been demonstrated to be

  13. Emergency Preparedness Hazards Assessment for solid waste management facilities in E-area not previously evaluated

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadlock, D.J.


    This report documents the facility Emergency Preparedness Hazards Assessment (EPHA) for the Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) activities located on the Department of Energy (DOE) Savannah River Site (SRS) within E Area that are not described in the EPHAs for Mixed Hazardous Waste storage, the TRU Waste Storage Pads or the E-Area Vaults. The hazards assessment is intended to identify and analyze those hazards that are significant enough to warrant consideration in the SWMD operational emergency management program

  14. E-Cigarette Use, Perceptions, and Cigarette Smoking Intentions in a Community Sample of Young Adult Non-Daily Cigarette Smokers (United States)

    Brikmanis, Kristin; Petersen, Angela; Doran, Neal


    E-cigarettes have been suggested as a strategy for reducing harm from cigarettes. While e-cigarettes could be a less-harmful alternative to cigarettes for those trying to quit, there may also be costs that outweigh any benefits of reduction. The purpose of the present study was to prospectively investigate perceptions of e-cigarettes, cigarette smoking intentions and their associations with e-cigarette use over time. Community participants (n = 348, 57% male) aged 18–24 were recruited for a longitudinal study of tobacco use. Inclusion criteria included non-daily cigarette smoking for ≥ 6 months with no history of daily smoking. Participants reported e-cigarette use over the past 14 days at baseline and for the past 9 days at 3, 6, and 9 months. Assessments were completed online or via mobile phone. Across the 4 assessments, 22–33% of participants reported recent e-cigarette use. Intent to quit smoking cigarettes and intent to maintain smoking were unrelated to e-cigarette frequency. E-cigarette frequency was positively associated with perceiving e-cigarettes as less harmful than cigarettes and more positive e-cigarette expectancies (ps E-cigarette use was also more frequent among those who smoked cigarettes frequently and who used e-cigarettes to circumvent cigarette bans more often (ps e-cigarette use more than harm reduction. Findings instead seem consistent with the hypothesis that e-cigarettes are more often used to complement ongoing cigarette smoking. PMID:28125242

  15. E-Cigarette Marketing Exposure Is Associated With E-Cigarette Use Among US Youth. (United States)

    Mantey, Dale S; Cooper, Maria R; Clendennen, Stephanie L; Pasch, Keryn E; Perry, Cheryl L


    E-cigarettes are currently the most commonly used tobacco product among US youth. However, unlike conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes are not subject to marketing restrictions. This study investigates the association between exposure to e-cigarette marketing and susceptibility and use of e-cigarettes in youth. Data were obtained from the 2014 National Youth Tobacco Survey. Participants were 22,007 US middle and high school students. Multivariate logistic regression models assessed the relationship between e-cigarette marketing (internet, print, retail, and TV/movies) and current and ever use as well as susceptibility to use e-cigarettes among never e-cigarette users. Exposure to each type of e-cigarette marketing was significantly associated with increased likelihood of ever and current use of e-cigarettes among middle and high school students. Exposure was also associated with susceptibility to use of e-cigarettes among current nonusers. In multivariate models, as the number of channels of e-cigarette marketing exposure increased, the likelihood of use and susceptibility also increased. Findings highlight the significant associations between e-cigarette marketing and e-cigarette use among youth and the need for longitudinal research on these relationships. Copyright © 2016 The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. The effect of anthropogenic contaminations (PAH, PCB) on terrestrial annelids in conurban ecosystems. Final report; Einfluss von anthropogenen Schadstoffen (PAK und PCB) auf terrestrische Invertebraten urbaner Oekosysteme. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Achazi, R.K.; Beylich, A.; Chroszcz, G.; Dueker, C.; Heck, M.; Henneken, M.; Flenner, C.; Froehlich, E.; Garbers, U.; Khan, M.A.; Kreibich, M.; Kronshage, J.; Philippe, L.; Pilz, C.; Rothe, B.; Schabedoth, E.; Schaub, K.; Scheiwe, E.; Schmid, C.; Steudel, I.; Struwe, M.; Throl, C.; Wuertz, S. [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany); Back, H.; Naehring, D.; Thielemann, U. [Gesellschaft fuer Angewandte Oekologie und Umweltplanung mbH, Nussloch (Germany)


    The project was conducted from August 1993 until May 1997. The objectives were (a) an elaboration of effect concentrations and index values for organic contaminants (PAH, PCB) and heavy metals in soil of conurbations for the community of decomposers, (b) the improvement of a biotest system for the evaluation of the habitat function of contaminated soils and (c) to obtain informations concerning a controlled utilization of contaminated areas. For that purpose field investigations in former sewage water irrigation areas of Berlin, Germany, concerning the abundance, species composition and dominance structure of terrestrial annelids (Enchytraeids, Lumbricids) were performed, as well as bioassays using contaminated soils of these sites and soils spiked with bezo(a)pyrene, fluoranthene, PCB 52, Cd and Cu and experiments on accumulation, elimination and biotransformation in annelids. 12 of the 17 sites investigated lacked earthworms, while only 2 sites lacked enchytraeids. The abundance of enchytraeids was in the range of 500 to 12.500/m{sup 2}, compared to 25.000 to 280.000/m{sup 2} on reference sites. The hostility of the soils of former irrigation fields to annelids was confirmed by lamina bait tests and by bioassays with Enchytraeus crypticus, E. albidus, E. buchholzi and Eisenia f. fetida. The ecotoxicity of the combined contaminants was enforced by the acidity and the degradation of the soils. The toxicity of organic and inorganic contaminants to terrestrial annelids was definitely proved by reproduction tests in the agar test system. The applied methods of investigation can be used for evaluation of contaminated soils. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Projekt wurde von August 1993 bis Mai 1997 durchgefuehrt. Ziele waren die Erarbeitung (a) von Wirkschwellen fuer organische Schadstoffgruppen (PAK, PCB) und Schwermetalle im Boden fuer Destruenten urbaner Oekosysteme, (b) von Biotestsystemen zur Bewertung der Lebensraumfunktion belasteter Boeden und (c) von Hinweisen zur

  17. Altautoverwertung zwischen Staat und Markt: Bedingungen und Potentiale zur Modernisierung von Lagerhaltung und Marketing gebrauchter Autoteile


    Lucas, Rainer


    Das Arbeitspapier diskutiert vor dem Hintergrund veränderter gesetzlicher Rahmen-und Wettbewerbsbedingungen in der Autoverwertung Ziele und Maßnahmen zurStärkung kleiner und mittelständischer Verwertungsbetriebe. Der Bereich GebrauchteAutoteile wird im Rahmen eines regionalen Fallbeispiels einer tiefergehenden Analyseunterzogen. Hieraus werden Vorschläge zur regionalen Netzwerkbildung innerhalb derBranche und neue Dienstleistungsperspektiven abgeleitet. Ein wesentliches Koope-rationsfeld ist ...

  18. E-PORTFOLIO: BEYOND ASSESSMENT FOR ENGLISH STUDENT TEACHER (a Preliminary Study of E-portfolio Implementation in Micro Teaching Class)


    Sarlita D. Matra


    Teacher preparation programs across the country are showing an increased interest in the use of electronic portfolios as valuable authentic assessment tools that can document students‘ abilities and growth related to specific standards. The concept of developing e-portfolios is based on the fact that the reflective practice of creating portfolios enables students to document and track their learning; develop an integrated, coherent picture of their learning experiences; and enhanc...

  19. Manobra de recrutamento alveolar na contusão pulmonar: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Alveolar recruitment in pulmonary contusion: case report and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lívia Maria Vitório Trindade


    Full Text Available O tratamento da contusão pulmonar quando instituído de forma correta é bastante simples na maioria das vezes. As alterações fisiopatológicas acontecem como decorrência dos efeitos produzidos pela perda da integridade da parede torácica, acúmulo de líquidos na cavidade pleural, obstrução da via aérea e disfunção pulmonar. A manobra de recrutamento alveolar consiste na reabertura de áreas pulmonares colapsadas através do aumento da pressão inspiratória na via aérea. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar um caso de contusão pulmonar, avaliando a efetividade da manobra de recrutamento alveolar e revisão da literatura. Paciente do sexo masculino, 33 anos, com quadro clínico de trauma de tórax bilateral e trauma crânio-encefálico, evoluiu com rebaixamento do nível de consciência, insuficiência respiratória aguda, choque hipovolêmico, hemoptise. Foi submetido a toracocentese, drenagem torácica bilateral e submetido a ventilação mecânica invasiva. Após 48 horas de ventilação mecânica invasiva, segundo os preceitos da estratégia protetora, iniciou-se manobras de recrutamento alveolar modo, Pressão controlada 10 cmH2O, freqüência respiratória 10rpm, tempo inspiratório 3.0, pressão positiva no final da expiração 30 cmH2O, FIO2 100%, durante dois minutos. Após a aplicação da manobra de recrutamento alveolar O paciente apresentou melhora pulmonar significativa da oxigenação, caracterizada por aumento da relação PaO2/FiO2, porém houve variação da mesma entre 185 a 322. Obteve alta da unidade na terapia intensiva após 22 dias e hospitalar após 32 dias da admissão. A manobra de recrutamento alveolar neste paciente apresentou resultados significativos no tratamento da contusão pulmonar, melhorando a oxigenação arterial, prevenindo o colapso alveolar e revertendo quadros de atelectasias.Treatment of pulmonary contusion when adequately established is very simple in most cases. Pathophysiological

  20. Utilization of dE/dx approx E sup n /a dependence for DELTA E - E-spectrometer calibration

    CERN Document Server

    Gorpinich, O K; Jachmenov, O O


    The method of calibration of DELTA E - E-spectrometers by the use of known empiric form dE/dx approx E sup n /a which describes the specific energy loss of charge particles in the matter for energy calibration of DELTA E - E-spectrometer was designed.

  1. Sturm und Drang na música para teclado de Wilhelm Friedemann Bach: evidências reveladas na Polonaise No.4 em Ré menor Sturm und Drang in the keyboard music of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach: detected evidences in Polonaise N.4, in D minor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stella Almeida Rosa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho propõese a revelar elementos contextuais e musicais, especialmente aqueles ligados à expressividade, que aproximem a obra para teclado de Wilhelm Friedemann Bach ao movimento Sturm und Drang, ocorrido na Alemanha no início da segunda metade do século XVIII, através do reconhecimento dos procedimentos literários e musicais envolvidos e da análise da Polonaise nº 4, em Ré menor, como obra representativa do que se pretende demonstrar.This paper intends to point out contextual and musical elements, especially those relative to expressiveness, that brings Wilhelm Friedemann Bach's keyboard works close to German Sturm und Drang, that happened during the beginning of the second half of the eighteenth century, through the identification of the literary and musical procedures and the analysis of the Polonaise number 4, in D minor, as a representative work of this style.

  2. Rare muon decay μ+→e+e-e+νeνμ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Djilkibaev, Rashid M.; Konoplich, Rostislav V.


    An analytical expression for the spin-averaged amplitude squared of the rare muon decay μ + →e + e - e + ν e ν μ is calculated. Monte Carlo phase space simulation using the analytical expression for the amplitude has been used to get various differential distributions of charged leptons. The approximate analytical expression for the total energy spectrum of charged leptons near the end point is presented. The dependence of the branching ratio on cuts in the total energy of charged leptons is studied taking into account an experimental energy resolution. It is shown that the measured branching ratio is very sensitive to the energy resolution.

  3. SAP deficiency mitigated atherosclerotic lesions in ApoE(-/-) mice. (United States)

    Zheng, Lingyun; Wu, Teng; Zeng, Cuiling; Li, Xiangli; Li, Xiaoqiang; Wen, Dingwen; Ji, Tianxing; Lan, Tian; Xing, Liying; Li, Jiangchao; He, Xiaodong; Wang, Lijing


    Serum amyloid P conpoent (SAP), a member of the pentraxin family, interact with pathogens and cell debris to promote their removal by macrophages and neutrophils and is co-localized with atherosclerotic plaques in patients. However, the exact mechanism of SAP in atherogenesis is still unclear. We investigated whether SAP influence macrophage recruitment and foam cell formation and ultimately affect atherosclerotic progression. we generated apoE(-/-); SAP(-/-) (DKO) mice and fed them western diet for 4 and 8 weeks to characterize atherosclerosis development. SAP deficiency effectively reduced plaque size both in the aorta (p = 0.0006 for 4 wks; p = 0.0001 for 8 wks) and the aortic root (p = 0.0061 for 4 wks; p = 0.0079 for 8wks) compared with apoE(-/-) mice. Meanwhile, SAP deficiency inhibited oxLDL-induced foam cell formation (p = 0.0004) compared with apoE(-/-) mice and SAP treatment increases oxLDL-induced foam cell formation (p = 0.002) in RAW cells. Besides, SAP deficiency reduced macrophages recruitment (p = 0.035) in vivo and in vitro (p = 0.026). Furthermore, SAP treatment enhanced CD36 (p = 0.007) and FcγRI (p = 0.031) expression induced by oxLDL through upregulating JNK and p38 MAPK phosphorylation whereas specific JNK1/2 inhibitor reduced CD36 (p = 0.0005) and FcγRI (P = 0.0007) expression in RAW cell. SAP deficiency also significantly decreased the expression of M1 and M2 macrophage markers and inflammatory cytokines in oxLDL-induced macrophages. SAP deficiency mitigated foam cell formation and atherosclerotic development in apoE(-/-) mice, due to reduction in macrophages recruitment, polarization and pro-inflammatory cytokines and inhibition the CD36/FcγR-dependent signaling pathway. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Sapovirus translation requires an interaction between VPg and the cap binding protein eIF4E. (United States)

    Hosmillo, Myra; Chaudhry, Yasmin; Kim, Deok-Song; Goodfellow, Ian; Cho, Kyoung-Oh


    Sapoviruses of the Caliciviridae family of small RNA viruses are emerging pathogens that cause gastroenteritis in humans and animals. Molecular studies on human sapovirus have been hampered due to the lack of a cell culture system. In contrast, porcine sapovirus (PSaV) can be grown in cell culture, making it a suitable model for understanding the infectious cycle of sapoviruses and the related enteric caliciviruses. Caliciviruses are known to use a novel mechanism of protein synthesis that relies on the interaction of cellular translation initiation factors with the virus genome-encoded viral protein genome (VPg) protein, which is covalently linked to the 5' end of the viral genome. Using PSaV as a representative member of the Sapovirus genus, we characterized the role of the viral VPg protein in sapovirus translation. As observed for other caliciviruses, the PSaV genome was found to be covalently linked to VPg, and this linkage was required for the translation and the infectivity of viral RNA. The PSaV VPg protein was associated with the 4F subunit of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF4F) complex in infected cells and bound directly to the eIF4E protein. As has been previously demonstrated for feline calicivirus, a member of the Vesivirus genus, PSaV translation required eIF4E and the interaction between eIF4E and eIF4G. Overall, our study provides new insights into the novel mechanism of sapovirus translation, suggesting that sapovirus VPg can hijack the cellular translation initiation mechanism by recruiting the eIF4F complex through a direct eIF4E interaction. Sapoviruses, which are members of the Caliciviridae family, are one of the causative agents of viral gastroenteritis in humans. However, human sapovirus remains noncultivable in cell culture, hampering the ability to characterize the virus infectious cycle. Here, we show that the VPg protein from porcine sapovirus, the only cultivatable sapovirus, is essential for viral translation and

  5. Dynamical (e,2e) studies of tetrahydropyran and 1,4-dioxane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Builth-Williams, J. D.; Chiari, L.; Jones, D. B., E-mail:, E-mail: [School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, South Australia 5001 (Australia); Silva, G. B. da [School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, South Australia 5001 (Australia); Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Barra do Garças, MT 78600-000 (Brazil); Chaluvadi, Hari; Madison, D. H. [Department of Physics, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri 65409 (United States); Brunger, M. J., E-mail:, E-mail: [School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, South Australia 5001 (Australia); Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)


    We present experimental and theoretical results for the electron-impact ionization of the highest occupied molecular orbitals of tetrahydropyran and 1,4-dioxane. Using an (e,2e) technique in asymmetric coplanar kinematics, angular distributions of the slow ejected electron, with an energy of 20 eV, are measured when incident electrons at 250 eV ionize the target and scatter through an angle of either −10° or −15°. The data are compared with calculations performed at the molecular 3-body distorted wave level. Fair agreement between the theoretical model and the experimental measurements was observed. The similar structures for these targets provide key insights for assessing the limitations of the theoretical calculations. This study in turn facilitates an improved understanding of the dynamics in the ionization process.

  6. Über die Verknüpfung von Hörspiel und Pädagogik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leah Lobensommer


    Full Text Available Dieser Artikel legt die Ergebnisse einer Bachelorarbeit zum Thema „Hörspiel als Lernmethode unter besonderer Berücksichtigung sonderpädagogischer Aspekte“ dar. Die Beziehung von Hörspiel und Pädagogik wird durchleuchtet und zeitgemäße Ansätze zur Verwirklichung eines Hörspielprojektes mit Jugendlichen werden dargestellt. Mit Hilfe der Aussagen der qualitativen Forschung wird ein Fazit und ein Ausblick in die Zukunft gewagt.The following article focuses on the results of a Bachelor’s thesis on the subject of "Radio drama as a learning method in supportive educational settings". The link between pedagogics and radio drama and contemporary efforts to create radio dramas in class will be shown. The statements obtained by empiric research have the goal to transport insights of radio drama professionals in order to enlighten the subject. Finally, on the basis of the gained knowledge a conclusion will be made.

  7. Taking over someone else's e-learning design: challenges trigger change in e-learning beliefs and practices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen M. Scott


    Full Text Available As universities invest in the development of e-learning resources, e-learning sustainability has come under consideration. This has largely focused on the challenges and facilitators of organisational and technological sustainability and scalability, and professional development. Little research has examined the experience of a teacher dealing with e-learning sustainability when taking over a course with an e-learning resource and associated assessment. This research focuses on a teacher who was inexperienced with e-learning technology, yet took over a blended unit of study with an e-learning resource that accounted for one-fifth of the subject assessment and was directed towards academic skills development relevant to the degree program. Taking a longitudinal approach, this research examines the challenges faced by the new teacher and the way she changed the e-learning resource and its implementation over two years. A focus of the research is the way the teacher's reflections on the challenges and changes provided an opportunity and stimulus for change in her e-learning beliefs and practices. This research has implications for the way universities support teachers taking over another teacher's e-learning resource, the need for explicit documentation of underpinning beliefs and structured handover, the benefit of teamwork in developing e-learning resources, and provision of on-going support.

  8. Marktkonstitution und Regulierung der unabhängigen Film- und Fernsehproduktion : Staat, Verbände und Gewerkschaften im deutsch-britischen Vergleich


    Elbing, Sabine; Voelzkow, Helmut


    "In einem internationalen Vergleich von Deutschland und Großbritannien wird untersucht, welche Beiträge die staatliche Politik und die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpartner (Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverbände sowie Gewerkschaften) zur Förderung der unabhängigen Film- und Fernsehproduktion leisten. Es wird gezeigt, dass die britische Medienpolitik die Position der unabhängigen Film- und Fernsehproduktion gegenüber den Fernsehsendern gestärkt hat. In Deutschland hat die Medienpolitik darauf verzicht...

  9. E-Cigarette Marketing Exposure is Associated with E-cigarette Use among U.S. Youth (United States)

    Mantey, Dale S.; Cooper, Maria R.; Clendennen, Stephanie; Pasch, Keryn; Perry, Cheryl L.


    Introduction E-cigarettes are currently the most commonly used tobacco product among U.S. youth. However, unlike conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes are not subject to marketing restrictions. This study investigates the association between exposure to e-cigarette marketing and susceptibility and use of e-cigarettes in youth. Methods Data were obtained from the 2014 National Youth Tobacco Survey. Participants were 22,007 U.S. middle and high school students. Multivariate logistic regression models assessed the relationship between e-cigarette marketing (internet, print, retail, TV/movies) and current and ever use as well as susceptibility to use e-cigarettes among never e-cigarette users. Results Exposure to each type of e-cigarette marketing was significantly associated with increased likelihood of ever and current use of e-cigarettes among middle and high school students. Exposure was also associated with susceptibility to use of e-cigarettes among current non-users. In multivariate models, as the number of channels of e-cigarette marketing exposure increased, the likelihood of use and susceptibility also increased. Conclusions Findings highlight the significant associations between e-cigarette marketing and e-cigarette use among youth, and the need for longitudinal research on these relationships. PMID:27080732

  10. Production of recombinant proteins GST L1, E6 and E7 tag HPV 16 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 4, 2009 ... targeting the viral oncoproteins E6 and E7 are markers for HPV-associated ... Luminex XYP plate handler, Luminex SD sheath fluid delivery system, a Pentium 4 .... expression mediated by a potato virus X derived vector of the E7 protein .... inflammation, and antioxidant nutrients – assessing their roles as.

  11. Legacy data sharing to improve drug safety assessment: the eTOX project

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sanz, Ferran; Pognan, François; Steger-Hartmann, Thomas


    The sharing of legacy preclinical safety data among pharmaceutical companies and its integration with other information sources offers unprecedented opportunities to improve the early assessment of drug safety. Here, we discuss the experience of the eTOX project, which was established through...

  12. Teleradiology and PACS - strategy of the Innsbruck University Hospital; Teleradiologie und PACS - das Konzept des Universitaetsklinikums Innsbruck

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogl, R. [HITT - Health Information Technologies Tirol, Innsbruck (Austria)


    Systems for management of digital imaging data are very important and widespread at the Innsbruck University Hospital and constitute a central component of the IT strategies followed by the hospital operating company TILAK (Tyrolean public hospitals). The particular goal is to integrate all imaging data into the electronic medical records and make these available online to each of the approx. 2500 clinic workstations and ensure electronic data exchange with other healthcare services. Teleradiology connections have been established at the University Clinic for Radiology since 1995; these have been continually expanded and linked to the central PACS. An eHealth web portal was recently established to facilitate transfer of images and findings from TILAK hospitals to other healthcare organizations. Registered users can be cleared for a limited time to access all radiological imaging data via this web portal. (orig.) [German] Die Systeme zum digitalen Bilddatenmanagement haben grosse Bedeutung und weite Verbreitung an der Universitaetsklinik Innsbruck und sind zentraler Bestandteil der IT-Strategie der Krankenhausbetreibergesellschaft TILAK (Tiroler Landeskrankenanstalten). Ziel dabei ist es insbesondere, saemtliche Bilddaten in die elektronische Krankengeschichte zu integrieren und von jedem der ca. 2500 klinischen Arbeitsplaetze aus online zugreifbar zu machen sowie den elektronischen Datenaustausch mit anderen Gesundheitsdiensteanbietern zu gewaehrleisten. Seit 1995 bestehen Teleradiologieverbindungen der Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie; diese wurden laufend ausgebaut und die Einbindung in das zentrale PACS hergestellt. Zur Kommunikation von Bild- und Befunddaten aus den Krankenhaeusern der TILAK an andere Gesundheitseinrichtungen wurde kuerzlich ein eHealth WebPortal geschaffen, ueber das saemtliche radiologischen Bilddaten durch zeitbefristete Freigaben fuer registrierte Benutzer zugaenglich gemacht werden koennen. (orig.)

  13. Timely Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury Using Kinetic eGFR and the Creatinine Excretion to Production Ratio, E/eG - Creatinine Can Be Useful! (United States)

    Endre, Zoltán H; Pianta, Timothy J; Pickering, John W


    Post transplant repeated measurements of urine volume and serum creatinine (sCr) are used to assess kidney function. Under non-steady state conditions, repeated measurement of sCr allows calculation of the kinetic estimated GFR (KeGFR). Additional measurement of urinary creatinine allows the calculation of the creatinine excretion to (estimated) production ratio (E/eG). We hypothesized that post-transplant KeGFR and E/eG would predict delayed graft function (DGF), as early as 4 h and outperform a validated clinical model at 12 h. This was a retrospective analysis of prospectively acquired data in a study of 56 recipients of deceased-donor kidney transplant. We assessed predictive performance with the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) and the added value to a clinical model with integrated discrimination improvement analysis. At 4 h, the AUC for E/eG was 0.87 (95% CI 0.77-0.96) and for KeGFR 0.69 (95% CI 0.56-0.83). Both E/eG and KeGFR improved the risk prediction of a clinical model for DGF by 32 and 18%, and for non-DGF by 17 and 10%, respectively. While E/eG had better predictive performance of DGF than KeGFR, KeGFR might also facilitate perioperative management including drug dosing after kidney transplantation. Together these measurements may facilitate the possibility of conducting trials of early intervention to ameliorate the adverse effects of ischaemia-reperfusion injury on long-term DGF. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  14. Pestel study: system comparison of the generation of electric current and heating energy in coupled and uncoupled plants; Pestel Studie: Systemvergleich der Strom- und Heizenergieerzeugung in gekoppelten und ungekoppelten Anlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moeller, K.P.


    A system comparison of the generation of electric current and heating energy in coupled and uncoupled plants was carried out in the years 1983/84 at the Eduard Pestel Institute for system research in Hannover. A report is given on the main focus of the investigation which was the comparison of cogeneration power plant for cogeneration with the current generation in modern condensation power plants and the corresponding generation of heating energy in modern gas boilers. The primary energy consumption for generating electric current was compared by means of four examples to the consumption for heating energy generation. The costs of this generation in terms of national economy and industrial management were also compared to each other by means of four examples. (orig.) [Deutsch] Am Eduard Pestel Institut fuer Systemforschung e.V. in Hannover wurde in den Jahren 1983/1984 ein Systemvergleich zwischen der Strom- und Heizenergieerzeugung in gekoppelten und ungekoppelten Anlagen durchgefuehrt. Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung, ueber den heute berichtet werden soll, war der Vergleich von - Blockheizkraftwerken zur gekoppelten Erzeugung mit - einer Stromerzeugung in modernene Kondensationskraftwerken und der entsprechenden Heizwaermeerzeugung in modernen Gaskesseln. Dabei wurden anhand von vier konkreten Fallbeispielen jeweils - die Primaerenergieverbraeuche fuer die Strom- und Heizwaermeerzeugung sowie - die volkswirtschaftlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Kosten dieser Erzeugung miteinander verglichen. (orig.)

  15. Development and characterization of La/B{sub 4}C multilayer systems as X-ray mirrors in the energy range 100-200 eV; Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von La/B{sub 4}C-Multischichtsystemen als Roentgenspiegel im Energiebereich 100-200 eV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hendel, Stefan


    The main topics of this thesis are the development and characterization of La/B{sub 4}C multilayer systems. For this these materials were evaluated and characterized for the applied electron-beam evaporation. For the monitoring of the evaporation process two separate in-situ layer thicknesses were available. For periodic multilayer systems the X-ray reflectometry used for Mo/Si multilayers was accepted. Because of the change from Mo/Si on La/B{sub 4}C the driving of the evaporation process had to be material-conditionedly further developed and optimized. For the fabrication of aperiodic La/B{sub 4}C multilayer systems additionally an in-situ ellipsometer was taken into operation. Furthermore a decreasement of the interface roughnesses and by this following increasement of the reflectivities of La/B{sub 4}C multilayers by polishing of the single layers with accelerated ions during the fabrication shall be studied. The fabricated multilayers are characterized and evaluated concerning roughnesses, reflectivities, ans spectral band width. [German] Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stehen die Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von La/B{sub 4}C-Multischichtsystemen. Dazu wurden diese Materialien fuer die verwendete Elektronenstrahlverdampfung evaluiert und charakterisiert. Fuer die Ueberwachung des Aufdampfprozesses standen zwei separate In-situ Schichtdickenkontrollen zur Verfuegung. Fuer periodische Multischichtsysteme wurde die fuer Mo/Si-Multischichten genutzte Roentgenreflektometrie uebernommen. Aufgrund des Wechsels von Mo/Si auf La/B{sub 4}C musste materialbedingt die Steuerung des Verdampfungsprozesses weiterentwickelt und optimiert werden. Fuer die Herstellung aperiodischer La/B{sub 4}C-Multischichtsysteme wurde zusaetzlich ein In-situ Ellipsometer in Betrieb genommen. Des Weiteren soll eine Senkung der Grenzflaechenrauigkeiten und damit einhergehende Erhoehung der Reflektivitaeten von La/B{sub 4}C-Multischichten durch das Polieren mit beschleunigten Ionen der

  16. A comparative assessment of e-cigarette aerosols and cigarette smoke on in vitro endothelial cell migration. (United States)

    Taylor, Mark; Jaunky, Tomasz; Hewitt, Katherine; Breheny, Damien; Lowe, Frazer; Fearon, Ian M; Gaca, Marianna


    Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for several diseases. There has been a steep increase in the use of e-cigarettes that may offer a safer alternative to cigarette smoking. In vitro models of smoking-related diseases may provide valuable insights into disease mechanisms associated with tobacco use and could be used to assess e-cigarettes. We previously reported the application of a 'scratch wound' assay, measuring endothelial cell migration rate following artificial wounding, in the presence or absence of cigarette smoke extracts. This study reports the comparative effects of two commercial e-cigarette products (Vype ePen and Vype eStick) and a scientific reference cigarette (3R4F) on endothelial migration in vitro. Puff-matched extracts were generated using the Health Canada Intense (HCI) regime for cigarettes and a modified HCI for e-cigarettes. Exposure to 3R4F extract (20h) induced concentration-dependent inhibition of endothelial cell migration, with complete inhibition at concentrations >20%. E-cigarette extracts did not inhibit migration, even at double the 3R4F extract nicotine concentration, allowing cells to migrate into the wounded area. Our data demonstrate that e-cigarettes do not induce the inhibition of endothelial cell migration in vitro when compared to 3R4F. The scratch wound assay enables the comparative assessment between tobacco and nicotine products in vitro. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Use of residual fuels and biowaste of low calorific value for syngas production by the Noell conversion process; Der Einsatz niederkaloriger Energietraeger aus Reststoffen und Bioabfaellen zur Synthesegaserzeugung nach dem Noell-Konversionsverfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schingnitz, M; Goehler, P [Noell-KRC Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Freiberg (Germany)


    By gasification with oxygen, municipal waste can be converted into a pure, burnable gas. The gas can be used like natural gas, e.g. in boilers and industrial furnaces, gas engines and gas turbines for heat and electric power generation, but also in chemical synthesis processes, e.g. methanol synthesis. If the right gasification technology is selected, the mineral constitutents of the waste materials can be melted down at the same time, e.g. into a granulate with a glass-like structure that can be used as constructional material. (orig) [Deutsch] Durch Vergasung mit Sauerstoff lassen sich kommunale Abfaelle in ein brennbares Gas umwandeln. Dieses Gas kann mit einfachen und bewaehrten verfahren von Schadstoffen wie Schwefelverbindungen befreit werden. Es laesst sich wie sauberes Erdgas umweltfreundlich in Kesseln und Industrieoefen einsetzen, in Gasmotoren oder Gasturbinen zur Erzeugung von Elektroenergie und Heizwaerme nutzen, aber auch zu chemischen Synthesen, beispielsweise von Methanol, verwenden. Bei geeigneter Wahl der Vergasungstechnologie gelingt es ausserdem, die mineralischen Bestandteile der Abfallstoffe prozessintern aufzuschmelzen und in ein beispielsweise als Baustoff verwertbares Schmelzgranulat mit glasartiger Struktur zu ueberfuehren. (orig)

  18. Use of residual fuels and biowaste of low calorific value for syngas production by the Noell conversion process; Der Einsatz niederkaloriger Energietraeger aus Reststoffen und Bioabfaellen zur Synthesegaserzeugung nach dem Noell-Konversionsverfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schingnitz, M.; Goehler, P. [Noell-KRC Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Freiberg (Germany)


    By gasification with oxygen, municipal waste can be converted into a pure, burnable gas. The gas can be used like natural gas, e.g. in boilers and industrial furnaces, gas engines and gas turbines for heat and electric power generation, but also in chemical synthesis processes, e.g. methanol synthesis. If the right gasification technology is selected, the mineral constitutents of the waste materials can be melted down at the same time, e.g. into a granulate with a glass-like structure that can be used as constructional material. (orig) [Deutsch] Durch Vergasung mit Sauerstoff lassen sich kommunale Abfaelle in ein brennbares Gas umwandeln. Dieses Gas kann mit einfachen und bewaehrten verfahren von Schadstoffen wie Schwefelverbindungen befreit werden. Es laesst sich wie sauberes Erdgas umweltfreundlich in Kesseln und Industrieoefen einsetzen, in Gasmotoren oder Gasturbinen zur Erzeugung von Elektroenergie und Heizwaerme nutzen, aber auch zu chemischen Synthesen, beispielsweise von Methanol, verwenden. Bei geeigneter Wahl der Vergasungstechnologie gelingt es ausserdem, die mineralischen Bestandteile der Abfallstoffe prozessintern aufzuschmelzen und in ein beispielsweise als Baustoff verwertbares Schmelzgranulat mit glasartiger Struktur zu ueberfuehren. (orig)

  19. Corporate environmental information systems (CEIS). Standards und structural principles; Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme (BUIS). Anforderungen und struktureller Aufbau

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pflaum, H.; Guderian, J.; Kuemmel, R. [UMSICHT, Inst. fuer Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik e.V., Oberhausen (Germany)


    Appropriate organization structures, environmental controlling systems, and corporate environmental information systems (CEIS) are generally considered to be the essential instruments of a modern environmental management. Frequently, acceptance problems have been observed with respect to the installation of a CEIS due to the facts that there are no legal demands to implement such a system and, on the other hand, that theoretically based definitions of standards and structural principles of an CEIS are not yet available. As a consequence, different isolated solutions with rather low efficiency were hurriedly implemented by various companies. Regarding more precise request profiles for CEI systems, the present paper deals with the structural environment and the priority targets of an enterprise and with the organizational integration of environmental tasks. The operationalization into typical function fields yields tools to derive rough enterprise models, to analyze information streams and to select environmentally relevant information as well as the routes which they tend to go. Based on these fundamental instruments, a CEIS architecture (structure and organization) can be developed whose realization is eventually supported by a ten-step plan. Existing EDP solutions are deliberately excluded in order to verify the general validity of the system architecture and to encourage creative potentials. The CEIS concept presented here, however, requires a transformation into operative practice, i.e. adjustment, completion, and combination of the elements concerning the detailed conditions of the enterprise under study. (orig.) [Deutsch] Als wesentliche Instrumente modernen Umweltmanagements werden gemeinhin eine entsprechend ausgerichtete Organisationsstruktur, ein Umweltcontrollingsystem (UCS) und ein betriebliches Umweltinformationssystem (BUIS) angesehen. Die Einfuehrung eines BUIS in Industrieunternehmen stoesst aber erfahrungsgemaess auf Akzeptanzschwierigkeiten. Dies

  20. Semantische Analyse unstrukturierter Daten. Review und Analyse: Big-Data Ansatz bei internen Untersuchungen anhand eines Beispiels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jörg Fuchslueger


    Full Text Available In der juristischen Fallbearbeitung steht man immer häufiger vor der Herausforderung, unüberschaubare Massen an Unterlagen berücksichtigen zu müssen. Relevante Information ist verborgen in hunderttausenden E-Mails, Office Dokumenten und PDF-Dateien. All diese Unterlagen zu lesen, zu verstehen und zu beurteilen, ist in der Praxis nicht mehr möglich. Der vorliegende Artikel zeigt ein Vorgehensmodell, wie mit semantischer Inhaltsanalyse die notwendige Informationsgewinnung in umfangreichen, elektronisch gespeicherten Textbeständen durchgeführt werden kann.

  1. E-cadherin junction formation involves an active kinetic nucleation process (United States)

    Biswas, Kabir H.; Hartman, Kevin L.; Yu, Cheng-han; Harrison, Oliver J.; Song, Hang; Smith, Adam W.; Huang, William Y. C.; Lin, Wan-Chen; Guo, Zhenhuan; Padmanabhan, Anup; Troyanovsky, Sergey M.; Dustin, Michael L.; Shapiro, Lawrence; Honig, Barry; Zaidel-Bar, Ronen; Groves, Jay T.


    Epithelial (E)-cadherin-mediated cell−cell junctions play important roles in the development and maintenance of tissue structure in multicellular organisms. E-cadherin adhesion is thus a key element of the cellular microenvironment that provides both mechanical and biochemical signaling inputs. Here, we report in vitro reconstitution of junction-like structures between native E-cadherin in living cells and the extracellular domain of E-cadherin (E-cad-ECD) in a supported membrane. Junction formation in this hybrid live cell-supported membrane configuration requires both active processes within the living cell and a supported membrane with low E-cad-ECD mobility. The hybrid junctions recruit α-catenin and exhibit remodeled cortical actin. Observations suggest that the initial stages of junction formation in this hybrid system depend on the trans but not the cis interactions between E-cadherin molecules, and proceed via a nucleation process in which protrusion and retraction of filopodia play a key role. PMID:26290581

  2. Using a Wireless Electroencephalography Device to Evaluate E-Health and E-Learning Interventions. (United States)

    Mailhot, Tanya; Lavoie, Patrick; Maheu-Cadotte, Marc-André; Fontaine, Guillaume; Cournoyer, Alexis; Côté, José; Dupuis, France; Karsenti, Thierry; Cossette, Sylvie

    Measuring engagement and other reactions of patients and health professionals to e-health and e-learning interventions remains a challenge for researchers. The aim of this pilot study was to assess the feasibility and acceptability of using a wireless electroencephalography (EEG) device to measure affective (anxiety, enjoyment, relaxation) and cognitive (attention, engagement, interest) reactions of patients and healthcare professionals during e-health or e-learning interventions. Using a wireless EEG device, we measured patient (n = 6) and health professional (n = 7) reactions during a 10-minute session of an e-health or e-learning intervention. The following feasibility and acceptability indicators were assessed and compared for patients and healthcare professionals: number of eligible participants who consented to participate, reasons for refusal, time to install and calibrate the wireless EEG device, number of participants who completed the full 10-minute sessions, participant comfort when wearing the device, signal quality, and number of observations obtained for each reaction. The wireless EEG readings were compared to participant self-rating of their reactions. We obtained at least 75% of possible observations for attention, engagement, enjoyment, and interest. EEG scores were similar to self-reported scores, but they varied throughout the sessions, which gave information on participants' real-time reactions to the e-health/e-learning interventions. Results on the other indicators support the feasibility and acceptability of the wireless EEG device for both patients and professionals. Using the wireless EEG device was feasible and acceptable. Future studies must examine its use in other contexts of care and explore which components of the interventions affected participant reactions by combining wireless EEG and eye tracking.

  3. EtpE Binding to DNase X Induces Ehrlichial Entry via CD147 and hnRNP-K Recruitment, Followed by Mobilization of N-WASP and Actin. (United States)

    Mohan Kumar, Dipu; Lin, Mingqun; Xiong, Qingming; Webber, Mathew James; Kural, Comert; Rikihisa, Yasuko


    Obligate intracellular bacteria, such as Ehrlichia chaffeensis, perish unless they can enter eukaryotic cells. E. chaffeensis is the etiological agent of human monocytic ehrlichiosis, an emerging infectious disease. To infect cells, Ehrlichia uses the C terminus of the outer membrane invasin entry-triggering protein (EtpE) of Ehrlichia (EtpE-C), which directly binds the mammalian cell surface glycosylphosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein, DNase X. How this binding drives Ehrlichia entry is unknown. Here, using affinity pulldown of host cell lysates with recombinant EtpE-C (rEtpE-C), we identified two new human proteins that interact with EtpE-C: CD147 and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP-K). The interaction of CD147 with rEtpE-C was validated by far-Western blotting and coimmunoprecipitation of native EtpE with endogenous CD147. CD147 was ubiquitous on the cell surface and also present around foci of rEtpE-C-coated-bead entry. Functional neutralization of surface-exposed CD147 with a specific antibody inhibited Ehrlichia internalization and infection but not binding. Downregulation of CD147 by short hairpin RNA (shRNA) impaired E. chaffeensis infection. Functional ablation of cytoplasmic hnRNP-K by a nanoscale intracellular antibody markedly attenuated bacterial entry and infection but not binding. EtpE-C also interacted with neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP), which is activated by hnRNP-K. Wiskostatin, which inhibits N-WASP activation, and cytochalasin D, which inhibits actin polymerization, inhibited Ehrlichia entry. Upon incubation with host cell lysate, EtpE-C but not an EtpE N-terminal fragment stimulated in vitro actin polymerization in an N-WASP- and DNase X-dependent manner. Time-lapse video images revealed N-WASP recruitment at EtpE-C-coated bead entry foci. Thus, EtpE-C binding to DNase X drives Ehrlichia entry by engaging CD147 and hnRNP-K and activating N-WASP-dependent actin polymerization. Ehrlichia chaffeensis, an

  4. Wozu und wie kooperative Arbeitsformen im studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karmelka Barić


    Full Text Available Ausgehend von einer Reflexion über die im Beruf und im Leben notwendigen Kompetenzen in der Kommunikation sowie von der Überzeugung, dass es notwendig ist, diese Kompetenzen schon im Studium durch geeignete Arbeitsverfahren und Themen zu entwickeln, werden Kooperation und Autonomie fördernde Arbeitsformen für den studienbegleitenden Deutsch- und Fremdsprachenunterricht (SDU/SFU vorgestellt. Diese Arbeitsformen sind auf andere Sprachen übertragbar und aus dem Lehrwerk Mit Deutsch studieren arbeiten leben A2/B1 (Lévy-Hillerich, Serena, Barić & Cickovska 2010 und der dazu gehörenden Lernplattform entnommen. Das Lehrwerk selbst ist eine Umsetzung der SDU-Rahmencurricula, die im Laufe von über zwanzig Jahren in zehn Ländern im Rahmen eines 1994 am Goethe-Institut Warschau begonnenen Hochschulprojekts und der daraus entstandenen Forschungstätigkeit entstanden sind. Grundlage des Projekts ist ein ganzheitlicher soziopädagogischer Ansatz, der LernerInnen als Menschen betrachtet, die im Präsenz- oder im virtuellen Unterricht in der Sprache und durch die Sprache fach- und sprachübergreifende Kooperationsfähigkeiten entwickeln, die sich später im Leben in der Gesellschaft auswirken. Nach der Vorstellung des Projekts und seiner wissenschaftlichen Hintergründe im ersten Teil des Beitrags werden im zweiten Teil die sich aus dem Ansatz ergebenden Arbeitsformen untersucht: Dabei werden die sich dazu eignenden Themen, die Lernhilfen für StudentInnen, die den LehrerInnen zufallenden Rollen sowie die Ansprüche an Lehrbücher/Unterrichtsmaterialien und Online-/Blended-Learning-Lernszenarien besprochen. Der abschließende Überblick im dritten Teil über die Schwierigkeiten, die beim kooperativen Lernen im SDU/SFU auftreten können, ist gleichzeitig eine offenbleibende Frage danach, wie LehrerInnen aus- und fortgebildet werden sollten, um sich den Anforderungen einer sich dauernd verändernden Lernlandschaft stellen zu können.   The paper

  5. Sport und soziale Integration


    Turan, Günes


    Sport und soziale Integration : Chancen, Probleme und Perspektiven für Städte und Kommunen ; Tagungsband der gleichnamigen Tagung am 28. und 29. Juni 2011 in Augsburg / Helmut Altenberger ... (Hrsg.). - Hamburg : Feldhaus, Ed. Czwalina, 2012. - 104 S. - (Sportwissenschaft und Sportpraxis ; 161)

  6. Competencies development and self-assessment in maintenance management e-training (United States)

    Papathanassiou, Nikos; Pistofidis, Petros; Emmanouilidis, Christos


    The maintenance management function requires staff to possess a truly multidisciplinary set of skills. This includes competencies from engineering and information technology to health and safety, management and finance, while also taking into account the normative and legislative issues. This body of knowledge is rarely readily available within a single university course. The potential of e-learning in this field is significant, as it is a flexible and less costly alternative to conventional training. Furthermore, trainees can follow their own pace, as their available time is often a commodity. This article discusses the development of tools to support competencies development and self-assessment in maintenance management. Based on requirements arising from professional bodies' guidelines and a user survey, the developed tools implement a dedicated maintenance management training curriculum. The results from pilot testing on academic and industrial user groups are discussed and user evaluations are linked with specific e-learning design issues.

  7. A Multidimensional Tool Based on the eHealth Literacy Framework: Development and Initial Validity Testing of the eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ). (United States)

    Kayser, Lars; Karnoe, Astrid; Furstrand, Dorthe; Batterham, Roy; Christensen, Karl Bang; Elsworth, Gerald; Osborne, Richard H


    For people to be able to access, understand, and benefit from the increasing digitalization of health services, it is critical that services are provided in a way that meets the user's needs, resources, and competence. The objective of the study was to develop a questionnaire that captures the 7-dimensional eHealth Literacy Framework (eHLF). Draft items were created in parallel in English and Danish. The items were generated from 450 statements collected during the conceptual development of eHLF. In all, 57 items (7 to 9 items per scale) were generated and adjusted after cognitive testing. Items were tested in 475 people recruited from settings in which the scale was intended to be used (community and health care settings) and including people with a range of chronic conditions. Measurement properties were assessed using approaches from item response theory (IRT) and classical test theory (CTT) such as confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and reliability using composite scale reliability (CSR); potential bias due to age and sex was evaluated using differential item functioning (DIF). CFA confirmed the presence of the 7 a priori dimensions of eHLF. Following item analysis, a 35-item 7-scale questionnaire was constructed, covering (1) using technology to process health information (5 items, CSR=.84), (2) understanding of health concepts and language (5 items, CSR=.75), (3) ability to actively engage with digital services (5 items, CSR=.86), (4) feel safe and in control (5 items, CSR=.87), (5) motivated to engage with digital services (5 items, CSR=.84), (6) access to digital services that work (6 items, CSR=.77), and (7) digital services that suit individual needs (4 items, CSR=.85). A 7-factor CFA model, using small-variance priors for cross-loadings and residual correlations, had a satisfactory fit (posterior productive P value: .27, 95% CI for the difference between the observed and replicated chi-square values: -63.7 to 133.8). The CFA showed that all items loaded

  8. Introducing the C.E.P.N. (Center for the assessment of protection in the nuclear field)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jammet, H.P.


    The center for the assessment of protection in the nuclear field (C.E.P.N.) was set up by Electricite de France (E.D.F.) and the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (C.E.A.) in May 1976. Dr JAMMET, one of its promoters, relates the circumstances and motivations of its creation and presents the general lines of the purposes and programmes presently developed by the center [fr

  9. Observation of ψ(3686)→e^{+}e^{-}χ_{cJ} and χ_{cJ}→e^{+}e^{-}J/ψ. (United States)

    Ablikim, M; Achasov, M N; Ai, X C; Albayrak, O; Albrecht, M; Ambrose, D J; Amoroso, A; An, F F; An, Q; Bai, J Z; Baldini Ferroli, R; Ban, Y; Bennett, D W; Bennett, J V; Bertani, M; Bettoni, D; Bian, J M; Bianchi, F; Boger, E; Boyko, I; Briere, R A; Cai, H; Cai, X; Cakir, O; Calcaterra, A; Cao, G F; Cetin, S A; Chang, J F; Chelkov, G; Chen, G; Chen, H S; Chen, H Y; Chen, J C; Chen, M L; Chen, S; Chen, S J; Chen, X; Chen, X R; Chen, Y B; Cheng, H P; Chu, X K; Cibinetto, G; Dai, H L; Dai, J P; Dbeyssi, A; Dedovich, D; Deng, Z Y; Denig, A; Denysenko, I; Destefanis, M; De Mori, F; Ding, Y; Dong, C; Dong, J; Dong, L Y; Dong, M Y; Dou, Z L; Du, S X; Duan, P F; Fan, J Z; Fang, J; Fang, S S; Fang, X; Fang, Y; Farinelli, R; Fava, L; Fedorov, O; Feldbauer, F; Felici, G; Feng, C Q; Fioravanti, E; Fritsch, M; Fu, C D; Gao, Q; Gao, X L; Gao, X Y; Gao, Y; Gao, Z; Garzia, I; Goetzen, K; Gong, L; Gong, W X; Gradl, W; Greco, M; Gu, M H; Gu, Y T; Guan, Y H; Guo, A Q; Guo, L B; Guo, R P; Guo, Y; Guo, Y P; Haddadi, Z; Hafner, A; Han, S; Hao, X Q; Harris, F A; He, K L; Held, T; Heng, Y K; Hou, Z L; Hu, C; Hu, H M; Hu, J F; Hu, T; Hu, Y; Huang, G S; Huang, J S; Huang, X T; Huang, X Z; Huang, Y; Huang, Z L; Hussain, T; Ji, Q; Ji, Q P; Ji, X B; Ji, X L; Jiang, L W; Jiang, X S; Jiang, X Y; Jiao, J B; Jiao, Z; Jin, D P; Jin, S; Johansson, T; Julin, A; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N; Kang, X L; Kang, X S; Kavatsyuk, M; Ke, B C; Kiese, P; Kliemt, R; Kloss, B; Kolcu, O B; Kopf, B; Kornicer, M; Kupsc, A; Kühn, W; Lange, J S; Lara, M; Larin, P; Leng, C; Li, C; Li, Cheng; Li, D M; Li, F; Li, F Y; Li, G; Li, H B; Li, H J; Li, J C; Li, Jin; Li, K; Li, K; Li, Lei; Li, P R; Li, Q Y; Li, T; Li, W D; Li, W G; Li, X L; Li, X N; Li, X Q; Li, Y B; Li, Z B; Liang, H; Liang, Y F; Liang, Y T; Liao, G R; Lin, D X; Liu, B; Liu, B J; Liu, C X; Liu, D; Liu, F H; Liu, Fang; Liu, Feng; Liu, H B; Liu, H H; Liu, H H; Liu, H M; Liu, J; Liu, J B; Liu, J P; Liu, J Y; Liu, K; Liu, K Y; Liu, L D; Liu, P L; Liu, Q; Liu, S B; Liu, X; Liu, Y B; Liu, Z A; Liu, Zhiqing; Loehner, H; Lou, X C; Lu, H J; Lu, J G; Lu, Y; Lu, Y P; Luo, C L; Luo, M X; Luo, T; Luo, X L; Lyu, X R; Ma, F C; Ma, H L; Ma, L L; Ma, M M; Ma, Q M; Ma, T; Ma, X N; Ma, X Y; Ma, Y M; Maas, F E; Maggiora, M; Mao, Y J; Mao, Z P; Marcello, S; Messchendorp, J G; Min, J; Mitchell, R E; Mo, X H; Mo, Y J; Morales Morales, C; Muchnoi, N Yu; Muramatsu, H; Nefedov, Y; Nerling, F; Nikolaev, I B; Ning, Z; Nisar, S; Niu, S L; Niu, X Y; Olsen, S L; Ouyang, Q; Pacetti, S; Pan, Y; Patteri, P; Pelizaeus, M; Peng, H P; Peters, K; Pettersson, J; Ping, J L; Ping, R G; Poling, R; Prasad, V; Qi, H R; Qi, M; Qian, S; Qiao, C F; Qin, L Q; Qin, N; Qin, X S; Qin, Z H; Qiu, J F; Rashid, K H; Redmer, C F; Ripka, M; Rong, G; Rosner, Ch; Ruan, X D; Sarantsev, A; Savrié, M; Schoenning, K; Schumann, S; Shan, W; Shao, M; Shen, C P; Shen, P X; Shen, X Y; Sheng, H Y; Shi, M; Song, W M; Song, X Y; Sosio, S; Spataro, S; Sun, G X; Sun, J F; Sun, S S; Sun, X H; Sun, Y J; Sun, Y Z; Sun, Z J; Sun, Z T; Tang, C J; Tang, X; Tapan, I; Thorndike, E H; Tiemens, M; Ullrich, M; Uman, I; Varner, G S; Wang, B; Wang, B L; Wang, D; Wang, D Y; Wang, K; Wang, L L; Wang, L S; Wang, M; Wang, P; Wang, P L; Wang, S G; Wang, W; Wang, W P; Wang, X F; Wang, Y; Wang, Y D; Wang, Y F; Wang, Y Q; Wang, Z; Wang, Z G; Wang, Z H; Wang, Z Y; Wang, Z Y; Weber, T; Wei, D H; Wei, J B; Weidenkaff, P; Wen, S P; Wiedner, U; Wolke, M; Wu, L H; Wu, L J; Wu, Z; Xia, L; Xia, L G; Xia, Y; Xiao, D; Xiao, H; Xiao, Z J; Xie, Y G; Xiu, Q L; Xu, G F; Xu, J J; Xu, L; Xu, Q J; Xu, Q N; Xu, X P; Yan, L; Yan, W B; Yan, W C; Yan, Y H; Yang, H J; Yang, H X; Yang, L; Yang, Y X; Ye, M; Ye, M H; Yin, J H; Yu, B X; Yu, C X; Yu, J S; Yuan, C Z; Yuan, W L; Yuan, Y; Yuncu, A; Zafar, A A; Zallo, A; Zeng, Y; Zeng, Z; Zhang, B X; Zhang, B Y; Zhang, C; Zhang, C C; Zhang, D H; Zhang, H H; Zhang, H Y; Zhang, J; Zhang, J J; Zhang, J L; Zhang, J Q; Zhang, J W; Zhang, J Y; Zhang, J Z; Zhang, K; Zhang, L; Zhang, S Q; Zhang, X Y; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Y H; Zhang, Y N; Zhang, Y T; Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Z H; Zhang, Z P; Zhang, Z Y; Zhao, G; Zhao, J W; Zhao, J Y; Zhao, J Z; Zhao, Lei; Zhao, Ling; Zhao, M G; Zhao, Q; Zhao, Q W; Zhao, S J; Zhao, T C; Zhao, Y B; Zhao, Z G; Zhemchugov, A; Zheng, B; Zheng, J P; Zheng, W J; Zheng, Y H; Zhong, B; Zhou, L; Zhou, X; Zhou, X K; Zhou, X R; Zhou, X Y; Zhu, K; Zhu, K J; Zhu, S; Zhu, S H; Zhu, X L; Zhu, Y C; Zhu, Y S; Zhu, Z A; Zhuang, J; Zotti, L; Zou, B S; Zou, J H


    Using 4.479×10^{8}  ψ(3686) events collected with the BESIII detector, we search for the decays ψ(3686)→e^{+}e^{-}χ_{cJ} and χ_{cJ}→e^{+}e^{-}J/ψ, where J=0, 1, 2. The decays ψ(3686)→e^{+}e^{-}χ_{cJ} and χ_{cJ}→e^{+}e^{-}J/ψ are observed for the first time. The measured branching fractions are B(ψ(3686)→e^{+}e^{-}χ_{cJ})=(11.7±2.5±1.0)×10^{-4}, (8.6±0.3±0.6)×10^{-4}, (6.9±0.5±0.6)×10^{-4} for J=0, 1, 2, and B(χ_{cJ}→e^{+}e^{-}J/ψ)=(1.51±0.30±0.13)×10^{-4}, (3.73±0.09±0.25)×10^{-3}, (2.48±0.08±0.16)×10^{-3} for J=0, 1, 2, respectively. The ratios of the branching fractions B(ψ(3686)→e^{+}e^{-}χ_{cJ})/B(ψ(3686)→γχ_{cJ}) and B(χ_{cJ}→e^{+}e^{-}J/ψ)/B(χ_{cJ}→γJ/ψ) are also reported. Also, the α values of helicity angular distributions of the e^{+}e^{-} pair are determined for ψ(3686)→e^{+}e^{-}χ_{c1,2} and χ_{c1,2}→e^{+}e^{-}J/ψ.

  10. E-cigarettes and E-hookahs (United States)

    ... this page: // E-cigarettes and E-hookahs To use the sharing features ... cigarettes because they believe these devices are safe. E-cigarettes and Children Many experts also have concerns about ...

  11. Development of a guidance manual for the identification and assessment of interactions as part of Environmental Impact Assessment; Entwicklung einer Arbeitsanleitung zur Beruecksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen in der Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rassmus, J.; Bruening, H.; Kleinschmidt, V.; Reck, H.; Dierssen, K.; Bonk, A. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Oekologie-Zentrum


    , a methodology for the cross-media assessment of effects was developed. Here, the direct and indirect (caused e.g. via effect chains/webs) effects already described in the chapters specific to the various protected assets are examined to select and jointly assess those among them that are of relevance to general objectives or sub-objectives (protection of human health, improvement of environmental conditions to improve the quality of life for human beings, preservation of habitat potentials for plants and animals). (orig.) [German] Ziel des Vorhabens war die Entwicklung einer praxisorientierten Arbeitsanleitung fuer die Beruecksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen in der UVP. Die Arbeitsanleitung soll Vorhabenstraeger und deren Gutachter bei der Ermittlung und Beschreibung der Auswirkungen eines Vorhabens auf Wechselwirkungen und der entsprechenden sachgerechten Darstellung innerhalb der Antragsunterlagen und Behoerden bei der folgenden Bewertung unterstuetzen. Im Rahmen des Vorhabens wurden die entsprechenden rechtlichen und naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen (hier insbesondere der Kenntnistand der Oekosystemforschung), die im In- und Ausland bekannten Leitfaeden/Arbeitsanleitungen und die in der Praxis angewandten Ansaetze ausgewertet und weiterentwickelt. Dies erfolgte u.a. durch die Auswertung der entsprechenden Literatur und durch Expertenworkshops. Nach der im Vorhaben entwickelten Definition sind unter Wechselwirkungen im Sinne der EU-UVP-Richtlinie und Paragraph 2 UVPG, die in der Umwelt ablaufenden Prozesse zu verstehen. Bei der in der UVP-Praxis gegenwaertig angewandten Betrachtung von Wirkungsketten und -netzen werden Prozesse bzw. Wechselwirkungen bereits weitgehend ermittelt und beschrieben, da die Glieder der Ketten und Netze ueber Prozesse miteinander verbunden sind. Die im Vorhaben entwickelte Arbeitsanleitung geht hier einen Schritt weiter, indem sie ein Verfahren fuer die systematische Bearbeitung von Wirkungsketten- und -netzen mit definierten

  12. A Multilevel Prediction of Physiological Response to Challenge: Interactions among Child Maltreatment, Neighborhood Crime, eNOS and GABRA6 (United States)

    Lynch, Michael; Manly, Jody Todd; Cicchetti, Dante


    Physiological response to stress has been linked to variety of healthy and pathological conditions. The current study conducted a multilevel examination of interactions among environmental toxins – i.e., neighborhood crime and child maltreatment – and specific genetic polymorphisms of eNOS and GABRA6. A total of 186 children were recruited at age 4. At this time, the presence or absence of child maltreatment was determined, as was the amount of crime that occurred in their neighborhood during the previous year. At age 9, the children were brought to the lab where their physiological response to a cognitive challenge – i.e., change in the amplitude of RSA – was assessed and DNA samples were collected for subsequent genotyping. Results confirmed that complex G x G, E x E, and G x E interactions were associated with different patterns of RSA reactivity. The implications for future research and evidence-based intervention are discussed. PMID:26535938


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rayi Retno Dwi Asih


    Full Text Available As the number of female customers shopping in online clothing stores increases, understanding how female customers’ e-loyalty is formed and fostered in this type of online store becomes very important. The purpose of this paper is to focus on female online clothing shoppers and to examine the mediating of e-loyalty in the context of online clothing stores: e-satisfaction and e-trust. The number  of respondents is 196 persons who have online clothing shopping experience in Jakarta. The structural equation modeling was performed to analyze the measurement and structural models. The results show that both Online Satisfaction and Online Security are positively associated with e-trust, whereas web design is not. Furthermore, Online Satisfaction turns positively influence e-loyalty for female online clothing shoppers.

  14. Fibre-reinforced SiC ceramics: Properties and applications; Faserverstaerkte SiC-Keramik: Eigenschaften und Anwendungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leuchs, M. [MT Aerospace AG, Franz-Josef-Strauss-Str. 5, 86153 Augsburg (Germany)


    Composite ceramics can be produced by different processes resulting in different qualities. A composite ceramic material with C or SiC fibres and a SiC matrix is presented which is produced by chemical vapour infiltration (CVI). The material characteristics are defined by the embedding of the fibres in the matrix. For full utilisation of the strength and elasticity of the fibres, weak coupling between the fibres and matrix is required. The measured cracking resistances are similar to those of metals, e.g. grey cast iron. Applications so far have focused on applications where known materials cannot be used, e.g. because of high temperatures, thermoshock and brittle fracture problems, and wear. Examples are control flaps in aerospace applications are exposed to temperatures above 1600 degree C during re-entry into the earth atmosphere and heavy-duty sliding bearings in industrial pumps where ceramic composite materials have been in use for more than a decade. (orig.) [German] Mit Verbundkeramiken ist eine Werkstoffklasse entstanden, bei denen sich verschiedene Herstellverfahren mit unterschiedlichen Qualitaeten entwickelt haben [1]. Es wird eine Verbundkeramik mit C- bzw. SiC-Fasern und SiC-Matrix vorgestellt, die ueber die Infiltration der Fasern mit dem CVI-Verfahren (Chemical Vapour Infiltration) hergestellt wird [2]. Die Eigenschaften werden bestimmt durch die Qualitaet der Einbettung der Fasern in die Matrix. Nur eine schwache Ankopplung zwischen Fasern und Matrix erlaubt es, Festigkeit und Dehnbarkeit der Fasern auszunutzen. Die gemessenen Risswiderstaende solcher Verbundkeramiken liegen im Bereich von Metallen wie zum Beispiel Grauguss. Anwendungen konzentrieren sich bisher auf Gebiete, in denen die bekannten Werkstoffe nicht eingesetzt werden koennen. Gruende hierfuer sind zum Beispiel zu hohe Temperaturen, Thermoschock- und Sproedbruchverhalten und Verschleiss. Beispiele sind Steuerklappen aus dem Bereich der Raumfahrt, die beim Wiedereintritt in die

  15. Risk assessment for implementing e-services in some ministries in the State of Kuwait

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaied, A.N.H.; Al-Khairalla, F.


    The movement to e-government is basically about changing the way people and business interact with government. Kuwait, like any developing country, is currently launching major e-service projects aiming at improving government processes, connect government to citizens, and build interaction within the civil society. The e-services category of e-government applications enables interactions and relationships between the government and citizens, through which the latter gain access to a range of public services. However, the implementation process of e-services involves many factors of risk that could threaten the success of process. Therefore, an effective risk management process is an important component of a successful information security program. This paper investigates and discusses the possibilities of e-services risk areas and assesses the security and privacy protection issues in some ministries in Kuwait. The results show that the total average percentage of applying security and privacy issues in the studied ministries is moderate. The Ministry of Communication (MoC) has the highest percentage of applications, whereas the Ministry of Trading and Industry (MoTI) has the lowest. Physical security is the highest applied variable, while prevention of unauthorized access is the lowest one. (author)

  16. Quality Assurance in E-Learning: PDPP Evaluation Model and its Application

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weiyuan Zhang


    Full Text Available E-learning has become an increasingly important teaching and learning mode in educational institutions and corporate training. The evaluation of e-learning, however, is essential for the quality assurance of e-learning courses. This paper constructs a four-phase evaluation model for e-learning courses, which includes planning, development, process, and product evaluation, called the PDPP evaluation model. Planning evaluation includes market demand, feasibility, target student group, course objectives, and finance. Development evaluation includes instructional design, course material design, course Web site design, flexibility, student-student interaction, teacher/tutor support, technical support, and assessment. Process evaluation includes technical support, Web site utilization, learning interaction, learning evaluation, learning support, and flexibility. Product evaluation includes student satisfaction, teaching effectiveness, learning effectiveness, and sustainability. Using the PDPP model as a research framework, a purely e-learning course on Research Methods in Distance Education, developed by the School of Professional and Continuing Education at the University of Hong Kong (HKU SPACE and jointly offered with the School of Distance Learning for Medical Education of Peking University (SDLME, PKU, was used as a case study. Sixty students from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Malaysia were recruited for this course. According to summative evaluation through a student e-learning experience survey, the majority of students were very satisfied/satisfied on all e-learning dimensions of this course. The majority of students thought that the learning effectiveness of this course was equivalent, even better, than face-to-face learning because of cross-border collaborative learning, student-centred learning, sufficient learning support, and learning flexibility. This study shows that a high quality of teaching and learning might be assured by

  17. e-Business and e-Commerce


    Moriset , Bruno


    preprint for: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2 nd éd. Elsevier; This article presents the fundamentals of e-business and e-commerce and their relations with geography. Electronic platforms and marketplaces provide economies of scale and network effects. E-business gives value chains a high degree of organizational (outsourcing) and locational (offshoring) flexibility, and firms can purchase intermediate goods and business services on a global basis. The rise of e-business shap...

  18. Recruitment strategies should not be randomly selected: empirically improving recruitment success and diversity in developmental psychology research (United States)

    Sugden, Nicole A.; Moulson, Margaret C.


    Psychological and developmental research have been critiqued for the lack of diversity of research samples. Because differences in culture, race, and ethnicity can influence participant behavior, limited diversity limits the generalizability of the findings. These differences may also impact how participants behave in response to recruitment attempts, which suggests that recruitment itself may be leveraged to increase sample diversity. The goal of the current study was to determine what factors, within a recruitment interaction, could be leveraged to increase success and diversity when recruiting families with children for developmental research. Study 1 found three factors influenced success: (1) recruitment was more successful when other potential participants were also interested (i.e., recruiters were busy), (2) recruiters of particular races were more successful than recruiters of other races, and (3) differences in success were related to what the recruiter said to engage the potential participant (i.e., the script). The latter two factors interacted, suggesting some recruiters were using less optimal scripts. To improve success rates, study 2 randomly assigned scripts to recruiters and encouraged them to recruit more vigorously during busy periods. Study 2 found that two factors influenced success: (1) some scripts were more successful than others and (2) we were more successful at recruiting non-White potential participants than White participants. These two interacted, with some scripts being more successful with White and other scripts being more successful with non-White families. This intervention significantly increased recruitment success rate by 8.1% and the overall number of families recruited by 15.3%. These findings reveal that empirically evaluating and tailoring recruitment efforts based on the most successful strategies is effective in boosting diversity through increased participation of children from non-White families. PMID:25972829

  19. Explaining the Cosmic-Ray e+/(e- + e+) and (bar p)/p Ratios Using a Steady-State Injection Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, S.H.; Kamae, T.; Baldini, L.; Giordano, F.; Grondin, M.H.; Latronico, L.; Lemoine-Goumard, M.; Sgro, C.; Tanaka, T.; Uchiyama, Y.


    We present a model of cosmic ray (CR) injection into the Galactic space based on recent γ-ray observations of supernova remnants (SNRs) and pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi) and imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs). Steady-state injection of nuclear particles and electrons (e - ) from the Galactic ensemble of SNRs, and electrons and positrons (e + ) from the Galactic ensemble of PWNe are assumed, with their injection spectra inferred under guidance of γ-ray observations and recent development of evolution and emission models. The ensembles of SNRs and PWNe are assumed to share the same spatial distributions. Assessment of possible secondary CR contribution from dense molecular clouds interacting with SNRs is also given. CR propagation in the interstellar space is handled by GALPROP. Different underlying source distribution models and Galaxy halo sizes are employed to estimate the systematic uncertainty of the model. We show that this observation-based model reproduces the positron fraction e + /(e - + e + ) and antiproton-to-proton ratio ((bar p)/p) reported by PAMELA and other previous missions reasonably well, without calling for any speculative sources. A discrepancy remains, however, between the total e - + e + spectrum measured by Fermi and our model below ∼ 20 GeV, for which the potential causes are discussed. Important quantities for Galactic CRs including their energy injection, average lifetime in the Galaxy, and mean gas density along their typical propagation path are also estimated.

  20. [Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung. Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Letgallen. Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. 2. und 3. Teil] / Anti Selart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Selart, Anti, 1973-


    Arvustus: Die baltischen Lande im Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung. Livland, Estland, Ösel, Ingermanland, Kurland und Letgallen. Stadt, Land und Konfession 1500-1721. Hrsg. von Matthias Asche, Werner Buchholz, Anton Schindling. 2. und 3. Teil.

  1. 12 CFR 563e.27 - Strategic plan. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Strategic plan. 563e.27 Section 563e.27 Banks... for Assessing Performance § 563e.27 Strategic plan. (a) Alternative election. The OTS will assess a... strategic plan if: (1) The savings association has submitted the plan to the OTS as provided for in this...

  2. Revolutionizing collaboration through e-work, e-business, and e-service

    CERN Document Server

    Nof, Shimon Y; Jeong, Wootae; Moghaddam, Mohsen


    Collaboration in highly distributed organizations of people, robots, and autonomous systems is and must be revolutionized by engineering augmentation. The aim is to augment humans’ abilities at work and, through this augmentation, improve organizations’ abilities to accomplish their missions. This book establishes the theoretical foundations and design principles of collaborative e-Work, e-Business and e-Service, their models and applications, design and implementation techniques. The fundamental premise is that without effective e-Work and e-Services, the potential of emerging activities, such as e-Commerce, virtual manufacturing, tele-robotic medicine, automated construction, smart energy grid, cyber-supported agriculture, and intelligent transportation cannot be fully materialized. Typically, workers and managers of such value networks are frustrated with complex information systems, originally designed and built to simplify and improve performance. Even if the human-computer interface for such systems...

  3. Taking over someone else's e-learning design: challenges trigger change in e-learning beliefs and practices


    Scott, Karen M.


    As universities invest in the development of e-learning resources, e-learning sustainability has come under consideration. This has largely focused on the challenges and facilitators of organisational and technological sustainability and scalability, and professional development. Little research has examined the experience of a teacher dealing with e-learning sustainability when taking over a course with an e-learning resource and associated assessment. This research focuses on a teacher who ...

  4. Defizienz der c-Jun n-terminalen Kinase und das metabolische Syndrom


    Haß, Tim Frederick


    Auswirkungen eines JNK2/3 Doppelknockout im Mausmodel im Hinblick auf das Metabolische Syndrom. Die untersuchten Parameter waren u. a. Gewichtsentwicklung, Fettzellgröße, Stoffwechsel des Fettgewebes und der Leber. Effects of the double knockout of JNK2 and JNK3 in mice with regards to the metabolic syndrome. Analysis of weight, fat cell size and metabolism of liver and fat tissue.

  5. Quantification of traffic generation and its environmental impacts through decisions, frameworks and measures indirectly influencing transportation; Quantifizierung der Verkehrsentstehung und deren Umweltauswirkungen durch Entscheidungen, Regelwerke und Massnahmen mit indirektem Verkehrsbezug

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holz-Rau, C.; Hesse, M.; Geier, S.; Holzhey, A.; Rau, P.; Schreiner, J.; Schenk, E. [Buero fuer Integrierte Planung, Herdecke (Germany); Arndt, W.H.; Flaemig, H.; Rogge, L.; Steinfeld, M. [Institut fuer Oekologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IOEW) gGmbH, Berlin (Germany)


    Legislation (e.g. at the Federal or State level) outside the transportation policy sphere may have indirect impacts on traffic structure and generation. Four case studies have been carried out in order to analyse transport related impact chains, to quantify possible transportation impacts and to identify potential strategies for minimising impacts generated by non-transport-specific legislation. One result is a questionnaire designed as a further element of transportation impact assessment. The goal is to quickly evaluate potential impacts and to modify such proposed legislation in order to minimise negative impacts. Interestingly, the quantification of certain transportion impacts, a difficult task, proved not to be essential. (orig.) [German] Von Vorhaben ausserhalb des Verkehrsbereichs (z.B. Bundesgesetze oder Landesrichtlinien) koennen indirekte Effekte auf die Verkehrsstrukturen ausgehen. Fuer vier Fallbeispiele wurden verkehrsrelevante Wirkungsketten analysiert, die Verkehrseffekte ansatzweise quantifiziert und potentielle Handlungsansaetze fuer eine verkehrssparsamere Modifikation der Vorhaben identifiziert. Es wurde ein Frageschema entwickelt, dessen Anwendung als Fortsetzung einer Verkehrsauswirkungspruefung zur fruehzeitigen Beruecksichtigung von Verkehrseffekten und zur verkehrssparsamen Modifikation von Vorhaben mit indirektem Verkehrsbezug beitragen kann. Eine Quantifizierung der Verkehrseffekte erwies sich dazu in der Regel als entbehrlich. (orig.)

  6. Akupunktur bei Sterilität und zum Schwangerschaftserhalt: Eine Übersicht mit Forschungsidee

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ots T


    Full Text Available Die Unterstützung der weiblichen Fertilität und der Schwangerschaft mittels Akupunktur hat während der vergangenen Dekade viele Anhänger gefunden. Dieser Artikel gibt eine Übersicht über die hierzu veröffentlichten wichtigsten Studien. Die Wirkung der Akupunktur wird als effektiv und effizient beschrieben. In einem zweiten Ansatz stellt der Autor eine vereinfachte Form der Akupunktur auf dem Boden der Segment-Anatomie vor. Dieser kuti-viszeralen, segmentalen Reizung der gynäkologischen Organe könnte innerhalb der gynäkologischen Praxis große Bedeutung zukommen, da sie leicht erlernbar (innerhalb eines Tages und einfach durchführbar ist. Die Zielvorstellung ist ein integratives Vorgehen in der Hand der Gynäkologen. Vorbereitend hierzu ist eine multizentrische randomisierte kontrollierte Studie notwendig, die diese beiden Ansätze innerhalb der Akupunktur als Komplement zum gynäkologischen Prozedere der IVF untersucht.

  7. Online Consumer Reviews on Using E-Shopping Service of E-Commerce (United States)

    Hurriyati, R.; Lisnawati; Rhamdani, F.


    The Internet has become the primary source of information for a large number of consumers and it enables consumers to share their opinions and experiences about goods and services. Online consumer reviews provide information and recommendations for prospective buyers and are helpful for decision-making on purchases. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of online consumer reviews on a decision of using e-commerce services. Sample size has been conducted among 435 respondents of e-commerce customers who use google play. to test the research hypothesis path analysis. The result indicates that Positive and negative statements in reviews are strong influence consumers whether to use the services that offered by e-commerce, online consumer reviews have an impact on the consumer decision of using e-commerce services. Finally, some practical valuable feedback for future research and practical contribution has been made.

  8. Internet Recruitment of Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors. (United States)

    Im, Eun-Ok; Lee, Yaelim; Ji, Xiaopeng; Zhang, Jingwen; Kim, Sangmi; Chee, Eunice; Chee, Wonshik; Tsai, Hsiu-Min; Nishigaki, Masakazu; Yeo, Seon Ae; Shapira, Marilyn M; Mao, Jun James


    The purpose of this article is to identify practical issues in Internet recruitment of racial/ethnic minorities by analyzing an Internet intervention study conducted with Asian American breast cancer survivors, and to propose directions for recruitment of racial/ethnic minorities for future Internet research. Six practical issues were identified: (a) a relatively fewer number of Internet communities/groups; (b) hindrances in establishing authenticity; (c) difficulties in gaining entrée from the webmasters or Web site owners of Internet communities/groups; (d) the necessity of racially/ethnically matched research team members; (e) flexibility required in recruitment strategies; and (f) strategies to overcome the low response rate.

  9. Does e-cigarette use predict cigarette escalation? A longitudinal study of young adult non-daily smokers. (United States)

    Doran, Neal; Brikmanis, Kristin; Petersen, Angela; Delucchi, Kevin; Al-Delaimy, Wael K; Luczak, Susan; Myers, Mark; Strong, David


    Recent studies suggest that e-cigarette use among youth may be associated with increased risk of cigarette initiation. The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that use of e-cigarettes among young adult non-daily cigarette smokers would be associated with increased cigarette consumption. Participants (n=391; 52% male) were 18-24year-old non-daily cigarette smokers recruited from across California. Cigarette and e-cigarette use were assessed online or via mobile phone every three months for one year between March 2015 and December 2016. Longitudinal negative binomial regression models showed that, adjusted for propensity for baseline e-cigarette use, non-daily smokers who reported more frequent use of e-cigarettes upon study entry reported greater quantity and frequency of cigarette smoking at baseline and greater increases in cigarette quantity over 12months than non-daily cigarette only smokers (psnon-daily smokers, young adults who use e-cigarettes tend to smoke more cigarettes and to do so more frequently. Such individuals may be at greater risk for chronic tobacco use and dependence. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Serum vitamin D and IgE levels in infants and children under 2 years ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Serum vitamin D and IgE levels in infants and children under 2 years of age with recurrent chest ... from 6-24 months, diagnosed to have recurrent wheeze (>3 attacks), recruited ... IgE and the development of allergic sensitization29. Hence this ...

  11. eHealth voor Zorgprocesinnovatie : e-book

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. A.L. Cordia


    Het E-book 'eHealth voor Zorgprocesinnovatie' van ir. Anneloes Cordia, expert bij Kenniscentrum Zorginnovatie, heeft als doel eHealth en ICT-systemen in de zorg in verband te brengen met de belangrijke kwaliteitsdoelstellingen zoals doelmatigheid en transparantie. Daarnaast biedt het E-book

  12. Movement and tourism - mobility in every day life and leisure time; Bewegung und Tourismus - Mobilitaet im Alltag und in der Freizeit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freyer, W.; Gross, S. [Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany). Inst. fuer Wirtschaft und Verkehr


    Despite the central importance of movement (between areas, times, motives) in tourism, this term is often neglected in tourism research. Instead of 'movement', the field speaks of 'journeys' or 'mobility'. However, tourist mobility - or movement - still plays only a minor role in the present considerations of traffic planners, tourism experts and political decision-makers. In recent years, there have been many attempts to resolve, for example, commuter and commercial traffic. On the other hand, hardly any results are available from research into the form and extent of so-called 'desirable traffic' situations, e.g. leisure and holiday traffic, even though this is viewed increasingly as a major growth sector. In transport and tourism sciences, there has to date been no homogeneous conception. A result of this contribution is a systematization of touristic traffic which enables for the first time to involve all traffic movements caused by tourism. (orig.) [German] Trotz der zentralen Bedeutung von Bewegungen (zwischen Raeumen, Zeiten, Motiven) im Tourismus, spielt der Begriff in der Tourismuswissenschaft nur eine untergeordnete Bedeutung. Anstelle der Bewegung ist die 'Reise' bzw. die 'Mobilitaet' getreten. Doch bis heute spielt die touristische Mobilitaet - oder Bewegung - in den Ueberlegungen von Verkehrsplanern, Tourismusfachleuten und politischen Entscheidungstraegern jedoch eine geringe Rolle. In den letzten Jahren gab es zwar intensive Loesungsversuche fuer bspw. den Berufs- und Wirtschaftsverkehr. Dagegen liegen bisher kaum gesicherte Forschungserkenntnisse ueber Art und Ausmass der sog. 'Wunschverkehre' (z.B. Freizeit-/Urlaubsverkehr) vor, obwohl sie immer haeufiger als Wachstumsbereiche gesehen werden. Auch ueber die grundlegenden Abgrenzungen und Begrifflichkeiten besteht in der Verkehrs- und Tourismuswissenschaft bisher keine einheitliche Auffassung. Ein Ergebnis dieses Beitrages ist eine

  13. Search for contact interactions in the reactions e + e -→ l + l - and e + e -→γγ (United States)

    Buskulic, D.; Decamp, D.; Goy, C.; Lees, J.-P.; Minard, M.-N.; Mours, B.; Pietrzyk, B.; Alemany, R.; Ariztizabal, F.; Comas, P.; Crespo, J. M.; Delfino, M.; Fernandez, E.; Fernandez-Bosman, M.; Gaitan, V.; Garrido, Li.; Mattison, T.; Pacheco, A.; Padilla, C.; Pascual, A.; Creanza, D.; de Palma, M.; Farilla, A.; Iaselli, G.; Maggi, G.; Maggi, M.; Natali, S.; Nuzzo, S.; Quattromini, M.; Ranieri, A.; Raso, G.; Romano, F.; Ruggieri, F.; Selvaggi, G.; Silvestris, L.; Tempesta, P.; Zito, G.; Chai, Y.; Hu, H.; Huang, D.; Huang, X.; Lin, J.; Wang, T.; Xie, Y.; Xu, D.; Xu, R.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, W.; Bauerdick, L. A. T.; Blucher, E.; Bonvicini, G.; Boudreau, J.; Casper, D.; Drevermann, H.; Forty, R. W.; Ganis, G.; Gay, C.; Hagelberg, R.; Harvey, J.; Haywood, S.; Hilgart, J.; Jacobsen, R.; Jost, B.; Knobloch, J.; Lehraus, I.; Lohse, T.; Lusiani, A.; Martinez, M.; Mato, P.; Meinhard, H.; Minten, A.; Miotto, A.; Miquel, R.; Moser, H.-G.; Palazzi, P.; Perlas, J. A.; Pusztaszeri, J.-F.; Ranjard, F.; Redlinger, G.; Rolandi, L.; Rothberg, J.; Ruan, T.; Saich, M.; Schlatter, D.; Schmelling, M.; Sefkow, F.; Tejessy, W.; Wachsmuth, H.; Wiedenmann, W.; Wildish, T.; Witzeling, W.; Wotschack, J.; Ajaltouni, Z.; Badaud, F.; Bardadin-Otwinowska, M.; Fellous, R. El; Falvard, A.; Gay, P.; Guicheney, C.; Henrard, P.; Jousset, J.; Michel, B.; Montret, J.-C.; Pallin, D.; Perret, P.; Podlyski, F.; Proriol, J.; Prulhière, F.; Saadi, F.; Fearnley, T.; Hansen, J. D.; Hansen, J. R.; Hansen, P. H.; Møllerud, R.; Nilsson, B. S.; Efthymiopoulos, I.; Kyriakis, A.; Simopoulou, E.; Vayaki, A.; Zachariadou, K.; Badier, J.; Blondel, A.; Bonneaud, G.; Brient, J. C.; Fouque, G.; Orteu, S.; Rougé, A.; Rumpf, M.; Tanaka, R.; Verderi, M.; Videau, H.; Candlin, D. J.; Parsons, M. I.; Veitch, E.; Moneta, L.; Parrini, G.; Corden, M.; Georgiopoulos, C.; Ikeda, M.; Lannutti, J.; Levinthal, D.; Mermikides, M.; Sawyer, L.; Wasserbaech, S.; Antonelli, A.; Baldini, R.; Bencivenni, G.; Bologna, G.; Bossi, F.; Campana, P.; Capon, G.; Cerutti, F.; Chiarella, V.; D'Ettorre-Piazzoli, B.; Felici, G.; Laurelli, P.; Mannocchi, G.; Murtas, F.; Murtas, G. P.; Passalacqua, L.; Pepe-Altarelli, M.; Picchi, P.; Colrain, P.; Ten Have, I.; Lynch, J. G.; Maitland, W.; Morton, W. T.; Raine, C.; Reeves, P.; Scarr, J. M.; Smith, K.; Smith, M. G.; Thompson, A. S.; Turnbull, R. M.; Brandl, B.; Braun, O.; Geweniger, C.; Hanke, P.; Hepp, V.; Kluge, E. E.; Maumary, Y.; Putzer, A.; Rensch, B.; Stahl, A.; Tittel, K.; Wunsch, M.; Beuselinck, R.; Binnie, D. M.; Cameron, W.; Cattaneo, M.; Colling, D. J.; Dornan, P. J.; Greene, A. M.; Hassard, J. F.; Lieske, N. M.; Moutoussi, A.; Nash, J.; Patton, S.; Payne, D. G.; Phillips, M. J.; San Martin, G.; Sedgbeer, J. K.; Tomalin, I. R.; Wright, A. G.; Girtler, P.; Kneringer, E.; Kuhn, D.; Rudolph, G.; Bowdery, C. K.; Brodbeck, T. J.; Finch, A. J.; Foster, F.; Hughes, G.; Jackson, D.; Keemer, N. R.; Nuttall, M.; Patel, A.; Sloan, T.; Snow, S. W.; Whelan, E. P.; Kleinknecht, K.; Raab, J.; Renk, B.; Sander, H.-G.; Schmidt, H.; Steeg, F.; Walther, S. M.; Wanke, R.; Wolf, B.; Bencheikh, A. M.; Benchouk, C.; Bonissent, A.; Carr, J.; Coyle, P.; Drinkard, J.; Etienne, F.; Nicod, D.; Papalexiou, S.; Payre, P.; Roos, L.; Rousseau, D.; Schwemmling, P.; Talby, M.; Adlung, S.; Assmann, R.; Bauer, C.; Blum, W.; Brown, D.; Cattaneo, P.; Dehning, B.; Dietl, H.; Dydak, F.; Frank, M.; Helley, A. W.; Lauber, J.; Lütjens, G.; Lutz, G.; Männer, W.; Richter, R.; Rotscheidt, H.; Schröder, J.; Schwarz, A. S.; Settles, R.; Seywerd, H.; Stierlin, U.; Stiegler, U.; St. Denis, R.; Wolf, G.; Boucrot, J.; Callot, O.; Cordier, A.; Davier, M.; Duflot, L.; Grivaz, J.-F.; Heusse, Ph.; Jaffe, D. E.; Janot, P.; Kim, D. W.; Le Diberder, F.; Lefrançois, J.; Lutz, A.-M.; Schune, M.-H.; Veillet, J.-J.; Videau, I.; Zhang, Z.; Abbaneo, D.; Bagliesi, G.; Batignani, G.; Bosisio, L.; Bottigli, U.; Bozzi, C.; Calderini, G.; Carpinelli, M.; Ciocci, M. A.; Dell'Orso, R.; Ferrante, I.; Fidecaro, F.; Foà, L.; Focardi, E.; Forti, F.; Giassi, A.; Giorgi, M. A.; Gregorio, A.; Ligabue, F.; Mannelli, E. B.; Marrocchesi, P. S.; Messineo, A.; Palla, F.; Rizzo, G.; Sanguinetti, G.; Spagnolo, P.; Steinberger, J.; Tenchini, R.; Tonelli, G.; Triggiani, G.; Vannini, C.; Venturi, A.; Verdini, P. G.; Walsh, J.; Betteridge, A. P.; Carter, J. M.; Green, M. G.; March, P. V.; Mir, Ll. M.; Medcalf, T.; Quazi, I. S.; Strong, J. A.; West, L. R.; Botterill, D. R.; Clifft, R. W.; Edgecock, T. R.; Edwards, M.; Fisher, S. M.; Jones, T. J.; Norton, P. R.; Salmon, D. P.; Thompson, J. C.; Bloch-Devaux, B.; Colas, P.; Duarte, H.; Kozanecki, W.; Lançon, E.; Lemaire, M. C.; Locci, E.; Perez, P.; Perrier, F.; Rander, J.; Renardy, J.-F.; Rosowsky, A.; Roussarie, A.; Schuller, J.-P.; Schwindling, J.; Si Mohand, D.; Vallage, B.; Johnson, R. P.; Litke, A. M.; Taylor, G.; Wear, J.; Ashman, J. G.; Babbage, W.; Booth, C. N.; Buttar, C.; Carney, R. E.; Cartwright, S.; Combley, F.; Hatfield, F.; Thompson, L. F.; Barberio, E.; Böhrer, A.; Brandt, S.; Cowan, G.; Grupen, C.; Lutters, G.; Rivera, F.; Schäfer, U.; Smolik, L.; Trier, H.; Della Maria, R.; Giannini, G.; Gobbo, B.; Ragusa, F.; Bellantoni, J.; Chen, W.; Cinabro, D.; Conway, J. S.; Cowen, D. F.; Feng, Z.; Ferguson, D. P. S.; Gao, Y. S.; Grahl, J.; Harton, J. L.; Jared, R. C.; Leclaire, B. W.; Lishka, C.; Pan, Y. B.; Pater, J. R.; Saadi, Y.; Schmitt, M.; Sharma, V.; Shi, Z. H.; Walsh, A. M.; Weber, F. V.; Wu, Sau Lan; Wu, X.; Zheng, M.; Zobernig, G.


    Contact interactions are searched for using the differential cross sections for the reactions e + e -→ e + e -, e + e -→ µ + µ -, e + e -→ τ + τ - and e + e -→γγ measured at 12 energies around the Z peak and corresponding to about 20 pb-1 of cumulated luminosity. Four-fermion contact term models assuming various chiralities of lepton currents are fitted to the lepton data and lower limits on the energy scale Λ of such terms are set at 95% c.l. The limits vary in the range 0.9 4.7 TeV, depending on the model and on the lepton flavour. The eeγγ contact terms are searched for assuming various chiralities. Limits on the energy scale Λ between 79 and 130 GeV are extracted from the data. The results are compared and combined with those reported at lower energies.

  14. Retrofitting of power plants. Chances and partnerships; Kraftwerksmodernisierung. Moeglichkeiten und Partnerschaften

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bald, A. [Siemens AG, Bereich Energieerzeugung (KWU), Erlangen (Germany); Schwegmann, P. [Siemens AG, Bereich Energieerzeugung (KWU), Erlangen (Germany)


    Thousands of power plant managers in the former Soviet Union and the COMECON countries were compelled in the last few years to make a virtue of necessity, adopting the slogan that says ``necessity is the mother of invention`` in their efforts to keep their power plants operating, although there was no way of getting spare sparts or assistance from the general planning boards in Moscow; due to their improvisatory skills they accomplished a great achievement and managed to maintain electricity supply to date. However, the resulting situation today is that the great majority of power plants in the former COMECON member states, i. e in the CIS and in Central and East Europe, badly need repair and backfitting. The article discusses chances and potentials of power plant retrofitting activities, cooperative activities on the part of western countries, and financial support programmes. (orig./RHM) [Deutsch] Tausende von Kraftwerksdirektoren in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und in den RGW-Staaten haben aus der Not eine Tugend machen muessen: Mit Improvisation und Flexibilitaet hielten sie ihre Kraftwerke am Laufen - Hilfe und Ersatzteile waren von den zentralen Planungsstellen in Moskau kaum zu erwarten; es war eine ungeheure Leistung, dass die Stromversorgung ueberhaupt noch aufrechterhalten wurde. Als Ergebnis dieser Zwangslage sind die meisten Kraftwerke im ehemaligen RGW-Raum, dem heutigen Mittel-Osteuropa und der GUS, dringend ueberholungsbeduerftig. Moeglichkeiten der Kraftwerksmodernisierung, Kooperationen bei der Rekonstruktion und Fragen der Finanzierung werden im folgenden erlaeutert. (orig./RHM)

  15. A new multicompartmental reaction-diffusion modeling method links transient membrane attachment of E. coli MinE to E-ring formation. (United States)

    Arjunan, Satya Nanda Vel; Tomita, Masaru


    Many important cellular processes are regulated by reaction-diffusion (RD) of molecules that takes place both in the cytoplasm and on the membrane. To model and analyze such multicompartmental processes, we developed a lattice-based Monte Carlo method, Spatiocyte that supports RD in volume and surface compartments at single molecule resolution. Stochasticity in RD and the excluded volume effect brought by intracellular molecular crowding, both of which can significantly affect RD and thus, cellular processes, are also supported. We verified the method by comparing simulation results of diffusion, irreversible and reversible reactions with the predicted analytical and best available numerical solutions. Moreover, to directly compare the localization patterns of molecules in fluorescence microscopy images with simulation, we devised a visualization method that mimics the microphotography process by showing the trajectory of simulated molecules averaged according to the camera exposure time. In the rod-shaped bacterium Escherichia coli, the division site is suppressed at the cell poles by periodic pole-to-pole oscillations of the Min proteins (MinC, MinD and MinE) arising from carefully orchestrated RD in both cytoplasm and membrane compartments. Using Spatiocyte we could model and reproduce the in vivo MinDE localization dynamics by accounting for the previously reported properties of MinE. Our results suggest that the MinE ring, which is essential in preventing polar septation, is largely composed of MinE that is transiently attached to the membrane independently after recruited by MinD. Overall, Spatiocyte allows simulation and visualization of complex spatial and reaction-diffusion mediated cellular processes in volumes and surfaces. As we showed, it can potentially provide mechanistic insights otherwise difficult to obtain experimentally. The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11693-009-9047-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to

  16. e+e- interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lynch, H.L.


    The total cross sections for hadron production and scale invariance as applied to e + e - annihilation are discussed. Also the narrow psi resonances at 3.095 and 3.684 GeV are also considered. General properties as well as specific decay modes are discussed. A definitive review is not given in these lectures. 46 references

  17. Adhesion and interface problems of EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings; Grenzschichtproblematik und Haftung von EB-PVD-Waermedaemmschichtsystemen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fritscher, K.; Leyens, C. [Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Koeln (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstoff-Forschung


    Loss of adhesion in thermal insulation layers produced by EB-PVD may be caused by surface morphologies or oxide phases resulting from previous process stages, e.g. shot peening, or inappropriate annealing conditions. These undesirable oxide phases are mostly spinels and silicates which pose mechanical problems. Annealing and densification must be modified in order to promote the formation of {alpha}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} layers. It may also be possible to avoid certain categories of flaws by changing one material partner (e.g. by using {beta}-NiAl-free adhesive layers). [Deutsch] Die Ursachen der Einbussen der Haftung in WDS-Systemen aus EB-PVD-Fertigung liegen oft in der Ausbildung von Oberflaechenmorphologien oder von Oxidphasen begruendet, die aus den der WDS-Beschichtung vorangehenden Verfahrensschritten wie z.B. des Glasperlstrahlens und von unangemessenen Gluehbedingungen herruehren koennen. Bei diesen unerwuenschten Oxidphasen handelt es sich u.a. um Spinelle und Silikate, die in mechanischer Hinsicht problematisch sind. Glueh- und Verdichtungsroutinen sind entsprechend zu modifizieren, um die Bildung von {alpha}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-Schichten zu foerdern. Moeglicherweise sind gewisse Fehlerkategorien bereits dadurch zu umgehen, dass ein Materialpartner geaendert wird (Beispiel: {beta}-NiAl-freie Haftschichten anwenden). (orig.)

  18. E-waste: an assessment of global production and environmental impacts. (United States)

    Robinson, Brett H


    E-waste comprises discarded electronic appliances, of which computers and mobile telephones are disproportionately abundant because of their short lifespan. The current global production of E-waste is estimated to be 20-25 million tonnes per year, with most E-waste being produced in Europe, the United States and Australasia. China, Eastern Europe and Latin America will become major E-waste producers in the next ten years. Miniaturisation and the development of more efficient cloud computing networks, where computing services are delivered over the internet from remote locations, may offset the increase in E-waste production from global economic growth and the development of pervasive new technologies. E-waste contains valuable metals (Cu, platinum group) as well as potential environmental contaminants, especially Pb, Sb, Hg, Cd, Ni, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Burning E-waste may generate dioxins, furans, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs), and hydrogen chloride. The chemical composition of E-waste changes with the development of new technologies and pressure from environmental organisations on electronics companies to find alternatives to environmentally damaging materials. Most E-waste is disposed in landfills. Effective reprocessing technology, which recovers the valuable materials with minimal environmental impact, is expensive. Consequently, although illegal under the Basel Convention, rich countries export an unknown quantity of E-waste to poor countries, where recycling techniques include burning and dissolution in strong acids with few measures to protect human health and the environment. Such reprocessing initially results in extreme localised contamination followed by migration of the contaminants into receiving waters and food chains. E-waste workers suffer negative health effects through skin contact and inhalation, while the wider community are exposed

  19. E-waste: An assessment of global production and environmental impacts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, Brett H.


    E-waste comprises discarded electronic appliances, of which computers and mobile telephones are disproportionately abundant because of their short lifespan. The current global production of E-waste is estimated to be 20-25 million tonnes per year, with most E-waste being produced in Europe, the United States and Australasia. China, Eastern Europe and Latin America will become major E-waste producers in the next ten years. Miniaturisation and the development of more efficient cloud computing networks, where computing services are delivered over the internet from remote locations, may offset the increase in E-waste production from global economic growth and the development of pervasive new technologies. E-waste contains valuable metals (Cu, platinum group) as well as potential environmental contaminants, especially Pb, Sb, Hg, Cd, Ni, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Burning E-waste may generate dioxins, furans, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs), and hydrogen chloride. The chemical composition of E-waste changes with the development of new technologies and pressure from environmental organisations on electronics companies to find alternatives to environmentally damaging materials. Most E-waste is disposed in landfills. Effective reprocessing technology, which recovers the valuable materials with minimal environmental impact, is expensive. Consequently, although illegal under the Basel Convention, rich countries export an unknown quantity of E-waste to poor countries, where recycling techniques include burning and dissolution in strong acids with few measures to protect human health and the environment. Such reprocessing initially results in extreme localised contamination followed by migration of the contaminants into receiving waters and food chains. E-waste workers suffer negative health effects through skin contact and inhalation, while the wider community are exposed

  20. E-waste: An assessment of global production and environmental impacts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robinson, Brett H., E-mail: [Department of Soil and Physical Sciences, Lincoln University, Lincoln 7647, Canterbury (New Zealand)


    E-waste comprises discarded electronic appliances, of which computers and mobile telephones are disproportionately abundant because of their short lifespan. The current global production of E-waste is estimated to be 20-25 million tonnes per year, with most E-waste being produced in Europe, the United States and Australasia. China, Eastern Europe and Latin America will become major E-waste producers in the next ten years. Miniaturisation and the development of more efficient cloud computing networks, where computing services are delivered over the internet from remote locations, may offset the increase in E-waste production from global economic growth and the development of pervasive new technologies. E-waste contains valuable metals (Cu, platinum group) as well as potential environmental contaminants, especially Pb, Sb, Hg, Cd, Ni, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Burning E-waste may generate dioxins, furans, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs), and hydrogen chloride. The chemical composition of E-waste changes with the development of new technologies and pressure from environmental organisations on electronics companies to find alternatives to environmentally damaging materials. Most E-waste is disposed in landfills. Effective reprocessing technology, which recovers the valuable materials with minimal environmental impact, is expensive. Consequently, although illegal under the Basel Convention, rich countries export an unknown quantity of E-waste to poor countries, where recycling techniques include burning and dissolution in strong acids with few measures to protect human health and the environment. Such reprocessing initially results in extreme localised contamination followed by migration of the contaminants into receiving waters and food chains. E-waste workers suffer negative health effects through skin contact and inhalation, while the wider community are exposed