
Sample records for duurzame samenleving part

  1. Transition management. Key to a sustainable society; Transitiemanagement. Sleutel voor een duurzame samenleving

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rotmans, J. [International Centre for Integrative Studies ICIS, Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht (Netherlands)


    Via transitions outdated societal systems need to be replaced by new societal and sustainable systems. In this book attention is paid to how the renewal process can be steered. The first part deals with the transition philosophy, while the second part is dedicated to a series of practical examples in the field of water, agriculture, energy, construction, mobility and biodiversity which must bring us to a new, sustainable society. [Dutch] Het creeren van een duurzame samenleving is van levensbelang voor de huidige en toekomstige generaties. Toch krijgt duurzaamheid van de politiek nog steeds niet de aandacht die zij verdient. Dit boek biedt daarom een vernieuwende en uitdagende kijk op deze grote maatschappelijke opgave. Onze tegenwoordige samenleving is verre van duurzaam; ondanks het veelgeroemde 'poldermodel' zijn we er tot nu toe niet in geslaagd de hardnekkige problemen in sectoren als de landbouw, de gezondheidszorg en de energievoorziening het hoofd te bieden. Meer en meer wordt duidelijk dat een duurzame samenleving een echte cultuuromslag vergt. Via transities - maatschappelijke overgangen die tijd, durf en energie vergen - zullen verouderde maatschappelijke systemen (deels) moeten worden afgebroken om vervolgens opnieuw te worden opgebouwd. Dit boek gaat in op de wijze waarop dit noodzakelijke vernieuwingsproces kan worden gestuurd. Het eerste deel behandelt het transitiedenken, inclusief de achterliggende filosofie. In het tweede deel staat het transitiehandelen centraal, aan de hand van een serie praktijkvoorbeelden op de terreinen water, landbouw, energie, de bouwsector, mobiliteit en biodiversiteit. Een inspirerend boek voor iedereen die een bijdrage wil leveren aan de totstandkoming van een nieuwe, duurzame samenleving.

  2. Vision for 2030; Visie 2030

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the long term vision of the Dutch Transmission System Operator TenneT with respect to the 380kV and 220 kV parts of the national electricity distribution grid. In this vision 4 trend scenarios have been developed. The scenarios 'Green Revolution' and 'Sustainable transition' are based on a sustainable society whereas 'Money rules' and 'New strongholds' depict a society that mainly depends on fossil fuels. For 'Green revolution' and 'Money rules' a free global market is assumed and for 'Sustainable transition' and 'New strongholds' a regionally oriented market with protectionism is assumed. [mk]. [Dutch] Een langetermijnvisie van de Nederlandse Transmission System Operator TenneT op het 380 kV en 220kV deel van het landelijke elektriciteitstransportnet. Daarvoor zijn vier trendscenario's ontwikkeld. De scenario's Groene Revolutie en Duurzame Transitie gaan uit van een duurzame samenleving terwijl Geld Regeert en Nieuwe Burchten een samenleving hanteert die vooral afhankelijk is van fossiele brandstoffen. Voor Groene Revolutie en Geld Regeert wordt een vrije mondiale markt verondersteld en voor Duurzame Transitie en Nieuwe Burchten een regionaal georienteerde markt waarbij sprake is van protectionisme.

  3. Sustainable energy. Program of action for sustainable development. National actions; Duurzame Daadkracht. Actieprogramma Duurzame Ontwikkeling. Nationale deel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the title program it is described how the Netherlands will fulfil the agreements that were made at the Johannesburg summit on sustainable development. The program consists of an international and a national strategy. In this document the national strategy will be dealt with. [Dutch] In november 2002 stemde de ministerraad in met het Actieprogramma voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling, getiteld 'Duurzame Daadkracht'. Hierin beschrijft het kabinet hoe invulling wordt gegeven aan de afspraken die tijdens de Wereldtop over Duurzame Ontwikkeling in september in Johannesburg zijn gemaakt. Het actieprogramma bestaat uit een internationale en een nationale strategie. Beide strategieen kunnen en mogen niet los van elkaar worden gezien. Coherentie tussen binnenlands beleid en wat in internationaal verband te ondernemen is cruciaal. In de internationale strategie wordt uiteengezet op welke concrete doelen Nederland zich op het vlak van duurzame ontwikkeling in de nabije toekomst met voorrang zal richten. Daarbij wordt aangegeven met welke middelen Nederland aan het realiseren van die doelen zal bijdragen. De concrete maatregelen zijn gericht op de vijf thema's die door secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties als prioriteiten zijn aangegeven: water, energie, gezondheid, landbouw en biodiversiteit. Het kabinet voegt daar het thema handel en investeringen aan toe, vanwege de bijdrage die zij kunnen leveren aan het bereiken van duurzame ontwikkeling, en meer in het bijzonder armoedebestrijding.

  4. Pension fund investments in Dutch sustainable energy. A quick scan; Beleggingen van pensioenfondsen in Nederlandse duurzame energie. Een quick scan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Gelder, J.W.; De Wilde, J. [Profundo, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    It was examined whether Dutch pension funds invest (part of) their private investments in sustainable energy in the Netherlands. If possible, investments in private renewable energy are specified as much as possible [Dutch] Er is onderzocht of Nederlandse pensioenfondsen (een deel van) hun private beleggingen in duurzame energie in Nederland beleggen. Indien mogelijk zijn de investeringen in private duurzame energie zoveel mogelijk gespecificeerd.

  5. Progress Report Sustainable Energy 2006; Voortgangsrapportage Duurzame Daadkracht 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the title program it is described how the Netherlands will fulfil the agreements that were made at the Johannesburg summit on sustainable development. The program consists of an international and a national strategy. In this document an overview is given of the results so far. The focus is on administration, energy and biological diversity. [Dutch] Het Actieprogramma Duurzame Ontwikkeling, getiteld 'Duurzame Daadkracht' (2003), is de Nederlandse uitwerking van de afspraken die in 2002 op de World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg zijn gemaakt. In de voorliggende voortgangsrapportage over 2006 worden de vorderingen in het bereiken van de ambities van het rijk, zowel voor het nationale als het internationale deel, verder uitgediept. Daarbij is dit jaar gekozen voor een meer thematische benadering dan in voorgaande rapportages, mede naar aanleiding van het Algemeen Overleg van 4 oktober 2006 over de rapportage 2005. De thema's zijn bestuur, energie en biodiversiteit. In hoofdstuk 2 wordt een beschouwing gegeven over de aansturing van duurzame ontwikkeling, een thema dat in 2006 vooral in internationale bijeenkomsten veel aandacht kreeg. Hoofdstuk 3 belicht het thema duurzame energiehuishouding. In hoofdstuk 4 wordt het thema natuurlijke hulpbronnen en biodiversiteit nader bezien. Hoofdstuk 5 geeft informatie over een aantal relevante instrumenten, waaronder de internationale partnerschappen, innovatieprojecten en de peer review van het Nederlandse duurzaamheidsbeleid. Hoofdstuk 6 presenteert de voortgang in duurzaam inkopen bij de Rijksoverheid en illustreert aan de hand van een aantal voorbeelden de wijze waarop vijf ministeries concreet invulling geven aan duurzame ontwikkeling binnen de eigen organisatie. De bijlage bevat een afkortingenregister.

  6. Een pleidooi voor duurzame diplomatie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R.J.M. van Tulder (Rob); T. Dietz (Ton)


    textabstractIn een recent verschenen notitie van de Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken wordt een pleidooi gehouden voor 'diplomatie van duurzame ontwikkeling'. Het Nederlandse buitenlandse beleid heeft de laatste jaren sterk ingezet op zogenaamde 'economische diplomatie'. Daarmee lijkt een stap

  7. Naar een dashboard duurzame inzetbaarheid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blatter, B.; Dorenbosch, L.; Keijzer, L.


    Vlaanderen kent de Monitor Werkbaar Werk als informatiebron over de kwaliteit van werk voor de Vlaamse Regering, sociale partners, werkgevers en andere arbeidsmarktpartijen. Nederland kent sinds 2010 een soortgelijk instrument: het Dashboard Duurzame Inzetbaarheid. In deze bijdrage zetten we het

  8. Een pleidooi voor duurzame diplomatie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tulder, van R.; Dietz, T.


    In een recent verschenen notitie van de Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken wordt een pleidooi gehouden voor ‘diplomatie van duurzame ontwikkeling’. Het Nederlandse buitenlandse beleid heeft de laatste jaren sterk ingezet op zogenaamde ‘economische diplomatie’. Daarmee lijkt een stap gezet te

  9. Innovation. Chances for sustainable development; Innovatie. Kansen voor duurzame ontwikkeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weterings, R. [TNO Milieu, Energie en Procesinnovatie TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn (Netherlands)


    Technological innovation can play an important part in the process of sustainable development, but only when innovation is more than developing new high-tech solutions. Applying new innovative technology must result in positive environmental effects. [Dutch] Technologische innovatie kan een sleutelrol spelen in het streven naar duurzame ontwikkeling. Maar dan moet innovatie wel meer zijn dan alleen ontwikkelen van nieuwe 'high tech' oplossingen. Juist in de toepassing van nieuwe technologie in de praktijk blijkt namelijk of innovatie al of geen milieusucces oplevert.

  10. Successful sustainable renovation; Succesvolle duurzame renovatie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Doorn, A.Q.C.M.; De Ruyter, G.M. [Yacht, Randstad, Diemen (Netherlands); Kaper, A.A. [Ballast Nedam, Nieuwegein (Netherlands)


    Building Brains has been set up by TNO as a cooperative and started September 21, 2009. The aim of the project was to answer the question how the energy consumption in the Netherlands can be reduced by 50% up to 2030 or how the built environment can be made energy-neutral. This issue of the magazine is dedicated to Building Brains project. It is often said that Smart defined ambitions and strict process management are important ingredients for successful realization of building projects. Sustainable real estate developments can be considered as highly ambitious projects. To find out how and why sustainable renovation projects actually became sustainable, a group of professionals systematically evaluated 21 leading Dutch real estate renovation projects. For each project they interviewed the client, consultant, architect and contractor. Based on the results it was concluded that a pre-defined (sustainability) ambition is not a necessity to realize a project that can be considered sustainable in practice. [Dutch] Building Brains is een door TNO opgezet samenwerkingsproject dat op 21 september 2009 van start ging. Het doel van het project is antwoord te geven op de vraag hoe tot 2030 het energiegebruik in Nederland kan worden gehalveerd of hoe de gebouwde omgeving energieneutraal kan worden gemaakt. Deze aflevering van het tijdschrift TVVL is vrijwel geheel gewijd aan het Building Brains project. Een jaar lang zijn de succes- en faalfactoren van duurzame renovatieprojecten onderzocht. Voor 21 projecten zijn in totaal 73 actoren geinterviewd. Er werd een vragenlijst gebruikt, die vanuit vijf invalshoeken was opgesteld: ambitiestelling, duurzame maatregelen, actoren, beleidsomgeving en proces. Per project zijn opdrachtgevers, architecten, aannemers, adviseurs en gebruikers geinterviewd. Alle data is verwerkt in een database. De projecten voldoen aan het selectiecriterium Trias Energetica. Het accent lag op woningbouw, waar de grootste uitdaging ligt voor duurzame

  11. 'Gezonde en duurzame keus moet makkelijker worden'

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Duijzer, G.


    De Britse conservatieve premier David Cameron ziet het helemaal zitten, nudging. Als reclamemakers consumenten kunnen beïnvloeden bepaalde chips te kopen, dan kun je de niet-rationeel kiezende consument net zo goed een zetje geven in de richting van gezonde en duurzame aankopen. Wageningen UR

  12. Fit 4 Sustainable Employability : Sensortechnologie en duurzame inzetbaarheid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. Hugo Velthuijsen


    Self-tracking devices (sensortechnologie) als middel om het zelfinzicht en zelfmanagement van medewerkers op het gebied van gezond gedrag te vergroten. Doel: een hogere mate van duurzame inzetbaarheid, omdat werknemers bewuster en beter toegerust worden als het gaat om gezond gedrag.

  13. Sustainable energy. Progress report 2004. National and international strategy; Duurzame Daadkracht. Voortgangsrapportage 2004. Nationale en internationale strategie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the title program it is described how the Netherlands will fulfil the agreements that were made at the Johannesburg summit on sustainable development. The program consists of an international and a national strategy. In this document an overview is given of the results so far. [Dutch] In deze voortgangsrapportage van Duurzame Daadkracht, het Actieprogramma duurzame ontwikkeling, wordt aangegeven hoe de stand van zaken is ten aanzien van de ambities en voorgenomen acties, die beschreven staan in zowel het nationale als het internationale deel van het actieprogramma. Duurzame Daadkracht is de Nederlandse uitwerking van de afspraken die op de World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg zijn gemaakt. De kern van het nationale deel is dat de Nederlandse overheid er naar streeft om zich bij al haar activiteiten (van beleidsontwikkeling tot bijvoorbeeld de eigen huisvesting) te richten op duurzame ontwikkeling. Dit is uitgewerkt aan de hand van te ontwikkelen instrumenten en ruim twintig beleidsprogramma's. Het internationale deel concentreert zich op de internationale inspanningen van de Nederlandse overheid op het gebied van de institutionele ontwikkeling, publiek-private partnerschappen als instrument, de prioritaire thema's water, energie, gezondheid, landbouw en biodiversiteit, op duurzame handel en investeringen.

  14. Clear road for sustainable fuels? Study on the willingness of consumers to switch to sustainable fuels; Weg vrij voor duurzame brandstoffen? Onderzoek naar bereidheid consument om over te schakelen op duurzame brandstoffen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Amelsfoort, A.; Zwier, R.


    In the Netherlands, there are currently hardly any filling stations where various types of sustainable fuels are available next to the regular fuels. Green Planet wants to start a filling station in the province of Drenthe. However, first Green Planet want to examine if consumers are prepared to switch to sustainable fuels. In addition, they want to know how these fuels should be properly introduced. The authors have sent questionnaires to more than 300 car drivers in the provinces of Groningen en Drenthe. Based on the results of the questionnaire a marketing strategy was developed recommending to start offering sustainable fuels, and especially B10/E10 and CNG. The consumer must be informed about the composition of sustainable fuels and possible consequences that driving on sustainable fuels may have for cars and the environment. [mk]. [Dutch] In Nederland zijn op dit moment praktisch geen tankstations waar, naast reguliere brandstoffen, verschillende soorten duurzame brandstoffen worden aangeboden. Green Planet wil hiervoor een tankstation beginnen in de provincie Drenthe. Green Planet wil echter eerst laten onderzoeken of consumenten bereid zijn om op duurzame brandstoffen te gaan rijden. Daarnaast wil zij graag weten op welke wijze deze brandstoffen moeten worden geintroduceerd. De auteurs hebben een enquete uitgezet onder ruim 300 autorijders in Groningen en Drenthe. Op basis van de enqueteresultaten is een marketingstrategie opgesteld waarin wordt aanbevolen om duurzame brandstoffen te gaan aanbieden, met nadruk op B10/E10 en CNG. Hierbij moet de consument vooral ingelicht worden over de samenstelling van duurzame brandstoffen en over eventuele consequenties van het rijden op duurzame brandstoffen voor auto en milieu.

  15. Local sustainable energy companies. A few visions from the market; Lokale duurzame energiebedrijven. Een aantal visies uit de markt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faasen, E.; Van Ee, M.; Chatelin, M. (eds.)


    In local sustainable energy companies it is all about renewable energy initiatives I which the local authorities play an important steering role. In this publication a number of experts from the renewable energy sector have their say. [Dutch] Bij lokale duurzame energiebedrijven gaat het om duurzame energie-initiatieven waarbij de decentrale overheid een belangrijke regisserende rol speelt. In deze publikatie wordt een aantal experts uit de duurzame energiesector aan het woord gelaten.

  16. Consumer-oriented Sustainable Energy Concepts; Consumentgerichte Duurzame Energieconcepten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuiper, H.J. [Universiteit Twente UT, Enschede (Netherlands)


    A study on the willingness of potential buyers of newly built houses to invest in energy efficient systems in order to realize a sustainable dwelling [Dutch] Een onder zoek naar de bereidheid van potentiele kopers van nieuwbouw woningen tot het investeren in energetische systemen om te komen tot een duurzame woning.

  17. Subsidies and sustainable development. Concepts, methodology and state of the art in literature; Subsidies en duurzame ontwikkeling. Concepten, methodologie en stand van zaken van de literatuur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bachus, K. [Onderzoeksinstituut voor Arbeid en Samenleving HIVA, KU Leuven, Leuven (Belgium)


    This paper is the 1st research paper as part of the Centre for Sustainable Development project on the theme 'subsidies and sustainable development'. It gives a conceptual and methodological framework on the relation between subsidies and sustainable development. In the 2nd paper attention is given to an application of the methodology to map subsidies for two Flemish subsidies: (1) the Flemish Renovation Incentive and Surcharge Rights in the Flemish agricultural sector [Dutch] Dit paper is het 1e onderzoekspaper in het kader van het Steunpunt Duurzame Ontwikkeling over het thema 'subsidies en duurzame ontwikkeling'. Het geeft een conceptueel en methodologisch kader over het verband tussen subsidies en duurzame ontwikkeling. In het 1e paper werden de concepten en de methoden besproken. De methode werd toegepast op twee Vlaamse subsidies, namelijk de Vlaamse Renovatiepremie en de Toeslagrechten in de Vlaamse landbouw.

  18. De Unie congresnota : een andere blik op mens en samenleving : blikopener : leven en werken in een netwerksamenleving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dalen, E.J. van; Dirk, H.; Kruse, L.; Teuwen, J.


    De tijd van heldere organisatiestructuren is nog niet zo lang geleden. Taken waren afgebakend, kansen en bedreigingen behoorlijk goed in te schatten. In hoog tempo echter veranderen de samenleving, organisaties, markten en individuele wensen en verwachtingen. Typerende kenmerken zijn complexiteit en

  19. De duurzame controller neemt leiding in een traditie naar maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boersma-de Jong, Margreet F.


    Steeds meer dringt het besef door dat er geen andere weg meer is dan duurzaam ondernemen. Organisaties die dit inzien streven naar meer dan al- leen nanciële winstmaximalisatie: er moet ook winst worden gecreëerd voor de mens, samenleving en milieu. Als de MVO-ambities meer zijn dan window-dressing,

  20. Investment in sustainable electricity production by Dutch banks. A case study for the Fair Bank Guide; Investeringen in duurzame elektriciteitsopwekking door Nederlandse banken. Een onderzoeksrapport voor de Eerlijke Bankwijzer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Gelder, J.W.; Kouwenhoven, D.


    This report contains the results of the second case study commissioned by the Fair Bank Guide on the financing practices of twelve investigated banks in the Netherlands. It has been examined which part of the investments in electricity generation by Dutch banks involves electricity generation from sustainable sources (sustainable electricity generation) [Dutch] Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van het tweede onderzoek in opdracht van de Eerlijke Bankwijzer naar de financieringspraktijk van twaalf onderzochte banken in Nederland. Hiermee is in kaart gebracht welk deel van de investeringen in elektriciteitsopwekking door de Nederlandse banken, betrekking heeft op elektriciteitsopwekking met behulp van duurzame energiebronnen ('duurzame elektriciteitsopwekking')

  1. Duurzame inzetbaarheid van ouderen: resultaten van de eerste twee metingen van STREAM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heuvel, S. van den; Ybema, J.F; Leijten, F.; Wind, A. de


    In deze notitie richten we ons op voorspellers van duurzame inzetbaarheid, waarbij we gebruik maken van de resultaten van de eerste twee metingen van STREAM en van een interviewstudie bij deelnemers aan STREAM. Meer specifiek gaan we na hoe personen met gezondheidsproblemen toch productief kunnen

  2. Subsidies and sustainable development. Case studies in the Flemish agricultural and housing policies; Subsidies en duurzame ontwikkeling. Casestudies in het Vlaamse landbouw- en woonbeleid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bachus, K. [Onderzoeksinstituut voor Arbeid en Samenleving HIVA, KU Leuven, Leuven (Belgium)


    This paper is the 2nd research paper as part of the Centre for Sustainable Development project on the theme 'subsidies and sustainable development'. Attention is given to an application of the methodology to map subsidies. In the 1st paper the concept and method are discussed. The method was used for two Flemish subsidies: (1) the Flemish Renovation Incentive and Surcharge Rights in the Flemish agricultural sector [Dutch] Dit paper is het 2e onderzoekspaper in het kader van het Steunpunt Duurzame Ontwikkeling over het thema 'subsidies en duurzame ontwikkeling'. Aandacht wordt besteed aan een toepassing van de methodologie om subsidies in kaart te brengen. In het 1e paper werden de concepten en de methoden besproken. De methode werd toegepast op twee Vlaamse subsidies, namelijk de Vlaamse Renovatiepremie en de Toeslagrechten in de Vlaamse landbouw.

  3. Sociaal-economische aspecten van het Nederlandse gewasbeschermingsbeleid. Tussenevaluatie nota Duurzame Gewasbescherming, deelrapport Economie 1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lauwere, de C.C.; Bremmer, J.; Gaag, van der D.J.; Linden, van der T.; Meer, van der R.W.; Netjes, A.; Spruijt, J.; Wal, van der E.


    In het deelproject economie wordt de economische doelstelling van de nota Duurzame Gewasbescherming geëvalueerd. Op basis van de beschikbare gegevens kan niet worden aangetoond dat Nederlandse telers concurrentienadeel ondervinden van nationaal gewasbeschermingsbeleid. Telers staan redelijk positief

  4. Measures for sustainable energy in the livestock farming industry; Maatregelen duurzame energie veehouderijsector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schellekens, J. [DLV Bouw Milieu en Techniek, Uden (Netherlands)


    The sectors of pig farming, poultry farming and veal farming have been examined for sustainable energy deployment options in agricultural businesses. These are systems are ready for practice and to be used by individual businesses. Background information is provided on energy saving, deployment of photovoltaic energy, solar collectors, biomass incineration, heat pumps, air conditioning with ground water, and practical experiences in the deployment of sustainable energy systems. Moreover, an overview is given of subsidies and fiscal opportunities for sustainable energy deployment by agricultural businesses [Dutch] Voor de sectoren varkenshouderij, pluimveehouderij en vleeskalverhouderij is onderzocht wat de toepassingsmogelijkheden zijn van duurzame energie (DE) op agrarische bedrijven. Het betreft systemen welke praktijkrijp zijn en te gebruiken op individuele bedrijven. Er wordt achtergrondinformatie gegeven over energiebesparing, toepassen van photovoltaische energie, zonnecollectoren, verbranden van biomassa, warmtepompen, luchtconditionering met grondwater, praktijkervaringen in de toepassing van duurzame energiesystemen. Ook wordt een overzicht geven van subsidies en fiscale mogelijkheden voor toepassen van DE-systemen op agrarische bedrijven.

  5. Towards a future-proof energy system for the Netherlands; Naar een toekomstbestendig energiesysteem voor Nederland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weterings, R.; Van Harmelen, T.; Gjaltema, J.; Jongeneel, S.; Manshanden, W.; Poliakov, E. [TNO Behavioural and Societal Sciences, Delft (Netherlands); Faaij, A.; Van den Broek, M.; Dengerink, J. [Copernicus Instituut, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht (Netherlands); Londo, M.; Schoots, K. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    The analysis performed has two goals: (1) mapping of the most important opportunities and threats of the transition to a sustainable energy supply for the economy and society of the Netherlands, and (2) identify where significant gaps are in the knowledge that is required for a transition to a future-proof energy system for Netherlands [Dutch] De uitgevoerde analyse heeft twee doelen: (1) In beeld brengen van de belangrijkste kansen en bedreigingen van de transitie naar een duurzame energievoorziening voor economie en samenleving van Nederland; en (2) Nagaan waar belangrijke lacunes liggen in de benodigde kennis voor een transitie naar een toekomstbestendig energiesysteem in Nederland.

  6. Wrong effects of apparent sustainable solutions. The Dutch impact on global biodiversity; Averechtse effecten van schijnbaar duurzame oplossingen. De Nederlandse invloed op de mondiale biodiversiteit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rood, T.; Alkemade, R. [Milieu- en Natuur Planbureau MNP, Bilthoven (Netherlands)


    What is the value of sustainable development in a specific country if imported products have negative effects in the country from where those products were imported. Apparently sustainable solutions in one's own country might have negative effects somewhere else, sooner or later. A clear picture of the ecological claim of a country is one of the methods to find the right way towards a sustainable future. [Dutch] Wat is een duurzame ontwikkeling van een land waard als de producten die men importeert elders nadelig uitwerken? Schijnbaar duurzame oplossingen in eigen land kunnen elders of later tot het tegendeel leiden. Een helder beeld van de ecologische claim van een land is een van de methoden voor het vinden van de weg naar duurzame ontwikkeling.

  7. New techniques no guarantee for sustainable use of energy; Nieuwe techniekebn zijn geen garantie voor meer duurzame energiebenutting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hogeling, J. [ISSO, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


    It is not certain that the application of new installation techniques, such as heat pumps, solar water heaters and PV panels actually achieves the intended savings. That guarantee can be assured if the installations are covered by ackowledged product or process certification systems. The Renewable Energy Directive of the EU enforces the Dutch government to certify renewable energy systems. But how, is not yet clear. [Dutch] Het is niet zeker dat de toepassing van nieuwe installatietechnieken zoals warmtepompen, zonneboilers en pv-panelen de beoogde energiebesparing daadwerkelijk realiseert. Deze waarborg heeft men wel wanneer de installaties onder erkende product- of procescertificatiesystemen tot stand komen. De Duurzame Energie Richtlijn van de EU verplicht onze overheid per 2013 te regelen dat deze duurzame energietoepassingen onder een certificatie worden gerealiseerd. Maar hoe, dat is nog niet duidelijk.

  8. Sustainable Energy Business Visits 2009; Duurzame Energie bedrijfsbezoeken 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gielen, J.H. [C Point, DLV Plant, Horst (Netherlands)


    Because the Steering Committee for Long-term Agreements on Energy for Mushrooms found the sustainable energy business visits of 2008 very valuable, it was decided in 2009 to assign Cpoint the task of conducting sustainable energy advisory visits, enabling mushroom cultivators to sign up for a free of charge sustainable energy visit. This report summarizes the results of these business visits [Dutch] Omdat de Duurzame Energie (DE) bedrijfsbezoeken van 2008 door de Stuurgroep MJA-e Paddestoelen als erg waardevol zijn ervaren, is er ook voor het jaar 2009 aan Cpoint een opdracht voor het uitvoeren van DE adviesbezoeken verstrekt, waarbij champignontelers zich konden opgeven voor een gratis DE adviesbezoek. In dit rapport wordt verslag gedaan van de resultaten van de bedrijfsbezoeken.

  9. Sustainable Energy for All. Inaugural speech; Een duurzame energievoorziening voor iedereen. Intreerede

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Wijk, A.J.M.


    According to the author, there is no energy crisis; nor is there an energy shortage. Three observations illustrate this proposition: (1) We are wasting about 98% of our energy; (2) In one hour, the earth receives more energy from the sun than we consume worldwide in one year; and (3) sustainable energy is all around us. Next, the observations are elaborated and a plan is launched to set up a Green Campus: a living lab, an inspiring place where businesses and university can meet and a place where everyone can get an impression of the energy systems of the future. This way the author is hoping to take a next, important step in the realization of his dream, which is a sustainable energy system for all [Dutch] De auteur stelt dat er geen energiecrisis, geen energietekort is. Drie observaties illustreren deze stelling: (1) We verspillen ruwweg 98% van onze energie; (2) In een uur ontvangt de aarde meer energie van de zon, dan we wereldwijd in een jaar verbruiken; en (3) Duurzame energie is overal rond om ons heen. Vervolgens worden de observaties toegelicht en een plan gelanceerd om een Green Campus op te zetten: een living lab, een inspirerende plek waar bedrijven en universiteit elkaar ontmoeten en een plek waar een ieder een beeld kan krijgen op de energiesystemen van de toekomst. Daarmee hoopt de auteur een volgende en belangrijke stap te zetten in de realisatie van zijn droom, een duurzame energievoorziening voor iedereen.

  10. Duurzame Landbouw in Beeld 2010 : resultaten van de Nederlandse land- en tuinbouw op het gebied van People, Planet en Profit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boone, J.A.; Dolman, M.A.


    Duurzame Landbouw in Beeld 2010 geeft de resultaten weer van de Nederlandse land- en tuinbouw op alle relevante duurzaamheidsaspecten. Zowel de meest recente cijfers als de langetermijnontwikkelingen worden gepresenteerd. Naast de resultaten voor de sector als geheel worden de sectoren akkerbouw,

  11. Sustainable storage of data. Energy conservation by sustainable storage in colleges; Duurzame opslag van data. Energiebesparing door duurzame opslag binnen het hoger onderwijs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    SURFnet, the Dutch organization of for colleges and universities in the field of ICT, issued another innovation scheme in the field of sustainability and ICT for 2012. The aim of the innovation scheme is to encourage people to start sustainable projects by means of ICT. In this context the College of Arnhem and Nijmegen (HAN) executed a project in which the possibilities to save energy through sustainable storage of data in its educational facilities [Dutch] SURFnet, de samenwerkingsorganisatie van hogescholen en universiteiten op het gebied van ICT, heeft voor 2012 opnieuw een innovatieregeling op het gebied van duurzaamheid en ICT uitgeschreven. Doel van de innovatieregeling is om instellingen te stimuleren projecten te starten om door middel van of met ICT structureel bij te dragen aan verduurzaming. De Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN) heeft in dit kader een project uitgevoerd waarin is onderzocht wat de mogelijkheden zijn om energie te besparen d.m.v. duurzame opslag van data in haar onderwijsinstelling.

  12. The energetic society. Searching for a steering philosophy for a clean economy; De energieke samenleving. Op zoek naar een sturingsfilosofie voor een schone economie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hajer, M.


    The creativity and innovation powers of citizens and businesses in the Dutch society offer opportunities for 'green growth'. Deployment of this energetic society requires adjustment in thinking and actions of the Dutch government. This signal report offers tools for the government's new role. [Dutch] De in de maatschappij aanwezige creativiteit en innovatiekracht van burgers en bedrijven biedt kansen voor 'groene groei'. Het inzetten van deze energieke samenleving vraagt een aanpassing in het denken en doen van de Rijksoverheid. In dit signalenrapport worden handvatten gegeven voor die nieuwe rol van de overheid.

  13. Ambition, policy and consistency. The ins and outs of 16% sustainable energy in 2020; Ambitie, beleid en consistentie. Het ABC van 16% Duurzame Energie in 2020

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaat, A.


    This memo outlines the options to realize the target of 16% sustainable energy for 2020 via production in the Netherlands [Dutch] De notitie verkent de oplossingen om via productie in Nederland de doelstelling voor duurzame energie te halen: 16% in 2020.

  14. Outline of sustainable energy technology for flower bulb businesses. An economic analysis of decentralized energy production options; Verkenning duurzame energietechnieken toepasbaar op bloembollenbedrijven. Een economische analyse van decentrale opwekkingsmogelijkheden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Putten, K. [Praktijkonderzoek Plant en Omgeving PPO, Bloembollen, Boomkwekerij en Fruit, Lisse (Netherlands)


    An overview is offered of the available sustainable energy sources and techniques that are available for decentralized energy generation in the flower bulb sector. By comparing the expected increase of gas and electricity prices to the expected price decrease of new, sustainable technologies, an estimate was made regarding the year in which these techniques will become financially appealing for flower bulb businesses. This comparison takes into account the various growth scenarios and the allocation of subsidies [Dutch] Een overzicht wordt gegeven van beschikbare duurzame energiebronnen en technieken waarmee decentraal energie kan worden opgewekt in de bloembollensector. Door de verwachte stijging van de gas en elektriciteitsprijzen uit te zetten tegen de verwachte prijsdaling van de nieuwe, duurzame technologieen, is een schatting gemaakt van het jaar waarin deze technieken financieel aantrekkelijk worden voor bloembollenbedrijven. Hierbij is rekening gehouden met verschillende groeiscenario's en het wel of niet verkrijgen van subsidie.

  15. Sustainable comfort services. The impact of a combination of comfort and environment; Duurzame gemaksdiensten. Combinatie van gemak en milieu biedt kansen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Keizer, I.; Van Swigchem, J.


    The aim of the study on the title subject is to determine the environmental impact of so-called sustainable and environment-friendly comfort services which are offered to individual consumers from a central point. The comfort services discussed in this report are a laundry service, delivery or messenger service, and a meal service or domestic caterer. [Dutch] Mensen die werk en prive(of zorg) combineren, leiden een druk bestaan, waardoor de behoefte bestaat om bijvoorbeeld huishoudelijke taken efficient in te richten. Verhoging van gemak en comfort gaat echter vaak gepaard met een toename van de milieudruk: meer apparatuur, dus hogere energieverbruik, en meer behoefte aan mobiliteit. Voor het Ministerie van VROM ligt de uitdaging in het zoeken naar kansen die zowel gemak opleveren als winst voor het milieu. en mogelijk concept hiervoor wordt gezien in zogenaamde 'duurzame gemaksdiensten', zoals een was-, boodschappen- en een maaltijdservice, die aangeboden worden op een centraal punt: het dienstenknooppunt. Elk van deze services blijkt kansen te bieden, varierend van reducties in energiegebruik (max. 36% per huishouden per jaar) tot een (forse) reductie van het aantal gereden autokilometers. oordat deze kansen echter optimaal benut kunnen worden, is een aantal aspecten van belang om verder te onderzoeken: de werkelijke vraag naar duurzame gemaksdiensten vanuit de consument, de locatie van het dienstenknooppunt en het vervoer op en rondom het knooppunt.

  16. Local energy. Decentralized sustainable electricity. Business case and societal cost benefit analysis; Lokaal energiek. Decentrale duurzame elektriciteit. Business case en maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Dutch government plans to facilitate production of electricity for own use and remove barriers. A good understanding of the effects of decentralized electricity production on the existing (energy) system is lacking. A study has been carried out on the social value of local sustainable energy production in the Netherlands: at the local level and for the Netherlands as a whole. The research focuses on groups of small-scale domestic consumers and households that produce sustainable electricity from renewable sources for their own use, mainly by means of wind turbines and solar panels. The central question is: what happens when 50% of the households in the Netherlands produce their own electricity, locally and sustainable? [Dutch] De Nederlandse overheid wil elektriciteitsopwekking voor eigen gebruik faciliteren en belemmeringen hiervoor wegnemen. Een goed inzicht in de effecten van decentrale electriciteitsproductie op het bestaande (energie)systeem ontbreekt. Er is onderzoek gedaan naar de maatschappelijke waarde van lokale duurzame energieproductie in Nederland: op lokaal niveau en voor Nederland als geheel. Het onderzoek richt zich op groepen kleinverbruikers/huishoudens die hernieuwbare, duurzame elektriciteit produceren voor eigen gebruik, voornamelijk met windmolens en zonnepanelen. De centrale vraag is: wat gebeurt er als 50% van de huishoudens in Nederland hun eigen elektriciteit decentraal duurzaam opwekt?.

  17. Working together. Best practices in sustainable utility building; Samen aan de slag. Best practices in duurzame utiliteitsbouw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franzen, E.; Verstraete, E.; Mathlener, R.; Wenting, R. [PricewaterhouseCoopers PwC, s.l. (Netherlands); De Waal, L.; Kuijpers, S.; Veendrick, P.; Scheelbeek, J. [Rabobank International, Utrecht (Netherlands); Fraanje, P. [Bouwend Nederland, Zoetermeer (Netherlands)


    Rabobank and PwC have taken the initiative to work with players in the construction and real estate sector to find success factors of sustainable construction of utility buildings. With the cooperation of industry leaders is a selection is made of case studies, quotes and findings. They are illustrative and should inspire to seek a personal interpretation of sustainability. [Dutch] Rabobank en PwC hebben het initiatief genomen om samen met spelers in de bouw- en vastgoedsector te zoeken naar succesfactoren van duurzame utiliteitsbouw. Met medewerking van toonaangevende bedrijven is een selectie gemaakt uit praktijkvoorbeelden, quotes en bevindingen. Ze zijn illustratief en moeten inspireren om op zoek te gaan naar een eigen invulling van duurzaamheid.

  18. Towards a sustainable livestock sector. Developments between 2000 and 2010; Op weg naar een duurzame veehouderij. Ontwikkelingen tussen 2000 en 2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Zeijts, H.; Van Eerdt, M.M.; Willems, W.J.; Rood, G.A.; Den Boer, A.C.; Nijdam, D.S.


    A more sustainable livestock sector has been the ambition of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The goals have been set high. More sustainable production methods are still needed, as is healthier livestock, animal suffering has to be kept to a minimum, and all of this in a healthy commercial climate. The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency has drawn up the balance of progress made over the past ten years. Unquestionably, the sector is moving towards sustainability. However, development is slow and so far the desired 'redesign' is not visible - a redesign that was recommended by the Wijffels Committee in 2001. Advances have been made in certain areas. Today, animal suffering is less than it was some ten years ago. New vaccination methods with different policies have resulted in less of a need for the application of large-scale animal euthanasia. The use of sustainable stables is gaining ground, albeit at a modest pace. The success of free-range egg farming demonstrates that consumers can coerce a market towards sustainability. Further, there has been a spectacular decrease in emissions of nitrogen and phosphates into the environment. However, in other areas little or no progress has been made. Long-distance transport of livestock takes place just as often as it did in 2000. Livestock farmers still use excessive amounts of antibiotics, and the consumer knows little about the environmental burden of products coming from the livestock industry. The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is also looking towards the future. With clear goals and a tight schedule, the desired 'redesign' could still be developed. [Dutch] De doelstelling van dit rapport is om kwantitatief en kwalitatief inzicht te geven in de vorderingen die tussen 2000 en 2010 zijn gemaakt in het tot stand brengen van een duurzame veehouderij, geordend naar de zes speerpunten uit de Toekomstvisie op de veehouderij. De ontwikkelingen worden verklaard

  19. Where does sustainable growth end? Inaugural speech; Waar eindigt duurzame groei? Inaugurele rede

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerlagh, R.


    After a brief explanation about several characteristics of capitalism, a number of environmental issues are discussed, paying particular attention to the climate issue. In this context an answer is given to the question what sustainability means and how sustainability can be implemented. A price tag needs to be attached to the use of nature and the environment. Several examples are given in support of the value of scarce nature and how difficult it is to distribute this value evenly. Finally, insight is given in the conditions for sustainable growth as well as the main obstacles. [Dutch] Na een korte uiteenzetting van enkele kenmerken van het kapitalisme wordt een aantal milieuproblemen voor het voetlicht gebracht met speciale aandacht voor het klimaatprobleem. In deze context wordt de vraag beantwoord wat duurzaamheid betekent en hoe duurzaamheid kan worden geimplementeerd. Aan het gebruik van natuur en milieu moet een prijskaartje komen te hangen. Er worden voorbeelden gegeven waaruit blijkt hoe waardevol schaarse natuur is, en hoe moeilijk het is deze waarde eerlijk te verdelen. Tenslotte wordt inzicht gegeven in de voorwaarden voor duurzame groei, en de belangrijkste obstakels.

  20. Sustainable innovation in the building sector. An analysis of chances and constraints; Duurzame innovatie in de bouwsector. Een analyse van kansen en belemmeringen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suurs, R. [TNO, Delft (Netherlands); Van Niekerk, E.; Van Barreveld, C. [3D BluePrint, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Urlings, M. [LSWA architecten, Oirschot (Netherlands)


    Building Brains has been set up by TNO as a cooperative and started September 21, 2009. The aim of the project was to answer the question how the energy consumption in the Netherlands can be reduced by 50% up to 2030 or how the built environment can be made energy-neutral. This issue of the magazine is dedicated to Building Brains project. The building construction sector is in need for sustainable innovation. This transition process calls for new organisational forms, new regulations, shifting markets, etc. To establish this, firms and governments should join forces to set up a network that stimulates and fosters sustainable innovation, an Innovation System. This is the only way to successfully support sustainable innovations in the construction sector. An Innovation System Analysis of the development of 'Building Information Systems' provides insights in the actual opportunities and threats offered by innovation in current building practice. [Dutch] Building Brains is een door TNO opgezet samenwerkingsproject dat op 21 september 2009 van start ging. Het doel van het project is antwoord te geven op de vraag hoe tot 2030 het energiegebruik in Nederland kan worden gehalveerd of hoe de gebouwde omgeving energieneutraal kan worden gemaakt. Deze aflevering van het tijdschrift TVVL is vrijwel geheel gewijd aan het Building Brains project. Onder druk van een veranderende wereld en forse economische terugval, neemt de roep om duurzame innovatie in de bouwsector toe. Dit vraagt om nieuwe organisatiestructuren, aangepaste regelgeving, opkomende markten, etc. Bedrijven en overheden zullen samen een netwerk moeten opbouwen dat duurzame innovatie faciliteert en versnelt. Alleen zo krijgen opkomende innovaties de kans om de bouwsector ingrijpend te veranderen. Een 'lnnovatie Systeem Analyse' (lSA) van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Bouw Informatie Modellen (BIM) geeft inzicht in de kansen en belemmeringen.

  1. Towards a sustainable agriculture in 2030. An essay on transition; Naar een duurzame landbouw in 2030. Een essay over transitie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hees, E.M.; Van der Weijden, W.J.; Hin, C.J.A.


    Sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the Netherlands is high on the list of priorities in the environmental policy of the Netherlands. In this report special attention is paid to sustainability indicators which can be used in the transition of a Dutch National Environmental Balance towards a Dutch National Sustainability Balance. The report consists of three parts: (1) an essay in the form of an imaginary review from the year 2030 back to the transition process of the agricultural sector from the year 2000 onwards; (2) 14 texts on proposals for economical, socio-cultural and ecological indicators; and (3) four maps which present chances for offering 'green' services in Dutch agricultural areas. [Dutch] Een van de sectoren waar duurzame ontwikkeling hard nodig is, is de landbouw. Het 4e Nationaal Miliebeleidsplan (NMP4) noernt de landbouw naast de energiesector en biodiversiteit als een prioritaire sector. In dit rapport is een visie neergelegdeen met speciale aandacht voor duurzaamheidindicatoren. Die indicatoren zouden bouwstenen kunnen zijn voor de voorgenomen overgang van een Nationale Milieubalans naar een Nationale Duurzaamheidsbalans. Dit rapport bestaat uit drie uiteenlopende delen: een essay in de vorm van een denkbeeldige terugblik vanuit het jaar 2030 naar het transitieproces dat de landbouw vanaf 2000 heeft doorgemaakt; een 14-tal tekstuele bijIagen, met onder meer voorstellen voor te hanteren economische, sociaal-culturele en ecologische indicatoren; en een viertal kaart-bijlagen waarop staat aangegeven waar in het Nederlandse landbouwareaal kansen liggen voor groene diensten.

  2. Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth; Energieakkoord voor duurzame groei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The SER (Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands) Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth outlines the ambition to provide a long-term perspective for the Dutch energy economy with short and medium term agreements. Therefore, a large number of concrete measures and elaborations are agreed upon. Quantitative assessments are made of the effects for 2020-2023. Because there are almost no concrete measures for a longer period and the uncertainties are increasing for the longer term, calculations were not carried out for years after 2023. The extent to which the agreed steps contribute to the necessary building blocks for the energy transition in the long term is assessed qualitatively. Agreed targets in the agreement are: (1) A reduction in final energy consumption by an average of 1.5% per year; (2) 100 PJ energy conservation in final energy consumption in 2020; (3) 14% renewable energy by 2020 and 16% in 2023; (4) at least 15,000 jobs with an emphasis on the next few years [Dutch] Het SER-Energieakkoord voor duurzame groei schetst als ambitie het bieden van een langetermijnperspectief voor onze energiehuishouding met afspraken voor de korte en middellange termijn. Het is daartoe een groot aantal concrete maatregelen en nadere uitwerkingen overeengekomen. ECN/PBL hebben met het EIB een kwantitatieve doorrekening gemaakt van de effecten voor 2020/23. Omdat er vrijwel geen concrete maatregelen zijn afgesproken die gericht zijn op een verder liggende periode en de onzekerheden op langere termijn steeds meer toenemen, is geen doorrekening voor latere jaren gemaakt. De mate waarin de afgesproken stappen bijdragen aan de nodige bouwstenen voor de energietransitie op langere termijn is kwalitatief beoordeeld. Afgesproken doelen in het akkoord zijn: (1) Een besparing van het finale energieverbruik met gemiddeld 1,5% per jaar; (2) 100 PJ besparing in het finale energieverbruik in 2020; (3) 14% hernieuwbare energie in 2020 en 16% in 2023; (4) Tenminste 15.000 banen met

  3. The Index for Sustainable Economic Welfare for Flanders, Belgium, 1990-2009; De Index voor Duurzame Economische Welvaart (ISEW) voor Vlaanderen, 1990-2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bleys, B. [Geassocieerde Faculteit Handelswetenschappen en Bestuurskunde, Hogeschool Gent, Associatie Universiteit Gent, Gent (Belgium)


    In this report the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) is compiled for Flanders for the period 1990-2009. The index is a measure of economic welfare in that it measures the contribution of a country's or region's economy to the overall level of well-being of its citizens. In this regard, the ISEW can be regarded as an indicator for the economic dimension of well-being [Dutch] In deze studie wordt de Index voor Duurzame Economische Welvaart (ISEW - Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare) berekend voor Vlaanderen voor de periode 1990-2009. Deze index is een maatstaf voor economische welvaart en meet de bijdrage van het economische systeem van een land of regio tot het algemene welzijn van haar bevolking. De ISEW kan dus gezien worden als een indicator voor de economische dimensie van welzijn.

  4. Sustainable development appreciated? The development of a monitor on sustainability consciousness and behaviour; Maatschappelijke waardering van duurzame ontwikkeling. Achtergrondrapport bij de Duurzaamheidsverkenning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beckers, T.A.M.; Harkink, E.W.F.P.M.; Van Ingen, E.J. [Telos, Universiteit van Tilburg, Tilburg (Netherlands); Lampert MA; Van der Lelij, B.; Van Ossenbruggen, R. [Motivaction, Motivaction (Netherlands)


    voor duurzame producten of diensten. Daarnaast laat recent onderzoek zien dat de belangstelling voor duurzame producten of diensten verschilt tussen consumenten. Hoe is dit te verklaren? Om deze vraag te kunnen beantwoorden deden Telos en Motivaction in opdracht van het MNP-RIVM onderzoek naar het duurzaamheidbewustzijn en -gedrag van de Nederlandse bevolking. Er werden drie duurzaamheidsegmenten gevonden, op grond van de waardenpatronen van mensen. Laag duurzamen: zijn sterk gericht op leven in het hier en nu, houden erg van gemak, stellen het eigen belang centraal, zijn hedonistisch en materialistisch ingesteld, zijn niet bezorgd over het milieu. Middelhoog duurzamen: zijn bezorgd over het milieu, willen milieubewust leven, zijn gehecht aan maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid van bedrijven, zijn betrokken bij de buurt, voelen zich verantwoordelijk voor de maatschappij. Hoog duurzamen: hebben dezelfde mentaliteit als middelhoog duurzamen en willen daarnaast ook bewust milieuvriendelijk consumeren, meer betalen voor milieuvriendelijke en natuurlijk gefabriceerde producten en zijn tevens betrokken bij de wereldgemeenschap. De duurzaamheidsegmenten zijn vergeleken met de door Motivaction ontwikkelde 'sociale milieus'. Traditionele burgers enerzijds en kosmopolieten/ postmaterialisten anderzijds bleken het meest duurzaam. Bij de eerste gaat het vooral om zorg en behoud van de eigen omgeving, bij de tweede vooral om mondiale betrokkenheid. Men kan met andere woorden vanuit een totaal verschillende waardenorientatie tot duurzaamheid komen. Opvallend was verder dat generaties sterk blijken te verschillen in de mate van duurzaamheid. Jongere generaties vinden duurzame ontwikkeling een stuk minder belangrijk dan ouderen. Dit kan waarschijnlijk deels worden toegeschreven aan de levensfase waarin men zich bevindt, maar er zijn ook aanwijzingen dat duurzaamheid minder goed aansluit bij het waardenpatroon van jongere generaties.

  5. Behavior practices in transition. The behavior practices method tested in two cases. Sustainable living and sustainable tourist's mobility; Gedragspraktijken in Transitie. De Gedragspraktijkenbenadering getoetst in twee gevallen. Duurzaam wonen en Duurzame toeristische mobiliteit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spaargaren, G.; Beckers, T.; Martens, S.; Bargeman, B.; Van Es, T.


    A cooperative of social-scientific researchers form the universities of Tilburg and Wageningen (both in the Netherlands) developed an analytical framework based on which environmental policy experts can develop favourable strategies and stimulate sustainable consumption. In chapter 1 an overview is given of existing models and results of previous studies. In chapter 2 the behavior practices method is explained, while in chapter 3 the research questions are formulated. In chapter 4 attention is paid to the results of the title case studies. [Dutch] In een samenwerkingsverband van Tilburgse en Wageningse sociaal-wetenschappelijke onderzoekers is sinds 1999 gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van een analytisch, conceptueel kader, dat betrokkenen bij het milieubeleid in staat moet stellen kansrijke strategieen te ontwikkelen om duurzame consumptie te bevorderen. Na een kritische analyse van bestaande verklaringsmodellen werd gepleit voor een sociologisering van het wetenschappelijk en beleidsmatig benaderen van burger-consumenten, geinspireerd door het werk van Anthony Giddens en Ulrich Beck. In hoofdstuk 1 wordt een overzicht gegeven van de voornaamste resultaten van de eerdere studies en wordt de opzet van dit onderzoek uiteengezet. In hoofdstuk 2 wordt de Gedragspraktijkenbenadering nader toegelicht. Hoofdstuk 3 bevat de algemene onderzoeksvragen. Hoofdstuk 4 is een samenvatting van de resultaten van de casestudies 'Duurzame toeristische mobiliteit' en 'Duurzaam wonen'. In hoofdstuk 5 komen de conclusies ten behoeve van het milieubeleid aan bod.

  6. Rekrutering door politieke partijen bij gemeenteraadsverkiezingen : problemen en perspectieven

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voerman, Gerrit; Boogers, Marcel


    Politieke partijen vervullen van oudsher een belangrijke schakelfunctie tussen openbaar bestuur en samenleving. Ten eerste brengen zij belangen, wensen, ideeën en dergelijke binnen de samenleving bijeen in een samenhangend politiek program. In de tweede plaats rekruteren en selecteren zij kandidaten

  7. Malaysian Cinema, Asian Film : Border Crossings and National Culture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heide, van der William


    William van der Heide maakt in dit boek een vergelijking tussen de samenstelling en het karakter van de Maleisische samenleving en het karakter van de in Maleisië geproduceerde en gedistribueerde films. De auteur karakteriseert Maleisië als een pluralistische samenleving, die bestaat uit een

  8. Focusing on sustainable energy ambitions in the area development process. 2. ed.; Centraal stellen van duurzame energieambities in het gebiedsontwikkelingsproces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Many local authorities have established firm energy ambitions. Making the built environment more sustainable, both by means of energy saving measures and by making the remaining energy use sustainable, are important focus points. The question rises how sustainable energy ambitions can be embedded in the area development process. Area developments related to new buildings or demolition/new building projects often involve lengthy and complex projects. Projects in which many parties and interests play a role, in which many instruments can be used and energy concepts can be applied. This report provides an overview of the area development process and the corresponding instruments and concepts. [Dutch] Veel gemeenten hebben stevige energieambities vastgesteld. Verduurzaming van de gebouwde omgeving, zowel door energiebesparingsmaatregelen als door het duurzaam invullen van het resterende energieverbruik, zijn daarbij belangrijke aangrijpingspunten. De vraag is hoe duurzame energieambities goed verankerd kunnen worden in het gebiedsontwikkelingsproces. Bij gebiedsontwikkeling van nieuwbouw of sloop/nieuwbouw projecten gaat het vaak om langdurige complexe projecten. Projecten waarbij vele partijen en belangen een rol spelen, diverse instrumenten kunnen worden gebruikt en energieconcepten kunnen worden toegepast. Dit rapport geeft een overzicht van het gebiedsontwikkelingsproces en de bijbehorende instrumenten en concepten.

  9. Goal-driven evaluations of sustainable products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Perlaviciute, Goda


    Door de aanschaf van duurzame producten zoals “groene” levensmiddelen en duurzame energiebronnen kunnen milieuproblemen worden verminderd. Maar hoe beoordelen mensen deze producten? Deze vraag is belangrijk omdat mensen duurzame producten alleen zullen aanschaffen als ze voldoende aantrekkelijk

  10. Methodisch werken aan systeeminnovaties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vogelezang, J.V.M.; Wijnands, F.G.


    Bij de opgave van de Nederlandse landbouw om zich te ontwikkelen tot een duurzame sector, is het zoeken naar vernieuwingen die een trendbreuk teweegbrengen en het tempo van duurzame ontwikkeling versnellen. De Systeeminnovatieprogramma’s dragen hieraan in vele projecten bij door nieuwe,

  11. Duurzaamheidinspiratie voor nieuwe gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 2018 in governance monitor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zoeteman, Bastiaan


    Begin dit jaar hebben Telos en VNG International voor het eerst een Governance monitor duurzame gemeenten gepubliceerd. Deze monitor is opgesteld in opdracht van de staatssecretaris van Infrastructuur en Milieu waarbij de Nationale monitor duurzame gemeenten van Telos - die de basis is voor de

  12. Dilemma's of sustainable consumption. A study of public support for making consumption more sustainable; Dilemma's rond duurzame consumptie. Een onderzoek naar het draagvlak voor verduurzaming van consumptie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vringer, K.; Vollebergh, H.; Dietz, F. [Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving PBL, Den Haag (Netherlands); Van Soest, D. [VU University, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Van der Heijden, E. [Tilburg University, Tilburg (Netherlands)


    Dutch consumers choose sustainable products only sparsely. But at the same time, Dutch consumers indicate that they find sustainability important and that the government should take measures. A frequently heard explanation is the social dilemma in which everyone is better off if all decide to consume more sustainable, whereas for every individual it is even better to not do this themselves. The question that rises is: do consumers truly want to become more sustainable? To answer this question, the social support for enhancing the sustainability of consumption and corresponding dilemmas have been examined by means of an economic behavioural experiment. The study confirms that a large group of consumers deem sustainability important, but do not always act on their beliefs. As people do not always match their behaviour with what they deem important, the currently limited market shares of more sustainable product variants are not reliable predictors of the social support for government policy. To encourage more sustainable consumption, it therefore seems useful if the Dutch government emphasizes the pleasure of individually contributing to sustainability, ensuring the consumer's awareness of other people also buying the more sustainable product variants. Consumers prefer soft persuasion through for example subsidies, even if this is more expensive for them than mandatory measures [Dutch] Consumenten kiezen maar mondjesmaat voor duurzame producten. Tegelijk geven zij aan verduurzaming belangrijk te vinden en ook dat de overheid maatregelen moet nemen. Een veel gehoorde verklaring is het sociaal dilemma waarin iedereen beter af is als allen duurzamer gaan consumeren, maar het voor elk individu nóg beter is om dat zelf niet te doen. De vraag is: Willen consumenten wel echt verduurzamen? Om deze vraag te kunnen beantwoorden, is het draagvlak voor de verduurzaming van consumptie en de bijbehorende dilemma's met behulp van een economisch gedragsexperiment nader

  13. Een Middeleeuwse samenleving : het land van Heusden (ca. 1360 - 1515)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M.


    The Land van Heusden (at present Province of Northernsituated in the western part of the river-area of the Central Netherlands. In the medieval period it consisted of sixteen villages and the small town of Heusden, founded in the first half of the 13th century along the river Meuse, midway

  14. Learning from the energetic rural area. Local and regional coalitions for sustainable development of rural areas; Leren van het energieke platteland. Lokale en regionale coalities voor duurzame plattelands ontwikkeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farjon, H.; Arnouts, R.


    Citizens and businesses start on a regular basis, and in cooperation with the Dutch government, initiatives to improve the living environment in rural areas. In this study, 32 examples are discussed to detect issues that can be improved. The examples concern more or less successful partnerships for sustainable rural development, in which the market, citizens and civil society play a prominent role. Four issues for improvement are identified: (1) Other accents are required in laws and regulations for the living environment; (2) The Dutch government must give smart directions by means of levies and incentives; (3) A vision of the governments is essential; and (4) Towards a proactive, facilitating government [Dutch] Burgers en bedrijven nemen regelmatig samen met overheden initiatieven om de leefomgeving op het platteland te verbeteren. In deze studie zijn 32 praktijkvoorbeelden onder de loep genomen om die verbeterpunten op te sporen. Het gaat om meer of minder succesvolle samenwerkingsverbanden voor duurzame plattelandsontwikkeling, waarin marktpartijen, burgers en het maatschappelijk middenveld een vooraanstaande rol spelen. Hierbij worden vier verbeterpunten gesignaleerd: (1) Andere accenten gewenst in wet- en regelgeving voor de leefomgeving; (2) Slimmer sturen met heffingen en vergoedingen door de overheid; (3) Visie van overheden is onontbeerlijk; en (4) Naar een proactieve, faciliterende overheid.

  15. Een Middeleeuwse samenleving : het land van Heusden (ca. 1360 - 1515)


    Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M.


    The Land van Heusden (at present Province of Northernsituated in the western part of the river-area of the Central Netherlands. In the medieval period it consisted of sixteen villages and the small town of Heusden, founded in the first half of the 13th century along the river Meuse, midway between two major cities, Dordrecht and 's-Hertogenbosch. The riverlandscape was characterized by the alternation of sandy stream ridges and natural levees, inhabited since prehistoric times, and extensive ...

  16. Bedrijven en kennisinstellingen actief met Biomimicry


    Overbeek, G.; Vogelzang, T.A.


    Biomimicry is innovatie geïnspireerd door de natuur en gaat over wat je kunt leren van de natuur i.p.v. wat je eruit kunt gebruiken. De lessen kunnen leiden tot duurzame ontwerpprincipes voor tal van productieprocessen. Daarmee biedt biomimicry een oplossingsgerichte manier van denken voor de groene of de circulaire economie, omdat de natuur bij haar duurzame ontwerpprincipes minder energie en materialen gebruikt en daarmee CO2 uitstoot en grondstoffen bespaart. De vraag is nu hoe biomimicry ...

  17. Compost duurzaam ingezet. De Compost Scorekaarten: een instrument voor het afwegen van de waarde van compost


    Schrik, Yannick; Koopmans, Chris


    Het duurzame gebruik van een reststof zoals compost hangt sterk samen met de waarde die de compost heeft bij toepassing. Deze publicatie geeft via heldere Compost Score Kaarten inzicht in het vinden van de juiste compostsoort voor het gewenste doel. Of het nu gaat om organischestofvoorziening, verbetering van de bodemstructuur of de nutriëntenvoorziening van gewassen: een bewuste keuze voor de compostsoort en –kwaliteit draagt bij aan een duurzame inzet en duurzaam hergebruik van reststoffen.

  18. Het vaststellen van de mate van religieuze tolerantie bij leraren in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    30 juni 2016 ... school een afspiegeling van wat er in de samenleving gebeurt. ... the most important preconditions for social justice, fairness and peaceful coexistence. ...... Cush, D. & Francis, D., 2006, '“Positive pluralism” to awareness, ...

  19. From useful to beloved - the relationship of man's animal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stassen, E.N.


    Samenvatting van de oratie 'Van bruikbaar tot dierbaar : over de relatie mens dier' van prof. dr. Elsbeth Stassen, hoogleraar Dier en Samenleving aan Wageningen Universiteit, over de complexe en dynamische wereld van de mens-dier-relatie

  20. Welzijnsbeleid in de lokale samenleving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    W. Wiertsema; L.A.J. Cordia; A.A.M. van Egeraat; J.E. Heikoop; M.H. Kwekkeboom; A.W. van der Pennen; V. Veldheer


    Een omschrijving wordt gegeven van het begrip 'welzijn'. Aandacht wordt geschonken aan de taak die de overheid in de huidige tijd vervult ten aanzien van het welzijn. Nadat de opzet van het onderzoek wordt aangegeven, wordt een beschrijving gegeven van het monitoring-systeem waarmee de

  1. Kennisagenda biomimicry 2015-2018

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vogelzang, T.A.; Vader, J.; Michels, R.


    Biomimicry , de ontwerpfilosofie die de natuur als inspiratiebron ziet voor innovaties, kan grote ecologische en economische voordelen opleveren voor onze samenleving wanneer het bre ed wordt ingezet ten behoeve van maatschappelijke en wetenschappelijke vraagstukken. Het biedt ook veel

  2. E-business your business : van website tot strategie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    drs Boudewijn Raessens


    Informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) is doorgedrongen tot alle niveaus van de economie en samenleving. Bestaande grenzen tussen markten, bedrijven en consumenten worden opengebroken en nieuwe producten en diensten zijn steeds sneller, slimmer en goedkoper beschikbaar voor grote groepen

  3. De vrijheid van meningsuiting en hate speech: een rechtsvergelijking met de VS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Vugt, Eva


    De vrijheid van meningsuiting is een groot goed in een democratische samenleving maar kan onder bepaalde voorwaarden ingeperkt worden. Haatuitingen genieten bijvoorbeeld in veel westerse democratieën geen (volledige) bescherming. De VS vormt een uitzondering in dit opzicht

  4. Effect of a Green Investment Society on the Dutch Renewable Energy Scheme (SDE); Effect Groene Investeringsmaatschappij op SDE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lensink, S.M.; Van Stralen, J. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Petten (Netherlands)


    On request of the Holland Financial Centre, ECN has projected the potential benefits of a Green Investment Company for the expenditure of the SDE+ Scheme (Renewable Energy Incentivisation Scheme). To this end, a calculation was made of the effects of an interest rebate for sustainable energy projects [Dutch] Op verzoek van Holland Financial Centre heeft ECN geraamd wat de voordelen kunnen zijn van een Groene Investeringsmaatschappij op de uitgaven voor de SDE+ (Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energie). Hiertoe diende een berekening gemaakt te worden van de effecten van een rentekorting voor duurzame energieprojecten.

  5. Criminaliteit en criminologie in een gedigitaliseerde wereld

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.G. van Erp (Judith); D.W. Stol; J. van Wilsem (Johan)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Wat betekent de komst van het internet voor criminaliteit en de bestrijding ervan? Dit themanummer staat stil bij deze belangrijke ontwikkeling in onze samenleving. In deze redactionele inleiding staan we allereerst stil bij de aan het internet gelieerde

  6. Good Governance : negotiated settlemens for FCPA violations as a model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abiola Makinwa


    De versnippering van de internationale samenleving vermindert de kans op een overkoepelend model van global governance. Meer waarschijnlijk is het ontstaan van bepaalde processen van bestuur die zich ontwikkelen als reactie op specifieke mondiale vraagstukken. Dit artikel beschrijft het proces van

  7. Noordervisie 2040 : een co-creative verkenning van de toekomst van Noord-Nederland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alex van Oost (Provincie Drenthe) (hoofdredactie), [No Value; Haro van Dijk (Provincie Groningen) (redactie), [No Value; Anoesjka Duinstra (Provincie Fryslân) (redactie), [No Value; [et al.], [No Value


    NOORDERVISIE 2040 Een nieuwe ruimtelijk-economische visie voor de drie noordelijke provincies. Dat is Noordervisie 2040. De voorloper, KoersNoord, had een looptijd van 2007 tot 2013. Sinds het verschijnen van die visie, is er veel veranderd in de samenleving.

  8. Acute and chronic pancreatitis: epidemiology and clinical aspects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spanier, B.W.M.


    In Nederland zijn de afgelopen jaren de incidentiecijfers en de ziekenhuisopnamen voor acute en chronische alvleesklierontsteking (pancreatitis) gestegen. De verwachting is dat deze blijven toenemen bij een vergrijzende samenleving. Uit de EARL-studie van Marcel Spanier komt naar voren dat bij acute

  9. Groepsgewijze ambulante alcoholdetoxificatie: eerste resultaten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, B.A.G.; Kisjes, H.; Jong, C.A.J. de


    Alcoholgebruik is wijd verspreid in de Nederlandse samenleving. Slechts 0,3% van de mensen met alcoholmisbruik of alcoholafhankelijkheid klopt aan bij de verslavingszorg. In de praktijk blijkt er een groot verschil te bestaan tussen intramurale en individuele ambulante detoxificatie. Om dit hiaat op

  10. Naar nieuwe verdienmodellen : vanwege het provisieverbod: voor intermediairs in de financiële dienstverlening - Research verslag

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    André Kloosterman


    Het intermediair in de financiële dienstverlening speelt een belangrijke rol in de Nederlandse samenleving. De verkoop van financiële producten zoals verzekeringen, hypotheken, pensioenen, financiële planningen, etc. vindt grofweg op twee verschillende manieren plaats: hetzij rechtstreeks via de

  11. Eiland op drift : de sociale organisatie van een kleine Caribische samenleving : St. Eustatius

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bor, van den W.


    The island of St. Eustatius is one of the least known and forgotten places within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Yet the island does have an illustrious history and it played an important part in trade within the Caribbean area, particularly in the eighteenth century. St. Eustatius was an important

  12. Technostress reikt verder dan alleen technologie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamsteeg-van Egmond, M.; Dam, L. van; Eerenbeemt, J. van den; Hermans, L.; Zwaan, L. van der


    Vaak associeert men technostress met ‘frustratie met niet-werkende techniek’, ‘gedwongen werken met onbegrijpelijke software’ of ‘digitalisering’. Maar technostress is een veel breder en complexer fenomeen in onze samenleving en op onze werkvloeren geworden. En veel mensen realiseren zich niet dat

  13. Recht en Computer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Hof, Simone; Lodder, A.R.; Zwenne, G.J.


    Dertig geleden waren er nog nauwelijks computers, twintig jaar geleden werd internet amper gebruikt en 10 jaar geleden bestond er nog geen smart phone en waren vrienden niet in hoofdzaak virtueel. De samenleving is ingrijpend veranderd en van het recht in de informatiemaatschappij kan hetzelfde

  14. 'Het gaat niet over zwart en wit'

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Drs. Kennedy Aquilino Tielman; prof dr Douwe Beijaard; Dr. Perry den Brok; Dr. S. Bolhuis


    'Het gaat niet over zwart en wit' De meeste mbo-scholen hebben samenwerking tussen de leerlingen hoog in het vaandel. Kunnen samenwerken is belangrijk voor de latere beroepsuitoefening en het functioneren van de leerlingen in de samenleving. De grote culturele diversiteit binnen de leerlingpopulatie

  15. Het eind van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kolk, A.


    Hoe gaan ondernemingen, managers en accountants om met eisen en verwachtingen van de samenleving? Deze vraag - na affaires zoals Enron en de bouwfraude actueler dan ooit - heeft tot grote aandacht voor 'maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen' (MVO) geleid. Juist nu echter betoogt Kolk dat het einde

  16. E-Business your business; over de effectiviteit van E-Commerce

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    drs Boudewijn Raessens


    2e ed. Internet heeft in korte tijd een enorme invloed gekregen op onze samenleving. E-mail is in vijf jaar uitgegroeid tot een intensief gebruikt communicatiemiddel. De algemene trend op het gebied van informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) is dat technologie kleiner, sneller, slimmer,

  17. Professionaliteitsopvatting en inclusief onderwijs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilbert Vonck; Jos Bergkamp


    Het denken over inclusief onderwijs gaat over de vormgeving van onderwijs op een zodanige manier dat alle leerlingen daarbinnen een plaats kunnen vinden. Voordat die stap echter kan worden genomen, moet er gekeken worden naar welk 'mandaat' leerkrachten daarbij van de samenleving nodig hebben. Dit

  18. Jeugd met beperkingen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sjoerd Kooiker


    Voor kinderen en jongeren met een lichamelijke of verstandelijke beperking is 'gewoon meedoen' in de samenleving geen vanzelfsprekendheid.  Zij ervaren vaak meer obstakels bij het naar school gaan, het vinden van een baan en in hun vrijetijdsbesteding dan andere kinderen en jongeren. Ook

  19. Mexico and the global problematic: power relations, knowledge and communication in neoliberal Mexico

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gómez-Llata Cázares, E.G.


    Enrique Gómez-Llata onderzocht welke sociale structuren tussen 1980 en 2010 hebben bijgedragen aan de toename van armoede en agressie in de Mexicaanse samenleving. Hij richtte zich met name op de communicatiepraktijken die tijdens deze periode in Mexico gebruikelijk waren. Gómez-Llata concludeert

  20. Societal discontent : Deciphering the Zeitgeist

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Bles, Anne Marthe


    Onrust en onbehagen zijn karakteristieke kenmerken voor deze tijd. In veel landen, waaronder Nederland, is de stemming in de samenleving dat de maatschappij diepe problemen heeft, verrot is. De campagne van president Donald Trump droeg bijvoorbeeld het idee uit dat de Amerikaanse maatschappij in

  1. Platform; trendbreuk mogelijk?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mabelis, A.A.


    Volgens het Nationale Milieubeleidsplan is een trendbreuk in onze samenleving noodzakelijk om de gewenste milieu-doelen te halen. Hoe moet dit bereikt worden? Alleen voorlichting is niet voldoende voor gedragsverandering, en het overheidsbeleid m.b.t. natuur- en milieueducatie zet nog geen zoden aan

  2. Lack of political leadership hinders energy transition. The necessity of cooperation between market parties. Special on Energy Transition; Gemis aan politiek leiderschap belemmert energietransitie. Samenwerking tussen marktpartijen noodzakelijk. Themanummer Energietransitie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Mil, R. (ed.)


    Energy use in the Netherlands must be reduced significantly and the use of sustainable energy increased quickly in order to realize the ambitious targets of 20% sustainable energy in 2020, among other things. Five experts who are involved in the energy transition trajectory consider the targets feasible, but they miss government leadership. [mk]. [Dutch] Het energiegebruik in Nederland moet sterk omlaag en het gebruik van duurzame energie snel omhoog om de ambitieuze doelstellingen van onder meer 20 procent duurzame energie in 2020 te realiseren. Vijf experts die betrokken zijn bij het energietransitietraject vinden de doelstellingen haalbaar, maar missen leiderschap van de overheid.

  3. Reflection on the role of the Dutch government in sustainable supply chains. New phase in the transition of sustainable products; Reflectie op rol overheid bij verduurzaming productketens. Nieuwe fase in transitie naar duurzame producten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vermeulen, W. [Copernicus Instituut voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling en Innovatie, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht (Netherlands); Kok, M.; Van Oorschot, M. [Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving PBL, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    This article is based on an exploratory study which analyses some of the earliest multi-actor sustainable supply chain governance systems in order to answer the key research questions: Which strategies and instruments do governments - national and supranational - apply in advancing sustainable production and consumption in global supply chains; and What is known about the effectiveness of these strategies and instruments? The study focuses on two supply chains with the longest history of addressing imports from developing countries (tropical timber and coffee). These two supply chains are compared with two supply chains that are gaining increasing attention: - cocoa and tea. The study shows that the two most 'mature' global sustainable supply chains are market led in issuing voluntary certification and that buying certified products is starting to become mainstream and increasingly effective. The sustainable supply chains for tea and cocoa are more recent developments but may develop faster because of the lessons learnt in sustainable supply chains developed earlier. [Dutch] Het marktaandeei van meerdere duurzame producten is inmiddels het nichestadium ontstegen. Die verduurzaming wordt door de overheid primair gezien als een verantwoordelijkheid van de maatschappelijke partners (bedrijfsleven, burgers en belangenorganisaties). Hierbij speelt de overheid slechts een begeleidende rol vanuit de zijlijn. Naarmate de marktaandelen verder toenemen is vanwege tekortkomingen in de markt reflectie op die rol nodig. Als illustratie wordt in dit artikel ingegaan op ontwikkelingen in twee productketens: koffie en hout.

  4. Teaching Robotics in Primary School

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. Lou Slangen


    Robotica onderwijzen in de basisschool De hedendaagse samenleving heeft burgers nodig die beschikken over de kennis en vaardigheden die nodig zijn om verantwoordelijk en op een zinvolle wijze deel te nemen aan de op technologie gebaseerde wereld om hen heen. Het is daarom algemeen aanvaard dat

  5. Te hard van stapel gelopen.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    W-J. Verhoeven (Willem-Jan)


    textabstractHoe goed we ook trachten de samenleving te organiseren, fraude maakt er deel van uit. Dit blijkt uit spraakmakende grote schandalen zoals de Enron-zaak, de Bouwfraude-zaak en de Nigerian letter scams. Maar fraude komt ook op minder geruchtmakende schaal voor, zoals oplichting op

  6. Inclusief Onderwijs - Dilemma's en Uitdagingen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. Hans Schuman


    Het boek beschrijft de worsteling van het Nederlandse onderwijs met het omgaan met en het vormgeven van diversiteit. Het laat zien hoe het huidige gesegregeerde systeem is ontstaan en wat de gevolgen zijn voor kinderen, jongeren en hun ouders. Een samenleving die begint met uitsluiten, blijft

  7. Dutch industry, smart(est) industry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sol, E.J.; Steinbuch, M.; Keulen, F. van; Houten, F.J.A.M.; Horst, T.J.J. van der


    Digitalisering verandert onze samenleving. De combinatie van opkomende technologieën, zoals het Internet, micro-sensoren, 3D-printing en big data maakt volledig nieuwe producten en diensten mogelijk. In de industrie wordt niet voor niets gesproken over een vierde industriële revolutie. Het is voor

  8. De techniek van de Nederlandse samenleving

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Vanpaemel


    Full Text Available Technology in Dutch societyTIN-20 takes the traditional history of technology one step further and transforms it into a contextual history of technical artefacts. In this way, technology (and the technical genius behind it is reduced to little more than a plaything between social actors. The author argues that more attention should be given to the particular features of technological (and scientific genius and to an archaeology of this genius in the material, and particularly spiritual, evolution of Dutch society.

  9. Sociale media: nieuwe wegen naar sociale innovatie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Salverda, I.E.; Jagt, van der P.D.; Willemse, R.; Onwezen, M.C.; Top, J.L.


    Hoewel de rol en impact van internet en de sociale media in de samenleving algemeen worden aangenomen, is het nog niet duidelijk of en hoe het communiceren en delen van informatie via internet en de sociale media bijdragen aan het ontstaan van sociale innovatie. Hoofdvragen van deze verkenning zijn

  10. Dam tot damloop : economische en maatschappelijke waarde

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Nooij, Michiel; Horsselenberg, Peter


    Ruim 36.757 lopers (op de hoofdafstand!) en 115.000 bezoekers langs het parcours van het centrum van Amsterdam naar het centrum van Zaanstad, maakt de Dam tot damloop een groot evenement (het grootste hardloop evenement van Nederland) met een flinke impact op de (lokale) samenleving en economie. Dit

  11. Een feitenvrije geneeskunde?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bossuyt, P. M. M.


    A recently released report by the Dutch Council for Public Health and Society ('Raad voor Volksgezondheid en Samenleving') is subtitled "About the illusion of evidence-based practice in healthcare". The author argues that this report is a sign of the times, a period of "post-truth medicine" and

  12. Wat maakt een slimme meter echt slim?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smit, Gerardus Johannes Maria; Kokkeler, Andre B.J.; Bakker, Vincent; Bosman, M.G.C.; Molderink, Albert; Croes, Roel

    In de Tweede Kamer laaide in 2008 een discussie op naar aanleiding van geluiden uit de samenleving over het wel of niet verplicht installeren van slimme meters in huizen. Voor- en tegenstanders van een verplichte invoer gebruiken ondertussen alle media om de algemene opinie te beïnvloeden.

  13. The good and bad of stress : implications for memory and adaptive processes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wichmann, Romy


    Stress spedt een steeds grotere rol in onze moderne samenleving. Iedereen is er ooit mee geconfronteerd en moet ermee omgaan. Echter hoeft stress niet noodzakelijk slecht te Op de korte termiin kan stress, of de lichamelijke reactie op stress, ons helpen om in tijden van druk beter te

  14. Potential for energy saving and renewable energy in Utrecht, Netherlands. Preliminary validation for the Utrecht municipality; Potentieel energiebesparing en duurzame energie Utrecht. Onderbouwingsnotitie voor de gemeente Utrecht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benner, J.H.B.; Warringa, G.E.A.


    Utrecht has stated its intention to achieve CO2 neutrality of the local energy supply by 2030. Having conducted its own exploratory study into the steps that would need to be taken to achieve this aim, City Hall asked CE Delft to pass judgment on the target and how it is hoped to be achieved. While characterized by both CE Delft and interviewed scientists as very substantial, Utrecht's ambitions are also regarded as a worthy aim to pursue. City Hall's estimates of the reduction potential of the envisaged measures 28% of total projected emission cuts in 2030 via energy efficiency measures and 35% via renewable energy - are deemed realistic by CE Delft. Although the potential reduction via all options was estimated on the basis of the maximum feasible potential, there still remains a substantial policy gap. The analysis makes clear that robust policy choices are required in order to come close to achieving the stated ambitions [Dutch] De gemeente Utrecht heeft zich tot doel gesteld om in 2030 de lokale energievoorziening CO2-neutraal te hebben. Binnen de gemeente is een ambtelijke verkenning uitgevoerd naar de maatregelen om invulling te geven aan deze ambitie. Utrecht heeft CE Delft gevraagd een oordeel te geven over de ambitie en de invulling daarvan. De ambitie van Utrecht wordt zowel door CE Delft als geïnterviewde wetenschappers getypeerd als fors, maar tegelijk als een goed punt aan de horizon om naar toe te werken. De inschattingen van Utrecht rond het reductiepotentieel van de maatregelen worden door CE Delft beoordeeld als realistisch. Dit houdt in dat 28% van de totaal verwachte uitstoot in 2030 wordt gereduceerd door besparingsmaatregelen en 35% met de inzet van duurzame energie. Hoewel bij de inschatting van de mogelijke reductie voor alle opties is gerekend met het maximaal haalbare potentieel resteert er een aanzienlijk beleidsgat. De analyse maakt duidelijk dat echte beleidskeuzen nodig zijn om realisatie van de ambitie te benaderen.

  15. Voedsel en recht in de jagersverzamelaarssamenleving van de Inuit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bastmeijer, Kees; Rasing, Willem


    Als één van de laatste artikelen van de Rode draad ‘Voedsel en recht’ maken wij een uitstap naar een samenleving waarin jacht en voedsel nog in sterke mate het dagelijks leven bepaalden: de traditionele Inuit (Eskimo’s). Welke regels over voedsel kenden zij? En kunnen deze normen ons iets vertellen

  16. Over burgerparticipatie, welzijnsbeleid en de WMO. Historiografie van de werksoort maatschappelijk activeringswerk

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith Metz


    Full Text Available Starting at January, 2007 the Netherlands have new legislation that has high expectations of social support by the civil society. Central question in this article is where the appeal on the Dutch civil society comes from and how it is related to national social policy. This question is answered by a historiography of the relatively unknown, specific kind of Dutch welfare work, called “maatschappelijk activeringswerk”. The function of this specific kind of welfare work is to build and activate networks concentrated around a shared religion or worldview to contribute to the welfare of Dutch society. Thereby the historiography of this specific kind of welfare work can function as a model of how the commitment and contribution of the Dutch citizens and their associations to the welfare of society has developed. This article provides also insight in the change of the allocation of responsibility for the welfare of society between citizens, government and social institutions. De Wmo doet voor de zorg voor het welzijn van de samenleving een beroep op de civil society. Dit artikel tracht antwoord te geven op de vraag waar dat beroep op de civil society in de Wmo eigenlijk vandaan komt en hoe dat beroep zich verhoudt tot het welzijnsbeleid en tot de verdeling van de verantwoordelijkheid voor dat welzijn van de samenleving. Deze vraag wordt beantwoord aan de hand van een historiografie van de werksoort maatschappelijk activeringswerk. Deze historigrafie laat zien hoe de betrokkenheid van burgers en hun verbanden bij het welzijn van de Nederlandse samenleving zich heeft ontwikkeld. Het artikel geeft eveneens inzicht in de veranderingen in de verdeling van verantwoordelijkheden voor het maatschappelijk welzijn tussen burgers, overheid en sociale verbanden.

  17. Ebola: werknemers in de frontlijn

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maas, Jaap


    Ebola is de zoveelste zoönose die de Nederlandse samenleving treft binnen een paar jaar tijd. Denk maar aan de Mexicaanse griep, het Schmallenbergvirus, H5N8 aviaire influenza, MERS-CoV16, Q-koorts en de ziekte van Lyme. De schaal waarop Nederlandse UMC’s en andere ketenpartners zich voorbereiden op

  18. Integrated production - Product zonder markt?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zadoks, J.C.


    Het vermarkten van zowel ecologisch als economisch duurzame landbouwproducten (vollegrondsgroenten die geïntegreerd of biologisch zijn geproduceerd) was de rode draad op een internationale workshop in Amsterdam

  19. Duurzame landbouw in beeld


    Brouwer, F.M.; Bont, de, C.J.A.M.; Leneman, H.; Meulen, van der, H.A.B.


    Sustainable agriculture in the picture provides a systematic overview of the available data that are relevant for debate on transitions towards sustainable agriculture. Review for the agocomplex, greenhouse horticulture, dairy farming and pig farming. Indicators on economy, environment, nature, animal welfare, human and animal health. Results achieved in practice for the three dimensions of sustainable agriculture, namely economics ('profit'), ecology ('planet') and socio-cultural ('people').

  20. Duurzame landbouw in beeld

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwer, F.M.; Bont, de C.J.A.M.; Leneman, H.; Meulen, van der H.A.B.


    Sustainable agriculture in the picture provides a systematic overview of the available data that are relevant for debate on transitions towards sustainable agriculture. Review for the agocomplex, greenhouse horticulture, dairy farming and pig farming. Indicators on economy, environment, nature,

  1. Zelfregulering als een vernieuwend concept van professionaliteit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerard Donkers


    Full Text Available Self-regulation as an innovative concept of professionalismThis contribution opens with a discussion of three sources of knowledge that form a foundation for the concept of “selfregulation” as developed by Donkers. It starts with a historical enquiry on the Western European ideas about change and changeability of people and society. Three paradigms of change appear which in every period of modern history conflicted with each other and thereby became refined and differentiated. A second source relates to practice research to a number of methods for social intervention. The third source is a critical reflection on contemporary societal developments. Central in that reflection are all kinds of expropriation of self-direction – in – dialogue with others and processes of fragmentation of the complex societal reality. From these three sources a plea is given for a new concept of professionalism marked by strong attention for the reinforcement of the selfregulating possibilities of persons, organizations and society.In the second part Geertsema focusses on the relation between change and intervention and values that are part of these processes. As the Dutch society seems to be in a third order transition, without a clear view of the new situation, the urgency of value debates is high. But the late modernity seems to be imprisoned in notions of individuality that puts strong pressure upon more relational ontologies and mutual responsibilities. Besides that growing anonymous and invisible systems influence the formation of daily life deeply. If there will be a situation of relational ontology which make use of the powers of diversity and multiplicity of our existence, then change agents should take a moral stance by themselves to create space for numerous narratives. The concept of “selfregulation” makes it possible to relate these value debates with debates about the design of society in this transition situation.Zelfregulering als een

  2. Crisis! Re/Constructing Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coumans, Anke


    Elk jaar wordt een afgelegen locatie, zoals een eiland, getransformeerd tot een internationale ontmoetingsplaats waar workshops over kunst, media, gaming, wetenschap, technologie en duurzame innovatie worden gegeven. De uitwisselingsweek is transdisciplinair en stimuleert dialoog en actieve

  3. Towards Self-Healing Organic Electronics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostra, Antoon


    Om broeikasgassen te verminderen moet de energieconsumptie van onder andere verlichting verminderd worden en moet de duurzame energieopbrengst verhoogd worden. Organische lichtgevende diodes (OLEDs) en organische zonnecellen (OSCs) zijn twee technologische toevoegingen aan de huidige op kristallijne

  4. A new school. Can it be improved? Report of a search. Part 1; Een nieuwe school. Kan het ook beter? Verslag van een zoektocht. Deel 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bronsema, B. [Faculteit der Bouwkunde, Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft (Netherlands)


    While the situation in schools may have improved, new problems have also arisen. E.g. air quality which was never an issue years ago, and the increase of asthma and allergies, particularly among children and young adults. Is our society unable to build good schools, are the budgets too low, is there too little knowledge or is it a combination of factors?. [Dutch] De situatie op scholen is weliswaar enigszins verbeterd, maar er zijn ook nieuwe problemen gekomen. Denk maar aan de luchtverontreiniging die we vroeger nauwelijks kenden en aan de sterke groei van astma en allergie, vooral bij kinderen en jong volwassenen. Denk ook aan de ICT voorzieningen (die er vaak niet zijn) en het computeronderwijs, waarmee het op de meeste scholen maar behelpen is. Is onze samenleving niet in staat goede scholen te bouwen, zijn de budgetten te laag, moet er bij de bouw beter worden nagedacht, is er te weinig kennis of is het een combinatie van factoren? Nadenken kost geen geld en dat is een goede reden om daarmee te beginnen.

  5. Micro-alg doet oliepalm na

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jaeger, de L.


    Veel plantaardige olie in ons dieet komt van palmolieplantages uit Zuidoost-Azië waarvoor regenwoud is gekapt. Promovendus Lenny de Jaeger zocht naar een alg die deze olie op duurzame wijze kan maken. Hij ontwikkelde een veelbelovende kandidaat.

  6. Varkenshouder spil in ontwerp duurzaam systeem

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Waninge, A.


    In het verleden zetten varkenshouders nogal eens vraagtekens bij het realiteitsgehalte van schetsen van futuristische varkenshouderijsystemen. Binnen het project ‘Varkansen’ krijgen varkenshouders de kans zelf mee te praten over de ontwikkeling van een duurzame varkenshouderij. Zowel onderzoekers

  7. Smart operation; Slim bezig

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stokman, H. [Direct Current, Aalsmeer (Netherlands)


    In the project Decent a direct current (DC) grid has been developed as a medium and low voltage DC distribution network. Already all electronic devices work on DC, and renewable resources produce DC. The DC grid connects the DC users and resources directly. The project is the first testing area in Europe where, in addition to the users and resources, the intelligent infrastructure itself will be working on DC. It will also demonstrate that DC is more efficient and uses less raw material than alternating current (AC) [Dutch] De energiewereld staat aan de vooravond van revolutionaire veranderingen. Duurzame opwekking van elektriciteit wordt steeds belangrijker, omdat fossiele brandstoffen in rap tempo opraken. Om grootschalige duurzame opwekking in de nabije toekomst mogelijk te kunnen maken, zat het huidige 'verouderde' elektriciteitsnet en de infrastructuur aangepast moeten worden. Innoveren met gelijkspanning biedt de oplossing.

  8. Opportunities for farmers: 'Safe' vegetables for Hanoi

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijk, van M.S.; Huu Cuong, T.; Nguyen Anh Tru,; Pham Van Hoi,


    Vietnamese boeren gebruiken voor de intensieve groententeelt veel verschillende pesticiden, waaronder zeer gevaarlijke. Nieuwe, winstgevende markten zijn een stimulans om over te gaan op meer duurzame productie. Het huidige marketing systeem maakt het moeilijk een 100 procent waterdichte "veilige"

  9. Towards human and social sustainability indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hilderink HBM; LOK


    Sinds de Brundtland commissie het rapport ten aanzien van duurzame ontwikkeling heeft gepresenteerd, heeft een groot aantal instellingen getracht deze te operationaliseren en/of the verfijnen met andere, gerelateerde concepten. In deze nieuwe concepten komen aspecten als armoede en

  10. Isoproturon in de graanteelt : alternatieven voor isoproturon voor schoner water

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Slabbekoorn, J.J.; Zeeland, van M.G.; Weide, van der R.Y.


    Binnen het praktijknetwerk Telen met toekomst testen en beoordelen agrarisch ondernemers nieuwe duurzame teeltmaatregelen in de praktijk. Eén daarvan is het zoeken van alternatieven voor isoproturon. Hiermee proberen zij een stap dichter bij de waterkwaliteitsdoelstellingen uit de kaderrichtlijn

  11. Fit4SE: Quantified Self @Work

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gritter, Anita; Lentferink, Aniek


    De poster is gepresenteerd tijdens het congres Healthy Work, Good for Business, Health Hub Roden op 29 april 2016. De poster presenteert het promotietraject waarbinnen wearable technology en persuasive eCoaching worden gecombineerd om duurzame inzetbaarheid onder werknemers te bevorderen. Wearable

  12. Towards human and social sustainability indicators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hilderink HBM; LOK


    Sinds de Brundtland commissie het rapport ten aanzien van duurzame ontwikkeling heeft gepresenteerd, heeft een groot aantal instellingen getracht deze te operationaliseren en/of the verfijnen met andere, gerelateerde concepten. In deze nieuwe concepten komen aspecten als armoede en ontwikkeling,

  13. Toekomst intensieve veehouderij in Zuid-Holland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeij, I.; Migchels, G.; Vogelzang, T.A.


    De intensieve veehouderij in Zuid-Holland is de afgelopen tien jaar gehalveerd. De Provinciale Staten willen de intensieve veehouderij in Zuid- Holland te convergeren naar een diervriendelijke, duurzame en meer extensieve bedrijfsvoering. De provincie kan zich hiervoor richten op veehouderijsystemen

  14. CFD voor een gezonde en comfortabele stedelijke omgeving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blocken, B.J.E.


    Stedebouwfysica omvat de studie van fysische processen om te zorgen voor een gezonde, comfortabele en duurzame stedelijke omgeving. Dit artikel bespreekt kort de belangrijke rol die CFD-simulaties hierin kunnen spelen, op voorwaarde dat hun nauwkeurigheid en betrouwbaarheid gegarandeerd zijn. Het

  15. Criminaliteit en criminologie in een gedigitaliseerde wereld


    Erp, Judith; Stol, D.W.; Wilsem, Johan


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Wat betekent de komst van het internet voor criminaliteit en de bestrijding ervan? Dit themanummer staat stil bij deze belangrijke ontwikkeling in onze samenleving. In deze redactionele inleiding staan we allereerst stil bij de aan het internet gelieerde criminaliteit: cybercrime. Wat is het precies? Vervolgens richten we ons op de criminologische hoofdvragen die de opkomst van het internet met zich meebrengt. Ontstaat hierdoor meer criminaliteit? Wie zijn de betr...

  16. Duurzame vernieuwing in naoorlogse wijken

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bus, André Gerardus


    The majority of human activities, including consumption, take place in urban areas. These activities are possible through the input and output of streams like energy, water, materials, goods and waste. Due to human activities citizens are often confronted with local environmental problems like air

  17. A sustainable swimming pool, an example for society; Een duurzaam zwembad, een voorbeeld voor de samenleving

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klok, T. [DWA installatie- en energieadvies, Bodegraven (Netherlands)


    Swimming pools are public buildings. Generally, the local authorities are responsible for their housing. New constructions or renovations are usually based on high ambitions for environmental conservation, partly because no other building uses as much energy as a swimming pool. [Dutch] Een zwembad is een publiek gebouw. Meestal is de gemeentelijke overheid verantwoordelijk voor de huisvesting. Bij nieuwbouw of renovatie zijn de ambities met betrekking tot milieubesparing vaak hoog, mede omdat bijna geen enkel gebouw is zo energie-intensief als een zwembad.

  18. Strategic stock management task for building corporations. Energy as part of the house quality; Strategisch voorraadbeheer taak woningcorporaties. Energie als onderdeel van de woonkwaliteit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burdorf, E. [DWA installatie en energieadvies, Bodegraven (Netherlands)


    From a strategic stock management perspective building corporations should have a vision on what is important for future target groups: young or old, families or singles, income, etc. Those aspects have a great impact on the level of facilities and provisions in houses and the possibility to adjust houses by applying domotics, comfort cooling, care facilities, the use of renewable energy systems. [Dutch] Vanuit het strategisch voorraadbeheer van woningcorporaties is een visie op de toekomstige doelgroepen van belang. Vindt er een verschuiving plaats van jong naar oud? Gezinnen of juist alleenstaanden? Welke inkomensgroepen worden bediend? Dergelijke vragen hebben grote invloed op het voorzieningenniveau in de woningen. Flexibiliteit inbouwen door woningen gemakkelijk aanpasbaar te maken voor domotica, comfortkoeling, zorgfuncties, en met oog voor de opties voor duurzame energie. Want met de huidige stijgende energieprijzen kunnen de energielasten stijgen tot 40 procent van de woonkosten. Dat vraagt aandacht voor de post energie.

  19. Brandstof en plastic uit dezelfde biomassa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ree, van R.


    De productie van tweede generatie biobrandstoffen is nog te duur om aan de grote vraag naar duurzame brandstof te kunnen voldoen. Een consortium van internationale organisaties werkt daarom aan een beter productieproces en wil meer uit biomassa gaan halen dan alleen ethanol

  20. Natural resource use for food : land, water and energy in production and consumption systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leenes, Popkje Winfrieda


    We consumeren steeds meer vlees, fruit, koffie en alcohol. Daardoor is er meer land, water en energie nodig voor onze voedselproductie. Inmiddels nemen mensen in ontwikkelingslanden ons niet-duurzame westerse eetpatroon over. Dit kan de druk op schaarse natuurlijke hulpbronnen verder vergroten.

  1. Marketing strategy & organization : Building sustainable business

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moenaert, R.K.; Robben, H.S.J.; Gouw, de M.


    Marketing als duurzame business. Hét basiswerk over het plannen en implementeren van marketingactiviteiten om het concurrentievermogen van een organisatie te optimaliseren. Een science-based en praktische synthese van ideeën en modellen die een duurzaam onderscheid in de markt daadwerkelijk mogelijk

  2. Oude graslanden, bron van genetische diversiteit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Treuren, van R.; Soest, van L.J.M.


    Het Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen onderzoekt, aan de hand van Engels raaigras en witte klaver, de genetische diversiteit in oude, extensief beheerde graslanden in Nederland. De aanwezige diversiteit kan dienen als basis voor de ontwikkeling van nieuwe rassen voor duurzame landbouw. De eerste

  3. Landbouwwetenschappen in de samenleving van nu en morgen.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kleefmann, F.


    Verslag van een bekroonde inzending op een prijsvraag in het jubileumthema van het KGVL (Koninklijk Genootschap van Landbouw) "Zijn en blijven er landbouwwetenschappen?". De auteur noemt in zijn essay drie aspekten van de landbouw welke drie omvangrijke probleemvelden omvatten. Hij wijst op de

  4. Inclusie, (on)gewoon doen!: Eindrapportage onderzoek professionals en inclusie


    Wilken, Jean Pierre; Knevel, Jeroen


    Werken aan meer inclusie en participatie van mensen met beperkingen blijkt in de praktijk weerbarstig. Wat is er nodig om aan inclusie te werken? Welke kennis en competenties hebben professionals nodig? Wat wordt van mensen met beperking zelf en hun netwerk gevraagd? Welke werkwijzen en activiteiten dragen bij aan meer inclusie? Antwoorden op deze vragen kan het meedoen en meetellen van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking in de samenleving een stukje dichterbij brengen.

  5. Technostress reikt verder dan alleen technologie


    Kamsteeg-van Egmond, M.; Dam, L. van; Eerenbeemt, J. van den; Hermans, L.; Zwaan, L. van der


    Vaak associeert men technostress met ‘frustratie met niet-werkende techniek’, ‘gedwongen werken met onbegrijpelijke software’ of ‘digitalisering’. Maar technostress is een veel breder en complexer fenomeen in onze samenleving en op onze werkvloeren geworden. En veel mensen realiseren zich niet dat de belangrijkste oorzaken van technostress zich onder de oppervlakte bevinden. In deze brochure beschrijven we technostress, leggen we de vinger op dieper liggende oorzaken van technostress en wijze...

  6. Recht en Computer


    van der Hof, Simone; Lodder, A.R.; Zwenne, G.J.


    Dertig geleden waren er nog nauwelijks computers, twintig jaar geleden werd internet amper gebruikt en 10 jaar geleden bestond er nog geen smart phone en waren vrienden niet in hoofdzaak virtueel. De samenleving is ingrijpend veranderd en van het recht in de informatiemaatschappij kan hetzelfde gezegd worden. Dit boek biedt een uitgebreid overzicht, in 17 hoofdstukken, geschreven door specialisten op het gebied van ICT en Internetrecht. Aan de orde komen onder andere Cybercrime, Intellectuele...

  7. The price of air pollution; De prijs van luchtverontreiniging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hiemstra-Holtkamp, I.V.L. [Astma Fonds, Leusden (Netherlands)


    The mortality in the Netherlands as a result of exposure to particulates is 18,000 per year. Less known is the high number of cases of sickness cased by air pollution and related cost for the Dutch society. [Dutch] Het sterftecijfer in Nederland als gevolg van blootstelling aan fijn stof is jaarlijks circa 18.000. Minder bekend is de verhoogde ziektelast die luchtverontreiniging veroorzaakt en de kosten die daarmee gepaard gaan voor de Nederlandse samenleving.

  8. Finance as an Instrument to a Sustainable Company

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.B.M. Soppe (Aloy)


    textabstractIn dit proefschrift wordt de rol van de financiering- en beleggingstheorie onderzocht voor een duurzame onderneming. Het doel van deze studies is de ontwikkeling van terminologie over, en het verwerven van inzicht in het duurzaamheidsconcept, zoals toegepast op de theorie en de praktijk

  9. Facilitating the Growth of Local Energy Communities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmerman, Willem Hendrik


    Energietransitie staat hoog op de agenda. Op de route naar een duurzamer energiesysteem zien we de laatste jaren een grote toename van het aantal lokale energie communities. Deze energie communities streven naar duurzaamheid door middel van het stimuleren van energiebesparingen en het realiseren van

  10. Goed Gietwater: Werkpakket 2: Kwaliteit gietwater en groeiprestaties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blok, C.; IJdo, M.L.; Maas, van der A.A.; Marrewijk, van I.


    Referaat De opkweeksector stelt hoge eisen aan de kwaliteit van gietwater ter voorkoming van groeiremming en ziekten. Lozingen en emissies zijn soms een uitweg om risico’s te mijden. Het project Goed Gietwater beoogt de ontwikkeling van een duurzame watertechnologie voor opkweekbedrijven in de

  11. "This one is stronger" : Spotlights on the lifelong learning professional-in-action

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Linden, Josje


    Om te kunnen omgaan met de veranderende realiteit in leven en werk, wordt wereldwijd een leven lang leren aangemoedigd. Het vierde duurzame ontwikkelingsdoel, vastgesteld in september 2015, weerspiegelt dit: “het verzekeren van kwalitatief goed onderwijs en het bevorderen van de mogelijkheden om een

  12. Over de zin en onzin van ecolabels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Duim, van der V.R.


    In dit forum een discussie over de zin en onzin van ecolabels en keurmerken in toerisme. Voorstanders van eco-labeling plaatsen het debat in de context van een brede visie op milieuverandering. Labels zijn voor duurzame ontwikkeling een essentieel instrument om de belangen van burger-consumenten in

  13. Risico's 'groen' gas voor CO2 - dosering ingeschat : Interview met Tom Dueck en Chris van Dijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visser, Peter; Dueck, T.A.; Dijk, van C.J.


    De overheid wil gebruik van duurzaam 'groen gas' ofwel 'biogas' stimuleren. De vraag is of dit gas een verhoogd risico oplevert bij het gebruik van rookgassen voor CO2-dosering in de tuinbouw. Biogas kan mee helpen aan het gebruik van duurzamer energie in de glastuinbouw

  14. Enterprising with new energy; Ondernemen met nieuwe energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    To realize the transition to a clean economy in 2040 the Dutch province of Utrecht needs to eliminate the emission of 12.1 Mton CO2 annually. Based on the strategy developed by Jeremy Rifkin, the province of Utrecht wants to realize energy saving objectives, have sustainable energy sources used by energy companies and other energy suppliers, adjust dwellings to make them function as ten thousands of small sustainable energy plants, increase the capacity for energy storage and establish an intelligent energy grid. [Dutch] Voor de transitie naar een schone economie in 2040 moet Utrecht een einde hebben gemaakt aan de emissie van 12,1 megaton CO2 per jaar. Gebaseerd op een door Jeremy Rifkin ontwikkelde strategie wil de provincie Utrecht energiebesparingsdoelstellingen realiseren, duurzame energiebronnen door energiebedrijven en andere energieleveranciers laten toepassen, woningen en gebouwen aanpassen zodat zij gaan functioneren als tienduizenden kleine, duurzame energiecentrales, de capaciteit voor energieopslag vergroten, en een intelligent energienet opzetten.

  15. The Silicon Valley Eco System. High-energetic in many ways; Het Silicon Valley Eco Systeem: hoogenergetisch in vele opzichten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van den Heuvel, J.


    The highly commended Silicon Valley Eco System is bubbling with energy with regard to the subjects that are focused upon, including sustainable energy, or the widely available expertise that is needed for the developments, good ideas, capital and optimism, fed by frequent examples of extraordinarily successful companies. The sheer endlessness of network opportunities joins all these elements frequently. This article addresses several noteworthy interactions in the field of sustainable energy over the last period. [Dutch] Het veel geroemde Silicon Valley eco systeem bruist van energie in de vorm van de onderwerpen waar men zich op richt, waaronder duurzame energie, of de ruim aanwezige expertise die nodig is voor de ontwikkelingen, goede ideeen, kapitaal, en optimisme, gevoed door regelmatige voorbeelden van buitensporig succesvolle bedrijven. De schier oneindige netwerkmogelijkheden brengen al deze elementen met grote regelmaat bij elkaar. In dit artikel volgen enkele vermeldenswaardige interacties op het vlak van duurzame energie uit de afgelopen periode.

  16. Werken aan inclusie: Lessen uit zeven proeftuinen


    Knevel, Jeroen; Wilken, Jean Pierre


    Inclusie is een begrip met een hoog ideëel gehalte, waaraan verschillende interpretaties gegeven worden. Een van de meest concrete omschrijvingen vinden we bij Schuurman en Nass (2015) die onder inclusie verstaan: ‘De situatie waarin iemand geen obstakels ervaart om mee te kunnen doen aan de samenleving en specifieke maatregelen voor mensen met een beperking vrijwel niet nodig zijn. Het betekent dat iedereen ongeacht zijn achtergrond of huidige situatie er als vanzelfsprekend bij hoort, ervaa...

  17. Leerstrategieën, leren en verantwoordelijkheid


    Bolhuis, S.M.


    De oratie is opgebouwd in drie hoofdstukken. Onder 'Leren en onderwijs' wordt betoogd waarom het onderwijs moet uitgaan van een bredere visie op leren, inclusief leerstrategieën. Daarbij wordt de relatie tussen kennis en leren besproken en de vele manieren waarom mensen in hun leven leren. Onder 'Kerntaak van het onderwijs' gaat het om de belangrijke verantwoordelijkheid van onderwijs in het handhaven en steeds opnieuw vormgeven van een open, democratische en humane samenleving. Onder 'Thema'...

  18. Bedrijven en kennisinstellingen actief met Biomimicry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Overbeek, G.; Vogelzang, T.A.


    Biomimicry is innovatie geïnspireerd door de natuur en gaat over wat je kunt leren van de natuur i.p.v. wat je eruit kunt gebruiken. De lessen kunnen leiden tot duurzame ontwerpprincipes voor tal van productieprocessen. Daarmee biedt biomimicry een oplossingsgerichte manier van denken voor de groene

  19. Energy monitor of the Dutch flower bulb sector 2010; Energiemonitor van de Nederlandse Bloembollensector 2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wildschut, J. [Praktijkonderzoek Plant en Omgeving PPO, Bloembollen, Boomkwekerij en Fruit, Lisse (Netherlands)


    1313 flower bulb businesses were approached for the Dutch Energy Monitor 2010. The response rate was 60%. Compared to 2008, the energy use per hectare decreased with 6.6% in 2010. The energy use per 1000 forced bulbs has decreased with 18.0%. Energy saving measures were implemented at a larger scale compared to 2009. What is most striking is the strong increase in deployment of a lower circulation standard and multi-layer cultivation. The purchase of green electricity is the most frequently used deployment of sustainable energy for electricity (9.2% of the businesses). Deployment of hot air from the greenhouse for drying purposes is the most frequently used deployment of sustainable thermal energy (18.1% of the businesses). The share of sustainable energy amounts to 2.2%. The CO2 emission from direct use of fossil fuels has decreased with 11.8% compared to 2008 [Dutch] Voor de Energiemonitor 2010 zijn 1313 bloembollenbedrijven aangeschreven. De response was 60%. T.o.v. 2008 is het energieverbruik per hectare in 2010 met 6,6% afgenomen. Het energieverbruik per 1000 stuks broeibollen is met 18,0% afgenomen. Energiebesparende maatregelen werden iets meer toegepast dan in 2009. Opvallend is de sterke toename van het toepassen van een lagere circulatienorm en van meerlagenteelt. Aankoop van groene stroom is de meest toegepaste benutting van duurzame energie voor elektra (9,2% van de bedrijven). Het toepassen van warme kaslucht voor het drogen is de meest toegepaste benutting van duurzame thermische energie (18,1% van de bedrijven). Het aandeel duurzame energie komt op 2,2%. De CO2-uitstoot door het directe verbruik van fossiele brandstoffen is t.o.v. 2008 met 11,8% afgenomen.

  20. Policy and jurisprudence aspects of climate adaptation; Beleids- en rechtswetenschappelijke aspecten van klimaatadaptatie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Driessen, P.P.J.; De Gier, A.A.J.; Van Rijswick, H.F.M.W.; Schueler, B.J. [Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht (Netherlands); Meijerink, S.V. [Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen (Netherlands); Pot, W.D.; Termeer, C.J.A.M. [Wageningen UR, Wageningen (Netherlands); Reudink, M.A.; Tennekes, J. [Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving PBL, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    Questions about the desirable and the most appropriate measures for adaptation of Dutch society to climate change are dealt with. By means of a test one can answer the question whether a proposed measure of climate adaptation is desirable and successful. The first part (A) contains an introductory essay (Towards a climate proof Netherlands, the institutional context). The second part (B) contains the description of the four key elements: Is it appropriate? Is it allowed? Does it fit in? Is it adaptive? This 'four-step test; is applied to three cases related to climate adaptation. [Dutch] Vragen over de wenselijke en de meest geschikte maatregelen voor adaptatie van de Nederlandse samenleving aan de klimaatverandering worden behandeld vanuit een geintegreerde wetenschappelijke benadering. Met behulp van een toets kan men de vraag beantwoorden of een voorgenomen maatregel van klimaatadaptatie wenselijk en succesvol kan zijn. Het eerste deel (A) bevat een inleidend essay (Op weg naar een klimaatbestendig Nederland, de institutionele context). Het tweede deel (B) bevat de beschrijving van de vier elementen van de toets: Hoort het? Mag het? Past het? Is het adaptief? Deze 'Vier-stappentoets' wordt toegepast op een drietal casussen die betrekking hebben op klimaatadaptatie.

  1. Energy conservation indicators cold and heat storage. Revision factsheet cold and heat storage 2009; Besparingskentallen koude- en warmteopslag. Herziening factsheet koude- en warmteopslag 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bosselaar, L. [SenterNovem, Utrecht (Netherlands); Koenders, M.J.B.; Van Helden, M.J.C.; Kleinlugtenbelt, J.H. [IF Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    The aim of the title revision is to update the existing indicators for cold and heat storage as given in the Protocol Monitoring Sustainable Energy [Dutch] Het doel van het onderzoek is om de bestaande set van kentallen voor koude- en warmteopslag uit het Protocol Monitoring Duurzame Energie te actualiseren.

  2. Biobakkie koffie?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Potting, J.M.B.


    Dit document bevat een populaire samenvatting van de resultaten van het project “Duurzame verbekering”. Het project heeft gelopen van najaar 2010 tot juni 2013, en is in gang gezet naar aanleiding van de wens van het Facilitair Bedrijf van Wageningen UR om het gebruik van wegwerpbekers door de eigen

  3. Competent werken aan inclusie


    Van Puyenbroeck, Joris; Verhaegen, Inge; Vos, Els


    Vanuit de visie van sociale inclusie worden rollen voor de opvoeder/begeleider van ‘ondersteuner en ontwikkelaar van netwerken’ en ‘preventiewerker’ belangrijker dan ooit. Het is de opvoeder of begeleider die de taak heeft om ervoor te zorgen dat de ondersteuningsvraag van de cliënt zo goed mogelijk gerealiseerd wordt. Daarbij heeft hij niet alleen belangrijke rol in het empoweren of het versterken van individuen, maar is het evengoed zijn taak, bruggen te slaan naar de samenleving. Sociale ...

  4. Kleine plattelandskernen in de Nederlandse samenleving : schaalvergroting en dorpsbinding

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groot, J.P.


    The 'increase of scale' as a process of social change has a detrimental effect on many small communities in the country. The number of inhabitants in some hamlets, villages, country-towns and other small rural communities is decreasing; small communities have lost to some extent their function as

  5. Energy monitor of the Dutch flower bulb sector 2009; Energiemonitor van de Nederlandse Bloembollensector 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wildschut, J. [Praktijkonderzoek Plant en Omgeving PPO, Bloembollen, Boomkwekerij en Fruit, Lisse (Netherlands)


    1375 flower bulb businesses were approached for the Dutch Energy Monitor 2009. The response rate was 57%. Compared to 2008, the energy use per hectare decreased with 1.5% in 2009. The energy use per 1000 forced bulbs decreased with 9.1%. Energy saving measures were implemented at a slightly larger scale than in 2008. What is striking here is that 78% of the businesses assessed the ethylene-controlled ventilation as non-applicable. The purchase of green electricity is the most frequently used deployment of sustainable energy for electricity (9.8% of all businesses). However, the deployment of wind energy (6 businesses) yields 26% more energy. Deployment of hot greenhouse air for drying purposes is the most frequently used deployment of sustainable thermal energy (17.3% of businesses). The share of sustainable energy amounts to 2.4%. The CO2 emission from direct use of fossil fuels has decreased with 8.1% compared to 2008. [Dutch] Voor de Energiemonitor 2009 zijn 1375 bloembollenbedrijven aangeschreven. De response was 57%. T.o.v. 2008 is het energieverbruik per hectare in 2009 met 1,5% afgenomen. Het energieverbruik per 1000 stuks broeibollen is met 9,1% afgenomen. Energiebesparende maatregelen werden iets meer toegepast dan in 2008. Opvallend hierbij is dat 78% van de bedrijven de ethyleengestuurde ventilatie als niet van toepassing beoordelen. Aankoop van groene stroom is de meest toegepaste benutting van duurzame energie voor elektra (9,8% van de bedrijven). Het toepassen van windenergie (6 bedrijven) brengt echter 26% meer energie op. Het toepassen van warme kaslucht voor het drogen is de meest toegepaste benutting van duurzame thermische energie (17,3% van de bedrijven). Het aandeel duurzame energie komt op 2,4%. De CO2-uitstoot door het directe verbruik van fossiele brandstoffen is t.o.v. 2008 met 8,1% afgenomen.

  6. Certification of sustainability of import of green basic materials. On the necessity and possibilities; Certificering van duurzaamheid van import van groene grondstoffen. Over noodzaak en mogelijkheden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergsma, G.C. [CE, Delft (Netherlands); Hamelynck, B.G. [Eostra, Sibrandabuorren (Netherlands)


    It is expected that in the Netherlands in the near future large quantities of biomass are required to produce electricity, automotive fuels and for the chemical industry. Import of biomass will be inevitable. A working group on this subject studied the criteria for the import of different types of biomass. [Dutch] Voor de toekomst wordt een grootschalige inzet van biomassa voorzien als bron voor elektriciteit, voertuigbrandstoffen en de chemie. De visie die is geformuleerd in de transitie biomassa spreekt zelfs over 30% biomassa in de nationale energie-voorziening in 2040. Import is daarbij onvermijdelijk. Maar hoe kan dit op een duurzame wijze? Inzet van biomassa als duurzame bron, terwijl in het land van herkomst de voedselproductie in het gedrang komt of de biodiversiteit wordt aangetast, is uiteraard niet wenselijk. De vraag is dan ook aan welke criteria de import van verschillende typen biomassa moet voldoen. Hierover is het afgelopen jaar in een werkgroep binnen de energietransitie nagedacht. Dat heeft een algemene lijst opgeleverd met relevante thema's.

  7. Sustainable mobility. Sustainable development and the passenger transportation facilities structure in the Randstad, Netherlands; Duurzame mobiliteit. Duurzame ontwikkeling en de voorzieningenstructuur van het personenvervoer in de Randstad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baggen, J.


    The environmental problems in the Netherlands and the necessity of a sustainable development are outlined in chapter 1. Sustainable development is situated and studied in the area of tension of environment/ecology and economy. Sustainable mobility is located in the area of tension between amenity and accessibility. In chapter 2 a conceptual framework is created to indicate ways that result in a lasting compatibility of (car)mobility with both physical environment and social-economic development. In chapter 3 instruments are chosen for the empirical part of this study: reduction of unwanted car mobility by construction of alternative infrastructure (public transport) in combination with a reduction (prevention) of mobility needs by means of physical planning. A theoretical system description of transport systems in their spatial and regional-economic context is given, resulting in a layout for present and future transport systems, based on transport mode (private and public transport), function (main route or feeder) and spatial level (from international to local). In chapter 4 spatial levels are the basis for a description and analysis of developments and policy in the fields of physical planning, transport and environment. Chapter 6 gives a description and an analysis of present facilities structures and their effects on amenity in the area of study. In chapter 7 a number of land-use scenarios for facilities structures and effects on amenity of passenger transport in future are designed for the Randstad in 2015. These scenarios are chosen on the basis of a number of factors that effect land-use planning: the exogenous effects of demographic developments and endogenous effects of physical planning on future land-use of the study area. A combination of these two factors results in four land-use scenarios. They are mainly supplemented with various configurations of housing locations on the basis of different physical planning principles. (Abstract Truncated)

  8. Residents use energy, buildings do not; Bewoners gebruiken energie, gebouwen niet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abdalla, G. [BAM Techniek, Benningbroek (Netherlands)


    Innovative HVAC systems and energy saving measurements are essential elements in sustainable housing projects. The way residents use their HVAC systems can strongly affect the achievement of project sustainability goals. Residents' interaction can be influenced by their behavior, needs, expectations and lifestyle. This article is based on the thesis 'Sustainable Residential Districts: the residents' role in project success'. The study recommends building professionals employing HVAC systems that satisfy both resident's needs and behavior in a sustainable way and coaching residents to use their HVAC systems in an energy efficient way [Dutch] Bewoners zijn de spil in duurzame woninginitiatieven. Zij bepalen voor een groot deel het slagen of mislukken van een project. Maar wat is precies hun invloed? De vraagstelling 'Een verkeerde installatie of verkeerd gebruik?' is een goed startpunt om technische oplossingen en gedrag van bewoners aan elkaar te koppelen om zo knelpunten en mogelijke antwoorden te ontdekken. Dit artikel belicht de bevindingen van het proefschrift 'Sustainable Residential Districts: the residents' role in project success'. Hierin is uitgebreid onderzocht welke bewoners-gerelateerde aspecten van belang zijn in duurzame wijken.

  9. Domotics in existing houses for elderly people. Evaluation of the project Lidwinahof. People, Planet, Profit; Domotica in bestaande seniorenwoningen. Evaluatie project Lidwinahof. People, Planet, Profit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schouw, J.; Corpeleijn, M.; Poiesz, E. [CEA, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


    Domotics is applied in 49 houses for elderly people of the building complex Lidwinahof in Best, Netherlands. The domotics application concerns the functions safety (burglary, control of access, fire), care (emergency call, measurement of activity) and comfort (lighting). Among all residents an evaluation has been carried out from the perspective of sustainable development. A precondition for sustainable development is a balance between social, ecological and economical benefits (People, Planet and Profit). Results before and after the application of domotics are compared. [Dutch] De afgelopen jaren hebben diverse woningcorporaties een pilot-project met domotica uitgevoerd, met name met toepassingen op het gebied van wonen en zorg. Domein (woningcorporatie in Eindhoven, Best en Son en Breugel) was in het voorjaar van 2002 de eerste woningcorporatie die domotica heeft toegepast in de bestaande bouw (49 seniorenwoningen van het complex Lidwinahof in Best). Het systeem bevatte de functies veiligheid (inbraak, toegangscontrole, brand), zorg (noodoproep, activiteitsmeting) en comfort (verlichting). Onder alle bewoners is een evaluatie uitgevoerd vanuit het perspectief van duurzame ontwikkeling. Voorwaarde voor duurzame ontwikkeling is een balans tussen sociale, ecologische en economische opbrengsten (People, Planet en Profit). De resultaten op deze drie gebieden voor en na toepassing van domotica zijn vergeleken.

  10. Final report of the NIDO-programme 'Growing old in your own home'; Eindrapportage NIDO-programma 'In eigen omgeving oud worden'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kester, J.; Bakker, E.J. [ECN Duurzame Energie in de Gebouwde Omgeving DEGO, Petten (Netherlands)


    The aim of the title programme (EOW, abbreviated in Dutch) of the National Initiative Sustainable Development (NIDO, abbreviated in Dutch) was to initiate and stimulate the development of sustainable houses for elderly people with more comfort and safety and low use of energy and materials, focusing on information and communication technology applications, also know as domotics. In this report an overview is given of the EOW programme, its contents and results. [Dutch] Met het programma 'In Eigen Omgeving Oud Worden' (EOW) heeft NIDO (Nationaal Initiatief Duurzame Ontwikkeling) zich gericht op het wonen en de zorg voor ouderen. Doelstelling van het programma is om een impuls te geven aan de ontwikkeling van duurzame woningen voor ouderen, met meer comfort en veiligheid en een zo laag mogelijk energie- en materiaalgebruik. Hierbij wordt gefocust op de rol die ICT-toepassingen in en om de woning en bijbehorende diensten - ook wel 'domotica' genoemd - kunnen spelen. Het gaat om extra voorzieningen in woningen op het gebied van veiligheid, comfort en zorg. Duurzaam domotica toepassen betekent vraaggericht aanbieden, diensten combineren, veiligheid optimaliseren en extra energiegebruik in woningen beperken. Dit rapport beschrijft de opzet, de inhoud en de resultaten van dit programma.

  11. Signs of Transition; Tekens van Transitie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Leenders, C.; Baidenmann, J.


    This book contains 14 inspiring experiences with making the energy system more sustainable that make clear that the energy transition is progressing. Two examples are provided for each of the seven themes: (1) Sustainable electricity (Agriport A7, Wind park Prinses Amalia); (2) Energy in the built environment (passive houses, conceptual building); (3) Chain efficiency (searching for CO2, process intensification); (4) New gas (biogas from manure, High efficiency boiler); (5) Sustainable mobility (electric driving, bus on biogas); (6) greenhouse as source of energy (closing the greenhouses, tomatoes on geothermal heat); and (7) green resources (biorefinery of grass, pyrolisis of biomass) [Dutch] Dit boek bevat veertien inspirerende ervaringen met verduurzaming van de energiehuishouding die duidelijk maken dat er voortgang zit in energietransitie. Er worden twee voorbeelden gegeven voor elk van de zeven thema's: (1) Duurzame Elektriciteit (Agriport A7, Windpark Prinses Amalia); (2) Energie in de Gebouwde Omgeving (Passiefhuizen, Conceptueel Bouwen); (3) Keten-Efficiency (Op zoek naar CO2, Procesintensificatie); (4) Nieuw Gas (Biogas uit mest, HR-e ketel); (5) Duurzame Mobiliteit (Elektrisch rijden, Bus op biogas); (6) Kas als Energiebron (De kassen sluiten, Tomaten op aardwarmte); en (7) Groene Grondstoffen (Bioraffinage van gras, Pyrolyse van biomassa)

  12. Toezicht in de open samenleving : Maatschappelijke controle op multinationale ondernemingen


    van Erp, J.G.


    Globalisering creëert nieuwe mogelijkheden voor het houden van toezicht op multinationale ondernemingen. Dat is de kern van de oratie die professor Judith van Erp uitsprak bij de aanvaarding van de leerstoel Publieke Instituties aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Globalisering heeft voor ondernemingen veel nieuwe mogelijkheden gecreëerd, maar ook nieuwe gelegenheden voor organisatiecriminaliteit. Daarom moet toezicht zich vernieuwen. In haar leerstoel wil Van Erp nieuwe toezichtinstituties onderzoe...

  13. Toezicht in de open samenleving : Maatschappelijke controle op multinationale ondernemingen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Erp, J.G.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/161941958


    Globalisering creëert nieuwe mogelijkheden voor het houden van toezicht op multinationale ondernemingen. Dat is de kern van de oratie die professor Judith van Erp uitsprak bij de aanvaarding van de leerstoel Publieke Instituties aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Globalisering heeft voor ondernemingen

  14. Flower Life: ontwikkeling duurzame bloembehandelingstechnologieën

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Woltering, E.J.; Harkema, H.


    Adequate behandeling van snijbloemen ter voorkoming van ethyleeneffecten, vatverstopping en blad(vergelings)problemen is een noodzaak bij langdurige bewaring en transport. De middelen die hiervoor beschikbaar zijn worden toegepast als voorbehandeling, transportbehandeling of nabehandeling. Een

  15. New feedstocks for biofuels. Alternative 1st generation of energy crops; Nieuwe Grondstoffen voor Biobrandstoffen. Alternatieve 1e Generatie Energiegewassen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elbersen, W. [Agrotechnology and Food Sciences Group, WUR-AFSG, Wageningen (Netherlands); Oyen, L. [Plant Resources of Tropical Africa, WUR-PROTA, Wageningen (Netherlands)


    A brief overview is provided of a number of alternative crops that can supply feedstocks for 1st generation biofuels and a brief analysis is conducted of the option for renewable biofuel production. [Dutch] Er wordt een kort overzicht gegeven van een aantal alternatieve gewassen die grondstoffen voor 1e generatie biobrandstoffen kunnen leveren en wordt er een korte analyse gegeven van de mogelijkheid voor duurzame biobrandstofproductie.

  16. Isoproturon in de graanteelt : alternatieven voor isoproturon voor schoner water


    Slabbekoorn, J.J.; Zeeland, van, M.G.; Weide, van der, R.Y.


    Binnen het praktijknetwerk Telen met toekomst testen en beoordelen agrarisch ondernemers nieuwe duurzame teeltmaatregelen in de praktijk. Eén daarvan is het zoeken van alternatieven voor isoproturon. Hiermee proberen zij een stap dichter bij de waterkwaliteitsdoelstellingen uit de kaderrichtlijn water (KRW) te komen. Isoproturon is een stof die vaak in hoge concentraties wordt aangetroffen in oppervlaktewateren. Door waterschappen wordt deze stof aangemerkt als 'probleemstof'. In deze brochur...

  17. Dutch Energy Investment Allowance (EIA). Annual report 2012; Energie-Investeringsaftrek (EIA). Jaarverslag 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    By means of the Energy Investment Allowance (EIA) the Ministry of Economic Affairs supports investments of businesses, industrial associations and other parties in accelerating innovative, energy saving sustainable initiatives and technologies. In this report the results for 2012 are presented [Dutch] Met de EIA ondersteunt het Ministerie van Economische Zaken bedrijven bij het investeren in innovatieve, energiebesparende en duurzame technieken. In dit verslag over 2012 worden resultaten weergegeven.

  18. Energetic nature on and around Veluwe. Biomass as a resource for a green economy; Energieke natuur op en rond de Veluwe. Biomassa als grondstof voor een groene economie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Soest, J.P. [Advies voor Duurzaamheid, Klarenbeek (Netherlands); Blom, M. [CE, Delft (Netherlands)


    The possibility to produce more biomass from the nature reserve Veluwe in the mid-part of the Netherlands in combination with preserving the nature in this area has been elaborated. [Dutch] De mogelijkheid om meer biomassa voor energie op en rond de Veluwe te winnen zodanig dat de natuur er door wordt versterkt wordt is in dit rapport uitgewerkt. Daarmee kan biomassa een welkome bijdrage zijn aan behoud en ontwikkeling van de natuur. De actualiteit, bijvoorbeeld recente rapporten van de Rekenkamer en het Milieu- en Natuur Planbureau (MNP), wijst uit dat het natuurbeleid niet op schema ligt; nieuwe 'motoren' achter natuurontwikkeling zijn dringend gewenst. Ook uit oogpunt van transitie naar een duurzame energiehuishouding is 'Energieke natuur' van belang. In veel energiescenario's groeit het aandeel van biomassa, maar er zijn grote zorgen dat deze ontwikkeling ten koste gaat van natuur, biodiversiteit en voedselproductie. Het hier beschreven concept laat zien dat biomassa, mits goed georganiseerd, een positieve bijdrage kan leveren.

  19. Life cycle analysis. The ISO-standards elaborated in a practical manual; Levenscyclusanalyse. De ISO-normen uitgewerkt in een praktijkgerichte Handleiding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guinee, J.B. (ed.) (and others)


    The general aim of the new LCA (life cycle analysis) Guide is to provide a 'cookbook' with operational guidelines for conducting a step-by-step LCA study as justified by a scientific background document based on the ISO Standards for LCA. The different ISO elements and requirements are made operational to what we judged as the 'best available practice' for each step. The new Guide gives guidelines for two levels of sophistication of LCA: a simplified and a detailed level; in addition, optional extensions to the detailed level are provided. The simplified level has been introduced for making faster and cheaper LCAs compared to detailed level LCAs. The simplified level may be good enough for certain applications. The guidelines for detailed LCA fully comply with the ISO standards, while the guidelines given for simplified LCA do not. The new LCA Guide consists of three parts: (1) 'LCA in perspective' provides a general introduction to LCA and includes a discussion on the possibilities and limitations of LCA; (2) consists of two parts, 2a ('Guide') and 2b ('Operational annex'). Part 2a provides an introduction to the procedural design of an LCA project, and guidelines on the best available practice for each of the steps involved in an LCA study, at the two levels of LCA sophistication. Part 2b operationalises most of the guidelines provided in Part 2a and provides the most up-to-date operational models and data associated with the best available practice for the two levels of sophistication, as a separate document. This has been done to facilitate up-dating of these operational elements, most of which are likely to change regularly. Part 3 provides the scientific background to the study, as well as a reasoned justification of all the choices made in designing a best available practice for each phase of an LCA. Next to these books, on-line support is supplied through specific web-sites. For example, a spreadsheet

  20. Deelname aan de samenleving van mensen met een beperking: participatiemonitor 2007.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogen, P. van den; Cardol, M.; Speet, M.; Spreeuwenberg, P.; Rijken, M.


    Hoe doen mensen met een beperking mee in de maatschappij? Mensen met een lichamelijke beperking wonen en werken meestal net als iedereen, en ook zij zijn niet altijd tevreden met hun werk. Mensen met een verstandelijke beperking wonen en werken vaak in een speciale omgeving. Het overheidsbeleid

  1. Deelname aan de samenleving van mensen met een beperking: participatiemonitor 2007.


    Hoogen, P. van den; Cardol, M.; Speet, M.; Spreeuwenberg, P.; Rijken, M.


    Hoe doen mensen met een beperking mee in de maatschappij? Mensen met een lichamelijke beperking wonen en werken meestal net als iedereen, en ook zij zijn niet altijd tevreden met hun werk. Mensen met een verstandelijke beperking wonen en werken vaak in een speciale omgeving. Het overheidsbeleid is erop gericht dat iedereen – dus ook mensen met een beperking – zoveel mogelijk ‘gewoon mee kan doen’ in de maatschappij. Bijvoorbeeld werken bij een gewone werkgever, schoolgaan op een gewone school...

  2. Scan for sustainability in higher education 2010 [in the Netherlands]; Scan duurzaamheid ICT in hoger onderwijs 2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Westrienen, G. [SURFfoundation, Utrecht (Netherlands)


    A scan among nine higher education institutions in 2010 shows that much can be gained by using sustainable ICT. The higher education can save at least 44 percent on energy use of ICT equipment at work stations and in data centers. [Dutch] Een scan in 2010 bij negen hogeronderwijsinstellingen toont dat met duurzame ICT nog veel winst is te behalen. Het hoger onderwijs kan zeker 44 procent besparen op het energieverbruik van ICT-apparatuur op werkplekken en in datacenters.

  3. Milking systems and milking robots. Insight in energy consumption; Melksystemen en melkrobots. Inzicht in energiegebruik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wientjes, H.; Rougoor, C. [DLV Rundvee Advies, Uden (Netherlands)


    Insight is given in the energy consumption during milking and how much energy can be saved. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, produce renewable energy and the minimization of energy consumption in the dairy industry [Dutch] Inzicht wordt gegeven in het energieverbruik bij de melkwinning en de vraag welke energiebesparing hierbij nog haalbaar is. Het doel is vermindering van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen, productie van duurzame energie en de minimalisatie van het energieverbruik in de melkveehouderij.

  4. Sustainable Energy Survey. Main report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report shows the results of a quick survey of current developments in the Dutch sustainable energy market. The companies and organizations, which are all members of the branch organizations under the umbrella of the Duurzame Energie Koepel, were interviewed about their situation in relation to the credit crisis and their vision on what is needed to put a halt to (further) slumping in the sustainable energy branch and in fact to promote the growth in turnover and employment. [nl

  5. Information on district initiatives on energy conservation in the Dutch province Noord-Holland. Learning for an effective method and communication strategy; Kennisdocument wijkinitiatieven energiebesparing Noord-Holland. Leerpunten voor een effectieve aanpak en communicatiestrategie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dubbelhuis, D. [DWA installatie- en energieadvies, Bodegraven (Netherlands)


    In the Dutch province North Holland several district projects were started in recent years with the purpose to save energy. The Renewable Energy Service Centre analyzed ten such initiatives with the aim to provide municipalities and other initiators with knowledge and information about the experiences [Dutch] In Noord-Holland zijn de afgelopen jaren diverse wijkprojecten opgestart, gericht op energiebesparing. Het Servicepunt Duurzame Energie analyseerde tien van deze initiatieven met het doel om gemeenten en andere initiatiefnemers kennis te laten nemen van de leerervaringen.

  6. A bio-energy plant in your neighborhood. Answers to your questions; Een bio-energiecentrale bij u in de buurt. Antwoorden op uw vragen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This brochure is intended for municipalities and initiators and discusses the following subjects: What is a bio-energy plant?; How large is a bio-energy plant?; What do you see?; Renewable energy: clean and always available; Bio-energy: what is it? [mk]. [Dutch] De brochure is bedoeld voor gemeenten en initiatiefnemers en behandelt de volgende onderwerpen: Wat is een bio-energiecentrale?; Hoe groot is een bio-energiecentrale?; Wat neem je waar?; Duurzame energie: schoon en altijd aanwezig; Bio-energie: wat is dat?.

  7. Dutch Energy Investment Allowance (EIA). Energy List for 2013; Energie-investeringsaftrek (EIA). Energielijst 2013

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Energy Investment Allowance (EIA) is a tax system by means of which the Dutch government supports companies with investments in energy-saving equipment and renewable energy. This brochure explains the assets eligible for EIA and how the scheme works [Dutch] De Energie-investeringsaftrek (EIA) is een fiscale regeling waarmee de overheid ondersteuning biedt voor bedrijven bij investeringen in energiebesparende bedrijfsmiddelen en duurzame energie. In deze brochure wordt uitgelegd welke bedrijfsmiddelen in aanmerking komen voor EIA en hoe de regeling werkt.

  8. Essay review: Een eeuw op zijn kop

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ad Maas


    Full Text Available Beschouwing naar aanleiding van de publicatie van (1 Andreas Weber, Hybrid ambitions. Science, governance, and empire (Leiden: Leiden University Press 2012. xi+263 pp., ISBN: 978-90-8728-1663, € 49,95; (2 Martin P.M. Weiss, The masses and the muses. A history of Teylers Museum in the nineteenth century (Dissertatie: Universiteit Leiden 2013. ix+332 pp.; (3 Hieke Huistra, Preparations on the move. The Leiden anatomical collections in the nineteenth century (Dissertatie: Universiteit Leiden 2013. ix+163 pp.; (4 P.A.J. Caljé, Student, universiteit en samenleving. De Groningse universiteit in de negentiende eeuw (Hilversum: Verloren 2009. 631 pp., ISBN: 978-90-6550-978-9, € 49,-.

  9. Working paper 'Using the benefits of the subsoil'; Discussiestuk 'Benutten van de baten van de ondergrond'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duijn, M.; Ellen, G.J.; Jonkhoff, W.; Reijs, T.


    SKB, The Dutch Centre for Soil Quality Management and Knowledge Transfer, is currently establishing a new development program addressing four social issues: (1) (ground)water management, (2) geothermal energy, (3) ecosystem services, and (4) benefits of sustainable development of the subsoil. [Dutch] SKB is momenteel bezig een nieuw ontwikkelingsprogramma op te zetten rondom vier maatschappelijke issues: (1) (grond) waterbeheer, (2) bodem-energie, (3) ecosysteem-diensten, en (4) ondergronds ruimtegebruik. Voor deze issues worden de (potentiele) baten van een duurzame ontwikkeling van de ondergrond in beeld gebracht.

  10. Benefits of the subsoil; Baten van de ondergrond

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duijn, M.; Ellen, G.J.; Jonkhoff, W.; Reijs, T.


    SKB, The Dutch Centre for Soil Quality Management and Knowledge Transfer, is currently establishing a new development program addressing four social issues: (1) (ground)water management, (2) geothermal energy, (3) ecosystem services, and (4) benefits of sustainable development of the subsoil [Dutch] SKB is momenteel bezig een nieuw ontwikkelingsprogramma op te zetten rondom vier maatschappelijke issues: (1) (grond) waterbeheer, (2) bodem-energie, (3) ecosysteem-diensten, en (4) ondergronds ruimtegebruik. Voor deze issues worden de (potentiele) baten van een duurzame ontwikkeling van de ondergrond in beeld gebracht.

  11. Geluk in landen: Een empirische studie naar condities voor een gelukkige samenleving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.C. Berg (Maarten)


    textabstractJeremy Bentham (1789) was the founding father of utilitarianism, a social philosophy that stressed the importance of happiness (“the sum of pleasures and pains”). Bentham argued that policy-makers should strive for “the greatest happiness for the greatest number”. Bentham’s

  12. How environment friendly is sustainable building? The quantification of the environmental burden of houses; Hoe milieuvriendelijk is duurzaam bouwen? De milieubelasting van woningen gekwantificeerd

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klunder, G.


    The aim of the study on the title subject is to identify developments, strategies, chances and bottlenecks with respect to sustainable construction of houses as an integrated part of an ecological city. The main subject of the study is to determine and assess options to reduce the environmental burden of dwellings, focusing on building materials, energy consumption and use of water. [Dutch] Het DIOC-DGO (Delfts Interfacultair Onderzoekscentrum Duurzaam Gebouwde omgeving) van de Technische Universiteit Delft verricht onderzoek naar een duurzame en leefbare omgeving. De doelstelling van het onderzoek is: het identificeren van ontwikkelingen, strategieen, kansen en knelpunten met betrekking tot duurzame nieuwbouw van woningen als integraal onderdeel van een ecologische stad. De probleemstelling luidt: hoe kan de milieubelasting van woningen substantieel worden verminderd? De stand van zaken anno 2002 is dat 30 procent van de woningen duurzaam wordt gebouwd. In de Voorbeeldprojecten duurzaam en energiezuinig bouwen worden bijna standaard rogips of natuurgips, beton met puingranulaat, naadafdichting met PE of EPDM en oplosmiddelarme verf toegepast. Uit de milieuanalyse blijkt dat de milieubelasting in de pas loopt met de grootte van de woning. De fundering, gevels en binnenwanden en vloeren zijn verantwoordelijk voor 80 tot 90 procent van de materiaalstroom. Verwacht wordt dat in de komende decennia de bestaande materialen verder worden geoptimaliseerd en ontwikkeld. Er worden vooruitstrevende ontwikkelingen voorzien in bouwtechnieken. Energiegebruik kan in drie stappen verminderd worden: het voorkomen van onnodig gebruik, het gebruik van eindeloze bronnen en het verstandige gebruik van eindige bronnen, dat wil zeggen schoon en met een hoog rendement. Enkele conclusies zijn: de milieubelasting van watergebruik speelt een ondergeschikte rol, innovaties in materialen en bouwtechnieken blijven sterk achter bij innovaties in installaties. Aanbevolen wordt: de overheid moet

  13. Consequences of sustainable development 2010; Consequenties duurzame ontwikkeling 2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lanting, R.W. [TNO Bouw, Rijswijk (Netherlands)


    SBR is a member of the `Conseil International du Batiment` (CIB) and participates in the CIB Working Group 82: Future Studies in Construction. The working group has been asked to outline the future of sustainable construction in the year 2010 and the consequences for businesses. So far, 13 countries, including the Netherlands, will contribute to the project. SBR decided to bring the results of the Dutch contribution to the attention of the Dutch building construction sector in the form of a policy study. The long-term consequences of the Dutch policy in the field of building construction are described. Also, an overview is given of the targets for the year 2010 and the challenges for the construction sector with respect to urban development and urban infrastructure, and new and existing buildings

  14. Maatschappelijke waardering van duurzame ontwikkeling. Achtergrondrapport bij de Duurzaamheidsverkenning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beckers TAM; Harkink EWFPM; Ingen EJ van; Lampert MA; Lelij B van der; Ossenbruggen R van; Telos; Motivaction; NMD


    From several studies it follows that Dutch consumers are not really interested in buying sustainable products or services. But these studies also conclude that some consumers are more sustainable in their purchasing behaviour than others. In order to explain this difference the Dutch population was

  15. Kippen in de wei is een ecologisch duurzame neventak.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bassler, A.; Oomen, G.J.M.


    To prevent problems with parasites and accumulation of manure, an experiment was performed with layers on pasture, together with cows and sheep. Calculations were made for additional feeding with cereals and the possible reduction in feed costs. The maximum number of chickens per ha on a pasture

  16. Tracking and trailing. A travel guide for the energy transition; Spoorzoeken en wegbereiden. Een reisgids voor de energietransitie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hekkenberg, M.; Londo, M. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Petten (Netherlands)


    Our energy system, which is one of the pillars of the Dutch society, will probably be subjected to drastic changes in the coming decades. It will become a difficult and painful process at times. Policy makers have the task of directing these changes with a clear view on opportunities and threats. This guide aims to offer Dutch policy makers some strategic insights and tools. [Dutch] Onze energiehuishouding, 1 van de pijlers van de Nederlandse samenleving, zal de komende decennia drastische veranderingen ondergaan. Dat zal een bij tijd en wijle moeizaam en pijnlijk proces worden. Aan beleidsmakers de taak die veranderingen te regisseren met een helder oog voor kansen en bedreigingen. Deze gids beoogt Nederlandse beleidsmakers voor die taak enkele strategische inzichten en handvatten te bieden.

  17. SDE Plus, SDE and MEP. Annual review 2012; SDE+, SDE en MEP. Jaarbericht 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This annual report describes the applications for SDE subsidy (renewable energy support scheme) in the period 2008-2012, the new SDE Plus which starts in 2013, and the MEP transition scheme (MEP stands for 'Environmental quality of electricity production', predecessor of SDE for the period 2003-2006) and applications from the MEP scheme [Dutch] Het jaarbericht 2012 voor de SDE+, SDE en MEP presenteert de resultaten van de regeling Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie (SDE+ vanaf 2013 en SDE, 2008-2012) en de voorganger van de SDE, de subsidieregeling Milieukwaliteit van de Elektriciteitsproductie.

  18. Dreaming with a sense of reality. Winner of the 2004 Royal Shell Award for biofuels research professor Wim van Swaaij; Dromen met realiteitszin. Prof. Wim van Swaaij wint Koninklijke/Shell prijs voor biobrandstoffen-research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Wit, P. (ed.)


    According to the winner of the 2004 Royal Shell Award for Sustainable Development biofuels will play a very important role in the world energy supply. However, the cultivation of energy crops may not be at the expense of the cultivation of crops for food. [Dutch] Biobrandstoffen gaan een zeer belangrijke rol spelen in de wereldenergievoorziening, stelt prof. Wim van Swaaij. Deze winnaar van de Koninklijke/Shell Prijs voor duurzame ontwikkeling 2004 vindt wel dat de teelt van energiegewassen niet ten nadele mag gaan van de teelt van voedingsgewassen.

  19. Concentrated Solar Power as part of the European energy supply. The realization of large-scale solar power plants. Options, constraints and recommendations; Concentrated Solar Power als onderdeel van de Europese energievoorziening. De realisatie van grootschalige zonnecentrales. Mogelijkheden, obstakels en advies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouwmans, I.; Carton, L.J.; Dijkema, G.P.J.; Stikkelman, R.M.; De Vries, L.J. [Energy and Industry Group, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, Delft (Netherlands)


    Next to solar cells and solar collectors for decentralized power generation Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology is available and proven for large-scale application of solar energy. However, after 20 years of demonstration projects and semi-commercial installations, CSP is still not widely used. In this quick-scan an overview is given of strong and weak points of CSP, as well as its' options and constraints with regard to a sustainable energy supply, focusing on technical, economical and administrative constraints and chances in Europe and European Union member states. [Dutch] Naast zonnecellen en zonnecollectoren voor decentrale opwekking is er een technologie die geschikt is voor grootschalige ontsluiting van de zon: Concentrated Solar Power, kortweg CSP. Bewezen in een aantal demonstratie- en pre-commerciele installaties blijft toepassing van deze technologie ook na 20 jaar beperkt. Daarom staat in deze notitie, die het resultaat is van een quickscan, de volgende vraag centraal: Wat zijn de sterktes, zwaktes, mogelijkheden en barrieres van CSP-technologie als onderdeel van een duurzame energievoorziening en welke technisch-economische en bestuurlijke barrieres en kansen zijn er voor Europa en de lidstaten van de EU?.

  20. Echte natuur : een sociaaltheoretisch onderzoek naar natuurwaardering en natuurbescherming in de moderne samenleving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koppen, van C.S.A.


    The subject of nature valuation and nature conservation has attracted a vast body of social research. And yet there is hardly an accepted theoretical framework with which to clarify dominant present-day concepts of nature and their social backgrounds. Many of today's authors would

  1. De Leidse fabriekskinderen. Kinderarbeid, industrialisatie en samenleving in een Hollandse stad, 1800-1914

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smit, C.B.A.


    The thesis is a case study into the development of child labor in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century (up to 1914), focusing on Leiden. Child labor in this study is defined as the market-orientated production of goods and services by people under the age of sixteen years. Concentrating on one

  2. Energy Monitor of the Dutch horticulture 2011; Energiemonitor van de Nederlandse glastuinbouw 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Velden, N.J.A.; Smit, P.X.


    The Energy Monitor for Greenhouse Horticulture charts the energy efficiency, CO2 emissions, the share of sustainable energy and the transition paths of the Greenhouse as Energy Source programme up to and including 2011 [Dutch] Om het energieverbruik in de glastuinbouw in beeld te krijgen en te volgen, is al in 1990 de Energiemonitor in het leven geroepen. Deze monitor publiceert jaarlijks het energieverbruik van de glastuinbouw en de voortgang van de energie-indicatoren energie-efficientie, de CO2-emissie en het aandeel duurzame energie. Voor de monitor wordt gebruik gemaakt van een reeks verschillende databronnen.

  3. Energy Monitor of the Dutch horticulture 2012; Energiemonitor van de Nederlandse glastuinbouw 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Velden, N.J.A.; Smit, P.X.


    The Energy Monitor for Greenhouse Horticulture charts the energy efficiency, CO2 emissions, the share of sustainable energy and the transition paths of the Greenhouse as Energy Source programme up to and including 2012 [Dutch] Om het energieverbruik in de glastuinbouw in beeld te krijgen en te volgen, is al in 1990 de Energiemonitor in het leven geroepen. Deze monitor publiceert jaarlijks het energieverbruik van de glastuinbouw en de voortgang van de energie-indicatoren energie-efficientie, de CO2-emissie en het aandeel duurzame energie. Voor de monitor wordt gebruik gemaakt van een reeks verschillende databronnen.

  4. The sustainability scaffold. Steps forward in biofuels policy; De duurzaamheidssteiger. Stappen vooruit in het biobrandstoffenbeleid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This memo supplements previous recommendations of the Committee Corbey and is intended as a contribution to the debate on increasing the blending obligation of biofuels. The memo maps arguments, and describes six steps of a scaffold by means of which a sustainable bio-economy can be achieved [Dutch] Deze notitie is een aanvulling op eerdere adviezen van de Commissie Corbey en is bedoeld als bijdrage aan de discussie over de verhoging van de bijmengverplichting van biobrandstoffen. De notitie brengt argumenten in kaart en omschrijft zes treden van een steiger waarmee het doel - een duurzame bio-economie - bereikt zou kunnen worden.

  5. Study on energy efficient mushroom business in 2010. Highest feasible level of energy conservation and energy efficiency; Onderzoek naar het energiezuinig paddenstoelenbedrijf anno 2010. Hoogst haalbare niveau van energiereductie en energie-efficiency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suurmeijer, J.M.; Mikkers, E. [Grontmij, Amersfoort (Netherlands); Hilkens, J. [AdVisie, Herkenbosch (Netherlands)


    Targets of Dutch mushroom cultivation businesses include an energy efficiency improvement of 2.5% annually, implementation of sustainable energy options, and climate-neutral and economically viable cultivation by new mushroom cultivation businesses that are to be built in 2020. This report describes the measures that could be implemented in support of these targets [Dutch] De doelstellingen voor paddestoelenbedrijven zijn een energie-efficientie verbetering van 2,5% per jaar, implementatie van duurzame energieopties, en klimaatneutrale en economisch rendabele teelt van de in 2020 nieuw te bouwen paddenstoelenbedrijven. In dit rapport staan de maatregelen beschreven die genomen kunnen worden ter ondersteuning van de doelstellingen.

  6. Dutch Energy Investment Allowance (EIA). Annual report 2011; Energie-Investeringsaftrek (EIA). Jaarverslag 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In this 2011 report some examples are given of companies that have made use of the Energy Investment Allowance (EIA). Two of these companies agreed upon a so-called 'Green Deal' with the Dutch government. The purpose of Green Deals is to support businesses, industrial associations and other parties in accelerating sustainable initiatives [Dutch] In dit verslag over 2011 staan enkele voorbeelden van bedrijven die in 2011 gebruik hebben gemaakt van de EIA. Twee van deze bedrijven hebben een Green Deal met de overheid afgesloten. Green Deals moeten bedrijven, brancheorganisaties en andere partijen helpen om duurzame initiatieven te versnellen.

  7. Sustainable energy with thermochemical storage; Duurzame energie met thermochemische opslag

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bakker, M. [ECN Efficiency and Infrastructure, Petten (Netherlands)


    The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN) foresees an important role for heat in sustainable construction of buildings. Using salt hydrates the surplus of heat can be stored in the summer which then can be used in the winter. By means of thermochemical storage natural gas for heating tap water or houses is no longer necessary. [Dutch] Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN) ziet voor warmteopslag een belangrijke rol weggelegd in het duurzaam bouwen. Met behulp van zouthydraten kan de overtollige warmte in de zomer opgeslagen worden om deze in de winter weer vrij te maken. Met deze thermochemische opslag is in de nabije toekomst aardgas overbodig voor de verwarming van kraanwater of woonhuis.

  8. Een Duurzame Alliantie : Gilden en Regenten in Zeeland, 1600-1800

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Remmerswaal, L.H.


    From the late Middle Ages until the mid-eighteenth century, guilds exerted substantial social control in cities and towns throughout Western Europe. Their functions covered social and cultural affairs, politics and economics and defined social relations within urban communities. The literature

  9. Environmental taxes and green growth. Exploring possibilities within energy and climate policy; Milieubelastingen en Groene Groei. Verkenning van de mogelijkheden in het kader van het energie- en klimaatbeleid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vollebergh, H.


    Green growth is currently a topic of global interest. It aims to foster economic growth and development, while ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which our wellbeing relies. The concept of green growth fits in with a long tradition focused on economic growth that takes account of issues such as environmental pollution and quality of life. Although in the Netherlands the political interest in green growth is somewhat lagging behind, it is widely understood and accepted that unbridled economic expansion may pose a serious risk to society in the long term. Offering the right financial incentives through 'environmental pricing' is a key element of policy aimed at sustainable economic growth. The present paper provides a stepwise analysis of the issues related to the use of tax instruments as part of the policy on sustainable economic growth. The report promotes an evaluation of options using not only standard criteria, such as allocation effectiveness, static efficiency, distributive justice, and feasibility, but also criteria such as dynamic efficiency. The discussion focuses on the two main areas of environmental taxation in the Netherlands, i.e. taxes on energy consumption and transport [Dutch] Wereldwijd is er veel belangstelling voor groene groei. Groene groei beoogt economische ontwikkeling te realiseren waarbij de hoeveelheid en kwaliteit van natuurlijke hulpbronnen voldoende blijven om onze welvaart te garanderen op de lange termijn (OESO, 2011a). Het concept past in een lange traditie gericht op economische groei die rekening houdt met aspecten als milieuvervuiling en leefbaarheid. De aandacht hiervoor blijft weliswaar in de Nederlandse politiek wat achter, maar is niettemin ook voor Nederland relevant. In brede kring leeft het besef dat ongebreidelde economische expansie op lange termijn niet houdbaar is. Het geven van de juiste prijsprikkels, soms ook wel 'milieubeprijzing' genoemd

  10. A sustainable start. Towards sustainable ICT in higher education and research; Een duurzame start. Op weg naar duurzame ICT in het hoger onderwijs en onderzoek

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Helmholt, K.A.; Bomhof, F.W. [TNO Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie, Delft (Netherlands)


    This document has listed a number of general considerations with regard to sustainability and addresses the more specific situation of the educational institutions: relatively large use of computer equipment and the presence of large groups of people that cannot be considered 'employees'. This document sets out to sketch a wide framework and subsequently focuses on the working environment of an I(C)T manager of a large educational institute who has been given the assignment of making ICT more sustainable. Attention is paid to questions such as: when is ICT sustainable?; how can you measure/account for the sustainability of ICT?; and what are current methods/measures for realizing sustainability of/with ICT?. [Dutch] In dit document wordt een aantal algemene overwegingen m.b.t. duurzaamheid op een rij gezet en wordt ingegaan op de specifiekere situatie waarin onderwijsinstellingen zich bevinden: het gebruik van relatief veel computerapparatuur, en de aanwezigheid van grote groepen mensen die niet als 'werknemer' beschouwd kunnen worden. Dit document begint met het schetsen van een groot kader en focust vervolgens meer in op de werkomgeving van een I(C)T-manager van een grote onderwijsinstelling die de opdracht krijgt 'de ICT duurzaam te maken'. Daarbij is aandacht besteed aan antwoorden op de volgende vragen: wanneer is ICT duurzaam?; hoe kun je de duurzaamheid van ICT meten/verantwoorden?; en wat zijn huidige methoden/maatregelen om duurzaamheid van en met ICT bereiken?.

  11. Roadmap Waste Water Chain [up to 2030]. Vision; Routekaart Afvalwaterketen [tot 2030]. Visiebrochure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roemgens, B.; Kruizinga, E. [DNV, Bilthoven (Netherlands)


    Included in this view brochure are directions how municipalities and water boards can contribute to a sustainable society by converting waste into clean raw materials, energy and clean water. In the Roadmap innovative ideas are elaborated for the built environment, the industrial area, the land-based industries and rural areas, where opportunities are for (re-)use of wastewater and raw materials [Dutch] In deze visiebrochure zijn richtingen opgenomen hoe gemeenten en waterschappen in 2030 een bijdrage willen leveren aan de verduurzaming van de samenleving door afval om te zetten in schone grondstoffen en energie en schoon water. In de Routekaart worden arrangementen uitgewerkt voor de bebouwde omgeving, het industrieel gebied, de grondgebonden industrie en het landelijk gebied waarin een mogelijke uitwerking wordt gegeven van de kansen die liggen in het (her-)gebruik van afvalwater en haar grondstoffen.

  12. De Nederlandse economie tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog bekeken vanuit een Vlaams/Belgisch perspectief

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Buyst


    Full Text Available H.A.M. Klemann, Nederland 1938-1948. Economie en samenleving in jaren van oorlog en bezettingThe Netherlands economy during World War II viewed from a Flemish/Belgian perspectiveHein Klemann’s book provides a general overview of the performance of the Dutch economy during World War II. It also deals with exploitation by the German war machine, production for the black market, price controls, and monetary and fiscal policies. The reconstructed macro-economic data, such as the evolution of real wages, is sometimes prone to serious methodological flaws. For other variables, such as agricultural production in 1945 and international trade, it is clear that more research is necessary to produce reliable indicators. Despite these critical remarks, Klemann’s book offers a valuable synthesis, and other countries, such as Belgium, can use it as a source of inspiration.

  13. Results of a survey on the sustainable import of biomass; Resultaat Enquete duurzame import van biomassa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergsma, G.C.; Groot, M.I.


    As part of an array of strategies to combat climate change, biomass is being used increasingly as a substitute for fossil fuels. It is important that the sustainability benefits thus accruing to the Netherlands are not at the expense of sustainable development in producer countries. Against this background the 'Sustainable biomass imports' project group is developing a set of criteria for evaluating the sustainability of biomass projects. To assess support for such criteria, CE conducted an internet survey among the various stakeholders (NGOs, industry, government), drawing a total of 104 responses. This report presents all the results and conclusions of the survey, for each category of stakeholders and overall. Among the most striking conclusions are the following: The majority of respondents see a sustainability audit on biomass as feasible, provided the sustainability criteria are adequate for the purpose (68%); Almost all the respondents are of the opinion that such sustainability criteria should apply to all applications of biomass (90%); On the issue of whether these criteria should vary according to the producer region concerned, respondents were divided (50% for, 50% against); Many NGOs state there should be different sustainability criteria in force for different biomass flows (50%), in contrast to industry, which argues for a uniform set of criteria for all flows; Most respondents hold that any biomass criteria should apply to both subsidised and unsubsidised projects; At the same time, a sizable majority of respondents state that subsidisation of biomass projects should depend on the degree of sustainability (72%) and in particular on the CO2 emission cuts achieved, this being regarded as the single most important factor; When it comes to the issue of GMO, opinions differ markedly between NGOs and industry, with some 75% of NGOs wanting this aspect included, but only 10% of industry; Respondents also commented on a number of additional issues

  14. Background information for the SER Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth calculations. Sectors Industry, Agriculture and Horticulture; Achtergronddocument bij doorrekening Energieakkoord. Sectoren industrie en land- en tuinbouw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wetzels, W. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Petten (Netherlands)


    On September 4, 2013, representatives of employers' associations, trade union federations, environmental organizations, the Dutch government and civil society have signed an Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth. ECN and PBL have been asked to evaluate this agreement. This report gives background information on the evaluation of the measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in industry and agriculture [Dutch] Op 4 september 2013 is het 'Energieakkoord voor duurzame groei' getekend. ECN en PBL zijn gevraagd het akkoord te beoordelen en door te rekenen. Dit rapport dient als achtergronddocument bij de doorrekening van de maatregelen gericht op energiebesparing in de industrie en land- en tuinbouw.

  15. Background information on the estimation of short-term effects of the Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth on renewable energy; Toelichting inschatting korte-termijneffecten Energieakkoord op hernieuwbare energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hekkenberg, M.; Londo, H.M.; Lensink, S.M. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Petten (Netherlands)


    On September 4, 2013, representatives of employers' associations, trade union federations, environmental organizations, the Dutch government and civil society have signed an Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth. ECN and PBL have been asked to evaluate this agreement. This report gives background information on the evaluation of the measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in industry and agriculture [Dutch] Op 4 september 2013 is het 'Energieakkoord voor duurzame groei' getekend. ECN en PBL zijn gevraagd het akkoord te beoordelen en door te rekenen. Dit rapport dient als achtergronddocument bij de doorrekening van de maatregelen gericht op energiebesparing in de industrie en land- en tuinbouw.

  16. Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Complex problems made easy; Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Complexe vraagstukken behapbaar maken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Oeffelen, E.C.M.; Van Zundert, K.; Westerlaekn, A.C. [TNO, Delft (Netherlands)


    The existing housing stock needs to become smarter and more sustainable in its energy use. From a technical viewpoint, renovations can usually be realized successfully, but the multitude of preconditions such as phasing and the degree of inconvenience for residents often turn renovation into a complex matter. The MCDM method can be a suitable instrument in handling complex renovation issues. [Dutch] In de bestaande woningvoorraad moet slimmer en vooral duurzamer met energie worden omgegaan. Technisch gezien is een renovatie vaak goed realiseerbaar, maar vele randvoorwaarden, zoals fasering en mate van overlast voor bewoners, maken renovatievraagstukken vaak complex. De MCDM-methodiek kan een geschikt hulpmiddel zijn bij het aanpakken van complexe renovatievraagstukken.

  17. Improving sustainability of bio-cogeneration in horticulture; Verbetering duurzaamheid (bio)WKK in de glastuinbouw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koolwijk, E.; Peeters, S.; Schlatmann, S. [Energy Matters, Driebergen (Netherlands)


    Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generating gas engines have become an inseparable part of greenhouses. An overview is given of the technical developments in CHP that could result in cost effectiveness, clean and sustainable operation of the CHP installation. This can be achieved by improving existing or new cogeneration systems: e.g. increasing the electrical or thermal efficiency and reduce emissions. Also attention is paid to alternatives for the gas engine: gas turbine and fuel cell. Finally, the options and state of affairs concerning biofuels, related techniques and potential use of 'green' CO2 were investigated [Dutch] WKK op basis van gasmotoren is de laatste 10 jaar uitgegroeid tot een onlosmakelijk operationeel onderdeel van de hedendaagse glastuinbouw. Een overzicht wordt gegeven van de technische ontwikkelingen rond WKK die er toe kunnen leiden dat WKK kosteneffectiever/rendabeler, schoner en duurzamer bedreven kan worden. Dit kan onder andere door verbeteringen van de bestaande of nog te plaatsen WKK's: verhogen van het elektrisch of thermisch rendement en verlagen van de emissies. Ook is gekeken naar de mogelijke alternatieven voor de gasmotor: gasturbine en brandstofcel. Tevens wordt ingegaan op de mogelijkheden en stand zaken rond biobrandstoffen, de daarbij behorende technieken en mogelijke toepassing van 'groene' CO2.

  18. Controlled parts management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyle, C.M.; Hidalgo, S.P.; Martinez, B.J.


    The Controlled Parts Management (CPM) system is based on industry standard practices for managing inventory. CPM is designed to record the movement of any type of inventory in a defined region referred to as an Account or SubAccount. The system is used to track the receiving, processing, storing and transfer of inventory parts. CPM provides information on parts, quantity and the exact location of the inventory. CPM is a barcode-based-part tracking system currently used to track controlled parts that are used in the R and D and testing of weapons; this tracking helps maintain the part pedigree that is required for certification of a weapon or weapon test. CPM includes bar code data collection software programmed into portable bar code readers for automating physical inventory services and remote transaction capture. CPM interfaces to other Engineering systems and supports a 'material content' of a weapons test through the test Bill of Materials and assignment of a unique inventory part in CPM. Additional functionality includes the ability to group or join parts, logically or physically and temporary or permanent, to represent discrete parts, containers, subassemblies and assemblies, and groupings.

  19. With tactful policy towards sustainable mobility; Met beleid naar duurzame mobiliteit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wagter, H. [Platform Duurzame Mobiliteit, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat VenW, Den Haag (Netherlands); Weterings, R. [TNO, Delft (Netherlands)


    This report offers a view on policy measures that may be needed to realize the CO2 reduction targets for traffic and transport in 2020 and beyond. It provides a summary of the results of a dialogue supervised by TNO between key persons from trade and industry, the government, social organizations and knowledge institutes. Four thematic work sessions were dedicated to identifying the measures that hold the largest reduction potential, an exploration was done to find out how the measures can realize maximum impact and what is needed for these measures to realize maximum impact. The result will be used as input for the evaluation of 'Clean and Efficient' and for further policy development. [Dutch] Het voorliggende rapport biedt zicht op de beleidsmaatregelen die mogelijk nodig zijn om de CO2-reductiedoelen voor verkeer en vervoer in 2020 en verder te behalen. Het vormt een samenvatting van de resultaten van een door TNO begeleidde dialoog tussen sleutelpersonen uit bedrijfsleven, overheid, maatschappelijke organisaties en kennisinstellingen. In vier thematische werksessies zijn de maatregelen met het grootste reductiepotentieel geidentificeerd, is verkend hoe de haalbaarheid gemaximaliseerd kan worden en wat er voor nodig is om met deze maatregelen maximale impact te realiseren. Het resultaat vormt input voor de evaluatie van 'Schoon en Zuinig' en voor verdere beleidsontwikkeling.

  20. Duurzame Ontwikkeling door Collectief Bewonersinitiatief. Leidraad voor professionals om bewonersgroepen aan de duurzaamheidsopgave te verbinden

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fred Sanders


    and experience of ‘residents initiatives’ in the Dutch neighbourhood restructuring challenges, for investigating ‘the potential’ of residents initiating renewable energy in the home environment. As was reflected in the central research question: ‘Under which conditions do social cohesion and sustainable corporate residents initiative influence each other successfully, for the sake of renewable energy in the built environment for living?’ In order to be able to answer the central research question, two lines of research were followed; in addition to research on conditions for social cohesion (a social collective of residents, conditions for residents collectives to invest in renewable energy were investigated. The research methodology included a combination of literature review, case studies at various levels (group discussions, interviews and research among professionals (group discussions. This included (besides the literature search all qualitative research to get the motivations and reasons behind ‘residents decisions’ more clear. The above mentioned case studies included both neighbourhoods that are known for the present social cohesion and sustainability realized as a result of ‘residents initiative’. This included the districts IJburg Amsterdam and Hoograven Utrecht, some ecological neighbourhoods in The Netherlands, as well as the GWL site in Amsterdam and ‘City of the Sun’ in Heerhugowaard. The geographic scale on which ‘residents initiatives’ appear, has therewith a part of the research and a component in analyses. Finally, group discussions with professionals regarding the role of resident initiatives, both in urban development (real estate professionals and energy transition (renewable energy in the environment (energy professionals were conducted. This was included to establish the attitude and roles of professionals towards ‘residents initiative’. The conclusion is that three ‘Blocking dilemmas’ further prevent the

  1. The part task of the part-spacing paradigm is not a pure measurement of part-based information of faces.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qi Zhu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Faces are arguably one of the most important object categories encountered by human observers, yet they present one of the most difficult challenges to both the human and artificial visual systems. A variety of experimental paradigms have been developed to study how faces are represented and recognized, among which is the part-spacing paradigm. This paradigm is presumed to characterize the processing of both the featural and configural information of faces, and it has become increasingly popular for testing hypotheses on face specificity and in the diagnosis of face perception in cognitive disorders. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In two experiments we questioned the validity of the part task of this paradigm by showing that, in this task, measuring pure information about face parts is confounded by the effect of face configuration on the perception of those parts. First, we eliminated or reduced contributions from face configuration by either rearranging face parts into a non-face configuration or by removing the low spatial frequencies of face images. We found that face parts were no longer sensitive to inversion, suggesting that the previously reported inversion effect observed in the part task was due in fact to the presence of face configuration. Second, self-reported prosopagnosic patients who were selectively impaired in the holistic processing of faces failed to detect part changes when face configurations were presented. When face configurations were scrambled, however, their performance was as good as that of normal controls. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In sum, consistent evidence from testing both normal and prosopagnosic subjects suggests the part task of the part-spacing paradigm is not an appropriate task for either measuring how face parts alone are processed or for providing a valid contrast to the spacing task. Therefore, conclusions from previous studies using the part-spacing paradigm may need re-evaluation with

  2. The Vision on Wind. Space for Wind Turbines in Amsterdam, Netherlands; De Windvisie. Ruimte voor windmolens in Amsterdam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Godschalk, M.; Jacobs, S.; Van der Linden, K.; Plomp, M.; Rijntjes, R.; Ruiter, R.; Ydema, G.; Zonderland, H.


    With drafting the 'Wind Vision' the city of Amsterdam takes the initiative to realize more windmills in Amsterdam. Amsterdam aims for an efficient, sustainable energy, which will also benefit the Amsterdam population economically. The 'Wind Vision' shows that there are enough opportunities to supply one third of the households in Amsterdam with renewable electricity [Dutch] Met de Windvisie neemt Amsterdam het initiatief om meer windmolens in Amsterdam te realiseren. Amsterdam streeft naar een efficiente, duurzame energieopwekking, waar Amsterdammers ook economisch van kunnen profiteren. De Windvisie laat zien dat er op dit moment in de stad kansen zijn om genoeg windmolens te realiseren om een derde van de Amsterdamse huishoudens van duurzaam opgewekte elektriciteit te voorzien.

  3. The sustainability benefit and economic profit of the Green Projects Regulation; De duurzaamheidswinst en economische winst Regeling groenprojecten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Warringa, G.E.A.; Afman, M.R.; Blom, M.J.


    In 1995, the Dutch government launched the Green Projects Scheme with the aim to stimulate the market introduction of innovative sustainable measures. The main conclusion from the study is that the title scheme is a cost effective tool to achieve environmental goals. The scheme has stimulated innovation and ensured that environmental innovations have found their way to the market [Dutch] In 1995 heeft de overheid de Regeling groenprojecten opgestart met als doel de marktintroductie te stimuleren van innovatieve duurzame maatregelen. De belangrijkste conclusie uit de titel studie is dat de regeling een kosteneffectief instrument is om milieudoelen te realiseren. De regeling heeft innovatie gestimuleerd en ervoor gezorgd dat milieu-innovaties de weg naar de markt hebben gevonden.

  4. The energy market model. What is the space for smart grid service concepts; Het energiemarktmodel. Wat is de ruimte voor smart grid dienstverleningsconcepten?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kieft, A.; Niesten, E.; Alkemade, F. [Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht (Netherlands); Maandag, M. [DNV Kema, Arnhem (Netherlands); Van Melle, T.; Haaksma, V. [Ecofys, Utrecht (Netherlands); Van Beek, K. [Stedin, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


    The report provides starters in the Dutch energy market an overview of how the current model, focusing on centralized power generation, works. The report also shows how the energy market model should work to promote decentralized renewable electricity production and new smart grid services. It also discusses in detail questions about the energy market model various actors might have [Dutch] Het rapport geeft starters op de Nederlandse energiemarkt een overzicht hoe het huidige model, gericht op centrale elektriciteitsproductie, in elkaar steekt. Ook laat het rapport zien hoe het energiemarktmodel zou moeten werken om decentrale duurzame elektriciteitsproductie en nieuwe smart grid diensten te bevorderen. Daarbij wordt uitgebreid ingegaan op vragen over het energiemarktmodel die leven bij verschillende actoren.

  5. Data Warehouse Emissieregistratie. A new tool to sustainability; Data Warehouse Emissieregistratie. Een nieuw instrument op weg naar duurzaamheid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Grootveld, G. [VROM-Inpsectie, Den Haag (Netherlands); Op den Kamp, A. [OpdenKamp Adviesgroep, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    An overview is given of the possibilities to use and search the title database which contains data on emission of pollution sources in different sectors in the Netherlands. [Dutch] De voorliggende publicatie illustreert de kracht van het Data Warehouse aan de hand van zeven voorbeelden in de hoofdstukken 3 tot en met 9. Daarbij wordt telkens ook een doorkijk naar duurzame ontwikkeling gegeven.In hoofdstuk 10 worden twee cases met een korte handleiding behandeld. In hoofdstuk 1 staat achtergrondinformatie over de milieubeleidketen en de plaats die monitoring daarin neemt. In hoofdstuk 2 worden kort de drie dimensies van het Data Warehouse en de mogelijkheden die het Data Warehouse biedt beschreven (

  6. Programme Energy and CO2 and Year Plan 2013; Programma Energie en CO2 en Jaarplan 2013

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Broekharst, P.; Medema, D.; Dijkshoorn, A.


    Less energy, less CO2 emissions and use of renewable energy sources,are important aspects in the sustainable development of horticulture, strengthening its competitiveness and image. Carbon neutral production and transport is needed to really be sustainable. The program describes an approach for the period 2013-2016, giving concrete results for the year 2013 [Dutch] Minder energiegebruik, minder CO2 uitstoten en meer hernieuwbare energiebronnen inzetten; dat zijn belangrijke aspecten in een duurzame ontwikkeling van de tuinbouw, het versterken van haar concurrentiekracht en imago. Klimaatneutraal produceren en vervoeren is uiteindelijke nodig om echt duurzaam te zijn. Het programma beschrijft een aanpak voor 2013 t/m 2016, waarbij voor 2013 de gewenste resultaten concreet worden benoemd.

  7. 47 CFR 27.1133 - Protection of Part 74 and Part 78 operations. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Protection of Part 74 and Part 78 operations... MHz Bands Protection of Incumbent Operations § 27.1133 Protection of Part 74 and Part 78 operations... stations with those licensees. In the event that mutually satisfactory coordination agreements cannot be...

  8. Degeneratie en dressuur. Natuurgeneeswijze, vegetarisme en naturisme als ontwerpen voor een moderne samenleving, 1890-1950

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Peeters


    Full Text Available Degeneration and dressage. Natural cures, vegetarianism and naturalism as building blocks for a modern society, 1890-1950Aloïs van Son, a natural therapist from Antwerp, presided over a successful medical practice in the 1920s en 1930s and strongly believed that his search for a drug-free ‘natural’ therapy was rooted in a much broader struggle against a ‘degenerate’ society that had lost touch with nature. It was only by changing oneself (Selbstreform, Van Son preached, that the modern individual could heal society. In this article, a crucial autobiographical confession by this headstrong and charismatic therapist will help to deepen our understanding of the ‘life reform’ movement (Lebensreform as it developed between 1890 and 1950 not only in societies of natural therapists, vegetarians and naturists in Germany, but also among their Belgian counterparts. My aim is not, as has been done before, to provide an accurate qualification of the ‘modern’ or ‘antimodern’ character of the exterior ideology of this movement. On the contrary; I will try to lay bare the interior dynamics of ‘life reform’ practices. I will argue that opponents like Van Son found in the ascetic experience that these practices not only provided a refuge from but also gave access to modern reality.

  9. Motorcycle Parts (United States)


    An article in NASA Tech Briefs describing a vacuum bagging process for forming composite parts helped a small Oklahoma Company to improve its manufacturing process. President of Performance Extremes, Larry Ortega, and his partners make motorcycle parts from carbon/epoxy to reduce weight. Using vacuum bags, parts have a better surface and fewer voids inside. When heat used in the vacuum bag process caused deformation upon cooling, a solution found in another tech brief solved the problem. A metal plate inside the vacuum bag made for more even heat transfer. A third article described a simple procedure for repairing loose connector pins, which the company has also utilized.

  10. Monitor Sustainable Netherlands 2011; Monitor Duurzaam Nederland 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Monitor provides an image of the sustainability of the Dutch society. It shows which areas are successful and what the 'concerns for tomorrow' are from the point of view of sustainability. An analysis is conducted of how the Netherlands are doing in the fields of climate change, biodiversity, health, knowledge, graying and social cohesion. These and many other topics are discussed in this monitor by means of a number of sustainability indicators and detail analyses [mk]. [Dutch] De Monitor geeft een beeld van de duurzaamheid van de Nederlandse samenleving. Het laat zien op welke terreinen het goed gaat en waar er vanuit een duurzaamheidsoptiek 'zorgen voor morgen' bestaan. Geanalyseerd wordt hoe ons land ervoor staat op het gebied van klimaatverandering, biodiversiteit, gezondheid, kennis, vergrijzing en sociale cohesie. Deze, en vele andere onderwerpen worden in deze monitor behandeld aan de hand van een set van duurzaamheidsindicatoren en detailanalyses.

  11. Monitor Sustainable Netherlands 2009; Monitor Duurzaam Nederland 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Monitor provides an image of the sustainability of the Dutch society. It shows which areas are successful and what the 'concerns for tomorrow' are from the point of view of sustainability. An analysis is conducted of how the Netherlands are doing in the fields of climate change, biodiversity, health, knowledge, graying and social cohesion. These and many other topics are discussed in this monitor by means of a number of sustainability indicators and detail analyses [mk]. [Dutch] De Monitor geeft een beeld van de duurzaamheid van de Nederlandse samenleving. Hij laat zien op welke terreinen het goed gaat en waar er vanuit een duurzaamheidsoptiek 'zorgen voor morgen' bestaan. Geanalyseerd wordt hoe ons land ervoor staat op het gebied van klimaatverandering, biodiversiteit, gezondheid, kennis, vergrijzing en sociale cohesie. Deze, en vele andere onderwerpen worden in deze monitor behandeld aan de hand van een set van duurzaamheidsindicatoren en detailanalyses.

  12. Standard biological parts knowledgebase.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michal Galdzicki


    Full Text Available We have created the Knowledgebase of Standard Biological Parts (SBPkb as a publically accessible Semantic Web resource for synthetic biology ( The SBPkb allows researchers to query and retrieve standard biological parts for research and use in synthetic biology. Its initial version includes all of the information about parts stored in the Registry of Standard Biological Parts ( SBPkb transforms this information so that it is computable, using our semantic framework for synthetic biology parts. This framework, known as SBOL-semantic, was built as part of the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL, a project of the Synthetic Biology Data Exchange Group. SBOL-semantic represents commonly used synthetic biology entities, and its purpose is to improve the distribution and exchange of descriptions of biological parts. In this paper, we describe the data, our methods for transformation to SBPkb, and finally, we demonstrate the value of our knowledgebase with a set of sample queries. We use RDF technology and SPARQL queries to retrieve candidate "promoter" parts that are known to be both negatively and positively regulated. This method provides new web based data access to perform searches for parts that are not currently possible.

  13. Standard Biological Parts Knowledgebase (United States)

    Galdzicki, Michal; Rodriguez, Cesar; Chandran, Deepak; Sauro, Herbert M.; Gennari, John H.


    We have created the Knowledgebase of Standard Biological Parts (SBPkb) as a publically accessible Semantic Web resource for synthetic biology ( The SBPkb allows researchers to query and retrieve standard biological parts for research and use in synthetic biology. Its initial version includes all of the information about parts stored in the Registry of Standard Biological Parts ( SBPkb transforms this information so that it is computable, using our semantic framework for synthetic biology parts. This framework, known as SBOL-semantic, was built as part of the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL), a project of the Synthetic Biology Data Exchange Group. SBOL-semantic represents commonly used synthetic biology entities, and its purpose is to improve the distribution and exchange of descriptions of biological parts. In this paper, we describe the data, our methods for transformation to SBPkb, and finally, we demonstrate the value of our knowledgebase with a set of sample queries. We use RDF technology and SPARQL queries to retrieve candidate “promoter” parts that are known to be both negatively and positively regulated. This method provides new web based data access to perform searches for parts that are not currently possible. PMID:21390321

  14. Standard biological parts knowledgebase. (United States)

    Galdzicki, Michal; Rodriguez, Cesar; Chandran, Deepak; Sauro, Herbert M; Gennari, John H


    We have created the Knowledgebase of Standard Biological Parts (SBPkb) as a publically accessible Semantic Web resource for synthetic biology ( The SBPkb allows researchers to query and retrieve standard biological parts for research and use in synthetic biology. Its initial version includes all of the information about parts stored in the Registry of Standard Biological Parts ( SBPkb transforms this information so that it is computable, using our semantic framework for synthetic biology parts. This framework, known as SBOL-semantic, was built as part of the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL), a project of the Synthetic Biology Data Exchange Group. SBOL-semantic represents commonly used synthetic biology entities, and its purpose is to improve the distribution and exchange of descriptions of biological parts. In this paper, we describe the data, our methods for transformation to SBPkb, and finally, we demonstrate the value of our knowledgebase with a set of sample queries. We use RDF technology and SPARQL queries to retrieve candidate "promoter" parts that are known to be both negatively and positively regulated. This method provides new web based data access to perform searches for parts that are not currently possible.

  15. Loose part monitoring device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nomura, Hiroshi.


    The device of the present invention estimates a place where loose parts occur and structural components as the loose parts in a fluid flow channel of a reactor device, to provide information thereof to a plant operator. That is, the device of the present invention comprises (1) a plurality of detectors disposed to each of equipments constituting fluid channels, (2) an abnormal sound sensing device for sensing signals from the detectors, (3) an estimation section for estimating the place where the loose parts occur and the structural components thereof based on the signals sensed by the abnormal sound sensing section, (4) a memory section for storing data of the plant structure necessary for the estimation, and (5) a display section for displaying the result of the estimation. In such a device, the position where the loose parts collide against the plant structural component and the energy thereof are estimated. The dropping path of the loose parts is estimated from the estimation position. Parts to be loose parts in the path are listed up. The parts on the list is selected based on the estimated energy thereby enabling to determine the loose parts. (I.S.)


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    HAN Jianwen; JIAN Bin; YAN Guangrong; LEI Yi


    Surface classification, 3D parting line, parting surface generation and demoldability analysis which is helpful to select optimal parting direction and optimal parting line are involved in automatic cavity design based on the ray-testing model. A new ray-testing approach is presented to classify the part surfaces to core/cavity surfaces and undercut surfaces by automatic identifying the visibility of surfaces. A simple, direct and efficient algorithm to identify surface visibility is developed. The algorithm is robust and adapted to rather complicated geometry, so it is valuable in computer-aided mold design systems. To validate the efficiency of the approach, an experimental program is implemented. Case studies show that the approach is practical and valuable in automatic parting line and parting surface generation.

  17. Commonsense in parts : Mining part-whole relations from theweb and image tags

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tandon, Niket; Hariman, Charles; Urbani, Jacopo; Rohrbach, Anna; Rohrbach, Marcus; Weikum, Gerhard


    Commonsense knowledge about part-whole relations (e.g., screen partOf notebook) is important for interpreting user input in web search and question answering, or for object detection in images. Prior work on knowledge base construction has compiled part-whole assertions, but with substantial

  18. Hydrogen-powered road vehicles. Positive and negative health effects of new fuel; Waterstof in het wegverkeer. Voor- en nadelen voor de gezondheid van een nieuwe vorm van brandstof

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    environmental factors and public health. [Dutch] De afhankelijkheid van fossiele brandstoffen - met zijn politieke, maatschappelijke en milieunadelen - zorgt ervoor dat alternatieve energiebronnen volop in de belangstelling staan. Het gebruik van waterstof wordt als een veelbelovende optie gezien, in het bijzonder voor het wegverkeer. Volgens een toekomstvisie van het Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN) zou in 2050 ruim de helft van de auto's in Nederland op waterstof kunnen rijden. Vooropgesteld dat de waterstof wordt geproduceerd uit duurzame energiebronnen, zou daarmee ook de emissie van kooldioxide aan banden worden gelegd. Zowel in de Verenigde Staten, Japan en Europa worden door overheden en het bedrijfsleven dan ook grote bedragen geinvesteerd in de ontwikkeling van de benodigde technologie, die over enkele decennia een op waterstof gebaseerde economie mogelijk moet maken. Overschakeling naar waterstof als energievoorziening voor het wegverkeer zou ingrijpende gevolgen hebben voor de samenleving. Zoals bij elke nieuwe technologie het geval is, biedt dat kansen, maar zijn er onvermijdelijk ook nadelen. In het geval van waterstof zijn sommige van die nadelen bekend, en tot op zekere hoogte beheersbaar. Andere zullen echter pas na introductie en toepassing aan het licht komen. Dit inzicht, gevoegd bij het maatschappelijke belang van een eventuele omschakeling op waterstof, was voor de Gezondheidsraad aanleiding om nu alvast in te gaan op de voor- en nadelen die waterstof als nieuwe energievorm kan hebben voor de volksgezondheid. Juist in deze fase is het van belang om een beeld te krijgen van de mogelijke gezondheidseffecten, te weten waar de lacunes in de kennis zitten, en aan te geven wat de beste manier is om daar mee om te gaan.

  19. Energy conservation for a sustainable energy supply; Energiebesparing voor een duurzame energievoorziening

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rooijers, F.; Kampman, B.; Bennink, D.; Bles, M.; Van Lieshout, M.; Schepers, B.


    Options available for improving energy efficiency in the Netherlands are listed and discussed. As detailed in this report, there is still substantial scope for reducing energy consumption in the production and use of energy carriers, much of it not only attractive from the perspective of society as a whole but also profitable for the actors concerned. By exploiting these opportunities, sustainability targets can be cost-effectively met. The report examines why so much potential is still not being utilised and how this can be remedied. Following a description of the potential for energy conservation, a package of smart, effective policies is recommended to secure this potential [Dutch] De mogelijkheden van energiebesparing in Nederland zijn in kaart gebracht. In deze notitie wordt aangetoond dat bij energiebesparing bij het gebruik en bij de productie van energiedragers nog veel onbenut, maar maatschappelijk aantrekkelijk potentieel ligt, waarvan een groot deel rendabel is. Benutting daarvan leidt ertoe dat de duurzaamheidsdoelen op een kosteneffectieve manier behaald kunnen worden. We hebben onderzocht waarom veel potentieel nu niet benut wordt en hoe dat wel kan gebeuren. Deze analyse beschrijft het besparingspotentieel en biedt voorstellen voor een pakket aan slimme, effectieve beleidsinstrumenten om dit potentieel te realiseren: door inzet van verplichtingen en door energiebesparing aantrekkelijker te maken.

  20. 81 options. Technology for sustainable development; 81 mogelijkheden. Technologie voor duurzame ontwikkeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weterings, R.; Kuijper, J.; Smeets, E. [TNO Studiecentrum voor Technologie en Beleid TNO-STB, Apeldoorn (Netherlands); Annokee, G.J. [TNO Milieu, Energie en Procesinnovatie TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn (Netherlands); Minne, B. [Centraal Planbureau CPB, The Hague (Netherlands)


    An outline is given of the chances and threats of technological developments for the environment in the next 25 years. First, the most important technological supply-side developments were inventorized and assessed for their environmental relevance and in the light of three CPB-scenarios. From the results of the analysis it appears that their are many options to improve the environmental efficiency of products and processes. An important motive to develop environment-efficient technology is the price of energy. A higher price for energy will stimulate the development of energy efficient products and processes. Also the interest for dematerialization will increase while the processing of basic materials and the use of materials requires energy too. A second important motive is the demand for environment-efficient products. The market introduction of new environment-friendly products strongly depends on the quality consciousness (including the environmental quality) of the consumer. With respect to the environmental policy it can be concluded that technological innovation is important in the transfer of a decontamination-based policy to a prevention-based policy. 95 refs.

  1. Otvetshajet Juhan Parts, premjer-ministr / Juhan Parts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts selgitab Res Publica ja valitsuse korruptsioonivastast poliitikat ning loodab, et justiitsminister Ken-Marti Vaheri pakutud strateegia võitluses korruptsiooniga ei saa koalitsiooni lagunemise põhjuseks

  2. Part-Time Faculty Satisfaction at Two-Year Public Postsecondary Institutions: A Comparison of Involuntary Part-Time, Voluntary Part-Time, and Full-Time Faculty (United States)

    Kinchen, Nancy Huval


    Part-time faculty members represent the majority of faculty at public two-year postsecondary institutions. Utilizing part-time faculty enables two-year institutions to control their instructional costs and maintain scheduling flexibility. However, part-time faculty are diverse in regards to their employment preference, some prefer part-time…

  3. NASA EEE Parts and NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program Update 2018 (United States)

    Label, Kenneth A.; Sampson, Michael J.; Pellish, Jonathan A.; Majewicz, Peter J.


    NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program and NASA Electronic Parts Assurance Group (NEPAG) are NASAs point-of-contacts for reliability and radiation tolerance of EEE parts and their packages. This presentation includes an FY18 program overview.

  4. Play your part

    CERN Document Server

    Ramsey, Gaynor


    Play your part is a collection of then situations in which students have to take on the roles of particular people and express their opinions, feelings or arguments about the situation. Play your part is intended for use with advanced students of English.

  5. Pushing for Part Time. (United States)

    Geber, Beverly


    More employees are choosing to work part time. Although this trend started because of working women, some men are choosing part-time positions. Part-time employees forfeit salary and promotion potential, yet most feel the trade is fair and that they are more productive during their working hours. (CH)

  6. Community support and participation among persons with disabilities. A study in three European countries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Pierre Wilken


    on supporting the participation of their clients in public life and in the development of different roles pertaining to citizenship.Ondersteuning bij participatie in de samenleving van mensen met beperkingen. Een studie in drie Europese landenDit artikel beschrijft een Europees project dat gericht was op sociale participatie en burgerschap van mensen met een psychiatrische of verstandelijke beperking. Het project vond plaats in drie landen (Estland, Hongarije en Nederland en in vier steden (Tallinn, Budapest, Amersfoort en Maastricht. Het omvatte onderzoek en activiteiten op het niveau van beleid, organisatie en uitvoeringspraktijk. Op beleidsniveau vormden het UN-Verdrag voor Mensen met een Handicap, en de European Disability Strategy het referentiekader om te kijken naar landelijk en lokaal beleid, naar de dagelijkse realiteit van mensen met een beperking en naar de steun die professionele organisaties bieden met betrekking tot participatie en inclusie. Het project leverde een aantal inzichten, aanbevelingen en methoden op, die de kwaliteit van de dienstverlening en de mogelijkheden voor participatie in de samenleving kunnen verbeteren. In dit artikel presenteren we een aantal bevindingen. Hoewel de omstandigheden in ieder land verschillend zijn qua beleid, cultuur en voorzieningen, valt op dat mensen met beperkingen gelijksoortige problemen ervaren.De studie laat zien dat in alle drie de landen de toegang tot hulp- en dienstverlening verbeterd kan worden. Barrières zijn onder andere bureaucratische procedures en een gebrek aan bepaalde diensten. In iedere stad en in ieder land zijn er aanzienlijke belemmeringen als het gaat om participatie op het terrein van huisvesting, werk en vrijetijdsbesteding. Naast financiële problemen is er de barrière van stigma en zelfstigma. Marginalisatie houdt mensen in een ongelijke positie en heeft een negatieve invloed op herstel en participatie. In alle landen zouden professionals een sterkere focus moeten hebben op het

  7. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Plea of Transport and Logistics Netherlands for a practical and transparent system to calculate societal cost in the transportation sector in order to realize governmental targets for equal treatment of means of transportation; Gelijke monniken, gelijke kappen. Pleidooi van Transport en Logistiek Nederland voor een praktisch en transparant systeem van doorberekening van maatschappelijke kosten in de transportsector om overheidsdoelstellingen te halen bij gelijke behandeling van vervoerswijzen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohm, R.; Poppink, P. (eds.)


    ; Application requires a set of measures. [Dutch] Dit rapport verdiept zich in de maatschappelijke kosten van het goederentransport voor de Nederlandse samenleving in 2002. TLN borduurt daarbij voort op het rapport 'Efficiente prijzen voor het verkeer' (1999), dat CE in opdracht van het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat heeft geschreven. Met dit rapport wil TLN een constructieve bijdrage leveren aan de uitwerking van de Witboeken 'Fair payment for infrastructure use' (1998) en 'European transport policy for 2010, Time to decide' (2001) van de Europese Commissie, en de Nederlandse discussies op het punt van de internalisering van de maatschappelijke kosten. Met 'Gelijke monniken, gelijke kappen' is zoveel mogelijk gezocht naar de achterkant van het gelijk en niet naar de uitvergroting van de verschillen tussen de diverse vervoerswijzen. Uiteindelijk gaat het er om dat de transportsector als geheel zijn belangrijke rol voor de samenleving duurzaam kan vervullen, tegen zo laag mogelijke maatschappelijke kosten. Om dat doel te bereiken dienen alle vervoerswijzen gelijk behandeld te worden en de overheid de transportsector via het systeem van heffingen prikkels te geven de marginale maatschappelijke kosten te internaliseren. Daar waar dat niet lukt, zal de overheid de opbrengsten van heffingen ten goede moeten laten komen aan het doel waarvoor ze worden geheven, t.w. bereikbaarheid, leefbaarheid en veiligheid. De volgende punten komen aan de orde:Marginale kosten per definitie kosten van duurste maatregel om doel te bereiken; Geen enkele vervoerswijze betaalt alle marginale kosten; Transportkosten stijgen minste bij wegvervoer en meeste bij binnenvaart; Markt verandert qua modal split, werkgelegenheid en havenoverslag; Marktmodel of overheidsmodel?; Overheidsmodel zorgt voor zwaardere lasten voor spoor en binnenvaart; Onbetaalde rekening valt in praktijk lager uit dan in theorie; Wensen van bedrijfsleven en samenleving zijn door politiek te

  8. Part C and Part D Compliance Actions (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — This page includes results from CMSs Past Performance Review. The report called Spring 2014 Past Performance Review Outlier Results lists MA organizations and Part D...

  9. Parts Quality Management: Direct Part Marking of Data Matrix Symbol for Mission Assurance (United States)

    Moss, Chantrice; Chakrabarti, Suman; Scott, David W.


    A United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) review of twelve NASA programs found widespread parts quality problems contributing to significant cost overruns, schedule delays, and reduced system reliability. Direct part marking with Data Matrix symbols could significantly improve the quality of inventory control and parts lifecycle management. This paper examines the feasibility of using direct part marking technologies for use in future NASA programs. A structural analysis is based on marked material type, operational environment (e.g., ground, suborbital, Low Earth Orbit), durability of marks, ease of operation, reliability, and affordability. A cost-benefits analysis considers marking technology (label printing, data plates, and direct part marking) and marking types (two-dimensional machine-readable, human-readable). Previous NASA parts marking efforts and historical cost data are accounted for, including inhouse vs. outsourced marking. Some marking methods are still under development. While this paper focuses on NASA programs, results may be applicable to a variety of industrial environments.

  10. Nederlandse kerkarchitectuur in de twintigste eeuw : functie en betekenis van het kerkgebouw in een veranderende samenleving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Melchers, Marisa Johanna


    This doctoral thesis describes the cultural history of Dutch church architecture in the twentieth century, a period in which more than 5,000 churches were built in the Netherlands. The majority of these houses of worship are not listed buildings and suffer from a lack of maintenance. Because of the

  11. Ruggengraat van de stedelijke samenleving : De rol van de gilden in de stad Utrecht, 1528-1818

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Slokker, N.H.


    Dutch historiography of the guilds was ‘sectarian’ throughout the nineteenth and much of the twentieth centuries. Catholics, Protestants, and National Socialists expressed appreciation for the guild system for various reasons. Marxists and Liberals took a more critical view and Liberals had the

  12. Energy monitor of the Dutch mushroom sector 2009; Energiemonitor van de Nederlandse Paddestoelensector 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wildschut, J.; Smits, A. [Praktijkonderzoek Plant en Omgeving PPO, Bloembollen, Boomkwekerij en Fruit, Lisse (Netherlands)


    For the monitoring of the energy use of the mushroom sector, 118 businesses were approached in 2009. The percentage of filled in questionnaires was 78%. The energy saving was 5.9% compared to 2005. The most frequently used energy saving measure is frequency control (93% of all businesses). In the category of energy efficient climate control systems, the moisture deficit regime was most frequently used (30%). Cooling exclusively with groundwater or ground tubes is used very little (only 5% of the businesses), but 16% of the businesses combines it with mechanical cooling. The share of businesses that implemented one or more sustainable energy measures was 30% in 2009. As a result, the realized share of sustainable energy (including green electricity) amounted to 3.7% in 2009. The avoided CO2 emission in 2009 amounted to 3.255 tons. The CO2 emission per kilogram of mushrooms was 175g CO2/kg in 2009, which is s decrease of 16% compared to 2005 and 1% lower than in 2008 [Dutch] Voor de monitoring van het energieverbruik door de paddenstoelensector in 2009 zijn 118 bedrijven aangeschreven. Het percentage bruikbare vragenlijsten is 78%. De energiebesparing was 5,9 % t.o.v. 2005. Van de energiebesparende maatregelen worden frequentieregelaars het meest toegepast (93% van de bedrijven). Van de energiezuinige klimaatregelingen wordt de vochtdeficitregeling het meest toegepast (30%). Koeling uitsluitend met grondwater of met grondbuizen wordt weinig toegepast (slechts op 5% van de bedrijven), maar gecombineerd met mechanische koeling wel op 16% van de bedrijven. Het aandeel bedrijven dat één of meer Duurzame energiemaatregelen heeft getroffen ligt in 2009 op 30%. Het hierdoor gerealiseerde aandeel duurzame energie (inclusief groene stroom) komt in 2009 uit op 3,7%. De vermeden CO2 uitstoot is in 2009 berekend op 3.255 ton. De CO2 uitstoot per kg paddenstoelen is in 2009 uitgekomen op 175g CO2/kg t.o.v. 2005 een daling van16%, en 1% lager dan in 2008.

  13. Fuel cycle math - part one

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This article is Part One of a two-part article that reviews some of the numbers associated with the nuclear fuel cycle. The contents of Part One include: composition of the element uranium, considering atomic mass and weight-percent of the isotopes; uranium in the ground, including ore grades; mining, with dilution factors and recovery rates; ore sorting, including concentration factors; and uranium recovery. No financial information is presented in either Part One or Part Two

  14. Vehicle parts detection based on Faster - RCNN with location constraints of vehicle parts feature point (United States)

    Yang, Liqin; Sang, Nong; Gao, Changxin


    Vehicle parts detection plays an important role in public transportation safety and mobility. The detection of vehicle parts is to detect the position of each vehicle part. We propose a new approach by combining Faster RCNN and three level cascaded convolutional neural network (DCNN). The output of Faster RCNN is a series of bounding boxes with coordinate information, from which we can locate vehicle parts. DCNN can precisely predict feature point position, which is the center of vehicle part. We design an output strategy by combining these two results. There are two advantages for this. The quality of the bounding boxes are greatly improved, which means vehicle parts feature point position can be located more precise. Meanwhile we preserve the position relationship between vehicle parts and effectively improve the validity and reliability of the result. By using our algorithm, the performance of the vehicle parts detection improve obviously compared with Faster RCNN.

  15. TNT Green Office. NESK Final Report; TNT Green Office, Hoofddorp. NESK Eindrapportage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Spek, C; Van Rheenen, M [OVG Projectontwikkeling, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


    The aim of the collaboration between TNT (courier and express services) and Triodos/OVG (bank and project developer) was to realize CO2 free Green Offices in the Netherlands. The building is both developed and exploited by the same parties based on an innovative contract in which design, construction and maintenance and management are arranged. These parties are also responsible for the sustainable energy system of the building [Dutch] Doelstelling van de samenwerking tussen TNT (koerier en expresdiensten) en Triodos/OVG (bank en projectontwikkelaar) was het realiseren van CO2-emissievrije Green Offices in Nederland. Hierbij wordt het gebouw ontwikkeld en geexploiteerd door dezelfde partijen op basis van een innovatief contract waarin ontwerp, bouw, onderhoud en beheer zijn vastgelegd. Deze partijen zijn ook verantwoordelijk voor de duurzame energievoorziening van het gebouw.

  16. Are part timers real GPs? Attitudes of general practitioners toward those who work part time. (United States)

    Mazza, D; Northfield, S


    Current attitudes within the medical profession suggest that one cannot be a 'real' doctor unless one works full time. The aim of this study was to determine the views and attitudes of a sample of GPs toward part time practice. As part of a larger study, GPs in two divisions in metropolitan Melbourne were sent a questionnaire based survey. GPs were asked to rate statements about part time practice using a Likert scale. The response rate was 55% (n = 246). The majority of GPs disagreed with the statement 'part time GPs are not real GPs' but feelings were mixed about whether part timers covered the same range of clinical content as full timers. One fifth of respondents questioned the competence of part time GPs. Male GPs, those over 55 years and full timers were more likely to hold negative views toward part time general practice. Our results show a 'generational' pattern toward part time practice. With the increasing numbers of women entering general practice, these attitudes will need to change to accommodate the fact that more GPs will be choosing to work part time in the future.

  17. Energy monitor of the Dutch flower bulb sector 2008; Energiemonitor van de Nederlandse Bloembollensector 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wildschut, J. [Praktijkonderzoek Plant en Omgeving PPO, Bloembollen, Boomkwekerij en Fruit, Lisse (Netherlands)


    de verdere monitoring t/m 2011. De Energie Efficientie Index van 2008 wordt dan op 100 gesteld. Voor 25 energiebesparende maatregelen is in de monitoring nagegaan in hoeverre deze werden toegepast, Opvallend hierbij is dat slechts op 11% van de bedrijven de ethyleen analyser wordt toegepast. Isolatie van de bewaarcel, frequentie-geregelde ventilatoren en de afgeronde uitblaasopening in de systeemwand worden relatief veel toegepast (door respectievelijk 70%, 50% en 38% van de bedrijven). In de broeierij scoren energieschermen, gevel-isolatie en voortrekken/meerlagenteelt relatief hoog (respectievelijk 55%, 53% en 24 %). Ook het toepassen van de klimaatcomputer in teelt en broei scoort met ruim 65% hoog. Meest toegepaste maatregel is het gebruik van HR:ketels (77%). Duurzame energie wordt op bijna 20% van de bedrijven toegepast, waarbij het gebruik van warme kaslucht voor drogen het meest toegepast wordt (door 76 bedrijven). Groene stroom is de tweede duurzame energiebron (aangekocht door bijna 5% van de bedrijven). Het aandeel duurzame energie komt hiermee op 2,3%. De CO2-uitstoot door het directe verbruik van fossiele brandstoffen van de 495 gemonitorde bedrijven is berekend op 30.541 ton bij de teelt (drogen en bewaren) en 25.003 bij de broei (kasverwarming). In totaal 55.544 ton.

  18. Pediatricians Working Part-Time Has Plateaued. (United States)

    Cull, William L; Frintner, Mary Pat; O'Connor, Karen G; Olson, Lynn M


    To examine trends in pediatricians working part-time and residents seeking part-time work and to examine associated characteristics. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Periodic Survey of Fellows and the AAP Annual Survey of Graduating Residents were used to examine part-time employment. Fourteen periodic surveys were combined with an overall response rate of 57%. Part-time percentages were compared for surveys conducted from 2006-2009 and 2010-2013. The AAP Annual Surveys of Graduating Residents (combined response rate = 60%) from 2006-2009 were compared with 2010-2013 surveys for residents seeking and obtaining part-time positions following training. Multivariable logistic regression models identified characteristics associated with part-time work. Comparable percentages of pediatricians worked part-time in 2006-2009 (23%) and 2010-2013 (23%). There was similarly no statistically significant difference in residents seeking part-time work (30%-28%), and there was a slight decline in residents accepting part-time work (16%-13%, aOR .75, 95% CI .56-.96). Increases in working part-time were not found for any subgroups examined. Women consistently were more likely than men to work part-time (35% vs 9%), but they showed different patterns of part-time work across age. Women in their 40s (40%) were more likely than other women (33%) and men in their 60s (20%) were more likely than other men (5%) to work part-time. There has been a levelling off in the number of pediatricians working part-time and residents seeking part-time work. Overall, women remain more likely to work part-time, although 1 in 5 men over 60 work part-time. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Parts Quality Management: Direct Part Marking via Data Matrix Symbols for Mission Assurance (United States)

    Moss, Chantrice


    A United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) review of twelve NASA programs found widespread parts quality problems contributing to significant cost overruns, schedule delays, and reduced system reliability. Direct part-marking with Data Matrix symbols could significantly improve the quality of inventory control and parts lifecycle management. This paper examines the feasibility of using 15 marking technologies for use in future NASA programs. A structural analysis is based on marked material type, operational environment (e.g., ground, suborbital, orbital), durability of marks, ease of operation, reliability, and affordability. A cost-benefits analysis considers marking technology (data plates, label printing, direct part marking) and marking types (two-dimensional machine-readable, human-readable). Previous NASA parts marking efforts and historical cost data are accounted for, including in-house vs. outsourced marking. Some marking methods are still under development. While this paper focuses on NASA programs, results may be applicable to a variety of industrial environments.

  20. Multifunctional camping building full of sustainable technology. All installations controlled through the internet; Multifunctioneel kampeergebouw vol duurzame techniek. Alle installaties zijn via internet te beheren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoemaker, E.


    A fully integrated, computerized control system is not just suitable for large companies; it can also be realized by smaller organizations as part of their sustainability policy. Eventually, the investment can result in a significant saving. This article discussed the example of scouting and camping site St. Walrick in Overasselt (the Netherlands) [Dutch] Een volledig geintegreerd, computergestuurd beheersysteem is niet alleen geschikt voor grote bedrijven. Het is ook bereikbaar voor kleinere organisaties en past vaak heel goed in hun duurzaamheidbeleid. Uiteindelijk kan de investering een behoorlijke besparing opleveren. In dit artikel wordt het voorbeeld van scouting- en kampeerterrein St. Walrick in Overasselt (Gelderland) besproken.

  1. Biostatistics primer: part I. (United States)

    Overholser, Brian R; Sowinski, Kevin M


    Biostatistics is the application of statistics to biologic data. The field of statistics can be broken down into 2 fundamental parts: descriptive and inferential. Descriptive statistics are commonly used to categorize, display, and summarize data. Inferential statistics can be used to make predictions based on a sample obtained from a population or some large body of information. It is these inferences that are used to test specific research hypotheses. This 2-part review will outline important features of descriptive and inferential statistics as they apply to commonly conducted research studies in the biomedical literature. Part 1 in this issue will discuss fundamental topics of statistics and data analysis. Additionally, some of the most commonly used statistical tests found in the biomedical literature will be reviewed in Part 2 in the February 2008 issue.

  2. Part Objects and Their Location

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Ole Lehrmann; Møller-Pedersen, Birger


    The notion of location of part objects is introduced, yielding a reference to the containing object. Combined with locally defined objects and classes (block structure), singularly defined part objects, and references to part objects, it is a powerful language mechanism for defining objects...

  3. Development of Aircraft Sandwich Parts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Křena


    Full Text Available The presented paper shows the design and development process of sandwich parts. A spoiler plate and a main landing gear door are developed. Sandwich parts are made of C/E composite facings and a foam core. FE models have been used for optimization of structures. Emphasis has been placed on deformations of parts under a few load cases. Experimental tests have been used for a verification of structure parts loaded by concentrated forces.

  4. Exploring Water Pollution. Part II (United States)

    Rillo, Thomas J.


    This is part two of a three part article related to the science activity of exploring environmental problems. Part one dealt with background information for the classroom teacher. Presented here is a suggested lesson plan on water pollution. Objectives, important concepts and instructional procedures are suggested. (EB)

  5. Matrix comparison, Part 2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schneider, Jesper Wiborg; Borlund, Pia


    The present two-part article introduces matrix comparison as a formal means for evaluation purposes in informetric studies such as cocitation analysis. In the first part, the motivation behind introducing matrix comparison to informetric studies, as well as two important issues influencing such c...

  6. The MAJORANA Parts Tracking Database (United States)

    Abgrall, N.; Aguayo, E.; Avignone, F. T.; Barabash, A. S.; Bertrand, F. E.; Brudanin, V.; Busch, M.; Byram, D.; Caldwell, A. S.; Chan, Y.-D.; Christofferson, C. D.; Combs, D. C.; Cuesta, C.; Detwiler, J. A.; Doe, P. J.; Efremenko, Yu.; Egorov, V.; Ejiri, H.; Elliott, S. R.; Esterline, J.; Fast, J. E.; Finnerty, P.; Fraenkle, F. M.; Galindo-Uribarri, A.; Giovanetti, G. K.; Goett, J.; Green, M. P.; Gruszko, J.; Guiseppe, V. E.; Gusev, K.; Hallin, A. L.; Hazama, R.; Hegai, A.; Henning, R.; Hoppe, E. W.; Howard, S.; Howe, M. A.; Keeter, K. J.; Kidd, M. F.; Kochetov, O.; Konovalov, S. I.; Kouzes, R. T.; LaFerriere, B. D.; Leon, J. Diaz; Leviner, L. E.; Loach, J. C.; MacMullin, J.; Martin, R. D.; Meijer, S. J.; Mertens, S.; Miller, M. L.; Mizouni, L.; Nomachi, M.; Orrell, J. L.; O`Shaughnessy, C.; Overman, N. R.; Petersburg, R.; Phillips, D. G.; Poon, A. W. P.; Pushkin, K.; Radford, D. C.; Rager, J.; Rielage, K.; Robertson, R. G. H.; Romero-Romero, E.; Ronquest, M. C.; Shanks, B.; Shima, T.; Shirchenko, M.; Snavely, K. J.; Snyder, N.; Soin, A.; Suriano, A. M.; Tedeschi, D.; Thompson, J.; Timkin, V.; Tornow, W.; Trimble, J. E.; Varner, R. L.; Vasilyev, S.; Vetter, K.; Vorren, K.; White, B. R.; Wilkerson, J. F.; Wiseman, C.; Xu, W.; Yakushev, E.; Young, A. R.; Yu, C.-H.; Yumatov, V.; Zhitnikov, I.


    The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is an ultra-low background physics experiment searching for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge. The MAJORANA Parts Tracking Database is used to record the history of components used in the construction of the DEMONSTRATOR. The tracking implementation takes a novel approach based on the schema-free database technology CouchDB. Transportation, storage, and processes undergone by parts such as machining or cleaning are linked to part records. Tracking parts provide a great logistics benefit and an important quality assurance reference during construction. In addition, the location history of parts provides an estimate of their exposure to cosmic radiation. A web application for data entry and a radiation exposure calculator have been developed as tools for achieving the extreme radio-purity required for this rare decay search.

  7. The MAJORANA Parts Tracking Database

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abgrall, N. [Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States); Aguayo, E. [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA (United States); Avignone, F.T. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC (United States); Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Barabash, A.S. [Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow (Russian Federation); Bertrand, F.E. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Brudanin, V. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Busch, M. [Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC (United States); Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC (United States); Byram, D. [Department of Physics, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD (United States); Caldwell, A.S. [South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD (United States); Chan, Y-D. [Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States); Christofferson, C.D. [South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD (United States); Combs, D.C. [Department of Physics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (United States); Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC (United States); Cuesta, C.; Detwiler, J.A.; Doe, P.J. [Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, and Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Efremenko, Yu. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States); Egorov, V. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation); Ejiri, H. [Research Center for Nuclear Physics and Department of Physics, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka (Japan); Elliott, S.R. [Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (United States); and others


    The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is an ultra-low background physics experiment searching for the neutrinoless double beta decay of {sup 76}Ge. The MAJORANA Parts Tracking Database is used to record the history of components used in the construction of the DEMONSTRATOR. The tracking implementation takes a novel approach based on the schema-free database technology CouchDB. Transportation, storage, and processes undergone by parts such as machining or cleaning are linked to part records. Tracking parts provide a great logistics benefit and an important quality assurance reference during construction. In addition, the location history of parts provides an estimate of their exposure to cosmic radiation. A web application for data entry and a radiation exposure calculator have been developed as tools for achieving the extreme radio-purity required for this rare decay search.

  8. Spatial part-set cuing facilitation. (United States)

    Kelley, Matthew R; Parasiuk, Yuri; Salgado-Benz, Jennifer; Crocco, Megan


    Cole, Reysen, and Kelley [2013. Part-set cuing facilitation for spatial information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 39, 1615-1620] reported robust part-set cuing facilitation for spatial information using snap circuits (a colour-coded electronics kit designed for children to create rudimentary circuit boards). In contrast, Drinkwater, Dagnall, and Parker [2006. Effects of part-set cuing on experienced and novice chess players' reconstruction of a typical chess midgame position. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 102(3), 645-653] and Watkins, Schwartz, and Lane [1984. Does part-set cuing test for memory organization? Evidence from reconstructions of chess positions. Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psychologie, 38(3), 498-503] showed no influence of part-set cuing for spatial information when using chess boards. One key difference between the two procedures was that the snap circuit stimuli were explicitly connected to one another, whereas chess pieces were not. Two experiments examined the effects of connection type (connected vs. unconnected) and cue type (cued vs. uncued) on memory for spatial information. Using chess boards (Experiment 1) and snap circuits (Experiment 2), part-set cuing facilitation only occurred when the stimuli were explicitly connected; there was no influence of cuing with unconnected stimuli. These results are potentially consistent with the retrieval strategy disruption hypothesis, as well as the two- and three-mechanism accounts of part-set cuing.

  9. Roadmap NRK 2012-2030; Routekaart NRK 2012-2030

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krebbekx, J.; Duivenvoorde, G.; De Wolf, W. [Berenschot Groep, Utrecht (Netherlands); Lenselink, J. [Energy Experts International, Huissen (Netherlands)


    This roadmap identifies how RKI companies (rubber and synthetic materials) can create new revenue opportunities: development of sustainable products, switching from petroleum to carbon chains from biobased materials, closing the material chain (reuse/recycling). Also within their own organizations more efficiency can be achieved by continuing to invest in innovation in processes and innovation in the organization itself. A selective overview is given of innovation projects [Dutch] In deze routekaart wordt aangegeven op welke wijze RKI-bedrijven (rubber en kunststoffen) nieuwe omzetkansen kunnen creeren: ontwikkelen van duurzame producten; overschakelen van aardolie naar koolstofketens uit biobased materialen; sluiten van de materiaalketen (hergebruik/recycling). Ook binnen de eigen organisatie kan er meer rendement worden behaald door te blijven investeren in innovatie in de eigen processen en innovatie in de eigen organisatie. Er is een overzicht gegeven van alle mogelijke verzamelde en geselecteerde innovatieprojecten.

  10. MIA and VAMIL Annual Report 2012; MIA en VAMIL Jaarverslag 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Dutch government is committed to green growth, for a strong, sustainable economy. This requires investment in innovative environmental technologies. The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment encourages these investments with the tools Environmental Investment Deduction (MIA) and the Random depreciation of environmental investments (Vamil). This annual report shows that entrepreneurs in 2012 made good use of MIA and Vamil. There were particularly many investments in clean driving and boating [Dutch] Het kabinet zet in op groene groei, voor een sterke, duurzame economie. Daarvoor zijn investeringen in innovatieve milieu­technieken noodzakelijk. Het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu stimuleert deze investeringen met de instrumenten Milieu Investeringsaftrek (MIA) en de Willekeurige afschrijving milieu-investeringen (Vamil). Uit dit jaarverslag blijkt dat ondernemers in 2012 goed gebruik maakten van MIA en Vamil. Er waren met name veel investeringen in schoon rijden en varen.

  11. Point of view on the 'Priority for Sustainable' concept. With respect to the revision of the Dutch Electricity Law and the Natural Gas Law; Standpunt 'Voorrang voor duurzaam'. Naar aanleiding van de herziening van de elektriciteitswet en gaswet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Netherlands wants to operate at the forefront in the transition to an energy system that is based on sustainable energy and a decreased dependence on fossil fuels. The transition to this system is a long-winded societal process, based on combinations of technological, financial and social innovation. The Dutch Energy Transition Governance Board was commissioned by the Dutch government to develop a transition path that makes such a system change possible, feasible and successful. [Dutch] Nederland wil internationaal voorop lopen in de overgang naar een energiesysteem dat stoelt op duurzame energie en een verminderde afhankelijkheid van fossiele brandstoffen. De transitie naar dit systeem is een maatschappelijk traject van lange adem, gebaseerd op combinaties van technologische, financiele en sociale innovatie. Het Regieorgaan Energietransitie heeft in opdracht van de regering een transitieroute ontwikkeld waarlangs deze systeemverandering mogelijk, haalbaar en kansrijk is.

  12. Inspection method as a tool for 'Bouwtransport'. Quality of building facade determines the functioning of installations; Ontwikkelde inspectiemethodiek Bouwtransport kan helpen. Kwaliteit gebouwschil bepaalt functioneren installaties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ten Bolscher, G.H. [DWA installatie- en energieadvies, Bodegraven (Netherlands)


    Buildings that have energy efficient or sustainable energy systems with low temperature heating have high demands when it comes to the constructional quality. Defects in the building facade often cause comfort complaints resulting from draught or cold radiation. To support local authorities and construction parties, the Dutch province of North Holland developed an inspection method: BouwTransparant. This instrument supports local authorities, environmental agencies and construction parties in realizing the EPC requirements. [Dutch] Gebouwen met energie-efficiente of duurzame energiesystemen met lage-temperatuurverwarming stellen hoge eisen aan de bouwkundige kwaliteit. Gebreken in de gebouwschil veroorzaken vaak comfortklachten door tocht of koudestraling. Om gemeenten en bouwende partijen te ondersteunen heeft de provincie Noord-Holland een inspectiemethodiek ontwikkeld: BouwTransparant. Dit is een instrument om gemeenten, milieudiensten en bouwende partijen te ondersteunen bij de realisatie van de EPC-eisen.

  13. Community Care and the Care Transition in the Netherlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ymke Kelders


    Full Text Available “Community care” en de zorgtransitie in Nederland De transitie in de gezondheidszorg in Nederland is al jaren een centraal thema in de politiek en het maatschappelijke debat. De recente veranderingen vereisen (opnieuw aandacht in onder andere onderzoek en onderwijs. In dit artikel reflecteren we op de ideologie en doelen die schuilen achter de transitie in Nederland en linken we deze naar het onderzoek en onderwijs dat georganiseerd wordt door het lectoraat Community Care. Wat betekent het “nieuwe denken” van de transitie voor het Community Care gedachtegoed in relatie tot onderwijs en onderzoek? Het lectoraat Community Care van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam houdt zich bezig met verschillende onderzoeksonderwerpen verdeeld onder drie stromingen: informele zorg, sociale inclusie en netwerkversterking. Binnen deze drie onderzoekslijnen wordt er gefocust op zorg door de samenleving en hoe dit gelinkt kan worden aan professionele zorg. In dit artikel zetten we uiteen waarom dit relevant is in onderzoek en onderwijs, zeker wanneer de transitie in Nederland eens temeer benadrukt dat zorg in en door de samenleving belangrijk is, en de rol van de zorgprofessional verandert. Tot slot reflecteren we op de manieren waarop we dit gedachtegoed en het huidige zorgbeleid kunnen vertalen in onderwijs voor studenten die later in het sociaal- en zorgdomein werkzaam zullen zijn. Community Care and the Care Transition in the NetherlandsThe transition taking place within the Dutch healthcare system has been a central theme in politics and public debate for decades. The recent changes again demand the full attention of researchers and educators in the field. In this article, we reflect on the current ideology and goals of the transition and link these to the range of ideas that lie behind the ideal of “community care”. Additionally, we pose the question of what these changes may mean for research and education within the social care domain in general and

  14. Samen kom je er wel. Een afstudeerartikel over het Skejby halfway house: een huis waar delinquenten en studenten onder één dak wonen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eline Broker


    Full Text Available Together you will get there. A graduation article on the Skejby halfway house: a house where delinquents and students live togetherThe Skejby house is unique and produces remarkable results. The recidivism percentage among its’ delinquent inhabitants is over 20% lower than in the halfway houses where only prisoners reside. The aim of Skejby is to ease the transition between imprisonment and reentry in society. The experiment, in which students and prisoners live together, originates from the idea that behavioral transformation is realized most effectively within a socially engaged group. The principal of collective responsibility is dominant in Skejby, resulting in a feeling of belonging to a group among the delinquents. In this group, the students serve as prosocial role models. Consequently, the standards and values that are picked up in prison are reshaped into much needed skills that are required for living a “regular” life in society. In contrast to the reintegration program in Skejby, the Dutch reintegration program mainly consists of one-to-one consultations between the delinquent and the probation officer. The reintegration thus does not take place in a group to which the delinquent can relate, while it is precisely this unique communal feeling of belonging that induces behavioral change in the prisoners. SAMENVATTING Samen kom je er wel. Een afstudeerartikel over het Skejby halfway house: een huis waar delinquenten en studenten onder één dak wonenHet Skejby house is uniek in zijn soort en boekt opmerkelijke resultaten: het recidivepercentage ligt ruim 20% lager dan bij halfway huizen waar alleen delinquenten wonen. Skejby heeft als doel om de overgang tussen gevangenis en samenleving zo klein mogelijk te maken. Het experiment, waarbij studenten en delinquenten samen wonen, komt voort uit het idee dat gedragsverandering het best bewerkstelligt wordt binnen een sociaal verbonden groep. In Skejby heerst het principe van

  15. Technical report on levels of electromagnetic fields created by Linky meters. Part 1: laboratory measurements; Part 2: laboratory additional measurements; Part 3: field measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The first part of this study reports measurements of electromagnetic radiations induced by remote-metering reading devices present in new power meters and using the Power-Line Communication (PLC or, in French, CPL) technology, such as the Linky meter. After a recall of legislation regarding exposure to electromagnetic waves, this first part present the two tested meters (Linky of first and third generation, G1 and G3), the performed tests, measurements devices and method. It more precisely reports investigations performed on these both meters, and a comparison with other home appliances. The second part reports additional measurements performed with both meters according to the same methodology, but with the use of a new electric field probe which allows more precise measurements. Maximum electric and magnetic fields have been measured. The third part reports field measurements performed with the same methodology but in dwellings equipped with Linky meters of first generation (G1). Exposure levels have been measured at the vicinity of meters and in other parts of the dwelling

  16. Introduction to Part 3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Nils Holger


    A brief contextualising discussion of Western Music History and its relations to Theological Aesthetical Thought since Carolingian Times as an introduction to 3 music articles in Part 3 of the volume.......A brief contextualising discussion of Western Music History and its relations to Theological Aesthetical Thought since Carolingian Times as an introduction to 3 music articles in Part 3 of the volume....

  17. Part-time work among pediatricians expands. (United States)

    Cull, William L; O'Connor, Karen G; Olson, Lynn M


    The objective of this study was to track trends in part-time employment among pediatricians from 2000 to 2006 and to examine differences within subgroups of pediatricians. As part of the Periodic Survey of Fellows, national random samples of American Academy of Pediatrics members were surveyed in 2000, 2003, and 2006. These surveys shared questions concerning working part-time and other practice characteristics. Roughly 1600 pediatricians were included in each random sample. Totals of 812 (51%), 1020 (63%), and 1013 (62%) pediatricians completed the surveys in 2000, 2003, and 2006, respectively. Analyses were limited to nonretired, posttrainee pediatricians. The number of pediatricians who reported that they work part-time increased from 15% in 2000, to 20% in 2003, to 23% in 2006. The pattern of increased part-time work from 2000 to 2006 held for many subgroups, including men, women, pediatricians who were younger than 40 years, pediatricians who were aged >or=50 years, pediatricians who worked in an urban inner city, pediatricians who worked in suburban areas, general pediatricians, and subspecialist pediatricians. Those who were working part-time were more satisfied within their professional and personal activities. Part-time pediatricians worked on average 14.3 fewer hours per week in direct patient care. Increases in part-time work are apparent throughout pediatrics. The possible continued growth of part-time is an important trend within the field of pediatrics that will need to be monitored.

  18. Recurring part arrangements in shape collections

    KAUST Repository

    Zheng, Youyi; Cohen-Or, Daniel; Averkiou, Melinos; Mitra, Niloy J.


    Extracting semantically related parts across models remains challenging, especially without supervision. The common approach is to co-analyze a model collection, while assuming the existence of descriptive geometric features that can directly identify related parts. In the presence of large shape variations, common geometric features, however, are no longer sufficiently descriptive. In this paper, we explore an indirect top-down approach, where instead of part geometry, part arrangements extracted from each model are compared. The key observation is that while a direct comparison of part geometry can be ambiguous, part arrangements, being higher level structures, remain consistent, and hence can be used to discover latent commonalities among semantically related shapes. We show that our indirect analysis leads to the detection of recurring arrangements of parts, which are otherwise difficult to discover in a direct unsupervised setting. We evaluate our algorithm on ground truth datasets and report advantages over geometric similarity-based bottom-up co-segmentation algorithms. © 2014 The Author(s) Computer Graphics Forum © 2014 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Recurring part arrangements in shape collections

    KAUST Repository

    Zheng, Youyi


    Extracting semantically related parts across models remains challenging, especially without supervision. The common approach is to co-analyze a model collection, while assuming the existence of descriptive geometric features that can directly identify related parts. In the presence of large shape variations, common geometric features, however, are no longer sufficiently descriptive. In this paper, we explore an indirect top-down approach, where instead of part geometry, part arrangements extracted from each model are compared. The key observation is that while a direct comparison of part geometry can be ambiguous, part arrangements, being higher level structures, remain consistent, and hence can be used to discover latent commonalities among semantically related shapes. We show that our indirect analysis leads to the detection of recurring arrangements of parts, which are otherwise difficult to discover in a direct unsupervised setting. We evaluate our algorithm on ground truth datasets and report advantages over geometric similarity-based bottom-up co-segmentation algorithms. © 2014 The Author(s) Computer Graphics Forum © 2014 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Parts hindab oma valitsust "kolmega" / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad uue valitsuskoalitsiooni moodustamist. Peaminister peab oluliseks, et uus valitsus tekiks kiiresti, ning on nõus ise uue valitsuse kokku panema

  1. Medicare Utilization for Part B (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — This link takes you to the Medicare utilization statistics for Part B (Supplementary Medical Insurance SMI) which includes the Medicare Part B Physician and Supplier...

  2. Computer-Aided Parts Estimation


    Cunningham, Adam; Smart, Robert


    In 1991, Ford Motor Company began deployment of CAPE (computer-aided parts estimating system), a highly advanced knowledge-based system designed to generate, evaluate, and cost automotive part manufacturing plans. cape is engineered on an innovative, extensible, declarative process-planning and estimating knowledge representation language, which underpins the cape kernel architecture. Many manufacturing processes have been modeled to date, but eventually every significant process in motor veh...

  3. Juhan Parts lubab investeerida teedesse / Juhan Parts ; interv. Tanel Raig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 17. okt. lk. 13. Majandusminister Juhan Parts arutleb lahendamist vajavate küsimuste ja prioriteetsete investeeringute üle transpordisektoris. Lisa: Juhan Partsi kuus kuud ministrina

  4. 12 CFR Appendix 1 to Part 24 - CD-1-National Bank Community Development (Part 24) Investments (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false CD-1-National Bank Community Development (Part 24) Investments 1 Appendix 1 To Part 24 Banks and Banking COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, DEPARTMENT OF... PUBLIC WELFARE INVESTMENTS Pt. 24, App. 1 Appendix 1 To Part 24—CD-1—National Bank Community Development...

  5. Counter of radiation in body parts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pollard, D.E.


    A new radiation counter for the determination of radiocontaminated body parts has been designed. Composed of several movable detectors, shielded from background radiation and focused on different parts of the human body by narrow apertures in the lead enclosure, the invention provides a quick tool for quantitative and qualitative part-by-part analysis of the body with respect to radiocontamination. The counter can be handled easily by the tested person himself and consequently, it is suitable for mass controls etc. (G.J.P.)

  6. Part-time jobs : What women want?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Booth, A.L.; van Ours, J.C.


    Part-time jobs are common among partnered women in many countries. There are two opposing views on the efficiency implications of so many women working part-time. The negative view is that part-time jobs imply wastage of resources and underutilization of investments in human capital since many

  7. 30 CFR 57.19122 - Replacement parts. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Replacement parts. 57.19122 Section 57.19122 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE... Inspection and Maintenance § 57.19122 Replacement parts. Parts used to repair hoists shall have properties...

  8. 30 CFR 56.19122 - Replacement parts. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Replacement parts. 56.19122 Section 56.19122 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE... Inspection and Maintenance § 56.19122 Replacement parts. Parts used to repair hoists shall have properties...

  9. Waiting lists in the electricity sector. Method for the connection regime in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom; Wachtlijsten in de elektriciteitssector. De aanpak van het aansluitregime in Nederland en Groot-Brittannie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Neut Kolfschoten, M.E.


    In the past few years the Netherlands and Great Britain have seen a significant increase in the number of connection applications from both conventional and renewable generators. As there is insufficient transmission capacity to accommodate these applications a queue system was introduced. These queues are considered an obstacle for meeting the government's renewable targets and therefore in both countries a review of the current access regime was kicked off. Despite or perhaps due to their 'consensus culture' the Dutch government has decided on the way forward, whereas in Great Britain the options - including capacity auctions - are still being debated. In the Netherlands the connection queue will be abolished, every generator will be able to connect before wider system reinforcements have been carried out and constraints will be resolved by the introduction of congestion management. Although this may seem a sensible way forward as it is expected that it will result in indirect priority access for renewables, it may still be useful to consider the mixed British experience with regards to congestion management. The article describes the background to the connection queues and it provides a high-level overview of the regulatory framework and the developments and ongoing debates in the Netherlands and Great Britain. [Dutch] De laatste jaren is in Nederland en Groot-Brittannie het aantal aanvragen voor aansluitingen door zowel conventionele producenten als producenten van duurzame energie enorm toegenomen. Hierdoor is er een tekort aan capaciteit op het hoogspanningsnet ontstaan waardoor de invoering van wachtlijsten noodzakelijk werd. Deze wachtlijsten staan mogelijk het behalen van duurzame energie doelstellingen in de weg en mede om die reden wordt er in beide landen gekeken hoe het aansluitregime kan worden aangepast. Ondanks - of misschien dankzij het poldermodel is er in Nederland wat betreft het aansluitregime inmiddels een duidelijke keuze

  10. The Feasibility of Teaching Science via a Socio-Historical Approach. Part 2. Classroom Materials. Practical Paper No. 303. (Part 1 of 2 Parts). (United States)

    Agin, Michael Lawrence

    This publication, part 1 of two parts, presents the narrative materials for the teaching of the concept--the development of atomic energy and its social implications--growing out of a study made to determine the feasibility of teaching scientific concepts related to the social and historical developments of science and selected concepts related to…

  11. The Feasibility of Teaching Science via a Socio-Historical Approach. Part 2. Classroom Materials. Practical Paper No. 303. (Part 2 of 2 Parts). (United States)

    Agin, Michael Lawrence

    Reported is part 2 of a two-part publication which presents the narrative materials for the teaching of the concept--the development of atomic energy and its social implications. This publication is the result of a study to determine the feasibility of teaching scientific concepts related to the social and historical developments of science and…

  12. Part-time Jobs : What Women Want?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Booth, A.L.; van Ours, J.C.


    Part-time jobs are popular among partnered women in many countries. In the Netherlands the majority of partnered working women have a part-time job. Our paper investigates, from a supply-side perspective, if the current situation of abundant part-time work in the Netherlands is likely to be a

  13. Electronic spare-parts catalogue, an elementary module of spare-parts supply; Elektronischer Ersatzteilkatalog als elementarer Baustein der Ersatzteilversorgung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nienhaus, Karl; Bartnitzki, Thomas [RWTH Aachen (Germany). Inst. fuer Maschinentechnik der Rohstoffindustrie; Stoll, Andrea [Bucyrus HEX GmbH, Dortmund (Germany). Abt. Technische Dokumentation


    Developments in recent years in the supply of spare parts at Bucyrus HEX GmbH have revealed the increasing importance of quick and error-free ordering of spare parts by means of electronic spare-parts catalogues. The spare-parts catalogue has meanwhile become the central component in order to enter eCommerce with the after sales services. These higher requirements will lead to further optimisation and automation of the publishing process on the manufacturer's side and to quicker acceptance of the new digital media and the linking of the electronic spare-parts catalogues to maintenance planning systems on the customer's side. The authors agree that these are exciting times with regard to electronic spare-parts catalogues. (orig.)

  14. 30 CFR 56.14107 - Moving machine parts. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Moving machine parts. 56.14107 Section 56.14107... Safety Devices and Maintenance Requirements § 56.14107 Moving machine parts. (a) Moving machine parts... takeup pulleys, flywheels, couplings, shafts, fan blades, and similar moving parts that can cause injury...

  15. Development of non-linear TWB parts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, J.; Yoon, C.S.; Lim, J.D. [Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors Corp. (Korea). Advanced Technology Center; Park, H.C. [Hyundai Hysco (Korea). Technical Research Lab.


    New manufacturing methods have applied for automotive parts to reduce total weight of car, resulting in improvement of fuel efficiency. TWB technique is applied to auto body parts, especially door inner, side inner and outer panel, and center floor panel to accomplish this goal. We applied non-linear (circular welded) TWB to shock absorber housing (to reduce total weight of shock absorber housing assembly). Welding line and shape of blank were determined by FEM analysis. High formability steel sheet and 440MPa grade high strength steel sheet were laser welded and press formed to final shock absorber housing (S/ABS HSG) panel and assembled with other sub parts. As a result, more than 10% of total weight of shock absorber housing assembly could be reduced compared with the mass of same part manufactured by conventional method. Also circular welding technique made it possible to design optimum welding line of TWB part. This paper is about result of FEM analysis and development procedure of non-linear TWB part (shock absorber housing assembly). (orig.)

  16. Analysis of the environmental and nature impacts of 'Building Bridges'. Coalition VVD-PvdA, October 29, 2012. A quick scan; Analyse van de milieu- en natuureffecten van 'Bruggen slaan'. Regeerakkoord VVD-PvdA d.d. 29 oktober 2012. Een quick-scan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dietz, F. (ed.)


    The coalition between the political parties VVD (liberals) and PvdA (socialists) connects the transition to a sustainable economy and green growth to strengthening the competitive capacity of the Dutch economy. The role of the Dutch government in the coalition aims at creating a framework and to provide facilities to realize the transition. In this memo the results of an analysis of the impacts of the coalition are given for the themes Energy and Climate, Nature, Transport and Traffic, and Green Growth [Dutch] Het Regeerakkoord VVD-PvdA koppelt de transitie naar een duurzame economie en groene groei aan het versterken van het concurrentievermogen van de Nederlandse economie. De rol van de rijksoverheid wordt in het regeerakkoord met name ingevuld als kaderstellend en faciliterend. De PBL-notitie analyseert de effecten van het regeringsakkoord voor de thema's Energie en Klimaat, Natuur, Verkeer en Vervoer, en Groene groei.

  17. Sustainable cooling of server rooms and data centres; Duurzaam koelen van serverruimtes en datacenters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Opschoor, S.; Drooger, P. [DWA installatie- en energieadvies, Bodegraven (Netherlands)


    Reduction of energy consumption of server rooms and data centers with renevvable cooling systems is very efficient. The first step should be to determine the demand for cold and heat. The use of waste energy and renewable eaergy sources in combination with underground energy storage result in substantial saving of energy: up to 40% and a payback period of 4 years. [Dutch] Voor serverruimtes en datacenters loont het om alle opties om energie te besparen te onderzoeken m.b.v. een stappenplan. Daarin gaat het erom de reductie van de energiebehoefte, benutting van de vrijkomende energie, het gebruik van duurzame energiebronnen en efficient gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen te inventariseren. In dit artikel worden enkele voorbeelden gegeven: reduceren van de koelbehoefte bij de Dienst Informatie en Administratie (DIA) van de gemeente Groningen; .realisatie van een installatie met energieopslag en warmtepomp bij het internetbedrijf Cisco Systems in Amsterdam.

  18. 50 CFR 216.37 - Marine mammal parts. (United States)


    ...: (1) The person transferring the part receives no remuneration of any kind for the marine mammal part... specifically authorized by the Regional Director, consistent with the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) and (a... Regional Director of the transfer, including a description of the part, the person to whom the part was...

  19. Some Aspects of Part-Time Work. (United States)

    Australian Dept. of Labour and National Service, Melbourne. Women's Bureau.

    Of major importance to many married women seeking employment in Australia is the availability of part-time work. To describe the economic aspects of part-time employment for women, a review was made of statistics published by the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics and of research on part-time employment in overseas countries, and a…

  20. 49 CFR Appendix C to Part 385 - Regulations Pertaining to Remedial Directives in Part 385, Subpart J (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Regulations Pertaining to Remedial Directives in Part 385, Subpart J C Appendix C to Part 385 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to...—Regulations Pertaining to Remedial Directives in Part 385, Subpart J § 395.1(h)(1)(i)Requiring or permitting a...

  1. Part-time labour in retailing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.R. Thurik (Roy); N. van der Wijst (Nico)


    textabstractRetailers have to deal with a fluctuating demand for labor. The use of part-time employees is one of their instruments to cope with these fluctuations. This article gives theoretical considerations regarding the use of part-time labor in the retail trade and empirical evidence regarding

  2. Condition based spare parts supply

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lin, X.; Basten, Robertus Johannes Ida; Kranenburg, A.A.; van Houtum, Geert-Jan


    We consider a spare parts stock point that serves an installed base of machines. Each machine contains the same critical component, whose degradation behavior is described by a Markov process. We consider condition based spare parts supply, and show that an optimal, condition based inventory policy


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raluca Dimitriu


    Full Text Available The employee who concluded a part-time contract is the employee whose normal working hours, calculated weekly or as monthly average, is lower than the number of normal working hours of a comparable full-time employee. Part-time workers generally have the same legal status as full time workers. In fact, the vulnerability of this category of workers is not necessarily legal but rather economic: income - in proportion to the work performed, may be insufficient to cover the needs of living. However, such vulnerability may also have a certain cultural component: in some societies, professional identity is determined by the length of working hours. Also, part time work may hide many types of indirect discrimination.As a result, the part-time contract requires more than a protective legislation: it requires a strategy. This paper proposes a number of milestones of such a strategy, as well as some concrete de lege ferenda proposals.

  4. Parts : ministrite minevik olgu avalik / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts vastab küsimustele, mis on seotud politseinike altkäemaksu andmise avalikuks tulekuga, komissar Indrek Sirgi ametist lahkumisega ja ministrite seadusrikkumiste avalikustamisega. Kommenteerivad: Margus Leivo, Tarmo Loodus, Ain Seppik. Vt. samas: Valik saladuses peetavast teabest

  5. Scenario's voor duurzame energie in verkeer en vervoer; beoordeling op verschillende criteria voor duurzaamheid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brink RMM van den; RIM


    The study documented here deals with the technical potential of sustainable energy sources to reduce the use of fossil fuels in the long term (2050) by more than 80% compared to their use in 1990. Biomass alone was shown to have insufficient potential to reach this goal where CO2 emissions are

  6. Study on sustainable energy supply for Triflor [tulip business]; Onderzoek duurzame energievoorziening Triflor [tulpenbedrijf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nijssen, J.


    The energy supply of the Tulip cultivation and hot-bed company Triflor has been mapped and the economic feasibility of various alternatives has been studied. [Dutch] De energievoorziening van het tulpenteelt- en broeibedrijf Triflor, Nieuwe Niedorp, is in kaart gebracht en de economische haalbaarheid van diverse alternatieven is onderzocht.

  7. Radiation transport phenomena and modeling. Part A: Codes; Part B: Applications with examples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lorence, L.J. Jr.; Beutler, D.E.


    This report contains the notes from the second session of the 1997 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference Short Course on Applying Computer Simulation Tools to Radiation Effects Problems. Part A discusses the physical phenomena modeled in radiation transport codes and various types of algorithmic implementations. Part B gives examples of how these codes can be used to design experiments whose results can be easily analyzed and describes how to calculate quantities of interest for electronic devices

  8. Juhan Parts : Eesti saab uued ministrid paari-kolme nädalaga / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Res Publica esimees Juhan Parts tunnistab Reformierakonna ja Rahvaliiduga peetavate võimukõneluste takerdumist päevaprobleemidesse, kuid loodab aprilli esimeseks pooleks valitsuskoalitsiooni kokku saada. Vt. samas: Parts kohtus Rüütliga

  9. Advanced modern algebra part 2

    CERN Document Server

    Rotman, Joseph J


    This book is the second part of the new edition of Advanced Modern Algebra (the first part published as Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume 165). Compared to the previous edition, the material has been significantly reorganized and many sections have been rewritten. The book presents many topics mentioned in the first part in greater depth and in more detail. The five chapters of the book are devoted to group theory, representation theory, homological algebra, categories, and commutative algebra, respectively. The book can be used as a text for a second abstract algebra graduate course, as a source of additional material to a first abstract algebra graduate course, or for self-study.

  10. 48 CFR 18.000 - Scope of part. (United States)


    ... AND CONTRACT TYPES EMERGENCY ACQUISITIONS 18.000 Scope of part. (a) This part identifies acquisition... and limitations set forth in FAR Part 3, Improper Business Practices and Personal Conflicts of...

  11. Neuroscience in Nazi Europe Part III

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zeidman, Lawrence A; Kondziella, Daniel


    In Part I, neuroscience collaborators with the Nazis were discussed, and in Part II, neuroscience resistors were discussed. In Part III, we discuss the tragedy regarding european neuroscientists who became victims of the Nazi onslaught on “non-Aryan” doctors. Some of these unfortunate...... of neuroscience, we pay homage and do not allow humanity to forget, lest this dark period in history ever repeat itself....

  12. Engineering BioBrick vectors from BioBrick parts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Knight Thomas F


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The underlying goal of synthetic biology is to make the process of engineering biological systems easier. Recent work has focused on defining and developing standard biological parts. The technical standard that has gained the most traction in the synthetic biology community is the BioBrick standard for physical composition of genetic parts. Parts that conform to the BioBrick assembly standard are BioBrick standard biological parts. To date, over 2,000 BioBrick parts have been contributed to, and are available from, the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. Results Here we extended the same advantages of BioBrick standard biological parts to the plasmid-based vectors that are used to provide and propagate BioBrick parts. We developed a process for engineering BioBrick vectors from BioBrick parts. We designed a new set of BioBrick parts that encode many useful vector functions. We combined the new parts to make a BioBrick base vector that facilitates BioBrick vector construction. We demonstrated the utility of the process by constructing seven new BioBrick vectors. We also successfully used the resulting vectors to assemble and propagate other BioBrick standard biological parts. Conclusion We extended the principles of part reuse and standardization to BioBrick vectors. As a result, myriad new BioBrick vectors can be readily produced from all existing and newly designed BioBrick parts. We invite the synthetic biology community to (1 use the process to make and share new BioBrick vectors; (2 expand the current collection of BioBrick vector parts; and (3 characterize and improve the available collection of BioBrick vector parts.

  13. [Part-time residency training in Israel]. (United States)

    Fishbain, Dana; Levi, Baruch; Borow, Malke; Ashkenazi, Shai; Lindner, Arie


    Full-time work has long been perceived as a cornerstone of medical residency, the consensus being that a resident must apply the bulk of his time and attention to his professional training. Demographic and cultural changes that have taken place over the last several years, specifically the rise in the number of female doctors and the importance of leisure time to the younger generation, have intensified the need to find new and innovative ways to deal with the plight of the resident population. One idea, already in effect in many Western countries, is the institution of part-time residency programs. The possibility of fulfilling residency requirements on a part-time basis is intended to assist medical residents in integrating their professional development with their personal and family life, without compromising the quality of their training. A number of research studies conducted over the last several years in countries that allow part-time residency, among them the United States, England and Switzerland, aimed to examine the quality of part-time training. The various studies evinced a high level of satisfaction from the program both by the residents themselves and their supervisors, and in many aspects those doing residency part-time received higher appraisals than their full-time colleagues. Some of the residents polled noted that they would have totally foregone the practice of medicine had there not been an option to complete residency part-time. In light of the experience throughout the world and the changing landscape in Israel, the Scientific Council of the Israeli Medical Association decided to examine the issue and its various aspects, and weighed all the considerations in favor and against part-time residency. Recently, the Scientific Council approved the launch of a pilot program to allow part-time residency in several fields that were carefully selected according to specific criteria. Once the Ministry of Health completes the LegisLation process, part

  14. Changing nature of equipment and parts qualification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bucci, R.M.


    Ideally, the original supplier of a piece of nuclear safety-related equipment has performed a qualification program and will continue to support that equipment throughout the lifetime of the nuclear power plants in which in equipment is installed. The supplier's nuclear quality assurance program will be maintained and he will continue to offer all necessary replacement parts. These parts will be identical to the original parts, certified to the original purchase order requirements, and the parts will be offered at competitive prices. Due to the changing nature of the nuclear plant equipment market, however, one or more of those ideal features are frequently unavailable when safety-related replacement equipment or parts are required. Thus, the process of equipment and parts qualification has had to adjust in order to ensure obtaining qualified replacements when needed. This paper presents some new directions taken in the qualification of replacement equipment and parts to meet changes in the marketplace

  15. Increasingly Equalized? A Study of Part-Time Work in ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Part-Time Work Regimes


    Heidi Nicolaisen


    Recent debates on equalization of part-time work alongside full-time work stress the importance of high quality part-time jobs. This paper compares equalization in banking in three countries: two `old´ part-time work regimes, Norway and Sweden, and Ireland, where part-time work started to increase more recently. Banking is particularly interesting as a sector with a high proportion of female employment and good working conditions. One main interest is the role of regulations and how they are ...

  16. Open reduction and internal fixation of three and four-part fractures of the proximal part of the humerus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijgman, A. J.; Roolker, W.; Patt, T. W.; Raaymakers, E. L. F. B.; Marti, R. K.


    BACKGROUND: Controversy persists concerning the preferred treatment of displaced fractures of the proximal part of the humerus. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the results of open reduction and internal fixation of three and four-part fractures of the proximal part of the humerus and

  17. Gezond door landbouw en groen. De betekenis van landbouw en groen voor de gezondheid van de stedelijke samenleving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hassink, J.


    De stedelijke gebieden van Nederland krijgen het steeds benauwder. Nieuwbouw verdringt meer en meer het groen in en om de stad, terwijl de 24-uurs-economie de mensen opjaagt. Kwetsbare groepen, onder wie cliënten met een verstandelijke beperking of psychische problematiek, mensen met een

  18. Increasingly Equalized? A Study of Part-Time Work in ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Part-Time Work Regimes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heidi Nicolaisen


    Full Text Available Recent debates on equalization of part-time work alongside full-time work stress the importance of high quality part-time jobs. This paper compares equalization in banking in three countries: two `old´ part-time work regimes, Norway and Sweden, and Ireland, where part-time work started to increase more recently. Banking is particularly interesting as a sector with a high proportion of female employment and good working conditions. One main interest is the role of regulations and how they are enforced at company level. The analysis shows that part-time work in the Nordic countries is normalized in terms of access and general work conditions, while in Ireland access is more restricted. Career opportunities are, however, restricted in all three countries. This paper argues that further equalization may be hindered by `soft´ regulations and a gradual normalization process that also normalizes disadvantages associated with part-time work and the category of the `working mother´.

  19. Part-time labour in retailing


    Thurik, Roy; Wijst, Nico


    textabstractRetailers have to deal with a fluctuating demand for labor. The use of part-time employees is one of their instruments to cope with these fluctuations. This article gives theoretical considerations regarding the use of part-time labor in the retail trade and empirical evidence regarding the influence of its use on labor productivity.

  20. Hydroforming of flanged tubular part

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joo, B. D.; Jang, J. H.; Choi, M. K.; Moon, Y. H.


    Tube hydroforming is the technology that utilizes hydraulic pressure to form a tube into desired shapes inside die cavities. Recently, tube hydroforming technology draws attentions of automotive industries due to its advantages such as weight reduction, increased strength, improved quality and reduced tooling cost. Hydroformed automotive parts used as structural components in vehicle body frame or subframe often have to be structurally joined at some point. Therefore it is useful if the hydroformed automotive parts can be given a localized attachment flange. In this study, a tube hydroformed product which has flange has been formed at various processing conditions. To accomplish successful flange hydroforming process, thorough investigation on proper combination of process parameters such as internal hydraulic pressure and tool geometry has been performed. For the process design FE analysis was performed with Dynaform 5.5. With optimized die parting angle and circumferential expansion ratio, hydroforming experiments to form flange were performed and forming characteristics at various process conditions were analyzed. The results show that flanged parts can be successfully produced by tube hydroforming process.

  1. 49 CFR 541.6 - Requirements for replacement parts. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Requirements for replacement parts. 541.6 Section....6 Requirements for replacement parts. (a) Each replacement part for a part specified in § 541.5(a) must have the registered trademark of the manufacturer of the replacement part, or some other unique...

  2. Dynamic loading of galvanized parts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michal Černý


    Full Text Available This work is divided into two parts: the theoretical part includes actual knowledge and points of view about degradation processes in construction materials, anticorrosion protection, zinc coat composition and high frequency fatigue. The laboratory part follow-up existing regulations contents Czech standards and formulate specifications for acquisition of objective information from acceleration la­bo­ra­to­ry tests in condensation chests, mechanical high frequency fatigue tests on pulsator machine and possibilities of evaluation of fatigue tests. Laboratory findings declare to fundamental types of damage of constructions with anticorrosion protection in real loading conditions with dynamic high frequency character. Laboratory tests were made in sulphide and chloride environments.

  3. Magnetic self-assembly of small parts (United States)

    Shetye, Sheetal B.

    Modern society's propensity for miniaturized end-user products is compelling electronic manufacturers to assemble and package different micro-scale, multi-technology components in more efficient and cost-effective manners. As the size of the components gets smaller, issues such as part sticking and alignment precision create challenges that slow the throughput of conventional robotic pick-n-place systems. As an alternative, various self-assembly approaches have been proposed to manipulate micro to millimeter scale components in a parallel fashion without human or robotic intervention. In this dissertation, magnetic self-assembly (MSA) is demonstrated as a highly efficient, completely parallel process for assembly of millimeter scale components. MSA is achieved by integrating permanent micromagnets onto component bonding surfaces using wafer-level microfabrication processes. Embedded bonded powder methods are used for fabrication of the magnets. The magnets are then magnetized using pulse magnetization methods, and the wafers are then singulated to form individual components. When the components are randomly mixed together, self-assembly occurs when the intermagnetic forces overcome the mixing forces. Analytical and finite element methods (FEM) are used to study the force interactions between the micromagnets. The multifunctional aspects of MSA are presented through demonstration of part-to-part and part-to-substrate assembly of 1 mm x 1mm x 0.5 mm silicon components. Part-to-part assembly is demonstrated by batch assembly of free-floating parts in a liquid environment with the assembly yield of different magnetic patterns varying from 88% to 90% in 20 s. Part-to-substrate assembly is demonstrated by assembling an ordered array onto a fixed substrate in a dry environment with the assembly yield varying from 86% to 99%. In both cases, diverse magnetic shapes/patterns are used to control the alignment and angular orientation of the components. A mathematical model is

  4. Parts : oleme valmis kompromissideks / Juhan Parts ; interv. Külli-Riin Tigasson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts vastab küsimustele, mis on seotud Brüsselis algava Euroopa Liidu ülemkogu ehk EL-i valitsusjuhtide tippkohtumisega, põhiseaduse lepingu projektiga. Vt. samas: Volinike arvu piiramine kasulik

  5. Machine for dismantling metal parts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prokopov, O.I.; Loginovskiy, V.I.; Yagudin, S.Z.


    The purpose of the invention is to reduce the outlays of time for dismantling metal parts under conditions of eliminating open gas and oil gushers in operational drilling. This goal is achieved because the machine for dismantling the metal parts is equipped with a set of clamping elements arranged on the chassis, where each of them has a drive.

  6. Smart variations: Functional substructures for part compatibility

    KAUST Repository

    Zheng, Youyi; Cohen-Or, Daniel; Mitra, Niloy J.


    As collections of 3D models continue to grow, reusing model parts allows generation of novel model variations. Naïvely swapping parts across models, however, leads to implausible results, especially when mixing parts across different model families

  7. Parts : valitsuskoostöö pole armastus / Juhan Parts ; interv. Jaanus Piirsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaministri ametisse asuv Juhan Parts vastab küsimustele Res Publicat käsitleva peaminister Siim Kallase kirja, oma koalitsioonipartnerite usaldatavuse, ministritele seatavate kriteeriumide, kokkuhoiu, ametiautode süsteemi muutmise, erakondade rahastamise, iibe kohta

  8. 48 CFR 39.000 - Scope of part. (United States)


    ... CONTRACTING ACQUISITION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 39.000 Scope of part. This part prescribes acquisition policies and procedures for use in acquiring— (a) Information technology, including financial management systems, consistent with other parts of this regulation, OMB Circular No. A-127, Financial Management...

  9. Peaminister Parts : lapsed olgu meist targemad / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Intervjuus tunnistab peaminister Juhan Parts end roheliseks poliitikuks, nimetab valitsusliitu parimaks võimalikuks ja soovitab tudengitel kõigepealt õppida ning annab valitsuse 100 päeva hindeks "neli miinus". Kommenteerivad: Evelyn Sepp, Tarmo Loodus, Ivari Padar

  10. Function Concepts for Machine Parts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Niels Henrik


    The majority of resources, like time and costs, consumed in industrial product development can be related to detailed design, i.e. the materialisation of machine parts (German Maschinenteile). Existing design theories based on a systems approach, e.g. Haberfellner [5] all have function, i.......e. transformation from input to output or ability to deliver purposeful effects as the core concept. The units in a product which posses functions are the organs (German: Funktionsträgern). Because individual parts do not posses functions, one could argue that the design theories based on a systems approach...... to be identification of a purposeful behaviour concept, i.e. function for a machine part. The contribution is based on the theory of technical systems, Hubka and the domain theory, Andreasen....

  11. PHP The Good Parts

    CERN Document Server

    MacIntyre, Peter


    Get past all the hype about PHP and dig into the real power of this language. This book explores the most useful features of PHP and how they can speed up the web development process, and explains why the most commonly used PHP elements are often misused or misapplied. You'll learn which parts add strength to object-oriented programming, and how to use certain features to integrate your application with databases. Written by a longtime member of the PHP community, PHP: The Good Parts is ideal for new PHP programmers, as well as web developers switching from other languages. Become familiar w

  12. Cumulative indices for Spectrochima Acta, Part A and Spectrochimica Acta, Part B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheeline, A.; Williams, B.; Williksen, E.; Jeffrey Steinfeld,; McEnroe, B.


    This article is an electronic publication in Spectrochimica Acta Electronica (SAE), a section of Spectrochimica Acta, Part B (SAB). The hardcopy text is accompanied by an electronic archive, stored on the SAE homepage at The archive contains data, index and program files. The main article discusses the bibliographical purpose of the program and data files. A collective index for Spectrochimica Acta for volumes since it was split into Parts A and B, and continuing through 1991 for SAA and 1997 for SAB, is presented in DBF format, along with rudimentary data entry and access software. (Copyright (c) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights reserved.)

  13. Multiple part feeding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvilshøj, Mads; Bøgh, Simon; Nielsen, Oluf Skov


    " is capable of successfully servicing four part feeders in three production cells using command signals from an Open Process Control (OPC) server. Furthermore, the paper presents future research and development suggestions for AIMM, which contributes to near-term industrial maturation and implementation...

  14. 30 CFR 57.14107 - Moving machine parts. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Moving machine parts. 57.14107 Section 57.14107... Equipment Safety Devices and Maintenance Requirements § 57.14107 Moving machine parts. (a) Moving machine parts shall be guarded to protect persons from contacting gears, sprockets, chains, drive, head, tail...

  15. Conflict in the workplace: part 2. (United States)

    Northam, Sally


    Last month, in Part 1 of this two-part article, I explored factors that contribute to workplace conflict among nurses (such as sex, age, power, and culture), as well as individual responses to conflict. I also discussed my observation that nurses apply their skills in therapeutic communication to solving workplace conflict, and that they therefore tend to focus on emotions rather than on solutions. In Part 2, I present strategies nurses can use to resolve conflict and build more effective-and harmonious-workplace relationships.

  16. La electricidad antes de Faraday. Parte 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Poveda Ramos


    Full Text Available Esta es la segunda y última parte de este artículo, cuya primera parte fue publicada en el número anterior de esta revista. Esta parte cubre el período de la Edad Moderna posterior al Renacimiento, hasta llegar a Faraday. Presenta los descubrimientos y los inventos que en este tramo de historia se hicieron en la teoría y en la experimentación en el campo de la electricidad, los cuales forman parte muy importante de esa ciencia, con el nombre de electrostática. Esta parte final (y el artículo completo llegan hasta Faraday porque este gran científico reunió en un solo cuerpo de conocimientos la electricidad y el magnetismo.

  17. 47 CFR 90.5 - Other applicable rule parts. (United States)


    ... MOBILE RADIO SERVICES General Information § 90.5 Other applicable rule parts. Other Commission rule parts..., and treaties. This part also contains standards and procedures concerning marketing of radio frequency... contains rules relating to commercial mobile radio services. (i) Part 20 which governs commercial mobile...

  18. Training manual for precision hand deburring, Part 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gillespie, L.K.


    This publication is Part 3 of a 4 part training manual to be used by machinist trainees, production workers, and others removing burrs from precision miniature parts. The manuals are written to be self-teaching and are intended to be used with two hours of training each day along with six additional hours of bench work in deburring. This part describes mounted stones, scrapers, hand stones, abrasive filled rubber and cotton tools, abrasive paper products, felt bobs and lapping compounds, mandrels and arbors, miscellaneous tools, personal techniques for assuring quality, cleaning parts, and deburring gears and plastic parts.

  19. Laser beam welding of titanium additive manufactured parts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wits, Wessel Willems; Jauregui Becker, Juan Manuel


    In this paper the joinability of titanium Additive Manufactured (AM) parts is explored. Keyhole welding, using a pulsed laser beam, of conventionally produced parts is compared to AM parts. Metal AM parts are notorious for having remaining porosities and other non-isotropic properties due to the

  20. Opportunistic replacement of fusion power system parts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Day, J.A.; George, L.L.


    This paper describes a maintenance problem in a fusion power plant. The problem is to specify which life limited parts should be replaced when there is an opportunity. The objective is to minimize the cost rate of replacement parts and of maintenance actions while satisfying a power plant availability constraint. The maintenance policy is to look ahead and replace all parts that will reach their life limits within a time called a screen. Longer screens yield greater system availabilities because more parts are replaced prior to their life limits

  1. Shrinkage calibration method for μPIM manufactured parts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Quagliotti, Danilo; Tosello, Guido; Salaga, J.


    Five green and five sintered parts of a micro mechanical component, produced by micro powder injection moulding, were measured using an optical coordinate measuring machine. The aim was to establish a method for quality assurance of the final produced parts. Initially, the so called “green” parts...... were compared with the sintered parts (final products) calculating the percentage of shrinkage after sintering. Successively, the expanded uncertainty of the measured dimensions were evaluated for each single part as well as for the overall parts. Finally, the estimated uncertainty for the shrinkage...... was evaluated propagating the expanded uncertainty previously stated and considering green and sintered parts correlated. Results showed that the proposed method can be effective instating tolerances if it is assumed that the variability on the dimensions induced by the shrinkage equals the propagated expanded...

  2. End-of-Life Inventory Decisions of Service Parts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. Pourakbar (Morteza)


    textabstractWith the spurt of technology and innovation the life cycles of parts and products have become shorter and service parts enter their final phases earlier. Final phase of a typical service part starts once the part production is ceased and ends when the last service or warranty contract

  3. 29 CFR 1405.9 - Part-time employment practices. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Part-time employment practices. 1405.9 Section 1405.9 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) FEDERAL MEDIATION AND CONCILIATION SERVICE PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT Part-time Employment Program § 1405.9 Part-time employment practices. FMCS will review positions which...

  4. 47 CFR 24.2 - Other applicable rule parts. (United States)


    ... procedures concerning the marketing and importation of radio frequency devices, and for obtaining equipment... conditions relating to the marketing of part 15 devices. Unlicensed PCS devices operate under subpart D of... towers. (g) Part 20 of this chapter governs commercial mobile radio services. (h) Part 21. This part...

  5. 45 CFR 1226.11 - Part time volunteers. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Part time volunteers. 1226.11 Section 1226.11... SERVICE PROHIBITIONS ON ELECTORAL AND LOBBYING ACTIVITIES Volunteer Activities § 1226.11 Part time volunteers. (a) The provisions in this section are applicable to part time volunteers, as defined in § 1226.3...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert L. Wiegel


    Full Text Available This is Part 3 of Tsunami Information Sources published by Robert L. Wiegel, as Technical Report UCB/HEL 2006-3 of the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering of the University of California at Berkeley. Part 3 is published in "SCIENCE OF TSUNAMI HAZARDS" -with the author's permission -so that it can receive wider distribution and use by the Tsunami Scientific Community.

  7. Calculus: A Computer Oriented Presentation, Part 1 [and] Part 2. (United States)

    Stenberg, Warren; Walker, Robert J.

    Parts one and two of a one-year computer-oriented calculus course (without analytic geometry) are presented. The ideas of calculus are introduced and motivated through computer (i.e., algorithmic) concepts. An introduction to computing via algorithms and a simple flow chart language allows the book to be self-contained, except that material on…

  8. Laser beam welding of titanium additive manufactured parts


    Wits, Wessel Willems; Jauregui Becker, Juan Manuel


    In this paper the joinability of titanium Additive Manufactured (AM) parts is explored. Keyhole welding, using a pulsed laser beam, of conventionally produced parts is compared to AM parts. Metal AM parts are notorious for having remaining porosities and other non-isotropic properties due to the layered manufacturing process. This study shows that due to these deficiencies more energy per unit weld length is required to obtain a similar keyhole geometry for titanium AM parts. It is also demon...

  9. Juhan Parts : oleme Isamaaliiduga lähedased / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Mattson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad Isamaaliitu kui Res Publicale kõige lähedasemat võimalikku koalitsioonipartnerit, nn suure koalitsiooni tekkimise võimalust. Skeem: Jõujooned Riigikogus

  10. Plutonium microstructures. Part 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cramer, E.M.; Bergin, J.B.


    This report is the first of three parts in which Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory metallographers exhibit a consolidated set of illustrations of inclusions that are seen in plutonium metal as a consequence of inherent and tramp impurities, alloy additions, and thermal or mechanical treatments. This part includes illustrations of nonmetallic and intermetallic inclusions characteristic of major impurity elements as an aid to identifying unknowns. It also describes historical aspects of the increased purity of laboratory plutonium samples, and it gives the composition of the etchant solutions and describes the etching procedure used in the preparation of each illustrated sample. 25 figures

  11. Energy supply for the Zuidas district [Amsterdam, Netherlands] 1995-2005, 2005-2020. Review, analysis and preview; Energievoorziening Zuidas 1995-2005, 2005-2020. Terugblik, analyse, vooruitblik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frederiks, N.


    The project The Zuidas in Amsterdam, Netherlands, is the connection between the residential areas Amsterdam South and Buitenveldertbaan. It is a large spatial development that generates significant strategic and economic effects for both municipality, region and the Netherlands. Amsterdam plans to generate and use as much sustainable energy as possible in the most efficient way. This report describes how the Zuidas can become a sustainable and energy efficient project. The public version of the report is described in DMB magazine No. 1 [Dutch] Het projectgebied De Zuidas in Amsterdam vormt de verbinding tussen woonwijken (Zuid en Buitenveldert). Het is een groot ruimtelijk-ontwikkelingsproject dat belangrijke strategische en economische effecten genereert voor zowel gemeente, regio als Nederland. Amsterdam wil zoveel mogelijk duurzame energie efficiënt opwekken en gebruiken. In dit rapport wordt beschreven hoe de Zuidas een duurzaam en energiezuinig project moet worden. De publieksversie wordt beschreven in DMB magazine nr. 1.

  12. Active energy interaction. In between transparent facade/roof and environment; Actieve energie-interactie. Tussen transparant gevel/dak en omgeving

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zeiler, W.; Quanjel, E. [Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Faculteit Bouwkunde, unit Building Physics and Services, Eindhoven (Netherlands); Timmermans, D.; Van Gerve, M. [Brakel Atmos, Uden (Netherlands)


    Optimal use of daylight is possible with glass or other transparent material. During the year solar heat can be utilized. How can you design innovative transparent roof/wall concepts and products which add value to daylight, comfort and energy?. [Dutch] Transparante dakconstructies bij gevelaanbouwen of serres bieden veel voordelen voor daglichttoetreding en passieve zonneverwarming. Deze toepassingen nemen daarom toe bij nieuwbouw en renovatie. Maar vooral in de zomer zijn er problemen met oververhitting. Optimalisatie gedurende het gehele jaar is gewenst. Zo ontstaat de meest comfortabele en energiezuinige situatie. Gebruikers eisen duurzame, energiezuinige en comfortabele woningen en kantoren. Hierdoor zijn de afgelopen decennia gebouwen overmatig geisoleerd, waardoor de gebruiker vervreemd is geraakt van zijn natuurlijke omgeving. Goed bouwen met glas of andere transparante materialen maakt optimale benutting van daglicht mogelijk. Ook kan gedurende grote delen van het jaar de zonnewarmte benut worden. Hoe realiseer je een afgestemde ontwerpmethodiek en afwegingsmodel voor innovatieve transparante dak/gevel-concepten en producten die een meerwaarde hebben voor daglicht, comfort en energiegebruik?.

  13. Options for shallow geothermal energy for horticulture; Kansen voor Ondiepe Geothermie voor de glastuinbouw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hellebrand, K. [IF-Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands); Post, R.J. [DLV glas en energie, Naaldwijk (Netherlands); In ' t Groen, B. [KEMA, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    Geothermal energy is too expensive to serve as energy supply for most horticultural entrepreneurs. Therefore, research has been carried out into options to use heat from more shallow layers (shallow geothermal energy). Unlike shallow geothermal energy deep geothermal energy can be applied on a smaller scale, possibly also for individual growers. It can be applied in combination with an existing heating system, but with a more sustainable outcome. Because drilling is done in shallow layers, drilling costs and financial risks are lower [Dutch] Geothermie is voor de meeste tuinbouwondernemers teduur om als energievoorziening te dienen. Daarom is onderzoek gedaan naar mogelijkheden om warmte te gebruiken uit ondiepere lagen (ondiepe geothermie). In tegenstelling tot diepe geothermie is ondiepe geothermie op kleinere schaal toepasbaar, mogelijk ook voor individuele kwekers. Het kan in combinatie met de bestaande verwarmingsinstallatie worden ingezet maar met een duurzamer resultaat. Omdat ondieper wordt geboord zijn de boorkosten en de financiele risico's lager.

  14. Cooling concept with energy storage for ICT; Koelconcept met energieopslag voor ICT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Wilt, P. [Compertius, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    Renewable energy concepts with energy storage in the soil are not only about technique. To ensure successful implementation of energy storage in the soil for various branches cooperation needs to be sought with parties who know specific branches very well. In addition to the technical aspects, it is at least as important that the needs and working methods of a market segment are thoroughly known to ensure optimal linkage of source systems to the systems and operational processes of the client. [Dutch] Bij ontwikkelde duurzame energieconcepten met inzet van energieopslag in de bodem gaat het niet alleen om techniek, Om energieopslag in de bodem voor verschillende branches met succes in te zetten, is samenwerking nodig met partijen die een specifieke branche goed kennen. Naast de techniek is het minstens zo belangrijk ook de behoeftes en werkwijzen van een marktsegment door en door te kennen, om bronsystemen zo optimaal te koppelen aan de systemen en bedrijfsprocessen van de klant.

  15. Energy efficiency and use of natural gas show a changed view of energy consumption in the USA in 2011; Energie efficientie en gasgebruik leidden tot een veranderd beeld van energieverbuik in de VS in 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Louzada, K.


    The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) recently published estimates of energy consumption in the USA. The total energy consumption in the USA decreased by almost 2% since 2008. This decrease is attributed to increasing energy efficiency in households and transport. The increase in renewable energy shows how the current policy has promoted the growth of these technologies. In addition, the use of natural gas increased significantly as a result of shale gas extraction and reduced use of coal [Dutch] Het Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) publiceerde recentelijk schattingen van het energieverbruik in de VS. Het totale energieverbruik in de VS is met bijna 2% gedaald sinds 2008. Deze daling wordt toegeschreven aan toenemende energie-efficientie in huishoudens en transport. De toename van duurzame energie geeft weer hoe het huidige beleid de groei van deze technologieen heeft bevorderd. Daarnaast is door de opkomst van schaliegas winning het gebruik van aardgas aanzienlijk toegenomen en het gebruik van steenkool afgenomen.

  16. The availability of biomass for energy in the agricultural industry; De beschikbaarheid van biomassa voor energie in de Agro-industrie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elbersen, W. [Wageningen UR Food and Biobased Research, Wageningen (Netherlands); Janssens, B. [Wageningen UR LEI, Wageningen (Netherlands); Koppejan, J. [Procede Biomass, Enschede (Netherlands)


    The Dutch Agricultural Covenant included a target for sustainable energy of 200 PJ. The agricultural industry is expected to contribute 75 to 125 PJ (bio-energy). The sector is wondering whether this target is realistic. The aim of this project was to map the quality and quantity of residual flows in the agricultural industry that exist and are available or are already deployed for bio-energy (in the Netherlands), both today and in 2020. [Dutch] In het Agroconvenant is een doelstelling opgenomen voor duurzame energie van 200 PJ. Van de agro-industrie wordt een bijdrage van 75 tot 125 PJ (bio-energie) verwacht. De sector vraagt zich af of deze doelstelling wel realistisch is. Het doel van dit project was het in kaart brengen van de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van reststromen uit de agro-industrie die aanwezig of beschikbaar zijn of reeds (in Nederland) ingezet worden voor bio-energie nu en in 2020.

  17. Roadmap NRK 2012-2030. Annex; Routekaart NRK 2012-2030. Bijlage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krebbekx, J.; Duivenvoorde, G.; De Wolf, W. [Berenschot Groep, Utrecht (Netherlands); Lenselink, J. [Energy Experts International, Huissen (Netherlands)


    This roadmap identifies how RKI companies (rubber and synthetic materials) can create new revenue opportunities: development of sustainable products, switching from petroleum to carbon chains from biobased materials, closing the material chain (reuse/recycling). Also within their own organizations more efficiency can be achieved by continuing to invest in innovation in processes and innovation in the organization itself. A selective overview is given of innovation projects. This report is a separate annex to the main report [Dutch] In deze routekaart wordt aangegeven op welke wijze RKI-bedrijven (rubber en kunststoffen) nieuwe omzetkansen kunnen creeren: ontwikkelen van duurzame producten; overschakelen van aardolie naar koolstofketens uit biobased materialen; sluiten van de materiaalketen (hergebruik/recycling). Ook binnen de eigen organisatie kan er meer rendement worden behaald door te blijven investeren in innovatie in de eigen processen en innovatie in de eigen organisatie. Er is een overzicht gegeven van alle mogelijke verzamelde en geselecteerde innovatieprojecten. Deze publikatie is een aparte bijlage bij het hoofdrapport.

  18. Emission Trading System in the SER Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth. Macro-economic calculation by means of WorldScan; ETS in het SER Energieakkoord. Macro-economische doorrekening met WorldScan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brink, C. [Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving PBL, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    The Dutch National Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth aims at strengthening the European system for emissions trading by a more strict emission ceiling. Also, the agreement aims at guarantee the competitiveness of global energy intensive businesses by adjusting the allocation method for emission rights. In the calculations for the energy agreement this is reflected in the adjustment of the ETS pricing path. In this memo the calculations with the equilibrium model WordlScan are described and presented [Dutch] Het Nationaal Energieakkoord voor Duurzame Groei zet in op een versterking van het Europees systeem voor emissiehandel (ETS) door aanscherpen van het emissieplafond. Verder wil het akkoord de concurrentiepositie van het mondiaal opererende energie-intensieve bedrijfsleven borgen door aanpassing van de allocatiemethode voor emissierechten. In de doorrekening van het Energieakkoord is deze inzet tot uitdrukking gebracht in een aanpassing van het ETS-prijspad. Deze notitie beschrijft de berekeningen met het algemeen evenwichtsmodel WorldScan waar deze aanpassing van het ETS-prijspad op is gebaseerd.

  19. Student Part-Time Employment: Characteristics and Consequences (United States)

    Robotham, David


    Purpose: The aim of the paper is to examine the consequences of students engaging in part-time employment during their studies. It reports the results of a survey of part-time employment among university students. The research examined the possible consequences of combining part-time employment with full-time study, with particular reference to…

  20. Part-Time Faculty in 2-Year Colleges. (United States)

    National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education Newsletter, 1977


    Recognition clauses of negotiated faculty contracts from 139 two-year colleges were analyzed to determine the extent to which part-time faculty are included in the bargaining unit, and to examine contract references to part-time faculty. Approximately one-half (71) of the contracts did not include part-time faculty as members. Exclusion was either…

  1. Parts, Cavities, and Object Representation in Infancy (United States)

    Hayden, Angela; Bhatt, Ramesh S.; Kangas, Ashley; Zieber, Nicole


    Part representation is not only critical to object perception but also plays a key role in a number of basic visual cognition functions, such as figure-ground segregation, allocation of attention, and memory for shapes. Yet, virtually nothing is known about the development of part representation. If parts are fundamental components of object shape…

  2. 14 CFR Appendix D to Part 25 - Appendix D to Part 25 (United States)


    ... AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Pt. 25, App. D Appendix D to Part 25 Criteria for... any compartment. (7) The degree of automation provided in the aircraft systems to afford (after...

  3. Comparison of blood loss between using non central part cutting knee prosthesis and distal central part cutting. (United States)

    Malairungsakul, Anan


    Patients who undergo knee replacement surgery may need to receive a blood transfusion due to blood loss during the operation. Therefore it was important to improve the design of knee implant operative procedures in an attempt to reduce the rate of blood loss. The present study aimed to compare the blood loss between two types of knee replacement surgery. This is a retrospective study in which 78 patients received cemented knee replacements in Phayao Hospital between October 2010 and March 2012. There were two types of surgical procedure: 1) using an implant position covering the end of the femoral bone without cutting into the central part of the distal femoral, 2) using an implant position covering the end of the femoral bone cutting the central part of the distal femoral. Blood loss, blood transfusion, hemoglobin and hematocrit were recorded preoperatively, immediately postsurgery and 48 hours after surgery. Findings revealed that the knee replacement surgery using the implant position covering the end of the femoral bone without cutting the central part of the distal femoral significantly lowered the rate of blood loss when compared to using the implant position covering the end of the femoral bone with central cutting of the distal femor. The average blood loss during the operation without cutting at the central part of distal femoral was 49.50 ± 11.11 mL; whereas the operation cutting the central part of the distal femoral was 58.50 ± 11.69 mL. As regards blood loss, the knee replacement surgery using the implant position covering the end ofthefemoral bone without cutting the central part of distal femor was better than using the implant position covering the end of the femoral bone cutting at the central part of the distal femor.

  4. Speech parts as Poisson processes. (United States)

    Badalamenti, A F


    This paper presents evidence that six of the seven parts of speech occur in written text as Poisson processes, simple or recurring. The six major parts are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions, with the interjection occurring too infrequently to support a model. The data consist of more than the first 5000 words of works by four major authors coded to label the parts of speech, as well as periods (sentence terminators). Sentence length is measured via the period and found to be normally distributed with no stochastic model identified for its occurrence. The models for all six speech parts but the noun significantly distinguish some pairs of authors and likewise for the joint use of all words types. Any one author is significantly distinguished from any other by at least one word type and sentence length very significantly distinguishes each from all others. The variety of word type use, measured by Shannon entropy, builds to about 90% of its maximum possible value. The rate constants for nouns are close to the fractions of maximum entropy achieved. This finding together with the stochastic models and the relations among them suggest that the noun may be a primitive organizer of written text.

  5. 12 CFR 513.1 - Scope of part. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Scope of part. 513.1 Section 513.1 Banks and Banking OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY PRACTICE BEFORE THE OFFICE § 513.1 Scope of part. This part prescribes rules with regard to general practice before the Office on one's own...

  6. 5 CFR 630.303 - Part-time employees; earnings. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Part-time employees; earnings. 630.303... AND LEAVE Annual Leave § 630.303 Part-time employees; earnings. A part-time employee for whom there... workweek, and a part-time employee on a flexible work schedule for whom there has been established only a...

  7. 47 CFR Alphabetical Index - Part 78 (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Part 78 Index Alphabetical Index... SERVICE Technical Regulations Modulation limits. Pt. 78, Index Alphabetical Index—Part 78 A Antenna... Changes in equipment 78.109 Conditions for license 78.27 Coordination, frequencies 78.36 Cross reference...

  8. Diagnosis of the functioning of an interposed part of the colon substituting part of the oesophagus after oesophageal resection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brassow, F.; Crone-Muenzebrock, W.; Vogel, H.; Werner, B.; Hamburg Univ.


    In 6 patients with carcinoma of the oesophagus, resection of the oesophagus was performed, followed by substitution of part of the oesophagus by part of the colon. The functioning of this interposed part was examined by both magnetic tape recording and conventional fluoroscopy. The following findings and special aspects were noted: 1. Formation of a 'pocket' in the area of the upper anastomosis. 2. 'Watering-can' phenomenon in case of great length of the interposed part. 3. Pronounced reflux from the stomach to the interposed part in horizontal position of the patient and in headdown position. 4. Loss of peristalsis of the interposed part of the colon while preserving the natural sacculation and width of lumen. The findings correlated clearly with the signs and symptoms reported by the patients, such as heartburn, belching and retrosternal pain. Comparison of findings via roentgenography and via fluoroscopy with those determined via magnetic tape recording showed the advantages of the magnetic tape recording in checking on the function of the restored oesophageal tract. (orig.) [de

  9. Diagnosis of the functioning of an interposed part of the colon substituting part of the oesophagus after oesophageal resection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brassow, F.; Crone-Muenzebrock, W.; Vogel, H.; Werner, B.


    In 6 patients with carcinoma of the oesophagus, resection of the oesophagus was performed, followed by substitution of part of the oesophagus by part of the colon. The functioning of this interposed part was examined by both magnetic tape recording and conventional fluoroscopy. The following findings and special aspects were noted: 1. Formation of a 'pocket' in the area of the upper anastomosis. 2. 'Watering-can' phenomenon in case of great length of the interposed part. 3. Pronounced reflux from the stomach to the interposed part in horizontal position of the patient and in headdown position. 4. Loss of peristalsis of the interposed part of the colon while preserving the natural sacculation and width of lumen. The findings correlated clearly with the signs and symptoms reported by the patients, such as heartburn, belching and retrosternal pain. Comparison of findings via roentgenography and via fluoroscopy with those determined via magnetic tape recording showed the advantages of the magnetic tape recording in checking on the function of the restored oesophageal tract.

  10. 4-H After-School Program: Bloco Drum and Dance, Part 10. Making Good Nutrition and Exercise Part of the Program.


    Conklin-Ginop, Evelyn L.; Junge, Sharon K.; Pulley, Karyn


    Part 10: Making Good Nutrition and Exercise Part of the Program. With this 11-part curriculum, you can set up an after-school program that teaches teens leadership, fitness, and good nutrition in an exciting music-and-dance environment.

  11. Part time working in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wil Portegijs; Saskia Keuzenkamp


    Original title: Nederland deeltijdland. The Netherlands is at the top of the league when it comes to part-time working. Women in particular very frequently work part-time. This is blamed on the difficulty of combining paid employment with care tasks, thus limiting the scope for participation

  12. Holistic processing from learned attention to parts. (United States)

    Chua, Kao-Wei; Richler, Jennifer J; Gauthier, Isabel


    Attention helps us focus on what is most relevant to our goals, and prior work has shown that aspects of attention can be learned. Learned inattention to parts can abolish holistic processing of faces, but it is unknown whether learned attention to parts is sufficient to cause a change from part-based to holistic processing with objects. We trained subjects to individuate nonface objects (Greebles) from 2 categories: Ploks and Glips. Diagnostic information was in complementary halves for the 2 categories. Holistic processing was then tested with Plok-Glip composites that combined the kind of part that was diagnostic or nondiagnostic during training. Exposure to Greeble parts resulted in general failures of selective attention for nondiagnostic composites, but face-like holistic processing was only observed for diagnostic composites. These results demonstrated a novel link between learned attentional control and the acquisition of holistic processing. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  13. Juhan Parts : mina olen ka kodanikuühiskond / Juhan Parts ; interv. Kertu Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts vastab küsimustele kodanikuühenduste, nende rolli, toetamise, koalitsioonileppe avaliku arutamise, valitsuse ja kodanikuühenduste ühiskomisjoni moodustamise, annetamise kohta

  14. Spare parts classification and procurement program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adlon, K.L.; Hassaballa, M.M.


    The cost benefits have been demonstrated for an integrated program, which is currently being implemented for two PWR stations with two 1100-MW units each. The component classification efforts reduced the number of safety-related components in several systems. Furthermore, the knowledge of the component specific function has contributed to the reduction of many safety-related parts per component, in addition to ensuring the procurement of parts to the correct safety level. The use of qualified commercial grade parts and components with their lower cost and reasonable procurement lead time compared to their 10 CFR 21 counterparts has a pronounced economic effect on the utility balance sheets

  15. Pediatricians working part-time: past, present, and future. (United States)

    Cull, William L; Mulvey, Holly J; O'Connor, Karen G; Sowell, Debra R; Berkowitz, Carol D; Britton, Carmelita V


    Pediatrics has consistently attracted a large number of women. Although the majority of practicing pediatricians are male, female pediatricians will soon constitute the majority. The challenge to balance personal and professional life is of particular concern to women, and part-time positions may provide a potential solution. To examine how many pediatricians currently work part-time, to examine trends in part-time employment from 1993 to present, to determine pediatric residents' interest in part-time employment, and to identify perceived barriers to part-time work. Two data sources were used for these analyses. The first was an American Academy of Pediatrics Periodic Survey from 1993 and 2000 asking a combined national sample of 3218 American Academy of Pediatrics members about their employment status. Multiple mailings were conducted for each survey producing an overall response rate of 62%. The second data source was a survey asking a national random sample of 500 pediatric residents completing training in 2000 about their job search experiences and attitudes toward part-time employment. Four mailings of this survey were completed, and responses were obtained from 71% of residents. The percentage of pediatricians working part-time increased from 11% in 1993 to 15% in 2000. This increase did not exceed what would be expected based on the rise in the percentage of pediatricians who are female from 36% in 1993 to 45% in 2000. On average, pediatricians working part-time provided 36% fewer direct patient care hours than full-time pediatricians (42 hours vs 27 hours). No statistically significant difference in direct patient care hours was apparent between male and female pediatricians working full-time. Female residents were more likely than male residents to consider part-time or reduced-hours positions (42% vs 14%) and to accept part-time or reduced-hours positions (14% vs 3%). Also, considerably more female residents (58%) than male residents (15%) indicated that

  16. Alternate-Fueled Combustor-Sector Performance: Part A: Combustor Performance Part B: Combustor Emissions (United States)

    Shouse, D. T.; Neuroth, C.; Henricks, R. C.; Lynch, A.; Frayne, C.; Stutrud, J. S.; Corporan, E.; Hankins, T.


    Alternate aviation fuels for military or commercial use are required to satisfy MIL-DTL-83133F(2008) or ASTM D 7566 (2010) standards, respectively, and are classified as drop-in fuel replacements. To satisfy legacy issues, blends to 50% alternate fuel with petroleum fuels are certified individually on the basis of feedstock. Adherence to alternate fuels and fuel blends requires smart fueling systems or advanced fuel-flexible systems, including combustors and engines without significant sacrifice in performance or emissions requirements. This paper provides preliminary performance (Part A) and emissions and particulates (Part B) combustor sector data for synthetic-parafinic-kerosene- (SPK-) type fuel and blends with JP-8+100 relative to JP-8+100 as baseline fueling.

  17. Coal-fired power materials - Part II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viswanathan, V.; Purgert, R.; Rawls, P. [Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA (United States)


    Part 1 discussed some general consideration in selection of alloys for advanced ultra supercritical (USC) coal-fired power plant boilers. This second part covers results reported by the US project consortium, which has extensively evaluated the steamside oxidation, fireside corrosion, and fabricability of the alloys selected for USC plants. 3 figs.

  18. Update on rheumatology: part 1. (United States)

    Neal-Boylan, Leslie


    There are many rheumatic diseases. Part 1 of this 2 part series on rheumatology presented a few of those most commonly seen in the community. Home health clinicians can be helpful in managing these diseases and preventing progression by watching for new symptoms or acute attacks of pain or disability, ensuring that patients take their medications appropriately, reminding patients to see their rheumatology providers and have their lab work done regularly, and reporting adverse effects to medications promptly. Additionally, as with most home health patients, an interdisciplinary approach that includes physical and occupational therapy, social work, nursing, nutrition, and other disciplines as needed should be implemented so that all patient needs are met and the patient is discharged at the highest level of self-care that is possible. Part 2 of this series will discuss the care of the patient with rheumatic disease at home and will provide a more in-depth look at lab diagnosis of rheumatic diseases.

  19. 36 CFR Appendix A to Part 14 - Appendix A to Part 14 (United States)


    ... obtain the benefits of _____(Cite statute); and I further certify that the right-of-way herein described... RIGHTS-OF-WAY Pt. 14, App. A Appendix A to Part 14 Where necessary, these forms should be modified so as...

  20. 40 CFR 85.2105 - Aftermarket parts. (United States)


    ... aftermarket part in the maintenance or repair of a vehicle. A vehicle manufacturer that honors a valid....2107(c). (b) Except as provided in § 85.2104(h), a vehicle manufacturer may deny an emission performance warranty claim on the basis of an uncertified aftermarket part used in the maintenance or repair...

  1. Cubby : Multiscreen Desktop VR Part III

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Djajadiningrat, J.P.; Gribnau, M.W.


    In this month's final episode of our 'Cubby: Multiscreen Desktop VR' trilogy we explain how you read the InputSprocket driver from part II, how you use it as input for the cameras from part I and how you calibrate the input device so that it leads to the correct head position.

  2. Working part-time: (not) a problem?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Saskia Keuzenkamp; Carlien Hillebrink; Wil Portegijs; Babette Pouwels


    Original title: Deeltijd (g)een probleem. Three-quarters of working women in the Netherlands work part-time. More than half these women are in small part-time jobs (less than 25 hours per week). The government wants to raise the average working hours of women. A key question is then how much

  3. A picture of part-time working

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wil Portegijs; Mariëlle Cloïn; Saskia Keuzenkamp; Ans Merens; Eefje Steenvoorden


    Original title: Verdeelde tijd. The idea that a woman should work part-time no longer raises any eyebrows in the Netherlands - not even if she has just completed her education and does not yet have children; not even if her children are grown up and no longer need much looking after. Part-time

  4. Unlearning Established Organizational Routines--Part II (United States)

    Fiol, C. Marlena; O'Connor, Edward J.


    Purpose: The purpose of Part II of this two-part paper is to uncover important differences in the nature of the three unlearning subprocesses, which call for different leadership interventions to motivate people to move through them. Design/methodology/approach: The paper draws on research in behavioral medicine and psychology to demonstrate that…

  5. Concern for older parts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Titus, E.; Spink, T.; Cookson, B.; Tenera, L.P.


    For the last half decade, regulatory expectations of the procurement process for nuclear commercial-grade safety-related materials have increase. The changes have been driven by concern for fraudulent or misrepresented parts and the loss of original equipment manufacturers. The industry responded to these concerns by developing improved procurement programs that changed how parts were specified and received and provided for verification of attributes that were critical to the successful performance of safety functions(s). Like its counterparts, Duquesne Light Company (DLCo), Beaver Valley power station began applying these enhanced requirements to procurements initiated after January 1, 1990, in response to the Nuclear Management and Resources Council initiative on dedication. Procurements prior to this data were not subject to the new requirements

  6. The Welfare Effects of Involuntary Part-time Work

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borowczyk-Martins, Daniel; Lalé, Etienne


    Employed individuals in the USA are increasingly more likely to move to involuntarily part-time work than to unemployment. Spells of involuntary part-time work are different from unemployment spells: a full-time worker who takes on a part-time job suffers an earnings loss while remaining employed......, and is unlikely to receive income compensation from publicly provided insurance programmes. We analyse these differences through the lens of an incomplete-market, job-search model featuring unemployment risk alongside an additional risk of involuntary part-time employment. A calibration of the model consistent...... with US institutions and labour market dynamics shows that involuntary part-time work generates lower welfare losses relative to unemployment. This finding relies critically on the much higher probability to return to full-time employment from part-time work. We interpret it as a premium in access to full...

  7. Grinding Parts For Automatic Welding (United States)

    Burley, Richard K.; Hoult, William S.


    Rollers guide grinding tool along prospective welding path. Skatelike fixture holds rotary grinder or file for machining large-diameter rings or ring segments in preparation for welding. Operator grasps handles to push rolling fixture along part. Rollers maintain precise dimensional relationship so grinding wheel cuts precise depth. Fixture-mounted grinder machines surface to quality sufficient for automatic welding; manual welding with attendant variations and distortion not necessary. Developed to enable automatic welding of parts, manual welding of which resulted in weld bead permeated with microscopic fissures.

  8. SPSS for Starters, Part 2

    CERN Document Server

    Cleophas, Ton J


    The first part of this title contained all statistical tests that are relevant for starters on SPSS, and included standard parametric and non-parametric tests for continuous and binary variables, regression methods, trend tests, and reliability and validity assessments of diagnostic tests. The current part 2 of this title reviews multistep methods, multivariate models, assessments of missing data, performance of diagnostic tests, meta-regression, Poisson regression, confounding and interaction, and survival analyses using log tests and segmented time-dependent Cox regression. Methods for asses

  9. Energy conservation and sustainable employment. Curse or blessing?; Energiebesparing en duurzame arbeid. Vloek of zegen?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Settels, P.J.M. [Safety, Health Services and Ergonomics, ING HR-Nederland, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    Energy conservation and sustainable employment is a contradiction. Sustainable employment is the fine tuning between work, tools and people. Sustainable physical working conditions and seasonal influences on human beings. Daylight Prevention for heat and cold resistance. Good illuminance is justified light. Improper light brings discomfort and costs money. LED lighting when it is not applied in the right way; costs of leakage. Integration of technology and human expertise provides sustainable human vitality, lower maintenance facilities, proper energy bills, higher returns for the company. Profit for management and shareholders and for the Netherlands as a whole. [Dutch] Uit verschillende onderzoeken blijkt dat positieve waardering meer en langduriger een hoger prestatie rendement oplevert, dan te wijzen op het verbeteren van de slechte prestaties. In dit artikel wordt een en ander opgehangen aan pogingen van bedrijven om energie te besparen en de arbeid duurzaam te maken en de werkomstandigheden te verbeteren.

  10. Sustainable eye-catcher. Greenhouse complex Anthura in Bleiswijk, Netherlands; Duurzame blikvanger. Kassencomplex Anthura in Bleiswijk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Overeijnder, F. [Overeijnder Van den Dool, Capelle aan den IJssel (Netherlands); Snellens, N.C. [Priva, De Lier (Netherlands)


    The architecture is impressive and a true eye catcher. Anthura's greenhouse building complex seems futuristic, but also stems from the design of the impressive greenhouses of the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew, in London and the distinguished orangeries of castles and palaces. At the same time, the complex is a beautiful and modern example of sustainable and innovative entrepreneurship in glasshouse horticulture. The new 'Hortus Anthura' offers a pleasant and healthy climate for both crops and employees, is a great addition to the surrounding area, saves the environment and the climate and provides higher quality products. [Dutch] De indrukwekkende architectuur is een regegrechte blikvanger. Het kassencomplex van Anthura in Bleiswijk doet futuristisch aan, maar grijpt ook terug op de vormgeving van indrukwekkende greenhouses in de Royal Botanic Gardens van Kew in Londen en de deftige oranjerieen van kastelen en paleizen. Tegelijk is het complex een fraai en actueel voorbeeld van duurzaam en innovatief ondernemen in de glastuinbouw. De nieuwe 'Hortus Anthura' biedt zowel de planten als de medewerkers een goed leefklimaat, is een aanwinst voor de omgeving, spaart milieu en klimaat en levert een kwalitatief beter product.

  11. Total Energy. Sustainable cooling and heating in supermarkets; Total Energy. Duurzame koeling en verwarming supermarkten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In 8 articles attention is paid to different aspects of cooling and heating in supermarkets: new coolants in the food retail sector, the climate plan of the Dutch Food Retail Association (CBL), he Round Table discussion with between CBL and supermarket chains about research results, approach and targets, the use of CO2 refrigeration in supermarkets, leakage of coolants from refrigerators and freezers in Dutch supermarkets, the energy efficient and environment-friendly refrigerator and freezer equipment of the distribution centre of supermarket chain C1000 in Raalte, Netherlands, changes for cooling techniques in the EIA energy list (Energy investment deduction scheme) and finally education options for the refrigeration industry in the Netherlands. [Dutch] In 8 artikelen wordt aandacht geschonken aan verschillende aspecten m.b.t. koeling en verwarming in supermarkten: nieuwe koelmiddelen in de 'food retail sector, het klimaatplan van de brancheorganisatie Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelenhandel (CBL), het Rondetafel overleg met de CBL en supermarktketens over onderzoeksresultaten, aanpak en doelen, de toepassing van CO2 koeling in supermarkten, lekkage van koelmiddelen uit koel- en vriesinstallaties in Nederlandse supermarkten, de energiezuinige en milieuvriendelijke koel-vriesinstallatie van het distributiecentrum van de supermarktketen C1000 in Raalte, wijzigingen voor koeltechniek in de EIA energielijst (Energie Investeringsaftrek subsidieregeling), en tenslotte opleidingsmogelijkheden voor de koeltechnische sector in Nederland.

  12. Duurzame Mobiliteit: ook verkeersveiligheidseffecten in beeld brengen : een kwalitatief overzicht van feitelijke en mogelijke verkeersveiligheidswinst.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schoon, C.C.


    Sustainable Mobility: also point out the road safety effects; A qualitative overview of actual and possible road safety gains. Mobility and sustainability are of vital importance for modern society. The two are combined in the concept Sustainable Mobility: an environment-friendly type of mobility.

  13. Synchrotron X-ray CT characterization of titanium parts fabricated by additive manufacturing. Part II. Defects. (United States)

    Scarlett, Nicola Vivienne Yorke; Tyson, Peter; Fraser, Darren; Mayo, Sheridan; Maksimenko, Anton


    Synchrotron X-ray tomography (SXRT) has been applied to the study of defects within three-dimensional printed titanium parts. These parts were made using the Arcam EBM(®) (electron beam melting) process which uses powdered titanium alloy, Ti64 (Ti alloy with approximately 6%Al and 4%V) as the feed and an electron beam for the sintering/welding. The experiment was conducted on the Imaging and Medical Beamline of the Australian Synchrotron. The samples represent a selection of complex shapes with a variety of internal morphologies. Inspection via SXRT has revealed a number of defects which may not otherwise have been seen. The location and nature of such defects combined with detailed knowledge of the process conditions can contribute to understanding the interplay between design and manufacturing strategy. This fundamental understanding may subsequently be incorporated into process modelling, prediction of properties and the development of robust methodologies for the production of defect-free parts.

  14. Graduating med-peds residents' interest in part-time employment. (United States)

    Fix, Amy L; Kaelber, David C; Melgar, Thomas A; Chamberlain, John; Cull, William; Robbins, Brett W


    As part-time work is becoming more popular among the primary care specialties, we examined the demographic descriptors of med-peds residents seeking and finding part-time employment upon completion of residency training. As part of the 2006 annual American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Graduating Med-Peds Residents Survey, we surveyed the graduating residents of all med-peds programs about their interest in and plans for part-time employment. A total of 199 (60%) of the residents responded. Of the resident respondents applying for nonfellowship jobs, 19% sought part-time positions and 10% actually accepted a part-time position. Female residents were significantly more likely than male residents to apply for part-time jobs (26% vs. 7%, P = .034). Sixty percent of female residents immediately seeking work and 58% of those going on to fellowship reported an interest in arranging a part-time or reduced-hours position at some point in the next 5 years. Part-time employment among med-peds residents applying for nonfellowship positions after graduation is similar to the current incidence of part-time employment in other fields of primary care. A much higher percentage of med-peds residents are interested in arranging part-time work within 5 years after graduation. This strong interest in part-time work has many implications for the primary care workforce. Copyright © 2011 Academic Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. 14 CFR 21.303 - Replacement and modification parts. (United States)


    ... conforms to the drawings in the design; and (4) That the fabrication processes, construction, and assembly... AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS AND PARTS Approval of Materials, Parts, Processes, and... the configuration of the part; and (ii) Information on dimensions, materials, and processes necessary...

  16. Why does Part-time Employment Increase in Recessions?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borowczyk-Martins, Daniel


    composition of employment explain the increase in part-time employment. The evidence shows, however, that this hypothesis only accounts for a small part of the story. Instead, the growth of part-time work operates mainly through reductions in working hours in existing jobs....

  17. 24 CFR 180.215 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ... AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CONSOLIDATED HUD HEARING PROCEDURES FOR CIVIL RIGHTS MATTERS Administrative Law Judge § 180.215 Ex parte communications. (a) An ex parte communication is any direct or indirect...

  18. Are part-time workers less productive and underpaid?


    Garnero, Andrea


    About one in five workers across OECD countries is employed part-time, and the share has been steadily increasing since the beginning of the economic and financial crisis in 2007. Part-time options play an important economic role by providing more flexible working arrangements for both workers and firms. Part-time employment has also contributed substantially to increasing the employment rate, especially among women. However, part-time work comes at a cost of lower wages for workers, mainly b...

  19. A spare-parts inventory program for TRIGA reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, T V; Ringle, J C; Johnson, A G [Oregon State University (United States)


    As is fairly common with new reactor facilities, we had a few spare parts on hand as part of our original purchase when the OSU TRIGA first went critical in March of 1967. Within a year or so, however, it became apparent that we should critically examine our spare parts inventory in order to avoid unnecessary or prolonged outages due to lack of a crucial piece of equipment. Many critical components (those which must be present and operable according to our license or technical specifications) were considered, and a priority list of acquiring these was established. This first list was drawn up in March, 1969, two years after initial criticality, and some key components were ordered. The availability of funds was the overriding restriction then and now. This spare-parts list is reviewed and new components purchased annually; the average amount spent has been about $2,000 per year. This inventory has proved invaluable more than once; without it, we would have had lengthy shutdowns awaiting the arrival of the needed component. The sobering thought, however, is that our spare-parts inventory is still not complete-far from it, in fact, because this would be prohibitively expensive. It is very difficult to guess with 100% accuracy just which component might need replacing, and your $10,000 inventory of spare parts is useless in that instance if it doesn't include the needed part. An idea worth considering is to either (a) encourage General Atomic, through the collective voice of all TRIGA owners, to maintain a rather complete inventory of replacement parts, or (b) maintain an owner's spare-parts pool, financed by contributions from all the facilities. If either of these pools was established, the needed part could reach any facility within the U.S. within a few days, minimizing reactor outage time. (author)

  20. A spare-parts inventory program for TRIGA reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, T.V.; Ringle, J.C.; Johnson, A.G.


    As is fairly common with new reactor facilities, we had a few spare parts on hand as part of our original purchase when the OSU TRIGA first went critical in March of 1967. Within a year or so, however, it became apparent that we should critically examine our spare parts inventory in order to avoid unnecessary or prolonged outages due to lack of a crucial piece of equipment. Many critical components (those which must be present and operable according to our license or technical specifications) were considered, and a priority list of acquiring these was established. This first list was drawn up in March, 1969, two years after initial criticality, and some key components were ordered. The availability of funds was the overriding restriction then and now. This spare-parts list is reviewed and new components purchased annually; the average amount spent has been about $2,000 per year. This inventory has proved invaluable more than once; without it, we would have had lengthy shutdowns awaiting the arrival of the needed component. The sobering thought, however, is that our spare-parts inventory is still not complete-far from it, in fact, because this would be prohibitively expensive. It is very difficult to guess with 100% accuracy just which component might need replacing, and your $10,000 inventory of spare parts is useless in that instance if it doesn't include the needed part. An idea worth considering is to either (a) encourage General Atomic, through the collective voice of all TRIGA owners, to maintain a rather complete inventory of replacement parts, or (b) maintain an owner's spare-parts pool, financed by contributions from all the facilities. If either of these pools was established, the needed part could reach any facility within the U.S. within a few days, minimizing reactor outage time. (author)

  1. Land, kennis, moed en eenheid: conflicterende discoursen binnen samenleving en gezin over landbouw en droogte in Noordoost Brazilië

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peerboom, I.B.F.C.


    This dissertation examines the survival strategies of family farmers in Conceição do Coité, Bahia, in semi-arid Brazil in 1997 and 2008 by using the livelihood framework. It analyses natural capital (land), human capital (work ethic and knowledge), and social capital (mutual aid). Greater access to

  2. The spares provisioning problem with parts inventory


    Abboud, Nadim E.


    In this research, we consider the spares provisioning problem, where a finite population of homogeneous machines are being deployed to meet a constant demand. While a machine is operating, it could become inoperable due to the failure of a critical built-in part in the machine. Before repairs on the machine can be initiated, however, a replacement part must be obtained. If a replacement part is available from stock, the machine is immediately transferred to the repair subsystem...

  3. 48 CFR 10.000 - Scope of part. (United States)


    ... MARKET RESEARCH 10.000 Scope of part. This part prescribes policies and procedures for conducting market research to arrive at the most suitable approach to acquiring, distributing, and supporting supplies and...

  4. Understanding quantitative research: part 1. (United States)

    Hoe, Juanita; Hoare, Zoë

    This article, which is the first in a two-part series, provides an introduction to understanding quantitative research, basic statistics and terminology used in research articles. Critical appraisal of research articles is essential to ensure that nurses remain up to date with evidence-based practice to provide consistent and high-quality nursing care. This article focuses on developing critical appraisal skills and understanding the use and implications of different quantitative approaches to research. Part two of this article will focus on explaining common statistical terms and the presentation of statistical data in quantitative research.

  5. Fuel cycle math - part two

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This article is Part 2 of a two part series on simple mathematics associated with the nuclear fuel cycle. While not addressing any of the financial aspects of the fuel cycle, this article does discuss the following: conversion between English and metric systems; uranium content expressed in equivalent forms, such as U3O8, and the method of determining these equivalencies; the uranium conversion process, considering different input and output compounds; and the enrichment process, including feed, tails, and product assays, as well as SWU and feed requirements

  6. Part-set cueing impairment & facilitation in semantic memory. (United States)

    Kelley, Matthew R; Parihar, Sushmeena A


    The present study explored the influence of part-set cues in semantic memory using tests of "free" recall, reconstruction of order, and serial recall. Nine distinct categories of information were used (e.g., Zodiac signs, Harry Potter books, Star Wars films, planets). The results showed part-set cueing impairment for all three "free" recall sets, whereas part-set cueing facilitation was evident for five of the six ordered sets. Generally, the present results parallel those often observed across episodic tasks, which could indicate that similar mechanisms contribute to part-set cueing effects in both episodic and semantic memory. A novel anchoring explanation of part-set cueing facilitation in order and spatial tasks is provided.

  7. Minister Juhan Parts : Eesti tööseadusandlus on iganenud / Juhan Parts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Juhan Parts kavatseb oma ametiajal reguleerida tööandja ja töötaja vahelisi suhteid, suurendada teadus- ja arendustegevusele suunatud kulutusi ning säilitada praegust maksusüsteemi, Eesti majanduse väljavaated lähiaastateks

  8. 47 CFR 27.3 - Other applicable rule parts. (United States)


    ... standards and procedures concerning the marketing and importation of radio frequency devices, and for.... This part sets forth the requirements and conditions applicable to commercial mobile radio service providers. (h) Part 22. This part sets forth the requirements and conditions applicable to public mobile...

  9. Parts lubas uut muusikakooli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Peaminister Juhan Parts vastas Tallinna Muusikakeskkooli õpilase Judith Partsi kirjale Tallinna Muusikakeskkooli olukorrast lubadusega hoida silma peal Tallinna Muusikakeskkoolile, Tallinna Balletikoolile ja Georg Otsa nim. Muusikakoolile ühise hoone võimaldamisest kokkuehituseks Eesti Muusikaakadeemiaga

  10. Manufacture of plastic parts by radiation molding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leszyk, G.M.; Morrison, E.D.; Williams, R.F. Jr.


    Thin plastic parts which can have precise tolerances and can be of complex shape are prepared by casting a viscous radiation-curable composition onto a support, such as a moving web of polymeric material, in the shape of the desired part and then irradiating, for example with ultraviolet radiation or high energy electrons, to cause curing of the composition to a solid plastic. The radiation-curable composition is formulated with viscosity and flow characteristics it to be cast in the exact shape of the part desired yet retain this shape during curing while supported only by the surface on which it has been cast. Plastic parts made by this method can be formed entirely of the radiation-curable composition by casting onto a web having a release surface from which the part can be stripped subsequent to curing or can be formed partially from a web material and partially from the radiation-curable composition by casting onto a web to which the composition will bond and subsequently cutting the web into discrete portions which include the cured composition

  11. Maximising the potential of part-time clinical teachers. (United States)

    Patston, Philip; Holmes, David; Maalhagh-Fard, Ahmad; Ting, Kang; Ziccardi, Vincent B


    A problem faced by health professions education throughout the world is a lack of full-time clinical teachers. This is particularly serious in dentistry and nursing, but is increasingly also true in medicine. To make up for this shortfall there is a growing reliance on part-time clinical teachers. Part-time clinical teachers are essential for the education of students. However, compared with their full-time counterparts, the part-time teachers are often not adequately prepared for their roles as educators within the context of the clinical curriculum. They might not be trained in the latest educational practices, and may be unprepared for the time needed to excel as teachers and mentors. As part-time teachers take on more responsibility, it is important that they take part in orientation and training sessions to assist them in developing the skills they need to succeed. This will require a significant commitment from the institution as well as the part-time teacher, but is critical for maintaining the academic quality of the clinical training programmes. This also represents an untapped area for research into how to ensure the success of part-time clinical teachers. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010.

  12. Women and Part-Time Employment: The Waverley Survey


    Judith S. Willis


    This paper contributes data about women and part-time employment in Australia. "Part-time" is defined as one or more, but less than thirty-five hours per week. Findings from a survey conducted throughout the City of Waverley, Melbourne (1977) are given against a background of similar data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (1977-1996) and the Women and Employment Survey of Great Britain (1980). Aspects of part-time employment are reported for part-time working women and for women who ha...

  13. Comparing fish communities in sanctuaries, partly protected areas ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Within coral-dominated reefs, abundances of indicator taxa showed three patterns: (1) greatest abundance in sanctuaries, intermediate in partly protected and least in open areas; (2) greatest abundance in sanctuaries but equal diminishment in partly protected and open areas; and (3) greater depletion in partly protected ...

  14. Commercial green electricity products; Zakelijke groenestroomproducten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wielders, L.M.L.; Afman, M.R.


    The Dutch 100% Sustainable Energy: Green ICT campaign initiated by Hivos targets data centres, appealing to these companies to consider the environmental footprint of the electricity they use. Hivos is keen for a debate on greener alternatives and wanted a review of the sustainability of the various options available for buying 'green power' on the commercial market in the Netherlands, with a reasoned discussion of each. That review, laid down in this report, examines and discusses the various 'green power products' for the commercial market, providing a springboard for data centres to switch to a 'greener' product. To that end 'green power products' were categorized to highlight the differences between them. The highest score was given to renewable energy produced without any operating subsidy (the so-called SDE+ scheme), or with the higher price being paid for entirely by customers. Supply in these two categories is still fairly negligible, as this essentially represents an energy market in which renewables are cost-competitive with 'grey' electricity, or one in which customers are willing to pay (far) more for their electricity. The lowest scores were assigned to renewable power sourced in other countries and to 'grey' electricity [Dutch] De Hivos-bedrijvencampagne 100% Sustainable Energy: Green ICT richt zich op de datacenterbedrijven. De datacenterbedrijven worden aangesproken op de duurzaamheid van hun keuze voor de ingekochte elektriciteit. Hivos wil het gesprek aangaan over meer duurzame alternatieven. Hiervoor heeft Hivos behoefte aan een overzicht van de duurzaamheid van de verschillende opties voor de afname van duurzame elektriciteit (groene stroom) zoals die op de zakelijke markt in Nederland worden aangeboden, inclusief een onderbouwing. Dit rapport geeft een overzicht en inzicht in de verschillende groenestroomproducten voor de zakelijke markt zodat de datacenters kunnen overstappen op een

  15. Male hypogonadism (Part 1)


    Ye.V. Luchytskyy; V.Yе. Luchytskyy; M.D. Tronko


    The first part of the review presents the current data on the prevalence of male hypogonadism, methods of diagnosing different forms of hypogonadism, describes the clinical manifestations of the most common forms of this disease.

  16. Core sampling system spare parts assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walter, E.J.


    Soon, there will be 4 independent core sampling systems obtaining samples from the underground tanks. It is desirable that these systems be available for sampling during the next 2 years. This assessment was prepared to evaluate the adequacy of the spare parts identified for the core sampling system and to provide recommendations that may remediate overages or inadequacies of spare parts

  17. Peaminister Juhan Parts ei plaani ametit maha panna / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts pooldab paremerakondade ühinemist, ei kavatse ametist lahkuda ning peab valitsuse üheks ülesandeks rahvaarutelu algatamist vabaduse samba üle. Lisa: Ene Ergma kõnest Riigikogus (13.09.2004)

  18. Peaminister Parts : "ei" seisukohaga Keskerakonnaga valitsust ei tee / Juhan Parts ; interv. Tuuli Koch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts tõdeb, et Keskerakonna juht Edgar Savisaar on selgelt väljendanud oma eitavat seisukohta Eesti EL-iga liitumise suhtes ning sellelt pinnalt on võimu jagamine Keskerakonnaga võimatu

  19. 46 CFR 111.01-11 - Corrosion-resistant parts. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Corrosion-resistant parts. 111.01-11 Section 111.01-11 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRIC SYSTEMS-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS General § 111.01-11 Corrosion-resistant parts. Each enclosure and part of electric...

  20. Jeremy Bentham's essay on "Paederasty". Part 2. (United States)

    Crompton, L


    This is Part 2 of a transcription of Bentham's manuscript essay on "Paederasty" (1785), Part 1 of which appeared in Vol. 3, No. 4. In Part 1 Bentham argued for the decriminalization of sodomy and opposed the theories of Montesquieu and Voltaire as to its social dangers. In Part 2 Bentham speculates on its causes and alleges that the real reason such behavior is so severely punished is an irrational "antipathy" to pleasure generally and to sexual pleasure in particular. He discusses the danger of blackmail and false accusations and the punishment of lesbian acts, bestiality, and masturbation. Some miscellaneous related notes by Bentham are appended: these deal with religious fears based on the destruction of Sodom, the threat to population, the harshness of English naval law, and other topics.

  1. Status of 10 CFR part 61 implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, K.C.


    NRC's waste management efforts in support of Part 61, ''Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Wastes,'' are focused in four principal technical areas: policy and regulation development; policy and regulation implementation; licensing casework; and technical programs to support ongoing regulatory development and implementation. Part 61 implementation has proceeded well. NRC will continue to review topical reports for solidification media and containers on an as-requested basis. The major efforts needed to complete implementation are underway. These include the study engineered alternatives to shallow land burial, update of the Part 61 analysis methodology to allow improved consideration of waste exceeding Class C concentrations, and determination of any changes needed in Part 61 to resolve Resource Recovery and Conservation Act concerns. The curent schedule calls for completion of these activities during FY 1985

  2. Nuclear medicine. 1 part. Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shlygina, O.E.; Borisenko, A.R.


    Current manual is urged to give wide-scale readers a submission on a key principles and methods of nuclear medicine, and it opportunities and restrictions in diagnostics and treatment of different diseases. Nuclear medicine is differing first of all by combination of diverse knowledge fields: special knowledge of a doctor, knowledge of physical processes bases, related with radiation, grounds of radiopharmaceutics, dosimetry. In the base of the book the 5th edition of 'Nuclear medicine' manual in 2 parts of German authors - Schicha, G.; Schober, O. is applied. In the book publishing the stuff of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the National Nuclear Center of Republic of Kazakhstan has been worked. Modifications undergo practically all chapters: especially the second one, forth and sixth was enlarged. The 1 part of the book was published due to support of IAEA within the Technical cooperation project 'Implementation of Nuclear Medicine and Biophysics Center' (KAZ/6/007). The manual second part - devoted to applications of nuclear medicine methods for diagnostics and treatment - will be published in 2007

  3. Workshop 96. Part III

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Part III of the proceedings contain 155 contributions in various fields of science and technology including nuclear engineering, environmental science, and biomedical engineering. Out of these, 10 were selected to be inputted in INIS. (P.A.).

  4. Workshop 96. Part III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Part III of the proceedings contain 155 contributions in various fields of science and technology including nuclear engineering, environmental science, and biomedical engineering. Out of these, 10 were selected to be inputted in INIS. (P.A.)

  5. 42 CFR 93.25 - Organization of this part. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Organization of this part. 93.25 Section 93.25 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH ASSESSMENTS AND... RESEARCH MISCONDUCT § 93.25 Organization of this part. This part is subdivided into five subparts. Each...

  6. Automated visual inspection of moving custom parts

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Davrajh, S


    Full Text Available frequencies than batched produced parts. This higher frequency of inspection significantly impacts inspection times, and inherently, production rates. An effective, diverse, accurate, robust, and time efficient method for inspecting custom parts is therefore...

  7. Male hypogonadism (Part 1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ye.V. Luchytskyy


    Full Text Available The first part of the review presents the current data on the prevalence of male hypogonadism, methods of diagnosing different forms of hypogonadism, describes the clinical manifestations of the most common forms of this disease.

  8. 45 CFR 1220.3-2 - Part-time volunteers. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Part-time volunteers. 1220.3-2 Section 1220.3-2... SERVICE PAYMENT OF VOLUNTEER LEGAL EXPENSES Civil and Administrative Proceedings § 1220.3-2 Part-time volunteers. ACTION will reimburse sponsors for the reasonable expenses incidental to the defense of part-time...

  9. Analysis of Critical Parts and Materials (United States)


    1 1 1% 1% 1% 1% Large Orders Manual Ordering of Some Critical Parts Order Spares with Original Order Incentives Belter Capital Investment...demand 23 Large orders 24 Long lead procurement funding (including raw materials, facility funding) 25 Manpower analysis and training 26 Manual ... ordering of some critical parts 27 More active role in schedule negotiation 28 Multiple source procurements 29 Multi-year program funding 30 Order

  10. Replaceable Substructures for Efficient Part-Based Modeling

    KAUST Repository

    Liu, Han; Vimont, Ulysse; Wand, Michael; Cani, Marie Paule; Hahmann, Stefanie; Rohmer, Damien; Mitra, Niloy J.


    A popular mode of shape synthesis involves mixing and matching parts from different objects to form a coherent whole. The key challenge is to efficiently synthesize shape variations that are plausible, both locally and globally. A major obstacle is to assemble the objects with local consistency, i.e., all the connections between parts are valid with no dangling open connections. The combinatorial complexity of this problem limits existing methods in geometric and/or topological variations of the synthesized models. In this work, we introduce replaceable substructures as arrangements of parts that can be interchanged while ensuring boundary consistency. The consistency information is extracted from part labels and connections in the original source models. We present a polynomial time algorithm that discovers such substructures by working on a dual of the original shape graph that encodes inter-part connectivity. We demonstrate the algorithm on a range of test examples producing plausible shape variations, both from a geometric and from a topological viewpoint. © 2015 The Author(s) Computer Graphics Forum © 2015 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Replaceable Substructures for Efficient Part-Based Modeling

    KAUST Repository

    Liu, Han


    A popular mode of shape synthesis involves mixing and matching parts from different objects to form a coherent whole. The key challenge is to efficiently synthesize shape variations that are plausible, both locally and globally. A major obstacle is to assemble the objects with local consistency, i.e., all the connections between parts are valid with no dangling open connections. The combinatorial complexity of this problem limits existing methods in geometric and/or topological variations of the synthesized models. In this work, we introduce replaceable substructures as arrangements of parts that can be interchanged while ensuring boundary consistency. The consistency information is extracted from part labels and connections in the original source models. We present a polynomial time algorithm that discovers such substructures by working on a dual of the original shape graph that encodes inter-part connectivity. We demonstrate the algorithm on a range of test examples producing plausible shape variations, both from a geometric and from a topological viewpoint. © 2015 The Author(s) Computer Graphics Forum © 2015 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Part two

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mads Pagh; Kær, Søren Knudsen; Korsgaard, Anders


    A novel micro combined heat and power system and a dynamic model thereof were presented in part one of the publication. In the following, the control system and dynamic performance of the system are presented. The model is subjected to a measured consumption pattern of 25 Danish single family...... houses with measurements of heat, power and hot water consumption every 15th minute during one year. Three scenarios are analyzed ranging from heat following only (grid compensation for electricity) to heat and power following with net export of electricity during high and peak load hours. Average...

  13. 45 CFR 1220.2-2 - Part-time volunteers. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Part-time volunteers. 1220.2-2 Section 1220.2-2... SERVICE PAYMENT OF VOLUNTEER LEGAL EXPENSES Criminal Proceedings § 1220.2-2 Part-time volunteers. (a) With respect to a part-time volunteer, ACTION will reimburse a sponsor for the reasonable expenses it incurs...

  14. 2 CFR 175.5 - Purpose of this part. (United States)


    ... Reserved AWARD TERM FOR TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS § 175.5 Purpose of this part. This part establishes a Governmentwide award term for grants and cooperative agreements to implement the requirement in paragraph (g) of... 2 Grants and Agreements 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Purpose of this part. 175.5 Section 175.5...

  15. Part-load pumping operation, control and behaviour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Twenty one papers are printed. Their main concern is with pump performance under abnormal operating conditions or when operating at part-load. The effect of part-load operation on pump performance, pump internal flow and pump cavitation and noise were considered. The pumps considered are used in a variety of situations and some case studies were discussed. One paper about part-load operation of the boiler pumps for French pressurized water reactors and one paper on pressure pulsations of centrifugal pumps at very low flowrate, are indexed separately. (U.K.)

  16. Gauge Coupling Unification with Partly Composite Matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gherghetta, Tony


    It is shown how gauge coupling unification can occur in models with partly composite matter. The particle states which are composite only contribute small logarithmns to the running of gauge couplings, while the elementary states contribute the usual large logarithmns. This introduces a new differential running contribution to the gauge couplings from partly composite SU(5) matter multiplets. In particular, for partly supersymmetric models, the incomplete SU(5) elementary matter multiplets restore gauge coupling unification even though the usual elementary gaugino and Higgsino contributions need not be present

  17. Spare Parts Management of Aging Capital Products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. Hekimoğlu (Mustafa)


    textabstractSpare parts are critical for operations of capital products such as aircraft, refineries, trucks, etc/, which require maintenance regularly. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) bear the responsibility of undisrupted maintenance service and spare parts flow for their capital products.

  18. 9 CFR 381.79 - Passing of carcasses and parts. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Passing of carcasses and parts. 381.79 Section 381.79 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... Carcasses and Parts § 381.79 Passing of carcasses and parts. Each carcass and all organs and other parts of...

  19. Strategic provisioning of replacement parts for CANDU power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizuno, G.; Tume, P.; Prentice, J.


    Provisioning of replacement parts and management of critical spares are key factors in optimizing maintenance programs for CANDU power plants. With a view to supply assurance, Atomic Energy Canada Limited (AECL) has created a Spare Parts Branch (SPB) to provide a clear pipeline from the client to the delivered replacement part(s). SPB provides the client with assured access to a qualified supplier database, computer aided design, engineering and manufacturing services and material upgrades and design registration through the authorized inspection agency. The AECL spare parts strategic provisioning service plan that has four thrusts: 1) the efficient delivery of cost-effective replacement parts; 2) obsolete parts resolution; 3) a website that will provide our clients with real-time access to replacement part data; and 4) inventory recovery opportunities. Thrusts one and two are actively ensuring plant maintenance for on-shore and off-shore CANDU clients. Thrusts three and four are longer-term commitments. This paper will explore these thrusts in the context of our CANDU business practices. (author)

  20. Brief overview of the role of ICT in saving energy; Beknopt overzicht van de rol van ICT bij de besparing van energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wartena, C.


    10 percent energy saving can be realized in households, offices and trade by means of smart information and communication technology. The saving is realized by a range of innovative measures that lead to this percentage without loss of comfort. One example is the heating in houses and offices by means of 'intelligent' software based on behavioral patterns and weather forecasts and on energy efficient hardware. The wide application of smart ICT in society can lead to 5 percent energy saving, thus rendering the 6 percent energy reduction target of the Kyoto Protocol within arm's reach. [mk]. [Dutch] Het is mogelijk om in huishoudens, kantoren en handel minstens 10 procent van het energiegebruik te besparen door de inzet van slimme informatie- en communicatietechnologie. De besparing wordt bereikt door een scala aan vernieuwende maatregelen die, zonder verlies van comfort, bij elkaar tot dit percentage leiden. Een voorbeeld is het door 'intelligente' software regelen van verwarming in huizen en kantoren afhankelijk van gedragspatronen en weersvoorspellingen en aan energiezuinigere hardware. De brede toepassing van slimme ICT in de samenleving kan ertoe leiden dat ongeveer 5 procent energie kan worden bespaard en dat de 6 procent energiereductie waartoe Nederland zich in het kader van het Kyoto-protocol heeft verplicht, binnen handbereik komt.

  1. 7 CFR 1215.10 - Part and subpart. (United States)


    ... Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (MARKETING AGREEMENTS... CONSUMER INFORMATION Popcorn Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Definitions § 1215.10 Part and subpart. Part means the Popcorn Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order and all rules...

  2. Nuclear medicine and thyroid disease - part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chatterton, B.E.


    Part 1 of this article discussed the anatomy, physiology and basic pathology of the thyroid gland. Techniques of thyroid scanning and a few clinical examples are shown part II Copyright (2005) The Australian and New Zealand Society Of Nuclear Medicine Inc

  3. Training manual for precision hand deburring, Part 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gillespie, L.K.


    Part 2 is presented of a 4-part training manual to be used by machinist trainees, production workers, and others removing burrs from precision miniature parts. The manuals are written to be self-teaching and are intended to be used with two hours of training each day along with another six hours of bench work in deburring.

  4. Smart variations: Functional substructures for part compatibility

    KAUST Repository

    Zheng, Youyi


    As collections of 3D models continue to grow, reusing model parts allows generation of novel model variations. Naïvely swapping parts across models, however, leads to implausible results, especially when mixing parts across different model families. Hence, the user has to manually ensure that the final model remains functionally valid. We claim that certain symmetric functional arrangements (sFarr-s), which are special arrangements among symmetrically related substructures, bear close relation to object functions. Hence, we propose a purely geometric approach based on such substructures to match, replace, and position triplets of parts to create non-trivial, yet functionally plausible, model variations. We demonstrate that starting even from a small set of models such a simple geometric approach can produce a diverse set of non-trivial and plausible model variations. © 2013 The Author(s) Computer Graphics Forum © 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  5. Commentary: the right time to rethink part-time careers. (United States)

    Palda, Valerie A; Levinson, Wendy


    The demand for part-time academic positions is bound to increase because of the changing demographics of medicine and the needs of both women and men faculty. One of the main benefits of working part-time is the freedom to shape a career that is tailored to one's individualized life needs. Studies indicate that part-time faculty may enhance quality of care, patient satisfaction, resource utilization, and productivity. Division chiefs and department chairs who have flexible hiring policies to meet the needs of part-time faculty are likely to be more successful in recruitment and retention. The authors describe some of the benefits and drawbacks of part-time work, and they offer advice for faculty members seeking part-time careers and for leaders seeking to employ them.

  6. Pharmaceutical Advertising and Medicare Part D (United States)

    Lakdawalla, Darius; Sood, Neeraj; Gu, Qian


    We explore how and to what extent prescription drug insurance expansions affects incentives for pharmaceutical advertising. When insurance expansions make markets more profitable, firms respond by boosting advertising. Theory suggests this effect will be magnified in the least competitive drug classes, where firms internalize a larger share of the benefits from advertising. Empirically, we find that the implementation of Part D coincides with a 14% to 19% increase in total advertising expenditures. This effect is indeed concentrated in the least competitive drug classes. The additional advertising raised utilization among non-elderly patients outside the Part D program by about 3.6%. This is roughly half of the direct utilization effect of Part D on elderly beneficiaries. The results suggest the presence of considerable spillover effects from publicly subsidized prescription drug insurance on the utilization and welfare of consumers outside the program. PMID:24308884

  7. 48 CFR 12.000 - Scope of part. (United States)


    ... (Public Law 103-355) by establishing acquisition policies more closely resembling those of the commercial... ACQUISITION OF COMMERCIAL ITEMS 12.000 Scope of part. This part prescribes policies and procedures unique to the acquisition of commercial items. It implements the Federal Government's preference for the...

  8. System-oriented inventory models for spare parts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Basten, R.J.I.; Houtum, van G.J.J.A.N.


    Stocks of spare parts, located at appropriate locations, can prevent long downtimes of technical systems that are used in the primary processes of their users. Since such downtimes are typically very expensive, generally system-oriented service measures are used in spare parts inventory control.

  9. Additive Manufacturing of Parts and Tooling in Robotic Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Love, Lonnie J. [ORNL; Hassen, Ahmed A. [ORNL; Chesser, Phillip C. [ORNL; Parsons, Jeremy [Mantaro Networks, Inc.


    ORNL worked with Transcend Robotics, LLC to explore additive manufacturing of the two-piece compression body for their ARTI mobile robot platform. Extrusion compression molding was identified as an effective means of manufacturing these parts. ORNL consulted on modifications to the housing design to accommodate the selected manufacturing process. Parts were printed using ORNL's FDM machines for testing and evaluation of the design as a precursor to molding the parts. The assembly and evaluation of the parts proved favorable and minor design changes to improve assembly and performance were identified.The goal is to develop a light weight and rugged two-part robotic enclosure for an unmanned ground vehicle UGV) that will be used in search and rescue applications. The FDM parts fabricated by ORNL allowed Transcend Robotics to assemble a prototype robot and verify that the new parts will meet the performance requirements. ORNL fabricated enclosure parts out of ABS and Nylon 12 materials such that the design could be tested prior to fabricating tooling for compression molding of Nylon 6 with carbon fiber fill. The robot was performance tested and compared with the previous manufacturing techniques and found to have superior performance.

  10. EL español andino. II parte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Arboleda Toro


    Full Text Available En el número 13 de esta revista (nov. del 2000 se publicó una primera parte del estudio sobre el español andino. Presentamos ahora una segunda parte que comprende aspectos histórico-geográficos de Nariño y Putumayo andinos, región de Colombia donde se habla esa variedad, y una descripción general de su realidad lingüística. Esperamos que sean objeto de otra publicación la descripción de los rasgos dialectales del español andino, parte nuclear del trabajo, y la presentación de la metodología y el corpus. En esto nos encontramos trabajando. Incluimos no obstante un inventario de rasgos más amplio que el presentado en la primera parte. Pero por ahora se trata de eso, de un inventario ilustrativo, no del análisis en el que estamos empeñados, en el marco del contacto de lenguas, el cambio lingüístico y la relación entre la norma y las posibilidades del sistema. Para contextualizar esta segunda parte, incluimos, a manera de introducción, un resumen de la primera.

  11. Variation in Part-Time Work among Pediatric Subspecialties. (United States)

    Freed, Gary L; Boyer, Debra M; Van, Kenton D; Macy, Michelle L; McCormick, Julie; Leslie, Laurel K


    To assess the part-time workforce and average hours worked per week among pediatric subspecialists in the 15 medical subspecialties certified by the American Board of Pediatrics. We examined data from pediatric subspecialists who enrolled in Maintenance of Certification with the American Board of Pediatrics from 2009 to 2015. Data were collected via an online survey. Providers indicated whether they worked full time or part time and estimated the average number of hours worked per week in clinical, research, education, and administrative tasks, excluding time on call. We calculated and compared the range of hours worked by those in full- and part-time positions overall, by demographic characteristics, and by subspecialty. Overall, 9.6% of subspecialists worked part time. There was significant variation in part-time employment rates between subspecialties, ranging from 3.8% among critical care pediatricians to 22.9% among developmental-behavioral pediatricians. Women, American medical graduates, and physicians older than 70 years of age reported higher rates of part-time employment than men, international medical graduates, and younger physicians. There was marked variation in the number of hours worked across subspecialties. Most, but not all, full-time subspecialists reported working at least 40 hours per week. More than one-half of physicians working part time in hematology and oncology, pulmonology, and transplant hepatology reported working at least 40 hours per week. There are unique patterns of part-time employment and hours worked per week among pediatric medical subspecialists that make simple head counts inadequate to determine the effective workforce. Our findings are limited to the 15 American Board of Pediatrics-certified medical subspecialties. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. 2 CFR 3185.10 - What does this part do? (United States)


    ... supplemented by this part, as the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) policies and procedures for... LIBRARY SERVICES NONPROCUREMENT DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION § 3185.10 What does this part do? This part...

  13. Charged NUT field : [Part] I. Motion of test particles and [Part] II. Cosmic censorship

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krori, K.D.


    Some properties of the charged NUT field are studied. In the first part of the paper, some general aspects of the charged NUT field have been investigated using uncharged and charged particles. The behaviour of the particles near the singularity has also been considered. In the second part of the paper, the charged NUT sources in the context of cosmic censorship hypothesis are studied. Motion of charged particles in the equatorial plane and along the axis is considered. From this investigation the interesting result is discovered that by such a bombardment of charged test particles, the existing event horizons cannot be destroyed but, in contrast to the Reissner-Nordstrom field, naked singularities do not get enveloped by event horizons. (author)

  14. An expert system for spare parts inventory control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, K.Y.; Chen, P.Y.C.; Okrent, D.


    This paper describes an expert system which can handle spare part requirements not only in corrective maintenance (CM) or preventive maintenance (PM), but also when failure rates of components or parts are updated by new data or by predictive maintenance (PDM), and which can also decide optimum stocking level of each spare part. This expert system provides a maintenance (or inventory) manager with an improved basis for decision making in the maintenance related to spare parts. The definitions of PM and PDM from NUREG-1212 (USNRC 1986) are used herein. This expert system used Intellignece/Compiler (Intelligence Ware, 1986) as a language/tool in the IBM-PC

  15. MIRD methodology. Part 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rojo, Ana M.


    This lecture develops the MIRD (Medical Internal Radiation Dose) methodology for the evaluation of the internal dose due to the administration of radiopharmaceuticals. In this first part, the basic concepts and the main equations are presented. The ICRP Dosimetric System is also explained. (author)

  16. Graduates of different UK medical schools show substantial differences in performance on MRCP(UK Part 1, Part 2 and PACES examinations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mollon Jennifer


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The UK General Medical Council has emphasized the lack of evidence on whether graduates from different UK medical schools perform differently in their clinical careers. Here we assess the performance of UK graduates who have taken MRCP(UK Part 1 and Part 2, which are multiple-choice assessments, and PACES, an assessment using real and simulated patients of clinical examination skills and communication skills, and we explore the reasons for the differences between medical schools. Method We perform a retrospective analysis of the performance of 5827 doctors graduating in UK medical schools taking the Part 1, Part 2 or PACES for the first time between 2003/2 and 2005/3, and 22453 candidates taking Part 1 from 1989/1 to 2005/3. Results Graduates of UK medical schools performed differently in the MRCP(UK examination between 2003/2 and 2005/3. Part 1 and 2 performance of Oxford, Cambridge and Newcastle-upon-Tyne graduates was significantly better than average, and the performance of Liverpool, Dundee, Belfast and Aberdeen graduates was significantly worse than average. In the PACES (clinical examination, Oxford graduates performed significantly above average, and Dundee, Liverpool and London graduates significantly below average. About 60% of medical school variance was explained by differences in pre-admission qualifications, although the remaining variance was still significant, with graduates from Leicester, Oxford, Birmingham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London overperforming at Part 1, and graduates from Southampton, Dundee, Aberdeen, Liverpool and Belfast underperforming relative to pre-admission qualifications. The ranking of schools at Part 1 in 2003/2 to 2005/3 correlated 0.723, 0.654, 0.618 and 0.493 with performance in 1999–2001, 1996–1998, 1993–1995 and 1989–1992, respectively. Conclusion Candidates from different UK medical schools perform differently in all three parts of the MRCP(UK examination, with the

  17. 44 CFR 1.6 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Ex parte communications. 1.6 Section 1.6 Emergency Management and Assistance FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GENERAL RULEMAKING; POLICY AND PROCEDURES General § 1.6 Ex parte communications. In...

  18. Five Strategies of Successful Part-Time Work. (United States)

    Corwin, Vivien; Lawrence, Thomas B.; Frost, Peter J.


    Identifies commonalities in the approaches of successful part-time professionals. Discusses five strategies for success: (1) communicating work-life priorities and schedules to the organization; (2) making the business case for part-time arrangements; (3) establishing time management routines; (4) cultivating advocates in senior management; and…

  19. A Theory of Intellectual Development: Part 1. (United States)

    Confrey, Jere


    Part 1 of a three-part article analyzing radical constructivism (as one interpretation of Piaget) and the socio-cultural perspective (as one interpretation of Vygotsky), including major principles, primary contributions to mathematics education, and potential limitations. Introduces an integration of the two theories through a feminist…

  20. Part-Time Lecturers Teaching Part-Time Learners at University: A Transformation Issue (United States)

    February, C.; Koetsier, J.; Walters, S.


    The relationship between the academic labour market and the global labour market provides an important context for this research. There appear to be growing numbers of part-time lecturers at universities worldwide, which is seen as an extension of casualisation of labour more generally. From a social justice perspective, it is therefore of concern…

  1. Tratamento cirúrgico das valvopatias: parte 2 Valvopathies: surgical treatment. Part 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Domingo M Braile


    Full Text Available Esta segunda parte abordará técnica operatória, conduta pós-operatória e reoperações de pacientes com valvopatias. Em Técnica Operatória são descritos os procedimentos de anestesia, a abordagem cirúrgica, que inclui a instalação da circulação extracorpórea, e as cirurgias das valvas mitral, aórtica, tricúspide e pulmonar. Em Conduta Pós-Operatória é relatada a rotina na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, e em Reoperações é abordada a técnica cirúrgica.This second part will cover operative technique, postoperative approach and reoperations of valvopathy patients. In Operative Technique, there is the description of the anesthesia procedures, surgical approach which includes the assembling of the extracorporeal circulation and surgeries of mitral, aortic, tricuspid and pulmonary valves. In the Postoperative Approach, the routine in the Intensive Care Unity is reported, and in Reoperations the surgical technique is covered.

  2. Parts sõdib Brüsselis põlevkivielektri eest / Juhan Parts ; interv. Andrus Karnau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Juhan Parts sõidab Brüsselisse Euroopa Liidu energeetikaministrite kohtumisele. Valitsus tahab, et Eesti saaks tulevikuski tasuta heitmekvoote ning soovitakse piiranguid Vene elektri impordile. Vt. samas: Elektri hind

  3. 12 CFR 908.24 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ... communications. (a) Definition.(1) Ex parte communication means any material oral or written communication... oral, a memorandum stating the substance of the communication) to be placed on the record of the... days of receipt of service of the ex parte communication or the written record of an oral communication...

  4. 7 CFR 1200.18 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ex parte communications. 1200.18 Section 1200.18 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (MARKETING... Governing Proceedings To Formulate and Amend an Order § 1200.18 Ex parte communications. (a) At no stage of...

  5. Workplace Bullying in Healthcare: Part 1. (United States)

    Lamberth, Becky


    Bullying is a repetitive and a busive behavior in which the victim suffers from abuse, humiliation, or intimidation to such an extent that it interferes with job performance. Victims of bullying have three possible legal solutions: harassment, hostile work environment, and intentional/negligent infliction of emotional distress. However, the elements necessary to fulfill the legal definitions are subjective and difficult at best to satisfy. Hospitals are hesitant to terminate any employee, which would result in open staff positions that are difficult to fill. Replacing staff with specific skills, costly. This make recruitmen cost a significant factor in retaining staff members who demonstrate poor behavior. Part 1 will focus on terminology and concerns related to bullying. Part 2 will discuss the legal protection afforded the bully and possible organizational solutions. Part 3 will address managers who have been accused of bullying by disgruntled employees and what to do about it.

  6. Pharmaceutical advertising and Medicare Part D. (United States)

    Lakdawalla, Darius; Sood, Neeraj; Gu, Qian


    We explore how and to what extent prescription drug insurance expansions affect incentives for pharmaceutical advertising. When insurance expansions make markets more profitable, firms respond by boosting advertising. Theory suggests this effect will be magnified in the least competitive drug classes, where firms internalize a larger share of the benefits from advertising. Empirically, we find that the implementation of Part D coincides with a 14-19% increase in total advertising expenditures. This effect is indeed concentrated in the least competitive drug classes. The additional advertising raised utilization among non-elderly patients outside the Part D program by about 3.6%. This is roughly half of the direct utilization effect of Part D on elderly beneficiaries. The results suggest the presence of considerable spillover effects from publicly subsidized prescription drug insurance on the utilization and welfare of consumers outside the program. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Parts : Lihula samba sünd on aasta rumalaim tegu / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts Lihula visiidist, suhtumisest julgestuspolitsei kasutamisse, valitsuskoalitsiooni koostööst erinevate probleemide lahendamisel. Siseminister Margus Leivo kommenteerib julgestuspolitsei kohalolekut Lihulas

  8. Analysis and algorithms for service parts supply chains

    CERN Document Server

    Muckstadt, John A


    Services requiring parts has become a $1.5 trillion business annually worldwide, creating a tremendous incentive to manage the logistics of these parts efficiently by making planning and operational decisions in a rational and rigorous manner. This book provides a broad overview of modeling approaches and solution methodologies for addressing service parts inventory problems found in high-powered technology and aerospace applications. The focus in this work is on the management of high cost, low demand rate service parts found in multi-echelon settings. This unique book, with its breadth of topics and mathematical treatment, begins by first demonstrating the optimality of an order-up-to policy [or (s-1,s)] in certain environments. This policy is used in the real world and studied throughout the text. The fundamental mathematical building blocks for modeling and solving applications of stochastic process and optimization techniques to service parts management problems are summarized extensively. A wide range o...

  9. Table of 3D organ model IDs and organ names (PART-OF Tree) - BodyParts3D | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us BodyParts3D Table of 3D organ model IDs and organ names (PART-OF Tree) Data detail Data name Table of 3D model IDs and organ names (PART-OF Tree) DOI 10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00837-002 Description of contents List of downloadable 3D organ models in a tab-delimited text file format, describing the correspondence between 3D model IDs and organ names available in PART-OF Tree. D...atabase Site Policy | Contact Us Table of 3D organ model IDs and organ names (PART-OF Tree) - BodyParts3D | LSDB Archive ...

  10. Allotment of aircraft spare parts using genetic alorithms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Batchoun Pascale


    Full Text Available In this paper we attempt to determine the optimal allocation of aircraft parts used as spares for replacement of defective parts on-board of a departing flight. In order to minimize the cost of delay caused by unexpected failure, Genetic algorithms (GAs are used to allocate the initial quantity of parts among the airports. GAs are a class of adaptive search procedures, that distinguish themselves from other optimization techniques by the use of concepts from population genetics to guide the search. Problem-specific knowledge is incorporated into the problem and efficient parameters are identified and tested for the task of optimizing the allocation of parts. The approach is illustrated by numerical results.

  11. Recent Economic Perspectives on Political Economy, Part II* (United States)

    Dewan, Torun; Shepsle, Kenneth A.


    In recent years some of the best theoretical work on the political economy of political institutions and processes has begun surfacing outside the political science mainstream in high quality economics journals. This two-part paper surveys these contributions from a recent five-year period. In Part I, the focus is on elections, voting and information aggregation, followed by treatments of parties, candidates, and coalitions. In Part II, papers on economic performance and redistribution, constitutional design, and incentives, institutions, and the quality of political elites are discussed. Part II concludes with a discussion of the methodological bases common to economics and political science, the way economists have used political science research, and some new themes and arbitrage opportunities. PMID:23606754

  12. 50 CFR 228.10 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Ex parte communications. 228.10 Section... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MARINE MAMMALS NOTICE AND HEARING ON SECTION 103(d) REGULATIONS § 228.10 Ex parte communications. (a) After notice of a hearing is published in the Federal Register, all...

  13. 50 CFR 18.80 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Ex parte communications. 18.80 Section 18... WILDLIFE AND PLANTS (CONTINUED) MARINE MAMMALS Notice and Hearing on Section 103 Regulations § 18.80 Ex parte communications. (a) After notice of a hearing is published in the Federal Register, all...

  14. 12 CFR 509.9 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ... communications. (a) Definition—(1) Ex parte communication means any material oral or written communication... shall cause all such written communications (or, if the communication is oral, a memorandum stating the... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ex parte communications. 509.9 Section 509.9...

  15. 12 CFR 1780.8 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ... communications. (a) Definition. (1) Ex parte communication means any material oral or written communication... section, that person shall cause all such written communications (or, if the communication is oral, a... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ex parte communications. 1780.8 Section 1780.8...

  16. 12 CFR 263.9 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    .... (a) Definition—(1) Ex parte communication means any material oral or written communication relevant... oral, a memorandum stating the substance of the communication) to be placed on the record of the... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ex parte communications. 263.9 Section 263.9...

  17. 42 CFR 426.406 - Ex parte contacts. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Ex parte contacts. 426.406 Section 426.406 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED... LCD § 426.406 Ex parte contacts. No party or person (except employees of the ALJ's office...

  18. The Search for Another Earth–Part II

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Permanent link: Keywords. Exoplanets, earth, super-earth, diamond planet, neptune, habitability, extra-terrestrial life. Abstract. In the first part, we discussed the various methods for thedetection of planets outside the solar system known as theexoplanets. In this part ...

  19. Is networking different with doctors working part-time? Differences in social networks of part-time and full-time doctors. (United States)

    Heiligers, Phil J M; de Jong, Judith D; Groenewegen, Peter P; Hingstman, Lammert; Völker, Beate; Spreeuwenberg, Peter


    Part-time working is a growing phenomenon in medicine, which is expected to influence informal networks at work differently compared to full-time working. The opportunity to meet and build up social capital at work has offered a basis for theoretical arguments. Twenty-eight teams of medical specialists in the Netherlands, including 226 individuals participated in this study. Interviews with team representatives and individual questionnaires were used. Data were gathered on three types of networks: relationships of consulting, communication and trust. For analyses, network and multilevel applications were used. Differences between individual doctors and between teams were both analysed, taking the dependency structure of the data into account, because networks of individual doctors are not independent. Teams were divided into teams with and without doctors working part-time. Contrary to expectations we found no impact of part-time working on the size of personal networks, neither at the individual nor at the team level. The same was found regarding efficient reachability. Whereas we expected part-time doctors to choose their relations as efficiently as possible, we even found the opposite in intended relationships of trust, implying that efficiency in reaching each other was higher for full-time doctors. But we found as expected that in mixed teams with part-time doctors the frequency of regular communication was less compared to full-time teams. Furthermore, as expected the strength of the intended relationships of trust of part-time and full-time doctors was equally high. From these findings we can conclude that part-time doctors are not aiming at efficiency by limiting the size of networks or by efficient reachability, because they want to contact their colleagues directly in order to prevent from communication errors. On the other hand, together with the growth of teams, we found this strategy, focussed on reaching all colleagues, was diminishing. And our data

  20. Automobile parts by radiation crosslinking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshii, Fumio


    Radiation crosslinking, graft polymerization and degradation are useful technologies to improve polymer materials. The crosslinking causes improvement in strength, heat stability and processability to gives network structure for polymer materials and hence crosslinked materials are used in various fields, especially car parts. Electron beam (EB) of short time irradiation is used for these modifications. Irradiated (pre-vulcanized) before sulfur vulcanization rubber tires, heat resistant wires/cables, shrinkable tubes and foams of car parts are achieved by EB crosslinking. Polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride are used in cables and wires, polypropylene in plastic foams and natural rubber etc. In this paper radiation processing of tire, wire/cables, foams, shrinkable tubes and circuit protection devices (CPT) are explained. (author)

  1. Temporomandibular disorders and bruxism. Part I. (United States)

    Kevilj, R; Mehulic, K; Dundjer, A


    Correct functioning of the entire stomatognathic system is achieved by a compatible relationship of all its parts. Four determinants, by their mutual harmonious activity, dictate the function of the entire system: the teeth, periodontium with supporting structure, muscles, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and CNS. In such a complex system a disorder of any integrative part causes disturbances also in other parts of the system. Changed functions can arise through organic disorder, and also iatrogenically by inadequate conservative, prosthetic, surgical or orthodontic therapy. For this reason it is often difficult to recognise the primary cause. The first responses of the system to the disorder are adaptive mechanisms which occur within one or more integrative parts, and depending on their intensity and duration symptoms grow more prominent. Tissue response can be ortho- or parafunctional. Attempts are made to exclude psychoemotional influences and the obstacle eliminated by either abrasion, clenching or grinding of the teeth. If the obstacle is not eliminated by abrasion, the cause of such functional disorder becomes the trigger for parafunctional activity. From a review of the relevant literature it can be concluded that parafunctional activity is caused by changed occlusion, with determined psychological habits of the patient and specific tissue response of the stomatognathic system. Therefore, therapy of these disorders is made more difficult and includes a multidisciplinary approach.

  2. Life time evaluation of spectrum loaded machine parts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rabb, R. [Waertsilae NSD Corporation, Vaasa (Finland)


    In a medium speed diesel engine there are some important components, such as the cylinder head, the piston and the cylinder liner, which are subjected to a specific load spectrum consisting of mainly two distinct parts. One is the low cycle part which is due to the temperature field that builds up after that the engine has been started. This low cycle part causes a big stress amplitude but consists of only a couple of thousand cycles during the engine life time. The other part of the load spectrum is the high cycle part due to the firing pressure. The high cycle part has a smaller amplitude but consists of billions of cycles during the engine life time. The cylinder head and the cylinder liner are made of cast iron. In this investigation the true extension into the high cycle domain of the S-N curve for grey cast iron grade 300/ISO 185 was established through fatigue tests with a load spectrum resembling the existing one. This testing resulted in much new and improved knowledge about the fatigue properties of grey cast iron and it was even possible to generalize the outcome of the spectrum fatigue tests into a simple design curve. (orig.) 11 refs.

  3. Workshop 96. Part II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Part II of the seminar proceedings contains contributions in various areas of science and technology, among them materials science in mechanical engineering, materials science in electrical, chemical and civil engineering, and electronics, measuring and communication engineering. In those areas, 6 contributions have been selected for INIS. (P.A.).

  4. Workshop 96. Part II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Part II of the seminar proceedings contains contributions in various areas of science and technology, among them materials science in mechanical engineering, materials science in electrical, chemical and civil engineering, and electronics, measuring and communication engineering. In those areas, 6 contributions have been selected for INIS. (P.A.)

  5. Investigating shape representation using sensitivity to part- and axis-based transformations. (United States)

    Denisova, Kristina; Feldman, Jacob; Su, Xiaotao; Singh, Manish


    Part- and axis-based approaches organize shape representations in terms of simple parts and their spatial relationships. Shape transformations that alter qualitative part structure have been shown to be more detectable than those that preserve it. We compared sensitivity to various transformations that change quantitative properties of parts and their spatial relationships, while preserving qualitative part structure. Shape transformations involving changes in length, width, curvature, orientation and location were applied to a small part attached to a larger base of a two-part shape. Increment thresholds were estimated for each transformation using a 2IFC procedure. Thresholds were converted into common units of shape difference to enable comparisons across transformations. Higher sensitivity was consistently found for transformations involving a parameter of a single part (length, width, curvature) than those involving spatial relations between two parts (relative orientation and location), suggesting a single-part superiority effect. Moreover, sensitivity to shifts in part location - a biomechanically implausible shape transformation - was consistently poorest. The influence of region-based geometry was investigated via stereoscopic manipulation of figure and ground. Sensitivity was compared across positive parts (protrusions) and negative parts (indentations) for transformations involving a change in orientation or location. For changes in part orientation (biomechanically plausible), sensitivity was better for positive than negative parts; whereas for changes in part location (biomechanically implausible), no systematic difference was observed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. 33 CFR Appendix E to Part 157 - Specifications for the Design, Installation and Operation of a Part Flow System for Control of... (United States)


    ... established by the Administration and which shall at least contain all the provisions of these Specifications. 2.2The part flow concept is based on the principle that the observation of a representative part... arrangements acceptable to the Administration. 3.3The display of the part flow shall be arranged in a sheltered...

  7. The part-whole perception of emotion. (United States)

    Glazer, Trip


    A clever argument purports to show that we can directly perceive the emotions of others: (1) some emotional expressions are parts of the emotions they express; (2) in perceiving a part of something, one can perceive the whole; (3) therefore, in perceiving some emotional expressions, one can perceive the emotions they express. My aim in this paper is to assess the extent to which contemporary theories of emotion support the first premise of this argument. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



    松本, 眞一; Shinichi, Matsumoto; 桃山学院大学社会学部


    This part study aims to research on the whole aspect of child protection in Canada. And so, this paper consists of five chapters as follows: (1)Canadian history of child protection, (2)definition of child abuse, (3)current situation of child protection in Canada, (4)outline of child protection and treatment, (5)triangular comparison of child protection and prevention in Canada, Australia and England. The first efforts at identifying and combating child abuse occurred in the latter part of the...

  9. 12 CFR 308.9 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ...) Definition—(1) Ex parte communication means any material oral or written communication relevant to the merits... this section, that person shall cause all such written communications (or, if the communication is oral... 12 Banks and Banking 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ex parte communications. 308.9 Section 308.9...

  10. 12 CFR 19.9 - Ex parte communications. (United States)


    ... parte communication means any material oral or written communication relevant to the merits of an... communication is oral, a memorandum stating the substance of the communication) to be placed on the record of... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ex parte communications. 19.9 Section 19.9...

  11. Search Engines for Tomorrow's Scholars, Part Two (United States)

    Fagan, Jody Condit


    This two-part article considers how well some of today's search tools support scholars' work. The first part of the article reviewed Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search using a modified version of Carole L. Palmer, Lauren C. Teffeau, and Carrier M. Pirmann's framework (2009). Microsoft Academic Search is a strong contender when…

  12. Digital dental photography. Part 1: an overview. (United States)

    Ahmad, I


    This paper is the first article in a new ten-part series on digital dental photography. Part 1 previews and outlines the contents of the subsequent papers and in addition, defines the aims and objectives of a digital dental image and the features that are required for an ideal intra-oral picture.

  13. Reproduce and die! Why aging? Part II

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schuiling, GA

    Whilst in part I of this diptych on aging the question why aging exists at all is discussed; this part deals with the question which mechanisms underly aging and, ultimately, dying. It appears that aging is not just an active process as such - although all kinds of internal (e.g., oxigen-free

  14. Visual working memory for global, object, and part-based information. (United States)

    Patterson, Michael D; Bly, Benjamin Martin; Porcelli, Anthony J; Rypma, Bart


    We investigated visual working memory for novel objects and parts of novel objects. After a delay period, participants showed strikingly more accurate performance recognizing a single whole object than the parts of that object. This bias to remember whole objects, rather than parts, persisted even when the division between parts was clearly defined and the parts were disconnected from each other so that, in order to remember the single whole object, the participants needed to mentally combine the parts. In addition, the bias was confirmed when the parts were divided by color. These experiments indicated that holistic perceptual-grouping biases are automatically used to organize storage in visual working memory. In addition, our results suggested that the bias was impervious to top-down consciously directed control, because when task demands were manipulated through instruction and catch trials, the participants still recognized whole objects more quickly and more accurately than their parts. This bias persisted even when the whole objects were novel and the parts were familiar. We propose that visual working memory representations depend primarily on the global configural properties of whole objects, rather than part-based representations, even when the parts themselves can be clearly perceived as individual objects. This global configural bias beneficially reduces memory load on a capacity-limited system operating in a complex visual environment, because fewer distinct items must be remembered.

  15. Autoclave cycle optimization for high performance composite parts manufacturing


    Nele, L.; Caggiano, A.; Teti, R.


    In aeronautical production, autoclave curing of composite parts must be performed according to a specified diagram of temperature and pressure vs time. Part-tool assembly thermal inertia and shape have a large influence on the heating and cooling rate, and therefore on the dwell time within the target temperature range. When simultaneously curing diverse composite parts, the total autoclave cycle time is driven by the part-tool assembly with the lower heating and cooling rates. With the aim t...

  16. Advanced loose parts detection system for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Por, G.; Szappanos, G.


    The importance of loose part detection is discussed. The consequences of a relatively big (7.7 kg) loose part found in a WWER-440 NPP are discussed. A portable loose part monitoring system is presented, which is based on sequential probability ratio test. (author)

  17. Joint optimization of redundancy level and spare part inventories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sleptchenko, Andrei; Heijden, Matthieu van der


    We consider a “k-out-of-N” system with different standby modes. Each of the N components consists of multiple part types. Upon failure, a component can be repaired within a certain time by switching the failed part by a spare, if available. We develop both an exact and a fast approximate analysis to compute the system availability. Next, we jointly optimize the component redundancy level with the inventories of the various spare parts. We find that our approximations are very accurate and suitable for large systems. We apply our model to a case study at a public organization in Qatar, and find that we can improve the availability-to-cost ratio by reducing the redundancy level and increasing the spare part inventories. In general, high redundancy levels appear to be useful only when components are relatively cheap and part replacement times are high. - Highlights: • We analyze a redundant system (k-out-of-N) with multiple parts and spares. • We jointly optimize the redundancy level and the spare part inventories. • We develop an exact method and an approximation to evaluate the system availability. • Adding spare parts and reducing the redundancy level cuts cost by 50% in a case study. • The availability is not very sensitive to the shape of the failure time distribution.

  18. Roots/Routes: Part II (United States)

    Swanson, Dalene M.


    This narrative acts as an articulation of a journey of many routes. Following Part I of the same research journey of rootedness/routedness, it debates the nature of transformation and transcendence beyond personal and political paradoxes informed by neoliberalism and related repressive globalizing discourses. Through a more personal, descriptive,…

  19. 48 CFR 19.000 - Scope of part. (United States)


    ... PROGRAMS SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS 19.000 Scope of part. (a) This part implements the acquisition-related sections of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 631, et seq.), applicable sections of the Armed Services...), section 7102 of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-355), 10 U.S.C. 2323, and...

  20. 6 CFR 13.15 - Ex parte contacts. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ex parte contacts. 13.15 Section 13.15 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES § 13.15 Ex parte contacts. No party or Person (except employees of the ALJ's office) will communicate in any way...

  1. CAD Parts-Based Assembly Modeling by Probabilistic Reasoning

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Kai-Ke


    Nowadays, increasing amount of parts and sub-assemblies are publicly available, which can be used directly for product development instead of creating from scratch. In this paper, we propose an interactive design framework for efficient and smart assembly modeling, in order to improve the design efficiency. Our approach is based on a probabilistic reasoning. Given a collection of industrial assemblies, we learn a probabilistic graphical model from the relationships between the parts of assemblies. Then in the modeling stage, this probabilistic model is used to suggest the most likely used parts compatible with the current assembly. Finally, the parts are assembled under certain geometric constraints. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through a variety of assembly models produced by our prototype system. © 2015 IEEE.

  2. CAD Parts-Based Assembly Modeling by Probabilistic Reasoning

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Kai-Ke; Hu, Kai-Mo; Yin, Li-Cheng; Yan, Dongming; Wang, Bin


    Nowadays, increasing amount of parts and sub-assemblies are publicly available, which can be used directly for product development instead of creating from scratch. In this paper, we propose an interactive design framework for efficient and smart assembly modeling, in order to improve the design efficiency. Our approach is based on a probabilistic reasoning. Given a collection of industrial assemblies, we learn a probabilistic graphical model from the relationships between the parts of assemblies. Then in the modeling stage, this probabilistic model is used to suggest the most likely used parts compatible with the current assembly. Finally, the parts are assembled under certain geometric constraints. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through a variety of assembly models produced by our prototype system. © 2015 IEEE.

  3. Structure Property Studies for Additively Manufactured Parts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milenski, Helen M [Univ. of Mexico, Los Alamos, NM (United States); Schmalzer, Andrew Michael [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Kelly, Daniel [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Since the invention of modern Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes engineers and designers have worked hard to capitalize on the unique building capabilities that AM allows. By being able to customize the interior fill of parts it is now possible to design components with a controlled density and customized internal structure. The creation of new polymers and polymer composites allow for even greater control over the mechanical properties of AM parts. One of the key reasons to explore AM, is to bring about a new paradigm in part design, where materials can be strategically optimized in a way that conventional subtractive methods cannot achieve. The two processes investigated in my research were the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process and the Direct Ink Write (DIW) process. The objectives of the research were to determine the impact of in-fill density and morphology on the mechanical properties of FDM parts, and to determine if DIW printed samples could be produced where the filament diameter was varied while the overall density remained constant.



    Nutal, Nicolas; Rochus, Pierre; Collette, Jean-Paul; Crahay, Jean; Larnicol, Maiween; Jochem, Helen; Magnien, Julien; Masse, Christian; Rigo, Olivier; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François; Pambaguian, Laurent


    the surface preparation of metal parts made by additive manufacturing (AM). AM is a technology of choice for manufacturing of parts with complex shapes (heat exchangers, RF supports, optical parts…) and integrated functions such as conformal cooling channels, clips, hinges, etc. This opens the door for lightweight parts which are of prime importance for space applications. The potential of the AM technologies is however impeded by the quite rough surface finish that is observed on the as-m...

  5. The Welfare Effects of Involuntary Part-Time Work


    Borowczyk-Martins, Daniel; Lalé, Etienne


    Employed individuals in the U.S. are increasingly more likely to work part-time involuntarily than to be unemployed. Spells of involuntary part-time work are different from unemployment spells: a full-time worker who takes on a part-time job suffers an earnings loss while remaining employed, and is unlikely to receive income compensation from publicly-provided insurance programs.We analyze these differences through the lens of an incomplete-market, job-search model featuring unemployment risk...

  6. Heart sounds: are you listening? Part 1. (United States)

    Reimer-Kent, Jocelyn


    All nurses should have an understanding of heart sounds and be proficient in cardiac auscultation. Unfortunately, this skill is not part of many nursing school curricula, nor is it necessarily a required skillfor employment. Yet, being able to listen and accurately describe heart sounds has tangible benefits to the patient, as it is an integral part of a complete cardiac assessment. In this two-part article, I will review the fundamentals of cardiac auscultation, how cardiac anatomy and physiology relate to heart sounds, and describe the various heart sounds. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned nurse, it is never too early or too late to add this important diagnostic skill to your assessment tool kit.

  7. Current and Future Parts Management at NASA (United States)

    Sampson, Michael J.


    This presentation provides a high level view of current and future electronic parts management at NASA. It describes a current perspective of the new human space flight direction that NASA is beginning to take and how that could influence parts management in the future. It provides an overview of current NASA electronic parts policy and how that is implemented at the NASA flight Centers. It also describes some of the technical challenges that lie ahead and suggests approaches for their mitigation. These challenges include: advanced packaging, obsolescence and counterfeits, the global supply chain and Commercial Crew, a new direction by which NASA will utilize commercial launch vehicles to get astronauts to the International Space Station.

  8. Human genome program report. Part 1, overview and progress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report contains Part 1 of a two-part report to reflect research and progress in the U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program from 1994 through 1996, with specified updates made just before publication. Part 1 consists of the program overview and report on progress.

  9. Introduction to Part III: Application of LCA in Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenbaum, Ralph K.


    While Part II of this book presents the theoretical foundation and methodology of LCA, Part III is dedicated to a comprehensive discussion of how this methodology has been adapted and applied in practice. The chapters of Part III provide an easily readable and accessible introduction to different...

  10. Hot Runner Mold Design of Fan Diverter Parts (United States)

    Juan, D. J.; Cheng, Y. L.


    In this study, we discuss the case of plastic parts for the production of fan steering gear shaft parts injection molding, and use POM plastic steel to produce plastic parts from traditional cold runners. Because of the parts have a hole, which need side slide. The runner produce more waste after plastic parts injection make the runner waste account for the cost is relatively high, the cost of stock preparation is relatively increased when the product quantity demanded is great. After the crushing treatment of the waste, the backfill will affect the quality, and in the crushing process, the volume generated will make the operator to withstand up to 130 dB of noise. The actual test results show that the production cycle reduce 6.25%, while the production yield increase by about 5% and material costs reduced by 2% . It can be recovered within a year, not to mention the increase of the quality and reduction the noise on the staff of the benefit is impossible to estimate.

  11. The 'realities' of part-time nursing: a grounded theory study. (United States)

    Jamieson, Lynn N; Williams, Leonie Mosel; Lauder, William; Dwyer, Trudy


    To develop a theory that explains the 'realities' of part-time nursing. While little is known about the phenomenon of part-time nursing, increasing numbers of nurses work in part-time employment. Grounded theory. The problem that part-time nurses shared was an inability to achieve their personal optimal nursing potential. Motivators to work part-time, employment hours, specialty, individual and organizational factors formed contextual conditions that led to this problem. Part-time nurses responded to the challenges through a process of adaptation and adjustment. Harnessing the full productive potential of part-time nurses requires support to limit the difficulties that they encounter. The developed theory provides a valuable guide to managerial action. Nurse Managers need to consider the developed substantive theory when planning and managing nursing workforces.

  12. MIPPA: First Broad Changes to Medicare Part D Plan Operations. (United States)

    LeMasurier, Jean D; Edgar, Babette


    In July 2008, as part of broad Medicare reform, Congress passed the first major legislative changes to Medicare Part D since its enactment in 2003-the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act. This new legislation has significant implications for how Part D plans can market and enroll Medicare beneficiaries. The new legislation also strengthened beneficiary protections, expanded the low-income subsidy provisions originally included in Part D, and expanded Part D coverage. These changes have significant implications for the operation of Part D plans and can affect those involved in benefit design, including specialty pharmacy coverage. This article discusses the major changes that took effect on January 1, 2009, and have immediate implications for Part D plan sponsors, including Medicare Advantage plans and stand-alone prescription drug plans.

  13. Steady bound electromagnetic eigenstate arises in a homogeneous isotropic linear metamaterial with zero-real-part-of-impedance and nonzero-imaginary-part-of-wave-vector (United States)

    Chen, Jiangwei; Dai, Yuyao; Yan, Lin; Zhao, Huimin


    In this paper, we shall demonstrate theoretically that steady bound electromagnetic eigenstate can arise in an infinite homogeneous isotropic linear metamaterial with zero-real-part-of-impedance and nonzero-imaginary-part-of-wave-vector, which is partly attributed to that, here, nonzero-imaginary-part-of-wave-vector is not involved with energy losses or gain. Altering value of real-part-of-impedance of the metamaterial, the bound electromagnetic eigenstate may become to be a progressive wave. Our work may be useful to further understand energy conversion and conservation properties of electromagnetic wave in the dispersive and absorptive medium and provides a feasible route to stop, store and release electromagnetic wave (light) conveniently by using metamaterial with near-zero-real-part-of-impedance.

  14. Machine Parts as Metaphor. (United States)

    Porter, Gerald

    The connection between Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) and literature is discussed with examples of technical vocabulary drawn from a variety of writers, with particular attention to a sketch by the British dramatist Harold Pinter, "Trouble in the Works," which makes extensive use of the terminology of machine parts. It is noted…

  15. Last Time Buy and repair decisions for fast moving parts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Behfard, S.; Al Hanbali, A.; van der Heijden, M. C.; Zijm, W. H.M.


    Spare part availability is essential for advanced capital goods with a long service period. Sourcing becomes challenging once the production of spare parts ceases, while the remaining service period is still long. In this paper, we focus on fast moving parts with repair of failed parts as an

  16. Irradiated uranium reprocessing, Final report - I-IV, Part III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gal, I.


    This third part of the final report include the following: Annex 5 - device for opening the cover; Annex 6 - inner part of the device for sampling of the radioactive solution; Annex 7 - outer part of the device for sampling of the radioactive solution; Annex 8 - pneumatic taps [sr

  17. Teaching for Engagement: Part 3: Designing for Active Learning (United States)

    Hunter, William J.


    In the first two parts of this series, ("Teaching for Engagement: Part 1: Constructivist Principles, Case-Based Teaching, and Active Learning") and ("Teaching for Engagement: Part 2: Technology in the Service of Active Learning"), William J. Hunter sought to outline the theoretical rationale and research basis for such active…

  18. Cleaning Process Development for Metallic Additively Manufactured Parts (United States)

    Tramel, Terri L.; Welker, Roger; Lowery, Niki; Mitchell, Mark


    Additive Manufacturing of metallic components for aerospace applications offers many advantages over traditional manufacturing techniques. As a new technology, many aspects of its widespread utilization remain open to investigation. Among these are the cleaning processes that can be used for post finishing of parts and measurements to verify effectiveness of the cleaning processes. Many cleaning and drying processes and measurement methods that have been used for parts manufactured using conventional techniques are candidates that may be considered for cleaning and verification of additively manufactured parts. Among these are vapor degreasing, ultrasonic immersion and spray cleaning, followed by hot air drying, vacuum baking and solvent displacement drying. Differences in porosity, density, and surface finish of additively manufactured versus conventionally manufactured parts may introduce new considerations in the selection of cleaning and drying processes or the method used to verify their effectiveness. This presentation will review the relative strengths and weaknesses of different candidate cleaning and drying processes as they may apply to additively manufactured metal parts for aerospace applications. An ultrasonic cleaning technique for exploring the cleanability of parts will be presented along with an example using additively manufactured Inconel 718 test specimens to illustrate its use. The data analysis shows that this ultrasonic cleaning approach results in a well-behaved ultrasonic cleaning/extraction behavior. That is, it does not show signs of accelerated cavitation erosion of the base material, which was later confirmed by neutron imaging. In addition, the analysis indicated that complete cleaning would be achieved by ultrasonic immersion cleaning at approximately 5 minutes, which was verified by subsequent cleaning of additional parts.

  19. Attribute conjunctions and the part configuration advantage in object category learning. (United States)

    Saiki, J; Hummel, J E


    Five experiments demonstrated that in object category learning people are particularly sensitive to conjunctions of part shapes and relative locations. Participants learned categories defined by a part's shape and color (part-color conjunctions) or by a part's shape and its location relative to another part (part-location conjunctions). The statistical properties of the categories were identical across these conditions, as were the salience of color and relative location. Participants were better at classifying objects defined by part-location conjunctions than objects defined by part-color conjunctions. Subsequent experiments revealed that this effect was not due to the specific color manipulation or the role of location per se. These results suggest that the shape bias in object categorization is at least partly due to sensitivity to part-location conjunctions and suggest a new processing constraint on category learning.

  20. Part-time vs. full-time occlusion for amblyopia: evidence for part-time patching. (United States)

    Matta, Noelle S; Silbert, David I


    Amblyopia is characterized by a decreased uncorrectable visual acuity in a structurally normal eye. Occlusion therapy has been used for years to improve acuity, and, traditionally, practitioners have utilized full-time patching. This article will explore more recent research looking at using part-time patching in the treatment of amblyopia.