
Sample records for ductus arterioso persistente

  1. Diclofenaco comparado con ibuprofeno para el cierre de Ductus arterioso persistente, en recién nacidos prematuros


    Pulzára Tiria, Adrian Fernando; Pineda Cubillos, Leydy Yineth; Hoyos Beltrán, Francisco José


    Introducción: El Ductus arterioso persistente (DAP), es uno de los defectos congénitos cardiacos más comunes, requiere manejo farmacológico y/o quirúrgico; presenta complicaciones hemodinámicas, respiratorias y muerte. Los medicamentos de elección para su manejo son indometacina e ibuprofeno, pero su costo y accesibilidad llevo al uso de diclofenaco como alternativa de manejo en algunos hospitales. Objetivo: Comparar respuesta al tratamiento con diclofenaco vs ibuprofeno en cierre de DAP. ...

  2. Hemólisis aguda post implante de paraguas de Rashklind en ductus arterioso persistente: tratamiento quirúrgico

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    Jesús Jacinto Custodio López


    Full Text Available We report a case of an acute mechanical haemolisis in a woman of 50 years old that ocurred after a percutaneous closure of a patent ductus arteriosus by a Rashkind double umbrella prosthesis.Surgical removal of the device using Cardiopulmonary bypass and ligation of the duct were required before haemolisis was abolished. (Rev Med Hered 1998; 9:123-127.

  3. Escala de riesgo Aristóteles como factor predictor de mortalidad en el cierre quirúrgico de persistencia de ductus arterioso en prematuros

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    Antonio Jimenez-Aceituna


    Conclusiones: La mortalidad asociada al cierre quirúrgico del ductus persistente depende más del estado de prematuridad que de la cirugía, siendo la escala Aristóteles el factor más útil para determinar el grado de prematuridad y predecir la mortalidad hospitalaria. Los prematuros con 15 o más puntos en esta escala tuvieron una mayor mortalidad, para los que se propone un manejo conservador.

  4. Uso de óxido nítrico inhalado en la hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido

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    S. Carrera Muiños


    Full Text Available La hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido es el resultado de un fracaso o de una mala adaptación circulatoria al momento de nacimiento; y representa una falla respiratoria aguda con un aumento sostenido de la resistencia vascular pulmonar, generando cortos circuitos extrapulmonares de derecha a izquierda, a través del conducto arterioso y foramen oval, con hipoxemia severa y acidosis secundaria. La clave del tratamiento reside en lograr una rápida mejoría de la oxigenación y dilatación de la arteria pulmonar para revertir los cortos circuitos con el uso de vasodilatadores pulmonares, de los cuales el óxido nítrico es el único agente aprobado por la FDA para su uso en neonatos con hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido, y debe ser considerado como el tratamiento de primera línea. Esta revisión se centrará en qué es el óxido nítrico y su papel como tratamiento de la hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido.

  5. Conducto arterioso restrictivo tras el consumo de acetaminofén


    John J. Araújo


    La constricción del conducto arterioso en la etapa fetal es un fenómeno fisiopatológico anormal que altera la estabilidad hemodinámica y la función cardiaca del feto. Conduce a dilatación e hipertrofia del ventrículo derecho, al igual que desarrollo de hidrops fetal, que, de no ser corregidos a tiempo, causan cierre total del conducto arterioso y muerte in utero. La constricción del conducto arterioso es más frecuente después de la semana 31 de gestación. Como causante se ha involucrado el co...

  6. Acetaminofén intravenoso en el cierre del conducto arterioso permeable en prematuros

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    John J. Araújo


    Full Text Available Reportamos el caso de tres recién nacidos de 26, 29 y 32 semanas de edad gestacional, con pesos de 810, 1.300 y 1.670 gr, respectivamente. A quienes se les diagnosticó clínicamente conducto arterioso permeable con repercusión hemodinámica. Se confirmó con ecocardiograma transtorácico, mostrando conducto arterioso de 1.5, 3,2 y 3.9 mm. Por sus condiciones clínicas inestables que contraindicaban cierre farmacológico convencional con antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES, y alto riesgo quirúrgico. Se optó por cierre farmacológico con acetaminofén intravenoso a 15 mg/kg una dosis cada 6 horas. Control ecocardiográfico cada 24 horas, se corroboró el cierre total del conducto arterioso a los 3, 5 y 7 días de tratamiento, respectivamente. Se les realizó enzimas hepáticas 24 horas antes y 48 horas posteriores a la administración del acetaminofén. Todos tuvieron seguimiento clínico y ecocardiográfico al mes, 3 y 6 meses. Descartando la reapertura del conducto arterioso.

  7. Tratamento da hipertensão pulmonar persistente do recém-nascido


    Rodrigues, Marisa Isabel Garcia


    A hipertensão pulmonar persistente do recém-nascido (HPPRN) é um síndrome clínico complexo com múltiplas causas que resulta da incapacidade da circulação pulmonar fetal fazer a transição para a vida extra-uterina. Define-se como uma resistência vascular pulmonar aumentada e shunt direito-esquerdo através do foramen ovale e/ou do ductus arteriosus, causando hipoxémia arterial refractária à suplementação de oxigénio. Com o aparecimento de novas modalidades terapêuticas, fruto ...

  8. Acetaminofén intravenoso en el cierre del conducto arterioso permeable en prematuros


    Araújo, John J.; Echeverry, Margarita M.; Palacio González, Alejandro; Lema Posada, Andrés; Fernández, Mauricio


    Reportamos el caso de tres recién nacidos de 26, 29 y 32 semanas de edad gestacional, con pesos de 810, 1.300 y 1.670 gr, respectivamente. A quienes se les diagnosticó clínicamente conducto arterioso permeable con repercusión hemodinámica. Se confirmó con ecocardiograma transtorácico, mostrando conducto arterioso de 1.5, 3,2 y 3.9 mm. Por sus condiciones clínicas inestables que contraindicaban cierre farmacológico convencional con antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES), y alto riesgo quirúr...

  9. Eficacia del paracetamol intravenoso para el cierre del conducto arterioso en recién nacidos prematuros


    Henry Sergio Carrillo-Arteaga; Jessica Valencia-Avendaño; Lucía Oliveros-Ruiz


    Antecedentes: los inhibidores de la ciclooxigenasa, como la indometacina y el ibuprofeno, que se utilizan para el cierre del conducto arterioso tienen efectos adversos significativos en el recién nacido, por lo que es importante explorar nuevas alternativas de tratamiento eficaces y seguras. Una de ellas podría ser el paracetamol intravenoso. Objetivo: evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del paracetamol intravenoso para el cierre del conducto arterioso en recién nacidos prematur...

  10. Eficacia del paracetamol intravenoso para el cierre del conducto arterioso en recién nacidos prematuros


    Carrillo-Arteaga, Henry Sergio; Valencia-Avendaño, Jessica; Oliveros-Ruiz, Lucía


    Antecedentes: los inhibidores de la ciclooxigenasa, como la indometacina y el ibuprofeno, que se utilizan para el cierre del conducto arterioso tienen efectos adversos significativos en el recién nacido, por lo que es importante explorar nuevas alternativas de tratamiento eficaces y seguras. Una de ellas podría ser el paracetamol intravenoso. Objetivo: evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del paracetamol intravenoso para el cierre del conducto arterioso en recién nacidos prematuros. Material y mét...

  11. Origen anómalo de la arteria pulmonar derecha de la aorta ascendente: Descripción de un caso clínico Anomalous origin of the right pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta: Description of a clinical case

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    Miguel Ruz


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un recién nacido de diecisiete días de vida, de 3,4 kg de peso, con cuadro clínico de síndrome de bajo gasto: dificultad respiratoria y mala perfusión tisular, por lo cual requirió ventilación mecánica y soporte inotrópico. La ecocardiografía indicó conducto arterioso permeable, foramen, hipertensión arterial pulmonar y origen anómalo de la rama derecha de la arteria pulmonar de la aorta ascendente. Se realizó cateterismo cardiaco que mostró origen anómalo de la arteria pulmonar derecha de la aorta ascendente, hipertensión arterial pulmonar y ductus arterioso permeable. A los veintiún días de vida se llevó a cirugía por esternotomía medial y bajo circulación extracorpórea se realizó reanastomosis de la arteria pulmonar derecha al tronco de la pulmonar, así como ligadura del ductus arterioso. Fue dado de alta cuarenta días después de la cirugía, con tratamiento médico. No mostró signos de hipertensión pulmonar y falla cardiaca.We present the case of a 17 days old newborn weighing 3,4 kg with a low output syndrome: breathing difficulty and poor tissue perfusion, requiring mechanical ventilation and inotropic support. An echocardiogram showed a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA, foramen, arterial pulmonary hypertension ad anomalous origin of the right pulmonary artery branch from the ascending aorta. Cardiac catheterization was performed and showed anomalous origin of the right pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta, arterial pulmonary hypertension and patent ductus arteriosus. He underwent surgery through median sternotomy and under extracorporeal circulation. Reanastomosis of the right pulmonary artery to the pulmonary trunk and ductus arteriosus ligation was performed. He was released forty days after surgery under medical treatment and had no signs of pulmonary hypertension or heart failure.

  12. Conducto arterioso restrictivo tras el consumo de acetaminofén

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    John J. Araújo


    Se presenta el caso de una primigestante de 27 años de edad y 32 semanas de gestación, a quien se le realizó ecocardiografía fetal a causa de arritmia fetal. Dos semanas previas al estudio había consumido 1 g de acetaminofén por vía oral cada 6 horas. Mediante estudio ecocardiográfico fetal se constató conducto arterioso restrictivo, con anormalidades sobre el ventrículo derecho y el arco ductal, las cuales se revirtieron en un lapso de una semana posterior a la supresión del medicamento.

  13. Estudo anatômico das vias bilíferas em búfalos: comportamento do ductus choledocus, ductus cysticus e vesica fellea. Sistematização do ductus biliferus principalis dexter

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    Wilson Machado de Souza


    Full Text Available Os autores estudaram o comportamento do ductus choledocus, ductus cysticus e vesica fellea e a constituição do ductus biliferus principalis dexter, parte das vias bilíferas em 40 búfalas da raça Jaffarabadi, adultas. Os fígados tiveram suas vias biliares injetadas com látex Neoprene 650 e celobar, e o procedimento utilizado pelos autores para evidenciação dos componentes estudados foram a dissecação e radiografias. Nos 40 órgãos analisados constatou-se que o ductus choledocus na maioria (97,5% sem tributários, acolhe num caso isolado (2,5% afluente inominado do lobus quadratus. Este ductus apresenta-se formado pela confluência dos ductus biliferus principalis dexter e do sinister (75%, pela confluência das raízes dorsomedial e ventrolateral mais o ductus biliferus principalis sinister (22,5%, e pela junção do ductus hepaticus e ductus cysticus (2,5%. O ductus cysticus, componente constante do ductus biliferus principalis dexter, associa-se ao ductus biliferus lateralis lobi dextri (67,5%, endereçando-se nas outras glândulas (32,5% a troncos diversos. A vesica fellea em 87,5% das peças mostra-se livre de afluentes, enquanto nas demais dessecações (12,5% recebe duetos hepaticocísticos oriundos apenas do lobus quadratus (5%, simultaneamente do lobus dexter e do lobus quadratus (5%, e unicamente do território lateral do lobus dexter (5%. O ductus biliferus principalis dexter é formado pelo ductus lateralis lobi dextri e ductus cysticus (100% e pelo ductus medialis lobi dextri, ductus dorsalis lobi dextri e ductus processi caudati (92,5%.

  14. Morfometria do encéfalo e formação do circuito arterioso em coelhos Nova Zelândia

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    Janaina de Oliveira Portugal


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é descrever as principais ramificações da artéria basilar, a formação do circuito arterioso, e a morfometria do encéfalo em coelhos adultos de ambos os sexos. Foi realizada canulação da aorta torácica através de incisão lateral, fixação com solução de formaldeído a 10% e preenchimento do sistema arterial com solução de látex corado. Procedeu-se à craniotomia, remoção e morfometria do encéfalo, além de dissecção para a observação das ramificações principais da artéria basilar e da formação do circuito arterioso. A média e erro padrão do comprimento da artéria basilar foram de 1,293 cm ± 0,024 nas fêmeas e 1,227 cm ± 0,025 nos machos. Em todos os coelhos dissecados, a artéria basilar se originou da anastomose das artérias vertebrais, direita e esquerda, emitindo a artéria cerebelar caudal, ramos variados para bulbo e ponte, ramos terminais e artérias cerebelares rostrais. As artérias da base do encéfalo estiveram na dependência dos sistemas carótico e vértebro-basilar. O circuito arterioso do cérebro estava fechado rostralmente em 10 machos e 12 fêmeas e fechado caudalmente em todos os animais dissecados.

  15. Silent Patent Ductus Arteriosus Aneurysm

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    Aline Medeiros Botta


    Full Text Available Ductus arteriosus aneurysm, a rare and potentially fatal condition, has been reported as a complication after surgical ductus arteriosus closure. Its spontaneous appearance as a septic complication, which was common in the presurgical and preantibiotic era, has been rarely reported in the contemporary literature. Persistence of silent ductus arteriosus in healthy children and adults is a frequent condition that currently has an increasing diagnostic possibility due to the availability of more accurate investigative methods, especially echocardiography. We report the case of a 1-year-old child, in whom no previous heart disease was known, who developed a giant aneurysm of the ductus arteriosus during a staphylococcal infection. This complication appeared after craniotomy for emptying an accidental subdural hematoma. This report associates the persistence of ductus arteriosus with a complication considered rare, which has a rapidly fatal evolution.

  16. Correção endovascular de persistência do conduto arterioso em paciente adulto Endovascular approach for persistent ductus arteriosus closure in adult patient

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    José Carlos Dorsa Vieira Pontes


    Full Text Available O tratamento da Persistência do Canal Arterial (PCA, em adultos, ainda é controverso. A utilização de próteses auto-expansíveis tem-se mostrado como uma alternativa eficaz ao tratamento cirúrgico. Apresentamos um caso de uma paciente de 45 anos submetida ao tratamento endovascular com o uso de stent auto-expansível.The treatment for closure of persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA in adults still controversial. The endovascular approach has been shown as an effective alternative to surgical treatment. We report a case of 45 years old pacient submitted to endovascular approach for PDA closure.

  17. Exposición a plaguicidas persistentes y no persistentes en población no expuesta laboralmente de la isla de Tenerife

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    Guillermo Burillo-Putze


    Conclusiones: Existe una exposición inadvertida a plaguicidas no persistentes que puede afectar a la salud de nuestra población, por lo que se hace necesario incluirlos en los estudios de monitorización.

  18. Patent ductus arteriosus – not only apaediatric issue

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    Michał Jędrzejek


    Full Text Available The ductus arteriosus is a vascular structure of the foetal circulation that connects the great arteries and determines the blood flow from the pulmonary trunk to the aorta bypassing the pulmonary circulation. After birth, it comes to the functional and structural closure of the ductus arteriosus and the foetal circulation changes into circulation of adult type. Sometimes, however, physiological degradation of the duct after the first few weeks of life does not happen – this situation is called patent ductus arteriosus and accounts for approximately 10% of congenital heart defects. Patent ductus arteriosus may be asymptomatic or manifest itself with disturbances, mainly associated with the respiratory and circulatory systems, as well as disorders of other organs. A common clinical symptom is a characteristic continuous murmur, called machine-like murmur. The occurrence and severity of symptoms depend primarily on the size of the shunt through the duct and also on the age of the patient. The major complications of patent ductus arteriosus are bacterial endocarditis and pulmonary vascular disease. Treatment is based on the definitive closure of the ductus. During the first few weeks after birth, pharmacological closure with cyclooxygenase inhibitors (indomethacin, ibuprofen is possible. Patent ductus arteriosus can also be managed with the use of non-invasive techniques (catheter procedures or surgical treatment (a less invasive video-assisted thoracoscopy is also possible. The situation is different when there are complex anatomical heart defects in which the postnatally patent ductus arteriosus plays a different, beneficial role – these are so-called ductus-dependent defects. The management of such patients consists in maintaining the patency of the ductus arteriosus, because it determines the normal blood flow. There are also rare cases of premature (prenatal closure of the ductus arteriosus, which may

  19. Paracetamol (acetaminofeno) intravenoso para cierre de conducto arterioso permeable en prematuros ≤ 32 semanas de gestación. (United States)

    Gálvez-Cancino, Franco


    To identify the effectiveness of intravenous paracetamol for closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm ≤32 weeks gestation. This was a series of cases, a therapeutic intervention to closure was applied for ductus arteriosus >2 mm, identified by echocardiogram after 3 days of life, intravenous paracetamol was used, for a time range from 3 up to 6 days. The prevalence of patent ductus arteriosus in ≤32 weeks gestation, was 40%. 21 patients were included, there was a predominance of female. Average age at diagnosis was 29 weeks gestation. The minimum weight 750 g, maximum 1350 g. Echocardiogram corroborated closure in 76%, intravenous paracetamol was more successful with 6 days treatment. The prevalence of patent ductus arteriosus is directly proportional to the gestational age, being more common in women. Successful closure was 76%, this drug shows to be as effective as the first-choice drug, and a good alternative for intravenous therapy. Copyright: © 2017 SecretarÍa de Salud

  20. Adult patent ductus arteriosus: successful surgery with mitral valvuloplasty. (United States)

    Hobo, Kyoko; Hanayama, Naoji; Umezu, Kentaro; Shimada, Naohiro; Toyama, Akihiko; Takazawa, Arihumi


    The development of left ventricular dysfunction is a serious complication of longstanding patent ductus arteriosus. An 80-year-old woman who underwent patent ductus arteriosus ligation 13 years previously developed congestive heart failure and mitral regurgitation. She underwent surgical repair with transpulmonary ductus closure and mitral valve annuloplasty under cardiopulmonary bypass. She made a full recovery with improved left ventricular function.

  1. Expression of prostanoid receptors in human ductus arteriosus (United States)

    Leonhardt, Andreas; Glaser, Alexander; Wegmann, Markus; Schranz, Dietmar; Seyberth, Hannsjörg; Nüsing, Rolf


    Prostaglandins play a major role in maintaining ductal patency in utero. Ductal tone is regulated by both locally released and circulating vasodilatory prostaglandins. In infants with ductus arteriosus-dependent congenital heart disease, ductal patency is maintained by intravenous administration of prostaglandin (PG) E1. Little information is available regarding the expression of prostaglandin receptors in man. By means of RT–PCR and immunohistochemistry we studied the expression of the PGI2 receptor (IP), the four different PGE2 receptors (EP1, EP2, EP3 and EP4), and the receptors for thromboxane (Tx) A2 (TP), PGD2 (DP) and PGF2α (FP) in the ductus arteriosus of three newborn infants with ductus arteriosus-dependent congenital heart disease and intravenous infusion of PGE1 and of one 8 month old child with a patent ductus arteriosus. The EP3, EP4, FP, IP and TP receptor were markedly expressed at the mRNA and protein level, whereas the EP2 receptor was weakly expressed and the EP1 receptor was detected in two out of four tissue specimens only. The DP receptor was not detected in any of the samples. The most pronounced expression, which was located in the media of the ductus arteriosus, was observed for the EP4 and TP receptors followed by IP and FP receptor protein. These data indicate that ductal patency during the infusion of PGE1 in infants with ductus arteriosus-dependent congenital heart disease might be mediated by the EP4 and IP receptor. The data further suggest that a heterogeneous population of prostanoid receptors may contribute to the regulation of ductus arteriosus tone in humans. PMID:12598419

  2. Transcatheter closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus through only venous route. (United States)

    Sheikh, Abdul Malik; Duke, Abdul Karim; Sattar, Hina


    Patent ductus arteriosus is a common congenital cardiac defect comprising 5-10% of all these defects in term neonates. Although open chest and video-assisted interruption are still in use, transcatheter occlusion has rapidly become the first choice for patent ductus arteriosus closure in the appropriate patient. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus is widely done by transvenous approach guided by aortic access. We present the case of a 2 year old girl who underwent patent ductus arteriosus device occlusion with transvenous access only.

  3. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (United States)

    ... With Patent Ductus Arteriosus Figure A shows the interior of a normal heart and normal blood flow. ... PDA may shrink and go away. However, some children need treatment to close their PDAs. Some children ...

  4. Aspectos puntuales del estado vegetativo persistente


    Hodelín Tablada, Ricardo


    El estado vegetativo persistente es una condición clínica caracterizada por la ausencia completa de conciencia sobre uno mismo y el entorno, unido a ciclos de sueño-vigilia, con preservación total o parcial de las funciones hipotalámicas y autonómicas del tallo encefálico. En el presente artículo, el autor discute aspectos puntuales sobre la entidad clínica, basado en su experiencia y en la revisión de la bibliografía sobre el tema; igualmente se exponen elementos clínicos y epidemiológicos d...

  5. Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Neonates (United States)

    Mezu-Ndubuisi, Olachi J.; Agarwal, Ghanshyam; Raghavan, Aarti; Pham, Jennifer T.; Ohler, Kirsten H.; Maheshwari, Akhil


    Persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in premature infants. In infants born prior to 28 weeks of gestation, a hemodynamically-significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) can cause cardiovascular instability, exacerbate respiratory distress syndrome, prolong the need for assisted ventilation, and increase the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, renal dysfunction, intraventricular hemorrhage, cerebral palsy, and mortality. In this article, we review the pathophysiology, clinical features, and assessment of hemodynamic significance, and provide a rigorous appraisal of the quality of evidence to support current medical and surgical management of PDA of prematurity. Cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors such as indomethacin and ibuprofen remain the mainstay of medical therapy for PDA, and can be used both for prophylaxis as well as rescue therapy to achieve PDA closure. Surgical ligation is also effective and is used in infants who do not respond to medical management. Although both medical and surgical treatment have proven efficacy in closing the ductus, both modalities are associated with significant adverse effects. Because the ductus does undergo spontaneous closure in some premature infants, improved and early identification of infants most likely to develop a symptomatic PDA could help in directing treatment to the at-risk infants and allow others to receive expectant management. PMID:22564132

  6. Genetic contribution to patent ductus arteriosus in the premature newborn. (United States)

    Bhandari, Vineet; Zhou, Gongfu; Bizzarro, Matthew J; Buhimschi, Catalin; Hussain, Naveed; Gruen, Jeffrey R; Zhang, Heping


    The most common congenital heart disease in the newborn population, patent ductus arteriosus, accounts for significant morbidity in preterm newborns. In addition to prematurity and environmental factors, we hypothesized that genetic factors play a significant role in this condition. The objective of this study was to quantify the contribution of genetic factors to the variance in liability for patent ductus arteriosus in premature newborns. A retrospective study (1991-2006) from 2 centers was performed by using zygosity data from premature twins born at Patent ductus arteriosus was diagnosed by echocardiography at each center. Mixed-effects logistic regression was used to assess the effect of specific covariates. Latent variable probit modeling was then performed to estimate the heritability of patent ductus arteriosus, and mixed-effects probit modeling was used to quantify the genetic component. We obtained data from 333 dizygotic twin pairs and 99 monozygotic twin pairs from 2 centers (Yale University and University of Connecticut). Data on chorioamnionitis, antenatal steroids, gestational age, body weight, gender, respiratory distress syndrome, patent ductus arteriosus, necrotizing enterocolitis, oxygen supplementation, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia were comparable between monozygotic and dizygotic twins. We found that gestational age, respiratory distress syndrome, and institution were significant covariates for patent ductus arteriosus. After controlling for specific covariates, genetic factors or the shared environment accounted for 76.1% of the variance in liability for patent ductus arteriosus. Preterm patent ductus arteriosus is highly familial (contributed to by genetic and environmental factors), with the effect being mainly environmental, after controlling for known confounders.

  7. Cierre percutáneo de conducto arterioso mediante un asa arteriovenosa en un paciente con síndrome de la cimitarra


    Luis Alexis Arévalo Salas; Liborio Solano Fiesco; Jorge Luis Villatoro Fernández


    Introducción: El síndrome de la cimitarra consiste en una rara malformación, caracterizada por una conexión anómala parcial de una o ambas venas pulmonares derechas a la vena cava inferior, hipoplasia de pulmón derecho y circulación sistémica desde la aorta descendente. El síndrome de la cimitarra en ocasiones se asocia con otras malformaciones congénitas, entre las que se incluye la persistencia del conducto arterioso (PCA). Caso clínico: Paciente de sexo femenino de cuatro años de edad c...

  8. Use of a Stent Graft for Patent Ductus Arteriosus in an Octogenarian Eliminates Ductus Flow. (United States)

    Tatsuishi, Wataru; Kataoka, Go; Asano, Ryota; Sato, Atsuhiko; Nakano, Kiyoharu


    Closure of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in the elderly is a high-risk procedure because of tissue fragility and many possible complications. The patient in our case was an 81-year-old woman with a window-type PDA caused by cardiac failure. Based on the anatomy of the PDA and aorta and to minimize invasion, we used a stent graft to close the PDA. This approach was successful; hemodynamics improved and ductus flow was eliminated during the follow-up period without intervention from the pulmonary artery side.

  9. Hidden (end-on) patent ductus arteriosus: recognition and device closure. (United States)

    Garg, Naveen; Madan, Bevunahalli Kantharaj


    Sometimes, it is difficult to visualize a patent ductus arteriosus and deploy a device in the standard lateral view because of an end-on orientation. The right anterior oblique view may be helpful by separating the ductus arteriosus from the aorta. This study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of end-on patent ductus arteriosus and the utility of the right anterior oblique view during device closure. Aortography was performed in lateral and right anterior oblique views before, during, and after successful device deployment in 117 consecutive patients. When a ductus arteriosus was not clearly visible in the lateral view due to overlapping by the aorta, it was termed "right anterior oblique view useful". The types of patent ductus arteriosus were A, B, C, and E in 86 (73.5%), 20 (17.1%), 4 (3.4%), and 7 (6.0%) patients, respectively. An end-on ductus arteriosus was present in 24 (20.5%) patients (14 type B, 10 type A). The right anterior oblique view was useful during device closure in 15 (12.8%) cases (all end-on type). Among all cases of end-on patent ductus arteriosus, it was useful in 62.5% (most type B and a few type A). In all of these, the device appeared obliquely oriented and foreshortened in the lateral view but fully profiled in the right anterior oblique view. Recognizing an end-on patent ductus arteriosus and utilizing the right anterior oblique view simplified device closure. For ducts well-profiled in the lateral view, the right anterior oblique view is unnecessary and avoidable. © The Author(s) 2016.

  10. Patent ductus arteriosus in mice with smooth muscle-specific Jag1 deletion (United States)

    Feng, Xuesong; Krebs, Luke T.; Gridley, Thomas


    The ductus arteriosus is an arterial vessel that shunts blood flow away from the lungs during fetal life, but normally occludes after birth to establish the adult circulation pattern. Failure of the ductus arteriosus to close after birth is termed patent ductus arteriosus and is one of the most common congenital heart defects. Mice with smooth muscle cell-specific deletion of Jag1, which encodes a Notch ligand, die postnatally from patent ductus arteriosus. These mice exhibit defects in contractile smooth muscle cell differentiation in the vascular wall of the ductus arteriosus and adjacent descending aorta. These defects arise through an inability to propagate the JAG1-Notch signal via lateral induction throughout the width of the vascular wall. Both heterotypic endothelial smooth muscle cell interactions and homotypic vascular smooth muscle cell interactions are required for normal patterning and differentiation of the ductus arteriosus and adjacent descending aorta. This new model for a common congenital heart defect provides novel insights into the genetic programs that underlie ductus arteriosus development and closure. PMID:21068062

  11. Three interventional methods in closure of patent ductus arteriosus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yangde, Hua; Jinqing, Qian; Shu, Wang; Siyuan, Yang [Shanghai Children' s Hospital (China)


    Objective: To review the clinical results of three different methods in embolization of PDA. Methods: (1) Porstmann's Ivalon plugging method (2) Spring coil (3) Amplatzer ductus occluder. Results: The authors used Porstmann's method in 450 cases, Spring coil 30 cases and Amplatzer occluder 6 cases. All of them were successfully closed. Conclusions: Porstmann's method are relatively complicated, but all the equipment can be made domestically. Spring coil method is only used limitedly in small ductus, Amplatzer occluder is simple with no limitation for age and size of ductus but is expensive.

  12. Three interventional methods in closure of patent ductus arteriosus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hua Yangde; Qian Jinqing; Wang Shu; Yang Siyuan


    Objective: To review the clinical results of three different methods in embolization of PDA. Methods: (1) Porstmann's Ivalon plugging method (2) Spring coil (3) Amplatzer ductus occluder. Results: The authors used Porstmann's method in 450 cases, Spring coil 30 cases and Amplatzer occluder 6 cases. All of them were successfully closed. Conclusions: Porstmann's method are relatively complicated, but all the equipment can be made domestically. Spring coil method is only used limitedly in small ductus, Amplatzer occluder is simple with no limitation for age and size of ductus but is expensive

  13. Velocity time integral for right upper pulmonary vein in VLBW infants with patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Lista, Gianluca; Bianchi, Silvia; Mannarino, Savina; Schena, Federico; Castoldi, Francesca; Stronati, Mauro; Mosca, Fabio


    Early diagnosis of significant patent ductus arteriosus reduces the risk of clinical worsening in very low birth weight infants. Echocardiographic patent ductus arteriosus shunt flow pattern can be used to predict significant patent ductus arteriosus. Pulmonary venous flow, expressed as vein velocity time integral, is correlated to ductus arteriosus closure. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between significant reductions in vein velocity time integral and non-significant patent ductus arteriosus in the first week of life. A multicenter, prospective, observational study was conducted to evaluate very low birth weight infants (ductus. The mean vein velocity time integral significantly reduced in the first four days of life. On the fourth day of life, there was less of a reduction in patients with patent ductus compared to those with closed patent ductus arteriosus and the difference was significant. A significant reduction in vein velocity time integral in the first days of life is associated with ductus closure. This parameter correlates well with other echocardiographic parameters and may aid in the diagnosis and management of patent ductus arteriosus.

  14. Patent ductus arteriosus (United States)

    ... Drugs & Supplements Videos & Tools About MedlinePlus Show Search Search MedlinePlus GO GO About MedlinePlus Site Map FAQs Customer Support Health Topics Drugs & Supplements Videos & Tools Español You Are Here: Home → Medical Encyclopedia → Patent ductus arteriosus URL of this page: // ...

  15. La construcción narrativa de los mundos persistentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Rajas Fernández


    Full Text Available Los videojuegos online basados en la creación virtual de mundos persistentes han revolucionado las estructuras, características, técnicas y procedimientos narrativos que componen la construcción textual de una obra audiovisual del ámbito mediático del ocio electrónico. Además de la profunda transformación introducida en el consumo, recepción, y, sobre todo, participación activa del usuario en el proceso comunicativo, las múltiples posibilidades estéticas, retóricas o pragmáticas a la hora de desarrollar discursos audiovisuales innovadores son manifiestamente significativas. Este artículo propone, a partir del análisis textual de los parámetros narrativos destacables del videojuego World of Warcraft, una introducción a los fundamentos constructivos de los denominados MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, obras generadoras de inmensos y heterogéneos mundos persistentes que han modificado tanto los espacios, los tiempos, los personajes o las acciones que integran los contenidos definitorios del relato de ficción convencional, como los discursos hipermediáticos y los recursos técnico-expresivos audiovisuales que configuran dichas historias.

  16. The patent ductus arteriosus in term infants, children, and adults. (United States)

    Schneider, Douglas J


    During fetal life, the ductus arteriosus is a normal and essential structure that connects the pulmonary artery to the distal aortic arch, permitting right ventricular ejection into the aorta. After birth, with commencement of pulmonary blood flow and a 2-ventricle circulation, a variety of physiological and biochemical signals normally result in complete closure of the ductus. Persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus may impair systemic cardiac output and result in deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system and lungs. Although surgery is still the treatment of choice for most premature infants with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), transcatheter techniques have largely supplanted surgery for closure of PDA in children and adults. This article is a review of the PDA in term infants, children, and adults, with focus on the clinical manifestations and management. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Velocity time integral for right upper pulmonary vein in VLBW infants with patent ductus arteriosus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gianluca Lista

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Early diagnosis of significant patent ductus arteriosus reduces the risk of clinical worsening in very low birth weight infants. Echocardiographic patent ductus arteriosus shunt flow pattern can be used to predict significant patent ductus arteriosus. Pulmonary venous flow, expressed as vein velocity time integral, is correlated to ductus arteriosus closure. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between significant reductions in vein velocity time integral and non-significant patent ductus arteriosus in the first week of life. METHODS: A multicenter, prospective, observational study was conducted to evaluate very low birth weight infants (<1500 g on respiratory support. Echocardiography was used to evaluate vein velocity time integral on days 1 and 4 of life. The relationship between vein velocity time integral and other parameters was studied. RESULTS: In total, 98 very low birth weight infants on respiratory support were studied. On day 1 of life, vein velocity time integral was similar in patients with open or closed ductus. The mean vein velocity time integral significantly reduced in the first four days of life. On the fourth day of life, there was less of a reduction in patients with patent ductus compared to those with closed patent ductus arteriosus and the difference was significant. CONCLUSIONS: A significant reduction in vein velocity time integral in the first days of life is associated with ductus closure. This parameter correlates well with other echocardiographic parameters and may aid in the diagnosis and management of patent ductus arteriosus.

  18. Importance of absent ductus arteriosus in tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve syndrome. (United States)

    Qureshi, Muhammad Yasir; Burkhart, Harold M; Julsrud, Paul; Cetta, Frank


    Tetralogy of Fallot without pulmonary valve syndrome is almost always associated with an absent ductus arteriosus. Patients with right aortic arch and retroesophageal left subclavian artery have a vascular ring if the left ductus arteriosus or its remnant and the Kommerell diverticulum are present. We report the cases of 2 infants in whom the role of an absent ductus arteriosus or its remnant is noteworthy. Both patients had a combination of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve syndrome and right aortic arch with retroesophageal left subclavian artery without a vascular ring. The absence of the ductus arteriosus has a role in the pathogenesis of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve syndrome. The absence of a ductus arteriosus in the right aortic arch with retroesophageal left subclavian artery precludes a vascular ring.

  19. Notch signal reception is required in vascular smooth muscle cells for ductus arteriosus closure (United States)

    Krebs, Luke T.; Norton, Christine R.; Gridley, Thomas


    Summary The ductus arteriosus is an arterial vessel that shunts blood flow away from the lungs during fetal life, but normally occludes after birth to establish the adult circulation pattern. Failure of the ductus arteriosus to close after birth is termed patent ductus arteriosus, and is one of the most common congenital heart defects. Our previous work demonstrated that vascular smooth muscle cell expression of the Jag1 gene, which encodes a ligand for Notch family receptors, is essential for postnatal closure of the ductus arteriosus in mice. However, it was not known what cell population was responsible for receiving the Jag1-mediated signal. Here we show, using smooth muscle cell-specific deletion of the Rbpj gene, which encodes a transcription factor that mediates all canonical Notch signaling, that Notch signal reception in the vascular smooth muscle cell compartment is required for ductus arteriosus closure. These data indicate that homotypic vascular smooth muscle cell interactions are required for proper contractile smooth muscle cell differentiation and postnatal closure of the ductus arteriosus in mice. PMID:26742650

  20. Closure of the patent ductus arteriosus with the Amplatzer Duct Occluder II: a clinical experience. (United States)

    Karagöz, Tevfik; Akin, Alper; Ertuğrul, Ilker; Aykan, Hayrettin Hakan; Alehan, Dursun; Ozer, Sema; Ozkutlu, Süheyla


    The aim of our study was to share our clinical experience on cases with patent ductus arteriosus treated with the Amplatzer Duct Occluder II. Between 2008 and 2012, 26 of 31 patients with patent ductus arteriosus underwent successful transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus using the Amplatzer Duct Occluder II. Mean age was 3.3 years and mean weight was 15.7 kilograms. The presence of a residual shunt, left pulmonary artery or aortic obstruction was explored by administering contrast material during the procedure. The patients were discharged 24 hours after the procedure. The procedure was successful in 26 of 31 patients and failed in five patients. According to the Krichenko classification, 26 patients had type A, one patient had type B and 4 patients had type C ductus. The mean narrowest ductus diameter was 3.2 mm and the mean ductus length was 6.7 mm. Complete angiographic occlusion occurred immediately after the procedure in 22 out of 26 patients in whom the ductus was closed successfully with the Amplatzer Duct Occluder II. Complete occlusion was achieved in the remaining patients with residual shunt one month after the procedure. The procedure was preceded by closure with an Amplatzer Duct Occluder I in two patients and an Amplatzer Vascular Plug I in one patient. Amplatzer Duct Occluder II is highly effective in transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus. We think that an alternative closure device and alternative techniques can be attempted in patients with type C ductus. The success rate could increase with accumulating experience.

  1. The ductus arteriosus in the preterm infant: Histologic and clinical observations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Ertbruggen, I. van; Moulaert, A.J.M.G.; Harinck, E.

    In order to elucidate some of the unexplained phenomena in prolonged patency of the ductus arteriosus in preterm infants, the histology of the ductus was studied in 27 cases. Some of the infants had been treated with indomethacin. Four morphologic maturation stages are distinguinguished. There was

  2. Anestesia en el tronco arterioso común

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lincoln de la Parte Pérez


    Full Text Available El tronco arterioso es una anomalía congénita del corazón poco frecuente, que se asocia con una alta mortalidad. El 50 % de los pacientes fallece antes de los 3 meses de edad y el 80 % antes del año. La causa más frecuente de muerte es el fallo cardíaco agudo. Presentamos una experiencia en 2 lactantes operados en el Cardiocentro del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario "William Soler", durante el año 2001: una niña de 7 meses de edad, desnutrida, con un tronco común tipo II, hipertensión pulmonar y síndrome de DiGeorge, el segundo paciente era un lactante de 3 meses de edad, con un tronco común tipo I. Se utilizó fentanyl en la inducción y el mantenimiento de la anestesia. La temperatura recta se bajó a 25 °C y los tiempos de circulación extracorpórea fueron de 100 y 121 min y el de pinzamiento aórtico de 30 y 31 min. Se utilizó apoyo farmacológico con dobutrex en dosis bajas. Se emplearon fentanyl, vasodilatadores en infusión continua e hiperventilación, como medidas para evitar la crisis de hipertensión pulmonar. Los enfermos evolucionaron satisfactoriamente durante todo el transoperatorio.The truncus arteriosus is a rare congenital abnormality that is associated with high mortality. 50 % of the patients died before being 3 months old and 80 % before the first year. The most frequent cause of death is acute heart failure. The cases of 3 infants operated on at the Heart Center of William Soler Pediatric Teaching Hospital during 2001 are presented: a seven-old month malnourished girl with a type II common truncus, pulmonary hypertension and DiGiorgio's syndrome, and a 3-month-old female infant with type I common truncus. Fentanyl was used in the induction and maintenance of anesthesia. The straight temperature was lowered to 25 °C, whereas the times of extracorporeal circulation were 100 and 121 min and those of the aortic clamping were 30 and 31 min. Low doses of dobutrex were administered as pharmacological support

  3. Closure of tubular patent ductus arteriosus with the Amplatzer Vascular Plug IV: feasibility and safety. (United States)

    Baruteau, Alban-Elouen; Lambert, Virginie; Riou, Jean-Yves; Angel, Claude-Yves; Belli, Emre; Petit, Jérôme


    Closure of tubular patent ductus arteriosus remains a challenging procedure. Anecdotal use of Amplatzer Vascular Plug IV for tubular ductus closure has been reported but feasibility and safety in a consecutive patients' series remain unknown. We performed a monocenter prospective study at the Marie Lannelongue Hospital in Paris, France. From 2009 to 2014, a total of 47 patients (39 infants, 3 children, and 5 adults) underwent ductus closure with the Plug IV. Ductus morphology was a type E in 34 (72.3%) patients and a type C in 13 (27.7%) patients. Ductus closure occurred in 39 (83.0%) infants at a median age of seven months (range: 3-23 months) and a median weight of 6.9 kg (range: 4.1-17.0 kg). A past history of prematurity and very low birth weight was found in 33 (70.2%) of them. Twelve (25.5%) patients had pulmonary hypertension. Mean Plug IV diameter was 1.9 ± 0.1 mm larger than the mean maximal ductus diameter. Early complete closure of the ductus was obtained in all patients. Early migration of an undersized Plug IV occurred in one (2.1%) patient and was suitable for percutaneous device retrieval. After a mean follow-up of 3.4 ± 1.4 years, all patients are alive and asymptomatic, no late complication occurred. Transcatheter closure of tubular ductus with the Amplatzer Vascular Plug IV can be safe and effective, with a 100% early occlusion rate. This device, suitable for a 4F sheath, is a new alternative for tubular ductus closure in low-body-weight infants. © The Author(s) 2014.

  4. Circulatory Arrest: A Surgical Option for Adult Window Ductus Closure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vithalkumar Malleshi Betigeri


    Full Text Available The window ductus , an atypical type of patent ductus arteriosus(PDA is a characteristically large in size(>2cm with no recognizable length, characteristic continuation of main pulmonary artery with aortic arch and absence of internal ductal tissue. Surgical safety and effectiveness of its closure can be increased by using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB and hypothermic total circulatory arrest (HTCA via median sternotomy.

  5. Impact of patent ductus arteriosus and subsequent therapy with indomethacin on cerebral oxygenation in preterm infants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lemmers, Petra M. A.; Toet, Mona C.; van Bel, Frank

    OBJECTIVES. A hemodynamically important patent ductus arteriosus is a common problem in the first week of life in the preterm infant. Although patent ductus arteriosus induces alterations in organ perfusion, scarce information is available of the impact of patent ductus arteriosus and its subsequent

  6. Heart rate and blood pressure variations after transvascular patent ductus arteriosus occlusion in dogs. (United States)

    De Monte, Valentina; Staffieri, Francesco; Caivano, Domenico; Nannarone, Sara; Birettoni, Francesco; Porciello, Francesco; Di Meo, Antonio; Bufalari, Antonello


    The objective of the study was to retrospectively analyse the cardiovascular effects that occurs following the transvascular occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus in dogs. Sixteen anaesthesia records were included. Variables were recorded at the time of placing the arterial introducer, occlusion of the ductus, and from 5 to 60min thereafter, including, among the other, heart rate, systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure. The maximal percentage variation of the aforementioned physiological parameters within 60min of occlusion, compared with the values recorded at the introducer placing, was calculated. The time at which maximal variation occurred was also computed. Correlations between maximal percentage variation of physiological parameters and the diameter of the ductus and systolic and diastolic flow velocity through it were evaluated with linear regression analysis. Heart rate decreased after occlusion of the ductus with a mean maximal percentage variation of 41.0±14.8% after 21.2±13.7min. Mean and diastolic arterial blood pressure increased after occlusion with a mean maximal percentage variation of 30.6±18.1 and 55.4±27.1% after 19.6±12.1 and 15.7±10.8min, respectively. Mean arterial blood pressure variation had a significant and moderate inverse correlation with diastolic and systolic flow velocity through the ductus. Transvascular patent ductus arteriosus occlusion in anaesthetised dogs causes a significant reduction in heart rate and an increase in diastolic and mean blood arterial pressure within 20min of closure of the ductus. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Patent Ductus Arteriosus closure in preterms less than 2kg: Surgery versus transcatheter. (United States)

    Pamukcu, Ozge; Tuncay, Aydin; Narin, Nazmi; Baykan, Ali; Korkmaz, Levent; Argun, Mustafa; Ozyurt, Abdullah; Sunkak, Suleyman; Uzum, Kazim


    As new devices come into the market, percutaneous techniques improve and interventionalists become more experienced; percutaneous closure gets more common in preterms. In this study we aimed to compare efficacy and safety of Patent Ductus Arteriosus closure surgically versus transcatheter method in preterms Patent Ductus Arteriosus closure in preterms. Between the dates July 1997 to October 2014 in our center Patent Ductus Arteriosus of 26 patients Patent Ductus Arteriosus closure group was significantly more than the surgery group. Mean gestational age of the patients in Group A was 30±1.8weeks, in group B was 28.6±3.5weeks. In group A; all cases were closed successfully except 4 cases: device embolization in 2, cardiac tamponade and iatrogenic aortic coarctation were seen. Pneumomediastinum and chylothorax were the major complications of the surgery group. There was no statistically significance between complication and success rates between two groups. Percutaneous Patent Ductus Arteriosus closure is the candidate for taking the place of surgery in preterms. However, it is not applied routinely; can only be done in fully equipped large centers by experienced interventionalists. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Patent ductus arteriosus and brain volume

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lemmers, Petra M A; Benders, Manon J N L; D'Ascenzo, Rita; Zethof, Jorine; Alderliesten, Thomas; Kersbergen, Karina J; Isgum, Ivana; de Vries, Linda S; Groenendaal, Floris; van Bel, Frank


    Background and Objectives: A hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) can compromise perfusion and oxygenation of the preterm brain. Reports suggest that PDA is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. We hypothesize that long-standing low cerebral oxygenation due to PDA

  9. Lange termijneffecten van jeugdparticipatie : Persistente effecten van deelname aan jeugdverenigingen in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bekkers, René; Hooghe, Marc; Stolle, Dietlind


    Gelet op het belang van primaire socialisatieprocessen, kan men van de verwachting uitgaan dat participatie in jeugdverenigingen persistente effecten zal hebben op latere gedrags- en attitudinale actoren. Deze effecten kunnen zowel verklaard worden vanuit een sociale integratie- (interiorisatie van

  10. [Safety and efficacy of percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure solely under thoracic echocardiography guidance]. (United States)

    Pan, Xiangbin; Ouyang, Wenbin; Li, Shoujun; Guo, Gaili; Liu, Yao; Zhang, Dawei; Zhang, Fengwen; Pang, Kunjing; Fang, Nengxin; Hu, Shengshou


    To avoid the radiation injuries and use of contrast agent, we assessed the safety and efficacy of percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure solely under thoracic echocardiography guidance. From June 2013 to June 2014, thirty patients (mean age: (6.3 ± 2.5) years, mean body weight:(22.5 ± 7.3) kg) with pure patent ductus arteriosus were continuously included in this study. The mean diameter of patent ductus arteriosus was (3.8 ± 0.9) mm. Patients were all treated by percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure via right femoral artery solely under thoracic echocardiography guidance. The efficacy of the procedure was evaluated by thoracic echocardiography. Follow-up was performed at one month after procedure. All 30 cases were successfully treated with percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure solely under thracic echocardiography guidance. The procedural time was (32.8 ± 5.7) minutes. The mean diameter of Amplatzer ADO II was (4.9 ± 1.0) mm. Postoperative trivial residual shunt occurred in six patients immediately after the procedure. All patients survived without peripheral vascular injury or complications such as cardiac perforation. Hospitalization time was (3.4 ± 0.7) days. At one-month follow-up, no complications such as residual shunt or pericardial effusion were observed. Echocardiography guided percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure by femoral artery approach is safe and effective, and can avoid X-ray and the use of contrast agents.

  11. complementary techniques of percutaneous closure of ductus

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jul 7, 2013 ... the complementary use of either type of devices to close small and ... complete occlusion of the ductus. 2F ... release of the device showing complete occlusion. 3E ..... Raskinds prosthesis Circulation 1989; 80:1706-1710 . 5.

  12. The impact of not having a ductus arteriosus on clinical outcomes in foetuses diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot. (United States)

    Stern, Seth J; Wadekar, Neelum; Mertens, Luc; Manlhiot, Cedric; McCrindle, Brian W; Jaeggi, Edgar T; Nield, Lynne E


    Foetuses with simple tetralogy of Fallot almost universally have a patent ductus arteriosus. Two recently identified cases had an absent patent ductus arteriosus, requiring emergent intervention at birth. The objective of this study was to determine whether foetuses diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot and no patent ductus arteriosus have poorer outcomes compared with those with tetralogy of Fallot+patent ductus arteriosus. All foetal cases of tetralogy of Fallot between January, 2000 and 2012 were retrospectively identified from The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Canada) database. Cases - tetralogy of Fallot+no patent ductus arteriosus confirmed on postnatal echo - and controls - tetralogy of Fallot+patent ductus arteriosus, matched for gestational age - were identified from prenatal records, and both clinical and echocardiographic data were reviewed. Optimal outcome was defined as valve-sparing repair with no residual lesions. Student's t-tests and Fisher's exact χ2 were used to compare groups. n=115 foetuses were diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot: 11 (9%) had no patent ductus arteriosus, and were matched to 22 controls - mean gestational age at diagnosis 23.2±4.2 weeks, 23.4±6.6 weeks, respectively. Cases had a higher proportion of right aortic arches (64% versus 14%, ptetralogy of Fallot.

  13. Prevention of symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus with ethamsylate in babies treated with exogenous surfactant. (United States)

    Amato, M; Hüppi, P; Markus, D


    Some trials in premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome have shown an increased incidence of patent ductus arteriosus after exogenous surfactant therapy. The effect of prophylactic ethamsylate on patent ductus arteriosus after intratracheal administration of a single dose of porcine surfactant preparation (Curosurf, 2.5 ml/kg) was studied in a group of 20 preterm infants with severe respiratory distress syndrome. Gestational age of the patients was 29.2 +/- 2.5 weeks (mean +/- SD), and birth weight was 1158 +/- 319 gm. Ethamsylate (12.5 mg/kg) was given prophylactically within the first 4 hours of life followed by 6-hourly doses for 4 days. Hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus occurred more frequently in the untreated group (8 of 10) than in the ethamsylate group (2 of 10) (p ethamsylate, an inhibitor of prostaglandin biosynthesis, could be useful in reducing the incidence of patent ductus arteriosus in very low birth weight infants treated with exogenous surfactant.


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    V. Marsoosi


    Full Text Available As fetal compensation against hypoxemia progresses, the afterload on the heart and peripheral vascular resistance increases. Eventually, the right heart fails, which is transmitted to the fetal venous system, causing decreased flow during late diastole or atrial contraction and increased resistance in the ductus venosus and inferior vena cava. The ductus has forward flow during atrial contraction, the disappearance of which is always pathologic. This is a report of a case of retrograde ductus venosus atrio-wave in a fetus referred with decreased movement for fetal assessment.

  15. Neonatal hemochromatosis and patent ductus venosus: clinical course and diagnostic pitfalls

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsai, Andy; Paltiel, Harriet J.; Sena, Laureen M.; Kim, Heung Bae; Fishman, Steven J.; Alomari, Ahmad I.


    Neonatal hemochromatosis is a rare metabolic disorder characterized by excessive iron deposition within the liver leading to hepatic failure and portal hypertension. We describe the clinical course and imaging findings in three infants with neonatal hemochromatosis associated with patent ductus venosus. We paid special attention to the diagnostic challenges encountered in these patients in order to emphasize some of the potential diagnostic pitfalls. We conducted a comprehensive search of our radiology database of the last 10 years (1999-2008) for the keywords ''neonatal hemochromatosis.'' Medical records and imaging studies of various modalities were reviewed. Three neonates were found to have neonatal hemochromatosis; all of them were associated with patent ductus venosus. Two of these patients were referred to our tertiary center for embolization of an inaccurately diagnosed hepatic vascular malformation. Two patients underwent successful liver transplantation and one died shortly after referral. The awareness and inclusion of neonatal hemochromatosis in the differential diagnosis of newborns with liver failure and patent ductus venosus has critical treatment implications. (orig.)

  16. Caracterização de biofilmes de estirpes persistentes de Listeria monocytogenes


    Gonçalves, Ana Isabel Dias


    Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL Algumas estirpes de L. monocytogenes têm a capacidade de formar biofilmes e persistir em ambientes industriais, por longos períodos de tempo, mesmo após os processos de higienização. O principal objectivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar estirpes persistentes, em indústrias de carne de suíno e de aves, relativamente à sua capacidade de formação de biofilme e à susceptibilidade a um desinfectante comercial (P3 OXONIA) ba...

  17. Does ibuprofen treatment in patent ductus arteriosus alter oxygen free radicals in premature infants? (United States)

    Akar, Melek; Yildirim, Tulin G; Sandal, Gonca; Bozdag, Senol; Erdeve, Omer; Altug, Nahide; Uras, Nurdan; Oguz, Serife S; Dilmen, Ugur


    Introduction Ibuprofen is used widely to close patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants. The anti-inflammatory activity of ibuprofen may also be partly due to its ability to scavenge reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species. We evaluated the interaction between oxidative status and the medical treatment of patent ductus arteriosus with two forms of ibuprofen. Materials and methods This study enrolled newborns of gestational age ⩽32 weeks, birth weight ⩽1500 g, and postnatal age 48-96 hours, who received either intravenous or oral ibuprofen to treat patent ductus arteriosus. Venous blood was sampled before ibuprofen treatment from each patient to determine antioxidant and oxidant concentrations. Secondary samples were collected 24 hours after the end of the treatment. Total oxidant status and total antioxidant capacity were measured using Erel's method. This prospective randomised study enrolled 102 preterm infants with patent ductus arteriosus. The patent ductus arteriosus closure rate was significantly higher in the oral ibuprofen group (84.6 versus 62%) after the first course of treatment (p=0.011). No significant difference was found between the pre- and post-treatment total oxidant status and total antioxidant capacity in the groups. Discussion Ibuprofen treatment does not change the total oxidant status or total antioxidant capacity. We believe that the effect of ibuprofen treatment in inducing ischaemia overcomes the scavenging effect of ibuprofen.

  18. Emergency transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus complicated by severe pneumonia in infants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Xiyong; Xiao Yunbin; Chen Zhi; Wang Xiang; Wang Xun


    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of emergency transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus associated with severe pneumonia in infants. Methods: During the period from Oct. 2011 to May 2012, 12 infants with patent ductus arteriosus complicated by severe pneumonia were admitted to the hospital. The infants had repeated episodes of pneumonia together with heart failure. Emergency transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus was carried out in all infants. After the treatment the use of anti-bacterial drugs and cardiac stimulants was kept on. Routine examinations of blood and urine were made 24 hours after the management. Two-dimensional and color Doppler echocardiography, chest radiograph and electrocardiogram were performed at 24 hours, 1, 3, and 6 months after the surgery. The results were analyzed. Results: After emergency transcatheter closure, all patients recovered fully at the time of discharge. No intervention-related major complications occurred during short-term follow-up period. Conclusion: For the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus associated with severe pneumonia in infants, emergency transcatheter occlusion therapy is effective and safe. Optimal surgery time together with proper perioperative management is the key to ensure a successful operation. (authors)

  19. Comparison of two dose regimens of ibuprofen for the closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm newborns,

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Vargas Dornelles


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: To compare the efficacy of intravenous ibuprofen at high (20-10-10 mg/kg/dose and low doses (10-5-5 mg/kg/dose the closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm newborns. Methods: A cohort study with historical control of newborns that received high- and low-dose intravenous ibuprofen, from 2010 to 2013 in a neonatal intensive care unit, for closure of the patent ductus arteriosus, documented by echocardiography. Secondary outcomes included the number of ibuprofen cycles, incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, necrotizing enterocolitis, changes in renal function, and death. Results: Seventy-seven patients received three doses of ibuprofen for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus, with 33 receiving high-dose and 44 low-dose therapy. The ductus closed after the first cycle in 25 (56.8% low-dose patients and in 17 (51.5% high-dose patients (p > 0.99. Sixteen patients received a second cycle of ibuprofen, and the ductus closed in 50% after low-dose and in 60% after high-dose therapy (p > 0.99. Seven patients required surgery for ductus closure, 13.6% in the low-dose group and 3% in the high-dose group (p = 0.22. Thirty-nine patients developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 50% in the low-dose group and 51.5% in the high-dose group (p > 0.99. Twenty-two (50% low-dose patients died vs. 15 (45.5% high-dose patients (p = 0.86. Conclusions: There was no difference in closure of the ductus arteriosus or occurrence of adverse effects between the two dose regimens.

  20. Comparison of two dose regimens of ibuprofen for the closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm newborns. (United States)

    Dornelles, Laura Vargas; Corso, Andréa Lúcia; Silveira, Rita de Cássia; Procianoy, Renato Soibelmann


    To compare the efficacy of intravenous ibuprofen at high (20-10-10mg/kg/dose) and low doses (10-5-5mg/kg/dose) the closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm newborns. A cohort study with historical control of newborns that received high- and low-dose intravenous ibuprofen, from 2010 to 2013 in a neonatal intensive care unit, for closure of the patent ductus arteriosus, documented by echocardiography. Secondary outcomes included the number of ibuprofen cycles, incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, necrotizing enterocolitis, changes in renal function, and death. Seventy-seven patients received three doses of ibuprofen for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus, with 33 receiving high-dose and 44 low-dose therapy. The ductus closed after the first cycle in 25 (56.8%) low-dose patients and in 17 (51.5%) high-dose patients (p>0.99). Sixteen patients received a second cycle of ibuprofen, and the ductus closed in 50% after low-dose and in 60% after high-dose therapy (p>0.99). Seven patients required surgery for ductus closure, 13.6% in the low-dose group and 3% in the high-dose group (p=0.22). Thirty-nine patients developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 50% in the low-dose group and 51.5% in the high-dose group (p>0.99). Twenty-two (50%) low-dose patients died vs. 15 (45.5%) high-dose patients (p=0.86). There was no difference in closure of the ductus arteriosus or occurrence of adverse effects between the two dose regimens. Copyright © 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  1. Neonatal hemochromatosis and patent ductus venosus: clinical course and diagnostic pitfalls

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsai, Andy; Paltiel, Harriet J.; Sena, Laureen M. [Children' s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Kim, Heung Bae; Fishman, Steven J. [Children' s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Department of Surgery, Boston, MA (United States); Alomari, Ahmad I. [Children' s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Children' s Hospital Boston, Division of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Boston, MA (United States)


    Neonatal hemochromatosis is a rare metabolic disorder characterized by excessive iron deposition within the liver leading to hepatic failure and portal hypertension. We describe the clinical course and imaging findings in three infants with neonatal hemochromatosis associated with patent ductus venosus. We paid special attention to the diagnostic challenges encountered in these patients in order to emphasize some of the potential diagnostic pitfalls. We conducted a comprehensive search of our radiology database of the last 10 years (1999-2008) for the keywords ''neonatal hemochromatosis.'' Medical records and imaging studies of various modalities were reviewed. Three neonates were found to have neonatal hemochromatosis; all of them were associated with patent ductus venosus. Two of these patients were referred to our tertiary center for embolization of an inaccurately diagnosed hepatic vascular malformation. Two patients underwent successful liver transplantation and one died shortly after referral. The awareness and inclusion of neonatal hemochromatosis in the differential diagnosis of newborns with liver failure and patent ductus venosus has critical treatment implications. (orig.)

  2. Patent ductus arteriosus closure using an Amplatzer™ ventricular septal defect closure device


    Fernando, Rajeev; Koranne, Ketan; Loyalka, Pranav; Kar, Biswajit; Gregoric, Igor


    The ductus arteriosus originates from the persistence of the distal portion of the left sixth aortic arch. It connects the descending aorta (immediately distal to the left subclavian artery) to the roof of the main pulmonary artery, near the origin of the left pulmonary artery. Persistence of the duct beyond 48 h after birth is abnormal and results in patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). PDA is rare in adults because it is usually discovered and treated in childhood. Mechanical closure remains the...

  3. Main pulmonary artery cross-section ratio is low in fetuses with tetralogy of Fallot and ductus arteriosus-dependent pulmonary circulation. (United States)

    Ebishima, Hironori; Kurosaki, Kenichi; Yoshimatsu, Jun; Shiraishi, Isao


    This study aimed to determine fetal echocardiographic features of tetralogy of Fallot in association with postnatal outcomes. The Z-scores of the main and bilateral pulmonary arteries and the aorta were measured, and the following variables were calculated in 13 fetuses with tetralogy of Fallot: pulmonary artery-to-aorta ratio and main pulmonary artery cross-section ratio - the main pulmonary artery diameter squared divided by the sum of the diameter squared of the left and right pulmonary arteries. Fetuses were classified as having ductus arteriosus-dependent or ductus arteriosus-independent pulmonary circulation. We included two infants with pulmonary atresia and six infants with ductus-dependent pulmonary circulation, who underwent systemic-to-pulmonary shunt surgeries at ⩽1 month of age. The Z-scores of the main pulmonary artery and the pulmonary artery-to-aorta ratio in fetuses with ductus-dependent pulmonary circulation were lesser than those in fetuses with ductus independence, but not significantly. The main pulmonary artery cross-section ratio in fetuses with ductus dependence was significantly lesser (0.65±0.44 versus 1.56±0.48, ptetralogy of Fallot.

  4. Atresia pulmonar con comunicación interventricular

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    Tomasa Centella Hernández


    Full Text Available La atresia pulmonar con comunicación interventricular es una cardiopatía congénita cianótica, severa y rara, de alta complejidad, que se caracteriza por la ausencia de conexión entre el ventrículo derecho y las arterias pulmonares. Coexiste con una comunicación interventricular. El flujo hacia el territorio pulmonar puede realizarse a través del ductus arterioso o de colaterales sistémico-pulmonares. La dificultad de esta cardiopatía viene determinada por los diferentes niveles de interrupción desde el ventrículo derecho hasta el territorio pulmonar, y por la diferencia anatómica de las fuentes del flujo hacia dicho territorio, lo que determina diferentes tipos de abordaje quirúrgico.

  5. Efficacy of paracetamol on patent ductus arteriosus closure may be dose dependent: evidence from human and murine studies.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    El-Khuffash, Afif


    We evaluated the clinical effectiveness of variable courses of paracetamol on patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure and examined its effect on the in vitro term and preterm murine ductus arteriosus (DA).

  6. A review of stent’s failure on patent ductus arteriosus (United States)

    Lazim, Zulfaqih; Ismail, Al Emran; Taib, Ishkrizat; Atan, Bainun Akmal Mohd


    This paper presents a review of stent’s failure on patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Ductus arteriosus (DA) is an opening for newborn babies and some patient that experienced cynotic congenital heart disease (CCHD) should maintain the duct opening for survival. To date, there are no specific research on mechanical stent failure study at DA. The challenging of the stent implantation on PDA is the PDA morphology. The failure of stent in term of stent fracture have been reported and reviewed in this paper. Furthermore, the failure prediction of stent is important for further stent design development. The morphology of PDA, stent type and material used in PDA and method for accessing the failure of stent is reviewed.

  7. Echocardiographic Evaluation of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterm Infants

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    Romaine Arlettaz


    Full Text Available Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA is part of the typical morbidity profile of the preterm infant, with a high incidence of 80–90% in extremely low birth weight infants born before 26 weeks of gestation. Whereas spontaneous closure of the ductus arteriosus (DA is likely in term infants, it is less so in preterm ones. PDA is associated with increased mortality and various comorbidities including cardiac failure, need for respiratory support, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary or intracranial hemorrhage, and necrotizing enterocolitis; however, there is no proven causality between these morbidities and the presence of DA. Thus, the indication to close PDA remains highly controversial. This paper focuses on echocardiographic evaluation of PDA in the preterm infant and particularly on the echocardiographic signs of hemodynamic significance.

  8. Patent ductus arteriosus: are current neonatal treatment options better or worse than no treatment at all? (United States)

    Clyman, Ronald I.; Couto, Jim; Murphy, Gail M.


    Although a moderate-size PDA needs to be closed by the time a child is 1–2 years old, there is great uncertainty about whether it needs to be closed during the neonatal period. While 95% of neonatologists believe that a moderate-size PDA should be closed if it persists in infants (born before 28 weeks) who still require mechanical ventilation, the number that treat a PDA when it occurs in infants that do not require mechanical ventilation varies widely. Both the high likelihood of spontaneous ductus closure and the absence of RCTs, specifically addressing the risks and benefits of neonatal ductus closure, adds to the current uncertainty. New information suggests that early pharmacologic treatment has several important short-term benefits for the preterm newborn. On the other hand, ductus ligation, while eliminating the detrimental effects of a PDA on lung development, may create its own set of morbidities that counteract many of the benefits derived from ductus closure. PMID:22414883

  9. Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment in Very Preterm Infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edstedt Bonamy, Anna-Karin; Gudmundsdottir, Anna; Maier, Rolf F


    BACKGROUND: Spontaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occurs frequently in very preterm infants and despite the lack of evidence for treatment benefits, treatment for PDA is common in neonatal medicine. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this work was to study regional variations in PDA treatment...

  10. Patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: benefits of early surgical closure. (United States)

    Fonseca, Elizabeth; Georgiev, Stanimir G; Gorenflo, Matthias; Loukanov, Tsvetomir S


    Patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates leads to significant morbidity. Surgery is indicated when pharmacological treatment fails or is contraindicated, but the optimal timing remains unclear. We retrospectively studied all 41 preterm neonates with symptomatic ductus arteriosus who underwent ligation between 1988 and 2009. We compared early complications rates and late neurological outcomes of patients operated on before 21 days of age with these operated on later. The median gestational age at birth was 26 weeks (range 23-31 weeks) and median weight at birth was 930 g (range 510-1500 g); 34 (82.9%) received pharmacological treatment before surgery. Fourteen (34.1%) patients underwent surgical closure before 21 days of age and 27 (65.9%) after 21 days. The 2 groups did not differ significantly in gestational age and weight at birth, but those operated on after 21 days received significantly more pharmacological treatment cycles. Patients in the early closure group had shorter intubation times: median 23 days (range 13-35 days) vs. 43 days (range 27-84 days; p ductus arteriosus after unsuccessful pharmacological therapy in preterm neonates might lower complication rates and improve neurological outcome. Prospective randomized studies are needed to determine the optimal treatment.

  11. Percutaneous closure of a large patent ductus arteriosus in a preterm newborn weighing 1400 g without using arterial sheath: an innovative technique. (United States)

    Garg, Gaurav; Garg, Vishal; Prakash, Amit


    Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus is well established in infants weighing >5 kg, but data regarding outcome of preterm especially very low birth weight infants is minimal. Although surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus is the preferred and well-accepted modality of treatment after failure of drug therapy in preterm infants, it has also got its own demerits in such a small and fragile subset. Device closure in infants weighing closure of large patent ductus arteriosus. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus was done successfully and the infant was discharged on room air with a weight of 1.8 kg. We present here an innovative technique in which successful patent ductus arteriosus device closure was done in a 1.4-kg infant without using arterial sheath.

  12. The significance of reverse flow in ductus venosus between sixteen and twenty weeks’ gestation

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    Gökhan Karakoç


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the correlation between reversed a-wave in ductus venosus at 16-20 weeks’ gestation and trisomy 21 and adverse perinatal outcomes. Materials and Methods: Our study included 174 pregnant women who were under follow-up at a tertiary center between May and September 2010. Ductus venosus Doppler (DVD measurements were obtained throughout the 6-month period from women who underwent amniocentesis procedures due to increased risk for trisomy 21 in terms of first or second trimester screening test results. These women were followed up for enrollment of subsequent data about perinatal outcomes. Results: In 13 of 174 cases, Doppler studies indicated a reversed a-wave in the ductus venosus. Of these fetuses, 3 were diagnosed as having trisomy 21 after amniocentesis, which related to 60% (3 of 5 fetuses of all fetuses with trisomy 21. The pregnant women with reversed a-wave in DVD also had an increased rate of preeclampsia (15% and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM (23% in late pregnancy. Conclusion: Reversed a-wave in ductus venosus between 16-20 weeks’ gestation is associated with increased risk of trisomy 21, preeclampsia, and GDM. If further prospective studies confirm its utility, DVD interrogation for trisomy 21 may be extended until 20 weeks’ gestation.

  13. [Lung perfusion studies after percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus using the Amplatzer Duct Occluder in children]. (United States)

    Parra-Bravo, José Rafael; Apolonio-Martínez, Adriana; Estrada-Loza, María de Jesús; Beirana-Palencia, Luisa Gracia; Ramírez-Portillo, César Iván


    The closure of patent ductus arteriosus with multiple devices has been associated with a reduction in lung perfusion. We evaluated the pulmonary perfusion after percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus with the Amplatzer Duct Occluder device using perfusion lung scan. Thirty patients underwent successful percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus occlusions using the Amplatzer Duct Occluder device were included in this study. Lung perfusion scans were preformed 6 months after the procedure. Peak flow velocities and protrusion of the device were analyzed by Doppler echocardiography. A left lung perfusionductus arteriosus and the minimum and maximum diameter/length of the ductus arteriosus ratio were statistically significant in patients with abnormalities of lung perfusion. It was observed protrusion the device in 6 patients with a higher maximum flow rate in the left pulmonary artery. The left lung perfusion may be compromised after percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus with the Amplatzer Duct Occluder. The increased flow velocity in the origin of the left pulmonary artery can be a poor indicator of reduction in pulmonary perfusion and can occur in the absence of protrusion of the device. Copyright © 2014 Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  14. Diarrea persistente: algunos factores de riesgo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lyliam Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-longitudinal, con el propósito de evaluar algunos aspectos socioculturales en 75 niños menores de 2 años, que con diagnóstico de diarrea persistente, ingresaron en el Servicio de Enfermedades Diarreicas del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "Dr. Angel A. Aballí" de Ciudad de La Habana, de julio de 1995 a marzo de 1996, ambos inclusive. Los resultados permiten afirmar que la mayoría de estos episodios acontecieron en lactantes y que el elevado índice de hacinamiento, malas condiciones higiénico-sanitarias de la vivienda y padres con nivel escolar medio, dominaron los antecedentes sociales de los niños estudiados.A descriptive-longitudinal study was conducted aimed at evaluating some sociocultural aspects in 75 children under 2 that due to persistent diarrhea were admitted in the Service of Diarrheal Diseases of the «Dr. Angel A. Aballí» Pediatric Teaching Hospital, in Havana City, from July, 1995, to March, 1996, including both. The results allow to assure that most of these episodes occurred in infants and that the high index of heaping, bad hygienic and sanitary conditions of the houses and parents with middle educational level predominated in the social background of the studied children.

  15. Radiation exposure in transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure: time to tune? (United States)

    Villemain, Olivier; Malekzadeh-Milani, Sophie; Sitefane, Fidelio; Mostefa-Kara, Meriem; Boudjemline, Younes


    The aims of this study were to describe radiation level at our institution during transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus occlusion and to evaluate the components contributing to radiation exposure. Transcatheter occlusion relying on X-ray imaging has become the treatment of choice for patients with patent ductus arteriosus. Interventionists now work hard to minimise radiation exposure in order to reduce risk of induced cancers. We retrospectively reviewed all consecutive children who underwent transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus from January 2012 to January 2016. Clinical data, anatomical characteristics, and catheterisation procedure parameters were reported. Radiation doses were analysed for the following variables: total air kerma, mGy; dose area product, Gy.cm2; dose area product per body weight, Gy.cm2/kg; and total fluoroscopic time. A total of 324 patients were included (median age=1.51 [Q1-Q3: 0.62-4.23] years; weight=10.3 [6.7-17.0] kg). In all, 322/324 (99.4%) procedures were successful. The median radiation doses were as follows: total air kerma: 26 (14.5-49.3) mGy; dose area product: 1.01 (0.56-2.24) Gy.cm2; dose area product/kg: 0.106 (0.061-0.185) Gy.cm2/kg; and fluoroscopic time: 2.8 (2-4) min. In multivariate analysis, a weight >10 kg, a ductus arteriosus width <2 mm, complications during the procedure, and a high frame rate (15 frames/second) were risk factors for an increased exposure. Lower doses of radiation can be achieved with subsequent recommendations: technical improvement, frame rate reduction, avoidance of biplane cineangiograms, use of stored fluoroscopy as much as possible, and limitation of fluoroscopic time. A greater use of echocardiography might even lessen the exposure.

  16. Natural evolution of patent ductus arteriosus in the extremely preterm infant. (United States)

    Rolland, Audrey; Shankar-Aguilera, Shivani; Diomandé, Douty; Zupan-Simunek, Véronique; Boileau, Pascal


    The persistence of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is frequently encountered in very preterm infants. Neither preventive nor curative treatments of PDA have been shown to improve the outcome of these infants. Since no consensus on optimal treatment of PDA is established, we evaluated the rate of spontaneous PDA closure in infants born before 28 weeks of gestation. We studied a retrospective cohort of 103 infants (gestational age 24-27 weeks) admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit from 1 June 2008 to 31 July 2010. Maternal and neonatal characteristics were collected. The PDA was defined by the persistence of ductal patency after 72 h and was followed up by regular echocardiography. Twelve infants died within the first 72 h and were excluded from the analysis. Among 91 infants analysed, 8 (9%) closed their ductus arteriosus before 72 h and the ductus could not be determined patent in 13. Of the 70 infants with a PDA still persistent, one underwent surgical ligation and echocardiography showed spontaneous closure in 51 (73%) of them. In the remaining 18 infants, the date of PDA closure could not be determined either because of their death (n=11) or due to discharge (n=7). Overall, a spontaneous closure of the ductus arteriosus was observed in 59 of the 91 infants. We have to question whether exposure to the risks of therapeutic interventions targeted for ductal closure is warranted since a PDA closes spontaneously in at least 73% of infants born before 28 weeks. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  17. Spontaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus after an episode of Kawasaki disease: a case report

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    Lin Ming-Chih


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Kawasaki disease is regarded as systemic vasculitis. Many experts believe that not only coronary arteries but also other small arteries are involved during the period of systemic inflammation. However, the evidence to support this point view is limited. Case presentation We report the case of a one-year-four-month-old Taiwanese girl whose patent ductus arteriosus was incidentally found during an episode of Kawasaki disease. The ductus closed spontaneously after the acute phase of Kawasaki disease. Conclusions In this patient, the patent ductus arteriosus may have closed spontaneously after Kawasaki disease due to its involvement in the generalized vasculitis that this disease incurs. This would support the theory that the vasculitis of Kawasaki disease is limited not only to coronary arteries but also to all medium- sized arteries.

  18. Conservative treatment for patent ductus arteriosus in the preterm

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vanhaesebrouck, Sophie; Zonnenberg, Inge; Vandervoort, Piet; Bruneel, Els; van Hoestenberghe, Marie-Rose; Theyskens, Claire


    BACKGROUND: A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is common among preterms, and prophylactic medical treatment has been advocated as the first-line approach. Conservative treatment may result in similar outcome, but without exposure to the harmful side effects of medication. A retrospective analysis

  19. Clinical and echocardiographic characteristics associated with the evolution of the ductus arteriosus in the neonate with birth weight lower than 1,500g. (United States)

    Visconti, Luiza Fortunato; Morhy, Samira Saady; Deutsch, Alice D'Agostini; Tavares, Gláucia Maria Penha; Wilberg, Tatiana Jardim Mussi; Rossi, Felipe de Souza


    To identify clinical and echocardiographic parameters associated with the evolution of the ductus arteriosus in neonates with birth weight lower than 1,500g. Retrospective study of 119 neonates in which clinical parameters (Prenatal: maternal age, risk of infection and chorioamnionitis, use of corticosteroid, mode of delivery and gestational age. Perinatal: weight, Apgar score, gender and birth weight/gestational age classification; Postnatal: use of surfactant, sepsis, fluid intake, heart murmur, heart rate, precordial movement and pulses, use of diuretics, oxygenation index, desaturation/apnea, ventilatory support, food intolerance, chest radiography, renal function, hemodynamic instability, and metabolic changes) and echocardiographic parameters (ductus arteriosus diameter, ductus arteriosus/weight ratio, left atrium/ aorta ratio, left ventricular diastolic diameter, and transductal flow direction, pattern and velocity) were analyzed. The clinical and echocardiographic parameters analyzed were considered statistically significant when ppatent ductus arteriosus was 61.3%; 56 received treatment (46 pharmacological and 10 surgical treatment), 11 had spontaneous closure, 4 died, and 2 were discharged with patent ductus arteriosus. A higher incidence of chorioamnionitis, use of surfactant, lower weight and gestational age, sepsis, heart murmur, ventilatory support and worse oxygenation indices were observed in the neonates receiving treatment. The group with spontaneous closure had a smaller ductus arteriosus diameter, lower ductus arteriosus/weight ratio, and higher transductal flow velocity. Based on clinical and echocardiographic parameters, the neonates with spontaneous closure of the ductus arteriosus could be differentiated from those who required treatment.

  20. Surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus in premature infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Cristel M; Steensberg, Jesper N; Greisen, Gorm


    The objective was to evaluate the mortality and the morbidity in neonates operated for persistent ductus arteriosus at Copenhagen University Hospital in the 10-year period from 1 January 1998 to 31 December 2007, and to compare the results with results reported in extant literature....

  1. Patent ductus arteriosus closure using an Amplatzer™ ventricular septal defect closure device (United States)

    Fernando, Rajeev; Koranne, Ketan; Loyalka, Pranav; Kar, Biswajit; Gregoric, Igor


    The ductus arteriosus originates from the persistence of the distal portion of the left sixth aortic arch. It connects the descending aorta (immediately distal to the left subclavian artery) to the roof of the main pulmonary artery, near the origin of the left pulmonary artery. Persistence of the duct beyond 48 h after birth is abnormal and results in patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). PDA is rare in adults because it is usually discovered and treated in childhood. Mechanical closure remains the definitive therapy because the patency of ductus arteriosus may lead to multiple complications, depending on the size and flow through the ductus. PDA closure is indicated in patients with symptoms and evidence of left heart enlargement, and in patients with elevated pulmonary pressures when reversal is possible. Transcatheter closure is the preferred technique in adults because it avoids sternotomy, reduces the length of hospital stay and is associated with fewer complications compared with surgery. First demonstrated in 1967, both the technique and the occluder devices used have since evolved. However, designing an ideal PDA occluder has been a challenge due to the variability in size, shape and orientation of PDAs. The present article describes a case involving a 35-year-old woman who presented to the Center for Advanced Heart Failure (Houston, USA) with congestive heart failure due to a large PDA, which was successfully occluded using an Amplatzer (St Jude Medical, USA) muscular ventricular septal defect closure device. The wider waist and dual-retention discs of these ventricular septal defect closure devices may be important factors to consider in the future development of devices for the occlusion of large PDAs. PMID:24294051

  2. Utility of fetal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging to assess fetuses with right aortic arch and right ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Dong, Su-Zhen; Zhu, Ming


    To evaluate the utility of fetal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to diagnose right aortic arch (RAA) with right ductus arteriosus. This retrospective study included six fetuses with right aortic arch and right ductus arteriosus. The six fetal cases were examined using a 1.5-T magnetic resonance unit. The steady-state free precession (SSFP) and single-shot turbo spin echo (SSTSE) sequences were used to evaluate the fetal heart and airway. The gestational age of the six fetuses ranged from 22 to 35 weeks (mean, 26.5 weeks). The age of the pregnant women ranged from 23 to 40 years (mean 31 years). Fetal cardiac MRI diagnosed the six fetal cases with RAA with right ductus arteriosus correctly. Among the six fetuses, four were associated with other congenital heart defects. In three of six cases, the diagnoses established using prenatal echocardiography (echo) was correct when compared with postnatal diagnosis. Fetal cardiac MRI is a useful complementary tool to assess fetuses with RAA and right ductus arteriosus.

  3. Pan-nitinol occluder and special delivery device for closure of patent ductus arteriosus: a canine-model feasibility study. (United States)

    Jiang, Hai-bin; Bai, Yuan; Zong, Gang-jun; Han, Lin; Li, Wei-ping; Lu, Yang; Qin, Yong-wen; Zhao, Xian-xian


    The aim of this study was to evaluate a new type of occluder for patent ductus arteriosus. Patent ductus arteriosus was established in a canine model by anastomosing a length of autologous jugular vein to the descending aorta and the left pulmonary artery in an end-to-side fashion. Transcatheter closure of each patent ductus arteriosus was performed on 10 dogs, which were then monitored for as long as 6 months with aortography, echocardiography, and histologic evaluation. Transcatheter closure with use of the novel pan-nitinol device was successful in all canine models. Postoperative echocardiography showed that the location and shape of the occluders were normal, without any residual shunting. Further histologic evaluation confirmed that the occluder surface was completely endothelialized 3 months after implantation. Transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure with the pan-nitinol occluder can be performed safely and successfully in a canine model and shows good biological compatibility and low mortality rates.

  4. [Right patent ductus arteriosus with an ipsilateral aortic arch: percutaneous closure with amplatzer devices]. (United States)

    Santiago, Justo; Acuña, Manuel; Arispe, Elizabeth; Camargo, Ronaldo; Neves, Juliana; Arnoni, Daniel; Fontes, Valmir F; Pedra, Carlos A


    The association of a right aortic arch with an ipsilateral patent ductus arteriosus is rare, especially when there are no other intracardiac anomalies. We report three female patients aged 26, 35 and 9 years with this combination in whom previous attempts at surgical closure by thoracotomy and sternotomy were unsuccessful and who subsequently underwent successful percutaneous closure of the defects using Amplatzer devices. In two patients, although angiography demonstrated the presence of type-A patent ductus arteriosus, it was not possible to determine the minimum diameter accurately and it was necessary to measure it using a sizing balloon. An Amplatzer duct occluder was used in two patients and an Amplatzer muscular ventricular septal defect occluder, in the other. In all patients, full closure was confirmed in the catheterization laboratory and the patients were discharged on the same day with no complications. Percutaneous closure of a right patent ductus arteriosus associated with a right aortic arch is feasible, safe and effective.

  5. Current treatment options for the management of patent ductus arteriosus

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    Takeuchi K


    Full Text Available Koh Takeuchi,1 Atsushi Hirota,2 Sachito Minegishi,1 Jotaro Kobayashi,1 Keiji Tsuchiya3 1Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, 2Department of Neonatology, 3Department of Pediatrics, Japanese Red Cross Medical Center, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan Abstract: Pharmacological and/or surgical closure of a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA in the very premature infant has been the standard of care over the past few decades. However, the rationale for closure of PDA has recently been challenged. In this article, three ways of approaching the closure of PDA including pharmacological treatment, catheter intervention, and surgical intervention, are reviewed in detail. In addition, the different treatment strategies applied in clinical care are evaluated with a focus on the discussion of the available evidence of PDA treatment in the literature. Keywords: patent ductus arteriosus, premature infant, treatment option

  6. Tratamento do canal arterial persistente em neonatos prematuros: análise de 18 casos Treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in neonate premature: analysis of 18 cases

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    Wagner Ciongoli


    Full Text Available A presente investigação tem o propósito de analisar, retrospectivamente, os resultados obtidos em 18 pacientes neonatos prematuros, submetidos a operação para oclusão da PCA, no período entre julho de 1990 e dezembro de 1993 (42 meses, sendo 12 (66,6% pacientes do sexo feminino, com idade que variou entre 10 e 44 (20,8±8,3 dias, idade gestacional entre 26 e 28 (27,2±0,9 semanas. No dia da operação o peso dos pacientes esteve compreendido entre 700 e 1380 (985,8±181,6 gramas. A insuficiência respiratória aguda ocorreu em todos os pacientes sendo a principal indicação cirúrgica, estando em 6 (33,3% pacientes associada à insuficiência cardíaca congestiva. A indometacina endovenosa foi utilizada no período pré-operatório em 9 (50% pacientes na tentativa de se obter o fechamento farmacológico, sem sucesso, do canal arterial e apesar de não influenciar nos resultados pós-operatórios, apresentou como principal efeito secundário a redução significativa da diurese (p 40% 60% (p=0,033. O período de internação hospitalar variou de 43 a 157 (96,0±24,8 dias. Não houve mortalidade operatória, observando-se ainda baixa morbidade com este método. As causas de óbito, no período pós-operatório, não estiveram relacionadas com o tratamento cirúrgico. Pode-se concluir que a ligadura cirúrgica da PCA, nos pacientes neonatos e prematuros, é método eficaz e seguro podendo ser praticado com baixa morbidade e mortalidade.The purpose of our study was to analyse the results obtained in 18 neonate premature patients who underwent surgical closure of the patent ductus arteriosus, between July 1990 and December 1993 (42 months. Twelve (66.6% patients were female, with age between 10 and 44 (20.8±8.3 days, gestacional age ranged from 26 to 28 (27.2±0.9 weeks. In the surgery day the birth weight was between 700 and 1380 (985.8 ±181.6 grams. Acute respiratory insufficiency was present in all patients, as the principal surgical

  7. Percutaneous closure of ductus arteriosus with the amplatzer prosthesis. The Brazilian experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Carlos Simões


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE - To report the results of percutaneous occlusion of persistent ductus arteriosus with the Amplatzer prosthesis in 2 Brazilian cardiological centers. METHODS - From May 1998 to July 2000, 33 patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of persistent ductus arteriosus underwent attempts at percutaneous implantation of the Amplatzer prosthesis. The median age was 36 months (from 6 months to 38 years, and the median weight was 14kg (from 6 to 92kg. Sixteen patients (48.5% were under 2 years of age at the time of the procedure. All patients were followed up with periodical clinical and echocardiographic evaluations to assess the presence and degree of residual shunt and possible complications, such as pseudocoarctation of the aorta and left pulmonary artery stenosis. RESULTS - The minimum diameter of the arterial ducts ranged from 2.5 to 7.0mm (mean of 4.0±1.0, median of 3.9. The rate of success for implantation of the prosthesis was 100%. Femoral pulse was lost in 1 patient. The echocardiogram revealed total closure prior to hospital discharge in 30 patients, and in the follow-up visit 3 months later in the 3 remaining patients. The mean follow-up duration was 6.4±3.4 months. All patients were clinically well, asymptomatic, and did not need medication. No patient had narrowing of the left pulmonary artery or of the aorta. No early or late embolic events occurred, nor did infectious endarteritis. A new hospital admission was not required for any patient. CONCLUSION - The Amplatzer prosthesis for persistent ductus arteriosus is safe and highly effective for occlusion of ductus arteriosus of varied diameters, including large ones in small symptomatic infants.

  8. Transcatheter Treatment of “Pulmonary Artery Hypertension” due to Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Pulmonary Artery Stenosis


    Gaio, Gianpiero; Santoro, Giuseppe; D'Alto, Michele; Palladino, Maria Teresa; Russo, Maria Giovanna; Caianiello, Giuseppe; Calabrò, Raffaele


    The association between large, left-sided patent ductus arteriosus and severe, peripheral, right pulmonary artery stenosis with no other cardiac malformation is an unreported condition that might be misdiagnosed as pulmonary hypertension due to long-standing ductal shunt. A 57-year-old man with supposed hypertensive patent ductus arteriosus underwent confirmatory cardiac catheterization. At angiography, a severe pre-hilar right pulmonary artery stenosis (peak pressure gradient, 65 mmHg) was f...

  9. Hybrid endovascular stent-grafting technique for patent ductus arteriosus in an adult. (United States)

    Kainuma, S; Kuratani, T; Sawa, Y


    A 51-year-old man was referred to our institution for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) complicated by left ventricular dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. Surgical closure of a PDA is usually carried out via a small posterior thoracotomy. However, thoracoscopic procedures are probably not appropriate in adults because of the frequency of calcification and the greater risk of rupture while ligating the ductus. To minimize surgical trauma, we used hybrid endovascular stent grafting combined with revascularization of the left subclavian artery, which enabled us to eliminate shunt flow to the pulmonary artery. At 11-month follow-up, the patient was asymptomatic and showed no complications. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  10. Using benchmarking to identify inter-centre differences in persistent ductus arteriosus treatment: can we improve outcome? (United States)

    Jansen, Esther J S; Dijkman, Koen P; van Lingen, Richard A; de Vries, Willem B; Vijlbrief, Daniel C; de Boode, Willem P; Andriessen, Peter


    The aim of this study was to identify inter-centre differences in persistent ductus arteriosus treatment and their related outcomes. Materials and methods We carried out a retrospective, multicentre study including infants between 24+0 and 27+6 weeks of gestation in the period between 2010 and 2011. In all centres, echocardiography was used as the standard procedure to diagnose a patent ductus arteriosus and to document ductal closure. In total, 367 preterm infants were included. All four participating neonatal ICU had a comparable number of preterm infants; however, differences were observed in the incidence of treatment (33-63%), choice and dosing of medication (ibuprofen or indomethacin), number of pharmacological courses (1-4), and the need for surgical ligation after failure of pharmacological treatment (8-52%). Despite the differences in treatment, we found no difference in short-term morbidity between the centres. Adjusted mortality showed independent risk contribution of gestational age, birth weight, ductal ligation, and perinatal centre. Using benchmarking as a tool identified inter-centre differences. In these four perinatal centres, the factors that explained the differences in patent ductus arteriosus treatment are quite complex. Timing, choice of medication, and dosing are probably important determinants for successful patent ductus arteriosus closure.

  11. Clinical pharmacology of indomethacin in preterm infants: implications in patent ductus arteriosus closure. (United States)

    Pacifici, Gian Maria


    Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is a potent inhibitor of prostaglandin E(2) synthesis. After birth, the ductus arteriosus closes spontaneously within 2-4 days in term infants. The major factor closing the ductus arteriosus is the tension of oxygen, which increases significantly after birth. Prostaglandin E(2) has the opposite effect to that of oxygen; it relaxes smooth muscle and tends to inhibit the closure of the ductus arteriosus. In preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome, the ductus arteriosus fails to close (patent ductus arteriosus [PDA]) because the concentration of prostaglandin E2 is relatively high. PDA occurs in more than 70 % of neonates weighing less than 1,500 g at birth. The aim of this article was to review the published data on the clinical pharmacology of indomethacin in preterm infants in order to provide a critical analysis of the literature and a useful tool for physicians. The bibliographic search was performed electronically using the PubMed and EMBASE databases as search engines and February 2012 was the cutoff point. A remarkable interindividual variability was observed for the half-life (t(½)), clearance (CL), and volume of distribution (V(d)) of indomethacin. Prophylactic indomethacin consists of a continuous infusion of low levels of indomethacin and may be useful in preterm infants. Extremely preterm infants are less likely to respond to indomethacin. Infants with a postnatal age of 2 months do not respond to treatment with indomethacin. Indomethacin has several adverse effects, the most common of which is renal failure. An increase in serum creatinine of ≥0.5 % mg/dL after indomethacin was observed in about 10-15 % of the patients and creatinine returns to a normal level about 1 week after cessation of therapy. Indomethacin should be administered intravenously by syringe pump for at least 30 min to minimize adverse effects on cerebral, gastrointestinal, and renal blood flow velocities. A

  12. Patent ductus arteriosus closure using an Amplatzer(™) ventricular septal defect closure device. (United States)

    Fernando, Rajeev; Koranne, Ketan; Loyalka, Pranav; Kar, Biswajit; Gregoric, Igor


    The ductus arteriosus originates from the persistence of the distal portion of the left sixth aortic arch. It connects the descending aorta (immediately distal to the left subclavian artery) to the roof of the main pulmonary artery, near the origin of the left pulmonary artery. Persistence of the duct beyond 48 h after birth is abnormal and results in patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). PDA is rare in adults because it is usually discovered and treated in childhood. Mechanical closure remains the definitive therapy because the patency of ductus arteriosus may lead to multiple complications, depending on the size and flow through the ductus. PDA closure is indicated in patients with symptoms and evidence of left heart enlargement, and in patients with elevated pulmonary pressures when reversal is possible. Transcatheter closure is the preferred technique in adults because it avoids sternotomy, reduces the length of hospital stay and is associated with fewer complications compared with surgery. First demonstrated in 1967, both the technique and the occluder devices used have since evolved. However, designing an ideal PDA occluder has been a challenge due to the variability in size, shape and orientation of PDAs. The present article describes a case involving a 35-year-old woman who presented to the Center for Advanced Heart Failure (Houston, USA) with congestive heart failure due to a large PDA, which was successfully occluded using an Amplatzer (St Jude Medical, USA) muscular ventricular septal defect closure device. The wider waist and dual-retention discs of these ventricular septal defect closure devices may be important factors to consider in the future development of devices for the occlusion of large PDAs.

  13. Ibuprofen pharmacokinetics in preterm infants with patent ductus arteriosus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Overmeire, B; Touw, D; Schepens, P J; Kearns, G L; van den Anker, J N


    OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to study the pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen in premature infants with patent ductus arteriosus on day 3 and day 5 after birth. METHODS: Ibuprofen was administered on days 3, 4, and 5 by a 15-minute intravenous infusion of 10, 5, and 5 mg/kg, respectively, with the aim of

  14. Assessment of the ductus arteriosus in fetuses with tetralogy of Fallot and the implication for postnatal management. (United States)

    Tuo, Giulia; Volpe, Paolo; Buffi, Davide; De Robertis, Valentina; Marasini, Maurizio


    To describe the antenatal and neonatal echocardiographic morphology and flow pattern of the ductus arteriosus in patients with tetralogy of Fallot. We included patients with a prenatal diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot between January 2006 and December 2012. Among the 52 fetuses with tetralogy of Fallot the severity of right ventricular outflow obstruction was considered mild in 32, moderate in 14, and severe in 6. In the mild right ventricular outflow obstruction group (n = 32) all had normal ductal morphology and flow pattern, eight (25%) elected for termination of pregnancy and two died in the neonatal period from extracardiac causes. In the moderate right ventricular outflow obstruction group (n = 14) the fetuses had a small ductus arteriosus with antegrade but abnormal flow velocity, one (7%) elected for termination of pregnancy. Immediately after birth the ductus arteriosus was very small or already closed at echocardiographic examination. Two out of 13 patients (15%) developed severe hypoxic spells and underwent modified Blalock-Taussig shunt during the neonatal period. Six fetuses were considered to have severe right ventricular outflow obstruction with flow reversal in the ductus arteriosus, three (50%) of whom elected for termination of pregnancy. The other three newborns underwent modified Blalock-Taussig shunt. In fetuses with tetralogy of Fallot, ductal diameter can be reduced even up to prenatal closure. Prenatal ductal morphology assessment may be useful for improving management of patients with moderate right ventricular outflow obstruction and small ductus arteriosus who may become cyanotic at birth. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Thrombocytopenia in the first 24 hours after birth and incidence of patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Sallmon, Hannes; Weber, Sven C; Hüning, Britta; Stein, Anja; Horn, Peter A; Metze, Boris C; Dame, Christof; Bührer, Christoph; Felderhoff-Müser, Ursula; Hansmann, Georg; Koehne, Petra


    Experimental studies suggest that platelet-triggered ductal sealing is critically involved in definite ductus arteriosus closure. Whether thrombocytopenia contributes to persistently patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in humans is controversial. This was a retrospective study of 1350 very low birth weight (VLBW; gender, and sepsis on PDA was determined by receiver operating characteristic curve, odds ratio, and regression analyses. Platelet numbers within the first 24 hours after birth did not differ between VLBW/ELBW infants with and without spontaneous ductal closure. Platelet numbers were not associated with subsequent PDA treatment. Low platelet counts were not related to failure of pharma-cologic PDA treatment and the need for subsequent surgical ligation. Lower gestational age or birth weight, male gender, and sepsis were linked to the presence of PDA in VLBW infants on day of life 4 to 5. Thrombocytopenia in the first 24 hours after birth was not associated with PDA in this largest VLBW/ELBW infant cohort studied to date. Impaired platelet function, due to immaturity and critical illness, rather than platelet number, might play a role in ductus arteriosus patency.

  16. Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum and agenesis of the ductus arteriosus in a pup

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, D.J.; Patterson, D.F.


    A 7-week-old Wire Fox Terrier was admitted with pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. The right ventricle and tricuspid valve were hypoplastic, and venous return to the right atrium reached the left side through an atrial septal defect. Oxygenation was via hyperplastic bronchial arteries. There was no evidence of the ductus arteriosus. Physical examination, plain and contrast radiography, and electrocardiography were performed. Clinical findings for this combination of defects were similar to those of more common defects (tetralogy of Fallot, patent ductus arteriosus

  17. A Case of Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm Associated with Patent Ductus Arteriosus : Detection by Radionuclide Cardiac Angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, I.; Lee, M. C.; Cho, B. Y.; Koh, C. S.; Yoon, Y. S.; Hong, C. Y.; Rho, J. R.; Youn, K. M.; Han, M. C.


    A Case of main pulmonary artery aneurysm in a 9-year-old boy with patent ductus arteriosus is presented. In this case presented with a huge mass density on the chest X-ray, radionuclide cardiac angiography showed a vascular lesion, which was confirmed as an aneurysm of the main pulmonary artery at roentgenologic angiogram. The aneurysm appeared following an episode of bacterial endocarditis and pulmonary hypertension. A successful aneurysmectomy with multiple ligation of ductus arteriosus was performed.

  18. A Case of Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm Associated with Patent Ductus Arteriosus : Detection by Radionuclide Cardiac Angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sohn, I; Lee, M C; Cho, B Y; Koh, C S; Yoon, Y S; Hong, C Y; Rho, J R; Youn, K M; Han, M C [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    A Case of main pulmonary artery aneurysm in a 9-year-old boy with patent ductus arteriosus is presented. In this case presented with a huge mass density on the chest X-ray, radionuclide cardiac angiography showed a vascular lesion, which was confirmed as an aneurysm of the main pulmonary artery at roentgenologic angiogram. The aneurysm appeared following an episode of bacterial endocarditis and pulmonary hypertension. A successful aneurysmectomy with multiple ligation of ductus arteriosus was performed.

  19. Adrenal function in preterm infants undergoing patent ductus arteriosus ligation.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    El-Khuffash, Afif


    Targeted milrinone treatment for low left ventricular output (LVO) reduces the incidence of acute cardiorespiratory instability following ligation of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants. Despite this, some infants continue to experience postoperative deterioration. Adrenal insufficiency related to prematurity has been postulated as a possible mechanism.

  20. Interventional Closure of a Patent Ductus Arteriosus Using an Amplatz Canine Duct Occluder in an Alpaca Cria


    Chapel, E.C.; Lozier, J.; Lakritz, J.; Schober, K.E.


    A 6?month old female alpaca cria presented to The Ohio State University for evaluation of a cardiac murmur. Echocardiography revealed a left?to?right shunting patent ductus arteriosus, a restrictive left?to?right shunting perimembranous ventricular septal defect, and secondary moderate left atrial and ventricular dilation. Aortic root angiography demonstrated a type IIA patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Interventional closure of the PDA was successfully performed, without complication, using an...

  1. Guinea pig ductus arteriosus. II - Irreversible closure after birth. (United States)

    Fay, F. S.; Cooke, P. H.


    To investigate the mechanism underlying irreversibility of ductal closure after birth, studies were undertaken to determine the exact time course for the onset of irreversible closure of the guinea pig ductus arteriosus. Parallel studies of the reactivity of ductal smooth muscle to oxygen and studies of the postpartum cellular changes within the vessel were also carried out.

  2. Ibubrofen in the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: what we know, what we still do not know. (United States)

    Mercanti, Isabelle; Ligi, Isabelle; Boubred, Farid; Grandvuillemin, Isabelle; Buffat, Christophe; Fayol, Laurance; Millet, Veronique; Simeoni, Umberto


    The patency of the ductus arteriosus has ever been considered as a pathological situation in preterm infants and one likely cause of mortality and morbidity, including broncho-pulmonary dysplasia, necrotizing enterocolitis, intraventricular haemorrhage, retinopathy of prematurity. The incidence of patent ductus arteriosus is inversely proportional to gestational age and infants with the lowest gestational ages are the most exposed to the complications of prematurity. So, associations between patent ductus arteriosus and the other morbidities may not be causative and patent ductus arteriosus could be more a sign of immaturity and severity of disease than the cause of these problems. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, such as indomethacin or ibuprofen, have been shown to be effective in closing or preventing patent ductus arteriosus, with differences in side effects. However nearly all randomized controlled trials have been designed with the closure of the ductus arteriosus, not mortality or morbidity, as the main endpoint. Thus, evidence is still lacking on the eventual benefits for the patient of pharmacological or surgical intervention on PDA. Moreover, both ibuprofen and indomethacin efficacy seems markedly reduced in extremely low gestational age infants, who are the most likely to benefit from such intervention. The explanation of the reduced pharmacodymanic effect in such population is unclear; so far, studies using increased dosing of ibuprofen have failed to show a clear benefit. Prophylaxis with indomethacin or ibuprofen has failed to show sustained benefits on neurodevelopment at 2 years of age in low gestational age infants. New curative trials may aim at investigating the effects of early curative administration of ibuprofen, which has reduced side effects compared to indomethacin, on immature kidney function, on mortality and morbidity in very low gestational age infants, ideally with a combined endpoint such as survival in the absence of severe

  3. Estabilidad de sistemas Takagi-Sugeno bajo perturbaciones persistentes: estimación de conjuntos inescapables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.L. Pitarch


    Full Text Available Resumen: El presente trabajo analiza el comportamiento de sistemas borrosos Takagi-Sugeno ante perturbaciones persistentes (caracterizadas bien por cotas conocidas de amplitud o de potencia en media cuadrática. El análisis se centra en validar que, ante una determinada cota de potencia de perturbaciones y región de condiciones iniciales, existe una región inescapable (contenida en la región donde el modelo TS es válido como modelo de un sistema no lineal subyacente. Algunos de los problemas planteados se formulan como problemas de desigualdades matriciales lineales (LMI, posibles de resolver de forma óptima por programación semidefinida, y otros serán productos de matrices variables de decisión y dos escalares (BMI, que son resueltos de forma iterativa. Abstract: The present work analizes the behaviour of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems in front of non-vanishing disturbances (characterized by known amplitude or quadratic-mean power bounds. Such analysis is focused in validating that, in front of a specific disturbance bound and an initial-condition region, there exist an inescapable region (contained in the region where the TS model is valid as a model of the underlying nonlinear system. Some of the stated problems here are cast as linear matrix inequality problems (LMI, efficiently solvable by semidefinite programming. Others, however, will involve nonconvex products of decision-variable matrices and two scalars (BMI, which are solved in an iterative way. Palabras clave: Takagi-Sugeno, Rechazo a perturbaciones, Conjunto inescapable, Estabilidad local, LMI, Perturbaciones persistentes., Keywords: Takagi-Sugeno, Disturbance rejection, Inescapable set, Local stability, LMI, Nonvanishing disturbances.

  4. Patent ductus arteriosus in adults - indications and possibilities for closure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Sandt, F. M.; Boekholdt, S. M.; Bouma, B. J.; Groenink, M.; Backx, A. P. C. M.; Koolbergen, D. R.; de Winter, R. J.; Mulder, B. J. M.


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a rare diagnosis in adults, since symptoms and signs usually occur in infancy and most cases are treated shortly after diagnosis. We present two patients who were first diagnosed with PDA during adulthood. The first case represents a more severe form of PDA, where

  5. Patent ductus arteriosus in adults - indications and possibilities for closure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Sandt, F. M.; Boekholdt, S. M.; Bouma, B. J.; Groenink, M.; Backx, A. P. C. M.; Koolbergen, D. R.; de Winter, R. J.; Mulder, B. J. M.


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a rare diagnosis in adults, since symptoms and signs usually occur in infancy and most cases are treated shortly after diagnosis. We present two patients who were first diagnosed with PDA during adulthood. The first case represents a more severe form of PDA, where

  6. Hipo Persistente como forma de presentación de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico


    del Valle Llufrío, Pedro; Ramos Pachón, Carlos Manuel


    El hipo persistente (singultus) es aquel que se presenta en forma de un ataque prolongado o ataques recurrentes durante un tiempo determinado, generalmente más de 48 horas, suele resolverse sin tratamiento farmacológico, pero puede ser necesario administrarlo y plantear su estudio etiológico. Esta entidad infrecuente se presenta en un hombre de 63 años, con historia de singultus desde hace tres años, que aparece fundamentalmente posterior a la ingestión de alimentos y persiste durante varios ...

  7. Indicators of surgical treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates in the first week of life


    Braulio, Renato; Gelape, Cláudio Léo; Araújo, Fátima Derlene da Rocha; Brandão, Kelly Nascimento; Abreu, Luciana Drummond Guimarães; Costa, Paulo Henrique Nogueira; Capanema, Flávio Diniz


    OBJECTIVE: To identify clinical and echocardiographic indicators of the necessity for early surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates. METHODS: The prospective study was conducted at the Neonatal Unit of Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens between 2006 and 2010. The study population comprised 115 preterm neonates diagnosed with patent ductus arteriosus in the first week after birth, of whom 55 (group S) were submitted to clinical and or surgical closure and 60 (group NS) ...

  8. Occlusion of the Neonatal Patent Ductus Arteriosus with a Simple Retrievable Device: A Feasibility Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neuss, Malte B.; Coe, James Y.; Tio, Fermin; Le, Trong-Phi; Grabitz, Ralph; Redel, Dirk A.


    Purpose: To examine the feasibility of transvenous placement of a new memory-shaped, small, retrievable coil that has a smaller-caliber delivery system than currently available devices, for closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Methods: Through 4 or 5 Fr vascular sheaths and 4 or 5 Fr end-hold catheters, the coils were delivered and placed in piglets (n= 10) with PDA. The coils were made from 0.018'' (0.46 mm) or 0.028'' (0.71 mm) stainless steel guidewire. Mounted for delivery, the new device has the appearance of a conventional guidewire. This neonatal PDA model was created without major surgery or drugs by stenting the ductus arteriosus. Results: The memory-shaped coils were easily delivered. Coils not optimally placed were retrieved and repositioned. Occlusion of the ductus arteriosus as early as a half-hour after delivery was shown angiographically and confirmed by histopathology. Conclusion: This new, small-caliber, simple device was found to be effective for closure of the PDA in this animal model. Longer-term observations are needed

  9. Occlusion of the Neonatal Patent Ductus Arteriosus with a Simple Retrievable Device: A Feasibility Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neuss, Malte B [Department of Cardiology, Children' s Hospital, University of Bonn, Adenauerallee 119, D-5300, Bonn 1 (Germany); Coe, James Y [Division of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Group, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada); Tio, Fermin [Department of Pathology, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78284-7750 (United States); Le, Trong-Phi [Department of Cardiology, Children' s Hospital, University of Bonn, Adenauerallee 119, D-5300, Bonn 1 (Germany); Grabitz, Ralph [Division of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Group, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada); Redel, Dirk A [Department of Cardiology, Children' s Hospital, University of Bonn, Adenauerallee 119, D-5300, Bonn 1 (Germany)


    Purpose: To examine the feasibility of transvenous placement of a new memory-shaped, small, retrievable coil that has a smaller-caliber delivery system than currently available devices, for closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Methods: Through 4 or 5 Fr vascular sheaths and 4 or 5 Fr end-hold catheters, the coils were delivered and placed in piglets (n= 10) with PDA. The coils were made from 0.018'' (0.46 mm) or 0.028'' (0.71 mm) stainless steel guidewire. Mounted for delivery, the new device has the appearance of a conventional guidewire. This neonatal PDA model was created without major surgery or drugs by stenting the ductus arteriosus. Results: The memory-shaped coils were easily delivered. Coils not optimally placed were retrieved and repositioned. Occlusion of the ductus arteriosus as early as a half-hour after delivery was shown angiographically and confirmed by histopathology. Conclusion: This new, small-caliber, simple device was found to be effective for closure of the PDA in this animal model. Longer-term observations are needed.

  10. Percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Er-Ping Xi


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Ventricular septal defects resulting from post-traumatic cardiac injury are very rare. Percutaneous closure has emerged as a method for treating this disorder. We wish to report our experience in three patients who underwent percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder. METHODS: We treated three patients with post-traumatic ventricular septal defects caused by stab wounds with knives. After the heart wound was repaired, patient examinations revealed ventricular septal defects with pulmonary/systemic flow ratios (Qp/Qs of over 1.7. The post-traumatic ventricular septal defects were closed percutaneously with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder (Lifetech Scientific (Shenzhen Co., LTD, Guangdong, China utilizing standard techniques. RESULTS: Post-operative transthoracic echocardiography revealed no residual left-to-right shunt and indicated normal ventricular function. In addition, 320-slice computerized tomography showed that the occluder was well placed and exhibited normal morphology. CONCLUSION: Our experiences indicate that closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect using a patent ductus arteriosus occluder is feasible, safe, and effective.

  11. Percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder. (United States)

    Xi, Er-Ping; Zhu, Jian; Zhu, Shui-Bo; Yin, Gui-Lin; Liu, Yong; Dong, Yong-Qiang; Zhang, Yu; Xia, Feng


    Ventricular septal defects resulting from post-traumatic cardiac injury are very rare. Percutaneous closure has emerged as a method for treating this disorder. We wish to report our experience in three patients who underwent percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder. We treated three patients with post-traumatic ventricular septal defects caused by stab wounds with knives. After the heart wound was repaired, patient examinations revealed ventricular septal defects with pulmonary/systemic flow ratios (Qp/Qs) of over 1.7. The post-traumatic ventricular septal defects were closed percutaneously with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder (Lifetech Scientific (Shenzhen) Co., LTD, Guangdong, China) utilizing standard techniques. Post-operative transthoracic echocardiography revealed no residual left-to-right shunt and indicated normal ventricular function. In addition, 320-slice computerized tomography showed that the occluder was well placed and exhibited normal morphology. Our experiences indicate that closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect using a patent ductus arteriosus occluder is feasible, safe, and effective.

  12. Eficacia y seguridad de la cardioversión eléctrica ambulatoria en la fibrilación auricular persistente

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    Diego E. Rosso


    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo A pesar de los nuevos avances en el tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular, la cardioversión eléctrica sigue teniendo un papel preponderante, por lo que surge la necesidad de simplificar el método. El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar los riesgos y los beneficios de la cardioversión eléctrica ambulatoria en una población heterogénea de pacientes con fibrilación auricular persistente. Material y métodos Se analizaron prospectivamente 176 pacientes consecutivos con fibrilación auricular persistente sometidos a cardioversión eléctrica ambulatoria entre febrero de 2000 y septiembre de 2003. El protocolo consistió en choques de corriente monofásica de energía creciente (200 J, 300 J, 360 J en posición anterior y en caso de fracaso, 360 joules en posición anteroposterior, previa sedoanalgesia con propofol y fentanilo, y con alta precoz, a las dos horas. Se realizó seguimiento a un año. Resultados La media de edad de la población en estudio fue de 66 años, el 73% de sexo masculino, el 67% con cardiopatía estructural y el 59% con antecedentes de fibrilación auricular previa al evento índice. La duración promedio de la fibrilación auricular fue de 21 semanas y la RIN promedio, de 2,2. El 70% de los pacientes recibían antiarrítmicos de clase III. El procedimiento fue exitoso en el 85% de los pacientes (n = 150, con un promedio de choques por paciente de 1,34 y una energía acumulada promedio de 277,95 J. Tres pacientes presentaron insuficiencia cardíaca posprocedimiento y siete, bradiarritmias transitorias (FC < 40 latidos por minuto. Conclusiones La cardioversión eléctrica ambulatoria es un método seguro y eficaz para el tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular persistente

  13. Reversal of severe mitral regurgitation by device closure of a large patent ductus arteriosus in a premature infant. (United States)

    Kheiwa, Ahmed; Ross, Robert D; Kobayashi, Daisuke


    We report a critically ill premature infant with severe mitral valve regurgitation associated with pulmonary hypertension and a severely dilated left atrium from a large patent ductus arteriosus. The mitral valve regurgitation improved significantly with normalisation of left atrial size 4 weeks after percutaneous closure of the patent ductus arteriosus. This case highlights the potential reversibility of severe mitral valve regurgitation with treatment of an underlying cardiac shunt.

  14. Left ventricular dysfunction after closure of large patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Galal, M Omar; Amin, Mohamed; Hussein, Arif; Kouatli, Amjad; Al-Ata, Jameel; Jamjoom, Ahmed


    Changes in left ventricular dimensions and performance were studied in 43 patients after transcatheter occlusion or surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus. The patients were assigned to 2 groups based on their ductal diameter: >/= 3.1 mm to group A (n = 27) and ventricular end-diastolic diameter than group B, while all patients had normal shortening fraction and ejection fraction. Within 1 month after intervention, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter showed a trend towards regression while shortening fraction and ejection fraction decreased significantly in group A. There were no significant changes in these parameters in group B. Between 1 and 6 months after intervention, left ventricular performance improved in most of the group A patients who were followed up. We conclude that closure of large ductus arteriosus in children leads to significant immediate deterioration of left ventricular performance, which appears to recover within a few months. Echocardiographic study before hospital discharge is recommended in these patients. Serious deterioration of ventricular performance after closure may warrant the use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.

  15. Thoracic Stent Graft Implantation for Aortic Coarctation with Patent Ductus Arteriosus via Retroperitoneal Iliac Approach in the Presence of Small Sized Femoral Artery

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    Ozge Korkmaz


    Full Text Available Endovascular stent graft implantation is a favorable method for complex aortic coarctation accompanied by patent ductus arteriosus. Herein, an 18-year-old woman with complex aortic coarctation and patent ductus arteriosus was successfully treated by endovascular thoracic stent graft via retroperitoneal approach. The reason for retroperitoneal iliac approach was small sized common femoral arteries which were not suitable for stent graft passage. This case is the first aortic coarctation plus patent ductus arteriosus case described in the literature which is treated by endovascular thoracic stent graft via retroperitoneal approach.

  16. [Percutaneous closure of the patent ductus arteriosus in children with the Amplatzer Duct Occluder II]. (United States)

    Parra-Bravo, José Rafael; Osuna-Izaguirre, Manuel Alfredo; Beirana-Palencia, Luisa; Gálvez-Cancino, Franco; Martínez-Monterrosas, Christian; Lazo-Cárdenas, César; Reyes-Vargas, César


    In the last decades, several devices have been used for the percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus, with its own limitations and risks. The Amplatzer Duct Occluder II has been designed to overcome those limitations and reduce risks. We described our initial series of patients who underwent percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus with the Amplatzer Duct Occluder II, emphasis on the technical aspects of the procedure. We reviewed the clinical records of 9 patients with patent ductus arteriosus who underwent percutaneous closure with the Amplatzer Duct Occluder II. Median age was 24 months (range 8-51 months) and the median weight was 10.7kg (range 6-16.3kg). The minimal ductus arteriosus diameter was 2.7mm (1-5mm). Implantation was successful in all cases. The devices most commonly used (33.3%) were the dimensions 4-4mm (3 patients), in 2 patients were used 3-4mm and in the rest of the patients were employed occluder other sizes. Four cases showed slight residual flow immediately after implantation. Total closure was achieved in 24h in 8 of 9 patients (89%). There was no embolization of the occluder or deaths during the procedure and we only observed one minor complication. The Amplatzer Duct Occluder II in this series was effective in 89% of the patients at 24hs after the procedure and 100% follow-up. The implantation was safe and no major complications were observed. The occlusion rate is comparable to those reported for the Amplatzer Duct Occluder I. Copyright © 2013 Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  17. A subpopulation of smooth muscle cells, derived from melanocyte-competent precursors, prevents patent ductus arteriosus.

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    Ichiro Yajima

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Patent ductus arteriosus is a life-threatening condition frequent in premature newborns but also present in some term infants. Current mouse models of this malformation generally lead to perinatal death, not reproducing the full phenotypic spectrum in humans, in whom genetic inheritance appears complex. The ductus arteriosus (DA, a temporary fetal vessel that bypasses the lungs by shunting the aortic arch to the pulmonary artery, is constituted by smooth muscle cells of distinct origins (SMC1 and SMC2 and many fewer melanocytes. To understand novel mechanisms preventing DA closure at birth, we evaluated the importance of cell fate specification in SMC that form the DA during embryonic development. Upon specific Tyr::Cre-driven activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling at the time of cell fate specification, melanocytes replaced the SMC2 population of the DA, suggesting that SMC2 and melanocytes have a common precursor. The number of SMC1 in the DA remained similar to that in controls, but insufficient to allow full DA closure at birth. Thus, there was no cellular compensation by SMC1 for the loss of SMC2. Mice in which only melanocytes were genetically ablated after specification from their potential common precursor with SMC2, demonstrated that differentiated melanocytes themselves do not affect DA closure. Loss of the SMC2 population, independent of the presence of melanocytes, is therefore a cause of patent ductus arteriosus and premature death in the first months of life. Our results indicate that patent ductus arteriosus can result from the insufficient differentiation, proliferation, or contractility of a specific smooth muscle subpopulation that shares a common neural crest precursor with cardiovascular melanocytes.

  18. A Subpopulation of Smooth Muscle Cells, Derived from Melanocyte-Competent Precursors, Prevents Patent Ductus Arteriosus (United States)

    Puig, Isabel; Champeval, Delphine; Kumasaka, Mayuko; Belloir, Elodie; Bonaventure, Jacky; Mark, Manuel; Yamamoto, Hiroaki; Taketo, Mark M.; Choquet, Philippe; Etchevers, Heather C.; Beermann, Friedrich; Delmas, Véronique; Monassier, Laurent; Larue, Lionel


    Background Patent ductus arteriosus is a life-threatening condition frequent in premature newborns but also present in some term infants. Current mouse models of this malformation generally lead to perinatal death, not reproducing the full phenotypic spectrum in humans, in whom genetic inheritance appears complex. The ductus arteriosus (DA), a temporary fetal vessel that bypasses the lungs by shunting the aortic arch to the pulmonary artery, is constituted by smooth muscle cells of distinct origins (SMC1 and SMC2) and many fewer melanocytes. To understand novel mechanisms preventing DA closure at birth, we evaluated the importance of cell fate specification in SMC that form the DA during embryonic development. Upon specific Tyr::Cre-driven activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling at the time of cell fate specification, melanocytes replaced the SMC2 population of the DA, suggesting that SMC2 and melanocytes have a common precursor. The number of SMC1 in the DA remained similar to that in controls, but insufficient to allow full DA closure at birth. Thus, there was no cellular compensation by SMC1 for the loss of SMC2. Mice in which only melanocytes were genetically ablated after specification from their potential common precursor with SMC2, demonstrated that differentiated melanocytes themselves do not affect DA closure. Loss of the SMC2 population, independent of the presence of melanocytes, is therefore a cause of patent ductus arteriosus and premature death in the first months of life. Our results indicate that patent ductus arteriosus can result from the insufficient differentiation, proliferation, or contractility of a specific smooth muscle subpopulation that shares a common neural crest precursor with cardiovascular melanocytes. PMID:23382837

  19. Furosemide in preterm infants treated with indomethacin for patent ductus arteriosus.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Andriessen, P.; Struis, N.C.; Niemarkt, H.; Oetomo, S.B.; Tanke, R.B.; Overmeire, B. Van


    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of furosemide on renal function and water balance in preterm infants treated with indomethacin (3 x 0.2 mg/kg at 12-h intervals) for symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus. Patients and METHODS: We performed a retrospective multi-centre double cohort study in preterm

  20. Transcatheter closure of moderate-to-large patent ductus arteriosus in infants using Amplatzer duct occluder. (United States)

    Wang, Jou-Kou; Wu, Mei-Hwan; Lin, Ming-Tai; Chiu, Shuenn-Nan; Chen, Chun-An; Chiu, Hsin-Hui


    There are difficulties in transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in infants. The 46 infants (mean age 6.2+/-2.7 months; mean body weight 6.3+/-1.6 kg) who underwent PDA closure using the Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO). The indication for using an ADO was a ductus diameter > or =2.5 or 3 mm. Device diameter selected was 1-3 mm larger than ductal diameter. The mean systolic pulmonary artery pressure was 40.9+/-18.2 mmHg. The mean Qp/Qs ratio was 3.1+/-1.2. The mean ductus diameter was 3.3+/-0.8 mm. ADO was successfully deployed in 45 patients. Failure occurred in 1 case. The mean diameter of device used was 5.4+/-1.1 mm. No severe complications occurred. At the 1-month echocardiographic follow-up, a small residual shunt was present in 4 of 45 patients and had disappeared in all 4 patients at the 3-month follow-up. One patient developed a moderate degree of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction 2.3 years after the procedure. Transcatheter closure of PDA in infants using the ADO is a safe and effective method.

  1. Paracetamol in Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment: Efficacious and Safe? (United States)

    Bardanzellu, Flaminia; Neroni, Paola; Fanos, Vassilios


    In preterm infants, failure or delay in spontaneous closure of Ductus Arteriosus (DA), resulting in the condition of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA), represents a significant issue. A prolonged situation of PDA can be associated with several short- and long-term complications. Despite years of researches and clinical experience on PDA management, unresolved questions about the treatment and heterogeneity of clinical practices in different centers still remain, in particular regarding timing and modality of intervention. Nowadays, the most reasonable strategy seems to be reserving the treatment only to hemodynamically significant PDA. The first-line therapy is medical, and ibuprofen, related to several side effects especially in terms of nephrotoxicity, is the drug of choice. Administration of oral or intravenous paracetamol (acetaminophen) recently gained attention, appearing effective as traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in PDA closure, with lower toxicity. The results of the studies analyzed in this review mostly support paracetamol efficacy in ductal closure, with inconstant low and transient elevation of liver enzymes as reported side effect. However, more studies are needed to confirm if this therapy shows a real safety profile and to evaluate its long-term outcomes, before considering paracetamol as first-choice drug in PDA treatment. PMID:28828381

  2. Paracetamol in Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment: Efficacious and Safe?

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    Flaminia Bardanzellu


    Full Text Available In preterm infants, failure or delay in spontaneous closure of Ductus Arteriosus (DA, resulting in the condition of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA, represents a significant issue. A prolonged situation of PDA can be associated with several short- and long-term complications. Despite years of researches and clinical experience on PDA management, unresolved questions about the treatment and heterogeneity of clinical practices in different centers still remain, in particular regarding timing and modality of intervention. Nowadays, the most reasonable strategy seems to be reserving the treatment only to hemodynamically significant PDA. The first-line therapy is medical, and ibuprofen, related to several side effects especially in terms of nephrotoxicity, is the drug of choice. Administration of oral or intravenous paracetamol (acetaminophen recently gained attention, appearing effective as traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs in PDA closure, with lower toxicity. The results of the studies analyzed in this review mostly support paracetamol efficacy in ductal closure, with inconstant low and transient elevation of liver enzymes as reported side effect. However, more studies are needed to confirm if this therapy shows a real safety profile and to evaluate its long-term outcomes, before considering paracetamol as first-choice drug in PDA treatment.

  3. Fatores de risco para diárreia persistente em lactentes Risk factors to persistent diarrhea in infants

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    Maria das Graças Moura Lins


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: A diarréia persistente é uma doença multicausal. A análise do risco para o prolongamento do quadro diarréico envolve variáveis ambientais, biológicas e do manejo clínico. OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores de risco para a diarréia persistente em crianças hospitalizadas na fase aguda do quadro diarréico. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: O estudo foi do tipo caso-controle. A amostra consistiu de 216 crianças menores de 24 meses hospitalizadas por diarréia de início abrupto, no Instituto Materno-Infantil de Pernambuco, Recife, PE. O grupo de casos incluiu as crianças com diarréia persistente e o de controles aquelas com diarréia aguda. Foram analisadas variáveis socioeconômicas, biológicas, de morbidade anterior, clínicas e do manejo terapêutico prévio à admissão. Utilizou-se o odds ratio não ajustado e ajustado, com seus respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%, observando-se o nível de significância de 5%. A análise multivariada foi feita através de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: O risco de persistência da diarréia foi maior nas crianças com: disenteria, febre no início do quadro, dieta suspensa e uso de antibiótico à admissão hospitalar. O risco de diarréia persistente foi cerca de três vezes maior para crianças sem geladeira no domicílio e que apresentavam hiperemia perianal ao exame físico na admissão hospitalar, sendo estas as variáveis que apresentaram significância estatística após o ajuste para fatores de confusão. CONCLUSÕES: A melhoria das condições ambientais e o manejo adequado e individualizado da criança hospitalizada por diarréia pode contribuir para a redução da morbidade da doença.BACKGROUND: Persistent diarrhea is a multicausal disease. The analysis of risk factors for persistent diarrhea includes environmental and biological variables as well as therapeutical management. AIM: To identify risk factors for persistent diarrhea among children hospitalized with acute diarrhea


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    Abhijeet M. Dashetwar


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND PDA is an abnormal persistence of a patent lumen in the foetal ductus arteriosus that usually connects the upper descending thoracic aorta with the proximal portion of the left pulmonary artery. The aim of the study is to study the clinical profile of patients with patent ductus arteriosus, role of various investigation modalities, various surgical treatment options available and overall morbidity and mortality. MATERIALS AND METHODS The retrospective study includes 60 cases of patent ductus arteriosus admitted for a period of 5 years. RESULTS The PDA is more common in females with female-to-male ratio of 2.75:1. Premature infants with PDA become symptomatic earlier as compared to full-term infants. Because of the late presentation, majority of the patients were symptomatic in the present study, and in symptomatic patients, symptoms of breathlessness of varying NYHA-class and recurrent respiratory tract infections were the commonest symptoms. Accentuated pulmonary sound, hyperactive precordium, murmur were the most signs. Chest x-ray and ECG are the important investigation in the diagnosis of PDA. Echocardiogram was the most commonly used diagnostic modality and was diagnostic in all cases. Echocardiogram does give an accurate assessment of PDA, but ultimately intraoperative assessment of PDA is the most important to decide about the surgical technique of closure. Chylothorax was seen in 3 patients. The overall mortality in the present study was 3%. CONCLUSION Surgical closure of PDA can be accomplished with low morbidity and mortality

  5. Closure of large patent ductus arteriosus using the Amplatzer Septal Occluder. (United States)

    García-Montes, José A; Camacho-Castro, Anahí; Sandoval-Jones, Juan P; Buendía-Hernández, Alfonso; Calderón-Colmenero, Juan; Patiño-Bahena, Emilia; Zabal, Carlos


    Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus has become the treatment of choice in many centres. In patients with large ducts and pulmonary hypertension, transcatheter closure has been achieved with success using the Amplatzer Duct Occluder or even the Amplatzer Muscular Ventricular Septal Defect Occluder. We present a series of 17 patients with large and hypertensive ductus arteriosus who were treated with an Amplatzer Septal Occluder. The group had 11 female patients (64.7%) and a mean age of 18.6±12.1 years. The haemodynamic and anatomical data are as follows: pulmonary artery systolic pressure 71.3±31.8 mmHg, pulmonary to systemic flow ratio 3.14±1.36, ductal diameter at the pulmonary end 12.5±3.8 mm, and at the aortic end 20.2±7.7 mm; 14 cases (82.3%) had type A ducts. In 11 patients, we began the procedure using a different device - six with duct occluder and five with ventricular septal occluder - and it was changed because of device embolisation in six (35.3%). All septal occluders were delivered successfully. Residual shunt was moderate in six patients (35.3%), mild in eight (47%), trivial in two (11.8%), and no shunt in one (5.9%). Pulmonary systolic pressure decreased to 48.9±10.8 mmHg after occlusion (p=0.0015). Follow-up in 15 patients (88.2%) for 28.4±14.4 months showed complete closure in all cases but one, and continuous decrease of the pulmonary systolic pressure to 31.4±10.5 mmHg. No complications at follow-up have been reported. The Amplatzer Septal Occluder is a good alternative to percutaneously treat large and hypertensive ductus arteriosus.

  6. Chest closure without drainage after open patent ductus arteriosus ligation in Ugandan children: A non blinded randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Kebba, Naomi; Mwambu, Tom; Oketcho, Michael; Izudi, Jonathan; Obuku, Ekwaro A


    There is clinical equipoise regarding post-operative management of patients with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) without insertion of a chest drain. This study evaluated post operative outcomes of chest closure with or without a drain following Patent Ductus Arteriosus ligation among childen at Uganda Heart Instritute (UHI). This was an open label randomized controlled trial of 62 children 12 years of age and below diagnosed with patent ductus arteriosus at Mulago National Teaching and Referral Hospital, Uganda. Participants were randomized in the ratio of 1:1 with surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus to either thoracotomy closure with a chest tube or without a chest tube. All participants received standard care and were monitored hourly for 24 hours then until hospital discharge. The combined primary endpoint consisted of significant pleural space accumulation of fluid or air, higher oxygen need or infection of the surgical site. Analysis was conducted by multivariable logistic regression analysis at 5 % significance level. We enrolled 62 participants, 46 (74 %) of whom were females. Their median age was 12 months (IQR: 8-36). Participants in the no-drain arm significantly had less post-operative complications compared to the drain arm (Unadjusted odds ratio [uOR]: 0.21, 95 % CI: 0.06-0.73, p = 0.015). This "protective effect" remained without statistical significance in the multivariable regression model (Adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 0.07, 95 % CI: 0.00-2.50, p = 0.144). Children aged below 6 years with patent ductus arterious can safely and effectively have thoracotomy closure without using a drain in uncomplicated surgical ligation of the PDA. Chest drain was associated with post-operative complications. The trial was registered in the Pan African Clinical Trials registry on 1st/July/2012, retrospectively registered. Identifier number PACTR201207000395469 .

  7. [Usefulness of brain natriuretic propeptide in the diagnosis and management of patent ductus arteriosus]. (United States)

    Montaner Ramón, Alicia; Galve Pradel, Zenaida; Fernández Espuelas, Cristina; Jiménez Montañés, Lorenzo; Samper Villagrasa, María Pilar; Rite Gracia, Segundo


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a prevalent condition in preterm infants, and may be related to increased morbidity and mortality in the most immature newborns. Recent studies have examined the usefulness of brain natriuretic propeptide (proBNP) in the diagnosis of this pathology. The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of proBNP as a marker of hemodynamic overload in PDA. A retrospective study was conducted on preterm infants less than 32 weeks of gestation and/or weight less than 1500 grams. Echocardiogram and determination of proBNP levels were performed on all patients. Comparison was made by subgroups according to the presence of PDA and their haemodynamic characteristics. Of the 60 patients enrolled, 71.7% had PDA, of which 86% had haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (HS-PDA). All of them, but one, received medical treatment with ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Surgical closure was required in 29.7% of HS-PDA. Higher values of proBNP were found in patients with HS-PDA (33338±34494.47pg/mL; p=.000) compared with patients with closed or non-haemodynamically significant ductus arteriosus. Higher values were also found in patients who required surgical closure of PDA (30596.8±14910.9; p=.004). A greater decrease inproBNP levels was found in the group of patients which duct closure after pharmacological treatment (68±24.69% vs -12.22±99.4%; p=.030). ProBNP cutoff-level for HS-PDA was calculated by ROC curve and it was 9321.5pg/mL (Specificity: 100%, Sensitivity: 94.6%). ProBNP levels are related to the presence or absence of haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus; and its variations with treatment response. High values are also related to the need for surgical closure of PDA. Copyright © 2015 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. Intravenous paracetamol with a lower dose is also effective for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in pre-term infants. (United States)

    Tekgündüz, Kadir Şerafettin; Ceviz, Naci; Caner, İbrahim; Olgun, Haşim; Demirelli, Yaşar; Yolcu, Canan; Şahin, İrfan Oğuz; Kara, Mustafa


    Haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in pre-term infants. This retrospective study was conducted to investigate the usefulness of lower-dose paracetamol for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in pre-term infants. A total of 13 pre-term infants who received intravenous paracetamol because of contrindications or side effects to oral ibuprofen were retrospectively enrolled. In the first patient, the dose regimen was 15 mg/kg/dose, every 6 hours. As the patient developed significant elevation in transaminase levels, the dose was decreased to 10 mg/kg/dose, every 8 hours in the following 12 patients. Echocardiographic examination was conducted daily. In case of closure, it was repeated after 2 days and when needed thereafter in terms of reopening. A total of 13 patients received intravenous paracetamol. Median gestational age was 29 weeks ranging from 24 to 31 weeks and birth weight was 950 g ranging from 470 to 1390 g. The median postnatal age at the first intravenous paracetamol dose was 3 days ranging from 2 to 9 days. In 10 of the 13 patients (76.9%), patent ductus arteriosus was closed at the median 2nd day of intravenous paracetamol ranging from 1 to 4 days. When the patient who developed hepatotoxicity was eliminated, the closure rate was found to be 83.3% (10/12). Intravenous paracetamol may be a useful treatment option for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in pre-term infants with contrindication to ibuprofen. In our experience, lower-dose paracetamol is effective in closing the patent ductus arteriosus in 83.3% of the cases.

  9. Different transcatheter strategies for aortic coarctation associated with patent ductus arteriosus

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    Anil Kumar Singhi


    Conclusions: In coarctation with patent ductus arteriosus associated with good sized aortic isthmus, closure of duct with duct occluder device and balloon aortoplasty would correct the lesions. If there is isthmic hypoplasia, device closure of the duct and stenting of the coarctation is needed. Covered stent is a reasonable alternative only in presence of non dilated descending aorta.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Objective-To assess the medium term results of percutaneous transvenous closure of patent ductus arteriosus, in particular with regard to protrusion of the device with or without turbulence of the bloodflow. Design-Clinical examination and echocardiographic study (cross sectional Doppler, and colour

  11. Frequency of etiological factors leading to patent ductus arteriosus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waheed, I.; Shahbaz, A.


    Background: Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) is developing as major problem in our society. Many studies in Pakistan has been done to analyze the efficacy of surgical procedures but no one tried to find the frequency of factors leading to this problem. Objective: The purpose of this study was to find out the frequency of factors leading to patent ductus arteriosus in children presented at Punjab Institute of Cardiology. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted on 242 patients of PDA who already have been treated during the year 2006 - 2007. They were interviewed on their regular follow up visits. Their operative information was gathered from their files. Results: Mean age of children at time of treatment was 6.12 + 5.203 years. Out of 242 children, there were more female (62.8%) as compared to male (37.2%). In this study, 17.8% children inherited the disease from their close relatives and 105 (43.4%) mothers had some infectious problems during pregnancy. 103 (42.6%) mothers used antibiotics or other drugs during pregnancy. 11 (4.5%) children had Down syndrome. One hundred and thirty seven (56.61%) children had premature birth. Conclusion: Female gender, preterm birth, infection during pregnancy, mother's exposure to drugs and smoking, low birth weight may be etiological factors for development of PDA. (author)

  12. Comparison of effectiveness and cost of patent ductus arteriosus device occlusion versus surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Zulqarnain, Arif; Younas, Muhammad; Waqar, Tariq; Beg, Ahsan; Asma, Touseef; Baig, Mirza Ahmad Raza


    Comparison of effectiveness and cost of transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with surgical ligation of PDA. This retrospective comparative study was conducted in the pediatric cardiology department of Ch. Pervaiz Elahi Institute of Cardiology Multan, Pakistan. Data of 250 patients who underwent patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure either surgical or trans-catheter closure using SHSMA Occluder having weight >5 kg from April 2012 to October 2015 were included in this study. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis. Quantitative variables were compared using independent sample t-test. Chi-square test and fishers exact was used for qualitative variables. P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. There were one hundred and twenty (120) patients who underwent transcatheter occlusion of PDA using SHSMA occluder (PDA Device Group) and one hundred and thirty (130) patients who underwent surgical ligation of PDA (Surgical Group). Incidence of residual shunting was two (1.5%) in surgical group and 0 (0.0%) in PDA Device group for one month follow up period. There were 4 (3.1%) major complications in surgical group. The rate of blood transfusions were high in surgical group (p-value 0.04). Hospital stay time was significantly less in PDA Device group (P-value <0.001). Total procedural cost was 110695+1054 Pakistani rupees in PDA Device group and 92414+3512 in surgical group (p-value <0.001). The cost of PDA device closure was 16.52% higher than the surgical ligation of PDA. There was no operative mortality. The transcatheter closure of PDA is an effective and less invasive method as compared to the surgical ligation. There is a lower rate of complications and the cost is not much high as compared to surgical PDA ligation.

  13. Evaluation of cerebral electrical activity and cardiac output after patent ductus arteriosus ligation in preterm infants.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Leslie, A T F S


    To characterize and investigate the relationship between systemic blood flow and pre- and postoperative cerebral electrical activity in preterm neonates undergoing patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation.

  14. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus: past, present and future. (United States)

    Baruteau, Alban-Elouen; Hascoët, Sébastien; Baruteau, Julien; Boudjemline, Younes; Lambert, Virginie; Angel, Claude-Yves; Belli, Emre; Petit, Jérôme; Pass, Robert


    This review aims to describe the past history, present techniques and future directions in transcatheter treatment of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Transcatheter PDA closure is the standard of care in most cases and PDA closure is indicated in any patient with signs of left ventricular volume overload due to a ductus. In cases of left-to-right PDA with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension, closure may be performed under specific conditions. The management of clinically silent or very tiny PDAs remains highly controversial. Techniques have evolved and the transcatheter approach to PDA closure is now feasible and safe with current devices. Coils and the Amplatzer Duct Occluder are used most frequently for PDA closure worldwide, with a high occlusion rate and few complications. Transcatheter PDA closure in preterm or low-bodyweight infants remains a highly challenging procedure and further device and catheter design development is indicated before transcatheter closure is the treatment of choice in this delicate patient population. The evolution of transcatheter PDA closure from just 40 years ago with 18F sheaths to device delivery via a 3F sheath is remarkable and it is anticipated that further improvements will result in better safety and efficacy of transcatheter PDA closure techniques. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  15. Simultaneous transcatheter closure of intralobar pulmonary sequestration and patent ductus arteriosus in a patient with infantile Scimitar syndrome. (United States)

    Aslan, Eyüp; Tanıdır, İbrahim Cansaran; Saygı, Murat; Onan, Sertaç Hanedan; Güzeltaş, Alper


    Scimitar syndrome is a rare disease associated with a right lung sequestration vascularised by arteries arising from the abdominal aorta and abnormal venous drainage into the inferior vena cava. The infantile form is generally presented with severe heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and respiratory distress. It may be associated with various intracardiac defects, including atrial septal defects, ventricular septal defects, patent ductus arteriosus or more complicated structural congenital heart defects. Here, we present a 2-month-old girl with Scimitar syndrome whose pulmonary arterial pressure decreased after transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure and embolization of the anomalous systemic arterial supply.

  16. Comparison of two dose regimens of ibuprofen for the closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm newborns

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    Laura Vargas Dornelles


    Full Text Available Objective: To compare the efficacy of intravenous ibuprofen at high (20-10-10 mg/kg/dose and low doses (10-5-5 mg/kg/dose the closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm newborns. Methods: A cohort study with historical control of newborns that received high- and low-dose intravenous ibuprofen, from 2010 to 2013 in a neonatal intensive care unit, for closure of the patent ductus arteriosus, documented by echocardiography. Secondary outcomes included the number of ibuprofen cycles, incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, necrotizing enterocolitis, changes in renal function, and death. Results: Seventy-seven patients received three doses of ibuprofen for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus, with 33 receiving high-dose and 44 low-dose therapy. The ductus closed after the first cycle in 25 (56.8% low-dose patients and in 17 (51.5% high-dose patients (p > 0.99. Sixteen patients received a second cycle of ibuprofen, and the ductus closed in 50% after low-dose and in 60% after high-dose therapy (p > 0.99. Seven patients required surgery for ductus closure, 13.6% in the low-dose group and 3% in the high-dose group (p = 0.22. Thirty-nine patients developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 50% in the low-dose group and 51.5% in the high-dose group (p > 0.99. Twenty-two (50% low-dose patients died vs. 15 (45.5% high-dose patients (p = 0.86. Conclusions: There was no difference in closure of the ductus arteriosus or occurrence of adverse effects between the two dose regimens. Resumo: Objetivo: Comparar a eficácia do ibuprofeno endovenoso em doses altas (20, 10 e 10 mg/kg/dose e em doses baixas (10, 5 e 5 mg/kg/dose para o fechamento do canal arterial em recém-nascidos pré-termo. Métodos: Estudo de coorte com controle histórico pesquisando recém-nascidos que receberam ibuprofeno endovenoso, no período de 2010 à 2013 na unidade de internação neonatal, em doses altas e baixas para o fechamento do canal arterial, documentado por

  17. Spontaneous Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Infants ≤1500 g. (United States)

    Semberova, Jana; Sirc, Jan; Miletin, Jan; Kucera, Jachym; Berka, Ivan; Sebkova, Sylva; O'Sullivan, Sinead; Franklin, Orla; Stranak, Zbynek


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) remains a challenging issue in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants, and its management varies widely. Our aim in this study was to document the natural course of ductus arteriosus in a cohort of VLBW infants who underwent conservative PDA management with no medical or surgical intervention. A retrospective cohort study conducted in 2 European level-3 neonatal units. A total of 368 VLBW infants were born within the study period. Two hundred and ninety-seven infants were free of congenital malformations or heart defects and survived to hospital discharge. Out of those, 280 infants received truly conservative PDA management. In 237 (85%) of nontreated infants, the PDA closed before hospital discharge. The Kaplan-Meier model was used to document the incidence proportion of PDA closure over time for different gestational age groups. The median time to ductal closure was 71, 13, 8, and 6 days in closure before hospital discharge and neonatal morbidities. The likelihood of PDA spontaneous closure in VLBW infants is extremely high. We provide in our findings a platform for future placebo-controlled trials focused on the smallest and youngest infants. Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  18. Combined perventricular septal defect closure and patent ductus arteriosus ligation via the lower ministernotomy approach. (United States)

    Voitov, Alexey; Omelchenko, Alexander; Gorbatykh, Yuriy; Bogachev-Prokophiev, Alexander; Karaskov, Alexander


    Over the past decade, minimally invasive approaches have been advocated for surgical correction of congenital defects to reduce costs related to hospitalization and for improved cosmesis. Minimal skin incisions and partial sternotomy reduce surgical trauma, however these techniques might not be successful in treating a number of congenital pathological conditions, particularly for combined congenital defects. We focused on cases with a combined presentation of ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus. We studied 12 infants who successfully underwent surgical treatment for a combined single-stage ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus closure through a lower ministernotomy without using cardiopulmonary bypass and X-rays. No intraoperative and early postoperative complications or mortality were noted. Postoperative echocardiography did not reveal residual shunts. The proposed technique is safe and reproducible in infants. © Crown copyright 2017.

  19. A rare case of acyanotic congenital heart disease, large patent ductus arteriosus with pre-ductal coarctation of descending thoracic aorta with patent ductus arteriosus closure and extra anatomical bypass grafting. (United States)

    Wani, Zara; Tiwari, Deepak; Gehlot, Rajeev; Kumar, Deepak; Chhabra, Sushil; Sharma, Meenaxi


    We report a case of 18-year-old female patient with large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)-preductal coarctation of descending thoracic aorta. She underwent large PDA closure with a prosthetic graft from ascending aorta to descending thoracic aorta by mid-sternotomy on cardiopulmonary bypass machine under total hypothermic circulatory arrest.

  20. Results of duct-occlud or nit-occlud device occlusion of patent ductus arteriousus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Aiqing; Gao Wei; Yu Zhiqing; Li Feng; Wang Rongfa


    Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occlusion with the Duct-Occlud or Nit-Occlud device. Methods: All 68 patients with PDA (less than 4 mm minimum diameter) underwent percutaneous Duct-Occlud or Nit-Occlud coil occlusion in the Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Children's Medical Center between April 1997 and December 2001. The mean age was 5.5 ± 2.8 years (range, 1.5 to 12 years); mean weight was 13.9 ± 9.8 kg (range, 11.0 to 59.0 kg). The mean minimum diameter of the PDA was 1.63 ± 0.62 mm (range, 0.5-3.8 mm). Standard right and left retrograde heart catheterization were performed and followed by coil occlusion. A 4Fr or 5Fr catheter was used for coil deployment. Results: All patients had successful implantation of Duct-Occlud or Nit-Occlud devices. Patients follow-up evaluations were conducted at hospital discharge and after 3, 6 months and 1 year. At the discharge day and 1 year later, all patients showed complete PDA closure by color flow echo Doppler imaging. The hospitalization were only 5 days. At a median follow-up interval of 3.5 years (1 month to 4.6 years), there were no hemolysis, coil migration, delayed recanalization, thromboembolic episodes, or bacterial endocarditis. Conclusions: Because of the specifically designed coil with coincidental geometry of the ductus arteriosus, so transcatheter closure of PDA with the Duct-Occlud device is safe and effective for the closure of small-to-moderate-size patient ductus arteriosus. Utilization of Nit-Occlud is limited, but somewhat useful for large PDAs which is needed to be further investigated

  1. Results of duct-occlud or nit-occlud device occlusion of patent ductus arteriousus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aiqing, Zhou; Wei, Gao; Zhiqing, Yu; Feng, Li; Rongfa, Wang [Shanghai Second Medical Univ., Shanghai (China). Shanghai Xinhua Hospital


    Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occlusion with the Duct-Occlud or Nit-Occlud device. Methods: All 68 patients with PDA (less than 4 mm minimum diameter) underwent percutaneous Duct-Occlud or Nit-Occlud coil occlusion in the Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Children's Medical Center between April 1997 and December 2001. The mean age was 5.5 {+-} 2.8 years (range, 1.5 to 12 years); mean weight was 13.9 {+-} 9.8 kg (range, 11.0 to 59.0 kg). The mean minimum diameter of the PDA was 1.63 {+-} 0.62 mm (range, 0.5-3.8 mm). Standard right and left retrograde heart catheterization were performed and followed by coil occlusion. A 4Fr or 5Fr catheter was used for coil deployment. Results: All patients had successful implantation of Duct-Occlud or Nit-Occlud devices. Patients follow-up evaluations were conducted at hospital discharge and after 3, 6 months and 1 year. At the discharge day and 1 year later, all patients showed complete PDA closure by color flow echo Doppler imaging. The hospitalization were only 5 days. At a median follow-up interval of 3.5 years (1 month to 4.6 years), there were no hemolysis, coil migration, delayed recanalization, thromboembolic episodes, or bacterial endocarditis. Conclusions: Because of the specifically designed coil with coincidental geometry of the ductus arteriosus, so transcatheter closure of PDA with the Duct-Occlud device is safe and effective for the closure of small-to-moderate-size patient ductus arteriosus. Utilization of Nit-Occlud is limited, but somewhat useful for large PDAs which is needed to be further investigated.

  2. Symptomatic aneurysm of ductus arteriosus in neonates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koneti, Nageswara R; Kanchi, Vasudevan; Kandraju, Hemasree; Jaishankar, S


    Four neonates presented within 24 hours of birth with stridor, respiratory distress and a weak cry. Clinical examination of the cardiovascular system revealed no abnormality. The transthoracic echocardiogram showed large aneurysm of ductus arteriosus at the aortic isthmus, tapering to a small tortuous channel at the site of pulmonary artery insertion. Computerized tomography scan performed in two of the neonates demonstrated considerable compression of adjacent thoracic structures. One required surgical excision due to persistence of symptoms. Serial echocardiograms in the remaining three babies showed transition through various stages of resolution over a period of 6 weeks to 3 months, resulting in the obliteration of the aneurysm. All babies are doing well during the follow-up

  3. Symptomatic aneurysm of ductus arteriosus in neonates

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    Nageswara R Koneti


    Full Text Available Four neonates presented within 24 hours of birth with stridor, respiratory distress and a weak cry. Clinical examination of the cardiovascular system revealed no abnormality. The transthoracic echocardiogram showed large aneurysm of ductus arteriosus at the aortic isthmus, tapering to a small tortuous channel at the site of pulmonary artery insertion. Computerized tomography scan performed in two of the neonates demonstrated considerable compression of adjacent thoracic structures. One required surgical excision due to persistence of symptoms. Serial echocardiograms in the remaining three babies showed transition through various stages of resolution over a period of 6 weeks to 3 months, resulting in the obliteration of the aneurysm. All babies are doing well during the follow-up.

  4. The Effects of Oral Ibuprofen on Medicinal Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Full-Term Neonates in the Second Postnatal Week. (United States)

    Alipour, Mohammad Reza; Mozaffari Shamsi, Mansooreh; Namayandeh, Seyedeh Mahdieh; Pezeshkpour, Zohreh; Rezaeipour, Fatemeh; Sarebanhassanabadi, Mohammadtaghi


    The arterial ductus is a major communicative pathway which is naturally patent in the fetus, connecting the body of the major pulmonary artery to the descending aorta. Although usually closing on its own, the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) may remain open in the second postnatal week due to a lack of prompt diagnosis in the initial days of life or an absence of prompt treatment. To prevent the untoward sequelae of patency of the ductus arteriosus, and to avoid invasive surgery at higher ages, the researchers in the present study embarked on determining the effects of oral ibuprofen during the second postnatal week on newborns with patent ductus arteriosus. In this study, 70 neonates aged eight to 14 days, presenting at Khatam-al-Anbia clinic and the NICU ward of Shahid Sadoughi hospital in Yazd, Iran, who were diagnosed with PDA through auscultation of heart murmurs and echocardiography, were randomly assigned to two groups. The experimental group received oral ibuprofen of 10 mg/kg in day 1, 5 mg/kg in day 2, and 5 mg/kg in day 3 administered by their parents. The control group did not receive any drug. Parents were informed of the potential drug complications and side effects and asked to report them to the researchers if any occurred. After intervention, the patent ductus arteriosus was closed in 62.9% of the neonates in the experimental group (35 newborns) who received oral ibuprofen, while it was closed in 54.3% of the control neonates (35 newborns) who did not receive any drug (P = 0.628). No complications were observed in either of the neonatal groups. Our findings showed that administration of oral ibuprofen had no significant effect on the medicinal closure of PDA in full-term neonates during the second postnatal week.

  5. Multicenter Off-Label Use of Nit-Occlud Coil in Retrograde Closure of Small Patent Ductus Arteriosus. (United States)

    Zanjani, Keyhan Sayadpour; Sobhy, Rodina; El-Kaffas, Rania; El-Sisi, Amal


    We studied the safety and efficacy of closing patent ductus arteriosus by Nit-Occlud coils via retrograde approach. This is a retrospective study of 46 attempts to close ducts by this method in two hospitals in Egypt and Iran. Ductus arteriosus was crossed by left or right Judkins or endhole catheters. The coil was delivered via the same catheter or the provided endhole catheter after exchange. The procedure was successful in 42 out of 46 attempts. Fluoroscopy and procedural times were significantly shorter when the catheter was not exchanged. This method is effective and safe for the closure of small ducts. Crossing the duct and delivering the coil by a left Judkins catheter is the easiest and fastest way to perform this method.

  6. In utero premature closure of the ductus arteriosus presenting as isolated right ventricular hypertrophy. (United States)

    Long, Webb E; Wilson, Allen D; Srinivasan, Shardha; Seeger, Kimberly J; Maginot, Kathleen R


    The etiology of isolated right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is distinct from other forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. RVH is typically seen in the setting of pulmonary valve stenosis or Tetralogy of Fallot. A rare cause of isolated RVH is premature closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in utero that results in pulmonary hypertension. This can have a range of outcomes, from spontaneous resolution to fetal demise. This case report describes a term infant who presented with respiratory distress and striking isolated RVH, pulmonary hypertension, and no PDA. She was treated conservatively with supplemental oxygen. The patient was gradually weaned off oxygen over the course of two weeks and follow-up echocardiography showed resolution of her RVH and pulmonary hypertension by 14 weeks of age. The presentation and course of this patient with severe isolated RVH is consistent with spontaneous premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in utero.

  7. A rare case of acyanotic congenital heart disease, large patent ductus arteriosus with pre-ductal coarctation of descending thoracic aorta with patent ductus arteriosus closure and extra anatomical bypass grafting

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    Zara Wani


    Full Text Available We report a case of 18-year-old female patient with large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA-preductal coarctation of descending thoracic aorta. She underwent large PDA closure with a prosthetic graft from ascending aorta to descending thoracic aorta by mid-sternotomy on cardiopulmonary bypass machine under total hypothermic circulatory arrest.

  8. Comparison of oral and intravenous Ibuprofen for medical closure of patent ductus arteriosus: which one is better? (United States)

    Olukman, Ozgur; Calkavur, Sebnem; Ercan, Gulten; Atlihan, Fusun; Oner, Taliha; Tavli, Vedide; Kultursay, Nilgun


    Intravenous ibuprofen is an expensive drug that is being used currently for treating and preventing patent ductus arteriosus. Although oral ibuprofen is much cheaper, there is limited data published about its safety and efficacy. The aim of this study was to compare two forms of ibuprofen in terms of safety and efficacy in closure of patent ductus arteriosus. This is a single-center retrospective study. Data were collected from patients' files of preterm infants who were hospitalized at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Behcet Uz Children's Hospital between April 2009 and June 2010. Six hundred sixty infants were evaluated by echocardiography between 24 and 48 postnatal hours. Clinically and hemodynamically significant ductus arteriosus was defined in 66 infants with gestational age less than 32 weeks and birth weight less than 1500 g. Oral or intravenous ibuprofen (loading dose: 10 mg/kg on day 1, followed by maintenance dose: 5 mg/kg on days 2 and 3) was administered. Treatment success was defined as a completely closed duct without reopening on follow-up. Drug-associated renal, gastrointestinal, cerebral, hematological, and metabolic side effects were monitored and compared between treatment groups. Ductal closure rates were 100% and 97.6%, respectively, in the oral and intravenous groups. Hypernatremia was the remarkable side effect in the intravenous group, whereas bronchopulmonary dysplasia and septicemia were prominent in the oral group. No statistically significant difference could be demonstrated between the groups in terms of mortality rates. Oral ibuprofen therapy is as efficacious as intravenous ibuprofen with some concerns about increased sepsis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia incidence. However, comprehensive and large-scale pharmacokinetic studies are required in order to prove this efficacy. On the other hand, intravenous ibuprofen still remains to be the drug of choice for patent ductus arteriosus but only with meticulous control of serum

  9. [Factors influencing the prognosis of patent ductus arteriosus in very low birth weight infants]. (United States)

    Wang, Chen-Hong; Shi, Li-Ping; Ma, Xiao-Lu; Luo, Fang; Chen, Zheng; Lin, Hui-Jia; DU, Li-Zhong


    To investigate the factors influencing the prognosis of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. A total of 194 VLBW infants who were admitted from January 2012 to December 2014 were enrolled as study subjects. According to cardiac ultrasound findings and treatment outcome, these infants were divided into non-PDA group, spontaneous closure group, pharmaceutical closure group, and surgical closure group. Their clinical and echocardiographic characteristics were analyzed. The spontaneous closure rate of PDA was 58.7%. The spontaneous closure group showed significantly higher gestational age, birth weight, and proportion of small-for-gestational-age infants than the pharmaceutical and surgical closure groups (Pclosure groups had a significantly higher incidence rate of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome and a significantly higher proportion of infants who were given pulmonary surfactant (PS) than the spontaneous closure group (Pclosure group had a significantly smaller ductus arteriosus diameter than the pharmaceutical and surgical closure groups (Pductus arteriosus diameter at 48 hours were significantly associated with the prognosis of PDA. The major transductal flow pattern in the spontaneous closure group was closing pattern, while in the pharmaceutical and surgical closure groups, the main flow patterns were pulmonary hypertension and growing patterns within 48 hours and growing pattern on days 4 and 7. The VLBW infants have a high spontaneous closure rate of PDA. A decreased closure rate of PDA is associated with the lower gestational age and the application of PS. PDA with a large ductus arteriosus diameter and a growing or pulsatile flow pattern cannot easily achieve spontaneous closure.

  10. Patent Ductus Arteriosus Associated with Congenital Anomaly of Coronary Artery


    Maleki, Majid; Azizian, Nassrin; Esmaeilzadeh, Maryam; Moradi, Bahieh


    We reported a case of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with congenital anomaly of coronary arteries as abnormal origin of right coronary artery (RCA) and left coronary artery (LCA) from a single ostium of the right coronary sinus. A 21-year-old man referred to our institution for evaluation of cardiac murmur. He has suffered from palpitation and atypical chest pain for three months. On physical examination, a continuous murmur was heard in the second left parasternal space. Transthoracic echoca...

  11. Interventional Closure of a Patent Ductus Arteriosus Using an Amplatz Canine Duct Occluder in an Alpaca Cria. (United States)

    Chapel, E C; Lozier, J; Lakritz, J; Schober, K E


    A 6-month old female alpaca cria presented to The Ohio State University for evaluation of a cardiac murmur. Echocardiography revealed a left-to-right shunting patent ductus arteriosus, a restrictive left-to-right shunting perimembranous ventricular septal defect, and secondary moderate left atrial and ventricular dilation. Aortic root angiography demonstrated a type IIA patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Interventional closure of the PDA was successfully performed, without complication, using an Amplatz canine duct occluder. This case report describes the materials and methods used for interventional closure of a PDA in an alpaca cria. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  12. [Closure of wide patent ductus arteriosus using a fenestrated muscular VSD occluder device in a pediatric patient with Down syndrome and pulmonary hypertension]. (United States)

    Güvenç, Osman; Saygı, Murat; Demir, İbrahim Halil; Ödemiş, Ender


    Patients with wide patent ductus arteriosus and significant pulmonary hypertension not treated in time constitute a significant problem for cardiologists. For these patients, tests that could aid in decision-making for further planning include reversibility and balloon occlusion tests performed in the catheterization laboratory. Devices developed for the closure of ductus as well as different devices with off-label use may be employed in patients scheduled for transcatheter occlusion. When result of reversibility test is borderline positive, the use of fenestrated device may be applicable for selected patients. Presently described is case of a 10-year-old patient with Down syndrome who had a wide ductus and systemic pulmonary hypertension. Transcatheter closure procedure was performed with off-label use of a fenestrated muscular ventricular septal defect occluder device.

  13. Anatomic, histopathologic, and echocardiographic features in a dog with an atypical pulmonary valve stenosis with a fibrous band of tissue and a patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Yoon, Hakyoung; Kim, Jaehwan; Nahm, Sang-Soep; Eom, Kidong


    Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis and patent ductus arteriosus are common congenital heart defects in dogs. However, concurrence of atypical pulmonary valve stenosis and patent ductus arteriosus is uncommon. This report describes the anatomic, histopathologic, and echocardiographic features in a dog with concomitant pulmonary valve stenosis and patent ductus arteriosus with atypical pulmonary valve dysplasia that included a fibrous band of tissue. A 1.5-year-old intact female Chihuahua dog weighing 3.3 kg presented with a continuous grade VI cardiac murmur, poor exercise tolerance, and an intermittent cough. Echocardiography indicated pulmonary valve stenosis, a thickened dysplastic valve without annular hypoplasia, and a type IIA patent ductus arteriosus. The pulmonary valve was thick line-shaped in systole and dome-shaped towards the right ventricular outflow tract in diastole. The dog suffered a fatal cardiac arrest during an attempted balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty. Necropsy revealed pulmonary valve dysplasia, commissural fusion, and incomplete opening and closing of the pulmonary valve because of a fibrous band of tissue causing adhesion between the right ventricular outflow tract and the dysplastic intermediate cusp of the valve. A fibrous band of tissue between the right ventricular outflow track and the pulmonary valve should be considered as a cause of pulmonary valve stenosis. Pulmonary valve stenosis and patent ductus arteriosus can have conflicting effects on diastolic and systolic dysfunction, respectively. Therefore, beta-blockers should always be used carefully, particularly in patients with a heart defect where there is concern about left ventricular systolic function.

  14. Identificação de fatores de risco pré-operatórios para disfagia pós-operatória persistente após cirurgia laparoscópica para doença do refluxo gastroesofágico


    Ribeiro,Maxwel Capsy Boga; Tercioti-Júnior,Valdir; Souza-Neto,João Coelho de; Lopes,Luiz Roberto; Morais,Drausio Jefferson; Andreollo,Nelson Adami


    RACIONAL: Disfagia no pós-operatório é comum após a operação anti-refluxo. No entanto, uma parte dos pacientes relatam disfagia persistente, e técnica cirúrgica inadequada é uma causa bem documentada deste resultado. OBJETIVO: Este estudo retrospectivo avaliou os fatores de risco no pré-operatório para a disfagia persistente após operação anti-refluxo por via laparoscópica. MÉTODOS: Pacientes submetidos à operação anti-refluxo por via laparoscópica pela técnica de Nissen modificada foram aval...

  15. Left-Sided Patent Ductus Arteriosus in a Right-Sided Aortic Arch

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ming-Yen Ng


    Full Text Available We present a 31-year-old female with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (TOF and right-sided aortic arch (RAA with left-sided patent ductus arteriosus (PDA originating from the left brachiocephalic artery. This is a rare finding but most common site for a PDA in TOF and a RAA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of this rare finding on MRI in the literature.

  16. Sintomatología persistente en trabajadores industrialmente expuestos a plaguicidas organofosforados Persistent symptomatology in workers industrially exposed to organophosphate pesticides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha Edilia Palacios-Nava


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Describir los patrones de ocurrencia de sintomatología persistente en trabajadores industrialmente expuestos a plaguicidas organofosforados. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y observacional. Se aplicó un cuestionario a las autoridades de la empresa y otro a 89 trabajadores a quienes se les determinó el nivel de colinesterasa sanguínea con los métodos Magnotti y Lovibond. Para la descripción de la información se elaboraron tasas, medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. Para evaluar la diferencia entre grupos se utilizó la prueba ji² y se calculó razón de momios. Resultados. La prevalencia de sintomatología persistente fue de 6.3 por cada 10 trabajadores; 50% tuvo seis síntomas o más. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el riesgo de padecer sintomatología persistente de acuerdo con la edad, antigüedad, área de trabajo y puesto. No obstante, las proporciones más altas de síntomas se encontraron en los trabajadores de 31 a 40 años de edad, con 6 a 13 años de antigüedad en la fábrica, en el área de mantenimiento y en los puestos de obrero general y supervisor. En los 13 trabajadores que tuvieron antecedentes de intoxicación previa, la prevalencia de sintomatología persistente fue de 6.9 contra 6.1 de los que nunca se habían intoxicado. El riesgo de intoxicación aguda previa entre quienes tenían más de 14 años de antigüedad en la empresa fue cuatro veces mayor que el de aquellos con menos de 14 años (pObjective. To describe the patterns of persistent symptomatology in workers industrially exposed to organophosphate pesticides. Material and Methods. An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed. A questionnaire was applied to managers of a factory and to 89 workers, whose erythrocytic cholinesterase level was measured with the Magnotti and Lovibond method. Information is described through rates, central tendency

  17. Causas y tratamiento del neumotórax persistente y recidivante Causes and treatment of persistent and recurrent pneumothorax

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orestes Noel Mederos Curbelo


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El neumotórax espontáneo simple es causado, en general, por la rotura de una pequeña zona debilitada del pulmón. Un neumotórax recidivante puede causar una incapacidad considerable. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal de los pacientes con neumotórax persistente y recidivante, atendidos en el Hospital Universitario «Comandante Manuel Fajardo» en el período de 1988 a 2006. Se analizaron las causas del neumotórax y los resultados de su tratamiento. El universo de estudio fueron todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de neumotórax (225 pacientes, entre los cuales se seleccionó a los diagnosticados de neumotórax persistente o recidivante (42 en total. Todos los pacientes fueron atendidos siguiendo un algoritmo de trabajo del servicio de cirugía del hospital. RESULTADOS. Las bullas fueron la causa fundamental en el neumotórax recidivante y las vesículas subpleurales, en los persistentes. En los neumotórax persistentes se mantuvo la sonda de aspiración hasta el quinto día en el 71 % de los casos, hasta 5 a 7 días en el 23 % y por más de 7 días en el 6 %. Se utilizó la vía axilar para la incisión y se realizó resección atípica o reglada con pleurectomía parietal o abrasión, que tuvo un 100 % de efectividad. La mortalidad quirúrgica fue nula. CONCLUSIONES. Los cuidados de la sonda de pleurotomía y la aspiración continua controlada son pilares en el tratamiento primario del neumotórax. Después de 5 días sin lograr la reexpansión pulmonar y si existe un segundo neumotórax, debe siempre valorarse el tratamiento definitivo por toracotomía. Debe considerarse la pleurectomía parietal como el proceder de elección en los pacientes con reserva cardiorrespiratoria adecuada. Un buen sistema de aspiración de drenaje hace que no sea necesaria una segunda intervención y disminuye las posibilidades de complicacionesINTRODUCTION. The simple spontaneous pneumothorax is

  18. Echocardiography for patent ductus arteriosus including closure in adults. (United States)

    Chugh, Reema; Salem, Morris M


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) represents at least 5-10% of all congenital heart defects (CHDs) making it a very important commonly diagnosed lesion. Although spontaneous closure of the PDA occurs within 24 to 48 hours after birth in the majority, those children who do not have natural or surgical closure may have a persistent PDA into adulthood. The diagnosis is most often confirmed by echocardiography that also guides catheter-based interventions and surgeries. Echocardiography continues to be the most important tool in long-term follow-up of residua and sequelae. © 2014, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Indomethacin (Indo) is commonly used for treatment of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) but has renal failure as a main side effect. Aspirin (ASA) is an alternative, but there are no controlled trials on its efficacy. We randomly assigned 75 premature infants suffering from respiratory distress

  20. Recovery of vocal fold immobility following isolated patent ductus arteriosus ligation. (United States)

    Nichols, Brent G; Jabbour, Jad; Hehir, David A; Ghanayem, Nancy S; Beste, David; Martin, Timothy; Woods, Ronald; Robey, Thomas


    Identify laryngoscopic and functional outcomes of infants with vocal fold immobility (VFI) following patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation and identify predictors of recovery. Retrospective review of patients with VFI following PDA ligation from 2001 to 2012 at a single institution. Inclusion criteria were: (1) PDA ligation as only cardiac surgical procedure; (2) left VFI documented by laryngoscopy; (3) minimum follow up 120 days, with at least 2 laryngoscopies performed. Resolution of VFI was determined at follow-up laryngoscopy. Univariate logistic regression models were used to identify variables associated with VFI recovery. 66 subjects were included with median follow up of 3.0 (± 2.1) years. The mean gestational age was 24.5 ± 1.4 weeks, mean birth weight 673 ± 167 g, and mean age at procedure was 18.6 ± 14.3 days. Patients presented with respiratory symptoms (39%), dysphonia (78%) and dysphagia (55%). Resolution of VFI was observed in 2/66 (3%) patients. Recovery was documented at 20 days and 11 months respectively. Respiratory symptoms, dysphagia, and dysphonia persisted at last follow up in 11%, 47%, and 20% of patients. VFI associated with ligation of the ductus arteriosus has a low rate of recovery. Clinical symptoms frequently persist, and as such regular follow-up by otolaryngologists to mitigate morbidity is indicated. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. A case of coarctation of the aorta associated with the patent ductus arteriosus and the persistent left superior vena cava

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Yoo Keun [Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    This is a case report of multiple congenital vascular anomalies in which coarctation of the aorta combined with the patent ductus arteriosus and the persistent left superior vena cava. The patient was a 15 year old girl and congenital heart disease was suspected during infancy. However, she heard the disease incurable, so she had been well with herb medicine until admission in our hospital. By physical examination and roentgenological studies including aortography, the diagnosis of the patent ductus arteriosus was detected and the coarctation of the aorta was suspected. The persistent left superior vena cava was found during surgery and it was proved roentgenologically by venography.

  2. Hypotension following patent ductus arteriosus ligation: The role of adrenal hormones


    Clyman, RI; Wickremasinghe, A; Merritt, TA; Solomon, T; McNamara, P; Jain, A; Singh, J; Chu, A; Noori, S; Sekar, K; Lavoie, PM; Attridge, JT; Swanson, JR; Gillam-Krakauer, M; Reese, J


    Objective To test the hypothesis that an impaired adrenal response to stress might play a role in the hypotension that follows patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation. Study design We performed a multicenter study of infants born at < 32 weeks' gestation who were about to undergo PDA ligation. Serum adrenal steroids were measured 3 times: before and after a cosyntropin (1.0 μg/kg) stimulation test (performed before the ligation), and at 10-12 hours after the ligation. A standardized approach...

  3. Multidetector-row computed tomography of thoracic aortic anomalies in dogs and cats: Patent ductus arteriosus and vascular rings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nolte Ingo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Diagnosis of extracardiac intrathoracic vascular anomalies is of clinical importance, but remains challenging. Traditional imaging modalities, such as radiography, echocardiography, and angiography, are inherently limited by the difficulties of a 2-dimensional approach to a 3-dimensional object. We postulated that accurate characterization of malformations of the aorta would benefit from 3-dimensional assessment. Therefore, multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT was chosen as a 3-dimensional, new, and noninvasive imaging technique. The purpose of this study was to evaluate patients with 2 common diseases of the intrathoracic aorta, either patent ductus arteriosus or vascular ring anomaly, by contrast-enhanced 64-row computed tomography. Results Electrocardiography (ECG-gated and thoracic nongated MDCT images were reviewed in identified cases of either a patent ductus arteriosus or vascular ring anomaly. Ductal size and morphology were determined in 6 dogs that underwent ECG-gated MDCT. Vascular ring anomalies were characterized in 7 dogs and 3 cats by ECG-gated MDCT or by a nongated thoracic standard protocol. Cardiac ECG-gated MDCT clearly displayed the morphology, length, and caliber of the patent ductus arteriosus in 6 affected dogs. Persistent right aortic arch was identified in 10 animals, 8 of which showed a coexisting aberrant left subclavian artery. A mild dilation of the proximal portion of the aberrant subclavian artery near its origin of the aorta was present in 4 dogs, and a diverticulum analogous to the human Kommerell's diverticulum was present in 2 cats. Conclusions Contrast-enhanced MDCT imaging of thoracic anomalies gives valuable information about the exact aortic arch configuration. Furthermore, MDCT was able to characterize the vascular branching patterns in dogs and cats with a persistent right aortic arch and the morphology and size of the patent ductus arteriosus in affected dogs. This additional

  4. Modern treatment of patent ductus arteriosus – single center experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Senka Mesihović Dinarević


    Full Text Available  Introduction: Transcatheter closure is a treatment choice for the most children with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA. The closure of the ductus is indicated in any child or adolescent with developed symptoms of significant L-R shunt. The aim of this article is to present our results in 5 years treatment of patients with PDA and their outcome. Methods: From 2009 to 2014, 30 patients underwent a transcatheter closure of PDA at Centre for Heart and Pediatric clinic of Clinical University Centre of Sarajevo. Aortic angiogram was performed to evaluate the size, position, and shape of the duct for selection of appropriate occluder device type and size. All procedures were performed by local team of cardiologists from the Department of Cardiology, Pediatric clinic, with invasive cardiologists team from Sweden and Austria. Echocardiography was repeated at intervals of 24 hours, then 1month, 3 months, and 1 year after the procedure to assess the outcome. Results: Thirty patients underwent transcatheter closure of PDA during the study period. PDA of ≤ 2.0 mm was present in 8 patients and they underwent PDA closure with coils, while 22 patients had PDA diameter  ≥ 2 mm, and they were treated by Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO. Only in 2 (6.2% patients complications have been observed. The length of hospital stay after the treatment was two to three days. Conclusion: Transcatheter closure of PDA is a modern, safe and efficient method that ensures a faster recovery of the patients, shortens the length of hospitalization.

  5. Relationship between interatrial communication, ductus arteriosus, and pulmonary flow patterns in fetuses with transposition of the great arteries: prediction of neonatal desaturation. (United States)

    Vaujois, Laurence; Boucoiran, Isabelle; Preuss, Christophe; Brassard, Myriam; Houde, Christine; Fouron, Jean C; Raboisson, Marie-Josée


    The relationship between interatrial communication, ductus arteriosus, and pulmonary flow in transposition of the great arteries and intact ventricular septum may help predict postnatal desaturation. Echocardiographic data of 45 fetuses with transposition of the great arteries and intact ventricular septum and 50 age-matched controls were retrospectively reviewed. Interatrial communication, left and right ventricular output, flow in the ductus arteriosus, as well as effective pulmonary flow were measured. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of postnatal saturations: group 1 had saturations ⩽50% and group 2 >50%. Of 45 fetuses, 13 (26.7%) were classified into group 1. Compared with fetuses in group 2, they had a smaller interatrial communication (2.9 versus 4.0 mm, p=0.004) and more retrograde diastolic flow in the ductus arteriosus (92 versus 23%, p=0.002). Both groups showed a significant decrease in ductal flow compared with controls. Patients in group 2 had a higher effective pulmonary flow compared with controls. There was a mild correlation between left ventricular output and size of the interatrial communication (Spearman's rank correlation 0.44). A retrograde diastolic flow is present in most of the fetuses with postnatal desaturation. Fetuses with transposition of the great arteries have a lower flow through the ductus arteriosus compared with controls. Fetuses without restrictive foramen ovale have higher effective pulmonary flow. Peripheral pulmonary vasodilatation due to higher oxygen saturation in pulmonary arteries in the case of transposition of the great arteries could be one possible cause.

  6. Using benchmarking to identify inter-centre differences in persistent ductus arteriosus treatment: can we improve outcome?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, E.J.; Dijkman, K.P.; Lingen, R.A. van; Vries, W.B. de; Vijlbrief, D.C.; Boode, W.P. de; Andriessen, P.


    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify inter-centre differences in persistent ductus arteriosus treatment and their related outcomes. Materials and methods We carried out a retrospective, multicentre study including infants between 24+0 and 27+6 weeks of gestation in the period between

  7. Using benchmarking to identify inter-centre differences in persistent ductus arteriosus treatment : can we improve outcome?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, Esther J. S.; Dijkman, Koen P.; Van Lingen, Richard A.; de Vries, Willem B; Vijlbrief, Daniel C; de Boode, Willem P; Andriessen, Peter


    Objective: The aim of this study was to identify inter-centre differences in persistent ductus arteriosus treatment and their related outcomes. Materials and methods: We carried out a retrospective, multicentre study including infants between 24+0 and 27+6 weeks of gestation in the period between

  8. Pulmonary artery closure in combination with patch technique for treating congenital heart disease combined with large patent ductus arteriosus: A clinical study of 9 cases. (United States)

    Wen, Bing; Yang, Junya; Liu, Huiruo; Jiao, Zhouyang; Zhao, Wenzeng


    To document clinical experience of treating congenital heart disease combined with large patent ductus arteriosus with pulmonary artery closure in combination with patch technique. Thirty-six patients (8 males and 28 females) who suffered from congenital heart disease and underwent hybrid surgery in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from October 2010 to February 2014 were selected for this study. They aged 14 to 39 years and weighed 32.20 to 61.50 kg. Diameter of arterial duct was between 10 mm and 13 mm; 28 cases were tube type, 4 cases were funnel type and four cases were window type. All patients had moderate or severe pulmonary arterial hypertension; besides, there were 28 cases of ventricular septal defect, 16 cases of atrial septal defect, eight cases of aortic insufficiency, four cases of mitral stenosis and insufficiency and four cases of infectious endocarditis. Cardz Pulmonary Bypass (CPB) was established after chest was opened along the middle line. With the help of Transesophageal echocardiography, large patent ductus arteriosus was blocked off through pulmonary artery. Pulmonary artery was cut apart after blocking of heart. Large patent ductus arteriosus on the side of pulmonary artery was strengthened with autologous pericardial patch. Of 36 patients, 32 patients had patent ductus arteriosus closure device and four patients had atrial septal defect closure device. Pulmonary arteries of 36 cases were all successfully closed. Systolic pressure declined after closure ((54.86±19.23) mmHg vs (96.05±23.07) mmHg, pclosure ((39.15±14.83) mmHg vs (72.88±15.76) mmHg, ppatent ductus arteriosus and congenital heart disease, which decreases surgical problems, shortens surgical time and lowers the incidence of complications.

  9. Should we definitively abandon prophylaxis for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm new-borns?


    Fanos,Vassilios; Pusceddu,Michele; Dessì,Angelica; Marcialis,Maria Antonietta


    Although the prophylactic administration of indomethacin in extremely low-birth weight infants reduces the frequency of patent ductus arteriosus and severe intraventricular hemorrhage, it does not appear to provide any long-term benefit in terms of survival without neurosensory and cognitive outcomes. Considering the increased drug-induced reduction in renal, intestinal, and cerebral blood flow, the use of prophylaxis cannot be routinely recommended in preterm neonates. However, a better unde...

  10. Ibuprofen-induced patent ductus arteriosus closure: physiologic, histologic, and biochemical effects on the premature lung. (United States)

    McCurnin, Donald; Seidner, Steven; Chang, Ling-Yi; Waleh, Nahid; Ikegami, Machiko; Petershack, Jean; Yoder, Brad; Giavedoni, Luis; Albertine, Kurt H; Dahl, Mar Janna; Wang, Zheng-ming; Clyman, Ronald I


    The goal was to study the pulmonary, biochemical, and morphologic effects of a persistent patent ductus arteriosus in a preterm baboon model of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Preterm baboons (treated prenatally with glucocorticoids) were delivered at 125 days of gestation (term: 185 days), given surfactant, and ventilated for 14 days. Twenty-four hours after birth, newborns were randomly assigned to receive either ibuprofen (to close the patent ductus arteriosus; n = 8) or no drug (control; n = 13). After treatment was started, the ibuprofen group had significantly lower pulmonary/systemic flow ratio, higher systemic blood pressure, and lower left ventricular end diastolic diameter, compared with the control group. There were no differences in cardiac performance indices between the groups. Ventilation index and dynamic compliance were significantly improved with ibuprofen. The improved pulmonary mechanics in ibuprofen-treated newborns were not attributable to changes in levels of surfactant protein B, C, or D, saturated phosphatidylcholine, or surfactant inhibitory proteins. There were no differences in tracheal concentrations of cytokines commonly associated with the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The groups had similar messenger RNA expression of genes that regulate inflammation and remodeling in the lung. Lungs from ibuprofen-treated newborns were significantly drier (lower wet/dry ratio) and expressed 2.5 times more epithelial sodium channel protein than did control lungs. By 14 days after delivery, control newborns had morphologic features of arrested alveolar development (decreased alveolar surface area and complexity), compared with age-matched fetuses. In contrast, there was no evidence of alveolar arrest in the ibuprofen-treated newborns. Ibuprofen-induced patent ductus arteriosus closure improved pulmonary mechanics, decreased total lung water, increased epithelial sodium channel expression, and decreased the detrimental effects of preterm birth

  11. Indicators of surgical treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates in the first week of life

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    Renato Braulio


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To identify clinical and echocardiographic indicators of the necessity for early surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates. METHODS: The prospective study was conducted at the Neonatal Unit of Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens between 2006 and 2010. The study population comprised 115 preterm neonates diagnosed with patent ductus arteriosus in the first week after birth, of whom 55 (group S were submitted to clinical and or surgical closure and 60 (group NS received non-surgical treatment. The parameters analyzed were birth weight, diameter of the ductus arteriosus (DAD, left atrial-to-aortic root diameter ratio (LA:Ao, the quotient of DAD² and birth weight (mm²/kg, and ductal shunting. RESULTS: The study population comprised 58 males and 57 females. The average birth weight of group S (924 ± 224.3 g was significantly (P=0.049 lower than that of group NS (1012.3 ± 242.8 g. The probability of the preterm neonates being submitted to surgical closure was 62.1% (P=0.006 when the DAD2/birth weight index was > 5 mm²/kg, 72.2% (P=0.001 when the LA:Ao ratio was > 1.5, and 61.2% when ductal shunting was high (P=0.025. CONCLUSION: The parameters DAD²/birth weight index > 5 mm²/kg, LA:Ao ratio > 1.5 and high ductal shunting were statistically significant indicators (P 1.5 was associated with the occurrence of shock, the probability of surgical closure increased to 78.4%.

  12. Ductus arteriosus with left-to-right shunt during venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: effects on cerebral oxygenation and hemodynamics.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heyst, A.F.J. van; Staak, F.H.J.M. van der; Hopman, J.C.W.; Tanke, R.B.; Sengers, R.C.A.; Liem, K.D.


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect on cerebral oxygenation and hemodynamics of a patent ductus arteriosus with left-to-right shunt during venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a lamb model. DESIGN: Prospective intervention study in animals. SETTING: Animal research laboratory of a

  13. Detection of patent ductus arteriosus with intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography in a patient undergoing closure of coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula. (United States)

    Miyata, Yuka; Hayashi, Yukio


    Coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula is an unusual vascular anomaly, and the shunt ratio of this fistula is usually small. We report anesthetic management of a 55-year-old female with annuloaortic ectasia, aortic valve regurgitation, and coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula undergoing radical repair. We calculated the left-to-right shunt ratio after placement of a pulmonary artery catheter and found that the ratio was unexpectedly high. Thus, we explored the presence of another shunt by intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography and found patent ductus arteriosus undiagnosed before operation. A combination of a pulmonary artery catheter and transesophageal echocardiography is useful to explore the presence of another shunt, such as patent ductus arteriosus during anesthesia.

  14. Percutaneous treatment of atrial septal defects, muscular ventricular septal defects and patent ductus arteriosus in infants under one year of age. (United States)

    Prada, Fredy; Mortera, Carlos; Bartrons, Joaquim; Rissech, Miguel; Jiménez, Lorenzo; Carretero, Juan; Llevadias, Judit; Araica, Mireya


    Amplatzer devices are used for the percutaneous closure of ostium secundum atrial septal defects, muscular ventricular septal defects and patent ductus arteriosus. However, very little experience has been gained in using these devices in infants under 1 year of age. Between January 2001 and January 2008, 22 symptomatic infants aged under 1 year underwent percutaneous treatment: three had an ostium secundum atrial septal defect, 15 had patent ductus arteriosus, and four had a muscular ventricular septal defect. All the procedures were completed successfully. No immediate or medium-term complications were observed. Closure of these types of defect using an Amplatzer device in infants under 1 year of age, who would otherwise require surgery, is a safe and effective procedure.

  15. Serum ibuprofen levels of extremely preterm infants treated prophylactically with oral ibuprofen to prevent patent ductus arteriosus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kanmaz, Gozde; Erdeve, Omer; Canpolat, Fuat Emre; Oguz, Serife Suna; Uras, Nurdan; Altug, Nahide; Greijdanus, Ben; Dilmen, Ugur

    The aim of this study was to explore the effects of early oral ibuprofen administration on the incidence of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) and define the association between serum ibuprofen levels and ductal closure. Preterm infants with a gestational age of <28 weeks

  16. [Surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus in premature neonates: Does the surgical technique affect the outcome? (United States)

    Avila-Alvarez, Alejandro; Serantes Lourido, Marta; Barriga Bujan, Rebeca; Blanco Rodriguez, Carolina; Portela-Torron, Francisco; Bautista-Hernandez, Victor


    Surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus in premature neonates is an aggressive technique and is not free of complications. A study was designed with the aim of describing our experience with a less invasive technique, the extra-pleural approach via a posterior minithoracotomy, and to compare the results with the classic transpleural approach. A retrospective cohort study was conducted on premature neonates on whom surgical closure of the ductus was performed during a ten-year period (March 2005 to March 2015). A comparison was made of the acute complications, the outcomes on discharge, and follow-up, between the extra-pleural approach and the classic transpleural approach. The study included 48 patients, 30 in the classical approach and 18 in the extra-pleural group. The demographic and pre-operative characteristics were similar in both groups. No differences were found between the 2 groups in the incidence of acute post-operative complications (56.6 vs. 44.4%), on the dependence on oxygen at 36 weeks (33.3 vs. 55.5%), or in hospital mortality (10 vs. 16.6%). As regards the short-term progress, the extra-pleural group required fewer days until the withdrawal of supplementary oxygen (36.3 vs. 28.9) and until hospital discharge (67.5 vs. 53.2), although only the time until extubation achieved a statistically significant difference (11.5 vs. 2.7, P=.03). The extra-plural approach by posterior minithoracotomy for the surgical closure of ductus in the premature infant is viable and could bring some clinical benefits in the short-term. Copyright © 2015 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  17. Prenatal effects of maternal consumption of polyphenol-rich foods in late pregnancy upon fetal ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Zielinsky, Paulo; Busato, Stefano


    Fetal circulation has characteristic features, being morphologically and functionally different from extrauterine circulation. The ductus arteriosus plays a fundamental role in directing the blood flow to fetal inferior body parts. Basically, the ductus arteriosus directs 80-85% of the right ventricular output arising from the superior vena cava, coronary sinus, and a small part from the inferior vena cava to descending aorta. Its histological structure is made up predominantly by a thick muscular layer, differently from the aorta and the pulmonary artery, which increases with gestational age. The fibers have a circumferential orientation, especially at the external layers, facilitating and making effective ductal constriction. These factors may generate lumen alterations which may cause fetal and neonatal complications, such as heart failure, hydrops, neonatal pulmonary hypertension, and even death. Classically, maternal administration of indomethacin and/or other antiinflammatory drugs interfere in prostaglandins metabolism, causing ductal constriction. However, many cases of fetal ductal constriction, as well as of persistent neonatal pulmonary artery hypertension, remain without an established etiology, being referred as "idiopathic." In recent years, a growing body of evidence has shown that herbs, fruits, nuts, and a wide diversity of substances commonly used in daily diets have definitive effects upon the metabolic pathway of inflammation, with consequent inhibition of prostaglandins synthesis. This antiinflammatory action, especially of polyphenols, when ingested during the third trimester of pregnancy, may influence the dynamics of fetal ductus arteriosus flow. The goal of this review is to present these new observations and findings, which may influence dietary orientation during pregnancy. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivs License, which

  18. Medical closure of patent ductus arteriosus does not reduce mortality and development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants. (United States)

    Terek, Demet; Yalaz, Mehmet; Ulger, Zulal; Koroglu, Ozge Altun; Kultursay, Nilgun


    Although, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is associated with significant morbidity due to hemodynamic instability in preterm infants, the effect of ductus closure on mortality and morbidity is a controversial issue. The aim is to evaluate the efficacy of oral and intravenous (IV) ibuprofen treatment on ductal closure and effects on mortality and bronchoplumonary dysplasia. The medical records of 292 premature infants treated at Ege University Neonatal Intensive Care Unit were retrospectively evaluated. Patients were classified into 3 groups as; No PDA, hemodynamically insignificant PDA (hiPDA) and hemodynamically significant PDA (hsPDA) according to the presence and hemodynamical significance of PDA by echocardiography. hsPDA group was treated with IV or oral ibuprofen. Patent ductus arteriosus was diagnosed by routine echocardiography in 145 patients, of whom 78 (53.7%) had hsPDA. All 65 infants with hiPDA had spontaneous PDA closure. Echocardiographic measurements were similar to those patients treated with oral or IV ibuprofen, as in the response rate to treatment without serious adverse effects. The presence of respiratory distress syndrome, surfactant therapy, late sepsis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and mortality rates were significantly higher in patients with hsPDA. However, with stepwise logistic regression; 5(th) min Apgar score (odds ratio [OR], 1.321, 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.063-1.641, P = 0.012) and gestational age (OR, 1.422, 95% CI, 1.212-1.662, P closure with minimal side effects. HiPDA can close spontaneously; therefore treatment decision should be individualized. However, medical treatment of PDA does not reduce mortality and BPD.

  19. Transcatheter closure of large patent ductus arteriosus using custom made devices. (United States)

    Rohit, Manoj Kumar; Gupta, Ankur


    There has been a paradigm shift in the transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) over the last 45 years. With the availability of various coils, plugs and occluders, PDA of almost all shapes and sizes are amenable to transcatheter closure. However, very large PDA diagnosed late in life are being referred for surgical closure in the absence of availability of large size devices, especially in developing countries. In this case series, we have described four patients with large PDA, three of which were closed by transcatheter custom made PDA occluders. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Aneurisma do ducto arterioso associado a interrupção do arco aórtico Aneurysm of the arterial duct associated to aortic arch interruption

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    Paulo Zielinsky


    Full Text Available É relatado um caso de aneurisma de ducto arterioso, com diagnóstico pré-natal, o que é muito raro, numa gestante com 33 semanas, onde o feto apresentou uma dilatação aneurismática do canal arterial, com calibre uniformemente aumentado, inserindo-se na aorta descendente, associado à interrupção do arco aórtico. A criança nasceu de parto cesáreo e manteve-se estável com o uso de prostaglandina até o 9º dia de vida, quando foi levada à cirurgia, tendo falecido durante o procedimento por falência biventricular. Este é o primeiro relato da associação desta anomalia com outra malformação cardiovascular intra-uterina, mostrando que este achado nem sempre é associado a uma evolução benigna.Aneurysm of the arterial duct is an infrequent finding, which is very rarely detected prenatally. A case of antenatal diagnosis in a pregnant patient (33 weeks is reported. The fetus presented an aneurysmatic dilation of the arterial duct with uniformly enlarged diameter, inserting into the descending aorta, which was interrupted. The neonate was born by cesarean section and was kept on postaglandins till the 9th day of life, when he was sent to surgery. During the surgical procedure, the baby died as a result of biventricular failure. This is the first report of prenatal association of aneurysm of the ducts anteriosus with other cardiovascular malformations and emphasizes that this finding does not always have a benign course.

  1. Uso de las enzimas digestivas en el tratamiento de la diarrea persistente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arnaldo Izquierdo Estévez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de corte transversal, con el propósito de conocer la medida en que los fermentos pancreáticos totales administrados oralmente, favorecen la evolución de la enfermedad, en los niños menores de 1 año con diarrea persistente, ingresados en el Servicio de Gastroenterología del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "Ángel A. Aballí" en el período de enero a abril de 1996. Los resultados permiten afirmar la reducción del número de deposiciones y el incremento efectivo de peso al 3er. día de tratamiento, así como la mejoría de los síntomas asociados con la diarrea, sin efectos secundarios.A prospective cross-sectional study aimed at finding out to what extent the orally-administered total pancreatic fermets influence over the development of diarrhea disease in under one-year old children admitted with persistent diarrhea to the Gastroenterology Service Unit of «Ángel A. Aballí» Teaching Pediatric Hospital from January to April 1996 was performed. Results showed the reduction in the number of stools, the effective weight gain on the 3rd day of treatment as well as the improvement of diarrhea-related symptoms without side effects.

  2. Percutaneous Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Closure in Very Preterm Infants: Feasibility and Complications. (United States)

    Backes, Carl H; Cheatham, Sharon L; Deyo, Grace M; Leopold, Scott; Ball, Molly K; Smith, Charles V; Garg, Vidu; Holzer, Ralf J; Cheatham, John P; Berman, Darren P


    Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in term neonates is established, but data regarding outcomes in infants born very preterm (closure at weights closure. Twenty-five percent (13/52) of infants were closure. Compared to precatheterization trends, percutaneous PDA closure resulted in improved respiratory status, including less exposure to mechanical ventilation (mixed effects logistic model, Pclosure at weights closure versus alternative (surgical ligation) management strategies. © 2016 The Authors. Published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wiley Blackwell.

  3. Surgical exclusion of a saccular aneurysm within a patent ductus arteriosus in an adult patient with Ortner's syndrome.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Murana, G.; Cefarelli, M.; Kloppenburg, G.; Morshuis, W.J.; Heijmen, R.H.


    In adult the patent ductus arteriosus is a rare condition associated sometimes with lethal complications. We describe the case of a 44-year-old woman with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus admitted to our hospital with hoarseness and severe dyspnea. Clinical imaging examinations indicated a

  4. Evaluation of Risk Factors Related with Neonatal Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Hospitalized Neonates of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reza Saeidi


    Full Text Available Background: Patent ductus arteriosus or patent arterial duct (PDA is a condition in which a structure called the ductus arteriosus, normal in fetal life, remains into infancy and onwards, when it should have disappeared. Thus, in this study we want to discuss about frequency of its symptoms and risk factors. Materials and Methods: It is a descriptive study which has been done among 100 newborns registered in Ghaem Hospital of Mashhad. Sampling was gathered easily.Results: The most prevalent symptom among newborn babies was systolic heart murmur (89%. According to the obtained risk factors, hypoxia (71% and acidosis (70% are followed by prematurity (41%. Out of all registered newborn babies 68% were suffering from associated disorders.Conclusion: For achieving an on-time diagnosis of PDA, clinical examination of heart and respiratory symptoms must be examined very precisely. Newborn babies must be examined in terms of two risk factors: prematurity and light weight.

  5. [Doppler echocardiographic investigation of left ventricular diastolic function in preterm infants with and without a patent ductus arteriosus]. (United States)

    Schmitz, L; Stiller, B; Koehne, P; Koch, H; Lange, P E


    We studied the influence of preload augmentation on Doppler-derived left ventricular diastolic function parameters in infants with a birth weight ductus arteriosus a complete echocardiographic study including Doppler investigations of the mitral inflow signals and analysis of diastolic time intervals was performed. Neonates with an open duct had a lower median gestational age (27.1 vs. 29, Pductus peak early filling velocity (41.2 vs. 30.4 cm, Pventricular diastolic failure in extremely low birth weight infants in the presence of a preload challenge. The coincidence of higher peak velocities with a shortened isovolumic relaxation time is very likely a result of left atrial pressure elevation. Preload mismatch has to be considered in preterm infants with a persistent ductus arteriosus. The results of this study can be helpful to find the indication for PDA-closure and to adjust volume replacement therapy, and catecholamine medication to a level appropriate for the individual cardiac performance.

  6. Prostaglandin E1 treatment in ductus dependent congenital cardiac malformation. A review of the treatment of 34 neonates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høst, A; Halken, S; Kamper, J


    and safe regiment that could be initiated after clinical diagnosis of a severe duct dependent cardiac defect, whose clinical course would be adversely affected by ductus closure. After an initial dosage of 0.1 micrograms/kg/min, effective clinical improvement was achieved in 28 infants (82%). In all 28...

  7. Estudio de la eficacia del Surfacen en el distress respiratorio del recién nacido

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    Olimpo Moreno Vázquez


    Full Text Available En 1994 se empleó el Surfacen, surfactante natural porcino, en 50 neonatos prematuros con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria, diagnosticados clínica y radiográficamente, con una deficiencia de oxigenación dada por una fracción inspirada de oxígeno (FiO2 de 0,8, una presión parcial de oxígeno PaO2/FiO2 de 12,1 kPa y un índice de a/AO2 de 0,13. El surfactante se aplicó por vía traqueal a la dosis de 100 mg de fosfolípidos y se repitió una segunda en 13 pacientes y en uno 3 dosis. La edad promedio de aplicación fue 3,5 horas, siempre después de estabilizado el paciente. A los 10 minutos la PaO2 aumentó de 9 a 20,6 kPa, la PaO2/FiO2 se elevó a 29,8 kPa y el índice a/AO2 a 0,34. No hubo respuesta favorable en el 4 % de los pacientes. El examen radiográfico de tórax a las 4 horas de administrado el Surfacen mostró una mejoría en 86,7 %. A las 72 horas de vida la FiO2 fue de 0,37 y la presión media de las vías aéreas de 10,3 con H2O. Las complicaciones más importantes fueron: ductus arterioso permeable 22, neumonía y hemorragia intraventricular grados III y IV 10 cada una, neumotórax 3 y displasia broncopulmonar 2. Al comparar las complicaciones con un grupo control histórico de 49 pacientes en quienes no se empleó surfactante se observa que en el grupo estudio hubo una disminución significativa del neumotórax, la neumonía y la hemorragia pulmonar y un aumento del ductus arterioso permeable. En el grupo tratado con Surfacen fallecieron 17 pacientes.Surfacen, a natural porcine surfactant, was used in 1994 in 50 preterm neonates with clinical and radiologically diagnosed respiratory distress syndrome with an oxygenation deficiency due to an inspired fraction of oxygen (If02 of 0.8, a partial pressure of oxygen Pa02 of 2.1 kPa, and an index of a/A02 of 0.13. The surfactant was administered by the trachea at a dose of 100 mg of phospholipids. 13 patients received 2 doses and 1, 3. The average age of administration was 3

  8. Influence of platelet count, platelet mass index, and platelet function on the spontaneous closure of ductus arteriosus in the prematurity

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    Dilek Kahvecioglu


    Conclusion: This is the first study in the English literature providing evidence of the influence of platelet dysfunction on the spontaneous closure of ductus arteriosus in prematurity. Longer collagen-ADP duration is identified as a risk factor of ductal closure.

  9. Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment in Very Preterm Infants: A European Population-Based Cohort Study (EPICE) on Variation and Outcomes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Edstedt Bonamy, A.K.; Gudmundsdottir, A.; Maier, R.F.; Toome, L.; Zeitlin, J.; Bonet, M.; Fenton, A.; Hasselager, A.B.; Heijst, A.F. van; Gortner, L.; Milligan, D.; Reempts, P. Van; Boyle, E.M.; Norman, M.


    BACKGROUND: Spontaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occurs frequently in very preterm infants and despite the lack of evidence for treatment benefits, treatment for PDA is common in neonatal medicine. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this work was to study regional variations in PDA treatment in

  10. Should we definitively abandon prophylaxis for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm new-borns?

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    Vassilios Fanos


    Full Text Available Although the prophylactic administration of indomethacin in extremely low-birth weight infants reduces the frequency of patent ductus arteriosus and severe intraventricular hemorrhage, it does not appear to provide any long-term benefit in terms of survival without neurosensory and cognitive outcomes. Considering the increased drug-induced reduction in renal, intestinal, and cerebral blood flow, the use of prophylaxis cannot be routinely recommended in preterm neonates. However, a better understanding of the genetic background of each infant may allow for individualized prophylaxis using NSAIDs and metabolomics.

  11. Percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder


    Xi, Er-Ping; Zhu, Jian; Zhu, Shui-Bo; Yin, Gui-Lin; Liu, Yong; Dong, Yong-Qiang; Zhang, Yu; Xia, Feng


    OBJECTIVE: Ventricular septal defects resulting from post-traumatic cardiac injury are very rare. Percutaneous closure has emerged as a method for treating this disorder. We wish to report our experience in three patients who underwent percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder. METHODS: We treated three patients with post-traumatic ventricular septal defects caused by stab wounds with knives. After the heart wound was repaired,...

  12. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus and interruption of inferior vena cava with azygous continuation using an Amplatzer duct occluder II

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    Koh Ghee


    Full Text Available We report a case of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus using the new Amplatzer duct occluder II in an adult patient with interrupted inferior vena cava with azygous continuation via the femoral artery approach.


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    Beatriz Barbas


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se evaluó la presencia de algunos Contaminantes Orgánicos Persistentes (COP en muestras de aire de la ciudad de Madrid (España, discriminando entre la fase gas (FG y la materia particulada en suspensión (MPS. Para ello se utilizaron captadores activos de alto volumen (CAV equipados con espumas de poliuretano y filtros de microfibra de vidrio. Los policlorobifenilos resultaron los contaminantes mayoritarios (104.6 ± 86.6 pg/Nm3, media ± desviación estándar, seguidos de polibromodifenil éteres (20.4 ± 11.6 pg/Nm3, declorane plus (0.8 ± 0.5 pg/Nm3 y finalmente policlorodibenzo-p-dioxinas y policlorodibenzofuranos (0.3 ± 0.1 pg/Nm3. Los resultados, en concordancia con los obtenidos en otras ciudades, no sólo confirman la presencia de COP en el aire de Madrid, sino que evidencian diferencias importantes en cuanto al fraccionamiento (presencia mayoritaria en la fase gas o en la fase particulada entre los distintos analitos y congéneres evaluados.

  14. Electrical velocimetry for non-invasive monitoring of the closure of the ductus arteriosus in preterm infants. (United States)

    Rodríguez Sánchez de la Blanca, Ana; Sánchez Luna, M; González Pacheco, N; Arriaga Redondo, M; Navarro Patiño, N


    Closure of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants modifies cardiac output and induces adaptive changes in the hemodynamic situation. The present study aims to analyze those changes, through a non-invasive cardiac output monitor based on blood electrical velocimetry, in preterm babies. A prospective observational study of preterm infants with a gestational age of less than 28 weeks, and a hemodynamic significant PDA, requires intravenous ibuprofen or surgical closure. All patients were monitored with electrical velocimetry before treatment and through the following 72 h. Two groups were defined, ibuprofen and surgical closure. Variations of cardiac output were analyzed from the basal situation and at 1, 8, 24, 48, and 72 h on each group. During a 12-month period, 18 patients were studied. The median gestational age in the ibuprofen group (12/18) was 26 +5  weeks (25 +5 -27 +3 ) with a median birth weight of 875 (670-1010) g. The cardiac output index (CI) value was 0.29 l/kg/min (0.24-0.34). Among the patients with confirmed ductus closure (50%), a significant CI decrease was shown (0.24 vs 0.29 l/kg/min; P 0.03) after 72 h (three ibuprofen doses). A statistically significant decrease in systolic volume (SVI) was found: 1.62 vs 1.88 ml/kg, P 0.03 with a decrease in contractility (ICON), 85 vs 140, P 0.02. The gestational age in the surgical group (6/18) was 25 +2  weeks (24-26 +3 ) with a median weight of 745 (660-820) g. All patients in this group showed a decrease in the immediate postoperative CI (1 h after surgery) 0.24 vs 0.30 l/kg/min, P 0.05, and a significant decrease in contractility (ICON 77 vs 147, P 0.03). In addition, a no statistically significant decrease in SVI (1.54 vs 1.83 ml/kg, P 0.06), as well as an increase in systemic vascular resistance (10,615 vs 8797 dyn/cm 2 , P 0.08), were detected. This deterioration was transient without significant differences in the remaining periods of time evaluated. The surgical closure

  15. Medical closure of patent ductus arteriosus does not reduce mortality and development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants

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    Demet Terek


    Full Text Available Background: Although, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA is associated with significant morbidity due to hemodynamic instability in preterm infants, the effect of ductus closure on mortality and morbidity is a controversial issue. The aim is to evaluate the efficacy of oral and intravenous (IV ibuprofen treatment on ductal closure and effects on mortality and bronchoplumonary dysplasia. Materials and Methods: The medical records of 292 premature infants treated at Ege University Neonatal Intensive Care Unit were retrospectively evaluated. Patients were classified into 3 groups as; No PDA, hemodynamically insignificant PDA (hiPDA and hemodynamically significant PDA (hsPDA according to the presence and hemodynamical significance of PDA by echocardiography. hsPDA group was treated with IV or oral ibuprofen. Results: Patent ductus arteriosus was diagnosed by routine echocardiography in 145 patients, of whom 78 (53.7% had hsPDA. All 65 infants with hiPDA had spontaneous PDA closure. Echocardiographic measurements were similar to those patients treated with oral or IV ibuprofen, as in the response rate to treatment without serious adverse effects. The presence of respiratory distress syndrome, surfactant therapy, late sepsis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD and mortality rates were significantly higher in patients with hsPDA. However, with stepwise logistic regression; 5th min Apgar score (odds ratio [OR], 1.321, 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.063-1.641, P = 0.012 and gestational age (OR, 1.422, 95% CI, 1.212-1.662, P < 0.001 were the only significant variables associated with mortality. Gestational age (OR, 0.680, 95% CI, 0.531-0.871, P = 0.002 was the only significant variable associated with BPD shown with logistic regression. Conclusion: Ibuprofen treatment is effective for hsPDA closure with minimal side effects. HiPDA can close spontaneously; therefore treatment decision should be individualized. However, medical treatment of PDA does not reduce

  16. Self-expanding nanoplatinum-coated nitinol devices for atrial septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus closure: a swine model. (United States)

    Lertsapcharoen, Pornthep; Khongphatthanayothin, Apichai; La-orkhun, Vidhavas; Supachokchaiwattana, Pentip; Charoonrut, Phingphol


    Our purpose was to evaluate self-expanding nanoplatinum-coated nitinol devices for transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects and patent ductus arteriosus in a swine model. The devices were braided from platinum-activated nitinol wires and filled with polyester to enhance thrombogenicity. The platinum activation of the nitinol wires was carried out with the help of Nanofusion technology. The coating of platinum covers the exposed surface of the nitinol wires and prevents the release of nickel into the blood stream after the implantation of the device but does not affect its shape memory, which makes the device self-expanding after it is loaded from the catheter. Atrial septal defects were created in 12 piglets by balloon dilation of the patent foramen ovale. The size of the device was selected on the basis of the diameter of the balloon and the size of the defect, measured by transthoracic echocardiography. The devices were successfully deployed in all 12 piglets under fluoroscopic study. Transthoracic color Doppler echocardiograms showed complete closure of the atrial septal defect within 15 minutes of device implantation. Twelve patent ductus arteriosus closure devices were deployed in the right or left subclavian arteries in 10 piglets. Angiograms showed complete occlusion of the subclavian arteries within a few minutes of device deployment. In the atrial septal defect cases, the autopsy findings showed complete organizing fibrin thrombus formation and complete neo-endothelialization on the outer surface of the devices within one week and six weeks of implantation, respectively. The use of self-expanding nanoplatinum-coated nitinol devices for the transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects and patent ductus arteriosus is feasible. The excellent occlusion result and complete neo-endothelialization of the devices in the swine model is an indication of the potential of these devices in human application.


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    Ivonne Linares-Hernández


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue implementar un sistema electroquímico, mediante tratamientos de electrocoagulación, empleando electrodos de hierro y oxidación anódica directa (OAD, empleando electrodos de diamante dopados con boro (DDB, para tratar aguas residuales provenientes de una planta de tratamiento que recibe las descargas de 144 empresas de diferentes giros, de la zona industrial Toluca-Lerma, México. Los resultados de estos tratamientos, indicaron una remoción del 99% de la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO, 99% de color y 97% de turbidez, en un tiempo de 2 h. En el sistema acoplado, la electrocoagulación removió las partículas coloidales y suspendidas y la OAD, permitió la degradación de materia orgánica persistente. Se determinó la cantidad de lodos generados en el sistema y se caracterizaron por microscopia electrónica de barrido y análisis elemental. Se concluye que los métodos electroquímicos resultan ser aplicables y eficientes en la degradación compuestos que no son fácilmente biodegradables.

  18. Prenatal and Postnatal Sonographic Confirmation of Congenital Absence of the Ductus Venosus in a Child with Noonan Syndrome

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    Christopher L. Newman


    Full Text Available The ductus venosus serves as an important vascular pathway for intrauterine circulation. This case presents a description of an absent ductus venosus in a female patient with Noonan syndrome, including both prenatal and postnatal imaging of the anomaly. In the setting of the anomalous vascular connection, the umbilical vein courses inferiorly to the iliac vein in parallel configuration with the umbilical artery. This finding was suspected based on prenatal imaging and the case was brought to attention when placement of an umbilical catheter was thought to be malpositioned given its appearance on radiography. Ultrasound imaging confirmed the anomalous course. This is in keeping with prior descriptions in the literature of an association between Noonan syndrome and aberrant umbilical venous drainage. This case illustrates the need for awareness of this condition by the radiologist, allowing for identification on radiographs and the recommendation for further confirmatory imaging. Further, the case illustrates the value of paying particular attention to the fetal course of the umbilical vessels in patients with suspected Noonan syndrome, as this population is particularly at risk for anomalous vasculature.

  19. Intracardiac echocardiography: use during transcatheter device closure of a patent ductus arteriosus in a dog. (United States)

    Chetboul, V; Damoiseaux, C; Behr, L; Morlet, A; Moise, N S; Gouni, V; Lavennes, M; Pouchelon, J-L; Laborde, F; Borenstein, N


    Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) is used in humans for percutaneous interventional procedures, such as transcatheter device closures. Intracardiac echocardiography provides high-resolution imaging of cardiac structures with two-dimensional, M-mode, Doppler, and also three-dimensional modalities. The present report describes application of ICE during transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus using a canine ductal occluder in a dog for which transesophageal echocardiography could not provide an optimal acoustic window. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Oral İbuprofen in the Treatment of Patent Ductus Arteriosus

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    Mehmet Kervancıoğlu


    Full Text Available Since indomethacin has many side effects, ibuprofen has been started to be used with beneficial results and less side effects for the closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA in recent years. The frequency of PDA, and the effects and side effects of oral ibuprofen were investigated by echocardiographic evaluation, in 164 preterm neonates in Neonatology Unit of Dicle University,between April and December 2004. Oral ibufrofen was given at 10 mg/kg/day dose to infants who had significant left-right shunt on the third day of birth but those who had contraindication for ibuprofen were excluded. By daily echocardiographic evaluations in those without closure after the first dose, a second and third dose of 5 mg/kg/day were given if necessary. Ductus closure has ocured in 24 of 27 (88.8% patients, at a mean period of 1.7±0.9 (1-4 days. Complications like hyponatremia, hypercreatininemia, thrombocytopenia, and necrotizing enterocolitis were not seen. Only in one patient intracranial hemorrhage was occured two days after the treatment. In conclusion, treatment with oral ibuprofen is an effective and safe treatment method for the closure of the PDA in preterm infants.

  1. Predictors of successful closure of patent ductus arteriosus with indomethacin. (United States)

    Ahamed, M F; Verma, P; Lee, S; Vega, M; Wang, D; Kim, M; Fuloria, M


    To determine whether platelet counts can predict the likelihood of successful closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with indomethacin. This was a retrospective cohort study of infants closure with indomethacin and those who failed were compared. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify predictors of successful ductal closure. In infants with hemodynamically significant PDA, older GA (odds ratio=1.54; 95% confidence interval: 1.12 to 2.13), male gender (odds ratio=3.02; 95% confidence interval: 1.08 to 8.49) and higher platelet count (odds ratio=1.5; 95% confidence interval: 1.04 to 2.17) prior to indomethacin treatment were associated with successful ductal closure with indomethacin. Older GA, male gender and higher platelet count at time of treatment of hemodynamically significant PDA are predictors of successful ductal closure with indomethacin.

  2. Patent ductus arteriosus associated with congenital anomaly of coronary artery. (United States)

    Maleki, Majid; Azizian, Nassrin; Esmaeilzadeh, Maryam; Moradi, Bahieh


    We reported a case of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with congenital anomaly of coronary arteries as abnormal origin of right coronary artery (RCA) and left coronary artery (LCA) from a single ostium of the right coronary sinus. A 21-year-old man referred to our institution for evaluation of cardiac murmur. He has suffered from palpitation and atypical chest pain for three months. On physical examination, a continuous murmur was heard in the second left parasternal space. Transthoracic echocardiography showed normal left and right ventricular size and systolic function (LVEF = 55%). Main pulmonary artery (PA) and left pulmonary artery (LPA) branch were considerably dilated. Considering normal coronary flow, lack of clinical evidence of myocardial ischemia and echocardiography findings, patient underwent surgical closure of PDA via left thoracotomy and after five days discharged uneventfully.

  3. Aneurisma de la vena de Galeno como causa de falla cardíaca Galen's vein aneurysm as cause of heart failure

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    Claudia Echeverría


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un recién nacido que ingresa a cuidado intensivo con un cuadro de falla cardiaca de difícil manejo con ductus arterioso de gran tamaño, a quien se le realizó cierre quirúrgico del mismo y pese a ello persistía con clínica de falla cardiaca que no mejoraba con tratamiento médico. Se hizo un hallazgo incidental de un aneurisma de la vena de Galeno de gran tamaño. El aneurisma de la vena de Galeno es una patología congénita poco frecuente que se origina de un defecto en la fusión de las venas cerebrales internas, debido a la baja resistencia produce un cuadro de falla cardiaca de alto gasto. Los defectos de gran tamaño pueden contener entre 50% a 60% del gasto cardiaco. Se debe sospechar aneurisma en todo recién nacido o lactante menor con cuadro de falla cardíaca y dilatación de cavidades derechas sin evidencia de anomalía cardíaca estructural.We present the case of a newborn admitted to the intensive care unit with a heart failure of difficult medical management. A large ductus arteriosus was found. It was surgically corrected, but the heart failure persisted and did not improve with medical treatment. Incidentally, a big Galen's vein aneurysm was found. Galen's vein aneurysm is a rare congenital pathology, originated by a fusion defect of the internal cerebral veins. Due to its low resistance, it produces a picture of high-output heart failure. Large defects may contain 50% to 60% of cardiac output. An aneurysm may be suspected in each newborn or infant with clinical picture of heart failure and right cardiac chamber dilation without any evidence of structural cardiac anomaly.

  4. Estudio de factores de riesgo para la hemorragia de la matriz germinal del prematuro Risk factors for germinal matrix hemorrhage in preterm infants

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    Gladys P. Arango


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de facilitar el diagnóstico clínico de la hemorragia de la matriz germinal del prematuro, se diseñó un estudio de casos (n: 56 y controles (n: 66 para determinar los factores de riesgo de la madre y del niño; también se buscó asociación entre dichos factores y la gravedad del evento. No se halló relación entre los factores de riesgo maternos y la presencia o gravedad de la hemorragia. En cuanto a los niños, la edad gestacional menor de 31 semanas, el uso de ventilación mecánica y la persistencia del ductus arterioso mostraron una relación estadística con el evento (p < 0.05, mientras que la sumatoria de tres o más riesgos la tuvo con la gravedad del mismo (p < 0.05. Se concluye que los mencionados factores de riesgo pueden ser indicativos del desarrollo de la hemorragia de la matriz germinal en el prematuro. To facilitate clinical diagnosis of germinal matrix hemorrhage In preterm infants, a study of cases {n: 56 and controls {n: 66 was carried out. Association was investigated between hemorrhage and maternal and neonatal risk factors; also included was the correlation between such factors and seriousness of the hemorrhagic episode. No correlation was found between maternal risk factors and hemorrhage or its seriousness. Concerning neonatal risks, gestational age under 31 weeks, the use of mechanical ventilation and persistence of ductus arteriosus, independently, showed statistical correlation with the hemorrhage {p < 0.05, whereas the simultaneous presence of three or more risks correlated with intensity of hemorrhage {p < 0.05. We conclude that the abovementioned neonatal risk factors can be suggestive of the development of germinal matrix hemorrhage in preterm Infants.

  5. A Challenging Case of Patent Ductus Arteriosus Device Closure in an Adult with Unconventional Views and Catheters (United States)

    Garg, Naveen; Raja, Deep Chandh; Khanna, Roopali; Kumar, Sudeep


    Abnormally oriented patent ductus arteriosus is expected in adults, which can lead to difficulties while attempting a device closure. Alternate angiographic views like the “right anterior oblique view,” “retrograde approach” and in rare cases, as elicited in the following case scenario, special catheters like the “Tiger® catheter” can aid in crossing the lesion and completion of the procedure successfully. PMID:29876027

  6. A neonate with mitral stenosis due to accessory mitral valve, ventricular septal defect, and patent ductus arteriosus: changes in echocardiographical findings during the neonatal period. (United States)

    Ito, Tadahiko; Okubo, Tadashi


    A female neonate with mitral stenosis due to accessory mitral valve with ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus is described. She was referred to our hospital because of neonatal asphyxia. Asphyxia was improved by ventilator support, but rapid deterioration of respiration with pulmonary congestion and hemorrhage appeared 8 days after birth. Echocardiography revealed an accessory mitral valve attached to the anterior mitral leaflet with a perimembranous ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus. Although there were no echocardiographical findings indicating mitral stenosis on admission, the mitral stenosis blood flow patterns were detected by color and pulsed Doppler examination performed on the eighth day after admission. Transaortic resection of accessory mitral valve tissue was performed with patch closure of the ventricular septal defect and ligation of the ductus arteriosus 35 days after birth. After operation, pulmonary congestion and hemorrhage were improved. Postoperative echocardiography showed complete resection of the accessory mitral valve and no mitral insufficiency. We concluded that the combination of the accessory mitral valve and left-to-right shunt due to ventricular septal defect or patent ducturs arteriosus might have led to a critical hemodynamic condition due to relative mitral stenosis in the neonatal period with the decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance.

  7. Escherichia coli enteroagregativa como agente provocador de diarreia persistente: modelo experimental utilizando microscopia óptica de luz Escherichia coli enteroagregativa como agente provocador de diarrea persistente: modelo experimental utilizando microscopia óptica de luz Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli as a cause of persistent diarrhea: an experimental model using light microscopy

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    Jacy Alves B. de Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar interações de amostras de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa com tecido intestinal humano, a fim de documentar potenciais alterações em diferentes regiões do trato digestivo. MÉTODOS: Amostras de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa isoladas das fezes de crianças com diarreia persistente e a amostra protótipo 042, isolada de uma criança com diarreia em Lima, no Peru (controle positivo, foram analisadas por microscopia óptica de luz após semeadura em cultura de orgão in vitro de fragmentos de mucosa ileal e colônica. Foram analisadas as interações entre as diferentes cepas de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa e as mucosas ileal e colônica. RESULTADOS: A análise por microscopia óptica de luz indicou associação destes micro-organismos com o epitélio, provocando alterações. As cepas estudadas aderiram a ambas as regiões avaliadas (intestino delgado distal e grosso e causaram alterações, especialmente naquelas áreas onde interagiram diretamente com o epitélio. No íleo, algumas regiões mostraram internalização secundária. CONCLUSÕES: Esses agentes podem causar diarreia persistente por meio de alterações no intestino delgado, no qual ocorrem as funções digestivo-absortivas. As lesões inflamatórias descritas na mucosa colônica poderiam explicar a colite mostrada em algumas crianças infectadas por Escherichia coli enteroagregativa.OBJETIVO: Evaluar interacciones de muestras de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa (EAEC con tejido intestinal humano, a fin de documentar potenciales alteraciones en distintas regiones del tracto digestivo (intestino delgado distal e intestino grueso y definir, con eso, su rol en la persistencia del proceso diarreico. MÉTODOS: Muestras de EAEC aislada de las heces de niños con diarrea persistente y la muestra prototipo 042, aislada de un niño con diarrea en Lima, Perú (control positivo fueron analizadas por microscopía óptica de luz (ML después de siembra en cultura

  8. La crianza de niños, niñas y adolescentes en contextos de pobreza urbana persistente

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    Martín Ierullo, Colombia.


    Full Text Available (analítico: Con el presente artículo me propongo problematizar las tensiones y desafíos en relación con las prácticas de crianza y cuidado de niños, niñas y adolescentes en contextos de pobreza urbana persistente. Estas conclusiones surgen de un trabajo de campo realizado en distintas zonas del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires, en el marco del programa Piubamas. Dicho proyecto combinó distintas técnicas de recolección de datos -entrevistas, observación participante, grupos focales, etc.- a través de las cuales se facilitó la comprensión del objeto en su complejidad. En el artículo pongo en evidencia la consolidación de prácticas defensivas de cuidado en los barrios populares, así como también la extensión de las acciones hacia los individuos adolescentes. Igualmente doy cuenta del surgimiento de un conjunto de prácticas de crianza y cuidado que exceden la esfera doméstica.

  9. La crianza de niños, niñas y adolescentes en contextos de pobreza urbana persistente

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    Martín Ierullo


    Full Text Available Con el presente artículo me propongo problematizar las tensiones ydesafíos en relación con las prácticas de crianza y cuidado de niños, niñas y adolescentes en contextosde pobreza urbana persistente. Estas conclusiones surgen de un trabajo de campo realizado endistintas zonas del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires, en el marco del programa Piubamas. Dichoproyecto combinó distintas técnicas de recolección de datos -entrevistas, observación participante,grupos focales, etc.- a través de las cuales se facilitó la comprensión del objeto en su complejidad.En el artículo pongo en evidencia la consolidación de prácticas defensivas de cuidado en losbarrios populares, así como también la extensión de las acciones hacia los individuos adolescentes.Igualmente doy cuenta del surgimiento de un conjunto de prácticas de crianza y cuidado que excedenla esfera doméstica.

  10. Patent ductus arteriosus in a family of Chihuahuas. (United States)

    Bomassi, E; Libermann, S; Bille, C; Rattez, E


    This report describes a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in four puppies from the same family of Chihuahuas, bred from the same mother and from two different litters. Identification of this congenital anomaly relies on clinical examination, radiography and ultrasonography. Three of these puppies were female, and had a type-1 PDA. A conventional surgical ligation was performed on one of them, whilst the others underwent no treatment. One puppy was male, and presented with a type-4 PDA, requiring euthanasia. Post-mortem examination and histopathological examination of the PDA allowed characterisation of the histological anomalies, which were identical to those described in other breeds. The mother and the two stud dogs were not affected. Even though the mode of transmission has not been fully identified, it is evident that this PDA is hereditary in nature. To the authors' knowledge this is the first description of this congenital cardiopathy in a family of this breed, and in a significant number of first-generation individuals. © 2011 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

  11. Transcatheter Patent Ductus Arteriosus Occlusion in Small Infants. (United States)

    Schwartz, Matthew C; Nykanen, David; Winner, Lawrence H; Perez, Jose; McMahan, Michael; Munro, Hamish M; Suguna Narasimhulu, Sukumar


    Transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occlusion is feasible in small infants and may improve lung function in symptomatic patients. We aimed to describe transcatheter PDA closure in small infants including predictors of technical success and rate of complication and to identify factors associated with improved respiratory status after closure. All patients in the NICU at our center who were referred for transcatheter PDA occlusion between 1/2010 and 11/2014 were retrospectively identified. Relevant details were extracted. Additionally, a modification of the respiratory severity score (RSS) (FiO 2 × mean airway pressure) was used to characterize degree of pulmonary support before and at intervals after catheterization. Twenty patients were identified with median age of 96 days (13-247) and weight of 3.1 kg (1.7-4.7). The PDA was type F morphology in 14 (70%) patients. The PDA was successfully occluded in 16 (80%) patients. Ratio of minimum PDA diameter/length was >0.5 in all unsuccessful attempts and closure. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. A heart-hand syndrome gene: Tfap2b plays a critical role in the development and remodeling of mouse ductus arteriosus and limb patterning.

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    Feng Zhao

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA is one of the most common forms of congenital heart disease. Mutations in transcription factor TFAP2B cause Char syndrome, a human disorder characterized by PDA, facial dysmorphysm and hand anomalies. Animal research data are needed to understand the mechanisms. The aim of our study was to elucidate the pathogenesis of Char syndrome at the molecular level. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Gene expression of Tfap2b during mouse development was studied, and newborns of Tfap2b-deficient mice were examined to identify phenotypes. Gel shift assays had been carried out to search for Tfap2 downstream genes. Promoters of candidate genes were cloned into a reporter construct and used to demonstrate their regulation by Tfap2b in cell transfection. In situ hybridizations showed that the murine transcription factor Tfap2b was expressed during the entire development of mouse ductus arteriosus. Histological examination of ductus arteriosus from Tfap2b knockout mice 6 hours after birth revealed that they were not closed. Consequently, the lungs of Tfap2b(-/- mice demonstrated progressive congestion of the pulmonary capillaries, which was postulated to result secondarily from PDA. In addition, Tfap2b was expressed in the limb buds, particularly in the posterior limb field during development. Lack of Tfap2b resulted in bilateral postaxial accessory digits. Further study indicated that expressions of bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp genes, which are reported to be involved in the limb patterning and ductal development, were altered in limb buds of Tfap2b-deficient embryos, due to direct control of Bmp2 and Bmp4 promoter activity by Tfap2b. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Tfap2b plays important roles in the development of mouse ductus arteriosus and limb patterning. Loss of Tfap2b results in altered Bmp expression that may cause the heart-limb defects observed in Tfap2b mouse mutants and Char syndrome patients. The Tfap2b knockout

  13. Clinical study of patients with persistent orofacial pain Estudo clínico de pacientes com dor orofacial persistente

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    José Tadeu Tesseroli de Siqueira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVE: To evaluate a sample of patients with persistent facial pain unresponsive to prior treatments. METHODS: Hospital records of 26 patients with persistent facial pain were reviewed (20 female and 6 male. RESULTS: Patients were classified into three groups according to their presenting symptoms: aGroup I, eight patients (30.7% with severe, diffuse pain at the face, teeth or head; bGroup II, eight patients (30.7% with chronic non-myofascial pain and; cGroup III, ten patients with chronic myofascial pain (38.4%. We find 11 different diagnoses among the 26 patients: pulpitis(7, leukemia(1, oropharyngeal tumor(1, atypical odontalgia(1, Eagle's syndrome(1, trigeminal neuralgia(4, continuous neuralgia(1, temporomandibular disorders (9, fibromyalgia (2, tension-type headache(1, conversion hysteria(2. After the treatment program all patients had a six-month follow-up period with pain relief, except the patient with tumor. CONCLUSION: The wide variability of orofacial pain diagnosis (benign to life-threatening diseases indicates the necessity to reevaluate patients presenting recurrent pain that is refractory to the usual treatments.OBJETIVO: Avaliar uma amostra de doentes com dor facial persistente. MÉTODO: Foram revisados 26 prontuários de doentes com dor facial persistente (20 mulheres e 6 homens. RESULTADOS: Classificação dos doentes, após o diagnóstico: aGrupo I, oito pacientes (30,7% com dor facial difusa de fortíssima intensidade; bGrupo II, oito pacientes (30,7% com dor crônica de natureza não-miofascial e; cGrupo III, dez pacientes com dor crônica miofascial (38,4%. Foram encontrados 11 diagnósticos diferentes entre os 26 pacientes: pulpites(7, leucemia(1, tumor de orofaringe(1, odontalgia atípica(1, síndrome de Eagle(1, neuralgia idiopática do trigêmeo(4, neuralgia atípica(1, disordens temporomandibular (9, fibromialgia(2 cefaléia tipo-tensão(1, histeria de conversão(2. O acompanhamento dos doentes, após receberem a

  14. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus via internal jugular vein in patient with interrupted inferior vena cava

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    Patel Nehal


    Full Text Available Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA using various occluders and coils via femoral vein is a well established therapeutic option. However, in patients with interrupted inferior vena cava (IVC it is not feasible to close the PDA percutaneously using traditional methods. We present a nine-year-old girl with IVC interruption in whom percutaneous closure of PDA was successfully accomplished via the transjugular approach.

  15. Políticas ambientales en México. El caso de los contaminantes orgánicos persistentes

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    Mariana Villada Canela


    Full Text Available en este artículo se examina el efecto del uso de la infor-mación en la participación y en la toma de decisiones parala elaboración, en México, del Plan Nacional de Implemen-tación del Convenio de Estocolmo sobre Contaminantes Or-gánicos Persistentes. La revisión documental, observaciónparticipante y entrevistas revelan que: a la información esun recurso para ostentar poder técnico pero, sobre todo,político, cuando se moviliza para situar intereses específicosy b que ese poder se refleja en la elaboración de diagnós-ticos y subplanes en la política ambiental. Por consiguiente,utilizar de este modo la información puede representar unmedio de exclusión, cuando predomina una participacióntécnicamente competente o limitada a aquellos con podereconómico, así como moldear la participación en la hechu-ra del mencionado plan, y vincularlo al cumplimiento decompromisos internacionales, juegos de poder y a una ex-clusión no intencional, para prevalecer en el debate y en latoma de decisiones.

  16. Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography in Dogs With Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Effect of Percutaneous Closure on Cardiac Mechanics. (United States)

    Spalla, I; Locatelli, C; Zanaboni, A M; Brambilla, P; Bussadori, C


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is 1 of the most common congenital heart defects in dogs and percutaneous closure is effective in achieving ductal closure; PDA closure is associated with abrupt hemodynamic changes. A marked decrease in standard parameters of systolic function as assessed by M- or B-mode echocardiography after PDA closure was identified in previous studies. Speckle tracking echocardiography can provide further insight into the effect of PDA closure on cardiac mechanics in dogs affected by PDA. Twenty-five client-owned dogs with PDA. Prospective study. Dogs were recruited over a 2-year period. Complete echocardiographic evaluation was performed before and 24 hours after PDA closure, including standard (end-diastolic volumes indexed to body surface area in B- and M-mode [EDVIB /M ], end-systolic volumes indexed to body surface area in B- and M-mode [ESVIB /M ], allometric scaling in diastole [AlloD] and systole [AlloS], pulmonary flow to systemic flow [Qs/Qp], ejection fraction [EF], and fractional shortening [FS]), and advanced speckle-tracking echocardiography (STE): global longitudinal, radial, circumferential and transverse strain (S), and strain rate (SR). Patent ductus arteriosus closure was associated with statistically significant decreases in EDVIM /B and ESVIM /B , AlloD and AlloS, SI, EF, and FS. A statistically significant decrease in the absolute values of radial, transverse, and circumferential S and SR was observed, whereas longitudinal S and SR did not change significantly. Patent ductus arteriosus closure by percutaneous approach is associated with marked decreases of conventional echocardiographic parameters as a result of the changes in loading conditions, but no evidence of systolic dysfunction was identified by means of STE, as none of the S and SR values were below reference ranges. In the short term, contractility is enhanced in the long axis (long S/SR values were not statistically different before and after closure) and

  17. Milrinone use for hemodynamic instability in patent ductus arteriosus ligation. (United States)

    Halliday, Matthew; Kavarana, Minoo; Ebeling, Myla; Kiger, James


    Determine if prophylactic milrinone improves cardiovascular or long-term clinical outcomes in preterm neonates who receive surgical patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation. Retrospective review of 45 infants over a 4-year period that received a PDA ligation at one institution. Data were collected on morbidity and mortality outcomes for all infants as well as milrinone therapy perioperatively. Of the 45 infants that were studied 15 received milrinone in the perioperative period of PDA ligation and the remaining 30 infants did not receive milrinone. The use of milrinone showed no statistically significant improvement in acute markers of hemodynamic stability. There was also no statistically significant difference in morbidity and mortality outcomes in milrinone group compared to the non-milrinone group. Prophylactic milrinone use for premature infants following PDA ligation does not show a significant cardiovascular or long-term clinical benefit.

  18. Patent Ductus Arteriosus Ligation and Adverse Outcomes: Causality or Bias? (United States)

    Weisz, Dany E.; McNamara, Patrick J.


    Observational studies have associated patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation in preterm infants with increased chronic lung disease (CLD), retinopathy of prematurity, and neurodevelopmental impairment at long-term follow-up. Although the biological rationale for this association is incompletely understood, there is an emerging secular trend toward a permissive approach to the PDA. However, insufficient adjustment for postnatal, pre-ligation confounders, such as intraventricular hemorrhage and the duration and intensity of mechanical ventilation, suggests the presence of residual bias due to confounding by indication, and obliges caution in interpreting the ligation-morbidity relationship. A period of conservative management after failure of medical PDA closure may be considered to reduce the number of infants treated with surgery. Increased mortality and CLD in infants with persistent symptomatic PDA suggests that surgical ligation remains an important treatment modality for preterm infants. PMID:25024972

  19. Efficacy of paracetamol on patent ductus arteriosus closure may be dose dependent: evidence from human and murine studies. (United States)

    El-Khuffash, Afif; Jain, Amish; Corcoran, David; Shah, Prakesh S; Hooper, Christopher W; Brown, Naoko; Poole, Stanley D; Shelton, Elaine L; Milne, Ginger L; Reese, Jeff; McNamara, Patrick J


    We evaluated the clinical effectiveness of variable courses of paracetamol on patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure and examined its effect on the in vitro term and preterm murine ductus arteriosus (DA). Neonates received one of the following three paracetamol regimens: short course of oral paracetamol (SCOP), long course of oral paracetamol (LCOP), and intravenous paracetamol (IVP) for 2-6 d. Pressure myography was used to examine changes in vasomotor tone of the preterm and term mouse DA in response to paracetamol or indomethacin. Their effect on prostaglandin synthesis by DA explants was measured by mass spectroscopy. Twenty-one preterm infants were included. No changes in PDA hemodynamics were seen in SCOP infants (n = 5). The PDA became less significant and eventually closed in six LCOP infants (n = 7). PDA closure was achieved in eight IVP infants (n = 9). On pressure myograph, paracetamol induced a concentration-dependent constriction of the term mouse DA, up to 30% of baseline (P 1 µmol/l. Indomethacin induced greater DA constriction and suppression of prostaglandin synthesis (P closure may depend on the duration of treatment and the mode of administration. Paracetamol is less potent than indomethacin for constriction of the mouse DA in vitro.

  20. Evolução ecocardiográfica de recém-nascidos com persistência do canal arterial Echocardiographic post-neonatal progress of preterm neonates with patent ductus arteriosus

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    Jorge Yussef Afiune


    ínico associado.OBJECTIVE: To identify clinical and echocardiography predictors of the spontaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates. METHODS: Sixty-one consecutive preterm neonates (gestational age 30±2 weeks, birth weight 1.2±0.2 kg were evaluated by echocardiogram on their third day of life and those with patent ductus arteriosus were selected for a prospective cohort. Echocardiography was repeated weekly until they reached term. Based on their progress, the sample population was divided into two groups, depending on whether spontaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus took place (Group A or not (Group B. The prevalence of clinical signs of patent ductus arteriosus and echocardiography findings at baseline were compared between the groups. RESULTS: Patent ductus arteriosus was found in 21 neonates (34%. Spontaneuous closure was observed during follow-up of seven patients (Group A, 33% of those with patent ductus arteriosus, in contrast with the remaining 14 patients (Group B, 67%. Clinical signs of patent ductus arteriosus were present in 14% of the patients in Group A, compared with 71% in group B (p = 0.01. At baseline, Group B had a larger ductus diameter in relation to Group A (2.6±0.6 mm vs. 1.4±0.6 mm; p = 0.003. The area under the ROC curve in relation to ductus diameter was 0.93 (p = 0.003 and 100% sensitivity for identifying cases without spontaneous closure was obtained at the cutoff point of 1.7 mm, while 100% specificity was observed taking 2.2 mm as the cutoff. CONCLUSIONS: In preterm neonates, a patent ductus arteriosus greater than 2.2 mm on the third day of life predicts no spontaneous closure and suggests a need for early treatment, especially when associated with clinical signs.

  1. Early hybrid approach and enteral feeding algorithm could reduce the incidence of necrotising enterocolitis in neonates with ductus-dependent systemic circulation. (United States)

    Manuri, Lucia; Morelli, Stefano; Agati, Salvatore; Saitta, Michele B; Oreto, Lilia; Mandraffino, Giuseppe; Iannace, Enrico; Iorio, Fiore S; Guccione, Paolo


    The reported incidence of necrotising enterocolitis in neonates with complex CHD with ductus-dependent systemic circulation ranges from 6.8 to 13% despite surgical treatment; the overall mortality is between 25 and 97%. The incidence of gastrointestinal complications after hybrid palliation for neonates with ductus-dependent systemic circulation still has to be defined, but seems comparable with that following the Norwood procedure. We reviewed the incidence of gastrointestinal complications in a series of 42 consecutive neonates with ductus-dependent systemic circulation, who received early hybrid palliation associated with a standardised feeding protocol. The median age and birth weight at the time of surgery were 3 days (with a range from 1 to 10 days) and 3.07 kg (with a range from 1.5 to 4.5 kg), respectively. The median ICU length of stay was 7 days (1-70 days), and the median hospital length of stay was 16 days (6-70 days). The median duration of mechanical ventilation was 3 days. Hospital mortality was 16% (7/42). In the postoperative period, 26% of patients were subjected to early extubation, and all of them received treatment with systemic vasodilatory agents. Feeding was started 6 hours after extubation according to a dedicated feeding protocol. After treatment, none of our patients experienced any grade of necrotising enterocolitis or major gastrointestinal adverse events. Our experience indicates that the combination of an "early hybrid approach", systemic vasodilator therapy, and dedicated feeding protocol adherence could reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal complications in this group of neonates. Fast weaning from ventilatory support, which represents a part of our treatment strategy, could be associated with low incidence of necrotising enterocolitis.

  2. Imaginarios persistentes en las narrativas sobre la invasión del Tawantinsuyu : estudio del caso del secuestro y magnicidio del Hanan Inka Atawallpa, ocurridos en Cajamarca (Perú: 1532 y 1533)


    Ontiveros, Asunción


    Ontiveros, Asunción. (2015). Imaginarios persistentes en las narrativas sobre la invasión del Tawantinsuyu. Estudio del caso del secuestro y magnicidio del Hanan Inka Atawallpa, ocurridos en Cajamarca (Perú: 1532 y 1533) (Tesis de posgrado). Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentina: Repositorio Institucional Digital de Acceso Abierto. Disponible en: La producción de narrativas y o formas simbólicas relacionadas a los acontecimientos del secuestro y m...

  3. Fechamento de canal arterial por minitoracotomia: técnica e resultados Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA closure with minithoracotomy: technique and results

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    Pedro R. SALERNO


    Full Text Available CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: No período de novembro de 1996 a dezembro de 1997, 15 crianças portadoras de canal arterial (CA, sendo 12 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 2,7 anos, peso médio de 13,9 kg foram submetidas a fechamento do CA por minitoracotomia. O ecodopplercardiograma confirmou o diagnóstico em todos o casos e mostrou o diâmetro do CA entre 2 mm e 10 mm, com média de 4,06 mm. A indicação cirúrgica foi eletiva em todos os casos. A operação consistiu de minitoracotomia esquerda no 4º espaço intercostal de 2,5 cm a 3,0 cm, seguida de dissecção do CA e clipagem do mesmo com 2 clips metálicos. Não foi utilizada drenagem pleural em nenhum dos casos. RESULTADOS: Todos os pacientes receberam alta em média no 4º dia de pós-operatório, sem nenhum escape pelo CA ao ecodopplercardiograma. CONCLUSÃO: O fechamento de CA por minitoracotomia é uma alternativa de tratamento que reduz o período de internação, bom efeito cosmético e baixo índice de complicações.OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to describe a new technique for closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA by minithoracotomy (2.5 a 3.0 cm and clipping the PDA with titanium clips. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From November 1996 to December 1997, 15 children with PDA underwent surgical closure. The mean age at the time of operation was 2.7 years, mean weight was 13.9 kg. The procedure was through a left minithoracotomy at the 4º intercostal space. The ductus was identified, dissected and isolated. Interruption of ductal flow was performed by direct clipping with two clips. The chest was closed without a chest drain. Unless the patient was ventilator dependent before the closure, the child usually was extubated in the operating room. RESULTS: Color doppler echocardiography demonstrated total occlusion of the ductus in all patients. All 15 patients were discharged from the hospital on the 4º postoperative day (mean. CONCLUSION: We conclude that surgical closure of

  4. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus using the angled duct occluder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yongwen, Qin; Xianxian, Zhao; Hong, Wu; Xing, Zheng; Jijun, Ding; Jianqiang, Hu [Second Military Medical Univ., Shanghai (China). Changhai Hospital, Dept. of Cardiology


    Objective: To assess the immediate efficacy of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) using the angled duct occluder (ADO). Methods: 9 patients (1 male, 8 female) underwent transcatheter closure of PDA using the ADO. The mean PDA diameter at its narrowest segment was (5.8 {+-} 1.9) mm, ranging 3 to 10 mm. A 6 - 9F long sheath was used for the delivery of ADO. Results: The devices were deployed successfully in all patients. Angiographies showed no shunt across the device 15 min after the implantation of ADO. Within 1 week, echocardiography revealed complete closure in all patients. There were no complications. Conclusions: The transcatheter closure of PDA using ADO is an effective and safe procedure. The device matches with the shape of aortic cavity much more precisely than Amplatzer duct occluder. (authors)

  5. Limited effects of intravenous paracetamol on patent ductus arteriosus in very low birth weight infants with contraindications for ibuprofen or after ibuprofen failure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D.W.E. Roofthooft (Daniella); I.M. van Beynum (I.); J.C.A. de Klerk (Johan C. A.); M. van Dijk (Monique); J.N. van den Anker (John); I.K.M. Reiss (Irwin); D. Tibboel (Dick); S.H. Simons (Sinno)


    textabstractFinding the optimal pharmacological treatment of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm neonates remains challenging. There is a growing interest in paracetamol as a new drug for PDA closure. In this prospective observational cohort study, we evaluated the effectiveness of

  6. Contemporary outcomes of percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in adolescents and adults

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    Sudhakar P


    Full Text Available Background: Catheter based treatment has gained wide acceptance for management of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA ever since its introduction. Percutaneous closure in adults can be challenging because of anatomical factors including large sizes, associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH and co-morbidities. This study aimed to provide comprehensive contemporary data on the safety and efficacy of percutaneous device closure of PDA in adult and adolescent population at a large referral center. Methods: This single-center retrospective analysis included 70 patients (33 adolescents and 37 adults who underwent successful percutaneous device closure of PDA between January 2011 and February 2017.Baseline patient demographics, clinical characteristics, procedural and device related variables, and immediate outcomes during hospital stay were recorded. Patients were followed up for residual shunt and complications. Results: Of 70 PDA device closure cases, 71.4% were females; the mean age was 23 years (range:10-58years. Devices used were 4-Cook’s detachable coils, 64-occluders (ADO-I and II, Lifetech, Cardi-O-Fix, 1-vascular plug and 1-ventricular septal occluder device. Device success was achieved in all including those with very large PDAs. At 24-h post-procedure, the success rate of transcatheter intervention was 95.7%. At 6-months follow up, complete closure was observed in all (mean follow up duration-531 days. In patients with severe PAH, significant immediate and sustained reduction of the mean pulmonary pressure was observed(77 mmHg to 33 mmHg;P = 0.014. No procedure-related complications including death, device embolization and stenosis of aorta or pulmonary artery occurred. Conclusions: In contemporary practice, percutaneous device closure is an effective and safe treatment option for adolescent and adult PDA patients. Keywords: Patent ductus arteriosus, Amplatzer duct occluder, Lifetech duct occluder, Cera device, Residual shunt

  7. Long-term outcome in dogs with patent ductus arteriosus: 520 cases (1994-2009). (United States)

    Saunders, A B; Gordon, S G; Boggess, M M; Miller, M W


    Published information regarding survival and long-term cardiac remodeling after patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure in dogs is limited. To report outcome and identify prognostic variables in dogs with PDA, and to identify risk factors for persistent remodeling in dogs with a minimum of 12 months of follow-up after closure. Five hundred and twenty client-owned dogs. Retrospective review of medical records of 520 dogs with PDA. Outcome was determined by contacting owners and veterinarians. Dogs with PDA closure and ≥ 12 months of follow-up were asked to return for a re-evaluation. In multivariable analysis of 506 dogs not euthanized at the time of diagnosis, not having a PDA closure procedure negatively affected survival (HzR = 16.9, P closure, clinical signs at presentation (HzR = 17, P = .02), concurrent congenital heart disease (HD) (HzR = 4.8, P = .038), and severe mitral regurgitation (MR) documented within 24 hours of closure (HzR = 4.5, P = .028) negatively affected survival. Seventy-one dogs with ≥ 12 months follow-up demonstrated a significant reduction in radiographic and echocardiographic measures of heart size (P = 0) and increased incidence of acquired HD (P = .001) at re-evaluation. Dogs with increased left ventricular size and low fractional shortening at baseline were more likely to have persistent remodeling at re-evaluation. Patent ductus arteriosus closure confers important survival benefits and results in long-term reverse remodeling in most dogs. Clinical signs at presentation, concurrent congenital HD, and severe MR negatively affect survival. Increased left ventricular systolic dimensions and systolic dysfunction at baseline correlated significantly with persistent remodeling. Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  8. An Infectious Pseudoaneurysm Caused by Ventricular Septal Defect Occluder in Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure in a Two-Year-Old Child. (United States)

    Li, Dingyang; Qiu, Qiu; Jin, Jing; Zhang, Changdong; Wang, Lijun; Zhang, Gangcheng


    We present a case of an infectious pseudoaneurysm after patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure with a ventricular septal defect (VSD) occluder in a two-year-old child. The aneurysm grew rapidly but was successfully removed in time and the patient survived. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an infectious pseudoaneurysm caused by VSD occluder in PDA closure.

  9. Persistent organochlorines in high-Antarctic fish; Persistente chlororganische Verbindungen in hochantarktischen Fischen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zimmermann, S.


    24 chlorinated hydrocarbons from different classes (PCB, HCH, DDT, Chlordane, Hexachlorobenzene and Octachlorostyrene) were analyzed in four species of high-Antarctic fish (Aethotaxis mitopteryx, Pleuragramma antarcticum, Trematomus lepidorhinus, and Chinodraco myersi). The concentrations were in the order of 1 {mu}g/kg wet weight or 10 {mu}g/kg lipid weight, respectively. Highest concentrations were measured for HCB in all species. The species showed different distribution patterns for the organochlorines studied. Compared with concentrations in fish from other regions the organochlorine levels measured in Antarctic fish are rather low. It is unlikely that the burden of organochlorines will cause any toxic effects in high-Antarctic fish yet. Nevertheless, with regard to the sensitive Antarctic ecosystem, even small concentrations carry a high risk of harm for Antarctic life. Environmental pollution in Antarctica should be observed with a monitoring program using standardized methods. For this purpose, the fish species studied are very useful as bioindicators for organochlorine contamination. (orig.) [Deutsch] 24 persistente Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe verschiedener Schadstoffgruppen (PCB, HCH, DDT, Chlordan, Hexachlorbenzol und Octachlorstyrol) wurden in vier hochantarktischen Fischarten (Aethotaxis mitopteryx, Pleuragramma antarcticum, Trematomus lepidorhinus und Chionodraco myersi). Die Konzentrationen der nachgewiesenen Schadstoffe im Ganzfisch liegen jeweils in der Groessenordnung von 1 {mu}g/kg Feuchtgewicht bzw. 10 {mu}g/kg Lipidgewicht mit erheblichen Schwankungen je nach Schadstoff und Art. Die Spezies zeigen artspezifische Schadstoffverteilungsmuster. Die Konzentrationen sind gegenueber denen in Fischen aus Gebieten mit staerkerem zivilisatorischem Einfluss eher niedrig. Die Fremstoffbelastungen der hochantarktischen Fische fuehren wahrscheinlich noch nicht zu messbaren toxischen Effekten bei den Fischen. Dennoch geht von den Schadstoffen in Hinblick auf das

  10. Absent pulmonary valve syndrome with intact ventricular septum and patent ductus arteriosus: report of two cases and a short review of the literature.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grotenhuis, H.B.; Nijveld, A.; Backx, A.P.C.M.


    We describe two patients who both presented shortly after birth with congestive heart failure due to an absent pulmonary valve and patent ductus arteriosus. Diagnostic evaluation revealed in both cases an aneurysmatic dilation of the pulmonary vascular tree and an abundant left-to-right shunt over a

  11. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus using the angled duct occluder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin Yongwen; Zhao Xianxian; Wu Hong; Zheng Xing; Ding Jijun; Hu Jianqiang


    Objective: To assess the immediate efficacy of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) using the angled duct occluder (ADO). Methods: 9 patients (1 male, 8 female) underwent transcatheter closure of PDA using the ADO. The mean PDA diameter at its narrowest segment was (5.8 ± 1.9) mm, ranging 3 to 10 mm. A 6 - 9F long sheath was used for the delivery of ADO. Results: The devices were deployed successfully in all patients. Angiographies showed no shunt across the device 15 min after the implantation of ADO. Within 1 week, echocardiography revealed complete closure in all patients. There were no complications. Conclusions: The transcatheter closure of PDA using ADO is an effective and safe procedure. The device matches with the shape of aortic cavity much more precisely than Amplatzer duct occluder. (authors)

  12. Comparison of two neonatal indomethacin protocols: efficacy and outcome for patent ductus arteriosus closure. (United States)

    Rosito, G; Sum, K; Chorne, N


    Indomethacin, a non-selective inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis, is the gold standard treatment for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Indomethacin has been shown to permanently close the ductus and when given prophylactically, it reduces the incidence of PDA (1, 2). This study compares PDA closure and surgical ligation rates between patients using two different indomethacin administration protocols. This is a retrospective comparison analysis of 72 neonates, who received one of two indomethacin administration protocols. Our previous protocol suggested an initial dose of 0·2 mg/kg followed by two 0·1 mg/kg, with doses infused over 4 h and a 24-h dosing interval. A new potentially more useful protocol using the same mg/kg dose regimen but with doses infused over 30 min and a 12-h dosing interval, was evaluated. Each neonate was allowed three courses of treatment before surgical ligation was performed for persistent PDA. There were no statistically significant differences between the two protocol groups when comparing percentages of neonates with gestational age≤28 weeks, birth weight≤1000 g, male gender or receiving indomethacin for the indication of PDA prophylaxis vs. treatment. There was a trend towards a higher PDA closure rate and subsequently a lower PDA ligation rate in the new protocol when compared with the previous protocol. In this small population of premature neonates, there was a trend, but no significant difference, towards increasing PDA closure and lower surgical ligation rates in neonates given indomethacin with more frequent dosing and shorter infusion time. A well-powered randomized controlled trial is now needed. Copyright © 2010 The Authors. JCPT © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  13. Contaminantes orgánicos persistentes (COPs en leche materna de centros urbanos de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Lara Sofia Della Ceca


    Full Text Available Los contaminantes orgánicos persistentes (COPs se acumulan en matrices ricas en materia grasa como la leche materna, que es un buen indicador de sus niveles en poblaciones humanas debido a su fácil y no invasiva extracción. Con el objeto de evaluar la exposición a COPs en la provincia de Buenos Aires y compararla con otras  áreas, se analizaron bifenilos policlorados (PCBs, diclorodifeniltricloroetano (DDT y sus metabolitos (DDT, TDE, hexaclorociclohexanos (?, ? y ?-HCH y clordanos (CHLDs: heptaclor y su epóxido, trans y cis clordanos y nonaclors en muestras de leche materna colectadas durante 2010 y 2011 en Punta Lara, Ensenada, Florencio Varela y Capital Federal.Las  muestras fueron colectadas con sacaleches manuales, centrifugadas para separar la crema que fue liofilizada y extraída con éter de petróleo y ultrasonido. Los extractos previamente tratados con ácido para eliminación parcial de lípidos, fueron purificados por cromatografía en gel de sílice y analizados por cromatografía gaseosa.Las concentraciones de COPs en ng.g-1 lípido decrecieron en el orden DDTs (76±91 ? PCBs (67±64 > HCHs (33±36 ³ CHLDs (22±24.  Los DDTs oscilaron entre 7.7-510 ng.g-1 lípido y  los PCBs entre 5-247 ng.g-1 lípido, estos valores son comparables al rango más bajo reportado en la literatura (DDTs Noruega: 39-292 ng.g-1 lípido; PCBs Vietnam: 26-210 ng.g-1, Japón: 23-370 ng.g-1. En cambio, las concentraciones de HCHs y CHLDs, que oscilaron entre 5.8-197 ng.g-1 lípido y  1.3-124 ng.g-1 lípido respectivamente, corresponden al rango medio reportado para otras áreas (HCHs Indonesia 1.6-120 ng.g-1; CHLDs 3.4-92 ng.g-1. La composición de residuos en la leche materna es relativamente conservativa para cada clase de COPs, así se observa uniforme predominancia de productos de degradación (p.ej. DDE: 90±17% de SDDTs; epóxido de heptaclor: 50±18% y t-nonaclordano: 34±13% de SCHLDs y los isómeros y congéneres más persistentes (?-HCH

  14. La configuración del tracto de salida cardiaco en los vertebrados pisciformes


    Rodríguez, Cristina; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Lorenzale, Miguel; Soto-Navarrete, M. Teresa; Sans-Coma, Valentín; Durán, Ana C.


    La noción clásica relativa a la anatomía del corazón de los vertebrados pisciformes ha cambiado notablemente en los últimos años. Anteriormente se asumía que el tracto de salida cardiaco de los condrictios es estructuralmente diferente del de los teleósteos. En los primeros, el tracto de salida es de naturaleza miocárdica y se denomina cono arterioso, mientras que en los segundos se denomina bulbo arterioso y carece de musculatura cardiaca. Según esta noción clásica, en el curso de la evoluci...

  15. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with special conformation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yigang; Li Shijie; Fu Qiang


    Objective: To discuss the technique of transcatheter closure for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with special conformation so as to improve the technical success rate and clinical safety. Methods: Transcatheter closure was performed in 23 patients with PDA of special types by using different devices according to the angiocardiographic conformation and the clinical manifestation. The therapeutic results were evaluated by transthoracic color Doppler echocardiography at 24 hours, one, three and six months after the operation. Results: Different occluders were successfully implanted in all patients. PDA of special types was found in 23 patients, which included: (1) special conformation (n=12), consisting of small type (n=5), huge type (n=3), aneurismal type (n=2) and displayed on special exposure position (n=2), (2) accompanied by other malformations (n=2), containing dextroaortic arch (n=1) and dextrocardia (n=1), (3) associated with severe pulmonary hypertension (n=8) and (4) recanalization after surgery (n=1). Conclusion: For PDA with special conformation, therapeutic strategy should be individually formulated in order to smoothly bring the closure procedure to success. (authors)


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    Iuliu Scurtu


    Full Text Available Introduction: PDA represents one of the most frequently diagnosed type of congenital heart disease. Ductus arteriosus is a normal structure in foetal life, which permits shunting of oxygenated blood from the pulmonary artery into the aorta. Failure of sealing after birth is an abnormal condition and is called patent ductus arteriosus. In normal PDA, due to fact that systemic pressure is fivefold higher than pulmonary circulation, blood is shunted from the aorta into the pulmonary artery. In reverse PDA, pulmonary artery pressure does not drop after birth, and blood will be shunted form right to left. Aims: We want to evaluate clinical, haematological, ECG and echocardiographic changes in case of reverse PDA. Materials and Methods: Two-year old female Bichon Frise was referred to our clinic with signs of effort intolerance and dyspnoea for more than a year. ECG was performed in the right lateral recumbency using a digital device and echocardiography was done with Esaote MyLab40 Vet with a phased array transducer matched with the size of the dog (7.5 MHz. Results: We identified a dog with a good body score, quite alert and without any sign of illness. Haematological investigation underlined polycythaemia and very high PCV. The ECG revealed a normal sinus rhythm with a deep S wave, changes consistent with right ventricle enlargement.  Right atrial dilation and right ventricle hypertrophy were found on cardiac ultrasonography. The right ventricle free wall was hypertrophied and interventricular septum was flattened, changes consistent with increased pressure on the right side of the heart. The left heart was small. Positive diagnosis was done, performing “bubble study” and identification of contrast bubble within the abdominal aorta.   Conclusion: Reverse PDA is a rarely diagnosed congenital heart disease. Polycythaemia in young dogs could raise the suspicion of reverse PDA.  For positive diagnosis, echocardiography and bubble study are

  17. Catheter-based closure of the patent ductus arteriosus in lower weight infants. (United States)

    Pavlek, Leeann R; Slaughter, Jonathan L; Berman, Darren P; Backes, Carl H


    Risks associated with drug therapy and surgical ligation have led health care providers to consider alternative strategies for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure. Catheter-based PDA closure is the procedure of choice for ductal closure in adults, children, and infants ≥6kg. Given evidence among older counterparts, interest in catheter-based closure of the PDA in lower weight (closure devices; (3) review the technical success (feasibility); (4) review the risks (safety profile); (5) discuss the quality of evidence on procedural efficacy; (6) consider areas for future research. The review provided herein suggests that catheter-based PDA closure is technically feasible, but the lack of comparative trials precludes determination of the optimal strategy for ductal closure in this subgroup of infants. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Correção cirúrgica da persistência do canal arterial em crianças de baixo peso e neonatos Surgical treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in low-weight child and neonates

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    Ciro Denevitz de Castro Herdy


    Full Text Available A persistência do canal arterial ocorre com freqüência em neonatos prematuros, provocando um grave quadro de disfunção cardiopulmonar. O tratamento envolve duas abordagens, sendo uma clínica e outra cirúrgica. A operação para a ligadura do canal arterial é praticada desde 1938. O enfoque clínico preconiza o uso da indometacina, com o intuito de promover a oclusão do canal arterial. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar os resultados obtidos com o tratamento cirúrgico da persistência do canal arterial, através de toracotomia e ligadura em 14 pacientes, incluindo crianças de baixo peso e neonatos prematuros com quadro clínico instável. A principal indicação cirúrgica, nestes casos, foi a presença de insuficiência respiratória aguda e insuficiência cardíaca. A técnica empregada foi a tripla ligadura do canal arterial. Nos 14 casos não obtivemos nenhum tipo de complicação e sem mortalidade. A presença de uma Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo Neonatal (U.T.I no Hospital foi de extremo valor no preparo dos pacientes e na evolução no período de pós-operatório. Este trabalho comprova a eficácia do método cirúrgico empregado, com baixas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade e a importância da U.T.I neonatal no acompanhamento dos pacientes.The patent ductus arterious frequently occurs in premature neonates causing serious cardiopulmonary disfunction. The treatment includes two options; one clinic and the other surgical procedure. The surgery for patent ductus arteriosus has been done since 1938. Clinical treatment with indometacin induces closure of the arteriosus ductus. The aim of the article is to analize the surgical results with thoractomy by triple-ligature of the ductus for the treatment of persistent ductus arteriosus in fourteen patients including low weight children and premature neonates with cardiopulmonary disfunction. The indications for surgery in these cases were respiratory distress and congestive

  19. Hemodynamic, pulmonary vascular, and myocardial abnormalities secondary to pharmacologic constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosus. A possible mechanism for persistent pulmonary hypertension and transient tricuspid insufficiency in the newborn infant. (United States)

    Levin, D L; Mills, L J; Weinberg, A G


    The prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor indomethacin was given orally or intravenously to pregnant ewes. This resulted in a significant rise in the fetal pulmonary-to-systemic arterial mean blood pressure difference across the ductus arteriosus, presumably secondary to constriction of the ductus arteriosus. In five experiments the pressure difference could be promptly but temporarily reversed by the administration of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) into the fetal inferior vena cava. Fetal lungs from study and control animals were fixed by perfusion at measured pulmonary arterial mean blood pressure, and fifth-generation resistance vessels were studied. The medial width/external diameter ratio was significantly increased in the study vs the control lungs due to increased smooth muscle and decreased external diameter. In addition, study fetuses had acute degenerative myocardial changes in the tricuspid valve papillary muscles, the right ventricular free wall and the interventricular septum. Similar changes were not seen in control fetuses. Indomethacin administration during pregnancy causes constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosus, fetal pulmonary arterial hypertension, and right ventricular damage. If severe, this may cause rapid fetal death. If less severe, in the newborn infant, this mechanism may be one cause of persistent pulmonary hypertension due to vasoconstriction and increased pulmonary arterial smooth muscle and/or tricuspid insufficiency due to papillary muscle infarction.

  20. A rare presentation of patent ductus arteriosus in an adult patient with normal pulmonary hypertension and limb edema

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    Bahram Pishgoo


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA at childhood is one of the five major and frequent congenital abnormalities, but it can be rarely seen in adults. Pulmonary hypertension (PHTN and other presentations such as heart failure and edema are the identified complications of longstanding PDA, but adult case with no permanent heart symptoms and PHTN was rare. We reported a rare case of with an obvious PDA and normal pulmonary pressure. CASE REPORT: A 61-year-old woman presented with dyspnea (New York Heart Association class 2, chest pain, and lower limb edema. Echocardiogram showed; normal left ventricular chamber size and function, normal size of both atria. Furthermore, an obvious PDA (diameter = 6-7 mm connecting the aortic arch to the pulmonary artery was reported in echocardiography. No lung congestion and evidence for PHTN was reported by computed tomographic angiography [Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP = 30 mmHg]. The patient was treated with antihypertensive drugs and after 1 and 3 months follow-up, edema and other symptoms were resolved. CONCLUSION: Finally, we conclude that PDA in adulthood can present with nonspecific cardiovascular symptoms, and it seems that PHTN is not a fixed echocardiographic finding in these patients.   Keywords: Adults, Edema, Patent Ductus Arteriosus eri, Pulmonary Hypertension  Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA

  1. Incidence of postoperative implant-related bacterial endocarditis in dogs that underwent trans-catheter embolization of a patent ductus arteriosus without intra- and post-procedural prophylactic antibiotics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Szatmári, Viktor


    Intra- and post-procedural prophylactic antibiotics are routinely administered by veterinary cardiologists to dogs that undergo trans-catheter embolization of a patent ductus arteriosus for prevention of implant-related infective endocarditis. The hypothesis of our study was that primary antibiotic

  2. The clinical application and effect evaluation of home-made duct occluder in patent ductus arteriosus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jijun, Shi; Guohong, Zeng; Zhiwei, Zhang; Huishen, Wang; Mingyang, Qian; Yufen, Li [Guangdong Provincial People' s Hospital, Guangdong Provincial Cardiovascular Inst., Guangzhou (China)


    Objective: To evaluate the clinical application and effect of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) by using the home-made Xinjian duct occluder. Methods: From June, 2000 to July, 2002, 182 patients (63 male, 119 female) underwent attempted transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus by using the Xinjian duct occluder at a median age of 5.23 years (range 0.3 to 16) and a median weight of 17.09 kg (range 5 to 50). The mean PDA diameter in the narrowest segment was 4.30 mm (range 1.32 to 9.00). The delivery sheath was 6 to 10 F. The median operation time was 73.31 min (range 45 to 135), and the median fluoroscopy time was 7.09 min (range 2.60 to 26.90). Follow-up evaluation was performed with color flow mapping immediately, at 24 h, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after closure, respectively. Results: The Xinjian device was successfully placed in all 182 cases. Angiography showed immediate closure in 109 patients (59.89%), small residual shunt in 30, and trace shunt in 43. At 24 h, color Doppler revealed complete closure in 163 patients. Only 8 patients still had a residual shunt after 1 month. A residual shunt was observed in 4 at 3 months and 6 months, 2 at 1 year, 1 at 2 years. There were no severe complications. Conclusions: Transcatheter closure of PDA using the home-made Xinjian occluder is a safe and effective method. The Xinjian occluder could replace the imported product in the closure of PDA.

  3. The clinical application and effect evaluation of home-made duct occluder in patent ductus arteriosus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi Jijun; Zeng Guohong; Zhang Zhiwei; Wang Huishen; Qian Mingyang; Li Yufen


    Objective: To evaluate the clinical application and effect of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) by using the home-made Xinjian duct occluder. Methods: From June, 2000 to July, 2002, 182 patients (63 male, 119 female) underwent attempted transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus by using the Xinjian duct occluder at a median age of 5.23 years (range 0.3 to 16) and a median weight of 17.09 kg (range 5 to 50). The mean PDA diameter in the narrowest segment was 4.30 mm (range 1.32 to 9.00). The delivery sheath was 6 to 10 F. The median operation time was 73.31 min (range 45 to 135), and the median fluoroscopy time was 7.09 min (range 2.60 to 26.90). Follow-up evaluation was performed with color flow mapping immediately, at 24 h, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after closure, respectively. Results: The Xinjian device was successfully placed in all 182 cases. Angiography showed immediate closure in 109 patients (59.89%), small residual shunt in 30, and trace shunt in 43. At 24 h, color Doppler revealed complete closure in 163 patients. Only 8 patients still had a residual shunt after 1 month. A residual shunt was observed in 4 at 3 months and 6 months, 2 at 1 year, 1 at 2 years. There were no severe complications. Conclusions: Transcatheter closure of PDA using the home-made Xinjian occluder is a safe and effective method. The Xinjian occluder could replace the imported product in the closure of PDA

  4. Thromboxane A(2 receptor stimulation promotes closure of the rat ductus arteriosus through enhancing neointima formation.

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    Tomohiro Yokota

    Full Text Available Ductus arteriosus (DA closure follows constriction and remodeling of the entire vessel wall. Patent ductus arteriosus occurs when the DA does not close after birth, and this condition is currently treated using cyclooxygenase inhibitors. However, the efficacy of cyclooxygenase inhibitors is often limited. Our previous study demonstrated that low-dose thromboxane A2 receptor (TP stimulation constricted the DA with minimal adverse effects in rat neonates. However, its effect on DA remodeling remains unknown. In this study, we focused on the impact of the exogenous TP stimulation on the DA remodeling, especially intimal thickening. Using DA explants from rat fetuses at embryonic day 19 as a ex vivo model and primary cultured rat DA smooth muscle cells from embryonic day 21 as a in vitro model, we evaluated the effect of TP stimulation on the DA remodeling. The selective TP agonists U46619 and I-BOP promoted neointima formation in the ex vivo DA explants, and TP stimulation increased DA SMC migration in a dose-dependent manner. Both effects were inhibited by the selective TP antagonist SQ29548 or the siRNA against TP. TP stimulation also increased DA SMC proliferation in the presence of 10% fetal bovine serum. LC/MS/MS analysis revealed that TP stimulation increased secretion of several extracellular matrix proteins that may contribute to an increase in neointima formation. In conclusion, we uncovered that exogenous administration of TP agonist promotes neointima formation through the induction of migration and proliferation of DA SMC, which could contribute to DA closure and also to its vasoconstrictive action.

  5. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in children: Immediate and short-term changes in left ventricular systolic and diastolic function


    Gupta, Saurabh Kumar; Krishnamoorthy, KM; Tharakan, Jaganmohan A; Sivasankaran, S; Sanjay, G; Bijulal, S; Anees, T


    Objective: To evaluate the effect of percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) on left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic function in children. Background: Limited studies are available on alteration in LV hemodynamics, especially diastolic function, after PDA closure. Methods: Thirty-two consecutive children with isolated PDA treated by trans-catheter closure were studied. The LV systolic and diastolic function were assessed by two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography ...

  6. Transcatheter interruption of large residual flow after device closure of "Type A" patent ductus arteriosus

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    Anuradha Sridhar


    Full Text Available We report a case of 3-year-old girl who had persistence of large residual flow following transcatheter closure of a 6 mm ′Type A′ patent ductus arteriosus using a 12 × 10 mm duct occluder. Angiography revealed a large left-to-right shunt coursing through and exiting around the implanted device. Near total abolition of the residual shunt was achieved by initial implantation of an embolization coil within the duct occluder and subsequently an Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO II adjacent to the duct occluder. This challenging case describes an additional technique of abolishing a large residual flow in and around a Nitinol duct occluder device.

  7. [Left vocal cord paralysis after patent ductus arteriosus surgery]. (United States)

    López Sousa, M; Pérez Feal, A; Soto, A; Fraga, J M; Couce, M L


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common problem in preterm newborns. Left vocal cord paralysis (LVCP) can complicate surgical closure if the recurrent nerve is damaged. A retrospective case series study was conducted on preterm babies diagnosed with PDA in our unit from 1999 to 2013. Their clinical features and treatment complications were reviewed. In those patients that received surgical treatment a telephone questionnaire on the symptoms of LVCP symptoms was completed, and laryncoscopy examination offered. A total of 88 subjects diagnosed with PDA were found, of whom 13.64% (12/88) needed surgery. These patients had a lower gestational age and birth weight. They required mechanical ventilation more frequently, and they had more complications such as, diaphragmatic paralysis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and intraventricular hemorrhage. One third (3/9) of the surgically treated patients had LVCP, and all of them had dysphonia (100% vs. 16.7%, p=.05). LVCP is a common complication of PDA surgery. Further studies are needed to determine its risk factors and its short and long-term consequences. Copyright © 2013 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  8. Transcatheter Device Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sultan, M.; Ullah, M.; Sadiq, N.; Akhtar, K.; Akbar, H.


    Objective: To determine the efficacy, safety and immediate complications encountered during percutaneous device closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Study Design: Case series. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Paediatric Cardiology, AFIC/NIHD, Rawalpindi, from January 2005 to December 2010. Methodology: Consecutive 500 patients who underwent attempted transcatheter PDA device closure were included in the study. Device type position, success of closure and complications were described as frequency percentage. Results: In 491 cases (98.2%), PDA was successfully occluded including 4 cases (0.8%) where devices were dislodged but retrieved and redeployed in Cath laboratory. PDA occluder devices used in 448 cases (91%) while coils (single or multiple) were used in 42 cases (8.5%) and in one case (0.2%) ASD occluder device was used to occlude the PDA. There were 09 (1.8%) unsuccessful cases, 06 (1.2%) were abandoned as ducts were considered unsuitable for device closure, 02 (0.4%) devices dislodged and needed surgical retrieval and one case (0.2%) was abandoned due to faulty equipment. The narrowest PDA diameter ranged from 0.5 - 14 mm with mean of 4.5 +- 2.4 mm. There was a single (0.2%) mortality. Conclusion: Transcatheter occlusion of PDA by coil or occluder device is an effective therapeutic option with high success rate. Complication rate is low in the hands of skilled operators yet paediatric cardiac surgical back-up cover is mandatory. (author)

  9. Dlx1 and Rgs5 in the ductus arteriosus: vessel-specific genes identified by transcriptional profiling of laser-capture microdissected endothelial and smooth muscle cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bokenkamp, R.; Brempt, R. van; Munsteren, J.C. van; Wijngaert, I. van den; Hoogt, R. de; Finos, L.; Goeman, J.J.; Groot, A.C de; Poelmann, R.E.; Blom, N.A.; DeRuiter, M.C.


    Closure of the ductus arteriosus (DA) is a crucial step in the transition from fetal to postnatal life. Patent DA is one of the most common cardiovascular anomalies in children with significant clinical consequences especially in premature infants. We aimed to identify genes that specify the DA in

  10. Hipoglicemia hiperinsulinêmica persistente em recém-nascido: relato de caso

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    Alcinda Aranha Nigri


    Full Text Available Introdução: A manutenção de adequados níveis glicêmicos é de vital importância no período neonatal e na lactância, pois o tecido cerebral, ainda imaturo, é marcado por intensa atividade metabólica sendo ávido por glicose, tornando-se sensível às reduções dos níveis glicêmicos. A hiperinsulinemia é a principal causa de hipoglicemia persistente e recorrente nessa fase da vida. Como consequência, a ocorrência de episódios repetidos de hipoglicemia nesta faixa etária, pode causar danos cerebrais, na maioria das vezes graves e irreversíveis. Objetivos: O objetivo deste relato é elucidar um caso clínico de Hipoglicemia Hiperinsulinêmica na infância, com ênfase no diagnóstico e instituição de terapêutica precoces. Metodologia: O caso foi acompanhado no ambulatório de Endocrinologia Pediátrica do Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba, sendo sua descrição embasada na literatura. Relato de Caso: Lactente, 9 meses, masculino, sem queixas no momento, encaminhado para este ambulatório para seguimento do tratamento de Hipoglicemia Hiperinsulinêmica. Apresentou aos 4 dias de vida quadro de hipoglicemia refratária ao uso de soro de manutenção, sendo encaminhado para o Hospital Regional de Sorocaba para investigação diagnóstica, chegando-se a hipótese citada acima. Iniciou-se terapia com Octreotide para controle glicêmico e atualmente mantem níveis glicêmicos na faixa da normalidade com o uso contínuo desse medicamento. Foi avaliado pelo neurologista aos 5 meses de vida, sem alterações em desenvolvimento neurológico até o momento. Conclusão: A identificação precoce e a correta abordagem desta patologia são preditores de um bom prognóstico, afinal reduz-se substancialmente o risco de desenvolvimento de sequelas neurológicas com a terapêutica adequada.

  11. Which Criteria are More Valuable in Defining Hemodynamic Significance of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Infants? Respiratory or Echocardiographic?

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    İrfan Oğuz Şahin


    Full Text Available Aim: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA is a frequent health problem in premature infants. Pharmacologic closure is recommended only for hemodynamically significant PDA (hsPDA that is defined according to the clinical and echocardiographic criteria. The aim of this study was to explore the value of commonly used criteria in defining hsPDA and predicting the required number of courses of ibuprofen treatment to close PDA in premature infants. Methods: Sixty premature infants with a gestational age of ≤33 weeks were evaluated prospectively. Clinical and echocardiographic criteria [O2 requirement, ductus diameter (DD and left atrial-to-aortic root diameter ratio (LA:Ao] were used to define hsPDA. Clinical improvement after pharmacologic closure of PDA and association between the criteria and required number of ibuprofen courses were investigated. Results: O2 requirement decreased by PDA closure but was not different between patients with hsPDA and the others with PDA. Also, O2 requirement was not found to be associated with required number of ibuprofen courses. DD and LA:Ao were greater in patients with hsPDA. DD was found to be associated with required number of courses of ibuprofen treatment. Conclusion: Although there was an improvement in O2 requirement with PDA closure, echocardiographic criteria were found to be more valuable in defining hsPDA. DD should also be used to estimate the duration of treatment.

  12. Incidence of postoperative implant-related bacterial endocarditis in dogs that underwent trans-catheter embolization of a patent ductus arteriosus without intra- and post-procedural prophylactic antibiotics. (United States)

    Szatmári, Viktor


    Intra- and post-procedural prophylactic antibiotics are routinely administered by veterinary cardiologists to dogs that undergo trans-catheter embolization of a patent ductus arteriosus for prevention of implant-related infective endocarditis. The hypothesis of our study was that primary antibiotic prophylaxis is not necessary to prevent bacterial endocarditis. In this retrospective case series 54 client-owned dogs that underwent trans-catheter occlusion of a patent ductus arteriosus in a single tertiary veterinary referral center between 2004 and 2016 were evaluated. Follow-up information was gained by telephone interviews with the owners or the referring veterinarians, or from the digital archives of the authors' clinic. Inclusion criteria were that at least one metal implant (a coil or an Amplatz duct occluder) had to be delivered in the ductal ampulla, no local or systemic antibiotics were given on the day of the intervention or the week thereafter, at least 3 months of postoperative follow-up information was available, and the author was performing the procedure either as the primary or as the supervising cardiology specialist. None of the 54 dogs developed infective endocarditis in the postoperative 3 months. A study describing a similar population reports 2 of the included 47 dogs having developed infective endocarditis in the postoperative period despite the administration of intra- and post-procedural prophylactic antibiotics. We conclude that intra- and post-procedural antibiotic prophylaxis is not justified in dogs that undergo trans-catheter closure of a patent ductus arteriosus. Proper surgical technique and the use of new sterile catheters and implants are sufficient to prevent infective endocarditis in these dogs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Perfect and least invasive sealing technique on the lesser curvature of the aortic arch: application of a novel stent graft to an aneurysm developing on a postoperative ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Soeda, Takeshi; Yokoi, Yoshihiko; Yuri, Koichi; Saito, Yuuhei; Setozaki, Shuji; Harada, Hisao


    A 78-year-old woman who underwent an operation for a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) about thirty years ago developed an aneurysm on the aortic side of the remnant ductal tissue. To avoid risky, open surgery, we performed endovascular aortic therapy using a novel stent graft (SG), which was pre-curved, fenestrated and custom-made type. This graft was designed to configure to the patient's whole aortic arch anatomy, and was capable of accurately adjusting its fenestrations to the arch branch orifices during the procedure. The operation was successful, and the patient was discharged uneventfully on 16th postoperative day. The advantage of this fenestrated SG is close sealing, especially over the lesser curvature of the arch. This device could be a simple and effective option to deal with an otherwise normal aortic arch with such a ductus-related localized lesion.

  14. Percutaneous closure of hypertensive ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Zabal, Carlos; García-Montes, José Antonio; Buendía-Hernández, Alfonso; Calderón-Colmenero, Juan; Patiño-Bahena, Emilia; Juanico-Enriquez, Antonio; Attie, Fause


    The Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) has been used with success to close large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), but some problems exist especially with hypertensive PDAs, such as incomplete closure, haemolysis, left pulmonary artery stenosis, obstruction of the descending aorta and progressive pulmonary vascular disease. We analysed a group of 168 patients with isolated PDA and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PSAP) > or =50 mm Hg. Mean age was 10.3 +/- 14.3 years (median 3.9), PDA diameter was 6.4 +/- 2.9 mm (median 5.9), PASP was 63.5 +/- 16.2 mm Hg (median 60), Qp/Qs was 2.7 +/- 1.2 (median 2.5), total pulmonary resistance index (PRI) was 3.69 +/- 2.15 (median 3.35) and vascular PRI was 2.73 +/- 1.72 (median 2.37). We used ADOs in 145 (86.3%) cases, Amplatzer muscular ventricular septal defect occluders (AMVSDO) in 18 (10.7%), Amplatzer septal occluders (ASO) in three (1.8%) and the Gianturco-Grifka device in two (1.2%) cases. Device diameter was 106.3% +/- 51% higher than PDA diameter. PASP decreased after occlusion to 42.5 +/- 13.3 mm Hg (pclosure, no or trivial shunt was present in 123 (74.5%) cases. Immediate complications were device embolisation in five (3%) cases and descending aortic obstruction in one case. The overall success rate was 98.2%. Follow-up in 145 (86.3%) cases for 37.1 +/- 24 months (median 34.1) showed further decrease of the PASP to 30.1 +/- 7.7 mm Hg (p<0.0001). Percutaneous treatment of hypertensive PDA is safe and effective. ADO works well for most cases, but sometimes other devices (MVSDO or ASO) have to be used. When cases are selected adequately, pulmonary pressures decrease immediately and continue to fall with time.

  15. Troponin T, N-terminal pro natriuretic peptide and a patent ductus arteriosus scoring system predict death before discharge or neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years in preterm infants.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    El-Khuffash, Afif F


    There is little consensus regarding the use of echocardiography in patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) treatment in preterm infants. The use of troponin T (cTnT) and N-terminal Pro-BNP (NTpBNP) in combination with echocardiography assessment may facilitate the development of a superior predictive model.

  16. The role of n terminal - probrain natriuretic peptide in the diagnosis of hemodynamic persistent asrteriosus ductus in premature neonates patient (United States)

    Dasraf, D.; Djer, M. M.; Advani, N.


    Persistent ductus arteriosus is one of the most frequent congenital heart diseases found in infants, mainly in preterms. Echocardiography is the gold standard for the diagnosis of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hs-PDA) in preterm neonates. A few studies have suggested that the use of a simple blood assay to detect N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) may be useful in determining the diagnosis and management of hs-PDA. No such studies have been conducted in Indonesia, although the assay kit and characteristics of the patient (gestational age and chronological age) influence the accuracy of NT-proBNP levels in determining hs-PDA. The aim of this study was to determine the association between the NT-proBNP level and the prevalence of hs-PDA in an Indonesian patient population. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. PDA was determined using echocardiography in 49 preterm neonates (gestational age groups: non-PDA, non-hsPDA, and hs-PDA. The blood NT-proBNP level was then determined in the non-hsPDA and hs-PDA groups, and between-group differences were compared. Among the 49 neonates, 33 patients had PDA, and 16 of these had hs-PDA. The results revealed a significant association between the NT-proBNP level and hs-PDA (p < 0.001).

  17. Coil occlusion of residual shunts after surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Fujii, Yoko; Keene, Bruce W; Mathews, Kyle G; Atkins, Clarke E; Defrancesco, Teresa C; Hardie, Elizabeth M; Wakao, Yoshito


    OBJECTIVE; To describe use of coil embolization to occlude residual flow through a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) after incomplete surgical ligation. Clinical study. Dogs (n=4) with continuous murmur after surgical ligation of PDA. After PDA ligation, residual ductal flow through the PDA was visible on color-flow Doppler examination and left ventricular end-diastolic diameter remained increased. Coil embolization by an arterial approach was performed to achieve complete occlusion of the PDA. Embolization coils were delivered without complications and hemodynamically successful occlusion was achieved. Doppler-visible flow resolved in 2 dogs within 3 months after embolization. Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter indexed to body weight decreased in all dogs. Transcatheter coil embolization appears to be a safe and minimally invasive procedure for complete occlusion of residual PDA flow after incomplete surgical ligation. Transcatheter coil embolization should be considered for correction of hemodynamically significant residual shunts in dogs that have incomplete PDA occlusion after open surgical ligation.

  18. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus using the AMPLATZER™ duct occluder II (ADO II). (United States)

    Gruenstein, Daniel H; Ebeid, Makram; Radtke, Wolfgang; Moore, Phillip; Holzer, Ralf; Justino, Henri


    The study purpose is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the ADO II device for closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in children. Transcatheter treatment of PDA has been evolving for 40+ years and is the treatment of choice. The AMPLATZER™ Duct Occluder (ADO) device was developed for larger diameter ducts and is not ideal in all PDAs. ADO II was developed for small to moderate-sized ducts. This is a single-arm, multicenter study evaluating safety and efficacy of the ADO II device. Patients closure in 98% of successful implantations. In this prospective study, the ADO II was safe and effective for closure of small to moderate PDAs. Implantation is simple and the ability for retrograde aortic delivery reduces procedure-related radiation exposure. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Results from extrapleural clipping of a patent ductus arteriosus in seriously ill preterm infants. (United States)

    Demirturk, Orhan; Güvener, Murat; Coşkun, Isa; Tünel, Hüseyin Ali


    Minithoracotomy for extrapleural closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in seriously ill patients offers a fast and less invasive alternative to conventional transpleural ductal closure. This study reports the immediate postoperative clinical outcomes for 24 extrapleurally clipped premature infants presenting with congestive heart failure in high-risk comorbidity status between March 2007 and November 2010. The demographics, preoperative clinical characteristics, and postoperative outcomes of the patients, including echocardiographic assessments, were evaluated. No surgery-related mortalities occurred. Four mortalities occurred after surgery due to sepsis and bleeding diathesis. All 20 surviving patients exhibited normal left ventricular dimensions and systolic function in the immediate follow-up period. The study shows that extrapleural clip closure in seriously ill premature infants has an acceptable overall short-term mortality and complication rate with a high rate of ductal closure.

  20. Patent ductus arteriosus with persistent pulmonary artery hypertension after transcatheter closure. (United States)

    Feng, Jianqi; Kong, Xiangqing; Sheng, Yanhui; Yang, Rong


    To observe the change in pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) of patients with persistent pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) after patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occlusion. After occlusion of PDA in patients with PAH, some patients still tend to suffer from persistent PAH. A chest X-ray, an electrocardiogram, and an echocardiogram were performed on nine patients at 24 hours, 1 and 6 months, and 1 year serially. There was a significant fall ( P 0.05). During the follow up, there was a further fall in the PASP in five patients (No 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8). Four patients (No 2, 3, 4, and 8) showed the evidence of worsening PAH and were treated with sildenafil. Patient 2 died from acute right heart failure after a period of 11 months from the time of transcatheter closure, triggered by pulmonary infection. Some patients with borderline hemodynamic data with PDA and PAH can deteriorate or keep sustained PAH after PDA closure. The treatment of permanent closure to these patients must be cautious.

  1. Clinical assessment of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary hypertention using Amplatzer occluder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xiumin, Han; Xianyang, Zhu; Yuwei, Zhang; Yan, Jin; Dong' an, Deng; Chanju, Hou; Wei, Quan [Shenyang General Hospital, PLA, Shenyang (China)


    Objective: To evaluate the application of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with severe pulmonary hypertention using the Amplatzer occluder device. Methods: Fifty-one cases of PDA with severe pulmonary hypertention were treated by transcatheter closure with Amplatzer occluder. Patients mean age was 9.4 years (ranging 3 months to 60 years) and the mean weight was (18.7 {+-} 13.8) kg (ranging 5.0 to 65.0 kg). The mean PDA diameter at its narrowest segment was (7.0 {+-} 2.4) (ranging 3.0 to 15.0) mm. The achievement of permanent transcatheter closure was decided according to the change of the pulmonary arterial pressure, aortic pressure and oxygen saturation. Results: The devices were successfully placed in all patients except one failure owing to the resistance of pulmonary hypertention. The systolic pulmonary pressure decreased from (84.7 {+-} 13.5) (range 70 to 137) to mmHg to (46.1 {+-} 14.9) (24 to 109) mmHg, and the mean pulmonary pressure decreased from (65.0 {+-} 11.5) (42 to 97) mmHg to (31.3 {+-} 11.6) (14 to 69) mmHg. Complete angiographic closure was seen 10 minutes after the device deployment in 30 out of 50 patients (60%), while trivial to small leak was present in 20 (40%). Complete echocardiographic closure was demonstrated in 49 out of 50 patients (98%) at 10 min, and 100% at 6-month follow-up in all patients. There were no PDA recanalization and migration of devices after the complete occlusion during following up. Conclusion: Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary hypertention by using the Amplatzer occluder is a safe and effective interventional method with excellent short-term and middle-term results. (authors)

  2. Clinical assessment of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary hypertention using Amplatzer occluder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han Xiumin; Zhu Xianyang; Zhang Yuwei; Jin Yan; Deng Dong'an; Hou Chanju; Quan Wei


    Objective: To evaluate the application of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with severe pulmonary hypertention using the Amplatzer occluder device. Methods: Fifty-one cases of PDA with severe pulmonary hypertention were treated by transcatheter closure with Amplatzer occluder. Patients mean age was 9.4 years (ranging 3 months to 60 years) and the mean weight was (18.7 ± 13.8) kg (ranging 5.0 to 65.0 kg). The mean PDA diameter at its narrowest segment was (7.0 ± 2.4) (ranging 3.0 to 15.0) mm. The achievement of permanent transcatheter closure was decided according to the change of the pulmonary arterial pressure, aortic pressure and oxygen saturation. Results: The devices were successfully placed in all patients except one failure owing to the resistance of pulmonary hypertention. The systolic pulmonary pressure decreased from (84.7 ± 13.5) (range 70 to 137) to mmHg to (46.1 ± 14.9) (24 to 109) mmHg, and the mean pulmonary pressure decreased from (65.0 ± 11.5) (42 to 97) mmHg to (31.3 ± 11.6) (14 to 69) mmHg. Complete angiographic closure was seen 10 minutes after the device deployment in 30 out of 50 patients (60%), while trivial to small leak was present in 20 (40%). Complete echocardiographic closure was demonstrated in 49 out of 50 patients (98%) at 10 min, and 100% at 6-month follow-up in all patients. There were no PDA recanalization and migration of devices after the complete occlusion during following up. Conclusion: Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary hypertention by using the Amplatzer occluder is a safe and effective interventional method with excellent short-term and middle-term results. (authors)

  3. The effect of patent ductus arteriosus on pre-ductal and post-ductal perfusion index in preterm neonates. (United States)

    Nitzan, Itamar; Hammerman, Cathy; Fink, Daniel; Nitzan, Meir; Koppel, Robert; Bromiker, Ruben


    The ductus arteriosus is a blood vessel that connects the pulmonary artery to the descending aorta during fetal life and generally undergoes spontaneous closure shortly after birth. In premature neonates it often fails to close (patent ductus arteriosus - PDA), which can result in diversion of a significant part of the left-ventricular cardiac output to the pulmonary circulation. This left-to-right shunt may result in significant increase of pulmonary blood flow and decrease of systemic perfusion (hemodynamically significant PDA - hsPDA), which may lead to severe neonatal morbidity. The study objective was to find the relationship between hsPDA and perfusion index (PI), a photoplethysmographic parameter, related to systemic perfusion. Approach. PI measures the relative systolic increase in tissue light absorption due to the systolic increase in the tissue blood volume. PI has been found to be directly related to tissue perfusion, and is therefore expected to be affected by hsPDA. Main results. PI was found to be higher in preterm neonates with hsPDA after first week of life, in comparison to those with closed DA, despite the lower systemic perfusion, probably due to reverse flow during diastole. Significance. In our study, perfusion index increased despite the lower systemic perfusion, indicating that in neonates with hsPDA, perfusion index is not necessarily a measure of perfusion. Nevertheless, PI can be used as a screening tool for suspicious PDA, in order to select a relatively small group of neonates for a more definitive examination by echocardiography, which is not suitable for universal screening. . © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.

  4. Infective endocarditis of the aortic valve in a Border collie dog with patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Aoki, Takuma; Sunahara, Hiroshi; Sugimoto, Keisuke; Ito, Tetsuro; Kanai, Eiichi; Fujii, Yoko


    Infective endocarditis (IE) in dogs with cardiac shunts has not been reported previously. However, we encountered a dog with concurrent patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and IE. The dog was a 1-year-old, 13.9-kg female Border collie and presented with anorexia, weight loss, pyrexia (40.4 °C) and lameness. A continuous murmur with maximal intensity over the left heart base (Levine 5/6) was detected on auscultation. Echocardiography revealed a PDA and severe aortic stenosis (AS) caused by aortic-valve vegetative lesions. Corynebacterium spp. and Bacillus subtilis were isolated from blood cultures. The dog responded to aggressive antibiotic therapy, and the PDA was subsequently surgically corrected. After a series of treatments, the dog showed long-term improvement in clinical status.

  5. [Percutaneous closure of ductus arteriosus and muscular ventricular defect with amplatzer occluder in a patient with severe pulmonary hypertension]. (United States)

    García-Montes, José Antonio; Zabal Cerdeira, Carlos; Calderón-Colmenero, Juan; Espínola, Nilda; Fernández de la Reguera, Guillermo; Buendía Hernández, Alfonso


    Surgical treatment of multiple muscular ventricular septal defects with associated lesions and severe pulmonary hypertension has a high morbility and mortality. Closure of these defects by the Amplatzer muscular VSD occluder is an alternative to surgery, avoiding the need of cardiopulmonary bypass. We present the case of a 38 year-old woman with signs of heart failure in NYHA functional class IV, with two muscular ventricular septal defects, patent ductus arteriosus and severe pulmonary hypertension, that were treated with three Amplatzer muscular VSD occluders, with significant reduction of pulmonary pressure and functional class improvement.

  6. Successful two-stage correction of ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus in a patient with fixed pulmonary hypertension. (United States)

    Pac, Aysenur; Polat, Tugcin Bora; Vural, Kerem; Pac, Mustafa


    We report a case of a 6-year-old boy with fixed severe pulmonary artery hypertension secondary to a ventricular septal defect (VSD) together with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). As a preliminary step, PDA embolization was performed following therapy with inhaled prostacyclin over a period of 6 months. Further, the patient underwent successful surgical VSD closure. We postulate that a staged procedure with long-term prostaglandin therapy might be capable of reducing pulmonary artery resistance and permitting total correction in a patient once considered to have inoperable pulmonary arteriopathy.

  7. Transient severe left ventricular dysfunction following percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure in an adult with bicuspid aortic valve: A case report




    The present study reported the case of a 60-year-old female with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and a bicuspid aortic valve, who presented with transient severe left ventricular (LV) dysfunction following percutaneous closure of PDA, as identified by speckle tracking analysis. Transient LV dysfunction following PDA closure has previously been reported; however, severe LV dysfunction is rare. In the present case, the combination of a large PDA size, large amount of shunting, LV remodeling and ...

  8. Lower early postnatal oxygen saturation target and risk of ductus arteriosus closure failure. (United States)

    Inomata, Kei; Taniguchi, Shinji; Yonemoto, Hiroki; Inoue, Takeshi; Kawase, Akihiko; Kondo, Yuichi


    Early postnatal hyperoxia is a major risk factor for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in extremely premature infants. To reduce the occurrence of ROP, we adopted a lower early postnatal oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ) target range (85-92%) from April 2011. Lower SpO 2 target range, however, may lead to hypoxemia and an increase in the risk of ductus arteriosus (DA) closure failure. The aim of this study was therefore to determine whether a lower SpO 2 target range, during the early postnatal stage, increases the risk of DA closure failure. Infants born at closure failure in period 2 (21%) was significantly higher than that in period 1 (1%). On multivariate logistic regression analysis, the lower oxygen saturation target range was an independent risk factor for DA closure failure. Lower early postnatal oxygen saturation target range increases the risk of DA closure failure. © 2016 Japan Pediatric Society.

  9. Clinical and echocardiographic characteristics associated with the evolution of the ductus arteriosus in the neonate with birth weight lower than 1,500g


    Visconti, Luiza Fortunato; Morhy, Samira Saady; Deutsch, Alice D'Agostini; Tavares, Gl?ucia Maria Penha; Wilberg, Tatiana Jardim Mussi; Rossi, Felipe de Souza


    ABSTRACT Objective: To identify clinical and echocardiographic parameters associated with the evolution of the ductus arteriosus in neonates with birth weight lower than 1,500g. Methods: Retrospective study of 119 neonates in which clinical parameters (Prenatal: maternal age, risk of infection and chorioamnionitis, use of corticosteroid, mode of delivery and gestational age. Perinatal: weight, Apgar score, gender and birth weight/gestational age classification; Postnatal: use of surfactant, s...

  10. Early or Late Surgical Ligation of Medical Refractory Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Infants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chien-Chou Hsiao


    Full Text Available Optimal time to surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA in very-low-birth-weight ( 14 days groups. Basic clinical features, major morbidity of prematurity and mortality were compared. Clinical features and major outcomes were similar. The early ligation group had earlier onset of symptomatic PDA (5.7 ± 1.6 days vs. 8.1 ± 3.6 days, p = 0.024, and fewer days of total parenteral nutrition (TPN (39.6 ± 13.9 days vs. 60.4 ± 31.4 days, p = 0.025 and ventilator use (11.1 ± 6.7 days vs. 18.6 ± 10.5 days, p = 0.019. Early ligation of medical refractory PDA in very-low-birth-weight premature infants improves enteral feeding tolerance and reduces TPN and ventilator use, but long-term benefits need further investigation.

  11. Persistent hypotony after primary trabeculectomy with mitomycin C Hipotonia persistente depois de trabeculectomia primária com mitomicina C

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviane R.F. Guedes


    Full Text Available Purpose: To describe the clinical findings and treatment modalities of persistent hypotony following primary trabeculectomy with mitomycin C. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 9 eyes with persistent hypotony, which was defined as intraocular pressure less than or equal to 5 mmHg for more than 2 months. Results: Mean hypotony duration was 7.4 months (standard deviation (SD ± 6.7 months, range 2 to 23 months. Associated findings included choroidal detachment (2 eyes and maculopathy (5 eyes. All patients who developed maculopathy were relatively young (mean age = 37 years old, SD ± 16, range 18 to 79 years. Treatments included bandaged contact lens, autologous blood injection, phacoemulsification, resuturing of the scleral flap, scleral patch graft, and Simmons' shell. After treatment, intraocular pressure (IOP raised in all patients (mean final IOP = 11.1 mmHg, SD ± 3.5. On the first day of hypotony, the mean IOP was 3 mmHg (SD ±1.7. At the last follow up, visual acuity (VA was unchanged in 3 eyes, worsened in 2 eyes (by 2 Snellen lines, and improved (by 1 to 4 Snellen lines in 4 eyes. Of those eyes whose VA improved, 3 had undergone phacoemulsification. Conclusion: Hypotony after trabeculectomy with mitomycin C can be reversed with possible improvement in vision.Objetivo: Descrever os achados clínicos e as modalidades de tratamento da hipotonia persistente após trabeculectomia primária com mitomicina C. Método: Foram retrospectivamente analisados 9 olhos com hipotonia persistente, a qual foi definida como pressão intra-ocular igual ou menor que 5 mmHg por mais que 2 meses. Resultado: Tempo médio de duração da hipotonia foi de 7.4 meses, desvio padrão ± 6.7 meses. Complicações associadas à hipotonia incluíram descolamento de coróide (2 olhos, maculopatia (5 olhos. Todos os pacientes que desen-volveram maculopatia eram relativamente novos (idade media de 37 anos, desvio padrão ±16. Tratamentos incluíram lente de contato

  12. Association between Platelet Counts before and during Pharmacological Therapy for Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Treatment Failure in Preterm Infants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hannes Sallmon


    Full Text Available BackgroundThe role of platelets for mediating closure of the ductus arteriosus in human preterm infants is controversial. Especially, the effect of low platelet counts on pharmacological treatment failure is still unclear.MethodsIn this retrospective study of 471 preterm infants [<1,500 g birth weight (BW], who were treated for a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA with indomethacin or ibuprofen, we investigated whether platelet counts before or during pharmacological treatment had an impact on the successful closure of a hemodynamically significant PDA. The effects of other factors, such as sepsis, preeclampsia, gestational age, BW, and gender, were also evaluated.ResultsPlatelet counts before initiation of pharmacological PDA treatment did not differ between infants with later treatment success or failure. However, we found significant associations between low platelet counts during pharmacological PDA therapy and treatment failure (p < 0.05. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC curve analysis showed that platelet counts after the first, and before and after the second cyclooxygenase inhibitor (COXI cycle were significantly associated with treatment failure (area under the curve of >0.6. However, ROC curve analysis did not reveal a specific platelet cutoff-value that could predict PDA treatment failure. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that lower platelet counts, a lower BW, and preeclampsia were independently associated with COXI treatment failure.ConclusionWe provide further evidence for an association between low platelet counts during pharmacological therapy for symptomatic PDA and treatment failure, while platelet counts before initiation of therapy did not affect treatment outcome.

  13. Evaluation of in vivo biocompatibility of different devices for interventional closure of the patent ductus arteriosus in an animal model


    Sigler, M; Handt, S; Seghaye, M; von Bernuth, G; Grabitz, R


    OBJECTIVE—To evaluate the in vivo biocompatibility of three different devices following interventional closure of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in an animal model.
MATERIALS AND METHODS—A medical grade stainless steel coil (n = 8), a nickel/titanium coil (n = 10), and a polyvinylalcohol foam plug knitted on a titanium wire frame (n = 11) were used for interventional closure of PDA in a neonatal lamb model. The PDA had been maintained by repetitive angioplasty. Between one and 278 days afte...

  14. Comparison of oral paracetamol versus ibuprofen in premature infants with patent ductus arteriosus: a randomized controlled trial.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dan Dang

    Full Text Available TRIAL DESIGN: Oral ibuprofen has demonstrated good effects on symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus (PDA but with many contraindications and potential side-effects. In the past two years, oral paracetamol administration to several preterm infants with PDA has been reported. Here, a randomized, non-blinded, parallel-controlled and non-inferiority trial was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety profiles of oral paracetamol to those of standard ibuprofen for PDA closure in premature infants. METHODS: One hundred and sixty infants (gestational age ≤ 34 weeks with echocardiographically confirmed PDA were randomly assigned to receive either oral paracetamol (n = 80 or ibuprofen (n = 80. After the initial treatment course in both groups, the need for a second course was determined by echocardiographic evaluation. The main outcome was rate of ductal closure, and secondary outcomes were adverse effects and complications. RESULT: The ductus was closed in 65 (81.2% infants of the paracetamol group compared with 63 (78.8% of the ibuprofen group. The 95% confidence interval of the difference between these groups was [-0.080,0.128], demonstrating that the effectiveness of paracetamol treatment was not inferior to that of ibuprofen. In fact, the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia or gastrointestinal bleeding in the paracetamol group was significantly lower than that of the ibuprofen group. No significant differences in other clinical side effects or complications were noted. CONCLUSION: This comparison of drug efficacy and safety profiles in premature infants with PDA revealed that oral paracetamol was comparable to ibuprofen in terms of the rate of ductal closure and even showed a decreased risk of hyperbilirubinemia or gastrointestinal bleeding. Therefore, paracetamol may be accepted as a first-line drug treatment for PDA in preterm infants. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ChiCTR-TRC-12002177.

  15. Double-chambered right ventricle, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus in a dog

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morozumi, M. [Togasaki Animal Hospital, Misato, Saitama (Japan); Kurosu, Y.; Kogure, K.; Chimura, S.; Shibata, S.; Kanemoto, I.


    A 4-month-old female mongrel puppy was presented with an anophthalmos. On physical examination, systolic murmur was heard at the 4th left intercostal space near the sternum. However the dog appeared healthy without cyanosis and had no history of exercise intolerance. The phonocardiogram revealed a pansystolic murmur and a continuous murmur on the mitral area. A systolic ejection murmur was also recorded on the pulmonic area. The electrocardiogram indicated bi-ventricular hypertrophy. Left ventricular enlargement was seen on chest radiographs. Ventricular septal defect (VSD) and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) were diagnosed from these findings. PDA closure was performed at 2 years of age. After 2 months from the operation, the dog died during an attempted repair of the VSD. At necropsy, it was found that the double-chambered right ventricle (DCRV) was formed by an anomalous septal band. The VSD was localized on the proximal conus and was 8 mm in diameter. (author)

  16. [Experience in the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus closure at a mexican hospital]. (United States)

    Márquez-González, Horacio; Castro-Contreras, Uriel; Cerrud-Sánchez, Carmen Emma; López-Gallegos, Diana; Yáñez-Gutiérrez, Lucelli


    The patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) represents one of the most prevalent diseases in hospitals which treat congenital heart diseases (CHD). Currently, in groups of more than 1 year of age percutaneous closure it is the standard therapy. The aim of this paper is to determine the frequency, characteristics and treatment of PCA in congenital heart disease service at the a Cardiology Hospital in Mexico. In clinical CHD our hospital, a descriptive study of 2010-2015 of patients who were treated with percutaneous closure PCA and surgery was performed. They were divided into the following ages: infant, preschool, children, adolescents and adults. The absolute frequencies were recorded. 187 patients of preschool and school which accounted for 60% of the total sample were obtained. Percutaneous closure catheterization was performed in 90%; 2% of complications were recorded. In this clinic, the PCA is treated mostly by interventional catheterization in most stages of the human being with minimal complications.

  17. Double-chambered right ventricle, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus in a dog

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morozumi, M.; Kurosu, Y.; Kogure, K.; Chimura, S.; Shibata, S.; Kanemoto, I.


    A 4-month-old female mongrel puppy was presented with an anophthalmos. On physical examination, systolic murmur was heard at the 4th left intercostal space near the sternum. However the dog appeared healthy without cyanosis and had no history of exercise intolerance. The phonocardiogram revealed a pansystolic murmur and a continuous murmur on the mitral area. A systolic ejection murmur was also recorded on the pulmonic area. The electrocardiogram indicated bi-ventricular hypertrophy. Left ventricular enlargement was seen on chest radiographs. Ventricular septal defect (VSD) and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) were diagnosed from these findings. PDA closure was performed at 2 years of age. After 2 months from the operation, the dog died during an attempted repair of the VSD. At necropsy, it was found that the double-chambered right ventricle (DCRV) was formed by an anomalous septal band. The VSD was localized on the proximal conus and was 8 mm in diameter. (author)

  18. Transitional cell carcinoma involving the ductus deferens in a dog. (United States)

    Guerin, Vincent J; 't Hooft, Krista W Visser; L'Eplattenier, Henry F; Petite, Audrey F


    A 12-year-old neutered male Springer Spaniel was referred with a 1-year history of recurring urinary tract infections. Repeated treatment with appropriate antimicrobials selected on the basis of bacterial culture and antimicrobial susceptibility results would result in clinical improvement, but recurrence of clinical signs was observed within days after discontinuation of treatment. Ultrasound examination revealed a tubular, fluid-filled structure dorsal to the bladder that extended from the midlevel of the bladder to the cranial pole of the prostate. Mineralized foci within a heterogeneous prostatic parenchyma were also noted. Dilation of the right ductus deferens (DD) was observed during exploratory laparotomy. Both DD were surgically removed, and the prostate was biopsied. The histopathological diagnosis was transitional cell carcinoma involving the right DD and the prostate. The dog was treated with meloxicam (0.1 mg/kg [0.05 mg/lb], p.o., q 24 h) for 9 months after diagnosis before being euthanized. Because the normal DD is rarely visualized during abdominal ultrasonography in dogs, identification of a tubular, fluid-filled structure dorsal to the bladder may indicate an abnormal DD. Transitional cell carcinoma of the DD should be included in the differential diagnoses of affected patients examined for clinical signs involving the urinary tract.

  19. First published case of thoracoscopic patent ductus arteriosus closure in the general hospital of Mexico Dr. Eduardo Liceaga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W.L. Dajer-Fadel


    Full Text Available Patent ductus arteriosus is treated according to its indications conservatively with medications or by surgical closure; the latter was traditionally performed by an open technique, then later, the percutaneous approach was developed for selected cases and finally, in recent years, it has been done by thoracoscopic surgery with success challenging percutaneous results. However, at our hospital, this had not been tried before. We present the case of a female patient who met the ideal criteria for this procedure to be performed and in whom it was successfully accomplished without complications; hence our report, motivated by the historical importance and as a baseline for future cases.

  20. To Close or Not to Close: The Very Small Patent Ductus Arteriosus (United States)

    Fortescue, Elizabeth B.; Lock, James E.; Galvin, Teresa; McElhinney, Doff B.


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) accounts for approximately 10% of all congenital heart diseases, with an incidence of at least 2–4 per 1000 term births. Closure of the large, hemodynamically significant PDA is established as the standard of care, and can be performed safely and effectively using either surgical or transcatheter methods. The appropriate management of the very small, hemodynamically insignificant PDA is less clear. Routine closure of such defects has been advocated to eliminate or reduce the risk of infective endocarditis (IE). However, the risk of IE in patients with a small PDA appears to be extremely low, and IE is treatable. Although closure of the small PDA is generally safe and technically successful, it is unknown whether this treatment truly improves the risk : benefit balance compared with observation. In this article, we review the published literature on the natural history and treatment outcomes in individuals with a PDA, the epidemiology and outcomes of IE, particularly in association with PDA, and the rationale and evidence for closure of the very small PDA. PMID:20653702

  1. Oral Paracetamol for Patent Ductus Arteriosus Rescue Closure. (United States)

    Pharande, Pramod; Watson, Hadley; Tan, Kenneth; Sehgal, Arvind


    The objective of this study was to ascertain the efficacy of oral paracetamol in closing a symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) when used as 'rescue' option. After obtaining ethics approval, a retrospective appraisal of the data from April 2014 to July 2015 was performed. Infants who were administered oral paracetamol either after unsuccessful therapy with ibuprofen or where it was considered contraindicated were included. A previously published echocardiographic scoring schema to stratify for ductal disease severity was used. Using univariate analysis, characteristics of infants with successful closure were compared with partial (a priori reduction in composite score by ≥ 50% of pretreatment) or no closure. Twenty infants with gestation age and birthweight of 25.7 ± 1.5 weeks and 724.1 ± 143 g, respectively, were studied. Complete closure was noted in 10 (50%) infants with additional four infants showing a significant reduction in haemodynamic shunting. Gestational age at birth and at therapy, chronological age at therapy, birthweight and total fluid intake were comparable between the two groups. The pre-therapy composite score had a significant association with successful closure (the higher the echocardiographic score, the lesser the closure). Concomitant furosemide therapy and late-onset sepsis had a high likelihood ratio of unsuccessful closure (11.01 [2-tailed, p = 0.005] and 5.3 [2-tailed, p = 0.07]), respectively. Oral paracetamol may be a possible therapeutic option in premature infants where therapy with first-line agents is unsuccessful or contraindicated. Concomitant sepsis and furosemide administration may affect successful therapy.

  2. Catecholamine-resistant hypotension and myocardial performance following patent ductus arteriosus ligation.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Noori, S


    Objective:We performed a multicenter study of preterm infants, who were about to undergo patent ductus arteriosus ligation, to determine whether echocardiographic indices of impaired myocardial performance were associated with subsequent development of catecholamine-resistant hypotension following ligation.Study Design:A standardized treatment approach for hypotension was followed at each center. Infants were considered to have catecholamine-resistant hypotension if their dopamine infusion was >15 μg kg(-1)min(-1). Echocardiograms and cortisol measurements were obtained between 6 and 14 h after the ligation (prior to the presence of catecholamine-resistant hypotension).Result:Forty-five infants were enrolled, 10 received catecholamines (6 were catecholamine-responsive and 4 developed catecholamine-resistant hypotension). Catecholamine-resistant hypotension was not associated with decreased preload, shortening fraction or ventricular output. Infants with catecholamine-resistant hypotension had significantly lower levels of systemic vascular resistance and postoperative cortisol concentration.Conclusion:We speculate that low cortisol levels and impaired vascular tone may have a more important role than impaired cardiac performance in post-ligation catecholamine-resistant hypotension.Journal of Perinatology advance online publication, 14 August 2014; doi:10.1038\\/jp.2014.151.

  3. Hypotension following patent ductus arteriosus ligation: the role of adrenal hormones. (United States)

    Clyman, Ronald I; Wickremasinghe, Andrea; Merritt, T Allen; Solomon, Tabitha; McNamara, Patrick; Jain, Amish; Singh, Jaideep; Chu, Alison; Noori, Shahab; Sekar, Krishnamurthy; Lavoie, Pascal M; Attridge, Joshua T; Swanson, Jonathan R; Gillam-Krakauer, Maria; Reese, Jeff; DeMauro, Sara; Poindexter, Brenda; Aucott, Sue; Satpute, Monique; Fernandez, Erika; Auchus, Richard J


    To test the hypothesis that an impaired adrenal response to stress might play a role in the hypotension that follows patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation. We performed a multicenter study of infants born at 15. Of 95 infants enrolled, 43 (45%) developed hypotension and 14 (15%) developed catecholamine-resistant hypotension. Low postoperative cortisol levels were not associated with the overall incidence of hypotension after ligation. However, low cortisol levels were associated with the refractoriness of the hypotension to catecholamine treatment. In a multivariate analysis: the OR for developing catecholamine-resistant hypotension was OR 36.6, 95% CI 2.8-476, P = .006. Low cortisol levels (in infants with catecholamine-resistant hypotension) were not attributable to adrenal immaturity or impairment; their cortisol precursor concentrations were either low or unchanged, and their response to cosyntropin was similar to infants without catecholamine-resistant hypotension. Infants with low cortisol concentrations after PDA ligation are likely to develop postoperative catecholamine-resistant hypotension. We speculate that decreased adrenal stimulation, rather than an impaired adrenal response to stimulation, may account for the decreased production. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Tale of Two Patent Ductus Arteriosus Severity Scores: Similarities and Differences. (United States)

    Fink, Daniel; El-Khuffash, Afif; McNamara, Patrick J; Nitzan, Itamar; Hammerman, Cathy


     Several echocardiographic scoring systems have been developed to assess the severity of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) shunting in preterm infants.  The objective of this study was to compare the ability of two different scoring systems to evaluate the hemodynamic significance of the PDA and to predict long-term PDA-associated morbidities.  El-Khuffash cohort (previously described) was derived from a multicenter, prospective, observational study conducted in tertiary neonatal intensive care units in Ireland, Canada, and Australia.  A total of 141 infants with a mean gestational age of 26 ± 1.4 weeks and a mean birth weight of 952 ± 235 g were evaluated on day 2 of life. The two scores were well correlated with each other and both scores positively predicted chronic lung disease/death in this population.  There appears to be an overall stepwise progression in the incidence of poor outcome parameters from "closed" to "borderline" to "hemodynamically significant" PDA. Both the El-Khuffash and Shaare Zedek scores are predictive of PDA-associated morbidities. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  5. Transcatheter occlusion of the patent ductus arteriosus in premature infants weighing less than 1200 g. (United States)

    Morville, Patrice; Douchin, Stephanie; Bouvaist, Helene; Dauphin, Claire


    Over the last few decades different strategies have been proposed to treat persistent ductal patency in premature infants. The advent of the Amplatzer Duct Occluder II Additional Size (ADOIIAS) provided the potential to close the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Opinions differ on the significance and treatment of PDA in premature neonates. Because surgical ligation and medical therapy both have their drawbacks, interventional catheterisation can be considered as an alternative means of closing the ductus arteriosus. Our aim was to analyse the feasibility, safety and efficacy of this device in premature infants weighing closure. The procedure was performed in the catheterisation laboratory by venous cannulation without angiography. The position of the occluder was directed by X-ray and ultrasound. We looked at procedural details, device size selection, complications and short-term and mid-term outcomes. Eighteen infants born at gestational ages ranging between 23.6 and 29+6 weeks (mean±SD 25+6±3 weeks) underwent transcatheter PDA closure. Their mean age and weight at the time of the procedure was 20 days (range 8-44 days) and 980 g (range 680-1200 g), respectively. The mean PDA and device waist diameters were 3.2±0.6 mm (range 2.2-4 mm) and 4.5±0.6 mm, respectively, and the mean PDA and device lengths were 4.3±1.2 mm (range 2-10 mm) and 2.5±0.9 mm, respectively. Complete closure was achieved in all but one patient. There was no device migration. One patient developed a left pulmonary artery obstruction. Three infants died. Two deaths were related to complications of prematurity and one to the procedure. Transcatheter closure of a PDA is feasible in very low weight infants with ADOIIAS and is an alternative to surgery. Success requires perfect selection and placement of the occluder. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless

  6. Visualization of patent ductus arteriosus using real-time three-dimensional echocardiogram: Comparative study with 2D echocardiogram and angiography. (United States)

    Roushdy, Alaa; Fiky, Azza El; Din, Dina Ezz El


    To determine the feasibility and accuracy of real time 3D echocardiography (RT3DE) in determining the dimensions and anatomical type of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The study included 42 pediatric patients with a mean age of 3.6 years (ranging from 2 months to 14 years) who were referred for elective percutaneous PDA closure. All patients underwent full 2D echocardiogram as well as RT3DE with off line analysis using Q lab software within 6 h from their angiograms. The PDA was studied as regard the anatomical type, length of the duct as well as the ampulla and the pulmonary end of the PDA. Data obtained by RT3DE was compared against 2D echocardiogram and the gold standard angiography. Offline analysis of the PDA was feasible in 97.6% of the cases while determination of the anatomical type using gated color flow 3D acquisitions was achieved in 78.5% of the cases. The pulmonary end of the duct was rather elliptical using 3D echocardiogram. There was significant difference between the pulmonary end measured by 3D echocardiogram and angiography (P ductus compared to 2D echocardiogram. 3D echocardiogram was more accurate than 2D echocardiogram in determining the length and the ampulla of the PDA. The morphologic assessment of the PDA using gated 3D color flow was achieved in 78.5% of the patients. Nevertheless the use of 3D echocardiogram in assessment of small vascular structures like PDA in children with rapid heart rates is still of limited clinical value.

  7. The off-label use of the Amplatzer muscular VSD occluder for large patent ductus arteriosus: a case report and review. (United States)

    Cubeddu, Roberto J; Babin, Ivan; Inglessis, Ignacio


    A percutaneous approach to the closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is the preferred procedure in the majority of cases. However, there is little experience with percutaneous closure of unusually large PDA. We report the case of a 28-year-old female with moderate left ventricular dilation and pulmonary hypertension resulting from a large 16 mm PDA. Percutaneous closure was successfully performed using an off-label Amplatzer muscular ventricular septal defect occluder after intravascular ultrasound assessment. Technical challenges, including accurate assessment of defect size and device selection are exemplified along with a comprehensive overview of the available literature.

  8. Factors affecting successful closure of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus with indomethacin in extremely low birth weight infants. (United States)

    Yang, Chuan-Zhong; Lee, Jiun


    The incidence of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is high in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants. Indomethacin has been widely used in the prophylaxis and treatment of hemodynamically significant PDA. This retrospective study was undertaken to identify factors such as birth weight, gestational age, gender, fetal growth retardation, ductal size, timing of the first dose of indomethacin and side effects of indomethacin, which may affect the successful closure of the PDA with indomethacin in ELBW infants. A cohort of 139 ELBW infants who had received indomethacin treatment for PDA during a consecutive period of more than three years (September 2000 to December 2003) was retrospectively analyzed. Administration of indomethacin was associated with closure of PDA in 108 (77.7%) of 139 ELBW infants, and only 19.4% of infants required surgical ligation of the ductus eventually. There was no significant relationship between closure of PDA with gestational age, gender, fetal growth retardation, and ductal size. A higher birth weight and early use of indomethacin after birth could significantly increase the closure rate of PDA (P<0.05). Side effects of indomethacin such as transient oliguria and hyponatremia during indomethacin therapy did not affect PDA closure. Indomethacin is effective for the treatment of PDA in ELBW infants. A higher rate of ductal closure is related to the increase of birth weight. PDA closure with indomethacin is age-related, and early administration of indomethacin could increase PDA closure and reduce the incidence of hyponatremia. There is no significant difference in major morbidities such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) after early treatment. Early screening for hemodynamically significant PDA in ELBW infants and early treatment with indomethacin are recommended.

  9. Amplatzer angled duct occluder for closure of patent ductus arteriosus larger than the aorta in an infant. (United States)

    Vijayalakshmi, I B; Chitra, N; Rajasri, R; Prabhudeva, A N


    Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) by Amplatzer duct occluder is the treatment of choice. However, closure of very large ducts in infants with low weight is a challenge for the interventionalist because a large device may obstruct the aorta or left pulmonary artery. Difficulty is also encountered in advancing the device around the curve of the right ventricular outflow tract toward the pulmonary artery; this curve is tight, more or less at a right angle in infants, leading to kinking of the sheath, which increases fluoroscopic time. This is the first reported case of a very large PDA (8.7 mm), larger than the aorta (8.2 mm), successfully closed by an Amplatzer angled duct occluder in an infant weighing 5 kg.

  10. Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery with a large patent ductus arteriosus: aversion of a catastrophe. (United States)

    Aggarwal, Sanjeev; Delius, Ralph E; Pettersen, Michael D


    We present an infant who had an anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) and a large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), who was diagnosed before a potentially catastrophic closure of PDA. In the presence of normal left ventricular function and the absence of coronary artery collaterals, it is difficult to diagnose ALCAPA. A disproportionate degree of left ventricular dilation and severity of mitral valve regurgitation relative to the degree of PDA shunt, and echogenic papillary muscles on an echocardiogram should raise a suspicion of coronary artery anomalies. The infant underwent surgical ligation of PDA with translocation of coronary arteries and had an uneventful recovery. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Transcatheter closure of a large patent ductus arteriosus using jugular access in an infant. (United States)

    Fernandes, Precylia; Assaidi, Anass; Baruteau, Alban-Elouen; Fraisse, Alain


    Trans-catheter device closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) via femoral route is the commonly used, safe and effective procedure. Trans-jugular approach has been successfully used in older children with interrupted inferior vena cava. We report a case of successful occlusion of PDA using Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) via trans-jugular approach following difficulties encountered in gaining femoral venous access. A 6-month-old male infant, weighing 8 kg was admitted for percutaneous catheter closure of PDA. Echocardiogram showed a 4.5 mm duct and left heart dilatation. Femoral venous access was not possible; therefore, we decided to use a trans-jugular approach. The duct was occluded using 8/6 mm ADO. Successful closure of the duct was confirmed with an aortogram. Post procedure echocardiogram showed no residual shunt across the duct. We highlight that trans-catheter closure of PDA using jugular venous access is safe and effective even in infants.

  12. [Retrospective analysis of patients with thrombocytopenia after patent ductus arteriosus interventional occlusion]. (United States)

    Liao, Qi-wei; Zhang, Wei-hua; Guang, Xue-feng; Lu, Yi-bing


    To explore the risk factors of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) patients with thrombocytopenia after PDA interventional occlusion. Thrombocytopenia occurred in 14 out of 350 patients underwent PDA occlusion. Age, gender, body weight, PDA size, occluder size, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, the dose of heparin, the manufacturer of occluder, residual shunt after operation were analyzed. The recovery time of different grades of thrombocytopenia was observed. Multivariate logistic regression showed that the PDA size (OR = 2.238, P < 0.05), the dose of heparin (OR = 3.247, P < 0.05), residual shunt after operation (OR = 1.912, P < 0.01) were the independent risk factors of thrombocytopenia after PDA occlusion. The recovery time of mild thrombocytopenia was (7 ± 2) days without treatment. The recovery time of moderate thrombocytopenia was (12 ± 4) days with glucocorticoids treatment. The recovery time of severe thrombocytopenia was (21 ± 7) days with platelet transfusion. The occluder size, dose of heparin, residual shunt are the independent risk factors of thrombocytopenia after PDA interventional occlusion. Recover time of thrombocytopenia after PDA interventional occlusion is closely related to the severity of thrombocytopenia.

  13. Prophylactic teatment with oral paracetamol for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a randomized clinical trial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Parvin Akbari Asbagh


    Results: There were 16 newborns in each group (20 boys and 12 girls. In 12 newborns of prophylaxis group the ductus arteriosus was closed although in control group in 8 newborns the duct was closed. No significant difference was observed in sex, gestational age, birth weight, mode of delivery, multifetal gestation and birth order between two groups. The rate of ductal closure was 75% and 50% in prophylaxis group and control group respectively (P=0.27. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that prophylactic paracetamol is ineffective in PDA closure, although the rate of ductal closure between two groups seems remarkable. Paracetamol as a new strategy for PDA closure because of cost effectiveness and harmlessness may be used in future. However, we presume larger sample size studies are needed to show the efficacy of paracetamol, side effects, and complications in PDA prophylaxis treatment.

  14. Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery with patent ductus arteriosus: a must to recognize entity. (United States)

    Awasthy, Neeraj; Marwah, Ashutosh; Sharma, Rajesh; Dalvi, Bharat


    Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary trunk (ALCAPA) presents in early infancy with a clinical picture of congestive heart failure with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction and mitral insufficiency. These manifestations of myocardial ischaemia may be masked in the presence of an associated patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) or ventricular septal defect (VSD) which prevents the fall of pulmonary artery pressures and allows perfusion of the anomalous coronary artery. We present a case of a patient with large PDA-associated ALCAPA and preserved LV function. The importance of such a finding lies in the fact that VSD closure or PDA ligation in such cases would unmask the ALCAPA.

  15. Pulmonary artery closure in combination with patch technique for treating congenital heart disease combined with large patent ductus arteriosus: A clinical study of 9 cases


    Wen, Bing; Yang, Junya; Liu, Huiruo; Jiao, Zhouyang; Zhao, Wenzeng


    Objective: To document clinical experience of treating congenital heart disease combined with large patent ductus arteriosus with pulmonary artery closure in combination with patch technique. Methods: Thirty-six patients (8 males and 28 females) who suffered from congenital heart disease and underwent hybrid surgery in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from October 2010 to February 2014 were selected for this study. They aged 14 to 39 years and weighed 32.20 to 61.50 kg. D...

  16. Association between Platelet Counts before and during Pharmacological Therapy for Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Treatment Failure in Preterm Infants. (United States)

    Sallmon, Hannes; Weber, Sven C; Dirks, Juliane; Schiffer, Tamara; Klippstein, Tamara; Stein, Anja; Felderhoff-Müser, Ursula; Metze, Boris; Hansmann, Georg; Bührer, Christoph; Cremer, Malte; Koehne, Petra


    The role of platelets for mediating closure of the ductus arteriosus in human preterm infants is controversial. Especially, the effect of low platelet counts on pharmacological treatment failure is still unclear. In this retrospective study of 471 preterm infants [0.6). However, ROC curve analysis did not reveal a specific platelet cutoff-value that could predict PDA treatment failure. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that lower platelet counts, a lower BW, and preeclampsia were independently associated with COXI treatment failure. We provide further evidence for an association between low platelet counts during pharmacological therapy for symptomatic PDA and treatment failure, while platelet counts before initiation of therapy did not affect treatment outcome.

  17. Pulmonary arterial dissection in a post-partum patient with patent ductus arteriosus: Case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Yaman, Mehmet; Arslan, Uğur; Ateş, Ahmet Hakan; Aksakal, Aytekin


    Pulmonary arterial dissection is an uncommon but usually a deadly complication of chronic pulmonary hypertension. A 26-year-old female patient was admitted to our clinics with sudden dyspnea and chest discomfort one hour after giving birth to twins by vaginal delivery. An echocardiography was performed with a pre-diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. However, echocardiographic examination revealed a dilated main pulmonary artery and a dissection flap extending from main pulmonary artery to left pulmonary artery. In summary, in this report, we described a very rare case of pulmonary artery dissection in a pregnant patient with a previously un-diagnosed patent ductus arteriosus without an obvious rise in pulmonary artery pressure and reviewed the relevant literature.

  18. Initial experience with the 3.3 Fr Mongoose® pigtail catheter for aortic angiography during patent ductus arteriosus closure in small patients. (United States)

    Hena, Zachary; Sutton, Nicole J; Gates, Gregory J; Taragin, Benjamin H; Pass, Robert H


    Smaller femoral arterial sheaths may be associated with fewer vascular complications. The 3.3 Fr Mongoose ® Pediavascular pigtail catheter is a catheter that allows higher flow rates, potentially resulting in improved angiographic quality. We reviewed our experience with this small catheter during patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure. Review of patients ≤20 kg in whom the Mongoose ® catheter was used during PDA closure from 12/13 to 4/15. Angiographic efficacy and procedural details were compared to ten 4 Fr catheter cases. Comparisons were performed using Mann-Whitney U-test; P closure in small children.

  19. Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantitation-Based Proteomic Analysis of Patent and Constricted Ductus Arteriosus Tissues Confirms the Systemic Regulation of Ductus Arteriosus Closure. (United States)

    Hong, Haifa; Ye, Lincai; Chen, Huiwen; Xia, Yu; Liu, Yue; Liu, Jinfen; Lu, Yanan; Zhang, Haibo


    We aimed to evaluate global changes in protein expression associated with patency by undertaking proteomic analysis of human constricted and patent ductus arteriosus (DA). Ten constricted and 10 patent human DAs were excised from infants with ductal-dependent heart disease during surgery. Using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation-based quantitative proteomics, 132 differentially expressed proteins were identified. Of 132 proteins, voltage-gated sodium channel 1.3 (SCN3A), myosin 1d (Myo1d), Rho GTPase activating protein 26 (ARHGAP26), and retinitis pigmentosa 1 (RP1) were selected for validation by Western blot and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analyses. Significant upregulation of SCN3A, Myo1d, and RP1 messenger RNA, and protein levels was observed in the patent DA group (all P ≤ 0.048). ARHGAP26 messenger RNA and protein levels were decreased in patent DA tissue (both P ≤ 0.018). Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that Myo1d, ARHGAP26, and RP1 were specifically expressed in the subendothelial region of constricted DAs; however, diffuse expression of these proteins was noted in the patent group. Proteomic analysis revealed global changes in the expression of proteins that regulate oxygen sensing, ion channels, smooth muscle cell migration, nervous system, immune system, and metabolism, suggesting a basis for the systemic regulation of DA patency by diverse signaling pathways, which will be confirmed in further studies.

  20. Evaluación de la exposición ambiental a plaguicidas orgánicos persistentes en dos barrios de la provincia de Córdoba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Lucero


    Full Text Available Se determinó la concentración de plaguicidas organoclorados en 167 muestras de sangre entera de habitantes de dos barrios (Sitio Nº 1 y Sitio Nº 2 de la provincia de Córdoba ubicados en los alrededores de depósitos de plaguicidas obsoletos. La presencia de plaguicidas se determinó por cromatografía gaseosa con detector de captura electrónica utilizando columnas capilares de distinta polaridad. Los plaguicidas más frecuentemente encontrados fueron p,p'-DDE, β-HCH y HCB. La máxima concentración detectada fue 7,31 µg/l y correspondió a p,p'-DDE. El β-HCH mostró valores más altos que los otros isómeros en la familia de los hexaclorociclohexanos (HCH. Se observó buena correlación entre la concentración de p,p'-DDE y la edad tal como se esperaba para un contaminante persistente y bioacumulable. El trabajo aporta información sobre los niveles de plaguicidas organoclorados en sangre en una población con exposición ambiental estudiada frente a denuncias periodísticas y de los mismos habitantes del lugar.

  1. Oxygenation decreases elastin secretion from rat ductus arteriosus smooth muscle cells. (United States)

    Kawakami, Shoji; Minamisawa, Susumu


    The ductus arteriosus (DA), a fetal arterial connection between the main pulmonary artery and the descending aorta, normally closes immediately after birth. The oxygen concentration in the blood rises after birth, and in the DA this increase in oxygen concentration causes functional closure, which is induced by smooth muscle contraction. Previous studies have demonstrated that hypoxia and/or oxygenation affect vascular remodeling of various vessels. Therefore, we hypothesized that the rise in oxygen concentration would affect the vascular structure of the DA due to production of proteins secreted from DA smooth muscle cells (SMC). Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used to comprehensively investigate the secreted proteins in the supernatant of rat DA SMC harvested under hypoxic conditions (1% oxygen) or under normoxic conditions (21% oxygen). We found that the rise in oxygen concentration reduced the secretion of elastin from DA SMC. On reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, the expression of elastin mRNA was not significantly changed in DA SMC from hypoxic to normoxic conditions. Given that elastin forms internal elastic lamina and elastic fibers in the vascular muscle layers, and that a rise in oxygen concentration reduced the secretion of elastin, this suggests that the rise in blood oxygen concentration after birth reduces the secretion of elastin, and therefore may play a role in DA structural remodeling after birth. © 2015 Japan Pediatric Society.

  2. A prospective study of maternal preference for indomethacin prophylaxis versus symptomatic treatment of a patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants. (United States)

    AlFaleh, Khalid; Alluwaimi, Eman; AlOsaimi, Ahlam; Alrajebah, Sheikha; AlOtaibi, Bashayer; AlRasheed, Fatima; AlKharfi, Turki; Paes, Bosco


    The management of a patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants continues to be debated among neonatologists due to the absence of concrete evidence that precisely weighs the long term outcomes of active, early intervention against a conservative approach. In the majority of institutions, parents are encouraged to play an active role in the complex, decision -making processes with regard to the care of their infants. The objective of this study is to elicit maternal preferences for indomethacin prophylaxis versus treatment of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants, utilizing a decision aid instrument (DAI). Healthy and high risk pregnant women at 23-28 weeks gestation, and mothers of admitted ELBW infants were enrolled. A computer based, validated DAI was utilized during interviews. The DAI first provides information about prematurity and concurrent morbidities with comprehensive facts of the pros and cons about prophylactic versus treatment options. It subsequently coaches participants how to select values and preferences based on their decisions. A 17-item questionnaire assessed and valued each short and long term morbidity of extreme prematurity and preferred choice for PDA management. Two hundred ninety nine subjects were enrolled; 75% were healthy women at 23-28 weeks gestation, 19% were high risk and 6% recently delivered an ELBW infant. Eighty-two percent preferred a prophylactic indomethacin strategy versus symptomatic treatment for the management of PDA. Across a spectrum of potential morbidities, the occurrence of severe intraventricular hemorrhage was viewed by mothers as the most un-wanted outcome irrespective of the two proposed options. In contrast to neonatal practitioners, mothers who used this particular DAI strongly endorsed prophylactic indomethacin versus a treatment intervention for the management of PDA in preterm infants.

  3. Transcatheter closure of calcified patent ductus arteriosus in older adult patients: Immediate and 12-month follow-up results. (United States)

    Gu, Xinghua; Zhang, Qiuwang; Sun, Hourong; Fei, Jianchun; Zhang, Xiquan; Kutryk, Michael J


    To present our experience in transcatheter closure of calcified patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in older adult patients, which has rarely been reported. From 2009 to 2014, a total of 16 patients (median age 58 years) with calcified PDA underwent transcatheter closure in our center. All patients were symptomatic with major symptoms being exertional dyspnea (in 12), palpitations (in 8), and fatigue (in 5). A continuous murmur was heard in all patients. The median ductus diameter was 4 mm (range 3-7 mm). The median Qp/Qs was 1.6 (range 1.4-2.9). Transcatheter closure was performed for all patients. The size of the occluder selected was 2-3 mm greater than the narrowest portion of PDA. We experienced difficulties in advancing the multipurpose catheter through the calcified duct in about one third of patients (5/16). Considering that calcified tissue has a greater tendency to rupture, hence, to close PDA in these patients, they adopted the retrograde wire-assisted technique and modified the procedure to reduce the shear stress of sheath and avoid any sheath kinking. For the remaining 11 patients, the advancement of the multipurpose catheter through the calcified duct was smooth and the conventional antegrade approach was applied. Clinical examination, standard 12-lead electrocardiography, chest x-ray, and transthoracic echocardiography were performed before hospital discharge, at 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-months follow-ups. All PDAs were successfully closed. There were no deaths. Three patients had a trivial residual shunt, with one also having intravascular hemolysis. Following pharmacological treatment, hemolysis signs vanished at 7 days postprocedure. The trivial residual shunt disappeared in all three patients at 3-month follow-up. No new-onset residual shunt, device embolization, device dislocation, infective endocarditis, or embolism was observed at all follow-up time points. Successful closure of calcified PDA with few complications in older adult patients was achieved

  4. Cerebral Microemboli Detection and Differentiation During Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus. (United States)

    Wallace, Sean; Døhlen, Gaute; Holmstrøm, Henrik; Lund, Christian; Russell, David


    The aim of this prospective study was to determine the frequency and composition of cerebral microemboli in a pediatric population, during transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Multifrequency transcranial Doppler was used to monitor cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) and detect microembolic signals (MES) in the middle cerebral artery in 23 patients (median age 18 months). MES were automatically identified and differentiated according to composition; gaseous or solid. The procedure was divided into five periods: Arterial catheterization; venous catheterization; ductal catheterization; angiography; device placement and release. Timing of catheter manipulations and MES were registered and compared. MES were detected in all patients. The median number of signals was 7, (minimum 1, maximum 28). Over 95 % of all MES were gaseous. 11 % were detected during device placement while 64 % were detected during angiographic studies, significantly higher than during any other period (P < 0.001). There was a moderate correlation between the number of MES and volume of contrast used, (R = 0.622, P < 0.01). There was no correlation with fluoroscopic time or duration of procedure. This is the first study to investigate the timing and composition of cerebral microemboli during PDA occlusion. Microemboli were related to specific catheter manipulations and correlated with the amount of contrast used.

  5. Minimally invasive thoracoscopic closure versus thoracotomy in children with patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Stankowski, Tomasz; Aboul-Hassan, Sleiman Sebastian; Marczak, Jakub; Szymanska, Anna; Augustyn, Cyprian; Cichon, Romuald


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is one of the most common congenital heart defects. Once diagnosed, an immediate pharmacologic or invasive treatment should be performed. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of surgical PDA ligation in children using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in comparison with a conventional muscle-sparing posterolateral thoracotomy technique (MSPLT). In this single-center, retrospective study 173 children qualified for surgical PDA closure were enrolled. Patients were divided according to their weight and type of surgery performed. The groups consisted of patients operated through thoracotomy (54%) or VATS (46%). Operative characteristics, cosmetic effect, postoperative complications and long-term survival were evaluated. Regardless of weight, fewer complications were noted in children after thoracoscopic clipping. Fifteen VATS patients required intraoperative conversion to thoracotomy; however, adverse sequelae were not observed. Aesthetics seemed to be the major complaint after conventional surgery. We did not observe any statistically significant differences in the long-term survival between both groups. Both techniques were shown to be safe and effective. Unsuccessfully performed thoracoscopic surgeries were safely converted to conventional thoracotomy. VATS, being a less invasive approach, leads to a better aesthetic effect and lower surgical complication rate. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Secuestro pulmonar una infrecuente causa de hipertension pulmonar persistente en el recién nacido reporte de un caso

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    Lupo Méndez


    Full Text Available La hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido ( HPPRN es una entidad frecuente en las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales ( UCIN , sin embargo, algunas de sus causas pasan desapercibidas, debido a su baja frecuencia y poca asociación con esta patología. A propósito de un caso en nuestra UCIN , en un neonato a término que presentó HPPRN secundario a una malformación pulmonar, raramente asociada con esta patología en este grupo etareo, ya que se encontró mayor disposición a factores propios del nacimiento, y noxas maternas. El paciente presentó dificultad respiratoria horas después de su nacimiento, con evolución y persistencia de su sintomatología, por lo que se necesitó de diversos medios diagnósticos para establecer su etiología. Es importante destacar que el primer ecocardiograma doppler no mostró ninguna alteración anatómica o funcional, reportado normal; con posterior empeoramiento clínico del neonato, por lo que se ordenó un control ecocardiografico, y se evidenció una presión pulmonar estimada de 71 mmHg; se continuó el estudio etiológico con imágenes complemen - tarias, en esta caso una tomografía de tórax contrastada, y finalmente fue corroborado con un cateterismo cardiaco, lo cual permitió a su vez, manejo terapéutico y corrección de anomalía estructural de vasos pulmonares.

  7. Anesthetic management of a newborn with trisomy 18 undergoing closure of patent ductus arteriosus and pulmonary artery banding. (United States)

    Arun, Oguzha; Oc, Bahar; Oc, Mehmet; Duman, Ates


    Peri-operative management of infants with trisomy 18 syndrome is challenging due to various congenital cardiac and facial anomalies. We report the anaesthetic management of a 13-day-old neonate with 1 540 g body weight, undergoing closure of patent ductus arteriosus and pulmonary artery banding. Anaesthesia was induced with sevoflurane, fentanyl and rocuronium. Despite dysmorphic facial features, ventilation and endotracheal intubation were achieved uneventfully. Anaesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane and fentanyl and was uneventful. The patient was transferred to the neonatal ICU intubated and with ventilatory support. The baby was extubated on the second day postoperatively. Our knowledge of the proper anaesthetic technique for children undergoing palliative or corrective surgery is limited. Further case reports will increase our experience in peri-operative management of children with trisomy 18.

  8. Association of Patent Ductus Arteriosus Ligation With Death or Neurodevelopmental Impairment Among Extremely Preterm Infants (United States)

    Mirea, Lucia; Rosenberg, Erin; Jang, Maximus; Ly, Linh; Church, Paige T.; Kelly, Edmond; Kim, S. Joseph; Jain, Amish; McNamara, Patrick J.; Shah, Prakesh S.


    Importance Observational studies have associated patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation among preterm infants with adverse neonatal outcomes and neurodevelopmental impairment in early childhood, with a resultant secular trend away from surgical treatment. However, to our knowledge, studies have inadequately addressed sources of residual bias, including survival bias and major neonatal morbidities arising before exposure to ligation. Objective Evaluate the association between PDA ligation vs medical management and neonatal and neurodevelopmental outcomes. Design, Setting, and Participants This retrospective cohort study of preterm infants younger than 28 weeks gestational age born between January 1, 2006, and December 31, 2012, with clinical and echocardiography diagnoses of hemodynamically significant PDA was conducted at 3 tertiary neonatal intensive care units and affiliated follow-up programs. Exposure Surgical ligation vs medical management. Main Outcomes and Measures The primary outcome was a composite of death or neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI) at 18 to 24 months corrected age. Secondary outcomes included death before discharge, NDI, moderate-severe chronic lung disease, and severe retinopathy of prematurity. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for perinatal and postnatal confounders. Results Of 754 infants with hemodynamically significant PDA (mean [standard deviation] gestational age 25.7 [1.2] weeks and birth weight 813 [183] grams), 184 (24%) underwent ligation. Infants who underwent ligation had a higher frequency of morbidities before PDA closure, including sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, and a dependence on mechanical ventilation. After adjusting for perinatal characteristics and preligation morbidities, there was no difference in the odds of death or NDI (adjusted odds ratio (aOR), 0.83; 95% CI, 0.52-1.32), NDI (aOR, 1.27; 95% CI, 0.78-2.06), chronic lung disease (aOR, 1.36; 95% CI, 0.78-2.39) or severe retinopathy of

  9. Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Scansen, Brian A; Simpson, Elaine M; López-Alvarez, Jordi; Thomas, William P; Bright, Janice M; Eason, Bryan D; Rush, John E; Dukes-McEwan, Joanna; Green, Henry W; Cunningham, Suzanne M; Visser, Lance C; Kent, Agnieszka M; Schober, Karsten E


    To describe a series of dogs with pulmonary artery dissection and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Eight dogs. Retrospective case series. Pulmonary artery dissection was diagnosed in 8 dogs, 3 were Weimaraners. Four dogs presented in left-sided congestive heart failure, 4 presented for murmur evaluation and without clinical signs, and 1 presented in right-sided congestive heart failure. In 7 dogs the dissection was first documented concurrent with a diagnosis of uncorrected PDA. In the other dog, with pulmonary valve stenosis and PDA, the dissection was observed on autopsy examination 17 months after balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty and ductal closure. Median age at presentation for the 7 dogs with antemortem diagnosis of pulmonary artery dissection was 3.5 years (range, 1.5-4 years). Three dogs had the PDA surgically ligated, 2 dogs did not undergo PDA closure, 1 dog failed transcatheter occlusion of the PDA with subsequent surgical ligation, 1 dog underwent successful transcatheter device occlusion of the PDA, and 1 dog had the PDA closed by transcatheter coil delivery 17 months prior to the diagnosis of pulmonary artery dissection. The 2 dogs that did not have the PDA closed died 1 and 3 years after diagnosis due to heart failure. Pulmonary artery dissection is a potential complication of PDA in dogs, the Weimaraner breed may be at increased risk, presentation is often in mature dogs, and closure of the PDA can be performed and appears to improve outcome. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Does platelet mass influence the effectiveness of ibuprofen treatment for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants? (United States)

    Akar, Selahattin; Karadag, Nilgun; Gokmen Yildirim, Tulin; Toptan, Handan Hakyemez; Dincer, Emre; Tuten, Abdulhamit; Yavuz, Taner; Topcuoglu, Sevilay; Karatepe, Hande Ozgun; Ozalkaya, Elif; Karatekin, Guner; Ovali, Fahri


    The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the platelet mass in the first 24 h of life is effective on closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) or not. Preterm infants with a gestational age of gender and maternal risk factors between the study groups. The mean platelet count in the first postnatal blood count was in Group 1: 211.3 ± 89.2 × 10(3)/mm(3) and in Group 2: 216.5 ± 26 × 10(3)/mm(3), respectively (p = 0.783). The mean platelet volumes (MPV) were similar in both groups (p = 0.535). No statistically significant difference between platelet mass values was detected (Group 1: 1811 ± 884 fl/nl, Group 2: 1868 ± 717 fl/nl) (p = 0.753). Our data suggest that platelet count, MPV and platelet mass did not affect the closure of hsPDA with ibuprofen.

  11. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for patent ductus arteriosus closure in preterm infants. (United States)

    Benitz, William E; Bhombal, Shazia


    Over the last four decades, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been widely used to induce closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants. Evidence to support this practice is lacking, despite performance of >50 randomized trials. The credibility of those trials may have been compromised by high rates of open treatment in controls, era of study prior to advent of modern practices, or inclusion of insufficient numbers of very immature infants. Meta-analyses show little impact of those factors on main conclusions. Essentially all trials reporting important long-term outcomes (other than mortality) initiated treatment within five days after birth, so no evidence regarding later treatment is available. Accruing clinical experience suggests that long-term outcomes are not compromised, and may be improved, with non-interventional management strategies. Future studies to identify preterm infants at greatest risk of potential harm from a persistent PDA, particularly after the second postnatal week, are urgently needed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Comparative study of the efficacy and safety of paracetamol, ibuprofen, and indomethacin in closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates. (United States)

    El-Mashad, Abd El-Rahman; El-Mahdy, Heba; El Amrousy, Doaa; Elgendy, Marwa


    In this prospective study, we compared the efficacy and side effects of indomethacin, ibuprofen, and paracetamol in patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure in preterm neonates. Three hundred preterm neonates with hemodynamically significant PDA (hs-PDA) admitted at our neonatal intensive care unit were enrolled in the study. They were randomized into three groups. Group I (paracetamol group) received 15 mg/kg/6 h IV paracetamol infusion for 3 days. Group II (ibuprofen group) received 10 mg/kg IV ibuprofen infusion followed by 5 mg/kg/day for 2 days. Group III (indomethacin group) received 0.2 mg/kg/12 h indomethacin IV infusion for three doses. Laboratory investigations such as renal function test, liver function test, complete blood count, and blood gases were conducted in addition to echocardiographic examinations. All investigations were done before and 3 days after treatment. There was no significant difference between all groups regarding efficacy of PDA closure (P = 0.868). There was a significant increase in serum creatinine levels and serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) in the ibuprofen and indomethacin groups (P  0.05). Ventilatory settings improved significantly in patients with successful closure of PDA than those with failed PDA closure (P closure of PDA in preterm neonates and has less side effects mainly on renal function, platelet count, and GIT bleeding. What is Known: • Hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus has many complications for preterm and low birth weight neonates and better to be closed. Many drugs were used for medical closure of PDA e.g. indomethacin, ibuprofen and recently paracetamol. Many studies compare safety and efficacy of paracetamol with either indomethacin or ibuprofen. What is New: • It is the first large study that compares the efficacy and side effects of the three drugs in one study.

  13. Preoperative left ventricular internal dimension in end-diastole as earlier identification of early patent ductus arteriosus operation and postoperative intensive care in very low birth weight infants. (United States)

    Saida, Ken; Nakamura, Tomohiko; Hiroma, Takehiko; Takigiku, Kiyohiro; Yasukochi, Satoshi


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is common in premature infants. In very low birth weight infants (VLBWI), PDA requires surgical therapy in many cases. It is unclear to know at-risk infants showing cardio-dysfunction after PDA surgery. The purpose of this study was to identify at-risk infants showing cardio-dysfunction after surgery for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). We examined the relationship between left ventricular (LV) performance before and after PDA ligation in a retrospective observational cohort study. We studied 64 preterm neonates with symptomatic PDA before and after surgical ligation. Echocardiographic examinations were performed pre- and postoperatively. M-mode measurements included left ventricular internal dimension in end-diastole (LVIDd) and LV fractional shortening (FS). All cases showed decreased LVFS after PDA closure. Most cases (49/64, 77%) showed postoperative FS decreased to below normal (<28%). Preoperative relative LVIDd was significantly larger in abnormal FS infants (137 ± 18%) than in normal FS infants (118 ± 11%; p<0.01). A cut-off value of preoperative relative LVIDd (absolute LVIDd/normal value) for predicting postoperative cardio-dysfunction was 127.4% (sensitivity, 0.735; specificity, 0.933; area under curve, 0.817). Determination of preoperative LVIDd might facilitate earlier identification of infants needing early PDA surgery and postoperative intensive care. © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Meningite neutrofílica persistente em paciente com Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida

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    Sonia Fontes Marinho


    Full Text Available A meningite neutrofílica persistente é raramente diagnosticada e é caracterizada pelo predomínio neutrofílico na contagem diferencial do número de leucócitos nas amostras de líquido cefalorraquidiano retiradas após sete dias de tratamento adequado. O paciente aqui descrito é soropositivo para o HIV, apresentou febre e confusão mental durante 4 meses e pleocitose neutrofílica na análise liquórica por mais 5 meses. Foi tratado desde o início com tuberculostáticos. Durante três meses as reações imunológicas, as culturas e as pesquisas diretas foram negativas. No sexagésimo dia de internação, a pesquisa de bacilo álcool-ácido resistente (BAAR no líquor foi positiva e a cultura confirmou a presença de Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistente à isoniazida. Vários fatores podem provocar esta evolução incomum. O comprometimento da imunidade celular, principalmente na liberação de citocinas pró-inflamatórias como a IL 8 e o FNT. O uso concomitante de medicações que poderiam alterar a concentração liquórica dos tuberculostáticos e o aparecimento crescente de cepas multirresistentes foram discutidos.Persistent neutrophilic meningitis is rarely found and it is characterized by predominance of the number of neutrophilus in samples of C SF (cerebrospinal fluid from the patient after seven days of treatment. The above patient in HIV positive; he has developed fever and mental disorder for 4 months and has presented neutrophilic pleocytosis in analysis of CSF for more than 5 months. Since the beginning or the treatment he has taken antituberculous drugs and corticosteroids. For 3 months, the serologic avaliation, smears and cultures were negative. On the 60th. day in hospital, the investigation of acid-fast bacilli in CSF was positive and culture confirmed the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to isoniazid. Several factors that may have caused this uncommon development were discussed: the disturbance of cell

  15. The management of patent ductus arteriosus in Australia and New Zealand. (United States)

    Hoellering, Adam B; Cooke, Lucy


    This study aimed to establish current management practice for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) among individual consultant neonatologists in Australia and New Zealand, to examine the influences that drives practice and highlight the importance of future randomised controlled trials in the region. Eligible subjects were identified from the Directory of Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Australia and New Zealand, 2007. A questionnaire was sent online to each consultant and was followed up with a letter and telephone call. Seven questions addressed management approach, the drug used and the treatment regimen, threshold for referral for surgical ligation and the literature influencing practice. Data were collected from 22 August 2007 to 22 November 2007. The overall response rate was 95%. For infants < or =28 weeks or < or =1000 g, all consultants treat PDA by one of four distinct management approaches. Expectant management was favoured by 35%, echocardiographic targeted prophylaxis 32%, presymptomatic treatment 16% and prophylaxis by 17%. There were marked regional variations in practice. Within individual units, more than one approach is used in 14 out of 24 units. Long courses of indomethacin are used to treat PDA by 86%. For 22% of consultants, management is not influenced by published literature. Differences of opinion in the literature are reflected by the heterogeneity in clinical practice across regions and within units. Crucial questions undergoing evaluation are whether data extrapolated from a previous area are relevant to PDA in modern neonatology and whether targeting treatment early can translate to improved clinical outcome.

  16. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in interrupted inferior caval vein through femoral vein approach

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    Endale Tefera


    Full Text Available Percutaneous closure of the patent arterial duct in patients with interrupted inferior caval vein poses a technical challenge. A 12-year-old girl with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA and interrupted inferior caval vein is described in this report. The diagnosis of interrupted inferior caval vein and azygos continuation was made in the catheterization laboratory. A catheter was advanced and snared in the descending aorta. An exchange wire was advanced through the catheter and snared in the descending aorta. Then, an Amplatzer TorqVue 2 delivery sheath was advanced over the wire from the venous side and again snared in the descending aorta. An Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO size 8/6 was advanced through the sheath while still holding the sheath with a snare. The device was opened. The sheath was then unsnared once the aortic disc was completely out. The sheath and the device were pulled back into the duct and the device was successfully implanted. The device was then released and it attained a stable position. An aortic angiogram was performed which showed complete occlusion.

  17. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in interrupted inferior caval vein through femoral vein approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tefera, Endale; Bermudez-Cañete, Ramon


    Percutaneous closure of the patent arterial duct in patients with interrupted inferior caval vein poses a technical challenge. A 12-year-old girl with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and interrupted inferior caval vein is described in this report. The diagnosis of interrupted inferior caval vein and azygos continuation was made in the catheterization laboratory. A catheter was advanced and snared in the descending aorta. An exchange wire was advanced through the catheter and snared in the descending aorta. Then, an Amplatzer TorqVue 2 delivery sheath was advanced over the wire from the venous side and again snared in the descending aorta. An Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) size 8/6 was advanced through the sheath while still holding the sheath with a snare. The device was opened. The sheath was then unsnared once the aortic disc was completely out. The sheath and the device were pulled back into the duct and the device was successfully implanted. The device was then released and it attained a stable position. An aortic angiogram was performed which showed complete occlusion

  18. Concentraciones de compuestos tóxicos persistentes en la población española: el rompecabezas sin piezas y la protección de la salud pública

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    Porta M.


    Full Text Available La contaminación por compuestos tóxicos persistentes (CTP de la población general es un hecho relevante desde una perspectiva de salud pública. Es, asimismo, importante para el sistema sanitario asistencial y para las políticas ambientales, alimentarias, industriales y económicas. Aunque en España los conocimientos sobre la contaminación de los alimentos por CTP presentan grandes vacíos temporales y geográficos, aún es menor la información sobre sus concentraciones en las personas: no existe ningún estudio representativo de una población general sana efectuado en una zona geográfica amplia. Los estudios disponibles indican que un 80-100% de la población tiene concentraciones detectables de DDE, policlorobifenilos, hexaclorobenceno o lindano. En España el número de estudios sobre los efectos que los CTP tienen en las personas es todavía más exiguo. Los estudios internacionales sugieren que dosis de algunos CTP por debajo de las que normalmente se consideran «seguras» pueden causar efectos biológicos y clínicos relevantes. Los mecanismos de acción no comprenden sólo la disrupción endocrina. La valoración de la significación clínica y social del espectro de efectos más sutiles y con períodos de latencia mayores de los CTP presenta interesantes retos y oportunidades. España y otros países europeos sufren un déficit de indicadores poblacionales sobre el impacto que los procesos ambientales tienen en la salud humana. Los distintos ámbitos de la Administración deben monitorizar los valores biológicos de los CTPs y valorar sus posibles riesgos para la salud. Junto con más de cien otros países, próximamente España intentará implementar el Tratado sobre los Contaminantes Orgánicos Persistentes (Convenio de Estocolmo. Ello constituye un nuevo motivo para desarrollar programas más eficientes de vigilancia y control de los residuos de los CTP en alimentos, humanos y medio ambiente. Como parte de la aplicación del

  19. Paracetamol treatment for patent ductus arteriosus: practice and attitudes in Australia and New Zealand. (United States)

    Dowd, L A; Wheeler, B J; Al-Sallami, H S; Broadbent, R S; Edmonds, L K; Medlicott, N J


    To describe the current clinical practices and attitudes of neonatologists towards paracetamol treatment of PDA in Australia (AU) and New Zealand (NZ). A web-based survey of all neonatologists registered under the 2017 Australia New Zealand Neonatal Network (ANZNN) was conducted. The response rate for the survey was 67%, (141/210). Of those respondents, 37% stated their unit had a written policy outlining how to treat patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Of the written policies, 53% mentioned paracetamol treatment. The majority of the respondents (70%) have prescribed paracetamol for PDA closure. When comparing between countries, 79% of AU respondents had compared with 44% of NZ respondents. Successful ductal closure in the infants who received paracetamol was anecdotally reported by 61% of respondents. The main reasons for clinicians not prescribing paracetamol were due to preferential NSAID use (61%) and lack of evidence to indicate efficacy (49%). Many neonatologists in AU and NZ have prescribed paracetamol for PDA closure. However, considerable practice variations exist. The results from this study suggest there may be a role for paracetamol in the treatment of PDA, however, further research is required to clarify the optimal use and provide evidence of efficacy.

  20. Intravenous paracetamol and patent ductus arteriosus closure in preterm infants

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    Rizky Adriansyah


    Full Text Available Background Indomethacin and ibuprofen are the drugs of choice for closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA in preterm infants. However, intravenous preparations are of limited availability in Indonesia. Circumstantial evidence has shown that intravenous paracetamol may be an alternative therapy for PDA closure in premature infants. Objective To evaluate the effect of intravenous paracetamol on PDA closure in preterm infants. Methods A before-and-after study was conducted between May and August 2014 in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta in preterm infants with hemodynamically significant PDAs, as established by echocardiography using the following criteria: duct diameter >1.4 mm/kg, left atrium to aorta ratio >1.4, and mean velocity in the left pulmonary artery >0.42 m/s or mean diastolic velocity in the left pulmonary artery >0.2 m/s. Subjects, aged 2 and 7 days, received intravenous paracetamol (15 mg/kg every six hours for 3 days. Paired T-test was used to compare pre-intervention PDA diameter to those assessed at 24 hours after the intervention and at 14 days of life. Results Twenty-nine subjects had a mean gestational age of 30.8 weeks and mean birth weight of 1,347 grams. Nineteen (65.5% patients had closed PDAs at the day 14 evaluation, 1 experienced PDA reopening, and 9 had failed PDA closure. No liver toxicity was identified. Mean duct diameters before, 24 hours after the intervention, and at 14 days of life were 3.0, 0.9, and 0.6 mm, respectively (P<0.0001. Conclusion Intravenous paracetamol seems to be reasonably effective for PDA closure in preterm infants.

  1. Oral versus intravenous paracetamol: which is better in closure of patent ductus arteriosus in very low birth weight infants? (United States)

    Sancak, Selim; Gokmen Yildirim, Tulin; Topcuoglu, Sevilay; Yavuz, Taner; Karatekin, Guner; Ovali, Fahri


    To compare the efficacy of oral and intravenous paracetamol for closure of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (HSPDA) in very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants. Eighteen VLBW infants with HSPDA treated with either intravenous (n = 10) or oral (n = 8) paracetamol at 60 mg/kg/d for three consecutive days were analysed retrospectively. Ductal closure rate and evaluation of liver function tests were the major outcomes. After two courses of treatment, HSPDA closure rate was higher in oral paracetamol group than that in the intravenous paracetamol group (88% versus 70%), but it was not statistically significant (p = 0.588). Liver function tests were normal after the treatment. Although it was not statistically significant, the cumulative closure rates were higher in oral paracetamol group than those in the intravenous group. Larger trials are needed to confirm these data.

  2. Toracotomia minimamente invasiva (miopreservadora para ligadura do canal arterial em prematuros Minimally invasive thoracotomy (muscle-sparing thoracotomy for occlusion of ductus arteriosus in preterm infants

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    Andrey José de Oliveira Monteiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a aplicabilidade, segurança e resultados iniciais da toracotomia minimamente invasiva para ligadura do canal arterial em prematuros. MÉTODO: Entre outubro de 1991 e julho de 2003, 273 prematuros e prematuros extremos foram submetidos à ligadura cirúrgica do canal arterial por toracotomia miopreservadora, com anestesia geral, em UTI neonatal. Os dados demográficos pré-operatórios e os desfechos de mortalidade e eventos adversos foram, retrospectivamente, avaliados por meio de consulta aos prontuários. RESULTADOS: Não houve óbito relacionado com o ato operatório e 234 (86% pacientes tiveram alta hospitalar. Os 39 óbitos ocorreram entre o 1º e o 51º dias e foram atribuídos à sepse (14 pacientes, hemorragia intracraniana (11 pacientes e enterocolite necrotizante (nove pacientes, todas causas inerentes à prematuridade. Em cinco pacientes, a causa não foi adequadamente estabelecida. As complicações mais freqüentes relacionadas ao procedimento foram: pneumotórax 3,3% (nove pacientes e hemorragia 1,4% (quatro pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica de toracotomia minimamente invasiva para a ligadura do canal arterial quando realizada em prematuros e prematuros extremos é aplicável, segura, eficaz, relacionada à baixa morbidade e não depende da estrutura hospitalar local.OBJECTIVES: To analyze the feasibility, the safety, and the primary outcomes of a minimally invasive thoracotomy for the occlusion of ligamentum arteriosum (ductus arteriosus in preterm infants. METHODS: Between October 1991 and June 2003, 273 preterm infants and very low birth weight preterm infants were submitted to a surgical occlusion of the ligamentum arteriosum (ductus arteriosus through muscle-sparing thoracotomy under general anesthesia in the neonatal ICU. Pre-operative demographic data, mortality outcomes, and adverse events were retrospectively analyzed through medical records consultation. RESULTS:There were no deaths related to surgery

  3. Safety of Percutaneous Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure: An Unselected Multicenter Population Experience (United States)

    El‐Said, Howaida G.; Bratincsak, Andras; Foerster, Susan R.; Murphy, Joshua J.; Vincent, Julie; Holzer, Ralf; Porras, Diego; Moore, John; Bergersen, Lisa


    Background The technique and safety of transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure have evolved during the past 20 years. We sought to report a multicenter experience of PDA closure with a focus on the rate of adverse events (AE) and a review of institutional practice differences. Methods and Results Outcome data on transcatheter PDA closure were collected at 8 centers prospectively using a multicenter registry (Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Project on Outcome Registry). Between February 2007 and June 2010, 496 PDA closures were recorded using a device in 338 (68%) or coils in 158 (32%). Most patients had an isolated PDA (90%). Fifty percent of patients were between 6 months and 3 years old, with only 40 patients (8%) closure and 1 mm (range 0.5 to 6 mm; IQR 1 to 2 mm) for coil closure (P2 mm (all P1.5 mm. In 9% of cases (n=46), an AE occurred; however, only 11 (2%) were classified as high severity. Younger age was associated with a higher AE rate. Coil‐related AEs were more common than device‐related AEs (10% versus 2%, Pclosure in the present era has a very low rate of complications, although these are higher in younger children. Technical intervention‐related events were more common in coil procedures compared with device procedures. For PDAs ≤2.5 mm in diameter, institutional differences in preference for device versus coil exist. PMID:24284214

  4. Surgical management of a patent ductus arteriosus: Is this still an option? (United States)

    Weisz, Dany E; Giesinger, Regan E


    The evolution of neonatal intensive care over the past decade has seen the role of surgical patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation in preterm infants both decrease in scope and become laden with uncertainty. Associations of ligation with adverse neonatal and neurodevelopmental outcomes have rendered the ligation decision more challenging for clinicians and have been associated with a decline in surgical treatment, but these findings may be due to bias from confounding by indication in observational studies rather than a causal detrimental effect of ligation. Accordingly, ligation may still be indicated for infants with large ductal shunts and moderate-severe respiratory insufficiency in whom the prospect of timely spontaneous closure appears low. Ultimately a randomized trial of surgical ligation versus conservative management is necessary to assess the efficacy of this invasive intervention in a population of extremely preterm infants with large ductal shunts. Simultaneously, the transcatheter approach to ductal closure in the very immature infant represents an exciting therapeutic alternative but which is still in its infancy. Insights into the pathophysiology of postoperative cardiorespiratory deterioration, including the importance of left ventricular afterload, may help clinicians avoid instability and mitigate a potentially injurious aspect of surgical treatment. This review examines the evidence regarding the benefits and risks of PDA surgery in preterm neonates and provides a pathophysiology-based management paradigm to guide perioperative care in high-risk infants. © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  5. Long-term follow-up after transvenous single coil embolization of patent ductus arteriosus in dogs. (United States)

    Hildebrandt, N; Schneider, C; Schweigl, T; Schneider, M


    Long-term follow-up studies after interventional therapy of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in dogs are rare. Transvenous PDA embolization with a single detachable coil is a highly effective method in patients with an angiographically determined PDA≤4.0 mm. Twenty-eight dogs with an angiographic PDA≤4.0 mm were included. Prospective follow-up study after PDA coil embolization. The median follow-up time was 792 days (range, 2-3, 248 days). The rate of complete closure demonstrated by Doppler color flow was 54% at day 3 after intervention and the final cumulative rate was 71%. The rate of complete closure was significantly different between small and moderately sized PDA over the study period (Pclosure, no recanalization was found. Disappearance of the continuous heart murmur was found in 89% after 3 days, and this increased to a final cumulative rate of 96%. Indexed left ventricular internal diameter in diastole (LVDd-I) decreased significantly (Pclosure in all small PDA but a residual shunt with mild hemodynamic consequences was present in half of the moderately sized PDA. Copyright © 2010 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  6. Angiographic classification of patent ductus arteriosus and its clinical implications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qingqiao, Zhang; Shiliang, Jiang; Lianjun, Huang; Shihua, Zhao; Jian, Ling; Zhongying, Xu; Hong, Zheng; Ruolan, Xie; Ruping, Dai [Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Beijing Union Medical College, Beijing (China). Cardiovascular Inst. and Fuwai Hospital, Dept. of Radiology


    Objective: To study the angiographic appearance of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and provide information for clinical treatment. Methods: Between July 1994 and October 2002, 483 patients (142 male, 341 female) with isolated PDA underwent aortography before attempted transcatheter closure of PDA, the mean age was (14.6 {+-} 11.4) years (range 0.8 to 63 years). Left lateral aortography was performed in 482 patients. Among them, additional aortography in right anterior oblique 30 degree - 50 degree or left anterior oblique 60 degree - 80 degree (or plus caudal 20 degree) projection was performed in 6 and 4 patients, respectively. One patient with mirror-image dextrocardia underwent aortography in right lateral projection. Results: The configuration of PDA was classified into six types. Four hundred and twenty (87%) patients had funnel shape PDA, the mean minimum diameter of PDA was 4.2 {+-} 1.6 mm (range 1 to 15 mm). Three (0.6%) patients had window shape PDA, the diameters of PDA were 8.0 mm, 9.0 mm, and 9.0 mm, respectively. Thirty four (7.0%) patients had tubular shape PDA, the mean diameter of PDA was (5.4 {+-} 3.8) mm (range 0.8 to 20 mm). Eleven (2.3%) patients had rosary shape PDA, the mean minimum diameter of PDA was (2.1 {+-} 0.5) mm (range 1.0 to 3.7 mm). Ten (2.1%) patients had finger shape PDA, the mean minimum diameter of PDA was (1.5 {+-} 0.4) mm (range 1.0 to 3.0 mm). Five (1.0%) patients had irregular shape PDA, the minimum diameters of PDA were 1.2, 2.1, 3.2, 4.0, and 6.0 mm, respectively. Conclusion: The morphology of PDA varied considerably, and the awareness of these variations is helpful for clinical treatment.

  7. Angiographic classification of patent ductus arteriosus and its clinical implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Qingqiao; Jiang Shiliang; Huang Lianjun; Zhao Shihua; Ling Jian; Xu Zhongying; Zheng Hong; Xie Ruolan; Dai Ruping


    Objective: To study the angiographic appearance of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and provide information for clinical treatment. Methods: Between July 1994 and October 2002, 483 patients (142 male, 341 female) with isolated PDA underwent aortography before attempted transcatheter closure of PDA, the mean age was (14.6 ± 11.4) years (range 0.8 to 63 years). Left lateral aortography was performed in 482 patients. Among them, additional aortography in right anterior oblique 30 degree - 50 degree or left anterior oblique 60 degree - 80 degree (or plus caudal 20 degree) projection was performed in 6 and 4 patients, respectively. One patient with mirror-image dextrocardia underwent aortography in right lateral projection. Results: The configuration of PDA was classified into six types. Four hundred and twenty (87%) patients had funnel shape PDA, the mean minimum diameter of PDA was 4.2 ± 1.6 mm (range 1 to 15 mm). Three (0.6%) patients had window shape PDA, the diameters of PDA were 8.0 mm, 9.0 mm, and 9.0 mm, respectively. Thirty four (7.0%) patients had tubular shape PDA, the mean diameter of PDA was (5.4 ± 3.8) mm (range 0.8 to 20 mm). Eleven (2.3%) patients had rosary shape PDA, the mean minimum diameter of PDA was (2.1 ± 0.5) mm (range 1.0 to 3.7 mm). Ten (2.1%) patients had finger shape PDA, the mean minimum diameter of PDA was (1.5 ± 0.4) mm (range 1.0 to 3.0 mm). Five (1.0%) patients had irregular shape PDA, the minimum diameters of PDA were 1.2, 2.1, 3.2, 4.0, and 6.0 mm, respectively. Conclusion: The morphology of PDA varied considerably, and the awareness of these variations is helpful for clinical treatment

  8. Transcatheter closure of small ductus arteriosus with amplatzer vascular plug

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    Eunhyun Cho


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this study was to share our experience of transcatheter closure of small patent ductus arteriosus (PDA by using an Amplatzer vascular plug (AVP.&lt;br&gt; Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 20 patients who underwent transcatheter closure at Samsung Medical Center and Sejong General Hospital from January 2008 to August 2012. The size and shape of the PDAs were evaluated by performing angiograms, and the PDA size and the AVP devices size were compared.&lt;br&gt;Results: The mean age of the patients was 54.9±45.7 months old. The PDAs were of type C (n=5, type D (n=12 and type E (n=3. The mean pulmonary end diameter of the PDA was 1.7±0.6 mm, and the aortic end diameter was 3.6±1.4 mm. The mean length was 7.3±1.8 mm. We used 3 types of AVP devices: AVP I (n=5, AVP II (n=7, and AVP IV (n=8. The ratio of AVP size to the pulmonary end diameter was 3.37±1.64, and AVP size/aortic end ratio was 1.72±0.97. The aortic end diameter was significantly larger in those cases repaired with AVP II than in the others (P =0.002. The AVP size did not significantly correlate with the PDA size, but did correlate with smaller ratio of AVP size to aortic end diameter (1.10±0.31, P =0.032. &lt;br&gt;Conclusion: Transcatheter closure of small PDA with AVP devices yielded satisfactory outcome. AVP II was equally effective with smaller size of device, compared to others.

  9. Paralisia de prega vocal esquerda secundária à lesão do nervo laríngeo recorrente após cirurgia de ligadura do canal arterial: relato de caso Parálisis de pliegue vocal izquierdo secundario a la lesión del nervio laríngeo recurrente después de cirugía de ligadura del canal arterial: relato de caso Paralysis of the left vocal cord secondary to left recurrent nerve lesion following surgery for ligation of the arterial canal: case report

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    Marcius Vinícius M. Maranhão


    .800 g, sometida a cirugía para ligadura del canal arterial. Recibió como medicación pré-anestésica, midazolam (0,8, sesenta minutos antes de la cirugía. La inducción y la manutención de la anestesia fueron hechas con sevoflurano, alfentanil y pancuronio. La disección del canal arterial fue realizada con dificultad. En el 4º día del pós-operatorio presentó disfonia persistente. La videolarin- goscopia mostró parálisis de pliegue vocal izquierdo y pequeña abertura paramediana. CONCLUSIONES: Por su íntima relación con el canal arterial, el nervio laríngeo recurrente izquierdo puede ser lesionado, durante la cirugía correctiva, principalmente cuando existen dificultades en la disección y ligadura del canal arterial. Diferentemente de las disfonias decurrentes de la intubación y extubación traqueal, surgen más tardíamente y permanecen por largos períodos, pudiendo inclusive ser irreversibles.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Postoperative dysphonia is commonly associated to tracheal intubation and extubation complications, but other causal factors may be involved, including surgical procedures. This article aimed at reporting a late postoperative dysphonia as a consequence of left vocal cord paralysis secondary to left recurrent laryngeal nerve injury during ductus arteriosus ligation procedure. CASE REPORT: Female patient, 6 years old, physical status ASA II, 18.8 kg, submitted to ductus arteriosus ligation. Patient was premedicated with oral midazolam (0.8 60 minutes before surgery. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with sevoflurane, alfentanil and pancuronium. The ductus arteriosus was difficult to dissect. In the 4th postoperative day, patient presented with persistent dysphonia. Videolaryngoscopy has evidenced paralysis of the left vocal cord and a small paramedian gap. CONCLUSIONS: For its close relationship with the ductus arteriosus, the left recurrent laryngeal nerve may be damaged during corrective procedures, especially when

  10. Transcatheter closure of re-canalized patent ductus arteriosus after surgical ligation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Qingqiao; Jiang Shiliang; Huang Lianjun; Zhao Shihua; Zheng Hong; Ling Jian; Jin Jinglin; Xu Zhongying; Xie Ruolan; Dai Ruping


    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of transcatheter closure of re-canalized patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) after surgical ligation. Methods: Between June 1995 and November 2000, 14 patients (5 male, 9 female) with re-canalized PDA after surgical ligation underwent transcatheter closure, their median age was 13 years (range 4 to 48 years). The time between surgical ligation and the interventional procedure ranged from one month to twenty-two years. Implantations of Amplatzer duct occluder and Rashkind occluder were performed trans-venously. Cook coil occlusions was performed trans-arterially. Follow-up with X-ray radiograph and echocardiography was made 24 hours, 1, 3, 6 months, and more than 1 year after the procedure. Results: Twelve PDAs were of funnel shape, and the remaining two PDAs were of tubular shape. The median minimum diameter of re-canalized PDA after ligation was 4 mm (range 1 to 8 mm). Aortograms ten minutes after closure showed complete closure and trivial residual shunt in 11 and 3 patients, respectively. The technical success rate was 100%, and there were no complications. Echocardiography showed complete closure in all patients within 24 hours. All patients were discharged in one to two days after the procedure. At a follow-up of one to eighteen months in ten patients, there were no migration of devices and residual PDA. Conclusion: Transcatheter closure using Amplatzer duct occluder, coil (Cook company or Pfm company) and Rashkind occluder was an effective method for patients with re-canalized PDA after surgical ligation. It may be an alternative to second surgery owing to its safety, reliability, min-invasiveness, and short hospitalization

  11. Transcatheter closure of re-canalized patent ductus arteriosus after surgical ligation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qingqiao, Zhang; Shiliang, Jiang; Lianjun, Huang; Shihua, Zhao; Hong, Zheng; Jian, Ling; Jinglin, Jin; Zhongying, Xu; Ruolan, Xie; Ruping, Dai [Chinese Academy of Medical Science, Beijing Union Medical College, Beijing (China). Cardiovascular Inst. and Fuwai Hospital, Dept. of Radiology


    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of transcatheter closure of re-canalized patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) after surgical ligation. Methods: Between June 1995 and November 2000, 14 patients (5 male, 9 female) with re-canalized PDA after surgical ligation underwent transcatheter closure, their median age was 13 years (range 4 to 48 years). The time between surgical ligation and the interventional procedure ranged from one month to twenty-two years. Implantations of Amplatzer duct occluder and Rashkind occluder were performed trans-venously. Cook coil occlusions was performed trans-arterially. Follow-up with X-ray radiograph and echocardiography was made 24 hours, 1, 3, 6 months, and more than 1 year after the procedure. Results: Twelve PDAs were of funnel shape, and the remaining two PDAs were of tubular shape. The median minimum diameter of re-canalized PDA after ligation was 4 mm (range 1 to 8 mm). Aortograms ten minutes after closure showed complete closure and trivial residual shunt in 11 and 3 patients, respectively. The technical success rate was 100%, and there were no complications. Echocardiography showed complete closure in all patients within 24 hours. All patients were discharged in one to two days after the procedure. At a follow-up of one to eighteen months in ten patients, there were no migration of devices and residual PDA. Conclusion: Transcatheter closure using Amplatzer duct occluder, coil (Cook company or Pfm company) and Rashkind occluder was an effective method for patients with re-canalized PDA after surgical ligation. It may be an alternative to second surgery owing to its safety, reliability, min-invasiveness, and short hospitalization.

  12. Mandatory Closure Versus Nonintervention for Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very Preterm Infants. (United States)

    Sung, Se In; Chang, Yun Sil; Chun, Ji Young; Yoon, Shin Ae; Yoo, Hye Soo; Ahn, So Yoon; Park, Won Soon


    To determine whether a nonintervention approach for treating hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is associated with decreased mortality and/or morbidity compared with a mandatory closure approach in extremely low birth weight infants. We reviewed the medical records of 178 infants of 23-26 weeks' gestational age with PDA, requiring ventilator treatment, and with hemodynamically significant PDA ≥2 mm in size. Mandatory closure was used during period I (July 2009 to December 2011, n = 81), and nonintervention was used during period II (January 2012 to June 2014, n = 97). During period I, 64% of infants were first treated with indomethacin, and 82% were ultimately ligated surgically. During period II, no infant was treated with indomethacin and/or ligation. The average postnatal day of PDA closure was day 13 and day 44 during periods I and II, respectively. There was significantly more use of diuretics and fluid restriction during period II compared with period I. There was no difference in mortality or morbidities such as necrotizing enterocolitis or intraventricular hemorrhage. The incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and the propensity score adjusted OR of BPD were significantly lower during period II compared with period I. Despite longer PDA exposure, nonintervention was associated with significantly less BPD compared with mandatory closure. Additional study is warranted to determine the benefits and risks of non-intervention for the hemodynamically significant PDA in extremely low birth weight infants. Copyright © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Failure of post-natal ductus arteriosus closure in prostaglandin transporter-deficient mice (United States)

    Chang, Hee-Yoon; Locker, Joseph; Lu, Run; Schuster, Victor L.


    Background Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) plays a major role both in maintaining patency of the fetal ductus arteriosus (DA) and in closure of the DA after birth. The rate- limiting step in PGE2 signal termination is PGE2 uptake by the transporter PGT. Methods and results To determine the role of PGT in DA closure, we used a gene-targeting strategy to produce mice in which PGT exon 1 was flanked by loxP sites. Successful targeting was obtained since neither mice hypomorphic at the PGT allele (PGT Neo/Neo) nor global PGT knockout mice (PGT −/−) exhibited PGT protein expression; moreover, embryonic fibroblasts isolated from targeted mice failed to exhibit carrier-mediated PGE2 uptake. Although born in a normal Mendelian ratio, no PGT −/− mice survived past post-natal day 1, and no PGT Neo/Neo mice survived past post-natal day 2. Necropsy revealed patent DA with normal intimal thickening but with dilated cardiac chambers. Both PGT Neo/Neo and PGT −/− mice could be rescued through the post-natal period by giving the mother indomethacin before birth. Rescued mice grew normally and had no abnormalities by gross and microscopic post-mortem analysis. In accord with PGT’s known role in metabolizing PGE2, rescued adult PGT −/− mice had lower plasma PGE2 metabolite levels, and higher urinary PGE2 excretion rates, than wild type mice. Conclusions PGT plays a critical role in closure of the DA after birth by ensuring a reduction in local and/or circulating PGE2 concentrations. PMID:20083684

  14. Safety and Efficacy of Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus With Severe Mitral Regurgitation in Adults. (United States)

    Wang, Zhongkai; Chen, Tao; Chen, Liang; Qin, Yongwen; Zhao, Xianxian


    Transcatheter closure is the usual treatment for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), but its safety and efficacy have not been reported in adult PDA patients with severe mitral regurgitation. A retrospective study on 27 consecutive patients diagnosed with PDA and severe mitral regurgitation and treated using transcatheter closure between September 2010 and September 2012 at the Department of Cardiology of Changhai Hospital in Changhai, China. Left ventricular (LV) diastolic volume and function, pulmonary artery pressure, and instantaneous reverse-flow volume were examined by echocardiography before PDA closure, immediately after closure, and 1 year after closure. After the procedure, the LV diastolic volume (P.05). Pulmonary arterial systolic pressure was unchanged 1 year after closure (from 46.41 ± 19.92 mm Hg to 45.43 ± 13.64 mm Hg; P=.58). All procedures were uneventful and only mild complications occurred (hemolysis in 2 cases, subcutaneous hematoma in 4 cases, and fever in 2 cases). Transcatheter closure can decrease the LV volume and instantaneous reverse-flow volume in adult PDA patients with severe mitral regurgitation. This procedure is effective and has a good safety profile.

  15. N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide measurements in hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants. (United States)

    Alenazi, Shehab Ahmed


    Evaluate the role of NT-proBNP levels in Preterm neonates suffering from PDA and used as a screening tool for predicting HsPDA and guiding physicians to consider early echocardiographic evaluation. This is a monocentric prospective blind study which was conducted at Arar Central Hospital, Ar'ar, Saudi Arabia, during the period between Jan 2014 to June 2014. Thirty-three (33) preterm infants born at less than 31 weeks of gestation or weighing less than 1200 g at birth infants were initially enrolled during a 6-month period. Blood samples were collected along with routine blood tests on days 1, 2, 3, and 7 of life for NT-proBNP analysis. Two echocardiographies were systematically performed on day two of life to ascertain about the status of Ductus Arteriosus. The Plasma NT-proBNP levels were high on day one of life and decline from day three to day seven of life except in those infants with significant hsPDA. Plasma NT-proNBP levels on day 2 of infants in the HsPDA group were significantly higher (ventricular posterior wall thickness (pclosure or otherwise.

  16. Surgical Ligation of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very-low-birth-weight Premature Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    Yu-Chen Ko


    Full Text Available This study reported our experience of bedside patent ductus arteriosus (PDA ligation for prematurity in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU. Between April 1992 and March 2006, 41 very-low-birth-weight premature infants underwent PDA ligation in the NICU. There were 18 male and 23 female infants. The mean gestational age and birth weight were 26.9 weeks and 900.9 g, respectively. Preoperatively, 25 infants were ventilator-dependent. After operation, there were five deaths caused by complications of prematurity. Surgical complications occurred in four and all recovered well after treatment. Twenty preoperatively intubated babies survived and were extubated at 21.6 ± 12.7 days postoperatively. In conclusion, bedside PDA ligation in the NICU is safe and effective. It can avoid transportation of critically ill, very small infants. We suggest surgical closure as the primary treatment in very-low-birth-weight infants who are ventilator-dependent to avoid the possible complications of indomethacin and prolonged intubation.

  17. Interventional treatment of common congenital heart diseases: the common view of Chinese medical experts. Part Three; interventional treatment of patent ductus arteriosus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Committee on Congenital Heart Diseases, Internal Medicine Branch of Cadiovascular Diseases of China Physicians' Association


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) represents 10%-20% of all congenital heart diseases. Percutaneous transcatheter device closure of PDA has been an effective alternative to surgical treatment and has been increasingly becoming the treatment of choice for most PDAs in children and adults. The indication for percutaneous closure of PDA has been further expanded with the development of domestic devices in China and almost all the patients with PDA can be cured by this therapy. This chapter will systematically describe the indications, contraindications for percutaneous PDA occlusion, how to close PDAs by using coils and umbrella devices, procedural complications and preventions. How to treat infant PDA, PDA with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension as well as the post-surgery residual shunt will be also discussed in detail in this chapter. (authors)

  18. Transient severe left ventricular dysfunction following percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure in an adult with bicuspid aortic valve: A case report. (United States)

    Hwang, Hui-Jeong; Yoon, Kyung Lim; Sohn, Il Suk


    The present study reported the case of a 60-year-old female with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and a bicuspid aortic valve, who presented with transient severe left ventricular (LV) dysfunction following percutaneous closure of PDA, as identified by speckle tracking analysis. Transient LV dysfunction following PDA closure has previously been reported; however, severe LV dysfunction is rare. In the present case, the combination of a large PDA size, large amount of shunting, LV remodeling and bicuspid aortic valve may have induced serious deterioration of LV function following PDA closure. Furthermore, speckle-tracking echocardiography may be useful in the estimation of functional alterations in the myocardium of the LV following PDA closure. The observations detailed in the present study may improve the understanding of the pathophysiology and myocardial patterns of transient left ventricular dysfunction following PDA closure in adult humans.

  19. Vocal cord paralysis post patent ductus arteriosus ligation surgery: risks and co-morbidities. (United States)

    Rukholm, Gavin; Farrokhyar, Forough; Reid, Diane


    1. To determine the prevalence of left vocal cord paralysis (LVCP) post patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation at a Tertiary Care Centre. 2. To identify risk factors associated with LVCP. 3. To identify co-morbidities associated with LVCP. 4. To determine the frequency of pre- and post-operative nasopharyngolaryngoscopic (NPL) examination in this patient population. Retrospective chart review of all infants who underwent PDA ligation surgery at a tertiary care academic hospital between July 2003 and July 2010. Data on patient age, gender, weight, method of PDA ligation, and results of NPL scoping were collected, as well as patient co-morbidities post PDA ligation. One hundred and fifteen patients underwent PDA ligation surgery. Four patients were excluded due to bilateral vocal cord paralysis. Of the remaining 111 patients, nineteen patients (17.1%) were found to have LVCP. Low birth weight was identified as a significant risk factor for LVCP (p=0.002). Gastroesophageal reflux was identified as a significant co-morbidity associated with LVCP post PDA ligation (p=0.002). Only 0.9% of patients were scoped pre-operatively, and 27.9% were scoped postoperatively. LVCP is associated with multiple morbidities. The authors strongly recommend routine post-operative scoping of all patients post PDA ligation surgery, and preoperative scoping when possible. A prospective study is warranted, in order to confirm the prevalence of LVCP as well as risk factors and associated co-morbidities. Crown Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. A randomised placebo-controlled trial of early treatment of the patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Kluckow, Martin; Jeffery, Michele; Gill, Andy; Evans, Nick


    Failure of closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) may be associated with harm. Early cardiac ultrasound-targeted treatment of a large PDA may result in a reduction in adverse outcomes and need for later PDA closure with no increase in adverse effects. Multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial. Three neonatal intensive care units in Australia. Eligible infants born <29 weeks were screened for a large PDA and received indomethacin or placebo before age 12 h. Death or abnormal cranial ultrasound. The trial ceased enrolment early due to lack of availability of indomethacin. 164 eligible infants were screened before 12 h; of the 92 infants with a large PDA, 44 were randomised to indomethacin and 48 to placebo. There was no difference in the main outcome between groups. Infants receiving early indomethacin had significantly less early pulmonary haemorrhage (PH) (2% vs 21%), a trend towards less periventricular/intraventricular haemorrhage (PIVH) (4.5% vs 12.5%) and were less likely to receive later open-label treatment for a PDA (20% vs 40%). The 72 non-randomised infants with a small PDA were at low risk of pulmonary haemorrhage and had an 80% spontaneous PDA closure rate. Early cardiac ultrasound-targeted treatment of a large PDA is feasible and safe, resulted in a reduction in early pulmonary haemorrhage and later medical treatment but had no effect on the primary outcome of death or abnormal cranial ultrasound. Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12608000295347).

  1. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus reverses left ventricular dysfunction in a septuagenarian. (United States)

    Rapacciuolo, Antonio; Losi, Maria Angela; Borgia, Francesco; De Angelis, Maria Carmen; Esposito, Francesca; Cavallaro, Massimo; De Rosa, Roberta; Piscione, Federico; Chiariello, Massimo


    A 70-year-old man was admitted because of a 6-month history of progressive dyspnoea on exertion. The medical history showed that he suffered from patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) that was closed at 35 years of age by surgical ligation. Subsequently, up to year 1992, no evidence of residual left-to-right shunt was found. When he first came to our attention, we performed an echocardiographic test evidencing left ventricular dilation and contractile dysfunction and a recurrence of PDA. To exclude other possible causes of congestive heart failure, we performed several tests, including a coronary angiogram that showed coronary atherosclerosis without significant lesions. The haemodynamic study confirmed that the PDA was associated with a mild pulmonary hypertension with a QP: QS of 2: 1. The patient did not report any cardiovascular risk factor. Therefore, we concluded that PDA was responsible for congestive heart failure in this patient. We performed percutaneous closure of PDA, which was able to reverse left ventricular dilation and dysfunction, improving the patient's symptoms, at 1 month as well as 4 months after the interventional procedure. Although this kind of device is frequently used in the paediatric population, adult patients may present different challenges in proper management, such as poor visualization, calcification and pulmonary hypertension. In the description of the case reported here, we show that a PDA can present as congestive heart failure in the elderly. Percutaneous closure can be very effective in ameliorating left ventricular performance as well as symptoms.

  2. Acquired heart block: a possible complication of patent ductus arteriosus in a preterm infant. (United States)

    Grasser, Monika; Döhlemann, Christoph; Mittal, Rashmi; Till, Holger; Dietz, Hans-Georg; Münch, Georg; Holzinger, Andreas


    A large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a frequently encountered clinical problem in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants. It leads to an increased pulmonary blood flow and in a decreased or reversed diastolic flow in the systemic circulation, resulting in complications. Here we report a possible complication of PDA not previously published. On day 8 of life, a male ELBW infant (birth weight 650 g) born at a gestational age of 23 weeks and 3 days developed an atrioventricular block (AV block). The heart rate dropped from 168/min to 90/min, and the ECG showed a Wenckebach second-degree AV block and intraventricular conduction disturbances. Echocardiography demonstrated a PDA with a large left-to-right shunt and large left atrium and left ventricle with high contractility. Within several minutes after surgical closure of the PDA, the heart rate increased, and after 30 min the AV block had improved to a 1:1 conduction ratio. Echocardiography after 2 h revealed a significant decrease of the left ventricular and atrial dimensions. Within 12 h, the AV block completely reversed together with the intraventricular conduction disturbances. We suggest that PDA with a large left-to-right shunt and left ventricular volume overload may lead to an AV block in an ELBW infant. Surgical closure of the PDA may be indicated. (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  3. Estudio de la evolución y técnica de regulación de la corriente persistente en anillos superconductores de YBCO

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    Quelle, I.


    Full Text Available In this work, a study of the relation between the density of trapped vortices and the current evolution and a technique for controlling the current from its critical value in YBCO rings, are performed. To generate the persistent current in the rings, an inducting technique called field cooling is used. Combining the field cooling technique with magnetic fields in opposite direction to the inducting one, the density of trapped vortices decreases and the current decay also decreases. Then, a part of the sample is heated to decrease the current to the desired value, which is checked using a Hall sensor.

    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de la evolución de corriente en función de la densidad de vórtices atrapados y se presenta una técnica para regular la corriente partiendo del valor crítico, en anillos superconductores de YBCO. Para generar una corriente persistente en los anillos se utiliza un método de tipo inductivo, denominado field cooling, que combinado con campos magnéticos en sentido contrario al inductor permite disminuir la densidad de vórtices atrapados y se logra también disminuir el decaimiento de corriente. Una vez que se ha inducido la corriente crítica en los anillos una zona muy localizada de éstos se calienta hasta que el superconductor alcanza el valor deseado de corriente, lo cual se comprueba mediante la medida de campo magnético con una sonda Hall.

  4. Efficacy and safety of rectal ibuprofen for patent ductus arteriosus closure in very low birth weight preterm infants. (United States)

    Demir, Nihat; Peker, Erdal; Ece, İbrahim; Balahoroğlu, Ragıp; Tuncer, Oğuz


    To compare rectal ibuprofen with oral ibuprofen for the closure of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) in very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants. In a prospective, randomized study, 72 VLBW infants who had hsPDA received either rectal or oral ibuprofen. The plasma concentration of ibuprofen and renal functions were determined in both groups by the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method and cystatin-C (cys-C), respectively. The hsPDA closure rate of the group that received rectal ibuprofen was similar to oral ibuprofen (86.1% versus 83.3%) after the first course of the treatment (p = 0.745). A statistically significant difference was identified between the mean plasma cys-C levels before and after treatment in both the rectal and oral ibuprofen groups (p = 0.004 and p 0.05 for all values). Rectal ibuprofen is as effective as oral ibuprofen for hsPDA closure in VLBW infants. The rise in the cys-C level with rectal and oral treatment shows that patients with borderline renal function should be evaluated and followed closely.

  5. Transcatheter closure of hemodynamic significant patent ductus arteriosus in 32 premature infants by amplatzer ductal occluder additional size-ADOIIAS. (United States)

    Morville, Patrice; Akhavi, Ahmad


    The advent of Amplatzer Duct Occluder II additional Size (ADOIIAS) provided the potential to close hemodynamic significant patent ductus arteriosus (HSPDA) and to analyze the feasibility, safety and efficacy of the device. Treatment of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in very premature neonates is still a dilemma for the neonatalogist who has to consider its significance and has to choose among different treatment options. Because surgical ligation and medical therapy both have their drawbacks, interventional catheterization might provide an alternative means of closing HSPDA. Between September 2013 and June 2015, 32 premature infants with complications related to HSPDA defined by ultrasound (US) underwent transcatheter closure. The procedure was performed in the catheterization laboratory by venous cannulation without angiography. The position of the occluder was directed by X-ray and US. In particular we looked at procedural details, device size selection, complications, and short and mid-term outcomes. Thirty two premature infants, all of whom had clinical complications related to HSPDA, born at gestational ages ranging between 23.6 and 36 weeks (mean ± standard deviation 28 ± 3 weeks) underwent attempted transcatheter PDA closure using the ADOIIAS. Their mean age and weight at the time of procedure was 25 days (range 8-70 days) and 1373 g (range 680-2480 g), respectively. Ten infants weighed ≤1,000g. All ducts were tubular. The mean PDA and device waist diameters were 3.2 ± 0.6mm (range 2.2-4) and 4.4 ± 0.6 mm, respectively, and the mean PDA and device lengths 5.2 ± 2.0 mm (range 2-10) and 3.4 ± 1.3 mm. Median fluoroscopy and procedural times were 11 min (range 3-24) and 28 min (range 10-90), respectively. Complete closure was achieved in all but one patient. There was no device migration. A left pulmonary artery (LPA) obstruction developed in one patient. Five infants died. Four deaths were related to complications of

  6. Biochemical markers may identify preterm infants with a patent ductus arteriosus at high risk of death or severe intraventricular haemorrhage. (United States)

    El-Khuffash, A; Barry, D; Walsh, K; Davis, P G; Molloy, E J


    A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants is associated with increased risk of intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) and death. Cardiac troponin T (cTnT) and N-terminal-pro-B type natriuretic peptide (NTpBNP) are markers of cardiac function and can predict poor outcome in adults. To determine whether echocardiography and cTnT/NTpBNP levels at 48 h predict death before discharge or severe IVH in preterm infants with a PDA. Infants born closure (NTpBNP 9282, 5121 and 740 pmol/l, respectively, p = 0.008, and cTnT 0.66, 0.25 and 0.13 microg/l, respectively, p = 0.027). There were no differences in echocardiographic parameters of PDA size, left atrial to aortic ratio (LA:Ao), left and right ventricular outputs between the PDA groups. NTpBNP and cTnT in conjunction with echocardiography may provide a basis for trials of targeted medical treatment in infants with a PDA.

  7. Effects of Intravenous Indomethacin on Reduction of Symptomatic Patent Ductus Arteriosus Cases and Decreasing the Need for Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation

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    Jannatdoust Abdollah


    Full Text Available Introduction: We decided to investigate the effects of injecting Indomethacin on reducing complications of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA and the need for prolonged mechanical ventilation. Methods: During this randomized clinical trial, 70 premature infants with matched gestational age and birth weight were divided into case and control groups. In the study group, intravenous indomethacin started from the first 2-12 hours of birth. All patients were followed by echocardiography at the fourth day and skull ultrasound in the second week. Results: Symptomatic PDA rate was significantly higher in the control group (25.7% vs. 0%; P≤0.001. Incidence of grade 1-3 intraventricular hemorrhage was higher in the control group and the ratio of needed time for respiratory support in the control group to the case group was approximately 2.1. Conclusion: Intravenous Indomethacin reduced the number of PDA cases and incidence of grade 2 and 3 intraventricular hemorrhage, without any short term side effects.

  8. Cost-effectiveness analysis of different devices used for the closure of small-to-medium-sized patent ductus arteriosus in pediatric patients (United States)

    El-Saiedi, Sonia A; El Sisi, Amal M; Mandour, Rodina Sobhy; Abdel-Aziz, Doaa M; Attia, Wael A


    Aims: In this study, we examined the differences in cost and effectiveness of various devices used for the closure of small to medium sized patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Setting and Design: We retrospectively studied 116 patients who underwent closure of small PDAs between January 2010 and January 2015. Subjects and Methods: Three types of devices were used: the Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) II, the cook detachable coil and the Nit Occlud coil (NOC). Immediate and late complications were recorded and patients were followed up for 3 months after the procedure. Statistical Methods: All statistical calculations were performed using Statistical Package for the Social Science software. P closure of small-to medium-sized PDAs. Calculations of the incremental cost-effectiveness. (ICE) revealed that the Cook detachable coil had less ICE than the ADO II and NOC. The NOC was more effective with fewer complications. PMID:28566822

  9. Real-time 3D transesophageal echocardiography-guided closure of a complicated patent ductus arteriosus in a dog. (United States)

    Doocy, K R; Nelson, D A; Saunders, A B


    Advanced imaging modalities are becoming more widely available in veterinary cardiology, including the use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) during occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in dogs. The dog in this report had a complex history of attempted ligation and a large PDA that initially precluded device placement thereby limiting the options for PDA closure. Following a second thoracotomy and partial ligation, the morphology of the PDA was altered and device occlusion was an option. Angiographic assessment of the PDA was limited by the presence of hemoclips, and the direction of ductal flow related to the change in anatomy following ligature placement. Intra-operative TEE, in particular real-time three-dimensional imaging, was pivotal for assessing the PDA morphology, monitoring during the procedure, selecting the device size, and confirming device placement. The TEE images increased operator confidence that the size and location of the device were appropriate before release despite the unusual position. This report highlights the benefit of intra-operative TEE, in particular real-time three-dimensional imaging, for successful PDA occlusion in a complicated case. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Trans-pulmonary echocardiography as a guide for device closure of patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Kudo, Yoshiyuki; Suda, Kenji; Yoshimoto, Hironaga; Teramachi, Yozo; Kishimoto, Shintaro; Iemura, Motofumi; Matsuishi, Toyojiro


    The aim of this study was to develop trans-pulmonary echocardiography (TPE) to guide device closure of patent ductus arteriosus (DC-PDA). Aortography requires a large amount of contrast yet may give us an inadequate image to evaluate anatomy or residual shunt in patients with large PDA or dilated vessels and is precluded in patients with renal dysfunction. Practically, there is no imaging modality to monitor the entire procedure except for trans-esophageal echocardiography that requires general anesthesia. Subjects were seven patients with ages ranged from 6- to 77-years old and body weight > 15 kg. The size of the PDA ranged from 1.8 to 6.3 mm with pulmonary to systemic flow ratios from 1.2 to 2.2. During DC-PDA using Ampaltzer Duct Occluder or coil, an intra-cardiac echocardiographic (ICE) catheter was advanced into pulmonary arteries and standard views were developed to guide DC-PDA. We have developed two standard views; the main pulmonary artery view (MPA view) and the left pulmonary artery view (LPA view). The MPA view provided aortic short axis view equivalent to that seen by trans-thoracic echocardiography in children. The LPA view, obtained by the echo probe in the LPA and turned it up upside down, provided long axis view of the PDA allowing more precise anatomical evaluation. TPE allowed us to monitor the entire procedure and determine residual shunts. TPE in the MPA and LPA view can be an effective guide for DC-PDA. This report leads to new application of this imaging device. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Results of coil closure of patent ductus arteriosus using a tapered tip catheter for enhanced control. (United States)

    Devanagondi, Rajiv; Latson, Larry; Bradley-Skelton, Sharon; Prieto, Lourdes


    This article describes the efficacy and embolization rates of coil delivery via modified vertebral catheter (MVC) for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure. Various techniques have been devised to enhance coil control and prevent embolization during PDA closure. Since 1995, they have delivered coils via tapered vertebral catheters for improved coil control. Catheterization reports, angiograms, and echocardiograms were reviewed for patients with PDA occlusion via MVC from 2001 to 2014. Residual shunting was determined by angiography and echocardiogram within 24 hr post-procedure. Procedural success was defined as ≤ trivial angiographic and echocardiographic shunt, and no aortic nor LPA obstruction, after final coil delivery. About 125 coil occlusions were attempted in 103 patients. Minimal PDA diameter was 2 (0.6-6) mm. Four coils were removed with a snare/bioptome due to aortic/LPA obstruction following release. Seven were malpositioned while still held by the MVC of which three embolized while attempting withdrawal. Five embolized after full release from the MVC. The embolization rate was 6.4%. Embolizations were more likely in PDAs ≥ 2.5 mm (P closure with lower embolization rates, coil occlusion by MVC should still be considered for small PDAs, especially in resource limited regions. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. The Impact of Surgical Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure on Autonomic Function in Premature Infants. (United States)

    Andescavage, Nickie N; Metzler, Marina; Govindan, Vedavalli; Al-Shargabi, Tareq; Nath, Dilip S; Krishnan, Anita; Massaro, An; Wang, Yunfei; duPlessis, Adre J; Govindan, R B


    Background  Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common complication of prematurity and a risk factor for poor outcome. Infants undergoing surgical PDA ligation are at highest risk for neurodevelopmental injury. Autonomic dysfunction has been described in premature infants with PDA. Aim  To interrogate the autonomic nervous system by analysis of advanced heart rate variability (HRV) metrics before and after surgical closure of the PDA. Study Design  Prospective, observational study. Subjects  Twenty-seven infants born before 28 weeks' gestation were included in this study. Methods  Continuous electrocardiogram data were sampled at a rate of 125 Hz for a total of 6 hours before and 6 hours after 30 hours of surgical closure. HRV was determined by detrended fluctuation analysis to calculate the short and long root mean square (RMS L and RMS S ) and α components at two time scales (long and short). Results  Gestational age (GA) was positively associated with RMS L , RMS S , and α S and was negatively associated with α L . There was no difference between RMS s , RMS L , α S , or α L before and after surgery; however, median heart rate was lower after surgery ( p  < 0.01). Conclusion  Advancing GA is highly associated with increasing HRV; however, surgical ligation does not affect HRV in the postoperative period. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  13. Predictors of transient left ventricular dysfunction following transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure in pediatric age. (United States)

    Agha, Hala Mounir; Hamza, Hala S; Kotby, Alyaa; Ganzoury, Mona E L; Soliman, Nanies


    To evaluate the left ventricular function before and after transcatheter percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure, and to identify the predictors of myocardial dysfunction post-PDA closure if present. Transcatheter PDA closure; conventional, Doppler, and tissue Doppler imaging; and speckle tracking echocardiography. To determine the feasibility and reliability of tissue Doppler and myocardial deformation imaging for evaluating myocardial function in children undergoing transcatheter PDA closure. Forty-two children diagnosed with hemodynamically significant PDA underwent percutaneous PDA closure. Conventional, Doppler, and tissue Doppler imaging, and speckle-derived strain rate echocardiography were performed at preclosure and at 48 hours, 1 month, and 6 months postclosure. Tissue Doppler velocities of the lateral and septal mitral valve annuli were obtained. Global and regional longitudinal peak systolic strain values were determined using two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography. The median age of the patients was 2 years and body weight was 15 kg, with the mean PDA diameter of 3.11 ± 0.99 mm. M-mode measurements (left ventricular end diastolic diameter, left atrium diameter to aortic annulus ratio, ejection fraction, and shortening fraction) reduced significantly early after PDA closure ( p  closure causes a significant decrease in left ventricular performance early after PDA closure, which recovers completely within 1 month. Preclosure global longitudinal strain can be a predictor of postclosure myocardial dysfunction.

  14. Pseudo interruption of the inferior vena cava complicating the device closure of patent ductus arteriosus: Case report and short review of venous system embryology

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    Venkateshwaran Subramanian


    Full Text Available A nineteen-month-old girl was taken up for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA device closure. A diagnostic catheter from the right femoral venous access entered the superior vena cava (SVC, through the azygos vein suggesting interruption of inferior vena caval with azygos continuity. Therefore, the PDA device was closed from the right jugular venous access. However, a postprocedure echocardiogram (echo showed a patent inferior vena caval connection into the right atrium. An angiogram from femoral veins showed communication between the iliac veins and the azygos system, in addition to normal drainage into the inferior vena cava (IVC. Congenital communication between the iliac veins and the azygos system can mimic IVC interruption. An attempt to theoretically explain the embryological origin of the communication has been made.

  15. Efficacy and safety of oral paracetamol versus oral ibuprofen for closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    El-Farrash, Rania A; El Shimy, Mohammed S; El-Sakka, Abeer S; Ahmed, Manal G; Abdel-Moez, Dina G


    The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of oral paracetamol versus oral ibuprofen in the treatment of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) in preterm infants. An interventional randomized case-control study, registered in (NCT03265782), was conducted on 60 preterm infants with gestational age ≤34 weeks, postnatal age of 2-7 d and color Doppler echocardiographic evidence of hsPDA. Neonates were randomly assigned to two groups: 30 received oral ibuprofen and 30 received oral paracetamol. With failure of ductal closure, a second course of ibuprofen or paracetamol was given. The included newborns were subjected to detailed history, clinical examination, laboratory investigations that included complete blood count, renal, and liver function tests and echocardiographic evaluation. Oral paracetamol was as effective as ibuprofen for the closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with one course of treatment (p > .05). Moreover, oral paracetamol was superior to ibuprofen among neonates who needed second course of treatment with significant decrease in end diastolic flow velocity in the left pulmonary artery (0.35 ± 0.09 versus 0.19 ± 0.06, p = .014), right ventricular systolic pressure (40.50 ± 12.91 versus 20.50 ± 0.58, p = .016) and left atrium to aortic root ratio (1.23 ± 0.14 versus 1.07 ± 0.04, p = .046) when compared to ibuprofen group. Furthermore, the mean difference between pre- and post-treatment PDA size was significantly higher in the paracetamol group compared with ibuprofen group after the second course of treatment (1.07 ± 0.32 versus 0.73 ± 0.38, p = .024). Oral paracetamol was comparable with ibuprofen in terms of the rate of non-surgical ductal closure [28 (93.3%) versus 24 (80%), p = .591]. In addition, oral paracetamol was as safe as oral ibuprofen in terms of gastrointestinal perforation or bleeding, necrotizing

  16. Uso de milrinona no tratamento da hipertensão pulmonar persistente do recém-nascido Milrinone for persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn treatment

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    Gisela de Rezende Eugênio


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever uma série de casos de recém-nascidos com hipertensão pulmonar persistente grave, que receberam milrinona para promover a vasodilatação pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de prontuários de 28 pacientes com diagnóstico de hipertensão pulmonar persistente do recém-nascido (HPPRN. Após o diagnóstico, todos os pacientes receberam uma dose de ataque de 50mcg/kg de milrinona, seguida por 0,75mcg/kg/min. O índice de oxigenação (IO foi calculado no início da infusão e 72 horas após o início da medicação. RESULTADOS: Todos os neonatos receberam milrinona e o sildenafil foi associado em 54%. O uso de dopamina assegurou a manutenção da pressão arterial em nível adequado em todos os casos. Sedação contínua, alcalinização e surfactante foram medidas coadjuvantes no tratamento. Durante a internação, sete pacientes (25% evoluíram a óbito e todos eles apresentaram aumento do IO, com elevação da média de 25 para 38 com a milrinona. Os sobreviventes, com exceção de um neonato, apresentaram redução do IO em uso de milrinona, com queda da média de 19 para 7. CONCLUSÕES: O uso da milrinona parece ser uma alternativa para o tratamento da HPPRN, na ausência do óxido nítrico. A redução do IO com a medicação foi fator determinante da boa evolução dos pacientes. O índice de falha no tratamento com a milrinona nesta casuística foi semelhante ao encontrado na literatura para o uso de óxido nítrico.OBJECTIVE: To describe a series of neonates with severe persistent pulmonary hypertension, who received milrinone as the main treatment for pulmonary vasodilatation. METHODS: Retrospective analysis by chart review of 28 neonates with persistent pulmonary hypertension. A dose of 0.75µg/kg/min of milrinone was given, after a loading dose of 50µg/kg. The oxygenation index (OI was calculated before and 72 hours after the medication. RESULTS: All infants received milrinone and sildenafil was associated

  17. PHACE association with intracranial, oropharyngeal hemangiomas, and an atypical patent ductus arteriosus arising from the tortuous left subclavian artery in a premature infant

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    Do-Hyun Kim


    Full Text Available PHACE association is a rare neurocutaneous condition in which facial hemangiomas associate with a spectrum of posterior fossa malformations, arterial cerebrovascular anomalies, cardiovascular anomalies, and eye anomalies. We reported a case of PHACE association in a premature infant showing facial, intracranial, and oropharyngeal hemangiomas with evidence of the Dandy-Walker variant and complicated cardiovascular anomalies, including a right-sided aortic arch and an atypical patent ductus arteriosus arising from a tortuous left subclavian artery. To our knowledge, intracranial hemangiomas are rare in PHACE association, and a concomitant oropharyngeal hemangioma has not been previously reported in the PHACE association literature. In infants presenting with large, plaque-like facial hemangiomas, it is important to conduct active cardiovascular and neurological evaluations. Special attention should be given to the laryngoscopic examination to search for additional hemangiomas in the airway.

  18. Iatrogenic obstruction of the aorta – a sequence of delayed, fatal complications after ‘off-label’ interventional persistent ductus arteriosus closure

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    Ireneusz Haponiuk


    Full Text Available A 10-month-old girl was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit with the symptoms of critical cardiac decompensation. In the 3rd month of life, 3 kg bw, she underwent an interventional persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA closure in a high-reference pediatric cardiology center. Echocardiography performed on admission showed myocardial injury, with poor contractility, mild pulmonary hypertension and severe stenosis of the isthmus of aorta. The girl was urgently referred for surgical removal with the use of extracorporeal circulation (ECC and deep hypothermia circulatory arrest (DHCA technique. In the 4th postoperative day (POD, she developed cardiovascular decompensation and died in the 7th POD due to circulatory arrest in the mechanism of refractory ventricular fibrillation. In autopsy there were found microscopic signs of apoptosis in parenchymal organs below iatrogenic ‘coarctation’, typical for chronic ischemia. In the segments proximal to iatrogenic aortic stenosis there were evident vascular changes characteristic for chronic severe arterial hypertension.

  19. Prevalence and management of patent ductus arteriosus in a pediatric medicaid cohort. (United States)

    Tripathi, Avnish; Black, George B; Park, Yong-Moon Mark; Jerrell, Jeanette M


    Widespread use of echocardiography has made earlier diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) possible, but pharmacological or surgical intervention is highly variable. Herein, we investigate the prevalence of PDA and its management in a routine care system. A 15-year retrospective dataset (1996-2010) was analyzed. Selection criteria included age ≤17 years, enrollees in South Carolina State Medicaid, and diagnosed as having PDA on 1 or more service visits to a pediatrician or pediatric cardiologist. The 15-year treated prevalence rate of PDA was 0.25/1000 pediatric cases of congenital heart disease (CHD). PDA was more prevalent in non-African American patients (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 1.12), but not in females after controlling for all other CHDs diagnosed in the cohort. Associated CHDs were present in 57.6% of the cases, primarily atrial or ventricular septal defects, and fewer patients (5.5%) developed pulmonary hypertension. Of 3627 PDA cases examined, 70.0% received no medications or PDA repair. Therapeutic ibuprofen was used for closure in 24.4% of the cases, and a PDA repair was performed in 7.8%. Younger children (aOR: 0.82), those who received an atrial septal defect closure (aOR: 5.18), and those who were treated with digoxin (aOR: 1.86) or with diuretics or preload/afterload reducing agents (ie, calcium channel blockers or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors) (aOR: 5.72) were significantly more likely to have a PDA repair procedure. The majority of diagnosed PDA cases did not require pharmacological or surgical intervention. Those receiving pharmacological or surgical intervention were treated conservatively in relation to the presence of distress symptoms or concomitant CHDs requiring intervention. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Effects of advancing gestation and non-Caucasian race on ductus arteriosus gene expression (United States)

    Waleh, Nahid; Barrette, Anne Marie; Dagle, John M.; Momany, Allison; Jin, Chengshi; Hills, Nancy K.; Shelton, Elaine L.; Reese, Jeff; Clyman, Ronald I.


    Objective To identify genes affected by advancing gestation and racial/ethnic origin in human ductus arteriosus (DA). Study design We collected three sets of DA tissue (n=93, n=89, n=91; total = 273 fetuses) from second trimester pregnancies. We examined four genes, with DNA polymorphisms that distribute along racial lines, to identify "Caucasian" and "Non-Caucasian" DA. We used RT-PCR to measure RNA expression of 48 candidate genes involved in functional closure of the DA, and used multivariable regression analyses to examine the relationships between advancing gestation, "Non-Caucasian" race, and gene expression. Results Mature gestation and Non-Caucasian race are significant predictors for identifying infants who will close their patent DA when treated with indomethacin. Advancing gestation consistently altered gene expression in pathways involved with oxygen-induced constriction (e.g., calcium-channels, potassium-channels, and endothelin signaling), contractile protein maturation, tissue remodeling, and prostaglandin and nitric oxide signaling in all three tissue sets. None of the pathways involved with oxygen-induced constriction appeared to be altered in "Non-Caucasian" DA. Two genes, SLCO2A1 and NOS3, (involved with prostaglandin reuptake/metabolism and nitric oxide production, respectively) were consistently decreased in "Non-Caucasian" DA. Conclusions Prostaglandins and nitric oxide are the most important vasodilators opposing DA closure. Indomethacin inhibits prostaglandin production, but not nitric oxide production. Because decreased SLCO2A1 and NOS3 expression can lead to increased prostaglandin and decreased nitric oxide concentrations, we speculate that prostaglandin-mediated vasodilation may play a more dominant role in maintaining the "Non-Caucasian" PDA, making it more likely to close when inhibited by indomethacin. PMID:26265282

  1. Is thoracoscopic patent ductus arteriosus closure superior to conventional surgery? (United States)

    Stankowski, Tomasz; Aboul-Hassan, Sleiman Sebastian; Marczak, Jakub; Cichon, Romuald


    A best evidence topic in cardiac surgery was written according to a structured protocol. The question addressed was whether thoracoscopic patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure is superior to conventional surgery. Altogether 821 papers were found using the reported search, 11 of which represented the best evidence to answer the clinical question. The authors, journal, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes and results of these papers are tabulated. Eleven studies included in the analysis consisted of two prospective and three retrospective, non-randomized studies and six case series. Four included studies focused only on preterm infants, three studies enrolled neonates and the other four analysed all age groups from neonates to older children or young adults. There were no differences in mortality between video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and conventional surgery. Two studies suggested that VATS offers shorter operative times. Two papers observed shorter hospital stay, although the other two noted no significant difference. A large prospective trial found VATS to be associated with a lower number of postoperative complications in neonates and infants, whereas other studies suggested no significant differences in short-term postoperative complications. There is little evidence to suggest better musculoskeletal status and cosmesis in neonates following VATS. Conversion from thoracoscopy to thoracotomy described in six papers was seldom and it did not lead to any additional complications. All observational studies confirmed that both techniques are free from major adverse cardiovascular complications and these two techniques can be safely used in all patients qualified for surgical PDA closure. Two studies compared cost-effectiveness between the two techniques; one of them described VATS as significantly more cost-efficient, whereas the other study observed no difference. However, it should be noted that data

  2. Patent ductus arteriosus and indomethacin treatment as independent risk factors for plus disease in retinopathy of prematurity. (United States)

    Tsui, Irena; Ebani, Edward; Rosenberg, Jamie B; Lin, Juan; Angert, Robert M; Mian, Umar


    To examine whether clinically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) or indomethacin treatment are associated with plus disease or retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) requiring treatment. Retrospective, cross-sectional study. Charts were reviewed for gestational age, birth weight, birth head circumference, birth length, maternal characteristics, gender, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, neurologic comorbidities, PDA and its treatments, gastrointestinal comorbidities, blood transfusions, and sepsis. Main outcome measures were increased rates of plus disease or ROP requiring treatment. A total of 450 premature infants screened for ROP in a mid-sized, urban neonatal intensive care unit were included. On univariate analysis, gestational age, birth weight, birth head circumference, birth length, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, neurologic comorbidities, PDA and its treatments, gastrointestinal comorbidities, and sepsis were significantly correlated to plus disease and ROP requiring treatment. PDA was significantly associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, neurologic comorbidities, sepsis, and blood transfusions (P < .0001). With type 3 multivariate analysis, only gestational age and bronchopulmonary dysplasia were independent risk factors for ROP. PDA and indomethacin were associated with plus disease and ROP requiring treatment on univariate analysis but this was not significant after adjusting for other risk factors. PDA was also strongly related to bronchopulmonary dysplasia and blood transfusions, which may explain its effect on ROP. Copyright 2013, SLACK Incorporated.

  3. Outcomes of Left Ventricular Function According to Treatment Response for a Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterm Infants. (United States)

    Kang, Soo Jung; Cho, Young Sun; Hwang, Seo Jung; Kim, Hyo Jin


    To evaluate the outcomes of left ventricular (LV) function according to treatment response for a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) in preterm infants. Echocardiograms of 21 preterm infants born at gestational age closure (ligation group) and 6 experienced successful pharmacological closure (medication group). Six preterm infants without hsPDA (no-hsPDA group) were studied as controls. LV peak longitudinal systolic strain (ε) of each infant was retrospectively obtained from echocardiograms using velocity vector imaging, along with neonatal outcomes. Pharmacological closures were attempted at postnatal day 2-3. In the ligation group, the median postnatal age at ligation was 20 days. In the ligation group, LV peak longitudinal systolic ε was significantly decreased at term-equivalent age compared to the other groups. Between the medication and no-hsPDA groups, LV peak longitudinal systolic ε did not differ significantly. Among the neonatal outcomes, infants who experienced necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) showed significantly decreased LV peak longitudinal systolic ε compared to the infants who did not experience NEC . We speculate that in preterm infants with an hsPDA, in cases of medical treatment failure, early PDA ligation at less than 20 days of postnatal age would be beneficial for preserving LV systolic function.

  4. Diastolic left ventricular function in preterm infants with a patent ductus arteriosus: a serial Doppler echocardiography study. (United States)

    Schmitz, Lothar; Stiller, Brigitte; Koch, Heike; Koehne, Petra; Lange, Peter


    In very low birth weight neonates, a left-to-right shunt via persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) may interact with diastolic left ventricular function, but specific changes of Doppler parameters have yet to be reported. In a serial transmitral Doppler study, we investigated the impact of a PDA on diastolic function parameters. Twenty-two patients with and without PDA were examined on day 3.8+/-1 and day 14+/-2 after birth. By the first examination, 13 out of 22 patients had a PDA; by the second examination, the number was still 8 out of 22. Peak early and atrial flow velocities (44.8+/-15 and 50.1+/-13 cm/s, respectively) were higher (pclosure of the PDA. When premature infants with a PDA experience a preload challenge, early and atrial peak velocities increase and IVRT shortens significantly. This coincidence of elevated transvalvular pressure differences and decreased IVRT in neonates with immature diastolic function can best be explained as a result of left atrial pressure elevation. Consequently, pulmonary venous pressure must be elevated, with its inherent effect on pulmonary capillary physiology. Thus, the monitoring of left ventricular diastolic function adds significant information to the care of preterm infants with a PDA.

  5. Comparison of cost-effectiveness and postoperative outcome of device closure and open surgery closure techniques for treatment of patent ductus arteriosus

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    Alireza Ahmadi


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Various devices have been recently employed for percutaneous closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA. Although the high effectiveness of device closure techniques has been clearly determined, a few studies have focused on the cost-effectiveness and also postoperative complications of these procedures in comparison with open surgery. The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical outcome and cost-effectiveness of PDA occlusion by Amplatzer and coil device in comparisong with open surgery. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, a randomized sample of 201 patients aged 1 month to 16 years (105 patients with device closure and 96 patients with surgical closure was selected. The ratio of total pulmonary blood flow to total systemic blood flow, the Qp/Qs ratio, was measured using a pulmonary artery catheter. The cost analysis included direct medical care costs associated with device implantation and open surgery, as well as professional fees. All costs were calculated in Iranian Rials and then converted to US dollars. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference in mean Qp/Qs ratio before the procedure between the device closure group and the open surgery group (2.1 ± 0.7 versus 1.7 ± 0.6, P = 0.090. The mean measured costs were overall higher in the device closure group than in open closure group (948.87 ± 548.76 US$ versus 743.70 ± 696.91 US$, P < 0.001. This difference remained significant after adjustment for age and gender (Standardized Beta = 0.160, P = 0.031. PDA closure with the Amplatzer ductal occluder (1053.05 ± 525.73 US$ or with Nit-Occlud coils (PFM (912.73 ± 565.94 US$, P < 0.001 was more expensive than that via open surgery. However, the Cook detachable spring coils device closure (605.65 ± 194.62 US$, P = 0.650 had a non-significant cost difference with open surgery. No event was observed in the device closure group regarding in-hospital mortality or morbidity; however, in another group, 2 in-hospital deaths

  6. Hybrid management of a large atrial septal defect and a patent ductus arteriosus in an infant with chronic lung disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedra Simone


    Full Text Available We report a case wherein a dysmorphic four-month-old infant (weighing 4.5 kgs with an 8 mm atrial septal defect (ASD, a 1.5 mm patent ductus arteriosus (PDA, a 2 mm mid-muscular ventricular septal defect (VSD associated with chronic lung disease, and severe pulmonary hypertension, was successfully managed using a hybrid approach, without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB. Through a median sternotomy, the PDA was ligated and the ASD was closed with a 9 mm Amplatzer septal occluder implanted through peratrial access. The VSD was left untouched. Serial echocardiograms showed complete closure of the ASD and PDA, with progressive normalization of the pulmonary artery (PA pressures within three months. The child rapidly gained weight and was weaned from sildenafil and oxygen administration. After 12 months, the VSD closed spontaneously and the child remained well, with normal PA pressures. A hybrid approach without the use of CPB should be considered in the management of infants with congenital heart disease, associated with chronic lung disease and pulmonary hypertension.

  7. Hybrid management of a large atrial septal defect and a patent ductus arteriosus in an infant with chronic lung disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedra, Simone F; Jatene, Marcelo; Pedra, Carlos AC


    We report a case wherein a dysmorphic four-month-old infant (weighing 4.5 kgs) with an 8 mm atrial septal defect (ASD), a 1.5 mm patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), a 2 mm mid-muscular ventricular septal defect (VSD) associated with chronic lung disease, and severe pulmonary hypertension, was successfully managed using a hybrid approach, without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Through a median sternotomy, the PDA was ligated and the ASD was closed with a 9 mm Amplatzer septal occluder implanted through peratrial access. The VSD was left untouched. Serial echocardiograms showed complete closure of the ASD and PDA, with progressive normalization of the pulmonary artery (PA) pressures within three months. The child rapidly gained weight and was weaned from sildenafil and oxygen administration. After 12 months, the VSD closed spontaneously and the child remained well, with normal PA pressures. A hybrid approach without the use of CPB should be considered in the management of infants with congenital heart disease, associated with chronic lung disease and pulmonary hypertension

  8. Hybrid management of a large atrial septal defect and a patent ductus arteriosus in an infant with chronic lung disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedra, Simone F; Jatene, Marcelo; Pedra, Carlos AC, E-mail: [Hospital do Coração da Associação Sanatório Sírio, São Paulo (Brazil)


    We report a case wherein a dysmorphic four-month-old infant (weighing 4.5 kgs) with an 8 mm atrial septal defect (ASD), a 1.5 mm patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), a 2 mm mid-muscular ventricular septal defect (VSD) associated with chronic lung disease, and severe pulmonary hypertension, was successfully managed using a hybrid approach, without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Through a median sternotomy, the PDA was ligated and the ASD was closed with a 9 mm Amplatzer septal occluder implanted through peratrial access. The VSD was left untouched. Serial echocardiograms showed complete closure of the ASD and PDA, with progressive normalization of the pulmonary artery (PA) pressures within three months. The child rapidly gained weight and was weaned from sildenafil and oxygen administration. After 12 months, the VSD closed spontaneously and the child remained well, with normal PA pressures. A hybrid approach without the use of CPB should be considered in the management of infants with congenital heart disease, associated with chronic lung disease and pulmonary hypertension.

  9. Trends in Patent Ductus Arteriosus Diagnosis and Management for Very Low Birth Weight Infants. (United States)

    Ngo, Samantha; Profit, Jochen; Gould, Jeffrey B; Lee, Henry C


    To examine yearly trends of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) diagnosis and treatment in very low birth weight infants. In this retrospective cohort study of very low birth weight infants (<1500 g) between 2008 and 2014 across 134 California hospitals, we evaluated PDA diagnosis and treatment by year of birth. Infants were either inborn or transferred in within 2 days after delivery and had no congenital abnormalities. Intervention levels for treatment administered to achieve ductal closure were categorized as none, pharmacologic (indomethacin or ibuprofen), both pharmacologic intervention and surgical ligation, or ligation only. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess risk factors for PDA diagnosis and treatment. PDA was diagnosed in 42.8% (12 002/28 025) of infants, with a decrease in incidence from 49.2% of 4205 infants born in 2008 to 38.5% of 4001 infants born in 2014. Pharmacologic and/or surgical treatment was given to 30.5% of patients. Between 2008 and 2014, the annual rate of infants who received pharmacologic intervention (30.5% vs 15.7%) or both pharmacologic intervention and surgical ligation (6.9% vs 2.9%) decreased whereas infants who were not treated (60.5% vs 78.3%) or received primary ligation (2.2% vs 3.0%) increased. There is an increasing trend toward not treating patients diagnosed with PDA compared with more intensive treatments: pharmacologic intervention or both pharmacologic intervention and surgical ligation. Possible directions for future study include the impact of these trends on hospital-based and long-term outcomes. Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  10. Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Chest Shielding on Preventing Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Infants. (United States)

    Mannan, Javed; Amin, Sanjiv B


    Objective  This study aims to perform a meta-analysis of randomized studies to evaluate if chest shielding during phototherapy is associated with decreased incidence of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in premature infants. Design/Methods  We used published guidelines for the meta-analysis of clinical trials. The search strategy included electronic searches of CINAHL, CENTRAL Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, PubMed, and abstracts presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies. Inclusion criteria were randomized controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-RCTs or cluster RCTs published in English and involving chest shielding during phototherapy in premature infants with PDA as an outcome. Exclusion criteria involved case reports, case series, and multiple publications from the same author. Heterogeneity testing using Q statistics was performed to evaluate the variance between studies. Results  Two RCTs met study criteria. There was heterogeneity (I 2 : 55.4%) between the two trials. Meta-analysis of RCTs using the random effect model demonstrated that chest shielding during phototherapy was associated with decreased incidence of PDA (odds ratio: 0.47, 95% confidence interval: 0.23-0.96). There was no publication bias on Eggers test. Heterogeneity was seen in gestational age, gender, prophylactic use of postnatal indomethacin, duration of phototherapy, and assessment of PDA. Conclusion  Chest shielding during phototherapy may be associated with decreased incidence of PDA among premature infants. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  11. Efficacy of Paracetamol in Closure of Ductus Arteriosus in Infants under 32 Weeks of Gestation

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    Ines Tofe


    Full Text Available BackgroundStandard medical treatment for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA closure has been indomethacin/ibuprofen or surgical ligation. Up to date, new strategies have been reported with paracetamol. The aim of this study was to present our experience with intravenous paracetamol for closing PDA in preterm neonates presenting contraindication to ibuprofen or ibuprofen had failed and no candidates for surgical ligation because of huge instability.Materials and methodsWe conducted a retrospective case series study in a neonatal intensive care unit from a tertiary hospital. 9 preterm infants ≤32 weeks of gestational age with hemodynamically significant PDA (hsPDA were enrolled. They received 15 mg/kg/6h intravenous paracetamol for ductal closure. Demographic data and transaminase levels before and after treatment were collected.Results30 preterm babies were diagnosed of hsPDA. 11/30 received ibuprofen with closure in 81.1%. 9 received intravenous paracetamol mainly due to bleeding disorders or thrombocytopenia. Successful closure on paracetamol was achieved in seven of nine babies (77.7%. There was a significant increase in transaminase levels in two patients. They required no treatment for normalization.ConclusionParacetamol is an effective option in closure PDA. It should be a first-line therapeutic option when there are contraindications for ibuprofen treatment. Transaminases must be checked during treatment.

  12. Sizing of patent ductus arteriosus in adults for transcatheter closure using the balloon pull-through technique. (United States)

    Shafi, Nabil A; Singh, Gagan D; Smith, Thomas W; Rogers, Jason H


    To describe a novel balloon sizing technique used during adult transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure. In addition, to determine the clinical and procedural outcomes in six patients who underwent PDA balloon sizing with subsequent deployment of a PDA occluder device. Transcatheter PDA closure in adults has excellent safety and procedural outcomes. However, PDA sizing in adults can be challenging due to variable defect size, high flow state, or anatomical complexity. We describe a series of six cases where the balloon- pull through technique was successfully performed for PDA sizing prior to transcatheter closure. Consecutive adult patients undergoing adult PDA closure at our institution were studied retrospectively. A partially inflated sizing balloon was pulled through the defect from the aorta into the pulmonary artery and the balloon waist diameter was measured. Procedural success and clinical outcomes were obtained. Six adult patients underwent successful balloon pull-through technique for PDA sizing during transcatheter PDA closure, since conventional angiography often gave suboptimal opacification of the defect. All PDAs were treated with closure devices based on balloon PDA sizing with complete closure and no complications. In three patients that underwent preprocedure computed tomography, the balloon size matched the CT derived measurements. The balloon pull-through technique for PDA sizing is a safe and accurate sizing modality in adults undergoing transcatheter PDA closure. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm or low-birth-weight infants. (United States)

    Ohlsson, Arne; Shah, Prakeshkumar S


    In preterm newborns, the ductus arteriosus frequently fails to close and the infants require medical or surgical closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). A PDA can be treated surgically or medically with one of two prostaglandin inhibitors, indomethacin or ibuprofen. Case reports suggest that paracetamol may be an alternative for the closure of a PDA. Concerns have been raised that in neonatal mice paracetamol may cause adverse effects on the developing brain, and an association between prenatal exposure to paracetamol and later development of autism or autism spectrum disorder has been reported. To determine the efficacy and safety of intravenous or oral paracetamol compared with placebo or no intervention, intravenous indomethacin, intravenous or oral ibuprofen, or with other cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors for closure of a PDA in preterm or low-birth-weight infants. We used the standard search strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group. This included electronic searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, Cochrane Library), MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL. We searched abstracts from the meetings of the Pediatric Academic Societies and the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand. We searched;;; World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform at for ongoing trials and the Web of Science for articles quoting identified randomised controlled trials. We searched the first 200 hits on Google Scholar(TM) to identify grey literature. All searches were conducted in December 2013. A repeat search of MEDLINE in August 2014 did not identify any new trials. We identified two randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared oral paracetamol to oral ibuprofen for the treatment of an echocardiographically diagnosed PDA in infants born preterm (≤ 34 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA)). We performed data collection and analyses in accordance with the

  14. Contemporary outcomes of percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in adolescents and adults. (United States)

    P, Sudhakar; Jose, John; George, Oommen K

    Catheter based treatment has gained wide acceptance for management of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ever since its introduction. Percutaneous closure in adults can be challenging because of anatomical factors including large sizes, associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and co-morbidities. This study aimed to provide comprehensive contemporary data on the safety and efficacy of percutaneous device closure of PDA in adult and adolescent population at a large referral center. This single-center retrospective analysis included 70 patients (33 adolescents and 37 adults) who underwent successful percutaneous device closure of PDA between January 2011 and February 2017.Baseline patient demographics, clinical characteristics, procedural and device related variables, and immediate outcomes during hospital stay were recorded. Patients were followed up for residual shunt and complications. Of 70 PDA device closure cases, 71.4% were females; the mean age was 23 years (range:10-58years). Devices used were 4-Cook's detachable coils, 64-occluders (ADO-I and II, Lifetech, Cardi-O-Fix), 1-vascular plug and 1-ventricular septal occluder device. Device success was achieved in all including those with very large PDAs. At 24-h post-procedure, the success rate of transcatheter intervention was 95.7%. At 6-months follow up, complete closure was observed in all (mean follow up duration-531days). In patients with severe PAH, significant immediate and sustained reduction of the mean pulmonary pressure was observed(77mmHg to 33mmHg;P=0.014). No procedure-related complications including death, device embolization and stenosis of aorta or pulmonary artery occurred. In contemporary practice, percutaneous device closure is an effective and safe treatment option for adolescent and adult PDA patients. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  15. Gagueira desenvolvimental persistente familial: perspectivas genéticas Familial persistent developmental stuttering: genetic perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Breila Vilela de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A gagueira é uma desordem da comunicação oral que tem uma característica multidimensional. A predisposição biológica no desenvolvimento da gagueira ainda não é bem compreendida, mas contribuições genéticas para esta predisposição são reforçadas tanto por referências à agregação familial da gagueira, quanto à gagueira familial, que têm aparecido na literatura há mais de 70 anos. Assim, procuramos estabelecer uma revisão quanto aos prováveis fatores genéticos envolvidos com a manifestação da gagueira desenvolvimental persistente familial. A identificação de genes relacionados à gagueira, bem como de alterações em suas estruturas (por exemplo, mutações, contribuem significativamente para sua compreensão. O modelo exato de transmissão da herança genética para a gagueira ainda não está claramente definida e, provavelmente pode ser diferente entre diferentes famílias e populações. As análises genômicas demonstram, concomitantemente, a relevância dos componentes genéticos envolvidos e sua complexidade, sugerindo assim tratar-se de uma doença poligênica, na qual diversos genes de efeitos variados podem estar envolvidos com o aumento da susceptibilidade de ocorrência da gagueira. O clínico deverá estar alerta ao fato de que uma criança com histórico familial positivo para gagueira poderá ter uma forte tendência a desenvolver o distúrbio de forma crônica. É importante que o clínico esteja atento, de modo a fornecer às famílias orientações precisas sobre o distúrbio. As avaliações objetivas e os tratamentos controlados têm um papel muito importante para o domínio da evolução do distúrbio.Stuttering is a disorder of oral communication that has a multidimensional character. The biological predisposition in the development of stuttering is still not well understood, but genetic contributions to this predisposition are enhanced by both references to the familial aggregation of stuttering

  16. Low-Dose Intravenous Paracetamol for Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Indomethacin-Resistant or Contraindicated Preterm Infants: Three Cases Reports. (United States)

    Matsumura, Shun; Oshima, Ayumi; Fujinuma, Sumie; Tanaka, Kosuke; Nagano, Nobuhiko; Miyake, Fuyu; Masutani, Satoshi; Tamura, Masanori; Ueda, Keiko; Namba, Fumihiko


    Background  Although indomethacin (IND) is the standard treatment for hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) in Japan, it may be associated with renal impairment and gastrointestinal complications. The use of paracetamol for hsPDA closure has recently increased. Unlike IND, paracetamol does not have a peripheral vasoconstrictive effect and can be given to infants with contraindications to IND. Based on limited data available from randomized trials, paracetamol and IND seem to have similar effects. However, there have been no reports of the use of paracetamol for hsPDA in Japan. Cases  Our drug administration protocol was approved by the institutional ethics committee after purchasing a clinical trial insurance. In three premature infants in whom IND was contraindicated or ineffective, a 7.5 mg/kg of paracetamol was intravenously administered every 6 hour for 3 days after obtaining parental consents. A temporary hsPDA closure was observed in two of the three infants. However, all three infants eventually needed surgical closure. No side effects, such as hepatic and renal dysfunctions, and adverse events were reported. Conclusion  The intravenous administration of paracetamol was safe and feasible in premature infants with hsPDA. Future clinical trials with optimized dose and timing of administration are needed.

  17. BMP9 and BMP10 are necessary for proper closure of the ductus arteriosus (United States)

    Levet, Sandrine; Ouarné, Marie; Ciais, Delphine; Coutton, Charles; Subileau, Mariela; Mallet, Christine; Ricard, Nicolas; Bidart, Marie; Debillon, Thierry; Faravelli, Francesca; Rooryck, Caroline; Feige, Jean-Jacques; Tillet, Emmanuelle; Bailly, Sabine


    The transition to pulmonary respiration after birth requires rapid alterations in the structure of the mammalian cardiovascular system. One dramatic change that occurs is the closure of the ductus arteriosus (DA), an arterial connection in the fetus that directs blood flow away from the pulmonary circulation. Two members of the TGFβ family, bone morphogenetic protein 9 (BMP9) and BMP10, have been recently involved in postnatal angiogenesis, both being necessary for remodeling of newly formed microvascular beds. The aim of the present work was to study whether BMP9 and BMP10 could be involved in closure of the DA. We found that Bmp9 knockout in mice led to an imperfect closure of the DA. Further, addition of a neutralizing anti-BMP10 antibody at postnatal day 1 (P1) and P3 in these pups exacerbated the remodeling defect and led to a reopening of the DA at P4. Transmission electron microscopy images and immunofluorescence stainings suggested that this effect could be due to a defect in intimal cell differentiation from endothelial to mesenchymal cells, associated with a lack of extracellular matrix deposition within the center of the DA. This result was supported by the identification of the regulation by BMP9 and BMP10 of several genes known to be involved in this process. The involvement of these BMPs was further supported by human genomic data because we could define a critical region in chromosome 2 encoding eight genes including BMP10 that correlated with the presence of a patent DA. Together, these data establish roles for BMP9 and BMP10 in DA closure. PMID:26056270

  18. Percutaneous device closure of patent ductus arteriosus with pulmonary artery hypertension: long-term results. (United States)

    Vijayalakshmi, Ishwarappa Balekundri; Setty, Natraj; Narasimhan, Chitra; Singla, Vivek; Manjunath, Cholenahalli Nanjappa


    Device closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is treatment of choice. But device closure in presence of pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) remains a challenge. Data on patient selection, technical considerations, and complications are limited. To know the challenges and efficacy of device closure of PDA with PAH. Out of 1,325 cases of device closure of PDA, 246 (18.6%) with PAH formed the study material. To test the feasibility, chosen device is used to occlude PDA for ten minutes without oxygen inhalation. The device is released only if PAH reduced. PAH decreased in all except in 1 patient after closure with muscular ventricular septal occluder (MVSDO), pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) transiently increased (became supra-systemic), without significant reduction in aortic pressure. Device embolized in 8 patients (3.3%). Percutaneous retrieval was done in 4 (by snare in 2 and by fixing the cable to device in 2) and replaced with bigger devices. The surgical removal of the embolized MVSDO and ligation was done in 4 cases. All patients were on oral sildenafil and bosentan until PAP regressed to normal. Follow up was from 6 months to 9 years. No residual shunt in any patient on follow-up. The PAP regressed to normal in all except 5 cases (2.03%) of Down's syndrome with systemic PAP. Device closure of PDA with PAH is feasible, safe in all age groups. Temporary PDA occlusion with device is effective and time saving for evaluating pulmonary vascular reactivity. Device embolization in aorta is higher with severe PAH. Novel method of retrieval is effective. © 2014, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Tissue-type plasminogen activator contributes to remodeling of the rat ductus arteriosus (United States)

    Saito, Junichi; Nicho, Naoki; Zheng, Yun-Wen; Ichikawa, Yasuhiro; Ito, Satoko; Umemura, Masanari; Fujita, Takayuki; Ito, Shuichi; Taniguchi, Hideki; Asou, Toshihide; Masuda, Munetaka; Ishikawa, Yoshihiro


    Aims The ductus arteriosus (DA) closes after birth to adapt to the robust changes in hemodynamics, which require intimal thickening (IT) to occur. The smooth muscle cells of the DA have been reported to play important roles in IT formation. However, the roles of the endothelial cells (ECs) have not been fully investigated. We herein focused on tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), which is a DA EC dominant gene, and investigated its contribution to IT formation in the DA. Methods and results ECs from the DA and aorta were isolated from fetal rats using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. RT-PCR showed that the t-PA mRNA expression level was 2.7-fold higher in DA ECs than in aortic ECs from full-term rat fetuses (gestational day 21). A strong immunoreaction for t-PA was detected in pre-term and full-term rat DA ECs. t-PA-mediated plasminogen-plasmin conversion activates gelatinase matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Gelatin zymography revealed that plasminogen supplementation significantly promoted activation of the elastolytic enzyme MMP-2 in rat DA ECs. In situ zymography demonstrated that marked gelatinase activity was observed at the site of disruption in the internal elastic laminae (IEL) in full-term rat DA. In a three-dimensional vascular model, EC-mediated plasminogen-plasmin conversion augmented the IEL disruption. In vivo administration of plasminogen to pre-term rat fetuses (gestational day 19), in which IT is poorly formed, promoted IEL disruption accompanied by gelatinase activation and enhanced IT formation in the DA. Additionally, experiments using five human DA tissues demonstrated that the t-PA expression level was 3.7-fold higher in the IT area than in the tunica media. t-PA protein expression and gelatinase activity were also detected in the IT area of the human DAs. Conclusion t-PA expressed in ECs may help to form IT of the DA via activation of MMP-2 and disruption of IEL. PMID:29304073

  20. Echocardiographic predictors of coil vs device closure in patients undergoing percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure. (United States)

    Roushdy, Alaa; Abd El Razek, Yasmeen; Mamdouh Tawfik, Ahmed


    To determine anatomic and hemodynamic echocardiographic predictors for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) device vs coil closure. Seventy-six patients who were referred for elective transcatheter PDA closure were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent full echocardiogram including measurement of the PDA pulmonary end diameter, color flow width and extent, peak and end-diastolic Doppler gradients across the duct, diastolic flow reversal, left atrial dimensions and volume, left ventricular sphericity index, and volumes. The study group was subdivided into 2 subgroups based on the mode of PDA closure whether by coil (n = 42) or device (n = 34). Using univariate analysis there was a highly significant difference between the 2 groups as regard the pulmonary end diameter measured in both the suprasternal and parasternal short-axis views as well as the color flow width and color flow extent (P closure group had statistically significant higher end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes indexed, left atrial volume, and diastolic flow reversal. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed a pulmonary end diameter cutoff point from the suprasternal view > 2.5 mm and from parasternal short-axis view > 2.61 mm to have the highest balanced sensitivity and specificity to predict the likelihood for device closure (AUC 0.971 and 0.979 respectively). The pulmonary end diameter measured from the suprasternal view was the most independent predictor of device closure. The selection between PDA coil or device closure can be done on the basis of multiple anatomic and hemodynamic echocardiographic variables. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Cyclooxygenase inhibitors in preterm infants with patent ductus arteriosus: effects on cardiac and vascular indices. (United States)

    Sehgal, Arvind; Doctor, Tejas; Menahem, Samuel


    Existing data suggest subendocardial ischemia in preterm infants with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and alterations in cardiac function after indomethacin administration. This study aimed to explore the evolution of left ventricular function by conventional echocardiography and speckle-tracking echocardiography (STE) and to ascertain the interrelationship with coronary flow indices in response to indomethacin. A prospective observational study was performed with preterm infants receiving indomethacin for medical closure of PDA. Serial echocardiography was performed, and the results were analyzed using analysis of variance. Intra- and interobserver variability was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient. Indomethacin was administered to 18 infants born at a median gestational age of 25.8 weeks (interquartile range [IQR], 24.2-28.1 weeks) with a birth weight of 773 g (IQR, 704-1,002 g). The median age of the infants was 7.5 days (IQR, 4-17). Global longitudinal strain (GLS) values significantly decreased immediately after indomethacin infusion (preindomethacin GLS, -19.1 ± 2.4 % vs. -15.9 ± 1.7 %; p < 0.0001) but had improved at reassessment after 1 h (-17.4 ± 1.8 %). Conventional echocardiographic indices did not show significant alterations. A significant increase in arterial resistance in the coronary vasculature from 1.7 to 2.4 mmHg/cm/s was demonstrated. A significant correlation was noted between peak systolic GLS and flow resistance in the coronary vasculature. Significant changes in myocardial indices were observed immediately after indomethacin infusion. Compared with conventional methods, STE is a more sensitive tool to facilitate understanding of hemodynamics in preterm infants.

  2. Patent ductus arteriosus in an adult cat with pulmonary hypertension and right-sided congestive heart failure: hemodynamic evaluation and clinical outcome following ductal closure. (United States)

    Novo-Matos, José; Hurter, Karin; Bektas, Rima; Grest, Paula; Glaus, Tony


    Right-sided congestive heart failure (CHF) developed secondary to severe pulmonary hypertension (PH) in an 8-year-old cat with a left-to-right shunting patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Vascular reactivity was tested prior to shunt ligation by treatment with oxygen and sildenafil. This treatment was associated with a significant decrease in pulmonary artery pressure as assessed by echocardiography. Subsequently surgical shunt ligation was planned. During thoracotomy, digital occlusion of the PDA was performed for 10 min with simultaneous catheter measurement of right ventricular pressure, which did not increase. Permanent shunt ligation resulted in a complete and sustained clinical recovery. A lung biopsy sample obtained during thoracotomy demonstrated histopathological arterial changes typical of PH. Cats can develop clinically severe PH and right-sided CHF secondary to a left-to-right PDA even at an advanced age. Assuming there is evidence of pulmonary reactivity, PDA occlusion might be tolerated and can potentially produce long-term clinical benefits. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Role of prophylactic surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus in extremely low birth weight infants: Systematic review and implications for clinical practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mosalli, Rafat; AlFaleh, Khalid; Paes, Bosco


    To investigate the effectiveness and safety of prophylactic surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) on mortality and morbidity of preterm infants weighing less than 1000 g at birth. The study conducted a systematic search of available database from 1996-2008. Retrieved articles were assessed for eligibility and data was abstracted independently by two reviewers. Decisions to include studies for review and the methodological quality of included studies were asssessed in duplicate based on predetermined criteria. No language restrictions were applied. Only one eligible study that enrolled 84 extremely low birth weight infants was identified. Prophylactic surgical ligation of PDA resulted in a statistically significant reduction of severe stage II or III necrotizing enterocolitis, [RR 0.25, 95% CI (0.08, 0.83), P value 0.02, number needed to treat 5]. The study, however, found no statistically significant difference in mortality, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and retinopathy of prematurity. Current evidence does not support the use of prophylactic surgical ligation of PDA in the management of the preterm infants

  4. A Retrospective Study of 1,526 Cases of Transcatheter Occlusion of Patent Ductus Arteriosus. (United States)

    Jin, Mei; Liang, Yong-Mei; Wang, Xiao-Fang; Guo, Bao-Jing; Zheng, Ke; Gu, Yan; Lyu, Zhen-Yu


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is one of the most common congenital heart diseases and began to get treated by transcatheter occlusion since 1997 in China. Since then, several devices have been invented for occluding PDA. This study aimed to evaluate the technical feasibility, safety, and efficacy of transcatheter occlusion of PDA with different devices. One thousand five hundred and twenty-six patients (537 boys, 989 girls) with PDA from January 1997 to September 2014 underwent descending aortogram and transcatheter occlusion procedure. We retrospectively analyzed data of these patients, including gender, age, weight, size and morphology of PDA, and devices used in transcatheter occlusion, outcomes, and postoperational complications. Median age and median weight were 4.0 years (range: 0.3-52.0 years old) and 15.3 kg (range: 4.5-91.0 kg), respectively. Mean ductal diameter, aortic ductal diameter, ductal length, and pulmonary artery pressure were 3.50 ± 2.15 mm, 10.08 ± 2.46 mm, 7.49 ± 3.02 mm, and 30.21 ± 17.28 mmHg, respectively. Morphology of PDA assessed by descending aortogram was of type A in 1428 patients, type B in 6 patients, type C in 79 patients, type D in 4 patients, and type E in 9 patients according to the classification of Krichenko. Of all the 1526 patients, 1497 patients underwent transcatheter PDA closure, among which 1492 were successful. Devices used were Amplatzer duct occluder I (ADO I, 1280, 85.8%), Cook detachable coils (116, 7.8%), ADO II (ADO II, 68, 4.6%), muscular VSD occluder (12, 0.8%), and Amplatzer vascular plug (16, 1.0%). Excellent occlusion rates with low complication rates were achieved with all devices regardless of PDA types. With transcatheter occlusion technique and devices developing, more patients with PDA can be treated with transcatheter closure both safely and efficiently.

  5. Differential temporal and spatial progerin expression during closure of the ductus arteriosus in neonates.

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    Regina Bökenkamp

    Full Text Available Closure of the ductus arteriosus (DA at birth is essential for the transition from fetal to postnatal life. Before birth the DA bypasses the uninflated lungs by shunting blood from the pulmonary trunk into the systemic circulation. The molecular mechanism underlying DA closure and degeneration has not been fully elucidated, but is associated with apoptosis and cytolytic necrosis in the inner media and intima. We detected features of histology during DA degeneration that are comparable to Hutchinson Gilford Progeria syndrome and ageing. Immunohistochemistry on human fetal and neonatal DA, and aorta showed that lamin A/C was expressed in all layers of the vessel wall. As a novel finding we report that progerin, a splicing variant of lamin A/C was expressed almost selectively in the normal closing neonatal DA, from which we hypothesized that progerin is involved in DA closure. Progerin was detected in 16.2%±7.2 cells of the DA. Progerin-expressing cells were predominantly located in intima and inner media where cytolytic necrosis accompanied by apoptosis will develop. Concomitantly we found loss of α-smooth muscle actin as well as reduced lamin A/C expression compared to the fetal and non-closing DA. In cells of the adjacent aorta, that remains patent, progerin expression was only sporadically detected in 2.5%±1.5 of the cells. Data were substantiated by the detection of mRNA of progerin in the neonatal DA but not in the aorta, by PCR and sequencing analysis. The fetal DA and the non-closing persistent DA did not present with progerin expressing cells. Our analysis revealed that the spatiotemporal expression of lamin A/C and progerin in the neonatal DA was mutually exclusive. We suggest that activation of LMNA alternative splicing is involved in vascular remodeling in the circulatory system during normal neonatal DA closure.

  6. Tolerance to early human milk feeding is not compromised by indomethacin in preterm infants with persistent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Bellander, M; Ley, D; Polberger, S; Hellström-Westas, L


    Early human milk feeding is beneficial for gut and brain development. Persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and indomethacin may compromise enteral function in preterm infants. For many years enteral milk feedings have continued in preterm infants receiving indomethacin for PDA. The aim of this study was to investigate whether this strategy is efficient in terms of risks and tolerance to early enteral feeding. This retrospective study included 64 inborn infants of respiratory morbidity; 90.6% versus 50% of controls needed mechanical ventilation (p = 0.000). Case infants received human milk from a median (range) age of 4.0 h (1.5-27.5), and controls from 5.3 h (2.0-38.0) (p = 0.092). The first dose of indomethacin was given at a mean age of 1.7 d (1.0). There were no differences between the two groups in feeding volumes or gastric residuals on days 1 to 7. Mean (SD) feeding volume on day 7 was 64 ml/kg (31) in case infants and 76 ml/kg (30) in controls (p = 0.23). Four infants developed necrotizing enterocolitis: two case infants and two controls (p = 1.00). Early enteral feeding with human milk, starting within the first hours of life, seems to be as well tolerated in preterm infants treated with indomethacin for PDA as in their matched controls.

  7. Evaluation of left ventricular function by tissue Doppler and speckle-derived strain rate echocardiography after percutaneous ductus closure. (United States)

    Amoogzar, Hamid; Shakiba, Ali Mohammad; Derakhshan, Dorna; Ajami, Gholamhossein; Cheriki, Sirous; Borzouee, Mohammad; Edraki, Mohammad Reza; Mehdizadegan, Nima


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the left ventricular systolic and diastolic function before and after transcatheter percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure. 21 children (age >6 months old) diagnosed with hemodynamically significant PDA underwent percutaneous PDA closure. Conventional, Doppler and tissue Doppler imaging and speckled-derived strain rate echocardiography were done at pre-closure, 1 day (early) and 1 month (late) post-closure. Mean age of the patients (female/male: 1.3) was 17.54 ± 24.7 months with the mean PDA diameter of 3.6 ± 0.8 mm. Systolic measures (ejection fraction, shortening fraction) reduced significantly early after PDA closure (P closure status. Early and late diastolic flow velocities of mitral (E M and A M) reduced considerably in early and late post-closure time (P closure. After 1 month, E'M increased considerably. (P = 0.01) but E'M/A'M had an insignificant rise (P > 0.05). E M/E'M ratio did not change in early post-closure but it had a considerable reduction in the subsequent month compared with the pre- and early post-closure (P closure (P closure causes a significant decrease in left ventricular performance early after PDA closure which recovers completely within 1 month. Also PDA size can affect post-closure left ventricular function.

  8. Indomethacin prophylaxis or expectant treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in extremely low birth weight infants? (United States)

    Cordero, L; Nankervis, C A; Delooze, D; Giannone, P J


    Indomethacin prophylaxis or expectant treatment are common strategies for the prevention or management of symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus (sPDA). To compare the clinical responses of extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants to indomethacin prophylaxis with that of other infants who were managed expectantly by being treated with indomethacin or surgically only after an sPDA was detected. Retrospective cohort investigation of 167 ELBW infants who received indomethacin prophylaxis (study) and 167 ELBW infants (control) treated expectantly who were matched by year of birth (1999 to 2006), birth weight, gestational age (GA) and gender. Mothers of the two groups of infants were comparable demographically and on the history of preterm labor, pre-eclampsia, antepartum steroids and cesarean delivery. Study and control infants were similar in birth weight, GA, low 5 min Apgar scores, surfactant administration, the need for arterial blood pressure control, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and neonatal mortality. Necrotizing enterocolitis, spontaneous intestinal perforations, intraventricular hemorrhage grade III to IV, periventricular leukomalacia and stage 3 to 5 retinopathy of prematurity occurred also with similar frequency in both groups of infants. In the indomethacin prophylaxis group, 29% of the infants developed sPDA, and of them 38% responded to indomethacin treatment. In the expectantly treated group, 37% developed sPDA, and of them 59% responded to indomethacin treatment. Overall, surgical ligation rate for sPDA was similar between both groups of patients. In our experience, indomethacin prophylaxis does not show any advantages over expectant early treatment on the management of sPDA in ELBW infants. Although no deleterious effects were observed, prophylaxis exposed a significant number of infants who may have never developed sPDA, to potential indomethacin-related complications.

  9. [First SIBEN clinical consensus: diagnostic and therapeutic approach to patent ductus arteriosus in premature newborns]. (United States)

    Golombek, S G; Sola, A; Baquero, H; Borbonet, D; Cabañas, F; Fajardo, C; Goldsmit, G; Lemus, L; Miura, E; Pellicer, A; Pérez, J M; Rogido, M; Zambosco, G; van Overmeire, B


    To report the process and results of the first neonatal clinical consensus of the Ibero-American region. Two recognized experts in the field (Clyman and Van Overmeire) and 45 neonatologists from 23 countries were invited for active participation and collaboration. We developed 46 questions of clinical-physiological relevance in all aspects of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Guidelines for consensus process, literature search and future preparation of educational material and authorship were developed, reviewed and agreed by all. Participants from different countries were distributed in groups, and assigned to interact and work together to answer 3-5 questions, reviewing all global literature and local factors. Answers and summaries were received, collated and reviewed by 2 coordinators and the 2 experts. Participants and experts met in Granada, Spain for 4.5 h (lectures by experts, presentations by groups, discussion, all literature available). 31 neonatologists from 16 countries agreed to participate. Presentations by each group and general discussion were used to develop a consensus regarding: general management, availability of drugs (indomethacin vs. ibuprofen), costs, indications for echo/surgery, etc. Many steps were learnt by all present in a collaborative forum. This first consensus group of Ibero-American neonatologists SIBEN led to active and collaborative participation of neonatologists of 16 countries, improved education of all participants and ended with consensus development on clinical approaches to PDA. Furthermore, it provides recommendations for clinical care reached by consensus. Additionally, it will serve as a useful foundation for future SIBEN Consensus on other topics and it could become valuable as a model to decrease disparity in care and improve outcomes in this and other regions.

  10. Transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defects with nitinol wire occluders of type patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Wierzyk, Arkadiusz; Szkutnik, Małgorzata; Fiszer, Roland; Banaszak, Paweł; Pawlak, Szymon; Białkowski, Jacek


    Ventricular septal defects closure (VSD) depending on the anatomy and clinical setting can be performed surgically or by a hybrid and transcatheter approach. Two cases of children with VSD will be presented. Patients' defects were closed with various types of occluders made of nitinol wire mesh occluder, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) type. The first case was a 2.5-year-old boy after cardiosurgical correction of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). After the procedure, a significant haemodynamic residual VSD was observed, which was not successfully closed during the subsequent reoperation. Despite pharmacological treatment, symptoms of heart failure were observed in this patient. In echocardiographic images the residual VSD was presented as a tunnel-like dissection of the ventricular septum (length 6 mm and diameter 3.4 mm). The defect was closed via arterial access with an Amplatzer Duct Occluder II (ADO II). The procedure was successfully performed without any medical complications. In this child, a significant shunt reduction and a noticeable improvement in the patient's clinical status and diminished symptoms of heart failure were noticed. The second patient was a 4-year-old girl suffering from a multi-perforated perimembranous VSD accompanied by a ventricular septal defect with aneurysm. The defect was closed by a venous approach with a PDA Cardio-O-Fix occluder (very similar to ADO I). No short-term or long-term complications were visible during or after the procedure. Only a mild residual shunt through the VSD was observed 6 months afterwards. Transcatheter VSD closure with a proper morphology, with occluders of type Amplatzer Duct Occluder ADO I or ADO II, constitutes a safe and effective therapeutic alternative.

  11. Association of Antegrade Pulmonary Artery Diastolic Velocity with Spontaneous Closure of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants. (United States)

    Weiss, Dawn M; Kaiser, Jeffrey R; Swearingen, Christopher; Malik, Sadia; Sachdeva, Ritu


    This study aims to determine echocardiographic parameters associated with spontaneous patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure in extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants. Retrospective demographic review and analysis of echocardiograms from 189 ELBW infants with suspected and confirmed hemodynamically significant PDA identified on an initial echocardiogram was performed. Comparison of echocardiographic parameters was made between infants with spontaneous closure versus those who received treatment. The mean birth weight (787 ± 142 vs. 724 ± 141 g, p = 0.04) and gestational age (27.4 ± 2.8 vs. 26.2 ± 1.6 weeks, p = 0.03) were higher in the spontaneous closure versus the treatment group. Antegrade pulmonary artery (PA) diastolic velocity was lower in infants with spontaneous PDA closure versus those who received treatment (0.15 ± 0.06 vs. 0.22 ± 0.12 m/s, p = 0.009). Heavier and more mature ELBW infants with a lower antegrade PA diastolic velocity were likely to have spontaneous closure of the PDA. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  12. Efficacy of pharmacologic closure of patent ductus arteriosus in small-for-gestational-age extremely preterm infants. (United States)

    Boghossian, Nansi S; Do, Barbara T; Bell, Edward F; Dagle, John M; Brumbaugh, Jane E; Stoll, Barbara J; Vohr, Betty R; Das, Abhik; Shankaran, Seetha; Sanchez, Pablo J; Wyckoff, Myra H; Bethany Ball, M


    Optimal management of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants remains controversial. Therefore, studies identifying infants who are most likely to benefit from PDA treatment are needed. We sought to examine if significant intrauterine growth restriction, defined by birth weight z-score, reduces the efficacy of PDA closure with indomethacin or ibuprofen and thereby increases the need for surgical closure of PDA after pharmacologic treatment. We studied infants 23-28weeks' gestation born 2006-2013 at NICHD Neonatal Research Network centers. We examined the responses to PDA treatment with indomethacin and/or ibuprofen and whether the PDA was subsequently closed surgically. Logistic regression generated adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for the associations between the z-score groups (-0.5) and PDA surgery following pharmacologic treatment. 5606 infants were diagnosed with PDA; 3587 (64.0%) received indomethacin or ibuprofen or both, and 909 (25.3%) underwent PDA surgery. Mothers of infants with PDA non-closure were less likely to have hypertension (19% vs. 28%). Infants with non-closure were more likely to be female (53% vs. 49%), have lower gestational age and birth weight and to develop sepsis (42% vs. 31%). Compared to infants with z-score>-0.5, PDA surgery was increased among infants with z-score -2 to -0.5 (OR=1.23; 95% CI 1.02-1.47) but not among infants with z-score<-2. Infants with birth weight z-score -2 to -0.5 are more likely than normally grown infants to require PDA surgery following pharmacologic treatment. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. A High Ductal Flow Velocity Is Associated with Successful Pharmacological Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Infants 22–27 Weeks Gestational Age (United States)

    Olsson, Karl Wilhelm; Jonzon, Anders; Sindelar, Richard


    Objective. To identify factors affecting closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in newborn infants born at 22–27 weeks gestational age (GA) during pharmacological treatment with cyclooxygenase inhibitors. Method. Infants born at 22–27 weeks of GA between January 2006 and December 2009 who had been treated pharmacologically for PDA were identified retrospectively. Medical records were assessed for clinical, ventilatory, and outcome parameters. Echocardiographic examinations during treatment were reviewed. Results. Fifty-six infants were included in the study. Overall success rate of ductal closure with pharmacological treatment was 52%. Infants whose PDA was successfully closed had a higher GA (25 + 4 weeks versus 24 + 3 weeks; P = 0.047), and a higher pretreatment left to right maximal ductal flow velocity (1.6 m/s versus 1.1 m/s; P = 0.023). Correcting for GA, preeclampsia, antenatal steroids, and age at start of treatment, a higher maximal ductal flow velocity was still associated with successful ductal closure (OR 3.04; P = 0.049). Conclusion. Maximal ductal flow velocity was independently associated with success of PDA treatment. PMID:23316351

  14. A High Ductal Flow Velocity Is Associated with Successful Pharmacological Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Infants 22–27 Weeks Gestational Age

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karl Wilhelm Olsson


    Full Text Available Objective. To identify factors affecting closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA in newborn infants born at 22–27 weeks gestational age (GA during pharmacological treatment with cyclooxygenase inhibitors. Method. Infants born at 22–27 weeks of GA between January 2006 and December 2009 who had been treated pharmacologically for PDA were identified retrospectively. Medical records were assessed for clinical, ventilatory, and outcome parameters. Echocardiographic examinations during treatment were reviewed. Results. Fifty-six infants were included in the study. Overall success rate of ductal closure with pharmacological treatment was 52%. Infants whose PDA was successfully closed had a higher GA (25+4 weeks versus 24+3 weeks; P=0.047, and a higher pretreatment left to right maximal ductal flow velocity (1.6 m/s versus 1.1 m/s; P=0.023. Correcting for GA, preeclampsia, antenatal steroids, and age at start of treatment, a higher maximal ductal flow velocity was still associated with successful ductal closure (OR 3.04; P=0.049. Conclusion. Maximal ductal flow velocity was independently associated with success of PDA treatment.

  15. The biliary tree in armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus and Euphractus sexcinctus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilson Machado de Souza


    Full Text Available The biliary tree of armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus e Euphractus sexcinctus, from the Pantanal Matogrossense, Brazil, was studied after latex injection, formaldehyde fixation and dissection. The ductus choledocus, in both species, results from the junction of the ductus hepaticus and the ductus cysticus. The ductus hepaticus is made up by the convergence of the ramus principalis dexter and the ramus principalis sinister, in turn formed by branches of hepatic lobes.

  16. A Retrospective Study of 1526 Cases of Transcatheter Occlusion of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (United States)

    Jin, Mei; Liang, Yong-Mei; Wang, Xiao-Fang; Guo, Bao-Jing; Zheng, Ke; Gu, Yan; Lyu, Zhen-Yu


    Background: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is one of the most common congenital heart diseases and began to get treated by transcatheter occlusion since 1997 in China. Since then, several devices have been invented for occluding PDA. This study aimed to evaluate the technical feasibility, safety, and efficacy of transcatheter occlusion of PDA with different devices. Methods: One thousand five hundred and twenty-six patients (537 boys, 989 girls) with PDA from January 1997 to September 2014 underwent descending aortogram and transcatheter occlusion procedure. We retrospectively analyzed data of these patients, including gender, age, weight, size and morphology of PDA, and devices used in transcatheter occlusion, outcomes, and postoperational complications. Results: Median age and median weight were 4.0 years (range: 0.3–52.0 years old) and 15.3 kg (range: 4.5–91.0 kg), respectively. Mean ductal diameter, aortic ductal diameter, ductal length, and pulmonary artery pressure were 3.50 ± 2.15 mm, 10.08 ± 2.46 mm, 7.49 ± 3.02 mm, and 30.21 ± 17.28 mmHg, respectively. Morphology of PDA assessed by descending aortogram was of type A in 1428 patients, type B in 6 patients, type C in 79 patients, type D in 4 patients, and type E in 9 patients according to the classification of Krichenko. Of all the 1526 patients, 1497 patients underwent transcatheter PDA closure, among which 1492 were successful. Devices used were Amplatzer duct occluder I (ADO I, 1280, 85.8%), Cook detachable coils (116, 7.8%), ADO II (ADO II, 68, 4.6%), muscular VSD occluder (12, 0.8%), and Amplatzer vascular plug (16, 1.0%). Conclusions: Excellent occlusion rates with low complication rates were achieved with all devices regardless of PDA types. With transcatheter occlusion technique and devices developing, more patients with PDA can be treated with transcatheter closure both safely and efficiently. PMID:26315073

  17. Análisis genómico del resistoma de la cepa de Acinetobacter baumannii ABIBUN 107m multi-resistente y persistente en hospitales colombianos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Teresa Reguero


    Full Text Available Título en español: Análisis genómico del resistoma de la cepa  de  Acinetobacter baumannii  ABIBUN 107m multi-resistente  y persistente  en hospitales colombianos Título en ingles: Genomic analysis of the resistoma of the strain of Acinetobacter baumannii ABIBUN 107m multi-resistant and persistent in Colombian hospitals Título corto: Análisis genómico del resistoma de la cepa  de  Acinetobacter baumannii  Resumen: Acinetobacter baumannii es una bacteria, causante de infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud como neumonía, septicemia, meningitis e infecciones urinarias entre otras. Se caracteriza por su capacidad para desarrollar y acumular rápidamente una gran variedad de mecanismos de resistencia a antibióticos. En esta investigación se realizó el análisis genómico de una cepa de A. baumannii ABIBUN 107m que forma parte de un clon persistente en hospitales colombianos, resistente a los antibióticos carbapenémicos (imipenem y meropenem,  antibióticos de elección en el tratamiento  infecciones causadas por este microorganismo. El genoma de esta bacteria fue secuenciado utilizando técnicas de alto rendimiento, ensamblado y anotado, obteniéndose un genoma constituido por  3954000 pb con 56 contigs;  consta de 4256 genes con un tamaño promedio de 912 pb;  3796 CDS  de los cuales por anotación 2884  se asignaron a COG; 57 tRNA y un porcentaje de GC de 38,74%. A. baumannii ABIBUN 107m es resistente a b-lactámicos, aminoglicósidos, quinolonas, tetraciclina, sulfonamida y colistina. En su genoma se localizaron genes asociados con el perfil de resistencia ya que presenta serin b-lactamasas (blaADC-38, blaOXA-64, blaOXA-23, blaampC-like,  blaamp(H-like, metalo b-lactamasa_B;  proteínas de unión a  penicilina de elevada masa molecular, secuencias de inserción tipo ISAba1; mutaciones en los genes de DNA girasa  y topoisomerasa IV subunidad A (gyrA y parC; enzimas modificadoras de aminoglicósidos (aph

  18. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in children: Immediate and short-term changes in left ventricular systolic and diastolic function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saurabh Kumar Gupta


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the effect of percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA on left ventricular (LV systolic and diastolic function in children. Background: Limited studies are available on alteration in LV hemodynamics, especially diastolic function, after PDA closure. Methods: Thirty-two consecutive children with isolated PDA treated by trans-catheter closure were studied. The LV systolic and diastolic function were assessed by two-dimensional (2D echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging 1 day before the PDA closure, on day 1, and on follow-up. Results: At baseline, none of the patients had LV systolic dysfunction. On day 1 post-PDA closure, 8 (25% children developed LV systolic dysfunction. The baseline LV ejection fraction (LVEF, LV end-systolic dimension (LVESD, and PDA diastolic gradient predicted the post-closure LVEF. Patients who developed post-closure LV systolic dysfunction had poorer LV diastolic function than those who did not. LV diastolic properties improved after PDA closure; however, the improvement in LV diastolic properties lagged behind the improvement in the LV systolic function. All children were asymptomatic and had normal LVEF on follow up of >3 months. Conclusions: Percutaneous closure of PDA is associated with the reversible LV systolic dysfunction. Improvement in the LV diastolic function lags behind that in the LV systolic function.

  19. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in children: Immediate and short-term changes in left ventricular systolic and diastolic function. (United States)

    Gupta, Saurabh Kumar; Krishnamoorthy, Km; Tharakan, Jaganmohan A; Sivasankaran, S; Sanjay, G; Bijulal, S; Anees, T


    To evaluate the effect of percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) on left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic function in children. Limited studies are available on alteration in LV hemodynamics, especially diastolic function, after PDA closure. Thirty-two consecutive children with isolated PDA treated by trans-catheter closure were studied. The LV systolic and diastolic function were assessed by two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging 1 day before the PDA closure, on day 1, and on follow-up. At baseline, none of the patients had LV systolic dysfunction. On day 1 post-PDA closure, 8 (25%) children developed LV systolic dysfunction. The baseline LV ejection fraction (LVEF), LV end-systolic dimension (LVESD), and PDA diastolic gradient predicted the post-closure LVEF. Patients who developed post-closure LV systolic dysfunction had poorer LV diastolic function than those who did not. LV diastolic properties improved after PDA closure; however, the improvement in LV diastolic properties lagged behind the improvement in the LV systolic function. All children were asymptomatic and had normal LVEF on follow up of >3 months. Percutaneous closure of PDA is associated with the reversible LV systolic dysfunction. Improvement in the LV diastolic function lags behind that in the LV systolic function.

  20. Persistente fluorforbindelser reducerer immunfunktionen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heilmann, Carsten; Jensen, Lise; Weihe, Pal


    concentrations of these substances are inversely associated with concentrations of antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus. Prevention of such effects will require a decrease of exposure limits by at least 100-fold. Immunotoxicity is not included in routine testing of industrial chemicals but urgently needs...

  1. Persistente fluorforbindelser reducerer immunfunktionen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heilmann, Carsten; Jensen, Lise; Weihe, Pal


    Perfluorinated compounds are highly stable and useful industrial chemicals. Both perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid cause immunotoxic effects in animal models at serum concentrations similar to human levels. In children who have undergone routine vaccinations, serum...... concentrations of these substances are inversely associated with concentrations of antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus. Prevention of such effects will require a decrease of exposure limits by at least 100-fold. Immunotoxicity is not included in routine testing of industrial chemicals but urgently needs...

  2. Persistente fluorforbindelser reducerer immunfunktionen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heilmann, Carsten; Jensen, Lise; Weihe, Pal


    Perfluorinated compounds are highly stable and useful industrial chemicals. Both perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid cause immunotoxic effects in animal models at serum concentrations similar to human levels. In children who have undergone routine vaccinations, serum...... concentrations of these substances are inversely associated with concentrations of antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus. Prevention of such effects will require a decrease of exposure limits by at least 100-fold. Immunotoxicity is not included in routine testing of industrial chemicals but urgently needs...

  3. Outcomes of Percutaneous Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus Accompanied With Unilateral Absence of Pulmonary Artery. (United States)

    Yang, Yankun; Zheng, Hong; Xu, Zhongying; Zhang, Gejun; Jin, Jinglin; Hu, Haibo; Tian, Tao; Zhou, Xianliang


    Limited data have reported the outcomes of percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in patients with unilateral absence of pulmonary artery (UAPA). This study aimed to evaluate the symptomatology, diagnosis and therapy, especially the transcatheter closure of PDA in patients with PDA associated with UAPA. Patients diagnosed with PDA and UAPA were retrospectively enrolled from August 2010 through January 2016. Clinical data, treatment and follow-up information were evaluated. Thirteen patients (6 males and 7 females) were diagnosed with PDA associated with UAPA. Percutaneous closure was successfully conducted in 6 patients successfully. The median age was 7 years (7 months to 37 years). The mean diameter of the PDA and occluders were 4.7 ± 1.8mm (2-7mm) and 11.3 ± 3.9mm (6-14mm), respectively. The mean pulmonary artery pressure was 41.5 ± 13.5mmHg (25-62mmHg). The diameter of PDA has no relationship with the degree of pulmonary artery pressure (r = 0.239, P = 0.648). In 4 patients, systolic pulmonary arterial pressure decreased significantly after closure with 69.0 ± 10.7 versus 48.0 ± 11.3mmHg (P = 0.146), and also the mean pulmonary arterial pressure was 54.5 ± 5.7 mm Hg versus 30.5 ± 3.9mmHg (P = 0.04). In all, 1 patient had a trace residual shunt, which disappeared within 24 hours. In appropriate patients with PDA associated with UAPA, transcatheter closure of PDA has the potential to improve the pulmonary artery hypertension. Further follow-up is required to monitor the long-term outcomes. Copyright © 2017 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Long-term efficacy of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with the Rashkind double umbrella

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Qingqiao; Jiang Shiliang; Huang Lianjun; Zhao Shihua; Zheng Hong; Ling Jian; Xu Zhongying; Zhang Gejun; Xie Ruolan; Dai Ruping


    Objective: To evaluate the long-term efficacy of transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure with the Rashkind double umbrella. Methods: Between July 1994 and December 1998, forty nine patients (12 male, 37 female) at a mean age of (21 ± 13) years (range 2.4 to 54 years) underwent attempted transcatheter closure of a PDA using the Rashkind double umbrella. The Rashkind double umbrella was implanted through femoral venous route. Aortography was performed to check any residual shunt presence, 10 to 30 minutes after the closure, and at 6-month intervals thereafter. Results: Forty seven of the 49 patients had successful device placement. Two patients underwent surgical therapy. The prevalence of trace, mild, moderate, and large residual shunt was 12.8% (6/47), 27.7%(13/47), 25.5%(12/47), and 14.8% (7/47), respectively, and the prevalence of complete closure was 19.2%(9/47) 10 to 30 minutes after the procedure. Of the 49 patients, 36 completed short-term (≤3 months) follow-up, the prevalence of residual shunt was 44.4%(16/36) at 3 months. 30 patients completed medium-term (>3 months and ≤36 months) follow-up, the prevalence of residual shunt was 13.3% (4/30) at 36 months. For the long-term (>36 months) follow-up (38-96 months, mean 60±12 months) in 25 patients, there were 4 patients with residual shunt across PDA. Two patients with residual shunt at 46 and 48 months, respectively, had complete closure after reocclusion using the Amplatzer duct occluder. Conclusions: The long-term residual shunt after closure of PDA with the Rashkind double umbrella can not disappear spontaneously, thus a second device is sometimes needed to achieve complete closure

  5. Cardi-O-Fix duct occluder versus Amplatzer duct occluder for closure of patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Celebi, Ahmet; Demir, Ibrahim Halil; Saritaş, Türkay; Dedeoğlu, Reyhan; Yucel, Ilker Kemal; Demir, Fadli; Erdem, Abdullah


    We sought to investigate the safety, efficacy, and follow-up results of percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure using the novel Cardi-O-Fix duct occluder (CDO), a device similar to but less expensive than the Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO). We also aimed to compare these two devices in terms of results. Between March 2005 and May 2012, 167 patients diagnosed with moderate-to-large PDA underwent transcatheter closure. ADO was used in 56 (33.5%) patients with a mean age of 8.1 ± 11.9 years (3.6 months-56 years), whereas CDO was used in 111 (66.5%) patients with a mean age of 12.6 ± 14.6 years (4.8 months-63 years). The narrowest PDA diameter, the used device diameter, procedure time, fluoroscopy time, and residual shunt rates were similar between the two groups. Procedural success rate was 100% in both groups. Although the residual shunt rate was higher in the CDO group immediately after the procedure, the difference was not statistically significant (12.6 vs. 8.9%; P = 0.3). There was no statistically significant difference between groups at discharge and during follow-up. No deaths occurred in any of the groups, and there were no differences in complication rates during the short- and mid-term follow-up periods (CDO 7/111 vs. ADO 5/56; P = 0.5 π). The CDO can be used for PDA closure because of its safety, effectiveness, and simplicity in use. It is available in bigger sizes and can be used in patients with large defects. According to our short- and mid-term findings, the results it yields are similar to those of the ADO; thus, it may be the preferred choice owing to its low cost and large size variability. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Long-term efficacy of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with the Rashkind double umbrella

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qingqiao, Zhang; Shiliang, Jiang; Lianjun, Huang; Shihua, Zhao; Hong, Zheng; Jian, Ling; Zhongying, Xu; Gejun, Zhang; Ruolan, Xie; Ruping, Dai [Chinese academy of Medical Science and Beijing Union Medical College, Beijing (China). Cardiovascular Institute and Fuwai Hospital, Dept. of Radiology


    Objective: To evaluate the long-term efficacy of transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure with the Rashkind double umbrella. Methods: Between July 1994 and December 1998, forty nine patients (12 male, 37 female) at a mean age of (21 {+-} 13) years (range 2.4 to 54 years) underwent attempted transcatheter closure of a PDA using the Rashkind double umbrella. The Rashkind double umbrella was implanted through femoral venous route. Aortography was performed to check any residual shunt presence, 10 to 30 minutes after the closure, and at 6-month intervals thereafter. Results: Forty seven of the 49 patients had successful device placement. Two patients underwent surgical therapy. The prevalence of trace, mild, moderate, and large residual shunt was 12.8% (6/47), 27.7%(13/47), 25.5%(12/47), and 14.8% (7/47), respectively, and the prevalence of complete closure was 19.2%(9/47) 10 to 30 minutes after the procedure. Of the 49 patients, 36 completed short-term ({<=}3 months) follow-up, the prevalence of residual shunt was 44.4%(16/36) at 3 months. 30 patients completed medium-term (>3 months and {<=}36 months) follow-up, the prevalence of residual shunt was 13.3% (4/30) at 36 months. For the long-term (>36 months) follow-up (38-96 months, mean 60{+-}12 months) in 25 patients, there were 4 patients with residual shunt across PDA. Two patients with residual shunt at 46 and 48 months, respectively, had complete closure after reocclusion using the Amplatzer duct occluder. Conclusions: The long-term residual shunt after closure of PDA with the Rashkind double umbrella can not disappear spontaneously, thus a second device is sometimes needed to achieve complete closure.

  7. Patent ductus arteriosus closure using Occlutech® Duct Occluder, experience in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. (United States)

    Pepeta, Lungile; Greyling, Adele; Nxele, Mahlubandile Fintan; Makrexeni, Zongezile Masonwabe


    Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) has become standard therapy. Experience with the Occlutech® Duct Occluder is limited. Data regarding ductal closure using Occlutech® Duct Occluder were reviewed and prospectively collected. Demographics, hemodynamic and angiographic characteristics, complications, and outcomes were documented. From March 2013 to June 2016, 65 patients (43 females and 22 males) underwent percutaneous closure of the PDA using Occlutech® Duct Occluder. The median age of the patients was 11 months (range, 1-454 months) and the median weight was 8.5 kg (range 2.5-78 kg). The mean pulmonary artery median pressure was 27 mmHg (range, 12-100 mmHg) and the QP: Qs ratio median was 1.8 (range, 1-7.5), with a pulmonary vascular resistance mean of 2.7 WU (standard deviation [SD] ±2.1). Thirty-two patients had Krichenko Type A duct (49%); 7, Type C (11%); 4, Type D (6%); and 22, Type E (34%). The ductal size (narrowest diameter at the pulmonic end) mean was 3.5 mm (SD ± 1.9 mm). The screening time mean was 17.3 min (SD ± 11.6). Out of 63 patients with successful closure of the PDA using Occlutech® Duct Occluder, there were 15 patients with small PDAs; 25 with moderate PDAs, and 23 with large PDAs. In one patient, the device dislodged to the descending aorta, and in two patients, to the right pulmonary artery immediately following deployment, with successful percutaneous (two) and surgical (one) retrieval. Complete ductal occlusion was achieved in all 63 patients on day one. The Occlutech® Duct Occluder is a safe and effective device for closure of ducts in appropriately selected patients.

  8. Prospective observational study on assessing the hemodynamic relevance of patent ductus arteriosus with frequency domain near-infrared spectroscopy. (United States)

    Schwarz, Christoph E; Preusche, Antonio; Wolf, Martin; Poets, Christian F; Franz, Axel R


    What constitutes a hemodynamically relevant patent ductus arteriosus (hrPDA) in preterm infants is unclear. Different clinical and echocardiographic parameters are used, but a gold standard definition is lacking. Our objective was to evaluate associations between regional cerebral tissue oxygen saturation (rcStO 2 ), fraction of tissue oxygen extraction (rcFtO 2 E) measured by frequency domain near-infrared spectroscopy (fd-NIRS) and their correlation to echocardiographic, Doppler-ultrasound, and clinical parameters in preterm infants with and without a hrPDA. In this prospective observational study, 22 infants standard deviation (normalised to a median Hb of 13.8 mg/dl) was 57 ±5% for rcStO 2 and 0.39 ±0.05 for rcFtO 2 E. Comparing no-hrPDA with hrPDA infants, there were no significant differences in mean rcStO 2 (58 ±5% vs. 54 ±5%; p = .102), but in mean rcFtO 2 E (0.38 ±0.05 vs. 0.43 ±0.05; p = .038). Echocardiographic parameter and Doppler indices did not correlate with cerebral oxygenation. Oxygen transport capacity of the blood may confound NIRS data interpretation. Cerebral oxygenation determined by fd-NIRS provided additional information for PDA treatment decisions not offered by routine investigations. Whether indicating PDA therapy based on echocardiography complemented by data on cerebral oxygenation results in better outcomes should be investigated in future studies.

  9. Is the new Occlutech duct occluder an appropriate device for transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus? (United States)

    Godart, François; Houeijeh, Ali; Domanski, Olivia; Guillaume, Marie-Paule; Brard, Mélanie; Lucron, Hugues


    To describe our initial experience with the Occlutech Duct Occluder (ODO) for percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Retrospective review of patients undergoing transcatheter PDA closure with the ODO in 2 academic centers. From April 2013 to September 2017, 42 patients underwent PDA closure. Median age at implantation was 34 months (range 4 months-68 years) and median weight was 12 kg (range 4.1-57 kg). Ducts were Krichenko type A duct (n = 34), type E (n = 6), and type C (n = 2). The mean duct diameter was 3.76 mm (range 1.69 to 9.95 mm, median 3.1 mm). Implantation succeeded in all. There was neither device embolization nor hemolysis. At device release, immediate angiogram showed a small residual shunt in 54.7%. During follow-up, Doppler echocardiography demonstrated 71% of full occlusion at day one, rising to 95% at one month and 100% at one year and half after implantation. The mean maximal systolic pressure gradient in left pulmonary artery was 4.2 ± 4.3 mm and across the distal aortic arch 5.4 ± 4.7 mm Hg. No patient had any significant stenosis with clinical relevance. ODO is safe and effective in transcatheter closure of PDA including relatively large sized ducts. The results are satisfactory with a high level of full occlusion and a low rate of complications. Further evaluation with larger studies and longer follow-up will be required to confirm these preliminary good results. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  10. Long-Term Results of Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Infants Using Amplatzer Duct Occluder (United States)

    Behjati-Ardakani, Mostafa; Behjati-Ardakani, Mohammad-Amin; Hosseini, Seyed-Habibolla; Noori, Noormohammad


    Objective Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is one of the most frequently seen congenital heart diseases. Its closure is recommended because of the risk of infective endocardis, as well as morbidity and mortality in the long. The aim of this study was to assess the long term results of the transcatheter closure of PDA in infants using amplatzer duct occlude (ADO). Methods From May 2004 to September 2011, forty eight infants underwent transcatheter closure of PDA. A lateral or right anterior oblique view aortogram was done to locate PDA and to measure its size. Before discharge, repeat aortogram was performed to evaluate eventual residual shunt and to confirm the appropriate deployment of the ADO. Follow up evaluations were done with transthoracic echocardiography at discharge, 1 month, 6 months, 12 months and yearly thereafter. Findings The mean age of patients at procedure was 9.18±2.32 (range 3 to 12) months, mean weight 6.73±1.16 (range 4.5 to 10.1) kg. The PDA occluded completely in 20 out of the 48 patients. Twenty four patients had trivial or mild shunt and two patients had moderate residual shunt which disappeared in one patient within 24 hours and other patient with moderate shunt in 1 month. One patient (age 8 months) had mild LPA stenosis. The device emobolization occurred in two patients, immediately after the procedure in one and during night in the other patient Conclusion The long term results suggested that transcatheter closure of PDA using Amplatzer duct occluder is a safe and effective treatment in infants less than 1 year of age with minimal complications. PMID:24427494

  11. Patent ductus arteriosus occlusion in small dogs utilizing a low profile Amplatz® canine duct occluder prototype. (United States)

    Stauthammer, Christopher D; Olson, Janet; Leeder, Damon; Hohnadel, Kristin; Hanson, Melissa; Tobias, Anthony H


    To develop procedural methodology and assess the safety, utility and effectiveness of a low profile Amplatz(®) canine duct occluder (ACDO) prototype in dogs deemed too small to undergo ductal occlusion with the commercially-available ACDO device. Twenty-one dogs with left-to-right shunting patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Dogs were ≥1.5 kg but considered too small to accommodate a 6 Fr catheter or 4 Fr sheath within the femoral artery. Prospective canine study using a low profile ACDO prototype delivered through a 4 Fr catheter via a femoral arterial approach. Procedural methods, fluoroscopy time, perioperative complications, and residual ductal flow were evaluated, and angiographic ductal morphology and dimensions were tabulated. All 21 dogs underwent successful ductal occlusion using the prototype device, 4 Fr catheter, and right femoral artery approach. No perioperative complications or device embolization occurred. The median minimal ductal diameter was 1.9 mm (range, 0.4-3.4), and the median device size deployed was 4 mm (range, 3-6). Complete ductal occlusion was noted in 17 dogs (81%) on post-deployment angiography. Twenty dogs (95%) had no residual flow on echocardiography performed the following day. In the 17 dogs (81%) that returned for a long-term (≥3months) follow-up evaluation, all had complete ductal occlusion based on echocardiography. The low profile ACDO prototype is a safe and effective method of PDA occlusion in the small dog. The deployment procedure appears of similar technical difficulty to the commercially available ACDO. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus: 11 years of clinical experience in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. (United States)

    Djer, Mulyadi M; Saputro, Dimas Dwi; Putra, Sukman Tulus; Idris, Nikmah Salamia


    Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) has been suggested to be the standard treatment of PDA. Although, in general, the procedure shows a high successful rate, outcomes may vary among pediatric cardiology centers. To evaluate the effectiveness of transcatheter closure of PDA in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia, this was a retrospective study on patients who underwent transcatheter closure of PDA in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during the period of 2002-2013. Hospital registry was reviewed and data about patients' characteristics, PDA severity, procedure, and outcomes were retrieved. There were 298 patients, of whom 90 were males, who underwent transcatheter closure of PDA during the study period. Median age was 3.4 years (1 months-18 years), and median body weight was 12 (3.6-59) kg. The diameter of PDA ranged from 1.1 to 15.4 mm with a median of 3.7 mm. Device could be deployed in all patients, in which most were the Amplatzer ductal occluder (69.8 %) and the remainders were coils. Median fluoroscopy time was 15.4 (1.5-87) min, and procedure time was 76 (30-200) min. Complete closure was achieved in most patients (97.3 %), whereas device migration occurred in a minority (0.3 %) of patients. No major complication occurred during or after the procedure. Transient anemia and bradycardia were found in 3.7 and 1.3 % patients, respectively. Most patients were discharged from the hospital at 1 day after the procedure. Transcatheter closure method is a safe and effective procedure to close PDA.

  13. Treatment of severe pulmonary hypertension in the setting of the large patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Niu, Mary C; Mallory, George B; Justino, Henri; Ruiz, Fadel E; Petit, Christopher J


    Treatment of the large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in the setting of pulmonary hypertension (PH) is challenging. Left patent, the large PDA can result in irreversible pulmonary vascular disease. Occlusion, however, may lead to right ventricular failure for certain patients with severe PH. Our center has adopted a staged management strategy using medical management, noninvasive imaging, and invasive cardiac catheterization to treat PH in the presence of a large PDA. This approach determines the safety of ductal closure but also leverages medical therapy to create an opportunity for safe PDA occlusion. We reviewed our experience with this approach. Patients with both severe PH and PDAs were studied. PH treatment history and hemodynamic data obtained during catheterizations were reviewed. Repeat catheterizations, echocardiograms, and clinical status at latest follow-up were also reviewed. Seven patients had both PH and large, unrestrictive PDAs. At baseline, all patients had near-systemic right ventricular pressures. Nine catheterizations were performed. Two patients underwent 2 catheterizations each due to poor initial response to balloon test occlusion. Six of 7 patients exhibited subsystemic pulmonary pressures during test occlusion and underwent successful PDA occlusion. One patient did not undergo PDA occlusion. In follow-up, 2 additional catheterizations were performed after successful PDA occlusion for subsequent hemodynamic assessment. At the latest follow-up, the 6 patients who underwent PDA occlusion are well, with continued improvement in PH. Five patients remain on PH treatment. A staged approach to PDA closure for patients with severe PH is an effective treatment paradigm. Aggressive treatment of PH creates a window of opportunity for PDA occlusion, echocardiography assists in identifying the timing for closure, and balloon test occlusion during cardiac catheterization is critical in determining safety of closure. By safely eliminating the large PDA

  14. Comparison of posterolateral thoracotomy and video-assisted thoracoscopic clipping for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in neonates and infants. (United States)

    Chen, Haiyu; Weng, Guoxing; Chen, Zhiqun; Wang, Huan; Xie, Qi; Bao, Jiayin; Xiao, Rongdong


    This study was designed to compare the long-term clinical outcomes and costs between video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and posterolateral thoracotomy (PT) in neonates and infants. This study enrolled 302 patients with isolated patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) from January 2002 to 2007 and followed them up until April 2010. A total of 134 patients underwent total VATS (VATS group), and 168 underwent PDA closure through PT (PT group). The two groups were compared according to clinical outcomes and costs. The demographics and preoperative clinical characteristics of the patients were similar in the two groups. No cardiac deaths occurred, and the closure rate was 100% successful in both groups. The operating, recovery, and pleural fluid drainage times were significantly shorter in the VATS group than in the PT group. Statistically significant differences in length of incision, postoperative temperature, and acute procedure-related complications were observed between the two groups. The cost was $1,150.3 ± $221.2 for the VATS group and $2415.8 ± $345.2 for the PT group (P ventricular end-diastolic diameter and the pulmonary artery diameter could be restored to normal in the VATS group but not in the PT group. The study confirmed that VATS offers a minimally traumatic, safe, and effective technique for PDA interruption in neonates and infants.

  15. Left ventricular remodeling and change of systolic function after closure of patent ductus arteriosus in adults: device and surgical closure. (United States)

    Jeong, Young-Hoon; Yun, Tae-Jin; Song, Jong-Min; Park, Jung-Jun; Seo, Dong-Man; Koh, Jae-Kon; Lee, Se-Whan; Kim, Mi-Jeong; Kang, Duk-Hyun; Song, Jae-Kwan


    Left ventricular (LV) remodeling and predictors of LV systolic function late after closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in adults remain to be clearly demonstrated. In 45 patients with PDA, including 28 patients who received successful occlusion using the Amplatzer device (AD group) (AGA, Golden Valley, MN) and 17 patients who received surgical closure (OP group), echocardiography studies were performed before closure and 1 day (AD group) or within 7 days (OP group) after closure, and then were repeated at > or = 6 months (17 +/- 13 months). In both groups, LV ejection fraction (EF) and end-diastolic volume index were significantly decreased immediately after closure, whereas end-systolic volume index did not change. During the long-term follow-up period, end-systolic as well as end-diastolic volume indices decreased significantly in both groups and LV EF recovered compared to the immediate postclosure state. However, LV EF remained low compared to the preclosure state. Five patients (11.1%) including 3 patients in the AD group and 2 patients in the OP group showed persistent late LV systolic dysfunction (EF or = 62% had a sensitivity of 72% and a specificity of 83% for predicting late normal LV EF after closure. Left ventricular EF remains low late after PDA closure compared with preclosure state in adults. Preclosure LV EF is the best index to predict late postclosure LV EF.

  16. Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Children with the Occlutech Duct Occluder. (United States)

    Bilici, Meki; Demir, Fikri; Akın, Alper; Türe, Mehmet; Balık, Hasan; Kuyumcu, Mahir


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy and safety of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with the Occlutech duct occluder (ODO) in children. We reviewed the clinical records of 71 patients who underwent percutaneous closure of PDA with an ODO between September 2014 and August 2016. The Occlutech duct occluder was applied to 71 patients during the study period (September 2014-August 2016), and the results were analyzed in this study. Forty-two of the patients were female and 29 male. The median age was 20.5 months (range, 6-194 months) and median weight was 16 kg (range, 6-68 kg). The PDA was classified as type A in 54 patients (76.1%), type E in 14 (19.7%), type C in 2 (2.8%) and type B in 1 (1.4%) based on the Krichenko classification. A standard ODO device was used for the transcatheter closure procedure in 66 patients and the long-shank ODO device in 5. In the echocardiographic measurement of PDA, the median smallest diameter was 2.7 mm (range, 1.5-7.0 mm), and in the angiographic measurement, the median smallest diameter was 2.5 mm (range, 1.5-6.5 mm). All 71 patients underwent successful PDA closure with the ODO. Angiography following the procedure showed complete closure in 47 patients (66.2%), mild residual shunt in 13 patients (18.3%) and a trivial shunt in 11 patients (15.5%). Color flow Doppler echocardiogpaphy at 24 h post-implantation showed that complete closure was achieved in 65 patients (91.5%), and 6 patients (8.5%) had mild residual shunt. All patients (100%) had complete closure at 30 days of follow-up. The results of this study showed that the Occlutech PDA occluder device is safe and effective in the closure of PDA. As the pulmonary artery side of the device is wider than the aortic side, protrusion toward the aortic side and embolization are prevented, but there is residual shunt in the early period, although this residual shunt disappeared after a few months.

  17. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension in adults

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Shihua; Yan Chaowu; Jiang Shiliang; Xu Zhongying; Huang Lianjun; Ling Jian; Zheng Hong; Wang Cheng; Hu Haibo; Wu Wenhui; Li Shiguo; Dai Ruping


    Objective: To evaluate the effect of self-expandable occluder on closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PH) in adults. Methods: Twenty-eight adult patients underwent transcatheter closure of PDA at a mean age of (31.3±11.6) years [(18-58) years]. Either Amplatzer duct occluder or domestic device was used in the present study. X-ray, EKG and UCG were repeated in one day, one month, three months, and six months. Results: Twenty of the 28 patients had successful occlusion, and the other 8 patients were given up. In the successful group, the narrowest diameter of PDA was (10.4±2.7) mm [(6-16) mm], the diameter of selected occluder was (15.6±3.2)mm [(10-20) mm] at the end of pulmonary artery. Systemic artery oxygen saturation (SAsat) before and after oxygen inhalation was (93.5±1.8)%, (98.2±1.8)%, respectively (P<0.01). Systolic pulmonary arterial pressure decreased significantly after trial occlusion from (95.5± 24.l) mm Hg to (56.3±18.3) mm Hg (P<0.01); Mean pulmonary arterial pressures decreased significantly from (70.8±18.2) mm Hg to (41.0±13.8 )mm Hg (P<0. 01), too. Six months later UCG showed that the dimensions of left atrium, left ventricle and pulmonary artery attenuated significantly with one exception; X rays showed decreased pulmonary vascularity or cardiac size as well [cardio-thoracic ratio: (59.2±6.6)% vs (54.2±3.3)%, P<0.01]. In given up group, four patients were defined as Eisenmenger syndromes with differential cyanosis. They presented with elevated systolic pulmonary arterial pressure [(110.3±13.9) mm Hg vs (139.5±20.0)mm Hg, P<0.01], or decreased systolic aortic pressure[(116.0±20.2)mm Hg vs (106.3±16.9) mm Hg, P<0.05]after occlusion. The others included two cases with large residual shunt, and two cases with worsening of symptoms. Conclusions: Transcatheter closure of PDA with reversible severe PH is feasible, effective and safe in adults. (authors)

  18. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension in adults

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shihua, Zhao; Chaowu, Yan; Shiliang, Jiang; Zhongying, Xu; Lianjun, Huang; Jian, Ling; Hong, Zheng; Cheng, Wang; Haibo, Hu; Wenhui, Wu; Shiguo, Li; Ruping, Dai [Department of Radiology, Cardiovascular Inst. and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing Union Medical College, Beijing (China)


    Objective: To evaluate the effect of self-expandable occluder on closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PH) in adults. Methods: Twenty-eight adult patients underwent transcatheter closure of PDA at a mean age of (31.3{+-}11.6) years [(18-58) years]. Either Amplatzer duct occluder or domestic device was used in the present study. X-ray, EKG and UCG were repeated in one day, one month, three months, and six months. Results: Twenty of the 28 patients had successful occlusion, and the other 8 patients were given up. In the successful group, the narrowest diameter of PDA was (10.4{+-}2.7) mm [(6-16) mm], the diameter of selected occluder was (15.6{+-}3.2)mm [(10-20) mm] at the end of pulmonary artery. Systemic artery oxygen saturation (SAsat) before and after oxygen inhalation was (93.5{+-}1.8)%, (98.2{+-}1.8)%, respectively (P<0.01). Systolic pulmonary arterial pressure decreased significantly after trial occlusion from (95.5{+-} 24.l) mm Hg to (56.3{+-}18.3) mm Hg (P<0.01); Mean pulmonary arterial pressures decreased significantly from (70.8{+-}18.2) mm Hg to (41.0{+-}13.8 )mm Hg (P<0. 01), too. Six months later UCG showed that the dimensions of left atrium, left ventricle and pulmonary artery attenuated significantly with one exception; X rays showed decreased pulmonary vascularity or cardiac size as well [cardio-thoracic ratio: (59.2{+-}6.6)% vs (54.2{+-}3.3)%, P<0.01]. In given up group, four patients were defined as Eisenmenger syndromes with differential cyanosis. They presented with elevated systolic pulmonary arterial pressure [(110.3{+-}13.9) mm Hg vs (139.5{+-}20.0)mm Hg, P<0.01], or decreased systolic aortic pressure[(116.0{+-}20.2)mm Hg vs (106.3{+-}16.9) mm Hg, P<0.05]after occlusion. The others included two cases with large residual shunt, and two cases with worsening of symptoms. Conclusions: Transcatheter closure of PDA with reversible severe PH is feasible, effective and safe in adults. (authors)

  19. Futura study: evaluation of efficacy and safety of rupatadine fumarate in the treatment of persistent allergic rhinitis Estudo futura: avaliação da eficácia e segurança do fumarato de rupatadina no tratamento da rinite alérgica persistente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olavo de Godoy Mion


    Full Text Available Allergic rhinitis affects 10-30% of the population, negatively impacting one's quality of life and productivity. It has been associated with sinusitis, otitis media, sleep disorders, and asthma. Rupatadine is a second generation antihistamine with increased affinity to histamine receptor H1; it is also a potent PAF (platelet-activating factor antagonist. It starts acting quite quickly, offers long lasting effect, and reduces the chronic effects of rhinitis. AIM: this study aims to assess the efficacy and safety of rupatadine in the treatment of persistent allergic rhinitis. MATERIALS AND METHOD: this is a multi-centric open prospective study. This study included 241 patients from 13 centers in Brazil and was held between October of 2004 and August of 2005. Signs and symptoms of rhinitis and tolerance to medication were analyzed after one and two weeks of treatment. RESULTS: reduction on general scores from 8.65 to 3.21 on week 2 (pA rinite alérgica acomete 10 a 30% da população, interferindo na qualidade de vida e na capacidade produtiva. Está associada à sinusite, otite, roncopatias e asma. A Rupatadina é um anti-histamínico de segunda geração, com elevada afinidade ao receptor histamínico H1 e potente inibição do fator ativador plaquetário (PAF. Tem rápido início de ação, longa duração e reduz os efeitos crônicos da rinite. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia e segurança da rupatadina no tratamento da rinite alérgica persistente. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo multicêntrico, aberto, prospectivo. Foram selecionados 241 pacientes em 13 centros no Brasil durante o período de outubro de 2004 a agosto de 2005. Foram analisados os sinais e sintomas da rinite e a tolerabilidade após 1 e 2 semanas. RESULTADOS: Redução do escore geral de 8,65 para 3,21 na semana 2 (p<0,001. Todos os sinais e sintomas melhoraram significativamente, e no primeiro dia de tratamento (p<0,001, com exceção da obstrução e secreção nasal, a partir do

  20. The exploration of the closure of patent ductus arteriosus with Amplatzer occluder through single venous approach under ultrasound monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Guoxin; He Jianxin; Li Guoying; Gong Zhihua; Wen Yanfei


    Objective: To explore the feasibility and effectiveness of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with Amplatzer occluder by using single venous approach method under ultrasound monitoring. Methods: During the period from May 2003 to April 2010, transcatheter closure of PDA were performed in 123 cases. Of the 123 patients, the procedure was accomplished by using arteriovenous dual approach method in 46 and by using single venous approach method in 77. All the procedures were monitored by ultrasound. The shape, size of PDA and immediate therapeutic results were checked with angiography in arteriovenous dual approach method or with ultrasonography in single venous approach method. The size of Amplatzer occluder was individually selected according to the smallest diameter of PDA. Echocardiography was performed at 3 days, one, 6 and 12 months after the procedure to evaluate the results. Results: Successful device placement with the initially selected occluder was obtained in 118 cases. In 4 cases the procedure was eventually completed after a bigger occluder was employed to replace the initial one, while in one case a smaller occluder had to use to replace the first one. The technical success rate was 100%. Conclusion: The transcatheter closure of PDA with Amplatzer occluder under ultrasound monitoring by single venous approach method is clinically effective and feasible. Being technically simple and time-saving, this single venous approach method is of great value in clinical practice. (authors)

  1. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus: Evaluating the effect of the learning curve on the outcome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Azhar Ahmad


    Full Text Available Background and Objectives : Initial experience with transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA using detachable coils and Amplatzer duct occluder devices is reported. We evaluated the outcome, complications, and influence of the learning curve, and also assessed the need of surgical backup for such interventional procedures. Methods: From January 2000 to December 2004, 121 patients underwent transcatheter closure of PDA. Aortic angiogram was performed to evaluate the size, position, and shape of the duct for appropriately choosing the occluder device type and size. A second aortic angiogram was performed 10 minutes after device deployment. Echocardiography was repeated at intervals of 24 hours, then at 1, 3, and 6 months after the procedure to assess complications. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to assess the role of experience in improving the outcome of the procedure. Results: Of 121 cases, four patients had pulmonary artery embolization of the occluder device which was successfully retrieved in the catheterization laboratory, while two others had embolization that required surgical intervention. Four patients had temporary residual leak, nine had protrusion of the device into the aorta without significant Doppler pressure gradient or hemolysis on follow-up, and five had partial hemodynamically insignificant obstruction to the left pulmonary artery. Statistical analysis showed that the effect of the learning curve and experience was responsible for 93% improvement in the procedural outcome over the five-year study period. Conclusion: Transcatheter occlusion of PDA is safe and effective alternative to surgery. Complications occurred in those with unfavorable duct anatomy and with the use of multiple coils. Surgical backup was important for such interventional procedures. Experience played a major role in the proper choice of device type and size which greatly influenced the outcome of the procedure.

  2. Prediction of left ventricular dysfunction after device closure of patent ductus arteriosus: proposal for a new functional classification. (United States)

    Kiran, Viralam S; Tiwari, Ashish


    The aims of this study were to determine the incidence and correlates of left ventricular (LV) dysfunction amongst percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) device closure patients, and to propose an indexed parameter for predicting LV dysfunction. In a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of 30 months duration, 447 patients who underwent PDA device closure were studied. The diameter of the PDA at the pulmonary artery end was measured in the angiograms in all patients and was indexed for their body surface area. The indexed PDA size was categorised into group A (1-2.9 mm/m², 35/447), B (3-5.9 mm/m², 254/447), C (6-8.9 mm/m², 66/447) and D (>9 mm/m², 35/447). Systolic LV function was evaluated using echocardiography at frequent intervals. Overall, 62.63% of the patients were female (280/447). At baseline, all 447 patients had normal LV function. LV dysfunction was seen in 102/447 (22.8%) patients with 2.8% in category A (1/35), 10.6% in category B (27/254), 34.1% in category C (42/123) and 91.4% in category D (32/35) after PDA device closure. Correlation of indexed PDA size and LV dysfunction was statistically significant (pclosures. Indexed PDA size correlates well with post-procedural LV dysfunction. The authors propose a new classification of PDA utilising this accurate, reproducible and easy to perform parameter, which does not involve any extra cost, for risk stratification and early management in device closure of PDA.

  3. Surgical Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Neonates Weighing Less Than 1,000 grams: Contemporary Outcomes. (United States)

    Lehenbauer, David G; Fraser, Charles D; Crawford, Todd C; Hibino, Naru; Aucott, Susan; Grimm, Joshua C; Patel, Nishant; Magruder, J Trent; Cameron, Duke E; Vricella, Luca


    The safety of surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in very low birth weight premature neonates has been questioned because of associated morbidities. However, these studies are vulnerable to significant bias as surgical ligation has historically been utilized as "rescue" therapy. The objective of this study was to review our institutions' outcomes of surgical PDA ligation. All neonates with operative weight of ≤1.00 kg undergoing surgical PDA ligation from 2003 to 2015 were analyzed. Records were queried to identify surgical complications, perioperative morbidity, and mortality. Outcomes included pre- and postoperative ventilator requirements, pre- and postoperative inotropic support, acute kidney injury, surgical complications, and 30-day mortality. One hundred sixty-six preterm neonates underwent surgical ligation. One hundred twenty-one (70.3%) had failed indomethacin closure. One hundred sixty-four (98.8%) patients required mechanical ventilation prior to surgery. At 17 postoperative days, freedom from the ventilator reached 50%. Of 109 (66.4%) patients requiring prolonged preoperative inotropic support, 59 (54.1%) were liberated from inotropes by postoperative day 1. Surgical morbidity was encountered in four neonates (2.4%): two (1.2%) patients had a postoperative pneumothorax requiring tube thoracostomy, one (0.6%) patient had a recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, and one (0.6%) patient had significant intraoperative bleeding. The 30-day all-cause mortality was 1.8% (n = 3); no deaths occurred intraoperatively. In this retrospective investigation, surgical PDA closure was associated with low 30-day mortality and minimal morbidity and resulted in rapid discontinuation of inotropic support and weaning from mechanical ventilation. Given the safety of this intervention, surgical PDA ligation merits consideration in the management strategy of the preterm neonate with a PDA.

  4. Challenges in device closure of a large patent ductus arteriosus in infants weighing less than 6 kg. (United States)

    Vijayalakshmi, I B; Chitra, Narasimhan; Praveen, Jayan; Prasanna, Simha Rao


    Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) has replaced surgery in most institutions. Despite improvements in techniques and the devices available, closure of large PDA in very small infants remains a challenge. To assess the challenges, feasibility, and efficacy of device closure of large PDA, in infants weighing ≤6 kg. Analysis of device closure of a PDA was done in 61 infants ≤6 kg. Their ages, ranged from 9 days-12 months (mean 8.9 months), weight ranged from 2.2 to 6 kg (mean 5.3 kg), and PDA measured 3.2-8.7 mm (mean 4.8 mm). The fluoroscopy time was 3-18 minutes. The largest device used was 12 × 10 mm. Successful device placement was achieved in 60/61 infants (98.4%). Mild aortic obstruction occurred in 2 cases (3.3%), as the device got displaced towards the aorta after release. The device embolized in 2 cases (3.3%). In one it was retrieved by a novel method like fastening the screw in the aorta and was closed with a 4 × 6 ADO II. In the other infant, with a single kidney, died of uremia after device retrieval. Mild left pulmonary artery (LPA) obstruction occurred in one case (1.6%). Four cases (6.6%) had minor vascular complications. The postprocedure weight gain after 3 months was between 2.5 kg ± 250 mg. Device closure of large PDA in infants weighing ≤6 kg with left ventricular failure is challenging but possible, safe and effective. Retrieval of embolized device could be tricky. © 2012, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Valor preditivo do resultado fetal da dopplervelocimetria de ducto venoso entre a 11ª e a 14ª semanas de gestação Predictive value for fetal outcome of Doppler velocimetry of the ductus venosus between the 11th and the 14th gestation week

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    Carlos Alberto Gollo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: estudar o valor da dopplervelocimetria do ducto venoso (DV entre a 11º e a 14º semanas de gestação, associado à medida da translucência nucal (TN, na detecção de resultado fetal adverso. MÉTODOS: foram estudados 1.268 fetos consecutivamente. Em 56 casos, realizou-se estudo citogenético no material obtido, por meio de biópsia de vilosidade coriônica e, em 1.181 casos, o resultado teve como base o fenótipo do recém-nascido. Todos os fetos foram submetidos, além da ultra-sonografia de rotina, à medida da TN e à dopplervelocimetria do DV. Trata-se de um estudo transversal e prospectivo. Foram calculados e analisados, para fins de prevalência e índices de acurácia: sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo (VPP, valor preditivo negativo (VPN, probabilidade de falso-positivo (PFP, probabilidade de falso-negativo (PFN, razão de probabilidade positiva e razão de probabilidade negativa. RESULTADOS: do total de 1.268 fetos, foram selecionados para análise 1.183 casos. Deste total, 1.170 fetos eram normais (98,9% e 13 fetos tiveram resultado fetal adverso ao nascimento (1,1% - incluindo morte fetal (trissomia 21 e 22 em dois casos, síndrome genética (Nooman em um caso, fetos polimalformados em dois casos, cardiopatia em três casos e outros defeitos estruturais em cinco casos. A prevalência do DV alterado (onda A zero/reversa na população estudada foi de 14 casos (1,2%, com taxa de falso-positivo de 0,7%. CONCLUSÕES: há correlação significativa entre alteração da dopplervelocimetria do DV e a medida da TN, como marcadores ultra-sonográficos de primeiro trimestre, na detecção de resultado fetal adverso, especialmente para malformações graves. O Doppler do DV foi capaz de diminuir o resultado falso-positivo, comparativamente ao uso isolado da TN, melhorando consideravelmente o VPP do teste.PURPOSE: to study the value of Doppler velocimetry of the ductus venosus, between the 11th and 14th weeks of

  6. Efeitos da tela de polipropileno no testículo, epidídimo e ducto deferente de cães Effects of the polypropilene mesh in the testicle, epididimus and ductus deferens of dogs

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    Alberto Goldenberg


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos da tela sintética sobre o testículo, epidídimo e ducto deferente de cães. Métodos: Foram utilizados 10 cães, machos, adultos, pesando entre 9 e 12 kg. Os animais, após realizada anestesia, foram submetidos à laparoscopia com formação de pneumoperitônio por incisão em linha mediana. Era então fixada tela de polipropileno, de dimensões 2,5X3,5 cm² na região inguinal esquerda do cão em contato direto com o funículo espermático, com o uso de grampos metálicos, sem dissecar a região. O lado direito, sem colocação de tela, serviu de controle. O procedimento tinha duração de 15 minutos. Após observação pós-operatória de 30 dias, os animais eram novamente anestesiados e reoperados sendo o testículo e ducto deferente retirados e enviados para análise histológica. Análise estatística foi realizada com os dados obtidos desta análise. Resultados: No lado esquerdo, as secções histológicas de testículo revelaram focalmente, diminuição da espermatogênese e processo degenerativo em 20% dos animais. No epidídimo, observou-se inflamação crônica e dilatação dos túbulos seminíferos em 70%. No ducto deferente foi observado processo inflamatório crônico em 60% dos cães. Não foram verificadas alterações histológicas no lado contralateral. Conclusão: A tela de polipropileno em contato com o funículo espermático de cães provoca alterações histológicas com discreta redução da espermatogênese.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the synthetic mesh on the ductus deferens and testicle of dogs. Ten adult male dogs were anesthetized and a 2,5X3,5 cm² polypropilene mesh was fixed in the inguinal region in direct contact with the ductus deferens, using metallic staples without dissection of the region and therefore, without manipulation. The right side, with no mesh was the control. . The operative time was 15 minutes. The animals were observed for 30 days and

  7. Permissive tolerance of the patent ductus arteriosus may increase the risk of Chronic Lung Disease

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    Kaempf JW


    Full Text Available Joseph W Kaempf,1 Robert Huston,2 YingXing Wu,1 Andrew J Kaempf,1 Lian Wang,1 Gary Grunkemeier,1 Rebecca Mischel,2 Howard Cohen,3 Bret Freitag41Providence St Vincent Medical Center, Portland, OR, 2Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel, Portland, OR, 3Salem Hospital, Salem, OR, 4Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital, Vancouver, WA, USAPurpose: Because early closure therapies of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA have not been shown to confer benefit to premature infants, the authors’ four neonatal intensive care units adopted a less aggressive PDA management protocol.Study design: A before–after investigation in infants with PDAs born 501–1500 g. Era 1 (January 2005 to December 2007 featured traditional management with indomethacin and/or surgical ligation used early to close PDAs; Era 2 (January 2008 to June 2009 featured fluid restriction and watchful waiting for PDA closure, limiting indomethacin or surgical ligation to only those infants with large PDAs needing significant respiratory support.Results: Era 2 infants (n = 129, mean ± standard deviation 27 ± 2 weeks received less and later indomethacin and less Day 1–28 total fluids as compared to Era 1 infants (n = 240, mean ± standard deviation 27 ± 2 weeks. The Chronic Lung Disease (CLD rate was higher in Era 2 (48% versus 34%, P < 0.01 as was the combined outcome of Death after Day 7 or CLD (57% versus 42%, P < 0.01. Multiple regression analysis showed Era 2 birth was a predictor of CLD. However, Poisson regression analysis determined the predictors of all seven major Vermont Oxford Network morbidities were earlier gestational age, lower birth weight, and male gender, not the era of birth. Significantly more infants were discharged home with PDAs in Era 2.Conclusion: Permissive tolerance of PDAs may increase the risk of CLD and Death after Day 7 or CLD but is not associated with significant changes in other Vermont Oxford Network morbidities.Keywords: premature infant

  8. Transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defect with Occlutech Duct Occluder. (United States)

    Atik-Ugan, Sezen; Saltik, Irfan Levent


    Patent ductus arteriosus occluders are used for transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defects, as well as for closure of patent ductus arteriosus. The Occlutech Duct Occluder is a newly introduced device for transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus. Here, we present a case in which the Occlutech Duct Occluder was successfully used on a patient for the closure of a perimembraneous ventricular septal defect.

  9. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus in children weighing 10 kg or less: Initial experience at Sohag University Hospital. (United States)

    Ali, Safaa; El Sisi, Amel


    To assess the challenges, feasibility, and efficacy of device closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in small children weighing ⩽10 kg for different types of devices used in an initial experience at Sohag University hospital. Between March 2011 and September 2014, 91 patients with PDA underwent transcatheter closure in our institute, among whom 54 weighed ⩽10 kg. All of these patients underwent transcatheter closure of PDA using either a Cook Detachable Coil, PFM Nit-Occlud, or Amplatzer duct occluder. A retrospective review of the treatment results and adverse events was performed. Successful device placement was achieved in 53/54 small children (98.1%). The median minimum PDA diameter was 2.4 mm [interquartile range (IQR, 1.8-3.5 mm), median weight 8 kg (IQR, 7-10 kg), and median age 10 months (IQR, 8-17 months)]. Mild aortic obstruction occurred in one case (1.9%), as the device became displaced towards the aorta after release. The device embolized in one case (1.9%) and no retrieval attempt was made. Five cases (9.3%) had minor vascular complications. With the current availability of devices for PDA closure, transcatheter closure of PDA is considered safe and efficacious in small children weighing ⩽10 kg with good mid-term outcome. The procedure had a low rate of high-severity adverse events even with the initial experience of the catheterization laboratory.

  10. Estudo anatômico das vias bilíferas extra-hepáticas no suíno. Comparação entre a dissecção convencional e por videolaparoscopia Anatomic study of the extrahepatic biliary ducts in the suine. Comparition betwenn conventional and videolaparascopic dissections

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    José Renan Escalante Hurtado


    Full Text Available Estudou-se no presente trabalho, através de dissecção de peças anatômicas constituidas de fígado e duodeno, a morfologia das vias bilíferas do suíno. Os animais foram separados em dois grupos iguais, sendo que o primeiro foi submetido a colecistectomia videolaparoscópica. O segundo grupo era constituído de suínos abatidos para consumo. Os animais do grupo da colecistectomia videolaparoscópica eram observados por um período curto de pós-operatório e depois abatidos para retirada de peças anatômicas, tendo sido realizado o estudo das vias bilíferas extra-hepáticas. No segundo grupo eram as peças retiradas após o abate dos animais, estas eram dissecadas, coradas com tinta guache e posteriormente submetidas a estudo radiológico com a injeção de Bário. Os dados obtidos foram analizados utilizando-se o teste de FISHER. Verificou-se que o ductus choledocus é constituído pela união do ductus cysticus e ductus hepaticus na grande maioria dos casos (84.3%. Verificou-se também que o ductus hepaticus é formado, em grande número dos casos, pela confluência do ductus principalis sinister e ductus principalis dexter. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir que não existem diferenças significantes, no que se refere à conformação das vias bilíferas extra-hepáticas em ambos os grupos.The morphology of the biliary extrahepatic ducts of 32 Landrace pigs were studied through the dissection of anatomical specimens composed by liver and duodenum. The pigs were separated in two groups of 16 animals each. The first group was initially submited to a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, than observed during a brief postoperative period, and eventually killed for attainment of the anatomical specimens; while the second group was destined to slaughter and the anatomical specimens obtained after their death. The study of the anatomical specimens was performed by the dissection of the bilary extrahepatic ducts when they were painted with

  11. Early results of transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus: retrospective study of 61 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beg, A.M.; Younas, M.; Chaudary, A.T.


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) accounts for 6 - 11% of all congenital heart defects. Complications of PDA include congestive heart failure, repeated chest infections, pulmonary hypertension, and an increased risk of infective endocarditis. Transcatheter closure of PDA has largely replaced surgical ligation in different age groups. Currently, surgical intervention is restricted to premature babies or small infants with large symptomatic PDA, cases with unfavorable duct anatomy, and whenever the cost of the closure devices is unaffordable. PDA was the first example of congenital heart dis-ease to be treated by transcatheter closure, which becomes an established form of treatment for the majority of patients with PDA and as a safe alternative to surgery. The per-cutaneous technique was first described by Porstmanur et al., since then various devices such as Rashkind PDA umbrella, button device, PDA coils and most recently the Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) have been introduced. The ADO device was designed to provide the most desirable characteristics for a percutaneous closure device that can be used in most if not all patients with PDA. These include user - friendly delivery system, high complete closure rate, small delivery system (allowing its use in small infants), trans-venous delivery route, ability to adapt to various PDA sizes and types, and the ability to retrieve or reposition the device prior to release from a secure delivery system. Common complications of trans-catheter closure of PDA include residual shunt, left pulmonary artery (LPA) obstruction, protrusion of the device into the aorta, and embolization of the device. Incidence of complications increases with certain types and large size ducts, and with the use of multiple coils for occlusion. There are only a few reports correlating out-come and complications with the learning curve and experience. In this study, we are reporting our initial experience with PDA closure using Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO

  12. Electrical Cardiometry to Monitor Cardiac Output in Preterm Infants with Patent Ductus Arteriosus: A Comparison with Echocardiography. (United States)

    Hsu, Kai-Hsiang; Wu, Tai-Wei; Wu, I-Hsyuan; Lai, Mei-Yin; Hsu, Shih-Yun; Huang, Hsiao-Wen; Mok, Tze-Yee; Lien, Reyin


    Electrical cardiometry (EC) is an impedance-based monitoring that provides noninvasive cardiac output (CO) assessment. Through comparison to transthoracic echocardiography (Echo), the accuracy of EC has been verified. However, left-to-right patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) shunting is a concern because PDA shunts aortic flow to the pulmonary artery and may interfere with EC in measuring CO. To determine the agreement between EC and Echo in preterm infants with a hemodynamically significant PDA (hsPDA). We reviewed our hemodynamic database in which simultaneous CO measurements by Echo and EC (Aesculon®) were recorded. Preterm infants with left-to-right shunting hsPDA were enrolled. A total of 105 paired measurements in 36 preterm infants were compared. Infants' median (range) age and weight at measurement were 27+2 weeks (24+0-33+1) and 1,015 g (518-1,880), with mean (95% CI) ductal diameter 2.11 mm (1.99-2.22) or 2.15 mm/kg (2.00-2.30). Mean COEC and COEcho were 252 ± 32 and 258 ± 45 mL/kg/min, respectively, which demonstrated a moderate correlation and without a significant between-measurement difference. Bland-Altman analysis showed a bias, limits of agreement, and error percentage of -5.3 mL/kg/min, -78.3 to 67.7 mL/kg/min, and 28.6%, respectively. There was a trend of increased bias and error percentage of infants with high CO ≥280 mL/kg/min and supported with high-frequency ventilator. EC and Echo have a wide but clinically acceptable agreement in measuring CO in preterm infants with hsPDA. However, for infants with high CO or ventilated by high-frequency ventilation, interpretation of COEC should be approached with caution. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  13. Clinical Characteristics of Adult Dogs More Than 5 Years of Age at Presentation for Patent Ductus Arteriosus. (United States)

    Boutet, B G; Saunders, A B; Gordon, S G


    The median age at presentation for dogs with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is closure is associated with a decrease in heart size and increased survival time, which are not well described in older dogs. To describe the clinical characteristics of dogs with PDA ≥5 years of age at the time of presentation to a veterinary referral hospital. 35 client-owned dogs. Retrospective case series. PDA was diagnosed at a median age of 7.4 years (range, 5.1-12.3 years). Females represented 23/35 (65.7%) of the patients. Concurrent heart disease included degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD; 13), arrhythmias (11), pulmonary hypertension (7), and other congenital defects (2). Cardiomegaly was documented in the majority of dogs consisting of left ventricular enlargement (91%) and left atrial enlargement (86%). Median vertebral heart size in 24 dogs was 12.9 (range, 10.7-18.2). The PDA shunt direction was left-to-right in 33 and bidirectional in 2 dogs. Closure was performed in 26 dogs, including 4 with pulmonary hypertension. In 10 dogs receiving furosemide pre-operatively for management of heart failure, furosemide was discontinued (8) or the dosage decreased (2) at the time of discharge. Adult dogs can present with a left-to-right shunting PDA that results in cardiomegaly and clinical signs that can improve or resolve with PDA closure. This improvement is also apparent in dogs with PDA complicated by DMVD. Pulmonary hypertension that does not result in complete right-to-left shunting should not be considered a contraindication to closure. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  14. Morphologic characterization of the patent ductus arteriosus in the premature infant and the choice of transcatheter occlusion device. (United States)

    Philip, Ranjit; Waller, B Rush; Agrawal, Vijaykumar; Wright, Dena; Arevalo, Alejandro; Zurakowski, David; Sathanandam, Shyam


    The aim of this study was to describe and differentiate the morphology of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) seen in children born prematurely from other PDA types. PDAs are currently classified as types A-E using the Krichenko's classification. Children born prematurely with a PDA morphology that did not fit this classification were described as Type F PDA. A review of 100 consecutive children who underwent transcatheter device closure of PDA was performed. The diameter and length (L) of the PDA and the device diameter (D) were indexed to the descending aorta (DA) diameter. Comparison of 26 Type F PDAs was performed against, 29 Type A, 7 Type C and 32 Type E PDAs. Children with Type F PDAs (median 27.5 weeks gestation) were younger during the device occlusion compared with types A, C, and E (median age: 6 vs. 32, 11, and 42 months; P = 0.002). Type F PDAs were longer and larger, requiring a relatively large device for occlusion than types A, C, and E (Mean L/DA: 1.88 vs. 0.9, 1.21, and 0.89, P ≤ 0.01 and Mean D/DA: 1.04 vs. 0.46, 0.87, and 0.34, P ≤0.01). The Amplatzer vascular plug-II (AVP-II) was preferred for occlusion of Type F PDAs (85%; P <0.001). Children born prematurely have relatively larger and longer PDAs. These "fetal type PDAs" are best classified separately. We propose to classify them as Type F PDAs to add to types A-E currently in use. The AVP-II was effective in occluding Type F PDAs. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Predictors of respiratory instability in neonates undergoing patient ductus arteriosus ligation after the introduction of targeted milrinone treatment. (United States)

    Ting, Joseph Y; Resende, Maura; More, Kiran; Nicholls, Donna; Weisz, Dany E; El-Khuffash, Afif; Jain, Amish; McNamara, Patrick J


    The postoperative course of preterm babies undergoing surgical closure of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is often complicated by postligation cardiac syndrome (PLCS). Despite targeted milrinone prophylaxis, some infants continue to experience postoperative respiratory deterioration. Our objective is to describe the immediate postoperative course and identify risk factors for respiratory instability when preterm infants undergoing PDA ligation are managed with targeted milrinone treatment. A retrospective review of a cohort of infants undergoing PDA ligation between January, 2010 and August, 2013 was conducted. All infants had a targeted neonatal echocardiogram performed 1 hour after surgery. Infants received prophylactic milrinone treatment if the left ventricular output was <200 mL/kg/min. The primary outcome measure was the development of respiratory instability within 24 hours of surgery. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify predictors of respiratory instability. Eighty-six infants with a median gestational age of 25 weeks (interquartile range [IQR], 24-26) and a birth weight of 740 g (IQR, 640-853) were included in this study. Forty-nine (57.0%) received milrinone prophylaxis. There were 44 (51.2%) infants who developed oxygenation or ventilation failure, and 7 (8.1%) neonates developed PLCS. Infants with longer isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT ≥30 milliseconds) were more likely to develop either oxygenation or ventilation failure. Although the incidence of PLCS has declined after the introduction of targeted milrinone prophylaxis, many preterm infants continue to develop respiratory instability after surgical ligation. In this population, diastolic dysfunction manifested by prolonged IVRT could be associated with an adverse postoperative respiratory course. Copyright © 2016 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Application of Cardio-O-Fix occluders for transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus and interatrial communications: Preliminary experience. (United States)

    Białkowski, Jacek; Szkutnik, Małgorzata; Fiszer, Roland; Głowacki, Jan; Banaszak, Paweł; Zembala, Marian


    Transcatheter treatment has become the method of choice for treating many heart defects. Recently, Cardio-O-Fix occluder (COF) - a new, self-expandable nitinol wire-mesh device very similar to the Amplatzer device - has been introduced into clinical practice. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first publication related to its application. Five patients aged from six months to 69 years were included in the study: two with atrial septal defect (ASD), one with patent foramen ovale (PFO) after cryptogenic stroke, and two with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). These latter two comprised one six month old infant with co-existent hypertrophied cardiomyopathy, and a 53 year-old woman with recanalized PDA after previous ligation. All were treated percutaneously with COF. There was no preliminary patient selection. The only limitation was the size of the devices in our possession (16 and 22 mm ASD COF, 25 PFO COF, 4/6 and 6/8 PDA COF). The implantation technique was the same as previously described for Amplatzer occluders. All procedures were finished successfully with complete closure of the shunt. No complications were observed during a six month follow-up. In the child with PDA, we observed decrease of gradient from 80 to 60 mm Hg in hypertrophied left ventricular outflow tract, although a small protrusion of PDA-COF device was noted in the descending aorta (8 mm Hg gradient in ECHO). In the patient with recanalized PDA, the procedure was performed after arterio-venous loop creation. Mean fluoroscopy time was 4.4 (range from 1.6 to 11) minutes. Our preliminary experience indicates that the application of Cardio-O-Fix devices is safe and effective.

  17. Ecocardiografia transesofágica e diagnóstico intraoperatório de veia cava superior esquerda persistente Ecocardiografía transesofágica y diagnóstico intraoperatorio de vena cava superior izquierda persistente Transesophageal echocardiography and intraoperative diagnosis of persistent left superior vena cava

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    Alexander Alves da Silva


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A persistência da veia cava superior esquerda ocorre isoladamente em 0,5% da população normal, porém nos pacientes com cardiopatia congênita chega a estar presente em 3% a 10% dos casos. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar um caso de diagnóstico intraoperatório com o auxílio da ecocardiografia transesofágica e ressaltar a importância da sua utilização rotineira em intervenções cirúrgicas para correção de cardiopatia congênita. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 16 anos, ASA II, com diagnóstico prévio de comunicação interatrial (CIA tipo seio venoso superior com drenagem anômala parcial de veias pulmonares em programação para correção cirúrgica da cardiopatia. Após indução da anestesia geral foi realizado ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE. O exame inicial mostrou dilatação das câmaras cardíacas direitas, CIA tipo seio venoso superior de 17 milímetros, drenagem anômala da veia pulmonar superior direita desembocando na veia cava superior (VCS direita e dilatação do seio coronário, o que aventou a possibilidade da persistência da veia cava superior esquerda. Para a confirmação da suspeita foram injetados no acesso venoso do braço esquerdo 10 mL de solução fisiológica a 0,9% (faz o papel de "contraste" no exame ecocardiográfico e imediatamente após foram visualizadas as microbolhas passando pelo seio coronário, teste positivo para o diagnóstico de VCS superior esquerda persistente. CONCLUSÕES: A ecocardiografia transesofágica rotineira no intraoperatório de pacientes com cardiopatia congênita tem fundamental importância como método auxiliar não só ao cirurgião, muitas vezes influenciando diretamente na técnica cirúrgica empregada, como também para o anestesiologista, que pode extrair do exame uma série de informações úteis no manuseio hemodinâmico do paciente.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda ocurre

  18. Nueve casos del sindrome HELLP (hemolisis, enzimas hepaticas Elevadas y plaquetopenia

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    M. F. Capellino


    Full Text Available El síndrome HELLP (hemólisis, enzimas hepáticas elevadas y plaquetopenia descripto por Weinstein en 1982, se asocia a alta morbi-mortalidad materna y perinatal. Se evaluaron retrospectivamente las pacientes que presentaron síndrome HELLP entre marzo 1998 y marzo 2001 en el Hospital Privado de Córdoba. Se identificaron nueve pacientes con Síndrome HELLP (incidencia 2.3‰. La edad media de las pacientes fue 24.5 años (15-36 con una edad gestacional media de 34.5 semanas (29-40. Cinco pacientes fueron nulíparas. El síntoma principal fue epigastralgia (77.7%. El parto fue por cesárea en siete pacientes y tres tuvieron síndrome HELLP post-parto. Tres pacientes presentaron hipertensión de difícil manejo, una eclampsia y otra coagulación intravascular diseminada, insuficiencia renal aguda y muerte. Tres requirieron transfusión de derivados sanguíneos y el promedio de internación fue 4.4 días. Seis (75% neonatos fueron pretérmino. El peso medio de nacimiento fue 2030 gramos (736-3200. Cuatro recién nacidos tuvieron un score de Apgar menor de 7 al minuto y todos mayor de 7 a los cinco minutos. Tres neonatos presentaron trastornos alimentarios, uno hipoglucemia y otro enfermedad de membrana hialina, ductus arterioso permeable, sepsis y plaquetopenia. Debido a la morbi-mortalidad materna y perinatal el síndrome HELLP requiere atención en un centro de alta complejidad mediante un equipo multidisciplinario.HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes and Low Platelets was described by Weinstein in 1982. It has a high maternal and perinatal morbi-mortality rate. We undertook this study to evaluate perinatal outcome in patients with HELLP syndrome. Patients with HELLP syndrome were identified in a retrospective study between March 1998 and March 2001 at the Hospital Privado de Córdoba. Maternal and neonatal variables were analized. Nine patients with HELLP syndrome were identified (incidence 2.3‰. Mean maternal age was 24.5 (15

  19. Transcatheter closure of post-operative residual ventricular septal defect using a patent ductus arteriosus closure device in an adult: a case report. (United States)

    Djer, Mulyadi M; Idris, Nikmah S; Alwi, Idrus; Wijaya, Ika P


    Transcatheter closure of perimembranous and muscular ventricular septal defect (VSD) has been performed widely and it has more advantages compare to surgery. However, transcatheter closure of residual VSD post operation of complex congenital heart disease is still challenging because of the complexity of anatomy and concern about device stability, so the operator should meticulously choose the most appropriate technique and device. We would like to report a case of transcatheter closure of residual VSD post Rastelli operation in a patient with double outlet right ventricle (DORV), sub-aortic VSD, severe infundibulum pulmonary stenosis (PS) and single coronary artery. The patient had undergone operations for four times, but he still had intractable heart failure that did not response to medications. On the first attempt. we closed the VSD using a VSD occluder, unfortunately the device embolized into the descending aorta, but fortunately we was able to snare it out. Then we decided to close the VSD using a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA occluder). On transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and angiography evaluation, the device position was stable. Post transcatheter VSD closure, the patient clinical condition improved significantly and he could finally be discharged after a long post-surgery hospitalization. Based on this experience we concluded that the transcatheter closure of residual VSD in complex CHD using PDA occluder could be an effective alternative treatment.

  20. Department of Clinical Investigation, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington. Annual Research Progress Report, Fiscal Year 1993 (United States)


    107 Cambier PA 0 Transcatheter Closure of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus Using a 108 #93/074 Retrievabler Coil Occlusion System in the Newborn Lamb Model...92 Protocol No.: 93/074 Status: On-going Title: Transcatheter Closure of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus Using a Retrievabler Coil Occlusion System in the...Surfactant 194 #92/086 Webb SB C Incidence of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Infants 195 #93/094 Receiving Exogenous Surfactant Therapy Young

  1. La persistente soberanía


    De Vergottini, Giuseppe


    Se analiza en el trabajo el concepto de la soberanía para valorar si continúa siendo un concepto útil para definir la naturaleza del Estado, en la medida en que resulta evidente su inevitable integración en organizaciones intergubernamentales consid

  2. Utility of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide for assessing hemodynamic significance of patent ductus arteriosus in dogs undergoing ductal repair. (United States)

    Hariu, Crystal D; Saunders, Ashley B; Gordon, Sonya G; Norby, Bo; Miller, Matthew W


    Determine if plasma N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) correlates with markers of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in dogs. Ten dogs with PDA and 30 healthy dogs of similar ages. Prospective case series with control population. Dogs with PDA were initially evaluated with thoracic radiographs, transthoracic echocardiography, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) and NT-proBNP. Following ductal occlusion, NT-proBNP and echocardiography were repeated within 24 h and at day 90. PCWP was repeated at day 90. Correlation between NT-proBNP and hemodynamic measurements was assessed, and accuracy of NT-proBNP for identifying PDA severity was estimated. NT-proBNP was significantly higher (median; absolute range) in dogs with PDA (895; 490-7118 pmol/L) than controls (663; 50-1318 pmol/L) (p = 0.025). NT-proBNP decreased significantly 90 days post-ductal closure (597; 154-1858 pmol/L) (p = 0.013). Left atrial and ventricular size decreased significantly within 24 h and at day 90 as did PCWP (day 90 only). NT-proBNP correlated with vertebral heart size (VHS) and indexed left ventricular systolic diameter (iLVIDs); concentrations ≥ 1224 pmol/L distinguished dogs with elevated VHS and iLVIDs. NT-proBNP is elevated in dogs with PDA, decreases following PDA closure and correlates with select radiographic and echocardiographic markers of cardiac remodeling. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Medical Research Publications: A Bibliography of Walter Reed Army Medical Center Staff, 1986-1992. Volume 2 (United States)


    Dermatology. REVIEW ARTICLE: 12 REFS. 94. Cambier PA, Kirby WC, Wortham DC, Moore JW. Percutaneous closure of the small (ɚ.5mm) patent ductus arteriosus ...of the small (ɚ.5mm) patent ductus arteriosus using coil embolization. Am J Cardiol 1992 Mar;69(8):815-6. Medicine. Cardiology. 279. Cammarata FA...patency of the ductus arteriosus in newborn lambs. Cardiovasc Intervent Radio! 1991 Sep; 14(5):299-301. Medicine. Carc’iology. 1141. Moore JW, Kirby

  4. Effects of therapeutic approach on the neonatal evolution of very low birth weight infants with patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Sadeck, Lilian S R; Leone, Cléa R; Procianoy, Renato S; Guinsburg, Ruth; Marba, Sergio T M; Martinez, Francisco E; Rugolo, Ligia M S S; Moreira, M Elisabeth L; Fiori, Renato M; Ferrari, Ligia L; Menezes, Jucille A; Venzon, Paulyne S; Abdallah, Vânia Q S; Duarte, José Luiz M B; Nunes, Marynea V; Anchieta, Leni M; Alves Filho, Navantino


    To analyze the effects of treatment approach on the outcomes of newborns (birth weight [BW] patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), from the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network (BNRN) on: death, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH III/IV), retinopathy of prematurity requiring surgical (ROPsur), necrotizing enterocolitis requiring surgery (NECsur), and death/BPD. This was a multicentric, cohort study, retrospective data collection, including newborns (BW gender, Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE II), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), late sepsis (LS), mechanical ventilation (MV), surfactant (< 2 h of life), and time of MV. death, O2 dependence at 36 weeks (BPD36wks), IVH III/IV, ROPsur, NECsur, and death/BPD36wks. Student's t-test, chi-squared test, or Fisher's exact test; Odds ratio (95% CI); logistic binary regression and backward stepwise multiple regression. Software: MedCalc (Medical Calculator) software, version p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. 1,097 newborns were selected and 494 newborns were included: G1 - 187 (37.8%), G2 - 205 (41.5%), and G3 - 102 (20.6%). The highest mortality was observed in G1 (51.3%) and the lowest in G3 (14.7%). The highest frequencies of BPD36wks (70.6%) and ROPsur were observed in G3 (23.5%). The lowest occurrence of death/BPD36wks occurred in G2 (58.0%). Pharmacological (OR 0.29; 95% CI: 0.14-0.62) and conservative (OR 0.34; 95% CI: 0.14-0.79) treatments were protective for the outcome death/BPD36wks. The conservative approach of PDA was associated to high mortality, the surgical approach to the occurrence of BPD36wks and ROPsur, and the pharmacological treatment was protective for the outcome death/BPD36wks. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  5. Comparison of long-term clinical outcome between transcatheter Amplatzer occlusion and surgical closure of isolated patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Chen, Zhao-yang; Wu, Li-ming; Luo, Yu-kun; Lin, Chao-gui; Peng, Ya-fei; Zhen, Xing-chun; Chen, Liang-long


    Transcatheter Amplatzer occlusion of patent ductus artertiosus (PDA) has emerged as a minimally invasive alternative to surgical closure. The goal of this study was to compare long-term clinical outcomes between two procedures, especially on chronic residual shunt, late or very late procedure-related complications, and regression of pulmonary hypertension and left ventricular dilation. A total 255 patients having isolated PDA with a minimal diameter of >or= 4 mm treated from January 2000 to July 2003 were included in this study and have been followed up until July 2008. The patients were assigned to either the device or surgical closure group according to the patients' and/or their parents' preference. Baseline physical exams, chest roentgenography, electrocardiography, and echocardiography were performed preprocedure and at each follow-up. Seventy-two patients accepted the transcatheter procedure (Group-TC) and 183 underwent surgical operation (Group-SO) for PDA closure, both groups were similar in their demographics and preoperative clinical characteristics. There were no cardiac deaths and late complications such as infectious endocarditis and Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) dislodge in either group. More acute procedure-related complications were recorded in Group-SO (13.7%) compared with Group-TC (1.4%) (P = 0.004). The recovery time was (8.7 +/- 2.3) days for the Group-SO and (1.3 +/- 0.5) days for the Group-TC (P ventricular dilation; neither survival freedom from pulmonary hypertension nor abnormal left ventricular end-diastolic volume index were significantly different between the surgical group and the Amplatzer group. Our study confirmed the long-term safety and efficacy of transcatheter Amplatzer occlusion. In comparison to the time-proven surgical closure, transcatheter Amplatzer occlusion was less invasive and associated with fewer complications and residual shunt, and as effective in the regression of pulmonary hypertension and left ventricular

  6. Paracetamol (acetaminophen) for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm or low birth weight infants. (United States)

    Ohlsson, Arne; Shah, Prakeshkumar S


    In preterm newborns, the ductus arteriosus frequently fails to close and the infants require medical or surgical closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). A PDA can be treated surgically; or medically with one of two prostaglandin inhibitors, indomethacin or ibuprofen. Case reports suggest that paracetamol may be an alternative for the closure of a PDA. An association between prenatal or postnatal exposure to paracetamol and later development of autism or autism spectrum disorder has been reported. To determine the effectiveness and safety of intravenous or oral paracetamol compared with placebo or no intervention, intravenous indomethacin, intravenous or oral ibuprofen, or with other cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors for treatment of an echocardiographically diagnosed PDA in preterm or low birth weight infants. We used the standard search strategy of Cochrane Neonatal to search the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL 2017, Issue 10), MEDLINE via PubMed (1966 to 6 November 2017), Embase (1980 to 6 November 2017), and CINAHL (1982 to 6 November 2017). We searched clinical trial databases, conference proceedings, and the reference lists of retrieved articles for randomised controlled trials (RCT) and quasi-randomised trials. We included RCTs in which paracetamol was compared to no intervention, placebo or other agents used for closure of PDA irrespective of dose, duration and mode of administration in preterm (≤ 34 weeks' postmenstrual age) infants. We both reviewed the search results and made a final selection of potentially eligible articles by discussion. We included studies of both prophylactic and therapeutic use of paracetamol. We performed data collection and analyses in accordance with the methods of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group. We used the GRADE approach to assess the quality of evidence for the following outcomes when data were available: failure of ductal closure after the first course of treatment; neurodevelopmental impairment

  7. The management of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    parallel, where both ventricles essentially eject blood into the aorta and use the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus to bypass the pulmonary .... Chronic fetal hypoxia. Fetal anaemia. Premature closure of ductus arteriosus. Asphyxia.

  8. Retrospective comparison of surgical ligation and transarterial catheter occlusion for treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in two hundred and four dogs (1993-2003). (United States)

    Goodrich, Kimberly R; Kyles, Andrew E; Kass, Phillip H; Campbell, Fiona


    To compare procedure time, complications, mortality, and short-term outcome in dogs with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) treated by surgical ligation (SL) or transarterial coil occlusion (TCO). Retrospective study. Dogs with PDA (n=204). Medical records of dogs treated for PDA were reviewed. Dogs treated by SL when it was the primary method used for PDA treatment (1993-1998) were compared with dogs treated by TCO when it was the primary method used for PDA treatment (1999-2003). Dogs treated during the transition between techniques, dogs treated with SL (1999-2003) and dogs treated with TCO before 1999, as well as dogs with pulmonary hypertension, or bidirectional or reversed (right-to-left) flow through the PDA were excluded from analysis. Age, weight, gender distribution, and procedure times (P=.43) were similar for both groups. Major complications were more common with SL (12% versus 4.3%; P=.035) whereas minor complications were more common with TCO (12% versus 26%; P=.015). Initial success rate was higher for SL (94%) compared with TCO (84%; P=.027). There was no significant difference in mortality between SL (5.6%) and TCO (2.6%; P=.27). Both SL and TCO are acceptable PDA treatments with comparable mortality; however, SL was associated with a higher risk of major complications and TCO was associated with a lower initial success rate.

  9. Results of the combined U.S. Multicenter Pivotal Study and the Continuing Access Study of the Nit-Occlud PDA device for percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Moore, John W; Greene, Jessica; Palomares, Salvadore; Javois, Alexander; Owada, Carl Y; Cheatham, John P; Hoyer, Mark H; Jones, Thomas K; Levi, Daniel S


    This study aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of the Nit-Occlud PDA device (PFM Medical, Cologne, Germany) to benchmarks designed as objective performance criteria (OPC). The Nit-Occlud PDA is a nitinol coil-type patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occluder with a reverse cone configuration, which is implanted using a controlled delivery system. Patients with closure (clinical and echocardiographic), and safety criteria incidence of adverse events (serious and of total). The Pivotal Study enrolled patients between November 1, 2002 and October 31, 2005, and the Continuing Access Study enrolled additional patients between September 1, 2006 and October 31, 2007. A total of 357 patients were enrolled, and 347 had successful device implantations. After 12 months, 96.8% had complete echocardiographic closure (OPC = 85%) and 98.1% had clinical closure (OPC = 95%). There were no deaths or serious adverse events (OPC = 1%). The total adverse event rate was 4.7% (OPC = 6%). Composite success was 95.1% in the study patients (OPC = 80%). Closure of small- and medium-sized PDA with the Nit-Occlud PDA is effective and safe when compared with OPC. Copyright © 2014 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Síndrome toracoabdominal. Presentación de un caso Thoracoabdominal síndrome. A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Piloña Ruíz


    Full Text Available Se trata un caso de un recién nacido de la raza blanca, primogénito, nacido a las 39 semanas de gestación en parto eutócico, que ingresó en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales por un defecto óseo y músculo aponeurótico, cubierto por piel desde el tercio medio distal del esternón que se extendía hasta el ombligo, siendo portador de una Ectopia Cordis Toracoabdominal, un Onfalocele minor y una persistencia del conducto arterioso sin repercusión hemodinámica, que evolucionó de forma favorable, colocándosele material sintético en el tórax (gorotex como medio de protección. Fue egresado a los 16 días y reingresado a los 2 meses para la reparación del Onfalocele, falleciendo en un cuadro de fallo multiorgánico por sepsis. El fenotipo constatado en el propósitus se consideró compatible con el Síndrome Toracoabdominal, de patrón de herencia dominante ligada al X (MIM: 313850, reportado por Carmi et al en 1990, constituyendo el segundo caso esporádico reconocido en Pinar del Río (Cuba en dos familias no relacionadas.A Caucasian male newborn, first born, delivered at 39 weeks of pregnancy in an eutocic labor was admitted at the Intensive Neonatal Care Unit, presenting an osseous defect and aponeurotic muscle covered by skin of the distal median third of the sternum extended to the navel. He was a carrier of a Thoracoabdominal Ectopia Cordis, a minor Omphalocele and a Patent Ductus Arteriosus without hemodynamic repercussion evolving favorably with the placement of a synthetic material in the thorax (Gorotex as a protection. The patient was discharged from the hospital at 16 days old and readmitted at 2 months old to restore the Omphalocele, dying of multiple organ failure due to sepsis. The phenotype observed on the propositus was compatible with the Thoracoabdominal Syndrome, which has a dominant trait pattern linked to X -chromosome (MIM: 313850 reported by carmi et al. In 1990. This was the second sporadic case

  11. Afican Health Sciences Vol 11 No 1.pmd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) can present for the first time in pregnancy. Moderate to large PDA result in significant volume overload, left ventricular dilation and dysfunction. In the woman ... closure of the ductus from vasoconstriction occurs.

  12. Closure of patent ductus arteriosus in children, small infants, and premature babies with Amplatzer duct occluder II additional sizes: multicenter study. (United States)

    Sungur, Metin; Karakurt, Cemsit; Ozbarlas, Nazan; Baspinar, Osman


    To evaluate safety and efficacy of closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with Amplatzer duct occluder II Additional Sizes (ADO II AS) and to report early and midterm results of the device in children and very young symptomatic infants. Retrospective analysis of angiographic data of 60 children from four pediatric cardiology centers. The median patient age and weight were 6.5 (0.5-168) months and 6.8 (1.19-57) kg, respectively. In the study, 26 children had a body weight of ≤ 6 kg. Of these 26 children, 9 had a body weight of ≤ 3 kg. The median narrowest diameter of PDA was 2 (1.2-4) mm. Ductal anatomy was Type A in 29, Type B in 2, Type C in 11, Type D in 1, and Type E in 16 patients, and a residual PDA after surgery in 1 patient. Closure with ADO II AS was achieved in 58 (96.6%) of 60 attempted cases. In two infants, the device was not released because of significant residual shunt. ADO II was used in one, and the other was sent to surgery. Complete closure was observed in all ADO II AS deployed children by the next day on echocardiography. Median follow-up was 12 (1-18) months. Neither death nor any major complications occurred. Our study shows that closure of medium and small sized PDA by using ADO II AS device is effective and safe in children. The use of the device will expand the field of application of PDA closure in small infants. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Transcatheter closure of large patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension: Short and intermediate term results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhalgat, Parag S; Pinto, Robin; Dalvi, Bharat V


    To assess the efficacy and safety of transcatheter closure (TCC) of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PHT). TCC of small and moderate-sized PDAs is well established. However, there is a paucity of data on TCC of large PDA with severe PHT. This is a retrospective observational study of 76 patients with large PDA and severe PHT who were referred for TCC. Multiple clinical and investigational parameters were evaluated to decide the reversibility of PHT. Following the TCC, patients were serially followed up to assess the efficacy and safety of closure and its impact on PHT. Of 76 patients, nine were found to have PDA with Eisenmenger's syndrome. Of remaining 67, two were thought to have irreversible PHT based on hemodynamic data obtained after balloon occlusion of the duct. Sixty five patients, who eventually underwent TCC of PDA, had a median age of 9.1 years (range 1 month to 40 years). The weight ranged between 2.5 to 62 kg (median 14 kg). The PDA size was 9.1 ± 4.6 mm. The mean systolic pulmonary artery pressure was 66.9 ± 15.3 mm Hg. Duct occluder was used in 63 and muscular ventricular septal defect closure device in 2. The follow up was available in 56 (86%) with a mean follow up period of 65 ± 34 months. All the patients had complete closure of the PDA at 6 months follow up. Mild obstruction of left pulmonary artery (n=3) and aortic isthmus flow (n=6) was noted at the time of discharge. During the follow up, partial or complete resolution of PHT was observed in all the patients in whom Doppler-derived right ventricular systolic pressure was recorded (available in 40 of 56 patients). TCC of large PDA with severe PHT and significant left to right shunt was found to be effective and safe in the short and intermediate term

  14. Transcatheter closure of large patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension: Short and intermediate term results. (United States)

    Bhalgat, Parag S; Pinto, Robin; Dalvi, Bharat V


    To assess the efficacy and safety of transcatheter closure (TCC) of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PHT). TCC of small and moderate-sized PDAs is well established. However, there is a paucity of data on TCC of large PDA with severe PHT. This is a retrospective observational study of 76 patients with large PDA and severe PHT who were referred for TCC. Multiple clinical and investigational parameters were evaluated to decide the reversibility of PHT. Following the TCC, patients were serially followed up to assess the efficacy and safety of closure and its impact on PHT. Of 76 patients, nine were found to have PDA with Eisenmenger's syndrome. Of remaining 67, two were thought to have irreversible PHT based on hemodynamic data obtained after balloon occlusion of the duct. Sixty five patients, who eventually underwent TCC of PDA, had a median age of 9.1 years (range 1 month to 40 years). The weight ranged between 2.5 to 62 kg (median 14 kg). The PDA size was 9.1 ± 4.6 mm. The mean systolic pulmonary artery pressure was 66.9 ± 15.3 mm Hg. Duct occluder was used in 63 and muscular ventricular septal defect closure device in 2. The follow up was available in 56 (86%) with a mean follow up period of 65 ± 34 months. All the patients had complete closure of the PDA at 6 months follow up. Mild obstruction of left pulmonary artery (n=3) and aortic isthmus flow (n=6) was noted at the time of discharge. During the follow up, partial or complete resolution of PHT was observed in all the patients in whom Doppler-derived right ventricular systolic pressure was recorded (available in 40 of 56 patients). TCC of large PDA with severe PHT and significant left to right shunt was found to be effective and safe in the short and intermediate term.

  15. Transcatheter closure of large patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension: Short and intermediate term results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhalgat, Parag S [Department of Cardiology, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra (India); Pinto, Robin; Dalvi, Bharat V, E-mail: [Glenmark Cardiac Center, 10 Nandadeep, 209 Dr. Ambedkar Road, Matunga (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)


    To assess the efficacy and safety of transcatheter closure (TCC) of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PHT). TCC of small and moderate-sized PDAs is well established. However, there is a paucity of data on TCC of large PDA with severe PHT. This is a retrospective observational study of 76 patients with large PDA and severe PHT who were referred for TCC. Multiple clinical and investigational parameters were evaluated to decide the reversibility of PHT. Following the TCC, patients were serially followed up to assess the efficacy and safety of closure and its impact on PHT. Of 76 patients, nine were found to have PDA with Eisenmenger's syndrome. Of remaining 67, two were thought to have irreversible PHT based on hemodynamic data obtained after balloon occlusion of the duct. Sixty five patients, who eventually underwent TCC of PDA, had a median age of 9.1 years (range 1 month to 40 years). The weight ranged between 2.5 to 62 kg (median 14 kg). The PDA size was 9.1 ± 4.6 mm. The mean systolic pulmonary artery pressure was 66.9 ± 15.3 mm Hg. Duct occluder was used in 63 and muscular ventricular septal defect closure device in 2. The follow up was available in 56 (86%) with a mean follow up period of 65 ± 34 months. All the patients had complete closure of the PDA at 6 months follow up. Mild obstruction of left pulmonary artery (n=3) and aortic isthmus flow (n=6) was noted at the time of discharge. During the follow up, partial or complete resolution of PHT was observed in all the patients in whom Doppler-derived right ventricular systolic pressure was recorded (available in 40 of 56 patients). TCC of large PDA with severe PHT and significant left to right shunt was found to be effective and safe in the short and intermediate term.

  16. Neonatal Ebstein's Anomaly: Surgical Decision Making

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    of the right ventricle between the tricuspid annulus and the attachment of septal and ... ductus arteriosus that was tapering at the pulmonary end. Arterial blood gas .... gradually removed to see the effect of ductus closure. Asymptomatic children ...

  17. The impact of a hyperdynamic left ventricle on right ventricular function measurements in preterm infants with a patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Breatnach, Colm R; Franklin, Orla; James, Adam T; McCallion, Naomi; El-Khuffash, Afif


    Right ventricular (RV) functional assessment in premature infants includes basal longitudinal strain (RV BLS), RV systolic tissue Doppler velocity (RV s'), tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) and RV fractional area change (FAC). A hyperdynamic left ventricle (LV) may influence RV measures of displacement (TAPSE) and velocity (RV s') but not measures of relative change of length (RV BLS) or area (FAC). We aimed to explore this hypothesis in preterm infants with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). We measured LV function (ejection fraction (LV EF); left ventricular output) and RV function (RV BLS; RV s'; TAPSE; FAC) on days 1, 2 and 5-7 in infants function measurements were compared between the groups using two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. 121 infants with a mean (SD) gestation and birth weight of 26.8 (1.4) weeks and 968 (250) g were enrolled. By days 5-7, the PDA remained open in 83 (69%), with evidence of hyperdynamic LV function. There was no difference in RV s' (5.3 (0.9) vs 5.1 (1.0) cm/s, p=0.3) or TAPSE (6.2 (1.3) vs 6.1 (1.2) mm, p=0.7) between infants with and without a PDA, but infants in the PDA group had lower RV FAC (41 (8) vs 47 (10) %, pfunctional parameters must be taken into account when interpreting of RV function using those techniques. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  18. Catheter Closure Through a Venous Approach of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Small Pediatric Patients Using Combined Angiographic and Echocardiographic Guidance. (United States)

    Thanopoulos, Basil Vasilios D; Ninios, Vlassis; Dardas, Petros; Giannopoulos, Andreas; Deleanou, Dan; Iancovici, Silvia


    The standard technique of catheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) may be associated with arterial complications particularly in small pediatric patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether catheter closure of PDA in small children using an exclusive venous approach is a safe and effective alternative to closure with the standard technique. One hundred-twelve patients, aged 2 to 24 months, were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to catheter closure of PDA using the standard technique (group 1) and an exclusive venous approach (group 2), respectively. In group 2, the procedure was guided using hand injections of contrast media through the delivery sheath and 2-dimensional and color Doppler echocardiography. Group 1: the PDA diameter ranged from 2 to 5.5 mm and the device diameter ranged from 4 to 8 mm. The PDA occluders were permanently implanted in all patients. Five losses of the arterial pulses that were restored with intravenous infusion of heparin and recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA), and 4 groin hematomas were the main complications of the procedure. Group 2: the mean PDA diameter ranged from 2.5 to 6 mm and the device diameter ranged from 3 to 8 mm. The PDA occluders were permanently implanted in all but 2 patients. There were no complications. Complete echocardiographic closure of PDA at 1-month follow-up was observed in all 110 patients. Exclusive transvenous PDA occlusion is an effective and safe technique that prevents the arterial complications of the standard approach in small children. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Extremely Premature Newborns: Early Results and Midterm Follow-Up. (United States)

    Zahn, Evan M; Peck, Daniel; Phillips, Alistair; Nevin, Phillip; Basaker, Kaylan; Simmons, Charles; McRae, Marion E; Early, Tracy; Garg, Ruchira


    The goal of this study was to describe early and midterm outcomes of extremely premature newborns (EPNs) who underwent transcatheter echocardiographically guided patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure. Surgical ligation of PDA in EPNs confers significant risk for procedural morbidity and adverse long-term outcomes. The Amplatzer Vascular Plug II was used in all cases. Post-ligation syndrome was defined using previously published parameters. Patients were followed at pre-specified intervals, and prospectively collected data were reviewed. Transcatheter closure was attempted in 24 EPNs (mean procedural age 30 days [range 5 to 80 days], mean procedural weight 1,249 g [range 755 to 2,380 g]) and was successful in 88%. The 3 procedural failures were related to the development of left pulmonary artery (LPA) stenosis caused by the device, and all devices were removed uneventfully. Complications included 2 instances of device malposition, resolved with device repositioning, and 1 instance of LPA stenosis, requiring an LPA stent. There were no procedural deaths, cases of post-ligation syndrome, residual PDA, or device embolization. Survival to discharge was 96% (23 of 24), with a single late death unrelated to the procedure. After a median follow-up period of 11.1 months, all patients were alive and well, with no residual PDA or evidence of LPA or aortic coarctation. This newly described technique can be performed safely with a high success rate and minimal procedural morbidity in EPNs. Early and midterm follow-up is encouraging. Future efforts should be directed toward developing specific devices for this unique application. Copyright © 2016 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Effects of coil closure of patent ductus arteriosus on left anterior descending coronary artery blood flow using transthoracic Doppler echocardiography. (United States)

    Harada, Kenji; Toyono, Manotomo; Tamura, Masamichi


    Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography provides noninvasive measurements of coronary blood flow in the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). This method has the potential to show the effects of acute changes in loading conditions on blood flow. Coil closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a model of acute changes in blood pressure and left ventricular (LV) preload that influences coronary blood flow. We applied this technique to assess the coronary blood flow changes for patients with PDA before and immediately after PDA coil closure. We examined 9 patients (1.8 +/- 1.1 years) with simple PDA and 8 age-matched healthy children. LV dimensions and LV mass were measured. Maximum peak flow velocity and flow volume in the LAD were measured. Pulmonary to systemic flow ratios (Qp/Qs) were obtained by cardiac catheterization. After PDA coil closure, LV end-diastolic dimension decreased, and systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased significantly. The maximum peak flow velocity, LAD flow volume, and the ratio of LAD flow volume to LV mass increased significantly. The changes in maximum peak flow velocity and the ratio of LAD flow volume to LV mass (F/M) correlated positively with the changes in diastolic pressure and Qp/Qs. In 5 patients who had Qp/Qs > 1.5, the mean F/M was significantly lower compared with control subjects, but they increased to normal values after coil closure of PDA. PDA coil closure increases diastolic pressure and decreases Qp/Qs, resulting in improvement of myocardial perfusion. These findings provide new insights into the relationship between cardiac function and coronary circulation in pediatric patients with heart diseases associated with PDA.

  1. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Premature Infants: Pathogenesis, Clinical Picture, Treatment and Prevention (Part 2

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    V.I. Snysar


    Full Text Available The article describes the current views on the pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Special attention is paid to the influence of ductus arteriosus on the occurrence and severity of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, to the mechanisms of the hemodynamic effects of patent ductus arteriosus on blood flow in the anterior cerebral artery, the vessels of the pulmonary circulation, the impact of patent duct on the development of pulmonary edema. Separately, the methods for closure of patent ductus arteriosus were considered. The advantages of pharmacologic ductal closure are noted.

  2. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Premature Infants: Pathogenesis, Clinical Picture, Treatment and Prevention (Part 1

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    V.I. Snysar


    Full Text Available The article describes the current views on the pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Special attention is paid to the influence of ductus arteriosus on the occurrence and severity of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, to the mechanisms of the hemodynamic effects of patent ductus arteriosus on blood flow in the anterior cerebral artery, the vessels of the pulmonary circulation, the impact of patent duct on the development of pulmonary edema. Separately, the methods for closure of patent ductus arteriosus were considered. The advantages of pharmacologic ductal closure are noted.

  3. South African Medical Journal Suid...Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ductus arteriosus, skildkliervergiftiging, bloedarmoede, en by 'n gewas in die ... The 2nd heart-sound is produced by closure of the semilunar valves. The 2nd or ... Thus, it is absent in ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus ...

  4. Coexistência de infeções oportunistas pulmonares num doente com infeção por vírus da imunodeficiência humana e uma forma persistente de pneumonia por Pneumocystis jirovecii: caso clínico

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    D. Ponces Bento


    Full Text Available Resumo: Como é sabido, nos doentes com infeção por vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH existe um alto risco de ocorrência de infeções oportunistas (IO, tais como as infeções por Pneumocystis jirovecii, um agente patogénico com distribuição mundial, que provoca pneumonia intersticial (PPc. Apresentamos um caso de um doente recém-diagnosticado com infeção por VIH-1 e múltiplas IO pulmonares, incluindo uma forma persistente de PPc, aspergilose invasiva (AI, e infeções por citomegalovírus e por Mycobacterium xenopi. Descrevemos a combinação de fatores cruciais para a recuperação do doente, que incluíram a obtenção de dados laboratoriais, intervenção cirúrgica e múltipla terapêutica antimicrobiana. Abstract: It is well established that HIV patients are at high risk of opportunistic infections (OI, like the ones caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii, a worldwide pathogen implicated in interstitial pneumonia (PcP. We present a case of a newly diagnosed HIV-1 patient with multiple OI, including a persistent form of PcP, an invasive aspergillosis (IA, cytomegalovirus and Mycobacterium xenopi lung infection. We describe the combination of laboratorial screening, surgery and antimicrobial therapy that were crucial for patient recovery. Palavras-chave: Vírus da imunodeficiência humana, Pneumonia por Pneumocystis jirovecii, Infeções oportunistas, Keywords: Human immunodeficiency virus, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, Opportunistic lung infections

  5. Defeitos congênitos em bovinos da Região Central do Rio Grande do Sul

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    J.T.S.A. Macêdo


    Full Text Available Foram revisados casos de defeitos congênitos (DCs diagnosticados em bovinos no Laboratório de Patologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria em 1964-2010. Durante o período estudado, foram examinados materiais provenientes da necropsia de 7.132 bovinos e foram encontrados 31 bezerros (0,4% com DCs, os quais foram classificados em 34 tipos e alocados nos sistemas orgânicos primariamente afetados. Os DCs ocorriam isoladamente (19 [61,3%] ou afetavam múltiplos sítios anatômicos (15 [28,7%] com frequência semelhante em ambos os sexos. Como vários terneiros mostraram múltiplos DCs, um total de 53 DCs foi computado. Dos 53 DCs diagnosticados, 15 (28,3% afetavam o sistema nervoso central (craniósquise [4], abiotrofia cerebelar [2], degeneração esponjosa [2], hidrocefalia [2], meningocele [2], espinha bífida [1], hipoplasia cerebelar [1] e hipomielinogênese [1]; nove (17,0% afetavam o sistema urogenital (agenesia testicular [1], agenesia vaginal [1], hipoplasia peniana [1], formação de cloaca [1], freemartinismo [1], hamartoma vascular de ovário [1], hipoplasia renal [1], cistos renais [1] e úraco persistente [1]; oito DCs (15,1% eram primários do sistema musculoesquelético (artrogripose [4], escoliose [1], plagiocefalia, [1] schistosomus reflexus [1] e diprosopia [1]; e outros oito (15,1% foram alocados no sistema digestivo (palatosquise [3], atresia anal [1], atresia anorretal [1], atresia - anocolônica [1], fístula reto-vaginal [1] e fístula reto-uretral [1]; em cinco ocasiões (9,4% o DC afetava o sistema cardiovascular (persistência do ducto arterioso [2], persistência do forame oval [2] e defeito do septo ventricular [1]; quatro (7,5% afetavam o sistema linfático e consistiam de hipoplasia ou aplasia de vasos linfáticos e linfonodos associadas a linfedema. Dois casos (3,4%, de hipotricose foram observados afetando o integumento; um caso (1,9% de estenose traqueal foi encontrado no sistema respiratório e um caso (1

  6. Comparison of Oral Ibuprofen and Intravenous Indomethacin for the Treatment of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants

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    Eun Mi Yang


    Full Text Available Objective: There are few published reports concerning the efficacy of oral ibuprofen for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA in extremely low birth weight (ELBW infants. Oral ibuprofen was compared to intravenous indomethacin regarding efficacy and safety in the treatment of PDA in infants weighting less than 1,000 g at birth. Method: This was a retrospective study in a single center. Data on ELBW infants who had an echocardiographically confirmed PDA were collected. The infants were treated with either intravenous indomethacin or oral ibuprofen. Rate of ductal closure, need for additional treatment, drug-related side effects or complications, and mortality were compared between the two treatment groups. Result: 26 infants who received indomethacin and 22 infants who received ibuprofen were studied. The overall rate of ductal closure was similar between the two treatments: it occurred in 23 of 26 infants (88.5% treated with indomethacin, and in 18 of 22 infants (81.8% treated with ibuprofen (p = 0.40. The rate of surgical ligation (11.5% versus 18.2%; p = 0.40 did not differ significantly between the two treatment groups. No significant difference was found in post-treatment serum creatinine concentrations between the two groups. There were no significant differences regarding additional side effects or complications. Conclusion: In ELBW infants, oral ibuprofen is as efficacious as intravenous indomethacin for the treatment of PDA. There were no differences between the two drugs with respect to safety. Oral ibuprofen could be used as an alternative agent for the treatment of PDA in ELBW infants. Resumo: Objetivo: Existem poucos relatórios publicados com relação à eficácia do ibuprofeno via oral no tratamento da persistência do canal arterial (PCA em neonatos com extremo baixo peso ao nascer (EBPN. Comparamos o ibuprofeno via oral à indometacina intrave- nosa no que diz respeito à eficácia e segurança no tratamento de

  7. Pattern of cardiac diseases among children in a tertiary hospital in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 7, 2018 ... (71.4%) of ACHD followed by Patent ductus arteriosus. (PDA) which accounted for ... Ventricular septal defect(VSD). 15. 71.4. Patent ductus ... (one at Garki hospital, Abuja for VSD closure and the other in India). Majority of the ...

  8. Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus in small infants with significant lung disease may offer faster recovery of respiratory function when compared to surgical ligation. (United States)

    Abu Hazeem, Anas A; Gillespie, Matthew J; Thun, Haley; Munson, David; Schwartz, Matthew C; Dori, Yoav; Rome, Jonathan J; Glatz, Andrew C


    To describe our experience with percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in small infants and compare outcomes to matched surgical patients. Ligation via thoracotomy has been used to close PDAs in small infants, but has been associated with respiratory and hemodynamic compromise. We hypothesized that percutaneous closure would offer faster recovery of respiratory function. Patients closure between January 2000 and April 2012 were reviewed and matched to contemporary surgical patients on gestational age (GA), birth weight (BW), procedure weight (WT), and ventilation mode. Patients returned to baseline respiratory status when the product of mean airway pressure and FiO2 returned to pre-procedural levels. Eight matched pairs were included. Median BW, GA, and WT were 1.43 kg (0.52-2.97), 29.8 weeks (24-39), and 2.8 kg (2.2-3.9) for catheter patients and 1.55 kg (0.48-3.04), 29 weeks (23-37), and 2.75 kg (2.3-4.2) for surgical patients. Complete PDA closure occurred in all. The median time to return to baseline respiratory status was significantly shorter in the percutaneous group (17 hr (range 0-113) vs. 53 hr (range 13-219), P closure of PDA in small infants on respiratory support is equivalent in safety and efficacy and may offer shorter recovery time than surgical ligation. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus using Flipper coil and Amplatzer Duct Occluder: Ten-year experience from a single center

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    Đukić Milan


    Full Text Available Introduction/Objective. Transcatheter closure is a well-established procedure for treatment of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA. We aimed to make a comparison between transcatheter PDA occlusion with Flipper coil and Amplatzer Duct Occluder (ADO and to determine the incidence and significance of procedural complications. Methods. Between November 2004 and October 2014, 148 patients were eligible for transcatheter PDA closure at the University Children’s Hospital in Belgrade, Serbia. The median age was 5.9 years (the range of 0.9 years to 17.3 years and the median weight was 21 kg (the range of 8.8 kg to 94 kg. Follow-up evaluations with Doppler echocardiogram were performed at one day, three months, and one and two years after the PDA occlusion. Results. Median narrowest PDA diameter was 1.5 mm (the range of 0.5 mm to 5.6 mm. Flipper coil was used for PDA closure in 84 (59.2% and ADO in 58 patients (40.8%. There was no significant difference in the rate of immediate complete closure between the coil and the ADO group (86.9% vs. 75.9%, p = 0.089, but a significantly higher rate of complete closure was achieved with ADO at one day (83.3% vs. 98.3%, p = 0.004, three months (85.7% vs. 100%, p = 0.002, and both one and two years after the implantation (91.7% vs. 100%, p = 0.041. In total, 12 complications occurred during the procedure, seven of which with coil and five with ADO occlusion of PDA. Conclusion. Transcatheter closure of PDA using both coils and ADOs is a very safe and effective procedure. ADO proved superior to coil in terms of complete closure rate as early as one day after the procedure.

  10. Significado de la hipertensión arterial enmascarada en niños y adolescentes


    Álvarez Pitti, Julio Carlos


    La Hipertensión Arterial Enmascarada (HTAe) en niños y adolescentes es una condición prevalente, persistente y con impacto clínico. Las características clínicas que presentan los jóvenes en riesgo de sufrir HTAe no están definidas. Además, hasta el momento, no ha sido establecido cuál es el riesgo de desarrollar hipertensión arterial persistente (HTAp) de los niños y adolescentes con HTAe, ni los factores de riesgo asociados a esta condición. Con el objetivo de estudiar estos aspectos, s...

  11. The association of platelets with failed patent ductus arteriosus closure after a primary course of indomethacin or ibuprofen: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Mitra, Souvik; Chan, Anthony K; Paes, Bosco A


    To conduct a meta-analysis of the association of platelet counts and pharmacotherapeutic failure in preterms with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). MEDLINE, Embase, Science Citation Index, abstracts and conference proceedings were searched, and principal authors contacted. Included studies reported indomethacin or ibuprofen use for PDA closure, compared a group which failed treatment versus a group which did not and reported the association between platelet counts and indomethacin or ibuprofen failure. Two reviewers independently screened results and assessed methodological quality using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Results are expressed as mean difference in platelet counts and summary odds ratios (OR) using a random effects model. 1105 relevant studies were identified; eight involving 1087 preterms were included. Platelet counts were significantly lower in infants who failed pharmacotherapy (Meandifference:-30.88 × 10 9 /L; 95% CI:-45.69 × 10 9 ,-16.07 × 10 9 /L; I2 = 24%; p heterogeneity  =   0.24). Similar results were obtained based on either pharmacotherapeutic agent. Treatment failure was also significantly associated with pre-treatment thrombocytopenia (summary OR:1.75; 95% CI:1.23-2.49, I2 = 36%, p heterogeneity  =   0.20). Platelet counts are significantly lower in preterms who fail primary treatment for PDA. Pre-treatment thrombocytopenia is associated with higher odds of failure. Further cohort studies reporting platelet counts in prostaglandin inhibitor failure are needed for meta-analyses to firmly establish or refute a stronger association.

  12. Tratamento da persistência de canal arterial em recém-nascidos prematuros: análise clínica e cirúrgica Patent ductus arteriosus treatment in the premature newborn: clinical and surgical analisys

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    Rafael Fagionato Locali


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O tratamento cirúrgico da persistência de canal arterial é indicado quando a intervenção clínica fracassa. No entanto, esse tratamento não é livre de complicações. OBJETIVO: Analisar aspectos clínicos e cirúrgicos envolvidos no tratamento da persistência do canal arterial, em recém-nascidos prematuros. MÉTODOS: No período de janeiro de 2000 a junho de 2006, foram analisados 22 recém-nascidos prematuros submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico para persistência de canal arterial. Do total de pacientes, 77,3% eram do sexo feminino, com peso médio ao nascimento de 952,5 g e idade gestacional média de 27 semanas. O uso de agentes vasoativos, indometacina, parâmetros ecocardiográficos e complicações, nos períodos pré e pós-operatórios, foi avaliado. RESULTADOS: Na casuística avaliada, 59,1% dos pacientes necessitaram de intubação orotraqueal ao nascimento; 77,3%, de surfactante; e 59,1% usaram agentes vasoativos no pré-operatório. O número médio de aplicações de indometacina foi de 3,4, com dosagem variando de 0,1 a 0,25 mg/kg/dia. O calibre médio do canal arterial foi de 1,96 mm. O procedimento cirúrgico foi realizado por abordagem extrapleural em 59,1% dos casos, e no pós-operatório o tempo médio de intubação foi de 30,9 dias, com emprego de agentes vasoativos em 50% dos pacientes. Observaram-se 18,1% de complicações pós-operatórias não-fatais. CONCLUSÃO: Mais da metade dos pacientes necessitou de intubação orotraqueal ao nascimento, emprego de surfactante e agentes vasoativos no período pré-operatório. Houve maior prevalência de abordagem extrapleural durante o ato operatório. No período pós-operatório, houve menor demanda de agentes vasoativos e não houve óbitos diretamente relacionados ao procedimento cirúrgico.BACKGROUND: The surgical treatment of patency ductus arteriosus is indicated when the clinical intervention fails. However, this treatment may have some complications

  13. Oral paracetamol versus oral ibuprofen for closure of haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates (<32 weeks): a blinded, randomised, active-controlled, non-inferiority trial (United States)

    Kumar, Ashutosh; Sundaram, Venkataseshan; Yadav, Rahul; Oleti, Tejo Pratap; Murki, Srinivas; Krishna, Arun; Sundaram, Mangalabharathi; Saini, Shiv Sajan; Dutta, Sourabh


    Introduction Haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) is a common cause of mortality and morbidity in preterm infants. Existing medical therapies with ibuprofen or indomethacin have multiple adverse effects. Hence, an alternative drug like paracetamol given through oral route with less side effects need to be tested in an appropriate study design with least risk of bias to arrive at a conclusion. Methods and analysis Multisite, randomised, active-controlled, non-inferiority design. The primary objective is to study the efficacy of oral paracetamol for closure of hsPDA in comparison to oral ibuprofen in preterm neonates of Closure of PDA by the end of last dose of study drug or earlier would be the study endpoint. A sample size of 196 neonates would be enrolled with a non-inferiority margin of 15%. Both intention-to-treat and per-protocol analysis will be done to assess the effect of contamination and protocol violations in the primary outcome. Ethics and dissemination The trial would follow international code of ethics for clinical trial. The trial protocol was approved by the Institute Ethics Committee of all three centres. All serious adverse events would be reported in detail to the Institute Ethics Committee. A written informed consent would be obtained from one of the parents. No plan has been made for dissemination. Trial registration number CTRI/2014/08/004805. PMID:29637155

  14. [Patent ductus arteriosus in the dog: a retrospective study of clinical presentation, diagnostics and comparison of interventional techniques in 102 dogs (2003-2011)]. (United States)

    Meijer, M; Beijerink, N J


    A left-to-right shunting patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common congenital heart defect in dogs. If it is left uncorrected, life expectancy in most cases is decreased due to the development of left-sided congestive heart failure. The aim of this study was to describe the dogs diagnosed with PDA in the Utrecht University Companion Animal Clinic from 2003 to 2011. The medical records of 102 patients were retrieved, and the clinical presentation and outcome of PDA closure by surgical ligation or transarterial catheter occlusion (TCO) were reviewed. In the TCO group, the result of coiling was compared with the placement of an Amplatz Canine Duct Occluder (ACDO). A predisposition to PDA was found in the German Brak, Stabyhoun, and Schapendoes. Dogs treated with surgical ligation were significantly older and heavier than those treated with TCO; within the TCO group, dogs treated with ACDO were significantly older and heavier The initial success rate (complete disappearance of the audible murmur in a patient that survived the procedure) was not significantly different between the different treatment modalities. Major complications were more common with surgical ligation, but the incidence of minor complications was not significantly different. There was no diference in survival between dogs treated with surgical ligation and dogs treated with TCO. This study shows a previously unreported predisposition to PDA in certain breeds. Both surgical ligation and TCO are suitable techniques for PDA closure, although major complications were more common with surgical ligation. ACDO appears to be the method with the least complications and thus can be considered the safest method.

  15. The excretory system of the liver in wild animals. VI. Biliary ducts of the great anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla

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    Maria Angélica Miglino


    Full Text Available The systematization of the biliary ducts of the liver of the great anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla is analyzed. The ductus choledocus has no affluents and results from the union of the ductus cysticus and the ductus hepaticus always arises from theramus principalis dexter and the ramus principalis sinister, and is seen without tributaries in three cases, receiving them meanwhile in the other one. The ramus principalis dexter is made up of the ramus lateralis lobi dextri and the ramus medialis lobi dextri. The ramus principalis sinister is formed by the ramus lateralis lobi sinistri, the ramus lobi sinistri and the ramus lobi quadrati.

  16. Reversible Congestive Heart Failure after Percutaneous Closure of a Large PDA in a 34-year-old Woman

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    Ramazan Kargın


    Full Text Available Patent ductus arteriosus is a congenital heart disease which can cause chronic volume overload leading to congestive heart failure. A 34-year-old woman with rest dyspnea was found to have patent ductus arteriosus and echocardiogram revealed a markedly dilated left ventricle (8.9 cm and severely-compromised left ventricle systolic functions (ejection fraction~24%. The patent ductus arteriosus was successfully closed percutaneously with Amplatzer occluder device. The patient was discharged on optimal dosages of ramipril, metoprolol, furosemide, spiranolactone and aspirin. On the follow-up after 18 months, the symptoms were found to have regressed and echocardiographic parameters improved (ejection fraction~55%.

  17. Chronic antepartum maternal hyperoxygenation in a case of severe fetal Ebstein's anomaly with circular shunt physiology

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    Alisa Arunamata


    Full Text Available Perinatal mortality remains high among fetuses diagnosed with Ebstein's anomaly of the tricuspid valve. The subgroup of patients with pulmonary valve regurgitation is at particularly high risk. In the setting of pulmonary valve regurgitation, early constriction of the ductus arteriosus may be a novel perinatal management strategy to reduce systemic steal resulting from circular shunt physiology. We report the use of chronic antepartum maternal oxygen therapy for constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosus and modulation of fetal pulmonary vascular resistance in a late presentation of Ebstein's anomaly with severe tricuspid valve regurgitation, reversal of flow in the ductus arteriosus, and continuous pulmonary valve regurgitation.

  18. Fatores de risco para doença trofoblástica gestacional persistente Risk factors for persistent gestational trophoblastic disease

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    Daniel Guimarães Tiezzi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar o impacto dos fatores de riscos na evolução para doença trofoblástica gestacional persistente (DTGP e selecionar grupos de pacientes para seguimento intensivo e os que poderiam se beneficiar de quimioterapia profilática. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas prospectivamente 214 pacientes com diagnóstico de mola hidatiforme completa (MHC submetidas a esvaziamento uterino no período de 1980 a 2001. Todas as pacientes foram seguidas semanalmente com avaliação clínica e dosagem de bHCG. Consideramos como DTGP as pacientes que necessitaram tratamento adicional além do esvaziamento uterino para a resolução do caso. Foram analisados parâmetros epidemiológicos (idade, antecedentes obstétricos, raça e tipagem sanguínea bem como indicadores de volume e agressividade da doença (volume uterino, presença de cistos teca-luteínicos e dosagem sérica de betaHCG. Os diversos fatores de risco foram avaliados isoladamente e em conjunto, sendo o risco expresso em odds ratio (OR. RESULTADOS: dentre os fatores epidemiológicos e características pessoais apenas a ausência do fator Rh foi significante (com OR de 2,3. Todos os sinais indicativos de hiperplasia do trofoblasto, representados pela altura uterina maior que a esperada para a idade gestacional, o volume uterino estimado pela ultra-sonografia, a presença de cistos teca-luteínicos e a dosagem sérica elevada de bHCG, estiveram associados ao risco de DTGP. A presença de pelo menos um destes achados mostrou sensibilidade de 82% e valor preditivo positivo de 35,1% (OR 4,8. A regressão logística identificou os parâmetros altura uterina maior que o esperado para a idade gestacional e os níveis séricos de betaHCG como fatores de risco para DTGP com OR de 4,1 e 5,5, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: os sinais de hiperplasia do trofoblasto apresentam boa sensibilidade na predição de DTGP, no entanto o baixo valor preditivo positivo impede que se empreguem estes fatores para

  19. Unemployment and long-run economic growth: The role of income inequality and urbanisation

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    David Castells-Quintana


    Full Text Available Dos de los aspectos más dramáticos de la crisis económica actual son sin duda la experiencia de elevadas y persistentes tasas de desempleo y el ritmo acelerado al que las desigualdades aumentan. Sin embargo, niveles elevados y persistentes de desempleo y aumentos de la desigualdad son más que una consecuencia de oportunidades escasas relacionadas con la crisis; también pueden ser determinantes negativos para un crecimiento económico posterior a largo plazo. En este trabajo, utilizando datos internacionales de corte transversal, consideramos el desempleo y la desigualdad de ingresos, y las interacciones entre los dos, como posibles factores determinantes del crecimiento a largo plazo. Nuestros resultados sugieren que: 1 mientras altas tasas iniciales de desempleo no aparecen como estadísticamente significativas, sí tienen un efecto negativo y significativo cuando interactúan con aumentos en la desigualdad. 2 Cuando diferenciamos basándonos en niveles de urbanización, la desigualdad creciente perjudica el crecimiento tanto en países con altos niveles de urbanización, como en países con bajos niveles de urbanización donde hay desempleo alto y persistente.

  20. Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin in the evaluation of Patent Ductus Arteriosus and AKI in Very Preterm Neonates: a cohort study. (United States)

    Sellmer, Anna; Bech, Bodil H; Bjerre, Jesper V; Schmidt, Michael R; Hjortdal, Vibeke E; Esberg, Gitte; Rittig, Søren; Henriksen, Tine B


    A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is frequently found in very preterm neonates and is associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. A shunt across a PDA can result in an unfavorable distribution of the cardiac output and may in turn result in poor renal perfusion. Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin (U-NGAL) is a marker of renal ischemia and may add to the evaluation of PDA. Our primary aim was to investigate if U-NGAL is associated with PDA in very preterm neonates. Secondary, to investigate whether U-NGAL and PDA are associated with AKI and renal dysfunction evaluated by fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) and urine albumin in a cohort of very preterm neonates. A cohort of 146 neonates born at a gestational age less than 32 weeks were consecutively examined with echocardiography for PDA and serum sodium, and urine albumin and sodium were measured on postnatal day 3 and U-NGAL and serum creatinine day 3 and 6. AKI was defined according to modified neonatal Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) criteria. The association between U-NGAL and PDA was investigated. And secondly we investigated if PDA and U-NGAL was associated with AKI and renal dysfunction. U-NGAL was not associated with a PDA day 3 when adjusted for gestational age and gender. A PDA day 3 was not associated with AKI when adjusted for gestational age and gender; however, it was associated with urine albumin. U-NGAL was not associated with AKI, but was found to be associated with urine albumin and FENa. Based on our study U-NGAL is not considered useful as a diagnostic marker to identify very preterm neonates with a PDA causing hemodynamic changes resulting in early renal morbidity. The interpretation of NGAL in preterm neonates remains to be fully elucidated.

  1. Transcatheter closure of large patent ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension in adults: immediate and two-year follow-up results. (United States)

    Zhang, Cao-Jin; Huang, Yi-Gao; Huang, Xin-Sheng; Huang, Tao; Huang, Wen-Hui; Xia, Chun-Li; Mo, Yu-Jing


    Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a well established procedure and an accepted treatment modality for small to moderate-sized PDA. This study aimed to evaluate the immediate and follow-up results of transcatheter closure of large PDAs with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in adults. After a complete hemodynamic evaluation differentiating from the reversibility of severe PAH, transcatheter closure of PDA was performed. Patients were followed up clinically and echocardiographically at 24 hours, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months and 24 months after occlusion. Twenty-nine patients had successful occlusion, pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and fractional shortening (FS) significantly decreased immediately after occlusion ((106 ± 25) mmHg vs. (50 ± 14) mmHg, P closure, the signs and symptoms improved markedly in all 29 patients, and PDAs were completely closed and remained closed during the follow-up. Eighteen patients having different degrees of dyspnea were treated with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) and/or digoxin after occlusion. Nine patients whose pulmonary vascular resistence (PVR) > 6 Wood units accepted targeted PAH therapy. After 1 to 3 months of peroral drug therapy, their exercise tolerance improved from New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III-IV to NYHA class I. During follow-up, no latent arrhythmias were found, the left atrial diameter (LAD), left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD), left ventricular end-systolic diameter (LVESD), left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) decreased significantly (P closure of large PDA with severe PAH is feasible, effective, and safe in adults. Significant left ventricular systolic changes may occur after closure of large PDA, and left ventricular function usually recovers within a few months.

  2. Quando hipertensão arterial persistente no adolescente tem uma origem endócrina rara: relato de dois casos e revisão da literatura = When persistent hypertension in adolescents has a rare endocrine etiology: report of two cases and literature review

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    Gomes, Clara


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Relatar dois casos clínicos de feocromocitoma em adolescentes, um tumor raro na idade pediátrica, localizado na medula suprarrenal e maligno em até 47% dos casos, cuja clínica resulta da hipersecreção de catecolaminas. DESCRIÇÃO DOS CASOS: Apresentam-se dois casos clínicos de feocromocitoma em adolescentes, ambos com hipertensão arterial persistente e um com cefaleia, sudorese e taquicardia. As ecografias renal e suprarrenal, a angio-tomografia e as dosagens de catecolaminas e seus metabolitos revelaram feocromocitoma da suprarrenal esquerda. Realizou-se adrenalectomia, após preparação farmacológica com α-bloqueadores. A anatomopatologia confirmou o diagnóstico. Ambos tiveram normalização dos valores da pressão arterial após o tratamento. CONCLUSÕES: O feocromocitoma tem uma expressão clínica variável e inespecífica, devendo ser considerado no diagnóstico diferencial de hipertensão arterial. A sua detecção precoce poderá implicar um tratamento menos agressivo, menor morbilidade e menor impacto na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A elevada probabilidade de recorrência, inclusive sob forma de metástases, implica em monitorização durante anos após a apresentação clínica inicial, mesmo no caso de cura aparente

  3. Variation in practice patterns in device closure of atrial septal defects and patent ductus arteriosus: An analysis of data from the IMproving Pediatric and Adult Congenital Treatment (IMPACT) registry. (United States)

    O'Byrne, Michael L; Kennedy, Kevin F; Rome, Jonathan J; Glatz, Andrew C


    Practice variation is a potentially important measure of healthcare quality. The IMPACT registry provides a representative national sample with which to study practice variation in trans-catheter interventions for congenital heart disease. We studied cases for closure of atrial septal defect (ASD) and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in IMPACT between January 1, 2011, and September 30, 2015, using hierarchical multivariate models studying (1) the distribution of indications for closure and (2) in patients whose indication for closure was left (LVVO) or right ventricular volume overload (RVVO), the factors influencing probability of closure of a small defect (either in size or in terms of the magnitude of shunt). Over the study period, 5233 PDA and 4459 ASD cases were performed at 77 hospitals. The indications for ASD closure were RVVO in 84% and stroke prevention in 13%. Indications for PDA closure were LVVO in 57%, endocarditis prevention in 36%, and pulmonary hypertension in 7%. There was statistically significant variability in indications between hospitals for PDA and ASD procedures (median rate ratio (MRR): 1.3 and 1.1; both Pclosure of PDA and ASD. Further research is necessary to study whether this affects outcomes or resource utilization. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Efficacy of a first course of Ibuprofen for patent ductus arteriosus closure in extremely preterm newborns according to their gestational age-specific Z-score for birth weight.

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    Doriane Madeleneau

    Full Text Available Therapeutic strategies for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA in very preterm infants remain controversial. To identify infants likely to benefit from treatment, we analysed the efficacy of a first course of ibuprofen in small-for-gestational age (SGA newborns.This single-centre retrospective study included 185 infants born at 24+0-27+6 weeks of gestation with haemodynamically significant PDA, who were treated by intravenous ibuprofen (Pedea: 10 mg/kg on day one and 5 mg/kg on days two and three. Birth weight and gestational age (GA were analysed with reference to the standard deviations from the Olsen growth curve to define GA-specific Z-scores for birth weights. The efficacy of treatment was evaluated by echocardiography 48 hours after the last dose of ibuprofen. The primary outcome was failure of the first course of ibuprofen associated in a composite criterion with the most severe outcomes.The risk of treatment failure increased according to a continuous gradient in SGA neonates. A higher risk was observed on multiple regression analysis (crude OR: 3.8; 95% CI [1.2-12.3] p = 0.02; adjusted OR: 12.8; 95% CI [2.3-70.5] p=0.003.There is a linear relationship between infant birth weight and PDA treatment: the failure rate of a first course of ibuprofen increases with increasing degree of growth restriction.

  5. Conocimientos y modos de actuación de la familia en escolares con asma bronquial

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    Zoraya Coro Carrasco


    Full Text Available Introducción: en el manejo del asma bronquial es fundamental lograr el control de la enfermedad de manera tal que el paciente y su familia alcance su calidad de vida diaria, siendo la educación un pilar esencial en tal propósito. Objetivo: evaluar la influencia de la familia en la severidad del asma bronquial en escolares clasificados como severos persistentes. Material y método: se realizó una investigación explicativa, observacional, de caso-control, transversal en el área de salud Pedro Borras del municipio Pinar del Río entre enero de 2007 y julio de 2008. El universo y muestra estuvo constituido por asmáticos en edad escolar, incluyéndose en el grupo estudio 26 pacientes con asma bronquial severa persistente y en el grupo control igual cantidad con asma bronquial no severa persistente. Resultados: en el grupo de pacientes con asma severa persistente el 92% no poseían conocimientos suficientes al asma bronquial; el 88.8 % no cumplían con las medidas de control ambiental; el 50 % incumplían el tratamiento intercrisis y el 76.9 % realizaban la técnica inhalatoria de manera incorrecta. Conclusiones: los conocimientos insuficientes en relación al asma bronquial estuvieron asociados a las evoluciones más tórpidas de la enfermedad, constatándose además una relación de dependencia entre la severidad de enfermedad y los modos de actuación de la familia en cuanto a: cumplimiento de las medidas de control ambiental, cumplimiento del tratamiento farmacológico preventivo de las crisis y realización de la técnica inhalatoria. (p< 0,05.

  6. Macroscopical and microscopical studies of the common bile duct in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L

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    Timo Rahko


    Full Text Available The histological structure and secretory function of the common bile duct (ductus hepaticus communis has not been previously described in reindeer. Macroscopical studies were thus performed in 25 reindeer to reveal the morphology and topography of the ductus hepaticus communis and adjoining organs. Histologic structure of the common bile duct was investigated in 20 animals. Our studies showed that the ductus hepaticus communis and pancreaticus join about 2 cm before the duodenal opening to form the common duct. The common bile duct is an elastic tube about 3 to 5 cm long and 2 to 3 mm thick partly surrounded by fat and pancreatic tissues. The wall of the duct, being about 1 mm thick by light microscopy, consisted of folded mucosa surrounded by connective tissue fibres and a serosal layer. Distally, also muscular bands were seen. In some areas separate leucocytes and even lymphatic nodules were present. Surprisingly pancreatic acini occurred in certain areas of the wall, even in close contact to subepithelial tissues. Mucosal epithelium consisted of surface and glandular epithelial cells with mucous secretion. Numerous intraepithelial globule leucocytes were identifiable within the lamina epithelialis.Tutkimus yhteisen sappikäytävän rakenteesta porolla.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Yhteisen sappikäytävän (ductus hepaticus communis histologista rakennetta ja eritystoimintaa ei ole aikaisemmin kuvattu porolla. Makroskooppisia tutkimuksia suoritettiin 25 porolla yhteisen sappikäytävän rakenteen ja topografian selvittämiseksi. Seinämän histologinen rakenne selvitettiin 20 porolla. Tutkimukset osoittivat, että porolla ductus hepaticus communis ja ductus pancreaticus yhtyvät noin 2 cm ennen ohutsuolta muodostaakseen yhteisen tiehyeen. Ductus hepaticus communis on noin 3-5 cm pitkä ja 2-3 mm:n läpimittainen käytävä. Se on elastinen ja osit-tain rasva- ja haimakudoksen ympäröimä. Seinämä on mikroskooppisesti noin 1 mm paksu

  7. ¿De quién es la culpa? Un estudio exploratorio de las causas de la espera en los servicios Una mirada innovadora al problema persistente de la espera en el marketing de servicios

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    Maria del Mar Pàmies


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio es ofrecer una mirada innovadora al problema persistente de la espera, examinando las percepciones de los consumidores, con el fin de identificar cuáles pueden ser sus causas. La espera es un fenómeno común asociado a la provisión de bienes y servicios, que tiene unas consecuencias negativas tanto para las empresas como para los consumidores. De manera general, se ha pensado que las empresas son las culpables de la espera. Para ello, se utiliza una metodología cualitativa y los datos se han recogido a través de 19 entrevistas en profundidad y 7 diarios personales. Los resultados del estudio han demostrado que las empresas no son las únicas culpables de la espera, sino que en muchas ocasiones son los propios consumidores sus causantes, porque, por ejemplo, no están preparados para recibir el servicio o llegan todos al mismo momento. Además, se ha encontrado que cuando la espera es culpa de la empresa, esta puede deberse, por una parte, a una mala gestión (porque hay una falta de personal o porque la reducción del tiempo de espera no es la prioridad para la organización o, por otra, a los trabajadores de la empresa (porque, por ejemplo, no están bien preparados o no están por el trabajo. Estos resultados tienen una serie de implicaciones prácticas para las empresas, ya que implican una complicación más en la gestión de la espera. Las empresas no solo tienen que esforzarse para gestionar y reducir la espera, sino que también tienen que preocuparse para que esta no se deba a causas que escapan de su control, como comportamientos o actitudes de sus trabajadores o de sus clientes.

  8. Fluid and electrolyte balance during the first week of life and risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in the preterm neonate

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    Gustavo Rocha


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Early fluid and electrolyte imbalances may be associated with an increased risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. OBJECTIVE: We sought to establish an association between fluid and electrolyte balance in the first week of life and the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. METHODS: Clinical charts of 205 neonates <32 weeks gestational age and/or <1,250 g birth weight (admitted to our NICU between 1997 and 2008 were analyzed. Clinical features, fluid and electrolyte balance were analyzed for the first 7 days of life using multivariate models of generalized estimation equations. A p value <0.05 was considered significant in all of the hypothesis tests. RESULTS: The prevalence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia was 22%. Lower gestational age and birth weight, male gender, less frequent use of antenatal steroids, respiratory distress syndrome, use of surfactant, patent ductus arteriosus, duration of invasive ventilation and NICU stay were significantly associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The variation in serum values of potassium, phosphorus and creatinine during the first week of life also revealed an association with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Higher mean plasma calcium values were associated with spontaneous closure of the patent ductus arteriosus. The use of indomethacin to induce patent ductus arteriosus closure was significantly higher in bronchopulmonary dysplasia patients. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in renal function and tubular handling of potassium and phosphorus are present during the first week of life among preterm neonates who will develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The higher rate of patent ductus arteriosus and indomethacin use may influence these differences. Serum levels of calcium also appear to play a role in spontaneous ductus arteriosus closure.

  9. Experiência global no fechamento percutâneo do canal arterial Overall experience with percutaneous occlusion of the patent ductus arteriosus

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    Carlos Augusto Cardoso Pedra


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a experiência global da nossa instituição com o fechamento percutâneo do canal arterial. MÉTODOS: Desde dezembro/92, 150 pacientes foram submetidos a 178 procedimentos (85 - técnica de Rashkind; 87 - coils de Gianturco; 6 - coils Duct Occlud. A mediana de idade foi de 6,5 anos (1 a 57. A média do diâmetro mínimo do canal foi de 3,05±1,24mm (1 a 8. Avaliações clínicas e ecocardiográficas foram realizadas seriadamente. RESULTADOS: Implantes adequados ocorreram em 143 (95,3% pacientes. A prevalência de shunt residual imediato foi de 52,1%, decrescendo para 15,9% no seguimento. Esta taxa caiu para 5,2% após a realização de procedimentos adicionais. Embolização de coils ocorreu em 12 procedimentos e de umbrella em 1. Um paciente apresentou hemólise e outro estenose discreta da artéria pulmonar esquerda. Não houve mortalidade. CONCLUSÃO: Esta modalidade terapêutica é segura e eficaz, proporcionando bons resultados a longo prazo.PURPOSE: To evaluate the overall experience of our institution with percutaneous occlusion of the patent ductus arteriosus. METHODS: Since December/92, 150 patients underwent 178 procedures (85 - Rashkind technique; 87 - Gianturco coils; 6 - Duct Occlud. Median age was 6.5 years (1 to 57. Mean minimum ductal diameter was 3.05±1.24mm (1 to 8. Clinical and echocardiographic evaluations were performed periodically. RESULTS: Adequate implantation was achieved in 143 (95.3% patients. Prevalence of immediate residual shunting was 52.1%, falling to 15.9% during follow-up. This figure decreased to 5.2% after new additional procedures. Umbrella and coil embolization occurred in 1 and 12 procedures, respectively. Hemolysis and mild stenosis of left pulmonary artery were observed in one patient each. There was no mortality. CONCLUSION: This therapeutic modality is safe and efficacious with good follow-up results.

  10. The changes in Doppler indices of fetal ductus venosus and umbilical artery after amnioinfusion for women with preterm premature rupture of membranes before 26 weeks' gestation. (United States)

    Hsu, Te-Yao; Hsu, Jenn-Jeih; Fu, Hung-Chun; Ou, Chia-Yu; Tsai, Chih-Chang; Cheng, Bi-Hua; Fang, Fu-Min; Kao, Hui-Fen; Yang, Chun-Yuh; Tsai, Wen Lin; Sung, Chuen Chu; Tsai, Men-Yi


    To investigate the changes in Doppler indices of the fetal ductus venosus (DV) and umbilical artery (UMA) after amnioinfusion in pregnant women with preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM). Pregnancies with pPROM and severe oligohydramnios cause sequelae in newborns and mothers. This cross-sectional study included a group of 25 patients with pPROM before 26 weeks' gestation. Color Doppler imaging was used to measure the impedance index and quantitative blood flow in the DV and systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D) of the UMA before and 30 minutes after the end of amnioinfusion. The following velocity parameters were measured: (1) DV peak systolic velocity; (2) DV time-averaged velocity; (3) DV maximum forward velocity during atrial contraction; (4) DV S/D; (5) DV pulsatility index (PI); (6) DV Pourcelots resistance index (RI); (7) fetal heart rate; and (8) UMA S/D. Twenty-one of the 25 patients underwent a total of 27 amnioinfusions. The mean PI and RI of the DV, and S/D of the DV and UMA decreased significantly after amnioinfusion (PI, 0.75 +/- 0.24 vs. 0.60 +/- 0.18, p = 0.009; RI, 0.60 +/- 0.15 vs. 0.50 +/- 0.13; DV S/D, 3.07 +/- 1.81 vs. 2.13 +/- 0.66, p = 0.008; UMA S/D, 3.58 +/- 0.87 vs. 2.88 +/- 0.62, p = 0.001). Amnioinfusion increases the space for the fetuses and reduces the impedance of the fetoplacental circulation. Improvements in DV and UMA flow may benefit fetuses suffering severe oligohydramnios in mid-pregnancy.

  11. Compuestos orgánicos persistentes y metales pesados en sangre y efectos en el desarrollo neuropsicológico de la primera infancia en las cohortes de madres-niños INMA (INfancia y Medio Ambiente

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    Aritz Aranbarri Paredes


    Full Text Available Introducción: El proyecto INMA es un estudio multicéntrico basado en el seguimiento prospectivo de cohortes de madres-hijos en distintas áreas de la geografía española. Objetivo: Estudiar la relación entre los principales contaminantes ambientales y el desarrollo de los niños y niñas en las fases pre y postnatales. Material y Métodos: El conjunto de las cohortes comparten metodología e instrumentos de recogida de información (exposición ambiental, muestras biológicas, exámenes del desarrollo físico y neuropsicológico, cuestionarios de dieta etc. durante el crecimiento intrauterino y en las fases de seguimiento en la infancia. Resultados: Se presentan los niveles de Compuestos Orgánicos Persistentes (COP en suero del primer trimestre de embarazo y de plomo (Pb y mercurio total (Hg-T de cordón umbilical y las asociaciones con el desarrollo neuropsicológico analizadas hasta la fecha. Los COP más frecuentemente encontrados fueron el p,p ́-DDE (99% y el PCB 153 (95% con medias geométricas en suero (ng/g-lípido de 110,0 (p,p ́-DDE y 38,9 (PCB 153. La media geométrica y el nivel máximo de Pb fueron 1,06 μg/dL y 19 μg/dL, respectivamente. La media geométrica de Hg-T fue de 8,2 μg/L, siendo el consumo de pescado el principal predictor. Un 64% de las muestras superan los niveles de referencia de Hg-T establecidos por la USEPA (6,4 μg/L. Conclusión: Los niveles de COP y Pb observados en las áreas de estudio se encuentran en el rango de valores ya descritos en estudios anteriores. Los niveles de Hg requieren una valoración más profunda, así como el estudio de las posibles asociaciones con el desarrollo neuropsicológico. 

  12. Effects of therapeutic approach on the neonatal evolution of very low birth weight infants with patent ductus arteriosus

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    Lilian S.R. Sadeck


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effects of treatment approach on the outcomes of newborns (birth weight [BW] < 1,000 g with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA, from the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network (BNRN on: death, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD, severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH III/IV, retinopathy of prematurity requiring surgical (ROPsur, necrotizing enterocolitis requiring surgery (NECsur, and death/BPD. METHODS: This was a multicentric cohort study, retrospective data collection, including newborns (BW < 1000 g with gestational age (GA < 33 weeks and echocardiographic diagnosis of PDA, from 16 neonatal units of the BNRN from January 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2011. Newborns who died or were transferred until the third day of life, and those with presence of congenital malformation or infection were excluded. Groups: G1 - conservative approach (without treatment, G2 - pharmacologic (indomethacin or ibuprofen, G3 - surgical ligation (independent of previous treatment. Factors analyzed: antenatal corticosteroid, cesarean section, BW, GA, 5 min. Apgar score < 4, male gender, Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE II, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS, late sepsis (LS, mechanical ventilation (MV, surfactant (< 2 h of life, and time of MV. Outcomes: death, O2 dependence at 36 weeks (BPD36wks, IVH III/IV, ROPsur, NECsur, and death/BPD36wks. Statistics: Student's t-test, chi-squared test, or Fisher's exact test; Odds ratio (95% CI; logistic binary regression and backward stepwise multiple regression. Software: MedCalc (Medical Calculator software, version p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. RESULTS: 1,097 newborns were selected and 494 newborns were included: G1 - 187 (37.8%, G2 - 205 (41.5%, and G3 - 102 (20.6%. The highest mortality was observed in G1 (51.3% and the lowest in G3 (14.7%. The highest frequencies of BPD36wks (70.6% and ROPsur were observed in G3 (23.5%. The lowest occurrence of

  13. Aplicação dos testes de padrão temporal em crianças com gagueira desenvolvimental persistente Application of temporal pattern tests in children with persistent developmental stuttering

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    Rosimeire da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: caracterizar e comparar o desempenho das crianças com diagnóstico de gagueira nos testes de padrão temporal, com crianças sem queixas e/ou sinais de transtornos psiquiátricos ou neurológicos, dificuldades de fala, audição, linguagem e/ou aprendizagem. MÉTODO: participaram 30 crianças entre 9 e 12 anos de idade, de ambos os gêneros, divididas em dois grupos: GI - 15 crianças com gagueira desenvolvimental persistente; GII - 15 crianças sem queixas e/ou sinais de transtornos psiquiátricos ou neurológicos, dificuldades de fala, audição, linguagem e/ou aprendizagem. Para avaliação do processamento auditivo temporal, foi aplicado os Testes Tonais de Padrão de Frequência (PPS-Pitch Pattern Sequence Test e Testes Tonais de Padrão de Duração (DPS - Duration Pattern Sequence Test. RESULTADOS: o grupo II apresentou desempenho superior no teste de padrão de frequência e de padrão de duração quando comparado ao grupo I. Os resultados indicaram que houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: os participantes do grupo I apresentaram desempenho alterado nos testes de padrão temporal, o que indica que existe relação entre a gagueira e o transtorno do processamento auditivo.PURPOSE: to characterize and compare the performance of children with diagnosis of stuttering under temporal pattern tests with the performance of children without complaints. METHOD: we evaluated 30 children between 9 and 12-year old, both genders, divided in two groups: GI - 15 children with persistent development stuttering; GII - 15 children without complaints and/or signals of psychiatric or neurological upheavals, speech, hearing, language and/or learning difficulties. To evaluate the auditory processing we applied Pitch Pattern Sequence Test (PPS and Duration Pattern Sequence Test (DPS. RESULTS: group II showed a better performance on PPS and DPS tests when compared with group I. The results indicated

  14. Disease: H01662 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available H01662 Generalized anxiety disorder; Anxiety neurosis Generalized anxiety disorder is a persistent...e symptoms include generalised and persistent excessive anxiety and a combination of various psychological a

  15. Annual Progress Report FY-92. Volume 1 (United States)


    mm) patent ductus arteriosus using coil embolization. Am J Cardiol 1992;69(8):815-6. Gaither N, Hull R, Wortham D, Yost W, Jelinek J. Pulmonary P...Lovett E, O’Neill J. Use of an P intravascular endoprosthesis (stent) to establish and maintain short-term patency of the ductus arteriosus in newborn...Metabolic Research Laboratory, MAJ Laurie Coffey, SP, separated from the Army. With the Base Realignment dnd Closure (BRAC) transition, the Department of

  16. Significado de la fiebre persistente o recurrente durante el tratamiento de la endocarditis infecciosa Clinical significance of persistent or recurrent fever during the treatment of infective endocarditis

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    José Carena


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron 81 pacientes con endocarditis infecciosa con el objeto de establecer la significación clínica de la presencia de fiebre persistente (FP y/o fiebre recurrente (FR durante el tratamiento. Un total de 46 pacientes (56.8% (Grupo 1 tuvieron FP y/o FR durante el tratamiento: 35 FP y 16 FR, que se compararon con 35 sin FP/FR (Grupo 2. No hubo diferencias en la edad, sexo, permanencia hospitalaria, origen nosocomial, demora diagnóstica y comorbilidad asociada. El compromiso aórtico (47.8 vs 34.2% y tricuspídeo (21.7 vs 11.4% y la infección por Staphylococcus aureus (55.5 vs 28% fueron más frecuentes en el Grupo 1, aunque no significativamente. El S. aureus meticilino resistente (SAMR (22.2 vs 4%, las complicaciones (95.6 vs 65.7%, la disfunción renal (58.6 vs 31.4%, el embolismo mayor (60.8 vs 34%, los fenómenos microvasculares (43.4 vs 17.1% y la cirugía valvular (34.7 vs 11.4% ocurrieron significativamente en el Grupo 1 (pPatients with infective endocarditis (IE were studied to assess incidence, clinical features and mortality in a population with either persistent (PF or recurrent fever (RF during treatment. A sample of 81 patients was evaluated. Of these, 46 patients (56.8% had fever during treatment: 35 had PF and 16 had RF (Group 1. This group was compared with 35 patients with IE without fever (Group 2. Age, sex, in-hospital days, nosocomial acquisition, delay in diagnosis, and co-morbidities were similar among each group. The aortic and tricuspid valve compromise, and Staphylococcus aureus as etiologic agent were more frequent in Group 1 (although not significantly. However, the development of complications (95.6 vs. 65.7%, renal dysfunction (58.6 vs. 31.4%, major vessel embolization (60.8 vs. 34%, microvascular phenomena (43.4 vs. 17.1%, infections with MRSA (22.2 vs. 4% and valvular surgery (34.7 vs. 11.4% were significantly higher in Group 1(p<0.05. The most common causes of PF were microvascular phenomena (14

  17. Superioridad relativa de los estimadores Kiviet y Blundell-Bond (GMM1 en paneles dinámicos. Un experimento Monte Carlo con muestras finitas

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    Andrés Eduardo Rangel Jiménez


    Full Text Available Dado el amplio uso de los datos de panel en modelos dinamicos, es relevante evaluar el desempeno de sus diferentes estimadores en muestras finitas en presencia de baja y alta persistencia. El presente articulo tiene como objetivo analizar, mediante simulaciones tipo Monte Carlo, las propiedades de los estimadores de efectos fijos (LSDV, Arellano y Bond (AB-GMM1, Blundell y Bond (BB-GMM1, Anderson y Hsiao (AH y Kiviet. Se concluye que en series no persistentes el estimador de Kiviet es el de mejor desempeno, basandose en los criterios de error cuadratico medio, sesgo y desviacion estandar; con alta persistencia, el estimador BB-GMM1 es el de mejor desempeno seguido por el estimador de Kiviet, que se comporta bien excepto en micropaneles con series persistentes.

  18. Observations on the anterior testicular ducts in snakes with emphasis on sea snakes and ultrastructure in the yellow-bellied sea snake, Pelamis platurus. (United States)

    Sever, David M; Freeborn, Layla R


    The anterior testicular ducts of squamates transport sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the ductus deferens. These ducts consist of the rete testis, ductuli efferentes, and ductus epididymis. Many histological and a few ultrastructural studies of the squamate reproductive tract exist, but none concern the Hydrophiidae, the sea snakes and sea kraits. In this study, we describe the anterior testicular ducts of six species of hydrophiid snakes as well as representatives from the Elapidae, Homolapsidae, Leptotyphlopidae, and Uropeltidae. In addition, we examine the ultrastructure of these ducts in the yellow-bellied Sea Snake, Pelamis platurus, only the third such study on snakes. The anterior testicular ducts are similar in histology in all species examined. The rete testis is simple squamous or cuboidal epithelium and transports sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the ductuli efferentes in the extratesticular epididymal sheath. The ductuli efferentes are branched, convoluted tubules composed of simple cuboidal, ciliated epithelium, and many species possess periodic acid-Schiff+ granules in the cytoplasm. The ductus epididymis at the light microscopy level appears composed of pseudostratified columnar epithelium. At the ultrastructural level, the rete testis and ductuli efferentes of P. platurus possess numerous small coated vesicles and lack secretory vacuoles. Apocrine blebs in the ductuli efferentes, however, indicate secretory activity, possibly by a constitutive pathway. Ultrastructure reveals three types of cells in the ductus epididymis of P. platurus: columnar principal cells, squamous basal cells, and mitochondria-rich apical cells. This is the first report of apical cells in a snake. In addition, occasional principal cells possess a single cilium, which has not been reported in reptiles previously but is known in some birds. Finally, the ductus epididymis of P. platurus differs from other snakes that have been studied in possession of apical, biphasic

  19. El proceso de escolarización en la provincia de Almería (1850-1900

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Queremos, en este trabajo, presentar un aspecto histórico que aporte nuevos elementos de análisis a las causas del persistente subdesarrollo de la provincia de Almería.

  20. Avaliação tomográfica pulmonar tardia em prematuros com displasia broncopulmonar e persistência de canal arterial Late pulmonary tomography assessment in premature infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia submitted to patent ductus arteriosus managemnent

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    Lilian Beani


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliação tomográfica do parênquima pulmonar de crianças nascidas prematuras de muito baixo peso, com persistência do canal arterial submetidas a tratamento clínico ou cirúrgico e que apresentaram displasia broncopulmonar. MÉTODOS: Entre dezembro de 2006 e janeiro de 2007, 14 crianças foram submetidas à tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR, que nasceram prematuras, peso inferior a 1500 gramas, com displasia broncopulmonar (DBP e persistência do canal arterial (PCA, os quais necessitaram tratamento para oclusão do canal, sendo divididos em dois grupos: A - clínico (n = 6 e B - cirúrgico (n = 8. Nove pacientes eram do sexo masculino e cinco, do feminino, com idade média de 36,5±4,3 meses. As TCAR foram analisadas por dois observadores independentes e as lesões quantificadas em cada paciente. Para análises estatísticas, foi utilizado o teste de Mann-Whitney e considerados significantes valores de pOBJECTIVE: To assess through high-resolution computed tomography the pulmonary parenchyma of children prematurely born with both very low birth weight and patent ductus arteriosus submitted to medical or surgical treatment that developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia. METHODS: Between December 2006 and January 2007, 14 children prematurely born with a weight less than 1500g with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA were submitted to high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT. All of them underwent surgical closure of the canal divided into two groups: A - medical (n=6 and B - surgical (n=8. The pool of patients comprised 9 baby boys and 5 girls who were 36.5±4.3 month-old. The HRCT were analyzed by two independent observers and quantified in each patient. The statistical analyses were assessed using the Mann-Whitney test, and p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: Three patients presented normal tomographies, being two of A group and one of B. In A, the most