
Sample records for dorsal del pie

  1. Tratamiento del pie equino


    Robles, Fernanda


    El pie equino varo es una patología frecuente en los pacientes con Encefalopatía crónica no evolutiva (ECNE).Se observó que existe una mayor frecuencia en el sexo masculino. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, comparativo y secundario, durante el periodo de septiembre del 2006 a septiembre del 2011, con un total de 125 pacientes con Ecne, de los cuales se encontraron 101 con pie equino varo congénito. Objetivo: observar los resultados obtenidos en la rehabilitación del pie equino, en niños de ...

  2. Nuestro concepto actual del pie valgo


    Dorca Coll, Adelina; Cespedes Cespedes, Tomás; Concustell Gonfaus, Josep; Sacristán Valero, Sergi; Dorca Coll, Ma. Rosa


    Los autores hacen una revisión de los conceptos y etiologías que se han descrito del pie valgo. Incluyen una definición personal sobre el concepto funcional del pie valgo, definen por primera vez la marcha que cursa con estrés en valgo y presentan una descripción del comportamiento biomecánico de los diferentes pies valgos. Esta diferenciación será de gran utilidad para la posterior aplicación del tratamiento ortopodológico adecuado. Es de resaltar las imágenes que se presentan obtenidas de c...

  3. El pie del adulto mayor


    Parodi García, José Francisco


    Acta Médica Peruana es una publicación del Colegio Médico del Perú El estudio del pie y sus patologías es un capítulo muy importante de la Geriatría. Las patologías del pie no escapan las características comunes de muchos síndromes geriátricos como son el ser asumidos como "normales para la edad", ser poco valorados, menospreciados, no tratados, con gran impacto sobre la salud en general y la calidad de vida.

  4. Tratamiento Actual del Pie Zambo


    Salom Taverner, M.; Mínguez Rey, María Fe


    El pie zambo es una deformidad congénita en la que el pie presenta una deformidad en equino, varo de retropié, aductus del antepié y cavo. Su tratamiento ha variado con el tiempo. Clásicamente se trataba mediante distintas técnicas quirúrgicas que permitían corregir todas las deformidades pero que se acompañaban de frecuentes complicaciones a corto y largo plazo. Actualmente el tratamiento más extendido de esta deformidad es el tratamiento conservador mediante la técnica de Ponset...

  5. Enfoque integral del paciente con pie diabético

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    Galia Fonseca Portilla


    Full Text Available Debe tenerse en cuenta que el diagnóstico de Diabetes Mellitus supone un cambio radical en las costumbres del paciente y que alcanzarlo puede requerir largo tiempo, por esto es necesario que los pacientes asistan a control cada dos o tres meses ye n cada visita insistirle en la importancia de curaciones. Si se continúa apoyando sobre la úlcera, se siguen exprimiendo, como esponja, las bacterias. Para el manejo del pie diabético se distinguen: prevención primaria (detección precoz del pie en riesgo, prevención secundaria (cuidado adecuado de las úlceras grado 1, 2 por el equipo interdisciplinario y prevención terciaria (a nivel hospitalario, para evitar la amputación de los pies con úlceras grado 3-5.

  6. El pie del diabético

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    Parra Myriam


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    Existen complicaciones neurovasculares periféricas en el paciente diabético que de no prevenirse o tratarse precozmente pueden conducir a la formación de lesiones graves e irreversibles en el pie. Los grados de lesión pueden evolucionar desde la presencia de factores de riesgo hasta la formación de gangrena local o generalizada conllevando a la amputación del pie. La participación del paciente y la familia con relación a los cuidados podológicos, cumplimiento en el  tratamiento dietético, farmacológico, de ejercicio e identificación de riesgos son definitivos; estos aspectos requieren de la orientación e intervención del profesional de enfermería en el manejo de cada grado de lesión basándose en la identificación de diagnósticos reales y/o potenciales prioritarios.

  7. Consideraciones anatómicas y funcionales en la patología del quinto radio del pie


    Gallart Ortega, José; Lahoz Gimeno, Manuel


    OBJETIVO: Se analiza si las diferentes alteraciones morfológicas y funcionales del pie se asocian estadísticamente a las diferentes desviaciones del quinto radio en el plano transverso y/o sagital como posible causa o agravantes de ésta. A su vez se describen las diferentes patologías quirúrgicas en quinto radio del pie y se evalúa el resultado goniométrico postquirúrgico de las diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas empleadas. MATERIAL MÉTODOS: En una muestra consecutiva de 121 pies intervenidos qu...

  8. Valoración de los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico del pie plano estático


    Paz Jiménez, José; Amigo Fernandez, A.; Romo Contreras, I.


    La deformidad fundamental del pie plano es el valgo de talón. Existe siempre un movimiento helicoidal en pronación del retropic y supinación del antepic. En este trabajo se hace una revisión de los pacientes tratados en nuestro Servicio a lo largo de diez años, que han sido sometidos a intervención quirúrgica, mayoritariamente artrodesis. - El fotopodograma constituye un excelente método para controlar la evolución de un pie plano. El pie plano por astrágalo vertical es irreductible des...

  9. Tratamiento del pie diabético en pacientes ancianos con Heberprot-P

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    José Luís Solís Licea


    Full Text Available El pie diabético constituye la complicación crónica de mayor morbimortalidad de la diabetes mellitus, significando un problema de salud internacional, del cual no escapa nuestro país y nuestro sistema de salud. Se realizó un estudio de tipo clínico observacional y descriptivo, con el objetivo de evaluar el resultado del tratamiento con Heberprot-P en pacientes con úlceras del pie diabético, en ancianos ingresados en el servicio de Angiología del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”, del municipio de Las Tunas, provincia de Las Tunas, en el período comprendido entre el 1ro de enero de 2010 al 31 de diciembre de 2011. Se estudiaron los pacientes según las variables de edad, localización de la lesión, resultado del tratamiento según la clasificación de Wagner y reacciones adversas presentadas. Con este estudio se pretende poner en manos del personal de la salud un material de consulta, que permita evaluar el tratamiento con Heberprot-P del pie diabético en el anciano.

  10. Pie en espejo


    Delgado Quiñones, Alberto; Pancorbo Sandoval, Enrique; Diaz Prieto, Giraldo; Martín Tirado, Juan Carlos; Hernández Varela, Duniesky; Cruz Alard, Ronald


    Paciente masculino de 79 años de edad, el cual presenta en el miembro inferior izquierdo a nivel del pie una malformación congénita que corresponde a un pie en espejo, representado por 9 artejos, articulados en 8 metatarsianos, pie zambo, seudoartrosis alta de la tibia y luxación congénita alta del peroné. Es inusual encontrar esta deformidad en el momento actual. Here is a 79 years-old patient who had in his left foot a congenital malformation called mirror foot, which is represented by 9...

  11. Alteraciones biomecánicas del antepie en el pie zambo y su tratamiento


    Oller Asensio, Antonio; Prats Climent, Baldiri


    Definición y recuerdo anátomo-fisio-patológico del pie zambo y de las alteraciones funcionales más frecuentes que se encuentran asociadas a esta patología. Se define la metodología básica de exploración física del paciente y estudio radiológico con la determinación de las tangentes tibio-calcáneas. Desarrollo de los tratamientos generales, ortopodológicos, fisioterapéuticos y quirúrgicos. Presentación de tres casos clínicos afectos de alteraciones biomecánicas por pie zambo con su tratamiento...

  12. Pie de madura

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    Julio E. Torres Reyes


    Full Text Available En el Hospital provincial “Antonio Agosthino Neto” de la ciudad de NDalatando, Kwanza Norte, Republica de Angola, se recibe una paciente femenina de la raza negra de 20 años de edad, con antecedentes de trabajar en el campo, laborando habitualmente descalza. Desde hace dos años, después de haberse hecho una herida con una espina de acacia, presentaba lesiones en la región del tarso y metatarso del pie derecho. Las lesiones nodulares que abarcaban la planta y dorso del pie presentaban color rojo amarillento y supuraban constantemente, con aumento de partes blandas. Se le indicaron análisis complementarios y estudios imagenológicos. Después de obtener los resultados micológicos, bacteriológicos e imagenológicos y debido a las lesiones óseas y en partes blandas que presentaba la paciente, se decide la amputación quirúrgica del pie

  13. Factores asociados al pie diabético en pacientes ambulatorios. Centro de Diabetes Cardiovascular del Caribe. Barranquilla (Colombia

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    Mildred Rosales Amarís


    respectivamente, la neuropatía (OR = 10.14; p = 0.00 y la deformidad de los pies (OR = 10.02; p = 0.00 se asociaron significativamente al pie diabético. Se encontró como factor protector el autocuidado (OR = 0.21; p = 0.00000 y la educación relacionada con el control de factores de riesgo para la diabetes (OR = 0.32; p = 0.00007. Conclusión: La macroangiopatía, la microangiopatía, la neuropatía y la deformidad en los pies se comportaron como factores asociados a la presencia del pie diabético. El autocuidado contribuyó a la prevención del mismo.

  14. Valoración del pie plano en personas adultas con síndrome de Down y de su afectación en la vida diaria


    Stafford, Frances


    Se realizó un estudio en 50 adultos con síndrome de Down, entre 18 y 40 años para analizar la incidencia e influencia del pie plano sobre el funcionamiento de la vida diaria. La incidencia fue del 70%, con grados diversos de pie plano. Hubo dolor en 4 personas, si bien era debido a otros problemas y no achacable al pie plano. En ningún caso la presencia de pie plano afectó al funcionamiento de la vida ordinaria.

  15. Enfermedad de mano, pie y boca en un hospital del Callao, 2016

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    Milton José Max Rodríguez-Zúñiga

    Full Text Available La enfermedad de mano, pie y boca (EMPB es una enfermedad exantemática viral, causada principalmente por Coxsackie A16, con una sintomatología típica consistente en fiebre; exantema pápulo-vesicular en manos, pies y genitales; y un enantema ulceroso en boca. En el verano del 2016 se presentó una diversidad de casos en un hospital del Callao en niños y adultos, con una sintomatología compatible con EMPB; el diagnóstico fue clínico, se aplicó terapia de soporte con resolución final de síntomas. En la última década se han presentado reportes en algunos países con una afectación atípica causada por el Coxsackie A6, produciendo lesiones más extensas y en adultos. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico sigue siendo clínico, solo necesitando confirmación virológica en casos atípicos o cuando el diagnóstico no es claro. La importancia de este reporte radica en describir los casos del Callao ocurridos en el verano del 2016, para servir de apoyo a los profesionales de la salud en el diagnóstico y manejo de pacientes con similar sintomatología.

  16. El pie en la danza clásica_

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    Nuria Massó Ortigosa.


    Full Text Available La danza es una forma de lenguaje que utiliza como instrumento al propio cuerpo, y su práctica continuada genera cambios y adaptaciones debidas a las altas exigencias de esta actividad. En este artículo se analizan las demandas, patologías y exigencias osteo-musculares del pie en la danza clásica. Para ello se ha partido del análisis de las estructuras del pie en distintas posiciones técnicas como la punta, media punta, o el “en dehors”. Como consecuencia de estas demandas de esfuerzo, se observa que una alta proporción de bailarines/as presenta alteraciones en el pie como hallux valgus y dedos en garra. También se ha estudiado la implicación en las técnicas básicas del pie de danza clásica de los músculos tríceps sural, peroneo lateral largo, tibial posterior, flexor largo y flexor corto del dedo gordo, tibial anterior, extensor propio del dedo gordo, abductor del dedo gordo, así como la musculatura interósea y plantar.

  17. Uso del método de Ilizarov en pie bot pediátrico. [Use of the Ilizarov method in pediatric clubfoot

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    Silvana Fiscina


    Full Text Available Introducción El objetivo de tratamiento del pie Bot está enfocado en lograr un pie plantígrado, indoloro y  que permita el uso del calzado habitual. El objetivo del trabajo fue medir la incidencia de recidiva luego de obtenida la corrección de la deformidad en pacientes con pie bot tratados con tutor de Ilizarov, y  analizar los factores pronósticos asociados. Material y Método Cohorte retrospectiva de factores pronóstico. Se trató con este método a 48 pacientes (70 pies desde 1988. Se excluyeron los pacientes con falta de corrección de la deformidad en el momento de retirar el tutor (deformidad residual o corrección incompleta. La variable de estudio fue la recidiva. Resultados El 77% de los 70 pies eran idiopáticos. Solo 18 pies no habían sido tratados. Todos eran pacien- tes pediátricos. El promedio de edad en el momento de la cirugía era de 7,9 años. Se incluyeron tres grupos de pacientes: tratados con Ilizarov solo (40,2%, en combi- nación con cirugía de partes blandas (38,5% y asociado con osteotomías (21,3%. El seguimiento promedio posoperatorio fue de 10,6 años (de 5,5 a 22. En el 71% de los pies, los resultados fueron pobres, la deformidad recidivó en un promedio de 38 meses, y fueron necesarias cirugías complementarias para lograr un pie plantígrado. Conclusión Presentamos una importante casuística con seguimiento alejado de pie bot recidivado o inveterado, con una alta recidiva de la deformidad (71%. No encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los subgrupos estudiados (edad, diagnóstico, trata- mientos previos y procedimientos asociados. Actualmente no consideramos a esta técnica de primera elección, pues nuestros resultados fueron poco alentadores.

  18. El pie diabético


    Cespedes Cespedes, Tomás; Cuevas Gómez, Rafael; Dorca Coll, Adelina; Sacristán Valero, Sergi


    El pie diabético está considerado como un pie de alto riesgo, está demostrado que si aplicáramos una adecuada y correcta educación sanitaria a todos los profesionales de la salud y al propio paciente, se podrían evitar en la mayoría de los casos las tan temidas amputaciones. En el presente trabajo hacemos referencia de las características más importantes de la diabetes, pie diabético y a la actuación profesional del podólogo frente a estos pacientes.

  19. Una nueva especie de rana de cristal del género Hyalinobatrachium (Anura: Centrolenidae del Delta del Río Orinoco, Venezuela

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    J. Celsa Señaris


    Full Text Available Se describe una nueva especie de Hyalinobatrachium del grupo fleischmanni, H. mondolfii, de las planicies inundables del delta del río Orinoco, Venezuela. Hyalinobatrachium mondolfii se distingue del resto de las especies del grupo por la siguiente combinación de caracteres: peritoneo parietal translúcido, pericardio y peritoneos visceral y hepático blancos, coloración dorsal en vida verde claro con diminutos puntos amarillos y en preservativo crema uniforme con diminutos melanóforos oscuros (visibles solo bajo magnificación, huesos blancos en vida, palmeadura de manos y pies extensa, cabeza redondeada en vista dorsal e inclinada en vista lateral, piel dorsal granular y un canto con frecuencia fundamental superior a los 5 000 HzA new species of Hyalinobatrachium of the fleischmanni group, H. mondolfii, is described from the Orinoco delta floodplains in Venezuela. This new species can be distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: parietal peritoneum clear, pericardium white, visceral and hepatic peritoneum white, color in life pale green with diminute yellow spots and, in preservative, cream with small dark melanophores (visible only under magnification, bones white in life, extense webbing, snout round in dorsal view and inclinate in lateral view, dorsal skin granulate and a advertisement call with a fundamental frequency greater than 5000 Hz

  20. Acciones educativas de prevención del pie diabético Educational actions to prevent diabetic foot complications

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    Pedro Vejerano García


    Full Text Available La Diabetes Mellitus y sus complicaciones son causas de hospitalización, invalidez y afectación económica. Este trabajo hace referencia a la experiencia camagüeyana en prevención, seguimiento y control del pie diabético. Dicha experiencia demostró que la pobre educación para prevenir las complicaciones del pie diabético, se convierte en un factor de riesgo sociocultural modificable. Una consulta de mayor alcance como la Clínica del Pie Diabético, pone al territorio en condiciones ventajosas para atender la transición epidemiológica de la diabetes y sus complicaciones.Diabetes Mellitus and its complications are causes of hospitalization, disability, and financial problems. This paper deals with the experience in prevention, monitoring, and control of diabetic foot in the province of Camagüey. This experience proved that a poor education in the prevention of diabetic foot complications is a modifiable sociocultural risk factor. As an example of more comprehensive consultation, the Diabetic Foot Clinic has benefitted the territory in the assistance of Diabetes Mellitus and its complications.

  1. Obesidad infantil: factor de riesgo para desarrollar pie plano


    Saldívar-Cerón, Héctor Iván; Garmendia Ramírez, Alberto; Rocha Acevedo, Marco Antonio; Pérez-Rodríguez, Pedro


    Introducción: En México, la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en escolares es del 34.4% (ENSANUT 2012). Esta puede inducir un círculo vicioso “pie plano-plantalgia-sedentarismo-obesidad”. Sin embargo, la presencia y grado de pie plano en escolares con obesidad no se ha descrito en la población mexicana. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de pie plano y su asociación con obesidad en escolares de Tamaulipas, México. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico, transversal c...

  2. Pie plano-valgo adquirido


    Albiol Ferrer, Josep Maria; Giralt de Veciana, Enrique; Marugán de los Bueis, Montse; Novel Martí, Virginia; Ogalla, José Manuel; Zalacain, Antonio


    Es la patología del pie que tiene mayor incidencia durante la infancia. Su recuperación eficaz, además de precisar un largo período de tratamiento, requiere un diagnóstico precoz. Durante la lactancia, a partir de los tres meses, y después, durante la infancia, hasta los tres años aproximadamente, una gruesa y blanda capa de panlculo adiposo determina una configuración que rellena la bóveda y ofrece una falsa imagen de pie plano.

  3. El dolor patelofemoral en el baile flamenco y su relación con el pie

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    José M. Castillo-López


    Full Text Available El dolor patelofemoral es uno de los desórdenes más comunes que afectan a la rodilla. De las lesiones descritas en el baile flamenco profesional, destacan las relacionadas con el pie y la rodilla, en relación al microtraumatismo repetido del gesto técnico del zapateado y a la flexión de rodilla mantenida que requiere. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la presencia de dolor patelo femoral en profesionales del baile de flamenco y comprobar si existe relación alguna con el pie pronador y genus valgo. En el estudio han participado 46 profesionales del baile flamenco, 38 bailaoras y 8 bailaores, con una carga media de 25.4 ± 8.25 horas de baile semanales. El 34.78% de los participantes presentaban dolor patelofemoral. El 24% presentaba también genus valgo. Se encontró un 34.78% de pies pronadores. La asociación de pies pronadores y genus valgo fue del 31.25%, mientras que la asociación de pies pronadores y dolor patelofemoral fue de 43.75 % de los casos. Factores predisponentes de esta patología se dan en la práctica del baile flamenco: el impacto repetitivo, una posición mantenida y forzada de la rodilla en un rango concreto, desplazamientos y los giros bruscos. Como conclusión, se demuestra relación directa entre la presencia de pies pronadores y dolor patelofemoral en el baile flamenco. Así como entre pies pronadores y genus valgo. Estudios científicos actuales demuestran la utilidad de soportes plantares en este síndrome. La incidencia de pies pronadores y dolor patelofemoral hace recomendable estudios biomecánicos y podológicos y el uso de soportes plantares personalizados en cada caso.

  4. La ortopodología en el pie de riesgo (2ª Parte)


    Céspedes Céspedes, Tomás; Dorca Coll, Adelina; Concustell Gonfaus, Josep; Cuevas Gómez, Rafael; Sacristán Valero, Sergi


    Los autores presentan y describen varios casos clínicos podológicos, en los que aprecia: Una alteración y limitació progresiva de las funciones del pie y como resultado un transtomo general del equilibrio estático y dinámico: características que corresponden al ya descrito «Pie de riesgo'


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    José Lugo Hubp


    están presentes las morfoestructuras principales reconocidas para el océano mundial: plataforma y talud continentales, pie del continente, trincheras, cuencas de mar marginal, montañas aisladas, crestas montañosas diversas (de arco insular, de planicie abisal, borderland, dorsal y fosa rift. Las anteriores se representan en una carta de morfoestructuras que complementa a las existentes fisiográficas y geológicas de la tierra firme. En el fondo oceánico mexicano se llevan a cabo intensos movimientos que han influido e influyen en la formación del relieve submarino y continental.


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    Dra. Oriana Paiva M.


    Full Text Available La diabetes es una enfermedad epidémica, con más de 400 millones de personas diagnosticadas en la actualidad. Las úlceras del pie son una de las complicaciones crónicas más frecuentes de esta población, con un riesgo acumulado de desarrollarla a lo largo de la vida de 15%. La neuropatía y la enfermedad vascular son las principales causas de su aparición. Las amputaciones no traumáticas en diabéticos son 15 veces más frecuentes que en la población general, superando en 2 a 3 veces la tasa en hombres que en mujeres. El 80% se puede prevenir. La clave para ello incluye un examen periódico del pie a todo diabético al menos 1 vez al año, educación del paciente en autocuidado, para que logre identificar precozmente la aparición de lesiones evitando mayores complicaciones, un zapato adecuado y un buen control metabólico.

  7. Pie plano astrágalo vertical asociado a sinovitis. Fases de tratamiento


    Planell i Mas, Elena de; Bonilla Toyos, Elvira


    El pie plano astrágalo vertical congénito es una deformidad poco frecuente que se puede encontrar de forma aislada, dentro de un cuadro polimalformativo o en relación con afectaciones neurológicas. Se caracteriza por una luxación del escafoides por encima del astrágalo,lo que provoca un pie rígido o de dificil manipulación. En este artículo los autores describen un caso clínico de un paciente que acude a consulta por presentar una inflamación dolorosa en la zona de la cabeza del astrágalo del...

  8. Efectividad de un programa educativo en pacientes con pie diabético de riesgo

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    Olga Lidia Pereira Despaigne


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de intervención terapéutica educativa en pacientes con pie diabético de riesgo, atendidos en la Consulta de Angiopatía Diabética del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero del 2011 hasta igual mes del 2013, a fin de determinar la efectividad de un programa educativo (momento de la intervención al respecto. Fueron indicativos de pie diabético de riesgo (momento del diagnóstico, la úlcera previa o amputación, la neuropatía periférica con pérdida de sensación protectora, la enfermedad arterial periférica, la hiperqueratosis y la afección grave de las uñas, la deformidad en el pie, la movilidad articular reducida, el calzado inadecuado, el tabaquismo, la edad avanzada, la larga evolución de la diabetes mellitus y la falta de educación diabetológica en pie diabético. La información fue analizada y procesada mediante las pruebas de hipótesis de Mann-Whitney y de comparación de medias, con un error de 5 %, y se obtuvo que con este programa (momento evaluativo se disminuyera la afectación que el pie diabético ocasiona a la actividad social, laboral y familiar de estas personas, así como el elevado costo económico, tanto para ellos como para el sistema de salud

  9. Clínica del pie valgo


    Marcelino Reyes, Jesús


    Genericamente reconocemos al pie valgo, por las características siguientes: - desviación de la linea de Helbing ( retropié) - aplanamiento de la bóveda longitudinal interna - pronación de antepié. - aspecto de pié plano. Pero no podemos contentarnos con estas cuatro reglas,y por lo tanto hemos de pormenorizar y clasificar en función de los diferentes elementos que intervienen en la morfogenética de pié. Con lo cual también tendremos una visión mas amplia a la hora de poder aplicar un tratamie...

  10. Una aproximación a la obra El cielo bajo los pies de Elsa Plaza y a la construcción del arquetipo de “la vampira del carrer Ponent”

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    Laia Manonelles Moner


    Full Text Available A partir de la novela El cielo bajo los pies (2009 de la historiadora y novelista Elsa Plaza, se revisará la construcción del mito de un personaje que deviene un chivo expiatorio de la tensión social que se vivía en Barcelona a principios del siglo XX. Se analizará cómo la obra de Elsa Plaza se aproxima al caso de Enriqueta Martí Ripoll, conocida por la prensa sensacionalista como la "vampira del Raval", con el objetivo de perfilar el contexto social, económico, político y cultural de una época ávida de crear figuras arquetípicas que canalizaran el creciente malestar.

  11. Cuidados de enfermería en las úlceras del pie diabético. Reunión y puesta al día


    Rincón Martín, Marina


    Entre las numerosas repercusiones de la diabetes mellitus a nivel sistémico, se pueden señalar la neuropatía, la angiopatía periférica y el aumento de la susceptibilidad para sufrir infecciones como las principales causas de la aparición de úlceras del denominado “pie diabético”, cuya incidencia en estos pacientes se estima alrededor del 15%. Debido a la magnitud de este problema, a su relación con un mayor riesgo para sufrir amputaciones, y a que en los últimos años ha aumentado el número...

  12. Ontogenetic variation in the plumage colour of female European Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca


    Potti, Jaime; Canal, David; Camacho, Carlos


    Although variation in the dorsal plumage colour of male European Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca has received a great deal of attention, females of the species have been usually considered to be nearly uniformly monochromatic brown. Using reflectance spectrophotometry, we explore the age-dependent variation of plumage colour in females. We disentangle the within- and between-individual effects of this pattern and show a within-individual darkening of the mantle colour with age, whereas di...

  13. Diseño y manufactura de pie Protésico


    Hernández Martin, John Alexander; Parra Piñeros, Luis Alberto; Pinzón Pinzón, Cesar Agusto; Bejarano Peña, Oscar Heli; Romero Gutiérrez, Jairo Alberto; García Benavides, Pedro Eladio


    El término prótesis hace referencia al dispositivo que sustituye o compensa la pérdida de un miembro perdido, para el caso objeto de estudio, se da en una prótesis de miembro inferior, en el caso de una amputación de miembros inferiores a nivel transtibial, el pie es el elemento ausente más significativo ya que asume la estabilidad mínima del cuerpo del paciente, además de interferir en el balance intrínseco del cuerpo humano. Por lo anteriormente descrito uno de los pilares más importantes d...

  14. Enfermería: Prevención y Cuidados del Pie Diabético Revisión Bibliográfica


    Sevillano Gamarra, Laura


    La diabetes mellitus es una de las enfermedades crónicas más prevalentes e incidentes en el mundo. Una de sus complicaciones más vigentes y que más costos socio-sanitarios acarrea, es el pie diabético que afecta al 15-25% de los pacientes diabéticos; siendo la primera causa de hospitalización, la amputación no traumática del miembro inferior. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los factores de riesgo relacionados con las complicaciones de la diabetes mellitus y conocer la función ed...

  15. Caracterización clínico epidemiológica de pacientes afectados por pie diabético

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    Dania Núñez Álvarez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el pie diabético constituye un problema de salud en los pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitus y se registra como la primera causa de amputación no traumática de los miembros. El conocimiento de sus particularidades clínico-epidemiológicas resulta de sumo interés. Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a los pacientes con pie diabético neuroinfeccioso en el Hospital "Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany" de Santiago de Cuba. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. El universo estuvo constituido por 96 pacientes diagnosticados con pie diabético durante el periodo comprendido entre el 2011 y el 2015. Se emplearon variables demográficas y relacionadas con factores de riesgo generales y específicos del pie diabético. Resultados: el pie diabético predominó entre la cuarta y sexta décadas de vida (24,7 % y en pacientes del sexo femenino (59,7 %. La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 estuvo representada en el 52,5 %. Mientras el factor de riesgo general de pie diabético más frecuente fue la obesidad (56,7 %, la neuropatía diabética, como factor de riesgo específico se presentó en el 98,9 % de los enfermos estudiados. Conclusiones: el pie diabético predominó en la cuarta y sexta décadas de la vida y en el sexo femenino. El mayor porcentaje de los pacientes era portador de diabetes mellitus tipo 2. La obesidad, la neuropatía diabética periférica, el sobrepeso, y la hiperglucemia constituyeron los factores de riesgo prevalecientes.

  16. Prevención de úlceras en el pie del paciente diabético

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    Análida Pinilla Roa


    Full Text Available La Diabetes Mellitus tipo dos (1 es una de las enfermedades metabólicas más comunes dentro de la población adulta (mayor de 30 años, da lugar a múltiples complicaciones como insuficiencia renal, enfermedades cardiovasculares, ceguera, neuropatía periférica y amputaciones de los miembros inferiores. Vale la pena destacar el profundo impacto de la diabetes en los pies debido a la gran morbilidad y mortalidad que puede causar. Se sabe que los problemas en los pies de los diabéticos son el resultado de varios factores como son la neuropatía periférica, la vasculopatía, los trastornos de la inmunidad  y los traumatismos entre otros. Cada uno de estos factores contribuye a la formación de úlceras que no sanan fácilmente y en general se infectan causando un proceso séptico que requiere el tratamiento radical de la amputación. El objetivo de este artículo es concientizar al personal de salud sobre  la necesidad de la prevención de las úlceras en los pies de los pacientes diabéticos, mediante la educación para permitir una detección temprana y un tratamiento oportuno, disminuir la tasa de úlceras y por ende de amputaciones de los miembros inferiores. La educación al paciente y al personal de salud debe incluir: el reconocimiento de signos tempranos de ulceración en las áreas de mayor presión de los pies mediante un adecuado autoexamen diario, la asesoría para el uso de calzado protector, adecuados hábitos de aseo y corte de uñas, así como medidas preventivas para evitar el trauma.

  17. Post irradiation effects (PIE) in integrated circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnes, C.E.; Shaw, D.C.; Fleetwood, D.M.; Winokur, P.S.


    Post Irradiation Effects (PIE) ranging from normal recovery catastrophic failure have been observed in integrated circuits during the PIE period. These variations indicate that a rebound or PIE recipe used for radiation hardness assurance must be chosen with care. In this paper, the authors provide examples of PIE in a variety of integrated circuits of importance to spacecraft electronics

  18. Análisis de los factores influyentes en la prevalencia de las úlceras de pie en pacientes en hemodiálisis

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    María Jesús Lechuga Domínguez

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción Los pacientes en tratamiento renal sustitutivo con terapia de hemodiálisis, tienen elevado riesgo de sufrir úlceras en los pies, debido a la presencia de numerosos factores de riesgo asociados. Objetivos El presente estudio, se plantea como objetivo principal establecer la prevalencia de úlceras en los pies, en los pacientes que realizan tratamiento con hemodiálisis en el Hospital San Rafael de A Coruña. Como objetivo secundario, valorar los factores de riesgo de ulceración del pie. Material y Método Se realiza un estudio descriptivo transversal, en el que incluyen a los 131 pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC en tratamiento con hemodiálisis, que cumplen los criterios de inclusión. Se ha marcado como variable principal del estudio la presencia o ausencia de úlcera en el pie. Se valora el estado vascular, con la palpación de pulsos y con registro de sonido doppler de las arterias pedia y tibial posterior, además se realiza el cálculo del índice tobillo brazo (ITB. Se valora el estado neurológico, tras la exploración de la sensibilidad protectora con monofilamento y de la sensibilidad profunda con diapasón graduado. Resultados El 10,7% de los pacientes del estudio tienen úlcera activa en el pie. No se logra palpar pulso en la arteria pedia en un 43,5% de los pacientes y en la arteria tibial posterior en un 60% de la muestra estudiada. El 25% de los pacientes presenta un valor de ITB, por debajo de 0,90 y un 13,5% presenta arterias no compresibles. Presentan alteración de sensibilidad profunda un 48,9% de los pacientes y alteración de la sensibilidad protectora un 44,3%. Conclusión La prevención primaria a través de protocolos estandarizados de exploración del pie en las unidades de hemodiálisis, podrá minimizar la posibilidad de ulceraciones que comprometan la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Sistemáticamente habrá que realizar una valoración vascular, neurológica y de alteraciones

  19. Culturas marítimas y relaciones de poder. La trayectoria del marisqueo a pie en las Rías Bajas gallegas

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    Broullón Acuña, Esmeralda


    Full Text Available The following article addresses a female labour developed in a frontier territory such as the maritime banks of the northwest coast of Spain which is the so-called “subsector” the gatherers walk from the Galician (Spain. Of a field in such work we have half analyzed occupational segregation because of gender in the thread of the conditions that traditionally developed these jobs, while the same protagonists hearings trajectory traveled by the collective female for the “professional” consolidation.

    El siguiente artículo muestra la trayectoria del trabajo femenino desarrollado en un territorio de frontera como son las riberas marítimas del litoral noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Es el denominado “subsector” de las mariscadoras a pie de las rías bajas gallegas. A partir de un trabajo de campo en dicho entorno hemos analizado la segregación ocupacional en razón al género, al hilo de las condiciones en que tradicionalmente se desarrollaban dichas faenas. Mientras tanto las protagonistas narraron el itinerario recorrido por el colectivo femenino para la consolidación “profesional” del oficio de mariscadora.

  20. Valoración del riesgo de pie diabético en el paciente anciano en una consulta de enfermería Assessing the risk of "diabetic foot" in the elderly patient in a nursery office

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    Antonio Martínez Sabater


    Full Text Available Dentro del trabajo diario del profesional de enfermería con los mayores, la atención al paciente con diabetes mellitus (DM supone una parte importante del quehacer diario. El pie diabético supone una de las complicaciones más frecuentes que van a suponer un mayor coste, no sólo a nivel físico, sino social y económico, tanto para el paciente como para la sociedad. Nos planteamos realizar un estudio descriptivo observacional sobre los hábitos higiénicos respecto al cuidado de los pies de los pacientes mayores de 60 años afectos de diabetes mellitus remitidos a la consulta de enfermería, encontrándose un déficit importante de cuidados podológicos en los pacientes estudiados. El profesional de enfermería, por el alto contacto que tiene con el paciente afecto de diabetes mellitus, es un factor importante en la prevención y detección precoz del pie diabético y de la promoción de hábitos saludables.Taking care of diabetes mellitus (DM patients is one of the main chores in geriatric nursery. "Diabetic foot" is the most common problem and it actually entails a great deal of expenses, physically, socially and economically speaking, as well for the patient as for the community. What we did was an observational and descriptive research about foot cleansing habits in diabetes mellitus patients over 60 years old and we found out a severe lack of chiropody care. Due to the fact their work involves having a close contact with diabetes mellitus patients, nursing professionals become an outstanding agent on an early detection and prevention of the "diabetic foot" in addition of improving healthy cleaning habits.

  1. Prevalencia y grado de pie plano según estado nutricional en niños escolares de las instituciones educativas Santa Isabel de Hungría y Santa Teresita de Jesús. Casma. 2010


    Sánchez Reyna, Luis Fernando


    El objetivo del estudio fue establecer la prevalencia y grado de pie plano en relación al estado nutricional en niños escolares matriculados en las Instituciones Educativas Santa Isabel de Hungría y Santa Teresita de Jesús de la ciudad de Casma. Este estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal evaluó a 321 niños escolares durante el año 2010. Se clasificó en niños eutróficos, con sobrepeso y obesidad según las tablas del IMC para la edad de la OMS, y en niños con pie normal o pie plano de...

  2. 9 CFR 319.500 - Meat pies. (United States)



  3. Defective Reduction in Frozen Pie Manufacturing Process (United States)

    Nooted, Oranuch; Tangjitsitcharoen, Somkiat


    The frozen pie production has a lot of defects resulting in high production cost. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) technique has been applied to improve the frozen pie process. Pareto chart is also used to determine the major defects of frozen pie. There are 3 main processes that cause the defects which are the 1st freezing to glazing process, the forming process, and the folding process. The Risk Priority Number (RPN) obtained from FMEA is analyzed to reduce the defects. If RPN of each cause exceeds 45, the process will be considered to be improved and selected for the corrective and preventive actions. The results showed that RPN values decreased after the correction. Therefore, the implementation of FMEA technique can help to improve the performance of frozen pie process and reduce the defects approximately 51.9%.

  4. PIE analysis for minor actinide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suyama, Kenya


    Minor actinide (MA) is generated in nuclear fuel during the operation of power reactor. For fuel design, reactivity decrease due to it should be considered. Out of reactors, MA plays key role to define the property of spent fuel (SF) such as α-radioactivity, neutron emission rate, and criticality of SF. In order to evaluate the calculation codes and libraries for predicting the amount of MA, comparison between calculation results and experimentally obtained data has been conducted. In this report, we will present the status of PIE data of MA taken by post irradiation examinations (PIE) and several calculation results. (author)

  5. Pied de Pulse

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    This project has two aims. The first is to study and implement a fractal-like structure of circles inspired by Apollonian circles, combined with a pied de poule (houndstooth). The second aim is to push the integration of electric actuators in garments, using the power of algorithmic design and

  6. Impacto de las unidades a pie de carretera en las interferencias en redes vehiculares


    Hernández Gañán, Carlos; Reñé Vicente, Sergi; Mata Diaz, Jorge; Alins Delgado, Juan José


    Las redes ad hoc vehiculares (VANETs) han emergido como una tecnolog´ıa clave que posibilita el despliegue diversas aplicaciones. Proporcionar seguridad a los servicios de informaci´on y entretenimiento en estos entornos requiere del uso de unidades a pie de la carretera (RSU) como puertas de acceso a los recursos solicitados. Idealmente, las RSUs deben desplegarse para proporcionar conectividad continua. Si bien esto aumenta la capacidad y cobertura, tambi´en acarrea un ...

  7. Conocimientos y conductas de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus sobre el pie diabético Knowledge and behaviors of the patients with diabetes mellitus in relation to the diabetic foot

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    Ulises de Jesús Gallardo Pérez


    Full Text Available Se identificaron los conocimientos y conductas de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus sobre el pie diabético. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo en 2 consultorios del Policlínico "Hermanos Ruíz Aboy", del municipio San Miguel del Padrón. Se ejecutaron 4 grupos focales, con un total de 28 participantes de ambos sexos, entre 50 y 80 años de edad. La mayoría de los pacientes mostró falta de conocimientos sobre la definición de pie diabético y sus factores de riesgo. Los pacientes realizan un autocuidado insuficiente de sus pies y asumen conductas de riesgo por la falta de educación. Consideramos importante reforzar el componente educativo en la atención integral de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus para elevar su nivel de conocimientos, crear hábitos saludables y evitar la aparición del pie diabético. La técnica del grupo focal constituyó un instrumento rápido y efectivo para la obtención de información.The knowledge and behavior of the patients with diabetes mellitus in connection with the diabetic foot were identified. A qualitative study was conducted in 2 family physician's offices of "Hermanos Ruíz Aboy" Polyclinic of San Miguel del Padrón municipality. 4 focal groups were selected with a total of 28 participants aged 50-80 of both sexes. Most of the patients lacked knowledge to define the diabetic foot and its risk factors. The patients' self-care of their feet is insufficient and they assume risk conducts due to their deficient education. It is important to reinforce the educative component in the comprehensive attention of the patients with diabetes mellitus to raise their knowledge level, to create healthy habits and to prevent the appearance of diabetic foot. The focal group technique is a rapid and effective tool to obtain information.

  8. Estudio preliminar. Patologías digitales más frecuentes en el pie de la bailaora de flamencoe


    José Manuel Castillo López; Joaquín Pérez Rendón; Cristina Algaba Guisado


    Este estudio tiene como objetivos, en primer lugar, dar a conocer las principales deformidades digitales de los pies, asociadas -por su alta incidencia- a la práctica profesional del baile flamenco femenino. Así como, poner de manifiesto la necesidad de llevar a cabo estudios de mayor magnitud para determinar si existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la práctica del baile flamenco con las deformidades y patologías podológicas descritas, y la importancia de la investigación e...

  9. Estratificación de riesgo en pie diabético Risk stratification in diabetic foot

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    Héctor González de la Torre


    Full Text Available El pie diabético es una complicación crónica de la diabetes mellitus y constituye una problemática sanitaria al conllevar un enorme gasto económico a los servicios sanitarios y provocar a las personas que lo padecen y a su entorno familiar enormes repercusiones emocionales. La educación sanitaria en el cuidado de los pies de los diabéticos, así como la cuantificación del riesgo son aspectos que el enfermero debe incorporar en los planes de cuidados de los pacientes diabéticos. La detección de los posibles factores de riesgo es un paso previo imprescindible para estos cometidos. Este estudio tiene como finalidad analizar la presencia de determinados factores de riesgo en pie diabético en la población diabética del Centro de Salud de Triana, con el objetivo de poder realizar, así, una estratificación del riesgo. Para ello, se optó por la realización de un estudio observacional descriptivo. La muestra analizada estaba constituida por 96 sujetos diabéticos pertenecientes a dicho centro de salud. Para la recogida de datos se utilizó un sistema de tres niveles consistente en entrevista, exploración física y consulta de registros disponibles (a través de las historias clínicas de los sujetos. Los datos se registraron en un formulario de recogida de datos para pie diabético. Se determinó la existencia de factores de riesgo, analizando las relaciones entre éstos y permitiendo la estratificación del riesgo en la población estudiada.The diabetic foot is a chronic complication of diabetes mellitus and constitutes a sanitary problem which causes not only enormous expenses for the sanitary system but also provokes emotional repercussions for the person who suffers the illness and for the family. The sanitary education in taking care of the feet of diabetics and the identification of the health risk are both aspects that the nurse must include in the healthcare planning of diabetic patients. The detection of the possible risk

  10. Personalized Information Environments: Do Public Libraries Want a Slice of the PIE? (United States)

    Worcester, Lea


    Discussion of personalized information environments (PIEs) focuses on library personalized interfaces. Describes academic library PIEs and commercial sites, such as that use personalization; explores the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg's personalized interface; and discusses opportunities and challenges PIEs offer public…

  11. Efecto del hialuronato de zinc sobre las úlceras en pacientes con diabetes

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    Fernando Ramos Cuevas

    Full Text Available Contexto: La úlcera en el pie diabético es una de las principales complicaciones de la diabetes en extremidades bajas. Del 50 al 70% de las amputaciones en extremidades bajas se realizan a pacientes con diabetes. El hialuronato de zinc ha sido probado en el tratamiento de las úlceras diabéticas del pie con resultados prometedores. Objetivo general: Determinar el grado de eficacia del hialuronato de zinc en la curación de úlceras del pie diabético. Diseño: Ensayo terapéutico abierto al azar. Se les dio seguimiento a los pacientes durante un período de doce semanas de junio a diciembre de 2004. Ubicación: Centro de cuidado terciario. Clínica del Pie Diabético. Pacientes: Fueron seleccionados por muestreo consecutivo cincuenta pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 con úlcera en pie, de ambos sexos y con edades entre los 40 y los 80 años y sin una isquemia más baja de la extremidad. Veinticinco de ellos fueron asignados aleatoriamente al grupo del hialuronato de zinc y el resto al grupo de control (tratamiento convencional. La distribución por sexo de género fue similar en ambos grupos, once del femenino (44% y 14 del masculino (56%. La edad promedio en el grupo de la combinación del ácido hialurónico y zinc fue 56,76 ± 8,78 y en el convencional 60,12 ± 8,42, NS. ningún paciente del grupo de hialuronato de zinc abandonó o fue retirado durante el período del estudio. Un paciente del grupo de control falleció. Intervención: El hialuronato de zinc fue aplicado una vez al día en la superficie de la úlcera después de limpiarla con la solución fisiológica salina. Medida principal del resultado: La eficacia del hialuronato de zinc fue determinada por las semanas que se requirieron para conseguir el cierre completo de la úlcera con el tejido fino epitelial (tiempo curativo medio. Material y métodos: Ensayo clínico controlado. Pacientes con úlceras propias del pie diabético. 1 de julio al 30 de septiembre de 2004, 25 pacientes

  12. Solución Oportuna de Pie Plano


    Espol; Tabares Cedeno, Maria Veronica; Ribadeneira Coloma, Betsy Evelyn; Zurita Aviles, Salomon Efrain


    Proponer una nueva técnica, donde se obtenga como beneficio la reparación definitiva de una lesion muy común como es el pie plano flexible y al mismo tiempo consolidar una empresa rentable y que genere valor ala sociedad el indice de prevalencia con diagnóstico de pie plano en el Ecuador es la especialidad de traumatología presentan este tipo de lesión. Guayaquil Magíster en Gerencia Hospitalaria

  13. Pied de pulse: packing embroidered circles and coil actuators in pied de poule (houndstooth)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feijs, L.M.G.; Toeters, M.J.; Torrence, E.; Torrence, B.; Sequin, C.; McKenna, D.; Fenyvesi, K.; Sarhangi, R.


    We report on the integration of fractal-like structures inspired by Appolonian circles with pied de poule (houndstooth) fabric patterns, and on the use of electric actuators in garments made with digital embroidery techniques.

  14. La ortopodología en el pie de riesgo (1ª Parte)


    Dorca Coll, Adelina; Céspedes Céspedes, Tomás; Concustell Gonfaus, Josep; Cuevas Gómez, Rafael; Sacristán Valero, Sergi


    Los autores definen por primera vez el concepto de 'pie de riesgo' y ofrecen diferentes alternativas podológicas para prevenir lesiones en el pie y en el supuesto de que estas lesiones estén establecidas, presentan tratamientos ortésicos que equilibren el pie y eviten mayores cambios degenerativos.

  15. Amputación del miembro inferior por pie diabético en hospitales de la costa norte peruana 1990 - 2000: características clínico-epidemiológicas

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    David Escalante Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar las características clínico-epidemiológicas de la amputación del miembro inferior por pie diabético en pacientes de la costa norte peruana durante los años 1990-2000. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, basado en recolección de información de pacientes atendidos en cinco hospitales de cuatro capitales de departamento de la costa norte peruana. Se recolectaron datos demográficos y de la enfermedad (diagnóstico y manejo. Resultados: Se incluyeron 250 pacientes procedentes de: Hospital JAMO de Tumbes 8,4%, Hospital Cayetano Heredia de Piura 40,0%, Hospital Regional Docente Las Mercedes de Lambayeque 18,0%, Hospital Belén 24,4% y Hospital Regional Docente de La Libertad 9,2%. El 61,2% fueron varones y la edad promedio fue 63,5±10 años. El 98,4% presentaron diabetes mellitus tipo 2, 56,5% sufrieron amputaciones mayores (p<0,05 y 10,4% amputaciones mayores secuenciales. El tiempo de reamputación fue ≤ 24 meses en 71,3% (p<0,05. Se identificó estadiaje de pie diabético según Wagner en 44 (11,8%, con un cuarto grado en 45,0%. El tiempo con enfermedad de los pacientes hasta la primera amputación fue entre 11 y 20 años (31,2%, destacando 13,6% casos con pie diabético como primera forma de presentación de DM y 2,5% con sintomatología de larga data pero que carecían de diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus. De las amputaciones, sólo el 8,3% fueron sometidas a debridaciones y el 4,4% a revascularización. Conclusiones: Se encontró una frecuencia importante de pie diabético. Los problemas detectados fueron: carencia de ayuda diagnóstica complementaria, falta de aplicación de procedimientos de salvataje previos a la amputación y no fueron evaluados integralmente los pacientes. Estos problemas deben ser resueltos para mejorar la calidad de vida y reducir las amputaciones innecesarias.

  16. Crecimiento longitudinal posnatal del primer metatarsiano. [Longitudinal postnatal growth of the first metatarsal bone

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    Julio J. Masquijo


    Full Text Available Introducción: si bien el crecimiento prenatal y posnatal del pie ha sido documentado hace varios años, el crecimiento longitudinal del primer metatarsiano en particular no ha sido estudiado previamente. El objetivo del estudio es determinar el patrón de crecimiento longitudinal posnatal de este hueso y compararlo con el del pie y los huesos largos del miembro inferior. Materiales y Métodos: mediante una búsqueda informatizada, se identificaron pacientes <18 años de edad con radiografías informadas como “normal” por el radiólogo. Se analizó una muestra de 886 pacientes divididos en 18 grupos según la edad (0-11 meses, 1 año, 2 años, etc. y el sexo. El análisis de las imágenes se realizó con un software de imágenes Kodak Carestream PACS. Resultados: el largo promedio en el primer grupo fue de 19,91 mm (3,20; 15,22-25,62. El largo promedio en el último grupo fue de 66,13 mm (5,33; 52,50-77,18. La tasa de crecimiento anual fue de 2,71 mm. La edad promedio al momento del cierre de la fisis fue de 14.85 años (± 1.64 para los varones y 14.77 años (± 3.63 para las niñas. Conclusión: el crecimiento del primer metatarsiano acompaña el crecimiento longitudinal del pie, pero no el de los huesos largos del miembro inferior. Las curvas de crecimiento del primer metatarsiano descritas en este artículo pueden ser aplicadas en patologías que afectan el desarrollo del pie o que requieren cirugía de corrección sobre el primer metatarsiano, o se las puede emplear como estándar de referencia en futuros estudios.

  17. Constructing and applying the fractal pied de poule (houndstooth)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feijs, L.M.G.; Toeters, M.J.; Hart, G.; Sarhangi, R.


    Time is ready for a fractal version of pied de poule; it is almost "in the air". Taking inspiration from the Cantor set, and using the analysis of the classical pattern, we obtain a family of elegant new fractal Pied de Poules. We calculate the fractal dimension and develop an attractive fashion

  18. Test requirement for PIE of HANARO irradiated fuel rod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, I. C.; Cho, Y. G.


    Since the first criticality of HANARO reached in Feb. of 1995, the rod type U 3 Si-A1 fuel imported from AECL has been used. From the under-water fuel inspection which has been conducted since 1997, a ballooning-rupture type abnormality was observed in several fuel rods. In order to find the root cause of this abnormality and to find the resolution, the post irradiation examination(PIE) was proposed as the best way. In this document, the information from the under-water inspection as well as the PIE requirements are described. Based on the information in this document, a detail test plan will be developed by the project team who shall conduct the PIE

  19. Proceedings of 2005 JAEA-KAERI joint seminar on advanced irradiation and PIE technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this seminar, total participants of over 100 were jointed from JAEA, KAERI, Hanyang University, Chungnam National University, Kyung Hee University, Oarai Branch of Institute for Materials Research (IMR) of Tohoku University, Nippon Nuclear Fuel Development Co., Ltd., Nuclear Development Corporation and others. The technical development and experimental data on the irradiation test and PIE were aggressively discussed in this seminar. Contributed presentations were 35 in three sessions; Current status and future program on irradiation test and PIE (10 presentations), Development of irradiation and PIE technologies (15 presentations) and Evaluation of irradiation and PIE data (10 presentations). Development of instrumented capsule technologies for HANARO irradiation, current PIE activities in each hot laboratory of both countries, development of irradiation capsules in JMTR for the Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking (IASCC) study, development of irradiation and PIE techniques for the safety research on the high burnup fuel, utilization plan of JOYO and development of MOX fuel containing americium have been widely noticed as topic items on irradiation and PIE technologies. This proceedings is containing papers presented in the 2005 JAEA-KAERI Joint Seminar. It also indicates the current status of the aggressive information exchange activity on two fields of irradiation test and PIE technologies between JAEA and KAERI under the Arrangement for the Implementation of Cooperative Research Program mentioned above. The 35 of the presented papers are indexed individually. (J.P.N.)

  20. The causal pie model: an epidemiological method applied to evolutionary biology and ecology. (United States)

    Wensink, Maarten; Westendorp, Rudi G J; Baudisch, Annette


    A general concept for thinking about causality facilitates swift comprehension of results, and the vocabulary that belongs to the concept is instrumental in cross-disciplinary communication. The causal pie model has fulfilled this role in epidemiology and could be of similar value in evolutionary biology and ecology. In the causal pie model, outcomes result from sufficient causes. Each sufficient cause is made up of a "causal pie" of "component causes". Several different causal pies may exist for the same outcome. If and only if all component causes of a sufficient cause are present, that is, a causal pie is complete, does the outcome occur. The effect of a component cause hence depends on the presence of the other component causes that constitute some causal pie. Because all component causes are equally and fully causative for the outcome, the sum of causes for some outcome exceeds 100%. The causal pie model provides a way of thinking that maps into a number of recurrent themes in evolutionary biology and ecology: It charts when component causes have an effect and are subject to natural selection, and how component causes affect selection on other component causes; which partitions of outcomes with respect to causes are feasible and useful; and how to view the composition of a(n apparently homogeneous) population. The diversity of specific results that is directly understood from the causal pie model is a test for both the validity and the applicability of the model. The causal pie model provides a common language in which results across disciplines can be communicated and serves as a template along which future causal analyses can be made.

  1. Current activities in development of PIE techniques in JMTR hot laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Toshimitsu; Ohmi, Masao; Shimizu, Michio; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Ueno, Fumiyoshi


    A wide variety of post-irradiation examinations (PIEs) for research and development of nuclear fuels and materials to be utilized in nuclear field has been carried out since 1971 in three kinds of β-γ hot cells; concrete, lead and steel cells in the JMTR Hot Laboratory (JMTR HL) associated with the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR). In addition to PIEs, the re-capsuling work including re-instrumentation was also conducted for the power ramping tests of the irradiated LWR fuels using Boiling Water Capsule (BOCA). Recently, new PIE techniques are required for the advanced irradiation studies. In this paper, the irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) growth test technique of irradiated in-core structural materials and the remote operation technique of the atomic force microscope (AFM) are described as JMTR HL's current activities in the development of new PIE techniques. (author)

  2. Structural Conservation and Functional Diversity of the Poxvirus Immune Evasion (PIE) Domain Superfamily. (United States)

    Nelson, Christopher A; Epperson, Megan L; Singh, Sukrit; Elliott, Jabari I; Fremont, Daved H


    Poxviruses encode a broad array of proteins that serve to undermine host immune defenses. Structural analysis of four of these seemingly unrelated proteins revealed the recurrent use of a conserved beta-sandwich fold that has not been observed in any eukaryotic or prokaryotic protein. Herein we propose to call this unique structural scaffolding the PIE (Poxvirus Immune Evasion) domain. PIE domain containing proteins are abundant in chordopoxvirinae, with our analysis identifying 20 likely PIE subfamilies among 33 representative genomes spanning 7 genera. For example, cowpox strain Brighton Red appears to encode 10 different PIEs: vCCI, A41, C8, M2, T4 (CPVX203), and the SECRET proteins CrmB, CrmD, SCP-1, SCP-2, and SCP-3. Characterized PIE proteins all appear to be nonessential for virus replication, and all contain signal peptides for targeting to the secretory pathway. The PIE subfamilies differ primarily in the number, size, and location of structural embellishments to the beta-sandwich core that confer unique functional specificities. Reported ligands include chemokines, GM-CSF, IL-2, MHC class I, and glycosaminoglycans. We expect that the list of ligands and receptors engaged by the PIE domain will grow as we come to better understand how this versatile structural architecture can be tailored to manipulate host responses to infection.

  3. Representações sociais do pé diabético para pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Representaciones sociales del pie diabético para personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Social representations of diabetic foot for people with type 2 diabetes Mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Seloi Coelho


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que objetivou compreender as representações sociais do pé diabético para pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com dez pessoas com diabetes mellitus que participavam de um grupo de convivência. Da análise de conteúdo emergiram duas categorias: a doença do pé com alterações percebidas e ameaças presentes e; o cuidado com os pés, com o cuidado como preocupação com o futuro e não cuidado como sentimento de culpa. Os resultados mostraram que movidos pelas representações de alterações e ameaças os sujeitos buscam no cuidado uma esperança de não desenvolver a doença do pé ou controlar a situação. Quando o não-cuidado ocorre, surge o sentimento de culpa por terem conhecimentos e não se cuidarem. As representações sociais contribuíram na busca da compreensão do modo como os sujeitos com diabetes mellitus constroem saberes que expressam sua identidade e guiam seus comportamentos, especialmente vinculado ao pé diabético.Se trata de una investigación cualitativa que tuvo como objetivo comprender las representaciones sociales de pies diabético para personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Fueron realizadas entrevistas semi-estructuradas, con diez personas con diabetes mellitus que participaban de un grupo de convivencia. Del análisis de contenido emergieron dos categorías: la enfermedad del pie con alteraciones percibidas y amenazas presentes y; el cuidado con los pies, con el cuidado como preocupación con el futuro y no cuidado como sentimiento de culpa. Los resultados mostraron que movidos por las representaciones de alteraciones y amenazas los sujetos buscan en el cuidado una esperanza de no desarrollar la enfermedad del pie o de controlar la situación. Cuando ocurre el no cuidado surge el sentimiento de culpa por tener los conocimientos y no utilizarlos. Las representaciones sociales contribuyeron en la búsqueda de la comprensi

  4. 49 CFR 40.385 - Who bears the burden of proof in a PIE proceeding? (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Who bears the burden of proof in a PIE proceeding... TRANSPORTATION WORKPLACE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAMS Public Interest Exclusions § 40.385 Who bears the burden of proof in a PIE proceeding? (a) As the proponent of issuing a PIE, the initiating official bears...

  5. Code Analyses Supporting PIE of Weapons-Grade MOX Fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ott, Larry J.; Bevard, Bruce Balkcom; Spellman, Donald J.; McCoy, Kevin


    The U.S. Department of energy has decided to dispose of a portion of the nation's surplus weapons-grade plutonium by reconstituting it into mixed oxide (MOX) fuel and irradiating the fuel in commercial power reactors. Four lead test assemblies (LTAs) were manufactured with weapons-grade mixed oxide (WG-MOX) fuel and irradiated in the Catawba Nuclear Station Unit 1, to a maximum fuel rod burnup of ∼47.3 GWd/MTHM. As part of the fuel qualification process, five rods with varying burnups and initial plutonium contents were selected from one assembly and shipped to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for hot cell examination. ORNL has provided analytical support for the post-irradiation examination (PIE) of these rods via extensive fuel performance modeling which has aided in instrument settings and PIE data interpretation. The results of these fuel performance simulations are compared in this paper with available PIE data.

  6. Shelf life of pie caps with biodegradable films as spacers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Verónica Escobar Gianni


    Full Text Available Commonly pie caps at market use polyethylene films as spacers between them. This paper studies the conventional spacers replacement with edible and biodegradable films made with whey protein isolate (WPI and potassium sorbate as a preservative. Besides facilitating the separation of pie caps, with this application is intended to increase their shelf life. The films made by the compression molding method were used as spacers in pie caps without preservative in their formula (A and with preservative (B and they were compared with conventional polyethylene spacers (C. During four months, monthly sensory, microbiological and physicochemical (humidity evaluations were done on the pie caps, together with humidity and solubility evaluations of the films. None of the samples showed microbiological or sensory deterioration. The sensory attributes showed no or slight difference in study time. Between samples the differences were minor: the best scores were for sample A in color, sample C in flavor, and samples B and C in texture and overall liking. The edible films have an interesting potential for this application, although studies in disguise the flavor of serum should be done.

  7. Bases fisiológicas del entrenamiento físico en ciclismo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Rieu


    Full Text Available En los deportes en los cuales el desempeño se basa en el desplazamiento horizontal del centro de gravedad del cuerpo, como en el caso de la marcha, la carrera a pie, el ciclismo..., el  objetivo del entrenamiento físico es aumentar la velocidad máxima con la cual se puede efectuar cierto desplazamiento.

  8. Biomecánica del pié diabético: estudio experimental de pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo I con y sin neuropatía periférica


    Pérez Verdún, Miguel Ángel


    La prevalencia de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo I en España supone del 10 al 15% del total de los pacientes con diabetes. Algunos estudios apoyan la correlación entre alteraciones biomecánicas del pie y el desarrollo neuropático en diabetes. Objetivo Principal: Relacionar las alteraciones biomecánicas del pie con la presencia de neuropatía periférica de miembros inferiores en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Objetivos secundarios: Conocer los patrones de presión plantar, sup...

  9. Guía práctica para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento del síndrome del pie diabético Practical guide for the diagnosis and treatment of the diabetic foot syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Luis Sell Lluveras


    Full Text Available Se sabe que el síndrome del pie diabético constituye una de las principales causas de morbilidad y discapacidad en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus y que un rápido reconocimiento y adecuado manejo de sus factores de riesgo pueden prevenir o retardar la aparición de úlceras, amputaciones y otras complicaciones. Sus causas se dividen en: neuropáticas, angiopáticas, infecciosas y traumáticas. Se afirma que un detallado interrogatorio y exhaustivo examen físico ofrecen hasta el 90 % del diagnóstico etiológico, lo cual se corroborará con los exámenes complementarios que incluyen tanto los indispensables como los más específicos estudios imagenológicos. Durante las dos últimas décadas, se han alcanzado avances importantes en la comprensión de su fisiopatología y nuevas estrategias terapéuticas se han puesto en marcha. El enfoque actual para su tratamiento implica una atención individualizada y multidisciplinaria para cada paciente; la profilaxis, desempeña un papel fundamental y unida a los adelantos terapéuticos especializados garantizará un mejoramiento en la calidad de vida de estos enfermos. Este trabajo aporta una guía práctica para identificar, diagnosticar y tratar a los pacientes con síndrome del pie diabético, según los conocimientos actuales.It is known that the diabetic foot is one of the main causes of morbidity and disability in patients with diabetes mellitus and that a rapid examination and a right management of their risk factors can prevent or delay the appearance of ulcers, amputations and other complications. Its causes may be neuropathic, angiopathic infectious and traumatic. It is affirmed that a detailed questionnaire and an exhaustive medical examination offer up to 90 % of the etiological diagnosis, which is confirmed with the complementary tests that include both, the indispensable and the most specific imaging studies. During the last two decades, there have been significant advances in the


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    María Dolores Gómez Moreno


    Full Text Available Los desprendimientos son un proceso natural que afecta, de forma generalizada en el Valle de Ricote, a las laderas del tipo cantil-talud. Su peligrosidad radica en que los bloques desprendidos del escarpe ruedan con facilidad, talud abajo, cuando son descalzados por efecto de la escorrentía superfi cial o desestabilizados por movimientos sísmicos. El planeamiento urbanístico se convierte en factor inductor del riesgo al clasifi car como urbanizables y urbanos suelos que, por su ubicación en pie de ladera, deberían excluirse de cualquier proceso urbanizador. Este es el caso de Archena en el entorno inmediato del cerro del Ope.

  11. Geophysical evidence for an extensive Pie de Palo Complex mafic-ultramafic belt, San Juan, Argentina (United States)

    Chernicoff, Carlos J.; Vujovich, Graciela I.; van Staal, Cees R.


    The recent completion of a high-resolution aeromagnetic survey over the Pie de Palo uplift of the western Sierras Pampeanas has revealed an area of large magnetic anomalies associated with the Pie de Palo Complex. The Las Pirquitas thrust, which has transported and uplifted the Pie de Palo Complex, is recognized for at least 30 km in a roughly NE direction along the western boundary of the Pie de Palo Complex, beyond its limited outcrop. The type of sediments of the Caucete Group in the footwall of the Las Pirquitas thrust, which are regarded as the leading edge of the Precordillera terrane, are associated with much less pronounced magnetic anomalies. In addition, a conspicuous, NNE trending, broad magnetic high stands out in the survey, several kilometers to the east of the main outcrops of the Pie de Palo Complex; this broad magnetic anomaly bisects the Pie de Palo basement block, and continues further south at least as far as 32°S, the southern boundary of the latest aeromagnetic survey. This magnetic anomaly is interpreted to represent a structure corresponding to the Grenvillian Precordillera-Pie de Palo tectonic boundary zone, and would comprise the buried largest part of the mafic-ultramafic belt. The geophysical model of the magnetic data indicates that the boundary zone dips to the east, possibly suggesting the existence of a set of synthetic east dipping, west-verging thrusts, of which only one major structure (Las Pirquitas thrust) is exposed; the possibility of other slivers of upthrust boundary zone material cannot be excluded. It is considered that the Pie de Palo Complex represents a small sliver upthrust from the unexposed boundary zone material (containing highly magnetic mafic-ultramafic rocks). The east-dipping, west verging structures associated with the Pie de Palo Complex are suggested to represent an Ordovician reactivation of a Grenvillian suture zone developed when the Precordillera basement and Pie de Palo terrane docked; this

  12. Fernando González: caminando por su novela Viaje a pie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Fernando González, ícono de la tradición literaria antioqueña, ha hecho que hoy en día las profundas y polémicas ideas sobre la realidad de su época lo presenten como un escritor con alta sensibilidad social, política y un constante renegar religioso. “Caminar” por la obra Viaje a pie , es precisamente eso: recorrer los senderos que él transitó en un tiempo. En el presente artículo se busca conocer la concepción que el autor tiene sobre la geografía, el amor, el desamor, la familia, la política y la religión, procurando así una caracterización del pensador envigadeño, la contextualización de los hechos y escenarios presentes en la obra referenciada.

  13. Efectividad a corto plazo del vendaje neuromuscular y vendaje funcional en la corrección del retropié pronado y supinado


    Luque-Suárez, Alejandro


    La utilización de métodos de corrección articular de las dealineaciones del pie en el plano frontal dentro del campo de la medicina, fisioterapia o la podología se encuentra ampliamente documentado y ha sido comúnmente empleado. Dentro de estos dispositivos se encuentran el vendaje funcional y el vendaje neuromuscular (también denominado kinesiotaping, medical taping, neurotaping o balance taping). Objetivos: 1.Comparar la efectividad del vendaje funcional y el vendaje neuromuscular en la...

  14. Description of the PIE facility for research reactors irradiated fuels in CNEA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bisca, A.; Coronel, R.; Homberger, V.; Quinteros, A.; Ratner, M.


    The PIE Facility (LAPEP), located at the Ezeiza Atomic Center (CAE), was designed to carry out destructive and non-destructive post-irradiation examinations (PIE) on research and power reactor spent fuels, reactor internals and other irradiated materials, and to perform studies related with: Station lifetime extension; Fuel performance; Development of new fuels; and Failures and determination of their causes. LAPEP is a relevant facility where research and development can be carried out. It is worth mentioning that in this facility the PIE corresponding to the Surveillance Program for the Atucha I Nuclear Power Plant (CNA-1) were successfully performed. Materials testing during the CNA-1 repair and the study of failures in fuel element plugs of the Embalse Nuclear Power Plant (CNE) were also performed. (author)

  15. Transferencia microquirúrgica hemipulpar del hallux en la reconstrucción del pulgar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José-Manuel Rodríguez-Vegas

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo. La transferencia hemipulpar del hallux permite excelentes reconstrucciones de pulgar porque ofrece tejidos blandos de alta calidad, contorno pulpar casi normal y recuperación sensitiva satisfactoria sin necesidad de reorientación cortical. Además, a diferencia de colgajos locales y regionales, evita la agresión adicional a una mano ya lesionada, optimizando así el período de rehabilitación y el resultado final. El artículo revisa la experiencia del autor en la técnica y compara el procedimiento con otras opciones reconstructivas. Material y Método. Realizamos una revisión retrospectiva de 16 pacientes sometidos a transferencia hemipulpar del hallux en el período 2007-2013. Todos los pacientes fueron varones, con una edad media de 34 años y una alta demanda funcional (trabajadores manuales con traumatismo laboral. La técnica fue indicada en defectos mayores del 50% de la superficie pulpar del pulgar en pacientes sin factores de riesgo asociados relevantes. En 3 de los casos el defecto pulpar asoció un defecto óseo de falange distal de tamaño suficiente para aconsejar la transferencia combinada osteo-pulpar. Resultados. Quince de los 16 colgajos sobrevivieron sin incidencias postoperatorias. Un colgajo sufrió trombosis arterial con retirada del colgajo y cirugía adicional de cobertura. En 2 pacientes se realizó revisión estética del colgajo de manera diferida. Excepto en el caso fallido, todos los pacientes volvieron a su actividad laboral previa con excelente recuperación funcional de la mano. El cierre de la zona donante se realizó mediante cierre directo (12 pacientes o injerto cutáneo (4 pacientes. Ninguno de los pacientes, independientemente del tipo de cierre del defecto en el pie, refirió problemas en la deambulación o apariencia estética del pie. Conclusiones. La reconstrucción de defectos pulpares del pulgar mediante transferencia hemipulpar del hallux permite un excelente resultado

  16. Ulcera cutanea provocada por hongos del genero Fusarium

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    Negroni Ricardo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente oriundo y procedente del Paraguay, de 40 años de edad, portador de una ulceración crónica en cara externa del pie izquierdo, de 2 meses de evolución, debida a una hialohifomicosis por Fusarium oxysporum. Se destacan las características clínicas, métodos de diagnóstico y terapeútica de esta micosis, además de las diferentes etiologías a considerar en el diagnóstico diferencial de una úlcera en personas procedentes del área tropical o subtropical.

  17. La enfermedad de manos, pies y boca (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    La enfermedad de manos, pies y boca es una enfermedad contagiosa que afecta principalmente a niños menores de cinco años. En este podcast, la doctora Eileen Schneider habla de los síntomas de la enfermedad de manos, pies y boca, cómo se propaga y cómo protegerse y proteger a sus hijos para que no se infecten con el virus.

  18. Estimación del diámetro, altura y volumen a partir del tocón para especies forestales de Durango


    Quiñónez Barraza, Gerónimo; Cruz Cobos, Francisco; Vargas Larreta, Benedicto; Hernández, Francisco Javier


    Cuando una masa forestal ha sido aprovechada mediante un programa de manejo y solo se tiene como evidencia las dimensiones de los tocones, es posible estimar a través de relaciones alométricas el diámetro y la altura, así como el volumen de los árboles en pie. En el presente trabajo se describe un experimento en el que se ajustaron 12 modelos matemáticos para predecir el diámetro normal, la altura total y el volumen del fuste, a partir del diámetro del tocón para Pinus arizonica , P. ayacahui...

  19. PIE on Safety-Tested AGR-1 Compact 5-1-1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunn, John D. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Morris, Robert Noel [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Baldwin, Charles A. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Montgomery, Fred C. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Gerczak, Tyler J. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Post-irradiation examination (PIE) is being performed in support of tristructural isotropic (TRISO) coated particle fuel development and qualification for High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs). AGR-1 was the first in a series of TRISO fuel irradiation experiments initiated in 2006 under the Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR) Fuel Development and Qualification Program; this work continues to be funded by the Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy as part of the Advanced Reactor Technologies (ART) initiative. AGR-1 fuel compacts were fabricated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in 2006 and irradiated for three years in the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) to demonstrate and evaluate fuel performance under HTGR irradiation conditions. PIE is being performed at INL and ORNL to study how the fuel behaved during irradiation, and to examine fuel performance during exposure to elevated temperatures at or above temperatures that could occur during a depressurized conduction cooldown event. This report summarizes safety testing of irradiated AGR-1 Compact 5-1-1 in the ORNL Core Conduction Cooldown Test Facility (CCCTF) and post-safety testing PIE.

  20. Development, irradiation testing and PIE of UMo fuel at AECL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sears, D.F.


    This paper reviews recent U-Mo dispersion fuel development, irradiation testing and postirradiation examination (PIE) activities at AECL. Low-enriched uranium fuel alloys and powders have been fabricated at Chalk River Labs, with compositions ranging from U-7Mo to U-10Mo. The bulk alloys and powders were characterized using optical and scanning electron microscopy, chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction analysis. The analyses confirmed that the powders were of high quality, and in the desired gamma phase. Subsequently, kilogram quantities of DU-Mo and LEU-Mo powder have been manufactured for commercial customers. Mini-elements have been fabricated with LEU-7Mo and LEU-10Mo dispersed in aluminum, with a nominal loading of 4.5 gU/cm 3 . These have been irradiated in the NRU reactor at linear powers up to 100 kW/m. The mini-elements achieved 60 atom% 235 U burnup in 2004 March, and the irradiation is continuing to a planned discharge burnup of 80 atom% 235 U. Interim PIE has been conducted on mini-elements that were removed after 20 atom% 235 U burnup. The PIE results are presented in this paper. (author)

  1. Current status of PIE activities in O-arai Engineering Center of JNC on FBR MOX fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koyama, Shin-ichi; Osaka, Masahiko; Namekawa, Takashi; Itoh, Masahiko


    Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) is now totally promoting the development of commercialized fast reactors to realize stable supply of energy in future. One of the important items is to develop high-performance fuel. For this purpose, it is essential to carry out post-irradiation examinations (PIE) for evaluation of irradiated fuel performance and also to establish the PIE technology. This paper describes the current status of PIE results including its technology in O-arai Engineering Center of JNC. The facilities have been operating safely and successfully since the 1960's. Obtained PIE data were reflected to the design and operation of the experimental fast reactor JOYO, the prototype fast reactor MONJU and future fast reactors. The core modification from the breeding core (MK-I) to the irradiation core (MK-II) of JOYO was performed in 1982. Irradiation tests of fuels and materials in MK-II core started in 1982. At PIE facilities in OEC, 65 of driver fuels, fuel irradiation test rigs, material irradiation test rigs and several other components were examined related to JOYO MK-II core operation, and thus a lot of aspects were accumulated for irradiated fuel behaviors. As topical activities of these PIE techniques, burnup measurement and analytical technique for Minor Actinides (MA), such as neptunium and americium were described here. (author)

  2. 21 CFR 152.126 - Frozen cherry pie. (United States)


    ... incorporating in a filling contained in a pastry shell mature, pitted, stemmed cherries that are fresh, frozen, and/or canned. The top of the pie may be open or it may be wholly or partly covered with pastry or other suitable topping. Filling, pastry, and topping components of the food consist of optional...

  3. Arquitectura vernácula de la zona baja de la cuenca hidrográfica del guayas: viviendas urbanas y rurales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia María Peralta González


    Algunas edificaciones aún siguen en pie, tanto en el área urbana como rural, pese a la indiferencia que ha habido hacia este tipo de arquitectura, cuyo aporte sigue sin reconocerse totalmente cuando se habla del patrimonio construido del Ecuador.

  4. Recent and future PIE activities in KAERI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Sangbok; Ryu, Woo-seok; Hong, Kwonpyo; Jeon, Yongbum; Kim, Dosik; Choo, Yongsun


    KAERI has two PIE hot cell facilities. One is Irradiated Material Examination Facility (IMEF) to examine irradiated nuclear fuels and core structural materials at HANARO, and the other is a Post Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF) to do the operated PWR nuclear fuels and skeleton. Their activities are categorized by hot cell examinations, new technique developments, maintenance of facility utilities and a public acceptance work. In the past three years hot cell tests were executed over 2,000 times related to R and D projects of the future and next generation reactors such as SMART, U-Mo fuels, I-NERI etc., including 30 rods to be operated in domestic PWR's. To supply PIE data on time to the user schedules new equipment and techniques are being developed for 10 items which include an annealing fission gas release rate, thermal diffusivity measurement, a laser puncturing fission gas collection system and mechanical property measurements on PWR FA skeleton etc. For maintenance of facilities the aged utility equipment are refurbished and exchanged for new ones. The partly cracked and leaking building walls are completely repaired, and the aged electric UPS's, HVAC system parts, heating and cooling system are exchanged for new ones. Additionally efforts to upgrade the public acceptance for facility visiting events, open training courses to the university and graduated students have been made. Regarding the future of domestic R and D and a power reactor operating plan the demand for hot cell examinations will be steadily increased. Along with them new PIE techniques on TRISO fuels, minor actinide SFR fuels and CANDU fuels etc are required to be developed. New space to install small scale hot cells, and develop for the extreme conditioned test to meet future demands will be taken. (author)

  5. PIE the search: searching PubMed literature for protein interaction information. (United States)

    Kim, Sun; Kwon, Dongseop; Shin, Soo-Yong; Wilbur, W John


    Finding protein-protein interaction (PPI) information from literature is challenging but an important issue. However, keyword search in PubMed(®) is often time consuming because it requires a series of actions that refine keywords and browse search results until it reaches a goal. Due to the rapid growth of biomedical literature, it has become more difficult for biologists and curators to locate PPI information quickly. Therefore, a tool for prioritizing PPI informative articles can be a useful assistant for finding this PPI-relevant information. PIE (Protein Interaction information Extraction) the search is a web service implementing a competition-winning approach utilizing word and syntactic analyses by machine learning techniques. For easy user access, PIE the search provides a PubMed-like search environment, but the output is the list of articles prioritized by PPI confidence scores. By obtaining PPI-related articles at high rank, researchers can more easily find the up-to-date PPI information, which cannot be found in manually curated PPI databases.

  6. Uso terapêutico da radiofrequência pulsátil no gânglio dorsal da raiz de L2 na lombalgia discogênica Uso terapéutico de la radiofrecuencia pulsátil en el ganglio dorsal de la raíz de L2 en la lumbalgia discogénica Pulsed radiofrequency on L2 dorsal root ganglion as a therapeutic method for lumbar discogenic pain

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    Fabrício Dias Assis


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da radiofrequência pulsátil sobre o gânglio da raiz dorsal de L2 no tratamento dos pacientes com lombalgia discogênica. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se análise retrospectiva de 50 pacientes portadores de lombalgia crônica discogênica atendidos no período de janeiro de 2004 a julho de 2007. O processo diagnóstico foi constituído por exame físico, ressonância magnética e bloqueio diagnóstico do gânglio da raiz dorsal de L2. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à radiofrequência pulsátil no gânglio da raiz dorsal de L2 e acompanhados por, no mínimo, 12 meses. A intensidade de dor foi medida pela escala visual analógica (EVA de dor. RESULTADOS: A análise estatística mostrou melhora significativa da intensidade de dor (pOBJETIVO: evaluar la eficacia de la radiofrecuencia pulsátil sobre el ganglio de la raíz dorsal de L2 en el tratamiento de los pacientes con lumbalgia discogénica. MÉTODOS: fue realizado un análisis retrospectivo de 50 pacientes portadores de lumbalgia crónica discogénica, atendidos en el periodo de Enero de 2004 a Julio de 2007. El proceso diagnóstico constó de un examen físico, resonancia magnética y bloqueo diagnóstico del ganglio de la raíz dorsal de L2. Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos a la radiofrecuencia pulsátil en el ganglio de la raíz dorsal de L2 y seguidos por 12 meses, como mínimo. La intensidad del dolor fue medida por la escala visual analógica del dolor. RESULTADOS: el análisis estadístico mostró mejoría significativa de la intensidad del dolor (pOBJECTIVE: to evaluate the effectiveness of pulsate radio-frequency on L2 dorsal root ganglion for chronic discogenic low back pain. Of L2 in the treatment of the patient with discogenic low back pain. METHODS: Between January 2004 and July 2007, 50 patients with diagnosis of low back discogenic pain were retrospectively assessed based on physical examination, magnetic resonance imaging findings and selective L

  7. Aportaciones a la transición del hiero I al hierro II en el centro de la cuenca del udero

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    Full Text Available En la diversidad de publicaciones que se ponen al alcance del investigador, y que son referidas a la Edad del Hierro, entendida de una manera amplia, se viene observando, en el manejo terminológico más bien, una serie de cuestiones que quedan latentes entre las diferentes tomas de postura; pero que, salvo excepciones, no dan pie a una discusión o puesta en común de las mismas, y que entendemos son de capital importancia para la zona objeto de la presente comunicación.

  8. Ejercicios técnico-tácticos para la ejecución de los pases con el empeine exterior del pie en futbolistas de la categoría 12-13 años / Technical-tactical exercises for the execution of the passes with the outer instep of the foot in soccer players of the category 12-13 years

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    Dayron Alberto Rice-Nelson


    Full Text Available Resumen El proceso de preparación técnico-táctica ofensiva en el fútbol constituye un pilar fundamental para lograr un buen desarrollo del juego y también alcanzar resultados favorables cuando se compite. Se pudo comprobar mediante un diagnóstico que los futbolistas de la categoría 12-13 años del Combinado Deportivo Previsora, municipio Camagüey, presentan insuficiencias en la ejecución de los pases con el empeine exterior del pie mientras compiten o entrenan, lo que afecta sus resultados; por tanto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar juegos y ejercicios que favorezcan la ejecución técnico-táctica de los pases con el empeine exterior del pie. Para ello se emplearon diversos métodos y técnicas como la entrevista, la revisión documental, la observación a sesiones de entrenamientos y la observación a competencias. Estos arrojaron como resultados que la ofensiva era poco variable, poco sorpresiva, con una constante pérdida de balones en su desarrollo. La elaboración del conjunto de juegos y ejercicios favorece la correcta ejecución técnico-táctica de los pases con el empeine exterior del pie y eleva el nivel de preparación deportiva. Abstract The process of technical-tactical preparation offensive in football is a fundamental pillar to achieve a good development of the game and also achieve a favorable outcome when competing. It was possible to verify by means of a diagnosis that the soccer players of the category 12-13 years of Combined Sport Previsora, municipality Camagüey, present insufficiencies in the execution of the passes with the outside instep of the foot while competing or training, which affects the results of its Football activity. Therefore, the present research aimed to design a set of games and exercises that favor the technical-tactical execution of the passes with the outer instep of the foot. For this, various methods and techniques were used, such as interviewing, document review, observing

  9. Cuento: El naufragio del circo

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    Guillermo Hoyos Trujillo


    Full Text Available El barco se agitaba al vaivén de las olas, como si estuviera bailando una danza macabra; sus cuadernas crujían y el piloto conservaba difícilmente el rumbo. El capitán y el ingeniero, sosteniéndose de pies con precario equilibrio sobre la bodega de proa, trataban de aquietar inútilmente al arisco pasaje integrado por los artistas, técnicos y trabajadores del Circo Recore.

  10. Geometry and computation of Houndstooth (Pied-de-poule)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feijs, L.M.G.; Bosch, Robert; McKenna, Douglas; Sarhangi, Reza


    We apply a variety of geometric and computational tools to improve our understanding of the Houndstooth (Pied de poule) pattern. Although the pattern must have been known for centuries, it was made famous mostly by Christian Dior and is still frequently used in many variations. It is a

  11. Great tit and pied flycatcher populations on the territory of radioactive trail in the eastern Urals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebedeva, N.V.


    The purpose of this preliminary study was to evaluate the prospects for using populations of the great tit (Parus major) and the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in ecological monitoring of territories contaminated with radionuclides. Studies were performed in the summer of 1992 in birch forests of the Southern Urals. Artificial nesting sites (log houses) located 1.5 m above the ground were distributed over territories of two test plots: 30 log houses on the contaminated plot and 60 on the control plot (contamination with Sr-90 1.5 and 2 · 10 -3 mCi/m 2 , respectively). The nesting success in the great tit was similar on both plots, whereas that in the pied flycatcher was significantly greater on the control plot (in a open-quotes cleanclose quotes forest). Pied flycatchers build their nests out of highly radioactive materials, whereas great tits use nonradioactive or weakly emitting materials. Hence, pied flycatcher's nestlings receive a significant radiation dose from components of the nest: From the moment of egg laying, this dose amounts to 0.5 rem. The pied flycatcher can be used as an indicator of radioactive contamination. This species is more sensitive than the great tit, which has been successfully used as an indicator for monitoring the industrial air pollution

  12. Poesía del padre Briceño Jáuregui

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    Antonio J. Pérez H.


    Full Text Available En la Revista Javeriana (abril de 1962 apareció un haz de sonetos cincelados al pie mismo de los mármoles vetustos de Atica. Un poeta autóctono, virtuoso del clasicismo heleno, casi anónimo en meido de esta desazón literaria en que vivimos.

  13. Proceedings of 2012 JAEA/KAERI joint seminar on advanced irradiation and PIE technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishihara, Masahiro; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Suzuki, Masahide


    Under the 'Arrangement for Corporation in the field of peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy between the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)', the 2012 JAEA/KAERI Joint Seminar on Advanced Irradiation and PIE (post-irradiation examination) Technologies has been held at Mito, Japan from March 28 to 30, 2012. This triennial seminar is the seventh in series of bilateral exchange of irradiation and PIE technologies and research reactor management. Since the first joint seminar on the PIE Technology between JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, former agency of JAEA) and KAERI was held at JAERI Oarai Research Institute, Japan in 1992, the international cooperation program between JAEA and KAERI has been actively carried out in the field of neutron irradiation. At the fifth seminar in 2005 and sixth in 2008, the irradiation technology and the research reactor management fields were included, respectively, to the joint seminar, and it covers whole areas of irradiation using research reactors. In this seminar total 37 presentations were made in three technical sessions, which are 'research reactor management', 'advanced irradiation technology' and 'post-irradiation examination technology', and active information exchange was done among participants. Papers or manuscripts presented in the 2012 JAEA/KAERI Joint Seminar on Advanced Irradiation and PIE Technologies are contained in the proceedings. (author)

  14. The MEGAPIE PIE sample preparation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wohlmuther, M.; Boutellier, V.; Dai, Y.; Gavillet, D.; Geissmann, K.; Hahl, S.; Hammer, B.; Lagotzki, A.; Leu, H.; Linder, H.P.; Kalt, A.; Kuster, D.; Neuhausen, J.; Schumann, D.; Schwarz, R.; Schweikert, H.; Spahr, A.; Suter, P.; Teichmann, S.; Thomsen, K.; Wiese, H.; Wagner, W.; Zimmermann, U.; Zumbach, C.


    On the way towards Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS), the MEGAPIE (Mega-Watt Pilot Experiment) project is one of the key milestones. The MEGAPIE project aimed to prove that a liquid Lead-Bismuth-Eutectic (LBE) spallation target can be licensed, planned, built, operated, dismantled, examined and disposed. The project has finished the phase of producing the samples for Post-irradiation Examination (PIE). Samples to study structural material property changes due to the harsh environment of high temperatures, contact with flowing liquid metal (LBE), proton and neutron irradiation will be investigated by all partner laboratories (CEA, CNRS, ENEA, KIT, PSI and SCK-CEN). (authors)

  15. PIE of test assembly of Qinshan nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ran, M.; Yan, J.; Wang, S.


    The small dimensional test fuel assembly (3x3-2) for the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant was irradiated up to 25.7 Gwd/tU in the in-pile loop (15.5 Mpa,320 C) in Heavy Water Research Reactor (HWRR), CIAE, at simulative condition to Qinshan PWR normal and short time overpower operation for verifying the design, technology, and material properties of the fuel assembly. Comprehensive post-irradiation examination (PIE) including dimension measurement, gamma scanning, eddy current test, X ray, radiography, measurement of fission gas release, and quantitative metallography etc. were performed. PIE results show that the diameter of the fuel rods changed, ridges appeared on the cladding, pellets swelled, and the rate of fission gas release was higher than what we expected. The results would be an important basis for further improvement of design, technology and material properties for Qinshan PWR assembly. (author)

  16. The pied piper of Hamelin: Exploring the story

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    Leila Mury Bergmann


    Full Text Available This article’s goal is to explore the story of The Pied Piper of Hamelin. In order to do so, social aspects of childhood in the (probable time when the story was created are presented, as well as some curiosities about the text. Furthermore, this paper brings a personal statement (by the authors of a storytelling activity in a public school nursery in Porto Alegre, based upon the version of the book The Pied Piper of Hamelin, by Tatiana Belinky. After some questions and informal conversation about the tale, the children’s verbal expositions were analyzed. The research brings, as a theoretical background, contributions of studies from authors connected, mainly, to the field of Children’s Literature and Education. It brought the conclusion that the piper’s story motivated representative interventions, since during the storytelling activity children used typical aspects of their culture and also showed their dominium of temporal arrangement of the text’s events, as well as their peculiar creativity – according to their age – of recreating in the situation of the so-called make-believe.

  17. 9 CFR 381.158 - Poultry dinners (frozen) and pies. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Poultry dinners (frozen) and pies. 381... AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Definitions and Standards of Identity or...

  18. PIE and separate effect test of high burnup UO2 fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Yong Sik; Kim, S.K.; Kim, D.H.


    To investigate the performance of a high burnup UO 2 fuel, the highest burnup fuel assembly in KOREA was transported to the PIE facility in KAERI. It was a 17·17 fuel assembly irradiated at the Ulchin Unit 2 PWR. The peak fuel rod average burnup was about 57MWd/kgU and locally 65MWd/kgU. The general PIE was performed to investigate the fuel rod irradiation performance. Fission gas release, burnup, oxide thickness, hydrogen pickup, CRUD, and density change were measured by destructive of non-destructive test. Microstructure change, bubble and pore size distributions were observed by optical microscopy, SEM and EPMA. All generated and available PIE results were used to verify high burnup fuel performance code INFRA. Several rods were cut for additional separate effect test. For the high burnup fission gas release behaviour analysis, annealing apparatus were developed and installed in hot cell and preliminary test was performed. In addition to current apparatus new induction furnace will be installed in hot cell to investigate the high temperature and transient fission gas release behaviour. Ring tensile test was performed to analyze the material property degradation which caused by the oxidation and hydride, and additional mechanical tests will be performed. (Author)

  19. A Python program to automate generation of publication ready taxonomic pie chart images from QIIME. (United States)

    Lakhujani, Vijay; Badapanda, Chandan


    QIIME (Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology) is one of the most popular open-source bioinformatics suite for performing metagenome, 16S rRNA amplicon and Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) data analysis. Although, it is very comprehensive and powerful tool, it lacks a method to provide publication ready taxonomic pie charts. The script plot_taxa_summary . py bundled with QIIME generate a html file and a folder containing taxonomic pie chart and legend as separate images. The images have randomly generated alphanumeric names. Therefore, it is difficult to associate the pie chart with the legend and the corresponding sample identifier. Even if the option to have the legend within the html file is selected while executing plot_taxa_summary . py , it is very tedious to crop a complete image (having both the pie chart and the legend) due to unequal image sizes. It requires a lot of time to manually prepare the pie charts for multiple samples for publication purpose. Moreover, there are chances of error while identifying the pie chart and legend pair due to random alphanumeric names of the images. To bypass all these bottlenecks and make this process efficient, we have developed a python based program, prepare_taxa_charts . py , to automate the renaming, cropping and merging of taxonomic pie chart and corresponding legend image into a single, good quality publication ready image. This program not only augments the functionality of plot_taxa_summary . py but is also very fast in terms of CPU time and user friendly.

  20. Recent improvements in PIE-techniques at the IFE hot-laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenssen, Haakon Kristian


    The PIE-techniques at the IFE nuclear fuel section are continuously improved through upgrading of equipment and methods, e.g. image handling techniques and components utilised in data acquisition and editing techniques. To improve the quality or spatial resolution of neutron radiographs the normal technique was complemented with another method. The dysprosium foil/X-ray film technique is now supplemented with a track-etch recorder consisting of a cellulose nitrate film. For further examination the cellulose nitrate film can be digitised to allow electronic image treatment. Promising results were obtained with this technique on neutron radiographs, namely higher spatial resolution compared to the normal technique, high contrast and sharp neutron radiography images. The traditional one-axial profilometry of fuel rods were modified so that diameter/bow measurements are possible at several angular orientations during one acquisition sequence. This extension is very useful in several ways, for instance the built-in data symmetry of the method is used to check the correctness of the measurement results. Diameter and bow measurements give in addition detailed and complete information of canning irregularities and fuel rod profiles. PIE data are collected and compiled in an image file. Inspection and examination of the file information is possible through an ideal user-interface, i.e. Adobe photoshop software with navigator possibilities. An example incorporating PIE data acquired from a fuel rod exposed in a loss of coolant experiment is utilised for illustration of the user-interface and some of its possibilities (author) (ml)

  1. International Workshop on Characterization and PIE Needs for Fundamental Understanding of Fuels Performance and Safety

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Not Listed


    The International Workshop on Characterization and PIE Needs to Support Science-Based Development of Innovative Fuels was held June 16-17, 2011, in Paris, France. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Party on the Fuel Cycle (WPFC) sponsored the workshop to identify gaps in global capabilities that need to be filled to meet projected needs in the 21st century. First and foremost, the workshop brought nine countries and associated international organizations, together in support of common needs for nuclear fuels and materials testing, characterization, PIE, and modeling capabilities. Finland, France, Germany, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, IAEA, and ITU (on behalf of European Union Joint Research Centers) discussed issues and opportunities for future technical advancements and collaborations. Second, the presentations provided a base level of understanding of current international capabilities. Three main categories were covered: (1) status of facilities and near term plans, (2) PIE needs from fuels engineering and material science perspectives, and (3) novel PIE techniques being developed to meet the needs. The International presentations provided valuable data consistent with the outcome of the National Workshop held in March 2011. Finally, the panel discussion on 21st century PIE capabilities, created a unified approach for future collaborations. In conclusion, (1) existing capabilities are not sufficient to meet the needs of a science-based approach, (2) safety issues and fuels behavior during abnormal conditions will receive more focus post-Fukushima; therefore we need to adopt our techniques to those issues, and (3) International collaboration is needed in the areas of codes and standards development for the new techniques.

  2. Atividade eletromiográfica durante o agachamento unipodal associado a diferentes posições do pé Actividad electromiográfica durante el agache unipodal asociado a diferentes posiciones del pie Electromyographic activity during one-legged squatting under different foot positions

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    Gabriel Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste estudo foi quantificar a atividade muscular durante a realização de agachamento unipodal com variações na técnica. Oito voluntários saudáveis realizaram agachamentos associados a cinco tipos de posição do pé: posição neutra, sobre cunha com 10º de declive, sobre cunha com 10º de aclive, sobre cunha com 10º de inclinação medial e sobre cunha com 10º de inclinação lateral. Foram avaliados os dados eletromiográficos dos músculos vasto medial oblíquo, vasto lateral, reto femoral, bíceps femoral, gastrocnêmio lateral e tibial anterior, utilizando a ANOVA fator único. O valor eletromiográfico integrado de todos os músculos não foi estatisticamente diferente nos cinco tipos de posição do pé. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que diferentes tipos de posicionamento do pé durante o agachamento unipodal não provocam alterações no padrão de recrutamento muscular.El objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido cuantificar la actividad muscular durante la realización de agachamiento unipodal con variaciones en la técnica. Ocho voluntarios saludables realizaron agachamientos asociados a cinco tipos de posición del pie: posición neutra, sobre cuña con 10º de declive, sobre cuña con 10º de elevación, sobre cuña con 10º de inclinación media y sobre cuña con 10º de inclinación lateral. Fueron evaluados los datos electromiográficos de los músculos vasto medial oblicuo, vasto lateral, recto femoral, bíceps femoral, gastrocnemio lateral y tibial anterior, utilizando ANOVA factor único. El valor electromiográfico integrado de todos los músculos no fue estadísticamente diferente en los cinco tipos de posición del pie. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que diferentes tipos de posicionamiento del pie durante el proceso de agachamiento unipodal no provocan alteraciones en el padrón de reclutamiento muscular.The specific aim of this study was to quantify muscle activity while

  3. Lumbar dorsal ramus syndrome. (United States)

    Bogduk, N


    Low back pain, referred pain in the lower limbs, and spasm of the back, gluteal, and hamstring muscles are clinical features which can be induced in normal volunteers by stimulating structures which are innervated by the lumbar dorsal rami. Conversely, they can be relieved in certain patients by selective interruption of conduction along dorsal rami. These facts permit the definition of a lumbar dorsal ramus syndrome, which can be distinguished from the intervertebral disc syndrome and other forms of low back pain. The distinguishing feature is that, in lumbar dorsal ramus syndrome, all the clinical features are exclusively mediated by dorsal rami and do not arise from nerve-root compression. The pathophysiology, pathology, and treatment of this syndrome are described. Recognition of this syndrome, and its treatment with relatively minor procedures, can obviate the need for major surgery which might otherwise be undertaken.

  4. Modificación del coeficiente peso/área del pié en relación con la agregación en Tarebia granifera

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    Rodríguez de la Vega Ricardo Alejandro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analizar la dispersión de los ejemplares de una población de Tarebia granifera y su relación con la modificación de los parámetros morfométricos. METODOS: Se colectó por parcelas incluyendo dos tipos de substratos en condiciones opuestas de agregación y se comparó la abundancia relativa tanto entre muestreos, como entre sustratos. Se delimitaron 7 clases de alto a las cuales se les determinó el coeficiente peso/área del pié, el cual se correlacionó con la talla por clase. Se evaluó experimentalmente si los individuos con menor carga del pié tienen mayor persistencia en substratos emergidos, así como la interacción entre dos grupos de clases de alto. RESULTADOS: La diferencia de la abundancia entre los muestreos fue de t=5.874 (p<0.001 y de t=10.15 (p<0.001 entre el substrato rocoso emergido y el arenoso, sólo en condiciones de alta agregación, en las que la carga del pié de los individuos más grandes se reduce con la talla (r=-0.98, p<0.05. Experimentalmente, la abundancia de los ejemplares de tallas opuestas está mutuamente limitada (r=-0.87, p<0.01, la altura del oleaje limita la abundancia de los ejemplares menores (r=-0.94, p<0.001 siendo tolerada por los mayores (r=0.72, p<0.05. La carga promedio del pie disminuye con la altura del oleaje (r=-0.93, p<0.001. CONCLUSIONES: Con elevada agregación los ejemplares mayores emigran hacia substratos de difícil conquista por los menores, que están limitados por la acción mecánica del medio. La disminución de la carga del pie facilita la dispersión de los individuos.

  5. Modificación del coeficiente peso/área del pié en relación con la agregación en Tarebia granifera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Alejandro Rodríguez de la Vega


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analizar la dispersión de los ejemplares de una población de Tarebia granifera y su relación con la modificación de los parámetros morfométricos. METODOS: Se colectó por parcelas incluyendo dos tipos de substratos en condiciones opuestas de agregación y se comparó la abundancia relativa tanto entre muestreos, como entre sustratos. Se delimitaron 7 clases de alto a las cuales se les determinó el coeficiente peso/área del pié, el cual se correlacionó con la talla por clase. Se evaluó experimentalmente si los individuos con menor carga del pié tienen mayor persistencia en substratos emergidos, así como la interacción entre dos grupos de clases de alto. RESULTADOS: La diferencia de la abundancia entre los muestreos fue de t=5.874 (p<0.001 y de t=10.15 (p<0.001 entre el substrato rocoso emergido y el arenoso, sólo en condiciones de alta agregación, en las que la carga del pié de los individuos más grandes se reduce con la talla (r=-0.98, p<0.05. Experimentalmente, la abundancia de los ejemplares de tallas opuestas está mutuamente limitada (r=-0.87, p<0.01, la altura del oleaje limita la abundancia de los ejemplares menores (r=-0.94, p<0.001 siendo tolerada por los mayores (r=0.72, p<0.05. La carga promedio del pie disminuye con la altura del oleaje (r=-0.93, p<0.001. CONCLUSIONES: Con elevada agregación los ejemplares mayores emigran hacia substratos de difícil conquista por los menores, que están limitados por la acción mecánica del medio. La disminución de la carga del pie facilita la dispersión de los individuos.

  6. Social suppliers: Exploring the cultural contours of the performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) market among bodybuilders in the Netherlands and Belgium. (United States)

    van de Ven, Katinka; Mulrooney, Kyle J D


    This paper explores the understudied phenomenon of performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) markets by examining the structure and formation of the market for PIEDs among bodybuilders in the Netherlands and Belgium. This article specifically seeks to account for individual reasons and motivations for dealing PIEDs within these bodybuilding subcultures. Understanding illicit PIED markets is important for policy decisions as knowledge on the production and distribution of these substances may assist in designing law enforcement efforts, harm reduction initiatives and treatment options. This article draws on two years of fieldwork in various bodybuilding settings, 47 semi-structured interviews with individuals who are directly or indirectly involved in the PIED market and 64 PIED dealing cases initiated by criminal justice agencies in the Netherlands and Belgium. The data indicates that PIED dealing groups and individuals are often driven by motivations stemming from their social and cultural embeddedness in the bodybuilding subculture. Specifically, these PIED dealers are 'over-socialized' into the structure and culture of bodybuilding and follow the cultural scripts that come with their group affiliation and organization. As a result of the cultural context in which these transactions occur, PIED dealing networks among bodybuilders in the Netherlands and Belgium are more likely to consist of friends or 'friends of friends' tied together by threads of collective meaning found within the bodybuilding subculture. We argue that efforts seeking to explain the structure, formation and motivations of illicit PIED dealing must learn to appreciate how culture mediates structural forces and thereby influences individual and collective action. Policy makers, health care professionals and other relevant parties should consider a plurality of factors (social, economic and cultural) when designing and evaluating PIED-related interventions such as law enforcement efforts, harm



    Ohta, Tohru; Itoh, Yasunobu; Tessler, Alan; Mizoi, Kazuo


    Adult cut dorsal root axons regenerate into the transplants of embryonic spinal cord (ESC) and form functional synapses within the transplants. It is unknown whether the growth is specific to transplants of dorsal half of ESC, a normal target of most dorsal root axons, or whether it is due to properties shared by transplants of ventral half of ESC. We used calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) immunohistochemistry to label to the subpopulations of regenerated adult dorsal root axons, quantit...

  8. Development of PIE techniques for irradiated LWR pressure vessel steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishi, Masahiro; Kizaki, Minoru; Sukegawa, Tomohide


    For the evaluation of safety and integrity of light water reactors (LWRs), various post irradiation examinations (PIEs) of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels and fuel claddings have been carried out in the Research Hot Laboratory (RHL). In recent years, the instrumented Charpy impact testing machine was remodeled aiming at the improvement of accuracy and reliability. By this remodeling, absorbed energy and other useful information on impact properties can be delivered from the force-displacement curve for the evaluation of neutron irradiation embrittlement behavior of LWR-RPV steels at one-time striking. In addition, two advanced PIE technologies are now under development. One is the remote machining of mechanical test pieces from actual irradiated pressure vessel steels. The other is development of low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue test technology in order to clarify the post-irradiation fatigue characteristics of structural and fuel cladding materials. (author)

  9. 49 CFR 40.403 - Must a service agent notify its clients when the Department issues a PIE? (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Must a service agent notify its clients when the... Must a service agent notify its clients when the Department issues a PIE? (a) As a service agent, if... clients, in writing, about the issuance, scope, duration, and effect of the PIE. You may meet this...

  10. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Tool for Pork Pie Development (United States)

    Gaunt, Adam P.; Morris, Robert H.; Newton, Michael I.


    The traditional British pork pie consists of roughly chopped pork cooked in a hot water pastry crust. Due to shrinkage of the meat during cooking, the gap formed around the meat is usually sealed using a gelatin based jelly to exclude air and thus help to preserve the pie. The properties of the jelly are such that it will ingress into the pastry crust causing undesirable softening. The jelly is traditionally produced by simmering pig trotters with seasoning for several hours. In this work we demonstrate the potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a tool for investigating the conditions required for producing jellies with different properties and present two examples of this use. Firstly we demonstrate that MRI can determine the ability of water to diffuse through the jelly which is critical in minimizing the amount of moisture moving from the jelly to the crust. Secondly, the impact of jelly temperature on the penetration length into the crust is investigated. These examples highlight the power of MRI as a tool for food assessment. PMID:28239124

  11. Microbiological evaluation of sweet pies marketed fairs in special city Goiânia-GO

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    Edmar Soares Nicolau


    Full Text Available The sweet pies are widely consumed in special fairs in Goiânia-GO city. In general they are marketed in inadequate way, without refrigeration and most of times without any protection against various types of contaminants, including microbial contamination that can cause food toxi-infections to consumers. This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of pies sold in 105 stalls in 23 special fair city of Goiânia, and also the impact of training on the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP in the quality of these products. The micro-organisms investigated were those required the by standard microbiological: Salmonella, fecal coliforms, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus coagulase positive. We also observed the temperature exposure of these foods on newsstands. We analyzed 259 samples in total, with 209 in the first stage, before the training of the fairground, and 50 in the second, after qualifying for the fair dealers in GMP. Pies sweets collected before training of fair dealers were considered unfit for consumption because it contains health indicators above the recommended limit (65.6% with fecal coliforms, 20.6% Staphylococcus coagulase positive and 16.8% with Bacillus cereus. In samples collected after training there was an improvement in the indices (28,0% contained coliforms, 14,0% Staphylococcus coagulase positive and 28,0% of Bacillus cereus, all above the limit set. None samples had Salmonella in both steps. It can be concluded that with the training of fair dealers there was an improvement in the microbiological quality of these products. These results reinforce the need for training of the fairground and the impact it can have on the quality of the products. The storage temperatures pies ranged from –5.3ºC to 28.7ºC in first step and –3.6ºC to 24.0ºC in the second. The presence of the refrigerated was not sufficient to maintain the optimal temperature (to 10 ° C for storage of pies.

  12. Oxidative stress in pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nestlings from metal contaminated environments in northern Sweden

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berglund, A.M.M.; Sturve, J.; Foerlin, L.; Nyholm, N.E.I.


    Metals have been shown to induce oxidative stress in animals. One of the most metal polluted terrestrial environments in Sweden is the surroundings of a sulfide ore smelter plant located in the northern part of the country. Pied flycatcher nestlings (Ficedula hypoleuca) that grew up close to the industry had accumulated amounts of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, iron and zinc in their liver tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate if pied flycatcher nestlings in the pollution gradient of the industry were affected by oxidative stress using antioxidant molecules and enzyme activities. The antioxidant assays were also evaluated in search for useful biomarkers in pied flycatchers. This study indicated that nestlings in metal contaminated areas showed signs of oxidative stress evidenced by up regulated hepatic antioxidant defense given as increased glutathione reductase (GR) and catalase (CAT) activities and slightly but not significantly elevated lipid peroxidation and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities. Stepwise linear regression indicated that lipid peroxidation and CAT activities were influenced mostly by iron, but iron and lead influenced the CAT activity to a higher degree. Positive relationships were found between GST and lead as well as GR activities and cadmium. We conclude that GR, CAT, GST activities and lipid peroxidation levels may function as useful biomarkers for oxidative stress in free-living pied flycatcher nestlings exposed to metal contaminated environments

  13. Perfil antropométrico en función del estado nutricional de niños con discapacidad intelectual


    Cossio, Marco; Vidal, Rubén; Lagos, Juan; Gómez, Rossana


    Para este estudio se estudiaron 49 niños y adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual (30 hombres y 19 mujeres) de una escuela de educación especial. Se evaluaron el peso, la estatura, la altura troncocefálica, y la longitud del antebrazo y el pie. El cálculo del estado nutricional permitió establecer categorías nutricionales: bajo peso, peso normal y exceso de peso.

  14. Fitness costs of polygyny in female Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Both, C.


    Variance in mating systems can only be understood if the fitness consequences of the available options are known for both sexes. In Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca it has for long been suggested that females pairing with already mated males pay a fitness cost, and it is still debated why females


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    Christian Andrés Díaz

    Full Text Available La medida de la presión plantar es fundamental para conocer la distribución de las fuerzas en la planta del pie. Estos valores son importantes para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de diferentes patologías como úlceras diabéticas en la planta del pie y presencia de deformidades en extremidades inferiores, entre otras. En el presente artículo se describe el desarrollo de un podobarógrafo para el análisis de la huella plantar, cuyo desarrollo incluyó la fabricación de un podoscopio, la selección de un material transductor adecuado y el desarrollo del software para el procesamiento de las imágenes capturadas por una cámara de video. El dispositivo propuesto PodoMED permite realizar un análisis dinámico y estático de la huella, pues aparte de mostrar cómo es la distribución de presiones en la planta del pie durante la marcha, por medio de imágenes en seudocolor, tiene la opción de emitir una valoración de la huella, donde se muestran medidas como el índice de valgo, el ángulo de Clarke, el índice de Hernández Corvo, entre otros. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto se realizaron ensayos experimentales para minimizar el ruido de la imagen, lo cual se logró con la utilización de un filtro físico y otro para la imagen por medio de software. Para una etapa futura, se planea la calibración y validación del sistema, con lo cual se pretende brindar mayor confiabilidad y repetibilidad.

  16. [Characterization and nutritional value of a food artisan: the meat pie of Murcia]. (United States)

    Ruiz-Cano, Domingo; Pérez-Llamas, Francisca; López-Jiménez, José Ángel; González-Silvera, Daniel; Frutos, Maria José; Zamora, Salvador


    The main aims of this study are to describe the characteristics of the meat pie, a typical product of the regional gastronomy of Murcia and to determine its nutritional and energy values, fatty acid profile and fat quality. There were studied 24 samples of Murcia's meat pie from the six best-selling retail establishments in this Region (four units per establishment).The moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre and minerals, contents and the energy value, fatty acid profile and fat quality were analyzed using the Official Analysis Methods of Foods. All analyses were performed by triplicate. The average weight of this product was 192.3 ± 11.8 g, with three differentiated parts (base, filling and pastry lid). All ingredients were natural raw materials: wheat flour, lard, ground beef, sliced boiled egg and chorizo, water and spices (salt, pepper, garlic, paprika and nutmeg). Most of its organoleptic attributes are due to the type and amount of fat or lard. The combination of the other ingredients and the particular formulation of the spices are also responsible of other attributes. Due to its protein content (11.0%), this meat pie can replace other meat dishes, and be incorporated into a balanced diet. However, it is necessary to take into account its fat and energy contents (17.3 g and 317 kcal/100 g, respectively). Unlike many common pastry products, it contains no trans fatty acids. The results of the research show that the studied product remains, at present, an artisan food, and offer reliable information that it is representative of the energy and nutritional values of the Murcia's meat pie, a typical product of the gastronomy of the Region of Murcia. Copyright © AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2013. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  17. Dorsal skinfold chamber models in mice

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    Schreiter, Jeannine


    Full Text Available Background/purpose: The use of dorsal skinfold chamber models has substantially improved the understanding of micro-vascularisation in pathophysiology over the last eight decades. It allows pathophysiological studies of vascularisation over a continuous period of time. The dorsal skinfold chamber is an attractive technique for monitoring the vascularisation of autologous or allogenic transplants, wound healing, tumorigenesis and compatibility of biomaterial implants. To further reduce the animals’ discomfort while carrying the dorsal skinfold chamber, we developed a smaller chamber (the Leipzig Dorsal Skinfold Chamber and summarized the commercial available chamber models. In addition we compared our model to the common chamber. Methods: The Leipzig Dorsal Skinfold Chamber was applied to female mice with a mean weight of 22 g. Angiogenesis within the dorsal skinfold chamber was evaluated after injection of fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran with an Axio Scope microscope. The mean vessel density within the dorsal skinfold chamber was assessed over a period of 21 days at five different time points. The gained data were compared to previous results using a bigger and heavier dorsal skinfold model in mice. A PubMed and a patent search were performed and all papers related to “dorsal skinfold chamber” from 1 of January 2006 to 31 of December 2015 were evaluated regarding the dorsal skinfold chamber models and their technical improvements. The main models are described and compared to our titanium Leipzig Dorsal Skinfold Chamber model.Results: The Leipzig Dorsal Skinfold Chamber fulfils all requirements of continuous models known from previous chamber models while reducing irritation to the mice. Five different chamber models have been identified showing substantial regional diversity. The newly elaborated titanium dorsal skinfold chamber may replace the pre-existing titanium chamber model used in Germany so far, as it is smaller and lighter


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    Eduardo Araque Jiménez


    Full Text Available Situado en la cabecera del Guadalquivir, el embalse del Tranco fue durante muchos años el de mayor capacidad de almacenamiento de agua de toda Andalucía. Sus aportaciones resultaron fundamentales para el sostenimiento del regadío en el gran valle bético, al tiempo que con sus aguas pudo generarse una parte de la energía eléctrica que se precisaba para la modernización del aparato productivo andaluz y la mejora de las condiciones de vida en multitud de hogares en el valle del Guadalquivir. Frente a estas perspectivas tan halagüeñas, las aguas embalsadas en el Tranco apenas tuvieron repercusiones socioeconómicas positivas para la Sierra de Segura. Las expropiaciones masivas a las que dio origen tanto la construcción del embalse como la repoblación forestal que lo acompañó, propiciaron la emigración masiva de centenares de vecinos, muchas veces en condiciones de extrema precariedad. Por otro lado, las aguas del Tranco nunca se utilizaron para la expansión del regadío por algunos de los fértiles valles próximos al embalse, ni la electricidad generada a pie de presa llegó a los hogares serranos, que siguieron careciendo de este servicio durante muchos años.

  19. Biomecánica del vendaje funcional preventivo de tobillo en deportes de colaboración-oposición


    Meana Riera, Marta


    La aplicación del vendaje funcional de tobillo como método preventivo de los esguinces, durante los entrenamientos y las competiciones, está muy extendida en la práctica diaria, sobre todo en fútbol, baloncesto, balonmano y voleibol. En el estudio, que abre nuevas líneas de investigación en las patologías del pie del deportista, se realiza un profundo análisis de la eficacia de estos vendajes sanos y de sus efectos sobre el rendimiento deportivo y la biomecánica del tobillo. Actividad Físi...

  20. Nesting ecology of Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta in Sfax salina ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this paper we use the results of a one-year monitoring of nests in Sfax salina to provide information on its nesting parameters, in particular nesting phenology, colony size and hatching success. Our results show that Pied Avocets formed dense colonies at the beginning of the nesting season, but colony size decreased as ...

  1. Fractal Pied de Poule (houndstooth) Collection SS'15 : Parka and Jacket

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Fractal Pied de Poule (houndstooth) Spring/Summer '15 is a collection consisting of a body, a jacket and a parka. The last two will be shown here. Algorithms, new materials, digital prototyping, drapability, tessellations and fractals are recurring themes in our projects. The body, the jacket and


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    O. M. Cala


    Full Text Available En este artículo de investigación científica se analiza el efecto del cambio de la composición del gas combustible (Gas de Refinería (GR por Gas Natural (GN sobre las características del proceso combustión en hornos de la industria de refinación del petróleo; se evaluó el poder calorífico, el índice de Wobbe (IW y exceso de oxígeno, para mezclas combustibles de composición variable. Mediante simulación computacional del proceso de combustión se calculó la temperatura adiabática de llama, eficiencia y la composición de los productos de combustión. Se evaluaron mezclas de gases combustibles con poderes caloríficos entre 800-2500 Btu/pie3 y se compararon con la combustión de gas natural. Se registró variabilidad en la temperatura adiabática y la eficiencia en función de la composición del gas y el exceso de oxígeno, lo que genera inestabilidad en el horno y mayor impacto ambiental.

  3. Actrices del cine mudo que no superaron la barrera del sonoro

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    Rosa María Ballesteros García


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo recuperar una serie de actrices, ídolos de la etapa del cine mudo, que no lograron mantenerse al iniciarse el proceso al hablado. Ponemos el objetivo en algunas de las actrices más representativas a quienes el progreso técnico iba a condenar al ostracismo al no adecuarse su voz (aún sin la muleta del doblaje a los inevitables cambios estructurales y auditivos. En los años en que se produce esta transición (último tercio de 1920 y primeros años de 1930 se produjo un general “pánico” entre el colectivo, justificado por cierto, pues a partir de entonces fueron de estricta obligación las “pruebas de voz”, por lo que buena parte de estas glorias mudas vieron frustradas sus carreras. Ídolos con pies de barro, juguetes a merced del marketing y de la voracidad de los productores, sus nombres fueron difuminándose, tan rápido como habían sido encumbrados, en una involuntaria huida plagada de fracasos, de adiciones y de varios casos de suicidios.

  4. Prevalencia del juanete de sastre y quinto dedo adducto varo en el baile flamenco profesional. Prevalence of tailor's bunion and fifth toe adductus varus in professional flamenco dancing.

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    Nadia Salti


    Full Text Available El Juanete de Sastre es una deformidad adquirida que afecta al quinto metatarsiano y quinto dedo del pie. Se caracteriza por una prominencia lateral en la cabeza del quinto metatarsiano, con una marcada desviación medial del quinto dedo y una desviación lateral del V metatarsiano. De origen multifactorial, hablamos de una etiología micro traumática influida por posturas viciosas en dinámica, estática o sedente, por la influencia del calzado y la presencia de alteraciones biomecánicas de la extremidad inferior y pies; aunque coexisten otros factores predisponentes. Mediante un estudio observacional transversal, realizado en diferentes academias de flamenco de Andalucía, el Área Clínica de Podología de la Universidad de Sevilla y centros privados de Investigación y Podología, sobre 27 participantes (40 pies de bailaoras y 14 pies de bailaores profesionales de flamenco, se determinó que existe una prevalencia del 14.8% de Juanetes de Sastre y del 35% de quintos dedos adducto varo. En ambos casos, la prevalencia es mayor entre la población femenina. Los años de actividad (años practicando baile flamenco influyen significativamente en la aparición de estas deformidades.The tailor’s bunion is an acquired deformity that concerns the fifth metatarsal and the fifth toe. It is defined by a lateral protuberance in the fifth metatarsal head with the fifth toe medial curvature and fifth metatarsal lateral curvature. Its origin can be derived from multiple factors as micro traumatic etiology influenced by repetitive positions in dynamics, static and sitting, shoewear´s influence and biomechanics alterations in the lower extremity and feet, although other influence factors are also found. By means of a cross-sectional and observational study carried out in different Andalusia flamenco dance academies, Podiatry Clinic of the University of Seville and podiatry’s private research centers, in 27 participants (40 women flamenco dancers´ feet

  5. Análisis de la estabilidad del cerro Shishio mediante el empleo de técnicas numéricas


    Vintimilla Avila, Maribel Cristina


    La presente investigación analiza la estabilidad existente en el Cerro Shishio ubicado en el sector de La Josefina por medio de técnicas numéricas. El deslizamiento del cerro Shishio provocado por el desfogue de las aguas represadas por el deslizamiento del cerro Tamuga, se originó en el material de la Formación Tarqui, el mismo que se deslizó sobre un roca intrusiva muy alterada. En la actualidad se puede observar el material deslizado acumulado al pie del talud, que ahora sirve de soporte ...

  6. Moult, pied plumage and relationships within the genus of the Black ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The pied plumage of the adult Black Sparrowhawk is rather exceptional in the genus Accipiter and it could be explained by functionality or by phylogenetic relationships. The moult pattern of museum specimens is presented, supplementing information from captive birds. The post-juvenile moulting sequence is similar to that ...

  7. A Comparative Study of Dorsal Buccal Mucosa Graft Substitution Urethroplasty by Dorsal Urethrotomy Approach versus Ventral Sagittal Urethrotomy Approach


    Pahwa, Mrinal; Gupta, Sanjeev; Pahwa, Mayank; Jain, Brig D. K.; Gupta, Manu


    Objectives. To compare the outcome of dorsal buccal mucosal graft (BMG) substitution urethroplasty by dorsal urethrotomy approach with ventral urethrotomy approach in management of stricture urethra. Methods and Materials. A total of 40 patients who underwent dorsal BMG substitution urethroplasty were randomized into two groups. 20 patients underwent dorsal onlay BMG urethroplasty as described by Barbagli, and the other 20 patients underwent dorsal BMG urethroplasty by ventral urethrotomy as ...

  8. Improvements in PIE-techniques at the IFE hot-laboratory. 'Neutron radiography, three dimensional profilometry and image compilation of PIE data for visualization in an image based user-interface'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenssen, H.K.; Oberlaender, B.C.


    The PIE-techniques used at IFE are continuously improved through upgrading of equipment and methods, e.g. image handling techniques and components utilized in data acquisition and editing techniques. To improve the quality or spatial resolution of neutron radiographs the normal technique was complemented with another method, i.e. the dysprosium foil/X ray film technique is supplemented with a track-etch recorder consisting of a cellulose nitrate film. For further examination of the neutron radiographs the cellulose nitrate film can be digitized to allow electronic image treatment. Promising results were obtained with this technique on neutron radiographs, namely higher spatial resolution compared to the normal technique, high contrast and sharp neutron radiography images. The traditional uniaxial profilometry of fuel rods was modified so that diameter/bow measurements are possible at several angular orientations during one acquisition sequence. This extension is very useful in several ways, for instance the built-in data symmetry of the method is used to check the correctness of the measurement results. Diameter and bow measurements give information of cladding irregularities and fuel rod profiles. Implementation of electronic image handling techniques is particularly useful in PIE when data are collected and compiled in an image file. Inspection and examination of the file contents (examination results) are possible through an ideal user-interface, i.e. Adobe Photoshop software with navigator possibilities. Examples incorporating PIE data acquired from neutron radiography, visual inspection and ceramography are utilized for illustration of the user-interface and some of its possibilities. (author)

  9. Spatial distribution of breeding Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca in respect to their natal sites

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    Sokolov, L.


    Full Text Available Study of philopatry and dispersal of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca was launched on the Courish Spit (SE Baltic in 1981. Since then, ca. 9,000 nestlings were ringed at different sites in the Russian part of the Courish Spit. A total of 557 individuals ringed as pulli were recaptured in subsequent seasons in the study area. Both males and females are more often recaptured in the plots where they were ringed than in other plots. These results were interpreted in the framework of the hypothesis forwarded by Löhrl (1959 and supported by Berndt & Winkel (1979. These authors suggested that cavity nesters (pied flycatchers and collared flycatchers F. albicollis imprint their future local breeding area during the period of postfledging exploration. Birds that survive until the next spring, return to these imprinted areas to breed. A similar study done by Sokolov et al. (1984 on the Courish Spit in an open nesting species, the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, confirmed this finding. We assumed that juvenile pied flycatchers disperse for varying distances during their postfledging movements and imprint a local area, some 1–5 kilometres in diameter. This area is the goal of their migration next spring. It is suggested that in spring, yearlings are non–randomly distributed in respect to the area they have imprinted as juveniles. Recently, Vysotsky (2000, 2001 re–analysed the same data on philopatry of pied flycatchers on the Courish Spit and forwarded an alternative hypothesis. He suggests that juveniles, both males and females, do not imprint any local area during the postfledging period, but are distributed randomly across the area of several dozens of kilometres in spring. Vysotsky was able to show that distribution of distances of natal dispersal did not differ from the random pattern the study plot which was an 8.5 km long line of nest boxes along the Courish Spit. The aim of this study was to test these two alternative hypotheses. To do so, we

  10. Evaluación integral de la sensibilidad en los pies de las personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    Valentina Rivas Acuña


    Full Text Available Introducción: Actualmente la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es considerada una epidemia en el mundo, es uno de los problemas de mayor trascendencia, por su alta prevalencia como por su enorme repercusión social y económica, por tal motivo el propósito del estudio fue evaluar de manera integral la sensibilidad en los pies de las personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, de Villahermosa, Tabasco, México. Materiales y Métodos: El diseño fue descriptivo correlacional, la muestra fue de 198 personas. Se utilizó el Test del Michigan Neuropathy Screening con monofilamento de Semme Weinstein, Diapasón, temperatura frío/calor y reflejo Aquileo. Resultados y Discusión: El sexo femenino predominó con un 70.2% y el 29.8% hombres, el promedio de edad fue 56.44 años y 12.34 años promedio con la enfermedad. El 46% registró síntomas neuropáticos moderados, 26.3% graves; el 65.7% riesgo de neuropatía positiva (40.9% mujeres y 24.8% hombres, 41.1% con pérdida de sensibilidad moderada y 29.3% sensibilidad normal; el 74.7% tiene un control glucémico deficiente. Los factores de riesgo detectados con mayor prevalencia fueron helomas, hiperqueratosis y deformidades. Conclusiones: Existe una correlación significativa entre la pérdida de la sensibilidad con los años con la enfermedad, con la hiperglucemia y síntomas de neuropatía, la pérdida de sensibilidad en mujeres es de moderada a grave y en los hombres la pérdida de la sensibilidad es moderada. Cómo citar este artículo: Rivas V, Mateo Y, García H, Martínez A, Magaña M, Carrillo R.  Evaluación integral de la sensibilidad en los pies de las personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(1:1423-32.

  11. Irrigación arterial del músculo interóseo y del ligamento accesorio del músculo flexor digital profundo en la mano del caballo Arterial blood supply to the interosseus muscle and accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon in the horse hand




    El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio del origen y distribución de las ramas arteriales al músculo interóseo y al ligamento accesorio del músculo flexor digital profundo de la mano del caballo. Se disecaron 20 manos a las que les fue inyectada la arteria mediana con látex coloreado. Las ramas arteriales entran al músculo interóseo por la cara dorsal y palmar del cuerpo y por sus bordes medial y lateral. Cada tendón de inserción del músculo interóseo recibió importantes ramas arteriales po...

  12. Versatility of the ventral approach in bulbar urethroplasty using dorsal, ventral or dorsal plus ventral oral grafts. (United States)

    Palminteri, Enzo; Berdondini, Elisa; Fusco, Ferdinando; De Nunzio, Cosimo; Giannitsas, Kostas; Shokeir, Ahmed A


    To investigate the versatility of the ventral urethrotomy approach in bulbar reconstruction with buccal mucosa (BM) grafts placed on the dorsal, ventral or dorsal plus ventral urethral surface. Between 1999 and 2008, 216 patients with bulbar strictures underwent BM graft urethroplasty using the ventral-sagittal urethrotomy approach. Of these patients, 32 (14.8%; mean stricture 3.2 cm, range 1.5-5) had a dorsal graft urethroplasty (DGU), 121 (56%; mean stricture 3.7, range 1.5-8) a ventral graft urethroplasty (VGU), and 63 (29.2%; mean stricture 3.4, range 1.5-10) a dorsal plus ventral graft urethroplasty (DVGU). The strictured urethra was opened by a ventral-sagittal urethrotomy and BM graft was inserted dorsally or ventrally or dorsal plus ventral to augment the urethral plate. The median follow-up was 37 months. The overall 5-year actuarial success rate was 91.4%. The 5-year actuarial success rates were 87.8%, 95.5% and 86.3% for the DGU, VGU and DVGU, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences among the three groups. Success rates decreased significantly only with a stricture length of >4 cm. In BM graft bulbar urethroplasties the ventral urethrotomy access is simple and versatile, allowing an intraoperative choice of dorsal, ventral or combined dorsal and ventral grafting, with comparable success rates.

  13. Active basement uplift as seen with cosmogenic lenses: the Sierra Pie de Palo case (Western Argentina) (United States)

    Siame, L. L.; Sébrier, M.; Costa, C. H.; Ahumada, E. A.; Bellier, O.


    The Andean foreland of western Argentina (28°S-33°S) corresponds to retroarc deformations associated with the ongoing flat subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American lithosphere, and associated with high levels of seismic activity and crustal active faulting. To improve earthquake source identification and characterization in the San Juan region, data from seismology, structural geology and quantitative geomorphology can be integrated and combined to provide a seismotectonic model. In this model, the Andean back-arc of western Argentina has to be regarded as an obliquely converging foreland where Plio-Quaternary deformations are partitioned between strike-slip and thrust motions that are localized on the E-verging, thin-skinned Argentine Precordillera, and the W-verging thick-skinned Sierras Pampeanas, respectively. In this domain, the Sierra Pie de Palo is a key structure playing a major role in the partitioning of the Plio-Quaternary deformations. Located in the westernmost Sierras Pampeanas, the Sierra Pie de Palo forms a NNE striking, 80 km-long and 35-40 km-wide, ellipsoid range that reaches elevation as high as 3162 m. This mountain range is an actively growing basement fold associated with a high level of seismic activity (e.g., the November 23, 1977, Caucete, Mw 7.4 earthquake). To evaluate the degree of tectonic activity around the Sierra Pie de Palo, we combined a detailed morphometric analysis of the topography together with in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be concentrations measured in (1) bedrock outcrops corresponding to the exhumed erosional regional surface, (2) surface boulders abandoned on alluvial fans deformed by active faults, and (3) in fluvial sediments sampled at the outlets of selected watersheds that drains out from the Sierra Pie de Palo. All together, our results allows: (1) assessing quantitative constraints on the rate of tectonic and denudation processes that are responsible for the active growth and erosion of the Sierra

  14. Giant Paperclip Necklaces, Soup-Can Rings and Cherry-Pie Hats (United States)

    Winters, Laurel A.


    In this article, the author describes an art project inspired by the wearable sculpture art created by artist Marjorie Schick. Students used wallpaper paste and newspapers to create papier-mache for a mountain hat, a cherry-pie mask/hat, a "dress" shoe and a Cubistic mask. Cardboard was used in many of these things, in addition to being used as…

  15. Estudio preliminar. Patologías digitales más frecuentes en el pie de la bailaora de flamencoe

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    José Manuel Castillo López


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene como objetivos, en primer lugar, dar a conocer las principales deformidades digitales de los pies, asociadas -por su alta incidencia- a la práctica profesional del baile flamenco femenino. Así como, poner de manifiesto la necesidad de llevar a cabo estudios de mayor magnitud para determinar si existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la práctica del baile flamenco con las deformidades y patologías podológicas descritas, y la importancia de la investigación en el campo de la medicina del deporte, y de la ortopodología y biomecánica en pos de hallar tratamientos preventivos y/o paliativos en su caso.En este estudio epidemiológico preliminar, llevado a cabo con la colaboración de la Universidad de Sevilla-Área Clínica de Podología y Departamento de Podología- Agencia Andaluza para el Desarrollo del Flamenco, Fundación Cristina Heeren de Arte Flamenco, Centro de Baile Flamenco Ana Moya, y el Centro de Investigación de Flamenco Telethusa, se han evaluado a 28 bailaoras profesionales activas en la provincia de Sevilla, con una actividad mínima de 20h semanales. En dicha muestra se han determinado las patologías podológicas presentes, sintomatología, hábitos de uso de calzado específico, y hábitos podológicos. Los resultados muestran una alta incidencia de patologías digitales como el H.A.V. (juanetes, dedos en garra, y onicopatías.

  16. Orígenes del Krausofröbelismo y Masonería

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    Enrique M. UREÑA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En sendos artículos publicados en esta misma revista hice una primera introducción a los aspectos masónicos y a los educativos de la vida y obra de Krause. El segundo artículo concluía con una referencia al krausofröbelismo y con el anuncio de que pensaba tratar ampliamente este último tema dentro de un estudio monográfico sobre el krausismo alemán del siglo XIX. Este proyecto sigue en pie. Ahora voy a adelantar solamente algunos de los resultados de ese estudio, bajo la perspectiva marcada por el título del presente artículo.

  17. Efecto del hialuronato de zinc sobre las úlceras en pacientes con diabetes Zinc hyaluronate effects on ulcers in diabetic patients

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    Fernando Ramos Cuevas


    Full Text Available Contexto: La úlcera en el pie diabético es una de las principales complicaciones de la diabetes en extremidades bajas. Del 50 al 70% de las amputaciones en extremidades bajas se realizan a pacientes con diabetes. El hialuronato de zinc ha sido probado en el tratamiento de las úlceras diabéticas del pie con resultados prometedores. Objetivo general: Determinar el grado de eficacia del hialuronato de zinc en la curación de úlceras del pie diabético. Diseño: Ensayo terapéutico abierto al azar. Se les dio seguimiento a los pacientes durante un período de doce semanas de junio a diciembre de 2004. Ubicación: Centro de cuidado terciario. Clínica del Pie Diabético. Pacientes: Fueron seleccionados por muestreo consecutivo cincuenta pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 con úlcera en pie, de ambos sexos y con edades entre los 40 y los 80 años y sin una isquemia más baja de la extremidad. Veinticinco de ellos fueron asignados aleatoriamente al grupo del hialuronato de zinc y el resto al grupo de control (tratamiento convencional. La distribución por sexo de género fue similar en ambos grupos, once del femenino (44% y 14 del masculino (56%. La edad promedio en el grupo de la combinación del ácido hialurónico y zinc fue 56,76 ± 8,78 y en el convencional 60,12 ± 8,42, NS. ningún paciente del grupo de hialuronato de zinc abandonó o fue retirado durante el período del estudio. Un paciente del grupo de control falleció. Intervención: El hialuronato de zinc fue aplicado una vez al día en la superficie de la úlcera después de limpiarla con la solución fisiológica salina. Medida principal del resultado: La eficacia del hialuronato de zinc fue determinada por las semanas que se requirieron para conseguir el cierre completo de la úlcera con el tejido fino epitelial (tiempo curativo medio. Material y métodos: Ensayo clínico controlado. Pacientes con úlceras propias del pie diabético. 1 de julio al 30 de septiembre de 2004, 25 pacientes

  18. Detection of rhodopsin dimerization in situ by PIE-FCCS, a time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. (United States)

    Smith, Adam W


    Rhodopsin self-associates in the plasma membrane. At low concentrations, the interactions are consistent with a monomer-dimer equilibrium (Comar et al., J Am Chem Soc 136(23):8342-8349, 2014). At high concentrations in native tissue, higher-order clusters have been observed (Fotiadis et al., Nature 421:127-128, 2003). The physiological role of rhodopsin dimerization is still being investigated, but it is clear that a quantitative assessment is essential to determining the function of rhodopsin clusters in vision. To quantify rhodopsin interactions, I will outline the theory and methodology of a specialized time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy for measuring membrane protein-protein interactions called pulsed-interleaved excitation fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (PIE-FCCS). The strength of this technique is its ability to quantify rhodopsin interactions in situ (i.e., a live cell plasma membrane). There are two reasons for restricting the scope to live cell membranes. First, the compositional heterogeneity of the plasma membrane creates a complex milieu with thousands of lipid, protein, and carbohydrate species. This makes it difficult to infer quaternary interactions from detergent solubilized samples or construct a model phospholipid bilayer that recapitulates all of the interactions present in native membranes. Second, organizational structure and dynamics is a key feature of the plasma membrane, and fixation techniques like formaldehyde cross-linking and vitrification will modulate the interactions. PIE-FCCS is based on two-color fluorescence imaging with time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) (Becker et al., Rev Sci Instrum 70:1835-1841, 1999). By time-tagging every detected photon, the data can be analyzed as a fluorescence intensity distribution, fluorescence lifetime histogram, or fluorescence (cross-)correlation spectra (FCS/FCCS) (Becker, Advanced time-correlated single-photon counting techniques, Springer, Berlin, 2005). These

  19. The dorsal shell wall structure of Mesozoic ammonoids

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    Gregor Radtke


    Full Text Available The study of pristine preserved shells of Mesozoic Ammonoidea shows different types of construction and formation of the dorsal shell wall. We observe three major types: (i The vast majority of Ammonoidea, usually planispirally coiled, has a prismatic reduced dorsal shell wall which consists of an outer organic component (e.g., wrinkle layer, which is the first layer to be formed, and the subsequently formed dorsal inner prismatic layer. The dorsal mantle tissue suppresses the formation of the outer prismatic layer and nacreous layer. With the exception of the outer organic component, secretion of a shell wall is omitted at the aperture. A prismatic reduced dorsal shell wall is always secreted immediately after the hatching during early teleoconch formation. Due to its broad distribution in (planispiral Ammonoidea, the prismatic reduced dorsal shell wall is probably the general state. (ii Some planispirally coiled Ammonoidea have a nacreous reduced dorsal shell wall which consists of three mineralized layers: two prismatic layers (primary and secondary dorsal inner prismatic layer and an enclosed nacreous layer (secondary dorsal nacreous layer. The dorsal shell wall is omitted at the aperture and was secreted in the rear living chamber. Its layers are a continuation of an umbilical shell doubling (reinforcement by additional shell layers that extends towards the ventral crest of the preceding whorl. The nacreous reduced dorsal shell wall is formed in the process of ontogeny following a prismatic reduced dorsal shell wall. (iii Heteromorph and some planispirally coiled taxa secrete a complete dorsal shell wall which forms a continuation of the ventral and lateral shell layers. It is formed during ontogeny following a prismatic reduced dorsal shell wall or a priori. The construction is identical with the ventral and lateral shell wall, including a dorsal nacreous layer. The wide distribution of the ability to form dorsal nacre indicates that it is

  20. Effect of the enriched filter pie with natural phosphate and microorganisms on soil and plant in a Vermelho-Distrófico Latossolo

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    Leónides Castellanos González


    Full Text Available The objective of the research was to evaluate the use of filter pie and phosphate rock enriched with biofertilizer microorganisms on the population of microorganisms and phosphorus tenor in the soil and on plants. The experiment was conducted in a vegetation house with corn plants with Latossolo Red-Distrófico, containing seven treatments disposed in an entirely randomized design, where the treatments were: soil samples and filter pie with additions of phosphate of Araxá rock enriched with microorganisms coming from Biopack (1, Embrafos (2 and Azotofos (3, and without enrichment with microorganisms (4, and three controls, soil just with filter pie (5, soil just with phosphate rock (6 and only soil (7, with three repetitions. Height, stem diameter and number of leaves for plants were evaluated at 14, 28 and 42 days. At the 45 days the dry matters of leafs and roots were evaluated, as the same as populations of the microorganisms and phosphorus tenor in the soil and in the aerial part of the plant. The tenor of soluble phosphorus in the soil and accumulated phosphorous in the aerial part of corn plan were increased by the treatments with filter pie but not higher with filter pie enriched with biofertilizers, so its use isn’t justified. The pie treatments increase the fungus, total and solubilizers bacterial populations in the soil, provoking an increase of the height, diameter, number of leaves and dry matter of corn plants in a Red-Distrófico Latossolo.

  1. Prevalencia del juanete de sastre y quinto dedo adducto varo en el baile flamenco profesional. Prevalence of tailor's bunion and fifth toe adductus varus in professional flamenco dancing.


    Nadia Salti; Gabriel Domínguez; Pedro V. Munuera; José Manuel Castillo; Cristina Algaba


    El Juanete de Sastre es una deformidad adquirida que afecta al quinto metatarsiano y quinto dedo del pie. Se caracteriza por una prominencia lateral en la cabeza del quinto metatarsiano, con una marcada desviación medial del quinto dedo y una desviación lateral del V metatarsiano. De origen multifactorial, hablamos de una etiología micro traumática influida por posturas viciosas en dinámica, estática o sedente, por la influencia del calzado y la presencia de alteraciones biomecánicas de la ex...

  2. Radiographic Outcomes of Dorsal Distraction Distal Radius Plating for Fractures With Dorsal Marginal Impaction. (United States)

    Huish, Eric G; Coury, John G; Ibrahim, Mohamed A; Trzeciak, Marc A


    The purpose of this study is to compare radiographic outcomes of patients treated with dorsal spanning plates with previously reported normal values of radiographic distal radius anatomy and compare the results with prior publications for both external fixation and internal fixation with volar locked plates. Patients with complex distal radius fractures including dorsal marginal impaction pattern necessitating dorsal distraction plating at the discretion of the senior authors (M.A.T. and M.A.I.) from May 30, 2013, to December 29, 2015, were identified and included in the study. Retrospective chart and radiograph review was performed on 19 patients, 11 male and 8 female, with mean age of 47.83 years (22-82). No patients were excluded from the study. All fractures united prior to plate removal. The average time the plate was in place was 80.5 days (49-129). Follow-up radiographs showed average radial inclination of 20.5° (13.2°-25.5°), radial height of 10.7 mm (7.5-14 mm), ulnar variance of -0.3 mm (-2.1 to 3.1 mm), and volar tilt of 7.9° (-3° to 15°). One patient had intra-articular step-off greater than 2 mm. Dorsal distraction plating of complex distal radius fractures yields good radiographic results with minimal complications. In cases of complex distal radius fractures including dorsal marginal impaction where volar plating is not considered adequate, a dorsal distraction plate should be considered as an alternative to external fixation due to reduced risk for infection and better control of volar tilt.

  3. Técnica de Imhäuser en el pie zambo : resultados a medio y largo plazo


    Fernández Gutiérrez, C.; Núñez Batalla, Daniel; Pena Vázquez, J.; Antuña Antuña, S.; González Méndez, J.; López Fernández, P; Paz Jiménez, José


    Se revisan un total de 60 pies con equinovaro congénito pertenecientes a 48 pacientes, todos con un seguimiento superior a 5 años. En todos los casos se realizó un tratamiento combinado: ortopédico (manipulaciones y enyesados desde el nacimiento) y quirúrgico (correcciones según el método de Imhäuser modificado). Se valoró morfológica, funcional y radiográficamente cada caso. En la valoración global sólo 1 caso fue considerado malo, 13 regulares (21,6%), 6 por pies planos valgo...

  4. Dorsal onlay (Barbagli technique) versus dorsal inlay (Asopa technique) buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty for anterior urethral stricture: a prospective randomized study. (United States)

    Aldaqadossi, Hussein; El Gamal, Samir; El-Nadey, Mohamed; El Gamal, Osama; Radwan, Mohamed; Gaber, Mohamed


    To compare both the dorsal onlay technique of Barbagli and the dorsal inlay technique of Asopa for the management of long anterior urethral stricture. From January 2010 to May 2012, a total of 47 patients with long anterior urethral strictures were randomized into two groups. The first group included 25 patients who were managed by dorsal onlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty. The second group included 22 patients who were managed by dorsal inlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty. Different clinical parameters, postoperative complications and success rates were compared between both groups. The overall success rate in the dorsal onlay group was 88%, whereas in the dorsal inlay group the success rate was 86.4% during the follow-up period. The mean operative time was significantly longer in the dorsal onlay urethroplasty group (205 ± 19.63 min) than in the dorsal inlay urethroplasty group (128 ± 4.9 min, P-value <0.0001). The average blood loss was significantly higher in the dorsal onlay urethroplasty group (228 ± 5.32 mL) than in the dorsal inlay urethroplasty group (105 ± 12.05 mL, P-value <0.0001). The dorsal onlay technique of Barbagli and the dorsal inlay technique of Asopa buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty provide similar success rates. The Asopa technique is easy to carry out, provides shorter operative time and less blood loss, and it is associated with fewer complications for anterior urethral stricture repair. © 2013 The Japanese Urological Association.

  5. Atritis gotosa como causa de pie de riesgo


    Ortega-Avila, Ana Belén; Fernández Torres, Raúl; Agüera Jiménez, David


    INTRODUCCIÓN: La gota es una manifestación común de la artritis, cuya inflamación se debe al depóstido de cristales de uratao monosódico en articulaciones y tejidos blandos por un aumento de ácido úrico en sangre y su padecimiento muestra una relación creciente con la edad. OBJETIVOS: Analizar las características fisiopatológicas de la artritis gotosa en el pie así como justificar la repercusión negativa que tiene su padecimiento en la calidad de vida de la población basándose en la simple af...

  6. Proceedings of 2008 KAERI/JAEA joint seminar on advanced irradiation and PIE technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, Woo-Seog; Ishihara, Masahiro


    Under the Arrangement for Cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy between the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the 2008 KAERI-JAEA Joint Seminar on Advanced Irradiation and PIE (post-irradiation examination) Technologies has been held at KAERI in Daejeon, Korea, from November 5 to 7, 2008. This seminar was organized by the PIE and Radwaste Division, Research Reactor Engineering Division, and HANARO Management Division in KAERI. It was also the first time to hold the seminar under the agreement signed September 4, 2008. This triennial seminar is the sixth in series of bilateral exchange of irradiation technologies. Since the first joint seminar on Post Irradiation Examination Technology between JAERI and KAERI held at JAERI Oarai center, Japan in 1992, it has been a good model of international cooperation program between KAERI and JAEA in the field of neutron irradiation uses. At the fifth seminar in 2005, irradiation technology field was included to the joint seminar, moreover in this time it is expanded to the research reactor management field for covering whole areas of irradiation using in research reactors. The seminar was divided into three technical sessions; the sessions addressed the general topics of 'research reactor management', 'advanced irradiation technology' and 'post-irradiation examination technology'. Total 46 presentations were made, and active information exchange was done among participants. This proceeding is containing the papers or manuscripts presented in the 2008 KAERI-JAEA Joint Seminar on Advanced Irradiation and PIE Technologies. The 46 of the presented papers indexed individually. (J.P.N.)

  7. Antropometría del trabajador minero de la altura

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    Augusto V Ramírez


    Full Text Available Introducción: La antropometría trata de las medidas del cuerpo humano y es base fundamental para la ergonomía. La minería peruana se localiza casi siempre en la gran altura, hábitat del hombre andino, que tiene características antropométricas diversas al hombre del llano. Objetivo: Caracterizar antropométricamente a una población andina de trabajadores mineros en la sierra central del Perú. Diseño: El estudio fue descriptivo, tipo prospectivo y observacional. Lugar: Servicio de Salud Ocupacional, Centromin-Perú, en La Oroya, y 4 de sus hospitales mineros satélites. Participantes: Tres mil trabajadores mineros, sanos, de sexo masculino, de 21 a 60 años, nativos-residentes alturas superiores a 3 500 msnm. Intervenciones: La muestra la generamos con un modelo aleatorio polietápico de conglomerados. El estudio se realizó entre 1984-1994; obtuvimos media, rango desviación estándar de la media. Para la certeza estadística de la hipótesis de normalidad, aplicamos la prueba de significancia de Shapiro - Wilk, para dos colas. Principales medidas de los resultados: Medidas morfológicas, macroscópicas, fenotípicas y de superficie, realizadas con un protocolo medición y según técnica reconocida en el ámbito científico. Resultados: De los parámetros estudiados destacaron: de pie, estatura 151,2 a 154,6, altura piso-ojos, 1,481 m; sentado, asiento-codo 0,243 m, a vértex y altura ojos, 1,155 y 1,095 m; mano, ancho y largo, 0,104 a 0,171 m; pie, ancho y largo, 0,92 y 0,239 m; perímetro tórax, reposo 98,16, inspiración forzada, 105,3, espiración forzada 94,3 cm. Los resultados fueron validados con la prueba de Shapiro Wilk que, para aceptación, valora entre 0,01 y 0,099. Del total (47, tres parámetros fueron rechazados totalmente: alcance vertical máximo de brazo, ancho de caderas y perímetro de cráneo, cuyo valor de x en los tres casos 0,50. Conclusiones: La caracterización antropométrica del trabajador minero andino

  8. La estrategia low cost de la marca del distribuidor


    Reynaldo Carrión, Javier


    La marca del distribuidor ha experimentado un crecimiento constante desde su creación y en la actualidad ya se ha convertido en un producto habitual en nuestra cesta de la compra. El motivo no es otro que su relación calidad-precio y la diversidad que ofrece actualmente a los consumidores. Esta marca es más conocida a pie de supermercado como marca blanca, aunque cada vez tiene menos de “blanca” y más de “marca”. El cambio de mentalidad de los consumidores y la diversidad de productos que ...

  9. Stuffed Turkey and Pumpkin Pie: In, Through and Out of American Contexts

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    Tamara Kohn


    Full Text Available This article explores the meanings embedded in the production, consumption, and symbolic positioning of turkey and pumpkin pie, foods closely associated with the American ritual feast of Thanksgiving. An analysis of turkey and pumpkin pie recipes used and adapted by first- and second-generation immigrants in north America, and by north Americans living abroad, throws into relief complex relations between food production, food consumption and the complexities of lived and often multiple sociocultural identifications. Through sharing the experiences, memories and associations evoked by individuals in the production of holiday recipes, I argue that ideas about ‘tradition’ and a desire to celebrate family and community through the ritual of baking, serving and consuming a ‘standard’ Thanksgiving holiday meal allow one to feel part of an imagined global American community. At the same time these details demonstrate celebration of individual and familial distinctiveness that is traced to (sometimes contested memories of childhood and/or ethnic background, as well as to exploration, innovation and experience in the world at large through travel, migration and imagination.

  10. Nordic walking as alternative physical activity for population with neuropathy on foot Marcha nórdica: actividad física alternativa en el cuidado del pie

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    P. Pérez


    Full Text Available

    During last decade, Nordic Walking (NW is more and more being practiced by the population. The benefits associated to NW are several, nevertheless, does not know their effect on plantar pressure. The objective on this study it emphasizes the analysis on the plantar pressure depend on speed and experience on NW vs gait. By means of a Pedobarography system, plantar pressures in 9 zones on foot were registered on 2 speeds (slow/fast and two conditions (NW versus gait. The results show as the NW experience owns a smaller pressure at the central-metatarsal zone (~ 50%, and increase at heel zone (~ 23% and first toe (~ 13% with respect to the gait. Also, these experts showed lees pressure at metatarsal zone (~ 40% during gait, and lees plantar pressure in practically all zones, even at increase the speed.
    Key Words:  gait, plantar pressure, nordic walking, speed.

    Durante la última década, la marcha con bastones denominada “Nordic Walking”, está siendo cada vez más practicada por la población. Son varios los beneficios asociados a este estilo de marcha, sin embargo, se desconoce su efecto en la presión plantar. Como objetivo en este estudio destaca el análisis de la velocidad y experiencia en la Marcha nórdica vs Marcha sobre la presión plantar. Mediante un sistema de Pedobarografía, se registraron las presiones plantares en 9 zonas del pie, empleando 2 velocidades (lenta/rápida, y en 2 condiciones: Marcha nórdica vs Marcha. Los resultados muestran que los sujetos con mayor  experiencia en la marcha nórdica poseen una menor presión en la zona de los metatarsianos centrales (~ 50%, y un incremento en la zona del talón (~ 23% y primer dedo (~ 13 % respecto a la marcha. Además, estos expertos mostraron menores presiones en la zona metatarsal (~ 40% durante la marcha, y una menor presión plantar en prácticamente todas

  11. Fracturas Fisarias Salter-Harris VI de Tobillo y Pie. [Salter-Harris VI fractures of the foot and ankle.

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    Julio Javier Masquijo


    Full Text Available Introducción Las fracturas Salter-Harris VI (SHVI son lesiones que se caracterizan por presentar ablación del anillo pericondral. Son infrecuentes en niños pero potencialmente devastadoras. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el mecanismo de producción, el tratamiento y los resultados funcionales de estas lesiones localizadas en el pie y el tobillo. Material y métodos Se analizaron retrospectivamente todos los pacientes con lesiones SHVI de tobillo y pie tratadas entre Enero de 2010 y Enero de 2013. Se documentaron datos demográficos, clasificación, mecanismo de lesión, tipo de lesiones asociadas y número de cirugías que requirieron. Los pacientes fueron evaluados funcionalmente con el score de AOFAS y radiográficamente para determinar la viabilidad de la fisis, acortamiento del miembro o deformidad angular. Resultados Se analizaron 5 fracturas en 4 pacientes (3 masculinos y 1 femenino. La edad promedio al momento de la lesión fue de 7.5 años (rango, 6  a 10 años. El seguimiento promedio fue de 26.2 meses (rango, 12 - 37 meses. De acuerdo a la subclasificación de Peterson 3 pertenecían al grupo A, 1 al B y 1 al C. 3 lesiones se produjeron como consecuencia de accidentes de moto y 2 por auto versus peatón. Todos los casos se acompañaron de pérdida de sustancia, el 75% presentaba lesiones en más de un hueso y el 50% lesiones tendinosas asociadas. Cada paciente requirió un promedio de 3.2 cirugías (rango, 2 a 5. El score AOFAS promedio fue de 79.8 puntos (rango, 62 – 100 puntos. Radiográficamente, solo el 40% de las fisis afectadas permanecían viables al último control. Conclusión Las fracturas SHVI se acompañan de una gran variedad de lesiones asociadas, requieren múltiples cirugías y suelen producir un cierre precoz de la fisis y algún grado de discapacidad.  Se requieren medidas de prevención para evitar la exposición de los niños a este tipo de lesiones. El tratamiento temprano es fundamental para

  12. Versatility of the ventral approach in bulbar urethroplasty using dorsal, ventral or dorsal plus ventral oral grafts


    Palminteri, Enzo; Berdondini, Elisa; Fusco, Ferdinando; Nunzio, Cosimo De; Giannitsas, Kostas; Shokeir, Ahmed A.


    Objectives To investigate the versatility of the ventral urethrotomy approach in bulbar reconstruction with buccal mucosa (BM) grafts placed on the dorsal, ventral or dorsal plus ventral urethral surface. Patients and methods Between 1999 and 2008, 216 patients with bulbar strictures underwent BM graft urethroplasty using the ventral-sagittal urethrotomy approach. Of these patients, 32 (14.8%; mean stricture 3.2?cm, range 1.5?5) had a dorsal graft urethroplasty (DGU), 121 (56%; mean stricture...

  13. Las notas al pie en la traducción de Fifty Shades (Footnotes in the Translation of Fifty Shades

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    Xinia Valverde Jara


    Full Text Available Se analiza el recurso de las notas a pie de página insertas en la traducción independiente de literatura comercial en versión digital, de la trilogía Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker y Fifty Shades Freed, de E. L. James. Se examina el grado de influencia de esos elementos extratextuales, y se concluye que todos ellos, organizados en un complejo proceso de traducción, en especial los del contexto de llegada, condicionan la estrategia traductológica. Abstract This study examines the use of footnotes as a translation strategy in the independent translation of commercial literature in digital format, based on the trilogy written by E. L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed. The analysis measures the influence of these extratextual elements within the complex translation process, specifically those of the target language context, and it is concluded that they condition the translation strategies used.

  14. Evaluación del impacto de las actividades intergeneracionales programadas en el Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia de la Universidad de Burgos


    Jiménez Eguizábal, Alfredo; Luis Rico, María Isabel; Palmero Cámara, Carmen


    En una sociedad cada vez más envejecida toman importancia los factores determinantes del envejecimiento activo, tales como el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida y las actividades intergeneracionales. Desde la Universidad de Burgos y dentro del Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia (PIE) se ha diseñado y aplicado un Programa Intergeneracional (PI) entre los alumnos mayores universitarios y los jóvenes estudiantes de la Universidad, centrado en el valor mutuo de la comunicación intergene...

  15. Introducing a Framework for Physics Innovation and Entrepreneurship (PIE) Education (United States)

    Roughani, Bahram

    A desired outcome for Physics Innovation and Entrepreneurship (PIE) education is preparing physics majors with an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset who are capable of opportunity recognition and adept in leveraging physics knowledge to address specific needs. Physics as a discipline is well-recognized to prepare students who become problem solvers and critical thinkers, gifted in dealing with abstract ideas and ambiguities in the context of complex and real-world problems. These characteristics when enhanced through appropriate combinations of curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs can prepare physics majors for careers and future challenges that may involve translating physics knowledge into useful products and services either as part of a technical team within an organization or through startups. A viable PIE education model prepares graduates for various career paths in addition to the traditional options such as pursuing graduate studies or becoming a science teacher. Having a well-defined ``third option'' for physics will benefit the robustness of the physics discipline through recruitment and retention of prospective students who in principle are interested in physics as a subject, but in practice they may overlook physics as their preferred major primarily because they are uncertain about a viable career path based on an undergraduate physics education. The ''Pathways to Innovation'' at Loyola is established based on the program developed by VentureWell and Epicenter (NSF Supported).

  16. A Comparative Study of Dorsal Buccal Mucosa Graft Substitution Urethroplasty by Dorsal Urethrotomy Approach versus Ventral Sagittal Urethrotomy Approach

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    Mrinal Pahwa


    Full Text Available Objectives. To compare the outcome of dorsal buccal mucosal graft (BMG substitution urethroplasty by dorsal urethrotomy approach with ventral urethrotomy approach in management of stricture urethra. Methods and Materials. A total of 40 patients who underwent dorsal BMG substitution urethroplasty were randomized into two groups. 20 patients underwent dorsal onlay BMG urethroplasty as described by Barbagli, and the other 20 patients underwent dorsal BMG urethroplasty by ventral urethrotomy as described by Asopa. Operative time, success rate, satisfaction rate, and complications were compared between the two groups. Mean follow-up was 12 months (6–24 months. Results. Ventral urethrotomy group had considerably lesser operative time although the difference was not statistically significant. Patients in dorsal group had mean maximum flow rate of 19.6 mL/min and mean residual urine of 27 mL, whereas ventral group had a mean maximum flow rate of 18.8 and residual urine of 32 mL. Eighteen out of twenty patients voided well in each group, and postoperative imaging study in these patients showed a good lumen with no evidence of leak or extravasation. Conclusion. Though ventral sagittal urethrotomy preserves the blood supply of urethra and intraoperative time was less than dorsal urethrotomy technique, there was no statistically significant difference in final outcome using either technique.

  17. A Comparative Study of Dorsal Buccal Mucosa Graft Substitution Urethroplasty by Dorsal Urethrotomy Approach versus Ventral Sagittal Urethrotomy Approach. (United States)

    Pahwa, Mrinal; Gupta, Sanjeev; Pahwa, Mayank; Jain, Brig D K; Gupta, Manu


    Objectives. To compare the outcome of dorsal buccal mucosal graft (BMG) substitution urethroplasty by dorsal urethrotomy approach with ventral urethrotomy approach in management of stricture urethra. Methods and Materials. A total of 40 patients who underwent dorsal BMG substitution urethroplasty were randomized into two groups. 20 patients underwent dorsal onlay BMG urethroplasty as described by Barbagli, and the other 20 patients underwent dorsal BMG urethroplasty by ventral urethrotomy as described by Asopa. Operative time, success rate, satisfaction rate, and complications were compared between the two groups. Mean follow-up was 12 months (6-24 months). Results. Ventral urethrotomy group had considerably lesser operative time although the difference was not statistically significant. Patients in dorsal group had mean maximum flow rate of 19.6 mL/min and mean residual urine of 27 mL, whereas ventral group had a mean maximum flow rate of 18.8 and residual urine of 32 mL. Eighteen out of twenty patients voided well in each group, and postoperative imaging study in these patients showed a good lumen with no evidence of leak or extravasation. Conclusion. Though ventral sagittal urethrotomy preserves the blood supply of urethra and intraoperative time was less than dorsal urethrotomy technique, there was no statistically significant difference in final outcome using either technique.

  18. Histología y morfometría de piel del pez Eremophilus mutisii (Trychomecteridae, Siluriformes)


    Bonilla Lizarazo, Rocío Johanna; Quintero Virguez, Marllury; Gómez Ramírez, Edwin; Rodríguez Caicedo, Daniel; Hurtado Giraldo, Hernán


    Se estudió la piel del pez dulceacuícola endémico de Colombia Eremophylus mutissi. Se tomaron muestras de piel (0.5x0.5 cm²) de 11 especimenes en seis partes del cuerpo (mandíbulas, cabeza dorsal, tronco dorsal, tronco caudal, tronco medial y abdominal). Se fijaron en formaldehído al 4%, con deshidratación en etanol al 95 % e isopropanol al 99%, inclusión en parafina y cortes a 5 µm. La piel está constituida por dos capas cutáneas (epidermis y dermis) y una capa subcutánea (hipodermis): la ep...


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    G. R. Hassanzadeh G. Behzadi


    Full Text Available The ascending serotonergic projections are derived mainly from mesencephalic raphe nuclei. Topographical projections from mesencephalic raphe nuclei to the striatum were examined in the rat by the retrograde transport technique of HRP (horseradish peroxidase. In 29 rats stereotaxically injection of HRP enzyme were performed in dorsal and ventral parts of striatum separately. The extent of the injection sites and distribution of retrogradely labeled neuronal cell bodies were drawed on representative sections using a projection microscope. Following ipsilateral injection of HRP into the dorsal striatum, numerous labeled neurons were seen in rostral portion of dorsal raphe (DR nucleus. In the same level the cluster of labeled neurons were hevier through caudal parts of DR. A few neurons were also located in lateral wing of DR. More caudally some labeled neurons were found in lateral, medial line of DR. In median raphe nucleus (MnR the labeled neurons were scattered only in median portion of this nucleus. The ipsilateral injection of HRP into the ventral region of striatum resulted on labeling of numerous neurons in rostral, caudal and lateral portions of DR. Through the caudal extension of DR on 4th ventricle level, a large number of labeled neurons were distributed along the ventrocaudal parts of DR. In MnR, labeled neurons were observed only in median part of this nucleus. These findings suggest the mesencephalic raphe nuclei projections to caudo-putamen are topographically organized. In addition dorsal and median raphe nuclei have a stronger projection to the ventral striatum.

  20. Calling Where It Counts: Subordinate Pied Babblers Target the Audience of Their Vocal Advertisements. (United States)

    Humphries, David J; Finch, Fiona M; Bell, Matthew B V; Ridley, Amanda R


    For territorial group-living species, opportunities to reproduce on the natal territory can be limited by a number of factors including the availability of resources within a territory, access to unrelated individuals, and monopolies on reproduction by dominant group members. Individuals looking to reproduce are therefore faced with the options of either waiting for a breeding opportunity to arise in the natal territory, or searching for reproductive opportunities in non-natal groups. In the cooperatively breeding Southern pied babbler, Turdoides bicolor, most individuals who achieve reproductive success do so through taking up dominant breeding positions within non-natal groups. For subordinate pied babblers therefore, searching for breeding opportunities in non-natal groups is of primary importance as this represents the major route to reproductive success. However, prospecting (where individuals leave the group to search for reproductive opportunities within other groups) is costly and individuals rapidly lose weight when not part of a group. Here we demonstrate that subordinate pied babblers adopt an alternative strategy for mate attraction by vocal advertisement from within their natal territories. We show that subordinates focus their calling efforts on the edges of their territory, and specifically near boundaries with neighbouring groups that have potential breeding partners (unrelated individuals of the opposite sex). In contrast to prospecting, calling individuals showed no body mass loss associated with this behaviour, suggesting that calling from within the group may provide a 'cheap' advertisement strategy. Additionally, we show that subordinates use information regarding the composition of neighbouring groups to target the greatest number of potential mating partners.

  1. A satisfação do cliente : estudo do caso do franchising de fast-food King Pie na Cidade de Maputo em Moçambique


    Ramos, Vânia Raquel Raimundo


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão/MBA apresentada à Universidade Aberta O presente trabalho tem por objectivo central, estudar a satisfação dos clientes da empresa King Pie na Cidade de Maputo. O King Pie é uma cadeia sul-africana de fast-food, que em Moçambique opera em regime de franchising, estando presente no mercado local desde o ano de 2004. Neste momento, o King Pie dispõe quatro (4) estabelecimentos localizados na Cidade de Maputo com dois (2) investidores no país que detêm o direi...


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    F. Huertas


    Full Text Available
    Dentro de las rutinas de la gimnasia deportiva, un elemento común son las
    recepciones sobre la colchoneta. En este sentido, diversos han sido los estudios cinéticos y cinemáticos realizados sobre la recepción y cuyos resultados pueden han sido útiles para la mejora en la compresión de la recepción y diseño de colchonetas. No obstante, el estudio de las presiones plantares durante la recepción no ha sido desarrollado por ninguna
    investigación a pesar de que el pie transmite al cuerpo las cargas de reacción generadas en el contacto con la colchoneta y dependiendo de su magnitud, frecuencia y punto de aplicación se pueden producir diferentes lesiones. El conocimiento de dichas cargas es importante no solo para la prevención de lesiones o criterios en el diseño de colchonetas, sino también para la mejora del rendimiento deportivo, mejorando la estabilidad durante la recepción. El presente trabajo muestra cuales son las zonas del pie a analizar, el patrón y las magnitudes de las presiones plantares durante una recepción tras un salto.

  3. [In Process Citation]. (United States)

    López-Fuenzalida, Antonio; Rodríguez Canales, Carolina; Reyes Ponce, Álvaro; Contreras Molina, Ángela; Fernández Quezada, Javiera; Aguirre Polanco, Carolina


    Introducción: dado el incremento del sobrepeso y obesidad infantil, es relevante estudiar no solo las consecuencias metabólicas, sino también aquellas de índole musculoesqueléticas que pueden afectar la funcionalidad motriz, como es el pie plano, en esta población. Objetivo: identificar la asociación entre el estado nutricional y la prevalencia de pie plano en niños y niñas chilenos de 6 a 10 años. Métodos: el z-score del índice de masa corporal (IMC) y el registro y análisis de las huellas plantares según la metodología de Hernández-Corvo fue llevado a cabo en 388 escolares (52,3% niñas). Un test de diferencia para dos proporciones fue utilizado para evaluar las diferencias entre los grupos. Se considera una significancia estadística con p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: la prevalencia del exceso de peso fue de más del 40%. Esta prevalencia fue más alta en las niñas (47,8%) que en los niños (42,7%). La prevalencia de pie plano en todos los niños fue del 17%, presentando valores más elevados el pie derecho (18,3%) que el izquierdo (15,7%). Hay un incremento significativo de la prevalencia de pie plano en los niños obesos en relación con los niños con sobrepeso y normopeso. Conclusión: el estado nutricional está asociado con incrementos en la prevalencia de pie plano en niños. En la población infantil de 6 a 10 años de edad, la obesidad está asociada con la alteración morfológica del pie.

  4. A biomechanical comparison of four fixed-angle dorsal plates in a finite element model of dorsally-unstable radius fracture. (United States)

    Knežević, Josip; Kodvanj, Janoš; Čukelj, Fabijan; Pamuković, Frane; Pavić, Arsen


    To compare the finite element models of two different composite radius fracture patterns, reduced and stabilised with four different fixed-angle dorsal plates during axial, dorsal and volar loading conditions. Eight different plastic models representing four AO/ASIF type 23-A3 distal radius fractures and four AO/ASIF 23-C2 distal radius fractures were obtained and fixed each with 1 of 4 methods: a standard dorsal non-anatomical fixed angle T-plate (3.5mm Dorsal T-plate, Synthes), anatomical fixed-angle double plates (2.4mm LCP Dorsal Distal Radius, Synthes), anatomical fixed angle T-plate (2.4mm Acu-Loc Dorsal Plate, Acumed) or anatomical variable-angle dorsal T-plate (3.5mm, Dorsal Plate, Zrinski). Composite radius with plate and screws were scanned with a 3D optical scanner and later processed in Abaqus Software to generate the finite element model. All models were axially loaded at 3 points (centrally, volarly and dorsally) with 50 N forces to avoid the appearance of plastic deformations of the models. Total displacements at the end of the bone and the stresses in the bones and plates were determined and compared. Maximal von Mises stress in bone for 3-part fracture models was very similar to that in 2-part fracture models. The biggest difference between models and the largest displacements were seen during volar loading. The stresses in all models were the highest above the fracture gap. The best performance in all parameters tested was with the Zrinski plate and the most modest results were with the Synthes T-plate. There was no significant difference between 2-part (AO/ASIF type 23-A3) and 3-part (AO/ASIF 23-C2) fracture models. Maximal stresses in the plates appeared above the fracture gap; therefore, it is worth considering the development of plates without screw holes above the gap. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Efecto de la inyección de CaCl2 sobre la suavidad del corte de solomo (Outside

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Chac\\u00F3n-Villalobos


    Full Text Available Efecto de la inyección de CaCl2 sobre la suavidad del corte de solomo (Outside. Con el objetivo de determinar el efecto del CaCl2 sobre la suavidad del corte de solomo se utilizaron 100 so lomos (outside con pe so me dio de 2,9 kg, en Alajuela y San José en el año 2000. Ochen ta fue ron inyectados mecánicamente con CaCl2 (3% en una can ti dad equi va len te al 5% del pe so de ca da pieza, empacados al vacío, madurados a 7 ºC durante siete días, y divididos aleatoria mente en cuatro subgrupos de 20 unidades. Un subgrupo se con ge ló a –25 ºC du ran te un mes. El se gun do y ter cero se cocinaron por inmersión en agua ca liente hasta alcanzar una temperatura interna estimada de 70 ºC. Al terminar la cocción el tercer subgrupo se congeló como se describió antes. El cuar to sub gru po so lo se ma du ró y vein te pie zas fres cas constituyeron el grupo control. Se determinó la fuerza de cor te pa ra las 100 pie zas em plean do el mé to do de la Ame rican Meat Scien ce As so cia tion. El pH de las pie zas fres cas y de aquellas sometidas a los procesos de maduración fue determinado. Se estimó la calidad microbiológica y las pérdi das de peso de cada tratamiento. El solomo fresco presentó un pH ba jo (5,4 que no es significativamente incrementado por la maduración con CaCl2 (p > 0,05. Los tra tamientos de cocción presentaron mayores pérdidas de peso y menores mejorías en la sua vidad. To dos los tratamientos aumentaron la sua vi dad ini cial del so lo mo (7,45 kg/cm2 y pre sen ta ron recuentos microbianos aceptables. La inyección seguida de empacado al va cío y maduración generó mejores resultados en la sua vi dad fi nal (3,81 kg/cm2.

  6. PIE Report on the KOMO-3 Irradiation Test Fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jong Man; Ryu, H. J.; Yang, J. H.


    In the KOMO-3, in-reactor irradiation test had been performed for 12 kinds of dispersed U-Mo fuel rods, a multi wire fuel rod and a tube fuel rod. In this report we described the PIE results on the KOMO-3 irradiation test fuels. The interaction layer thickness between fuel particle and matrix could be reduced by using a large size U-Mo fuel particle or introducing Al-Si matrix or adding the third element in the U-Mo particle. Monolithic fuel rod of multi-wire or tube fuel was also effective in reducing the interaction layer thickness

  7. Personal authentication through dorsal hand vein patterns (United States)

    Hsu, Chih-Bin; Hao, Shu-Sheng; Lee, Jen-Chun


    Biometric identification is an emerging technology that can solve security problems in our networked society. A reliable and robust personal verification approach using dorsal hand vein patterns is proposed in this paper. The characteristic of the approach needs less computational and memory requirements and has a higher recognition accuracy. In our work, the near-infrared charge-coupled device (CCD) camera is adopted as an input device for capturing dorsal hand vein images, it has the advantages of the low-cost and noncontact imaging. In the proposed approach, two finger-peaks are automatically selected as the datum points to define the region of interest (ROI) in the dorsal hand vein images. The modified two-directional two-dimensional principal component analysis, which performs an alternate two-dimensional PCA (2DPCA) in the column direction of images in the 2DPCA subspace, is proposed to exploit the correlation of vein features inside the ROI between images. The major advantage of the proposed method is that it requires fewer coefficients for efficient dorsal hand vein image representation and recognition. The experimental results on our large dorsal hand vein database show that the presented schema achieves promising performance (false reject rate: 0.97% and false acceptance rate: 0.05%) and is feasible for dorsal hand vein recognition.

  8. PIE on Safety-Tested Loose Particles from Irradiated Compact 4-4-2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hunn, John D. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Gerczak, Tyler J. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Morris, Robert Noel [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Baldwin, Charles A. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Montgomery, Fred C. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Post-irradiation examination (PIE) is being performed in support of tristructural isotropic (TRISO) coated particle fuel development and qualification for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs). This work is sponsored by the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) through the Advanced Reactor Technologies (ART) Office under the Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification (AGR) Program. The AGR-1 experiment was the first in a series of TRISO fuel irradiation tests initiated in 2006. The AGR-1 TRISO particles and fuel compacts were fabricated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in 2006 using laboratory-scale equipment and irradiated for 3 years in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to demonstrate and evaluate fuel performance under HTGR irradiation conditions. Post-irradiation examination was performed at INL and ORNL to study how the fuel behaved during irradiation, and to test fuel performance during exposure to elevated temperatures at or above temperatures that could occur during a depressurized conduction cooldown event. This report summarizes safety testing and post-safety testing PIE conducted at ORNL on loose particles extracted from irradiated AGR-1 Compact 4-4-2.

  9. Corrections to the 148Nd method of evaluation of burnup for the PIE samples from Mihama-3 and Genkai-1 reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suyama, Kenya; Mochizuki, Hiroki


    The value of the burnup is one of the most important parameters of samples taken by post-irradiation examination (PIE). Generally, it is evaluated by the Neodymium-148 method. Precise evaluation of the burnup value requires: (1) an effective fission yield of 148 Nd; (2) neutron capture reactions of 147 Nd and 148 Nd; (3) a conversion factor from fissions per initial heavy metal to the burnup unit GWd/t. In this study, the burnup values of the PIE data from Mihama-3 and Genkai-1 PWRs, which were taken by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, were re-evaluated using more accurate corrections for each of these three items. The PIE data were then re-analyzed using SWAT and SWAT2 code systems with JENDL-3.3 library. The re-evaluation of the effective fission yield of 148 Nd has an effect of 1.5-2.0% on burnup values. Considering the neutron capture reactions of 147 Nd and 148 Nd removes dependence of C/E values of 148 Nd on the burnup value. The conversion factor from FIMA(%) to GWd/t changes according to the burnup value. Its effect on the burnup evaluation is small for samples having burnup of larger than 30 GWd/t. The analyses using the corrected burnup values showed that the calculated 148 Nd concentrations and the PIE data is approximately 1%, whereas this was 3-5% in prior analyses. This analysis indicates that the burnup values of samples from Mihama-3 and Genkai-1 PWRs should be corrected by 2-3%. The effect of re-evaluation of the burnup value on the neutron multiplication factor is an approximately 0.6% change in PIE samples having the burnup of larger than 30 GWd/t. Finally, comparison between calculation results using a single pin-cell model and an assembly model is carried out. Because the results agreed with each other within a few percent, we concluded that the single pin-cell model is suitable for the analysis of PIE samples and that the underestimation of plutonium isotopes, which occurred in the previous analyses, does not result from a geometry

  10. Neuroradiological evaluation of dorsal cyst malformations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Utsunomiya, Hidetsuna; Hayashi, Takashi; Hashimoto, Takeo; Matsuishi, Toyojiro; Okudera, Toshio.


    We discussed six cases with dorsal cyst malformations listing their neuroradiological observations and proposed to differentiate between the holosphere and hemisphere as defined by Yokota (1984). The cases were divided into holospheric and hemispheric groups depending on the continuity of their frontal lobe midlines. Cases 1, 2 and 3 were placed in the holospheric group because of their unseparated frontal lobe sbeneath the partially formed anterior interhemispheric fissures. Cases 4, 5 and 6 were grouped in the hemisphere due to the completion of the interhemispheric fissures. There has been a tendency in recent years for most cases of cerebral malformations having an endogenous dorsal cyst with monoventricular configuration to be diagnosed as holoprosencephaly. However, we believe that only patients who have a dorsal cyst in the holospheric brain should be included, and the others in the hemispheric brain, which is capable of completing hemispheric cleavage, should not. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of correctly identifying the holospheric state in the dorsal cyst malformations for diagnosing holoprosencephaly. (author)

  11. Slow improvements of metal exposure, health- and breeding conditions of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) after decreased industrial heavy metal emissions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berglund, A.M.M.; Nyholm, N.E.I.


    The environment around metal industries, such as smelters, is often highly contaminated due to continuous deposition of metals. We studied nest box breeding populations of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a well-studied pollution gradient from a sulfide ore smelter in Northern Sweden, after reduced aerial metal emissions (by 93-99%) from the smelter. The deposition of arsenic, cadmium, copper and zinc (based on moss samples) reflected the reduced emissions fairly well. However, nestling pied flycatchers had similar concentrations of these elements and mercury in tissues (bone, liver and blood) and feces in the 2000s, as in the 1980s, when the emissions were substantially higher. The exposure to high metal concentrations in the close vicinity of the smelter resulted in inhibited ALAD activities, depressed hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and increased mortality of nestlings. Our results indicate that in the highly contaminated environment around the smelter, nestlings reflected the slowly cycling soil pool, rather than the atmospheric deposition, and the concentration in soils plays an important role for the response of pied flycatchers to reduced atmospheric deposition. - Highlights: → Pied flycatchers were studied in a pollution gradient from a sulfide smelter. → Metal emissions from the smelter have decreased substantially. → Nestling birds still had high metal concentrations in tissues. → Health and survival rates of nestlings were negatively affected. → Recovery of birds is not expected in the near future.

  12. Slow improvements of metal exposure, health- and breeding conditions of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) after decreased industrial heavy metal emissions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berglund, A.M.M., E-mail:; Nyholm, N.E.I.


    The environment around metal industries, such as smelters, is often highly contaminated due to continuous deposition of metals. We studied nest box breeding populations of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a well-studied pollution gradient from a sulfide ore smelter in Northern Sweden, after reduced aerial metal emissions (by 93-99%) from the smelter. The deposition of arsenic, cadmium, copper and zinc (based on moss samples) reflected the reduced emissions fairly well. However, nestling pied flycatchers had similar concentrations of these elements and mercury in tissues (bone, liver and blood) and feces in the 2000s, as in the 1980s, when the emissions were substantially higher. The exposure to high metal concentrations in the close vicinity of the smelter resulted in inhibited ALAD activities, depressed hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and increased mortality of nestlings. Our results indicate that in the highly contaminated environment around the smelter, nestlings reflected the slowly cycling soil pool, rather than the atmospheric deposition, and the concentration in soils plays an important role for the response of pied flycatchers to reduced atmospheric deposition. - Highlights: {yields} Pied flycatchers were studied in a pollution gradient from a sulfide smelter. {yields} Metal emissions from the smelter have decreased substantially. {yields} Nestling birds still had high metal concentrations in tissues. {yields} Health and survival rates of nestlings were negatively affected. {yields} Recovery of birds is not expected in the near future.

  13. 49 CFR 40.361 - What is the purpose of a public interest exclusion (PIE)? (United States)


    ... transportation employers and employees from serious noncompliance with DOT drug and alcohol testing rules, the Department's policy is to ensure that employers conduct business only with responsible service agents. (b... alcohol testing regulations, has shown that it is not currently acting in a responsible manner. (c) A PIE...

  14. Investigación del conglomerado colapsable de la Cano-Vitor Arequipa


    Fernández Sixto, Erasmo Alejandro; Fernández Sixto, Erasmo Alejandro


    El conocimiento de la existencia de suelos compuestos por un conglomerado de partículas gruesas (gravas, guijarros y botones) embebidos dentro de una matriz de partículas menores (arenas, limos y arcillas), que posee un comportamiento colapsable; no tiene precedentes en el Perú a excepción de la advertencia señalada por el profesor Alberto Martínez Vargas (1980). Justamente el mencionado investigador atribuyó al suelo de la formación Sotillo localizado en la escarpa del Pie de la Cuesta en el...

  15. Un oficio del siglo XX: Guillermo Cabrera Infante en su laberinto fílmico

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    Javier Fernández Díaz


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo explora las relaciones entre literatura y cine en la obra de Guillermo Cabrera Infante. Para ello presenta dos bloques temáticos interrelacionados. En el primero se sugiere la lectura de Un oficio del siglo XX, un libro generalmente entendido como un conjunto de críticas cinematográficas, como un género híbrido, cercano al ensayo y a la autobiografía. El paratexto y las notas a pie de página del autor resultan clave. La segunda parte es una revisión de los tres guiones que Cabrera Infante escribió para cine a partir de la noción de texto fílmico.


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    Juan Abel Nájera-Luna


    rendimiento en madera aserrada del 57.5 % sin corteza y 52.17 % con corteza. El tiempo promedio para aserrar 1,000 pies tablares se estimó en 25.09 minutos. La productividad fue de 7.57 m3.h-1 y la velocidad de alimentación de 46.47 m.min-1. Se encontró que el rendimiento en madera aserrada es afectado por el diámetro, largo y conicidad de las trozas.

  17. Control del deterioro de la madera mediante la acción de nano-impregnantes y recubrimientos sol-gel a base de silanos


    Alfieri, Paula Vanesa


    El aumento constante del consumo de madera como material ha llevado a la necesidad de introducir en el mercado especies de crecimiento rápido las cuales poseen propiedades inferiores desde el punto de vista de la resistencia a la degradación. La extracción de madera en el pasado fue indiscriminada, sin medir las consecuencias del deterioro de los bosques naturales; se extraían grandes volúmenes de madera de crecimiento lento, que demoraban siglos en madurar, dejando en pie aquellos árboles de...

  18. Sunscreen Use on the Dorsal Hands at the Beach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warren, D. B.; Hobbs, J. B.; Jr, R. F. W.; Riahi, R. R.


    Since skin of the dorsal hands is a known site for the development of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, an epidemiologic investigation was needed to determine if beachgoers apply sunscreen to the dorsal aspect of their hands as frequently as they apply it to other skin sites. Aim. The aim of the current study was to compare the use of sunscreen on the dorsal hands to other areas of the body during subtropical late spring and summer sunlight exposure at the beach. Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional survey from a convenience sample of beachgoers was designed to evaluate responded understanding and protective measures concerning skin cancer on the dorsal hands in an environment with high natural UVR exposure. Results. A total of 214 surveys were completed and analyzed. Less than half of subjects (105, 49%) applied sunscreen to their dorsal hands. Women applied sunscreen to the dorsal hands more than men (55% women versus 40% men, ρ=0.04 ). Higher Fitzpatrick Skin Type respondents were less likely to protect their dorsal hands from ultraviolet radiation (ρ=0.001 ). Conclusions. More public education focused on dorsal hand protection from ultraviolet radiation damage is necessary to reduce the risk for squamous cell carcinomas of the hands.

  19. Geocronología e historia volcánica del complejo volcánico del Teide y las dorsales de Tenerife


    Carracedo, Juan Carlos; Rodríguez Badiola, Eduardo; Guillou, Hervé; Scaillet, Stéphane; Paterne, Martine; Pérez Torrado, Francisco José; Paris, Raphael; Fra-Paleo, U.; Hansen Machín, Álex


    Estos trabajos geológicos no habrían podido realizarse sin la oportuna y generosa financiación de Obra Social y Cultural de la Caja General de Ahorros de Canarias y el Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (CEA-CNRS), Francia. Posteriormente, por la financiación dentro del marco del Plan Nacional de I+D, del proyecto de investigación CGL2005-00239.

  20. The Canonical Immediate Early 3 Gene Product pIE611 of Mouse Cytomegalovirus Is Dispensable for Viral Replication but Mediates Transcriptional and Posttranscriptional Regulation of Viral Gene Products. (United States)

    Rattay, Stephanie; Trilling, Mirko; Megger, Dominik A; Sitek, Barbara; Meyer, Helmut E; Hengel, Hartmut; Le-Trilling, Vu Thuy Khanh


    Transcription of mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) immediate early ie1 and ie3 is controlled by the major immediate early promoter/enhancer (MIEP) and requires differential splicing. Based on complete loss of genome replication of an MCMV mutant carrying a deletion of the ie3-specific exon 5, the multifunctional IE3 protein (611 amino acids; pIE611) is considered essential for viral replication. Our analysis of ie3 transcription resulted in the identification of novel ie3 isoforms derived from alternatively spliced ie3 transcripts. Construction of an IE3-hemagglutinin (IE3-HA) virus by insertion of an in-frame HA epitope sequence allowed detection of the IE3 isoforms in infected cells, verifying that the newly identified transcripts code for proteins. This prompted the construction of an MCMV mutant lacking ie611 but retaining the coding capacity for the newly identified isoforms ie453 and ie310. Using Δie611 MCMV, we demonstrated the dispensability of the canonical ie3 gene product pIE611 for viral replication. To determine the role of pIE611 for viral gene expression during MCMV infection in an unbiased global approach, we used label-free quantitative mass spectrometry to delineate pIE611-dependent changes of the MCMV proteome. Interestingly, further analysis revealed transcriptional as well as posttranscriptional regulation of MCMV gene products by pIE611. Cytomegaloviruses are pathogenic betaherpesviruses persisting in a lifelong latency from which reactivation can occur under conditions of immunosuppression, immunoimmaturity, or inflammation. The switch from latency to reactivation requires expression of immediate early genes. Therefore, understanding of immediate early gene regulation might add insights into viral pathogenesis. The mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) immediate early 3 protein (611 amino acids; pIE611) is considered essential for viral replication. The identification of novel protein isoforms derived from alternatively spliced ie3 transcripts prompted

  1. Metrología y arquitectura modular en el puerto de La Picola (Santa Pola, Alicante al final del siglo V a.C.

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    Moret, Pierre


    Full Text Available La Picola (Santa Pola, Alicante is a fortified port to the south-east of Elche. Built c. 430 BC, it was abandoned within a hundred years. The surviving structures indicate that the same unit of measure was employed at every stage in the building of the port. This foot —equivalent to between 29,7 and 30 cm— is the basis of everything from mud bricks to the settlement's ground-plan. The network of streets and buildings is organised symmetrically, using a five-fathom or 30-foot division; houses are two fathoms or 12 feet wide. This type of modular organisation is probably Greek in origin.El puerto fortificado de La Picola (Santa Pola, situado en la costa alicantina al Sureste de Elche, fue construido hacia 430 a.C. y abandonado al cabo de un siglo. El estudio de las estructuras conservadas demuestra que se utilizó la misma unidad de medida —un pie de 29,7 a 30 cm— en todas las etapas del programa de construcción, desde la fabricación de los adobes hasta las grandes divisiones del plano regulador. La trama de las calles y de las manzanas, organizada en torno a un eje de simetría, se basa en un módulo de 5 brazas (5 x 6 pies, mientras que la anchura de las casas sigue un módulo de 2 brazas (2 x 6 pies. El origen de este esquema modular es probablemente griego.

  2. A meta-analysis on PewDiePie, his swearing and its development


    Mononen, O. (Ossi)


    Abstract This thesis discusses the swearing present in the videos of the YouTube content creator PewDiePie through meta-analysis of a research article on the subject. The thesis will approach the primary article from the points of view of the fields of language play, language policy, ecological language learning and linguistic superdiversities. The primary article is analysed from the point of view of each field in order t...

  3. The impact of conflict issues on fixed-pie perceptions, problem solving, and integrative outcomes in negotiation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harinck, F.; de Dreu, C.K.W.; van Vianen, A.E.M.


    It is argued that a negotiators fixed-pie perception, cooperative motivation, problem-solving behavior, and integrative outcomes are influenced by the content of the negotiationthe conflict issue. Negotiation involves conflicting interests, conflicting ideas about intellective problems, or

  4. Corrections to the {sup 148}Nd method of evaluation of burnup for the PIE samples from Mihama-3 and Genkai-1 reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suyama, Kenya [Fuel Cycle Facility Safety Research Group, Nuclear Safety Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195 (Japan)]. E-mail:; Mochizuki, Hiroki [Japan Research Institute, Limited, 16 Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0082 (Japan)


    The value of the burnup is one of the most important parameters of samples taken by post-irradiation examination (PIE). Generally, it is evaluated by the Neodymium-148 method. Precise evaluation of the burnup value requires: (1) an effective fission yield of {sup 148}Nd; (2) neutron capture reactions of {sup 147}Nd and {sup 148}Nd; (3) a conversion factor from fissions per initial heavy metal to the burnup unit GWd/t. In this study, the burnup values of the PIE data from Mihama-3 and Genkai-1 PWRs, which were taken by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, were re-evaluated using more accurate corrections for each of these three items. The PIE data were then re-analyzed using SWAT and SWAT2 code systems with JENDL-3.3 library. The re-evaluation of the effective fission yield of {sup 148}Nd has an effect of 1.5-2.0% on burnup values. Considering the neutron capture reactions of {sup 147}Nd and {sup 148}Nd removes dependence of C/E values of {sup 148}Nd on the burnup value. The conversion factor from FIMA(%) to GWd/t changes according to the burnup value. Its effect on the burnup evaluation is small for samples having burnup of larger than 30 GWd/t. The analyses using the corrected burnup values showed that the calculated {sup 148}Nd concentrations and the PIE data is approximately 1%, whereas this was 3-5% in prior analyses. This analysis indicates that the burnup values of samples from Mihama-3 and Genkai-1 PWRs should be corrected by 2-3%. The effect of re-evaluation of the burnup value on the neutron multiplication factor is an approximately 0.6% change in PIE samples having the burnup of larger than 30 GWd/t. Finally, comparison between calculation results using a single pin-cell model and an assembly model is carried out. Because the results agreed with each other within a few percent, we concluded that the single pin-cell model is suitable for the analysis of PIE samples and that the underestimation of plutonium isotopes, which occurred in the previous

  5. Pie technique of LWR fuel cladding fracture toughness test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Endo, Shinya; Usami, Koji; Nakata, Masahito; Fukuda, Takuji; Numata, Masami; Kizaki, Minoru; Nishino, Yasuharu


    Remote-handling techniques were developed by cooperative research between the Department of Hot Laboratories in the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) and the Nuclear Fuel Industries Ltd. (NFI) for evaluating the fracture toughness on irradiated LWR fuel cladding. The developed techniques, sample machining by using the electrical discharge machine (EDM), pre-cracking by fatigue tester, sample assembling to the compact tension (CT) shaped test fixture gave a satisfied result for a fracture toughness test developed by NFL. And post-irradiation examination (PIE) using the remote-handling techniques were carried out to evaluate the fracture toughness on BWR spent fuel cladding in the Waste Safety Testing Facility (WASTEF). (author)

  6. "Yo, Bernal Díaz del Castillo": ¿Soldado de a pie o idiota sin letras?

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    Verónica Cortínez


    Full Text Available Este artículo expone que la originalidad de la Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España radica en la escisión del "Yo" narrativo. La distancia temporal que separa al héroe del narrador crea una tensión entre propósitos irreconciliables. En este sentido, es ésta la historia de la desaveniencia entre ambos Bernales. This article shows that the originality of the Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España lies in the schism of the narrative "I". The temporal distance wich separates the hero from the narrator creates a tension between irreconcilable purposes. In this sense, this is the story of the discord between the two Bernales.

  7. A proposal for laminated pie mechanical construction of a toroidal magnet for the far detector for the MINOS experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fields, T.; Guarino, V.; Petereit, E.; Schoessow, P.; Thompson, K.


    This proposal describes an alternative to the reference design for the construction of the toroidal magnet for the detector for the MINOS experiment. This design proposes to construct the steel planes from several steel sheets and laminate them into the required thickness of four centimeters. The 8 meter planes are constructed by cutting all of the steel plates to the same size, which is pie a pie shaped segment of either 30 or 22.5 degrees each. All of the plates in the construction are identical, which is conducive to rapid production and lower cost. The advantages of the proposed laminated construction over the reference design are listed in this paper


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se describe una especie nueva de rana del género Chiasmocleis de los bosques montanos del suroriente del Ecuador, en las laderas occidentales de la Cordillera del Cóndor, entre 1.025-1.630 m de altitud. En base a nuevas secuencias de ADN mitocondrial y nuclear presentamos las relaciones filogenéticas de la nueva especie y sus congéneres. La filogenia muestra una relación cercana a C. antenori, C. carvalhoi, C. magnova, y C. tridactyla. La nueva especie forma parte de un clado integrado por especies que previamente habían sido asignadas al género Syncope. Este clado es hermano de otro conformado por el resto de especies de Chiasmocleis. La nueva especie difiere de sus congéneres por su dorso café ladrillo a café obscuro (sepia cubierto por puntos diminutos blanco-amarillentos. Chiasmocleis parkeri sp. nov. se parece a Chiasmocleis antenori por la ausencia del dedo I, tanto en las manos como en los pies, pero difiere en la coloración, la disposición y tamaño de las manchas claras y la ausencia de una línea clara en la región cantal. La especie nueva presenta algunos rasgos que le distinguen de especies similares. Describimos el canto, caracterizado por tener notas sin pulsos y aportamos datos ecológicos de la localidad típica y áreas adyacentes.

  9. Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas (United States)

    Schnedl, Wolfgang J; Piswanger-Soelkner, Claudia; Wallner, Sandra J; Krause, Robert; Lipp, Rainer W


    During the last 100 years in medical literature, there are only 54 reports, including the report of Pasaoglu et al (World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14: 2915-2916), with clinical descriptions of agenesis of the dorsal pancreas in humans. Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas, a rare congenital pancreatic malformation, is associated with some other medical conditions such as hyperglycemia, abdominal pain, pancreatitis and a few other diseases. In approximately 50% of reported patients with this congenital malformation, hyperglycemia was demonstrated. Evaluation of hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus in all patients with agenesis of the dorsal pancreas including description of fasting blood glucose, oral glucose tolerance test, glycated hemoglobin and medical treatment would be a future goal. Since autosomal dominant transmission has been suggested in single families, more family studies including imaging technologies with demonstration of the pancreatic duct system are needed for evaluation of this disease. With this letter to the editor, we aim to increase available information for the better understanding of this rare disease. PMID:19140241

  10. Emergent properties during dorsal closure in Drosophila morphogenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peralta, X G; Toyama, Y; Edwards, G S; Kiehart, D P


    Dorsal closure is an essential stage of Drosophila development that is a model system for research in morphogenesis and biological physics. Dorsal closure involves an orchestrated interplay between gene expression and cell activities that produce shape changes, exert forces and mediate tissue dynamics. We investigate the dynamics of dorsal closure based on confocal microscopic measurements of cell shortening in living embryos. During the mid-stages of dorsal closure we find that there are fluctuations in the width of the leading edge cells but the time-averaged analysis of measurements indicate that there is essentially no net shortening of cells in the bulk of the leading edge, that contraction predominantly occurs at the canthi as part of the process for zipping together the two leading edges of epidermis and that the rate constant for zipping correlates with the rate of movement of the leading edges. We characterize emergent properties that regulate dorsal closure, i.e., a velocity governor and the coordination and synchronization of tissue dynamics

  11. Endogenous neurotrophin-3 promotes neuronal sprouting from dorsal root ganglia. (United States)

    Wang, Xu-Yang; Gu, Pei-Yuan; Chen, Shi-Wen; Gao, Wen-Wei; Tian, Heng-Li; Lu, Xiang-He; Zheng, Wei-Ming; Zhuge, Qi-Chuan; Hu, Wei-Xing


    In the present study, we investigated the role of endogenous neurotrophin-3 in nerve terminal sprouting 2 months after spinal cord dorsal root rhizotomy. The left L1-5 and L7-S2 dorsal root ganglia in adult cats were exposed and removed, preserving the L6 dorsal root ganglia. Neurotrophin-3 was mainly expressed in large neurons in the dorsal root ganglia and in some neurons in spinal lamina II. Two months after rhizotomy, the number of neurotrophin-3-positive neurons in the spared dorsal root ganglia and the density of neurite sprouts emerging from these ganglia were increased. Intraperitoneal injection of an antibody against neurotrophin-3 decreased the density of neurite sprouts. These findings suggest that endogenous neurotrophin-3 is involved in spinal cord plasticity and regeneration, and that it promotes axonal sprouting from the dorsal root ganglia after spinal cord dorsal root rhizotomy.

  12. Pie waste - A component of food waste and a renewable substrate for producing ethanol. (United States)

    Magyar, Margaret; da Costa Sousa, Leonardo; Jayanthi, Singaram; Balan, Venkatesh


    Sugar-rich food waste is a sustainable feedstock that can be converted into ethanol without an expensive thermochemical pretreatment that is commonly used in first and second generation processes. In this manuscript we have outlined the pie waste conversion to ethanol through a two-step process, namely, enzyme hydrolysis using commercial enzyme products mixtures and microbial fermentation using yeast. Optimized enzyme cocktail was found to be 45% alpha amylase, 45% gamma amylase, and 10% pectinase at 2.5mg enzyme protein/g glucan produced a hydrolysate with high glucose concentration. All three solid loadings (20%, 30%, and 40%) produced sugar-rich hydrolysates and ethanol with little to no enzyme or yeast inhibition. Enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation process mass balance was carried out using pie waste on a 1000g dry weight basis that produced 329g ethanol at 20% solids loading. This process clearly demonstrate how food waste could be efficiently converted to ethanol that could be used for making biodiesel by reacting with waste cooking oil. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Presentación del Libro “Diabetes en Colombia. Recuento Historico y Bibliográfico”

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


    Por estos tiempos también era común que los clínicos probaran la orina de los pacientes para ver si estaba “dulce” y así poder hacer el diagnóstico al pie de la cama del enfermo. No se trataba por supuesto de tomarse el líquido como si se tratara de una limonada; era más bien poner un dedo y pasarlo por la lengua, lo que sonaría algo menos desagradable. García Márquez describe esta costumbre en su novela “El amor en los tiempos del cólera” cuando cuenta que (el doctor Juvenal Urbino, hijo de médico y de clase social alta en Cartagena, había estudiado en París a la usanza de la época, al lado de los grandes profesores. A su regreso trató de imponer criterios novedosos en el Hospital de la Misericordia, pero no le fue tan fácil… pues la rancia casa de salud se empecinaba en sus costumbres atávicas… no podían soportar que el joven recién llegado saboreara la orina del enfermo para descubrir la presencia de azúcar o que citara a Charcot y a Trousseau como si fueran sus compañeros de cuarto…” Cuenta Ucrós Cuéllar que José María Lombana Barreneche, instruyendo a sus alumnos sobre este hábito, le pidió a uno de ellos que pusiera un dedo en el chorro de la orina del enfermo y la probara; cuando el estudiante siguió al pie de la letra las instrucciones de Lombana, este lo llamó aparte y le dijo: Usted pone un dedo, pero se chupa el otro. Un don Sabas –personaje de Gabo en “El coronel no tiene quien le escriba”, no nuestro ministro del interior– es un enfermo diabético...

  14. Energy use in the bread, cake, pastry, and pie baking industries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cleland, A.C.; Earle, M.D.; Serrallach, G.F.


    A survey was carried out to determine energy consumption in the bread, cake, pastry, and pie baking industry. Information was obtained from 11 bread bakeries. Energy use in the bread bakeries over the period 1977/78 was found to average 2.45 MJ/kg of which 0.46 MJ/kg was electricity and the rest oven and boiler fuels. Process flow charts are shown. The purposes for which electricity are used are described. An energy consumption analysis is presented and energy conservation measures are described. (MCW)

  15. ''Cutie Pie,'' A portable radiation instrument

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ballou, C.O.


    A portable beta and gamma radiation meter of exceedingly small dimensions and weight has been developed. User acceptance has been more enthusiastic than any previous instrument of its type. The circuit, using one Victoreen V-32 tube, is the simplest electronic circuit possible for radiation work and gives high sensitivity. Stability exceeds anything of comparable sensitivity which has come to our attention. The short term stability is due to a circuit which prevents emission before the cathode reaches operating temperature. Long term stability has been improved by evacuating the tube enclosure and switch. The complete, one unit instrument, weighs four pounds two ounces, and is carried with a pistol grip. Exclusive of chamber and handle, its dimensions are 3'' wide, 6 1/2'' long, and 5'' high. The case is formed of aluminum and is designed to give excellent visibility of the meter. Three ranges of approximately 50, 500 and 5000 mr/hr have been incorporated in the instruments. The instrument has been named ''Cutie Pie'' due to its diminutive size

  16. Gelman: El salario del impío

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    Jorge José Monteleone


    Full Text Available En su "Discurso sobre lírica y sociedad", Theodor W Adorno señala que el poema lírico debe presentar un alto "grado de interiorización y una radical individuación". Es decir, que el contenido del poema será tanto más objetivo y motivado socialmente cuanto menos se "tematice" en el la relación entre el yo y la sociedad y que el sujeto estará menos ausente de la forma poética que lo presenta, cuanto mas se sumerja y olvide en la objetividad social del lenguaje. A k luz de esas nociones pueden leerse dos libros de Juan Gelman, que se refieren explícitamente al exilio: Bajo la lluvia ajena (notas al pie de una derrota (1984 y Salarios del impío (1993. Entre uno y otro se percibe una progresiva individuación que permite alcanzar formalmente en el lenguaje poético una eficaz representación imaginaria del hecho histórico opresivo, que elude la reducción temática. Asimismo, la noción de posterioridad, con k cual se reinscribe y reorganiza la significación de un hecho traumático del pasado en un trabajo de la memoria, permitiría revisar aquella célebre advertencia de Adorno según la cual seria imposible escribir poesía después de un genocidio.

  17. Gelman: El salario del impío

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    Jorge José Monteleone


    Full Text Available En su "Discurso sobre lírica y sociedad", Theodor W Adorno señala que el poema lírico debe presentar un alto "grado de interiorización y una radical individuación". Es decir, que el contenido del poema será tanto más objetivo y motivado socialmente cuanto menos se "tematice" en el la relación entre el yo y la sociedad y que el sujeto estará menos ausente de la forma poética que lo presenta, cuanto mas se sumerja y olvide en la objetividad social del lenguaje. A k luz de esas nociones pueden leerse dos libros de Juan Gelman, que se refieren explícitamente al exilio: Bajo la lluvia ajena (notas al pie de una derrota (1984 y Salarios del impío (1993. Entre uno y otro se percibe una progresiva individuación que permite alcanzar formalmente en el lenguaje poético una eficaz representación imaginaria del hecho histórico opresivo, que elude la reducción temática. Asimismo, la noción de posterioridad, con k cual se reinscribe y reorganiza la significación de un hecho traumático del pasado en un trabajo de la memoria, permitiría revisar aquella célebre advertencia de Adorno según la cual seria imposible escribir poesía después de un genocidio.

  18. Carcinoma verrucoso plantar. A propósito de un caso poco frecuente


    López López, Daniel; Rodríguez Sanz, David; Morales Ponce, Ángel; Soriano Medrano, Alfredo


    Antecedentes: Los carcinomas verrucosos en pocas ocasiones se mencionan en la literatura su localización en la planta de los pies, siendo una variante bien diferenciada del carcinoma de células escamosas visto en mucosa y piel, incluyendo los pies. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, histopatológicas y de laboratorio y los resultados de un caso clínico inusual de un carcinoma verrucoso en la planta del pie. Métodos: Presentamos un extraño caso de un carcinoma verr...

  19. Lifting the Curse of the Roman: Quintus Horatius Flaccus Meets the Pied Piper of Hamelin. (United States)

    Blackburn, William

    There are many similarities between Robert Browning's "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" and Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" that are seldom noted by literary critics. Both works were begun for the amusement of specific children, both employ a strange subterranean journey as a central device, and both are works of nonsense…

  20. Transformaciones del modelo Neogranadino de parroquialización. El caso de la Parroquia San Francisco Xavier de Piedecuesta

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    Luis Rubén Pérez Pinzón


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza los fundamentos canónigos, las razones virreinales y los rituales eclesiásticos que justificaron las fundaciones parroquiales del siglo XVIII. Para ello se enfatiza en el modelo de urbanismo de las autoridades borbónicas que sustituyó la práctica de fundaciones de ciudades y villas de los siglos XVI y XVII a partir de capitulaciones. Modelo de necesidades demostradas, visitas a las instituciones virreinales y verificación de méritos que se puede comprobar desde el caso de la parroquia moderna de San Francisco Xavier del Pie de la Cuesta (Santander, Colombia, la cual pasó de ser un sitio irregular a la próspera Villa de San Carlos del siglo XIX.

  1. The relationship of family characteristics and bipolar disorder using causal-pie models. (United States)

    Chen, Y-C; Kao, C-F; Lu, M-K; Yang, Y-K; Liao, S-C; Jang, F-L; Chen, W J; Lu, R-B; Kuo, P-H


    Many family characteristics were reported to increase the risk of bipolar disorder (BPD). The development of BPD may be mediated through different pathways, involving diverse risk factor profiles. We evaluated the associations of family characteristics to build influential causal-pie models to estimate their contributions on the risk of developing BPD at the population level. We recruited 329 clinically diagnosed BPD patients and 202 healthy controls to collect information in parental psychopathology, parent-child relationship, and conflict within family. Other than logistic regression models, we applied causal-pie models to identify pathways involved with different family factors for BPD. The risk of BPD was significantly increased with parental depression, neurosis, anxiety, paternal substance use problems, and poor relationship with parents. Having a depressed mother further predicted early onset of BPD. Additionally, a greater risk for BPD was observed with higher numbers of paternal/maternal psychopathologies. Three significant risk profiles were identified for BPD, including paternal substance use problems (73.0%), maternal depression (17.6%), and through poor relationship with parents and conflict within the family (6.3%). Our findings demonstrate that different aspects of family characteristics elicit negative impacts on bipolar illness, which can be utilized to target specific factors to design and employ efficient intervention programs. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Manejo Odontológico del Síndrome de Moebius

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    Rosa M. Stabile-Del Vecchio


    Full Text Available El síndrome de Möebius es una alteración congénita caracterizada por parálisis de los pares craneales debido a una atrofia de sus núcleos, principalmente se ven afectados el nervio facial y el nervio abducens causando parálisis facial y limitación del movimiento ocular. Otros nervios craneales también se ven afectados lo que trae anomalías dentales y esqueletales. Puede a su vez, estar asociado a malformaciones de las extremidades superiores e inferiores como sindactilia y pie equinovaro. Su etiología es aún desconocida, pero se relaciona a un problema vascular que afecta el desarrollo de los núcleos de los pares craneales. El objetivo de esta investigación es describir las característi as del Síndrome de Möebius y reportar 3 casos clínicos que acudieron a consulta odontológica.

  3. La restauración del puente medieval sobre el río de las Truchas

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    Fernando Vegas


    Full Text Available La restauración de este puente y entorno medieval conservados casi intactos hasta nuestros días partió de la necesidad de pasar lo más desapercibido posible para no disturbar el aura mágica del lugar. En un paisaje genuino caracterizado por las fábricas de piedra en seco, en busca de la mayor discreción posible la intervención de reparación y puesta en valor debió recurrir a esta técnica para resolver los problemas que aquejaban al puente. La reparación del pavimento de guijarros del puente dio pie a una reflexión sobre la estratificación de los pavimentos históricos y la reintegración de las lagunas de un firme marcado por las trazas de la historia y los surcos de las antiguas carriladas.

  4. Local survival of pied flycatcher males and females in a pollution gradient of a Cu smelter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eeva, T.; Hakkarainen, H.; Belskii, E.


    Survival is one of the most central population measures when the effects of the pollution are studied in natural bird populations. However, only few studies have actually measured rigorous survival estimates on adult birds. In recent years there has been a methodological advance in survival analyses by mark-recapture models. We modelled local survival (including mortality and emigration) with the program MARK in a population of a small insectivorous passerine bird, the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), around a point source of heavy metals. The local survival of females in the polluted area was about 50% lower than in the other areas. Males, however, survived relatively well in the heavily polluted area, but showed somewhat lower survival in the moderately polluted area. Different pollution effects between two sexes might be due to pollution-related differences in reproductive effort in females and males, and/or more intensive uptake of heavy metals by laying females. - Female pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) show decreased local survival around a copper smelter.

  5. Conocimientos, destrezas y conductas ante el cuidado de los pies en un grupo de amputados diabéticos Knowledge, abilities and behaviours in foot care in a group of diabetic amputees

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    Rolando Suárez Pérez


    Full Text Available Se conoce que el cuidado de los pies, uno de los mayores retos en la atención a personas diabéticas, no se enfoca adecuadamente en las consultas de rutina por lo cual se pierde la función preventiva de las complicaciones en miembros inferiores y su máxima manifestación: la amputación. Para lograr un acercamiento a este problema el trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la información y las orientaciones prácticas que tenía un grupo de pacientes diabéticos que sufrían una amputación en el momento del estudio. Se entrevistaron 105 diabéticos hospitalizados en las salas de Angiología de 2 hospitales generales. La entrevista se dirigió a recoger información que permitiera caracterizar el actual proceso de amputación y determinar la información y las orientaciones prácticas que sobre el cuidado de los pies en general y su proceso particular de amputación, habían recibido estas personas. Se encontró que el 62,5 % del grupo no revisaba periódicamente sus pies y el 42,4 % no identificó como peligrosas algunas prácticas caseras ante callosidades, cortado de uñas, etc. Solamente el 29,5 % pudo identificar 1 ó 2 cuidados prácticos de los pies. Se comprobó que no habían recibido información práctica al respecto y que en el 52,4 %, el inicio de la presente complicación fue por descuido, errores de conducta o ignorancia de cómo proceder. Se concluyó que una intervención educativa podría haber contribuido sustancialmente a reducir las amputacionesIt is known that foot care, one of the biggest challenges for diabetic persons care, is not adequately approached in regular appointments and that is why the function of preventing the occurrence of complications in lower limbs and its top manifestation, that is, amputation, is lost. To address this problem, the present paper was aimed at determining the information and practical orientations received by a group of diabetic patients suffering from amputation at the time of the study

  6. Teorías de la justicia distributiva: una fundamentación moral del derecho a la protección de la salud

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    Alejandra Zúñiga-Fajuri


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan las propuestas desarrolladas por dos de las principales teorías de la justicia distributiva vigentes en la actualidad -el libertarismo y el liberalismo igualitario-, con el fin de revisar los posibles fundamentos morales del derecho al cuidado sanitario. Mientras la teoría de la justicia del libertarismo -que da pie al llamado "mercantilismo sanitario"- avala la idea de que el Estado deje la distribución del cuidado sanitario al libre mercado, el liberalismo igualitario pretende cimentar una obligación directa para el Estado de garantizar un derecho a "cuidado sanitario mínimo" para todos, con base en el principio de igualdad de oportunidades desarrollado por Rawls.

  7. Relating the effects of protein type and content in increased-protein cheese pies to consumers' perception of satiating capacity. (United States)

    Marcano, J; Varela, P; Fiszman, S


    Since proteins have been shown to have the highest satiation-inducing effects of all the macronutrients, increasing the protein level is one of the main strategies for designing foods with enhanced satiating capacity. However, few studies analyze the effect that protein addition has on the texture and flavor characteristics of the target food item to relate it to the expected satiating capacity it elicits. The present work studied cheese pies with three levels of soy and whey proteins. Since the protein level altered the rheological behavior of the batters before baking and the texture of the baked pies, the feasibility of adding several protein levels for obtaining a range of final products was investigated. A check-all-that-apply questionnaire containing 32 sensory and non-sensory characteristics of the samples was given to consumers (n = 131) who also scored the perceived samples' satiating capacity. The results showed that the type and content of protein contributed distinctive sensory characteristics to the samples that could be related to their satiating capacity perception. Harder and drier samples (high protein levels) were perceived as more satiating with less perceptible sweet and milky cheese pie characteristic flavors. Soy contributed an off-flavour. These results will contribute to a better understanding of the interrelation of all these factors, aiding the development of highly palatable solid foods with enhanced satiating capacities.


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN El género Potamolithus Pilsbry, 1896 (Gastropoda; Tateidae, posee 31 especies, 22 de las cuales se hayan en la Argentina distribuidas principalmente en la cuenca Del Plata, definiendo al río Uruguay y al Río de la Plata como una zona caliente de diversidad en gasterópodos dulceacuícolas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de sus especies han sido descriptas solo por caracteres conquilógicos y, unas pocas tienen datos anatómicos, conllevando a la descripción de subespecies o morfos que se superponen unos a otros. A Potamolithus lapidum algunos autores le atribuyen cuatro subespecies (con datos conquiológicos, y una con datos parciales de anatomía blanda, sin embargo otros incluyen ocho “morfos”. Aquí nosotros damos un comienzo en el estudio de Potamolithus lapidum elevando a Potamolithus lapidum supersulcatus Pilsbry, 1896 a la categoría de especie, de la cual solo se conocen caracteres conquiológicos y radulares parcialmente. Aportamos datos de: concha, órganos paleales, cabeza, pie, pene, rádula, sistemas reproductor femenino y masculino, sistema nervioso y, secuencia parcial del gen mitocondrial citocromo c oxidasa subunidad I. Es necesario realizar una buena descripción de las especies del género Potamolithus debido a que algunas de las especies ya han sido citadas como especies vulnerables y que habitan ríos que están siendo modificados por la actividad humana y por la presencia del bivalvo invasor Limnoperna fortunei.

  9. Enlarging the Societal Pie Through Wise Legislation: A Psychological Perspective. (United States)

    Baron, Jonathan; Bazerman, Max H; Shonk, Katherine


    We offer a psychological perspective to explain the failure of governments to create near-Pareto improvements. Our tools for analyzing these failures reflect the difficulties people have trading small losses for large gains: the fixed-pie approach to negotiations, the omission bias and status quo bias, parochialism and dysfunctional competition, and the neglect of secondary effects. We examine the role of human judgment in the failure to find wise trade-offs by discussing diverse applications of citizen and government decision making, including AIDS treatment, organ-donation systems, endangered-species protection, subsidies, and free trade. Our overall goal is to offer a psychological approach for understanding suboptimality in government decision making. © 2006 Association for Psychological Science.

  10. Dorsal finger texture recognition: Investigating fixed-length SURF

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartung, Daniel; Kückelhahn, Jesper


    We seek to create fixed-length features from dorsal finger skin images extracted by the SURF interest point detector to combine it in the privacy enhancing helper data scheme. The source of the biometric samples is the GUC45 database which features finger vein, fingerprint and dorsal finger skin...

  11. Aplicaciones clínicas del colgajo en cono

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    W. Calderón


    Full Text Available Presentamos nuestra experiencia con el uso de un colgajo previamente descrito, el colgajo denominado en cono por la forma final que obtiene, como la de un barquillo de helado con su bocado. Consta de 2 colgajos acoplados: uno de rotación local y otro un avance en V-Y, ambos fasciocutáneos. Realizamos un análisis retrospectivo de 108 pacientes intervenidos entre 2000 y 2013 por lesiones en diferentes partes del organismo, con edades comprendidas entre los 20 y los 52 años, de los cuales 99 fueron varones, y en los que empleamos este tipo de colgajo. Los defectos cubiertos afectaban a las piernas en el 27% de los casos, tobillos en el 10%, planta del pie en el 9%, al talón en el 8% y a otras localizaciones en el resto de los pacientes. Del total, 80 colgajos tuvieron buena evolución (74%, 11 sufrieron dehiscencia mayor (10,2 %, 13 dehiscencia menor (12% y 4 necrosis (3,7 %. Los resultados confirman que el colgajo en cono es versátil, reproducible, sencillo y seguro de realizar, y permite al cirujano plástico resolver problemas quirúrgicos complejos de forma muy segura y a bajo costo.

  12. Stovetop Earth Pecan Pie (United States)

    Robin, C. M.


    Many fluid mechanical experiments with direct applications to Earth Science are performed with sugary syrups using conceptually straightforward procedures. Corn syrup has indeed proven to be a godsend for those studying convection and related non-linear phenomena. In addition, however, it gives experimentalists a deep physical intuition for the interior workings of hot planets. The basic concepts behind plate tectonics and mantle convection are not difficult; indeed, although they may not be aware of it, most students probably have a basic intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics gained in their daily life. However, the large size and long time scale of geophysical processes may be quite intimidating to young students. Even a simple geophysical experiment requires a complicated array of coolers, heaters and measuring and recording equipment. It is of interest to introduce students to the geodynamical concepts that can be visualized in a high-tech lab using familiar processes and equipment. Using a homemade apparatus and grocery store supplies, I propose using a 'Stove-top Earth pecan pie' to introduce simple geodynamic concepts to middle- and high-school students. The initially cold syrup heats up and the pecans begin to float (continent formation), the syrup begins to convect (mantle convection), and convection slows down after the heat is removed (secular cooling). Even Wilson cycles can be simulated by moving the pan to one side or the other of the stovetop or heating element. The activity formally introduces students to convection and its application to the earth, and makes them think about plate motion, heat transfer, scaling, and experimental procedures. As an added bonus, they can eat their experiments after recess!

  13. Desempenho de cordeiros alimentados com inclusão de torta de macaúba na dieta Performance of lambs fed with macauba pie inclusion in the diet

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    Rafael Alves de Azevedo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o consumo de nutrientes e o desempenho produtivo e econômico de ovinos confinados da raça Santa Inês, alimentados com dietas com diferentes taxas de inclusão de torta de macaúba. Os animais (24 foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, nos tratamentos com 0, 100, 200 e 300 g kg-1 de torta de macaúba na matéria seca da dieta, em seis repetições, durante 60 dias de confinamento. A adição de torta de macaúba a taxas crescentes à dieta aumentou linearmente o consumo de proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro e a conversão alimentar. Não houve diferença no consumo de matéria seca, ganho médio diário e ganho de peso vivo total com a adição da torta. O tratamento com inclusão de 100 g kg-1 apresentou a melhor relação custo:benefício na avaliação das receitas bruta e líquida obtidas com a venda dos animais vivos e abatidos. A adição da torta de macaúba em até 300 g kg-1 da dieta não altera o desempenho produtivo dos animais, entretanto, a inclusão de 100 g kg-1 proporciona melhor retorno econômico.The objective of this work was to evaluate the nutrient uptake and the productive and economic performance of confined Santa Inês lambs fed diets with different levels of macauba pie inclusion . The animals (24 were distributed in a randomized block design, in treatments with 0, 100, 200 and 300 g kg-1 macauba pie in the diet dry matter, with six replicates during 60 days of confinement. The addition of macauba pie at increasing rates to the diet linearly increased the intake of crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber and feed conversion. There was no difference in dry matter intake, average daily gain and total live weight gain with the macauba pie addition. Diet with 100 g kg-1 macauba pie inclusion showed the best cost:benefit ratio in the evaluation of gross and net revenues from the sale of live and slaughtered animals. The addition

  14. Hábeas Corpus: contribuciones a la causa del estado de derecho

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    Norma Bouyssou


    Full Text Available La garantía del hábeas corpus despliega, con total humildad, razones para la permanente expansión de la libertad o bien para su contínuo resguardo. Su bajo perfil, sin embargo, es confundido con indiferencia en orden a su compromiso con la causa de la ciencia del derecho; ello se explica, por un lado, debido a la generalizada creencia que su reconocimiento expreso como derecho positivo -en los más altos niveles normativos-, es anticuerpo suficiente para puestas en peligro o atentados directos contra la autonomía personal a manos del Estado y, por el otro, lógicamente anclado en el predio precedente, en una suerte de desubicación contemporánea frente a un punto de partida de contención teorético (y en desuso del abuso del poder político, al que no obstante se le exigen soluciones con mayor intervención fáctica (y menos frenos en las relaciones sociales, aunque necesariamente adecuadas al orden anterior. Corresponde exponer la disconformidad con los pies en claves propias a la ciencia jurídica, sin hacer a un lado lo pragmático, método dual que se aplicará sobre la excursión que sigue, a la que se invita.

  15. Captive breeding and reintroduction of the oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris) in Khao Kheow Open Zoo, Thailand. (United States)

    Chaiyarat, Rattanawat; Kongprom, Urarikha; Manathamkamon, Darika; Wanpradab, Sunan; Sangarang, Satean


    This article discusses two related issues of the captive breeding and reintroduction of the Oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris) in order to increase its population in the natural habitats. Oriental pied hornbills were bred in Khao Kheow Open Zoo. Three pairs were separated and kept in breeding cages. Females occupied artificial nests between February and April 2005-2007. Eggs were laid and incubated between February and March each year from 2005 to 2007. Nestlings hatched in late March and left the nest in late April 2005-2007. Each breeding pair was fed with approximately 400 g of food each day. All three pairs reproduced resulting in mature offspring of seven in 2005, six in 2006, and five in 2007. Four of sixteen 3-year-old birds were randomly selected and equipped with a GPS receiver on their backs. Activities of the birds attached and unattached with GPS were not significantly different. The first two birds (one female, one male with GPS) were reintroduced on August 5, 2006, and another nine birds (four birds with GPS) were reintroduced on December 26, 2006. The average home range of these reintroduced birds was 0.13 km(2) . Their foods consisted of wild plants and animals in the home range. The first reintroduced pair was able to breed naturally by laying and hatching eggs in an artificial nest. Two juveniles left the nest in April 2008. These results indicate that both captive breeding and reintroduction are potentially important ways to increase the population of the Oriental pied hornbill in natural habitats. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Posicionamiento SEO del Centro de Investigación Flamenco Telethusa: Palabras claves

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    Pedro Corchero Murga


    Full Text Available El estudio, clasificación y organización de los metadatos extraídos de los sitios web es una herramienta de gran utilidad para optimizar su posicionamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo es posicionar el web site del Centro de Investigación Flamenco Telethusa. Para ello se han analizado los términos utilizados en los buscadores para encontrar el sitio web de la entidad. Los 10 términos más usados para la búsqueda según el sistema de estadísticas AWStats son los siguientes: flamenco, baile, danza, ballet, estructura, lesiones, telethusa, alegrías, bailar, pie. El uso de estos términos de búsqueda ha sido analizado y compilado por meses y años, desde diciembre de 2008 hasta diciembre de 2014. Los resultados de búsqueda para cada uno de estos términos han sido: flamenco, 9600; baile, 4196; danza, 3147; ballet, 1819; estructura, 1651; lesiones, 989; telethusa, 888; alegrías, 887; bailar, 803; y pie, 851. El número de búsquedas del sitio ha ido aumentando de forma progresiva desde 2009 hasta año 2012 donde alcanzó su máximo. Se produce una disminución durante los años 2013 y 2014. El mes de noviembre, para todos los años, es en el que se produce un mayor número de búsquedas, y el término flamenco el más buscado. Como conclusión proponemos que sea en este mes de noviembre cuando se publiquen contenidos nuevos para satisfacer la demanda de los usuarios.

  17. Trade-offs between sexual advertisement and immune function in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca).


    Kilpimaa, Janne; Alatalo, Rauno V.; Siitari, Heli


    Good genes models of sexual selection assume that sexual advertisement is costly and thus the level of advertisement honestly reveals heritable viability. Recently it has been suggested that an important cost of sexual advertisement might be impairment of the functioning of the immune system. In this field experiment we investigated the possible trade-offs between immune function and sexual advertisement by manipulating both mating effort and activity of immune defence in male pied flycatcher...

  18. Functional connectivity of the dorsal striatum in female musicians

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    Shoji eTanaka


    Full Text Available The dorsal striatum (caudate/putamen is a node of the cortico-striato-pallido-thalamo-cortical (CSPTC motor circuit, which plays a central role in skilled motor learning, a critical feature of musical performance. The dorsal striatum receives input from a large part of the cerebral cortex, forming a hub in the cortical-subcortical network. This study sought to examine how the functional network of the dorsal striatum differs between musicians and nonmusicians.Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI data were acquired from female university students majoring in music and nonmusic disciplines. The data were subjected to graph theoretical analysis and functional connectivity analysis. The graph theoretical analysis of the entire brain revealed that the degree, which represents the number of connections, of the bilateral putamen was significantly lower in musicians than in nonmusicians. The functional connectivity analysis indicated that compared with nonmusicians, musicians had significantly decreased connectivity between the left putamen and bilateral frontal operculum and between the left caudate nucleus and cerebellum. In conclusion, compared with nonmusicians, female musicians have a smaller functional network of the dorsal striatum, with decreased connectivity. These data are consistent with previous anatomical studies reporting a reduced volume of the dorsal striatum in musicians and ballet dancers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study suggesting that long-term musical training results in a less extensive or selective functional network of the dorsal striatum.

  19. The Perceived Invalidation of Emotion Scale (PIES): Development and psychometric properties of a novel measure of current emotion invalidation. (United States)

    Zielinski, Melissa J; Veilleux, Jennifer C


    Emotion invalidation is theoretically and empirically associated with mental and physical health problems. However, existing measures of invalidation focus on past (e.g., childhood) invalidation and/or do not specifically emphasize invalidation of emotion. In this article, the authors articulate a clarified operational definition of emotion invalidation and use that definition as the foundation for development of a new measure of current perceived emotion invalidation across a series of five studies. Study 1 was a qualitative investigation of people's experiences with emotional invalidation from which we generated items. An initial item pool was vetted by expert reviewers in Study 2 and examined via exploratory factor analysis in Study 3 within both college student and online samples. The scale was reduced to 10 items via confirmatory factor analysis in Study 4, resulting in a brief but psychometrically promising measure, the Perceived Invalidation of Emotion Scale (PIES). A short-term longitudinal investigation (Study 5) revealed that PIES scores had strong test-retest reliability, and that greater perceived emotion invalidation was associated with greater emotion dysregulation, borderline features and symptoms of emotional distress. In addition, the PIES predicted changes in relational health and psychological health over a 1-month period. The current set of studies thus presents a psychometrically promising and practical measure of perceived emotion invalidation that can provide a foundation for future research in this burgeoning area. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  20. Subpoblaciones neuronales presentes en el ganglio de la raíz dorsal

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    Marlén Martínez


    Full Text Available La función principal de las neuronas del ganglio de la raiz dorsal (GRD es transmitir la información sensorial desde la periferia hasta el sistema nervioso central. Dos clases de células están presentes en el ganglio: las células no neuronales y las neuronales. La heterogeneidad morfológica, fisiológica y bioquimica de la población neuronal permite diferenciarla en subpoblaciones. Morfológicarnente, se distinguen tres tipos neuronales (A, B y C segun el tamaño y las caracteristicas ultraestructurales. Fisiológicamente, hay una relación directa entre el tamaño, el diámetro de las fibras nerviosas y la velocidad con que conducen el impulso nervioso. Finalmente, el uso de marcadores (neuropéptidos, enzimas, receptores, etc. permite realizar una clasificación bioquímica, que es la más utilizada para estudiar la función neuronal. Este articulo revisa la evidencia experimental sobre el tema de la heterogeneidad neuronal del GRD v wresenta una correlación desde el punto de vista bioauimico v fisioló-o ico en los casos en dondé'hay información disponible. El esiudio de subpoblaciones en este ganglio resulta de bastante interés para investigaciones en neurociencias, principalmente en infecciones por virus neurotrópicos, traurnatismos del nervio periférico y el estudio de factores neurotróficos, entre otros.

  1. Barrera del desempeño laboral

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    María Del Rosario Alvarez-Ramirez


    Full Text Available El estres es un hecho complejo en la vida de toda persona con efectos distintos en cada quien, que no puede ser evitada ya que en todos lo momentos de la vida se esta en riesgo de presentarlo ante cualquier situacion, o una actividad laboral o familiar, que puede llegar a generar cualquier cambio que represente estres. Los sucesos negativos, dario, enfermedad o muerte de un ser querido, son hechos estresantes, asi como los sucesos positivos; ascender en el trabajo trae consigo el estres del nuevo status, de nuevas responsabilidades. Dentro de los trastornos clinicos vinculados al estres hay alteraciones como: trastornos del sumo, ulceras, dolores de cabeza, aceleracion del ritmo cardiaco y otros trastornos como los cardiovasculares: palpitaciones, hipertension arterial, trastornos digestivos, dolores, ardores, vomitos, nauseas, diarrea o estreriimiento y trastornos cutaneos: donde se presenta transpiracion de manos y pies y problemas alergicos. En el estres se pueden llegar a presentar dos tipos de estres: el positivo y el negativo. Los cuales presentan unas caracteristicas muy particulares, como en el estres negativo: una persona se encuentra ante un nitmero creciente de demandas que le plantean dificultad o constituyen una amenaza, se debe mirar el modo de afrontarlas. En el Estres positivo se presenta cuando la percepcion de capacidad de demanda es mucho mas amplia que las verdaderas demandas. Un aspecto fundamental ante la presencia de estres es la practica necesaria de un deporte o la realizacion de actividades recreativas.


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    Emil Krupa


    Full Text Available The pedigree analysis of the local endangered Přeštice Black-Pied pig breed (n=19 289 was performed. Animals born within the period 2012-2014 were assumed as the reference population (n=1 374. The pedigree completeness index reached 100% for four generations back. The 100 % of the genetic pool was explained by 66 ancestors. Although all animals of the reference population were inbred, 57% of them had inbreeding less than five percent. Average inbreeding, co-ancestry coefficient and rate of inbreeding reached 4.93%, 13.48% and 1.29% in reference population, respectively. The effective population size calculated by four different methods varied from 32 to 91 animals in 2014. Average generation interval, average family size for sire and dam parents was 2.5, 17.46 and 6.5 animals, respectively. Total number of founders, effective number of founders, effective number of founders’ genomes and effective number of non-founders genomes reached values 299, 98.05, 21.92 and 28.23 founders, respectively. The average genetic diversity (GD loss was 13.71% in reference population. The GD loss has increased within the last three year period mainly due to the random genetic drift (77.6% and by unequal contribution of founders (22.4%. The Preštice Black-Pied breed is highly endangered with GD loss. Mating of closely related animals has to be prevented in breeding and mating program of this breed.

  3. Poetes a peu de carrer: espais per a la transferència en la nit dels investigadors

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    Mª del Carmen Quiles Cabrera


    Full Text Available Bajo el título de este artículo planteamos una reflexión en torno a la transferencia del conocimiento en el ámbito de la educación literaria. Partimos del nuevo concepto de lectura y de lector –espacios en red, programas informáticos-, cuya evolución ha venido marcada por los cambios sociales y tecnológicos, para plantear la necesidad de acercar el hecho literario a los integrantes de cada comunidad y aproximarlos al lenguaje poético desde el juego y la experimentación. Así, describimos la iniciativa que supuso Poetas a pie de calle en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores, en tanto que modelo de transferencia desde las Humanidades y las Ciencias de la Educación.

  4. "A New Kind of Rule": The Subversive Narrator in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "The Pied Piper of Hamelin." (United States)

    Blackburn, William


    Compares "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" to "The Pied Piper of Hamelin," noting that both: (1) were begun for the amusement of specific children; (2) use a subterranean journey as a device; (3) are critical of social authority; and (4) have problematic endings. (SRT)

  5. Hydrodynamic function of dorsal fins in spiny dogfish and bamboo sharks during steady swimming. (United States)

    Maia, Anabela; Lauder, George V; Wilga, Cheryl D


    A key feature of fish functional design is the presence of multiple fins that allow thrust vectoring and redirection of fluid momentum to contribute to both steady swimming and maneuvering. A number of previous studies have analyzed the function of dorsal fins in teleost fishes in this context, but the hydrodynamic function of dorsal fins in freely swimming sharks has not been analyzed, despite the potential for differential functional roles between the anterior and posterior dorsal fins. Previous anatomical research has suggested a primarily stabilizing role for shark dorsal fins. We evaluated the generality of this hypothesis by using time-resolved particle image velocimetry to record water flow patterns in the wake of both the anterior and posterior dorsal fins in two species of freely swimming sharks: bamboo sharks ( Chiloscyllium plagiosum ) and spiny dogfish ( Squalus acanthias ). Cross-correlation analysis of consecutive images was used to calculate stroke-averaged mean longitudinal and lateral velocity components, and vorticity. In spiny dogfish, we observed a velocity deficit in the wake of the first dorsal fin and flow acceleration behind the second dorsal fin, indicating that the first dorsal fin experiences net drag while the second dorsal fin can aid in propulsion. In contrast, the wake of both dorsal fins in bamboo sharks displayed increased net flow velocity in the majority of trials, reflecting a thrust contribution to steady swimming. In bamboo sharks, fluid flow in the wake of the second dorsal fin had higher absolute average velocity than that for first dorsal fin, and this may result from a positive vortex interaction between the first and second dorsal fins. These data suggest that the first dorsal fin in spiny dogfish has primarily a stabilizing function, while the second dorsal fin has a propulsive function. In bamboo sharks, both dorsal fins can contribute thrust and should be considered as propulsive adjuncts to the body during steady

  6. Localización y evolución del comercio y servicios a pie de calle en los entornos urbanos. Factores locales frente a la multi-accesibilidad. El caso de la ciudad de Madrid.

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    José Carpio-Pinedo


    Full Text Available ResumenEl comercio y los servicios a pie de calle, articuladores de la vida urbana, viven un periodo de transformación, compañado de un cambio en el modelo de ciudad existente. Estudios cualitativos apuntan a una ‘ciudad dual’: concentraciones de pequeños locales en entornos densos y accesibles a pie y en transporte público, frente a grandes superficies como enclaves periféricos accesibles sólo en vehículo privado. Se polariza la discusión sin matizar la distinción entre aspectos locales del entorno (como la densidad con otros que dependen de la posición metropolitana (como la accesibilidad.El objetivo de este trabajo es distinguir y cuantificar los factores urbanos asociados más intensamente con la concentración de establecimientos y con su evolución más reciente. Para ello, se analizan 84 entornos de Madrid, mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica, modelos de transporte y métodos estadísticos. Se valoran datos de 2010 y evolución desde 2004, en relación con las características que atañen a aspectos morfológicos, usos planificados, la población y el empleo. Así mismo, se valora la relación con la accesibilidad en modos sostenibles (peatonal y transporte público, planteando el concepto de “multi- accesibilidad” y demostrando su mayor pertinencia y poder explicativo.Palabras claveComercio urbano, accesibilidad, nodo-lugar, Madrid.AbstractRetail and services in urban areas are in a state of evolution. Due to their implications for urban life, this fact implies a necessary change to the model of the city. Descriptive works refer to a ‘dual city’: concentrations of small shops that are easily accessible (either on foot or way of public transportation at quite population dense contexts and to the contrary larger shopping malls which are found in suburban areas where people often move by private vehicle.  Discussion in the field is polarized and yet there is no clear distinction between urban environmental

  7. Rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning – særlige forhold for PIE-virksomheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seehausen, Jesper


    Artiklen omhandler særlige forhold for PIE-virksomheder, dvs. virksomheder af interesse for offentligheden, vedrørende going concern. Artikel skal læses i sammenhæng med min generelle artikel vedr. rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning, idet denne artikel også er relevant...

  8. Sistemática del pez Petenia splendida (Perciformes: Cichlidae en el lago Petén Itzá, Guatemala

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    Anaitté Méndez


    Full Text Available El Lago Petén Itzá se ubica en la zona de usos múltiples de la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya, entre sus especies ícticas encontramos al pez blanco (Petenia splendida de alto valor comercial. El propósito del presente trabajo es aclarar la posición taxonómica de las dos formas de pez blanco de Petén y compararlas con la forma del Usumacinta. Entre 2008 y 2009 se recolectaron 25 ejemplares de la forma amarilla y 25 de la plateada en 10 localidades del lago Petén Itzá y 21 en la cuenca del Usumacinta durante 1978 y 2006; se revisaron 36 características morfométricas y 16 merísticas, así como coloración, hábitat y forma de pesca. La P. splendida del Lago presenta las siguientes características: la forma amarilla se encuentra a una profundidad entre 0.5 y 1.5m, tiene aleta dorsal XIV-(XV-XVI/11-(12-13; la plateada esta a profundidades entre 2-3m, presenta aleta dorsal XIV-(XV-XVI/10-(12-13, mientras que la forma del Usumacinta posee aleta dorsal XIV-(XV-XV/12-(13-13. El análisis discriminante muestra una diferenciación entre las tres poblaciones analizadas aunque no es determinante. La fauna de peces de la cuenca del área de estudio presenta alta diversidad, se observa daño antropogénico producto de la sobreexplotación, por la falta de aplicación de la reglamentación existente y la urbanización.Systematic of the fish Petenia splendida (Perciformes: Cichlidae of Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala. The Lake Petén Itzá is located in the multiple use zone of the Maya Biosphere Reserve. It belongs to the subtropical moist forest (warm life zone, and has very important flora and fauna diversities. Among the fish species, the white fish (Petenia splendida is of high commercial value. The main goal of the present work was to clarify the taxonomic position of the two forms of the white fish in Petén (Guatemala, and to compare it with the Usumacinta (Mexico form, based on the collected material from 1978 and 2006 (Usumacinta, and

  9. Opposing dorsal/ventral stream dynamics during figure-ground segregation. (United States)

    Wokke, Martijn E; Scholte, H Steven; Lamme, Victor A F


    The visual system has been commonly subdivided into two segregated visual processing streams: The dorsal pathway processes mainly spatial information, and the ventral pathway specializes in object perception. Recent findings, however, indicate that different forms of interaction (cross-talk) exist between the dorsal and the ventral stream. Here, we used TMS and concurrent EEG recordings to explore these interactions between the dorsal and ventral stream during figure-ground segregation. In two separate experiments, we used repetitive TMS and single-pulse TMS to disrupt processing in the dorsal (V5/HMT⁺) and the ventral (lateral occipital area) stream during a motion-defined figure discrimination task. We presented stimuli that made it possible to differentiate between relatively low-level (figure boundary detection) from higher-level (surface segregation) processing steps during figure-ground segregation. Results show that disruption of V5/HMT⁺ impaired performance related to surface segregation; this effect was mainly found when V5/HMT⁺ was perturbed in an early time window (100 msec) after stimulus presentation. Surprisingly, disruption of the lateral occipital area resulted in increased performance scores and enhanced neural correlates of surface segregation. This facilitatory effect was also mainly found in an early time window (100 msec) after stimulus presentation. These results suggest a "push-pull" interaction in which dorsal and ventral extrastriate areas are being recruited or inhibited depending on stimulus category and task demands.

  10. Biomechanical analysis of the support in race walking. Relationship between footprint, subtalar joint angles, and plantar pressures Análisis biomecánico del apoyo plantar en la marcha atlética. Relación entre la huella plantar, ángulos de la articulación subastragalina y presiones plantares

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    M. Meana


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    The aims were to describe the behavior of the subtalar joint and foot in the race walk, and seek for correlations between them and the footprint. 12 race walkers participated in the study. The arch index was calculated on their footprints. Plantar pressures were measured and 3D photogrammetry used on a single support while they race walked at their own competitive speed. Maximum pressures were calculated in each region of the foot and also the maximum and minimum values of the three angles that describe the subtalar joint. The maximum pronation was higher than that described in the walking gait and similar to that of the running gait (-13.6 ± 3.90. In the beginning of the support the subtalar joint was between the walking and the running gaits. This suggests that the cushioning mechanism of this joint is adjusted according to the type of locomotion. The region of the foot that registered higher pressures was the external rearfoot (21.02 kPa/kg followed by the internal forefoot (13.12 kPa/kg, showing a different behaviour to that of the running gait, in which both present similar maximum pressures. The subjects with lower arches tended to support with the internal face of the foot (r=-0.713 and with the leg inclined medially (r=0.874. Likewise, the racewalkers with higher arches registered higher pressures in the external part of the rearfoot, whereas the lowest ones did it in the internal part of the midfoot.
    Key Words: Biomechanics, race walk, footprint, subtalar joint, plantar pressure.

    Los objetivos fueron describir el comportamiento de la articulación subastragalina y el pie en la marcha atlética y buscar correlaciones entre estos y la huella plantar. Participaron 12 marchadores. Se calculó el índice del arco sobre sus huellas plantares. Se registraron presiones plantares y se aplicó fotogrametría 3D durante un apoyo

  11. Periostite metacarpiana dorsal: incidência e fatores pré-disponentes

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    Flávio Gomes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Forty two 2-year-old thoroughbreds were examined clinically at intervals of 15 days during their training for the first race to determine the incidence and the predisposing factors of dorsal metacarpal disease. During the first year 25 horses were followed during 2 months and in the second year the follow up was done for 4 months in 17 . Horses' data like gender, average speed, speed exercise work and trainer were also collected. Dorsal metacarpal disease was diagnosed in 28% and 70,6% of the 2 year-old thoroughbreds in the first and second year of the study, respectively. Total incidence was 45%. The incidence and average speed was not affected by gender. The average speed achieved by affected and none affected horses remained between 16 and 18m/s. On 500 and 700m speed exercise, the average speed of affected horses was higher than of none affected ones (p<0,05. Ten out of 19 horses showed dorsal metacarpal disease signs at the distance of 700m. There was significant difference between trainers regarding the incidence of dorsal metacarpal disease and average speed of their horses. 2-year-olds under care of trainers whose horses had the highest incidence o dorsal metacarpal disease also were the fastest one's. Therefore, fast speed associated with longer distances (700m and trainer are factors that predispose young horses to dorsal metacarpal disease.

  12. The YouTube Project: “The PewDiePie versus The Wall Street Journal Scandal – an in-depth analysis of PewDiePie’s online audience”


    Jensen, Natalie Madeleine; Rasmussen, Anna Melanie Bæckmann; Cillo, Dominic


    In this dissertation, the aim is to investigate the multi-faceted events and belonging themes within The PewDiePie versus The Wall Street Journal Scandal – henceforth described as The PewDiePie Scandal. Here, the main goal within this dissertation is to answer questions in regards to PewDiePie’s online audience, how they perceive him and the relationship between the YouTuber and the viewership. Furthermore, the investigation will delve into matters of the major support provided by his audienc...

  13. Factores de riesgo en diabetes mellitus y pie diabético: un enfoque hacia la prevención primaria

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    Análida E Pinilla


    Full Text Available Objetivo: revisar la literatura sobre factores de riesgo asociados a diabetes mellitus y sus complicaciones, las estrategias de prevención y la importancia de programas interdisciplinarios para mejorar la calidad de vida. Fuente de datos: búsqueda de la literatura científica publicada en español e inglés, en bases de datos como Medline, SciELO y otras de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia mediante palabras clave; además, revisión de libros y consensos afines con el tema. Selección de estudios: se revisaron los títulos y resúmenes de documentos para seleccionar las publicaciones originales, así como las más representativas con relación a prevención primaria y educación. Extracción de datos: la literatura se clasificó y organizó de acuerdo con el tema principal y la estructura del artículo. Síntesis de datos: se inició un análisis crítico para ordenar y sintetizar los avances relacionados con los siguientes ítems: factores de riesgo para diabetes mellitus, epidemiología, pie diabético, educación, prevención primaria y estilos de vida relacionados con ejercicio y alimentación. Conclusión: el impacto de la diabetes mellitus y sus complicaciones en la salud de los individuos hace necesario establecer políticas de salud pública de prevención primaria, para minimizar el progreso de esta epidemia. Es esencial instaurar y fortalecer programas educativos orientados por profesionales de la salud, además de implementar la formación en diabetes mellitus en los currículos de pregrado y posgrado del área de la salud.

  14. Predicting Early Reading Skills from Pre-Reading Measures of Dorsal Stream Functioning (United States)

    Kevan, Alison; Pammer, Kristen


    It is well documented that good reading skills may be dependent upon adequate dorsal stream processing. However, the degree to which dorsal stream deficits play a causal role in reading failure has not been established. This study used coherent motion and visual frequency doubling to examine whether dorsal stream sensitivity measured before the…

  15. Plagiarism in Scientific Publication


    Delgado Troncoso, Jorge Enrique; Universidad de Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Estados Unidos. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia.


    El presente editorial hace un análisis del tema de los derechos de autor y los riesgos legales y éticos que conlleva el plagio. Como se indica en el texto, “El plagio existe cuando se copia todo o parte del contenido de un material publicado previamente y se incluye en otra publicación o documento al pie de la letra, o casi al pie de la letra, sin dar los debidos créditos a los autores o la publicación original. Esto también se aplica a las publicaciones del mismo autor porque equivale a auto...

  16. Song degradation in the hole-nesting pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca: Implications for polyterritorial behaviour in contrasting habitat-types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lampe, Helene M.; Larsen, Ole Næsbye; Pedersen, Simon Boel


    In the hole-nesting pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, a male may become polyterritorial after attracting a primary female. However, the female may recognize her mate's song and attack other females that associate with him. Differences in sound degradation amongst different habitats and within ...

  17. The human dorsal action control system develops in the absence of vision. (United States)

    Fiehler, Katja; Burke, Michael; Bien, Siegfried; Röder, Brigitte; Rösler, Frank


    The primate dorsal pathway has been proposed to compute vision for action. Although recent findings suggest that dorsal pathway structures contribute to somatosensory action control as well, it is yet not clear whether or not the development of dorsal pathway functions depends on early visual experience. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated the pattern of cortical activation in congenitally blind and matched blindfolded sighted adults while performing kinesthetically guided hand movements. Congenitally blind adults activated similar dorsal pathway structures as sighted controls. Group-specific activations were found in the extrastriate cortex and the auditory cortex for congenitally blind humans and in the precuneus and the presupplementary motor area for sighted humans. Dorsal pathway activity was in addition observed for working memory maintenance of kinesthetic movement information in both groups. Thus, the results suggest that dorsal pathway functions develop in the absence of vision. This favors the idea of a general mechanism of movement control that operates regardless of the sensory input modality. Group differences in cortical activation patterns imply different movement control strategies as a function of visual experience.


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    Wang Jianan


    Full Text Available El Parque Circundante de la ciudad de Hefei tiene características típicas de bosque urbano. En este investigación se utilizan métodos de ecología de la vegetación para analizar la estructura de la comunidad del parque. La composición de especies, la distribución de alturas de los árboles y el DAP (diámetro a la altura del pecho fueron descritos. Existen 27,662 árboles en el área de estudio, la cual tiene un área de bosque urbano de 42.5 hm2. El DAP promedio fue de 19.2 cm, la densidad en pie fue de 651 árboles·hm2 y el área basal promedio fue de 20.8 m2·hm-2. Con base en la evaluación, los árboles en el parque cuentan con buena salud, pues representaron 53.4 % del total del bosque urbano. Las estructuras de la comunidad fueron analizadas a través del cálculo del índice de crecimiento de los árboles y la correlación de asociación de las especies componentes en el parque. Los resultados muestran que las estructuras de la comunidad en el parque son complejas; existen 22 pares de especies con asociación positiva y, en las siguientes comunidades, los individuos tienen buen crecimiento y son más estables, incluyendo principalmente Platycladus orientalis-Prunus cerasifera f. atropurpurea-Osmanthus fragrans, Robinia pseudoacacia-Ligustrum lucidum, R. pseudoacacia Ginkgo biloba-Photinia serrulata, Populus canadensis-L. lucidum-O. fragrans, Sophora japonica-L. lucidum-Buxus sinica, Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Distylium racemosum.

  19. Thermal effects of dorsal head immersion in cold water on nonshivering humans. (United States)

    Giesbrecht, Gordon G; Lockhart, Tamara L; Bristow, Gerald K; Steinman, Allan M


    Personal floatation devices maintain either a semirecumbent flotation posture with the head and upper chest out of the water or a horizontal flotation posture with the dorsal head and whole body immersed. The contribution of dorsal head and upper chest immersion to core cooling in cold water was isolated when the confounding effect of shivering heat production was inhibited with meperidine (Demerol, 2.5 mg/kg). Six male volunteers were immersed four times for up to 60 min, or until esophageal temperature = 34 degrees C. An insulated hoodless dry suit or two different personal floatation devices were used to create four conditions: 1) body insulated, head out; 2) body insulated, dorsal head immersed; 3) body exposed, head (and upper chest) out; and 4) body exposed, dorsal head (and upper chest) immersed. When the body was insulated, dorsal head immersion did not affect core cooling rate (1.1 degrees C/h) compared with head-out conditions (0.7 degrees C/h). When the body was exposed, however, the rate of core cooling increased by 40% from 3.6 degrees C/h with the head out to 5.0 degrees C/h with the dorsal head and upper chest immersed (P immersed (approximately 10%). The exaggerated core cooling during dorsal head immersion (40% increase) may result from the extra heat loss affecting a smaller thermal core due to intense thermal stimulation of the body and head and resultant peripheral vasoconstriction. Dorsal head and upper chest immersion in cold water increases the rate of core cooling and decreases potential survival time.

  20. The PIES2012 Code for Calculating 3D Equilibria with Islands and Stochastic Regions (United States)

    Monticello, Donald; Reiman, Allan; Raburn, Daniel


    We have made major modifications to the PIES 3D equilibrium code to produce a new version, PIES2012. The new version uses an adaptive radial grid for calculating equilibrium currents. A subset of the flux surfaces conform closely to island separatrices, providing an accurate treatment of the effects driving the neoclassical tearing mode. There is now a set of grid surfaces that conform to the flux surfaces in the interiors of the islands, allowing the proper treatment of the current profiles in the islands, which play an important role in tearing phenomena. We have verified that we can introduce appropriate current profiles in the islands to suppress their growth, allowing us to simulate situations where islands are allowed to grow at some rational surfaces but not others. Placement of grid surfaces between islands is guided by the locations of high order fixed points, allowing us to avoid spectral polution and providing a more robust, and smoother convergence of the code. The code now has an option for turning on a vertical magnetic field to fix the position of the magnetic axis, which models the horizontal feedback positioning of a tokamak plasma. The code has a new option for using a Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov scheme for convergence. The code now also contains a model that properly handles stochastic regions with nonzero pressure gradients. Work supported by DOE contract DE-AC02-09CH11466.

  1. La remunicipalización del servicio de abastecimiento urbano de agua: instituciones y común

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    Edurne Bagué Tova


    Full Text Available En el contexto social y político catalán surgido tras el estallido de la crisis de finales de 2008, el debate sobre la gestión del agua ha ido tomando relevancia pública hasta el punto de ser parte central en los programas políticos que las nuevas candidaturas electorales surgidas después del movimiento conocido como 15M prepararon para las elecciones municipales de 2015. Este proceso ha ido en paralelo con los cambios sociales acontecidos después del 15 de mayo de 2011, hecho que se constata en distintos aspectos. Algunas de las características que marcan este periodo son los cambios en el discurso, el cambio de algunos de sus protagonistas, el trato de la gestión del agua; así como la sustitución progresiva de una estrategia centrada en la no privatización, hacia el reclamo del aumento de la capacidad de decidir de la ciudadanía en la gestión del agua en el ámbito municipal. Pasando de una lucha a escala estatal y/o autonómica a una a escala local. En este artículo se enumeran aquellos aspectos que dan pie a la pregunta: ¿Qué concepción del común articula el nuevo escenario de lucha por el agua municipal y qué formas empíricas adquiere?

  2. Phosphorus sources (P plus filter pie with or without azotofos on the available P in the soil

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    Maikel Abreu Jiménez


    Full Text Available The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the effect of four phosphorus sources plus filter pie with or without the biofertilizer Azotofos on the available phosphorus in the soil at different moments after the treatment. An experiment in factorial design 4(2+1 was established, being the four phosphorus sources: rock phosphate, natural phosphate, triple phosphate and Cuban phosphoric rock; two sources of the organic compound to base filter cake enriched with Azotofos microorganisms, only filter cake (without enrichment and a control treatment (without filter pie, neither Azotofos, with three repetitions. The evaluations of the tenor of available P (Bray-2 were carried out at the 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days after the installation of the experiment. The tenor of P (Bray-2 was influenced by the sources of P and the enrichment with biofertilizantes (factorial increasing the tenor of available P in front of the control. The triple superphosphate promoted the higher tenors in P in the soil at 60 and 90 days after its application, independently of the presence or not of the organic compound enriched with P solubilizing microorganisms, although this effect didn’t stay stable at the time.

  3. Los Desplazamientos en el Discurso ´Ecológico´: del Naturalismo Social al Sociologismo Natural

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    Rosario Rogel Salazar


    Full Text Available Este ensayo ofrece una introducción al desarrollo sustentable que permita, en la medida de lo posible, fomentar una actitud crítica ante la manera en que se analiza hoy la cuestión de la sustentabilidad. El hilo conductor es la búsqueda del sistema conceptual, que ha concebido los problemas ecológicos como “perturbaciones” y que ahora arriba a una postura denominada “desarrollo sustentable”, como nueva construcción utópica del proyecto de la modernidad. Se busca enmarcar el problema como una cuestión epistémica, debido a que ha sido la forma de razonar/conocer lo que ha circunscrito las catástrofes ecológicas a ‘perturbaciones’; es decir, a situaciones a controlar, lo que da pie a la idea de desarrollo sustentable. En síntesis, estas líneas proponen enfrentar el problema de la intervención e interpretación del sujeto en la construcción de proyectos colectivos, en los que se ha ubicado al desarrollo sustentable.

  4. Comparação da ativação mioelétrica do glúteo máximo e bíceps femoral entre os agachamentos paralelo e com passada à frente Comparación de la activación mioeléctrica de los glúteos y bíceps femoral entre las sentadillas con los pies paralelos y los pies uno frente al otro Comparison of myoelectric activity of gluteus maximus and biceps femoris between parallel and lunge squat

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    Gustavo Leporace


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar a atividade mioelétrica (EMG do glúteo máximo e bíceps femoral entre o agachamento com passada à frente e com pés paralelos. Sete indivíduos realizaram oito repetições do agachamento paralelo (AP e com passada à frente (AF deslocando sobrecarga relativa a 50% da massa corporal. O EMG do glúteo máximo e bíceps femoral foi capturado, filtrado por um filtro passa-banda Butterworth de 4ª ordem (20-400 Hz e obtido valores RMS. Utilizou-se o teste de Wilcoxon para comparar o EMG normalizado entre os dois exercícios. Tanto o bíceps femoral (p = 0,041 quanto o glúteo máximo (p = 0,0059 apresentaram maior ativação no AF (30,9% para glúteo; 42,6% para bíceps em comparação ao AP (21,2% para glúteo; 24,7% para bíceps. Apesar da ativação moderada durante a execução dos exercícios, girando em torno de 25% a 45%, a resposta foi maior, para os participantes do estudo, no AF.El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la actividad mioeléctrica (EMG del músculo glúteo mayor y el bíceps femoral entre la sentadilla con los pies uno frente al otro y los pies paralelos. Siete sujetos realizaron ocho repeticiones de la sentadilla paralela (AP y con los pies uno frente al otro (FA desplazando una masa igual a 50% del peso corporal. El EMG del músculo glúteo mayor y el bíceps femoral fueron capturados, filtrada por un filtro de banda de 4 º orden Butterworth (20-400 Hz y los valores RMS obtenidos. Se utilizó el test de Wilcoxon para comparar la EMG normalizada entre los dos ejercicios. Tanto el bíceps femoral (p = 0,041 y el glúteo mayor (p = 0,0059 mostraron una mayor activación en la FA (30,9% para lo glúteo y 52% para lo bíceps en comparación con el AP (21,2% para lo glúteo y 24,7% para lo bíceps. Aunque la activación moderada durante la ejecución de los ejercicios fue moderado, situándose en torno a un 25% a 45%, la respuesta fue mayor en el FA para los participantes del estudio

  5. Actividades fisicas para el tratamiento de la obesidad en mujeres de 40 - 50 años de la comunidad 5 de septiembre del municipio de Pinar del Rio, en Cuba

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    Nancy Rodríguez Cabrera


    Full Text Available Nuestra investigación esta encaminada a la aplicación de un tratamiento físico del peso corporal en las mujeres obesas del consultorio 21 del Rpto. 5 de Septiembre del municipio Pinar del Río. Los ejercicios en las personas obesas son de gran importancia, puesto que conllevan a la disminución del peso corporal excesivo, sin dejar pasar por alto la dieta, que también contribuye al tratamiento de esta patología. Para ello aplicamos ejercicios con carácter aerobio de intensidad moderada tomando en cuenta la distribución topográfica en un período de un año. Se realizaron dos mediciones, un primero que nos permitió conocer el peso y estructura corporal de cada una de las muestras. Para ello tuvimos en cuenta el peso ideal, adecuado a la distribución topográfica a partir del índice cintura – cadera y se registró la talla o estatura de pie para el cálculo de IMC, estos datos permiten conocer el peso de la muestra, y su clasificación o grado de obesidad. Para la realización de nuestro trabajo utilizamos métodos teóricos y empíricos y como procedimiento estadístico empleamos el análisis porcentual, pudimos constatar  la  efectividad  de  la  aplicación  práctica  del  ejercicio  físico,  pues disminuyó el peso corporal de nuestros practicantes, acercándole cada vez más a su peso ideal.

  6. Preposition stranding versus pied-piping: Negative Shift of prepositional complements in dialects of Faroese

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    Eva Engels


             These asymmetries will be accounted for within Fox and Pesetsky's (2003, 2005 cyclic linearization model, which requires non-string-vacuous movement to proceed through the left edge of Spell-out domains, deriving cross-linguistic variation as to Negative Shift from differences in the availability of these left-edge positions. Thereby, pied-piping is considered a last resort strategy, possible only if the prepositional complement cannot undergo Negative Shift on its own due to the unavailability of the relevant left-edge position.

  7. Desarrollo embrionario y larva del sapo Incilius aucoinae (Bufonidae en Golfito, Costa Rica

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    Susy Segura-Solís


    Full Text Available Se describe la larva y los estadios del desarrollo del huevo y larva de Incilius aucoinae utilizando especímenes del río Cañaza, Golfito, Costa Rica, recolectados en enero de 1997 y enero-febrero de 1998. La muestra fue de 696 individuos, 317 huevos en estadios 1-12, 176 huevos con embriones en estadios 15-16, y 204 renacuajos en estadios 21-43. El promedio del número de huevos por nidada fue de 8 940 (n = 4, los cuales fueron colocados en una hilera, sujetos al sustrato del río. Los huevos en estadios 1-12 tienen un promedio de diámetro de 1.75 (s = 0.38 mm y los huevos con embriones en estadios 15-16 miden 1.33 (0.34 de ancho y 3.06 (1.46 mm de largo. La descripción del renacuajo basada en el espécimen UCR 19982, es como sigue: el dorso, el vientre y la cola son de color café y punteado de café oscuro; la cola mide 9.43 mm y el cuerpo 6.18, para un tamaño total de 15.62; las aletas son pequeñas café claro translúcidas, la dorsal con puntos dispersos y la ventral sin ningún tipo de pigmento oscuro. También es el único renacuajo ovoide con una tendencia a ser aplastado dorso-ventralmente, y con la boca antero-ventral. Dentro de la variación observada, algunos individuos son de color negro (3.4 % y pocos son uniformes (0.5- 1.5 %.Embryonic development and larva of the toad Incilius aucoinae (Bufonidae in Golfito, Costa Rica. The larva and developmental stages of Incilius aucoinae are described using specimens from Río Cañaza, Golfito, Costa Rica. We collected the individuals in January 1997, and January and February 1998. The total sample was 696 individuals, 317 eggs in 1-12 stages, 176 eggs with embryos in stages 15-16, and 204 tadpoles in stages 21-43. The average number of eggs per nest was 8 940 (n = 4. These eggs were laid in strings, attached to the river strata. Eggs in stages 1-12 had an average diameter of 1.75 (s = 0.38 mm and eggs with embryos in stages 15 -16 measured 1.33 (0.34 mm wide and 3.06 (1.46 mm long. The

  8. Status of irradiation testing and PIE of MOX (Pu-containing) fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimayuga, F.C.; Zhou, Y.N.; Ryz, M.A.


    This paper describes AECL's mixed oxide (MOX) fuel-irradiation and post-irradiation examination (PIE) program. Post-irradiation examination results of two major irradiation experiments involving several (U, Pu)O 2 fuel bundles are highlighted. One experiment involved bundles irradiated to burnups ranging fro 400 to 1200 MWh/kgHe in the Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD) reactor. The other experiment consisted of several (U, Pu)O 2 bundles irradiated to burnups of up to 500 Mwh/kgHe in the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor. Results of these experiments demonstrate the excellent performance of CANDU MOX fuel. This paper also outlines the status of current MOX fuel irradiation tests, including the irradiation of various (U, Pu)O 2 bundles. The strategic importance of MOX fuel to CANDU fuel-cycle flexibility is discussed. (author)

  9. Dorsal buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty for anterior urethral stricture by Asopa technique. (United States)

    Pisapati, V L N Murthy; Paturi, Srimannarayana; Bethu, Suresh; Jada, Srikanth; Chilumu, Ramreddy; Devraj, Rahul; Reddy, Bhargava; Sriramoju, Vidyasagar


    Buccal mucosal graft (BMG) substitution urethroplasty has become popular in the management of intractable anterior urethral strictures with good results. Excellent long-term results have been reported by both dorsal and ventral onlay techniques. Asopa reported a successful technique for dorsal placement of BMG in long anterior urethral strictures through a ventral sagittal approach. To evaluate prospectively the results and advantages of dorsal BMG urethroplasty for recurrent anterior urethral strictures by a ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach (Asopa technique). From December 2002 to December 2007, a total of 58 men underwent dorsal BMG urethroplasty by a ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach for recurrent urethral strictures. Forty-five of these patients with a follow-up period of 12-60 mo were prospectively evaluated, and the results were analysed. The urethra was split twice at the site of the stricture both ventrally and dorsally without mobilising it from its bed, and the buccal mucosal graft was secured in the dorsal urethral defect. The urethra was then retubularised in one stage. The overall results were good (87%), with a mean follow-up period of 42 mo. Seven patients developed minor wound infection, and five patients developed fistulae. There were six recurrences (6:45, 13%) during the follow-up period of 12-60 mo. Two patients with a panurethral stricture and four with bulbar or penobulbar strictures developed recurrences and were managed by optical urethrotomy and self-dilatation. The medium-term results were as good as those reported with the dorsal urethrotomy approach. Long-term results from this and other series are awaited. More randomised trials and meta-analyses are needed to establish this technique as a procedure of choice in future. The ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach is easier to perform than the dorsal urethrotomy approach, has good results, and is especially useful in long anterior urethral strictures.

  10. Onicomicosis: epidemiología, agentes causales y evaluación de los métodos diagnósticos de laboratorio Onychomycoses: epidemiology, causative agents and assessment of diagnostic laboratory methods


    Javier R Nazar; Paula E Gerosa; Osvaldo A Díaz


    Desde marzo de 2007 hasta marzo de 2011 se estudiaron prospectivamente 414 pacientes con onicodistrofias en un laboratorio privado de Esquel. La prevalencia de onicomicosis de pie fue del 78 %; la de mano, del 58 %. Los principales agentes etiológicos fueron Trichophyton rubrum, Candida spp. y Trichophyton mentagrophytes. El desarrollo de dermatofitos prevaleció en las onicopatías de pie y el de Candida spp. en las de uñas de mano (ambos, p < 0,05). En las onicomicosis candidiásicas predomina...

  11. The issue of ventral versus dorsal approach in bulbar urethral ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    E. Palminteri

    From surgical point of view, the Barbagli Dorsal Grafting by Dor- sal approach [8] gives a good support for the graft; Barbagli stated that his technique offers a wider augmentation than ventral or dorsal grafting using the ventral approach. The good spongiosum covering seems reduce the risk of fistula; in reality there is a ...

  12. bullwinkle and shark regulate dorsal-appendage morphogenesis in Drosophila oogenesis. (United States)

    Tran, David H; Berg, Celeste A


    bullwinkle (bwk) regulates embryonic anteroposterior patterning and, through a novel germline-to-soma signal, morphogenesis of the eggshell dorsal appendages. We screened for dominant modifiers of the bullwinkle mooseantler eggshell phenotype and identified shark, which encodes an SH2-domain, ankyrin-repeat tyrosine kinase. At the onset of dorsal-appendage formation, shark is expressed in a punctate pattern in the squamous stretch cells overlying the nurse cells. Confocal microscopy with cell-type-specific markers demonstrates that the stretch cells act as a substrate for the migrating dorsal-appendage-forming cells and extend cellular projections towards them. Mosaic analyses reveal that shark is required in follicle cells for cell migration and chorion deposition. Proper shark RNA expression in the stretch cells requires bwk activity, while restoration of shark expression in the stretch cells suppresses the bwk dorsal-appendage phenotype. These results suggest that shark plays an important downstream role in the bwk-signaling pathway. Candidate testing implicates Src42A in a similar role, suggesting conservation with a vertebrate signaling pathway involving non-receptor tyrosine kinases.

  13. Attention modulates the dorsal striatum response to love stimuli. (United States)

    Langeslag, Sandra J E; van der Veen, Frederik M; Röder, Christian H


    In previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies concerning romantic love, several brain regions including the caudate and putamen have consistently been found to be more responsive to beloved-related than control stimuli. In those studies, infatuated individuals were typically instructed to passively view the stimuli or to think of the viewed person. In the current study, we examined how the instruction to attend to, or ignore the beloved modulates the response of these brain areas. Infatuated individuals performed an oddball task in which pictures of their beloved and friend served as targets and distractors. The dorsal striatum showed greater activation for the beloved than friend, but only when they were targets. The dorsal striatum actually tended to show less activation for the beloved than the friend when they were distractors. The longer the love and relationship duration, the smaller the response of the dorsal striatum to beloved-distractor stimuli was. We interpret our findings in terms of reinforcement learning. By virtue of using a cognitive task with a full factorial design, we show that the dorsal striatum is not activated by beloved-related information per se, but only by beloved-related information that is attended. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Degradation of song in a species using nesting holes: the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca

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    Helene M. Lampe


    Full Text Available The habitat, but also the nest hole of a hole-nesting species, will degrade the song during transmission. We investigated how the sounds degrade in a sound transmission experiment with the song of the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca (Muscicapidae. Ten different song elements were transmitted to microphones placed inside and outside a nest box. On average, song degradation was much greater inside than outside the nest boxes, especially with respect to excess attenuation and blurring of the song elements. Being inside a nest box therefore strongly reduces a Pied Flycatcher's possibility of detecting and recognizing songs or eavesdropping on singing interactions.O habitat, mas também a cavidade do ninho de uma espécie nidificando em ocos, provoca uma degradação do som durante sua transmissão. Pesquisamos como os sons são degradados num experimento de transmissão sonora usando o canto do pássaro Ficedula hypoleuca (Muscicapidae. Dez elementos diferentes do canto foram enviados para microfones colocados dentro e fora de uma caixa de nidificação. Em média, a degradação do canto foi muito maior dentro do que fora do ninho, particularmente no que diz respeito ao excesso de atenuação e à borrada dos elementos do canto. Estar dentro de uma cavidade de nidificação, portanto, reduz fortemente a capacidade da espécie de detectar e reconhecer cantos ou de interceptar interações vocais.

  15. SOME ASPECTS OF EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE THYMUS: EMBRYOLOGICAL BASIS FOR ECTOPIC THYMUS AND THYMOPHARYNGEAL DUCT CYST. Algunas observaciones acerca del temprano desarrollo del timo: bases embriológicas del timo ectópico y del quiste del conducto timofar

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    Ivan Varga


    Full Text Available Introducción. El objetivo principal de nuestro trabajo es el estudio histológico del desarrollo del timo humano entre la 5ª y la 8ª semana de gestación. Describimos varios términos embriológicos poco usados como: timo secundus, descensus thymi (la base embriológica para situar el timo en la garganta, ductus timicus (la base embriológica para el defecto innato llamado conducto timofaríngeo con posibilidad de formar un quiste. Material y método. Nuestras observaciones se basan en la investigación de 18 embriones humanos entre la 6ª y la 8ª semana de gestación. Resultados. La base del timo es común con la base de las glándulas paratiroideas. Es comparable con las bolsas faríngeas (saccus pharyngeus en los embriones largos de 8 a 9 mm. La proliferación endodermal del epitelio en el tercer foco faríngeo (focus faringeus 3 es muy visible. La parte craneal y la parte dorsal son la base de origen de las glándulas paratiroideas inferiores. La parte caudal y la parte ventral son la base para el timo. Hemos observado también la notable proliferación del epitelio en la segunda bolsa faríngea, llamado por algunos autores Timo secundus. En nuestra opinión, en el ser humano no se forma un timo funcional en este lugar y la proliferación del epitelio en la mayoría de los casos, se detiene pronto. Conclusión. En este trabajo ofrecemos una vista general sobre la importancia clínica del desarrollo del timo y la descripción de los defectos innatos más frecuentes del mismo. Introduction. The aim of our morphological study is to describe the development of human thymus from 5th up to 8th week after fertilization in the context of its phylogenesis. We explicate some of the “forgotten” embryological terms with respect to their functions in thymic development, such as “thymus secundus”, “descensus thymi” (an embryological basis for cervical thymus and “ductus thymicus” (an embryologic basis for a congenital anomaly called

  16. Quality of pies obtained of the extraction of sunflower and crambe oil for biodiesel under different temperatures; Qualidade das tortas obtidas na extracao do oleo de girassol e crambe para biodiesel sob diferentes temperaturas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bischoff, Tabata Zingano; Prado, Naimara Vieira do; Coelho, Silvia Renata Machado; Bischoff, Teodato Zingano [Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana (UNIOESTE), PR (Brazil)], emails:,,,; Figueiredo, Paulo Roberto Abreu de [Instituto Agronomico do Parana (IAPAR), Londrina, PR (Brazil)


    Sunflower and crambe are viable alternatives to ethanol. Used in food production, the sunflower crop has economic, rustic and does not require specialized machinery. The crambe oil is concentrated enough, it is feasible to farm and is not edible. The extraction efficiencies of these oils gives to the heating and moisture content of grain. The aim of this study was to evaluate temperatures of oil extraction in sunflower and crambe as pies obtained. For oil extraction and acquisition of pies, we used a high pressure extruder press. The sunflower seed and crambe were extruded without heating and at temperatures of 50 and 70 deg C with three replicates for each treatment, estimated to be the pie, the amount of fat, protein and moisture. Increasing the temperature, we observed a reduction of moisture in sunflower cake, but this did not occur in seeds of crambe. For sunflower, the higher levels of lipids occurred for pie without heating, and for crambe, the higher levels of lipids occurred at 50 deg C. As for the protein, was found in both cultures, the highest level at 70 deg C. It is concluded that the extraction temperature alters the composition of oilseed cakes. (author)

  17. Caracterización del tiempo de vuelo en relación con variables biomecánicas del tirón en la arrancada de halterofilia

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    Juan José Andújar Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El objeto del presente estudio es caracterizar el tiempo de vuelo (Tv de la fase aérea en el ejercicio de arrancada en halterofilia. Se describe su comportamiento en función del incremento progresivo de la carga y en relación con variables biomecánicas del tirón, así como su evolución en un ciclo de entrenamiento. Se realizó un test máximo de cargas progresivas con siete halterófilos (n = 7 de competición. Mediante los sistemas de valoración Musclelab y Chronojump se registraron los valores de: fuerza (F, potencia (P, velocidad (V, pico de velocidad (pV y altura relativa (Hrel de la barra en el tirón, junto al Tv del desplazamiento de los pies del levantador en la entrada bajo la barra. Se observó una moderada correlación negativa (r = –0,561; p < 0,01 entre el Tv y la carga máxima del test (%1RMT. No se encontraron correlaciones significativas para el Tv respecto al resto de variables analizadas. El Tv disminuía con el incremento de la carga en rangos submáximos, siendo de naturaleza aleatoria con el empleo de cargas máximas. En un subgrupo de la muestra (n = 4 se valoraron las mismas variables transcurridas ocho semanas. El Tv, la Pmáx y el pV sugieren ser variables suficientemente sensibles para monitorizar los cambios generados por el entrenamiento en ocho semanas, aunque el reducido tamaño muestral no permitió alcanzar diferencias significativas. Estos resultados destacan la posibilidad de considerar el Tv y la P como medidas de control en el entrenamiento de halterófilos, preferentemente en el uso de cargas submáximas.

  18. The dorsal thoracic fascia: anatomic significance with clinical applications in reconstructive microsurgery. (United States)

    Kim, P S; Gottlieb, J R; Harris, G D; Nagle, D J; Lewis, V L


    The anatomic distribution and potential arterial flow patterns of the circumflex scapular artery were investigated by Microfil injection. These studies demonstrated that the circumflex scapular artery lies within the dorsal thoracic fascia, which plays a significant role in the circulation of the overlying skin and subcutaneous tissue. We conclude that scapular/parascapular flaps are fasciocutaneous flaps, the dorsal thoracic fascia can be transferred as a free flap without its overlying skin and subcutaneous tissue, and intercommunication exists between the myocutaneous perforators of the latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap and the vascular plexus of the dorsal thoracic fascia. We present microvascular cases in which the vascular properties of the dorsal thoracic fascia facilitated wound closure with free fascia flaps or expanded cutaneous or myocutaneous flaps.

  19. PIE technology on mechanical tests for HTTR core component and structural materials developed at Research Hot Laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kizaki, Minoru; Honda, Junichi; Usami, Kouji; Ouchi, Asao; Oeda, Etsuro; Matsumoto, Seiichiro


    The high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR) with the target operation temperature of 950degC established the first criticality on November, 1998 based on a large amount of R and D results on fuel and materials. In such R and D works, the development of reactor materials are one of the key issues from the view point of reactor environments such as extremely high temperature, neutron irradiation and so on for the HTTR. The Research Hot Laboratory (RHL) had carried out much kind of post irradiation examinations (PIEs) on core component and pressure vessel materials for during more than a quarter century. And obtained data played an important role in development, characterization and licensing of those materials for the HTTR. This paper describes the PIE technology developed at RHL and typical results on mechanical tests such as elevated temperature tensile and creep rupture tests for Hasteloy-X, Incolloy 800H and so on, and Charpy impact, J IC fracture toughness, K Id fracture toughness and small punch tests for normalized and tempered 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel from historical view. In addition, an electrochemical test technique established for investigating the irradiation embrittlement mechanism on 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel is also mentioned. (author)

  20. Compound dorsal dislocation of lunate with trapezoid fracture

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    Bong-Sung Kim


    Full Text Available We report about a dorsal dislocation of the lunate accompanied by a trapezoid fracture in a 41-year old male patient after a motorcycle accident. The lunate dislocation with no dorsal or volar intercalated segment instability (DISI, VISI was diagnosed by x-ray whereas the trapezoid fracture was only diagnosable by computed tomography. A closed reduction and internal fixation of the lunate by two Kirschner wires was performed, the trapezoid fracture was conservatively treated. Surgery was followed by immobilization, intense physiotherapy and close follow-up. Even though complaints such as swelling and pain subsided during the course of rehabilitation, partial loss of strength and range of motion remained even after 16 months. In conclusion, a conservative treatment of trapezoid fractures seems to be sufficient in most cases. Closed reduction with Kwire fixation led to an overall satisfactory result in our case. For dorsal lunate dislocations in general, open reduction should be performed when close reduction is unsuccessful or DISI/VISI are observed in radiographs after attempted close reduction.

  1. Análisis filogenético y biogeográfico de los peces del genero Diapterus Ranzani, 1842 (percoidei. gerreidae)


    Álvarez Pliego, Nicolas


    Los peces del género Diapterus (familia Gerreidae) se distribuyen en los mares tropicales y subtropicales de América. Se distinguen de otros guerreidos por tener aserraciones en el preopérculo, lacrimal sin aserraciones, placas faríngeas con dentición caniniforme, cuerpo romboidal y segunda espina de las aletas dorsal y anal gruesas. El género está conformado por cuatro especies: D. auratus y D. rhombeus, en las costas del Atlántico occidental y D.brevirostris y D. aureolus en las costas del ...

  2. Asociación del dolor podal con variables podométricas, de la práctica deportiva e índice de masa corporal en niños de 12 a 14 años de escuelas de formación deportiva de fútbol de la ciudad de Neiva, 2014


    Ramirez Galvis, Anderson; Utria Tirado, Lorena


    El pie es la base de sustentación del ser humano, extremidad utilizada para diferentes actividades de locomoción, capaz de soportar todo el peso corporal incluso en acciones deportivas que implican mantenerla en buenas condiciones. La investigación en el área deportiva continuamente está tomando fuerza con miras en el mejoramiento del rendimiento y la obtención de la forma deportiva incluyendo el buen estado de todos los segmentos corporales implicados, de esta manera se realiza esta investig...

  3. “Intervención en Sixaola: institucionalidad y base epistemológica del TCU: Arte Público”

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    Pablo Bonilla Elizondo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una transcripción de la charla: “Intervención en Sixaola: institucionalidad y base epistemológica del TCU: Arte Público.” impartida en el marco del seminario “Arte público, participación y diseño urbano” realizado en la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Costa Rica en el mes de noviembre del 2011. De forma específica, esta charla se realizó el día 8 de noviembre. El objetivo de esta charla era exponer los esfuerzos que se realizan desde la Universidad de Costa Rica en el tema del arte público y el desarrollo comunitario, por medio de proyecto que el autor de este artículo coordina desde la Escuela de Artes Plásticas en conjunto con la Vicerrectoría de Acción Social de dicha universidad Dado que los asistentes a esta charla no son extraños de la institucionalidad que envuelve al proyecto, la ponencia parte de ciertos supuestos conocidos por ellos, aunque ajenos a los posibles lectores de este artículo. Por tanto estos supuestos se aclararan con notas de pie de página que espero resulten útiles al lector.

  4. Dissociated repetition deficits in aphasia can reflect flexible interactions between left dorsal and ventral streams and gender-dimorphic architecture of the right dorsal stream. (United States)

    Berthier, Marcelo L; Froudist Walsh, Seán; Dávila, Guadalupe; Nabrozidis, Alejandro; Juárez Y Ruiz de Mier, Rocío; Gutiérrez, Antonio; De-Torres, Irene; Ruiz-Cruces, Rafael; Alfaro, Francisco; García-Casares, Natalia


    Assessment of brain-damaged subjects presenting with dissociated repetition deficits after selective injury to either the left dorsal or ventral auditory pathways can provide further insight on their respective roles in verbal repetition. We evaluated repetition performance and its neural correlates using multimodal imaging (anatomical MRI, DTI, fMRI, and(18)FDG-PET) in a female patient with transcortical motor aphasia (TCMA) and in a male patient with conduction aphasia (CA) who had small contiguous but non-overlapping left perisylvian infarctions. Repetition in the TCMA patient was fully preserved except for a mild impairment in nonwords and digits, whereas the CA patient had impaired repetition of nonwords, digits and word triplet lists. Sentence repetition was impaired, but he repeated novel sentences significantly better than clichés. The TCMA patient had tissue damage and reduced metabolism in the left sensorimotor cortex and insula. DTI showed damage to the left temporo-frontal and parieto-frontal segments of the arcuate fasciculus (AF) and part of the left ventral stream together with well-developed right dorsal and ventral streams, as has been reported in more than one-third of females. The CA patient had tissue damage and reduced metabolic activity in the left temporoparietal cortex with additional metabolic decrements in the left frontal lobe. DTI showed damage to the left temporo-parietal and temporo-frontal segments of the AF, but the ventral stream was spared. The direct segment of the AF in the right hemisphere was also absent with only vestigial remains of the other dorsal subcomponents present, as is often found in males. fMRI during word and nonword repetition revealed bilateral perisylvian activation in the TCMA patient suggesting recruitment of spared segments of the left dorsal stream and right dorsal stream with propagation of signals to temporal lobe structures suggesting a compensatory reallocation of resources via the ventral streams. The

  5. Environmental enrichment increases transcriptional and epigenetic differentiation between mouse dorsal and ventral dentate gyrus. (United States)

    Zhang, Tie-Yuan; Keown, Christopher L; Wen, Xianglan; Li, Junhao; Vousden, Dulcie A; Anacker, Christoph; Bhattacharyya, Urvashi; Ryan, Richard; Diorio, Josie; O'Toole, Nicholas; Lerch, Jason P; Mukamel, Eran A; Meaney, Michael J


    Early life experience influences stress reactivity and mental health through effects on cognitive-emotional functions that are, in part, linked to gene expression in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus. The hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) is a major site for experience-dependent plasticity associated with sustained transcriptional alterations, potentially mediated by epigenetic modifications. Here, we report comprehensive DNA methylome, hydroxymethylome and transcriptome data sets from mouse dorsal and ventral DG. We find genome-wide transcriptional and methylation differences between dorsal and ventral DG, including at key developmental transcriptional factors. Peripubertal environmental enrichment increases hippocampal volume and enhances dorsal DG-specific differences in gene expression. Enrichment also enhances dorsal-ventral differences in DNA methylation, including at binding sites of the transcription factor NeuroD1, a regulator of adult neurogenesis. These results indicate a dorsal-ventral asymmetry in transcription and methylation that parallels well-known functional and anatomical differences, and that may be enhanced by environmental enrichment.

  6. Amnioserosa cell constriction but not epidermal actin cable tension autonomously drives dorsal closure. (United States)

    Pasakarnis, Laurynas; Frei, Erich; Caussinus, Emmanuel; Affolter, Markus; Brunner, Damian


    Tissue morphogenesis requires coordination of multiple force-producing components. During dorsal closure in fly embryogenesis, an epidermis opening closes. A tensioned epidermal actin/MyosinII cable, which surrounds the opening, produces a force that is thought to combine with another MyosinII force mediating apical constriction of the amnioserosa cells that fill the opening. A model proposing that each force could autonomously drive dorsal closure was recently challenged by a model in which the two forces combine in a ratchet mechanism. Acute force elimination via selective MyosinII depletion in one or the other tissue shows that the amnioserosa tissue autonomously drives dorsal closure while the actin/MyosinII cable cannot. These findings exclude both previous models, although a contribution of the ratchet mechanism at dorsal closure onset remains likely. This shifts the current view of dorsal closure being a combinatorial force-component system to a single tissue-driven closure event.

  7. R and D status and requirements for PIE in the fields of the HTGR fuel and the innovative basic research on High-Temperature Engineering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sawa, Kazuhiro; Tobita, Tsutomu; Sumita, Junya [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Oarai, Ibaraki (Japan). Oarai Research Establishment; Ishihara, Masahiro; Hayashi, Kimio; Hoshiya, Taiji; Sekino, Hajime; Ooeda, Etsurou


    The High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR), which is the first high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) in Japan, achieved its first criticality in November 1998 at the Oarai Research Establishment of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). In the field of HTGR fuel development, JAERI will proceed research and development (R and D) works by the following steps: (STEP-1) confirmation of irradiation performance of the first-loading fuel of the HTTR, (STEP-2) study on irradiation performance of high burnup SiC-coated fuel particle and (STEP-3) development of ZrC-coated fuel particle. Requirements for post-irradiation examination (PIE) are different for each R and D step. In STEP-1, firstly, hot cells will be prepared in the HTTR reactor building to handle spent fuels. In parallel, general equipments such as those for deconsolidation of fuel compacts and for handling coated fuel particles will be installed in the Hot Laboratory at Oarai. In STEP-2, precise PIE techniques, for example, Raman spectroscopy for measurement of stress on irradiated SiC layer, will be investigated. In STEP-3, new PIE techniques should be developed to investigate irradiation behavior of ZrC-coated particle. In the field of the innovative basic research on high-temperature engineering, some preliminary tests have been made on the research areas of (1) new materials development, (2) fusion technology, (3) radiation chemistry and (4) high-temperature in-core instrumentation. Requirements for PIE are under investigation, in particular in the field of the new materials development. Besides more general apparatuses including transmission electron microscopy (TEM), some special apparatuses such as an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometer, a specific resistance/Hall coefficient measuring system and a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) are planned to install in the Hot Laboratory at Oarai. Acquisition of advanced knowledge on the irradiation behavior is expected in

  8. Complete dorsal pancreatic agenesis and unilateral renal agenesis. (United States)

    Moreira, Adriana; Carvalho, André; Portugal, Inês; Jesus, José Miguel


    Dorsal pancreatic agenesis is a very rare congenital anomaly. Unilateral renal agenesis, on the other hand, is a relatively common congenital anomaly, although its etiology is not fully understood. Renal and pancreatic embryologic development appears to be nonrelated. We report a case of a 34-year-old man who was referred to our hospital for evaluation of cholestasis and microalbuminuria. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging examinations showed empty right renal fossa and absence of the pancreatic neck, body, and tail. Our case report is the second case of a dorsal pancreatic agenesis and unilateral renal agenesis in a young male patient.

  9. Primary afferent terminal sprouting after a cervical dorsal rootlet section in the macaque monkey. (United States)

    Darian-Smith, Corinna


    We examined the role of primary afferent neurons in the somatosensory cortical "reactivation" that occurs after a localized cervical dorsal root lesion (Darian-Smith and Brown [2000] Nat. Neurosci. 3:476-481). After section of the dorsal rootlets that enervate the macaque's thumb and index finger (segments C6-C8), the cortical representation of these digits was initially silenced but then re-emerged for these same digits over 2-4 postlesion months. Cortical reactivation was accompanied by the emergence of physiologically detectable input from these same digits within dorsal rootlets bordering the lesion site. We investigated whether central axonal sprouting of primary afferents spared by the rhizotomy could mediate this cortical reactivation. The cortical representation of the hand was mapped electrophysiologically 15-25 weeks after the dorsal rootlet section to define this reactivation. Cholera toxin subunit B conjugated to horseradish peroxidase was then injected into the thumb and index finger pads bilaterally to label the central terminals of any neurons that innervated these digits. Primary afferent terminal proliferation was assessed in the spinal dorsal horn and cuneate nucleus at 7 days and 15-25 postlesion weeks. Labeled terminal bouton distributions were reconstructed and the "lesion" and control sides compared within each monkey. Distributions were significantly larger on the side of the lesion in the dorsal horn and cuneate nucleus at 15-25 weeks after the dorsal rootlet section, than those mapped only 7 days postlesion. Our results provide direct evidence for localized sprouting of spared (uninjured) primary afferent terminals in the dorsal horn and cuneate nucleus after a restricted dorsal root injury. Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  10. Correlación entre los interhusos del ritmo alfa, el EMG de los gemelos y la oscilación de vaivén del individuo de pie

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    Jose H. Peñaloza Rojas


    Full Text Available En sujetos adultos normales se registraron simultáneamente: el electroencefalograma (EEG occipital, el electromiograma (EMG de los músculos gemelos y el movimiento oscilatorio de vaivén del individuo (EOsG en bipedestación, con ojos cerrados y abiertos. Mientras permanecen los sujetos experimentales con los ojos cerrados, el EEG muestra los husos de ritmo alfa bien integrados, unidos o separados por los interhusos los cuales son de duración y frecuencia variables. EI EMG es intermitente y las descargas de los potenciales musculares son de duración breve. EI EOsG esta formado por ondas de amplitud y duración variables. De la observación cuidadosa de estos registros simultáneos se puede inferir la existencia de una correlación temporal entre los tres eventos: primero los interhusos se registran previamente a la aparición del EMG, segundo el EMG precede al EOsG y tercero el EOsG aparece finalmente, como manifestación del vaivén del sujeto experimental. Es decir, la activación cerebral (interhusos influye sobre los músculos gastrocnemios (EM G para que estos se contraigan, enderezcan el cuerpo y corrijan la posición corporal. Como consecuencia de esto, se obtiene el EOsG. Por 10tanto.estos resultados sugieren que los interhusos son un fenómeno electrofisiológico normal resultante de la activación momentánea cerebral y que se registran después de que el individuo ha aprendido a mantenerse en bipedestación.

  11. Tricholeiperia peruensis n. sp. (Nematoda, Molineidae del quiróptero Lophostoma silvicolum occidentalis (Phyllostomidae en Tumbes, Perú

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    Marina Vargas


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo, se describe a Tricholeiperia peruensis n. sp. (Nematoda, Molineidae en base a 25 especímenes colectados del intestino de 5 murciélagos de la especie Lophostoma silvicolum occidentalis de la localidad de Angostura, distrito Pampas de Hospital, departamento de Tumbes, Perú. La nueva especie se caracteriza por la morfología de la vesícula cefálica en forma de capuchón con escotaduras, por el tamaño y forma de las espículas cuyo extremo distal de la rama externa se divide en dos, de las cuales la rama interna sufre una nueva división; por la disposición de las costillas de la bolsa copulatríz donde, entre otros detalles, las antero y postero-ventrales están separadas y las externo-dorsales nacen cerca de la parte media del tronco dorsal y son gruesas.

  12. Pintura rupestre esquemática sobre granito en la provincia de cáceres: los ejemplos de la Cueva Larga del Pradillo y Los Canchalejos de Belén (Trujillo

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    Full Text Available El análisis de las representaciones pertenecientes a dos estaciones con pinturas rupestres esquemáticas localizadas en el berrocal del término municipal de Trujillo (Cáceres, la Cueva Larga del Pradillo y Los Canchalejos de Belén, ambas conocidas de antiguo pero parcialmente publicadas –y una de ellas desaparecida en la actualidad–, dan pie a unas reflexiones sobre las características genéricas de este tipo de yacimientos rupestres en soporte granítico y sus representaciones pictóricas, sobre el estado de la investigación en torno al mismo en la Alta Extremadura, y sobre su encuadre cronológico y contexto sociocultural.

  13. LOCA testing of high burnup PWR fuel in the HBWR. Additional PIE on the cladding of the segment 650-5

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oberlaender, B.C.; Espeland, M.; Jenssen, H.K.


    IFA-650.5, a test with pre-irradiated fuel in the Halden Project LOCA test series, was conducted on October 23rd, 2006. The fuel rod had been used in a commercial PWR and had a high burnup, 83 MWd/kgU. Experimental arrangements of the fifth test were similar to the preceding LOCA tests. The peak cladding temperature (PCT) level was higher than in the third and fourth tests, 1050 C. A peak temperature close to the target was achieved and cladding burst occurred at approx. 750 C. Within the joint programme framework of the Halden Project PIE was done, consisting of gamma scanning, visual inspection, neutron-radiography, hydrogen analysis and metallography / ceramography. An additional extensive PIE including metallography, hydrogen analysis, and hardness measurements of cross-sections at seven axial elevations was done. It was completed to study the high burnup and LOCA induced effects on the Zr-4 cladding, namely the migration of oxygen into the cladding from the inside surface, the cladding distension, and the burst (author)(tk)

  14. Detection of genes regulated by Lmx1b during limb dorsalization. (United States)

    Feenstra, Jennifer M; Kanaya, Kohei; Pira, Charmaine U; Hoffman, Sarah E; Eppey, Richard J; Oberg, Kerby C


    Lmx1b is a homeodomain transcription factor that regulates dorsal identity during limb development. Lmx1b knockout (KO) mice develop distal ventral-ventral limbs. Although induction of Lmx1b is linked to Wnt7a expression in the dorsal limb ectoderm, the downstream targets of Lmx1b that accomplish limb dorsalization are unknown. To identify genes targeted by Lmx1b, we compared gene arrays from Lmx1b KO and wild type mouse limbs during limb dorsalization, i.e., 11.5, 12.5, and 13.5 days post coitum. We identified 54 target genes that were differentially expressed in all three stages. Several skeletal targets, including Emx2, Matrilin1 and Matrilin4, demonstrated a loss of scapular expression in the Lmx1b KO mice, supporting a role for Lmx1b in scapula development. Furthermore, the relative abundance of extracellular matrix-related soft tissue targets regulated by Lmx1b, such as collagens and proteoglycans, suggests a mechanism that includes changes in the extracellular matrix composition to accomplish limb dorsalization. Our study provides the most comprehensive characterization of genes regulated by Lmx1b during limb development to-date and provides targets for further investigation. © 2012 The Authors. Development, Growth & Differentiation © 2012 Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists.

  15. Funcionalidad del sistema de neuronas espejo y su implicación en los procesos de aprendizaje motor por observación


    Lago Rodríguez, Ángel


    [Resumen] El descubrimiento de las denominadas neuronas espejo, a comienzos de los años 90 del siglo XX, ha dado pie a la realización de un gran número de investigaciones en las que se han utilizado técnicas de examen neurofisiológico (p.ej.: Estimulación Magnética Transcraneal) y de neuroimagen cerebral (p.ej.: Resonancia Magnética Funcional) con el objeto de explorar cuáles son las funciones que desempeñan, cuales son las propiedades de los estímulos que logran activarlas, y en qué áreas ce...

  16. Zīmola nozīme patērētāju lēmuma pieņemšanā mēbeļu mazumtirdzniecībā.


    Pētersons, Miks


    Maģistra darba temats ir „Zīmola nozīme patērētāju lēmuma pieņemšanā mēbeļu mazumtirdzniecībā”. Darba mērķis ir teorētiski analizēt un praktiski noskaidrot zīmola nozīmi patērētāja lēmuma pieņemšanā par mēbeļu iegādi. Temats ir aktuāls un darbā apkopotie rezultāti var būt saistoši Latvijas mēbeļu nozares dalībniekiem. 1. nodaļā autors izvērtē patērētāju uzvedību noteicošos faktorus, kā arī zīmola nozīme lēmuma pieņemšanā. 2. nodaļā analizēta mēbeļu ražošanas nozare Latvijā, veikta uzņēm...

  17. Effect of Farm on Productive and Reproductive Performance in Sows of Prestice Black-pied Pig

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    Pavel Nevrkla


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to evaluate productive and reproductive performance of Prestice Black‑Pied sows including losses of piglets from birth to weaning in conditions of two farms. The experiment involved one hundred sows of Prestice Black‑Pied pig from the 1st to the 7th parity (50 from farm A and 50 from farm B. The evaluation of productive parameters revealed a highly statistically significant difference (P ≤ 0.001 between gilts of the observed farms in percentage of lean meat. Backfat thickness was 0.19 cm lower in gilts from the farm A, which is a very highly statistically significant difference (P ≤ 0.001. The evaluation of reproductive performance showed, that age at the time of the first insemination and farrowing was significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05 in gilts from the farm A compared to gilts from the farm B by 38 days on average. The analysis also indicates that there was no significant difference in length of gestation, total number of piglets and numbers of live-born and reared piglets between the sows of the evaluated farms. A highly statistically significant difference (P ≤ 0.01 was found in number of stillborn piglets. Interval length was significantly longer (P ≤ 0.05 in sows from the farm A, by 14.29 days. The evaluation of losses of piglets revealed a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05 between the farms in favor of piglets from the farm A.

  18. Describing the body shape variation of spotted barb, Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842 using fluctuating asymmetry from Tubay, Agusan del Norte, Philippines

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    C. J. Presilda


    Full Text Available This study aims to assess the condition of the water ecosystem in Tubay, Agusan del Norte by showing the level of FA on the bilateral symmetry of Puntius binotatus with respect to its sex that is known to be abundant in the area. This will show the status of P. binotatus in Tubay, Agusan del Norte that is known for having a mining activity in the area. Yet, there were no reports in the area that concerns with the developmental instability of P. binotatus and other fish inhabiting in the area using FA. Fluctuating Asymmetry (FA defined as a subtle random deviation between the left and right side of symmetrically bilateral organisms that measures the inability of organisms to maintain homeostasis or measures the developmental instability of organisms. A total of 200 individuals (100 male and 100 females were subjected to FA Analysis. Landmark analyses were obtained using Thin - plate Spline (TPS series with 16 landmarks generated for each sample and loaded into Symmetry and Asymmetry in Geometric Data (SAGE software. Procrustes ANOVA shows that individual symmetry has no significant difference. Sides and Interaction showed a high significantly difference (P<0.0001 which suggest being asymmetrical in the bilateral symmetry of P. binotatus population. The result of Principal Component Analysis (PCA shows a level of asymmetry with 77% in female and 73% in the male. FA in female fish can be seen in snout tip, anterior and posterior insertion of the dorsal fin, midpoint, or lateral line, dorsal base of pelvic fin, and dorsal base of pectoral fin. In male samples, affected landmarks can be seen in the anterior and posterior insertion of the dorsal fin, dorsal insertion of caudal fin and dorsal base of the pelvic fin. The level of FA specifies a good indicator of stressors in the environment that causes a decline in reproduction and population.

  19. Dorsal Phalloplasty to Preserve Penis Length after Penile Prosthesis Implantation

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    Osama Shaeer


    Full Text Available Objectives: Following penile prosthesis implantation (PPI, patients may complain of a decrease in visible penis length. A dorsal phalloplasty defines the penopubic junction by tacking pubic skin to the pubis, revealing the base of the penis. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a dorsal phalloplasty in increasing the visible penis length following PPI. Methods: An inflatable penile prosthesis was implanted in 13 patients with severe erectile dysfunction (ED at the Kamal Shaeer Hospital, Cairo, Egypt, from January 2013 to May 2014. During the surgery, nonabsorbable tacking sutures were used to pin the pubic skin to the pubis through the same penoscrotal incision. Intraoperative penis length was measured before and after the dorsal phalloplasty. Overall patient satisfaction was measured on a 5-point rating scale and patients were requested to subjectively compare their postoperative penis length with memories of their penis length before the onset of ED. Results: Intraoperatively, the dorsal phalloplasty increased the visible length of the erect penis by an average of 25.6%. The average length before and after tacking was 10.2 ± 2.9 cm and 13.7 ± 2.8 cm, respectively (P <0.002. Postoperatively, seven patients (53.8% reported a longer penis, five patients (38.5% reported no change in length and one patient (7.7% reported a slightly shorter penis. The mean overall patient satisfaction score was 4.9 ± 0.3. None of the patients developed postoperative complications. Conclusion: A dorsal phalloplasty during PPI is an effective method of increasing visible penis length, therefore minimising the impression of a shorter penis after implantation.

  20. La basílica y el baptisterio del Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete

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    Abad Casal, Lorenzo


    Full Text Available The paper presents a religious complex unearthed in the upper part of the high medieval city of Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete, matching the Madînat lyih mentioned by Arab sources. In the authors' opinion, it was the see of Eio, created at the start of the 7th century. The religious complex comprises a basilica with three aisles, a semicircular apse and an adjoining baptistry at the feet of the building, also in three sections. The paper provides a detailed study of the baptistry and of the different remodelling of the baptismal font and theorises on the location of the liturgical space.Se presenta el complejo religioso exhumado en la parte alta de la ciudad altomedieval del Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete, correspondiente a la Madînat Iyih de las fuentes árabes y, en opinión de los autores, a la sede episcopal Eiotana/Elotana creada a principios del siglo VII. El conjunto religioso está compuesto por una basílica de tres naves con ábside semicircular y un baptisterio anexo situado a los pies del edificio, también con distribución tripartita. En este artículo se estudia detalladamente el baptisterio, así como las distintas remodelaciones de la piscina bautismal, y se propone una restitución del espacio litúrgico.

  1. Un caso de hernia diafragmatica (Agenesia parcial del hemídiafragma izquierdo plastia del díafragma con pulmón atelectásico

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    Alfonso Bonilla Naar


    Full Text Available Hospital de la Misericordia. Servicio del doctor Martínez. Sala Rosa. C. J. P. E. 10 años. N. El Charquito (Soacha. F. de L .Septi~tnbre 12 de 1950. F. de S. Noviembre 5 de 1950. D. Preliminar, neumonía. C. de ingreso. Consulta porque desde hace dos días tiene dolor abdominal difuso, vómito, estreñimiento, anorexia y fiebre (vomitó un Ascaris. Se trata del primer caso operado en nuestro medio de una hernia diafragmática (por agenesia y vale anotar que según Meyer (1 quien cita a Sagal, hasta 1.933 sólo se conocian doce casos. Harrington (2 cita 12 casos en la Mayo Clinic. Hasta ahora, el defecto del diafragma se había cerrado con faciaperirrenal o con músculo (gran dorsal. En este caso se ensayó con éxito una plastia con un lóbulo pulmonar atelectásico. (Original.

  2. Agenesis of the dorsal mesentery presenting in an adolescent

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    Anith Chacko


    Full Text Available Agenesis of the dorsal mesentery is a rare occurrence that usually presents in children. It is associated with proximal small bowel malrotation as well as high jejunal atresia with discontinuity of the small bowel. We present a case report of an adolescent presenting with clinical features of proximal small bowel obstruction (confirmed on imaging as well as acute pancreatitis. At laparotomy, he was found to have no dorsal mesentery, without small bowel atresia, and the duodenum was fixed to the posterior abdominal wall. The patient recovered well and remained symptom-free.

  3. Cambios en el pelaje del roedor subterráneo Ctenomys talarum: posible mecanismo térmico compensatorio Fur changes in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum: possible thermal compensatory mechanism

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    Full Text Available En este trabajo se evaluaron los cambios en densidad y longitud del pelaje dorsal y ventral en el roedor subterráneo Ctenomys talarum, como posible mecanismo compensatorio frente a cambios de temperatura estacionales en el ambiente de la cueva, en especial durante la época estival, y durante el período de preñez en las hembras, ya que ambas etapas representan desafíos para la termorregulación en esta especie. Se observó que el pelaje ventral fue significativamente más corto y menos denso que el dorsal en machos, hembras preñadas y hembras no preñadas en las dos estaciones evaluadas. La longitud del pelaje tanto dorsal como ventral en los tres grupos fue significativamente menor durante la estación de temperaturas más cálidas. En la estación cálida, las hembras preñadas exhibieron un pelaje ventral significativamente más corto que el pelaje ventral de machos y de hembras no preñadas. Se discuten las posibles ventajas térmicas que podrían representar las modificaciones observadas en las características del pelaje de esta especie, con énfasis en las restricciones que impone el ambiente subterráneo en cuanto a los mecanismos disponibles de disipación del calor corporalIn this work, the changes in fur density and length in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum were evaluated as a possible compensatory mechanism during seasonal temperature changes in their burrow environment and during pregnancy in females, both situations being thermoregulatory challenging in this species. The ventral fur was shorter and less dense than the dorsal fur in the three groups (males, non-pregnant females and pregnant females and in the two seasons evaluated. Ventral and dorsal furs were significantly shorter during the warm seasons in the three groups. In the warm season, pregnant females had a ventral fur significantly shorter than that of males and non-pregnant females. The possible thermal advantages that the observed fur changes might

  4. El auge del género de superhéroes y la nueva industria cinematográfica global

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    Full Text Available Proveniente del mundo del cómic, la figura del superhéroe debutó con éxito en el cine a finales de la década de los 70. Sin embargo, ha sido durante los últimos quince años cuando esta figura ha cobrado un extraordinario protagonismo y, en sus múltiples variantes, ha dado pie a buena parte de las franquicias cinematográficas que en la actualidad dominan las salas de cine de todo el planeta. Al hilo de este nuevo paisaje fílmico, el presente artículo se propone explorar la naturaleza del cine de superhéroes, un apabullante espectáculo audiovisual que es consumido por millones de espectadores en todo el mundo, con especial incidencia entre el público infantil y juvenil. Tal indagación conduce a examinar las narrativas desplegadas en estas series de películas, así como a analizar la propia figura del superhéroe en el contexto de un cine saturado de efectos visuales y acción trepidante. Finalmente, el artículo trata de señalar las razones de fondo que han llevado a la industria de Hollywood a apostar por el género de superhéroes como fórmula recurrente para atraer al público a las salas de cine.

  5. Fútbol y política Reflexiones de una relación compleja a través del festival de cine Thinking Football


    Pulleiro Méndez, Carlos


    En el presente artículo se van a analizar las complejas y discutidas relaciones entre el fútbol y la política a través de lo que sugieren algunas de las películas que se han mostrado en el festival de cine Thinking Football de 2015. En ellas se refleja a la perfección la multiplicidad de actores políticos del fútbol, lo cual dará pie a considerar si este deporte y su máxima autoridad, la FIFA, tienen un compromiso político propio. Artículo revisado por pares


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN Describimos una especie pequeña de rana bromelícola del género Pristimantis (longitud rostro-cloaca en hembras 20.3-23.3 mm; en machos 16.1-17.4 mm, proveniente de una remota meseta de arenisca de la Cordillera del Cóndor, en el sureste de Ecuador, con un rango altitudinal de 2.045-2.860 m. Una filogenia en base a secuencias de ADN (genes mitocondriales y nucleares muestra que la nueva especie forma parte del grupo P. orestes y está más cercanamente relacionada con una especie de Pristimantis aún no descrita de la vertiente sur oriental ecuatoriana. Difiere de sus congéneres de Ecuador, por su coloración dorsal y ventral predominantemente negra; superficie palmar amplia y robusta con dedos cortos y gruesos; presencia de un surco profundo y amplio extendido desde la base anterior del I dedo manual hasta la base posterior del tubérculo palmar; tubérculos subarticulares divididos, tubérculos supernumerarios agrandados y con granulaciones pequeñas. Todos los individuos registrados estuvieron en bromelias terrestres. Las llamadas son cortas, de frecuencia modulada, conformada por una nota con duración de 5-15 ms. Los insectos representaron el 80% de la dieta de la especie nueva.

  7. Valoración de la disposición sagital del raquis en gimnastas especialistas en trampolín. (Assessment of the sagittal plane of the spine in trampoline gymnasts.

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    Pilar Sainz de Baranda


    Full Text Available ResumenSe valoró la disposición sagital de la columna vertebral en gimnastas especialistas en la modalidad de trampolín. Se realizó un estudio transversal, en el que participaron 69 gimnastas de trampolín (35 mujeres y 34 varones con una edad media de 14.97 + 4.77 años, y de 6.61+4 años de entrenamiento. La valoración se realizó en tres posiciones: bipedestación relajada, sedentación relajada y flexión máxima del tronco. En todas las posiciones se diferenció la curva dorsal y la lumbar. Para la cuantificación de los grados se utilizó un inclinómetro ISOMED Unilevel-95. En bipedestación la cifosis dorsal media fue 44.96º+8.23º, la lordosis lumbar fue de 36.25º+10.1º. En máxima flexión del tronco desde la bipedestación posición test dedos suelo (FMT-DDS los grados de la curvatura dorsal y lumbar fueron de 51.55º+11º y 29.29º+7.89º. En máxima flexión del tronco desde la sedentación test dedos planta (FMT-DDP los grados de la curvatura dorsal y lumbar fueron de 57.94º+15º y 27.72º+7.51º. En sedentación relajada los grados de la curvatura dorsal y lumbar fueron de 50.28º+10º y 17.48º+9.6º respectivamente. Los valores medios del plano sagital de los gimnastas especialistas en trampolín muestran en bipedestación valores de hipercifosis para la curva dorsal, con una lordosis lumbar normal. En la flexión máxima del tronco se observan valores normales para la cifosis dorsal y valores hipercifóticos para la curva lumbar. En sedentación se observan valores hipercifóticos tanto en la curva dorsal como en la lumbar. Los gimnastas presentan tendencia a una mayor cifosis dorsal en bipedestación y en flexión de tronco. Las gimnastas presentan tendencia a una mayor lordosis en bipedestación y menor cifosis lumbar en flexióny sedentación.Abstract The sagittal plane of the spine was measured in trampoline gymnasts. In this cross-sectional study, 69 club-level trampoline gymnasts (35 females and 34 males

  8. Robot Saltador y Procedimiento para su Control


    Akinfiev, Teodor; Armada, Manuel; Fernández, Roemi; Montes, Héctor


    Robot saltador para el movimiento en terrenos con obstáculos, que contiene al menos un resorte (4) con uno de sus extremos unido al cuerpo (1) del robot, y una cadena cinemática entre el motor (5) y el resorte (4) que comprende un cilindro (7) conectado con el eje del motor (5) y una cuerda (8), con uno de sus extremos conectado al cilindro (7) y con el segundo extremo conectado al pie (3). El procedimiento de control se caracteriza porque en el momento en el que el pie (3) pierde el contacto...

  9. The presence of nuclear cactus in the early Drosophila embryo may extend the dynamic range of the dorsal gradient.

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    Michael D O'Connell


    Full Text Available In a developing embryo, the spatial distribution of a signaling molecule, or a morphogen gradient, has been hypothesized to carry positional information to pattern tissues. Recent measurements of morphogen distribution have allowed us to subject this hypothesis to rigorous physical testing. In the early Drosophila embryo, measurements of the morphogen Dorsal, which is a transcription factor responsible for initiating the earliest zygotic patterns along the dorsal-ventral axis, have revealed a gradient that is too narrow to pattern the entire axis. In this study, we use a mathematical model of Dorsal dynamics, fit to experimental data, to determine the ability of the Dorsal gradient to regulate gene expression across the entire dorsal-ventral axis. We found that two assumptions are required for the model to match experimental data in both Dorsal distribution and gene expression patterns. First, we assume that Cactus, an inhibitor that binds to Dorsal and prevents it from entering the nuclei, must itself be present in the nuclei. And second, we assume that fluorescence measurements of Dorsal reflect both free Dorsal and Cactus-bound Dorsal. Our model explains the dynamic behavior of the Dorsal gradient at lateral and dorsal positions of the embryo, the ability of Dorsal to regulate gene expression across the entire dorsal-ventral axis, and the robustness of gene expression to stochastic effects. Our results have a general implication for interpreting fluorescence-based measurements of signaling molecules.

  10. Role of the right dorsal anterior insula in the urge to tic in Tourette syndrome. (United States)

    Tinaz, Sule; Malone, Patrick; Hallett, Mark; Horovitz, Silvina G


    The mid-posterior part of the insula is involved in processing bodily sensations and urges and is activated during tic generation in Tourette syndrome. The dorsal anterior part of the insula, however, integrates sensory and emotional information with cognitive valuation and is implicated in interoception. The right dorsal anterior insula also participates in urge suppression in healthy subjects. This study examined the role of the right dorsal anterior insula in the urge to tic in Tourette syndrome. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging was performed in 13 adult Tourette patients and 13 matched controls. The role of the right dorsal anterior insula within the urge-tic network was investigated using graph theory-based neural network analysis. The functional connectivity of the right dorsal anterior insula was also correlated with urge and tic severity. Even though the patients did not exhibit any overt tics, the right dorsal anterior insula demonstrated higher connectivity, especially with the frontostriatal nodes of the urge-tic network in patients compared with controls. The functional connectivity between the right dorsal anterior insula and bilateral supplementary motor area also correlated positively with urge severity in patients. These results suggest that the right dorsal anterior insula is part of the urge-tic network and could influence the urge- and tic-related cortico-striato-thalamic regions even during rest in Tourette syndrome. It might be responsible for heightened awareness of bodily sensations generating premonitory urges in Tourette syndrome. © 2015 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.

  11. Human dorsal striatum encodes prediction errors during observational learning of instrumental actions. (United States)

    Cooper, Jeffrey C; Dunne, Simon; Furey, Teresa; O'Doherty, John P


    The dorsal striatum plays a key role in the learning and expression of instrumental reward associations that are acquired through direct experience. However, not all learning about instrumental actions require direct experience. Instead, humans and other animals are also capable of acquiring instrumental actions by observing the experiences of others. In this study, we investigated the extent to which human dorsal striatum is involved in observational as well as experiential instrumental reward learning. Human participants were scanned with fMRI while they observed a confederate over a live video performing an instrumental conditioning task to obtain liquid juice rewards. Participants also performed a similar instrumental task for their own rewards. Using a computational model-based analysis, we found reward prediction errors in the dorsal striatum not only during the experiential learning condition but also during observational learning. These results suggest a key role for the dorsal striatum in learning instrumental associations, even when those associations are acquired purely by observing others.

  12. Evaluación de la marcha y el equilibrio como factor de riesgo en las caídas del anciano

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    Mayté Vera Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en el que participaron 104 ancianos de un consultorio médico perteneciente al Policlínico Docente"Mario Escalona Reguera", a los cuales se les realizó una encuesta donde se evalúan varios parámetros relacionados con la marcha y el equilibrio, para determinar el riesgo de caídas según las variaciones encotradas. Se utilizó el método estadístico del Chi cuadrado para asociación de variables y el método porcentual. Encontramos que mientras más edad tienen los ancianos, más riesgo de caídas presentan y esto se relaciona con las alteraciones de la marcha y el equilibrio. Además, el riesgo de sufrir caídas fue más frecuente en el sexo femenino, y los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron la necesidad de usar los brazos para levantarse y sentarse, la necesidad del bastón para estar de pie, la marcha con talones separados y no levantar el pie completamente del suelo.A descriptive study of 104 older people from a physician´s office of "Mario Escalona Reguera" teaching polyclinics was performed. These aged persons were administered a survey to evaluate several parameters related to gait and balance, with the purpose of determining fall risks according to the variations found. Chi square statistical method for association of variables and the percentage method were used. We found that risk of falling increases with the age as a result of altered gait and balance. Besides, the risk of falling down was more common in females and the most frequent risk factors were the need of using arms to stand up and sit down and a stick to be on one´s feet, gait characterized by separated heels and not raising completely the feet when walking.

  13. La paradoja del monumento histórico o de la demolición del antiguo convento de Santo Domingo en Santafé de Bogotá. 1939-1947.

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    Liliana Rueda Cáceres


    Full Text Available En la Bogotá de 1939 el antiguo convento de Santo Domingo, erigido en el siglo XVI y ocupado a partir del siglo XIX por la oficina de Correos y Telégrafos y otras dependencias oficiales, era uno de los últimos representantes en pie de la que había sido una verdadera “infraestructura de lo religioso” de la ciudad colonial. Este texto se centra en corroborar si en efecto el antiguo convento era un elemento representativo de una época, de una sociedad y de una tipología arquitectónica, condiciones que bien hubieran podido haberle garantizado su permanencia en calidad de monumento histórico y no como paradójicamente ocurrió, que antes bien, todas estas condiciones lo que contribuyeron fue a propugnar por su demolición.

  14. Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Dorsal Hand: An Update and Comprehensive Review of the Literature. (United States)

    Loh, Tiffany Y; Rubin, Ashley G; Brian Jiang, Shang I


    Excessive ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure is the primary predisposing factor for basal cell carcinoma (BCC). However, surprisingly, BCCs occur very rarely on the dorsal hand, which is subject to intense sun exposure, and their infrequent presentation in this location suggests that other factors besides UVR may play a role in BCC pathogenesis. Because dorsal hand BCCs are uncommon, knowledge of their characteristics is limited, and more data are needed to describe their clinical presentation and treatment. To perform an updated review of the literature on the management of dorsal hand BCCs. The authors conducted a comprehensive literature review by searching the PubMed database with the key phrases "basal cell carcinoma dorsal hand," "basal cell carcinoma hand," and "basal cell carcinoma finger," and "basal cell carcinoma thumb." The authors identified 176 cases of dorsal hand BCCs in the literature, 120 of which had sufficient data for analysis. Only 4 cases were treated with Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS). The authors present 14 additional cases of dorsal hand BCCs treated with MMS. Basal cell carcinomas on the dorsal hand occur infrequently, and potential risk factors include being a male of white descent and personal history of skin cancer. Mohs micrographic surgery seems to be an effective treatment method.

  15. Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Dorsal Foot: An Update and Comprehensive Review of the Literature. (United States)

    Loh, Tiffany Y; Rubin, Ashley G; Jiang, Shang I Brian


    Ultraviolet radiation is a well-known risk factor for basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Therefore, the high incidence of BCCs in sun-exposed areas such as the head and neck is unsurprising. However, unexpectedly, BCCs on the sun-protected dorsal foot have also been reported, and tumor occurrence here suggests that other factors besides ultraviolet radiation may play a role in BCC pathogenesis. Because only few dorsal foot BCCs have been reported, data on their clinical features and management are limited. To perform an updated review of the literature on clinical characteristics and treatment of dorsal foot BCCs. We conducted a comprehensive literature review by searching the PubMed database with the key phrases "basal cell carcinoma dorsal foot," "basal cell carcinoma foot," and "basal cell carcinoma toe." We identified 20 cases of dorsal foot BCCs in the literature, 17 of which had sufficient data for analysis. Only 1 case was treated with Mohs micrographic surgery. We present 8 additional cases of dorsal foot BCCs treated with Mohs micrographic surgery. Basal cell carcinomas on the dorsal foot are rare, and potential risk factors include Caucasian descent and personal history of skin cancer. Mohs micrographic surgery seems to be an effective treatment option.

  16. Caracterización del nervio digital palmar en el miembro anterior equino

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    Carolina Ortiz


    Full Text Available A partir de 60 miembros anteriores de caballos mestizos recolectados de un matadero en Santiago, Chile, se determinó que lo más frecuente es que el nervio digital palmar emita sus ramas dorsal y palmar antes (33% o al comienzo de la articulación metacarpofalángica (33%. En un 60% de los nervios analizados se evidenció la presencia de una a cuatro ramas accesorias y que ésta se presenta de manera similar entre diversas zonas, siendo la presentación más frecuente (26% en la zona de la articulación interfalángica proximal y que se dirigen hacia dorsal. En un 46,66% de las muestras el nervio digital palmar no se relaciona íntimamente con alguna estructura, seguido con 33,33% por la unión de éste al ligamento del espolón. Es muy poco frecuente que el nervio emita ramas superficiales que se dirijan hacia la dermis (6,66%, que se divida en tres grandes ramas en la articulación metacarpofalángica (3,33% o que pase bajo la arteria digital (3,33%, y más frecuente es que éste se disponga sobre la arteria en algún lugar de su recorrido hecho que ocurrió en el 35% de los casos. Estos resultados se presentan de manera relevante de considerar en procedimientos diagnósticos o quirúrgicos en la zona distal del miembro anterior del equino, ya que pueden alterar su sensibilidad y eficacia.

  17. La dorsal NE de Tenerife: hacia un modelo del origen y evolución de los rifts de islas oceánicas

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    Delcamp, A.


    primordial, plume-related fractures acting throughout the entire growth of the islands. Basaltic volcanism forms the bulk of the islands and rift zones. However, collapses of the flanks of the rifts disrupt their established fissural feeding system, frequently favouring magma accumulation and residence at shallow emplacements, leading to differentiation of magmas, and intermediate to felsic nested eruptions. Rifts and their collapse may therefore act as an important factor in providing petrological variability to oceanic volcanoes. Conversely, the possibility exists that the presence of important felsic volcanism may indicate lateral collapses in oceanic shields and ridge-like volcanoes, even if they are concealed by post-collapse volcanism or partially mass-wasted by erosion.El Rift NE de Tenerife, conocido localmente como la Dorsal de La Esperanza, es un excelente ejem plo de un rift persistente y recurrente. Su estudio ha aportado evidencias significativas del origen y diná mica de este tipo de estructuras volcánicas. Los rifts son posiblemente las estructuras más relevantes en la geología de las islas volcánicas oceánicas: 1. Controlan, tal vez desde su inicio, la construcción de los edificios insulares; 2. Son elementos sustanciales en la configuración (forma y topografía de estas islas; 3. Dan origen a sus principales formas del relieve y el paisaje; 4. Al concentrar la actividad eruptiva, son asimismo estructuras cruciales en la distribución del riesgo volcánico; 5. Condicionan la distribución de recursos naturales básicos, como el agua subterránea. En las Canarias están muy bien representados tanto los rifts típicos de los estadios juveniles de desarrollo en escudo, como los más tardíos, correspondientes a las fases de rejuvenecimiento post-ero sivo. El Rift NE es un buen ejemplo de este último tipo de rifts. El Rift NE se ha desarrollado en tres etapas diferentes separadas por periodos más largos de quiescencia o actividad reducida. La primera

  18. Two different streams form the dorsal visual system: anatomy and functions. (United States)

    Rizzolatti, Giacomo; Matelli, Massimo


    There are two radically different views on the functional role of the dorsal visual stream. One considers it as a system involved in space perception. The other is of a system that codes visual information for action organization. On the basis of new anatomical data and a reconsideration of previous functional and clinical data, we propose that the dorsal stream and its recipient parietal areas form two distinct functional systems: the dorso-dorsal stream (d-d stream) and the ventro-dorsal stream (v-d stream). The d-d stream is formed by area V6 (main d-d extrastriate visual node) and areas V6A and MIP of the superior parietal lobule. Its major functional role is the control of actions "on line". Its damage leads to optic ataxia. The v-d stream is formed by area MT (main v-d extrastriate visual node) and by the visual areas of the inferior parietal lobule. As the d-d stream, v-d stream is responsible for action organization. It, however, also plays a crucial role in space perception and action understanding. The putative mechanisms linking action and perception in the v-d stream is discussed.

  19. The evolution of the dorsal thalamus of jawed vertebrates, including mammals: cladistic analysis and a new hypothesis. (United States)

    Butler, A B


    The evolution of the dorsal thalamus in various vertebrate lineages of jawed vertebrates has been an enigma, partly due to two prevalent misconceptions: the belief that the multitude of nuclei in the dorsal thalamus of mammals could be meaningfully compared neither with the relatively few nuclei in the dorsal thalamus of anamniotes nor with the intermediate number of dorsal thalamic nuclei of other amniotes and a definition of the dorsal thalamus that too narrowly focused on the features of the dorsal thalamus of mammals. The cladistic analysis carried out here allows us to recognize which features are plesiomorphic and which apomorphic for the dorsal thalamus of jawed vertebrates and to then reconstruct the major changes that have occurred in the dorsal thalamus over evolution. Embryological data examined in the context of Von Baerian theory (embryos of later-descendant species resemble the embryos of earlier-descendant species to the point of their divergence) supports a new 'Dual Elaboration Hypothesis' of dorsal thalamic evolution generated from this cladistic analysis. From the morphotype for an early stage in the embryological development of the dorsal thalamus of jawed vertebrates, the divergent, sequential stages of the development of the dorsal thalamus are derived for each major radiation and compared. The new hypothesis holds that the dorsal thalamus comprises two basic divisions--the collothalamus and the lemnothalamus--that receive their predominant input from the midbrain roof and (plesiomorphically) from lemniscal pathways, including the optic tract, respectively. Where present, the collothalamic, midbrain-sensory relay nuclei are homologous to each other in all vertebrate radiations as discrete nuclei. Within the lemnothalamus, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of mammals and the dorsal lateral optic nucleus of non-synapsid amniotes (diapsid reptiles, birds and turtles) are homologous as discrete nuclei; most or all of the ventral nuclear group

  20. Nota editorial: Organización de las labores del Instituto de Higiene Social de Cundinamarca

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    Jorge E. Cavelier


    Full Text Available Con la fundación del Instituo de Higiene Social de Cundinamarca, la lucha contra las enfermedades  intersexuales ha entrado en un terreno que gracias al apoyo entusiasta de las altas autoridades, promete dar frutos de alta trascendencia para los intereses de la sociedad. El concepto estrecho y perjudicial de considerar las enfermedades venéreas como actos que envuelven culpabilidad, esperamos verlo reemplazado por un concepto más. acorde con las ideas de la higiene moderna, la cual las considera en un pie absoluto de igualdad con entidades como la fiebre tifoidea, y por consiguiente los preceptos generales para combatir las enfermedades contagiosas deben aplicárseles, poniendo de lado prejuicio inaceptables en estos tiempos.

  1. Slack KNa Channels Influence Dorsal Horn Synapses and Nociceptive Behavior. (United States)

    Evely, Katherine M; Pryce, Kerri D; Bausch, Anne E; Lukowski, Robert; Ruth, Peter; Haj-Dahmane, Samir; Bhattacharjee, Arin


    The sodium-activated potassium channel Slack (Kcnt1, Slo2.2) is highly expressed in dorsal root ganglion neurons where it regulates neuronal firing. Several studies have implicated the Slack channel in pain processing, but the precise mechanism or the levels within the sensory pathway where channels are involved remain unclear. Here, we furthered the behavioral characterization of Slack channel knockout mice and for the first time examined the role of Slack channels in the superficial, pain-processing lamina of the dorsal horn. We performed whole-cell recordings from spinal cord slices to examine the intrinsic and synaptic properties of putative inhibitory and excitatory lamina II interneurons. Slack channel deletion altered intrinsic properties and synaptic drive to favor an overall enhanced excitatory tone. We measured the amplitudes and paired pulse ratio of paired excitatory post-synaptic currents at primary afferent synapses evoked by electrical stimulation of the dorsal root entry zone. We found a substantial decrease in the paired pulse ratio at synapses in Slack deleted neurons compared to wildtype, indicating increased presynaptic release from primary afferents. Corroborating these data, plantar test showed Slack knockout mice have an enhanced nociceptive responsiveness to localized thermal stimuli compared to wildtype mice. Our findings suggest that Slack channels regulate synaptic transmission within the spinal cord dorsal horn and by doing so establishes the threshold for thermal nociception.

  2. Assessing dorsal scute microchemistry for reconstruction of shortnose sturgeon life histories (United States)

    Altenritter, Matthew E.; Kinnison, Michael T.; Zydlewski, Gayle B.; Secor, David H.; Zydlewski, Joseph D.


    The imperiled status of sturgeons worldwide places priority on the identification and protection of critical habitats. We assessed the micro-structural and micro-chemical scope for a novel calcified structure, dorsal scutes, to be used for reconstruction of past habitat use and group separation in shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). Dorsal scutes contained a dual-layered structure composed of a thin multi-layered translucent zone lying dorsally above a thicker multi-layered zone. Banding in the thick multi-layered zone correlated strongly with pectoral fin spine annuli supporting the presence of chronological structuring that could contain a chemical record of past environmental exposure. Trace element profiles (Sr:Ca), collected using both wavelength dispersive electron microprobe analysis and laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry, suggest scutes record elemental information useful for tracing transitions between freshwater and marine environments. Moreover, mirror-image like Sr:Ca profiles were observed across the dual-zone structuring of the scute that may indicate duplication of the microchemical profile in a single structure. Additional element:calcium ratios measured in natal regions of dorsal scutes (Ba:Ca, Mg:Ca) suggest the potential for further refinement of techniques for identification of river systems of natal origin. In combination, our results provide proof of concept that dorsal scutes possess the necessary properties to be used as structures for reconstructions of past habitat use in sturgeons. Importantly, scutes may be collected non-lethally and with less injury than current structures, like otoliths and fin spines, affording an opportunity for broader application of microchemical techniques.

  3. Uz nestriktas loģikas balstīta lēmumu pieņemšanas sistēma biznesa spēlēs


    Vitkovska, Diāna


    Darbs ir veltīts uz nestriktās loģikas balstītas lēmumu pieľemšanas sistēmas pielietojumam stratēģiju izvēlei biznesa spēlēs. Darbā tika aplūkotas divu personu spēles kā matemātiskais modelis divu uzľēmumu konkurences analīzei. Tika aprakstīta stratēģiju izvēles metode, kas balstās uz nestriktās secinājumu sistēmas, izmanto sistēmas nestrikto ieejas un izejas mainīgo lingvistiskās vērtības un lēmumu pieľemšanas kārtulas un tiek īstenota programmatūras Matlab vidē. Šādas metodes efektivitāte i...


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    Aníbal N. Cassanelli


    Full Text Available En este artículo se pone de manifiesto la importancia del sector de la I+D y su organización fuertemente proyectizada que la convierte en un área clave para la aplicación de metodologías de gestión de proyectos. Se analizan los modelos de procesos de la I+D para proponer un esquema basado en dominios interrelacionados que permite dar pie a la identificación y caracterización de la investigación básica, aplicada, desarrollo e innovación. A partir de ahí, se comparan las competencias entre el gestor de proyectos general y los investigadores principales (gestores de proyectos de I+D de facto. Se concluye que existe una gran diferencia entre conocimientos y competencias requeridos para la gestión. Se muestran las dos tendencias que existen en el sector de I+D y la propuesta de separación del roles y la creación de una nueva figura distintiva del investigador principal que se ocupe de la gestión de proyectos.

  5. Ana?lisis cinemático de la marcha en pacientes con pie zambo tratados mediante el me?todo de Ponseti frente a la te?cnica quiru?rgica de liberacio?n posterior


    Ferrando, A.; Salom Taverner, M.; Page, A.


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste en valorar la evolución de la marcha en niños en edad preadolescente tratados mediante el método de Ponseti frente a los tratados mediante liberación posterior a partir de técnicas de valoración de la marcha mediante análisis biomecánico. Material y Métodos Estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles aprobado por el comité de ética. Grupo 1: 28 niños (39 pies) tratados mediante liberación posterior. Grupo 2: 18 pacientes (31 pies) tratados median...

  6. Short-term plasticity in turtle dorsal horn neurons mediated by L-type Ca2+ channels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Russo, R E; Hounsgaard, J


    Windup--the gradual increase of the response--of dorsal horn neurons to repeated activation of primary afferents is an elementary form of short-term plasticity that may mediate central sensitization to pain. In deep dorsal horn neurons of the turtle spinal cord in vitro we report windup of the re......Windup--the gradual increase of the response--of dorsal horn neurons to repeated activation of primary afferents is an elementary form of short-term plasticity that may mediate central sensitization to pain. In deep dorsal horn neurons of the turtle spinal cord in vitro we report windup...

  7. [Disseminated metastatic tumor at dorsal surface of medulla oblongata presenting intractable hiccups. A case report]. (United States)

    Arishima, Hidetaka; Kikuta, Ken-ichirou


    We report the case of disseminated metastatic tumor at dorsal surface of medulla oblongata presenting intractable hiccups. A 73-year-old man has a history of for metastatic lung tumor of the left tempral lobe. Although 3 surgeries and 4 radiotherapies were performed in the last 8 years, residual tumor grew slowly. He presented with intractable hiccups. His hiccups continued for 30 minutes, sometimes for 3 hours with obstruction of eating. Contrast-enhanced Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging demonstrated the dissemination of metastatic lung tumor at dorsal surface of medulla oblongata and ventral surface of midbrain. Some literatures reported the patients with intractable hiccups caused by dorsal medullary lesions. Therefore, we thought that the small disseminated tumor at dorsal surface of medulla oblongata caused the hiccups. Evaluation of dorsal medullay area by MR imaging is important to reveal the cause of intractable hiccups.

  8. Responses of spinal dorsal horn neurons to foot movements in rats with a sprained ankle (United States)

    Kim, Jae Hyo; Kim, Hee Young; Chung, Kyungsoon


    Acute ankle injuries are common problems and often lead to persistent pain. To investigate the underlying mechanism of ankle sprain pain, the response properties of spinal dorsal horn neurons were examined after ankle sprain. Acute ankle sprain was induced manually by overextending the ankle of a rat hindlimb in a direction of plantarflexion and inversion. The weight-bearing ratio (WBR) of the affected foot was used as an indicator of pain. Single unit activities of dorsal horn neurons in response to plantarflexion and inversion of the foot or ankle compression were recorded from the medial part of the deep dorsal horn, laminae IV-VI, in normal and ankle-sprained rats. One day after ankle sprain, rats showed significantly reduced WBRs on the affected foot, and this reduction was partially restored by systemic morphine. The majority of deep dorsal horn neurons responded to a single ankle stimulus modality. After ankle sprain, the mean evoked response rates were significantly increased, and afterdischarges were developed in recorded dorsal horn neurons. The ankle sprain-induced enhanced evoked responses were significantly reduced by morphine, which was reversed by naltrexone. The data indicate that movement-specific dorsal horn neuron responses were enhanced after ankle sprain in a morphine-dependent manner, thus suggesting that hyperactivity of dorsal horn neurons is an underlying mechanism of pain after ankle sprain. PMID:21389306

  9. Arte y poder político femenino a través del retrato decimonónico: Manuelita Rosas y Dolores Tosta de Santa Anna


    Leonardini Herane, Nanda


    En América Latina, el retrato burgués surge a partir de la Independencia, cuando esta clase, en el poder, comienza a desempeñar un papel decisivo. Es importante precisar que solo a partir de la República las mujeres de los mandatarios empiezan a ser retratadas para establecer su estatus socioeconómico y a veces político. Estudiar detalladamente este tipo de retrato da pie para ver la historia del arte desde un ángulo no tocado: arte, poder y género. El presente artículo aborda dos retratos fe...

  10. Efectos de la hipoxia crónica sobre el desarrollo y reproducción de la rata


    Altland, Paul D.


    En ratas expuestas diariamente, durante cuatro horas, a alturas simuladas de 25,000 pies, el crecimiento fué lento, la pubertad se retrasó y el lapso de vida se redujo en 50%. Exposiciones diarias a 25,000 pies, producen severa lesión del testículo, lo cual no mejora con la aclimatación. La reproducción estaba completamente inhibida en ambos sexos. A 18,000 pies la reproducción se produce con reducida eficiencia. El tamaño reducido de las crías fué relacionado con un número disminuido de impl...

  11. Lead exposure and biological effects in pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) before and after the closure of a lead mine in northern Sweden

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berglund, A.M.M.; Ingvarsson, P.K.; Danielsson, H.; Nyholm, N.E.I.


    Mining activities affect the surrounding environment by increasing exposure to metals. In this study, metal accumulation and its effects on reproduction and health of pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nestlings were monitored before and up to five years after a lead mine and enrichment plant closed down. The lead concentration in moss, nestling blood, liver and feces all indicated decreased lead exposure by at least 31% after closure, although only blood lead decreased significantly. Although the birds responded fairly well to the changed atmospheric deposition (based on moss samples), concentrations were still higher compared with birds in a reference area, and breeding was affected at the mine (smaller clutches and higher mortality). Surviving nestlings suffered from lower hemoglobin levels, mean cell hemoglobin concentrations and inhibited δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity. Lead poisoning contributed to poor health and adverse reproductive effects, but other factors (e.g. increased parasitic load) probably also affected the birds. - Increased mortality and lower blood values in pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nestlings near a closed lead mine.

  12. En los zapatos del que sufre. Aproximaciones epistemológicas y éticas a los ex Centros Clandestinos de Detención. O ¿con qué calzado visitar un campo de concentración?

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    Estela Schindel


    Full Text Available Este artículo se ocupa del problema del acceso a los ex centros clandestinos de detención (CCD de la dictadura argentina como objeto de investigación a partir de la figura del calzado. El acceso a los mismos se toma como metáfora para explorar el abordaje ético y epistemológico de estos lugares, pero también de manera literal: ¿Cómo, cuándo y hasta dónde poner el pie en ellos? Se exponen los modos en que en otros contextos históricos el zapato aparece como índice metonímico de la subjetividad y la identidad individual —o de su destrucción— y se destaca la perspectiva urbana del pisar y el caminar como modo de valorizar los afectos y las prácticas, en contraposición al paradigma planificador o a la imaginación cartográfica.

  13. Colgajo sural reverso en pacientes pediátricos: experiencia de 6 años Reverse sural flap in pediatric patients: 6 years experience

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    S. De la Cruz Reyes


    Full Text Available Entre las técnicas reconstructivas de miembros inferiores se encuentra el colgajo neurocutáneo de flujo reverso utilizando el paquete neurovascular sural, técnica conocida pero con escasa experiencia publicada en infantes. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar y analizar 10 casos clínicos en los que se utilizó el colgajo sural reverso en pacientes de edad pediátrica. Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y observacional, que incluye a todos los pacientes menores de 16 años a los que se les realizó una reconstrucción con colgajo sural reverso durante el período comprendido entre marzo del 2004 y abril del 2010 en el Centenario Hospital Miguel Hidalgo de Aguascalientes, México. Se incluyeron 10 casos con una mediana de edad de 10 años (rango de 3 a 15 años, 6 masculinos y 4 femeninos. El mecanismo del trauma en 6 de los casos fue por lesión en motocicleta, en 2 paientes atropello por automóvil, 1 caso por lesión en bicicleta y 1 caso con lesión por proyectil de arma de fuego. Las áreas afectadas fueron región dorsal del pie en 5 casos, región calcánea en 4 casos, y una lesión maleolar externa. La mediana del diámetro de las superficies afectadas fue de de 8.8 cm. Tres pacientes presentaron complicaciones postoperatorias menores, 2 epidermólisis distales y 1 dehiscencia parcial del colgajo. No se presentó ninguna complicación grave ni hubo perdidas de colgajos. Los resultados fueron considerados como favorables en el 100 % de los pacientes al término del seguimiento. La técnica de reconstrucción del miembro inferior, específicamente en el caso de lesiones en pie, con colgajo neurocutáneo sural en isla de flujo reverso es, a nuestro juicio, una opción eficaz de tratamiento también para pacientes pediátricos.Among the lower leg reconstructive techniques, the reverse sural neurocutaneous flap is a well known technical option, with little experience reported in infants. Our aim is the pesentation and

  14. Dorsal onlay vaginal graft urethroplasty for female urethral stricture

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    Manmeet Singh


    Full Text Available Introduction: Female urethral stricture is an underdiagnosed and overlooked cause of female bladder outlet obstruction. The possible etiologies may be infection, prior dilation, difficult catheterization with subsequent fibrosis, urethral surgery, trauma, or idiopathic. We present our technique and results of dorsal onlay full thickness vaginal graft urethroplasty for female urethral stricture. Materials and Methods: A retrospective review was performed on 16 female patients with mid-urethral stricture who underwent dorsal onlay vaginal graft urethroplasty from January 2007 to June 2011.Of these, 13 patients had previously undergone multiple Hegar dilatations, three had previous internal urethrotomies. The preoperative work up included detailed voiding history, local examination, uroflowmetry, calibration, and micturating cystourethrogram. Results: All patients had mid-urethral stricture. Mean age was 47.5 years. Mean Q max improved from 6.2 to 27.6 ml/s. Mean residual volume decreased from 160 to 20 ml. Mean duration of follow-up was 24.5 months (6 months to 3 years. Only one patient required self-calibration for 6 months after which her stricture stabilized. None of the patient was incontinent. Conclusion: Dorsal vaginal onlay graft urethroplasty could be considered as an effective way to treat female urethral stricture.

  15. The functional anatomy of speech perception: Dorsal and ventral processing pathways (United States)

    Hickok, Gregory


    Drawing on recent developments in the cortical organization of vision, and on data from a variety of sources, Hickok and Poeppel (2000) have proposed a new model of the functional anatomy of speech perception. The model posits that early cortical stages of speech perception involve auditory fields in the superior temporal gyrus bilaterally (although asymmetrically). This cortical processing system then diverges into two broad processing streams, a ventral stream, involved in mapping sound onto meaning, and a dorsal stream, involved in mapping sound onto articulatory-based representations. The ventral stream projects ventrolaterally toward inferior posterior temporal cortex which serves as an interface between sound and meaning. The dorsal stream projects dorsoposteriorly toward the parietal lobe and ultimately to frontal regions. This network provides a mechanism for the development and maintenance of ``parity'' between auditory and motor representations of speech. Although the dorsal stream represents a tight connection between speech perception and speech production, it is not a critical component of the speech perception process under ecologically natural listening conditions. Some degree of bi-directionality in both the dorsal and ventral pathways is also proposed. A variety of recent empirical tests of this model have provided further support for the proposal.

  16. Parámetros y valores genéticos para características de composición corporal, área de ojo del lomo y grasa dorsal medidos mediante ultrasonido en la raza Brahman

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    A. Jiménez


    Full Text Available El ganado Brahman en Colombia es el de mayor participación como raza pura paraproducción de carne, y tiene gran influencia en el ganado comercial. Hasta el momento,Asocebu ha realizado evaluaciones genéticas para características de crecimiento,pero aún no se han realizado para características de la canal. El objetivo de este trabajofue determinar parámetros genéticos (heredabilidades y correlaciones, y valores genéticos(DEP para área de ojo del lomo (AOL, grasa dorsal (GD, profundidad delmúsculo glúteo medio (PMGM y grasa del anca (GA. Fueron medidos por medio deultrasonido un total de 934 animales puros, hijos de 164 toros que se encontraban enun rango de edad de 15 a 18 meses. Para los análisis se crearon grupos contemporáneosteniendo en cuenta la época, el sexo y el manejo alimenticio. Se realizó un análisis univariadousando un modelo reproductor, teniendo en cuenta el grupo contemporáneo(animales del mismo sexo, de la misma época y en el mismo manejo alimenticio, laedad fue tomada como covariable y la finca fue incluida en el modelo. Las heredabilidadesfueron 0,37 ± 0,11; 0,29 ± 0,10; 0,26 ± 0,10 y 0,11 ± 0,09 para AOL, GD,PMGM y GA respectivamente. Las DEP para AOL variaron de -2,84 a 3,43; para GDde -0,372 a 0,235; para PMGM de -0,187 a 0,235, y para GD de -0,176 a 0,298. Lascorrelaciones genéticas fueron positivas y altas indicando que la selección por musculaturano afecta el grado de acabado. Este trabajo mostró que en ganado Brahman puroexiste variación genética para las características medidas por ultrasonido relacionadascon la canal, lo cual permitirá tenerlas en cuenta en el programa de mejoramientogenético de la raza Brahman en Colombia.

  17. Aplicabilidad de la termometría digital por infrarrojos en la valoración vascular del pie


    Rayo Rosado, Rafael


    La temperatura corporal es un parámetro muy utilizado a la hora de establecer un juicio clínico en diversos procesos patológicos. La medición de la temperatura con fines diagnósticos o termometría clínica, es sin duda una de las pruebas complementarias más frecuente que se realiza en los procesos de salud. Al hablar de termometría, se nos viene a la cabeza el uso de termómetros con la finalidad de conocer la temperatura corporal del sujeto y determinar si existen procesos febriles. Sin embarg...

  18. Calcium activity of upper thoracic dorsal root ganglion neurons in zucker diabetic Fatty rats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ghorbani, Marie Louise; Nyborg, Niels C B; Fjalland, Bjarne


    The aim of the present study was to examine the calcium activity of C8-T5 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons from Zucker diabetic fatty rats. In total, 8 diabetic ZDF fatty animals and 8 age-matched control ZDF lean rats were employed in the study. C8-T5 dorsal root ganglia were isolated bilatera......The aim of the present study was to examine the calcium activity of C8-T5 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons from Zucker diabetic fatty rats. In total, 8 diabetic ZDF fatty animals and 8 age-matched control ZDF lean rats were employed in the study. C8-T5 dorsal root ganglia were isolated...... in calcium activity of the DRG neurons were found, potentially indicating altered neuronal responses during myocardial ischemia....

  19. Lo que está bajo nuestros pies

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    Paula C. de A. Maria Castelhano


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se pretende demostrar cómo el estudio del comportamiento de las ondas sísmicas llevó a la construcción del modelo físico de la estructura interna de la Tierra en diferentes capas concéntricas. Los modelos analógicos en educación de la ciencias son instrumentos esenciales que hacen los conocimientos científicos más comprensible, facilitando la comprensión de conceptos abstractos y favoreciendo así el interés de los estudiantes.

  20. Comparación de tres técnicas de trazado retrógrado para la identificación del origen espinal del nervio ciático en ratón.

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    Myriam L. Velandia


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se compararon tres técnicas para la aplicación de dos tipos de trazadores retrógrados fluorescentes (Dil y Fluorogold, con el fin de identificar las neuronas motoras y sensoriales que contribuyen con fibras al nervio ciático en ratones adultos. Se ensayó la aplicación de cristales directamente en el nervio, la inyección intraneural y la impregnación del nervio seccionado usando una cámara de silicona. La localización específica de las neuronas motoras en la médula espinal y las neuronas sensoriales en los ganglios de la raíz dorsal que aportan al nervio ciático de ratón se logró aplicando el Fluorogold mediante una cámara en el cabo proximal de los nervios previamente seccionados. Al utilizar el trazador Dil, la misma técnica no permitió hacer la identificación específica de las neuronas. Se encontró que al nervio ciático de ratón podrían contribuir el ganglio de la raíz dorsal más rostrales que los informados para ratas. Estos resultados muestran que la metodología de aplicación de neurotrazadores en cápsula y la descalcificación de tejidos es útil para la localización de neuronas de ganglios de raíz dorsal y de la médula espinal que componen el nervio ciático de ratón adulto, lo que en el futuro permitirá obtener mayor información sobre la neuroanatomía básica del ratón.

  1. A case of dorsal oblique fingertip amputation. (United States)

    Takeda, Shinsuke; Tatebe, Masahiro; Morita, Akimasa; Yoneda, Hidemasa; Iwatsuki, Katsuyuki; Hirata, Hitoshi


    This study reports successful finger replantation in a patient with a dorsal oblique fingertip amputation. When repairing this unique type of injury, an evaluation of the remaining vessels is more useful for successful replantation than the anatomical zone classification. We propose that Kasai's classification is appropriate for guiding treatment.

  2. Dorsal stream involvement in recognition of objects with transient onset but not with ramped onset

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lourenco Tomas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although the ventral visual stream is understood to be responsible for object recognition, it has been proposed that the dorsal stream may contribute to object recognition by rapidly activating parietal attention mechanisms, prior to ventral stream object processing. Methods To investigate the relative contribution of the dorsal visual stream to object recognition a group of tertiary students were divided into good and poor motion coherence groups and assessed on tasks classically assumed to rely on ventral stream processing. Participants were required to identify simple line drawings in two tasks, one where objects were presented abruptly for 50 ms followed by a white-noise mask, the other where contrast was linearly ramped on and off over 325 ms and replaced with a mask. Results Although both groups only differed in motion coherence performance (a dorsal stream measure, the good motion coherence group showed superior contrast sensitivity for object recognition on the abrupt, but not the ramped presentation tasks. Conclusions We propose that abrupt presentation of objects activated attention mechanisms fed by the dorsal stream, whereas the ramped presentation had reduced transience and thus did not activate dorsal attention mechanisms as well. The results suggest that rapid dorsal stream activation may be required to assist with ventral stream object processing.

  3. Asociación de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en región cervical, dorsal y lumbar y factores de riesgo psicosocial en conductores de vehículos de carga en una empresa de transporte terrestre en Bogotá, Colombia.


    Bolívar Cuellar, Johana


    Este estudio buscó evaluar la asociación de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en región cervical, dorsal y lumbar identificados mediante el Cuestionario Nórdico en su versión validada al español y los factores de riesgo psicosocial con el Cuestionario del contenido del trabajo (JCQ), en conductores de vehículos de carga de una empresa de transporte terrestre en Bogotá, Colombia; fue un estudio de corte transversal con la participación voluntaria de 125 conductores. Los resultados demostraron m...

  4. Comparison of ATF and TJ-II stellarator equilibria as computed by the 3-D VMEC and PIES codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, J.L.; Monticello, D.A.; Reiman, A.H.; Hirshman, S.P.


    A comparison is made of results from the PIES code, which determines the equilibrium properties of three-dimensional toroidal configurations by direct integration along the magnetic field lines, with those from the VMEC code, which uses an energy minimization in a flux representation to determine the equilibrium configuration, for two devices: the ATF stellarator at Oak Ridge and the TJ-11 heliac which is being built in Madrid. The results obtained from the two codes are in good agreement, providing additional validation for the codes

  5. Diagnosis of dorsal inter osseous pseudotumours by magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peh, W.C.G.; Wong, L.L.S.; Ip, W.Y.


    Two middle-aged-patients each presenting with a progressively enlarging mass in the first dorsal web space of their hands are reported. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated the cause to be a hypertrophic first dorsal inter osseous muscle, with normal T1, T2 and post-gadopentetate dimeglumine signal characteristics. The ability of MRI to diagnose anatomical variants of hand muscles is important in the clinical management of patients with these pseudotumours. The usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluation of soft tissue tumours of the musculoskeletal system is now widely accepted. Its ability to maximize contrast between tumour and adjacent normal tissue in a multiplanar manner makes it the imaging modality of choice in pre-operative staging of soft tissue masses. In the hand and wrist, where benign tumours predominate, MRI may provide a specific diagnosis. We describe two cases in which MRI demonstrated the cause of a hand pseudotumour to be due to hypertrophy of the first dorsal inter osseous muscle. Copyright (1999) Blackwell Science Pty Ltd

  6. Diagnosis of dorsal inter osseous pseudotumours by magnetic resonance imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peh, W.C.G.; Wong, L.L.S. [The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, (Hong Kong). Hand Surgery Division, Department of Diagnotic Radiology; Ip, W.Y. [The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, (Hong Kong). Hand Surgery Division, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery


    Two middle-aged-patients each presenting with a progressively enlarging mass in the first dorsal web space of their hands are reported. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated the cause to be a hypertrophic first dorsal inter osseous muscle, with normal T1, T2 and post-gadopentetate dimeglumine signal characteristics. The ability of MRI to diagnose anatomical variants of hand muscles is important in the clinical management of patients with these pseudotumours. The usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluation of soft tissue tumours of the musculoskeletal system is now widely accepted. Its ability to maximize contrast between tumour and adjacent normal tissue in a multiplanar manner makes it the imaging modality of choice in pre-operative staging of soft tissue masses. In the hand and wrist, where benign tumours predominate, MRI may provide a specific diagnosis. We describe two cases in which MRI demonstrated the cause of a hand pseudotumour to be due to hypertrophy of the first dorsal inter osseous muscle. Copyright (1999) Blackwell Science Pty Ltd 20 refs., 3 figs.

  7. Determinacion de periodos fundamentales del suelo mediante vibraciones ambientales en el municipio de Humacao, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Cintron Aponte, Rommel

    La tecnica de Nakamura ha sido utilizada a nivel mundial para determinar periodos fundamentales del suelo. La tecnica consiste en calcular y graficar cocientes espectrales H/V de vibraciones ambientales registradas sobre el suelo. Mediciones de vibraciones ambientales fueron tomadas en 151 lugares dentro del municipio de Humacao, localizado al este de Puerto Rico. Los datos se procesaron utilizando espectros de Fourier y espectros de potencia. La tecnica fue validada al compararla con los resultados de cocientes espectrales H/V de registros de sismos debiles y tambien con una modelacion numerica realizada con datos de un ensayo "downhole". Las graficas de los cocientes espectrales H/V fueron divididas en casos y grupos, los cuales dependen de la facilidad para identificar el periodo fundamental pico y amplitudes en frecuencias menores de 1 Hz, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos con ambos espectros fueron comparados y se concluye que los mismos se complementan para proveer resultados mas confiables. Se crearon mapas de periodos fundamentales, factores de amplitud, isoperiodos y clasificacion sismica de sitio. Los mapas de isoperiodos fueron realizados en las zonas mas pobladas sobre depositos de suelo. El mapa de periodos fundamentales del suelo mostro buena correlacion con la geologia local. El mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de periodos de sitio fue comparado con el mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de barrenos geotecnicos. El mapa de clasificacion obtenido de periodos puede sobreestimar un poco algunas clasificaciones del suelo. Sin embargo, este mapa puede proveer un estimado aproximado de la velocidad de onda de corte promedio del suelo hasta una profundidad de 100 pies (30 metros).

  8. Identificación de Yarrowia lipolytica (Ascomycota: Hemiascomycetes como contaminante en la obtención de amplificados del gen 28S rRNA de moluscos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jenny Chirinos


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se identifica una secuencia de DNA no esperada proveniente de los amplificados del gen 28S rRNA de moluscos terrestres. Las extracciones de DNA se realizaron del tejido del pie de caracoles terrestres por el método del CTAB modificado. Las PCRs fueron llevadas a cabo con primers universales para el gen COI e iniciadores diseñados para moluscos, para el marcador 16S rRNA, 28S rRNA y la región ITS-2. Los tamaños aproximados de las bandas de los amplificados de moluscos fueron de 706 pb para el COI, 330 pb para el 16S rRNA, 900 pb para el ITS-2 y 583 pb para el 28S rRNA; un amplificado del último marcador fue de una longitud inesperada, ~340 pb. Las secuencias de DNA fueron comparadas con la base de datos del GenBank mediante el programa BLASTn y la muestra con la banda de tamaño inesperado resultó en un 100% de identidad y cobertura del 99% con el gen 26S rRNA de la levadura Yarrowia lipolytica. El análisis filogenético con Neighbour-Joining y los valores de divergencia confirmaron la identificación, proporcionando resultados que apoyan la ubicación taxonómica de la especie dentro del clado de los Hemiascomycetes.

  9. Persistent dorsal ophthalmic artery arising from the internal carotid artery: Report of three cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Jae Hwan; Lee, Ghi Jai; Shim, Jae Chan; Lee, Kyoung Eun; Kim, Ho Kyun; Suh, Jung Ho [Dept. of Radiology, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Normally, the ophthalmic artery (OA) arises from the supraclinoid segment of the internal carotid artery (ICA) and enters the orbit via the optic canal. A persistent dorsal OA is a rare variation that originates from the cavernous segment of the ICA and enters the orbit via the superior orbital fissure. To the best of our knowledge, persistent dorsal OA has not been described in the Korean literature. In this paper, we report three cases of persistent dorsal OA with review of the literature on embryogenesis and other origins of the OA.

  10. Dorsal onlay graft bulbar urethroplasty using buccal mucosa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    G. Barbagli


    Dec 2, 2015 ... promote the transformation of the urethral mucosa plate into a tube, according to ... Allen stirrups and sequential inflatable compression sleeves. Figure 2 .... the ventral, dorsal or lateral surface of the urethra, we investigated if.

  11. Tres caixes plenes d'art: Tàpies, Miró i Picasso

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    Lourdes Martín-Herrero


    Full Text Available Tres caixes plenes d’art és el resultat d’un projecte dut a terme durant cinc mesos del curs escolar 2008/2009, gràcies a l’adjudicació d’una llicència d’estudis retribuïda pel Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya. El punt de partida en les tres caixes és l’art a l’escola, en concret en el parvulari. L’art com a epicentre del qual es teixeix una xarxa amb tots els aspectes del currículum, que conformen la globalitat dels nens i nenes com a persones. Així, a grans trets, podríem dir que, amb el conjunt del treball dels tres artistes esmentats i el dels tres eixos temàtics triats (les textures i els materials de l’entorn, els símbols i els colors, els sentiments i les emocions, al llarg del cicle d’educació infantil, aprofundim en la descoberta de l’entorn, en la comunicació i llenguatges i en la descoberta d’un mateix i dels altres.

  12. Investigating category- and shape-selective neural processing in ventral and dorsal visual stream under interocular suppression. (United States)

    Ludwig, Karin; Kathmann, Norbert; Sterzer, Philipp; Hesselmann, Guido


    Recent behavioral and neuroimaging studies using continuous flash suppression (CFS) have suggested that action-related processing in the dorsal visual stream might be independent of perceptual awareness, in line with the "vision-for-perception" versus "vision-for-action" distinction of the influential dual-stream theory. It remains controversial if evidence suggesting exclusive dorsal stream processing of tool stimuli under CFS can be explained by their elongated shape alone or by action-relevant category representations in dorsal visual cortex. To approach this question, we investigated category- and shape-selective functional magnetic resonance imaging-blood-oxygen level-dependent responses in both visual streams using images of faces and tools. Multivariate pattern analysis showed enhanced decoding of elongated relative to non-elongated tools, both in the ventral and dorsal visual stream. The second aim of our study was to investigate whether the depth of interocular suppression might differentially affect processing in dorsal and ventral areas. However, parametric modulation of suppression depth by varying the CFS mask contrast did not yield any evidence for differential modulation of category-selective activity. Together, our data provide evidence for shape-selective processing under CFS in both dorsal and ventral stream areas and, therefore, do not support the notion that dorsal "vision-for-action" processing is exclusively preserved under interocular suppression. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. A case of dorsal oblique fingertip amputation


    Takeda, Shinsuke; Tatebe, Masahiro; Morita, Akimasa; Yoneda, Hidemasa; Iwatsuki, Katsuyuki; Hirata, Hitoshi


    Abstract This study reports successful finger replantation in a patient with a dorsal oblique fingertip amputation. When repairing this unique type of injury, an evaluation of the remaining vessels is more useful for successful replantation than the anatomical zone classification. We propose that Kasai?s classification is appropriate for guiding treatment.

  14. Bulbar urethroplasty using the dorsal approach: current techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbagli Guido


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: The use of flaps or grafts is mandatory in patients with longer and complex strictures. In 1995-96 we described a new dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty. Over time, our original technique was better defined and changed. Now this procedure (also named Barbagli technique has been greeted with a fair amount of enthusiasm in Europe and in the United States. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: The patient is placed in normal lithotomy position, and a midline perineo-scrotal incision is made. The bulbar urethra is then free from the bulbo-cavernous muscles, and is dissected from the corpora cavernosa. The urethra is completely mobilized from the corpora cavernosa, it is rotated 180 degrees, and is incised along its dorsal surface. The graft (preputial skin or buccal mucosa or the flap is fixed and quilted to the tunica albuginea of the corporal bodies. The right mucosal margin of the opened urethra is sutured to the right side of the patch-graft. The urethra is rotated back into its original position. The left urethral margin is sutured to the left side of the patch graft and to the corporal bodies, and the grafted area is entirely covered by the urethral plate. The bulbo-cavernous muscles are approximated over the grafted area. A 16F silicone Foley catheter is left in place. COMMENTS: Dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty is a versatile procedure that may be combined with various substitute materials like preputial skin, buccal mucosa grafts or pedicled flaps.

  15. Inferred residual gaps for IFA-527 rods, compared to PIE measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanning, D.D.


    The NRC-sponsored assembly IFA-527 contained six xenon-filled rods, each instrumented with fuel thermocouples at each end. Five of the six rods contained stable UO 2 fuel pellets with a fabricated diametral gap size of 230 microns. The rods were unique among instrumented test rods in that their lifetime peak powers were quite low (less than 20 kW/m). The assembly was removed at low exposure (about 2 MWd/kgM) due to pressure seal failures. The prefailure measured fuel temperatures in the five identical rods were quite similar, and indicated an effective fuel relocation of about 30 to 35 percent of the as-fabricated gap. Examination of rod cross sections in PIE, however, reveals virtually no reduction in the as-fabricated gap. In an attempt to reconcile these two observations, it is demonstrated that pellet eccentricity could account for the inferred effective relocation for these xenon-filled rods. That analysis is extended to an estimate of the proper effective relocation value for low-powered He-filled rods

  16. PepsiCo un to piedāvāto produktu virzišanai izmantoto mārketinga komunikāciju pilnveidošanas iespējas.


    Bičihina, Justīne


    Bakalaura darba „PepsiCo un to piedāvāto produktu virzīšanai izmantoto mārketinga komunikāciju pilnveidošanas iespējas” mērķis ir - pamatojoties uz teorētiskām atziņām un autores veiktā pētījuma rezultātiem, izpētīt uzņēmuma darbību un tā izmantotos mārketinga komunikāciju veidus, ņemot vēra PepsiCo plašo zīmolu produktu skaitu, ko piedāvā uzņēmums, kā arī atklāt nepilnības un sniegt priekšlikumus to novēršanai. Darbs sastāv no teorētiskās daļas, kas ietver mārketinga komunikāciju uzskaiti un...

  17. La respuesta cardiorrespiratoria durante la segunda transición del triatlón: revisión. (Cardiorespiratory response during second transition in triathlon: review.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro José Benito Peinado


    Full Text Available Resumen El triatlón es un deporte de resistencia que combina sucesivamente natación, ciclismo y carrera a pie. Como en otros deportes de estas características, la capacidad aeróbica máxima y la posibilidad de mantener una fracción alta del consumo de oxígeno máximo durante la competición son determinantes para el éxito. Ahora bien, el triatlón posee algunas peculiaridades, y la segunda transición es un momento clave, pues la capacidad para enlazar las etapas de ciclismo y carrera es determinante para el rendimiento, ya que la respuesta cardiorrespiratoria durante la carrera a pie de un triatlón se ve aumentada por diversos factores. Así, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar las explicaciones que se han planteado para justificar la respuesta cardiorrespiratoria específica de la segunda transición del triatlón, comenzando por el “drift” cardiovascular y respiratorio, y terminando por los estudios que han abordado el entrenamiento específico de la segunda transición.Palabras clave: triatlón; sucesión ciclismo-carrera; drift cardiovascular; coste metabólico; resistencia; fatiga respiratoria.Abstract Triahtlon is an endurance sport consisting of sequential swimming, cycling and running. As in other sports with similar characteristics, maximal aerobic capacity and the possibility to sustain high percentages of maximal oxygen uptake during competition are decisive to be successful. However, triathlon has some peculiarities, and the second transition is a key moment, because the ability to link cycling and running sectors is decisive for performance, as cardiorespiratory response during runing is increased by different factors. Thus, the aim of the present work was to review the explanations that have been considered to justify the specific cardiorespiratoy response during cycling-running succession in triathlon, from cardiovascular and ventilatory drift, to the studies that treat on specific traning adaptations during

  18. Situación de riesgo por la presencia de COP: evidencias del problema y escenarios de solución

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    Berenice Ochoa Nogales


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan resultados preliminares del proyecto de investigación titulado “Desarrollo de una metodología que permita llevar a cabo el inventario, caracterización y verificación de sitios potencialmente contaminados con Compuestos Orgánicos Persistentes (COP en las principales zonas agrícolas del estado de Sonora”. Primero, se destacan algunos planteamientos que emergen de la sociedad del riesgo respecto a la problemática ambiental en general y a la de los COP en particular. Después, se realiza una aproximación a la problemática por COP que dio pie al Convenio de Estocolmo, las evidencias de tal problema en México, en Sonora y las obligaciones que se asumen al suscribirse a tal convenio. A nivel nacional, el énfasis se coloca en el análisis de la normativa ambiental vinculada a tóxicos; y, a nivel estatal, en mostrar evidencias de la presencia de COP y su impacto en el ambiente y la salud humana. Para terminar, se reflexiona en torno a los retos y áreas de oportunidad que para México significa el atender la problemática por COP de seguirse los lineamientos internacionales, la normativa oficial y lo que sugiere el análisis desde la perspectiva del riesgo.

  19. A novel function for the IκB inhibitor Cactus in promoting Dorsal nuclear localization and activity in the Drosophila embryo. (United States)

    Cardoso, Maira Arruda; Fontenele, Marcio; Lim, Bomyi; Bisch, Paulo Mascarello; Shvartsman, Stanislav Y; Araujo, Helena Marcolla


    The evolutionarily conserved Toll signaling pathway controls innate immunity across phyla and embryonic patterning in insects. In the Drosophila embryo, Toll is required to establish gene expression domains along the dorsal-ventral axis. Pathway activation induces degradation of the IκB inhibitor Cactus, resulting in a ventral-to-dorsal nuclear gradient of the NFκB effector Dorsal. Here, we investigate how cactus modulates Toll signals through its effects on the Dorsal gradient and on Dorsal target genes. Quantitative analysis using a series of loss- and gain-of-function conditions shows that the ventral and lateral aspects of the Dorsal gradient can behave differently with respect to Cactus fluctuations. In lateral and dorsal embryo domains, loss of Cactus allows more Dorsal to translocate to the nucleus. Unexpectedly, cactus loss-of-function alleles decrease Dorsal nuclear localization ventrally, where Toll signals are high. Overexpression analysis suggests that this ability of Cactus to enhance Toll stems from the mobilization of a free Cactus pool induced by the Calpain A protease. These results indicate that Cactus acts to bolster Dorsal activation, in addition to its role as a NFκB inhibitor, ensuring a correct response to Toll signals. © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  20. Monosynaptic connections between primary afferents and giant neurons in the turtle spinal dorsal horn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fernández, A; Radmilovich, M; Russo, R E


    This paper reports the occurrence of monosynaptic connections between dorsal root afferents and a distinct cell type-the giant neuron-deep in the dorsal horn of the turtle spinal cord. Light microscope studies combining Nissl stain and transganglionic HRP-labeling of the primary afferents have...

  1. Anatomy and muscle activity of the dorsal fins in bamboo sharks and spiny dogfish during turning maneuvers. (United States)

    Maia, Anabela; Wilga, Cheryl D


    Stability and procured instability characterize two opposing types of swimming, steady and maneuvering, respectively. Fins can be used to manipulate flow to adjust stability during swimming maneuvers either actively using muscle control or passively by structural control. The function of the dorsal fins during turning maneuvering in two shark species with different swimming modes is investigated here using musculoskeletal anatomy and muscle function. White-spotted bamboo sharks are a benthic species that inhabits complex reef habitats and thus have high requirements for maneuverability. Spiny dogfish occupy a variety of coastal and continental shelf habitats and spend relatively more time cruising in open water. These species differ in dorsal fin morphology and fin position along the body. Bamboo sharks have a larger second dorsal fin area and proportionally more muscle insertion into both dorsal fins. The basal and radial pterygiophores are plate-like structures in spiny dogfish and are nearly indistinguishable from one another. In contrast, bamboo sharks lack basal pterygiophores, while the radial pterygiophores form two rows of elongated rectangular elements that articulate with one another. The dorsal fin muscles are composed of a large muscle mass that extends over the ceratotrichia overlying the radials in spiny dogfish. However, in bamboo sharks, the muscle mass is divided into multiple distinct muscles that insert onto the ceratotrichia. During turning maneuvers, the dorsal fin muscles are active in both species with no differences in onset between fin sides. Spiny dogfish have longer burst durations on the outer fin side, which is consistent with opposing resistance to the medium. In bamboo sharks, bilateral activation of the dorsal in muscles could also be stiffening the fin throughout the turn. Thus, dogfish sharks passively stiffen the dorsal fin structurally and functionally, while bamboo sharks have more flexible dorsal fins, which result from a

  2. Posture And Dorsal Shape At A Sitted Workstation (United States)

    Lepoutre, F. X.; Cloup, P.; Guerra, T. M.


    The ergonomic analysis of a control or a supervision workstation for a vehicle or a process, necessitates to take into account the biomecanical visuo-postural system. The measurements, which are necessary to do, must give informations about the spatial direction of the limbs, the dorsal shape, eventually the eyes direction, and the postural evolution during the working time. More, the smallness of the work station, the backrest and sometime a vibratory environment made use specific, strong and small devices wich do not disturb the operator. The measurement system which we propose is made of an optical device. This system is studied in relation with the french "Institute de Recherche pour les Transports" for an ergonomic analysis of a truck cabin. The optical device consists on placing on the body of the driver on particular places materializing specially members and trunck joint points, some drops which reflect the infra-red raies coming from a specific light. Several cameras whose relative positions depend on the experiment site, transmit video signals to the associated treatment systems which extract the coordinates (Xi, Yi) of each drop in the observation scope of any camera. By regrouping the informations obtained from every view, it is possible to obtain the spatial drop position and then to restore the individual's posture in three dimensions. Therefore, this device doesn't enable us, in consideration of the backrest, to analyse the dorsal posture, which is important with regard to dorsal pains frequency. For that reason, we complete the measurements by using a "curvometer". This device consists of a flexible stick fixed upon the individual back with elastic belts, whose distorsions (curvature in m-1) are measured, in the individual's sagittal plane, with 4 strain gauges pairs; located approximately at the level of vertebra D1, D6, D10 and L3. A fifth measurement, concerning the inclination (in degree) of the lower part of the stick, makes it is possible to

  3. Dorsal Branches of Abdominal Aorta in the Rabbit and the European Hare

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flešárová S.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical arrangement of the branches arising from the dorsal surface of the aorta abdominalis in the rabbit and the hare. The study was carried out on ten adult rabbits and ten adult European hares using the corrosion technique. After the euthanasia, the vascular network was perfused with saline. After polymerization of the casting medium, the maceration was carried out in a KOH solution. We found different variations in; the number of arteries, level of their origin and arrangement. The aa. lumbales of the same level arose by means of a common trunk or their origin was independent. The aa. lumbales VI or aa. lumbales VI et VII originated also from the a. sacralis mediana. By aa. lumbales we found an important interspecies difference in; number, diameter, ramification and density of dorsal branches, which are designated for the dorsal muscles of the body stem. All listed parameters of branches were higher in the hare. This anatomical arrangement of dorsal branches is adapted to the higher movement activity of the hare. According to our results, it can be concluded that the anatomical arrangement of the branches of the aorta abdominalis shows a higher number of variations in the domesticated rabbit in comparison with the hare.

  4. Dorsal free graft urethroplasty for urethral stricture by ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach. (United States)

    Asopa, H S; Garg, M; Singhal, G G; Singh, L; Asopa, J; Nischal, A


    To explore the feasibility of applying a dorsal free graft to treat urethral stricture by the ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach without mobilizing the urethra. Twelve patients with long or multiple strictures of the anterior urethra were treated by a dorsal free full-thickness preputial or buccal mucosa graft. The urethra was not separated from the corporal bodies and was opened in the midline over the stricture. The floor of the urethra was incised, and an elliptical raw area was created over the tunica on which a free full-thickness graft of preputial or buccal mucosa was secured. The urethra was retubularized in one stage. After a follow-up of 8 to 40 months, one recurrence developed and required dilation. The ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach for dorsal free graft urethroplasty is not only feasible and successful, but is easy to perform.

  5. Dorsal onlay lingual mucosal graft urethroplasty for urethral strictures in women. (United States)

    Sharma, Girish K; Pandey, Ashwani; Bansal, Harbans; Swain, Sameer; Das, Suren K; Trivedi, Sameer; Dwivedi, Udai S; Singh, Pratap B


    To describe the technique and results of dorsal onlay lingual mucosal graft (LMG) urethroplasty for the definitive management of urethral strictures in women. In all, 15 women (mean age 42 years) with a history suggestive of urethral stricture who had undergone multiple urethral dilatations and/or urethrotomy were selected for dorsal onlay LMG urethroplasty after thorough evaluation, from October 2006 to March 2008. After a suprameatal inverted-U incision, the dorsal aspect of the urethra was dissected and urethrotomy was done at the 12 o'clock position across the strictured segment. Tailored LMG harvested from the ventrolateral aspect of the tongue was then sutured to the urethrotomy wound over an 18 F silicone catheter. The preoperative mean maximum urinary flow rate of 7.2 mL/s increased to 29.87 mL/s, 26.95 mL/s and 26.86 mL/s with a 'normal' flow rate curve at 3, 6 and 12 months follow-up, respectively. One patient at the 3-month follow-up had submeatal stenosis and required urethral dilatation thrice at monthly intervals. At the 1-year follow-up, none of the present patients had any neurosensory complications, urinary incontinence, or long-term functional/aesthetic complication at the donor site. LMG urethroplasty using the dorsal onlay technique should be offered for correction of persistent female urethral stricture as it provides a simple, safe and effective approach with durable results.


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    Laura Patricia López Piñeros


    Full Text Available La presente crónica, narra la experiencia pedagógica en el municipio de Floresta Boyacá con los niños de tercero del colegio Héctor Julio Rangel Quintero por medio del arte como estrategia de aprendizaje en la enseñanza de los fósiles, empezando el día tres de mayo de 2012, con la contextualización de sus habitantes, su territorio, sus saberes y sus dinámicas socioculturales. A partir de esta primera visita, se dio pie a la continuidad de una segunda, los días cuatro y cinco de junio del 2012 para la realización de la práctica educativa como maestras y maestros en formación. Conforme a la elaboración del diseño de clase teniendo como eje central la mirada del arte, se quiso promover el gusto, la espontaneidad, la creatividad y el trabajo en equipo de los niños, por medio del cuento, el dibujo, el color y el moldeamiento en greda, a medida que reconocían el patrimonio paleobiológico de su maravilloso municipio. De esta manera, se observa que a partir de la vinculación del arte en la escuela, se pueden conseguir en los niños aprendizajes significativos para fortalecer el reconocimiento de su identidad.

  7. Breve examen del Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia y de su proceso

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    Fairén Guillén, Víctor


    Full Text Available Se me pide, de parte de mi compañero y amigo de la Academia, Dr José M" Castán Vázquez, que elabore un pequeño trabajo para la revista «Arbor» —a cuyas líneas tuve vedado el acceso por muchos años; mientras duró aquella ordenación y aquella Nomenklatura al frente del CSIC— ; por su director actual. Prof. Dr. PEDRO GARCÍA BARRENO, al que trato casi constantemente-, Y sobre el Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia, organismo jurídico jurisdiccional —pese a incluso enfurecidos adversarios— único, y admirado por todo el mundo, menos por quienes aspiran a transformar una de las huertas españolas mejor cuidadas, en una selva de hormigón.
    Ahí van esas líneas, resumen de un libro que, a pie de obra, me costó más de 25 años de elaboración allá en Valencia, y sin ayuda práctica de nadie sino del referido Tribunal. Desafío a que las críticas que se me hagan, se funden en observaciones directas; y no enlatadas en «ordenadores» del terreno y de sus habitantes. No admito «realidades visuales», que no son sino ficciones inmerecidamente decoradas con ese equívoco nombre, lo que ya está dando sus frutos.

  8. Shape representations in the primate dorsal visual stream

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    Tom eTheys


    Full Text Available The primate visual system extracts object shape information for object recognition in the ventral visual stream. Recent research has demonstrated that object shape is also processed in the dorsal visual stream, which is specialized for spatial vision and the planning of actions. A number of studies have investigated the coding of 2D shape in the anterior intraparietal area (AIP, one of the end-stage areas of the dorsal stream which has been implicated in the extraction of affordances for the purpose of grasping. These findings challenge the current understanding of area AIP as a critical stage in the dorsal stream for the extraction of object affordances. The representation of three-dimensional (3D shape has been studied in two interconnected areas known to be critical for object grasping: area AIP and area F5a in the ventral premotor cortex (PMv, to which AIP projects. In both areas neurons respond selectively to 3D shape defined by binocular disparity, but the latency of the neural selectivity is approximately 10 ms longer in F5a compared to AIP, consistent with its higher position in the hierarchy of cortical areas. Furthermore F5a neurons were more sensitive to small amplitudes of 3D curvature and could detect subtle differences in 3D structure more reliably than AIP neurons. In both areas, 3D-shape selective neurons were co-localized with neurons showing motor-related activity during object grasping in the dark, indicating a close convergence of visual and motor information on the same clusters of neurons.

  9. Tactile spatial working memory activates the dorsal extrastriate cortical pathway in congenitally blind individuals. (United States)

    Bonino, D; Ricciardi, E; Sani, L; Gentili, C; Vanello, N; Guazzelli, M; Vecchi, T; Pietrini, P


    In sighted individuals, both the visual and tactile version of the same spatial working memory task elicited neural responses in the dorsal "where" cortical pathway (Ricciardi et al., 2006). Whether the neural response during the tactile working memory task is due to visually-based spatial imagery or rather reflects a more abstract, supramodal organization of the dorsal cortical pathway remains to be determined. To understand the role of visual experience on the functional organization of the dorsal cortical stream, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) here we examined brain response in four individuals with congenital or early blindness and no visual recollection, while they performed the same tactile spatial working memory task, a one-back recognition of 2D and 3D matrices. The blind subjects showed a significant activation in bilateral posterior parietal cortex, dorsolateral and inferior prefrontal areas, precuneus, lateral occipital cortex, and cerebellum. Thus, dorsal occipito-parietal areas are involved in mental imagery dealing with spatial components in subjects without prior visual experience and in response to a non-visual task. These data indicate that recruitment of the dorsal cortical pathway in response to the tactile spatial working memory task is not mediated by visually-based imagery and that visual experience is not a prerequisite for the development of a more abstract functional organization of the dorsal stream. These findings, along with previous data indicating a similar supramodal functional organization within the ventral cortical pathway and the motion processing brain regions, may contribute to explain how individuals who are born deprived of sight are able to interact effectively with the surrounding world.

  10. Right dorsal colon ultrasonography in normal adult ponies and miniature horses (United States)

    Zak, Agnieszka; Baron, Monika; Cylna, Marta; Borowicz, Hieronim


    The aim of this study was to determine the normal location, wall thickness and motility of the right dorsal colon in adult ponies and miniature horses. The abdominal ultrasonography examination was performed in a study group consisting of 23 ponies and miniature horses and in a control group comprising ten Thoroughbred horses. The procedure was performed in unsedated standing animals. The location and the thickness of the right dorsal colonic wall was examined on the right side of the abdomen between the 10th and the 14th intercostal space. The contractility was recorded in the 12th intercostal space. A comparative analysis between the study group and control group was carried out using the Student’s t-test. Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient was used to calculate the correlation between the thickness of the colonic wall as well as the number of peristaltic movements and age, wither height and body mass of the animals. The right dorsal colon was identified in all the horses in the 12th intercostal space. In all the intercostal spaces the mean ± standard deviation (SD) wall thickness of the right dorsal colon was 0.27 ± 0.03 cm in the horses from the study group and 0.37 ± 0.03 cm in the control horses. The mean number of peristaltic contractions was 4.05 ± 1.07 per minute in the animals from the study group and 1.7 ± 0.46 contractions per minute in the control group. The values of the ultrasonographic wall thickness and peristaltic motility in small breed horses in the present study were different from the values obtained for large breed horses. The study also found that the right dorsal colon in small breed horses is physiologically located in the 12th intercostal space. This suggests that different reference values should be used in small horse breeds when performing an ultrasound examination. PMID:29065146

  11. Dorsal column sensory axons degenerate due to impaired microvascular perfusion after spinal cord injury in rats (United States)

    Muradov, Johongir M.; Ewan, Eric E.; Hagg, Theo


    The mechanisms contributing to axon loss after spinal cord injury (SCI) are largely unknown but may involve microvascular loss as we have previously suggested. Here, we used a mild contusive injury (120 kdyn IH impactor) at T9 in rats focusing on ascending primary sensory dorsal column axons, anterogradely traced from the sciatic nerves. The injury caused a rapid and progressive loss of dorsal column microvasculature and oligodendrocytes at the injury site and penumbra and a ~70% loss of the sensory axons, by 24 hours. To model the microvascular loss, focal ischemia of the T9 dorsal columns was achieved via phototoxic activation of intravenously injected rose bengal. This caused an ~53% loss of sensory axons and an ~80% loss of dorsal column oligodendrocytes by 24 hours. Axon loss correlated with the extent and axial length of microvessel and oligodendrocyte loss along the dorsal column. To determine if oligodendrocyte loss contributes to axon loss, the glial toxin ethidium bromide (EB; 0.3 µg/µl) was microinjected into the T9 dorsal columns, and resulted in an ~88% loss of dorsal column oligodendrocytes and an ~56% loss of sensory axons after 72 hours. EB also caused an ~72% loss of microvessels. Lower concentrations of EB resulted in less axon, oligodendrocyte and microvessel loss, which were highly correlated (R2 = 0.81). These data suggest that focal spinal cord ischemia causes both oligodendrocyte and axon degeneration, which are perhaps linked. Importantly, they highlight the need of limiting the penumbral spread of ischemia and oligodendrocyte loss after SCI in order to protect axons. PMID:23978615

  12. Rare patterns of dorsal puncture in Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (Coleoptera: Carabidae

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    Axel Schwerk


    Full Text Available Background The carabid beetle species Pterostichus oblongopunctatus is common in different types of forests in Poland and Europe. With respect to this species, some unclarities exist concerning the morphological feature of punctures on the elytra. P. oblongopunctatus has dorsal pits in the third interval of the elytra, the available identification keys, however, provide inconsistent information concerning the puncture in other intervals. During long-term studies at different study sites in Poland, the first author rarely but regularly discovered individuals with unusual dorsal puncture patterns, i.e., pits in the fifth and even in the seventh interval of the elytra. Since such rare patterns might be connected with special habitat characteristics, and thus have a potential as an indicator, the aim of the study was to test if they are connected with specific subpopulations (interaction groups, if they are related to the sex or size of the beetles, and if they are related to specific habitat conditions. Material and Methods We counted the pits on the elytra, determined the sex, and measured the length of the right elytron of individuals of P. oblongopunctatus collected at numerous study sites located within the borders of the Regional Directory of National Forests in Piła (Western Poland over the period 2014–2016. Results Altogether, 1,058 individuals of P. oblongopunctatus were subjected to statistical analysis. Almost 19% of the individuals had a dorsal puncture in the fifth interval of the elytra and about 0.7% had a dorsal puncture in the seventh interval of the elytra. In 2014 and 2015, significantly more females exhibited such unusual patterns of dorsal puncture than males. Even if not statistically significant, in 2016 also relatively more females showed such a pattern. Neither males nor females of the analysed individuals with usual puncture patterns showed a significant difference in the length of the right elytron from those with

  13. The ventral stream offers more affordance and the dorsal stream more memory than believed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Postma, Albert; van der Lubbe, Robert Henricus Johannes; Zuidhoek, Sander


    Opposed to Norman's proposal, processing of affordance is likely to occur not solely in the dorsal stream but also in the ventral stream. Moreover, the dorsal stream might do more than just serve an important role in motor actions. It supports egocentric location coding as well. As such, it would


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    Yurkovskiy A. M.


    Full Text Available Purpose: to improve effectiveness of diagnostic block of long dorsal sacroiliac ligament performed under sonographic control in patients with low back pain caused by pathology of this ligament. Material and methods: the research included 35 patients (average age 46,2±12,5 years with symptoms of low back pain caused by pathology of long dorsal sacroiliac ligament. Diagnostical block of the given ligament was made under ultrasound control. Results: significant pain syndrome reduction was observed in all patients with ligamentopathy of long dorsal sacroiliac ligament. Conclusion: compared to "blind" technique, long dorsal sacroiliac ligament block performed under sonographic control is a more efficient method of verification and treatment for low back pain syndrome in case of long dorsal sacroiliac ligament injury.

  15. Accelerated forgetting of contextual details due to focal medio-dorsal thalamic lesion

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    Sicong eTu


    Full Text Available Effects of thalamic nuclei damage and related white matter tracts on memory performance are still debated. This is particularly evident for the medio-dorsal thalamus which has been less clear in predicting amnesia than anterior thalamus changes. The current study addresses this issue by assessing 7 thalamic stroke patients with consistent unilateral lesions focal to the left medio-dorsal nuclei for immediate and delayed memory performance on standard visual and verbal tests of anterograde memory, and over the long-term (> 24 hrs on an object-location associative memory task. Thalamic patients showed selective impairment to delayed recall, but intact recognition memory. Patients also showed accelerated forgetting of contextual information after a 24 hour delay, compared to controls. Importantly, the mammillothalamic tract was intact in all patients, which suggests a role for the medio-dorsal nuclei in recall and early consolidation memory processes.

  16. The function of the long dorsal sacroiliac ligament : its implications for understanding low back pain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pool-Goudzwaard, A.L.; Vleeming, A; Hammudoghlu, D; Stoeckart, R.; Snijders, C.; Mens, Jan M A


    STUDY DESIGN: In embalmed human bodies the tension of the long dorsal sacroiliac ligament was measured during incremental loading of anatomical structures that are biomechanically relevant. OBJECTIVES: To assess the function of the long dorsal sacroiliac ligament. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: In many

  17. Una especie nueva de rana arbórea del género Hyloscirtus (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae de la Cordillera del Cóndor

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    Ana Almendáriz


    Full Text Available Las ranas ecuatorianas del género Hyloscirtus incluyen 16 especies descritas, de las cuales 11 pertenecen al grupo H. larinopygion. Su distribución se limita a los flancos de la Cordillera de los Andes, tanto al oriente como al occidente. Una evaluación de la herpetofauna en el sector meridional de la Cordillera del Cóndor (bosques montanos sobre mesetas de arenisca en la provincia de Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador, condujo al descubrimiento de una especie nueva del grupo que describimos aquí como Hyloscirtus condor sp. nov.; se analizan los renacuajos, las llamadas de anuncio y se estima las relaciones filogenéticas de la especie nueva y de las especies relacionadas en base a nuevas secuencias de los genes mitocondriales 12S, tRNA Val y 16S, con un total de hasta 2508 bp. Los resultados muestran que el grupo H. larinopygion está conformado por dos clados, uno distribuido en los Andes norte y centro de Ecuador y el otro al sur. La nueva especie pertenece al clado sur y es hermana de H. tapichalaca y de una especie aparentemente no descrita de la Provincia Morona Santiago. La especie nueva difiere de sus congéneres por su patrón de coloración dorsal, que consiste de puntos amarillo obscuro en un fondo canela. Es la especie más grande del grupo H. larinopygion y comparte con H. tapichalaca la presencia de una espina prepólica grande y curvada y brazos hipertrofiados. La especie nueva habita un área remota y bien conservada de la Cordillera del Cóndor. El descubrimiento de ésta y otras especies nuevas del mismo lugar denota la importancia biológica del área y motivan al desarrollo de planes de conservación.

  18. Dorsal inlay buccal mucosal graft (Asopa) urethroplasty for anterior urethral stricture. (United States)

    Marshall, Stephen D; Raup, Valary T; Brandes, Steven B


    Asopa described the inlay of a graft into Snodgrass's longitudinal urethral plate incision using a ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach in 2001. He claimed that this technique was easier to perform and led to less tissue ischemia due to no need for mobilization of the urethra. This approach has subsequently been popularized among reconstructive urologists as the dorsal inlay urethroplasty or Asopa technique. Depending on the location of the stricture, either a subcoronal circumferential incision is made for penile strictures, or a midline perineal incision is made for bulbar strictures. Other approaches for penile urethral strictures include the non-circumferential penile incisional approach and a penoscrotal approach. We generally prefer the circumferential degloving approach for penile urethral strictures. The penis is de-gloved and the urethra is split ventrally to exposure the stricture. It is then deepened to include the full thickness of the dorsal urethra. The dorsal surface is made raw and grafts are fixed on the urethral surface. Quilting sutures are placed to further anchor the graft. A Foley catheter is placed and the urethra is retubularized in two layers with special attention to the staggering of suture lines. The skin incision is then closed in layers. We have found that it is best to perform an Asopa urethroplasty when the urethral plate is ≥1 cm in width. The key to when to use the dorsal inlay technique all depends on the width of the urethral plate once the urethrotomy is performed, stricture etiology, and stricture location (penile vs. bulb).

  19. Biomecánica del vendaje funcional preventivo de tobillo: elástico vs. no elástico

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    Javier Abián Vicén


    Full Text Available El objetivo ha sido analizar el efecto del vendaje funcional preventivo de tobillo (elástico y no elástico en la capacidad de restricción de movimientos y en la posible pérdida de eficacia en la realización de diferentes tipos de tests, así como estudiar la fatiga del vendaje después de realizar los tests. Metodología: Han participado un total de 470 sujetos (313 hombres y 157 mujeres, distribuidos en cinco estudios. Se han realizado tests de: marcha, carrera, cambio de dirección, salto, amortiguación de caída y equilibrio. Se han analizado variables cinéticas: los picos de fuerza y los instantes en los que sucedían, duraciones de apoyos en los movimientos, así como en algunos casos los picos de potencia y el recorrido vertical del centro de gravedad. En el caso de los tests de equilibrio se registró el recorrido del centro de presiones y se consideraron las variables derivadas del mismo. Se han usado tres plataformas de fuerzas: dos piezoeléctricas Kistler y una extensiométrica Dinascan IBV. Para la valoración de la restricción de los movimientos del tobillo y la fatiga del vendaje se midieron la inversión, eversión, flexión y extensión máximas pasivas del tobillo derecho con un goniómetro manual. Resultados y discusión: En los tests máximos los sujetos con pies cavos mostraron mayores valores en los picos de fuerza mientras que los planos los mostraron en la duración de los apoyos. En la amortiguación de tests de salto las mujeres mostraron menores valores en el segundo pico de fuerza, mayor recorrido del centro de gravedad y un retraso en el tiempo desde el inicio del contacto del pie en el suelo hasta la aparición del segundo pico de fuerza. Los picos de fuerza vertical durante amortiguaciones cayendo desde una superficie elevada a 0.75 m fueron mayores en el grupo de mujeres que en el de hombres. El vendaje no influyó en el rendimiento de los tests de equilibrio, ni en la batida del test de salto. Sin embargo

  20. Osteology of the dorsal vertebrae of the giant titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur Dreadnoughtus schrani from the Late Cretaceous of Argentina

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    Kristyn K. Voegele


    Full Text Available Many titanosaurian dinosaurs are known only from fragmentary remains, making comparisons between taxa difficult because they often lack overlapping skeletal elements. This problem is particularly pronounced for the exceptionally large-bodied members of this sauropod clade. Dreadnoughtus schrani is a well-preserved giant titanosaurian from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian Cerro Fortaleza Formation of southern Patagonia, Argentina. Numerous skeletal elements are known for Dreadnoughtus, including seven nearly complete dorsal vertebrae and a partial dorsal neural arch that collectively represent most of the dorsal sequence. Here we build on our previous preliminary description of these skeletal elements by providing a detailed assessment of their serial positional assignments, as well as comparisons of the dorsal vertebrae of Dreadnoughtus with those of other exceptionally large-bodied titanosaurians. Although the dorsal elements of Dreadnoughtus probably belong to two individuals, they exhibit substantial morphological variation that suggests that there is minimal, if any, positional overlap among them. Dreadnoughtus therefore preserves the second-most complete dorsal vertebral series known for a giant titanosaurian that has been described in detail, behind only that of Futalognkosaurus. The dorsal sequence of Dreadnoughtus provides valuable insight into serial variation along the vertebral column of these enormous sauropods. Such variation includes the variable presence of divided spinodiapophyseal laminae and associated spinodiapophyseal fossae. Given that dorsal vertebrae are the only elements that overlap between known remains of most giant titanosaurian taxa, the dorsal series of Dreadnoughtus provides a means to directly compare the morphologies of these sauropods. The dorsal vertebrae of Dreadnoughtus and Futalognkosaurus have dorsoventrally narrow transverse processes, unlike the condition in Puertasaurus. Further

  1. Planificació lingüística i ensenyament a Andalusia: la dimensió intercultural dins del Pla de Foment del Plurilingüisme

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    Arantza Galiardo López


    Full Text Available El Pla de Foment del Plurilingüisme a Andalusia va veure la llum el 2005 en una regió monolingüe, on no hi ha conflicte lingüístic, i ho va fer amb la pretensió d'impulsar –segons les seves pròpies paraules- «una Política Lingüística per a la societat andalusa» (PFP, 2005:1, i contribuir al desenvolupament de la competència plurilingüe i intercultural de la ciutadania andalusa mitjançant la implantació en el sistema educatiu públic de la metodologia d'Aprenentatge integrat de continguts i llengua estrangera i el currículum integrat. Malgrat ser una comunitat monolingüe, la nova societat andalusa està formada de fet per persones d'origen ètnic variat –fruit dels naturals processos migratoris– que aporten les seves llengües d'origen a un mapa lingüístic ara més ric. Aprofitant la presència d'alumnat al·lòfon i la creixent mundialització de la comunicació, el Pla aspirava a la inclusió d'aquestes altres llengües. Ens preguntarem en aquest estudi de quina forma es pretenia assolir una mesura objectiva i analitzarem de forma crítica la normativa en el seu desenvolupament en aquests deu anys després de la seva posada en funcionament.

  2. Demonstration of the dorsal pancreatic artery by CTA to facilitate superselective arterial infusion of stem cells into the pancreas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Yuning; Yang Xizhang; Chen Ziqian; Tan Jianming; Zhong Qun; Yang Li; Wu Zhixian


    Purpose: To investigate the diagnostic performance of 64-section CTA in the detection of dorsal pancreatic artery before interventional therapy for patients with diabetes. Materials and methods: The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee; written informed consent was obtained. Forty-two consecutive patients with diabetes received an experimental treatment of autologous bone marrow-derived stem cell transplantation by means of infusion into the dorsal pancreatic artery. All cases underwent abdominal CTA before angiography of pancreatic arteries in order to locate the origin and course of dorsal pancreatic artery. Angiography of coeliac artery, splenic artery, common hepatic artery and superior mesenteric artery were performed both in CTA and DSA. Superselective catheterization of dorsal pancreatic artery was carried out for the infusion of stem cell. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for the detection of dorsal pancreatic artery with CTA were calculated using DSA images as the reference standard. Results: Thirty-five and thirty-six dorsal pancreatic arteries were detected by CTA and DSA respectively. Dorsal pancreatic artery was not visualized in either CTA or DSA in 5 patients. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for CTA were 94.4%, 83.3% and 92.9%. Conclusion: 64-section CTA is accurate for the detection of dorsal pancreatic artery. It may be useful for the facilitation of superselective arterial infusion of stem cells to pancreas.

  3. Motor deficits following dorsal corticospinal tract transection in rats: voluntary versus skilled locomotion readouts

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    Lara Bieler


    The functional relevance of the dorsal CST in locomotion of rats is not as prominent as compared to in humans and thus challenging the motor execution is mandatory to reliably investigate CST function. A detailed analysis of voluntary walking using the CatWalk XT is not adequate to detect deficits following dorsal CST lesion in rats.

  4. Harmane inhibits serotonergic dorsal raphe neurons in the rat. (United States)

    Touiki, Khalid; Rat, Pascal; Molimard, Robert; Chait, Abderrahman; de Beaurepaire, Renaud


    Harmane and norharmane (two beta-carbolines) are tobacco components or products. The effects of harmane and norharmane on serotonergic raphe neurons remain unknown. Harmane and norharmane are inhibitors of the monoamine oxidases A (MAO-A) and B (MAO-B), respectively. To study the effects of harmane, norharmane, befloxatone (MAOI-A), and selegiline (MAOI-B) on the firing of serotonergic neurons. To compare the effects of these compounds to those of nicotine (whose inhibitory action on serotonergic neurons has been previously described). The effects of cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine known to interact with serotonergic systems, are also tested. In vivo electrophysiological recordings of serotonergic dorsal raphe neurons in the anaesthetized rat. Nicotine, harmane, and befloxatone inhibited serotonergic dorsal raphe neurons. The other compounds had no effects. The inhibitory effect of harmane (rapid and long-lasting inhibition) differed from that of nicotine (short and rapidly reversed inhibition) and from that of befloxatone (slow, progressive, and long-lasting inhibition). The inhibitory effects of harmane and befloxatone were reversed by the 5-HT1A antagonist WAY 100 635. Pretreatment of animals with p-chlorophenylalanine abolished the inhibitory effect of befloxatone, but not that of harmane. Nicotine, harmane, and befloxatone inhibit the activity of raphe serotonergic neurons. Therefore, at least two tobacco compounds, nicotine and harmane, inhibit the activity of serotonergic neurons. The mechanism by which harmane inhibits serotonergic dorsal raphe neurons is likely unrelated to a MAO-A inhibitory effect.

  5. Alzheimer disease: functional abnormalities in the dorsal visual pathway.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Bokde, Arun L W


    PURPOSE: To evaluate whether patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) have altered activation compared with age-matched healthy control (HC) subjects during a task that typically recruits the dorsal visual pathway. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, with institutional ethics committee approval, and all subjects provided written informed consent. Two tasks were performed to investigate neural function: face matching and location matching. Twelve patients with mild AD and 14 age-matched HC subjects were included. Brain activation was measured by using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Group statistical analyses were based on a mixed-effects model corrected for multiple comparisons. RESULTS: Task performance was not statistically different between the two groups, and within groups there were no differences in task performance. In the HC group, the visual perception tasks selectively activated the visual pathways. Conversely in the AD group, there was no selective activation during performance of these same tasks. Along the dorsal visual pathway, the AD group recruited additional regions, primarily in the parietal and frontal lobes, for the location-matching task. There were no differences in activation between groups during the face-matching task. CONCLUSION: The increased activation in the AD group may represent a compensatory mechanism for decreased processing effectiveness in early visual areas of patients with AD. The findings support the idea that the dorsal visual pathway is more susceptible to putative AD-related neuropathologic changes than is the ventral visual pathway.

  6. Dorsal hand coverage with free serratus fascia flap

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fotopoulos, Peter; Holmer, Per; Leicht, Pernille


    in the flap, leaving the long thoracic nerve intact on the serratus muscle. Coverage of the flap with split-thickness skin graft is done immediately. The free serratus fascia flap is an ideal flap for dorsal hand coverage when the extensor tendons are exposed, especially because of low donor-site morbidity....

  7. Avaliação da hiperalgesia e alterações histológicas do gânglio da raiz dorsal induzidas pelo núcleo pulposo Evaluation of hyperalgesia and histological changes of dorsal root ganglion induced by nucleus pulposus

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    André Luiz de Souza Grava


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a hiperalgesia e as alterações histológicas induzidas pelo contato do gânglio da raiz dorsal com o núcleo pulposo. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 20 ratos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos experimentais. Em um dos grupos um fragmento do NP autólogo retirado da região sacrococcígea foi colocado sobre os gânglios da raiz dorsal de L5, e no outro grupo (controle um fragmento de tecido adiposo foi colocado sobre o gânglio da raiz dorsal de L5. A hiperalgesia mecânica e térmica foi avaliada no terceiro dia, na primeira, terceira, quinta e sétima semanas de pós-operatório. O gânglio da raiz dorsal de L5 foi retirado na primeira, terceira, quinta e sétima semanas de pós-operatório para estudo histológico por meio da coloração com HE e estudo histoquímico (marcação específica para iNOS. RESULTADOS: Foi observada hiperalgesia térmica e mecânica de maior intensidade no grupo de animais em que o NP foi colocado em contato com o GRD, e nesse grupo o estudo histológico evidenciou alterações dos tecidos do gânglio da raiz dorsal, caracterizadas por processo inflamatório e degeneração axonal. As alterações histopatológicas dos tecidos do gânglio da raiz dorsal apresentaram intensidade crescente com o aumento do período de observação, apresentando correlação com a manutenção da hiperalgesia observada na avaliação comportamental. A imunohistoquímica com marcação específica para iNOS demonstrou, no grupo de animais em que o núcleo pulposo foi colocado em contato com o gânglio da raiz dorsal, aumento da expressão dessa enzima nos núcleos das células inflamatórias (células da glia ao redor dos neurônios. CONCLUSÃO: O contato do núcleo pulposo com o gânglio da raiz dorsal de L5 induziu a hiperalgesia mecânica e térmica e provocou alterações histológicas dos componentes do gânglio da raiz dorsal. As alterações foram caracterizadas por processo inflamatório e degenerativo das

  8. Neuroimaging investigations of dorsal stream processing and effects of stimulus synchrony in schizophrenia. (United States)

    Sanfratello, Lori; Aine, Cheryl; Stephen, Julia


    Impairments in auditory and visual processing are common in schizophrenia (SP). In the unisensory realm visual deficits are primarily noted for the dorsal visual stream. In addition, insensitivity to timing offsets between stimuli are widely reported for SP. The aim of the present study was to test at the physiological level differences in dorsal/ventral stream visual processing and timing sensitivity between SP and healthy controls (HC) using MEG and a simple auditory/visual task utilizing a variety of multisensory conditions. The paradigm included all combinations of synchronous/asynchronous and central/peripheral stimuli, yielding 4 task conditions. Both HC and SP groups showed activation in parietal areas (dorsal visual stream) during all multisensory conditions, with parietal areas showing decreased activation for SP relative to HC, and a significantly delayed peak of activation for SP in intraparietal sulcus (IPS). We also observed a differential effect of stimulus synchrony on HC and SP parietal response. Furthermore, a (negative) correlation was found between SP positive symptoms and activity in IPS. Taken together, our results provide evidence of impairment of the dorsal visual stream in SP during a multisensory task, along with an altered response to timing offsets between presented multisensory stimuli. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Opposing dorsal/ventral stream dynamics during figure-ground segregation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wokke, M.E.; Scholte, H.S.; Lamme, V.A.F.


    The visual system has been commonly subdivided into two segregated visual processing streams: The dorsal pathway processes mainly spatial information, and the ventral pathway specializes in object perception. Recent findings, however, indicate that different forms of interaction (cross-talk) exist

  10. A study of dorsal vein pattern for biometric security

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ensure more reliable security, many biometric verification techniques have been developed .... 3.0 HA D DORSAL VEI PATTER AS A BIOMETRIC ... image for the back of the hand, and converted by a computer into a digital image that can be.

  11. Análisis de las presiones plantares y su relación con la velocidad de la pelota durante el golpeo paralelo de derecha en tenis

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    Buscar hemeroteca Índice · 93 Apuntes para el siglo XXI Los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín 2008: ¿avance o retroceso? Ciencias aplicadas a la actividad física y el deporte El movimiento gimnástico del Este (1.ª parte El movimiento gimnástico del Este (2.ª parte Actividad física y salud Prueba de campo específica de valoración de la resistencia... Educación física Revisión de los distintos aspectos de la influencia de los padres... Pedagogía deportiva Incidencia del número de atacantes en la defensa de primera... La motivación para la práctica en la iniciación al fútbol:... Entrenamiento deportivo Biomecánica aplicada al diseño de una Herramienta de Evaluación... Gestión deportiva, ocio activo y turismo Metodología para el análisis y evaluación de la seguridad... Mujer y deporte Evolución de las jugadoras en las selecciones españolas de... Arte y deporte NUESTRA PORTADA Juegos infantiles Tesis doctorales Deporte y democratización en un periodo de cambio. Evolución... Las fundaciones deportivas españolas La formación del Animador Deportivo en el marco de la Asociación... Análisis de las presiones plantares y su relación con la velocidad... Hemeroteca > Número 93 > Análisis de las presiones plantares y su relación con la velocidad de la pelota durante el golpeo paralelo de derecha en tenis Análisis de las presiones plantares y su relación con la velocidad de la pelota durante el golpeo paralelo de derecha en tenis Descargar Francesc Corbi Soler


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo, a través de una visión funcional y estructural, nos adentramos en el estudio de la biomecánica del pie. Para ello, se realiza un profundo análisis de sus características, de los diferentes factores que influyen en la aparición de las lesiones, de los diversos tipos de patrones de presión plantar y de la relación existente entre el pie y la optimización del rendimiento. Por otro lado, el tenis es uno del los deportes en el que, dadas sus particulares características, el pie adquiere un especial protagonismo, tanto desde un punto de vista lesional como de rendimiento, especialmente durante la realización de los distintos tipos de golpeos y desplazamientos. Conscientes de su importancia, en la primera parte de este estudio se analizaron cuales fueron las variables, relacionadas con la cinemática del pie, que mejor contribuían a explicar la variabilidad en la velocidad máxima de la bola, tras la realización del golpeo paralelo de derecha (GPD. A continuación, se compararon los patrones de presión plantar registrados durante la realización del GPD con los patrones registrados durante marcha. La muestra analizada estuvo formada por 31 tenistas de nivel nacional e internacional. De los diversos instrumentos utilizados, debemos destacar la utilización del sistema de análisis “Tenis Sincro”. Diseñado y fabricado especialmente para este estudio, nos permitió sincronizar los diversos instrumentos utilizados en la realización de este estudio: tres células fotoeléctricas, una máquina lanzapelotas, unas plantillas instrumentadas para el registro de las presiones plantares, un micrófono, dos videocámaras y un radar. Para el posterior análisis estadístico, se utilizó el paquete estadístico R. Mediante la aplicación de modelos de análisis mixto, se constató que la interacción que mejor contribuyó a explicar la velocidad máxima de la bola tras el golpeo fue la que interrelacionaba a la velocidad de

  12. ¿Las peregrinaciones rurales impulsan el desarrollo local? Análisis en San Miguel del Milagro, Tlaxcala, México.

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    José Pedro Juárez Sánchez


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas se transita del modelo de turismo convencional al alternativo; reflejándose en el comportamiento de la oferta y demanda turística, una de sus vertientes es el turismo religioso en especial las peregrinaciones integrado en el turismo cultural. Esta vertiente es complemento al desarrollo ante la crisis de la agricultura de temporal. La información se obtuvo por medio de entrevistas a los peregrinos que asistieron al santuario de San Miguel del Milagro, Tlaxcala. Se encontró que la peregrinación a San Miguel del Milagro es regional, con una estadía promedio de 1.1 días, se realizan principalmente por personas jóvenes con bajos niveles de ingresos y escolaridad. Asistieron los peregrinos al Santuario fundamentalmente para pedir un milagro y poco más de la mitad la realizó a pie o en bicicleta. La derrama económica por peregrino fue baja ($608.60 en promedio, el principal gasto erogado fue en transporte, y en menor medida la compra de ofrendas, comidas y gastos realizados durante la travesía. No pagaron hospedaje. Se concluye que las peregrinaciones contribuyen a incrementar las ventas en los espacios circunvecinos al santuario y que es necesario incrementar la estadía del peregrino creando productos relacionados con la fe religiosa, respetando su cultura y tradiciones.

  13. Characterisation of rebound depolarisation in mice deep dorsal horn neurons in vitro. (United States)

    Rivera-Arconada, Ivan; Lopez-Garcia, Jose A


    Spinal dorsal horn neurons constitute the first relay for pain processing and participate in the processing of other sensory, motor and autonomic information. At the cellular level, intrinsic excitability is a factor contributing to network function. In turn, excitability is set by the array of ionic conductance expressed by neurons. Here, we set out to characterise rebound depolarisation following hyperpolarisation, a feature frequently described in dorsal horn neurons but never addressed in depth. To this end, an in vitro preparation of the spinal cord from mice pups was used combined with whole-cell recordings in current and voltage clamp modes. Results show the expression of H- and/or T-type currents in a significant proportion of dorsal horn neurons. The expression of these currents determines the presence of rebound behaviour at the end of hyperpolarising pulses. T-type calcium currents were associated to high-amplitude rebounds usually involving high-frequency action potential firing. H-currents were associated to low-amplitude rebounds less prone to elicit firing or firing at lower frequencies. For a large proportion of neurons expressing both currents, the H-current constitutes a mechanism to ensure a faster response after hyperpolarisations, adjusting the latency of the rebound firing. We conclude that rebound depolarisation and firing are intrinsic factors to many dorsal horn neurons that may constitute a mechanism to integrate somatosensory information in the spinal cord, allowing for a rapid switch from inhibited-to-excited states.

  14. Effect of shed rooftype and babassu pie on the productive characteristics of meat quails

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    Jordane de Oliveira Borges


    Full Text Available We aimed to evaluate the effects of shed roof(SR typeand the inclusion of babassu pie (BP in rations on the productive characteristics ofmeat quailsfrom days 14 to 28 and days14 to 40. We studied 896 meatquails. The experimental design was completely randomized with a 4x4 factorial arrangement, using four types of shedroofs (fiber cement, ceramic, straw, and painted fiber cement and four rations (with 0, 5, 10, and 15% inclusion of babassu pie. The performance variables evaluated from 14 to 28 and 14 to 40 days included food intake (FI, g/bird, mean weight gain (WG, g/bird, food conversion (FC, g/g, mean live weight on day 28 (MW28, g/bird, mean live weight on day 40 (MW40, g/bird, and energy efficiency (EF; g Mcal. After slautherthe birds on day 40, we measured the carcass weight (CW and the carcass yield (CY, %, obtained for the breast (BY, legs (LGY, and wings (WINGY. We also obtained the relative weight of the heart (HRW, liver (LRW, gizzard (GRW, and intestine (IRW. To compare the economic efficiency between the experimental rations, we analyzed the cost of ration per kg of carcass (CC and determined the gross margin (GM. Between day 14 and day 28, we found that the use of SR influenced the FI28, WG28, and the MW28 of the quails (p 0.05, but it linearly improved WG28, FC28, MW28, and EF28. Between days 14 and 40, we found that SR influenced the WG40, FC40, MW40, and EF40 of the quails (p < 0.05 and that a BP increased the FI40, WG40, and MW40 in a quadratic manner. SR and BP did not affect the CW, BY, WINGY, LGY, HRW, LRW,or IRW. However, BP influenced MGRW, which increased linearly with the inclusion of BP. We concluded that a ceramic roof provides better environmental conditions than do other shed roofs. The inclusion of BP improved the performance characteristics, and it was technically feasible to include up to 15% BP in the rations of meat quails. Based on the current cost analysis, however, the inclusion of BP is economically

  15. Dietary fat level affecting histochemical radiosensitivity in dorsal aorta in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yousri, R.M.; Roushdy, H.M.; EL-Malkh, N.M.; Ashry, M.A.; Soliman, S.M.


    The present work has been conducted to investigate the effect of dietary fat status and/or cumulative whole body gamma radiation exposures up to 15 Gy the histochemical pattern of the dorsal aortas of male albino rats. Experimental animals were fed on either fat-rich or fat-free diet and the observations compared with those fed normal fat diet. The histochemical investigations has been confined to the concentration levels of mucopolysaccharide substance and total lipids. The dorsal aorta normal fat group showed higher content of PAS-positive material in the first two layers of the aorta wall in comparison with decreased amount of collagen fibers was shown in fat-rich group

  16. Heterotaxy syndrome with associated agenesis of dorsal pancreas and polysplenia: A case report

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    Syed Althaf Ali1


    Full Text Available Heterotaxy syndrome is a rare embryological disorder comprising of polysplenia, partial agenesis of dorsal pancreas, malrotation of gut, cardiac and vascular anomalies resulting from failure of development of the usual left–right asymmetry of organs. We report a rare case of heterotaxy syndrome with polysplenia, partial agenesis of dorsal pancreas and malrotation of gut in a 28 year female presenting with subacute intestinal obstruction along with imaging illustrations, brief discussion and thorough review of literature.


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    Pedro Ángel López Miñarro


    dorsal en bipedestación fueron de 42,22º ± 7,76º para los kayakistas y de 37,45º ± 8,68º para los canoístas. En cuanto a la lordosis lumbar estos valores fueron de 27,91º ± 6,21º y 25,70º ± 6,15º, respectivamente. En el test dedos-planta, en las curvas dorsal y lumbar los resultados obtenidos fueron de 63,78º ± 6,21º y 33,70º ± 7,18º, respectivamente para kayakistas y de 65,35º ± 11,48º y 30,55º ± 6,33º para canoístas. No existieron diferencias significativas entre kayakistas y canoístas. En base a las referencias de normalidad, se encontró un alto porcentaje de morfotipos cifóticos, especialmente en la curva lumbar. En conclusión, existe una alta frecuencia de morfotipos alterados en flexión máxima del tronco y en sedentación asténica, especialmente en el raquis lumbar, aunque la disciplina practicada (kayak o canoa no genera diferencias significativas en la disposición sagital del raquis.

  18. Sociālo tīklu un platformas "Facebook" ietekme uz patērētāja pirkuma lēmuma pieņemšanas procesu.


    Ķiksis, Kristiāns


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Sociālo tīklu un platformas “Facebook” ietekme uz patērētāja pirkuma lēmuma pieņemšanas procesu”. Veiktā darba mērķis ir izskaidrot, kāpēc, kad un kā sociālie mediji ir ietekmējuši patērētāju lēmumu pieņemšanas procesu. Teorētiskā daļa sastāv no 4 sadaļām- patērētāju uzvedība, sociālie mediji, sociālo mediju ietekme uz patērētājiem, kā arī platformas “Facebook” iespējas. Darbs ietver 4 nodaļas. Bakalaura darba teorētiskajā daļā apkopoti materiāli par patērētāju uzvedī...

  19. Ventral and Dorsal Striatum Networks in Obesity: Link to Food Craving and Weight Gain. (United States)

    Contreras-Rodríguez, Oren; Martín-Pérez, Cristina; Vilar-López, Raquel; Verdejo-Garcia, Antonio


    The food addiction model proposes that obesity overlaps with addiction in terms of neurobiological alterations in the striatum and related clinical manifestations (i.e., craving and persistence of unhealthy habits). Therefore, we aimed to examine the functional connectivity of the striatum in excess-weight versus normal-weight subjects and to determine the extent of the association between striatum connectivity and individual differences in food craving and changes in body mass index (BMI). Forty-two excess-weight participants (BMI > 25) and 39 normal-weight participants enrolled in the study. Functional connectivity in the ventral and dorsal striatum was indicated by seed-based analyses on resting-state data. Food craving was indicated with subjective ratings of visual cues of high-calorie food. Changes in BMI between baseline and 12 weeks follow-up were assessed in 28 excess-weight participants. Measures of connectivity in the ventral striatum and dorsal striatum were compared between groups and correlated with craving and BMI change. Participants with excess weight displayed increased functional connectivity between the ventral striatum and the medial prefrontal and parietal cortices and between the dorsal striatum and the somatosensory cortex. Dorsal striatum connectivity correlated with food craving and predicted BMI gains. Obesity is linked to alterations in the functional connectivity of dorsal striatal networks relevant to food craving and weight gain. These neural alterations are associated with habit learning and thus compatible with the food addiction model of obesity. Copyright © 2016 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Variación de la posición del centro de gravedad en una bailaora profesional durante el zapateado flamenco

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    Irene Baena-Chicón


    Full Text Available El centro de gravedad es el punto donde confluyen las fuerzas resultantes del peso de todos y cada uno de los segmentos corporales. El estudio de la trayectoria de este punto es de gran relevancia para determinar parámetros de carácter cinemáticos, dinámicos y el nivel de eficiencia en la ejecución del gesto técnico. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar con un sistema de captura del movimiento por cámaras de infrarrojo, la variación de posición del centro de gravedad de una bailaora profesional de baile flamenco durante un test de zapateado flamenco. Se trata de un estudio de caso único, una bailaora profesional de flamenco (33 años, 59 kg, 1.65m que ha ejecutado el test de zapateado ZAP-3, en el que se repiten secuencias de 6 zapateados con ambos pies durante 15 segundos. El test ha sido registrado con un sistema óptico de captura del movimiento Vicon (Oxford Metrics Ltd.; Oxford, UK compuesto por 5 vídeocámaras de infrarrojo. La participante portaba 35 marcadores colocados según una modificación del modelo de Golem. Entre los resultados obtenidos se encuentra el rango de movimiento de la trayectoria del centro de gravedad: 0.136 m en movimientos anteroposteriores, 0.105 m en laterales y 0.018 m en verticales. La trayectoria del centro de gravedad durante cualquier actividad guarda una estrecha relación con el gasto energético empleado y es especialmente importante en el baile flamenco. Los resultados obtenidos muestran oscilaciones suaves del centro de gravedad durante el zapateado en los tres planos. Esto refleja la estrategia del sujeto para optimizar el gasto energético gracias a una eficiente reequilibración corporal. El hecho de mantener una posición estable mientras se realizan zapateados a tan alta frecuencia, refleja una alta competencia de la bailaora que es profesional desde hace 17 años.

  1. Automatic phoneme category selectivity in the dorsal auditory stream. (United States)

    Chevillet, Mark A; Jiang, Xiong; Rauschecker, Josef P; Riesenhuber, Maximilian


    Debates about motor theories of speech perception have recently been reignited by a burst of reports implicating premotor cortex (PMC) in speech perception. Often, however, these debates conflate perceptual and decision processes. Evidence that PMC activity correlates with task difficulty and subject performance suggests that PMC might be recruited, in certain cases, to facilitate category judgments about speech sounds (rather than speech perception, which involves decoding of sounds). However, it remains unclear whether PMC does, indeed, exhibit neural selectivity that is relevant for speech decisions. Further, it is unknown whether PMC activity in such cases reflects input via the dorsal or ventral auditory pathway, and whether PMC processing of speech is automatic or task-dependent. In a novel modified categorization paradigm, we presented human subjects with paired speech sounds from a phonetic continuum but diverted their attention from phoneme category using a challenging dichotic listening task. Using fMRI rapid adaptation to probe neural selectivity, we observed acoustic-phonetic selectivity in left anterior and left posterior auditory cortical regions. Conversely, we observed phoneme-category selectivity in left PMC that correlated with explicit phoneme-categorization performance measured after scanning, suggesting that PMC recruitment can account for performance on phoneme-categorization tasks. Structural equation modeling revealed connectivity from posterior, but not anterior, auditory cortex to PMC, suggesting a dorsal route for auditory input to PMC. Our results provide evidence for an account of speech processing in which the dorsal stream mediates automatic sensorimotor integration of speech and may be recruited to support speech decision tasks.

  2. Caso Clínico del Departamento de Medicina Interna: Carcinoma verrucoso de pene, Tratamiento con criocirugía

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    Alvaro Acosta de Hart


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente hombre, de 62 años de edad, natural y procedente de Bogotá, de ocupación conductor, que consulto a la Unidad de Dermatología del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Bogotá, por presentar durante varios meses de evolución, una lesión tumoral, exofítica, localizada en la región dorsal izquierda del surco balanoprepucial, de tres por dos centímetros, de bordes netos, ondulantes, centro exofítico, ulcerado y base infiltrada. Antecedente importante, cuadro de mastocitosis cutánea de aproximadamente 20 años de evolución.

  3. Associations of leisure-time physical activity with balance and lower extremity strength: a validation of the neuromuscular part of the Physical Activity Pie. (United States)

    Lindström, Paula J; Suni, Jaana H; Nygård, Clas-Håkan


    The importance of neuromuscular-type exercise (NME) has been recognized in recent recommendations for public health. However, the knowledge on associations and dose response of different types of leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) with musculoskeletal fitness and health is incomplete. This study evaluated the validity of the NME recommendation for public health introduced by the Physical Activity Pie. Engagement in LTPA and health-related fitness were assessed in 2 consecutive studies with the same adult population age 30 to 69 years (n = 575). Cross-sectional associations between different LTPA types and motor and musculoskeletal fitness were examined by logistic-regression models. Engagement in NME was associated with good static and dynamic balance and lower extremity strength. The highest odds ratios (OR) were found between brisk NME and static balance (most vs least fit OR = 2.39, moderate vs least fit OR = 1.94) and brisk NME and leg strength (more vs least fit OR = 2.10). Some associations were also found between brisk aerobic exercise and good balance. This cross-sectional study suggests that the recommendation for NME in the Physical Activity Pie is valid in terms of balance and leg strength, the 2 major fitness factors related to mobility functioning, especially among aging adults.

  4. Anatomía y desarrollo del fruto en Piriqueta y Turnera (Turneraceae Anatomy and development of fruits in Piriqueta and Turnera (Turneraceae

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    Ana Maria Gonzalez


    Full Text Available En este estudio se analiza la anatomía, estructura y desarrollo de los frutos en 12 especies de Piriqueta y 30 especies de Turnera; con el objetivo de identificar la estructura involucrada en la dehiscencia y verificar la existencia de patrones en la organización del fruto entre las especies analizadas. El ovario es sincárpico, tricarpelar, unilocular con placentación parietal, presentando la misma estructura en todas las especies. Ambas epidermis carpelares son uniestratificadas y tienen estomas, el mesófilo es parenquimático con 3 haces dorsales y 3 marginales. Durante el desarrollo del fruto, la epidermis externa forma un epicarpo papiloso en las especies de Piriqueta. El mesocarpio deriva de los estratos medios del ovario, formando un estrato mecánico de braquiesclereidas. Estas esclereidas pueden organizarse como un cilindro continuo determinando frutos de superficie lisa o agruparse en nidos, unidos o no, determinando así frutos granulares, verrugosos, o tuberculados. Las cápsulas son loculicidas, con línea de dehiscencia formada por macroesclereidas dispuestas longitudinalmente en el fruto, paralelas al haz carpelar dorsal. Se concluye que los diferentes tipos de pericarpio son un rasgo post-fecundación, dado que la estructura del ovario es exactamente la misma en todas las especies analizadas. Se analiza la anatomía del fruto en relación al esquema taxonómico actualizado.The aims of this work were to describe the morphology, anatomy and development of the fruits of 12 species of Piriqueta and 30 species of Turnera; to identify the structures related to the process of dehiscence of the capsule; and to verify the occurrence of standards carpological structure between the studied species. The ovary is 3-carpellar, syncarpous, unilocular with parietal placentation and has the same anatomical structure in all studied species. The outer and inner epidermises are single-layered with stomata; the ovarian mesophyll is composed by

  5. An amphioxus Msx gene expressed predominantly in the dorsal neural tube. (United States)

    Sharman, A C; Shimeld, S M; Holland, P W


    Genomic and cDNA clones of an Msx class homeobox gene were isolated from amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae). The gene, AmphiMsx, is expressed in the neural plate from late gastrulation; in later embryos it is expressed in dorsal cells of the neural tube, excluding anterior and posterior regions, in an irregular reiterated pattern. There is transient expression in dorsal cells within somites, reminiscent of migrating neural crest cells of vertebrates. In larvae, mRNA is detected in two patches of anterior ectoderm proposed to be placodes. Evolutionary analyses show there is little phylogenetic information in Msx protein sequences; however, it is likely that duplication of Msx genes occurred in the vertebrate lineage.

  6. Modality-Based Organization of Ascending Somatosensory Axons in the Direct Dorsal Column Pathway (United States)

    Niu, Jingwen; Ding, Long; Li, Jian J.; Kim, Hyukmin; Liu, Jiakun; Li, Haipeng; Moberly, Andrew; Badea, Tudor C.; Duncan, Ian D.; Son, Young-Jin; Scherer, Steven S.


    The long-standing doctrine regarding the functional organization of the direct dorsal column (DDC) pathway is the “somatotopic map” model, which suggests that somatosensory afferents are primarily organized by receptive field instead of modality. Using modality-specific genetic tracing, here we show that ascending mechanosensory and proprioceptive axons, two main types of the DDC afferents, are largely segregated into a medial–lateral pattern in the mouse dorsal column and medulla. In addition, we found that this modality-based organization is likely to be conserved in other mammalian species, including human. Furthermore, we identified key morphological differences between these two types of afferents, which explains how modality segregation is formed and why a rough “somatotopic map” was previously detected. Collectively, our results establish a new functional organization model for the mammalian direct dorsal column pathway and provide insight into how somatotopic and modality-based organization coexist in the central somatosensory pathway. PMID:24198362

  7. Electroacupuncture reduces the evoked responses of the spinal dorsal horn neurons in ankle-sprained rats (United States)

    Kim, Jae Hyo; Kim, Hee Young; Chung, Kyungsoon


    Acupuncture is shown to be effective in producing analgesia in ankle sprain pain in humans and animals. To examine the underlying mechanisms of the acupuncture-induced analgesia, the effects of electroacupuncture (EA) on weight-bearing forces (WBR) of the affected foot and dorsal horn neuron activities were examined in a rat model of ankle sprain. Ankle sprain was induced manually by overextending ligaments of the left ankle in the rat. Dorsal horn neuron responses to ankle movements or compression were recorded from the lumbar spinal cord using an in vivo extracellular single unit recording setup 1 day after ankle sprain. EA was applied to the SI-6 acupoint on the right forelimb (contralateral to the sprained ankle) by trains of electrical pulses (10 Hz, 1-ms pulse width, 2-mA intensity) for 30 min. After EA, WBR of the sprained foot significantly recovered and dorsal horn neuron activities were significantly suppressed in ankle-sprained rats. However, EA produced no effect in normal rats. The inhibitory effect of EA on hyperactivities of dorsal horn neurons of ankle-sprained rats was blocked by the α-adrenoceptor antagonist phentolamine (5 mg/kg ip) but not by the opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone (10 mg/kg ip). These data suggest that EA-induced analgesia in ankle sprain pain is mediated mainly by suppressing dorsal horn neuron activities through α-adrenergic descending inhibitory systems at the spinal level. PMID:21389301

  8. Spiny Prey, Fortunate Prey. Dorsal Spines Are an Asset in Intraguild Interactions among Lady Beetles

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    Louis Hautier


    Full Text Available The Multicolored Asian Ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, is an extremely successful invasive species. Here we suggest that, in addition to many other traits, the dorsal spines of its larvae contribute to their success, as suggested by behavioral observations of agonistic interactions between H. axyridis and European coccinellids. In coccinellids, the role of dorsal spines in these interactions has been poorly studied and they could be a physical protection against intraguild predators. Dorsal spines of second instar H. axyridis larvae were removed with micro-scissors, which resulted in spineless larvae after molting (spineless group. These larvae were then exposed to starved Coccinella septempunctata larvae. Two control categories were also submitted to interactions: H. axyridis larvae with all their spines (control group and with their spines, but injured by pin stings (injured group. Spine removal at the second instar did not hamper H. axyridis development. The bite rate by C. septempunctata was significantly higher on the spineless H. axyridis and more dorsally located compared to the control and injured groups, while no bite rate difference was observed between the injured and the control group. Our results suggest that in addition to behavioral and chemical defenses, the dorsal spines play a significant protective role against bites. Therefore, spines in ladybirds could be considered as a morphological defense against intraguild predation. In H. axyridis, these defenses might contribute to its success in food resources already exploited by other guild members and thus further facilitate the invasion of new areas.

  9. Transferencia del dorsal ancho para lesiones irreparables del manguito rotador. Técnica quirúrgica y evaluación de una serie de 20 pacientes

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    Rafael Rodríguez


    promedio de 1 y por la mejoría de la elevación y rotación externa antes mencionada. La evaluación radiológica post operatoria, siguiendo los criterios de Hamada no evidenció una progresión significativa hacia la artropatía por rotura del manguito.

  10. Excessive D1 Dopamine Receptor Activation in the Dorsal Striatum Promotes Autistic-Like Behaviors. (United States)

    Lee, Yunjin; Kim, Hannah; Kim, Ji-Eun; Park, Jin-Young; Choi, Juli; Lee, Jung-Eun; Lee, Eun-Hwa; Han, Pyung-Lim


    The dopamine system has been characterized in motor function, goal-directed behaviors, and rewards. Recent studies recognize various dopamine system genes as being associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, how dopamine system dysfunction induces ASD pathophysiology remains unknown. In the present study, we demonstrated that mice with increased dopamine functions in the dorsal striatum via the suppression of dopamine transporter expression in substantia nigra neurons or the optogenetic stimulation of the nigro-striatal circuitry exhibited sociability deficits and repetitive behaviors relevant to ASD pathology in animal models, while these behavioral changes were blocked by a D1 receptor antagonist. Pharmacological activation of D1 dopamine receptors in normal mice or the genetic knockout (KO) of D2 dopamine receptors also produced typical autistic-like behaviors. Moreover, the siRNA-mediated inhibition of D2 dopamine receptors in the dorsal striatum was sufficient to replicate autistic-like phenotypes in D2 KO mice. Intervention of D1 dopamine receptor functions or the signaling pathways-related D1 receptors in D2 KO mice produced anti-autistic effects. Together, our results indicate that increased dopamine function in the dorsal striatum promotes autistic-like behaviors and that the dorsal striatum is the neural correlate of ASD core symptoms.

  11. Treatment of acute and subacute dorsal perilunate fracture dislocations

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    Levent Kucuk


    Outcomes: Results of the perilunate fracture dislocations treated in acute or subacute phase by open reduction and internal fixation via dorsal approach are satisfactory. There is a strong demand for prospective, randomized studies to compare the results of different treatment modalities. [Hand Microsurg 2014; 3(1.000: 1-7

  12. Patterning of the dorsal-ventral axis in echinoderms: insights into the evolution of the BMP-chordin signaling network.

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    François Lapraz


    Full Text Available Formation of the dorsal-ventral axis of the sea urchin embryo relies on cell interactions initiated by the TGFbeta Nodal. Intriguingly, although nodal expression is restricted to the ventral side of the embryo, Nodal function is required for specification of both the ventral and the dorsal territories and is able to restore both ventral and dorsal regions in nodal morpholino injected embryos. The molecular basis for the long-range organizing activity of Nodal is not understood. In this paper, we provide evidence that the long-range organizing activity of Nodal is assured by a relay molecule synthesized in the ventral ectoderm, then translocated to the opposite side of the embryo. We identified this relay molecule as BMP2/4 based on the following arguments. First, blocking BMP2/4 function eliminated the long-range organizing activity of an activated Nodal receptor in an axis rescue assay. Second, we demonstrate that BMP2/4 and the corresponding type I receptor Alk3/6 functions are both essential for specification of the dorsal region of the embryo. Third, using anti-phospho-Smad1/5/8 immunostaining, we show that, despite its ventral transcription, the BMP2/4 ligand triggers receptor mediated signaling exclusively on the dorsal side of the embryo, one of the most extreme cases of BMP translocation described so far. We further report that the pattern of pSmad1/5/8 is graded along the dorsal-ventral axis and that two BMP2/4 target genes are expressed in nested patterns centered on the region with highest levels of pSmad1/5/8, strongly suggesting that BMP2/4 is acting as a morphogen. We also describe the very unusual ventral co-expression of chordin and bmp2/4 downstream of Nodal and demonstrate that Chordin is largely responsible for the spatial restriction of BMP2/4 signaling to the dorsal side. Thus, unlike in most organisms, in the sea urchin, a single ventral signaling centre is responsible for induction of ventral and dorsal cell fates. Finally

  13. Retinal glia promote dorsal root ganglion axon regeneration.

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    Barbara Lorber

    Full Text Available Axon regeneration in the adult central nervous system (CNS is limited by several factors including a lack of neurotrophic support. Recent studies have shown that glia from the adult rat CNS, specifically retinal astrocytes and Müller glia, can promote regeneration of retinal ganglion cell axons. In the present study we investigated whether retinal glia also exert a growth promoting effect outside the visual system. We found that retinal glial conditioned medium significantly enhanced neurite growth and branching of adult rat dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRG in culture. Furthermore, transplantation of retinal glia significantly enhanced regeneration of DRG axons past the dorsal root entry zone after root crush in adult rats. To identify the factors that mediate the growth promoting effects of retinal glia, mass spectrometric analysis of retinal glial conditioned medium was performed. Apolipoprotein E and secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC were found to be present in high abundance, a finding further confirmed by western blotting. Inhibition of Apolipoprotein E and SPARC significantly reduced the neuritogenic effects of retinal glial conditioned medium on DRG in culture, suggesting that Apolipoprotein E and SPARC are the major mediators of this regenerative response.

  14. Morphology of the dorsal and lateral calcaneocuboid ligaments. (United States)

    Dorn-Lange, Nadja V; Nauck, Tanja; Lohrer, Heinz; Arentz, Sabine; Konerding, Moritz A


    The dorsolateral calcaneocuboid ligaments have different configurations. In the literature they are only described as either the dorsal or lateral calcaneocuboid ligament. However, recent reconstructive surgical techniques may benefit from a better understanding of the anatomy. The aims of this study were to classify the morphology and attachments of the dorso-lateral calcaneocuboid ligaments and to determine their dimensions. The dorso-lateral aspects of the calcaneocuboid joint of 30 cadaver feet were dissected to expose the associated ligaments. Further, we evaluated possible bony landmarks of the calcaneus that could imply which shape or course the ligament would have in a specific individual. Our findings showed a wide variety of configurations in shape, number, and attachment sites. A constant dorsal ligament and an additional narrower lateral ligament was detectable in half of the cases. The majority of the dorso-lateral calcaneocuboid ligament-complex had an upward course and fanning out from proximal to distal. No bony predictor for the ligaments' shape or course was found. The dorso-lateral ligament-complex of the calcaneocuboid joint revealed a wide variety of configurations. Better understanding of the anatomy of these ligaments may aid in the anatomic reconstruction of these ligaments.

  15. History and evolution of dorsal onlay urethroplasty for bulbar urethral stricture repair using skin or buccal mucosal grafts. (United States)

    Barbagli, G; Lazzeri, M


    OBJECTIVES. To illustrate the history and the evolution over time of bulbar dorsal onlay urethroplasty, comparing outcomes when using buccal mucosa or skin grafts. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Ninety-four patients underwent bulbar urethral reconstruction using two dorsal onlay techniques, namely augmented anastomotic urethroplasty and dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty. Preoperative evaluation included clinical history, physical examination, urine culture, residual urine measurement, uroflowmetry and urethrography. Thirty-four patients underwent augmented anastomotic urethroplasty using penile skin (10 cases) or buccal mucosa (24 cases) grafts. Sixty patients underwent dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty using penile skin (38 cases) or buccal mucosa (22 cases) grafts. Forty-eight out of 94 patients received skin grafts and 46 buccal mucosal grafts. RESULTS. Sixty-four (68%) out of 94 cases were successful, whereas 30 (32%) failed. The 34 augmented anastomotic urethroplasties provided successful outcomes in 24 cases (70.6%), but poor outcomes in 10 (29.4%) cases. The 60 dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty proved to be successful in 42 cases (70%), failing in 18 (30%) cases. Twenty-eight (58.3%) out of 48 penile skin grafts were successful and 20 (41.7%) failed. Thirty-six (78.3%) out of 46 buccal mucosa grafts were successful and 10 (21.7%) failed. The 30 failed cases were then treated with internal urethrotomy in 14 cases (46.7%), perineal urethrostomy in 8 cases (26.7%), two-stage repair in 4 cases (13.3%), and one-stage repair in 4 cases (13.3%). CONCLUSIONS. The dorsal onlay technique used for bulbar urethral stricture repair has changed over time. In our experience, the buccal mucosa seems to be the best substitute graft material for bulbar urethroplasty using dorsal approach.

  16. Fascitis plantar

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    Dinorah Artidiello Bustio


    Full Text Available Introducción: la fascitis plantar es la inflamación del tejido denso que ocupa la parte anterior del tubérculo interno del calcáneo y constituye la causa más frecuente de dolor en la planta de los pies y dificulta en gran medida el desempeño laboral del individuo. Objetivo: caracterizar la fascitis plantar en pacientes asistidos en los servicios del Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" en Pinar del Río. Material y método: estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y aplicado en el Departamento de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación del Hospital "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado", en el periodo comprendido desde abril del 2013 hasta abril del 2014, a los pacientes con diagnóstico de fascitis plantar. El universo coincidió con la muestra (60 pacientes. Resultados: de la muestra distribuida según ocupación laboral, 53 permanecen el mayor tiempo de pie, siendo el sexo femenino más predominante que el masculino y la edad promedio más afectada es de 40 a 49 años. El 70,0% de los pacientes mostraron dolor en las categorías de moderado a severo. Conclusiones: el sobrepeso y la obesidad crean un estrés adicional. Otro de los factores a considerar, son las neuropatías, el abuso del alcohol y el factor hereditario.

  17. Complex population response of dorsal putamen neurons predicts the ability to learn. (United States)

    Laquitaine, Steeve; Piron, Camille; Abellanas, David; Loewenstein, Yonatan; Boraud, Thomas


    Day-to-day variability in performance is a common experience. We investigated its neural correlate by studying learning behavior of monkeys in a two-alternative forced choice task, the two-armed bandit task. We found substantial session-to-session variability in the monkeys' learning behavior. Recording the activity of single dorsal putamen neurons we uncovered a dual function of this structure. It has been previously shown that a population of neurons in the DLP exhibits firing activity sensitive to the reward value of chosen actions. Here, we identify putative medium spiny neurons in the dorsal putamen that are cue-selective and whose activity builds up with learning. Remarkably we show that session-to-session changes in the size of this population and in the intensity with which this population encodes cue-selectivity is correlated with session-to-session changes in the ability to learn the task. Moreover, at the population level, dorsal putamen activity in the very beginning of the session is correlated with the performance at the end of the session, thus predicting whether the monkey will have a "good" or "bad" learning day. These results provide important insights on the neural basis of inter-temporal performance variability.

  18. Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas: systematic review of a clinical challenge

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    Javier A. Cienfuegos

    Full Text Available Background: Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas is a rare malformation. Since 1911 and until 2008, 53 cases have been reported. Several authors have recently described the association of this anomaly with neoplasia of the ventral pancreas, thus we performed a systematic review of the literature from 2008 to 2015. Methods: A systematic review of the Medline and ISI Web of Science Databases from 2008 until 2015 was carried out, and 30 articles which met the inclusion criteria were identified that included a total of 53 patients: 7 children and 46 adults. Conclusions: Although dorsal pancreatic agenesis is a rare malformation, given its association with non-alcoholic pancreatitis and neoplasia of the residual pancreas, physicians should maintain an expectant attitude.

  19. Propagation of a dorsal cortical fracture of the third metacarpal bone in two horses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spurlock, G.H.


    Seemingly, propagation of a dorsal cortical fracture in the third metacarpal bone developed after continued race performance in 2 horses. Historically, both horses had intermittent lameness that had responded to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and brief rest periods. However, lameness in both horses had increased in severity. Radiography revealed a dorsal cortical fracture of the third metacarpal bone, with propagation of the fracture plane proximally. Fractures were incomplete and healed with stall rest in both horses

  20. Histología y morfometría de piel del pez Eremophilus mutisii (Trychomecteridae, Siluriformes

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    Rocío Johanna Bonilla Lizarazo


    Full Text Available Se estudió la piel del pez dulceacuícola endémico de Colombia Eremophylus mutissi. Se tomaron muestras de piel (0.5x0.5 cm² de 11 especimenes en seis partes del cuerpo (mandíbulas, cabeza dorsal, tronco dorsal, tronco caudal, tronco medial y abdominal. Se fijaron en formaldehído al 4%, con deshidratación en etanol al 95 % e isopropanol al 99%, inclusión en parafina y cortes a 5 µm. La piel está constituida por dos capas cutáneas (epidermis y dermis y una capa subcutánea (hipodermis: la epidermis tiene tres capas con células secretoras, células epiteliales y pocas células gustativas; la dermis está separada de la epidermis por una membrana basal. Observamos fibroblastos, dos capas de melanóforos y algunos vasos sanguíneos; la hipodermis tiene un tejido adiposo vascularizado. La dermis es más delgada que la epidermis; la piel tiene más células tipo clava que células mucosas. El tronco medio tiene muchas células clava y células mucosas. La piel de E. mutissi parece tener una función principalmente protectora.Skin histology and morphometry of the fish Eremophilus mutisii (Trychomecteridae, Siluriformes. The tropical freshwater fish Eremophylus mutisii is endemic to the Cundinamarca highland in Colombia. Skin samples (0.5x0.5 cm² were taken from 11 specimens at six body parts (mandible, dorsal head, dorsal trunk, caudal trunk, medial trunk and abdominal area, fixed in 4% formaldehyde, dehydrated in 95% ethanol and 99% isopropanol, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 5 µm. The skin is made of two mayor cutaneous layers (epidermis and dermis and a subcutaneous layer (hypodermis. The epidermis presents three layers with secretory cells, epithelial cells and a few taste buds; the dermis is separated from the epidermis by a basal membrane. We observed fibroblasts, two layers of melanophors and some blood vessels; the hypodermis has vascularized adipose tissue. Skin thickness changes with body area; the dermis is thicker than

  1. Estudio anatómico de la rama superficial del nervio radial, implicaciones quirúrgicas

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    Enrique Vergara Amador


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Conocer la anatomía de la rama superficial del nervio radial, es indispensable para la adecuada práctica de cirugías que involucran la mano y la muñeca. Objetivo. Determinar las relaciones del nervio radial y sus ramas con el tubérculo de Lister, la apófisis estiloides del radio y la distribución en el dorso de la mano. Material y métodos. Se disecaron 25 piezas de cadáveres frescos. Se identificó la rama superficial del nervio radial y se midió la distancia entre la salida del nervio y la apófisis estiloides del radio. Se identificaron las ramas del nervio en el antebrazo distal y en la muñeca y se midieron respecto a la apófisis estiloides y al tubérculo de Lister. Resultados. La rama superficial del nervio radial emergió en la región dorsal y radial del tercio distal del antebrazo entre el músculo braquiradialis y el extensor carpis radialis longus, a una distancia de 8,45 cm proximal a la apófisis estiloides. Su primera rama de división discurrió palmar a la apófisis estiloides radial a una distancia promedio de 0,74 cm respecto a la misma. El tronco principal se dividió en varias ramas terminales así: proximal a la apófisis estiloides del radio (28%, a nivel de la misma (12% y distal (60%. El patrón de distribución de las ramas nerviosas en la base de los dedos más frecuente fue el del primero, segundo y el lado radial del tercer dedo (56%. Discusión. Este estudio mostró la gran variabilidad de la rama superficial del nervio radial en el dorso de la mano y la alta probabilidad de daño del mismo durante los procedimientos abiertos, artroscópicos o procedimientos percutáneos en la muñeca.

  2. Three-dimensional distribution of sensory stimulation-evoked neuronal activity of spinal dorsal horn neurons analyzed by in vivo calcium imaging. (United States)

    Nishida, Kazuhiko; Matsumura, Shinji; Taniguchi, Wataru; Uta, Daisuke; Furue, Hidemasa; Ito, Seiji


    The spinal dorsal horn comprises heterogeneous populations of interneurons and projection neurons, which form neuronal circuits crucial for processing of primary sensory information. Although electrophysiological analyses have uncovered sensory stimulation-evoked neuronal activity of various spinal dorsal horn neurons, monitoring these activities from large ensembles of neurons is needed to obtain a comprehensive view of the spinal dorsal horn circuitry. In the present study, we established in vivo calcium imaging of multiple spinal dorsal horn neurons by using a two-photon microscope and extracted three-dimensional neuronal activity maps of these neurons in response to cutaneous sensory stimulation. For calcium imaging, a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based calcium indicator protein, Yellow Cameleon, which is insensitive to motion artifacts of living animals was introduced into spinal dorsal horn neurons by in utero electroporation. In vivo calcium imaging following pinch, brush, and heat stimulation suggests that laminar distribution of sensory stimulation-evoked neuronal activity in the spinal dorsal horn largely corresponds to that of primary afferent inputs. In addition, cutaneous pinch stimulation elicited activities of neurons in the spinal cord at least until 2 spinal segments away from the central projection field of primary sensory neurons responsible for the stimulated skin point. These results provide a clue to understand neuronal processing of sensory information in the spinal dorsal horn.

  3. Three-dimensional distribution of sensory stimulation-evoked neuronal activity of spinal dorsal horn neurons analyzed by in vivo calcium imaging.

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    Kazuhiko Nishida

    Full Text Available The spinal dorsal horn comprises heterogeneous populations of interneurons and projection neurons, which form neuronal circuits crucial for processing of primary sensory information. Although electrophysiological analyses have uncovered sensory stimulation-evoked neuronal activity of various spinal dorsal horn neurons, monitoring these activities from large ensembles of neurons is needed to obtain a comprehensive view of the spinal dorsal horn circuitry. In the present study, we established in vivo calcium imaging of multiple spinal dorsal horn neurons by using a two-photon microscope and extracted three-dimensional neuronal activity maps of these neurons in response to cutaneous sensory stimulation. For calcium imaging, a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET-based calcium indicator protein, Yellow Cameleon, which is insensitive to motion artifacts of living animals was introduced into spinal dorsal horn neurons by in utero electroporation. In vivo calcium imaging following pinch, brush, and heat stimulation suggests that laminar distribution of sensory stimulation-evoked neuronal activity in the spinal dorsal horn largely corresponds to that of primary afferent inputs. In addition, cutaneous pinch stimulation elicited activities of neurons in the spinal cord at least until 2 spinal segments away from the central projection field of primary sensory neurons responsible for the stimulated skin point. These results provide a clue to understand neuronal processing of sensory information in the spinal dorsal horn.

  4. La crisis del orden neoliberal en Argentina y la respuesta antiglobalización contra el ALCA

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    Manuela Fernández Mayo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una introducción al estudio económico de la crisis argentina de 2001. Encuadrando la interpretación de la misma dentro de un contexto internacional y latinoamericano del período. Los gobiernos argentinos siguieron al pie de la letra, las exigencias del “Consenso de Washington” y aplicaron todas las medidas de ajuste estructural dictadas por el FMI: liquidación de las empresas nacionales; destrucción de los servicios públicos; total apertura comercial (responsable de la ruina de miles de pequeñas y medianas empresas, etc. Los gobiernos democráticos, profundizaron la destrucción de este Estado-Nación y terminaron consolidando la construcción de la Argentina, como simplemente un "mercado", el “alumno modelo” del neoliberalismo resultó un modelo en todo: en el descaro del latrocinio y en sus efectos sociales. Tras el derrumbe del modelo neoliberal, se extienden las posturas antiglobalización, materializadas con éxito, en la oposición a la entrada en vigor del ALCA en 2005._____________________ABSTRACT:The present article is an introduction to the economic analysis of the Argentinian crisis of 2001, fitting this interpretation in the international and south american context of the period. The Argentine governments followed exactly the exigencies of the "Washington Consensus" and applied all the measures of structural adjustment dictated by the IMF: liquidation of national companies; destruction of public services; full commercial opening (responsible of the ruin of thousands of small and medium companies, etc. Democratic governments deepened the destruction of this State-Nation and ended up consolidating the construction of Argentina, just as a "market", the "exemplary pupil" of neoliberalism was taken as model in everything: in the impudence of thievery and its social effects. After the collapse of neoliberal model, antiglobalization extends to face the coming into force of the ALCA in 2005.

  5. Esporotricosis. Valor diagnóstico del cuerpo asteroide

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    Gerzaín Rodríguez Toro


    Full Text Available Un hombre de 52 años presentó lesiones costrosas, verrucosas, fisuradas, acordonadas y cicatriciales en la rodilla, pierna y pie izquierdos, de 2 años de evolución, luego de trauma contra un Arbol. Clínicamente se pensó en esporotricosis y cromomicosis. El cultivo mostró un moho negro y el examen directo hifas y esporos pigmentados, por lo cual se diagnóstico cromomicosis. La biopsia no mostró levaduras carmelitas en la inflamación granulomatosa con microabscesos de la dermis, sino cuerpos asteroides esporotricósicos por lo cual se hicieron nuevos cultivos y biopsias. Aquellos revelaron el crecimiento del mismo moho negro y de Sporothrix schenkii. En los múltiples cortes seriados de todas las biopsias se vieron cuerpos asteroides esporotricósicos y nunca se demostraron en la dermis levaduras septadas, pigmentadas tan fáciles de ver en la cromomicosis. En algunos focos se observaron esporos marrones e hifas cortas pigmentadas en las costras. El paciente curó con loduro de Potasio. Pensamos que el moho negro es un saprofito presente únicamente en las costras, originando una contaminación superficial sin repercusión clínica y difícilmente demostrable histopatológicamente, pero muy aparente en el cultivo. Este, en la cromomicosis, debe ir acompañado de biopsia que confirme la presencia de levaduras pigmentadas en la dermis. El cuerpo asteroide de la esporotricosis es específico y característico. Cuando se ve, debe insistirse en el cultivo del hongo, pero si ello no es posible, es indicio suficiente para instaurar el tratamiento específico.

  6. Gender moderates the association between dorsal medial prefrontal cortex volume and depressive symptoms in a subclinical sample. (United States)

    Carlson, Joshua M; Depetro, Emily; Maxwell, Joshua; Harmon-Jones, Eddie; Hajcak, Greg


    Major depressive disorder is associated with lower medial prefrontal cortex volumes. The role that gender might play in moderating this relationship and what particular medial prefrontal cortex subregion(s) might be implicated is unclear. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to assess dorsal, ventral, and anterior cingulate regions of the medial prefrontal cortex in a normative sample of male and female adults. The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) was used to measure these three variables. Voxel-based morphometry was used to test for correlations between medial prefrontal gray matter volume and depressive traits. The dorsal medial frontal cortex was correlated with greater levels of depression, but not anxiety and stress. Gender moderates this effect: in males greater levels of depression were associated with lower dorsal medial prefrontal volumes, but in females no relationship was observed. The results indicate that even within a non-clinical sample, male participants with higher levels of depressive traits tend to have lower levels of gray matter volume in the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex. Our finding is consistent with low dorsal medial prefrontal volume contributing to the development of depression in males. Future longitudinal work is needed to substantiate this possibility. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Dorsal and ventral streams across sensory modalities

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Anna Sedda; Federica Scarpina


    In this review,we describe the current models of dorsal and ventral streams in vision,audition and touch.Available theories take their first steps from the model of Milner and Goodale,which was developed to explain how human actions can be efficiently carried out using visual information.Since then,similar concepts have also been applied to other sensory modalities.We propose that advances in the knowledge of brain functioning can be achieved through models explaining action and perception patterns independently from sensory modalities.

  8. Burst-generating neurones in the dorsal horn in an in vitro preparation of the turtle spinal cord

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Russo, R E; Hounsgaard, J


    1. In transverse slices of the spinal cord of the turtle, intracellular recordings were used to characterize and analyse the responses to injected current and activation of primary afferents in dorsal horn neurones. 2. A subpopulation of neurones, with cell bodies located centrally in the dorsal...

  9. Dorsal approaches to intradural extramedullary tumors of the craniovertebral junction

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    D Refai


    Full Text Available Tumors of the craniovertebral junction (CVJ pose significant challenges to cranial and spine surgeons. Familiarity with the complex anatomy and avoidance of injury to neurologic and vascular structures are essential to success. Multiple surgical approaches to address lesions at the CVJ have been promoted, including ventral and dorsal-based trajectories. However, optimal selection of the surgical vector to manage the pathology requires a firm understanding of the limitations and advantages of each approach. The selection of the best surgical trajectory must include several factors, such as obtaining the optimal exposure of the region of interest, avoiding injury to critical neurologic or vascular structures, identification of normal anatomical landmarks, the familiarity and comfort level of the surgeon to the approach, and the need for fixation. This review article focuses on dorsal approaches to the CVJ and the advantages and limitations in managing intradural extramedullary tumors.

  10. Single-prolonged stress induces apoptosis in dorsal raphe nucleus in the rat model of posttraumatic stress disorder

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    Liu Dongjuan


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD is an anxiety disorder that develops after exposure to a life-threatening traumatic experience. Meta-analyses of the brainstem showed that midsagittal area of the pons was significantly reduced in patients with PTSD, suggesting a potential apoptosis in dorsal raphe nucleus after single-prolonged stress (SPS. The aim of this study is to investigate whether SPS induces apoptosis in dorsal raphe nucleus in PTSD rats, which may be a possible mechanism of reduced volume of pons and density of gray matter. Methods In this study, rats were randomly divided into 1d, 7d and 14d groups after SPS along with the control group. The apoptosis rate was determined using annexin V-FITC/PI double-labeled flow cytometry (FCM. Levels of Cytochrome c (Cyt-C was examined by Western blotting. Expression of Cyt-C on mitochondria in the dorsal raphe nucleus neuron was determined by enzymohistochemistry under transmission electron microscopy (TEM. The change of thiamine monophosphatase (TMP levels was assessed by enzymohistochemistry under light microscope and TEM. Morphological changes of the ultrastructure of the dorsal raphe nucleus neuron were determined by TEM. Results Apoptotic morphological alterations were observed in dorsal raphe nucleus neuron for all SPS-stimulate groups of rats. The apoptosis rates were significantly increased in dorsal raphe nucleus neuron of SPS rats, along with increased release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm, increased expression of Cyt-C and TMP levels in the cytoplasm, which reached to the peak of increase 7 days of SPS. Conclusions The results indicate that SPS induced Cyt-C released from mitochondria into cytosol and apoptosis in dorsal raphe nucleus neuron of rats. Increased TMP in cytoplasm facilitated the clearance of apoptotic cells. We propose that this presents one of the mechanisms that lead to reduced volume of pons and gray matter associated

  11. Inflammatory reaction of the anterior dorsal tongue presumably to sodium lauryl sulfate within toothpastes: a triple case report. (United States)

    Brown, Ronald S; Smith, Langston; Glascoe, Alison L


    Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a popular surface active agent ingredient within toothpastes, is known for its foaming action. Surface active agents increase the effectiveness of toothpastes with respect to dental plaque removal. SLS is a known irritant and also has allergenic potential. The authors report 3 patients with oral pain secondary to inflammation of the dorsal anterior tongue. These patients were all using toothpastes with SLS as an ingredient. The dorsal tongue lesions and oral pain resolved upon switching to toothpastes without SLS as an ingredient. Clinicians should be aware of the potential of SLS within toothpastes to cause oral mucosal inflammatory reactions of the anterior dorsal tongue. To our knowledge, these are the first case reports of oral mucosal inflammatory reactions of the anterior dorsal tongue associated with SLS containing toothpastes. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. [Trombosis of the dorsal penis vein (of Mondor's phlebitis). Presentation of a new case]. (United States)

    Rodríguez Faba, O; Parra Muntaner, L; Gómez Cisneros, S C; Martín Benito, J L; Escaf Barmadah, S


    We present a new case of trombosis of the superficial dorsal penis vein called Penile Mondor's disease. The characteristics of the disease are reviewed and the most usual diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The case of a 41 year old man is reviewed who consulted for pain and induration on the proximal part of the penis. After phisical examination and Eco-doppler was made the diagnosis of Mondor's disease. He receibed treatment with non steroidal antiinflamatories and antibiotics. The dorsal vein thrombosis is a rare disease with pain an induration of the dorsal part of the penis. The ethiology can be traumatic, neoplasic, excesive sexual activity or abstinence. Is necesary the diferencial diagnosis with esclerosant linphangitis and the most important imaging is the Eco-doppler. The treatment is based in non steroidal antiinflamatories and antibiotics wit infection. The local aplication of heparine can be useful and the surgery with thrombectomy and resection is for persistent cases.

  13. Dorsal and ventral changes of the occipital vertebrae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banki, Z.


    Based on his own observation and on the literature, the author discusses various types of calcification in the occipital-cervical region, beginning with those situated dorsally and followed by ventral forms. An attempt is made to classify these changes, depending on their morphology and situation, from an embryological point of view. The pro-atlantal and ante pro-atlanto origin of the occipital vertebrae is discussed. Differentiation depends on appearances. (orig.) [de

  14. Social conflict resolution regulated by two dorsal habenular subregions in zebrafish. (United States)

    Chou, Ming-Yi; Amo, Ryunosuke; Kinoshita, Masae; Cherng, Bor-Wei; Shimazaki, Hideaki; Agetsuma, Masakazu; Shiraki, Toshiyuki; Aoki, Tazu; Takahoko, Mikako; Yamazaki, Masako; Higashijima, Shin-ichi; Okamoto, Hitoshi


    When animals encounter conflict they initiate and escalate aggression to establish and maintain a social hierarchy. The neural mechanisms by which animals resolve fighting behaviors to determine such social hierarchies remain unknown. We identified two subregions of the dorsal habenula (dHb) in zebrafish that antagonistically regulate the outcome of conflict. The losing experience reduced neural transmission in the lateral subregion of dHb (dHbL)-dorsal/intermediate interpeduncular nucleus (d/iIPN) circuit. Silencing of the dHbL or medial subregion of dHb (dHbM) caused a stronger predisposition to lose or win a fight, respectively. These results demonstrate that the dHbL and dHbM comprise a dual control system for conflict resolution of social aggression. Copyright © 2016, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  15. [Application of pie-crusting the medial collateral ligament release in arthroscopic surgery for posterior horn of 
medial meniscus in knee joint]. (United States)

    Zhu, Weihong; Tang, Qi; Liao, Lele; Li, Ding; Yang, Yang; Chen, You


    To explore the effectiveness and safety of pie-crusting the medial collateral ligament release (MCL) in treating posterior horn of medial meniscus (PHMM) tear in tight medial tibiofemoral compartment of knee joint.
 Methods: Thirty-two consecutive patients with PHMM tear in tight medial tibiofemoral compartment of knee joint were admitted to our department from January, 2013 to December, 2014. All patients were performed pie-crusting the MCL release at its tibial insertion with 18-gauge intravenous needle. All patients were evaluated by valgus stress test and bilateral valgus stress radiograph at postoperative 1st day, 4th week and 12th week. Visual Analogue Scales (VAS), Lysholm scores, Tegner scores and International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) scores were recorded at the 1st, 3th, 6th month follow-up, then follow-up every 6 months.
 Results: The mean follow-up was 28 (24-36) months. All cases were negative in valgus stress test. MCL rupture, femoral fracture, articular cartilage lesion and neurovascular injury were not found at the last follow-up. The median medial joint space width of affected side and unaffected side for valgus stress radiographs were 6.8 mm and 4.3 mm (P0.05) at the 12th week, respectively. VAS scores was changed from 4.5±1.5 preoperatively to 1.7±1.0 at the final follow-up (t=16.561, Pjoint.

  16. Comparison of dorsal and dorsomedial displacement in evaluation of first ray hypermobility in feet with and without hallux valgus. (United States)

    Singh, Dishan; Biz, Carlo; Corradin, Marco; Favero, Laura


    Hypermobility of the first ray, a probable primary cause of hallux valgus, has traditionally been evaluated in the dorsal direction only although the first tarso-metatarsal joint allows movement in a dorso-medial direction. 600 feet, divided according to the presence or absence of hallux valgus, were evaluated for both dorsal and dorso-medial displacement using a Klaue device. In the control group, the mean first ray displacement was 7.2mm (4.2-11.3) in the dorsal direction (sagittal plane) and 8.3mm (4.0-12.6) in the 45° dorso-medial direction. In the hallux valgus group, the mean first ray mobility was 9.8mm (5.2-14.1) in the dorsal direction compared to a mean of 11.0mm (5.9-16.2) in the 45° dorso-medial direction. It is a paradox that hypermobility of the first ray is measured in only a dorsal (vertical) direction whereas a hallux valgus angle and an intermetatarsal angle are only measured in a transverse plane. Furthermore, the weightbearing foot pronates during gait and the first metatarsal is displaced in a dorsomedial direction rather than a pure dorsal direction. It is suggested that measurement hypermobility of the first ray at a 45° dorso-medial direction is more appropriate. Copyright © 2015 European Foot and Ankle Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Dorsal root potential produced by a TTX-insensitive micro-circuitry in the turtle spinal cord

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Russo, R E; Delgado-Lezama, R; Hounsgaard, J


    1, The mechanisms underlying the dorsal root potential (DRP) were studied in transverse slices of turtle spinal cord. DRPs were evoked by stimulating one filament in a dorsal root and were recorded from another such filament. 2. The DRP evoked at supramaximal stimulus intensity was reduced....... 5. Our results show that part of the DRP is generated by a TTX-resistant, probably non-spiking micro-circuit with separate components mediated by GABA and glutamate....

  18. Two White Spot Syndrome Virus MicroRNAs Target the Dorsal Gene To Promote Virus Infection in Marsupenaeus japonicus Shrimp. (United States)

    Ren, Qian; Huang, Xin; Cui, Yalei; Sun, Jiejie; Wang, Wen; Zhang, Xiaobo


    In eukaryotes, microRNAs (miRNAs) serve as regulators of many biological processes, including virus infection. An miRNA can generally target diverse genes during virus-host interactions. However, the regulation of gene expression by multiple miRNAs has not yet been extensively explored during virus infection. This study found that the Spaztle (Spz)-Toll-Dorsal-antilipopolysaccharide factor (ALF) signaling pathway plays a very important role in antiviral immunity against invasion of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in shrimp ( Marsupenaeus japonicus ). Dorsal , the central gene in the Toll pathway, was targeted by two viral miRNAs (WSSV-miR-N13 and WSSV-miR-N23) during WSSV infection. The regulation of Dorsal expression by viral miRNAs suppressed the Spz-Toll-Dorsal-ALF signaling pathway in shrimp in vivo , leading to virus infection. Our study contributes novel insights into the viral miRNA-mediated Toll signaling pathway during the virus-host interaction. IMPORTANCE An miRNA can target diverse genes during virus-host interactions. However, the regulation of gene expression by multiple miRNAs during virus infection has not yet been extensively explored. The results of this study indicated that the shrimp Dorsal gene, the central gene in the Toll pathway, was targeted by two viral miRNAs during infection with white spot syndrome virus. Regulation of Dorsal expression by viral miRNAs suppressed the Spz-Toll-Dorsal-ALF signaling pathway in shrimp in vivo , leading to virus infection. Our study provides new insight into the viral miRNA-mediated Toll signaling pathway in virus-host interactions. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Microbiology.

  19. Gestión del urbanismo y administración urbana: los pies de barro en el despliegue territorial del neoliberalismo en Chile. / Management planning and urban management: feet of clay in the territorial deployment of neoliberalism in Chile.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gaete Feres, Héctor


    Full Text Available En Chile, el abordaje eficiente de los problemas urbanos requiere enfrentar un asunto central pero rezagado de los procesos de modernización impulsados en el marco del modelo económico neoliberal vigente: la ineficiencia en la administración y gestión del desarrollo territorial. Ambas constituyen lastres que afectan el desempeño del sistema económico y el logro de los objetivos del país en calidad de vida para las personas. El artículo busca relevar, revisar el estado del arte y proponer líneas de trabajo hacia soluciones./Management of urbanism and urban administration. The Mud Feet in the Territorial Deployment of the Neoliberalism in Chile.In Chile, the efficient boarding of the urban problems requires to face a central but left behind subject of the impelled processes of modernization in the frame of the effective neoliberal economic model: inefficiency in the administration and management of the territorial development. Both constitute ballasts that affect the performance of the economic system and the profit of the objectives of the country in quality of life for the people. I articulate looks for to release, to review the state-of-the-art and to propose lines of work towards solutions.

  20. Vendaje Funcional para la Fascitis Plantar


    Julián Rochina, Iván


    El profesor Vicente Tormo aplica un vendaje funcional que aproxima a su centro geométrico las estructuras que configuran la planta del pie, con el objetivo de mantener relajada la fascia plantar durante la bipedestación.

  1. Orexin A and Orexin Receptor 1 axonal traffic in dorsal roots at the CNS/PNS interface

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Damien eColas


    Full Text Available Hypothalamic orexin/hypocretin neurons send long axonal projections through the dorsal spinal cord in lamina I-II of the dorsal horn at the interface with the peripheral nervous system (PNS. We show that in the dorsal horn OXA fibers colocalize with substance P (SP positive afferents of dorsal root ganglia (DRG neurons known to mediate sensory processing. Further, OR1 is expressed in p75NTR and SP positive DRG neurons, suggesting a potential signaling pathway between orexin and DRG neurons. Interestingly, DRG sensory neurons have a distinctive bifurcating axon where one branch innervates the periphery and the other one the spinal cord (pseudo-unipolar neurons, allowing for potential functional coupling of distinct targets. We observe that OR1 is transported selectively from DRG toward the spinal cord, while OXA is accumulated retrogradely toward the DRG. We hence report a rare situation of asymmetrical neuropeptide receptor distribution between axons projected by a single neuron. This molecular and cellular data are consistent with the role of OXA/OR1 in sensory processing, including DRG neuronal modulation, and support the potential existence of an OX/HCRT circuit between CNS and PNS.

  2. Phenotypic variation in dorsal fin morphology of coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus off Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Morteo


    Full Text Available Geographic variation in external morphology is thought to reflect an interplay between genotype and the environment. Morphological variation has been well-described for a number of cetacean species, including the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus. In this study we analyzed dorsal fin morphometric variation in coastal bottlenose dolphins to search for geographic patterns at different spatial scales. A total of 533 dorsal fin images from 19 available photo-identification catalogs across the three Mexican oceanic regions (Pacific Ocean n = 6, Gulf of California n = 6 and, Gulf of Mexico n = 7 were used in the analysis. Eleven fin shape measurements were analyzed to evaluate fin polymorphism through multivariate tests. Principal Component Analysis on log-transformed standardized ratios explained 94% of the variance. Canonical Discriminant Function Analysis on factor scores showed separation among most study areas (p < 0.05 with exception of the Gulf of Mexico where a strong morphometric cline was found. Possible explanations for the observed differences are related to environmental, biological and evolutionary processes. Shape distinction between dorsal fins from the Pacific and those from the Gulf of California were consistent with previously reported differences in skull morphometrics and genetics. Although the functional advantages of dorsal fin shape remains to be assessed, it is not unlikely that over a wide range of environments, fin shape may represent a trade-off among thermoregulatory capacity, hydrodynamic performance and the swimming/hunting behavior of the species.

  3. Lmx1b-targeted cis-regulatory modules involved in limb dorsalization. (United States)

    Haro, Endika; Watson, Billy A; Feenstra, Jennifer M; Tegeler, Luke; Pira, Charmaine U; Mohan, Subburaman; Oberg, Kerby C


    Lmx1b is a homeodomain transcription factor responsible for limb dorsalization. Despite striking double-ventral (loss-of-function) and double-dorsal (gain-of-function) limb phenotypes, no direct gene targets in the limb have been confirmed. To determine direct targets, we performed a chromatin immunoprecipitation against Lmx1b in mouse limbs at embryonic day 12.5 followed by next-generation sequencing (ChIP-seq). Nearly 84% ( n =617) of the Lmx1b-bound genomic intervals (LBIs) identified overlap with chromatin regulatory marks indicative of potential cis -regulatory modules (PCRMs). In addition, 73 LBIs mapped to CRMs that are known to be active during limb development. We compared Lmx1b-bound PCRMs with genes regulated by Lmx1b and found 292 PCRMs within 1 Mb of 254 Lmx1b-regulated genes. Gene ontological analysis suggests that Lmx1b targets extracellular matrix production, bone/joint formation, axonal guidance, vascular development, cell proliferation and cell movement. We validated the functional activity of a PCRM associated with joint-related Gdf5 that provides a mechanism for Lmx1b-mediated joint modification and a PCRM associated with Lmx1b that suggests a role in autoregulation. This is the first report to describe genome-wide Lmx1b binding during limb development, directly linking Lmx1b to targets that accomplish limb dorsalization. © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  4. Expression of interleukin-1 beta in rat dorsal root ganglia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Copray, JCVM; Mantingh, [No Value; Brouwer, N; Biber, K; Kust, BM; Liem, RSB; Huitinga, [No Value; Tilders, FJH; Van Dam, AM; Boddeke, HWGM


    The expression of interleukin-lp was examined in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons from adult rats using non-radioactive in Situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. At all spinal levels, approximately 70% of the DRG neurons appeared to express IL-1 beta mRNA: about 80% of these DRG neurons

  5. Flavobacterium psychrophilum y su patología en alevines de Onchorhynchus mykiss del centro piscícola El Ingenio, Huancayo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge León


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se reporta la presencia de Flavobacterium psychrophilum, como agente causante de la patología “enfermedad bacteriana del agua fría” en alevines de Onchorhynchus mykiss “trucha arco iris” del Centro Piscícola El Ingenio, Junín (3250 m de altitud. La lesión macroscópica externa más frecuente fue la ulceración profunda de la región dorsal del pez acompañado de un ennegrecimiento localizado de la piel. Internamente se observó una marcada esplenomegalia, palidez del hígado, riñón y branquias, inflamación del intestino y acumulación de líquido ascítico en el peritoneo. No se detectó hemorragia interna. En Agar Cytophaga Modificado (ACM según Anaker & Ordal (1959 fueron aisladas inicialmente 29 Gram negativas, de las cuales según la caracterización fenotípica y pruebas bioquímicas 9 fueron consideradas como F. psychrophilum. Pruebas de susceptibilidad antibiótica mostraron alta sensibilidad de las cepas a Gentamicina, Ceftazidina, oxitetraciclina, Norfloxacina, furazolidona, Ciprofloxacina y Cefoxitina.

  6. Emotional detachment in psychopathy: Involvement of dorsal default-mode connections. (United States)

    Sethi, Arjun; Gregory, Sarah; Dell'Acqua, Flavio; Periche Thomas, Eva; Simmons, Andy; Murphy, Declan G M; Hodgins, Sheilagh; Blackwood, Nigel J; Craig, Michael C


    Criminal psychopathy is defined by emotional detachment [Psychopathy Checklist - Revised (PCL-R) factor 1], and antisocial behaviour (PCL-R factor 2). Previous work has associated antisocial behaviour in psychopathy with abnormalities in a ventral temporo-amygdala-orbitofrontal network. However, little is known of the neural correlates of emotional detachment. Imaging studies have indicated that the 'default-mode network' (DMN), and in particular its dorsomedial (medial prefrontal - posterior cingulate) component, contributes to affective and social processing in healthy individuals. Furthermore, recent work suggests that this network may be implicated in psychopathy. However, no research has examined the relationship between psychopathy, emotional detachment, and the white matter underpinning the DMN. We therefore used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography in 13 offenders with psychopathy and 13 non-offenders to investigate the relationship between emotional detachment and the microstructure of white matter connections within the DMN. These included the dorsal cingulum (containing the medial prefrontal - posterior cingulate connections of the DMN), and the ventral cingulum (containing the posterior cingulate - medial temporal connections of the DMN). We found that fractional anisotropy (FA) was reduced in the left dorsal cingulum in the psychopathy group (p = .024). Moreover, within this group, emotional detachment was negatively correlated with FA in this tract portion bilaterally (left: r = -.61, p = .026; right: r = -.62, p = .023). These results suggest the importance of the dorsal DMN in the emotional detachment observed in individuals with psychopathy. We propose a 'dual-network' model of white matter abnormalities in the disorder, which incorporates these with previous findings. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Neural retina-specific Aldh1a1 controls dorsal choroidal vascular development via Sox9 expression in retinal pigment epithelial cells. (United States)

    Goto, So; Onishi, Akishi; Misaki, Kazuyo; Yonemura, Shigenobu; Sugita, Sunao; Ito, Hiromi; Ohigashi, Yoko; Ema, Masatsugu; Sakaguchi, Hirokazu; Nishida, Kohji; Takahashi, Masayo


    VEGF secreted from retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells is responsible for the choroidal vascular development; however, the molecular regulatory mechanism is unclear. We found that Aldh1a1 -/- mice showed choroidal hypoplasia with insufficient vascularization in the dorsal region, although Aldh1a1, an enzyme that synthesizes retinoic acids (RAs), is expressed in the dorsal neural retina, not in the RPE/choroid complex. The level of VEGF in the RPE/choroid was significantly decreased in Aldh1a1 -/- mice, and RA-dependent enhancement of VEGF was observed in primary RPE cells. An RA-deficient diet resulted in dorsal choroidal hypoplasia, and simple RA treatment of Aldh1a1 -/- pregnant females suppressed choroid hypoplasia in their offspring. We also found downregulation of Sox9 in the dorsal neural retina and RPE of Aldh1a1 -/- mice and RPE-specific disruption of Sox9 phenocopied Aldh1a1 -/- choroidal development. These results suggest that RAs produced by Aldh1a1 in the neural retina directs dorsal choroidal vascular development via Sox9 upregulation in the dorsal RPE cells to enhance RPE-derived VEGF secretion. © 2018, Goto et al.

  8. [Case of surgical treatment for giant hemangioblastoma in the dorsal medulla oblongata]. (United States)

    Kamoshima, Yuuta; Terasaka, Shunsuke; Shimoda, Yusuke; Kobayashi, Hiroyuki; Kuroda, Satoshi; Asano, Takeshi; Yamaguchi, Shigeru; Murata, Junichi; Houkin, Kiyohiro


    Hemangioblastoma in the medulla oblongata is a relatively rare tumor. We present the case of a giant hemangioblastoma occurring in the dorsal medulla oblongata. A 33-year-old man with no neurological symptoms was diagnosed with a hemangioblastoma in the dorsal medulla oblongata, and opted for observation in the outpatient department. After 22 months of observation time, MRI scans showed rapid local tumor progression and obstructive hydrocephalus. At this point, he presented with mild dysphagia as a preoperative neurological deficit. Total surgical removal of the tumor was performed after temporary ventricle drainage and preoperative embolization of the feeding artery. Postoperatively, he became fully conscious but developed bulbar palsy followed by tracheostomy. During the 12 months of postoperative follow-up, severe dysphagia was still present.

  9. Concurrent TMS-fMRI Reveals Interactions between Dorsal and Ventral Attentional Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leitao, Joana; Thielscher, Axel; Tuennerhoff, Johannes


    interactively in this process. This fMRI study used concurrent transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a causal perturbation approach to investigate the interactions between dorsal and ventral attentional systems and sensory processing areas. In a sustained spatial attention paradigm, human participants......Adaptive behavior relies on combining bottom-up sensory inputs with top-down control signals to guide responses in line with current goals and task demands. Over the past decade, accumulating evidence has suggested that the dorsal and ventral frontoparietal attentional systems are recruited......-TMS relative to Sham-TMS increased activation in the parietal cortex regardless of sensory stimulation, confirming the neural effectiveness of TMS stimulation. Visual targets increased activations in the anterior insula, a component of the ventral attentional system responsible for salience detection...

  10. Light and electron microscopy of contacts between primary afferent fibres and neurones with axons ascending the dorsal columns of the feline spinal cord. (United States)

    Maxwell, D J; Koerber, H R; Bannatyne, B A


    In addition to primary afferent fibres, the dorsal columns of the cat spinal cord contain ascending second-order axons which project to the dorsal column nuclei. The aim of the present study was to obtain morphological evidence that certain primary afferent axons form monosynaptic contacts with cells of origin of this postsynaptic dorsal column pathway. In ten adult cats, neurones with axons ascending the dorsal columns were retrogradely labelled with horseradish peroxidase using a pellet implantation method in the thoracic dorsal columns. In the lumbosacral regions of the same animals, primary afferent fibres were labelled intra-axonally with ionophoretic application of horseradish peroxidase. Tissue containing labelled axons was prepared for light and combined light and electron microscopy. Ultrastructural examination demonstrated that slowly adapting (Type I), hair follicle, Pacinian corpuscle and group Ia muscle spindle afferents formed monosynaptic contacts with labelled cells and light microscopical analysis suggested that they also received monosynaptic input from rapidly adapting (Krause) afferents. This evidence suggests that sensory information from large-diameter cutaneous and muscle spindle afferent fibres is conveyed disynaptically via the postsynaptic dorsal column pathway to the dorsal column nuclei. Some of the input to this pathway is probably modified in the spinal cord as the majority of primary afferent boutons forming monosynaptic contacts were postsynaptic to other axon terminals. The postsynaptic dorsal column system appears to constitute a major somatosensory pathway in the cat.

  11. Anatomy of the dorsal default-mode network in conduct disorder: Association with callous-unemotional traits. (United States)

    Sethi, Arjun; Sarkar, Sagari; Dell'Acqua, Flavio; Viding, Essi; Catani, Marco; Murphy, Declan G M; Craig, Michael C


    We recently reported that emotional detachment in adult psychopathy was associated with structural abnormalities in the dorsal 'default-mode' network (DMN). However, it is unclear whether these differences are present in young people at risk of psychopathy. The most widely recognised group at risk for psychopathy are children/adolescents with conduct disorder (CD) and callous-unemotional (CU) traits. We therefore examined the microstructure of the dorsal DMN in 27 CD youths (14-with/13-without CU traits) compared to 16 typically developing controls using DTI tractography. Both CD groups had significantly (p < 0.025) reduced dorsal DMN radial diffusivity compared to controls. In those with diagnostically significant CU traits, exploratory analyses (uncorrected for multiple comparisons) suggested that radial diffusivity was negatively correlated with CU severity (Left: rho = -0.68, p = 0.015). These results suggest that CD youths have microstructural abnormalities in the same network as adults with psychopathy. Further, the association with childhood/adolescent measures of emotional detachment (CU traits) resembles the relationship between emotional detachment and network microstructure in adult psychopaths. However, these changes appear to occur in opposite directions - with increased myelination in adolescent CD but reduced integrity in adult psychopathy. Collectively, these findings suggest that developmental abnormalities in dorsal DMN may play a role in the emergence of psychopathy. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  12. Una nueva especie de rana terrestre del género Pristimantis (Amphibia: Craugastoridae, de la Cordillera de Kutukú, Ecuador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Brito M.


    Full Text Available Describimos una especie nueva de mediano tamaño (LRC en la hembra 38.7 mm; en machos de 23.8 a 26.4 mm de rana terrestre del género Pristimantis de los bosques sub-tropicales de la Cordillera de Kutukú, del sureste de Ecuador, a elevaciones de 1581-1820 m. Asignamos a Pristimantis almendariz sp. nov., al subgénero Hypodictyon, serie de especies ridens. La nueva especie difiere de otros miembros de la serie ridens por su patrón distintivo con manchas dorsales, membrana timpánica ausente, presencia de tubérculos cónicos agrandados en el párpado, tubérculo inter-orbital prominente, e iris plateado con reticulaciones negras.

  13. A radiologic study on the urinary bladder following dorsal and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pneumocystography and positive contrast cystography using solutrast® were carried out immediately after surgery and on the second operative day following dorsal and ventral cystotomy in 22 adult mongrel dogs. In all the radiographs, there was no contrast observed in the abdominal cavity and the apex of the bladder had ...

  14. Características propioceptivas en el esguince de tobillo


    Arrate, Marianela


    Introducción: El esguince de tobillo se origina por una inversión forzada del pie que conlleva a una distensión, desgarro o ruptura de la capsula articular y los ligamentos que rodean la articulación del tobillo. El tratamiento óptimo sigue siendo controvertido, y si no se trata adecuadamente, se producen recidivas que causan inestabilidad funcional crónica. Objetivo: Analizar las características propioceptivas del tobillo según el grado de esguince en un punto del tratamiento Kinésico Pro...

  15. Tratamiento podológico de la fascitis plantar en el deportista


    Prats Climent, Baldiri; Vázquez Amela, F. Xavier (Francesc Xavier)


    Podemos definir la fascitis plantar como la inflamación del origen de la fascia plantar a nivel de la tuberosidad interna del calcáneo. La molestia principal que presenta es el dolor y la hipersensibilidad debajo de la porción anterior del talón, que frecuentemente se irradia a la planta del pie. Aparece frecuentemente en deportistas, principalmente aquellos que presentan marcha con pronación acentuada. Puede acompañarse con la presencia de un espolón de calcáneo que en ningún caso es la caus...

  16. Abnormal global processing along the dorsal visual pathway in autism: a possible mechanism for weak visuospatial coherence? (United States)

    Pellicano, Elizabeth; Gibson, Lisa; Maybery, Murray; Durkin, Kevin; Badcock, David R


    Frith and Happe (Frith, U., & Happe, F. (1994). Autism: Beyond theory of mind. Cognition, 50, 115-132) argue that individuals with autism exhibit 'weak central coherence': an inability to integrate elements of information into coherent wholes. Some authors have speculated that a high-level impairment might be present in the dorsal visual pathway in autism, and furthermore, that this might account for weak central coherence, at least at the visuospatial level. We assessed the integrity of the dorsal visual pathway in children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and in typically developing children, using two visual tasks, one examining functioning at higher levels of the dorsal cortical stream (Global Dot Motion (GDM)), and the other assessing lower-level dorsal stream functioning (Flicker Contrast Sensitivity (FCS)). Central coherence was tested using the Children's Embedded Figures Test (CEFT). Relative to the typically developing children, the children with ASD had shorter CEFT latencies and higher GDM thresholds but equivalent FCS thresholds. Additionally, CEFT latencies were inversely related to GDM thresholds in the ASD group. These outcomes indicate that the elevated global motion thresholds in autism are the result of high-level impairments in dorsal cortical regions. Weak visuospatial coherence in autism may be in the form of abnormal cooperative mechanisms in extra-striate cortical areas, which might contribute to differential performance when processing stimuli as Gestalts, including both dynamic (i.e., global motion perception) and static (i.e., disembedding performance) stimuli.

  17. A double dissociation of dorsal and ventral hippocampal function on a learning and memory task mediated by the dorso-lateral striatum. (United States)

    McDonald, Robert J; Jones, Jana; Richards, Blake; Hong, Nancy S


    The objectives of this research were to further delineate the neural circuits subserving proposed memory-based behavioural subsystems in the hippocampal formation. These studies were guided by anatomical evidence showing a topographical organization of the hippocampal formation. Briefly, perpendicular to the medial/lateral entorhinal cortex division there is a second system of parallel circuits that separates the dorsal and ventral hippocampus. Recent work from this laboratory has provided evidence that the hippocampus incidentally encodes a context-specific inhibitory association during acquisition of a visual discrimination task. One question that emerges from this dataset is whether the dorsal or ventral hippocampus makes a unique contribution to this newly described function. Rats with neurotoxic lesions of the dorsal or ventral hippocampus were assessed on the acquisition of the visual discrimination task. Following asymptotic performance they were given reversal training in either the same or a different context from the original training. The results showed that the context-specific inhibition effect is mediated by a circuit that includes the ventral but not the dorsal hippocampus. Results from a control procedure showed that rats with either dorso-lateral striatum damage or dorsal hippocampal lesions were impaired on a tactile/spatial discrimination. Taken together, the results represent a double dissociation of learning and memory function between the ventral and dorsal hippocampus. The formation of an incidental inhibitory association was dependent on ventral but not dorsal hippocampal circuitry, and the opposite dependence was found for the spatial component of a tactile/spatial discrimination.

  18. A preliminary study of the sensory distribution of the penile dorsal and ventral nerves: implications for effective penile block for circumcision.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Long, Ronan M


    OBJECTIVE: To determine the sensory innervation of the penis, as regional anaesthesia is often used either for postoperative analgesia or as the sole anaesthetic technique for circumcision. Since first described in 1978 the dorsal penile nerve block has become the standard technique, but some blocks are ineffective; a better understanding of the sensory innervation of the penis might improve the efficacy of the dorsal penile block technique. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 13 men undergoing circumcision with local anaesthetic, cutaneous sensation was tested before and after infiltration of the dorsal aspect of the penis, and then again after infiltration of the ventral aspect. The area of anaesthesia was mapped using pin-prick sensation. RESULTS: Ten of the 13 patients showed a similar pattern of sensory distribution. After the dorsal block, the dorsal aspect of the shaft of the penis and glans penis became insensate. The ventral aspect of the shaft remained sensate up to and including the frenulum. After successful ventral infiltration all sensate areas became insensate and circumcision proceeded. In one case the frenulum and distal ventral foreskin was anaesthetized after the dorsal block and ventral infiltration was not required. No patient experienced pain during circumcision. CONCLUSION: For consistently successful regional anaesthesia of the foreskin in circumcision, a dorsal block must be used. This should be combined with ventral infiltration at the site of incision. This method will avoid inconsistencies and allow pain-free circumcision using local anaesthesia in most men.



    Estecondo, Silvia; Codón, Stella Maris; Casanave, Emma Beatriz


    The characteristics of the dorsal surface of Chaetophractus vellerosus tongue were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Simple or branched filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae are described. Simple conical filiform papillae appear in the apex, lateral edges and posterior third, caudally to the circumvallated ones. The branched papillae are densely distributed all over the dorsal surface of the lingual body. Fungiform ones are scattered among the branched filiform papillae. In the post...

  20. Influencia de la estatura en el patrón de la marcha de hombres y mujeres

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    María Gómez-Jiménez


    Full Text Available Introducción. Tradicionalmente se han desarrollado bases de datos biomecánicos para hombres y mujeres donde se han identificado las diferencias en los patrones de marcha. La descripción de un patrón por sexo está basada en la premisa de que las medidas antropométricas, como la estatura, no influencian los parámetros de la marcha humana tras la normalización. El objetivo del estudio fue examinar las diferencias en la marcha entre grupos de estatura. Métodos. Se analizaron los parámetros espacio-temporales y cinemáticos de 29 mujeres y 31 hombres, distribuidos en grupos considerando los percentiles 25, 50 y 75 de estatura de la población española. Las medidas se recogieron utilizando un sistema de captura de movimiento 3D (VICON. Se realizaron comparaciones de medias entre grupos de estatura (Kruskal-Wallis (α = 0,05. Resultados. Los resultados indicaron que las mujeres con mayor y menor estatura presentaban porcentajes mayores de apoyo (p = 0,031 debido al aumento del tiempo de doble apoyo (p = 0,020. Las mujeres en los grupos centrales de estatura mostraron un adelanto del despegue del pie del suelo (p = 0,018, ocasionado por la ligera disminución de la fase de apoyo. Los hombres con menor estatura mostraron mayor flexión plantar de tobillo que los hombres altos (p = 0,033, debido a que la menor longitud de pie implicó la necesidad de una mayor extensión de tobillo en el despegue del pie. La estatura debería considerarse en el estudio de la marcha, por su utilidad en la planificación de programas de tratamiento, la adaptación de exoesqueletos de reeducación de la marcha o el diseño de ortesis y prótesis.

  1. Responses of spinal dorsal horn neurons to foot movements in rats with a sprained ankle


    Kim, Jae Hyo; Kim, Hee Young; Chung, Kyungsoon; Chung, Jin Mo


    Acute ankle injuries are common problems and often lead to persistent pain. To investigate the underlying mechanism of ankle sprain pain, the response properties of spinal dorsal horn neurons were examined after ankle sprain. Acute ankle sprain was induced manually by overextending the ankle of a rat hindlimb in a direction of plantarflexion and inversion. The weight-bearing ratio (WBR) of the affected foot was used as an indicator of pain. Single unit activities of dorsal horn neurons in res...

  2. Clareo con selección de árboles de porvenir sobre regenerado post-incendio de elevada densidad de pino carrasco en el Parque Regional del Sureste.


    Orduña Rubio, Berta


    Se presenta una experiencia sobre una masa de pino carrasco de 10 años de edad y elevada densidad (más de 10.000 pies/ha), en estado de monte bravo a bajo latizal, originada tras un incendio ocurrido en una repoblación (monte “Casa Eulogio”; Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid). Se seleccionaron 400 pies/ha de porvenir, apeándose todos los pies vecinos en un radio de 1 ó 2 m para favorecer su desarrollo. Todo ello, en un contexto de restricciones económicas que obliga a buscar fórmulas que optimicen el...

  3. Re-thinking the role of the dorsal striatum in egocentric/response strategy. (United States)

    Botreau, Fanny; Gisquet-Verrier, Pascale


    Rats trained in a dual-solution cross-maze task, which can be solved by place and response strategies, predominantly used a response strategy after extensive training. This paper examines the involvement of the medial and lateral dorsal striatum (mDS and lDS) in the choice of these strategies after partial and extensive training. Our results show that rats with lDS and mDS lesions used mainly a response strategy from the early phase of training. We replicated these unexpected data in rats with lDS lesions and confirmed their tendency to use the response strategy in a modified cross-maze task. When trained in a dual-solution water-maze task, however, control and lesioned rats consistently used a place strategy, demonstrating that lDS and mDS lesioned rats can use a place strategy and that the shift towards a response strategy did not systematically result from extensive training. The present data did not show any clear dissociation between the mDS and lDS in dual solution tasks. They further indicate that the dorsal striatum seems to determine the strategies adopted in a particular context but cannot be considered as a neural support for the response memory system. Accordingly, the role of the lateral and medial part of the dorsal striatum in egocentric/response memory should be reconsidered.

  4. The brain's dorsal route for speech represents word meaning: evidence from gesture. (United States)

    Josse, Goulven; Joseph, Sabine; Bertasi, Eric; Giraud, Anne-Lise


    The dual-route model of speech processing includes a dorsal stream that maps auditory to motor features at the sublexical level rather than at the lexico-semantic level. However, the literature on gesture is an invitation to revise this model because it suggests that the premotor cortex of the dorsal route is a major site of lexico-semantic interaction. Here we investigated lexico-semantic mapping using word-gesture pairs that were either congruent or incongruent. Using fMRI-adaptation in 28 subjects, we found that temporo-parietal and premotor activity during auditory processing of single action words was modulated by the prior audiovisual context in which the words had been repeated. The BOLD signal was suppressed following repetition of the auditory word alone, and further suppressed following repetition of the word accompanied by a congruent gesture (e.g. ["grasp" + grasping gesture]). Conversely, repetition suppression was not observed when the same action word was accompanied by an incongruent gesture (e.g. ["grasp" + sprinkle]). We propose a simple model to explain these results: auditory and visual information converge onto premotor cortex where it is represented in a comparable format to determine (in)congruence between speech and gesture. This ability of the dorsal route to detect audiovisual semantic (in)congruence suggests that its function is not restricted to the sublexical level.

  5. Selective Entrainment of Theta Oscillations in the Dorsal Stream Causally Enhances Auditory Working Memory Performance. (United States)

    Albouy, Philippe; Weiss, Aurélien; Baillet, Sylvain; Zatorre, Robert J


    The implication of the dorsal stream in manipulating auditory information in working memory has been recently established. However, the oscillatory dynamics within this network and its causal relationship with behavior remain undefined. Using simultaneous MEG/EEG, we show that theta oscillations in the dorsal stream predict participants' manipulation abilities during memory retention in a task requiring the comparison of two patterns differing in temporal order. We investigated the causal relationship between brain oscillations and behavior by applying theta-rhythmic TMS combined with EEG over the MEG-identified target (left intraparietal sulcus) during the silent interval between the two stimuli. Rhythmic TMS entrained theta oscillation and boosted participants' accuracy. TMS-induced oscillatory entrainment scaled with behavioral enhancement, and both gains varied with participants' baseline abilities. These effects were not seen for a melody-comparison control task and were not observed for arrhythmic TMS. These data establish theta activity in the dorsal stream as causally related to memory manipulation. VIDEO ABSTRACT. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Clasificaciones de lesiones en pie diabético: Un problema no resuelto Classifications of injuries on diabetic foot: A non-solved problem

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    Héctor González de la Torre


    Full Text Available La necesidad de unificar criterios empleando un mismo lenguaje que favorezca la comunicación y el intercambio de conocimientos unido al desconocimiento existente en cuanto a las distintas formas de clasificación de las heridas crónicas, ha motivado a los autores para llevar a cabo esta revisión bibliográfica en la que se analizan quince sistemas de clasificación de lesiones de pie diabético y se abordan entre otros, aspectos como la metodología, facilidad de utilización, grado de conocimiento, utilidad de la información aportada y limitaciones de cada uno de ellos. Con ello, los autores no pretenden sino facilitar que los profesionales implicados en el cuidado de las úlceras diabéticas conozcan las distintas formas de estadiaje existentes en el pie diabético y en general en las heridas crónicas.The need of unify criterions using a same idiom contributing communication and interchanging knowledge together with ignorance existing in relation to the different ways of classificating chronic wounds is the reason for the authors to carry out this review analyzing fifteen classification systems in diabetic foot wounds dealing with subjects such as methodology, simplicity of use, grade of knowledge, usefulness of the information provided and limitations of each one. And so the authors pretend helping that those professionals taking care of diabetic foot ulcers can get to know different ways of staging diabetic foot wounds and chronic wounds in general.

  7. Liposarcome dorsal: aspect clinique rare (United States)

    Agbessi, Odry; Arrob, Adil; Fiqhi, Kamal; Khalfi, Lahcen; Nassih, Mohammed; El Khatib, Karim


    Décrit la première fois par Virchow en 1860, le liposarcome est une tumeur mésenchymateuse rare. Cette rareté est relative car les liposarcomes représentent quand même 14 à 18% de l'ensemble des tumeurs malignes des parties molles et ils constituent le plus fréquent des sarcomes des parties molles. Pour la majorité des auteurs, il ne se développerait jamais sur un lipome ou une lipomatose préexistant. Nous rapportons un cas de volumineux liposarcome de la face dorsale du tronc. L'histoire de la maladie, l'aspect clinique inhabituel « de tumeur dans tumeur », l'aspect de la pièce opératoire nous fait évoquer la possibilité de la transformation maligne d'un lipome bénin préexistant. PMID:26113914

  8. Efectividad de distintas terapias físicas en el tratamiento conservador de la fascitis plantar. Revisión sistemática


    Ana María Díaz López; Patricia Guzmán Carrasco


    Fundamentos: La fascitis plantar es la afección más frecuente de dolor no traumático en el tobillo-pie. Se presenta más en mujeres entre los 40-70 años con comienzo progresivo y difuso en planta del pie o tobillo que poco a poco se agudiza impidiendo la marcha. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar si las distintas terapias físicas utilizadas en el tratamiento conservador de la fascitis plantar de al menos un mes de evolución son efectivas individualmente y/o combinadas entre sí. Métodos:...

  9. Eggs and hatchlings of the Mexican salamander Pseudoeurycea cephalica (Caudata: Plethodontidae

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    Thomas Bille


    Full Text Available Eggs and hatchlings of Pseudoeurycea c. cephalica from Parque Nacional Lagunas de Zempoala, Morelos, Mexico are described for the first time. The eggs are similar to eggs of P. cephalica manni and P. belli in being unstranded. Egg capsules resemble P. nigromaculata and P. juarezi in having two gelatinous envelopes. The embryos have extensively webbed hands and feet with a continuous reduction in webbing during embryogenesis, supporting the hypothesis that webbing of the feet is a paedomorphic character. The hatchlings are uniform grayish-black dorsally and slightly paler ventrally. They are robust with broad heads and short tails and lack both vomerine and maxillary teeth. Lack of dentition has previously been found in juveniles of P. belli.Se describe por primera vez huevos y recién nacidos de Pseudoeurycea cephalica cephalica procedentes del Parque Nacional Lagunas de Zempoala, Morelos, México. Los huevos se paracen a los de P. cephalica manni y P. belli en que no están unidos entre sí por ningún cordón. Se parecen en cuanto a constitución a los de P. nigromaculata y P. juarezi en tener dos capas gelatinosas. Los embriones tienen los pies y manos palmeados, produciéndose una reducción de la superficie palmeada a lo largo de la embriogénesis, lo cual confirma que el palmeado de pies y manos es un carácter pedomórfico. Los recién nacidos son de color gris negruzco, uniforme dorsalmente y de color más claro ventralmente. Son robustos, con cabeza ancha, cola corta y carecen de dientes tanto vomerinos como maxilares. Esta falta de dentición ya fue encontrada anteriormente en juveniles de P. belli.

  10. Desarrollo embrionario y larva del sapo Incilius aucoinae (Bufonidae en Golfito, Costa Rica

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    Susy Segura-Solís


    Full Text Available Se describe la larva y los estadios del desarrollo del huevo y larva de Incilius aucoinae utilizando especímenes del río Cañaza, Golfito, Costa Rica, recolectados en enero de 1997 y enero-febrero de 1998. La muestra fue de 696 individuos, 317 huevos en estadios 1-12, 176 huevos con embriones en estadios 15-16, y 204 renacuajos en estadios 21-43. El promedio del número de huevos por nidada fue de 8 940 (n = 4, los cuales fueron colocados en una hilera, sujetos al sustrato del río. Los huevos en estadios 1-12 tienen un promedio de diámetro de 1.75 (s = 0.38 mm y los huevos con embriones en estadios 15-16 miden 1.33 (0.34 de ancho y 3.06 (1.46 mm de largo. La descripción del renacuajo basada en el espécimen UCR 19982, es como sigue: el dorso, el vientre y la cola son de color café y punteado de café oscuro; la cola mide 9.43 mm y el cuerpo 6.18, para un tamaño total de 15.62; las aletas son pequeñas café claro translúcidas, la dorsal con puntos dispersos y la ventral sin ningún tipo de pigmento oscuro. También es el único renacuajo ovoide con una tendencia a ser aplastado dorso-ventralmente, y con la boca antero-ventral. Dentro de la variación observada, algunos individuos son de color negro (3.4 % y pocos son uniformes (0.5- 1.5 %.

  11. Análisis de la comunicación persuasiva: la entrega del Nobel a Vargas Llosa

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    Santiago Martínez


    Full Text Available Desde los tiempos de su candidatura a la presidencia de Perú, el Premio Nobel de Literatura Mario Vargas Llosa nunca renunció a su faceta política así como tampoco a la de observador de la sociedad. Algo que le ha procura- do numerosos detractores pero que no ha mermado sus dotes narrativas. Esta controversia provocó interpretaciones frontalmente encontradas a su discurso en la ceremonia de entrega de los galardones, celebrada en diciembre de 2010. Cuando observamos la interpretación que de aquel acontecimiento realizaron dos medios de comunicación escritos, queda reflejada, al aplicar en el más amplio sentido del término, el uso de las técnicas de comunicación periodística persuasiva. Se realiza así en este trabajo un análisis de diversos aspectos que influyen en esta forma de comunicación, desde la elección de la persona que ha de redactar la información o el comentario de fondo, hasta la selección de los textos originales, completos o fragmentados, que apoyan las opiniones vertidas en la información, pasando por el análisis formal, incluso, del tipo de imágenes elegidas para ilustrar la información y su apoyo en forma de texto de pie de foto.

  12. Dorsal medial prefrontal cortex contributes to conditioned taste aversion memory consolidation and retrieval. (United States)

    Gonzalez, Maria Carolina; Villar, Maria Eugenia; Igaz, Lionel M; Viola, Haydée; Medina, Jorge H


    The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is known for its role in decision making and memory processing, including the participation in the formation of extinction memories. However, little is known regarding its contribution to aversive memory consolidation. Here we demonstrate that neural activity and protein synthesis are required in the dorsal mPFC for memory formation of a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) task and that this region is involved in the retrieval of recent and remote long-term CTA memory. In addition, both NMDA receptor and CaMKII activity in dorsal mPFC are needed for CTA memory consolidation, highlighting the complexity of mPFC functions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. A deepwater fish with 'lightsabers'--dorsal spine-associated luminescence in a counterilluminating lanternshark. (United States)

    Claes, Julien M; Dean, Mason N; Nilsson, Dan-Eric; Hart, Nathan S; Mallefet, Jérôme


    We report the discovery of light organs (photophores) adjacent to the dorsal defensive spines of a small deep-sea lanternshark (Etmopterus spinax). Using a visual modeling based on in vivo luminescence recordings we show that this unusual light display would be detectable by the shark's potential predators from several meters away. We also demonstrate that the luminescence from the spine-associated photophores (SAPs) can be seen through the mineralized spines, which are partially translucent. These results suggest that the SAPs function, either by mimicking the spines' shape or by shining through them, as a unique visual deterrent for predators. This conspicuous dorsal warning display is a surprising complement to the ventral luminous camouflage (counterillumination) of the shark.

  14. Modelización dinámica de molienda semiautógena basada en un modelo fenomenológico simplificado

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    Magne, L.


    Full Text Available A dynamic simplified model for semiautogenous grinding developed on a phenomenological basis is presented. An equation for the pulp transport through the mill is proposed. Internal classification is described by means of a function sensitive to the pulp density inside the mill. Consistency of the model is shown on the basis of an extensive pilot testing in a 6' x 2' (diameter x length cascade mill. The effect of the feed rate, feed size distribution and ball filling on the metallurgical response of the mill are shown.

    Se presenta un modelo simplificado dinámico de molienda semiautogena, basado en consideraciones fenomenológicas. En dicho modelo se propone una ecuación para el transporte de pulpa a través del molino. La clasificación interna del molino se modela ajustándole una ecuación que depende del porcentaje de sólidos al interior del equipo. Se muestra la consistencia del modelo a través de resultados de una campaña experimental efectuada en un molino continuo de cascada de 1,83 m x 0,61 m (6 pies X 2 pies (diámetro x longitud. En tal campaña se investigó el efecto del flujo de alimentación, granulometría y porcentaje de sólidos en la alimentación y la fracción de llenado de bolas sobre la respuesta metalúrgica del molino.

  15. Which way is up? Asymmetric spectral input along the dorsal-ventral axis influences postural responses in an amphibious annelid. (United States)

    Jellies, John


    Medicinal leeches are predatory annelids that exhibit countershading and reside in aquatic environments where light levels might be variable. They also leave the water and must contend with terrestrial environments. Yet, leeches generally maintain a dorsal upward position despite lacking statocysts. Leeches respond visually to both green and near-ultraviolet (UV) light. I used LEDs to test the hypothesis that ventral, but not dorsal UV would evoke compensatory movements to orient the body. Untethered leeches were tested using LEDs emitting at red (632 nm), green (513 nm), blue (455 nm) and UV (372 nm). UV light evoked responses in 100 % of trials and the leeches often rotated the ventral surface away from it. Visible light evoked no or modest responses (12-15 % of trials) and no body rotation. Electrophysiological recordings showed that ventral sensilla responded best to UV, dorsal sensilla to green. Additionally, a higher order interneuron that is engaged in a variety of parallel networks responded vigorously to UV presented ventrally, and both the visible and UV responses exhibited pronounced light adaptation. These results strongly support the suggestion that a dorsal light reflex in the leech uses spectral comparisons across the dorsal-ventral axis rather than, or in addition to, luminance.

  16. Percutaneous dorsal closing wedge osteotomy of the metatarsal neck in management of metatarsalgia. (United States)

    Lui, Tun Hing


    Metatarsalgia can be caused by plantarflexion of a central metatarsal or discrepancies in the metatarsals' length. Nonsurgical management is usually sufficient to achieve satisfactory results. For those recalcitrant cases, metatarsal osteotomy is needed to relieve the pain. We describe a technique of percutaneous dorsal closing wedge osteotomy of the metatarsal to manage the recalcitrant metatarsalgia. A case series was reviewed retrospectively. From March 2010 to March 2013, percutaneous dorsal closing wedge osteotomy of the metatarsal neck has been performed in 33 patients. Thirty six feet with 63 metatarsals were operated on. Thirty two second metatarsals, 22 third metatarsals, 5 fourth metatarsals and 4 fifth metatarsals were operated on. All the osteotomy sites healed up without any transverse plane deformity. The painful callosities subsided except in one operated metatarsal. Recurrence of painful callosities occurred in 2 operated metatarsals. Transfer metatarsalgia occurred in 2 feet. Floating toe deformity occurred in 2 operated rays. There was no nerve injury noted. Two patients had delayed wound healing with serous discharge and the wounds were eventually healed up with wound dressing. Percutaneous dorsal closing wedge osteotomy of the metatarsal neck is an effective and safe surgical treatment of recalcitrant metatarsalgia. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Spatially dynamic recurrent information flow across long-range dorsal motor network encodes selective motor goals. (United States)

    Yoo, Peter E; Hagan, Maureen A; John, Sam E; Opie, Nicholas L; Ordidge, Roger J; O'Brien, Terence J; Oxley, Thomas J; Moffat, Bradford A; Wong, Yan T


    Performing voluntary movements involves many regions of the brain, but it is unknown how they work together to plan and execute specific movements. We recorded high-resolution ultra-high-field blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal during a cued ankle-dorsiflexion task. The spatiotemporal dynamics and the patterns of task-relevant information flow across the dorsal motor network were investigated. We show that task-relevant information appears and decays earlier in the higher order areas of the dorsal motor network then in the primary motor cortex. Furthermore, the results show that task-relevant information is encoded in general initially, and then selective goals are subsequently encoded in specifics subregions across the network. Importantly, the patterns of recurrent information flow across the network vary across different subregions depending on the goal. Recurrent information flow was observed across all higher order areas of the dorsal motor network in the subregions encoding for the current goal. In contrast, only the top-down information flow from the supplementary motor cortex to the frontoparietal regions, with weakened recurrent information flow between the frontoparietal regions and bottom-up information flow from the frontoparietal regions to the supplementary cortex were observed in the subregions encoding for the opposing goal. We conclude that selective motor goal encoding and execution rely on goal-dependent differences in subregional recurrent information flow patterns across the long-range dorsal motor network areas that exhibit graded functional specialization. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Consideraciones sobre la aplicación del principio iura novit curia en el arbitraje comercial internacional

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    Nigel Blackaby


    Full Text Available A pesar de su reconocimiento en diferentes jurisdicciones, la apli­cación del principio iura novit curia al arbitraje comercial internacional ha sido objeto de debate. Desde el punto de vista más liberal, el principio es absolutamente aplicable al arbitraje comercial internacional, tal y como sería aplicado por un juez al dictar sentencia conforme a su derecho nacional, mientras que desde la postura más estricta, cualquier manifestación de este principio que permita a los árbitros tomar la iniciativa de traer nuevas cues­tiones de derecho al proceso debe ser rechazada por completo. Partiendo de la premisa de que, por lo general, los miembros de un tribunal arbitral inter­nacional no conocen el derecho aplicable a las controversias que se someten a su conocimiento, ni tienen experiencia o manejo práctico respecto a dicho derecho, la aplicación del principio iura novit curia de forma pura y simple no resultaría adecuada en el contexto del arbitraje comercial internacional en razón de su naturaleza contractual y los intereses involucrados. Por otra parte, rechazar de plano la aplicabilidad del principio en el arbitraje comercial internacional implicaría atar de manos a los árbitros y crearía el riesgo de que se emitan laudos que ignoren o contradigan normas y principios del derecho aplicable, lo que podría afectar su validez y dar pie a que su validez y ejecución posterior se vean cuestionadas. En razón de lo anterior, para que el principio iura novit curia pueda ser aplicado en el contexto del arbitraje comercial inter­nacional, dicho principio debe ser abordado desde una postura intermedia y sufrir una importante adaptación de forma que ciertas manifestaciones del mismo puedan ser aceptadas en casos excepcionales como una herramienta para que los árbitros puedan cumplir cabalmente con los deberes inheren­tes a su función decisoria, incluyendo el deber de no exceder la jurisdicción que les ha sido conferida, de dictar

  19. Differences between Dorsal and Ventral Striatum in the Sensitivity of Tonically Active Neurons to Rewarding Events

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    Kevin Marche


    Full Text Available Within the striatum, cholinergic interneurons, electrophysiologically identified as tonically active neurons (TANs, represent a relatively homogeneous group in terms of their functional properties. They display typical pause in tonic firing in response to rewarding events which are of crucial importance for reinforcement learning. These responses are uniformly distributed throughout the dorsal striatum (i.e., motor and associative striatum, but it is unknown, at least in monkeys, whether differences in the modulation of TAN activity exist in the ventral striatum (i.e., limbic striatum, a region specialized for processing of motivational information. To address this issue, we examined the activity of dorsal and ventral TANs in two monkeys trained on a Pavlovian conditioning task in which a visual stimulus preceded the delivery of liquid reward by a fixed time interval. We found that the proportion of TANs responding to the stimulus predictive of reward did not vary significantly across regions (58%–80%, whereas the fraction of TANs responding to reward was higher in the limbic striatum (100% compared to the motor (65% and associative striatum (52%. By examining TAN modulation at the level of both the population and the individual neurons, we showed that the duration of pause responses to the stimulus and reward was longer in the ventral than in the dorsal striatal regions. Also, the magnitude of the pause was greater in ventral than dorsal striatum for the stimulus predictive of reward but not for the reward itself. We found similar region-specific differences in pause response duration to the stimulus when the timing of reward was less predictable (fixed replaced by variable time interval. Regional variations in the duration and magnitude of the pause response were transferred from the stimulus to reward when reward was delivered in the absence of any predictive stimulus. It therefore appears that ventral TANs exhibit stronger responses to

  20. Response to the Dorsal Anterior Gradient of EGFR Signaling in Drosophila Oogenesis Is Prepatterned by Earlier Posterior EGFR Activation

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    Mariana Fregoso Lomas


    Full Text Available Spatially restricted epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR activity plays a central role in patterning the follicular epithelium of the Drosophila ovary. In midoogenesis, localized EGFR activation is achieved by the graded dorsal anterior localization of its ligand, Gurken. Graded EGFR activity determines multiple dorsal anterior fates along the dorsal-ventral axis but cannot explain the sharp posterior limit of this domain. Here, we show that posterior follicle cells express the T-box transcription factors Midline and H15, which render cells unable to adopt a dorsal anterior fate in response to EGFR activation. The posterior expression of Midline and H15 is itself induced in early oogenesis by posteriorly localized EGFR signaling, defining a feedback loop in which early induction of Mid and H15 confers a molecular memory that fundamentally alters the outcome of later EGFR signaling. Spatial regulation of the EGFR pathway thus occurs both through localization of the ligand and through localized regulation of the cellular response.

  1. Drosophila heart cell movement to the midline occurs through both cell autonomous migration and dorsal closure. (United States)

    Haack, Timm; Schneider, Matthias; Schwendele, Bernd; Renault, Andrew D


    The Drosophila heart is a linear organ formed by the movement of bilaterally specified progenitor cells to the midline and adherence of contralateral heart cells. This movement occurs through the attachment of heart cells to the overlying ectoderm which is undergoing dorsal closure. Therefore heart cells are thought to move to the midline passively. Through live imaging experiments and analysis of mutants that affect the speed of dorsal closure we show that heart cells in Drosophila are autonomously migratory and part of their movement to the midline is independent of the ectoderm. This means that heart formation in flies is more similar to that in vertebrates than previously thought. We also show that defects in dorsal closure can result in failure of the amnioserosa to properly degenerate, which can physically hinder joining of contralateral heart cells leading to a broken heart phenotype. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Usefulness of Cross-Linked Human Acellular Dermal Matrix as an Implant for Dorsal Augmentation in Rhinoplasty. (United States)

    Yang, Chae Eun; Kim, Soo Jung; Kim, Ji Hee; Lee, Ju Hee; Roh, Tai Suk; Lee, Won Jai


    Asian noses are relatively small and flat compared to Caucasians; therefore, rhinoplasty procedures often focus on dorsal augmentation and tip projection rather than reduction in the nasal framework. Various autologous and alloplastic implant materials have been used for dorsal augmentation. Recently, human acellular dermal matrices have been introduced as an implant material for dorsal augmentation, camouflaging autologous implants without an additional donor site. Here, we introduce a cross-linked human acellular dermal matrix as an implant material in augmentation rhinoplasty and share the clinical experiences. Eighteen patients who underwent augmentation rhinoplasty using acellular dermal matrix from April 2014 to November 2015 were reviewed retrospectively. Clinical outcomes and complications were assessed at the outpatient clinic during the follow-up period ranging from 8 to 38 months. Contour changes were assessed through comparison of preoperative and postoperative photographs by two independent plastic surgeons. Patient satisfaction was assessed at the outpatient clinic by six questions regarding aesthetic and functional aspects. Postoperative photographs demonstrated the height of the nasal dorsum did not decrease over time except two patients whose ADM was grafted into a subperiosteal pocket. Others who underwent supraperiosteal implantation showed acceptable maintenance of dorsal height. No major complication was reported. Overall, patient satisfaction scored 81.02 out of 100. Cross-linked human ADM has advantages of both autogenous and alloplastic materials. The surgical results remain stable without complications. Therefore, it is a suitable alternative implant material for dorsal augmentation in rhinoplasty. This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

  3. GABAergic Neurons of the Rat Dorsal Hippocampus Express Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Zee, E.A.; Luiten, P.G.M.


    The expression of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) in glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)-positive cells in the different strata of CA1, CA3, and the dentate gyrus (DG) of the dorsal hippocampus is examined by way of quantitative immunofluorescent double labeling employing M35, the

  4. Selective dorsal rhizotomy opportunities with foot deformitiesin children with cerebral palsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir Markovich Kenis


    Full Text Available Foot deformities are the most common orthopedic condition in children with cerebral palsy. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR on foot deformities in children with cerebral palsy. The results were assessed clinically by measurement of changes in muscle spaticity and foot posture. Percentage of resection of dorsal rootlets was from 40 to 90 % of total thickness. The degree of tone reduction had a tendency to be more pronounced in the more proximal muscles and was minimal in calf muscles. Nevertheless, foot posture improved more significantly. That can be explained by generalimprovement of pathological posture at the level of more proximal joints. Thus, SDR has insignificant direct effect on spastic foot deformity and can not be recommended as a basic method of treatment even in pure spasticity. However, SDR should be considered as a part of multidisciplinary management protocol if foot deformity reflects more complex postural disturbance due to generalized spasticity.

  5. Arco del milenio

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    Adell, Josep Mª


    the most significant stages in the erection of the Millennium Arch outside the Palacio de Congresos, venue for the 12th IBMAC.
    These pictures are divided into six chapters: Background, Components, Springline, Piers, Arch, Centring Erection and Removal, and Trimming.

    A lo largo de la historia, el Arco de fábrica ha sido el componente constructivo más característico de la Arquitectura y la Ingeniería desde que después de sus inicios etruscos en la época romana fuera desarrollado adelantándose con ello a la cultura helénica.
    El Arco, desde entonces, viene empleándose como una solución constructiva eficiente para cubrir espacios con materiales que no soportan tracciones. La originalidad técnica del Arco lo ha llevado a imponerse como símbolo de las hazañas bélicas como era el Arco de Triunfo.
    En el cambio de siglo y milenio en el que nos encontramos, un salto técnico fundamental se desvela en este Congreso, el Sistema de Albañilería Integral, que abre la posibilidad de ampliar el campo de aplicación de la albañilería con la incorporación del acero, a través de las perforaciones de las piezas, lográndose por fin armar en las tres direcciones del espacio cualquier muro de fábrica que se desee.
    El Arco del Milenio conmemoró el 12th IBMAC de Madrid, mostrando en él los avances técnicos que el Sistema de Albañilería Integral permite, al tratarse de un arco inclinado en el espacio y, por tanto, el primer arco de fábrica construido fuera de la vertical, mediante fábrica de Ladriflor aparejada a tizón, reforzada con barras y cercos.
    El Arco del Milenio, diseñado por J.M. Adell (Presidente del 12th IBMAC, parte de un cilindro de 14 m de diámetro, inclinado 30º sobre el terreno, y construido con fábrica de ladrillo de un pie de grueso, alternando una hilada de color amarillo de cada seis en rojo. El hueco deja un paso libre de 10 m de lado y 5,5 m de altura. La fábrica está armada regularmente por tendeles con cerchas cada

  6. Attention supports verbal short-term memory via competition between dorsal and ventral attention networks. (United States)

    Majerus, Steve; Attout, Lucie; D'Argembeau, Arnaud; Degueldre, Christian; Fias, Wim; Maquet, Pierre; Martinez Perez, Trecy; Stawarczyk, David; Salmon, Eric; Van der Linden, Martial; Phillips, Christophe; Balteau, Evelyne


    Interactions between the neural correlates of short-term memory (STM) and attention have been actively studied in the visual STM domain but much less in the verbal STM domain. Here we show that the same attention mechanisms that have been shown to shape the neural networks of visual STM also shape those of verbal STM. Based on previous research in visual STM, we contrasted the involvement of a dorsal attention network centered on the intraparietal sulcus supporting task-related attention and a ventral attention network centered on the temporoparietal junction supporting stimulus-related attention. We observed that, with increasing STM load, the dorsal attention network was activated while the ventral attention network was deactivated, especially during early maintenance. Importantly, activation in the ventral attention network increased in response to task-irrelevant stimuli briefly presented during the maintenance phase of the STM trials but only during low-load STM conditions, which were associated with the lowest levels of activity in the dorsal attention network during encoding and early maintenance. By demonstrating a trade-off between task-related and stimulus-related attention networks during verbal STM, this study highlights the dynamics of attentional processes involved in verbal STM.

  7. Outcomes of Open Dorsal Wrist Ganglion Excision in Active-Duty Military Personnel. (United States)

    Balazs, George C; Donohue, Michael A; Drake, Matthew L; Ipsen, Derek; Nanos, George P; Tintle, Scott M


    To examine the most common presenting complaints of active-duty service members with isolated dorsal wrist ganglions and to determine the rate of return to unrestricted duty after open excision. Surgical records at 2 military facilities were screened to identify male and female active duty service members undergoing isolated open excision of dorsal wrist ganglions from January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2014. Electronic medical records and service disability databases were searched to identify the most common presenting symptoms and to determine whether patients returned to unrestricted active duty after surgery. Postoperative outcomes examined were pain persisting greater than 4 weeks after surgery, stiffness requiring formal occupational therapy treatment, surgical wound complications, and recurrence. A total of 125 active duty military personnel (Army, 54; Navy, 43; and Marine Corps, 28) met criteria for inclusion. Mean follow-up was 45 months. Fifteen percent (8 of 54) of the Army personnel were given permanent waivers from performing push-ups owing to persistent pain and stiffness. Pain persisting greater than 4 weeks after surgery was an independent predictor of eventual need for a permanent push-up waiver. The overall recurrence incidence was 9%. No demographic or perioperative factors were associated with recurrence. Patients whose occupation or activities require forceful wrist extension should be counseled on the considerable risk of residual pain and functional limitations that may occur after open dorsal wrist ganglion excision. Therapeutic IV. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  8. Postsynaptic dorsal column neurons express NK1 receptors following colon inflammation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Paleček, Jiří; Palečková, V.; Willis, W. D.


    Roč. 116, č. 2 (2003), s. 565-572 ISSN 0306-4522 Grant - others:NIH(US) NS09743; NIH(US) NS11255 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5011922 Keywords : visceral pain * substance P * postsynaptic dorsal column Subject RIV: FH - Neurology Impact factor: 3.601, year: 2003

  9. Reward Processing by the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus: 5-HT and Beyond (United States)

    Luo, Minmin; Zhou, Jingfeng; Liu, Zhixiang


    The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) represents one of the most sensitive reward sites in the brain. However, the exact relationship between DRN neuronal activity and reward signaling has been elusive. In this review, we will summarize anatomical, pharmacological, optogenetics, and electrophysiological studies on the functions and circuit mechanisms of…


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    Umut Tuncel


    Conclusion: As a result, we can say that spongostan wrapped diced cartilages graft seems to be a cheap, safe and effective method for obtaining a nice nasal dorsal contouring as well as for correcting and preventing of dorsal irregularities in rhinoplasty. [J Contemp Med 2013; 3(1.000: 12-16

  11. Placental immune editing switch (PIES): learning about immunomodulatory pathways from a unique case report (United States)

    Bronchud, Miguel H.; Tresserra, Francesc; Xu, Wenjie; Warren, Sarah; Cusido, Maite; Zantop, Bernat; Zenclussen, Ana Claudia; Cesano, Alessandra


    The hypothesis of this work is that, in order to escape the natural immune surveillance mechanisms, cancer cells and the surrounding microenvironment might express ectopically genes that are physiologically present in the placenta to mediate fetal immune-tolerance. These natural “placental immune-editing switch” mechanisms (PIES) may represent the result of millions of years of mammalian evolution developed to allow materno-fetal tolerance. Here, we introduce genes of the immune regulatory pathways that are either similarly over- or under-expressed in tumor vs normal tissue. Our analysis was carried out in primary breast cancer with metastatic homolateral axillary lymph nodes as well as placenta tissue (both uterine decidual tissue and term placenta tissue) from a pregnant woman. Gene expression profiling of paired non-self and self tissues (i.e. placenta/uterus; breast cancer/normal breast tissue; metastatic lymphnode/normal lymphnode tissue) was performed using the PanCancer Immune gene panel, a 770 Nanostring gene expression panel. Our findings reveal overlapping in specific immune gene expression in placenta and cancer tissue, suggesting that these genes might play an important role in maintaining immune tolerance both physiologically (in the placenta) and pathologically (in the cancer setting). PMID:27852037

  12. Bases neuromédicas del dolor

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    José Mª. Pedrajas Navas


    Full Text Available El dolor es una experiencia sensitiva y emocional desagradable asociada a una lesión tisular real o potencial o descrita en términos de tal daño. El dolor se puede clasificar por numerosos criterios; por su aspecto temporal se habla de dolor crónico cuando persiste más de tres meses, aunque el criterio más importante para su diagnóstico es su relación con aspectos cognitivos y conductuales. La señal dolorosa es recogida por los nociceptores y enviada hacia el Sistema Nervioso Central pasando por varias estaciones; la primera situada en los ganglios espinales dorsales, la segunda en el asta dorsal de la médula espinal, la tercera en diversas estructuras subcorticales, entre las que destaca el tálamo, y la cuarta, en la corteza cerebral, sobre todo, la corteza somatosensorial, la circunvolución cingulada anterior, la ínsula, la corteza prefrontal y parietal inferior. En estas estructuras se originan la percepción consciente del dolor y las actividades subconscientes y respuestas neuromoduladoras efectoras, endocrinas y emocionales, iniciadas consciente o inconscientemente. La experiencia dolorosa tiene tres dimensiones, la sensitivo-discriminativa, la cognitivo- evaluadora y la afectivo-emocional. Antes de iniciar un tratamiento analgésico es fundamental una meticulosa evaluación del mismo. Se debe seguir una estrategia general para abordar el dolor crónico (evaluar antes de tratar, iniciar tratamiento combinado, promover el cumplimiento terapéutico y prevenir los efectos secundarios, estrategia general planificada, equipo multidiscliplinar, información, planificación, revisión, accesibilidad, disponibilidad y flexibilidad. El tratamiento farmacológico se basa en la escalera analgésica de la O.M.S.: el primer escalón está formado por analgésicos no opioides (paracetamol, dipirona, antiinflamatorios, el segundo por opioides débiles (más no opioides y el tercero por opioides potentes (más no opioides. A todos los

  13. Inhibitory coupling between inhibitory interneurons in the spinal cord dorsal horn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ribeiro-da-Silva Alfredo


    Full Text Available Abstract Local inhibitory interneurons in the dorsal horn play an important role in the control of excitability at the segmental level and thus determine how nociceptive information is relayed to higher structures. Regulation of inhibitory interneuron activity may therefore have critical consequences on pain perception. Indeed, disinhibition of dorsal horn neuronal networks disrupts the balance between excitation and inhibition and is believed to be a key mechanism underlying different forms of pain hypersensitivity and chronic pain states. In this context, studying the source and the synaptic properties of the inhibitory inputs that the inhibitory interneurons receive is important in order to predict the impact of drug action at the network level. To address this, we studied inhibitory synaptic transmission in lamina II inhibitory interneurons identified under visual guidance in spinal slices taken from transgenic mice expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP under the control of the GAD promoter. The majority of these cells fired tonically to a long depolarizing current pulse. Monosynaptically evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents (eIPSCs in these cells were mediated by both GABAA and glycine receptors. Consistent with this, both GABAA and glycine receptor-mediated miniature IPSCs were recorded in all of the cells. These inhibitory inputs originated at least in part from local lamina II interneurons as verified by simultaneous recordings from pairs of EGFP+ cells. These synapses appeared to have low release probability and displayed potentiation and asynchronous release upon repeated activation. In summary, we report on a previously unexamined component of the dorsal horn circuitry that likely constitutes an essential element of the fine tuning of nociception.

  14. Tendencias del uso del suelo en el Valle Amblés (Ávila, España. Del Neolítico al Hierro Inicial

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este trabajo avanza una exploración preliminar, en clave diacrónica, de la explotación agropastoril del Valle Amblés (Ávila desde los primeros grupos agrarios hasta la Edad del Hierro. Se ha elegido una unidad geográfica con un nivel aceptable de información arqueológica y complementariedad paisajística entre las ocupaciones del fondo de valle, de tradicional explotación agropastoril y las zonas serranas, de vocación pastoril y forestal. En ese marco de estudio se han estudiado los territorios de explotación de un centenar de sitios de carácter habitacional, clasificados según criterios estilísticos de cultura material, tratando de evaluar de forma cuantitativa la potencialidad agraria de los terrenos en su entorno. Usando modelos de coste-distancia en un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG se han generado los polígonos correspondientes a media hora y una hora de marcha a pie desde cada yacimiento. Con ellos se han medido las superficies de los suelos clasificados según el sistema de evaluación del Mapa de Clases Agrológicas. Los resultados se describen mediante simples resúmenes numéricos y gráficos para ofrecer una lectura preliminar de los contrastes en el tiempo, advirtiéndose la parcialidad de una interpretación directa de los mismos, sin considerar otros factores locativos. En todas las etapas queda clara la tendencia a explotar diferentes tipos de suelos, relacionada con el acceso a un amplio rango de recursos complementarios entre estas comunidades campesinas. Los principales cambios se acusan a comienzos de las Edades del Bronce y del Hierro, conforme con las discontinuidades manifiestas en otros aspectos del registro arqueológico. Se aprecia una relación significativa entre la importancia del acceso a las tierras óptimas para una agricultura primitiva y los momentos de mayor sequía. Los suelos que requieren mayores inversiones de trabajo en infraestructuras agrarias y tecnologías de laboreo m

  15. Highly efficient methods to obtain homogeneous dorsal neural progenitor cells from human and mouse embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. (United States)

    Zhang, Meixiang; Ngo, Justine; Pirozzi, Filomena; Sun, Ying-Pu; Wynshaw-Boris, Anthony


    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have been widely used to generate cellular models harboring specific disease-related genotypes. Of particular importance are ESC and iPSC applications capable of producing dorsal telencephalic neural progenitor cells (NPCs) that are representative of the cerebral cortex and overcome the challenges of maintaining a homogeneous population of cortical progenitors over several passages in vitro. While previous studies were able to derive NPCs from pluripotent cell types, the fraction of dorsal NPCs in this population is small and decreases over several passages. Here, we present three protocols that are highly efficient in differentiating mouse and human ESCs, as well as human iPSCs, into a homogeneous and stable population of dorsal NPCs. These protocols will be useful for modeling cerebral cortical neurological and neurodegenerative disorders in both mouse and human as well as for high-throughput drug screening for therapeutic development. We optimized three different strategies for generating dorsal telencephalic NPCs from mouse and human pluripotent cell types through single or double inhibition of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and/or SMAD pathways. Mouse and human pluripotent cells were aggregated to form embryoid bodies in suspension and were treated with dorsomorphin alone (BMP inhibition) or combined with SB431542 (double BMP/SMAD inhibition) during neural induction. Neural rosettes were then selected from plated embryoid bodies to purify the population of dorsal NPCs. We tested the expression of key dorsal NPC markers as well as nonectodermal markers to confirm the efficiency of our three methods in comparison to published and commercial protocols. Single and double inhibition of BMP and/or SMAD during neural induction led to the efficient differentiation of dorsal NPCs, based on the high percentage of PAX6-positive cells and the NPC gene expression profile. There were no statistically

  16. Differential effects of methylmercury on the synthesis of protein species in dorsal root ganglia of the rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasama, Hidetaka; Itoh, Kazuo; Omata, Saburo; Sugano, Hiroshi


    Dorsal root ganglia from control and methylmercury(MeHg)-treated rats were incubated in vitro with 35 S-methionine and the proteins synthesized were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The double labelling method, in which proteins of control dorsal root ganglia labelled in vitro with 3 H-leucine were added to each of the two samples as an internal standard, was used to minimize unavoidable errors arising from the resolving procedure itself. The results obtained showed that the effect of MeHg on the synthesis of proteins in dorsal root ganglia was not uniform for individual protein species in the latent period of MeHg intoxication. Among 200 protein species investigated, 157 showed inhibition of synthesis close to that of the total proteins in the tissue (68% of the control). Among the remaining protein species, 20 showed real stimulation of synthesis, whereas 7 were moderately inhibited and 16 were inhibited more strongly than the total proteins in the tissue. These results suggest that the effect of MeHg on the synthetic rates for protein species in dorsal root ganglia differs with the species, and that unusual elevation or reduction of the synthesis of some protein species caused by MeHg may lead to impairment of normal nerve functions. (orig.)

  17. Clinical Value of Dorsal Medulla Oblongata Involvement Detected with Conventional MRI for Prediction of Outcome in Children with Enterovirus 71-related Brainstem Encephalitis. (United States)

    Liu, Kun; Zhou, Yongjin; Cui, Shihan; Song, Jiawen; Ye, Peipei; Xiang, Wei; Huang, Xiaoyan; Chen, Yiping; Yan, Zhihan; Ye, Xinjian


    Brainstem encephalitis is the most common neurologic complication after enterovirus 71 infection. The involvement of brainstem, especially the dorsal medulla oblongata, can cause severe sequelae or death in children with enterovirus 71 infection. We aimed to determine the prevalence of dorsal medulla oblongata involvement in children with enterovirus 71-related brainstem encephalitis (EBE) by using conventional MRI and to evaluate the value of dorsal medulla oblongata involvement in outcome prediction. 46 children with EBE were enrolled in the study. All subjects underwent a 1.5 Tesla MR examination of the brain. The disease distribution and clinical data were collected. Dichotomized outcomes (good versus poor) at longer than 6 months were available for 28 patients. Logistic regression was used to determine whether the MRI-confirmed dorsal medulla oblongata involvement resulted in improved clinical outcome prediction when compared with other location involvement. Of the 46 patients, 35 had MRI evidence of dorsal medulla oblongata involvement, 32 had pons involvement, 10 had midbrain involvement, and 7 had dentate nuclei involvement. Patients with dorsal medulla oblongata involvement or multiple area involvement were significantly more often in the poor outcome group than in the good outcome group. Logistic regression analysis showed that dorsal medulla oblongata involvement was the most significant single variable in outcome prediction (predictive accuracy, 90.5%), followed by multiple area involvement, age, and initial glasgow coma scale score. Dorsal medulla oblongata involvement on conventional MRI correlated significantly with poor outcomes in EBE children, improved outcome prediction when compared with other clinical and disease location variables, and was most predictive when combined with multiple area involvement, glasgow coma scale score and age.

  18. Simultaneous Dorsal Dislocation of the Proximal and Distal Interphalangeal Joints in the Middle Finger: A Case Report

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    Mohamed Ali Sbai


    Full Text Available Introduction Dorsal dislocation of a proximal or distal interphalangeal joint is a common clinical problem. However, simultaneous dislocation of both joints in the same digit is rare. Case Presentation A 32-year-old male injured his left hand third finger while biking. Examination revealed a stepladder deformity. Neurovascular examination was normal. Radiographs revealed dorsal dislocation of both the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints. The finger was reduced easily by longitudinal manual traction under the digital block. The finger was splinted in the intrinsic plus position for 3 weeks accompanied with active range of motion. After 6 months, the patient returned to normal sporting activity without limitation of motion. Conclusions In case of simultaneous dorsal dislocation of a proximal and distal interphalangeal joint, closed reduction is the treatment of choice and it could result in good and normal range of motion.

  19. The analgesic effect of clonidine as an adjuvant in dorsal penile ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: Dorsal penile nerve block (DPNB) is a commonly performed regional anesthetic technique for male circumcision. The aim of this study was to assess the analgesic effect of the adjunction of clonidine to bupivacaine 0.5% in this block. Methods: It was a prospective randomized double-blind clinical trial including ...

  20. Music exposure improves spatial cognition by enhancing the BDNF level of dorsal hippocampal subregions in the developing rats. (United States)

    Xing, Yingshou; Chen, Wenxi; Wang, Yanran; Jing, Wei; Gao, Shan; Guo, Daqing; Xia, Yang; Yao, Dezhong


    Previous research has shown that dorsal hippocampus plays an important role in spatial memory process. Music exposure can enhance brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression level in dorsal hippocampus (DH) and thus enhance spatial cognition ability. But whether music experience may affect different subregions of DH in the same degree remains unclear. Here, we studied the effects of exposure to Mozart K.448 on learning behavior in developing rats using the classical Morris water maze task. The results showed that early music exposure could enhance significantly learning performance of the rats in the water maze test. Meanwhile, the BDNF/TrkB level of dorsal hippocampus CA3 (dCA3) and dentate gyrus (dDG) was significantly enhanced in rats exposed to Mozart music as compared to those without music exposure. In contrast, the BDNF/TrkB level of dorsal hippocampus CA1 (dCA1) was not affected. The results suggest that the spatial memory improvement by music exposure in rats may be associated with the enhanced BDNF/TrkB level of dCA3 and dDG. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Emission computer tomography on a Dodewaard mixed oxide fuel pin. Comparative PIE work with non-destructive and destructive techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buurveld, H.A.; Dassel, G.


    A nondestructive technique as well as a destructive PIE technique have been used to verify the results obtained with a newly 8-e computer tomography (GECT) system. Multi isotope Scanning (MIS), electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) and GECT were used on a mixed oxide (MOX) fuel rod from the Dodewaard reactor with an average burnup of 24 MWd/kg fuel. GECT shows migration of Cs to the periphery of fuel pellets and to radial cracks and pores in the fuel, whereas MIS shows Cs migration to pellet interfaces. The EPMA technique appeared not to be useful to show migration of Cs but, it shows the distribution of fission products from Pu. EPMA clearly shows the distribution of fission products from Pu, but did not reveal the Cs-migration. (orig./HP)

  2. Dorsal buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty by a ventral sagittal urethrotomy and minimal-access perineal approach for anterior urethral stricture. (United States)

    Gupta, N P; Ansari, M S; Dogra, P N; Tandon, S


    To present the technique of dorsal buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty through a ventral sagittal urethrotomy and minimal access perineal approach for anterior urethral stricture. From July 2001 to December 2002, 12 patients with a long anterior urethral stricture had the anterior urethra reconstructed, using a one-stage urethroplasty with a dorsal onlay buccal mucosal graft through a ventral sagittal urethrotomy. The urethra was approached via a small perineal incision irrespective of the site and length of the stricture. The penis was everted through the perineal wound. No urethral dissection was used on laterally or dorsally, so as not to jeopardize the blood supply. The mean (range) length of the stricture was 5 (3-16) cm and the follow-up 12 (10-16) months. The results were good in 11 of the 12 patients. One patient developed a stricture at the proximal anastomotic site and required optical internal urethrotomy. Dorsal buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty via a minimal access perineal approach is a simple technique with a good surgical outcome; it does not require urethral dissection and mobilization and hence preserves the blood supply.

  3. The first metatarsal web space: its applied anatomy and usage in tracing the first dorsal metatarsal artery in thumb reconstruction. (United States)

    Xu, Yong-Qing; Li, Jun; Zhong, Shi-Zhen; Xu, Da-Chuan; Xu, Xiao-Shan; Guo, Yuan-Fa; Wang, Xin-Min; Li, Zhu-Yi; Zhu, Yue-Liang


    To clarify the anatomical relationship of the structures in the first toe webbing space for better dissection of toes in thumb reconstruction. The first dorsal metatarsal artery, the first deep transverse metatarsal ligament and the extensor expansion were observed on 42 adult cadaveric lower extremities. Clinically the method of tracing the first dorsal metatarsal artery around the space of the extensor expansion was used in 36 cases of thumb reconstruction. The distal segments of the first dorsal metatarsal artery of Gilbert types I and II were located superficially to the extensor expansion. The harvesting time of a toe was shortened from 90 minutes to 50 minutes with 100% survival of reconstructed fingers. The distal segment of the first dorsal metatarsal artery lies constantly at the superficial layer of the extensor expansion. Most of the first metatarsal arteries of Gilbert types I and II can be easily located via the combined sequential and reverse dissection around the space of the extensor expansion.

  4. Synaptic plasticity and sensory-motor improvement following fibrin sealant dorsal root reimplantation and mononuclear cell therapy (United States)

    Benitez, Suzana U.; Barbizan, Roberta; Spejo, Aline B.; Ferreira, Rui S.; Barraviera, Benedito; Góes, Alfredo M.; de Oliveira, Alexandre L. R.


    Root lesions may affect both dorsal and ventral roots. However, due to the possibility of generating further inflammation and neuropathic pain, surgical procedures do not prioritize the repair of the afferent component. The loss of such sensorial input directly disturbs the spinal circuits thus affecting the functionality of the injuried limb. The present study evaluated the motor and sensory improvement following dorsal root reimplantation with fibrin sealant (FS) plus bone marrow mononuclear cells (MC) after dorsal rhizotomy. MC were used to enhance the repair process. We also analyzed changes in the glial response and synaptic circuits within the spinal cord. Female Lewis rats (6–8 weeks old) were divided in three groups: rhizotomy (RZ group), rhizotomy repaired with FS (RZ+FS group) and rhizotomy repaired with FS and MC (RZ+FS+MC group). The behavioral tests electronic von-Frey and Walking track test were carried out. For immunohistochemistry we used markers to detect different synapse profiles as well as glial reaction. The behavioral results showed a significant decrease in sensory and motor function after lesion. The reimplantation decreased glial reaction and improved synaptic plasticity of afferent inputs. Cell therapy further enhanced the rewiring process. In addition, both reimplanted groups presented twice as much motor control compared to the non-treated group. In conclusion, the reimplantation with FS and MC is efficient and may be considered an approach to improve sensory-motor recovery following dorsal rhizotomy. PMID:25249946

  5. Blindness alters the microstructure of the ventral but not the dorsal visual stream

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reislev, Nina L; Kupers, Ron; Siebner, Hartwig R


    Visual deprivation from birth leads to reorganisation of the brain through cross-modal plasticity. Although there is a general agreement that the primary afferent visual pathways are altered in congenitally blind individuals, our knowledge about microstructural changes within the higher...... pathways in 12 congenitally blind, 15 late blind and 15 normal sighted controls. We also studied six prematurely born individuals with normal vision to control for the effects of prematurity on brain connectivity. Our data revealed a reduction in fractional anisotropy in the ventral but not the dorsal......-order visual streams, and how this is affected by onset of blindness, remains scant. We used diffusion tensor imaging and tractography to investigate microstructural features in the dorsal (superior longitudinal fasciculus) and ventral (inferior longitudinal and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculi) visual...

  6. Acción de la ortopodología en patologías neurológicas


    Sacristán Valero, Sergi; Carrera Casanova, Anna; Concustell Gonfaus, Josep; Velilla Muixí, Teresa


    El presente trabajo se hace un protocolo exploratorio para el diagnóstico diferencial del pie cavo neurógeno y se describe la evolución de la enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth y el correspondiente tratamiento en las distintas fases evolutivas de la enfermedad.

  7. Relative Contributions of the Dorsal vs. Ventral Speech Streams to Speech Perception are Context Dependent: a lesion study

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    Corianne Rogalsky


    Full Text Available The neural basis of speech perception has been debated for over a century. While it is generally agreed that the superior temporal lobes are critical for the perceptual analysis of speech, a major current topic is whether the motor system contributes to speech perception, with several conflicting findings attested. In a dorsal-ventral speech stream framework (Hickok & Poeppel 2007, this debate is essentially about the roles of the dorsal versus ventral speech processing streams. A major roadblock in characterizing the neuroanatomy of speech perception is task-specific effects. For example, much of the evidence for dorsal stream involvement comes from syllable discrimination type tasks, which have been found to behaviorally doubly dissociate from auditory comprehension tasks (Baker et al. 1981. Discrimination task deficits could be a result of difficulty perceiving the sounds themselves, which is the typical assumption, or it could be a result of failures in temporary maintenance of the sensory traces, or the comparison and/or the decision process. Similar complications arise in perceiving sentences: the extent of inferior frontal (i.e. dorsal stream activation during listening to sentences increases as a function of increased task demands (Love et al. 2006. Another complication is the stimulus: much evidence for dorsal stream involvement uses speech samples lacking semantic context (CVs, non-words. The present study addresses these issues in a large-scale lesion-symptom mapping study. 158 patients with focal cerebral lesions from the Mutli-site Aphasia Research Consortium underwent a structural MRI or CT scan, as well as an extensive psycholinguistic battery. Voxel-based lesion symptom mapping was used to compare the neuroanatomy involved in the following speech perception tasks with varying phonological, semantic, and task loads: (i two discrimination tasks of syllables (non-words and words, respectively, (ii two auditory comprehension tasks

  8. Neural correlates of consciousness: a definition of the dorsal and ventral streams and their relation to phenomenology. (United States)

    Vakalopoulos, Costa


    The paper presents a hypothesis for a neural correlate of consciousness. A proposal is made that both the dorsal and ventral streams must be concurrently active to generate conscious awareness and that V1 (striate cortex) provides a serial link between them. An argument is presented against a true extrastriate communication between the dorsal and ventral streams. Secondly, a detailed theory is developed for the structure of the visual hierarchy. Premotor theory states that each organism-object interaction can be described by the two quantitative measures of torque and change in joint position served by the basal ganglia and cerebellum, respectively. This leads to a component theory of motor efference copy providing a fundamental tool for categorizing dorsal and ventral stream networks. The rationale for this is that the dorsal stream specifies spatial coordinates of the external world, which can be coded by the reafference of changes in joint position. The ventral stream is concerned with object recognition and is coded for by forces exerted on the world during a developmental exploratory phase of the organism. The proposed pathways for a component motor efference copy from both the cerebellum and basal ganglia converge on the thalamus and modulate thalamocortical projections via the thalamic reticular nucleus. The origin of the corticopontine projections, which are a massive pathway for cortical information to reach the cerebellum, coincides with the area typically considered as part of the dorsal stream, whereas the entire cortex projects to the striatum. This adds empirical support for a new conceptualization of the visual streams. The model also presents a solution to the binding problem of a neural correlate of consciousness, that is, how a distributed neural network synchronizes its activity during a cognitive event. It represents a reinterpretation of the current status of the visual hierarchy.

  9. HDAC I inhibition in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus differentially modulates predator-odor fear learning and generalization. (United States)

    Yuan, Robin K; Hebert, Jenna C; Thomas, Arthur S; Wann, Ellen G; Muzzio, Isabel A


    Although predator odors are ethologically relevant stimuli for rodents, the molecular pathways and contribution of some brain regions involved in predator odor conditioning remain elusive. Inhibition of histone deacetylases (HDACs) in the dorsal hippocampus has been shown to enhance shock-induced contextual fear learning, but it is unknown if HDACs have differential effects along the dorso-ventral hippocampal axis during predator odor fear learning. We injected MS-275, a class I HDAC inhibitor, bilaterally in the dorsal or ventral hippocampus of mice and found that it had no effects on innate anxiety in either region. We then assessed the effects of MS-275 at different stages of fear learning along the longitudinal hippocampal axis. Animals were injected with MS-275 or vehicle after context pre-exposure (pre-conditioning injections), when a representation of the context is first formed, or after exposure to coyote urine (post-conditioning injections), when the context becomes associated with predator odor. When MS-275 was administered after context pre-exposure, dorsally injected animals showed enhanced fear in the training context but were able to discriminate it from a neutral environment. Conversely, ventrally injected animals did not display enhanced learning in the training context but generalized the fear response to a neutral context. However, when MS-275 was administered after conditioning, there were no differences between the MS-275 and vehicle control groups in either the dorsal or ventral hippocampus. Surprisingly, all groups displayed generalization to a neutral context, suggesting that predator odor exposure followed by a mild stressor such as restraint leads to fear generalization. These results may elucidate distinct functions of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus in predator odor-induced fear conditioning as well as some of the molecular mechanisms underlying fear generalization.

  10. Presentación de un adolescente con gigantismo


    Romero Paiffer, Iranis; Tamayo Rodríguez, Wilber; Odou Cobian, José Ramón


    El gigantismo es una enfermedad hormonal causada por la excesiva secreción de la hormona del crecimiento por parte de la hipófisis anterior antes del cierre la epífisis del hueso, que ocasiona un crecimiento desmesurado de la estatura de todo el cuerpo. Se presentó el caso de un adolescente de 18 años, procedente de una comuna pobre de Haití, con dolor en miembros inferiores y decaimiento, refiere historia previa de crecimiento exagerado en la longitud de su cuerpo, en las manos y pies. En el...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    The origin of the noradrenergic innervation of the preganglionic autonomic nuclei in the medulla oblongata and spinal cord is still controversial. In this investigation descending connections of the locus coeruleus to the dorsal motor vagus nucleus in the rat are studied with Phaseolus vulgaris

  12. Estudio del Síndrome de isquiosurales cortos (SIC) en escolares y la influencia de un programa de ejercicios de estiramiento


    Albaladejo Monreal, Diego


    Introducción. El Síndrome de isquiosurales cortos (SIC) es una entidad nosológica caracterizada por el acortamiento de la musculatura de la cara dorsal del muslo que determina una repercusión en el equilibrio pélvico y en la actitud postural de la columna vertebral. Hipótesis. Aplicar un programa de ejercicios para el estiramiento de la musculatura isquiosural, añadido a la actividad física reglada, en escolares de 8 años y a lo largo de dos cursos, mejora la elasticidad de la musculatu...

  13. Core cooling and thermal responses during whole-head, facial, and dorsal immersion in 17 degrees C water. (United States)

    Pretorius, Thea; Gagnon, Dominique D; Giesbrecht, Gordon G


    This study isolated the effects of dorsal, facial, and whole-head immersion in 17 degrees C water on peripheral vasoconstriction and the rate of body core cooling. Seven male subjects were studied in thermoneutral air (approximately 28 degrees C). On 3 separate days, they lay prone or supine on a bed with their heads inserted through the side of an adjustable immersion tank. Following 10 min of baseline measurements, the water level was raised such that the water immersed the dorsum, face, or whole head, with the immersion period lasting 60 min. During the first 30 min, the core (esophageal) cooling rate increased from dorsum (0.29 ± 0.2 degrees C h-1) to face (0.47 ± 0.1 degrees C h-1) to whole head (0.69 ± 0.2 degrees C h(-1)) (p whole-head immersion (114 ± 52% h(-1)) than in either facial (51 ± 47% h-1) or dorsal (41 ± 55% h(-1)) immersion (p whole-head (120.5 ± 13 kJ), facial (86.8 ± 17 kJ), and dorsal (46.0 ± 11 kJ) immersion (p whole head elicited a higher rate of vasoconstriction, the face did not elicit more vasoconstriction than the dorsum. Rather, the progressive increase in core cooling from dorsal to facial to whole-head immersion simply correlates with increased heat loss.

  14. Increased functional connectivity in the ventral and dorsal streams during retrieval of novel words in professional musicians. (United States)

    Dittinger, Eva; Valizadeh, Seyed Abolfazl; Jäncke, Lutz; Besson, Mireille; Elmer, Stefan


    Current models of speech and language processing postulate the involvement of two parallel processing streams (the dual stream model): a ventral stream involved in mapping sensory and phonological representations onto lexical and conceptual representations and a dorsal stream contributing to sound-to-motor mapping, articulation, and to how verbal information is encoded and manipulated in memory. Based on previous evidence showing that music training has an influence on language processing, cognitive functions, and word learning, we examined EEG-based intracranial functional connectivity in the ventral and dorsal streams while musicians and nonmusicians learned the meaning of novel words through picture-word associations. In accordance with the dual stream model, word learning was generally associated with increased beta functional connectivity in the ventral stream compared to the dorsal stream. In addition, in the linguistically most demanding "semantic task," musicians outperformed nonmusicians, and this behavioral advantage was accompanied by increased left-hemispheric theta connectivity in both streams. Moreover, theta coherence in the left dorsal pathway was positively correlated with the number of years of music training. These results provide evidence for a complex interplay within a network of brain regions involved in semantic processing and verbal memory functions, and suggest that intensive music training can modify its functional architecture leading to advantages in novel word learning. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Estructura de tallas y edad del marlin rayado Tetrapturus audax (Pisces:Xiphidae,en Cabo San Lucas,Baja California Sur,México

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    Felipe Neri Melo Barrera


    Full Text Available De 1988 a 1993 se muestrearon 1030 ejemplares de marlin rayado (Tetrapturus audax capturados por la flota deportiva de Cabo San Lucas.Se recolectaron 389 espinas dorsales para la estimación de la edad.La relación Longitud mandibular-Radio total de la espina es similar para hembras y machos.Se encontró que la cuarta espina dorsal refleja adecuadamente el crecimiento.La periodicidad de formación de las marcas de crecimiento es anual y parece que se relaciona con la temperatura superficial promedio del mar.Se contaron las bandas opaco-hialinas en cada corte de las espinas,y se encontraron diez grupos de edad (del dos al once,siendo el grupo siete el más abundante, seguido por los grupos seis y ocho.Las tallas observadas para el marlin rayado fueron de 160-280 cm de longitud mandibular,el 90%de los organismos estuvieron entre 190 y 225 cm.Los ejemplares pequeños se incorporan a la pesquería de junio hasta diciembre.Size and age structure of the striped marlin Tetrapturus audax (Pisces:Xiphidae,at Cabo San Lucas,Baja California Sur,México .The striped marlin (Tetrapturus audaxis found in temperate and tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Ocean.It is particularly abundant in the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.Specimens brought to Cabo San Lucas port (22 °53 ’ N y 109 °54 ’ Wby the sport fishery fleet that operates withing a radius of 54 km from 1988 to 1993 were sexes,measured and weighed.A total 1030 individuals were sampled.Dorsal fin spines (389were collected for age estimation.The spines were sectioned and hyaline-opaque bands counted.The relation of length to spine radius was similar for males and females.The fourth dorsal spine reflected the growth of the fish.The rhythm of growth mark formation is yearly and related to the sea surface temperature.Ten age groups were found and the seventh group was the most abundant,followed by groups "6 "and "8 ".The age structure of the striped marlin was stable in the study

  16. Spatially Compact Neural Clusters in the Dorsal Striatum Encode Locomotion Relevant Information. (United States)

    Barbera, Giovanni; Liang, Bo; Zhang, Lifeng; Gerfen, Charles R; Culurciello, Eugenio; Chen, Rong; Li, Yun; Lin, Da-Ting


    An influential striatal model postulates that neural activities in the striatal direct and indirect pathways promote and inhibit movement, respectively. Normal behavior requires coordinated activity in the direct pathway to facilitate intended locomotion and indirect pathway to inhibit unwanted locomotion. In this striatal model, neuronal population activity is assumed to encode locomotion relevant information. Here, we propose a novel encoding mechanism for the dorsal striatum. We identified spatially compact neural clusters in both the direct and indirect pathways. Detailed characterization revealed similar cluster organization between the direct and indirect pathways, and cluster activities from both pathways were correlated with mouse locomotion velocities. Using machine-learning algorithms, cluster activities could be used to decode locomotion relevant behavioral states and locomotion velocity. We propose that neural clusters in the dorsal striatum encode locomotion relevant information and that coordinated activities of direct and indirect pathway neural clusters are required for normal striatal controlled behavior. VIDEO ABSTRACT. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  17. Crucial roles of NGF in dorsal horn plasticity in partially deafferentated cats. (United States)

    Liu, Jia; Chen, Shan-Shan; Dan, Qi-Qin; Rong, Rong; Zhou, Xue; Zhang, Lian-Feng; Wang, Ting-Hua


    Though exogenous nerve growth factor (NGF) has been implicated in spinal cord plasticity, whether endogenous NGF plays a crucial role has not been established in vivo. This study investigated first the role of endogenous NGF in spinal dorsal horn (DH) plasticity following removal of L1-L5 and L7-S2 dorsal root ganglions (DRGs) in cats. Co-culture of chick embryo DRG with DH condition media, protein band fishing by cells as well as western blot showed that NGF could promote neurite growth in vitro. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization technique revealed an increase in the NGF and NGF mRNA immunoreactive cells in the DH after partial deafferentation. Lastly, after blocking with NGF antibody, choleragen subunit B horseradish peroxidase (CB-HRP) tracing showed a reduction in the neuronal sprouting observed in the DH. Our results demonstrated that in the cat, endogenous NGF plays a crucial role in DH plasticity after partial deafferentation.

  18. Anatomical variations in dorsal metatarsal arteries with surgical significance: A cadaveric study

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    Preeti Shivshankar Awari


    Full Text Available Introduction: Based on angiosome concept to revascularize a particular artery, the microvascular and reconstructive surgeons must know the anatomy and variations in the arteries in that specific region of the body to achieve better results. Nowadays, dorsal metatarsal artery (DMTA perforator flaps and toe grafts are becoming popular which also demand adequate information about normal anatomy and variants in these arteries for fruitful results. Materials and Methods: The authors studied normal anatomy and variations in the origin of DMTAs in 50 lower extremities of 25 embalmed cadavers. Results: The authors found many variations as the absence of DMTAs, origin of the DMTA from the deep plantar arch. The places wherever the arcuate artery was absent the lateral tarsal artery gave rise to dorsal metatarsal arteries. Conclusion: Being familiar with the incidence of anatomical variations in the origin of the DMTAs can increase vigilance in vascular and reconstructive surgeries leading to better prognosis. surgeries leading to better prognosis.

  19. p38 MAPK as an essential regulator of dorsal-ventral axis specification and skeletogenesis during sea urchin development: a re-evaluation. (United States)

    Molina, Maria Dolores; Quirin, Magali; Haillot, Emmanuel; Jimenez, Felipe; Chessel, Aline; Lepage, Thierry


    Dorsal-ventral axis formation in the sea urchin embryo relies on the asymmetrical expression of the TGFβ Nodal. The p38-MAPK pathway has been proposed to be essential for dorsal-ventral axis formation by acting upstream of nodal expression. Here, we report that, in contrast to previous studies that used pharmacological inhibitors of p38, manipulating the activity of p38 by genetic means has no obvious impact on morphogenesis. Instead, we discovered that p38 inhibitors strongly disrupt specification of all germ layers by blocking signalling from the Nodal receptor and by interfering with the ERK pathway. Strikingly, while expression of a mutant p38 that is resistant to SB203580 did not rescue dorsal-ventral axis formation or skeletogenesis in embryos treated with this inhibitor, expression of mutant Nodal receptors that are resistant to SB203580 fully restored nodal expression in SB203580-treated embryos. Taken together, these results establish that p38 activity is not required for dorsal-ventral axis formation through nodal expression nor for skeletogenesis. Our results prompt a re-evaluation of the conclusions of several recent studies that linked p38 activity to dorsal-ventral axis formation and to patterning of the skeleton. © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  20. Histopathological evaluation of urethroplasty with dorsal buccal mucosa: an experimental study in rabbits

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    Geovanne F. Souza


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Buccal mucosa is a widely accepted tissue for urethroplasty. The exact healing and tissue integration process, mainly the histological characteristics of dorsal buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty when used dorsally to reconstruct the urethral plate has not previously been assessed, and thus we developed an experimental model to address this question. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 12 New Zealand rabbits (weight 2.5 kg we surgically created a dorsal penile urethral defect. A buccal mucosa graft was sutured to the corpora and tunica albuginea, and the ventral urethra anastomosed to this new urethral plate. The animals were divided in three groups and sacrificed 1, 3 and 6 weeks after surgery (groups 1, 2 and 3. A retrograde urethrogram was obtained at autopsy in the last group and the penis analyzed histologically with hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's staining. RESULTS: The urethrograms showed no evidence of fistula or stricture. In group 1 the histopathological analysis showed submucosal lymph-mononuclear inflammatory edema, numerous eosinophils and squamous epithelium integrated into the adjacent urothelium. In group 2 there was no evidence of an inflammatory response but rather complete subepithelial hyaline healing, which was more marked in group 3. CONCLUSION: Healing of buccal mucosa grafts to reconstruct the urethral plate can be achieved by total integration of the squamous epithelium with the urothelium, maintaining the original histological properties of the graft with no fibrosis or retraction.