
Sample records for din republica socialist


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    Natalia CHIBERCEA


    Full Text Available În articol este efectuată o analiză a situaţiei financiar-patrimoniale a entităților economice din sistemul cooperației de consum din Republica Moldova, ceea ce a permis autorului să constate că aceasta indică o stare concretă a capitalului entității economice, reprezentând rezultatul realizării scopului activității întreprinderii. În mod particular, în urma desfăşurării reuşite a activităţii economico-financiare, se constată o creştere a activelor controlate de întreprindere, fapt ce reflectă extinderea activităţii de întreprinzător şi sporirea potenţialului economico-financiar.EVALUATION OF THE PATRIMONIAL POTENTIAL OF THE ENTERPRISES AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM THE CONSUMER COOPERATION SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVAThis article reflects the analysis of the financial-patrimonial situation of economic entities from the consumer coope­ration system of theRepublicofMoldova, which in general made possible to ascertain that this is a concrete state of the economic entity's capital, representing the result of achieving the purpose of the enterprise's activity. In particular, following the successful conduct of the economic and financial activity, there is an increase in the assets controlled by the enterprise, which reflects the widening of the entrepreneurial activity and increasing economic and financial potential.


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    Maria COJOCARU


    Full Text Available În acest articol sunt abordate probleme ce vizează reforma sistemului de achiziţii publice al Republicii Moldova şi al României, armonizarea legislaţiei şi a procesului de achiziţii publice la normele europene. Întru realizarea scopului şi sarcinilor propuse au fost aplicate diferite metode de cercetare: monografică, comparativă, metoda grafică. Cercetarea procesului de achiziţii publice, în contextul prevederilor legislative ale Uniunii Europene, a permis autorilor să constate prezenţa unor nereguli şi disfuncţionalităţi în organizarea şi desfăşurarea procedurilor de achiziţii publice la nivel naţional. În concluzie, au fost formulate sugestii menite să contribuie la perfecţionarea managementului achiziţiilor publice din Republica Moldova.HARMONIZATION OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT IN MOLDOVA TO EU DIRECTIVESIn this article the author presents a studio on the reform of the procurement system of Moldova and Romania, har­monization of legislation and the process of European procurement rules. In achieving established goals were applied different research methods: monographic, comparative graphical method. Research the procurement process in the con­text of the legislative European Union (EU, allowed the author to declare the presence of irregularities and failures in organization and conduct of procurement procedures at national level. In conclusion, suggestions were made that would help to improve the management of public procurement in Moldova.


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    Carolina PLATON


    Full Text Available Unul dintre conflictele motivaţionale întâlnite frecvent în mediul organizaţional este „conflictul familie-muncă”. Conflictul, în acest caz, derivă din nevoia de a integra în mod optim solicitările legate de rolul familial cu cele ale rolului profesional. Studiile relevă că acest tip de conflict este o sursă considerabilă de distres atât pentru angajaţi, cât şi pentru organizaţie, afectează starea subiectivă de bine a angajaţilor şi se soldează cu stări emoţionale preponderent negative. Astfel, organizaţiile vor fi cu atât mai atractive pentru angajaţi, cu cât le oferă posibilităţi să integreze solicitările legate de locul de muncă şi cele din familie. Cum este perceput angajamentul de rol şi „conflictul familie-muncă” la angajaţii din Republica Moldova, precum şi felul în care interferează solicitările de roluri sunt aspecte pe care le vom discuta în acest context.PERCEPTIONS REGARDING ROLE COMMITMENT AND WORK-FAMILY CONFLICT OF THE EMPLOYEES FROM THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: EXPLORATIVE STUDYOne of the motivational conflicts often encountered in the organizational environment is "family-work conflict." The conflict, in this case, derives from the need to integrate optimally family and work-related responsibilities. Studies show that this type of conflict is a source of considerable distress for both employees and the organization; it affects the subjective well-being of employees and results in predominantly negative emotions. Thus, organizations will be more attractive for workers if they can provide opportunities to integrate tasks related to work and family. We will discuss hereby how role commitments and "family-work conflicts" are perceived by employees in RM and the way these multiple roles interfere. 

  4. Comerţul intraindustrial cu produse agroalimentare in Republica Moldova: aspecte şi tendinţe

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    Liliana CIMPOIEŞ


    Full Text Available The paper analyzes the agri-food trade of Moldova from different aspects of intra-industry trade. The aim is to estimate the trend and extent of intra-industry trade in agri-food products of Moldova. The time series from 2001-2015 are examined. According to the obtained results, the level of intra-industry trade in agricultural and food products for Moldova is quite high (78%, fact which indicates a decline of trade relationships with EU countries and an increase with CIS countries. For most commodity groups the values of Grubel Lloyd index present a high average variability over time, fact which reflects the structural changes in Moldova’s agri-food trade. The values of A indices are very low and indicate that most of changes in trade flows had been inter-industrial in nature and probably generated high adjustment costs. The switching results of the B index of marginal intra-industry trade indicate that Moldova’s position on these markets considerably improved and strengthened. Rezumat. În lucrarea dată se analizează fluxurile comerciale cu produse agroalimentare din Republica Moldova sub diferite aspecte ale comerţului intraindustrial. Scopul lucrării este de a estima tendinţa şi dimensiunea comerţului intraindustrial cu produse agroalimentare din Republica Moldova. Perioada analizată include datele din anii 2001-2015. Conform rezultatelor obţinute, nivelul comerţului intraindustrial cu produse agroalimentare pentru Republica Moldova este destul de înalt (78%, şi indică asupra unei diminuări în relaţiile comerciale cu ţările Uniunii Europene (UE şi o majorare în ceea ce priveşte ţările din Comunitatea Statelor Independente (CSI. Pentru majoritatea grupelor de mărfuri indicele Grubel Lloyd prezintă o variabilitate medie înaltă pe parcursul perioadei analizate, ceea ce reflectă schimbările structurale ce au avut loc în comerţul agroalimentar al Republicii Moldova. Indicele A prezintă valori joase, ceea ce

  5. Ernst Rüdin, 1874-1952: a German psychiatrist and geneticist. (United States)

    Weber, M M


    Ernst Rüdin (1874-1952) was one of the major representatives of German psychiatry, genetics, and eugenics in the first half of the twentieth century. Born in Switzerland, he was influenced early on by his brother-in-law Alfred Ploetz, who propagated the ideas of social Darwinism and "racial hygiene" in Germany after 1890. Rüdin began his career in psychiatry at Emil Kraepelin's clinic in Munich, where he developed the concept of "empirical genetic prognosis" of mental disorders. He published his first results on the genetics of schizophrenia in 1916. From 1917-1945 Rüdin was director of the Genealogical-Demographic Department at the German Institute for Psychiatric Research, which Kraepelin had founded. After a short interruption from 1925-1928, Rüdin returned to Munich and enlarged the department. After 1933 the National Socialist government and party endorsed Rüdin's work by supplying financial and manpower support. Nazi health policy required a scientific basis to justify its actions, and Rüdin's ideas corresponded partially with this kind of thinking. In 1934 he prepared the official commentary on the "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring." The connections of Rüdin's department to National Socialism can be understood as one of the main reasons for the critical attitude towards psychiatric genetics in Germany after 1945.

  6. The Socialist Car

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Lars K.


    Review of L.H. Siegelbaum (ed.) The Socialist Car. Automobility in the Eastern Block. Cornell University Press, 2011.......Review of L.H. Siegelbaum (ed.) The Socialist Car. Automobility in the Eastern Block. Cornell University Press, 2011....

  7. Grafica de carte din RSS Moldovenească în perioada de instaurare a realismului socialist (1940–1953

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    Victoria Rocaciuc


    Full Text Available Initially, the publishing processes in the MASSR and Bessarabia of the interwar period developed completely differently in the aesthetic and ideological scope. Their unification is observed after 1940. In the art of book graphics of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, the transition to socialist realism was characterized by documentation and the domination of illustration characteristics, accumulation of professional skills, formation of creative manners and the author’s styles of illustrators. Evgheni Merega was among the first graphic artists involved in these processes who cooperated with: Tiraspol State Printing House, the State Publishing House (Chisinau, „Shkoala sovetica” and „Uchpedgiz”. Boris Nesvedov and Valentina Neceaev started in the interwar period. In the period 1940–1953, Leonid Grigoraşenco, Ilia Bogdesco, Boris Şirocorad, Iacob Averbuh, Ioachim Postolachi, Aleksandr Neforosov etc. made a name for themselves in the field of book graphics.

  8. National subprogram 'Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia Radiologica Ambiental y de los Alimentos en la Republica de Cuba'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez Gomez, Isis Maria


    The purpose of this work is to inform and raise awareness about the Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia Radiologica Ambiental y de los Alimentos in the Republica de Cuba. The radiological environmental monitoring is defined as the assessment of current or potential exposure of the population to radiation and radioactive materials released into the environment. It determines when is required the radiological environmental monitoring, what is a radiological environmental monitoring program, which are the points to consider during the design of this kind of program and what are their objectives. In addition, the program on the Republica de Cuba is focused, referring to the components of a radiological environmental monitoring program; equipment for the detection of radiations; the procedures for collecting environmental samples and laboratory analysis capabilities. It also noted the techniques of radiological environmental monitoring and is described extensively the Red Nacional de Vigilancia Ambiental of the Republica de Cuba. Likewise, it is included the table on radiological monitoring of food and water. Other radiological monitoring programs in Cuba are commented as the radiological control of industrial scrap [es

  9. On the transformation of socialist citeis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scarpaci, Joseph L.


    he collapse of the Socialist bloc after 1989 has been a topic of inquiry in many of the social sciences. In urban geography, however, there has been little systematic review about the changing nature of socialist cities in an era of rapid globalization. This paper outlines some of the macroeconomic...... contours that have conditioned national and metropolitan economies since 1989. It then reviews some of the defining features of the socialist city as a backdrop to Warsaw, selected Chinese cities, Ho Chi Minh, and Havana, which are the case studies of this special issue....

  10. The National Socialist Sisterhood: an instrument of National Socialist health policy. (United States)

    Schweikardt, Christoph


    When Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) came to power in 1933, the new Nazi government focused the German health system on their priorities such as the creation of a racially homogeneous society and the preparation of war. One of the measures to bring nursing under their control was the foundation of a new sisterhood. In 1934, Erich Hilgenfeldt (1897-1945), the ambitious head of the National Socialist People's Welfare Association (Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt), founded the National Socialist (NS) Sisterhood (Nationalsozialistische Schwesternschaft) to create an elite group that would work for the goals of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP). Hilgenfeldt proclaimed community nursing as a priority for NS Sisterhood nurses. Catholic and Protestant sisters, who were traditionally dedicated to community nursing, were to be gradually replaced. However, other competing priorities, such as hospital service for the training of junior nurses and work in conquered regions, as well as the lack of NS nursing personnel, hampered the expansion of community nursing. The paper also addresses areas for future research: everyday activities of NS nurses, the service of NS Sisterhood nurses for NSDAP organisations such as the elite racist paramilitary force SS (Schutzstaffel, Protective Squadron), and involvement in their crimes have hardly been investigated as yet.

  11. Ernst Rüdin's Unpublished 1922-1925 Study "Inheritance of Manic-Depressive Insanity": Genetic Research Findings Subordinated to Eugenic Ideology. (United States)

    Kösters, Gundula; Steinberg, Holger; Kirkby, Kenneth Clifford; Himmerich, Hubertus


    In the early 20th century, there were few therapeutic options for mental illness and asylum numbers were rising. This pessimistic outlook favoured the rise of the eugenics movement. Heredity was assumed to be the principal cause of mental illness. Politicians, scientists and clinicians in North America and Europe called for compulsory sterilisation of the mentally ill. Psychiatric genetic research aimed to prove a Mendelian mode of inheritance as a scientific justification for these measures. Ernst Rüdin's seminal 1916 epidemiological study on inheritance of dementia praecox featured large, systematically ascertained samples and statistical analyses. Rüdin's 1922-1925 study on the inheritance of "manic-depressive insanity" was completed in manuscript form, but never published. It failed to prove a pattern of Mendelian inheritance, counter to the tenets of eugenics of which Rüdin was a prominent proponent. It appears he withheld the study from publication, unable to reconcile this contradiction, thus subordinating his carefully derived scientific findings to his ideological preoccupations. Instead, Rüdin continued to promote prevention of assumed hereditary mental illnesses by prohibition of marriage or sterilisation and was influential in the introduction by the National Socialist regime of the 1933 "Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring" (Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses).

  12. A Comparative Analysis of Socialists and Capitalists Economies ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    From America's example of capitalist economy and politics, China's capitalist's, socialists and communists' mixed-system; and from North Korea's example of a purely communists' state, the current essay has argued for the illusiveness of attempting to eliminate either a communist, a feudal, a fascist or a socialist's economy, ...

  13. New heating load calculation in practice. DIN 4701 vs. DIN EN 12831; Neue Heizlastberechnung in der Praxis. DIN 4701 vs. DIN EN 12831

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kroeber, C [Rehau-Akademie Bau, Erlangen (Germany)


    DIN EN 12831 is the most controversial technical standard that ever was. The contribution shows the changes from DIN 4701 and their consequences on heating systems and heating grids. (orig.) [German] Wie keine andere Norm, die in den letzten Jahren im Hinblick auf die europaeische Harmonisierung eingefuehrt wurde, sorgt die Heizlastberechnung nach DIN EN 12831 fuer reichlich Gespraechsstoff. In folgendem Beitrag wird beschrieben, welche Veraenderungen im Vergleich zur Waermebedarfsberechnung nach DIN 4701 auftreten und wie sie sich auf die Heizsysteme und Waermeerzeugungsanlagen auswirken. (orig.)

  14. The Triumph and fall of socialist accounting : a historical aspect


    Mackevičius, Jonas


    [...] Until now, the comparative analysis of accounting systems in socialist centralized planned economy and capitalistic free market economy has been insufficient; the mutual impact of these systems has not been articulated. Currently, one often poses a question: what were actual, possible and could be future contributions of socialist accounting to the development of international accounting? Will the insights and ideas of authors from socialist countries be applied to improve accounting sy...


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    Svetlana MIHAILA


    Full Text Available În acest articol autorii își propun să furnizeze informații privind aplicabilitatea Standardelor Internaționale de Raportare Financiară (International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS în Republica Moldova, având în vedere condițiile actuale ale economiei de piață. Mesajul acestui articol este definit de prezentarea unor situații, prin care se observă avantajele potențiale privind implementarea IFRS, privită din punctul de vedere al necesității. Totodată, sunt relatate și unele lacune posibile, în urma aplicării standardelor internaționale, ce s-ar referi la complicitate, costuri și concoradanță a informației.THE EFFICIENCY OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS APPLICATION IN REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA IN THE CURRENT MARKET ECONOMY CONDITIONSIn this article the authors aim to provide information regarding the International Financial Reporting Standards inRepublicofMoldova, taking into account the current market economy conditions. The message of this article is to present some situations, by which can be noted the potential advantages on implementing IFRS, looking in terms of necessity. Also, are reported the possible gaps, after applying international standards, that would mean complicity, costs, and consistency of information. 

  16. Power, ideology and children: Socialist childhoods in Czechoslovakia

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    Marek Tesar


    Full Text Available There was not one, singular childhood in socialist Czechoslovakia, but many and diverse, plural, childhoods. Spanning over 40 years (1948–1989, the Czechoslovak communist governance produced diverse conceptualisations of childhoods that remain often invisible, unexplored, and the current analyses are at best sketchy and refer mostly to pedagogical nuances of strong ideological pedagogical struggles. One way to explore such an abundance of historical data in a short journal article is to utilise a somewhat personal narrative of a child. This dialogic approach allows the strong presence of the voice of a child, re-told from an adult’s perspective, and it methodologically justifies an approach to thinking and theorising of socialist childhoods through Vaclav Havel’s (1985; 1989; 1990 theoretical thinking that has been utilised in philosophy of education previously (see Tesar, 2015e. There are also other examples of complex and thorough analyses of socialist childhoods in other countries (see for example Aydarova et al, 2016, and theoretical thinking about the socialist child as a foreigner to its own land, can be done through Kristeva’s lens (Arndt, 2015.


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    Irina CĂRĂBAŞ


    Full Text Available Drawing heavily on archival research, the paper analyses the formation of the discourse of socialist realism in Romanian post-war art. A questionnaire on socialist realism to which a number of artists responded in 1948 provides an intermediate phase that brought together more types of language and conceptions of art and reveals how the Soviet model was grafted onto local interwar theories.

  18. Comparing Socialist and Post-Socialist Television Culture. Fifty Years of Television in Croatia

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    Zrinjka Peruško


    Full Text Available This article builds a theoretical model for comparative analysis of media culture based on the notion of genre, and applies it to a comparative analysis of television as a cultural form in socialist and post-socialist Croatia. The paper explores how the shares and generic composition of program modes of information, entertainment and fiction change in time, and how the contribution of different genres to program flow and modes varies with the changes of political, economic and technological context. Longitudinal trends in television flows are comparatively evaluated in relation to trends in genre developments in Europe and their relationship to the changes in the cultural role of television. The results show a decrease in the information and an increase in the fiction mode between socialism and democracy, with some similarities of the Croatian and western television culture in relation to genre and mode composition and flow, albeit with a belated introduction of neo television genres. Notwithstanding the limited freedom of expression and ideological content, which necessarily influenced socialist media culture, television as a cultural form in Croatia developed in concert with the global program flows. The article is based on original content analysis of television schedules where the unit of analysis is a televisions program listing. The analogue television universe is represented by longitudinal data for 1959, 1969, 1979, 1989, 1999, and 2009. The stratified systematic sample (N=3934 for each chosen year consists of two constructed weeks from a universe of all listed programs broadcast on all free to air television channels with a national reach license.

  19. Aram Khachaturian and socialist realism: A reconsideration

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    Schultz Joseph


    Full Text Available Aram Khachaturian remains a neglected figure in scholarship on Soviet music, his work often held as exemplifying Socialist Realism at its most conformist. In this article I suggest that folk music strongly influenced his style well before the imposition of Socialist Realism, and that his musical language and aesthetics have much more in common with those of contemporary composers in the West than has previously been assumed. A central focus of the paper will be to examine the role played by Soviet musicologists in placing questionable critical constructs on Khachaturian’s career and creative achievement.

  20. Class and Gender in Prime-Time Television Entertainment: Observations from a Socialist Feminist Perspective. (United States)

    Steeves, H. Leslie; Smith, Marilyn Crafton


    Assesses representations of women in television entertainment programs from a socialist feminist perspective. Elaborates on socialist feminist theory, presents concepts for an analysis of both class and gender oppression, and argues that most socialist feminist cultural studies do not address these categories adequately. Uses these concepts to…

  1. Economic calculation in socialist countries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ellman, M.; Durlauf, S.N.; Blume, L.E.


    In the 1930s, when the classical socialist system emerged, economic decisions were based not on detailed and precise economic methods of calculation but on rough and ready political methods. An important method of economic calculation - particularly in the post-Stalin period - was that of

  2. Find din stemme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jette Barnholdt


    Anmeldelse af Dorte Kock og Lene Kleinschmidts: Find din stemme. En brugsbog.Hans Reitzels Forlag 2010.......Anmeldelse af Dorte Kock og Lene Kleinschmidts: Find din stemme. En brugsbog.Hans Reitzels Forlag 2010....

  3. Young Socialist Men in Mid-Sixties Britain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hughes, Celia Penelope


    This article examines the political, social and psychological experiences of a group of young working-class men who in the early-to-mid 1960s became active members in branches of the Labour Party Young Socialists. Concentrated in London's East End, these branches had become increasingly open...... to the politics of International Socialism, a tiny libertarian Trotskyist group that provided these young men with a political education and a social circle, and propelled them into a bourgeoning activist network. Activism in their groups occurred at a crucial moment of personal and political transition – social...... at subjectivity and gender to understand how their sub-culture provided for childhood structures of feeling and early class identity and to consider what meaning they derived from active socialist involvement....

  4. sajad hussain din

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. SAJAD HUSSAIN DIN. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 39 Issue 7 December 2016 pp 1753-1761. Influence of boron doping on mechanical and tribological properties in multilayer CVD-diamond coating systems · SAJAD HUSSAIN DIN M A SHAH N A ...

  5. Agreement between the Governments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding international research on the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to be carried out at the ''Pripyat'' scientific centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document reproduces the text of the Agreement between the Governments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding International Research on the Consequences of the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant to be carried out at the ''Pripyat'' Scientific Centre which was approved by the IAEA's Board of Governors on 12 September 1990. It was signed on 21 September 1990 and entered into force on the same date


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    Luís Carapinha


    Full Text Available The troubled course of the revolutionary process of building socialism in China reveals a gradual reorientation of revolutionary energies to the "technical tasks", focused on economic development and increase of productive forces. The theoretical and practical reframing of Chinese socialist transition acquires a qualitative dimension with the proclamation of the Reform and Opening policy and the recognition of the historical phase that the Communist Party of China, since Deng Xiaoping, defined as the primary stage of socialism. The economic reformulation stresses the issue of the use of market instruments in the process of socialist transition in China, establishing a parallel with the pioneering experience of Soviet NEP. The socialist market economy in China corresponds to a model of mixed economy, in which public ownership and the State hold the commanding heights of the economy, and the integration into the world economy is a key lever. This reality that does not set as granted a return of China to the dominance of capitalism. At the same time, the inevitable clash between the dynamics of two conflicting economic systems – socialism and capitalism – raises to the CCP and the Chinese proletariat the theoretical and practical requirement of safeguarding a re-updated class perspective.


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    Viorica ȘAITAN


    Full Text Available Una dintre preocupările constante ale cercetărilor organizaționale recente este legată de investigarea problematicii privind conflictul muncă-familie, ce apare ca urmare a incapacității persoanei de a integra în mod optim solicitările rolului familial şi cele ale rolului profesional, având preponderent drept consecințe stări emoționale, cognitive și comportamentale negative. Din această perspectivă, studiul de față prezintă rezultatele comparative privind felul în care este trăit conflictul muncă-familie la angajații din Republica Moldova (în total – 355 de subiecți, 184 de angajați în domeniul public și 171 de angajați în domeniul privat și consecințele acestuia la nivel afectiv (epuizare emoțională, cognitiv (percepția suportului organizațional și percepția satisfacției de viață și comportamental (angajamentul de rol, flexibilitate muncă-familie.MANIFESTATIONS OF THE WORK-FAMILY CONFLICT TO PUBLIC/PRIVATE EMPLOYEES: COMPARATIVE DIMENSIONSOne of the constant concerns of recent organizational research is related to the investigation of the problem of work-family conflict, which arises as a result of the inability of the person to optimally integrate the demands of the family role and those of the professional role, having mainly as a consequence of negative emotional, cognitive and behavioral states. From this perspective, the present study presents comparative results on the way in which the labor-family conflict is experienced by employees in the Republic of Moldova (total – 355 subjects, 184 employees in the public domain and 171 employees in the private domain and its consequences at the affective level (emotional exhaustion, cognitive level (the perception of the organizational support and the perception of life satisfaction and behavioral level (role commitment, work-family flexibility.

  8. Hock, Beáta. 2013. Gendered Artistic Positions and Social Voices - Politics, Cinema and the Visual Arts in State-Socialist and Post-Socialist Hungary. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 284 pp. illus.

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    Lilla Tőke


    Full Text Available Hock, Beáta. 2013. Gendered Artistic Positions and Social Voices - Politics, Cinema and the Visual Arts in State-Socialist and Post-Socialist Hungary. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 284 pp. illus. Reviewed by Lilla Tőke, Assistant Professor, City University of New York, LaGuardia Community College

  9. Evaluation of the socialist health policy in Greece. (United States)

    Tsalikis, G


    Following seven years of military rule and seven years of "democratic restoration" under the Right, Greece is now sailing under the flag of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK). The Movement was inspired by the ideals of participatory democracy and socialization of the economy and of social services. A central part of socialist planning brought about the National Health System Act (1983) and related legislation intended to universalize health care, remove disparities, and restrict the private sector. It is argued here that the implementation of PASOK's statutory reforms in this field, as in others, will be subject to its ability to transform traditional patterns of production and consumption. As is now increasingly understood, it is hard to plan for socialism on the basis of wants provisions and patterns of consumption established under capitalism.

  10. Sport and Social Change. Socialist Feminist Theory. (United States)

    Bray, Catherine


    Though the number of women in sport and the productive labor force have increased, the lower levels of support and pay indicate devaluing by a capitalist patriarchal society. A socialist feminist theory of sport participation by women foresees the possibility of a nonpatriarchal capitalist society. (JD)

  11. Isotopic and hydro geochemistry research in ground water from Provincia de Entre Rios (Republica Argentina)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tujchneider, Ofelia Clara; Carmen Paris, Marta del; Fili, Mario Felipe; D'Elia, Monica Patricia


    In order to study the groundwater dynamics of the Northwest of the Entre Rios Province (Republica Argentina), supported on the regional knowledge resulting from previous reports, a detailed investigation is developed. The most important aquifer of the region, conformed by sands of the Ituzaingo and Parana Formations (Mioceno-Plioceno) underlies Hernandarias Formation (Pleistoceno) thick clays cover. This confinement condition, and the complex hydrodynamic behaviour as a result of the heterogeneity of the hydrogeological sequence, impeded determine with clearness the existence of actual and direct connections with the exterior cycle. The application of classical geohydrochemical methodologies complemented with both isotopic and heavy metals measurements, and data geostatistical processing, allows to formulate hypothesis about groundwater origin and the incidence of the autochthonous recharge. (author)

  12. Buildings from the Socialist Past as part of a City’s Brand Identity: The case of Warsaw


    Ochkovskaya Marina; Gerasimenko Valentina


    The aim of this paper is to investigate those buildings left over from Warsaw’s socialist past as a part of the city’s brand visual identity including their perception by foreign tourists and local citizens. Although Lisiak (2009) examined the destruction, removal and presence of these remnants from the socialist past in Central European cities, a comparative study of the perception of these architectural sites erected in Warsaw during socialist times has not been carried out specifically so ...

  13. Role of Creative Industries in the Post-Socialist Urban Transformation

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    Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz


    Full Text Available Over the past two decades the cities in Central and Eastern Europe have witnessed a wide-ranging transformation in many aspects. The introduction of a market-oriented economy after half a century of socialism has brought about deep social, economic, cultural and political changes. The first stage of the changes, the 1990s, involved the patching up of structural holes left by the previous system. The post-socialist city had to face challenges of the future while carrying the ballast of the past. Rapid progress in catching up with the West transformed the city a great deal. Later on, the advent of the 21st century brought a new wave of development processes based, among other things, on creativity and innovation. Hence our contribution aims to explore the role of creativity and creative industries in the post-socialist urban transformation. The article consists of three basic parts. In the first we present the concept of a ‘creative post-socialist city’ and define the position of creative industries in it. We also indicate some similarities to and differences from the West European approaches to this issue. In the second part, examples from Central and Eastern Europe are used in an attempt to elucidate the concept of a ‘creative post-socialist city’ by identifying some basic features of creative actions /processes as well as a creative environment, both exogenous and endogenous. The former is embedded in different local networks, both formal (institutionalised and informal, whereas the structure of the latter is strongly path-dependent. In the third part we critically discuss the role of local policies on the development of creative industries, pointing out some of their shortcomings and drawing up recommendations for future policy measures.

  14. 77 FR 60675 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Initiation of Antidumping... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... fillets (``fish'') from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (``Vietnam''). The Department has determined... Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 68...

  15. 77 FR 73424 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Partial Rescission of... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... order on certain frozen fish fillets (``fish fillets'') from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam..., 2011. \\1\\ See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic...

  16. 78 FR 40100 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Rescission of Antidumping... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (``Vietnam'') covering the period August 1... Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Initiation of Antidumping Duty New...


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    Nelly ŢURCAN


    Full Text Available Articolul prezintă o scurtă istorie a utilizării Clasificării Zecimale Universale (CZU în calitate de limbaj documentar mondial. Sunt prezentate exemple de folosire a CZU pentru bibliografii și cataloage naționale, în indexarea articolelor științifice, în elaborarea bazelor de date științifice, a sistemelor de servicii Internet etc. De asemenea, se face o trecere în revistă a utilizării CZU în Republica Moldova.Sunt specificate motivele pentru care revistele științifice din Republica Moldova trebuie să aplice indicele CZU. Această practică va asigura un acces eficient la conținut, căutare relevantă a articolelor științifice în Instrumentul Bibliometric Național, precum și va spori vizibilitatea internațională a publicațiilor științifice din Republica Moldova.WHY DO SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES NEED UDC?The article gives a short overview of the history of the use of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC as worldwide documentary language. There are presented examples of applying UDC for national bibliographies and catalogs, indexing of scientific articles, development of scientific databases, Internet service systems etc. Also, there is an overview of the use of the UDC in theRepublicofMoldova.The article reveals the reasons the scientific journals of theRepublicofMoldovahave to apply the UDC index. This practice will ensure efficient access to content, relevant search of the scientific articles in National Bibliometric Tool, will increase international visibility of the scientific publication from theRepublicofMoldova.

  18. Ideological Cooperation versus Cold War Realpolitik - The SED and the Icelandic Socialist Party

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    Valur Ingimundarson


    Full Text Available The article deals with the relationship between the East German Socialist Unity Party (SED and the Icelandic Socialist Party (SEI during the Cold War. It details the structural limitations of ideological cooperation between the two parties – Iceland’s NATO membership and the U.S. military presence – as well as its possibilities, especially in the 1950s, through the governmental participation of the SEI. Special attention is devoted to the role played by Einar Olgeirsson, the chairman of the SEI 1939–1968, who was instrumental in forging and developing political, economic, and cultural ties with the SED and the German Democratic Republic. The article argues that this experiment in transnational solidarity between socialist parties from two radically different political systems failed in the end due to several factors, including ideological differences and the political and economic development in Iceland.

  19. 75 FR 29726 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Notice of Partial Rescission... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... antidumping duty order on certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (``Vietnam''). See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of...

  20. 76 FR 47149 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Notice of Partial Rescission... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... antidumping duty order on certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (``Vietnam''). See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of...

  1. 78 FR 55676 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Preliminary Results of the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... order on certain frozen fish fillets (``fish fillets'') from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam... preliminary results. \\1\\ See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist...

  2. Housing restitution policies among post-socialist countries: explaining divergence.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lux, Martin; Cirman, A.; Sunega, Petr


    Roč. 17, č. 1 (2017), s. 145-156 ISSN 1461-6718 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA16-06335S Institutional support: RVO:68378025 Keywords : housing privatisation * property restitution * post-socialist countries Subject RIV: AO - Sociology, Demography OBOR OECD: Sociology


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    Maria BULGARU


    Full Text Available În articol sunt analizate unele măsuri de politici familiale cu consecințe asupra deciziei cuplurilor de a naşte copii, ce ţin în special de beneficiile părinteşti în primii ani de viaţă ai copilului (concediul de maternitate, paternitate, concediul parental, serviciile de îngrijire a copilului (creşe, grădiniţe etc., îmbinarea obligațiilor familiale și profesionale etc. În text sunt integrate rezultatele cercetării sociologice „Comportamentul reproductiv al femeilor din Republica Moldova”, realizate în decembrie 2015 de Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială a Universității de Stat din Moldova în par­teneriat cu Universitatea Carol din Praga (Republica Cehă.Investigația efectuată permite autorilor să concluzioneze că politicile familiale din Republica Moldova sunt axate prioritar pe suportul economic/financiar, considerat a fi şi o sursă de stimulare a natalităţii. Un şir de subiecte importante, condiţionate de provocările socioeconomice și demografice contemporane, ocupă până ce un loc periferic pe agenda politică a statului nostru.FAMILY POLILICIES WITH DEMOGRAPHIC CONSEQUENCESIn this article some of the measures of the family policies with the consequences on the decision of couples to give birth to children, related, in particular, to the parental care benefits during the first years of child's life (maternity/paternity/ parental leave, childcare services (nurseries, day care, kindergartens, etc., combining family and professional obligations, etc. are analyzed. In the text, the results of the sociological research "The Reproductive Behavior of Women inMoldova", conducted in December 2015 by the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, State University of Moldova, in partnership with theCharlesUniversity inPrague,Czech Republic, with the financial support of the Czech Development Agency are integrated.This study allows the authors to conclude that family policies in the

  4. 76 FR 61088 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Initiation of New Shipper... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... antidumping duty order on certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, received between... on certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was published in the Federal...

  5. 78 FR 48415 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Amended Final Results of... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... review of the antidumping duty order on certain frozen fish fillets (``fish fillets'') from the Socialist... August 1, 2011, through January 31, 2012. \\1\\ See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic...

  6. 76 FR 70111 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Deadline for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... antidumping duty order on certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (``Vietnam'').\\1... 4, 2011.\\3\\ \\1\\ See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist...

  7. Não-linearidades: da dinâmica do simples à dinâmica do complexo

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    José Roberto Castilho Piqueira


    Full Text Available Foram apresentados alguns conceitos relativos à utilização da Teoria dos Sistemas Dinâmicos em problemas de sistemas complexos. A apresentação destes conceitos centra-se no estabelecimento de duas dinâmicas: uma de curto termo e outra de longo termo, relacionando-as com os processos de organização dos sistemas.

  8. 78 FR 11150 - Utility Scale Wind Towers From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Amended Final Determination of... (United States)


    ... From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Amended Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value... Department published the final determination of sales at less than fair value in the antidumping duty... the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, 77 FR 75984...

  9. 75 FR 26199 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... 31, 2009. See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Preliminary Results... Barrientos, Senior Case Analyst, Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, dated...

  10. 76 FR 81913 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... antidumping duty order on certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.\\1\\ Subsequent to..., 2012. \\1\\ See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Preliminary Results...

  11. 76 FR 20626 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... and requests for revocation in part for certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of... administrative reviews and requests for revocation in part for certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist...

  12. 75 FR 44938 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... the period August 1, 2008, through July 31, 2009. See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist...: Antidumping Duty Administrative Review of Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam...

  13. 75 FR 57261 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Correction of Date for the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... reviews for certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam covering the period August 1, 2009, through February 15, 2010. See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of...

  14. 75 FR 80795 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... of the sixth administrative and new shipper reviews of certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist... January 13, 2011. \\1\\ See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Notice of...

  15. 77 FR 1470 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time for Final... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... preliminary results of the new shipper review of certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of... due no later than March 4, 2012. \\1\\ See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of...

  16. Incidents in Czechoslovakian "Socialist Management" between 1956 and 1989. Conflict and Reconciliation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vilímek, Tomáš; Tůma, Oldřich

    42/43, Spring-Summer (2016), s. 187-240 ISSN 1310-9456 Institutional support: RVO:68378114 Keywords : socialist management * centrally planned economy * Czechoslovakia 1956-1989 Subject RIV: AB - History

  17. For a Socialist Theoretical System for Human Rights with Chinese Characteristics

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    @@ Ⅰ.The Necessity and Feasibility for Developing a Socialist Theoretical System for Human Rights with Chinese Characteristics Development of such a system is needed to ensure success of the social transformation and transition ongoing up in China.

  18. Constitution and religiosity of/in the constitutional order of the National Socialist Empire

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    Velez, Pedro


    Full Text Available In this article, we will analyse the National Socialist regime as a politico-constitutional reality. We will do it from a new way of looking at politico-constitutional phenomena, interpreting them as registered in a religious grounding. It seeks to show that the National Socialist regime was characterised by having identified the political community – a racially interpreted and raised community to the Absolute – with an empirical historic personality regarded as eminently communitarian. It suggests that the regime constitutes a sui generis case, either in a context of regimes conventionally classified as "right-wing authoritarian and/or totalitarian" or in a larger context of contemporary politics.

  19. “Building a New Socialist Countryside” – Only a Political Slogan?

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    Gunter Schubert


    Full Text Available In March 2006, China’s National People’s Congress officially promulgated the central government’s intention to “build a new socialist countryside”, a new policy initiative and approach to rural development. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in two Chinese counties in 2008 and 2009, this article investigates how the new policy is being substantiated and implemented at the local level. It argues that by combining China’s new fiscal system of transfer payments to poor local governments with administrative reforms, intensified internal project evaluation, and efforts to increase the rural income through a mixture of infrastructural investment, agricultural specialization, the expansion of social welfare, and accelerated urbanization, “building a new socialist countryside” constitutes more than a political slogan and has the potential to successfully overcome rural poverty and the rural-urban divide.

  20. Tendințe de inovare în sectorul public orientate spre eficientizarea procesului de elaborare a politicilor publice

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    Tatiana SAVCA


    Full Text Available Actualmente, sistemul administrativ din Republica Moldova este supus unui proces de reformă profund. Inovarea și transferul tehnologic pot fi acel remediu, aplicarea căruia poate aduce succes în elaborarea politicilor publice eficiente atât de necesare societății moldovenești. Articolul analizează tendințele actuale în inovarea sistemului de politici publice evidențiate în documentele strategice internaționale, europene și naționale.

  1. The National Socialist State in the View of Norbert Frei
    O estado nacional-socialista na ótica de Norbert Frei


    Marco Pais Neves dos Santos


    This article has as context World War II, the largest and bloodiest conflict in human history, and is the conception of the National Socialist State produced by Norbert Frei, one of the most influential historians of our time, in his work: The State of Hitler: The national Socialist power from 1933 to 1945. It has as object how Norbert Frei conceives German history between the years of 1933-1945, and his critical eye on the National Socialist State, analysing not only from the standpoint of i...

  2. Hospital reforms in France under a Socialist government. (United States)

    De Pouvourville, G


    French health care faced the dual crises of rising costs and excess physicians. No government, whether left or right, could avoid focusing reform on the extensive public hospital system. Many differences introduced by the Socialists after 1981 were rhetorical and relational--matters of "democratization" of governance and "control" of physicians. Paradoxically, the two major structural reforms, "departmentalization" and "global budgeting," were extensions of actions begun under preceding governments. Neither has come to fruition yet.

  3. Mentality of nuclear energy and industry experts from post-socialist and post-capitalist countries and a problem of cooperation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gavrilov, S.D.; Kremnev, V.A.


    The disintegration of the Socialist Community and thereafter Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia has led to the establishment of more than 20 post-socialist states. Their economies differ widely, and yet a mentality of the overwhelming majority of various strata of the population, including scientists and engineers, is almost invariable so far. The processes have had an effect on the mentality of nuclear experts, especially those who deal with nuclear weapon. The superposition of general crises of post-socialist countries and an availability of nuclear facilities and installations and nuclear technologies have already had an adverse effect on the specialists' mentality. On the other hand, experts from the post-capitalist countries have other mentalities and their socioeconomic position is cardinally distinguished. Thus, at most they may barely perceive the post-socialist specialists' envelope of mentality. It doesn't only prevent individuals' collaboration and organizations' cooperation by the lack of socio-culture-psychological misunderstanding,. In some instances it has already resulted in the interruption or cancellation of joint projects at the early stages of their implementation. The report is devoted to the problem of mutually beneficial interaction between experts and organizations from recently antagonistic systems, promoting better understanding, and a different rank specialists mentality convergence. The mentality and economic situation for experts from both the post-socialist countries and the Western industrial economies are discussed

  4. The Second Sex in Hungary. Simone de Beauvoir and the (Post-Socialist Condition

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    Mária Joó


    Full Text Available Beauvoir’s work was translated in 1969, a period of change in state socialism: the introduction of some elements of market economy in 1968 (called New Economic Mechanism, the publication of Western bourgeois philosophers as Sartre and Beauvoir, and Marxist philosophers’ efforts to revise orthodox Marxism. ’The woman question’ was declared to be already solved by socialism. The emblematic female identity is of the working mother: free and equal with men by virtue of law, taking part in producing new value as worker and according to her natural role as mother and wife, representing the center of the socialist family. Under these circumstances the reception of The Second Sex is highly interesting: a success (two editions in a high number of copies, but only two contemporary reviews (one friendly, one sharply critical. In this paper, I give a reconstruction of socialist women’s reading of Beauvoir, given their officially propagated homogeneous identity and their unrecognized double burden. They could have identified themselves with Beauvoir’s new, independent woman and at the same time with the traditional woman. Beauvoir’s legacy for us post-socialist women can be derived from this past: to face ambiguities in identity and to vindicate individual freedom.

  5. In defense of shock therapy: Post-socialist transition of the Czech Republic

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    Scott A. Beaulier


    Full Text Available Popov (2007, 2000, Kolodko (2000, and Stiglitz (1999 argue that a shock therapy approach has a negative effect on post-socialist transition. Their benchmark for shock therapy, however, refers to the debate on the speed of market reforms. We propose that a more meaningful benchmark is the experience of the Czech Republic, Russia, and other transition economies which share similar approach to the market reforms, but have solved political economy problems of credibility and commitment differently. We compare the Czech Republic’s economic, political, and social performance to these benchmarks in all other post-socialist countries since they began their transitions. We find that the Czech transition is a consistent success because the Havel shock therapy has solved the political economy problems of reform’s credibility and state’s commitment to reform.

  6. The Scientific and Technical Revolution in the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. (United States)

    Vien, Nguyen Khac


    Discussed are the reasons for the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam's scientific backwardness. A development project which will enable this country to become a modern, economically self-sufficient country by the year 2000 is outlined. (BT)

  7. Spatial Planning in Estonia – From A Socialist to Inclusive Perspective

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    Mart HIOB


    Full Text Available Spatial planning in Eastern Europe has gone through major changes during the years after the Soviet occupation ended around 1990. New planning standards were eagerly accepted but the practice was often carried out in a socialist manner. This article gives an overview of planning law and practice in Estonia during the transition period. The example presented is a district in Tartu, the second largest city of 100,000 inhabitants. The article analyses different master planning documents covering the whole district and compares both their process of compilation and their content to former Soviet era plans. The conclusion is that the transition from socialist to inclusive planning in Estonia has taken at least two decades, and the process is still not fi nished. This shows that the legal framework alone is not suffi cient to transform planning practice – a new ideology has to be accepted by the specialist as well as the politicians and the general public.

  8. Arhitectura din perioada postbelică a Moldovei sovietice

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    Tamara Nesterov


    Full Text Available After the formation of the Moldavian Soviet Socialistic Republic in August 1944, the cities, through which the World War II warfront passed, started to be restored. Urban planning was concentrated in design institutes employing architects from Bessarabia, who returned from evacuation, and architects arrived from the USSR. The restoration of dilapidated historic buildings for administrative offices was done by broadening their special and volumetric structure and the simplification of the architecture. Because of the fast rhythm of restoration, few architectural monuments correspond to their original appearance. The ruined buildings were replaced by new buildings, designed in the spirit of Russian classicism and socialistic realism with the reproduction of Italian Renaissance architecture composition. Planning in architecture obtained a new character: following internal competitions, the design that met most requirements was selected and sent to a brigade to make the draft for execution.

  9. War Remembered, Revolution Forgotten: Recasting the Sino-North Korean Alliance in China’s Post-Socialist Media State

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    Zhao Ma


    Full Text Available From October 1950 to July 1953, the nascent Chinese state entered into a strategic alliance with North Korea; hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers shed blood on the Korean peninsula in defense of the socialist homeland and advancing Communist internationalism. But since the end of the Korean War, China has moved from revolutionary idealism and political radicalism in Mao’s era to the current post-socialist pragmatism and materialism. As the ideological winds shift, China’s contemporary propaganda apparatus must redefine the Korean War in order to reconcile the complexity of the war and wartime alliance with contemporary political concerns and popular views. By focusing on a documentary film, The Unforgettable Victory, produced by China’s leading state-run film studio in 2013, this article explores the ways in which the official media of the post-socialist era presents the past revolutionary war. The new film celebrates the splendid valor of Chinese soldiers, civilians’ heroic sacrifices, and the war’s nationalist legacy; however, it purposefully forgets the revolutionary fervor and internationalist sentiments that once forged the Sino–North Korean alliance and empowered wartime mobilization. This article examines the process of remembering and forgetting, and reveals government propaganda’s latest efforts to demobilize contemporary viewers while infusing the past revolutionary war with ideological clarity and political certainty in post-socialist China.

  10. The nuclear power policy in Argentina (1965-2003); La politica publica de generacion nucleoelectrica en la Republica Argentina (1965-2003)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carreiro, Francisco M [Buenos Aires Univ. (Argentina). Facultad de Ciencias Economicas


    This paper aims to expose some outcomes of a larger research on the nuclear power plants public policy review in Argentine, between 1965 and 2003. It points out the relevance of institutional design as a main factor to explain the policy evolution, and offers unpublished statistic data of this nuclear energy sector. Finally, some comments are presented in order to highlight the importance of the unsolved policy aspects that concern the decision makers in this area. (author) [Spanish] El presente trabajo deriva de un estudio integral desde la optica de la politica publica, y tiene como objetivo el analisis de la evolucion de la politica publica de generacion nucleoelectrica en la Republica Argentina entre los anios 1965 y 2003. (autor)

  11. Introduction. Socialist Culture and Modernity

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    Joes Segal


    Full Text Available From October 6th to 11th, 2013, the MS Gretha van Holland brought twenty-four conference participants from Berlin to Beeskow, Eisenhüttenstadt, Frankfurt/Oder and back to Berlin. The aim of this on-board boat conference, organised by Art Archive Beeskow and Utrecht University in collaboration with Marlene Heidel, Claudia Jansen and Ursula Lücke, was to cross borders – national and disciplinary – by connecting parallel and divergent European histories of the Cold War period, both on a conceptual and on a practical level. A selected group of historians, art historians, architectural historians, cultural anthropologists and visual artists discussed the various ways in which socialist cultural history has been presented over the past decades and put new perspectives to the test. This conference has resulted in the present issue of HCM.


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    Mihaela VIDAICU


    Full Text Available Acest studiu a fost elaborat în rezultatul vizitei de studiu la Universitatea Gloucestershiredin Marea Britanie (28 februarie – 5 martie 2016 realizată în cadrul Proiectului „Introducerea metodelor de învățare bazată pe probleme în Moldova: Sporirea competitivității şi angajabilităţii studenților”, finanțat de Programul European Erasmus +. Prezen­tările și orele de curs la care am asistatla Facultatea de Business, Facultatea de Drept şila Facultatea de Tehnologii Informaționale au avut drept scop familiarizarea delegației din Republica Moldova cu procesul de studii de la această universitate, precum și prezentarea unor metode interactive de predare orientate spre o învățare activă și o implicare mai intensă a studenților în procesul de predare-învățare. Acest studiu cuprinde analiza proceselor educaționale la nivel de sistem educațional, management universitar și management al facultăților.ENSURING AN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS FOCUSED ON ACTIVE LEARNING ATGLOUCESTERSHIREUNIVERSITYFROMUKThis study was conducted as follow up to the study visit at GloucestershireUniversityfrom United Kingdom(Feb­ruary 28 – March 5, 2016 within the Project „Introducing Problem Based Learning in Moldova: Toward Enhancing Students’ Competitiveness and Employability", funded by the European Erasmus+ Program. Presentations and classes attended at the Faculty of Business, Faculty of Law and IT Faculty aimed at familiarizing Moldovan delegation with the educational process at this university and with the interactive teaching methods focused on active learning and with significant involvement of students in teaching-learning process. This study refers to the processes on education system level, university and faculty management levels.

  13. Population aging in Albanian post-socialist society: Implications for care and family life

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    Meçe Merita


    Full Text Available Population aging is becoming an inevitable phenomenon in Albanian post-socialist society, posing multi-faceted challenges to its individuals, families and society as a whole. Since 1991, the Albanian population has been exposed to intensive demographic changes caused by unintended aspects of socio-economic transition from a planned socialist economy to a market-oriented capitalist one (Hoff, 2008. Ongoing processes of re-organization of social institutions increased its socio-economic insecurity leading to the application of various coping mechanisms. While adjusting themselves to other aspects of life, people changed their decisions of having children and leaving the country (Hoff, 2008. On the other hand, replacement of former traditional extended family forms with diverse living arrangements and family structures has been the outcome of the combination of three factors: falling fertility, increasing life expectancy and increasing migration (INSTAT, 2014.

  14. Entrenamiento integrado. Principios dinámicos y aplicaciones

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    Natàlia Balagué Serre


    Full Text Available El interés por el entrenamiento integrado es creciente y para aumentar su eficacia resulta clave conocer cómo se produce el proceso de integración en los sistemas vivos. Por lo general, se suele asumir que el tipo de integración que se da en el organismo y entre los componentes del entrenamiento es sumatoria y lineal; es decir, está caracterizada por relaciones proporcionales, fijas e invariables en el tiempo, como las que se dan en cualquier artilugio técnico. Este modelo de integración, basado en la cibernética clásica, contrasta con el modelo de integración dinámica y no lineal, asentado en la neurociencia, la teoría de sistemas dinámicos no lineales, y la dinámica ecológica. Algunos principios de la integración dinámica y no lineal como la autoorganización, su carácter no proporcional y no consciente y su integración contextual en diferentes escalas acostumbran a ignorarse sistemáticamente en las metodologías de entrenamiento más habituales. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los principios dinámicos del entrenamiento integrado para promover la emergencia de metodologías más eficaces y eficientes a la vez que más respetuosas con los deportistas y los equipos.

  15. Phenomenon of becoming of Dnepropetrovsk as a «socialistic city» in 1920-1930: conceptual measuring and real practice

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    V. V. Ivanenko


    Full Text Available This is a study of theory, method and concept of «socialist-type city» as a unique phenomenon of Stalin’s epoch history and culture, as well as the theory of city planning legislation in the works of 1920­1930s’ scholars alongside with the polemics about restoring existing cities or building the new ‘Soviet’ kind due to «socialist pattern» is also viewed. This practical research of ‘Socialist construction’ concept at the example of Dnepropetrovsk, where massive socio­economic, urban and cultural programs were being implemented on the background of force industrialization also deals with developing inner city layout, transforming it’s architecture and space, it’s qualities and numeric values as to population and infrastructure developments are grasped, the influence on Dnepropetrovsk public minds by ideology propaganda is observed.


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    Coriolan PĂUNESCU


    Full Text Available A apărut, la Iasi, o carte cu valoare de unicat; este vorba de „Agriculturaîn proverbe si cugetări” (Ed. Vasiliana ’98, Iasi, 2008, semnată de reputatul Prof.univ. dr. Nicolae VASILESCU si ing. Aglaia VASILESCU, oameni care au slujitdecenii de-a rândul învăţământul agronomic românesc. De aici, desigur si respectulautorilor pentru agricultură si, mai ales, pentru oamenii satului, dedicaţi, înîntregime, acestei nobile îndeletniciri (dar si creaţiei lor spirituale, în care, nu o dată,se reflectă munca si viaţa de fiecare zi. Însă, această carte se vrea mai mult decâtspune, deoarece cuprinde si reflecţii ale oamenilor culţi, despre agricultură, întrecare scriitori, filosofi, muzicieni, savanţi ai domeniului agronomic, călătoriînvederaţi, politicieni, istorici, oameni ai catedrelor, revoluţionari de renume,evident, din lume si din ţară, din Antichitate si până astăzi.

  17. Decree 316/011. It approve the bases for the oil companies selection process about the hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation in the Republica Oriental del Uruguay offshore Round II including the respective model contract

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This decree approve the bases for the oil companies interested in the hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation in the Republica Oriental del Uruguay. The energetic fossil research is regulated by the energetic sector with rules defined by the executive. Ancap evaluate the company proposals in relation of different topics such as drilling and processing, electromagnetism, sea floor sediments samples, oil well evidences and seismic information

  18. Participatory measurements of sustainable urban development and quality of life in post-socialist Zadar, Croatia

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    Cavrić Branko


    Full Text Available Over the last two decades, there has been an intensive discourse and research about measuring sustainable urban development. Many cities, regions and countries have decided to introduce indicators for monitoring and measuring the progress towards sustainability. Today there is a wide spread perception that information on the environment in general, and urban environment in particular, is the determinant of effective rational decisions and allocation of resources. Such information would enable planners and decision makers to formulate redistributive policies and programmes to address some of the disparities that exist in a post-socialist city. Cities of the post-socialist world characterized by sharp disparities, socio-economic contrasts and environmental degradation provide an excellent laboratory for tracing information on the quality of urban life. The current situation in the emerging Croatian coastal city of Zadar reflects the diversity of the post-socialist urban change in a very fragile Mediterranean landscape. This paper takes a critical look at sustainable development and its measurements. It describes the participatory approach through which different local communities in Zadar were evaluating quality of life based on basic pillars of sustainable development. The identification and collection of their opinions provide valuable data base and community input into urban governance and development planning decision making.

  19. Duygusal Zeka Din Öğretimi; Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Dersi ve Duygusal Zeka Gelişim İlişkisi

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    Remziye Ege


    Full Text Available Duygusal zeka, bireyin, kendi duygularını anlaması, başkalarıın duygularına empati  beslemesi, duygu yönetimi, motivasyon ve duygularını yaşamı zenginleştirecek biçimde düzenleyebilme yetisi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Din öğretimi yoluyla duygusal zeka becerilerinin ve yerisinin elde edileceği ve geliştirileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu makalede İlköğretim Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Dersinin muhtevasından hareketle duygusal zeka gelişimi ile din öğretimi arasındaki paralel ilişkiye dikkat çekmek hedeflenmiştir. Söz konusu ilişki, din öğretiminin inanç, ibadet, dua, ahlak öğretim alanlarındaki konulardan örnekler üzerinde belirtilmiştir. Duygusal zeka, bireyin, kendi duygularını anlaması, başkalannın duygulanna empati beslemesi, duygu yönetimi, motivasyon ve duygularını yaşamı zenginleştirecek biçimde düzenleyebilme yetisi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Din öğretimi yoluyla duygusal zeka becerilerinin ve yerisinin elde edileceği ve geliştirileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu makalede İlköğretim Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Dersinin muhtevasından hareketle duygusal zeka gelişimi ile din öğretimi arasındaki paralel ilişkiye dikkat çekmek hedeflenmiştir. Söz konusu ilişki, din öğretiminin inanç, ibadet, dua, ahlak öğretim alanlarındaki konulardan örnekler üzerinde belirtilmiştir

  20. Escherichia coli DinB inhibits replication fork progression without significantly inducing the SOS response. (United States)

    Mori, Tetsuya; Nakamura, Tatsuro; Okazaki, Naoto; Furukohri, Asako; Maki, Hisaji; Akiyama, Masahiro Tatsumi


    The SOS response is readily triggered by replication fork stalling caused by DNA damage or a dysfunctional replicative apparatus in Escherichia coli cells. E. coli dinB encodes DinB DNA polymerase and its expression is upregulated during the SOS response. DinB catalyzes translesion DNA synthesis in place of a replicative DNA polymerase III that is stalled at a DNA lesion. We showed previously that DNA replication was suppressed without exogenous DNA damage in cells overproducing DinB. In this report, we confirm that this was due to a dose-dependent inhibition of ongoing replication forks by DinB. Interestingly, the DinB-overproducing cells did not significantly induce the SOS response even though DNA replication was perturbed. RecA protein is activated by forming a nucleoprotein filament with single-stranded DNA, which leads to the onset of the SOS response. In the DinB-overproducing cells, RecA was not activated to induce the SOS response. However, the SOS response was observed after heat-inducible activation in strain recA441 (encoding a temperature-sensitive RecA) and after replication blockage in strain dnaE486 (encoding a temperature-sensitive catalytic subunit of the replicative DNA polymerase III) at a non-permissive temperature when DinB was overproduced in these cells. Furthermore, since catalytically inactive DinB could avoid the SOS response to a DinB-promoted fork block, it is unlikely that overproduced DinB takes control of primer extension and thus limits single-stranded DNA. These observations suggest that DinB possesses a feature that suppresses DNA replication but does not abolish the cell's capacity to induce the SOS response. We conclude that DinB impedes replication fork progression in a way that does not activate RecA, in contrast to obstructive DNA lesions and dysfunctional replication machinery.

  1. Post-Soviet Transitions of the Planned Socialist Towns: Visaginas, Lithuania

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    Rasa Baločkaitė


    Full Text Available Visaginas, formerly Sniečkus, (Lithuania was built as a planned socialist town and a satellite settlement to the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. Both the plant and the town were established in order to integrate Lithuania into the All-Union economic structures via the energy supply system,. The specific characteristics of the town were a particular mono industry, high living standards, ethnic composition (mostly Russian speaking migrants, Lithuanians as minority, absence of any history prior to 1973 and strong pro-Soviet attitudes. For years, it was a success story and the vanguard site of the socialism. After the declaration of Lithuanian Independency in 1990, the town became the site of tensions and uncertainties. The aim of this research study is to illuminate how post-Soviet transition has been experienced by this particular type of community shaped by socialism. Community experiences are retrospectively reconstructed via content analysis of the local media. The particular characteristics of the town (ethnic composition, employment structure, etc. made the process of transition extremely complicated. While other planned socialist towns established new identities and new trajectories of development, in the case of Visaginas, not the future, but the past played a crucial role in shaping the town’s identity.

  2. Analysis of the indices of thermal comfort for the conditions of the Mexican Republic; Analisis de los indices de confort termico para las condiciones de la republica mexicana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fuentes Freixanet, Victor; Rodriguez Viqueira, Manuel [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Unidad Azcapotzalco (Mexico)


    The objective of this article is to analyze different indices of thermal comfort for the Mexican Republic. Among them the Fanger (PMV and PPD) physiological methods of comfort and the new effective temperature index are included. The standard effective temperature (SET), as well as the adaptive methods of Humphreys and Nicol, Auliciems, De Dear and Brager. A comparative analysis is done of the different indices through thematic maps determined by interpolation, using a climatic data base of 700 cities obtained from the observatories and stations of the National Meteorological Service. This article pretends to establish general criteria of the thermal comfort to later define design strategies for each one of the climatic regions of the Mexican Republic. [Spanish] El objetivo de este articulo es analizar distintos indices de confort termico para la Republica Mexicana. Entre ellos se incluyen los metodos fisiologicos de confort de Fanger (PMV y PPD), el indice de nueva temperatura efectiva. La temperatura efectiva estandar (SET), asi como los metodos adaptativos de Humphreys y Nicol, Auliciems, De Dear y Brager. Se hace un analisis comparativo de los distintos indices a traves de mapas tematicos determinados por interpolacion, usando una base de datos climaticos de 700 ciudades obtenidos de los observatorios y estaciones del Servicio Meteorologico Nacional. Este articulo presenta establecer criterios generales del confort termico para posteriormente definir estrategias de diseno para cada una de las regiones climaticas de la Republica Mexicana.

  3. Kommunikation skaber din organisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Heidi

    KOMMUNIKATION skaber din ORGANISATION tager udgangspunkt i en narrativ tilgang til kommunikation, hvor organisationen skabes i mødet mellem ledere, medarbejdere, organisation og omverden. Historier hjælper os med at skabe mening, og er derfor vigtige både som et udviklingsværktøj i organisationen...

  4. Empowerment in a Socialist Egalitarian Agenda: Minority Women in China's Higher Education System (United States)

    Zhao, Zhenzhou


    Socialist egalitarianism and empowerment represent two different routes for realising equality of group differentiation. The former is pursued through top-down enactment by state apparatuses, while the latter closely relates to autonomous social movements, such as those occurring in liberal democratic societies. Using the experience of minority…

  5. Interregional migration in socialist countries: the case of China. (United States)

    Wei, Y


    "This paper analyzes changing interregional migration in China and reveals that the recent eastward migration reverses patterns of migration under Mao. It finds that investment variables are more important than the conventional variables of income and job opportunities in determining China's recent interregional migration. It suggests that both state policy and the global force influence interregional migration, challenging the popular view that the socialist state is the only critical determinant. This paper also criticizes Mao's approach to interregional migration and discusses the impact of migration on development." excerpt

  6. Comportamento dinâmico de um modelo simples solo-estrutura


    Gonçalves, Fábio André Vaz


    Dissertação para obtencão do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Perfil Estruturas O comportamento de uma estrutura sujeita a cargas dinâmicas depende de características como a massa, a rigidez dos vários elementos e da capacidade de dissipação de energia. A resposta dinâmica da estrutura apoiada num solo depende das propriedades dinâmicas dos dois sistemas. A resposta do sistema é influenciada pelos efeitos de interacção solo-estrutura. Nesta dissertação estudou-se um m...

  7. Poland: biomedical ethics in a socialist state. (United States)

    Szawarski, Zbigniew


    In one of a Hastings Center Report series of four country reports, a professor of ethics discusses the Polish approach to ethical issues in health care. Szawarski begins by outlining five factors that influence the practice of medicine in Poland: a socialist form of government, the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, an ongoing economic crisis, the legacy of the Nazi death camps, and a lack of formal instruction in biomedical ethics. He then discusses three current ethical concerns of physicians, patients, and the public: regulation of physician conduct, abortion, and in vitro fertilization. There is little formal public debate of the issues, however, and physicians seem committed to upholding traditional medical codes of ethics without analyzing underlying moral principles and justifications.

  8. Una solución dinámica para juegos con utilidades transferibles

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    Juan Carlos Cesco


    Full Text Available En este trabajo definimos un tipo de solución dinámica para juegos con utilidades transferibles. La solución dinámica fue introducida por Shenoy (1980 en el marco de juegos abstractos como un medio para describir algunos procesos de negociación. En el contexto de los juegos con utilidades transferibles estudiamos su comportamiento tanto en la clase de los juegos equilibrados (con Core no vacío como en el de los juegos no equilibrados. En esta última subclase mostramos que la solución dinámica debe contener los elementos de ciertos ciclos de preimputaciones denominados ciclos maximales. Estos ciclos aparecen en relación con un esquema dinámico elaborado originalmente para aproximar puntos en el Core de un juego. En la subclase de los juegos equilibrados, la solución dinámica coincide con el Core, lo que establece un enfoque unificado de solución. El problema de existencia de ciclos maximales no está completamente resuelto, pero en algunas subclases de juegos podemos exhibir teoremas de existencia y una descripción completa de la solución dinámica.

  9. Turismo, eje fundamental en el desarrollo economico de la republica dominicana durante las ultimas tres decadas

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    Héctor Julio Real Aquino


    Full Text Available A través de los tiempos el turismo  se ha convertido en uno de los sectores más representativos de la economía global, en la actualidad son muchos los aspectos en los cuales el turismo contribuye de forma muy positiva en la economía mundial, entre los cuales destacan: Aportación al PIB, crea empleos y empresas, así como ingresos por las exportaciones y servicios ofrecidos por este sector. Este ha sido el caso de la Republica Dominicana, en donde el turismo ha pasado a desempeñar un papel primordial y fundamental para el desarrollo socioeconómico del país. En el presente trabajo se da a conocer como el turismo a través de cuatro periodos diferenciados que van desde el año 1980 hasta el año 2014, han influido positivamente al desarrollo económico del país, a través de los aportes que este sector hace, la generación de empleos y la inversión extranjera directa en el sector turismo.

  10. Radiographic sensitivity evaluated by IQI DIN in double wall radiography and simple view

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, C.S. de; Santos Filho, M. dos


    A comparison between the sensitivity of IQI-DIN put at the film side with the sensitivity of the IQI-DIN put at the source side, only for the double wall-simple view technique (DW-SW) is presented. An analysis about the requirements of radiographyic sensitivity in accordance to DIN rule is done. (E.G.) [pt

  11. 78 FR 62583 - Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe From Malaysia, Thailand, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam... (United States)


    ... Pressure Pipe From Malaysia: Request for Extension of Preliminary Determination,'' ``Welded Stainless Steel... Stainless Pressure Pipe From Malaysia, Thailand, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Postponement of...: Charles Riggle (Malaysia), Brandon [[Page 62584

  12. A ΔdinB mutation that sensitizes Escherichia coli to the lethal effects of UV- and X-radiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Mei-Chong W.; Franco, Magdalena; Vargas, Doris M. [Department of Biological Sciences, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192 (United States); Hudman, Deborah A. [Department of Microbiology and Immunology, A.T. Still University, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO 63501 (United States); White, Steven J. [Department of Biological Sciences, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192 (United States); Fowler, Robert G., E-mail: [Department of Biological Sciences, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192 (United States); Sargentini, Neil J. [Department of Microbiology and Immunology, A.T. Still University, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO 63501 (United States)


    Highlights: • We describe Δ(dinB-yafN)883(::kan), a novel dinB allele, referred to as ΔdinB883, a deletion that sensitizes E. coli cells to UV irradiation. • This UV radiation sensitivity is most acute in the early logarithmic phase of culture growth. • This UV radiation sensitivity is completely dependent upon a functional umuDC operon. • Sequencing reveals ΔdinB883 retains the proximal 161 nucleotides, i.e., 54 amino acids, of the wild-type sequence. • The ΔdinB883 mutant is hypothesized to produce a peptide of 83 amino acids, DinB883, that compromises UmuDC function. - Abstract: The DinB (PolIV) protein of Escherichia coli participates in several cellular functions. We investigated a dinB mutation, Δ(dinB-yafN)883(::kan) [referred to as ΔdinB883], which strongly sensitized E. coli cells to both UV- and X-radiation killing. Earlier reports indicated dinB mutations had no obvious effect on UV radiation sensitivity which we confirmed by showing that normal UV radiation sensitivity is conferred by the ΔdinB749 allele. Compared to a wild-type strain, the ΔdinB883 mutant was most sensitive (160-fold) in early to mid-logarithmic growth phase and much less sensitive (twofold) in late log or stationary phases, thus showing a growth phase-dependence for UV radiation sensitivity. This sensitizing effect of ΔdinB883 is assumed to be completely dependent upon the presence of UmuDC protein; since the ΔdinB883 mutation did not sensitize the ΔumuDC strain to UV radiation killing throughout log phase and early stationary phase growth. The DNA damage checkpoint activity of UmuDC was clearly affected by ΔdinB883 as shown by testing a umuC104 ΔdinB883 double-mutant. The sensitivities of the ΔumuDC strain and the ΔdinB883 ΔumuDC double-mutant strain were significantly greater than for the ΔdinB883 strain, suggesting that the ΔdinB883 allele only partially suppresses UmuDC activity. The ΔdinB883 mutation partially sensitized (fivefold) uvrA and uvr

  13. Marx’s Centenary (1918 in the Light of the Media and Socialist Thought

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    Christian Fuchs


    Full Text Available This article takes a historical view on Marx’s anniversary: It analyses how Marx’s centenary (5 May 1918 was reflected in the media and socialist thought. 1918 not just marked Marx’s 100th anniversary but was also the year in which the First World War ended. It was the year that saw the immediate aftermath of the Russian Revolution and the start of the Russian Civil War, the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; the formation of the Weimar Republic, Austria’s First Republic, the Czech Republic, the Hungarian Republic, the Second Polish Republic; the founding of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD, and the independence of Iceland from Denmark. The cultural forms, in which Marx’s centenary was reflected in 1918, included press articles, essays, speeches, rallies, demonstrations, music, and banners. The communists as well as left-wing socialists of the day saw themselves in the tradition of Marx, whereas revisionist social democrats based their politics on a criticism or revised reading of Marx. This difference resulted in different readings of Marx.

  14. La peine de mort en Yugoslavie socialiste et le conflit des sources normatives

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    Ivan Vukovic


    Full Text Available The author analyses a discussion on death penalty that took place in Belgrade, at the end of the socialist era, between Igor Primorac and Ivan Jankovic. Primorac attacked the utilitarian justification of the socialist penal system, though he agreed on different, retributive grounds that death penalty for premeditated murder should be preserved. Jankovic advocated utilitarian ideas and rejected the death penalty as an atavistic aberration. In the first part of the article, their main arguments are presented and their contextual meaning is being explained. In the second part of the article, the author analyses those arguments and concludes that a retributivism has not been the philosophy of death penalty during its history, b that retentionist conclusions do not follow from retributive premises, c that utilitarianism, in spite of its historical connection with abolitionism, can justify death penalty, d that since the problem cannot be resolved on moral grounds alone, it should be resolved on political grounds, and e that political considerations require the abolition of death penalty.

  15. Capitalism Reborn, Chaos and the Post-Socialist Freefall: A View from Europe's "New Periphery" (United States)

    Templer, Bill


    The present paper--from a vantage in Bulgaria, and focusing in significant part on this country as an iconic example of the "post-socialist freefall' and its dystopia on European capitalism's neocolonial "new periphery"--is a revised version of an earlier chapter in "Immiseration Capitalism and Education: Austerity, Resistance…

  16. Multiple pathways for SOS-induced mutagenesis in Escherichia coli: An overexpression of dinB/dinP results in strongly enhancing mutagenesis in the absence of any exogenous treatment to damage DNA (United States)

    Kim, Su-Ryang; Maenhaut-Michel, Geneviéve; Yamada, Masami; Yamamoto, Yoshihiro; Matsui, Keiko; Sofuni, Toshio; Nohmi, Takehiko; Ohmori, Haruo


    dinP is an Escherichia coli gene recently identified at 5.5 min of the genetic map, whose product shows a similarity in amino acid sequence to the E. coli UmuC protein involved in DNA damage-induced mutagenesis. In this paper we show that the gene is identical to dinB, an SOS gene previously localized near the lac locus at 8 min, the function of which was shown to be required for mutagenesis of nonirradiated λ phage infecting UV-preirradiated bacterial cells (termed λUTM for λ untargeted mutagenesis). A newly constructed dinP null mutant exhibited the same defect for λUTM as observed previously with a dinB::Mu mutant, and the defect was complemented by plasmids carrying dinP as the only intact bacterial gene. Furthermore, merely increasing the dinP gene expression, without UV irradiation or any other DNA-damaging treatment, resulted in a strong enhancement of mutagenesis in F′lac plasmids; at most, 800-fold increase in the G6-to-G5 change. The enhanced mutagenesis did not depend on recA, uvrA, or umuDC. Thus, our results establish that E. coli has at least two distinct pathways for SOS-induced mutagenesis: one dependent on umuDC and the other on dinB/P. PMID:9391106

  17. Protection of proprietary rights of DIN standards in connection with statutory and administrative provisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katzenberger, P.


    On the basis of contracts entered with the German Institute of Standardization (DIN), the state bodies and authorities tend to refer to Din standards in many ways when issuing statutory or administrative provisions. Some Din standards are also printed in official publications- with or without Din's prior consent. Such common practice leads to the question whether the Din standards which on pinciple meet the general requirements made on the protection of proprietary rights are losing this protection by the fact that official publications are exempt from the protection of proprietary rights (Art.5 UrhG). The author points out that the thorough analysis of the legal position in terms of interests, proprietary rights and constitution indicated that this is not, in principle, the case. (orig.) [de

  18. 探析和谐视阈下的社会主义价值观%From the Perspective of Harmonious Socialist Values

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    江忠; 王道文


    随着社会主义市场经济不断发展,社会各领域都发生了深刻变化,从世界观、人生观和价值观到人们日常生活方式、人际交往方式、消费理念等都产生了巨大变化。因此,我国社会主义核心价值体系建设必须加快步伐,这样才能有效缓解社会主义价值观矛盾。本文主要探讨和谐视阈下的社会主义价值观构建途径。%With the continuous development of the socialist market economy,all sectors of the society has un-dergone profound changes,from the world outlook,outlook on life and values to have a great change in people daily life style,style,interpersonal consumption concept.Therefore,we must speed up the pace of the construction of the socialist core value system in our country,so as to effectively ease the contradiction of the socialist values.This paper mainly discusses the harmonious socialist value under the construction way.

  19. Making Socialists: Mary Bridges Adams and the Fight for Knowledge and Power, 1855-1939 (United States)

    Weiler, Kathleen


    This article presents a review of "Making socialists: Mary Bridges Adams and the fight for knowledge and power, 1855-1939," by Jane Martin. Jane Martin has explored the history of late-nineteenth-century and early-twentieth century-British women educational activists in numerous publications over the past two decades. Her first book,…

  20. Main trends of cooperation of physicists in socialist countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biryukov, V.


    The work of JINR at Dubna, the first international scientific centre of socialist countries, is focused on studies in theoretical physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, and low energy physics. Results are described obtained so far in the above fields as well as computer technology and data processing. JINR is also a centre for accelerator technology work. The U-300 three-meter cyclotron and the U-200 two-meter isochronous cyclotron were installed and the U-400 four-meter cyclotron is being built. The experience of JINR shows that the institute has become an educational facility for scientists and specialists from the participating countries. (J.P.)

  1. Attractiveness for Younger Generation of Ostrava - Jih Housing Area Developed in Socialist Era: Through Interviews with the Inhabitants (Ostrava-City, Czech Republic) (United States)

    Tanaka, Yuno; Kanki, Kiyoko


    Ostrava city had developed as an industrial city in socialist era but now faces to deindustrialization. Ostrava-Jih is one of the housing areas developed in the socialist era. In this paper, the attractiveness of Ostrava-Jih for younger generation was showed by interview with inhabitants. As a result, the accessibility to nature around the housing estate, commercial facilities and public facilities, reasonable rent and housing price were evaluated. Besides, the inhabitants have done some activities for making their neighbourhoods more attractive.

  2. Social mobility in socialist Serbia: A revisionist approach

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    Antonić Slobodan


    Full Text Available This paper starts from the findings of the latest study of social structure in Serbia (2012, which show a significant reduction of vertical social mobility, especially for further inter-stratum distance. In light of these data, the author considers that we have to re-examine earlier, very biting evaluation of some Serbian sociologists concerning 'closeness' for mobility of the society in socialist Serbia. The author analyzes and re-evaluated findings of earlier research (Janićijević, 1970; Flere and Đurđev, 1982/3; Bogdanovic, 1986; 1988; Vukovic, 1989. He concludes that very brisk evaluation of mobility in the Serbian society during socialism is a consequence of schematic interpretation of these findings with Yasuda 's index.

  3. "Quiet Food Sovereignty” as Food Sovereignty without Movements? Understanding Food Sovereignty in Post-Socialist Russia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    O. Visser (Oane); N.V. Mamonova (Natalia); M.N. Spoor (Max); A. Nikulin (Alexander)


    textabstractWhat does food sovereignty look like in settings where rural social movements are weak or non-existent, such as in countries with post-socialist, semi-authoritarian regimes? Focusing on Russia, we present a divergent form of food sovereignty. Building on the concept of ‘quiet

  4. Protocol between the Russian Federation and the International Atomic Energy Agency Additional to the Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the Protocol between the Russian Federation and the International Atomic Energy Agency Additional to the Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Board of Governors approved the Protocol on 21 March 2000. It was signed on 22 March 2000 in Vienna. Pursuant to Article 11 of the Additional Protocol, the Protocol entered into force on 16 October 2007, the date on which the Agency received from the Russian Federation written notification that the procedures of the Russian Federation required for entry into force had been met

  5. Protocol between the Russian Federation and the International Atomic Energy Agency Additional to the Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the Protocol between the Russian Federation and the International Atomic Energy Agency Additional to the Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Board of Governors approved the Protocol on 21 March 2000. It was signed on 22 March 2000 in Vienna. Pursuant to Article 11 of the Additional Protocol, the Protocol entered into force on 16 October 2007, the date on which the Agency received from the Russian Federation written notification that the procedures of the Russian Federation required for entry into force had been met [es

  6. 78 FR 18957 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Initiation of Antidumping... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... frozen fish fillets (``fish fillets'') from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (``Vietnam''). The..., DC 20230; telephone: 202-482-0238. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background The AD order on fish fillets...

  7. Is there an opportunity to establish the social-capitalism in the post socialist transition?

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    Lošonc Alpar


    Full Text Available Recently Claus Offe has put the question that concerns the fate of the European model of social capitalism: Can the model of social capitalism survive the European integration in the context of certain contemporary tendencies? Offe has presupposed that the mentioned model is challenged by the processes of globalization and the integration of the post socialist countries into the European Union. The working hypothesis of the article is that there is an opportunity to provide a coherent answer to this question. The article consists of two parts. In the first part the author starts with the Polanyi's socio-economic theory and emphasizes the importance of this approach for the analyzing of the tendencies of capitalism in Western Europe and in the post socialist countries. The author argues that with the Polanyi's theory we are able to explicate the forms of the embedded liberalism in Western Europe after 1945 and the orientation of non-embedded neo-liberalism and the functioning of the workfare state after the crisis of the Keynesian welfare state. Despite the tendencies of the globalization projected by neo-liberalism, the central element of the social capitalism namely, the welfare state, remains with the dimensions of the continuity. In the next part the author points out that there is an asymmetrical structure between the Western-Europe and non-Western part of Europe concerning the socialization of capitalism. The neoliberalisation in accordance with the model of the transfer of ideal-type of capitalism is more strongly implemented in the countries of transition. In addition, the mentioned theoretical approach provides opportunities to explain the failures of implementing of neo-liberalism in the post socialist countries. On the basis of the endorsing of the socio-economic aspects we can address the issue pointed out by Offe.

  8. Analisis Kecenderungan Manhaj Akidah Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera’i

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    Full Text Available Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i is a very great and respected scholar during 16th and 17th century of Acheh. His knowledge in various fields recognized by local and international scholars. He had been a Qadi Malik al-’Adil, a religious leader, who became a referred by communities and country during the reign of the three Sultans of Aceh. He has authored nearly 40 pieces of books related to the theology and sufism. This study focuses on the methods used by Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i in his theological writings. This study found that Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i had used six methods in the such writings.

  9. 77 FR 20356 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Preliminary... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... frozen fish fillets (``fish fillets'') from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (``Vietnam''). These... on fish fillets from Vietnam.\\1\\ On October 3, 2011 the Department published a notice of initiation...

  10. Localized landslide risk assessment with multi pass L band DInSAR analysis (United States)

    Yun, HyeWon; Rack Kim, Jung; Lin, Shih-Yuan; Choi, YunSoo


    In terms of data availability and error correction, landslide forecasting by Differential Interferometric SAR (DInSAR) analysis is not easy task. Especially, the landslides by the anthropogenic construction activities frequently occurred in the localized cutting side of mountainous area. In such circumstances, it is difficult to attain sufficient enough accuracy because of the external factors inducing the error component in electromagnetic wave propagation. For instance, the local climate characteristics such as orographic effect and the proximity to water source can produce the significant anomalies in the water vapor distribution and consequently result in the error components of InSAR phase angle measurements. Moreover the high altitude parts of target area cause the stratified tropospheric delay error in DInSAR measurement. The other obstacle in DInSAR observation over the potential landside site is the vegetation canopy which causes the decorrelation of InSAR phase. Thus rather than C band sensor such as ENVISAT, ERS and RADARSAT, DInSAR analysis with L band ALOS PLASAR is more recommendable. Together with the introduction of L band DInSAR analysis, the improved DInSAR technique to cope all above obstacles is necessary. Thus we employed two approaches i.e. StaMPS/MTI (Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers/Multi-Temporal InSAR, Hopper et al., 2007) which was newly developed for extracting the reliable deformation values through time series analysis and two pass DInSAR with the error term compensation based on the external weather information in this study. Since the water vapor observation from spaceborne radiometer is not feasible by the temporal gap in this case, the quantities from weather Research Forecasting (WRF) with 1 km spatial resolution was used to address the atmospheric phase error in two pass DInSAR analysis. Also it was observed that base DEM offset with time dependent perpendicular baselines of InSAR time series produce a significant error

  11. "Er zog sich die 'neue Sprache' des 'Dritten Reiches' über wie ein Kleidungsstück": Communities of Practice and Performativity in National Socialist Discourse

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    Horan, Geraldine


    Full Text Available This article aims to provide new insights into the characteristics and use of National Socialist discourse. It discusses the methodological problems underlying the analysis of the topic and shows how previous research has resulted in a falsely polarised portrayal of the discourse and its creators and recipients. Applying the concepts of the 'community of practice' and 'performativity', taken from the study of language and gender, the article argues that discourse was not created by National Socialist ideologues and imposed upon the population, but instead was co-created and shaped by members of formal and informal groupings (communities of practice. Participation in these communities of practice enabled or coerced individuals to 'perform' their National Socialist identity to varying degrees and resulted in a discourse which was stylistically and communicatively adaptable and malleable.


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    Simona Raluca GRĂDINARU


    Full Text Available The compact city is regarded as an important concept in promoting sustainable development, especially within the European Union. The socialist urban planning system maintained a high compactness of the urban areas through almost exclusive predominance of the public sector in housing provision, and ideological nature of the planning strategies. After the 1990’s, the administrative decentralization allowed local authorities to adopt particular urban development strategies. However, development was directly influenced by the importance of the urban administrative centre. The aim of the paper is to determine if post-socialist urban areas maintained their compact urban form or they encountered different evolution trajectories. We determined the type of changes by calculating urban form indicators at two time moments: 1990 and 2006. Furthermore, the two-way repeated-measurement ANOVA was used to identify significant changes, and to assess the effect of the development level of the urban area on the variance of form indicators. The results show that Romanian post-socialist urban areas either shifted from the compact form, "inherited" after the collapse of socialism, to more dispersed patterns, either expanded in a compact manner. Moreover, as development level got higher, urban areas were more likely to be affected by suburbanization and periurbanization. In order to respond to these challenges, new instruments such as setting of metropolitan areas or spatial framework plans could be used. Furthermore, planning should be adapted to local circumstances and to the different development trajectories of big and mid-sized urban areas.

  13. [Socialist escapes. Breaking away from ideology and everday routine in Eastern Europe 1945-1989] / Karsten Brüggemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Brüggemann, Karsten, 1965-


    Arvustus: Socialist escapes: Breaking away from ideology and everday routine in Eastern Europe 1945-1989, co-edited with Cathleen M. Giustino and Catherine J. Plum (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2013).

  14. 77 FR 20008 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Initiation of Antidumping... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... four new shipper reviews (``NSRs'') of the antidumping duty order on certain frozen fish fillets... Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 68 FR 47909...

  15. 78 FR 59915 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Initiation of Antidumping... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... fillets (``fish fillets'') from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (``Vietnam'') that meets the statutory... INFORMATION: Background The AD order on fish fillets from Vietnam was published on August 12, 2003.\\1\\ On...

  16. What Will An Integrated Socialist World Look Like? Brief comments on Warren Wagar ' s article: "Toward a Praxisof a World Integration"

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    Maria A. Pozas


    Full Text Available World integration under a single state is foreseen by world -system theorists as the only means to save the world from destruction and chaos. The exhaustion of capitalism will lead, in their view, to the substitution of the current system of competing sovereign states by a democratic,liberal and socialist commonwealth. In his article Warren Wagar discusses who will lead this transition, and indirectly suggests that a world system party similar to that of his novel A Short History of the Future (1992 may be the most feasible way to guarantee the socialist character of the new world state.

  17. Measurements of atmospheric fallout in Argentina; Determinacion del fallout atmosferico en la Republica Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canoba, A C; Lopez, F O; Bruno, H A


    With the purpose of studying the radioactive fallout present in Argentina from atmospheric nuclear explosions tests that have been conducted recently, an environmental monitoring program, outside the influence of nuclear facilities of Argentina, was undertaken during 1996 and 1997. The levels of Cs-137 and Sr-90 were analysed in samples of air, deposited material (rainwater), milk, an average meal of a standard man and food. During this period, a total of 630 radiochemical analysis were performed on 325 samples of the different matrices described. The concentration levels of the radionuclides analysed in the different environmental matrices are presented and are compared with the values obtained in the environmental monitoring program done during the period 1960-1981. (author) 3 refs., 9 tabs. [Espanol] Con el proposito de estudiar la precipitacion radiactiva presente en la Republica Argentina, debido al ensayo de armas nucleares en la atmosfera realizadas en el pasado, se implemento el muestreo ambiental fuera de la zona de influencia de las instalaciones nucleares de la Argentina durante los anios 1996 y 1997. Se determinaron las concentraciones de cesio 137 y estroncio 90 en muestras de aire, deposito de material radiactivo (agua de lluvia), leche, dieta promedio de un individuo estandar y en alimentos varios. Se realizaron, durante el periodo mencionado, un total de 630 determinaciones radioquimicas sobre 325 muestras de las diferentes matrices mencionadas. Se presentan los niveles de concentracion de los radionucleidos analizados en las distintas matrices ambientales y se comparan los valores obtenidos en los monitoreos realizados durante el periodo 1960-1981. (autor)

  18. The News Paradigm and the Limits of Objectivity: A Socialist at the "Wall Street Journal." (United States)

    Reese, Stephen D.

    Using the case study approach to examine an important aspect of the news paradigm (the objectivity of the journalist), this paper examines the case of A. Kent MacDougall, a former reporter for the "Wall Street Journal" and the "Los Angeles Times" who revealed that he was a socialist and often wrote for radical publications…

  19. Buildings from the Socialist Past as part of a City’s Brand Identity: The case of Warsaw

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    Ochkovskaya Marina


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to investigate those buildings left over from Warsaw’s socialist past as a part of the city’s brand visual identity including their perception by foreign tourists and local citizens. Although Lisiak (2009 examined the destruction, removal and presence of these remnants from the socialist past in Central European cities, a comparative study of the perception of these architectural sites erected in Warsaw during socialist times has not been carried out specifically so far. To fill the gap, the authors concentrated research efforts on the following buildings: Palace of Culture and Science; the SMYK Store at Bracka 15/19; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development at Wspólna 30; Office Building and Atrium at Wspólna 62; and the former headquarters of the Polish Communist Party at Nowy Świat 6/12. These buildings were built after the Second World War between the late 1940s and the first half of the 1950s. With the exception of the Palace of Culture and Science - which is one of the most notable symbols of Warsaw - these architectural sites are not on a priority list of the average tourist who does little or no planning for their trip. Nevertheless, these buildings are connected to the Polish People’s Republic era and might attract different groups interested in this historical period and architecture. Apart from being potential tourist attractions, these buildings are being re-evaluated and restored to become integrated into the urban environment and more ‘comfortable’ for the local inhabitants. This paper gives some insights into the recognition and attractiveness of these architectural sites from the socialist past by those from Russia and the USA who have visited Warsaw as well as by Poles who know this city well. It is recommended that these results be taken into consideration by tourist agencies who deal with tours in Warsaw as well as institutions responsible for the city’s image. The authors express

  20. Friedrich Albert Lange on neo-Kantianism, socialist Darwinism, and a psychology without a soul. (United States)

    Teo, Thomas


    Friedrich Albert Lange was a German philosopher, political theorist, educator, and psychologist who outlined an objective psychology in the 1860s. This article shows how some of the most important worldviews of the nineteenth century (Kantianism, Marxism, and Darwinism) were combined creatively in his thought system. He was crucial in the development of neo-Kantianism and incorporated psycho-physiological research on sensation and perception in order to defend Kant's epistemological idealism. Based on a critique of phrenology and philosophical psychology of his time, Lange developed a program of a psychology without a soul. He suggested that only those phenomena that can be observed and controlled should be studied, that psychology should focus on actions and speech, and that for each psychological event the corresponding physical or physiological processes should be identified. Lange opposed introspection and subjective accounts and promoted experiments and statistics. He also promoted Darwinism for psychology while developing a socialist progressive-democratic reading of Darwin in his social theory. The implications of socialist Darwinism on Lange's conceptualization of race are discussed and his prominence in nineteenth century philosophy and psychology is summarized. Copyright 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Environmental values in post-socialist Hungary : Is it useful to distinguish egoistic, altruistic and biospheric values?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Groot, Judith. I. M.; Steg, Linda; Keizer, Martijn; Farsang, Andrea; Watt, Alan


    In this article the authors examine whether the significance of biospheric values as a separate cluster next to egoistic and altruistic values is mainly a Western European phenomenon or whether biospheric values are also endorsed as a value in its own right in post-socialist Hungary. In two


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    Full Text Available Globulinele de rezervă 7S şi 11S din seminţele de arahide şi de soia, ca ingrediente naturale ale alimentelor, pot determina dezvoltarea reacţiei alergice cauzate de formarea intensivă a imunoglobulinelor E (IgE alergen specifice. Secvenţele de aminoacizi ale globulinelor de rezervă din seminţe sunt conservative; prin urmare, în secvenţele multora dintre ele există situsuri care sunt similare în structura primară a epitopilor IgE, ceea ce determină alergenicitatea glo­bu­linelor 7S şi 11S din arahide şi soia. În prezentul studiu a fost efectuată o evaluare cantitativă a probabilităţii prezenţei epitopilor IgE, care determină imunoreactivitatea încrucişată stabilită a globulinelor de rezervă din arahide şi din soia în globulinele 7S şi 11S din seminţele altor plante.A fost efectuată o estimare cantitativă a probabilității prezenței epitopilor IgE ce determină imunoreactivitatea încrucișată stabilită a globulinelor de rezervă din arahide și soia în secvențele de aminoacizi ale globulinelor 7S și 11S din semințele altor plante.POTENTIAL CROSS IMMUNOREACTIVITY OF SEED STORAGE GLOBULINSSeed storage 7S and 11S globulins of peanut and soybean as natural components of food can lead to the development of increased allergic sensitivity caused by the intensive formation of allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE. The amino acid sequences of the seed storage globulins are conservative, therefore, in the sequences of many of them there are sites that are close similar of IgE epitopes of 7S and 11S globulins of peanuts and soybeans.In the present work, a quantitative assessment of the probability of the presence of IgE epitopes determining the established cross immunoreactivity of seed storage globulins of peanuts and soybeans, in the sequences of 7S and 11S seed storage globulins of other plants was carried out.

  3. A novel cis-acting element required for DNA damage-inducible expression of yeast DIN7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshitani, Ayako; Yoshida, Minoru; Ling Feng


    Din7 is a DNA damage-inducible mitochondrial nuclease that modulates the stability of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. How DIN7 gene expression is regulated, however, has remained largely unclear. Using promoter sequence alignment, we found a highly conserved 19-bp sequence in the promoter regions of DIN7 and NTG1, which encodes an oxidative stress-inducible base-excision-repair enzyme. Deletion of the 19-bp sequence markedly reduced the hydroxyurea (HU)-enhanced DIN7 promoter activity. In addition, nuclear fractions prepared from HU-treated cells were used in in vitro band shift assays to reveal the presence of currently unidentified trans-acting factor(s) that preferentially bound to the 19-bp region. These results suggest that the 19-bp sequence is a novel cis-acting element that is required for the regulation of DIN7 expression in response to HU-induced DNA damage

  4. Post-socialist agricultural cooperatives in Russia : A case study of top-down cooperatives in the Belgorod region

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A. Kurakin (Alexander); O. Visser (Oane)


    markdownabstractThrough a study of agricultural service cooperatives in Russia’s Belgorod region, this article addresses two gaps in the literature: _first_, the dearth of empirical studies on cooperatives in post-socialist Russia; _second_, the lack of attention to top-down cooperatives in

  5. Planificación de trayectorias para un robot tipo con restricciones dinámicas

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    Leonardo Solaque Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta una aproximación a la planificación de caminos óptimos para un sistema con restricciones dinámicas y desplazándose dentro de un espacio libre de obstáculos. Se considera el modelo dinámico del dirigible y un análisis para el planteamiento de modelos simplificados o comúnmente conocidos como modelos de control. Se propone una planificación de la trayectoria desde el punto de vista de la teoría óptima utilizando un modelo de la dinámica de un robot móvil (que se desplaza a velocidad constante y en avance, es decir con restricciones dinámicas como punto de partida para la primera aproximación a los caminos óptimos. Para el suavizado de las trayectorias del dirigible se proponen dos modelos con relajación en la dinámica de la variable de control y finalmente se presenta una simulación de la comparación de los diferentes resultados.

  6. Seasonal and multi-year surface displacements measured by DInSAR in a High Arctic permafrost environment (United States)

    Rudy, Ashley C. A.; Lamoureux, Scott F.; Treitz, Paul; Short, Naomi; Brisco, Brian


    Arctic landscapes undergo seasonal and long-term changes as the active layer thaws and freezes, which can result in localized or irregular subsidence leading to the formation of thermokarst terrain. Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) is a technique capable of measuring ground surface displacements resulting from thawing permafrost at centimetre precision and is quickly gaining acceptance as a means of measuring ground displacement in permafrost regions. Using RADARSAT-2 stacked DInSAR data from 2013 and 2015 we determined the magnitude and patterns of land surface change in a continuous permafrost environment. At our study site situated in the Canadian High Arctic, DInSAR seasonal ground displacement patterns were consistent with field observations of permafrost degradation. As expected, many DInSAR values are close to the detection threshold (i.e., 1 cm) and therefore do not indicate significant change; however, DInSAR seasonal ground displacement patterns aligned well with climatological and soil conditions and offer geomorphological insight into subsurface processes in permafrost environments. While our dataset is limited to two years of data representing a three-year time period, the displacements derived from DInSAR provide insight into permafrost change in a High Arctic environment and demonstrate that DInSAR is an applicable tool for understanding environmental change in remote permafrost regions.

  7. [DIN-compatible vision assessment of increased reproducibility using staircase measurement and maximum likelihood analysis]. (United States)

    Weigmann, U; Petersen, J


    Visual acuity determination according to DIN 58,220 does not make full use of the information received about the patient, in contrast to the staircase method. Thus, testing the same number of optotypes, the staircase method should yield more reproducible acuity results. On the other hand, the staircase method gives systematically higher acuity values because it converges on the 48% point of the psychometric function (for Landolt rings in eight positions) and not on the 65% probability, as DIN 58,220 with criterion 3/5 does. This bias can be avoided by means of a modified evaluation. Using the staircase data we performed a maximum likelihood estimate of the psychometric function as a whole and computed the acuity value for 65% probability of correct answers. We determined monocular visual acuity in 102 persons with widely differing visual performance. Each subject underwent four tests in random order, two according to DIN 58,220 and two using the modified staircase method (Landolt rings in eight positions scaled by a factor 1.26; PC monitor with 1024 x 768 pixels; distance 4.5 m). Each test was performed with 25 optotypes. The two procedures provide the same mean visual acuity values (difference less than 0.02 acuity steps). The test-retest results match in 30.4% of DIN repetitions but in 50% of the staircases. The standard deviation of the test-retest difference is 1.41 (DIN) and 1.06 (modified staircase) acuity steps. Thus the standard deviation of the single test is 1.0 (DIN) and 0.75 (modified staircase) acuity steps. The new method provides visual acuity values identical to DIN 58,220 but is superior with respect to reproducibility.

  8. Temas de Física para Ingeniería: Dinámica del punto material


    Beléndez, Augusto; Pastor Antón, Carlos; Bernabeu, Guillermo


    Apuntes de Mecánica: "Dinámica del punto material". Introducción, dinámica del punto. Fuerzas en la naturaleza. Sistemas de referencia. Leyes de Newton. Fuerzas de rozamiento. Ley de la gravitación universal. Aplicación de las leyes de Newton a la resolución de problemas de dinámica. Momento lineal y conservación. Redefinición de fuerza. Momento angular y conservación, fuerzas centrales. Impulso mecánico.

  9. 76 FR 59658 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets..., the antidumping duty order on certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam... of initiation for the new shipper review of [[Page 59659

  10. 75 FR 12726 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Final Results of the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... two new shipper reviews of the antidumping duty order on certain frozen fish fillets from the... of price or production. See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam...

  11. 75 FR 60074 - Certain Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Notice of Correction to... (United States)


    ... Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. DATES: Effective Date: September 29, 2010. FOR FURTHER... table listing the antidumping duty rates for the companies in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, several companies were inadvertently omitted. Also, incorrect antidumping duty margins were listed for three of the...


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    Petru GRICIUC


    Full Text Available Cadrul analitic pe care autorul îl dezvoltă în acest articol sugerează trei dimensiuni cu ajutorul cărora poate fi eva-luat impactul politicii fiscale asupra funcţionalităţii economiei naţionale. Aceste dimensiuni sunt: sustenabilitatea fis-cală; structura fiscală; stabilizarea fiscală. Eforturile pe care Republica Moldova trebuie să le depună pentru a asigura sustenabilitatea fiscală, o structură fiscală eficientă şi îmbunătăţi stabilitatea macroeconomică ţin de: cadrul fiscal (cadrul legislativ şi instituţional, politica fiscală şi managementul fiscal.FISCAL SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION – PREMISE FOR CREATING A FUNCTIONAL MARKET ECONOMY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVAThe analytical framework that the author develops in this article suggests three dimensions by which it is possible to assess the impact of fiscal policy impact on the functionality of the national economy. The dimensions are the fiscal sustainability, the tax structure, and fiscal stabilization. The efforts that Moldova should make to ensure a fiscal sustainability, an efficient tax structure and improved macroeconomic stability are related to the fiscal framework (legislative and institutional, fiscal policy and fiscal management.


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    Maciej Czerwiński


    Full Text Available In this article paradigms of socialist realist poetics in prose narrative on World WarTwo are taken into consideration. Some key ideologemes of socialist realism and communist worldview are underlined, such as absence of ambiguity (unequivocalness, simplifi cations, consistent mimeticism (truthful and historically concrete representation of reality, class awareness, militancy and heroism in war. Alongside theoretical and official directives, formulated by dogmatic theoreticians of socijalist realist doctrine (like Jure Franičević-Pločar who based his understandings of literature on the Soviet principles, created by Zhdanov and Stalin, there are given analyses of some literary texts written by Josip Barković, Joža Horvat, Ivo Andrić i Mate Beretin. The author focuses on literary construction of characters – the prototype illegal partisans who ruthlessly struggle against the occupiers as well as chronotopic settings which enable for the action to be set within schematized confl ict of good and evil. Including the new communist man, that is created during the revolution, there are given crucial political orientations concerning the canonized vision of the war, such as the principle of symmetry (meaning that all peoples’ traitors are fascists and the vision of the liberation from fascism as the victory of the communist revolution (in this perspective, communists are depicted as the sole antifascists.

  14. 75 FR 30374 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets.... See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Preliminary Results of New.... See Memorandum to the File, from Javier Barrientos, Senior Case Analyst, Certain Frozen Fish Fillets...

  15. Propaganda of the Occupation Regime of National Socialistic Germany in Latvia (1941-1945)


    Kaspars Zellis


    Annotation Doctoral thesis „Propaganda of the Occupation Regime of National Socialistic Germany in Latvia (1941-1945)” presents analysis of Nazi propaganda towards people of Latvia during the World War II. The analysis covers the institutions of propaganda and the main channels of propaganda – media, radio, cinema etc. The content of propaganda has been analyzed in the research as well. The thesis deals with the issue of propaganda of integration, the main goal of which was creating a n...

  16. Třída, národ a degenerovaná rasa podle českých socialistů (1890-1914)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Strobach, Vít


    Roč. 18, č. 2 (2012), s. 99-119 ISSN 1211-0353 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GPP410/12/P671 Institutional support: RVO:67985921 Keywords : Czech socialist movement * race * nation Subject RIV: AB - History

  17. DinB Upregulation Is the Sole Role of the SOS Response in Stress-Induced Mutagenesis in Escherichia coli (United States)

    Galhardo, Rodrigo S.; Do, Robert; Yamada, Masami; Friedberg, Errol C.; Hastings, P. J.; Nohmi, Takehiko; Rosenberg, Susan M.


    Stress-induced mutagenesis is a collection of mechanisms observed in bacterial, yeast, and human cells in which adverse conditions provoke mutagenesis, often under the control of stress responses. Control of mutagenesis by stress responses may accelerate evolution specifically when cells are maladapted to their environments, i.e., are stressed. It is therefore important to understand how stress responses increase mutagenesis. In the Escherichia coli Lac assay, stress-induced point mutagenesis requires induction of at least two stress responses: the RpoS-controlled general/starvation stress response and the SOS DNA-damage response, both of which upregulate DinB error-prone DNA polymerase, among other genes required for Lac mutagenesis. We show that upregulation of DinB is the only aspect of the SOS response needed for stress-induced mutagenesis. We constructed two dinB(oc) (operator-constitutive) mutants. Both produce SOS-induced levels of DinB constitutively. We find that both dinB(oc) alleles fully suppress the phenotype of constitutively SOS-“off” lexA(Ind−) mutant cells, restoring normal levels of stress-induced mutagenesis. Thus, dinB is the only SOS gene required at induced levels for stress-induced point mutagenesis. Furthermore, although spontaneous SOS induction has been observed to occur in only a small fraction of cells, upregulation of dinB by the dinB(oc) alleles in all cells does not promote a further increase in mutagenesis, implying that SOS induction of DinB, although necessary, is insufficient to differentiate cells into a hypermutable condition. PMID:19270270

  18. Characteristics and drivers of forest cover change in the post-socialist era in Croatia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cvitanovi, Marin; Blackburn, George Alan; Rudbeck Jepsen, Martin


    of deforestation and reforestation in private- and state-owned forests during the post-socialist period and the causal drivers of change. The selected region of Northern Croatia is characterised by a high percentage of privately owned forests with minimal national monitoring and control. We used a mixed...... show that the deforestation in private forests is weakening overall, mostly due to the continuation of the de-agrarisation and de-ruralisation processes which began during socialism....

  19. La flexibilitat en els àcids nucleics: Un estudi de dinàmica molecular


    Noy Freixa, Agnès


    [cat] L'estat de l'art de les simulacions de dinàmica molecular és utilitzat per estudiar l'estructura, dinàmica, propietats d'interacció molecular i flexibilitat dels dúplexs d'ADN i ARN en solució acuosa. Les nostres simulacions suggereixen que el concepte de flexibilitat, rigidesa i deformabilitat són molt més complexes del que habitualment es creu, i que per tant no és sempre veritat que l'ADN sigui més flexible que l'ARN. La dinàmica molecular és a més utilitzada per investigar les prop...

  20. Flexibilitat en els àcids nucleics: Un estudi de dinàmica molecular, La


    Noy Freixa, Agnès


    L'estat de l'art de les simulacions de dinàmica molecular és utilitzat per estudiar l'estructura, dinàmica, propietats d'interacció molecular i flexibilitat dels dúplexs d'ADN i ARN en solució acuosa. Les nostres simulacions suggereixen que el concepte de flexibilitat, rigidesa i deformabilitat són molt més complexes del que habitualment es creu, i que per tant no és sempre veritat que l'ADN sigui més flexible que l'ARN.La dinàmica molecular és a més utilitzada per investigar les propietats d...

  1. 77 FR 27435 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Final Results of the New... (United States)


    ... the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (``Vietnam'').\\1\\ We gave interested parties an opportunity to...&D Memo at Comment I, we have changed our primary surrogate country selection from Indonesia to... or destruction of proprietary information disclosed under the APO, which continues to govern business...

  2. 77 FR 64483 - Circular Welded Carbon-Quality Steel Pipe from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Notice of Final... (United States)


    ...-0649, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background On June 1, 2012, the Department published in... Pipe from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;'' ``Verification of the Sales Response of Midwest Air... Steel Joint Stock Company.... Sun Steel Joint Stock 4.57 Company. Huu Lien Asia Corporation........ Huu...

  3. 75 FR 47771 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... initiation of antidumping duty new shipper reviews for certain frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam covering the period August 1, 2009, through February 15, 2010. See Certain Frozen Fish...

  4. Meeting of socialist conntries' representatives on problems of nuclear materials analyses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pacak, P.; Moravec, J.; Krtil, J.; Sus, F.


    A meeting of representatives of the socialist countries was held in Prague from May 18 to 22, 1981, to discuss cooperation in the field of analytical control of nuclear materials. The Czechoslovak delegation informed the participants of the extent and results of the work of the Central Control Laboratory of the Nuclear Research Institute in Rez. A brief survey is given of the nondestructive methods of measuring the physical parameters of nuclear fuel, the methods of destructive determination of uranium and plutonium and the methods of preparation of standard materials for mass spectrometry which the Central Control Laboratory has introduced and verified for securing analytical control of nuclear materials. (B.S.)

  5. Silvio Gesell, socialiste proudhonien et réformateur monétaire


    Blanc , Jérôme


    National audience; Œuvre postérieure à Proudhon mais reliée à lui, la proposition d'une économie franche et plus spécifiquement d'une monnaie franche par Silvio Gesell, auteur allemand venu sur le tard à l'économie, socialiste proudhonien, décrit par beaucoup comme une sorte de prophète, a jusqu'ici, mais en partie seulement, échappé au destin peu enviable de la plupart des propositions de réforme monétaire qualifiées d'utopiques. Après avoir survolé la vie et l'œuvre de Silvio Gesell, on s'i...

  6. NCRP Report No.151 versus Norm DIN 6847-2; NCRP Report No. 151 vs Norma DIN 6847-2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez Jimenez, J.; Rivas Ballarin, M. A.


    The National Council on Radiation protection and Measurements (NCRP) has recently published its Report No. 151, which presents recommendations and technical information on the design of structural shielding for megavoltage X and gamma-ray radiotherapy facilities. The calculations method introduced by this Report covers aspects like IMRT and other special techniques, as well as the design of structural details like doors, mazes and ducts, or the calculations of skyshine and ground shine radiation. In this work the necessary shielding for a Siemens Oncor treatment unit has been calculated, following NCRP Report No. 151 and DIN 6847-2 standard. In both cases the same isocenter workload W, use factor U, occupancy factor T and shielding design goals P, for workers and public members, are used. The results obtained with DIN 6847 are similar to the ones obtained with this Report, though there are some differences when considering the in-any-one-hour time averaged dose-equivalent rate in low occupancy factor areas, or where scattered radiation reaches the barrier under a small angle. (Author) 9 refs.

  7. Driving forces of main landscape change processes from past 200 years in Central Europe - differences between old democratic and post-socialist countries

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    Skokanová Hana


    Full Text Available The article compares and points out differences in driving forces of four main landscape change processes that shaped post-socialist countries and old democratic countries of Central Europe during the last two centuries. Studying landscape change processes and corresponding driving forces helps in understanding patterns of present landscape and can help among others in better prediction of future landscape change trends. Here, the presented results are based on review of scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals between 2000 and 2014. Driving forces affecting these processes were grouped into four categories. Economic forces drove mainly agricultural intensification; agricultural land abandonment and urbanisation and were pronounced especially in the second half of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century. Technological driving forces affected agricultural intensification especially in the 19th century and the second half of the 20th century while cultural driving forces had the biggest impact on urbanisation at the beginning of the 21st century. Political driving forces affected agricultural intensification, urbanisation as well as agricultural land abandonment and were pronounced mainly during the second half of the 20th century in the post-socialist countries. Political forces in the form of subsidies drove agricultural extensification at the beginning of the 21st century. The drivers for the agricultural intensification as well as urbanisation seem to be similar for both old democratic and post-socialist countries. In contrast, agricultural land abandonment in the old democratic countries was driven by technological, cultural and economic driving forces while in the post-socialist countries the political driving forces were mainly responsible. Changes in systems for subsidies and changes in the agricultural commodity markets are also responsible for different frequencies and rates of extensification of

  8. 76 FR 12939 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... the Preliminary Results of the seventh new shipper reviews of certain frozen fish fillets from the... later than April 14, 2011. \\1\\ See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam...

  9. 75 FR 20983 - Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Extension of Time Limit for... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-552-801] Certain Frozen Fish Fillets... frozen fish fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam covering the period August 1, 2008, through...''), covering the period August 1, 2008, through July 31, 2009. See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the...

  10. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Notification of the Entry into Force; Tratado Sobre la no Proliferacion de las Armas Nucleares. Notificacion de la Entrada en Vigor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    By letters addressed to the Director General on 5, 6 and 20 March 1970 respectively, the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which are designated as the Depository Governments in Article IX. 2 of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, informed the Agency that the Treaty had entered into force on 5 March 1970 [Spanish] En sus cartas dirigidas al Director General con fecha 5, 6 y 20 de marzo de 1970, respectivamente, el Reino Unido de Gran Bretana e Irlanda del Norte, los Estados Unidos de America y la Union de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas, designados Gobiernos depositarios en el parrafo 2 del Articulo IX del Tratado sobre la no proliferacion de las armas nucleares, han comunicado al Organismo que dicho Tratado entro en vigor el 5 de marzo de 1970.

  11. Denying Difference to the Post-Socialist Other: Bernhard Heisig and the Changing Reception of an East German Artist

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    April A. Eisman


    Full Text Available This article traces the reception of East German artist Bernhard Heisig’s life and art—first in East Germany and then in the Federal Republic of Germany before and after the Wall. Drawing on post-colonial and post-socialist scholarship, it argues that Heisig’s reception exemplifies a western tendency to deny cultural and ideological difference in what the post-socialist scholar Piotr Piotrowski calls the “close Other.” This denial of difference to artists from the eastern bloc has shaped western understandings of Heisig’s life and art since reunification. Once perceived as an intellectually engaged, political artist, both in East and West Germany, after the fall of the Wall and German unification, Heisig was reinterpreted as a traumatized victim of two dictatorships, distorting not only our understanding of the artist and his work, but also of the nature of art and the role of the artist in East Germany.

  12. DINS measurements on VESUVIO in the Resonance Detector configuration: proton mean kinetic energy in water (United States)

    Pietropaolo, Antonino; Andreani, Carla; Filabozzi, Alessandra; Senesi, Roberto; Gorini, Giuseppe; Perelli-Cippo, Enrico; Tardocchi, Marco; Rhodes, Nigel J.; Schooneveld, Erik M.


    Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS) measurements have been performed on a liquid water sample at two different temperatures and pressures. The experiments were carried out using the VESUVIO spectrometer at the ISIS spallation neutron source. This experiment represents the first DINS measurement from water using the Resonance Detector configuration, employing yttrium-aluminum-perovskite scintillator and a 238U analyzer foil. The maximum energy of the scattered neutrons was about 70 eV, allowing to access an extended kinematic space with energy and wave vector transfers at the proton recoil peak in the range 1 eV <= hbarω <= 20 eV and 25 Å-1 <= q <= 90 Å-1, respectively. Comparison with DINS measurements on water performed in the standard Resonance Filter configuration indicates the potential advantages offered by the use of Resonance Detector approach for DINS measurements at forward scattering angles.

  13. Dinámica de objetos transplutonianos: resultados preliminares (United States)

    Fernández, S.; Brizuela, H.; Roig, F.; Varela, O.

    Se presentan los resultados de una integración numérica de las ecuaciones de movimiento para objetos transplutonianos. Se han calculado los tiempos de Lyapunov para esos objetos y se analiza el comportamiento dinámico de los mismos.

  14. Economic integration of socialist states through the peaceful utilisation of the atom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korff, H.J.


    The 'Interatominstrument' organisation was set up at the beginning of 1972 by Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Russia and Czechoslovakia to help co-ordination between, and economic integration of, socialist countries. An account is given of the important and wide role played by the organisation in the co-ordination and rationalisation of research, development and manufacturing capacity on techniques and equipment based on the peaceful uses of atomic energy. Other functions include procurement, dissemination of information and extension of application of nuclear energy. Reference is made to the significant commercial and other successes already achieved by Interatominstrument. (P.G.R.)

  15. The Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes and Related Instruments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    On 1 June 1976 the Director General received a letter dated the same day from the Resident Representative of the United States of America to the Agency in which he communicated the text of the Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes which was signed by President Ford and General Secretary Brezhnev on 28 May 1976. The Resident Representative asked that the texts of the Treaty, the Protocol and the Agreed Statement be brought to the attention of all Members of the Agency in view of the relationship of this Treaty to the work of the Agency. On the same day the Director General received a letter in similar terms from the Resident Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Taking into account the common request made by the Resident Representatives of the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics the texts of the Treaty, the Protocol and the Agreed Statement are reproduced in this document.

  16. The Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes and Related Instruments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    On 1 June 1976 the Director General received a letter dated the same day from the Resident Representative of the United States of America to the Agency in which he communicated the text of the Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes which was signed by President Ford and General Secretary Brezhnev on 28 May 1976. The Resident Representative asked that the texts of the Treaty, the Protocol and the Agreed Statement be brought to the attention of all Members of the Agency in view of the relationship of this Treaty to the work of the Agency. On the same day the Director General received a letter in similar terms from the Resident Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Taking into account the common request made by the Resident Representatives of the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics the texts of the Treaty, the Protocol and the Agreed Statement are reproduced in this document.

  17. Trayectorias evolucionistas en la dinámica de la empresa: una aproximación por dinámica de sistemas

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    Germán Eduardo Vargas


    Full Text Available La actividad de las firmas, como unidad socioeconómica, en el marco evolucionista está orientada integralmente por procesos de identidad, cohesión y mecanismos de adaptación y evolución; en este orden, el presente documento ilustra, a través de un modelo por dinámica de sistemas, cómo la orientación e integración estratégica basada en el conocimiento para la innovación se constituye como un imperativo de desarrollo que, a partir de un pequeño apalancamiento, permite distinguir entre dos trayectorias de evolución, a saber: firmas económicas tradicionales (inerciales, pues introducen mejoras incrementales esporádicas y modernas (dinámicas y radicalmente innovadoras, hecho a partir del cual se obtienen reveladoras conclusiones y desafíos para intervenir y adecuar el comportamiento de las empresas.2

  18. Mutaciones dinámicas

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    Cesar A. Parra


    Full Text Available EI descubrimiento de repeticiones amplificadas de trinucleótidos variables en número, en pacientes con distrofia miotónica, síndrome de X-frágil, corea de Huntington y enfermedad de Kennedy, al igual que alteraciones en dinucleótidos del DNA microsatélite en pacientes con carcinoma proximal de colon, ha dado origen al concepto de mutaciones dinámicas. Esto representa una nueva avenida en teoría genética contemporánea que explica fenómenos como lo anticipación y la paradoja de Sherman que se salen del patrón mendeliano clásico.

  19. origen e impactos de dinópolis

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    Raúl Lardiés Bosque


    Full Text Available El parque temático de Dinópolis se ha convertido en uno de los principales atractivos de la provincia de Teruel. Desde que el parque empezó a funcionar en junio de 2001, ya se han empezado a detectar algunos cambios de tipo socioeconómico, no sólo por el aumento del número de visitantes y turistas que llegan a la ciudad de Teruel, sino también por los impactos indirectos que esa afluencia genera en el sector turístico y comercial. En este artículo se analiza la puesta en marcha del proyecto y sus orígenes, así como la influencia socioeconómica que está teniendo a escala local. El enfoque que se ha adoptado es el de considerar a Dinópolis como una herramienta/estrategia de desarrollo local, puesto que se está convertiendo en un reclamo turístico y de visitantes para la ciudad, y porque todo ello genera impactos indirectos importantes en diversos sectores y ramas económicas.

  20. "A Riddle, Wrapped in a Mystery, inside an Enigma": Teaching Post-Socialist Transformation to UK Students in Moscow (United States)

    Moran, Dominique; Round, John


    In the 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, teaching post-socialist transition to undergraduate students has become increasingly challenging. This paper relates the development, planning and operation of a fieldwork module in Moscow, for Year Three geography undergraduates. It argues that "on-street" teaching and imaginative use…

  1. Dinámica de sistemas en la gestión de inventarios

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    Daniel Alejandro Agudelo Serna


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se estudia el proceso de gestión de inventarios por medio de la dinámica de sistemas, como herramienta metodológica que permite conocer el comportamiento de las variables de acuerdo a sus relaciones y a las decisiones que se tomen teniendo en cuenta su causalidad y realimentación. El desarrollo del documento está determinado por una revisión de conceptos teóricos relacionados con la gestión de inventarios y dinámica de sistemas, seguido por una revisión de literatura, en donde se analizan modelos dinámicos que relacionan las variables que afectan directa o indirectamente al inventario, resaltando la importancia de modelos robustos que permitan obtener mejores resultados y así poder establecer políticas de gestión y control del inventario. El objetivo fundamental es presentar una revisión de los modelos dinámicos relacionados con el inventario, en donde es posible observar los diagramas causales y de Forrester, variables, criterios y parámetros que influyen en cada uno de los sistemas presentados. Se supone una metodología basada en la búsqueda de información, para posteriormente desarrollar un análisis detallado de cada modelo encontrado.

  2. Una propuesta metodológica para extraer factores comunes dinámicos estacionales y no estacionarios


    Orozco Sánchez, María Camila


    Este trabajo presenta una metodóloga empírica que permite extraer factores comunes dinámicos estacionales y no estacionarios, basados en el análisis factorial dinámico estacional de Nieto et al. (2013), en el análisis factorial dinámico de Peña y Poncela (2006) y en el modelo de estacionalidad común en diferentes frecuencias planteado por Busetti (2006). La metodología propuesta es aplicada a nueve series de la macroeconomía Colombiana

  3. The DinB•RecA complex of Escherichia coli mediates an efficient and high-fidelity response to ubiquitous alkylation lesions. (United States)

    Cafarelli, Tiziana M; Rands, Thomas J; Godoy, Veronica G


    Alkylation DNA lesions are ubiquitous, and result from normal cellular metabolism as well as from treatment with methylating agents and chemotherapeutics. DNA damage tolerance by translesion synthesis DNA polymerases has an important role in cellular resistance to alkylating agents. However, it is not yet known whether Escherichia coli (E. coli) DNA Pol IV (DinB) alkylation lesion bypass efficiency and fidelity in vitro are similar to those inferred by genetic analyses. We hypothesized that DinB-mediated bypass of 3-deaza-3-methyladenine, a stable analog of 3-methyladenine, the primary replication fork-stalling alkylation lesion, would be of high fidelity. We performed here the first kinetic analyses of E. coli DinB•RecA binary complexes. Whether alone or in a binary complex, DinB inserted the correct deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) opposite either lesion-containing or undamaged template; the incorporation of other dNTPs was largely inefficient. DinB prefers undamaged DNA, but the DinB•RecA binary complex increases its catalytic efficiency on lesion-containing template, perhaps as part of a regulatory mechanism to better respond to alkylation damage. Notably, we find that a DinB derivative with enhanced affinity for RecA, either alone or in a binary complex, is less efficient and has a lower fidelity than DinB or DinB•RecA. This finding contrasts our previous genetic analyses. Therefore, mutagenesis resulting from alkylation lesions is likely limited in cells by the activity of DinB•RecA. These two highly conserved proteins play an important role in maintaining genomic stability when cells are faced with ubiquitous DNA damage. Kinetic analyses are important to gain insights into the mechanism(s) regulating TLS DNA polymerases. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Estudio dinámico de un potencial perturbador dependiente de dos parámetros (United States)

    Miloni, O.; Brunini, A.

    El objeto del presente trabajo consiste en el estudio dinámico de un sistema dinámico caracterizado por la función hamiltoniana correspondiente a un satélite planetario perturbado por la acción del Sol y del achatamiento del planeta madre. Cuando dicha Hamiltoniana se promedia respecto de los términos de corto período, esta queda con dos grados de libertad, y su estudio puede ser realizado con las herramientas clásicas de la dinámica no-lineal. Se tratará de determinar regiones regulares y caóticas de movimiento. En el caso de estas últimas, es de particular interés la determinación de su orígen.

  5. Regulated expression of the dinR and recA genes during competence development and SOS induction in Bacillus subtilis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haijema, BJ; vanSinderen, D; Winterling, K; Kooistra, J; Venema, G; Hamoen, LW


    It has been hypothesized that the dinR gene product of Bacillus subtilis acts as a repressor of the SOS regulon by binding to DNA sequences located upstream of SOS genes, including dinR and recA. Following activation as a result of DNA damage, RecA is believed to catalyse DinR-autocleavage, thus

  6. Buddhist Contribution to the Socialist Transformation of Buddhism in China: Activities of Ven. Juzan during 1949–1953

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    Xue Yu


    Full Text Available This paper examines the role played by Chinese Buddhists, especially the so-called "progressive Buddhists," in the socialist transformation of the sangha at the early stage of the People’s Republic of China (PRC. I concentrate on the case of Ven. Juzan (1908–1984. While the focus on one individual does not reveal the whole story about Chinese Buddhists’ involvement in the Chinese Communist Party’s project of reshaping the sangha, the career of Juzan does provide a window on the issue. By exploring various sources, including Modern Buddhist Studies (Xiandai foxue and government documents, I investigate how Juzan urged his fellow Buddhists to work with the Communist leadership, and how he justified government policies on Buddhism by reinterpreting Buddhist doctrines. In so doing, this study intends to show that Chinese Buddhists’ collaboration with the Communist regime was a significant dimension of the socialist transformation of the Chinese sangha, a process that laid the foundation for full-scale persecution of Buddhism during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976.

  7. Politicile patrimoniului cultural în contextul reformei administraţiei publice

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    Vasile COMENDANT


    Full Text Available Lucrarea reprezintă o analiză complexă a politicilor publice în domeniul patrimoniului cul¬tural național realizate în cadrul reformelor administraţiei publice din Republica Moldova. Sunt examinate programele de reformă a administraţiei publice în domeniul protejării patrimoniului cultural. În procesul cercetării sunt indicate autorităţile administraţiei publice centrale responsabile de realizarea reformelor de salvgardare a patrimoniului cultural în baza politicilor culturale. Investigația ne-a permis să constatăm că, actualmente, o cerinţă de cea mai mare actualitate pentru Republica Moldova este de a determina în cadrul reformei administraţiei publice moda¬lităţile de îmbunătăţire a formelor de protejare a patrimoniului cultural naţional, precum și de implementare a politicilor publice în acest domeniu. Concomitent, a fost elucidată necesitatea dezvoltării de către autorităţile publice a unui dialog intercultural permanent privind politica cul¬turală cu ţările Uniunii Europene și cooperarea în cadrul forurilor internaționale pentru a dezvolta diversitatea culturală și pentru a conserva și a valorifica patrimoniul național cultural și istoric.


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    Jacob RUB


    Full Text Available Money laundering is a leading factor in white-collar criminality, with a big effect upon Gross National Product of the Israeli and Moldova economies. Israel and Moldova have made the first steps In order to cope with money laundering phenomenon. The model of handling the phenomenon in the USA has been studied that constitutes a role model of fighting money laundering. The vast majority (77% of all frauds were committed by individuals working in one of six departments: accounting, operations, sales, executive/upper management, customer service and purchasing. In Moldova, money laundering for the most part is connected to traditional forms and activities sources of illegal proceeds .Moldova is a transit country for money laundering. A money-laundering scandal is casting Moldova’s judiciary in an unfavorable light and is raising concerns about the government’s commitment to reforms needed to keep European Union integration on track. It is a need to address corruption as a national priority, and the priority of the relations between the EU and Moldova. The money laundering scandal indicates that Moldova is reluctant to wade deeply into judicial reform. In fact, the laundered of $20 billion, is an amount more than twice the size of Moldova’s GDP in 2013, and may be that it is just the tip of the iceberg, probably. White-collar criminality in Israel and Moldova means success of coping of the enforcement and judicial systems. In order to cope with this phenomenon, Israel makes its first steps. Anyway, the message must pave the way through a creation of a new model for dealing with reduction the isolated phenomenon of money laundering in both states.SPĂLAREA DE BANI, UN FENOMEN IZOLAT ŞI UN FACTOR IMPORTANT ÎN CRIMINALITATEA GULERELOR ALBE, PUNE PRACTICA JUDICIARĂ DIN REPUBLICA MOLDOVA INTR-O SITUAŢIE DIFICILĂSpălarea de bani este un factor important în criminalitatea gulerelor albe, având un efect semnificativ asupra produ-sului na

  9. Effects of different N sources on riverine DIN export and retention in a subtropical high-standing island, Taiwan (United States)

    Huang-Chuan, Jr.; Lee, Tsung-Yu; Lin, Teng-Chiu; Hein, Thomas; Lee, Li-Chin; Shih, Yu-Ting; Kao, Shuh-Ji; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo; Lin, Neng-Huei


    Increases in nitrogen (N) availability and mobility resulting from anthropogenic activities have substantially altered the N cycle, both locally and globally. Taiwan characterized by the subtropical montane landscape with abundant rainfall, downwind of the most rapidly industrializing eastern coast of China, can be a demonstration site for extremely high N input and riverine DIN (dissolved inorganic N) export. We used 49 watersheds with similar climatic and landscape settings but classified into low, moderate, and highly disturbed categories based on population density to illustrate their differences in nitrogen inputs (through atmospheric N deposition, synthetic fertilizers, and human emission) and DIN export ratios. Our results showed that the island-wide average riverine DIN export is ˜ 3800 kg N km-2 yr-1, approximately 18 times the global average. The average riverine DIN export ratios are 0.30-0.51, which are much higher than the averages of 0.20-0.25 of large rivers around the world, indicating excessive N input relative to ecosystem demand or retention capacity. The low disturbed watersheds have a high N retention capacity and DIN export ratios of 0.06-0.18 in spite of the high N input (˜ 4900 kg N km-2 yr-1). The high retention capacity is likely due to effective uptake by secondary forests in the watersheds. The moderately disturbed watersheds show a linear increase in DIN export with increases in total N inputs and mean DIN export ratios of 0.20 to 0.31. The main difference in land use between low and moderately disturbed watersheds is the greater proportion of agricultural land cover in the moderately disturbed watersheds. Thus, their greater DIN export could be attributed to N fertilizers used in the agricultural lands. The greater export ratios also imply that agricultural lands have a lower proportional N retention capacity and that reforestation could be an effective land management practice to reduce riverine DIN export. The export ratios of the

  10. From modernism to socialist realism in four years: Myaskovsky and Asafyev

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    Frolova-Walker Marina


    Full Text Available Two outstanding personalities of the Soviet musical life in the 1920's, the composer Nikolay Myaskovsky and the musicologist Boris Asafyev, both exponents of modernism, made volte-faces towards traditionalism at the beginning of the next decade. Myaskovsky's Symphony no. 12 (1931 and Asafyev's ballet The Flames of Paris (1932 became models for Socialist Realism in music. The letters exchanged between the two men testify to the formers uneasiness at the great success of those of his works he considered not valuable enough, whereas the latter was quite satisfied with his new career as composer. The examples of Myaskovsky and Asafyev show that early Soviet modernists made their move away from avant-garde creativity well before they faced any real danger from the bureaucracy.

  11. Mand træn din bækkenbund og få bedre rejsning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravnkilde Marlet, Laila; Gerbild, Helle Nygaard


    Har du (eller din mand) problemer med at holde på urin eller at opnå eller bevare rejsningen, er der god grund til at søge hjælp. Der findes nemlig effektive og billige behandlingsmuligheder.......Har du (eller din mand) problemer med at holde på urin eller at opnå eller bevare rejsningen, er der god grund til at søge hjælp. Der findes nemlig effektive og billige behandlingsmuligheder....

  12. Análise do comportamento dinâmico em pontes pedonais


    Valentim, Nilton Leonardo


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Perfil Estruturas A análise do comportamento dinâmico de estruturas de engenharia civil tem um interesse evidente para a avaliação dos efeitos das acções de sismos, vento e tráfego ferroviário, rodoviário ou pedonal. O interesse desta avaliação estende-se também à própria caracterização global do estado das estruturas, uma vez que as propriedades dinâmicas estão directamente relacionadas com esse estado. Pa...

  13. X-ray protective clothing. Does DIN 6857-1 allow an objective comparison between lead-free and lead-composite materials?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eder, H.; Schlattl, H.; Hoeschen, C.


    Purpose: The validity of DIN 6857-1 to establish lead equivalence for protective clothing is evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations and measurements. Materials and Methods: Commercially available protective clothing made of lead, lead-free and lead-composite materials has been tested regarding its protective efficacy. The analysis has been performed on the one hand in accordance with the test conditions described in the manufacturing standard DIN EN 61331-3 and on the other hand following the new DIN 6857-1 standard. Additionally, measurements have been carried out under simulated patient conditions by using an Alderson-Rando phantom. Results: Following DIN EN 61331-3, the lead-free protective clothing achieved the required protective efficacy only at a restricted tube-voltage range. The test according to DIN 6857-1 showed that the protective criteria were fulfilled only by one lead-composite apron, but not by the three lead-free aprons examined. Thus, in order to guarantee the same protection as lead between 50 and 120 kV, the conditions of DIN 6857-1 must be fulfilled. Conclusion: A modification of DIN EN 61331-3 to account for secondary radiation is strongly advised in the case of lead-free materials. In summary, most of the protective lead-free aprons in use should be used with care, particularly for examinations with a high dose. (orig.)

  14. En nombre del amor: políticas de la sexualidad en el proyecto socialista bolivariano / In the Name of Love: Politics of Sexuality in the Bolivarian Socialist Project

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    María Teresa Vera-Rojas


    Full Text Available This article propose that the alignment of love with the socialist pretensions of Hugo Chávez and his political successors is grounded in, as well as reinforces, heteronormativity as the natural organization of contemporary Venezuelan society. Consequently, I suggest that the institutional homophobia of the Bolivarian revolution could be understood as the counterpart of the discourse of love from which the Bolivarian socialist ideas have been built upon, the bonds of which only consider heterosexual relationships and affective expressions as legitimate, productive and ethical.

  15. Un modelo de sistema dinámico híbrido utilizando el enfoque de la lógica difusa

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    Germán García Benítez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un modelo de sistema dinámico híbrido utilizando la lógica difusa. Para lograr esto se hace una breve descripción de los principales enfoques que se tienen en la actualidad de los sistemas dinámicos híbridos desarrollando las ecuaciones básicas de los bloques que conforman el modelo. Actualmente la teoría del control se ha centrado en el estudio por separado de la dinámica continua y la dinámica discreta; sin embargo, es necesario introducir el estudio de la combinación de ambos en un solo tratado. En el ámbito industrial los procesos son dinámicos y toda su estructura de control está basada en la teoría de la lógica digital. Sin embargo existe el paradigma de la lógica difusa, la cual se introduce en este artículo para proponer un nuevo enfoque. Cabe mencionar que para validar el modelo se utilizan herramientas computacionales de simulación de sistemas dinámicos.

  16. "Quiet Food Sovereignty” as Food Sovereignty without Movements? Understanding Food Sovereignty in Post-Socialist Russia


    Visser, Oane; Mamonova, Natalia; Spoor, Max; Nikulin, Alexander


    textabstractWhat does food sovereignty look like in settings where rural social movements are weak or non-existent, such as in countries with post-socialist, semi-authoritarian regimes? Focusing on Russia, we present a divergent form of food sovereignty. Building on the concept of ‘quiet sustainability’, we present a dispersed, muted, but clearly bottom-up variant we term ‘quiet food sovereignty’. In the latter, the role of the very productive smallholdings is downplayed by the state and part...

  17. Explanations on nomenclature and number of material for steels in accordance with DIN norm - (Deutsch Industrie Norm)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barone, S.D.; Silva, T.C.V. da; Bittencourt, M.S.Q.


    The materials specified by DIN norm are identified by its nomenclature and corresponding DIN number. The characters (numbers and letters) aim to classify the material and provide indication on main alloy properties and elements. (M.C.K.) [pt

  18. Nuevos modelos de redes de neuronas artificiales para simulación y control desistemas dinámicos


    Galván León, Inés María


    Uno de los principales problemas en el campo de los procesos dinámicos es el control de su comportamiento, control que es necesario para que la evolución del proceso se lleve a cabo en una dirección y con una cierta dinámica deseada. Esto puede traducirse en mantener una condición estable, seguir una trayectoria especificada o alcanzar una determinada meta. Para ello es necesario incluir un sistema de control, el cual influye en la dinámica del proceso, regulando su comportamiento. La teoría...

  19. [Ernst Rüdin--a Swiss psychiatrist as the leader of Nazi psychiatry--the final solution as a goal]. (United States)

    Peters, U H


    The study of work and life of the Swiss-German psychiatrist Ernst Rüdin, honoured up to our time as "father of psychiatric genealogy", lead to different views. Rüdin early in his life became a racial fanatic, and as a propagandist for the purity of the "Germanic people" he constantly demanded preventive coercive measures against the reproduction of the mentally ill and other, in the racist's view, undesirable persons. With this objective in mind he started his psychiatric research. The results of Rüdin's monograph about the genetics of dementia precox do not withstand scientific criticism but confirmed his preexisting opinions. They served however as scientific reasoning for the forced sterilisation by the Nazis, for which Rüdin's comments were obligatory. The next step, to the holocaust of the mentally ill and the undesirable, was not only tacitly agreed with by Rüdin. Max Weber, Karl Jaspers and others realised at an early time the dangers arising from racial hygienics and voiced their warnings in a plain language. The surviving victims are still waiting for compensation.

  20. [Automated measurement of distance vision based on the DIN strategy]. (United States)

    Effert, R; Steinmetz, H; Jansen, W; Rau, G; Reim, M


    A method for automated measurement of far vision is described which meets the test requirements laid down in the new DIN standards. The subject sits 5 m from a high-resolution monitor on which either Landolt rings or Snellen's types are generated by a computer. By moving a joystick the subject indicates to the computer whether he can see the critical detail (e.g., the direction of opening of the Landolt ring). Depending on the subject's input and the course of the test so far, the computer generates the next test symbol until the threshold criterion is reached. The sequence of presentation of the symbols and the threshold criterion are also in accordance with the DIN standard. Initial measurements of far vision using this automated system produced similar results to those obtained by conventional methods.

  1. Insuficiencia dinámica, crecimiento y desempleo en México, 1974-2012


    Blanca L. Avendaño Vargas; Ignacio Perrotini Hernández


    El artículo presenta una reformulación de la hipótesis de insuficiencia dinámica de Prebisch (1970), analiza la teoría dinámica de Harrod (1939), la ley Kaldor-Verdoorn (Kaldor, 1966; 1967) y la teoría del crecimiento endógeno de Thirlwall (1969; 2000). A posterioriestudiamos los determinantes del crecimiento económico y del desempleo en México durante el periodo 1974-2012. Con base en el análisis empírico, sostenemos que una baja tasa de acumulación genera una reducida absorción de empleo, u...

  2. Dinámica de sistemas en la gestión de inventarios


    Daniel Alejandro Agudelo Serna; Yohana Marcela López Rivera


    En el presente artículo se estudia el proceso de gestión de inventarios por medio de la dinámica de sistemas, como herramienta metodológica que permite conocer el comportamiento de las variables de acuerdo a sus relaciones y a las decisiones que se tomen teniendo en cuenta su causalidad y realimentación. El desarrollo del documento está determinado por una revisión de conceptos teóricos relacionados con la gestión de inventarios y dinámica de sistemas, seguido por una revisión de lit...

  3. Dinámica migratoria... ¿hibridación cultural u homologación global?

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    Claudia Carolina Zamorano Villarreal


    Full Text Available Ante la consolidación del modelo de subcontratación en México asistimos a una nueva cultura laboral ¿Qué cambios ha impulsado este modelo en las prácticas de la pobla - ción y su cultura? Analizando la relación entre el modo de producción flexible de la maquila y la dinámica de migración propia a las ciudades de la frontera norte de Mé - xico, se muestra que la maquiladora respetó y aprovechó está dinámica para reducir o aumentar el número de trabajadores, según lo requiriera la producción flexible. Pero, desde mediados de los años noventa, empezó a transformar estás dinámicas y con ellas, la cultura de sus trabajadores.

  4. Reading Research in the Socialist Countries. Abridged Papers and Minutes of a Conference (Budapest, Hungary, October 15-18, 1974). (United States)

    Dobrinina, Natalia Y., Ed.; And Others

    These papers on reading research in the socialist countries were delivered at a conference held in Budapest, Hungary, in October of 1974. Included are the text of the introductory address and papers on the following topics: (1) the library and society; (2) the library as it relates to students, teachers, and engineers; (3) the role and…


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    Liliana ROTARU


    Full Text Available Resursa umană este capitalul strategic al oricărei instituții de învățământ superior și o politică judicioasă de personal, în general, dar mai ales de recrutare și selecție a cadrelor didactico-științifice. Ea face posibilă realizarea misiunii învăță­mân­tului superior, implicit, prin cei care îl promovează. Cercetarea politicii de personal în școlile superioare din RSS Moldovenească în perioada de refacere a învățământului superior de după cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial a scos în evidență că aceasta era subordonată politicii naționale a statului sovietic, care presupunea formarea „omului nou” și integrarea acestuia în identitatea supraetnică numită „popor sovietic” – deznaționalizat, îndoctrinat cu ideologie marxist-leninistă, rusificat și rusianizat, care să aibă o patrie socialistă comună – Uniunea Sovietică și un scop comun – const­ruirea comunismului. Toate instrumentele și metodele de recrutare și selectare a personalului academic pentru insti­tuțiile de învățământ din RSS Moldovenească erau subordonate necesității creării unui corp didactico-științific în mare parte vorbitor și purtător de limbă și cultură rusă, puternic ideologizat și loial statului sovietic și partidului comunist, și mai apoi de o anumită competență profesională, toate acestea camuflate sub pregnanta idee de promovare a „elemen­tului autohton moldovenesc”.THE POLICY OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF ACADEMIC STAFF IN HIGHER EDUCATION OF MSSR. 1944-1950The human resource is the strategic capital of any higher education institutions and, in general, a judicious staff policy, but especially – a good policy of recruitment and selection of didactic and scientific staff makes possible to realize the higher education mission and, by default – the goals of those who are promoting it. The research of staff policy in high schools of MSSR during the higher education

  6. Crafting socialist embryology: dialectics, aquaculture and the diverging discipline in Maoist China, 1950-1965. (United States)

    Jiang, Lijing


    In the 1950s, embryology in socialist China underwent a series of changes that adjusted the disciplinary apparatus to suit socialism and the national goal of self-reliance. As the Communist state called on scientists to learn from the Soviets, embryologists' comprehensive view on heredity, which did not contradict Trofim Lysenko (1898-1976)'s doctrines, provided a space for them to advance their discipline. Leading scientists, often trained abroad in the tradition of experimental embryology, rode on the tides of Maoist ideology and repositioned their research. Some of their creative realignment of previous research questions, materials, and traditions to Marxist philosophy and agricultural objectives generated productive programs. In particular, Tong Dizhou (1902-1979) translated Engels's dialectics of nature into a research question about cytoplasmic inheritance. His continuing investigation on it led to the first goldfish "clone" through a nuclear transplantation experiment; Zhu Xi and his associates transferred a goldfish model in embryology into studies on improving carp aquaculture, leading to a rare success in the Great Leap Forward of 1958. These directions for embryology continued well into the 1960s. At a time when global embryology was diversifying and began to be molecularized, eventually forming "developmental biology," socialist embryology took shape in China with a different set of epistemic and practical commitments. The history of its development challenges and enriches our understanding of the concrete process of change in one discipline under Mao, showing ways in which scientists creatively adapted state-sanctioned ideologies and visions to do productive work outside the framework of molecular biology during the Cold War.

  7. Welding of Low Alloy Steel DIN 15Mo3 by MIG/MAG Spot


    Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib


    ????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? (MIG/MAG spot) ???????? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ???????? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ????? ??? (DIN15Mo3) ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ???????" ??? ?????? ??? ????. ????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??? CO2 ????" ?? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? (13%) ???? (4mm) ???? (2sec). ?...

  8. Effects of different N sources on riverine DIN export and retention in subtropical high-standing island, Taiwan (United States)

    Huang, J.-C.; Lee, T.-Y.; Lin, T.-C.; Hein, T.; Lee, L.-C.; Shih, Y.-T.; Kao, S.-J.; Shiah, F.-K.; Lin, N.-H.


    Increases in nitrogen (N) availability and mobility resulting from anthropogenic activities has substantially altered N cycle both locally and globally. Taiwan characterized by the subtropical montane landscape with abundant rainfall, downwind to the most rapidly industrializing east coast of China can be a demonstration site for extreme high N input and riverine DIN (dissolved inorganic N) export. We used 49 watersheds classified into low-, moderate-, and highly-disturbed categories based on population density to illustrate their differences in nitrogen inputs through atmospheric N deposition, synthetic fertilizers and human emission and DIN export ratios. Our results showed that the island-wide average riverine DIN export is ~ 3800 kg N km-2 yr-1, approximately 18-fold higher than the global average mostly due to the large input of synthetic fertilizers. The average riverine DIN export ratio is 0.30-0.51, which is much higher than the average of 0.20-0.25 of large rivers around the world indicating excessive N input relative to ecosystem demand or retention capacity. The low-disturbed watersheds, despite of high N input, only export 0.06-0.18 of the input so were well buffered to changes in input quantity suggesting high efficiency of nitrogen usage or high N retention capacity of the less disturbed watersheds. The high retention capacity probably is due to the effective uptake by secondary forests in the watersheds. The moderate-disturbed watersheds show a linear increase of output with increases in total N inputs and a mean DIN export ratio of 0.20 to 0.31. The main difference in land use between low and moderately disturbed watershed is the relative proportions of agricultural land and forests, not the built-up lands. Thus, their greater DIN export quantity could be attributed to N fertilizers used in the agricultural lands. The greater export ratios also imply that agricultural lands have lower proportional N retention capacity and that reforestation could be

  9. Polymorphe Männerkörper in Bohumil Hrabals Werk Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále als Gegenentwurf zum Sozialistischen Realismus // The Polymorph Male Body in Bohumil Hrabal’s I Served the King of England as a Counter-Concept to Socialist Realism

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    Ina Hartmann


    Full Text Available The essay inquires into the literary presentation of the male body of selected protagonists of Bohumil Hrabalʼs Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (I Served the King of England. Concentrating on the cultural-political situation especially at the time of the genesis of the novel and on the postulates of Socialist Realism regarding the male body, the analysis illustrates how the literary constructed male body of Hrabal works as a counter-concept to the aesthetics of Socialist Realism. Measured against the normally healthy and normalised male body in Socialist-Realist art, the bodies of Hrabalʼs male protagonists appear not merely deficient and grotesque but rather polymorphous. The immoral behaviour, erotic gestures and physical ineligibility of Hrabalʼs figures reduces the model of the hero of Socialist work effort to an absurdity.

  10. Implications of economic transition and demographics for financing pensions in the former socialist economies. (United States)

    Jenkins, G P


    "This paper is concerned primarily with the financing of pensions, or the old-age income maintenance portion of the social security system. While the discussion here will be limited to Hungary and Poland, most of the post-socialist countries of East and Central Europe and of the former Soviet Union face similar problems." The author suggests "a set of alternative pension financing strategies....A novel approach is to replace the payroll tax with part of a value-added tax, which may be a good short run solution to current financial crises of the pension systems in these countries." excerpt

  11. The Psychoprophylactic Method of Painless Childbirth in Socialist Czechoslovakia: from State Propaganda to Activism of Enthusiasts. (United States)

    Hrešanová, Ema


    This paper explores the history of the 'psychoprophylactic method of painless childbirth' in socialist Czechoslovakia, in particular, in the Czech and Moravian regions of the country, showing that it substantially differs from the course that the method took in other countries. This non-pharmacological method of pain relief originated in the USSR and became well known as the Lamaze method in western English-speaking countries. Use of the method in Czechoslovakia, however, followed a very different path from both the West, where its use was refined mainly outside the biomedical frame, and the USSR, where it ceased to be pursued as a scientific method in the 1950s after Stalin's death. The method was imported to Czechoslovakia in the early 1950s and it was politically promoted as Soviet science's gift to women. In the 1960s the method became widespread in practice but research on it diminished and, in the 1970s, its use declined too. However, in the 1980s, in the last decade of the Communist regime, the method resurfaced in the pages of Czechoslovak medical journals and underwent an exciting renaissance, having been reintroduced by a few enthusiastic individuals, most of them women. This article explores the background to the renewed interest in the method while providing insight into the wider social and political context that shaped socialist maternity and birth care in different periods.

  12. Insect control in socialist China and the corporate United States: the act of comparison, the tendency to forget, and the construction of difference in 1970s U.S.-Chinese scientific exchange. (United States)

    Schmalzer, Sigrid


    In 1975, a delegation of U.S. entomologists traveled to socialist China to observe Chinese insect control science. Their overwhelmingly positive reports highlighted in relief the pernicious effects of pesticide corporations on U.S. agriculture; some entomologists hoped this would goad the United States to catch up to China in environmentally sensible insect control practices. Of course, insect control in socialist China carried its own political baggage, some of which-for example, mass mobilization and self-reliance--the state made highly visible to visitors, and some of which--for example, harsh treatment of scientists--it sought to obscure. For both the U.S. and the Chinese participants, the act of comparison itself was of primary significance in the exchange, allowing them to construct socialist Chinese science as refreshingly different from U.S. science. At the same time, however, this construction of difference meant forgetting the much longer transnational history in which U.S. and Chinese entomology had been intertwined.

  13. Estabilizações lombares dinâmicas Estabilizaciones lumbares dinámicas Lumbar dynamic stabilizations

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    Ivan Dias Rocha


    Full Text Available O funcionamento fisiológico normal da coluna depende da movimentação normal de cada unidade motora, que consiste em duas vértebras e o disco intervertebral interposto entre elas. Embora a artrodese da coluna vertebral venha sendo utilizada para o tratamento de diversas doenças da coluna, essa modalidade de tratamento acarreta a perda de movimentação dos níveis em que houve a fusão e como consequência pode sobrecarregar os níveis adjacentes podendo provocar a sua degeneração precoce. Proponentes das técnicas de estabilização dinâmicas acreditam que estas podem levar a correção dos problemas minimizando o risco de degeneração dos níveis adjacentes. Atualmente existem no mercado diversos métodos de estabilização dinâmica anteriores e posteriores. Já existem trabalhos biomecânicos que comprovam o benefício teórico de quase todos eles, porém ainda hoje, faltam ensaios clínicos que comprovem a sua utilidade e segurança por longos períodos de seguimento para o paciente. Portanto é fundamental que estes materiais sejam analisados de maneira acadêmica para que no futuro próximo possam ser utilizados em situações precisas e com segurança para os pacientes.El funcionamiento fisiológico normal de la columna depende de los movimientos normales de cada unidad motora, la cual consiste de dos vértebras y del disco intervertebral interpuesto entre ellas. Aunque la artrodesis de la columna vertebral está siendo utilizada para el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades de la columna, esa modalidad de tratamiento causa la pérdida de los movimientos en los niveles en los que hubo la fusión y, como consecuencia, puede sobrecargar los niveles adyacentes, pudiendo provocar su degeneración precoz. Los proponentes de las técnicas de estabilización dinámica creen que éstas pueden llevar a la corrección de los problemas, minimizando el riesgo de degeneración de los niveles adyacentes. Actualmente, existen en el mercado

  14. Leftist Movements, Gender, and the Argentinean Textile Industry. The Position of the Communist and Socialist Parties vis-à-vis the Claims of Female Workers, 1936-1946

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    Verónica Norando


    Full Text Available The article addresses the incorporation of gender demands into the claims of female textile workers in Argentina, as well as the positions assumed in that respect by the Socialist Party and the Communist Party, through the analysis of three case studies: two textile worker strikes and the claim for the reform of the Maternity Insurance Law. The objective is to study the relationships of these parties with the claims of female workers from a perspective that links gender and class relations, on the basis of both worker and State sources. One of the fundamental conclusions of this study is that the Socialist and Communist Parties played an active role in transforming those claims into concrete realizations.

  15. Sistemas dinámicos en la interacción emocional madre-hijo: primera fase

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    Jaime Castro Martínez


    Full Text Available Los avances en psicología de las emociones y psicología del desarrollo han exigido nuevos cambios tanto de orden teórico como metodológico para describir y explicar la variabilidad de las res-puestas infantiles a los cambios que tienen lugar en la dinámica socio-emocional con la madre. Producto de estas variaciones, aparece la integración de los sistemas dinámicos a las descrip- ciones de los teóricos del desarrollo emocional bajo supuestos psicobiológicos y sociobiológicos. Esta investigación indaga el posible uso de modelos de sistemas dinámicos en la generación de patrones de organización durante la interrelación socio- emocional madre-hijo, bajo cambios en los estados emocionales de la madre y bajo modificaciones debidas al desarrollo infantil. Los hallazgos de esta primera fase muestran algunas diferencias en las dinámicas socio-emocionales en cada uno de los estados emocionales maternos, al igual que regu- laridades en la variación por estado emocional. La investigación sugiere ampliar el marco teórico hacia modelos de componentes emocionales y modelos neurobiológicos, y la inclusión de modelos matemáticos de predicción y de análisis de series de tiempos.

  16. “We’re Still in a Struggle”: Diné Resilience, Survival, Historical Trauma, and Healing


    Goodkind, Jessica R.; Hess, Julia Meredith; Gorman, Beverly; Parker, Danielle P.


    As part of a community/university collaborative effort to promote the mental health and well-being of Diné (Navajo) youth, we explored the relevance of addressing historical trauma and current structural stressors and of building on individual and community strengths through healing and social transformation at multiple levels. Qualitative analyses of 74 ethnographic interviews with 37 Diné youth, parents, and grandparents suggested that a focus on historical trauma as a conceptual frame for ...

  17. East German Journalists and the Wende: A history of the collapse and transformation of socialist journalism in Germany


    Guzman, Morgan Morille Schupbach


    This dissertation utilizes archival sources and interviews to examine the transformation of the journalism profession in East Germany from the collapse of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) through the unification of the two German states. During this period of dramatic political and social upheaval, East German journalists navigated the divide between socialist journalism of the GDR and democratic journalism of the Federal Republic. By embedding the history of this professional transformat...

  18. [Reform of the Law DIN EN ISO 9001:2000. Commentary on the new requirements on quality management systems]. (United States)

    Eckert, H; Böhmer, K


    Since January this year the German translation of the third draft to the reform of the DIN EN ISO 9000 is available. The draft reveals an approximation to the models of Business Excellence. Most important changes are a far stronger customer orientation, orientation on the processes and resource management. The norms DIN EN ISO 9002 and 9003 have been removed, ISO 8402 has been integrated in the reformed DIN EN ISO 9000. Apart from that the compatibility with other management systems has been improved. It was the aim of the reform to improve the applicability for all types of business, products and services.

  19. Dinámica exportadora de las empresas born global en Colombia

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    Diana Marcela Escandón Barbosa


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende analizar las condiciones principales del mercado exportador de las empresas born global en el caso colombiano, teniendo en cuenta los principales factores del entorno que determinan su dinámica exportadora. Se utiliza la base de datos GEM Colombia del año 2011, para analizar 297 empresas born global colombianas, mediante un análisis descriptivo y la estimación de un modelo de conglomerados bietápico. Los resultados muestran que los cambios tecnológicos, las características sectoriales y la intensidad competitiva son factores determinantes de la dinámica exportadora de las empresas born global en Colombia, y se concluye que los empresarios se adaptan al mercado internacional mejorando continuamente sus productos y procesos.

  20. A new implementation of full resolution SBAS-DInSAR processing chain for the effective monitoring of structures and infrastructures (United States)

    Bonano, Manuela; Buonanno, Sabatino; Ojha, Chandrakanta; Berardino, Paolo; Lanari, Riccardo; Zeni, Giovanni; Manunta, Michele


    The advanced DInSAR technique referred to as Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) algorithm has already largely demonstrated its effectiveness to carry out multi-scale and multi-platform surface deformation analyses relevant to both natural and man-made hazards. Thanks to its capability to generate displacement maps and long-term deformation time series at both regional (low resolution analysis) and local (full resolution analysis) spatial scales, it allows to get more insights on the spatial and temporal patterns of localized displacements relevant to single buildings and infrastructures over extended urban areas, with a key role in supporting risk mitigation and preservation activities. The extensive application of the multi-scale SBAS-DInSAR approach in many scientific contexts has gone hand in hand with new SAR satellite mission development, characterized by different frequency bands, spatial resolution, revisit times and ground coverage. This brought to the generation of huge DInSAR data stacks to be efficiently handled, processed and archived, with a strong impact on both the data storage and the computational requirements needed for generating the full resolution SBAS-DInSAR results. Accordingly, innovative and effective solutions for the automatic processing of massive SAR data archives and for the operational management of the derived SBAS-DInSAR products need to be designed and implemented, by exploiting the high efficiency (in terms of portability, scalability and computing performances) of the new ICT methodologies. In this work, we present a novel parallel implementation of the full resolution SBAS-DInSAR processing chain, aimed at investigating localized displacements affecting single buildings and infrastructures relevant to very large urban areas, relying on different granularity level parallelization strategies. The image granularity level is applied in most steps of the SBAS-DInSAR processing chain and exploits the multiprocessor systems with distributed

  1. DNA-damage-inducible (din) loci are transcriptionally activated in competent Bacillus subtilis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Love, P.E.; Lyle, M.J.; Yasbin, R.E.


    DNA damage-inducible (din) operon fusions were generated in Bacillus subtilis by transpositional mutagenesis. These YB886(din::Tn917-lacZ) fusion isolates produced increased β-galactosidase when exposed to mitomycin C, UV radiation, or ethyl methanesulfonate, indicating that the lacZ structural gene had inserted into host transcriptional units that are induced by a variety of DNA-damaging agents. One of the fusion strains was DNA-repair deficient and phenotypically resembled a UV-sensitive mutant of B. subtilis. Induction of β-galactosidase also occurred in the competent subpopulation of each of the din fusion strains, independent of exposure to DNA-damaging agents. Both the DNA-damage-inducible and competence-inducible components of β-galactosidase expression were abolished by the recE4 mutation, which inhibits SOS-like (SOB) induction but does not interfere with the development of the component state. The results indicate that gene expression is stimulated at specific loci within the B. subtilis chromosome both by DNA-damaging agents and by the development of competence and that this response is under the control of the SOB regulatory system. Furthermore, they demonstrate that at the molecular level SOB induction and the development of competence are interrelated cellular events

  2. Dinâmica molecular ab initio:aplicações ao estudo de propriedades electrónicas de sistemas moleculares


    Martiniano, Hugo Filipe de Mesquita Costa, 1978-


    Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química-Física), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2013 O método da dinâmica molecular ab initio exibe vantagens significativas para o estudo da estrutura e propriedades electrónicas de sistemas moleculares complexos. No entanto, uma das suas desvantagens é o elevado custo computacional, quando comparado com os métodos de dinâmica molecular clássicos. Um dos modos de resolver este problema é adoptar uma abordagem sequencial, na qual a dinâmica é ...

  3. Innovations in the Poetry Form by Sheikh Sa'd od-Din Ahmad Ansari

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    Najaf Jowkar


    Full Text Available AbstractSheikh Sa'd od-Din Ahmad َ Ansari, the son of Mawlana Abd ol-Ghaffar Ibn Abd ol-Karim, is a mystic of the 12th and 13th centuries AH. Sa'd od-Din was born in Kabul in the village called Yahya Yahyaee in 1140 AH and died in the same place in 1225 AH (Ansari, 1374: 6. In his youth, he learned canonical law and theology from his father but was soon attracted to mysticism (Heravi, 1373, 43. After performing Hajj in between the years 1169-113 AH and getting permission to guide people from Naqshbandiyeh and Qaderiyeh mystic Sheikh Mohammad Saman Madani, he returned home and guided people untill the end of his life (Ansari, 1390: 3. Sheikh Sa'd od-Din was well learned in Islamic studies, Arabic language, rhetoric and sciences of his time. He was also familiar with the works of poets such as 'Attar, Rumi, Hafez, Ibn Arabi and other great names of mysticism. He was attached to Rumi and Hafez and has quoted them frequently in his works.Sheikh Sa'd od-Din wrote thirty six books and treatises including seven Divans and two Masnavis in Persian; He also wrote a book entitled The Mine of Unity and treatises  such as "Greetings Noble Tatar", "Habl ol-Matin" and "The Elite" in Arabic. He composed some poems in Arabic as well.At least from 1174 AH Sheikh Sa'd od-Din started to bring changes to the ancient Persian poetry; thus his deconstruction made poetical form much similar to contemporary Persian poetry. However, due to political and cultural distance between Iran and Afghanistan, we did not have a chance to get familiar with his innovations.His innovations consist of the following:1.      Refrained Masnavi (masnavi tarjee'band: He changed masnavi in a way that we can call it refrained masnavi, a sample of which is included in the paper. It consists of fifteen stanzas: The first stanza with eight lines, the second stanza fifty four lines, the twelfth stanza eleven lines and the other stanzas having equal lines. The line between

  4. Socialist and postsocialist land-use legacies determine farm woodland composition and structure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plieninger, Tobias; Schaich, H.


    and structure of presocialist woodlands. We argue that forest conservation planning should actively consider land-use legacies, which are of particular relevance in the landscapes of Central and Eastern Europe, as these have undergone multiple, abrupt, and severe land-use transitions....... explicit assessment of differences in species richness, diversity, and evenness as well as forest physiognomy and structure among Eastern German farm woodlands established during (1) the presocialist era (until 1945), (2) the socialist era (1945-1990), and (3) the postsocialist era (after 1990). Aerial...... imagery was used to allocate woodlands to one of the three eras, after which a forest inventory of 120 woodlands was performed. The results show substantial differences in forest composition and structure. Presocialist-era woodlands are composed of native (mean 96 %), deciduous (mean 94 %) tree species...

  5. An important way to build a new socialistic countryside: developing circular economy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Ji Kunsen


    @@ It was put forward in the Fifth Session of Sixteenth Central Committee of the Party that "it is a great historic mission on the path for China to modernization to construct new socialistic countries",and that "according to the requirements of developing production, ample life, civilized countryside climate, clean countryside, democratic management,urban and rural social and economic development should be unifiedly planned, modern agricultural construction should be promoted, rural reform should be deepened all round, rural public service should be advanced, and peasants' income should be increased by all means." Some time ago Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out that problems about the carrying capacity of resources and environment, for example the decrease of arable land, the lack of freshwater and eco-environmental deterioration, will be tough challenges to agricultural development in China.

  6. Women in socialist culture (1848-1939 | Mujer y socialismo (1848-1939

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    Rosa María Capel Martínez


    Full Text Available 1848 saw the appearance of two texts which were destined to become the theoretical and practical programmes of two important social movements: the workers’ movement and feminism. Both were born with the common aim of constructing a more just and egalitarian society. Both assumed the task of liberating women from the state of absolute subservience to men in which the liberal society had placed them. Nonetheless, the standpoint from which this mission was approached made them differ substantially in the form of analysis and in the means of achieving the goals. This article examines the evolution of the technical discourse of socialism on the so-called «female question» from its birth until the first third of the twentieth century, and also considers the change of strategy implied by the creation of discussion forums such as the Women’s Socialist International (1907 or the Women’s Socialist Groups, constituted in Spain from 1904 onwards and whose activity was cut short by the outbreak of the Civil War. | En 1848, aparecían dos textos llamados a convertirse en los programas teóricos y prácticos de dos importantes movimientos sociales: obrerismo y feminismo. Ambos nacían con el objetivo común de construir una sociedad más justa e igualitaria. Ambos asumían la tarea de liberar a las mujeres del estado de absoluta sumisión al hombre en que la sociedad liberal las había colocado. Sin embargo, la perspectiva desde la que abordaban esta misión les hacía diferir sustancialmente en la forma de analizarla y en los medios para llevarla a cabo. El presente trabajo se adentra en la evolución del discurso teórico del socialismo sobre la llamada «cuestión femenina» desde su nacimiento hasta el primer tercio del siglo XX, así como en la consideración del cambio de estrategia que supone la creación de foros de debate propios, como la Internacional Socialista de Mujeres (1907 o los Grupos Femeninos Socialistas, constituidos en España a

  7. Dinâmica populacional da mariposa oriental em pomares de pessegueiro e ameixeira

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    Hickel Eduardo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a dinâmica populacional da mariposa oriental [Grapholita molesta (Busk] em pomares de pessegueiro e ameixeira. Os adultos foram monitorados em dois pomares de pessegueiro e um de ameixeira por cinco anos. Séries temporais equivalentes de temperaturas máximas e mínimas foram correlacionadas aos dados de flutuação populacional para se aferir a correspondência entre a ocorrência da praga e as flutuações de temperatura. A análise de Fourier das séries temporais das armadilhas de coleta de mariposas revelou dinâmicas cíclicas, com período principal médio de 53,91 semanas. Um período menor médio, de 7,45 semanas, também ficou evidente e se aproxima do tempo médio de geração do inseto. A análise do espectro de potência das séries temporais, com e sem periodicidade, revelou que a dinâmica populacional de G. molesta possui um componente regular, caracterizado pelos períodos observados, e outro componente irregular, reminiscente de ruído 1/f, caracterizado pelas variações de amplitude, aparentemente irregulares, na ocorrência do inseto. A combinação desses dois componentes ocasiona um processo com domínio de baixas freqüências, próprio das dinâmicas periódicas ruidosas. Os ciclos de aparecimento da praga ocorrem em fase com os ciclos de flutuação de temperaturas máximas e mínimas.

  8. Manufacturing of microcomponents in a research institute under DIN EN ISO 9001 (United States)

    Maas, Dieter; Karl, Bernhard; Saile, Volker; Schulz, Joachim


    The Institute for Microstructure Technology at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe has implemented a rigorous quality management system and was certified according to the DIN ISO EN 9001 standard in January 2000.

  9. Adam Smith y Sistemas Dinámicos

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    Osvaldo Acuña


    Full Text Available Presentamos un sistema dinámico sencillo con dos ecuaciones diferenciales, una representa la trayectoria del precio y la otra la de la cantidad de un bien en una economía. Nuestro modelo se basa sobre todo en la teoría clásica de precios expuesta por Adam Smith en La Riqueza de las Naciones. Al final del trabajo, se presenta, a modo de ejemplo, un estudio para el caso del ganado vacuno en la economía mundial.

  10. Insuficiencia dinámica, crecimiento y desempleo en México, 1974-2012


    Vargas, Blanca L. Avendaño; Hernández, Ignacio Perrotini


    El artículo presenta una reformulación de la hipótesis de insuficiencia dinámica de Prebisch (1970), analiza la teoría dinámica de Harrod (1939), la ley Kaldor-Verdoorn (Kaldor, 1966; 1967) y la teoría del crecimiento endógeno de Thirlwall (1969; 2000)Thirlwall and León-Ledesma, 2000. A posteriori estudiamos los determinantes del crecimiento económico y del desempleo en México durante el periodo 1974-2012. Con base en el análisis empírico, sostenemos que una baja tasa de acumulación genera una...

  11. The DinJ/RelE Toxin-Antitoxin System Suppresses Bacterial Proliferation and Virulence of Xylella fastidiosa in Grapevine. (United States)

    Burbank, Lindsey P; Stenger, Drake C


    Xylella fastidiosa, the causal agent of Pierce's disease of grapes, is a slow-growing, xylem-limited, bacterial pathogen. Disease progression is characterized by systemic spread of the bacterium through xylem vessel networks, causing leaf-scorching symptoms, senescence, and vine decline. It appears to be advantageous to this pathogen to avoid excessive blockage of xylem vessels, because living bacterial cells are generally found in plant tissue with low bacterial cell density and minimal scorching symptoms. The DinJ/RelE toxin-antitoxin system is characterized here for a role in controlling bacterial proliferation and population size during plant colonization. The DinJ/RelE locus is transcribed from two separate promoters, allowing for coexpression of antitoxin DinJ with endoribonuclease toxin RelE, in addition to independent expression of RelE. The ratio of antitoxin/toxin expressed is dependent on bacterial growth conditions, with lower amounts of antitoxin present under conditions designed to mimic grapevine xylem sap. A knockout mutant of DinJ/RelE exhibits a hypervirulent phenotype, with higher bacterial populations and increased symptom development and plant decline. It is likely that DinJ/RelE acts to prevent excessive population growth, contributing to the ability of the pathogen to spread systemically without completely blocking the xylem vessels and increasing probability of acquisition by the insect vector.

  12. Modelagem de uma unidade de produção para caprinos leiteiros utilizando a dinâmica de sistemas


    Guimarães, Vinicius Pereira


    O trabalho foi desenvolvido buscando abordar as características de dinâmica, complexidade e inter- relacionamento de um sistema de produção de caprinos. Buscou-se, através da metodologia de modelagem e simulação Dinâmica de Sistemas, identificar o impacto na dinâmica e rentabilidade econômica de rebanhos caprinos leiteiros provocados por modificações no manejo reprodutivo, mortalidade, qualidade do alimento e na idade para o início da vida reprodutiva em cabritas. Buscou-se também avaliar a u...

  13. Evolución Dinámica de Cúmulos Estelares Abiertos (United States)

    de La Fuente Marcos, R.

    Las estrellas que observamos no se formaron aisladamente, sino que lo hicieron en grupos o cúmulos. Estos sistemas estelares recibenel nombre de cúmulos estelares abiertos o galácticos cuando están constituidos por estrellas de la Población I. Los cúmulos abiertos se localizan preferentemente en el plano galáctico, y en muchos de ellos está teniendo lugar aún una activa formación estelar. El propósito principal de esta tesis doctoral es el estudio de la evolución dinámica de estos sistemas estelares por medio de simulaciones numéricas y de la comparación de sus resultados con datos observacionales. Con este fin se analizan los efectos que, sobre la dinámica de los cúmulos, ejercen varios fenómenos de interés astrofísico tales como el campo gravitatorio galáctico, la pérdida de masa causada por la evolución estelar y la presencia de binarias primordiales. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de más de un centenar de modelos de cúmulos, con poblaciones comprendidas en el intervalo [100, 10.000] estrellas, calculados con NBODY5, un programa estándar en el campo de la Dinámica Estelar Experimental. De los mismos se deduce que el mecanismo principal que rige la dinámica de los cúmulos abiertos es la evolución estelar de su distribución de masas, encontrándose un comportamiento diferencial fuertemente dependiente de la población inicial del cúmulo. Los mecanismos responsables de la desintegración de los cúmulos abiertos son analizados en detalle, proponiéndose un modelo analítico que ajusta razonablemente los resultados de las simulaciones. Además, y con el fin de explicar el elevado número de sistemas múltiples observados en cúmulos abiertos, se estudian los efectos que, sobre los mismos, ejerce la presencia de una cierta fracción de binarias primordiales. El papel de las binarias tambiín depende de la riqueza del cúmulo y sus efectos se interrelacionan con aquellos debidos a la evolución estelar. Por último, se

  14. DNA Polymerases ImuC and DinB Are Involved in DNA Alkylation Damage Tolerance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas putida. (United States)

    Jatsenko, Tatjana; Sidorenko, Julia; Saumaa, Signe; Kivisaar, Maia


    Translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), facilitated by low-fidelity polymerases, is an important DNA damage tolerance mechanism. Here, we investigated the role and biological function of TLS polymerase ImuC (former DnaE2), generally present in bacteria lacking DNA polymerase V, and TLS polymerase DinB in response to DNA alkylation damage in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and P. putida. We found that TLS DNA polymerases ImuC and DinB ensured a protective role against N- and O-methylation induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) in both P. aeruginosa and P. putida. DinB also appeared to be important for the survival of P. aeruginosa and rapidly growing P. putida cells in the presence of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). The role of ImuC in protection against MMS-induced damage was uncovered under DinB-deficient conditions. Apart from this, both ImuC and DinB were critical for the survival of bacteria with impaired base excision repair (BER) functions upon alkylation damage, lacking DNA glycosylases AlkA and/or Tag. Here, the increased sensitivity of imuCdinB double deficient strains in comparison to single mutants suggested that the specificity of alkylated DNA lesion bypass of DinB and ImuC might also be different. Moreover, our results demonstrated that mutagenesis induced by MMS in pseudomonads was largely ImuC-dependent. Unexpectedly, we discovered that the growth temperature of bacteria affected the efficiency of DinB and ImuC in ensuring cell survival upon alkylation damage. Taken together, the results of our study disclosed the involvement of ImuC in DNA alkylation damage tolerance, especially at low temperatures, and its possible contribution to the adaptation of pseudomonads upon DNA alkylation damage via increased mutagenesis.

  15. A dinâmica da gestão no contexto acadêmico

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    Nadi Helena Presser


    Full Text Available Apresenta um estudo da dinâmica da gestão, procurando avançar no assunto, a partir das constatações de Mintzberg (2001, 2010, desmistificando o gestor nas suas características convencionais prescritas pela teoria clássica de administração, denotado como um planejador sistemático, que trabalha de forma programada, sem interrupções, e possuidor de um controle amplo de seu trabalho na organização. O objeto empírico desta pesquisa estendeu sua ação no ambiente organizacional de um departamento universitário federal, no contexto da gestão acadêmica dos cursos de graduação e do programa de pós-graduação. Com apoio numa metodologia de pesquisa etnográfica e de entrevistas semiestruturadas, observou-se um ambiente de gestão caracterizado pela ambiguidade, por uma dinâmica acelerada de tarefas diversificadas. Conclui-se que as análises sobre a prática da gestão teriam a ganhar se procurassem perscrutar esta realidade. A premissa sobre a dinâmica da gestão defendida por Mintzberg encontra sustentação neste estudo, cuja essência é descrita muito mais como uma prática do que como uma ciência.

  16. Primeros pasos en la posturografía dinámica computarizada

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    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo: La posturografía dinámica computarizada (CDP es una técnica que nos va a permitir cuantificar de forma objetiva, como las diferentes patologías afectan la estabilidad postural de los pacientes y su evolución. Metodología: revisión narrativa. Resultados: En este trabajo vamos a repasar como se realizan y analizan las diferentes pruebas de la CDP; y su utilidad diagnóstica y terapéutica en la práctica otorrinolaringológica. Discusión y conclusiones: La posturografía dinámica computarizada es una prueba diagnóstico-terapéutica que permite cuantificar de forma objetiva y reproducible la estabilidad del paciente. Y aporta información relevante para planificar el tratamiento rehabilitador, así como para monitorizar su evolución.


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    Smiljana Mirkov


    Full Text Available Quality of life may be analyzed from different perspectives. In compliance with that, it may be assumed that the social position of the profession has significant impact on quality of life. The paper presents the analysis of the research which aim was to examine the three dimensions of the social position of the engineering profession in the society of post-socialist transformation: material status, social power, and social reputation. We compared the results of the current study with the results of the research that we had conducted in the period when socialist relations still exist in organizations. Moreover, we studied how the engineers perceive these three aspects of the social position of their profession. The first research was conducted in 1998 and the second in 2015. 200 engineers were questioned in 146 companies. The results indicate that the dimensions of social position, such as the material standard and the social influence of engineers in Serbia today are a little more favorable than they used to be at the end of the 90s. Finally, a majority of the engineers from our research believe that their expectations regarding the engineering profession have not been fulfilled and in future, their quality of life may be enhanced in terms of social importance and recognition.


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    Olesea GLIGA


    Full Text Available Scopul acestei lucrări rezidă în determinarea conţinutului unor metale grele (Pb, Cd şi Cu în componentele mediu­lui (sol, apă şi floră din zona de centru a Republicii Moldova. Au fost selectate 4 situri de studiu, cu diferit impact antropic, din care au fost prelevate probe de sol, apă şi floră. Conţinutul de metale grele în componentele de mediu au fost deter­minate prin Spectrometria de Absorbţie Atomică cu atomizare termică. Rezultatele cercetărilor au demonstrat prezenţa metalelor cercetate în toate probele de sol şi floră analizate şi lipsa acestora în probele de apă, cu excepţia Cu. Concen­tra­ţiile de Pb, Cd şi Cu în solurile din siturile antropizate (industrial şi transport auto au fost mai mari în comparaţie cu cele din situl forestier (td = 2,05 - 4,36; P < 0,05 - 0,001. Analogic celor din sol, şi concentraţiile acestora în flora meliferă pre­levată din siturile antropizate au înregistrat valori mai mari în comparaţie cu cel forestier (td = 1,19 - 4,0; P > 0,1 - <0,001. De asemenea, şi concentraţia de Cu în mostrele de apă prelevate din siturile industrial şi transport auto a fost mai mare în comparaţie cu cele din situl forestier (td = 2,0 - 5,17; P < 0,1- 0,001. Putem constata că concentraţia metalelor grele cercetate în componentele mediului este în funcţie de prezenţa surselor de poluare din aceste situri. Totodată, în toate siturile cercetate nu au fost constatate depăşiri ale nivelurilor maximal admisibile, conform normelor în vigoare. THE CONTENT OF HEAVY METALS IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS IN THE CENTRAL AREA OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA The aim of this paper was to determine the content of heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Cu in the environmental components (soil, water and flora in the central area of the Republicof Moldova. Have been selected 4 study sites with different human impact, from which have been collected samples of soil, water and flora. The heavy metal


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    Sergiu DOBROJAN


    Full Text Available În articol este analizată componenţa aminoacizilor din biomasa algei cianofite Nostoc gelatinosum (Schousb Elenk. colectate de pe mediul nutritiv Drew. Din grupa aminoacizilor esenţiali în biomasa algei Nostoc gelatinosum (Schousb Elenk. se conţine în cantităţi majore leucina (2,142±0,06 mg/100 mg, treonina (1,188±0,02 mg/100 mg şi valina (1,085±0,03 mg/100 mg. Din aminoacizii neesenţiali predomină acidul aspartic (4,523±0,11 mg/100 mg şi acidul glutamic (2,774±0,07 mg/100 mg. Alga Nostoc gelatinosum (Schousb Elenk. are un conţinut bogat de aminoacizi şi poate servi ca sursă pentru vaste domenii de aplicare.THE AMINO ACIDS COMPOSITION OF THE BLUE-GREEN ALGANOSTOC GELATINOSUM (SCHOUSB ELENKThis article presents the amino acid content of the blue-green alga Nostoc gelatinosum (Schousb Elenk. collected from the Drew nutritive medium. From the essential amino group in Nostoc gelatinosum (Schousb Elenk. biomass, major amounts are contained leucine (2,142 ± 0,06 mg/100 mg, threonine (1,188 ± 0,02 mg/100 mg and valine (1,085 ± 0,03 mg/100 mg. From nonessential amino acids predominates aspartic acid (4,523 ± 0,11 mg/100 mg and glutamic acid (2,774 ± 0.07 mg/100 mg. The alga Nostoc gelatinosum (Schousb Elenk. has a high content of amino acids and can serve as a source for vast areas of application. 

  20. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter; Convenio Sobre la Prevencion de la Contaminacion del mar por Vertimiento de Desechos y Otras Materias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter was drawn up at the Inter-Governmental Conference on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea, held in London from 30 October to 10 November 1972. The Governments of Mexico, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America are the Depository Governments for instruments of ratification of, and accession to, the Convention, pursuant to Articles XVII and XVIII respectively [Spanish] El Convenio sobre la Prevencion de la Contaminacion del Mar por Vertimiento de Desechos y otras Materias fue elaborado en la Conferencia Intergubernamental para el Convenio sobre Vertimiento de Desechos en el Mar, celebrada en Londres del 30 de octubre al 10 de noviembre de 1972. Los Gobiernos de los Estados Unidos de America, Mexico, Reino Unido de Gran Bretana e Irlanda del Norte y Union de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas son los Gobiernos depositarios de los instrumentos de ratificacion del Convenio y de adhesion al mismo, en conformidad con los Articulos XVII y XVIII, respectivamente.

  1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis DinG is a structure-specific helicase that unwinds G4 DNA: implications for targeting G4 DNA as a novel therapeutic approach. (United States)

    Thakur, Roshan Singh; Desingu, Ambika; Basavaraju, Shivakumar; Subramanya, Shreelakshmi; Rao, Desirazu N; Nagaraju, Ganesh


    The significance of G-quadruplexes and the helicases that resolve G4 structures in prokaryotes is poorly understood. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome is GC-rich and contains >10,000 sequences that have the potential to form G4 structures. In Escherichia coli, RecQ helicase unwinds G4 structures. However, RecQ is absent in M. tuberculosis, and the helicase that participates in G4 resolution in M. tuberculosis is obscure. Here, we show that M. tuberculosis DinG (MtDinG) exhibits high affinity for ssDNA and ssDNA translocation with a 5' → 3' polarity. Interestingly, MtDinG unwinds overhangs, flap structures, and forked duplexes but fails to unwind linear duplex DNA. Our data with DNase I footprinting provide mechanistic insights and suggest that MtDinG is a 5' → 3' polarity helicase. Notably, in contrast to E. coli DinG, MtDinG catalyzes unwinding of replication fork and Holliday junction structures. Strikingly, we find that MtDinG resolves intermolecular G4 structures. These data suggest that MtDinG is a multifunctional structure-specific helicase that unwinds model structures of DNA replication, repair, and recombination as well as G4 structures. We finally demonstrate that promoter sequences of M. tuberculosis PE_PGRS2, mce1R, and moeB1 genes contain G4 structures, implying that G4 structures may regulate gene expression in M. tuberculosis. We discuss these data and implicate targeting G4 structures and DinG helicase in M. tuberculosis could be a novel therapeutic strategy for culminating the infection with this pathogen. © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  2. The DNA damage-inducible dinD gene of Escherichia coli is equivalent to orfY upstream of pyrE

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundegaard, Claus; Jensen, Kaj Frank


    The DNA damage-inducible gene dinD, originally identified by Kenyon and Walker (C. J. Kenyon and G. C. Walker, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77:2819-2823, 1980) by selection of the dinD::MudI (Ap lac) fusion, is shown here to be equivalent to the open reading frame orfY near pyrE. The evidence...

  3. Herramientas del álgebra lineal para el control de sistemas lineales dinámicos conmutados


    Rivera Martínez, Laura


    En el presente proyecto se aborda una introducción a la teoría sobre Sistemas Lineales Dinámicos Conmutados (SLDC), con el propósito de estudiar su comportamiento, que posteriormente (en el Capítulo 5) será aplicada a un problema del ámbito de la ingeniería eléctrica : un circuito RLC. A tal fin, se recurre a la teoría generalizada sobre Sistemas Lineales Dinámicos (SLD), (fundamentada a partir de las referencias [1] y [6], esencialmente) en la cual se desarrolla una explicación detallada ...

  4. Equações discretas no ensino médio: modelos de dinâmicas populacionais


    Maligeri, Glaucía Cristina Alecci Meneghim [UNESP


    As equações discretas fornecem as ferramentas matemáticas básicas para a correta modelagem da dinâmica populacional ao se tomar como hipótese tempos discretos. Neste trabalho, apresentamos a teoria das equações discretas e algumas aplicações no capítulo 01, dando ênfase aos modelos de dinâmica populacional conhecidos como modelo de Malthus e de Verhulst junto com exemplos que evidenciam tais modelos na modelagem de populações reais. No capítulo 02 apresentamos duas propostas didáticas; a prim...

  5. Clusters – a modern way of cooperation enhancing the competitiveness of the horticultural enterprises from the Republic of Moldova

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    GOLBAN Artur


    Full Text Available Contemporary enterprises represent a modern way of cooperation between people, while the relations between these enterprises and other organizations represent an advanced stage in the hierarchy of cooperation. This scientific article analyses the possibility of cooperation between the apple producing agricultural enterprises from the Republic of Moldova through clusters, which supposes both the collaboration between the agricultural enterprises and with the research-innovation sector. All over the world clusters represent a tool for economic and social renovation. The creation of apple clusters will help horticultural producers to cooperate more efficiently with each other and to solve the problems of the fruit and vegetable growers within the horticultural cluster. A special place in the cluster apple model is revealed by the Project “Livada Mea” financed by European Bank for Investments in total amount of 120 mln EUR. The purpose of the project was to modernize the value chain of the horticultural sector in the Republic of Moldova. The main objective of the given research is to emphasize the importance of clusters as a modern way of cooperation enhancing the competitiveness of the horticultural enterprises from the Republic of Moldova. Rezumat. Întreprinderile contemporane reprezintă o formă modernă de cooperare între oameni, în timp ce relaţiile dintre aceste întreprinderi şi alte organizaţii reprezintă o treaptă avansată în ierarhia cooperării. În acest articol se analizează posibilitatea cooperării întreprinderilor agricole producătoare de mere din Republica Moldova prin crearea de clustere, care presupune colaborarea atât între întreprinderile agricole, cât şi cu sectorul de cercetare-inovare. În toată lumea clusterele reprezintă un instrument pentru renovare economică şi socială. Crearea clusterului mărului va ajuta producătorii horticoli să coopereze mai eficient între ei şi să soluţioneze

  6. Dinâmica não-linear e psiquiatria: a natureza dinâmica das doenças mentais

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    Fernando Portela Câmara


    Full Text Available A psiquiatria moderna adotou a postura reducionista de associar psicopatologia à fisiologia sináptica. Isto produziu avanços importantes na farmacoterapia dos transtornos mentais. Entretanto, a introdução de princípios da dinâmica não-linear promoveu uma mudança do enfoque sináptico para o enfoque das vias específicas patologicamente autônomas envolvidas nos fenômenos psicopatológicos. Esta tendência teve início nos anos 1990 e trouxe um conceito mais sistêmico de fisiopatologia e tratamento em psiquiatria.

  7. Capital investment of overseas Vietnamese to the economy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

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    Tyabaev Andrey E.


    Full Text Available The paper explores the vital issues of attracting investment from Vietnamese emigrants of different generations to the economy of the present-day Vietnam. We give the definition of the Vietnamese Diaspora (Viet Kieu and a short overview of emigrant waves. In addition, we explain how leaders of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam have interacted with overseas Vietnamese and their organizations in the field of economy over the years. The paper demonstrates geographic differences existing in this type of investment. Further, we outline the measures taken to encourage the Viet Kieu investment in the country’s economy as well as the success rate of these measures. Finally, we specify the barriers to investing in the national economy of Vietnam for “overseas fellow nationals”.

  8. New trajectories of post-socialist residential mobility in Bucharest

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    Bogdan Suditu


    Full Text Available Over the post-socialist period, residential mobility processes were very intense and took place on large areas. Flow intensity led to the emergence of new spatial and functional realities and created new relationships within the affected areas. During all this period, Bucharest’s metropolitan area was shaped by the spatial mobility of the city dwellers, as well as by the change of their social and residential aspirations. The majority of those who were registered as movers in Bucharest were actually residents of Bucharest (they only changed their domicile and the share of people coming to the city from elsewhere has increased constantly over the last decade. Except for the early 1990s, a period when residential legal status was pending clarification, migrations from peri-urban area, especially from Ilfov County, to Bucharest had a low intensity. Situation is quite different in terms of moving out of Bucharest, to the communes and towns of Ilfov County, located in close proximity, which have been continuously increasing values. The correlation between housing stock features (real estate supply and the demand of new dwellings (emphasized by the residential trajectories prove both that current mobility flows taking place at this time in Bucharest are segmented based on economic-spatial criteria and that Markov chains are functional.

  9. Geothermal potential in Mexico; Potencial geotermico de la republica mexicana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ordaz Mendez, Christian Arturo; Flores Armenta, Magaly; Ramirez Silva, German [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    parte de la estrategia de la CFE para incrementar la generacion de energia electrica mediante fuentes no convencionales llevo a cabo un calculo del potencial geotermico del pais. Este calculo se efectuo a traves del inventario nacional de manifestaciones termales con que cuenta la GPG, el cual ha permitido identificar 1380 manifestaciones termales distribuidas en todo el pais, con informacion de las temperaturas tomadas superficialmente y las temperaturas obtenidas por medio de geotermometros. El calculo del potencial geotermico se hizo con base en la clasificacion de estas manifestaciones por rangos de temperatura geotermometrica, obteniendose asi recursos de alta, media y baja entalpia. Posteriormente se utilizo el metodo volumetrico para obtener el potencial geotermico nacional. Los resultados indican que para las Reservas Posibles los recursos de alta entalpia ascienden a 5691 MWe, para los de moderada entalpia son de 881 MWe y los de baja entalpia de 849 MWe dando un total de 7422 MWe. Por otra parte, las Reservas Probables para el recurso de alta entalpia son de 1643 MWe, para los de moderada entalpia de 220 MWe y para los de baja entalpia de 212 MWe dando un total de 2077 MWe. Por ultimo las Reservas Probadas se tomaron como la capacidad adicional que puede instalarse en cada uno de los campos geotermicos conocidos, dando un total de 186 MWe. La informacion se proceso y se integro por medio del Sistema de Informacion Geografica (SIG) ArcGis 9.2 (c), dando como resultado la publicacion via Intranet del Mapa del Potencial Geotermico de la Republica Mexicana.

  10. JPRS Report, Arms Control, Protocol to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    ... and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests of July 3, 1974, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, convinced of the necessity to ensure effective...

  11. A dinâmica do crédito no Brasil entre 1990-2006.

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    Juliano Morais Galle


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda, dentro de um contexto de globalização financeira, a dinâmica e o desenvolvimento recente do mercado financeiro e de crédito no Brasil. É mostrado que a dinâmica do crédito se caracterizou por três fases distintas entre 1990 e 2003. Além disso, discute-se que, após a implantação do Plano Real, houve um grande esforço por parte do governo brasileiro em reestruturar e reforçar o Sistema Financeiro Nacional, e que a conjuntura econômica observada atualmente no Brasil é bem mais favorável ao crescimento da relação crédito/PIB que no início da década de 2000.


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    Tatiana DUDNICENCO


    Full Text Available În rezultatul studiilor realizate a fost elaborat un itinerar ecoturistic al rezervaţiei peisajere „Rudi-Arioneşti”, care este reprezentativ şi accesibil ecoturiştilor, şi anume: mănăstirea „Rudi”, cetăţuia romană „La trei cruci”, aşezarea medie­vală „Farfuria turcului”, peştera „Răposaţilor”, cetăţuia de origine tracică „La şanţuri”, „Valea Bradului”, „Izvorul Verde”. Au fost descrise principalele puncte de vizitare din cadrul itinerarului selectat. Au fost abordate problemele ecologice ale rezervaţiei peisajere „Rudi-Arioneşti” ce reprezintă una dintre destinaţiile de bază ale traseelor ecoturistice din raioa­nele Donduşeni şi Soroca, precum şi propuse soluţii de rezolvare a lor. THE PERSPECTIVES OF TOURISM SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE „RUDI-ARIONESTI” LANDSCAPE RESERVE, REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA In the results of these studies have been elaborated the ecotourism itinerary of „Rudi-Arionesti” landscape reserve, which are representative and accessible for ecotourists: „Rudi” monastery, „La trei cruci” Roman fortress, „Farfuria tur­cului” medieval settlement, „Raposatilor” cave, „La santuri” Thracian origin fortress, „Valea Bradului”, „Izvorul Verde”.It have been described the main points for visitation within the selected route. It have been emphasized the ecological problems of „Rudi-Arionesti” landscape reservation which represents one of the basic destinations of ecotourism routes from Donduseni and Soroca districts and have been proposed solutions of its solving. 

  13. National narration and Politics of Memory in post-socialist Georgia

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    Dundua Salome


    Full Text Available The article is dedicated to analyse the politics of so called “historical memory” during the state-building and nation-building process in post-socialist Georgia After the Rose Revolution 2003, the new government that aimed at building the “new Georgia,” implementing radical changes in many key spheres, including institutions, readdressing the totalitarian past, faced number of problematic manifestations in political and cultural life in this post-Soviet country. The “politics of memory” became one of the key factors of reconstructing of “new, democratic, western Georgia”. This process can be evaluated as leading toward state nationalism. Analyzing the politics of memory, symbolism is the most notable attitude and that is why former President Mikheil Saakashvili used commemorative ceremonies continuously. The authors argue in favour of approach, that the so called “memory politics” is the integral part of one’s legitimacy building, but at the same time, it can be used as tool for reconsidering of Polity’s future and mobilization of population under the “citizenship” umbrella towards the strong loyalty to the actual and future state-building.

  14. Metafísica y dinámica caótica

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    Vicente Aboites


    Full Text Available From an internalist viewpoint for mental states, it is proposed that any dynamical system with coexisting chaotic attractors has an emergent property. This provides a non reductive explanation of mental states and their high sensitivity to noise and initial conditions. If metaphysical terms result from the mental states and these are emergent properties of dynamical systems with coexisting attractors, such as the brain, it is suggested that this may provide a physical explanation of metaphysical concepts. A partir de un enfoque internalista para los estados mentales, se propone que los términos metafísicos son el resultado de estados mentales que, a su vez, son propiedades emergentes de sistemas dinámicos caóticos con atractores coexistentes en el cerebro. Se sugiere que esto proporciona una explicación física para los conceptos metafísicos. Esto se hace a partir de la propuesta de que todos los sistemas dinámicos con atractores coexistentes caóticos, como el cerebro, presentan propiedades emergentes. Obtenemos así una explicación no reductiva de los estados mentales y su alta sensibilidad al ruido y a las condiciones iniciales.

  15. A Comparison of Effective Tension Calculation for Design Belt Conveyor between CEMA and DIN Standard

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    Satria Iman


    Full Text Available In the present era, many industries are demanding material transfer equipment that works maximally and cheaply. Belt Conveyor is one of the most efficient material transfer equipment compared to heavy equipment or other transportation equipment, because it can transport the material in large capacity. When designing conveyor belts, many industries want large transport capacity at low cost. One of the cost savings can be done with low motor power consumption. Many standards describe the effective tension calculation on the conveyor belt in detail with the parameters, since the effective tension calculation results are essential for determining motor power. This paper aims to analyze the effective tension on conveyor belts using CEMA 5th, CEMA 6th and DIN 22101 standards with case studies of 1000 TPH carrying capacity and 3 m/s conveyor speed. The difference between CEMA and DIN when determining the effective tension is on the use of coefficient of friction, because DIN uses a global coefficient of friction while CEMA uses different friction coefficients on idler, belt and material. This difference in coefficient of friction results in different ways of calculating the resistance being the accumulation of the effective tension. The result is an effective tension value using DIN 22101 standard of 22,148.16 N with motor power consumption of 66.5 kW, while effective tension value using CEMA 5th standard is 32.201.66 N with motor power consumption 96.47 kW, and effective tension value using CEMA 6th standard is 29,686.48 N with 89.06 kW motor power consumption.

  16. Competing Victimizations or Multidirectional Soli-daties? Politics of Collective Memory and Solidarity in the Post-National Socialist and Post-Colonial Austrian Left

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    Julia Edthofer


    Full Text Available In this article I illustrate “competing victimizations” and propose possible “multidirectional solidarities” regarding inner-left debates about the Middle East conflict, anti-Semitism and racism in Viennese left-wing contexts. The illustrated conflict is specific for radical left-wing politics in a post-National Socialist and post-colonial setting. Debates initially revolve around Israel versus Palestine solidarity. In the wake of the Second Intifada and the September 11 attacks they partly divide anti-fascist and anti-racist political stances. While the pro-Israeli camp focuses on the Holocaust, Austrian guilt-deflection and current anti-Semitism, the pro-Palestinian side condemns the Israeli occupation and fights growing anti-Muslim racism. In this context, opposing perspectives on the relation of new anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim racism are articulated. Such competing dynamics and their interrelation with Austrian memory politics and global politics are illustrated.  Subsequently, they are discussed as being related to conflicting memories and interrelated competing victimizations in migrant societies with a National Socialist history, such as in Austria and Germany. Concluding, the concept of “multidirectional solidarity” is proposed as an alternative approach, transcending competitive views on past and current victimizations.


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    Full Text Available La etapa actuală, abordarea culturală a consumului este o necesitate stringentă, care ar permite înțelegerea mai pro­fundă a comportamentului consumatorului aflat sub incidența mutațiilor culturale ca urmare a asimilării valorilor postmodernismului, schimbărilor mediului și procesului de globalizare. În acest articol autorii evidențiază unele mutații culturale cu impact asupra consumului din RepublicaMoldova.CULTURE AND IMPACT OF CULTURAL VALUES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIORAt present time, the cultural approach of consumption is an urging necessity that would allow a deeper understanding of consumer behavior that is subject to cultural mutations as a result of assimilation of the values of postmodernism, changes in the environment and the process of globalization. In this article the authors highlight some cultural mutations with an impact on consumption in the Republicof Moldova.

  18. Unsupervised DInSAR processing chain for multi-scale displacement analysis (United States)

    Casu, Francesco; Manunta, Michele


    Earth Observation techniques can be very helpful for the estimation of several sources of ground deformation due to their characteristics of large spatial coverage, high resolution and cost effectiveness. In this scenario, Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) is one of the most effective methodologies for its capability to generate spatially dense deformation maps at both global and local spatial scale, with centimeter to millimeter accuracy. DInSAR exploits the phase difference (interferogram) between SAR image pairs relevant to acquisitions gathered at different times, but with the same illumination geometry and from sufficiently close flight tracks, whose separation is typically referred to as baseline. Among several, the SBAS algorithm is one of the most used DInSAR approaches and it is aimed at generating displacement time series at a multi-scale level by exploiting a set of small baseline interferograms. SBAS, and generally DInSAR, has taken benefit from the large availability of spaceborne SAR data collected along years by several satellite systems, with particular regard to the European ERS and ENVISAT sensors, which have acquired SAR images worldwide during approximately 20 years. Moreover, since 2014 the new generation of Copernicus Sentinel satellites has started to acquire data with a short revisit time (12 days) and a global coverage policy, thus flooding the scientific EO community with an unprecedent amount of data. To efficiently manage such amount of data, proper processing facilities (as those coming from the emerging Cloud Computing technologies) have to be used, as well as novel algorithms aimed at their efficient exploitation have to be developed. In this work we present a set of results achieved by exploiting a recently proposed implementation of the SBAS algorithm, namely Parallel-SBAS (P-SBAS), which allows us to effectively process, in an unsupervised way and in a limited time frame, a huge number of SAR images

  19. Analysis for Producing a Facsimile of the Cadastral Map of Varaždin

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    Mirko Husak


    Full Text Available This paper investigates and suggests methods for producing a facsimile of the 1 860 cadastral map of Varaždin. The methods used to produce the map, the coordinate systems, map contents, usage, maintenance and damage are described. Three samples from the map that display the elements of damage noted were researched, and the possibility of replacing damaged sections with undamaged sections using digital methods investigated. The sources available were the original cadastral colour map of Varaždin, along with the line art cadastral map and field cadastral sketches. The original colour and line art maps were scanned using the DeSkan Express scanning system for large formats. A flatbed UMAX Mirage II A3 scanner was used for scanning the field cadastral map. For the research image-processing, Adobe Photoshop CE 7.0 software was used, although it was primarily designed for processing photographs. The colour separation method was rejected from the start, since the map was made by hand. The paper discusses the possibility of copying and inserting missing parts from additional map sources, changing the colour of the paper to white or another colour, removing the map content added in red ink and lead pencil, and so on. The discussion is based on actual examples from the digital image. The conclusion suggests image-processing methods for achieving optimal results in producing a facsimile of the Varaždin cadastral map.Keywords: facsimile; cadastral map; map content; scanning; digital image processing

  20. Sosyal Kurumlarda Din Hizmetleri Ve Sosyal Zekâ İlişkisi

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    Remziye Ege


    Full Text Available Bu makale sosyal zekâ çerçevesinde din hizmetleri uygulamalarının yeniden düşünülmesi konusunda bir farkındalık oluşturmayı hedeflemektedir. İlahiyat alanındaki mesleki uygulamalara odaklanarak bu uygulamalar içinde sosyal zekânın yeri tartışılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, makalede önce sosyal zekânın ne olduğu sorusu İyi Yürekli Samaryalı Meseli (Luka 10:25-37 ile ilgili bir araştırma özelinde ele alınmakta, daha sonra ise sosyal zekânın din hizmetleri uygulamaları alanındaki etkisi değerlendirilmektedir. Makalenin son bölümünde sosyal zekâyı geliştirme yolunda bazı öneriler sunulmuştur

  1. La caja negra de la dinámica empresarial

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    María Callejón


    Full Text Available Este artículo intenta aportar conocimientos sobre la contribución a la política industrial de la investigación en dinámica empresarial. Los programas de fomento a la creación de empresas se han generalizado aunque se desconoce cuál es el ritmo óptimo de creación y destrucción empresarial. El análisis económico destaca la heterogeneidad empresarial como característica dominante en la dinámica industrial. La profundización en el conocimiento de los tipos de emprendedores, su comportamiento, y su contribución diferencial a la innovación y el crecimiento permitirá ver en la "caja negra" y diseñar programas públicos adecuados. El análisis empírico realizado encuentra que la naturaleza económica del autoempleo es muy diferente de las empresas con empleados. Los programas públicos deberían priorizar entrantes con capacidad de sobrevivir y no maximizar la entrada indiscriminadamente. La supervivencia de las nuevas empresas se encuentra positivamente relacionada con su tamaño al nacer. La innovación y la inversión mejoran la supervivencia de las nuevas empresas manufactureras. La inversión en I+D aumenta el riesgo de las nuevas empresas, aunque mejore la competitividad de las empresas establecidas.

  2. La caja negra de la dinámica empresarial

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    María Callejón


    Full Text Available Este artículo intenta aportar conocimientos sobre la contribución a la política industrial de la investigación en dinámica empresarial. Los programas de fomento a la creación de empresas se han generalizado aunque se desconoce cuál es el ritmo óptimo de creación y destrucción empresarial. El análisis económico destaca la heterogeneidad empresarial como característica dominante en la dinámica industrial. La profundización en el conocimiento de los tipos de emprendedores, su comportamiento, y su contribución diferencial a la innovación y el crecimiento permitirá ver en la “caja negra” y diseñar programas públicos adecuados. El análisis empírico realizado encuentra que la naturaleza económica del autoempleo es muy diferente de las empresas con empleados. Los programas públicos deberían priorizar entrantes con capacidad de sobrevivir y no maximizar la entrada indiscriminadamente. La supervivencia de las nuevas empresas se encuentra positivamente relacionada con su tamaño al nacer. La innovación y la inversión mejoran la supervivencia de las nuevas empresas manufactureras. La inversión en I+D aumenta el riesgo de las nuevas empresas, aunque mejore la competitividad de las empresas establecidas.

  3. Provocarea Facebook pentru bibliotecile publice din România

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    Octavia-Luciana Madge


    Full Text Available Reţelele sociale şi-au câştigat rapid un loc în viaţa noastră şi în activitatea multor organizaţii şi instituţii publice şi private. La nivelul bibliotecilor, reţelele sociale şi-au demonstrat utilitatea şi rolul în calitate de instrumente de marketing pentru o mai bună comunicare cu utilizatorii. Bibliotecile publice din România au cunoscut în ultimul timp transformări mari în ceea ce priveşte modul de abordare a relaţiei cu utilizatorii şi îmbunătăţirea activităţii lor. Au lansat, de asemenea, o serie de noi servicii pentru a răspunde nevoilor comunităţii pe care o servesc şi pentru a atrage noi utilizatori. Implementarea şi utilizarea de noi aplicaţii precum reţelele de socializare online, mai exact Facebook, a fost una dintre aceste dezvoltări recente. Această lucrare analizează modul în care reţelele sociale sunt utilizate la nivelul bibliotecilor publice din România prin exemplul a trei biblioteci publice mari şi a modului în care aceste biblioteci îşi promovează serviciile prin intermediul reţelei Facebook.

  4. Dinâmicas de grupo orientadas pelas atividades de estudo: desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências na educação profissional


    Alberti,Taís Fim; Abegg,Ilse; Costa,Márcia Rejane Julio; Titton,Mauro


    Explicita resultados de pesquisa sobre dinâmicas de grupo e sua contribuição para aquisição de conhecimentos teórico-práticos. Realizamos ações em uma escola pública federal, envolvendo estudantes do terceiro semestre do Curso Técnico em Administração de Empresas. Para coleta de dados, planejamos, implementamos e avaliamos sequência didática centrada em dinâmicas de grupos tematizadas pelos conteúdos curriculares. Utilizaram-se questionários abertos para avaliar se as dinâmicas de grupo poder...

  5. Profesionalismus a amatérismus v zrcadle socialistického sportu [Professionalism and amateurism in the mirror of the socialistic sport

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    Brigita Stloukalová


    century, when sport got itself into totally new social conditions determined with two world economical systems. The longstanding International Olympic Committee chairman Avery Brundage resisted pressure of the international sport associations and the national Olympic committees, his successor Lord Michael Killanin gave free play to it. Juan Antonio Samaranch who became unrestricted dictator of the Olympic movement in 80th and 90th of the 20th century opened gates with final validity. Just he provided for a payment of the high financial fees according to the socialistic model of the sport system. The XXIV. Olympic Games in Soul in 1988 were important in this because tennis players celebrated their come back on the Olympic stadiums after sixty-four years. Tennis was typical representative of the professional sport. What relation was between socialistic and capitalistic sport? Were athletes from the socialistic countries professionals? How the socialistic countries accepted changes into the Olympic movement in 80th of the 20th century? These and other questions keep one of keys for understanding contemporary situation in sport with his troubles: height of the athletes' fees, commercialisation, advertisement and promotion in the media, doping a fair play. I miss ethical and philosophical point of view on the professional sport problems. I continue my historical point of view in presented article. I want to show some lesser-known aspects of the professional sport and remind relations of the socialistic countries to the top sport during cold war. The thirst to succeed in the medal duel contributed to growth of the demands on sportsmen. The training took more and more time. That is why was increasingly impossible for sportsmen to have an occupation or studies. It proves that not only wealthy companies stood at the professional sport emancipation but also specific understanding of the sport amateurism in the socialistic countries policy.

  6. Introduction of External, Independent Testing in "New Countries": Successes and Defeats of the Introduction of Modern Educational Assessment Techniques in Former Soviet and Socialist Countries (United States)

    Bakker, Steven


    A particular trait of the educational system under socialist reign was accountability at the input side--appropriate facilities, centrally decided curriculum, approved text-books, and uniformly trained teachers--but no control on the output. It was simply assumed that it met the agreed standards, which was, in turn, proven by the statistics…

  7. The Text of the Safeguards Agreement of 26 February 1976 between the Agency, Brazil and the Federal Republic of Germany; Texto Del Acuerdo De 26 De Febrero De 1976 Entre El Organismo, El Brasil Y La Republica Federal De Alemania Para La Aplicacion De Salvaguardias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The text of the Agreement of 26 February 1976 between the Agency, Brazil and the Federal Republic of Germany relating to the agreement of 27 June 1975 between the two Governments for co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members [Spanish] Para informacion de todos los Estados Miembros, en el presente documento se transcribe el texto del Acuerdo de 26 de febrero de 1976 concertado entre el Organismo, el Brasil y la Republica Federal de Alemania en relacion con el Acuerdo de 27 de junio de 1975 entre los dos Gobiernos relativo a la cooperacion en la esfera de los usos pacificos de la energia nuclear.

  8. Semifabricate din tocătură de carne de ovină cu adaos de şrot din seminţe de nuci, dovleac, in şi struguri

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    Irina GRUMEZA


    Full Text Available The purpose of researches conducted in the Laboratory of Food Biotechnology of the Scientific-Practical Institute of Horticulture and Food Technology was to prepare and evaluate physico-chemical andorganoleptic properties of the semi-processed ground mutton (rolls products supplemented with walnut, pump-kin, flax and grape seed cakes (10%. The prepared semi-processed products were kept in a refrigerator at thetemperature of 0 ... + 4°C for 5 days. During 72 hours of storage in refrigeration conditions it was recorded adecrease of humidity and water-binding capacity index in roll samples. Salt and fat mass fraction changedinsignificantly and remained practically at the same level. Microbiological analyzes showed no coliform bacteria,no pathogenic bacteria, including Salmonella and sulphite reducing clostridia. Mass loss as a result of heattreatment (baking in an electric oven constituted: 9.8% (rolls with walnut seed cakes, 16.3% (pumpkin, 15.9%(grapes and 46.2% (control variant, without added cake. The best organoleptic characteristics have beenrecorded by the samples with walnut seed cake, obtaining the average score of 4.66. Rezumat. Scopul cercetărilor realizate în Laboratorul de Biotehnologii Alimentare al Institutului Ştiinţifico-Practic de Horticulturăşi Tehnologii Alimentare a fost prepararea şi evaluarea proprietăţilor fizico-chimice şiorganoleptice ale semifabricatelor din carne de ovină, îmbogăţită cu adaosuri de şrot (10% din seminţe de nuci,dovleac, in şi struguri. Semifabricatele preparate (mici au fost păstrate în frigider la 0...+40C, timp de 5zile. Peparcursul păstrării în stare refrigerată timp de 72 ore s-a constatat reducerea umidităţii şi a indicelui capacităţii delegare a apei la mostrele de mici, fracţia masică de sare şi grăsime modificându-se neesenţial şi rămânând practicla acelaşi nivel. Analizele microbiologice au arătat lipsa bacteriilor coliforme, a bacteriilor patogene

  9. Narrating health and scarcity: Guyanese healthcare workers, development reformers, and sacrifice as solution from socialist to neoliberal governance. (United States)

    Walker, Alexis


    In oral history interviews, Guyanese healthcare workers emphasize continuity in public health governance throughout the late twentieth century, despite major shifts in broader systems of governance during this period. I argue that these healthcare workers' recollections reflect long-term scarcities and the discourses through which both socialist politicians and neoliberal reformers have narrated them. I highlight the striking similarities in discourses of responsibility and efficiency advanced by socialist politicians in 1970s Guyana and by World Bank representatives designing the country's market transition in the late 1980s, and the ways these discourses have played out in Guyana's health system. Across diverging ideologies, politicians and administrators have promoted severe cost-control as the means to a more prosperous future, presenting short-term pains as necessary to creating new, better, leaner ways of life. In the health sector this has been enacted through a focus on self-help, and on nutrition as a tool available without funds dedicated for pharmaceuticals, advanced medical technologies, or a fully staffed public health system. I argue that across these periods Guyanese citizens have been offered a very similar recipe of ongoing sacrifice. I base my analysis on oral histories with forty-six healthcare workers conducted between 2013 and 2015 in Guyana in Regions 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10, as well as written records from World Bank and Guyanese national archives; I analyze official discourses as well as recollections and experiences of public health governance by those working in Guyana's health system. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Surveying the Vienna Meridian from Brno to Varaždin

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    Miljenko Solarić


    Full Text Available The introduction provides a brief overview of using trigonometric chains for determining meridian arc lengths in Europe, as well as their extension to trigonometric networks in order to produce contemporary accurate maps in France. After Ruđer Bošković had visited Croatian-Hungarian Queen and Roman-German Empress Maria Theresa, she ordered Jesuit Joseph Liesganig to survey the meridian from Brno (Soběšice, over Vienna and Graz to Varaždin by establishing and surveying a trigonometric chain. That distance amounts to 320 km, i.e. the difference between latitude of the starting and finishing points of the chain equaled 2° 56' 45.85''. Two baselines were measured directly between Wiener Neustadt and Neunkirchen of 6410.903 Vienna fathom (12 158.175 m and between Seyring and Glizendorf in the Moravian field (Moravské pole, Marchfeld of 6387.862 Vienna fathom (12 114.478 m. Liesganig published previous Vienna Meridian survey results in Philosophical Transactions in London in 1768 and the final results in Latin in Dimensio Graduum Meridiani Viennensis et Hungarici in 1770. His results were quickly criticized and subsequently subjected to validation. Trigonometric point Varaždin is the first and oldest trigonometric point in Croatia.

  11. Compreender o Agir Organizacional para Construção de Capacidades Dinâmicas: uma análise exploratória

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    Luciano Munck


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, de caráter bibliográfico, inter-relaciona-se as características de um fenômeno – capacidades dinâmicas – a outro fenômeno – o agir social organizacional. O objetivo é fundamentar um modelo interpretativo do processo cíclico de construção das capacidades dinâmicas pelos agentes sociais em seu agir organizacional. A partir da discussão teórica realizada, argumenta-se que os processos de ações e de decisões realizados pelos gestores em seu agir organizacional, pautando-se pelo fator ético e racional, são elementares para a construção de um processo cíclico das capacidades dinâmicas. Considerando esse argumento, questiona-se a prerrogativa de que as organizações são dependentes de recursos fixos para enfrentarem as transformações do ambiente. Para tanto, articulou-se o entendimento de que o uso das capacidades dinâmicas internalizadas nas práticas dos agentes sociais torna-se meio para se aperfeiçoar a aprendizagem organizacional oriunda dos processos decisórios. Por fim, contribui-se com a sistematização de um modelo interpretativo do processo cíclico de construção das capacidades dinâmicas pelos agentes sociais em seu agir organizacional.

  12. When love meets drugs: pharmaceuticalizing ambivalence in post-socialist China. (United States)

    Ma, Zhiying


    In this article, I examine the interaction between intimacy and psychiatry to explore the ambivalences in the use of pharmaceuticals in psychiatric practice. Of particular interest is how pharmaceuticals come to constitute in multiple ways what pathology is and what form of life needs to be restored, and how psychiatric medications reconfigure the ambivalence of intimacy in post-socialist China. Following the life of Mei, a female psychiatric patient, for two years, I have made a series of discoveries related to medicine and intimacy in China. Specifically, I show that psychopharmaceuticals indicate a diseased body that threatens the intimate bond. They also highlight a socially suffering subject that is in lack of love from the intimate partner who demands the latter's redemption. I discuss how these multiple and contradicting meanings of psychopharmaceuticals and intimacy are socio-historically situated. Thus, while previous research in medical anthropology criticizes pharmaceuticalization for reducing the socio-political life (bios) to a biological body (zoē), I argue that these life forms co-exist in a pharmaceutical "zone of indistinction" (Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1998), in which they constitute and contradict each other. This discussion warns researchers against falling back into the usual orientation of either biomedicine or the social sciences.

  13. Caring for Strangers: Aging, Traditional Medicine, and Collective Self-care in Post-socialist Russia. (United States)

    Chudakova, Tatiana


    This article explores how aging patients in Russia assemble strategies of care in the face of commercialization of medical services and public health discourses and initiatives aimed at improving the population's lifestyle habits. By focusing on how the formation of pensioner publics intersects with the health-seeking trajectories of elderly patients, it tracks an emerging ethic of collective self-care-a form of therapeutic collectivity that challenges articulations of good health as primarily an extension of personal responsibility or solely as a corollary of access to medical resources. By drawing on traditional medicine, these pensioners rely on and advocate for stranger intimacies that offer tactics for survival in the present through the care of (and for) a shared and embodied post-socialist condition of social, economic, and bodily precarity. © 2016 by the American Anthropological Association.

  14. A Comparison of the Democratic Security Policy in Colombia and Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq (United States)


    program. Republica de Colombia. Departamento Nacional de Planeacion , Porgrama de Desarrollo Alternativo, Documento CONPES 2734-DNP-UDA-UJS, Bogotá...Ministry of Defense, 2003. Republica de Colombia. “Departmento Nacional de Planeacion , Porgrama de Desarrollo Alternativo, Documento CONPES 2734-DNP

  15. Competing Victimizations or Multidirectional Soli-daties? Politics of Collective Memory and Solidarity in the Post-National Socialist and Post-Colonial Austrian Left


    Julia Edthofer


    In this article I illustrate “competing victimizations” and propose possible “multidirectional solidarities” regarding inner-left debates about the Middle East conflict, anti-Semitism and racism in Viennese left-wing contexts. The illustrated conflict is specific for radical left-wing politics in a post-National Socialist and post-colonial setting. Debates initially revolve around Israel versus Palestine solidarity. In the wake of the Second Intifada and the September 11 attacks they partly d...

  16. Submerged arc narrow gap welding of the steel DIN 20MnMoNi55

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moraes, M.M.


    The methodology for submerged arc narrow gap welding for high thickness rolled steel DIN 20MnMoNi55 was developed, using din S3NiMo1 04 mm and 05 mm wires, and DIN 8B435 flux. For this purpose, submerged arc narrow gap welded joints with 50 mm and 120 mm thickness were made aiming the welding parameters optimization and the study of the influence of welding voltage, wire diameter and wire to groove face distance on the operational performance and on the welded joint quality, specially on the ISO-V impact toughness. These welded joints were checked by non-destructive mechanical and metallographic tests. Results were compared with those obtained by one 120 mm thickness submerged arc conventional gap welded joint, using the same base metal and consumables (05 mm wire). The analysis of the results shows that the increasing of the wire to groove face distance and the welding voltage increases the hardness and the ISO-V impact toughness of the weld metal. It shows that the reduction of the gap angle is the main cause for the obtained of a heat affected zone free from coarse grains, the reduction of the welding voltage, the increasing of the wire to groove face distance, and the grounding optimization also contribute for that. It was also concluded that the quality and the execution complexity level of a narrow gap welded joint are identical to a conventional gap welded joint. (author) [pt

  17. Categoria etnică din perspectivă lingvistică

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    Răzvan Săftoiu


    Full Text Available În această lucrare, propun analiza din perspectivă lingvistică a construcției unei categorii etnice din România care este denumită prin cel puțin doi termeni: țigan și rom. Conceptul de categorie se referă la membrii unui anumit grup care se diferențiază de alte grupuri printr-un set de elemente specifice recunoscute la nivelul unei comunități mai largi. În interacțiune, indivizii apelează frecvent la categorii și la setul de trăsături pe care îl poartă o anumită categorie, deoarece este mai ușor de operat cu seturi de cunoștințe decît cu referințe pentru fiecare individ în parte. Analiza are la bază o serie de expresii și locuțiuni, proverbe și glume care au circulat (sau încă mai circulă în spațiul românesc și care au conturat, la nivelul mentalității colective, imaginea unei categorii etnice a cărei denumire (încă oscilează între doi termeni. Textele au fost grupate în funcție de diverse stereotipuri asociate categoriei etnice avute în vedere, evidențiind conotațiile peiorative ale utilizărilor termenului țigan în raport cu categoria etnică rom, o categorie „goală” de semnificație, care poate fi „umplută” cu elemente ce pot creiona o imagine pozitivă.

  18. "We're still in a struggle": Diné resilience, survival, historical trauma, and healing. (United States)

    Goodkind, Jessica R; Hess, Julia Meredith; Gorman, Beverly; Parker, Danielle P


    As part of a community/university collaborative effort to promote the mental health and well-being of Diné (Navajo) youth, we explored the relevance of addressing historical trauma and current structural stressors, and of building on individual and community strengths through healing and social transformation at multiple levels. Qualitative analyses of 74 ethnographic interviews with 37 Diné youth, parents, and grandparents suggested that a focus on historical trauma as a conceptual frame for behavioral health inequities, understood within the context of resilience and survival, is appropriate. Our findings also highlight the salience of current stressors such as poverty and violence exposure. We explore the fit of an historical trauma healing framework and present implications for intervention and transformation through revitalization of traditional knowledge, culturally based healing practices, intergenerational education, and social change strategies designed to eliminate social inequities.


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    Angela GLOBA


    Full Text Available În articolul de faţă este abordat procesul didactico-istoric de studiere a tehnicilor de programare în ciclul preuniversitar din Republica Moldova. Se examinează procesul de dezvoltare şi modernizare a curriculumului disciplinar la Informatică în perioada 1985-2015, compartimentul Tehnici de programare. În atenţie este luată viziunea şi percepţia profesorilor de infor­matică şi a elevilor vizavi de procesul de predare-învăţare a compartimentului Tehnici de programare în învăţă­mântul preuniversitar, expus în cadrul unei chestionări reprezentative din punct de vedere geografic. STUDYING INFORMATICS IN PREUNIVERSITARY EDUCATION BY USING METHODSAND MODERN PROGRAMMING TEHNIQUESThis article aims at studying the historical-didactic process regarding the programming techniques in the pre­uni­versi­tary system in the Republic of Moldova. The development and modernization of the curriculum in Computer Science during 1985-2015 on programming techniques and methods is examined. The article is studying vision and perception of informatics teachers and Olympic students on Computer Science, conducted in a geographically representative question­naire, in relation to the teaching-learning process of the technique programming compartment in the preuniversitary education.


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    Nicolae DUDNICENCO


    Full Text Available Articolul vizează producerea, comercializarea şi consumul băuturilor alcoolice în oraşele din Rzeczpospolita (a berii, a votcii, a miedului şi din Ţara Moldovei (a vinului, a rachiului, a berii, a brăgii în sec. XVI-XVII. Se investighează mo­dul de producere, comercializare, precum şi taxele care se percepeau pentru băuturile alcoolice în oraşele din teri­toriul dat. Producerea băuturilor alcoolice aducea venituri mari economiei oraşelor din spaţiul indicat supra.PRODUCTION AND COMMERCIALISATION OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKS IN RZECZPOSPOLITA AND MOLDOVA PRINCIPALITY CITIES (XVI-XVII C.The article targeting the production, marketing and consumption of alcoholic drinks in the cities from Rzeczpospolita (beer, vodka, mead and from Moldova (wine, spirits, beer, braga in the XVI-XVII c. It have been investigated the mode of production, sell and taxes at which were subjected the alcoholic drinks in the cities on that territory. Production of alcoholic drinks brought substantial revenues to the economy of the cities from the indicated area.

  1. The National Socialist State in the View of Norbert Frei O estado nacional-socialista na ótica de Norbert Frei

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    Marco Pais Neves dos Santos


    Full Text Available This article has as context World War II, the largest and bloodiest conflict in human history, and is the conception of the National Socialist State produced by Norbert Frei, one of the most influential historians of our time, in his work: The State of Hitler: The national Socialist power from 1933 to 1945. It has as object how Norbert Frei conceives German history between the years of 1933-1945, and his critical eye on the National Socialist State, analysing not only from the standpoint of ideological crime and Social Darwinism, but also through the political and social history, including questioning the involvement and acceptance by society of Hitler's German government, revealing that despite Norbert Frei was born in Germany , he has never been hostage to the past, and always sought to open the debate, countering the difficulty of many Germans to remember Nazism, for whom "German guilt" of a pact with the regime, especially in the Holocaust, led them to hide for a few decades their recent past, what includes the intellectual circuits.Este artigo tem como perspetiva enquadrante a II Guerra Mundial, o maior e mais sangrento conflito da história da humanidade, e trata a conceção do Estado Nacional-Socialista produzida por Norbert Frei, um dos mais influentes historiadores da atualidade, na sua obra: O Estado de Hitler: o poder nacional-socialista de 1933 a 1945. Tem como objeto a forma como Norbert Frei concebe a história alemã, entre os anos de 1933-1945, e o seu olhar crítico sobre o Estado Nacional-Socialista, analisando-o não só do ponto de vista do crime ideológico, do darwinismo social, mas também através da história política e social, inclusive, questionando a participação e aceitação pela sociedade alemã da governação de Hitler, revelando que, apesar de ser um historiador natural da Alemanha, nunca esteve refém do passado e sempre procurou abrir o debate, contrariando a dificuldade de muitos alemães em recordarem o

  2. Doctor Shoja-ad-Din Sheikholeslamzadeh and his Achievements

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    Ahmadreza Afshar


    Full Text Available Doctor Shoja-ad-Din Sheikholeslamzadeh (also known as Dr. Sheikh (1931-2014 was an outstanding orthopedic surgeon. He is credited for the establishment of the Iranian Association of Rehabilitation, Shafa Yahyaian Hospital as an Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Center, the Social Welfare Organization, Iran’s emergency dispatch center (115 and many other major projects that led to the upgrading of health care services in Iran. He also served as the Minister of Social Welfare and Minister of Health and Welfare before the Islamic revolution. The history of modern health care management and modern orthopedic surgery in Iran are indebted to the great leadership and executive abilities of Dr. Sheikh

  3. Dinámica y control poblacional de insectos


    Anabel Albornoz, Teresita


    Anais do I Encontro de Iniciação Científica e de Extensão da Unila - Sessão de Ciências Biológicas. Dia 05/06/12 - 08h00 às 12h00, Unila-Centro - Sala 14 - 3o Piso El presente proyecto de investigación trata de la dinámica poblacional de insectos, la relación com depre - dadores y la interacción de ambos con plantaciones de frutas. El objetivo es buscar el realismo en la fór - mula predador-presa, en relación al tiempo y al espacio, según Lotka-Volterra. Esto significa, encontrar ...

  4. Doctor Shoja-ad-Din Sheikholeslamzadeh and his Achievements. (United States)

    Afshar, Ahmadreza; Ziaei, Majid Eyvaz; Ahmadi, Aziz


    Doctor Shoja-ad-Din Sheikholeslamzadeh (also known as Dr. Sheikh) (1931-2014) was an outstanding orthopedic surgeon. He is credited for the establishment of the Iranian Association of Rehabilitation, Shafa Yahyaian Hospital as an Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Center, the Social Welfare Organization, Iran's emergency dispatch center (115) and many other major projects that led to the upgrading of health care services in Iran. He also served as the Minister of Social Welfare and Minister of Health and Welfare before the Islamic revolution. The history of modern health care management and modern orthopedic surgery in Iran are indebted to the great leadership and executive abilities of Dr. Sheikh.


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    Stela GÎNJU


    Full Text Available Este recunoscut faptul că asupra dezvoltării globale a copiilor un rol esențial are mediul de învățare, care este constituit din mai multe elemente. Unul dintre elementele principale în grădinița de copii sunt panourile educaționale. Acestea trebuie să corespundă anumitor cerințe metodologice: reprezentativitate, accesibilitate, funcționalitate etc. Studiul empiric este realizat pe un eșantion de cca 50 de cadre didactice din instituțiile de educație timpurie din Republica Moldova cu scopul de a determina valoarea formativ-dez­vol­tativă a panourilor educaționale. Partea formativă a cercetării s-a realizat printr-un master-class, unde au fost confecționate panouri educaționale ieftine și funcționale.THE FORMATIVE-DEVELOPER VALUE OF THE EDUCATIONAL PANELS IN THE KINDERGARTENAn essential role in the development of children all over the world is played by the learning environment, which consists of several elements. One of its main parts in the kindergarten is represented by the educa­tio­nal panels, which should respect some methodological requirements, such as: representativeness, accessibility; functionality, etc. The empirical study is realized on a sample of about 50 teachers from the early educational institutions from the Republic of Moldova, in order to determine the formative-developer value of the edu­cational panels. The formative part of the research was realized via a master-class, where there were created inexpensive and functional educational panels.

  6. Images d’un camp de vacances en pays socialiste

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    Ania Szczepanska


    Full Text Available En 1976, Marcel Lozinski choisit d’aller filmer un camp de vacances organisé par le mouvement de la jeunesse socialiste dans la région des lacs de Mazurie en Pologne. Le cinéaste décide de filmer le quotidien de ces jeunes familles en vacances, entre quiz politiques, leçons de savoir vivre et concours de la famille modèle. Pour cela, il élabore un protocole de travail singulier : aux vacanciers s’ajoutent des personnes complices du cinéaste dont le rôle sera pour certains de participer activement à la vie collective, pour d’autres de s’y opposer.Tourné en 1976, le documentaire Comment vivre attendra cinq années avant d’être diffusé en salle, en tant que fiction. Pourquoi cette diffusion retardée et surtout, que penser de cette requalification a posteriori ? Outre l’analyse du film lui-même, un entretien mené avec Marcel Lozinski ainsi que des archives consultées à la filmothèque de Varsovie apporteront des éléments d’analyse sur la réception de l’œuvre par les autorités cinématographiques de l’époque, mais également sur le sens produit par les dispositifs mis en place par le cinéaste au cours de ce tournage.

  7. The socialist regime: The intellectual origin of the images

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    Dmitry Shlapentokh


    Full Text Available Every phenomenon exists in several dimensions. It has several ontological attributes, so to speak, which provide opportunities for a variety of interpretations. The Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet regime could be an example. At the beginning of Soviet history the revolution was seen as the beginning of a worldwide revolution opening an era of liberation for workers all over the world. As the Soviet regime solidified its position, the hope for worldwide revolution faded. In the new context, observers, especially outside Russia, looked at the regime from a different perspective. For them it represented the country's national interests, and its socialist slogans should not be taken at face value. Some believed post-revolutionary Russia was similar to post-revolutionary France and was experiencing its “Thermidor.” Others assumed the revolution showed Russia as a “Eurasian” state where all ethnic/religious groups lived in “symbiosis.” Finally, some assumed the Soviet regime would lead to the transformation of the human species and the human conquest of cosmos. This transition from one image to another does not mean that one illusion, one “wrong” image, follows another. It also does not mean the very notion of true meaning is meaningless simply because no reality exists as a fixed entity, and one could therefore “construct” any type of reality. It simply means that there are many attributes of the revolution, which are revealed in the course of time.

  8. Medidas dinámicas de predictibilidad en el índice s&p 500 y sus determinantes

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    Javier Humberto Ospina Holguín


    Full Text Available El objeto de este estudio es medir la predictibilidad del índice accionario estadounidense S&P 500 y establecer posibles determinantes de esta predictibilidad. La predictibilidad se ha estudiado ampliamente, pero en pocos casos mediante medidas dinámicas y per se, como se hace aquí. Para establecer la predictibilidad se utilizan la medida eta del campo de las redes neuronales, el valor p del test de la razón de varianzas del campo de la econometría financiera y el análisis de fluctuación sin tendencia del campo de la econofísica. Se construye un algoritmo de inversión basado en las medidas dinámicas de predictibilidad que es mejor que la estrategia de comprar y mantenerse en el periodo estudiado. Para la medida más promisoria, se establece una relación empírica entre la predictibilidad y varios factores económicos y financieros. El panorama que arroja este estudio es el de un mercado que no es estáticamente predecible, sino cuya predictibilidad evoluciona dinámicamente en el tiempo, lo cual es compatible con la hipótesis del mercado adaptativo.

  9. Instrumentos de avaliação da postura dinâmica: aplicabilidade ao ambiente escolar

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    Matias Noll

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Para que a avaliação da postura dinâmica seja efetivada é necessário, primeiramente, conhecer os diversos instrumentos, disponíveis e validados na literatura, apropriados para esse fim. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste artigo de revisão sistemática foi descrever, sintetizar e analisar criticamente os instrumentos encontrados na literatura que objetivem avaliar a postura dinâmica, tanto em adultos quanto em escolares, e refletir sobre a possibilidade de utilização desses métodos no ambiente escolar. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma busca sistemática de artigos em bases de dados (Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, SciELO publicados a partir da década de 1980 e no Banco de Teses e Dissertações da Capes. As palavras-chave utilizadas na busca pelos artigos foram back, spine, back injuries, school, back school, postural hygiene program, education, child, student, posture, em combinação com as palavras-chave evaluation, assessment, measurement, e os respectivos termos em português. Os instrumentos propostos deveriam preencher os seguintes critérios: (a avaliar a postura corporal durante a realização de atividades da vida diária (AVDs; (b utilizar critérios pré-definidos de avaliação da postura dinâmica; e (c avaliar a postura a partir de observação, direta ou a partir de filmagem. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados oito artigos originais que apresentam instrumentos de avaliação da postura dinâmica, avaliando a execução de AVDs a partir de critérios biomecânicos pré-definidos por escalas numéricas; destes, apenas quatro instrumentos foram elaborados com o propósito de avaliar a execução de AVDs de escolares. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: Em geral, os instrumentos apresentam algumas limitações metodológicas, embora sejam de fácil aplicabilidade.

  10. Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Board of Governors approved the Additional Protocol on 6 March 2007. It was signed on 10 August 2007 in Vienna, Austria. Pursuant to Article 17 of the Additional Protocol, the Protocol entered into force on 17 September 2012, the date on which the Agency received from the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam written notification that Vietnam's statutory and constitutional requirements for entry into force had been met [fr

  11. Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Board of Governors approved the Additional Protocol on 6 March 2007. It was signed on 10 August 2007 in Vienna, Austria. Pursuant to Article 17 of the Additional Protocol, the Protocol entered into force on 17 September 2012, the date on which the Agency received from the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam written notification that Vietnam's statutory and constitutional requirements for entry into force had been met [es

  12. Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Board of Governors approved the Additional Protocol on 6 March 2007. It was signed on 10 August 2007 in Vienna, Austria. Pursuant to Article 17 of the Additional Protocol, the Protocol entered into force on 17 September 2012, the date on which the Agency received from the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam written notification that Vietnam's statutory and constitutional requirements for entry into force had been met


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    Maricica COLŢUN


    Full Text Available În lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele unui studiu vast privind biologia, compoziția chimică, fitochimia cantitativă și calitativă a uleiului volatil din specia Perovskia atriplicifolia, care se comportă ca plantă perenă, erbacee din familia Lamiaceae. În R. Moldova nu este cercetată ca plantă aromatică şi medicinală. Are o plasticitate ecologică mare, nu are cerinţe deosebite faţă de factorii climaterici. Se utilizează pentru proprietăţile sale febrifuge, în medicină – pentru scăderea febrei, deține proprietăți culinare dar şi decorative ori de purificare a aerului.THE COMPLEX STUDY OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL OF THE SPECIESPEROVSCHIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA BENTH.The paper presents the results of a vast study on the biology, chemical composition and qualitative phytochemistry of the essential oil of the species Perovskia atriplicifolia, which behaves like a perennial, herbaceous plant in the Lamiaceae family. In theRepublic ofMoldova, it has not been investigated as an aromatic and medicinal plant. It has a high ecological plasticity and no special requirements to climatic factors. It has febrifuge properties and is used in medicine to reduce fever. Besides, this plant is used for culinary, ornamental purposes and for air purification.

  14. Text of the agreement between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document informs that the Czech Republic succeeded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons on 1 January 1993 and to the agreement between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the above treaty

  15. Text of the agreement between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document informs that the Slovak Republic succeeded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons on 1 January 1993 and to the agreement between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the above treaty

  16. Metodología integral y dinámica aplicada a la programación y control de proyectos

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    Leonardo José Gonzalez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta la aplicación de la metodología integral y dinámica en la programación y control dinámico de proyectos. Para esto, a partir de la metodología se desarrolla un modelo que combina redes de actividad AON (actividad en el nodo bajo los supuestos CPM, ejecución multimodo y dinámica de sistemas. El modelo se operacionaliza por medio del desarrollo de una red de programación y una red de ejecución que interactúan a través de un bucle de control. La propuesta se valida utilizando las redes de 16 actividades de la librería MRCPSP de PSPLIB. El modelo derivado de la metodología presenta ventajas significativas en los indicadores característicos en gestión de proyectos. El trabajo concluye con la propuesta de nuevas combinaciones de herramientas, que unidas a la metodología permiten abordar problemas de programación y control de proyectos con mayor variabilidad y complejidad.

  17. Understanding low fertility in Poland: Demographic consequences of gendered discrimination in employment and post-socialist neoliberal restructuring

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    Joanna Z. Mishtal


    Full Text Available After the state socialist regime of Poland collapsed in 1989, the nation's total fertility rate plummeted from 2.1 to 1.27 by 2007. Simultaneously, Poland severely reduced social service provisions and restricted access to family planning. A three-month mixed-methods research study was conducted in 2007 in Gdansk to investigate Polish women's reproductive intentions and decision making. These data reveal that discriminatory practices by employers against pregnant women and women with small children are decisive in women's decisions to postpone or forego childbearing. The case of Poland demonstrates the urgent need to redress fundamental gendered discrimination in employment before work-family reconciliation policies can be effective.

  18. Modelizaciones Dinámicas en Matemáticas. Usos del Geogebra

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    Isabel Álvarez García-Mon


    Full Text Available El CD-ROM “Modelizaciones Dinámicas en Matemáticas. Usos del GeoGebra” es un material destinado a profesores de Matemáticas de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato. Consta de once proyectos diferentes sobre modelización matemática, en los que, utilizando el software GeoGebra, se resuelven problemas matemáticos basados en situaciones del mundo real.

  19. Osservazione dei fenomeni deformativi nel centro di Roma. Dall'applicazione di tecniche avanzate DInSAR, all'analisi qualitativa della natura del rumore dei dati COSMO Sky-Med


    Massimo Morigi


    This work was created to focus the attention on a particular aspect of theequivocation (aliasing) of the measurements made with Differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) X-band for the presence of snow. Such equivocationemerge after a careful interpretation of the results obtained through theapplication of techniques Advanced DInSAR (A-DInSAR) for the observation ofthe deformation phenomena of the monumental structures in the center ofRome. The qualitative analysis have enabled the identificat...

  20. Pañoletas y polainas. Dinámicas de la moda en la Cuba soviética


    Cabrera Arús, Maria Antonia


    Resumen: El texto explora el rol de las dinámicas de la moda en la consolidación del socialismo de estado de tipo soviético en Cuba. Se afirma que la moda participó de dinámicas de dominación, legitimación y control en los años 1960s y 1970s. Se sostiene que el régimen cubano promovió significados denotativos de la cultura material que conectaron de manera directa valores políticos y estilos de la moda, y se ofrecen ejemplos que acercan el estudio de este país a los estudios contemporáneos de...

  1. O enfermeiro como coordenador de grupos: contribuições da Dinâmica de Grupo

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    Carla Natalina da Silva Fernandes


    Full Text Available Na enfermagem a utilização do recurso grupal tem sido utilizada para trabalhar com pessoas o que exige dos profissionais um conhecimento específico, para atender aos objetivos do grupo sem causar danos aos envolvidos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi discutir à luz do referencial teórico da Dinâmica de Grupo os atributos desejáveis para o enfermeiro como coordenador de grupos, suas possibilidades e limitações. Trata-se de uma investigação teórica, de natureza descritiva e analítica desenvolvida por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica. Consideramos como fontes bibliográficas, inicialmente, os livros clássicos de Lewin (1948, Mailhiot (1981 e Cartwright e Zander (1975 por serem as primeiras referências na construção da ciência da dinâmica de grupo e, ainda, para a discussão teórica, a contribuição de outros autores da literatura contemporânea nacional e internacional, de acordo com sua adequação ao objetivo proposto nesse trabalho. A análise das obras foi direcionada pelo interesse na busca de elementos para o alcance do objetivo proposto. Estruturamos os resultados do trabalho em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo Dinâmica e Funcionamento de Grupo: perspectiva histórica, conceito e fundamentos, traz conceitos fundamentais sobre a origem da dinâmica de grupo e os pressupostos iniciais. Discutimos as diferentes e complementares concepções de grupo, sendo que a fundamentação teórica e filosófica do coordenador norteará o caminho da satisfação dos objetivos propostos pelo grupo. No segundo capítulo Coordenação de Grupos: fundamentos da Ciência da Dinâmica de Grupo, abordamos os aspectos da coordenação de grupo, incluindo o planejamento e várias fases que o grupo percorre no seu desenvolvimento. Discutimos ainda os fundamentos para a sistematização da atividade grupal. No último capítulo: O enfermeiro como coordenador de grupos: discutindo caminhos para a atuação na assistência, formação de

  2. Fundamentos e métodos de medidas de energia dinâmica no SPT

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    Antonio Belincanta


    Full Text Available Discutem-se neste trabalho os métodos disponíveis no Brasil e no exterior para a medida da energia transferida às hastes no SPT, apresentando-se inclusive registros típicos dos eventos dinâmicos correspondentes

  3. Gestión dinámica de conocimiento organizacional

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    José Francisco Mirabal


    Full Text Available La presente investigación propone elementos que guían la conformación de organizaciones dinámicas en conocimiento de comportamiento inteligente, a partir del desarrollo de capacidades y estructuras distintivas articuladas que agregan valor diferenciador en la organización. Para ello, se efectuó un estudio no experimental donde se aplicó un modelo mixto complejo, que consistió en una revisión documental para identificar elementos del marco estratégico-táctico de sustentación, un intercambio con expertos con los fines de determinar aspectos mediadores, socializadores de sustento cognitivo y la elaboración de un estudio proyectivo para proponer soluciones que permitan una forma ágil de construir conocimiento para la acción. En el análisis se observó, que la gestión de conocimiento está condicionada mayormente por dominios cognitivos aislados, es poco socializada, no está generalmente interrelacionada con hechos significativos internos o externos y habitualmente, la información requerida, está desagregada en sistemas aislados. Asimismo, se prevé que para asimilar la alta variabilidad del entorno dar agilidad operacional, así como también facilitar la organización interna, es imprescindible articular objetos de conocimiento mediante estructuras integradas sistémicamente para que exista interconexión ágil desde la perspectiva individual, grupal y organizacional, tanto interna como externa para inducir de manera inteligente conocimiento que en forma dinámica genere acciones acertadas en tiempo real

  4. Las dinámicas interactivas en el ámbito universitario: el clima de aula

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    Zulay Pereira-Pérez


    Full Text Available Recibido 28 de julio de 2009 • Aceptado 02 de diciembre de 2009 • Corregido 20 de marzo de 2010     Las relaciones interpersonales en el ámbito humano cobran vital sentido desde el nacimiento y se van conformando en los procesos de interacción y socialización. El contexto educativo no está exento de procesos comunicativos e interactivos. Es en el aula de clase, donde, de manera más específica, se pueden identificar dichos procesos. El aula puede ser entendida como el espacio físico-humano, en el cual se desarrollan dinámicas a partir de las interacciones entre el profesorado y el grupo estudiantil, los contenidos, las estrategias de aprendizaje y el clima de aula que de ello se genera; aspectos todos, que como parte de los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje están presentes en el ámbito de la clase. Es interesante analizar el clima de aula y las dinámicas interactivas que en ella se desarrollan, independientemente de la edad del estudiante –ya sea que se trate de infantes, adolescentes o adultos–. En este caso particular, se analiza el clima de aula en el ámbito universitario, entendiendo que las dinámicas interactivas que en el aula se desarrollen, determinan un ambiente propicio o no, para el proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje, que ha de ser considerado, si se opta por una educación integral y de calidad.

  5. World War II Aerial Bombings of Germany: Fear as Subject of National Socialist Governmental Practices

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    Torben Möbius


    Full Text Available This paper highlights how the National Socialist regime in Germany created the so-called «Selbstschutz» («self protection» in civil air defense as an «apparatus of society» (Michel Foucault to educate the German population with regard to the new possibility of aerial bombing. Mechanisms, functions of emotional control and their relationship to concrete practices of the people involved are shown alongside a local example. Regarding the spread and development of fears, this article maintains that practices of «Selbstschutz» had to bridge the temporal gap between future expectations and actual experiences in crucial ways. Before the war, «Selbstschutz» followed its own logic of expectation of danger and risk, as exemplified in aerial-defense simulation exercises, which clashed with the reality of bombs falling on German cities later on.

  6. Connection and Community: Diné College Emphasizes Real-World Experience in Public Health (United States)

    Bauer, Mark


    The Summer Research Enhancement Program (SREP) at Diné College provides students with a solid foundation of public health research methods and includes a hands-on internship in their home community to test their newly acquired skills while enhancing the communities' health. Focusing on health issues prioritized by Navajo health leaders, from…

  7. Role of RecA protein in untargeted UV mutagenesis of bacteriophage lambda: evidence for the requirement for the dinB gene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brotcorne-Lannoye, A.; Maenhaut-Michel, G.


    Untargeted UV mutagenesis of bacteriophage lambda--i.e., the increased recovery of lambda mutants when unirradiated lambda infects UV-irradiated Escherichia coli--is thought to be mediated by a transient decrease in DNA replication fidelity, generating mutations in the newly synthesized strands. Using the bacteriophage lambda cI857----lambda c mutation system, we provide evidence that the RecA protein, shown previously to be required for this mutagenic pathway, is no longer needed when the LexA protein is inactivated by mutation. We suggest that the error-prone DNA replication responsible for UV-induced untargeted mutagenesis is turned on by the presence of replication-blocking lesions in the host cell DNA and that the RecA protein is required only to derepress the relevant din gene(s). This is in contrast to mutagenesis of irradiated bacteria or irradiated phage lambda, in which activated RecA protein has a second role in mutagenesis in addition to the cleavage of the LexA protein. Among the tested din genes, the dinB gene product (in addition to the uvrA and uvrB gene products) was found to be required for untargeted mutagenesis of bacteriophage lambda. To our knowledge, a phenotype associated with the dinB gene has not been reported previously

  8. Agreements Provided for in the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Declarations Received from Bulgaria, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Hungary and Poland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Director General has received from the Governments of Bulgaria, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Hungary and Poland declarations in which they express their readiness, in conformity with the obligations they have assumed under Article III of the Treaty on the Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, to begin negotiation of safeguards agreements with the Agency. The texts of these declarations are reproduced below for the information of all Members.

  9. Agreements Provided for in the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Declarations Received from Bulgaria, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Hungary and Poland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Director General has received from the Governments of Bulgaria, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Hungary and Poland declarations in which they express their readiness, in conformity with the obligations they have assumed under Article III of the Treaty on the Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, to begin negotiation of safeguards agreements with the Agency. The texts of these declarations are reproduced below for the information of all Members

  10. Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context: the Case of Hungary

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    David KOVACS


    Full Text Available Entrepreneurial orientation provoked the interest of numerous scholars as well as political and administrative decision-makers. Both start-ups and already established corporate entities are increasingly persecuting new opportunities, products, and business models in order to establish superiority above their competitive environment. The tendencies evince an optimist impact of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance, namely on financial performance. Beyond the aforementioned relationship, there are impulses such as environmental and organizational factors, which are affecting the businesses. The results of this study provide evidence of the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance in a post-socialist context. We test the impact of three moderators on this bivariate relationship. In contrast to the substantial body of literature for Western markets, we contribute to minimizing the considerable gap of research in post-socialist economies. Entrepreneurial orientation as an organizational behavior may affect the financial performance of businesses differently in distinct market contexts. Both, internal and external factors are crucial to identifying, analyze and monitor, to achieve superior performance and to overcome competitors. This study builds upon a stratified sampling survey of Hungarian company owners and managers from the Amadeus database. The study uses a deductive approach. For the analysis, we rely on structural equation modeling using the PLS algorithm. Our study contributes to the existing literature by means of confirming the entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance relationship for Hungary. In this context, we test the moderating effects of environmental dynamism, environmental hostility as environmental factors and firm age as an organizational factor. Environmental hostility is closely related to an unfavorable environment, deriving from rapid and radical changes in the industry, which are

  11. Estimación de modelos econométricos dinámicos lineales en tiempo continuo con observaciones discretas y medidas con error


    Nuño Sevilla, Luis Enrique


    El problema considerado en esta tesis es la estimación de los parámetros de modelos econométricos dinámicos lineales gaussianos formulados en tiempo continuo cuando las observaciones son discretas y se recogen a intervalos irregulares de tiempo. Además, se permite la posibilidad de que las observaciones difieran de las variables cuya dinámica se representa en el modelo.


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    Full Text Available Proteoliza globulinei de rezervă 11S din seminţele de arahide, Ara h3, cu papaină începe cu cuscindarea secvenței C-terminale extinse a α-catenelor, care cuprinde regiunea α-helixurilor. Clivarea ulterioară a buclei dintre β-strendurile E' şi F' din partea centrală a β-barrelui din α-catene duce la formarea fragmentelor, legate cu β-catenele intacte prin legătură disulfidică, precum şi reţinute în molecula globulinei 11S parţial hidrolizată prin interacţiuni necovalente. Conform scenariului proteolizei descrise, acţiunea iniţială a papainei distruge regiunea C-terminală a α-catenelor, în care sunt prezenţi trei din cei patru determinanţi antigenici (epitopii IgE, identificaţi în globulina 11S din arahide. Astfel, gradul de alergenicitate a Ara h3 poate fi substanțial redus prin proteoliza sa limitată cu papaină.ALLERGEN ARA H3, STORAGE 11S GLOBULIN FROM PEANUT SEEDS 1. PAPAIN LIMITED PROTEOLYSISPapain proteolysis of the storage 11S globulin Ara h3 from peanut seeds starts from the detachment of an extended a-chain C-terminal sequence covering the region of a-helices. Further cleavage of a loop between b-strands E’ and F’ inside the central part of a-chain b-barrel occurs generating fragments connected with intact b-chains via a disulfide bond and those retained inside the molecule of partially hydrolyzed 11S globulin due to non-covalent interactions. In accordance with the described proteolysis scenario, the C-terminal a-chain region containing three of the four antigen determinants (IgE epitopes identified in the peanut 11S globulin is destroyed during the initial papain action. Therefore, the level of Ara h3 allergenicity can be decreased via papain limited proteolysis.

  13. Dinámica institucional de la Representación. Individualismo y partidos en la Cámara de Diputados

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    Carlos Alberto MARQUÉS NOVAES


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Determinados rasgos históricos de las instituciones políticas brasileñas -forma de gobierno y sistema electoral principalmente-inciden en la dinámica interna del Congreso. El autor analiza como se desarrollan las diversas actividades vinculadas a la producción legislativa y pone en evidencia una dinámica individualista que anula la posibilidad de desarrollar estrategias cooperativas. No obstante, el estudio de las votaciones sobre determinadas cuestiones niega la hipótesis de que esta dinámica elimine la existencia de un posicionamiento ideológico dentro del Congreso sobre el eje izquierda-derecha.ABSTRACT: It is analyzed how specific historical features of brazilean political institutions -specially, type of government and electoral system- influence in the internal dynamic of Congress. The author analyzes the process of legislative production and underlines an individualistic dynamic which cancel the possibility to develop cooperative strategies. However, the study possibility to develop cooperative strategies. However, the study of votings about specific questions denyes the hypothesis which sets up that this kind of dynamic eliminates the existence of an ideological position inside the Congress in the axis left-right.


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    Joanna Sadowska


    Full Text Available The political system of the Polish People’s Republic was modelled on the Soviet one. Polish youth organizations had the ambitions of being counterparts of Komsomol: they adopted similar work methods and tried to play a similar role in the country. The obvious differences resulted from the specificity of each country and the differences in the societies. The most deeply rooted in the memory of Poles is the Socialist Youth Union, which, being the most stable, existed for almost 20 years with nearly 1.3 million members in the early 1970s. The Union was closely connected with the Polish United Workers’ Party and it had to accomplish two main kinds of political task: to select and prepare future members of the Party, both ordinary and those in the managerial positions, and to educate the whole young generation. The Party indeed treated the organization as its agency, an office dealing with the affairs of youths. However, non-political activity of the Union (culture, entertainment, tourism, etc. was much more effective and evaluated more positively. Actually, there was much more falsehood in the Union: many members were almost completely passive and the work was often only simulated.

  15. Una aproximación metodológica para el modelamiento organizacional bajo un enfoque de dinámica de sistemas


    Arango Serna, Martin Darío


    EI objetivo de este trabajo es elaborar unas paulas metodológicas basadas en dinámica de sistemas que permitan experimentar estrategias de cambia en las organizaciones. Es un proyecto de investigaci6n que surge ante la necesidad de involucrar en los procesos del modelamiento organizacional el pensamiento sistémico conjuntamente con la dinámica de sistemas, como una herramienta ágil para la toma de decisiones en las políticas gerenciales del mundo empresarial moderno. EI pensamiento de...

  16. Universal patterns or the tale of two systems? Mathematics achievement and educational expectations in post-socialist Europe. (United States)

    Bodovski, Katerina; Kotok, Stephen; Henck, Adrienne


    Although communist ideology claimed to destroy former class stratification based on labor market capitalist relationships, de facto during socialism one social class hierarchy was substituted for another that was equally unequal. The economic transition during the 1990s increased stratification by wealth, which affected educational inequality. This study examines the relationships among parental education, gender, educational expectations, and mathematics achievement of youths in five post-socialist Eastern European countries, comparing them with three Western countries. We employed the 8 th -grade data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1995 and 2007. The findings point to the universal associations between parental education and student outcomes, whereas gender comparisons present interesting East-West differences. The theoretical and policy implications of these findings are discussed.

  17. Using Natural Sciences for Cultural Expansion: The National Socialist Agenda for the Balkans

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    Maria Zarifi


    Full Text Available This article highlights the political merit natural sciences were awarded under the totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany and their propagandistic role in Hitler's foreign policy agenda for the Balkans, a region which was expected to replace Germany's colonies lost in World War I. It accounts further for the policies and strategies National Socialists used to exert cultural influence on the countries of South-East Europe, namely through a number of institutions with which natural sciences were in one way or another involved in order to promote German culture abroad. The promotion of the German language and, to a certain degree, the Nazi ideology was a precondition for familiarising the Balkan countries with German scientific achievements, which would pave the way for an economic and political infiltration in that region. Therefore, natural sciences, as part of the German intellect, acquired political and economic connotations hidden behind the euphemistic term of cultural policy, designed for this region of geopolitical importance. The article is based almost exclusively on unpublished German records.

  18. Desempenho do equilíbrio dinâmico de escolares ouvintes e com perda auditiva sensorioneural

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    Renato de Souza Melo


    Full Text Available Introdução: O equilíbrio corporal humano é regulado pela atuação sensorial do sistema vestibular, situado na orelha interna. Crianças com perda auditiva sensorioneural podem apresentar alterações no sistema vestibular e, consequentemente, no equilíbrio corporal, em decorrência da lesão na orelha interna. Objetivos: Avaliar o equilíbrio dinâmico em escolares ouvintes e com perda auditiva sensorioneural e comparar os dados entre os grupos considerando os sexos e as faixas etárias. Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal, que avaliou 96 escolares, sendo 48 ouvintes e 48 com perda auditiva sensorioneural, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária entre sete e 18 anos. A avaliação do equilíbrio dinâmico foi realizada por meio do teste de Babinski-Weil e do teste de Fukuda. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizado o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson, tendo em vista a distribuição de normalidade dos dados. Resultados: Os escolares com perda auditiva apresentaram maior ocorrência de alterações no equilíbrio dinâmico comparado aos ouvintes: teste de Babinski-Weil e teste de Fukuda: (p<0,001. A mesma diferença foi observada quando os voluntários foram agrupados pelos sexos: feminino e masculino: teste de Babinski-Weil e teste de Fukuda: (p<0,001. Estratificando-se pelas faixas etárias, os resultados apontaram diferenças, entre todos os grupos etários avaliados: teste de Babinski-Weil: sete a 14 anos: (p<0,001 e 15-18 anos: (p= 0,004, teste de Fukuda: sete a 18 anos: (p<0,001. Conclusão: Os escolares com perda auditiva apresentaram maior ocorrência de alterações no equilíbrio dinâmico que os ouvintes do mesmo sexo e faixa etária.

  19. Dinâmica de redes de osciladores de Fitzhugh-Nagumo


    Santos, Juliana Vicente dos


    O modelo de Fitzhugh-Nagumo é composto originalmente por um sistema de duas equações diferenciais não-lineares, que simulam o comportamento de condução do impulso nervoso através da membrana neural. Neste trabalho estudamos numericamente o comportamento dinâmico de redes de neurônios acoplados, modeladas pelas equações de Fitzhugh-Nagumo. Consideramos redes de dois, três e quatro neurônios acoplados unidirecionalmente e bidirecionalmente, para as quais foram construídos espaços de parâmetros ...

  20. Of mice and men: evolution and the socialist utopia. William Morris, H.G. Wells, and George Bernard Shaw. (United States)

    Hale, Piers J


    During the British socialist revival of the 1880s competing theories of evolution were central to disagreements about strategy for social change. In News from Nowhere (1891), William Morris had portrayed socialism as the result of Lamarckian processes, and imagined a non-Malthusian future. H.G. Wells, an enthusiastic admirer of Morris in the early days of the movement, became disillusioned as a result of the Malthusianism he learnt from Huxley and his subsequent rejection of Lamarckism in light of Weismann's experiments on mice. This brought him into conflict with his fellow Fabian, George Bernard Shaw, who rejected neo-Darwinism in favour of a Lamarckian conception of change he called "creative evolution."

  1. Comportamiento mecánico y dinámico de una mezcla asfáltica con adición de fibras

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    Oscar Javier Reyes Ortiz


    Full Text Available El artículo refiere el análisis experimental en el laboratorio, del efecto de la adición de fibras de polipropileno por vía seca (reemplazo de material granular por fibra sobre las propiedades mecánicas y dinámicas de una mezcla. Inicialmente se caracteriza el material granular y asfalto CA60/70, se realiza el diseño de la mezcla asfáltica de granulometría 0/10 (IDU RSV 2002 y asfalto de acuerdo con la metodología Marshall; se evalúa el efecto de fibras sobre las propiedades mecánicas mediante la evaluación de la estabilidad y fluencia, y dinámicamente por su valor de deformación permanente y modulo dinámico. Los resultados muestran un efecto positivo de las fibras en la modificación de la mezcla asfáltica. El modulo dinámico aumenta en un 45% promedio en un porcentaje de adición de 0.60%; la deformación permanente disminuye en 27.6% para una adición de fibras de 0.60% y 48.8% para la adición de fibras de 0.75%, respectivamente. Este comportamiento refleja otra alternativa eficaz para mejorar la mezcla asfáltica, aumentando la resistencia a la disgregación por efecto abrasivo del tráfico y retardando el inicio y propagación del agrietamiento por ahuellamiento

  2. Educação para o uso da internet - uma abordagem através das dinâmicas de grupo


    Tinoco, Rui


    Coletânea de dinâmicas de grupo que aborda o tema de um uso saudável da interenet. Através de diversas perspetivas e temas aborda-se várias áreas e práticas usuais. As dinâmicas de grupo destinam-se não apenas aos mais novos mas também a professores e educadores em geral. A obra pretende assim ser uma ferramenta para todo aquele que pretenda estudar e intervir sobre a temática do uso saudável da internet.

  3. Convergencia, divergencia y estratificación. Estudio comparativo de la dinámica de crecimiento de la manufactura en los municipios mexicanos y los condados estadunidenses

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    Rodolfo Cermeño


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza la dinámica del valor agregado manufacturero per capita como proxy del ingreso per capita de los municipios de México y condados de Estados Unidos. Específicamente, se busca determinar si existe convergencia (absoluta o condicional, divergencia o estratificación. Se utiliza un modelo de panel dinámico sin regresores exógenos y se considera el problema del sesgo en este contexto específico. En general se concluye que la dinámica del valor agregado per capita de los condados de Estados Unidos muestra convergencia condicional y poca dispersión de sus estados estacionarios. En cambio, en el caso de México se encuentra una dinámica congruente con crecimiento estratificado. El estudio también encuentra que el crecimiento de la manufactura en los condados de EEUU y los municipios de México diverge en el tiempo.

  4. Temptations of a socialist paradise: Reflections of a consumerist society in Yugoslavian films of the 1960s

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    Malešević Miroslava


    Full Text Available In a world divided by irreconcilable ideological differences into the capitalist West and the socialist East, Yugoslavia itself has, since the early fifties, faced a permanent choice between two options, on the borderline between those two opposing blocs. Coerced by political circumstances, the country's leadership had chosen its own path into communism, formulated through the idea of worker self-management that secured the belief among the people of Yugoslavia that they did not belong to either of the sides divided by the iron curtain. Although it was initially promoted as an expression of authentic Marxism, these unique political projects inevitably lead to an increasing openness toward the western world. The reduction of central government control over the economy, opening of borders, freedom of movement inside and outside the country, freedom of companies to trade abroad, permissible limited private property etc. allowed for easier access to elements of a consumer society that were coming from the West. Getting closer to the western world, as a cultural and an economic process, in the early 1960s also became a subject of Yugoslavian cinematography, which had after a string of years of partisan films begun to deal with modern (urban life. Through an anthropological analysis of the most popular domestic films made during that period, such as: Zajednicki stan, Nema malih bogova, Ljubav i moda and Na mesto građanine pokorni, in this paper I observe how ideological dilemmas concerning the first experiences of abandoning 'pure' socialism and the gradual acceptance of consumerism manifested in society (just prior to the economic reform of 1965., the vision of some future society that came to exist and the encounter with the taste of its values and lifestyle (the appearance of market mentality where new rules become important - competition and a fight for personal interest, individualism opposed to collective socialist solidarity etc.. [Projekat

  5. Obtención de Modelos Borrosos Interpretables de Procesos Dinámicos

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    Juan Contreras Montes


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se presenta una novedosa metodología para la construcción de modelos borrosos lingüísticamente interpretables, a partir de datos de entrada y salida, de procesos dinámicos. Se describe una sencilla técnica de agrupamiento para construcción de las reglas borrosas, así como el empleo de mínimos cuadrados para ajuste de consecuentes. Para garantizar la interpretabilidad del modelo borroso la partición de los antecedentes emplea conjuntos triangulares con interpolación de 0.5. El aspecto más promisorio en nuestra propuesta consiste en alcanzar una buena precisión sin sacrificar la interpretabilidad del sistema borroso ni recurrir a otras técnicas de inteligencia artificial. Se presentan aplicaciones a problemas o conjuntos de datos ampliamente conocidos (benchmark classic como la cámara de gas de Box-Jenkins, la serie caótica de Mackey Glass y la dinámica de cabeceo de un helicóptero a escala, y se comparan los resultados con aquellos obtenidos por otros autores que emplean técnicas diferentes. Palabras clave: identificación, agrupamiento, mínimos cuadrados, modelo borroso, interpretabilidad

  6. Programação dinâmica aplicada a finanças

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    Tara Keshar Nanda Baídya


    Full Text Available Este artigo mostra a aplicação da programação dinâmica estocástica e o seu uso em Finanças. Um dos objetivos mais usuais da teoria financeira é determinar a trajetória ou caminho ótimo para determinada variável. Brennan e Schwartz (1985 analisaram economicamente o investimento na exploração de um recurso mineral. Determinaram o valor do projeto e o instante ótimo de realizar o investimento. Para tal, usaram os conceitos da teoria das opções e técnicas de avaliação por arbitragem. Este artigo obtém o mesmo modelo usando a programação dinâmica e os conceitos de finanças em tempo contínuoThis paper shows the dynamic programming approach related to Finance Theory. We exhibit how to construct the optimal path, one of the most important aims in the Finance. Brennan and Shwartz (1985 derived their model to evaluate a project of mining using option pricing theory and arbitrage approach. This is an use of option theory to evaluate a real project. Here we obtain the same model as an example, using stochastic dynamic programming

  7. Novo desenvolvimentismo e dinâmica urbano-regional no Brasil (2004-2012

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    Hipólita Siqueira


    Full Text Available As mudanças no contexto nacional e internacional impuseram novas questões ao debate sobre a dinâmica urbano-regional brasileira. Dentre elas, o aprofundamento da inserção internacional do País, tendo como base seu potencial de recursos naturais e sua articulação com o "efeito-China" na reconfiguração das relações internacionais, e o processo de desindustrialização, decorrente da especialização produtiva regressiva e da apreciação da taxa de câmbio. O objetivo deste artigo é examinar as lin-has gerais da dinâmica urbano-regional no âmbito das transformações na economia e sociedade brasileiras desde os anos 1980, especialmente no período pós-2004, em que ocorre uma retomada do crescimento econômico e dos gastos estatais. Entende-se que tal análise enfrenta desafios teórico-metodológicos importantes, sendo necessário o resgate de referenciais analíticos, como o da divisão espacial do trabalho para o entendimento das desigualdades regionais, e a (reformulação da questão regional brasileira.

  8. Standardization work by ASTM and DIN concerning test methods for metallic materials - comparative assessment with regard for practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerischer, K.


    The article explains the significant role of ASTM and marks out basic elements of the specification system of ASTM standards. Usefulness in practice is taken as the main criterion for the subsequent comparison of ASTM or DIN activities and procedures, and results, for standardization in the field of test methods for metallic materials. The main differences are shown to exist with regard to tropicality of test standards, presentation of useful information and background knowledge, and importance attached to formal questions. ASTM standardization work is shown to be more up-to-date, contain more information, and to be less concerned with formal matters. A closer cooperation between ASTM and DIN is strongly recommended. (orig.) [de

  9. Gaisma un krāsa sabiedriskās ēdināšanas telpās


    Cvetkova, Diāna


    Diplomdarbā „Gaisma un krāsa sabiedriskās ēdināšanas telpās” autore analizē informāciju par apgaismojuma un krāsas lomām sabiedriskās ēdināšanas telpās. Labākam priekšstatam autore detāli apraksta to, kā apgaismojums un krāsa var izmainīt telpu un ietekmēt cilvēka psiholoģisko stāvokli un noskaņojumu, kā arī, kā noteiktas krasas apgaismojums var izmainīt ēdiena krāsu, tādējādi ietekmējot mūsu ēstgribu. Empiriskā daļā autore analizē interjerus kafejnīcās unrestorānos, kas atrodas Rīgas pi...

  10. Mapping Two-Dimensional Deformation Field Time-Series of Large Slope by Coupling DInSAR-SBAS with MAI-SBAS

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    Liming He


    Full Text Available Mapping deformation field time-series, including vertical and horizontal motions, is vital for landslide monitoring and slope safety assessment. However, the conventional differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry (DInSAR technique can only detect the displacement component in the satellite-to-ground direction, i.e., line-of-sight (LOS direction displacement. To overcome this constraint, a new method was developed to obtain the displacement field time series of a slope by coupling DInSAR based small baseline subset approach (DInSAR-SBAS with multiple-aperture InSAR (MAI based small baseline subset approach (MAI-SBAS. This novel method has been applied to a set of 11 observations from the phased array type L-band synthetic aperture radar (PALSAR sensor onboard the advanced land observing satellite (ALOS, spanning from 2007 to 2011, of two large-scale north–south slopes of the largest Asian open-pit mine in the Northeast of China. The retrieved displacement time series showed that the proposed method can detect and measure the large displacements that occurred along the north–south direction, and the gradually changing two-dimensional displacement fields. Moreover, we verified this new method by comparing the displacement results to global positioning system (GPS measurements.

  11. Dinâmica familiar: percepção de famílias de sobreviventes de câncer de mama Dinámica familiar: percepción de familias de sobrevivientes de cancer de mama Family dynamics: perceptions of breast cancer survivor's families

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    Raquel Gabrielli Biffi


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivo identificar as percepções de familiares sobre a dinâmica de suas famílias após o câncer de mama em um dos seus membros. Estudo de abordagem qualitativa que tomou como referencial teórico o modelo de funcionamento familiar saudável proposto por Barnhill (1979. Participaram 23 familiares constituintes de 10 famílias. Os dados foram coletados, no período de maio a junho de 2002, por meio de entrevistas, e submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados revelaram aspectos positivos na dinâmica das famílias. A percepção dos processos de identidade, através da individuação e mutualidade, favoreceram a compreensão da dinâmica familiar. Os achados mostraram que o câncer de mama tem a capacidade de provocar alterações na família, e esta se utilizou dos potenciais de cada membro em particular na busca da estabilidade familiar.El estudio objetiva identificar las percepciones de familiares sobre la dinámica de sus familias, con cáncer de mama en uno de sus miembros. Estudio de abordaje cualitativo que tomó como referencial teórico el modelo de funcionamiento familiar saludable de Barnhill (1979. Participaron 23 familiares constituyentes de 10 familias. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante entrevistas y sometidos a análisis de contenido. Los resultados revelaron aspectos positivos en la dinámica de las familias. La percepción de los procesos de identidad, a través de la individualización y mutualidad, favoreció la comprensión de la dinámica familiar. Según los resultados, el cáncer de mama tiene la capacidad de provocar alteraciones en la familia; por otro lado, éstas se utilizaron de los potenciales de cada miembro, en particular, en la búsqueda de la estabilidad familiar.The aim of this study was to identify the family members´ perceptions of their family dynamics, after breast cancer in one of its members. The study used a qualitative approach based on the theoretical model of healthy

  12. Prospectiva de la cadena Productiva de mango bajo el enfoque dinámico

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    Juan Pablo Tribín-Rivera


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente documento de investigación, es relacionar los resultados del análisis prospectivo de la cadena productiva de mango en la Provincia del Tequendama – Cundinamarca por medio de dinámica de sistemas, con el fin de compararla desde distintos escenarios; mercado interno frente al mercado externo, y así poder determinar el escenario prospectivo más conveniente para los productores. De igual forma se proponen políticas que mejoren las condiciones de los productores de la región y se relaciona el modelo de simulación por dinámica de sistemas, que puede ser utilizado en diferentes cadenas productivas. La construcción del modelo de simulación se desarrolló con base en las experiencias adquiridas por medio de visitas de campo, recolección de información primaria y secundaria, y la colaboración de expertos que participan, directa o indirectamente, en dicha cadena productiva, enmarcadas bajo el proyecto de investigación titulado “Mercado prospectivo del mango: Comparativo entre el mercado interno y el mercado externo para la Provincia del Tequendama – Cundinamarca”


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    Angela RUDAKOVA


    Full Text Available Elaborarea unor procedee de obţinere a peptidelor bioactive din ficocianină prin intermediul hidrolizei proteolitice prezintă un interes sporit pentru cercetători în contextul utilizării acestora în calitate de remedii anticancer şi pentru alte proprietăţi terapeutice. Peptidele derivate din ficocianină ar putea manifesta proprietăţi terapeutice mult mai pronunţate comparativ cu ficocianina. În prezenta lucrare sunt studiate dinamica proteolizei ficocianinei cu papaina şi mecanismul de hidroliză a acestei proteine.Mechanism of proteolysis of C-phycocyanin, bioactive protein from Spirulina, under the action of papainThe elaboration of the procedures of obtaining of bioactive peptides derived from phycocyanin, as a result of it proteolytic hydrolysis presents great interest for researchers in the terms of theirs use as anti-cancer drugs and for other therapeutic properties. It can be assumed that peptides derived from phycocyanin could manifest more pronounced therapeutic effects compared to phycocyanin. Dynamics of phycocyanin proteolisis by papain, as well as mechanism of phycocyanin hydrolysis were studied in the present work. 

  14. La dinámica pendular de la regionalización de la universidad en Argentina

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    Claudio Antonio Rama Vitale


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza la dinámica de construcción del sistema de educación superior pública en Argentina atendiendo a las dimensiones de su regionalización y explorando  las tensiones regionales alrededor de sus construcción. Visualiza bajos niveles de diferenciación institucional y de competencia institucional, pero indica las complejidades de esa diferenciación regional, el carácter no resuelto políticamente de tales procesos, y como su dinámica ha estado asociada a procesos político ideológicos. La regionalización de la educación superior muestra múltiples expresiones, pero donde la dominante ha sido la tensión entre la construcción de  espacios de poder y de desarrollo académico a escala local frente al objetivo desde los ámbitos nacionales de regular nacionalmente la educación superior.  

  15. Capacidades dinámicas que influyen en la operación de la Red de Turismo de La Candelaria


    Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Alejandro Javier


    El desarrollo de la presente investigación, centra su atención en las capacidades dinámicas que influyen en la operación de la Red de Turismo de La Candelaria de Bogotá. Para este fin, se realizó una encuesta a 100 directivos o dueños de las empresas que conforman dicha red, y que es una muestra significativa para los propósitos de la investigación, puesto que permite describir a nivel de la empresa y a nivel de la red, la influencia de las capacidades dinámicas de absorción, adaptación e inn...

  16. O ciclo do café durante a República Velha: uma análise com a abordagem de dinâmica de sistemas

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    Thiago Caliari


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma análise sistêmica da dinâmica da produção cafeeira no Brasil com foco no período 1900-1930. A motivação para abordar a questão sob a ótica da dinâmica de sistemas (system dynamics é que essa metodologia é especialmente adequada para modelar processos sujeitos à complexidade dinâmica, como os ciclos de produção de commodities. Mostrar-se-á que modelar e simular a dinâmica da produção de café no Brasil com essa metodologia permite, em primeiro lugar, realizar experimentos contra-factuais que possibilitam avaliar quantitativamente o efeito de políticas de defesa de preços, como as políticas de valorização, complementando a já extensa e rica literatura sobre o assunto. Em segundo lugar, será sugerido que abordar a questão sob esta ótica ajuda a extrair insights de política não apenas para o café como para outras commodities, das quais o Brasil ainda depende de forma importante para manter o equilíbrio em suas contas externas.

  17. DInSAR time series generation within a cloud computing environment: from ERS to Sentinel-1 scenario (United States)

    Casu, Francesco; Elefante, Stefano; Imperatore, Pasquale; Lanari, Riccardo; Manunta, Michele; Zinno, Ivana; Mathot, Emmanuel; Brito, Fabrice; Farres, Jordi; Lengert, Wolfgang


    One of the techniques that will strongly benefit from the advent of the Sentinel-1 system is Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR), which has successfully demonstrated to be an effective tool to detect and monitor ground displacements with centimetre accuracy. The geoscience communities (volcanology, seismicity, …), as well as those related to hazard monitoring and risk mitigation, make extensively use of the DInSAR technique and they will take advantage from the huge amount of SAR data acquired by Sentinel-1. Indeed, such an information will successfully permit the generation of Earth's surface displacement maps and time series both over large areas and long time span. However, the issue of managing, processing and analysing the large Sentinel data stream is envisaged by the scientific community to be a major bottleneck, particularly during crisis phases. The emerging need of creating a common ecosystem in which data, results and processing tools are shared, is envisaged to be a successful way to address such a problem and to contribute to the information and knowledge spreading. The Supersites initiative as well as the ESA SuperSites Exploitation Platform (SSEP) and the ESA Cloud Computing Operational Pilot (CIOP) projects provide effective answers to this need and they are pushing towards the development of such an ecosystem. It is clear that all the current and existent tools for querying, processing and analysing SAR data are required to be not only updated for managing the large data stream of Sentinel-1 satellite, but also reorganized for quickly replying to the simultaneous and highly demanding user requests, mainly during emergency situations. This translates into the automatic and unsupervised processing of large amount of data as well as the availability of scalable, widely accessible and high performance computing capabilities. The cloud computing environment permits to achieve all of these objectives, particularly in case of spike and peak

  18. Housing, Urban Renewal and Socio-Spatial Integration. A Study on Rehabilitating the Former Socialistic Public Housing Areas in Beijing

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    Xiaoxi Hui


    Full Text Available The initiative of this study derived from my concern of two critical urban issues in China today: housing and urban renewal. In the recent two decades, the Chinese urban housing stock underwent a significant, if not extreme, transformation. From 1949 to 1998, the urban housing stock in China largely depended on the public sector, and a large amount of public housing areas were developed under the socialistic public housing system in Beijing and other Chinese cities. Yet in 1998, a radical housing reform stopped this housing system. Thus, most of the public housing stock was privatized and the urban housing provision was conferred to the market. The radical housing privatization and marketization did not really resolve but intensified the housing problem. Along with the high-speed urbanization, the alienated, capitalized and speculative housing stock caused a series of social and spatial problems. The Chinese government therefore attempted to reestablish the social housing system in 2007. However, the unbalanced structure of the Chinese urban housing stock has not been considerably optimized and the housing problem is still one of the most critical challenges in China. Based on the background of privatization, the former socialistic public housing areas in Beijing confront the ambiguity of their housing stock and the confusion of housing management. While they still accommodate the majority of urban residents and are identified by their good places, (social and programmatic mixed communities, vibrant local life, and diversified housing types, they are facing the serious challenges of physical deterioration and social decline. Therefore, urban renewal was thought as an effective solution seeking to improve the living conditions in those neighborhoods. Nevertheless, urban renewal in itself is also a controversial issue. In order to solve the housing problem, the large-scale urban renewal in Beijing started at the beginning of the 1990s. The radical


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    Andrei MULIC


    Full Text Available Obligaţiunea este un titlu de valoare care atestă calitatea de creditor a deţinătorului ei faţă de emitent, emitentul obli­gându-se să plătească deţinătorului obligaţiunii o sumă anuală fixă, numită cuponul obligaţiunii, pe întreaga perioadă de valabilitate a acesteia. Obligaţiunea este un înscris emis de o întreprindere care are nevoie de finanţare, pe baza căruia aceasta obţine un împrumut. Firma care emite obligaţiunea se numeşte debitor, iar cea care o deţine se numeşte credi­tor (acesta oferă un împrumut. Obligaţiunile sunt active financiare cu dobândă fixă. Piaţa obligaţiunilor este constituită în majoritate din obligaţiuni cu o rată fixă a dobânzii.THE BOND MARKET IN MOLDOVA. DEVELOPMENT TRENDSBond is a security certifying its holder as a creditor to the issuer, the issuer is forcing bondholder them pay a fixed annual fee, called coupon bond throughout the period of validity. Bond is a document issued by a company that needs financing, on which it obtains a loan. The company issuing the bond is called debtor and the creditor who has called (it provides a loan. The bonds are financial assets with fixed interest. The bond market consists mostly of bonds with a fixed interest rate. 

  20. Dinámica no lineal en la motivación en el trabajo: propuesta de un modelo y resultados preliminares


    Navarro Cid, José; Quijano de Arana, Santiago D. de


    Muchos especialistas estarían de acuerdo en que la motivación en el trabajo debe entenderse como un proceso dinámico. Sin embargo, son pocas las investigaciones que se han interesado por la descripción y explicación de dicha dinámica motivacional. Este artículo propone un modelo complejo de motivación en el trabajo que integra tres variables clásicas en la literatura: motivos, autoeficacia e instrumentalidad. El modelo incorpora los cambios que se producen en la motivación a lo largo del tiem...

  1. Procedures for the selection of stopping power ratios for electron beams: Comparison of IAEA TRS procedures and of DIN procedures with Monte Carlo results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roos, M.; Christ, G.


    In the International Code of Practice IAEA TRS-381 the stopping power ratios water/air are selected according to the half-value depth and the depth of measurement. In the German Standard DIN 6800-2 a different procedure is recommended, which, in addition, takes the practical electron range into account; the stopping power data for monoenergetic beams from IAEA TRS-381 are used. Both procedures are compared with recent Monte Carlo calculations carried out for various beams of clinical accelerators. It is found that the DIN procedure shows a slightly better agreement. In addition, the stopping power ratios in IAEA TRS-381 are compared with those in DIN 6800-2 for the reference conditions of the beams from the PTB linac; the maximum deviation is not larger than 0.6%. (author)

  2. Dinámica de la identidad, acción y contexto

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    Anne Marie Costalat-Founeau


    Full Text Available La identidad social no puede ser considerada más como una imagen fijada y estática que determina las representaciones individuales y/o colectivas. Se inserta, más bien, dentro de una dinámica de representaciones que está marcada por fases biográficas y sociales. Esta impresión social está en parte construida por la experiencia personal impresa en los recuerdos, y transfiere una realidad experiencial a la identidad. La acción participa en esta concretización y también la refuerza: es así que el carácter normativo de la acción parece reforzar su propia manifestación y, por lo tanto, su efecto. Esos efectos tienen un poder central en la dinámica de la identidad. La acción se ubica en el centro de la subjetividad, pues pone en relación las aspiraciones, las representaciones y también los valores y el sentimiento de capacidad: la acción favorece una relación estrecha entre los factores afectivos y cognitivos. Esos factores actúan en conjunto elaborando regulaciones dinámicas y organizando fases de identidad más o menos conflictivas. Se presentan los efectos de la acción sobre la subjetividad.---Social identity should not be considered anymore as a fixed and static image that defines individual or collective representations. It is embedded within a representational dynamic where biographical and social phases left their marks. This social imprint is partly made by the experience ingrained in the remembrance that gives all its experiential reality to identity. Action participates and reinforces this concreteness. It seems that the prescriptive nature of action reinforces its presence and therefore its effects. More precisely, these effects, which are inherent to action, possess a central power in the identity dynamic. Action is at the heart of subjectivity in the sense that it connects aspirations, representations, as well as the values of the individual and the sense of his own capacity. It involves the tight interweaving of

  3. A cultural trauma: Outcomes of the system change in post-socialist Poland

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    Kabzinska Iwona


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the outcomes of the system change in post-socialist Poland. The author discusses various important and inter-related issues in the Polish societal sphere: shock therapy accompanied by the changes since the 1990's, unemployment, uncontrolled privatization, cultural trauma and cultural plaint. Theoretically, the paper belongs to anthropology of transformation, and it is based on sociological literature for the most part. The paper also discusses 'societal diagnosis', its creators, crisis in confidence as a consequence of social and cultural traumas, the weakness of political elite and criteria used to measure poverty levels. Lately, there has been a change in mythical representation about easy life in Poland related to the state' affiliation with EU. The change includes a lack of global crisis influence, resistance of the Polish society toward media influence, a rise in optimism and decrease of cultural plaint. Is this change in attitude due to cyclical alteration between phases of depression and euphoria? What will happen if depression returns? Did the Polish handle the trauma of transformation exceptionally well? Possible answers to these and other relevant questions are sought by the author in this paper, who uses, as additional sources for research, a world of local communities and individual accounts.

  4. Dinámica del ciclo del nitrógeno y fósforo en suelos

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    Fabio Ancízar Aristizábal Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Nitrogen and phosphorus cycles dynamics in Soils Resumen: Los ciclos biogeoquímicos del fósforo (P y del nitrógeno (N son sistemas dinámicos que suceden a través de la biosfera, de cuyos mecanismos de transformación depende la disponibilidad de estos elementos para diferentes formas de vida.  Se acepta que la diversidad y actividad de las poblaciones microbianas posee un papel crucial en la dinámica de los nutrientes y por tanto el desafío está en comprender, como responden a las condiciones ambientales. La actividad microbiana en los suelos depende tanto de la condición del recurso y como de sus propiedades químicas, físicas y biológicas.  En este documento se describen conceptos que se han empleado para entender la dinámica del nitrógeno y el fósforo, con el propósito de discutir cómo las características de las diferentes fracciones orgánicas y minerales seleccionan el potencial biológico encargado del recambio de dichos elementos,  panorama que actualmente se aborda a través de técnicas independientes del cultivo para estudiar las poblaciones microbianas in situ.  Palabras clave: dinámica de N y P; disponibilidad de nutrientes en suelo; fracciones orgánicas e inorgánicas y actividad microbiana. Abstract: Biogeochemical cycle’s phosphorus (P and nitrogen (N are dynamic systems taking place through the biosphere, whose mechanisms of transformation depends on the availability of these elements for different forms of life.  It is accepted that the diversity and activity of microbial populations plays a crucial role in nutrient dynamics and therefore the challenge is to understand how they respond to environmental conditions. Microbial activity in soils depends on both the resource condition and its chemical, physical and biological properties. Concepts described herein have been used to understand the nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics, with the aim to discuss how the characteristics of the

  5. Modeled long-term changes of DIN:DIP ratio in the Changjiang River in relation to Chl-α and DO concentrations in adjacent estuary (United States)

    Wang, Jianing; Yan, Weijin; Chen, Nengwang; Li, Xinyan; Liu, Lusan


    In the past four decades (1970-2013), nitrogen and phosphorous inputs to the Changjiang River basin, mainly from human activities, have increased 3-fold and 306-fold, respectively. The riverine nutrient fluxes to the estuary have also grown exponentially. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) fluxes of the Changjiang River increased by 338% and 574% during 1970-2013 period, and red tides and benthic hypoxia have been observed in the outflow region of the Changjiang River in the East China Sea (ECS). We assumed that time series changes in the DIN:DIP ratio from the Changjiang River could have a significant impact on Chlorophyll-α (Chl-α) concentration in the surface sea water and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the bottom sea water of the Changjiang estuary. Our study showed that the DIN:DIP ratio from the Changjiang River increased from 76 to 384 between 1970 and 1985, and decreased from 255 to 149 between 1986 and 2013. The observed Chl-α concentration increased by 146% from 1992 to 2010 in the Changjiang estuary, and was negatively related to the DIN:DIP ratio in 1992-2010. Bottom sea water DO concentration decreased by 24.6% during 1992-2010 and a "low oxygen zone" (122°∼123°E, 32°∼33°N) was observed during summer since 1999. The anthropogenically enhanced nutrient inputs dominated river DIN and DIP fluxes and influenced Chl-α concentrations as well as bottom DO concentrations in the estuary. Scenarios emphasizing global collaboration and proactive environmental problem-solving may result in reductions in the river nutrient exports and in Chl-α and DO concentration in the Changjiang estuary by 2050.

  6. Modelo de capacidad dinámica de aprendizaje organizacional: experiencia de la biotecnológia en Cuba

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    Marle Pérez de Armas


    Full Text Available La experiencia y práctica internacional fundamentan el conocimiento como recurso estratégico y resultado del aprendizaje organizacional, lo que conduce a plantear la Capacidad Dinámica de Aprendizaje Organizacional vinculada con la obtención de resultados de desempeños positivos y fuente de ventajas competitivas. En este sentido, la empresa de alta tecnología (EAT del sector de la biotecnología en Cuba representa una experiencia singular lo que se vincula con el problema científico, ya que se necesita explicar, sobre bases científicas, cómo el desarrollo de la Capacidad Dinámica de Aprendizaje Organizacional contribuye a fundamentar el éxito alcanzado por empresas líderes del sector, y que a su vez posibiliten su extensión a otras de su tipo en el sector. A partir de la utilización de la metodología de estudio de caso aplicada al Centro de Inmunología Molecular como caso piloto y el juicio de expertos se obtiene como, principal resultado, un modelo conceptual que fundamenta y explica el éxito alcanzado por empresas líderes de alta tecnología del sector biotecnológico cubano desde el desarrollo de la Capacidad Dinámica de Aprendizaje Organizacional y sus tres dimensiones claves: elementos de gestión técnico-organizativos, comportamiento organizacional y actores externos.

  7. Modelo de capacidad dinámica de aprendizaje organizacional: experiencia de la biotecnología en Cuba

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    Marle Pérez De Armas


    Full Text Available La experiencia y práctica internacional fundamentan el conocimiento como recurso estratégico y resultado del aprendizaje organizacional, lo que conduce a plantear la Capacidad Dinámica de Aprendizaje Organizacional vinculada con la obtención de resultados de desempeños positivos y fuente de ventajas competitivas. En este sentido, la empresa de alta tecnología (EAT del sector de la biotecnología en Cuba representa una experiencia singular lo que se vincula con el problema científico, ya que se necesita explicar, sobre bases científicas, cómo el desarrollo de la Capacidad Dinámica de Aprendizaje Organizacional contribuye a fundamentar el éxito alcanzado por empresas líderes del sector, y que a su vez posibiliten su extensión a otras de su tipo en el sector. A partir de la utilización de la metodología de estudio de caso aplicada al Centro de Inmunología Molecular como caso piloto y el juicio de expertos se obtiene como, principal resultado, un modelo conceptual que fundamenta y explica el éxito alcanzado por empresas líderes de alta tecnología del sector biotecnológico cubano desde el desarrollo de la Capacidad Dinámica de Aprendizaje Organizacional y sus tres dimensiones claves: elementos de gestión técnico-organizativos, comportamiento organizacional y actores externos.

  8. Ensayo sobre endurecimiento de adhesivos estructurales sometidos a cargas dinámicas

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    Recuero, A.


    Full Text Available Carbon fibre reinforced polymers are increasingly replacing the steel reinforcing systems in the repair and strengthening of concrete structures thanks to their high strength/weight and stiffness/weight ratios, corrosion resistance, lightweight, and ease of handling and application. This paper presents a study on the behaviour of bridge concrete beams strengthened with CFRP sheets when the strengthening is made when traffic is acting so that the structure is subjected to dynamic loads while the adhesive is still fresh. No reduction in the effectiveness of the strengthening was observed in the tests.

    Los polímeros reforzados con fibras de carbono se están utilizando cada vez más para el refuerzo de estructuras de hormigón, reemplazando a los sistemas tradicionales de refuerzo con acero. Esto es debido a sus altas resistencia y rigidez específicas, resistencia a la corrosión, ligereza y facilidad de manejo y puesta en obra. Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre el comportamiento de vigas de puentes reforzadas con bandas de CFRP mientras se mantiene el puente en servicio de manera que la estructura está sometida a cargas dinámicas con el adhesivo fresco. En los ensayos realizados se ha observado que las cargas dinámicas no afectan a la efectividad del refuerzo.

  9. Şcoli şi biserici româneşti din Peninsula Balcanică 1864-1948. Documente de arhivă

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    Adina Berciu-Drăghicescu


    Full Text Available Articolul de faţă privind şcolile şi bisericile româneşti din Peninsula Balcanică în perioada 1918-1948 este realizat pe baza unor documente identificate în fonduri păstrate la Arhivele Diplomatice ale Ministerului Afacerilor Externe şi la Direcţia Arhivelor Naţioanle Istorice Centrale din Bucureşti. Au fost studiate şi selectate documente de cea mai mare semnificaţie în scopul prezentării evoluţiei situaţiei şcolilor şi bisericilor comunităţilor româneşti situate la sud de Dunăre începând cu anul 1864, când a fost înfiinţată prima şcoală în Târnova (Macedonia şi până în 1948 când statul român a abandonat acţiunea iniţiată de conducătorul Al. Ioan Cuza. Articolul prezintă această situaţie, foarte dramatică, a comunităţilor româneşti din Balcani pe baza documentelor de arhivă.


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    Full Text Available Îndelungata stare de fragmentarism teritorial şi de separatism politic între români a generat o criză a conştiinţelor liderilor din spaţiul românesc, tensiune din care s-a cristalizat ideea „daco-românismului”. Aceasta s-a concretizat prin iniţierea unei lupte naţionale, în special în spaţiul transilvănean, al cărei punct final a fost constituirea unei Românii întregite, rotunda şi adevărata patrie a tuturor românilor, care a reuşit să fixeze, în memoria urmaşilor, fireştile sale contururi geografice la 1 decembrie 1918.Astfel, ideea „daco-românismului” a devenit coşmarul guvernelor maghiare din perioada dualistă, neamul românesc fiind proiectat, potrivit acestei „legi nescrise” de la nivelul mentalului colectiv al elitei româneşti, ca un tot unitar, graniţele artificiale reuşind să despartă persoane, dar nu şi simţămintele sufleteşti fireşti.Esenţială şi necesară pentru transformarea vechii idei a „daco-românismului” în principiu politic-cultural a fost sinteza cultural-naţională a românilor din monarhia austro-ungară şi a celor din Vechiul Regat, care a pregătit conştiinţele pentru actul istoric de la 1 decembrie 1918.„Daco-românismul” a avut marele merit de a fi chemat la reflexie angajată în jurul unor idei majore, precum: „istorie”, „naţiune”, „neam”, „confesiune”, „conştiinţă naţională”, „limbă”, „cultură”, „politică”, ce-şi resemnifică mereu, pentru fiecare dintre vremuri în parte, conţinuturile.THE IDEA OF “DACO-ROMANIANISM” AT THE ROMANIANS LIVING IN TRANSYLVANIA DURING THE MODERN AGEThe long state of territorial fragmentation and political separatism among the Romanians generated a crisis of the leaders’ conscience on the Romanian territory, tension that crystallized the idea of “Daco-Romanianism”. This resulted in the initiation of some national struggles, especially in the Transylvanian area, whose end

  11. Influencia del modelo elástico en la dinámica de estructuras articuladas


    Muñoz, M.; López-Hernández, E.


    Se estudia la influencia en la dinámica de una estructura articulada de barras de madera, de la aproximación a las propiedades tensión-deformación del material. Se ha adoptado un método de cálculo por diferencias finitas en el dominio del tiempo, con un modelo de masas concentradas en los nodos.

  12. La nueva dinámica de acumulación resumen capitalista y los problemas sociales y regionales

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    Benjamín Afanador Vargas


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar los cambios en las estrategias productivas y competitivasa que se ven enfrentadas las firmas en un mercado cada vez más integrado y competitivo en elámbito internacional. En este contexto el capital, como expresión universal de poder y dominaciónpolítica y económica, establece dinámicas entre Estados, regiones y grupos de individuos. Estascomplejas relaciones en que unos y otros actores se mueven, jugando las estrategias impuestaspor el gran capital, va develando roles y actores ganadores y perdedores en que las opcionesmenos favorables las tienen las empresas y las regiones que tienen mayores dificultades parainterpretar las nuevas reglas del juego o tienen menores condiciones y habilidades, naturales oadquiridas, para entrar en la dinámica del mercado global.

  13. Elementos de escala en la evaluación dinámica de macizos rocosos (propuesta metodológica

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    Álvaro Orlando Pedroza Rojas, Mario Camilo Torres Suárez


    Full Text Available Distintas  situaciones  conforman  la  realidad  del ejercicio  geotécnico,   entre  otras:  la  relativa superficialidad de la profundidad de emplazamiento de las obras civiles, un medio dinámicamente activo sometido a cargas  igualmente dinámicas y el hecho frecuente de proyectar y diseñar las obras geotécnicas con  base  en  respuestas  geomecánicas  de muestras de  rocas  definidas  como  representativas  de  los macizos  rocosos  de  emplazamiento,   con  lasdificultades  que  conlleva  asignar  al medio  natural propiedades de resistencia y deformabilidad a partirde  las  pruebas  en  laboratorio  sobre  muestras representativas.  El  artículo  presenta  algunos lineamientos  y  elementos  de  escala  sugeridos  para ser  considerados  en  los  estudios de  caracterización de macizos  rocosos, con énfasis dinámico. A partir de los desarrollos de Brillouin (1946 y Torres (2005,los  autores  proponen  un  proceso metodológico orientado a establecer un factor de escala entre dos niveles  de  estudio:  tamaño  de muestra  y macizorocoso.

  14. Determination of organic fluorine in aqueous samples with neutron activation analysis in comparison with the DIN method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rollinger, D. [Institut fuer Kernchemie, Universitaet Mainz, Fritz-Strassmann-Weg 2, D-55099 Mainz (Germany); Kratz, K.L. [Institut fuer Kernchemie, Universitaet Mainz, Fritz-Strassmann-Weg 2, D-55099 Mainz (Germany)


    Neutron activation analysis (NAA) has been used as detection technique for adsorbable organic fluorine in aqueous samples. The results have been compared with the standardized DIN method which uses a fluoride-ion-selective electrode (ISE). (orig.). With 3 tabs.

  15. Influencia del medio ambiente en los materiales de construcción III. Dinámica salina

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    Fernández Paris, José Manuel


    Full Text Available Las sales y la humedad son los dos factores que condicionan las alteraciones de los materiales de construcción. Los citados materiales, bien de por sí —piedras y ladrillos—, bien una vez endurecidos —morteros y hormigones—, están estructurados por partículas sólidas granulares, separadas por un sistema poroso, que constituye el medio -dinámico para el transporte de las disoluciones salinas procedentes del medio ambiente. La motilidad de las sales a través de la red de poros es función de tres variables físicoclimáticas: temperatura, humedad y condiciones de aireación. La dinámica salina se efectúa mediante procesos de difusión, unas veces de naturaleza química: difusión iónica, otras de naturaleza física: difusión capilar.

  16. Is there Something as an Ex-Yugoslavian HRM Model? – Sticking to the Socialist Heritage or Converging With Neoliberal Practices

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    Pološki Vokić Nina


    Full Text Available The question of this paper is whether there is an ex-Yugoslavia HRM model drawing upon Western imported features fused with ethno open-socialistic and self-management elements? In the empirical part Cranet data for 341 companies from Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia are analysed. Main characteristics of HRM systems in ex-Yugoslavia are: the HRM strategic partner role is still neglected, the mind-set of taking care for everybody is omnipresent, the value of performance management is not fully entrusted, the full-time employment still predominates, and the trade unions retained their barging power. Although 30 indicators revealed specifics of ex-Yugoslavia HRM model, the theorized hybrid HRM system was not disclosed.

  17. La dinámica del subdesarrollo y su relación con el deterioro ambiental

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    Carlos Dionisio Pérez-Blanco


    Full Text Available ¿Son los países desarrollados los culpables del deterioro ambiental?, y por tanto, ¿tienen los países subdesarrollados derecho a contaminar más? En este artículo se rebate esta tesis para mostrar que una dinámica de crecimiento que conduce al desarrollo de un territorio de renta baja debe ser por necesidad sostenible, si este país no desea liquidar sus posibilidades de desarrollo. Partiendo de las principales aportaciones teóricas de la economía del desarrollo, el artículo defiende la reciprocidad entre desarrollo y calidad ambiental. Se señala la dificultad que tienen los países subdesarrollados para abandonar un equilibrio de bajo nivel, y lo que esto implica en su riqueza (en concreto su capital ambiental, que es la que en última instancia determina su capacidad de generar renta en el futuro. Se requiere por tanto una comprensión profunda de la dinámica del subdesarrollo para frenar el deterioro ambiental.

  18. Adult Civic Education in Former Socialist Countries in the Transition Period

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    Zoran Jelenc


    Full Text Available In the period of transition former European socialist countries demonstrate a great number of contradictions resulting from specific social circumstances. The latter exert a crucial impact on educational opportunities for adults. Thus, in most of the examined countries adult education is undergoing an important crisis. Civic education and non-formal education, however, can contribute considerably towards overcoming the typical traits of this transitional period, especially its societal and psychological phenomena. In these countries has been recorded a huge need for civic education on one band, while on the other hand, the demand for it is relatively small. Moreover, civic education gets little or no societal support. Also, due to relatively negative experiences from the past period when it was compulsory for people to participate in civic education (termed sociopolitical education, and due to the fact that it was ideologically and politically directed, people are averse and resistant to any kind of education reminding them of the former socio-political one. Therefore, as a rule, they do not participate in it. The important role of adult education and andragogy is therefore to find a way out from this situation and to motivate people in view to get them actively involved in civic education. In our contribution we are dealing with some possibilities for that, using here our own research findings ('State of the Art' Study of Research on the Education of Adults.

  19. Politics of Ethno-Nationalism: a Post-Colonial and Post-Socialist Schema

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    Full Text Available The present paper aims to propose a schema for analysing the contemporary politics of national and ethnic identity in post-colonial and post-socialist states. To this end it will seek: (a to provide a comprehensive operational definition of nationalism, (b to qualify that definition by the addition of the adjective ‘ethnic,' (c to assess the extent to which the concept ‘ethnic nationalism' can help us to understand some of the politics of ethnicity and national identity in a post-independence setting, and (d to problematize the notion of ‘false consciousness' in ethno-national political appeals. My argument will be situated within the broad theoretical framework of a non-reductionist, neo-Marxist class analysis, for it is my conviction that ethno-national consciousness and politics are better understood if we are able to trace the concrete class interests and motives of their promoters. In other words, whether as sentiment or as movement, nationalism cannot be divorced from the class interests of its leading promoters. But one must be cautious when absolutizing the class claim, for in the specific case of ethnic nationalism, for example, Robin Williams has noted that "to dismiss ethnicity as false consciousness ignores the clear evidence that ethnies often sacrifice economic interests in favour of symbolic gains" (1994:64-65, and even beyond this, as Ronaldo Munck reminds us, "nationalism matters because people die for it" (1986:2..


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    Natalia CIUBUC


    Full Text Available Istoria grădinilor universitare ne oferă posibilitatea nu doar să cunoaştem evoluţia acestora, dar şi particularităţile de amenajare a lor, sugerând şi soluţii interesante pentru grădinile din Republica Moldova, inclusiv pentru parcul USM. Fondarea parcului universitar în curtea USM a permis nu doar crearea unei ambianţe plăcute în incinta USM, dar vine să ofere o bază de studiu pentru studenţii dela Facultateade Biologie şi Pedologie. University Gardens: The History and the ImportanceThe history of the university gardens gives us not only the knowledge about their evolution, but also a appropriate description of their features and offer interesting solutions for the gardens fromMoldova, including USM garden. The USM court park foundation creates, not only a pleasant atmosphere inside USM, but also provides a basis for study for the students from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science. 


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    Alina BUŞILĂ


    Full Text Available Limba română vorbită în Republica Moldova a cunoscut numeroase transformări de-a lungul timpu­lui, în special din cauza procesului de rusificare, care a dus la crearea hibrizilor la toate nivelurile: fonetic, morfologic, lexical etc. Termi­nologia juridică a fost şi ea intoxicată cu forme gramaticale şi sintactice greşite, calchieri, împrumuturi şi transliteraţii/ transcripţii agramate: „camera de chibzuire” (camera de deliberări, „judecătorie narodnică”, „judecată tovărăşească” (instanţă de arbitraj, „socotelile între părţi”, „prestaţiune corelativă”, „se datoreşte culpei”, „încunoş­tinţarea despre anularea procurii” sau „sunt persoane juridice […] care funcţionează pe bază de hozrasciot”, „publici­tatea dezbaterilor judiciare”, „soluţionarea chestiunilor” etc. Aceşti termeni au fost valabili şi utilizaţi în coduri, mai mult decât atât – trataţi ca normalitate. Deşi terminologia juridică, ca şi alte limbaje specializate, presupune în sine elocvenţă, exprimări impecabile şi precizie, amintirea trecutului încă mai predomină în textul juridic moldovenesc, prin exemple ca: speluncă (Organizarea ori întreţinerea speluncilor pentru consumul substanţelor narcotice sau psihotrope – art.219 CP RM sau samavolnicie (contravenţia de samavolnicie – art.335 C.contr. RM etc.În acest articol ne-am propus să descriem procesul de formare a termenilor juridici în perioada anilor 1950–2015 în condiţiile RSSM şi ale Republicii Moldova, să identificăm sursele din care aceşti termeni juridici au pătruns în vocabu­lar şi să descriem evoluţia acestora prin confruntarea dintre tradiţie şi inovaţie, normă lingvistică şi uz. Materialul lingvistic examinat a fost selectat din Codul de procedură civilă al RSSM din 1965 şi 1983, din Codul civil al RSSM din 1964 şi 1986 şi din codurile în vigoare în 2016.ARCHITECTURE OF LEGAL TEXT AND

  2. Study of tempering process of a DIN 1.2714 steel modified by niobium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Carlos A.S. de.


    The carbides precipitaton in a DIN 1.2714 steel modified by niobium are studied. Three austenitizing temperatures (1200, 960 and 860 0 C) after homogenization at 1200 0 C are used; and the precipitation behavior of the carbides on tempering at 600 0 C with respect to time is studied. These precipitates were characterized through the X-ray fluorescence and diffraction and by carbon extraction replica techniques for transmission electron microscope. (M.J.C.) [pt

  3. Del modelo extractivista a las dinámicas de desarrollo local en contextos de conflicto: distrito minero litoral pacífico (2008-2012)


    Pardo Durán, Joan Sebastián


    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal, analizar las dinámicas de desarrollo local del distrito minero Litoral Pacífico durante el periodo 2008-2012 a partir del modelo extractivista, con el fin de demostrar que, a pesar del auge minero durante estos gobiernos, el crecimiento de la actividad y la entrada de capital a estos municipios, el desarrollo local es escaso ante las dinámicas del conflicto armado interno y el abandono estatal que ha existido por excelencia en esta zona...

  4. Dinámicas territoriales de la industria automotriz argentina (1990-2012

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    Matías Donato Laborde


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo propone contribuir al análisis de las dinámicas territoriales vinculadas al funcionamiento de la industria automotriz argentina en los periodos de la convertibilidad y post convertibilidad. En este marco, se analizarán las principales características de la industria automotriz teniendo en cuenta las políticas públicas, las diferentes estrategias desplegadas por las empresas y los intercambios comerciales, asimismo se utilizan fuentes estadísticas del INDEC, la AFAC (Asociación de Fábricas Argentinas de Componentes y ADEFA (Asociación de Fábricas de Automotores.

  5. Comportamiento dinámico de depósitos aluviales en Colombia


    Guzmán, Adolfo; Nuñez, Jsús; Parra, Fernando


    En este artículo se presentan las principales características de dos arenas de origen aluvial (Tumaco y Cali) potencialmente licuables, que históricamente han sido sometidas a cargas dinámicas generadas por sismos. Los dos depósitos se encuentran ubicados en áreas de amenaza sísmica alta, por lo que las aceleraciones máximas esperadas en roca fluctúan entre 0.2g y 0.3g. La caracterización de los depósitos granulares se realizó mediante pruebas de campo, complementados con ensayos de laborator...

  6. Din - Turizm İlişkisi Çerçevesinde Yahudilikte, Hıristiyanlıkta Ve İslamiyette Hac Uygulamasına Genel Bakış


    Mehmet Alparslan Küçük


    Turizm sektörü, gerek dinî yaşam biçimi gerekse dinî kurumlar ile etkileşim ve iletişim halindedir. Bu etkileşim ve iletişim, dünyanın her yerinde görülebilmektedir. Turizm ile din arasındaki bu iletişim/etkileşim neticesinde inanç turizmi anlayışı ortaya çıkmıştır. İnanç Turizmi ile Hac arasında yakın bir ilişki sözkonusudur. Ancak Hac anlayışı ile inanç turizmi arasında ortak özellikler ile birlikte bazı farklılıklar da mevcuttur. Bu makalemizde bu benzerlikler ve farklılıklar ile birlikte ...

  7. Uma análise da dinâmica inflacionária brasileira

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    Francisco Cribari-Neto


    Full Text Available O objetivo central do presente artigo é analisar a dinâmica inflacionária brasileira e medir o grau de inércia em tal dinâmica. De início, nós apresentamos resultados de simulação de Monte Carlo sobre o desempenho em amostras finitas de diferentes variantes da razão de variâncias, uma medida comumente utilizada para a mensuração de persistência de choques no longo prazo. As simulações são realizadas sob inovações normais e não-normais e também com e sem outliers e inliers. Os resultados favorecem uma particular variante robusta da razão de variâncias proposta neste artigo. Os resultados empíricos para o Brasil indicam que o grau de inércia inflacionária neste país é substancialmente maior do que aquele encontrado por Campêlo e Cribari-Neto (Revista Brasileira de Economia, 57, 713-739, 2003; de fato, em alguns períodos da história econômica brasileira recente nós encontramos inércia plena. Todavia, o grau de inércia inflacionária após a implementação do Plano Real é de segunda ordem. Nós analisamos também as dinâmicas inflacionárias da Argentina, Chile e México.The chief goal of this paper is to analyze the Brazilian inflationary dynamics, and to measure the degree of inertia in such dynamics. To that end, we start by reporting Monte Carlo simulation results on the finite-sample performance of different variants of the variance ratio, a well know measure of long-run persistence of shocks. The simulations are performed under normal and nonnormal innovations, and also with and without outliers and inliers. Overall, the results favor a robust variant of the variance ratio we propose. The empirical results for Brazil suggest that the degree of inertia in this country is substantially larger than what was found by Campêlo and Cribari-Neto (Revista Brasileira de Economia 57, 713-739, 2003; indeed, in several periods of the recent economic history we find full inertia. However, the degree of inertia since

  8. Ground deformation monitoring using RADARSAT-2 DInSAR-MSBAS at the Aquistore CO2 storage site in Saskatchewan (Canada) (United States)

    Czarnogorska, M.; Samsonov, S.; White, D.


    The research objectives of the Aquistore CO2 storage project are to design, adapt, and test non-seismic monitoring methods for measurement, and verification of CO2 storage, and to integrate data to determine subsurface fluid distributions, pressure changes and associated surface deformation. Aquistore site is located near Estevan in Southern Saskatchewan on the South flank of the Souris River and west of the Boundary Dam Power Station and the historical part of Estevan coal mine in southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada. Several monitoring techniques were employed in the study area including advanced satellite Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) technique, GPS, tiltmeters and piezometers. The targeted CO2 injection zones are within the Winnipeg and Deadwood formations located at > 3000 m depth. An array of monitoring techniques was employed in the study area including advanced satellite Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) with established corner reflectors, GPS, tiltmeters and piezometers stations. We used airborne LIDAR data for topographic phase estimation, and DInSAR product geocoding. Ground deformation maps have been calculated using Multidimensional Small Baseline Subset (MSBAS) methodology from 134 RADARSAT-2 images, from five different beams, acquired during 20120612-20140706. We computed and interpreted nine time series for selected places. MSBAS results indicate slow ground deformation up to 1 cm/year not related to CO2 injection but caused by various natural and anthropogenic causes.


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    Iurie BACALOV


    Full Text Available Diabetul zaharat apare din cauza producţei insuficiente de insulină de către pancreas; astfel, nivelul glucozei din sânge depăşeşte valorile normale. Statisticile arată o creștere permanentă a cazurilor de diabet zaharat. Circa 5% din populație (cu unele variații de la o țară la alta suferă de forma clinică a acestei maladii, aproximativ 10% – de forma ei subclinică. Diabetul zaharat produce o serie de dereglări funcţionale, precum și la nivelul gonadelor, ce pot duce la complicaţii grave, ca menopauza la femei şi impotența la bărbaţi.CONCENTRATION OF ESTRADIOL AND TESTOSTERONE IN EXPERIMENTAL DIABETES ON THE BACKGROUND OF CYNARA SCOLYMUS EXTRACT INTAKEDiabetes occurs due to insufficient insulin production by the pancreas, so the blood glucose level exceeds normal levels. Statistics show a permanent increase in diabetes cases. About 5% of the population (with some variation from one country to another suffers from the clinical form of this disease, about 10% - of its subclinical form. Diabetes causes a number of functional disorders, as well as on gonads, that can lead to serious complications such as menopause in women and impotence in men.

  10. Herramienta para la enseñanza de las ecuaciones de Lagrange basada en la simulación de sistemas dinámicos


    Bravo M., D. A.; Rengifo R., C. F.


    En este trabajo se propone una herramienta para la enseñanza de la mecánica clásica, modelando sistemas dinámicos con las ecuaciones de Lagrange, a partir de la simulación en Matlab ©. Este enfoque permite a los estudiantes de ingeniería y ciencias básicas, desarrollar competencias en programación, análisis numérico, con el uso de la física como herramienta fundamental para modelar y simular sistemas dinámicos complejos, como por ejemplo: robots industriales, robots bípedos y cualquier sistem...

  11. The Rational Examination of the Socialist Marketing Economy%对社会主义市场经济的理性审视

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    The marketing economy and planned economy should be combined and complement each other because they both have advantages and disadvantages. Economic system of socialism with Chinese characteristics should carry out planned marketing economy system which integrates planned economy and marketing economy, and is not single marketing economy. Socialist marketing economy has common features of the marketing economy and has the same internal contradictions as other kinds of marketing economies, which are the economic causes of current serious corruption. Confronted with the personal egoism values stimulated by marketing economy, we should uphold and develop the socialist collectivism values and ethics.%市场与计划各有其长短,应该互相结合,互相补充。中国特色的社会主义经济体制应该实行计划与市场相结合的计划市场经济体制,而不是单一的市场经济体制。社会主义市场经济具有市场经济的共同特点,存在着一般市场经济所具有的内在矛盾,这是当前严重腐败现象产生的经济根源。面对市场经济引发的个人利己主义价值观,应该坚持和发扬社会主义集体主义价值观和道德观。

  12. Diseño, branding y dinámicas socioculturales

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    Alzate Sanz, Jaime Eduardo


    Full Text Available Actualmente, las regiones de conocimiento se caracterizan por ser territorios donde confluyen proyectos importantes que tienen que ver con las tecnologías, la cultura y el conocimiento. Las políticas de gobierno, el emprendimiento, el trabajo con el conocimiento proyectado desde las universidades y grupos de investigación alimentan constantemente la actividad cultural; a pesar de estas dinámicas, es posible que en muchas regiones de conocimiento el branding no se realice de manera rigurosa. De acuerdo a lo anterior, es importante reflexionar sobre la relación del diseño y el branding en las regiones eje de conocimiento, teniendo en cuenta la responsabilidad social de las marcas y la importancia del sujeto como integrante proactivo de la cultura

  13. Cross-Discipline Bio-Nanostructured Enhanced Photonic Multimode-Sensor Science (United States)


    AFRL-AFOSR-CL-TR-2017-0007 Multimode bio-nano sensor Fernando Danilo Gonzalez-Nilo UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ANDRES BELLO Final Report 05/23/2017...5e.  TASK NUMBER 5f.  WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ANDRES BELLO REPUBLICA 237 SANTIAGO...Ciencias Biologicas Universidad Andres Bello Avenida Republica 239, Santiago, Chile. Objective: The proposed cross-discipline experimental study aims to

  14. Dinâmica de populações em ambiente estocástico


    Coelho Neto, Elias Dias


    Estudamos um modelo para dinâmica de duas populações interagentes, uma de presas e outra de predadores, sujeitas a um ruído aditivo, que pode ser interpretado como um termo de migração aleatória. Resolvemos numericamente as equações diferenciais estocásticas do modelo e comparamos os resultados com as soluções do modelo determinístico associado. Identificamos três comportamentos qualitativamente distintos, correspondentes a três tipos diferentes de pontos de equilíbrio do sistema determinísti...

  15. Os programas de geometria dinâmica no ensino básico


    Fonseca, Cecília; Mateus, Joaquim


    Tendo em conta o contexto informático actual, estão ao dispor dos intervenientes no processo de ensino/aprendizagem um vasto leque de programas que permitem diversificar estratégias no ensino/aprendizagem da matemática. É neste enquadramento que se inserem os programas de geometria dinâmica, os quais constituem ferramentas interactivas que permitem a criação e manipulação de figuras geométricas, com base nas suas propriedades, favorecendo a compreensão dos conceitos e relações geométricas. ...

  16. Las Capacidades Dinámicas e Administración Estratégica

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    Vidigal Fernandes Martins


    Full Text Available Este ensayo teórico se centra en las teorías que explican cómo las organizaciones a obtener y mantener una ventaja competitiva. Tres Paradigmas se resumen, el paradigma y el paradigma de conflicto estratégico de Porter, y las conversaciones para poner fin al paradigma de recursos basado en recursos. "Capacidad dinámica" se derivan de la fuerte relación entre las nociones generalizadas de eficacia con respecto a los cambios y las fórmulas genéricas e la ventaja competitiva sustentable.

  17. Career Dilemmas among Diné (Navajo College Graduates: An Exploration of the Dinétah (Navajo Nation Brain Drain

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    Avery Denny


    Full Text Available Like many Indigenous nations, the Navajo Nation has worked to develop its human and economic potential. It has provided scholarships and other supports to enable its members to pursue post-secondary education. However, relatively few of these college-educated members return to the reservation to contribute directly to its development. This phenomenon has been termed a brain drain. This study explored the experiences of 28 college-educated Navajos who, while raised on the reservation, were living off the reservation after completing their post-secondary education. Participants indicated a number of factors that went into their decision to live off the reservation. These included:1. Ké’: Relationships/Connections to Family, Culture, Homeland, People;2. Iiná: Lifestyle/Lifeway, Desirable Setting, Learned Work Ethic, Social Atmosphere, Togetherness (Diné vs. Individualism (Mainstream;Bee ach’į’ na’hwii’ná: Resources and Roadblocks to Making a Life, Infrastructure, Services, The “System”;3. Bee ajit’9: Opportunity, Prosperity and Personal Improvement, Education, Extracurricular, Job Availability, Work Experience.

  18. Mathematical instrumentation in fourteenth-century Egypt and Syria the illustrated treatise of Najm al-Din al-Misri

    CERN Document Server

    Charette, F


    An illustrated Arabic treatise, with an English translation and detailed commentary, on the construction of over 100 various astronomical instruments, many of which are otherwise unknown to specialists. It was composed by Najm al-Din al-Misri, a rather shadowy figure, in Cairo around 1330 CE.

  19. Detailed data set of a large administration building as a validation model for DIN V18599-software; Umfangreicher Validierungsdatensatz eines grossen Verwaltungsgebaeudes fuer Software zur DIN V 18599

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoettges, Kirsten; Woessner, Simon; de Boer, Jan; Erhorn, Hans [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Bauphysik (IBP), Abt. Energiesysteme, Kassel (Germany); Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Bauphysik (IBP), Stuttgart (Germany)


    The calculation method of DIN V 18599 represents a very complex model for the estimation of the energy efficiency of buildings. The method is used for certificates too, thus, the number of users is quite high. This fact and the complexity of the method causes high demands on the related software products. Most of the end user software tools work with the calculation engine ibp18599kernel developed by Fraunhofer-Institut for Building Physics. There is a continuous quality control for both, the kernel and the user interfaces, i.e. the end user software. This paper gives an overview of the process of quality control as well as a documentation of a validation model used within this process, i.e. a complex administration building as a sample. (Abstract Copyright [2009], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.) [German] Mit dem Berechnungsverfahren der DIN V 18599 liegt ein umfassendes Berechnungsmodell fuer die energetische Bewertung von Gebaeuden vor. Der grosse Umfang der Verfahren stellt auch an die softwaretechnischen Umsetzungen fuer die Planungspraxis hohe Anforderungen. Das Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Bauphysik hat hierzu den Rechenkern ibp18599kernel entwickelt, der zwischenzeit-lich von zahlreichen Softwarehaeusern fuer Endanwendungsprogramme zur energetischen Bewertung und Erstellung von Energieausweisen eingesetzt wird. Dieser ''Rechenmotor'' unterliegt einer steten Qualitaetskontrolle zur Sicherstellung der Berechnungsgenauigkeit. Der vorliegende Aufsatz stellt den Prozess der Qualitaetssicherung anhand eines neuen Validierungsbeispiels in Form eines komplexen Verwaltungsgebaeudes vor. Die Fallstudie kann auch zur Validierung anderer Berechnungssysteme, die nicht auf dem Rechenkern basieren, genutzt werden. (Abstract Copyright [2009], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  20. Reconfiguração dinâmica de linhas de montagem

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    Ormeu Coelho da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho se propõe um novo problema envolvendo linhas de montagem. Nele se considera a necessidade de reconfiguração devido à mudança no tempo de ciclo requerido. Para tratá-lo, foram propostos quatro modelos de programação inteira mista, sendo três deles baseados em um horizonte de planejamento discretizado em períodos, o que dá ao problema um caráter dinâmico. Simultaneamente, força-se a suavização da carga de trabalho entre as estações, limitando-a com valores mínimos e máximos. Os modelos foram implementados em um pacote comercial de programação matemática e os resultados de alguns testes preliminares são reportados. Comparações entre o uso sucessivo de abordagens clássicas (tipo SALBP e a modelagem dinâmica demonstram a superioridade da abordagem proposta.In this paper we present a new problem involving assembly lines. It arises when successive variations in the cycle time force line re-configuration. We propose four mixed integer programming formulations for the problem, three of them using a time horizon divided in periods. Such assumption gives the problem a dynamic character. The models try to smooth the workload among the stations by forcing it to fall between minimum and maximum values predefined by the user. They were implemented in a commercial package for mathematical programming and some results are reported. Comparisons were made against the repetitive use of classical models (SALBP like to demonstrate the superiority of this new approach.

  1. Seguimiento a la dinámica competitiva de dos grupos económicos colombianos

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    Carlos Rodríguez Romero


    Full Text Available Diferentes tipos de trabajos describen la importancia de la dinámica de multimercados para explicar cómo compiten las empresas que coinciden en diferentes sectores de su actividad. En este artículo se busca presentar inicialmente el cuerpo teórico que soporta la dinámica competitiva, para luego ejemplificar su aplicación en un estudio analítico que identifique las acciones competitivas, no sólo de los dos conglomerados colombianos más importantes, sino también de los individuos que se encuentran al mando de estas organizaciones. La investigación utiliza el análisis estructurado de contenido a través fuentes secundarias para identificar las acciones competitivas de las organizaciones estudiadas en el periodo de 1986-2002. De tal manera, se expondrá la lógica que utilizaron durante los últimos años esos dos grupos económicos en diversos mercados y cómo han aplicado sus estrategias competitivas, para rivalizar en sectores tan heterogéneos como la radio, la televisión, las gaseosas, las cervezas e incluso en el patrocinio de estrellas del deporte y la farándula nacional.

  2. O Processo de Internacionalização como Elemento Gerador de Capacidades Dinâmicas: o caso da WEG na Argentina e na ChinaThe Internationalization Process as Generator Element of Dynamic Capacities: the case of WEG in Argentina and ChinaEl Proceso de Internacionalización como Elemento Generador de Capacidades Dinámicas: el caso de WEG en Argentina y China

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    FLEURY, Maria Tereza Leme


    Full Text Available RESUMOO artigo tem o objetivo de investigar as capacidades dinâmicas desenvolvidas e utilizadas pela WEG no processo de internacionalização e explicar como essas capacidades contribuem para que a empresa defenda e sustente a vantagem competitiva. De forma mais específica, o artigo apresenta um estudo exploratório por meio do caso do processo de internacionalização da empresa WEG na Argentina e na China. Tal artigo, tendo como enfoque de análise as capacidades dinâmicas, contribui à literatura de gestão internacional em dois aspectos. Primeiro, acrescenta o olhar analítico da internacionalização baseado em capacidades dinâmicas que ainda é bem restrito. Segundo, ao trabalhar as capacidades dinâmicas como elemento central da análise do processo de internacionalização propõe um framework de análise integrativo das teorias econômica e comportamental que são muito usadas para explicar o processo de internacionalização de empresas, porém são tratadas de maneira independente e por vezes antagônica. O resultado mostra como as capacidades dinâmicas são articuladas no caso da WEG no processo de internacionalização para a Argentina e o subsequente movimento para a China. As capacidades dinâmicas desenvolvidas na Argentina foram adquiridas pela matriz brasileira e puderam ser aplicadas com as devidas proporções no processo de internacionalização para a China. Entretanto, não pode ser identificado uma estrutura organizacional mais complexa em que os relacionamentos diretos inter-subsidiárias pudessem compartilhar capacidades dinâmicas como proposto no framework.ABSTRACTThe objective of the article is to research the dynamic capacities developed and used by WEG in its internationalization process and to explain how these capacities help the company defends and supports competitive advantage. The article presents an exploratory study of the internationalization process of WEG in Argentina and China. This article has as

  3. Dinámica de inventarios y dinero bajo competencia monopolística y salarios de eficiencia


    Escudé, Guillermo


    En este trabajo construyo un modelo IS-LM dinámico basado en la idea de que las empresas mantienen inventarios de productos terminados que actúan como un "colchón" absorbente de posibles desequilibrios en el mercado de productos. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas

  4. "Dictating the suitable way of life": mental hygiene for children and workers in socialist Mexico, 1934-1940. (United States)

    Molina, Andrés Ríos


    After the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920), an ambitious project of national reconstruction began in which education and health were two priorities in the consolidation of a new nation. In this context of social, cultural, and political transformation, mental hygiene was a field that made it possible to articulate the professional practice of psychiatrists with the project of the nation promoted by postrevolutionary governments. In Mexico, the mental hygiene movement was headed by the same doctors who professionalized the practice of psychiatry and made it a specialized field of knowledge. The first generation of psychiatrists managed to integrate mental hygiene into health and education policies during the socialist administration of president Lázaro Cárdenas; a phenomenon that made evident the articulation between mental hygiene, social medicine, and nationalist discourse. Discussion will focus on proposals made from the perspective of mental hygiene as a function of two social sectors regarded as priorities by the Cárdenas government: children and workers. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Adaptação voluntária do andar em idosos com doença de Parkinson sob dica visual dinâmica


    Silveira, Carolina Rodrigues Alves [UNESP


    A capacidade de ajustar a velocidade de progressão é um importante mecanismo que adapta a atividade locomotora para mudanças nas demandas do ambiente. Essa capacidade está comprometida na doença de Parkinson e dicas visuais dinâmicas são efetivas na melhora da locomoção. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a influência da dica visual dinâmica, em diferentes condições de velocidade, no padrão do andar de indivíduos com doença de Parkinson. Para tanto, 15 idosos com doenç...

  6. Predicción de los precios de contratos de electricidad usando una red neuronal con arquitectura dinámica

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    Juan David Velásquez Henao


    Full Text Available Los contratos en los mercados liberalizados de electricidad constituyen una herramienta para proteger a los agentes de la volatilidad; en este contexto, los pronósticos de los precios son una entrada clave para la toma de decisiones estratégicas y operativas de los agentes. En este artículo, se pronostican los precios promedios de los contratos despachados en el mercado eléctrico colombiano, usando una red neuronal con arquitectura dinámica conocida como DAN2. El modelo desarrollado es capaz de capturar la dinámica intrínseca de la serie de precios y de pronosticar el precio para el siguiente mes con más precisión que la metodología ARIMA clásica, para horizontes de predicción de 12 y 24 meses

  7. Trumpeting through the iron curtain: The breakthrough of jazz in socialist Yugoslavia

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    Vučetić Radina


    Full Text Available During the Cold War, jazz became a powerful propaganda weapon in the battle for “hearts and minds”. As early as the 1950s, the American administration began its Cold War “jazz campaign”, by broadcasting the popular jazz radio show Music USA over the Voice of America, and by sending its top jazz artists on world tours. In this specific cultural Cold War, Yugoslavia was, as in its overall politics, in a specific position between the East and the West. The postwar period in Yugoslavia, following the establishment of the new (socialist government, was characterized by strong resistance towards jazz as “decadent” music, until 1948 when “no” to Stalin became “yes” to jazz. From the 1950s, jazz entered Yugoslav institutions and media, and during the following two decades, completely conquered the radio, TV, and record industry, as well as the manifestations such as the Youth Day. On account of the openness of the regime during the 1950s and 1960s, Yugoslavia was frequently visited by the greatest jazz stars, such as Dizzy Gillespie, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. In the context of the Cold War, the promotion of jazz in Yugoslavia proved to be beneficial for both sides - by exporting jazz, America also exported its freedom, culture and system of values, while Yugoslavia showed the West to what extent its political system was open and liberal, at least concerning this type of music.

  8. La personalidad de las sociedades : descripción y dinámica


    Amigó Borrás, Salvador; Caselles Moncho, Antonio; Micó i Ruiz, Joan Carles


    La Extraversión es considerada como la dimensión fundamental y básica de la personalidad desde la Teoría del Rasgo Único de Personalidad [1]. La Extraversión, como dimensión temperamental, engloba dimensiones cognitivas como la racionalidad y la emocionalidad. La teoría de los tipos de Carl Jung [2] establece una dinámica compleja entre estas dimensiones, a partir de la cual se obtiene una tipología de la personalidad. Amigó [3] adaptó la teoría de Jung para aplicarla a las sociedades. Así, a...

  9. Converging with World Trends: The Emergence of the Cosmopolitan Citizen in Post-Socialist Romanian Citizenship Education

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    Simona Szakács


    Full Text Available Based on thematic content analysis of textbooks, curricula, and an overview of educational legislation after the 1989 change of political regime in Romania, this paper presents empirical evidence to argue that that postsocialist citizenship education displays surprising similarities with converging post-war changes in the concept of the ‘good citizen’. The findings suggest a complex picture of change combining liberal, communitarian and cosmopolitan renditions of the new citizen, all having a common thread: the shift towards a post-national ethos delinking the citizen from the exclusive purchase of national belonging and decoupling citizen action from the absolute duty to the patria. Such significant changes are often overlooked due to the dominant focus on the failures to comply with an idealized Western liberal model. However, they invite us to reconsider current understandings of both the pitfalls and the opportunities of post-socialist citizenship education by considering them from a different angle: that of wider socio-cultural change that is gradually being institutionalised at the world level.


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    Angela POTÂNG


    Full Text Available Studiul urmăreşte analiza gradului de satisfacţie profesională a cadrelor didactice din învăţământul preşcolar în func­ţie de orientarea lor valorică şi ierarhizarea valorilor profesionale. Noutatea şi originalitatea ştiinţifică este reprezentată de trasarea unor perspective noi de abordare a problemei privind satisfacţia în muncă a cadrului didactic din instituţiile preşcolare. Cercetarea respectivă poate deveni un suport metodologic pentru studenţii facultăţilor pedagogice, dar şi pentru managerii şi educatorii din grădiniţe.THE JOB SATISFACTION AND PROFESSIONAL VALUES TO TEACHERS IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONThe study aims to analyze the degree of satisfaction of teachers of preschool education according to their hierarchy of values and professional values. Scientific novelty: drawing new perspectives to tackle job satisfaction of teachers in preschools. This research can become a teaching methodological support for the students, but also for managers and kindergarten educators.

  11. Kennan and the Neglected Variable in Post-Socialist Societies: The Loss of Honest Dialogue and the Need for Empathy

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    Tešan Jesenko


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the symbolism of George Kennan’s famous “X” article relative to the challenges of contemporary post-socialist and post-conflict transitions. It unpacks recent developments in the field of contemporary political discourse, discussing the critical application of practices such as thinking with your heart, parrhesis, and pathos, as well as Kennan’s suggestion of the significance of uncertainty and reflection for global relations. The central question is: What would Kennan write in an X Article to the societies and states in transition? While various definitions of the term “parrhesis” exist, this paper employs both the definition suggested by Michel Foucault who understood it as “fearless speech” and Eric Voegelin who closely follows Plato’s meaning linking it with “heart”, i.e. vision of the spiritual, an existential (disorder of representatives of a society.

  12. Entropía proporcional de la dinámica cardiaca aplicada al diagnóstico de pacientes de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos

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    Javier Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La teoría de sistemas dinámicos cuantifica los estados y la evolución de los sistemas. Con base en esta teoría se creó una nueva metodología que cuantifica parejas ordenadas de frecuencias cardiacas en el espacio de fases de mediante la probabilidad y proporciones de la entropía, diferenciando clínicamente normalidad, enfermedad crónica, aguda, y evolución. Se registraron frecuencias cardiacas y latidos totales cada hora en 40 Holter de pacientes hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Coronarios, se realizó una simulación computacional para construir atractores caóticos y se evaluó la probabilidad, la entropía no equiprobable, y las proporciones de la entropía para la ocupación espacial de cada atractor, realizando comparaciones entre el diagnóstico clínico y el obtenido a través de la metodología físico matemática. Se evidenció que la metodología detecta en todos los casos el estado patológico de la dinámica, obteniendo valores de sensibilidad y especificidad de 100% y coeficiente Kappa de 1, evidenciando que es posible además establecer cuantitativamente la gravedad del mismo. Los resultados confirman que la autoorganización física y matemática de la dinámica cardiaca reflejada en el atractor dinámico geométrico, permite establecer predicciones de aplicación clínica en pacientes de la Unidad de Cuidados Coronarios.

  13. The uses and abuses of participatory ideologies in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

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    Vranješ Aleksandar


    Full Text Available After the formation of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY, the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY has organized large work and youth actions aimed at rebuilding the country after the Second World War. The main hypothesis of this paper is that in Yugoslavia there was no participation in the true sense, but that there were mechanisms which represented the ideology of participation. Work actions had huge impact on rebuilding the land, but they were not voluntary - which is a basic requirement of modern theory of participation. Likewise, the term participation is further explained in this paper, in order to further explain the thesis of formal participation in the former Yugoslavia. Student protests in 1968 were not an isolated case of revolt against the system, the basic characteristics of popular revolt that had its roots back in the early sixties. The aim of this paper is theoretical analysis of the theory of participation and the basic characteristics of Yugoslavia, in order to show that the participation of the people in the exercise of power was just an illusion, ie. formal. Case Study about films of the sixties and seventies in Yugoslavia illustrates the processes of censorship and imposition of ideology of participation.

  14. Comportamiento dinámico de puentes en arco con amortiguadores viscosos

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    Nicolás Parra García


    Full Text Available En éste trabajo se presenta la respuesta sísmica analítica de dos puentes en arco de gran luz, sometiéndolos a un movimiento simulado que incluye efectos de fuente cercana. Para reducir la respuesta se exploró su comportamiento conectando los dos extremos del tablero con la subestructura por medio de amortiguadores viscosos. Se llevaron a cabo una serie de análisis en el plano de ambos modelos para identificar los amortiguadores óptimos. Los resultados indicaron que el uso de amortiguadores viscosos con comportamiento no lineal, ofrece una solución práctica para reducir la respuesta dinámica de estas estructuras.

  15. La demanda de carnes y pescados en Túnez: un enfoque dinámico


    Gil, José M.ª; Dhehibi, B.; Angulo, Ana Maria


    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar la demanda de carnes y pescado en Túnez utilizando sistemas econométricos multiecuacionales en base a datos de series temporales para el período 1973-1997. Se ha prestado especial atención a la especificación del modelo y al cumplimiento de las restricciones teóricas. Desde el primer punto de vista, se ha optado por un enfoque dinámico general que permite seleccionar la forma funcional que mejor se ajusta a los datos. Los resultados del análisi...

  16. Dinámicas relacionales en familias con un miembro consumidor de sustancias psicoactivas


    Noreña Orozco, Sandra Patricia


    La investigación tuvo como propósito analizar las dinámicas relacionales que caracterizan el sistema familiar, cuando uno de sus miembros es consumidor de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA). La metodología se orientó desde una perspectiva cualitativa, a través de un estudio de caso con un enfoque hermenéutico. Para ello se contó con cuatro familias en las que uno de sus miembros fuera consumidor de SPA, contando con la participación de nueve personas, entre ellos las personas que consumen. Se esta...

  17. A Mobilização de Capacidades Dinâmicas na Lojas Renner


    Adalberto Escalona Gonçalves Garcia; Luiz Paulo Bignetti


    O artigo tem como objetivo analisar a trajetória de uma das empresas varejistas de maior destaque no mercado brasileiro, através de um estudo longitudinal que enfatiza a mobilização de seus recursos e capacidades ao longo de 90 anos de história. Explorando o conceito de capacidades dinâmicas, descrevem-se as ações estratégicas empreendidas em momentos de crescimento e de crise. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com dez tomadores de decisão que vivenciaram diferentes mom...

  18. Din - Turizm İlişkisi Çerçevesinde Yahudilikte, Hıristiyanlıkta Ve İslamiyette Hac Uygulamasına Genel Bakış

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    Mehmet Alparslan Küçük


    Full Text Available Turizm sektörü, gerek dinî yaşam biçimi gerekse dinî kurumlar ile etkileşim ve iletişim halindedir. Bu etkileşim ve iletişim, dünyanın her yerinde görülebilmektedir. Turizm ile din arasındaki bu iletişim/etkileşim neticesinde inanç turizmi anlayışı ortaya çıkmıştır. İnanç Turizmi ile Hac arasında yakın bir ilişki sözkonusudur. Ancak Hac anlayışı ile inanç turizmi arasında ortak özellikler ile birlikte bazı farklılıklar da mevcuttur. Bu makalemizde bu benzerlikler ve farklılıklar ile birlikte Yahudilik, Hıristiyanlık ve İslamiyet’teki hac anlayışı/uygulaması ele alınmıştır

  19. Influencia de la temperatura y nivel de energía de compactación en las propiedades dinámicas de una mezcla asfáltica

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    Óscar Javier Reyes Ortiz


    Full Text Available La temperatura de las mezclas asfálticas varía significativamente desde su producción en la planta hasta la conformación de la estructura de pavimento, especialmente en el proceso de compactación. Estas diferencias de temperatura de la mezcla de un punto a otro, generan segregación, microfisuras, superficies onduladas, desgarramientos y especialmente cambios en las propiedades mecánicas y dinámicas de la mezcla.En este estudio de laboratorio se determinó el efecto en el módulo dinámico, densidad, estabilidad y flujo de una mezcla asfáltica con granulometría 0/10 y asfalto con penetración 60/70, al variar la temperatura de compactación. Se establece que al compactar muestras entre 100 y 150 ºC existe descenso del orden de 30% en el módulo dinámico, 5% en la densidad y 50% en la estabilidad.

  20. Ventilation components according to DIN 1946-6. Messages from the C.A.T.S. Academy; Lueftungskomponenten nach DIN 1946-6. Mitteilungen aus der C.A.T.S.-Academy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nadler, Norbert [CSE Nadler, Oranienburg (Germany)


    On the one hand, the buildings are performed tightly according to the building regulations, on the other hand a minimum of air change is to be ensured. The former demand for air change by manual opening of the windows is no longer accepted. The calculation method of the regulation DIN 1946-6 enables both the establishment of a ventilation concept as well as an interpretation of the ventilation components. A critical evaluation of the regulation and the demands of practice result in necessary amendments which result in requirements of the appropriate software. The implementation of these requirements exemplary is demonstrated on the basis od the new C.A.T.S. ventilation.

  1. Diseño de escenarios virtuales para problemas de optimización a través de geometría dinámica.


    Freddy Yesid Villamizar Araque; Olga Lucy Rincón Leal; Mawency Vergel Ortega


    El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de analizar la influencia del uso de tecnologías digitales, particularmente, de software de geometría dinámica, acompañado de una didáctica en la concepción y solución de problemas aplicados, en un enfoque de enseñanza activa, en temas de optimización. La metodología siguió un enfoque cualitativo, se desarrolló a partir de taller con profesores, en el cual se resolvieron problemas en el contexto de máximos y mínimos de forma analítica y dinámica media...

  2. Clasificación y detección de fallas en Sistemas Dinámicos

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    Javier Hernando Pardo Mayorga


    Full Text Available En los sistemas dinámicos se pueden presentar fallas en cualquier instante de tiempo, estas fallas pueden ser generadas en gran cantidad de casos por la variación de uno o más parámetros de la planta o del sistema dinámico. En este trabajo se propone la detección de fallas en una planta no lineal de dos tanques acoplados uno con área constante y otro variable con la altura esto basado en observadores adaptivos, sustentado con clasificación LAMDA y análisis de componentes principales. Se presenta la aplicación del algoritmo en un sistema no lineal, control del nivel en un sistema de tanques acoplados, así como el análisis de resultados conclusiones y perspectivas futuras./ In the dynamic systems a fail can occur in any moment, the fail can be present for variations in one or more parameter of the dynamic system. This paper present a fail detection in a non linear system compose by two tanks in parallel one with constant transversal area and the other one with variable area, the work is develop with adaptive observers and LAMDA classification. The application on this paper is in a non linear system, the level control in the two tank system.

  3. Dinámica de los componentes demográficos en Baja California, durante el periodo 1985-1990

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    Gabriel Estrella Valenzuela


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se identifican los rangos predominantes en la dinámica de los componentes demográficos del estado de Baja California y sus municipios, durante el período 1985-1990. Para ello, se utilizan y combinan datos de estadísticas vitales, censales y de las Encuestas Demográficas de Baja California de 1986 y 1990. A partir del análisis de la mortalidad y la fecundidad, se logra determinar una tendencia de estabilidad en el componente natural de la dinámica demográfica del estado, con variaciones marginales a nivel municipal. En el rubro de crecimiento social, sin embargo, se observa un notable y claro incremento en la movilidad de la población que se sustenta en dos componentes: un incremento en la tasa de emigración desde el estado en su conjunto y una más elevada y consistente tendencia al incremento en las tasas de inmigración hacia Baja California, que revierte la tendencia decreciente del peso del crecimiento social en la entidad

  4. Control de Robots Móviles con Incertidumbres Dinámicas usando Redes de Base Radial

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    Francisco G. Rossomando


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un control de seguimiento de trayectorias de robots móviles. La estructura de control propuesta combina una linealización por realimentación basada en el modelo cinemático nominal, y una red neuronal directa para el control dinámico adaptable. La dinámica del robot es aprendida por una red neuronal basada en funciones de base radial (RN-FBR en un lazo de realimentación adaptable, ajustando el peso y las funciones de base radial. Se muestra un análisis de estabilidad del sistema de neuro-control adaptable. Se comprueba que los errores de control están limitados en función del error de aproximación de la RN-FBR. El funcionamiento del controlador también se verifica experimentalmente. Palabras clave: robot móvil, control no lineal, redes neuronales, control adaptable, funciones de base radial

  5. Sobre a dinâmica da ideologia à luz da interpretação lukácsiana

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    Nara Roberta Silva


    Full Text Available Reconhecendo que o conceito de ideologia apresenta uma gama de significados, acepções e definições, o artigo procura debatê-lo dentro da leitura de György Lukács – considerando que não há uma concepção de ideologia sistematizada pelo próprio Karl Marx. Com isso, parte-se da relação não dicotômica entre realidade objetiva e subjetividade visualizada através do trabalho, cerne da teoria marxiana, e define-se ideologia a partir de sua função social de intervir nos conflitos, impasses, questões etc. de cunho também social. Em decorrência, considerando seu caráter de consciência eminentemente prática, exploram-se então aspectos concernentes à complexa dinâmica da ideologia, que possibilitam compreender sua atuação e sua influência em meio a uma dada formação social – dinâmica esta sintetizada no que optamos por chamar de linguagem da evidência.

  6. Processos globais e mercado de trabalho: novas dinâmicas no setor automotivo no Brasil - anos 2000

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    Garcia, Sandro Ruduit


    Full Text Available O artigo tenta identificar novas dinâmicas no mercado de trabalho, face aos processos globais, a partir do que vem ocorrendo no setor automotivo brasileiro nos anos 2000, focando particularmente o caso do pólo de Gravataí (RS. O argumento central da análise é de que a constituição de processos globais promove novas dinâmicas em mercados de trabalho regionais. A abertura de mercados de produtos, as composições entre capitais nacionais e estrangeiros e os investimentos em novas plantas industriais expressam processos globais que poderiam criar novas atividades e funções produtivas, empresas e empregos, assim como estimular capacidades e conhecimentos. Por outro lado, a competitividade, instabilidade e interdependência do sistema global reforçariam a seletividade social nos mercados de trabalho regionais, constituindo novos riscos e ansiedades para segmentos econômicos e sociais vulneráveis. Isso tenderia a mobilizar instituições no esforço de tentar reparar distorções face à nova complexidade do mercado de trabalho

  7. Community helping services: dynamic of formation and expressiveness of the cultural care Comunidad mutirante: dinâmica de formación y expresividad del cuidado cultural Comunidade mutirante: dinâmica de formação e expressividade do cuidado cultural

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    Fátima Luna Pinheiro Landim


    Full Text Available Community helping services is an expression used by the social movements to designate families that live in shacks installed in a public area intended for building of own house at a community helping system. Studies in ethnonursing that aimed: in order to detail dynamic configuration in a community helping service. It took place in an community helping area located in the outskirts of Fortaleza, Ceará. The community members acting as general informants from the local culture, while eight (8 women heads-of-families, working as key informers. The data collect used the Observation-Participation-Reflection Model. The analyses were processing by the time that the dates were collected, considering the categories: inserting in the community helping culture to obtain their history; community helping is not a slum -describing the formation dynamic. Established that the formation dynamic of the community helping go on the own house representation as a symbol of " a better life". To assimilate such expression introducing in own cultural universe is a challenge for the nursing to assist a care culture congruent.Comunidad "mutirante" es una expresión utilizada por los movimientos sociales para designar familias que habitan barracas instaladas en terreno público destinado a la construción comunitaria de las casas que esas familias habitarán. Estudio en etnoenfermagem, que tuvo como objetivo: describir la dinámica de formación de una comunidad mutirante. Fue realizado en un área de construcción comunitaria localizada en la periferia de Fortaleza-Ceará-Brasil. Los miembros de la comunidad actuaron como informantes generales de la cultura local, mientras que ocho mujeres jefes de familia fueron informantes llave. La colecta de datos utilizó el modelo de Observación-Participación-Refleja. Los análises fueron siendo procesados al mismo tiempo en que los datos fueron colectados, considerando las categorías: Insertándose en la cultura mutirante para

  8. Los modelos de organización y dinámicas espaciales metropolitanas en Andalucía

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    José Mª Feria Toribio


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda dos dimensiones relevantes de la nueva configuración de la ciudad en Andalucía.Al igual que en todos los países de su entorno, esta nueva configuración es metropolitanatanto en el plano formal como en el funcional, lo que significa que supera nítidamente los límitesfísicos y administrativos de la ciudad tradicional, para abarcar territorios y redes de asentamientoscada vez más amplios. En ese sentido, aquí se centrará el análisis, en primer lugar, en el modoy disposición en el que se organizan espacialmente los diferentes componentes de la ciudad metropolitanay, en segundo lugar, en cuáles son las dinámicas de dicha ciudad tanto en su conjuntocomo en sus componentes. La diversidad y complejidad del sistema metropolitano andaluz, connueve áreas metropolitanas de diferente nivel jerárquico, permite además que este análisis nopersiga sólo caracterizar este universo urbano sino que también sirva para establecer modelos deorganización y dinámicas extensibles a cualquier otro sistema metropolitano.

  9. DInSAR-Based Detection of Land Subsidence and Correlation with Groundwater Depletion in Konya Plain, Turkey

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    Fabiana Caló


    Full Text Available In areas where groundwater overexploitation occurs, land subsidence triggered by aquifer compaction is observed, resulting in high socio-economic impacts for the affected communities. In this paper, we focus on the Konya region, one of the leading economic centers in the agricultural and industrial sectors in Turkey. We present a multi-source data approach aimed at investigating the complex and fragile environment of this area which is heavily affected by groundwater drawdown and ground subsidence. In particular, in order to analyze the spatial and temporal pattern of the subsidence process we use the Small BAseline Subset DInSAR technique to process two datasets of ENVISAT SAR images spanning the 2002–2010 period. The produced ground deformation maps and associated time-series allow us to detect a wide land subsidence extending for about 1200 km2 and measure vertical displacements reaching up to 10 cm in the observed time interval. DInSAR results, complemented with climatic, stratigraphic and piezometric data as well as with land-cover changes information, allow us to give more insights on the impact of climate changes and human activities on groundwater resources depletion and land subsidence.

  10. [Quality assurance in student training. Prerequisites for DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 in teaching]. (United States)

    Ochsner, W; Kaiser, C; Schirmer, U


    Standards of quality assurance according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 have been implemented in many university hospital departments, but often teaching activities are not included. This work presents a method that allows, after having defined the various teaching activities as sub-processes of one single core process, to include the manifold teaching activities of university hospital departments into the certification process. The stepwise description of the prerequisites for including teaching activities into ISO 9001 certification is illustrated by a concrete implementation example.

  11. Dinámica demográfica y generación de viajes al trabajo en el AMCM: 1994-2000

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    Boris Graizbord


    Full Text Available Entre la vasta gama de problemas urbanos que afectan a la Ciudad de México es de vital importancia el transporte pues implica la movilidad de la población. Los diversos modos de transporte, públicos y privados, permiten acceder a los mercados urbanos, principalmente al de trabajo y al de vivienda, pero también a los mercados de bienes y servicios. Sin embargo, no se ha llevado a cabo un análisis a fondo de tales fenómenos conforme lo exigen los problemas, y a nuestro entender esto obedece a dos razones fundamentales: 1 la incipiente generación y escasa disponibilidad de datos que permitananalizar la estructura del transporte, y 2 la carencia de los elementos conceptuales necesarios para vincular el transporte con la dinámica de crecimiento de la metrópoli ycon el proceso de planificación de la ciudad. En este trabajo pretendemos avanzar en el análisis de la dinámica del transporte urbano de pasajeros en el Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México (AMCM. Lo haremos resaltando las diferencias absolutas y relativas en la generación de viajes rumbo al trabajo en dos momentos en el tiempo: 1994 y 2000. Esto nos brinda la posibilidad de acercarnos a una mayor comprensión de la dinámica de dos fenómenos,la ciudad y el transporte, y de apreciar así algunas relaciones entre ambos.


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    Constantin UNGUREANU


    Full Text Available În perioada 1875-1919, Universitatea din Cernăuţi a funcţionat cu trei facultăţi: teologie ortodoxă, drept şi filozofie. Un rol aparte în cadrul Universităţii l-a îndeplinit Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă. La această facultate au activat 15 pro­fesori titulari, dintre care 13 români şi doi ucraineni. Facultatea de Drept a fost cea mai bine frecventată. Facultatea de Filozofie din Cernăuţi a cuprins mai multe secţii: filozofie, istorie, filologie şi lingvistică, matematică şi ştiinţe naturale, limbi moderne, fizică, chimie. În ajunul războiului, la această facultate activau 28 de catedre, dintre care 16 în domeniul ştiinţelor filologice şi istorice şi 12 în domeniul ştiinţelor naturale.FACULTIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHERNIVTSI (1875-1919During 1875-1919,ChernivtsiUniversitywas comprised of three faculties: orthodox theology, law and philosophy. The Faculty of Orthodox Theology played a special role within the University. This department was comprised of 15 full professors, of which 13 were Romanian and 2 Ukrainians. Faculty of Law was the best frequented. The Faculty of Philosophy in Chernivtsi was comprised of several departments such as philosophy, history, philology and linguistics, mathematics and natural sciences, modern languages, physics and chemistry. Just before the Great War, this Faculty was comprised of 28 departments of which 16 were specialized in philology and history while 12 were specialized in the natural sciences.

  13. Analiza economică a cultivării fructelor şi legumelor în Moldova

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    ndrei ZBANCĂ


    Full Text Available Small and medium agricultural producers of the Republic of Moldova focus on developing highvalue agricultural sector, which provides the greatest profits and, due to this fact, could become an important source of increasing income in the rural sector. This paper presents the results of economic calculations (performed by the authors related to the amount of investments and terms of investment recovery (calculated per 1 hectare for 47 high value agricultural crops (fruits and vegetables, as well as to the economic results of the operational activity of growing these crops (sales incomes, sale costs, gross profit, economic profitability. The authors developed cost budgets and their components for each crop. The presented calculation data will enable local entrepreneurs to select the correct crops based on the economic indicators and to deliberately invest the financial resources. Rezumat. Producătorii agricoli mici şi medii din Republica Moldova sunt orientaţi spre dezvoltarea sectorului agricol de valoare înaltă, care oferă cele mai mari profituri şi care, datorită acestui fapt, ar putea deveni o sursă importantă de majorare a veniturilor în sectorul rural. În această lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele calculelor economice (efectuate de autori privind suma investiţiilor necesare si termenele de recuperare a investiţiilor (în calcul la 1 ha pentru 47 de culturi de valoare înaltă (fructe şi legume şi estimările privind rezultatele economice din activitatea operaţională la cultivarea acestor culturi (venituri din vânzări, costul vânzărilor, profitul brut, rentabilitatea economică. Autorii au elaborat pentru fiecare cultură bugetul costurilor şi componenţa lor. Datele de calcul prezentate vor permite antreprenorilor autohtoni să selecteze corect culturile în baza indicilor economici şi să investească in mod chibzuit resursele financiare.

  14. Fatigue of DIN 1.4914 martensitic stainless steel in a hydrogen environment (United States)

    Shakib, J. I.; Ullmaier, H.; Little, E. A.; Faulkner, R. G.; Schmilz, W.; Chung, T. E.


    Fatigue tests at room temperature in vacuum, air and hydrogen have been carried out on specimens of DIN 1.4914 martensitic stainless steel in load-controlled, push-pull type experiments. Fatigue lifetimes in hydrogen are significantly lower than in both vacuum and air and the degradation is enhanced by lowering the test frequency or introducing hold times into the tension half-cycle. Fractographic examinations reveal hydrogen embrittlement effects in the form of internal cracking between fatigue striations together with surface modifications, particularly at low stress amplitudes. It is suggested that gaseous hydrogen can influence both fatigue crack initiation and propagation events in martensitic steels.

  15. Software para la enseñanza de la dinámica y control de intercambiadores de calor de tubos y coraza

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    Fiderman Machuca


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta la estructura de un software desarrollado para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la dinámica y control de intercambiadores de calor de tubos y coraza. El programa presenta, de manera numérica y gráfica, el comportamiento dinámico en lazo abierto y cerrado del proceso para diferentes parámetros de diseño y condiciones de operación variables. El software permite modificar condiciones tanto de operación como de diseño, por ejemplo, temperatura y caudales de entrada a los tubos y coraza, número y longitud de tubos, número de pasos, diámetro externo e interno de los tubos, diámetro interno de coraza y factor de ensuciamiento.

  16. Perspectiva de Trazabilidad en la Cadena de Suministros de Frutas: Un Enfoque desde la Dinámica de SistemasPerspective of Traceability in the Food Supply Chain: An Approach from System Dynamics

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    Javier Arturo Orjuela Castro


    Full Text Available El presente artículo muestra un modelo causal, desarrollado a dos niveles, uno general basado en el comportamiento dinámico de la cadena de suministro de frutas, y otro específico para la implementación de tecnologías de trazabilidad en la cadena. Surge de la necesidad de identificar la dinámica de la implementación de tecnologías de trazabilidad en la cadena de frutas. La hipótesis dinámica establecida fue: “El comportamiento dinámico de planeación e implementación de tecnología genera un efecto en la transformación, calidad, asignación de recursos, inventarios y trazabilidad del sistema (cadena de suministros frutícola”. El modelo causal fue obtenido a partir de una detallada y rigurosa revisión de la literatura y de estudios específicos del sector de frutas en Colombia, sobre el tema de la trazabilidad en la cadena de suministro de alimentos a partir de las perspectivas de dinámica de sistemas, integración, optimización y tecnologías de trazabilidad. Existen pocos trabajos en trazabilidad con un enfoque como el abordado en este trabajo. El desarrollo permitió incluir, en los diagramas causales, una serie de factores no tenidos en cuenta en trabajos previos. Los resultados obtenidos a través del análisis causal propuesto, bajo la metodología de dinámica de sistemas, implican la inclusión del efecto de la implementación de tecnología de trazabilidad en la cadena de suministro de frutas y sus relaciones con la capacidad de inversión y la calidad de un producto.

  17. Information Acquisition, Analysis and Integration (United States)


    Fiori, MSc ’11 5. I. Ramirez, PhD ’11 (currently Professor, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay) 6. F. Lecumberry, PhD ’12 (currently Professor... Universidad de la Re- publica, Uruguay) 7. P. Sprechmann, PhD ’12 (currently postdoctoral associate, NYU) 8. L. Yatziv, PhD ’12 (currently at Google) 9...University) 11. M. Fiori, PhD ’15 (currently Professor, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay) 12. Zhuoqing Chang, MSc ’15 (currently PhD student, Duke

  18. Dinámica y distribución de la productividad del trabajo en México después de la apertura comercial

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    Luis Gutiérrez-Flores


    Full Text Available El presente documento analiza la dinámica en la distribución de la productividad en las entidades federativas de México para el periodo 1994-2009. El objetivo central de la investigación es conocer si el proceso dinámico de distribución de la productividad del sector manufacturero, con el uso de las cadenas de Markov, tiene un patrón similar o no al encontrado cuando se discute acerca de la convergencia en ingresos. Los resultados del trabajo indican una tendencia no únicamente hacia la concentración de la actividad manufacturera del país, sino también hacia una separación en los niveles de productividad en los años recientes.

  19. Gestión de la cadena de suministros desde la dinámica de sistemas. Aproximación al mejoramiento de la toma de decisiones


    Brijaldo Oliveros, Felipe Orlando


    El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer un estudio sobre la cadena de suministros en organizaciones empresariales desde la Dinámica de Sistemas y como esta puede aportar al desempeño y el control de las cadenas de suministros. Se buscará Abordar el cocimiento sobre tres perspectivas de Supply Chain y su relación con la dinámica de sistemas. También se buscará identificar los tipos de integración en las actividades de la gestión en la cadena de suministros y sus horizontes de planeación. Por últi...

  20. Reconfigurando aplicaciones multi-cloud con líneas de producto software dinámicas


    Cubo, Javier; Gámez,Nadia; Pimentel, Ernesto; Fuentes, Lidia


    La reconfiguración dinámica de aplicaciones multi-cloud es un reto complejo aún no suficientemente explorado. En estos entornos las aplicaciones o sus módulos pueden estar desplegados en diferentes proveedores. Por lo tanto, reconfigurar en tiempo de ejecución estas aplicaciones puede requerir la modificación de la distribución en múltiples y heterogéneos proveedores. Obtener la nueva distribución para que sigan funcionando correctamente las aplicaciones no es una tarea senc...

  1. Dinámica de la fuerza de trabajo en Cuba 1846-1931 (II

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    Orestes Gárciga Gárciga


    Full Text Available En «Dinámica de la fuerza de trabajo en Cuba 1846-1931» se estudia el procesamiento de los datos estadísticos que, acerca de la actividad laboral de la población, presentaron los censos de 1846, 1862, 1899, 1907, 1919 y 1931. Debido a su extensión, la obra ha sido dividida en tres partes para ser publicada en Novedades en Población. El presente artículo examina la evolución de la fuerza de trabajo en Cuba de 1846 a 1931, a través de diversas clasificaciones internacionales empleadas en estos estudios, y da continuidad a «Dinámica de la fuerza de trabajo en Cuba 1846-1931 (I», incluido en el número anterior de la revista (Año 9, Número 17, 2013. Abstract In «Dynamic of the workforce in Cuba 1846-1931» is studied the processing of statistical data showed by the 1846, 1862, 1899, 1907, 1919 and 1931 censuses about labor activity of the population. Due to its extension, this work has been divided in three parts so it can be published in Novedades en Población (News on Population. The current paper reviews the evolution of the work force in Cuba from 1846 to 1931, taking to account diverse international classifications used in this studies. It is the continuation of «Dynamic of the workforce in Cuba 1846-1931 (I», included in the previous number of this magazine.

  2. A dinâmica dos homicídios no Nordeste e em Pernambuco

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    José Maria Nóbrega Júnior


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a dinâmica das mortes por homicídio no Nordeste, região mais violenta do país em termos desse tipo de crime. Indicadores de homicídios foram analisados para todos os estados nordestinos, com ênfase em Pernambuco. A análise dos números demonstra um crescimento das mortes violentas e intencionais na região pelo menos desde o início da década de 1990, com maior impacto nos últimos 10 anos, chegando a ultrapassar os números do Sudeste em 2006. Buscou-se tabular esses números por grupos como faixa etária, nível de escolaridade e por regiões de Pernambuco, revelando-se as diferentes dimensões dessa dinâmica. The aim of the article The dynamics of homicides in the Northeast and Pernambuco is to review the dynamics of deaths by homicide in the Northeast ofBrazil, the most violent region in the country in terms of this kind of crime. Murder rates were analysed for all the North-eastern states, with special focus on Pernambuco. The statistical analysis shows a growth in violent and intentional deaths in the region at least since the start of the 1990s, peaking in the last 10 years and surpassing the figures for the Southeast in 2006. Associations were then sought with groups like age group, level of schooling and by regions of Pernambuco, revealing the different dimensions of the dynamics.

  3. El control de sistemas dinámicos caóticos en economía: aplicación a un modelo de hiperinflación

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    Graciela Chaparro Guevara


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene por objetivo estudiar el control del comportamiento caótico de un sistema dinámico de hiperinflación empleando el método propuesto por Ott, Grebogy y Yorke (1990 (método OGY, el cual busca controlar la dinámica caótica de un sistema perturbando levemente alguno de sus parámetros. El método se ejemplificará por medio de la aplicación logística, y posteriormente se empleará en un modelo de hiperinflación (Punita, 2011 para estabilizar los precios en una órbita estacionaria de periodo uno.

  4. La importancia del diagnóstico dinámico en la práctica clínica

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    Roberto Anselmo Ramos Valverde


    Full Text Available El enfoque biologicista quedó teóricamente quebrantado con dos aportes fundamentales: la medicina psicosomática,que destacó la relación mente-soma como un sistema lineal de relaciones mutuas bidireccionales, señalando el papel de los factores psicológicos en la génesis de las enfermedades; y el reconocimiento por la Medicina de los factores sociales, influyentes en el proceso salud enfermedad, puente de enlace con las ciencias sociales. (1 Anteriormente el intento más acabado lo constituyeronlas series complementarias de Freud, un legado a la teoría de la causalidad y al enfoque dinámico, acercándose bastante al modelo recíproco. Una primera serie incluye los factores hereditarios y congénitos, una segunda serie constituida por las experiencias infantiles, que al interrelacionarse con la primera conforma la disposición o condición interna existente en el sujeto, la cual al interactuar con los factores desencadenantes del medio, representantes de la tercera serie,produce el efecto conductual,explicándose de esta manera el comportamiento normal y el anómalo. (1 Se trata de diagnóstico dinámico para significar el conjunto de factores etiopatogénicos biológicos, psicológicos y sociales que interactúan dialécticamente,cuyo resultado final es la enfermedad. La psicopatología, disciplina de la Psiquiatría dedicada al estudio de las causas, origen y desarrollo de los trastornos mentales, legó a la clínica psiquiátrica este modelo, que puede ser extendido a otras ramas de la medicina, para comprender al enfermo en su integridad humana y cumplir con el principio de personalizar la atención médica, al tratar enfermos, no enfermedades, sin pretender generalizar este diagnóstico como panacea heurística en la medicina clínica, donde el enfermo es la unidad básica de estudio. (1,2 El diagnóstico dinámico permite un análisis casuístico, recíproco y dialéctico, capaz de penetrar en el drama humano y descifrar las

  5. Diseño de escenarios virtuales para problemas de optimización a través de geometría dinámica.

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    Freddy Yesid Villamizar Araque


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de analizar la influencia del uso de tecnologías digitales, particularmente, de software de geometría dinámica, acompañado de una didáctica en la concepción y solución de problemas aplicados, en un enfoque de enseñanza activa, en temas de optimización. La metodología siguió un enfoque cualitativo, se desarrolló a partir de taller con profesores, en el cual se resolvieron problemas en el contexto de máximos y mínimos de forma analítica y dinámica mediante el software geogebra. Resultados señalan la necesidad de implementar secuencias didácticas que guíen al a la concepción de optimización, la herramienta motiva la fase de enseñanza al permitir la simulación, modifica heurísticas y formas de solucionar un problema. Conclusión: la tecnología digital es factor motivante en la enseñanza, permite la visualización de representaciones de objetos matemáticos de manera dinámica, ayuda a la conceptualización si y solo si se apoya de secuencias didácticas.

  6. Dinámica y crecimiento de los granos de polvo en la nebulosa protoplanetaria (United States)

    de La Fuente Marcos, Carlos


    En el escenario estándar de la formación planetaria, los planetesimales (cuerpos de tamaño kilométrico) crecen a partir de granos de polvo, similares a los interestelares, embebidos en un disco gaseoso denominado nebulosa protoplanetaria. Durante esta etapa, los movimientos del gas pueden tener gran influencia en la dinámica y el crecimiento de los granos de polvo, dado que el flujo kepleriano del gas frena el movimiento de los mismos haciendo que caigan hacia el Sol, y la turbulencia inhibe la inestabilidad gravitacional de la capa de polvo. Aunque se acepta que los planetesimales fueron los elementos constituyentes de los planetas, todavía se desconoce cómo se produjo la formación de los mismos. Por esta razón, en los estudios más recientes, existe un renovado interés por comprender mejor la evolución de la capa de polvo inmersa en el disco gaseoso de la Nebulosa. El gas que fluye en el disco puede engendrar estructuras carentes de simetría axial, como por ejemplo ondas espirales y vórtices, a partir de gran variedad de mecanismos de excitación e inestabilidad. En 1995, Barge y Sommeria pusieron de manifiesto que la existencia de vórtices gaseosos persistentes en la nebulosa solar tendría importantes consecuencias sobre la formación de los planetesimales y el posterior crecimiento de los planetas gigantes. La investigación desarrollada en esta Tesis analiza la relación entre el polvo y el gas debida al acoplamiento por fricción dinámica entre ambos; en concreto, se estudia el efecto del flujo medio del gas sobre la dinámica de las partículas de polvo. El primer objetivo es investigar en profundidad los procesos de captura y crecimiento de los granos de polvo dentro de un vórtice y su posible relevancia en cuanto a la formación de los planetesimales. El segundo objetivo es la exploración de los efectos de ondas espirales propagándose en el disco gaseoso sobre la dinámica y el crecimiento de las partículas. La presencia de líneas de

  7. Generación y dinámica de electrones runaway en plasmas tokamak


    Fernández Gómez, Isabel


    La dinámica y generación de electrones runaway en plasmas tokamak constituye el tema central de esta tesis. En un tokamak, el fenómeno runaway es el resultado de la existencia de un campo eléctrico en dirección toroidal. Aquellos electrones cuya velocidad excede un cierto valor crítico se aceleran de forma continua, ya que la e ciencia de las colisiones para disipar la energía ganada en el campo disminuye con la velocidad (∼ ⁻¹) . Se tiene entonces lo que se conoce como un electrón runaway. ...

  8. [National socialist violent measures against psychiatric patients: ways of coping by family members]. (United States)

    Delius, P


    In the cause of an historical study dealing with the closing of an ancient psychiatric hospital in Luebeck during the 2nd world war the infrafamilial structures of the deported patients were explored. Among 136 clinical reports 42 cases were found in which families succeeded to get into contact with deported patients, in three cases their efforts to have them discharged were successful. Stress was laid on the exploration of 12 relatives of deported or murdered psychiatric patients. The interviews were structured following the "oral history" concept and psychological interpretation was added. Focussing on infrafamiliar coping processes which were developed facing the NS-propaganda it was found that working-class people tended to see the victim in an idealized role. They showed a strong projective defence remembering Psychiatry as an integral part of nazi-system. Others saw their relatives as victims of war in general. Some of the relatives tried to repress the existence of surviving patients for a long time, a smaller group clinged to the idea of Euthanasia. Remarkable were the deep effects of eugenic nazi-propaganda on the following generation. The national socialistic violence concerning their fathers or mothers was often a total "tabu" and they nowadays still fear to get into contact with Psychiatry being aware of "suffering" from the same "bad blood" as their murdered relatives. Dealing with patients' resistance to therapeutic efforts in gerontopsychiatric wards their heritage of the nazi ear should be taken into account.

  9. Innovación incremental basada en capacidades dinámicas. Evidencia empírica en las empresas peruanas

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    Alejandro Flores Castro


    Full Text Available Los resultados macroeconómicos logrados por el Perú en los últimos años, hacen prever uncrecimiento de la actividad empresarial desde la perspectiva de sus capacidades a fin dealcanzar posiciones de ventaja. Sin embargo, este crecimiento estará basado esencialmenteen procesos de mejora, no vislumbrándose un aporte significativo de parte de las empresasa desarrollar procesos de innovación radical o disruptiva, abocándose preferentemente aprocesos de innovación incremental o de bajo impacto. En la primera parte del documentose aborda el tema de la innovación como factor de ventaja competitiva basado en un modelode capacidades dinámicas, en el contexto de la teoría de recursos y capacidades, analizandolos diferentes modelos de innovación tecnológica. En la segunda parte del trabajo se presentaun modelo de innovación basada en capacidades dinámicas. Y finalmente se presenta lametodología y los resultados del el estudio empírico acerca de los procesos de innovaciónincremental que se dan en las empresas peruanas.

  10. Innovación incremental basada en capacidades dinámicas. Evidencia empírica en las empresas peruanas

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    Alejandro Flores Castro


    Full Text Available Los resultados macroeconómicos logrados por el Perú en los últimos años, hacen prever uncrecimiento de la actividad empresarial desde la perspectiva de sus capacidades a fin dealcanzar posiciones de ventaja. Sin embargo, este crecimiento estará basado esencialmenteen procesos de mejora, no vislumbrándose un aporte significativo de parte de las empresasa desarrollar procesos de innovación radical o disruptiva, abocándose preferentemente aprocesos de innovación incremental o de bajo impacto. En la primera parte del documentose aborda el tema de la innovación como factor de ventaja competitiva basado en un modelode capacidades dinámicas, en el contexto de la teoría de recursos y capacidades, analizandolos diferentes modelos de innovación tecnológica. En la segunda parte del trabajo se presentaun modelo de innovación basada en capacidades dinámicas. Y finalmente se presenta lametodología y los resultados del el estudio empírico acerca de los procesos de innovaciónincremental que se dan en las empresas peruanas.

  11. Monitoring of dams according to German standard DIN 19 700 on the basis of a GIS based expert system; Stauanlagenueberwachung nach DIN 19 700 in Verbindung mit Expertensystemen auf GIS-Basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kast, Karl; Saucke, Ulrich; Elsaesser, Ralph [Dr.-Ing. Karl Kast + Partner (GbR) Ingenieurgemeinschaft fuer Umwelt- und Geotechnik, Ettlingen (Germany)


    The German standard DIN 19 700 stipulates regular safety reports assessing dams and their operation as part of the continuous dam monitoring scheme. Experience has shown that a GIS based dam monitoring system exhibits evident advantages regarding a continuous assessment. Besides and easy access to all relevant information grouped by themes, it offers a graphic analysis of measuring data and their display in the GIS system. In addition, concerning relevant failure mechanism, individual modules of a GIS based expert system are designed for the purpose of assessing the safety of the dam in the event of uncommon incidents. (orig.)

  12. Filme din ţările Puterilor Centrale pe ecranele din Bucureștii ocupaţi (1916–1918

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    Adrian-Silvan Ionescu


    Full Text Available Once Romania joined the war, alongside with the Allies, by the end of the summer of 1916, the cinema theatres were closed, like all other places of entertainment. This was a significant blow to townsfolk used to spend their free time in theatre halls. However, it did not last long, because on September 11, they are reopened on special schedules, only from 3 to 6 p.m. In the first days of October, patriotic and propaganda films like „Martiriul Românilor din Ardeal” (The Martyrdom of Romanians in Transylvania, were being run. In the first decade of the next month, there was announced the work on the „historic and patriotic film the Great War for the Liberation of the Romanian Nation”, which followed to contain scenes of the recent fighting on the front. The film was expected to be released on November 14 at Zaharia cinema theatre. However, the situation on the front was not favourable for the Romanian armies and soon the enemy occupied the south of the country. The German occupational civil and military administration intended to make of Romania an example of good management and judicious care for the welfare and contentment of mind of the residents – even if all this was mere propaganda.

  13. La comunicación interpersonal dentro de la dinámica familiar ante el reto de la adopción

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    Lorena Velásquez


    Full Text Available La comunicación interpersonal juega un rol importante dentro de la dinámica familiar, ella ayuda a fortalecer los lazos personales y a resolver conflictos, sobre todo en aquellas familias que poseen niños adoptados. Es así que la presente investigación tiene como objetivo comprender la dinámica familiar cuando hay uno o más niños adoptados. El estudio es de corte cualitativo y se abordó con el método hermenéutico dialéctico. Se recogió la información mediante la técnica de la entrevista en profundidad, los informantes claves fueron los integrantes de la familia Rivera-Santana. El contenido de las entrevistas fue trascrito textualmente y sometido al proceso de triangulación de expertos para esquematizar la información. Luego de este proceso se logró teorizar en el análisis concluyente que la dinámica familiar cuando hay un niño adoptado atraviesa por una serie de dificultades durante el proceso de adaptación; existe un rechazo a la adopción de niños con experiencias previas; se evidencia un padre más interesado que otro; la adopción es vista en nuestro país como un proceso prolongado y estigmatizado, al cual se le atribuye las causas de las dificultades al enfrentarse a la paternidad y no al hecho como tal de ser padres.

  14. Dinámica ambiental y económica en la localidad de Puente Aranda en Bogotá

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    Carlos Fernando Parra Moreno


    Full Text Available Este documento muestra los resultados parciales de la investigación “Responsabilidad social y ambiental de la industria manufacturera en la localidad de Puente Aranda en la ciudad de Bogotá como alternativa al desarrollo humano integral sustentable”, realizados dentro del marco de trabajo del grupo de investigación Girsa. El estudio se basó en el análisis de la dinámica poblacional, ambiental y económica de la dicha localidad, a través de la metodología de la matriz de Vester. Con este instrumento se logró identificar las relaciones e interacciones dinámicas de todos los actores locales en el tiempo y en el espacio. Dentro de los problemas críticos que se encontraron en la localidad de Puente Aranda se encontró el agotamiento de fuentes hídricas, poca conciencia y educación ambiental de la población, una mala disposición de basuras, la no disponibilidad de servicios públicos para los nuevos asentamientos y altos niveles de emisión de partículas contaminantes.

  15. [Establishing a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 in an academic radiological department]. (United States)

    Adam, G; Lorenzen, J; Krupski, G; Schackmann, R; Steiner, P; Reuter, H; Paschen, U


    Establishing a quality management (QM) system according the guidelines of DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 in an academic radiological department. To fulfill the requirements of an academic radiological department a quality management system according the guidelines of DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2000 has been established within one year. All important educational, research and patient care issues have been discussed in plenary sessions of all employees of the department twice a week. All core processes of the department have been documented as process instructions and standard operation procedures. Supported by the staff unit "quality assurance" of the university hospital, the QM system has been established during one year. Assisted by all parties of the department, obliging regulations have been established which are well accepted in the daily routine clinical work but also in research and education. The implementation of the QM system caused an additional work load. However, spreading the work load by a consequent responsibility assignment, it could be reduced effectively. The implementation of a QM system within the daily routine work of an academic radiological department is feasible. It allows the installation of generally accepted rules which regulate the principal tasks of research and education, and patient care.

  16. Insurgents to Presidents: Contemporary Civil-Military Relations In Brazil, El Salvador, and Uruguay (United States)


    Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay, September 15, 2014. 156 Ibid., 17. 157 National...Interpretación de su Record,” Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política 23, no. 1 (2014). 159 Vales, “Operações de Paz,” 40. 160 Gonzalez Guyer, “La Contribución de...Proceso de Negociación.” Paper presented at XIII Jornada de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo

  17. Estudio de la Dinámica de los Procesos de Fractura y de Delaminación en Materiales Reforzados con Fibras

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    Pedro Tamayo-Meza


    Full Text Available El estudio de los efectos dinámicos, relacionados con la falla de las fibras, comienza con el análisis de algunos modelos que consideran el carácter dinámico de la redistribución del esfuerzo en el compuesto. Se deduce una ecuación para el deslizamiento de los filamentos fracturados y para los filamentos que rodean éstos, para el caso cuando los componentes se deforman elásticamente, para una deformación de cizalle elasto-plástico de la matriz, y para el filamento fracturado exfoliado de la matriz. Se obtiene una solución analítica, y se brinda un análisis de la propagación de la onda del esfuerzo en el filamento fracturado cuando los componentes del material se deforman elásticamente.

  18. Evaluation of the New DIN Standard for Quality Assurance of Diagnostic Displays - Technical Review DIN 6868-157. (United States)

    Entz, Kathrin; Sommer, Alexander; Lenzen, Horst


    Acceptance and regular constancy tests are necessary to ensure the quality of diagnostic displays. In November 2014, a new standard (DIN 6868-157) was published which defines the test procedure and limiting values. There are several substantial changes compared with the previous standard DIN V 6868-57, i. e. considering the complete image display system including workstation and application software instead of only the displays. Since its publication, the new standard has raised many questions. This technical review aims to show the strengths and weaknesses of the new standard. Positive aspects are the introduction of a limiting value for the illuminance and the extension of the interval for constancy tests from 3 to 6 six months. The daily constancy test on the other hand, raises several problems and should be replaced by a randomized test. Additionally, the medical relevance is critically questioned and an overview of software for the quality assurance will be given.   · Acceptance and constancy tests for diagnostic displays are defined in DIN 6868-157.. · The new standards has positive and negative aspects.. · Randomized tests should be introduced.. · Entz K, Sommer A, Lenzen H. DIN 6868-157: Image Quality Assurance in Diagnostic X-ray Departments - X-ray Ordinance Acceptance and Constancy Test of Image Display Systems in their Environment - Technical Review -. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2018; 190: 51 - 60. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  19. A dinâmica cultural contemporânea e a revalorização da vida.

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    Edmilson Felipe da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objeto analisar a dinâmica cultural contemporânea, profundamente marcada pela relação espaço-temporal, bem como pelas novas articulações entre fluxos identitários e tecnologia. Parte-se do pressuposto de que a temporalidade em que vivemos apresenta uma volatilidade entre as mercadorias, bem como evidencia novas formas de sociabilidade que redefinem a vida dos indivíduos, independente de suas respectivas faixas etárias. No contexto atual de globalização em que fronteiras cada vez menos nítidas se apresentam, no que diz respeito à demarcação de limites físicos e territoriais estanques, podemos estabelecer que a dinâmica da cultura ganha outros conceitos e articulações que vão além das tradições, bem como dos pertencimentos. Neste cenário, o artigo pretende elaborar a crítica ao modelo econômico que fundamenta um ideário de progresso (crescimento, mas não dá conta das inúmeras outras emergências que surgem em outros campos de reflexão como ecológico, cultural, informacional.  

  20. Publicidad dinámica y plataformas digitales: brand placement en espacios públicos y transmisiones deportivas en televisión


    Ortiz Sobrino, Miguel Ángel; Montemayor Ruiz, Francisco Javier


    Las imágenes virtuales, la publicidad digital dinámica multimedia diseñada para espacios públicos y las plataformas digitales utilizadas en las transmisiones deportivas en televisión son hoy herramientas esenciales para la estrategia del emplazamiento de las marcas publicitarias.


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    Vladislav MANEA


    Full Text Available În acest articol autorii scot în evidenţă aspectele generale şi particularităţile infracţiunilor contra vieţii săvârşite din imprudenţă. Unei analize minuţioase este supusă problema imprudenţei în legislaţiile străine; de asemenea, imprudenţa, este tratată şi sub aspectul atitudinii mentale a făptuitorului faţă de infracţiune la momentul săvârşirii acesteia. Actua­li­tatea temei investigate este determinată de progresele tehnologice şi ştiinţifice din care societatea umană are numai de câştigat, fapt ce poate fi observat prin metodele de tratament al unor maladii sau stări patologice; prin modul şi tehnicile de desfăşurare a muncii sau chiar prin simpla deservire efectuată de anumiţi subiecţi (fiind utilizate gadgeturi, drone etc., de unde pornesc nu doar aspectele pozitive, dar şi cele negative care se manifestă prin infracţiune. A fost analizată literatura juridică de specialitate din Republica Moldova, România şi din Federaţia Rusă, de asemenea şi practica judi­ciară în domeniu. Totodată, sunt formulate concluzii şi recomandări menite să contribuie la o mai bună înţelegere a circumstanţei „lipsire de viaţă din imprudenţă”.Some explanations regarding the imprudence in the cases concerning manslaughter: study of the comparative criminal law This article is intended to highlight the general and particularities aspects of criminal offence of the negligent manslaughter in accordance with the legislation of the foreign countries, also this study is intended to analyze the imprudent manslaughter, in another aspect, namely the mental attitude of the perpetrator at the time the crime was committed. The novelty of the investigation can be expressed in the fact that there are taking into account the scientific and technological advancement of human society, method and techniques of conducting maintenance work or simply being used by certain subjects gadgets, drones, etc. from

  2. International exhibitions as an instrument of domestic cultural policy: how Baroque art came to be honoured in socialist Czechoslovakia

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    Michaela Marek


    Full Text Available At the end of the 1960s the artistic tradition of the Baroque period in Bohemia had gained new acceptance and the established schema for interpreting its history had been revised. This essay asks how it came to this turn. It therefore pursues, on the one hand, the sequence of events in its most important stages and, on the other hand, sketches the gradual reinterpretation of Baroque art as ‘popular’ cultural legacy or at least one compatible with the State’s postulated self-image as a ‘society of the people’. It is argued that this approach to Baroque art derived from a synergy of deliberate strategies of cultural policy and discursive adaptations. The study, moreover, presents a case study for how largely scholarly conceptions and models of interpretation can be dependent on extra-scholarly circumstances and interests – which should by no means be regarded as specific to socialist or communist regimes.

  3. Planning ideology and geographic thought in the early twentieth century: Charles Whitnall's progressive era park designs for socialist Milwaukee. (United States)

    Platt, Lorne A


    As Milwaukee’s chief park planner in the early to mid-twentieth century, Charles Whitnall responded to the various underlying ideologies of the period within which he worked. His preference for parks was a political and physical response to and remedy for the industrialized and heavily congested city he called home. By examining the Progressive Era discourse associated with planning, this article situates Whitnall’s work within the political, aesthetic, and environmental contexts of geographic thought that influenced his plans for Milwaukee. In promoting a physical awareness associated with the natural features of the region and responding to the sociopolitical framework of contemporaries such as Ebenezer Howard, Whitnall incorporated a sense of compassion within his planning. He responded to the preexisting beer gardens of Pabst and Schlitz, as well as Olmsted-designed park spaces, by advocating for decentralization as part of a broader socialist agenda that had swept through Milwaukee during the early 1900s.

  4. PAM values and coral physiological measures in response to DIN treatments from 2015-07-01 to 2016-01-30 (NCEI Accession 0145017) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The scope of the proposed work includes a six-month laboratory dose response experiment to determine the effects of environmentally-realistic levels of DIN on coral...

  5. Interacciones entre plantas y microorganismos del suelo: Consecuencias para la dinámica de comunidades vegetales


    Lozano Bernal, Yudi M.


    En esta tesis doctoral pretendemos aclarar aspectos fundamentales relacionados con la interacción entre plantas y microorganismos del suelo y sus consecuencias para la dinámica de las comunidades vegetales. Pretendemos comprobar si las comunidades microbianas están determinando interacciones negativas y/o positivas entre plantas; si tras el abandono de tierras dedicadas al cultivo, las plantas y los microorganismos del suelo siguen patrones sucesionales, y si los microorganismo...

  6. Agreement of 27 September 1988 between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Government of India for the application of safeguards in connection with the supply of a nuclear power station from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The full text of the Agreement of 27 September 1988 between the Agency and the Government of India for the application of safeguards in connection with the supply of a nuclear power station composed of two pressurized light water reactors, each of 1000 MW(e) from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is reproduced


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    Alina TROFIM


    Full Text Available În articol sunt redate particularităţile structurale ale algoflorei edafice din serele s. Chiştelniţa. Structura taxonomică este constituită din 53 de specii şi varietăţi intraspecifice de alge, care aparţin la 31 genuri, 22 familii, 16 ordine şi 7 clase, dintre care cea mai înaltă diversitate au clasele Hormogoniophyceae – cu 16 specii şi Xanthophyceae – cu 14 specii. Carac­te­ristica ecologică a algoflorei demonstrează predominarea ecobiomorfelor P, care sunt lipsite de heterocisteşi răspân­dite printre particulele de sol sau se dezvoltă la suprafaţa lui. În algoflora solurilor au fost depistate 4 specii ce aparţin ecobio­morfei CF şi sunt azotfixatoare: Anabaena sp., Cylindrospermum licheniforme (Bory. Kütz., Nostoc linckia (Roth. Born. et Flah. şi Nostoc sp., care, în conformitate cu datele din literatura de specialitate, reprezintă tulpini de perspectivă pentru promovarea agriculturii ecologice. TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF EDAPHICAL ALGAL FLORA FROM GREENHOUSE OF VILLAGE CHISTELNITA, DISTRICT TELENESTIIn this article are presented structural features of edaphical algal flora of greenhouses from village Chistelnita. Taxonomic structure consists of 53 species and varieties of algae belonging to 31 genera, 22 families, 16 orders and 7 classes, of which the highest diversity have Hormogoniophyceae and Xanthophyceae classes, with 16 and 14 species. Ecological characteristics of algal flora demonstrates the predominance of P ecobiomorphic, which are devoid of heterocyst and spread through the particles of ground or on the surface of it. In soils algal flora were discovered four species belonging to CF ecobiomorphic and they are nitrogen fixing: Anabaena sp., Cylindrospermum licheniforme (Bory. Kutz., Nostoc linckia (Roth. Born. et Flah. and Nostoc sp., which according to data from the literature, is promising strains for promoting organic farming. 

  8. Unsupervised SBAS-DInSAR Processing of Space-borne SAR data for Earth Surface Displacement Time Series Generation (United States)

    Casu, F.; de Luca, C.; Lanari, R.; Manunta, M.; Zinno, I.


    During the last 25 years, the Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) has played an important role for understanding the Earth's surface deformation and its dynamics. In particular, the large collections of SAR data acquired by a number of space-borne missions (ERS, ENVISAT, ALOS, RADARSAT, TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed) have pushed toward the development of advanced DInSAR techniques for monitoring the temporal evolution of the ground displacements with an high spatial density. Moreover, the advent of the Copernicus Sentinel-1 (S1) constellation is providing a further increase in the SAR data flow available to the Earth science community, due to its characteristics of global coverage strategy and free and open access data policy. Therefore, managing and storing such a huge amount of data, processing it in an effcient way and maximizing the available archives exploitation are becoming high priority issues. In this work we present some recent advances in the DInSAR field for dealing with the effective exploitation of the present and future SAR data archives. In particular, an efficient parallel SBAS implementation (namely P-SBAS) that takes benefit from high performance computing is proposed. Then, the P-SBAS migration to the emerging Cloud Computing paradigm is shown, together with extensive tests carried out in the Amazon's Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) infrastructure. Finally, the integration of the P-SBAS processing chain within the ESA Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP), for setting up operational on-demand and systematic web tools, open to every user, aimed at automatically processing stacks of SAR data for the generation of SBAS displacement time series, is also illustrated. A number of experimental results obtained by using the ERS, ENVISAT and S1 data in areas characterized by volcanic, seismic and anthropogenic phenomena will be shown. This work is partially supported by: the DPC-CNR agreement, the EPOS-IP project and the ESA GEP project.

  9. Long-term deformation analysis of historical buildings through the advanced SBAS-DInSAR technique: the case study of the city of Rome, Italy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeni, G; Bonano, M; Casu, F; Manunta, M; Manzo, M; Pepe, A; Lanari, R; Marsella, M


    Monitoring of deformation phenomena affecting urban areas and man-made structures is of key relevance for the preservation of the artistic, archaeological and architectural heritage. The differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) technique has already been demonstrated to be an effective tool for non-invasive deformation analyses over large areas by producing spatially dense deformation maps with centimetre to millimetre accuracy. Moreover, by exploiting long sequences of SAR data acquired by different sensors, the advanced DInSAR technique referred to as the small baseline subset (SBAS) approach allows providing long-term deformation time series, which are strategic for guaranteeing the monitoring of urban area displacements. In this work, we investigate the effectiveness of the two-scale multi-sensor SBAS-DInSAR approach to detect and monitor displacements affecting historical and artistic monuments. The presented results, achieved by applying the full resolution SBAS technique to a huge set of ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT data, spanning the 1992–2010 time interval and relevant to the city of Rome (Italy), show the capability of this approach to detect and analyse the temporal evolution of possible deformation phenomena affecting historical buildings and archaeological sites. Accordingly, our analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the full resolution multi-sensor SBAS approach to operate as a surface deformation tool for supporting the study and conservation strategies of the historical, cultural and artistic heritage

  10. Simulação dos efeitos de políticas tecnológicas com modelo evolucionário de dinâmica industrial*

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    Evaldo Henrique da Silva


    Full Text Available Resumo Políticas de incentivo à inovação são fato recente em vários países em desenvolvimento, a exemplo do Brasil, assim como os estudos dessas políticas. Neste artigo foi adotado um modelo de simulação como via inédita de análise dos efeitos dessas políticas. Essa via tem como justificativa a percepção de que o fenômeno da inovação é parte integrante de um sistema - o sistema industrial - marcado pela dinâmica complexa. Por conta dessa percepção, foi elaborado um modelo de simulação da dinâmica industrial no contexto de uma indústria hipotética e atribuído dois valores diferentes ao parâmetro que caracteriza o grau de complexidade da aprendizagem tecnológica. Com base nesses valores, foram gerados dois conjuntos de simulação, os quais supostamente simulam as dinâmicas de indústrias de alta e de baixa tecnologia. Os resultados dessas simulações sugerem que os efeitos de cada tipo de política são extremamente sensíveis ao tipo de regime tecnológico prevalecente em cada indústria.

  11. Text of the Agreement between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Succession by the Czech Republic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In a communication received on 24 March 1993, the Government of the Czech Republic informed the Director General, inter alia, that by virtue of succession to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, it was a Party, with effect from 1 January 1993, to the Agreement between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [es

  12. Rashid al-Din. Shu’ab-i Panjganah. 2. The Mongols and Turks (3

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    Khamidova Ch.I.


    Full Text Available Research objectives and materials: The article presents a section of the translation from Persian of the 2nd chapter of the manuscript. This part contains a genealogical tree of Chaghadai, Ögedei Khan, Tölui, Möngke Khan (containing their descendants as known by Rashid al-Din. Research results and novelty: The results of translation and analyses of the text of the manuscript could serve in various purposes: study of Rashid al-Din’s heritage, Golden Horde history, genealogical history of the Chinggisid rulers and their descendants, etc. The translation of the manuscript has heretofore never been published in part or fully.

  13. Rashid al-Din. Shu’ab-i Panjganah. 2. The Mongols and Turks (4

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    Ch.I. Khamidova


    Full Text Available Research objectives and materials: The article presents a section of the translation from Persian of the 2nd chapter of the manuscript. This part contains a genealogical tree of Kubilai, Timur Khan, Arik Buka, Hulagu, Ahmad Khan, containing also those of their descendants who were known to Rashid al-Din. Research results and novelty: The results of translation and analyses of the manuscript text could serve in various purposes: the study of Rashid al-Din’s heritage, Golden Horde history, the genealogical history of the Chinggisid rulers and their descendants, etc. The translation of the manuscript has heretofore never been published in part or fully.

  14. A dinâmica locacional da avicultura e suinocultura no centro-oeste brasileiro.


    Leopoldo Viriato Saboya


    Visando investigar a dinâmica locacional das empresas dos complexos aves e suínos estabelecidas na região Centro-Oeste brasileira, foi conduzida uma pesquisa empírica do processo de decisão locacional e dos fatores-chave na escolha do local produtivo, tendo como referencial teórico uma abordagem comportamental da Teoria da Localização. A pressuposição central deste estudo é a de que os preços mais baixos das matérias-primas básicas (em especial o milho) nos estados da região Centro-Oeste não ...

  15. Dinâmicas de Grupo e Gerenciamento de Impressões: estudo sobre autoapresentação na seleção de estagiários e trainees

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    Rodrigo Telles Pires Hallak


    Full Text Available Estágios profissionais e programas de trainees estão entre as modalidades mais importantes de ingresso no mercado de trabalho. Em processos seletivos para tais vagas, as dinâmicas de grupo são amplamente adotadas por empresas e consultorias de Recursos Humanos. Por constituir uma técnica vivencial, as dinâmicas desvelam a possibilidade de utilização de Gerenciamento de Impressões (GI por parte dos candidatos. O presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar se estudantes de Administração recorrem a estratégias e táticas de GI ao participar desse tipo de seleção. A pesquisa buscou investigar também se, na visão dos candidatos, seus concorrentes e os próprios selecionadores valem-se do recurso. A parte empírica do estudo, que se seguiu a uma revisão de literatura com foco nos temas pertinentes, comportou uma pesquisa de base qualitativa conduzida a partir de um questionário respondido por estudantes matriculados em duas universidades do Rio de Janeiro. O tratamento dos dados seguiu o protocolo da análise de conteúdo. Como conclusão, sugere-se haver evidências do uso de GI em dinâmicas de grupo, não somente por parte dos candidatos, como também por parte das empresas contratantes. Há indícios de que a dinâmica pode ser percebida como processo injusto, que favorece candidatos mais afeitos a comportamentos teatralizados.

  16. “Nadie es profeta en su tierra”: Etnografía económica de las dinámicas comerciales de los Kichwa-Otavalo en San Victorino, Bogotá


    López Ávila, Diego Felipe


    La presente monografía describe las dinámicas económicas de los Kichwas Otavalo en la zona comercial de San Victorino, Bogotá. Dichas dinámicas son examinadas a partir de la Nueva Sociología Económica (Smelser & Swedberg, 2005) y la Etnografía Económica (Dufy & Weber, 2009) para mostrar las divergentes racionalidades que surgen al interior del mercado. Esto nos lleva a debatir con la ciencia económica ortodoxa y los supuestos que manejan frente a la racionalidad, el mercado y la competencia....

  17. Diversidad sexual en la escuela: dinámicas pedagógicas para enfrentar la homofobia


    García Suárez, Carlos Iván


    Colombia Diversa presenta la cartilla “Diversidad sexual en la escuela. Dinámicas pedagógicas para enfrentar la homofobia”, con el ánimo de ofrecer instrumentos pedagógicos para abordar el tópico y la presencia de la diversidad sexual en las instituciones educativas, así como las reacciones discriminativas, intolerantes y violentas en contra suya. Somos conscientes de que este tema genera altas dosis de sensibilidad y que la problemática significativa que abarca ha permanecido invisible por a...

  18. Validez predictiva e incremental de un dispositivo de evaluación dinámica sobre el rendimiento y el progreso en lectura

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    Juan-José Navarro


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza la validez predictiva de un dispositivo de evaluación dinámica de procesos implicados en la lectura sobre el rendimiento (RE y el progreso en comprensión (PR de un grupo de estudiantes con especiales dificultades en la comprensión lectora (DL. Asimismo, se analiza en qué medida los resultados obtenidos ofrecen información adicional con respecto a la obtenida con pruebas estáticas de evaluación de la comprensión y la inteligencia. Para ello se utilizan dos criterios externos: (a la valoración del profesorado sobre el RE y el PR; y (b las calificaciones en el área de Lengua. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 60 estudiantes entre 9 y 16 años a los que se aplicó experimentalmente el dispositivo. Los resultados revelan que las puntuaciones dinámicas mostraron valores de predicción significativos sobre el RE y el PR, así como una validez incremental significativa con relación a la predicción realizada con base en las pruebas estáticas de evaluación de la comprensión y del CI. Se analizan los posibles mecanismos causales en relación a la modalidad de prueba dinámica y al contenido específico de las actividades como factores que podrían explicar los resultados obtenidos.

  19. Implementation of a qualitymanagementsystem according to DIN EN ISO 9001 within the Department BG B of DSK; Einfuehrung eines Qualitaetsmanagementsystems nach DIN EN ISO 9001 im Bereich Bautechnik und Bergschaeden (BG B) der DSK

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fischer, P. [Servicebereich Standort- und Geodienste der Deutschen Steinkohle AG, Herne (Germany); Sackel, M.; Pektas, E. [Sackel Ingenieure, Dortmund (Germany)


    In accordance to the improvement to the ''New DSK'', the department KG B turns more and more into a competent service partner. This challenge will be enduringly supported by the implementation of a Qualitymanagementsystem according to DIN EN ISO 9001. The implementation of a Qualitymanagementsystem is a multiple process. The integration during the regular business process forces experienced coaching. In this article, the basics of the QM-Standards will be explained and the implementation in department BG B will be introduced by certain examples. (orig.)

  20. Introduction to the new version of the standard DIN 6814, part 3 'dose magnitudes and dose units'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harder, D


    The recent draft of the DIN standard on dose quantities and dose units is presented on original version and explained by the chairman of the Working Comittee Dosimetry. There are important modifications by the introduction of SI units, the new definitions of site dose and individual dose characteristic dose rate and dose rate constant, as well as by corrections of the notions ''secondary electron equilibrium'' and ''free in air''.

  1. Diversidad y dinámica de un bosque subandino de altitud en la región norte de los Andes colombianos

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    Jesús Oswaldo Velásquez Restrepo


    Full Text Available Los bosques sub-Andinos poseen alta diversidad biológica, de los cuales poco se conoce sobre su dinámica natural. Se evaluaron patrones de diversidad y biomasa, tasas de mortalidad y reclutamiento en dos parcelas permanentes de una hectárea cada una, establecidas en bosques en altitudes entre los 2 000-2 200msnm, en la vertiente Oriental de la cordillera Occidental del norte de los Andes en Colombia. Se determino diversidad de especies mediante el índice alpha de Fisher, la dinámica del bosque se evaluó mediante tres censos durante nueve anos. En total, se hallaron 1 964 individuos con un diámetro a la altura del pecho DAP≥10cm. pertenecientes a 222 especies, 113 géneros y 60 familias. La riqueza media de especies fue de 156 especies por hectárea y un índice alpha medio de Fisher de 56.2/h. Las tasas de mortalidad y reclutamiento fueron de 0.88% y 1.16% respectivamente, lo cual no indica que se presente un efecto externo proveniente del calentamiento global sobre la dinámica del bosque. La biomasa aérea promedio fue de 243.44±9.82tn/ha con un incremento anual promedio de 2.9ton/ha, valor superior a los reportados, lo cual sugiere que el equilibrio para este bosque no se ha alcanzado. De acuerdo con las observaciones de campo, este bosque parece estar recuperándose de una alteración pasada.

  2. Dinâmica populacional de Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887 em bovinos leiteiros mantidos em manejo de pastejo rotativo de capim-elefante

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    Kasai N.


    Full Text Available De maio de 1996 a abril de 1998, avaliou-se a dinâmica do parasitismo pelo Boophilus microplus em 20 novilhas mestiças, submetidas ao manejo de rotação em piquetes de capim-elefante. Os animais, pesados a cada seis meses, foram distribuídos em dois grupos de 10, sendo realizados tratamentos acaricidas em um deles (grupo tratado. As curvas de infestação nos grupos controle e tratado apresentaram padrões semelhantes, com picos de parasitismo ocorrendo na mesma época. A menor carga parasitária ocorreu no inverno. Na primavera houve um grande pico de infestação por carrapatos, seguido de outro maior em fevereiro. A partir do outono, a carga parasitária declinou naturalmente. Não se obteve associação entre a dinâmica da infestação pelo B. microplus e variáveis climáticas analisadas (P>0,05. Não houve diferença estatística entre as médias de peso dos dois lotes (P>0,05. Observou-se que os picos de fêmeas ingurgitadas nos bovinos corresponderam às quedas nos valores de hemoglobina nestes animais (P<0,01. A dinâmica do parasitismo pelo B. microplus em bovinos sob manejo de rotação de pastagens de capim-elefante mostrou-se semelhante a outros trabalhos conduzidos sob manejo convencional sem o uso de rotação.


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    Cristina GHERASIM


    Full Text Available În articolul dat, în baza documentelor de arhivă inedite şi a studiilor monografice publicate, vom analiza problema privind încadrarea nobilimii alogene în rândurile nobilimii din Basarabia, având ca exemplu şleahta poloneză. Basarabia, fiind amplasată strategic, a prezentat un interes deosebit în politica de extindere a Imperiului Rus. Din acest considerent, ţarismul, odată cu anexarea acestui teritoriu, a căutat să-şi creeze aici o baza socială care să susţină şi să promoveze politica imperială. Pe lângă acordarea diferitelor privilegii populaţiei autohtone, în special boierimii, administraţia imperială a promovat o politică de colonizare a teritoriului dintre Prut şi Nistru şi de infiltrare în rândul boierimii autohtone a nobililor sau simplilor funcţionari de origine rusă, precum şi unora veniţi din Austria, Polonia etc. Ca rezultat, pe parcursul sec. al XIX-lea, alături de boierii autohtoni, în procesul de confirmare a titlurilor nobiliare la Comisia instituită în acest sens s-au încadrat şi reprezentanţi ai nobilimii alogene. Analizând dosarele depuse de şleahta poloneză, observăm că reprezentanţilor acesteia li se confirma titlul nobiliar în urma prezentării unei adeverinţe care certifica că Adunarea Deputaţilor Nobilimii din Podolia deja recunoscuse apartenenţa nobiliară a solicitantului. Însă, depistăm şi cazuri când reprezentanţilor şleahtei poloneze, după mai multe încercări, nu li se confirma titlul nobiliar, cu toate că Adunarea Deputaţilor din Podolia îi recunoscuse deja în rândul nobilimii. Din această categorie face parte, spre exemplu, familia de nobili Cernelevski, membrilor căreia la 18 decembrie 1802 Adunarea Deputaţilor din Podolia le-a confirmat titlul nobiliar, ca urmaşi ai boierului moldovean, paharnicului Andronache Cernelevski. Însă, urmaşilor săi le-au fost respinse toate cererile depuse, din considerentul că din dosarul analizat de c

  4. Volcano deformation analysis based an on-demand DInSAR-GRID system: the SBAS-GPOD solution (United States)

    Manunta, M.; Casu, F.; Cossu, R.; Fusco, L.; Guarino, S.; Lanari, R.; Mazzarella, G.; Sansosti, E.


    Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) has already demonstrated to be an effective technique to detect and monitor ground displacements with centimeter accuracy. Moreover, the recent development of advanced DInSAR techniques, aimed at the generation of deformation time series, has led to the exploitation of the large archive of SAR data acquired all over the world, during the last 16 years, by the ERS, ENVISAT and RADARSAT satellites. Among these advanced approaches, we focus on the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) algorithm that relies on the combination of DInSAR data pairs, characterized by a small separation between the acquisition orbits (baseline), in order to produce mean deformation velocity maps and the corresponding time series, maximizing the coherent pixel density of the investigated area. One of the main capabilities of the SBAS approach is the possibility to work at two spatial resolution scales, thus allowing us to investigate deformation phenomena affecting both extended areas (with resolution of about 100 by 100 m) and selected zones, in the latter case highlighting localized displacements that may affect single structures or buildings (at the full instrument resolution). Similarly to other advanced DInSAR techniques, the SBAS approach requires extended data storage and processing capabilities due to the large amount of data exploited for the generation of the final products. Accordingly, we present in this work the results of the first experiment to "plug" the robustness of the SBAS algorithm into the high computing capability provided by a GRID-based system. In particular, we have exploited the low-resolution SBAS algorithm [1] and the ESA Grid Processing-on-Demand (G-POD) system. This environment is one of the results achieved by the ESA Science and Application Department of Earth Observation Programmes Directorate at ESRIN that focused, following the participation to the DATAGRID project (the first large European Commission funded Grid project

  5. Análisis estático - dinámico y diseño sismoresistente de un pórtico de concreto armado con muro de corte


    Torres Limache, Paula Cristina; Torres Limache, Paula Cristina; Torres Limache, Paula Cristina


    El trabajo de ingeniería denominado “Análisis Estático -Dinámico y Diseño Sismo-Resistente de un Pórtico de Concreto Armado con Muro de Corte” presenta el análisis estático, dinámico y diseño de los principales elementos conformantes de un pórtico de concreto armado con muro de corte de un edificio de 6 pisos diseñado para el uso de oficinas. Se ha realizado con la finalidad de esclarecer y estudiar conceptos de estructuración y diseño de los elementos : columnas. vigas, placas y cimentaci...

  6. Khwarezmian Army of Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu during the Mongol Invasion of Central Asia

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    D.M. Timokhin


    Full Text Available This article examines the features of formation and functioning of the Khwarezmian army of Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu during the period of the Mongol conquest of Central Asia. In addition to a detailed analysis of a military clash between the Mongol and Khwarezmian armies, the author determines the size and ethnic composition of the Jalal ad-Din’s army. The article considers the reflection by the Arab-Persian sources both of the military confrontation between Khwarezmians and Mongols and of the Khwarezmian army itself. The author defines the amount of information on this subject contained in the sources.


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    Claudia CEMÂRTAN


    Full Text Available Textul religios a constituit, în istoria limbii române, un model de scriere şi pentru textele din alte registre stilistice. Însă, după secolul al XVIII-lea stilul bisericesc devine complementar celui laic, diferenţiindu-se tot mai mult de acesta la toate nivelurile lui. Cercetarea unor tipărituri executate într-un spaţiu românesc rupt de la teritoriile neamului – în tipo­grafia exarhicească din Chişinăul secolului al XIX-lea, sub presiunea politică şi lingvistică a noilor stăpâni ruşi – poate oferi date preţioase ce caracterizează limba utilizată în această epocă în oficierea slujbei religioase pe meleagurile Basarabiei.Language of religious texts published in ExarchIal Typography from Chisinau: syntactic particularitiesReligious text was, in the history of Romanian language, a model of writing and for texts from other stylistic registers, but, after the eighteenth, the church style become complementary to the secular, differing more than it's at all levels. Research of prints executed in a Romanian space broken from the national territories - in Exarchal Typography from Chisinau in nineteenth century, under the political and linguistic pressure of new Russian masters - can provide valuable data that characterize the language used in this era in celebration of religious services in Bessarabia.

  8. O papel dos hospitais na dinâmica de inovação em saúde El papel de los hospitales en la dinámica de innovación en salud Hospitals' role in the dynamic of health care innovation

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    Pedro Ribeiro Barbosa


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa o papel dos serviços hospitalares na dinâmica de inovação em saúde, considerando-os como força motriz do processo de inovação no Complexo Econômico-Industrial da Saúde. Além disso, enfatiza-se a potencialidade desses serviços em articular virtuosamente as dimensões socioeconômicas do desenvolvimento. Utilizando-se do arcabouço da economia política da saúde, propõem-se aportes para o desenvolvimento de uma base analítica e de novos modelos de análise estratégica das condições institucionais, tecnológicas e de gestão hospitalar, bem como de suas inter-relações no complexo produtivo da saúde. O artigo objetiva, dessa forma, aprofundar a compreensão sobre a dinâmica de inovação a partir dessas organizações.El artículo analiza el papel de los servicios hospitalarios en la dinámica de innovación en salud, considerándolos una fuerza motriz del proceso de innovación en el Complejo Económico-Industrial de la Salud. Asimismo, se hace énfasis en la potencialidad de tales servicios en articular virtuosamente las dimensiones económica y social del desarrollo. Utilizándose el armazón de la economía política de la salud, se proponen aportes para el desarrollo de una base analítica y de nuevos modelos de análisis estratégico de las condiciones institucionales, tecnológicas y de gestión hospitalaria, así como de sus interrelaciones en el complejo productivo de la salud. El artículo, objetiva, de esta manera, profundizar la comprensión sobre la dinámica de innovación a partir de estas organizaciones.The article analyzes the role played by hospital services in the dynamic of health care innovation, considering that these are the driving force of the innovation process within the Economic-Industrial Health Care Complex. In addition, the services' potential for articulating virtuously the economic and social dimensions of development is emphasized in the article. By using the framework of the

  9. Dinámica de la producción porcina en México de 1980 a 2008

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    Encarnación Ernesto Bobadilla Soto


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue evaluar la dinámica de la producción porcina nacional e identificar los puntos críticos, los cambios y ajustes, de 1980 a 2008. Se analizó el país en su conjunto, las cinco regiones socio-económicas y los Estados que lo conforman. Los datos fueron obtenidos de SAGARPA, Banco de México y de la Secretaria de Economía, y se evaluaron indicadores de crecimiento, tendencia y precios reales. La política económica y financiera afectó la capacidad de pago de los productores. Los inventarios disminuyeron y modificó la dinámica del sector de forma negativa. La apertura comercial modificó negativamente la porcicultura mexicana, ya que la mayoría de los productos cárnicos y despojos comestibles de porcino importados, fueron introducidos al país con precios por debajo de los costos de producción mexicanos. La política de sacrificio favoreció únicamente a un sector. La producción de carne se desarrolló principalmente en los estados de Jalisco, Sonora, Guanajuato, Michoacán y los estados con mayor crecimiento fueron Yucatán, Puebla, Sonora, Guanajuato, con mayor decremento el Estado de México, Michoacán y Jalisco.

  10. Mujeres jefas de hogar y su dinámica familiar

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    Brígida García


    Full Text Available Nuestro interés particular en este trabajo es complementar la discusión más frecuente sobre las condiciones materiales de vida que caracterizan a los hogares con jefas mujeres, con un análisis de dimensiones menos conocidas de su vida familiar, tales como la división del trabajo doméstico y del cuidado de los hijos, la participación de los diferentes miembros en la toma de decisiones y la presencia o ausencia de violencia, haciendo siempre hincapié en la diferenciación social que caracteriza a estas unidades. La fuente de información es la Encuesta sobre Dinámica Familiar (Dinaf para las áreas metropolitanas de México y Monterrey. Las mujeres jefas de hogar son estudiadas en comparación con las esposas y las otras mujeres residentes, utilizando análisis de clasificación múltiple.

  11. Monitoring of surface deformation in open pit mine using DInSAR time-series: a case study in the N5W iron mine (Carajás, Brazil) using TerraSAR-X data (United States)

    Mura, José C.; Paradella, Waldir R.; Gama, Fabio F.; Santos, Athos R.; Galo, Mauricio; Camargo, Paulo O.; Silva, Arnaldo Q.; Silva, Guilherme G.


    We present an investigation of surface deformation using Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) time-series carried out in an active open pit iron mine, the N5W, located in the Carajás Mineral Province (Brazilian Amazon region), using 33 TerraSAR-X (TSX-1) scenes. This mine has presented a historical of instability and surface monitoring measurements over sectors of the mine (pit walls) have been done based on ground based radar. Two complementary approaches were used: the standard DInSAR configuration, as an early warning of the slope instability conditions, and the DInSAR timeseries analysis. In order to decrease the topographic phase error a high resolution DEM was generated based on a stereo GeoEye-1 pair. Despite the fact that a DinSAR contains atmospheric and topographic phase artifacts and noise, it was possible to detect deformation in some interferometric pairs, covering pit benches, road ramps and waste piles. The timeseries analysis was performed using the 31 interferometric pairs, which were selected based on the highest mean coherence of a stack of 107 interferograms, presenting less phase unwrapping errors. The time-series deformation was retrieved by the Least-Squares (LS) solution using an extension of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), with a set of additional weighted constrain on the acceleration deformation. The atmospheric phase artifacts were filtered in the space-time domain and the DEM height errors were estimated based on the normal baseline diversity. The DInSAR time-series investigation showed good results for monitoring surface displacement in the N5W mine located in a tropical rainforest environment, providing very useful information about the ground movement for alarm, planning and risk assessment.

  12. Arquitectura para balancear carga dinámica por demanda adaptativa, utilizando CORBA en JAVA-IDL


    Jesús Chávez Esparza; Gerardo Rentería Castillo; Francisco Javier Luna Rosas


    En este trabajo desglosaremos la elaboración de una nueva Arquitectura para balancear carga dinámica, por demanda adaptativa, utilizando CORBA en JAVA-IDL. Una arquitectura de balanceo de carga es un sistema que permite distribuir el trabajo computacional entre varias máquinas, con el objetivo de reducir el tiempo de respuesta global del sistema. A través de las pruebas se justifica el uso de la arquitectura y se definen los parámetros a considerar para obtener un óptimo desempeño, refiriéndo...

  13. Influencia de la Compresión del Rango Dinámico en la Evaluación de Calidad de Grabaciones Musicales

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borup, Matias Bødker; Zabbal, Paul; Ordoñez, Rodrigo


    menor rango dinámico que las versiones anteriores. En el presente estudio, grabaciones musicales fueron procesadas con niveles distintos de compresión y luego evaluadas subjetivamente en relación a su profundidad, claridad, presencia de ruidos molestos o artefactos sonoros, calidad y preferencia. El...

  14. Análisis de la monitorización de medios de comunicación social como proceso para agilizar la vigilancia de rumores usando Dinámica de Sistemas


    Caballero Espinosa, Eduardo Anel; Crespo Pinto, Sérgio; Alvarez, Humberto; Yangüez Cervantes, Nilda


    Este artículo presenta la dinámica de sistemas como una herramienta de gran utilidad para el análisis del problema durante la obtención de requisitos para un proyecto de software. En el trabajo analizamos el escenario de la vigilancia de rumores sobre enfermedades infecciosas en medios de comunicación social desde una perspectiva de dinámica de sistemas. Además, analizamos la inserción de la monitorización de medios de comunicación social (MMCS) como una propuesta para agilizar la vigilancia ...

  15. Presentación e implementación del método de nubes dinámicas difuso

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    Walter Mora Flores


    Full Text Available Se hace una presentación del método de Nubes Dinámicas Difuso considerando la variante del centro de gravedad (Forgy, 1965. La clasificación difusa obtenida se usa como herramienta de validación para establecer el número k de clases. Palabras clave: conjuntos difusos, clasificación por particiones, clasificación difusa, Forgy, validación de una clasificación.

  16. Dinâmicas sociais e estados de humor Social dynamics and mood states

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    Flávio Rebustini


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as relações das dinâmicas sociais (família, amigos e escola; i.e., três fatores sociais sobre os estados de humor. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma equipe feminina de voleibol (14/15 anos. Aplicou-se o teste POMS (Profile of Mood States para mensurar os estados de humor. Foi utilizada uma escala de 1 (muito mal a 5 (muito bem para que as atletas avaliassem cada um dos três fatores. Os resultados apontaram correlações significativas entre as escalas e os estados de humor; e diferenças significativas entre os níveis de intensidade apontados na escala dos três fatores e os estados de humor. Os resultados indicam clara interferência das dinâmicas sociais sobre os estados de humor, portanto, as interferências sociais não podem ser descartadas na preparação do atleta.The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of social dynamics (family, friends and school; i.e., three social factors on mood states. The survey was conducted with a women's volleyball team (14/15 years. The POMS test (Profile of Mood States was employed to measure the team's mood states. The athletes assessed the three factors by the use of a Likert scale ranging from 1 (very bad to 5 (very good. Results showed significant correlations between scales and mood states, and significant differences between the intensity levels representing their moods for each of the three factors. The results show clear interference of social dynamics on the mood states. Therefore, social interference cannot be ignored during an athlete's training program.

  17. Diabetes na infância / adolescência: conhecendo a dinâmica familiar

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    Michelle Darezzo Rodrigues Nunes


    Full Text Available A doença crônica apresenta como peculiaridades marcantes duração e risco de complicações, exigindo cuidados permanentes, colocando em evidência o papel da família, principalmente quando se refere à criança. Neste estudo objetivamos identificar quais os significados que a situação de doença crônica, diabetes, gera na dinâmica familiar. O referencial teórico e metodológico foram INTERACIONISMO SIMBÓLICO e TEORIA FUNDAMENTADA NOS DADOS, respectivamente. A pesquisa foi realizada no primeiro semestre de 2004, com seis famílias, entrevistadas com a questão norteadora “O que mudou na dinâmica familiar após a descoberta do diabetes do filho?” Na categorização dos dados identificamos 4 grandes temas: “Vida girando em torno da doença do filho” a descoberta da doença insere-se na história da família como algo que divide a vida em antes e depois; “Buscando algo que os fortaleça” refere-se ao conhecimento e equilíbrio emocional para cuidar do filho; “Precisando alterar a rotina” a mudança é inevitável e radical, sendo a alimentar a mais evidente; “Convivendo com o perigo” é vivenciar constante preocupação com as descompensações. Cada vez mais é necessário, para a enfermagem e demais profissionais da saúde, compreender as demandas de cuidado manifestadas pela família de modo a desenvolver ações que tenham ressonância efetiva sobre essa população.

  18. Barandillas de protección personal con solicitación dinámica

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    Pomares, J. C.


    Full Text Available Safety guardrails with dynamic loads, B and C types conforming EN 13374, are devices used as collective protection for people against height falls and for retaining materials. This system can include a safety net anchored to a support structure for its vertical use (U system, EN 1263. In this paper, fundamental aspects are analysed, as design, mechanical requirements and solution for the hard points that arise at supports of the system, able to seriously injure falling people. So, a ballast fall against this system has been studied, by modelling it with dynamic finite elements and analytical kinetic considerations, to obtain useful conclusions about geometry, cross section of the supports, maximum deflection and impact factor over the injured. It allows to suggest normative text improvements.Las barandillas de seguridad con solicitación dinámica, tipos B y C según UNE-EN 13374, son el conjunto de componentes destinados a la protección colectiva de las personas contra las caídas a un nivel inferior y a retener materiales. Frecuentemente incorporan una red de seguridad. En este artículo se analizan aspectos fundamentales como su diseño, sus requisitos mecánicos y la solución a la problemática que suponen los soportes o puntos duros capaces de producir lesiones al accidentado. Para este fin, se ha estudiado el fenómeno de la caída de un lastre sobre tales redes con distintos modelos numéricos de elementos finitos en régimen dinámico y mediante consideraciones analíticas cinemáticas, obteniendo conclusiones útiles como la forma geométrica necesaria, la escuadría de los perfiles que constituyen el bastidor de la red, y los factores de impacto que sufren los accidentados. Ello permite sugerir mejoras al texto normativo.

  19. A Mobilização de Capacidades Dinâmicas na Lojas Renner

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    Adalberto Escalona Gonçalves Garcia


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como objetivo analisar a trajetória de uma das empresas varejistas de maior destaque no mercado brasileiro, através de um estudo longitudinal que enfatiza a mobilização de seus recursos e capacidades ao longo de 90 anos de história. Explorando o conceito de capacidades dinâmicas, descrevem-se as ações estratégicas empreendidas em momentos de crescimento e de crise. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com dez tomadores de decisão que vivenciaram diferentes momentos da história da empresa e que desempenharam distintos papéis nos últimos 50 anos. Além disso, dado o aspecto histórico da pesquisa, especial ênfase foi dada à obtenção e à análise de dados secundários. Boletins internos, comunicados ao mercado de capitais, relatórios anuais, demonstrações financeiras, artigos da mídia, entre outras fontes, totalizaram mais cerca de 600 páginas de material analisado. No que diz respeito às contribuições teóricas, a pesquisa identificou a existência de quatro mecanismos de mobilização das capacidades dinâmicas: a alavancagem, a criação, o acesso e a liberação de recursos e de capacidades. Com relação às implicações gerenciais, o estudo mostrou que habilidades dos gestores vinculadas seletivamente aos quatro mecanismos de mobilização se tornam essenciais na condução de uma empresa em seus momentos, tanto de estabilidade e crescimento, quanto de turbulência. DOI:10.5585/riae.v13i1.2029

  20. The text of the agreement of 14 October 1981 between Argentina and the Agency for the application of Safeguards to heavy water supplied from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Agreement between the Republic of Argentina, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards came into force on 4 March 1994. As a result of the coming into force of the aforesaid Agreement for Argentina, the application of safeguards under the Agreement of 14 October 1981 between Argentina and the IAEA for the application of safeguards to heavy water supplied from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has been suspended

  1. The Parallel SBAS-DInSAR algorithm: an effective and scalable tool for Earth's surface displacement retrieval (United States)

    Zinno, Ivana; De Luca, Claudio; Elefante, Stefano; Imperatore, Pasquale; Manunta, Michele; Casu, Francesco


    Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) is an effective technique to estimate and monitor ground displacements with centimetre accuracy [1]. In the last decade, advanced DInSAR algorithms, such as the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) [2] one that is aimed at following the temporal evolution of the ground deformation, showed to be significantly useful remote sensing tools for the geoscience communities as well as for those related to hazard monitoring and risk mitigation. DInSAR scenario is currently characterized by the large and steady increasing availability of huge SAR data archives that have a broad range of diversified features according to the characteristics of the employed sensor. Indeed, besides the old generation sensors, that include ERS, ENVISAT and RADARSAT systems, the new X-band generation constellations, such as COSMO-SkyMed and TerraSAR-X, have permitted an overall study of ground deformations with an unprecedented detail thanks to their improved spatial resolution and reduced revisit time. Furthermore, the incoming ESA Sentinel-1 SAR satellite is characterized by a global coverage acquisition strategy and 12-day revisit time and, therefore, will further contribute to improve deformation analyses and monitoring capabilities. However, in this context, the capability to process such huge SAR data archives is strongly limited by the existing DInSAR algorithms, which are not specifically designed to exploit modern high performance computational infrastructures (e.g. cluster, grid and cloud computing platforms). The goal of this paper is to present a Parallel version of the SBAS algorithm (P-SBAS) which is based on a dual-level parallelization approach and embraces combined parallel strategies [3], [4]. A detailed description of the P-SBAS algorithm will be provided together with a scalability analysis focused on studying its performances. In particular, a P-SBAS scalability analysis with respect to the number of exploited CPUs has

  2. Hidroterapia no equilíbrio dinâmico e nas atividades de vida diária de pacientes com neurotoxoplasmose associada à Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida

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    Larissa de Salgado de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Introdução: Por comprometer as células de defesa do organismo, o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana torna o indivíduo vulnerável ao aparecimento de diversas doenças, entre elas a neurotoxoplasmose. Objetivo: Verificar a influência de um protocolo de hidroterapia no equilíbrio dinâmico e nas atividades de vida diária de pacientes com neurotoxoplasmose associada à Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA. Métodos: Participaram 15 voluntários, três (20% do sexo feminino e 12 (80% do masculino, com média de idade de 37,44±5,5 anos e diagnóstico de neurotoxoplasmose decorrente da SIDA, cadastrados na Unidade de Referência Especializada em Doenças Infectocontagiosas Parasitárias Especiais. Foram submetidos à avaliação do equilíbrio dinâmico pelo Índice de Marcha Dinâmico e à avaliação das atividades de vida diária pelo Índice de Barthel, pré- e pós-hidroterapia, em piscina à temperatura média de 35°C, três vezes por semana em dias alternados, durante 50 minutos, totalizando oito semanas, ou seja, 24 sessões. Foi utilizado o teste de Shapiro-Wilk para análise de variâncias do Índice de Marcha Dinâmica e do Índice de Barthel, e o teste t de Student para as comparações pré e pós-tratamento e nível de significância de   α=0.05. Resultados: O equilíbrio dinâmico, considerando o escore total, apresentou significância estatística (p<0,0001, quando comparado pós-teste (20,3±2,5 em relação ao pré-teste (13,2±3,2. Quanto às atividades de vida diária, foi evidenciado valor estatisticamente significante (p=0,049 no pós-teste (98,8±2.2 quando comparado ao pré-teste (95,6±3.9. Conclusão: Neste estudo, o protocolo de hidroterapia melhorou o equilíbrio dinâmico e as atividades de vida diária de pacientes com neurotoxoplasmose associada à SIDA.



    Marquez Alvarez, Erick Mauricio; Silva Mantilla, Jorge Alberto


    Este trabajo analiza desde un sector de la economía (textil) la situación que afrontan los trabajadores de la frontera en la república bolivariana de Venezuela. Dejando como conclusión la falta de una legislación binacional mas efectiva en materia laboral que permita una mejora en la remuneración y prestaciones sociales en ambos lados de la frontera mas dinámica de latinoamericana.


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    Gheorghe PALADE


    Full Text Available În acest studiu sunt analizate aspecte privind activitatea comitetelor şcolare înfiinţate în România din iniţiativa mini-strului Instrucţiunii C.Angelescu prin Decretul-lege din iulie 1919. Obiectivul lor principal era mobilizarea eforturilor şi mijloacelor populaţiei din mediul rural şi urban la construcţia localurilor de şcoli. Drept urmare a activităţii acestora şi a susţinerii financiare din partea statului extinderea şcolară a cunoscut proporţii sporite, numărul de şcoli primare în Basa-rabia dublându-se, de la 1383 în anul 1918 la 2628 în 1940. Pe lângă construirea şi întreţinerea şcolilor, comitetele şcolare au avut în responsabilitatea lor asigurarea şcolilor cu material didactic şi cărţi pentru instruirea elevilor, fapt confirmat de numeroase demersuri şi solicitări adresate Casei Şcoalelor în acest scop. O importanţă deosebită au avut acţiunile comitetelor şcolare conjugate cu cele ale corpului didactic pentru realizarea obligativităţii învăţământului primar şi asigurarea frecvenţei şcolare. În Basarabia, unde, drept urmare a regimului ţarist, domina analfabetismul şi ignoranţa populaţiei, acest proces a fost mai dificil decât în celelalte provincii româneşti. Comitetele şcolare aveau în competenţa lor şi aplicarea amenzilor pentru absentarea elevilor de la şcoală. Documentele analizate demonstrează că în multe cazuri acestea erau nevoite să reducă amenzile şcolare din cauza situaţiei materiale precare a populaţiei rurale, care se înregistra mai ales în anii secetoşi. Acţiunile întreprinse de comitetele şcolare au fost mai eficiente în perioada guvernărilor liberale din anii 1922-1926 şi 1934-1937, acestea fiind încurajate energic de Ministerul Instrucţiunii Publice condus de C.Angelescu. Construcţiile şcolare erau propagate prin conferinţe publice, cinematograf, decernarea cu medalii a persoanelor cu merite deosebite. În aceşti ani cu

  5. Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is reproduced in the Annex to this document for the information of all Members. The Board of Governors approved the Additional Protocol on 9 March 2004. It was signed on 10 March 2004 in Vienna [es

  6. Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is reproduced in the Annex to this document for the information of all Members. The Board of Governors approved the Additional Protocol on 9 March 2004. It was signed on 10 March 2004 in Vienna

  7. The reurbanisation concept and its utility for contemporary research on post-socialist cities: The case of the Czech Republic

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    Ouředníček Martin


    Full Text Available The concept of reurbanisation is discussed in this article from theoretical and methodological perspectives. Reurbanisation has been defined as one of the stages of urban development recently, but it is also tied to processes of gentrification, or perceived as a policy aimed at the revitalisation of inner cities. The main objective of this contribution is to discuss three principal and different perspectives of reurbanisation: firstly, reurbanisation as defined on the macro-scale of settlement system development; secondly, the concept as elaborated at the micro-scale of the transformation of inner cities; and, thirdly, reurbanisation viewed as a specific urban policy at the local government scale of analysis. The authors’ singular understanding of the reurbanisation process – as suburban-to-urban migration – is then presented as an alternative conceptualization of reurbanisation. This paper presents and evaluates the use of the reurbanisation concept in research on residential environments in current conditions in the Czech Republic and relates it to the broader domain of research on post-socialist cities.

  8. MsDpo4—a DinB Homolog from Mycobacterium smegmatis—Is an Error-Prone DNA Polymerase That Can Promote G:T and T:G Mismatches

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    Amit Sharma


    Full Text Available Error-prone DNA synthesis in prokaryotes imparts plasticity to the genome to allow for evolution in unfavorable environmental conditions, and this phenomenon is termed adaptive mutagenesis. At a molecular level, adaptive mutagenesis is mediated by upregulating the expression of specialized error-prone DNA polymerases that generally belong to the Y-family, such as the polypeptide product of the dinB gene in case of E. coli. However, unlike E. coli, it has been seen that expression of the homologs of dinB in Mycobacterium tuberculosis are not upregulated under conditions of stress. These studies suggest that DinB homologs in Mycobacteria might not be able to promote mismatches and participate in adaptive mutagenesis. We show that a representative homolog from Mycobacterium smegmatis (MsDpo4 can carry out template-dependent nucleotide incorporation and therefore is a DNA polymerase. In addition, it is seen that MsDpo4 is also capable of misincorporation with a significant ability to promote G:T and T:G mismatches. The frequency of misincorporation for these two mismatches is similar to that exhibited by archaeal and prokaryotic homologs. Overall, our data show that MsDpo4 has the capacity to facilitate transition mutations and can potentially impart plasticity to the genome.

  9. Ã sombra das palavras: a oligarquia Acciolina e a Imprensa (1896-1912)


    Maria EmÃlia da Silva Alencar


    Este trabalho estuda a aÃÃo da imprensa em Fortaleza no perÃodo entre 1896 e 1912, tomando como foco da anÃlise os discursos jornalÃsticos produzidos na conjuntura polÃtica da oligarquia acciolina, a partir dos jornais A Republica, Unitario e Jornal do CearÃ. O trabalho està organizado em duas partes: na Primeira Parte o objeto de anÃlise à o jornal A Republica, em sua condiÃÃo de porta-voz da oligarquia, percebendo sua abordagem acerca do regime republicano e a construÃÃo p...

  10. Capacidades dinâmicas na Controladoria-Geral da União : estudo de caso nas capacidades operacionais de auditoria e fiscalização em compras e licitações


    Souza, Cristiano Coimbra de


    O pensamento estratégico administrativo tem muitas abordagens teóricas, dentre elas o pensamento sobre as Capacidades Dinâmicas (CD) das organizações, de ramificação de estudos econômicos das firmas, voltado a descrever como acontecem processos específicos para manutenção do desempenho organizacional em ambientes dinâmicos, dentre eles aspectos relacionados ao aprendizado organizacional e à gestão do conhecimento. Utilizando essa teoria como principal referencial teórico, o estudo teve como o...

  11. Uncertain population dynamic and state variables of alfonsino (Beryx splendens Dinámica poblacional incierta y variables de estado en alfonsino (Beryx splendens

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    Rodrigo Wiff


    Full Text Available Alfonsino (Beryx splendens is a species associated with seamounts, with an important fishery in Juan Fernandez archipelago, Chile (33°40'S, 79°00'W. Since 2004, this resource has been managed by catch quotas estimated from stock assessment models. The alfonsino model involves high levels of uncertainty for several reasons including a lack of knowledge of aspects of the population dynamics and poorly informative time-series that feed the proposed evaluation models. This work evaluated three hypotheses regarding population dynamics and their influence on the main state variables (biomass, recruitment of the model using age-structured and dynamic biomass models. The hypotheses corresponded to de-recruitment of older individuals, non-linearity between standardized catch per unit effort, and population abundance as well as variations of the relative importance of length structures. According to the results, the depletion of the spawning biomass between 1998 and 2008 varied between 9 and 56%, depending on the combination of hypotheses used in the model. This indicates that state variables in alfonsino are not robust to the available information; rather, they depend strongly on the hypothesis of population dynamics. The discussion is focused on interpreting the causes of the changes in the state variables in light of a conceptual model for population dynamics in alfonsino and which pieces of information would be necessary to reduce the associated uncertainty.El alfonsino (Beryx splendens es una especie asociada a montes submarinos. En Chile sustenta una importante pesquería en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández (33°40'S, 79°00'W. Desde el año 2004, este recurso es administrado a través de cuotas anuales de capturas, las cuales son estimadas desde un modelo de evaluación de stock. La modelación de la población de alfonsino se caracteriza por una alta incertidumbre, debido a diversas fuentes, como son desconocimiento de aspectos de su din

  12. Influencia del modelo elástico en la dinámica de estructuras articuladas

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    Muñoz, M.


    Full Text Available Influence in the dynamics of an articulated structure of sweep wooden, of the approximation to the material tension-deformation properties. A time-domain calculation method by finite differences has been used with a model of lumped masses in the nodes.

    Se estudia la influencia en la dinámica de una estructura articulada de barras de madera, de la aproximación a las propiedades tensión-deformación del material. Se ha adoptado un método de cálculo por diferencias finitas en el dominio del tiempo, con un modelo de masas concentradas en los nodos.

  13. Análise das publicações sobre capacidades dinâmicas entre 1992 e 2012: discussões sobre a evolução conceitual e as contribuições dos autores de maior notoriedade na área.

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    André Luís Janzkovski Cardoso


    Full Text Available Alguns elementos constituintes da abordagem das capacidades dinâmicas aparecem em diversas publicações (Schumpeter, 1942; Penrose, 1959, Nelson & Winter, 1982, Prahalad & Hamel, 1990, mas é a partir de Teece, Pisano e Schuen (1997 que o tema capacidades dinâmicas tem despertado interesse crescente dos estudiosos. A relevância do tema tem levado pesquisadores a considerar capacidades dinâmicas como um novo e robusto paradigma no campo da estratégia, principalmente por propor respostas às lacunas deixadas pela resource-based view (RBV. O arcabouço teórico das capacidades dinâmicas sofreu alterações ao longo do tempo (Barreto, 2010 e apresenta, além de convergências, ramificações entre seus defensores, principalmente no tocante ao embasamento e às fontes teóricas utilizadas em suas diferentes concepções. O conceito de capacidade dinâmica como fonte de vantagem competitiva fez com que estudos sobre esse tema proliferassem ao longo dos últimos anos, contudo essa proliferação ocorre de maneira não homogênea e consensual, o que torna o aprofundamento do tema um desafio ainda maior. Dessa forma, considerando as principais publicações sobre o tema capacidades dinâmicas entre os anos de 1992 e 2012, esta investigação apresenta as contribuições dos principais autores para o desenvolvimento da abordagem das capacidades dinâmicas e discute sua evolução conceitual. Trata-se de um estudo bibliométrico com tratamento dos dados por meio de escala multidimensional e análise de rede. Qualitativamente, a evolução da abordagem é analisada considerando os diferentes conceitos e proposições teórico-empíricas apresentados por autores de maior notoriedade na área, em diversos estudos sobre o tema. Os resultados indicam 1. uma evolução conceitual e de proposições teórico-empíricas; 2. um aumento de citações a autores contribuintes do tema; 3. uma diversidade de fontes de publicação e multidisciplinaridade da

  14. Un modelo dinámico bayesiano para pronóstico de energía diaria

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    Marisol Valencia Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Los modelos dinámicos bayesianos son una alternativa útil para elaborar pronósticos con pocos datos históricos, o que ayudan a complementar la poca información que se tenga. En este trabajo se propone el diseño de un algoritmo para realizar pronósticos usando un modelo dinámico bayesiano basado en Filtro de Kalman. Se ilustra el procedimiento aplicándolo al pronóstico de demanda de energía diaria de Colombia, lo cual puede ser útil en sistemas que presenten fallas, o en regiones donde apenas inicia el abastecimiento energético. La eficiencia se determina con el indicador de error absoluto medio (MAPE de ajuste y de pronóstico; este último resulta menor del 3%, valor adecuado para mostrar validez del método propuesto. Dynamic Bayesian Models are a useful alternative to make forecasts with few historical data, or that permits to complement the little information you have.  In this paper we propose an algorithm design to forecast using a dynamic Bayesian model based on Kalman Filter. We illustrate the procedure by applying it to the prediction of daily energy demand of Colombia, which can be useful in systems experiencing failures, or in regions where energy supply is just beginning. The efficiency is determined by the Average Absolute Error Indicator (MAPE, of adjustment and forecast; the last one is less than 3%, appropriate value to show validity of the proposed method.

  15. Metodología formal de análisis del comportamiento dinámico de sistemas no lineales mediante lógica borrosa

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    Antonio Javier Barragán


    Full Text Available Resumen: Tener la capacidad para analizar un sistema desde un punto de vista dinámico puede ser muy útil en muchas circunstancias (sistemas industriales, biológicos, económicos,. ... El análisis dinámico de un sistema permite conocer su comportamiento y la respuesta que presentará a distintos estímulos de entrada, su estabilidad en lazo abierto, tanto local como global, o si está afectado por fenómenos no lineales, como ciclos límites o bifurcaciones, entre otros. Si el sistema es desconocido o su dinámica es lo suficientemente compleja como para no poder obtener un modelo matemático del mismo, en principio no sería posible realizar un análisis dinámico formal del sistema. En estos casos la lógica borrosa, y más concretamente los modelos borrosos de tipo Takagi-Sugeno (TS, se presentan como una herramienta muy poderosa de análisis y diseño. Los modelos borrosos TS son aproximadores universales tanto de una función como de su derivada, por lo que permiten modelar sistemas no lineales en base a datos de entrada/salida. Puesto que un modelo borroso es un modelo matemático formalmente hablando, a partir del mismo es posible estudiar aspectos de la dinámica del sistema real que modela tal como se hace en la teoría de control no lineal. En este artículo se presenta una metodología para la obtención de los estados de equilibrio de un sistema no lineal, la linealización exacta de su modelo borroso de estado completamente general, el estudio de la estabilidad local de los equilibrios a partir de dicha linealización, y la utilización de la metodología de Poincare para el estudio de órbitas periódicas en modelos borrosos. A partir de esa información, es posible estudiar la estabilidad local de los estados de equilibrio, así como la dinámica del sistema en su entorno y la presencia de oscilaciones, obteniéndose una valiosa información del

  16. O papel dos hospitais na dinâmica de inovação em saúde El papel de los hospitales en la dinámica de innovación en salud The role of hospitals in the dynamic of health care innovation

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    Pedro Ribeiro Barbosa


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa o papel dos serviços hospitalares na dinâmica de inovação em saúde, considerando-os como força motriz do processo de inovação no Complexo Econômico-Industrial da Saúde. Além disso, enfatiza-se a potencialidade desses serviços em articular virtuosamente as dimensões socioeconômicas do desenvolvimento. Utilizando-se do arcabouço da economia política da saúde, propõem-se aportes para o desenvolvimento de uma base analítica e de novos modelos de análise estratégica das condições institucionais, tecnológicas e de gestão hospitalar, bem como de suas inter-relações no complexo produtivo da saúde. O artigo objetiva, dessa forma, aprofundar a compreensão sobre a dinâmica de inovação a partir dessas organizações.El artículo analiza el papel de los servicios hospitalarios en la dinámica de innovación en salud, considerándolos una fuerza motriz del proceso de innovación en el Complejo Económico-Industrial de la Salud. Asimismo, se hace énfasis en la potencialidad de tales servicios en articular virtuosamente las dimensiones económica y social del desarrollo. Utilizándose el armazón de la economía política de la salud, se proponen aportes para el desarrollo de una base analítica y de nuevos modelos de análisis estratégico de las condiciones institucionales, tecnológicas y de gestión hospitalaria, así como de sus interrelaciones en el complejo productivo de la salud. El artículo, objetiva, de esta manera, profundizar la comprensión sobre la dinámica de innovación a partir de estas organizaciones.The article analyzes the role played by hospital services in the dynamic of health care innovation, considering that these are the driving force of the innovation process within the Economic-Industrial Health Care Complex. In addition, the services' potential for articulating virtuously the economic and social dimensions of development is emphasized in the article. By using the framework of the

  17. Adaptation of the pressure test for borehole heat exchangers in accordance with DIN V 4279-7; Anpassen der Druckpruefung nach DIN V 4279-7 fuer Erdwaermesonden aus Polyethylen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rohner, E.


    The goal of this project was to develop a pressure test in accordance with DIN V 4279-7 to identify possible leakages of borehole heat exchanger systems. The presented pressure test serves predominantly as quality assurance. The test shall prevent that leaking borehole heat exchangers are put into operation. Since January 1{sup st}, 2005 the test, based on this report, is integral part of the seal of approval 'Erdwaermesonde' delivered by the Association for the Promotion of Heat Pumps in Switzerland ('Foerdergemeinschaft Waermepumpen Schweiz'). The presented methodology allows accurate and fast measurements of the tightness of borehole heat exchanger systems (test duration: about 1.5 h). A measuring apparatus was developed which allows to proceed easily with the pressure test. Pressure test and measuring apparatus have been already successfully used. (author)

  18. Dimensões estratégicas e emergentes da avaliação do desempenho|bmodelos, dinâmicas e impactos na Rede de Bibliotecas Municipais de Lisboa (1989-2009)


    Pinto, Leonor Gaspar


    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en 2013 El objeto de la presente investigación se centra en los propios modelos y dinámicas de la evaluación del desempeño, con el fin de determinar su impacto en la Red de Bibliotecas Municipales de Lisboa (RBML), en el periodo comprendido entre 1989 y 2009. Los objetivos definidos enmarcan esta Tesis Doctoral dentro de la línea de investigación que se designa como Investigación en evaluación. Asimismo, al elegir los propios modelos y dinámicas...

  19. Gentrificação nas Ilhas do Porto: uma dinâmica embrionária


    Matos, Fátima Loureiro de


    Neste artigo pretende-se evidenciar dinâmicas que estão a ocorrer nas ilhas da cidade do Porto, associadas à expansão da atratividade turística, que tem desencadeado a reabilitação e a gentrificação de alguns contextos urbanos. Trata-se de um trabalho exploratório, ainda em curso, baseado em trabalho de campo, algumas entrevistas e análises estatísticas. As ilhas são um património histórico e da vida da cidade, que pela sua morfologia urbana específica, atrai novos residentes e turistas....

  20. “It was the least painful to go into Greenhouse Production”: The Moral Appreciation of Social Security in Post-Socialist Serbia

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    Andre Thiemann


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the agricultural production of social security. By representing a rural case study from Central Serbia, it contributes to the economic history of post-socialist former Yugoslavia and explores the conditions of the possibility for social alternatives to neo-capitalism. In the case study, a male actor - embedded within family and wider social networks - successfully accommodates the adverse macroeconomic conditions through hard work, micromanagement of limited resources, and the production of social relations. He also combines new micro-spatial fixings - productive facilities - with revaluing morally depreciated older ones. In sum, this case study shows how networks of actors can invest their energy into reversing the moral depreciation of labor and capital under conditions of capitalist competition and growing inequality. These practices point to an emancipation from the inegalitarian moral economy of capitalism, a process I conceptualize as “moral appreciation”. As its goal emerges the production of a relatively egalitarian society within the lived space of the urban-village continuum.

  1. Análisis del efecto de la tasa de crecimiento y la dinámica migratoria en el proceso de redistritación electoral en Michoacán

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    Full Text Available El documento analiza el efecto de la dinámica de la tasa de crecimiento poblacional y la migración en los actuales distritos electorales federales de Michoacán, para explicar el desfase o desequilibrio poblacional en el que se encontraban en 2005, producto de la utilización de datos con pérdida de vigencia al utilizar información del censo de 2000. Se destacan las implicaciones de la dinámica demográfi ca en el proceso de redelimitación de los distritos electorales, los cuales son la base de la representación política de los ciudadanos.

  2. Certified quality management according to DIN ISO 9001 in a radiology department at a university hospital. Measurable changes in academic quality indicators?; Qualitaetsmanagement nach DIN ISO 9001 an einer radiologischen Universitaetsklinik. Messbare Veraenderungen der universitaeren Kennzahlen nach der Zertifizierung?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lorenzen, Joern; Habermann, C.; Weber, C.; Adam, G.; Koops, A. [Diagnostikzentrum, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Universitaetsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany); Utler, C. [Geschaeftsbereich Qualitaetsmanagement, Universitaetsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany); Grzyska, U. [Diagnostikzentrum, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Neuroradiologische Diagnostik und Intervention, Universitaetsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany)


    Purpose: to evaluate the changes in academic quality indicators after implementation of a quality management system according to DIN ISO 9001:2000. Materials and methods: after implementation and certification of a quality management system, the actual state based on quality indicators from the fields of student teaching, research, continuing education and the satisfaction of referring physician was determined. After implementation of an action plan for the individual areas, the temporal changes in the ratios were documented in the follow-up. Results: the evaluation of teaching performance obtained by questionnaire among the students of the radiology course showed a steady increase in satisfaction (mean value 2003: 2.7; 2007: 3.9). In the field of research an increase in scientific output was achieved based on the number of an internal publication score (2002: 99 points; 2006: 509). Repeated opinion surveys among our referring physicians found improvements in indicators for the appointment of investigations, consulting service and waiting times for the investigation, while the waiting times for internal transport service did not improve. Exemplary measurements of the success of the advanced training of the staff demonstrated the need for continuing education for quality improvement. Conclusion: the evaluation of quality indicators showed over time a measurable positive impact on processes of a radiological Univ. Hospital after implementation of a QM system according to DIN ISO 9001:2000. (orig.)

  3. Factores asociados a la depresión en adolescentes: Rendimiento escolar y dinámica familiar


    Galicia Moyeda, Iris Xóchitl; Sánchez Velasco, Alejandra; Robles Ojeda, Francisco Javier


    El estudio de la relación entre depresión y aprovechamiento escolar en adolescentes no ha sido totalmente esclarecida dado que se emplean diferentes instrumentos para la evaluación de la depresión y di-versos parámetros para estimar el aprovechamiento académico. Por otra parte cabe señalar que aunque se ha analizado la influencia de la dinámica familiar en la depresión y en el rendimiento académico ésto ha sido de manera independiente. Participaron 245 escolares adolescentes para analizar...

  4. Percepción de la persona con obesidad sobre su dinámica familiar, Cuenca. 2016


    Mora Verdugo, Miriann Alexandra


    Antecedente: Al analizar la familia no se trata de adoptar el concepto de la cultura occidental que indica es un grupo formado por marido, mujer e hijos 1. La familia es vista como un sistema, padres e hijos son subsistemas que interactúan2. Muchas veces esta parte es invisible. Distintas disciplinas han estudiado a la familia pero los resultados que presentan son fragmentados3. No se analiza a profundidad la dinámica familiar, en su estructura, su tipología, jerarquía, roles, holones, triang...

  5. Alcance y limitaciones de la carga dinámica de la prueba en el proceso judicial


    Montilla Rosero, Carmen Alicia; Jiménez Pascuaza, Johana Marcela


    La carga dinámica de la prueba hace parte del derecho probatorio que le brinda más beneficios a la parte procesal que se encuentre en mejores condiciones de hacerlo. Este tipo de carga procesal fue usada por el Consejo de Estado para resolver episodios de responsabilidad administrativa por la actividad médica entre los años 1990 a 2006, debido a las dificultades con las que contaba el paciente para probar hechos constitutivos de la falla del servicio médico estatal. Al inicio, la carga probat...

  6. Quality management in a radiological practice: experiences with a certification for DIN EN ISO 9001:2000. (United States)

    Kirsch, Michael; Vogg, Ingrid; Hosten, Norbert; Flessa, Steffen


    This paper describes the introduction of a total quality management system in a radiological practice. Certification was based on DIN EN ISO 9001:2000. The implementation of the quality management system had to overcome a number of barriers, for instance, legal obligations of a partnership association, leadership problems, and the fear to loose all hindered implementation. The knowledge of these barriers induces a faster and cheaper implementation of a quality management system in a radiological practice as a foundation of improved quality and competitiveness. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. ¿Es posible una gestión dinámica de la cooperación en dilemas sociales de gran escala?: el caso de la crisis de electricidad de Colombia de 1992

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    Jorge Andrick Parra Valencia


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta cómo una gestión dinámica de la cooperación puede enfrentar la dependencia a las condiciones iniciales que caracterizan al mecanismo de cooperación basado en la confianza, lo que permitiría promover y sostener la cooperación con la que los grupos pueden superar los dilemas sociales. Para esto, se elaboró un constructo siguiendo los lineamientos metodológicos de la Dinámica de Sistemas que da cuenta de la gestión de la cooperación aplicada durante la crisis de electricidad de Colombia de 1992. A partir de los resultados, se concluye que la gestión de la cooperación basada en mecanismos dinámicos es posible en dilemas de gran escala y puede ser utilizada para hacer efectiva y sostenible la cooperación basada en la confianza en dichas situaciones.

  8. The use of the DInSAR method in the monitoring of road damage caused by mining activities (United States)

    Murdzek, Radosław; Malik, Hubert; Leśniak, Andrzej


    This paper reviews existing remote sensing methods of road damage detection and demonstrates the possibility of using DInSAR (Differential Interferometry SAR) method to identify endangered road sections. In this study two radar images collected by Sentinel-1 satellite have been used. Images were acquired with 24 days interval in 2015. The analysis allowed to estimate the scale of the post-mining deformation that occurred in Upper Silesia and to indicate areas where road infrastructure is particularly vulnerable to damage.

  9. Dinámica de una ecuación de reacción-difusión con discontinuidades


    Arrieta Algarra, José María; Rodríguez Bernal, Aníbal; Valero Cuadra, José


    Estudiamos la dinámica de una ecuación de reacción difusión que presenta una discontinuidad. En primer lugar probamos la semicontinuidad superior del atractor con respecto a aproximaciones suaves del término no lineal. Después damos una descripción precisa del conjunto de puntos fijos y su estabilidad. Finalmente, analizamos las posibles conexiones heteroclínicas entre los puntos fijos, obteniendo así información sobre la estructura del atractor.

  10. Crecimiento en longitud foliar y dinámica de población de tallos de cinco asociaciones de gramineas y leguminosa bajo pastoreo

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    Rigoberto Castro Rivera


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la elongación, crecimiento, senescencia, peso y dinámica de tallos de cinco asociaciones conformadas por dos gramíneas y una leguminosa sembradas en diferentes proporciones. Se evaluaron cinco tratamientos: 4:3:3; 4:6:0; 4:0:6; 4:4:2 y 4:2:4 de trébol blanco-ovillo-ballico perenne, los cuales se distribuyeron en 20 unidades experimentales de 104 m2 , en un diseño en bloques completos al azar. La mayor elongación y crecimiento neto de la hoja de las especies evaluadas fue en verano, con 7.1 y 6.53 cm tallo -1 d -1 , para el pasto ovillo, y 7 y 6.7 cm tallo -1 d -1 , para ballico perenne; en trébol blanco no existió diferencia en el recambio de tejido foliar y del peciolo en verano y primavera ( P>0.05. El mayor peso de tallos de ballico perenne y ovillo se registró en verano (0.38g -1 tallo - 1 y las mayores densidades en la época de invierno (9,961 y 10,423 tallos m-2 , respectivamente. El recambio de tejido de las especies evaluadas presentó marcada estacionalidad, siendo más dinámico en verano que en otoño. La asociación de tres especies permitió una mayor dinámica en comparación con la asociación de dos especies.

  11. Dinâmicas no uso e cobertura da terra: perspectivas e desafios da Demografia

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    Julia Corrêa Côrtes


    Full Text Available Pensando de forma integrada a relação população-ambiente, o artigo aborda os estudos sobre dinâmica populacional e mudança no uso e cobertura da terra, com foco na contribuição e nos desafios da Demografia. Aproximando-se do tema em meados dos anos 1990, a Demografia teve como principal contribuição destacar a importância dos componentes populacionais nos modelos, antes, colocados como secundários e sob uma perspectiva simples. Demógrafos brasileiros dedicados a questões ambientais, embora tivessem prioritariamente a temática urbana no seu escopo, colaboraram de maneira indireta para a desenvoltura do campo, ao proporem uma releitura sobre relações população-ambiente. O artigo parte do caso da Amazônia brasileira, mostrando como a população foi explorada nas teorias sobre mudanças nos usos e coberturas da terra, passando pelo viés do crescimento populacional durante o período de fronteira agrícola, o modelo de ciclo de vida do domicílio (fecundidade e composição do domicílio na década de 1990 e, mais recentemente, o enfoque no componente migratório. Para a Demografia, aponta-se como essencial o aprofundamento nos elementos demográficos que não o volume e a inclusão do espaço e seus efeitos. Para a construção da Ciência da Mudança da Terra, destacam-se a incorporação de dinâmicas urbanas nas investigações, a adoção de uma metodologia multiescalar e o exercício do diálogo entre as diversas disciplinas, incorporando mais sistematicamente a contribuição da Demografia.

  12. Um caso de transtorno de personalidade borderline atendido em psicoterapia dinâmica breve

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    Cunha Paulo Jannuzzi


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um caso de Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline, encaminhado para a área de Psicoterapia Dinâmica Breve (PDB do Centro de Psicologia Aplicada da UNESP - Bauru/SP. O foco delimitado consistiu em trabalhar as características depressivas do paciente, buscando ajudá-lo a elaborar o luto pela perda de sua mãe. A análise deste caso veio corroborar a hipótese de que pacientes com transtorno de personalidade borderline também podem ser beneficiados com a PDB. A peculiaridade desta modalidade de atendimento está relacionada ao estabelecimento de objetivos terapêuticos (foco condizentes com as reais possibilidades e limites de cada paciente.

  13. Problemele politicii investiţionale în economia Republicii Moldova

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    Nadejda NAZAR


    Full Text Available Politica de investiţii a statului este de a dezvolta un set de măsuri de atragere a investiţiilor în economie. Direcţiile de bază ale politicii de investiţii în Republica Moldova, pentru a asigura realizarea obiectivelor strategice ale Moldovei, sunt reflectate în acest articol. Analizând situaţia din republică, sectorul de investiţii poate formula factori negativi pentru a atrage investiţii în dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului în Moldova: situaţia politică instabilă, corupţia şi birocraţia, lipsa de resurse umane calificate, infrastructura modestă etc. Pentru dezvoltarea climatului investiţional, este necesar să se îmbunătăţească managementul administraţiei centrale şi locale, pentru a ajuta investitorii la fiecare etapă a procesului investiţional. Următoarele sectoare prioritare ale economiei naţionale pentru atragerea investiţiilor pot fi evidenţiate: servicii pentru antreprenori, dezvoltarea produselor tehnologiilor informaţionale, dezvoltarea industriei electronice, dezvoltarea industriei uşoare, producerea de piese pentru automobile, sectorul agroindustrial, turismul, logistica în transport.


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    Tatiana GAUGAŞ


    Full Text Available În societatea contemporană strategiile netradiţionale de reclamă au devenit metode foarte populare de atragere a atenţiei şi de diferenţiere. Lipsind o abordare globală, conţinutul teoretic este foarte fragmentat, diferiţi autori descriind doar o parte a tematicii, aceasta fiind mai degrabă tratată prin exemple elocvente. Totodată, cercetătorii au identificat şi au analizat factorii care contribuie la dezvoltarea direcţiei respective în reclamă. În acest articol ne-am propus scopul de a analiza impactul strategiilor netradiţionale de reclamă asupra consumatorilor din Republica Moldova.THE IMPACT OF NONTRADITIONAL ADVERTIZING USED IN DOMESTIC MARKETIn modern society, non-conventional advertizing have become a popular means of grabbing attention and differentiation. Theoretical studies of non-traditional tactics in advertizing reason a comprehensive analysis of the issue, yet there are no complex studies that would reflect consumer reactions to untraditional advertizing in social and commercial advertizing context and there are no models developed on the basis of their results in the marketing literature. The aim of this article is to provide an analysis for the impact of untraditional advertizing on consumer behavior in Republic of Moldova.

  15. Violência entre jovens: dinâmicas sociais e situações de vulnerabilidade Violencia entre jóvenes: dinámicas sociales y situaciones vulnerabilidad Violence among youngsters: social dynamics and situations vulnerability

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    Marta Cocco


    Full Text Available Esse estudo busca analisar as dinâmicas sociais implicadas na vida de jovens vítimas de violências por meio da (reconstrução das relações cotidianas discutindo situações de vulnerabilidade. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório, utilizando o genograma e ecomapa como instrumentos de coleta de dados. Entrevistou-se 23 jovens vítimas desse evento, no município de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Adotou-se análise de conteúdo do tipo temático. Nas interações sociais dos jovens, observou-se fragilização das redes de relações. A maioria desses jovens são oriundos de famílias com precária inserção social e econômica. A formação escolar é reconhecida enquanto garantia de inclusão social, no entanto para alguns os problemas do ensino público e a violência intra e extramuros, colaboram para a descaracterização da escola como espaço protegido e de aprendizagem. Conhecer as dinâmicas sociais implicadas nas situações de vulnerabilidade, auxilia na compreensão desse fenômeno e pode influenciar ações de prevenção e promoção a partir dos serviços de saúde.Este estudio busca analizar dinámicas sociales implicadas en la vida de jóvenes víctimas de violencias por medio de la (reconstrucción de las relaciones cotidianas discutiendo situaciones de vulnerabilidad. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio, utilizando el genogramo y el ecomapa como instrumentos de recolección de datos. Fueron entrevistados 23 jóvenes víctimas de estos eventos, en la municipalidad de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Se adoptó el análisis de contenido del tipo temático. Nas interacciones sociales de los jóvenes, se observó la fragilidad de las redes de relaciones. La mayoría de estos jóvenes son oriundos de familias con precaria inserción social y económica. La formación escolar es reconocida mientras garantía de inclusión social. Sin embargo para algunos, los problemas de la enseñanza pública y

  16. Análisis de consistencia interna mediante Alfa de Cronbach: un programa basado en gráficos dinámicos

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    Rubén Ledesma

    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta una herramienta informática original que permite realizar análisis de consistencia interna (modelo Alfa de Cronbach utilizando métodos gráficos dinámicos. Se trata de un módulo basado en la filosofía del Análisis Exploratorio de Datos y en métodos de visualización estadística, diseñado para asistir al analista en el proceso de construcción de pruebas psicológicas. La herramienta permite analizar la consistencia interna de la prueba, las propiedades de los ítems que la componen, los patrones de respuesta de los sujetos a los ítems, y el efecto de la eliminación de los ítems y del incremento en la longitud de la prueba sobre su fiabilidad. En comparación con otros programas existentes, el beneficio del módulo es la incorporación de gráficos estadísticos dinámicos como complemento a la presentación de resultados convencionales en formato texto.

  17. Advanced Differential Radar Interferometry (A-DInSAR) as integrative tool for a structural geological analysis (United States)

    Crippa, B.; Calcagni, L.; Rossi, G.; Sternai, P.


    Advanced Differential SAR interferometry (A-DInSAR) is a technique monitoring large-coverage surface deformations using a stack of interferograms generated from several complex SLC SAR images, acquired over the same target area at different times. In this work are described the results of a procedure to calculate terrain motion velocity on highly correlated pixels (E. Biescas, M. Crosetto, M. Agudo, O. Monserrat e B. Crippa: Two Radar Interferometric Approaches to Monitor Slow and Fast Land Deformation, 2007) in two area Gemona - Friuli, Northern Italy, Pollino - Calabria, Southern Italy, and, furthermore, are presented some consideration, based on successful examples of the present analysis. The choice of these pixels whose displacement velocity is calculated depends on the dispersion index value (DA) or using coherence values along the stack interferograms. A-DInSAR technique allows to obtain highly reliable velocity values of the vertical displacement. These values concern the movement of minimum surfaces of about 80m2 at the maximum resolution and the minimum velocity that can be recognized is of the order of mm/y. Because of the high versatility of the technology, because of the large dimensions of the area that can be analyzed (of about 10000Km2) and because of the high precision and reliability of the results obtained, we think it is possible to exploit radar interferometry to obtain some important information about the structural context of the studied area, otherwise very difficult to recognize. Therefore we propose radar interferometry as a valid investigation tool whose results must be considered as an important integration of the data collected in fieldworks.

  18. Construcción de tablas de vida dinámicas para uno o dos sexos = Construction of unisex or sex-distinct dynamic life tables

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    Ewa Dylewska


    Full Text Available Mientras que las tablas de vida tradicionales describen la mortalidad actual en un determinado periodo de tiempo, las tablas de vida dinámicas permiten una proyección de mortalidad futura. Además de la edad y el sexo, las tablas de vida dinámicas tienen también una tercera dimensión, que es el tiempo. Por lo tanto, permiten observar cambios en la mortalidad que resultan no solamente de cambios en la edad sino también de cambios que aparecen a lo largo del tiempo. Esto se refiere sobre todo a la tendencia de disminución de riesgo de mortalidad. Las tablas de vida dinámicas son, por lo tanto, muy útiles en la construcción de seguros de vida de larga duración y planes de pensiones. También pueden ser aplicadas en la construcción de tablas unisex (relacionado con el dictamen C-236/09 – Test -Achats. El objetivo del estudio es comprobar la diferencia en la esperanza de vida a la edad x en España calculada utilizando las tablas de vida estáticas (tradicionales y dinámicas, para uno o ambos sexos. Este fin se realiza aplicando el modelo de Lee-Carter para pronosticar la mortalidad futura.Traditional life tables describe a level of mortality at one and defined period of time whereas dynamic life tables allow for projection of future mortality. Apart from age and gender, dynamic life tables also have a third dimension, which is time. In that way, it is possible to observe changes of mortality over the years. This is especially reflected in a mortality reduction trend. Dynamic life tables are therefore very useful in pricing long-term life contracts and especially in pricing annuities. Moreover, dynamic life tables can also be used in constructing unisex life tables (in relation with decision C-236/09 – Test-Achats. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate differences in life expectancy at age x in Spain calculated by using static (traditional and dynamic life tables, both unisex and sex-distinct. Mortality projection is done

  19. Construcción de tablas de vida dinámicas para uno o dos sexos = Construction of unisex or sex-distinct dynamic life tables

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    Ewa Dylewska


    Full Text Available Mientras que las tablas de vida tradicionales describen la mortalidad actual en un determinado periodo de tiempo, las tablas de vida dinámicas permiten una proyección de mortalidad futura. Además de la edad y el sexo, las tablas de vida dinámicas tienen también una tercera dimensión, que es el tiempo. Por lo tanto, permiten observar cambios en la mortalidad que resultan no solamente de cambios en la edad sino también de cambios que aparecen a lo largo del tiempo. Esto se refiere sobre todo a la tendencia de disminución de riesgo de mortalidad. Las tablas de vida dinámicas son, por lo tanto, muy útiles en la construcción de seguros de vida de larga duración y planes de pensiones. También pueden ser aplicadas en la construcción de tablas unisex (relacionado con el dictamen C-236/09 – Test -Achats. El objetivo del estudio es comprobar la diferencia en la esperanza de vida a la edad x en España calculada utilizando las tablas de vida estáticas (tradicionales y dinámicas, para uno o ambos sexos. Este fin se realiza aplicando el modelo de Lee-Carter para pronosticar la mortalidad futura. Traditional life tables describe a level of mortality at one and defined period of time whereas dynamic life tables allow for projection of future mortality. Apart from age and gender, dynamic life tables also have a third dimension, which is time. In that way, it is possible to observe changes of mortality over the years. This is especially reflected in a mortality reduction trend. Dynamic life tables are therefore very useful in pricing long-term life contracts and especially in pricing annuities. Moreover, dynamic life tables can also be used in constructing unisex life tables (in relation with decision C-236/09 – Test-Achats. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate differences in life expectancy at age x in Spain calculated by using static (traditional and dynamic life tables, both unisex and sex-distinct. Mortality projection is done

  20. Dinámica familiar y su relación con el embarazo adolescente en consultantes del centro de desarrollo juvenil del Hospital Regional Manuel Núñez Butrón Puno - 2004.


    Baca Huaillaro, Jesusa


    El estudio se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la relación de la dinámica familiar y el embarazo adolescente en consultantes del Centro de Desarrollo Juvenil del Hospital Regional Manuel Nuñez Butrón Puno año 2004. La investigación fue de tipo descriptivo comparativo y correlacional, realizada en una muestra de 7 4 adolescentes embarazadas y 7 4 no embarazadas. El instrumento para medir la dinámica familiar fue Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES) 111 de Olson, Port...