
Sample records for di ptapb-batan yogyakarta

  1. Phytoplankton diversity in the bioremediation pool in PTAPB-BATAN Yogyakarta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wijiyono; Artiningsih, Sri


    Research has been done on Phytoplankton Diversity in Bioremediation Pool in PTAPB-BATAN Yogyakarta. This study aims to determine the diversity of phytoplankton and phytoplankton species are numerous in the bioremediation pool in PTAPB BATAN. This study is an observational study conducted from September to November 2012. The population in this study is all kinds of phytoplankton that live in the bioremediation pool. The sample was filtered with all phytoplankton plankton net at each sampling point. This study was conducted to determine the point of sampling as much as 3 points, namely at the inlet, the center of the pond, and exit channel, with each point done 3 times repetition. Sampling was done by taking as much as 50 liters of water at each sample point, the water sample is filtered directly into the plankton net. Filtered water put into flakon bottles. Observation and identification of plankton were done in the laboratory. The research found as many as 21 species of phytoplankton consisting of Scenedesmus acuminatus, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Closterium moniiferum, Pleurosigma sp., Rivularia bullata, Chroococcus sp., Cocconeis sp., Pinnularia viridis, Navicula sp., Spirogyra sp., Thiopedia rosea, Cyclotella sp., Minidiscus sp., Achnantes sp., ChIorella sp., Oscillatoria sp., Hemiaulus sp., Surirella sp., Chattonella sp., Thalasiossira mala, Leuvenia sp. Phytoplankton density value of 5.330 ind / I. Phytoplankton diversity index value was 2.6062, included in the medium category. (author)

  2. Pre Design of Beam Parameter Control System for Electron Beam Machine (EBM) 350 keV/10 mA in the Center for Accelerator and Material Process Technology - BATAN Yogyakarta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Pre design of beam parameter control system for Electron Beam Machine (EBM) 350 keV/10 mA had an objective to find a control system algorithm for EBM in The Center For Accelerator and Material Process Technology (Pusat Teknologi dan Proses Bahan/PTAPB) - BATAN Yogyakarta. The design was based on the beam parameter model of EBM. The model shown a relationship between the dose parameter setting and the beam energy setting which it was being a problem in setting the beam parameters.The control system algorithm was found by getting compensator equations from the beam parameter model of EBM. The equations would omit the relation between the radiation dose parameter and beam energy parameter, so that the parameters could be adjusted easily. The result of the control system algorithm examine based on simulation shown that the setting of beam parameter value could be done by giving the accelerating voltage value and the filament current value as the operator had determined the value. The value of radiation dose and beam energy would be adjusted as its function of the filament current value and the accelerating voltage value. (author)

  3. Imlek sebagai Pesta Rakyat Cina di Yogyakarta

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    Dina Dwikurniarini


    Full Text Available Semenjak dibangun hubungan kembali Indonesia – Cina maka nampak bahwa segala sesuatu tentang Cina marak diseluruh Indonesia.  Di Yogyakarta juga tidak beda dengan kota-kota besar lain dalam perayaan pergantian tahun dan jika terdapat  perbedaan terutama hubungan Cina dan pribumi yang tanpa konflik. Tujuan tulisan ini  mengkaji kebijakan Negara terhadap Cina dalam bidang budaya serta  hubungan Cina dan pribumi yang harmanis dapat diciptakan di Yogyakarta. Kajian ini adalah kajian historis yang menggunakan metode sejarah dengan empat langkah yaitu heuristik, yaitu mencari dan mengumpulkan sumber sejarah, kritik sumber, inteprettasi dan historigrafi. Hubungan Cina dan pribumi sudah terjadii semenjak kedatangan awal Cina sebelum terbentuknya Negara Indonesia hingga sesudah Indonesia menjadi sebuah negara merdeka. Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa arang-orang pribumi dan Cina dapat saling menerima sebagai warga negara yang sama, merupakan proses panjang. Dalam sejarah menunjukkan bahwa peran pemerintah dengan kebijakan-kebijakannya turut mempengaruhi hubungan antar pribumi dan Cina. Diskriminasi juga memperlambat terjalinnya perkembangan hubungan tersebut.  Di Yogyakarta, misalnya perayaan imlek atau pergantian tahun dirayakan semua orang dan Pemerintah Daerah melalui Dinas Pariwisata  memasukkannya dalam agenda wisata Yogyakarta dan kelompok muslim mengizinkan merayakannya di masjid untuk Cina yang beraga Islam. Kata Kunci : Imlek di Yogyakarta, Pesta Rakyat Cina

  4. Design basis threat analysis and implementation of the physical protection system at Nuclear Facility of BATAN Yogyakarta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    An analysis to determine the design basis threat (DBT) and its follow-up through the implementation of physical protection system at the nuclear facility of BATAN Yogyakarta has been done. Methodology used for the analysis is based on the IAEA guidance for the development and maintenance of a DBT. Based on the analysis results, it can be concluded that the threat motivation is influenced by political situation (related to the government policy), criminal, sabotage and theft. The characteristics of threats are: not so well organized, terror, theft of materials information, involving insider (collusion), and intimidation to workers. Potential threat could from guests/students who take a practical job or laboratory exercise. Therefore, it is necessary to be anticipated the possibility and its impact of turmoil/demonstrators such as destruction of: lighting, road, fence, sabotage on the electric and communication lines, surrounding the Yogyakarta nuclear facility

  5. Pengembangan Pembelajaran Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Budaya Yogyakarta Di Sekolah Dasar

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    Anik Ghufron


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model pembelajaran berbasis nilai-nilai budaya Yogyakarta yang relevan di sekolah dasar. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan model Borg dan Gall. Subjek penelitian adalah para guru dan siswa sekolah dasar tempat penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan penelitian dapat dipaparkan sebagai berikut. Pertama, model pembelajaran yang relevan digunakan untuk penanaman nilai-nilai budaya Yogyakarta adalah model pembelajaran non direktif versi Carl Rogers. Kedua, modifikasi dan penyesuaian model pembelajaran ini dilakukan agar dapat digunakan untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai budaya Yogyakarta di sekolah dasar terutama yang berkaitan dengan format rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP. Ketiga, para guru mampu melaksanakan pembelajaran menggunakan model non direktif untuk penanaman nilai-nilai budaya Yogyakarta sesuai dengan kurikulum yang berlaku di sekolah dasar dengan tetap memperhatikan kebijakan Pemda DIY tentang pengembangan kurikulum berbasis budaya Yogyakarta. Kata kunci: nilai-nilai budaya Yogyakarta, sekolah dasar, pembelajaran DEVELOPING INSTRUCTIONAL MODELBASED ON CULTURAL VALUES OF YOGYAKARTA AT PRIMARY SCHOOL Abstract: This study seeks to develop a primary schoolinstructional model based on cultural values of Yogyakarta. Research and development model by the Borg and Gall was adopted. Subjects of the research were primary schoolteachers and students. Data were collected through observations and interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods. The results show the followings. Firstly, the instructional model whichfits the cultural values of Yogyakarta is Carl Rogers’s non directive model. Secondly, the instructional model should be modified in order to effectively foster thecultural values of Yogyakarta at primary school, especially when dealing with

  6. Manajemen kelas dalam pembelajaran matematika di SMA Negeri Yogyakarta


    Nisak Ruwah Ibnatur Husnul; Heri Retnawati


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen kelas yang berupa perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan/kepemimpinan dan pengevaluasian dari pembelajaran matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru matematika di SMA Negeri Yogyakarta. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif jenis studi kasus ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 5, 8 dan 9 Yogyakarta dengan subjek data adalah kepala sekolah, guru kurikulum, guru matematika dan siswa. Untuk teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan pedoman observasi dan pedom...


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    Mimin Nur Aisyah


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Pengaruh Technology Readiness terhadap Penerimaan Teknologi Komputer pada UMKM di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekplorasi pengaruh kesiapan teknologi terhadap persepsi kemanfaatan sistem dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan sistem serta pengaruh kedua persepsi terhadap teknologi tersebut terhadap minat menggunakan teknologi komputer dalam membantu proses bisnis pada UMKM di Yogyakarta.  Sampel penelitian ini sejumlah 498 UMKM yang terdaftar di Disperindagkop Yogyakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Data diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data dan uji hipotesis menggunakan model Partial-Least-Square (PLS. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kesiapan teknologi terhadap persepsi kemanfaatan sistem dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan sistem, serta terdapat pengaruh persepsi kemanfaatan teknologi dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan teknologi terhadap minat menggunakan teknologi komputer dalam membantu proses bisnis pada UMKM di Yogyakarta.   Kata kunci: kesiapan teknologi, persepsi kemanfaatan, persepsi kemudahan penggunaan, minat menggunakan, UMKM Abstract: The Effect of Technology Readiness toward Acceptance of Computer Technology on SMEs in Yogyakarta. This research aims to explore the effect of technology readiness to the perceived of usefulness of system and perceived ease of use of the system and the influence of both perceptions of these technologies to the behavioral intention of computer technology in business processes in SMEs in Yogyakarta. The research sample number of 498 SMEs were registered in Disperindagkop Yogyakarta. The sampling technique using simple random sampling technique. The data were obtained using a questionnaire. Data analysis and hypothesis testing using a model of the Partial-Least-Square (PLS. The research found that there are significant technology readiness to the perception of the benefit system and perceived ease of use of the system

  8. Stereotip Gender dalam Lukisan Anak-Anak di Yogyakarta

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    Kasiyan -


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplanasi: (1 stereotip gender lakilakidalam representasi seni lukis anak-anak; (2 stereotip gender laki-laki dalamrepresentasi seni lukis anak-anak; (3 faktor yang mempengaruhi ada perbedaanstereotip gender laki-laki dan perempuan dalam representasi lukisan anak-anak diYogyakarta sebagaimana tersebut. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif denganpendekatan semiotik, dengan data penelitian lukisan karya anak-anak di Yogyakarta.Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian ini dapat disampaikan sebagai berikut: (1 Lukisan anak-anakcenderung merepresentasikan laki-laki dalam posisi dan peran di sektor publik danlebih positif, (2 Sementara itu, sebaliknya perempuan direpresnetasikan cenderungada di posisi dan perannya di sektor domestik yang cenderung negatif, (3 Adapunpenyebab utama adanya perbedaan konstruksi gender yang stereotip laki-laki danperempuan tersebut, terutama disebabkan oleh kuatnya konstruksi ideologi genderdan patriarki secara sosial budaya di masyarakat, tidak terkecuali yang dipahamidalam pengetahuan anak-anak. Gender Stereotype in the Children’s Paintings in Yogyakarta. This particular studyis aimed to explain: (1 men’s gender stereotype representation in children’s painting; (2 women’stype representation in children’s paintings; and (3 factors influencing those two ways of genderstereotype representations which tend to be exploitative. The method used in this particular studyis the qualitative method with gender and semiotic perspective as the main concerns. The data arein the forms of children’s paintings in Yogyakarta. The descriptive qualitative analysis techniqueis used to analyze the data. The results of this study can be described as the followings: 1 (Menare represented in the children’s paintings as having the more positive gender stereotype that isbeing placed in the public roles and position; (2 On the


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    Muhammad Ragil Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peranan siaran televisi edukasi (TVe sebagai sumber belajar dan motivasi belajar bagi siswa SMP di Kodya Yogyakarta. Penelitian menggunakan metode gabungan (mixed method yaitu penelitian kuantitatif jenis survei diikuti dengan penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket. Sedangkan pengumpulan data kualitatif menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Data kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif, sedangkan data kualitatif dianalisis menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman. Populasi penelitian adalah 17 SMP di Kodya Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 Siaran TV Edukasi belum memberikan peran yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan sumber belajar bagi siswa SMP di Kodya Yogyakarta. (2 Siaran TV Edukasi belum berperan yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar bagi siswa SMP di Kodya Yogyakarta. Kata kunci: televisi edukasi (TVe, sumber belajar, motivasi belajar.

  10. Tingkat Parasitasi Fopius arisanus (Hymenoptera : Braconidae pada Lalat Buah Belimbing di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Suputa Suputa


    Full Text Available Bactrocera carambolae was founf on carambola fruit in Yogyakarta Special Province and there were three species of parasitoids, i.e. Fopius arisanus, Agasnaspis sp., and Asobara sp. The population of Agasnaspis sp. and Asobara sp. were very low and was only found in Samas coastal area. F. arisanus was dominant and always found in all observation sites. There was no significant result on their parasitism (for region, F(2,35 = 0.057; p>0.005; for elevation, F(2,35= 0.704, p>0.05; for habitat, F(2,35= 0.215, p>0.05. Parasitism of F. arisanus on fruit fly in Yogyakarta Special Province was generally low, i.e. it ranged from 0.5495 ± 0.3843 (in Sleman, to 1.2935 ± 0.8206%. Evaluation of the existence of F. arisanus and augmentation efforts might be needed to improve its ability to parasitize fruit fly in Yogyakarta Special Province.   Lalat buah yang menyerang buah belimbing lokal di Daerah Yogyakarta adalah Bactrocera carambolae dan tidak ditemukan lalat buat spesies lain pada penelitian ini, sedangkan parasitoid yang menyerang lalat buah B. carambolae ada tiga spesies yaitu Fopius arisanus, Agasnaspis sp., dan Asobora sp. Populasi Agasnaspis sp. dan Asobara sp. sangat rendah dan hanya ditemukan di Kabupaten Bantul di daerah pesisir pantai Samas, sementara di lokasi pengamatan yang lain tidak ditemukan, sedangkan F. arisanus merupakan parasitoid yang selalu ditemukan pada berbagai lokasi pengamatan. Uji beda nyata menunjukkan bahwa tingkat parasitasi F. arisanus di Yogyakarta tidak berbeda secara nyata berdasarkan kategori daerah administrasi (F(2,35 = 0.057; p>0.005; ketinggian tempat, F(2,35= 0.704, p>0.05; dan habitat, F(2,35= 0.215, p>0.05. Tingkat parasitasi F, arisanus pada lalat buah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta sangat rendah yaitu sekitar  0.5495 ± 0.3843 (di Sleman sampaidengan 1.2935 ± 0.8206%. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa di setiap kanupaten yang diamati, populasi lalat buah B. carambolae

  11. Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Produk Laparoscopy di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah YOGYAKARTA


    Mudayana, Ahmad Ahid


    Background : Complexity of hospital marketing strategy that have social function needed research to analyses marketing strategy have been applied by PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta hospital, especially to promote Laparoscopy Product. Marketing strategy of the segmentation, targeting and positioning. The aim of the research to analyses marketing strategy of PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta to promote Laparoscopy product.Method : This was descriptive research using qualitative method. The subject was di...


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    Dani Febriyanto


    Full Text Available Sanitasi adalah suatu usaha untuk mengawasi beberapa faktor lingkungan fisik yang berpenga-ruh pada manusia terutama terhadap hal-hal yang mempunyai efek merusak perkembangan fi-sik, kesehatan, dan kelangsungan hidup. Berdasarkan uji pendahuluan yang dilakukan pada 2-4 April 2016, diketahui bahwa terdapat beberapa sarana atau fasilitas terminal bus yang tidak se-suai dengan persyaratan. Hal tersebut memiliki dampak yang buruk bagi lingkungan dan kese-hatan manusia di tempat umum tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambar-an kondisi sanitasi terminal bus di Provinsi D. I. Yogyakarta, dengan melakukan penelitian survei dengan analisis deskriptif. Dari 16 populasi terminal yang ada, yang dijadikan sampel penelitian adalah Terminal Wates, Terminal Jombor, Terminal Giwangan, dan Terminal Dhaksinarga yang diambil dengan metoda area probability sampling. Ada lima variabel yang diamati dengan mela-kukan inspeksi sanitasi, yaitu: penyehatan lingkungan luar, penyehatan ruang dan bangunan, fa-silitas sanitasi, kenyamanan dan keselamatan, serta higiene makanan dan minuman. Hasil dan kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kondisi sanitasi terminal bus di Provinsi D. I. Yogyakarta masih kurang baik, karena hanya Terminal Giwangan yang berkategori laik sehat dengan prosentase 89 %.





    tindak kejahatan yang terjadi di masyarakat pada masa kini. Membekali diri dengan ilmu beladiri defensif dan dapat dipelajari oleh segala usia merupakan salah satu cara untuk menanggulangi ancaman kejahatan tersebut. Aikido memperkenalkan diri sebagai beladiri yang cocok untuk dipelajari segala usia serta dapat menjadi sarana untuk berlatih dalam dinamika kehidupan. Di Yogyakarta kondisi dojo masih sangat kurang dalam mewadahi kegiatan latihan dan seminar serta belum membantu aikidoka dalam m...

  14. DISTRIBUSI HUTAN BAKAU DI LAGUNA PANTAI SELATAN YOGYAKARTA (Mangrove Distribution at the Lagoons in the Southern Coast of Yogyakarta

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    Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK  Kehadiran sisa hutan bakau di laguna Bogowonto, pantai selatan Yogyakarta menunjukkan bahwa pada masa lalu laguna tersebut didominasi oleh hutan bakau, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari kehadiran vegetasi bakau di laguna-laguna dan muara sungai di pantai selatan tersebut. Ada empat laguna di pantai Selatan Yogyakarta, laguna Bogowonto, Serang, Progo, Opak, dan satu muara sungai, Kali Baron. Laguna tersebut merupakan laguna internitten, artinya pada musim kemarau, mulut sungainya tertutup gumuk pasir dan laguna didominasi oleh perairan tawar dan merupakan ekosistem tergenang. Sebaliknya di musim hujan mulut sungai terbuka, laguna bersifat sebagai ekosistem pasang surut. Data vegetasi dicuplik dengan menggunakan kuadrat plot berukuran 10m x 20m dengan ulangan dua kali. Kuadrat plot ditempatkan pada pusat distribusi mangrovenya, yang dipilih mulai dari rawa burit ke arah muara sungai. Tekstur tanah, hara tanah, salinitas air dan hara air juga dikaji. Kehadiran hutan bakau di laguna dibatasi oleh tekstur tanah. Tekstur pasir, 60-99 %, mendominasi laguna Serang, Progo, Opak dan muara kali Baron. Komunitas bakau hanya ditemukan di laguna Bogowonto, yang tersusun atas 5 jenis bakau, Sonneratia alba, Nypa fruticans, Acanthus ilicifolius, Acrosticum sp., dan Derris heterophylla, dan dua jenis spesies peralihan, Pandanus sp. dan Cynodon dactylon. Pola distribusi komunitasnya mengelompok (clump, mempunyai tipe riverine mangrove,dan tidak membentuk zonasi. Sonneratia hadir mulai dari muara sungai sampai di rawa burit. Ketika air surut salinitas berkisar antara 0-6,5 %. Nypa hanya ditemukan satu kelompok di kaki gumuk. Distribusi Sonneratia tidak ditentukan oleh tinggi genangan, akan tetapi tinggi pneumatophor mengikuti pola tinggi genangan air. Di laguna Bogowonto, spesies bakau tidak mempunyai zonasi dan beradaptasi pada sistem ekologinya.   ABSTRACT  The presence of mangrove remnant at the lagoon of Bogowonto River in the southern





    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh dimensi materialisme (materialism happiness, centrality, dan success) terhadap impulsive buying dan efeknya pada compulsive buying behavior. Penelitian ini menggunakan responden mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang berada di beberapa Universitas di Yogyakarta sebagai obyek penelitian. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah responden yang pernah dan cenderung sering melakukan pembelian atau berbelanja pakaian di Departement Store yang ada di Yogyakarta. ...


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    Anwaruddin Anwaruddin


    menerima, memeriksa, dan memutus perkara di suatu lingkungan peradilan maka butuh pemikiran yang tenang dan jernih untuk memecahkan sebuah kasus yang ditangani tanpa melalaikan kewajibannya sebagai seorang ibu rumah tangga dan istri. Tulisan ini membahas tentang pandangan hukum Islam mengenai konsep keluarga sakinah menurut hakim perempuan Pengadilan Agama Bantul, Yogyakarta].


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    Bambang Sriyanto Prakoso


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisa dinamika dan variasi perkembangan sistem kota-kota dan karakter kekotaan, guna memilih atau menentukan alternatif pengembangan pusat pusat baru di Propinsi sehingga pembangunan lebih merata. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptifianalitis dengan analisis data sekunder. Lingkup daerah penelitian meliputi seluruh desa di Propinsi DIY, sejumlah 438 desa yang tersebar di lima Kabupaten. Variabel yang digunakan meliputi variabel demografis untuk menganalisa sistem dan hirarki kota-kota dan variabel karakter kekotaan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Index primacy, Analisis Faktor, Crosstab dan Korelasi, Pembuatan Tipologi Wilayah. Sedangkan analisis spasial atau pemetaan dengan program Arc View. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dinamika sistem kota-kota di Propinsi DIY sepanjang tahun 1960-2002 memperlihatkan gejala primacy atau pemusatan perkembangan di Kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya (pinggiran. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan adanya kesenjangan perkembangan wilayah dan beban kota semakin meningkat. Semakin tinggi peringkat wilayah, semakin dinamis perubahan yang terjadi, sena semakin tinggi karakter kekotaan yang dimilikinya. Fenomena pemusatan perkembangan yang tedadi di kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya merupakan bukti empiris pemusatan sistem perkotaan. Berdasarkan analisis yang komprehensif, ditetapkan kluster pusat pertumbuhan baru di lima Kabupaten Kota, yaitu Kluster Sentolo (Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Kluster Srandakan-Galur (Kabupaten Bantul, Kluster Playen-Patuk (Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Kluster Tempel-Sleman (Kabupaten Sleman, dan Kluster Giwangan (Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian merekomendasikan redistribusi hasil-hasil pembangunan melalui pengembangan dan penguatan pusat pertumbuhan baru, pembentukan tata ruang perwilayahan dan sistem perkotaan yang fungsional. Pusat pertumbuhan baru harus `mandiri. dan diintegrasikan dengan wilayah belakangnya (hinterland, sehingga tercipta keterkaitan fisik


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    Taufik Muhtarom


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 mengetahui perbedaan budaya sekolah di SDSN dan SD Eks RSBI DIY, (2 memaparkan perbedaan masing-masing aspek budaya sekolah antara SDSN dengan SD Eks RSBI. Jenis penelitian ini adalah komparasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua kepala sekolah, guru, dan staf SDSN dan SD RSBI di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 797 orang untuk SDSN dan 155 orang untuk SD Eks RSBI. Sampel dari SDSN berjumlah 256 orang dan sampel dari SD Eks RSBI sebanyak 116 orang ditentukan menggunakan teknik proportional sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat, bivariat, dan uji-t. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1 tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara budaya sekolah SDSN dengan SD Eks RSBI di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta; (2 ditemukan perbedaan skor dari masing-masing aspek budaya sekolah di SDSN dan SD Eks RSBI DIY. Aspek budaya sekolah yang lebih baik di SDSN adalah kolaborasi profesional, hubungan kolegial, self determination, visi-misi, konsensus, dan disiplin. Sedangkan aspek budaya sekolah yang lebih unggul pada SD Eks RSBI adalah aspek komitmen, hormat, empati, bebas bullying dan artefak fisik. Kata kunci: budaya sekolah, SDSN, SD Eks RSBI

  19. Kejadian Leptospirosis pada Anjing di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (CASE OF CANINE LEPTOSPIROSIS IN THE CITY OF YOGYAKARTA

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    Guntari Titik Mulyani


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which is caused by Leptospira interrogans. The incidence of leptospirosis in dogs varies according to region and season, and is considered as emerging infectious diseases in humans. Clinical symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs vary greatly, some dogs are asymptomatic, with mild symptoms, and others progress to severe illness until death. The study aims to determine cases of canine leptospirosis in Yogyakarta, and identify the serovar that infect them. A total of 20 dogs without symptoms, with mild symptoms, to severe symptoms of leptospirosis were collected their serum and further tested using Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT conducted at the Center for Veterinary Research (BBLitvet Bogor. History of vaccination is recorded as a consideration in interpreting the MAT results. The results showed that three out of the 20 samples were positive leptospirosis. Of the three positive samples, one was identified as serovar bataviae, another one as serovar bataviae and tarrasovi, and the last as serovar bataviae, tarrasovi, ichterohaemorrhagiae, canicola, celledoni, pyrogenes, cynopteri, and rachmati, respectively. The three dogs with leptospirosis showed similar clinical symptoms i.e. Anorexia, lethargy, and fever. It can be concluded that there are cases of canine leptospirosis in Yogyakarta which is predominantly caused by Leptospira interrogans serovar bataviae. ABSTRAK Leptospirosis adalah penyakit zoonosis, yang disebabkan oleh Leptospira interrogans. Kejadian leptospirosis pada anjing bervariasi menurut wilayah dan musim, dan dianggap sebagai penyakit menular yang muncul pada manusia. Gejala klinis leptospirosis pada anjing sangat bervariasi, beberapa anjing tanpa menunjukkan gejala, dengan gejala ringan, dan yang lain melanjut menjadi penyakit yang parah sampai kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kasus leptospirosis pada anjing di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan mengidentifikasi



    Raditya, Theresia Dyah Okta


    Desentralisasi fiskal merupakan salah satu kebijakan yang dilaksanakan pemerintah daerah untuk mengurangi ketimpangan wilayah sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat di suatu wilayah. Salah satu indikator sederhana untuk kesejahteraan rakyat adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun, kecenderungan yang terjadi di negara berkembang adalah ketimpangan wilayah meningkat searah dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kabupaten/kota di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta ...

  1. Rekrutmen gubernur dan wakil gubernur D.I Yogyakarta dalam perspektif etika politik

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    Halili Halili


    Full Text Available Post implementation of UU No. 22/1999 (revised with UU No. 32/2004 about Local Government, recruitment mechanism of Governor and Vice Governor of D I Yogyakarta is being discussed around public opinions. They are polarized into two main groups; first, a group to agree and support recruitment through decision, and second, to agree and support a conventional mechanism of recruitment used in several provinces, namely election. This paper tries to analyze recruitment of Governor and Vice Governor of DI Yogyakarta on the perspective of political ethics. This perspective of analysis is based on two approaches. The first is formal-juridical approach; it means analysis about recruitment of Governor and Vice Governor of DI Yogyakarta and its congruency with the laws, which are valid. And the second is philosophy of power ethics; it includes resources, legitimacy, and implementation of power. Recruitment mechanism of Governor and Vice Governor of DI Yogyakarta finds legal and juridical justification in the positive laws; they are UUD 1945 (Constitution of RI, UU No. 22/1948, UU No. 3/1950, UU No. 5/1974, UU No. 22/1999, and UU No. 32/2004. In the other hand, according to political ethics of Thomas Aquinas about resources, legitimacy, and implementation of power, resources and legitimacy of power during recruitment of Governor and vice Governor of DIY get the right way in ethics manner. They correlate further with implementation of the power. So that, recruitment of Governor and vice Governor of DIY in perspective of political ethics is not merely matter of feudalism or monarchy, but it relates more with a matter of resources, legitimacy and implementation of power. If the power is correctly implemented, the resources and legitimacy will grow up, so does the contrary.


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    Taufiq Ismail


    Full Text Available Dircomnet Yogyakarta adalah suatu badan usaha yang bergerak di bidang jasa persewaan akses internet, perawatan komputer, dan pemasangan jaringan internet, memiliki banyak pegawai yang digaji setiap bulannya. Pimpinan sering menangani order pekerjaan secara langsung di luar kantor. Masalah timbul ketika pimpinan membutuhkan laporan penggajian dan memberikan kebijakan penggajian pegawai ketika di luar kantor. Karyawan ingin mengetahui berapa jumlah gaji beserta rinciannya. Berdasar persoalan tersebut, perlu dibangun suatu sistem penggajian real time yang dapat menampilkan laporan penggajian dan memberikan kebijakan penggajian yang dapat diakses dari manapun, serta rinci gaji karyawan yang akan diterima. Penelitian meliputi pengumpulan data dengan studi pustaka, wawancara dan observasi. Kemudian melakukan analisis data, perancangan sistem meliputi DAD dan ERD, perancangan menu, input dan output, serta perancangan WAP. Program dibangun dengan sistem operasi Windows XP, Internet Explorer, MySql front, Dreamweaver MX, Openwave Simulator, Apache, menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, dan terakhir menguji program dengan metode black box test dan alpha test. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh sistem penggajian berbasis web yang dapat memberikan laporan penggajian kepada pimpinan dimanapun berada, pegawai dapat mengetahui rinci gaji diteriman, dan mengoreksi kesalahan pembayaran gaji. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian program, disimpulkan bahwa program dapat berjalan dengan baik dan sudah memenuhi kebutuhan pemakai serta layak diimplementasikan. Kata kunci : Internet, penggajian,WAP, web.


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    RI Handayani


    Full Text Available Sungai Winongo merupakan salah satu sungai penting di Yogyakarta, karena berperan dalam menunjang dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup masyarakat sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kandungan logam berat kromium (Cr pada air dan daging ikan nila merah di Sungai Winongo Yogyakarta serta mengetahui kelayakannya untuk dikonsumsi. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan eksplorasi dengan metode survai, dengan penetapan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Purposive Random Sampling. Metode analisis uji kandungan logam berat Cr pada air dan ikan nila merah menggunakan AAS. Konsentrasi Cr pada air di Sungai Winongo Yogyakarta adalah 0,0213 mg/L, nilai ini masih berada di bawah ambang batas yang sudah ditetapkan PPRI No. 82 Tahun 2001 yakni  sebesar 0,05 mg/L. Pada ikan nila merah diketahui akumulasi tertinggi pada stasiun 1 sebesar 10,2265 mg/Kg; kemudian pada stasiun 3 dan 2 sebesar 9,81075 mg/Kg dan 9,2245 mg/Kg. Nilai ini melebihi baku mutu yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Dirjen POM 1989 yakni sebesar 2,5 mg/Kg. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kandungan Cr dalam air masih di bawah ambang batas. Ikan nila merah di sungai Winongo sudah mengakumulasi Cr di atas ambang batas, sehingga tidak layak konsumsi.Winongo river is one of the important rivers in Yogyakarta because this supports and fulfils the people’s needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the heavy metal content of Cr in water and red tilapia fish meat captured in Winongo Yogyakarta and to know whether the meat is edible or not. The study design was used exploration design with survey method, in which the determination of sampling was using purposive random sampling. Method of test analysis of heavy metals Cr in water and red tilapia was using AAS. Chromium concentration in water of Winongo river was 0.0213 mg/l, this value remains below the threshold set by PPRI No. 82 year 2001 which was 0.05 mg/L, the highest accumulation of Cr in red tilapia meat was at station 1 i.e. 10

  4. Persepsi Santri dan Kiai terhadap Pluralisme Agama di Pendidikan Ulama Tarjih Muhammadiyah (PUTM dan Aswaja Nusantara Yogyakarta

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    Zainal Arifin


    Abstrak: Perdebatan pluralisme agama masih mengemuka dalam konteks masyarakat majemuk di Nusantara. Bahkan, tidak jarang menimbulkan konflik dan perang pemikiran. Menarik melihat perspektif kiai dan santri Muhammadiyah dan NU terhadap isu pluralisme melalui praktik pendidikan di Ulama Tarjih Muhammadiyah (PUTM Yogyakarta dan Pondok Pesantren Aswaja Nusantara Yogyakarta yang dianggap representatif karena membawa muatan konsep, ide dan paradigma dari Muhammadiyah dan NU. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif,  data diperoleh dari wawancara dan studi kepustakaan dengan saling memberikan verifikasi, koreksi dan pelengkap. Hasil penelitian ini, PUTM dan Pesantren Aswaja Nusantara memiliki konsep yang sama dalam memegang teguh akidah, yakni sikap eksklusif dan menolak pluralisme secara teologis namun menerimanya secara sosiologis. Sehingga, paradigma dari dua lembaga tersebut merepresentasikan dari paradigma Muhammadiyah dan NU dalam merespon fenomena pluralisme agama dan budaya.

  5. Musik Liturgi Inkulturatif di Gereja Ganjuran Yogyakarta

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    Yohanes Don Bosko Bakok


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Gereja Ganjuran merupakan salah satu Gereja Katolik di Yogyakarta yang sering menggunakan music inkulturatif dalam perayaan liturgi. Penggunaan musik inkulturatif sering kali aspek budaya lebih mendominasi dibanding aspek liturgi yang dirayakan. Jenis musik dan instrumen tertentu yang tidak disetujui oleh sebagian besar umat untuk digunakan dalam perayaan liturgi pun tetap digunakan. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengkaji fenomenafenomena tersebut dalam perayaan Jumat Agung pada tanggal 22 April 2011 dengan berpedoman pada ketentuanketentuan mengenai musik liturgi yang berlaku dalam Gereja Katolik universal. Mengkaji fenomena ini digunakan teori inkulturasi dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musik liturgi inkulturatif yang digunakan dalam perayaan ada yang sesuai dan ada yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan pada music liturgi. Kata kunci: musik liturgi, inkulturatif, Ganjuran. ABSTRACT The Inculturated Liturgical Music at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church of Ganjuran Yogyakarta. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Church of Ganjuran is one of the Catholic Churches in Yogyakarta that often uses in culturated music in the liturgical celebration. In using the inculturated music, the cultural aspects often be more dominant than the celebrated liturgy. Certain types of music instruments that are not approved by the majority of people to be used in the celebration of the liturgy are still in use. This study is intended to analize this phenomenon, especially in the celebration of Good Friday on April 22nd, 2011 based on the provisions of the liturgical music that are applicable in the universal Catholic Church. The theory that is used to study the problem of this research is the theory of inculturation, and the research method is qualitative method. The result of the research showed that some inculturated liturgical music used in the celebration of Good Friday on April 22nd, 2011 was appropriate, and some of it was not

  6. Proceeding on the scientific meeting and presentation on accelerator technology and its applications: physics, nuclear reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pramudita Anggraita; Sudjatmoko; Darsono; Tri Marji Atmono; Tjipto Sujitno; Wahini Nurhayati


    The scientific meeting and presentation on accelerator technology and its applications was held by PTAPB BATAN on 13 December 2011. This meeting aims to promote the technology and its applications to accelerator scientists, academics, researchers and technology users as well as accelerator-based accelerator research that have been conducted by researchers in and outside BATAN. This proceeding contains 23 papers about physics and nuclear reactor. (PPIKSN)

  7. Proceeding of the National Seminar on Research and Management of Nuclear Equipment. Book I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tjipto Sujitno; Syarip; Agus Taftazani; Elisabeth Supriyatni; Prayitno; MVPurwani; Budi Setiawan; Prajitno; Rany Saptaaji; Bambang Siswanto; Eko Priyono; Jumari


    The scientific meeting and presentation on accelerator technology and its applications was held by PTAPB BATAN on 13 December 2011. This meeting aims to promote the technology and its applications to accelerator scientists, academics, researchers and technology users as well as accelerator-based accelerator research that have been conducted by researchers in and outside BATAN. This proceeding contains 23 papers about physics and nuclear reactor. (PPIKSN)

  8. POLA PENGELOLAAN SANITASI DI PERKAMPUNGAN BANTARAN SUNGAI CODE, YOGYAKARTA (Pattern of Sanitation Management in Code Riverside Settlements, Yogyakarta

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    Atyanto Dharoko


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Bantaran Sungai Code merupakan wilayah pusat kota Yogyakarta yang dipenuhi oleh perkampungan padat penduduknya. Sistem kehidupan masyarakat kampung bantaran Sungai Code sudah terintegrasi dengan kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat kota Yogyakarta. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah rendahnya kualitas intrastruktur terutama fasilitas sanitasi karena kendala terbatasnya kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat dan bentuk topograti yang terjal. Akhirnya sungai merupakan tujuan pembuangan akhir limbah sanitasi lingkungan tanpa proses terlebih dahulu. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pola sanitasi komunal lebih dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dari pertimbangan sosial, ekonomi dan kondisi lingkungan yang terjal. Di masa mendatang sistem ini perlu dijadikan dasar pengembangan teknis sistem sanitasi bantaran sungai untuk memperoleh sustainability yang tinggi.   ABSTRACT Code riverside is part of central business district in Yogyakarta composed by densely populated kampungs. Community way of life in the kampungs have been successfully integrated with social-economic of the urban community. The crusial problem faced by the community is lack of infrastructure facilities especially sanitation. This situation is very much related to social-economic constraints of the community and topographical situation as fisical constraints. Finally, sanitation disposals have to be discharged into Code River without pre processing. The study concludes that communal sanitation system becomes the most acceptable system based on socio-economic and topographical constraints. In the future communal sanitation system may become a basic technical considerations to develop sanitation system in the riverside settlements and to achieve sustainability.

  9. Proceeding of the National Seminar on Research and Management of Nuclear Equipment: Book II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tjipto Sujitno; Syarip; Agus Taftazani; Elisabeth Supriyatni; Prayitno; MV Purwani; Budi Setiawan; Prajitno; Rany Saptaaji; Bambang Siswanto; Eko Priyono; Jumari


    The scientific meeting and presentation on accelerator technology and its applications was held by PTAPB BATAN on 11 September 2013. This meeting aims to promote the technology and its applications to accelerator scientists, academics, researchers and technology users as well as accelerator-based accelerator research that have been conducted by researchers in and outside BATAN. This proceeding contains 49 papers about , chemistry, physics, accelerator, nuclear instrument and nuclear reactor, etc. (PPIKSN)


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    Devi Permatasari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik, yaitu faktor-faktor gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, kebutuhan untuk berkembang, komitmen organisasi, dan kepuasan kerja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 127 responden yang bekerja sebagai auditor di Kantor Akuntan Publik yang tersebar di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, yaitu kota Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, dan Yogyakarta. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi menggunakan teknik multivariat Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor, seperti gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, dan kebutuhan untuk berkembang yang dimediasi oleh variabel komitmen organisasi dan kepuasan kerja The objective of this research is to investigate the factors of auditor’s turnover intention at public accountant firms, there are leadership style, role conflict, role ambiguity, promotion opportunities, pay satisfaction, personal growth needs, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Population of the research is all of auditors who have been working at public accountant firms in Central Java and DIY. Whereas the sample is 127 respondents who have been working as an auditor at public accountant firms, spread in Central Java and DIY, there are Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, and Yogyakarta. The hypothesis test was done by regression analysis using multivariate techniques Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Based on the results of hypothesis test, then the conclusions are auditor’s turnover

  11. Perubahan Daya Dukung Lingkungan di Wilayah Pinggiran Kota (Kasus : Kecamatan Kecamatan yang Berbatasan dengan Kota Yogyakarta, Tahun 1990–2008

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    Joni Purwo Handoyo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Salah satu dampak perkembangan wilayah pinggiran kota adalah terjadinya perubahan daya dukung lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besaran, persebaran dan pola sebaran perubahan daya dukung lingkungan serta mengkaji keterkaitannya dengan perubahan tipology wilayah pinggiran kota. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 29 desa yang berada di 6 kecamatan yang berbatasan langsung dengan Kota Yogyakarta dengan unit analisis 'desa'. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kasus dengan karakteristik obyek penelitian yang bersifat survey analisis dan historis dengan penekanan pada pendekatan kronologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan lahan terbangun paling pesat terjadi di Desa Tirtonirmolo dan Desa Ngestiharjo (>20%. Status daya dukung lingkungan di wilayah penelitian sebagian besar masih termasuk dalam katagori sustain. Laju penurunan paling cepat terjadi di Desa Maguwoharjo dan Desa Singosaren. Fenomena ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor peningkatan lahan terbangun yang sekaligus juga menjadi faktor pengaruh paling penting terhadap perubahan tipologi desa-desa pinggiran Kota Yogyakarta.   ABSTRACT  The one of regional development impact in urban fringe area is the change of environmental carrying capacity. This research aims to know about magnitude value, desperation and distribution patternsof the change ofenvironmental carrying capacity and also to examining that relation with the change of urban fringe regional topology. This research is conducted in 29 villages in 6 sub-districts that are directly adjacent to Yogyakarta city with the unit of analysis is ''village ''. This research categorized the case research with the characteristic of research object is analytical survey and historical method with the intens is chronological approach. The research shows that the most rapid built up land use development is in Tirtonirmolo and Ngestiharjo village (>20%. This research discovers that the status of most of environmental


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    Landung Sudarmana


    Full Text Available Biro  perjalanan  haji  dan  umrah  adalah  suatu  bentuk  perusahaan  jasa  yang  bertujuan  untuk membantu calon jama’ah dalam melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah. Dalam prosesnya, perusahaan biro perjalanan haji dan umrah akan memberikan penawaran berupa paket perjalanan ibadah haji maupun umrah yang dapat dipilih sendiri oleh calon jama’ah. Banyaknya biro perjalanan haji dan umrah di Yogyakarta menuntut keselektifan calon jama’ah dalam memilih biro perjalanan haji dan umrah yang akan digunakan, agar terhindar dari biro jasa yang tidak profesional yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian bagi calon jama’ah di kemudian hari, seperti penipuan, jama’ah haji ilegal maupun sarana dan prasarana yang tidak layak selama melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah. Namun untuk mensurvei satu persatu biro jasa perjalanan haji dan umrah yang ada di Yogyakarta membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga yang tidak sedikit, hal inilah yang menyebabkan kecenderungan calon jama’ah malas untuk melakukannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah sistem yang dapat memberikan rekomendasi bagi calon jama’ah dalam memilih biro perjalanan haji dan umrah di Yogyakarta secara online. Sistem ini dirancang berbasis web menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySql sebagai database engine dengan Simple  Additive  Weighting  sebagai  metode  untuk  mencari  alternatif  terbaik  bedasarkan  kriteria- kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Sistem pendukung keputusan ini memiliki tiga hak akses yang berbeda yaitu admin, biro haji dan calon jama’ah haji dan dapat diakses secara online. Admin memiliki hak untuk mengelola seluruh data yaitu data profil biro, data peket perjalanan, data kriteria, data subkriteria dan data rating kecocokan. Biro haji memiliki hak mengelola datanya sendiri dengan cara login dahulu. Calon jama’ah memilki hak melakukan perekomendasian dan melihat informasi profil biro yang sudah terdaftar dalam sistem. Sistem ini telah berjalan dengan baik

  13. Perbedaan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada anak sekolah dasar yang obes dan tidak obes di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

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    Irma Nuraeni


    gender and energy intake, showed that obese  children who rarely consuming fruits (<7 times/week (OR=2,24, 95%CI: 1.53-3.28, rarely consuming vegetables (<7 times/week (OR=2,52, 95%CI: 1,70-3,73, and consuming fruits and vegetables less than 5 servings/day (equivalent to 400 g/day (OR= 4,59, 95%CI:2,11-10,00 were greater risk for being obesity.Conclusion:Obese children had rarely and less consume of fruits and vegetables than that did in non-obese children at Yogyakarta Municipality and District of Bantul. The children rarely and less consuming fruits and vegetables increased the risk of obesity.KEYWORDS: children obesity, vegetable, fruitABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Indonesia saat ini mengalami masalah gizi ganda, yaitu masalah gizi kurang dan gizi lebih. Kelebihan  gizi atau obesitas pada anak dan remaja apabila tidak diatasi maka berdampak menjadi obesitas pada masa dewasa yang berpotensi mengalami penyakit tidak menular, seperti jantung, hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus. Prevalensi obesitas pada anak di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun (1; 2. Obesitas disebabkan ketidakseimbangan antara masukan dengan keluaran energi. Anak cenderung mengkonsumsi padat energi yang berasa manis dan berlemak tinggi serta makanan kurang serat dari buah dan sayur. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan risiko obesitas pada orang yang kurang konsumsi buah dan sayur.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan frekuensi dan jumlah konsumsi buah dan sayur pada anak SD obes dan tidak obes di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul serta peran konsumsi buah dan sayur terhadap kejadian obesitas. Metode: Rancangan penelitian ini adalah case-control, 244 kasus (anak obes dan 244 kontrol (anak tidak obes. Subjek penelitian adalah anak usia 6-12 tahun yang duduk di kelas 1 hingga kelas 5 sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan di Kabupaten Bantul. Data identitas diperoleh dari kuesioner terstruktur, sedangkan data frekuensi dan jumlah konsumsi buah dan sayur diperoleh

  14. Keragaman Semut pada Ekosistem Tanaman Kakao di Desa Banjaroya Kecamatan Kalibawang Yogyakarta

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    Moh. Ikbal


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the diversity of ants in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L. ecosystems in six hamlets in the village of Banjaroya, District Kalibawang Yogyakarta. The sampling was carried out by the method of feeding ants using tuna and sugar solution, which is placed on the cacao tree and the ground surface; pit-fall traps; and direct picking by hand. Six sub-family of ants, namely Cerapachynae, Dolichoderinae, Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, and Pseudomyrmicinae were found. Six of the most abundant genera found in each catchment were Dolichoderus sp., Anoplolepis sp., Paratrechina sp., Crematogaster sp., Pheidole sp., and Pheidologeton sp., which is known to be aggressive and invasive. The analysis showed that the diversity of ant communities in the Village Banjaroya categorized as medium (H ‘> 1-3, meaning that the overall state of the ecosystem of the cocoa crop was classified as stable or steady. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the dominance index (C shows that the community of ants in each village tends was tended to be dominated by a single species (C close to 0. The relationship between habitat condition and the diversity of ant was discussed in this article.   Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman semut pada ekosistem kakao (Theobroma cacao L. di 6 dusun di Desa Banjaroya, Kecamatan Kalibawang Yogyakarta. Pengambilan sampel semut dilakukan dengan metode pengumpanan menggunakan ikan tuna dan larutan gula yang diletakkan pada pohon kakao dan permukaan tanah; lubang perangkap; dan pemungutan dengan tangan. Enam subfamili semut, yaitu Cerapachynae, Dolichoderinae, Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, dan Pseudomyrmicinae telah ditemukan di lokasi pengambilan sampel. Enam genus yaitu Dolichoderus sp., Anoplolepis sp., Paratrechina sp., Crematogaster sp., Pheidole sp. dan Pheidologeton sp. yang dikenal agresif dan invasif, ditemukan paling melimpah di setiap dusun. Hasil analisis keragaman komunitas semut di Desa


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    Luthfi Muta'ali


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi dan perkembangan wilayah kawasan lereng Merapi yang dikalikan dengan peruntukan fungsi tata ruang. Lingkup wilayah dan unit analisis adalah seluruh desa di kawasan pengembangan Lereng Merapi, yaitu sejumlah 206 desa yang tersebar di Kabupaten Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta, dan Kabupaten Banta Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif analitis, dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Potensi perkembangan wilayah diidentifikasi dengan indikator demografis, karakteristik social ekonomi, penggunaan lahan dan infrastruktur, dan aksesibilitas. Sedangkan data peruntukan ruang dikelompokkan dalam peruntukan fungsi kawasan lindung dan kawasan budidaya. Teknik analisis yang digunakan antara lain stalistik deskriptip, penentuan tipologi wilayah, analisis deskriminan, shift analysis, dan pemetaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pola perkembangan wilayah di kawasan lereng Merapi terkonsentrasi di bagian tengah (kota Yogyakarta dan pinggirannya dan menuju kearah lereng atas (Kabupaten Sleman. Pada fungsi budidaya, sebagian besar wilayah bertipe 1: (besar tumbuh berada di daerah perkotaan dan perluasannya, sedangkan wilayah ripe 1l (kecil tumbuh urnumnya berfungsi sebagai daerah pertanian lahan basah. Pada peruntukan fungsi lindung, khususnya lindung bawahan (resapan air, terdapat 36,7% (18 desa yang berpotensi berkembang pesat. Analisis basis ekonomi juga menunjukkan bahwa potensi perkembangan wilayah tinggi, akan diiringi oleh pergeseran menguatnya peran sektor non pertanian. Tipologi wilayah menurut fungsi kawasan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam determinasi perkembangan wilayah, karena memiliki tingkat perbedaan yang signifikan antara fungsi lindung dan budidaya. Gejala potensi perkembangan wilayah yang tinggi di lereng bagian tengah dan atas yang berfungsi sebagai kawasan lindung dan resapan tidak menguntungkan dart sisi ekologis, dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini

  16. Distribusi dan Eksibisi Film Alternatif di Yogyakarta, Resistensi atas Praktek Dominasi Film di Indonesia

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    Budi Dwi Arifianto


    Full Text Available This study attempts to describe the strategy and the distribution pattern of “Ngamen” cinema in Yogyakarta. The research methodology that is used is qualitative descriptive with data collection through in-depth interviews involving an offender of cinema in Yogyakarta, the literature study and relevant documents. This study found that was the film community as the basis distributor of short film or alternate in Yogyakarta. This community can come from campus and outside campus. In a line distribution filmmaker of Yogyakarta play the movie from one place to another place by the festival playback on a campus and screening outside campus. The development of the internet technology made it easier for in search of a sac culture and decent it can be used the movie. Through the internet on filmmaker of Yogyakarta looking for another film community who were willing to roll the the movie.

  17. Stunting berhubungan dengan perkembangan motorik anak di Kecamatan Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta

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    Maria Goreti Pantaleon


    ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Stunting (tubuh pendek adalah keadaan tubuh yang sangat pendek hingga melampaui defisit 2 SD di bawah median panjang atau tinggi badan populasi yang menjadi referensi internasional. Penyebab stunting adalah konsumsi makanan yang tidak seimbang dan penyakit infeksi. Sejumlahpenelitian memperlihatkan keterkaitan antara stunting dengan perkembangan motorik dan mental yang buruk dalam usia kanak-kanak dini, serta prestasi kognitif dan prestasi sekolah yang buruk dalam usia kanak-kanak lanjut. Prevalensi stunting secara nasional tahun 2013 adalah 37,2%, yang berarti terjadi peningkatan dibandingkan tahun 2010 (35,6% dan 2007 (36,8%.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kejadian stunting dengan perkembangan anak usia 6-23 bulan di Kecamatan Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 anak yang berusia 6-23 bulan, terdiri dari 50 baduta stunting dan 50 baduta tidak stunting, dan dipilih dengan metode consecutive sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dan dibantu oleh tenaga psikolog dalam pengukuran perkembangan anak. Stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan diukur menggunakan indikator panjang badan menurut umur dan pengukuran perkembangan anak menggunakan metode Bayley Scales of Infant Development III. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik dengan 95% confi dent interval.Hasil: Secara statistik, ada hubungan signifikan antara stunting dengan perkembangan motorik baduta (p=0,002, namun tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara stunting dengan perkembangan kognitif, bahasa, sosioemosional, dan perkembangan adaptif baduta. Hasil uji multivariat menunjukkan bahwa stunting dan jenis kelamin secara statistik berkaitan dengan perkembangan motorik (p<0,05.Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan signifikan antara stunting dengan perkembangan motorik baduta diKecamatan Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta.KATA KUNCI: perkembangan anak, stunting

  18. Sinema Independen di Yogyakarta 1999-2008: Idealisme di Tengah Krisis Infrastruktur


    Masduki, Mr


    The growing up of Indonesian cinema in the period 0/1999-2008 was indicated by the development of creative works and community based alternative cinemas or indie movie. Used a qualitative-descriptive method, writer done a small-research in Yogyakarta around April-September 2009 and found some interesting trends. Yogyakarta has become a very dynamic city in Indonesia in term of independent cinema communities. This research also found three connecting areas that support above situation. First, ...


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    Sri Sari Utami


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKTrend konsumsi pangan sehat kini terus meningkat terutama di negara-negara berkembang termasuk di Indonesia. Minat masyarakat mengkonsumsi pangan sehat tersebut menjadi peluang bagi para produsen untuk terus mengembangkan produknya. Telur ayam berlabel merupakan telur ayam premium yang dijual dengan kemasan dan label tertentu. Kualitas telur ayam ini diklaim mempunyai keunggulan dibanding telur ayam ras. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan pendapatan dan motivasi pembelian telur ayam berlabel di kawasan Yogyakarta. Responden merupakan konsumen telur ayam berlabel yang melakukan pembelian telur berlabel secara rutin. Responden terdiri dari 50 orang yang dipilih dengan teknik inisidental sampling. Hubungan pendapatan dan motivasi pembelian telur ayam berlabel dihitung dengan Uji chi Square. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa konsumen pada berbagai tingkat pendapatan mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi untuk melakukan pembelian telur ayam berlabel . Berdasarkan hasil tersebut diketahu bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan dan motivasi pembelian telur ayam berlabel.ABSTRACTThe Trend of healthy food consumption has continuously increased, especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. Public interest in consuming healthy food is an opportunity for producers to develop products. Labeled Chicken eggs is a premium chicken eggs with a specific packaging and labelling. The quality claimed have more advantages compaed to bulk chicken eggs. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of income toward purchase intention of labeled chicken eggs in Yogyakarta. Respondents that used are labelled egg consumers that purchase regularly. respondents consist of 50 people that chosen by incidental sampling techniques. Relations of consumer income and purchase intention calculated by Chi Square Test. Chi Square test is a test of cross tabulation were used to examine the relationship between


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    Tanto Tanto


    Full Text Available Enterprise Resource Planning  (ERP dapat mengintegrasikan fungsi marketing, fungsi produksi, fungsi logistik, fungsi finance, fungsi sumber daya manusia, dan fungsi lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kematangan (maturity level untuk proses-proses layanan dan dukungan Sistem Enterprise Resource Planning  (ERP pada PT. Aneka Dharma Persada (ADP di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka keria COBIT 4.1 yang dikembangkan IT Governance Institute (ITGI yang berbasis di Amerika Serikat untuk kontrol yang digunakan  adalah domain "Delivery and Support (DS dan  Monitor and Evaluate (ME". Hasil analisis tingkat kematangan untuk DS1 dan DS7 berada pada level 2 sedang untuk DS3, DS4, DS5, DS6, , DS10, DS11, ME1 dan ME2 berada pada tingkat kematangan level 3. Kata Kunci : Enterprise Resource Planning  (ERP, maturity level, COBIT 4.1. 


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    Ganggang Canggi Arnanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan keefektifan pembelajaran berbantuan internet di sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK Se-Kota  Yogyakarta. Sekolah-sekolah tersebut dipilih yang memiliki kompetensi keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ dan sudah melaksanakan pembelajaran berbantuan internet sebagai persiapan untuk menyambut Asian Community 2015 pada kerjasama Promoting Information and Comunication Technology (ICT, sehingga perlu diketahui sejauh mana keefektifannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian expost facto. Variabel penelitiannya adalah penguasaan strategi pembelajaran guru, sikap siswa, kualifikasi guru, dan kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana laboratorium komputer. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 2 dan seluruh guru yang mengajar kelas 2 kompetensi keahlian teknik komputer dan jaringan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa angket untuk guru dan siswa, dan lembar observasi untuk kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana laboratorium komputer. Hasil analisis deskriptif mengungkapkan bahwa penguasaan strategi pembelajaran guru berada pada kategori baik (rerata 150,52 dengan tingkat kecendrungan sebesar 53,29% belum memenuhi standar yang telah ditetapkan pada kategori pembelajaran yang efektif, dan sikap siswa berada pada kategori baik (rerata 62,95 dengan tingkat kecendrungan sebesar 54,31%. Secara keseluruhan pembelajaran berbantuan internet di SMK Se-Kota Yogyakarta sudah efektif, meskipun penguasaan strategi pembelajaran guru perlu ditingkatkan dengan mengikutsertakan mereka pada pelatihan-pelatihan yang berhubungan dengan pembelajaran berbantuan internet.Kata kunci: keefektifan pembelajaran, sekolah menengah kejuruan, teknik komputer dan jaringan

  2. Hubungan Asupan Zat Gizi dan Indeks Masa Tubuh dengan Hiperlipidemia pada Murid SLTP yang Obesitas di Yogyakarta


    Siti Nurul Hidayati; Hamam Hadi; W. Lestariana


    Latar belakang. Obesitas pada anak dan remaja meningkatkan risiko penyakit degeneratif dan kardiovaskular. Namun belum jelas apakah remaja yang obesitas berisiko mengalami hiperlipidemia Tujuan. Menilai hubungan antara indeks masa tubuh (IMT), asupan karbohidrat dan lemak dengan hiperlipidemia pada murid SLTP yang obesitas. Metoda. Penelitian cross sectional di Yogyakarta. Sampel 109 murid SLTP dengan IMT = persentile-95 kurve IMT dari NCHS-CDC, dipilih secara acak dari muri...


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    Adhianty Nurjanah


    Full Text Available Abstrak Dalam mensosialisasikantagline baru kepada seluruh masyarakat kota Yogyakarta dibutuhkan proses sosialisasi dan disini peranan Humas Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta sebagai komunikator dan mediator antara pemerintah dan masyarakat kota Yogyakarta sangat penting. Di era komunikasi digital, pemanfaatan media komunikasi Digital Public Relations (PR menjadi hal urgent yang dapat dilakukan dalam proses sosialisasi.Dengan memanfaatkan Digital PR, diharapkan proses sosialisasi Jogja Istimewa sebagai branding baru Kota Yogyakarta lebih cepat, tepat dan efektif  tersosialisasi kepada seluruh elemen masyarakat di Kota Yogyakarta. Dengan demikian Daerah IstimewaYogyakarta Yang Lebih Berkarakter, Berbudaya, Maju, Mandiri dan Sejahtera Menyongsong Peradaban Baru dapat dengan mudah terwujud. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dan termasuk kedalam jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian deskriptif menurut Whitney (dalam Nazir, 1988: 63 yaitu penelitian untuk pencarian fakta dengan interpretasi yang tepat. Mempelajari masalah-masalah dalam masyarakat, Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Humas Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta dengan pengkhususan pada implementasi digital Public Relations (PR dalam mensosialisasikan “jogja Istimewa”.  Kata Kunci: Digital, Public Relations, Sosialisasi

  4. Performance of BATAN-SANS instrument

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikram, Abarrul; Insani, Andon [National Nuclear Energy Agency, P and D Centre for Materials Science and Technology, Serpong (Indonesia)


    SANS data from some standard samples have been obtained using BATAN-SANS instrument in Serpong. The experiments were performed for various experimental set-ups that involve different detector positions and collimator lengths. This paper describes the BATAN-SANS instrument briefly as well as the data taken from those experiments and followed with discussion of the results concerning the performance and calibration of the instrument. The standard samples utilized in these experiments include porous silica, polystyrene-poly isoprene, silver behenate, poly ball and polystyrene-poly (ethylene-alt-propylene). Even though the results show that BATAN-SANS instrument is in good shape, but rooms for improvements are still widely open especially for the velocity selector and its control system. (author)

  5. Pemetaan Gerakan Literasi Digital di Lingkup Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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    Theresia Amelia Jordana


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Konten digital pada masa ini dapat diakses dengan mudah oleh beragam kalangan. Walau begitu, masih terdapat kesenjangan dalam penggunaan internet di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Hal itulah yang melatarbelakangi upaya berbagai pihak untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi digital masyarat Indonesia. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk memetakan gerakan literasi digital yang dilakukan di lingkup Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode pengambilan data wawancara mendalam terhadap pelaku kegiatan dengan menggunakan instrumen dari Jaringan Pegiat Literasi Digital. Sejumlah lima belas kegiatan literasi digital di lingkup UNY dianalisis dan digolongkan kedalam enam pendekatan literasi media berdasarkan hasil indeks latar belakang, metode, dan praktek dari kegiatan tersebut. Dari hasil analisis, sejumlah satu kegiatan literasi tergolong dalam pendekatan Protectionism, empat kegiatan literasi tergolong dalam pendekatan Active Audience, tujuh kegiatan literasi tergolong dalam pendekatan Critical Analytical, satu kegiatan literasi tergolong dalam pendekatan Creative Media, dan dua kegiatan literasi lainnya tergolong dalam pendekatan gabungan. Satu kegiatan mengadopsi gabungan pendekatan Media Creative dan pendekatan Media Fun, sedangkan kegiatan lainnya mengadopsi gabungan antara pendekatan Critical Analytical dan Media Fun. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan yaitu pihak-pihak penyelenggara yang berkecimpung dalam dunia Ilmu Komunikasi cenderung lebih mengenal beragam variasi pendekatan. Sehingga, dalam program literasi digital yang diusungnya, pendekatan yang dibawa disesuaikan dengan target yang akan dituju. ABSTRACT In the age of digital world, anybody can easily access the digital content. However, there is still a gap within the internet usage amongst Indonesian people. This is exactly the reason behind the efforts of various communities in order to improve digital capabilities of Indonesian


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    Muta’Ali Rauf


    Full Text Available Transgender have been considered as someone who always marginalized in their life, so they always get moral discrimination, social and even religion. Development of the transgender community in Yogyakarta is currently getting a response from various groups, namely the general public, religious leaders, sociologists and psychologists. As for job transsexual Kebaya NGOs joined in Yogyakarta, located in very small scope, include: ngamen, nyebong, salon and sewing. It was done since the transvestites are out of work in the formal sector. The concept of marriage in transgender community in Kebaya NGOs does not have clear rules because there is no basis or guidelines. Same-sex marriage in Indonesia is not recognized legally as well as normative, so the concept of transsexual marriage does not exist according to Islamic law. Kebaya NGOs consider that the rules about marriage in Indonesia violate the human rights, because it does not facilitate and accommodate the same-sex marriage. [Waria selama ini dianggap sebagai sosok yang selalu termarginalkan di dalam kehidupannya, sehingga mereka selalu mendapatkan diskriminasi baik moral, sosial, maupun agama. Perkembangan komunitas waria di Yogyakarta saat ini mendapat respon dari berbagai kalangan, yaitu masyarakat umum, tokoh Agama, Sosiolog, dan Psikolog. Adapun pekerjaan Waria Yogyakarta yang tergabung dalam LSM Kebaya, berada dalam skala yang sangat kecil meliputi : Ngamen, Nyebong, salon dan menjahit. Hal itu dikerjakan semenjak waria tidak mendapat pekerjaan dalam sektor formal. Konsep perkawinan dalam komunitas waria di LSM Kebaya belum mempunyai aturan yang jelas karena tidak ada landasan atau pedomannya. Perkawinan sesama jenis di Indonesia tidak mendapatkan pengakuan secara yuridis maupun normatif, sehingga konsep perkawinan waria tidak eksis menurut Hukum Islam. LSM Kebaya menganggap bahwa peraturan tentang perkawinan di Indonesia melanggar hak asasi manusia, karena tidak memfasilitasi perkawinan

  7. Pembentukan Identitas Remaja di Yogyakarta


    Darmawan Muttaqin; Endang Ekowarni


    Context has been identified as an important factor of identity formation among adolescents. The aim of this study was to understand adolescent identity formation component in Indonesian context especially in Yogyakarta, considering gender differences, age groups, and correlation between components as well. This study involved 450 Indonesian adolescents aged 12-21 years (225 boys and 225 girls) that constituted of early, middle, and late adolescents. This study used Identity Sty...

  8. Pengaruh Penerapan E-filing, Tingkat Pemahaman Perpajakan dan Kesadaran Wajib Pajak terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak di Kpp Pratama YOGYAKARTA


    Agustiningsih, Wulandari; Isroah, Isroah


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Pengaruh penerapan e-filing terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak. (2) Pengaruh tingkat pemahaman perpajakan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak. (3) Pengaruh kesadaran wajib pajak terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak. (4) Pengaruh penerapan e-filing, tingkat pemahaman perpajakan dan kesadaran wajib pajak terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak. Populasi penelitian ini adalah Wajib Pajak pengguna e-filing di KPP Pratama Yogyakarta deng...

  9. Retorika Visual Plesetan Media Promosi Spanduk Usaha Kuliner “Es Kelapa Muda” Di Jalan Godean, Sleman-Yogyakarta

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    Sudjadi Tjipto R


    Full Text Available Sebagai kota pelajar keberadaan ribuan pendatang (pelajar/mahasiswa memunculkan peluang wirausaha kuliner bagi masyarakat Yogyakarta. Keberadaan usaha kuliner ditemukan dalam bentuk warung makan, angkringan, warung burjo (bubur kacang ijo, warung penyetan, sampai outlet minuman ringan. Spanduk (geber adalah media iklan sederhana yang lazim digunakan sebagai media promosi usaha kuliner. Semenjak teknologi cetak digital (digital printing masuk ke Yogyakarta (2001, mencetak spanduk menjadi kebiasaan pemilik usaha kuliner. Fenomena menarik terjadi ketika spanduk promosi usaha kuliner dikreasikan dengan konsep plesetan untuk memikat calon konsumen. Penelitian difokuskan pada kajian konsep spanduk usaha kuliner Es Kelapa Muda di jalan Godean Yogyakarta. Tiga usaha kuliner tersebut memiliki keterkaitan konsep plesetan antar usahanya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan ragam retorika visual plesetan lokal serta menggali konsep plesetan menurut konseptornya. Metode penelitian etnografi digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep plesetan sebagaimana adanya dari sudut pandang atau perspektif konseptornya sendiri. Dilakukan interaksi yang intens melalui observasi lapangan, kajian kepustakaan serta wawancara mendalam (indepth interview untuk mendapatkan data penelitian. Simpulan wawancara dianalisis dengan teori pembentukan bahasa plesetan, dan teori retorika visual untuk mengungkap ragam retorika visual plesetan beserta motif kemunculannya. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan ragam/bentuk retorika visual plesetan lokal media promosi spanduk usaha kuliner Es Kelapa Muda, beserta motif kemunculan nama plesetannya. Kata Kunci: Plesetan, Retorika Visual, Kuliner

  10. Kebiasaan jajan dan pola makan serta hubungannya dengan status gizi anak usia sekolah di SD Sonosewu Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Kurnia Noviani


    status of elementary school children, but there was no relationship between snacking habits and nutritional status of them.KEYWORDS: snacking habit, diet, nutritional status, elementary school childrenABSTRAKLatar belakang: Anak usia sekolah dasar termasuk usia perkembangan sehingga membutuhkan nutrisi dengan kualitas maupun kuantitas yang baik dan benar. Kebutuhan gizi tersebut di antaranya dapat dipenuhi melalui kebiasaan makan. Pola jajan juga dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap status gizi anak apabila jenis jajan yang dikonsumsi berkualitas dari segi jenis dan kandungan gizinya.Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan jajan dan pola makan dengan status gizi di SD Sonosewu Bantul Yogyakarta.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa dari kelas III, IV, V yang berjumlah 160 siswa di SD Sonosewu Bantul Yogyakarta. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 65 yang diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Proses memilih sejumlah sampel secara random berdasarkan tabel bilangan random. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner, formulir food recall 24 jam selama 1 hari, timbangan injak, dan microtois. Data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji statistic chi-square.Hasil: Responden yang memiliki kebiasaan jajan sering dengan status gizi normal yaitu sebanyak 27 responden (81%, dan yang tidak sering jajan dengan status gizi kurus berjumlah 7 responden (21,9%. Responden dengan pola makan yang baik >80% AKG dengan status gizi kurus sebesar 9 responden (75% dan responden yang memiliki pola makan tidak baik dengan status gizi normal sebesar 34 responden (66%. Hasil analisis chi-square hubungan kebiasaan jajan dengan status gizi diperoleh p 0,781 (p>0,05 yang berarti bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara kebiasaan jajan dengan status gizi. Hasil analisis Chi-Square hubungan pola makan dengan status gizi


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    Adam Haris


    Full Text Available Gempabumi merupakan peristiwa alam yang sangat merusak dalam hitunggan waktu yang sangat singkat. Sebagai contoh gempabumi Yogyakarta yang terjadi pada tanggal 27 Mei 2006 dengan kekuatan  6,4 SR. Gempa tersebut banyak sekali memakan harta dan korban jiwa. Penelitian ini  bertujuan  untuk  menganalisa dan  mengetahui sebaran  nilai  percepatan  getaran  tanah  daerah Yogyakarta  dan  untuk  mengetahui  tingkat  risiko  kerusakan  yang  diakibatkan  gempa  di  daerah tersebut periode 1980-2010. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumbert dari USGS dengan skala magnitudo ≥ 4 SR, pada batasan 110°04 BT - 110°08 BT dan 7°5 LS - 8°2 LS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode  atenuasi Patwardhan. Metode  ini dipilih karena lebih sesuai dengan   hasil verifikasi   riil di lapangan   sebagaimana telah dilaporkan oleh Sucipto, 2010 bahwa  gempa    merusak yang    terjadi    di  Yogyakarta tercatat rata -rata  memiliki intensitas antara V-VII   MMI. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis nilai percepatan getaran tanah dan nilai intensitas gempabumi sebagai acuan untuk mengetahui daerah yang rawan mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran data USGS diketahui bahwa   sebagian besar wilayah Yogyakarta didominasi gempa berskala  5  SR  dengan tingkat seismisitas yang tinggi, dimana  gempa-gempa berskala menengah ke atas sering terjadi di wilayah ini. Selanjutnya, setelah dilakukan analisa data dengan menghitung  nilai percepatan getaran tanah  diketahui bahwa  nilai percepatan getaran tanah maksimum di daerah ini berkisar antara  50-60 gal. Sebaran daerah yang rawan mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa berkonsentrasi di kabupaten Bantul serta beberapa daerah Kulon Progo dan Gunung Kidul.

  12. Aspek Budaya Dalam Keistimewaan Tata Ruang Kota Yogyakarta

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    Suryanto .


    Full Text Available Dengan ditetapkannya budaya dan tata ruang kota sebagai penanda keistimewaan Yogyakarta dalam UU No. 13 tahun 2012 tentang Keistimewaan Yogyakarta, maka Yogyakarta merupakan kasus spesifik dalam Penataan Ruang, karena aspek Tata Ruang menjadi salah satu penanda Keistimewaannya. Apa yang istimewa. Apanya yang istimewa dang mengapa istimewa; apakah penanda (tata ruang kota, petanda (konsep budaya atau makna/pesan dari hubungan antara petanda dengan penandanya yang tersirat dalam wujud tata ruang kota Yogya. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengenali dan memahami hubungan antara kebudayaan, tata kota dan keistimewaan Yogyakarta. Dari bukti-bukti empiris, kajian tentang kebudayan dan tata ruang kota memerlukan rentang waktu panjang, karena akan menyangkut data longitudinal (diakronik dan lateral (sinkronik. Oleh karena itu studi ini perlu didudukkan dalam bingkai sejarah dan budaya, untuk membaca peristiwa sepanjang perkembangan kota Yogyakarta, dari HB I sampai HB IX. Kemudian untuk memahami makna kaitan antar penanda dan petanda sepanjang perjalanan perkembangan kota, maka digunakan metoda hermeneutika, khususnya Hermeneutik Paul Ricoeur. Dari hasil kajian terhadap obyek tata ruang kota yang dianggap istimewa, maka budaya yang mewujud dalam keistimewaan tata ruang kota Yogyakarta bisa dilihat dari komponen ruang kotanya maupun konfigurasi fungsi ruang kotanya. Kesimpulan penting dari penelitian ini adalah konsep budaya yang mewujud dalam tata ruang kota, yaitu monumental dan pertahanan, yang tidak ditemui di kota manapun di Indonesia. Kemudian dari sisi makna, terjadi perbedaan makna simbol-simbol tata ruang kota di era HB I dan HB IX.Kata kunci. Kebudayaan, tata ruang kota, budaya, Yogyakarta. Since Yogyakarta’s culture and spatiality were proclaimed as special features of Yogyakarta as stated in Law No. 13, 2012 on the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta is recognized as a specific case in spatial planning, because its spatiality is one of

  13. BATAN Activities in Developing Nuclear Knowledge Management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darmawati, S.


    Full text: BATAN (National Atomic Energy Agency of Indonesia) was established in 1964, and after the issuance of Law 10 of 1997 it become National Nuclear Energy Agency. During the last seven years, BATAN has suffered the loss of many of its valuable human resources due to the zero-growth policy of the government in recruiting new staffs. The uncertain future of nuclear power programme in Indonesia has also reduced the interest of young generation to study nuclear related subjects, resulting in the closing of several departments in universities that once offered nuclear sciences as subject of studies. These situations triggered management of BATAN to develop various efforts to keep nuclear knowledge exist and disseminate among BATAN itself, university students, and public as a whole. BATAN has in recent years established higher school of nuclear technology and organized various nuclear related training programmes, and also in cooperation with other governmental organizations establish nuclear zones, nuclear information centres and nuclear corners in public as well as in high school areas throughout Indonesia. All these efforts are aimed to transfer and preserve nuclear knowledge for the better future of the applications of nuclear science and technology in Indonesia. (author

  14. Disease Incidence of Melon Leaf Curl in East Java and Special Province of Yogyakarta

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    Ignatius Julijantono


    Infeksi penyebab penyakit yang disebabkan oleh geminivirus telah menyebabkan kerugian secara ekonomi berbagai jenis tanaman penting yang dibudidayakan. Kejadian penyakit pada tanaman melon telah diamati sejak tahun 2004, dan tersebar secara luas di pusat penanaman melon di Jawa Timur maupun Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY. Di Jawa Timur dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY, pada tahun 2008 kejadian penyakit daun keriting melon mencapai 100% dan 14,3%. Penyebab penyakit telah dideteksi menggunakan teknik polymerase chain reaction. Amplifikasi Fragmen DNA virus dari tanaman yang terinfeksi dihasilkan dengan ukuran 770 bp menggunakan sepasang primer CPA5 dan CPA2.

  15. Model Komunikasi Pemasaran untuk Pemberdayaan Perempuan Pada Sektor Informal di Yogyakarta

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    Sauptika Kancana


    Full Text Available This research aims to find out model of communication marketing as means to increasing the power of women’s UKM in informal sector of Yogyakarta. Research methodology in qualitative descriptive is used with collect data, focus group discussion (FGD. These research methodogy are service, food, and farm. Result of this research found model of communication marketing which is used media social methodology in informal sector to increasing the power of women’s UKM of Yogyakarta. This research extend give recommendation for women’s UKM of Yogyakarta to optimize their effort through social media such as facebook, twitter, instagram, and website.



    Nofrizal Nofrizal


    Abstrak : Gudang Digital adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang retail fotograpi di Yogyakarta yang sudah berdiri selama 7 tahun dengan kerja keras dan kesabaran Gudang Digital berhasil membaca kebutuhan konsumen Yogyakarta, hingga saat ini Gudang Digital sudah memiliki 3 cabang serta memiliki cafe dan kelas fotograpi adapun strategi yang mereka gunakan adalah one stop shoping dan paling murah .Pemilihan Srategi yang tepat bagi Gudang Digital merupakan salah satu tujuan yang peni...



    ., BERLIAN


    Together with the increasing of tourist who visit in Yogyakarta, the amount of the hotel constructions are increasing too. It is very common to find a hotel in every side of this city. This leads a problem. The hotel construction become uncontrolled in this city. In this situation, the Yogyakarta District Govermentm make a moratorium regulation about a hotel construction with Peraturan walikota Yogyakarta Nomor 77 Tahun 2013 tentang Pengendalian Pembangunan Hotel. This paper will discuss ...


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    Deni Setiawan


    Full Text Available The Jogja Fashion Week Carnival (JFWC is related to various agendas of the local government in Yogyakarta, particularly in industrial and tourism sectors. The JFWC event is correlated to the domestic industries in which one of them has a positive impact upon the progress and the existence of this industry in order to reduce the rate of import from outside Yogyakarta. In another domain, the use of public space, which is often done by JFWC event, gives entertainment and cultural education to the people, thus this event is useful and appropriate if it is held as a routine agenda for the existence of the tourism industry in Yogyakarta. The education given to the people includes the global warming issue, the treatment and utilization of hazardous waste, and the important role of JFWC event in an attempt to create clothing trend centre in Yogyakarta. The dialectics of JFWC clothes can be seen as a process of cultural diplomacy locally, nationally, and internationally. In addition, the existence of JFWC clothes can be viewed as a sustainability phenomenon of contemporary artworks in Indonesia.

  19. Faktor Demografis, Personality Traits, dan Overconfidence (Survey Terhadap Investor Saham di Yogyakarta

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    Liring Dwi Utami


    Full Text Available AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor demografi, personality traits dan overconfidence pada Investor saham di Yogyakarta. Faktor demografis yang digunakan berupa jenis kelamin, usia, pendidikan dan lama investasi sedangkan personality traits menggunakan the big five personality. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang disebar kepada 100 orang investor yang dipilih secara random. Sebanyak 87 kuesioner digunakan, sedangkan 13 lainnya didiskualifikasi karena jawaban kuesioner yang tidak lengkap. Data diolah menggunakan SPPS dengan alat ukur Chi Square dan Pearson Correlation. Hasil dari penelitian menemukan bahwa semua faktor demografi yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan lama investasi tidak berhubungan dengan overconfidence. Hasil lain menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang positif antara conscientiousness dengan overconfidence. Sedangkan extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism dan openness to experience tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan overconfidence.AbstractThis study aims to determine the relationship between demographic factors, personality traits, and overconfidence with stock investors in Yogyakarta. Demographic factors used are gender, age, education and time frame of holding, while the big five personality was used as a proxy of personality traits. This study used a questionnaire distributed to 100 randomly selected investors. A total of 87 questionnaires were used, while the other 13 were disqualified because of incomplete answers to the questionnaire. The data were processed using chi square and Pearson correlation. The results of the study found that all the demographic factors (age, gender, education and time frame holding had no association with overconfidence. Other results showed a positive relationship between conscientiousness with overconfidence. Whereas extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism and openness to experience were not related to overconfidence.

  20. Instrumen Musik Barat dan Gamelan Jawa dalam Iringan Tari Keraton Yogyakarta

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    R.M. Surtihadi


    Full Text Available Perpaduan instrumen musik Barat dengan instrumen gamelan Jawa untukmengiringi tari di Keraton Yogyakarta sudah berlangsung sejak lampau. Hingga saatini perpaduan tersebut masih dapat dijumpai. Bermula dari peristiwa kontak budayaBarat dan Timur, instrumen musik Barat telah menjadi bagian dari kelengkapanupacara protokoler Keraton Yogyakarta. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk membuat kajianhistoris perpaduan gamelan Jawa dengan seperangkat instrumen musik orkestraBarat untuk mengiringi pertunjukan tari putri pada bagian kapang-kapang Bedhaya,Srimpi, dan tari putra Lawung Ageng Keraton Yogyakarta. Beberapa instrumenmusik Barat seperti instrumen genderang, tambur (percussion section, instrumengesek (string sections, instrumen tiup kayu (woodwind sections dan tiup logam (brasssections digunakan dalam mengiringi tarian-tarian tersebut di atas. Metode kualitatifanalisis data dipakai untuk mengupas masalah ini. Namun, pendekatan sosial-politikjuga akan dipakai dalam mengulas permasalahan yang terkait. Berdasarkan penelitianini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dampak peristiwa intrik politik yang terjadi di keratonterbukti telah memengaruhi kehidupan keseniannya. Kebutuhan upacara protokoleryang merupakan kegiatan rutin pada saat itu dilengkapi dengan berbagai macamsajian pertunjukan musik untuk menambah hidup suasana pesta dansa dengandiiringi musik berirama waltz.   Blend of Western Musical Instruments and Javanese Gamelan in DanceAccompaniment and Protocol Ceremonies of Keraton Yogyakarta. Westernmusical intruments have been combined with the Javanese gamelan instruments toaccompany dances performed in Keraton Yogyakarta (the Yogyakarta Palace. It startedwith the coming of the Western culture which then ‘interacting’ with the East. Sincethen, the Western musical instruments have completed the protocol ceremonies held byKeraton Yogyakarta. The objective to be obtained with this research is to historicallystudy the blend of the Javanese gamelan with the Western


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    Mercedes Naaharani Pohlman


    Full Text Available Background:One of the recommendedprimary treatments for the icterus after theearly initiationofbreastfeeding(EIB.TheEIB iswhen the infant starts tobreastfeed immediatel after birth.Theway theinfant doestheEIB iscalled thebreast crawl, throughwhich itcrawls lookingforbreasts.Objective:Thestudi aims to investigatethe relationshipbetweenearly initiationof breastfeeding (EIBandthe icterusneonatorumat RSUDWates, Yogyakarta.Method:Thiswasananalytical surveymethodemployingthecohort approach.The researchpopulationcomprisedmother-and-newborn-infant pairsat RSUDWates,Yogyakarta. Thesamplewasselectedbymeans of the purposive sampling technique, with a sample size of 65 respondents. The researchinstrument was a standardized observation sheet from the Ministry of Health. The analysistechniquetotestthehypothesiswastheChi-Squareat asignificance level of95%and α=0.05.Results:The results of theanalysis show that there is a relationshipbetween theearly initiationofbreastfeedingand the icterusneonatorumat RSUDWates,Yogyakarta withp=0.000andacontingencycoefficient valueof 0.460or ina rangeof 0.40-0.599.Basedonthedataanalysis,of 65respondents,38infants(58,5%not withtheearly initiationof breastfeeding,most of the respondents, namely32(41,5%,donot sufferfromthe icterus.Conclusion: There is a relationship between the early initiation of breastfeeding and the icterusneonatorumat RSUDWates,Yogyakarta.Healthofficialsshouldcontinuouslyprovide informationaboutthe importanceof andsuggest theapplication of theearly initiationof breastfeeding for newborn infants.Mothersshould improve their awarenessof doing theearly initiationof breastfeedingandprovidegoodbreastmilk.

  2. Perkambangan Agama dan Moral yang tidak Tercapai pada AUD: Studi Kasus di Kelas A1 TK Masyitoh nDasari Budi Yogyakarta

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    Nur Tanfidiyah


    Full Text Available This research discuss religion and moral development of students of kindergarten in TK A nDasari Budi Krapyak Yogyakarta. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data is acquired from interview, observation, and another data collecting which is support this research. The result of this research is (1 Religion and moral development development which are not achieved by student of kindergarten in class A1 TK Masyitoh nDasari Budi Yogykarta, they are: only knowing religion and God trough song, they do not accustom to have worshipping activities, they have not understood what is good attitude, they have not been able to defferentiate between good attitude and bad attitude, and they have not know much about religious ritual but they have not known Islamic day celebrations; and they not known about the other religions. (2 They need to be given knowledge about children education and increasing affection and togetherness.  Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang perkembangan agama dan moral pada anak usia dini di TK A nDasari Budi Krapyak Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi, dan pengumpulan data-data yang mendukung penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1 Perkembangan agama dan moral yang tidak tercapai pada AUD di kelas TK A1 Masyitoh nDasari Budi Yogyakarta diantaranya mengetahui agama dan Tuhanya lewat menyanyi, tidak membiasakan diri beribadah, belum memahami perilaku mulia, belum dapat membedakan perilaku yang baik dan buruk, dan sedikit sekali mengenal ritual kegamaan dan belum mengenal hari besar Islam; serta belum mengetahui agama orang lain. (2 perlu pengetahuan pemberikan tentang pendidikan anak dan meningkatkan kasih sayang serta kebersamaan dengan anak-anak.





    This research was conducted to answer two problems. First, how was police discretion implemented to juvenile stealing crime offenders in Yogyakarta city? Second, what was police handicap ini giving discretion to juvenile stealing crime offender in Yogyakarta city? This research used normative method. The research results showed that: first, police discretion was implemented to juvenile stealing crime offenders by separating then from adult criminal offenders since investigat...


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    Muzli Muzli


    Full Text Available Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu wilayah yang aktif gempabumi di Indonesia. Sumber gempabumi dapat berasal dari patahan lokal Opak di bagian timur ataupun zona subduksi pada bagian selatan Yogyakarta. Pembuatan peta mikrozonasi gempa sangat dibutuhkan untuk pertimbangan pembangunan infrastruktur atau bangunan yang tahan terhadap gempabumi. Upaya tersebut diharapkan dapat mengurangi dampak resiko yang mungkin ditimbulkan. Pada pertengahan tahun 2014 telah dilakukan pengukuran kecepatan gelombang geser (Vs30 di wilayah Yogyakarta khususnya wilayah Kabupaten Bantul dan Sleman. Pengukuran dilakukan terhadap 55 titik yang menyebar pada dua wilayah Kabupaten tersebut dengan jarak antar titik sekitar 1 sampai 5 km. Vs30 merupakan salah satu parameter yang digunakan dalam peta mikrozonasi. Pengukuran Vs30 dengan metode Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW menggunakan 24 geofon komponen vertikal dengan frekuensi 4.5 Hz. Nilai Vs30 memberikan informasi klasifikasi tanah permukaan sampai pada kedalaman 30 meter. Hasil interpretasi nilai Vs30 menunjukkan bahwa pusat kota yaitu Kotamadya Yogyakarta memiliki resiko amplifikasi gelombang yang relatif besar dengan nilai Vs30 berkisar antara 115-175 m/s. Pembangunan di wilayah ini sangat disarankan untuk memperhatikan aturan yang memenuhi standard sesuai rujukan SNI 1726-2012. Pada sisi lain, wilayah yang memiliki tanah permukaan klasifikasi padat dengan nilai rata-rata Vs30 antara 350-480 m/s adalah Kecamatan Kretek, Sanden, Pandak dan Bambanglipuro. Wilayah ini memiliki potensi untuk pelemahan atau atenuasi gelombang sehingga resiko kerusakan akibat gempabumi relatif lebih kecil.   Yogyakarta region is one of a seismically active region in Indonesia. Earthquake source can be generatedfrom a local fault Opak in the easternor subduction zone in the southern part of Yogyakarta. Map of seismic microzonation is needed for infrastructure development considerations or buildings resistant to earthquakes. The

  5. Perlindungan Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (Hki) Dalam Waralaba Retail Mini Market Di Yogyakarta Mini Market Di Yogyakarta


    Hariyanto Hariyanto, S.H., M.KN


    The Law Protection Intellectual Property Right in Mini Market Retail Franchise in YogyakartaFranchise business is more happening in Indonesia. This fast development indicates an interesting investment which on the same time helps the business subjects in starting their own business with a low risk. The franchise business which commonly stable is retail business. One of retail business which serves the main needs and daily needs is mini market Alfamart and Indomaret.This research aims to ident...

  6. Clarence Batan: Giving a voice to Filipino Youth | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Sep 29, 2014 ... Find out more about Clarence Batan's research: Read Batan's ethnography of the people of Talim Island: An Ethnographic Account of ... As the world observed International Youth Day (August 12), IDRC asked researchers:.

  7. Tingkat Kepuasan Nasabah Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perbankan Syariah di Yogyakarta

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    Putri Dwi Cahyani


    Full Text Available The Customer Satisfaction to Islamic Banking Service Quality in YogyakartaThe Objective Of The Present Study Was To Find Out Service Quality's Factors that influences for customer satisfaction, the obtrusive criteria that affect customer satisfaction and analyze the level of customer satisfaction in each Islamic bank in Yogyakarta based adaptation CARTER models.  CARTER is model based on SERVQUAL dimensions in addition with new dimension called “Compliance with Islamic law” which is suitable for the Islamic banking industry.  Research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 200 customers consisting of four Islamic banking in Yogyakarta. The analysis method used Structural Equation Model (SEM. The conclusions from this study regarding customer satisfaction about service quality in islamic banks has been above the moderate (high enough. The Factors that give big effect for customer's satisfaction in islamic banking are responsiveness, compliance , and empathy. With analysis of variance was concluded that the quality of every Islamic banks do not have significant differencesDOI: 10.15408/ess.v6i2.3570


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    Irkhamiyati Irkhamiyati


    Full Text Available The student's perception to the circulation service is the background of the study "The Students Perception to the Circulation Service Quality in the Library of Aisyiyah Institute for Health Science Yogyakarta". The purpose of this study is to know how is the student perception corresponding the circulation service in the Library of 'Aisyiyah Institute for Health Science Yogyakarta. The type of the study is a descriptive research with the students as a subject and their perception to the circulation service in the library of `Aisyiyah Institute for Health Science Yogyakarta as an object. The sampling was taken 10% of the total population, 881 students. So 88 students as respondent. The variable of the research is only one. Measuring the perception is based on 5 SERVQUAL Dymention: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness. assurance, and emphaty. The method and technique of the data collection are library research as well as field research consisting of documentation and questionnaire. The data were analysed by using a quantitative descriptive approach. Measuring the perception is based on the likert scale (1-5. then the interpretation of the result perception uses the terms: very good, good, enough, bad or very bad. The result of the study indicates that the students perception were good for the circulation service quality in the library of Aisyiyah Institute for Health Science Yogyakarta with the average value 3,6 or 71%. This number is classified as good. Based on the result, the Library of `Aisyiyah Institute for Health Science Yogyakarta is suggested to increase its service quality. The students are also hoped to be involued in giving input and advice regarding the development of the service. Key words : student perception, circulation service quality

  9. RELIGIUSITAS GAYA BARU (Kajian atas Fenomena Kebangkitan Sufisme Kelas Menengah Perkotaan di Yogyakarta

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    Martalia Ardiyaningrum


    لبحث النوعي فى ثلاث معاهد الإسلامية الحديثة بيوجياكرتا. واستنتجت الباحثة أن نمط الطريقة الصوفية الذي حدث أثناء الطبقة الوسطى في يوجياكارتا هو شكل من أشكال الطريقة الصوفية الحديثة التي لا ترتبط بطريقة صوفية خاصة بل لتطوير الطريقة الموجودة، وكانت العلاقة بين المرشد والجماعة غير قوية. وكان شكل الاتصال بين المرشد والجماعة فى جماعة الذكر، والدعاء، والصلاة. وكذلك تدريبات لريادة الأعمال والرياسة التي تغرس فيها القيم الصوفية. الطريقة الصوفية من الطبقة الوسطى في يوجياكارتا هو نموذج الطريقة الصوفية التي يحبها الكثير من الناس. براعة المرشد فى دعوة الذكر، بما في ذلك الدعوة إلى الفنانين للحضور فى المجلس، هو من السبب في أن يشارك المجتمع فى مجلس الذكر.   Abstrak: Belakangan ini, sufi kelas menengah perkotaan telah menjadi fenomena yang berhasil mengubah wajah Islam menjadi distinc tersendiri di banding dengan bentuk dakwah lainya. Kajian ini menfokuskan pada pelaksanaan dakwah sufi, yang menunjukkan kekuatan baru di banyak tempat termasuk Indonesia. Sebagai contoh adalah dakwah yang dilaksanakan oleh ketiga Kyai, yakni, Hamdani Bakran Adz-Dzakiy, Gus Miftah dan Gus Muwafik yang ketiganya berada di wilayah Yogyakarta. Paradigma penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, dengan metode studi kasus. Penelitian kualitatif dengan setting 3 Pondok Pesantren modern ini mendapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pola sufisme yang terjadi pada kelas menengah di Yogyakarta ini adalah bentuk sufi modern yang tidak terikat pada satu aliran tarikat tertentu tetapi lebih mengembangkan pada

  10. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT WITH URBAN RIVER IMPROVEMENT: THE CASE OF YOGYAKARTA CITY (Melibatkan Masyarakat dalam Memperbaiki Lingkungan Sungai Perkotaan : Kasus Kota Yogyakarta

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    Hari Kusnanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The restoration of urban rivers has shifted from predominantly physical and ecological to community oriented social and economic improvement. Community engagement is needed in the people approach of development. Information sharing and public consultation are not enough. A case study among the riverside communities living in Yogyakarta city indicated that these communities need to move out of poverty and destitution through coaching and mentoring by various experts, and at the same time they would assure the ecosystem functioning of urban rivers.   ABSTRACT Restorasi sungai-sungai perkotaan telah bergeser dari peningkatan fisik dan ekologis menjadi lebih berorientasi pada sosial dan ekonomi. Keterlibatan masyarakat dibutuhkan dalam pendekatan manusiawi pembangunan. Pemberian informasi dan konsultasi public tidak cukup studi kasus pada komunitas-komunitas yang hidup di pinggir sungai di kota Yogyakarta menunjukkan bahwa komunitas tersebut perlu mengentaskan diri dari kemiskinan dan keterbelaknagn dengan bantuan ahli, dan pada saat yang sama menjaga fungsi ekosistem sungai-sungai perkotaan.

  11. Public Relations & Media Relations (Kritik Budaya Amplop Pada Media Relations Institusi Pendidikan Di Yogyakarta

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    Adhianty Nurjanah


    Full Text Available This research is aims to determine how the media relations activities that have been done 10 Public Relations Higher Education, including the possibility of granting cultural envelope in media relations activities during this do. The object of this study is ten (10 Universities in Yogyakarta that consists of three (3 State University (PTN and seven (7 Colleges (PTS. Variations and types of media relations activities have been conducted by 10 universities. The reason is because the electoral college to ten (10 college is a big college in the city of Yogyakarta who own Public Relations and media relations activities that have a systematic and well-planned. In the course of media relations, Public Relations universities do culture accepting envelopes to reporters on the grounds reimburse the costs of transport and not as a "bribe" so that they publicized the news and as a means of imaging the institution. Publicist colleges feel that culture provides envelopes to reporters did not violate the code of ethics of their profession as a Public Relations, On the other hand for journalists, cultural granting envelope can interfere with the independence and constitute a violation of the code of ethics of their profession as journalists. Yet there are also journalists who will receive an envelope in their reporting activities. The discrepancies in the implementation of the code of ethics of journalism, is strongly influenced by the integrity of journalists and policies that apply to each media institution. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kegiatan media relations yang telah dilakukan 10 Public Relations / Humas Perguruan Tinggi tersebut, termasuk kemungkinan adanya budaya pemberian amplop dalam kegiatan media relations yang selama ini dilakukan. Objek penelitian ini adalah sepuluh (10 Perguruan Tinggi di Yogyakarta yang terdiri dari tiga (3 Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN dan tujuh (7 Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS . Beragam variasi dan jenis

  12. Perilaku sedentari sebagai faktor risiko kejadian obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

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    Andi Imam Arundhana


    rural area. KEYWORDS: physical activities, overweight, rural, urban, elementary school childrenABSTRAKLatar belakang: Berdasarkan Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas tahun 2010, prevalensi obesitas di Yogyakarta adalah 78% pada tahun 2010. Peningkatan prevalensi obesitas pada anak sekolah sangat berkaitan dengan aktivitas sedentari dan berkurangnya aktivitas fi sik.Tujuan:  Untuk Mengetahui apakah perilaku sedentari merupakan faktor risiko terhadap obesitas anak sekolah dan mengidentifi kasi seberapa besar kontribusinya.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kasus kontrol. Populasi terdiri dari anak-anak sekolah dasar (baik negeri maupun swasta kelas 1-5 di Yogyakarta dan Bantul. Pemilihan sekolah selama fase skrining berdasarkan metode probability proportional to size (PPS. Kasus adalah anak-anak yang didiagnosis obesitas pada saat fase skrining, menggunakan simple random sampling didukung dengan tabel random dan dilakukan matching pada sekolah tersebut. Berdasarkan perhitungan sampel, terdapat 488 sampel yang terdiri dari 244 kasus dan 244 kontrol. Data aktivitas fisik diperoleh menggunakan formulir CPAQ. Data diproses menggunakan Epidata v 3.1 and STATA v.11.  Analisa data yang digunakan adalah univariat, bivariat, and analisa multivariat dengan t-test, anova, dan logistic regression.Hasil: Durasi perilaku sedentari pada siswa obesitas lebih lama dibandingkan mereka yang tidak obesitas dengan ratarata perbedaan 49,81 menit/hari (p<0,01. Hasil analisis Chi-square menunjukkan perilaku sedentari memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian obesitas dengan OR=6.93 (95%CI: 4,56-10,54. Berdasarkan jenis perilaku sedentari, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan untuk kategori screen based dan duduk-duduk (p <0,05.Kesimpulan:Perilaku sedentari merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kejadian obesitas pada anak-anak sekolah dasar. Rata-rata durasi perilaku sedentari pada anak yang obes lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak yang tidak obes. Berdasarkan tempat tinggal, rata

  13. Impulsive Buying Pada Dewasa Awal Di YOGYAKARTA


    Henrietta, Paulus


    This research aimed to know the impulsive buying tendency of early adult in Yogyakarta. Impulsive buying was a buying activity without cosideration, and accompanied by strong emotional response. High impulsive buying tendency occured between age 18 to 39 years old. This research was a quantitative descriptive research with 395 subjects. Generally, the impulsive buying tendency in this research was low. Based on comparation between man and woman, it was found that woman was more impulsive than...



    Paulus Henrietta


    T his research aimed to know the impulsive buying tendency of early adult in Yogyakarta. Impulsive buying was a buying activity without cosideration, and accompanied by strong emotional response. High impulsive buying tendency occured between age 18 to 39 years old. This research was a quantitative descriptive research with 395 subjects. Generally, the impulsive buying tendency in this research was low. Based on comparation between man and woman, it was found that woman was more impulsive...

  15. Tingkat Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta

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    Martika Laely Munawaroh


    Full Text Available Abstract: Academic procrastination is one of problems that may occur among junior high school students. This study aims to describe the level of academic procrastination of junior high school students in Sekolah Menengah Pertama Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. This research uses descriptive quantitative research. The results of this study showed that 17,2% of subjects have high academic procrastination, 77,1% of them have the moderate one, and 5,7% of them have the low one. Based on those results, it is recommended for the next researcher to use Solution-Focused Brief Counseling in reducing academic procrastination in SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. Abstrak: Prokrastinasi akademik merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi di kalangan pelajar Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat prokrastinasi akademik siswa SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 17,2% pelajar SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta memiliki prokrastinasi akademik tinggi, 77,1% sedang, dan 5,7% rendah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, direkomendasikan agar peneliti selanjutnya menggunakan Konseling Ringkas Berfokus Solusi untuk mereduksi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik siswa SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta.


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    Karmono Mangunsukardjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan geomorfologi dalam perencanaan penggunaan lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai Oyo, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Arahan perencanaan penggunaan lahan didasarkan pada kelas kemampuan lahan dengan satuan medan sebagai satuan evaluasi dan acuan petanya. Satuan medan yang disusun atas satuan bentuklahan, lereng, dan tanah, sedangkan untuk penentuan kelas kemampuan lahannya ditambang dengan factor batu di permukaan, airtanah, dan genangan. Evaluasi kemampuan lahan dilakukan dengan cara matching antara karakteristik lahan dalam setiap satuan medan terhadap persyaratan kelas kemampuan lahan dengan menggunakan system informasi geografis (SIG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa satuan medan yang disusun berdasarkan kerangka dasar geomorfologi mampu memberikan penilaian kemampuan lahan dan arahan penggunaan lahan. Satuan medan pegunungan structural-denudasional (SP, perbukitan structural-denudasional (SB, mempunyai kelas kemampuan lahan VI, sehingga tidak boleh dimanfaatkan dan seharusnya dijadikan lahan konservasi. Satuan medan lain yang mempunyai kelas kemampuan lahan IV seperti SBk, KD, KDt dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pertanian sangat terbatas. Satuan medan yang berkelas kemampuan lahan III adalah FT, SI, KDa, dan KLb yang memungkinkan untuk lahan pertanian terbatas. Erosi dan sifat tanah merupakan faktor kendala lahan pertanian pada satuan medan dengan kelas kemampuan lahan III.

  17. Analisis Praktik Kepemimpinan Koordinator Perpustakaan Balai Arkeologi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Menurut Pandangan Maha Kumaran

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    Widiyastuti Widiyastuti


    Full Text Available Abstract This study aims to determine the style of leadership in the Special Library Archeology Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is qualitative so that the findings data will be analyzed by using the leadership theory of Kumaran. The result is the leadership practice in Balai Archeologi Yogyakarta is combines an affiliative and democratic leadership style.   Key Words: Leadership, Library   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan di Perpustakaan khusus Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif sehingga data temuan akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori kepemimpinan dari Kumaran. Hasilnya adalah praktik kepemimpinan koordinator perpustakaan Balai Arkeologi yogyakarta ini mengkombinasikan antara  gaya kepemimpinan affiliative dan democratic.   Kata Kunci: Kepemimpinan, Perpustakaan


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    Siti Sapardiyah Santoso


    Full Text Available Penelitian "Penyuluhan yang Tepat Guna bagi Masyarakat Daerah Endemis Malaria di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta" dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran karakteristik kelompok sasaran, tentang pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku kelompok sasaran sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. dan mendapatkan penyuluhan yang tepat guna untuk masyarakat kelompok sasaran. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan pada awal sebelum dilakukan intervensi dan pada akhir setelah dilakukan intervensi. lntervensi dilakukan dengan cara tatap muka, diskusi, dan alat bantu media penyuluhan sebanyak tiga kali. Subyek penelitian adalah ibu, bapak, tokoh masyarakat (Toma, dan remaja yang dipilih berdasarkan cara sampling acak sederhana. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan kuesioner. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menggali informasi pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku secara kuantitatif. Dan, diskusi kelompok terarah (DKT menggali informasi pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku, termasuk keyakinan, dan harapan masyarakat secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan perubahan pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku secara bermakna pada kelompok intervensi. Peningkatan persentase pada kelompok sasaran berkisar, antara 10% sampai 80%. Sedang pada daerah kontrol hanya sekitar 5% sampai 40%, terutama pengetahuan tentang nyamuk malaria. Peningkatan yang terjadi pada kelompok kontrol kemungkinan karena adanya difusi dari daerah intervensi atau program rutin yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kesehatan. Penyuluhan yang dilakukan dengan tatap muka, diskusi dengan alat bantu media tentang malaria dapat dilakukan secara mudah dan praktis, dibandingkan dengan menggunakan film atau video, serta dapat dilakukan secara interpersonal maupun kelompok. Guna penerapan di daerah lain diperlukan tenaga yang secara teratur melakukan tatap muka dan diskusi dengan kelompok masyarakat. Penyuluhan tersebut harus terintegrasi dengan strategi advokasi, bina suasana dan gerakan (ABG


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    Erlangga Brahmanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT           Tourism in addition to having a positive impact in the economy also has a negative impact on social culture . The development of tourism is directed into one of the country 's foreign exchange to support development activities likely to lead to a progressive economic aspect , cultural aspect , which pressure due to the shift in immigrant communities are less concerned about social cultural environment . Yogyakarta is very rapid progression from year to year . prostitution in the city of Yogyakarta is also experiencing significant growth .    This is as a consequence of the results of the development of tourism in Yogyakarta . Sarkem region , Babarsari , Parangkusumo beach is a picture of the author wants to lift to the research topic entitled " Practice Prostitution and the influence of Tourist Visits in Yogyakarta” . This study addresses the two aspects , namely the economic and cultural aspects of progressive regressive . In this issue there is a dilemma from year to year , due to new entrants to the practice of sex ( prostitution is hidden in the Babarsari , rented houses or spread and some prostitutes is a student or students from leading universities in Yogyakarta . therefore in this study can be found three major problems are : ( a Type prostitution which flourished in Babarsari , Sarkem , Parangkusumo Beach ( b Relationship Patterns between a prostitute with the local community in terms of tourism development and the preservation of cultural values , ( c Effect of prostitution to local culture and tourism development .          This study uses field data collection methods, methods of interviewing and observation and data collection methods literature . development of tourism in Yogyakarta  impact on the practice of Presence sex ( prostitution hidden in Boarding House or rent , renting , given the tourist area of Yogyakarta area wet with Rupiah . This is a new settlement , mostly inhabited by new

  20. Proses Kreatif Teater Garasi Yogyakarta Dalam Lakon Waktu Batu

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    Nur Iswantara


    The Creative Process of Garasi Theater Yogyakarta for the Story of Waktu Batu. The aims of this research is to understand the creative concept and process of Garasi Theater Yogyakarta. It is one of the phenomenal Indonesian contemporary groups of theater. Some of its works have already been performed in front of local and national audiences as well. This research mainly focuses on the internal and external factors which have influnced the condusive situation towards the development and popularity of Garasi Theater Yogyakarta. In order to solve the problems formulated in the research, the theory of creativity and the comparison between semiotic and management arts were actively used. The result of the research showed that Garasi Theater Yogyakarta has a traditional characteristic developed in a theater community of Yogyakarta and soon afterwards it has carried out such an artistic rebellion. The Garasi Theater Yogyakarta is as a group of contemporary theatre which has very clear vision and mission. By doing the creative work through a laboratory of theatrical production, Garasi Theater Yogyakarta was able to create a masterpiece of a performance entitled Waktu Batu. The performance of Waktu Batu consists of three sub-titles, namely: ‘Waktu Batu 1, Kisah-kisah yang Bertemu di Ruang Tunggu’; ‘Waktu Batu 2, Ritus Seratus Kecemasan dan Wajah Siapa yang Terbelah’; dan ‘Waktu Batu 3, Deus ex Machina dan Perasaan-perasaan Padamu’. This theatrical work can be said as an inspirative work in which it took four years in its creative process, had been activated by youngsters, and had been performed by means of a road-show program through some cities in Indonesia and Singapore. Keywords: Garasi Theater, Yogyakarta arts, Waktu Batu


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    Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono


    Full Text Available AbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate intention to be entrepreneur among university students in Yogyakarta. Based on modification of TPB (theory of planned behavior and TAM (technology acceptance model, this research specifically examined whether entrepreneur’s personality is an important antecedent to explain attitude, risk perception and subjective norm of entrepreneur based on information technology (IT. This research tested whether attitude, risk perception and subjective norm of entrepreneur based on IT are important predictors to explain students’ intention to become entrepreneur based on IT. This research is a replication model proposed by Tjahjono and Palupi (2014. The samples in this research were 300 students from four large universities in Yogyakarta with purposive technique and were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM. The results of this research showed that attitude, risk perception, and subjective norm are consequences of entrepreneur’s personality and at the same time as antecedents to explain students’ intentions to be entrepreneur based on IT.Keywords: TPB, TAM and students intention to be entrepreneur.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi intensi mahasiswa di Yogyakarta berwirausaha. Berbasis pada modifikasi TPB (theory of planned behavior dan TAM (technology acceptance model, penelitian ini secara spesifik menguji apakah kepribadian berwirausaha merupakan anteseden penting dalam menjelaskan sikap, persepsi resiko dan norma subjektif berwirausaha yang berbasis TI. Selanjutnya apakah sikap, persepsi resiko dan norma subjektif berwirausaha berbasis TI adalah prediktor penting dalam menjelaskan intensi mahasiswa berwirausaha yang berbasis TI. Penelitian ini merupakan replikasi model yang diajukan Tjahjono dan Palupi (2014. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 300 mahasiswa 4 perguruan tinggi besar di Yogyakarta dengan teknik penyampelan secara purposive. Penelitian ini dianalisis

  2. Penilaian Kandungan Komponen Teknologi Humanware pada IKM (Studi Kasus: IKM Mebel Propinsi DI. Yogyakarta

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    Siti Rohmatul Umah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKKemampuan sumber daya manusia (humanware merupakan faktor penentu dalam keberhasilan suatu organisasi dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan perusahaan dalam era globalisasi. Usaha perbaikan dan pengembangan SDM dapat dilakukan secara terarah dan optimal bila diketahui terlebih dahulu kondisi dari komponen humanware pada suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kandungan komponen humanware pada IKM mebel di propinsi DI Yogyakarta. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode technometrik. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada sampel 20 IKM mebel DIY dengan dua kategori pemilik dan pekerja. Perhitungan data dilakukan dengan metode teknometrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa batas bawah kecanggihan humanware kategori pemilik ada pada level 1 klasifikasi kemampuan mengoperasikan dan batas atas ada pada level 3 klasifikasi kemampuan memperbaiki. Sedangkan untuk kategori pekerja, batas bawah ada pada level 1 klasifikasi kemampuan mengoperasikan dan batas atas pada level 3 klasifikasi memperbaiki. Hal ini mengimplikasikan bahwa sumber daya manusia pada IKM Mebel baik pemilik dan pekerja memiliki kemampuan yang sama yaitu mempunyai kemampuan dan ketrampilan mengoperasikan dan memperbaiki peralataan produksi. Kata kunci : Kandungan teknologi, humanware, IKM MebelABSTRACTOne of methods performance improving in Small and Medium Industries is by improve technology capability. One of technology components is humanware, where human resource capability in a organization is determinant of organization’s succesfull in facing treats in globalization era. The Improvement and development programs for human resources can be implemented optimally if is known already the conditions of humanware in a organization. The paper is aim to assess humanware content in SME’s in furniture industry with using technometric method. Sample of observation was 20 participants from SME’s Furniture in Yogyakarta province. Respondents

  3. RESPON MASYARAKAT TERHADAP KEGIATAN PERBAIKAN KAMPUNG: KASUS KAMPUNG KOTA DI YOGYAKARTA (Community Respond to Kampung Improvement Activities: Case Urban Kampung in Yogyakarta

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    Atyanto Dharoko


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kegiatan perbaikan kampung yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, masyarakat maupun sektor swasta merupakan upaya strategis untuk menngkatkan kualitas lingkungan kampung kota dengan tujuan lebih lanjut adalah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat penghuni. Pendekatan yang paling sepadan digunakan adalah metode Community empowerment approach. Yogyakarta menjadi salah satu sasaran utama dari berbagai program perbaikan kampung karena memiliki masalah lingkungan yang cukup kompleks dengan adanya perkembangan kampung-kampung kumuh dan Illegal yang tersebar di dalam wilayah kota. Perkembangan berbagai kegiatan perbaikan kampung selama ini menunjukkan hasil yang bervariasi karena dipengaruhi oleh kondisi kampung yang beraneka ragam serta pemahaman masyarakat yang berbeda-beda dalam melihat persoalan fenomena kampung mereka. Penelitian menympulkan bahwa pemahaman masyarakat dalam satu wilayah kampung yang sama sangat bervariasi sehingga keberlanjutan dari berbagai program perbaikan kampung belum dapat dicapai. Pada kondisi pemahaman masyarakat yang rendah disebabkan karena pra kondisi yang dilakukan sangat kurang untuk memperoleh tingkat keberlanjutan yang tinggi, oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya yang lebih baik oleh para inisiator pada masa pra kegiatan terutama dalam bentuk pemahaman masrakat terhadap program dengan benar.   ABSTRACT Kampung improvement activities developed by authority, community and sponsoring bodies are strategic efford to enchance environmental quality of the kampong and finally enhancing the community prosperity. The most compatible approach to develop is community empowerment basis. Yogyakarta becomes one of the target since the city faces a complicated problems in environmental aspect. The improvement of kampong shows a various achievement because the awareness and concept of inhabitants are also varies. It is concluded that different concept and interpretation among communities, authority and sponsoring bodies to

  4. Hubungan Religiusitas dan Kebahagiaan dengan Motivasi Belajar Santri di MA Mu’allimin Yogyakarta

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    Rania Melani


    Full Text Available This study motivated their learning motivation often decreased due to; They have to follow different school rules, they just hang out with their male friends, they will be sanctioned if they make mistakes, lack the motivation to perform best because of the homogeneity of the students in school, the lack of time to get along with the family and you. This research aims to know relation of religiosity and happiness with learning motivation at santri in MA mu'allimin Yogyakarta, religiosity relationship with motivation to learn at santri at MA Mu'allimin Yogyakarta, happiness relationship with motivation to learn at santri at MA Mu'allimin Yogyakarta. The method used is quantitative research method. The subject of this research is santri MA Mu'allimin Yogyakarta academic year 2014-2015. Data collection techniques are with the scale of learning motivation, religiosity and happiness. The method of analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression, using the help of SPSS 19.0 for windows. The results of this study: the relationship of religiosity and happiness to the motivation of learning, a significant relationship between religiosity with learning motivation, and the relationship between happiness with learning motivation.


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    Rahma Widyana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui validitas dan reliabilitas Marianne Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception (Tes Frostig untuk mengukur kemampuan persepsi visual anak-anak prasekolah. Subjek penelitian 102 anak-anak prasekolah yang mengikuti pendidikan Taman Kanak-Kanak di TKIT Salman Al Farisi 2 Sleman Yogyakarta, TKIT Insan Utama, Bantul, TKIT Ibnu Abbas 3 Minggir Sleman, TKIT Insan Mulia Sentolo Kulon Progo, TK ABA Margakaton 3 Seyegan Sleman Yogyakarta, dengan rentang usia antara 4 tahun 1 bulan sampai 6 tahun 3 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar aitem Tes Persepsi Visual yang disusun oleh Frostig, berkolaborasi dengan Lefever dan Whittlesey pada tahun 1963 masih teruji validitas dan reliabilitasnya hingga saat ini. Meskipun demikian, penggunaannya perlu dikuatkan dengan tes lainnya mengingat koefisien reliabilitas khususnya subtes 3 dan 5 yang relatif rendah. Untuk subtes pertama (eye motor coordination yang terdiri dari 16 butir ditemukan 11 aitem valid dengan angka korelasi antara 0,213 sampai dengan 0,564. Untuk subtes kedua figure ground terdiri dari 8 aitem, semua aitem valid dengan angka korelasi 0,330 sampai dengan 0,673. Subtes ketiga (constancy of shape bagian pertama dan kedua, terdiri dari 32 aitem, terdapat 18 aitem valid dengan angka korelasi antara 0,223 sampai dengan 0,692. Subtes keempat (position of shape yang terdiri dari 8 aitem, 6 aitem valid dengan angka korelasi 0,244 sampai 0,353. Subtes kelima (spatial relationship yang terdiri dari 7 aitem (untuk usia prasekolah aitem 8 tidak diberikan, 6 aitem valid dengan angka korelasi antara 0,16 sampai dengan 0,512. Reliabilitas subtes bergerak dari 0,476 – 0,820. Terdapatnya korelasi yang signifikan antara skor skala subtes dengan skor total dengan rentang korelasi 0,406 – 0,754 menunjukkan bahwa semua subtes yang terdapat dalam tes Frostig menunjukkan relevansi untuk menggambarkan skor total kemampuan persepsi visual.

  6. Influence of Ozonization Duration on the Storage Age of Tomato Fruit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agus Purwadi; Widdi Usada; Isyuniarto


    It has been carried out the experiment of giving ozone (ozonization) to tomatoes in the packing of plastic polyethylene (PE). Material used in research was the local fresh tomato of Kaliurang with the diameter of about 5 cm, orange color and mean weighing of 7 gram, while the ozone gas used was the output of Ozonizer portable 25 W made in PTAPB-BATAN Yogyakarta. Tomato is entered into perforated packing of plastic PE with the dimension size of (25 x 40) cm, thickness 0.03 mm and or 0.05 mm and then they were conducted by ozonization with the variation time of 0, 15, 30 and 45 second. Tomato sample control was done after being deposited as long as 5 and 10 days which consists of water contained, texture, dwindle the weight and test the differentiation by panelist to various attribute quality of fruit like color, aroma, texture and entirety. From research result was showed that by using ozone treatment the storage age of tomato can be improved to become 2 times (on the condition of water stage 96.50 (% wb), texture 2.64 N and dwindle the weight 5.99 %) which is done by ozonization as long as 45 second on the packing of plastic PE with thickness of 0.03 mm. (author)

  7. Pembentukan Identitas Remaja di Yogyakarta

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    Darmawan Muttaqin


    Full Text Available Context has been identified as an important factor of identity formation among adolescents. The aim of this study was to understand adolescent identity formation component in Indonesian context especially in Yogyakarta, considering gender differences, age groups, and correlation between components as well. This study involved 450 Indonesian adolescents aged 12-21 years (225 boys and 225 girls that constituted of early, middle, and late adolescents. This study used Identity Style Inventory to assess identity style (informational, normative, and diffuse-avoidant, Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale to assess the identity dimensions (commitment, in-depth exploration, and reconsideration of commitment, and Ego Identity Process Questionnaire to assess identity status (diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement. Results showed there were significant differences in identity styles, dimensions, and statuses by considering gender and age groups. The correlation between adolescent’s identity styles, dimensions, and statuses was also found in the Indonesian context.

  8. Kebersihan Organ Kewanitaan dan Kejadian Keputihan Patologi pada Santriwati di Pondok Pesantren Al Munawwir Yogyakarta

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    Tri Indah Setiani


    Full Text Available Asia in 2013 showed prosentase reproductive health problems of the pathological vaginal discharge were 76%. The incidence of vaginal discharge in the regions Yogyakarta about 68%, in district Bantul about 45% higher than Pondok Pesantren Al Munawwir (59.6%. The purpose of this study was to know relationship between healthy reproductive organ and the incidence of pathology vaginal discgarge on santriwati in Pondok Pesantren Al Munawwir Yogyakarta. The study used survey analytic with cross sectional design. The population of santriwati that experienced vaginal discharge were 164 santriwati. Samples was obtaine by purposive sampling which consisted of 89 respondents, analysis the data was used chi-square. The results of study showed that healthy reproductive organ on santriwati at Pondok Pesantren Al Munawwir Yogyakarta included was 62.9% in less category, incidence of pathology vaginal discharge on santriwati at the cabin al munawwir yogyakarta were 59.6% and the result of χ2 were 8.881 (>8.760. In conclusion, there was a correlation between healthy reproductive organ and the incidence of pathology vaginal discgarge on santriwati in Pondok Pesantren Al Munawwir Yogyakarta.


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    Nofrizal Nofrizal


    Full Text Available Abstrak : Gudang Digital adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang retail fotograpi di Yogyakarta yang sudah berdiri selama 7 tahun dengan kerja keras dan kesabaran Gudang Digital berhasil membaca kebutuhan konsumen Yogyakarta, hingga saat ini Gudang Digital sudah memiliki 3 cabang serta memiliki cafe dan kelas fotograpi adapun strategi yang mereka gunakan adalah one stop shoping dan paling murah .Pemilihan Srategi yang tepat bagi Gudang Digital merupakan salah satu tujuan yang penilitian ini untuk dapat bertahan dalam persaingan di industri retail alat – alat fotograpi. Proses dilakukan dengan mengunakan PEST (Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, Teknologi dan Lima Kekuatan Porter. Setelah itu peneliti menggunakan value chain untuk melihat keunggulan bersaing dan untuk pemilihan strategi penelitian ini menggunakan SWOT dan Strategi Generik Porter. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menyatakan bahwa Gudang Digital bisa mengunakan keunggulan yang dimiliki dengan munggunakan strategi Generik Porter yaitu Kunggulan biaya menyeluruh (Porter, 1989. Abstract : Gudang Digital is a company engaged in the retail photography in Yogyakarta that has been established for 7 years with hard work and patience Digital Warehouse successfully read consumer needs Yogyakarta, until now Digital Vault already has three branches and has a cafe and a photography class as for strategy they used is one stop shopping and cheapest.Selection of the appropriate strategy, Gudang Digital is one of the goals of this research to be able to survive in the competition in the retail industry tool - a tool fotograpi. The process is done by using PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Porter's Five Forces. After the researchers used a value chain to see the competitive advantage and for the selection of the research strategy using SWOT and Porter Generic Strategies. Results of research conducted stating that the Digital Vault can use the advantages of the used Porter

  10. Segmentasi dan Positioning Jasa Pendidikan di MAN Yogyakarta III

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    Full Text Available This research discusses about the segmentation and the position of education services in order to determine its implementation in Islamic Educational Institutions. This is a qualitative research with the primary respondent for all the school community who are involving in the marketing process. This research used phenomenological approach, while the data was collected using observation method, indepth interviews, documentation and triangulation. The results indicates that: (1 MAN Yogyakarta III defines market segmentation by applying multiple segmentation approach, namely: (a demographic segmentation, (b geographic segmentation, (c psychographic segmentation, (d psychological segmentation, and (e benefit segmentation. (2 MAN Yogyakarta III determines the position of educational services in the academic field with the development of the brand “Madrasah of The Champions” that leads to the vision of MAYOGA, namely Ultraprima. Market segmentation is the first thing that must be accomplished by the madrasah to achieve optimum marketing results, followed by positioning. Position or image formed by the institutions has a dominant role in influencing public attitudes toward madrasah


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    Hani'atul Millah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang mekanisme pemberian insentif dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja tenaga akademik di UNY. Dampak insentif ini dilihat secara umum dan pasca- lahirnya kebijakan baru tentang penghentian beberapa insentif finansial dosen tahun 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumentasi, dengan sampel purposive dan teknik snowball. Pembahasan hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis induktif interpretatif komponensial yang dikembangkan berdasarkan model Spradley. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, (1 UNY tidak memiliki satu aturan khusus dan integral yang mengatur mekanisme pemberian insentif untuk tenaga akademik, baik pada tingkat universitas maupun fakultas. (2 Insentif finansial, non-finansial dan perverse incentives yang ditemukan dari hasil penelitian memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja tenaga akademik. Tetapi insentif finansial memiliki pengaruh lebih signifikan dibanding kedua bentuk insentif lain. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan tingkat kehadiran dosen mengajar dan mengawas ujian mahasiswa di kelas yang tinggi saat ada insentif dan menurun saat insentif tersebut dihilangkan. Kata kunci: insentif, dampak insentif, tenaga akademik THE MECHANISM OF INCENTIVE DISTRIBUTION OF ACADEMIC STAFF AT YOGYAKARTA STATE UNIVERSITY Abstract This study reveals the mechanism of incentive distribution and its impact on the performance of academic staff at UNY. Its impact is seen in general and after the issuing of a new policy that stopped the financial incentives of lecturer in 2013. The research used a qualitative method. Data were collected through depth interview, observation, and review of documents, with purposive sampling based on snowball technique. The data was analyzed using componential interpretative inductive analysis developed by Spradley’ model. The result shows, (1 UNY does not have the specific and integral rules that regulate mechanism of incentive

  12. Koreografi Lingkungan’ Masyarakat Plempoh, Prambanan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Hendro Martono


    Full Text Available Desa Plempoh, yang berada di wilayah Prambanan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta,diharapkan sebagai penyangga pariwisata situs purbakala candi Boko. Akan tetapi,kenyataannya desa yang terletak di lereng bukit Boko menjelang masuk area candi,tidak menampilkan wujud sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Untuk itu, penulisdan sekaligus koreografer menawarkan alternatif solusi yang dapat memenuhikepentingan masyarakat. Masyarakat diberdayakan dalam pelatihan seni tari,nyanyi, dan teater. Metode yang digunakan adalah ‘Koreografi Lingkungan’,yaitu sebuah proses kreatif bekerja bersama antara tim perancangan seni denganmasyarakat untuk mewujudkan sebuah tari rakyat yang mengangkat legendasetempat, yaitu Jonggrang. Koreografinya mengungkapkan kearifan lokal denganpendekatan masa kini dan menggunakan versi rakyat yang membedakannya dengansendratari Rara Jonggrang yang sudah seringkali ditampilkan selama ini. Environmental Choreography of Plempoh society, Prambanan, Yogyakarta.Plempoh village, located in the region of Prambanan Yogyakarta, is expected as a bufferof Boko temple archaeological tourism sites. However, the fact that the village is locatedon the hillside of the entrance of the temple area, does not display the form as it isexpected. Therefore, the writer, also a choreographer, offers an alternative solution to meetthe interests of the community. The people of this society were empowered by the trainingsof dancing, singing, and theater. The method used in the research was ‘EnvironmentalChoreography’ which was a creative process of group working between the design teamand the society to create a public art with a folk dance which raised the local legend,Jonggrang. The choreography revealed the local wisdom with the present approach, andused the version distinguishing people with Rara Jonggrang ballet that has often beenshown lately.


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    Ratih Kumorojati


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Background: Breastfeeding Mother's (ASI is the main meal and perfect for babies, in which breast milk contains almost all the nutrients in the composition according to the needs of the baby to grow and develop optimally (Perinasia, 2009. Results of a preliminary study in Healt Pakualaman of 10 nursing mothers found, as many as 6 having problems ie breast nipple abrasions. Objective: Knowing the level of knowledge of nursing mothers about breastfeeding technique right at the health center in Yogyakarta Pakualaman. Methods: Descriptive quantitative research methods, the implementation of the research conducted at the health center in Yogyakarta Pakualaman, in November 2015. This study used purposive sampling techniques, a number of 34 respondents who had infants aged 0-6 months and still breastfeeding exclusively. Data collection tool was a questionnaire, data analysis using univariate analysis. Results: The level of knowledge of nursing mothers about breastfeeding technique right at the health center in Yogyakarta that is knowledgeable good Pakualaman as many as 10 respondents, quite as much as 22 respondents, less by 2 respondents. Conclusions: The majority of breastfeeding mothers level of knowledge about proper breastfeeding technique at the health center that is knowledgeable enough Pakualaman Yogyakarta as many as 22 respondents, well as much as 10 respondents, and less by 2 respondents.

  14. Arquitectura y contextos funerarios wari en Batan Urqu, Cusco


    Zapata, Julinho


    Funerary Architecture and Contexts at Batan Urqu, CuscoThe site of Batan Urqu, located in the Huaro Valley, in the province of Quispicanchi, Cusco, was continuously occupied from the Formative Period until European contact. Excavations revealed that during the Middle Horizon a complex of funerary buildings and structures had been constructed within a rectangular area demarcated by a wall. Data recovered by the author from excavations of the Wari funerary complex between August and October of ...

  15. Giving Iron Tablets by Health Worker and Pregnant Compliance in Consuming More Than 90 Tablets, in The Slum Urban, in The West Java Province and Yogyakarta

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    Tumaji Tumaji


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Angka kematian ibu di Indonesia saat ini masih cukup tinggi dan sangat bervariasi di tingkat provinsi. Provinsi Jawa Barat (Jabar merupakan penyumbang kematian ibu terbesar yaitu 19,8%, sedangkan yang relatif kecil adalah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY yaitu 1,1%. Mencegah anemia pada ibu hamil dengan minum tablet besi ≥ 90 selama hamil diharapkan mampu menekan kematian ibu akibat perdarahan. Tujuan: Membandingkan pemberian tablet zat besi oleh tenaga kesehatan dan kepatuhan ibu hamil mengonsumsinya, di daerah kumuh perkotaan di Provinsi Jabar dan DIY. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan analisis lanjut objek dengan sampel dari data hasil Riskesdas 2010. Hasil: Berdasarkan karakteristik, sebagian besar ibu di Provinsi DIY berpendidikan tingkat menengah, bekerja sebagai wiraswasta/tani/nelayan/buruh. Sedangkan di Provinsi Jabar, sebagian besar hanya berpendidikan rendah dan tidak memiliki pekerjaan. Jumlah kepemilikan asuransi kesehatan di Provinsi DIY relatif lebih banyak dibanding di Provinsi jabar. Berdasarkan cakupan pemberian tablet zat besi, tampak bahwa sebagian besar ibu di Provinsi Jabar maupun DIY mendapatkan tablet zat besi selama kehamilannya (84,7% vs 96,0%. Kondisi ini jauh berbeda ketika dilihat dari persentase ibu hamil yang mengonsumsi tablet zat besi minimal 90 tablet. Terlihat bahwa ibu hamil yang mengonsumsi tablet zat besi ≥ 90 di Provinsi Jabar hanya 12,6% saja. Sebaliknya di Provinsi DIY, konsumsi tablet zat besi ≥ 90 persentasenya cukup tinggi yaitu mencapai 60,0%. Kesimpulan: Cakupan pemberian tablet zat besi di kedua provinsi relatif cukup baik, namun konsumsi tablet zat besi ≥ 90 tablet di Provinsi DIY relatif lebih baik dibanding di Provinsi di Jabar. Saran: disarankan pemerintah Provinsi Jabar melakukan promosi dan penyuluhan yang lebih gencar melalui berbagai media serta melakukan terobosan, misalnya dengan menunjuk orang terdekat dari si ibu hamil untuk menjadi pengawas dan

  16. Kepatuhan 5 Momen Hand Hygiene Pada Petugas di Laboratorium Klinik Cito Yogyakarta

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    Pangisti Dwi Ananingsih


    Full Text Available Hospital Associated Infection (HAIs is still a problem through out the world and in Indonesia. Health officials have a major role in the transmission of these infections. However, the low level of compliance of five moments of hand hygiene among health care workers is still one of the factors that cause a high spread of HAIs. To hand let his, it is necessary to counseling about the importance of 5 moments of hand hygiene for health worker towards patient health. Counseling can be done in various models, such as posters, training, and simulation. The study is a qualitative research with action research. Conducted in September 2015 inwards in Clinical Laboratory “Cito” Yogyakarta, the population as well as samples in this study were all health care workers in first floor of the Clinical Laboratory Cito Yogyakarta that consisting of nurses, analysts, doctors, radiographers, customer service, and cleaning service. 5 moments of hand hygiene compliance of the workers increasing after the poster socialitation, training, and simulation. The management is expected to give more attention in improving of 5 moments of hand hygiene for health worker in Clinical Laboratory Cito Yogyakarta.

  17. Perubahan asupan zat gizi tidak berpengaruh terhadap lama rawat inap pada pasien dewasa di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta

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    Nurmala Nurmala


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTBackground: Adequate nutrient intake for in patients is much required in efforts to prevent declining nutrition status during hospitalization. Malnutrition may occur before hospitalization due to the disease or inadequate nutrient intake; however malnutrition may also occur during hospitalization. The result of a preliminary study shows that 75% of patients undergo declining nutrition status during hospitalization. Nutrition is an integral part of medication or recovery process and shortens length of stay.Objectives: To identify effect of changes in nutrient intake to nutrition status and length of stay of adult in patients.Methods: The study was observational with prospective cohort approach using subject that got inadequate intake (<80% in the beginning of hospitalization as exposed group and those that got adequate intake (≥80% in the beginning of hospitalization as non exposed group. Assessment of inpatients was made after three days in hospital and then comparison was made to average intake prior to discharge.Results: Changes in intake and nutritional status did not significantly (p>0.05 affect length of stay of adult inpatients at internal medicine and neurology wards of Dr.Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta. Nutrition therapy significantly (p=0.04 affected change in nutritional status of in patients with RR=2.24.Conclusions: Changes in intake and nutritional status did not affect length of stay. Nutrition therapy affected as much as 2.24 times to changes in nutritional status of adult inpatients at internal medicine and neurology wards of Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta.KEYWORDS: length of stay, nutritional status, nutrient intake, nutrition therapyABSTRAKLatar belakang: Asupan zat gizi yang cukup bagi pasien sangat diperlukan untuk mencegah penurunan status gizi selama dirawat di rumah sakit. Malnutrisi juga dapat terjadi sejak sebelum masuk rumah sakit karena penyakit yang diderita maupun asupan zat gizi yang tidak adekuat, namun


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    Ahmad Faiq Abror


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 menghasilkan aplikasi penilaian e-learning Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK berbasis ISO 19796-1 yang dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi e-learning SMK di Yogyakarta menggunakan teknik Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP dengan metode agregasi arithmetric mean dan geometric mean, (2 menguji kualitas aplikasi dengan menggunakan strandar ISO 9126. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D. Proses pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan metode  Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC dengan model Waterfall. Selanjutnya pada proses pengujian kualitas aplikasi menggunakan standar ISO 9126 yang terdiri atas aspek functionality, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, usability, dan portability. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi penilaian e-learning SMK berdasarkan ISO 19796-1 telah berhasil dikembangkan menggunakan metode Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC dengan model waterfall. Selanjutnya hasil dari analisis kualitas aplikasi menggunakan standar ISO 9126 menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi mempunyai hasil rata-rata sangat baik dan layak digunakan untuk penilaian kualitas e-learning SMK.

  19. Segmentasi dan Positioning Jasa Pendidikan di MAN Yogyakarta III


    Atika; Imam Machali


    This research discusses about the segmentation and the position of education services in order to determine its implementation in Islamic Educational Institutions. This is a qualitative research with the primary respondent for all the school community who are involving in the marketing process. This research used phenomenological approach, while the data was collected using observation method, indepth interviews, documentation and triangulation. The results indicates that: (1) MAN Yogyakarta ...


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    Umar Sidiq


    Full Text Available Empirically that strategic planning can be useful help to assert focus on things that are really important, given the ease of the organization in determining priority activities, optimizing the efficiency of the organization, provide support for the establishment of smooth communication in explaining the purposes of the strategy, help in garnering support from internal and external stakeholders, helping terkristalisasinya a better understanding of the impact that may arise against its decisions in the future and improve coordination among the various activities and various units. As an educational institution, man 3 Yogyakarta has a vision that will drive the future of the madrassa. The concept of vision is something that is very important in management education. The vision of man 3 Yogyakarta is superior and skilled and mature personality that is shortened with an ultra prime.

  1. Strategi Preservasi Digital di Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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    Musrifah Musrifah


    Preservation activities increasingly need special attention. So to speak, in the digital environmen, is an absolute preservation  activities, especially given the growth of digital products very rapidly, and the use of computers in society is increasingly widespread. In this context, the preservation of all types, including digital preservation in libraries, are activities that are planned and managed to ensure that an object (collection digital can continue to be used and accessed as long possible. This is what lies behind the writer to reveal the strategy of digital preservation in the library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. As this research aims to determine the general digital preservation strategy and the challenges faced in conducting digital preservation in the library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Based on the results of this research concluded that, digital preservation strategy done of technology preservation strategy, the strategy of  backing up, and re-format migration strategies, as well as refreshment strategy. The challenges faced in implementing digital preservation, that is information in digital form is difficult to survive in the long time, the files are preserved to virus attacks and hackers, file corrupted digital collection, and; digital collection of material is lost suddenly and without a trace.

  2. KOMPOSISI JENIS DAN FUNGSI PEKARANGAN (Studi kasus desa Giripurwo, Kecamatan Girimulyo, DI Yogyakarta

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    Junaidah Junaidah


    , jumlah jenis tanaman berkayu meningkat sedangkan   jumlah  jenis tanaman semusim menurun. Kondisi ini menyebabkan perubahan kondisi lingkungan di bawah tegakan. Fungsi pekarangan bagi masyarakat Dusun Bulu, Desa Giripurwo adalah sebagai sumber pangan, penghasil kayu, komoditi perdagangan, rempah-rempah, obat-batan, sosial, bahan baku kerajinan dan tanaman hias.


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    Paulus Henrietta


    Full Text Available T his research aimed to know the impulsive buying tendency of early adult in Yogyakarta. Impulsive buying was a buying activity without cosideration, and accompanied by strong emotional response. High impulsive buying tendency occured between age 18 to 39 years old. This research was a quantitative descriptive research with 395 subjects. Generally, the impulsive buying tendency in this research was low. Based on comparation between man and woman, it was found that woman was more impulsive than man. The result also showed that married person was more impulsive than unmarried person. Based on the types of job, there was several different among those types. But there was no different of impulsive buying tendency based on the education background level. Keywords: impulsive buying, early adult


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    Faridah Baroroh


    Full Text Available Stroke merupakan penyebab kematian paling tinggi di dunia selain kanker, selain itu terapi stroke juga memerlukan biaya yang besar, sehingga pengatasan tepat sangat diperlukan untuk mengatasinya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui jenis obat, komponen biaya, dan rata-rata biaya obat terapi stroke perhari rawat inap di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif dengan data retrospektif Januari-Juni 2015 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Analisa biaya dilakukan melalui payers perspective yang difokuskan pada biaya medik langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 130 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, 10,4% stroke hemorrhage dan 89,6% stroke non hemorrhage. Jenis obat terapi stroke yang banyak digunakan adalah neuroprotektan citicholine dan piracetam. Komponen biaya terbesar adalah biaya obat, stroke stroke hemorrhage 34.6% dan non hemorrhage 34.7%. Rata-rata biaya obat perhari rawat inap stroke hemorrhage Rp.65.323 – Rp.79.979 dan stroke non hemorrhage Rp.115.384 - Rp.119.723. Rata-rata biaya obat stroke per hari rawat inap pasien stroke hemorrhage dan stroke non hemorrhage menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan (p>0.05. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah jenis obat yang banyak digunakan neuroprotektan citicholine dan piracetam, dengan komponen biaya terbesar adalah biaya obat 34.6% - 34.7% dari biaya total perawatan, serta tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan (p>0.05 rata-rata biaya obat stroke per hari rawat inap pasien stroke hemorrhage dan stroke non hemorrhage.


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    Peter Conrad


    Full Text Available Cedera kepala merupakan sebab utama kematian dalam kecelakaan sepeda motor. Penelitian di Ame­rika Serikat, menunjukkan pemakaian helm mengurangi risiko cedera dan kematian. Penelitian ini mene­liti ketaatan terhadap peraturan pemakaian helm di Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi sistematik (N=9242 dan wawancara terbuka (n=150 di lima jalan utama yang berbeda di seluruh kota. Ketaatan umum terhadap peraturan pemakaian helm adalah 87% untuk pengemudi, dengan variasi kepen­tingan terhadap waktu dan tempat.Hanya 55% pengemudi memakai helm dengan baik (dengan tali di ikatkan dan hanya 20% penumpang memakai helm. Jadi hanya 50% orang yang naik sepeda motor terlindungi secara maksimum. Di dalam wawancara, responden mengatakan ketidak-enakan fisik dan "malas" sebagai alasan paling umum untuk tidak memakai helm; beberapa orang menyatakan helm tidak perlu di jalan-jalan kota dan di waktu malam. Wawancara mengisyaratkan bahwa orang yang naik sepeda motor memakai helm kebanyakan karena takut di tegur polisi dan responden hanya tahu sedikit tentang nilai keselamatan helm. Banyaknya pemakaian helm sekarang ini merupakan ketaatan semu ("token compliance" terhadap peraturan. Dari hasil studi diusulkan cara-cara agar keselamatan pemakaian helm di Indonesia bisa di­tingkatkan.

  6. Construction of electron beam machine 350 keV/10 mA for multipurpose application of thin sample at P3TM-BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Research and development starting in 1984 of electron beam technology in Indonesia is first briefly presented. BATAN assigned to the Yogyakarta Nuclear Center the project of constructing an electron beam machine of 350 keV/10 mA for multipurpose applications especially for thin samples for duration of five years. The main objective of the project was the young scientists training and demonstration purposes in operation and maintenance of the machine. The engineers have learned through experience of the low energy ion accelerator (150 kV) many techniques to construct the system component such as E-gun, high voltage, vacuum, beam optics, scanning horn and window, beam stopper, and conveyer as well as the embedded control system. Because of the window cooling system, the uses of the machine are limited for irradiating a thin sample of plastics, hydrogel, powder, or liquid. Future plans for modification of the machine are stated. (S. Ohno)

  7. Komunitas Berpagar: Antara Inovasi Sosial dan Ketegangan Sosial (Studi Kasus Komunitas Berpagar di Propinsi D.I Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Derajad S. Widhyharto


    Full Text Available Gated communities grow fast in Yogyakarta, not only among middle-up class, but also middle-lower class in ‘kampung’. Social dynamics of urban society have increased the complex social problems. Urban social problems such us criminality, has made urban dwellers anticipate it by putting extra security in their homes. Urban community tries to secure their homes and their circumstances by using several things, such as installing tall entrance gates surrounding their residential areas or paying more for security guards. This research is aimed at capturing how far social changes has emerged after this so-called “gated community” has rapidly grown in Indonesian society. Using the case of Yogyakarta city, this paper tries to describe the phenomenon of “gated communities” into more comprehensive account.

  8. Aplikasi Algoritma Branch and Bound Untuk Optimasi Jalur Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Yogyakarta

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    Sri Margiyani


    Full Text Available Kasus kebakaran di Indonesia, khususnya Kota Yogyakarta dari tahun ke tahun masih menunjukkan angka yang tinggi. Hal ini mengakibatkan kerugian yang cukup tinggi bagi korban kebakaran. Untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya korban jiwa dan kerugian secara material saat terjadi kebakaran, maka pihak pemadam kebakaran mengupayakan melalui rute terpendek untuk sampai di lokasi kebakaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pencarian rute terpendek jalur pemadam kebakaran dari kantor pemadam sampai ke lokasi kebakaran. Permasalahan pencarian rute terpendek jalur pemadam kebakaran secara abstrak dapat digambarkan dengan suatu graf yang merupakan masalah optimasi dalam pencarian rute terpendek (Shortest Path Problem. Pemecahan permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan merepresentasikan peta pemadam kebakaran ke dalam bentuk graf berbobot dan berarah, selanjutnya permasalahan diselesaikan menggunakan Algoritma Branch and Bound. Perhitungan dilakukan secara manual dengan jarak (dalam meter sebagai bobot perhitungan.  Berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan Algoritma Branch and Bound untuk optimasi jalur pemadam kebakaran Kota Yogyakarta untuk wilayah Kecamatan Umbulharjo menghasilkan solusi rute: Kantor pemadam kebakaran – Jln. Ipda Tut Harsono - Jln. Kusumanegara – Jln. Glagahsari – Kantor Kecamatan Umbulharjo dengan total jarak 5305 meter atau 5,035 km.

  9. Efektivitas Unit Produksi sebagai Sumber Belajar Kewirausahaan di SMK Kota Yogyakarta

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    Yuliansah Yuliansah


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to determine how production units can be used effectively as an entreprenuership learning resource to increase the entrepreneurial learning motivation, to clarify the content of the entrepreneurial learning materials and to provide direct experiences for the Vocational High Schools students in Yogyakarta. This study is survey research with quantitative approach. The population of this study were 1.995 students of grade XI and grade XII at 17 Vocational High School in Yogyakarta. 333 students were selected as the sample. Questionnaires and documentation were used for collecting the data. The data was analysed through quantitative descriptive analysis using the Microsoft Excel software. The result of this study indicated that: (1 Production units were effective to increase the intrinsic entrepreneurial learning motivation of the students (2 Production units were ineffective to increase the extrinsic entrepreneurial learning motivation of the students (3 Production units were ineffective to clarify the entrepreneurial learning materials (4 Production units were ineffective to provide direct experiences for the students.

  10. Tinjauan Geografis "Litoralisasi" di Kawasan Pesisir Selatan Yogyakarta

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    T Triyono


    Full Text Available "Littoralization" can be geographically studied based on geomorphological approach and landuse system. The method of coastal geography provides useful data of geomorphology and landuse system. This research was conducted in the coastal area of south of Yogyakarta. To process spatial data was used Geographic Information System (GIS methods (i.e. Aerial photography, satellite imagery, and field observation results. The results showed that the research area has a volcanic sandy coastal typology with flat to sloping topography. Further, this typology is divided into three units of typology, the active beach ridge and sand dunes, non-active beach ridge, and the foot hills. Development of the settlements tends toward the sea due to economic dependence on beach tourism.


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    Siti Sapardiyah Santoso


    Full Text Available A study on diabetes melitus was conducted in DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, and Surabaya in 1998/1999. The respondents were the patients who went to the Traditional Healers (Dukun Rarnuan and Sinshe, at least twice. Data collection was conducted through interview using questionnaire and also in depth interview to the respondents and Traditional Healers. The symptoms of diabetes melitus based on WHO standard such as: excessive thirst, polyuria, pruritus, and otherwise unexplained weight loss. The results showed that most of the respondent's age were 50 years old, male, graduated from highschool. And 48.7% of respondent's income were ranging between Rp 176,000.00 up to Rp 500,000.00. Generally, respondents visited the Traditional Healers by their own car or motorcycle. Most of them did not believe that diabetes melitus was caused either by black magic or curse of God. However 79,8% of the respondents hoped to be recovered from their illness immediately. The greater part of the respondents visited the Traditional Healers as suggested by their friend's. While 73%> of respondent's illness were diagnosed by health personnel. The major symptoms of diabetes melitus were parasthesia, urinate more frequently at night, thirsty, losing weight, and feeling weak. However about 58.1% respondents visited the Traditional Healers and the health personnel for three years and 47.8% visited them just for one year or less. The reasons for visiting Traditional Healers were due to cheaper, sevices closer to their homes, more confidence in traditional healers, side effects of modern treatment, and low effectiveness of modern treatment.

  12. Penyakit-Penyakit Penting Buah Naga di Tiga Sentra Pertanaman di Jawa Tengah

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    Arif Wibowo


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to identify the causal agent of some dragon fruit disease emerging in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY and Central Java. Samples were taken from the dragon fruit plantation from the district of Sleman and Kulonprogo, Province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta as well as Magelang, Province of Central Java. Isolation of pathogen from symptomatic plant tissue was performed on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA for fungi and Nutrient Agar (NA for bacteria and continued with Koch's postulates testing. The results of field observation showed that the disease commonly occured in all 3 plantations of dragon fruit were stem rot caused by Erwinia sp. and scab caused by Pestalotiopsis sp. Other miscellaneous diseases found among the plantations were brown spot (Fusarium sp., anthracnose (Colletotrichum sp., mosaic that might be caused by Cactus Virus X, root knotnematode (Meloidogyne sp., black rot and red spot which were still unidentified. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyakit-penyait penting pada tanaman buah naga yang ditanam pada sentra pertanaman buah naga di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY dan Jawa Tengah, serta untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab penyakit penting tersebut. Sampel tanaman buah naga diambil dari pertanaman buah naga di Kabupaten Sleman dan Kulon Progo untuk Provinsi DIY serta Magelang untuk Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Isolasi patogen dari jaringan tanaman bergejala dilakukan pada medium Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA untuk jamur dan Nutrient Agar (NA untuk bakteri serta dilanjutkan dengan uji Postulat Koch. Hasil pengamatan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa penyakit yang umum terdapat di 3 lokasi pertanaman buah naga tersebut adalah busuk batang yang disebabkan oleh Erwinia sp. dan kudis yang disebabkan oleh Pestalotiopsis sp. Adapun penyakit-penyakit lain yang dijumpai antara lain bercak coklat (Fusarium sp., antraknosa (Colletotrichum sp., mosaik yang kemungkinan disebabkan oleh Cactus Virus X, puru akar

  13. Kinerja Reproduksi Ternak Kuda Kerja di Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Reproductive Performances of Working Mare at Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province

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    Arif Setyobudi


    experiment were that the reproductive performances of working horse at Bantul Regency in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is generally less than the normal performances reproductive of horse. (Key words: Reproduction performance, Working horse, Bantul Regency

  14. Implementasi Algoritma Best-First Search (BeFS pada Penyelesaian Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP (Studi Kasus: Perjalanan Wisata Di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Muchammad Abrori


    Full Text Available Yogyakarta offers many tourist attractions, from nature based tourism, culinary tourism until cultural tourism. With so many tourist attractions offered by Yogyakarta, tourist often finds it difficult to arrange their travel schedule (from choosing which tourist attractions to be visited until choosing which route tourist should takes to maximize their vacation time. Therefore, it’s required to have a way to determine the shortest tour route so tourist can make their tour in the Yogyakarta effective. This problem can be categorized as Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP case. There are a lot of methods can be used to find the shortest route in Travelling Salesman Problems (TSP case. To solve the problem, which is to find the shortest tour route in Yogyakarta, Algorithm Best-First Travelling will be used in this undergraduate thesis. The implementation of Algorithm Best-First Search to find the shortest tour route in Yogyakarta can be used to produce a solution for tourist to choose the shortest tour package and decide which route they should take. The premium tour package produces tour route from Adi Sucipto Airport-Gembira Loka Zoo- Purawisata-N’dalem Gamelan Hotel-Yogyakarta Palace-Benteng Vredeburg Museum-Taman Pintar-Tamansari-Adi Sucipto Airport with distance covered 20.297 meter. The middle tour package produces tour route from Tugu railway station-Benteng Vredeburg Museum- Taman Pintar-Yogyakarta Palace-Mawar Asri Hotel-Tamansari-Purawisata-Gembira Loka Zoo-Tugu railway station with distance covered 11.772 meter. The economy tour package produces tour route from Giwangan bus station- Gembira Loka zoo-Purawisata-Yogyakarta Palace-Mitra Hotel-Benteng Vredeburg Museum-Taman Pintar-Tamansari-Giwangan bus station with distance covered 14.037 meter.

  15. Residu Deltamethrin Terlacak pada Hati Ayam Pedaging yang Dipasarkan di Yogyakarta (DETECTION OF DELTAMETHRIN RESIDUE IN BROILER LIVER TRADED IN YOGYAKARTA

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    Gagak Donny Satria


    Full Text Available The consumer assurance to get safe, hygienic, whole, and halal food is an important concern. Analysisof chemical residue is one of some ways  to examine food safety. The objective of this research was to detectdeltamethrin residue in broiler liver sold in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The isocratic HPLC method was usedin this research, using Shimadzu 6.1, 80% of Acetonitrile in Aquabides as mobile phase, with 1ml/minutesof flow rate. C-18 was used as column and the wavelength of UV-Vis detector was 270 nm. The result of theresearch was get from HPLC’s analyses. Deltamethrin’s peak area would be presented in retention time 8-12minutes with specific profile of curve. The result of the research showed that deltamethrin was positivelydetected in 13 broiler livers. It’s concluded that broiler livers that sold in Yogyakarta are detected to containdeltamethrin-contaminated.


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    Yayuk Eni Rahayu


    Full Text Available This study aims to describe perceptions, attitudes, and factors influencing the use of Javanese among career women and the implications for the Javanese preservationin the Yogyakarta area. It was a survey study involving working women whose mother tongue was Javanese. The data were collected through a questionnaire andwere analyzed using the descriptive technique. The findings show that the career women’s perceptions are still positive. This is supported by the fact that they use Javanese in informal communicative situations. They use it in the communication with husbands, children, servants, and community members in informal situations, and colleagues in the workplace. It can be concluded that in informal communicative situations there has been no significant shift from Javanese into Indonesian among career women in the Yogyakarta area.


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    Agus Sarwo Prayogi


    Full Text Available Background: Cancer is a disease with term mortality second highest taxable income of heart disease in the world. A total of 68.638 in case cancer was found in 2013 in Central Java, Yogyakarta found 4.1% per 1,000 case of cancer, and in Hospital Panembahan Senopati on January there were 282 cases. The process of chemotherapy cause psychological problems for patients is anxiety. Anxiety usually occurred because a person's lack of ability to adapt in the face of adversity or can be called with resilience. Objective: To determine the corelation between resilience with anxiety levels of cancer patients in hospitals Panembahan Senopati, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Methods: The methods of this research used a correlation of descriptive with cross-sectional design consisting of the 75 respondents using purposive sampling technique. Variable dependent resilience, variable independent anxiety levels of cancer patients. Results: There between correlations resilience with anxiety levels of patients cancer in hospitals Panembahan Senopati Bantul, with findings Kendall Tau test at -0231 and Zhitung obtained 2.904265 by the P value of 0.027 (P <0.05. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between resilience with anxiety levels of cancer patients in hospitals Panembahan Senopati Bantul Yogyakarta.

  18. Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Terjadinya Unmet Need KB pada Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Susiana Sariyati


    Full Text Available The problem of population is important big issues and urgent, primarily related with aspects of the quality of population control, improving the quality of population and mobility of population, if its associated with the potential threat of explosion of population. The purpose of this study was to know factors associated with unmet need family planning among reproductive age couples in Yogyakarta. This study used descriptive method. The populations of this study were all of reproductive age couples in Yogyakarta. The sampling technique was done by probability proportional to size resulted on 779 respondents of reproductive age couples from 30 sub village in 30 village in Yogyakarta. The results of study showed that there was no significant relationship between respondent ages and unmet need, no significant relationship between wife education and unmet need, and no significant relationship between the number of children still live and unmet need.


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    Nur Laili Marufah


    Full Text Available This research was conducted to study the elements and value chain of milk-processing cluster industry in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The respondent in this study consisted of cow and goats milk processing industry, dairy cooperative and related institution. The data consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected through observation and interviews, while secondary data obtained from statistical data from Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives, Agricultural Service of Agriculture Department and LPPOM MUI DIY. Descriptive analysis were used in this study to analyzed the data. Respondent and locations were determined using purposive sampling methods lead to be analyse descriptively. The results showed that stakeholders involved as important elements of milkprocessing cluster industry were milk suppliers (farmer, dairy groups, and cooperative, core industry (small-medium scale processor of cow’s and goat milk, supporting industry (sugar, packaging and tools, supporting institution (bank, university, and government agencies, related industry (food chain, bakery, and coffee shop, and also buyers (retailer, distributor, end user or consumer. Their main products are pasteurized cow’s and goat milk, yoghurt of cow’s milk, and goat milk powder. The long chains to produce milk product since the raw milk have indicated some added values on economy and involvement of man powers leading to local economic development as well as of technology innovation or industry. It has been concluded that milk-processing cluster industry could be used as a locomotive for regional economics development. (Key words: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Elements, Milk-processing cluster industry, Regional economic development, Value chain

  20. Pengaruh Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I pada Seni Karawitan Kraton Yogyakarta

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    Raharja -


    Full Text Available Gamelan sebagai alat musik atau karawitan sebagai produk musikal dari Kraton Yogyakartamempunyai beberapa karakter yang sangat khas. Karawitan masih dipergunakan sebagai suatu identitasdan diakui oleh masyarakat hingga saat ini. Pengembangan musikal ini bermula dari Sri SultanHamengku Buwono I. Ada dua alasan penting yang mendorong gagasan penciptaan karaktergamelan. Pertama, konsepsi kedudukan raja telah mendudukkan gamelan sebagai salah satu pusakapenting. Kedua, kepribadian Sultan yang maskulin, heroik, dan patriotik menjadi model pengembangan,memberi ciri khas pada masing-masing ricikan gamelan dan musikalitasnya. Gamelan KratonYogyakarta mempunyai kesan rasa musikal: agung, gagah, tegas, mantap, berwibawa, mrabu (sepertiraja, dan ngratoni (seperti suasana di kraton.   The Effect of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I on Kraton Yogyakarta Karawitan. Gamelan asmusical instrument or karawitan as a musical product of Kraton Yogyakarta has some specific characters. Itis still used as an identity and is recognized by karawitan society until now. This musical development wasfirstly introduced by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I. There are two important reasons which stimulatethe ideas of creating gamelan characters. First, the king’s authority conception puts the gamelan as one ofthe important heirloom. Second, Sultan’s personalities which are masculine, heroic, and patriotic becomethe influencing model of its development, and give some specific characters on each gamelan instrument andits musicality as well. Kraton Yogyakarta gamelan has many musical rasa(s/feelings: glorious, strong, clear,steady, prestigious, ‘mrabu’ (like a king, and ‘ngratoni’ (such an atmosphere of Kraton.


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    Titin Aryani


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Backgroud: Nowadays, bottled water has become the most substitute water for cooking drinking water. Although bottled water seemed attractive, it is crucial to assess its quality. Objective: This quantitative study aimed to determine the quality of the 5 brands of bottled water circulating in Yogyakarta, in terms of physical parameters (temperature, smell, taste, color, turbidity, and TDS electroconductivity and chemical parameters of water (pH, the presence of Cl-ions, and the presence of metals such as Cr, Fe, Zn, Cd. Methods: The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The instrument used to determine the quality of bottled water is the standard of drinking water quality standards. Result: The results showed that five samples of bottled water circulating in Yogyakarta, are all qualified bottled water both in terms of physical parameters (temperature, smell, taste, color, turbidity, electroconductivity, and TDS and chemical parameters of water (pH , the presence of Cl-ions, and the presence of metals such as Cr, Fe, Zn, Cd. Conclusion: Five samples of bottled water circulating in Yogyakarta were suitable for consumption.


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    Eka Wardhani S.


    Full Text Available Evaluasi terhadap pemanfaatan koleksi sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar koleksi tersebut diakses dan dimanfaatkan oleh pengguna. Ebsco Biomedical Reference Collection (Ebsco BRC merupakan salah satu database jurnal yang berparadigma akses. Evaluasi pemanfaatan jurnal dalam database Ebsco BRC merupakan penelitian tentang pemanfaatan koleksi perpustakaan yang dilakukan di UPIK (Unit Perpustakaan dan Informatika Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keterpakaian dan pemanfaatan jumal oleh sivitas akademika di FK UGM. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. . Instrumen yang digunakan dalam evaluasi adalah kuesioner dan usage statistics report. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keterpakaian jurnal berdasarkan judul yang ada tinggi (97,96%, akan tetapi tingkat pengaksesannya belum dilakukan secara maksimal. Rata-rata pengaksesan jurnal setiap harinya 25%. Dari data usage statistics report dapat diketahui sebanyak 12 judul jumal yang diakses lebih dari 1000 kali yang dinyatakan sebagai jumal yang paling sering diakses oleh pengguna. Saran peneliti berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah bahwa kegiatan melanggan koleksi database Ebsco dapat terus dilakukan , akan tetapi UPIK harus berusaha meningkatkan sosialisasi koleksi, aksesibilitas, fasilitas, dan bimbingan bagi pengguna dalam melakukan penelusuran dalam database tersebut agar dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Koleksi, Ebsco

  3. Hubungan Kecemasan Sosial dan Kematangan Emosi dengan Kematangan Seksual Remaja SMP di Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Endang Sri Lestari


    Full Text Available This research aims to find out some factors related to the sexual maturity, such as the social anxiety and emotional maturity on the adolescents of the SMP in Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. The hypotheses which are presented in this research are: First; there is a relation between the social anxiety and emotional maturity towards the sexual maturity; Second, there is a negative relation between the social anxiety and sexual maturity; Third, there is a positive relation between the emotional maturity and sexual maturity.The research participants were 70 male and female adolescents in SMP N 2 Banguntapan, Kabupaten Bantul. The data gathering was carried out in two phases, First, by applying the sampling area technique in order to determine the research location and Second, by applying the cluster random sampling technique to determine the research sample subject. Meanwhile, the research instrument which was employed was the scale of social anxiety, emotional maturity and sexual adolescents maturity. The double-regression technique was applied to analyze the data in this research.The result of this research showed that: First, there was a relation between social anxiety and emotional maturity towards the sexual maturity in adolescentsof the SMP in Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta (R=0,667, R2=0,445, F-regression= 26,911 and the significant level for about p< 0,01. Second, there was a negative relation between the social anxiety and sexual maturity in adolescentof the SMP in Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta (R partial=0,632, p=0,01. Third, there was a positive relation between the emotional maturity and sexual maturity in adolescebtsof the SMP in Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta (R partial=0,358, level p<0,01.Key words:  Sexual Maturity, Social Anxiety, Emotional Maturity.


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    Umi Latifah


    Full Text Available Background:Adolescence isa periodof transition fromchildhood toadulthood.Adolescence tendtowantto learnnew thingssotheyappear towant to be doublebehavior, one of which is illicit sex. Based onpreliminary studiesconducted inSMAN1Sedayuobtained informationsome students donot understandthe impact of freesex.Theyalso lackknowledgeabout reproductive health. Objectives:Thepurposeof thisstudi todeterminetherelationshipbetween the level of knowledgeaboutadolescent reproductivehealthattitudes towardsex inSMA N 1SedayuBantul Yogyakarta.Methods : The method in this research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach.Sampleswere takenwithquotasampling technique in which168 students aged16-18years inSMAN1Sedayu.The research instrument was a questionnaireand the results wereanalyzedby Kendall Taucorrelation formula. Results : The level of knowledge about adolescent reproductive health inSMAN1SedayuBantulmostlywellas78students(46.4%.Attitudes towardsex inSMA 1SedayuBantul Yogyakarta Sedayumostlypositiveasmanyas133 students(79.2%. Theresultsof thecorrelation test of Kendall Tauobtained p-valueof 0,000<(0,05.Conclusion : There is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge about adolescentreproductivehealthattitudes toward sex inSMAN1SedayuBantul, Yogyakarta.

  5. Implementasi Kebijakan Sertifikasi Guru dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru di Kota Yogyakarta


    Bachtiar Dwi Kurniawan


    This research was conducted to determine teacher certification policies, especially the line of portofolio, in order to improve profesionalism teachers. Research certification policy implementation especially want to see how far the process of implementation conducted by the executive, and what factors influence teacher certification policy implementation in Kota Yogyakarta. Further research is intended to see the impact of teacher certification policy toward teacher professionalism in teachi...

  6. MONITORING KADAR NITRIT DAN NITRAT PADA AIR SUMUR DI DAERAH CATUR TUNGGAL YOGYAKARTA DENGAN METODE SPEKTROFOTOMETRI UV-VIS (Monitoring of Nitrite and Nitrate Content in Ground Water of Catur Tunggal Region of Yogyakarta by UV-VIS Spectrophotometry

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    Setiowati Setiowati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Metode analisis nitrit dan nitrat perlu dikembangkan untuk memonitor kualitas air minum. Kualitas air sumur untuk parameter nitrit dan nitrat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan dan kedalaman air sumur.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis nitrit dan nitrat menggunakan asam p-aminobenzoat (PABA pada air sumur di daerah perkotaan Yogyakarta. Analisis nitrit didasarkan pada reaksi antara ion nitrit dengan PABA yang membentuk senyawa azo dengan panjang gelombang maksimum 546 nm. Kedalaman air sumur di daerah Catur Tunggal rata-rata > 10 m. Kadar nitrit dan nitrat pada air sumur adalah 0,05-0,09 dan 8,22-36,58 mg/L. Kadar nitrit dan nitrat tersebut memenuhi baku mutu dan aman untuk dikonsumsi. Konsentrasi nitrit dan nitrat pada air RO adalah 0,05 dan 2,72-59,57 mg/L. Kadar nitrit pada air RO tidak memenuhi baku mutu sedangkan kadar nitrat memenuhi baku mutu kecuali RO 5. ABSTRACT The method for analysis nitrite and nitrate had to developed to monitor the drinking water quality. The well water quality, especially for nitrite and nitrate were influenced by environmental conditions and depth of well. This study aims to analyze nitrite and nitrate using p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA in ground water at urban areas of Yogyakarta. The analysis was based on the reaction between nitrite ions with PABA which form azo compounds with a maximum wavelength of 546 nm. The depth of wells at Catur Tunggal were more than 10 m. Concentration of nitrite and nitrate in well water were 0.05 to 0.09 and 8.22 to 36.58 mg / L. The concentrations met the standard for drinking water quality and was safe for consumption. The concentration of nitrite and nitrate in reverse osmosis (RO water were 0.05 and 2.72 to 59.57 mg / L. The concentration of nitrite did not meet the standard for drinking water quality while the concentration of nitrate met the standard for drinking water quality except RO 5.


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    Dheska Arthyka Palifiana


    Full Text Available Background: To have rest or to sleep is basic need that needed by everyone.  To have enough rest or sleep will make body functioned optimally. By sleeping people can restore or to rest the physical after whole day activities, it can reduce stress and anxiety. It also improve concentration and improve ability when doing daily activities. Factors that affect quality and quantity of sleep include ill, fatigue, environment, lifestyle, emotional stress, diet, smoking, stimulant, alcohol, and motivation. The stress level on assisted citizen of woman’s prisoner will be more severe than who are not in prison so as stress can be overcome then the quality of sleep becomes better. Objective:To know the correlation between stress levels and sleep quality on assisted people in woman Penitentiary class II A Yogyakarta. Methods: The research was conducted at women's prison class II A Yogyakarta.  Research population was 117 women prisoners. The sample was 50 women prisoners. Type of the research was descriptive analytic research with cross sectional design. Statistical analysis used chi square. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Results: The stress level was mostly in high category as many as 17 respondents experienced stress (34%. Sleep quality of the respondents were mostly in bad category as many as 38 respondents (76%. There is a correlation between stress level and sleep quality on women prisoners in Penitentiary class II A Yogyakarta with p-value (0.033. Conclusion: There is a correlation between stress level and sleep quality on women prisoners in Penitentiary class II A Yogyakarta.   Keywords:Stress level, sleep quality, assisted people, penitentiary

  8. Identifiksi Sebaran Litologi berdasarkan Analisis Data Resistivitas di Gunung Wungkal


    Nurul Dzakiya; MGS. Dwiki Nugraha; Nenden L. Sidik; Trias Galena


    Analisis data untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran litologi yang memiliki potensi bahan galian industri di Daerah Gunung Wungkal Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas dan survei geologi permukaan telah dilakukan. Hasil korelasi kedua data tersebut menunjukkan sebaran litologi merupakan pelapukan intrusi batuan beku yang kemudian menghasilkan material lempung (6,0-10 m), lempung pasiran (11-30 m) dan lapukan batuan diorit (30-55 m) yang berada di kedalaman berbeda. Ketebalan batuan di pe...

  9. Wacana Kekerasan dan Upaya Reharmonisasi Konflik dalam Kasus Perkelahian Pelajar di YOGYAKARTA


    Efianingrum, Ariefa


    This research aims at exploring violence discourse in interaction among students, and efforts to reharmonize the conflict in fight of students in Yogyakarta. Based on the research, students know the violence discourse from electronic media and friendship. The violence discourse they recognize includes violence through language ( words, expression, comments, insult, mocks). They are familiar enough with the rude languages. To some of them, those rude words are the symbol of their close friends...



    Muya Barida


    Program implementation is very influential toward service outcome. This study aims to know the similarities or the differences between planning and implementation program by counselor. This study refers to discrepancy model which consist of four stages : (1) design, (2) installation, (3) process, and (4) product. The research subject is counselor of state junior high school 1 Yogyakarta. The result of questionnaire and interview shows that the score is relatively high. In conslusion, there ar...

  11. Resistensi Mahasiswa terhadap Kebijakan Kampus di UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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    Suliadi Suliadi


    Full Text Available The student resistance to the authority is a history that cannot be separated from the long journey of each country. Student involvement in the process of changes for their nation in every movement of history cannot be denied. Students as intellectual get a job to be responsible for the social and economic situation of the political nation. History has many notes that the changes in social systems, economics, and politics in many countries are the outcome of the intellectuals that was pioneered by the students. Role of students in Indonesia is not a stranger within each change. The achievement of the independence of Indonesia cannot be separated from the role of students who at the time as one of the component of who participated inside. Various resistances of students against the college policy has always colored the dynamics of college life, this is what later became the base of growing various movement organizations in Yogyakarta, even in the progress up to now only UIN, which still survive dialectical process of the student movement. That is the background theme of this research. The research was done at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This study uses Michel Foucault’s theory of power relations and knowledge, as well as his theory of resistances  JC scott. The method used is a descriptive of qualitative, while the techniques of data collection be done in several ways, namely direct observation (direct observation, participation (direct participation, interview (interview, and document analysis. Techniques of data analysis is started by studying all of the data acquired, reducing the data by creating an abstraction, coding (categorizing data, reconstruction (rearrangements, and fially to do the interpretation ofthe obtained data. The results of this study indicate that the resistances of students at UIN Sunan Kalijaga formed the background by two factors, objective and subjective factors. Objectively factor is the situation of national


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    Chafit Ulya


    Full Text Available This study aims to describe and explain the content of anti-corruption education in the study and appreciation of poetry in Central Java and Yogyakarta. The object of this research is five universities in Central Java and Yogyakarta, ie UNS, UAD, UMP, Unsoed, and Unikal. The content of anti-corruption education obtained through interviews with the lecturer of the course poem in five universities. Data were collected and analyzed by an interactive model. The results obtained from this study are as follows. (1 The values of anti-corruption education has been internalized into the course study and appreciation of poetry; (2 The value of anti-corruption education that internalized is still general and not concretely lead to anti-corruption values; (3 The value of anti-corruption education that internalized through poems containing the noble values of character education.

  13. Characterization of the groundwater in the Eastern side of Batan, Aklan aquifer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sucgang, Raymond J.; Pabroa, Preciosa Corazon B.; Petrache, Christina A.; Lapay, Rosebelly P.; Luces, Arnicole B.


    Groundwater is constantly being recycled and replenished by rainfall. However, because of the uneven distribution of rain and the heavy use of water in some areas, some basins/aquifers are experiencing environmental stress. To delineate the ground water recharge areas for the eastern side of Batan, Aklan, Philippines and to assess the vulnerability of the aquifer to pollution and sea water intrusion, measurements on the filled parameters, pH, conductivity, as well as, the eight major ions, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, nitrate, sulfate, and bicarbonate were made. Some geochemical processes were recognized in the Batan, Aklan basin. The most important processes are: water-bedrock interaction, and sea water intrusion. The groundwater in the eastern Batan, Aklan basin is predominantly of the calcium magnesium bicarbonate type. Two clusters of water type were found. Cluster 1 (Aby, Mandong Manukan and Poblacion Magkawit) and Cluster 2 (Banica Hill,Banica Plain, Poblacion Acacia and Angas (1)). Recharge in Cluster 1 becomes sodium chloride dominated due to possible impending brackish water intrusion. Recharge in the Cluster 2 does not show salinisation/seawater intrusion and may indicate active recharge to the subsurface water. The overall quality of subsurface water in the eastern side of Batan, Aklan can be considered good and compliant with the limits set forth by the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water, for the physicochemical parameters, except for the Angas (1) and Angas creek waters which have very acidic pH. As far as radioactivity is concerned, the whole basin had water which were below the regulatory limit for alpha emitters which is 0.1 Becquerels per litter and also below the limit for beta emitters which is 1.0 Bq/L. Radioactivity concentration of the water samples were tested using a Packard Liquid Scintillation Counter. (author)

  14. Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Nifas tentang Kolostrum dengan Motivasi Pemberian Kolostrum di Rumah Sakit Panembahan Senopati Bantul, Yogyakarta

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    Desti Astuti


    Full Text Available In 2012 the scope of exclusive breastfeeding in DIY were 48%, while in Bantul district as much as 62.05% in 2013. Breastfed which is first out after delivery called colostrum and very important given to infants, but many of postpartum mothers are less or not knowing about the importance of colostrum. The purpose of study was to know relationship between the knowledge level of postpartum mothers about colostrum and motivation of giving colostrum in Panembahan Senopati Bantul hospital, Yogyakarta. This study was an observational analytic with cross sectional design. Samples were 54 of postpartum mothers days 0 to 4 at Panembahan Senopati Bantul hospital, Yogyakarta which obtained by accidental sampling technique. Instruments used was closed questionnaire. Data analysis used Kendal Tau test. The data were analyzed by statistical correlation kendall tau obtained p-value were 0.000<α (0.05. The value of a correlation coefficient were 0.632. it mean that the connection was strong. In conclusions, there was a relationship between knowledge level of pospartum mothers about colostrum and motivation of giving colostrum in Panembahan Senopati Bantul hospital, Yogyakarta 2015.

  15. Perbedaan Ekspresi Emosi Pada Beberapa Tingkat Generasi Suku Jawa di Yogyakarta

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    Aditya Putra Kurniawan


    Full Text Available The objec¬tive of this research is to find whether, there are differences of emotion expression in three generation of Javanese culture in Yogya¬karta. This research is a quanti¬tative study, using Display Rules Assessment Inventory (DRAl. The subjects of this study were late adolescent, early adulthood and middle adulthood who were born and live in Yogyakarta. The result of this research shows, there was no difference of emotion expression in different generation of Javanese culture in Yogyakarta (F = 1,042 ; P = 0,356;. All three generation expressed emotion in the same way. This result describes that three generation categories who have been researched are still in the same norms on display rules of emotion in all situation. The researcher argue that the result is influenced by Javanese culture. The Javanese values of respect and the maintenance of social harmony (rukun are base on principles of normative and moral guidance for social interaction within both the family and community. The strong emphasis on rukun (social harmony has marked the typical Javanese as inexpressive, avoiding social and personal conflict. These values virtues contribute to harmonious social integration. Ideal human virtues include obedience to superiors (manut, generosity, avoidance of conflict, understanding of others, and empathy. These moral compo¬nents and values that colourize Javanese society are internalized by the children during the earliest years, and significant forces motivating the child's behaviour later in adulthood. Keywords:\tExpression emotion, three generation (late adolescent, early adulthood and middle adulthood, Javanese culture.

  16. Konsumsi Junk Food dan Hipertensi pada Lansia di Kecamatan Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta

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    Rantiningsih Sumarni


    Full Text Available The risk of hypertension increases in line with a changes in modern lifestyle. Elderly tends to select food such as junk food with high calories, and fat, but low in fi ber and other nutrients. Junk food contains high amounts of sodium that can increase the volume of blood in the body, so make stronger heart blood pumps and cause the higher blood pressure (hypertension. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between junk food consumption and hypertension in elderly in Kasihan sub-district Bantul, Yogyakarta. This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional design. The samples were 100 elderly lives in Kasihan sub-district Bantul, Yogyakarta. The results showed that there was relationship between the consumption of junk food and hypertension. Respondents who suffered from hypertension were 49 (67.1% who often consumed junk food and 24 respondents (32.9% who rarely consumed junk food. Respondents who did not undergo hypertension were 9 respondents (33.3% that often consumed junk food and 18 respondents (66.7% that rarely consumed junk food. In conclusion, there was a relationship between junk food consumption and hypertension in elderly. Risk of hypertension in respondents who consumed more often junk food were 4.083 times higher than them who rarely consumed junk food.

  17. Nuclear material safeguards technology development in the new structure of BATAN organization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ilyas, Zurias


    Full text: The implementation of Nuclear Energy Act No. 10/97 has led to a restructuring in BATAN organization in July 1999. A new unit, Center for Nuclear Material Safeguards Technology (PTPBN), was established to be especially in charge of safeguards facilities. The main responsibility of this unit is to develop the technology of safeguards and physical protection. The function of this unit is also to analyze the operational technical aspect of the International Convention of Nuclear. The duties of Center for Nuclear Material Safeguards Technology can be seen from the various programs set up for every fiscal year. The programs for the year 2000 were: Analyses of SSAC implementation in BATAN; Development of Safeguards information system; Creation of database of physical protection technology; Physical protection simulator for Bandung reactor research; Development of detector technology for physical protection system; Identification of BATAN activities and facilities submitted to IAEA in order to be in line with the Additional Protocol to the agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in connection with the Treaty on Non-Proliferation on Nuclear Weapons, which was ratified on September 29th, 1999 in Vienna, Austria; Seminar on Safeguards technology held in Jakarta in September 2000. The program of 2001 will be focusing on the continuation of the previous year's program as well as the creation of new ones, such as: Collaboration with other countries. At initial stage experts from JBC-Japan were invited to share their expertise on their safeguards information system; Development of education and training for safeguards operators by emphasizing more on the techniques of nuclear materials measurement; Seminar on Safeguards technology scheduled for December 2001 by inviting experts from IAEA and modem countries; Field survey to determine the location of radionuclide station in Indonesia in

  18. Tingkat Pengetahuan PUS Tidak Berhubungan dengan Keikutsertaan KB di Desa Argomulyo, Sedayu, Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Ardhiyani Muslimah


    Full Text Available Family Planning (FP participation is the most important thing in the family planning program in Indonesia. Based on the baseline study, family planning participations in 6 in Argomulyo village covered 533 couples (59.22 % of 900 total couple of reproductive age. Knowledge is one of the factors that causes reproductive age couples to join the family planning program. Knowledge is used as the basis of actions to solve problems and this was the result of knowing after the people recognice an object. Knowledge about family planning is expected to cause the participation of reproductive age couples in the family planning program. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the knowledge level of family planning participation in reproductive age couples in Argomulyo village, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta 2014. Study design was observational analytic with cross sectional aproach. Technique sampling used was total sampling of reproductive age couples in Argomulyo village, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta resulted on 907 respondents. Data was colected by interview using the questionnaire. The analysis used was chi-square. The result of chi-square test showed a p-value 0.318>(0.05 and coefficients contingency of 0.05 so knowledge level had no relationship with FP participation. Knowledge level was 71.00% good, while the highest participation of family planning in the majority of with fair level enough was 68.8%, in addition, the highest proportion of couples who did not participate in FP program was 41.8%. In Conclusion, there was no significant relationship between the knowledge level about family planning and the participation of the family planning in reproductive age couples in Argomulyo village, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta year 2014.

  19. Manajemen Kurikulum Pesantren Berbasis Madrasah di MAN 3 Sleman Yogyakarta

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    Elfa Tsuroyya


    Full Text Available This research aims to know the management of curriculum at an Islamic boarding school, that is madrasa based. This research focuses on the factors that restricting and supporting in developing the curriculum of pesantren, as well as on its problem solving. Using qualitative approach, this research gathered the data through interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the management of curriculum development designed by PP. Muntasyirul Ulum MAN 3 Sleman, Yogyakarta include planning, organizing, implementing and evaluation. Curriculum development strategies were carried out by carrying out these steps: 1 Bench marking, 2 scientific visit, 3 trial and error program, 4 establishment of curriculum commission, 5 review process, open criticism and suggestions, and 6 evaluation during the end of the semester.

  20. PEMANGKASAN AKAR DAN INOKULASI JMA SEBAGAI UPAYA PENINGKATAN FITOREMEDIASI TANAH TERCEMAR MERKURI AKIBAT PENAMBANGAN EMAS OLEH TANAMAN JATI DI KOKAP KULON PROGO YOGYAKARTA (Under ground root pruning and JMA inoculation to improve phytoremediation of soil contaminated with mercury due to gold mining by Tectona grandis in Kokap Kulonprogo Yogyakarta

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    Akhsin Zulkoni


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemangkasan akar (underground root pruning/URP terhadap fitoremediasi tanah yang tercemar merkuri di Kokap Kulon Progo Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah URP, yaitu dengan dan tanpa URP. Faktor kedua ialah takaran Jamur Mikoriza Arbuskula (JMA, meliputi 0; 50; 100, dan 150 g/pot. Hasil penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa pemangkasan akar serta inokulasi JMA ke dalam tanah sisa olahan penambangan emas telah berhasil memacu proses fitoremediasi melalui perluasan rizosfer. Serapan merkuri oleh tanaman Jati yang menjalani pemangkasan akar serta inokulasi JMA sebanyak 100% paling tinggi dibanding perlakuan lain maupun kontrol. Pada perlakuan ini, efisiensi penurunan merkuri di dalam tanah oleh tanaman jati sebesar 88,61%, sedangkan kontrol hanya mencapai 64,11%.   ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of underground root pruning (URP of the mercury-contaminated soil phytoremediation in Kokap Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. This study was conducted using complete randomized block design with three replications. The first factor is the URP, that divided as with and without URP (root pruning. The second factor is the dose of JMA, are 0; 50; 100, and 150 g/pot. Results of studies have proven that the root pruning and inoculation of JMA into the residual gold mining soil has successfully accelerated the process of phytoremediation through the expansion of the rhizosphere. Mercury uptake by Tectona grandis, Linn F that is with root pruning and 100% JMA inoculation are highest other treatment and control. In this treatment, the removal efficiency of mercury in the soil by plants amounted to 88.61% identity, meanwhile control only reached 64.11%.

  1. Proceeding of the Scientific Meeting and Presentation on Basic Research in Nuclear of the Scientific and Technology Part II : Nuclear Chemistry; Process Technology and Radioactive Waste Management; Environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sudjatmoko; Karmanto, Eko Edy; Endang-Supartini


    Scientific Meeting and Presentation on Basic Research in Nuclear Science and Technology is a routine activity was held by Yogyakarta Nuclear Research Centre, National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) for monitoring the research activity which achieved in BATAN. The Proceeding contains a proposal about basic which has Nuclear Chemistry, Process Technology, Radioactive Waste Management and Environment. This proceeding is the second part from two part which published in series. There are 61 articles which have separated index


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    Muya Barida


    Full Text Available Program implementation is very influential toward service outcome. This study aims to know the similarities or the differences between planning and implementation program by counselor. This study refers to discrepancy model which consist of four stages : (1 design, (2 installation, (3 process, and (4 product. The research subject is counselor of state junior high school 1 Yogyakarta. The result of questionnaire and interview shows that the score is relatively high. In conslusion, there are similarities between planning and implementation program of basic counseling.Keywords: evaluation, basic counseling of individual-social field.

  3. The Study of External Radiation Dose for Radiation Worker at PRSG-BATAN Serpong

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sunarningsih; Mashudi; A Lilik W; Yosep S


    The study of External radiation dose for radiation worker at PRSG-BATAN Serpong has been carried out. The sample is taken from the System Reactor division (BSR), Operation Reactor division, (BOR) Safety division UPN, UJM and head of PRSG by setting Thermoluminescence Dosemeter (TLD) on the chest, then is detected by a tool TLD reader model 6600. The aim of this study is to evaluate the occupational exposure dose that has been accepted by the radiation worker for the last five years. The result in average doses at BSR is 0,99 mSv, BOR is 3,27 mSv, at BK is 0,69 mSv and UPN + UJM + head of PRSG is 0,03 mSv. The result highest doses at BSR is 6,58 mSv, BOR is 28,94 mSv, BK is 4,24 mSv, and UPN UJM Head of PRSG is 0,52 mSv. Dose interval radiation worker at PRSG BATAN ttd - 28,98 mSv. To overall the external personal dose acceptant for radiation worker at PRSG BATAN one below maximum permissible dose acceptant that allowed by BAPETEN, that is 20 mSv in average every year during five years. (author)

  4. Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Trimester III Tentang KB Pasca Persalinan di Puskesmas Jetis Kota, Yogyakarta

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    Nining Kurnia


    Full Text Available The population of Indonesia increased every year. The goverment makes family planning post delivery to press off Indonesian growth. In Yogyakarta family planning post delivery were used by 527 people, at Puskesmas Jetis were 167 women from 363 total target of pregnant women. A succession of this program influenced by knowledge and education. The purpose of this study was to know the knowledge level of pregnant women in trimester III about family planning post delivery at Puskesmas Jetis Yogyakarta. The methode of this study was descriptive quantitative with cross sectional design. The sample obtained by saturated sampling technique which consisted of 45 pregnant women trimester III. The data used univariate analysys. The results showed that most of pregnants women in trimester III was aged 20-35 years (77.7%, high school education (37.8%, and there was 51.1% of pregnant women in fair knowledge level. Most of pregnant women decides to used family planning injection post delivery (44.4%. In conclusion, the knowledge level of pregnant women in trimester III about family planning post delivery was mostly in fair knowledge level.

  5. Menikmati Secangkir Teh Nasgithel Rasa Yogyakarta

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    Rujiyanto Rujiyanto


    Full Text Available Enjoying the art exhibition is like enjoying a cup of hot sweet tea in the afternoon. There are mixed feelings that we enjoy when walking by the spaces and searching for the meaning of artworks. Exhibition "Negari Ngayogyakarta" is a great exhibition of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Palace, and Hamengkubuwono IX. A very special exhibition is associated with the day of 100 years of the birth of a great leader of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, Sultan HB IX. The exhibition was loaded with messages of journey of Yogyakarta and HB IX in the political role scene in the early period of independence until the present realities of Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta as the Kawah Candradimuka place to learn talented artists, reflected in the works of heavily loaded with the deepening of the concepts and ideas are very visionary and imaginary. 

  6. Tingkat kecemasan, asupan makan, dan status gizi pada lansia di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Ninna Rohmawati


    Full Text Available Background: Psychological factors such as anxiety have significant contributions in determining dietary intake and nutritional status of elderly. Prevalence of malnutrition in elderly has achieved significant level. Objective: To determine the correlation between anxiety level with dietary intake and nutritional status of elderly in Yogyakarta municipality. Method: This research was observational with cross sectional design. Subjects were elderly in Yogyakarta municipality who fulfilled inclusion criteria. Research subjects consisted of 214 people. Anxiety level was measured with trait-manifest anxiety scale (T-MAS form, dietary intake with semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQFFQ method, and nutritional status was determined based on body mass arm span (BMA. Data were analyzed with Chi-Square test and multiple logistic regression. Results: A percentage of 26.2% subjects had moderate anxiety level. Most dominant factors that influenced anxiety level was sex (OR=3.37. Bivariate analysis showed a significant correlation between anxiety level and nutritional status (p<0.05, subjects with moderate anxiety level were more likely to have higher nutritional status (OR=3.54 and lower nutritional status (OR=2.29. Significant correlation was found between moderate anxiety level with excessive dietary intake (p<0.001; OR=6.22. Significant correlation was also found between dietary intake with nutritional status (p<0.05, subjects with excessive dietary intake were more likely to have higher nutritional status (OR=6.15. Conclusion: Significant correlation was found between anxiety level and nutritional status. Significant correlation was also found between anxiety level and dietary intake, and significant correlation was found between dietary intake and nutritional status.

  7. Penyebaran Batuan Situs Purbakala Candi Palgading di Dusun Palgading, Desa Sinduharjo, Kecamatan Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan Menggunakan Metode Resistivitas Dipole Dipole

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    Usmardin Usmardin


    Full Text Available Candi Palgading yang terletak di Desa Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, D.I.Yogyakarta tanggal 1 Juli 2009 sampai 4 Juli 2009 dengan menggunakan alat Resistivitymeter. Pemetaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran dan kedalaman batuan penyusun candi pada Situs Candi Palgading serta sebagai sumber informasi bagi usaha penemuan benda-benda purbakala yang terpendam dalam tanah. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan 8 lintasan ukur, dan mencakup luas daerah pengukuran ±1000 m2. Lintasan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dan 8 mengambil jarak rentang elektroda (a = 3 m sedangkan lintasan 7 jarak rentang elektrodanya (a = 2 m. Keseluruhan lintasan menggunakan n = 1 sampai dengan n = 7. Pengolahan data menggunakan software Res2dinv dan surfer. Nilai resistivitas yang digunakan untuk menentukan batuan penyusun candi adalah nilai resistivitas batu andesit. Hasilnya menunjukkan profil nilai resistivitas batuan penyusun candi 750 Ohm-m sampai 5000 Ohm-m yang berada hingga kedalaman rata-rata 4,5 m sebagai batu andesit. Terdapat 7 lokasi yang diduga merupakan batu andesit penyusun Candi Palgading sedangkan salah satu lokasi yang lain merupakan batuan andesit bukan penyusun candi. Batuan candi pada ketujuh lokasi tersebut salah satunya telah tersingkap yakni di lokasi 4 sedangkan lokasi yang lain batuan candinya masih terpendam.

  8. Identifikasi Molekuler Tobacco mosaic virus pada Anggrek di Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    Soesamto Somowiyarjo


    Full Text Available Tobamovirus is a group of virus with a wide host range, including orchid plant which considered as an economically important plant. This research aimed to identify Tobamovirus infecting orchids. Virus isolates were collected from orchid nursery in Sleman, Yogyakarta. Plant extract from orchid showing necrotic flex symptom was inoculated to indicator plants Chenopodium amaranticolor. Chlorotic local lesion symptoms occurred within 3 days after inoculation. RNA total from symptomatic C. amaranticolor was extracted by using a commercial kit. cDNA was synthesized using oligo d(T primer. Amplification of cDNA using partial movement protein specific primers TMV-1F and TMV-2R was successfully amplified the amplicon with size ± 422 bp. The nucleotide sequences of this amplicon  showed highest DNA homology (98% with Tobacco mosaic virus Yongren-2 isolat from China.


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    Darmiyanti Darmiyanti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi konsentrasi karbon monoksida, karbon dioksida, sulfur dioksida, suhu, kelembaban dan bau ruang kerja pembuatan batik sebagai akibat dari proses pembuatan batik dalam lingkungan kerja. Studi kasus dilakukan di industri rumahan (home indyustry di kampung Taman Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan desember 1999 sampai januari 2000. Pengukuran parameter dilakukan dalam 2 rumah industri batik yang masing-masing menggunakan satu dan tiga kompor sebagai pemanas. Metode analisis data adalah analisis times series dan analisis grafis. Konsentrasi karbon monoksida berkisar antara 2,00-8,66 ppm, karbondioksida berkisar antara 372,498-472,885 ppm. Sulfurdioksida berkisara antara 0,00028-0,00268 ppm. Temperatur berkisar antara 29 oC-34 oC, sedangkan kelembaban berkisar antara 50,5 %-67%. Penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa ruang kerja batik telah terkontaminasi karbon monoksida yang beresiko terhadap kesehatan para pekerja. Ruang kerja pembuatan batik tidak nyaman.   ABSTRACT This research aims to investigate the concentrations of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, temperature, humidity and smells batik-making workrooms as a result of the batik-making process on work environments. A case-study of home industries was conducted in Kampung Taman Yogyakarta Municipal City. The research was conducted from December 1999 to January 2000. Measurement of parameters under investigation was carried out in two batik home industries, each of which used stove and there stove as heaters. Methods of analyzing the data were time series analysis, and graphics analysis. The concentration of carbon monoxide in batik-making workrooms ranges between 2.00 ppm and 8.66 ppm carbon dioxide ranged between 372.498 ppm and 473.885 ppm. Sulfur dioxide ranged vetweeb0.00028 ppm and 0.00268 ppm. Temperature ranged between 29oC and 34oC. Humidity ranged from 50.5% to 67%.The research indicated that batik masking

  10. Hasil skrining berdasarkan metode MNA (mini nutritional assestment tidak berpengaruh terhadap lama rawat inap dan status pulang pasien lanjut usia di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta

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    Wahyu Hardi Prasetyo


    of result screening during initial hospitalization to discharge status of eldery patients based on MNA method was RR 1.29. This indicated that malnourished patient were at risk for uncovered discharged as much as 1.29 greater than those not malnourhized.Conclusions: There was no impact of screening result in admission to length of stay. There was impact of nutritional status to length of discharged status.KEYWORDS: discharge home, length of stay, nutritional status in initial admission.ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Pertumbuhan penduduk lanjut usia (umur ≥60 tahun meningkat secara cepat pada abad 21 ini, yang pada 2000 di seluruh dunia telah mencapai 425 juta jiwa (± 6,8%. Jumlah ini diperkirakan akan mengalami peningkatan hampir dua kali lipat pada 2025. Di Indonesia, persentase lanjut usia pada 1995 mencapai 7,5%. Dengan meningkatnya angka harapan hidup, jumlah lanjut usia pun akan bertambah banyak. Hal ini terkait dengan perlunya peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan lanjut usia. Pada lanjut usia, masalah gizi erat kaitannya dengan penyakit. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan lanjut usia menjadi rawan gizi yaitu peningkatan morbiditas penyakit. Dengan meningkatnya risiko penyakit dan disertai gangguan nutrisi pada lanjut usia, perlu dilakukan identifikasi risiko malnutrisi pada lanjut usia sedini mungkin. Penilaian status gizi awal pasien masuk rumah sakit sangat penting dilakukan secara rutin karena dapat menggambarkan status gizi pasien saat itu, mendeteksi pasien-pasien yang berisiko tinggi, dan membantu mengidentifikasi perawatan gizi secara spesifik pada masing-masing pasien sehingga dukungan nutrisi yang tepat dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatan status gizi pasien.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh hasil skrining awal berdasarkan metode MNA (mini nutritional assessment terhadap lama rawat inap dan status pulang pasien lanjut pada ruang rawat inap penyakit dalam dan saraf di RSUP Dr.Sardjito Yogyakarta.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional


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    Sri Roviana


    Full Text Available Indonesian women are marginalized in political decision making. Various of women organizations before independence considered that political education to women as an important step. The Coalition of Women’s programs focus on political education. The method used in this research is descriptive, explorative, exploratory for illustrated with clear linkages between issues. Data mining is done by in-depth interviews as the primary data and the study of literature as secondary data. The data were analyzed by the social movement theory. The reseult of this research namely : First, political education into the long-term effort to equip women to have a political vision in the lives of individuals, groups or state. Second, the Coalition of Women’s Yogyakarta region because of ideology and values held by diverse, have run into trouble when mobilization in the fild. Women’s Coalition Yogyakarta region as a mass movement, depending on the actors and major donors. Third, the Coalition of Women in the Yogyakarta area represents the activity is more elite and educated class, represented by its management, not a representation of the existing member base in the hamlets with the appearance of weak economic class and low education. Fourth, because the mass relations of women with a donor agency that is so close, without realizing the long term has made a run when there is mass movement of funds from donors, and shuffl away when the donor agency. The summary of research namely: Indonesian Women’s Coalition Yogyakarta region actually has qualifid as an embryo or a sprinkling of new social movements, but the growth of this movement must deal Weakness factors are present in the middle of the road: diffiulty building shared ideology, political representation, which represented the elite organization, no consolidation organizing base, dependence on donor funding agencies and lack of self-help and self-fiancing members to conduct political education of women.

  12. Paparan iklan junk food dan pola konsumsi junk food sebagai faktor risiko terjadinya obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar kota dan desa di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Esti Nurwanti


    regression showed that the variables affect obesity is junk food ads exposure (OR=1.63, 95%CI: 1.13-2.36and p <0.05 and sex (OR=0.62, 95% CI:0.43-0.91 and p<0.05.Conclusion : Exposure to junk food advertising can increase the risk of obesity.KEYWORDS: obesity, ads, junk food, energy, saturated fat, natrium, sucroseABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Peningkatan prevalensi obesitas dapat disebabkan oleh iklan makanan junk food ketika anak menontontelevisi. Pemilihan makanan yang diinginkan oleh anak banyak dipengaruhi oleh iklan tersebut, sehingga mempengaruhiasupan kalori dan berkorelasi dengan obseitas. Obesitas pada anak dapat menyebabkan obesitas saat dewasa dandapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit degeneratif, seperti diabetes dan kardiovaskuler.Tujuan: Untuk mengukur tingkat risiko paparan iklan junk food dan konsumsi junk food terhadap   kejadian obesitaspada anak SD di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan kasus-kontrol. Populasi penelitian adalah anak SD di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul. Kelompok kasus adalah anak yang mengalami obesitas,sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah teman sekelas yang tidak mengalami obesitas dan duduk paling dekat di sebelahkanan kasus tanpa melihat umur dan jenis kelaminnya Jumlah subjek untuk masing-masing kelompok sebesar 244(1:1. Obesitas didefi nisikan dengan IMT/U>persentil 95th kurva NCHS/CDC. Pengambilan sampel untuk menemukanobesitas dengan probability proportional to size (PPS dan pengambilan sampel untuk kasus dan kontrol menggunakanteknik random sampling. Analisis univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, analisis bivariat menggunakan Chi-square,dan multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik ganda. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan program STATA 11 dengantingkat kemaknaan 95% dan nutrisurvey.Hasil: Analisis bivariat dengan Chi-square menunjukkan variabel yang berpengaruh dengan kejadian obesitas, di antaranyapaparan iklan junk food (OR=1,70, 95%CI:1,17-2,48, dan p

  13. Identifiksi Sebaran Litologi berdasarkan Analisis Data Resistivitas di Gunung Wungkal

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    Nurul Dzakiya


    Full Text Available Analisis data untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran litologi yang memiliki potensi bahan galian industri di Daerah Gunung Wungkal Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas dan survei geologi permukaan telah dilakukan. Hasil korelasi kedua data tersebut menunjukkan sebaran litologi merupakan pelapukan intrusi batuan beku yang kemudian menghasilkan material lempung (6,0-10 m, lempung pasiran (11-30 m dan lapukan batuan diorit (30-55 m yang berada di kedalaman berbeda. Ketebalan batuan di permukaan sekitar 225-231 meter berdasarkan penampang peta geologi dengan arah sebaran dari Barat Laut hingga Tenggara. Proses pelapukan dan alterasi di daerah ini intensif (alterasi argilik dengan jenis morfologi perbukitan intrusi terdenudasi dan dataran Alluvial.


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    Prihma Sinta Utami


    ______________________________________________________________ THE EFFECT OF LEARNING METHOD AND LEARNING STYLE ON THE ACHIEVEMENT IN IPS OF THE STUDENTS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN YOGYAKARTA Abstract This research aims to revealthe effect of: (1 teaching methods on IPS learning outcomes, (2 the influence of learning styles on IPS learning outcomes, (3 the methods and learning styles on IPS learning outcomes. This research was a quasi experiment using the 2x2 factorial design. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta. The sample was VII B, VII E, VII H, and VII J classes, which was established using the simple random sampling technique. The data collection used a test and questionnaire. The instrument validity was measured by using the product moment formula and its realiability was measured by using Cronbanch’s Alpha. The data normality was tested by using Kolmogorof-Smirnov and the homogeneity test was tested by using Levene Test. The hypothesis of this research was tested by using the two-way Anova technique at the significance level of 0,05. The result of this research shows that: (1 the achievement in IPS of the students taught using the Think Pair Share method is higher than that of those taught using the problem-based learning method; (2 the achievement of the students taught using the Think Pair Share method is higher than that of those taught using the problem-based learning method for group of visual learning style; (3 the achievement of the students taught using the Think Pair Share method is higher than that of those taught using the problem-based learning method for group of auditorial learning style; and (4 there is no interaction between teaching method and learning style in influencing students’ achievement in IPS subject matter. Keywords:methods, learning style, IPS subject outcomes

  15. Review on the progress of BATAN-PNRI research collaboration on superionic conductors: December 1994 - November 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aziz, K Jahja; Nurdin, Efendi; Safei, Purnama; Arie, Widowati [BATAN, Jakarta (Indonesia); Virginia, S Calix; Marsongkohadi,


    Beginning in 1994, a total of 3 (three) workshops (`The Utilization of Research Reactors-Neutron Scattering`) have been held yearly in Jakarta. Back in December 1994, a joint research collaboration on the subject of superionic conductors between PNRI and BATAN was proposed and approved by the steering committee. The two principal scientists were V.S. Calix (PNRI) and AK Jahja (BATAN). The general arrangement was that PNRI is responsible for the sample preparation and the preliminary studies on the samples` physical properties (e.g., x-ray studies, DSC thermal measurements and frequency -dependent resistivity studies), whereas BATAN is responsible for structural studies using HRPD neutron diffraction measurements. For the period of December 1994 - December 1995, the superionic samples were the single phase {beta}`-alumina and the double phase {beta},{beta}-alumina (K{sub 1+x}Fe{sub 11}O{sub 17}). Neutron diffraction measurements were supposed to be taken at room- and elevated temperatures. For the period of November 1996 - November 1997, new compounds have been proposed, in this case it is the non-stoichiometric Cu-based Rubidium Copper Iodide Chloride compounds, again the distribution of responsibility/workload stays the same as previously agreed to by BATAN and PNRI. The full report and results of this cooperation is presented. Activities covered so far at both laboratories are outlined. Although the high temperature neutron scattering measurements have not been completed, a further cooperation involving the preparation and neutron scattering measurements of materials in thin-film and single crystalline morphology is proposed. (author)

  16. Measurement and Analysis of Output Radiation Dose on X-Ray Device over 10 Years at Hospitals in Medan City

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    Herty Afrina Sianturi


    Adhikari, Suraj Raj. 2012. Effect And Application      Of Ionization Radiation (X-Ray In Living  Organism. Kaski: Volume 3.The Himalaya  Physics. Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir, Peraturan Kepala BAPETEN No. 8 Tahun 2011  tentang Keselamatan Radiasi dalam Penggunaan Pesawat Sinar-X Radiologi Diagnostik dan Intervensional, 2011. BAPETEN, 1999, Surat Keputusan Kepala Bapeten nomor 01/Ka-Bapeten/V-99 tentang Kesehatan terhadap radiasi pengion, Jakarta BATAN, 2005, Disain Penahan Ruang Sinar – X, Pusdiklat, BATAN, Jakarta Bushong, Steward C. 2013. Radologic Science for Technologists. 10th edition.United State of  America : CV. Mosby Company. Kramer, H. M., dan Selbach, H. J. 2008. Extension of the Range of Definition of the Practical Peak Voltage up to 300 kV. The British Journal of  Radiologhy (81:693-698. Rassad, S. dkk, Radiologi Diagnostik, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Rumah Sakit Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta (2000. Suryanto, Sigit Bachtiar. 2011. Analisis Pembentukan Gambar Dan Batas Toleransi Uji Kesesuaian Pada Pesawat Sinar-X Diagnostik. Prosiding Seminar Penelitian Dan Pengelolaan Perangkat Nuklir. Trikasjono, T. dkk. 2009. Analisis Keselamatan Pesawat Sinar-X di Instalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Umum daerah Sleman Yogyakarta. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir PTNBR – BATAN. Vassileva, J. 2004. A Phantom for Dose Image Quality Optimization in Chest Radiography. The British Journal of Radiologhy 75:837-842. Wadianto, Azis Muslim. 2017. Uji Akurasi Tegangan Tinggi Alat Rontgen Radiography Mobile. INOVASI, Volume XIX Nomor 1,Januari 2017

  17. Asupan gizi dan status gizi vegetarian pada komunitas vegetarian di Yogyakarta

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    Lusia Anggraini


    Full Text Available Background: Vegetarian diet has become a popular diet among people. The information about the benefits of going plant-based as opposed to the risks of degenerative illnesses is widespread and publicly eligible. However, the diet is known to cause the lack of some nutrients such as protein, iron, and B12, which has the implication on one's nutritional status. Objective: The study is aimed at identifying nutrient intake and nutritional status vegetarians and the influential factors among vegetarians in Yogyakarta. Method: The study is an observational one with a cross sectional design. It is conducted on vegetarians living in Yogyakarta, which, as methodologically required, involves 102 respondents. The nutritional intake is measured through Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ, and the nutritional status through the Body Mass Index status, ferritin serum level, protein serum level and hemoglobin level. The data are analysed using chi square and multiple logistic regression. Results: The mean intake of energy, fat, zinc, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 is higher in lactoovo vegetarian while vegan is the higher intake of carbohydrates, protein, iron, folic acid, and vitamin C. Some nutritional intake of less than 80% of AKG is the intake of energy, carbohydrates, zinc, folic acid, and vitamin B12. There are significant differences of the intakes of vitamin B12 between both groups. The vegan’s IMT is lower than lactoovo vegetarian. Lactoovo vegetarian’s protein serum levels are higher, however serum levels of vegan’s ferritin and hemoglobin are higher. There are significant differences in serum levels of protein and hemoglobin levels in both groups. There is a significant relation between the intake of iron and hemoglobin levels in vegetarians. Conclusion: Lactoovo vegetarian diet and vegan diet can fulfill the nutritional adequacy, but the things that need to keep in mind are the quality and quantity of food and a good diet plan in order to comply

  18. Malioboro as a value of Special District of Yogyakarta City (United States)

    Cahya, G. A.; Mahendra, Y. K. D.; Damanik, I. I.


    Yogyakarta is a province that has a status as a Special District. The specialty of Yogyakarta is set based on its history, because it was led by the Noble and has social culture embedded with Javanese tradition. Recently, the development of Yogyakarta has changed, along with the dynamics urban activities and technologies, into a tourist destination. It is a challenge to enhance the status of ‘privilege’ of Yogyakarta. Malioboro is an important part in the structure of the city of Yogyakarta. Apart from being one of the constituent elements of the north-south axis, Malioboro also serves as a public space that is rich in cultural activities, economic, and social interaction. If it reviewed according to its privileges, Malioboro is one part of the city of Yogyakarta which has an important role in maintaining local values that forms the privilege character of Yogyakarta. As a city that responds to the needs of the society, Yogyakarta provides various supporting infrastructure. Maliboro is located at a strategic area that became the target of investors as site to build public and commercial facilities. Malioboro is an iconic street of Yogyakarta, become one of the tourist destination because of its uniqueness, especially as the affordable shopping area. For that reason, it is necessary to study how Malioboro should maintain its local value to conserve the privilege of Yogyakarta as a special district, but also has ability to adapt nowadays development of Yogyakarta City. This paper will provide the study about the values of Malioboro which conserve the status and the meaning of the privileges for Yogyakarta, when viewed from the historical, social, and cultural. It will continue the discussion about the development of tourism and economic activities that are affected by tourist’s demand. The result of the paper will describe (1) the aspects that we have to keep conserving the privilege of Special District of Yogyakarta and (2) the aspects that we can change or


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    Dwi Susanti


    Full Text Available Background: Patient satisfaction in palliative care is an important dimension that can describe a patient’s experience acceptable of care. Patient satisfaction is used to evaluate performance and improve the quality of palliative care. Objective: This study aimed to know the description of patient satisfaction of palliative cancer against palliative care which has been given in IRNA I RSUP Dr.Sardjito Yogyakarta based on a ranking that includes 5 subscales of satisfaction in palliative care. Method: Type of research was mixed methods with sequential explanatory design, collecting data began from collecting quantitative data and followed by collecting qualitative data. Subject of study involved cancer patient in Central Hospital of Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta during September and October 2016 number of respondent was 48 patients and 8 participants. Sampling technique in quantitative research used purposive sampling, while the qualitative research used the techniques sampling criterion. Instrument used FAMCARE-P to measure satisfaction and the interview based on interview guideline. Quantitative data analysis used descriptive analysis and analysis of qualitative data used the content analysis. Integration of the results of quantitative research and qualitative used the joint displays. Results: Cancer patients have a high satisfaction on the subscale of support in decision-making with a mean Conclusion: Cancer patient satisfaction on palliative care was high with score on every subscales above mean score.


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    Akif Khilmiyah


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to reveal the working stress of female teachers in Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta. The research type was qualitative descriptive research with phenomenological paradigm, ethnographic model, and cultural-psychological approach. The research method was depth interview. The research subjects were female married teachers who had children and experienced work-ing stress. The results: first, the women became teachers because of self-actual-ization, socialization, income and happiness. Second, the forms of stress; physical and psychological. Third, cause of stress; (1 simultaneous tasks of home and office, (2 strict discipline, (3 career demand, (4 picking up the child, (5 having a baby, (6 authoritarian boss, (7 uncomfortable office environment, (8 job position promotion. Fourth, gender inequality factors: (1 double burden, (2 being degraded (3 irrational assumption to female teachers, (4 psychological violence or verbal abuse (5 marginalization. Fifth, solution: (1 mutual respect (2 patient, open, responsible, caring, or avoidance of closeness to the hard and painful character, (3 still working in mild pain and just confiding to close friend, but asking permission when having ill, (5 making a priority job.


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    Suwardi Suwardi


    Full Text Available MODEL SIMULATION OF GEOMETRY AND STRESS-STRAIN VARIATION OF BATAN FUEL PIN PROTOTYPE DURING IRRADIATION TEST IN RSG-GAS REACTOR*. The first short fuel pin containing natural UO2 pellet in Zry4 cladding has been prepared at the CNFT (Center for Nuclear Fuel Technology then a ramp test will be performed. The present work is part of designing first irradiation experiments in the PRTF (Power Ramp Test Facility of RSG-GAS 30 MW reactor. The thermal mechanic of the pin during irradiation has simulated. The geometry variation of pellet and cladding is modeled by taking into account different phenomena such as thermal expansion, densification, swelling by fission product, thermal creep and radiation growth. The cladding variation is modeled by thermal expansion, thermal and irradiation creeps. The material properties are modeled by MATPRO and standard numerical parameter of TRANSURANUS code. Results of irradiation simulation with 9 kW/m LHR indicates that pellet-clad contacts onset from 0.090 mm initial gaps after 806 d, when pellet radius expansion attain 0.015 mm while inner cladding creep-down 0.075 mm. A newer computation data show that the maximum measured LHR of n-UO2 pin in the PRTF 12.4 kW/m. The next simulation will be done with a higher LHR, up to ~ 25 kW/m. MODEL SIMULASI VARIASI GEOMETRI DAN STRESS-STRAIN DARI PROTOTIP BAHAN BAKAR PIN BATAN SELAMA UJI IRADIASI DI REAKTOR RSG-GAS. Pusat Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir (PTBBN telah menyiapkan tangkai (pin bahan bakar pendek perdana yang berisi pelet UO2 alam dalam kelongsong paduan zircaloy untuk dilakukan uji iradiasi daya naik. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari perancangan percobaan iradiasi pertama di PRTF (Power Ramp Test Fasility yang terpasang di reaktor serbaguna RSG-GAS berdaya 30 MW. Telah dilakukan pemodelan dan simulasi kinerja termal mekanikal pin selama iradiasi. Variasi geometri pelet dan kelongsong selama pengujian dimodelkan dengan memperhatikan fenomena ekspansi termal


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    Neni Rosita


    Full Text Available Fakta difabel di UIN Sunan Kalijaga belum semua bisa mandiri, disebabkan ada beberapa hal yang tidak dapat dilakukan sendiri seperti mencari buku diperpustakaan, mengedit tugas untuk difabel netra. Oleh karena itu, mahasiswa difabel membutuhkan peranan relawan, dalam proses menjalankan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi, yang aksesibilitasnya belum tercipta secara holistic dan konprehensif. Berdasarkan paparan tersebut maka penting untuk dilakukannya  penelitian terkait dengan bagaimana peran relawan Pusat Layanan Difabel (PLD UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan bagaimana kemandirian yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa difabel UIN Sunan Kalijaga yang bergabung di PLD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian lapangan, data primier berupa observasi dan wawancara beberapa relawan dan mahasiswa difabel yang juga sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, Peran relawan di Pusat Layanan Difabel UIN Sunan Kalijaga yakni pendampingan kuliah untuk difabel rungu dan pendampingan ujian untuk difabel netra serta pengenalan mobilitas kampus terhadap semua difabel. Sehingga dapat memudahkan dalam mengenal lingkungan di UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Relawan berperan dalam menjembatani difabel agar dapat menyuarakan hak­haknya di hadapan publik. Kedua, Kemandirian difabel terlihat pada kemandirian belajar di kampus UIN Sunan Kalijaga yang dapat mengikuti kuliah dan pelajaran dengan baik. Baik dalam menyelesaikan dan mengedit tugas, membaca buku, dan keperpustakaan. Difabel yang mandiri mampu bersaing dan selalu optimis dalam setiap situasi yang dihadapi.

  3. Current status of neutron scattering research and accelerator technology in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ridwan; Ikram, Abarul; Wuryanto


    The neutron beam generated from steady state reactor 30 MW RSG-GAS are used mainly for neutron scattering studies and isotope production. There are seven neutron scattering facilities under responsible and operated by Research and Development Center for Materials Science and Technology of National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) of Indonesia. In this report, current conditions of the facilities namely, DN1-M, HRPD, FCD/TD, SANS, HRSANS, TAS and NRF and research activities will be described. Also, a part of research activities by using accelerator technology at Batan-Yogyakarta will be reviewed. (author)

  4. Analisis pengelolaan peralatan praktikum fisika kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta menggunakan model countenance stake

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    Hanin Fathan Nurfina Istiqomah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketersediaan dan pengelolaan peralatan praktikum serta mengetahui hasil dari pengelolaan dan penggunaan peralatan praktikum fisika kelas XI di laboratorium fisika SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evalusi model countenance stake. Subjek penelitian meliputi penanggungjawab laboratorium fisika, guru, laboran, dan siswa kelas XI MIA SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta. Penelitian dilakukan pada akhir pelaksanaan praktikum pada semester genap tahun pelajaran 2015-2016. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara terstruktur, pengamatan (observasi, angket, dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan peralatan praktikum (masukan [antecedents] yang terdiri dari sarana, prasarana dan alat praktikum tersedia sangat baik dengan persentase sebesar 78,16%. Pengelolaan laboratorium fisika (proses [transaction] yang terdiri dari persiapan pelaksanaan praktikum; kesiapan siswa, guru, laboran; dan pelaksanaan praktikum mendapatkan hasil sangat baik dengan persentase sebesar 81,78%. Hasil yang diperoleh (outcomes dari ketersediaan dan pengelolaan peralatan praktikum di laboratorium fisika termasuk kategori baik (B+ dengan pencapaian Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM 100% dari total 233 siswa kelas XI MIA (Matematika dan Ilmu Alam dan beberapa siswa berhasil meraih juara 1 Olimpiade Fisika. This research is aimed to know the availability, management of the laboratory equipment’s and also the result of maintaining and using physics laboratory equipment’s in 11th class of MIA SMA 1 Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. And this evaluation research used “countenance stake” approach, hence, such as the objects of it is the physics laboratory care taker, teachers, laboratory assistant, and the students. This research was conducted in the last meeting of practicum on last semester 2015-2016 periods. The data was assembled by interview, observation, questionnaire and documentation. The result of this


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    Haniah Ilhami


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to identify the interpretation of syiqaq as a legal reason in divorce lawsuit and its procedural law implemented by the Religious Courts in Yogyakarta. This is an empirical normative research, using the literature research method and field research through Focus Group Discussion (FGD. This research found that syiqaq is interpreted as a specific form of an endless quarrelling which caused danger for either husband or wife. In practice, judges combine procedural law in divorce lawsuit based on syiqaq into the procedural law in other legal reason. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interpretasi syiqaqsebagai alasan gugatan cerai oleh hakim dan praktek hukum acara penyelesaian perkara perceraian dengan alasan syiqaqyang diterapkan pada Pengadilan Agama di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif empiris, menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan melalui kegiatan Focus Group Discussion (FGD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa syiqaqdiinterpretasikan sebagai perselisihan dan percekcokan antara suami istri yang telah menimbulkan bahaya mengancam baik pada para pihak. Dalam prakteknya, hakim menggabungkan proses acara penyelesaian perkara perceraian dengan menggunakan alasan syiqaqke dalam proses beracara untuk perkara yang menggunakan alasan perselisihan terus menerus.



    Kartini, Kartini; Nugraha, Nuris Firmansyah


    Nowadays Investors often make investment decision irrationally. The decision is often based on their judgment that is far away from rational assumption. When investors face risky situa-tion, there are some objectivities, emotions, and other psychological factors that usually ef-fect their decision making. This purpose of study is to examine the effect of illusions of control, risk tolerance, overconfidence and emotion on investment decision making among investors in yogyakarta. Sample of this...


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    Randi Setioko


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study ( 1 to determine whether there is a correlation between  motivation of learning and knowledge KKPI with achievement learning of base profession in Islamic vocational school of Yogyakarta academic year 2013/2014, ( 2 to determine whether there is a correlation between motivation of learning and achievement in learning in Islamic vocational school of Yogyakarta academic year 2013/2014, ( 3 to determine whether there is a correlation between knowledge KKPI with achievement learning of base profession in Islamic vocational school of Yogyakarta academic year 2013/2014. This research was conducted in Islamic vocational school of Yogyakarta academic year 2013/2014. The population in this study were all students of class X TO which total 30 students and this study used a sampling saturated or study populations so that the entire population were sampled. This research is correlational and ex post facto categorized. With the questionnaire data collection techniques, and documentation about the test. The validity of the items were obtained from the product moment correlation. About the reliability obtained with the formula stated alpha and reliable. Before the data were analyzed first tested the prerequisite analysis is normality test, test and test intercorrelations linearity. Analysis using multiple regression analysis and partial correlation. Based on the analysis of the results obtained the following results. ( 1 there is a positive and significant correlation between motivation to learn ( X1 and knowledge KKPI ( X2 together with achievement learning of base profession ( Y ; ( 2 there is a positive and significant correlation between motivation to learn ( X1 with basic vocational learning achievement ( Y ; ( 3 there is a positive and significant correlation between knowledge KKPI ( X2 with achievement learning of base profession ( Y .

  8. Hubungan Kecemasan Sosial dan Kematangan Emosi dengan Kematangan Seksual Remaja SMP di Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta


    Endang Sri Lestari


    This research aims to find out some factors related to the sexual maturity, such as the social anxiety and emotional maturity on the adolescents of the SMP in Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. The hypotheses which are presented in this research are: First; there is a relation between the social anxiety and emotional maturity towards the sexual maturity; Second, there is a negative relation between the social anxiety and sexual maturity; Third, there is a positive relation between the emotional ma...

  9. Senam Lansia dan Tingkat Stres pada Lansia di Dusun Polaman Argorejo Kecamatan Sedayu 2 Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Raden Jaka S


    Full Text Available Physical activity of elderly can be a mechanism of dealing with stress. However, older people are rarely engage in the physical activity. The purpose of this study was to know the relationship between elderly gymnastics and level stress in village of Polaman Argorejo, District of Bantul Yogyakarta. This study was an analytic quantitative research with cross sectional design. The population in this study was elderly that lived in Polaman village which totaled 90 respondents. Technique sampling used was total sampling resulted on 90 respondents. The analysis used was chi-square. Results showed that elderly who actively participated in gymnastic and not stress was 16 respondents (76,2%, while elderly who actively participated in gymnastic and stress was 5 respondents (23,8%, there was a signifi cant relationship between gymnastic and the level of elderly stress with value of p=0,000. In conclusion, there was a signifi cant relationship between gymnastics for the elderly and stress level on elderly in Polaman village Argorejo Bantul Yogyakarta.

  10. Three Writers of Arabic Texts in Yogyakarta

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    Muhamad Murtadlo


    Full Text Available This study examines the use of the Arabic alphabet in religious literature in Yogyakarta. This study uses a case study on three figure writers of religious texts that using the Arabic alphabet in southern part of Central Java (Yogyakarta, namely Asrori Ahmad (Magelang, Ali Maksum (Yogyakarta, and Ahmad Mujab Mahalli (Bantul. This study concluded that the writing of religious texts in Arabic alphabet in the southern Java area had been carried out by means of using Arabic Pegon, and only a few people who wrote in the Arabic language. The transmission of Arabic Pegon in Yogyakarta is allegedly from north coast of Java, especially from Lasem / East Java. The tradition of Arabic language teaching in the pesantrens still focuses mostly on the reading effort, communication, and understanding and it is not oriented to the writing skill. The presence of international journals initiated by the College of Islamic religious institutions and the effort of translation business into Arabic from certain institutions gives an opportunity to strengthen the use of the Arabic alphabet in Indonesia.

  11. Dukungan Keluarga dalam Keikutsertaan KB pada Pasangan Usia Subur di Desa Argomulyo Sedayu Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Dwi Puspitasari


    Full Text Available Family planning (FP participation in 6 village located in Argomulyo, Sedayu, namely Puluhan, Kemusuk Kidul, Karanglo, Pedes, Surobayan and Kaliberot was 59.22%. The percentage was lower than the average number of Bantul which reached 81.40%. The progress of family planning programs can not be separated from their families since the family support is closely related to encouragement or motivation given to the reproductive age couples to participate in FP. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between family support and the participation of FP of reproductive age couples Argomulyo village Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Study design used in this study was cross sectional. The total population of reproductive age couples in Argomulyo village were 916 respondents. The sampling technique was done by total sampling. The research instrument used in the form of questionnaires. Hypothesis testing with chi-square test (α=0.05. From the data analysis between family support and FP participation variables resulted on OR=19.09 (95%CI:12.614-28.875 and contingency coefficient = 0.479 and the FP participation. In conclusion, there was a positive relationship between family support with the FP participation on the spous of reproductive age couples in Argomulyo village, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta.


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    Bisatya W. Maer


    Full Text Available After May 2006 earthquake the two Pendopo Joglo buildings in Yogyakarta, as displayed in figure 1A and 1B, were showed different failures. In Pendopo Joglo 1A, the sokoguru was broken right under the sunduk kili causing the building to collapse. On the other hand, in Pendopo Joglo 1B case, the sakaguru was slipped but still remained on its position on the umpak so the building did not collapse. The structure differences between the two buildings were the support system used for each building. Pendopo Joglo 1A used pen and hole in the sokoguru base to act as pin joint support, while in Pendopo Joglo 1B, the sokoguru was only placed on the umpak, so it could slip if the earthquake shook it. The slip (as in 1B case restrained the earthquake vibration as could be learned in base isolator technology. This writing is not a study based on field observation but an analysis about the two buildings different responses to the earthquake vibration which was caused by the different support character. This analysis is based on Static Equivalent Earthquake Load Analysis and is using qualitative method. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Dua buah bangunan Pendopo Joglo di Yogyakarta pada gambar 1A dan 1B mengalami kerusakan berbeda setelah kejadian gempa bumi bulan Mei 2006. Pada Pendopo Joglo 1A sokoguru patah tepat dibawah sunduk-kili dan bangunan runtuh, sedangkan pada pendopo joglo 1Bsokoguru bergeser posisinya pada tumpuan umpak, tapi bangunan tidak runtuh. Perbedaan struktur kedua bangunan terletak pada sistem tumpuannya, yaitu Pendopo Joglo 1A menggunakan tumpuan sendi berupa pen dan lubang di kaki sokogurunya, sedangkan pada pendopo joglo1B sokoguru hanya diletakkan diatas umpak sehingga dapat bergeser apabila digetarkan gempa. Pergeseran ini memberikan sifat meredam getaran gempa yang dapat dipelajari dari teknologi base-isolator. Tulisan ini bukan sebuah penelitian yang didasarkan pada fakta lapangan, tapi berisi analisis tentang perbedaan respon kedua

  13. Dampak Pencemaran Air terhadap Kesehatan Lingkungan dalam Perspektif Hukum Lingkungan (Studi Kasus Sungai Code di Kelurahan Wirogunan Kecamatan Mergangsan dan Kelurahan Prawirodirjan Kecamatan Gondomanan Yogyakarta

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    Dinarjati Eka Puspitasari


    Full Text Available This research is aimed to know the contribution government and societies in Yogyakarta for maintaining the water pollution on Code River. Code River is a river in Yogyakarta which has crowded area on its river flow region. The research location is in Code’s river flow region, especially in Kelurahan Prawirodirjan Kecamatan Gondomanan dan Kelurahan Wirogunan Kecamatan Mergangsan Yogyakarta.Data in this research were obtained through field research and library research. The field research was carried out by using interview guidance and sample waste data testing from Balai Besar Teknik Lingkungan (BBTKL Yogyakarta, whereas the library research was done by documentary study by collecting and analyzing selected laws and regulation which were relevant to the research.The result showed that the environmental data to maintain environment health and social condition in the field research has not been served. Beside that, the result of laboratory testing BBTKL showed that water condition on field research has contained pollutant. However, the government and societies just give less contribution to decrease the effect of water pollution on Code River. In this case, the contribution of laws and regulation has been needed to decrease the water pollution.

  14. Penegakan Hukum terhadap Pencemaran Udara yang Diakibatkan oleh Angkutan Umum Bus Kota di Kota Yogyakarta


    Harahap, Zairin


    Contamination resulted from Air is town bus publik transport have griped many by society. In fact to prevent and overcome the happening of contamination of the air, Government Town Yogyakarta have a set law and regulation at the same time form institution which is duty to guard execution from the law and regulation. But, in in reality, execution and straightening of law from the law and regulation show various its weakness. Leave from the phenomenon of research about Straightening of La...

  15. PERANCANGAN PUSAT PEMBELAJARAN GEMPA DI BANTUL (Pendekatan Pengalaman Ruang untuk Pembelajaran

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    Yulianto P. Prihatmaji


    Full Text Available Earthquake disaster occurred in Yogyakarta at 27th May 2006. It has destroyed many infrastructures and killed thousand victims. Bantul, one area in Yogyakarta which has the highest number. This is caused by reactivication of Opak fault and the lack of information about an earthquake there. In order to reduce the impact of earthquake and to increase the knowledge of the people, the problem is how to design an Earthquake Learning Center which has high site sensitivity and comprehensive in learning. First, site as formgiver has tried to be explored to achieve the learning purpose. Seconds, this paper is intended to find the effective concept which has tried to be implemented in here. Now, the concept of the design is space experience because according to some theory it is able to bring each person to understand about the information in the space deeply. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Gempa bumi yang terjadi di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 27 Mei 2006 telah merusak berbagai infrastruktur dan menyebabkan ribuan korban meninggal. Bantul merupakan salah satu area di Yogyakarta dengan jumlah korban terbanyak. Hal tersebut dikarenakan aktifnya kembali zona patahan Opak dan masih kurangnya informasi mengenai gempa. Agar dampak dari gempa bumi dapat dikurangi dan pengetahuan warga tentang gempa dapat ditingkatkan maka permasalahan yang ingin diangkat adalah bagaimana merancang sebuah Pusat Pembelajaran Gempa dengan sensitivitas tapak tinggi dan pembelajaran yang komprehensif. Langkah pertama, tapak sebagai formgiver berusaha dieksplorasi untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Kedua, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan konsep yang efektif untuk diaplikasikan dalam Pusat Pembelajaran Gempa. Pada akhirnya konsep yang diterapkan adalah pengalaman ruang karena menurut beberapa teori hal tersebut dapat memberikan pemahaman kepada setiap individu mengenai suatu informasi lebih dalam. Kata kunci: Pusat Pembelajaran Gempa, sensitivitas tapak dan pengalaman ruang.

  16. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Research and Nuclear Devices Management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prayitno; Slamet Santosa; Darsono; Syarip; Agus Taftazani; Samin; Tri Mardji Atmono; Dwi Biyantoro; Herry Poernomo; Prajitno; Tjipto Sujitno; Gede Sutresna W; Djoko Slamet Pujorahardjo; Budi Setiawan; Bambang Siswanto; Endro Kismolo; Jumari


    The Proceedings of the National Seminar on Research and Nuclear Devices Management by Center for Accelerator Science and Technology in Yogyakarta with the theme of Universities and research and development institutions synergy in the development of basic science and nuclear technology held on Surakarta 9 August 2016. This seminar is an annual routine activities of Center for Accelerator Science and Technology for exchange research result among University and BATAN researcher for using nuclear technology. The proceeding consist of 3 article from keynotes’ speaker and 23 articles from BATAN participant as well as outside which have been indexed separately. (MPN)

  17. Proceedings of the meeting and scientific presentations on basic science research and nuclear technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prayitno; Slamet Santosa; Darsono; Syarip; Agus Taftazani; Samin; Tri Mardji Atmono; Dwi Biyantoro; Herry Poernomo; Prajitno; Tjipto Sujitno; Gede Sutresna W; Djoko Slamet Pujorahardjo; Budi Setiawan; Bambang Siswanto; Endro Kismolo; Jumari


    The Proceedings of the Meeting and Scientific Presentations on Basic Science Research and Nuclear Technology by Center for Accelerator Science and Technology in Yogyakarta with the theme of Universities and research and development institutions synergy in the development of basic science and nuclear technology held on Surakarta 9 August 2016. This seminar is an annual routine activities of Center for Accelerator Science and Technology for exchange research result among University and BATAN researcher for using nuclear technology. The proceeding consist of 3 article from keynotes’ speaker and 37 articles from BATAN participant as well as outside which have been indexed separately. (MPN)


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    Full Text Available Asthma is a chronic airway inflammatory disease characterized by wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest due to airway obstruction. Asthma attacks has variation from mild to severe and can even be fatal or life-threatening (Rai and Artana, 2016. ATC / DDD system means the evaluation methods of the drug use to improve the quality of the use of drug. This study aims to determine the quantity of the use of antiasma’s drug in acute asthma attack patients at RS Paru Respira Yogyakarta in 2016 by the ATC/DDD method. This study was an observational study with retrospective data collection in 2016. The data analysis was done by calculating the percentage of the quantity of drug use by Defined Daily Dose (DDD per 1000 KPRJ. The result was found that there were 82 patients with inclusion criteria of 129 cases in RS Paru Respira Yogyakarta in 2016. There are 62,20% women and 37,80% men. Age characteristics of 36-45 years old more frequently got acute attacks of asthma (52,40% compared with the age of 26-35 years amount of 47.60%. The quantity evaluation of antiasma usage in the acute attack asthma patients was formoterol 70.7 / 1000 KPRJ higher than Hbr phenoterol of 0.02 / 1000 KPRJ.

  19. Comparative Analysis Of Small Medium Enterprise Profitability Based On Its Ownership Form And Ethnicity: Study On Automotive Sector In Yogyakarta


    Singapurwoko, Arif


    Tujuan penelitian mi adalah untuk mengetahui (apakah terdapat perbedaan operating profit margin, net profit margin dan return on investment antara pengusaha Jawa dengan Tionghoa, dan bentuk sole proprietorship dengan partnership. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Yogyakarta pada perusahaan-perusahaan skala kecil dan menengah yang bergerak dalam bisnis otomotif suku cadang mobil dan bengkel.Variabel independent dalam penelitian ini adalah operating profit margin, net profit margin dan return on i...

  20. Anteseden dan Konsekuensi dari Kepuasan Pelanggan: Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Barbershop di Yogyakarta

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    Budi Setyanta


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify the influence of perceive quality, price fairness, convenience, and customer satisfaction towards customer loyalty. This research is conducted to provide solution about the phenomenon of rapid growth of barbershop in Yogyakarta. This research is categorized as explanatory research, because it explains the causality relationship between observation variables. The number of samples are 200 respondents according to the requirement of sufficiency of sample in SEM test. Data retrieval is guided by using questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the perceive quality, price fairness, and convenience have a positive and significant impact towards customer satisfaction, then customer satisfaction has a positive and significant impact towards customer loyalty. This study provides the diversity of previous research because the observed variables and question items are adjusted to the research setting in Indonesia.

  1. Studi Potensi Sumberdaya Andesit Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Di Daerah Kokap, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Eko Bayu Purwasatriya


    Full Text Available The study of andesite resources was carried out in Hargowilis village, Kokap sub-district, Kulonprogo regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta province using geoelectrical data with Schlumberger configuration, as much as 14 point which is spreading on 8 hectares area. Based on regional geological map of Yogyakarta area, study area include on intrusive rock lithology’s unit compose of hipersten andesite to augite-hornblende andesite and trachiandesite. Geoelectrical method is one of geophysical method that used to observed geological condition in subsurface based on rock’s electrical properties. Andesite is one type of igneous rock which have contrast electrical properties with its surrounding rock, generally sedimentary rocks, makes it suitable for geoelectrical method to identify the presence of andesite in subsurface and also estimate its thickness to calculate the resources. Geoelectrical configuration used is 1D Schlumberger configuration where this method have advantage more accurate to calculate the thickness of rock layer especially in shallow area. The result of geoelectrical survey showing that it consist 2 layer of andesite, there are shallow layer and deep layer. This result indicate that the igneous rock in study area not only intrusion type, but also lava flow type. Resources potential of andesite both shallow and deep layer are 5,072,354 tons and resources potential of shallow andesite only is 3,162,566 tons.


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    Eko Febrianto


    colonial style buildings in  Krian City. This research uses descriptive qualitative  methodology, by doing  observations on the  building facade elements,then analyzed byperforms building typology of building facade. The results of this study has described the form of building façade elements meaning based on the orientation of the building, roof, doors, windows, column,  floor, and ornamentation REFERENCES Dakung, Sugiyarto. 1981. Arsitektur Tradisional Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Yogyakarta Dewi, N.K.A. 2003.Geomerti, Simetri dan Religiusitas pada Rumah Tinggal Tradisional di Indonesia. Jurnal Permukiman Natah I (1; 29-42 Fauzi, B. 2011.Memahami Relasi Fungsi, Bentuk dan makna Arsitektur Rumah Tinggal Masyarakat Kota Pesisir Utara di Kawasan Jawa Timur. Jurnal DIMENSI, XXXVIII (2; 79-88 Frick, H. 1997. Pola Struktur dan Teknik Bangunan di Indonesia. Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta Frick, H. 2010. Pola Struktur dan Teknik Bangunan di Indonesia. Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta Ismunandar. 1986. Joglo: Arsitektur Rumah Tradisional Jawa. Penerbit Dahara Prize, Semarang, Krier, R. 1988. Architectural Composition. Academy Edition, London Krier, R. 2001. Komposisi Arsitektur, Erlangga, Jakarta Lippsmeier, G. 1980. Bangunan Tropis (Edisi ke-2. Erlangga, Jakarta Noeradya, Siti Woeryan Soemadiyah. (2005. Attassadhur Adammakna. CV. Buana Raya, Yogyakarta Philips, D dan Gardner, C. 2004.Daylighting – Natural Light in Architecture. Architectural Press, Oxford Rossi, Aldo. 1982. Architecture of the City. The MIT Press, London-England Satwiko, P. 2013. Aspek Energi pada Arsitektur Nusantara. SAN 2 Arsitektur Nusantara Berkelanjutan; 1-13, Malang, Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

  3. Komposisi dan Kemelimpahan Fitoplankton di Laguna Glagah Kabupaten Kulonprogo Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA


    Ramadani, Aisyah Hadi; Wijayanti, Arini; Hadisusanto, Suwarno


    Penelitian bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi jenis fitoplankton di laguna Glagah; 2) meng-identifikasi kemelimpahan fitoplankton di laguna Glagah; 3) mempelajari hubungan faktor fisiko-kimia lingkungan dengan kemelimpahan fitoplankton di laguna Glagah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Desember 2012 di laguna Glagah desa Glagah kecamatan Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo DIY. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 3 stasiun pengamatan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor fisiko-kimia (pH, DO, dan al...

  4. Evaluation of Hazardous Material Management Safety in the Chemical Laboratory in BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The management safety of the hazardous material (B3) in the chemical laboratory of BATAN was evaluated. The evaluation is necessary to be done because B3 is often used together with radioactive materials in the laboratory, but the attention to the safety aspect of B3 is not paid sufficiently in spite of its big potential hazard. The potential hazard generated from the nature of B3 could be flammable, explosive, oxidative, corrosive and poisonous. The handling of B3 could be conducted by enforcing the labelling and classification in the usage and disposal processes. Some observations of the chemical laboratory of BATAN show that the management safety of hazardous material in compliance with the government regulation no. 74 year 2001 has not been dully conducted. The management safety of B3 could be improved by, designating one who has adequate skill in hazardous material safety specially as the B3 safety officer, providing the Material Safety Data Sheet that is updated periodically to use in the laboratory and storage room, updating periodically the inventory of B3, performing training in work safety periodically, and monitoring the ventilation system intensively in laboratory and storage room. (author)

  5. Pelaksanaan Kewajiban Penggunaan Air Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Pdam) Tirtamarta Bagi Usaha Perhotelan Di Kota Yogyakarta


    Oktivani, Vernando Rony


    This research is entitled the implementation of the obligation of water usage from Local Water Supply Utility (PDAM) Tirtamarta for hotel business in the city of Yogyakarta. The background of this research based on the regulation that every hotel building is obligated to utilize the water from Local Water Supply Utility (PDAM) of Tirtamarta. The problem formulation is how the implementation of the obligation of water use Local Water Supply Utility (PDAM) of Tirtamarta for the hotel business i...

  6. Studi Korelasi Motivasi Pengguna Dengan Pemanfaatan Koleksi CD-ROM Di UPT Pusat Perpustakaan UII Yogyakarta (Study on Correlation Between The Motivation of Users and The Use of CD-ROM Collection At The Main Library of Indonesia Islamic University of Yogyakarta

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    Keni Hesti Handayani


    Full Text Available The research addresses three main issues: student motivation of Indonesia Islamic University of Yogyakarta, the use of CD-ROM collection at the main library of Indonesia Islamic University of Yogyakarta, and the correlation between student motivation and the use of CD-ROM collection at the library. The study uses a field research. The sample is accidental sampling which involves students using the collection of CD-ROM at the library. In the term of data collection, the writer uses some techniques those of which are documentation, observation, interview and questionnaire. The result of the research shows that, there are correlation between the motivation and the use of CD-ROM collection at the main library of Indonesia Islamic University of Yogyakarta. The research is hoped to contribute to the improvement of services of CD-ROM collection at library in particular and to the development of through collection at the library. Keyword: user motivation, the use of CD-ROM collection

  7. An approach in determining the baseline data on the natural background radioactivity of Batanes province, its implications to national security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyes, Rolando Y.


    Since the dropping of the first atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 1945, the world has lived under the shadow of nuclear threat. This was heightened by the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986 and magnified by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack of the World Trade Center in the USA. While the threat is global, nuclear security is a national responsibility. The Philippine government is presently formulating the Philippine Nuclear Security Plan (PNSP) to address nuclear security and terrorism. It is in this light that this research study was undertaken whose product can be used as input in the PNSP, particularly in the emergency preparedness and response strategy of the plan. The purpose of the study is to pilot a baseline study on the natural background radioactivity of Batan Island, Batanes province, and develop a scheme for replicating the Batan baseline study in other selected sites in the Philippines. Establishing a baseline data on the natural background radioactivity of the country is a proactive stand of trying to be prepared for any untoward nuclear event that can pose harm of the nation, people and environment. The baseline data will provide an important point of reference in assessing increases of radiation caused by serious nuclear and/or radiological incident, either accidentally or intentionally that may occur within and outside the national territory. A modified ground gamma ray spectrometric survey technique with the use of a portable gamma ray spectrometer and global positioning system was used in determining the distribution and abundance of the naturally occurring radioelements potassium (K), uranium (U), thorium (Th) and total natural radiation (TNR) of Batan Island. Prior to the field survey, a thorough calibration of the portable gamma ray instrument was instituted that converted the measured gamma-ray count data into ground concentrations of K, U and Th. This allowed the systematic measurement of 73 sampling/data stations for


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    V. Wiratna Sujarweni


    industri UKM Bakpia dengan menggunakan metode reguler yang diterapkan oleh UKM selama ini dan dengan menggunakan metode berdasarkan biaya akuntansi yaitu metode penetapan harga dan metode ABC (Activity Based Costing. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah industri UKM Bakpia di Minomartani Sleman Yogyakarta. Sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Data menggunakan data produksi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan komparatif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat analisis deskriptif dan uji statistik independen terhadap sampel t-test. Hasilnya diperoleh dari 30 UKM Bakpia di Minomartani Sleman, hanya 13 UKM Bakpia yang menetapkan harga jual dengan menggunakan metode biaya produksi, sedangkan 17 UKM Bakpia menetapkan harga jual berdasarkan harga pasar. Biaya produksi Bakpia berdasarkan perhitungan UKM adalah 831,67 rupiah per item, berdasarkan biaya produksi dengan target biaya sebesar 729,17 rupiah, sedangkan berdasarkan metode ABC adalah 722,51 rupiah. Metode yang disarankan untuk menghitung biaya produksi adalah metode ABC karena memiliki harga produksi biaya terendah, sehingga keuntungannya akan optimal. Ada perbedaan keuntungan antara UKM Bakpia yang menerapkan metode biaya produksi dan UKM yang tidak menerapkan metode biaya produksi. UKM Bakpia yang tidak menggunakan biaya produksi memperoleh keuntungan rendah dibandingkan dengan Bakpia yang menggunakan perhitungan biaya produksi. Kata Kunci: Harga Produksi (CPP, Laba Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM, Target Biaya


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    Deby Zulkarnain Rahadian Syah


    Full Text Available Background: Nurses in charge of the Emergency Room are required to have more ability than nurses serving patients in other units. Emergency Room is an initial service in a hospital. One's leadership style will greatly affect the effectiveness of a leader. The selection of the right leadership style can lead to the achievement of individual or organizational goals. Objective: To know the various leadership style used by the head of room in improving the performance of nurses of Emergency Room RSUD in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Method: This research includes quantitative research type, using cross sectional approach. The population of this study was the head of the treatment room. Secondary data of nurse's performance is taken from nursing care which is written in medical record file of Emergency Room of RSUD in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Results: The performance of nurses at Emergency Room RSUD A in the good category was 100%. The performance of nurses at Emergency Room RSUD B in the enough category was 45%. The performance of nurses at Emergency Room C in good category was 80%. The performance of nurses at Emergency Room RSUD D in good category was 55%. The performance of nurses at RSUD E in the good category was 95%. The result of cross tabulation between leadership style and nurse performance of RSUD in the whole DIY with good performance is leader who use democratic leadership style equal to 35%. Conclusion: Most of the nurse's good performance in Emergency Room is followed by democratic leadership style of head of space.


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    Joko Tri Haryanto


    Full Text Available Although giving a huge benefit to the developing of social welfare in the world, tourism development has also often ces of the environmental damage, when especially requiring for infrastructure development. However, along with increased awareness of the importance of environmental functions, isustainable tourism or usually called ecotourism has developed with many different kinds. Yogyakarta, as one of tourist destinations in Indonesia, has developed cultural values, social, and environment based ecotourism in the form of Tourism Village. This kind of Tourism Village has not unfortunately, identified and used social, cultural, and environmental values as among the main attractions. for this reason this paper is written to provide guidance for implementing the cultural values, social, and environment based eco-tourism in order to develop the Tourism Village.


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    Duddy Roesmara Donna


    Full Text Available This research aims to analyze factors that affect the using of sharia nance institution in the Province of DIY. This research involved 150 respondents distributed throughout Yogyakarta City, Bantul Regency, Kulon Progo, Gunungkidul Regency, and Sleman Regency. A purposive non-probability sampling method was used to predict population behavior, with factor analysis as a tool of analysis. The preference of using sharia nance institution was affected by institution factor, including institutional ones, loyalty of Islamic law, service, and the suitability of product.

  12. The Use of Travel Guidebooks by Tourist Visiting Yogyakarta

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    Gabriela Intani Putri


    Full Text Available This research aims to know to what extend tourist use travel guidebooks for their visit to Yogyakarta, as one of tourism destination in Indonesia. This research was conducted by taking tourist who has been to or during their visit to Yogyakarta. Qualitative interviews with three travel experts precede this research in order to gather the purpose of using travel guidebooks by tourist visiting Yogyakarta. The results are 31 purposes of using travel guidebooks. After conducting factor analysis and reliability tests, seven factors comprising 26 statements were extracted which are: functional needs, forward-looking needs, learning needs, autonomy needs, tension reduction needs, security needs, and objectification needs.


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    Soraya Fatmawati


    THE EVALUATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN STUDY PROGRAM IN MSD YOGYAKARTA Abstract This research aims to determine the suitability of the instructional implementation in Visual Communication Design (VCD Study Program of MSD Yogyakarta Design and Art Academy with standard or criteria which have been formulated. This research was an evaluation research study that refers to the discrepancy evaluation model. The subjects consisted of the head of study program, lecturers and students of VCD study program MSD Yogyakarta. The research was conducted in five stages: design preparation, determination of the program’s completeness, data collection, purpose measurement or data analysis, and comparison. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document searches, and were analyzed using an interactive analysis model proposed by Miles and Huberman. The questionnaire data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis in the scale 4. The result of the study shows that instructional implementation in Visual Communication Design Study Program of MSD Yogyakarta is not suitable to the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 49, 2014. The result of student assessment indicates that the instructional implementation in VCD MSD Yogyakarta is categorized good with the value of 3.20. The instructional implementation in Visual Communication Design Study Program of MSD Yogyakarta needs to be adjusted with the National Standards for Higher Education the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 49, 2014 for the instructional implementation can be presented. Keywords: instructional implementation, instructional planning


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    HY. Agus Murdyastomo


    Full Text Available Pusat budaya di Yogyakarta selama ini yang lebih banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat adalah Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta,  tetapi sesungguhnya selain Kraton Kasutanan masih terdapat pusat budaya yang lain yaitu Pura Paku Alaman. Di Kadipaten telah terlahir tokoh-tokoh yang sangat memperhatikan kelestarian budaya Jawa khususnya seni tari tradisi. Salah satunya adalah Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Aryo Paku Alam IV, yang pada masa ia berkuasa, budaya Barat yang dibawa oleh kaum kolonialis melanda daerah jajahan. Hadirnya budaya asing tentu sulit untuk ditolak. Namun demikian denga piawainya KGPAA Paku Alam IV, justru mengadopsi budaya Barat, tetapi ditampilkan dengan rasa dan estetika Jawa, dalam bentuk tari klasik. Sehingga pada masanya lahir repertoar tari baru yang memperkaya seni tari tradisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perkembangan seni tari di Pura Pakualaman pada masa pemerintahan KGPAA Paku Alam IV, dan hal-hal apa yang melatarbelakangi penciptaannya. Dalam rangka mewujudkan rekonstruksi ini dilakukan dengan metode sejarah kritis, yang tahapannya meliputi Pertama, Heuristik, atau pencarian dan pengumpulan sumber data sejarah, yang dalam hal ini dilakukan di BPAD DIY, dan di Perpustakaan Pura Pakualaman. Di kedua lembaga tersebut tersimpan arsip tentang Paku Alaman, dan juga naskah-naskah yang berkaitan dengan penciptaan tari. Kedua, Kritik, atau pengujian terhadap sumber-sumber yang terkumpul, sumber yang telah terkumpul diuji dari segi fisik untuk memperoleh otentisitas, kemudian membandingkan informasi yang termuat dengan informasi dari sumber yang berbeda, untuk memperoleh keterpercayaan atau kredibilitas.  Ketiga, Interpretasi yaitu informasi yang ada dikaji untuk diangkat fakta-fakta sejarahnya, yang kemudian dirangkai menjadi sebuah kisah sejarah. Untuk memperkuat interpratasi dan pemaknaan rangkaian fakta digunakan juga pendekatan budaya dalam hal ini digunakan teori akulturasi dan asimilasi. Keempat Kisah yang


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    Endah Karuniawati


    Full Text Available The adherence holds an important role that can affect the success rate of the therapy and increase the life quality of the patients. Quality of life is an ability to reflect the health in the term of physically, psychology, and socially and the satisfaction of the patients’ functional and control level. Research aims to understand relations compliance treatment with the quality of life can be measured by MMAS and WHOQOL questioners. The research applied descriptive, non experimental and cross-sectional methods. The aim of the research was to find out the relationship between the medication adherence and the life quality of the hemodialysis patients. The medication adherence data was gathered by MMAS (Morisky Medication Adherence Scale and the life quality was gathered by WHOQOL (World Health Organization Quality of Life of hemodialysis patients at PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital. The research results showed that from 101 respondents the medication adherence in the level of high  58,42 %, level moderate  8 , 91 %  and  low  32 , 67 %. .The quality of life of patients of the domain physical, mental, social and environmental at a high rate and low. Relations adherence the use of a drug with the quality of life of significant (p< 0,005 in all the domain. Compliance the use of drugs associated with the quality of life of hemodialysis patients at PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital.

  16. Kebijakan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Yogyakarta Terhadap Penyandang Disabilitas

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    Akhmad Soleh


    Full Text Available This study discusses the accessibility of university education in the four public universities in Yogyakarta; Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI, University of Gajah Mada (UGM,Yogyakarta State University (UNY, and State Islamic University (UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Upto now, the disability groups have not got an equal access and the opportunity in a higher education. There are only a few students with disabilities that are accepted in Universities in Indonesia, because of physical limitations that would interfere the teaching-learning process in their classrooms. The research findings showed that the education systems in the UGM, Yogyakarta State University, and the ISI have a system of “integration”, while at UIN has led to the inclusion system, that is “accommodative” and has the ability to service for persons with disabilities.

  17. Aplikasi Cetakan Permanen untuk Meningkatkan Produksi dan Kualitas Produk IKM Pengecoran Logam Kuningan di Ngawen, Sidokarto, Godean, Yogyakarta

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    Suyitno Suyitno


    Full Text Available Small and Medium Enterprises (SME brass foundry in Ngawen Sidokarto, District of Godean, Sleman, Yogyakarta mostly produced cow necklace accessories (klonthong and jathilan accessories (klinthing. Te industry and business management are arranged within the scope of family. Te products are relatively low in quality and its market share is limited and tend to be traditional. Tis condition is caused by the weak knowledge of the management and the method of casting metals and metal science. Brass casting methode, that was used at IKM partner, is casting with mold of sand or soil. Tis process requires the making process of sand molds, that is removed afer the brass solidify. For large quantities products, this process is inefcient and takes a long time. It would require a more efcient and faster method in the production process. Method of sand casting and ceramics have been used by SMEs cast brass in Yogyakarta, however it  has many disadvantages in terms of increased productivity and quality as well as the expansion of product applications. Te permanent mold casting of iron is a casting method which has many advantages over other methods, but the use for SMEs has not been applied in the SME of cast brass. Te permanen mold casting methods was introduced to SME partners. Tis replaces the sand mold materials and molding sand. It is expected the casting process is faster because the mold can be used for a large number of products. Te results show that the application of the technology results in products with precision and consistent in shape and size. Community Service of UGM with Appropriate Technology has also collaborated with  Industry and Trade service of Yogyakarta donation of production machinery for making permanent mold. It can be concluded that the application of permanen mold in the brass foundry industry improve the product precision and the speed of produsction.

  18. Peran Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pada Guru Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS di Yogyakarta

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    Fatwa Tentama


    Full Text Available The problems faced by organizations is employee performance tends to decline over time resulting ineffectiveness of the organization. One of the factors that affect performance is job satisfaction. This study aims to determine empirically the correlation between job satisfaction and performance of the civil servant teachers. Subjects were 29 civil service teachers both male and female who become permanent employees and has worked at least 1 year in SLB Negeri 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. Data were collected using the Job Satisfaction Scale and the Performance Scale. Pearson’s product moment correlation were used to test the relationship between job satisfaction and teacher performance. The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction and performance of the civil servant teachers (rxy= .551; p= .001. The more satisfied the teachers, the higher their performance.

  19. Meretas Hambatan Komunikasi Perdesaan Dengan Media Komunitas di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Ika Yuliasari


    Abstract   This article describes the existence of community radio as an information agent in a rural area in Yogyakarta. As a social change agent, the operation of community radio  linked with the concept of structuration ( Anthony Giddens. Structuration has three main concepts such as of significance, domination and legitimation. In this research, there are two community radios that have built by people in Gadingsari village (Bantul Regency and Kaliagung village ( Kulon Progo Regency more ten years ago.Paworo FM (Gadingsari village and Trisna Alami FM ( Kaliagung village are known as the community radio which disseminate information continuously. A qualitative approach and constructivism paradigm used to interpret the living world,  emphasize the significance of social reality and discover the interaction of agent and structure. Furthermore, the data collection techniques are: interview, observation, focus group discussion, and documentation. Ethnography of communication has been applied as an attempt to explore the behavior and communication pattern of villagers. The implementation of social semiotics carried out some important discourse of development information in those villages.  Although both of community radio does not depend on commercial aspect, the actors in community radio still fight against the information gap in their village.


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    Joko Mariyono


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to examine the contribution of integtated pest management technology to significant decrease in use of pesticides in rice production.  This study was conducted in Yogyakarta, where the technology has been intensively disseminated through farmer’s field school. Aggregate data shows that the use of pesticides declines significantly after the introduction of the technology.  A constant elasticity of input demand model was employed in this study. The results of the study show that IPM technologi was increasingly disseminated during 1989-1998. At the same period, pesticide use declined significantly. The decrease in pesticide use was affected by the increase dissemination of IPM technology and the increase in relative price of pesticides.


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    Erni Susilowati


    Full Text Available Pustakawan memiliki peluang yang besar untukmenulis di media cetak sebab mereka memiliki kedekatan dan kemudahan dalam memperoleh sumber-sumber informasi yang diperlukan. Namun demikian, pustakawan sangat sedikit memberikan kontribusi dalam penulisan di media cetak. Salah satu sebabnya adalah minimnya penguasaan keterampilan menulis serta rendahnya motivasi sebagai pemacu kemampuan diri pustakawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi yang mendorong pustakawan untuk menulis artikel yang dipublikasikan lewat media cetak. Selain itu untuk mengetahui motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ekstrinsik yang mendorong pustakawan untuk menulis artikel di media cetak. Motivasi pustakawan dalam menulis artikel juga dilihat dari tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, usia, jenis kelamin dan keikutsertaan dalam pelatihan kepenulisan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pustakawan 3 perguruan tinggi negeri di DIY, yaitu UGM, UNY, dan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Sampel ditentukan secara area random sampling dari ketiga perguruan tinggi yang ada. Data yang diperlukan didapat dengan metode: (1 angket untuk pustakawan sampel, (2 wawancara kepada 5 orang pustakawan senior, dan (3 studi pustaka untuk melengkapi data penelitian. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1 Motivasi paling kuat yang melatarbelakangi pustakawan dalam menulis artikel di media cetak adalah motivasi angka kredit, dengan skor 3,81. (2 Motivasi intrinsik lebih besar pengaruhnya daripada motivasi ekstrinsik dalam mendorong pustakawan untuk menulis artikel di media cetak. (3 Hal yang mempengaruhi motivasi pustakawan untuk menulis artikel di media cetak adalah jenjang kepustakawanan, tingkat pendidikan, dan keikutsertaan dalam pelatihan teknik penulisan. (4 Hal yang kurang mempengaruhi motivasi pustakawan untuk menulis artikel di media cetak, antara lain usia, jenis kelamin, dan lamanya bekerja di

  2. Pengaruh Pemasaran Internal dan Kualitas Layanan Internal Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Internal (Studi Pada Industri Kepariwisataan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)


    Jumadi Jumadi


    The aim of this research is to investigate the implication of internal marketing and internal service quality effectivity towards internal customer satisfaction in Tourism Industry in Yogyakarta Special Territory. This internal marketing studyinvolves variables of motivation and reward system, effective communication, effective employee's selection, effective recruitment, effective development, effective support system, and healthy work environment. While the internal quality service aspects ...

  3. Pendidikan Karakter bagi Anak Autis di Sekolah Khusus Taruna al-Qur’an yogyakarta

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    Desti Widiani


    Full Text Available THE CHARACTER EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN AUTISM IN SPECIAL SCHOOL TARUNA al-Qur’an YOGYAKARTA. The increasing number of children with autism in Indonesia is an issue that is a shared responsibility, not just a part of medical or mental health professionals. In terms of behavior, children with autism tend to hurt himself, not confident and aggressive. In line with these problems, character education also plays a role to steer them into independent human beings and useful within its capabilities in order not to become a burden on the contrary is a gift given by God Almighty. Character education in children with autism in Qur’an through five strategies: first, through the basic principles of service pendidikam children with special needs, both through habituation and familiarization good in school, through keteladan third, fourth through applicative character, and fifth through therapy Qur’an.

  4. Pola konsumsi air, susu dan produk susu, serta minuman manis sebagai faktor risiko obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

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    Yayah Lakoro


    consumption of water, whereby higher comsumption of sweet drink meant lower consumption of water. Nutrition education embedded in the curriculum could be used as an alternative of obesity prevention in children by changing or building healthy lifestyle. KEYWORDS: risk factors, obese children, consumption of water, consumption of sweet drinkABSTRAKLatar belakang: Minuman manis diduga kuat sebagai penyebab terjadinya obesitas pada anak. Susu dan produk susu yang tidak sehat yang mengandung lemak dan gula tinggi dapat menjadi salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya obesitas, sedangkan air putih merupakan minuman sehat tanpa kalori yang dapat membantu manajemen berat badan.Tujuan: Mengetahui pola konsumsi minuman pada anak obesitas.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kasus kontrol. Kasus adalah anak SD yang mengalami obesitas, kontrol  adalah anak SD yang dengan berat badan normal. Lokasi penelitian di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul. Penentuan sampel menggunakan metode probability proportional to size (PPS. Jumlah sampel adalah 488 sampel terdiri dari 244 kasus dan 244 kontrol. Pada subyek penelitian dilakukan matching asal sekolah dengan ketentuan siswa kasus dan kontrol berasal dari kelas yang sama. Uji statistic McNemar dan regresi logistik dilakukan untuk mengidentifi kasi variabel yang merupakan faktor risiko.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan karakteristik jenis kelamin antara kedua kelompok (p=0,03. Rata-rata jumlah konsumsi air putih dan minuman manis pada anak obes berbeda secara signifi kan  dibandingkan dengan anak tidak obes, berturut-turut adalah 243,8 mL/hari (±2½ gelas/hari dan 397,3 mL/hari (± 2 gelas/hari, sedangkan rata-rata jumlah konsumsi susu dan produk susu tidak sehat pada anak obes dan tidak obes, tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Uji Mc Nemar menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi air putih dan minuman manis berhubungan dengan kejadian obesitas pada anak di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul  dengan nilai OR 2,1 (95% CI:1,4–3,05 dan OR 3,1 (95% CI: 2,1

  5. Safety aspects of using Ag-In-Cd absorber made by PT. Batan Teknologi (Persero) in the core of multi purposes reactor G.A. Siwabessy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anggoro Septilarso; Zulkarnain; Heryudo Kusumo


    Safety Evaluation has been carried out for the using of Ag-In-Cd Absorber made by PT. Batan Teknologi (Persero) in the core of Multi Purposes Reactor G.A. Siwabessy (RSG-GAS). PT. Batan Teknologi (Persero) only licensed by NUKEM GmbH to produce Fuel Element and Control Element U-Al, U 3 O 8 -Al dan U 3 Si 2 -Al, and not including to produce Ag-In-Cd Absorber. But, BAPETEN evaluator think that the danger would be greater if RSG-GAS use the older absorber than use Ag-In-Cd Absorber made by PT. Batan Teknologi. For this purposes, BAPETEN set some requirements and acceptance criteria to be met by the absorber, that is cold test, hot test, shutdown margin value, control rod drop test and visual test. The test show that Ag-In-Cd Absorber meets all the requirements and acceptance criteria required by BAPETEN. (author)

  6. Constraints on the performance of school-based dental program in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: A qualitative study

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    Rosa Amalia


    Full Text Available Background: A high prevalence of caries at ages ≥ 12 in Yogyakarta province (DMFT = 6.5, raises the question of the effectiveness of the school-based dental program (SBDP which, as a national oral health program in schools, is organized by community health centers (CHCs. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the possible constraints on work processes which might affect the performance of SBDPs in controlling caries. Methods: In-depth interviews was conducted in twelve CHCs, covering all five districts both in urban and rural areas. Subjects were 41 dentists and dental nurses working in these CHCs. The interviews were structured according to the following themes: resources and logistics; program planning; target achievement; monitoring and evaluation; and suggestions for possible improvements. The data were analyzed using content analysis. Results: The main constraints identified were limited resources and inflexible regulations for resource allocation in the CHC, and inadequate program planning and program evaluation. Inadequate participation of parents was also identified. Another constraint is thatpolicy at the district level orientates oral health towards curative intervention rather than prevention. Suggestions from interviewees include encouraging a policy for oral health, task delegation, a funding program using school health insurance, and a reorientation towards prevention. Conclusion: The weakness of management processes and the unsupported policy of the SBDP at the local level result in a lack of effectiveness. The constraints identified and suggestions for improvements could constitute a basis for improving program quality.Latar Belakang: Tingginya prevalensi karies pada usia ≥ 12 tahun (DMFT = 6.5 di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY menimbulkan pertanyaan akan efektifitas Usaha Kesehatan Gigi Sekolah (UKGS. UKGS adalah salah satu program nasional di bidang kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang dilaksanakan oleh Puskesmas


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    Deby Zulkarnain Rahadian Syah


    Full Text Available Background:PKU Muhammadiyah Hospitalof Yogyakarta isan Islamic type B referral hospital in SpecialRegency ofYogyakarta and Central Java. Inspite of beingareferral hospital,an improvement inservicesandnursing carestill needs to be considered. Head of nursing section has asignificant role in organizingtheassociate nurses in effort todeliveringbetter services. A successful head of nursing section must be agood identifier and could appreciatethe spirit of enquiry.Methods:This researchwas aquantitative-descriptive research. Measurement tool of this researchwas aquestionairethat were distributed to 94 respondents. The subjectsof this researchwerevocational nursesatinpatient roomof PKU Muhammdiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta.Results:This researchshowed that the leadership styles assessed by the associate nurses inIbnu Shinawardwasconsulting style(72,7%, Marwahwardwasconsultingstyle (56,3%, Roudhohwardwasconsultingstyle (63,3%, Arafah wardwas participating style (53,8%, Shofa-musdalifah wardwas consulting style(71,4%, Zam-zamwardwasparticipatingstyle (81,8%, and Multazamwardwasconsultingstyle (72,2%.Conclusion:Thesituational leadership style appliebythe headof nursingsectionwasdominantlyconsultingleadershipstyle.

  8. Kohesivitas Suami Istri Dalam Mewujudkan Keharmonisan Rumah Tangga: Studi Kasus di Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta

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    Suciati Suciati


    Full Text Available Each couple must have longed for harmony in the household, but many of them decide to divorce. The issue is not resolved for the sake of the problems cause conflict.This happens when couples are no longer uphold openness and trust. This study raised the marital cohesion in the area of Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta, considering this region occurred in the case of divorce due to lack of harmony in the marital relationship. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with three pairs of husband and wife. The study concluded that the three couples showed cohesiveness characterized by a relatively high intensity of togetherness, the role of head of the family stay on her husband, satisfaction with the solutions generated and the defense their family name.


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    Khusnul Diana


    Full Text Available Melamine is not prohibited chemical to mix into food product. Around 2008, Melamine had found in baby milk which was made by China to make high protein level. To see BBPOM Yogyakarta’s performance handling of food which has contaminated of melamine, it is needed evaluation from customer’s satisfaction and affection of monitoring food contaminated melamine’s factors. In addition, it is necessary to know the gap between expectation and society’s perception. The study is descriptive explorative research. The study has done by giving performance questionnaire and the factor that affect to performance of employee at Investigation and Inspection sector in BBPOM Yogyakarta and qualitative analysis has done by interview. Based on the analysis result, personal/human resources, monitored system and infrastructure factors has not significance effect to BBPOM Yogyakarta performance handling contaminated food, because the monitoring has limited for withdrawing and scrapping product. From the interview result is known that there is an effect between personal/human resources, monitored system and infrastructures factors, because it is influenced by theoretical and subjectivity of respondent.

  10. Analisis Pengaruh Pelatihan Resusitasi Jantung Paru RJP Dewasa terhadap Retensi Pengetahuan dan Ketrampilan RJP pada Mahasiswa Keperawatan di Yogyakarta

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    Linda Widyarani


    , agar dapat berespon cepat, tanggap dan akurat dalam memberikan pertolongan pada korban OHCA. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh pelatihan RJP dewasa terhadap retensi pengetahuan dan ketrampilan RJP pada mahasiswa keperawatan di Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian quasi experimental dengan design one group pretest – posttest. Posttest diberikan dua kali, yaitu sesaat sesudah pelatihan dan sebulan sesudah pelatihan. Jumlah sampel yaitu 65 orang. Analisa data menggunakan pair t-test. Hasilnya, pelatihan RJP berpengaruh positif terhadap pengetahuan dan ketrampilan bystander RJP dengan p-value 0,000 (<0,001. Rerata skor awal pengetahuan 44,43%, rerata skor sesaat sesudah pelatihan 89,64% dan rerata skor sebulan sesudah pelatihan adalah 77,54%. Rata-rata skor ketrampilan sebelum pelatihan adalah 35,55%, rerata skor sesaat setelah pelatihan 91,80% dan rerata skor sebulan setelah pelatihan 70,61%. Penurunan retensi pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mahasiswa sebulan sesudah pelatihan RJP kemungkinan disebabkan karena mahasiswa kurang terpapar kasus pasien dengan henti jantung yang membutuhkan tindakan RJP.Kata Kunci: resusitasi jantung paru, pelatihan, bystander RJP

  11. Research and development efforts in the implementation of nuclear power programme in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suhaemi, T.


    Research and development efforts in the implementation of nuclear power programme in Indonesia are presented. According to Indonesia Law, the National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) is an official body which is reponsible for all aspects of nuclear development. In implementing the nuclear power, BATAN together with the State Electricity Corporation (PLN) have pioneered the introduction of nuclear power plant in Indonesia by carrying out various activities, studies, seminars, workshops and report writings. A nuclear power planning study was carried out jointly with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The feasibility studies were also carried out by NIRA, an Italian consultant firm in cooperation with BATAN and PLN. To improve research and development, BATAN has established 5 research nuclear centres which function as centres of basic and applied research, isotope and radiation application, standardization and calibration and uranium exploration. Nowadays BATAN is constructing a sophisticated and multidisciplinary complex at Serpong near Jakarta. It is hoped that the participation of the national industry can be synchronized to the construction of the first nuclear power in Indonesia. To endorse the movement towards the industrial and technological future, the National Centre for Research, Science and Technology (known as PUSPITEK) has been established. There will be 12 different laboratories providing facilities for research and development of all aspects of technology. For training manpower, BATAN has established the Education and Training Centre (PUSDIKLAT). BATAN has also collaborated with universities, such as Gadjahmada University in Yogyakarta, in establishing Nuclear Engineering Division in the School of Engineering. 6 refs, 3 figs

  12. Batik Painting Employees’ Welfare In Yogyakarta (An Analysis Of Maqasid Sharia Framework

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    kusuma chandra kirana


    Full Text Available Objectives - The main purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of welfare concept from the Islamic Economic perspective in Sub Sector Batik Painting Industry in Yogyakarta.Methods - This is an explanatory research study with analytical descriptive of kashif analytical. This study uses rational-empirical approach (deductive. The research begins with empirical facts of an event/phenomenon that shows the number of batik industry in Yogyakarta. Maqasid Sharia is used to analyze the object of the research. Therefore, this study can be categorized as empirical-rational (inductive. The study was conducted in Yogyakarta that consists of 5 districts, namely: Sleman, Bantul, Kulon Progo, Gunung Kidul and Yogyakarta.Results - Maqasid sharia as an indicator of welfare has been implemented in most of the batik painting industry in Yogyakarta, with the highest order is hifzhul-‘aql, followed by hifzhul-maal, hifzhun-nasl, hifzhun- nafs, and the lowest is hifzhud-din. By order of the area of application, the highest is Kulon Progo (70.31%, followed by Yogyakarta (70.26%, Bantul (70.25%, Sleman (60.09% and the lowest is Gunung Kidul (50.29%.Conclusion - Based on the analysis of  socio-economic welfare, as much as 64.7% of employees were able to meet the needs of their family life, while the remaining 33.3% were classified as mustahiq (poor which require serious attention. Based on the analysis of Ibn Khaldun’s concept on welfare, Batik industry in Yogyakarta has not fully implemented the welfare yet. It is characterized by the application of distributive justice between the owner and the employees are still not in accordance with the Hadith of the Prophet, which is 1: 2.


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    Yustinus Ulung Anggraito


    Full Text Available Koro benguk (Mucuna pruriens berpotensi sebagai bahan substitusi kedelai. Keragaman genetik koro benguk termasuk kategori rendah, sehingga perlu ditingkatkan keragaman genetiknya terutama pada faktor-faktor produksi. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan informasi mutasi mikro pada koro benguk generasi M1 setelah diradiasi dengan sinar gamma dari Cobalt-60. Benih koro benguk diperoleh dari Balai Pengembangan Perbenihan Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura (BP2TPH Ngipiksari, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Radiasi sinar gamma dilakukan di PAIR BATAN Pasar Jumat, Jakarta. Dosis radiasi gamma yang digunakan adalah 0; 25 Gy, 50 Gy; 100 Gy; 150 Gy, 200 Gy, dan 250 Gy. Eksperimen dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK. Parameter yang diamati adalah umur berbunga, jumlah polong, jumlah biji, berat 100 biji tanaman generasi M1. Data dianalisis menggunakan Anava, dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Duncan (DMRT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan dosis radiasi sinar gamma akan memperpanjang hari munculnya bunga dan berat biji, namun menurunkan jumlah polong dan jumlah biji pada tanaman generasi M1.

  14. Affordability Assessment to Implement Light Rail Transit (LRT for Greater Yogyakarta

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    Anjang Nugroho


    Full Text Available The high population density and the increasing visitors in Yogyakarta aggravate the traffic congestion problem. BRT (Bus Rapid Transit services, Trans Jogja has not managed to solve this problem yet. Introducing Light Rail Transit (LRT has been considered as one of the solutions to restrain the congestion in Greater Yogyakarta. As the first indication that the LRT can be built in Greater Yogyakarta, the transportation affordability index was used to understand whether the LRT tariff was affordable. That tariff was calculated based on government policy in determining railway tariff. The forecasted potential passengers and LRT route have been analyzed as the previous steps to get LRT tariff. Potential passenger was forecasted from gravity mode, and the proposed LRT route was chosen using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA. The existing transportation affordability index was calculated for comparison analysis using the percentage of the expenditures for transportation made by monthly income of each household. The result showed that the LRT for Greater Yogyakarta was the most affordable transport mode compared to the Trans Jogja Bus and motorcycle. The affordability index of Tram Jogja for people having average income was 10.66% while another people with bottom quartile income was 13.56%. Keywords: Greater Yogyakarta, LRT, affordability.

  15. Dinamika Kekuasaan dalam Komunitas Jazz Yogyakarta 2002-2010

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    Oki Rahadianto Sutopo


    Full Text Available Previous studies about jazz in Indonesia tend to generalize and hold a bias against narration from the mainstream, they do not see the different narration from micro scope. Using Yogyakarta jazz community as an entry point, this study shows that jazz community is not a single entity, rather, it involved various identities including educational as well as social background. This paper also indicates contestation among different jazz community in Yogyakarta wich eventually shape the colour of jazz music in the city.


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    Rosalina Kurniwati Tethool


    public accountant firms in Yogyakarta, Solo, and Semarang participate in this study. Data are collected by mail questionnaire and was analyzed by multiple regressions, and the result supports the hypothesis. It implies that managers in public accountant firms should consider the combination of supervisory act and experience in auditing in order to increase job satisfaction for senior and junior auditors. Keywords: supervisory action, work experience, job satisfaction, auditor

  17. Proses dan Hasil Belajar pada Prakerind Bidang Keahlian Kendaraan Ringan: Studi Kasus pada Industri Pasangan SMKN 3 Yogyakarta

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    Yuneldi Miswardi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan proses belajar siswa SMKN 3 Yogyakarta kompetensi keahlian teknik kendaraan ringan di tempat kerja dalam pelaksanaan praktek kerja industri (pra-kerind. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah empat manager/pihak DUDI yang mengelola pelaksanaan prakerind dan tujuh siswa yang terlibat dalam ke-giatan prakerind pada empat DUDI  tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wa-wancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan ialah metode Miles dan Huberman, melalui tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. 1 Pengaturan belajar siswa di tempat kerja dengan membatasi jumlah siswa dalam pekerjaan dan menjadikan siswa sebagai helper mekanik. 2 Proses pembelajaran siswa di tempat kerja: (a belajar melalui pekerjaan dengan mengikuti mekanik; (b peran mekanik: memberikan ke-sempatan kepada siswa untuk melakukan pekerjaan secara langsung dengan bimbingan dan pengawas-an, memberikan penilaian terhadap kinerja siswa; (c cara siswa mendapatkan kompetensi di tempat kerja: (1 berkomunikasi dan bersosialisasi, (2 rajin dan ulet, (3 memiliki inisiatif dan aktif; (d pe-ngetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap yang diperoleh siswa di tempat kerja:  (1 pengetahuan tentang du-nia kerja bengkel otomotif  dan pengalaman kerja pada pekerjaan yang sesungguhnya, (2 kategori kompetensi siswa yang diperoleh dalam prakerind untuk kategori bengkel besar dan kecil adalah kate-gori specialist, sedangkan untuk kategori bengkel menengah masih dalam kategori orang yang belum berpengalaman, (3 sikap siswa sesuai dengan budaya kerja di DUDI yaitu kerja keras dan peduli mutu. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran di tempat kerja

  18. Pemanfaatan Situs Web Resmi Lembaga Pendidikan sebagai Sumber Berita oleh Wartawan Surat Kabar Lokal di Yogyakarta

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    Narayana Mahendra Prastya


    Full Text Available This resarch based on concept that stated internet give organization advantages in media relations activities. Educational institution being chosen because media relations is important for them. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data-collecting technique is interview. The informant of the interview is representative from newsroom local newspapers in Yogyakarta. The research result shows that informant give their trust to official website from educational organization. Informant use the information to explore the issue and/or as alternative when they face condition lack of news. Informant also criticize the information quality and the structure of information that published on official website.

  19. Nilai Estetis Pada Kemasan Makanan Tradisional Yogyakarta

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    Setiawan Sabana


    Full Text Available This research is focused on investigating the aesthetical and philosophical values of traditional food packaging in Yogyakarta, whereas much of traditional values are still applied and existed in the daily life. It is thought that the philosophical value of traditional food packaging is related to its use in the traditional ceremonies of the Yogyakarta Palace, such as Garebeg Mulud (Sekaten, Garebeg Syawal, Garebeg Idhul Adha, Tumplak Wajik, and Labuhan. Although some of traditional food packaging are also used in the people’s ceremony, such as birth, wedding, and funeral ceremonies. Accordingly, traditional food packagings are mostly used to represent symbols that link to the life of the people of Yogyakarta. The aesthetical value of traditional food packaging can be identified from its visual elements, such as shapes, lines, textures, colors, masses (volumes, spaces, and the composition of those elements using natural materials such banana leaf and young coconut leaf. The intertwined of each element carry on meanings and therefore when modern materials (papers and plastics are applied, most of traditional food packaging degrades their actual and symbolical meanings.

  20. Implementasi Kebijakan Sertifikasi Guru dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Bachtiar Dwi Kurniawan


    Full Text Available This research was conducted to determine teacher certification policies, especially the line of portofolio, in order to improve profesionalism teachers. Research certification policy implementation especially want to see how far the process of implementation conducted by the executive, and what factors influence teacher certification policy implementation in Kota Yogyakarta. Further research is intended to see the impact of teacher certification policy toward teacher professionalism in teaching and learning. This research was conducted using qualitative methods with descriptive approach. This study found several things, including: first, in terms of teacher certification process of policy implementation in both the City Department of Education and LPTKs can be said to run well and smoothly, just have a little problem, both are experiencing problems related to the limited facilities and supporting infrastructure. It happened because the central government did not allocate budget to support the implementation of the program. Second, in terms of policy impact, there has been no increase in certified teachers’ professionalism significantly. The attitude of teachers in conducting certification policy is only visible when pursuing welfare only, while the quality of teaching received less attention

  1. Senam Otak (Brain Gym Berpengaruh Terhadap Tingkat Stres pada Anak Usia Sekolah Kelas V di SD Negeri Pokoh 1 Wedomartani Ngemplak Sleman Yogyakarta

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    Yunita Dikir


    Full Text Available Learning activities may cause excessive stress IN children. 82.8% of the causes of stress in children in Indonesian are from their very tight routine. Data of the National Commission for Children Protection show an average of 200 cases per month which increases 28%. Brain gym is used as one of the activities to address the issue of stress in children and to improve memory. This research is aimed at identifying the effect of brain gym on stress levels in school-age children of fifth grade at SD Negeri Pokoh 1 Wedomartani Ngemplak Sleman Yogyakarta. This research is a quasi-experimental research with one-group pre and post-test design. The subjects of the research were all fifth grade students at SD Negeri Pokoh 1 Wedomartani Ngemplak Sleman Yogyakarta in 2014, numbering 36 students. Sampling employed a total sampling and data were analyzed using the wilcoxon test. The results showed that the stress level of children before the brain gym given was mostly in the moderate category (50.0% and after the brain gym given was mostly in the normal category (75.0%. The statistical test using the wilcoxon test generated p-value of 0.000 <0.05. Conclusion, there was a significant effect of brain gym on stress levels before and after treatment in the fifth grade students at SD Negeri Pokoh 1 Wedomartani Ngemplak Sleman Yogyakarta.

  2. Analisa Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Permintaan Tepung Terigu Oleh Industri Kecil Berbahan Baku Tepung Terigu Di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA


    H., Saptati Nurul; Supartono, Wahyu; Mulyati, Guntarti Tatik


    This research was conducted to identify all influencing factors of wheat flour demand of industries, which used wheat flour as main raw material. Samples of this research were five noodle industries and ten sweet cake industries in Yogyakarta municipality. Dependent variable influencing to wheat flour demand of small scale industries were price of wheat flour, price of substitutes (rice flour and tapioca starch), industry's income, and governmental regulation for wheat flour distribution. A d...

  3. Analisa Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Permintaan Tepung Terigu oleh Industri Kecil Berbahan Baku Tepung Terigu di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


    H., Saptati Nurul; Supartono, Wahyu; Mulyati, Guntarti Tatik


    This research was conducted to identify all influencing factors of wheat flour demand of industries, which used wheat flour as main raw material. Samples of this research were five noodle industries and ten sweet cake industries in Yogyakarta municipality. Dependent variable influencing to wheat flour demand of small scale industries were price of wheat flour, price of substitutes (rice flour and tapioca starch), industry's income, and governmental regulation for wheat flour distribution. A d...


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    Kholid Mawardi


    pola hubungan antara KH. Masrur Ahmad dan Pesantren al-Qodir dengan komunitas-komunitas kesenian rakyat di Desa Wukirsari, dan untuk mengetahui bentuk akomodasi kesenian rakyat di Desa tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, diperoleh kesimpulan; pertama, Kiai Masrur yang ingin mewujudkan kebaikan dan keindahan Islam tidak hanya dirasakan oleh umat Islam tetapi juga oleh umat-umat agama lain, dan komunitas kesenian rakyat yang ingin mempertahankan eksistensi dirinya dalam masyarakat yang semakin majemuk, dilakukan dengan bekerjasama untuk merealisasikan keinginan mereka. Kedua, relasi antara Kiai Masrur dan Pesantren al-Qodir dengan komunitas kesenian rakyat di Desa Wukir- sari, dalam konteks historis merupakan pengulangan dari pola relasi yang terjadi pada saat proses Islamisasi Jawa pada masa lampau, yaitu dengan menempatkan lokalitas sebagai basis Islam. Kiai Masrur dan Pesantren al-Qodir menempatkan diri sebagai pembela kesenian rakyat; Kiai Masrur sebagai patron dan komunitas kesenian rakyat sebagai kliennya, dan keseluruhan relasi tersebut didasarkan kepada hubungan timbal balik yang saling menguntungkan. Ketiga, bentuk akomodasi Kiai Masrur terhadap kesenian rakyat di Desa Wukirsari adalah kompromi dan toleransi. Bentuk kompromi ini terlihat dari kesediaan kedua belah pihak untuk saling merasakan dan memahami keadaan pihak lain. Adapun bentuk toleransi, dilakukan Kiai Masrur dan Pesantren al-Qodir secara sengaja untuk menghindarkan diri dari berbagai perselisihan dan pertentangan.

  5. Physical comparison between Rampasasa Pygmy and Yogyakarta children of Indonesia

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    Neni Trilusiana Rahmawati


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT In growth studies, somatotyping allows one to characterize changes in physique during growth in order to monitor growth patterns and to better understand variations in adult physique. Information on the physique of children with short stature is limited In Indonesia the study of somatotype for Pygmy children had never been done. The aims of this study were to compare the physiques of Rampasasa Pygmy and Yogyakarta children and to evaluate factors that might lead to variability in physiques. The sample consisted of 61 Rampasasa Pygmy (32 boys and 29 girls and 319 Javanese children in Yogyakarta (173 boys and 146 girls aged 8–13 years. Height, weight, biepicondylar breadths of the humerus and femur, calf and upper arm circumferences, and skinfolds (at triceps, subscapula, calf, and supraspine were measured on each subject. We used somatotyped by the Heath-Carter method. The results showed that the Pygmy children were shorter, lighter, and less endomorphic than the Yogyakarta children. Our findings suggest that the observed differences between Rampasasa Pygmy and Yogyakarta children could be related mainly to environment background in the two areas.


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    Erna Luciasari


    Full Text Available Number of the elderly is increasing relatively fast in Indonesia. It is estimated by the US Bureau of the Cencus that this country will be the fourth in the world regarding the big number of it. As they are becoming older the physiological functions become weaker, it includes the function of intestine which influence the kind of food they can eat. This study has been carried out as to collect information's regarding level and variety of foods consumed by the elderly. A number of 53 elderly reside in two nursing homes, i.e. Budi Luhur and Hanna in Yogyakarta have been involved in the study. Important results show that most of the elderly used to eat main dish meal three times and snacks one-two time daily. The main staple food is rice which contributes 60-70% of total energy intake. Foods of fat sources contribute 15-20% of energy intake. Foods of animal protein sources are consumed 30-50 gram daily, and 50-100 gram of plant protein sources such as fermented soybean (tempe. Drinking water are drunk 6-9 glasses a day. By consuming such level and variety of foods, 47% of elderly are relatively thin, 47% sedentary and 6% relatively obese.Keywords: foods consume, elderly, nursing home

  7. Analisis Kesesuaian Harapan Mahasiswa dengan Persepsi Manajemen pada Program Studi Manajemen di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Kusuma Chandra Kirana


    Full Text Available Abstract The key success in winning the competition is the ability to achieve the objectives in creating and maintaining the customers. Therefore, the management of the program has to satisfy the customers. One way to obtain the customer satisfaction is to deliver a quality service required by the customers. It means that the management of the business schools need to have a good understanding on students need that there is no gap between the expectation of the students and the service they received. Thus, the understanding of their need is highly required the quality service can be provided. Based on the result of the study that the processed using servqual analysis instrument, the hierarchy and correlation ranking, there is a significant difference between consumers expectation in School of Management in Yogyakarta.

  8. Bovine Ephemeral Fever pada ternak sapi potong di Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta (Laporan Kasus

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    Alfarisa Nururrozi


    Full Text Available Bovine Ephemeral Fever (BEF or three days sickness is one of the most common disease in cattle. The disease is caused by rhabdoviridae virus transmitted through mosquito as a vectors. This paper aims to determine the incidence of BEF cases in Gunungkidul district, Yogyakarta. Diagnoses BEF based on information collected through the anamnesis from owner and the results of clinical examination. 134 (48% from 277 cows were examined in the Gunungkidul district period October-November 2016 diagnosed BEF. Clinical signs were found consist of anorexia 111 cases (34%, hyperthermia 99 cases (31%, lameness 42 cases (13%, cow downer 31 cases (10%, nasal discharge 35 cases (11% and hypersalivation 6 cases (2%. Bovine Ephemeral Fever mayority reported on the second day of the disease progression by 67 cases (42%. The most common therapy used combinations of antipyretics, antibiotics and vitamins were 45 cases (33%. Based on the information from the farmers, the treatment has given good results and absence of the absence of post-treatment recurrence



    Supardi Supardi; Eka Noor Asamara


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dan menguji secara empiris hubungan faktor sosial dengan cognitive absorption dan hubungannya terhadap faktor kepercayaan-kepercayaan (perceived ease of use dan perceived usefulness) dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi pada proses belajar mengajar diperguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sebanyak 125 dosen jurusan akuntansi di propinsi Yogyakarta sebagai responden. Faktor sosial diukur dengan menggunakan pengaruh rekan sejawat, cognitive ab...


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    Nanda Pratama


    Full Text Available This study aimed to describe (1 correlation vocational learning interest with working interest in industry among the eleventh grade students of SMK Negeri I Sedayu Bantul Yogyakarta in the academic year 2014/2015; (2 correlation learning achievement of welding practice subject with working interest in industry among the eleventh grade students of SMK Negeri I Sedayu Bantul Yogyakarta in the academic year 2014/2015; and (3 correlation vocational learning interest and learning achievement of welding practice subject with working interest in industry among the eleventh grade students of SMK Negeri I Sedayu Bantul Yogyakarta in the academic year 2014/2015. This study was ex-post facto. Data collecting methods were questionnaires and documentation. Data analyzing methods used descriptive analysis, first and second hypothesis testing used partial correlation and third hypothesis testing used double regression with two predictors. This study shows that (1 there was a positive and significant correlation vocational learning interest with working interest in industry among the eleventh grade students of SMK Negeri I Sedayu Bantul Yogyakarta in the academic year 2014/2015 with the significant score 0.007 < 0.05; (2 there was a positive and significant correlation learning achievement of welding practice subject with working interest in industry among the eleventh grade students of SMK Negeri I Sedayu Bantul Yogyakarta in the academic year 2014/2015 with the significant score 0.000 < 0.05; and (3 there was a positive and significant correlation vocational learning interest and learning achievement of welding practice subject with working interest in industry among the eleventh grade students of SMK Negeri I Sedayu Bantul Yogyakarta in the academic year 2014/2015 with the significant score 0.000 < 0.05. The score of determinant coefficient (R2 was 0.127, it means that learning interest and learning achievement of welding practice subject gave contribution

  11. Finite Element Method in the Three Dimensions Deformation Computation ofKartini Reactor Stack

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Supriyono; Syarip; Wibisono, I


    The calculation of the Kartini reactor stack i.e. one of the nuclearinstallations in P3TM-BATAN Yogyakarta by using SAP 90 software have beendone. The calculation is done as a safety review of building towards theearthquake style in Yogyakarta. The 3-dimension deformation calculation isperformed by the numeric method i.e. finite element method with the form ofelements is the shell. The result obtained showed that the construction oftower safe to the existing earthquake, where the moment exerted as a resultof earthquake style was different under the moment having been kept by thebuilding structure. By knowing the deformation on the stack it is expectedcould be used for concluding the strength of the whole reactor building.(author)

  12. Dinamika Penyesuaian Diri Penyandang Disabilitas di Tempat Magang Kerja: Studi Deskriptif di Balai Rehabilitasi Terpadu Penyandang Disabilitas (BRTPD Yogyakarta

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    Ani Nur Sayyidah


    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan proses pelaksanaan magang kerja selama 25 hari dengan tahapan pelaksanaan bimbingan vokasional, orientasi dan konsultasi, penempatan klien di tempat magang kerja, pelaksanaan bimbingan kerja, penarikan klien dari tempat magang, evaluasi dan monitoring. Penyandang disabilitas rungu wicara ditempatkan di perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distributor alat-alat rumah tangga, penyandang disabilitas netra ditempatkan di panti pijat dan penyandang disabilitas daksa ditempatkan di perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang percetakan dan sablon. Dinamika penyesuaian diri dari ketiga informan tersebut yang memiliki penyesuaian yang lebih sehat yaitu penyandang disabilitas rungu wicara karena mampu memenuhi 3 dari 4 aspek dalam penyesuaian diri yang sehat. Aspek yang terpenuhi yaitu aspek kematangan sosial, aspek kematangan intelektual, aspek kematangan tanggung jawab personal dan aspek yang kurang dapat terpenuhi yaitu aspek kematangan emosional. Penyandang disabilitas netramampu memenuhi 2 aspek penyesuaian diri dan 2 aspek kurang dapat terpenuhi. Aspek yang terpenuhi yaitu aspek kematangan sosial dan aspek kematangan tanggung jawab personal, aspek yang kurang dapat terpenuhi yaitu aspek kematangan emosional dan intelektual. Sedangkan penyandang disabilitas daksa terdapat tiga aspek yang kurang dapat terpenuhi yaitu aspek kematangan emosional, sosial dan tanggung jawab personal, hanya 1 aspek yang terpenuhi yaitu aspek kematangan intelektual


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    Agus Sudaryanto


    Full Text Available This research is empirical law research. The collecting data were analyzed by qualitative and presented descriptively. The research can be concluded as follows: reasons for maintaining delict adat law are religious environment, maintaining norms politeness, adat executed as long as no conflict with the written law and the protection of women. Types of sanction are warning in a visit at night, asked to leave the house for interrogation, community sanctions; the reasons of sanction are near the mosque, maintaining delict adat law, neglection of verbal warning, anticipation pregnant before marriage and aruh-aruh culture must be maintained. Jenis penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara kualitatif dan disajikan deskriptif. Kesimpulan riset adalah: Pertama, alasan mempertahankan hukum delik adat karena lingkungan riligius, menjaga norma kesopanan, adat dijalankan asalkan tidak berbenturan dengan peraturan tertulis dan perlindungan perempuan. Kedua, proses penerapan sanksi masyarakat adalah peringatan dalam bertamu di malam hari, diminta keluar rumah untuk diinterogasi, diberi sanksi yang ditentukan musyawarah masyarakat. Ketiga, alasan penjatuhan sanksi pengusiran adalah lingkungan dekat masjid, mempertahankan hukum delik adat, tidak mengindahkan peringatan, pencegahan hamil di luar nikah, perlunya budaya aruharuh (tegur sapa harus dipertahankan.

  14. Friendly vertical housing: case of walk-up flat housing development in Yogyakarta (United States)

    Fosterharoldas Swasto, Deva


    In Yogyakarta Province, the local government have developed walk-up flats housing for more than ten years since the mid of the 2000s. Yogyakarta City and Sleman Regency was pioneering the construction with some blocks of flats in several locations. However, after this period, there is limited evaluation about the effectiveness of the occupancy. One of the issues is related to the sustainable housing development. Concerning this situation, it is proposed to examine how the development of walk-up flats housing in Yogyakarta City and Sleman Regency can be evaluated based on specific housing indicator, as a part of sustainable housing development concept. This paper would like to explore the phenomenon on how ‘friendly’ the flats is. The researcher will qualitatively asses variables from the walk-up flat cases in Yogyakarta City and Sleman Regency. The results suggested that the physical quality of the vertical housing situation could be enhanced to meet residents’ satisfaction.

  15. Pelestarian Aspek Kesemestaan Dan Kesetempatan Dalam Arsitektur Bangsal Sitihinggil Di Kraton Yogyakarta

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    Alwin Suryono


    Full Text Available The Sitihinggil Kraton Yogyakarta building, completed in 1926, has a EuropeanJavanese architecture style. It is originally a coronation place of the Mataram Sultans and the first Indonesia President. In the present time, it is used for royal official ceremonies and tourist attractions. The purpose of this study is to reveal the universallocal aspects of Sitihinggil architecture and describe its conservation concept. The method used is descriptive-explanatory, with the approach of Javanese CultureArchitecture-Conservation. The universal aspect is based on the Javanese culture philosophy ”unitary natural-social-spiritual interaction”, whereas the local aspects are “philosophy of tolerance” and architecture style. Natural relation associates with symmetrical space layout towards the philosophical axis and the adaptive building (to the environment. The social relation associates with the dialogue between the Sultan (inside the building with the people (sitting in the North Square. The spiritual relation associates with the Sultan’s meditation ritual in this building while looking at the White Post’s direction. “Tolerance” philosophy could be seen through the architectural styles. Conservation concept: Preservation of space layout (opennessposition of the building; Restoration of the North Square (thickened the surrounding grass and trees; Preservation-routine maintenance of building (Roofs, ceilings, beams, gutters, windows, pillars, ornaments Keywords: universal, local, culture, preservation.

  16. Analisis Strategi Bersaing Gudang Digital YOGYAKARTA Dalam Memperluas Pasar


    Nofrizal, Nofrizal


    : Gudang Digital is a company engaged in the retail photography in Yogyakarta that has been established for 7 years with hard work and patience Digital Warehouse successfully read consumer needs Yogyakarta, until now Digital Vault already has three branches and has a cafe and a photography class as for strategy they used is one stop shopping and cheapest.Selection of the appropriate strategy, Gudang Digital is one of the goals of this research to be able to survive in the competition in the r...

  17. HAJI DAN KEGAIRAHAN EKONOMI:Menguak Makna Ibadah Haji Bagi Pedagang Muslim di Yogyakarta

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    M. Sulthoni


    Full Text Available Haji adalah ibadah eksklusif dan unik. Sekarang eksklusif karena tidak semua umat Islam tidak perlu itu. Ini ritual hanya dilakukan oleh mereka yang memiliki kemampuan fisik, persyaratan psikologis, dan keuangan untuk menjalankannya. Haji ritual adalah unik karena sering melampaui normatif batas. Fenomena ziarah draper di Pasar Beringharjo yang merupakan subjek penelitian ini jelas menunjukkan hal ini. Para pedagang menyisihkan sebagian dari hati keuntungan perdagangan berrela diperoleh setiap hari, mengumpulkan sedikit demi sedikit dalam waktu yang lama, dan setelah dikumpulkan relatif besar adalah tidak digunakan untuk memperluas bisnis seperti biasa oleh pedagang, namun "menghabiskan" untuk melakukan haji. Studi ini menemukan dasar pedagang rasionalisasi di Pasar Beringharjo yang dapat ditelusuri dari tiga aspek, yaitu makna dari ibadah haji, penggunaan peziarah simbol, dan penggunaan simbol-simbol ini di kegiatan perdagangan mereka. Pertama, makna haji memiliki setidaknya empat arti yang berbeda, yaitu: (a makna normatif, (b haji adalah jaminan untuk doa yang dijawab, (c Haji adalah simbol status sosial dan budaya yang tinggi, (d simbol Haji adalah jaminan kepercayaan kepada pembeli. Kedua, penciptaan aspek simbolis dari peziarah di Pasar Beringharjo pedagang termotivasi oleh tiga hal, yaitu budaya, sosial, dan latar belakang ekonomi. Ketiga, pelebaran, dan pergeseran memperluas makna haji yang dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang agama, pandangan dunia sebagai orang Jawa, dan yang posisi sebagai pedagang.


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    Sri Sunarsih


    Full Text Available Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat merupakan salah satu unit di Universitas Respati Yogyakarta yang bertugas untuk mengelola kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh dosen. Dalam proses pengolahan data kegiatan kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat masih mengalami beberapa permasalahan yaitu belum adanya basis data yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data rekam jejak kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh dosen dan sistem pengarsipan dokumen masih berbentuk kertas yang berdampak pada kerusakan dokumen, hilangnya dokumen, efisiensi ruang dan pencarian data. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan menghasilkan luaran sistem informasi yang dapat melakukan proses pengolahan data penelitian dan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dikelola oleh Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat di Universitas Respati Yogyakarta. Pengolahan data mengacu pada komponen beban kerja dosen dibidang penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Metode pengembangan dilakukan dengan tahapan analisa sistem, perancangan sistem, coding dan implementasi sistem. Hasil pengembangan sistem informasi penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yaitu sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat dalam proses pengolahan data rekam jejak kegiatan penelitian dan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan dosen.

  19. Peran Maskapai Penerbangan Berbiaya Murah/Low Cost Carrier (LCC) di Bandara Adisutjipto-Yogyakarta untuk Mendukung Peningkatan Jumlah Wisatawan Domestik


    Yuke Sri Rizki


    Indonesia has many and varied tourism destinations. Tourism sector is one of the five sectors which has the largest foreign exchange. One of transportation mode supporting the growth of tourism is air transportation mode. One service provided by air transportation is the low cost airlines or the Low Cost Carrier (LCC). The aim of this study is to determine the role of LCC in Adisutjipto Airport Yogyakarta in increasing number of domestic tourist. This study using descriptive analysis and qual...

  20. Kepemimpinan Siswi dalam Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Religiusitas di Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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    Sitin Nurul Khasanah


    Full Text Available This study aims to describe the type of women students’ leadership in applying the values of religiosity in the Madrasa Mu'alimat Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta. This is a qualitative research, with data collection method using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed using data reduction, the presentation of data and verified after it is drawn a conclusion. The results showed: (1 the type of student’s leadership in Madrasa’ of Muhammadiyah is masculine and using transformational efforts, (2 the values of religiosity in the organization is applied through five dimensions of religious belief, religious practice, religious feeling, religious knowledge, and religious effect, (3 the values of religiosity as the implementation of leadership efforts manifested through discipline in the organization, comply with the code of ethics and discipline of worship (prayers on time, such as praying before and after doing an activity of the Organization, the existence of a sense of empathy towards fellow with infaq movement, having more motivation and spirit to embody the vision and mission of the Organization, and active in IPM and HW (Muhammadiyah’s organization for Youth.

  1. Craft Arts and Tourism in Ceramic Art Village of Kasongan in Yogyakarta

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    sp gustami


    Full Text Available Yogyakarta is one of Indonesia’s major tourist destinations. This is due to its nature, interesting, unique and fantastic ancient cultural and art sites. Creative industries and the ceramic crafts play an important role in the development of tourism in Yogyakarta. In this paper, ethnographic approach is used to describe the creative process and the ceramic crafts industry in the village of Kasongan, Yogyakarta. Based on the results of the field research, the authors conclude that the ceramic crafts tourist village of Kasongan is moving toward greater commoditization whereby the ceramics centre is now more oriented towards meeting the needs of tourist industry in Yogyakarta. Due to extensive interaction and the positive response from the general public, ceramic crafts practitioners of Kasongan experience unique and characteristic creative period. The crafters manage to negotiate between the old and the new values, in the village one can find both traditional pottery and new, creative and innovative ceramic products of export quality. Today, Kasongan is a trade mark ceramic tourism village that is entering the global era.

  2. Kajian Kondisi dan Nilai Ekonomi Manfaat Ekosistem Terumbu Karang di Pantai Wediombo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Heriawan Maulana


      ABSTRACT Bodies Wediombo Gunung Kidul regency which has been designated as a Local Backup Water Conservation Area in 2013. Utilization Wediombo Turkish territory by the public as a fish landing site and tourism resulted in increased pressure on aquatic ecosystems, especially coral reefs. As common property, damage to coral reefs is not perceived as economic losses so that the exploitation of the benefits of coral reef ecosystems had become unmanageable. Wediombo Coastal management is a challenge for stakeholders to be able to optimize the use of environmental services for the welfare of society. One component management efforts is by monitoring the condition of coral reefs in Wediombo Beach. Economic valuation of coral ecosystems termbu is an instrument to assess the products and services produced by a coral reef ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of coral reef ecosystems are represented by percent cover of coral reefs and coral reef ecosystems benefit value represented by the fishery products produced from coral reef ecosystems Wediombo Beach. The method used is a survey method. Methods of data collection coral reef condition refers to a method Line Intercept Transect (LIT. while the economic value of coral reef ecosystem benefits are calculated using methods Effect on Productivity. In the research results the percentage of coral reef cover in Turkish Wediombo of 25.29% with a damaged condition status. the true economic value of coral reef ecosystems Wediombo Coast of Rp. 634 553 504, -, while the value of current benefits of coral reef ecosystems Wediombo Coast of Rp. 20,304,872, -. Keywords:  Coral Reef Ecosystems, Economic Valuation, Turkish Wediombo Cara sitasi: Maulana, H., Anggoro, S., Yulianto, B. (2016. Kajian Kondisi dan Nilai Ekonomi Manfaat Ekosistem Terumbu Karang di Pantai Wediombo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan,14(2,82-87, doi:10.14710/jil.14.2.82-87


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    Rinelsa R. Husaen


    FACTORS INFLUENCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PLAY GROUP CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT IN YOGYAKARTA Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of: (1 educators’ work motivation on classroom management; (2 educators’ teaching experience on classroom management; (3 principal’s leadership on classroom management; (4 classroom facilities on classroom management; and (5 educators’ work motivation, educators’ teaching experience, principal’s leadership, and classroom facilities on classroom management. This study uses a quantitative approach to the ex post facto method. The study sample size of 93 people. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The data were presented by using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. Meanwhile, regression analysis shows that (1 there is no significant effect of educators’ work motivation on classroom management (P(α= 0.375>0.05, (2 there is no significant effect of educators’ teaching experience on classroom management (P(α= 0.325>0.05, (3 there is no significant effect of principal’s leadership on classroom management (P(α= 0.474>0.05, (4 there is no significant effect of classroom facilities on classroom management (P(α= 0.303>0.05, and (5 there is no significant effect of educators’ work motivation, educators’ teaching experience, principal’s leadership, and classroom facilities on the playgroup classroom management (Rxy = 0.086 (P(α= 0.165>0.05. Keywords: classroom management, educators’ work motivation, educators teaching experience, principal’s leadership, classroom facilities


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    Yeri Sutopo


    Full Text Available This research conducted in Opak River, in Yogyakarta. This river has broad (river flow area 27,04 km2, and 20,11 km in length. The research objective is to make a planning about effective rainfall in 50 years and found the Opak Sand Pocket design. This research used methods with direct-survey in location, and collected secondary data from related agencies. From the data, it was obtained the value of precipitation the design, discharge flood design, dimensions of building hydrolic design (Main Dam, Sub Dam, Apron, and analysis the effectiveness of sand pocket in reducing the sediment that has happened. Based on the results of the research, discharge maximum ( Q50 that occurs in the river of 202,77 m3/s. So it can be calculated that sand pocket designed will have wide of apron 54,04 m, with total high of Main Dam 6 m, total high of Sub Dam 6 m, length of apron 10 m, thick of apron 0,96 m. Based on the ability of sand pocket in reducing the rate of the sediment that is happened, the building has effectiveness until 90,20 % in reducing bed load based on the calculation. Therefore, it can be argued that the building has been effective to reduce the speed of sediment occurring in Opak River.


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    Zaenal Abidin


    Full Text Available Analysis of Yogyakarta air quality based on concentration of lead particulate using Fast Neutron Activation Analysis (FNAA method has been done. The sample was taken 3 times in 16 strategic locations of Yogyakarta city using Hi-Vol air sampler that equipped with cellulose filter TFA 2133. The sample irradiated for 30 min with 14 MeV fast neutron and then counted using gamma spectroscopy (AccuSpec. The result indicated that concentration of Pb-208 along Diponegoro street up to Janti street respectively are minimally (0.689 - 0.775 mg/m3, and maximally:  (1.598 - 1.785 mg/m3. According to DIY governor decree No. 153/2002 about the limited toxicity ambient on Yogyakarta area it is concentration that Pb. The concentration of Pb-208 are still below the permitted value of 2 mg/m3, but in certain areas, the Pb concentration is almost equal to upper limit of permitted concentration of Pb.   Keywords: air borne, neutron generator, FNAA

  6. Urban greenspace for resilient city in the future: Case study of Yogyakarta City (United States)

    Ni'mah, N. M.; Lenonb, S.


    The capacity of adaptation is essential elements towards urban resilience. One adaptation that can be done is to consider the provision of open space and public space in the city. Yogyakarta City development which focused on the built area and negates the open space has blurred the characteristics of the city. Efforts in increasing the availability of public space is one of the seven priorities of the programs included in the environmental and the utilization of space in Yogyakarta City. An understanding of the provision of public green open spaces in Yogyakarta is important because the products and processes that take place in a development will determine the successful implementation of the development plan. The objectives of this study are as follows: (1) to identify the provision green space in Yogyakarta City from the aspects of product and procedure; and (2) to identify the role of green space to build resilient city. This study is used descriptive qualitative approach with in-depth interview, literature review, and triangulation as the method for data collection. Yogyakarta has had instruments for public green open spaces provision called Masterplan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Up-Scaling Yogyakarta 2013-2032 which govern the typologies and criteria for green open space development in the city.Public green open spaces development mechanism can be grouped into the planning phase, the utilization phase, and the control phase of each consisting of legal and regulatory aspects, institutional aspects, financial aspects, and technical aspects. The mechanism of green open space provision should regard the need of advocacy for “urban green commons” (UGCs) development as a systematic approach of collective-participatory for urban land management.


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    Nia Budi Puspitasari


    Full Text Available Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM gerabah yang terletak di kecamatan Kasongan, kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta ini merupakan salah satu sentra industri gerabah Indonesia yang sedang berkembang untuk pasar domestik dan luar negeri.Menurut data statistik Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY, IKM mempunyai daya serap pekerja yang cukup banyak.Perkembangan tersebut perlu diiringi dengan adanya sistem pemasaran yang baik dalam IKM tersebut.Adanya penurunan penjulaan pada beberapa tahun terakhir dan kurang baiknya metode strategi pemasaran merupakan penyebab munculnya masalah –masalah dalam hal penjualan di Industri IKM Gerabah Kasongan, Yogyakarta.Analisis lingkungan eksternal dan lingkungan internal dapat dijadikan acuan utama untuk melakukan perbaikan strategi pemasaran.Analisis lingkungan ekternal dan internal tersebut digabungkan dengan analisis SWOT, kemudian dilakukan penetapan prioritas strategi dari hasil analisis SWOT dengan matriks QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix. Model MAUT (Multi Attribute Utility Theory juga digunakan untuk membandingakan prioritas strategi bisnis dengan melihat segi infrastruktur, waktu, cost dan pendapat pengusaha dalam penelitian ini. Dari hasil penelitian bahwa ini Industri IKM dapat melakukan strategi  pengembangan produk dan penetrasi pasar. Selain itu membuat desa Kasongan lebih menarik dengan mengembangkan desa menjadi daerah wisata yang memang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Kesiapan ini juga diiringi dengan adanya kesiaapan oleh masyarakat dan para pengusaha dengan lebih mengembangkan produknya dengan melakukan diversifikasi produk dengan bahan baku yang sama yaitu tanah tersebut. Kata Kunci : strategi bisnis, SWOT, QSPM, model MAUT Abstract The Gerabah Small and Mid-sized Industrial Firm (IKM placed in Kasongan, Bantul, Yogyakarta is one of the central industry of Indonesian gerabah, which is now currently develop into domestic and international market.According to the statistical data from the Local

  8. Hubungan Derajat Insomnia Dengan Konsentrasi Belajar Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Di YOGYAKARTA (Correlation Between Insomnia with Learning Concentration Among Nursing Students in YOGYAKARTA)


    Waliyanti, Ema; Pratiwi, Wisni


    Intisari Insomnia merupakan salah satu gangguan tidur yang dapat disebabkan oleh stres, masalah sekolah maupun pekerjaan, kesehatan, merokok, ataupun efek samping dari pengobatan. Insomnia berdampak pada kualitas hidup seseorang seperti penurunan konsentrasi. Berdasarkan Statistic by Country for Insomnia terdapat 10% kejadian insomnia yang ada di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara derajat insomnia dengan konsentrasi belajar pada mahasiswa keperawatan di Yogya...

  9. Hak Pemegang Hak Guna Bangunan Untuk Membangun Hotel Dengan Merobohkan Bangunan Cagar Budaya (Studi Kasus Hotel Amaris Di Kota Yogyakarta)


    Wd, I.P. Antama Wisnu


    The holder’s of Building Rights Title had the rights to built a hotel on the demolition of cultural heritage (study case in Amaris Hotel of Yogyakarta). This research aims to determine the rights of the holder’s Building Rights Title to built a hotel on the demolition of cultural heritage. In this legal writing, the researcher used normative legal research which focused on the positive legal norms consist of legislation. The type of data used include the primary legal materials, secondary ...

  10. Intercomparison Of Activity Measurements Of Co-58, Y-88, Ho-166m, Tc-99m, dan I-131 Between P3KRBiN and Laboratory Within BATAN And Hospitals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nazaroh; Ermi-Juita; Hermawan-Candra


    One way to maintain traceability and to keep consistency of the measurement result of radioactivity was intercomparison program. According with Surat Keputusan Kepala BATAN No.73/KA/IV/99, one of tasks and functions of standardization laboratory is to coordinate an intercomparison program of radioactivity measurement. In the year of 2000, intercomparison program of activity measurements between P3KRBiN and 10 laboratories within BATAN and 12 hospitals were carried out. For intercomparison of Co-58, Y-88, and Ho-166m, there were 3 laboratories within BATAN which have more than 50% difference compared with P3KRBiN measurements and for intercomparison of Tc-99m, dan I-131, there were 2 Dose-Calibrators belongs to hospitals which have more than 30% difference compared with P3KRBiN measurements. From that result it can be concluded that intercomparison of activity measurements are very important and needs continuously to maintain traceability and to keep consistency of measurement result. (author)

  11. Improved performances of 36 m small-angle neutron scattering spectrometer BATAN in Serpong Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Putra, Edy Giri Rachman; Bharoto; Santoso, Eddy; Ikram, Abarrul


    SMARTer, a 36 m small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) spectrometer owned by the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) was installed at the Neutron Scattering Laboratory (NSL) in Serpong, Indonesia. Lots of works on replacing, upgrading and improving the control system, experimental methods, data collection and reduction in the last two years have been carried out to optimize the performance of SMARTer. Some standard samples such as silver behenate, monodisperse polystyrene nanoparticle, porous silica and block copolymer PS-PEP film were measured for the inter-laboratory comparison.


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    Mega Ayundya Widiastuti


    Full Text Available Mount Merapi is one of 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia with high frequent of eruptions. The 2010 Mount Merapi eruption on October 26th was the biggest disaster compare to similar disasters in the five previous period before. Cold lava flow as the continous impact of the eruption potentially could damaging the bridges along the rivers that disgorge at Mount Merapi, one of them is Boyong river. The Boyong river downstream was crossing the center of Yogyakarta city. The fears of after eruption damage againts bridges along the Boyong River channel and limited government funds on restoring the bridges function and condition encourage the preparation of priorities scale to determine which bridge should be addressed first. Both primary and secondary data were collected and a comprehensive damage assessment refers to the Bridge Management System standard was conducted in order to compile further evaluation and bridges priorities formulation. The impact of Mt. Merapi eruption in 2010 against the bridges along Boyong river resulted in the highly increasement of riverbed sediment and cause damage againts the Ngentak, Plemburan, Boyong and Gemawang bridge’s retaining wall. In terms of safety on structure, all bridges along the Boyong river still can be passed safely except Wonosobo bridge and Kemiri bridge. The order of bridge jandling priority on A class bridges, ie the bridges of Tungkak, Boyong, Sudirman, and Code; while on B class bridges, ie the bridges of Ngentak, Guava, Sayidan, Wirosaban, Juminahan, Sardjito I, Wirosaban, Kewek, Wreksodiningrat and Krikilan Pulowatu; On C class bridges, ie the bridges of Pecan, Wonosobo, Plemburan, Gemawang and Rejodani


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    Endang Heriyani


    Full Text Available The study on legal protection for Seller in Purchase Agreement of Agro Commodity in Auction Market in Special Territory of Yogyakarta was a normative and sociological legal research. This study aimed at knowing how the purchase agreement of agro commodity in forward auction market was applied, and how the legal protection for seller in purchase agreement of agro commodity in forward auction market was. The data used were secondary and primary data. The result of the study showed that the purchase of agro commodity in forward auction market. Legal protection for seller in purchase agreement of agro commodity in forward auction market was acquired from 3 (three things: (a The legal protection given by government, it was given through the legislation by the issue of the Decree of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Republic of Indonesia Number 650/MPP/Kep/10/2004 on terms of Operation of Auction Market with Forward Transfer of Agro Commodity. (b The legal protection from the purchase agreement of agro commodity, the agreement made by the parties applied as the law for all parties; and (c The legal protection in dispute, the problem was solved by a discussion. If the discussion made no result, arbitration would be done. Key Words: legal protection, purchase of agro commodity, forward auction market.

  14. Rural Depopulation Pattern at Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY

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    M Baiquni


    This paper is based on a secondary data research i.e. statistical data at rural levels in Yogyakarta, thematics maps and other documents. Statistical methodes and map pattern analysis are employed to analysis data. The result of this research are as follows: a the rural depopulation in DIY can be found in 189 rural areas of 393 rural areas (48.09%; b the spatial distribution of the rural depopulation are in Gunung Kidul District (80 rural areas, Kulon Progo District (59 rural areas Sleman District (33 rural areas, and Bantul District (17 rural areas; c the rural depopulation in Yogyakarta at least related to six factors whih have been identified as out – migration, local resources, carrying capacity, geographycal location or accessibility, rural infrastructure, and service availability.

  15. Perilaku Pengendalian Tikus di Daerah Berisiko Penularan Leptospirosis

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    Tri Isnani


    Full Text Available Abstrak Tikus merupakan binatang yang mempunyai daya adaptasi dan daya kembang biak yang tinggi sehingga bisa hidup di semua tempat.  Dampak tikus bagi manusia antara lain tikus sebagai hama pertanian dan menularkan penyakit seperti pes dan leptospirosis.  Berbagai pengendalian tikus telah dilakukan baik secara tradisional yang telah ada sejak nenek moyang maupun cara-cara modern.  Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi perilaku masyarakat dalam usaha pengendalian serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dilakukannya cara-cara tersebut.  Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif desain deskriptif.  Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terarah pada 5 informan dan 2 kelompok Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (DKT.  Lokasi penelitian di sebuah desa di Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat beberapa cara dalam pengendalian tikus yaitu gropyokan, burung hantu, lem, racun tikus, pengemposan, menggunakan pewangi pakaian, dengan makanan umpan, kucing, dan dengan slametan.  Ada pengendalian tikus dengan mengusirnya saja atau tidak membunuhnya, dan ada pengendalian dengan membunuhnya.  Terdapat mitos dan kepercayaan terhadap tikus.  Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa perilaku dalam pengendalian tikus dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang pengetahuan dan kepercayaan.   kata kunci :  perilaku; pengendalian tikus; mitos dan kepercayaan



    VITASURYA Vincentia Reni; PUDIANTI Anna


    Ecotourism has been growing in Yogyakarta that can be seen through the development of rural tourism. The development of rural tourism has positive impact to improve local community’s welfare nevertheless, it has also negative impact onto environmental carrying capacity. Lopati tourism village is located in Bantul, Yogyakarta, relying on traditional craft industry as tourism attraction. Traditional crafts are livelihood of local residents, so that environmental management efforts become part o...

  17. Dietary Behaviors Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia


    Primanda, Yanuar; Kritpracha, Charuwan; Thaniwattananon, Ploenpit


    Purpose: To describe dietary behaviors and examine relationships between selected factors and dietary behaviors among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Method: Seventy T2DM patients from a hospital in Yogyakarta who met the inclusion criteria were recruited. Patient’s dietary behaviors were measured by the Dietary Behaviors Questionnaire developed for this study with adequate reliability. The questionnaire comprised of four dimensions: recognizing the amo...


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    Annis Deshinta Ayuningtyas


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui: (1 manakah yang memberikan prestasi belajar lebih baik diantara model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPSatau pembelajaran langsung, (2 manakah yang mempunyai prestasi belajar lebih baik di antara siswa yang mempunyai kemandirian belajar tinggi, sedang, atau rendah, (3 pada masing-masing tingkatan kemandirian belajar (tinggi, sedang, dan rendah, manakah yang memberikan prestasi belajar lebih baik antara model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS atau pembelajaran langsung. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimental semu dengan desain factorial 2x3. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP Negeri Se-Kota Yogyakarta Semester I tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan carastratified cluster random sampling. Banyak sampel adalah 195 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah angket kemandirian belajar siswa dan tes prestasi belajar matematika. Uji coba angket meliputi validitas isi, konsistensi internal dan reliabilitas. Uji coba tes prestasi meliputi validitas isi, tingkat kesukaran, daya beda dan reliabilitas. Untuk uji normalitas menggunakan uji Lilliefors, uji homogenitas menggunakan uji barlett. Uji keseimbangan yang digunakan yaitu anava satu jalan dengan sel tak sama. Analisis tes prestasi matematika menggunakan analisis variansi dua jalan dengan sel tak sama. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: (1 Prestasi belajar matematika dengan model pembelajaran kooperatiftipe TPS memberikan prestasi belajar yang lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran langsung, (2 Siswa yang kemandirian belajarnya tinggi mempunyai prestasi belajar yang lebih baik daripada siswa dengan kemandirian belajar sedang dan rendah, sedangkan siswa yang kemandirian belajarnya sedang mempunyai prestasi belajar yang sama dengan siswa dengan kemandirian belajar rendah, (3 Pada siswa yang mempunyai kemandirian belajar tinggi

  19. Proceeding on the scientific meeting and presentation on basic research of nuclear science and technology (book I): physics, reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Syarip; Prayitno; Samin; Agus Taftazani; Sudjatmoko; Pramudita Anggraita; Gede Sutresna W; Tjipto Sujitno; Slamet Santosa; Herry Poernomo; R Sukarsono; Prajitno


    Scientific Meeting and Presentation on Basic Research in Nuclear Science and Technology is an annual activity held by Centre for Accelerator Science and Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, in Yogyakarta, for monitoring research activities achieved by the Agency. The papers presented in the meeting were collected into proceedings which were divided into two groups that are physics and nuclear reactors. The proceedings consists of three articles from keynote speakers and 25 articles from BATAN and others participants.(PPIKSN)


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    Inggit Sitowati


    Full Text Available Karta Pustaka is one of the cultural institutions in Yogyakarta, which has a classical music concert program. The purpose of this study is to describe the history of Karta Pustaka and organizing classical music concerts, the concert format, and its role in supporting classical music education in Yogyakarta. The method used in this study is qualitative research with historical and musicological approach.The data are collected by using interviews, documents and observations. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptions technicians. The results showed that Karta Pustaka as cultural institution has become a classical musicmedia which has a supporting role in classical music education in Yogyakarta. The classical music concert program and classical music workshop held by Karta Pustaka information and knowledge for the students and people of musical art in Yogyakarta. In addition Karta Pustaka also acts as a forming media and the development of consumer’s classical music tastes and styles in Yogyakarta.

  1. Legal analysis of citizen lawsuit toward management of the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake (United States)

    Suprihadi, Bambang


    The Asian Disaster Reduction Center informed that on 27 May 2006 at 5:54 AM Local time or 26 May 2006 at 10:54:00 PM UTC, an M6.3 earthquake has struck the very highly populated region of Yogyakarta. The death estimated between 5,775 and 6,234 and the number of injured was between 46,000 and 53,000. Invitation letters were sent to Indonesia Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) and to 18 government institutions for attending the session at the Yogyakarta Court on 4 December 2006. Such case was a lawsuit proposed by 46 citizens and registered as number 73/PDT.G/ 2006/PN-Yk and the researcher attended court-session on behalf of the BMKG. Research is conducted to provide legal analysis of citizen lawsuit toward management of the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake. Data was collected by examining the process of court sessions and mediation between Parties involved which then analysed using the relevant articles of Indonesian Civil Procedural Law. Legal analysis proposed by the researcher indicates that State Court (Pengadilan Negeri) held an `absolute competence' because such case shall not be settled by State Administrative Court (Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara), however Yogyakarta District Court didn't hold a `relative competence' because such case shall be settled by the Central Jakarta District Court. Such case was not continued due to successful mediation between the two Parties. The 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake alerts BMKG as the earthquake information provider to work properly in accordance with the standard operating procedure to avoid citizen lawsuit that might be proposed in the near future.

  2. Monitoring of gross beta radioactivities on water sample environment in the surrounding of kartini reactor at 2011

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siswanti; Munandar, A. Aris


    Measurement of gross beta radioactivities on water environment were done in the PTAPB BATAN has a goal for routine monitoring, with the result that fill RPL has been made and the result equivalented with quality standard were decided by BAPETEN. The water sample taken as much as 2 liter at 18 area were definited on radius 100 m to 5000 m in the surrounding of kartini reactor, vaporin on electric stove till the volume been ± 10 ml, and than pick out to the aluminium planset and drying on hot plate. Sample in the plancet were counted with a Low Background Counter (LBC) for 30 minutes and accounted of gross beta radioactivity water system. The result of gross beta radioactivity water environment at 2011 has a lowest 009, ± 0,06 Bq/I on Tambak Bayan area at june and in the Janti area highest 0,39 ± 0,08 Bq/ at December. The result still under of quality standard were decided by SK BAPETEN. No. 02/Ka- BAPETEN/V-99 is 0,4 Bq/I. (author)


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    Lili Sugiyarto


      This research aims to identify the diversity of orchids and to find the existence of mycorrrhizal symbiont in wild orchid roots in Turgo village, Pakem Sleman.                 The samples of orchids and orchid roots were done by taking samples in Puspa Forest of Turgo Village, Pakem Sleman Yogyakarta. This research were exploration research on existing orchids’ diversity. The methods that have been used to identify the existing orchid species in the forest, isolation, and characterization mycorrhizal fungi is PDA (potato dextrose agar. Measurement of environmental factors for including edhapic factors were humidity, pH, soil temperature, and microclimate factors were air temperature, air humidity, and light intensity. The mycorrhizal infection was done by observing of mycorrhizal fungi existence.            The results of the research are retrieved 8 species of orchids are Zeuxine petakinensis, Dendrobium sagittatum, Bulbophyllum chaetonium, Dendrobium mutabile, Eria retusa, Eria oblitterata, Pholidota carnea, Rhomboda velutina. Some orchids in the forest are dormant, therefore it couldn’t be identified. The mycorrhizal symbiosis from microscopic characterization had been known as different on each mychorriza. The mycorrhizal fungi that have been identified were genus of Rhizoctonia, Glomus, Chaetonium, Scopulariopsis and Trichoderma.   Keywords: orchid species, mychorrhiza, orchid fungi

  4. Pelaksanaan Antenatal Care Berhubungan dengan Anemia pada Kehamilan Trimester III di Puskesmas Sedayu I Yogyakarta

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    Fatimah Fatimah


    Full Text Available Anemia is one of the problems in Indonesia that important to examine, especially for pregnant women. This research used quantitative with explanatory design. Population were 44 pregnant women in 3 trimester selected by the total sampling technique. The independent variable were implementation of the antenatal care by midwives and dependent variable is anemia in 3 trimester of pregnancy at Puskesmas Sedayu I Yogyakarta. Data was collected using questionnaire. The analysis used was chi-square. The results of study showed that there was 33 (75% of antenatal care in good category, with no anemia were 32 (72.7% respondents, and there was a significant relationship between antenatal care and anemia in the third trimester of pregnancy with p-value=0.004. In conclusion, there was a significant relationship between antenatal care and anemia in the third trimester of pregnancy. Suggestions were needed to maintain and improve the care of midwives in antenatal care to improve the health of pregnant women, especially anemia in pregnancy.

  5. The dominant factors affecting agricultural land use (rice field change in Yogyakarta Special Province

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    Hadi Sabari Yunus


    The research shows that the period of 1980 - 2000 in Yogyakarta Special Province has indicated very significantly the increase in population, the development of road and the extension of built up area. For the time being, agricultural land mainly in Sleman Regency, Bantul Regency and Yogyakarta Municipality has decreased. Sleman regency performed the largest decrease of rice field and followed after then by Bantul regency and Yogyakarta Municipality. The regency of Kulon Progo and Gunung Kidul have experienced reverse phenomenon i.e. the increase of rice field during this period. Individually or simultaneously, three variables used in this research (number of people, road's length and built up area have significantly influenced the agricultural land use.


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    Full Text Available RACT Protein consumption level of society in Yogyakarta Province has yet to meet the target, but the beef is a source of animal protein that is easily obtainable. Therefore, research on the analysis of demand for beef in this province needs to be done. Objective: (1 Determine the factors that affect the demand for beef in Yogyakarta. (2 Determine the own price elasticity and income elasticity of demand for beef in this province, and to know the cross-price elasticity of demand for beef to changes in the price of mutton, chicken, rice, and cooking oil. Metode: descriptive statistics, followed by inductive statistics , and hypothesis testing. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression with the value of t and F tests, and analysis of the coefficient of determination. Results: Taken together, the factors that affect the demand for beef in the province is the price of beef, mutton, chicken, rice, cooking oil, income, number of inhabitants. Individually, beef demand is influenced by the price of beef and income residents. Beef inelastic demand means that beef is the daily necessities that are affordable and easy to obtain population of Yogyakarta Province. The increase in income population does not add to demand for beef. Substitutes of beef in the province is goat and chicken, while the complementary goods are rice and cooking oil.


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    Nanang Prisandy


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan perbedakan visualisasi atribut dan struktur tubuh pada tokoh Antareja Yogyakarta dengan Surakarta. Sumber data utamanya adalah wayang kulit Antareja Yogyakarta dan Surakarta. hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perbedakan atribut dan struktur tubuh (sanggul, jamang , sumping, garuda mungkur, dewala, ulur-ulur, kelat bahu, gelang tangan, praba, sabuk/paningset, pending , badong, kampuh, uncal wastra, uncal kencana, kunca, seluar terluar, seluar panjang, krocong, muka, mata, mulut, hidung, badan, tangan, kaki pada Antareja Yogyakarta dengan Antareja Surakarta.


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    Ilyasa Ilyasa


    Full Text Available Application of Learning Model Students teams achievement divisions (STAD As Efforts to Improve Achievement Motivation and Learning Theory Tool Engineering Students in grade XI In SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta Academic Year 2015/2016. Thesis Mechanical Engineering Study Program of the Faculty of Education University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, 2016.             The purpose of research to enhance the activity and student achievement by improving the learning process engineering theory subjects lathe through learning model Students Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD. Teachers presents the objectives, learning issues, students carry out group discussions, exercises and debriefing, strengthening and conclusions on the subjects of engineering theory lathe in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta academic year 2015/2016, the study subjects were students of class XI TP 1 as 31 students. This research is a classroom action research (Classroom Action Research were carried out with 3 cycles. Each cycle begins meetings held twice a planning stage action, action execution, observation, and reflection. Methods of data collection is done by observation and tests. Data analysis was carried out by comparison between the results in the first cycle, second cycle and third cycle with descriptive techniques. This means that from the data obtained in this study are presented what was then analyse descriptively to obtain an overview of the facts and the corresponding descriptions phenomenon. As well as to measure student achievement using the system the difference in value between pretest and posttest on evaluation of each cycle. The results represent that the activity and student achievement class XI TP 1 SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta in theory lessons lathe techniques of the first cycle, second cycle and third cycle increased. Students' learning activeness of the first cycle of 34,11% increase the second cycle to be 51,16% and the third cycle increased

  9. Proceeding on the scientific meeting and presentation on basic research of nuclear science and technology (book II): chemical, waste processing technology and environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prayitno; Syarip; Samin; Darsono; Agus Taftazani; Sudjatmoko; Tri Mardji Atmono; Dwi Biyantoro; Gede Sutresna W; Tjipto Sujitno; Slamet Santosa; Herry Poernomo; Bambang Siswanto; Eko Edy Karmanto; Endro Kismolo; Budi Setiawan; Prajitno; Jumari; Wahini Nurhayati


    Scientific Meeting and Presentation on Basic Research in Nuclear Science and Technology is an annual activity held by Centre for Accelerator Science and Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, in Yogyakarta, for monitoring research activities achieved by the Agency. The papers presented in the meeting were collected into proceedings which were divided into two groups that are chemistry, environmental and waste treatment technology process . The proceedings consists of three articles from keynote speakers and 24 articles from BATAN and others participants.(PPIKSN)

  10. Service Recovery Strategy and Customer Satisfaction: Evidence From Hotel Industry in Yogyakarta-Indonesia


    Suprapto , Budi; Yunanto Hashym, Galang


    This paper aims to discuss the findings from a study conducted concerning service recovery strategies and customer satisfaction among the hotels in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The hospitality industry in Yogyakarta is a booming one and competition in the hotel industry is indeed stiff. To reduce the level of service failure in hotels as a result of unsatisfactory services, there is a need to identify recovery strategies to rectify and better manage the situation. The ...

  11. Karakter Jamur Ceratocystis sp. Penyebab Penyakit Busuk Batang pada Acacia decurrens dan Status Penyakitnya di Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi, Yogyakarta

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    Sri Rahayu


    Full Text Available Acacia decurrens merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman yang tumbuh mendominasi kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM, pasca erupsi Gunung Merapi tahun 2010. Sekitar 80% tegakan A. decurrens di kawasan tersebut menunjukkan gejala busuk batang akibat infeksi jamur Ceratocystis sp. yang umumnya dipicu oleh luka gerekan kumbang dari kelompok ambrosia. Penelitian bertujuan untuk : (1 mendeskripsikan karakter morfologi jamur Ceratocystis sp., serta kemampuannya beradaptasi pada beberapa jenis tanaman hutan, (2 mengevaluasi status penyakit busuk batang oleh jamur Ceratocystis sp. Karakter morfologi dan kemampuan adaptasinya pada inang akasia, melina, jabon, sengon, dan jati dilakukan di Laboratorium Perlindungan dan Kesehatan Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan UGM. Survei untuk evaluasi status penyakit busuk batang dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai Agustus 2014 di demplot restorasi pasca erupsi Merapi (luas 8,4 ha, dengan intensitas sampling 8%. Berdasarkan karakter morfologi, terdapat 2 isolat jamur Ceratocystis sp. yaitu asal lembah (L dan dari bukit (B dengan warna koloni krem, luas koloni 20-22 cm2 pada umur 14 hari, membentuk konidia menyerupai tong, dan silindris. Sifat lainnya yaitu memiliki kemampuan yang sama untuk tumbuh, mengkolonisasi, dan menginfeksi inang akasia, sengon, jabon, dan melina, tetapi tidak mampu tumbuh pada inang jati. Berdasarkan luas serangan, status penyakit busuk batang berkisar antara sangat umum sampai menyebar luas (luas serangan = 54-100%, dengan tingkat keparahan bekisar antara ringan sampai parah (intensitas penyakit = 15-67%. Kata kunci: Ceratocystis sp., Acacia decurrens, luas serangan, intensitas penyakit, Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi.   Characteristic of stem rot diseases caused by Ceratocystis sp. on Acacia decurrens and its status in Gunung Merapi National Park, Yogyakarta Abstract Mount Merapi National Park (TNGM has been dominated by Acacia decurrens after the eruption in 2010. Almost 80% of A

  12. First magnon of BATAN's neutron triple-axis spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    I Sumirat


    The National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) has one dedicated spectrometer for inelastic neutron scattering experiments. The instrument is a thermal neutron triple-axis spectrometer known as SN1. SN1 was installed in 1992 in the experimental hall of G. A. Siwabessy Research Reactor, Serpong, Banten. Malfunctions of the hardware and software have prevented the instrument from performing inelastic scattering measurements since 1996. The 2011-2015 five years project has been initiated to revitalize and optimize the SN1. The project serves as a preparation for the utilization of SN1 for the investigation of lattice dynamics, spin wave and magnetic excitations in condensed matters that will be started in 2016. In 2013, SN1 has successfully been repaired and was able to measure phonon dispersion relation of available single crystals, i.e., Cu, pyrolytic graphite (PG), Ge, and Al. In 2015, the first experiment on magnetic excitation to investigate magnon dispersion relation of a known Fe single crystal has been carried out. Standard methods of inelastic scattering measurements, i.e., a constant-energy transfer hω with either fixed final neutron energy E f = 14.7 MeV or fixed incoming neutron energy E i = 30.59 MeV, and a constant momentum transfer Q with fixed incoming neutron energy E i = 30.59 MeV, were applied to measure the low-energy magnetic excitations. For fixed E f measurement, a 5-cm thick PG filter was set between the sample and the analyzer to eliminate λ/n harmonics. To limit the energy and momentum spreads of the beam, collimations of 40 minutes were applied before and after the sample. The spin waves were measured along the three principal symmetry directions of [00ζ], [ζζ0], and [ζζζ] . The measured magnons were compared to values in reference and were found to be in a good agreement with them. With such accomplishments, we are convinced that SN1 is now ready for its inelastic scattering application and will become one of BATAN

  13. Profil Soft skills Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Boga (PTB Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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    Siti Hamidah


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Profil Soft skills Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Boga (PTB Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran kekuatan dan kelemahan 9 soft skills mahasiswa PTB. Penelitian  diskriptif ini dilaksanakan di Program Studi PTB dengan menggunakan kuesioner respon. Sampel penelitian adalah semua mahasiswa semester 6. Data dianalisis secara diskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan soft skills mahasiswa PTB secara berturut adalah:  kemampuan untuk selalu belajar (72,89%, tanggung jawab (70,77%,  kerja sama dalam tim (68,61%, komitmen (67,96%, kreativitas (67,25%, disiplin (64,79%, usaha keras mencapai sukses (62,68%, pemecahan masalah (55,87%, komunikasi (49,90%. Keadaan kelemahan soft skills secara berturut: komunikasi (50,10%, pemecahan masalah (44, 13%,  usaha keras mencapai sukses (37,32%,  disiplin (35,21%, kreativitas (32,75%, komitmen (32,04%, kerjasama dalam tim (31,39%, tanggung jawab (29,23%, kemampuan untuk selalu belajar (27,11%. Dapat dinyatakan bahwa keadaan profil soft skills tersebut merupakan  hasil pengasuhan soft skills melalui pola pembelajaran model terpisah, terintegarsi dan   komplementatif. Kata kunci: profil, soft skills, mahasiswa


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    Barodji Barodji


    Full Text Available Kokap subdistrict is one of the areas that has high case of malaria incidence in Kulonprogo District of Yogyakarta Province. Annual Parasite Incidence (API was increased from 37.54% in 1997 up to 51.10% in 1999. Anopheles balabacencis and maculalus have been confirmed as malaria vectors in this area. Malaria case findings by active and passive case detections and malaria treatment were conducted routinely and bionomics study of malaria vectors was conducted in Gunungrego hamlet, Hargorejo village (Kokap I and Sebatang hamlet, Hargotirto village (Kokap II in 2000. Results show that malarial cases in Kokap subdistrict were found throughout the year and there was indication that the increasing malaria cases started in the transition period of wet to dry season, i.e. in April and are highest in May - July and October­ December. Anopheles balabacensis was a predominant indoor species in all areas and predominant outdoor in Sebatang, while maculatus is a predominant outdoor species in Hargorejo. Both species were found throughout the night starting at sunset. Their density were highest between 21.00 - 24.00. The distribution of malarial vectors and other  Anopheline high mosquitoes were found mostly (89,44%  - 97,90% in cattle shelters and its surrounding areas. Malaria control in Hargotirto Village, Kokap II was conducted by indoor residual spraying using Bendiocarb 80 WP at a target dosage of 0,20 g active ingredient in 2 cycles in 2000. Malaria case treatments showed that malaria prevalence as presented by the number of slide positive rate (SPR was decreased by 66,25% in Hargotirto and 36,50% in Hargorejo, while slide positive Plasmodium falciparum (SFR was not decreased. In Hargotirto SFR was 9,38% before spraying and 22,03% after spraying. In Hargorejo SFR was 9,73% before spraying and 11,51% after spraying.   Keywords : Vector control, malaria, bionomic, bendiocarb

  15. Atomic energy law in Indonesia Perundang-undangan tenaga atom di Indonesia/

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poernomo, Moendi.


    Levels of the development of the National Atomic Energy Agency of Indonesia covering the reorganization and the president's decree concerning the agency since 1958 are presented. The National Atomic Energy Agency BATAN is responsible for application of radioactive materials over the country and the protection of the general public against radioactive hazards. BATAN's missions are embodied with the atomic energy law. (SMN)

  16. Peran modal sosial dalam implementasi konsep pemikiran Ki Hadjar Dewantara di SD Taman Muda Yogyakarta

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    Sukma Wijayanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1 implementasi pendidikan Ki Hadjar Dewantara; dan (2 modal sosial di SD Taman Siswa Jetis. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Unit analisis penelitian adalah SD Tamansiswa Jetis. Penentuan subjek dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan subjek penelitian adalah pamong, kepala sekolahdan ketua yayasan Majelis Luhur Persatuan Tamansiswa cabang Jetis. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi partisipatif, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis penelitian ini menggunakan model interaktif Milles & Huberman. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh sebagai berikut: (1 Konsep pemikiran Ki Hadjar terlaksana di SD Taman Siswa Jetis yakni sistem among tidak dapat dipisahkan prinsip kemerdekaan dan kodrat alam. Pelaksanaan sistem among dilaksanakan dengan keteladanan, pembiasaan, pengajaran, serta hukumam, paksaan dan perintah. (2 Trust, Jaringan, dan norm dalam melaksanakan konsep Ki Hadjar Dewantara menggunakan nilai-nilai kekeluargaan. Kekeluargaan modal sosial yang menjadi kekuatan dalam melaksanakan konsep pendidikan Ki Hadjar di SD Taman Siswa Jetis.Kata kunci: Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Konsep Pendidikan Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Modal Sosial


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    Bowo Susilo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor perekonomian yang masih menjadi unggulan di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, menempatkan sektor ini sebagai aktivitas utama ekonomi masyarakat dan juga sumber penguatan perekonomian rakyat. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk mengembangkan model integrasi antar faktor fisik dan sosial ekonomi dalam menentukan prioritas arahan pengembangan di sektor pertanian, terutama untuk menentukan jenis komoditas yang paling sesuai pada suatu satuan lahan atau wilayah tertentu yang menjadi daerah basis pertanian. Selain itu juga mengukur keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif daerah basis pertanian DIY ditinjau dari sub sektor tanaman pangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan di Provinsi DIY yang sangat sesuai untuk tanaman padi sebesar 25,4%, sedangkan untuk tanaman kacang tanah lebih kecil lagi yaitu 16% dan untuk tanaman jagung hanya 2%. Faktor yang membatasi tingkat kesesuaian lahan pada 3 jenis tamanan pangan tersebut adalah kondisi perakaran tanaman, ketersediaan unsur hara, retensi hara dan medan atau lokasi. Lahan yang mampu diusahakan untuk aktivitas pertanian dan sesuai dengan kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman pangan adalah di Ledok Wonosari, Lereng Tengah Merapi, Lereng Bawah Merapi dan Batur Agung.   ABSTRACT The agricultural sector is a sector of the economy is still seeded in various regions in Indonesia, putting this sector as the main economic activity of society and also the source of strengthening the economy of the people. This research has a long-term goal is to develop a model of integration between the physical and socio-economic factors in determining the priority direction of development in the agricultural sector, especially to determine the most appropriate types of commodities on a unit of land or a particular region of the local agricultural base. It also measures the comparative advantage and competitive advantage DIY agricultural base area in terms of

  18. Use of Space and the Need for Planning in the Disaster-Prone Area of Code River, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Rini Rachmawati


      Abstrak Tepi Sungai Code merupakan daerah rawan terhadap banjir lahar yang disebabkan oleh erupsi Gunungapi Merapi. Penelitian ini menfokuskan pada daerah terdampak di Danurejan, Kota Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1 untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa fungsi ruang setelah bencana, dan 2 untuk menganalisa tindakan perencanaan ruang yang dibutuhkan setelah bencana. Data dikumpulkan dari data sekunder dan primer. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi, interview mendalam, dan diskusi kelompok terfokus. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan ruang dalam antisipasi dari bencana banjir lahar masih terbatas  untuk pembangunan peninggian tanggul. Temuan penelitian menyarankan perlunya perhatian terhadap pemanfaatan ruang untuk kelompok yang rentan. Selain itu juga perlunya partisipasi publik dalam pemanfaatan ruang, penyiapan design ekowisata dan kegiatan bernilai ekonomi. Selan itu juga perlu adanya integrasi analisis risiko dan distribusi spasial dari risiko yang  dituangkan dalam  rencana rinci tata ruang.

  19. Shallow Depth Study Using Gravity & Magnetics Data in Central Java - Yogyakarta (United States)

    Fawzy Ismullah M, Muhammad; Altin Massinai, Muhammad; Maria


    Gravity and magnetics measurements carried out in Karangsambung - Bayat - Wonosari track, Central Java - Yogyakarta region as much as 34 points for subsurface identification. Modeling and interpretation using both data at 3 sections. Section A lies on Karangsambung area and reach to 1900 m. Section A showed formation of 0.000001 - 0.0014 nT and 2.00 - 2.80 g/cm3 like alluvium, basalt and tuff. Section B lies on Wates - Yogyakarta area and reach to 1700 m. Section B showed formation of (-0.01) - 0.02 nT and 2.40 - 3.00 g/cm3 like andesite intrusive and Merapi volcano sediments. Section C lies on Bayat - Wonosari area and reach to 2000 m. Section C showed formation of 0.00016 - 0.0005 nT and 2.30 - 3.14 g/cm3 like limestone, tuff and diorite intrusive. Based on modeling results from 2D structure inversion method can identify the formation of sediments from volcano activity on Karangsambung - Bayat - Wonosari track, Central Java - Yogyakarta region. The method of this study shows potential application for identify the formation of volcano activity from 2D structure.

  20. Toxoplasmosis Prevalence in Sheep in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    W Nurcahyo


    Full Text Available Abstract. A research on toxoplasmosis prevalence in sheep was conducted in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The objective of the research was to understand the prevalence level of toxoplasmosis in sheep using skin test method by taking the membrane protein of tachyzoit produced in vivo. The research was initiated by producing the tachyzoit membrane protein at the testing animals, later the obtained protein was prepared and used in the skin test method. At the end of the research agglutination test was conducted to confirm the diagnosis using card agglutination test. An optimal dosage of tachyzoit membrane protein used in sheep as the basic material of the skin test was 1.5 mg/ml/head. Result showed the reaction of skin was thickening and the duration after being injected intradermally varied from 12 to 30 minutes in various sizes from 8 to 19 millimetres. The skin test method showed that the prevalence level of toxoplasmosis in Yogyakarta was more than 70%. Key Words: toxoplasmosis, prevalence, skin test


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    Idrus idrus


    Full Text Available This research aimed to: (1 analyze the differences in social studies learning achievement between the students using connected and integrated models and those using conventional model; and (2 analyze the hierarchy of the effect of the learning models  among the connected, integrated, and conventional. This experimental research employed a matching post-test comparison group design. The population of this research was National Standardized Schools of Junior Secondary Schools in Yogyakarta. The technique used for sample drawing was multistage sampling. In this research, the independent variable was the learning model which consisted of three categories: integrated, connected, and conventional models. The dependent variable was the mean score of students’ learning achievement in social studies subject. Data collection was done by means of an achievement test. Instrument validation was done by discriminating power and difficulty index, while the reliability was calculated by KR-20. The pre-requisite  test included normality and homogeneity tests. The normality test used Kolmogorov-Smirnov and the homogeneity test used Levene Test. Data were analyzed in one way anova analysis and continued with Scheffe comparison test on the significance level of 0.05. The results of the experiment show that there are  significant difference among the students’ learning achievement who used integrated, connected, and conventional models. The continued test using Scheffe ensured that the integrated model was more effective than the connected and conventional models, while the connected model was more effective in improving the students’ learning achievement in social studies subject compared with the conventional model. Therefore, the hierarchy of the effect of the learning models is first the integrated model followed by connected and conventional models. Key words: Connected, Integrated Models, Social Studies Learning

  2. Nitrate in drinking water and risk of colorectal cancer in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (United States)

    Fathmawati; Fachiroh, Jajah; Gravitiani, Evi; Sarto; Husodo, Adi Heru


    Nitrate concentration in well water in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and its surroundings tended to increase rapidly from time to time, and it may be associated with an elevated risk for several types of cancer. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between nitrate in drinking water and colorectal cancer (CRC) risk occurrence. A case-control study was conducted in Yogyakarta Special Province. Pathologically confirmed 75 CRC patients and 75 controls were consulted and their individual well water was sampled and examined for nitrate concentrations. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to establish the association between nitrate and CRC risk development. There was a significant correlation between nitrate in drinking water and CRC occurrence, and this value was relatively stable after being adjusted for protein intake, smoking history, age, and family history of cancer. These findings demonstrated that the risk of CRC development was fourfold among those with >10 years of nitrate exposure from well water compared with those with ≤10 years of nitrate exposure. Consequently, a significant association between nitrate in drinking water and occurrence of CRC in Yogyakarta was established.


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    Sitti Nur Djannah


    Full Text Available Background: Preeclampsia and eclampsia is a complication in pregnancies and deliveries which increased mother and fetal morbidity and motality rate. The high incidence and large amount of risk factors caused poor prognostic. Early diagnosis and treatment is very important to be done mother and fetal mortality rate. The purpose of this research was to investigate epidemiology description of preeclampsia/eclampsia in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Yogyakarta from 2007–2009 years. Methods: This research used qualitatif method trough cross sextional approach. Secondery data of 118 were drawn as the sample. Result: During 2007–2009 there were 118 cases (3.9% of preeclampsia/eclampsia from total deliveries (3036 deliveries, patient of eclampsia were more (83.9% than low preeclampsia, most of age group that was in the group 20–30 years old (64.4%, had primigravida parity ( 69.5%, frequency of antenatal care < 4 kali (76.3%, did not have hipertension history (83.9%, mount the education which is many (39.8% is public high school, unemployed (63.5%. Conclusion: Cases of preeclampsia/eclampsia from 2007–2009 years is 3.9%, age of mother 20–30 years old 64.4%, had primigravida parity 69.5%, frequency of antenatal care < 4 kali 76.3%, the education is public high school 39.8% and unemployed 63.5%. Key word: epidemiology, preeclampsia/eclampsia, descriptive analysis


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    Rizky Indah Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Abstract: Inappropriate use of antibiotics, both prescribed and non-prescribed, is a global public health problem. In Indonesia, there is an increase of self-medication with antibiotics in the community in the last decade. Health practitioners are the main source of information and advice on self-medication with antibiotics in the community. Therefore, it is important to investigate knowledge of antibiotics among students of health sciences because they are candidates for future health practitioners. This study is an observational cross-sectional survey using a validated questionnaire. Respondents were 150 students of health sciences faculties at Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta who were selected using a non-random convenience sampling technique. Of the 150 respondents, 79%(119 were familiar with antibiotics. Only these data (n =119 were subsequently analysed. Overall, they had appropriate knowledge about efficacy of antibiotics for bacterial infections and risks of antibiotic use, i.e. allergic reactions and antibiotic resistance. However, their knowledge about efficacy of antibiotics for viral infections and the use of antibiotics immediately for fever were not appropriate. In general, 34% of respondents had high level of knowledge about antibiotics, 54% in the moderate level and 12% in the low level. Keywords: knowledge of antibiotics, health sciences students

  5. Capacity Development and Strengthening for Energy Policy formulation and implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects in Indonesia CASINDO. Deliverable No. 22. Energy Profile of Yogyakarta Province 2007. Regional CASINDO Team of Yogyakarta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al Hasibi, R.A. [Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta PUSPER-UMY, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)


    The overall objective of the CASINDO programme is to establish a self-sustaining and self-developing structure at both the national and regional level to build and strengthen human capacity to enable the provinces of North Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua to formulate sound policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency and to develop and implement sustainable energy projects. This report gives an overview of the province Yogyakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the energy balance in 2007.

  6. Capacity Development and Strengthening for Energy Policy formulation and implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects in Indonesia CASINDO. Deliverable No. 23. Energy Profile of Yogyakarta Province 2008. Regional CASINDO Team of Yogyakarta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al Hasibi, R.A. [Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta PUSPER-UMY, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)


    The overall objective of the CASINDO programme is to establish a self-sustaining and self-developing structure at both the national and regional level to build and strengthen human capacity to enable the provinces of North Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua to formulate sound policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency and to develop and implement sustainable energy projects. This report gives an overview of the province Yogyakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the energy balance in 2008.

  7. Capacity Development and Strengthening for Energy Policy formulation and implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects in Indonesia CASINDO. Deliverable No. 21. Energy Profile of Yogyakarta Province 2006. Regional CASINDO Team of Yogyakarta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The overall objective of the CASINDO programme is to establish a self-sustaining and self-developing structure at both the national and regional level to build and strengthen human capacity to enable the provinces of North Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua to formulate sound policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency and to develop and implement sustainable energy projects. This report gives an overview of the province Yogyakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the energy balance in 2006.

  8. Seleksi Pohon untuk Sarang Kuntul Kerbau (Bubulcus ibis di Dusun Wisata Ketingan Kab. Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Eko Kosasih


    Full Text Available Habitat selection of Bubulcus ibis in Ketingan Village, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta was investigated to provide basic information for population management. Presence of Bubulcus ibis nest was surveyed along with identification available tree species. Tree height, canopy size and openness, and distance from human disturbance were also measured for each tree. The Chi Square test showed that bubulcus ibis selected several species as nest trees such as Gnetum gnemon L., Cassia siamea Lamk., Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk., Calophyllum inophyllum L., Melia azedarach L., Antidesma bunius (L. Spreng., and Dysoxylum gaudichaudianum(Juss. Miq. Tree height, canopy height, canopy diameter and the distance from human disturbance showed a significant difference between used and non-used trees for the nest, however diameter breast high (DBH and canopy openness of trees did not show significant differences. Habitat management of Bubulcus ibis should be improved by controlling its population that needed for the conservation of this bird species.

  9. Riparian planning in Yogyakarta City (United States)

    Rachmawati, R.; Prakoso, E.; Sadali, M. I.; Yusuf, M. G.


    Riparian is a potential for slums in urban areas. The city of Yogyakarta is passed by three rivers namely Code, Gajahwong, and Winongo, crossing the city. Riparian in the three rivers are potential for slum if the area is not well managed. This paper is based on the survey results of the structured interview with the people living in the riparian area in Yogyakarta City. They were 75 respondents from the three riparian. The result shows that several reasons why people prefer to remain living in the area are limited spaces and high land price in the city as well as inherited from their parents. The facts that there are still several problems related to the condition of settlement environment in the riparian, i.e., The condition of densely-populated areas, limited availability of land, and limited public spaces. Efforts that can be done to solve problems related to the riparian planning are anticipating disasters like flood and landslide, paying attention to densely-populated and unwell-planned areas, and handling garbage that has been abandoned into the river. The program expected by those living along both riversides is intended to give priorities on providing some aid for those whose houses are not in good condition, controlling buildings without a permit, and building a dike along the river. Efficiency can be made by making use of the space adequately between the one for settlement and the other one for open-green space for both aesthetic and economic purposes.

  10. Evaluasi Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Upaya Membangun Loyalitas Pengguna di Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Ditinjau dari Pendekatan Customer Relationship Management

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    Ratih Nurhidayah


    Full Text Available This research aims to examine how the evaluation of marketing strategies in effort to construct a user loyalty in Library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta based on Customer Relationship Management approach. This research is a qualitative research using evaluative approach. The data collection methods are using observation, interviews and documentation. Analysis of the data in this research using two stages analysis namely the data analysis before in location and the data analysis after in location , the steps are (1 data collection, (2 data reduction, (3 data presentation, and (4 drawing conclusions. Then this research is equipped with quantitative data analysis to measure the value of evaluation results in the form of percentage figures compatibility. While the data validity used credibility test using triangulation techniques and membercheck. The results of this research is concluded that: (1 Internal communication patterns UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library is encircled in interpersonal way and through by media; (2 Human resources in the UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library consists of librarians group and structural staff; (3 The top products of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library are technology-based services, Islamic collections, facilities and comfortable room; (4 The work evaluation of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library organization is by forming a regular forum once a month and work meeting in each end of the year; (5 The communication with UIN Sunan Kalijaga library users occurs in interpersonal way, through social media and “Friends of Library”; (6 The attitude and performance of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library officer are considered in deficient standart and less attention to policies appearance; (7 UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library makes the extensive cooperation with various stakeholders. Thus, the marketing strategy in effort to construct user loyalty in Library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta is stated 86% (in accordance with the concept of Customer Relationship

  11. Reducing firing of an early pottery making kiln at Batan Grande, Peru: A Moessbauer study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagner, U.; Gebhard, R.; Haeusler, W.; Hutzelmann, T.; Riederer, J.; Shimada, I.; Sosa, J.; Wagner, F.E.


    Material from field firing experiments using a 2,700-year old Formative kiln at Batan Grande, Peru, was studied by X-ray diffraction and Moessbauer spectroscopy. The experiments explore the technology involved in producing the gray and black reduced ware for which Cupisnique and other Formative ceramics are justly known. During firing, the iron-bearing compounds in clays undergo characteristic changes which depend on kiln temperature and atmosphere. These changes can be observed in the Moessbauer spectra. By comparing spectra of an appropriate clay fired in field experiments and in the laboratory with the spectra of ancient ceramics, a description of Formative firing techniques in a reducing environment is attempted


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    Erry Erry


    Full Text Available Sikatrik kornea dapat menimbulkan gangguan penglihatan mulai dari kabur sampai dengan kebutaan. Sikatrik kornea dapat bentuk ringan (nebula, sedang (makula dan berat (leukoma. Gangguan kornea merupakan penyebab kebutaan kedua didunia setelah katarak. Sikatrik kornea lebih sering disebabkan oleh infeksi, xeropthalmia dan trauma. Belum ada data yang akurat mengenai prevalensi sikatrik kornea di Indonesia. Yang diteliti adalah semua responden berusia  ≥ 5 tahun dari Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2007 yang merupakan penelitian potong lintang non intervensi. Pemeriksaan dengan senter dan dicocokkan gambar kartu peraga. Prevalensi sikatrik kornea pada kedua mata tertinggi di Provinsi Sumbar (2,5%, terendah di Provinsi di Sumut, Kepulauan Riau, Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Papua Barat dan Papua (0,3%. Prevalensi sikatrik kornea pada salah salah satu mata tertinggi di Provinsi DI Yogyakarta dan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah (0,9%, terendah di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Kepulauan Riau (0,1%. Prevalensi sikatrik kornea pada dua mata maupun satu mata terendah dijumpai pada kelompok umur 20-29 tahun (0,1% sedangkan prevalensi tertinggi ditemui pada kelompok umur ≥ 75 tahun (8.7%. Sikatrik kornea dua mata dan sikatrik kornea satu mata berdasar gender hampir sama prevalensinya, sedangkan menurut pekerjaan tertinggi pada petani (1,8% dan terendah pada pekerja di sektor swasta (0,4%; lebih tinggi pada kelompok yang tidak bersekolah (4,1% dan terendah pada kelompok pendidikan tamat SLTA (0,4%; lebih tinggi di pedesaan baik dua mata (1,2% maupun satu mata(0,6% dibanding perkotaan. Prevalensi sikatrik kornea dua mata (1,1% lebih tinggi ditemui pada  tingkat pengeluran rumah tangga yang rendah sedangkan sikatrik kornea pada satu mata (0,4% persentasenya lebih rendah pada tingkat pengeluran rumah tangga yang tinggi. Gangguan penglihatan berat  (10,4% kebutaan (9,8%. Kesimpulan: Prevalensi sikatrik kornea lebih tinggi pada masyarakat yang berpendidikan rendah yang tinggaldi daerah

  13. The conservation of Javanese-cultured city through visual expression study on the architecture of Keraton Yogyakarta (United States)

    Tohar, Ibrahim; Hardiman, Gagoek; Ratih Sari, Suzanna


    Keraton Yogyakarta as a summit of Javanese culture has been renowned as a heritage building. As object of study, Keraton Yogyakarta is ornamented with a collection of architectural artifacts. The acculturation and merging of these different styles create a unique impression within the palace complex. This study aims to identify the pattern of acculturation of these two styles and to interpret their meaning and expression. A descriptive-qualitative method is employed in this research, which contains visual observation, documentation collection, interviews with informants, and relevant literature review. As results of study, the expression of Tratag Pagelaran, Tratag Sitihinggil, Bangsal Ponconiti, and Gedong Jene tends to widen, while the expression of Gedong Purwaretna tends to uprise. Every building has its own point of interest and ornamentation which its place and content are different.. In visual observations, there are two categories of buildings in Keraton Yogyakarta,which accommodate two styles, namely Javanese Traditional style and Dutch Colonial style. Buildings of Javanese traditional style, which hold a special concept of shading, were built without buttresses and embody a ‘light’ expression, while buildings of Dutch Colonial style, which hold a concept of protection, were built with massive enclosure and produce a “heavy” expression. Although visually split into two distinct styles, the acculturation process in Keraton Yogyakarta produced a unity in its overall expression. The expression pattern of Keraton Yogyakarta can be used as conservation guidance of Javanese-cultured city.

  14. Audit Komunikasi Organisasi Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (Walhi Yogyakarta

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    Dian Ramadani


    Full Text Available The paper aims to analyze process of communication audit in WALHI Yogyakarta organization to increase organization systems to improve organization effectiveness using information of organization theory and qualitative descriptive method. The research found that the process of implementation communication audit of organization in WALHI Yogyakarta works quite well as demonstrated by the five units of analysis: organization, content of information, management of organization, communication processes or activities of communication, and feedback. Of the five unit of analysis it is found that openness factor vertically or horizontally has a big role in improving the performance of an organization’s success. Another factor is the role of communication technology to simplify and accelerate the delivery of information internally. Media written or printed or electronic media is used in support of this organization. Communication audit implemented in every organization will improve the performance of organization.

  15. Dukungan keluarga dan jadwal makan dan sebelum edukasi berhubungan dengan kepatuhan jadwal makan pasien diabetes melitus (DM tipe 2 rawat jalan yang mendapat konseling gizi di RSUD Kota Yogyakarta

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    Martalena Br Purba


    Full Text Available Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM is a clinical syndrome with symptoms of hyperglycemia, urinary glucose excretion and disorder of insulin mechanism. Approximately 90-95% of diabetic patients suffer from type 2 DM. Various studies show that compliance to treatment of chronic disease in general is low. Compliance to eating or food frequency amongst DM patients in hospital in particular is very low. The success of self management of blood glucose (SMBG needs participation of the patient, families, and educator team. Objective: To study the factors affecting eating compliance particularly eating schedule among type 2 diabetic out-patient who had nutrition counseling in RSUD Kota Yogyakarta. Method: It was an observasional study with cross sectional design and purposive sampling. Data collection was done in October 2008 with 98 subjects. The sampel were type 2 diabetic out-patients according to inclusion criteria at out- patient clinic in RSUD Kota Yogyakarta. Statistical test with 95% confidence interval was applied to investigate factors infuenced eating compliance. Results: There were no correlations between eating compliance and disease duration (RP=  1,253 and p =0,403, and also with type of occupation (RP= 1,047 dan p= 1,000. However, it was found that family support affected eating compliance (RP= 1,723 dan p= 0,025 as well as eating schedule before nutrition counseling (RP = 2,151 and p= 0,02. Conclusion: Duration of disease and type of occupation did not affect eating compliance. Nevertheless, family support and eating schedule before nutrition education affected eating compliance among type 2 DM out-patients in RSUD Kota Yogyakarta.

  16. Strategi Peningkatan Adopsi Inovasi pada Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur

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    Septi Nur Wulan Mulatmi


    Full Text Available This study was aimed to formulate strategies for increasing adoption innovation in the smallholder dairy farms. The study was conducted in May to July 2015. The research was conducted using survey method. The selection of respondents was conducted using multi-stage sampling to 270 dairy smallholder farmers in Yogyakarta Region, Central, and East Java Provinces. The method used was descriptive qualitative by using SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. The results of the research which is to optimize resources; provide a clear and continuous information about innovation; facilitate access to information by extending the dissemination of information; provide mentoring programs, counseling, and training with a demonstration of the innovation; increase the participation of dairy farmers; strengthen institutional dairy farmers; seek a tool to support innovation together; improve the quality of extension, media, and the delivery of information; and optimize government and NGO aid.

  17. The curbing of corruption by formal and informal accountability at the Indonesian local governments: Learning from Yogyakarta City

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kabullah, M.I.; Wahab, S.; Sadioglu, U.; Dede, K.


    According to the compilation of Corruption Perception Index (CPI) by Transparency International Indonesia on 2006, 2008 and 2010, 85 percent of the Indonesia local governments got a score less than 5 with meaning highly corrupt. However, there are exceptions such as Yogyakarta City. Yogyakarta is


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    Melly Handayani


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah (1 mengembangkan multimedia yang berisi materi dan latihan untuk keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jerman, (2 mendeskripsikan proses pengem-bangannya, dan (3 mendeskripsikan hasil evaluasi dan hasil uji coba lapangan. Uji coba terbatas dilakukan pada satu orang pengajar dan empat orang peserta didik. Uji coba lapangan melibatkan 2 orang pengajar dan 10 orang peserta didik. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Langkah pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran bahasa Jerman yang digunakan adalah (1 analisis kebutuhan, (2 perencanaan, (3 pengembangan produk, (4 evaluasi produk, (5 revisi produk, (6 uji coba lapangan, dan (7 produk akhir. Kualitas multimedia pembelajaran bahasa Jerman menurut dosen ahli materi adalah sangat baik dan menurut ahli media adalah baik. Kualitas multimedia menurut dua orang pengajar bahasa Jerman adalah sangat baik dan menurut peserta didik adalah baik. Dari 10 orang peserta didik, 80% mencapai nilai KKM. 100% respon peserta didik terhadap multimedia yang dikembangkan adalah sangat baik. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, multimedia, keterampilan berbicara, pelayanan restoran   DEVELOPING MULTIMEDIA FOR GERMAN LANGUAGE TEACHING MATERIAL FOR RESTAURANT SERVICE LESSONS IN YOTABAKTI YOGYAKARTA Abstract The objectives of this research and development are (1 to develop a learning media for German language teachers, a computer assisted media with learning materials and exercises for speaking skill, (2 to describe the process of developing Multimedia German Language Teaching Material for Restaurant Service Lessons, and ( 3 to describe the result of product evaluation and field try out. The small group tryout involved five participants, a German language teacher and four students of Yotabakti. Field try out involved two German language teachers and ten students. The data of this study were analysed descriptively and quantitatively. The procedures of developing multimedia German language



    Verawati, .


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh customer relationship marketing terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil jawaban kuesioner nasabah Bank yang disebar di Yogyakarta. Alat analisis yang digunaka n untuk menganalisis pengaruh customer relationship marketing terhadap loyalitas konsumen di bank Yogyakarta adalah analisis regresi berganda metode backward. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ...

  20. Typography And Local Culture How Local Values Influence Batik Label Design In Yogyakarta And Surakarta

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    Agung Zainal Muttakin Raden


    Full Text Available Batik was incorporated into the Indonesian culture since the Majapahit era. At that time the royal families of Majapahit Kingdom wore batik clothes for activities such as religious event or kingdom event. Since then batik was seen as a symbol of nobility. The growth of batik industry especially in Yogyakarta and Surakarta region has produced a diverse motive and fabric quality of batik clothes. To help differentiate between these batik clothes the owner of batik industries created batik labels with intricate design. This study focused on analysing the intricate design and typography found within three batik labels each from Yogyakarta and Surakarta Region to better understand the role of local culture and values in creating the batik label design using vernacular typography and cultural approach. The result shows that the local culture and values symbolically enforced by each keraton kingdom-like body and social system in Yogyakarta and Surakarta influenced the batik label design. The high cultured values of Yogyakarta keraton resulted in a more formal and rigid typefaces used in the batik label giving off a classical feeling. Meanwhile the more grass rooted values of Surakarta urban culture resulted in a fluid and flowing typefaces giving off a trendy casual feeling.


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    Dian Anggraini


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to investigate the study of Yogyakarta regulation no 1 year 2014 about exclusive breastfeeding. The study employed qualitative study using inductive data analysis. The research subject was breastfeeding mothers and KP-mothers motivator taken through purposive sampling. The data where taken through in depth interview and focus group discussion. The research instrument was an interview guideline. The validity of the data used triangulation data. The on-going implementation are IMD, exclusive breast milk, cooperative care, and administrative sanction. The unaccomplished implementation is reward. The implementation which needs to be improved are monitoring, providing lactation room at offices and public facilities, and utilizing baby formula and other baby's products. The conclution is the implementation of Yogyakarta city regulation has not realized yet because it does not run as the policy in the regulation of this area.Keywords: implementation study, Yogyakarta regulation no 1 year 2014 about breastfeeding

  2. New Record Marsdenia tenacissima (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae In Gunung Ijo Baturagung Yogyakarta

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    Widodo Widodo


    Full Text Available Marsdenia tenacissima population were found among wild bushes at S 07 o 47’ 03.4”; E 110o 30’ 48.0” about 415 meter above sea level in Gunung Ijo Baturagung Yogyakarta. Identification was based on literature and herbarium specimen. The research was conduct using exploration methods, morphoanatomical observation, and specimen collection. Marsdenia tenacissima in Jawa was not reported in Flora of Java. Marsdenia tenacissima habitus was liana. The specific character for its identification was pollinia’s structure. This paper presented other important character namely leaf, stem, flower, pollinia, and fruit of Marsdenia tenacissima in Gunung Ijo Baturagung Yogyakarta. Accurate description and examination of any plant species were needed for its conservation and awareness of public to local biodiversity.

  3. The effectiveness of principal’s competencies implementation at SMAN 3 and Internasional Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta


    Vikate Phannalath; Lantip Diat Prasojo


    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of principal’s competencies implementation at SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta and SMA Internasional Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The research was an evaluation research using the discrepancy model of evaluation. The respondents were vice principals, teachers, as well as administrative officers. The data was collected through the questionnaires, the results of the study showed that the effectiveness of the principal’s competencies implementation ...

  4. Strategi Pencitraan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini : Studi Kasus RA Mu’adz bin Jabal Yogyakarta




    The purpose of this research are (1) described how the concept of marketing (marketing concept) the institution islamic education early childhood unseeded in yogyakarta, and (2) described how islamic education institutions early childhood unseeded in yogyakarta do strategy positioning, differentiation, and branding in marketing school .Methods used in this report is written with a qualitative methodology with the approach phenomenology, that is trying to described the phenomenon how the conce...

  5. Persepsi Pengguna Layanan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa pada Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta terhadap Implementasi Sistem E Procurement

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    Ita Akyuna Nightisabha


    Full Text Available This study aims to evaluate the implementation of electronic procurement of goods and services by the Government City of Yogyakarta, as an effort to create good governance especially in terms of procurement. This study compares the perceptions of user that consist of procurement committee and the providers of goods and services. Research location is in Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE of Government City of Yogyakarta as a system developer with the sample of the procurement committee and partner of goods and services that are spread in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. This research uses t-test by using a reference measurement system on the success of end-user computing satisfaction developed by Torzadeh and Doll (1991. The results show a difference of perception between the committee and the procurement of goods and services providers to the implementation of e-proc system. There is difference in perception between users of e-procurement supplier of goods / services and the procurement committee. Implementation of e-procurement system is being run by the Government City of Yogyakarta is currently has not been relatively applied, because the technology gap that has led to the differences in perception between the committee and the procurement of goods and services providers.Keywords: good governance, e-procurement, perception

  6. Strategi Pencitraan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini : Studi Kasus RA Mu’adz bin Jabal Yogyakarta

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    Full Text Available The purpose of this research are (1 described how the concept of marketing (marketing concept the institution islamic education early childhood unseeded in yogyakarta, and (2 described how islamic education institutions early childhood unseeded in yogyakarta do strategy positioning, differentiation, and branding in marketing school .Methods used in this report is written with a qualitative methodology with the approach phenomenology, that is trying to described the phenomenon how the concept of marketing (marketing concept the institution islamic education early childhood creative (seed in yogyakarta in doing strategy positioning, differentiation, and branding in marketing school. Conclusion this research is that imagery and credibility an institution will hold for long if always realized, maintaining and develop a range of good condition of time to time. Their ability take positioning, differentiation, and branding perhaps is power of accelerate


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    Dahlia Astari


    Full Text Available Selamatan desa adalah ritual yang bertujuan untuk mengucapkan rasa syukur atas panen yang melimpah dan menghindarkan diri dari mara bahaya. Di beberapa daerah di Kota Surabaya masih melaksanakan tradisi tersebut terutama di daerah pertanian. Meskipun demikian, RW IV Kelurahan Jajar Tunggal masih mempertahankan tradisi tersebut meskipun kondisi permukiman berada di wilayah padat perkotaan dengan penduduk yang mayoritas beragama Islam dan bekerja di sektor swasta dan bekerja sebagai tukang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ingin mengetahui pola pemanfaatan ruang yang terjadi pada pelaksanaan selamatan desa dengan memanfaatkan jalan utama untuk melaksanakan tradisi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan behavior mapping dengan pemetaan perilaku yaitu place centered maps. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pola pemanfaatan ruang di jalan utama kampung berbentuk menyebar dan mengelompok di daerah yang rindang dan dekat dengan warung/toko. Sedangkan pada saat selamatan desa, pusat aktivitas terjadi hampir di sepanjang jalan utama kampung   Selamatan desa is a ritual that aims to create a sense of gratitude for a bountiful harvest and refrain from danger. In some areas in the city of Surabaya still  performs  this tradition, especially in the areas that still have agricultural land. However, RW IV Kelurahan Jajar Tunggal still performs this tradition even though the conditions in the settlements located in the dense urban area with a  Muslim  majority society and livelihood as private sector employees and craftmans. Therefore, this study wants to know the pattern of utilization of space that occurs in Selamatan desa that using the main street for the tradition. The Method used is descriptive qualitative with environment behavior study approach with behavior mapping by place centered maps. The results of this study indicate that the pattern of use of the street in everyday activities shaped with

  8. Pendekatan Conjoint Analysis untuk Mengukur Tingkat Preferensi Mahasiswa terhadap Layanan Sistem Informasi Akademik di UIN Yogyakarta

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    Epha Diana Supandi


    Full Text Available Information Technology (IT represent one of main indicator to support the academic atmosphere at the university. Therefore UIN Sunan Kalijaga (Suka Yogyakarta has owned sistem information technology and it is called Academic Information System (SIA. UIN Suka shall has knowledge preference and perception of consumer to the service, which is like what required by consumer. By using Conjoint Analysis method would have been obtained combination from level-level factor (stimuly took a fancy by consumer according to value of highest utility from every level factor.  The objective of this research is to measure preference level of consumers (students to the SIA services in UIN Suka used Conjoint Analysis method. The result shows that the most important factor in using SIA service is the benefit (importance value is 66,623%, the second important factor is accesibility of SIA ( importance value is 19,227% and the last important is ability of staff  (importance value is 14,15%. According to value of utility estimate, it shows that consumers like to use SIA for key in courses (utility estimate is 2,104, online service (utility estimate is 0,577 and SIA staff who are very friendly when they were servicing the students (utility estimate is 0,210.

  9. Penanganan Susut Panen dan Pasca Panen Padi Kaitannya dengan Anomali Iklim di Wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Mahargono Kobarsih


    Full Text Available To reduced losses in rice farming requires the application of modern agricultural machinery in harvesting equipment, postharvest and processing. Varying knowledge of farmers and entrepreneur rice milling unit (RMU in yield loss as well as the impacts of global climate change research should be conducted through a structured survey of farmers and entrepreneurs RMU in Yogyakarta. Results obtained demonstrate the preferred use of new type variety among farmers so that the tool is suitable harvest sickle cutting down system in districts of Bantul and Gunungkidul more popular as straw used for animal feed. More than 70% of farmers do at harvest time by looking at the panicle and leaf color. Utilization of power threshers more developed in Sleman because of such preferred cut up and threshing by stampede way. With the limitations of manpower, the farmer was forced to delay harvest in Gunungkidul. The thickness of the grain is dried in the sun need to be added so as not too thin and can produce more rice intact during milling. Entrepreneur RMU need to complete with seed cleaner to increase the yield, as well as using double-pass system so that quality and yield of rice produced would be better.

  10. Persepsi Pengguna Layanan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa pada Pemerintah Kota YOGYAKARTA terhadap Implementasi Sistem E Procurement


    Nightisabha, Ita Akyuna; Suhardjanto, Djoko; Cahya, Bayu Tri


    This study aims to evaluate the implementation of electronic procurement of goods and services by the Government City of Yogyakarta, as an effort to create good governance especially in terms of procurement. This study compares the perceptions of user that consist of procurement committee and the providers of goods and services. Research location is in Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE) of Government City of Yogyakarta as a system developer with the sample of the procurement committee...

  11. Persepsi Pengguna Layanan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa pada Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta terhadap Implementasi Sistem E Procurement


    Nightisabha, Ita Akyuna; Suhardjanto, Djoko; Cahya, Bayu Tri


    This study aims to evaluate the implementation of electronic procurement of goods and services by the Government City of Yogyakarta, as an effort to create good governance especially in terms of procurement. This study compares the perceptions of user that consist of procurement committee and the providers of goods and services. Research location is in Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE) of Government City of Yogyakarta as a system developer with the sample of the procurement committee...

  12. Pendugaan Kedalaman Paisan dan Resistivitas Batuan dengan Metode Geolistrik di Daerah Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Rudi Hartono


    Full Text Available Intrusi air laut ke daratan (air tanah sering dijumpai di daerah-daerah pantai. Dengan terjadinya intrusi maka kualitas air tanah menjadi berubah dan mungkin tidak dapat lagi digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air rumah tanga. Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo DIY, yang merupakan daerah pantai, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui resistivitas (tahanan jenis dan kedalaman lapisan-lapisan batuannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode geolistrik Schlumberger dengan interprestasi datanya secara manual. Berdasarkan interprestasi data penelitian maka dapat diperkirakan bahwa lapisan batuan di daerah penelitian terdiri dari: (1 batuan lembab mengandung air tanah dangkal dengan kedalaman 1,5 meter dengan resistivitas 6,8 ohm/m; (2 lapisan batuan kedap air pada kedalaman 20 meter dengan resistivitas 22,0 ohm/m; (3 batuan/akifer mengandung air tanah dalam pada kedalaman 100 meter dengan resistivitas 6,8 ohm/m; dan (4 batuan/akifer mengandung air asin pada kedalaman 200 meter dengan resistivitas 2,5 ohm/m.

  13. Wajah Spanduk Solidaritas Gempa Yogyakarta: Tinjauan dari Perspektif Komunikasi

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    - Isbandiyah HS.


    Full Text Available This paper is based on case study on the use of banner as a medium to communicate human solidarity to the victims of Yogyakarta earthquake on May 2006 as part of public information campaign. This paper shows that banners are effective ways to inform, persuade people to have a good feeling and spirit of life.


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    Raharni Raharni


    govermentAbstrakPermasalahan periklanan kosmetika adalah adanya klaim yang berlebihan, tidak rasional, tidak punya ijin edar, tidak ada persetujuan iklan, pembagian kewenangan pusat dan daerah yang belum jelas. Dalam rangka otonomi daerah belum ada kejelasan tentang kewenangan di pusat dan di daerah terkait periklanan kosmetika.Untuk melindungi masyarakat konsumen terhadap sediaan kosmetika yang tidak memenuhi syarat dan periklanan yang tidak benar dan menyesatkan, telah dilakukan kajian kebijakan periklanan sediaan kosmetika. Pengumpulan datanya dengan diskusi kelompok terarah dan wawancara mendalam di institusi yang terkait dengan periklanan dan informasi kosmetika yaitu Ditjen Binfar dan Alkes Kemkes RI, Badan POM, Balai Besar POM, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi, dan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota di Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Medan dan Banjarmasin. Disamping itu dilakukan identifikasi peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan periklanan kosmetika baik di pusat maupun di daerah serta kewenangan pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Analisis data dilakukan berdasarkan tema dan analisis isi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa peraturan perundang - undangan terkait periklanan kosmetika hanya ada ditingkat pusat, periklanan kosmetika masih mengacu pada Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 386/Menkes/SK/IV/1994 yang perlu segera direvisi terkait otonomi daerah. Sedangkan peraturan daerah terkait periklanan kosmetika baik di provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota belum ada, belum ada kejelasan pembagian kewenangan di pusat dan daerah terkait periklanan kosmetika. Kewenangan dan kegiatan pengawasan iklan kosmetika dilakukan oleh Badan POM, sedangkan perijinan produksi kosmetika oleh Dirjend Binfar Alkes, Kemkes RI. Penyimpangan iklan kosmetika masih banyak ditemukan di Jakarta, Bali, Medan dan Banjarmasin.Kata Kunci : Periklanan Kosmetika, Kewenangan, Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah


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    Kresensiana Yosriani


    Full Text Available Abstract : This study aimed to evaluate Drug Related Problems (DRPs among hypertensive geriatric patients with vertigo co morbid at Panti Rini Hospital Yogyakarta. This is a non-experimental research descriptive evaluative design using a retrospective medical record data. Collected data including patient's identity; initial, final, and complication diagnosis; cardiovascular system drugs and antivertigo, laboratory data. The inclusion criteria were ≥ 60 years with an initial diagnosis of hypertension with vertigo co morbid, used a diuretic drug, and had creatinine test result. Data were analyzed case by case using selected literatur. There were 20 cases found. Result of the study showed that 100% of patients used antihypertensive as the cardiovascular system drugs and 80% patients used antivertigo as nervous system drugs. There were 18 cases of DRPs found related to the use of antihypertensive and antivertigo. 1 case of dosage too low, 8 cases of adverse drug reaction, and 9 cases of dosege too high. Keywords : hypertension with vertigo co morbid, geriatrics, Drug Related Problems


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    Sukiya Sukiya


    Full Text Available Tropical region is high on faunal diversity including vertebrates and invertebrates. Research on diversity of amphibious fish in Intertidal zone of  Yogyakarta southern coast is still limited so there is no complete records regarding these unique fish. This research aimed to know the diversity of amphibious fish in three beaches of Yogyakarta southern coast, namely pantai Ngrenehan, Ngobaran dan Nguyahan. Fish sampling were conducted using random sampling method combined with observational method. Fish were collected using small nets then identified to species rank. The total length of each fish were measured and recorded. Few individuals of the same species were sacrificed as voucher specimens. The result showed that in pantai Ngrenehan, Ngobaran, and Nguyahan, five different species of amphibius fish were found, which are Cabillus lacertops, Bathygobius fuscus, Enneapterygus sp., Blenniella cyanostigma, and Blenniella caudolineata. Cabillus lacertops was found in all of sampling locations. Enneapterygus sp. was found in pantai Nguyahan while Bathigobius fuscus, and Blenniella caudolineata can only be found in pantai Ngrenehan. Further studies regarding the adaptation, ecological features, taxonomy and biological reproduction of Yogyakarta southern coast’s  amphibious fish are still needed.   Keywords: Inventarization, amphbious fish, intertidal zone, Yogyakarta southern coast

  17. DINAMIKA KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI MASYARAKAT MARJINAL (Studi Pada Komunitas Perempuan Pekerja Seks Yogyakarta

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACTProstitution is sexual service for gaining cash. For someone who works in sexual service named as aprostitute or in Bahasa called as Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK.  Nowaday PSK term constructed bypeople to discriminate the sex labor. Sometimes Perempuan pekerja seks (PPS obtain the negativestreotype from society, because they know as a moral offender in social culture. The term commercialsex worker or “PSK” in Indonesia is one example of a form of community discrimination born of discourse formed by the mass media to women who work as a sex worker. In Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY there are some areas that are often the place where sex workers peddle. Namely PasarKembang area or better known as sarkem, the Tugu railway station (Ngebong and in the GiwangansTerminal. In the three areas there are three communities that become a forum for organizing PPS,among others Bunga Seroja community in Sarkem, Arum Dalu Sehat community in Ngebong and SurtiBerdaya community in Giwangan. The three communities are under the umbrella of an organizationcalled Perhimpunan Perempuan Pekerja Seks Yogyakarta (P3SY in Indonesia. This paper aims toanalyze what kind of development communication system that attempted to be constructed by female sexworkers in Yogyakarta. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Keywords: Dynamics, Organization Communication and Female Sex Worker



    Tjahjono, Heru Kurnianto; Maryati, Tri; Fauziyah, Fauziyah


    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate intention to be entrepreneur among university students in Yogyakarta. Based on modification of TPB (theory of planned behavior) and TAM (technology acceptance model), this research specifically examined whether entrepreneur’s personality is an important antecedent to explain attitude, risk perception and subjective norm of entrepreneur based on information technology (IT). This research tested whether attitude, risk perception and subjective...

  19. The impact of regional autonomy and monetary crisis on economic growth in Yogyakarta

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    Sarastri Mumpuni Ruchba


    Full Text Available This study analyzes the impact of some factors, especially the implementation of autonomy and monetary crisis on economic growth in Yogyakarta Special Province. The independent variables entered into the model are investment, labor force and government spending, as well as two dummy variables, namely the financial crisis and the 1990-2013 regional autonomy implementations. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis with Ordinary Least Square (OLS. This study finds that investment and regional autonomy do not affect the economic growth in Yogyakarta, while labor force and monetary crisis negatively affect economic growth. The study also finds that government spending has a positive influence on economic growth.

  20. Annual report of the Gama Atomic Energy Research Centre, National Atomic Energy Agency, April 1975-March 1976

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Contents of this 1975-1976 Annual Report include organization structure personnel, procurement and acquisition of laboratory materials and equipment, maintenance of laboratory equipments, budgeting and financial accounts, preliminary fundamental research on plasma physics and particle physics, development of several prototypes of radiation detectors, construction of prototypes of high voltage tension, research in reactor physics, construction of BATAN Yogyakarta nuclear reactor, development of electronic equipment prototypes for reactor instrumentation, research on radiochemistry and radiation chemistry, preliminary research on uranium extraction using organic solvents, laboratory scale heavy water separation by distillation method, and research publication list. The institute's programmes for 1976-1977 are summarized. (author)

  1. Music Education and Taste Forming of Classical Music Style: Case Study in Cultural Institutionkarta Pustaka YOGYAKARTA Indonesia


    Sitowati, Inggit


    Karta Pustaka is one of the cultural institutions in Yogyakarta, which has a classical music concert program. The purpose of this study is to describe the history of Karta Pustaka and organizing classical music concerts, the concert format, and its role in supporting classical music education in Yogyakarta. The method used in this study is qualitative research with historical and musicological approach.The data are collected by using interviews, documents and observations. Data were analyzed ...

  2. Dietary Behaviors among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Yanuar Primanda


    Full Text Available Purpose: To describe dietary behaviors and examine relationships between selected factors and dietary behaviors among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM patients in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Method: Seventy T2DM patients from a hospital in Yogyakarta who met the inclusion criteria were recruited. Patient’s dietary behaviors were measured by the Dietary Behaviors Questionnaire developed for this study with adequate reliability. The questionnaire comprised of four dimensions: recognizing the amount of calorie needs, selecting healthy diet, arranging a meal plan, and managing dietary behaviors challenges. Higher scores indicate better dietary behaviors.Result: More than half of the patients were women (54.3% with an average age of 56.8 years and diabetes duration of 9.7 years. The results revealed a moderate level of the total score of dietary behaviors. Considering each dimension, the results showed a moderate level of recognizing the amount of calorie needs, selecting healthy diet, and managing dietary behaviors challenges. The patients reported a high level of arranging meal plans. Pearson’s correlation was used to examine the relationships between selected factors and dietary behaviors. There was a positive significant relationship between the knowledge regarding diabetic diet and the total dietary behaviors scores (r = .36, p< .01. There were positive significant relationships between the knowledge regarding diabetic diet and the dimensions of recognizing the amount of calorie needs (r = .27, p< .05, selecting healthy diet (r = .35, p< .01, and managing dietary behaviors challenges (r = .28, p< .05. In contrast, the findings indicated no significant relationship between knowledge regarding diabetic diet and arranging a meal plan dimension. Furthermore, there was no significant relationship between the diabetes duration and dietary behaviors.Conclusion: Dietary behaviors among T2DM patients in Yogyakarta were at a moderate level. Knowledge

  3. Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK di SD Muhammadiyah Sapen Yogyakarta

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    Mayasari Mayasari


    Faktor pendukung terlaksananya kegiatan ini  meliputi adanya kerjasama yang baik antar guru dan orang tua dan adanya dukungan penuh dari pemerintah provinsi dan pemerintah kabupaten/kota. Pemerintah bertanggungjawab dalam mempersiapkan atau memberikan bantuan profesional kepada  guru dan kepala sekolah untuk melaksanakan kurikulum di kabupaten/kota terkait.  terjalinnya kerjasama yang baik dengan Diknas-diknas, diantaranya Diknas pariwisata. Faktor penghambatnya meliputi, belum tersedianya tenaga khusus untuk penanganan anak tunarungu dan tunagrahita, belum adanya Guru Pendamping Khusus, kurang efisiennya waktu pembelajaran, dan masih kurangnya pemahaman guru tentang penanganan masalah anak-anak ABK.


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    Maria Wisnu Donowati


    Full Text Available Abstract: Approximately 11.000 new child cancer cases per annum. An appropriate cytostatic drug regimen can worse renal function. Aims of this research to determine the use of cytotoxic in children chemotherapy based on GFR according Schwartz and CB formulas in RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta 2010 period. Cytotoxic drugs include antibiotic and non antibiotic cytotoxics. An observational descriptive evaluative study with retrospective design was done. Inclusion criteria were patient 0 – 12 years with creatinine serum data and exclusion criteria were acute or chronic kidney failure with creatinine serum >5 mg/dL. The data taken were patient's age, height, weight, and creatinine serum. Adjustment doses was evaluated based on 2 GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m for cytotoxic drugs. Dose adjustment was evaluated according to DIH and BSA guidelines. Using 171 patient's datas with 160 cases of antibiotics prescription and 704 cases of non antibiotics prescription. 1,8%; 5,6% cases of antibiotics prescription and 1,0%; 3,6% cases of non antibiotics prescription required adjusment doses according to the Schwartz and CB formulas. Unappropriate doses were found for doxorubicine and bleomycine as cytotoxic antibiotics usage and etoposide, L-asparginase, dan cyclophosphamid as non cytotoxic antibiotics usage. Keywords : cytotoxic drugs, children, glomerular filtration rate, Schwartz formula, CounahanBarratt formula.


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    Abdul Wadud Nafis


    Full Text Available Kemunculan ilmu Islam ekonomi modern di panggung internasional, dimulai pada tahun 1970-an yang ditandai dengan kehadiran para pakar ekonomi Islam kontemporer, seperti Muhammad Abdul Mannan, M. Nejatullah Shiddiqy, Kursyid Ahmad, An-Naqvi, M. Umer Chapra, dll. Sejalan dengan itu berdiri Islamic Development Bank pada tahun 1975 dan selanjutnya diikuti pendirian lembaga-lembaga perbankan dan keuangan Islam lainnya di berbagai negara. Pada tahun 1976 para pakar ekonomi Islam dunia berkumpul untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah pada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance, di Jeddah. Di Indonesia, momentum kemunculan ekonomi Islam dimulai tahun 1990an, yang ditandai berdirinya Bank Muamalat Indoenesia tahun 1992, kendatipun benih-benih pemikiran ekonomi dan keuangan Islam telah muncul jauh sebelum masa tersebut. Sepanjang tahun 1990an perkembangan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia relatif lambat. Tetapi pada tahun 2000an terjadi gelombang perkembangan yang sangat pesat ditinjan dari sisi pertumbuhan asset, omzet dan jaringa kantor lembaga perbankan dan keuangan syariah. Pada saat yang bersamaan juga mulai muncul lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang mengajarkan ekonomi Islam, walaupun pada jumlah yang sangat terbatas, antara lain STIE Syariah di Yogyakarta (1997, D3 Manajemen Bank Syariah di IAIN-SU di Medan (1997, STEI SEBI (1999 , STIE Tazkia (2000, dan PSTTI UI yang membuka konsentrasi Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, pada tahun 2001. Para pemimpin ASEAN sepakat melakukan kerja sama dibidang ekonomi, yang disebut ASEAN Economic Community. Yang dimaksud ASEAN Economic Community adalah Kesepakatan bersama untuk mengintegrasikan berbagai negara Asean (Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand, Brunai Darussalam, Kamboja, Vietnam, Laos dan Myanmar yang masing-masing memiliki latar-belakang sosial-budaya, ideologi politik, ekonomi dan kepentingan berbeda ke dalam suatu komunitas yang disebut Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN. Sebagai pasar tunggal


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    Nilam Badriyah


    Full Text Available "The Application of Conspectus Method to Measure The Intensity of Acquisition for Monograph Collection at Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta period 2003" is the main purpose of this study. The writer formulates three main problems, that is how to apply conspectus method, how to know the intensity of monograph collection, and how to understand strength and weakness of the monograph collection at Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The type of this study is a quantitave description research. The main classification of monograph collection 000 — 900 period 2003 is as a subject and Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Propinsi DIY is as an object. The sampling was taken 50% from the total population. The variable researched is the distribution of classification, strength and weaknesses of the collection, the chronological and language analysis. The method of searching are field research, observation, interview guide and inside evaluator. Data analysis is the process to describe the collected data during this research. Then the result is applied toward conspectus method based on 1 — 5 and language code. Conspectus method is to value library collection based on subject area and to describe the srength and weaknesses of the collection, and to know collection level at library. The result of the study indicates that the Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Propinsi DIY has not applied yet the conspectus method to value strength and weakness of the monograph collection it only uses statistics of acquisition for monograph collection. The intensity of acquisition for the monograph collection is high, it is on classification 300 (social science and classification 000 (general literature the result of the inside evaluator is lb to 2a. la (Minimal Level means the library has a limited core literatur, however it has amount of literature written by main writers. 2a (basic Information Level means that core material is available

  7. Penapisan PGPF untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Lunak Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera di Tanah Gambut

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    Supriyanto Supriyanto


    Full Text Available Aloe (Aloe vera planted in West Borneo peat soil is well known as having the best product quality in Indonesia. Soft rot disease is one of the constraints of Aloe cultivation on peat soil. Many methods have no significant result for controlling this disease. This research objectives are to obtain Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF for controlling Aloe bacterial soft rot in peat soil. The research was conducted in Clinical Laboratory of Plant Pathology and glass house of Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta from October 2008 to September 2009. The methods included fungal isolation from peat land, hypovirulent and PGPF ability test, and biological control test in the glass house. Among 42 peat soil fungi tested, 28 isolates were hypovirulent and only 2 isolates i.e. SNTH001 (Penicillium sp. and SNTH003 (Aspergillus sp. showed the PGPF ability. Glass house trial showed that single application of SNTH001 and SNTH003 isolates were able to increase the growth of Aloe. In the biological control of Aloe soft rot disease test showed that the lowest intensity (25% might be obtained by using SNTH001 isolate.   Lidah buaya (Aloe vera asal tanah gambut Kalimantan Barat dikenal mempunyai kualitas terbaik di Indonesia. Penyakit busuk lunak yang disebabkan oleh bakterimerupakan salah satu kendala dalam pengembangan tanaman lidah buaya dilahan gambut dan beberapa cara pengendalian yang telah dilakukan belum memberikan hasil nyata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari jamur asal tanah gambut yang mampu berperan sebagai Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman untuk pengendalian penyakit busuk lunak di tanah gambut. Penelitian telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu Penyakit Tumbuhan Klinik dan Rumah Kaca Fakultas Pertanian UGM Yogyakarta dari bulan Oktober 2008 sampai September 2009, meliputi isolasi jamur dari tanah gambut, uji hipovirulensi dan uji kemampuan sebagai PGPF serta uji pengendalian hayati penyakit busuk lunak lidah buaya di rumah kaca. Dari

  8. KANDUNGAN KADMIUM (Cd PADA TANAH DAN CACING TANAH DI TPAS PIYUNGAN, BANTUL, DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA (Cadmium (Cd Content in Soil and Earthworms in Piyungan Controlled Landfill Municipal Waste Disposal, Bantul Yogyakarta Special District

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    Heny Mayasari Setyoningrum


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Analisis kandungan logam berat cadmium (Cd pada tanah dan cacing tanah telah dilakukan di TPAS Piyungan Bantul untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran Cd dalam tanah. Penelitian dibagi menjadi penelitian di lapangan yang meliputi pengambilan sampel tanah-cacing tanah dan pengukuran parameter lingkungan, serta penelitian di laboratorium yang meliputi analisis kandungan kadmium, bahan organik dan tekstur tanah. Tingkat pencemaran kadmium ditentukan menggunakan Indeks Kontaminasi-Polusi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan kandungan kadmium pada tanah di TPAS Piyungan antara tidak terdeteksi (< 0.01 – 0.47 ppm. Kandungan kadmium di TPAS Piyungan lebih rendah dibandingkan jumlah maksimum kadmium yang diperbolehkan di tanah dan khusus untuk zona III dan zona I titik sampling 1 dan 2 lebih tinggi dari standar kandungan kadmium pada tanah yang bebas polusi, sedangkan kandungan kadmium pada tanah kontrol lebih rendah dibandingkan kandungan kadmium secara umum pada tanah bebas polusi tersebut. Kandungan kadmium dalam tanah di lokasi TPAS tidak selalu lebih tinggi bila dibanding kontrol. Cacing tanah mengandung kadmium antara 0.35 – 0.45 ppm, kandungan kadmium dalam cacing tanah di beberapa lokasi TPAS lebih rendah dibanding kontrol. Tingkat pencemaran kadmium di TPAS Piyungan berada pada tingkat kontaminasi sangat ringan hingga kontaminasi sangat berat. Lokasi TPAS yang masih aktif digunakan memiliki tingkat kontaminasi lebih tinggi bila dibanding lokasi lain. Rasio kadmium pada tanah dan cacing tanah di TPAS Piyungan adalah 0.13 : 1.75.   ABSTRACT Cadmium (Cd analysis has been done at Piyungan TPAS (Piyungan TPAS, stands for Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah for knowing the level of Cd contamination insoil. The research was divided into in-sites study, which consisted of soil and earthworms sampling, and soil environmental factors measurement, and laboratory analysis, which consisted of cadmium content, organic compounds and soil textures analysis

  9. Kajian Preferensi Masyarakat dan Sikap Pemerintah Terkait Reaktivasi (Penghidupan Kembali Jalur Kereta Api Semarang - Yogyakarta

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    Reinaldo Butar Butar


    Full Text Available The cross of Semarang – Magelang – Yogyakarta along ± 130 km is now connected to the highway infrastructure. This condition makes the highway based on the road be the only alternative modes of transportation used by people to travel. This condition makes some roads that cross Bawen – Ambarawa – Magelang – Yogyakarta experienced a density that resulted in congestion. The government has a policy to reactive the railroad that once operated as a mode of transport cross Semarang-Yogyakarta. If this policy is implemented, people will have a choice of alternative modes of transportation. The study aims to assess people's preferences and attitudes related to the government policies reactivation of the rail lines cross Semarang – Yogyakarta. This study was conducted using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research. The analysis was performed by descriptive quantitative and qualitative methods, which is after scoring the analysis results obtained community preferences, cross tabulation analysis and continued with qualitative descriptive analysis. This study finding is the variables such as travel costs, travel time, accessibility and qualitative attitude (comfort, security and safety have relationships with community preferences to switch to using the railway mode. Then, when the public preference is compared with the attitude of the government, the result is there is a match between the preferences of public and the government's attitude for the qualitative attitude and accessibility variables. However, travel costs and travel time variables are the mismatch between what the preferences of the community with what the government's position.

  10. Shaking up the Firm Survival: Evidence from Yogyakarta (Indonesia

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    Aloysius Gunadi Brata


    Full Text Available The survival of firms under changes in the business environment caused by exogenous shocks can be explained using economic Darwinism. Exogenous shocks can cause ‘cleansing effects’. Shocks clean out unproductive firms so that available resources are allocated to the remaining more productive firms. However, shocks may also force out young firms that have the potential to be highly productive in the future, which will lower the average productivity of industries. This is known as the ‘scarring effect’ of shocks. Therefore, the overall impact of exogenous shocks on the allocation of resources depends on the relative magnitude of cleansing and scarring effects. This paper investigates this natural selection mechanism after the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006. The study uses data on medium-sized and large manufacturing firms in the Yogyakarta province collected by the Indonesian Statistical Agency. The main finding of this paper is that firms that had higher productivity prior to the earthquake in 2006 were more likely to survive after the earthquake, which suggests the existence of a natural selection mechanism, specifically cleansing effects. There is no evidence of the scarring effects of the earthquake on the new entrants.

  11. Slum, Development in Yogyakarta City 1970-2000

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    Djaka Marwasta


    Full Text Available Slum, a dwelling that is statutorily unfit for human habitation, is still the big problem in, especially, cities of developing countries. This article highlights the development of slums in Yogyakarta City along 1970-2000, and it’s merely focused on spatial and socio-ecological development. The aims of the study is to analyze the distribution and development process of slum dwellings. Distribution of slum area is taken from interpretation of time-series aerial photos. The change of extent and distribution of slum is analyzed using Geographic Information System. To obtain the socio-economic characteristics of slum dwellers, the survey method is chosen. The respondent are selected randomly among head of household that represent each settlement units. Quality of settlement are determined by total score of 15 selected variables. The result shows that the first category of slum was increased 74.4 hectares from year 1970 to 2000, the second category was increased 47.6 hectares, and the third was 131.1 hectares. Nevertheless, the process of slum development in Yogyakarta City includes in "continuous" type, which slowly and long period of creation. Densification and aging process is two of the main causes of slum expansion. Distribution of slum unit were driven by rivers that next to city center. According to this research, it’s found out that the slum dwellers are characterized by the new migrant who had low income and education, working in the informal sector, and renting the house.

  12. Productive Urban Landscape In Developing Home Garden In Yogyakarta City (United States)

    Irwan, S. N. R.; Sarwadi, A.


    Home garden is one type of agroecosystem that supports ecosystem services even in the urban settlement. The studies involved literature references and field survey along with a framework of the productive urban landscape that support ecosystem services in home garden. Productive urban landscape provided environmentally, socially and economically benefits that contained in ecosystem services. Problems on limited space in the urban settlement have to be managed by modified home garden system in order to work for ecosystem service in developing productive landscape. This study aimed to assess home garden (Pekarangan) system in a cluster of high density settlement in Yogyakarta City. Structured interview and vegetation identification of home garden have been conducted on 80 samples in Rejowinangun Kotagede District, Yogyakarta City. People showed enthusiasm in ecosystem services provided by home garden “Pekarangan Produktif” through developing productive urban landscape. Some benefits on ecosystem services of home garden were revealed on this study consisted of food production for sale (4.7%), home industry (7.69%), aesthetics (22.65%), food (14.10%), biodiversity (10.68%), ecosystem (12.82%), education (2.56), social interaction (11.54%), recreation (4.70%), and others (8.55%). Nevertheless, vegetation and other elements of home gardens have been managed irregularly and in particularly, the planned home gardens were only 17.07%. Actually, home gardens provided a large set of ecosystem services including being cultural services those are the category most valued. The urban people almost hided the understanding of the cultural benefit of ecosystem services of home garden, even though Yogyakarta has known the cultural city. Thus, urban home garden, as way as “Pekarangan Produktif” in the limited space that managed and planned sustainably, provide many benefits of ecosystem services in a productive urban landscape.


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    Muhammad Johan Nasrul Huda


    Full Text Available Salah satu topik penelitian yang paling sering tentang prokrastinasi adalah prokrastinasi akademik. Prokrastinasi adalah perilaku sukarela untuk menunda tindakan, meskipun ia telah mampu memprediksi bahwa penundaan akan membuat hal-hal buruk. Artikel ini membahas perilaku siswa yang menunda sejumlah tugas akademik sampai di dekat batas waktu untuk pengajuan tugas, atau sampai mereka mendapatkan peringatan yang berhubungan dengan mereka dalam tindakan. Berdasarkan survei tahun 2010 pada mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri. ditemukan ada perbedaan persentase antara mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan dari kelas 2004/2005. Persentase prokrastinasi siswa laki-laki sebanyak 78,5% sedangkan siswa perempuan yang menunda studinya sebanyak 21,5%. Hal ini kemudian dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk siswa kelas 2004/2005, siswa laki-laki sering menunda studi mereka dibandingkan dengan yang perempuan. fenomena di UIN Sunan Kalijaga adalah bukti prestasi siswa perempuan dalam pendidikan ditandai kemampuan siswa perempuan ‘untuk menyelesaikan studi lebih cepat dibandingkan laki-laki. One of the most frequent research topic of procrastination is academic procrastination. Procrastination is a voluntary behavior to delay an action, though she/he has been able to predict that the delay will make things Worse. This article examines the behavior of students who put off a number of academic duties until near the deadline for submission of assignments, or until they get a warning related to their in action. Based on the survey in 2010 at the State Islamic University student. it is found there is a difference in the percentage between male and female students of class 2004/2005. Percentage of male students of procrastination as much as 78.5% while the female students who put off her studies as much as 21.5%. It can then be concluded that for the students of class Z004/2005, male students often postpone their studies compared with the female ones. the phenomenon at UIN

  14. Spiritualitas Budaya Jawa dalam Seni Tari Klasik Gaya Surakarta

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    Silvester Pamardi


    ABSTRAK   Seni tari klasik Jawa telah berkembang secara dinamis seiring dengan sejarah perkembang- an keraton-keraton di Jawa Tengah, terutama setelah abad XV yang dimulai pada era kerajaan Demak. Seni tari klasik Jawa hidup dan berkembang di lingkungan istana Mataram Islam sejak periode Panembahan Senapati di Kotagede, atau jaman Sultan Agung di keraton Plered sampai dengan berpindahnya keraton Mataram ke Kartasura. Metode penelitian ini konsentrasi utamanya pada penggunaan data kualitatif dengan per- tanyaan-pertanyaan ’mengapa’ dan ’bagaimana’ untuk mengungkap misteri yang berada di belakang fenomena yang ada. Tindakannya dilakukan dengan pendekatan multi disiplin dari ilmu-ilmu sejarah, sosial, dan koreografi. Peristiwa perjanjian Gianti pada tahun 1755 tidak saja berpengaruh dan berdampak pada kekuasaan raja Mataram yang harus membagi menjadi dua wilayah, yaitu wilayah Kasunanan Surakarta dan wilayah Kasultanan Yogyakarta, tetapi juga berimplikasi pada kehidupan ke- budayaan Jawa. Kebudayaan Jawa yang semula bersumber dari satu kerajaan, yaitu Mataram Kasunanan, kemudian menjadi dua corak, yaitu kebudayaan Jawa Surakarta dan Yogyakarta. Namun demikian, baik di istana Kasunanan Surakarta maupun istana Kasultanan Yogyakarta tetap mengembangkan kesenian klasik Jawa berdasarkan nilai-nilai budaya adiluhung walau- pun dalam corak atau gaya yang berbeda. Nilai-nilai spiritualitas ‘kejawen’ tetap menjadi sum- ber acuannya.   Kata kunci: seni tari, klasik, spiritualitas Jawa

  15. Pengaruh Pemasaran Internal dan Kualitas Layanan Internal Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Internal (Studi Pada Industri Kepariwisataan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Jumadi Jumadi


    Full Text Available The aim of this research is to investigate the implication of internal marketing and internal service quality effectivity towards internal customer satisfaction in Tourism Industry in Yogyakarta Special Territory. This internal marketing studyinvolves variables of motivation and reward system, effective communication, effective employee's selection, effective recruitment, effective development, effective support system, and healthy work environment. While the internal quality service aspects that will be examined in this study are: tangible, emphaty, responsiveness, reliability and assurance, and then their influences on internal customer satisfaction would be analyzed.The sample size is 210 respondents,which is determined using purposive sampling method. The main instrument for data collection in this study is through questionnaire. The analysis tool used to examine the hypothesis of the study is Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS Version 20.0 Software. The result of the study shows that: Internal marketing and internal quality service significantly influence internal customers satisfation. However, the internal quality service influence the internal customers satisfaction more significantly. Therefore the managers in tourism industry should improve the internal marketing more than the internal quality service.

  16. Konsumsi Gadget Siswa Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Kota Yogyakarta

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    Lilik Kurniawati Uswah


    Full Text Available Digital natives refer to a generation thatfavours speed, where by communication is done quickly and the information is spread instantly. There is a worry against social and cultural implication of the use of gadget among children. There is also another worry against the impact of mass culture to the mindset and lifestyle of the young generation and the community in general. New technologt is suspected as being used more for recreational rather than educational purposes. Productive activities such as learning, socializing, and deeper probing af precious traditional values will simply be replaced by intense exposure to receational information technology. The study aims at I comprehensively identifying gadget consumption behavior of school children at Muhammadiyah elementary school of Yogtakarta Municipality using descriptive method that describes naturally the pltenomena and condition with no hypothesis. Informants of the study are gadget users of 10-12 years old at Muhammadiyah elementary schools of Yogyakarta Municipality, i.e. Sokonandi, Karangkajen and Pakel Muhammadiyah elementary schools; 2 describing the behavior and the practice of using gadget by respondents. Interview is conducted freely, even some of the respondents are unaware they are being interviewed. Data are collected through ethnographic approach, by developing the relation between the interviewer and interviewee. The result show that there is no need to worry about the use of gadgets in Muhammadiyah School of Yogyakarta Municipality.

  17. Faktor-Faktor Risiko Mastitis Subklinis pada Kambing Peranakan Etawah di Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta (RISK FACTORS OF SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS ON ETTAWA CROSSBRED GOAT IN SLEMAN REGENCY, YOGYAKARTA

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    Widodo Suwito


    Full Text Available In Sleman, a regency in Yogyakarta special region, Etawah crossbred goats are excessively bred for thedairy produce called the goat’s milk. Subclinical mastitis is one of diseases which reduce the yield of goat’smilk. The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors that contribute to the subclinical mastitis onthe Etawah crossbred goats in Sleman. The 200 samples one of which contains 10 mL of goat’s milk weretaken from the udders of the Etawah crossbred goats from the eight goat farms in Sleman. The 200samples were analyzed for the subclinical mastitis using California Mastitis Test (CMT. The data of riskfactors were gathered through a questionnaire. The risk factors on Etawah crossbred goats in Sleman weredetermine with the use of bivariate analysis chi square (X2, odds ratio (OR and relative risk (RR. Thegoat’s milk which subclinical mastitis was isolation and identification of bacteria based on biochemicaltests. The risk factors that cause the subclinicall mastitis on Etawah crossbred goats in Sleman were (1milk yield (X2=14.23; OR=6.52; RR=4.42, (2 age status of lactation (X2=1.60; OR=59.09; RR=17.94, (3age of weaning (X2=26.06; OR=2.22; RR=1.91, and (4 Body Condition Score (BCS (X2=13.89; OR=1.29;RR=1.22. Goat’s milk which subclinicall mastitis were isolated  Bacillus sp  (70%, Staphylococcus sp(33%, Pseudomonas sp (29%, Streptococcus sp (25%, Corynebacterium sp (12%, and E. coli (4%.


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    Indah Fitriana Sari


    Masalah yang ada dalam penelitian ini kemudian dianalisis dengan pendekatan normatif dan kaidah-kaidah fikih sekunder setelah al-Qur’an dan Hadis untuk mendapatan jawaban yang realistis dan sesuai dengan syari’ah. Setelah penyusun meneliti terhadap sistem pembiayaan Haji dan Umroh di PT Arminareka Perdana, program tersebut memang merupakan sistem pemasaran yang menggunakan strategi Multi level marketing (MLM. Akan tetapi sisi negatif yang terdapat pada sistem Multi level marketing (MLM tidak mewakili keharaman secara keseluruhan terhadap seluruh bisnis yang berbasis Multi level marketing (MLM lainnya. Setelah membandingkan program solusi dengan sisi keharaman yang terdapat pada bisnis Multi level marketing (MLM dapat diketahui, bahwa tidak terdapat sisi keharaman bisnis Multi level marketing (MLM di dalam program solusi tersebut. Dengan tidak terdapatnya sisi keharaman yang terdapat pada bisnsi Multi level marketing (MLM pada program solusi tersebut, maka program solusi yang ditawarkan PT Arminareka Perdana tidak melanggar dari aturan-aturan hukum Islam.

  19. Uncertainty estimation of analysis of Fe, Ca, Zr, Ba, La, Ti and Ce in sediment sample using XRF method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sukirno; Agus Taftazani


    An uncertainty of analysis of Fe, Ca, Zr, Ba, La, Ti and Ce in river sediment of Panfuran Wariness sample by X RF method has been done. The result value of testing is meaningless if it isn't completed without uncertainty value. The calculation of Ba metal have been presented for example. The aim of the research is to get accreditation certificate of X-Ray Fluorescence method on laboratory of analytical PTAPBBATAN as well as ISO guide 17025-2005. The result of calculation uncertainty of Fe, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Ti and Ca analysis showed that the uncertainty components come from: preparation of sample and standard/comparator, purity of material, counting statistic (sample and standard ) and repeatability. The results showed that metals in river sediment of Pancuran Wonosari were Fe = 7.290%, Zr = 54.5 mg/kg, Ba = 1661.6 mg/kg, La = 22.9 mg/kg, Ce = 161.0 mg/kg, Ti = 3193.2 and Ca = 7.816%, and the result of uncertainty estimate of Fe, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Ti and Ca were ± 0.60%, ± 4.5 mg/kg, ± 55 mg/kg, ± 1.4 mg/kg, 12.0 mg/kg, ± 208 mg/kg and ± 0.61%. (author)

  20. Transformasi dalam Ranah Jazz Yogyakarta

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    Oki Rahadianto Sutopo


    Full Text Available This article tries to show the transformation of jazz music as a cultural product in Yogyakarta. This transformation is, according to Baumann, fluid, contradictory, and ambivalent. In the origin, this music became a symbol of resistance by the lower class, whereas in Indonesia jazz became the upper middle class consumption. However, in its development, some jazz musicians try to restore the original meaning by combining local elements and bring a hybrid genre of jazz, although this was not last long. The traditional elements can not survive to bring the spirit of resistance because this new genre of jazz eventually entered the music industry as a pop culture. Local elements in the end are commodified. The impact is then the reduction of the meaning of jazz and locality itself.


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    Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan


    Full Text Available Today the implementation of information technology in libraries has become a basic need to organize the information, not least in Indonesia. Lack of economic capital (fund and intellectual capital (human resources that have IT educational background cause many library in Indonesia can not be able to buy or self develop the information technology. However SLiMS attend like a panacea, which capable of treating and eliminating the limitations of most libraries in Indonesia. SLiMS is an open source software for the Library Management that can be downloaded and implemented for free. In addition Slims rarely have the power owned by a software (information systems that is a SLiMS User Community. In Indonesia, SLiMS User Community has mushrooming in various regions across Indonesia, one of them in Yogyakarta. Growth and development of SLiMS User Community in Yogyakarta is a manifestation of social capital for the library with lack of information technology implementation. The purpose of this study is to reveal the values and norms are upheld by the Yogyakarta SLiMS User Community that foster social capital which drives community activities as an agent who eliminate the lack of economic capital and intellectual capital that suffered by many libraries in Indonesia. The method used is qualitative method with phenomenological approach. The results showed that the values and norms are upheld together by the Yogyakarta SLiMS User Community is becoming a agent of change of the library conditions in Indonesia, to contribute the automation development in Indonesia. That value and norms are expressed through the sinau bareng. Through sinau bareng, they were learning together to implement SLiMS. Sinau bareng was held each month by a Yogyakarta SLiMS User Community. it became the antidote the lack of libraries. So it will bring justice for all types of libraries to have the right to fulfi ll their basic needs of implementing information technology as library

  2. Peningkatan Pengetahuan Terkait Hipertensi Guna Perbaikan Tekanan Darah pada Pemuda di Dusun Japanan, Margodadi, Seyegan, Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    Erica Kusuma Rahayu Sudarsono


    Full Text Available Prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia  has reached 25.8%; Yogyakarta is the third largest prevalence in Indonesia, and hypertension in Seyegan sub-district is ranked first most diagnosed. Hypertension can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Knowledge related to hypertension of residents, especially youth is still quite low. Youth is provided with education and training on how to measure blood pressure and basic knowledge related to hypertension. The education was done by discussion using Focus Group Discussion (FGD method, then youth made program to overcome hypertension problem. Conducted blood pressure screening and interviews about the lifestyle of residents to determine the cause of hypertension. Blood pressure screening and interviews were analyzed by chi square or fisher, increased youth knowledge from pre-test and post-test analyzed with kolmogorov-smirnov and analyzed by paired T test with 95% confidence level. There was no significant effect between BMI, education and exercise on blood pressure, but there was a significant influence between smoking and consumption of foods high in salt and fat to blood pressure. The results of pre-test and post-test showed an increase in youth knowledge from the beginning only 5.27 to 7.37 with p-value 0.000 (p <0.05. Provision of education to youth increases the level of knowledge related to hypertension.


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    Grhasta Dian P.


    Full Text Available Background:Immunization has been proven as one effort of society health care which is very important. Based on preliminary reaserch conducted in Yogyakarta Special regency, immunization coverage dataobtained during the year 2013 was reach the target of Renstra indicator, but it need 15% to be the perfectnumber of immunization. Factors that correlated to the completennes of primmary immunization includeknowledge, motive, work experience, Family support, Posyandu (an integrated healthcare service centrefacilities,environment, attitude, healthcare provider, income and education. Due to the stated fact above,information about the update immunization need to be given to the women who has children under 5th yearsold by giving them an update immunization education.Objective:to find out the effect of an update immunization education to the women knowledge in the Brajanvillage.Methods:This study was quasi-experimental with one group pre-post test. The subject of this study was 46women in Posyandu Brajan Village. The data were taken from the questionnaries of knowledge an updateimmunization. The data were analyzed by using paired t-test.Result:The result of the analysis were t statistic =6.484 with df= 29, t =2,04 ;significant score (P = 0,001.So, P score <0,05 (0,001 < 0,05. This result meant that there was significant difference between pre andpost education.Conclution:The writter concluded that an update immunization education affected positively to the womanknowledge.


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    Mahdi Mahdi


    Full Text Available This study was to determine the role of guidance and counseling teachers in improving student learning success at SMA Negeri 1 Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative manifold generate descriptive data to describe the behavior of the subject under study. Then the presence of investigators in this study serves as primary research tool. Sources of data in this study are primary data obtained through observation and interview respondents. And secondary data documentation Master's programs of guidance and counseling. Data collection techniques in this study using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Selanjtnya data analysis in this study using qualitative data analysis. The results showed that the models of guidance and counseling program in SMA Negeri 1 Depok form their Intensification Program for class XII, intensification program contains material National Examinations and Pathways to college, learning programs in addition to class 10 and 11 to face the Final Exams Semester in order to satisfy student achievement, educational exhibits, and extracurricular programs in SMA Negeri 1 Depok. Then the data findings in the form of involvement or role of teacher guidance and counseling in improving students' success in school is through a program of classical guidance, counseling and personal counseling, tutoring and social counseling, guidance and counseling to learn, and guidance and career counseling.

  5. Peran Sekolah dalam Membentuk Keterampilan Wirausaha Berbasis Tauhid di SD Entrepreneur Muslim Alif-A Piyungan Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Widia Riska Wahyuni


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the roles and ways undertaken by schools in inculcating the character of entrepreneurial-based tauhid in order to be able to help learners gain knowledge about entrepreneurship from early childhood as well as help to build qualityof Islamic School with high trust and quality. This research is a qualitative research conducted at Entrepreneur Elementary School Muslim ALIF-A Piyungan Bantul Yogyakarta. The data is collected using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are: firstly, the role of schools in the formation of students’ entrepreneurial skills is demonstrated by activities in schools to acquire knowledge and skills by assisting learners in shaping character and personality, and be able to interact with their environments through integrated thematic learning. Learners have to be active, and are encouraged to recognize and accept the values of entrepreneurship in developing the ability of learners to perform daily activities. Secondly, in the formation of entrepreneurial character, the school has six basic principles, they are: educative, effective, strategic, empirical, leadership, and productive through three learning zones, namely spiritual zone, learning zone, and entrepreneur zone based on the character of each program. Thirdly, the results of the system can be seen from the students’ attitude of independent, tawakkal, creative, innovative, confident, discipline, have a sense of responsibility and tolerate others

  6. The Study of Radiation of Gamma-Ray Background at Sedimentology Laboratorium, P3TIR, BATAN, Using Gamma Spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lubis, Ali Arman; Aliyanta, Barokah; Darman


    The measurement of background radiation of gamma-ray has been done at Sedimentology Laboratory, SDAL building, P3TIR, BATAN using gamma spectrometer. The measurement was done without shielding with the range of energy between 50 keV and 1500 keV. The identified radiations are coming from environmental radionuclide and man-made radionuclide as well with 32 energy peaks. The environmental radionuclides are from Uranium series, Thorium series, and 4 0 K having dose rate of 12.510 ± O.980, 36.408 ± 3.243, 9.455 ±O.016 n Sv/day, respectively, whilst man-made radionuclide is 6 O C o having dose rate of O.136 ±O.078 n Sv/day

  7. Studi kohort prevalensi obesitas siswa siswi sekolah lanjutan tingkat pertama (SLTP Kota Yogyakarta

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    Emy Huriyati


    Full Text Available Background: The prevalence of obesity is continuously in-creasing both in developed and developing countries. This increasing prevalence of obesity may be associated with the increasing exposure to obesogenic environment. Objective: To know the trend of obesity prevalence among Rural Junior High School in Yogyakarta Method: This cohort study was conducted in Yogyakarta at 2003 from August to October and at 2005 from June to September. Result: The prevalence of obesity in 2003 showed 7.3% and 10.3% in 2005. Thus, it increased 3% during 2 years. But prevalence of obesity was not increased among 1440 students who followed body mass index percentile based on center for chronic disease (CDC 2000. Conclusion: During 2 years, the change of obesity status had not significantly shown because obesity occurred in a long period. While the increasing obesity prevalence occurred.

  8. Risk factors for malnutrition in under-five children: one year after the Yogyakarta earthquake

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    Neti Nurani


    Full Text Available Background Malnutrition in children under the age of five remains a major health problem, since half of mortality cases in this age group involve malnutrition. The 2006 earthquake caused destruction of physical, biological and socio-economic environments, potentially leading to malnutrition in Yogyakarta children. Objective To identify the prevalence and risk factors of malnutrition in Yogyakarta children under five years of age, one year after the 2006 earthquake. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study among children aged 0 to 60 months in the Bambanglipuro Subdistrict, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta from September to October 2007. Nutritional status was determined using weight for height Z-scores, according to the WHO 2006 Child Growth Standards. Results Out of 666 subjects, we found severe malnutrition, undernutrition, normal weight, and overweight status in 1.7%, 4.8%, 88.6% and 4.8%, respectively. By multivariate analysis, risk factors for malnutrition were not having been weighed during the previous three months (OR 0.35; 95% CI 0.1 to 0.8 and having acute respiratory infection in the previous two weeks (OR 1.99; 95% CI 1.1 to 3.8 Conclusion One year following the 2006 earthquake, acute respiratory infection in the previous two weeks and unmonitored growth in the previous three months were risk factors for malnutrition in children under five years.

  9. Profil Keamanan setelah Pemberian Dosis Primer Vaksin Pentabio® pada Bayi di Indonesia

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    Julitasari Sundoro


    Full Text Available Vaksin Hib mulai digunakan pada Pogram Imunisasi Nasional sejak tahun 2013 secara bertahap dan di seluruh Indonesia mulai tahun 2014 dalam bentuk vaksin kombinasi DTP/HB/Hib (Pentabio®, yang memberikan  kekebalan terhadap difteria, pertusis, tetanus, hepatitis B, dan Haemophilus influenzae tipe b. Studi ini menilai reaksi sitemik, reaksi lokal, dan reaksi yang serius pascaimunisasi dengan Pentabio®. Sebanyak 4.000 bayi penerima vaksin Pentabio®bergabung dalam studi ini. Reaksi yang timbul dicatat pada kartu harian oleh petugas yang sudah dilatih. Vaksin Pentabio®yang diamati pada PMS ini menggunakan vaksin rutin dari Program Imunisasi Nasional dalam waktu pengamatan 28 hari di empat propinsi, yaitu Nusa Tenggara Barat, Bali, Yogyakarta, dan Jawa Barat pada periode Mei–Desember 2014. Sebanyak 3.978 data dapat dianalisis karena 22 di antaranya tidak memberikan informasi yang valid. Reaksi sistemik yang paling banyak timbul adalah demam 0,85% pada 30 menit pertama, dan meningkat menjadi 14,03% pada satu hari pascaimunisasi, kemudian sembuh pada hari berikutnya. Reaksi lokal yang paling sering timbul adalah nyeri pada tempat suntikan pada 67,6% subjek pada 30 menit setelah imunisasi, dan meningkat menjadi 87,23% pada 1 hari pascaimunisasi namun sembuh pada hari berikutnya. Mayoritas nyeri yang timbul adalah kategori ringan. Tidak ditemukan kejadian ikutan pascaimunisasi serius selama pengamatan. Simpulan, reaksi lokal dan sistemik pascaimunisasi dengan Pentabio® dapat ditoleransi pada bayi.

  10. Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Sasaran Keselamatan Pasien Sesuai Akreditasi Rumah Sakit Versi 2012 di Rumah Sakit Khusus Ibu dan Anak PKU Muhammadiyah Kotagede Yogyakarta

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    Totok Sundoro


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to knowing description (policy, implementation, barriers, recommendation on compliance efforts in patient safety goals RSKIA PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Kota Gede. Qualitative research with case study design (case study. Subjects were hospital management, the staff of the hospital and the patient. The study object is the implementation of Patient Safety Goals Hospital Accreditation Hospital In Version 2012. Policy and implementation for the implementation of 6 targets have not been fully made patient safety and well-executed yet because there are still adhere to standards that do not, do not know the rules, socialization, and motivation are lacking and there is no management support. Recommendation needs to be done is the hospital management and the need to formulate a policy direction that comes with phasing as a guide to target patient safety in hospitals.

  11. The Main Elements of Historical Objects as “Spirit” of Cultural Heritage in Yogyakarta City

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    Sari Pawitra


    Full Text Available The history of Yogyakarta City still holds many “millions” of tangible and intangible meaning. The history has brought Yogyakarta City known as a City of Philosophy that is realized in the spatial layout of the city, one of them is the philosophy axis. In this research, the historical objects have been studied the main elements that become the icon and to be grouped into four objects. There are TuguArea, Malioboro Area, Zero Kilometer Area, and South Square Area located on the philosophy axis.Another consideration, these four objects are supported by other space forming elements become a place that has a “spirit” of cultural heritage to gather and interact with local communities and tourists in the public space. The purpose of this research is enriching knowledge about the main elements of historical objects. Besides that, the purpose of this research is to support Yogyakarta City to realize world Heritage City by UNESCO about cultural heritage. This research uses mix methods. Qualitative methods by conducted the survey and collected the literature. The observation and interviews towards informers and involves the perception of local communities and tourists with 327 respondents in Yogyakarta City. While the quantitative method for a non-parametric test with different test Mann Whitney U using SPSS 17 program. This research uses spatial and descriptive analysis to explain the main elements of historical objects and examine their relationship with local communities and tourists perception. The result of this research that Malioboro Area has the important corridor in historical value that associated with historical events and historical figures, style building, and culture. As well as Malioboro public space that has the meaning of the spirit of life for urban residents and the heart of the city, which means the inheritance of all things. The results of this research are expected to provide of place attachment towards all mainly historical


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    Lily Suparlina


    Full Text Available Parameter neutronik dibutuhkan dalam mendesain teras reaktor riset. Reaktor riset jenis MTR (Material Testing Reactor sangat diminati karena dapat digunakan baik untuk riset dan juga produksi radio isotop. Reaktor riset yang ada saat ini sudah tua sehingga dibutuhkan desain reaktor yang mempunyai teras kompak. Desain teras reaktor riset yang sudah ada saat ini belum cukup memadai untuk memenuhi persyaratan di dalam UCD yang telah ditetapkan yaitu fluks neutron termal di teras 1x1015 n/cm2s, oleh karena itu perlu dibuat desain teras reaktor baru sebagai alternatif yang kompak dan dapat menghasilkan fluks neutron tinggi. Telah dilakukan perhitungan dan analisis terhadap manajemen bahan bakar desain teras kompak dengan konfigurasi teras 5x5, berbahan bakar U9Mo-Al dan tinggi teras aktif 70 cm. Tujuan dari riset ini untuk memperoleh fluks neutron di teras memenuhi kebutuhan seperti yang telah ditetapkan di UCD dengan panjang siklus operasi minimum 20 hari pada daya 50 MW. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan paket program komputer WIMSD-5B untuk menggenerasi tampang lintang makroskopik bahan bakar dan Batan-FUEL untuk memperoleh nilai parameter neutronik serta Batan-3DIFF untuk perhitungan nilai reaktivitas batang kendali. Perhitungan parameter neutronik teras reaktor riset ini dilakukan untuk bahan bakar U-9Mo-Al dengan tingkat muat bervariasi dan 2 macam pola pergantian bahan bakar yaitu teras segar dan teras setimbang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada teras segar, tingkat muat 235U sebesar 360 gram, 390 gram dan 450 gram memenuhi kriteria keselamatan dan kriteria penerimaan di UCD dengan nilai fluks neutron termal di teras lebih dari 1x1015 n/cm2s dan panjang siklus >20 hari, sedangkan pada teras setimbang panjang siklus dapat terpenuhi hanya untuk tingkat muat 450 gram. Kata kunci: desain teras reaktor, bahan bakar UMo, pola bahan bakar, WIMS, BATAN-FUEL   Research reactor core design needs neutronics parameter calculation use computer

  13. Marketing Performance of Traditional Batik in Yogyakarta Based on Entrepreneurship Orientation and Environment Factors

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    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to analyze the entrepreneurship orientation and environment factors that influence to improve the marketing performance of traditional batik. Through verification method can be the result of causal relationships between variables. The survey was conducted on 124 Batik’s medium small industries in Yogyakarta by using PLS analysis. The study results that entrepreneurship orientations and environment factors can improve the marketing performance of Batik’s medium small industries in Yogyakarta. Environment factors as opportunities and resources used well so that it can directly affect the marketing performance. A prominent entrepreneurship orientation is innovative and proactive. Innovation did only limit to the promotion of while medium small industries are known as a source of innovative products because it has adequate resources and finds the uniqueness than other product.


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    Adam M. Ramadhan


    Full Text Available Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian. Komplikasi pembuluh darah yang disebabkan hipertensi dapat menyebabkan kematian jantung koroner, infark jantung, stroke, dan gagal ginjal. Pemberian obat antihipertensi tunggal maupun kombinasi sangatlah penting bagi pasien tergantung pada tekanan darah dan ada tidaknya komplikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran penggunaan obat antihipertensi di poliklinik penyakit dalam instalasi rawat jalan RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta, ketepatan terapi dan hasil terapi serta pengaruh kepatuhan dalam menurunkan tekanan darah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan rancangan studi observasional dengan pengambilan data secara prospektif, kemudian dilakukan analisis terhadap data yang diperoleh untuk melihat ketepatan terapi dan kepatuhan pasien hipertensi. Penilaian keberhasilan terapi  The Seventh Report of Joint National Committee (JNC VII on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure tahun 2003, sedangkan penilaian kepatuhan menggunakan kuisoner new 8-item self report Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS. Berdasarkan penelitian, obat antihipertensi yang digunakan adalah terapi tunggal dan kombinasi. Penggunaan terapi tunggal sebesar (20% yang terbanyak adalah golongan CCB (8% sedangkan penggunaan terapi kombinasi sebesar (80% yang paling banyak adalah golongan ARB dengan CCB sebesar (55%. Dari 100 pasien rawat jalan yang termasuk kriteria inklusi ada (93% mendapatkan tepat terapi antihipertensi, dan (7% mendapatkan tidak tepat terapi antihipertensi, sedangkan (91% mendapatkan tepat dosis antihipertensi, dan 9% mendapatkan tidak tepat dosis antihipertensi. Penilaian tekanan darah pasien yang mendapatkan (tepat obat dan dosis dan tekanan darahnya mencapai target terapi masing-masing sebesar (68% dan (68%. Pasien yang mendapatkan (tepat obat dan dosis tetapi tekanan darah tidak tercapai masing-masing sebesar (25% dan (23%. Sedangkan pasien yang mendapatkan (tidak tepat obat dan dosis

  15. Elder care, old-age security and social change in rural Yogyakarta, Indonesia = De zorg voor en bestaanszekerheid van ouderen tegen de achtergrond van sociale veranderingen in ruraal Yogyakarta, Indonesië

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keasberry, I.N.


    This thesis describes the significance of the living conditions and care arrangements of older persons for their old-age security in the villages of Kebonagung (regency of Bantul) and Giriwungu (regency of Gunung Kidul) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


  16. Pengaruh Integritas, Obyektivitas, Kerahasiaan, dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Auditor Pemerintah

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    Reni Yendrawati


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to demonstrate empirically the effect of integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and competence on the performance of the government auditor's performance. Population the object of this study is government auditors in BPKP Perwakilan D.I Yogyakarta. With a method of convenience of sampling so retrieved 60 respondents who work as the government's internal auditor in BPKP Perwakilan D.I Yogyakarta. Multiple regression analysis was used to test hypothesis. The results showed that integrity, obyektivitas, secrecy, and competence significant positive influence to the government auditor's performance.


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    Silvia Jocunda


    Full Text Available Parkir merupakan tempat pemberhentian kendaraan di suatu kawasan atau bangunan, dimana masyarakat melakukan berbagai aktivitas. Pusat aktivitas untuk masyarakat agar bisa melakukan berbagai aktivitas dapat berupa kawasan pusat perbelanjaan. Daya tarik kawasan dengan tingkat mobilitas barang dan manusia, menciptakan pergerakan lalu lintas yang padat di kawasan tersebut. Peningkatan kebutuhan ruang parkir yang tidak diikuti oleh peningkatan ketersediaan kapasitas ruang parkir di pusat perbelanjaan, berpotensi menyebabkan permasalahan seperti kemacetan arus lalu lintas  karena adanya kendaraan yang parkir di fasilitas umum seperti trotoar dan bahu jalan, kerawa-nan kecelakaan lalu lintas, penurunan kualitas pelayanan jalan, dan lain-lain. Pemaha-man tentang ruang parkir di pusat perbelanjaan diperlukan semua stakeholders yang berfungsi sebagai referensi perencanaaan ruang parkir yang baik di kawasan dan bangunan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan ruang parkir di suatu pusat perbelanjaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis non-statistik dan statistik dengan menganalisis karakteristik parkir, pola parkir, kapasitas jalan, dan tingkat pelayanan jalan. Lokasi penelitian berada di pusat perbelanjaan yang terletak di Jalan Tanjungpura, Kota Pontianak. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan hasil bahwa karakteristik ruang  parkir  pada  kawasan pusat perbelanjaan  dipengaruhi  oleh  pola aktivitas kegiatan bongkar muat barang dan durasi parkir kendaraan pengangkut barang serta  pola aktivitas kegiatan berbelanja pengunjung  yang menggunakan  mobil penumpang. Penataan menggunakan pola parkir dengan sudut 0 di badan jalan akan meningkatkan kapasitas jalan. Pusat perbelanjaan dengan model shopping street akan menarik jumlah pergerakan kendaraan  lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan  model department store. Jenis parkir on street di pusat perbelanjaan (shopping street memiliki

  18. Analisis Minat Beli Konsumen Sabun Cair Lux, Biore dan Lifebuoy di Kotamadya Yogyakarta Ditinjau dari Pengaruh Sikapnya Setelah Melihat Iklan di Televisi dan Norma Subyektif

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    Albari Albari


    Full Text Available Salah satu program pemasaran yang intensitasnya semakin gencar dilakukan berupa periklanan merek di media televisi, termasuk pada sabun cuci cair. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk mempengaruhi minat konsumen untuk membeli, baik melalui sikap konsumen dan atau norma subyektif. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Reasoned Action Model yang dianggap representatif mampu mengungkap minat beli konsumen.Populasi penelitian adalah konsumen potensial yang sudah pernah melihat iklan sabun cair merek Lux, Biore dan Lifebuoy di televisi Data penelitian diperoleh melalui dua tahap penyebaran angket dan dilakukan secara convenience sampling dan area random sampling. Hipotesis diuji melalui pendekatan uji–beda Friedman, serta analisis regresi dan koefisien determinan yang dikuatkan dengan uji-t dan uji-F pada taraf signifikansi 5%.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 10 atribut produk sabun cair dan empat kelompok referen relevan dijadikan sebagai dasar analisis. Di samping itu ada perbedaan keyakinan konsumen bahwa membeli sabun cair merek Lux, Biore atau Lifebuoy menimbulkan akibat tertentu. Perbedaan juga terjadi pada keyakinan normatif kon¬sumen. Secara umum faktor evaluasi lebih dominan berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap konsumen dibandingkan dengan keyakinan konsumen. Pengaruh positif dari keyakinan normatif konsumen dan atau motivasi untuk mengi¬kuti referen terhadap norma subyektif menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda-beda, dan tidak ada pengaruh positif si¬kap dan norma subyektif terhadap minat konsumen untuk membeli sabun cair Lux, Biore atau Lifebuoy.Keyword: Sikap, norma subyektif, minat membeli

  19. Perbedaan Partisipasi Anggaran Ditinjau dari Jenis Jabatan, Tingkat Pendidikan, Jenis Kelamin dan Pengalaman Kerja (Studi Empirik pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Cornelio Purwantini


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research was to know difference in the budget participation that’s evaluated from education levels, gender, occupations, and job experiences. The number of research sample is 198 people coming from 45 Private Higher Education Institution in Yogyakarta. The research subject is heads from of unit who are enganged in the budget partisipation, such as heads of study program, heads of department, vice dean, dean, heads of bureau and the like in Private Higher Education Institution. The data analysis was conducted using independent sample t test. The statistical test result with 0.05 of the significance level indicated that there was no difference in the budget participation that was evaluated from education levels, gender, occupation, and job experiences. 

  20. A prospective study: current problems in radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stoker, S.D.; Wildeman, M.A.; Fles, R.; Indrasari, S.R.; Herdini, C.; Wildeman, P.L.; van Diessen, J.N.A.; Tjoknagoro, M.; Tan, I.B.


    Introduction Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has a high incidence in Indonesia. Previous study in Yogyakarta revealed a complete response of 29% and a median overall survival of less than 2 years. These poor treatment outcome are influenced by the long diagnose-to-treatment interval to radiotherapy

  1. Faktor Dominan Penyebab dan Upaya untuk Mengatasi Penyimpangan Karakteristik Sosio Religius Hukum Adat dalam Pelaksanaan Pertunangan Relevansinya dengan Agama Kristen (Di Desa Sitiarjo Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Kabupaten Malang

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    Djumikasih Djumikasih


    Full Text Available AbstrakDalam Hukum   Adat, pertunangan tidaklah sama dengan perkawinan, tujuannya tidaklah  melegalkan hubungan suami istri, melainkan perjanjian awal untuk melakukan perkawinan. Terlepas dari itu semua, ternyata di Desa Sitiarjo, yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Kristen, ada fenomena yang menarik, yaitu pada masa pertunangan masyarakat desa tersebut sudah mem- bolehkan pasangan tinggal serumah.  Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam pene- litian ini adalah apakah faktor dominan penyebab terjadinya penyimpangan karakteristik sosio religius hukum adat dalam pelaksanaan pertunangan relevansinya dengan agama Kristen di Desa Sitiarjo Kecamatan Sumber Manjing Kabupaten Malang dan apakah upaya yang telah dan akan dilaku- kan oleh pemuka agama Kristen dan pemangku kepentingan untuk mengu- rangi angka kehamilan sebelum perkawinan. Penelitian ini merupakan pene- litian yuridis antropologis, yaitu penelitian hukum yang dikaitkan dengan budaya masyarakat setempat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  faktor dominan terjadinya penyimpangan adalah adanya diskriminasi dalam perto- batan. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi angka kehamilan sebelum perkawinan adalah pemberian hadiah bagi pasangan yang belum hamil saat nikah.Kata Kunci : pertunangan, penyimpangan, sosio religius, hukum adat 

  2. Simulation Of Social Reality Through New Media Study On YOGYAKARTA Students Smartphones Users (Simulasi Realitas Sosial melalui New Media Studi pada Mahasiswa YOGYAKARTA Pengguna Smartphone)


    Astuti, Yanti Dwi


    This research is tries to uncover the simulation of social reality of social media and instant messaging application through smartphone that removed the student communication landscape become borderless in Yogyakarta. Smartphone application has creating a new space which brought a second reality for the student to communicate. Transformation phenomena from the real interaction society towards virtual society are important and interesting study further. In terms of analyzing this study uses th...

  3. A New Control System Software for SANS BATAN Spectrometer in Serpong, Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bharoto; Putra, Edy Giri Rachman


    The original main control system of the 36 meter small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) BATAN Spectrometer (SMARTer) has been replaced with the new ones due to the malfunction of the main computer. For that reason, a new control system software for handling all the control systems was also developed in order to put the spectrometer back in operation. The developed software is able to control the system such as rotation movement of six pinholes system, vertical movement of four neutron guide system with the total length of 16.5 m, two-directional movement of a neutron beam stopper, forward-backward movement of a 2D position sensitive detector (2D-PSD) along 16.7 m, etc. A Visual Basic language program running on Windows operating system was employed to develop the software and it can be operated by other remote computers in the local area network. All device positions and command menu are displayed graphically in the main monitor or window and each device control can be executed by clicking the control button. Those advantages are necessary required for developing a new user-friendly control system software. Finally, the new software has been tested for handling a complete SANS experiment and it works properly.


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    Full Text Available Background:Sleep is a very fundamental need for every individual, especially for elderlypeople in socialinstitutions. Poor quality of sleep in the elderly may lead to several disturbances, such as vulnerability todiseases,forgetfulness, psychomotor disorders, disorientation and difficulty to make decision. Someintervention may include pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy. One of non-pharmacologytherapies that isused to increase sleep qualityis rose aromatherapy.Objective:To determine the effect of rose aromatherapy on the quality of sleep in elderly at PSTW BudiLuhur KasonganBantul, Yogyakarta.Method:This study was a quasi-experiment research,with one group pretest-posttest design. Samples weretaken with simple random sampling technique, involving 24 respondents. Each respondent was given rosearomatherapy for 5 minutes for 5 consecutive days.Result:Statistical analysis with marginal-homogeneity test showed p-value of 0,000 (p value<0,05.Itsuggested that there was a significant effect ofrose aromatherapy on the quality of sleep in elderly atSocialInstitution of Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Kasongan Bantul, Yogyakarta.Conclusion:Roses aroma therapy has effect in improving sleep quality in the elderly at Social Institution ofTresnaWerdha Budi LuhurKasonganBantul, Yogyakarta.

  5. Elemental Characterization of Soil and Sediment Using NAA Technique for BATAN Inter Laboratory Comparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Syukria Kurniawati; Diah Dwiana Lestiani; Natalia Adventini


    Elemental characterization of soil and sediment samples using neutron activation analysis (NAA) for BATAN inter laboratory comparison have been conducted. TAR laboratory have been accredited by KAN since 2006, participating the test to evaluate and maintain its capability as testing laboratory that implemented ISO/IEC 17025. Samples from PTBIN were dried at 110°C for 2 hours and homogenized. The samples were irradiated at rabbit system of Multi-Purpose Reactor G.A Siwabessy for 1, 2, 10 and 60 minutes, then counted using HPGe gamma spectrometer. Several statistical test were applied such as μ-test, relative deviation, acceptance criteria for accuracy and precision. The result showed that soil contains V, Al, Ca, Mn, Na, K, As, Fe, Zn and Hg. From accuracy and precision, final status for 9 elements were passed but Ca was rejected, while V, Al, Mn, Cr, Fe, Zn and Co were detected in sediment samples. Final status for V, Al, Mn, Cr, Fe and Co elements were passed but Zn was rejected. (author)

  6. Successful completion of a time sensitive MTR and TRIGA Indonesian shipment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anne, Catherine; Patterson, John; Messick, Chuck


    Early this year, a shipment of 109 MTR fuel assemblies was received at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site from the BATAN reactor in Serpong, Indonesia and another of 181 TRIGA fuel assemblies was received at the Idaho National Laboratory from the two BATAN Indonesian TRIGA reactors in Bandung and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. These were the first Other-Than- High-Income Countries shipments under the FRR program since the Spring 2001. The Global Threat Reduction Initiative announced by Secretary Abraham will require expeditious scheduling and extreme sensitivity to shipment security. The subject shipments demonstrated exceptional performance in both respects. Indonesian terrorist acts and 9/11 impacted the security requirements for the spent nuclear fuel shipments. Internal Indonesian security issues and an upcoming Indonesian election led to a request to perform the shipment with a very short schedule. Preliminary site assessments were performed in November 2003. The DOE awarded a task order to NAC for shipment performance just before Christmas 2003. The casks departed the US in January and the fuel elements were delivered at the DOE sites by the end of April 2004. The paper will present how the team completed a successful shipment in a timely manner. (author)


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    Dyna Herlina Suwarto


    Full Text Available After the long period of the cinema industry decline, the number of audience who visit cinema increases significantly. However, the research to examine the phenomena of audience segmentation is very few. Therefore the study aim is to investigate cinema audience segmentation in Yogyakarta on the basis of the aspects that affects the audience film choice. Furthermore the mix-method approach combining qualitative and quantitative method in sequence was employed to attain the research objective. For the first step, three focus group discussions that involve 20 informants. The second step, survey was conducted involving 454 respondents. The result indicates that there are two different audience segments according their behaviors. The first segment visits the cinema as fun activities in their spare time meanwhile the second segment considers the activity as a cultural interest in order to enjoy the narrative and artistic aspects of a film

  8. A prospective study: current problems in radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in yogyakarta, indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stoker, Sharon D.; Wildeman, Maarten A.; Fles, Renske; Indrasari, Sagung R.; Herdini, Camelia; Wildeman, Pieter L.; van Diessen, Judi N. A.; Tjokronagoro, Maesadji; Tan, I. Bing


    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has a high incidence in Indonesia. Previous study in Yogyakarta revealed a complete response of 29% and a median overall survival of less than 2 years. These poor treatment outcome are influenced by the long diagnose-to-treatment interval to radiotherapy (DTI) and the

  9. Teenager Attitude in Globalization Era in Senior High School in Yogyakarta

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    Surahma Asti Mulasari


    Full Text Available The students that come from outside of the city, stay alone without parental presence and direct supervision. The dynamic and variation of culture, rapid flow of information, and accessible information source contribute to increasing of the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of teenagers, either with the positive or negative tendency. The objective was assess teenager’s attitude in religion-based private high school in Yogyakarta used an analytic observational study with cross sectional design. The population and sample of this research were high school students in religion-based private school in Yogyakarta. The sample was selected by proportional stratified random sampling method. The results were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis. Bullying, truancy, school tardiness, dating, unwanted pregnancies, brawls/fights, gang students, poor manners, smoking, and pornography were the negative attitudes found in the subject of this research. About 45,3% of them had a bad attitude and 33,7% of them had a bad attitude. Several approaches for example, asking the commitment from a certain organization which concerns on mentoring and coaching of students, cooperation with student parents, and make the school environment more pleasant.

  10. Diversity and Abundance of Chlorophyta in Krakal Beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta (United States)

    Putri, A. C.; Nugroho, I. C.; Firdaus, N. U. N.; Puspita, N. O. J.; Fajrin, S. A. R.; Hamzah, S. D. A.


    Chlorophyta plays an important role in energy flow as the main producer in marine food chain, material circulation, bioaccumulation, and bio-indicator in the intertidal zone. Several genera of Chlorophyta have been used by local society around coastal area of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta as local product, but the research about diversity and abundance information of Chlorophyta in Krakal beach was not yet understood. The aim of this study is to gain the information about diversity and abundancy of Chlorophyta in Krakal Beach, Gunung Kidul,Yogyakarta. This research was conducted in March 11th 2017. This research utilizes Line Transect and Stratified Random Sampling method which is used 1x1 m plot. There are six genera of Chlorophyta have been identified in this research, such as Chaetomorpha sp.; Boergesenia sp; Ulva sp.; Cladophora sp.; Enteromorpha sp.; and Halicystis sp. From 6 genera of Chlorophyta, the highest genera coverage is Enteromorpha sp. (9.88%). This research is expected to record data of macroalgae abundance especially Chlorophyta, in Krakal Beach. By this research, monitoring of macroalgae could be done and supported by government and local people to maintain the sustainability of Chlorophyta.


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    VITASURYA Vincentia Reni


    Full Text Available Ecotourism has been growing in Yogyakarta that can be seen through the development of rural tourism. The development of rural tourism has positive impact to improve local community’s welfare nevertheless, it has also negative impact onto environmental carrying capacity. Lopati tourism village is located in Bantul, Yogyakarta, relying on traditional craft industry as tourism attraction. Traditional crafts are livelihood of local residents, so that environmental management efforts become part of their daily lives. This research aims to review the roles of community to reduce environmental impacts through analyzing the waste management of traditional craft industry. It used case study method to examine the uniqueness of Lopati village. Data collecting used participatory action research techniques in order to gather information from residents. Community participation acted to anticipate negative impact on development of rural tourism.  Waste management in Lopati committed by local residents not to cause adverse environmental impacts. The result show that waste management based on community participation supports the development of rural tourism.

  12. Elektron Mikroskopi dan Imunogenisitas Baculovirus oryctes Isolat Yogyakarta

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    YB Sumardiyono


    Full Text Available Palm rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros was infected per os with Yogyakarta isolate of Baculovirus oryctes in laboratory condition. Midguts of infected beetle obtained were then extracted for further nucleoprotein purification by centrifugation method. Electron microscopy studies on purified nucleoprotein revealed rod-shape viruses with rounded end measured 190×94 nm in average. One end of the particle showed tail-like structure. Antibodies against the virus were obtained by immunization to rabbit, and reacted against either purified virus or extract of infected beetle, but not against extract of healthy beetle. Key words: Baculovirus oryctes, polyclonal antibody

  13. Calculation analysis of Wims/D4-Batan-2DIFF neutron spectrum on RSG-GAS with cadmium ratio

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radianti, I.B.; Zuhair; Hamzah, A.


    The calculation analysis of WIMS/D4-BATAN-2DIFF neutron spectrum was performed by comparison the calculation result of cadmium ratio with the experiment result on CIP, IP2, IP3 and IP4 irradiation positions of RSG GAS tenth core. The foils of Au, Mn and Co were used for determination of the measured and calculated cadmium ratios. Spectrum calculation was done in 69 energy group with 541 energy group (till 10 MeV) cross section of foil absorption reaction. The difference values between cadmium ratio calculation and experiment result for all cases were in interval of 11.0%-26.3% which are out of measurement deviation range. From these result, it concluded that the use of WIM /D4 in generating group constant is not sufficient to obtain the neutron spectrum, especially for non-fuel region

  14. An experience in the construction of Van de Graaff generator at BATAN Yogyakarta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutapea, S.


    A Van de Graaf generator working at normal air pressure (one atmosphere) is discussed. The electrode is made of copper covered with antimony. The electrode supporting post is made of ebonite, and the load transmitting band is made of rubber. Voltage measurement is carried out by using various kinds of measuring devices, generating voltmeter, spark-gap voltmeter, and high ohmic resistor. The generator can produce voltage up to about 150.000 volt. (author)

  15. Self Assessment for the Safety of Research Reactor in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melani, Ai; Chang, Soon Heung


    At the present Indonesia has no nuclear power plant in operation yet, although it is expected that the first nuclear power plant will be operated and commercially available in around the year of 2016 to 2017 in Muria Peninsula. National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) has three research reactor; which are: Reactor Triga Mark II at Bandung, Reactor Kartini at Yogyakarta and Reactor Serbaguna (Multi Purpose Reactor) at Serpong. The Code of Conduct on the Safety of Research Reactors establishes 'best practice' guidelines for the licensing, construction and operation of research reactors. In this paper the author use the requirement in code of conduct to review the safety of research reactor in Indonesia


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    Danang Parikesit


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sektor transportasi, khususnya sektor angkutan umum telah lama disadari sebagai kontributor utama emisi gas rumah kaca (Green House Gases Emissions. Investasi pada angkutan umum perkotaan sangat dibutuhkan walaupun pembiayaan yang konvensional sering sulit dilakukan karena tingginya tingkat investasi dan prioritas pemerintah saat ini. Angkutan perkotaan juga dilihat sebagai daerah kekuasaan sektor swasta yang membuat pemerintah sulit untuk mengeluarkan uang publik. Ratifikasi Kyoto Protocol telah memberi jalan untuk mengembangkan alternatif pembiayaan untuk pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Clean Development Mechanism pada Kyoto Protocol telah membuka kesempatan bagi otoritas angkutan umum perkotaan dengan menggunakan prinsip carbon trading. Sumber daya untuk menerapkan proyek angkutan umum perkotaan dengan CDM sangat esensial. Pekerjaan di masa datang harus diarahkan untuk mempelajari metodologi dalam mengkombinasi soft measures dan melaksanakan proyek secara optimal. Pembiayaan dengan sistem CDM ini telah dimulai di Yogyakarta dengan judul The Green House Gases Emission Reduction Program for Urban Buses in Yogyakarta atau Program Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca untuk Bus Perkotaan di Yogyakarta. Sebuah aliansi dengan nama YUPTA (Yogyakarta Urban Public Transport Alliance telah dibentuk yang terdiri dari 3 lembaga yaitu Dinas Perhubungan Propinsi DIY, Pusat Studi Transportasi dan Logistik (PUSTRAL UGM dan Koperasi Pengusaha Angkutan Kota Yogyakarta (KOPATA.   ABSTRACT Transportation sector, especially public transportation, has been known as the main contributor to the green house hases emission. Investment to urban public transportation is needed but conventional funding is often difficult to be obtained because of the high investment level and the present government priority. Urban transportation is also seen as a private sector domain making the government difficult to use public fund. Kyoto protocol ratification has opened the way to


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    Flourensia Sapty Rahayu


    Full Text Available Dalam implementasi sebuah sistem informasi di suatu institusi, perlu dipertimbangkan  bagaimana penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem informasi tersebut. Penerapan sistem informasi dapat dikatakan gagal jika pengguna ternyata tidak dapat menerima atau tidak mau menggunakan sistem informasi tersebut. Sebagai sebuah institusi pendidikan, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY juga mengimplementasikan sistem e-learning untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar. Pengguna wajib dari e-learning ini adalah dosen dan mahasiwa. Sejak diterapkan belum pernah diadakan evaluasi mengenai penerimaan pengguna terhdap sistem e-learning ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan pengujian terhadap penerimaan pengguna (mahasiswa terhadap e-learning dengan menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengukur pengaruh antar variabel dalam model TAM yang meliputi variabel Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Attitude Toward Using, Behavioral Intention dan Actual Usage. Metode pengujian statistik yang dilakukan yaitu uji statistik validitas, reliabilitas, normalitas, dan menguji pengaruh faktor menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM. Sumber data didapatkan dengan metode kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada responden mahasiswa UAJY dari seluruh fakultas. Dari enam hipotesis yang diajukan satu hipotesis dinyatakan tidak diterima, yaitu hipotesis yang menyatakan Perceived Usefulnes berpengaruh terhadap Behavioral Intention. Kelima hipotesis yang lain yaitu Perceived Ease of Use berpengaruh terhadap Perceived Usefulnes, Perceived Usefulnes berpengaruh terhadap Attitude Toward Using, Perceived Ease of Use berpengaruh terhadap Attitude Toward Using, Attitude Toward Using berpengaruh terhadap Behavioral Intention, Behavioral Intention berpengaruh terhadap Actual Usage dinyatakan dapat diterima.

  18. Burn-Up Calculation of the Fuel Element in RSG-GAS Reactor using Program Package BATAN-FUEL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mochamad Imron; Ariyawan Sunardi


    Calculation of burn lip distribution of 2.96 gr U/cc Silicide fuel element at the 78 th reactor cycle using computer code program of BATAN-FUEL has been done. This calculation uses inputs such as generated power, operation time and a core assumption model of 5/1. Using this calculation model burn up for the entire fuel elements at the reactor core are able to be calculated. From the calculation it is obtained that the minimum burn up of 6.82% is RI-50 at the position of A-9, while the maximum burn up of 57.57% is RI 467 at the position of 8-7. Based on the safety criteria as specified in the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) RSG-GAS reactor, the maximum fuel burn up allowed is 59.59%. It then can be concluded that pattern that elements placement at the reactor core are properly and optimally done. (author)

  19. Knowledge, Perception, and Acceptance of HPV Vaccination and Screening for Cervical Cancer among Women in Yogyakarta (United States)

    Endarti, Dwi; Satibi, Satibi; Kristina, Susi Ari; Farida, Muhaya Almira; Rahmawanti, Yuni; Andriani, Tika


    Objective: To determine knowledge, perception, and acceptance related to cervical cancer, HPV vaccination and screening for cervical cancer among Indonesian women, particularly in Yogyakarta province. Methods: A convenience sample of 392 women consists of 192 young women, 100 mothers of girls aged 12 – 15 years, and 100 adult women in Yogyakarta province, Indonesia was participated in this study. A self-administered paper-based questionnaire was used to determine demographics characteristics of respondents, as well as their knowledge – perception – acceptance related to cervical cancer, HPV vaccination, and screening for cervical cancer. Data collection were conducted during December 2013 to March 2014. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze description of demographics characteristics, knowledge, perception, and acceptance; while crosstab analysis using Chi-Square was used to analyze the relationship between demographics characteristics versus knowledge, perception, and acceptance. Results: This study found that knowledge and perception regarding cervical cancer, HPV vaccination, and screening for cervical cancer among women in Indonesia, particularly in Yogyakarta Province were still insufficient, however the acceptance was good. Among female young women, 64% had good knowledge, 62% had positive perception of cervical cancer and HPV vaccination, and 92% tended to accept HPV vaccination. Among mothers of girls aged 12 – 15 years, 44% had good knowledge, 46% had positive perception of cervical cancer and HPV vaccination, and 91% tended to accept HPV vaccination for their daughters. Among adult women, 68% had good knowledge, 57% had positive perception of cervical cancer and screening for cervical cancer, and 90% tended to accept cervical cancer screening. In general, demographics characteristics of having experience and exposure to information had significant relationship with knowledge, perception, and acceptance of HPV vaccination and screening for

  20. Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Biogas Untuk Menunjang Ketahanan Energi (Studi Di Desa Pendoworejo Kecamatan Girimulyo Kabupaten Kulon Progo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Dyah Sri Palupi


    Full Text Available Pengembangan energi terbaharukan merupakan salah satu solusi krisis energi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat efektivitas pemanfaatan biogas dan mengkaji hubungan efektivitas pemanfaatan biogas di Desa Pendoworejo dengan ketahanan energi Metode penelitian yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Jumlah biodigester 183 unit. Penentuan sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling. Jumlah informan 55 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi studi kepustakaan, observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yaitu 30,26% biodigester berfungsi dan 69,77% dalam kondisi rusak. Efektivitas kontinuitas pemanfaatan dan ketersediaan biogas yakni pemanfaatan harian dalam kategori rendah (25,58%, pemanfaatan kadang-kadang dalam kategori sangat rendah (4,65% dan kondisi rusak dalam kategori cukup (69,77%. Efektivitas pemanfaatan atau fungsi yakni untuk memasak dalam kategori tinggi (86,82%, genset (3,1% dan lainnya (10,08% dalam kategori sangat rendah. Efektivitas pemenuhan kebutuhan energi berbahan biogas yaitu memenuhi kebutuhan dalam kategori sangat rendah (9,3%, sebagian memenuhi kebutuhan dalam kategori rendah (20,93%, dan tidak memenuhi kebutuhan dalam kategori cukup (69,77%. Efektivitas pemanfaatan biogas di Desa Pendoworejo termasuk rendah. Desa Pendoworejo diharapkan menjadi Desa Mandiri Energi, namun sumber energi dari biogas belum mencapai lebih dari 60%. Efektivitas pemanfaatan biogas di Desa Pendoworejo belum mampu menunjang ketahanan energi.


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    Elly Astuti


    Full Text Available The purpose of writing this paper is to evaluate the computer-based accounting system that has been used by PT. LDP for decision making by the parties concerned as well as provide additional references for further research. Data were obtained from interviews with the board of directors with miraculous and financial staff associated with the implementation of MYOB applications in PT. LDP Yogyakarta in 2011. The result shows that the use of MYOB accounting information systems has positive impact on the company's financial statement presentation primary for its timelines. However, the evaluation of the application system, there are some things that need to be repaired by PT. LDP so the accounting information that presented can be used for economic decision-making. Implications for further research is the design and development of internal control system for family owned businesses.


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    Bayu Wijanarko


    Full Text Available Status  gizi  merupakan  salah  satu tolok  ukur  yang  sering  digunakan  untuk  menilai  perkembangan  dan pertumbuhan individu. Salah satu indikator penilaian status gizi adalah pertumbuhan tinggi badan pada anak-anak.  Tinggi  badan  sering  digunakan  sebagai  indikator  karena  mudah  diukur  dan  diamati.  Tinggi badan  merupakan  hasil  penambahan  tinggi  duduk  dan  panjang  tungkai.  Pertumbuhan  indikator  ini dipengaruhi  oleh  beberapa  faktor  diantaranya  lingkungan  tempat  tinggal  dan  status  ekonomi.  Daerah rural,  umumnya  memiliki  tingkat  aktivitas  yang  tinggi  dan  mempunyai  penghasilan  rata-rata  yang  lebih rendah  dibandingkan  daerah  urban.  Penelitian  bertujuan  mengkaji  perbedaan  pola  pertumbuhan  tinggi badan, tinggi duduk, dan indeks skelik pada anak-anak rural dan urban di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan  crosssectional. Rata-rata tinggi badan, tinggi duduk, dan indeks  skelik pada anak rural dibandingkan dengan anak  urban  untuk  mengetahui  signifikansi  perbedaannya.  Analisis  data  yang  digunakan  adalah  ANOVA satu arah dengan menggunakan program olah data SPSS. Sebelum dilakukan tes ANOVA, terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji normalitasan distribusi data sampel penelitian. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pada anak urban memiliki rata-rata tinggi badan dan tinggi duduk yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak rural (p<0,05. Rata-rata  indeks  skelik  pada  anak  urban  lebih  besar dibandingkan  anak  rural.  Lonjakan  pertumbuhan terjadi  paling  cepat  pada  saat  pubertas,  dan  anak  urban  memiliki  onset  terjadinya  pubertas  yang  lebih cepat  dibandingkan  rural.  Kesimpulan:  Pada  studi  ini  adalah  anak  urban  memiliki  onset  pubertas  yang lebih cepat dibandingkan anak rural. Hal ini

  3. Analysis of Tourists Preferences on Smart Tourism in Yogyakarta (Case: Vredeburg Fort Museum) (United States)

    Amanda, Rima; Santosa, PInsap; Nur Rizal, M.


    Smart tourism is a supporting system of an individual tourism in the terms of a comprehensive and integrated information and technology service. An educational tourist destination such as a museum is expected to present an informative and interactive atmosphere. Vredeburg Fort Museum as one of the tourist destinations in Yogyakarta begins to lose its visitors. The lack of interest of public towards the museum and the assumption that the museum is an ancient, less well maintained, and boring place become main obstacles in attracting tourists. This research aims to find the important factors becoming the preferences of tourists to visit the Vredeburg Museum in Yogyakarta. The research method used is the Principal Component Analysis. The analysis shows there are four main factors with eigenvalue more than 1, i.e. the first factor of 8,623, the second factor of 1,920, the third factor of 1,175, and the fourth factor of 1.082. Those four factors are the result of the grouping of 20 preference determinant variables.

  4. The role of school-based dental programme on dental caries experience in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amalia, Rosa; Schaub, Rob M. H.; Widyanti, Niken; Stewart, Roy; Groothoff, Johan W.

    Objectives. To assess the effectiveness of a school-based dental programme (SBDP) in controlling caries by measuring the relationship between the SBDP performance and caries experience in children aged 12 in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, by taking into account influencing factors. Methods. A


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    Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari


    Full Text Available The Republic of Indonesia Law number 24 year 2007 on disaster emphasizes that the protection of national assets is in line with Law No. 11 year 2010 on the cultural heritage. Yogyakarta Province has 12 disaster hazards and has five complete archaeological cultural layers in Indonesia. In the event of a disaster, potential damage to the cultural heritage is exposed. The archaeological cultural layer consists of prehistoric, classical, Islamic and colonial. The lack of research related to cultural heritage in the province resulting in increasing vulnerability of cultural heritage and society. Using qualitative method with in-depth interview, the aim of this study is to analyse the management of cultural heritage from the perspective of disaster management. Archaeological cultural layers that embedded into the realm of cultural heritage is defined as a national asset that should be protected. The result shows that the management of cultural resources in the province is not yet integrated with disaster management. However, the results of the archaeological identification of cultural heritage in each cultural layer in Yogyakarta showed the development of community adaptation to the disaster. Utilization of cultural heritage as an element of the panca gatra has been impartial that affected the regional resilience and security in facing the disaster. Both of these problems can be overcome by integrating the cultural resources management and disaster management, the establishment of an emergency response team on cultural preservation, and disaster risk analysis on cultural heritage that annexed by BPBD and Cultural Office of Yogyakarta Province.

  6. Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Musuh Alami Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae pada Pertanaman Cabai Merah di Kecamatan Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Hendrival Hendrival


    Full Text Available Research on natural enemies of Bemisia tabaci was conducted in the chili pepper fields in Sub-district of Pakem, District of Sleman, The Special Province of Yogyakarta during the dry season of May-October 2009. The aims of this research were to study the diversity and abundance of parasitoid and predator species associated with B. tabaci. Samplings of insect species were done using yellow pan trap, sweep net, direct observation of insects colonized young leaves, and collection of nymphs for B. tabaci. Measurement of insect diversity was calculated using Shannon’s index diversity and Evenness index. Nine species of insect predator were identified, i.e. Harmonia octomaculata (Fabricius, Menochilus sexmaculata (Fabricius, Scymnus sp., Micraspis inops Mulsant, Coccinella sp. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, Paederus fuscipes Curtis (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Orius sp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae, Linyphiidae sp.1 (Araneae, and Syrphidae sp.1 (Diptera. Eretmocerus sp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae was the only parasitoid found in the nymphs B. tabaci collected and has the potential to control B. tabaci in the red pepper fields.

  7. Sikap Dan Perilaku Room Boy/Room Maid Dalam Meningkatkan Prosedur Operasional Kerja Di Puri Artha Hotel Yogyakarta


    Meliala, Eunike


    Salah satu penunjang untuk majunya dunia pariwisata adalah hotel, yaitu sebagai sarana akomodasi bagi para wisatawan, baik wisatawan nusantara maupun wisatawan mancanegara. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, banyak sekali hotel-hotel di Indonesia yang telah tumbuh. Oleh karena itu pihak hotel harus mampu menciptakan suasana yang dibutuhkan oleh wisatawan. Perkembangan ini harus pula diikuti oleh tenaga- tanaga yang benar-benar mengerti akan hotel secara mendasar, sehingga dapat memberikan ...



    Choiruddin Nurcholis Suwondo; Subagyo Subagyo


    The purpose of the study (1) to determine whether there is a positive relationship between vocational interest to learning with entrepreneurship interest on the studens Automotive Engineering Islamic Vocational School Yogyakarta Academic Year 2013/2014; (2) to determine whether there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurial learning achivement with entrepreneurship interest on the studens Automotive Engineering Islamic Vocational School Yogyakarta Academic Year 2013/2014; (3) to det...

  9. Pemaknaan Fungsi Dan Bentuk Pada Interior Restoran Dae Jang Geum YOGYAKARTA


    Dodi Wondo, Graceshella Wijaya Mariana Wibowo


    Restaurant bussiness is one of the most developed and popular today, especially in big cities. Therefore, businesses are competing to attract the attention of the public, not only of the dishes served, but also the atmosphere and the interior of the restaurant is unique and interesting. One of the restaurant's interior that attracts attention is the Dae Jang Geum restaurant Yogyakarta, because the restaurant is adapting very interesting culture, the culture of Korea, in particular the form of...

  10. Kajian Klasifikasi Berbasis Obyek untuk Pemetaan Bangunan yang Berisiko Gempabumi di Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Lewi Ristiyono


    Full Text Available Bencana gempabumi mengakibatkan kerusakan bangunan dan infrastruktur. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya pemetaan bangunan dan infrastruktur yang menjadi elemen berisiko gempabumi. Dikarenakan daerah yang terdampak gempabumi di indonesia sangatlah luas maka pemetaan bangunan dan infrastruktur memerlukan teknologi penginderaan jauh. Teknologi penginderaan jauh dengan klasifikasi penggunaan lahan mampu memetakan bangunan dan infrastruktur lebih efisien. Klasifikasi penggunaan lahan dengan pendekatan berbasis piksel memiliki kelemahan yaitu mengabaikan aspek spasial, munculnya “salt and papper” dan kurang menunjukan otomatis ketika diintegrasikan dengan SIG. Kelemahan klasifikasi berbasis piksel tersebut dilengkapi pada klasifikasi berbasis objek. Penelitian ini bertujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji kemampuan klasifikasi berbasis objek dengan menggunakan citra ALOS pansharpening dalam memetakan bangunan dan infrastruktur yang berisiko gempabumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam klasifikasi berbasis objek dengan klasifikasi hierarkis rule-based dengan segmentasi multiresolusi. Metode ini memanfaatkan algoritma hierarchical classification dan logika fuzzy yang disusun dalam rule-set ditiap kelas penggunaan lahan. Logika fuzzy digunakan untuk menentukan nilai keanggotaan fitur-fitur objek yang digunakan dalam identifikasi objek dalam citra. Fitur-fitur objek yang digunakan adalah gabungan dari aspek spektral dan tekstur atau GLCM. Nilai fitur-fitur objek diekstrak dari sempel area berdasarkan segmentasi multiresolusi dengan citra multispektral AVNIR-2 pansharpening. Selanjutnya hasil klasifikasi penggunaan lahan diseleksi subkelas area terbangunan dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui distribusi spasial bangunan yang berisiko gempabumi. Hasil dari klasifikasi menunjukan tingkat akurasi yang rendah dimana akurasi keseluruhan yang dihasilkan adalah 65.4% dan akurasi klasifikasi untuk subkelas area terbangun juga rendah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurang efektiknya

  11. Motivasi, Persepsi dan Konflik Peran Pekerjaan-keluarga Entrepreneur Perempuan Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA


    Harmain, Ummu; Hartono, Slamet; Rahayu W, Lestari; Dwidjono H.D, Dwidjono H.D


    This research is conducted to determine the motivations, perceptions and work-family role conflict of women entrepreneurs. Respondents are about 159 women entrepreneur of processed food in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis. The results show that most of their motivations to be entrepreneur are because of external factors in which financial pressure as the main reason. All the business environments observed, namely access to capital and credit, ...

  12. Evaluasi proses bimbingan skripsi mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta berdasar perspektif pembelajaran orang dewasa


    Sugito Sugito; Sunaryo Soenarto; Entoh Tohani


    Dalam menghadapi tantangan dan permasalahan abad kedua puluh satu ini, pendidikan tinggi memiliki peran yang sangat strategis. Mata kuliah Skripsi dapat berperan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan guna menghadapi tantangan dan masalah yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi proses pembimbingan skripsi dari perspektif teori pembelajaran orang dewasa, hambatan dan upaya yang dilakukan mahasiswa dan dosen dalam proses penulisan skripsi mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)....

  13. Building resilience in heritage district: lesson learned from Kotagede Yogyakarta Indonesia (United States)

    Hadi Rahmi, Dwita


    Kotagede, a heritage district in Yogyakarta and famous as a silver town and a destination for heritage tourism, is one of the vulnerable heritage resources in Indonesia. Its history, dates back to the Old Mataram Kingdom in 16th Century, has inherited many heritage properties, including traditional settlement patterns and Javanese traditional architecture of houses. As a vulnerable heritage area, Kotagede experienced several disaster attackks; with the last one was the Java biggest earthquake in 2006 that destroyed more than 200,000 houses in Yogyakarta and dozens of traditional houses in Kotagede collapsed. Ten years after the big disaster, Kotagede has significantly developed with some former earthquake impact can still be found. This paper aims to document and examine the way Kotagede built its resilience, particularly after the last earthquake, and how the reconstruction process relates to the broader concept of resilience. Descriptive and qualitative approaches are used based on historical data and field observation. This paper notes that although not as fast as other non-heritage areas, the reconstruction process in Kotagede has finally done. It is also argues that several factors contribute to the building resilience of Kotagede, and the most important factor is the collaborative actions among stakeholders in coping the disaster impact. Such collaboration can be effectively done when the local community have strong commitment and willingness to solve their problem and have a resilient Kotagede.

  14. Identification of chemical composition and measurement of V, As, Cr and Fe in Yogyakarta ambient air particulate by neutron activation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gede-Sutresna W; Sutjipto


    Activation neutron analysis can be used to identify chemical composition and measure V, As, Cr and Fe contents in Yogyakarta ambient particulate. The air sampling has been done around Yogyakarta city such as: Gg. Narada Gandok around North Ring road (A1 post), Mentri Supeno cross road (A2 post), Purbanegaran GK II (A3 post), Wirobrajan cross road (A4 post), Adisutjipto (A5 post), and in front of Sentul market on JI. Sultan Agung with low volume sampler equipped with AP millipore fiber glass filter. Other places used for air sampling were around PPNY, JI. Babarsari (B1) and Jl. Gejayan (B2) by using high volume sampler equipped with TF A 21133 series filter. The filter was irradiated at Kartini reactor at the average of 1.04 x 10 1 1 -2 .s -1 on January 10, 1995. The V, As, Cr and Fe content in air around Yogyakarta respectively was: 81.5 - 264.9 ng/m 3 air; 56.7 - 596.4 ng/m 3 air; 30.5 - 153.8 ng/m 3 air and 22.4 - 108μg/m 3 air. The accuracy of the analysis method was checked by comparing the analysis result to the certificate label of the reference material SRM 1633a. The accuracy was: 21.1%; 13.9%; 7.7% and 13.3% for V, As, Cr and Fe. The V, As, Cr and Fe content in air particulate around Yogyakarta is still the below permissible level of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1987


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    Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum


    Dakwah multikultural untuk membangun paradigma pendidikan multikultural tidak mudah karena struktur masyarakat memiliki diterminan sosial, budaya, ekonomi dan politik. Pelaksanaan pendidikan multikultural terkait dengan berbagai unsur sosial dalam masyarakat yang satu dengan yang lain belum sinergis. Paparan ini akan mengungkap dakwah multikultural yang dilaksanakan di sekolah dan me­lihat strategi pendidikan multikultural dilaksanakan di sekolah. Melalui pe­neliti­an kualitatif dengan menggambarkan data awal terkait dengan aktivitas dakwah multikultural pada tiga SMA di Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan dakwah multikultural di sekolah merupakan kom­binasi dari beberapa pendekatan yakni pendekatan kontribusi, pendekatan aditif, pendekatan transformasi, dan pendekatan aksi sosial. Dengan dakwah multikultural dapat membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan identitas sosial yang hendak dicapainya berdasarkan nilai-nilai keadilan, kesetaraan dan menghargai perbedaan. Adapun strategi yang dikembangkan oleh sekolah untuk melaksanakan dakwah multikultural adalah dengan cara mengembangkan kemampuan ber­bahasa, kelas bahasa, perfomance seni, penggunaan simbol budaya, pertukaran pelajar antar suku atau antar negara, unifomitas.

  16. The Description of Eating Behavior and Anemia in Adolescents at STIKES ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta

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    Umi Nadhiroh


    Full Text Available Anemia due to iron deficiency was the most common problem suffered by women. Around 41,4% - 66,7% young womens in Indonesia suffered from anemia. A preliminary study  at STIKES ‘Asyiyah Yogyakarta showed that 7 out of 10 respondents have anemia with 9 of them have good eating habits. One of the reason of iron deficiency caused by their eating behavior. Instead of choosing foods based on the taste rather than nutritional consideration. This condition would affected on the student’s concentration ability. The research aim was to find the eating behavior and the anemia cases among adolescents at STIKES ‘Asyiyah Yogyakarta. . This was a quantitative descriptive research with cross sectional approach. The cluster sampling was used by simple random sampling. The analysis results showed 29 of 30 respondents have good eating behavior but 26 of them have anemia. Based on the finding, the adolescent suggested to put their concern more about the quality and quantity of food that will consume and take blood booster tablets especially during menstruation.

  17. Proposta di utilizzo di metodologie termografiche per il controllo di qualità di componenti meccanici

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    Roberto D’Andrea


    Full Text Available In base all’esperienza maturata in anni di sperimentazione sull’analisi delle caratteristiche meccaniche dei materiali mediante indagine termografica, nel presente lavoro è proposta una procedura per il controllo di qualità di componenti meccanici in linea di produzione, che è già stata argomento di brevetto. Lo sviluppo di questo lavoro si colloca nell’ambito del progetto FIRB Smart Reflex “Sistemi di produzione intelligenti, flessibili e riconfigurabili”. L’attività svolta dal DIIM riguarda il controllo avanzato dell’affidabilità di componenti meccanici per l’industria automobilistica. Viene proposta, quindi, la realizzazione di una cella di controllo in linea di produzione capace di valutare la presenza di eventuali componenti difettosi attraverso l’analisi termica degli stessi, sollecitati secondo un modello predefinito. L’attività, svolta in questa prima fase in laboratorio, è facilmente trasferibile in linea di produzione, considerando la possibilità di realizzare celle di prova in ambiente controllato, con condizioni praticamente identiche a quelle di laboratorio, eliminando gli effetti di disturbo che possono influenzare la risposta dell’indagine termografica in ambiente non strutturato.

  18. PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER POLA MUHAMMADIYAH (Studi Kasus SMA Muhammadiyah 1 dan MA Muallimin Yogyakarta

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    Kuswono Kuswono


    Full Text Available This research aims to find out the sources of character education at Islamic schools, character- building values application and actualization. This research was conducted in SMA Mubammadiyah I Yogyakarta and MA Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.The result of research showed that teacher's perception on character education relied on Islamic precepts to create akhakul karimah-human beings. The sources of character education included Quran and as=Sunnah/Hadist as well as Ijtihad. The character value implantation was carried out through learning in the classroom, precedents from figures, teachers and peers, well-behaving familiarization in the presence of rule and order, personality report, and extracurricular activities in knowledge, skill, sport, art, and organization fields. The form of character-building values actualization emphasized more on the Islamic activities such as collectively shalat, reading and reciting Quran, social service, participating actively in IPM, hizbul wathan, and tapak suci organizational activities. In addition, there were kader inti/an, mubalig jumat, mubalig hijarah, fasting, Friday sermon, becoming the orator in pengajian, and flag ceremony. Such these activities reflected on religious, cooperative, leadership, loving-to-homeland, social care, environmental care, and creative values.Keywords: Education, Character, Muhammadiyah.

  19. Pengaruh Produk Wisatadan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung Melalui Electronic Word of Mouth Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Pengunjung Objek Wisata Goa Pindul YOGYAKARTA)


    Putranegara, Rizka Iqbal; Pradhanawati, Ari


    The tourism industry in a number of areas is increasing, its specialty in Yogyakarta Province. Goa Pindul attractions in Yogyakarta has a unique tourism potential with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites cave tubing rides. The number of tourist arrivals from 2010 to 2015 the number fluctuates. This study aims to determine the influence of the tourism product and service quality to the decision been through word of mouth on the electronic attractions Pindul Goa. This type of research is expl...

  20. Postirradiation examination of a low enriched U3Si2-Al fuel element manufactured and irradiated at Batan, Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suripto, A.; Sugondo, S.; Nasution, H.


    The first low-enriched U 3 Si 2 -Al dispersion plate-type fuel element produced at the Nuclear Fuel Element Center, BATAN, Indonesia, was irradiated to a peak 235 U burnup of 62%. Postirradiation examinations performed to data shows the irradiation behavior of this element to be similar to that of U 3 Si 2 -Al plate-type fuel produced and tested at other institutions. The main effect of irradiation on the fuel plates is a thickness increase of 30--40 μm (2.5-3.0%). This thickness increase is almost entirely due to the formation of a corrosion layer (Boehmite). The contribution of fuel swelling to the thickness increase is rather small (less than 10 μm) commensurate with the burnup of the fuel and the relatively moderate as-fabricated fuel volume fraction of 27% in the fuel meat

  1. Integration of formal and informal sector (waste bank in waste management system in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Purnama Putra Hijrah


    Full Text Available The change of waste management paradigm becomes an important thing to do, as a step adaptation to the increasing rate of waste generation every year in Indonesia. 100% management target has been divided into two parts, namely the reduction (30% and waste handling (70%. Reductions focus on source limitation and 3R program optimization, whereas handling involves collecting and final processing activities. However, the current level of waste reduction is still very low (12%, the government made various efforts to increase it, one of its with the waste bank program. DIY province as a pioneer in the concept of waste bank continues to develop to increase the participation of the community, from 166 locations in 2013, increased to 792 locations in 2017 and 495 of its as the waste bank (62.5%. Average waste bank with 43 customers, able to manage the waste up to 2,078,064 kg/month, with the data can be estimated the amount of waste that can be managed in the city of Yogyakarta, Sleman and Bantul Regency. The city of Yogyakarta has 433 units of the waste bank, capable of managing waste up to 899,801.8 kg/month, Sleman Regency has 34 units of the waste bank (78.966,4 kg/month and Bantul has 24 units of the waste bank (49.873,5 kg/month. The integration of formal and informal sectors through waste banks can increase the percentage of waste management services. The level of service in Yogyakarta City increased from 85% to 95.5%, Sleman District from 30.71 to 31%, and Bantul Regency from 7.49 to 7.7%

  2. Investigating Meat Milling Business in Yogyakarta: a Maqâshid al-Syarî‘ah Perspectives

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    Zein Muttaqin


    Full Text Available Investigating Meat Milling Business in Yogyakarta: A Maqâshid al-Syarî‘ah Perspectives. This article aims to investigate the meat milling business process in the light of maqâshid al-syarî‘ah perspectives. The ttopic arises due to some past cases related to the mixed process of meat milling of lawful and unlawful meat in the industry, while the demand on the meat milling business is pretty high according to the BAPPENAS Yogyakarta data. Lacking on supervision has threatened consumer protection and deviates from the sharia injunctions. Maqâshid al-syarî‘ah being consider as the basis of sharia compliances that serves to understand the purposes of sharia laws in the daily life in the form of prohibitions and injunctions. Qualitative method and content analysis is conducted to interpret 7 meats milling local shop owner responds regards the manifestation of maqâshid al-syarî‘ah in their business. It can be concluded that the implementation of maqâshid al-syarî‘ah of meat milling business in Yogyakarta on the level of input, process and output has been implemented accordingly. Although there are several cases of respondent that did not abide by the Islamic laws, but most of the businessman are. Halal logistic and supply chain is needed to become the insurance party of the legal aspect of business and also as the milestone of expanding the local meat milling to compete with the bigger competitor such as supermarket.

  3. Psychosocial and Physical Workload of Hotel’s Shift Worker In Yogyakarta Indonesia


    Dewi, Luciana Triani; Yuniartha, Deny Ratna; Purnama, Ign. Luddy Indra


    Shift works are common in hospitality industries, such as hotel industries. Shift work can cause many human problems for worker, e.g. circadian rhythms, fatigue, health effects, individual factors, social and family factors, etc. The objective of the present study was to identify and examine the psychosocial and physical workload on employees working as hotel’s shift worker in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) which covers 18 aspects of psychosocial workloa...


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    Tedy Setiadi


    Full Text Available Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM Tirtamarta Yogyakarta merupakan perusahaan air minum yang memiliki lebih 35.000 pelanggan. Dengan banyaknya pelanggan tersebut, PDAM dituntut untuk terus meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Salah satunya layanan informasi tentang informasi tagihan serta permohonan reparasi dari pelanggan. Selama ini masalah yang dihadapi adalah pelanggan harus menunggu datangnya surat tentang tagihan yang harus dibayar dan kalau ada kerusakan untuk mengajukan reparasi harus datang untuk mengisi formulir terlebih dahulu.. Untuk itu dalam penelitian ini telah dibangun Sistem Informasi Layanan Pelanggan di PDAM Berbasis SMS. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan melalui pendekatan waterfall yaitu menganalisis kebutuhan pengguna, mencermati model bisnis yang ada, pengembangan algoritma tagihan rekening air,pembuatan basis data, koding dengan Visual Basic 6.0, Protocol Data Unit (PDU sebagai bahasa SMS, serta AT Command sebagai perintah untuk komunikasi ponsel dengan PC. Setelah program jadi, dilakukan uji program dengan metode black box test dan alpha test. Penelitian yang dibuat menghasilkan sebuah sistem Layanan Informasi Pelanggan yang membantu memudahkan dan mempercepat layanan permohonan reparasi dan informasi tagihan pelanggan yang akan jatuh tempo. Kata Kunci: Layanan, Pelanggan, Reparasi, Tagihan, SMS


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    Tedy Setiadi


    Full Text Available Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM Tirtamarta Yogyakarta merupakan perusahaan air minum yang memiliki lebih 35.000 pelanggan. Dengan banyaknya pelanggan tersebut, PDAM dituntut untuk terus meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Salah satunya layanan informasi tentang informasi tagihan serta permohonan reparasi dari  pelanggan. Selama ini masalah yang dihadapi adalah pelanggan harus menunggu datangnya surat tentang tagihan yang harus dibayar dan kalau ada kerusakan untuk mengajukan reparasi harus datang untuk mengisi formulir terlebih dahulu.. Untuk itu dalam penelitian ini telah dibangun Sistem Informasi Layanan Pelanggan di PDAM Berbasis SMS. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan melalui pendekatan waterfall yaitu menganalisis kebutuhan pengguna, mencermati model bisnis yang ada, pengembangan algoritma tagihan rekening air,pembuatan basis data, koding dengan Visual Basic 6.0, Protocol Data Unit (PDU sebagai bahasa SMS, serta  AT Command sebagai perintah untuk komunikasi ponsel dengan PC. Setelah program jadi, dilakukan uji program dengan metode black box test dan alpha test.  Penelitian yang dibuat menghasilkan sebuah sistem Layanan Informasi Pelanggan yang membantu memudahkan dan mempercepat layanan permohonan reparasi dan informasi tagihan pelanggan yang akan jatuh tempo.

  6. Desain dan Implementasi Sistem Online Gudang Pada PT. PLN (Persero Distribusi Regional Jawa Tengah dan D.I Yogyakarta

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    Ervin Adhi Cahyanugraha


    Full Text Available The information system that can provide complete, accurate information in an integrated way with the ability to reach all people in the system is very important. The criteria are not fulfilled by the warehouse management system on PT. PLN (Persero, distribution of Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta. Some districts are not reached by the information system technology; some of them still use Microsoft Office Excel to manage the goods in the warehouse. . So, communication up to rayon is not good, rayon and area are so hard to exchange information, transaction between rayon and area is not quick. this case cause procurement goods is hampered, and this make direct impact to unfinished project . Therefore, the online system of this warehouse can solve the flaw of the old system. The Warehouse Online System is the ASP.Net-based web application. This development process uses Microsoft Visual Studio as the development tools. An information system is not separable from the database as the information data storage; Warehouse Online System uses Oracle as the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS. The Warehouse Online System is suitable with the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP of PT. PLN (Persero. Through Warehouse Online System, the distributors from the area or district can be integrated to communicate, to do the transaction on the material in the warehouse, and to get the access of the user based on their task and authority. Based on the Black Box test, the functions on Warehouse Online System function like what is expected. The maintenance process is still needed to improve the system in the future.

  7. Iklim Belajar dan Iklim Praktik serta Produktivitas Belajar ditinjau dari Aspek Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Konteks Pendidikan Sistem Ganda

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    Hakim Hakim


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peibedaan: (1 kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, (2 iklim belajar, (3 iklim praktik, dan (4 produktivitas belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah causal-comparative research. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta dan SMK Negeri 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta pada Junisan Bangunan Gedung. Sumber datanya meliputi kepala sekolah, staf, guru, dan siswa. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Kesahihan instrumen penelitian diuji dengan menggunakan analisis faktor, dan keandalan instrumen diuji dengan menggunakan koefisien alpha dari Cronbach. Dari hasil uji coba instrumen telah memenuhi persyaratan vatiditas dan reliabilitas. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis komparatif. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (1 kepemimpinan kepala sekolah SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta lebih cendenmg bersifat kepemimpinan administrator, sedangkan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah SMK Negeri 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta lebih cendenmg bersifat kepemimpinan manajer; (2 terdapat peibedaan iklim belajar antara SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta dengan SMK Negeri 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta; (3 terdapat peibedaan iklim praktek antara SMK Negeri 2 Yogayakarta dengan SMK Negeri 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta; (4 terdapat peibedaan produktivitas belajar siswa antara SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta dengan SMK Negeri 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta; (5 hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan administrator lebih baik dari pada gaya kepemimpinan manager. Kata kunci: iklim, produktifitas, aspek, kepemimpinan konteks.

  8. Urban logistics profile – Yogyakarta city, Indonesia

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    Maria Sri Asih Anna


    Full Text Available In recent years, more rural areas are becoming urban areas accompanied by escalation of logistics activities. Unlike passenger transport, the planning, policy and control of freight transport in developing countries have not been integrated into a reliable and efficient logistics system. Therefore, generating city logistics profile is necessary in order to support the planning of urban logistics system. This study aims to establish a logistics profile of Yogyakarta city, Indonesia, by dividing urban zones into several homogeneous groups, judging from several aspects, including city area features, product characteristics and agents/delivery profile. Logistics profile variables were calculated based on administrative boundaries, resulting in 45 areas to be investigated. Profiles were matched in groups of homogeneous stores (A, large commercial stores (C and residential areas with local trade (D,with one overlapping profile, i.e. profile A and profile D, in some locations in the middle of the city.

  9. Taratura di un 'apparecchiatura per misura di piccole percentuali di uranio in soluzione acida di acqua distillata

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    d. Diana


    Full Text Available Si descrive una tecnica elio permette di misurare ilnumero di atomi di Uranio di una soluzione, con un errore non superioreal 10%.Il sistema consiste in un tubo di Geiger (Philips 18503 sistemato inun contenitore di vetro nel quale viene diluita una certa quantità di peso dinitrato di Uranile, misurato con una precisione migliore dell'1%. Al variaredella diluizione si registra il numero di particelle che il Geiger conta, e quindisi riporta in grafico. Da questi per diverse quantità di sale sciolto si determinala retta di taratura.

  10. Storie di genere, storie di partito

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    Elisa Bellè


    Full Text Available Lo studio delle narrazioni di genere all'interno di questo tipo di organizzazione desta inoltre un particolare interesse anche in ragione della sottorappresentazione delle donne nella sfera della politica. Si tratta di un deficit democratico che coinvolge i sistemi politici moderni nel loro complesso, ma che interessa l'Italia con una particolare gravità ed evidenza. La questione della sottorappresentazione politica delle donne è stata sinora affrontata prevalentemente in termini tecnico-legali (politiche di pari opportunità ed azione positiva, o di teoria politica (la dicotomia pubblico-maschile e privato-femminile come fondamento del contratto sessuale della politica. Mancano invece contributi che guardino ai partiti come organizzazioni largamente responsabili dei processi di selezione e promozione delle carriere politiche, dunque come luoghi di quotidiana produzione di pratiche e culture di genere, più o meno egualitarie o, viceversa, discriminatorie. Sulla base di tale vuoto di ricerca e riflessione, il presente articolo si propone di mettere in luce le pratiche e le culture di genere che emergono dai racconti di uomini e donne all'interno di due organizzazioni partitiche, una di destra e una di sinistra, situate nel contesto territoriale della provincia di Trento. La ricerca è stata condotta attraverso lo strumento dell'intervista semi-strutturata, coinvolgendo quattro donne e quattro uomini, divisi per coppie di età (un uomo ed una donna giovani ed un uomo ed una donna da lungo presenti nel partito, accostabili per quanto concerne ruolo e posizione nelle organizzazioni partitiche considerate. L'attenzione analitica si è concentrata sulla costruzione del genere di uomini e donne intervistati/e, intesa sia come dimensione ed esperienza individuale (le storie di genere dei/lle singoli/e, sia come dimensione organizzativa più ampia (le storie di genere delle organizzazioni, narrate dalle diverse voci. Un'ulteriore dimensione analitica


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    Siti Nurhayati


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to determine theee effect of physical, chemical and physiological characteristic of several stages maturity of rambutan cultivar Simacan in Wonosari, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. This experimental research was conducted from March to May 2004 used a single factorial Randomized Complete Design (RCD, consisted of six levels, i.e.: A (Rambutan fruit with red stages of maturity, B (Rambutan fruit with yellowness red stages of  maturity, C (Rambutan fruit with yellow  stages of  maturity,  D (Rambutan fruit with greennes  yellow stages of  maturity, E (Rambutan fruit with green  stages of  maturity.  The treatment was done in three replications. The research result showed that (i According to the physical characteristics (weight of whole fruit, fruit flesh and flesh thickness, rambutan in red stages of maturity (84,340%, the highest sugar content was in the red stages of maturity (86,20%, the highest vitamin C content was in the red stages of maturity (29,151% and the highest total solution soluble was in the yellow stages of maturity (15,104% (iii. According to the physiological characteristics, the highest respiration rate was in the greenness yellow fruits stage of maturity ( 0,0495%. Based on the research, it is better for  farmers to harvest rambutan Simacan once they are in red stage. In this stage the rambutan will have its highest sugar, and vitamin C contents.

  12. Desain Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA berbasis D-D Neutron Generator 2,45 MeV untuk Uji Fasilitas BNCT

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    Desman P. Gulo


    Full Text Available Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT is one of the cancer treatments that are being developed in nowadays. In order to support BNCT treatment for cancer that exists in underneath skin like breast cancer, the facility needs a generator that is able to produce epithermal neutron. One of the generator that is able to produce neutron is D-D neutron generator with 2.45 MeV energy. Based on the calculation of this paper, we found that the total production of neutron per second (neutron yield from Neutron Generator (NG by PSTA-BATAN Yogyakarta is 2.55×1011 n/s. The energy and flux that we found is in the range of quick neutron. Thus, it needs to be moderated to the level of epithermal neutron which is located in the interval energy of 1 eV to 10 KeV with 109 n/cm2s flux. This number is the recommendation standard from IAEA. Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA is needed in order to moderate the quick neutron to the level of epithermal neutron. One part of BSA that has the responsibility in moderating the quick neutron to epithermal neutron is the moderator. The substance of moderator used in this paper is MgF2 and A1F3. The thickness of moderator has been set in in such a way by using MCNPX software in order to fulfill the standard of IAEA. As the result of optimizing BSA moderator, the data obtain epithermal flux with the total number of 4.64×108 n/cm2/s for both of moderators with the thickness of moderator up to 15 cm. At the end of this research, the number of epithermal flux does not follow the standard of IAEA. This is because the flux neutron that is being produced by NG is relatively small. In conclusion, the NG from PSTA-BATAN Yogyakarta is not ready to be used for the BNCT treatment facility for the underneath skin cancer like breast cancer.

  13. Motor power calculation for driving conveyor chain in gamma irradiator BATAN 2x250 k curie

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ari Satmoko; Syamsurrijal Ramdja; Sutomo Budihardjo


    Recently, an Irradiator BATAN 2X250 k Curie for agricultural product is under design. The installation is provided by the gamma source about 2x250 k Curie. Agricultural products are carried into carriers and these carriers are hanged on the conveyor chain. The chain moves into a radiation chamber following the trajectoire. The chain is drived by motor. For this reason, the calculation is performed to determine the motor power. After resolving the force equilibrium equation, the force and power of the motor needed to drive the chain are obtained. Numerical method by using V Basic language is used to resolve the equation. The calculation result shows the correlation between friction coefficient and motor power. From the evaluation, it is decided that the friction coefficient should be less than 0,015. By this friction, the motor power is about 3. 13 k Watt. From the evaluation, it is also obtained that the radius of the curve trajectory shall not be too small. Combination between high friction and small curve radius could lead to the locked condition in which high power motor are not be able to move the conveyor chain). (author)

  14. Elder care, old-age security and social change in rural Yogyakarta, Indonesia = De zorg voor en bestaanszekerheid van ouderen tegen de achtergrond van sociale veranderingen in ruraal Yogyakarta, Indonesië


    Keasberry, I.N.


    This thesis describes the significance of the living conditions and care arrangements of older persons for their old-age security in the villages of Kebonagung (regency of Bantul) and Giriwungu (regency of Gunung Kidul) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

    The world population is ageing. The United Nations designated the year 1999 as 'The Year of the Older Person', thereby recognising and reaffirming that the global population is ageing at an unprecedente...


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    Soekadri Soekadri


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Aktivitas industri yang berkembang dan terkait dengan perekonomian perdesaan di DAS Progo sampai dewasa ini masih merupakan suatu harapan. Hal ini karena sektor industri manufaktur dianggap memiliki kemampuan besar dalam memecahkan masalah berkaitan dengan aspek pendapatan, kesempatan kerja maupun penyerapan tenaga kerja, tetapi kenyataannya di berbagai tempat kemampuannya masih disangsikan karena berbagai sebab. Kesenjangan ini mendasari penelitian yang bertujuan untuk (1 memahami karakteristik faktor-faktor produksi dan faktor lokasi industri, serta pengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian Pangan (IHP; (2 mengkaji efek pelipatgandaan aktifitas IHP terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja, dan peluang usaha; (3 dan mengkaji hubungan antara kebijaksanaan pembangunan industri oleh pemerintah, khususnya pembinaan usaha terhadap perkembangan IHP di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei terhadap pengusaha IHP. Lokasi desa yang dipilih sebagai sampel kasus desa penelitian ditentukan secara purposive sampling, yaitu Desa Trimurti Kabupaten Bantul Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Desa Banyuraden Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan Desa Sumurarum Kabupaten Magelang Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Responden adalah petani sekaligus pengusaha IHP, dengan jumlah sampel masing-masing desa 40 KK petani pengusaha IHP ditentukan dengan cara kuota. Analisis data menggunakan uji koefisien korelasi parsial dan ganda serta uji Kendall’s tau-b. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada dasarnya ekonomi IHP di ketiga desa kasus penelitian dapat berkembang, ditunjukkan oleh adanya perkembangan kesempatan usaha, dan kesempatan kerja, dan juga berpengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan perekonomian desa-desa tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan oleh faktor kebijakan pemerintah yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan proses produksi IHP. Perkecualian terjadi di Desa Banyuraden karena lokasinya dekat Kota Yogyakarta, dimana pengaruh faktor

  16. Manufacture and analysis of exciter RF generator for proton cyclotron Decy-13

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Exciter of the RF generator for 13 MeV proton cyclotron have been analyzed and manufactured. RF generator will be used as a source of alternating voltage accelerating of the Decy-13 cyclotron which designed by PTAPB-BATAN. Based on the basic design documents that have been made, the Decy-13 cyclotron will use 1.275 Tesla magnetic field so that the RF generator frequency when using the fourth harmonic is 77.667 MHz. One of the radio frequency signal generation technique where the output frequency is very stable and easy to set up and is currently being developed is the technique of Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS). DDS technology is an innovative circuit architecture that allows fast and precise frequency manipulation of its output, under full digital control. Prototype of the RF generator exciter that was created using DDS type AD9851 manufactured by Analog Devices with a fundamental frequency of 30 MHz and controlled by the ATmega16 micro controller. To avoid unexpected frequency of its output, the output signal of the DDS is passed to the passive band pass filter circuit. The test results showed that the exciter output frequency range is 2 MHz with center frequency of 77.667 MHz. and stop band -3 dB. While RF power output 10 Watt require 12 V power supply with current 1,6 A. Although the exciter prototype still needs improvement but the results are as expected. (author)

  17. Study of aquifer's characteristic at BPLP-BATAN, Cipanas, West Java

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    I Gde Sukadana; Adi Gunawan Muhammad


    Farms Observational Land Agricultural (BPLP) BATAN lies at Palasari's Village, Cipanas's district, Cianjur's regency, West Java. The currently used water resources, come from shallow well that groundwater's quality adverse, brownish rust colored, so indecent being utilized as source of fresh water. Drilling activity of groundwater exploration is objected in order to obtain aquifer's characteristics which cover lithology, porosity of lithology, ground water condition that interpreted from well cutting, bores-hole geophysical data, pumping test data and water quality on the aquifer. These Regions constitute geologically volcanic rock, varied of volcanic breccia with grain size of sand to boulder. Potential aquifers at these regions are conglomeratic sandstone, breccias, and sandstone. The result of drilling activity shows that its lithology are yield of soil (depth 0-6 m), breccia (36-38 m), middle-rough sandstone (depth 38-40 m), breccia (40-52 m), sandy breccia (depth 52-97 m) and inter spaced tuff with middle-rough sandstone (depth 97-125 m). As a result, therefore, the well has been constructed with straight PVC pipe 6'', on depth of 0-40 m made by grouting cements, screen is assembled on depth of 60-82 m and 90-110 m. Result of pumping test that well's with maximum debit 17,25 L/sec, and optimum debit 13,2 L/sec. Static water level on 11 m depth. Current assembled pump is 5 L/sec on the 86 m depth. Result of groundwater quality test in laboratory shows that the water has good quality with fresh water quality standard, which mean that the water is suitable to be consumed. (author)

  18. Status report of Indonesian research reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arbie, B.; Supadi, S.


    A general description of three Indonesian research reactor, its irradiation facilities and its future prospect are described. Since 1965 Triga Mark II 250 KW Bandung, has been in operation and in 1972 the design powers were increased to 1000 KW. Using core grid form Triga 250 KW BATAN has designed and constructed Kartini Reactor in Yogyakarta which started its operation in 1979. Both of this Triga type reactors have served a wide spectrum of utilization such as training manpower in nuclear engineering, radiochemistry, isotope production and beam research in solid state physics. Each of this reactor have strong cooperation with Bandung Institute of Technology at Bandung and Gajah Mada University at Yogyakarta which has a faculty of Nuclear Engineering. Since 1976 the idea to have high flux reactor has been foreseen appropriate to Indonesian intention to prepare infrastructure for nuclear industry for both energy and non-energy related activities. The idea come to realization with the first criticality of RSG-GAS (Multipurpose Reactor G.A. Siwabessy) in July 1987 at PUSPIPTEK Serpong area. It is expected that by early 1992 the reactor will reached its full power of 30 MW and by end 1992 its expected that irradiation facilities will be utilized in the future for nuclear scientific and engineering work. (author)


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    Rukmini Rukmini


    employee, motivating potential score, autonomy status, public health center ABSTRAK Sejak diberlakukannya otonomi daerah tahun 2001, berbagai inovasi telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota, khususnya menyangkut pemberian decision space yang lebih luas kepada manajemen puskesmas dalam memenuhi tuntutan masyarakat akan pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan tingkatan otonomi pada puskesmas (decision space terhadap motivasi karyawan. Motivasi karyawan adalah terkait dengan konsep Motivating Potential Score, yang terdiri dari Skill Variety, Task Identity, Task Significance, Autonomy, dan Job Feedback. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan disain cross sectional, lokasi di Provinsi 0.1 Yogyakarta Kabupaten Sleman untuk Puskesmas Depok /I (tipe 150 dan Jawa Timur di Kabupaten Pasuruan yaitu Puskesmas Bangil (tipe swakelola dan Kota Blitar di Puskesmas Karangsari (tipe gratis pada bulan Mei-Desember 2009. Jumlah sampel karyawan puskesmas diambil secara proportional random to size di puskesmas yang diteliti. Analisis untuk menilai hubungan status otonomi puskesmas dengan motovasi karyawan, dilakukan uji ANOVA dan didukung dengan analisis data kualitatif dari hasil wawancara mendalam dengan kepala puskesmas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar motivasi karyawan puskesmas disetiap tipe status otonomi adalah kategori cukup, yaitu puskesmas 150 (62,5%, swakelola (72% dan gratis (75,7%, sedangkan hasil uji Anova menunjukkan bahwa F adalah 1,450 dan P value 0,240 (P> 0,05, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan motivasi karyawan di puskesmas, 150, swakelola dan gratis. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepala puskesmas harus mampu mendorong terbentuknya motivasi intrinsik yaitu menciptakan kepemimpinan (leadership yang memberi inspirarasi kepada karyawan dan lingkungan kerja yang mendukung, memberi kuasa pada karyawan dan menoeteqeslken pekerjaan yang berarti dan meningkatkan kompetensi

  20. Pengaruh Metode Demonstrasi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Pemeliharaan/servisSistem Pengapian Konvensional Siswa Kelas XI Semester Genap SMK Tamansiswa Yogyakarta TahunAjaran 2013/2014

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    Bahtiar Wilantara


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the method of demonstration effect is better than the lecture method of learning achievement maintenance / servicing of conventional ignition systems of SMK Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. This research was conducted at SMK Tamansiswa Yogyakarta in May and June 2014. This type of research is quasi-experimental. The population in this study are 61 students of class XI. The sampling technique using saturation sampling technique. Class XI was chosen from class A and class XI B controls selected as the experimental class. Data collection techniques learning achievement maintenance / servicing of conventional ignition system use a pretest and posttest. Test the validity of the instrument using the judgment experts. Before the items were used for the study, it has been previously tested in class XI C in April 2014. The reliability problem is obtained using the formula K - 20, the results of R11 = 0.933, p = 0.000, so the matter declared reliable. Data analysis techniques were calculated using t-test, prior to the trial to test the prerequisite analysis includes tests of normality and homogeneity tests. Descriptive research results show that the trend of learning achievement maintenance / servicing of conventional ignition systems of class XI student of SMK Tamansiswa Yogyakarta semester academic year 2013/2014 is taught using lecture method included in the medium category and the method of demonstration in the very high category. In the t-test obtained t = 20.200 and p = 0.000, for p < 0.005 means that there are significant differences of learning achievement maintenance / servicing of conventional ignition systems of class XI student of SMK Tamansiswa Yogyakarta semester 2013/2014 academic year. They are taught using the lecture method and demonstration method. Judging from the average hasi turns teaching methods using the method demonstration of 24.345 and 13.897 of the lecture method, this means the method of demonstration

  1. Dairy Cows Productivity and Socio-Economic Profile of Dairy Smallholder’s Communities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (United States)

    Widyobroto, B. P.; Rochijan; Noviandi, C. T.; Astuti, A.


    The objective of this field questionnaire survey was to describe the dairy cow productivity and socio-economic profile of dairy cattle farmers in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta smallholder farming communities which have been targeted dairy development policy. The study was conducted on 190 Friesian Holstein (FH) cows maintained under smallholder’s management system in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A total of 83 farmers were randomly selected and interviewed with structured questionnaire to assess the socio-economic dairy farmer and productivity performance of dairy cows. The number of dairy productivity performance within the normal. Shortages as well as high cost of feed, occurrence of disease, scarce information about feeding and high medicament cost were the main constraints which might have contributed considerably to delayed age at first service, late age at first calving, long calving interval, short lactation length and low milk production. Therefore, strategies designed to solve the existing problem should be important by involving all stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of improvement strategiesor dairy development policy was being implemented and necessary respect to environmental factors affecting agricultural activities such as a constraint on land use and access to water resources.

  2. Dai bisogni di salute al consumo di risorse sanitarie in provincia di Bergamo: profilo degli indicatori di bisogno, domanda, offerta

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    A. Zucchi


    Full Text Available

    Introduzione: la complessità interpretativa dei dati relativi ad alcuni fenomeni sanitari a livello territoriale impone la necessità di uno strumento semplice di lettura “epidemiologica”; tale lettura si fonda sull’utilizzo di una serie di “indicatori”, fondamenta di un processo dinamico di monitoraggio temporale e spaziale in grado di descrivere sinteticamente fenomeni di per sé complessi, al fine di fornire al decisore un supporto sintetico ma scientificamente solido.

    Obiettivi: istituzione di un sistema di monitoraggio sanitario community-based; definizione di indicatori sanitari comparabili tramite un esame critico dei dati esistenti; sviluppo di metodologie per la raccolta e la validazione dei dati; supporto alla creazione di un sistema efficace e affidabile di trasferimento e scambio dei dati e degli indicatori stessi con uso spinto della tecnologia telematica; elaborazione di metodi e di strumenti necessari alla produzione di analisi e relazioni.

    Materiali e metodi: gli indicatori analizzati fanno riferimento
    all’elenco definito dal decreto ministeriale n. 27 del 12 dicembre 2001 “sistema di garanzie per il monitoraggio dell’assistenza sanitaria”. A questo elenco ne sono stati aggiunti altri, per un totale di 127, divisi in grandi capitoli tematici: assistenza sanitaria, assistenza distrettuale, assistenza ospedaliera, indicatori stato di salute, consumo di risorse sanitarie (cui è stato dato particolare enfasi, indicatori di domanda/accessibilità. Per definire infine un
    profilo di sintesi di questi grandi capitoli e delle relative
    eterogeneità territoriali si è successivamente applicata la tecnica statistica dello “z-score”.
    Risultati: le differenze emerse a livello distrettuale hanno permesso di disegnare una ‘mappa’ degli indicatori sanitari in provincia di Bergamo.

    Conclusioni:i risultati di

  3. Inclusive Development through Providing Vertical Housing for Low Income Family in Yogyakarta Urban Areas

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    Rini Rachmawati


    Full Text Available Inclusive development is mean to accommodate the marginalized people, most of whom are the poor with problem of fulfilling their need of housing. The government has tried hard to meet the need of housing by constructing rusunawa. This paper is aimed at describing about the provision and uses of rusunawa, both in cities and peri urban area by studying the cases in the City of Yogyakarta, Sleman Regency, and Bantul Regency. The study was conducted by doing observation and both structured and in-depth interviews. The research results show that rusunawa was viewed as one solutions to help low-income family in fulfilling their need of housing. In some cases in the City of Yogyakarta, rusunawa plays an important role in preventing the settlement along both sides of rivers from becoming slum areas. Rusunawa in both Regencies of Sleman and Bantul are located near the city so it is easy for the settlers to get to their workplace. The construction of rusunawa has also paid attention to the disabled by providing special facilities. The same case is providing playground for children and facilities for early education for young kids. However, there have not been special facilities for the elderly and pregnant women.

  4. Redesign of Denggung Park as Sleman Urban Park based on Local Wisdom in Yogyakarta (United States)

    Sanjaya, I.; Fatimah, IS


    Sleman Regency is one of the administrative area in Special Region of Yogyakarta Province which has increased the pace of infrastructure development activities that undertaken by the central government affects another surrounding area. The pace of infrastructure development impacts such problems in Sleman Regency such as, increasingly limited public spaces and changes in understanding the value of local wisdom. Sleman Regency has a park located in central government which is Denggung Park. This park has low visitors and less of aesthetic value which require re-design to improve the quality as public space for cultural identity space. The base concept of Urban Park adopted the philosophy that connects to four components in Javanese mythology. The four components in Javanese mythology symbolize the journey of human life in the Javanese cosmological theory, there are Mount Merapi, Keraton, Krapyak Stage, and South seas. The design concept inspired from pattern of Yogyakarta traditional clothing namely, Batik Kawung which describe of Philosophy “Four of Brotherhood and Five of Central itself” by means synergize four items creating world nature and human as life catalyzer. This study uses descriptive and spatial analysis method. The result of this research is expected to be a design recommendation for Sleman Regency governance in the urban park development.

  5. Global Climate Change as Perceived by Elementary School Teachers in YOGYAKARTA , Indigenous Psychology Approach


    Arini, Aquilina Tanti; Ghazali, Ratna Juwita; Satiti, Arti; Mintarsih, Mintarsih; Yuniarti, Kwartarini W


    This study aimed to describe how the global climate change was perceived by teachers of elementary schools. The subjects were 111 teachers from 7 elementary schools in Yogyakarta City and Sleman district. The data were collected using open-ended questions (including perception about the weather, feeling evoked by global warming words and free responses related to global warming issues). The data were analyzed using the technique of qualitative and quantitative content analysis with Indigenous...

  6. Mereformasi Birokrasi dari Perspektif Sosio-Kultural: Inspirasi dari Kota Yogyakarta

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    Erisandi Arditama


    Full Text Available The issue of administration and working management are not the only matters of bureaucracy complexity. However, in Yogyakarta it is also about the internalization of palace cultural interest into it. Hence, this article offers socio-cultural perspective as an alternative one in studying the city’s bureaucracy reformation and is hopefully useful for larger scope of Indonesian bureaucracy. By initiating the idea of deconstructive frame work, this study analyzes the strategies of Yogyakarta’s current mayor in term of braking down priyayi’s values in the city’s bureaucracy. At last, this study emphasizes that good leadership exemplary is the major key to actualize an open bureaucracy and serving mission at the same time.

  7. Assessment of Intercomparison of Radionuclide Activity Measurement between P3KRBiN-BATAN and NMIJ/AIST-JAPAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nazaroh; Pujadi; Hermawan Candra; Ermi Juita; Holnisar


    On every radionuclide activity measurements or any measurements always contain uncertainties. The uncertainties come from standard source, equipment to be used, condition of measurements (background) and sample (measurement). Those elements should be taken into account in the measurement result evaluation. To know the result of activity measurement was in a good agreement or not, it can be done by intercomparison. A good result of a measurement if it was nearly with the result of international/primary laboratories measurements such as System Internationale de Reference (SIR)-Franch, National Metrology Institute of Japan- Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (NMIJ/AIST or Physikalisch Technische Bundes-anstalt (PTB) and the absolute value of E n should be less than 1. The result of intercomparison between Center for Research and Development of Radiation Safety and Nuclear Biomedicine (P3KRBiN) -BATAN and NMIJ/AIST were in a good agreement for activity measurement of 125 I (E n =0.193), 58 Co(E n =0.503), 88 Y(E n =0.035) and 59 Fe(E n =0.632), by using gamma spectrometry counting system (HPGe detector) and 166m Ho(E n =0.492), by using Merlin Gerin Ionization chamber. (author)

  8. Teaching religions in Indonesia Islamic Higher education: from comparative religion to Religious Studies

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    Media Zainul Bahri


    Full Text Available This article focuses on how the study of Comparative Religion conducted in Indonesian Islamic higher institutions, i.e. on both UIN Yogyakarta and Jakartasince the beginning of the New Order (1960s to Reform era (2014. The focus of the study was on models/approaches and main issues. In general, for more than half a century, the comparative study of religion is not been done for academic purposes an sich. Just within the new last decade that theoretical studies of Comparative Religion began developed. Another important thing that the study of Comparative Religion in Indonesia, although mostly referring to the methodological sources of the West and the Middle East, but ithas always been associated with religious and cultural context of Indonesia.Therefore, the study on both UIN Yogyakarta and Jakarta always deliver courseson religions that live in Indonesia alongside with Indonesian contemporary issues. In the reform era, though still using Comparative Religion’s term, butit looks religious studies such as used in the West. Thus, its “form” or “clothes”is Comparative Religion but it is religious studies. Artikel ini fokus pada bagaimana studi Perbandingan Agama yang dilakukan di lembaga-lembaga pendidikan tinggi Islam Indonesia, yaitu pada UIN Yogyakarta dan Jakarta sejak awal Orde Baru (1960 Reformasi era (2014. Fokus penelitian adalah pada model/pendekatan dan isu-isu utama. Secara umum, selama lebih dari setengah abad, studi perbandingan agama tidak dilakukan untuk tujuan akademik an sich. Hanya dalam dekade terakhir studi teoritis Perbandingan Agama mulai dikembangkan. Hal lain yang penting bahwa studi Perbandingan Agama di Indonesia, meskipun sebagian besar mengacu padasumber-sumber metodologi Barat dan Timur Tengah, tetapi selalu dikaitkan dengan konteks agama dan budaya Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian pada kedua UIN Yogyakarta dan Jakarta selalu memberikan kursus tentang agamayang hidup di Indonesia bersama dengan isu

  9. Techno-economic simulation data based deterministic and stochastic for product engineering research and development BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrus Zacharias; Abdul Jami


    Researches conducted by Batan's researchers have resulted in a number competences that can be used to produce goods and services, which will be applied to industrial sector. However, there are difficulties how to convey and utilize the R and D products into industrial sector. Evaluation results show that each research result should be completed with techno-economy analysis to obtain the feasibility of a product for industry. Further analysis on multy-product concept, in which one business can produce many main products, will be done. For this purpose, a software package simulating techno-economy I economic feasibility which uses deterministic and stochastic data (Monte Carlo method) was been carried out for multi-product including side product. The programming language used in Visual Basic Studio Net 2003 and SQL as data base processing software. This software applied sensitivity test to identify which investment criteria is sensitive for the prospective businesses. Performance test (trial test) has been conducted and the results are in line with the design requirement, such as investment feasibility and sensitivity displayed deterministically and stochastically. These result can be interpreted very well to support business decision. Validation has been performed using Microsoft Excel (for single product). The result of the trial test and validation show that this package is suitable for demands and is ready for use. (author)

  10. Perbedaan Fungsi-Fungsi Public Relations dalam Sosialisasi Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada “Kasus di KPUD Yogyakarta dan KPUD Bantul”

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    Emma Octavia Purwandari


    Full Text Available Abstract: This research attempts to analyze the differences of Public Relations (PR function in local election (Pilkada. Pilkada is a democratic process in Indonesia. Government needs big participation of society, as one successful point of pilkada is participation of society. Effort to bring public politics participation cannot be separate from politics socialization process. Socialization process is public attitude establishment and politics orientation process. Pilkada socialization carried out by KPUD (Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah as executor. To make an effective socialization to public, KPUD needs to use specific function called Public Relation. Communication activity between organization and its public divided into some part of PR function, including publicity, advertising, press agentry, lobbying, issue management, investor relation and public affair. Basically, implementation of PR function in the process of PILKADA may be different in each region. It becomes the reason why author want to compare KPUD Yogyakarta and Bantul. Governance system differences among both regions would affect in government’s socialization policy. Those differences depend on population, social classes, demographic condition and personal motivation. It is also effecting in PR function held by government, as in media and in society as target operation

  11. Il crowdfunding finalizzato al co-finanziamento di progetti di valorizzazione di complessi di elevato valore storico architettonico: il caso di “Torino Esposizioni”

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    Paola Marinò


    Full Text Available L’articolo affronta il tema del finanziamento degli interventi di restauro e riuso delle grandi architetture del ‘900, in un momento storico in cui le risorse finanziarie pubbliche sono sempre più scarse e difficili da reperire. La ricerca affronta la possibilità di ricorrere al crowdfunding attraverso il caso studio del progetto di “Torino Esposizioni”, un’architettura del ‘900, parzialmente utilizzata, in stato di degrado, nonostante sia riconosciuta dalla critica internazionale come un’opera di eccezionale valore. A partire dal Master Plan, messo a punto dal Politecnico di Torino in collaborazione con la Città di Torino, è stata simulata l’applicabilità del crowdfunding attraverso un’indagine che valuta la disponibilità a contribuire da parte dei potenziali fruitori del complesso di “Torino Esposizioni” e, quindi, a comprendere l’interesse dei cittadini nei confronti del valore storico del complesso di “Torino Esposizioni” e del progetto di riuso che dovrebbe valorizzarlo. Gli esiti della ricerca, nell’evidenziare un’inattesa scarsa disponibilità a contribuire al finanziamento collettivo del progetto, hanno messo in evidenza, non solo la scarsa conoscenza del crowdfunding come strumento di finanziamento, ma anche la scarsa consapevolezza del valore storico architettonico del patrimonio moderno della città di Torino, di cui “Torino Esposizioni” rappresenta un esempio eccezionale, seppur non l’unico.

  12. Definition of dose intensity (DI), average relative DI and effective DI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alberto, P.


    The cytotoxic activity of cancer chemotherapy is related to the dose and to the amount of drug delivered per time unit. the significance of time in the effectiveness of a treatment program is frequently overlooked. The term of dose intensity (DI) is used to define the drug dose delivered per time unit and is expressed as mg/m 2 per week. A delay in the sequence of treatment cycles decreases the DI in the DI in the same proportion as a reduction of dose. Average relative DI corresponds to the mean DI of combined agents and is expressed as a fraction of a similar combination selected as a standard. Di is useful to compare the dose actually received with the prescribed dose. The relation of DI with tumor response or survival has not been fully demonstrated. A threshold DI level for therapeutic activity is evident. Above this threshold, a linear relationship of DI and effectiveness is not obvious, particularly regarding high-dose chemotherapy. The term of DI is more useful in its principle than in the significance of its calculated value. (authors). 19 refs., 3 tabs., 3 figs

  13. Reti di città, mobilità e ambiente: il Preliminare di PTCP di Avellino

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    Carmela Gargiulo


    Full Text Available  L’articolo propone la lettura dei contenuti del Preliminare del PTCP di Avellino, un piano per molti aspetti innovativo, soprattutto per aver coniugato pianificazione di area vasta di tipo tradizionale e logica “strategica”. In particolare, l’articolo descrive idee guida, contenuti e strategie del piano orientate, prevalentemente, a stimolare lo sviluppo sostenibile di un’area in ritardo di sviluppo come la provincia irpina, attraverso la salvaguardia e valorizzazione delle risorse naturali e storico-culturali, la costruzione di reti di medie e piccole città e reti di mobilità alle diverse scale, da quella urbana a quella internazionale, e interventi sul sistema della mobilità. Nel 2004, ormai più di cinque anni fa, è stato adottato, a maggioranza assoluta (solo due gli astenuti, il Preliminare di Piano Territoriale di Coordinamento della Provincia di Avellino, dopo un lavoro di oltre due anni che ha visto impegnati gli uffici provinciali con due dipartimenti universitari. Il lavoro, che va ben oltre il significato e la valenza di un preliminare e che coniuga due pratiche di piano diverse (quella tradizionale e quella strategica ruota attorno a tre idee di fondo, tra loro strettamente interrelate, che costituiscono i criteri guida che finora ha inteso seguire la provincia di Avellino nell’attività di governo delle trasformazioni. Tali idee, quindi, costituiscono le fondamenta su cui è stato costruito il Preliminare e sono la griglia di specificazione delle strategie e degli obiettivi di piano. Esse sono alla base delle scelte elaborate per lo sviluppo compatibile del territorio, e sono riferibili alle azioni operative di trasformazione del territorio che gli Enti locali, cui è demandato tale compito, nel prossimo futuro dovranno affrontare. Le tre idee forza del Preliminare, descritte nel seguito, sono riferibili ai sistemi di risorse principali della provincia di Avellino, oggetto di una indagine analitico


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    Muhamad muhamad


    Full Text Available This study examines the extent of landscape ecology and attractiveness of the natural environment in the tourism area in the region north of Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta northern region has objects and natural tourism attractions of the venture capital in its tourism development footprint. The compatibility and attractiveness level of the environment is one of the most important factors to determine the region’s level of potential environmental compatibility and attractiveness, so that the characteristics and the distribution pattern of the attractiveness and harmony of nature in the tourism region can be known. The results showed that the landscape level of ecological harmony and the attractiveness of the environment after the 2010 eruption had a significant amount of the index. The higher the quality of the natural (physical environment and social (human and socioeconomic culture is, the higher the level of harmony and attractiveness of the region. Landscape ecology establishes harmony between the social component (population and the natural environment (bio-physical, suchthat they form a potential tourist attraction at the site of nature tourism in the region north of Yogyakarta.

  15. Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset TIK Studi Kasus: Asmi Santa Maria YOGYAKARTA


    Maryono, Y; Suyoto, Suyoto; Mudjihartono, Paulus


    . Analysis and Design of Communication and Information Technology Management Information System Case Study: Asmi Santa Maria Yogyakarta. The management of asset in ASMI Santa Maria has been done by MS Excel application. This application has limitations such as lack of detailed records of assets, difficulty doing complex calculations such as valuation of assets, limited access to others in need, and less able to handle the administration of information assets of items that can provide real-tim...

  16. Culture Development Planning in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (Management Planning of Cultural Heritage in Kotagede District based on Community Empowerment Conservation Model

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    Eko Suryanti


    Full Text Available The Special Region of Yogyakarta is a cultural rich city with excellent cultural resources. Yogyakarta should manage their assets with long-term planning to keep the sustainability. There is a very unique planning process due to a combination of political, technocratic, participatory, top down and bottom up approaches. This planning process is comprehensive or integrated because its involved many actor from multisectoral, multidisciplinary, multi regulatory, and multi planning documents, etc. Local wisdoms have been coloring the planning documents. This study describe and analyze the cultural development planning in Yogyakarta especially on the Management Planning in Kotagede Cultural Heritage District. We used qualitative descriptive approach methods and Miles and Huberman analysis methods. Participation of community and Non Governmental Organization (NGO in conservation planning of cultural heritage in this area is very significant in simplify the government task because people have been more literate in planning, have database of cultural assets, and capable of making their own decisions for the future of the region. Participatory rural appraisal (PRA dan Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA were integrated in the planning process of Kotagede Heritage District management, thus it becomes a model of cultural heritage with community empowerment-based conservation. Keywords: culture development planning, comprehensive planning, heritage cultural district, community empowerment-based conservation.


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    Sudibyo Supardi


    pharmacist assignment: (a District Health Office was aware of the need of pharmacist, but in panning pharmacist was not regarded as a priority compared to other health workers, (b the request for pharmacist was not based on the real organization needs resulted from the analysis of work burden such as regulated, (c limited formation given by BKN, and such that the assignment of health workers was not based on their competencies, ang (d Training of health personnel has not been done because of budget limitations. Key words: pharmacist, community health center, assignment policy ABSTRAK Dalam Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 51 tahun 2009 disebutkan pelayanan resep dokter di pelayanan kefarmasian (salah satunya puskesmas harus dilakukan oleh apoteker. Saat ini hanya 10% puskesmas yang memiliki apoteker. Belum diketahui bagaimana kebijakan penempatan apoteker di puskesmas dan permasalahan yang terkait penempatan apoteker di puskesmas. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan informasi tentang peran institusi daerah terkait dengan kebijakan penempatan apoteker di puskesmas dan hambatannya. Hasil penelitian diharapkan sebagai masukan bagi pihak yang terkait untuk meningkatkan jumlah dan peran apoteker di puskesmas. Penelitian potong lintang (cross sectional dengan pendekatan kualitatif dilakukan terhadap instansi daerah yang terkait dengan peran apoteker di puskesmas pada tahun 2011. Lokasi penelitian dipilih berdasarkan keberadaan perguruan tinggi farmasi yang terakreditasi A atau B di Pulau Jawa, dengan asumsi ketersediaan apoteker memadai untuk bekerja di puskesmas, yaitu Provinsi Banten, Jawa Barat, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur. Dari masing-masing provinsi diambil satu kota, yaitu Kota Tangerang, Kota Bandung, Kabupaten Bantul dan Kota Surabaya. Informan untuk wawancara mendalam adalah pejabat dari Dinkes Provinsi, Dinkes Kabupaten/Kota, Badan Kepegawaian daerah, dan Kepala Puskesmas. Sedangkan informan diskusi kelompok terarah adalah para apoteker yang mewakili Dinkes

  18. Economic impact studies on development project of New Yogyakarta International Airport to aquaculture in Kulonprogo Coastal (United States)

    Rachman, F.; Satriagasa, M. C.; Riasasi, W.


    New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) is being constructed in Temon Sub District, Kulonprogo District. It lies on 587.2 ha area in the southern part of Java Island coastal area. Many areas of Kulonprogro coastal area are used for aquaculture of vanname shrimp. In that case, the aquaculture land needs to be cleared for the airport construction necessity and requires compensation. The value of the compensation needs to be right calculated by both sides, regarding the aquaculture land are local community assets. This study uses spatial analysis and visual interpretation. Whereas, the calculation of the acquisition value and income capital value uses Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method. The result shows the area of aquaculture land which impacted to be cleared is 83 ha, means decreasing of shrimp ponds area in Temon Sub District, Kulonprogo District. The calculation of acquisition value for airport development indicates higher value than the income from the aquaculture activity. The results mean the aquaculture landlords do not incur losses due to the airport development project. These findings can be used for local government and related stakeholders to formulate a policy of aquaculture relocation and to estimate projection for aquaculture land suitability in Yogyakarta coastal area.


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    Full Text Available This study aims to identify potential urban farming commodities and develop urban agricultural production in order to realize food self-sufficiency in Yogyakarta City. The study used a qualitative and quantitative approach with Location Quotient analysis instrument, Dynamic Location Quotient, SWOT Analysis. Results: base area is Mergangsan, Ngampilan, Tegalrejo, Kotagede, Mantrijeron, Gondokusuman, Wirobrajan, Pakualaman, Umbulharjo, and Kraton. Non-base areas are sub-district Gedongtengen, Gondomanan, Danurejan, and Jetis. Areas that have the potential to develop faster are Mergangsan, Ngampilan, Kotagede, Danurejan, Gondokusuman and Jetis. Areas with slower development potential are Gedong Tengen, Gondomanan, Tegalrejo, Pakualaman, Mantrijeron, Wirobrajan, Umbulharjo, and Kraton. S-O Strategy is there are several sub-districts in the city of Yogyakarta have the strength of the economic base, so the potential to develop crops; optimizing the role of Field Agricultural Instructor. The W-O strategy is the promotion of farming and improvement of farm management. S-T strategy is to improve the quality of infrastructure and improve marketing efficiency. The W-T strategy is the expansion of market share; there are other nonagricultural businesses that are more promising.


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    R. Rijanta


    mendorong rumahtangga perdesaan mengalami depopulasi dan mengenali konsekuensi depopulasi perdesaan pada intensitas dan orientasi penggunaan lahan. Analisis statistic baik yang bersifat deskriptif maupun relasional akan dipergunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keruangan wilayah perdesaan di Kabupaten Bantul yang mengalami depopulasi berbentuk dua buah gugus, yaitu : (asatu gugus besar di wilayah dataran rendah yang meliputi Kecamatan Tirtohargo, Srigading, Bambanglipuro, Srandakan, Pundong, dan sebagian Imogiri dan (bsatu buah gugus kecil di sekitar Kecamatan Dlingo. Terdapat empat macam faktor yang menentukan fisik alamiah yang berupa kerentanan wilayah terhadap bencana alam banjir dan kekeringan, (b tingkat pendidikan masyarakat yang relatif tinggi, (cisolasi wilayah yang tercermin dari sulitnya interaksi dengan Kota Yogyakarta sebagai pusat penyedia kesempatan kerja non-pertanian serta, (dterjadinya migrasi keluar yang besar sebagai akibat dari sempitnya kemungkinan melakukan mobilitas non-permanen ke kota secara efisien. Depopulasi perdesaan pada tingkat rumahtangga terjadi karena rendahnya tingkat kelahiran dan kematian selama lima belas tahun terakhir disertai dengan tingkat migrasi keluar yang tinggi pula. Menurunnya jumlah absolut penduduk perdesaan pada tingkat rumahtangga ditangkap sebagai peluang untuk melonggarkan tekanan subsistensi dalam rangka menuju komersialiasi pertanian pada skala usaha yang amat kecil. Konsekuensinya depopulasi perdesaan tidak diikuti dengan penurunan tekanan penduduk atas lahan, tetapi sebaliknya justru diikuti dengan peningkatan intensitas tanam penggunaan masukan dan teknologi modern serta pemanfaatan tenaga kerja luar keluarga sebagai suplemen kecilnya jumlah tenaga kerja rumahtangga. Meskipun secara sosial-ekonomi depopulasi telah mampu mengantarkan masyarakat pada tingkat kesejahteraan yang lebih tinggi, namun keberlanjutan kegiatan komersialiasi ini perlu dipertanyakan.

  1. Le collezioni di Mammiferi del Museo Civico di Zoologia di Roma: una sintesi storica

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    Gloria Svampa


    Full Text Available Il Museo Civico di Zoologia di Roma è sorto nel 1932 all?interno del Giardino Zoologico dell?allora Governatorato di Roma, di cui ha condiviso la direzione tecnica ed amministrativa sino al 1998. Il nucleo centrale delle collezioni è costituito dal materiale di proprietà universitaria, di quello che fu il Museo di Zoologia della Regia Università, a sua volta diretto discendente delle collezioni del Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata del Pontificio Archiginnasio Romano. La quasi totalità degli esemplari tassidermizzati risale al periodo in cui l?Istituto di Zoologia fu diretto da Antonio Carruccio (1883-1914. Dal 1932, la collezione teriologica si è andata arricchendo, in particolare di materiale osteologico, soprattutto con acquisizioni provenienti dal Giardino Zoologico e da rare spedizioni scientifiche, come quella organizzata dal CNR nell?Alto Rio Negro del 1962-3, guidata da Ettore Biocca. Anche a causa del fatto che per molti anni il Museo è stato privo di curatori, mancano importanti collezioni teriologiche da studio, fatta eccezione per quella cetologica. In molti casi, singoli esemplari potenzialmente di grande valore scientifico, mancano di dati esatti sulla località di cattura. Nell?ambito di un programma di ricatalogazione della collezione recentemente intrapreso, particolare attenzione è stata posta all?acquisizione di tutti i dati legati alla storia dei singoli esemplari, rintracciabili attraverso i resoconti di viaggio dei singoli esploratori. Nel periodo universitario, infatti, il Museo della nuova capitale d?Italia fu oggetto di grande attenzione da parte di privati ed enti, a partire dai Savoia, che donarono le loro collezioni o il materiale raccolto durante le spedizioni effettuate. Il lavoro di revisione in corso sta mettendo in luce una serie di esemplari meritevoli di ulteriori, dettagliate ricerche. È probabile che molto del materiale del Museo, pervenuto a Roma attraverso donazioni della famiglia reale

  2. The Implementation of Scaffolding in Writing Recount Texts in SMP Joannes Bosco Yogyakarta

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    Tiara Maria Dewi


    Full Text Available In this research, scaffolding is implemented in English class of the 8th grade students of SMP Joannes Bosco Yogyakarta when they learn about recount text. This research aims to find out the process of how scaffolding is implemented and to know what the benefits of scaffolding in writing recount text. There were two research problems. The first was “How is scaffolding for the 8th grade students of SMP Joannes Bosco in writing a recount text?” and the second was “What are the benefits of scaffolding in writing a recount text in SMP Joannes Bosco Yogyakarta?” The writers conducted a descriptive qualitative research in this study. The data was gathered by interviewing the English teacher, writing on the field notes, distributing the questionnaires, and interviewing the students. Analyzing the students’ writings was used as the supplementary data to make the result stronger. The result of this study showed that the implementation of scaffolding gave benefits for the students. The benefits were challenging the students through deep learning and discovery, engaging the students in meaningful and dynamic discussions in the small and the large classes, and motivating the learners to become better students. In conclusion, scaffolding does give benefits for the students so that teachers are able to use scaffolding as one of the effective teaching techniques.   DOI:

  3. The Financial Management Practices of the Mosques in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

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    Muhammad Akhyar Adnan


    Full Text Available Objective – This study is trying to investigate the financial management of the Masjid (Mosques in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. Three main issues were focused: the amount of cash flow which include the balances on hand; the application of transparency and accountability principles in financial matters, and sound practice of financial management which include budgeting, strategic formulation and performance evaluation.Methods - The study is an exploratory in nature. The Special Region of Yogyakarta consists of four counties and one city (municipality. 50 Mosques have been selected as the samples. Each county / city is represented by 10 Mosques. They are selected using sampling method. The simple descriptive analysis is conducted on the data collected.Results - Based on the data analysis, the study found that there is a significant cash flow of those selected samples, dominated by Infaq / Sodaqoh. Few Mosques recognized that they also receive Zakah and Waqaf fund.Conclusion - Generally the Mosque Management have applied the principles of transparency and accountability in the form recording, although their skill in doing so needs to be improved. However, a significant number of Mosques Management have not yet set the strategic formulation, as well as budgeting process to realize the budget and its evaluation. Keywords : Cash Flow, Financial Management, Mosque

  4. Numerical Modeling of 3D Seismic Wave Propagation around Yogyakarta, the Southern Part of Central Java, Indonesia, Using Spectral-Element Method on MPI-GPU Cluster (United States)

    Sudarmaji; Rudianto, Indra; Eka Nurcahya, Budi


    A strong tectonic earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 Richter scale has been occurred in Yogyakarta and Central Java on May 26, 2006. The earthquake has caused severe damage in Yogyakarta and the southern part of Central Java, Indonesia. The understanding of seismic response of earthquake among ground shaking and the level of building damage is important. We present numerical modeling of 3D seismic wave propagation around Yogyakarta and the southern part of Central Java using spectral-element method on MPI-GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) computer cluster to observe its seismic response due to the earthquake. The homogeneous 3D realistic model is generated with detailed topography surface. The influences of free surface topography and layer discontinuity of the 3D model among the seismic response are observed. The seismic wave field is discretized using spectral-element method. The spectral-element method is solved on a mesh of hexahedral elements that is adapted to the free surface topography and the internal discontinuity of the model. To increase the data processing capabilities, the simulation is performed on a GPU cluster with implementation of MPI (Message Passing Interface).

  5. Identification of Technical Requirement for Improving Quality of Local Online Food Delivery Service in Yogyakarta


    Elvandari, , Cecilia Desvita Ratna; Sukartiko, Anggoro Cahyo; Nugrahini, Arita Dewi


    Increased internet usage and fast-paced consumer’s demands have created business opportunities, including online food delivery services. However, competition with similar national-scale businesses allegedly contributed to the decline in the number of XYZ company orders, one of the food-delivery service providers in Yogyakarta. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the need’s attributes of the daring food delivery service consumers, to find out the service-quality satisfaction level, and to ...

  6. Estimation of underground structure at Prambanan area, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thein, Pyi Soe, E-mail: [Geology Department, Yangon University, Yangon (Myanmar); Geological Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (Indonesia); Pramumijoyo, Subagyo; Wilopo, Wahyu; Husein, Salahuddin; Setianto, Agung [Geological Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (Indonesia); Brotopuspito, Kirbani Sri [Physics Department, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (Indonesia); Kiyono, Junji [Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto (Japan)


    In this study, we investigated the underground structure at Prambanan area, Yogyakarta. We performed single observations of microtremor at 124 sites in Prambanan area. The results enabled us to estimate the site-dependent shaking characteristics of earthquake ground motion. We also conducted 2-site bore holes investigation to gain a representative determination of the soil condition of subsurface structures in Prambanan. From the SPT of borehole observations, the prambanan area corresponds to relatively soil condition with Vs ≤ 298 m/s, the predominant periods due to horizontal vertical ratios (HVSRs) are in the range of 0.48 to 1.19 s and the frequency are in the range of 0.95 to 1.92 Hz. By making these observations, we can obtain a relationship between the predominant periods, frequency and distribution of the first layer thickness of the sediment.

  7. Los batanes hidráulicos de la cuenca del Guadalquivir a fines de la Edad Media. Explotación y equipamiento técnico

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    Cordóba de la Llave, Ricardo


    Full Text Available This paper aims to be a technological analysis of the waterpowered fulling mills working in the Guadalquivir basin in the Late Middle Ages. After briefl y reviewing the process of fulling woollen cloth, this paper focuses on the discussion about the origin and spread of fulling mills in Europe and the Iberian Peninsula. It then describes the features of their architecture and it looks at the places where they were located on the most important rivers of the basin. The main chapter is devoted to studying how they worked, analyzing the systems used for making better use of water-power (dams, channels, vertical water wheels and camshafts and the various components or pieces of machinery (castle, beams, triphammers, stack. The study ends with a brief refl ection on the technology used in the mills.

    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el análisis tecnológico de los batanes hidráulicos que funcionaron en la cuenca del Guadalquivir a fi nes de la Edad Media. Tras repasar brevemente el proceso de abatanado de los paños de lana, el artículo se centra en la discusión acerca del origen y difusión del batán hidráulico en Europa y en la Península Ibérica. A continuación se describen los rasgos de su arquitectura y se exponen los lugares donde se ubicaron en los ríos más importantes de la cuenca. El capítulo principal es el dedicado a estudiar su funcionamiento, analizando los sistemas empleados para el aprovechamiento de la energía hidráulica (presas, canales, ruedas hidráulicas y árbol de levas y los diversos componentes o piezas de la maquinaria (castillo, astiles, mazos, pila. Una breve refl exión sobre la pervivencia a lo largo de los siglos de la tecnología utilizada en los batanes cierra el trabajo.

  8. Implementasi Makerspace di Perpustakaan Kota Yogyakarta

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    Annisa Rohmawati


    Full Text Available This article presents about a work produced by a society, which aims to train skills and add creativity. Makerspace is one person's or group's activities in producing a work. Works created new works or can be either recycle materials you have available. Works created new works or can be either recycle materials you have available. The city library is one of the libraries that have leveraged makerspace as regular activity in filling the holiday for children. There were taught how to make unique items made of unused materials and also made paintings that were created together. Enthusiasm of children is very high, they are very happy and enjoy the activities. To that end the need for activities in the library to add makerspace knowledge and hone skills for children. At the same time it is important to add to the attractiveness of the child to come to the library.


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    Endar Subekti


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study are (1 to describe the effectiveness of think-talk-write teaching method toward learning achievement of mechanical machining lathe, (2 to describe the effectiveness of demonstration teaching method toward learning achievement of mechanical machining lathe, and (3 the teaching methods that are more effective between think-talk-write and demonstration among the eleventh grade students of vocational high school Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques used observation and test. Hypothesis testing used descriptive analysis and t test that was started by using normality and homogeny test. This study shows that (1 think-talk-write teaching improved learning achievement of mechanical machining lathe among the eleventh grade students of vocational high school Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta with the average score 15.29. (2 Demonstration teaching improved learning achievement of mechanical machining lathe among the eleventh grade students of vocational high school Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta with the average score 13.13. (3 Based on the result of analysis, the score of tobs = 2.152 > ttable = 2.042 with the significant score 0.035 < 0.05, the mean score of learning achievement by using  think-talk-write teaching method was 15.29, and the mean score of learning achievement by using  demonstration teaching method was 13.13. Based on those mean scores, it could be concluded that the use of think-talk-write teaching method was higher that demonstration teaching method, it means that of think-talk-write teaching method was more effective that demonstration teaching method.

  10. A Participatory Evacuation Map Making Towards Sustainable Urban Heritage Kotagede, Yogyakarta

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    Dyah R Hizbaron


    Full Text Available This research aims at development of Participatory Evacuation Map Making (PEMM for Kotagede, Yogyakarta – Indonesia. The research area is one of an important cultural heritage sites in Indonesia which is subjected towards earthquake hazard. The preliminary observation revealed that the area is a densely populated area, which characterized by dense wooden building structure, narrow street and minimum information of evacuation route which increase their vulnerability potentials. This leads to the idea of developing the PEMM to improve their awareness and preparedness during disaster events and creates sustainable condition for local livelihood security. The method develops within this research is actually a lesson learn from Ritsumeikan University, that has developed CSR for integration disaster management into heritage sites at Kyoto Prefecture. Their CSR covers several activities such as developing disaster information via vending machine and tourism map. Since Yogyakarta and Kyoto are engaged in “Sister City Development Program”, hereafter Universitas Gadjah Mada tries to do similar thing. Map making is an alternative prior to community experience in map making is rather frequent compare to vending machine habit. The preliminary finding of this research indicates that the Kotagede community has been involved in several map making activity, such as “Green Map” and “Rehabilitation Sites Map”.  However, they have not yet any experience to create any map which includes information such as evacuation route, fire extinguisher, shelter information center and important meeting points. An improved critics from this research is to include meeting points level. As we all aware off, each meeting point have significant carrying capacity, thereby in the future a research on similar topics should add level and or category of meeting points. This is an important steppingstone for the research to conduct further research.

  11. Measuring the usability of e-banking in Special Region of Yogyakarta

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    Hadyanawati Anindyya Agripina


    Full Text Available Online shopping is become an option because customers do not need to go to the store. Internet banking is a bank facility to help customers in common. This research is aim to know usability aspect of e-commerce banking. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires in Yogyakarta Special Region. The number of respondents is 140 with the range of age 17-22 years. Anova is used as method research. The results showed that in each group show significantly different. Post hoc analysis explained that learnability and efficiency variable has significantly different, with value p<0,05. The highest average value is in the learnability variable and the lowest is the memorability variable.


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    Lestari .


    . PROSIDING Seminar Hasil Litbang Hasil Hutan 2006 : 130-148: Bogor Hidayat, Husnul. (2014. Konteks Ekologi Kota Tepian Sungai dalam Perspektif Lokalitas Bahan Bangunan. Membangun Karakter Kota Berbasis Lokalitas. Architecture Event 2014 Hidayati, Zakiah. (2012. Sistem Struktur dan Konstruksi Bangunan Vernakula Rumah Suku Kutai Tenggarong, Kalimantan Timur . JURNAL EKSIS Vol.8 No.1, Mar 2012: 2001 – 2181 Khaliesh, Hamdil., Indah Widiastuti., Bambang Setia Budi. (2012. Karakteristik Permukiman Tepian Sungai Kampung Beting di  Kota Pontianak. Prosseding Temu Ilmiah IPLBI 2012. Bandung Ningsih, Deffi Surya., Za’aziza Ridha Julia., Larissa Hilmi., Leo Darmi. (2016. Rayap Kayu (Isoptera Pada Rumah-Rumah Adat Minangkabau Di Sumatera Barat diakses online pada pada tanggal 28 September 2016 Puspantoro, Ign Benny, Ir. (2005. Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung : Sambungan Kayu Pintu Jendela. Penerbit Andi : Yogyakarta Zain, Zairin. (2012. Pengaruh Aspek Eksternal pada Rumah Melayu Tradisional di kota Sambas. Jurnal NALARSs Vol 11 No. 2 Juli 2012 .Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta. Jakarta Zain, Zairin., Indra Wahyu Fajar. (2014. Tahapan Konstruksi Rumah Tradisional Suku Melayu di Kota Sambas Kalimantan Barat. Jurnal Langkau Betang Vol 1 No. 1 2014 . Universitas Tanjungpura. Pontianak


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    Mega Ardina


    Full Text Available Tingginya angka perilaku seks pranikah berimbas pada bertambahnya jumlah pengidap HIV/AIDS, aborsi, kematian ibu dan bayi, serta permasalahan lainnya. Penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai opini mahasiswa terhadap perilaku seks pranikah di Yogyakarta dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode dasar yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan mixed methods, dan strategi eksplanatoris sekuensial. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 60 mahasiwa di Yogyakarta secara random. Analisis data secara kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan software SPSS 16.0 dan sebagai pelengkap pembahasan dilakukan analisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap opini mahasiswa adalah sikap mahasiswa terhadap perilaku seks pranikah, keluarga, dan media. Dari tiga faktor yang berpengaruh tersebut, yang memiliki pengaruh positif paling tinggi kepada opini mahasiswa adalah keluarga.Kata kunci: Opini, mahasiswa, perilaku seks pranikah

  14. TIMBULAN SAMPAH B3 RUMAHTANGGA DAN POTENSI DAMPAK KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN DI KABUPATEN SLEMAN, YOGYAKARTA (Generation of Household Hazardous Solid Waste and Potential Impacts on Environmental Health in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta

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    Iswanto Iswanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sampah rumahtangga yang mengandung Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3 seperti baterai, lampu listrik, elektronik, kemasan pestisida, pemutih pakaian, pembersih lantai, cat, kaleng bertekanan (aerosol, sisa obat-obatan, termometer dan jarum suntik berpotensi mengancam kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. Meskipun kuantitas sampah B3 rumahtangga (SB3-RT di Kabupaten Sleman hanya 2,44 g/orang/hari atau sekitar 0,488% dari sampah domestik, tetapi karena memiliki karakteristik mudah meledak, mudah terbakar, reaktif, beracun, infeksius dan/atau korosif maka sangat membahayakan bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan (air, tanah, udara. Sampai saat ini, SB3-RT di Kabupaten Sleman masih ditangani seperti layaknya sampah domestik, yaitu dibakar, dibuang ke sungai, ditimbun di pekarangan, dibuang ke tempat pembuangan sampah ilegal atau dibuang ke Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA Piyungan. Jenis SB3-RT yang banyak ditemukan adalah sampah elektronik (24,91%, lampu listrik bekas (18,08% dan baterai bekas (16,71%. Ketiga jenis sampah tersebut mengandung berbagai unsur logam berat seperti Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, As, Ni, Co, Zn, Cu, Al, Mn, Li, Sb dan Fe yang umumnya bersifat toksik, karsinogenik dan akumulatif yang dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia secara langsung atau melalui rantai makanan. Pemaparan bahan berbahaya beracun (B3 dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada berbagai jaringan/organ tubuh pada masyarakat sekitar tempat pembuangan, petugas sampah, pemulung, pengepul, pemanfaat dan pelaku daur ulang SB3-RT. Oleh karena itu SB3-RT perlu dikelola sebagaimana mestinya sesuai dengan sifat dan karakteristiknya.   ABSTRACT Household solid waste containing hazardous and toxic materials such as batteries, electric light, electronics, pesticides, bleach, cleaner, paint, pressurized cans (aerosol, unused medicines, thermometers and syringes can threaten human and environment. Although the quantity of Household Hazardous Solid Waste (HHSW in Sleman Regency only 2.44 g/person/day or

  15. Persepsi tentang Seks Pranikah pada Remaja Putri yang Bertempat Tinggal di Kos dan di Rumah di Kasihan, Bantul


    Umi Nur Isnaini; Dewi Astiti; Dyah Pradnya Paramita


    Premarital sex now already spread among adolescent, it makes adolescent not taboo anymore with sex. The results of recording by office of religious in Kasihan showed an increase in marriage among an early age, from 15 adolescent couples in January to October, 16 adolescent couples in November and 33 adolescent couples in December. The perception of premarital sex in adolescent should be known to raise awareness and to increase the high number of premarital sex in Yogyakarta. This study was ai...

  16. Applicazione delle linee guida nazionali nell'attivitá di notifica di casi di legionellosi

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    E. Corsano


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: é noto che effettuare diagnosi di Legionellosi risulta difficile a causa della sovrapposizione della sintomatologia con altre forme di polmonite. Questo spiega, in parte, perché i casi di Legionellosi siano sottostimati. I metodi diagnostici disponibili, sebbene richiedano tempi relativamente lunghi, sono necessari per l’esatta stima di prevalenza della Legionellosi e per gli eventuali interventi preventivi.

    Metodi: nell’Azienda Ospedaliera “G. Panico” di Tricase, seguendo i criteri delle Linee Guida della Legionellosi (G.U. 5 maggio 2000 n. 103 durante la degenza dei pazienti che presentavano segni clinici ed obiettivi di polmonite sono state eseguite indagini radiologiche (Rx Torace, TAC, esami di laboratorio (espettorato, sangue, urina ed avviata terapia antibiotica (macrolidi e cefalosporine di III generazione. L’antigene urinario e le IgG anti-Legionella (metodo IFA, sono stati determinati in collaborazione con il Laboratorio di riferimento Regionale.

    Risultati: nel periodo ottobre 2001 gennaio 2003 sono stati notificati nel nostro ospedale 11 casi di Legionellosi accertati da indagini clinico-strumentali e di laboratorio: tutti i casi avevano titoli anticorpali abbastanza elevati, confermati poi da un secondo controllo a distanza di tempo. Solo due hanno presentato una positività per l’antigene urinario. All’atto della dimissione, per il 63.6% dei casi è stato documentato un miglioramento delle condizioni clinico-laboratoristico-strumentali, nel 18.2% si è avuta una effettiva guarigione. La letalità è stata pari al 18.2%. In tutti casi si è provveduto alla sorveglianza ambientale.

    Considerazioni: i nostri dati evidenziano che i casi di Legionellosi registrati sono stati tutti di tipo comunitario. Una corretta applicazione delle Linee Guida nel sistema di notifica permette l’avvio dell’attività di prevenzione oltre

  17. Tinjauan Kritis Terhadap Implementasi Iso 9000


    Purnama, Nursya’bani


    ISO 9000 telah diterima secara luas sebagai acuan sistem manajemen kualitas dan penjaminan kualitas. Perusahaan-Perusahaan yang memperoleh sertifikasi ISO dari tahun ke ke tahun mengalami pertumbu¬han yang pesat. Dengan implementasi dan memperoleh sertifikasi ISO 9000, banyak Perusahaan di dunia mem¬peroleh peningkatan kinerja. Meskipun demikian, implementasi ISO 9000 juga dihadapkan pada sejumlah ham¬batan. Implementasi ISO 9000 seringkali dikaitkan dengan Total Quality Management (TQM). Ban...

  18. Kajian Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Bengkel di Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Fakultas Teknik Uny

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    Nur Hidayat


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to analyse: (1 the plan (2 the implementation, and (3 the evaluation of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH management in the workshop of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (YSU. This study was categorised into descriptive study that scientifically explained the workplace environment of the workshop specifically in terms of the OSH management. The data collection techniques used observations, interviews and questionnaires. The data of this study was analysed descriptively. This study presented the detailed descriptions of the collected data in the field. The results revealed (1 It is crucial to develop a more systematic OSH management plan in the workshop of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education, Faculty of Engineering, YSU (2 the planning policies and the implementation of the OSH management need a continual improvement  and (3 the evaluation of the OSH management should be conducted simultaneously by the stakeholders, the lecturers and the technicians. (4 The OSH policy in the practices should be properly organised to promote the OSH culture in the workshop. (5 The OSH management control and review were prioritised for fostering the effectiveness of the OSH management implementation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan  evaluasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3 di Bengkel Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan FT UNY. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif (descriptive reasearch yang memaparkan secara ilmiah keadaan di lingkungan bengkel khususnya mengenai aspek K3. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan secara detail terhadap apa yang ditemukan dalam pengambilan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa

  19. Pertanyaan dan nasihat dokter untuk konsumsi sayur dan buah: penelitian potong lintang pada 10 puskesmas di Yogyakarta dan Sleman

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    Yayi Suryo Prabandari


    Full Text Available Background: Mortality caused by noncommunicable disease (NCD has increased in the last ten years in Indonesia in line with the elevation of NCD prevalence. The NCD mortality and prevalence can be prevented by practicing a healthy lifestyle. One of a healthy lifestyle is adequate vegetable and fruit consumption that unfortunately was still far from expectation in the Basic Health Survey 2007 and 2010. Puskesmas as primary health care should anticipate the problem by encouraging doctor to routinely ask and educate on a healthy lifestyle. Objective: This study aimed to assess physician ask and advice on vegetable and fruit consumption based on patient and physician report. Method: Two hundred and fifty-one patients from primary health care (Puskesmas in Yogyakarta City and Sleman District participated in this cross-sectional survey. Subsequently, a survey of 57 physicians was conducted. Data were collected by structured questionnaires and exit interviews. We analyzed the data using Chi-Square test and logistic regression. Results: The results showed that patients have been asked and advice about vegetable and fruit consumption. However, the proportion of physician report was higher than the proportion of patient’s report. Patient who had gastrointestinal disorder, had body weight problem, suffered from diabetics and cardiovascular diseases were more being asked and educated about vegetable and fruit consumption than other symptoms or diseases. Patients who were female, not married and did not eat vegetable and fruit everyday reported more being asked and advised by doctor on fruit and vegetable consumption than patients who were male, married and did not regularly eat fruit and vegetable. There was no difference of patient’ s perception of the relation between their disease and fruit and vegetables consumption based on characteristics, symptoms, disease and the frequency of eating fruit and vegetable. Conclusion: Primary health care physician

  20. Berat badan lahir rendah berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan

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    Yeyen Supriyanto


    yang rendah. Prevalensi balita stunting di Indonesia mencapai 37,2%, sementara di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY sebesar 27%, di Kabupaten Bantul sebesar 18,08%. Bayi BBLR memiliki kesempatan hidup dan ketika bertahan mereka mudah terkena penyakit, retardasi pertumbuhan dan gangguan perkembangan mental. Statistik menunjukan bahwa 90% dari kejadian BBLR didapatkan di negara berkembang dan angka kematian 35 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada bayi dengan bayi berat badan lahir lebih dari 2.500 gram. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara BBLR dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan di Kecamatan Sedayu Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah orang tua dan anak yang berumur 6-23 bulan yang berjumlah 1217 responden. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 190 yang diambil dengan teknik proporsional probability to size yaitu prosedur penarikan sampel dimana peluang terpilihnya suatu unit sampel sebanding dengan ukuran. Data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik chi-square.Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis Chi-Square menunjukkan anak yang BBLR memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian stunting (p value <0,000 dengan nilai OR 6,16 (95% Cl: 3,007-12,656, dengan kata lain anak yang lahir dengan berpeluang 6,16 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami stunting dari pada anak yang memiliki berat badan lahir normal. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara BBLR dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan di Kecamatan Sedayu Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. KATA KUNCI: stunting, berat badan bayi lahir rendah (BBLR, anak usia 6-23 bulan 

  1. PERAN SIKAP DALAM MEMEDIASI PENGARUH PENGETAHUAN TERHADAP PERILAKU MINIMISASI SAMPAH PADA MASYARAKAT TERBAN, YOGYAKARTA (The Role of Attitude to Mediate The Effect of Knowledge on People’s Waste Minimization Behaviour in Terban, Yogyakarta

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    Hanif Akhtar


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kondisi lingkungan hidup di Indonesia saat ini dalam kondisi yang memprihatinkan. Sebagian besar masalah lingkungan ini diakibatkan oleh perilaku manusia. Salah satu cara untuk memecahkan masalah ini adalah dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang lingkungan yang kemudian akan diteruskan menjadi perilaku peduli lingkungan. Akan tetapi, hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan yang sudah baik tidak sejalan dengan perilaku peduli lingkungan. Sikap memegang peran penting dalam meningkatkan perilaku peduli lingkungan. Penelitian ini fokus pada salah satu perilaku peduli lingkungan yakni perilaku minimisasi sampah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku minimisasi. Penelitian dilakukan di Kelurahan Terban, RW 02 dan RW 11 selama bulan Januari sampai Februari 2014 dengan jumlah subjek sebanyak 105. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, dengan menggunakan tiga skala, yakni skala perilaku minimisasi sampah, skala sikap terhadap minimisasi sampah, dan skala pengetahuan tentang minimisasi sampah. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi model analisis jalur, sedangkan uji pengaruh mediasi menggunakan Sobel Test. Analisis efek tidak langsung menunjukkan nilai efek tidak langsung sebesar 0,742 dengan z=3,42 dan p<0,01. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya efek tidak langsung pengetahuan terhadap perilaku minimisasi sampah melalui sikap terhadap minimisasi sampah. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan sikap terhadap minimisasi sampah memediasi pengaruh pengetahuan terhadap perilaku minimisasi sampah. ABSTRACT Environmental quality in Indonesia today is in poor condition. Many of these problems root in human behaviour. One way to solve this problem is by increasing people’s environmental knowledge which is translated into pro-environmental behaviour. However, empirical evidence showed that high level of environmental knowledge is not always followed by high level of environmental

  2. Elementi di interfaccia per l’analisi di strutture murarie

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    Jessica Toti


    Full Text Available Il presente articolo riguarda la modellazione del comportamento meccanico di elementi in muratura intesi come sistemi eterogenei composti da malta, blocchi ed interfacce di connessione. La strategiacomputazionale che viene adottata consiste nel modellare separatamente i blocchi, i letti di malta ed le interfacce responsabili di fenomeni di decoesione malta-blocco; a tale scopo, si propone uno speciale modello di interfaccia che combina il danneggiamento con l’attrito. Si sviluppa una procedura numerica, basata sull’algoritmo backward di Eulero, per risolvere il problema evolutivo; per il passo temporale si utilizza invece la tecnica predictor-corrector a controllo di spostamenti. Si effettuano alcune applicazioni numeriche con lo scopodi verificare la capacità del modello e dell’algoritmo proposto nel riprodurre la risposta non lineare della muratura dovuta a fenomeni di degrado localizzati. Infine, si conduce lo studio della modellazione di un arco murario, confrontando i risultati numerici con quelli sperimentali; si dimostra la abilità del modello proposto nel simulare il comportamento globale della struttura ad arco in termini di carico ultimo e di meccanismo di collasso.

  3. Upaya Peningkatan Status Gizi Balita Malnutrisi Akut Berat Melalui Program Home Care

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    Fitri Haryanti


    Full Text Available Malnutrisi pada balita masih merupakan permasalahan di Indonesia termasuk di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan indikator berat badan menurut tinggi badan, 2,6% balita mengalami malnutrisi akut berat. Pada beberapa dekade terakhir, telah terjadi pergeseran paradigma dalam penanganan balita malnutrisi, yang sebelumnya berbasis pendekatan fasilitas kesehatan bergeser menjadi pendekatan berbasis komunitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh program home care terhadap peningkatan status gizi balita malnutrisi pada anak usia 6-60 bulan. Penelitian menggunakan desain kuasi eksperimen dengan pretest dan posttest control group melalui tiga tahap pendampingan yaitu intensif, mandiri, dan penguatan dengan pendekatan asuhan keperawatan. Sampel adalah 56 balita malnutrisi akut di dua wilayah, yaitu 33 balita di Kota Yogyakarta (eksperimen dan 23 balita di Kabupaten Sleman (kontrol dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling. Intervensi home care diberikan selama tiga 3 bulan (Januari sampai Maret 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan setelah program home care, terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada status gizi balita (p < 0,05. Pada akhir intervensi, terjadi penurunan kejadian malnutrisi akut berat dari 100% menjadi 56,7% (p < 0,05. Improving Nutritional Status of Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition Through Home Care Program Children undernutrition is still an issue in Indonesia, including in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Based on weight for height indicator, 2.6% children experience severe acute malnutrition. In the last few decades, there has been a paradigm shift in the management of acute malnutrition from a facility- based to community-centered approach. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of home care intervention on the improvement of nutritional status of severe acute malnutrition children aged 6-60 months. This study was designed with quasi-experimental and pretest-posttest control

  4. Lezioni di meccanica razionale con elementi di statica grafica

    CERN Document Server

    Sbrana, Francesco


    Elementi di calcolo vettoriale ; riduzione di un sistema qualunque di vettori applicati ; trattazione analitica dei sistemi di vettori applicati ; uso dei poligni funicolari per la composizione di più vettori applicati complanari ; vettori variabili ; cinematica del punto ; studio del moto di un punto in un piano in coordinate polari ; cinematica de sistemi rigidi ; moto di un sistema rigido con un punto fisso (moto rigido sferico) ; moto relativo ; sistemi di punti in general, vincoli ; concetti e postulati fondamentali della meccanica ; unità mecchaniche, omogeneità, modelli ; equilibrio di un punto e di un sistema di punti materiali ; statica dei solidi indeformabili (sistemi rigidi) ; sistemi deformabili, travature reticolari ; equilibrio dei poligoni funicolari e delle curve funicolari ; nozioni sull'attrito ; integrazione grafica ; baricentri ; momenti d'inerzia ; calcolo grafico dei momenti statici e dei momenti d'inerzia dei sistemi piani ; dinamica del punto libero ; dinamica del punto vincolato ;...

  5. Determination dimension and technical specification of the cylindrical pneumatics for the tote movement on multipurpose the gamma irradiator BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muhammad Subhan; Ari Satmoko


    BATAN develops irradiator gamma category IV in cooperation with IZOTOP (Hungary). Transportation technology products that will be developed uses rail system to pool. Products that will be irradiated are put into tote then placed on the transportation rail, when tote has been in irradiated room tote enters into irradiated rack. The movement of the tote during on irradiated rack will be driven by the pneumatic system. Based on data from Isotop there are 14 cylindrical pneumatics that are in the irradiated room. Through the results analysis then used double acting cylinder type from the Festo pneumatics catalog. Through the results calculation that the force used on all types of cylinders for movement tote still much smaller than of force bent permitted. Beside that there are 4 group a pneumatic have common specifications they are group one cylindrical C1, C3, C12 and C14 they are group two cylindrical C2, C4, C11, and C13 they are group three cylindrical C7, C9, C15 and C17 they are group four cylindrical C10 and C17. (author)

  6. Studio del comportamento di agenti di contrasto in campi ultracustici per tecniche di ecografia diagnostica




    Il presente lavoro di ricerca è stato articolato intorno a temi attinenti l’ingegneria biomedica, riguardando, in particolare, lo studio del comportamento di agenti di contrasto in campi ultracustici per tecniche di ecografia diagnostica. Nell’ambito di tale settore scientifico, un ruolo di fondamentale importanza è svolto dalla diagnostica medica per immagini e in particolare dalle tecniche ecografiche. Queste ultime rappresentano un ottimo compromesso tra la pericolosità per l’organismo e l...

  7. Los principios de Yogyakarta: derechos humanos al servicio de la ideología de género




    Los Principios de Yogyakarta (2007) tienen como fin la aplicación de los derechos humanos en relación con la "orientación sexual" y la "identidad de género". El presente artículo pretende clarificar su significado e ideología, origen, carácter y objetivo -puesto que son en gran parte ocultados-, así como su poderosa influencia en España.

  8. Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Domestik

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    Surahma Asti Mulasari


    Full Text Available Sampah berpotensi menciptakan masalah kesehatan lingkungan. Pemerintah mengupayakan berbagai kebijakan pengelolaan sampah seperti pelayanan sampah dan memberdayakan masyarakat untuk mengelola sampah secara mandiri. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kebijakan pemerintah dalam mengelola sampah domestik di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY, perubahan kualitas lingkungan dan masyarakat akibat kebijakan pengelolaan sampah, dan untuk mengetahui metode pemantauan dan pengelolaan sampah yang ada di DIY. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Fenomena yang menjadi studi dalam penelitian ini adalah kebijakan pengelolaan sampah di DIY. Permasalahan sampah yang ada di DIY adalah cakupan pelayanan pemerintah kabupaten yang masih sangat rendah, kecuali Kota Yogyakarta (90%. Sampah terangkut ke tempat pembuangan akhir masih rendah dibandingkan volume sampah yang dihasilkan. Kebijakan untuk pengelolaan sampah adalah di seluruh kabupaten/kota DIY telah terbentuk badan/unit yang bertanggung jawab mengelola sampah. Perubahan kualitas lingkungan dan masyarakat adalah lingkungan dan jalan menjadi bersih, asri, dan nyaman. Metode pemantauan dan evaluasi kebijakan pengelolaan sampah di DIY belum dituangkan dalam prosedur baku. Permasalahan sampah sudah menjadi perhatian bagi pemerintah daerah DIY. Kebijakan telah didukung dengan program layanan, proyek, regulasi, dan insentif khusus untuk pengelolaan sampah. Waste had great potential in creating environmental health issues. The government had tried various ways of waste management policy such as waste management services and people empowerment to manage their waste independently. The objectives of this study is to observe the problem of garbage in the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY, the Government’s policy in managing domestic waste in DIY, the changes in environmental quality and community impact of the waste management, and the methods of monitoring and managing waste in DIY

  9. An analysis of curriculum implementation on high schools in Yogyakarta (United States)

    Febriana, Beta Wulan; Arlianty, Widinda Normalia; Diniaty, Artina; Fauzi'ah, Lina


    This study aims to find out how the implementation of the curriculum at three schools in Yogyakarta. The selection of these three schools is based on the use of different curriculum in each school. The analysis was done by distributing questionnaire analysis of eight national education standards (NES). The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out how the curriculum implemented in the schools. In addition, to find out whether or not the implementation was done in accordance with the expectations of the curriculum. The questionnaire distributed in the form of indicators on each NES. These indicators include, Content Standards, Process Standards, Graduates Competency Standards, Teacher and Education Staff Standards, Facility and Infrastructure Standards, Management Standards, Financing Standards and Assessment Standards. Results of the observation indicate that there is a discrepancy between the expectations and the reality of the three schools observed.


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    Dewi Retno Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Background: Stigma is a negative view of individuals that would have influences on how they feel about, and act upon others. Stigma towards people with mental health problems will negatively affect their recovery process. At a stage of their education, nursing students will meet with people with mental disorders. It is important to analyze their view towards people with mental disorders. Objective: This research aimed to gain an overview on nursing students’ stigma towards people with mental disorders at Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. Methods: This study was descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional method and proportionate random sampling technique, involving 81 respondents. Data were obtained through a questionnaire. Students’ stigma was viewed from several aspects including education, gender, age and ethnicity. Stigma was assessed in three categories; low, moderate and high level of stigma. Result: Result showed that within the categories, the highest prevalence was in the moderate level of stigma (96.3% or 78 people, high level of stigma accounted for 3.7% (3 people, and there was not respondent with low level of stigma. Conclusion: The majority of nursing students at Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta had moderate level of stigma.

  11. Programmazione del Network di 'Virologia Ambientale': Stato di avanzamento


    Carlesi, Carlo


    Presentazione 'Power Point' dell'intervento all'incontro di lavoro 'VIRAMB II incontro del Network di Virologia Ambientale', presso l'Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Regioni Lazio e Toscana. Nell'intervento si presenta lo stato di avanzamento dei lavori riguardo la realizzazione dell'infrastruttura telematica del 'Network di Virologia Ambientale' promosso dal 'Dipartimento di Patologia Sperimentale, Biotecnologie Mediche, Infettivologia ed Epidemiologia' dell'Universit? di Pisa.


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    Wasis Budiarto


    Full Text Available Background: Public health center reform as decentralization step in health sector had poured into SK Menkes Number128/Menkes/SK/II/2004 about Public Health Center Basic Policies. The aims of this research are to identified policy and strategy of District Health Office on Health Center Reform included health human resources reform, health effort reform, health financing reform, and health management reform. Methods: The research done in 6 provinces, by purposive sampling that is DI Yogyakarta, Bengkulu, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, East Kalimantan and Papua province Each province chosen 1 (one regency and 1 (one municipality. Health Center which performing reform chosen, amount of sample health center around 52 units. Data collecting done by indepth interview, secondary data and focus group dtscussion (FGD, and by descriptive analysis. Results: The result of research indicating that policy and strategy District Health Office insupporting health center reform, (a in HRD reform performed through flattening health personnel with job contract, (b in health center effort reform through improving health services access and revitalization, (c in health financing reform performed with health center self-effort with autonomy as well as increasing APBD finance support for health, (d and health management reform by clarifying authority sharing among provinces, regencies/municipalities, health center autonomy, health center services with Certification ISO 9001 and Community Based Health Effort (UKBM revitalization. Therefore necessary done institutional established in regional and relation manner, as well as allocating health budget suitable with determined health development objectives. Key words: Policy Analysis; Health Center Reform; Development Strategy


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    Yudi Purnomo


    Zahnd, Markus. 2009.  Pendekatan dalam Perancangan Arsitektur: Metode untuk Menganalisis dan Merancang Arsitektur secara Efektif.Penerbit Kanisius, Semarang: Soegijapranata University Press, Yogyakarta

  14. Identificazione, caratterizzazione ed industrializzazione di ceppi di Streptococcus thermophilus per la produzione di yogurt


    D'Alonges, Sara


    Il contesto globale del comparto agro-alimentare richiede ad oggi una ricerca continua per assicurare qualità e sicurezza degli alimenti. La produzione moderna di alimenti richiede elevato grado di standardizzazione, particolarmente la produzione gli alimenti fermentati che include un processo biotecnologico in cui la componente biotica gioca un ruolo fondamentale Di qui la necessità disporre di un’ampia gamma di microrganismi atti alla conduzione del processo fermentativo in modo da im...

  15. Stress indotto dalla guida di autoveicoli: studio di parametri psicofisiologici

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    R. Vivoli


    Full Text Available

    La guida di un autoveicolo, specie in condizioni di intenso traffico o di cattive condizioni meteoclimatiche, è considerata uno dei principali fattori stressanti della vita odierna. Durante la guida si possono infatti osservare significative risposte simpatoadrenergiche e cardiovascolari con la comparsa anche di episodi coronarici. Tali risposte presentano un’ampia variabilità interindividuale in quanto sono influenzate da vari fattori (stile di vita, personalità etc..

    In questa rassegna, vengono presentati i principali risultati degli studi da noi condotti sulle risposte psicofisiologiche indotte dalla guida di diversi tipi di autoveicoli. In conducenti di autobus urbani è stato registrato un sensibile aumento del tasso urinario di adrenalina durante il turno lavorativo rispetto alla stessa fascia oraria di un giorno di riposo. Tale risposta adrenergica era esaltata dall’abitudine tabagica e dall’assunzione di caffè e bevande alcoliche. In soggetti che alla guida di camion coprono lunghe distanze, i più elevati tassi urinari di catecolamine e i più alti livelli di frequenza cardiaca sono stati registrati quando la guida era particolarmente stressante per la presenza di nebbia o di intenso traffico. In soggetti che partecipano, a livello amatoriale, a manifestazioni agonistiche di velocità su pista, abbiamo osservato che durante la gara, rispetto al periodo pre-gara, l’escrezione urinaria di catecolamine aumenta in misura molto rilevante. Analogamente a quanto osservato in autisti di camion, l’attivazione del sistema adrenergico è risultata direttamente associata ai livelli di ansietà. Dall’elettrocardiogramma dinamico è emerso che durante la gara la frequenza cardiaca raggiunge un valore medio di 163.5±7.4 battiti/min. (range: 146,180 battiti/min..

    Un significativo peggioramento della percezione visiva stereoscopica, con potenziale ricaduta negativa sulla performance dei guidatori, è stato osservato in

  16. Kualitas Pelayanan Perpustakaan (Studi Kasus pada Perpustakaan IAIN Sunan Kalijaga yogyakarta

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    Anis Masruri


    Full Text Available This study is aimed at describing the library service quality of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta from the point of view of users, and at finding out factors influencing it. This description is really important in order to be able to develop it, as the supporter of realizing the three responsibilities of university or institute, namely education, research, and social service. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach of survey method. Sampling is taken from the group of library users numbering 338 people, and 50 of library staffs. Whereas data collecting is conducted through library research, field research consisting ofdocumentation, questionnaire, and interview The data is organized in tables offrequency and percentage distribution, and it is then described. Based on the service quality concept quoted from the decision of minister of state apparatus empowerment no. 8l of L993, there are ten indicators of service quality namely simplicity, clarity and certainfy,o pennesse, fficiency, economy,f air distribution, punctuality, physical facility, capacity and staff attitude. The result of study indicates that the library service quality of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga yogyakarta based on of users' opinion is generally good. This conclusion is based on the mean result7O.247o of the users have good opinion about the indicators of the library service quality. Factors influencing the library service quality are organization climate (87.007o,s upervisions ystem( 68.67Voa, nd bureaucracys tructure( 85.337oA. lthough the serviceq uality at the IAIN Sunan Kalijaga's Library is in general good, there are things to consider. The first is about library location which is, accarding to the majority of users, not strategic. The second, is the necessity of developing service security and comfortable service' The third is the necessity ofdeveloping reliable physical facilities. Lastly, it is necessary to develop library

  17. Il controllo di gestione e operativo delle commesse per una impresa di costruzioni: nuovo impianto di trattamento e recupero di rifiuti urbani.

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    Matteo Camprini


    Full Text Available Il mercato delle costruzioni in Italia soffre problemi di maturità da molto tempo. Dagli anni ’90, infatti, per superare i fatti di tangentopoli venne riformata la legislazione dei lavori pubblici per giungere a livelli di competizione maggiori e più simili a quelli esistenti in Europa.  In questo contesto le imprese che per la loro struttura culturale, organizzativa e produttiva mostravano maggiore sensibilità a tali aspetti avviarono processi di formazione e riorganizzazione introducendo specifiche procedure mirate alla gestione completa dei progetti trasformandosi così da imprese di sola produzione a imprese operanti per progetti.La presente memoria vuole descrivere il sistema di gestione attuato, le modifiche ed i miglioramenti che si sono susseguiti nel tempo,  la sua struttura organizzativa e gli strumenti di lavoro messi a disposizione.A conclusione verrà illustrata l’applicazione al caso concreto della costruzione del nuovo impianto di trattamento e recupero di rifiuti urbani.

  18. The concept of “Loop Cycle” in landfill management (Case study at Piyungan landfill, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Purnama Putra Hijrah


    Full Text Available The amount of waste continues to increase from year to year, one of which is due to the population increase. With the target of 100% service level by 2020, Indonesia must prepare the land that will be used as a landfill location in order to accommodate the waste that continues to be produced. Apparently, the problem is not only limited to the provision of land, but operational challenges become more severe. One of its is experienced by Piyungan Landfill, Bantul, Yogyakarta which has been designed to expire by 2015. The government of Yogyakarta is optimizing for landfill can still operate until 2018. One solution that can be given in operation for the loop cycle or closed cycle concepts is landfill mining method, which is utilizing degraded waste into other designations so that the land can still be used to accommodate other waste. Sampling and analysis results show that the waste contained in 1st zone Piyungan landfill aged 15-20 years, with the highest composition is soil (59% dominate other types of waste. The soil obtained has the potential to be utilized as cover soil and compost, but for compost is necessary to further study the modification of the design of the zoning zone, so that the waste not too long is in the soil so that the nutrient content is still high.

  19. Design e valutazione di una esperienza di mobile learning

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    Marco Arrigo


    Full Text Available Analisi dello sviluppo scientifico e tecnologico nel campo di mobile learning, con particolare riferimento ai problemi di progettazione e valutazione nelle esperienze. Vengono analizzate le caratteristiche di metodologia didattica innovativa insieme a delle proposte per strumenti operativi concreti che consentano di progettare interventi didattici di mobile learning.

  20. Quantification of Andrographolide Isolated from Andrographis paniculata Nees Obtained from Traditional Market in Yogyakarta Using Validated HPLC


    Syukri, Yandi; Martien, Ronny; Lukitaningsih, Endang; Nugroho, Agung Endro


    This research was aimed to quantification of andrographolide isolated from A. paniculata Ness found in traditional market in Yogyakarta using validated HPLC to obtain high level content of andrographolide. The extraction of andrographolide from A. paniculata was carried out using ethanol as the solvent. Fractionation and isolation were continued using a non-polar solvent. Next, the extracts were re-crystallized to obtain isolated andrographolide. The identity of the compound was confirmed thr...

  1. Los principios de Yogyakarta: derechos humanos al servicio de la ideología de género

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    Full Text Available Los Principios de Yogyakarta (2007 tienen como fin la aplicación de los derechos humanos en relación con la "orientación sexual" y la "identidad de género". El presente artículo pretende clarificar su significado e ideología, origen, carácter y objetivo -puesto que son en gran parte ocultados-, así como su poderosa influencia en España.


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    Zuhairan Y Yunan


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to analyze the local government spending for education and health sector for all provices in the Java Island. The data used in this research is local government spending for education and health sector. The data are Life Expectancy Rate, Literacy Rate, and Average of School Duration. A method of analysis used to measure performance through health and education spending with DEAP software version 2.1. The result showed that local government spending for education and health sector has not been efficient. Only Yogyakarta Province showing that local government spending is already efficient, also in the term of output (Literacy Rate and Average of School Duration. Local government spending for health sector has not been efficient. Only Yogyakarta Province showing that local government spending is already efficient, also in the term of output (Life Expectancy RateDOI: 10.15408/sjie.v3i1.2053

  3. Aspetti di continuità di lungo periodo dell’architettura di Venezia e osservazione sulla tipicità di alcuni processi di stratificazione

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    Trovò, Francesco


    Full Text Available In order to interpret the links between Venice and Byzantium, it is firstly described how earliest houses in Venice were decorated by using sculptures coming from trading places. It is described the use of disassembled elements and the replacement of others, such as cornices, windows’ elements, coats of arms, among others. These were used firstly as a revival (Neo-Byzantine, 15th century, and later as reflection of the Venetian society «prudence», related to its behaviours and traditions. This prudence is mainly shown in the Renaissance. Besides this, other aspects such as the type of building and the façades, which are the main transformed surface, are analysed with the aim of researching periodical and characteristic dynamics, mainly in those façades showing stylistic renewal and new elements. Some external façades have maintained specific and easy observable characteristics, so they can be associated to a determined stylistic and morphological period. Other façades are stratified, as it is shown by the presence of elements (windows, cornices, … of different building phases. After tracing the main stratifying processes in about 40 study-cases, thanks to a macroscopic analysis, some ways of new composition elements and different stratified units are described. According to this, it is clear that the main principle is the searching for symmetry. Finally, some ways of intervention on the façades are described, highlighting some significant cases.[it] Nella prima parte dell’articolo viene descritto il modo di adornare le prime case veneziane con sculture importate dai luoghi del commercio, come ricostruzione del legame fra Venezia e Bisanzio. Si descrive l’uso di disaggregare e riposizionare vari elementi, come cornici, elementi di finestre, stemmi, prima come un iniziale revival, sia esso neobizantino o riferito al XV secolo, poi come manifestazione di «prudenza» della società veneziana, legata ai costumi, alle tradizioni. La

  4. I ministri di culto delle confessioni religiose di minoranza: problematiche attuali

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    Matteo Carnì


    SOMMARIO: 1. I ministri di culto nell’ordinamento giuridico italiano - 2. I ministri di culto delle confessioni religiose dotate di intesa - 2.1. (segue L’individuazione dei ministri di culto - 2.2. (segue L’assistenza spirituale nelle strutture segreganti - 2.3.(segue Il matrimonio celebrato dai ministri di culto - 2.4 (segue Problematiche attinenti ai ministri di culto buddhisti – 3. I ministri di culto delle confessioni prive di intesa - 3.1. (segue In attesa della legge di approvazione: i ministri di culto della Congregazione cristiana dei Testimoni di Geova - 3.2. (segue Islam e ministri di culto - 4. Osservazioni conclusive.

  5. Il Servizio Intercultura dell’Istituto di Terapia Familiare di Firenze

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    Giancarlo Francini


    Full Text Available Nel corso del presente articolo vengono descritte le premesse epistemologiche e le metodologie adottate dagli operatori del Servizio Intercultura dell’Istituto di Terapia Familiare di Firenze (ITFF nel lavoro con la popolazione migrante ed elencati gli interventi fatti nel territorio. Il Servizio Intercultura dell’ITFF si è interrogato in questi anni sul valore della cultura come porta d’ingresso nel rapporto con il migrante; nel chiedere loro di narrare aspetti della loro cultura condividiamo aspetti della nostra cultura. L’incontro con il malinteso, che come dice Jankelevitch «(… è un quasi niente» (Jankelevitch, 1987, p. 233, perché se fosse stato qualcosa di più ce ne saremmo accorti e se fosse qualcosa di meno non sarebbe significativo, ci permette di aprirci a un rapporto che cambia entrambi, operatore e migrante, nella relazione. È nella relazione e attraverso il racconto dell’evento migrazione e del ciclo di vita che si costruisce e si cerca un linguaggio comune per la descrizione e l’espressione del disagio. Il lavoro con i migranti deve fare i conti con le difficoltà legate all’impiego, alla casa, al permesso di soggiorno e non ultimo alla brevità di alcuni incontri, perché per alcuni la nostra città è solo una tappa di un percorso che continua alla ricerca di una sistemazione migliore. Nel territorio di Firenze sono stati messi a punto una serie di servizi: oltre alla clinica e a uno sportello di consulenza, ci si dedica alla formazione degli operatori che lavorano con i migranti. Esempi di queste attività sono: un progetto di peer tutoring in alcune scuole superiori, uno di formazione per le assistenti sociali al fine di proporre un protocollo più efficace di presa in carico dei migranti, una serie di focus group con dipendenti Asl all’interno del progetto “Mamma segreta” della regione Toscana; inoltre, la collaborazione con le associazioni presenti sul territorio ha permesso un contatto


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    Yusman Syaukat


    Full Text Available Demand for rice increases with population and over time. However, the challenges to meet the increasing demand for rice are constrained by some factors: conversion of agricultural wetland (paddy field to non-agricultural uses, deterioration of irrigation channals, increase scarcity of water, and increase intersectoral competition of water use. These conditions have raised the concern of water irrigation distribution efficiency in rice production. Agricultural sector has to produce more rice with less irrigation water. In addition, water irrigation charges (IPAIR are also problematic in the area, since there is no water charge. The purpose of this research is to estimate the economic value of water irrigation at Van der Wijce irrigation areas in Yogyakarta, to determine the more appropriate water charges; and to evaluate the differences in water values with respect to their locations (upper, middle, and lower areas, cropping intensity, and rice productivity. Farmers at the upper irrigation areas could plant rice up to three times a year, while at the lower areas only twice a year. The productivities of rice were also different between these two areas, where the upper areas used more water and resulted in higher yields compared to the lower ones. Water values was estimated using Wicksteed’s product exhaustion approach. These results implied that the values of water were higher at the upper areas compared to the lower ones. The estimated value of water was about Rp 44/m3 in the upper areas, while in the middle and lower areas were about Rp 32 m3/ha and Rp 23 m3/ha, respectively. Since there is no water charge in the area, there is no fund to cover the costs of water distribution and maintenance. This could lead to unsustainable irrigation management. The above estimated water values could be used as benchmark, the maximum level, by the local government of Sleman and the farmers groups in the irrigation areas in determining the irrigation water

  7. Studio di prevalenza delle polmoniti in un'Azienda opsedaliera di Bologna

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    E. Leoni


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    Obiettivi: nell’ambito di un progetto di sorveglianza attiva dei casi di polmonite da legionella, è stata studiata la prevalenza di tutti i casi di polmonite ricoverati in un ospedale di Bologna, allo scopo di definirne la distribuzione per origine (comunitaria o nosocomiale, eziologia, caratteristiche individuali e di confrontarle con le polmoniti da legionella.

    Metodi: per ogni caso con diagnosi clinica e/o radiologica di polmonite è stato compilato un questionario, raccogliendo le informazioni dalle cartelle cliniche. Tutti i casi di polmonite non specificata sono stati inoltre sottoposti al test per la ricerca dell’antigene di legionella nelle urine.

  8. Proposal of development of an advanced IORT system; Proposta di sviluppo di un sistema IORT di avanguardia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ronsivalle, C [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy). Unita tecnico scientifica Tecnologie Fisiche Avanzate; Casali, F [Bologna Univ., Bologna (Italy), Dipartimento di fisica; Colavita, E [Calabria Univ., Arcavacata (Italy). Diparimento di fisica; Lamanna, E [Magna Graecia Univ., Germaneto (Italy). Dipartimento di medicina sperimentale e clinica


    In the last years there has been an increasing interest on IORT (Intraoperative Radiation Therapy), also because of the development of dedicated accelerators. This technique represents a very effective oncological treatment consisting in delivering a single high dose on a tumour bed soon after surgery resection. In the following we present the proposal of development of a last generation IORT system based on the use of a linear accelerator with variable energy in the range 3-15 MeV, operating in C band (5712 MHz). Respect to the accelerator used in the commercial IORT systems operating at a typical frequency of 2998 MHz (S band) limited to a maximum energy of 12 MeV, the use of a higher RF frequency allows an increase of the maximum energy. This extends the use of the IORT technique to a wider field of tumors and an improvement of the system in terms of compactness and weight reduction. In addition the machine will be provided with a devoted absolute dosimetry system that will strongly simplify the procedures of dosimetric characterization. We intend to develop the system by a collaboration between ENEA, some Universities (Bologna, Catanzaro and Cosenza) and the national industry. [Italian] Negli ultimi anni si e sviluppato un sempre maggior interesse intorno alla Radioterapia IntraOperatoria (IORT), una particolare tecnica radioterapica che permette di irradiare la zona interessata da un tumore durante un intervento chirurgico utilizzando un fascio di elettroni prodotto da un acceleratore. La diffusione di questa metodica e stata favorita dalla presenza sul mercato di acceleratori installabili direttamente in sala operatoria. Come conseguenza di questa disponibilita sono emerse sia nuove esigenze legate alle particolari applicazioni cliniche, sia richieste di facilita di utilizzo e perfomances sempre piu sofisticate. Viene qui presentata una proposta di sviluppo di un sistema IORT di ultima generazione basato sull'utilizzo di un acceleratore lineare con energia

  9. Proposal of development of an advanced IORT system; Proposta di sviluppo di un sistema IORT di avanguardia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ronsivalle, C. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy). Unita tecnico scientifica Tecnologie Fisiche Avanzate; Casali, F. [Bologna Univ., Bologna (Italy), Dipartimento di fisica; Colavita, E. [Calabria Univ., Arcavacata (Italy). Diparimento di fisica; Lamanna, E. [Magna Graecia Univ., Germaneto (Italy). Dipartimento di medicina sperimentale e clinica


    In the last years there has been an increasing interest on IORT (Intraoperative Radiation Therapy), also because of the development of dedicated accelerators. This technique represents a very effective oncological treatment consisting in delivering a single high dose on a tumour bed soon after surgery resection. In the following we present the proposal of development of a last generation IORT system based on the use of a linear accelerator with variable energy in the range 3-15 MeV, operating in C band (5712 MHz). Respect to the accelerator used in the commercial IORT systems operating at a typical frequency of 2998 MHz (S band) limited to a maximum energy of 12 MeV, the use of a higher RF frequency allows an increase of the maximum energy. This extends the use of the IORT technique to a wider field of tumors and an improvement of the system in terms of compactness and weight reduction. In addition the machine will be provided with a devoted absolute dosimetry system that will strongly simplify the procedures of dosimetric characterization. We intend to develop the system by a collaboration between ENEA, some Universities (Bologna, Catanzaro and Cosenza) and the national industry. [Italian] Negli ultimi anni si e sviluppato un sempre maggior interesse intorno alla Radioterapia IntraOperatoria (IORT), una particolare tecnica radioterapica che permette di irradiare la zona interessata da un tumore durante un intervento chirurgico utilizzando un fascio di elettroni prodotto da un acceleratore. La diffusione di questa metodica e stata favorita dalla presenza sul mercato di acceleratori installabili direttamente in sala operatoria. Come conseguenza di questa disponibilita sono emerse sia nuove esigenze legate alle particolari applicazioni cliniche, sia richieste di facilita di utilizzo e perfomances sempre piu sofisticate. Viene qui presentata una proposta di sviluppo di un sistema IORT di ultima generazione basato sull'utilizzo di un acceleratore lineare con

  10. Il concetto di Natura nella filosofia di Denis Diderot

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    Francesco Consiglio


    Full Text Available L’immagine della Natura che emerge dalla lettura delle opere di Diderot, è quella di una sorta di organismo in cui tutto risulta legato da una rete di forze inquadrate in un ordine omogeneo e dinamico. Le leggi di quest’ordine sono riscontrabili in tutti gli eventi naturali ed ogni fenomeno non è mai frutto del caso, ma ordinato deterministicamente. Allo spinozismo di quest’ordine geometrico si coniuga un atomismo di matrice epicurea, speci camente nella versione lucreziana del De Rerum Natura: gli atomi che costituiscono la materia si combinano da sempre e all’in nito in un continuo divenire di forme normate da leggi intrinseche, e gli individui nascono dal cozzare e dall’ammassarsi di questi atomi. Non esiste uno stadio culmine di questa “evoluzione”, piuttosto esistono in nite varianti, nel tempo e nello spazio, di un unico modello prototipico che, secondo Diderot, evolve in una specie o in un'altra in maniera totalmente a- nalistica, sebbene assolutamente determinis- tica. La regolarità dell’ordine (per no nell’apparente caos di un turbine di pol- vere e il continuo farsi e rifarsi delle forme si connettono al principio di conti- nuità della natura: la natura non fa salti, tutto è connesso come in una ragnatela e la materia continua muta la sua disposizione in grumi di atomi che, secondo il principio dell’epigenesi, giungono a formare gli individui. Le opere in cui Diderot elabora in maniera più organica e precisa la sua concezione della natura sono particolarmente due: L’interpretazione della natura (1753 e Il sogno di d’Alembert (1769. In mezzo a queste stanno gli scritti sui Sa- lons, tra i quali è particolarmente saliente, per il discorso sulla natura, quello del 1767, in cui, con la Promenade Vernet, molti di questi temi vengono a rontati o ripresi nel pittoricismo della narrazione, attraverso limpide metafore. Natura e arte, in Diderot, sono strettamente connesse. La seconda imita la prima, ma non tenta

  11. PENANGANAN PENGADUAN MASYARAKAT SEBAGAI PENDUKUNG IKLIM ORGANISASI (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Penanganan Pengaduan Masyarakat di Seksi Informasi dan Sarana Komunikasi Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Y ogyakarta

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    Widya Larasati


    Full Text Available Abstrak Penanganan pengaduan menjadi hal yang penting sebagai sarana memperbaiki kualitas kerja maupun pelayanan dalam sebuah organisasi. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang penanganan pengaduan yang dilakukan oleh Seksi Informasi dan Sarana Komunikasi sebagai divisi yang menangani aduan yang diterima oleh Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Yogyakarta. Pengaduan yang diterima oleh organisasi dapat mempengaruhi pegawai dalam bekerja. Penelitian ini menggambarkan bagaimana penanganan pengaduan masyarakat mendukung iklim organisasi di seksi tersebut. Iklim organisasi yang positif mampu mempengaruhi kualitas kinerja pegawai sehingga pelayanan yang diberikan organisasi akan semakin baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Untuk melihat keabsahan data, peneliti menggunakan triangulasi sumber.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penanganan pengaduan masyarakat mendukung iklim organisasi di seksi tersebut sesuai dengan dimensi iklim organisasi menurut Stringer yang meliputi struktur, standar-standar, tanggungjawab, penghargaan, dukungan dan komitmen. Iklim organisasi di seksi tersebut menjadi kondusif karena pegawai merasa memiliki tanggung jawab yang tinggi untuk menyelesaikan pengaduan yang ada, saling mendukung dan mencari solusi secara bersama-sama. Bahkan, derajat kebanggaan dalam bekerja, motivasi untuk bekerja lebih baik lagi serta kesetiannya terhadap organisasi semakin meningkat karena penanganan pengaduan masyarakat tersebut. Kata kunci: penanganan pengaduan masyarakat, iklim organisasi   Abstract Complaint handling becomes an important thing that can be a medium to improve the quality of work or services in an organization. This research describes about complaint handling in Information and Communication section as the division that handles the complaint received by Imigrasi Kelas I Yogyakarta office. Complaints that received by organization

  12. Capacity Development and Strengthening for Energy Policy formulation and implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects in Indonesia CASINDO. Deliverable No. 38. Pro-poor Energy Strategy in Yogyakarta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosyidi Sri Atmaja P.; Lesmana, Surya Budi Lesmana [Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)


    The overall objective of the CASINDO programme is to establish a self-sustaining and self-developing structure at both the national and regional level to build and strengthen human capacity to enable the provinces of North Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua to formulate sound policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency and to develop and implement sustainable energy projects. Chapter 2 provides a review of the national, regional and local policy and programs on energy access for poor communities that have been implemented in Yogyakarta region. However, the two villages, i.e., Dusun Srumbung, Segoroyoso village, Pleret District, Bantul Regency and Dusun Wirokerten, Botokenceng Village, Banguntapan District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Region, selected as locations for energy need assessments in this project have not received any support from the energy programs mentioned in this section. Chapter 3 gives the criteria used to select the locations. Chapter 4 provides the results and analysis of the participatory rural appraisal used for the energy needs assessments which have been carried out in the selected locations. Chapter presents the renewable energy potentials in the study area. Chapter 6 gives the results of a stakeholder analysis for implementing the proposed programmes and roadmap. Chapter 7 is the roadmap for RE project implementation for poor community and provincial budget analysis.

  13. Analysis of Supply and Demand to Enhance Educational Tourism Experience in the Smart Park of Yogyakarta, Indonesia


    Ani Wijayanti; Janianton Damanik; Chafid Fandeli; Sudarmadji


    The Smart Park (also known as Taman Pintar) is a major educational tourist destination in Yogyakarta, which offers a variety of attractions that are very interesting for tourists. The main purpose of tourists visiting Smart Park is to obtain an educational tourism experience. This subjective experience raises specific challenges for Smart Park as it works towards being a competitive destination. The purpose of this study is to analyze the aspects of the educational tourism experience that are...

  14. Identifikasi Rhizoctonia Mikoriza Pada Anggrekan Dan Kelompok Anastomosisnya

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    Haryuni -


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Klinik Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta dan Pusat Penelitian di Laboratorium Biologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gifu di Jepang.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi dan melakukan anastomosis isolat jamur Rhizoctonia mikoriza (TMG-2, SR-9 dan SR-8. Tester yang digunakan yaitu AG-F SIR.9, AG-F Fko.2.28, and AG-F PS.17. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Identifikasi SR-8 memiliki ciri pada Rhizoctonia binukleat (BNR dan dikelompokkan kedalam AG-F (teleomorf: Ceratobasidium sp.The experiment was carried out at the Laboratory of Clinical Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta and the Research Center at the Laboratory of Agriculture Biology, Gifu University in Japan. The objectives of the experiment were to identify and to test anastomosis group of orchid mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia TMG-2, SR-9, and SR-8 isolates. The tester of Rhizoctonia to be used were AG-F SIR.9, AG-F Fko.2.28, and AG-F PS.17. Results of the study showed that SR-8 belongs to binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR and grouped into AG F (teleomorph: Ceratobasidium sp.

  15. La figura di Maria Maddalena nella tradizione agostiniana del XII secolo e l'allegoria nuziale in Bernardo di ClairvauxUn'ipotesi di interpretazione alla luce di categorie di ordine psicoanalitico

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    Elena Cartotto


    La lettura viene condotta sulla base di categorie concettuali di carattere psicoanalitico, in quanto tali categorie trovano la propria origine, prima ancora che nel pensiero, nella più concreta e profonda esperienza umana. Ed è proprio il collocarsi all'interno di questa viva esperienza umana che consente di cogliere in modo più diretto la dimensione antropologica che pare emergere dagli scrittori monastici di questo periodo.


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    Markhamah Markhamah


    Full Text Available A research on Syntax learning model in university is needed because such research is barely available for reference yet. Existing research on learning models are commonly carried out in high and middle schools, not university. This research aims to expose Syntax learning model in universities in Central Java and Yogyakarta.As object of research, two departments of Indonesian Language and Literature in Yogyakarta, one department of Indonesian language and Literature in Central Java, and one department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education in Central Java are chosen to be analyzed. The model includes: existence of lecture plan (RPP/RMP, teaching material, lecturer methods/strategy, learning media, and evaluation method. Data of research is collected through interview and document analysis, which is done quantitatively us- ing interactive and comparative models. This research reaches five conclusions. First, all departments in the research have both RPP (lecture plan and RMP (lecture quality plan, even though with slight differences in names and details. Second, the departments have similarities and differences in term of teaching material. As a similarity, teaching material based on lecturer research is not found. Third, the departments have similarities and differences in term of teaching methods. Interestingly, some departments use unique learning method that synergizes with ideology of the particular university. Fourth, learning media between the departments is varied. Not every department is familiar with multimedia technology though some lecturers smartly use games as learning media to cover the lack of multimedia technology. Fifth, the departments use different evaluation method with different components. Some departments uses UKD (base competence test while some are using UAS (end semester test.

  17. A prospective study: current problems in radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in yogyakarta, indonesia. (United States)

    Stoker, Sharon D; Wildeman, Maarten A; Fles, Renske; Indrasari, Sagung R; Herdini, Camelia; Wildeman, Pieter L; van Diessen, Judi N A; Tjokronagoro, Maesadji; Tan, I Bing


    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has a high incidence in Indonesia. Previous study in Yogyakarta revealed a complete response of 29% and a median overall survival of less than 2 years. These poor treatment outcome are influenced by the long diagnose-to-treatment interval to radiotherapy (DTI) and the extended overall treatment time of radiotherapy (OTT). This study reveals insight why the OTT and DTI are prolonged. All patients treated with curative intent radiotherapy for NPC between July 2011 until October 2012 were included. During radiotherapy a daily diary was kept, containing information on DTI, missed radiotherapy days, the reason for missing and length of OTT. Sixty-eight patients were included. The median DTI was 106 days (95% CI: 98-170). Fifty-nine patients (87%) finished the treatment. The median OTT for radiotherapy was 57 days (95% CI: 57-65). The main reason for missing days was an inoperative radiotherapy machine (36%). Other reasons were patient's poor condition (21%), public holidays (14%), adjustment of the radiation field (7%), power blackout (3%), inoperative treatment planning system (2%) and patient related reasons (9%). Patient's insurance type was correlated to DTI in disadvantage for poor people. Yogyakarta has a lack of sufficient radiotherapy units which causes a delay of 3-4 months, besides the OTT is extended by 10-12 days. This influences treatment outcome to a great extend. The best solution would be creating sufficient radiotherapy units and better management in health care for poor patients. The growing economy in Indonesia will expectantly in time enable these solutions, but in the meantime solutions are needed. Solutions can consist of radiation outside office hours, better maintenance of the facilities and more effort from patient, doctor and nurse to finish treatment in time. These results are valuable when improving cancer care in low and middle income countries.

  18. A prospective study: current problems in radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in yogyakarta, indonesia.

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    Sharon D Stoker

    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC has a high incidence in Indonesia. Previous study in Yogyakarta revealed a complete response of 29% and a median overall survival of less than 2 years. These poor treatment outcome are influenced by the long diagnose-to-treatment interval to radiotherapy (DTI and the extended overall treatment time of radiotherapy (OTT. This study reveals insight why the OTT and DTI are prolonged. METHOD: All patients treated with curative intent radiotherapy for NPC between July 2011 until October 2012 were included. During radiotherapy a daily diary was kept, containing information on DTI, missed radiotherapy days, the reason for missing and length of OTT. RESULTS: Sixty-eight patients were included. The median DTI was 106 days (95% CI: 98-170. Fifty-nine patients (87% finished the treatment. The median OTT for radiotherapy was 57 days (95% CI: 57-65. The main reason for missing days was an inoperative radiotherapy machine (36%. Other reasons were patient's poor condition (21%, public holidays (14%, adjustment of the radiation field (7%, power blackout (3%, inoperative treatment planning system (2% and patient related reasons (9%. Patient's insurance type was correlated to DTI in disadvantage for poor people. CONCLUSION: Yogyakarta has a lack of sufficient radiotherapy units which causes a delay of 3-4 months, besides the OTT is extended by 10-12 days. This influences treatment outcome to a great extend. The best solution would be creating sufficient radiotherapy units and better management in health care for poor patients. The growing economy in Indonesia will expectantly in time enable these solutions, but in the meantime solutions are needed. Solutions can consist of radiation outside office hours, better maintenance of the facilities and more effort from patient, doctor and nurse to finish treatment in time. These results are valuable when improving cancer care in low and middle income countries.

  19. La logistica nei processi di trasformazione dell’area orientale di Napoli

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    Adriana Galderisi


    Full Text Available Stoccaggio e trasporto merci hanno assunto, già da alcuni anni, un ruolo rilevante nell’area orientale di Napoli, con impatti significativi sulla qualità urbana ed ambientale dell’area. In quest’area, anche grazie alla sua vicinanza ai principali nodi della mobilità (porto, aeroporto, stazione ferroviaria e alla significativa presenza di aree produttive dismesse o in dismissione, trovano oggi spazio numerose attività di stoccaggio e spedizione merci, in molti casi localizzate all’interno di ex aree industriali, in assenza di una reale ottica “sistemica”. Pertanto, a partire da una breve disamina dell’evoluzione dell’area orientale e di quanto previsto dagli strumenti urbanistici vigenti per la sua trasformazione, il contributo focalizza l’attenzione sul ruolo attuale dslle attività di stoccaggio e trasporto merci nell’area. Quindi, sulla base di alcune recenti esperienze di italiane e in riferimento ad ipotesi già avanzate per l’organizzazione di una piattaforma logistica nell’area orientale di Napoli -quale strumento per ottimizzare le necessità di stoccaggio e trasporto merci riducendone le esternalità negative- valuta la compatibilità di tali scelte con le prospettive di evoluzione/trasformazione dell’area e il potenziale ruolo che l’area potrebbe svolgere in una prospettiva di ri-organizzazione del trasporto merci in ambito urbano.

  20. Incident factor as a learning aspect to enhance safety culture in the experimental fuel element installation of PTBN - BATAN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heri Hardiyanti; Agus Sartono; Bambang Herutomo; AS Latief


    The safety of a nuclear facility depends not only on the fulfillment of all technical requirements, but also on the role of non-technical aspects. The primary causation of incidents or accidents in a nuclear facility is human error which is non-technical. Therefore, in order to enhance safety, efforts from the technical aspects are as important as efforts to deal with the human factor which can be done through the application of safety culture in the facility. Incidents that took place in the Experimental Fuel Element Installation (EFEI) of PTBN - BATAN from 2011 to 2012 were caused by aging instruments and human error. In order to prevent accidents and to enhance safety, non-technical efforts that were done in the EFEI were, interalia, the obligations on all personnel to attend the pre-lab briefing, to prepare a work proposal, to compose a HIRADC (hazard identification, risk assessment, and determining control) document, to utilize self protection devices, to perform a routine maintenance, and to practice safe behavior. All personnel were involved in all those efforts. Safety is the first priority and can always be improved in the facility. A strong commitment of and cooperation between the top management and the staff are needed. (author)