
Sample records for des morbus crohn

  1. Radioiodine treatment of Grave's disease; Radiojodtherapie des Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heidenreich, P.; Vogt, H.; Dorn, R.; Graf, G.; Kopp, J. [Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Zentralklinikum Augsburg (Germany)


    In Germany radioiodine therapy of Grave's disease is performed in patients older than 20 years, after at least one year of unsuccessful antithyroid therapy, intolerance against antithyroid medication, recurrences after surgical interventions and small goiters. Hyperthyroidism is eliminated with an ablative dose concept (300 Gy) in more than 90% associated with rate of hypothyroidism in the outcome of also more than 90%. Adverse prognostic factors are an insufficient dose to the thyroid and/or concomitant antithyreoid medication. Radioiodine therapy in Germany must be an inpatient single time approach due to quality assurance and radiation protection reasons. The mean hospitalization is only 3-4 days with the patient being discharged at an annual dose of less than 1 mSv at 2 m distance (dose rate at discharge < 3,5 {mu}Sv/h at 2 m). An adjuvant treatment with cortisone is recommended in a simultaneous endocrine ophthalmopathy to prevent from deterioration. Radioiodine therapy of Grave's disease is cost effective with a low probability of side-effects and is not associated with an increased genetic or somatic risk. Therapy control and life span follow up has to be carried out by the expert physician legally responsible for the radioiodine therapy. (orig.) [German] Die Radiojodtherapie des Morbus Basedow wird in Deutschland, bei Patienten aelter als 20 Jahre, erst nach mindestens einjaehriger, erfolgloser thyreostatischer Therapie, bei Thyreostatikaunvertraeglichkeit, Rezidiven nach Operation und kleinen Strumen durchgefuehrt. Die Beseitigung der Hyperthyreose wird mit einem ablativen Dosiskonzept (300 Gy) in > 90%, verbunden mit einer Hypothyreoserate von ebenfalls > 90% erreicht. Prognostisch unguenstige Einflussfaktoren sind eine zu niedrig gewaehlte Herddosis und/oder eine begleitende Thyreostase. Aus Gruenden der Qualitaetssicherung und des Strahlenschutzes muss in Deutschland die Radiojodtherapie stationaer als Einzeittherapie durchgefuehrt werden. Die

  2. The legg-calve-perthes disease; Morbus Perthes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kramer, J.; Scheurecker, A. [Institut fuer CT- und MRT-Diagnostik, Linz (Austria); Hofmann, S. [Allgemeines und Orthopaedisches LKH, Stolzalpe (Austria); Tschauner, C.


    The Legg-Calve-Perthes disease is an idiopathic avascular necrosis of the hip during early childhood. It is characterized by different stages with the main risk of persisting hip deformation, dysfunction of the joint movement, and the potential for early osteoarthritis. For the evaluation of prognosis and therapy planning patients age and extent of the necrotic area of the epiphysis are important factors. For an early diagnosis and sufficient therapy all radiological efforts have to be performed. MR imaging is an ideal method for the assessment of osteonecrotic changes of the Morbus Perthes. Compared to plain radiography by MR imaging pathologic alterations can be detected earlier and with higher specificity. However, conventional radiograms have to be still used as basic imaging modality. Nowadays x-rays and MR imaging should be the main methods for the evaluation of children suffering from Perthes disease. (orig.) [German] Beim Morbus Perthes handelt es sich um eine idiopathische Osteonekrose des Hueftgelenks im fruehkindlichen Alter (3.-12. Lebensjahr). Das Hauptrisiko dieser selbstlimitierenden Erkrankung mit suffizienter Reparatur und charakteristischem stadienhaftem Verlauf ist eine Defektheilung mit deformiertem Hueftkopf (Coxa magna) und sekundaer dysplastischer Pfanne. Diese praearthrotische Deformitaet fuehrt zur Einschraenkung der Hueftfunktion und einer fruehzeitigen Koxarthrose. Zur Abschaetzung der Prognose und Therapieplanung spielen Alter des Patienten bei Krankheitsbeginn sowie Groesse und Lokalisation des Nekroseareals eine entscheidende Rolle. Es ist somit augenscheinlich, dass alle radiologischen Register gezogen werden muessen, um eine moeglichst fruehe Diagnose und eine suffiziente Stadieneinteilung als Voraussetzung fuer eine risikoadaptierte Therapie zu gewaehrleisten. Die MRT eignet sich in idealer Weise zur Beurteilung ischaemischer Knochenmarkveraenderungen im Rahmen des Morbus Perthes. Verglichen mit dem konventionellen Roentgen ist die

  3. Pasireotid: Eine neue Therapieoption bei Morbus Cushing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luger A


    Full Text Available Im Behandlungsalgorithmus des Morbus Cushing war bisher keine zugelassene pharmakologische Behandlungsmöglichkeit verfügbar. Mit dem Multirezeptor-Somatostatinanalogon Pasireotid steht nun mit der im April 2012 erfolgten Zulassung die erste, spezifisch für die Therapie dieses Krankheitsbildes entwickelte Substanz zur Verfügung. Die Studienevidenz belegt eine schnelle und nachhaltige Reduktion der ACTH- und Kortisolproduktion mit klinischer Besserung bei einem Großteil der Patienten.

  4. Udredning og behandling af morbus Osler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjeldsen, Anette Drøhse; Andersen, Poul Erik; Tørring, Pernille Mathiesen


    Morbus Osler or hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is a genetic disorder resulting in development of arteriovenous malformations in the mucosa and in visceral organs. The most common symptom is epistaxis. The disease may, however, cause a variety of other serious manifestations such as ......Morbus Osler or hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is a genetic disorder resulting in development of arteriovenous malformations in the mucosa and in visceral organs. The most common symptom is epistaxis. The disease may, however, cause a variety of other serious manifestations...

  5. Graves' disease and toxic nodular goiter - radioiodine therapy; Morbus Basedow und Autonomie - Radioiodtherapie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schicha, H.; Dietlein, M. [Koeln Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    At the 15th conference on the human thyroid in Heidelberg in 2001 the following aspects of the radioiodine therapy of benign thyroid disorders were presented: General strategies for therapy of benign thyroid diseases, criterions for conservative or definitive treatment of hyperthyroidism as first line therapy and finally preparation, procedural details, results, side effects, costs and follow-up care of radioiodine therapy as well as legal guidelines for hospitalization in Germany. The diagnosis Graves' hyperthyroidism needs the decision, if rather a conservative treatment or if primary radioiodine therapy is the best therapeutic approach. In the USA 70-90% of these patients are treated with radioiodine as first line therapy, whereas in Germany the conservative therapy for 1-1.5 years is recommended for 90%. This review describes subgroups of patients with Graves' disease showing a higher probability to relapse after conservative treatment. Comparing benefits, adverse effects, costs, and conveniences of both treatment strategies the authors conclude that radioiodine therapy should be preferred as first line therapy in 60-70% of the patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism. (orig.) [German] In dem vorliegenden Beitrag wird ueber die Radioiodtherapie gutartiger Schilddruesenerkrankungen referiert. Dies betrifft gesetzliche Regelungen in Deutschland, grundlegende Ueberlegungen zur Therapie benigner Schilddruesenerkrankungen, die Diskussion konservative versus definitive Therapieindikation der Hyperthyreose und schliesslich die Themenkomplexe Vorbereitung, Durchfuehrung, Ergebnisse, Nebenwirkungen und Komplikationen, Kosten sowie Nachsorge der Radioiodtherapie. Im Vordergrund steht die Abgrenzung der konservativen Therapieindikation gegenueber der primaeren Radioiodtherapie des Morbus Basedow in Deutschland. Waehrend in den USA 70-90% der Morbus-Basedow-Faelle primaer mit Radioiodtherapie behandelt werden, wird in Deutschland bei 90% zunaechst ein

  6. Laserbehandeling bij morbus Hailey-Hailey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sprengers, M.; de Coster, D.; Arits, A.H.M.M.; Verstraeten, V.L.R.M.


    Hailey-Hailey disease, also referred to as benign familial pemphigus, is a rare genodermatosis that results in painful erosions in erythematous plaques in the skin creases. Heat, sweat and friction usually worsen the disease. Beside pain, morbus Hailey-Hailey also restricts patients activities.

  7. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen; Diffusionsgewichtete Magnetresonanztomographie des Abdomens

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmid-Tannwald, C.; Reiser, M.F.; Zech, C.J. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) provides qualitative and quantitative information of tissue cellularity and the integrity of cellular membranes. Since DW-MRI can be performed without ionizing radiation exposure and contrast media application, DW-MRI is a particularly attractive tool for patients with allergies for gadolinium-based contrast agents or renal failure. Recent technical developments have made DW-MRI a robust and feasible technique for abdominal imaging. DW-MRI provides information on the detection and characterization of focal liver lesions and can also visualize treatment effects and early changes in chronic liver disease. In addition DW-MRI is a promising tool for the detection of inflammatory changes in patients with Crohn's disease. (orig.) [German] Die diffusionsgewichtete (DW-)MRT ermoeglicht die Erfassung qualitativer und quantitativer Informationen bzgl. der Gewebezellularitaet und Membranintegritaet. Die DW-MRT ist insbesondere bei Patienten mit einer Allergie gegen gadoliniumhaltige Kontrastmittel oder eingeschraenkter Nierenfunktion attraktiv, da ihr Einsatz nicht mit Strahlenexposition oder Kontrastmittelgabe verbunden ist. Durch technische Weiterentwicklungen ist die robuste Anwendung der DW-MRI in der Bildgebung des Abdomens seit einiger Zeit moeglich geworden. In der Leberdiagnostik lassen sich Zusatzinformationen zur Detektion und Charakterisierung von Leberlaesionen gewinnen, aber auch Therapieerfolge dokumentieren und fruehe chronische Leberveraenderungen visualisieren. Neben ihrer Rolle bei hepatologischen und onkologischen Fragestellungen erscheint der Einsatz der DW-MRT zudem bei entzuendlichen Fragestellungen wie dem Morbus Crohn sehr viel versprechend. (orig.)

  8. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) - critical discussion of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, and therapy; Chronisch entzuendliche Darmerkrankungen - Kritische Diskussion von Aetiologie, Pathogenese, Diagnostik und Therapie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ochsenkuehn, T.; Sackmann, M.; Goeke, B. [Medizinische Klinik II, Klinikum der Universitaet Muenchen-Grosshadern (Germany)


    rather be adapted to the patient's individual inflammatory pattern than be oriented to schematic treatment rules.New endoscopic and radiologic techniques provide the necessary diagnostic tools. (orig.) [German] Zielsetzung Die chronisch entzuendlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED) Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa befallen ca. jeden 500.Menschen. Obwohl sich, angetrieben durch therapeutische Erfolge der Zytokinforschung, immer mehr medizinische Einrichtungen mit Fragestellungen rund um die CED beschaeftigen, stellen diese Erkrankungen fuer Patient und Arzt immer noch eine lebenslange Herausforderung dar.Die enge interdisziplinaere Zusammenarbeit zwischen Gastroenterologie, Radiologie und Chirurgie ist entscheidend fuer ein effizientes Diagnose- und Therapiekonzept, dessen Grundlagen wir in unserer Uebersichtsarbeit erlaeutern wollen.Methodik Aus der Sicht des den Patienten betreuenden Gastroenterologen werden, basierend auf aktuellen Publikationen und Erfahrungswerten einer CED-Klinik, Aspekte aus Aetiologie,Pathogenese,Diagnostik und Therapie der CED dargestellt.Ergebnisse Eine genetisch beeinflusste, ueberschiessende und anhaltende Immunreaktion gegen die eigene Darmflora scheint eine der wichtigsten Ursachen dieser Erkrankungen zu sein.Auch Umwelteinfluesse sind von Belang.So wurde z.B.lange Zeit der Einfluss des Zigarettenrauchens beim Morbus Crohn als unguenstig eingeschaetzt, nun zeigt sich sogar, dass Rauchen einen eindeutigen Risikofaktor in Genese und Unterhaltung dieser Erkrankung darstellt.Da die CED und insbesondere der Morbus Crohn als systemische Erkrankungen betrachtet werden muessen, setzen therapeutische Ueberlegungen eine genaue Kenntnis des Organbefalls voraus.So kann z.B.durch den Einsatz der MRT-Enteroklysmatechnik eine strahlungsarme Untersuchung derjenigen Teile des Verdauungstrakts erreicht werden, die bisher einer routinemaessigen Inspektion nicht zugaenglich waren,wie z.B.das untere Jejunum und das obere Ileum. Therapeutisch scheint es zu einem

  9. Long term results of surgery in Perthes disease: Comparison of X-ray and MR-studies; Spaetergebnisse nach operativer Behandlung des Morbus Perthes: Vergleich der roentgenologischen und kernspintomographischen Untersuchung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tosch, U. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Berlin (Germany); Sparmann, M. [Orthopaedische Klinik im Oskar-Helene-Heim, Berlin (Germany); Stelling, E. [Orthopaedische Klinik im Oskar-Helene-Heim, Berlin (Germany); Tomala, D. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Berlin (Germany)


    Twenty patients treated by surgery for Perthes` disease were studied between 4 and 9 years postoperatively. In the clinical investigation eight patients complained of persistent stress-induced pain. In nine patients flexion, extension, ab- and adduction of the hip joint was limited. In the MRI-Study of ten hip joints a reduction of fatty marrow was seen in the femoral head. In 11 hip joints of patients complaining of persistent pain, a deformation of the femoral head (n = 2), a dysplasia of the femoral metaphysis (n = 2), and diaphysis (n = 4) or both (n = 2) were seen. In another five patients an additional dysplasia of the acetabulum was visualized. All these findings were diagnosed by X-ray studies as well. However, only by MRI were the extents of the postoperative defects of femoral spongiosa diagnosed in fifteen hip joints. (orig.) [Deutsch] 20 wegen eines Morbus Perthes operierte Patienten wurden 4-9 Jahre nach einer Umstellungsosteotomie klinisch, radiologisch und kernspintomographisch untersucht. Bei der klinischen Nachuntersuchung gaben 8 Patienten persistierende Beschwerden bei Belastung an. Bei der koerperlichen Untersuchung war die Flexion und Extension bei 9 sowie die Abduktion und Adduktion bei einem Patienten eingeschraenkt. Bei der kernspintomographischen Untersuchung liessen sich bei 10 Hueftgelenken Residuen des M. Perthes im Fettmark des Femurkopfs nachweisen. An 11 Hueftkoepfen wurden pathologische Veraenderungen wie eine Femurkopfentrundung (n = 2), eine Deformierung der Femurmeta- (n = 3) und -diaphyse (n = 4) bis hin zur hirtenstabfoermigen Konfiguration (n = 2) nachgewiesen. Bei 5 Patienten wurde eine Pfannendysplasie gefunden. Diese Befunde waren auch roentgenologisch darzustellen. Als postoperative Defekte waren im Schaftmark des Femurs eine langstreckige Hoehlenbildung mit Zysten oder durch Fettmark aufgefuellte Spongiosadefekte bei 15 Hueftgelenken nur kernspintomographisch nachweisbar. (orig.)

  10. Intravenous injection of Ra-224 as a treatment in Morbus Paget

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koch, W.


    Between 1956 and 1973, 21 patients with histologically verified Morbus Paget were treated at the author's hospital with low dosage 224 Ra. In none of these patients an immediate or late impairment of the hematogenic or parenchymal organs was observed. (MG) [de

  11. Pathogenesis of Graves` disease and therapeutic implications; Pathogenese des Morbus Basedow und therapeutische Implikationen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seif, F.J. [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany). Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik


    Graves` disease presents itself clinically mainly as hyperthyroidism and infiltrative ophthalmopathy and to a minimal extent also as dermopathy and acropachy. Autoimmune processes are the basic pathogenesis. Stimulating antibodies against the TSH receptor cause hyperthyroidism. Autoantibodies and autoreactive T lymphocytes against primarily thyroidal antigens cross-react with similar antigens of the eye muscles and orbital connective tissue, thus spreading the disease from the thyroid to the eyes. The therapeutic goal comprises not only the treatment of hyperthyroidism, but also the induction of a steady immuntolerance in order to minimize the irreversible damage to the eye. The therapeutic armamentarium is formed by antithyroid drugs, glucocorticoids, retrobulbar radition and thyroid ablation, either by nearly total thyroidectomy or by radioiodine. The different indications for both ablative procedures are discussed. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Morbus Basedow manifestiert sich klinisch hauptsaechlich als Hyperthyreose und infiltrative Orbitopathie, waehrend Demopathie und Akropathie selten sind. Der Krankheit liegt ein Autoimmunprozess zugrunde, wobei stimuliernde Autoantikoerper gegen den TSH-Rezeptor die Hyperthyreose hervorrufen. Autoantikoerper und T-Lymphozyten gegen primaer thyreoidale Antigene verursachen durch Kreuzreaktion mit aehnlichen Antigenen an den Augenmuskeln und orbitalem Bindegewebe die Orbitopathie. Das therapeutsiche Ziel besteht nicht nur in der Behandlung der Hyperthyreose, sondern vor allem in der Induktion einer immuntoleranten Remission, um die irreversiblen Schaeden am Auge zu minimieren. Die Therapie umfasst Thyreostatika, Glukokortikoide und Orbitaspitzenbestrahlung sowie eine Schilddruesenablation entweder durch fast totale Schilddruesenresektion oder durch Radiojodtherapie. Die Differentialindikationen fuer die beiden ablativen Massnahmen werden eroertert. (orig.)

  12. Die Osteonekrose des Fußes: Eine Übersicht

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schenk S


    Full Text Available Die Osteonekrose (ON am Fuß ist eine heterogene Gruppe von Krankheitsbildern, die sich deutlich hinsichtlich Klinik, Verlauf, Prädilektionsalter und Prognose unterscheiden. Ebenso sind die Ursachen für diese Erkrankungen vielfältig: Neben idiopathischen finden sich auch posttraumatische und postoperative Formen. Seltene Ursachen sind Kollagenosen, Stoffwechselerkrankungen wie Diabetes mellitus und Kortikoidtherapie. ON finden sich gehäuft nach Nierentransplantationen. Je nach Ursache tritt eine ON gehäuft in typischer Lokalisation auf. Idiopathische Formen findet man am Os naviculare pedis – Morbus Köhler 1 (MK1, an den Metatarsaleköpfchen – Morbus Köhler 2, "Freiberg’s disease" (MK2, an den Sesambeinen und an der Apophyse des Calcaneus. Operationsbedingte Fälle sind gehäuft am Metatarsaleköpfchen 1 nach Versorgung eines Hallux valgus lokalisiert, posttraumatische Nekrosen am Talus. In diesem Artikel werden die idiopathischen Formen hinsichtlich Klinik und Therapie näher beleuchtet. Bezüglich der Therapie gibt es konservative und operative Ansätze. Die wissenschaftlichen Daten zur Behandlung von idiopathischen Nekrosen sind spärlich, die Behandlungsstrategien jedoch einheitlich und allgemein anerkannt.

  13. Magnetic resonance imaging for ankylosing spondylitis; Magnetresonanztomographie bei ankylosierender Spondylitis (Morbus Struempell-Marie-Bechterew)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bollow, M. [Augusta-Kranken-Anstalt, Inst. fuer Radiologie, Bochum (Germany)


    ] Die ankylosierende Spondylitis (AS) gilt als Prototyp der Spondylarthropathien, welche mit einer Praevalenz von 2% zu den haeufigsten rheumatischen Erkrankungen gerechnet werden. Die Spondylarthropathie umfasst die 5 Entitaeten AS, reaktive Arthritis, Psoriasis arthropathica, enteropathische Arthritis bei Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa und die undifferenzierte Spondylarthropathie. Bei 99% der Patienten mit AS sind die ersten pathologischen Befunde an den Sakroiliakalgelenken zu finden. Die zur Diagnose einer AS geforderten Roentgenbefunde treten erst mit einer Latenz von 5-9 Jahren nach Beginn der klinischen Symptome in Erscheinung. Mit Hilfe der MRT der Sakroiliakalgelenke lassen sich sowohl chronisch-entzuendliche Veraenderungen (Erosionen, Sklerosierungen, Knochenbruecken) als auch akut-entzuendliche Veraenderungen (Synovitiden, Kapsulitiden, Osteitiden) sicher nachweisen und bezueglich ihrer Chronizitaet und Akuitaet graduieren. Enthesitiden der Ligamenta interossea des Spatium retroarticulare gehoeren zum Bild der AS. Eine Spondylodiszitis (Andersson 1937) kann als entzuendliche und als nichtentzuendliche Form (transdiskaler Ermuedungsbruch) auftreten. Zur Ankylosierung fuehrende Entzuendungen der Facetten- und der kostospinalen Gelenke sind fuer die AS typisch. Veraenderungen der Wirbelkoerper finden sich als Spondylitis anterior (Romanus 1952), posterior und marginalis. Charakteristisch fuer alle Spondylarthropathien sind darueberhinaus asymmetrische Synovitiden an den grossen Gelenken vor allem der unteren Extremitaet (Gonarthritis, Coxitis, Tarsitis, periphere Oligoarthritis), die Fibroostitis rheumatica (pelvine Enthesitis, Calcaneopathia rheumatica) und die Peri- und Synchondritiden der Symphysis pubica und der Synchondrosis sternalis. Da sich bei der AS fruehe entzuendliche Veraenderungen an der Wirbelsaeule und an den extravertebralen Manifestationsorten in der MRT vor deren Auftreten im Roentgenbild nachweisen lassen und damit die diagnostische Luecke

  14. Radioiodine therapy of Graves' disease - a dosimetric comparison of different strategies concerning antithyroid drugs; Radioiodtherapie des Morbus Basedow - dosimetrischer Vergleich verschiedener Therapieregime bezueglich der Thyreostatikabgabe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Urbannek, V.; Voth, E.; Moka, D.; Schicha, H. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Medizinische Einrichtungen der Univ. zu Koeln (Germany)


    -half-life, but it is inferior to stopping ATD 2 days prior to RITh. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Eine thyreostatische Medikation (TM) waehrend einer Radioiodtherapie (RITh) fuehrt im Vergleich zu nicht thyreostatisch behandelten Patienten zu einer prozentualen Zunahme an Therapieversagern oder erfordert einen erhoehten Verbrauch an Radioiod (RI). Andererseits ist aus klinischen Gruenden und wegen des in der Hyperthyreose beschleunigten lodstoffwechsels vor RITh eine Kompensation der Stoffwechsellage anzustreben. Ziel dieser Studie war daher, am Beispiel des Morbus Basedow den Einfluss der TM auf die Biokinetik von RI zu untersuchen, um die RITh bei thyreostatisch vorbehandelten Patienten zu optimieren. Methoden: Eingeschlossen wurden 385 konsekutive Patienten, die wegen eines Morbus Basedow erstmalig eine RITh erhielten: Kollektiv A (n = 74): Durchfuehrung der RITh unter laufender TM; Kollektiv B (n = 111): Beginn der RITh unter TM, Absetzen von TM 1-5 Tage nach RITh, falls RI-Uptake unzureichend oder RI-HWZ verkuerzt (n = 61); Kollektiv C (n = 200): Absetzen von TM 2 Tage vor RITh bei allen Patienten. Betrachtet wurde der Einfluss von thyreostatischer Medikation auf den RI-Uptake, die RI-HWZ sowie die an der Schilddruese erzielte Energiedosis in Abhaengigkeit vom SD-Volumen und der eingesetzen RI-Aktivitaet [Therapieeffizienzquotient TEQ, (2)]. Ergebnisse: Im RI-Test (alle Patienten unter TM) war der RI-Uptake in den drei Kollektiven vergleichbar. Bei der RITh waren RI-Uptake, RI-HWZ{sub eff} und damit auch TEQ im Kollektiv C signifikant groesser als in den Kollektiven A und B (jeweils p<0,001). Im Kollektiv B wurde die TM bei 61 der 111 Patienten 1-5 Tage nach RITh abgesetzt. In diesem Unterkollektiv stieg die RI-HWZ von 4,4 {+-} 1,7 d auf 5,1 {+-} 1,6 d nach Absetzen der TM an (p = 0,001). Schlussfolgerung: Absetzen von TM 2 Tage vor RITh fuehrt im Vergleich zur Durchfuehrung der RITh unter TM zu einer Steigerung der Effizienz (TEQ) von etwa 50% und damit zu einer deutlichen

  15. PET and SPECT investigations in Alzheimer's disease; Nuklearmedizin und Demenz - Anwendung bei Morbus Alzheimer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asenbaum, S. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinik fuer Neurologie, Wien (Austria); Abteilung fuer klinische Neurologie, Universitaetsklinik fuer Neurologie, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, 1090, Wien (Austria)


    Nuclear medicine offers a wide range of possibilities to investigate dementia. Various SPECT and PET tracers will be introduced in this article first. Different questions concerning evaluation of dementia are discussed taking Alzheimer's disease (AD) as an example. It is important to perform nuclear medicine investigations on high technical level, using standardized methods as statistical parametric mapping (SPM) for evaluation. If neuroprotective therapies are available, an early diagnosis, the determination of risk factors and longitudinal investigations will be the focus of interest and the main goal of nuclear medicine. Apart from measuring cerebral perfusion and glucose metabolism the development of new ligands, concerning the cholinergic system and the visualization of amyloid plaques, is of great importance. (orig.) [German] Nuklearmedizin bietet bei der Erfassung und Beurteilung eines dementiellen Prozesses eine Vielzahl von Untersuchungsmoeglichkeiten. Anhand des Morbus Alzheimer (DAT) werden in dem vorliegenden Artikel neben einer kurzen Schilderung der zur Verfuegung stehenden Methoden die verschiedenen nuklearmedizinisch relevante Fragestellungen angefuehrt, zu deren Beantwortung die funktionelle Bildgebung Informationen liefern kann. Durch den Einsatz bestimmter, standardisierter Auswerteverfahren wie statistical parametric mapping (SPM) ist es moeglich, entscheidende Hinweise zur Diagnose und Differenzialdiagnose der DAT zu erlangen. In Zukunft werden, insbesondere bei einer Verfuegbarkeit neuroprotektiver Therapien, eine moeglichst fruehe Diagnosestellung und die Erfassung von Risikofaktoren sowie die Moeglichkeit einer Verlaufsbeobachtung in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses und in das Zentrum nuklearmedizinischer Untersuchungen ruecken. Vor allem fuer diese Anforderungen ist neben der qualitaetsvollen Untersuchung von zerebraler Perfusion und Glukosestoffwechsel eine Weiterentwicklung spezieller Liganden v. a. das cholinerge System betreffend und

  16. Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Shanahan, Fergus


    Crohn\\'s disease is a disorder mediated by T lymphocytes which arises in genetically susceptible individuals as a result of a breakdown in the regulatory constraints on mucosal immune responses to enteric bacteria. Regulation of immune reactivity to enteric antigens has improved understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of Crohn\\'s disease, and has expanded therapeutic options for patients with this disorder. Disease heterogeneity is probable, with various underlying defects associated with a similar pathophysiological outcome. Although most conventional drug treatments are directed at modification of host response, therapeutic manipulation of the enteric flora is becoming a realistic option.

  17. Radiation therapy for Morbus Ledderhose - indication and clinical results; Strahlentherapie beim Morbus Ledderhose - Indikation und klinische Ergebnisse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seegenschmiedt, M.H.; Attassi, M. [Klinik fuer Radioonkologie, Strahlentherapie und Nuklearmedizin, Alfried-Krupp-Krankenhaus, Essen (Germany)


    Background: morbus ledderhose (ML) is a rare hyperproliferative disorder of the plantar aponeurosis which is similar in its clinical course to morbus dupuytren (MD). We examined whether radiotherapy (RT) can effect symptoms and prevent disease progression. Patients and methods: from June 1996 to December 2001, 25 patients (12 female/13 male) aged 9-76 (median: 56) years had radiotherapy (RT) for symptomatic ML. Follow-up (FU) was at least 1 year. 36 feet (16 right/20 left) were treated, as eleven patients had bilateral disease. Twelve (48%) patients had MD. There were 63 nodules (with 0,5-6,5 cm diameter) on all feet and 20 cords (with 1-4 cm length) on 13 (52%) feet prior to RT. 21 (84%) patients had one or more signs: 14 (56%) severe local pain, eight (32%) walking difficulties, twelve (48%) other symptoms, pressure or tension sensation. The RT field involved all nodules and cords plus safety margin. Two RT-series were applied (each 5 x 3 gy in 1 week) separated by 8-12 weeks up to a total dose of 30 gy. Evaluation was performed at the end of RT, after 3 and 12 months FU and in December 2002. The primary endpoint was prevention of disease progression and avoidance of surgery. Secondary endpoints were objective changes of morphological and functional parameters and patient's satisfaction measured on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Results: with a median FU of 38 (12-67) months no patient experienced progression or underwent surgery: 11 of 36 (44%) feet had a reduced number (overall: - 16) or size of nodules, 7 of 13 (54%) feet had a reduced number (overall: -9) or length of cords; gait was improved in six of twelve (50%) feet; pain was reduced or had completely disappeared in 9 of 15 (60%) feet, and other symptoms disappeared in 8 of 18 (44%) symptomatic feet. 20 (80%) patients regarded 28 of 36 (78%) treated feet as improved and 8 (22%) in stable condition. The median relative improvement stated by patients on the VAS was 50% (0-100%). Treatment side effects

  18. Modern MRI of the small bowell; Moderne MRT des Duenndarms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scharitzer, M.; Ba-Ssalamah, A. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Wien (Austria)


    variety of MR sequences has enabled not only the detection but also the characterization of pathological changes of the small intestine, which are vital for further treatment of these patients. (orig.) [German] Die radiologische Diagnostik von Erkrankungen des Duenndarms wurde in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten einem dramatischen Wandel unterzogen. Durch rasche Fortschritte mit neuen Behandlungsmethoden und einem zunehmend therapeutischen Fokus auf transmuralen Heilungsprozessen ist eine Gesamtabklaerung des Gastrointestinaltrakts in den Mittelpunkt gerueckt. Durch die Einfuehrung der Endoskopie hat die gastrointestinale Bildgebung mit der Magen-Darm-Passage bzw. dem Enteroklysma mit einer relativ hohen Strahlenbelastung nur bedingte Einsatzmoeglichkeiten gezeigt. Die Entwicklung der Schnittbildverfahren ermoeglichte eine deutlich breitere radiologische Abklaerung abdomineller Erkrankungen. Durch schnelle Untersuchungstechniken sowie einen hohen Weichteilkontrast mit dem grossen Vorteil einer fehlenden Strahlenexposition hat die MRT des Gastrointestinaltrakts zunehmende Bedeutung gewonnen. Bei suffizienter Fuellung des Darmlumens liegt ein grosser Vorteil in der gleichzeitigen Abbildung saemtlicher Darmwandschichten, der perienteralen Strukturen sowie assoziierter abdomineller Veraenderungen. Neue MR-Sequenzen wie diffusionsgewichtete Sequenzen, dynamische Kontrastmittelsequenzen oder die MR-Fluoroskopie ermoeglichen die Detektion morphologischer Veraenderungen mit zusaetzlicher Charakterisierung dieser Darmabschnitte sowie die Beurteilung funktioneller Pathologien mit dynamischer Information ueber eine gestoerte Darmmotilitaet. Aktuelle Richtlinien europaeischer radiologischer und gastroenterologischer Organisationen haben die Bedeutung der Schnittbildverfahren und insbesondere der MRT fuer die Erstdiagnose und das Follow-up bei Patienten mit Morbus Crohn bestaetigt. Durch die Moeglichkeit der Beurteilung aller Darmwandschichten sowie dem Vorhandensein extramuraler

  19. Meeting the Challenge of Crohn's Disease (United States)

    ... page please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Crohn's Disease Meeting the Challenge of Crohn's Disease Past Issues / Winter ... Living with Crohn's Disease / What Is Crohn's Disease / Meeting the Challenge of Crohn's Disease Winter 2016 Issue: ...

  20. Crohn's disease. (United States)

    von Roon, Alexander C; Reese, George E; Orchard, Timothy R; Tekkis, Paris P


    Crohn's disease is a long-term chronic condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterised by transmural, granulomatous inflammation that occurs in a discontinuous pattern, with a tendency to form fistulae. The cause is unknown but may depend on interactions between genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and mucosal immunity. We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical questions: What are the effects of medical treatments in adults to induce remission in Crohn's disease? What are the effects of lifestyle interventions in adults with Crohn's disease to maintain remission? What are the effects of surgical interventions in adults with small-bowel Crohn's disease to induce remission? What are the effects of surgical interventions in adults with colonic Crohn's disease to induce remission? What are the effects of medical interventions to maintain remission in adults with Crohn's disease; and to maintain remission following surgery? We searched: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library and other important databases up to March 2006 (Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically, please check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). We found 60 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the following interventions: aminosalicylates, antibiotics, azathioprine/mercaptopurine, ciclosporin, corticosteroids (oral), enteral nutrition, fish oil, infliximab, methotrexate, probiotics, resection, segmental colectomy, smoking cessation, and strictureplasty.

  1. MR enterography sequence evaluation for patients with Crohn's disease; Sequenz-Evaluation fuer die MR-Enterografie fuer Patienten mit Morbus Crohn

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schleder, S.; Dendle, L.M.; Friedrich, C.; Wiggermann, P.; Stroszczynski, C.; Schreyer, A.G. [Universitaetsklinikum Regensburg (Germany). Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik; Pawlik, M. [Caritas-Krankenhaus St. Josef, Regensburg (Germany). Klinik fuer Anaesthesiologie, Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin; Ott, C. [Universitaetsklinikum Regensburg (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Innere Medizin I; Agha, A. [Universitaetsklinikum Regensburg (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Chirurgie


    Purpose: To evaluate a routine MR enterography (MRE) protocol for patients with Crohn's disease (CD) in order to assess and rank the subjectively most important sequences regarding diagnostic decisions. Materials and Methods: We prospective ly examined 84 patients (42 male) with known CD using a coronal T2/T1-weighted balanced SSFP (TrueFISP), axial T2-weighted single shot TSE (HASTE) as well as an axial T1-weighted gradient-echo sequence (2D-FLASH) before intravenous contrast application and a 2D-FLASH sequence with axial and coronal orientation after in travenous contrast application. 4 experienced radiologists subjectively evaluate d the sequences independently using a scale between 1 and 5 (1 = excellent; 5 = non-diagnostic) regarding their diagnostic significance for a final radiologic d ecision. The ranking of the different sequences was statistically tested by the Friedman analysis. Results: The following ranking was found: HASTE sequences wer e ranked prior to contrast-enhanced axial gradient-echo (2D-FLASH). The third to fifth ranking was TrueFISP, the axial contrast-enhanced 2D-FLASH and the 2D-FLA SH without contrast, respectively. Differences between the first and second rank were significant (p < 0.05), and all other differences were highly significant (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The stable and fast T2-weighted MR sequences without intravenous contrast represented by axial HASTE and coronal TrueFISP were ranked as number 1 and 3. The examination protocol should be completed by a coronal T 1-weighted gradient-echo-sequence after contrast injection, which can be supplemented by an axial acquisition. The T1-weighted gradient-echo sequence without contrast could be omitted. (orig.)

  2. Emergency surgery for Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Smida, Malek; Miloudi, Nizar; Hefaiedh, Rania; Zaibi, Rabaa


    Surgery has played an essential role in the treatment of Crohn's disease. Emergency can reveal previously unknown complications whose treatment affects prognosis. Indicate the incidence of indications in emergent surgery for Crohn's disease. Specify the types of procedures performed in these cases and assess the Results of emergency surgery for Crohn's disease postoperatively,  in short , medium and long term. Retrospective analysis of collected data of 38 patients, who underwent surgical resection for Crohn's disease during a period of 19 years from 1992 to 2011 at the department of surgery in MONGI SLIM Hospital, and among them 17 patients underwent emergency surgery for Crohn's disease. In addition to socio-demographic characteristics and clinical presentations of our study population, we evaluated the indications, the type of intervention, duration of evolution preoperative and postoperative complications and overall prognosis of the disease. Of the 38 patients with Crohn's disease requiring surgical intervention, 17/38 patients underwent emergency surgery. Crohn's disease was inaugurated by the complications requiring emergency surgery in 11 patients. The mean duration of symptoms prior to surgery was 1.5 year. The most common indication for emergency surgery was acute intestinal obstruction (n=6) followed by perforation and peritonitis (n=5). A misdiagnosis of appendicitis was found in 4 patients and a complicated severe acute colitis for undiagnosed Crohn's disease was found in 2 cases. The open conventional surgery was performed for 15 patients. Ileocolic resection was the most used intervention. There was one perioperative mortality and 5 postoperative morbidities. The mean of postoperative hospital stay was 14 days (range 4-60 days). Six patients required a second operation during the follow-up period. The incidence of emergency surgery for Crohn's disease in our experience was high (17/38 patients), and is not as rare as the published estimates

  3. Gaucher disease: MR evaluation of bone marrow features during treatment with enzyme replacement; Morbus Gaucher: Analyse der Knochenmarkveraenderungen in der MRT waehrend Enzymersatztherapie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poll, L.W.; Koch, J.A.; Boerner, D.; Cohnen, M.; Jung, G.; Scherer, A.; Moedder, U. [Duesseldorf Univ. (DF). Inst. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie; Dahl, S. vom; Haeussinger, D. [Duesseldorf Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Infektiologie; Willers, R. [Rechenzentrum, Heinrich-Heine-Univ. Duesseldorf (Germany); Niederau, C. [Innere Abt., St. Josef-Hospital Oberhausen, Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Univ. Essen (Germany)


    Purpose: Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) arrests and reverses the hematological and visceral symptoms of adult Gaucher disease, the most frequent lysosomal storage disorder. There are only a few studies available evaluating bone disease during ERT. The aim of this study was to investigate the features of bone marrow (bm) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in these patients during ERT. Materials and Methods: MRI was performed prospectively in thirty adult type I Gaucher patients before and during ERT with a mean follow-up of 3 years. Spin-echo sequences (T{sub 1}/T{sub 2}) of the lower extremities were obtained and the reconversion (response) or lack of reconversion (non-response) to fatty marrow during treatment was analyzed. The morphological features of bm involvement, a homogeneous or non-homogeneous distribution of bm changes and focal bone lesions surrounded by a rim of reduced signal intensity (SI), were analyzed. Results: Infiltration of bm by Gaucher cells is characterized by a reduction of Sl on both T{sub 1}- and T{sub 2}-weighted sequences. Bone marrow responses were seen in 19 patients (63%) during treatment. Focal bone lesions, surrounded by a rim of reduced Sl, did not respond to ERT and correlated with a non-homogenous distribution of bone involvement and splenectomy. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Unter Enzymersatztherapie (enzyme replacement therapy = ERT) zeigen Patienten mit adulter Form des Morbus Gaucher, der haeufigsten lysosomalen Speicherkrankheit, eine deutliche Besserung der haematologischen und visceralen Symptome. Bislang liegen nur wenige Untersuchungen zur Analyse der Knochenveraenderungen waehrend der ERT vor. Ziel war es, die Knochenmarkveraenderungen bei Gaucher-Patienten waehrend der Enzymersatztherapie mit Alglucerase/Imiglucerase in der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) zu evaluieren. Material und Methoden: In einer prospektiven Untersuchung wurden 30 adulte Patienten mit gesichertem Morbus Gaucher vor und waehrend der ERT in der MRT

  4. Radiotherapy in early stage dupuytren's contracture; Die Radiotherapie des Morbus Dupuytren im Fruehstadium. Langzeitresultate nach einer medianen Nachbeobachtungszeit von 10 Jahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adamietz, B.; Sauer, R. [Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ., Erlangen (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie; Keilholz, L. [Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ., Erlangen (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie; Praxis fuer Strahlentherapie, Klinikum Fuerth (Germany); Gruenert, J. [Abt. fuer Plastische und Handchirurgie der Chirurgischen Universitaetsklinik Erlangen-Nuernberg, Erlangen (Germany)


    Purpose: In early stage Dupuytren's contracture radiotherapy was applied to prevent disease progression. Long-term results and late toxicity of this treatment were evaluated in a retrospective analysis. Patients and Methods: Between 1982 and 1994, 99 patients (176 hands) received orthovoltage radiotherapy, which consisted of two courses with 5 x 3 Gy (total dose: 30 Gy, daily fractionated; 120 kV, 4 mm Al), separated by a 6 to 8-week pause. The Dupuytren's contracture was staged according to the classification of Tubiana et al. The long-term outcome was analyzed at last follow-up between July and November 1999. The median follow-up was 10 years (range 7-18 years). Late toxicity was assessed using the LENT-SOMA criteria. Results: In Stage N 84% and Stage N/I 67% of cases remained stable. 65% of the cases in Stage I and 83% in Stage II showed progressive nodules and cords. In case of progression we saw no complications after a second radiotherapy or salvage operation. Conclusion: Radiotherapy effectively prevents disease progression for early stage Dupuytren's contracture (Stage N, N/I). Moreover, in case of disease progression despite radiotherapy salvage surgery is still feasible. (orig.) [German] Hintergrund: Im Fruehstadium des Morbus Dupuytren wird die externe Radiotherapie mit dem Ziel eingesetzt, den progressiven Verlauf der Erkrankung zu verhindern. Eine aktuelle Langzeitverlaufskontrolle soll die Ergebnisse und Nebenwirkungen der Radiotherapie darstellen. Patienten und Methode: Wir untersuchten 99 Patienten (176 Haende), welche sich von 1982-1994 einer Radiotherapie an unserer Klinik unterzogen. Jeder Patient erhielt zwei Serien einer Radiotherapie mit jeweils 5 x 3 Gy (Gesamtdosis 30 Gy, 120 kV, 4 mm Al, Bestrahlungspause von 6-8 Wochen nach 15 Gy). Die Beugekontraktur wurde nach Tubiana et al. eingeteilt. Von Juli bis November 1999 erfolgte nach einer medianen Nachbeobachtungszeit von 10 Jahren (7-18 Jahre) eine Kontrolluntersuchung. Die

  5. Colorectal cancer complicating Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Freeman, H J


    Some earlier studies have indicated that patients with inflammatory bowel disease, especially those with long-standing and extensive ulcerative colitis, have an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Moreover, others in tertiary care centres have suggested that patients with Crohn's disease also have a higher risk of colorectal cancer. Canadian data on colorectal cancer in Crohn's disease appear to be limited. For this investigation, a single clinician database of 877 patients with Crohn's disease was used. Altogether, there were six patients with colorectal cancer (ie, overall rate of 0.7%). All of these patients were men with an initial diagnosis of Crohn's disease established at a mean age of approximately 28 years, with either ileocolonic disease or colonic disease alone, but not with ileal disease alone. Although there was a predominance of women in the overall study population (ie, 56.1%), no women developed colorectal cancer. The clinical behaviour of Crohn's disease was classified as nonstricturing in all six patients with colorectal cancer, but in two patients, Crohn's disease was complicated by a perirectal abscess or a fistula. All cancers were located in the rectum and were diagnosed 30 years, 22 years, seven years, 18 years, 20 years and 40 years after Crohn's disease was initially diagnosed. In three patients, the cancer was detected in a residual rectal stump after a partial colon resection at least 10 years earlier. In five patients, localized extension of disease through the serosa, nodal or distant metastases (ie, liver, lung) was found at the time of cancer diagnosis; two patients have since died. The present study confirms that Crohn's disease involving the colon may be a possible risk factor for the development of colorectal cancer, at least in younger men, but, in this study, not in women. However, part of this increased risk in men may have been related to the presence of a rectal stump, rather than to Crohn's disease per se.

  6. Colorectal Cancer Complicating Crohn's Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugh J Freeman


    Full Text Available Some earlier studies have indicated that patients with inflammatory bowel disease, especially those with long-standing and extensive ulcerative colitis, have an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Moreover, others in tertiary care centres have suggested that patients with Crohn's disease also have a higher risk of colorectal cancer. Canadian data on colorectal cancer in Crohn's disease appear to be limited. For this investigation, a single clinician database of 877 patients with Crohn's disease was used. Altogether, there were six patients with colorectal cancer (ie, overall rate of 0.7%. All of these patients were men with an initial diagnosis of Crohn's disease established at a mean age of approximately 28 years, with either ileocolonic disease or colonic disease alone, but not with ileal disease alone. Although there was a predominance of women in the overall study population (ie, 56.1%, no women developed colorectal cancer. The clinical behaviour of Crohn's disease was classified as nonstricturing in all six patients with colorectal cancer, but in two patients, Crohn's disease was complicated by a perirectal abscess or a fistula. All cancers were located in the rectum and were diagnosed 30 years, 22 years, seven years, 18 years, 20 years and 40 years after Crohn's disease was initially diagnosed. In three patients, the cancer was detected in a residual rectal stump after a partial colon resection at least 10 years earlier. In five patients, localized extension of disease through the serosa, nodal or distant metastases (ie, liver, lung was found at the time of cancer diagnosis; two patients have since died. The present study confirms that Crohn's disease involving the colon may be a possible risk factor for the development of colorectal cancer, at least in younger men, but, in this study, not in women. However, part of this increased risk in men may have been related to the presence of a rectal stump, rather than to Crohn's disease per se.

  7. Isolated Crohn's disease of the stomach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Traxler, M.; Weiss, W.; Rohrmoser, G.


    The spectrum of this disease has undergone major changes since 1932 when Crohn, Ginzberg and Oppenheimer differentiated Ileitis terminalis from nonspecific inflammations of the bowels. Initially, Crohn assumed an inflammation restricted to the terminal ileum. Today, Crohn's disease has been verified to affect the total gastro-intestinal tract from the cavity of the mouth to the anus. In 1949 Ross et al. were the first to report Crohn's disease in the region of the stomach and duodenum. Its localization in the upper intestinal tract, however, is a rare occurrence on the whole. (orig.) [de

  8. MRI of vulvar Crohn disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pai, Deepa; Dillman, Jonathan R.; Mahani, Maryam Ghadimi; Strouse, Peter J. [University of Michigan Health System, Department of Radiology, Section of Pediatric Radiology, C.S. Mott Children' s Hospital, F3503, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Adler, Jeremy [University of Michigan Health System, Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, C. S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI (United States)


    Crohn disease is a chronic granulomatous inflammatory disorder that most commonly affects the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the distal small bowel and colon. While certain extraintestinal manifestations of Crohn disease are relatively common and well-known, others, such as metastatic cutaneous involvement, are quite rare and may be difficult to recognize, particularly in the pediatric population. This case report illustrates the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of vulvar region cutaneous Crohn disease in an 11-year-old girl. (orig.)

  9. El cólera morbus en cinco municipios del Estado de México, en 1850


    María del Pilar Iracheta; Hilda Lagunas


    El artículo pretende hacer un análisis sobre los efectos del cólera morbus en cinco municipios del Estado de México (Toluca, Temoaya, Calimaya, Otzolotepec y Capulhuac) durante los meses de junio y julio de 1850, aunque la enfermedad se manifestó hasta noviembre de ese año. Asimismo, se trata de señalar algunos elementos que permitieron la propagación del cólera. También se trata de medir los efectos de la enfermedad en los municipios referidos, tomando como base...

  10. Altered potassium homeostasis in Crohn's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schober, O.; Hundeshagen, H.; Bosaller, C.; Lehr, L.


    The total body potassium (TBK), serum potassium, and the number of red blood cell ouabain-binding sites was studied in 94 patients with Crohn's diease. TBK was measured by counting the endogenous 40 K in a whole body counter. TBK was 87%+-13% in 94 patients was Crohn's disease, while in control subjects, it was 97%+-12% (n=24). This significant reduction in TBK was accompanied by normal serum potassium levels (4.4+-0.5 mM). TBK was significantly correlated with the Crohn's disease activity index (r=0.79, n=113, P 3 H-ouabain showed a significant increse in the number of Na-K pumps in Crohn's disease (396+-65, n=27) compared with the control group. 290+-45 (n=24). These results support the suggestion that changes in TBK may regulate the synthesis of Na-K pump molecules. The total body potassium depletion and the need for a preoperative nutritional support in Crohn's disease are discussed. (orig.)

  11. El cólera morbus en cinco municipios del Estado de México, en 1850

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Pilar Iracheta


    Full Text Available El artículo pretende hacer un análisis sobre los efectos del cólera morbus en cinco municipios del Estado de México (Toluca, Temoaya, Calimaya, Otzolotepec y Capulhuac durante los meses de junio y julio de 1850, aunque la enfermedad se manifestó hasta noviembre de ese año. Asimismo, se trata de señalar algunos elementos que permitieron la propagación del cólera. También se trata de medir los efectos de la enfermedad en los municipios referidos, tomando como base los factores como la edad y el sexo.

  12. El cólera morbus en cinco municipios del Estado de México, en 1850


    María del Pilar Iracheta


    El artículo pretende hacer un análisis sobre los efectos del cólera morbus en cinco municipios del Estado de México (Toluca, Temoaya, Calimaya, Otzolotepec y Capulhuac) durante los meses de junio y julio de 1850, aunque la enfermedad se manifestó hasta noviembre de ese año. Asimismo, se trata de señalar algunos elementos que permitieron la propagación del cólera. También se trata de medir los efectos de la enfermedad en los municipios referidos, tomando como base los factores como la edad y e...

  13. Ernährungszustand bei Patienten mit chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen


    Blunk, Christine


    Zahlreiche internationale Studien konnten den negativen Einfluss einer bestehenden Malnutrition auf den Verlauf einer Erkrankung belegen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Patienten mit chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen wie Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa, die wie klinische Studien gezeigt haben besonders häufig unter einer Malnutrition leiden. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde der Ernährungszustand von 127 Patienten mit chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen anhand verschiedener etabli...

  14. {sup 1}H-MR-spectroscopic imaging in patients with Alzheimer`s disease; {sup 1}H-MR-spektroskopische Bildgebung bei Patienten mit klinisch gesichertem Morbus Alzheimer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Block, W [Radiogische Klinik der Univ. Bonn (Germany); Traeber, F [Radiogische Klinik der Univ. Bonn (Germany); Kuhl, C K [Radiogische Klinik der Univ. Bonn (Germany); Fric, M [Psychiatrische Universitaetsklinik, Bonn (Germany); Keller, E [Radiogische Klinik der Univ. Bonn (Germany); Lamerichs, R [Philips Medical Systems, Best (Netherlands); Rink, H [Radiogische Klinik der Univ. Bonn (Germany); Moeller, H J [Psychiatrische Universitaetsklinik, Bonn (Germany); Schild, H H [Radiogische Klinik der Univ. Bonn (Germany)


    To detect regional differences in accompanying metabolic changes, {sup 1}H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging was performed in 16 patients with Alzheimer`s disease (AD); the clinical diagnosis was based upon DSM-III-R and NINCDS-ADRDA guidelines. In the hippocampal region metabolic maps of the local distribution of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), choline (Cho), creatine compounds (P(Cr)) and lactate were determined. Ratios of Cho/NAA, (P)Cr/NAA and Cho/(P)Cr calculated from selected hippocampal spectra were compared to those from healthy volunteers (n=17). AD patients demonstrated an increase of Cho/NAA and (P)Cr/NAA ratios caused by increased choline compounds and decreased NAA. These alterations were observed in 11/12 cases in the hippocampal and in 7/12 in the temporo-occipital region. Hippocampal Cho/NAA ratios (0.56{+-}0.19) were significantly elevated compared with controls. The observed elevation of choline compounds in the hippocampus supports the hypothesis that alterations in the cholinergic system play an important role in Alzheimer`s disease. The observed reduction of NAA is due to neuronal degeneration. (orig./MG) [Deutsch] Zur Darstellung von regionalen metabolischen Veraenderungen bei Morbus Alzheimer wurden mit dem Verfahren des {sup 1}H-Magnetic-Resonance-Spectroscopic-Imaging 16 Patienten untersucht, deren Diagnose klinisch entsprechend DSM-III-R- und NINCDS-ADRDA-Kriterien gestellt wurde. In Hoehe des Hippocampus wurden transaxiale ``Metabolitenkarten`` der regionalen Verteilung von N-Acetyl-Aspartat (NAA), cholinhaltiger Verbindungen (Cho), Gesamtkreatin (P(Cr)) und Laktat erstellt. Zur Quantifizierung der Unterschiede zum Normalkollektiv (n=17) wurden die Metabolitenquotienten Cho/NAA, (P)Cr/NAA und Cho/(P)Cr, insbesondere aus der Hippocampusregion, ermittelt. Das Krankheitsbild des M. Alzheimer stellte sich durch eine Erhoehung der Quotienten Cho/NAA und Cho/(P)Cr dar, wobei neben einer Cholinerhoehung die Reduktion des Neurotransmitters NAA

  15. Diagnosis and management of Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Wilkins, Thad; Jarvis, Kathryn; Patel, Jigneshkumar


    Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the gastrointestinal tract at any point from the mouth to the rectum. Patients may experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, weight loss, abdominal masses, and anemia. Extraintestinal manifestations of Crohn's disease include osteoporosis, inflammatory arthropathies, scleritis, nephrolithiasis, cholelithiasis, and erythema nodosum. Acute phase reactants, such as C-reactive protein level and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, are often increased with inflammation and may correlate with disease activity. Levels of vitamin B12, folate, albumin, prealbumin, and vitamin D can help assess nutritional status. Colonoscopy with ileoscopy, capsule endoscopy, computed tomography enterography, and small bowel follow-through are often used to diagnose Crohn's disease. Ultrasonography, computed axial tomography, scintigraphy, and magnetic resonance imaging can assess for extraintestinal manifestations or complications (e.g., abscess, perforation). Mesalamine products are often used for the medical management of mild to moderate colonic Crohn's disease. Antibiotics (e.g., metronidazole, fluoroquinolones) are often used for treatment. Patients with moderate to severe Crohn's disease are treated with corticosteroids, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, or anti-tumor necrosis factor agents (e.g., infliximab, adalimumab). Severe disease may require emergent hospitalization and a multidisciplinary approach with a family physician, gastroenterologist, and surgeon.

  16. Crohn's disease limited to the vermiform appendix

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bak, Martin; Andersen, J C


    Thirteen cases of Crohn's disease confined to the vermiform appendix were seen during a 12-year period. They constituted 16.9% of patients with primary resection of the bowel for Crohn's disease in the same period, but only 0.4% of the cases of acute appendicitis. In 10 of the 13 cases there was ......Thirteen cases of Crohn's disease confined to the vermiform appendix were seen during a 12-year period. They constituted 16.9% of patients with primary resection of the bowel for Crohn's disease in the same period, but only 0.4% of the cases of acute appendicitis. In 10 of the 13 cases...... to approach that of recurrence after resection in other parts of the intestines. Collective review of this and three other relatively large case series gave an estimated recurrence rate of 3.5%. We conclude that in Crohn's disease initially confined to the appendix the course appears to be indolent....

  17. Impacto del cigarrillo en el tracto gastrointestinal: Efecto diferencial en Enfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Loni Berkowitz Fiebich


    Full Text Available El impacto del consumo de cigarrillo a nivel respiratorio y cardiovascular ha sido extensamente investigado, sin embargo, aún queda mucho por estudiar sobre su impacto en el tracto gastrointestinal. Está demostrado que el tabaquismo es un importante factor de riesgo para desórdenes gastrointestinales, incluyendo úlceras pépticas, Enfermedad de Crohn y distintos tipos de cáncer. Los mecanismos propuestos incluyen daños a nivel de la mucosa, alteraciones en la irrigación del tejido y cambios en la respuesta inmune. Paradojalmente, el consumo de cigarrillo constituye un factor protector para el desarrollo y la progresión de la Colitis Ulcerosa. Esta patología, junto a la Enfermedad de Crohn, conforman las dos entidades más importantes dentro de las Enfermedades Inflamatorias Intestinales y comparten diversas características. El impacto diferencial del consumo de cigarrillo entre ambas ha sido un tema de gran interés en los últimos treinta años, y aún no ha logrado ser esclarecido. En esta revisión describiremos los efectos conocidos del tabaquismo sobre el tracto gastrointestinal, y particularmente en la inflamación intestinal, profundizando en los estudios disponibles que intentan explicar el efecto opuesto del cigarrillo en la Enfermedad de Crohn y la Colitis Ulcerosa

  18. Osteomalacia in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Dedeoglu, Meryem; Garip, Yesim; Bodur, Hatice


    Osteomalacia is a metabolic bone disorder characterized by impaired mineralization of the bone matrix. Vitamin D deficiency due to malabsorption syndromes may cause osteomalacia. This is a case of a patient with a 6-year history of seronegative spondyloarthropathy associated with Crohn's disease who was admitted to our outpatient clinic with symptoms of osteomalacia. Osteomalacia is a metabolic bone disease characterized by an impaired mineralization of the bone matrix, frequently caused by disorders in vitamin D or phosphate metabolism. Vitamin D deficiency due to malabsorption syndromes (e.g., Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, and jejuno-ileal bypass for obesity) may cause osteomalacia. A 43-year-old male presented with fatigue, low back pain, and morning stiffness. He had a 6-year history of seronegative spondyloarthropathy associated with Crohn's disease. Laboratory findings revealed low serum calcium, low 25-hydroxy vitamin D3, normal phosphorus, elevated parathyroid hormone, and alkaline phosphatase levels. Radiographs revealed grade IV sacroiliitis and Looser zones. He was diagnosed with osteomalacia due to the malabsorption of vitamin D. His symptoms and signs were relieved with supplements of vitamin D and calcium. Osteomalacia should be considered in differential diagnosis when assessing low back pain in the patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Vitamin D deficiency should be treated with vitamin D supplementation in patients with Crohn's disease to prevent osteomalacia.

  19. Paediatric Crohn's disease: a radiological review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, S.I.; Carty, H.M.L.


    Paediatric Crohn's disease can be a serious and complex condition which is not always easy to diagnose if it presents in an atypical manner. Although the pathological processes are the same in adults and children, the clinical presentation and disease distribution can be different in children. The impact of the disease can also be much more significant in a growing and developing child than in an adult. Numerous investigations are available to establish the diagnosis, define the complications and to demonstrate the extra-intestinal manifestations. Close co-operation is required between the clinician and radiologist when investigating a child suspected of having Crohn's disease or its symptoms to minimise the radiation dose and the psychological and physical trauma. We review the clinical and radiological aspects of Crohn's disease and discuss the imaging modalities available in diagnosing Crohn's disease and its complications and suggest an investigation pathway as used in our institution. (orig.)

  20. US contribution in Crohn's disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alessi, V; Bianco, S; Traina, G


    The authors report their experience in 40 patients with intestinal Crohn's disease, who underwent both abdominal ultrasound scanning and double-contrast small bowel enema. The various echographic patterns are described, found in the different phases during the evolution of Crohn's disease, underlying the importance of ultrasound in evaluating the real degree of bowel wall thickening and the esoenteric space, only indirectly appreciated with X-ray examination.

  1. Surgical management of Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Lu, Kim C; Hunt, Steven R


    Although medical management can control symptoms in a recurring incurable disease, such as Crohn's disease, surgical management is reserved for disease complications or those problems refractory to medical management. In this article, we cover general principles for the surgical management of Crohn's disease, ranging from skin tags, abscesses, fistulae, and stenoses to small bowel and extraintestinal disease. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. [Socioprofessional consequences of Crohn disease]. (United States)

    Duclos, B; Planchon, F; Jouin, H; Chamouard, P; Schieber, J P; Ubrich-Leuilliot, M; Baumann, R; Weill, J P


    To evaluate evolutivity and social repercussions of Crohn's disease, the same gastroenterologist interviewed 151 out of 197 patients with Crohn's disease (77.5 percent) who had been hospitalized from 1964 to 1986 in our unit. The other 46 could not be traced or refused to participate. There was no difference regarding age, sex, duration of illness, pattern of lesions and operations between the two groups. At the time of observation, mean follow-up was 7.8 years and two thirds of the patients had inactive disease. During the previous year, the course of the disease was quiescent in 50 percent of all patients; this rate increased with duration of follow-up and time from surgery. A constant rate of stable course was observed (20 percent) irrespective of duration of disease and time of surgery. The interviews were compared with those obtained from an age and sex-matched group of 70 previously healthy subjects admitted to the hospital for less than one month. The education and socioeconomic levels were higher in patients with Crohn's disease than in controls, in spite of the fact that 25 percent of patients whose disease begun during scholarship complained of difficulties at school, and nearly 20 percent of all patients were partially or totally unable to work. Sports and cultural activities were the same in Crohn's disease and in the control group. Tobacco intake was slightly higher at time of diagnosis but it was equal in both groups at the time of the interview. Non allopathic advice or treatment were sought by 48 percent of Crohn's disease patients (7 percent in controls).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  3. Surgical care of the pediatric Crohn's disease patient. (United States)

    Stewart, Dylan


    Despite the significant advances in the medical management of inflammatory bowel disease over the last decade, surgery continues to play a major role in the management of pediatric Crohn's disease (CD). While adult and pediatric Crohn's disease may share many clinical characteristics, pediatric Crohn's patients often have a more aggressive phenotype, and the operative care given by the pediatric surgeon to the newly diagnosed Crohn's patient is very different in nature to the surgical needs of adult patients after decades of disease progression. Children also have the unique surgical indication of growth failure to consider in the overall clinical decision making. While surgery is never curative in CD, it has the ability to transform the disease process in children, and appropriately timed operations may have tremendous impact on a child's physical and mental maturation. This monograph aims to address the surgical care of Crohn's disease in general, with a specific emphasis on the surgical treatment of small intestinal and ileocecal involvement. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Disease outcome for children who present with oral manifestations of Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hussey, S


    To describe the outcome for children with oral Crohn\\'s disease (OCD) at diagnosis, and to determine if there was a difference in the Paediatric Crohn\\'s Disease Activity Index (PCDAI) scores between those with and those without oral lesions at follow-up.

  5. MR spectroscopy in metabolic disorders of the brain; MR-Spektroskopie bei Stoffwechselerkrankungen des Gehirns

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yilmaz, U. [Universitaetsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie, Homburg/Saar (Germany)


    Metabolic disorders of the brain often present a particular challenge for the neuroradiologist, since the disorders are rare, changes on conventional MR are often non-specific and there are numerous differential diagnoses for the white substance lesions. As a complementary method to conventional brain MRI, MR spectroscopy may help to reduce the scope of the differential diagnosis. Entities with specific MR spectroscopy patterns are Canavan disease, maple syrup urine disease, nonketotic hyperglycinemia and creatine deficiency. (orig.) [German] Die Diagnostik metabolischer Erkrankungen des Gehirns stellt eine besondere Herausforderung in der Neuroradiologie dar, da die Erkrankungen insgesamt selten, die bildmorphologischen Befunde haeufig unspezifisch sind und es eine Vielzahl von Differenzialdiagnosen fuer die Veraenderungen der weissen Substanz gibt. Als zusaetzliche Technik kann die MR-Spektroskopie bei Stoffwechselerkrankungen helfen, die Diagnose einzugrenzen. Krankheitsentitaeten, die spezifische Veraenderungen in der Spektroskopie aufweisen, sind der Morbus Canavan, die Ahornsirupkrankheit, die nichtketotische Hyperglyzinaemie und Kreatinmangelsyndrome. (orig.)

  6. Crohn Disease: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Management. (United States)

    Feuerstein, Joseph D; Cheifetz, Adam S


    Crohn disease is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease condition characterized by skip lesions and transmural inflammation that can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. For this review article, we performed a review of articles in PubMed through February 1, 2017, by using the following Medical Subject Heading terms: crohns disease, crohn's disease, crohn disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and inflammatory bowel diseases. Presenting symptoms are often variable and may include diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and in certain cases fevers or chills. There are 3 main disease phenotypes: inflammatory, structuring, and penetrating. In addition to the underlying disease phenotype, up to a third of patients will develop perianal involvement of their disease. In addition, in some cases, extraintestinal manifestations may develop. The diagnosis is typically made with endoscopic and/or radiologic findings. Disease management is usually with pharmacologic therapy, which is determined on the basis of disease severity and underlying disease phenotype. Although the goal of management is to control the inflammation and induce a clinical remission with pharmacologic therapy, most patients will eventually require surgery for their disease. Unfortunately, surgery is not curative and patients still require ongoing therapy even after surgery for disease recurrence. Importantly, given the risks of complications from both Crohn disease and the medications used to treat the disease process, primary care physicians play an important role in optimizing the preventative care management to reduce the risk of complications. Copyright © 2017 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Responsiveness of Endoscopic Indices of Disease Activity for Crohn's Disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khanna, Reena; Zou, Guangyong; Stitt, Larry; Feagan, Brian G.; Sandborn, William J.; Rutgeerts, Paul; McDonald, John W. D.; Dubcenco, Elena; Fogel, Ronald; Panaccione, Remo; Jairath, Vipul; Nelson, Sigrid; Shackelton, Lisa M.; Huang, Bidan; Zhou, Qian; Robinson, Anne M.; Levesque, Barrett G.; D'Haens, Geert


    The Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity (CDEIS) and the Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn's Disease (SES-CD) are commonly used to assess Crohn's disease (CD) activity; however neither instrument is fully validated. We evaluated the responsiveness to change of the SES-CD and CDEIS using data

  8. Diagnostic and treatment difficulties in Crohn's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ioana Păunică


    Full Text Available Inflammatory bowel diseases are related to a special pathology having a great psychosocial and economic impact, being represented by chronic diseases which often affects the adult/ active population and that require a long-term treatment. The incidence of Crohn's disease has recorded an increasing trend amongst the general population. However, the incidence of regional enteritis is somewhat lower than in the case of ulcerohemorrhagic rectocolitis. The highest prevalence of Crohn's disease is encountered among the populations with a high standard of living; the onset of the disease occurs between 15 and 35 years, but there are also rare cases with onset in childbirth or over 60 years of age. Men and women are approximate equally affected by Crohn's disease. The main purpose of the treatment is to keep under control the disease, and to increase the quality of life with the following goals: diminishing intestinal inflammatory lesions, relieving symptoms and inducing remission, preventing relapses and complications, as well as maintaining proper nutrition. Appropriate treatment should be adapted to the different clinical-evolutionary forms of Crohn's disease, the succession of different treatment methods being therefore different. Surgical treatment plays a much more limited role in Crohn's disease than in ulcerhemorrhagic rectocolitis. Operational interventions are frequently followed by relapses, and surgical resections should be limited to macroscopically affected segments.

  9. Crohn's disease in adolescence: presentation and treatment. (United States)

    Cullen, Mick; Barnes, Claire


    Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel condition that affects more than 115,000 people in the UK. This article focuses on Crohn's disease in adolescents. Management of the condition in this group should address adolescent-specific characteristics and treatment goals. Key elements include optimising growth, pubertal development and social functioning, including education. The condition can affect an individual's mental and emotional wellbeing significantly, as well as their physical health. As adolescence is a time of great change, the additional burden of a chronic illness can prove difficult to manage. The authors provide information on the presentation of Crohn's disease in adolescence and insights into the particular issues encountered by this group.

  10. Follow up of Crohn's disease under therapy with hydro-MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganten, M.; Flosdorff, P.; Grueber-Hoffmann, B.; Erb, G.; Hansmann, J.; Encke, J.


    Evaluation of typical MRI-findings in patients with Crohn's disease receiving therapy.Correlation with the course of disease.Patients and methods 81 follow-up MRI-studies in 25 patients conducted within a period of 3 weeks to 4 years were evaluated retrospectively.Therapy consisted in various combinations of antibiotics and immunosuppressive agents and if necessary operation. The findings of the MRI-studies were correlated with clinical data (e.g.operation of Crohn's complications) and the subjective perception during therapy. The morphological substrate of Crohn's disease in the Hydro-MRI images is reliably detected. Especially in a delineation of extraluminal changes MRI is superior to endoscopy and enteroclysis.Independent from clinical symptoms short- and middleterm follow-up showed inflammatory changes of the intestinal wall in all 25 patients. In 24/81 studies there was persistence or even progression of Crohn's disease in the MRI-studies, although patients were free of symptoms by the time of image acquisition. Hydro-MRI is a modality for the evaluation of inflammatory changes in patients with Crohn's disease.Independent from clinical symptoms persistence of Crohn's disease is detectable. (orig.) [de

  11. Hematologic manifestations of Crohn's disease: two clinical cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. V. Taratina


    Full Text Available Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD are commonly associated with extraintestinal manifestations, hematological disorders being the most special among them. In some cases, they dominate the clinical picture masking the intestinal manifestations of the underlying disease. Aplastic anemia is an extremely rare extraintestinal IBD manifestation. There are only two clinical cases of aplastic anemia associated with ulcerative colitis and non with Crohn's disease reported in the literature. Combination of Crohn's disease and В₁₂-deficient anemia is more prevalent, but is seen usually only after more than 20 cm of the ileus has been resected. The first clinical case presented in this paper is a  combination of severe fistula-forming Crohn's disease with a constriction in the terminal part of the ileus and profound pancytopenia as an outcome of aplastic anemia. This profound pancytopenia is associated with an extremely high risk of life-threatening complications both of surgical treatment, as well as of several chemotherapeutic agents, which made the management of this patient difficult. The second clinical case demonstrates the manifestation of Crohn's disease as ileocolitis starting from the symptoms of cobalamin deficiency: severe В₁₂-deficient anemia, funicular myelosis and sensory ataxia, with blunted intestinal symptoms. This made the initial diagnosis and timely treatment difficult. Replacement therapy with cobalamin injections and treatment with glucocorticoids and antibacterials led to endoscopically confirmed remission of Crohn's disease and normalization of hematological parameters, with persistent polyneuropathy. Thus, management of patients with Crohn's disease should be multidisciplinary. In the case of anemia, leucopenia and/or thrombocytopenia in IBD patients it is necessary to exclude potential myelodysplasia and bone marrow aplasia. In the event of megaloblastic anemia and/or progressive polyneuropathy one should bear in mind

  12. Crohn's disease in Japan: diagnostic criteria and epidemiology. (United States)

    Yao, T; Matsui, T; Hiwatashi, N


    New diagnostic criteria for Crohn's disease and a review of Japanese epidemiologic studies are presented. New diagnostic criteria for Crohn's disease were established by the Research Committee of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, set up by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare. For a definite diagnosis one of the following three conditions is required: 1) longitudinal ulcer or luminal deformity induced by longitudinal ulcer or cobblestone pattern, 2) intestinal small aphthous ulcerations arranged in a longitudinal fashion for at least three months plus noncaseating granulomas, and 3) multiple small aphthous ulcerations in both the upper and lower digestive tract not necessarily with longitudinal arrangement, for at least three months, plus noncaseating granulomas. Moreover, ulcerative colitis, ischemic enterocolitis, and acute infectious enterocolitis should be excluded. Data from the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare, in addition to data collected from two study groups, these being the two largest studies in Japan, are reviewed with regard to epidemiology. The number of patients with Crohn's disease has increased remarkably. The prevalence and the annual incidence of patients with Crohn's disease in Japan were estimated to be approximately 2.9 and 0.6 per 10(5) population in 1986, respectively, and 13.5 and 1.2 per 10(5) population in 1998. Characteristic features of Crohn's disease in Japan are that the male-female ratio exceeds 2, and that there is no second peak of incidence in the age group of 55 to 65 years. Clinically, Crohn's disease with only multiple small aphthous ulcerations, which is the earliest stage of the disease that is diagnosable, was found in 5 percent of patients.

  13. Low serum and bone vitamin K status in patients with longstanding Crohn's disease: another pathogenetic factor of osteoporosis in Crohn's disease? (United States)

    Schoon, E; Muller, M; Vermeer, C; Schurgers, L; Brummer, R; Stockbrugger, R


    BACKGROUND—A high prevalence of osteoporosis is reported in Crohn's disease. The pathogenesis is not completely understood but is probably multifactorial. Longstanding Crohn's disease is associated with a deficiency of fat soluble vitamins, among them vitamin K. Vitamin K is a cofactor in the carboxylation of osteocalcin, a protein essential for calcium binding to bone. A high level of circulating uncarboxylated osteocalcin is a sensitive marker of vitamin K deficiency.
AIMS—To determine serum and bone vitamin K status in patients with Crohn's disease and to elucidate its relationship with bone mineral density.
METHODS—Bone mineral density was measured in 32 patients with longstanding Crohn's disease and small bowel involvement, currently in remission, and receiving less than 5 mg of prednisolone daily. Serum levels of vitamins D and K, triglycerides, and total immunoreactive osteocalcin, as well as uncarboxylated osteocalcin ("free" osteocalcin) were determined. The hydroxyapatite binding capacity of osteocalcin was calculated. Data were compared with an age and sex matched control population.
RESULTS—Serum vitamin K levels of CD patients were significantly decreased compared with normal controls (p<0.01). "Free" osteocalcin was higher and hydroxyapatite binding capacity of circulating osteocalcin was lower than in matched controls (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively), indicating a low bone vitamin K status in Crohn's disease. In patients, an inverse correlation was found between "free" osteocalcin and lumbar spine bone mineral density (r=−0.375, p<0.05) and between "free" osteocalcin and the z score of the lumbar spine (r=−0.381, p<0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that "free" osteocalcin was an independent risk factor for low bone mineral density of the lumbar spine whereas serum vitamin D was not.
CONCLUSIONS—The finding that a poor vitamin K status is associated with low bone mineral density in longstanding Crohn

  14. Amino acid-responsive Crohn's disease: a case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvin Stein


    Full Text Available Alvin Stein1, Marty Hinz2, Thomas Uncini31Stein Orthopedic Associates, Plantation, FL, USA; 2Clinical Research, NeuroResearch Clinics Inc., Cape Coral, FL, USA; 3Laboratory, Fairview Regional Medical Center-Mesabi, Hibbing, MN, USAPurpose: This paper reviews the clinical course of a case of severe Crohn's disease and discusses the scientific ramifications of a novel treatment approach.Patients and methods: A case study of a 37-year-old male with a 22-year history of Crohn's disease whose clinical course had experienced no sustained remissions. The patient was treated with a protocol that utilized serotonin and dopamine amino acid precursors administered under the guidance of organic cation transporter assay interpretation.Results: Within 5 days of achieving the necessary balance of serotonin and dopamine, the patient experienced remission of symptoms. This remission has been sustained without the use of any Crohn's disease medications.Conclusion: In Crohn's disease, it is known that there is an increase of both synthesis and tissue levels of serotonin in specific locations. It is asserted that this is prima facie evidence of a significant imbalance in the serotonin–dopamine system, leading to serotonin toxicity. The hypothesis formulated is that improperly balanced serotonin and dopamine transport, synthesis, and metabolism is a primary defect contributing to the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease.Keywords: serotonin, dopamine, organic cation transporters, OCT

  15. The Diagnostic Role of Magnetic Resonance Enterography as a Complementary Test to Colonoscopy in Active Crohn?s Disease


    Aryan, Arvin; Azizi, Zahra; Teimouri, Azam; Ebrahimi Daryani, Nasser; Aletaha, Najme; Jahanbakhsh, Ali; Nouritaromlou, Mohammad Kazem; Alborzi, Forough; Mami, Masoud; Basirat, Vahid; Javid Anbardan, Sanam


    BACKGROUND According to recent studies comparing magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) with ileocolonoscopy for assessing inflammation of small bowel and colonic segments in adults with active Crohn?s disease (CD), we aimed to compare the accuracy of these two diagnostic methods in Iranian population. METHODS During 2013-2014 a follow-up study was done on 30 patients with active CD in a gastroenterology clinic affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. MRE and ileocolonoscopy were p...

  16. Epithelioid sarcoma of the plantar fascia mimicking Morbus Ledderhose - A severe pitfall for clinical and histopathological misinterpretation. (United States)

    Toepfer, Andreas; Harrasser, Norbert; Dreyer, Florian; Mogler, Carolin; Walther, Markus; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger


    Plantar fibromatosis, also known as Morbus Ledderhose, is a well known and frequently encountered disorder of the planta pedis. When conservative treatment fails, surgical therapy with complete resection is the therapeutical procedure of choice. Soft tissue sarcoma is a heterogeneous and rare malignant disease of the musculoskeletal system with over 50 histopathological subtypes which can potentially arise in any localization but is most commonly found at the extremities. Here, we report the case of an epithelioid sarcoma of the sole of the foot which was initially and repeatedly clinically and histopathologically misinterpreted as plantar fibromatosis, receiving insufficient resection and subsequently ending in amputation of the lower leg. Copyright © 2017 European Foot and Ankle Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Optimizing biological therapy in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Gecse, Krisztina Barbara; Végh, Zsuzsanna; Lakatos, Péter László


    Anti-TNF therapy has revolutionized the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, including both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. However, a significant proportion of patients does not respond to anti-TNF agents or lose response over time. Recently, therapeutic drug monitoring has gained a major role in identifying the mechanism and management of loss of response. The aim of this review article is to summarize the predictors of efficacy and outcomes, the different mechanisms of anti-TNF/biological failure in Crohn's disease and identify strategies to optimize biological treatment.

  18. Crohn's disease and risk of fracture: does thyroid disease play a role?

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Nakechand Pooran; Pankaj Singh; Simmy Bank


    AIM: To assess the role of thyroid disease as a risk for fractures in Crohn's patients.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from 1998 to 2000. The study group consisted of 210 patients with Crohn's disease. A group of 206 patients without inflammatory bowel disease served as controls. Primary outcome was thyroid disorder. Secondary outcomes included use of steroids, immunosuppressive medications, surgery and incidence of fracture.RESULTS: The prevalence of hyperthyroidism was similar in both groups. However, the prevalence of hypothyroidism was lower in Crohn's patients (3.8 % vs 8.2 %, P=0.05).Within the Crohn's group, the use of immunosuppressive agents (0 % vs11 %), steroid usage (12.5 % vs37 %), small bowel surgery (12.5 % vs 28 %) and large bowel surgery (12.5 % vs27 %) were lower in the hypothyroid subset as compared to the euthyroid subset. Seven (3.4 %) Crohn'spatients suffered fracture, all of whom were euthyroid.CONCLUSION: Thyroid disorder was not found to be associated with Crohn's disease and was not found to increase the risk for fractures. Therefore, screening for thyroid disease is not a necessary component in the management of Crohn's disease.

  19. Lavdosisnaltrexon til smertebehandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plesner, Karin Bruun; Vægter, Henrik Bjarke; Handberg, Gitte


    Recent years have seen an increasing interest in the use of low dose naltrexone (LDN) for off-label treatment of pain in diseases as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and morbus Crohn. The evidence is poor, with only few randomized double-blind placebo-controlled studies. The studies currently...... available are reviewed in this paper. LDN could be a potentially useful drug in the future for the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia, but more studies are needed to verify that it is superior to placebo, and currently it cannot be recommended as first-line therapy....

  20. MR enterography of ileocolovesicular fistula in pediatric Crohn disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakala, Michelle D. [Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI (United States); Dillman, Jonathan R.; Ladino-Torres, Maria F. [University of Michigan Health System, Department of Radiology, C.S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Section of Pediatric Radiology, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); McHugh, Jonathan B. [University of Michigan Health System, Department of Pathology, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Adler, Jeremy [University of Michigan Health System, Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, C. S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Ann Arbor, MI (United States)


    Crohn disease, a form of chronic inflammatory bowel disease is characterized by discontinuous inflammatory lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, has a variety of behavioral patterns, including penetrating or fistulous disease. While magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) excellently depicts inflamed bowel segments, it can also be used to assess for a variety of Crohn-disease-related extraintestinal complications, including fistulae. We present the MRE findings of a complex ileocolovesicular fistula in a 14-year-old boy with Crohn disease, where the fistulous tract to the urinary bladder was best delineated on precontrast T1-W imaging because of the presence of fecal material. (orig.)

  1. Osler's disease; Morbus Osler

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahlhelm, F.; Mueller, U. [Kantonsspital Baden AG, Institut fuer Radiologie, Baden (Switzerland); Lieb, J. [Universitaetsspital Basel, Klinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Basel (Switzerland); Schneider, G. [Universitaetskliniken des Saarlandes, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Homburg/Saar (Germany); Ulmer, S. [Medizinisch-Radiologisches Institut, Zuerich (Switzerland)


    Osler's disease, also known as hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) and Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, is an autosomal dominant disorder leading to abnormal blood vessel formation in the skin, mucous membranes and often in organs, such as the lungs, liver and brain (arteriovenous malformations AVM). Various types are known. Patients may present with epistaxis. Teleangiectasia can be identified by visual inspection during physical examination of the skin or oral cavity or by endoscopy. Diagnosis is made after clinical examination and genetic testing based on the Curacao criteria. Modern imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have become more important as they can depict the AVMs. Pulmonary AVMs can be depicted in CT imaging even without the use of a contrast agent while other locations including the central nervous system (CNS) usually require administration of contrast agents. Knowledge of possible clinical manifestations in various organs, possible complications and typical radiological presentation is mandatory to enable adequate therapy of these patients. Interventional procedures are becoming increasingly more important in the treatment of HHT patients. (orig.) [German] Der Mobus Osler (Synonyme: hereditaere haemorrhagische Teleangiektasie [HHT], Morbus Rendu-Osler-Weber) ist eine Multisystemerkrankung und gehoert zur Gruppe der vaskulaeren haemorrhagischen Erkrankungen. Bei der autosomal dominanten Erkrankung, die zu den haeufigsten Phakomatosen zaehlt, kann je nach Gendefekt zwischen verschiedenen Formen, die zu einer Stoerung der Blutgefaessbildung fuehren, unterschieden werden. Neben der genetischen Diagnostik und der klinischen Untersuchung sind bildgebende Verfahren entscheidend fuer die Diagnose. Klinisch stehen die Epistaxis, mukokutane Teleangiektasien und viszerale arteriovenoese Malformationen (AVM) v. a. in Lunge, Leber und Hirn sowie die Folgen dieser Gefaesspathologien wie z. B

  2. Active Crohn's disease is associated with low vitamin D levels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Søren Peter; Hvas, Christian Lodberg; Agnholt, Jørgen


    activity is associated with low vitamin D levels. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study of 182 CD patients and 62 healthy controls, we measured serum 25-OH vitamin D. Stratified analysis was used to compare 25-OH vitamin D levels with Crohn's disease activity index, C-reactive protein, smoking status, intake...... of oral vitamin D supplements and seasonal variation in CD patients and healthy controls. RESULTS: Serum 25-OH vitamin D was inversely associated with disease activity: Median 25-OH vitamin D levels of Crohn's disease in remission, mildly, and moderately active diseases evaluated by Crohn's disease...... D levels (51nmol/l) than patients who did not smoke (76nmol/l), plevels. CONCLUSIONS: Active Crohn's disease was associated with low serum 25-OH vitamin D. Patients who smoked had lower 25-OH...

  3. Lower extremity necrotizing fasciitis: A unique initial presentation of Crohn's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Weiss


    Full Text Available Crohn's disease is a disease of the bowel, typically presenting with diarrhea, weight loss, and abdominal pain. Complications such as abscesses, fistulas, and strictures may require surgical intervention. We would like to report a patient with Crohn's disease who presented for the first time with left lower extremity necrotizing fasciitis. There are very few reports of necrotizing fasciitis in Crohn's disease as the initial presentation.

  4. High frequency of helicobacter negative gastritis in patients with Crohn's disease.


    Halme, L; Kärkkäinen, P; Rautelin, H; Kosunen, T U; Sipponen, P


    The frequency of gastric Crohn's disease has been considered low. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of chronic gastritis and Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with Crohn's disease. Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy was performed on 62 consecutive patients suffering from ileocolonic Crohn's disease. Biopsy specimens from the antrum and corpus were processed for both histological and bacteriological examinations. H pylori antibodies of IgG and IgA classes were measured in ...

  5. Clinical course of Crohn's disease first diagnosed at surgery for acute abdomen. (United States)

    Latella, G; Cocco, A; Angelucci, E; Viscido, A; Bacci, S; Necozione, S; Caprilli, R


    The severity of clinical activity of Crohn's disease is high during the first year after diagnosis and decreases thereafter. Approximately 50% of patients require steroids and immunosuppressants and 75% need surgery during their lifetime. The clinical course of patients with Crohn's disease first diagnosed at surgery has never been investigated. To assess the clinical course of Crohn's disease first diagnosed at surgery for acute abdomen and to evaluate the need for medical and surgical treatment in this subset of patients. Hospital clinical records of 490 consecutive Crohn's disease patients were reviewed. Patients were classified according to the Vienna criteria. Sex, extraintestinal manifestations, family history of inflammatory bowel diseases, appendectomy, smoking habit and medical/surgical treatments performed during the follow-up period were assessed. Kaplan-Meier survival method and Cox proportional hazards regression model. Of the 490 Crohn's disease patients, 115 had diagnosis of Crohn's disease at surgery for acute abdomen (Group A) and 375 by conventional clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histologic criteria (Group B). Patients in Group A showed a low risk of further surgery (Log Rank test pacute abdomen showed a low risk for reintervention and less use of steroids and immunosuppressants during follow-up than those not operated upon at diagnosis. Early surgery may represent a valid approach in the initial management of patients with Crohn's disease, at least in the subset of patients with ileal and complicated disease.

  6. Radiological aspects of Crohn's disease in small intestine: iconographic assay; Aspectos radiologicos da doenca de Crohn no intestino delgado: ensaio iconografico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barros, Nestor de; Juliano, Adriana G.; Polizini, Jose M.R.; Rejtman, Debora; Cerri, Giovanni Guido; Rocha, Manoel de Souza [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Dept. de Radiologia


    The authors present the radiological features of Crohn's disease in small intestine as ways of differential diagnosis of others diseases of duodenum and adjacent organs. In this differentiation or confirmation of Crohn's disease the US and TC have proven to be clinically efficacious in the identification of lesions.

  7. Current status of endoscopic balloon dilation for Crohn's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fumihito Hirai


    Full Text Available The therapeutic target in Crohn's disease (CD has been raised to the achievement of mucosal healing. Although effective treatments that target cytokines and other molecules has been widely used for CD, intestinal strictures are still a major cause of surgery. Endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD is known to be an effective and safe intervention for intestinal strictures in CD. Since frequent intestinal resection often results in short bowel syndrome and can decrease the quality of life, EBD can help avoid surgery. EBD with a conventional colonoscope for Crohn's strictures of the colon and ileo-colonic anastomosis has established efficacy and safety. In addition, EBD using balloon-assisted enteroscopy has recently been applied for small bowel Crohn's strictures. Although the evidence is not strong, EBD may become an alternative to surgery in small bowel strictures in CD. EBD and other new methods such as self-expanding stent implantation for Crohn's strictures may be useful and safe; however, it is important to address several issues regarding these interventions and to establish a protocol for combined therapies.

  8. Top-down approach to biological therapy of Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Hirschmann, Simon; Neurath, Markus F


    Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic, immune-mediated condition with a potentially disabling and destructive course. Despite growing data on when to use a therapeutic 'top-down' strategy, clinical management of this complex disorder is still challenging. Currently, the discussion of 'top-down' strategy in CD mostly includes biological therapy alone or in combination. Areas covered: This article is based on a review of existing literature regarding the use of biological therapy in a 'top-down' approach for the treatment of Crohn's disease. The authors reviewed all the major databases including MEDLINE as well as DDW and ECCO abstracts, respectively. Expert opinion: A 'top-down' therapeutic approach in Crohn's disease is strongly supported by existing data in patients with several risk factors for a severe course of disease. Moreover, there is an increasing amount of published data recommending a more individualised therapeutic strategy to identify candidates for 'top-down' treatment, based on enhanced diagnostics using biomarkers. Emerging therapeutic approaches besides existing therapy concepts using biologicals may possibly redefine the 'top-down' therapeutic strategy for Crohn's disease in the future.

  9. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in patients with luminal Crohn's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ziech, M. L. W.; Lavini, C.; Caan, M. W. A.; Nio, C. Y.; Stokkers, P. C. F.; Bipat, S.; Ponsioen, C. Y.; Nederveen, A. J.; Stoker, J.


    Objectives: To prospectively assess dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE-)MRI as compared to conventional sequences in patients with luminal Crohn's disease. Methods: Patients with Crohn's disease undergoing MRI and ileocolonoscopy within 1 month had DCE-MRI (3T) during intravenous contrast injection of

  10. Rifaximin and Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Prantera, Cosimo; Scribano, Maria Lia


    In a recent article, Longman and Swaminath analyzed our paper on the use of rifaximin in patients with moderately active Crohn's disease (CD). Here we report some considerations concerning their article. The exploratory post-hoc subgroup analysis showed that early-stage disease and, differently from that written by Longman and Swaminath, also colonic involvement seemed to be associated with a significant higher efficacy of rifaximin-EIR 800 mg twice daily. Early-stage disease is generally considered as the more easily treatable phase of CD, and the better response to rifaximin in Crohn's colitis is in accordance with the high concentration of bacteria in the colon. In addition, patients with C reactive protein level > 5 mg/L achieved remission more significantly than patients with normal values, thus suggesting that the symptoms were probably caused by inflammation instead of by non-inflammatory causes. We also analyze the role of rifaximin against gut bacteria and the clinical situations that could obtain the best results from antibiotics.

  11. What Is Crohn's Disease? (United States)

    ... card! You can find the assessment here . Click video below to learn more about Crohn's Disease Get Involved Read the Latest News Attend Upcoming Events Find a Support Group I’ll Be Determined Explore treatment options, learn how to make better choices, and join the community at I'll ...

  12. Nutrition in paediatric Crohn's disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Keywords: Crohn's disease; linear growth; Tumour Necrosis Factor-α; nutritional support; enteral ... hormone (GH) stimulation, is the key mediator of GH effects at the ... deficit documented in children with CD seems to be directly linked to.

  13. Radiological aspects of Crohn's disease in small intestine: iconographic assay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barros, Nestor de; Juliano, Adriana G.; Polizini, Jose M.R.; Rejtman, Debora; Cerri, Giovanni Guido; Rocha, Manoel de Souza


    The authors present the radiological features of Crohn's disease in small intestine as ways of differential diagnosis of others diseases of duodenum and adjacent organs. In this differentiation or confirmation of Crohn's disease the US and TC have proven to be clinically efficacious in the identification of lesions

  14. Laparoskopiassisteret ileocøkal resektion ved Crohns sygdom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Stig Borbjerg; Knudsen, Torben; Poornoroozy, Peiman


    Laparoscopic surgery has become more widely used in the treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The aim of this study is retrospectively to describe the results of laparoscopy-assisted ileocolic resection of nineteen patients with Crohn's disease.......Laparoscopic surgery has become more widely used in the treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The aim of this study is retrospectively to describe the results of laparoscopy-assisted ileocolic resection of nineteen patients with Crohn's disease....

  15. Facial biometrics of peri-oral changes in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Zou, L; Adegun, O K; Willis, A; Fortune, Farida


    Crohn's disease is a chronic relapsing and remitting inflammatory condition which affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract. In the oro-facial region, patients can present peri-oral swellings which results in severe facial disfigurement. To date, assessing the degree of facial changes and evaluation of treatment outcomes relies on clinical observation and semi-quantitative methods. In this paper, we describe the development of a robust and reproducible measurement strategy using 3-D facial biometrics to objectively quantify the extent and progression of oro-facial Crohn's disease. Using facial laser scanning, 32 serial images from 13 Crohn's patients attending the Oral Medicine clinic were acquired during relapse, remission, and post-treatment phases. Utilising theories of coordinate metrology, the facial images were subjected to registration, regions of interest identification, and reproducible repositioning prior to obtaining volume measurements. To quantify the changes in tissue volume, scan images from consecutive appointments were compared to the baseline (first scan image). Reproducibility test was performed to ascertain the degree of uncertainty in volume measurements. 3-D facial biometric imaging is a reliable method to identify and quantify peri-oral swelling in Crohn's patients. Comparison of facial scan images at different phases of the disease revealed precisely profile and volume changes. The volume measurements were highly reproducible as adjudged from the 1% standard deviation. 3-D facial biometrics measurements in Crohn's patients with oro-facial involvement offers a quick, robust, economical and objective approach for guided therapeutic intervention and routine assessment of treatment efficacy on the clinic.

  16. Differentiation between active and chronic Crohn's disease using MRI small-bowel motility examinations — Initial experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bickelhaupt, S.; Froehlich, J.M.; Cattin, R.; Patuto, N.; Tutuian, R.; Wentz, K.U.; Culmann, J.L.; Raible, S.; Bouquet, H.; Bill, U.; Patak, M.A.


    Aim: To evaluate the influence of locally active Crohn's disease on systemic small-bowel motility in patients with chronic Crohn's disease compared to healthy individuals. Material and methods: Fifteen healthy individuals (11 men, four women; mean age 37 years) and 20 patients with histopathologically proven active (n = 15; 10 women, 5 men; mean age 45 years) or chronic (n = 5; four women, one man; mean age 48 years) Crohn's disease were included in this institutional review board-approved, retrospective study. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; 1.5 T) was performed after standardized preparation. Two-dimensional (2D) cine sequences for motility acquisition were performed in apnoea (27 s). Motility assessment was performed using dedicated software in three randomly chosen areas of the small-bowel outside known Crohn's disease-affected hotspots. The main quantitative characteristics (frequency, amplitude, occlusion rate) were compared using Student's t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Three randomly chosen segments were analysed in each participant. Patients with active Crohn's disease had significantly (p < 0.05) reduced contraction frequencies (active Crohn's disease: 2.86/min; chronic: 4.14/min; healthy: 4.53/min) and luminal occlusion rates (active: 0.43; chronic: 0.70; healthy: 0.73) compared to healthy individuals and patients with chronic Crohn's disease. Contraction amplitudes were significantly reduced during active Crohn's disease (6.71 mm) compared to healthy participants (10.14 mm), but this only reached borderline significance in comparison to chronic Crohn's disease (8.87 mm). Mean bowel lumen diameter was significantly (p = 0.04) higher in patients with active Crohn's disease (16.91 mm) compared to healthy participants (14.79 mm) but not in comparison to patients with chronic Crohn's disease (13.68). Conclusion: The findings of the present study suggest that local inflammatory activity of small-bowel segments in patients with

  17. Comparison of MR enterography and histopathology in the evaluation of pediatric Crohn disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dillman, Jonathan R.; Ladino-Torres, Maria F.; Strouse, Peter J. [University of Michigan Health System, Department of Radiology, C.S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Section of Pediatric Radiology, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Adler, Jeremy; DeMatos-Malliard, Vera [University of Michigan Health System, Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, C. S. Mott Children' s Hospital, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); McHugh, Jonathan B. [University of Michigan Health System, Department of Pathology, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Khalatbari, S. [University of Michigan Institute for Clinical Health Research (MICHR), Ann Arbor, MI (United States)


    While MR enterography (MRE) is commonly used to identify segments of bowel affected by Crohn disease in children, there is little data to support this practice. To assess the ability of MRE to identify segments of small bowel and colon affected by pediatric Crohn disease using histopathology as the reference standard. Pediatric MRE examinations performed between April 2009 and December 2010 were identified. Subjects were excluded if they did not have Crohn disease, if they had Crohn disease but no correlative histopathology within 2 months of imaging, or if they had undergone prior bowel resection. Pertinent MRE and histopathology reports were reviewed, and normal and abnormal bowel segments were documented. Thirty-two pediatric MRE examinations were identified with correlative histopathology. MRE had an overall sensitivity of 94% for detecting the presence of Crohn disease, in general. At the bowel segmental level, MRE had a sensitivity of 66%, specificity of 90%, positive predictive value of 85% and negative predictive value of 76%. The terminal ileum was abnormal by MRE in 11 of 15 (73%) subjects lacking a diagnostic biopsy of this bowel segment. MRE successfully identifies small bowel and colon segments affected by pediatric Crohn disease. (orig.)

  18. Bone marrow edema of the knee joint; Differenzialdiagnosen des Knochenmarkoedems am Kniegelenk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Breitenseher, M.J. [Waldviertelklinikum Horn (Austria). Institut fuer Radiologie; Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik Wien (Austria). Abteilung Osteologie; Kramer, J. [Institut fuer CT- und MRT-Diagnostik, Linz (Austria); Mayerhoefer, M.E. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik Wien (Austria). Abteilung Osteologie; Aigner, N. [Orthopaedisches Krankenhaus Speising, Erste Orthopaedische Abteilung, Wien (Austria); Hofmann, S. [LKH Stolzalpe (Austria). Orthopaedische Abteilung


    Bone marrow edema of the knee joint is a frequent clinical picture in MR diagnostics. It can be accompanied by symptoms and pain in the joint. Diseases that are associated with bone marrow edema can be classified into different groups. Group 1 includes vascular ischemic bone marrow edema with osteonecrosis (synonyms: SONK or Ahlbaeck's disease), osteochondrosis dissecans, and bone marrow edema syndrome. Group 2 comprises traumatic or mechanical bone marrow edema. Group 3 encompasses reactive bone marrow edemas such as those occurring in gonarthrosis, postoperative bone marrow edemas, and reactive edemas in tumors or tumorlike diseases. Evidence for bone marrow edema is effectively provided by MRI, but purely morphological MR information is often unspecific so that anamnestic and clinical details are necessary in most cases for definitive disease classification. (orig.) [German] Das Knochenmarkoedem des Kniegelenks ist ein haeufiges Erscheinungsbild in der MR-Diagnostik. Es kann mit Symptomen und Schmerzen des Gelenks einhergehen. Erkrankungen, die mit einem Knochenmarkoedem vergesellschaftet sind, koennen in verschiedene Gruppen eingeteilt werden. Zur 1. Gruppe gehoeren das vaskulaer-ischaemische Knochenmarkoedem mit Osteonekrose (Synonyme SONK oder Morbus Ahlbaeck), die Osteochondrosis dissecans und das Knochenmarkoedemsyndrom, zur 2. Gruppe das traumatologische oder mechanische Knochenmarkoedem. In der 3. Gruppe werden reaktive Knochenmarkoedeme zusammengefasst wie bei Gonarthrose, postoperative Knochenmarkoedeme und reaktive Oedeme bei Tumor oder tumoraehnlichen Erkrankungen. Der Nachweis eines Knochenmarkoedems gelingt mit der MRT sehr sensitiv, die rein morphologische MR-Information ist jedoch oft unspezifisch, sodass anamnestische und klinische Informationen fuer die sichere Zuordnung einer Erkrankung in den meisten Faellen notwendig sind. (orig.)

  19. Tumor necrosis factor alpha antibody (infliximab) therapy profoundly down-regulates the inflammation in Crohn's ileocolitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baert, F. J.; D'Haens, G. R.; Peeters, M.; Hiele, M. I.; Schaible, T. F.; Shealy, D.; Geboes, K.; Rutgeerts, P. J.


    Anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha monoclonal antibody treatment (infliximab) reduces clinical signs and symptoms in patients with Crohn's disease. The effects of infliximab on mucosal histopathologic abnormalities in Crohn's ileocolitis were studied. Thirteen patients with steroid-refractory Crohn's

  20. Increasing incidence of Crohn's disease in Victorian children. (United States)

    Phavichitr, Nopaorn; Cameron, Donald J S; Catto-Smith, Anthony G


    The incidence of Crohn's disease has been increasing in Western communities, but there are no published studies which have examined this change in children in Australia. The centralization of pediatric gastroenterology services in Victoria provides an opportunity to examine these changes within one state. We undertook a retrospective study over a 31-year period of all children aged 16 years or less initially diagnosed with Crohn's disease at either the Royal Children's Hospital, or Monash Medical Center, Melbourne, Victoria. We identified 351 patients who met the diagnostic criteria between 1971 and 2001. The incidence of Crohn's disease in children aged 16 years or less rose from 0.128 to 2.0 per 100,000 per year over the three decades (r = 0.964, P Victorian children. The pattern of disease has also changed with colonic disease now more frequent, and inflammatory indices less abnormal. The increased use of endoscopy has established the frequent involvement of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Measurement of thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAK) with a second generation assay in patients with Graves' disease; Die Bestimmung von Thyreotropin-Rezeptor-Antikoerpern (TRAK) mit einem Assay der zweiten Generation bei Patienten mit Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zoephel, K.; Wunderlich, G.; Franke, W.G. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany); Koch, R. [Inst. fuer Medizinische Informatik und Biometrie, Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany)


    , porcinen Radiorezeptorassays (RRA), rekombinante, humane TSH-Rezeptoren verwendet werden ('coated tube'-Prinzip, CT RRA). Methoden: Insgesamt wurden 207 Patienten mit verschiedenen Schilddruesenerkrankungen sowie 205 schilddruesengesunde Personen als Kontrollkollektiv sowohl in einem etablierten RRA (Fa. Medipan Diagnostica GmbH, Selchow) als auch im neuen CT RRA (Fa. B.R.A.H.M.S. Diagnostica GmbH, Berlin) untersucht. 60 Patienten mit Morbus Basedow befanden sich nach erfolgter Thyreostase mit einem Hyperthyreoserezidiv vor einer Radiojodtherapie, 109 Patienten wiesen eine disseminierte Autonomie (DA) auf und bei den restlichen 38 bestand eine Hashimoto-Thyeroiditis. Mittels ROC-Analyse wurden Normbereiche fuer beide Assays festgelegt und auf ihre diagnostische Brauchbarkeit geprueft. Ergebnis: Waehrend der aeltere RRA 42/60 Basedown-Patienten positiv fand, detektierte der CT RRA 52/60 TRAK-positiv. Die Sensitivitaet stieg somit von 70% auf 86,7% (Spezifitaet: 99,5% bei beiden Assays). Im Hashimoto- und im Kontrollkollektiv fanden der neue CT RRA jeweils eine falsch positive Probe, der aeltere hingegen 3, respektive 2 Proben falsch positiv. Schlussfolgerung: der neue DYNOtest {sup trademark} TRAK human ist fuer Morbus-Basedow-Patienten mit rezidivierender Hyperthyreose deutlich sensitiver - bei gleichhoher Spezifitaet. Die Bestimmung der funktionellen Assaysensitivitaet und der Interassay-Variation fiel im CT RRA praeziser aus als im etablierten RRA. Auch die Handhabung des CT RRA is einfacher. (orig.)

  2. Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia With Lung Nodules Secondary to Pulmonary Manifestation of Crohn Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taufiq Zaman


    Full Text Available Crohn disease is an immune-mediated inflammatory condition with gastrointestinal and extraintestinal manifestations in patients. Pulmonary involvement of Crohn disease is one manifestation. There have been case reports which have shown Crohn disease and lung nodules which were noted to be histopathological as cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP. In our case, a 22-year-old woman with Crohn disease was seen with complaints of chest pain and cough. Computed tomographic scan of chest showed multiple bilateral lung nodules, for which biopsy was done, which showed COP. The case study is followed by a deeper discussion of COP and the extraintestinal manifestation seen in inflammatory bowel disease.

  3. Perforated Meckel's diverticulitis complicating active Crohn's ileitis: a case report. (United States)

    Schwenter, Frank; Gervaz, Pascal; de Saussure, Philippe; McKee, Thomas; Morel, Philippe


    In Crohn's disease, the extension of active terminal ileitis into a Meckel's diverticulum is possible, but usually has no impact on clinical decision-making. We describe an original surgical approach in a young woman presenting with a combination of perforated Meckel's diverticulitis and active Crohn's ileitis. We report the case of a 22-year-old woman with Crohn's disease, who was admitted for abdominal pain, fever and diarrhoea. CT scan demonstrated active inflammation of the terminal ileum, as well as a fluid collection in the right iliac fossa, suggesting intestinal perforation. Laparoscopy was performed and revealed, in addition to extensive ileitis, a 3 x 3 cm abscess in connection with perforated Meckel's diverticulitis. It was therefore possible to avoid ileocaecal resection by only performing Meckel's diverticulectomy; pathological examination of the surgical specimen revealed the presence of transmural inflammation with granulomas and perforation of the diverticulum at its extremity. Crohn's disease of the ileum may be responsible for Meckel's diverticulitis and cause perforation which, in this case, proved to be a blessing in disguise and spared the patient an extensive small bowel resection.

  4. MR enterography findings in abdominopelvic extraintestinal complications of Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Mazziotti, Silvio; Blandino, Alfredo; Scribano, Emanuele; Gaeta, Michele; Mileto, Achille; Fries, Walter; Bombaci, Francesco; Ascenti, Giorgio


    MR of the small bowel is a useful technique for the evaluation of both intraluminal and extraluminal pathologic involvement of the small bowel in patients with Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is associated with a range of extraintestinal complications that sometimes may be the initial presenting symptoms. Some of these extraintestinal complications may not correlate with disease activity, but in general, they tend to follow the clinical course of disease and may have a high impact on life quality, morbidity, and even mortality in these patients. Our purpose is to describe some abdominopelvic extraintestinal complications of Crohn's disease, such as hepatopancreatobiliary, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, peritoneal, and lymph-nodal, detectable at MR enterography. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography using lower doses of radiation for patients with Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Craig, Orla


    Magnetic resonance and ultrasonography have increasing roles in the initial diagnosis of Crohn\\'s disease, but computed tomography (CT) with positive oral contrast agents is most frequently used to identify those with acute extramural complications. However, CT involves exposure of patients to radiation. We prospectively compared the diagnostic accuracy of low-dose CT (at a dose comparable to that used to obtain an abdominal radiograph) with conventional-dose CT in patients with active Crohn\\'s disease.

  6. Influence of thyroid metabolism on radioiodine therapy in Graves` disease; Einfluss der Stoffwechsellage auf die Radioiodtherapie beim Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boerner, A.R. [Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany). Inst. fuer Medizin; Weckesser, M.; Boy, C.; Schmidt, D.; Langen, K.J.; Mueller-Gaertner, H.W. [Duesseldorf Univ. (Germany). Nuklearmedizinische Klinik]|[Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany). Inst. fuer Medizin


    Radioiodine therapy is one of two definitive methods of treatment in Graves` disease beside near-total thyreoidectomy. Simple strategies like optimization of thyroid metabolism help to improve efficacy in radioiodine therapy thus lowering applied radioiodine doses, radiation exposure to the patient and to the environment and avoiding multiple vain therapeutic efforts. These strategies are likely to reduce costs at the same time. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Radioiodtherapie ist eine der beiden definitiven Therapiemethoden bei Morbus Basedow neben der nahezu totalen Thyreoidektomie. Ziel ist es, mit einfachen Methoden wie der optimalen Einstellung der Stoffwechsellage die Effizienz der Radioiodtherapie zu optimieren im Hinblick auf eine Reduktion der einzusetzenden Aktivitaet, der Gesamtstrahlenexposition fuer Patient und Umwelt und durch Vermeidung mehrfacher, vergeblicher therapeutischer Ansaetze. Diese Optimierung traegt auch zur Reduktion der Gesamtkrankheitskosten bei. (orig.)

  7. Radiation therapy for early stages of Morbus Ledderhose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heyd, Reinhard [Dept. of Radiotherapy, Klinikum Offenbach (Germany); Dorn, Anne Pia; Mueller-Schimpfle, Marcus [Central Inst. of Radiology, Municipal Hospitals, Frankfurt/Main-Hoechst (Germany); Herkstroeter, Markus [Radiotherapeutic Practice at the Municipal Hospitals, Frankfurt/Main-Hoechst (Germany); Roedel, Claus; Fraunholz, Ingeborg [Dept. of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Univ. Hospital Frankfurt/Main (Germany)


    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of radiation therapy (RT) in the treatment of early stages of benign plantar fibromatosis (Morbus Ledderhose [ML]). Patients and Methods: From 2003 to 2008, 24 patients (33 sites) with a mean age of 52 years received RT for symptomatic ML. Prior to RT, 19 patients complained of pain and 15 had walking difficulties. 21 patients (28 sites) were irradiated with orthovolt-age X-rays and three (five sites) received electron-beam irradiation. The RT protocol consisted of five weekly fractions of 3.0 Gy (15 Gy), repeated after 6 weeks to a total dose of 30 Gy in 20 patients (28 sites). In four patients (five sites), two single fractions of 4.0 Gy were applied, repeated at intervals of 4 weeks to total doses of 24-32 Gy. Primary study endpoints were the prevention of disease progression and the avoidance of a surgical intervention. Secondary endpoints were pain relief, improvement of gait, and patients' subjective satisfaction measured with a linear analog scale (LAS). Results: After a median follow-up of 22.5 months, none of the patients experienced a progression of number and size of the lesions or the clinical symptoms. In eleven sites (33.3%) complete remission of cords or nodules occurred, in 18 (54.5%) a reduced number or size was noted, and four sites (12.1%) were unchanged. Pain relief was achieved in 13/19 patients (68.4%), and an improvement of gait abnormalities was noted in 11/15 patients (73.3%). The patients' subjective satisfaction measured by means of the LAS revealed a median improvement of 3.5 points in 22/24 patients (91.6%). Skin or soft tissues toxicities RTOG grade > 2 were not noted. Conclusion: RT is effective for treatment of the early stages of ML and may obviate the need for a surgical intervention. Long-term follow-up studies including a larger number of patients are required to define the role of RT in the management of this disorder. (orig.)

  8. Radiation therapy for early stages of Morbus Ledderhose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heyd, Reinhard; Dorn, Anne Pia; Mueller-Schimpfle, Marcus; Herkstroeter, Markus; Roedel, Claus; Fraunholz, Ingeborg


    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of radiation therapy (RT) in the treatment of early stages of benign plantar fibromatosis (Morbus Ledderhose [ML]). Patients and Methods: From 2003 to 2008, 24 patients (33 sites) with a mean age of 52 years received RT for symptomatic ML. Prior to RT, 19 patients complained of pain and 15 had walking difficulties. 21 patients (28 sites) were irradiated with orthovolt-age X-rays and three (five sites) received electron-beam irradiation. The RT protocol consisted of five weekly fractions of 3.0 Gy (15 Gy), repeated after 6 weeks to a total dose of 30 Gy in 20 patients (28 sites). In four patients (five sites), two single fractions of 4.0 Gy were applied, repeated at intervals of 4 weeks to total doses of 24-32 Gy. Primary study endpoints were the prevention of disease progression and the avoidance of a surgical intervention. Secondary endpoints were pain relief, improvement of gait, and patients' subjective satisfaction measured with a linear analog scale (LAS). Results: After a median follow-up of 22.5 months, none of the patients experienced a progression of number and size of the lesions or the clinical symptoms. In eleven sites (33.3%) complete remission of cords or nodules occurred, in 18 (54.5%) a reduced number or size was noted, and four sites (12.1%) were unchanged. Pain relief was achieved in 13/19 patients (68.4%), and an improvement of gait abnormalities was noted in 11/15 patients (73.3%). The patients' subjective satisfaction measured by means of the LAS revealed a median improvement of 3.5 points in 22/24 patients (91.6%). Skin or soft tissues toxicities RTOG grade > 2 were not noted. Conclusion: RT is effective for treatment of the early stages of ML and may obviate the need for a surgical intervention. Long-term follow-up studies including a larger number of patients are required to define the role of RT in the management of this disorder. (orig.)

  9. Immunogenetic markers of Crohn's disease in adults population of the Moscow region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stavtsev D.S.


    Full Text Available Aim: to study immunogenetic markers of predisposition to the development and protection for Crohn's disease in adults population of the Moscow region. Material and methods. The study included 53 samples of peripheral blood of patients with Crohn's disease in the Moscow region. The control group was represented by 1,700 samples of umbilical cord blood is healthy newborns. Revealing HLA antigens at low level performed by SSO method on DynalRELI 48 processor. The results received with ambiguous interpretation was using PCR-SSP method (Ivitrogen. Results. Were found the positive and negative associations of groups of HLA alleles with clinical form, the course of Crohn's disease and response to steroid treatment, in particular revealed that, predisposition to the development for Crohn's disease in women and with sensitivity to steroid treatment in this disease associated allele group C*12, to the characteristic restricting markers such as Crohn's disease include the В 38 and A*11 markers nonrestricting, nonpenetrating noninflammatory type groups are alleles B*56 and C*14 and C*14 is also associated with the risk of Crohn's disease in men, characteristic markers of protection to the development of the disease crown with chronic relapsing and severe clinical course are DQB1*02 and DQB1*03, respectively. Conclusion. These results demonstrate the need for studies of gene polymorphism HLA-system, not only in relation to the disease in general, but in selected patients with clinical groups.

  10. Cost of illness of Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Bodger, Keith


    Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown aetiology which affects around 35,000 people in the UK (population 56.8 million). The potential for onset in early adult life, disease chronicity and a need for hospitalisation and surgery mean that the disease can be associated with substantial healthcare costs. Cost-of-illness studies focusing on direct medical costs have identified that over half the average costs associated with the disease relate to hospital costs. Estimates of the contribution of drug costs to the total direct economic burden have varied between 4.6 and 25%. Figures for average annual direct costs per patient in the US have been put at between US dollars 6561 (1990 values) and US dollars 12,417 (1994 values), whereas European studies have given much lower cost estimates (US dollars 655, 1994 values). However, all studies have highlighted that much of the total cost of illness relates to extensive interventions required by a small proportion of severely affected individuals. Indirect costs associated with reduced productivity in Crohn's disease can be high, with long periods of absenteeism and early disability. However, most patients (90%) remain in the workforce and life expectancy is relatively normal. A variety of drugs are employed for the treatment of Crohn's disease, both in an attempt to induce clinical remission in active disease and to maintain remission once this has been achieved. Comparative data on cost effectiveness is lacking, though crude estimates based on randomised trials suggest that the frequently prescribed aminosalicylates, which have only modest efficacy, are a relatively costly drug option. The costs associated with adverse drug effects, particularly for corticosteroids, have not been formally quantified. Despite high costs, new drug therapies for more severe disease, such as anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) antibodies, may prove a cost-effective option if the need for hospitalisation is reduced

  11. Fistulizing Crohn's disease: Diagnosis and management. (United States)

    Gecse, Krisztina; Khanna, Reena; Stoker, Jaap; Jenkins, John T; Gabe, Simon; Hahnloser, Dieter; D'Haens, Geert


    Fistulizing Crohn's disease represents an evolving, yet unresolved, issue for multidisciplinary management. Perianal fistulas are the most frequent findings in fistulizing Crohn's disease. While enterocutaneous fistulas are rare, they are associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Detailed evaluation of the fistula tract by advanced imaging techniques is required to determine the most suitable management options. The fundamentals of perianal fistula management are to evaluate the complexity of the fistula tract, and exclude proctitis and associated abscess. The main goals of the treatment are abscess drainage, which is mandatory, before initiating immunosuppressive medical therapy, resolution of fistula discharge, preservation of continence and, in the long term, avoidance of proctectomy with permanent stoma. The management of enterocutaneous fistulas comprises of sepsis control, skin care, nutritional optimization and, if needed, delayed surgery.

  12. High-utilizing Crohn's disease patients under psychosomatic therapy*

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jantschek Günther


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective Few studies have been published on health care utilization in Crohn's disease and the influence of psychological treatment on high utilizers. Methods The present sub study of a prospective multi center investigation conducted in 87 of 488 consecutive Crohn's disease (CD patients was designed to investigate the influence of the course of Crohn's disease on health care utilization (hospital days (HD and sick leave days (SLD collected by German insurance companies and to examine the conditions of high-utilizing patients. Predictors of health care utilization should be selected. Based on a standardized somatic treatment, high health care utilizing patients of the psychotherapy and control groups should be compared before and after a one-year treatment. Results Multivariate regression analysis identified disease activity at randomization as an important predictor of the clinical course (r2 = 0.28, p 2 = 0.15, p = 0.09. The patients' level of anxiety, depression and lack of control at randomization predicted their health-related quality of life at the end of the study (r2 = 0.51, p 2 = 0.22, p Among high utilizers, a significantly greater drop in HD (p Conclusion The course of Crohn's disease is influenced by psychological as well as somatic factors; especially depression seems important here. A significant drop of health care utilization demonstrates the benefit of psychological treatment in the subgroup of high-utilizing CD patients. Further studies are needed to replicate the findings of the clinical outcome in this CD subgroup.

  13. Natalizumab for induction of remission in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Macdonald, J K; McDonald, J W D


    The pathogenesis of Crohn's disease involves migration of leukocytes into gut tissue and subsequent inflammation. Natalizumab (Tysabri, Elan Pharmaceuticals and Biogen Idec) a recombinant humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody that blocks adhesion and subsequent migration of leukocytes into the gut by binding the alpha4 integrin is a member of a new class of molecules known as selective adhesion molecule (SAM) inhibitors. The results of animal studies suggest that alpha4 integrin blockade could be a useful therapy for inflammatory bowel disease. The results of randomized controlled trials suggest that natalizumab may be an effective therapy for active Crohn's disease. This systematic review summarizes the current evidence on the use of natalizumab for the induction of remission in Crohn's disease. To determine the efficacy and safety of natalizumab for induction of remission in Crohn's disease. A computer assisted search of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the Cochrane Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Functional Bowel Disorders Review Group Specialized Trials Register, MEDLINE and EMBASE was performed to identify relevant publications between 1966 and June 2005. The medical subject heading (MeSH) terms "Crohn disease" or "inflammatory bowel disease", "Natalizumab" or "Antegren" or "Tysabri" and "Antibodies, Monoclonal" were used to perform key word searches of each database. Manual searches of reference lists from potentially relevant papers were performed in order to identify additional studies that may have been missed using the computer-assisted search strategy. Abstracts from major gastroenterological meetings were searched to identify research submitted in abstract form only. Personal contacts, leaders in the field, and the manufacturers were contacted to identify other studies which may not be published. We included only randomized controlled trials comparing natalizumab to a placebo or control therapy for the induction of remission in Crohn

  14. Mutation du gène NOD2 chez les patients marocains atteints de la maladie de Crohn: prévalence, étude génotypique et corrélation au phénotype de la maladie (United States)

    Tamzaourte, Mouna; Errabih, Ikram; Krami, Hayat; Maha, Fadlouallah; Maria, Lahmiri; Benzzoubeir, Nadia; Ouazzani, Laaziza; Sefiani, Ahmed; Ouazzani, Houria


    L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence des mutations du gène NOD2/CARD15 dans un groupe de patients Marocains atteint de Maladie de Crohn et étudier sa corrélation génotype-expression phénotypique. Etude transversale cas témoin menée sur une durée de 16 mois. Ont été inclus 101 patients atteints de la maladie de Crohn, entre Janvier 2012 et Avril 2013 ainsi qu'un groupe contrôle de 107 patients. L'analyse génétique a consisté à rechercher 3 variants du gène NOD2: p.Arg702Trp, p.Gly908Arg et p.Leu1007fsins. Puis une étude de corrélation génotype-expression phénotypique a été menée. L'analyse génétique des patients atteint de maladie de crohn a mis en évidence la présence de la mutation NOD2 chez 14 patients (13,77%) contre 7 patients (6,53%) du groupe témoin. L'étude de la fréquence des différents allèles a retrouvé la mutation de p.Gly908Arg dans 6,43%, p.Leu1007fsins dans 0,99% et p.Arg702Trp dans 0,49% contre respectivement 2,80%, 0% et 0,46% dans le groupe témoin. L'étude de la corrélation génotype, expression phénotypique a démontré que la mutation CARD15 est corrélée à une localisation iléo-caecale de la maladie, à une présentation fistulisante et sténosante ainsi qu'à une évolution sévère avec recours fréquent à la chirurgie et aux immunosuppresseurs. La prévalence de la mutation NOD2/ CARD15 dans notre série est faible. Cette mutation est corrélée à une forme grave de la maladie. PMID:28819537

  15. Development of the Crohn's disease digestive damage score, the Lémann score

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pariente, Benjamin; Cosnes, Jacques; Danese, Silvio


    is to outline the methods to develop an instrument that can measure cumulative bowel damage. The project is being conducted by the International Program to develop New Indexes in Crohn's disease (IPNIC) group. This instrument, called the Crohn's Disease Digestive Damage Score (the Lémann score), should take...

  16. Looking in the mouth for Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Rowland, Marion


    It is widely acknowledged among gastroenterologists that the oral cavity may be involved in Crohn\\'s disease (CD). However, the specific manifestations are poorly appreciated. Although oral aphthous ulceration is probably not diagnostically useful in patients with suspected CD, disease-specific manifestations do occur and are particularly common in children presenting with CD. These manifestations can be subtle, often are subclinical, yet commonly harbor diagnostically useful material (granulomas). Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is conventionally used to describe patients with overt oral disease without obvious involvement of the gastrointestinal tract. However, many patients with OFG have subclinical intestinal CD or will progress to develop overt intestinal CD with time. The management of severe oral disease is challenging and lacks a clear evidence base.

  17. Looking in the mouth for Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Rowland, Marion


    It is widely acknowledged among gastroenterologists that the oral cavity may be involved in Crohn\\'s disease (CD). However, the specific manifestations are poorly appreciated. Although oral aphthous ulceration is probably not diagnostically useful in patients with suspected CD, disease-specific manifestations do occur and are particularly common in children presenting with CD. These manifestations can be subtle, often are subclinical, yet commonly harbor diagnostically useful material (granulomas). Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is conventionally used to describe patients with overt oral disease without obvious involvement of the gastrointestinal tract. However, many patients with OFG have subclinical intestinal CD or will progress to develop overt intestinal CD with time. The management of severe oral disease is challenging and lacks a clear evidence base.

  18. A 5-year prospective observational study of the outcomes of international treatment guidelines for Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cullen, Garret


    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Therapeutic strategies for patients with Crohn\\'s disease are based on American and European guidelines. High rates of corticosteroid dependency and low remission rates are identified as weaknesses of this therapy and as justification for early introduction of biologic agents (top-down treatment) in moderate\\/severe Crohn\\'s disease. We reviewed outcomes and corticosteroid-dependency rates of patients with moderate-to-severe disease who were treated according to the international guidelines. METHODS: Consecutive patients (102) newly diagnosed with Crohn\\'s disease in 2000-2002 were identified from a prospectively maintained database. Severity of disease was scored using the Harvey-Bradshaw Index (HBI). Disease was classified by Montreal classification. Five-year follow-up data were recorded. RESULTS: Seventy-two patients had moderate\\/severe disease at diagnosis (HBI >8). Fifty-four (75%) had nonstricturing, nonpenetrating disease (B1). Sixty-four (89%) received corticosteroids, and 44 (61%) received immunomodulators. Twenty-one patients (29%) received infliximab. Thirty-nine patients (54%) required resection surgery. At a median of 5 years, 66 of 72 (92%) patients with moderate\\/severe disease were in remission (median HBI, 1). Twenty-five patients (35%) required neither surgery nor biologic therapy. CONCLUSIONS: When international treatment guidelines are strictly followed, Crohn\\'s disease patients can achieve high rates of remission and low rates of morbidity at 5 years. Indiscriminate use of biologic agents therefore is not appropriate for all patients with moderate-to-severe disease.

  19. Plain abdominal radiographs in patients with Crohn's disease: radiological findings and diagnostic value.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Regan, K


    To determine the diagnostic yield and clinical value of plain film of the abdomen (PFA) in Crohn\\'s disease (CD) patients and to determine whether performance of PFA yields definitive diagnostic information or whether additional imaging examinations are required.

  20. Crohn's Disease Associated with Sweet's Syndrome and Sjögren's Syndrome Treated with Infliximab

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erina N. Foster


    Full Text Available The association of Crohn's disease (CD and Sweet's syndrome is rare and the presence of Sjögren's syndrome in Crohn's disease is even rarer, with only three reports found in the literature. We describe two cases of Crohn's disease associated with Sweet's syndrome, one of which is the first case of CD and Sweet's concomitantly associated with Sjögren's syndrome. Both cases responded rapidly to Infliximab therapy with complete resolution of the skin lesions.

  1. Human Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy in Crohn's Disease: A Case Report. (United States)

    Shroff, Geeta


    Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines, mainly the colon and ileum, related with ulcers and fistulae. It is estimated to affect 565,000 people in the United States. Currently available therapies, such as antibiotics, thiopurines, and anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha agents, are only observed to reduce the complications associated with Crohn's disease and to improve quality of life, but cannot cure the disease. Stem cell therapy appears to have certain advantages over conventional therapies. Our study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of human embryonic stem cell therapy in a patient with Crohn's disease. A 21-year-old male with chief complaints of intolerance to specific foods, abdominal pain, and diarrhea underwent human embryonic stem cell therapy for two months. After undergoing human embryonic stem cell therapy, the patient showed symptomatic relief. He had no complaints of back pain, abdominal pain, or diarrhea and had improved digestion. The patient had no signs and symptoms of skin infection, and had improved limb stamina, strength, and endurance. The condition of patient was stable after the therapy. Human embryonic stem cell therapy might serve as a new optimistic treatment approach for Crohn's disease.

  2. Role of delayed indium-111 labeled leukocyte scan in the management of Crohn's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slaton, G.D.; Navab, F.; Boyd, C.M.; Diner, W.C.; Texter, E.C. Jr.


    Comparison of nine patients with Crohn's disease who had a positive delayed (24 hr) 111 indium leukocyte scan and 10 patients with negative scan showed no significant difference between the two groups for the Crohn's disease activity index, sedimentation rate, survival, complications, number of days in hospital, outpatient visits, or readmissions. Despite the apparent lack of statistical significance in Crohn's disease activity index, the scan was positive in nine of 16 patients with a Crohn's disease activity index more than 150, and none of three patients with Crohn's disease activity index less than 150. In the patients studied, there were no false-positive leukocyte scans. In nine of 10 patients with ileocolonic disease, scanning results correctly predicted the proper management. Six patients with positive scan and enteroclysis responded to medical treatment. Four patients had positive enteroclysis and negative scan; of these, three had radiographic features of chronic ileal stricture which was confirmed at operation. The results suggest that a negative delayed indium-111 leukocyte scan may be useful in diagnosis of chronic fibrotic ileal stricture

  3. Mongersen, an oral SMAD7 antisense oligonucleotide, and Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Monteleone, Giovanni; Neurath, Markus F; Ardizzone, Sandro; Di Sabatino, Antonio; Fantini, Massimo C; Castiglione, Fabiana; Scribano, Maria L; Armuzzi, Alessandro; Caprioli, Flavio; Sturniolo, Giacomo C; Rogai, Francesca; Vecchi, Maurizio; Atreya, Raja; Bossa, Fabrizio; Onali, Sara; Fichera, Maria; Corazza, Gino R; Biancone, Livia; Savarino, Vincenzo; Pica, Roberta; Orlando, Ambrogio; Pallone, Francesco


    Crohn's disease-related inflammation is characterized by reduced activity of the immunosuppressive cytokine transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) due to high levels of SMAD7, an inhibitor of TGF-β1 signaling. Preclinical studies and a phase 1 study have shown that an oral SMAD7 antisense oligonucleotide, mongersen, targets ileal and colonic SMAD7. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial, we evaluated the efficacy of mongersen for the treatment of persons with active Crohn's disease. Patients were randomly assigned to receive 10, 40, or 160 mg of mongersen or placebo per day for 2 weeks. The primary outcomes were clinical remission at day 15, defined as a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score of less than 150, with maintenance of remission for at least 2 weeks, and the safety of mongersen treatment. A secondary outcome was clinical response (defined as a reduction of 100 points or more in the CDAI score) at day 28. The proportions of patients who reached the primary end point were 55% and 65% for the 40-mg and 160-mg mongersen groups, respectively, as compared with 10% for the placebo group (P<0.001). There was no significant difference in the percentage of participants reaching clinical remission between the 10-mg group (12%) and the placebo group. The rate of clinical response was significantly greater among patients receiving 10 mg (37%), 40 mg (58%), or 160 mg (72%) of mongersen than among those receiving placebo (17%) (P=0.04, P<0.001, and P<0.001, respectively). Most adverse events were related to complications and symptoms of Crohn's disease. We found that study participants with Crohn's disease who received mongersen had significantly higher rates of remission and clinical response than those who received placebo. (Funded by Giuliani; EudraCT number, 2011-002640-27.).

  4. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in patients with luminal Crohn's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ziech, M.L.W.; Lavini, C.; Caan, M.W.A.; Nio, C.Y.; Stokkers, P.C.F.; Bipat, S.; Ponsioen, C.Y.; Nederveen, A.J.; Stoker, J.


    Objectives: To prospectively assess dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE-)MRI as compared to conventional sequences in patients with luminal Crohn's disease. Methods: Patients with Crohn's disease undergoing MRI and ileocolonoscopy within 1 month had DCE-MRI (3T) during intravenous contrast injection of gadobutrol, single shot fast spin echo sequence and 3D T1-weighted spoiled gradient echo sequence, a dynamic coronal 3D T1-weighted fast spoiled gradient were performed before and after gadobutrol. Maximum enhancement (ME) and initial slope of increase (ISI) were calculated for four colon segments (ascending colon + coecum, transverse colon, descending colon + sigmoid, rectum) and (neo)terminal ileum. C-reactive protein (CRP), Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI), per patient and per segment Crohn's disease endoscopic index of severity (CDEIS) and disease duration were determined. Mean values of the (DCE-)MRI parameters in each segment from each patient were compared between four disease activity groups (normal mucosa, non-ulcerative lesions, mild ulcerative and severe ulcerative disease) with Mann–Whitney test with Bonferroni adjustment. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated for continuous variables. Results: Thirty-three patients were included (mean age 37 years; 23 females, median CDEIS 4.4). ME and ISI correlated weakly with segmental CDEIS (r = 0.485 and r = 0.206) and ME per patient correlated moderately with CDEIS (r = 0.551). ME was significantly higher in segments with mild (0.378) or severe (0.388) ulcerative disease compared to normal mucosa (0.304) (p < 0.001). No ulcerations were identified at conventional sequences. ME correlated with disease duration in diseased segments (r = 0.492), not with CDAI and CRP. Conclusions: DCE-MRI can be used as a method for detecting Crohn's disease ulcerative lesions.

  5. Misleading pustular plaques of the lower limbs during Crohn's disease: two case reports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farhi David


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Extraintestinal manifestations of Crohn's disease may involve the skin, the eyes, the genital mucosa, and the joints. Dermatoses associated with Crohn's disease include neutrophilic dermatoses, erythema nodosum, granulomatous dermatitis, blistering dermatoses, and non-specific skin manifestations. Cutaneous Crohn's disease is characterized by skin non-caseating epithelioid granulomatas with giant cells, remote from the gastrointestinal tract. We report herein two new cases. Observations On both patients, differential diagnosis of neutrophilic dermatoses and infectious disease were evoked, and antimicrobial agents were introduced in one of them. Given the atypical presentation, the final diagnosis of cutaneous Crohn's disease could only be made with histological examination. In patient 1, the plaques decreased in size and infiltration by more than 75% after 3 weeks of treatment with bethametasone dipropionate 0.05% cream. In patient 2, the plaques decreased by more than 50% after 6 weeks of treatment with prednisolone (45 mg/day and azathioprine (100 mg/day. Discussion Cutaneous Crohn's disease may present as dusky, erythematous, infiltrated, and ulcerated plaques and nodules. Female-to-male sex ratio is about 2, and the mean age at onset is 35. Recurrently, the hypothesis of a skin mycobacterial or fungal infection greatly delays proper treatment. Rarity of cutaneous Crohn's disease hampers therapeutic assessment in controlled trials. Thus, available literature is limited to case reports and sparse small series, with contradictory results. These reports are subject to publication bias, and no definite evidence-based recommendations can be made on the most adequate therapeutic strategy.

  6. Rare localisations of osteochondrosis juvenilis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schumacher, R; Schuster, W; Mueller, U


    A survey of rare localisations of osteochondrosis juvenilis is given and illustrated by cases of Morbus Friedrich, Morbus Panner, Vertebra plana Calve, Morbus Blount, Morbus Iselin, Morbus Hegemann and Morbus Thiemann. This is followed by discussion of etiology and differential diagnosis.

  7. Effectiveness of infliximab after adalimumab failure in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Chaparro, María; Andreu, Montserrat; Barreiro-de Acosta, Manuel; García-Planella, Esther; Ricart, Elena; Domènech, Eugeni; Esteve, María; Merino, Olga; Nos, Pilar; Peñalva, Mireia; Gisbert, Javier P


    To evaluate the effectiveness of infliximab as a second-line therapy in Crohn's disease patients after adalimumab failure. A historical cohort study in a community-based gastroenterology practice evaluated Crohn's disease patients treated with infliximab (induction plus maintenance) after adalimumab failure. Patients were identified using a large Spanish database (ENEIDA). We included 15 Crohn's disease patients who received infliximab after adalimumab failure. Five patients discontinued adalimumab due to loss of response, 3 due to adverse events and 7 due to partial response. After infliximab therapy was started, all patients who had interrupted adalimumab due to loss of efficacy regained response. All patients who discontinued adalimumab due to adverse events responded to infliximab and maintained this response; one of these patients had an uneventful course on infliximab, but 2 developed adverse events. None of the 7 patients who interrupted adalimumab due to partial response reached remission with infliximab. Switching from adalimumab to infliximab may be useful in patients who develop adverse effects or loss of response, however, the benefit of infliximab in primary nonresponders was not established.

  8. Advances in imaging to allow personalized medicine in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Neurath, Markus F


    Crohn's disease is a destructive inflammatory bowel disease of unknown origin that may lead to various complications such as strictures, stenosis, fistulas and colitis-associated neoplasias. However, the course of the disease varies substantially among patients and disease behaviour may also change with time. At diagnosis behaviour is inflammatory in the majority of patients, while penetrating or structuring behaviour become more prominent at later time points. Thus, medication in Crohn's disease needs frequent optimization over time. Therefore, new strategies for prediction of response to therapy are urgently needed. Here, recent advantages in imaging techniques for personalized medicine in Crohn's disease are reviewed. Such advantages include ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and new endoscopic approaches such as molecular endoscopy. It is expected that these novel techniques will lead to marked improvements in the assessment of disease behaviour and the prediction of response to clinical therapy with biologicals. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Vedolizumab as a Treatment for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. (United States)

    Ha, Christina; Kornbluth, Asher


    The management of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis has become increasingly complex. With the current utilization of immunosuppressive therapies earlier in the disease course for patients presenting with moderate to severe disease, there is a great need for additional biologic agents targeting inflammatory mediators other than anti-tumor necrosis factor-α (anti-TNF) agents. Although anti-TNF agents have positively impacted the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, many patients can lose their response or develop intolerance to these agents over time through the formation of antidrug antibodies. Furthermore, a sizeable percentage of patients are primary nonresponders to anti-TNF drugs. Vedolizumab (Entyvio, Takeda Pharmaceuticals), a monoclonal antibody to the α4β7 integrin, inhibits gut lymphocyte trafficking and has been demonstrated to be an effective and safe agent for the treatment of both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. This article reviews the clinical trial evidence and rationale for the use of vedolizumab in moderate to severe Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

  10. Inherited determinants of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis phenotypes: a genetic association study. (United States)

    Cleynen, Isabelle; Boucher, Gabrielle; Jostins, Luke; Schumm, L Philip; Zeissig, Sebastian; Ahmad, Tariq; Andersen, Vibeke; Andrews, Jane M; Annese, Vito; Brand, Stephan; Brant, Steven R; Cho, Judy H; Daly, Mark J; Dubinsky, Marla; Duerr, Richard H; Ferguson, Lynnette R; Franke, Andre; Gearry, Richard B; Goyette, Philippe; Hakonarson, Hakon; Halfvarson, Jonas; Hov, Johannes R; Huang, Hailang; Kennedy, Nicholas A; Kupcinskas, Limas; Lawrance, Ian C; Lee, James C; Satsangi, Jack; Schreiber, Stephan; Théâtre, Emilie; van der Meulen-de Jong, Andrea E; Weersma, Rinse K; Wilson, David C; Parkes, Miles; Vermeire, Severine; Rioux, John D; Mansfield, John; Silverberg, Mark S; Radford-Smith, Graham; McGovern, Dermot P B; Barrett, Jeffrey C; Lees, Charlie W


    Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the two major forms of inflammatory bowel disease; treatment strategies have historically been determined by this binary categorisation. Genetic studies have identified 163 susceptibility loci for inflammatory bowel disease, mostly shared between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. We undertook the largest genotype association study, to date, in widely used clinical subphenotypes of inflammatory bowel disease with the goal of further understanding the biological relations between diseases. This study included patients from 49 centres in 16 countries in Europe, North America, and Australasia. We applied the Montreal classification system of inflammatory bowel disease subphenotypes to 34,819 patients (19,713 with Crohn's disease, 14,683 with ulcerative colitis) genotyped on the Immunochip array. We tested for genotype-phenotype associations across 156,154 genetic variants. We generated genetic risk scores by combining information from all known inflammatory bowel disease associations to summarise the total load of genetic risk for a particular phenotype. We used these risk scores to test the hypothesis that colonic Crohn's disease, ileal Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis are all genetically distinct from each other, and to attempt to identify patients with a mismatch between clinical diagnosis and genetic risk profile. After quality control, the primary analysis included 29,838 patients (16,902 with Crohn's disease, 12,597 with ulcerative colitis). Three loci (NOD2, MHC, and MST1 3p21) were associated with subphenotypes of inflammatory bowel disease, mainly disease location (essentially fixed over time; median follow-up of 10·5 years). Little or no genetic association with disease behaviour (which changed dramatically over time) remained after conditioning on disease location and age at onset. The genetic risk score representing all known risk alleles for inflammatory bowel disease showed strong association with

  11. Effect of childbirth on the course of Crohn's disease; results from a retrospective cohort study in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smink, M.; Lotgering, F.K.; Albers, L.; Jong, D.J. de


    BACKGROUND: Pregnant women with Crohn's disease needs proper counselling about the effect of pregnancy and childbirth on their disease. However, Literature about the effect of childbirth on Crohn's disease is limited. This study examined the effect of childbirth on the course of Crohn's disease and

  12. Quality of Life in Crohn's Disease

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Gabalec, L.; Bureš, J.; Šedová, Michaela; Valenta, Zdeněk


    Roč. 56, Suppl. 3 (2007), A138-A138 ISSN 0017-5749. [United European Gastroenterology Week /15./. 27.10.2007-31.10.2007, Paris] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : quality of life * Crohn´s disease * inflammatory bowel disease Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research

  13. Does an individual estimation of halflife improve the results of radioiodine therapy of Graves' disease?; Verbessert die individuelle Bestimmung der effektiven Halbwertszeit die Ergebnisse der Radioiodtherapie des Morbus Basedow?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schneider, P.; Koerber, C.; Koerber-Hafner, N.; Haenscheid, H.; Reiners, Chr. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Univ. Wuerzburg (Germany)


    significantly improve. In addition, no influence of antithyroid medication on therapy success was found. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Der Einfluss unseres Dosimetriekonzepts auf den Erfolg der radioiodtherapie (RIT) bei Morbus Basedow wurde bezueglich dreier Fragen untersucht: Verbessert die individuelle praetherapeutische Bestimmung der Halbwertszeit (HWZ) im Radioiodtest den Therapieerfolg? Erlaubt die intratherapeutische Dosimetrie eine akkurate Dosiskalkulation? Zeigt eine thyreostatische Medikation einen messbaren Einfluss auf den Therapieerfolg? Methode: 126 Patienten erhielten wegen eines Morbus Basedow eine praetherapeutische Dosimetrie (Zieldosis: 200 Gy) mit zwei Methoden, die eine Bestimmung der HWZ oder eine Naeherungsloesung einschliesst. Die Behandlung wurde nach 6-9 Monaten als erfolgreich betrachtet, wenn der Zustand eu- oder hypothyreot war. Bei Hyperthyreose oder supprimiertem basalen TSH-Wert nach Absetzen der Thyreostatika wurde die RIT als Misserfolg gewertet. Thyreostatika, applizierte Aktivitaet, Dosis, spezifische Dosis pro Gewebe und HWZ wurden mittels der multiplen Regressionsanalyse bezueglich ihres Effekts auf den Therapieerfolg untersucht. Mit Logit-Transformation wurden relevante Parameter auf die Chancenverteilung einer erfolgreichen oder erfolglosen RIT untersucht. Ergebnisse: Von 126 Patienten wurden 42 (33,3%) ohne Erfolg und 84 (66,6%) erfolgreich therapiert. Bei Patienten mit geschaetzter intratherapeutischer HWZ entsprach die Erfolgsquote der bei individuell bestimmter HWZ. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Therapieerfolgs war bei der intratherapeutisch geschaetzten HWZ hoeher (Odds: 10,0) als bei der individuell gemessenen. Die erzielte Dosis zeigte eine stark von der Organmasse abhaengige Streuung, die zu sehr unterschiedlichen spezifischen Dosen fuehrte. Die thyreostatische Medikation hatte keinen Einfluss. Schlussfolgerung: Durch individuelle praetherapeutische Dosimetrie mit kompletter Radioiodkinetik gegenueber einer einfachen individuellen

  14. PET activation in basal ganglia disorders: Parkinson`s disease and dystonia; PET-Aktivierungsstudien bei Basalganglienerkrankungen: Morbus Parkinson und Dystonien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ceballos-Baumann, A.O. [Neurologische Klinik, Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Boecker, H. [Neurologische Klinik, Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Conrad, B. [Neurologische Klinik, Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany)


    This article reviews PET activation studies with performance of different motor paradigms (joy-stick movements, imagination of movement, writing) in patients with movement disorders. The focus will be on Parkinson`s disease (PD) and dystonia. PET findings will be related to clinical and electrophysiological observations. PET activation studies before and after therapeutic interventions such as pallidotomy in Parkinson`s disease and botulinum toxin in writer`s cramp are described. The contribution of PET activation studies to the understanding of the pathophysiology of dystonia and PD is discussed. (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Beitrag beschreibt verschiedene PET-Aktivierungsstudien mit motorischen Paradigmen (`joystick`-Bewegungen, Vorstellung von Bewegung, Schreiben) bei Bewegungsstoerungen, im wesentlichen bei Patienten mit Dystonie, einer Hyperkinese, und Morbus Parkinson als Hypokinese. Die experimentellen Befunde werden mit der Klinik in Bezug gebracht. Neue Untersuchungen vor und nach therapeutischen Interventionen, wie die stereotaktische Pallidotomie bei Parkinson und die Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie bei Schreibkrampf, werden beschrieben. Der Beitrag von PET-Aktivierungsstudien zum Verstaendnis der Pathophysiologie von Bewegungsstoerungen wird diskutiert. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhvić-Urek Miranda


    Full Text Available Crohn´s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease still with unknown etiology. In 0.5-20 % of patients, extraintestinal lesions in the oral cavity can be presented in forms of orofacial granulomatosis, cobblestone and corrugated oral mucosa, mucosal tags, deep linear ulcerations with hyperplastic folds, pyostomatits vegetans, aphthous ulcers, angular cheilitis, labial/facial edema and gingival erythema/edema. We describe a case of a 28-year-old male who was presented with oral lesions of Crohn´s disease and treatment procedure. The patient was candidate for biologic treatment so dental procedures and preparation of the patient for treatment are described. Good communication and cooperation between the patient's doctor and dentist are important for successful treatment.

  16. B-Cell Dysregulation in Crohn's Disease Is Partially Restored with Infliximab Therapy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilhelmina M C Timmermans

    Full Text Available B-cell depletion can improve a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases, but does not appear beneficial for patients with Crohn's disease.To elucidate the involvement of B cells in Crohn's disease, we here performed an 'in depth' analysis of intestinal and blood B-cells in this chronic inflammatory disease.Patients with Crohn's disease were recruited to study B-cell infiltrates in intestinal biopsies (n = 5, serum immunoglobulin levels and the phenotype and molecular characteristics of blood B-cell subsets (n = 21. The effects of infliximab treatment were studied in 9 patients.Granulomatous tissue showed infiltrates of B lymphocytes rather than Ig-secreting plasma cells. Circulating transitional B cells and CD21low B cells were elevated. IgM memory B cells were reduced and natural effector cells showed decreased replication histories and somatic hypermutation (SHM levels. In contrast, IgG and IgA memory B cells were normally present and their Ig gene transcripts carried increased SHM levels. The numbers of transitional and natural effector cells were normal in patients who responded clinically well to infliximab.B cells in patients with Crohn's disease showed signs of chronic stimulation with localization to granulomatous tissue and increased molecular maturation of IgA and IgG. Therapy with TNFα-blockers restored the defect in IgM memory B-cell generation and normalized transitional B-cell levels, making these subsets candidate markers for treatment monitoring. Together, these results suggest a chronic, aberrant B-cell response in patients with Crohn's disease, which could be targeted with new therapeutics that specifically regulate B-cell function.

  17. Indirect costs of inflammatory bowel diseases: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. A systematic review. (United States)

    Kawalec, Paweł


    Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are lifelong illnesses which have a significant impact on quality of life and personal burden through a reduction in the ability to work, sick leave and restrictions of leisure time. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the indirect costs of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The search was carried out in Medline, EMBASE, the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, and reference lists of identified articles and reference lists of identified articles were also handsearched. All costs were adjusted to 2013 USD values by using the consumer price index and purchasing power parity. Identified studies were then analysed in order to assess their heterogeneity and possibility of inclusion in the meta-analysis. Eleven of the identified publications presented indirect costs of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. The range of estimated yearly indirect costs per patient was large, from $1 159.09 for loss of earnings to $14 135.64 for lost productivity and sick leave for Crohn's disease. The values for ulcerative colitis ranged from $926.49 to $6 583.17. Because of the imprecise definition of methods of indirect cost calculations as well as heterogeneity of indirect cost components, a meta-analysis was not performed. The indirect costs of ulcerative colitis seem to be slightly lower than in the case of Crohn's disease. A small number of studies referring to indirect costs of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis were identified, which indicates the need to conduct further investigations on this problem.

  18. A rare complication of CMV infection in Crohn's disease - hemophagocytic syndrome: a case report. (United States)

    Pop, Corina Silvia; Becheanu, Gabriel; Calagiu, Dorina; Jantea, Petruţa-Violeta; Rădulescu, Dragoş Mihai; Pariza, George; Mavrodin, Carmen-Iuliana; Bold, Adriana; Costache, Adrian; Nemeş, Roxana Maria


    We report a case of CMV (cytomegalovirus) infection in a Crohn's disease patient, resulting in severe hemophagocytic syndrome and death. A 63-year-old man with a 10-year history of ileal and colonic Crohn's disease presented with general malaise, loss of appetite and weight loss over the last month. He was in clinical remission for two years, with maintenance therapy 5-Aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA)-derived Mesalamine. The patient had no prior immunomodulators or suppressive treatment. A colonoscopy was performed and we found appearance suggestive of active Crohn's disease, confirmed by histopathological examination. A diagnosis of an exacerbation of Crohn's disease was established. Although the specific treatment was initiated, patient's general condition degraded progressively and diarrheal stools appeared, followed by an episode of massive gastrointestinal bleeding - hematochezia. We performed a new colonoscopy and the pathological examination revealed Crohn's ileocolitis with superimposed CMV infection. Despite the initiation of Ganciclovir alongside with other intensive care measures, he increasingly deteriorated and chest X-ray confirmed multilobar pneumonia. The occurrence of rapidly progressing pancytopenia and evidence for disseminated intravascular coagulopathy as well as hyperferritinemia, raised the suspicion of hemophagocytic syndrome confirmed by bone marrow aspiration. Hence, CMV-associated hemophagocytic syndrome in the context of recent corticotherapy for Crohn's disease was established. There is enough evidence that supports the gravity of the CMV infection in the case of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients, especially the ones on immunomodulator treatment. The hemophagocytic syndrome reactively occurs in patients with infections in cases of immunodeficiency, displaying a hematological aspect of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.

  19. Simultaneous central retinal artery occlusion and optic nerve vasculitis in Crohn disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Razek Georges Coussa


    Conclusions and importance: To our knowledge, this is the first case of unilateral CRAO and bilateral optic nerve occlusive vasculitis in Crohn disease, which should be considered as an etiology of retinal vascular occlusive disorders especially in young patients. It is important for ophthalmologists to be aware of the ophthalmic risks associated with Crohn disease as aggressive treatment with systemic steroids and immunosuppressive agents is often needed.

  20. Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis (MAP) as a modifying factor in Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Sibartie, Shomik


    Crohn\\'s disease (CD) is a multifactorial syndrome with genetic and environmental contributions. Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) has been frequently isolated from mucosal tissues of patients with CD but the cellular immune response to this bacterium has been poorly described. Our aim was to examine the influence of MAP on T-cell proliferation and cytokine responses in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

  1. Risk of early surgery for Crohn's disease: implications for early treatment strategies. (United States)

    Sands, Bruce E; Arsenault, Joanne E; Rosen, Michael J; Alsahli, Mazen; Bailen, Laurence; Banks, Peter; Bensen, Steven; Bousvaros, Athos; Cave, David; Cooley, Jeffrey S; Cooper, Herbert L; Edwards, Susan T; Farrell, Richard J; Griffin, Michael J; Hay, David W; John, Alex; Lidofsky, Sheldon; Olans, Lori B; Peppercorn, Mark A; Rothstein, Richard I; Roy, Michael A; Saletta, Michael J; Shah, Samir A; Warner, Andrew S; Wolf, Jacqueline L; Vecchio, James; Winter, Harland S; Zawacki, John K


    In this study we aimed to define the rate of early surgery for Crohn's disease and to identify risk factors associated with early surgery as a basis for subsequent studies of early intervention in Crohn's disease. We assembled a retrospective cohort of patients with Crohn's disease diagnosed between 1991 and 1997 and followed for at least 3 yr, who were identified in 16 community and referral-based practices in New England. Chart review was performed for each patient. Details of baseline demographic and disease features were recorded. Surgical history including date of surgery, indication, and procedure were also noted. Risk factors for early surgery (defined as major surgery for Crohn's disease within 3 yr of diagnosis, exclusive of major surgery at time of diagnosis) were identified by univariate analysis. Multiple logistic regression was used to identify independent risk factors. Of 345 eligible patients, 69 (20.1%) required surgery within 3 yr of diagnosis, excluding the 14 patients (4.1%) who had major surgery at the time of diagnosis. Overall, the interval between diagnosis and surgery was short; one half of all patients who required surgery underwent operation within 6 months of diagnosis. Risk factors identified by univariate analysis as significantly associated with early surgery included the following: smoking; disease of small bowel without colonic involvement; nausea and vomiting or abdominal pain on presentation; neutrophil count; and steroid use in the first 6 months. Disease localized to the colon only, blood in the stool, use of 5-aminosalicylate, and lymphocyte count were inversely associated with risk of early surgery. Logistic regression confirmed independent associations with smoking as a positive risk factor and involvement of colon without small bowel as a negative risk factor for early surgery. The rate of surgery is high in the first 3 yr after diagnosis of Crohn's disease, particularly in the first 6 months. These results suggest that

  2. Onercept for moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rutgeerts, Paul; Sandborn, William J; Fedorak, Richard N


    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Onercept is a recombinant, soluble human p55 receptor to tumor necrosis factor-alpha. METHODS: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging trial was performed to evaluate the efficacy of onercept induction therapy in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Patien...

  3. Muramyl dipeptide responsive pathways in Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salem, Mohammad; Seidelin, Jakob Benedict; Rogler, Gerhard


    Crohn's disease (CD) is one of main disease entities under the umbrella term chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The etiology of CD involves alterations in genetic, microbiological, and immunological factors. This review is devoted to the role of the bacterial wall compound muramyl dipeptide (MDP...

  4. Histologic scoring indices for evaluation of disease activity in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Novak, Gregor; Parker, Claire E; Pai, Rish K; MacDonald, John K; Feagan, Brian G; Sandborn, William J; D'Haens, Geert; Jairath, Vipul; Khanna, Reena


    Histologic assessment of mucosal disease activity has been increasingly used in clinical trials of treatment for Crohn's disease. However, the operating properties of the currently existing histologic scoring indices remain unclear. A systematic review was undertaken to evaluate the development and operating characteristics of available histologic disease activity indices in Crohn's disease. Electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library (CENTRAL) databases from inception to 20 July 2016 were supplemented by manual reviews of bibliographies and abstracts submitted to major gastroenterology meetings (Digestive Disease Week, United European Gastroenterology Week, European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation). Any study design (e.g. randomised controlled trial, cohort study, case series) that evaluated a histologic disease activity index in patients with Crohn's disease was considered for inclusion. Study participants included adult patients (> 16 years), diagnosed with Crohn's disease using conventional clinical, radiographic or endoscopic criteria. Two authors independently reviewed the titles and abstracts of the studies identified from the literature search. The full text of potentially relevant citations were reviewed for inclusion and the study investigators were contacted as needed for clarification. Any disagreements regarding study eligibility were resolved by discussion and consensus with a third author.Two authors independently extracted and recorded data using a standard form. The following data were recorded from each eligible study: number of patients enrolled; number of patients per treatment arm; patient characteristics: age and gender distribution; description of histologic disease activity index utilized; and outcomes such as content validity, construct validity, criterion validity, responsiveness, intra-rater reliability, inter-rater reliability, and feasibility. Sixteen reports of 14 studies describing 14 different numerical

  5. Identifying decreased peristalsis of abnormal small bowel segments in Crohn's disease using cine MR enterography: the frozen bowel sign. (United States)

    Guglielmo, Flavius F; Mitchell, Donald G; O'Kane, Patrick L; Deshmukh, Sandeep P; Roth, Christopher G; Burach, Ilene; Burns, Aaron; Dulka, Susan; Parker, Laurence


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether affected bowel in Crohn's disease patients can be identified by observing decreased peristalsis (frozen bowel sign) using cine balanced steady-state free precession (cine BSSFP) images. 5 radiologists independently reviewed cine BSSFP sequences from randomized MR Enterography (MRE) exams for 30 normal and 30 Crohn's disease patients, graded overall small bowel peristalsis from slowest to fastest, and graded peristalsis for the most abnormal small bowel segment. Sensitivity and specificity of the frozen bowel sign for diagnosing Crohn's disease were calculated. T tests of the peristalsis difference between abnormal segments and overall small bowel were conducted. For 5 readers, the sensitivity and specificity of cine BSSFP of the frozen bowel sign for diagnosing Crohn's disease ranged from 70% to 100% and 87% to 100%, respectively. There were significant differences in peristalsis between abnormal small bowel segments and the overall small bowel for Crohn's patients, but not in the overall small bowel between normal-MRE patients and Crohn's disease patients. Abnormal Crohn's small bowel segments have significantly decreased peristalsis compared to normal small bowel, which can be identified using cine BSSFP sequences as the frozen bowel sign.

  6. Effect of antitumour necrosis factor-alpha therapy on bone turnover in patients with active Crohn's disease: a prospective study. (United States)

    Ryan, B M; Russel, M G V M; Schurgers, L; Wichers, M; Sijbrandij, J; Stockbrugger, R W; Schoon, E


    Patients with Crohn's disease are at increased risk of osteoporosis. Disease activity and circulating proinflammatory cytokines are thought to play a role in this process. Infliximab, a chimaeric antitumour necrosis factor-alpha antibody is effective in the treatment of Crohn's disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of treatment with infliximab on bone turnover in Crohn's disease patients. This was a prospective trial. Twenty-four patients with active Crohn's disease were treated with infliximab (5 mg/kg). Bone markers were assayed pre- and post-treatment. Bone formation was measured using serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and total osteocalcin and bone resorption using serum N-telopeptide cross-linked type 1 collagen. Infliximab therapy caused a significant increase in both markers of bone formation in patients with active Crohn's disease. No significant change in the bone resorption marker serum N-telopeptide cross-linked type 1 was found. Infliximab therapy had a significant beneficial effect on bone metabolism in patients with active Crohn's disease. These findings further support the theory that active ongoing inflammation and high levels of circulating cytokines play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of bone loss in patients with Crohn's disease.

  7. Periodontal disease and anemias associated with Crohn's disease. A case report. (United States)

    Nagpal, Swati; Acharya, Anirudh B; Thakur, Srinath L


    Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease with oral findings, including periodontal manifestations. Anemias, such as iron deficiency and anemia of chronic disease (ACD), are the most common hematologic complications of CD. Periodontitis has systemic effects, and may tend toward anemia, which can be explained by depressed erythropoiesis. In the report presented here, the authors review a case of Crohn's disease diagnosed 10 years previous to the patient presenting with a changing anemic profile and periodontal disease. A discussion of patient and disease management is included.

  8. Multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms may determine Crohn's disease behavior in patients from Rio de Janeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Teresa P. Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Conflicting data from studies on the potential role of multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms in inflammatory bowel disease may result from the analysis of genetically and geographically distinct populations. Here, we investigated whether multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms are associated with inflammatory bowel diseases in patients from Rio de Janeiro. METHODS: We analyzed 123 Crohn's disease patients and 83 ulcerative colitis patients to determine the presence of the multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms C1236T, G2677T and C3435T. In particular, the genotype frequencies of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patients were analyzed. Genotype-phenotype associations with major clinical characteristics were established, and estimated risks were calculated for the mutations. RESULTS: No significant difference was observed in the genotype frequencies of the multidrug resistance 1 G2677T/A and C3435T polymorphisms between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patients. In contrast, the C1236T polymorphism was significantly more common in Crohn's disease than in ulcerative colitis (p = 0.047. A significant association was also found between the multidrug resistance 1 C3435T polymorphism and the stricturing form of Crohn's disease (OR: 4.13; p = 0.009, whereas no association was found with penetrating behavior (OR: 0.33; p = 0.094. In Crohn's disease, a positive association was also found between the C3435T polymorphism and corticosteroid resistance/refractoriness (OR: 4.14; p = 0.010. However, no significant association was found between multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphisms and UC subphenotypic categories. CONCLUSION: The multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphism C3435T is associated with the stricturing phenotype and an inappropriate response to therapy in Crohn's disease. This association with Crohn's disease may support additional pathogenic roles for the multidrug resistance 1 gene in regulating gut

  9. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography in Crohn's Disease Diagnostics. (United States)

    Białecki, Marcin; Białecka, Agnieszka; Laskowska, Katarzyna; Liebert, Ariel; Kłopocka, Maria; Serafin, Zbigniew


    The chronic nature of Crohn's disease (CD) implicates necessity of multiple control assessments throughout patient's life. It is accepted that in patients with CD requiring disease monitoring, magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) and computed tomography enterography (CTE) are--apart from endoscopy--imaging studies of first choice. In practice, diagnostic imaging of patients with CD is troublesome, since MRE is an expensive and complicated study, and CTE exposes patients to high doses of ionizing radiation. Therefore, there is a need for new, both non-invasive and effective, methods of imaging in CD. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography (CEUS) is a relatively new method using gas-filled microbubbles serving as contrast agent. It allows for detailed assessment of blood perfusion within intestine wall and peri-intestinal tissues, which enables detection and monitoring of inflammation and its qualitative assessment. The purpose of this paper is to describe CEUS examination technique and its clinical applications in patients with Crohn's disease.

  10. Pinworm Infestation Mimicking Crohns' Disease


    Johansson, Joel; Ignatova, Simone; Ekstedt, Mattias


    We here report a case of a young man who presented to his general practitioner with diarrhea. Inflammatory bowel disease was suspected and a colonoscopy showed aphthous lesions suggestive of Crohns' disease but biopsies revealed eggs of Enterobius vermicularis. When treated for this parasite, his symptoms were alleviated and a followup colonoscopy revealed a normal colon and distal ileum. Enterobius vermicularis is the most common parasite worldwide and has been attributed with many different...

  11. Infliximab for the Treatment of Crohn'S Disease: Review and Indications for Clinical Use in Canada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Remo Panaccione


    Full Text Available Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. It may affect any portion of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. Symptoms typically include cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea (which may be bloody and nausea. As the severity of the illness worsens, patients may experience constant abdominal pain, vomiting, weight loss and fever. From the perspective of the patient, disease symptoms significantly impair quality of life, and interfere with their work environment and activities of daily living. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Crohn's disease. Patients experience a chronic, relapsing course characterized by recurrent flares of their disease. Conventional medical treatment of Crohn's disease includes the use of non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs (5-aminosalicylic acid agents, prednisone, budesonide, immunosuppressives (6-mercaptopurine, azathioprine, methotrexate and antibiotics. A variable onset of action, incomplete response rates and a significant risk of adverse effects characterize current therapies. Although surgery is frequently used to treat complications or medically refractory disease, postoperative recurrence is a common problem. Infliximab, a murine chimeric monoclonal antibody directed toward tumour necrosis factor-alpha, is a highly effective treatment of active Crohn's disease. In randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials, 33% of patients treated with infliximab 5 mg/kg achieved remission (Crohn's Disease Activity Index score less than 150, compared with only 4% of those receiving placebo (P<0.001. Additionally, infliximab is the only drug therapy shown to be effective for the treatment of fistulizing Crohn's disease. In studies done to date, infliximab appears to be well tolerated and has a favourable side effect profile.

  12. Inhibition of stress-activated MAP kinases induces clinical improvement in moderate to severe Crohn's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hommes, Daan; van den Blink, Bernt; Plasse, Terry; Bartelsman, Joep; Xu, Cuiping; Macpherson, Bret; Tytgat, Guido; Peppelenbosch, Mailkel; van Deventer, Sander


    Background & Aims: We investigated if inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) was beneficial in Crohn's disease. Methods: Inhibition of JNK and p38 MAPK activation with CNI-1493, a guanylhydrazone, was tested in vitro. Twelve patients with severe Crohn's disease (mean baseline, CDAI

  13. Computed tomography enterography in assessment of Crohn's ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Monitoring the disease activity in Crohn's disease (CD) may be challenging with endoscopic manoeuvers due to difficulties in reaching the affected areas and being restricted to mucosal lesions, so the existence of a more tolerable and reliable technique will be highly warranted. Objectives: This study aims at ...

  14. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in patients with luminal Crohn's disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ziech, M.L.W., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Lavini, C., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Caan, M.W.A., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Nio, C.Y., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Stokkers, P.C.F., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Sint Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis, Department of Gastroenterology, Jan Tooropstraat 164, 1061 AE, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Bipat, S., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Ponsioen, C.Y., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Nederveen, A.J., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Stoker, J., E-mail: [Academic Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    Objectives: To prospectively assess dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE-)MRI as compared to conventional sequences in patients with luminal Crohn's disease. Methods: Patients with Crohn's disease undergoing MRI and ileocolonoscopy within 1 month had DCE-MRI (3T) during intravenous contrast injection of gadobutrol, single shot fast spin echo sequence and 3D T1-weighted spoiled gradient echo sequence, a dynamic coronal 3D T1-weighted fast spoiled gradient were performed before and after gadobutrol. Maximum enhancement (ME) and initial slope of increase (ISI) were calculated for four colon segments (ascending colon + coecum, transverse colon, descending colon + sigmoid, rectum) and (neo)terminal ileum. C-reactive protein (CRP), Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI), per patient and per segment Crohn's disease endoscopic index of severity (CDEIS) and disease duration were determined. Mean values of the (DCE-)MRI parameters in each segment from each patient were compared between four disease activity groups (normal mucosa, non-ulcerative lesions, mild ulcerative and severe ulcerative disease) with Mann-Whitney test with Bonferroni adjustment. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated for continuous variables. Results: Thirty-three patients were included (mean age 37 years; 23 females, median CDEIS 4.4). ME and ISI correlated weakly with segmental CDEIS (r = 0.485 and r = 0.206) and ME per patient correlated moderately with CDEIS (r = 0.551). ME was significantly higher in segments with mild (0.378) or severe (0.388) ulcerative disease compared to normal mucosa (0.304) (p < 0.001). No ulcerations were identified at conventional sequences. ME correlated with disease duration in diseased segments (r = 0.492), not with CDAI and CRP. Conclusions: DCE-MRI can be used as a method for detecting Crohn's disease ulcerative lesions.

  15. Guidelines for treatment with infliximab for Crohn's disease.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hommes, D.W.; Oldenburg, B.; Bodegraven, A.A; Hogezand, R.A. van; Jong, D.J. de; Romberg-Camps, M.; Woude, J. van der; Dijkstra, G.


    Infliximab is an accepted induction and maintenance treatment for patients with Crohn's disease. The effectiveness of infliximab has been demonstrated for both active luminal disease and for enterocutaneous fistulisation. In addition, infliximab can be administered for extraintestinal symptoms of

  16. Guidelines for treatment with infliximab for Crohn's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hommes, D. W.; Oldenburg, B.; van Bodegraven, A. A.; van Hogezand, R. A.; de Jong, D. J.; Romberg-Camps, M. J. L.; van der Woude, J.; Dijkstra, G.


    Infliximab is an accepted induction and maintenance treatment for patients with Crohn's disease. The effectiveness of infliximab has been demonstrated for both active luminal disease and for enterocutaneous fistulisation. In addition, infliximab can be administered for extraintestinal symptoms of

  17. Macroadenomas Causing Cushing’s Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aydin K


    Full Text Available Kortikotrope Hypophysen-Makroadenome vs. Mikroadenome als Ursache des Morbus Cushing. Ziel: Kortikotrope Hypophysen- Makroadenome werden für eine geringe Zahl von Fällen des Cushing-Syndroms verantwortlich gemacht, man geht jedoch davon aus, dass ihre genaue Prävalenz unterschätzt wird. Des Weiteren fallen die klinischen und biochemischen Manifestationen kortikotroper Makro- und Mikroadenome sehr unterschiedlich aus und in bisherigen Studien wurde nur eine geringe Anzahl von Patienten eingeschlossen. In dieser Arbeit analysieren und vergleichen wir die klinischen Charakteristika und biochemischen Eigenschaften von Patienten mit kortikotropen Makro- und Mikroadenomen, die Morbus Cushing verursachen. Methoden: Wir schlossen 107 Patienten mit M. Cushing ein (67 Mikroadenome, 40 Makroadenome. Klinische Charakteristika, biochemische Analysen des Hyperkortisolismus, Ergebnisse des Hypophysen-Imaging, Behandlungsmodalitäten sowie Raten für Remission und Wiederauftreten wurden erfasst. Ergebnisse: Das Durchschnittsalter der Patienten lag bei 46,5 ± 11,4 Jahren für Makroadenome und 37,3 ± 12,1 Jahre für Mikroadenome (p 0,001. Die Geschlechterverteilung war bei den Makroadenompatienten gleich, während bei den Mikroadenompatienten ein Vorherrschen der Frauen offensichtlich war (p = 0,001. Verglichen mit den Makro- war die klinische Evidenz des Hyperkortisolismus bei den Mikroadenomen stärker ausgeprägt. Obwohl die Präsentation der klinischen Manifestationen unterschiedlich war, waren die biochemische Analyse des Hyperkortisolismus (inklusive Basalkortisol, ACTH, 24-Stunden-Harnkortisol-Levels und Ansprechen auf eine niedrig dosierte Dexamethason-Suppression zwischen den Gruppen ähnlich. Die Unterdrückbarkeit des Serumkortisols nach Gabe von hochdosiertem Dexamethason war für Makroadenome niedriger, erreichte aber keine Signifikanz (p = 0,074. Die Remissionsraten nach dem ersten hypophysenchirurgischen Eingriff (67,5 vs. 82,8 % sowie die

  18. Disease phenotype at diagnosis in pediatric Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Bie, Charlotte I; Paerregaard, Anders; Kolacek, Sanja


    It has been speculated that pediatric Crohn's disease (CD) is a distinct disease entity, with probably different disease subtypes. We therefore aimed to accurately phenotype newly diagnosed pediatric CD by using the pediatric modification of the Montreal classification, the Paris classification....

  19. Twin studies reveal specific imbalances in the mucosa-associated microbiota of patients with ileal Crohn's disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Willing, B.; Halfvarson, J.; Dicksved, J.; Rosenquist, M.; Jarnerot, G.; Engstrand, L.; Tysk, C.; Jansson, J. K


    Large inter-individual variation in the composition of the intestinal microbiota between unrelated individuals has made it challenging to identify specific aspects of dysbiosis that lead to Crohn's disease. To reduce variations in exposure during establishment of the gut flora and influence of genotype, we studied the mucosaassociated microbiota of monozygotic twin pairs that were discordant (n=6) or concordant (n=4) for Crohn's disease. DNA was extracted from biopsies collected from 5 locations between the ileum and rectum. Bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA genes were amplified and community composition assessed by terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism, cloning and sequencing and quantitative real-time PCR. The microbial compositions at all biopsy locations for each individual were similar, regardless of disease state, but there were differences between individuals. In particular, individuals with predominantly ileal Crohn's had a dramatically lower abundance (P<0.001) of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and increased abundance (P<0.03) of Escherichia coli compared to healthy co-twins and those with Crohn's localized in the colon. This dysbiosis was significantly correlated to the disease phenotype rather than genotype. The reduced abundance of F. prausnitzii and increased abundance of E. coli are indicative of an ileal Crohn's disease phenotype, distinct from colonic Crohn's disease and the relative abundances of these specific bacterial populations are promising biomarker candidates for differential diagnosis of Crohn's and eventually customized treatment.

  20. Pulmonary radio-responses to surface field radiotherapy of Morbus Hodgkin using a 4 MeV linear accelerator. Die pulmonale Strahlenreaktion nach Mantelfeldbestrahlung mit einem 4 MeV-Linearbeschleuniger bei Morbus Hodgkin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krueger, H.U.


    In 119 patients suffering from Morbus Hodgkin who were treated between 1974 and 1979, the pulmonary radio-response was retroperspectively investigated. Besides incidence and degree of severity, the course over the time of the individual stages of radio-response were also investigated. 14 patients showed no paramediastinal irradiation fibrosis as lasting stationary change, 52 showed a light one, 34 a medium-sized and 19 a severe one. Each fibrosis had been preceded by the radiomorphologic sign of pneumonitis of always the same degree of severity. The course over the time of the radiomorphologically subdivided stages determined that on the average the signs of a beginning pneumonitis occurred 11.6 weeks after onset of radiotherapy. An active pneumonitis was detectable after 14.8 weeks (on the average) and 20.4 weeks after radiotherapy had been started, a still florid pneumonitis with beginning shrinkage of the paramediastinal regions was found. The stage of stationary pulmonary fibrosis was reached 34.1 weeks (averaged value) after surface field irradiation had been started. Correlative relations to different individual disease-dependent and radiotherapeutic factors were detected, which are considered to be responsible for the intensity and character of the floride radio-response and the remaining pulmonary fibrosis. Considered from the radiomorphologic course of pulmonary irradiation reaction and its intensity and character, no significant advantage of tumor-reducing chemotherapy compared to irradiation or of split-course-technique compared to continuous fractioning was found. The introduction of individually adjustable shields helped to reduce the degree of severity of radio-response.

  1. The effect of anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha agents on postoperative anastomotic complications in Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El-Hussuna, Alaa Abdul-Hussein H; Krag, Aleksander; Olaison, Gunnar


    Patients with Crohn's disease treated with anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha agents may have an increased risk of surgical complications.......Patients with Crohn's disease treated with anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha agents may have an increased risk of surgical complications....

  2. PET-Studies in parkinson's disease; Untersuchungen mit der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) bei Patienten mit Morbus Parkinson

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwarz, J. [Klinik fuer Neurologie, Univ. Leipzig (Germany)


    Positron-emission-tomography (PET) has enabled to study the metabolism and blood flow in specific brain areas. Besides, there is a variety of radiotracers that allow quantification of the function of distinct molecules. In respect to Parkinson's disease, PET allowed for the first time to assess the number of dopaminergic neurons in vivo. Thus, helping confirming a dopaminergic deficit, measuring disease progression and also help to determine the function of dopaminergic grafts. Current research has shifted to determine the role of related neurotransmitter systems in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease. (orig.) [German] Die positronen-emissions-tomographie (PET) bietet neben der Messung von Metabolismus und Blutfluss die Moeglichkeit der Darstellung von einzelnen Molekuelen. Bei Patienten mit Morbus Parkinson hat es diese Technik erstmals erlaubt, die Anzahl der dopaminergen Neurone zu quantifizieren, wodurch die Diagnose gesichert, die Progression der Erkrankung beurteilt und auch das Anwachsen von Implantaten beurteilt werden kann. Die PET hat einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu unserem heutigen Wissen ueber die Pathophysiologie dieser Erkrankung beigetragen. (orig.)

  3. Transformation of chenodeoxycholic acid to ursodeoxycholic acid in patients with Crohn's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miwa, H.; Yamamoto, M.; Nishida, T.; Yao, T.


    In vivo 7 beta-epimerization of chenodeoxycholic acid to ursodeoxycholic acid and the role of 7-ketolithocholic acid as an intermediate in this biotransformation were studied in 11 patients with Crohn's disease and in 5 healthy volunteers. The incorporation of deuterium into biliary ursodeoxycholic acid and 7-ketolithocholic acid was determined by computed gas chromatography-mass fragmentography after ingestion of a dideuterated chenodeoxycholic acid, chenodeoxycholic-11,12-d2 acid. The incorporation of deuterium into ursodeoxycholic acid increased to a peak level at 48 h in the patients with Crohn's disease, but was delayed in healthy volunteers. In 8 patients and 2 healthy controls there were small amounts of 7-ketolithocholic acid in bile. The incorporation of deuterium into 7-ketolithocholic acid was confirmed in only 2 patients and the peak level was noted at 48 h. These observations suggest that 7-ketolithocholic acid is an intermediate of this biotransformation in patients with Crohn's disease

  4. The cost of hospitalization in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Cohen, R D; Larson, L R; Roth, J M; Becker, R V; Mummert, L L


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the demographics, resource use, and costs associated with hospitalization of Crohn's disease patients. All patients hospitalized at our institution from 7/1/96 to 6/30/97 with a primary diagnosis of "Crohn's Disease" were analyzed using a computerized database. Data are presented "per hospitalization." A total of 175 hospitalizations (147 patients) were identified. Mean patient age was 36.5 yr; 61% were female; 82% Caucasian. Payer mix was most commonly contracted (57%), commercial (21%), or Medicare (13%). 57% of hospitalizations had a primary surgical procedure; the remainder were medical. Average length of stay was 8.7 days (surgical, 9.6 days; medical, 7.5 days). The average cost of hospitalization, excluding physician fees, was $12,528 (surgical, $14,409; medical, $10,020), whereas average charges were $35,378 (surgical, $46,354; medical, $20,744), including physician fees, which averaged $7,249 (surgical, $11,217; medical, $1,959). Mean reimbursements were $21,968 (surgical, $28,946; medical, $12,666) with average weighted reimbursement rates of 60.17% of hospital charges, 69.57% of physician fees. The distribution of costs across subcategories was: Surgery (39.6%), Pharmacy (18.6%), Laboratory (3.8%), Radiology (2.1%), Pathology (0.8%), Endoscopy (0.3%), and Other Hospital Costs (34.9%). Of the hospitalizations, 87% included treatment with steroids, 23% with immunomodulators, and 14% with aminosalicylates; 27% included the administration of total parenteral nutrition, which accounted for 63% of the total pharmacy costs. Surgery accounts for the majority of hospitalizations, nearly 40% of their total costs, and 75% of overall charges and reimbursements. Therapy that decreases the number of surgical hospitalizations should substantially reduce inpatient Crohn's disease costs, as well as overall costs.

  5. Colorectal cancer in Crohn's disease--review of a 56-year experience in Karolinska Institute University Hospital. (United States)

    Rubio, Carlos A; Befrits, Ragnar


    We previously reported that the frequency of colorectal carcinomas (CRC) in Crohn's disease (CD) had increased at this hospital between 1951 and May 1996. The aim was to compare the frequency of CRC in CD between June 1996 and September 2007 to that found between 1951 and May 1996. For that purpose colectomy specimens with an IBD-CRC diagnosis filed during the last 11 years were reviewed. It was found that 29 patients with IBD developed a CRC at this hospital: 21 had CD (or 1.91 cases/year) and the remaining eight, ulcerative colitis (or 0.72 cases/year). At this hospital, the number of cases of CRC in Crohn's colitis increased from 0.28/year between 1951 and the end of 1989, to 1.69 patients/year between 1990 and May 1996, and to 1.91 patients/year between June 1996 and September 2007 (present report). The marginal increase number of patients with CRC in Crohn's colitis/year during the last 11 years at this hospital might be only apparent, considering that the incidence of Crohn's disease in the county has dramatically increased, and that the localization of Crohn's disease has changed in later years, with a predilection for the colon and rectum.

  6. Focal enhanced gastritis and macrophage microaggregates in the gastric mucosa: potential role in the differential diagnosis between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. (United States)

    Magalhães-Costa, Marcia Henriques de; Reis, Beatriz Ribeiro dos; Chagas, Vera Lúcia Antunes; Nunes, Tiago; Souza, Heitor Siffert Pereira de; Zaltman, Cyrla


    Focally enhanced gastritis and macrophage microaggregates are found in the upper gastrointestinal involvement of Crohn's disease, and may reflect an underlying defective innate immunity. These features, however, are also described in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection. The role of these gastric abnormalities in the diagnosis of Crohn's disease was assessed in a population with high prevalence of H. pylori infection. Thirty-seven Crohn's disease, 26 ulcerative colitis, and 30 control patients were included. The H. pylori status was evaluated by the rapid urease test and histology. The presence of focally enhanced gastritis and macrophage microaggregates was recorded. Focally enhanced gastritis was present in 24% of Crohn's disease patients, 4% of ulcerative colitis patients and 11.5% of controls, presenting an overall sensitivity and specificity for Crohn's disease of 24% and 88%, respectively. Macrophage microaggregates were found in all groups, but were only detected in ulcerative colitis and controls in association with H. pylori infection, with an overall sensitivity and specificity for Crohn's disease of 61% and 69%, respectively. In the absence of H. pylori infection, focally enhanced gastritis and macrophage microaggregates were significantly associated with Crohn's disease (Pgastritis and macrophage microaggregates are suggestive of Crohn's disease only in H. pylori-negative specimens.

  7. The glucose breath test: a diagnostic test for small bowel stricture(s) in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Mishkin, Daniel; Boston, Francis M; Blank, David; Yalovsky, Morty; Mishkin, Seymour


    The aim of this study was to determine whether an indirect noninvasive indicator of proximal bacterial overgrowth, the glucose breath test, was of diagnostic value in inflammatory bowel disease. Twenty four of 71 Crohn's disease patients tested had a positive glucose breath test. No statistical conclusions could be drawn between the Crohn's disease activity index and glucose breath test status. Of patients with radiologic evidence of small bowel stricture(s), 96.0% had a positive glucose breath test, while only one of 46 negative glucose breath test patients had a stricture. The positive and negative predictive values for a positive glucose breath test as an indicator of stricture formation were 96.0% and 97.8%, respectively. This correlation was not altered in Crohn's disease patients with fistulae or status postresection of the terminal ileum. The data in ulcerative colitis were nondiagnostic. In conclusion, the glucose breath test appears to be an accurate noninvasive inexpensive diagnostic test for small bowel stricture(s) and secondary bacterial overgrowth in Crohn's disease.

  8. Current trends and challenges in the postoperative medical management of Crohn's disease: A systematic review. (United States)

    Schlussel, Andrew T; Cherng, Nicole B; Alavi, Karim


    Crohn's disease is an aggressive chronic inflammatory disorder, and despite medical advances no cure exists. There is a great risk of requiring an operative intervention, with evidence of recurrence developing in up to 80-90% of cases. Therefore, we sought to systematically review the current status in the postoperative medical management of Crohn's disease. A systematic literature review of medications administered following respective therapy for Crohn's disease was performed from 1979 through 2016. Twenty-six prospective articles provided directed guidelines for recommendations and these were graded based on the level of evidence. The postoperative management of Crohn's disease faces multiple challenges. Current indicated medications in this setting include: antibiotics, aminosalicylates, immunomodulators, and biologics. Each drug has inherent risks and benefits, and the optimal regimen is still unknown. Initiating therapy in a prophylactic fashion compared to endoscopic findings, or escalating therapy versus treating with the most potent drug first is debated. Although a definitive consensus on postoperative treatment is necessary, aggressive and early endoluminal surveillance is paramount in the treatment of these complicated patients. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Guideline for radioiodine therapy for benign thyroid diseases (version 3)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dietlein, M.; Schicha, H. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Univ. zu Koeln (Germany); Dressler, J. [Nuklearmedizinische Klinik der Henriettenstiftung, Hannover (Germany); Gruenwald, F. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Univ. Frankfurt (Germany); Leisner, B. [Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin des Allg. Krankenhauses St. Georg, Hamburg (Germany); Moser, E. [Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin der Radiologischen Universitaetsklinik Freiburg (Germany); Reiners, C.; Schneider, P. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Univ. Wuerzburg (Germany); Schober, O. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Univ. Muenster (Germany)


    ), das Schilddruesenvolumen, den Malignomverdacht, liquide Degenerationen, individuelles Operationsrisiko und relevante Begleiterkrankungen, Voroperationen an der Schilddruese, Persistenz und Rezidiv der Immunhyperthyreose einschliesslich Risikoprofil des Morbus Basedow, Kompressionssymptome durch eine Struma, Notwendigkeit eines sofortigen Therapieeffekts sowie den Wunsch des Patienten. Da meistens mehrere Kriterien zu beruecksichtigen sind, bietet die Leitlinie den notwendigen individuellen Entscheidungsspielraum. Schwerpunkte der Leitlinie sind: Vorbereitung, Aufklaerung, Dosiskonzept, Durchfuehrung, Ergebnisse, Nebenwirkungen und Nachsorge bei der Radioiodtherapie. Der Stellenwert der prophylaktischen Glukokortikoidtherapie bei der RIT des Morbus Basedow ohne vorbestehende Orbitopathie sowie die Dosierung und Dauer der Glukokortikoidtherapie bei der RIT der Immunhyperthyreose bei vorbestehender Orbitopathie sind als offene Fragen formuliert, wenngleich die pragmatischen Handlungsempfehlungen unveraendert geblieben sind. (orig.)

  10. Induction and maintenance infliximab therapy for the treatment of moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease in children

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyams, Jeffrey; Crandall, Wallace; Kugathasan, Subra


    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The REACH study evaluated the safety and efficacy of infliximab in children with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease. METHODS: Patients (n = 112) with a Pediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI) score >30 received infliximab 5 mg/kg at weeks 0, 2, and 6...

  11. Small bowel carcinomas in celiac or Crohn's disease: distinctive histophenotypic, molecular and histogenetic patterns. (United States)

    Vanoli, Alessandro; Di Sabatino, Antonio; Martino, Michele; Klersy, Catherine; Grillo, Federica; Mescoli, Claudia; Nesi, Gabriella; Volta, Umberto; Fornino, Daniele; Luinetti, Ombretta; Fociani, Paolo; Villanacci, Vincenzo; D'Armiento, Francesco P; Cannizzaro, Renato; Latella, Giovanni; Ciacci, Carolina; Biancone, Livia; Paulli, Marco; Sessa, Fausto; Rugge, Massimo; Fiocca, Roberto; Corazza, Gino R; Solcia, Enrico


    Non-familial small bowel carcinomas are relatively rare and have a poor prognosis. Two small bowel carcinoma subsets may arise in distinct immune-inflammatory diseases (celiac disease and Crohn's disease) and have been recently suggested to differ in prognosis, celiac disease-associated carcinoma cases showing a better outcome, possibly due to their higher DNA microsatellite instability and tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes. In this study, we investigated the histological structure (glandular vs diffuse/poorly cohesive, mixed or solid), cell phenotype (intestinal vs gastric/pancreatobiliary duct type) and Wnt signaling activation (β-catenin and/or SOX-9 nuclear expression) in a series of 26 celiac disease-associated small bowel carcinoma, 25 Crohn's disease-associated small bowel carcinoma and 25 sporadic small bowel carcinoma cases, searching for new prognostic parameters. In addition, non-tumor mucosa of celiac and Crohn's disease patients was investigated for epithelial precursor changes (hyperplastic, metaplastic or dysplastic) to help clarify carcinoma histogenesis. When compared with non-glandular structure and non-intestinal phenotype, both glandular structure and intestinal phenotype were associated with a more favorable outcome at univariable or stage- and microsatellite instability/tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte-inclusive multivariable analysis. The prognostic power of histological structure was independent of the clinical groups while the non-intestinal phenotype, associated with poor outcome, was dominant among Crohn's disease-associated carcinoma. Both nuclear β-catenin and SOX-9 were preferably expressed among celiac disease-associated carcinomas; however, they were devoid, per se, of prognostic value. We obtained findings supporting an origin of celiac disease-associated carcinoma in SOX-9-positive immature hyperplastic crypts, partly through flat β-catenin-positive dysplasia, and of Crohn's disease-associated carcinoma in a metaplastic (gastric and

  12. What is Crohn's Disease | NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine (United States)

    ... your health care provider about what to expect. Biological therapies. Biological therapies are medicines that are given by an ... the skin. There are currently five FDA-approved biological drugs that treat inflammation in Crohn's disease. Antibiotics. ...

  13. Intestinal APCs of the endogenous nanomineral pathway fail to express PD-L1 in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Robertson, Jack; Haas, Carolin T; Pele, Laetitia C; Monie, Tom P; Charalambos, Charles; Parkes, Miles; Hewitt, Rachel E; Powell, Jonathan J


    Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory condition most commonly affecting the ileum and colon. The aetiology of Crohn's disease is complex and may include defects in peptidoglycan recognition, and/or failures in the establishment of intestinal tolerance. We have recently described a novel constitutive endogenous delivery system for the translocation of nanomineral-antigen-peptidoglycan (NAP) conjugates to antigen presenting cells (APCs) in intestinal lymphoid patches. In mice NAP conjugate delivery to APCs results in high surface expression of the immuno-modulatory molecule programmed death receptor ligand 1 (PD-L1). Here we report that NAP conjugate positive APCs in human ileal tissues from individuals with ulcerative colitis and intestinal carcinomas, also have high expression of PD-L1. However, NAP-conjugate positive APCs in intestinal tissue from patients with Crohn's disease show selective failure in PD-L1 expression. Therefore, in Crohn's disease intestinal antigen taken up by lymphoid patch APCs will be presented without PD-L1 induced tolerogenic signalling, perhaps initiating disease.

  14. Quality of life study in a regional group of patients with Crohn disease. A structured interview study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guassora, A D; Kruuse, Christina; Thomsen, O O


    of 100 consecutive out-patients with Crohn disease, 94 patients accepted to participate together with 94 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. A modified McMaster Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ23) was used, excluding bowel-related questions. Medical students conducted interviews without...... knowing who were Crohn disease patients and who were controls. The bowel-related questions and Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) were assessed by gastroenterologists at inclusion in the study. Responses were indicated on a seven-point scale (7 best/1 worst). Mean numeric score was calculated as well...

  15. Role of Doppler ultrasonography evaluation of superior mesenteric artery flow volume in the assessment of Crohn's disease activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiana Paiva Martins


    Full Text Available Objective To investigate superior mesenteric artery flow measurement by Doppler ultrasonography as a means of characterizing inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease. Materials and Methods Forty patients were examined and divided into two groups – disease activity and remission – according to their Crohn's disease activity index score. Mean superior mesenteric artery flow volume was calculated for each group and correlated with Crohn's disease activity index score. Results The mean superior mesenteric artery flow volume was significantly greater in the patients with active disease (626 ml/min ± 236 × 376 ml/min ± 190; p = 0.001. As a cut off corresponding to 500 ml/min was utilized, the superior mesenteric artery flow volume demonstrated sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 82% for the diagnosis of Crohn's disease activity. Conclusion The present results suggest that patients with active Crohn's disease have increased superior mesenteric artery flow volume as compared with patients in remission. Superior mesenteric artery flow measurement had a good performance in the assessment of disease activity in this study sample.

  16. Leukocyte scintigraphy compared to intraoperative small bowel enteroscopy and laparotomy findings in Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Almen, Sven; Granerus, Göran; Ström, Magnus


    Background: Leukocyte scintigraphy is a noninvasive investigation to assess inflammation. We evaluated the utility of labeled leukocytes to detect small bowel inflammation and disease complications in Crohn's disease and compared it to whole small bowel enteroscopy and laparotomy findings. Methods......: Scintigraphy with technetium-99m exametazime-labeled leukocytes was prospectively performed in 48 patients with Crohn's disease a few days before laparotomy; 41 also had an intraoperative small bowel enteroscopy. The same procedures were performed in 8 control patients. Independent grading of scans...... was compared with the results of enteroscopy and with surgical, histopathologic, and clinical data. Results: In the 8 control patients leukocyte scan, endoscopy, and histopathology were all negative for the small bowel. In patients with Crohn's disease and small bowel inflammation seen at enteroscopy and...

  17. Guidelines for treatment with infliximab for Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Hommes, D W; Oldenburg, B; van Bodegraven, A A; van Hogezand, R A; de Jong, D J; Romberg-Camps, M J L; van der Woude, J; Dijkstra, G


    Infliximab is an accepted induction and maintenance treatment for patients with Crohn's disease. The effectiveness of infliximab has been demonstrated for both active luminal disease and for enterocutaneous fistulisation. In addition, infliximab can be administered for extraintestinal symptoms of Crohn's disease, such as pyoderma gangrenosum, uveitis and arthropathy. Maintenance treatment with infliximab is effective and is regarded as safe as long as the necessary safety measures are heeded. Infusion reactions occur in 3 to 17% of the patients and are associated with the formation of antibodies to infliximab. A reduction in infusion reactions is possible by the concurrent administration of steroids and the use of immunosuppressants (azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, methotrexate). Furthermore, immunosuppressants increase the duration of the response to infliximab. For these reasons, the concomitant use of immunosuppressants with infliximab is recommended. Infections and most specifically tuberculosis need to be ruled out before infliximab is administered. Up to now, there are no indications for a connection between an increased risk for malignancies and treatment with infliximab.

  18. Vitamin D deficiency in Crohn's disease: prevalence, risk factors and supplement use in an outpatient setting.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Suibhne, Treasa Nic


    Vitamin D deficiency impacts on bone health and has potential new roles in inflammation. We aimed to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for vitamin D deficiency and to explore vitamin D supplement usage in patients with Crohn\\'s disease (CD) in an outpatient setting, compared with controls.

  19. Resected Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Patient with Crohn's Disease on Azathioprine (United States)

    Heron, Valérie; Fortinsky, Kyle Joshua; Spiegle, Gillian; Hilzenrat, Nir; Szilagyi, Andrew


    Hepatocellular carcinoma rarely occurs in patients without underlying cirrhosis or liver disease. While inflammatory bowel disease has been linked to certain forms of liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma is exceedingly rare in these patients. We report the twelfth case of hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient with Crohn's disease. The patient is a 61-year-old with longstanding Crohn's disease who was treated with azathioprine and was found to have elevated liver enzymes and a new 3-cm liver mass on ultrasound. A complete workup for underlying liver disease was unremarkable and liver biopsy revealed hepatocellular carcinoma. The patient underwent a hepatic resection, and there is no evidence of recurrence at the 11-month follow-up. The resection specimen showed no evidence of cancer despite the initial biopsy revealing hepatocellular carcinoma. This case represents the third biopsy-proven complete spontaneous regression of hepatocellular carcinoma. Although large studies have failed to show a definite link between azathioprine and hepatocellular carcinoma, the relationship remains concerning given the multiple case reports suggesting a possible association. Clinicians should exercise a high degree of suspicion in patients with Crohn's disease who present with elevated liver enzymes, especially those on azathioprine therapy. PMID:27403102

  20. An international study of agglutinins to Eubacterium, Peptostreptococcus and Coprococcus species in Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and control subjects. (United States)

    Wensinck, F; van de Merwe, J P; Mayberry, J F


    The world-wide occurrence of agglutinating antibodies to four coccoid anaerobes belonging to Eubacterium, Peptostreptococcus and Coprococcus spp. was investigated in 937 coded sera from patients suffering from Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, various other diseases and from healthy controls. Positive results were found in 59% of patients with Crohn's disease, 29% of patients with ulcerative colitis, and 8% of both diseased and healthy control subjects. Patients with Crohn's disease of the colon had more positive tests (67%) than patients with disease confined to the small bowel (46%). The results show that agglutinating antibodies to the coccoid anaerobes occur more frequently in patients with Crohn's disease than in other subjects in widely varying geographic regions.

  1. Impact of pretreatment variables on the outcome of {sup 131}I therapy with a standardized dose of 150 Gray in Graves` disease; Einfluss praetherapeutischer Variablen auf die Wirkung einer standardisierten {sup 131}J-Therapie mit 150 Gray beim Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfeilschifter, J. [Heidelberg Univ., Radiologische Klinik (Germany). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Elser, H. [Medizinische Universitaetsklinik und Poliklinik Heidelberg (Germany). Abt. fuer Innere Medizin I; Haufe, S. [Medizinische Universitaetsklinik und Poliklinik Heidelberg (Germany). Abt. fuer Innere Medizin I; Ziegler, R. [Heidelberg Univ., Radiologische Klinik (Germany). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Georgi, P. [Medizinische Universitaetsklinik und Poliklinik Heidelberg (Germany). Abt. fuer Innere Medizin I


    waren die Hauptpraediktoren der posttherapeutischen Schilddruesenfunktion. Der Anteil an persistierenden Hyperthyreosen war bei aelteren Patienten mit einem Schilddruesenvolumen groesser 50 ml mit ueber 70% besonders hoch. Bei fast allen Patienten kam es zu einer deutlichen Verkleinerung der Schilddruese. Ausgangsvolumen und Lebensalter waren auch hier die Hauptpraediktoren der posttherapeutischen Schilddruesengroesse. Bei allen Patienten juenger als 50 Jahre kam es sogar unabhaengig von der Ausgangsgroesse zu einer Normalisierung des Schilddruesenvolumens. Schlussfolgerung: Eine Radiojodtherapie mit 150 Gray fuehrt bei den meisten Patienten mit einem Morbus Basedow zu einer deutlichen Verkleinerung der Schilddruese. Alter und initiales Volumen haben einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Funktion und Groesse der Schilddruese nach Therapie und sollten bei der Dosisfestlegung beruecksichtigt werden. (orig.)

  2. Updated German S3-guideline regarding the diagnosis of Crohn's disease. Implementation of radiological modalities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schreyer, A.G.; Ludwig, D.; Koletzko, S.; Hoffmann, J.C.; Preiss, J.C.; Zeitz, M.; Stange, E.; Herrlinger, K.R.


    The recently updated German S3-guideline regarding the diagnosis and treatment of Crohn's disease incorporates several changes concerning the radiological approach compared to the former guideline. This article focuses on guideline-based radiological imaging techniques for patients with Crohn's disease. The new guideline is also compared to former European and German guidelines in the context of recently published radiological literature. (orig.)

  3. Fasting plasma carotenoids concentrations in Crohn's and pancreatic cancer patients compared to control subjects. (United States)

    Drai, J; Borel, P; Faure, H; Galabert, C; Le Moël, G; Laromiguière, M; Fayol, V


    Carotenoids are colored molecules that are widespread in the plant kingdom, but animals cannot synthesize them. Carotenes are long, apolar molecules which require fully functioning digestive processes to be absorbed properly. Hence they could be interesting markers of intestinal absorption and digestion. Indeed, only few tests are available to assess these processes and only the D-xylose tolerance test is routinely used. However D-xylose is a sugar that tests only the absorption of water-soluble compounds and it only tests duodenal absorption. In this study, we have evaluated carotenoids as markers of digestion and absorption. We compared fasting plasma carotenoids concentrations in 21 control subjects, 20 patients with Crohn's disease, and 18 patients with pancreatic cancer. Crohn's disease alters intestinal absorption while pancreatic cancer decreases pancreatic enzyme secretion thus impairing digestion. Results show that all carotenoids are significantly lower in Crohn's and cancer patients as compared to control subjects and the multifactorial analysis shows that this decrease is mostly independent of dietary intake. Interestingly, maldigestion as seen in pancreatic cancer more strongly influences plasma lutein and lycopene concentrations while malabsorption in Crohn's disease acts on other carotenoids. Thus carotenoids could be interesting alternatives for testing and following patients that are suspected of having malabsorption or maldigestion syndromes.

  4. Normal villous architecture with increased intraepithelial lymphocytes: a duodenal manifestation of Crohn disease. (United States)

    Patterson, Emily R; Shmidt, Eugenia; Oxentenko, Amy S; Enders, Felicity T; Smyrk, Thomas C


    To assess a possible association between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the histologic finding in duodenal biopsy specimens of increased intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) with normal villous architecture. We identified all patients with duodenal biopsy specimens obtained between 2000 and 2010 showing increased IELs and normal architecture. Among the 74 such patients who also had IBD, we characterized the clinical features of IBD and reviewed all available upper gastrointestinal biopsy specimens. Fifty-eight patients had Crohn disease, 13 had ulcerative colitis, and three had IBD, type unclassified. No duodenal sample with increased IELs had other histologic features of IBD. Among gastric biopsy specimens from 34 patients with Crohn disease, nearly half (16) had focal gastritis. We propose that Crohn disease be included in the differential diagnosis for increased IELs with normal villous architecture in duodenal biopsy specimens, particularly when gastric biopsy specimens show focal gastritis. Copyright© by the American Society for Clinical Pathology.

  5. Metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono en los enterocitos de sujetos con enfermedad de Crohn y colitis ulcerosa.


    Estada Gimeno, Úrsula


    RESUMEN Introducción: Los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria crónica intestinal (EII), enfermedad de Crohn y colitis ulcerosa presentan lesiones en el epitelio intestinal de carácter inflamatorio. Estas lesiones afectan al intestino grueso en la colitis ulcerosa y a cualquier parte del tracto digestivo en la enfermedad de Crohn. En este tipo de enfermos se ha visto que existe una menor absorción de nutrientes, sobre todo en la enfermedad de Crohn, entre ellos la lactosa (el azúcar de la...

  6. The long-term results of resection and multiple resections in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Krupnick, A S; Morris, J B


    Crohn's disease is a panenteric, transmural inflammatory disease of unknown origin. Although primarily managed medically, 70% to 90% of patients will require surgical intervention. Surgery for small bowel Crohn's is usually necessary for unrelenting stenotic complications of the disease. Fistula, abscess, and perforation can also necessitate surgical intervention. Most patients benefit from resection or strictureplasty with an improved quality of life and remission of disease, but recurrence is common and 33% to 82% of patients will need a second operation, and 22% to 33% will require more than two resections. Short-bowel syndrome is unavoidable in a small percentage of Crohn's patients because of recurrent resection of affected small bowel and inflammatory destruction of the remaining mucosa. Although previously a lethal and unrelenting disease with death caused by malnutrition, patients with short-bowel syndrome today can lead productive lives with maintenance on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). This lifestyle, however, does not come without a price. Severe TPN-related complications, such as sepsis of indwelling central venous catheters and liver failure, do occur. Future developments will focus on more powerful and effective anti-inflammatory medication specifically targeting the immune mechanisms responsible for Crohn's disease. Successful medical management of the disease will alleviate the need for surgical resection and reduce the frequency of short-bowel syndrome. Improving the efficacy of immunosuppression and the understanding of tolerance induction should increase the safety and applicability of small-bowel transplant for those with short gut. Tissue engineering offers the potential to avoid immunosuppression altogether and supplement intestinal length using the patient's own tissues.

  7. Intestinal permeability of 51Cr-labelled ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in patients with Crohn's disease and their healthy relatives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ainsworth, M.; Eriksen, J.; Rasmussen, J.W.; Muckadell, O.B.S. de


    An increased intestinal permeability has been proposed as an aetiologic factor in Crohn's disease. The 24-h urinary excretion of 100 μCi 51 Cr-labelled ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was used to test the permeability in 15 patients with Crohn's disease and in 20 healthy first-degree relatives, who were known to have a genetic predisposition to inflammatory bowel disease. Twenty-eight healthy persons not related to patients with inflammatory bowel disease served as control material. The 51 Cr-EDTA excretion of the relatives was not significantly higher than that of the controls, whereas patients with Crohn's disease had a significantly higher excretion than both the relatives and the controls. Among patients the increased excretion was found only if the small intestine was involved. It is concluded that 1) as a group, patient with Crohn's disease in the small intestine have an increased intestinal permeability, in contrast to their healthy relatives, who have a normal permeability; 2) a considerable overlap of the results of the 51 Cr-EDTA test was found between the groups studied, and the test is not suitable for evaluating individual patients; 3) the results do not support the hypothesis of an increase in intestinal permeability as an aetiologic factor in Crohn's disease. 29 refs

  8. Conn syndrome and Crohn disease in a pediatric case: an interesting parallel. (United States)

    Rodriguez, Manuel A; Alkhoury, Fuad; Malvezzi, Leopoldo; Diaz, Alejandro


    Conn syndrome is characterized by surreptitious secretion of aldosterone in which patients are found to have hypertension, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis. Although rare, the most common presentation in the pediatric population is bilateral hyperplasia of the adrenal glands as opposed to an adenoma. Crohn disease is part of the spectrum of inflammatory bowel disease, which manifests in children as flare-ups of bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. The association of concurrent Conn syndrome and Crohn disease has been previously presented in two cases in adults. This is the first pediatric case to be reported in the literature.

  9. A Qualitative Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Patients Before and After Ileostomy Creation as a Result of Surgical Management for Crohn's Disease. (United States)

    Morris, Andrew; Leach, Bethan


    Patient experiences pre- and post-ileostomy creation as a result of severe Crohn's Disease are underresearched. A qualitative phenomenological design involving a purposeful sampling approach was used to capture the lived physical and psychosocial transition of patients with Crohn's Disease before and after ileostomy formation. Patients were recruited from the membership of the United Kingdom Ileostomy Association; inclusion criteria stipulated participants must speak English and have a diagnosis of Crohn's Disease and subsequent stoma formation. Ten (10) patients (6 women, 4 men, ranging in age from 34 to 83 years with Crohn's Disease and an ileostomy [mean time with stoma 18.3 years, range 3-36 years]) participated in indepth, semistructured interviews with questions on sociodemographic characteristics along with questions informed by the relevant literature regarding life before and after the ileostomy. All interviews were audiorecorded and transcribed verbatim. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to examine the data and identify and interpret themes. Participants were asked to comment on these themes to ensure they were a realistic interpretation of their experiences. Two (2) major themes emerged that embodied ileostomy formation: being controlled by Crohn's and transition to a new life with an ileostomy. Crohn's symptoms controlled daily activities such as work and socializing due, in part, to the need to be in close proximity to toilet facilities. The ileostomy facilitated a transition to a new life that allowed patients to re-engage with work and social activities. One minor theme emerged: memories of Crohn's. Participants said their memories of Crohn's affected life with an ileostomy. Where Crohn's controlled every aspect of people's lives pre-ileostomy formation, the creation of the ileostomy was a positive experience because it helped manage Crohn's symptoms. Memories of life pre-ileostomy may affect individuals' behavior post

  10. Endoscopic lesions in Crohn's disease early after ileocecal resection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tytgat, G. N.; Mulder, C. J.; Brummelkamp, W. H.


    Fifty patients with Crohn's disease were studied endoscopically 6 weeks to 6 months (median 9 weeks) after ileocecal or ileocolonic resection for evidence of non-resected abnormality. Only 8 of the 50 patients were endoscopically free of abnormalities. Microscopic examination of the surgical

  11. Enterovesical fistulas complicating Crohn's disease: clinicopathological features and management. (United States)

    Yamamoto, T; Keighley, M R


    Enterovesical fistula is a relatively rare condition in Crohn's disease. This study was undertaken to examine clinicopathological features and management of enterovesical fistula complicating Crohn's disease. Thirty patients with enterovesical fistula complicating Crohn's disease, treated between 1970 and 1997, were reviewed. Urological symptoms were present in 22 patients; pneumaturia in 18, urinary tract infection in 7, and haematuria in 2. In 5 patients clinical symptoms were successfully managed by conservative treatment, and they required no surgical treatment for enterovesical fistula. Twenty-five patients required surgery. All the patients were treated by resection of diseased bowel and pinching off the dome of the bladder. No patients required resection of the bladder. The Foley catheter was left in situ for an average of 2 weeks after operation. Three patients developed early postoperative complications; two bowel anastomotic leaks, and one intra-abdominal abscess. All these complications were associated with sepsis and multiple fistulas at the time of laparotomy. After a median follow-up of 13 years, 3 patients having postoperative sepsis (anastomotic leak or abscess) developed a recurrent fistula from the ileocolonic anastomosis to the bladder, which required further surgery. In the other 22 patients without postoperative complications there has been no fistula recurrence. In conclusion, the majority of patients with enterovesical fistula required surgical treatment: resection of the diseased bowel and oversewing the defect in the bladder. The fistula recurrence was uncommon, but the presence of sepsis and multiple fistulas at the time of laparotomy increased the incidence of postoperative complications and fistula recurrence.

  12. Intestinal lesions in pediatric Crohn disease: comparative detectability among pulse sequences at MR enterography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Beomseok; Kim, Myung-Joon; Lee, Mi-Jung; Koh, Hong; Han, Kyung Hwa


    Variable sequences can be used in MR enterography, and no consensus exists for the best protocol in children with Crohn disease. To compare the lesion detectability of various MR enterography sequences and to correlate the findings of these sequences with the Pediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI) in children with Crohn disease. Children with clinically or pathologically confirmed Crohn disease underwent MR enterography, including a single-shot fast spin-echo (SSFSE) sequence, motility imaging (coronal 2-D balanced fast field echo), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and dynamic contrast enhancement imaging (including arterial, portal and delayed phases). The lesion detectability of each sequence was graded 0-2 for each involved bowel segment. The lesion detectability and PCDAI result on different sequences were compared using the weighted least squares method and Student's t-test, respectively. Fifteen children (11 boys, 4 girls, mean age 13.7 ± 1.4 years) with a total of 41 lesions were included in this study. All lesions detected in more than two sequences were visible on the single-shot fast spin-echo (SSFSE) sequence. The relative lesion detection rate was 78.1% on motility imaging, 90.2% on DWI, and 92.7% on arterial, 95.1% on portal and 95.1% on delayed phase imaging. Compared to the SSFSE sequence, motility imaging (P < 0.001) and DWI (P = 0.039) demonstrated lower detectability. The mean PCDAI result in the detected lesions was statistically higher only on dynamic enhancement imaging (P < 0.001). All MR enterography sequences were found to have relatively high lesion detectability in children with Crohn disease, while motility imaging showed the lowest lesion detectability. Lesions detected on dynamic enhancement imaging showed a higher PCDAI result, which suggests that this sequence is specific for active inflammation. (orig.)

  13. Altered Markers of Brain Development in Crohn's Disease with Extraintestinal Manifestations - A Pilot Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne K Thomann

    Full Text Available Alterations of brain morphology in Crohn's disease have been reported, but data is scarce and heterogenous and the possible impact of disease predisposition on brain development is unknown. Assuming a systemic course of the disease, brain involvement seems more probable in presence of extraintestinal manifestations, but this question has not yet been addressed. The present study examined the relationship between Crohn's disease and brain structure and focused on the connection with extraintestinal manifestations and markers of brain development.In a pilot study, brains of 15 patients with Crohn's disease (of which 9 had a history of extraintestinal manifestations, i.e. arthritis, erythema nodosum and primary sclerosing cholangitis were compared to matched healthy controls using high resolution magnetic resonance imaging. Patients and controls were tested for depression, fatigue and global cognitive function. Cortical thickness, surface area and folding were determined via cortical surface modeling.The overall group comparison (i.e. all patients vs. controls yielded no significant results. In the patient subgroup with extraintestinal manifestations, changes in cortical area and folding, but not thickness, were identified: Patients showed elevated cortical surface area in the left middle frontal lobe (p<0.05 and hypergyrification in the left lingual gyrus (p<0.001 compared to healthy controls. Hypogyrification of the right insular cortex (p<0.05 and hypergyrification of the right anterior cingulate cortex (p<0.001 were detected in the subgroup comparison of patients with against without extraintestinal manifestations. P-values are corrected for multiple comparisons.Our findings lend further support to the hypothesis that Crohn's disease is associated with aberrant brain structure and preliminary support for the hypothesis that these changes are associated with a systemic course of the disease as indicated by extraintestinal manifestations. Changes

  14. The Association between Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Crohn's Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van der Zee, Hessel H; Horvath, Barbara; Jemec, Gregor B E


    Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic, autoinflammatory skin disease. Shalom et al. demonstrate in a large cross-sectional study an association between Crohn's disease and hidradenitis suppurativa, but not with ulcerative colitis. This association supports the hypothesis that a similar pathogenic...... mechanism contributes to both diseases, providing new possibilities for functional studies and therapy development....

  15. Assessment of inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease by means of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. (United States)

    Pupillo, V A; Di Cesare, E; Frieri, G; Limbucci, N; Tanga, M; Masciocchi, C


    Our aim was to perform a dynamic study of contrast enhancement of the intestinal wall in patients with Crohn's disease to quantitatively assess local inflammatory activity. We studied a population of 50 patients with histologically proven Crohn's disease. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed using a 1.5-T magnet with a phased-array coil and acquisition of T2-weighted single-shot fast spin echo (SSFSE) half Fourier sequences before intravenous administration of gadolinium, and T1-weighted fast spoiled gradient (FSPGR) fat-saturated sequences before and after contrast administration. Before the examination, patents received oral polyethylene glycol (PEG) (1,000 ml for adults; 10 ml/Kg of body weight for children). Regions of interest (ROI) were placed on the normal and diseased intestinal wall to assess signal intensity and rate of increase in contrast enhancement over time. Data were compared with the Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI). The diseased bowel wall showed early and intense uptake of contrast that increases over time until a plateau is reached. In patients in the remission phase after treatment, signal intensity was only slightly higher in diseased bowel loops than in healthy loops. There was a significant correlation between the peak of contrast uptake and CDAI. Dynamic MRI is a good technique for quantifying local inflammatory activity of bowel wall in patients with Crohn's disease.

  16. Evaluation of therapeutic effect of low dose naltrexone in experimentally-induced Crohn's disease in rats. (United States)

    Tawfik, Dina Ibrahim; Osman, Afaf Sayed; Tolba, Hedayat Mahmoud; Khattab, Aida; Abdel-Salam, Lubna O; Kamel, Mahmoud M


    Crohn's disease is a relapsing inflammatory condition afflicting the digestive tract. Drugs used for treatment of Crohn's disease may be associated with serious side effects. Endogenous opioid peptides modulate inflammatory cytokine production. Opioid antagonists have been shown to play a role in healing and repair of tissues. This work was designed to detect the possible beneficial effects of opioid antagonist naltrexone in indomethacin-induced Crohn's disease in rats. Enteritis was induced in male albino rats by two subcutaneous injection of indomethacin in a dose of 7.5mg/kg 24h apart started on day one. Salfasalazine, naltrexone and their combination were administered orally from day one of induction of enteritis to day 10. Disease activity index, serum levels of C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor-α, macroscopic and microscopic pathological scores and in vitro motility studies were evaluated. Induction of enteritis resulted in significant increase of disease activity index, significant elevation of serum levels of C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor-α, significant deterioration of pathological scores and significant increase in the mean contractility response of the isolated ileal segments compared with normal untreated rats. Treatment with sulfasalazine, low dose of natrexone or their combination resulted in significant improvement of all measured parameters compared with enteritis group. The current finding could provide new interesting opportunity for developing new therapeutic approaches for treatment of Crohn's disease. Use of naltrexone, especially in small dose, has little side effects making it of interest for treatment of Crohn's disease. Also, it provides the possibility of reduced doses of other drugs if it is used as combined therapy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Treatment of Crohn's disease with cannabis: an observational study. (United States)

    Naftali, Timna; Lev, Lihi Bar; Yablecovitch, Doron; Yablekovitz, Doron; Half, Elisabeth; Konikoff, Fred M


    The marijuana plant cannabis is known to have therapeutic effects, including improvement of inflammatory processes. However, no report of patients using cannabis for Crohn's disease (CD) was ever published. To describe the effects of cannabis use in patients suffering from CD. In this retrospective observational study we examined disease activity, use of medication, need for surgery, and hospitalization before and after cannabis use in 30 patients (26 males) with CD. Disease activity was assessed by the Harvey Bradshaw index for Crohn's disease. Of the 30 patients 21 improved significantly after treatment with cannabis. The average Harvey Bradshaw index improved from 14 +/- 6.7 to 7 +/- 4.7 (P disease in humans. The results indicate that cannabis may have a positive effect on disease activity, as reflected by reduction in disease activity index and in the need for other drugs and surgery. Prospective placebo-controlled studies are warranted to fully evaluate the efficacy and side effects of cannabis in CD.

  18. Direct bacterial killing in vitro by recombinant Nod2 is compromised by Crohn's disease-associated mutations.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurent-Herve Perez


    Full Text Available A homeostatic relationship with the intestinal microflora is increasingly appreciated as essential for human health and wellbeing. Mutations in the leucine-rich repeat (LRR domain of Nod2, a bacterial recognition protein, are associated with development of the inflammatory bowel disorder, Crohn's disease. We investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying disruption of intestinal symbiosis in patients carrying Nod2 mutations.In this study, using purified recombinant LRR domains, we demonstrate that Nod2 is a direct antimicrobial agent and this activity is generally deficient in proteins carrying Crohn's-associated mutations. Wild-type, but not Crohn's-associated, Nod2 LRR domains directly interacted with bacteria in vitro, altered their metabolism and disrupted the integrity of the plasma membrane. Antibiotic activity was also expressed by the LRR domains of Nod1 and other pattern recognition receptors suggesting that the LRR domain is a conserved anti-microbial motif supporting innate cellular immunity.The lack of anti-bacterial activity demonstrated with Crohn's-associated Nod2 mutations in vitro, supports the hypothesis that a deficiency in direct bacterial killing contributes to the association of Nod2 polymorphisms with the disease.

  19. Intestinal microbiology in Crohn's disease: a study of Escherichia coli as a potential etiologic agent


    Martínez Medina, Margarita


    Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disorder of unknown aetiology. Genetic and immunologic features that confer susceptibility on the host, together with external or environmental factors such as microorganisms and lifestyle, are thought to be involved. The main purpose of this work was to describe the bacterial populations particularly related with Crohn's disease patients in order to identify putative etiologic agents. The results are in agreement with previous research on the ...

  20. Ramiprilate inhibits functional matrix metalloproteinase activity in Crohn's disease fistulas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Efsen, Eva; Saermark, Torben; Hansen, Alastair


    Increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, -3 and -9 has been demonstrated in Crohn's disease fistulas, but it is unknown whether these enzymes are biologically active and represent a therapeutic target. Therefore, we investigated the proteolytic activity of MMPs in fistula tissue...... from six controls were also included. Total functional MMP activity was measured by a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)-based, fluorogenic MMP-substrate cleavage assay, and the specific activity of MMP-2, -3 and -9 by the MMP Biotrak Activity Assay. The MMP inhibitors comprised ethylene......-9.83) compared with non-Crohn's fistulas, [0.32 ng/ml, range 0-2.66, (p MMP-9 activity [0.64 ng/ml, range 0-5.66 and 0.17 ng/ml, range 0-1.1, respectively (p MMP activity level by 42% and suppressed the specific MMP-3...

  1. Pediatric Crohn's disease: epidemiology and emerging treatment options

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kansal S


    Full Text Available Shivani Kansal,1–3 Anthony G Catto-Smith1,2 1Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, 2Department of Gastroenterology, The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, 3Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Abstract: There has been a dramatic increase in the incidence of Crohn's disease over the last two to three decades worldwide, which has affected both the developed world and increasingly also the developing world. Crohn's disease is a disease of youth and can have a profound effect on the growing child, both in terms of growth and skeletal health as well psychosocial maturation. Environmental risk factors appear to be crucially important, but it is not clear at present whether improved hygiene, especially in childhood, influences immunological conditioning, or whether there is a direct impact on the gut from a disturbed gut microbiota. Genetic variation appears to relate to how the host interacts with its microbiota, determining susceptibility rather than causation. The outcome is a sustained immune response, clinically presenting as a relapsing/remitting disease process. There is no current cure for Crohn's disease; treatments are designed to reduce symptoms and control inflammation, initially by inducing a remission, then trying to maintain it. Historical therapies have included 5-aminosalicylic acid-based drugs, corticosteroids, and immunomodulators. Two approaches which are gaining increasing interest are the use of exclusive enteral nutrition and biologicals. Enteral nutrition is a remarkably effective approach, though there is a limited understanding of its mechanism and difficulties in acceptance among the medical community. Biologicals are a class of drugs which specifically target molecules and pathways central to the inflammatory process; they are also very effective, but patients can develop a secondary loss of response as a result of antibodies to the biological agent. Infection and the development

  2. Medium-term follow-up of Crohn's disease in Cape Town

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Aug 9, 1989 ... Normally distributed data, such as age, were tested in the different groups by ... extent of disease at diagnosis had been determined by small ..... Brahme F, Lindstrom C, Wenckert A. Crohn's disease in a defined popula- tion.

  3. Acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding in Crohn's disease: characteristics of a unique series of 34 patients. Belgian IBD Research Group

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Belaiche, J.; Louis, E.; D'Haens, G.; Cabooter, M.; Naegels, S.; de Vos, M.; Fontaine, F.; Schurmans, P.; Baert, F.; de Reuck, M.; Fiasse, R.; Holvoet, J.; Schmit, A.; van Outryve, M.


    Acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding is a rare complication of Crohn's disease, which represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The aim of this study was to define epidemiological characteristics and therapeutic options of hemorrhagic forms of Crohn's disease. Thirty-four cases of

  4. Treatment of therapy-resistant perineal metastatic Crohn's disease after proctectomy using anti-tumor necrosis factor chimeric monoclonal antibody, cA2 - Report of two cases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Dullemen, HM; de Jong, E; Slors, F; Tytgat, GNJ; van Denventer, SJH

    PURPOSE: Two young females with well-documented Crohn's disease and nonhealing perineal wounds following proctectomy compatible with "metastatic Crohn's disease" are described, We hypothesized that metastatic Crohn's disease would be a tumor necrosis factor-dependent inflammatory-reaction and have

  5. Inflammatory activity in Crohn disease: ultrasound findings. (United States)

    Migaleddu, Vincenzo; Quaia, Emilio; Scano, Domenico; Virgilio, Giuseppe


    Improvements in the ultrasound examination of bowel disease have registered in the last years the introduction of new technologies regarding high frequency probes (US), highly sensitive color or power Doppler units (CD-US), and the development of new non-linear technologies that optimize detection of contrast agents. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CE-US) most importantly increases the results in sonographic evaluation of Crohn disease inflammatory activity. CE-US has become an imaging modality routinely employed in the clinical practice for the evaluation of parenchymal organs due to the introduction of new generation microbubble contrast agents which persist in the bloodstream for several minutes after intravenous injection. The availability of high frequency dedicated contrast-specific US techniques provide accurate depiction of small bowel wall perfusion due to the extremely high sensitivity of non-linear signals produced by microbubble insonation. In Crohn's disease, CE-US may characterize the bowel wall thickness by differentiating fibrosis from edema and may grade the inflammatory disease activity by assessing the presence and distribution of vascularity within the layers of the bowel wall (submucosa alone or the entire bowel wall). Peri-intestinal inflammatory involvement can be also characterized. CE-US can provide prognostic data concerning clinical recurrence of the inflammatory disease and evaluate the efficacy of drugs treatments.

  6. Saccharomyces boulardii does not prevent relapse of Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Bourreille, Arnaud; Cadiot, Guillaume; Le Dreau, Gérard; Laharie, David; Beaugerie, Laurent; Dupas, Jean-Louis; Marteau, Philippe; Rampal, Patrick; Moyse, Dominique; Saleh, Ashraf; Le Guern, Marie-Emmanuelle; Galmiche, Jean-Paul


    Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic yeast that has been shown to have beneficial effects on the intestinal epithelial barrier and digestive immune system. There is preliminary evidence that S boulardii could be used to treat patients with Crohn's disease (CD). We performed a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the effects of S boulardii in patients with CD who underwent remission during therapy with steroids or aminosalicylates. We performed a prospective study of 165 patients who achieved remission after treatment with steroids or salicylates; they were randomly assigned to groups given S boulardii (1 g/day) or placebo for 52 weeks. The primary end point was the percentage of patients in remission at week 52. Time to relapse, Crohn's disease activity index scores, and changes in parameters of inflammation were secondary end points. CD relapsed in 80 patients, 38 in the S boulardii group (47.5%) and 42 in the placebo group (53.2%, a nonsignificant difference). The median time to relapse did not differ significantly between patients given S boulardii (40.7 weeks) vs placebo (39.0 weeks). There were no significant differences between groups in mean Crohn's disease activity index scores or erythrocyte sedimentation rates or in median levels of C-reactive protein. In a post hoc analysis, nonsmokers given S boulardii were less likely to experience a relapse of CD than nonsmokers given placebo, but this finding requires confirmation. Although the probiotic yeast S boulardii is safe and well tolerated, it does not appear to have any beneficial effects for patients with CD in remission after steroid or salicylate therapies. Copyright © 2013 AGA Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Biologic treatment or immunomodulation is not associated with postoperative anastomotic complications in abdominal surgery for Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El-Hussuna, Alaa Abdul-Hussein H; Andersen, Jens; Bisgaard, Thue


    There are concerns that biologic treatments or immunomodulation may negatively influence anastomotic healing. This study investigates the relationship between these treatments and anastomotic complications after surgery for Crohn's disease.......There are concerns that biologic treatments or immunomodulation may negatively influence anastomotic healing. This study investigates the relationship between these treatments and anastomotic complications after surgery for Crohn's disease....

  8. Endoscopic and histologic healing of Crohn's (ileo-) colitis with azathioprine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D'Haens, G.; Geboes, K.; Rutgeerts, P.


    The correlation between disease activity and endoscopic findings in Crohn's disease is poor. Corticosteroids induce symptom relief without consistent improvement of endoscopic lesions. Our aim was to examine the effect of azathioprine therapy on healing of inflammatory lesions in patients with

  9. Concanavalin A-binding cholesterol crystallization inhibiting and promoting activity in bile from patients with Crohn's disease compared to patients with ulcerative colitis. (United States)

    Keulemans, Y C; Mok, K S; Slors, J F; Brink, M A; Gouma, D J; Tytgat, G N; Groen, A K


    Crohn's disease is a risk factor for gallstone formation. In contrast, patients with ulcerative colitis have an incidence of gallstone formation comparable to the general population. The reason for this difference is not known. The aim of this study was to elucidate the factors controlling cholesterol crystallization in gallbladder bile of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patients. Gallbladder bile was obtained by aspiration during bowel resections (26 Crohn's disease patients, 20 ulcerative colitis patients). Biliary lipid composition, crystal detection time and the effect of extraction of the concanavalin A-binding fraction on crystal formation were determined. Cholesterol crystals were present in seven of the 26 bile samples of Crohn's disease-patients and one of the 20 ulcerative colitis patients. Four of the bile samples of Crohn's disease patients were fast nucleating. None of the 20 ulcerative colitis patients had fast nucleating bile. Lipid composition, total lipid concentration and CSI were not significantly different between the two groups. In Crohn's disease patients extraction of concanavalin A-binding fraction decreased crystallization in 10 bile samples but accelerated crystallization in one bile sample. In eight bile samples from ulcerative colitis patients crystallization increased after concanavalin A-binding fraction extraction. Compared to ulcerative colitis patients, gallbladder bile of Crohn's disease patients showed increased cholesterol crystallization despite comparable lipid composition and cholesterol saturation index. This difference is caused by increased cholesterol crystallization-promoting activity. Bile from ulcerative colitis patients contains a Con A-binding factor which inhibits cholesterol crystallization.

  10. A rare case of Crohn's ileitis in a patient with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency. (United States)

    Kaimakliotis, Pavlos; Giardiello, Francis; Eze, Ogechukwu; Truta, Brindusa


    Constitutional mismatch repair deficiency (CMMRD), a variant of Lynch syndrome, is a rare disease characterized by café-au-lait spots, oligopolyposis, glioblastoma and lymphoma. A 24-year-old male, under surveillance for CMMRD, developed Crohn's ileitis after total colectomy with end ileostomy for colorectal cancer and failed to respond to oral corticosteroids. The patient underwent induction and maintenance of remission with vedolizumab infusions. We report the first patient with CMMRD developing Crohn's disease. The choice of immunosuppressive therapy in these patients is challenging and needs to be made according to their risk for malignancy.

  11. N-cadherin is overexpressed in Crohn's stricture fibroblasts and promotes intestinal fibroblast migration.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Burke, John P


    BACKGROUND: Intestinal fibroblasts mediate stricture formation in Crohn\\'s disease (CD). Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is important in fibroblast activation, while cell attachment and migration is regulated by the adhesion molecule N-cadherin. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression and function of N-cadherin in intestinal fibroblasts in patients with fibrostenosing CD. METHODS: Intestinal fibroblasts were cultured from seromuscular biopsies from patients undergoing resection for terminal ileal fibrostenosing CD (n = 14) or controls patients (n = 8). N-cadherin expression was assessed using Western blot and quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Fibroblasts were stimulated with TGF-beta and selective pathway inhibitors Y27632, PD98050, and LY294002 were used to examine the Rho\\/ROCK, ERK-1\\/2, and Akt signaling pathways, respectively. Cell migration was assessed using a scratch wound assay. N-cadherin was selectively overexpressed using a plasmid. RESULTS: Fibroblasts from fibrostenosing CD express increased constitutive N-cadherin mRNA and protein and exhibit enhanced basal cell migration relative to those from directly adjacent normal bowel. Control fibroblasts treated with TGF-beta induced N-cadherin in a dose-dependent manner which was inhibited by Rho\\/ROCK and Akt pathway modulation. Control fibroblasts exhibited enhanced cell migration in response to treatment with TGF-beta or transfection with an N-cadherin plasmid. CONCLUSIONS: Fibroblasts from strictures in CD express increased constitutive N-cadherin and exhibit enhanced basal cell migration. TGF-beta is a potent inducer of N-cadherin in intestinal fibroblasts resulting in enhanced cell migration. The TGF-beta-mediated induction of N-cadherin may potentiate Crohn\\'s stricture formation.

  12. Evaluation of conventional, dynamic contrast enhanced and diffusion weighted MRI for quantitative Crohn's disease assessment with histopathology of surgical specimens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tielbeek, Jeroen A. W.; Ziech, Manon L. W.; Li, Zhang; Lavini, Cristina; Bipat, Shandra; Bemelman, Willem A.; Roelofs, Joris J. T. H.; Ponsioen, Cyriel Y.; Vos, Frans M.; Stoker, Jaap


    To prospectively compare conventional MRI sequences, dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) with histopathology of surgical specimens in Crohn's disease. 3-T MR enterography was performed in consecutive Crohn's disease patients scheduled for surgery within 4 weeks.

  13. Inflammation, Antibiotics, and Diet as Environmental Stressors of the Gut Microbiome in Pediatric Crohn's Disease. (United States)

    Lewis, James D; Chen, Eric Z; Baldassano, Robert N; Otley, Anthony R; Griffiths, Anne M; Lee, Dale; Bittinger, Kyle; Bailey, Aubrey; Friedman, Elliot S; Hoffmann, Christian; Albenberg, Lindsey; Sinha, Rohini; Compher, Charlene; Gilroy, Erin; Nessel, Lisa; Grant, Amy; Chehoud, Christel; Li, Hongzhe; Wu, Gary D; Bushman, Frederic D


    Abnormal composition of intestinal bacteria--"dysbiosis"-is characteristic of Crohn's disease. Disease treatments include dietary changes and immunosuppressive anti-TNFα antibodies as well as ancillary antibiotic therapy, but their effects on microbiota composition are undetermined. Using shotgun metagenomic sequencing, we analyzed fecal samples from a prospective cohort of pediatric Crohn's disease patients starting therapy with enteral nutrition or anti-TNFα antibodies and reveal the full complement and dynamics of bacteria, fungi, archaea, and viruses during treatment. Bacterial community membership was associated independently with intestinal inflammation, antibiotic use, and therapy. Antibiotic exposure was associated with increased dysbiosis, whereas dysbiosis decreased with reduced intestinal inflammation. Fungal proportions increased with disease and antibiotic use. Dietary therapy had independent and rapid effects on microbiota composition distinct from other stressor-induced changes and effectively reduced inflammation. These findings reveal that dysbiosis results from independent effects of inflammation, diet, and antibiotics and shed light on Crohn disease treatments. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Intestinal permeability to [51Cr]EDTA in children with Crohn's disease and celiac disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turck, D.; Ythier, H.; Maquet, E.; Deveaux, M.; Marchandise, X.; Farriaux, J.P.; Fontaine, G.


    [ 51 Cr]EDTA was used as a probe molecule to assess intestinal permeability in 7 healthy control adults, 11 control children, 17 children with Crohn's disease, and 6 children with untreated celiac disease. After subjects fasted overnight, 75 kBq/kg (= 2 microCi/kg) 51 Cr-labeled EDTA was given by mouth; 24-h urinary excretion of [ 51 Cr]EDTA was measured and expressed as a percentage of the total oral dose. Mean and SD were as follows: control adults 1.47 +/- 0.62, control children 1.59 +/- 0.55, and patients with Crohn's disease or celiac disease 5.35 +/- 1.94. The difference between control children and patients was statistically significant (p less than 0.001). These results show that intestinal permeability to [ 51 Cr]EDTA is increased among children with active or inactive Crohn's disease affecting small bowel only or small bowel and colon, and with untreated celiac disease. The [ 51 Cr]EDTA permeability test could facilitate the decision to perform more extensive investigations in children suspected of small bowel disease who have atypical or poor clinical and biological symptomatology

  15. Radiological sacroiliitis, a hallmark of spondylitis, is linked with CARD15 gene polymorphisms in patients with Crohn's disease


    Peeters, Harald; Vander Cruyssen, Bert; Laukens, Debby; Coucke, Paul; MARICHAL, DENIS; VAN DEN BERGHE, MARTINA; Cuvelier, Claude; Remaut, Erik; Mielants, Herman; De Keyser, Filip; De Vos, Martine


    Background: Sacroiliitis is a common extraintestinal manifestation of Crohn's disease but its association with the HLA-B27 phenotype is less evident. Polymorphisms in the CARD15 gene have been linked to higher susceptibility for Crohn's disease. In particular, associations have been found with ileal and fibrostenosing disease, young age at onset of disease, and familial cases.

  16. Immunodeficiencies and autoimmune diseases: common variable immunodeficiency and Crohn-like

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Saldaña-Dueñas

    Full Text Available Background: Common variable immunodeficiency (CVI gives a major risk of principally respiratory and digestive infections. It is associated with autoimmune diseases, granulomatous process and neoplasias. The digestive clinic is common, in 10% of patients it is the only symptom, and 60% present chronic diarrhea. Clinically it can be confused and related with other pathologies such as inflammatory bowel disease which is infrequent (2-13%. Case report: We present the case of a patient with CVI with digestive symptoms being diagnosed of Crohn-like disease with extent ileal affectation. The main treatment of these patients is the same as classical Crohn disease although in the most severe cases, as this one, the use of immunosupresors is necessary. At this time the patient remains on clinical remmision with infliximab. She presented a previous adverse reaction with adalimumab. Discussion: The few case series in this pathology makes the treatment with immunomodulators in this immunodeficiency a real diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.

  17. Efficacité des néonicotinoïdes et des pyréthrinoïdes utilisés contre le ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Efficacité des néonicotinoïdes et des pyréthrinoïdes utilisés contre le foreur des tiges du cacaoyer ( Eulophonotus myrmeleon Felder : Lepidoptera, Cossidae). Implications dans la stratégie de protection de la cacaoculture en Côte d'Ivoire.

  18. Pachydermoperiostosis in a Patient with Crohn's Disease: Treatment and Literature Review. (United States)

    Mobini, Maryam; Akha, Ozra; Fakheri, Hafez; Majidi, Hadi; Fattahi, Sanam


    Pachydermoperiostosis (PDP) is a rare disorder characterized by pachydermia, digital clubbing, periostitis, and an excess of affected males. It is the primary form of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA) and there are some rare associations of PDP with other disorders. Here we describe a patient with Crohn's disease associated with PDP. A 26-year-old man, who was a known case of Crohn's disease, referred with diffuse swelling in the upper and lower limbs and cutis verticis gyrata since 7 years ago. PDP was suspected and endocrinological and radiological studies were conducted for the evaluation of underlying disease. He was prescribed celecoxib, low-dose prednisolone, and pamidronate to control the swelling, periostitis, azathiopurine, and mesalazine according to gastrointestinal involvement. In conclusion, it is important to identify this condition since a misdiagnosis might subject the patient to unnecessary investigations.

  19. Radiological assessement of Crohn's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Florio, F.; Palladino, M.; Stella, P.; Barbi, E.


    Fifty-eight consecutive cases of patients affected by Crohn's disease, with ileum (23/58), colon (10/58) and ileo-colic (25/58) involvement were studied. A good overall sensitivity was reached by the radiological procedures employed (barium meal, barium enema, enterclysis). Enterclysis is proposed as a second-step method for the study of ileum involvement, because it provides a quite precise assessement of disease stage and extent. Some criteria for a rational use of current radiological procedures in follow-up of both surgically and medically treated patients are proposed. Moreover it is suggested that better coordination of anatomo-radiological and clinical aspects could improve the therapeutic approach and prognostic judgement in such cases

  20. Extraintestinal manifestations in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Isene, Rune; Bernklev, Tomm; Høie, Ole


    BACKGROUND: In chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (Crohn's disease [CD] and ulcerative colitis [UC]), symptoms from outside the gastrointestinal tract are frequently seen, and the joints, skin, eyes, and hepatobiliary area are the most usually affected sites (called extraintestinal......, skin, and liver) manifestations: 20.1% versus 10.4% (p colitis compared to proctitis in UC increased the risk of EIM. CONCLUSION: In a European inception cohort, EIMs in IBD...

  1. Birth outcome in women with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and pharmacoepidemiological aspects of anti-inflammatory drug therapy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgård, Bente Mertz


    , including patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The third part (and the latest publications) includes birth outcome in women with Crohn's disease; and the methods of cohort establishment in these studies are developed and improved due to the knowledge gathered from conducting the earlier...... prescription Database, the Danish National Hospital Discharge Registry, the Danish Medical Birth Registry, and review of selected medical records. After exposure to sulfasalazine during pregnancy our data suggest. No significantly increased overall relative risk of congenital abnormalities and no significantly...... National Hospital Discharge Registry, the nationwide Danish Prescription Database and the Danish Medical Birth Registry. Furthermore, birth outcomes are examined in Crohn's disease women with disease activity during pregnancy, based on data from review of hospital records, the Danish National Hospital...

  2. Histologic scoring indices for evaluation of disease activity in Crohn's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Novak, Gregor; Parker, Claire E.; Pai, Rish K.; Macdonald, John K.; Feagan, Brian G.; Sandborn, William J.; D'Haens, Geert; Jairath, Vipul; Khanna, Reena


    Histologic assessment of mucosal disease activity has been increasingly used in clinical trials of treatment for Crohn's disease. However, the operating properties of the currently existing histologic scoring indices remain unclear. A systematic review was undertaken to evaluate the development and

  3. Santé des adolescents et des jeunes au Burkina Faso : état des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il s'est agi d'une étude évaluative ayant utilisé une revue documentaire associée à une interview des acteurs clés et un atelier de validation et d'identification des interventions pertinentes pour un plan stratégique national. La situation de la santé des adolescents et des jeunes est caractérisée par des grossesses précoces ...

  4. La fabrique des sciences des institutions aux pratiques

    CERN Document Server

    Benninghoff, Martin; Crettaz von Roten, Fabienne; Merz, Martina


    Aujourd'hui, les façons de produire, d'organiser, d'évaluer et d'utiliser les savoirs sont en profond débat. De plus en plus, l'Etat, la société civile et l'économie tentent d'influencer les activités des universités et des laboratoires de recherche. Ces développements mettent à l'épreuve tout à la fois les fondements des systèmes d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche, l'autonomie des institutions scientifiques, la définition des frontières des savoirs et l'acceptation des sciences. Dans des contextes suisses et européens, cet ouvrage s'intéresse aux manières dont les sciences et les technologies sont fabriquées, en analysant leurs institutions et les pratiques. A partir d'une approche relationnelle, les sciences et les technologies sont conçues comme des phénomènes profondément sociaux, culturels et politiques. Une telle démarche déstabilise les visions parfois idéalisées et stéréotypées de la construction des savoirs. Des études de cas détaillées décrivent des phénomè...

  5. Quality of life study in a regional group of patients with Crohn disease. A structured interview study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guassora, A D; Kruuse, C; Thomsen, O O


    of 100 consecutive out-patients with Crohn disease, 94 patients accepted to participate together with 94 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. A modified McMaster Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ23) was used, excluding bowel-related questions. Medical students conducted interviews without...... knowing who were Crohn disease patients and who were controls. The bowel-related questions and Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) were assessed by gastroenterologists at inclusion in the study. Responses were indicated on a seven-point scale (7 best/1 worst). Mean numeric score was calculated as well...... as a delta score, i.e. the difference in score between a patient and the matched control. RESULTS: In 21 of 23 questions the median delta score was zero, indicating no difference between patient and control. The median total delta score was 0.4 in favour of healthy controls (P

  6. Quantifying the inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease using CE dynamic MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pauls, S.; Schmidt, S.A.; Brambs, H.J.; Gabelmann, A.; Kratzer, W.; Mittrach, C.; Adler, G.; Rieber, A.


    Purpose: Evaluation of dynamic contrast enhanced MRI in patients with Crohn's disease to assess local inflammatory activity. Material and Methods: Prospective study of 13 patients with histologically proven Crohn's disease. Axial and coronal slices were acquired by a 1.5 T MR (Magnetom Vision, Siemens, Germany): T1 flash 2 D (TR 72.5 ms, TE 4.1 ms), T2 (TR 2730 ms, TE 138 ms), turbo-flash sequences T1 (TR 94.2 ms, TE 4.1 ms) post contrast media fat saturated (Magnevist circledR , 0.2 ml/kg, flow 4 ml/s). In area of maximal thickening of terminal ileal wall, axial dynamic T1 sequences (TR 11 ms, TE 4.2 ms) were acquired every 1.5 s post contrast media application for a total duration of 1 min. Contrast uptake was subjectively measured by semiquantitative score and computed assisted ROI evaluation. MR parameters were correlated with CDAI (Crohn's disease activity index) and SAI (severe activity index). Results: Contrast uptake in the intestinal wall occurred after 18.5 s (range: 3.0-28.0), contrast upslope until plateau phase lasted for 16.1 s (range: 8.0-50.0). Maximum contrast enhancement into the bowel wall was 266% (105-450%) of baseline. After maximum contrast uptake, we observed a plateau phase in all cases for the total duration of measurement. A significant correlation existed for maximum contrast uptake to CDAI (r = 0.591; p = 0.033), for beginning of contrast upslope to the time until plateau phase (r = 0.822; p = 0.001), and for the time until plateau phase to CDAI (r = 0.562; p = 0.046). CDAI was on average 108, median 106; SAI was on average 114, median 115. SAI correlated significantly to CDAI (r = 0.874). Maximum contrast uptake, beginning of contrast upslope, and time until plateau phase were independent to creeping fat, local lymphadenitis, laboratory parameters, temperature, body mass index, heart frequency and systolic blood pressure. Conclusion: Dynamic MRI enables to quantify local inflammatory activity of bowel wall in patients with Crohn

  7. Spontaneous remission of Crohn's disease following a febrile infection: case report and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    van Netten Johannes P


    Full Text Available Abstract Crohn's disease is a chronic illness that may often follow a relapsing-remitting course. Many of the factors that may be associated with the spontaneous remission of this disease (i.e. not related to specific treatment remain to be determined. In the present report, we review the medical history of a patient with a long history of moderate to severe Crohn's whose complete remission immediately followed the development of a febrile infection. The patient first developed symptoms of Crohn's in her late adolescent years. At the time of diagnosis at age 23, she was placed on mesalamine - without effective control her disease symptoms. Due to progressive deterioration, the patient underwent a bowel resection at age 25. Soon afterwards symptoms recurred, gradually increasing in severity. In February 2005, at age 36, the patient developed a painful abscess associated with a rectal fistula. Other symptoms at the time included chronic bone and stomach pain, swollen joints, and debilitating fatigue. Surgical correction was scheduled in mid-March. In late February, the patient developed a respiratory infection associated with fevers of 103-104°F. After the onset of fever, the abscess pain disappeared and this was soon followed by a disappearance of all other disease symptoms. By the time the corrective surgery occurred, she had no Crohn's symptoms. Her remission lasted 10 weeks when the previous symptoms then reappeared. The patient has subsequently used a variety of conventional therapies, but still suffers from severe symptoms of her disease. In recent years, a growing body of literature has emphasized the important role that innate immunity plays in the etiology of Crohn's disease; however, a key component of innate immunity, the febrile response, has been overlooked. Other cases of spontaneous remission following febrile infection in inflammatory bowel disease have been reported. Moreover, induction of a febrile response was in the past used

  8. Selection of symptomatic patients with Crohn's disease for abdominopelvic computed tomography: role of serum C-reactive protein.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Desmond, Alan N


    Results of previous studies have shown that repeated abdominopelvic computed tomography (CT) examinations can lead to substantial cumulative diagnostic radiation exposure in patients with Crohn\\'s disease (CD). Improved selection of patients referred for CT will reduce unnecessary radiation exposure. This study examines if serum C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration predicts which symptomatic patients with CD are likely to have significant disease activity or disease complications (such as abscess) detected on abdominopelvic CT.

  9. Analysis of factors affecting the quality of life of those suffering from Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Chrobak-Bień, Joanna; Gawor, Anna; Paplaczyk, Małgorzata; Małecka-Panas, Ewa; Gąsiorowska, Anita


    Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology. Its chronic nature, as well as symptoms of intestinal and overall significantly impedes the daily functioning of patients. Alternately occurring periods of exacerbation and remission are the cause of reduced quality of life of patients. Understanding the factors that caused the decrease in the quality of life, it allows us to understand the behavior and the situation of the patient and the ability to cope with stress caused by the disease. The aim of the study was to analyze the factors affecting the quality of life of people with Crohn's disease. The study group consisted of 50 people diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Respondents were treated at the Department of General Surgery and Colorectal Medical University of Lodz and Gastroenterological Clinic at the University Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lodz. Quality of Life Survey was carried out by a diagnostic survey using a research tool SF-36v2 and surveys of its own design. Analysis of the results demonstrated that the quality of life of patients with Crohn's disease was reduced, especially during exacerbations. Evaluation of the quality of life of respondents in physical terms was slightly higher than in the mental aspect. Higher education subjects and the lack of need for surgical treatment significantly improves the quality of life. The occurrence of chronic disease reduces the quality of life of respondents. Elderly patients are better able to adapt to the difficult situation caused by the disease. The quality of life of women and men is at a similar level and patients in remission of the disease have a better quality of life of patients during exacerbations.

  10. Integrated metagenomics/metaproteomics reveals human host-microbiota signatures of Crohn's disease.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alison R Erickson

    Full Text Available Crohn's disease (CD is an inflammatory bowel disease of complex etiology, although dysbiosis of the gut microbiota has been implicated in chronic immune-mediated inflammation associated with CD. Here we combined shotgun metagenomic and metaproteomic approaches to identify potential functional signatures of CD in stool samples from six twin pairs that were either healthy, or that had CD in the ileum (ICD or colon (CCD. Integration of these omics approaches revealed several genes, proteins, and pathways that primarily differentiated ICD from healthy subjects, including depletion of many proteins in ICD. In addition, the ICD phenotype was associated with alterations in bacterial carbohydrate metabolism, bacterial-host interactions, as well as human host-secreted enzymes. This eco-systems biology approach underscores the link between the gut microbiota and functional alterations in the pathophysiology of Crohn's disease and aids in identification of novel diagnostic targets and disease specific biomarkers.

  11. Integrated Metagenomics/Metaproteomics Reveals Human Host-Microbiota Signatures of Crohn's Disease (United States)

    Darzi, Youssef; Mongodin, Emmanuel F.; Pan, Chongle; Shah, Manesh; Halfvarson, Jonas; Tysk, Curt; Henrissat, Bernard; Raes, Jeroen; Verberkmoes, Nathan C.; Jansson, Janet K.


    Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease of complex etiology, although dysbiosis of the gut microbiota has been implicated in chronic immune-mediated inflammation associated with CD. Here we combined shotgun metagenomic and metaproteomic approaches to identify potential functional signatures of CD in stool samples from six twin pairs that were either healthy, or that had CD in the ileum (ICD) or colon (CCD). Integration of these omics approaches revealed several genes, proteins, and pathways that primarily differentiated ICD from healthy subjects, including depletion of many proteins in ICD. In addition, the ICD phenotype was associated with alterations in bacterial carbohydrate metabolism, bacterial-host interactions, as well as human host-secreted enzymes. This eco-systems biology approach underscores the link between the gut microbiota and functional alterations in the pathophysiology of Crohn's disease and aids in identification of novel diagnostic targets and disease specific biomarkers. PMID:23209564

  12. Diagnostic performance of PET/MR in the evaluation of active inflammation in Crohn disease. (United States)

    Catalano, Onofrio Antonio; Wu, Vincent; Mahmood, Umar; Signore, Alberto; Vangel, Mark; Soricelli, Andrea; Salvatore, Marco; Gervais, Debra; Rosen, Bruce R


    This study investigates the performance of PET/MR versus each sub-modality alone in the assessment of active inflammation in patients with Crohn disease, when compared to surgery as standard of reference. Sensitivity for detecting active inflammation was 91.5% for PET, 80% for MR, and 88% for PET/MR. Specificity for active inflammation was 74% for PET, 87% for MR, and 93% for PET/MR. Diagnostic accuracy was 84% for PET, 83% for MR, and 91% for PET/MR. In conclusion, PET/MR is significantly more accurate than either sub-modality alone and more specific than PET alone in the detection of active inflammation in patients with Crohn disease.

  13. Contribution of rs11465788 in IL23R gene to Crohn's disease ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Multiple studies have shown that IL23 cytokine plays an essential role in the development of autoimmune diseases ... milial risk of IBD provide strong evidence, that the genetic ..... variant in German Crohn's disease patients: combined analysis.

  14. MRI predictors of treatment response for perianal fistulizing Crohn disease in children and young adults

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shenoy-Bhangle, Anuradha; Nimkin, Katherine; Gee, Michael S. [Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Harvard Medical School, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Goldner, Dana; Israel, Esther J. [Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Harvard Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Boston, MA (United States); Bradley, William F. [Analog Devices, Lyric Labs, Cambridge, MA (United States)


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered the imaging standard for diagnosis and characterization of perianal complications associated with Crohn disease in children and adults. To define MRI criteria that could act as potential predictors of treatment response in fistulizing Crohn disease in children, in order to guide more informed study interpretation. We performed a retrospective database query to identify all children and young adults with Crohn disease who underwent serial MRI studies for assessment of perianal symptoms between 2003 and 2010. We examined imaging features of perianal disease including fistula number, type and length, presence and size of associated abscess, and disease response/progression on follow-up MRI. We reviewed imaging studies and electronic medical records. Statistical analysis, including logistic regression, was performed to associate MR imaging features with treatment response and disease progression. We included 36 patients (22 male, 14 female; age range 8-21 years). Of these, 32 had a second MRI exam and 4 had clinical evidence of complete response, obviating the need for repeat imaging. Of the parameters analyzed, presence of abscess, type of fistula according to the Parks classification, and multiplicity were not predictors of treatment outcome. Maximum length of the dominant fistula and aggregate fistula length in the case of multiple fistulae were the best predictors of treatment outcome. Maximum fistula length <2.5 cm was a predictor of treatment response, while aggregate fistula length ≥2.5 cm was a predictor of disease progression. Perianal fistula length is an important imaging feature to assess on MRI of fistulizing Crohn disease. (orig.)

  15. MRI predictors of treatment response for perianal fistulizing Crohn disease in children and young adults

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shenoy-Bhangle, Anuradha; Nimkin, Katherine; Gee, Michael S.; Goldner, Dana; Israel, Esther J.; Bradley, William F.


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered the imaging standard for diagnosis and characterization of perianal complications associated with Crohn disease in children and adults. To define MRI criteria that could act as potential predictors of treatment response in fistulizing Crohn disease in children, in order to guide more informed study interpretation. We performed a retrospective database query to identify all children and young adults with Crohn disease who underwent serial MRI studies for assessment of perianal symptoms between 2003 and 2010. We examined imaging features of perianal disease including fistula number, type and length, presence and size of associated abscess, and disease response/progression on follow-up MRI. We reviewed imaging studies and electronic medical records. Statistical analysis, including logistic regression, was performed to associate MR imaging features with treatment response and disease progression. We included 36 patients (22 male, 14 female; age range 8-21 years). Of these, 32 had a second MRI exam and 4 had clinical evidence of complete response, obviating the need for repeat imaging. Of the parameters analyzed, presence of abscess, type of fistula according to the Parks classification, and multiplicity were not predictors of treatment outcome. Maximum length of the dominant fistula and aggregate fistula length in the case of multiple fistulae were the best predictors of treatment outcome. Maximum fistula length <2.5 cm was a predictor of treatment response, while aggregate fistula length ≥2.5 cm was a predictor of disease progression. Perianal fistula length is an important imaging feature to assess on MRI of fistulizing Crohn disease. (orig.)

  16. Energy expenditure and body composition in children with Crohn's disease: effect of enteral nutrition and treatment with prednisolone


    Azcue, M; Rashid, M; Griffiths, A; Pencharz, P


    Background—Malnutrition and growth retardation are common complications of Crohn's disease in children. The contribution of resting energy expenditure (REE) to malnutrition is unclear. 
Aims—To characterise the REE and body composition in children with Crohn's disease and compare them with normal controls and patients with anorexia nervosa; to compare the effects of prednisolone and enteral nutrition on energy expenditure and body composition. 
Subjects—Twenty four children wit...

  17. Tombes et cimetières éthiopiens : des rois, des saints, des anonymes1


    Derat, Marie-Laure


    L’histoire des tombes et cimetières éthiopiens, dans la longue durée, en est encore à ses balbutiements. Si les tombes des saints et des rois nous sont un peu mieux connus grâce à des textes témoignant à la fois des enjeux entourant les sépultures de ces personnages hors du commun et des soins apportés à leur inhumation, en revanche, les cimetières ordinaires échappent encore largement à l’enquête, en grande partie parce que le commun des mortels est inhumé dans l’anonymat et dans un grand dé...

  18. Bones and Crohn's: Estradiol deficiency in men with Crohn's disease is not associated with reduced bone mineral density

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boehm BO


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Reduced bone mineral density (BMD and osteoporosis are frequent in Crohn's disease (CD, but the underlying mechanisms are still not fully understood. Deficiency of sex steroids, especially estradiol (E2, is an established risk factor in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Aim To assess if hormonal deficiencies in male CD patients are frequent we investigated both, sex steroids, bone density and bone metabolism markers. Methods 111 male CD patients underwent osteodensitometry (DXA of the spine (L1–L4. Disease related data were recorded. Disease activity was estimated using Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI. Testosterone (T, dihydrotestosterone (DHT, estradiol (E2, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG, Osteocalcin and carboxyterminal cross-linked telopeptids (ICTP were measured in 111 patients and 99 age-matched controls. Results Patients had lower T, E2 and SHBG serum levels (p 10 g had lower BMD. 32 (28.8% patients showed osteoporosis, 55 (49.5% osteopenia and 24 (21.6% had normal BMD. Patients with normal or decreased BMD showed no significant difference in their hormonal status. No correlation between markers of bone turnover and sex steroids could be found. ICTP was increased in CD patients (p Conclusion We found an altered hormonal status – i.e. E2 and, to a lesser extent T deficiency – in male CD patients but failed to show an association to bone density or markers of bone turnover. The role of E2 in the negative skeletal balance in males with CD, analogous to E2 deficiency in postmenopausal females, deserves further attention.

  19. The TB--Crohn's affair--a never ending dilemma. (United States)

    Praveen, S; Razman, J


    An 80 year old lady presented with signs and symptoms of sub-acute intestinal obstruction which failed conservative management. CT scan abdomen revealed circumferential ileum thickening with proximal bowel dilatation. Laparotomy and segmental resection was done. Pathological findings were suggestive of chronic granulomatous ileits with differential of Crohn's disease and gastrointestinal tuberculosis. The patient was presumed to have gastrointestinal tuberculosis and commenced on anti tuberculosis treatment despite inconclusive evidence for confirmation and showed marked clinical improvement.

  20. Limitations of fecal calprotectin at diagnosis in untreated pediatric Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shaoul, Ron; Sladek, Marlgozata; Turner, Dan


    Fecal Calprotectin (FC) is a validated screening test for intestinal inflammation in Crohn's disease (CD). The objective of the study was to prospectively evaluate the limitations of FC for identifying CD in newly diagnosed untreated pediatric patients and to assess the association of FC levels w...

  1. Évaluation des pratiques agricoles des légumes feuilles : le cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Face à ce constat, le défi de la recherche serait la détermination du niveau actuel de contamination des légumes feuilles et des eaux du barrage et celui de l'État serait l'initiation de programmes de sensibilisation des producteurs par rapport à une gestion plus rigoureuse des pesticides. Mots-clés : pratiques paysannes, ...

  2. La convergence des rôles respectifs des relationnistes et des journalistes influence-t-elle la perception qu'ils ont les uns des autres?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valentini, Chiara


    la convergence des rôles respectifs des praticiens des relations publiques et des journalistes a un effet favorable sur la perception qu’ils ont les uns des autres. L’effet est plus marqué chez les praticiens des relations publiques, car leur vision de la profession en journalisme correspond à celle...

  3. Mécanique des sols et des roches

    CERN Document Server

    Vullier, Laurent; Zhao, Jian


    La mécanique des sols et la mécanique des roches sont des disciplines généralement traitées séparément dans la littérature. Pour la première fois, un traité réunit ces deux spécialités, en intégrant également les connaissances en lien avec les écoulements souterrains et les transferts thermiques. A la fois théorique et pratique, cet ouvrage propose tout d'abord une description détaillée de la nature et de la composition des sols et des roches, puis s'attache à la modélisation de problèmes aux conditions limites et présente les essais permettant de caractériser les sols et les roches, tant d'un point de vue mécanique qu'hydraulique et thermique. La problématique des sols non saturés et des écoulements multiphasiques est également abordée. Une attention particulière est portée aux lois de comportement mécanique et à la détermination de leurs paramètres par des essais in situ et en laboratoire, et l'ouvrage offre également une présentation détaillée des systèmes de classi...

  4. Role of percutaneous abscess drainage in the management of young patients with Crohn disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pugmire, Brian S. [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati, OH (United States); Gee, Michael S. [Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Massachusetts General Hospital, Division of Abdominal Imaging, Boston, MA (United States); Kaplan, Jess L.; Winter, Harland S. [Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Department of Pediatrics, Boston, MA (United States); Hahn, Peter F.; Gervais, Debra A. [Massachusetts General Hospital, Division of Abdominal Imaging, Boston, MA (United States); Doody, Daniel P. [Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Department of Surgery, Boston, MA (United States)


    Intra-abdominal abscess is a common complication of Crohn disease in children. Prior studies, primarily in adults, have shown that percutaneous abscess drainage is a safe and effective treatment for this condition; however, the data regarding this procedure and indications in pediatric patients is limited. Our aim was to determine the success rate of percutaneous abscess drainage for abscesses related to Crohn disease in pediatric patients with a focus on treatment endpoints that are relevant in the era of biological medical therapy. We retrospectively reviewed 25 cases of patients ages ≤20 years with Crohn disease who underwent percutaneous abscess drainage. Technical success was defined as catheter placement within the abscess with reduction in abscess size on post-treatment imaging. Clinical success was defined as (1) no surgery within 1 year of drainage or (2) surgical resection following drainage with no residual abscess at surgery or on preoperative imaging. Multiple clinical parameters were analyzed for association with treatment success or failure. All cases were classified as technical successes. Nineteen cases were classified as clinical successes (76%), including 7 patients (28%) who required no surgery within 1 year of percutaneous drainage and 12 patients (48%) who had elective bowel resection within 1 year. There was a statistically significant association between resumption of immunosuppressive therapy within 8 weeks of drainage and both clinical success (P < 0.01) and avoidance of surgery after 1 year (P < 0.01). Percutaneous abscess drainage is an effective treatment for Crohn disease-related abscesses in pediatric patients. Early resumption of immunosuppressive therapy is statistically associated with both clinical success and avoidance of bowel resection, suggesting a role for percutaneous drainage in facilitating prompt initiation of medical therapy and preventing surgical bowel resection. (orig.)

  5. Reduced fat oxidation rates during submaximal exercise in adolescents with Crohn's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nguyen, Thanh; Ploeger, Hilde E.; Obeid, Joyce; Issenman, Robert M.; Baker, Jeff M.; Takken, Tim; Parise, Gianni; Timmons, Brian W.


    Children with Crohn's disease (CD) suffer from malnutrition. Understanding substrate utilization during exercise may help patients with CD sustain a healthy active lifestyle without compromising nutrition. The aim of this study was to determine whether substrate utilization and bioavailability

  6. What Is the Risk of Anastomotic Leak After Repeat Intestinal Resection in Patients With Crohn's Disease? (United States)

    Johnston, W Forrest; Stafford, Caitlin; Francone, Todd D; Read, Thomas E; Marcello, Peter W; Roberts, Patricia L; Ricciardi, Rocco


    Approximately half of Crohn's patients require intestinal resection, and many need repeat resections. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the increased risk of clinical anastomotic leak in patients with a history of previous intestinal resection undergoing repeat resection with anastomosis for Crohn's disease. This was a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected departmental data with 100% capture. The study was conducted at the department of colorectal surgery in a tertiary care teaching hospital between July 2007 and March 2016. A cohort of consecutive patients with Crohn's disease who were treated with intestinal resection and anastomosis, excluding patients with proximal fecal diversion, were included. The cohort was divided into 2 groups, those with no previous resection compared with those with previous resection. Clinical anastomotic leak within 30 days of surgery was measured. Of the 206 patients who met criteria, 83 patients had previous intestinal resection (40%). The 2 groups were similar in terms of patient factors, immune-suppressing medication use, and procedural factors. Overall, 20 clinical anastomotic leaks were identified (10% leak rate). There were 6 leaks (5%) detected in patients with no previous intestinal resection and 14 leaks (17%) detected in patients with a history of previous intestinal resection (p leak in patients with Crohn's disease with previous resection compared with no previous resection was 3.5 (95% CI, 1.3-9.4). Patients with 1 previous resection (n = 53) had a leak rate of 13%, whereas patients with ≥2 previous resections (n = 30) had a leak rate of 23%. The number of previous resections correlated with increasing risk for clinical anastomotic leak (correlation coefficient = 0.998). This was a retrospective study with limited data to perform a multivariate analysis. Repeat intestinal resection in patients with Crohn's disease is associated with an increased rate of anastomotic leakage when compared with initial

  7. Arterite de Takayasu e doença de Crohn: uma associação incomum Takayasu's arteritis and Crohn's disease: an unusual association

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clóvis Konopka


    Full Text Available A arterite de Takayasu e a doença de Crohn são doenças inflamatórias com etiologia desconhecida. Raramente ocorrem de modo concomitante em um mesmo indivíduo, havendo menos de 30 casos relatados na literatura. Este trabalho descreve essa associação em uma paciente de 36 anos de idade portadora de doença de Crohn, que apresentou redução dos pulsos no membro superior esquerdo e pressão arterial de 60/40 mmHg. A angiotomografia evidenciou estenose segmentar de artéria subclávia esquerda e espessamento parietal circunferencial da aorta na transição toracoabdominal entre T10 e L1, estabelecendo o diagnóstico de arterite de Takayasu. Ambas as patologias são mediadas imunologicamente e apresentam granulomas e vasculite granulomatosa, o que contribui para reforçar a hipótese de uma origem imunológica comum no seu desenvolvimento. Acreditamos que este seja o primeiro caso relatado na literatura brasileira da presença concomitante destas duas enfermidades.Takayasu's arteritis and Crohn's disease are chronic inflammatory diseases with unknown etiology. They rarely occur together in the same individual, with less than 30 cases reported in the literature. This case report describes this association in a 36-year-old woman with Crohn’s disease and weak pulses in her left arm with blood pressure of 60/40 mmHg. Angiotomography showed segmental stenosis in the left subclavian artery and circumferential thickening of the aortic wall between T10 and L1, establishing the diagnosis of Takayasu's arteritis. Both are organ-specific and immune-mediated diseases and exhibit granulomas and granulomatous vasculitis, which contribute to reinforce the hypothesis of a common immunologic origin. We believe that this is the first case of concomitant presence of these two diseases reported in the Brazilian literature.

  8. High prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults with Crohn's disease: associations with disease and lifestyle factors.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Nic Suibhne, Treasa


    Obesity and overweight are major public health issues. Although traditionally associated with weight loss, there is now evidence that increasing Body Mass Index (BMI) and overweight are emerging features of Crohn\\'s disease (CD) and may be associated with more severe disease course. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in patients with CD compared with matched healthy controls and to identify disease-specific and generic factors associated with current BMI in this group.

  9. Less Anti-infliximab Antibody Formation in Paediatric Crohn Patients on Concomitant Immunomodulators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kansen, Hannah M.; van Rheenen, Patrick F.; Houwen, Roderick H. J.; Ten, Walther Tjon A.; Damen, Gerard M.; Kindermann, Angelika; Escher, Johanna C.; Wolters, Victorien M.


    Objectives: To evaluate the effect of immunomodulators on formation of antibodies to infliximab (ATI) in paediatric patients with Crohn disease (CD) and the association of ATI and loss of response. Methods: Retrospective multicentre observational study (January 2009-December 2014) among Dutch

  10. Pulmonary radio-responses to surface field radiotherapy of Morbus Hodgkin using a 4 MeV linear accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krueger, H.U.


    In 119 patients suffering from Morbus Hodgkin who were treated between 1974 and 1979, the pulmonary radioresponse was retroperspectively investigated. Besides incidence and degree of severity also the course over the time of the individual stages of radio-response where investigated. 14 patients showed no paramediastinal irradiation fibrosis as lasting stationary change, 52 showed a light one, 34 a medium-sized and 19 a severe one. Each fibrosis had been preceded by the radiomorphologic sign of pneumonitis of always the same degree of severity. The course over the time of the radiomorphologically subdivided stages determined that on the average the signs of a beginning pneumonitis occurred 11.6 weeks after onset of radiotherapy. An active pneumonitis was detectable after 14.8 weeks (on the average) and 20.4 weeks after radiotherapy had been started, a still florid pneumonitis with beginning shrinkage of the paramediastinal regions was found. The stage of stationary pulmonary fibrosis was reached 34.1 weeks (averaged value) after surface field irradiation had been started. Correlative relations to different individual diseasedependent and radiotherapeutic factors were detected, which are considered to be responsible for the intensity and character of the floride radio-response and the remaining pulmonary fibrosis. Considered from the radiomorphologic course of pulmonary irradiation reaction and its intensity and character, no significant advantage of tumor-reducing chemotherapy compared to irradiation or of split-course-technique compared to continuous fractioning was found. The introduction of individually adjustable shields helped to reduce the degree of severity of radio-response. (orig./MG) [de

  11. Location and activity of ulcerative and Crohn's colitis by 111In leukocyte scan. A prospective comparison study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stein, D.T.; Gray, G.M.; Gregory, P.B.; Anderson, M.; Goodwin, D.A.; McDougall, I.R.


    A prospective blinded study comparing the 111 In leukocyte scan to barium enema, colonoscopy, or surgery or a combination of these, was carried out in 15 patients (10 with active ulcerative colitis and 5 with active Crohn's colitis). Correlation of disease location to colonic regions between indium scan and other diagnostic studies was excellent in 11 instances, good in 2, and poor in 3. In 2 of the 3 studies where major disagreement occurred, the comparative barium enema was performed greater than 2 mo after the indium scan. Disease activity, estimated by the intensity of radionuclide uptake, was compared to clinical disease activity assessed by the Crohn's Disease Activity Index for both forms of colitis. The relative degree of inflammation estimated by the indium scan correlated well with the independent clinical assessment (correlation coefficient . 0.81). The indium 111 leukocyte scan appears to be an accurate, noninvasive method for assessing the extent and the severity of the inflammation in patients with acute ulcerative or Crohn's colitis

  12. Predicting and explaining inflammation in Crohn's disease patients using predictive analytics methods and electronic medical record data. (United States)

    Reddy, Bhargava K; Delen, Dursun; Agrawal, Rupesh K


    Crohn's disease is among the chronic inflammatory bowel diseases that impact the gastrointestinal tract. Understanding and predicting the severity of inflammation in real-time settings is critical to disease management. Extant literature has primarily focused on studies that are conducted in clinical trial settings to investigate the impact of a drug treatment on the remission status of the disease. This research proposes an analytics methodology where three different types of prediction models are developed to predict and to explain the severity of inflammation in patients diagnosed with Crohn's disease. The results show that machine-learning-based analytic methods such as gradient boosting machines can predict the inflammation severity with a very high accuracy (area under the curve = 92.82%), followed by regularized regression and logistic regression. According to the findings, a combination of baseline laboratory parameters, patient demographic characteristics, and disease location are among the strongest predictors of inflammation severity in Crohn's disease patients.

  13. Ultrasound and MRI predictors of surgical bowel resection in pediatric Crohn disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosenbaum, Daniel G.; Conrad, Maire A.; Kelsen, Judith R.; Biko, David M.; Anupindi, Sudha A.; Ruchelli, Eduardo D.


    Imaging predictors for surgery in children with Crohn disease are lacking. To identify imaging features of the terminal ileum on short-interval bowel ultrasound (US) and MR enterography (MRE) in children with Crohn disease requiring surgical bowel resection and those managed by medical therapy alone. This retrospective study evaluated patients 18 years and younger with Crohn disease undergoing short-interval bowel US and MRE (within 2 months of one another), as well as subsequent ileocecectomy or endoscopy within 3 months of imaging. Appearance of the terminal ileum on both modalities was compared between surgical patients and those managed with medical therapy, with the following parameters assessed: bowel wall thickness, mural stratification, vascularity, fibrofatty proliferation, abscess, fistula and stricture on bowel US; bowel wall thickness, T2 ratio, enhancement pattern, mesenteric edema, fibrofatty proliferation, abscess, fistula and stricture on MRE. A two-sided t-test was used to compare means, a Mann-Whitney U analysis was used for non-parametric parameter scores, and a chi-square or two-sided Fisher exact test compared categorical variables. Imaging findings in surgical patients were correlated with location-matched histopathological scores of inflammation and fibrosis using a scoring system adapted from the Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn Disease, and a Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to compare inflammation and fibrosis on histopathology. Twenty-two surgical patients (mean age: 16.5 years; male/female: 13/9) and 20 nonsurgical patients (mean age: 14.8; M/F: 8/12) were included in the final analysis. On US, the surgical group demonstrated significantly increased mean bowel wall thickness (6.1 mm vs. 4.7 mm for the nonsurgical group; P = 0.01), loss of mural stratification (odds ratio [OR] = 6.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.4-28.4; P = 0.02) and increased fibrofatty proliferation (P = 0.04). On MRE, the surgical group showed

  14. Ultrasound and MRI predictors of surgical bowel resection in pediatric Crohn disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosenbaum, Daniel G. [NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Pediatric Radiology, New York, NY (United States); Conrad, Maire A.; Kelsen, Judith R. [The Children' s Hospital of Philadelphia, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Philadelphia, PA (United States); Biko, David M.; Anupindi, Sudha A. [The Children' s Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Radiology, Philadelphia, PA (United States); Ruchelli, Eduardo D. [The Children' s Hospital of Philadelphia, Division of Anatomic Pathology, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    Imaging predictors for surgery in children with Crohn disease are lacking. To identify imaging features of the terminal ileum on short-interval bowel ultrasound (US) and MR enterography (MRE) in children with Crohn disease requiring surgical bowel resection and those managed by medical therapy alone. This retrospective study evaluated patients 18 years and younger with Crohn disease undergoing short-interval bowel US and MRE (within 2 months of one another), as well as subsequent ileocecectomy or endoscopy within 3 months of imaging. Appearance of the terminal ileum on both modalities was compared between surgical patients and those managed with medical therapy, with the following parameters assessed: bowel wall thickness, mural stratification, vascularity, fibrofatty proliferation, abscess, fistula and stricture on bowel US; bowel wall thickness, T2 ratio, enhancement pattern, mesenteric edema, fibrofatty proliferation, abscess, fistula and stricture on MRE. A two-sided t-test was used to compare means, a Mann-Whitney U analysis was used for non-parametric parameter scores, and a chi-square or two-sided Fisher exact test compared categorical variables. Imaging findings in surgical patients were correlated with location-matched histopathological scores of inflammation and fibrosis using a scoring system adapted from the Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn Disease, and a Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to compare inflammation and fibrosis on histopathology. Twenty-two surgical patients (mean age: 16.5 years; male/female: 13/9) and 20 nonsurgical patients (mean age: 14.8; M/F: 8/12) were included in the final analysis. On US, the surgical group demonstrated significantly increased mean bowel wall thickness (6.1 mm vs. 4.7 mm for the nonsurgical group; P = 0.01), loss of mural stratification (odds ratio [OR] = 6.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.4-28.4; P = 0.02) and increased fibrofatty proliferation (P = 0.04). On MRE, the surgical group showed

  15. Évaluation des pratiques agricoles des légumes feuilles : le cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 sept. 2017 ... ... de Biochimie et Immunologie Appliquée, Centre de Recherche en Sciences Biologiques, Alimentaires et .... l'intoxication des agriculteurs et des consommateurs, ... source d'alimentation en eau et au pouvoir d'achat des.

  16. Modelisation des effets physico-techniques pour la conception des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    automatisation dans les installations industrielles a besoin d'une régulation automatique des commandes des processus technologiques pour lesquelles certaines contraintes sont à relever compte tenu des exigences des innovations scientifiques de ...

  17. Biological treatment of Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole Haagen; Bjerrum, Jacob Tveiten; Seidelin, Jakob Benedict


    Introduction of biological agents for the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD) has led to a transformation of the treatment paradigm. Several biological compounds have been approved for patients with CD refractory to conventional treatment: infliximab, adalimumab and certolizumab pegol (and...... natalizumab in several countries outside the European Union). However, despite the use of biologics for more than a decade, questions still remain about the true efficacy and the best treatment regimens - especially about when to discontinue treatment. Furthermore, a need for optimizing treatment...... with biologics still exists, as 20-40% of patients with CD (depending on selection criteria) do not have any relevant response to the current biological agents (i.e. primary failures). A better patient selection might maximize the clinical outcome while minimizing the complications associated with this type...

  18. Effect of childbirth on the course of Crohn's disease; results from a retrospective cohort study in the Netherlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albers Lisette


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Pregnant women with Crohn's disease needs proper counselling about the effect of pregnancy and childbirth on their disease. However, Literature about the effect of childbirth on Crohn's disease is limited. This study examined the effect of childbirth on the course of Crohn's disease and especially perianal Crohn's disease. Methods This is a retrospective cohort study which was performed in a tertiary level referral hospital in the Netherlands. From the IBD database, female patients aged 18-80 years in 2004 were selected. Data analysis took place in the years 2005 and 2006. Eventually, 114 women with at least one pregnancy after the diagnosis of Crohn's disease were eligible for the study. Differences between groups were analyzed using Wilcoxon Mann Whitney tests and Chi-square analysis with 2 × 2 or 2 × 3 contingency tables. Two-tailed values were used and p values Results 21/114 women (18% had active luminal disease prior to pregnancy, with significantly more pregnancy related complications compared to women with inactive luminal disease (Odds ratio 2.8; 95% CI 1.0 - 7.4. Caesarean section rate was relatively high (37/114, 32%, especially in patients with perianal disease prior to pregnancy compared to women without perianal disease (Odds ratio 4.6; 95% CI 1.8 - 11.4. Disease progression after childbirth was more frequent in patients with active luminal disease prior to pregnancy compared to inactive luminal disease (Odds ratio 9.7; 95% CI 2.1 - 44.3. Progression of perianal disease seems less frequent after vaginal delivery compared with caesarean section, in both women with prior perianal disease (18% vs. 31%, NS and without prior perianal disease (5% vs 14%, NS. There were no more fistula-related complications after childbirth in women with an episiotomy or second degree tear. Conclusion A relatively high rate of caesarean sections was observed in women with Crohn's disease, especially in women with perianal disease

  19. Accurate cut-offs for predicting endoscopic activity and mucosal healing in Crohn's disease with fecal calprotectin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan María Vázquez-Morón

    Full Text Available Background: Fecal biomarkers, especially fecal calprotectin, are useful for predicting endoscopic activity in Crohn's disease; however, the cut-off point remains unclear. The aim of this paper was to analyze whether faecal calprotectin and M2 pyruvate kinase are good tools for generating highly accurate scores for the prediction of the state of endoscopic activity and mucosal healing. Methods: The simple endoscopic score for Crohn's disease and the Crohn's disease activity index was calculated for 71 patients diagnosed with Crohn's. Fecal calprotectin and M2-PK were measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. Results: A fecal calprotectin cut-off concentration of ≥ 170 µg/g (sensitivity 77.6%, specificity 95.5% and likelihood ratio +17.06 predicts a high probability of endoscopic activity, and a fecal calprotectin cut-off of ≤ 71 µg/g (sensitivity 95.9%, specificity 52.3% and likelihood ratio -0.08 predicts a high probability of mucosal healing. Three clinical groups were identified according to the data obtained: endoscopic activity (calprotectin ≥ 170, mucosal healing (calprotectin ≤ 71 and uncertainty (71 > calprotectin < 170, with significant differences in endoscopic values (F = 26.407, p < 0.01. Clinical activity or remission modified the probabilities of presenting endoscopic activity (100% vs 89% or mucosal healing (75% vs 87% in the diagnostic scores generated. M2-PK was insufficiently accurate to determine scores. Conclusions: The highly accurate scores for fecal calprotectin provide a useful tool for interpreting the probabilities of presenting endoscopic activity or mucosal healing, and are valuable in the specific clinical context.

  20. Vecteurs Singuliers des Theories des Champs Conformes Minimales (United States)

    Benoit, Louis

    En 1984 Belavin, Polyakov et Zamolodchikov revolutionnent la theorie des champs en explicitant une nouvelle gamme de theories, les theories quantiques des champs bidimensionnelles invariantes sous les transformations conformes. L'algebre des transformations conformes de l'espace-temps presente une caracteristique remarquable: en deux dimensions elle possede un nombre infini de generateurs. Cette propriete impose de telles conditions aux fonctions de correlations qu'il est possible de les evaluer sans aucune approximation. Les champs des theories conformes appartiennent a des representations de plus haut poids de l'algebre de Virasoro, une extension centrale de l'algebre conforme du plan. Ces representations sont etiquetees par h, le poids conforme de leur vecteur de plus haut poids, et par la charge centrale c, le facteur de l'extension centrale, commune a toutes les representations d'une meme theorie. Les theories conformes minimales sont constituees d'un nombre fini de representations. Parmi celles-ci se trouvent des theories unitaires dont les representation forment la serie discrete de l'algebre de Virasoro; leur poids h a la forme h_{p,q}(m)=[ (p(m+1) -qm)^2-1] (4m(m+1)), ou p,q et m sont des entiers positifs et p+q= 2. Ces representations possedent un sous-espace invariant engendre par deux sous-representations avec h_1=h_{p,q} + pq et h_2=h_{p,q} + (m-p)(m+1-q) dont chacun des vecteurs de plus haut poids portent le nom de vecteur singulier et sont notes respectivement |Psi _{p,q}> et |Psi_{m-p,m+1-q}>. . Les theories super-conformes sont une version super-symetrique des theories conformes. Leurs champs appartiennent a des representation de plus haut poids de l'algebre de Neveu-Schwarz, une des deux extensions super -symetriques de l'algebre de Virasoro. Les theories super -conformes minimales possedent la meme structure que les theories conformes minimales. Les representations sont elements de la serie h_{p,q}= [ (p(m+2)-qm)^2-4] /(8m(m+2)) ou p,q et m sont

  1. Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the management of perianal Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Gallego, Jose C; Echarri, Ana


    Perianal fistulas are a major problem in many patients with Crohn's disease. These are usually complex fistulas that adversely affect patients' quality of life, and their clinical management is difficult. Medical treatment sometimes achieves cessation of discharge and closure of the external opening; however, it is difficult to assess the status of the rest of the fistula tract. Magnetic resonance imaging is the method of choice with which to evaluate the condition of perianal fistulas and allows for assessment of the status of inaccessible areas. Magnetic resonance imaging also allows the clinician to evaluate other perianal manifestations of Crohn's disease that differ from the fistulas. This imaging technique is therefore a fundamental means of patient monitoring. When used in conjunction with assessment of the patient's morphological findings, it provides information that allows for both quantification of disease severity and evaluation of the response to treatment. New types of magnetic resonance sequences are emerging, such as diffusion, perfusion, and magnetisation transfer. These sequences may serve as biomarkers because they provide information reflecting the changes taking place at the molecular level. This will help to shape a new scenario in the early assessment of the response to treatments such as anti-tumour necrosis factor drugs. • MRI is the method of choice with which to evaluate perianal fistulas. • In perianal Crohn's disease, MRI is a fundamental means of patient monitoring. • The usefulness of the Van Assche score for patient monitoring remains unclear. • New MRI sequences' diffusion, perfusion, and magnetisation transfer may serve as biomarkers.

  2. Early combined immunosuppression for the management of Crohn's disease (REACT): a cluster randomised controlled trial. (United States)

    Khanna, Reena; Bressler, Brian; Levesque, Barrett G; Zou, Guangyong; Stitt, Larry W; Greenberg, Gordon R; Panaccione, Remo; Bitton, Alain; Paré, Pierre; Vermeire, Séverine; D'Haens, Geert; MacIntosh, Donald; Sandborn, William J; Donner, Allan; Vandervoort, Margaret K; Morris, Joan C; Feagan, Brian G


    Conventional management of Crohn's disease features incremental use of therapies. However, early combined immunosuppression (ECI), with a TNF antagonist and antimetabolite might be a more effective strategy. We compared the efficacy of ECI with that of conventional management for treatment of Crohn's disease. In this open-label cluster randomised controlled trial (Randomised Evaluation of an Algorithm for Crohn's Treatment, REACT), we included community gastroenterology practices from Belgium and Canada that were willing to be assigned to either of the study groups, participate in all aspects of the study, and provide data on up to 60 patients with Crohn's disease. These practices were randomly assigned (1:1) to either ECI or conventional management. The computer-generated randomisation was minimised by country and practice size. Up to 60 consecutive adult patients were assessed within practices. Patients who were aged 18 years or older; documented to have Crohn's disease; able to speak or understand English, French, or Dutch; able to access a telephone; and able to provide written informed consent were followed up for 2 years. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients in corticosteroid-free remission (Harvey-Bradshaw Index score ≤ 4) at 12 months at the practice level. This trial is registered with, number NCT01030809. This study took place between March 15, 2010, and Oct 1, 2013. Of the 60 practices screened, 41 were randomly assigned to either ECI (n=22) or conventional management (n=19). Two practices (one in each group) discontinued because of insufficient resources. 921 (85%) of the 1084 patients at ECI practices and 806 (90%) of 898 patients at conventional management practices completed 12 months follow-up and were included in an intention-to-treat analysis. The 12 month practice-level remission rates were similar at ECI and conventional management practices (66·0% [SD 14·0] and 61·9% [16·9]; adjusted difference 2·5%, 95

  3. Utilisation sans risque des eaux usées, des excréta et des eaux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les responsables de ce projet piloteront l'application et l'adaptation des principes directeurs relatifs à l'utilisation sans risque des eaux usées, des excreta et des eaux grises en agriculture et en aquaculture (Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater in Agriculture and Aquaculture), que ...

  4. Inherited determinants of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis phenotypes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cleynen, Isabelle; Boucher, Gabrielle; Jostins, Luke


    BACKGROUND: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the two major forms of inflammatory bowel disease; treatment strategies have historically been determined by this binary categorisation. Genetic studies have identified 163 susceptibility loci for inflammatory bowel disease, mostly shared bet...... of a patient's disease, in part genetically determined, and the major driver to changes in disease behaviour over time. FUNDING: International Inflammatory Bowel Disease Genetics Consortium members funding sources (see Acknowledgments for full list)....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Islaine Martins NOGUEIRA


    Full Text Available Context The use of fecal markers to monitor Crohn's disease is crucial for assessing the response to treatment. Objective To assess the inflammatory activity of Crohn's disease by comparing fecal markers (calprotectin and lactoferrin, colonoscopy combined with biopsy, and the Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI, as well as serum markers, before treatment with infliximab, after the end of induction, and after the end of maintenance. Methods Seventeen patients were included who had been previously diagnosed with Crohn's disease and were using conventional treatment but required the introduction of biological therapy with infliximab. Each patient underwent a colonoscopy with biopsy, serum, and fecal (calprotectin and lactoferrin tests to assess inflammatory activity, and CDAI assessments before treatment with infliximab, after induction (week 8, and after maintenance (week 32. Results The calprotectin levels exhibited significant reductions (P = 0.04 between the assessment before treatment with infliximab and the end of induction, which did not occur after the end of the maintenance phase. Lactoferrin remained positive throughout the three phases of the study. Regarding the histological assessment, a significant difference was found only between the assessment before treatment and after the end of maintenance (P = 0.036, and 60% of the patients exhibited histological improvements after the completion of the follow-up period. The CDAI exhibited a significant difference between the assessment before treatment with infliximab and after induction, as well as before treatment and after maintenance (P<0.01. Conclusion Calprotectin and lactoferrin are not useful for monitoring inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease patients who are subjected to biological therapy.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques (FSA), Université d'Abomey-Calavi (UAC), 01 BP 526 Cotonou Bénin. Email : 2Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin, Centre de Recherches Agricoles d'Agonkanmey (CRA-A),. Laboratoire des Sciences du Sol, Eau et Environnement (LSSEE).

  7. Prediction of complicated disease course for children newly diagnosed with Crohn's disease: a multicentre inception cohort study. (United States)

    Kugathasan, Subra; Denson, Lee A; Walters, Thomas D; Kim, Mi-Ok; Marigorta, Urko M; Schirmer, Melanie; Mondal, Kajari; Liu, Chunyan; Griffiths, Anne; Noe, Joshua D; Crandall, Wallace V; Snapper, Scott; Rabizadeh, Shervin; Rosh, Joel R; Shapiro, Jason M; Guthery, Stephen; Mack, David R; Kellermayer, Richard; Kappelman, Michael D; Steiner, Steven; Moulton, Dedrick E; Keljo, David; Cohen, Stanley; Oliva-Hemker, Maria; Heyman, Melvin B; Otley, Anthony R; Baker, Susan S; Evans, Jonathan S; Kirschner, Barbara S; Patel, Ashish S; Ziring, David; Trapnell, Bruce C; Sylvester, Francisco A; Stephens, Michael C; Baldassano, Robert N; Markowitz, James F; Cho, Judy; Xavier, Ramnik J; Huttenhower, Curtis; Aronow, Bruce J; Gibson, Greg; Hyams, Jeffrey S; Dubinsky, Marla C


    Stricturing and penetrating complications account for substantial morbidity and health-care costs in paediatric and adult onset Crohn's disease. Validated models to predict risk for complications are not available, and the effect of treatment on risk is unknown. We did a prospective inception cohort study of paediatric patients with newly diagnosed Crohn's disease at 28 sites in the USA and Canada. Genotypes, antimicrobial serologies, ileal gene expression, and ileal, rectal, and faecal microbiota were assessed. A competing-risk model for disease complications was derived and validated in independent groups. Propensity-score matching tested the effect of anti-tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) therapy exposure within 90 days of diagnosis on complication risk. Between Nov 1, 2008, and June 30, 2012, we enrolled 913 patients, 78 (9%) of whom experienced Crohn's disease complications. The validated competing-risk model included age, race, disease location, and antimicrobial serologies and provided a sensitivity of 66% (95% CI 51-82) and specificity of 63% (55-71), with a negative predictive value of 95% (94-97). Patients who received early anti-TNFα therapy were less likely to have penetrating complications (hazard ratio [HR] 0·30, 95% CI 0·10-0·89; p=0·0296) but not stricturing complication (1·13, 0·51-2·51; 0·76) than were those who did not receive early anti-TNFα therapy. Ruminococcus was implicated in stricturing complications and Veillonella in penetrating complications. Ileal genes controlling extracellular matrix production were upregulated at diagnosis, and this gene signature was associated with stricturing in the risk model (HR 1·70, 95% CI 1·12-2·57; p=0·0120). When this gene signature was included, the model's specificity improved to 71%. Our findings support the usefulness of risk stratification of paediatric patients with Crohn's disease at diagnosis, and selection of anti-TNFα therapy. Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, Cincinnati

  8. Gastroparesis in patients with inactive Crohn's disease: a case series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oyen Wim JG


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Few studies have described patients with foregut dysmotility in inflammatory bowel disease. The aim of this case series was to evaluate clinical characteristics of 5 patients with inflammatory bowel disease and symptoms and signs of upper gut dysmotility. Case presentations We describe a series of four patients with Crohn's disease and one with indeterminate colitis who presented with severe symptoms and signs of gastroparesis. We reviewed medical records of all cases. Gastric emptying of a solid meal was assessed by scintigraphy. Small bowel enteroclysis, gastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsies were performed to estimate the activity of the disease and to exclude organic obstruction. None of the patients had any signs of active inflammation or stricture. All of the patients had markedly delayed gastric emptying with a mean t 1/2 of 234 minutes (range 110–380 minutes; normal values 54–94 minutes. Conclusion Clinicians should consider impaired gastric emptying when evaluating patients with Crohn's disease and severe symptoms of upper gut dysmotility, which cannot be attributed to active inflammation or organic obstruction of the digestive tract. Symptoms in these patients are refractory to various therapeutic interventions including tube feeding and gastric surgery.

  9. variabilite des productions et des revenus des exploitations

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    3Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), UMR Innovation,. Montpellier, France. Doubangolo COULIBALY, Email RESUME. La durabilité des systèmes de production à base de coton dans un contexte de variabilité des prix aux producteurs et de ...

  10. Le statut vitaminique des individus et des populations…

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    Icart Jean-Claude


    Full Text Available Comme le souligne un récent rapport du Haut comité de santé publique, le statut vitaminique des individus et des populations demeure une question d’actualité. Si les études ne révèlent plus de signes évocateurs de carence, au plus des problèmes de déficiences pour certains groupes à risque, des interrogations, demeurent malgré le contexte d’abondance, concernant la couverture des besoins, laquelle pourrait s’avérer inférieure aux valeurs considérées comme satisfaisantes.

  11. Application des TIC à l'atténuation des effets des catastrophes dans ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Amérique centrale est souvent aux prises avec des inondations et des ... (SIG) et de traitement des images, afin de cartographier les dangers et de modéliser les ... de l'Institut d'étude du développement international de l'Université McGill.

  12. Genotyping for NOD2 genetic variants and crohn disease: a metaanalysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yazdanyar, Shiva; Weischer, Maren; Nordestgaard, Børge


    BACKGROUND: Arg702Trp, Gly908Arg, and Leu1007fsinsC variants of the NOD2 gene (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2; alias, CARD15) influence the risk of Crohn disease. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review to examine whether Arg702Trp, Gly908Arg, and Leu1007fsinsC are equally...

  13. Constitutive STAT3 activation in intestinal T cells from patients with Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lovato, Paola; Brender, Christine; Agnholt, Jørgen


    Via cytoplasmic signal transduction pathways, cytokines induce a variety of biological responses and modulate the outcome of inflammatory diseases and malignancies. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology. Perturbation of the intestinal cytokine homeostasis is ...

  14. La gestion des résultats des entreprises innovantes


    Dumas, Guillaume


    Cette thèse s’intéresse à la gestion des résultats dans le cadre des entreprises innovantes. Elle est constituée de trois articles. Dans le premier, il s’agit d’examiner si les résultats des entreprises innovantes sont gérés et si le stade de développement des innovations influence cette gestion des résultats. Il apparaît que les résultats des entreprises innovantes sont gérés à la hausse. Cette gestion ne semble intervenir qu’au cours de l’activité d’innovation (c’est-à-dire lorsque les entr...

  15. Etude des erreurs d'estimation des populations par la méthode des captures successives (DeLURY, 2 captures et des captures-recaptures (PETERSEN

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available L'estimation des populations naturelles par capture-recapture et par captures successives est souvent entachée d'erreur car, dans de nombreux cas, l'hypothèse fondamentale d'égalité des probabilités de captures pour tous les individus dans le temps et dans l'espace n'est pas respectée. Dans le cas des populations de poissons envisagés ici, les captures ont lieu par la pêche électrique. On a pu chiffrer l'ordre de grandeur des erreurs systématiques faites sur l'estimation des peuplements, en fonction des conditions particulières, biotiques et abiotiques, des différents milieux inventoriés.

  16. Retreatment and maintenance therapy with infliximab in fistulizing Crohn' disease Retratamiento y tratamiento de mantenimiento con infliximab en la enfermedad de Crohn fistulizante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Rodrigo


    Full Text Available Objectives: infliximab has clearly demonstrated its efficacy in the short-term treatment of fistulizing Crohn' disease. We present here the results of retreatment and long-term maintenance therapy. Patients and methods: eighty one consecutive patients with active fistulizing Crohn' disease, in whom previous treatments had failed, were treated with infliximab. All patients received as the initial treatment of 5 mg/kg i.v. infusions (weeks 0, 2, and 6. Those patients who failed to respond after the initial cycle (group 1, n= 25, or those who relapsed after having responded (group 2, n=13, received retreatment with three similar doses (weeks 0,2, and 6. Those who responded to retreatment were included in a long-term maintenance programme (n=44, with repeated doses (5 mg/kg i.v. infusions every eight weeks for 1-2 years. Results: in the initial treatment 56% of the patients responded partially; this response being complete in 44%. In the retreatment, 28% of group 1 (non-responders presented a complete response, compared to 77% in group 2 (relapsers (pObjetivos: el infliximab ha demostrado su eficacia en el tratamiento a corto plazo de la enfermedad de Crohn (EC fistulosa. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados del retratamiento y del tratamiento de mantenimiento a largo plazo. Pacientes y métodos: se trataron con infliximab un total de 81 pacientes consecutivos con EC fistulosa activa, en los cuales, habían fallado tratamientos previos. Todos los pacientes recibieron como tratamiento inicial infusiones a dosis de 5 mg/kg i.v. en las semanas 0, 2 y 6. Aquellos pacientes que no respondieron después del ciclo inicial (grupo 1, n=25, o los que recayeron después de haber respondido (grupo 2, n=13, recibieron retratamiento con 3 dosis similares (semanas 0, 2 y 6. Aquellos que respondieron a la terapia de retratamiento fueron incluidos en un programa de mantenimiento a largo plazo (n=44, con dosis repetidas (infusiones con 5 mg/kg i.v. cada 8

  17. Ultrasound and MRI predictors of surgical bowel resection in pediatric Crohn disease. (United States)

    Rosenbaum, Daniel G; Conrad, Maire A; Biko, David M; Ruchelli, Eduardo D; Kelsen, Judith R; Anupindi, Sudha A


    Imaging predictors for surgery in children with Crohn disease are lacking. To identify imaging features of the terminal ileum on short-interval bowel ultrasound (US) and MR enterography (MRE) in children with Crohn disease requiring surgical bowel resection and those managed by medical therapy alone. This retrospective study evaluated patients 18 years and younger with Crohn disease undergoing short-interval bowel US and MRE (within 2 months of one another), as well as subsequent ileocecectomy or endoscopy within 3 months of imaging. Appearance of the terminal ileum on both modalities was compared between surgical patients and those managed with medical therapy, with the following parameters assessed: bowel wall thickness, mural stratification, vascularity, fibrofatty proliferation, abscess, fistula and stricture on bowel US; bowel wall thickness, T2 ratio, enhancement pattern, mesenteric edema, fibrofatty proliferation, abscess, fistula and stricture on MRE. A two-sided t-test was used to compare means, a Mann-Whitney U analysis was used for non-parametric parameter scores, and a chi-square or two-sided Fisher exact test compared categorical variables. Imaging findings in surgical patients were correlated with location-matched histopathological scores of inflammation and fibrosis using a scoring system adapted from the Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn Disease, and a Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to compare inflammation and fibrosis on histopathology. Twenty-two surgical patients (mean age: 16.5 years; male/female: 13/9) and 20 nonsurgical patients (mean age: 14.8; M/F: 8/12) were included in the final analysis. On US, the surgical group demonstrated significantly increased mean bowel wall thickness (6.1 mm vs. 4.7 mm for the nonsurgical group; P = 0.01), loss of mural stratification (odds ratio [OR] = 6.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.4-28.4; P = 0.02) and increased fibrofatty proliferation (P = 0.04). On MRE, the

  18. Nutrition interventions in patients with Crohn´s disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Beňová


    Full Text Available Crohn's disease is a chronic non-specific inflammatory bowel disease of any part of the digestive tract. The seriousness of the disease requires a multi-disciplinary approach when providing patients with secondary and tertiary care. Patients also have specific problems from the nursing perspective that require intervention of nurses, e.g. in the area of nutrition. The role of a nurse in a specific community lies in supporting public health in the field of prevention, health education, group educational activities and care of the acutely or chronically ill. The regulation tool of nursing practice when providing community care is the documented form of nursing data expressed by means of expert terminology. The Omaha System is a standardised terminology for multi-disciplinary teams providing community care. The objective of the research is to draw attention to the possibility of using standardised terminology of the Omaha System when supporting public health in patients with Crohn's disease with nutrition problems. The research was divided into 3 stages: in the first stage we assessed the nutrition problem in 100 patients dispensarised in gastroenterology counselling centres using a form from the Omaha System. Out of these, identified 42 patients suffered from Crohn's disease and had problems with nutrition; in the second stage we chose interventions for nutrition from the Intervention Scheme of the Omaha System: their efficiency in patients was assessed by a nurse/nutritionist in the third stage of the research when the patients came to the gastroenterology counselling centre using Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes. When comparing the initial and final nutrition assessment with socio-demographic indicators we found a statistically significant difference (p = 0.000 between the status assessment where women scored a more remarkable advance than men when comparing the initial and the final assessment. With respect to age groups, education and jobs

  19. High fat diet accelerates pathogenesis of murine Crohn's disease-like ileitis independently of obesity.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisa Gruber

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Obesity has been associated with a more severe disease course in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD and epidemiological data identified dietary fats but not obesity as risk factors for the development of IBD. Crohn's disease is one of the two major IBD phenotypes and mostly affects the terminal ileum. Despite recent observations that high fat diets (HFD impair intestinal barrier functions and drive pathobiont selection relevant for chronic inflammation in the colon, mechanisms of high fat diets in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease are not known. The aim of this study was to characterize the effect of HFD on the development of chronic ileal inflammation in a murine model of Crohn's disease-like ileitis. METHODS: TNF(ΔARE/WT mice and wildtype C57BL/6 littermates were fed a HFD compared to control diet for different durations. Intestinal pathology and metabolic parameters (glucose tolerance, mesenteric tissue characteristics were assessed. Intestinal barrier integrity was characterized at different levels including polyethylene glycol (PEG translocation, endotoxin in portal vein plasma and cellular markers of barrier function. Inflammatory activation of epithelial cells as well as immune cell infiltration into ileal tissue were determined and related to luminal factors. RESULTS: HFD aggravated ileal inflammation but did not induce significant overweight or typical metabolic disorders in TNF(ΔARE/WT. Expression of the tight junction protein Occludin was markedly reduced in the ileal epithelium of HFD mice independently of inflammation, and translocation of endotoxin was increased. Epithelial cells showed enhanced expression of inflammation-related activation markers, along with enhanced luminal factors-driven recruitment of dendritic cells and Th17-biased lymphocyte infiltration into the lamina propria. CONCLUSIONS: HFD feeding, independently of obesity, accelerated disease onset of small intestinal inflammation in Crohn's disease

  20. Problems in the Surgical Management of Crohn's Disease of the Colon

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    classical ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease when the latter affects the whole length of the colon and it is only during the last decade and in particular since the papers of. Lockhart-Mummery and Morson",l2 that the histological features of the two diseases have been described in detail. Since then many cases of primary ...

  1. Thyroid volume reduction following radioiodine therapy in patients with autonomous goitre and Graves` disease; Volumenreduktion der Schilddruese nach Radiojodtherapie bei Patienten mit Schilddruesenautonomie und Morbus Basedow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dederichs, B. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Koeln (Germany); Otte, R. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Koeln (Germany); Klink, J.E. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Koeln (Germany); Schicha, H. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Univ. Koeln (Germany)


    Aim: It is well known that radioiodine therapy (RITh) leads to a significant thyroid volume reduction (TVR). But until now only little data has been presented due to the course of time and the extent of TVR. Method: Therefore the data of 33 patients with Graves` disease (GD), 36 patients with multifocal (MAG) and 31 with solitary (SAG) autonomous goitre were analyzed retrospectively. Results: All the patients showed a highly significant (p<0.001) TVR, which continued up to 1 year after RITh. Receiving equal effective radiation doses, the extent of TVR was significantly greater for GD than for MAG. This difference developed within six weeks up to 3 months after RITh. Conclusion: This observation suggests that the underlying thyroid disease affects the therapeutic effect of RITh and may be partially explained by the total suppression of non-autonomous thyroid tissue in AG at the time of RITh. In patients with SAG with a 1.7 times higher effective radiation dose than in MAG relative TVR was about 1.6 times stronger in SAG than in MAG. This demonstrates a direct relation between the effective radiation dose and the extent of the TVR after RITh. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: Es ist bekannt, dass die Radiojodtherapie (RJTh) zu einer relvanten Schilddruesenvolumenreduktion (SVR) fuehrt. Bisher wurden jedoch nur vereinzelt systematische Daten zum zeitlichen Verlauf und quantitativen Ausmass der SVR veroeffentlicht. Methode: Daher fuehrten wir eine retrospektive Auswertung der Daten von 33 Patienten mit Morbus Basedow (MB), 36 Patienten mit multifokaler (MFA) und 31 mit unifokaler (UFA) Autonomie der Schilddruese durch. Ergebnisse: Fuer alle Patientengruppen ergab sich eine hochsignifikante (p<0,001) SVR, welche sich bis ein Jahr nach RJTh signifikant fortsetzte. Obwohl die effektive Herddosis nicht signifikant verschieden war, war das Ausmass der SVR fuer Patienten mit MB signifikant groesser als fuer Patienten mit MFA. Dieser Unterschied war bereits innerhalb der ersten 6

  2. The development of a magnetic resonance imaging index for fistulising Crohn's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Samaan, M. A.; Puylaert, C. A. J.; Levesque, B. G.; Zou, G. Y.; Stitt, L.; Taylor, S. A.; Shackelton, L. M.; Vandervoort, M. K.; Khanna, R.; Santillan, C.; Rimola, J.; Hindryckx, P.; Nio, C. Y.; Sandborn, W. J.; D'Haens, G.; Feagan, B. G.; Jairath, V.; Stoker, J.


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the gold standard for assessment of perianal fistulising Crohn's disease (CD). The Van Assche index is the most commonly used MRI fistula index. To assess the reliability of the Van Assche index, and to modify the instrument to improve reliability and create a

  3. Altered healing following mucogingival surgery in a patient with Crohn's disease: a literature review and case report. (United States)

    Andersen, Kari M; Selvig, Knut A; Leknes, Knut N


    Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease characterized by uncertainty in etiology and pathogenesis occasionally with manifestations in oral mucous membranes. This report reviews the literature on Crohn's disease and presents a patient with Crohn's disease on continuous anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive medication who showed adverse healing response following surgical treatment of gingival recession type defects. A 28-year-old male in generally good health apart from his bowel disease requested treatment of multiple maxillary gingival recessions due to esthetic concerns and root sensitivity. Following oral hygiene instruction, 3 coronally advanced flap procedures were performed in the maxillary anterior region to cover the defects. In 2 of the surgical areas, the exposed root surfaces were treated by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in combination with enamel matrix derivative (EMD) before coronally positioning the buccal flap. Postoperatively, chlorhexidine gluconate was used for oral hygiene control. The first surgical procedure, performed as a coronally advanced flap, showed delayed and altered healing. Two weeks postoperatively, the flapped tissue remained intensely red and swollen. In the following 2 surgical sites where EDTA and EMD were applied the healing was uneventful. Differences in immediate tissue response, however, did not influence the 3-month treatment outcome with respect to root coverage. Patients with Crohn's disease on recommended systemic medications may show a delayed and altered wound healing indicating that periodontal surgery must be closely monitored. Treatment planning should take into account the potential wound healing promoting effects of enamel matrix derivative as well as adverse healing effects of chlorhexidine gluconate administration.

  4. Injectabilite des coulis de ciment dans des milieux fissures (United States)

    Mnif, Thameur

    Le travail presente ici est un bilan du travaux de recherche effectues sur l'injectabilite des coulis de ciment dans lu milieux fissures. Un certain nombre de coulis a base de ciment Portland et microfin ont ete selectionnes afin de caracteriser leur capacite a penetrer des milieux fissures. Une partie des essais a ete menee en laboratoire. L'etude rheologique des differents melanges a permis de tester l'influence de l'ajout de superplastifiant et/ou de fumee de silice sur la distribution granulometrique des coulis et par consequent sur leur capacite a injecter des colonnes de sable simulant un milieu fissure donne. La classe granulometrique d'un coulis, sa stabilite et sa fluidite sont apparus comme les trois facteurs principaux pour la reussite d'une injection. Un facteur de finesse a ete defini au cours de cette etude: base sur la classe granulometrique du ciment et sa stabilite, il peut entrer dans la formulation theorique du debit d'injection avant application sur chantier. La deuxieme et derniere partie de l'etude presente les resultats de deux projets de recherche sur l'injection realises sur chantier. L'injection de dalles de beton fissurees a permis le suivi de l'evolution des pressions avec la distance au point d'injection. L'injection de murs de maconnerie a caractere historique a montre l'importance de la definition de criteres de performance des coulis a utiliser pour traiter un milieu donne et pour un objectif donne. Plusieurs melanges peuvent ainsi etre predefinis et mis a disposition sur le chantier. La complementarite des ciments traditionnels et des ciments microfins devient alors un atout important. Le choix d'utilisation de ces melanges est fonction du terrain rencontre. En conclusion, cette recherche etablit une methodologie pour la selection des coulis a base de ciment et des pressions d'injection en fonction de l'ouverture des fissures ou joints de construction.

  5. La gouvernance des risques naturels et la problematique des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Depuis quelques années, la gouvernance des risques naturels dus aux inondations remet en cause les processus de mise en oeuvre des politiques urbaines et la qualité de la structure des aménagements dans les grandes villes du Golfe de Guinée. La perception de la gouvernance et l'application des politiques de ...

  6. Postsurgical recurrence of ileal Crohn's disease: an update on risk factors and intervention points to a central role for impaired host-microflora homeostasis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cunningham, Michael F


    A pressing need exists to identify factors that predispose to recurrence after terminal ileal resection for Crohn\\'s disease (CD) and to determine effective prophylactic strategies. This review presents an up-to-date summary of the literature in the field and points to a role for bacterial overproliferation in recurrence.

  7. A single center experience of methotrexate in the treatment of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: a case for subcutaneous administration. (United States)

    Nathan, Debbie M; Iser, John H; Gibson, Peter R


    Methotrexate (MTX) is used as a second-line immuno-modulator in patients with inflammatory bowel disease when purine analogs are not tolerated or lack efficacy. High-level evidence indicates efficacy for intramuscular administration in Crohn's disease, but there are few reports of experience with subcutaneous delivery. This study aimed to evaluate the response to and tolerance of MTX where subcutaneous administration was the preferred option. The records of all patients treated with MTX were evaluated with regard to the dose, duration, response, and tolerance to MTX. Remission was defined as improvement in symptoms with no corticosteroid requirement for 3 months or ability to wean off steroids. MTX was initiated in 45 patients with Crohn's disease and 23 ulcerative colitis (median age, 46 years; range, 20-80 years; 54% men) because of intolerance (69%) or resistance (31%) to purine analogues. MTX was initiated in 74% of patients in doses of 25 mg (33) or 20 mg (17), administered by subcutaneous self-injection in 90% of subjects. Remission was achieved in 24 of 45 (53%) with Crohn's disease and 11 of 23 (48%) with ulcerative colitis. An additional four (9%) patients with Crohn's disease and three patients (13%) with ulcerative colitis demonstrated symptomatic improvement and/or ability to decrease corticosteroid dose. While nine patients ceased therapy and nine successfully reduced their doses due to intolerance, three of four patients had no adverse effects. Subcutaneous delivery was well accepted. Subcutaneously administered MTX exhibits apparent efficacy, acceptance, tolerance, and safety in patients with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis who are steroid-dependent and where purine analogs have been ineffective or intolerable.

  8. Discontinuation of infliximab therapy in patients with Crohn's disease in sustained complete remission (the STOP IT study)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buhl, Sine Schnoor; Steenholdt, Casper; Brynskov, Jørn


    INTRODUCTION: Infliximab (IFX), a monoclonal chimeric antibody against tumour necrosis factor (TNF) α, is effective for induction and maintenance of remission in moderate to severe Crohn's disease. Discontinuation of IFX maintenance therapy in patients in remission should be considered in order......, biochemical and endoscopic remission (ie, Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score therapy. The primary end point...... a patient exhibits sustained remission. Study results will be published in an English language scientific medical journal. The study is approved by the Danish Medicines Agency (EudraCT-number: 2012-002702-51) and the Regional Ethics Committee of Region Hovedstaden Denmark (Approval-number: H-4...

  9. Infliximab Reduces Endoscopic, but Not Clinical, Recurrence of Crohn's Disease After Ileocolonic Resection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Regueiro, Miguel; Feagan, Brian G.; Zou, Bin; Johanns, Jewel; Blank, Marion A.; Chevrier, Marc; Plevy, Scott; Popp, John; Cornillie, Freddy J.; Lukas, Milan; Danese, Silvio; Gionchetti, Paolo; Hanauer, Stephen B.; Reinisch, Walter; Sandborn, William J.; Sorrentino, Dario; Rutgeerts, Paul; Debinski, H.; Florin, T.; Hetzel, D.; Lawrance, I.; Radford-Smith, G.; Sloss, A.; Sorrentino, D.; Gassner, S.; Haas, T.; Reicht, G.; Reinisch, W.; Strasser, M.; Vogelsang, H.; Bossuyt, P.; Dewit, O.; D'Haens, G.; Franchimont, D.; Louis, E.; Vermeire, S.; Bernstein, C. N.; Bourdages, R.; Chiba, N.; Dhalla, S. S.; Feagan, B. G.; Fedorak, R. N.; Lachance, J. R.; Panaccione, R.; Ropeleski, M.; Singh Salh, B.; Lukas, M.; Colombel, J.-F.; Allez, M.; Desreumaux, P.; Dupas, J. L.; Grimaud, J.-C.; Hebuterne, X.; Laharie, D.; Lerebours, E.; Peyrin-Biroulet, L.; Reimund, J.-M.; Viennot, S.; Zerbib, F.; Antoni, C.; Atreya, R.; Baumgart, D. C.; Berg, C.; Boecker, U.; Bramkamp, G.; Bünning, C.; Ehehalt, R.; Howaldt, S.; Kucharzik, T.; Lamprecht, H. G.; Mudter, J.; Preiss, J. C.; Schreiber, S.; Seidler, U.; Altorjay, I.; Banai, J.; Lakatos, P. L.; Varga, M.; Vincze, A.; Avni-Biron, I.; Fishman, S.; Fraser, G. M.; Goldin, E.; Rachmilewitz, D.; Annese, V.; Ardizzone, S.; Biancone, L.; Bossa, F.; Danese, S.; Fries, W.; Gionchetti, P.; Maconi, G.; Terrosu, G.; Usai, P.; Gearry, R. B.; Hill, J.; Rowbotham, D. S.; Schultz, M.; Stubbs, R. S.; Wallace, D.; Walmsley, R. S.; Wyeth, J.; Malecka-Panas, E.; Paradowski, L.; Regula, J.; Beales, I. P.; Campbell, S.; Hawthorne, A. B.; Parkes, M.; Travis, S. P.; Achkar, J. P.; Behm, B. W.; Bickston, S. J.; Brown, K. J.; Chiorean, M. V.; DeVilliers, W. J. S.; Elliott, D. E.; Grunkmeier, D.; Hamilton, J. W.; Hanauer, S. B.; Hanson, J. S.; Hardi, R.; Helper, D. J.; Herfarth, H.; Higgins, P. D. R.; Holderman, W. H.; Kottoor, R.; Kreines, M. D.; Leman, B. I.; Li, X.; Loftus, E. V.; Noar, M.; Oikonomou, I.; Onken, J.; Peterson, K. A.; Phillips, R. P.; Randall, C. W.; Ricci, M.; Ritter, T.; Rubin, D. T.; Safdi, M.; Sandborn, W. J.; Sauberman, L.; Scherl, E.; Schwarz, R. P.; Sedghi, S.; Shafran, I.; Sninsky, C. A.; Stein, I.; Swoger, J.; Vecchio, J.; Weinberg, D. I.; Wruble, L. D.; Yajnik, V.; Younes, Z.


    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Most patients with Crohn's disease (CD) eventually require an intestinal resection. However, CD frequently recurs after resection. We performed a randomized trial to compare the ability of infliximab vs placebo to prevent CD recurrence. METHODS: We evaluated the efficacy of

  10. Magnitude of Increased Infliximab Clearance Imposed by Anti-infliximab Antibodies in Crohn's Disease Is Determined by Their Concentration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edlund, Helena; Steenholdt, Casper; Ainsworth, Mark A


    in IFX clearance imposed by anti-IFX Abs has generally been evaluated using a binary classification, i.e., positive or negative. This analysis aimed to investigate if anti-IFX Ab concentrations provide a more adequate prediction of alterations in clearance. Data originated from a clinical trial on Crohn......'s disease patients with IFX treatment failure. The trial was not originally designed for pharmacokinetic analysis. Therefore, published pharmacokinetic models were utilized as priors to enable covariate investigation. The impact of anti-IFX Abs on clearance was assessed using different mathematical...

  11. Diffusion-weighted MRI in Crohn's disease: Current status and recommendations


    Dohan, A.; Taylor, S.; Hoeffel, C.; Barret, M.; Allez, M.; Dautry, R.; Zappa, M.; Savoye-Collet, C.; Dray, X.; Boudiaf, M.; Reinhold, C.; Soyer, P.


    Over the past years, technological improvements and refinements in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) hardware have made high-quality diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) routinely possible for the bowel. DWI is promising for the detection and characterization of lesions in Crohn's disease (CD) and has been advocated as an alternative to intravenous gadolinium-based contrast agents. Furthermore, quantification using the apparent diffusion coefficient may have value as a biomarker of CD activity and...

  12. Efficacy of adalimumab in patients with crohn's disease and failure to infliximab therapy: a clinical series Eficacia de Adalimumab en pacientes con enfermedad de Crohn y fracaso previo a la terapia con Infliximab: resultados de una serie clínica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Cordero-Ruiz


    Full Text Available Background: adalimumab, a human anti-TNF, is an effective induction and maintenance therapy for patients with moderate to severe Crohn's disease. It seems to be effective in patients with resistance to infliximab, too, though the experience is more limited. Aim: to evaluate the efficacy of adalimumab, in patients with Crohn's disease (CD and failure to previous treatment with infliximab. B twenty-five patients with CD and failure to previous treatment with infliximab were enrolled; they were treated with 160/80 (24 patients and 80/40 (1 patient induction doses. We analyze clinical response to treatment with adalimumab by the Crohn's disease Activity Index (CDAI and plasma concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP, steroid sparing and complete fistula closure at week 48. Results: eighteen out of twenty-five patients (72% achieved clinical remission (CDAI score Introducción: adalimumab, un anti-TNF humano, ha demostrado ser efectivo en la inducción y tratamiento de mantenimiento de la enfermedad de Crohn moderada-grave. Existe menos experiencia, pero este fármaco parece también eficaz en los pacientes con pérdida de respuesta o intolerancia al infliximab. Objetivo: evaluar la eficacia de adalimumab durante un año, en nuestra serie de pacientes con enfermedad de Crohn (EC y fracaso en el tratamiento previo con infliximab. Métodos: se incluyen 25 pacientes con enfermedad de Crohn y fracaso previo a la terapia con infliximab, que son tratados con adalimumab. Se utilizaron dosis de inducción de 160/80 mg en 24 pacientes y dosis de 80/40 en un paciente. Analizamos la respuesta clínica al tratamiento con adalimumab mediante el Índice de actividad de la enfermedad de Crohn (CDAI y las concentraciones plasmáticas de proteína C reactiva (PCR, el cese de la corticoterapia y el cierre completo de las fistulas en la semana 48. Resultados: dieciocho de veinticinco pacientes (72% alcanzan la remisión clínica (CDAI < 150 en la semana 24 y 15

  13. Endoscopic balloon dilatation of intestinal strictures in Crohn's disease: safe alternative to surgery. (United States)

    Ajlouni, Yousef; Iser, John H; Gibson, Peter R


    Endoscopic balloon dilatation (EBD), a non-surgical treatment option for intestinal strictures in Crohn's disease, appears to be applied infrequently, possibly due to the perceived risk of perforation and early recurrence. This study aimed to determine the outcomes of EBD by a single endoscopist using a defined technique. The records of all patients with Crohn's disease in whom EBD was attempted over a 12-year period were examined to determine the rate of technical success, complications and outcome. A stricture was defined as that which prevented passage of the 14 mm diameter colonoscope. Technical success was defined as the ability to traverse the stricture postdilatation. Patients were selected on the colonoscopic appearance of the stricture and dilatation was performed using through-the-endoscope balloons. Antibiotics were given during and for 7 days postdilatation. EBD was attempted on 83 strictures (31 anastomotic and 52 primary) in 37 patients (15 males) and was successful in 75 (90%) of 31 patients. A single dilatation only was required in 21 patients who had a median follow-up of 20 months (range 6-122 months). Recurrent symptomatic stricture requiring dilatation (eight patients) or surgery (two patients) occurred 8 (1-112) months after the initial dilatation. The only complication occurred in one patient where an intra-abdominal fistula and abscess were probably related to the dilatation. EBD of intestinal strictures associated with Crohn's disease has a low complication rate and leads to prolonged clinical benefit. It should be considered as a real alternative to surgery.

  14. Clinical status, quality of life, and work productivity in Crohn's disease patients after one year of treatment with adalimumab. (United States)

    Saro, Cristina; Ceballos, Daniel; Muñoz, Fernando; de la Coba, Cristóbal; Aguilar, María Dolores; Lázaro, Pablo; García-Sánchez, Valle; Hernández, Mariola; Barrio, Jesús; de Francisco, Ruth; Fernández, Luis I; Barreiro-de Acosta, Manuel


    Clinical trials have shown the efficacy of adalimumab in Crohn's disease, but the outcome in regular practice remains unknown. The aim of the study was to examine clinical status, quality of life, and work productivity of Crohn's disease patients receiving adalimumab for one year in the context of usual clinical practice. This was a prospective, observational study with a one-year follow-up. After baseline, Crohn's disease patients were evaluated at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after starting treatment with adalimumab. Outcome variables included: clinical status (measured with CDAI), quality of life (measured with EuroQoL-5D and IBDQ), and work productivity (measured with WPAI questionnaire). These outcome variables were compared using the Student's t test or Wilcoxon test for paired comparison data according to the data distribution. Statistical significance was set at two-sided p work productivity impact decreased from 53% to 24% (p quality of life and work productivity.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D Slimani


    Full Text Available Des couches minces du titane pur ont été déposées avec la méthode de pulvérisation cathodique sur des substrats en acier, type FF80 K-1 contenants ~1% mass. en carbone. La réaction entre les deux parties du système substrat-couche mince est activée avec des traitements thermiques sous vide dans l’intervalle de températures de 400 à900°Cpendant 30 minutes. Les Spectres de diffraction de rayons x confirment l’inter- diffusion des éléments  chimiques du système résultants la formation et la croissance des nouvelles phases en particulier le carbure binaire TiC ayant des caractéristiques thermomécaniques importantes. L’analyse morphologique des échantillons traités  avec le microscope électronique à balayage (MEB montre l’augmentation du flux de diffusion atomique avec la température de recuit, notamment la diffusion du manganèse et du fer vers la surface libre des échantillons aux températures élevées provoquant la dégradation des propriétés mécaniques des revêtements contrairement au premiers stades d’interaction où on a obtenu des bonnes valeurs de la microdureté.

  16. Effect of tight control management on Crohn's disease (CALM): a multicentre, randomised, controlled phase 3 trial. (United States)

    Colombel, Jean-Frederic; Panaccione, Remo; Bossuyt, Peter; Lukas, Milan; Baert, Filip; Vaňásek, Tomas; Danalioglu, Ahmet; Novacek, Gottfried; Armuzzi, Alessandro; Hébuterne, Xavier; Travis, Simon; Danese, Silvio; Reinisch, Walter; Sandborn, William J; Rutgeerts, Paul; Hommes, Daniel; Schreiber, Stefan; Neimark, Ezequiel; Huang, Bidan; Zhou, Qian; Mendez, Paloma; Petersson, Joel; Wallace, Kori; Robinson, Anne M; Thakkar, Roopal B; D'Haens, Geert


    Biomarkers of intestinal inflammation, such as faecal calprotectin and C-reactive protein, have been recommended for monitoring patients with Crohn's disease, but whether their use in treatment decisions improves outcomes is unknown. We aimed to compare endoscopic and clinical outcomes in patients with moderate to severe Crohn's disease who were managed with a tight control algorithm, using clinical symptoms and biomarkers, versus patients managed with a clinical management algorithm. CALM was an open-label, randomised, controlled phase 3 study, done in 22 countries at 74 hospitals and outpatient centres, which evaluated adult patients (aged 18-75 years) with active endoscopic Crohn's disease (Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity [CDEIS] >6; sum of CDEIS subscores of >6 in one or more segments with ulcers), a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) of 150-450 depending on dose of prednisone at baseline, and no previous use of immunomodulators or biologics. Patients were randomly assigned at a 1:1 ratio to tight control or clinical management groups, stratified by smoking status (yes or no), weight (2 years) after 8 weeks of prednisone induction therapy, or earlier if they had active disease. In both groups, treatment was escalated in a stepwise manner, from no treatment, to adalimumab induction followed by adalimumab every other week, adalimumab every week, and lastly to both weekly adalimumab and daily azathioprine. This escalation was based on meeting treatment failure criteria, which differed between groups (tight control group before and after random assignment: faecal calprotectin ≥250 μg/g, C-reactive protein ≥5mg/L, CDAI ≥150, or prednisone use in the previous week; clinical management group before random assignment: CDAI decrease of 200; clinical management group after random assignment: CDAI decrease of management group, 0·9 years [SD 1·7]; tight control group, 1·0 year [2·3]) were randomly assigned to monitoring groups (n=122 per group

  17. Promouvoir l'entrepreneuriat inclusif des jeunes et des femmes ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le projet vise à analyser la contribution réelle et potentielle de l'entrepreneuriat inclusif au bien-être des jeunes et des femmes en Côte d'Ivoire, au Burkina Faso et au Kenya. Après un état des lieux de la pratique de l'entrepreneuriat inclusif dans chacun des pays ciblés, l'équipe de recherche étudiera son incidence sur ...

  18. Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Enterography and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography in Crohn's Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilkens, Rune; Peters, David A; Nielsen, Agnete Hedemann


    Purpose e Cross-sectional imaging methods are important for objective evaluationof small intestinal inflammationinCrohn'sdisease(CD).The primary aim was to compare relative parameters of intestinal perfusion between contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic...

  19. The Reasons for Discontinuation of Infliximab Treatment in Patients with Crohn's Disease: A Review of Practice at NHS Teaching Hospital


    Krupa, Lukasz Z.; Kennedy, Hugh J.; Jamieson, Crawford P.; Fisher, Nicola; Hart, Andrew R.


    Introduction. There is little information on the reasons for discontinuing infliximab treatment in patients with Crohn's disease. The aim of this study was to document these reasons to determine if any were preventable which would allow patients to continue the therapy. Aims & Methods. A review of the medical notes was conducted at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital on patients with Crohn's disease treated with infliximab between 2002–2008 to determine the reasons for stopping it. Re...

  20. Fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate trattate mediante trasposizione del muscolo gracile: risultati a lungo termine e qualità della vita


    Tassone, Daniela


    OBIETTIVO: Le fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate hanno un impatto significativo sulla qualità della vita. Quando il canale anale è alterato da ulcerazioni e stenosi o in pazienti con difetti estesi del perineo, la chirurgia locale produce risultati insoddisfacenti. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare l'efficacia della trasposizione del muscolo gracile nelle fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate e determinare i suoi effetti sulla qualità della vita. MATERIALI E METODI: Da gennaio...

  1. Difference in Recurrence Patterns Between Anastomosis and Strictureplasty After Surgical Treatment for Crohn Disease (United States)

    Hayakawa, Shoichiro; Hotokezaka, Masayuki; Ikeda, Takuto; Uchiyama, Shuichiro; Chijiiwa, Kazuo


    This study aimed to investigate whether the initial indication for surgery or type of surgery (strictureplasty or resection) performed determines recurrence patterns in patients with Crohn disease. Recurrence patterns of 41 patients (31 patients: only resection and anastomosis of the intestine, and 10 patients: strictureplasty with/without resection and anastomosis) who underwent operation for recurrent Crohn disease (June 2002–December 2010) were evaluated. Strictureplasty for nonperforating disease was performed at 17 sites, and reoperation was required at 11 sites (10 sites for nonperforating disease and 1 site for perforating disease). There was a significant difference in the recurrence pattern in patients who underwent resection and anastomosis (P resection and anastomosis (P resection and anastomosis was performed for nonperforating and for perforating disease. Initial indication for surgery, but not the type of surgery, appeared to determine recurrence patterns. PMID:23102077

  2. Intestinal permeability to (/sup 51/Cr)EDTA in children with Crohn's disease and celiac disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Turck, D.; Ythier, H.; Maquet, E.; Deveaux, M.; Marchandise, X.; Farriaux, J.P.; Fontaine, G.


    (/sup 51/Cr)EDTA was used as a probe molecule to assess intestinal permeability in 7 healthy control adults, 11 control children, 17 children with Crohn's disease, and 6 children with untreated celiac disease. After subjects fasted overnight, 75 kBq/kg (= 2 microCi/kg) /sup 51/Cr-labeled EDTA was given by mouth; 24-h urinary excretion of (/sup 51/Cr)EDTA was measured and expressed as a percentage of the total oral dose. Mean and SD were as follows: control adults 1.47 +/- 0.62, control children 1.59 +/- 0.55, and patients with Crohn's disease or celiac disease 5.35 +/- 1.94. The difference between control children and patients was statistically significant (p less than 0.001). These results show that intestinal permeability to (/sup 51/Cr)EDTA is increased among children with active or inactive Crohn's disease affecting small bowel only or small bowel and colon, and with untreated celiac disease. The (/sup 51/Cr)EDTA permeability test could facilitate the decision to perform more extensive investigations in children suspected of small bowel disease who have atypical or poor clinical and biological symptomatology.

  3. Comparison of outcomes parameters for induction of remission in new onset pediatric Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levine, Arie; Turner, Dan; Pfeffer Gik, Tamar


    BACKGROUND: Robust evaluation of induction therapies using both clinical and inflammatory outcomes in pediatric Crohn's disease (CD) are sparse. We attempted to evaluate clinical, inflammatory, and composite outcomes of induction of remission therapies (normal C reactive protein [CRP] remission) ...

  4. Assessment of Crohn's disease activity in the small bowel with MR and conventional enteroclysis: preliminary results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gourtsoyiannis, Nicholas; Papanikolaou, Nickolas; Grammatikakis, John; Papamastorakis, George; Prassopoulos, Panos; Roussomoustakaki, Maria


    Every single imaging finding that can be disclosed on conventional and MR enteroclysis was correlated with the Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI). Nineteen consecutive patients with Crohn's disease underwent colon endoscopy and both conventional and MR enteroclysis examinations. Seventeen MR imaging findings and seven conventional enteroclysis findings were ranked on a four-point grading scale and correlated with CDAI, with a value of 150 considered as the threshold for disease activity. Six patients had active disease in the colon according to colon endoscopy. In the remaining 13 patients, the presence of deep ulcers (P=0.002), small bowel wall thickening (P=0.022) and gadolinium enhancement of mesenteric lymph nodes (P=0.014) identified on MR enteroclysis images were strongly correlated to disease activity. The product of deep ulcers and enhancement of lymph node ranks identified on MR enteroclysis were the optimum combination for discriminating active from non-active disease (F-test: 55.95, P<0.001). Additionally, the ranking of deep ulcers on conventional enteroclysis provided statistically significant differences between active and non-active patients (F-test: 14.12, P=0.004). Abnormalities strongly suggestive of active Crohn's disease can be disclosed on MR enteroclysis examinations and may provide pictorial information for local inflammatory activity. (orig.)

  5. Pathogenic aspects and therapeutic avenues of intestinal fibrosis in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Zorzi, Francesca; Calabrese, Emma; Monteleone, Giovanni


    In Crohn's disease, one of the two major forms of inflammatory bowel diseases in human beings, persistent and chronic inflammation promotes fibrotic processes thereby facilitating formation of strictures, the most common indication for surgical intervention in this disorder. The pathogenesis of Crohn's disease-associated fibrosis is not fully understood, but variants of genes involved in the recognition of microbial components/products [e.g. CARD15 (caspase-activating recruitment domain 15) and ATG16L1 (autophagy-related 16-like 1)] are associated with this phenotype, and experimental evidence suggests that intestinal fibrosis results from an altered balance between deposition of ECM (extracellular matrix) and degradation of ECM by proteases. Studies have also contributed to identify the main phenotypic and functional alterations of cells involved in the fibrogenic process, as well as molecules that stimulate such cells to produce elevated amounts of collagen and other ECM-related proteins. In the present review, we assess the current knowledge about cellular and molecular mediators of intestinal fibrosis and describe results of recent studies aimed at testing the preventive/therapeutic effect of compounds in experimental models of intestinal fibrosis. © 2015 Authors; published by Portland Press Limited.

  6. Preoperative Nutritional Optimization for Crohn's Disease Patients Can Improve Surgical Outcome. (United States)

    Dreznik, Yael; Horesh, Nir; Gutman, Mordechai; Gravetz, Aviad; Amiel, Imri; Jacobi, Harel; Zmora, Oded; Rosin, Danny


    Preoperative preparation of patients with Crohn's disease is challenging and there are no specific guidelines regarding nutritional support. The aim of this study was to assess whether preoperative nutritional support influenced the postoperative outcome. A retrospective, cohort study including all Crohn's disease patients who underwent abdominal surgery between 2008 and 2014 was conducted. Patients' characteristics and clinical and surgical data were recorded and analyzed. Eighty-seven patients were included in the study. Thirty-seven patients (42.5%) received preoperative nutritional support (mean albumin level 3.14 vs. 3.5 mg/dL in the non-optimized group; p nutritional status prior to surgery. Preoperative albumin level, after adequate nutritional preparation, was similar between the 2 groups. The 2 groups differ neither in demographic and surgical data, overall post-op complication (p = 0.85), Clavien-Dindo score (p = 0.42), and length of stay (p = 0.1). Readmission rate was higher in the non-optimized group (p = 0.047). Nutritional support can minimize postoperative complications in patients with low albumin levels. Nutritional status should be optimized in order to avoid hazardous complications. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  7. Accounting for Pharmacokinetic Variability of Certolizumab Pegol in Patients with Crohn's Disease. (United States)

    Vande Casteele, Niels; Mould, Diane R; Coarse, Jason; Hasan, Iram; Gils, Ann; Feagan, Brian; Sandborn, William J


    Certolizumab pegol is an effective biologic for patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Individual differences in certolizumab pegol apparent clearance (CL/F) affect exposure and possibly efficacy. A previously developed population pharmacokinetic (PK) model did not account for dynamic changes in clinical parameters during therapy. The aim of this study was to refine the existing PK model to capture the time-varying influence of covariates. Data collected from 2157 Crohn's disease patients in nine studies were analyzed using nonlinear mixed-effects modeling software (NONMEM). Certolizumab pegol concentration-time data were described by a one-compartment PK model with first-order absorption, and one-compartment disposition with linear, time-dependent elimination using antidrug antibody (ADAb) concentration as a continuous variable. The final dataset consisted of 12,926 analyzable records. Parameter estimates were absorption rate constant 1.83/day, CL/F 0.527 L/day, and apparent volume of distribution (V/F) 8.33 L. ADAb concentration (2.5-214 units/mL) increased the median CL/F by 142-174%. For a typical patient, body weight (46.8-100.5 kg) increased the median CL/F and V/F from 82 to 120%. Albumin (32-48 g/L) decreased and C-reactive protein (0.5-54.0 mg/L) increased the median CL/F from 123 to 85% and from 83 to 113%, respectively. Between-patient variability of CL/F was 19.6%. By incorporating time-varying covariates, this population PK model reduces between-patient variability on CL/F estimates, and the relative influence of ADAb can now be assessed. As Crohn's disease patient covariates are often time-dependent, this model is more reflective of patient drug exposure with sustained treatment.

  8. Diagnostic and therapeutic impact of MR enterography in Crohn's disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hafeez, R. [Department of Surgery, University College London Hospitals, NW1 2BU (United Kingdom); Punwani, S. [Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London (United Kingdom); Department of Specialist X-Ray, University College London Hospitals, NW1 2BU (United Kingdom); Boulos, P. [Department of Surgery, University College London Hospitals, NW1 2BU (United Kingdom); Bloom, S.; McCartney, S. [Department of Gastroenterology, University College London Hospitals, NW1 2BU (United Kingdom); Halligan, S. [Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London (United Kingdom); Department of Specialist X-Ray, University College London Hospitals, NW1 2BU (United Kingdom); Taylor, S.A., E-mail: [Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London (United Kingdom); Department of Specialist X-Ray, University College London Hospitals, NW1 2BU (United Kingdom)


    Aim: To assess the impact of magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) on clinician diagnostic confidence and therapeutic strategy in patients under investigation for small bowel Crohn's disease. Material and methods: Gastroenterologists completed a proforma before and following MRE in 51 patients (mean age 35 years, 26 female) under investigation for small bowel Crohn's disease, indicating percentage confidence for presence/absence of small bowel involvement. In suspected disease, diagnostic confidence (using a scoring system from 1 = no to 6 = yes) was scored for subcategories: extent >30 cm (DE), terminal ileum (lTI), jejunal (JD), colonic disease (CoD), strictures (ST), activity (AD), extraluminal complications (EL), and surgical need (NS). Therapeutic strategy was recorded. Patients were divided into three groups: 1 = suspected disease, MRE normal (n = 15); 2 = suspected disease, MRE abnormal (n = 30); 3 = no suspected disease, MRE normal (n = 6). Binomial exact and paired t-tests were use to compare confidence pre and post-MRE. Results: Mean percentage confidence for the presence/absence of small bowel disease increased from 62 to 84% (p = 0.003), 87 to 98% (p = 0.0001), and 83 to 98% (p = 0.005) after MRE for groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In suspected disease, confidence changed significantly for all of the subcategories (p < 0.001) except EL in group 1. The percentage of patients with a confidence change ranged from 40% (CoD) to 87% (lTI; group 1) and from 7% (EL) to 93% (DE; group 2). Therapeutic strategy changed in 31/51 (61%, 95% CI 47-74%), 14 with a reduction in planned therapy and 17 with an increase. Conclusion: MRE had a positive diagnostic impact in patients under investigation for small bowel Crohn's disease and this influenced therapeutic strategy in 61% of the patients.

  9. European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation Topical Review on Environmental Factors in IBD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maaser, Christian; Langholz, Ebbe; Gordon, Hannah


    This ECCO Topical Review of the European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation [ECCO] focuses on the role of environmental factors with respect to the development of inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] as well as their influence on the course of established IBD. The objective was to reach expert consensus...... to provide evidence-based guidance for clinical practice....

  10. Medical Therapies for Stricturing Crohn's Disease: Efficacy and Cross-Sectional Imaging Predictors of Therapeutic Failure. (United States)

    Campos, Cécile; Perrey, Antoine; Lambert, Céline; Pereira, Bruno; Goutte, Marion; Dubois, Anne; Goutorbe, Felix; Dapoigny, Michel; Bommelaer, Gilles; Hordonneau, Constance; Buisson, Anthony


    Medical therapy efficacy remains controversial in stricturing Crohn's disease. Cross-sectional imaging, especially magnetic resonance imaging, has been suggested as very helpful to guide therapeutic decision making. To assess efficacy and predictors of therapeutic failure in patients receiving medical treatments for stricturing Crohn's disease. In this retrospective study, therapeutic failure was defined as symptomatic stricture leading to surgical or endoscopic therapeutics, hospitalization, treatment discontinuation or additional therapy and short-term clinical response as clinical improvement assessed by two physicians. The 55 cross-sectional imaging examinations (33 magnetic resonance imaging and 22 CT scan) before starting medical therapy were analyzed independently by two radiologists. Results were expressed as hazard ratio (HR) or odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Among 84 patients, therapeutic failure rate within 60 months was 66.6%. In multivariate analysis, Crohn's disease diagnosis after 40 years old (HR 3.9, 95% CI [1.37-11.2], p = 0.011), small stricture luminal diameter (HR 1.34, 95% CI [1.01-1.80], p = 0.046), increased stricture wall thickness (HR 1.23, 95% CI [1.04-1.46], p = 0.013) and fistula with abscess (HR 5.63, 95% CI [1.64-19.35], p = 0.006) were associated with therapeutic failure, while anti-TNF combotherapy (HR 0.17, 95% CI [0.40-0.71], p = 0.015) prevented it. Considering 108 therapeutic sequences, the short-term clinical response rate was 65.7%. In multivariate analysis, male gender (OR 0.15, 95% CI [0.03-0.64], p = 0.011), fistula with abscess (OR 0.09, 95% CI [0.01-0.77], p = 0.028) and comb sign (OR 0.23, 95% CI [0.005-0.97], p = 0.047) were associated with short-term clinical failure. Anti-TNF combotherapy seemed to prevent therapeutic failure, and cross-sectional imaging should be systematically performed to help medical management in stricturing Crohn's disease.

  11. Prise en charge des urgences au service d'accueil des urgences ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: La prise en charge des patients dans les services d'accueil des urgences est une des meilleures vitrines d'un système de santé. En Afrique subsaharienne, la gestion des urgences se heurte à des difficultés humaines et matérielles. Le but de ce travail était d'évaluer les difficultés de prise en charge au Service ...

  12. MR of the liver in Wilson`s disease; MRT der Leber bei Morbus Wilson

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogl, T.J. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany); Steiner, S. [Klinikum Grosshadern, Radiologische Klinik und Poliklinik, Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Hammerstingl, R. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany); Schwarz, S. [Klinikum Grosshadern, Neurologische Klinik, Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Kraft, E. [Klinikum Grosshadern, Neurologische Klinik, Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Weinzierl, M. [Klinikum Grosshadern, 2. Medizinische Klinik, Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Felix, R. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany)


    To show that Wilson`s disease is one likely cause of multiple low-intensity nodules of the liver we obtained MR images in 16 patients with clinically and histopathologically confirmed Wilson`s disease. Corresponding to morphological changes MRI enabled the subdivision of the patients into two groups. Using a T{sub 2}-weighted spin-echo sequence (TR/TE=2000/45-90) liver parenchyma showed multiple tiny low-intensity-nodules surrounded by high-intensity septa in 10 out of 16 patients. 5 patients had also low-intensity nodules in T{sub 1}-weighted images (TR/TE=600/20). In patients of this group histopathology revealed liver cirrhosis (n=7) and fibrosis (n=2). Common feature of this patient group was marked inflammatory cell infiltration into fibrous septa, increase of copper concentration in liver parenchyma and distinct pathological changes of laboratory data. In the remaining 6 patients no pathological change of liver morphology was demonstrated by MRI corresponding to slight histopathological changes of parenchyma and normal laboratory data. As low-intensity nodules surrounded by high intensity septa can be demonstrated in patients with marked inflammatory infiltration of liver parenchyma MRI may help to define Wilson patients with poorer prognosis. In patients with low-intensity nodules of the liver and unknown cause of liver cirrhosis laboratory data and histopathology should be checked when searching for disorders of copper metabolism. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Studie wurde die Leber bei 16 Patienten mit klinisch gesichertem Morbus Wilson magnetresonanztomographisch untersucht. Zum Einsatz kamen T{sub 1}- und T{sub 2}-gewichtete Spin-Echo-Sequenzen vor und nach Applikation von Gd-DTPA (0,1 mmol/kg KG). Anhand der MRT-Befunde konnten zwei unterschiedliche Patientenkollektive definiert werden. 10 Patienten wiesen in der T{sub 2}-gewichteten Sequenz hypointense Regeneratknoten auf und zeigten histopathologisch ausgepraegte Befunde einer

  13. Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des prestataires de santé des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... des prestataires interrogés avaient respectivement une bonne connaissance des facteurs de risque et des moyens de dépistage. Les signes évocateurs et les examens complémentaires nécessaires au diagnostic du cancer du sein étaient connus par 15,3 % des prestataires. La définition du cancer du sein et les moyens ...

  14. Multimodal treatment of perianal fistulas in Crohn's disease: seton versus anti-TNF versus advancement plasty (PISA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    de Groof, E Joline


    Currently there is no guideline for the treatment of patients with Crohn\\'s disease and high perianal fistulas. Most patients receive anti-TNF medication, but no long-term results of this expensive medication have been described, nor has its efficiency been compared to surgical strategies. With this study, we hope to provide treatment consensus for daily clinical practice with reduction in costs.

  15. Molecular prediction of disease risk and severity in a large Dutch Crohn's disease cohort

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weersma, R.K.; Stokkers, P.C.F.; van Bodegraven, A.A.; van Hogezand, R.A.; Verspaget, H.W.; de Jong, D.J.; van der Woude, C.J.; Oldenburg, B.; Linskens, R.K.; Festen, E.A.M.; van der Steege, G.; Hommes, D.W.; Crusius, J.B.A.; Wijmenga, C.; Nolte, I.M.; Dijkstra, G.


    Background: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have a complex genetic background. We assessed the risk for both the development and severity of the disease by combining information from genetic variants associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Methods: We studied 2804 patients (1684

  16. Management of post-operative Crohn's disease in 2017: where do we go from here? (United States)

    Nguyen, Vu; Kanth, Rajan; Gazo, Joshua; Sorrentino, Dario


    Postoperative recurrence (POR) of Crohn's disease is common after surgical resection. How to best manage POR remains uncertain. Areas covered: In this review, we will first describe the natural course and the best modalities to diagnose this surgical sequela. We will then focus on the potential risk factors for relapse and highlight the main shortcomings in the current study designs and endoscopic and clinical scoring systems, which may partly explain the unexpected outcomes of recent clinical trials. Finally, we will propose a strategy to address the management of POR. Expert commentary: Anti-tumor necrosis factor (Anti-TNF) agents are the most effective therapy to prevent POR in Crohn's disease. Patient risk stratification and active monitoring with scheduled ileocolonoscopy are cornerstones of optimal POR management. Further studies are needed to address areas of uncertainty including timing and duration of therapy and the role of therapeutic drug monitoring in this setting.

  17. Usages des TIC et socialisation professionnelle des enseignants-chercheurs


    Lavielle-Gutnik, Nathalie; Massou, Luc


    En prenant appui sur une nouvelle analyse des données recueillies dans l’enquête Tec-Meus (2008-2011, MSH Lorraine) sur la place accordée par des enseignants-chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales aux technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans leur activité d’enseignement, nous souhaitons nous focaliser dans cet article sur la compréhension des processus de socialisation professionnelle en jeu dans leur usage déclaré des TIC. Par socialisation professionnelle, nous e...

  18. Evaluer des études de gestion des entreprises : combiner des éléments principales avec des éléments pratiques

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pennink, B.J.W.


    Evaluer la recherche de gestion demande une combinaison des critères classiques et des critères pratiques. Par cette combinaison il est possible de trouver une réponse cerrecte concernant la validité et l'effet de la recherche. Dans cet article nous allons décrire comment une combinaison des

  19. Aspects des Onychomycoses chez des patients camerounais de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... biologiques et évolutifs des onychomycoses chez des patients camerounais. Méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective et descriptive menée de mars 2011 à mars 2014 dans l'unité de dermatologie de l'hôpital général de Douala (HGD), incluant des patients chez lesquels le diagnostic d'onychomycose avait été posé.

  20. Stress, coping and support needs of patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease: a qualitative descriptive study. (United States)

    Larsson, Kjerstin; Lööf, Lars; Nordin, Karin


    To examine disease-related stress, coping strategies and the need for information and support in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease). Psychological stress is an important factor in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and therefore, coping strategies and support needs should be considered in routine clinical practice. This is a qualitative study using a descriptive interview-based approach. Fifteen patients with ulcerative colitis (n = 7) or Crohn's disease (n = 8) were interviewed. The interviews were analysed with content analysis. The informants largely focused on disease-related stress (e.g. access to a toilet, symptoms and worries) and relations to other people (various reactions from others and social situations). Behavioural strategies (i.e. taking actions and the need for making plans, prepare and adapt), social strategies (seeking help and information and sharing feelings about the disease with others) and emotional strategies (distraction, positive attitude and acceptance) were adopted to cope with the stress associated with the disease. The need for information and support concerned instrumental support (disease-related information) and emotional support (to talk about disease management). Faecal urgency and the fear of losing bowel control are important stressors for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The patients handle this problem using various coping strategies depending on the type of stressful events. Both instrumental and emotional support were requested which primarily occurred at the time of diagnosis and disease flare-ups. Patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease ask for information and psychosocial support that are tailored to their individual needs and at different stages in the disease trajectory to improve everyday life and strengthen self-management strategies. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Perspectives of IBD China: Is Crohn's and Colitis Foundation Model a Solution to Health Care Issues for the Country? (United States)

    Chen, Yan


    The success of the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA), now Crohn's and Colitis Foundation (CCF) has established a role model for developing countries with an increasing incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including China. While there are shared etiopathogenetic pathways and clinical features in IBD between Eastern and Western countries, patients with IBD as well as health care professionals in China are facing distinctive challenges, including the fragmented and inconsistent health insurance, social support system, and three-tiered health care service. Financial burden remains to be a tremendous obstacle to the management of IBD. In addition, poor rapport between patients and clinicians, and the lack of properly trained IBD specialists makes a noticeable gap in the management of IBD between China and Western countries. The China Crohn's &Colitis Foundation (CCCF), closely following the successful model of CCF, was established under the same doctrine, and served as a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization dedicated to improving quality of life of patients in by IBD through education and training.

  2. Adalimumab for maintenance therapy for one year in Crohn's disease: results of a Latin American single-center observational study. (United States)

    Kotze, Paulo Gustavo; Abou-Rejaile, Vinícius Rezende; Uiema, Luciana Aparecida; Olandoski, Marcia; Sartor, Maria Cristina; Miranda, Eron Fábio; Kotze, Lorete Maria da Silva; Saad-Hossne, Rogério


    Adalimumab is a fully-human antibody that inhibits TNF alpha, with a significant efficacy for long-term maintenance of remission. Studies with this agent in Latin American Crohn's disease patients are scarce. The objective of this study was to outline clinical remission rates after 12 months of adalimumab therapy for Crohn's disease patients. Retrospective, single-center, observational study of a Brazilian case series of Crohn's disease patients under adalimumab therapy. Variables analyzed: demographic data, Montreal classification, concomitant medication, remission rates after 1, 4, 6 and 12 months. Remission was defined as Harvey-Bradshaw Index ≤ 4, and non-responder-imputation and last-observation-carried-forward analysis were used. The influence of infliximab on remission rates was analyzed by Fischer and Chi-square tests (Panalysis. After 12 months, remission on patients with previous infliximab occurred in 69.23% as compared to 94.59% in infliximab-naïve patients (P = 0.033). Adalimumab was effective in maintaining clinical remission after 12 months of therapy, with an adequate safety profile, and was also more effective in infliximab naïve patients.

  3. Are gastroenterologists less tolerant of treatment risks than patients? Benefit-risk preferences in Crohn's disease management. (United States)

    Johnson, F Reed; Hauber, Brett; Özdemir, Semra; Siegel, Corey A; Hass, Steven; Sands, Bruce E


    Crohn's disease is a serious and debilitating gastrointestinal disorder with a high, unmet need for new treatments. Biologic agents have the potential to alter the natural course of Crohn's disease but present known risks of potential serious adverse events (SAEs). Previous studies have shown that patients are willing to accept elevated SAE risks in exchange for clinical efficacy. Gastroenterologists and patients may have similar goals of maximizing treatment benefit while minimizing risk; however, gastroenterologists may assess the relative importance of risk differently than patients. To (a) understand how gastroenterologists caring for patients with Crohn's disease balance benefits and risks in their treatment decisions and (b) compare their treatment preferences with those of adult patients with Crohn's disease. Both patient and gastroenterologist treatment preferences were elicited using a web-based, choice-format conjoint survey instrument. The conjoint questions required subjects to choose between 2 hypothetical treatment options with differing levels of treatment attributes. Patients evaluated the treatment options for themselves, and gastroenterologists evaluated the treatment options for each of 3 hypothetical patient types: (a) female aged 25 years with no history of Crohn's disease surgery (young), (b) male aged 45 years with 1 Crohn's disease surgery (middleaged), and (c) female older than 70 years with 4 Crohn's disease surgeries (older). Treatment attributes represented the expected outcomes of treatment: severity of daily symptoms, frequency of flare-ups, serious disease complications, oral steroid use, and the risks of 3 potentially fatal SAEs - lymphoma, serious or opportunistic infections, and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) - during 10 years of treatment. Maximum acceptable risk (MAR), defined as the highest level of SAE risk that subjects would accept in return for a given improvement in efficacy (i.e., the increase in

  4. Architecture, des normes et des systèmes d'information libres, phase ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Architecture, des normes et des systèmes d'information libres, phase II (OASIS II) - Renforcement des capacités dans l'ensemble de l'Afrique. Sur presque tout le continent africain, la prestation des services de santé est limitée en raison des maigres ressources disponibles et de la charge de morbidité de plus en plus ...

  5. The effect of pre-operative optimization on post-operative outcome in Crohn's disease resections

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El-Hussuna, Alaa; Iesalnieks, Igors; Horesh, Nir


    BACKGROUND: The timing of surgical intervention in Crohn's disease (CD) may depend on pre-operative optimization (PO) which includes different interventions to decrease the risk for unfavourable post-operative outcome. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of multi-model PO on...

  6. Systematic review: Use of ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis, assessment of activity and abdominal complications of Crohn's disease


    Panes , Julian; Bouzas , Rosa; García-Sánchez , Valle; Chaparro , María; Pérez-Gisbert , Javier; Martínez De Guereñu , Blanca; Mendoza , Juan Luis; Paredes , José María; Quiroga , Sergi; Ripollés , Tomás; Rimola , Jordi


    Abstract Backgroud: Cross-sectional imaging techniques, including ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are increasingly used for evaluation of Crohn?s disease (CD). Aim: To perform an assessment of the diagnostic accuracy of cross-sectional imaging techniques for diagnosis of CD, evaluation of disease extension and activity, and diagnosis of complications, and to provide recommendations for their optimal use. Methods: Relevant ...

  7. High-output stoma after small-bowel resections for Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Tsao, Stephen K K; Baker, Melanie; Nightingale, Jeremy M D


    A 56-year-old Caucasian woman with a history of Crohn's disease and multiple bowel resections resulting in a loop jejunostomy was referred to our Nutritional Unit from a neighboring district general hospital for further management. She was first seen in October 2001, and initial assessment indicated that she was malnourished with fluid depletion, evidenced by the high volume of stomal fluid produced. There had been no sudden change in her medication, her Crohn's disease was quiescent and there was no evidence of any intra-abdominal sepsis. Despite a high calorific intake through her diet, she continued to lose weight. Serum urea and electrolytes; magnesium; C-reactive protein; full blood count; urinary spot sodium; anthropometric measurements. High-output stoma with malabsorption as a consequence of repeated small-bowel surgery. The patient was treated with oral hypotonic fluid restriction (0.5 l/day), 2 l of oral glucose-saline solution per day, high-dose oral antimotility agents (loperamide and codeine phosphate), a proton-pump inhibitor (omeprazole) and oral magnesium replacement. A year later, the patient's loop jejunostomy was closed and an end ileostomy fashioned, bringing an additional 35 cm of small bowel into continuity; macronutrient absorption improved but her problem of dehydration was only slightly reduced. She was stabilized on a twice-weekly subcutaneous magnesium and saline infusion and daily oral 1alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol.

  8. Genome analysis of E. coli isolated from Crohn's disease patients. (United States)

    Rakitina, Daria V; Manolov, Alexander I; Kanygina, Alexandra V; Garushyants, Sofya K; Baikova, Julia P; Alexeev, Dmitry G; Ladygina, Valentina G; Kostryukova, Elena S; Larin, Andrei K; Semashko, Tatiana A; Karpova, Irina Y; Babenko, Vladislav V; Ismagilova, Ruzilya K; Malanin, Sergei Y; Gelfand, Mikhail S; Ilina, Elena N; Gorodnichev, Roman B; Lisitsyna, Eugenia S; Aleshkin, Gennady I; Scherbakov, Petr L; Khalif, Igor L; Shapina, Marina V; Maev, Igor V; Andreev, Dmitry N; Govorun, Vadim M


    Escherichia coli (E. coli) has been increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease (CD). The phylogeny of E. coli isolated from Crohn's disease patients (CDEC) was controversial, and while genotyping results suggested heterogeneity, the sequenced strains of E. coli from CD patients were closely related. We performed the shotgun genome sequencing of 28 E. coli isolates from ten CD patients and compared genomes from these isolates with already published genomes of CD strains and other pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. CDEC was shown to belong to A, B1, B2 and D phylogenetic groups. The plasmid and several operons from the reference CD-associated E. coli strain LF82 were demonstrated to be more often present in CDEC genomes belonging to different phylogenetic groups than in genomes of commensal strains. The operons include carbon-source induced invasion GimA island, prophage I, iron uptake operons I and II, capsular assembly pathogenetic island IV and propanediol and galactitol utilization operons. Our findings suggest that CDEC are phylogenetically diverse. However, some strains isolated from independent sources possess highly similar chromosome or plasmids. Though no CD-specific genes or functional domains were present in all CD-associated strains, some genes and operons are more often found in the genomes of CDEC than in commensal E. coli. They are principally linked to gut colonization and utilization of propanediol and other sugar alcohols.

  9. L'exode des cerveaux et le renforcement des capacités en Afrique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 févr. 2011 ... Ce phénomène ébranle les assises économiques et politiques de bien des pays africains. ... le défi consiste à recruter ces cerveaux. ... des missions africaines, des organisations non gouvernementales et des groupes de la diaspora réunis pour parler de l'exode des cerveaux en Afrique et des stratégies à ...

  10. Is there a benefit from the concomitant use of immunosupression with anti-TNF in Crohn's disease; heads or tails? (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo


    Over the last some years the increasing knowledge on the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease led to the development of a number of biological agents targeting specific molecules involved in gut inflammation, first of all TNF-alpha and its receptors. Infliximab, adalimumab and certolizumab have been successful in inducing and maintaining remission in Crohn's disease at both short and long term. This was recently confirmed by a Cochrane meta-analysis and also open label extension follow-up and cohort studies. Emerging new data however indicate that combination therapy with infliximab-azathioprine appears to have added benefit in inducing steroid-free remission and mucosal healing than either infliximab or azathioprine alone in azathioprine-naïve patients with early disease. Similarly the combination of steroids induction and infliximab was efficacious in luminal Crohn's disease. In contrast, there seems to be no synergism between methotrexate and infliximab. It is also less clear whether it is beneficial to use short or long-term infliximab-azathioprine combination in patients who previously failed therapy with azathioprine. In contrast, combination may potentially be associated with increased risk for infection and cancer. In case control-studies, especially the combination of steroids and anti-TNF and older age increased the risk for infectious complications, while scattered case reports point to the potentially increased risk of a rare form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (Hepatosplenic T cell lymphoma) with the use of azathioprine-anti-TNF combination. The aim of this review is to summarize the benefits and risks for the use combination therapy with TNF-alpha inhibitors in the treatment of Crohn's disease.

  11. Influence de l'occupation des terres sur la dynamique des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objectif de la présente étude est d'évaluer l'impact de mise en culture, des pâturages, des jachères et l'influence des villages sur la dynamique des communautés végétales de la commune de ..... mais il n'y a que peu de recrutement. Au-delà de cinq ans, taille et phytovolume diminuent, témoignant du vieillissement de la ...

  12. Surgical management in enterovesical fistula in Crohn disease at a single medical center. (United States)

    Su, Yann-Rong; Shih, I-Lun; Tai, Huai-Ching; Wei, Shu-Chen; Lin, Been-Ren; Yu, Hong-Jeng; Huang, Chao-Yuan


    Crohn disease is a chronic, transmural, inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract with unknown etiology. It can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract and may cause fistula, stricture, or abscess formation with disease progression. The preoperative diagnosis and definite management of this rare complication are challenges for physicians, urologists, and surgeons.

  13. GENOMIQUE ET LIPIDES Génomique et métabolisme des lipides des plantes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delseny Michel


    Full Text Available Il existe dans les bases de données publiques une énorme quantité de séquences d’ADN dérivées de plantes, et notamment la séquence complète du génome d’Arabidopsis thaliana, une plante modèle pour les oléagineux, proche parente du colza. Ces données constituent une ressource importante non seulement pour la compréhension de métabolisme lipidique et de sa régulation, mais aussi pour la sélection et le développement de variétés nouvelles d’oléagineux produisant davantage d’huiles ou des huiles de composition nouvelle. Cette abondance de séquences peut être exploitée, en utilisant les recherches d’homologies, pour identifier les gènes, pour obtenir des informations sur leur fonction, comme pour repérer des gènes candidats codant des fonctions nouvelles. L’analyse de ces bases de données a révélé que la majeure partie des gènes codant des enzymes impliquées dans le métabolisme lipidique appartient à des petites familles multigéniques, reflétant la diversification des fonctions des isoformes. Une analyse du catalogue des ADNc séquencés en aveugle reflète les niveaux d’expression des différents gènes et fournit un aperçu des régulations des flux au travers des voies métaboliques conduisant à la biosynthèse des lipides de réserve. La disponibilité de mutants et de lignées transgéniques d’Arabidopsis et le développement de puces à ADN qui permettent l’analyse simultanée de plusieurs milliers de gènes conduiront à une meilleure compréhension des facteurs qui régulent le métabolisme des huiles dans les graines. Une telle connaissance facilitera la manipulation de la composition des huiles et des quantités produites dans les graines.

  14. Des dispositions responsables à prendre pour la protection des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    En considérant l'effet néfaste des maladies, des parasites, du changement climatique et d'autres facteurs environnementaux (les OGM par exemple) sur la survie des abeilles, la baisse de leurs populations dans certaines parties du monde ne saurait être attribuée aux seules pesticides. En plus, l'impact de ces derniers sur ...

  15. Usefulness of abdominal ultrasonography in the analysis of endoscopic activity in patients with Crohn's disease: changes following treatment with immunomodulators and/or anti-TNF antibodies. (United States)

    Moreno, Nadia; Ripollés, Tomás; Paredes, José María; Ortiz, Inmaculada; Martínez, María Jesús; López, Antonio; Delgado, Fructuoso; Moreno-Osset, Eduardo


    The objective of this study was to analyze the accuracy of abdominal ultrasonography (AUS) in the assessment of mucosal healing in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) receiving immunomodulators and/or biological treatment, with ileocolonoscopy as the reference standard. Thirty patients were included in a prospective longitudinal study. All patients underwent ileocolonoscopy and AUS before and after a minimum of one year of treatment. The Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Inflammatory Index of Severity (CDEIS) was used for endoscopic assessment whereas AUS was analyzed by means of bowel wall thickness, color Doppler grade and percentage of increase of parietal enhancement after contrast injection. In the segmental analysis, endoscopic healing was found in 71.2% of the segments and AUS findings were normalized in 62.8%, with a significant correlation between the two techniques (κ=0.76, pimmunomodulators and/or biological drugs in Crohn's disease. AUS is a highly accurate technique for evaluating the healing of the intestinal mucosa. Copyright © 2014 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Gestion des risques

    CERN Document Server

    Louisot, Jean-Paul


    Depuis le début du lie siècle, la gestion des risques connaît une véritable révolution culturelle. Jusqu'alors fonction technique, centrée autour de l'achat de couverture d'assurances, elle est devenue une discipline managériale et transversale : une valise d'instruments que chaque manager doit connaître et appliquer quels que soient son domaine de compétence et ses missions au sein de l'organisation. En effet, la gestion des risques est une culture qui doit être assimilée par chacun des acteurs. C'est précisément l'ambition des 101 questions rassemblées dans cet ouvrage : apporter à chaque manager d'entreprise, de collectivité, d'établissement de santé..., des réponses claires au " pourquoi " et au " comment " : Comment identifier les risques ? Comment analyser les risques ? Quels sont les objectifs de la gestion des risques ? Une carte des risques pour quoi faire ? Pourquoi faut-il financer les risques ? Les entreprises ont-elles des responsabilités pénales ? En quoi consiste la gestion...

  17. Comportement des polluants des eaux pluviales urbaines en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    développement et la croissance des organismes vivant dans l'eau et particulièrement les micro- organismes. Le suivi des températures enregistrées oscille entre 9 et 16°C dans les trois sites d'observation durant la période ... de la lumière du soleil. Le site C est bien aéré et .... Effets de différents modes de gestion des eaux ...

  18. Magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of disease activity in Crohn's disease: a systematic review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Horsthuis, Karin; Bipat, Shandra; Stokkers, Pieter C. F.; Stoker, Jaap


    To systematically review the evidence on the accuracy of MRI for grading disease activity in Crohn's disease (CD). The MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and Cochrane databases were searched for studies on the accuracy of MRI in grading CD compared to a predefined reference standard. Two independent observers

  19. Histoplasma meets Crohn's disease: a rare case of new-onset ascites. (United States)

    Bosshardt, Charles Robert; Gnann, John; Lodhia, Nilesh


    A 53-year-old man with Crohn's disease treated with adalimumab was hospitalised with abdominal pain, fatigue, fever and chills. CT scan of the abdomen showed chronic thickening of the terminal ileum and cecum and new-onset ascites. Further studies revealed weakly positive urine and serum histoplasma antigen. Laparoscopy revealed metastatic caking of the omentum and abdominal wall; peritoneal biopsy demonstrated organisms morphologically consistent with Histoplasma capsulatum No dissemination outside of the peritoneal cavity was evident. The patient completed 2 weeks of liposomal amphotericin B followed by oral itraconazole for 1 year. Adalimumab therapy was held for 10 weeks, then restarted. Presenting symptoms resolved following initiation of antifungal therapy. Follow-up MRI of his abdomen demonstrated resolution of ascites. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of histoplasmosis presenting as peritonitis in a patient with Crohn's disease receiving antitumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) therapy. Many clinicians are aware that patients receiving anti-TNF-α therapy are at increased risk for histoplasmosis, but may fail to consider the diagnosis in the absence of lung involvement. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  20. Caractérisation des plantes médicinales à flavonoïdes des marchés ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les espèces guinéo-congolaises sont les plus abondantes et le mode de dissémination majoritaire des diaspores est la zoochorie. Les plantes à flavonoïdes les plus utilisées sont : Combretum micranthum, Aloe vera, Ageratum conyzoïdes et Cylicodiscus gabonensis. Elles rentrent dans le traitement de 73 maladies parmi ...

  1. Impact de la preparation des anodes crues et des conditions de cuisson sur la fissuration dans des anodes denses (United States)

    Amrani, Salah

    La fabrication de l'aluminium est realisee dans une cellule d'electrolyse, et cette operation utilise des anodes en carbone. L'evaluation de la qualite de ces anodes reste indispensable avant leur utilisation. La presence des fissures dans les anodes provoque une perturbation du procede l'electrolyse et une diminution de sa performance. Ce projet a ete entrepris pour determiner l'impact des differents parametres de procedes de fabrication des anodes sur la fissuration des anodes denses. Ces parametres incluent ceux de la fabrication des anodes crues, des proprietes des matieres premieres et de la cuisson. Une recherche bibliographique a ete effectuee sur tous les aspects de la fissuration des anodes en carbone pour compiler les travaux anterieurs. Une methodologie detaillee a ete mise au point pour faciliter le deroulement des travaux et atteindre les objectifs vises. La majorite de ce document est reservee pour la discussion des resultats obtenus au laboratoire de l'UQAC et au niveau industriel. Concernant les etudes realisees a l'UQAC, une partie des travaux experimentaux est reservee a la recherche des differents mecanismes de fissuration dans les anodes denses utilisees dans l'industrie d'aluminium. L'approche etait d'abord basee sur la caracterisation qualitative du mecanisme de la fissuration en surface et en profondeur. Puis, une caracterisation quantitative a ete realisee pour la determination de la distribution de la largeur de la fissure sur toute sa longueur, ainsi que le pourcentage de sa surface par rapport a la surface totale de l'echantillon. Cette etude a ete realisee par le biais de la technique d'analyse d'image utilisee pour caracteriser la fissuration d'un echantillon d'anode cuite. L'analyse surfacique et en profondeur de cet echantillon a permis de voir clairement la formation des fissures sur une grande partie de la surface analysee. L'autre partie des travaux est basee sur la caracterisation des defauts dans des echantillons d'anodes crues

  2. Mutations in CARD15 and smoking confer susceptibility to Crohn's disease in the Danish population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ernst, Anja; Jacobsen, Bent Ascanius; Østergaard, Mette


    Three CAspase Recruitment Domain (CARD15) mutations have shown to predispose to Crohn's disease in Caucasian populations. The aim of this study was to investigate the mutation frequency in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and in healthy controls in Denmark....

  3. Early combined immunosuppression for the management of Crohn's disease (REACT): a cluster randomised controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khanna, Reena; Bressler, Brian; Levesque, Barrett G.; Zou, Guangyong; Stitt, Larry W.; Greenberg, Gordon R.; Panaccione, Remo; Bitton, Alain; Paré, Pierre; Vermeire, Séverine; D'Haens, Geert; MacIntosh, Donald; Sandborn, William J.; Donner, Allan; Vandervoort, Margaret K.; Morris, Joan C.; Feagan, Brian G.; Anderson, Frank; Atkinson, Kenneth; Bacchus, Rahman; Berezny, Gary; Borthistle, Bruce; Buckley, Alan; Chiba, Naoki; Cockeram, Alan; Elkashab, Magdy; Fashir, Baroudi; Gray, James; Hemphill, Douglas; Hoare, Connie; Holland, Stephen; Hurowitz, Eric; Kaal, Nuri; Laflamme, Pierre; Borromee, Saint-Charles; Lau, Helena; McMullen, William; Memiche, Reshat; Menon, Krishna; Miller, D. Alexander; O'Hara, William; Oravec, Michael; Penner, Robert; Petrunia, Denis; Pluta, Henryk; Prabhu, Umesh; Prest, Marcia; Shaaban, Hani; Sheppard, Duane; Shulman, Scott


    Conventional management of Crohn's disease features incremental use of therapies. However, early combined immunosuppression (ECI), with a TNF antagonist and antimetabolite might be a more effective strategy. We compared the efficacy of ECI with that of conventional management for treatment of

  4. [Low-intensity, evidence-based cognitive-behavioural therapy of a patient with Crohn's disease]. (United States)

    Antal-Uram, Dóra; Harsányi, László; Perczel-Forintos, Dóra


    Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and colitis ulcerosa) is a chronic, long-term condition that causes chronic inflammation in the digestive tract, and shows an increasing incidence and prevalence worldwide. Changes in disease activity over time affect psychological distress which increases the risk of exacerbations. Beside somatic symptoms (such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea and weight loss), psychiatric comorbidity (in particular major depression, anxiety, social phobia) is common in patients with Crohn's disease. This case study illustrates the management and stabilization of a 21-year-old adult male patient with active Crohn's disease and with severe psychiatric comorbidity. The patient was diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder and dysruptive mood dysregulation disorder based on the results of psychodiagnostics (SCID-II structured clinical interview, MMPI personality inventory and disease-specific clinical questionnaires such as Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Hopelessness Scale, Social Cognition Questionnaire, Anger Expression Scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale). The main aim of psychotherapy is to increase the adherence to pharmacotherapy, to promote psychosocial functioning, to improve well-being and to enhance adaptive coping strategies. Low-intensity cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy was used which included psychoeducation, motivational interview, behavioural activation, patient diary, cognitive restructuring, problem-solving training, and family consulting. Twenty-five sessions were held weekly in outpatient form and 3 sessions of crisis intervention after the surgery at the hospital. The efficacy of the treatment was measured by self-reported questionnaires at baseline and at two follow-up sessions which corroborated a very significant decrease in the severity of depression, hopelessness, while emotional regulation and self-esteem became more adaptive. The remission of the above

  5. Accuracy of CT enterography and magnetic resonance enterography imaging to detect lesions preoperatively in patients undergoing surgery for Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Seastedt, Kenneth P; Trencheva, Koiana; Michelassi, Fabrizio; Alsaleh, Doaa; Milsom, Jeffrey W; Sonoda, Toyooki; Lee, Sang W; Nandakumar, Govind


    CT enterography and magnetic resonance enterography have emerged as first-line imaging technologies for the evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract in Crohn's disease. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the accuracy of these imaging modalities to identify Crohn's disease lesions preoperatively. This was a retrospective chart review. The study was conducted at a single institution. Seventy-six patients with Crohn's disease with preoperative CT enterography and/or magnetic resonance enterography were included in the study. The number of stenoses, fistulas, and abscesses on CT enterography and/or magnetic resonance enterography before surgery were compared with operative findings. Forty patients (53%) were women, 46 (60%) underwent surgery for recurrent Crohn's disease, and 46 (57%) had previous abdominal surgery. Thirty-six (47%) had a preoperative CT enterography and 43 (57%) had a preoperative magnetic resonance enterography. CT enterography sensitivity was 75% for stenosis and 50% for fistula. MRE sensitivity was 68% for stenosis and 60% for fistula. The negative predictive values of CT enterography and magnetic resonance enterography for stenosis were very low (54% and 65%) and were 85% and 81% for fistula. CT enterography had 76% accuracy for stenosis and 79% for fistula; magnetic resonance enterography had 78% accuracy for stenosis and 85% for fistula. Both were accurate for abscess. False-negative rates for CT enterography were 50% for fistula and 25% for stenosis. False-negative rates for magnetic resonance enterography were 40% for fistula and 32% for stenosis. Unexpected intraoperative findings led to modification of the planned surgical procedure in 20 patients (26%). This study was limited by its small sample size, its retrospective nature, and that some studies were performed at outside institutions. CT enterography and magnetic resonance enterography in patients with Crohn's disease were accurate for the identification of abscesses but not for

  6. A changing trend in the management of patients with newly diagnosed Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Qasim, A


    BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic shift with rising incidence of Crohn\\'s disease (CD) has been reported in recent studies. AIMS: To determine disease behaviour and therapeutic interventions undertaken in newly diagnosed patients with CD. METHODS: Patients diagnosed with CD between January 2006 and June 2008 were included. Disease type, location, degree of involvement and type of therapeutic interventions were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 78 patients were included. Colonic, ileo-colonic, terminal ileal and isolated small bowel disease were present in 37, 27, 9 and 5 patients, respectively. Disease phenotype was inflammatory, stenosing and fistulising in 42, 30 and 6 patients, respectively. Surgery was required in 22 patients, including right hemicolectomy (n = 8), subtotal colectomy (n = 4), segmental colonic resection (n = 2), segmental small bowel resection (n = 2), appendectomy (n = 2) and perianal surgery (n = 4). Fourteen patients underwent surgery at the time of diagnosis. Laparoscopic surgery was performed in 14 patients. CONCLUSIONS: A significant proportion of newly diagnosed patients with CD underwent surgical intervention on their first admission to hospital. This may signify a changing trend in the management approach.

  7. Tuberculose ileocecal isolada simulando neoplasia maligna e doença de Crohn Isolated ileocecal tuberculosis simulating malignant neoplasia and Crohn's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: No Brasil, a tuberculose ileocecal isolada, na ausência de tuberculose pulmonar ativa ou cicatrizada, é rara, sendo freqüentemente confundida com neoplasia e a doença de Crohn. MÉTODOS: Os autores apresentam oito doentes com essas características, tratados por cirurgia, em período de 20 anos. A dor abdominal na fossa ilíaca direita foi o principal sintoma (100%, seguido da presença de perda de peso (62,5%, febre, náuseas e vômitos e fadiga em 50% dos doentes. Sete enfermos (87,5% apresentaram massa palpável na fossa ilíaca direita. A duração média dos sintomas foi de 14,7 meses, variando de 5 a 36 meses. Todas as lesões foram detectadas pelo enema opaco e mimetizavam aspecto neoplásico. A colonoscopia foi realizada em três doentes, evidenciando lesões sub-oclusivas da região íleo-cecal em dois; as biópsias foram sugestivas de tuberculose, não sendo possível diferenciá-las da doença de Crohn. RESULTADOS: Seis enfermos com diagnóstico presuntivo de neoplasia foram submetidos a cirurgia eletiva, realizando-se neles a colectomia direita clássica. Os outros dois, com suspeita de tuberculose, foram operados na vigência de obstrução intestinal, sendo submetidos a ressecção limitada (ileocecectomia. O estudo anatomopatológico estabeleceu o diagnóstico final pelo encontro de necrose caseosa e de bacilos álcool ácido-resistentes no intestino ou nos linfonodos. A evolução pós-operatória foi satisfatória, com pequena morbidade resolvida clinicamente. Posteriormente, todos os doentes receberam o esquema tríplice por 12 meses, variando a droga de acordo com a época do tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de rara, a tuberculose hipertrófica ileocecal isolada freqüentemente é confundida com neoplasias e com a doença de Crohn, devendo ser lembrada no diagnóstico diferencial das lesões localizadas no quadrante inferior direito do abdome.BACKGROUND: Isolated ileocecal involvement by tuberculosis in the absence

  8. La cire cuticulaire des grains de raisin et des feuilles de la vigne

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    Full Text Available Je voudrais parler ici des recherches que j'ai effectuées dans le cadre d'un programme de recherches de l'Organisation australienne de recherches (C.S.I.R.O.. Ce sont des recherches sur la structure, la composition chimique et le rôle de la cire cuticulaire des grains de raisins et des feuilles. Ces recherches ont été effectuées principalement lors de l'étude des problèmes relatifs au séchage des raisins pour la production des raisins. Cependant, l'importance de la cire cuticulaire ne se limite pas seulement au séchage des raisins, car elle concerne aussi l'œnologie et les problèmes de la conservation des raisins de table. Je pense donc que mon exposé peut présenter pour vous un certain intérêt.

  9. statut de la matiere organique des cambisols et des lixisols sous

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    L'étude vise à évaluer la matière organique des Cambisols et des Lixisols sous formations naturelles de longue durée en zone climatique nord-soudanienne et à établir, les relations entre ... sont supérieures à celles des sols des zones sahélienne et sud-soudanienne. ... globale a eu une corrélation positive avec le pH.

  10. Fiabilité des structures mécaniques adaptatives: effet de la panne des actionneurs ou des capteurs sur la stabilité (United States)

    Fall, H.; Charon, W.; Kouta, R.


    Ces dernières décennies, des activités significatives dans le monde étaient dirigées autour du contrôle actif. Le but de ces recherches était essentiellement d'améliorer les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité des systèmes. Notamment dans le cas des structures soumises à des vibrations aléatoires. D'importants travaux ont été consacré à l'utilisation des “matériaux intelligents” comme capteurs et actionneurs. Cette article propose l'analyse de la fiabilité des systèmes mécaniques en étudiant les pannes des actionneurs ou des capteurs. L'effet de ces pannes sur la stabilité et la performance du système y est démontré. Les méthodologies de conception y sont rappelées. Des exemples numériques sont fournis à travers le contrôle d'un panneau sous chargement dynamique pour illustrer la méthode proposée.

  11. Évaluation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre des filières de traitement et de valorisation des boues issues du traitement des eaux usées


    Reverdy, A.L.; Pradel, M.


    / Ce rapport présente l'inventaire des différentes consommations énergétiques, en consommables et des GES pour chaque poste de traitement et de valorisation des boues issues du traitement des eaux usées.

  12. Evolução da ocorrência (1980-1999 da doença de Crohn e da retocolite ulcerativa idiopática e análise das suas características clínicas em um hospital universitário do sudeste do Brasil Trends in the occurrence (1980-1999 and clinical features of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in a university hospital in southeastern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcellus Henrique L. P. SOUZA


    Full Text Available Racional - A doença de Crohn e a retocolite ulcerativa idiopática são consideradas pouco freqüentes nos países em desenvolvimento, sendo escassos os estudos sobre a sua ocorrência no Brasil. Objetivos - Estudar a freqüência de admissão de casos da doença de Crohn e da retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica em um hospital universitário ao longo de 20 anos (1980-99 e descrever características demográficas e clínicas desses casos. Métodos - Calculou-se a freqüência de admissão de casos da doença de Crohn e da retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica de janeiro de 1980 a dezembro de 1999 e analisaram-se todos os casos destas doenças admitidos nos últimos 10 anos desse período. Resultados - No período estudado, registraram-se 257 casos novos, sendo 126 da doença de Crohn e 131 da retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica. A freqüência de admissão de casos de ambas as doenças aumentou de 40 para 61 casos/10.000 atendimentos, do primeiro para o segundo qüinqüênio, com menor crescimento subseqüente, sendo que a doença de Crohn tornou-se, gradualmente, mais freqüente que a retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica. Em ambas as doenças, houve predomínio de casos do gênero feminino, na faixa etária entre 20 e 50 anos, da cor branca, do estado civil casado e de não-tabagistas. Ambas as doenças apresentaram-se com os sintomas digestivos próprios e não houve diferenças entre elas quanto às freqüências de manifestações sistêmicas e extra-intestinais (29,5% vs 23,3%, incluindo as tromboembólicas (5,9% vs 5,5%. Na doença de Crohn, 59,2% dos casos apresentaram complicações (obstrução e/ou perfuração, enquanto que 53,7% dos casos de retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica foram de formas mais graves. Nos casos de doença de Crohn com obstrução, o tabagismo foi significativamente mais freqüente que nas formas não-complicadas. Na retocolite ulcerativa inespecífica, as manifestações sistêmicas e as extra-intestinais, bem como

  13. Ileitis caused by Yersinia enterocolitica - X-ray differential diagnosis of Crohn's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lingg, G.; Hering, L.; Tanneberger, D.


    The article gives a brief description of the characteristic features of the clinical and roentgenological course and the various stages of enteritis caused by Yersinia. Basing on three cases of ileitis caused by Yersinia, the far-reaching similarity with the early changes and even the advanced stages of Crohn's diseases are demonstrated. Attention is drawn to the possibilities of differentiating between the two disease patterns. (orig.) [de

  14. Laparoscopic Surgery for Recurrent Crohn's Disease

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    Antonino Spinelli


    Full Text Available In spite of the recent improvements in drug therapy, surgery still represents the most frequent treatment for Crohn's disease (CD complications. Laparoscopy has been widely applied over the last twenty years in colorectal surgery and was associated with lower postoperative pain, shorter hospitalization, faster return to daily activities, and better cosmetic results. Laparoscopy experienced a slower diffusion in inflammatory bowel disease surgery than in oncologic colorectal surgery, but proved to be safe and effective, and is currently considered the gold standard for the treatment of primary uncomplicated ileocolic CD. Indications for laparoscopy in CD have recently been widened to embrace more complicated or recurrent CD. This paper reviews the available data on the subset of recurrent CD patients. The reported results indicate that laparoscopy may be safely applied even in selected recurrent CD cases in hands of IBD surgeons with broad laparoscopic experience.

  15. Renforcement de l'autonomie des collectivités au moyen des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cette subvention permettra au ministère des Communications et des Technologies de l'information de l'Égypte ainsi qu'au fonds spécial réservé aux TI de consolider le modèle actuel des clubs de TI en Égypte, par l'entremise de services d'assistance sur demande, d'activités de formation à l'intention du personnel des ...

  16. L' approche des options stratégiques des acteurs dans i' etude des relations tu travail


    López Pino, Carmen Marina


    Faire une analyse de la proposition analytique développée par le MIT (Masachussetts Institute of Tecnology) inspirée du concept des options stratégiques pour I' objet de cet article. En premier lieu, les sujets traités seront la problematique des relations du travail et les découvertes fondamentales des différentes recherches de I' equipe du MIT. Après, I' étude fait une courte présentatión sur I' approche des systémes de Dunlop dont I' èquipe cherche améliorer. Ensuite, sont présentés...

  17. Crohn's disease of the vulva. (United States)

    Barret, Maximilien; de Parades, Vincent; Battistella, Maxime; Sokol, Harry; Lemarchand, Nicolas; Marteau, Philippe


    Crohn's disease (CD) of the vulva is a rare, yet under recognized condition. Fistulae arising from the digestive tract account for the greater part of genital lesions in CD. However, cutaneous so-called metastatic lesions of the vulva have been reported in the literature. They are clinically challenging for gastroenterologists as well as for gynecologists, with numerous differential diagnoses, especially among venereal diseases, and require a multidisciplinary approach. The most frequently observed features of the disease are labial swelling, vulvar ulcers, and hypertrophic lesions. Biopsy samples for histological study are mandatory, in order to establish the diagnosis of vulvar CD. Treatment options include oral prolonged courses of metronidazole and systemic immunosuppressive therapy such as corticosteroids and azathioprine, with promising data published on the efficacy of infliximab. Surgery remains restricted to medical treatment failures or resection of unsightly lesions. Prospective studies or case series with long follow-up data are still missing to guide the treatment of this condition. © 2013. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Vedolizumab: a review of its use in adult patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Garnock-Jones, K P


    Vedolizumab (Entyvio™) is a humanized monoclonal antibody α4β7 integrin-receptor antagonist indicated for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. This article reviews the pharmacological properties of intravenous infusions of vedolizumab and its clinical efficacy in adult patients with these diseases. In phase III clinical trials, patients with ulcerative colitis had significantly higher rates of clinical response and clinical remission when treated with vedolizumab than when receiving placebo at both 6 and 52 weeks. However, outcomes with vedolizumab in patients with Crohn's disease were mixed. In a study that evaluated both clinical remission rate and CDAI-100 response rate as primary endpoints, only the clinical remission rate at 6 weeks was significantly higher with vedolizumab than placebo. In another trial, there was no significant between-group difference in the clinical remission rate in TNF-antagonist failure patients at 6 weeks (primary endpoint), although there was a significant difference at 10 weeks. In the Crohn's disease study that included maintenance treatment, vedolizumab was significantly more effective at 52 weeks than placebo in both endpoints (clinical remission was the only primary endpoint in the maintenance study). Vedolizumab was generally well tolerated in these trials. As vedolizumab is a specific α4β7 integrin antagonist, with gut-specific effects, it is unlikely to be associated with the development of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, a risk observed with the less selective α4β7/α4β1 integrin antagonist natalizumab. Vedolizumab is a useful addition to the treatment options available for patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

  19. Fecal zonulin is elevated in Crohn’s disease and in cigarette smokers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karin Malíčková


    Full Text Available Objectives: Human zonulin is a protein that increases permeability in the epithelial layer of the small intestine by reversibly modulating the intercellular tight junctions. There is not sufficient information available about zonulin's participation in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate fecal and serum zonulin in IBD patients and its relation to the disease localization, behavior and smoking status. Design and methods: Forty IBD patients and forty healthy persons were examined for fecal and serum zonulin concentrations by competitive ELISA (DRG International Inc. Values were correlated to IBD type, localization and behavior, and smoking. Results: Serum and fecal zonulin were significantly higher in patients with Crohn’s disease compared to ulcerative colitis (p = 0.038 for fecal zonulin, and p = 0.041 for serum zonulin concentrations. No association of serum or fecal zonulin was found with respect to IBD localization and behavior. The only difference was found with respect to smoking. Both the IBD cohort and healthy smokers showed significantly higher fecal zonulin levels (median 203 ng/mL compared to non-smokers (median 35.8 ng/mL, p < 0.001. Conclusions: Fecal and serum zonulin levels are elevated in patients with active Crohn’s disease but not with ulcerative colitis. High fecal zonulin levels in smokers irrespective of IBD point to the significant and undesirable up-regulation of gut permeability in cigarette smokers. Keywords: Zonulin, Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Smoking

  20. A Crohn's disease variant in Atg16l1 enhances its degradation by caspase 3 (United States)

    Murthy, Aditya; Li, Yun; Peng, Ivan; Reichelt, Mike; Katakam, Anand Kumar; Noubade, Rajkumar; Roose-Girma, Merone; Devoss, Jason; Diehl, Lauri; Graham, Robert R.; van Lookeren Campagne, Menno


    Crohn's disease is a debilitating inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can involve the entire digestive tract. A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) encoding a missense variant in the autophagy gene ATG16L1 (rs2241880, Thr300Ala) is strongly associated with the incidence of Crohn's disease. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effect of ATG16L1 deletion or deficiency; however, the molecular consequences of the Thr300Ala (T300A) variant remains unknown. Here we show that amino acids 296-299 constitute a caspase cleavage motif in ATG16L1 and that the T300A variant (T316A in mice) significantly increases ATG16L1 sensitization to caspase-3-mediated processing. We observed that death-receptor activation or starvation-induced metabolic stress in human and murine macrophages increased degradation of the T300A or T316A variants of ATG16L1, respectively, resulting in diminished autophagy. Knock-in mice harbouring the T316A variant showed defective clearance of the ileal pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica and an elevated inflammatory cytokine response. In turn, deletion of the caspase-3-encoding gene, Casp3, or elimination of the caspase cleavage site by site-directed mutagenesis rescued starvation-induced autophagy and pathogen clearance, respectively. These findings demonstrate that caspase 3 activation in the presence of a common risk allele leads to accelerated degradation of ATG16L1, placing cellular stress, apoptotic stimuli and impaired autophagy in a unified pathway that predisposes to Crohn's disease.

  1. Developpement des betons semi autoplacants a rheologie adaptee pour des infrastructures (United States)

    Sotomayor Cruz, Cristian Daniel

    Au cours des dernières décennies, les infrastructures canadiennes et québécoises comportent plusieurs structures en béton armé présentant des problèmes de durabilité dus aux conditions climatiques sévères, à la mauvaise conception des structures, à la qualité des matériaux, aux types des bétons choisis, aux systèmes de construction ou à l'existence d'événements incontrôlables. En ce qui concerne le choix du béton pour la construction des infrastructures, une vaste gamme de béton divisée en deux principaux types peut être utilisée: le béton conventionnel vibré (BCV) et le béton autoplaçant (BAP). Dans le cas d'un BCV, la consolidation inadéquate par vibration a été un problème récurrent, occasionnant des dommages structuraux. Ceci a conduit à une réduction de la durabilité et à une augmentation du coût d'entretien et de réparation des infrastructures. Rien que l'utilisation d'un BAP a des avantages tels que l'élimination de la vibration, la réduction des coûts de main d'oeuvre et l'amélioration de la qualité des structures, néanmoins, le coût initial d'un BAP par rapport à un BCV ne permet pas encore de généraliser son utilisation dans l'industrie de la construction. Ce mémoire présente la conception d'une nouvelle gamme de béton semi-autoplaçant pour la construction des infrastructures (BSAP-I) exigeant une vibration minimale. Il s'agit de trouver un équilibre optimal entre la rhéologie et le coût initial du nouveau béton pour conférer une bonne performance structurale et économique aux structures. Le programme expérimental établi a premièrement permis d'évaluer la faisabilité d'utilisation des BSAP-I pour la mise en place des piliers d'une infrastructure de pont à Sherbrooke. En plus, l'utilisation d'un plan d'expériences a permis l'évaluation de trois paramètres de formulation sur les propriétés des mélanges de BSAP-I à l'état frais et durci. Finalement, l'évaluation de la performance des

  2. High sensitivity of quick view capsule endoscopy for detection of small bowel Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Halling, Morten Lee; Nathan, Torben; Kjeldsen, Jens


    Capsule endoscopy (CE) has a high sensitivity for diagnosing small bowel Crohn's disease, but video analysis is time consuming. The quick view (qv) function is an effective tool to reduce time consumption. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of missed small bowel ulcerations with qv-C...

  3. Libération des acides gras par autolyse enzymatique des triglycérides des graines oléoprotéagineuses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alibert Gilbert


    Full Text Available Les acides gras produits par hydrolyse chimique des lipides des plantes sont des matériaux de base pour l’industrie des biocarburants, des lubrifiants, des plastiques, des détergents et également des adjuvants de préparations commerciales d’herbicides. Cependant les procédés actuels de production des acides gras sont hautement polluants et coûteux en énergie. Dans ce travail nous développons un nouveau procédé de production des acides gras mettant en œuvre des plantes génétiquement modifiées. Nous avons introduit dans le tabac, retenu comme plante modèle, une construction génétique comprenant un gène de lipase (de la levure Geotrichum candidum sous le contrôle d’un promoteur graine spécifique (promoteur AtEm1 d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Ce promoteur devrait permettre l’expression du gène de lipase au niveau de l’axe embryonnaire tandis que les lipides s’accumulent dans les corps lipidiques des cotylédons. Dans ces conditions, les lipides de la graine devraient être séparés de la lipase par une compartimentation tissulaire et ne pas interférer. Après broyage des graines on peut penser que la mise en contact des lipides et de la lipase conduira à la libération d’acides gras. Plusieurs transformants ont été produits par transfert de gène à l’aide d’Agrobacterium tumefaciens, quelques-uns d’entre eux exprimant, comme attendu, la lipase dans leurs graines. Trois clones (2, 19 et 43 présentent une activité lipase significative et ont été retenus pour des études complémentaires. Cependant l’activité enzymatique observée est faible et certains clones présentent un défaut de compartimentation entre l’enzyme et les lipides se traduisant par la production d’acides gras dans la graine intacte. Lorsque les graines du clone 43 sont broyées dans un tampon, des acides gras sont produits dans le milieu réactionnel, validant le procédé imaginé. De nouvelles constructions réalisées, soit

  4. Infliximab dependency in children with Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Duricova, D; Pedersen, N; Lenicek, M


    BACKGROUND: Recently, infliximab dependency has been described. AIM: To assess frequency of ID in 82 consecutive Crohn's disease children treated with infliximab 2000-2006 and to describe clinical and genetic predictors of long-term infliximab response. METHODS: A phenotype model of infliximab...... dependency was used to assess treatment response: 'immediate outcome' (30 days after infliximab start)--complete/partial/no response. 'Long-term outcome': (i) prolonged response: maintenance of complete/partial response; (ii) infliximab dependency: relapse .../partial response. In long-term outcome, 22% maintained prolonged response, 12% had no response, while 66% became infliximab dependent. Perianal disease and no previous surgery were associated with infliximab dependency (OR 5.34, 95% CI: 1.24-22.55; OR 6.7, 95% CI: 1.67-26.61). No association was found with studied...

  5. Paternité des articles et intérêts concurrents : une analyse des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique (United States)

    Courbon, Ève; Tanguay, Cynthia; Lebel, Denis; Bussières, Jean-François


    RÉSUMÉ Contexte : La présence d’auteurs honorifiques et fantômes ainsi que les intérêts concurrents représentent des difficultés bien documentées, liées à la publication d’articles scientifiques. Il existe des lignes directrices encadrant la rédaction et la publication de manuscrits scientifiques, notamment celles de l’International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Objectifs : L’objectif principal de cette étude descriptive et transversale visait à recenser les instructions portant sur la paternité des articles et les intérêts concurrents provenant des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. L’objectif secondaire visait à déterminer des mesures correctrices pour une paternité des articles plus transparente. Méthode : La recherche a débuté par l’identification des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. La consultation des instructions aux auteurs des journaux a permis ensuite de recenser les recommandations destinées à éviter les problèmes de paternité des articles et d’intérêts concurrents. Finalement, les membres de l’équipe de recherche se sont consultés afin de définir des mesures correctrices possibles à l’intention des chercheurs. Résultats : Des 232 journaux traitant de pharmacie, 33 ont été définis comme traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. Un total de 24 (73 %) journaux mentionnaient suivre la politique de l’ICMJE, 14 (42 %) demandaient aux auteurs de remplir un formulaire de déclaration d’intérêts concurrents au moment de la soumission de l’article, 17 (52 %) présentaient une définition de la qualité d’auteur et 5 (15 %) demandaient de détailler les contributions de chaque auteur. Une grille de 40 critères a été élaborée pour définir l’attribution du statut d’auteur. Conclusion : Moins de la moitié des journaux demandait aux auteurs de transmettre un formulaire de déclaration des intérêts concurrents au moment de la

  6. Contribution des radios communautaires a l'education des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Contribution des radios communautaires a l'education des populations rurales pour un developpement durable au Benin: etude de cas. ... Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL ...

  7. Rôle des germes parasites des bactéries pathogènes dans l'autoépuration des eaux

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Existence dans les eaux polluées de germes parasites qui s'attaquent aux bactéries pathogènes. Le pouvoir bactéricide des eaux polluées dû, en grande partie à la présence dans ces eaux de différents représentants des germes parasites. Possibilité d'application pratique des germes parasites pour l'assainissement des eaux polluées.

  8. Birth outcome in women with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and pharmacoepidemiological aspects of anti-inflammatory drug therapy. (United States)

    Nørgård, Bente Mertz


    The clinical epidemiological studies included in this thesis fall into three parts. The first part includes studies on birth outcome in women with ulcerative colitis. The second part includes pharmacoepidemiological studies on birth outcome after anti-inflammatory drug therapy in pregnancy, including patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The third part (and the latest publications) includes birth outcome in women with Crohn's disease; and the methods of cohort establishment in these studies are developed and improved due to the knowledge gathered from conducting the earlier studies. The birth outcomes in women with ulcerative colitis are examined in a nationwide, Danish, cohort of women based on data from the Danish National Hospital Discharge Registry and the Danish Medical Birth Registry, and within a Hungarian case-control data set. Our data suggest: 1) Significantly increased risk of preterm birth when women give birth 0-6 months after establishment of the diagnosis. It is considered whether the increased risk may be influenced by disease activity around the time of establishing the diagnosis. 2) No increased risk of giving birth to children with low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation or congenital abnormalities (evaluated overall). 3) Significantly increased risk of some selected congenital abnormalities (limb deficiencies, obstructive urinary and multiple congenital abnormalities). No other studies have examined the risk of selected congenital abnormalities in children born by women with ulcerative colitis. The pharmacoepidemiological studies on birth outcomes after use of anti-inflammatory drug therapy in pregnancy, including women with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are based on data from the Hungarian case-control data set, a countywide Danish prescription Database, the Danish National Hospital Discharge Registry, the Danish Medical Birth Registry, and review of selected medical records. After exposure to sulfasalazine

  9. Effets des extraits vegetaux sur la dynamique de populations des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La présente étude se propose de trouver une alternative de l'utilisation des pesticides chimiques en testant l'effet insecticide des extraits aqueux des feuilles de Hyptis suaveolens, graines de Ricinus communis et de Azadirachta indica contre les ravageurs du niébé en conditions de champ en utilisant le cyperméthrine ...

  10. Reinduction with certolizumab pegol in patients with relapsed Crohn's disease: results from the PRECiSE 4 Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandborn, William J; Schreiber, Stefan; Hanauer, Stephen B


    We sought to determine the efficacy of certolizumab pegol reinduction in patients with active Crohn's disease who respond to induction therapy with certolizumab pegol and then relapse during continuous or interrupted maintenance therapy....

  11. Crohn´s disease: a role of gut microbiota and Nod2 gene polymorphisms in disease pathogenesis

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hrnčířová, Lucia; Krejsek, J.; Šplíchal, Igor; Hrnčíř, Tomáš


    Roč. 57, č. 3 (2014), s. 89-96 ISSN 1211-4286 Grant - others:Universita Karlova(CZ) 37/10/906613 Institutional support: RVO:61388971 Keywords : gut * microbiota * Crohn disease Subject RIV: EC - Immunology

  12. La participation des femmes à la vie politique se traduit par des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La participation des femmes à la vie politique se traduit par des économies locales plus vigoureuses. 08 juin 2016. Image. Des femmes assistent à une réunion d'un groupe d'entraide près d'. Edgard Rodriguez - IDRC. Des femmes assistent à une réunion d'un groupe d'entraide près d'Hyderabad, en Inde. Keenara ...

  13. Incidence des prix et des taxes sur la consommation de produits du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Incidence des prix et des taxes sur la consommation de produits du tabac en Argentine, en Bolivie et au Chili. Partout en Amérique du Sud, les adultes et les enfants font une grande consommation de tabac. Un nouveau projet de recherche se penchera sur les avantages et les limites des stratégies de fixation des prix et de ...

  14. CARD15 in inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn's disease phenotypes : An association study and pooled analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostenbrug, L. E.; Nolte, I. M.; Oosterom, E.; van der Steege, G.; Meerman, G. J. te; van Dullemen, H. M.; Drenth, J. P. H.; de Jong, D. J.; van der Linde, K.; Jansen, P. L. M.; Kleibeuker, J. H.


    Background. Three major polymorphisms of the Caspase-Activation Recruitment Domain containing protein 15 gene have been described to be associated with Crohn's disease. Genotype-phenotype studies reported in literature provide conflicting data on disease localisation and behaviour. We investigated

  15. Radiographic appearances in Crohn's disease. I. Accuracy of radiographic methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hildell, J; Lindstroem, C; Wenckert, A [Departments of Diagnostic Radiology, Pathology and Surgery, Malmoe Allmaenna Sjukhus, Malmoe, Sweden


    Preoperative films of 176 patients operated upon for Crohn's disease were reviewed and compared with microscopic findings in the resected specimens in order to assess the accuracy of the radiographic techniques used. It was found that a diagnosis of the presence and the extent of the disease was often dependent on the demonstration of minor mucosal ulcers and less marked submucosal edema. These lesions were not adequately demonstrated by any of the techniques used for small bowel examination, but were consistently revealed by the double-contrast technique used for examination of the colon.

  16. Roles et taches des accompagnateurs des patients hospitalises ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Roles et taches des accompagnateurs des patients hospitalises dans le service de pneumo-phtysiologie au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo de ... Logistical support represented by material support, drug supply, cleaning of premises, and littering occupied respectively 100%, 91%, 42% and 73%.

  17. Single port laparoscopic ileocaecal resection for Crohn's disease: a multicentre comparison with multi-port laparoscopy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Carvello, M.; de Groof, E. J.; de Buck van Overstraeten, A.; Sacchi, M.; Wolthuis, A. M.; Buskens, C. J.; D'Hoore, A.; Bemelman, W. A.; Spinelli, A.


    AimSingle port (SP) ileocaecal resection (ICR) is an established technique but there are no large studies comparing SP and multi-port (MP) laparoscopic surgery in Crohn's disease (CD). The aim of this study was to compare postoperative pain scores and analgesia requirements after SP and MP

  18. Genome-wide meta-analysis increases to 71 the number of confirmed Crohn's disease susceptibility loci

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Franke, Andre; McGovern, Dermot P. B.; Barrett, Jeffrey C.; Wang, Kai; Radford-Smith, Graham L.; Ahmad, Tariq; Lees, Charlie W.; Balschun, Tobias; Lee, James; Roberts, Rebecca; Anderson, Carl A.; Bis, Joshua C.; Bumpstead, Suzanne; Ellinghaus, David; Festen, Eleonora M.; Georges, Michel; Green, Todd; Haritunians, Talin; Jostins, Luke; Latiano, Anna; Mathew, Christopher G.; Montgomery, Grant W.; Prescott, Natalie J.; Raychaudhuri, Soumya; Rotter, Jerome I.; Schumm, Philip; Sharma, Yashoda; Simms, Lisa A.; Taylor, Kent D.; Whiteman, David; Wijmenga, Cisca; Baldassano, Robert N.; Barclay, Murray; Bayless, Theodore M.; Brand, Stephan; Buening, Carsten; Cohen, Albert; Colombel, Jean-Frederick; Cottone, Mario; Stronati, Laura; Denson, Ted; De Vos, Martine; D'Inca, Renata; Dubinsky, Marla; Edwards, Cathryn; Florin, Tim; Franchimont, Denis; Gearry, Richard; Glas, Juergen; Van Gossum, Andre; Guthery, Stephen L.; Halfvarson, Jonas; Verspaget, Hein W.; Hugot, Jean-Pierre; Karban, Amir; Laukens, Debby; Lawrance, Ian; Lemann, Marc; Levine, Arie; Libioulle, Cecile; Louis, Edouard; Mowat, Craig; Newman, William; Panes, Julian; Phillips, Anne; Proctor, Deborah D.; Regueiro, Miguel; Russell, Richard; Rutgeerts, Paul; Sanderson, Jeremy; Sans, Miquel; Seibold, Frank; Steinhart, A. Hillary; Stokkers, Pieter C. F.; Torkvist, Leif; Kullak-Ublick, Gerd; Wilson, David; Walters, Thomas; Targan, Stephan R.; Brant, Steven R.; Rioux, John D.; D'Amato, Mauro; Weersma, Rinse K.; Kugathasan, Subra; Griffiths, Anne M.; Mansfield, John C.; Vermeire, Severine; Duerr, Richard H.; Silverberg, Mark S.; Satsangi, Jack; Schreiber, Stefan; Cho, Judy H.; Annese, Vito; Hakonarson, Hakon; Daly, Mark J.; Parkes, Miles


    We undertook a meta-analysis of six Crohn's disease genome-wide association studies (GWAS) comprising 6,333 affected individuals (cases) and 15,056 controls and followed up the top association signals in 15,694 cases, 14,026 controls and 414 parent-offspring trios. We identified 30 new

  19. Fecal zonulin is elevated in Crohn's disease and in cigarette smokers. (United States)

    Malíčková, Karin; Francová, Irena; Lukáš, Milan; Kolář, Martin; Králíková, Eva; Bortlík, Martin; Ďuricová, Dana; Štěpánková, Lenka; Zvolská, Kamila; Pánková, Alexandra; Zima, Tomáš


    Human zonulin is a protein that increases permeability in the epithelial layer of the small intestine by reversibly modulating the intercellular tight junctions. There is not sufficient information available about zonulin's participation in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). The aim of this study was therefore to investigate fecal and serum zonulin in IBD patients and its relation to the disease localization, behavior and smoking status. Forty IBD patients and forty healthy persons were examined for fecal and serum zonulin concentrations by competitive ELISA (DRG International Inc). Values were correlated to IBD type, localization and behavior, and smoking. Serum and fecal zonulin were significantly higher in patients with Crohn's disease compared to ulcerative colitis (p = 0.038 for fecal zonulin, and p = 0.041 for serum zonulin concentrations). No association of serum or fecal zonulin was found with respect to IBD localization and behavior. The only difference was found with respect to smoking. Both the IBD cohort and healthy smokers showed significantly higher fecal zonulin levels (median 203 ng/mL) compared to non-smokers (median 35.8 ng/mL), p zonulin levels are elevated in patients with active Crohn's disease but not with ulcerative colitis. High fecal zonulin levels in smokers irrespective of IBD point to the significant and undesirable up-regulation of gut permeability in cigarette smokers.

  20. Utilisation des mousses et des pâtes syntactiques pour combler les lacunes des poteries archéologiques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viviane Bechoux


    Full Text Available Filling potteries missing parts with plaster raises now complex problems during the de-restoration treatments. Ceramics restorers have recurrently questions on the use of plaster in the field of archaeological ceramics restoration. Some researches point to the choice of other filling materials. At the present time other methods can be devised by proposing plaster replacement by a lightened composite material: syntactic foams and pastes.Le comblement des lacunes des poteries à partir du plâtre pose actuellement des problèmes complexes lors des traitements de dérestauration. Les restaurateurs de céramiques s'interrogent de manière récurrente sur l'utilisation du plâtre dans le domaine de la restauration des céramiques archéologiques. Des recherches s'orientent vers le choix d'autres matériaux d'obturation. Actuellement, d'autres méthodes peuvent être mises en place en proposant le remplacement du plâtre par un matériau composite allégé, les mousses et les pâtes syntactiques.

  1. Développer le leadership dans des villes de l'Amérique latine et des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Développer le leadership dans des villes de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes dans le contexte des changements climatiques. En raison des changements climatiques, de la croissance démographique et de l'urbanisation rapide non planifiée, les villes des pays en développement sont à la fois le principal déclencheur des ...

  2. La Question de L'impunité des Auteurs de Violations des Droits de L'homme

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria dos Remédios Fontes Silva


    Full Text Available Ce travail pretend faire reflechir à propos de la question de l'impunite des autorites de L'Etat face aux violations des droits de l'homme. On abordera cet egard: a le role de I'amnistie ble complicite des autoritesadministratives c la lenteur des procedures judicieuse.     L'analyse de cette question montre qui L'impunite des responsables des violations des droits de l'homme fait peser une menace sur I'ensemble du systeme de protection universelle des droits de l'homme.          On peut on conduire qu 'aucune societe que aspire à la democratie et ala justice ne peut se construire sur I'amoralite des crimes impunis et I'amnesie officielle.

  3. Complicated Crohn's-like colitis, associated with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, treated with Infliximab: a case report and brief review of the literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kouklakis George


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS is a rare autosomal recessive inherited disorder consisting of a triad of albinism, increased bleeding tendency secondary to platelet dysfunction, and systemic complications associated with ceroid depositions within the reticuloendothelial system. HPS has been associated with gastrointestinal (GI complications related to chronic granulomatous colitis with pathologic features suggestive of Crohn's disease. This colitis can be severe and has been reported to be poorly responsive to medical therapies including antibiotics, corticosteroids, sulfasalazine, mesalamine and azathioprine. Case presentation We report a patient with HPS which was complicated by inflammatory bowel disease with clinical and pathologic features of Crohn's disease, refractory to antibiotics, corticosteroids and azathioprine. A trial of infliximab was attempted and repeated infusions produced a complete response. Conclusion The occurrence of ileitis and perianal lesions and also the histopathological findings in our case suggest that HPS and Crohn's disease may truly be associated. Given this similarity and the failure of the standard medical therapy of corticosteroids and azathioprine, our patient received infliximab with marked clinical improvement.

  4. Membrane fluidization by alcohols inhibits DesK-DesR signalling in Bacillus subtilis. (United States)

    Vaňousová, Kateřina; Beranová, Jana; Fišer, Radovan; Jemioła-Rzemińska, Malgorzata; Matyska Lišková, Petra; Cybulski, Larisa; Strzałka, Kazimierz; Konopásek, Ivo


    After cold shock, the Bacillus subtilis desaturase Des introduces double bonds into the fatty acids of existing membrane phospholipids. The synthesis of Des is regulated exclusively by the two-component system DesK/DesR; DesK serves as a sensor of the state of the membrane and triggers Des synthesis after a decrease in membrane fluidity. The aim of our work is to investigate the biophysical changes in the membrane that are able to affect the DesK signalling state. Using linear alcohols (ethanol, propanol, butanol, hexanol, octanol) and benzyl alcohol, we were able to suppress Des synthesis after a temperature downshift. The changes in the biophysical properties of the membrane caused by alcohol addition were followed using membrane fluorescent probes and differential scanning calorimetry. We found that the membrane fluidization induced by alcohols was reflected in an increased hydration at the lipid-water interface. This is associated with a decrease in DesK activity. The addition of alcohol mimics a temperature increase, which can be measured isothermically by fluorescence anisotropy. The effect of alcohols on the membrane periphery is in line with the concept of the mechanism by which two hydrophilic motifs located at opposite ends of the transmembrane region of DesK, which work as a molecular caliper, sense temperature-dependent variations in membrane properties. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Photonique des Morphos

    CERN Document Server

    Berthier, Serge


    La photonique est déjà présente dans notre vie quotidienne, et on attend maintenant que la manipulation des photons permette aussi le traitement logique des informations. Cependant, l’élément de base qui permet cette manipulation de la lumière, le cristal photonique, est d’une réalisation complexe et mal contrôlée. Dans la course à la maîtrise de la lumière, les structures photoniques naturelles ont beaucoup à nous apprendre. C’est ce que nous montre Serge Berthier qui étudie dans ce livre la structure des écailles des Morphos. Tenant compte de l’essor récent des approches biomimétiques, il présente de manière détaillée plus de dix-huit techniques expérimentales utilisées pour ses analyses, ainsi que les diverses approches théoriques développées pour la modélisation de structures multi-échelles complexes. Première étude quasi-exhaustive des structures fines d’un genre et des propriétés optiques ainsi que colorimétriques générées, ce livre fournit aux entomologiste...

  6. Screening phytochimique et identification spectroscopique des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    plante, effectuée pour la première fois, a révélé la présence des alcaloïdes, des flavonoïdes, des tanins catéchiques, des terpènes, des coumarines et des composés cyanogénétiques. Quant aux saponines et les quinones libres, ils sont présents chez les fleurs et absents chez les feuilles. La caractérisation des molécules.

  7. Reversal of growth arrest in adolescents with Crohn's disease after parenteral alimentation. (United States)

    Layden, T; Rosenberg, F; Nemchausky, G; Elson, C; Rosenberg, I


    Growth arrest and delayed onset of puberty often complicate childhood onset Crohn's disease of the small bowel (granulomatous enteritis). Nutritional deficits arising from inadequate dietary intake, malabsorption, and increased caloric needs may contribute to growth retardation. To assess whether a sustained high caloric and nitrogen intake could reestablish growth, 4 children with extensive Crohn's disease of the small bowel were studied before and after parenteral alimentation which was instituted for symtomatic disease control. Weight gain, positive nitrogen balance, and improved nutritional status were achieved during parenteral alimentation in each patient. In 2 patients weight gain was sustained using oral nutritional supplements, and a substantial increase in linear skeletal growth continued in the ensuing months. One patient entered puberty within 4 months of parenteral alimentation and another had the onset of menarche and the development of secondary sex characteristics 4 months after parenteral alimentation and resection of diseased bowel. Growth may be reestablished in some growth-arrested children if intake is sufficient to establish a sustained positive caloric and nitrogen balance. Nutritional requirements imposed by the demands of growth and active disease and often compounded by the catabolic effects of corticosteroids may be excessive; growth may occur only if these needs are met orally and/or parenterally.

  8. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for the determination of Crohn's disease activity - preliminary experience. (United States)

    Białecki, Marcin; Białecka, Agnieszka; Laskowska, Katarzyna; Kłopocka, Maria; Liebert, Ariel; Lemanowicz, Adam; Serafin, Zbigniew


    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a recent non-invasive modality, which may partially replace currently used techniques (endoscopy, CT enterography and MR enterography) in the diagnostics and assessment of Crohn's disease (CD). The aim of the study was to analyze early experience in the use of CEUS for the measurement of activity and staging of CD. Eleven patients previously diagnosed with CD were included in the study. They underwent contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (SonoVue, Bracco), low-dose CT enterography (LDCTE), assessment of laboratory markers of inflammation and clinical CD activity index (CDAI). Contrast enhancement was evaluated using a semi-quantitative method and a quantitative method that included measurement of peak enhancement (PE), enhancement curve rise time (RT) and wash-in-rate (WiR). Ileal wall thickening was observed in all patients. Semi-quantitative method was used to observe CD activity in CEUS in 10 cases that perfectly matched LDCTE findings. There was a moderate positive correlation between PE and CDAI (r=0.65, p<0.001). There was no significant relationship between perfusion parameters and laboratory markers of inflammation. CEUS is a promising modality for non-invasive assessment of pathologic ileal vascularization in the course of Crohn's disease. Intensity of enhancement in CEUS reflects activity of the disease detected in LDCTE and correlates with CDAI.

  9. Etude du processus de changement vecu par des familles ayant decide d'adopter volontairement des comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques (United States)

    Leger, Michel T.

    Les activites humaines energivores telles l'utilisation intensive de l'automobile, la surconsommation de biens et l'usage excessif d'electricite contribuent aux changements climatiques et autres problemes environnementaux. Bien que plusieurs recherches rapportent que l'etre humain est de plus en plus conscient de ses impacts sur le climat de la planete, ces memes recherches indiquent qu'en general, les gens continuent a se comporter de facon non ecologique. Que ce soit a l'ecole ou dans la communaute, plusieurs chercheurs en education relative a l'environnement estiment qu'une personne bien intentionnee est capable d'adopter des comportements plus respectueux de l'environnement. Le but de cette these etait de comprendre le processus d'integration de comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques dans des familles. A cette fin, nous nous sommes fixe deux objectifs : 1) decrire les competences et les procedes qui favorisent l'adoption de comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques dans des familles et 2) decrire les facteurs et les dynamiques familiales qui facilitent et limitent l'adoption de comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques dans des familles. Des familles ont ete invitees a essayer des comportements personnels et collectifs d'attenuation des changements climatiques de sorte a integrer des modes de vie plus ecologiques. Sur une periode de huit mois, nous avons suivi leur experience de changement afin de mieux comprendre comment se produit le processus de changement dans des familles qui decident volontairement d'adopter des comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques. Apres leur avoir fourni quelques connaissances de base sur les changements climatiques, nous avons observe le vecu de changement des familles durant huit mois d'essais a l'aide de journaux reflexifs, d'entretiens d'explicitation et du journal du chercheur. La these comporte trois articles scientifiques. Dans le premier article, nous presentons une

  10. Cannabis finds its way into treatment of Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Schicho, Rudolf; Storr, Martin


    In ancient medicine, cannabis has been widely used to cure disturbances and inflammation of the bowel. A recent clinical study now shows that the medicinal plant Cannabis sativa has lived up to expectations and proved to be highly efficient in cases of inflammatory bowel diseases. In a prospective placebo-controlled study, it has been shown what has been largely anticipated from anecdotal reports, i.e. that cannabis produces significant clinical benefits in patients with Crohn's disease. The mechanisms involved are not yet clear but most likely include peripheral actions on cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2, and may also include central actions. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  11. Derrame pleural: uma complicação extra-intestinal da doença de Crohn Pleural effusion: an extraintestinal complication of Crohn's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Paciente de 34 anos, portadora de doença de Crohn (DC havia oito anos, foi atendida queixando-se de dor torácica e febre, sem manifestações gastrointestinais. Testes laboratoriais mostraram atividade inflamatória (VHS = 45mm, PCR positivo. O exame físico revelou derrame pleural na base do hemitórax esquerdo, confirmado pela radiografia de tórax. A análise do líquido pleural mostrou 100% de linfócitos, com BAAR negativo. A biópsia pleural evidenciou granuloma não caseoso. Foi instituída terapia para tuberculose, sem sucesso, com regressão dos sintomas apenas após reintrodução de altas doses de corticosteróide, sugerindo atividade da DC como causa do derrame pleural.A 34-year-old patient had had Crohn's disease (CD for eight years; she was seen for complaints of thoracic pain and fever, without gastrointestinal manifestations. Initial laboratory exams were compatible with the presence of inflammatory activity (VHS = 45 mm for normal value of 20 mm and PCR+. The physical exam revealed signs of pleural effusion in the left hemithorax base, which was confirmed by thoracic RX. The pleural liquid analysis showed that the cells were 100% of lymphocytes, with negative BAAR research. The pleural biopsy evidenced non caseous granuloma. Despite the tuberculosis treatment, the patient only got better when corticotherapy was introduced in high doses, suggesting the activity of CD as the cause of the pleural effusion. This case establishes a connection between activity of CD and manifestations of lung disease.

  12. Quantitative Contrast-Enhaced Ultrasound Comparsion Between Inflammatory and Fibrotic Lesions in Patients with Crohn's Disease

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nylund, K.; Jiřík, Radovan; Mézl, M.; Leh, S.; Hausken, T.; Pfeffer, F.; Odegaard, S.; Taxt, T.; Gilja, O.H.


    Roč. 39, č. 7 (2013), s. 1197-1206 ISSN 0301-5629 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP102/12/2380 Institutional support: RVO:68081731 Keywords : Crohn's disease * Inflammatory bowel disease * Intestinal blood flow * Ultrasonography Subject RIV: FS - Medical Facilities ; Equipment Impact factor: 2.099, year: 2013

  13. L'accumulation des métaux lourds au niveau des cultures : Cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le Bassin de Sebou présente une importance socio-économique pour le Maroc. En effet, il est sujet de diverses utilisations ; eau potable, eau d'irrigation et eau industrielle. Toutefois, ce bassin subit des pressions multiples, notamment par la pollution métallique. Considérant le risque de bioaccumulation des métaux par ...

  14. Effect of tight control management on Crohn's disease (CALM): a multicentre, randomised, controlled phase 3 trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Colombel, Jean-Frederic; Panaccione, Remo; Bossuyt, Peter; Lukas, Milan; Baert, Filip; Vaňásek, Tomas; Danalioglu, Ahmet; Novacek, Gottfried; Armuzzi, Alessandro; Hébuterne, Xavier; Travis, Simon; Danese, Silvio; Reinisch, Walter; Sandborn, William J.; Rutgeerts, Paul; Hommes, Daniel; Schreiber, Stefan; Neimark, Ezequiel; Huang, Bidan; Zhou, Qian; Mendez, Paloma; Petersson, Joel; Wallace, Kori; Robinson, Anne M.; Thakkar, Roopal B.; D'Haens, Geert


    Biomarkers of intestinal inflammation, such as faecal calprotectin and C-reactive protein, have been recommended for monitoring patients with Crohn's disease, but whether their use in treatment decisions improves outcomes is unknown. We aimed to compare endoscopic and clinical outcomes in patients

  15. European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation Topical Review on Treatment Withdrawal ('Exit Strategies') in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Doherty, Glen; Katsanos, Konstantinos H; Burisch, Johan


    Clinically effective therapies now exist for remission maintenance in both ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD). For each major class of IBD medications (5-aminosalicyclates, immunomodulators and biologic agents), used alone or in combination, there is a risk of relapse following redu...

  16. 'Microerosions' in rectal biopsies in Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Steen Seier


    Small (less than 1 mm), superficial erosions ('microerosions') have been observed stereo-microscopically in surface-stained rectal biopsies in Crohn's disease (CD). Biopsy specimens from 97 patients with CD, 225 with ulcerative colitis (UC), and a control material of 161 patients were investigated....... Granulomas were identified in 62% of the biopsies with microerosions and by examination of two consecutive biopsies from each of these patients, in 85% indicating a positive correlation. In patients with microerosions and a primary diagnosis of UC, granulomas were found in 38% and by examination of two...... biopsies in 54%. Patients with granulomas and a few other patients were reclassified as CD, but there still remained some patients with microerosions, who most probably had UC. In conclusion, microerosions are observed mainly in CD with colonic involvement. There is a high incidence of granulomas in biopsy...

  17. Stricturoplasty—a bowel-sparing option for long segment small bowel Crohn's disease


    Limmer, Alexandra M.; Koh, Hoey C.; Gilmore, Andrew


    Abstract Stricturoplasty is a surgical option for management of severe stricturing Crohn's disease of the small bowel. It avoids the need for small bowel resection and the associated metabolic complications. This report contrasts the indications and technical aspects of two different stricturoplasty techniques. Case 1 describes an extensive Michelassi (side-to-side isoperistaltic) stricturoplasty performed for a 100 cm segment of diseased small bowel in a 45-year-old patient. Case 2 describes...

  18. Contrôle des Circuits Auxiliaires des PFW (arrêt machines 2002/2003)

    CERN Document Server

    Ottaviani, J


    Les PFW sont des nappes polaires installées sur les pôles des aimants du PS. Elles sont au nombre de 4 par unité d aimant et constituées d un circuit principal (dans lequel circule le courant désiré selon le cycle magnétique utilisé) et de circuits auxiliaires. Les circuits auxiliaires sont des enroulements de correction (boucles de tour et pick-up brasés sur les enroulements). Pendant la variation du champ magnétique de l aimant PS, on utilise des tensions induites dans ces circuits auxiliaires pour corriger les erreurs de champ dues aux courants de Foucault dans la chambre à vide. Chaque année, pendant l arrêt machine, on vérifie si les caractéristiques des circuits auxiliaires correspondent aux normes (mesures des résistances des boucles de tours, résistances entre pick-up et isolation des circuits) afin de faire un suivi. Les 404 PFW sont ainsi vérifiées. Dans cette note, on ne relèvera que les PFW ayant des défauts (valeurs hors tolérances, boucles ouvertes ou en court-circuit, déf...

  19. Detection of Crohn's disease: Comparison of CT and MR enterography without anti-peristaltic agents performed on the same day

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grand, David J.; Beland, Michael D.; Machan, Jason T.; Mayo-Smith, William W.


    Objective: To directly compare CT enterography (CTE) and MR enterography (MRE) without antiperistaltic agents. Materials/methods: 26 patients referred for CTE underwent CTE immediately followed by MRE without use of an anti-peristaltic agent. Each study was evaluated on a 10 point scale for exam quality, level of diagnostic confidence, and presence of Crohn's disease. Kappa analysis was performed to determine the degree of agreement between the CTE and MRE of each patient. Results: 25 patients completed the MRE. The quality of the CTEs was judged as excellent by both readers (reader 1 = average 9.5/10, reader 2 = average 9.1/10). The quality of the MREs was ranked lower than the CTEs by both readers (reader 1 = average 8.9/10, reader 2 = average 7.2/10), which was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The level of confidence in interpretation was not significantly different between CTE and MRE for reader 1 or 2 (p = 0.3). There was substantial agreement between readers for the presence or absence of Crohn's disease on both CTE (kappa = 0.75) and MRE (kappa = 0.67). Conclusion: MR enterography without anti-peristaltic agents results in high diagnostic confidence and excellent agreement for the presence of Crohn's disease.

  20. Contribution des TICs à l'abandon des mutilations génitales ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Contribution des TIC à l'abandon des MGF en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone : rôle des jeunes citoyennes; rapport technique no. 5 (rapport technique final), 18 octobre 2008 - 31 mars 2009. Download PDF. Related content. New website will help record vital life events to improve access to services for all. A new website ...

  1. utilisation des donnees pour l'evaluation de l'heterogeneite des sols

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    étude a permis de caractériser l'hétérogénéité des sols ferrallitiques, à travers sa couleur. Mots-clés : Couleur ... ainsi qu'à l'application des recommandations des doses de fertilisant. ..... de « système sol » en zone de contact forêt- savane du ...

  2. Acute terminal ileitis, yersiniosis, and Crohn's disease: a long-term follow-up study of the relationships

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jess, T; Jess, Per


    University Hospital during the period 1976-1998 were diagnosed as having ATI while undergoing surgery for suspected acute appendicitis. The patients were followed up, and both Yersinia titers and the development of Crohn's disease were registered. Results: Forty-four patients (83%) were tested for Yersinia...

  3. Timing of ileocolonic resection for symptomatic Crohn's disease--the patient's view.


    Scott, N A; Hughes, L E


    Eighty patients were asked if they would have preferred their ileocolonic resection and anastomosis for Crohn's disease, to have been carried out sooner, later or at the same time as it was done. Seventy of the patients replied (88%). No patient would have preferred their operation to have been later, while 74% thought it should have been earlier. A preferred operation time was given for 69 resections, between 0 months--that is, at the same time--and 15 years earlier. The median preferred ope...

  4. Two distinct metacommunities characterize the gut microbiota in Crohn's disease patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    He, Qing; Gao, Yuan; Jie, Zhuye


    The inflammatory intestinal disorder Crohn's disease (CD) has become a health challenge worldwide. The gut microbiota closely interacts with the host immune system, but its functional impact in CD is unclear. Except for studies on a small number of CD patients, analyses of the gut microbiota in CD......). Based on signature taxa, CD microbiotas clustered into two distinct metacommunities indicating individual variability in CD microbiome structure. Metacommunity-specific functional shifts in CD showed enrichment in producers of the pro-inflammatory hexa-acylated lipopolysaccharide variant and a reduction...

  5. Biologics in Paediatric Crohn's Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oliver Gouldthorpe


    Full Text Available Crohn's disease affects increasing numbers of children worldwide. Generally, childhood-onset disease runs a more severe course than in adults and has a greater impact on quality of life. Therapy in children must take account of a different set of risks for toxicity compared to adults, but also to their longevity. Biologic drugs present remarkable advantages in terms of disease control for children, especially in those whose disease cannot be controlled with conventional therapies, but their long-term risks are still being assessed. Data regarding biologic use in children is limited and mostly amounts to case series, but results have been promising, both in terms of controlling disease activity and improving growth parameters. Adverse reactions are infrequent in the short term, but loss of response is a long-term problem, particularly in children. More information is needed about very long term risks. Infliximab and adalimumab are the most studied agents in children, while there is relatively limited data on certolizumab and natalizumab. Further collection of data on these agents is still needed, but this should not restrict access to these agents for children in whom no other agent is effective.

  6. Les lexiques des jeunes dans les discours écrits des blogs : pour une approche descriptive

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    Lorenz Paulina


    Full Text Available S’il ne faut pas confondre ce qui est appelé communément « langage SMS » et « langage des jeunes », nous avancerons toutefois que les pratiques langagières écrites des jeunes sur les supports modernes de communication, et notamment dans les blogs, présentent des particularités encore peu étudiées. Les traits observables les plus saillants sont ceux de la morphologie graphique, mais il n’en reste pas moins que certains jeunes utilisent des lexiques particuliers dans les blogs qui méritent une attention particulière. Nous nous proposons donc d’étudier les différents lexiques utilisés par des jeunes de 12 à 22 ans dans les blogs de la plateforme aux niveaux de sa diversité, de ses usages sémantiques variable d’un scripteur à l’autre pour un même mot, et de ses particularités morphosyntaxiques. En effet, nous observerons des lexiques divers allant des lexiques perçus comme relevant des cités à des lexiques perçus comme étant « branchés-jeunes », ou encore à des lexiques propres aux supports modernes de communication. Ainsi, nous analyserons des lexiques variés dans leurs usages écrits tels que bolos, bédave, gérer, ouf, tigen, ou encore des lexiques empruntés tels que mouv, full, etc., ainsi que des emplois particuliers de séquences autonomes comme lol. Quelques questions périphériques complèteront notre analyse telle que celles qui concerne l’influence des usages lexicaux entre pairs et le savoir partagé, la distinction de différentes communautés en fonction des lexiques utilisés, ou encore la variabilité des représentations graphiques d’un même mot.

  7. Contrôle des circuits auxiliaires des P.F.W. (arret machine 2004/2006)

    CERN Document Server

    Ottaviani, J


    Les PFW sont des nappes polaires installées sur les pôles des aimants du PS. Elles sont au nombre de 4 par unité d’aimant et constituées d’un circuit principal (dans lequel circule le courant désiré selon le cycle magnétique utilisé) et de circuits auxiliaires. Les circuits auxiliaires sont des enroulements de correction (boucles de tour et “pick-up” brasés sur les enroulements principaux). Pendant la variation du champ magnétique de l’aimant PS, on utilise des tensions induites dans ces circuits auxiliaires pour corriger les erreurs de champ dues aux pertes par courants de Foucault dans la chambre à vide. Chaque année, pendant l’arrêt machine, on vérifie si les caractéristiques des circuits auxiliaires correspondent aux normes (mesures des résistances des boucles de tours, résistances entre “pick-up” et isolation des circuits) afin de faire un suivi. Les 404 PFW sont ainsi vérifiées. Dans cette note, on ne relèvera que les PFW ayant des défauts (valeurs hors tolérances, ...

  8. Etat des lieux des soins de premier recours des malades mentaux à Antananarivo : étude rétrospective (United States)

    Bakohariliva, Hasina Andrianarivony; Rafehivola, Imisanavalona Hanitrinihaja; Raobelle, Evah Norotiana; Raharivelo, Adeline; Rajaonarison, Bertille Hortense


    Résumé Religion et guérisseurs traditionnels occupent encore une place prépondérante dans la prise en charge des maladies mentales à Madagascar. Ainsi, nous nous sommes fixés comme objectif d'établir un état des lieux sur les soins de premier recours des malades mentaux. Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective descriptive s'étalant sur une période de 16 mois allant de janvier 2014 en avril 2015 au sein du service de psychiatrie du CHU de Befelatanana à Antananarivo. La prévalence des psychoses était de 25%. Le genre féminin (53%), l'ethnie merina (77%), les étudiants (45%), le niveau d'étude secondaire (40%), les célibataires (72%), la religion protestante (45%), ainsi que le niveau socio-économique moyen (57,5%) étaient prédominants. Dans les paramètres cliniques, le mode de début brutal (52%), le premier recours à la religion (40%), la présence d'antécédents des cas similaire (90%), étaient majoritaires. La schizophrénie était la pathologie la plus rencontrée dans la moitié des cas. Le délai d'amélioration en cas de traitement religieux et traditionnels était dans la moitié des cas de plus de 10 jours d'hospitalisation. Les patients ayant reçu une prise en charge psychiatrique en premier recours, étaient améliorés dans 75 % cas en moins de 10jours. Le retard du recours aux soins psychiatriques est une réalité à Madagascar qui aggrave le pronostic des psychoses. PMID:29632623

  9. An Atypical Eating Disorder with Crohn's Disease in a Fifteen-Year-Old Male: A Case Study. (United States)

    Holaday, Margot; And Others


    Discusses how 6 months after psychological intervention for an eating disorder, a 15-year-old male was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Addresses need for additional training for those from traditional school and counseling psychology programs. Advocates a team approach and consultations. (RJM)

  10. Molecular reclassification of Crohn's disease: a cautionary note on population stratification. (United States)

    Maus, Bärbel; Jung, Camille; Mahachie John, Jestinah M; Hugot, Jean-Pierre; Génin, Emmanuelle; Van Steen, Kristel


    Complex human diseases commonly differ in their phenotypic characteristics, e.g., Crohn's disease (CD) patients are heterogeneous with regard to disease location and disease extent. The genetic susceptibility to Crohn's disease is widely acknowledged and has been demonstrated by identification of over 100 CD associated genetic loci. However, relating CD subphenotypes to disease susceptible loci has proven to be a difficult task. In this paper we discuss the use of cluster analysis on genetic markers to identify genetic-based subgroups while taking into account possible confounding by population stratification. We show that it is highly relevant to consider the confounding nature of population stratification in order to avoid that detected clusters are strongly related to population groups instead of disease-specific groups. Therefore, we explain the use of principal components to correct for population stratification while clustering affected individuals into genetic-based subgroups. The principal components are obtained using 30 ancestry informative markers (AIM), and the first two PCs are determined to discriminate between continental origins of the affected individuals. Genotypes on 51 CD associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are used to perform latent class analysis, hierarchical and Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) cluster analysis within a sample of affected individuals with and without the use of principal components to adjust for population stratification. It is seen that without correction for population stratification clusters seem to be influenced by population stratification while with correction clusters are unrelated to continental origin of individuals.

  11. Molecular reclassification of Crohn's disease: a cautionary note on population stratification.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bärbel Maus

    Full Text Available Complex human diseases commonly differ in their phenotypic characteristics, e.g., Crohn's disease (CD patients are heterogeneous with regard to disease location and disease extent. The genetic susceptibility to Crohn's disease is widely acknowledged and has been demonstrated by identification of over 100 CD associated genetic loci. However, relating CD subphenotypes to disease susceptible loci has proven to be a difficult task. In this paper we discuss the use of cluster analysis on genetic markers to identify genetic-based subgroups while taking into account possible confounding by population stratification. We show that it is highly relevant to consider the confounding nature of population stratification in order to avoid that detected clusters are strongly related to population groups instead of disease-specific groups. Therefore, we explain the use of principal components to correct for population stratification while clustering affected individuals into genetic-based subgroups. The principal components are obtained using 30 ancestry informative markers (AIM, and the first two PCs are determined to discriminate between continental origins of the affected individuals. Genotypes on 51 CD associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs are used to perform latent class analysis, hierarchical and Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM cluster analysis within a sample of affected individuals with and without the use of principal components to adjust for population stratification. It is seen that without correction for population stratification clusters seem to be influenced by population stratification while with correction clusters are unrelated to continental origin of individuals.

  12. Accès à l'eau : des solutions techniques et sociales aident des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Grâce à la modélisation par ordinateur faisant appel à des techniques de pointe et à la consultation des collectivités, l'organisme bolivien Agua Sustentable a trouvé des solutions politiques à des conflits qui auraient pu s'avérer désastreux au sujet de l'accès à l'eau. Cet organisme de recherche subventionné par le CRDI a ...

  13. Le Débat des semences

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Solutions pour les lois nationales régissant le contrôle des ressources génétiques et des ...... des pouvoirs) qui reconnaissent, dans une certaine mesure, les droits de gestion collectifs des ...... documentés, les performances physiques, etc.

  14. [Role of Rac1 signaling pathway of azathioprine and peptidoglycan in the regulation of monocyte-macrophage apoptosis in Crohn's disease]. (United States)

    Zhou, Z; Jing, Y; Ran, Y; Zhao, J; Zhou, L; Wang, B M


    Objective: To evaluate the changes of macrophages and expression of Rac1 in the inflammatory site of Crohn's disease, and to investigate the effects of 6-thioguanine (6-TG) and peptidoglycan on apoptosis of human peripheral blood monocyte-macrophage by regulating Rac1 signaling pathway. Methods: Ten patients with Crohn's disease and eight healthy controls diagnosed were enrolled at Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tianjin Medical University General Hospital from January 2013 to January 2014. The number of macrophages, apoptosis and expression of Rac1 in the inflammation sites and non-inflammation sites of intestinal mucosa were detected in both patients and controls. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were sorted by CD 14 immunomagnetic beads. The apoptosis of monocytes, expression of Rac1 and related apoptosis signaling molecules were detected in patients treated with peptidoglycan, 6-TG and Rac1 inhibitor NSC23766 and another 15 healthy donors. Results: The number of macrophages and apoptotic cells significantly increased in the inflammatory group of Crohn's disease patients compared with the non-inflammatory group. The expression of PAK1, downstream molecular of Rac1 signaling pathway of macrophages was also significantly higher in the inflammatory group of Crohn's disease patients than that in healthy controls and non-inflammatory group. Compared with control group, anti-apoptotic signals (NF-κB, Bcl-xL and STAT-3) in PBMCs increased in the peptidoglycan group, while slightly decreased in 6-TG group. 6-TG and NSC23766 significantly promoted peptidoglycan-related anti-apoptosis [peptidoglycan group (8.6±3.7)%, peptidoglycan+ 6-TG group (42.0±2.7)%, peptidoglycan+ NSC23766 group (58.5±6.9)%, PRac1 signaling pathway leading to macrophage apoptosis.

  15. Chromium-51-EDTA and technetium-99m-DTPA excretion for assessment of small bowel Crohn's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Morain, C.; Chervu, L.; Milstein, D.M.; Das, K.M.


    In the present study, 4 patients with radiologically documented Crohn's disease were given 100 μCi of Cr-51-EDTA and 5 mCi of Tc-99m-DTPA together orally in 10ml of water, and urine was collected during the following 24 hr period. Sequential imaging of the stomach and the GI tract was done with a LFOV gamma camera at 10 min intervals until the activity cleared the small bowel. The images failed to show any localization of the activity in any disease process and no extraintestinal accumulation site was observed scintigraphically. Mean 24 hr urinary excretion for Tc-99m-DTPA was 4.8 +- 2.6% comparable to that of Cr-51-EDTA in these patients. This study suggests that a comparable oral dose of Tc-99m-DTPA could be substituted for Cr-51-EDTA as a far more readily available agent for documenting small bowel Crohn's disease by quantitative assessment of its urinary excretion

  16. Estudio mediante mecánica de fluidos computacional del efecto de la estenosis en el íleon provocada por la enfermedad de Crohn.


    Abril López, Eduardo


    La enfermedad de Crohn es una enfermedad crónica que causa la inflamación de cualquier parte del sistema gastrointestinal, producido por el ataque al sistema inmunitario. En concreto, la parte que más suele afectarse es la parte inferior del intestino delgado (íleon) que es donde se va a centrar el estudio. Esta enfermedad de Crohn afecta al cuerpo humano inflamando el revestimiento de la parte afectada en el intestino delgado provocando una hinchazón de la pared. Si esta hinchazón (zona de l...

  17. Performances de ponte et qualité des oeufs des poules pondeuses ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les performances de ponte et la qualité des oeufs de 216 poules pondeuses ISA Brown âgées de 21 semaines ont été déterminées en les alimentant avec des rations contenant des feuilles séchées de manioc (Manihot esculenta, Crantz). Pendant douze semaines, trois groupes de 72 poules chacun (réparties en trois ...

  18. Freins et leviers à la diversification des cultures : étude au niveau des exploitations agricoles et des filières

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meynard Jean-Marc


    Full Text Available La diversification des cultures est souvent présentée comme un levier d’action pour accroître la durabilité des systèmes de production agricoles. Bien raisonnée, elle favorise en effet une réduction de l’usage d’intrants extérieurs à l’exploitation – pesticides, engrais, eau – et des nuisances environnementales associées à leur utilisation excessive. À l’inverse, la simplification des systèmes de culture engagée depuis plus de 40 ans s’est accompagnée d’un recours croissant aux intrants. Cependant, malgré son intérêt pour les systèmes de production en termes de durabilité écologique mais aussi économique (répartition des risques, et son inscription dans divers plans et dispositifs incitatifs, la diversification des cultures progresse peu. Les ministères en charge de l’agriculture et de l’environnement ont donc commandé à l’INRA une étude visant à identifier les freins à la diversification des cultures en France et les leviers mobilisables, par les pouvoirs publics notamment, pour la favoriser. L’hypothèse de travail est que ces freins relèvent du fonctionnement global du système agro-industriel, et de la capacité de développement de filières valorisant les cultures de diversification. L’étude a examiné un certain nombre de cas représentatifs de la diversité des filières et notamment de leurs modes d’organisation, qui déterminent la coordination et l’engagement des acteurs économiques impliqués dans le développement d’une culture de diversification.

  19. Impact écotoxicologique de mélanges de pesticides sur des fonctions microbiennes des sols : apport d’une prise en compte écologique dans l’évaluation des risques


    Devers-Lamrani, Marion; Rouard, Nadine; Cheviron, Nathalie; Grondin, Virginie; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice


    L’utilisation de pesticides permet d’assurer la qualité de la production végétale mais elle contribue à la contamination des sols et des eaux et produit des effets sur des organismes noncibles. L’évaluation des risques requièrent actuellement une meilleure prise en compte des effets des pesticides sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Or, les démarches et indicateurs classiques manquent de représentativité écologique. La fonction microbienne de biodégradation des pesticides est essentielle c...

  20. Mesure de la masse volumique des particules des eaux résiduaires urbaines : protocole et évaluation des incertitudes




    La connaissance de la masse volumique des particules des eaux résiduaires urbaines est intéressante notamment pour l'étude de leur traitement par décantation ainsi que des relations entre concentrations en matières en suspension et paramètres optiques (turbidimétrie).Une étude des différentes méthodes de mesure de la masse volumique appliquées aux eaux résiduaires a été effectuée par G. Chebbo (1992). Il en a conclu que le pycnomètre à gaz type Beckman est le seul appareil donnant satisfactio...

  1. Problèmes entomologiques en replantation des palmeraies et des cocoteraies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariau Dominique


    Full Text Available C’est aux alentours de la vingt-cinquième année que l’on envisage de replanter une palmeraie. C’est en effet vers cet âge que commencent à se poser des problèmes de récolte en raison de la taille des palmiers. En un quart de siècle, l’amélioration génétique aura suffisamment fait de progrès pour escompter un gain de production de l’ordre de 20%. Enfin, dans certaines situations, plusieurs maladies ont pu affecter les vieilles palmeraies. Avec de 15 à 25% d’arbres manquants, principalement lorsque ceux-ci se présentent sous la forme de taches, une diminution de la production se fait nettement sentir. Cela peut, par exemple, être le cas avec les maladies de la fusariose en Afrique de l’Ouest, lorsque la palmeraie n’a pas été plantée avec du matériel végétal tolérant, ou du ganoderma en Malaisie. Le renouvellement des cocoteraies se fait avec un espace de temps beaucoup plus long. En effet, la récolte des noix peut se faire au sol et la hauteur des cocotiers n’est donc pas un facteur limitant. Par ailleurs, la majorité des cocoteraies étant sous la forme de petites plantations villageoises, les agriculteurs rechignent toujours à abattre leurs cocotiers, même si des semences potentiellement plus productives leurs sont proposées. Ce sont les raisons pour lesquelles les cocoteraies de 50 ans et plus représentent la règle. L’abattage d’une plantation de palmiers à huile ou de cocotiers constitue naturellement un changement brutal de l’environnement, ce qui a des conséquences importantes notamment sur l’entomofaune, parmi laquelle des ravageurs majeurs ainsi que leurs ennemis naturels.

  2. Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Corey Piccioni

    ... détermineront les interventions devant absolument faire partie de la formation des travailleurs de santé communautaire. Cela pourrait comprendre des régimes de vitamines prénatals et des billets de transport à des établissements de santé pour le dépistage de troubles d'hypertension ou d'infection au VIH, entre autres.

  3. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha binding capacity and anti-infliximab antibodies measured by fluid-phase radioimmunoassays as predictors of clinical efficacy of infliximab in Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ainsworth, Mark A; Bendtzen, Klaus; Brynskov, Jørn


    To investigate if the combined assessment of anti-infliximab antibodies (Ab) and the degree of TNF-alpha binding capacity (TNF-alpha-BC) afforded by infliximab may predict the response to infliximab treatment in patients with Crohn's disease (CD).......To investigate if the combined assessment of anti-infliximab antibodies (Ab) and the degree of TNF-alpha binding capacity (TNF-alpha-BC) afforded by infliximab may predict the response to infliximab treatment in patients with Crohn's disease (CD)....

  4. Isolement et identification des levures.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La fermentation du moût de raisin est assurée par les levures qui se trouvent sur la pellicule du raisin, sur les rafles, et aussi, par celles qui envahissent le matériel de vendange et de vinification dès que la récolte est commencée. L'apparition deLa fermentation du moût de raisin est assurée par les levures qui se trouvent sur la pellicule du raisin, sur les rafles, et aussi, par celles qui envahissent le matériel de vendange et de vinification dès que la récolte est commencée. L'apparition des signes de la fermentation est spontanée. La fermentation est rapide dans la majorité des cas, si elle devient trop violente et que la température s'élève dangeureusement, il faut la « canaliser », la calmer. Des accidents peuvent se produire; des arrêts de fermentation laissant des sucres non fermentés pouvant être attaqués par d'autres microorganismes, des développements de levures formant des substances nuisibles à la qualité; par la suite, il s'agit d'obtenir la stabilité du vin, en particulier, éviter les refermentations des vins doux. L'étude de ces problèmes nécessite une étude préliminaire, celle des levures responsables de la fermentation alcoolique du jus de raisin, qui ne peut être faite que sur des cultures pures, isolées au préalable à l'aide de prélèvements soigneusement réalisés.s signes de la fermentation est spontanée. La fermentation est rapide dans la majorité des cas, si elle devient trop violente et que la température s'élève dangeureusement, il faut la « canaliser », la calmer. Des accidents peuvent se produire; des arrêts de fermentation laissant des sucres non fermentés pouvant être attaqués par d'autres microorganismes, des développements de levures formant des substances nuisibles à la qualité; par la suite, il s'agit d'obtenir la stabilité du vin, en particulier, éviter les refermentations des vins doux. L'étude de ces problèmes nécessite une étude pr

  5. Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'initiative Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique (ISMEA) cherche à améliorer la santé des mères, des nouveau-nés et des enfants en ... Cette initiative de 36 millions de dollars sur sept ans – financée conjointement par les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, Affaires mondiales Canada et le ...

  6. Continuous elemental enteral alimentation in children with Crohn's disease and growth failure. (United States)

    Morin, C L; Roulet, M; Roy, C C; Weber, A


    Four children aged (11.7-13.5 yr) with protracted growth retardation related to Crohn's disease, received a 6-wk period of continuous elemental enteral alimentation with no other form of treatment. Despite drug therapy the yearly height and weight gain velocities of these children (1.7 +/- 0.3 cm and -0.8 +/- 1.4 kg, respectively) had been abnormal during the previous 2 yr. All patients experienced a complete remission of symptoms, improved nutritional status, and significant height (1.8 +/- 0.3 cm) and weight (3.8 +/- 0.5 kg) gains during the 67 wk of treatment. After cessation of elemental enteral alimentation, 3 of the 4 patients continued to grow, and over a period of 4.5 mo from the beginning of this form of nutritional therapy, they gained an average of 5.0 +/- 1.6 kg and 3.5 +/- 0.3 cm. The disease became active thereafter, and the 3 children resumed their previously abnormal growth patterns during the ensuing year. The 4th patient had surgery 2 mo after elemental enteral alimentation and experienced a subsequent second spurt of growth and pubertal changes. This study suggests that a relatively short course of elemental enteral alimentation leads to a temporary resumption of growth in children with severe growth failure and Crohn's disease. The possibility that repeated courses of elemental enteral alimentation might be beneficial needs to be explored.

  7. Heat shock protein-derived T-cell epitopes contribute to autoimmune inflammation in pediatric Crohn's disease.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gisella L Puga Yung

    Full Text Available Pediatric Crohn's disease is a chronic auto inflammatory bowel disorder affecting children under the age of 17 years. A putative etiopathogenesis of Crohn's disease (CD is associated with disregulation of immune response to antigens commonly present in the gut microenvironment. Heat shock proteins (HSP have been identified as ubiquitous antigens with the ability to modulate inflammatory responses associated with several autoimmune diseases. The present study tested the contribution of immune responses to HSP in the amplification of autoimmune inflammation in chronically inflamed mucosa of pediatric CD patients. Colonic biopsies obtained from normal and CD mucosa were stimulated with pairs of Pan HLA-DR binder HSP60-derived peptides (human/bacterial homologues. The modulation of RNA and protein levels of induced proinflammatory cytokines were measured. We identified two epitopes capable of sustaining proinflammatory responses, specifically TNF< and IFN induction, in the inflamed intestinal mucosa in CD patients. The responses correlated positively with clinical and histological measurements of disease activity, thus suggesting a contribution of immune responses to HSP in pediatric CD site-specific mucosal inflammation.

  8. Analyse des caractéristiques structurelles et des performances ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 févr. 2014 ... performances technico-économiques de la riziculture irriguée en Côte d' .... en nous basant sur les prix des intrants et des produits en vigueur au cours ..... la recherche et de la vulgarisation et le transfert de technologies ; (2) ...

  9. Enquête de satisfaction des restaurants

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Comité de surveillance des restaurants L’Association du personnel est représentée dans plusieurs comités dont le Comité de surveillance des restaurants (CSR) qui a pour mandat : de donner son avis sur toute question relative à la politique générale de l’Organisation en matière de restauration sur le site, y compris en ce qui concerne les termes et l’attribution des contrats d’exploitation des restaurants ; de définir dans le cadre des contrats d’exploitation des restaurants, les prestations correspondant aux besoins et, dans la mesure du possible, aux désirs du personnel ; de surveiller les prestations des restaurants, y compris en ce qui concerne la qualité et la préparation des produits ; de négocier avec les concessionnaires des restaurants au sujet des tarifs et de surveill...

  10. Contraintes d'adoption des technologies de gestion de la fertilite des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La baisse de fertilité des sols, l'une des principales contraintes du secteur agricole au Togo, sévit encore plus dans la riziculture irriguée où les terres sont exploitées chaque année sans jachère. Face à cette situation, diverses solutions comme les technologies de gestion de la fertilité des sols ont été proposées.

  11. contraintes d'adoption des technologies de gestion de la fertilite des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La baisse de fertilité des sols, l'une des principales contraintes du secteur agricole au Togo, sévit encore plus dans la riziculture irriguée où les terres sont exploitées chaque année sans jachère. Face à cette situation, diverses solutions comme les technologies de gestion de la fertilité des sols ont été proposées.

  12. Droit des organisations internationales

    CERN Document Server

    Sorel, Jean-Marc; Ndior, Valère


    Cet ouvrage collectif offre aux enseignants et chercheurs en droit international, aux praticiens et aux étudiants, une analyse actualisée du droit des organisations internationales. Il dresse en cinq parties un tableau, illustré par des exemples variés, des problématiques que soulève le phénomène polymorphe d institutionnalisation de la société internationale. La première partie est consacrée au phénomène des « organisations internationales », sous l angle à la fois de l institutionnalisation progressive des relations internationales et de la difficulté à cerner une catégorie unifiée. La deuxième partie rend compte de la création, de la disparition et des mutations des organisations internationales, ici envisagées comme systèmes institutionnels et ordres juridiques dérivés. La troisième partie analyse l autonomie que l acquisition de la personnalité juridique et de privilèges et immunités, un organe administratif intégré, un personnel ou un budget propres confèrent aux organi...

  13. Intestinal Behçet and Crohn's disease: two sides of the same coin. (United States)

    Valenti, Simona; Gallizzi, Romina; De Vivo, Dominique; Romano, Claudio


    Behçet's disease (BD) and Crohn's disease (CD) are chronic immune-mediated, inflammatory disorders affecting many different systems (joints, skin, eyes, gastrointestinal and biliary tracts). Both disorders have fluctuating courses and when gastrointestinal symptoms are prevalent, differential diagnosis can be difficult. BD involves the gastrointestinal tract in 10-15% of cases with localized lesions in the ileocecal region. The clinical picture is heterogeneous with various clusters of disease expression. CD is a chronic inflammatory disorder, which can affect any part of the intestinal tract, as well as extra-intestinal tissue. Factors that contribute towards the pathogenesis of both disease include the host's genetic profile, and immune system, and environmental factors such as the gut microbiota. The aim of this manuscript is to provide a narrative review of clinical features of BD and CD, highlighting the importance of differential diagnosis and therapeutic approach, especially in the presence of gastrointestinal involvement. A comprehensive search of published literature using the Pubmed ( ) database was carried out to identify all articles published in English from 1999 to October 2016, using 4 key terms: "Behçet Disease", "Intestinal Behçet's Disease", "Crohn's Disease" and" Inflammatory Bowel Disease".

  14. Continuous elemental enteral alimentation in the treatment of children and adolescents with Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Morin, C L; Roulet, M; Roy, C C; Weber, A; Lapointe, N


    Ten pediatric patients, aged 8.5-19 years, with active symptomatic Crohn's disease, received a three-week period of continuous elemental enteral alimentation with no other form of treatment. All patients in this study were selected according to the following criteria, which were applied consecutively: (1) newly diagnosed patients with no previous treatment for Crohn's disease, (2) disease activity index over 200, and (3) no complication requiring surgery. All patients experienced a clinical remission and improved their immunologic and nutritional status during the elemental enteral alimentation. The mean disease activity index for the whole group was 307.0 +/- 23.6 (range: 203 to 413) before and 69.2 +/- 11.4 (range: 15 to 114) after the feeding period. Significant increases in body weight, triceps skinfold, mid-arm circumference, serum transferrin and mean percentage of T lymphocytes were also observed. Following cessation of enteral alimentation, a small declining dose of prednisone was used during a one-year follow-up period. Eight of the ten patients were still in clinical remission three months after the feeding period and their nutritional status had continued to improve during that period of time.

  15. De la problématique des articles synopsis dans la compilation des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Autrement dit, au Gabon l'attention doit porter sur l'utilisation des articles synopsis dans la compilation des dictionnaires, en vue de refléter dans ses ouvrages la diversité linguistique et culturelle de ce pays. Ceci est d'autant plus vrai que l'utilisation des articles synopsis ne dépend aucunement de la typologie du ...

  16. Evaluation des pratiques de gestion des adventices en riziculture

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les résultats ont montré que les méthodes de gestion de l'enherbement ont .... Le contrôle des adventices en riziculture irriguée a principalement .... mesurer la hauteur des plantes et la longueur ..... Performance agronomique du Sys- tème de ...

  17. Adenocarcinoma de recto y ano en paciente con enfermedad de Crohn tratado con infliximab Adenocarcinoma of the rectum and anus in a patient with Crohn´s disease treated with infliximab

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Egea Valenzuela


    Full Text Available In the present paper, we report the case of a patient with long-standing Crohn´s disease and multiple complications that, after receiving treatment with infliximab, was diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma of the rectum and anus that required radical surgery, later presenting multiple metastases. In the discussion, characteristics and major risk factors for colorectal cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease will be largely reviewed, and current studies will be analyzed in connection with the appearance of neoplasms in patients being treated with biologics.Presentamos el caso de un paciente con enfermedad de Crohn de larga evolución y con múltiples complicaciones de su enfermedad que, tras recibir tratamiento con infliximab, es diagnosticado de un adenocarcinoma de recto y ano que precisa cirugía radical, presentando posteriormente metástasis múltiples. Se repasarán durante la discusión las características y los factores de riesgo más importantes del cáncer colorrectal en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, y se analizarán los trabajos existentes hasta la fecha en relación con la aparición de neoplasias en pacientes tratados con fármacos biológicos.

  18. Contrôle des Circuits Auxiliaires des P.F.W. (arrêt machine 2003/2004)

    CERN Document Server

    Ottaviani, J


    Les PFW sont des nappes polaires installées sur les pôles des aimants du PS. Elles sont au nombre de 4 par unité d'aimant et constituées d'un circuit principal (dans lequel circule le courant désiré selon le cycle magnétique utilisé) et des circuits auxiliaires. Les circuits auxiliaires sont des enroulements de correction (boucles de tour et "pick-up" brasés sur les enroulements principaux). Pendant la variation du champ magnétique del'aimant PS, on utilise des tensions induites dans ces circuits auxiliaires pour corriger les erreurs de champ dues aux pertes par courants de Foucault dans la chambre à vide. Chaque année, pendant l'arrêt machine, on vérifie si les caractéristiques des circuits auxiliaires correspondent aux normes (mesures de résistances des boucles de tours, résistances entre "pick-up" et isolation des circuits) afin de faire un suivi. Les 404 PFW sont ainsi vérifiées. Dans cette note, on ne relèvera que les PFW ayant des défauts (valeurs hors tolérances, boucles ouvertes ...

  19. Spectrum of lymphoid hyperplasia: Colonic manifestations of sarcoidosis, infectious mononucleosis, and Crohn's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ell, S.R.; Frank, P.H.


    The radiographic pattern of nodular lmyphoid hyperplasia, perhaps better called the lymphoid follicular pattern, has variously been described as an indication of disease and as a normal variant in the adult, with current opinion favoring the latter. We report 3 cases wherein this pattern resulted from definite pathologic processes: sarcoidosis, infectious mononucleosis, and Crohn's disease. Although usually of no pathological significance, the benign follicular pattern may reflect a variety of diseases. (orig.)

  20. Performances des équipements utilisés en liaison froide en liaison froide en restauration hospitalière - Suivi des températures des entrées froides


    Rosset , Philippe; Morelli , Elisabeth; Noël , Véronique; Poumeyrol , Gérard


    La restauration hospitalière présente un système de distribution des repas qui lui est spécifique : assemblage des denrées préparées et constitution des plateaux-repas dans un local dédié (dit d'allotissement) ; transport des plateaux-repas vers les unités de soins dans des enceintes mobiles permettant le maintien au froid des denrées consommées froides et la remise en température des aliments à consommer chauds. La présente étude concerne le suivi des températures de hors-d'œuvre dans trois ...

  1. Ileitis caused by Yersinia enterocolitica - X-ray differential diagnosis of Crohn's disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lingg, G.; Hering, L.; Tanneberger, D.


    The article gives a brief description of the characteristic features of the clinical and roentgenological course and the various stages of enteritis caused by Yersinia. Basing on three cases of ileitis caused by Yersinia, the far-reaching similarity with the early changes and even the advanced stages of Crohn's diseases are demonstrated. Attention is drawn to the possibilities of differentiating between the two disease patterns.

  2. Vers une meilleure comprehension des savoirs disciplinaires et curriculaires des enseignants ou Ie paradigme retrouve

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    Stephane Martineau


    Full Text Available eet article se veut essentieUement un travail de synthese sous la forme d 'une breve revue de litterature au sujet des savoirs disciplinaires et curriculaires en enseignement. Plus specifiquement, il vise a determiner queUes sont les principales conclusions qui se degagent de la lecture des recherches empiriques sur les savoirs disciplinaires et curriculaires des enseignants des ordres d'enseignement primaire et secondaire. Il propose donc une classification des differentes dimensions constitutives du rapport entre les savoirs disciplinaires et curriculaires et la pratique enseignante. Les resultats mis au jour permettent d 'une part, d'identifier les facteurs qui entrainent des differences dans les connaissances disciplinaires et curriculaires des enseignants et d'autre part, de mieux saisir comment ces connaissances de l'enseignant peuvent influencer en retour sa pratique.

  3. Contrôle hormonal des caractéristiques des fibres musculaires après la naissance


    Cassar-Malek, Isabelle; Listrat, Anne; Picard, Brigitte


    Après la naissance, la croissance et les propriétés contractiles et métaboliques des fibres musculaires sont soumises à une régulation endocrinienne complexe. A l’exception des glucocorticoïdes, la plupart des hormones présente une action anabolique sur le tissu musculaire. Leur influence sur les caractéristiques des fibres est cependant très différente. Ainsi, les hormones somatotropes affectent peu la composition en fibres des muscles. La GH, comme l’IGF-1, régulerait cependant l’expression...

  4. Modélisation des propriétés diélectriques des nanocomposites ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons aux propriétés diélectriques dans le domaine des micro-ondes (2.45, 9.50 et 35 GHz) des composites constitués des inclusions de noir de carbone dans une matrice résine époxyde. Nous avons utilisé deux types de carbone : le monarch 700 et le sterling, dont les diamètres des ...

  5. Genetic polymorphisms of tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily 1b and fas ligand are associated with clinical efficacy and/or acute severe infusion reactions to infliximab in Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steenholdt, C; Enevold, C; Ainsworth, M A


    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TNF receptor superfamily (TNFRSF) 1A and 1B, and Fas ligand (FASLG) genes, have been associated with responsiveness to infliximab (IFX) in Crohn's disease.......Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TNF receptor superfamily (TNFRSF) 1A and 1B, and Fas ligand (FASLG) genes, have been associated with responsiveness to infliximab (IFX) in Crohn's disease....

  6. Civili, langue des Baloango

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mavoungou, Paul Achille; Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, Hugues Steve

    , Congo, Angola, etc.) issus de la décolonisation. Il présente de façon succincte quelques phénomènes historiques, phonologiques, morphosyntaxiques, homonymiques et analogiques de la langue. Des faits sémantiques des emprunts linguistiques y sont également décrits dans le cadre des changements...

  7. LPS-Stimulated Whole Blood Cytokine Production Is Not Related to Disease Behavior in Patients with Quiescent Crohn's Disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broekman, M.M.T.J.; Roelofs, H.M.; Hoentjen, F.; Wiegertjes, R.; Stoel, N.; Joosten, L.A.B.; Jong, D.J. de; Wanten, G.J.A.


    INTRODUCTION: Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which cytokines play a pivotal role in the induction and maintenance of inflammation. Innate cytokine production is genetically determined and varies largely between individuals; this might impact the severity of inflammation.

  8. Comment constituer et traiter des corpus issus des médias sociaux à l’aide des CAQDAS? NVivo : un instrument pour l’analyse des discours numériques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ferrari Giovannipaolo


    Full Text Available Avec l’apparition des médias sociaux, le chercheur en Sciences Humaines et Sociales a vu s’ouvrir des possibilités de création de corpus à partir des données disponibles en ligne. Le risque dans ces modalités de création de corpus est de créer de grandes bases de données difficilement gérables avec les outils traditionnels et surtout dans le cadre d’une recherche qualitative. Pour cette raison, il semble important de mobiliser des outils numériques pour l’aide à la recherche. Ces logiciels sont appelés CAQDAS. Cette contribution montre comment les utiliser pour une enquête de terrain en ligne ou numérique afin d’organiser et d’analyser un corpus. Ce corpus est constitué en vue d’une analyse des discours produits dans le contexte professionnel de la radio utilisant les nouveaux médias.

  9. Ethnobotanique des plantes médicinales anti hémorroïdaires des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 31, 2015 ... but est de valoriser la médecine à base des plantes dans le traitement des pathologies ... médicinales anti hémorroïdaires et le coût réduit des recettes serait pour les populations démunies, ...... l'Afrique, Unesco/Aetfat/Unso.

  10. Table des illustrations



    Tableaux Dates d’inauguration des grands hôtels japonais entre 1860 et 1945… 19 Histoire, tourisme et hôtellerie en Corée depuis les années 1870… 59-60 Dates d’inauguration des grands hôtels chinois depuis 1863… 84 Les hôtels de luxe et leurs capacités d’hébergement en Corée en 2000… 103 Les flux de personnes suscités par les hôtels « super luxe » de Séoul en 2000… 105 L’activité des grands hôtels à Séoul en 1999 (en wons)… 106 Propriété et gestion des grands hôtels à Séoul en 1999…. 110 La c...

  11. La recherche en action : des solutions locales, des effets durables ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 déc. 2010 ... Le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) appuie la production et l'application de connaissances qui améliorent de façon notable la situation des habitants des pays en développement.

  12. Genetic polymorphism in ATG16L1 gene influences the response to adalimumab in Crohn's disease patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koder, Silvo; Repnik, Katja; Ferkolj, Ivan; Pernat, Cvetka; Skok, Pavel; Weersma, Rinse K.; Potocnik, Uros


    Aim: To see if SNPs could help predict response to biological therapy using adalimumab (ADA) in Crohn's disease (CD). Materials & methods: IBDQ index and CRP levels were used to monitor therapy response. We genotyped 31 CD-associated genes in 102 Slovenian CD patients. Results: The strongest

  13. Safety and Feasibility of Using the Second-Generation Pillcam Colon Capsule to Assess Active Colonic Crohn's Disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D'Haens, Geert; Löwenberg, Mark; Samaan, Mark A.; Franchimont, Denis; Ponsioen, Cyriel; van den Brink, Gijs R.; Fockens, Paul; Bossuyt, Peter; Amininejad, Leila; Rajamannar, Gopalan; Lensink, Elsemieke M.; van Gossum, Andre M.


    The second-generation Pillcam Colon Capsule Endoscope (PCCE-2; Given Imaging Ltd, Yoqneam, Israel) is an ingestible capsule for visualization of the colon. We performed a multicenter pilot study to assess its safety and feasibility in evaluating the severity of Crohn's disease (CD). In a prospective

  14. Doubling the infliximab dose versus halving the infusion intervals in Crohn's disease patients with loss of response

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Katz, Lior; Gisbert, Javier P; Manoogian, Beth


    Intensifying infliximab therapy is often practiced in Crohn's disease (CD) patients losing response to the drug but there are no data if halving the interval is superior to doubling the dose. We aimed to assess the efficacy of infliximab dose intensification by interval-halving compared with dose...

  15. Increased production of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in Crohn's disease--a possible target for infliximab treatment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agnholt, Jørgen; Kelsen, Jens; Brandsborg, Birgitte


    The presence of neutrophils among epithelial cells is one of the major features of the inflammation in Crohn's disease, and has been used to indicate disease activity. The survival of neutrophils outside the blood vessels is limited and their longevity is influenced by granulocyte-macrophage colo...

  16. Faecal microbiota transplantation for recurring Clostridium difficile infection in a patient with Crohn's disease and ileorectal anastomosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oppfeldt, Asser Mathiassen; Dahlerup, Jens F; Christensen, Lisbet A


    disease (IBD) who are on immunomodulating therapies is controversial. In particular, patients who have undergone colectomy may have different treatment responses to FMT. In this case report, we describe the successful use of FMT in a female patient aged 19 years with Crohn's disease who underwent...

  17. Safety of infliximab in Crohn's disease: a large single-center experience. (United States)

    Hamzaoglu, H; Cooper, J; Alsahli, M; Falchuk, K R; Peppercorn, M A; Farrell, R J


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the short- and long-term safety experience of infliximab treatment in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) in clinical practice. The medical records of 297 consecutive patients with CD treated with infliximab at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center were reviewed for demographic features and adverse events. The 297 patients received a total of 1794 infusions. Patients received a median of four infusions and had a median follow-up of 14.3 months. Forty-four patients (15%) experienced a serious adverse event, requiring the infusion to be stopped in 33 patients (11%). Acute infusion reactions occurred in 18 patients (6%) including respiratory problems in 10 patients (3%) and an anaphylactoid reaction in 1 patient (0.3%). Serum sickness-like disease occurred in one patient (0.3%) and three patients (1%) developed drug-induced lupus. One patient developed a probable new demyelination disorder. Eight patients (2.7%), all of whom were on concurrent immunosuppressants, developed a serious infection, one resulting in fatal sepsis. Six patients (2%) developed malignancies including two lymphomas and two skin cancers. A total of four (1.3%) deaths were observed (median age 72.5 years); two due to gastrointestinal bleeding, one due to sepsis, and one due to malignancy. While short- and long-term infliximab therapy was generally well tolerated, serious adverse events occurred in 15% of patients including drug-induced lupus, fatal sepsis, and malignancy. Concomitant immunosuppressants were significantly associated with infections and deaths, particularly among elderly patients. Copyright © 2010 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.

  18. La revolution des savants

    CERN Document Server

    Chavanne, A


    Premiere cassette : - 1666 : impact de la creation de l'Academie des Sciences par Colbert, trente ans apres le proces de Galile, et au moment des disparitions de Pascal, Descartes et Fermat. Elle dirigee par le hollandais Huyggens jusqu'a sa fuite de France au moment de la revocation de l'Edit de Nantes. - 1750 : l'Encyclopedie (ou "Dictionnaire raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers") de Diderot et d'Alembert, soutenus par Malherbes, Buffon, Condorcet et Rousseau. - 1789 : Revolution francaise. - 8 aout 1793 : l'Assemblee, par une declaration de Marat, dissout l'Academie des Sciences. Celle-ci continue cependant ses travaux pour les poids et mesures jusqu'en 1795. - la Terreur : la condamnation a mort, pas au nom d'une "Revolution qui n'a pas besoin de savants" mais pour d'autres raisons, de trois grands hommes de science : Lavoisier, Bailly et Condorcet. - 1793-1794 : Au printemps 93, le Comite de Salut Publique s'inquiete du demi-million de soldats etrangers de toutes les pays frontaliers qui essai...

  19. Diversification des moyens de subsistance des petits producteurs de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'économie du Malawi repose essentiellement sur la culture du tabac, qui représente plus de 70 % des revenus d'exportation. Pour 60 % des 100 000 membres de la National Smallholder Farmers' Association of Malawi (NASFAM), le tabac est la seule et unique source de revenus. Les cultivateurs de tabac, au Malawi ...

  20. À l’aube des dieux

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pascal Semonsut


    Full Text Available De l’avis même des préhistoriens, la Préhistoire assiste à la naissance du sentiment religieux. Cette religion des origines, quelle image en ont les Français ? Telle est la question que cet article aborde à partir de l’étude des manuels scolaires et des œuvres de fiction (littérature, cinéma et bande dessinée de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Si l’enseignement et la fiction n’accordent pas la même place à ce thème, en revanche tous deux font des préhistoriques des polythéistes adorant le soleil, construisant des mégalithes et prenant le plus grand soin de leurs morts. Ce mélange d’obscurantisme et de vraie spiritualité n’a qu’un but : montrer que notre espèce ne pouvait être que victorieuse dans ce combat qu’est l’humanisation.

  1. La maison des mathématiques

    CERN Document Server

    Villani, Cédric; Moncorgé, Vincent


    Comment travaillent les mathématiciens ? C'est peut-être en se promenant dans les couloirs de la première des " maisons des mathématiques " de France, l'institut Henri Poincaré, que l'on trouvera quelques réponses. Le mathématicien Cédric Villani et le physicien Jean-Philippe Uzan nous invitent à découvrir cette discipline et ses acteurs. Au fil des pages on suit, à travers de superbes images signées du photographe Vincent Moncorgé, la façon dont se fabrique cette science qui reste souvent mystérieuse. Toutes les dimensions, scientifique, esthétique et poétique, des mathématiques sont convoquées grâce à des regards croisés : la diversité des inspirations des chercheurs, la source de leur créativité, l'imaginaire littéraire et artistique des mathématiques, la drôle de tribu des mathématiciens. Un voyage au cœur de cette " auberge espagnole " des mathématiques, campus " à la française " accueillant des centaines de chercheurs du monde entier, devenu un lieu d'émulation et d'éc...

  2. Challenging Ulcerative Vulvar Conditions: Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Crohn Disease, and Aphthous Ulcers. (United States)

    Stewart, Kristen M A


    This article discusses the clinical evaluation and approach to patients with 3 complex ulcerative vulvar conditions: hidradenitis suppurativa, metastatic Crohn disease of the vulva, and aphthous ulcers. These conditions are particularly challenging to medical providers because, although each is known to present with nonspecific examination findings that vary in morphology, the predominance of the diagnosis is based on clinical examination and exclusion of a wide variety of other conditions. Care of patients with these conditions is further complicated by the lack of therapeutic data and the significant impact these conditions have on quality of life. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Modernisation des marchés agroalimentaires - inclusion des petits ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les marchés agroalimentaires connaissent de rapides changements dans les pays en développement et les pays en transition. Sous l'influence de la libéralisation du commerce et des nouvelles technologies de transformation des aliments et de commerce de détail, les marchés agroalimentaires évoluent vers une plus ...

  4. Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des petits producteurs de tabac du sud de la province de Nyanza, au Kenya - phase II. Au cours de la première phase du projet (projet no 103765), les chercheurs ont effectué une analyse de marché pour le bambou et les produits du bambou, comparé les ...

  5. Structurations formelle et conceptuelle des articles de dictionnaires : le premier modèle de codification des articles dans l’histoire des dictionnaires Larousse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Corbin Pierre


    Nous nous proposons d’examiner, dans l’histoire des dictionnaires généraux monolingues Larousse des origines à nos jours, une sélection de jalons de l’articulation entre structure conceptuelle et structure formelle des articles. Au regard de l’ampleur des données à couvrir, il ne pourra bien entendu s’agir que d’un survol, mais celui-ci permettra (1 de présenter le premier des trois modèles majeurs de codification des articles dans l’histoire des dictionnaires Larousse, celui qui trouve son origine dans le Nouveau dictionnaire de la langue française de 1856 ou ses éditions révisées, (2 de prendre en compte les dictionnaires proposés par cet éditeur en un siècle et demi qui ont repris le modèle de 1856 ou sa forme révisée, et (3 de présenter contrastivement au premier les deux autres modèles majeurs, qui trouvent leur ancrage chronologique respectivement dans le Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle de 1866-1876 et le Dictionnaire du français contemporain de 1966.

  6. Tofacitinib for induction and maintenance therapy of Crohn's disease: results of two phase IIb randomised placebo-controlled trials

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Panés, Julian; Sandborn, William J.; Schreiber, Stefan; Sands, Bruce E.; Vermeire, Séverine; D'Haens, Geert; Panaccione, Remo; Higgins, Peter D. R.; Colombel, Jean-Frederic; Feagan, Brian G.; Chan, Gary; Moscariello, Michele; Wang, Wenjin; Niezychowski, Wojciech; Marren, Amy; Healey, Paul; Maller, Eric


    Tofacitinib is an oral, small-molecule Janus kinase inhibitor that is being investigated for IBD. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of tofacitinib for induction and maintenance treatment in patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease (CD). We conducted two randomised, double-blind,

  7. T cell-mediated increased osteoclast formation from peripheral blood as a mechanism for crohn's disease-associated bone loss

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostlander, A.E.; Everts, V.; Schoenmaker, T.; Bravenboer, N.; van Vliet, S.J.; van Bodegraven, A.A.; Lips, P.; de Vries, T.J.


    The pathophysiology of osteoporosis in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) is still not completely elucidated. In this study, we evaluated osteoclastogenesis from peripheral blood cells of CD patients and studied the role of lymphocytes and inflammatory cytokines in this process. Peripheral blood

  8. Application of the Vienna Classificaton for Crohn's Disease to a Single Clinician Database of 877 Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugh James Freeman


    Full Text Available An international working party at the World Congress of Gastroenterology held in Vienna, Austria from September 6 to 11, 1998 defined a classification for Crohn's disease based on patient age at diagnosis (eg, less than 40 years of age, 40 years of age or older, disease location (eg, terminal ileum, colon, ileocolon or upper gastrointestinal tract and behaviour (eg, stricturing, penetrating. Disease location in the upper gastrointestinal tract was defined by disease being present proximal to the terminal ileum, regardless of terminal ileal or colon involvement. A 20-year, single clinician database of 877 patients from a university campus hospital was used, and comprised 492 women (56.1% and 385 men (43.9%. Of these patients, 740 (84.4% were diagnosed before age 40 years and 137 (15.6% were diagnosed by 40 years of age or older. Disease was located in the terminal ileum alone in 222 patients (25.3%, colon alone in 238 patients (27.2% and ileocolon in 304 patients (34.6%. Another 113 patients (13.1% had disease in the upper gastrointestinal tract, usually with disease also in the terminal ileum (23 patients, colon (12 patients or ileocolon (71 patients. Only seven of 877 patients had disease located in the upper gastrointestinal tract alone with no distal disease. Disease behaviour could be classified as nonstricturing and nonpenetrating in 256 patients (29.2%, stricturing in 294 patients (33.6% and penetrating in 327 patients (37.2%. Of the 877 patients with Crohn's disease, 837 were white, 38 were Asian and two were black. In this tertiary care setting of a single clinician practice in a Canadian teaching hospital at the University of British Columbia, Crohn's disease predominantly affects women, and young adults with a high rate of stricturing and penetrating complications.

  9. Vitamin D deficiency in Crohn's disease and healthy controls: a prospective case-control study in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Bruyn, Jessica R.; van Heeckeren, Rosanne; Ponsioen, Cyriel Y.; van den Brink, Gijs R.; Löwenberg, Mark; Bredenoord, Albert J.; Frijstein, Gerard; D'Haens, Geert R.


    Vitamin D deficiency has been observed in a wide range of medical conditions including Crohn's disease (CD). We aimed to assess whether CD patients have lower vitamin D levels than healthy controls, and to determine risk factors for vitamin D deficiency. 25(OH)D was measured by chemiluminescent

  10. [Cutaneous involvement in chronic inflammatory bowel disease : Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis]. (United States)

    Richter, L; Rappersberger, K


    Over recent decades, both the incidence and prevalence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease have continued to rise in industrialized countries; the disease is frequently associated with extracutaneous involvement and comorbidity. The purpose of this work was to investigate the frequency and specificity of mucocutaneous manifestations in Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). An extensive search in peer-reviewed journals via PubMed was performed; presented is a summary and analysis of various studies and data, including data of patients treated at our department. CD and UC are frequently associated with mucocutaneous symptoms; however, primary/specific disease-associations are exclusively seen in CD patients. These include peri-anal and -stomal fistulas and ulcerations, "metastatic" Crohn's disease as well as oral granulomatous disease. Moreover, in both CD and UC, there occur several other inflammatory skin conditions such as erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, hidradenitis suppurativa, chronic oral aphthous disease, Sweet syndrome, pyostomatitis vegetans, and bowel-associated dermatosis-arthritis syndrome. Malnutrition syndromes (zinc and vitamin deficiencies) are only rarely observed. On skin and oral/genital mucous membranes various different inflammatory manifestations may be observed during the course of CD or UC. However, most data about a direct pathogenic relationship of the gastrointestinal and dermatologic disorders are quite heterogeneous or even contradictory. Nevertheless, knowledge of these conditions and their possible association with CD and UC could be crucial for early diagnosis and initiation of an appropriate therapy and thus be essential to prevent secondary tissue damage.

  11. Etat des lieux de la gestion des insecticides au Togo, Afrique de l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pour parvenir à une gestion optimale des maladies à transmission vectorielle ou tout au moins la nuisance culicidienne, une surveillance permanente des facteurs de risque devient nécessaire. Le principal facteur de risque est le vecteur qui transmet la maladie, et le contrôle du vecteur passe par des stratégies de lutte qui ...

  12. Des Connaissances Aux Politiques

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les synergies ont été mises en commun au fur et à mesure des progrès de la recherche. .... Recherche normative (sur le rôle et la performance des institutions .... Système national d'information sur la gestion environnementale connecté à 19 ...... Un fort contrôle centralisé sur l'élaboration des politiques nationales peut ...

  13. Comparison of CT enterography and MR enterography imaging features of active Crohn disease in children and adolescents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gale, Heather I. [The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Rhode Island Hospital/Hasbro Children' s Children' s Hospital/Women and Infants Hospital, Providence, RI (United States); Sharatz, Steven M.; Nimkin, Katherine; Gee, Michael S. [MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Division of Pediatric Imaging, Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (United States); Taphey, Mayureewan [Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok (Thailand); Bradley, William F. [Cambridge Mobile Telematics, Cambridge, MA (United States)


    Assessment for active Crohn disease by CT enterography and MR enterography relies on identifying mural and perienteric imaging features. To evaluate the performance of established imaging features of active Crohn disease in children and adolescents on CT and MR enterography compared with histological reference. We included patients ages 18 years and younger who underwent either CT or MR enterography from 2007 to 2014 and had endoscopic biopsy within 28 days of imaging. Two pediatric radiologists blinded to the histological results reviewed imaging studies and scored the bowel for the presence or absence of mural features (wall thickening >3 mm, mural hyperenhancement) and perienteric features (mesenteric hypervascularity, edema, fibrofatty proliferation and lymphadenopathy) of active disease. We performed univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression to compare imaging features with histological reference. We evaluated 452 bowel segments (135 from CT enterography, 317 from MR enterography) from 84 patients. Mural imaging features had the highest association with active inflammation both for MR enterography (wall thickening had 80% accuracy, 69% sensitivity and 91% specificity; mural hyperenhancement had 78%, 53% and 96%, respectively) and CT enterography (wall thickening had 84% accuracy, 72% sensitivity and 91% specificity; mural hyperenhancement had 76%, 51% and 91%, respectively), with perienteric imaging features performing significantly worse on MR enterography relative to CT enterography (P < 0.001). Mural features are predictors of active inflammation for both CT and MR enterography, while perienteric features can be distinguished better on CT enterography compared with MR enterography. This likely reflects the increased conspicuity of the mesentery on CT enterography and suggests that mural features are the most reliable imaging features of active Crohn disease in children and adolescents. (orig.)

  14. Psychological well-being and quality of life in Crohn's disease patients with an ostomy: a preliminary investigation. (United States)

    Knowles, Simon R; Wilson, Jarrad; Wilkinson, Annette; Connell, William; Salzberg, Michael; Castle, David; Desmond, Paul; Kamm, Michael A


    The aims of this research were to explore associations among elective versus emergency surgery, type of ostomy (permanent vs temporary), illness perceptions and coping style, anxiety, depression, and health-related quality of life in persons with Crohn's disease. A further aim was to determine the extent of current and past use of psychological care and use of psychotropic medications. The sample comprised 31 persons (17 men and 14 women; mean age 45 years) with Crohn's disease and an ostomy from 2 large teaching hospitals in Melbourne, Australia. Data were collected using a descriptive, cross-sectional design. The questionnaire incorporated 3 validated instruments: the Brief Illness Perceptions Questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Stoma Quality of Life Scale. Poor illness perception correlated significantly with increased anxiety, depression, and reduced health-related quality of life (specifically, sexuality and body image, work and social functioning, stoma function, and financial concerns). Forty-eight percent of patients scored more than the cutoff for anxiety, and 42% scored more than the cutoff for depression on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Of these, only 20% and 31%, respectively, reported currently receiving psychological care. The timing of ostomy surgery (planned vs emergency) or ostomy type (permanent vs temporary) was not significantly associated with anxiety, depression, or health-related impaired quality of life. In this exploratory, cross-sectional study, patients with Crohn's disease and a stoma had high rates of psychological comorbidity and low scores on quality of life. Adverse illness perception appeared to explain some of these findings, but most were not receiving psychological help. Psychological care is indicated for many of these patients and further research is indicated.

  15. Rôle et limites des tiers-lieux dans la fabrique des villes contemporaines


    Besson, Raphaël


    La notion de tiers-lieux se développe de manière essentiellement empirique. Elle recouvre des réalités multiples, comme des projets de coworking spaces, de living labs et de fab labs. Certains tiers-lieux s’intéressent tout particulièrement à la ville et aux nouvelles conditions de la fabrique urbaine. En s’appuyant sur des méthodes d’innovation ouverte et le potentiel des outils numériques, ces tiers-lieux défendent l’idée d’un urbanisme qui ne soit plus le patrimoine exclusif d’experts, mai...

  16. L'incidence du prix et des stratégies d'emballage des produits du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Des données internationales, en provenance surtout des pays à revenu élevé, ... pour s'attaquer aux stratégies de marketing ciblant des groupes vulnérables dans ... Les conclusions d'un programme financé par le CRDI au premier plan de la ...

  17. Etat des lieux de la reproduction sexuée des ignames africaines ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les ignames sont d'importantes plantes alimentaires à multiplication végétative dont l'amélioration et la création variétale dépendent, comme chez les végétaux, de la maîtrise de la biologie de la reproduction sexuée. L'état des lieux des cultivars florifères des ignames africaines Dioscorea cayenensis – D. rotundata a été ...

  18. La réforme des politiques sociales : Évolution des perspectives du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le XXe siècle est une époque remarquable sur le plan des progrès matériels et des transformations d'ordre social et politique. Partout dans le monde, les conditions de vie de la population ont profondément changé à bien des égards: le taux de mortalité infantile et l'analphabétisme chez les adultes ont diminué de façon ...

  19. The effect of elemental diet on intestinal permeability and inflammation in Crohn's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teahon, K.; Smethurst, P.; Pearson, M.; Levi, A.J.; Bjarnason, I.


    This study examines whether treatment of acute Crohn's disease with an elemental diet improves intestinal integrity and inflammation as assessed by a 51Cr-labeled ethylenediaminetetraacetatic acid (EDTA) permeability test and the fecal excretion of 111In-labeled autologous leukocytes, respectively. Thirty-four patients with active Crohn's disease completed a 4-week treatment course with an elemental diet. Active disease was characterized by increased intestinal permeability [24-hour urine excretion of orally administered 51Cr-EDTA, 6.4% ± 0.6% (mean ± SE); normal, less than 3.0%] and by high fecal excretion of 111In-labeled leukocytes (14.2% ± 1.1%; normal, less than 1.0%). Twenty-seven (80%) went into clinical remission, usually within a week of starting treatment. After 4 weeks of treatment, there was a significant decrease in both the urine excretion of 51Cr-EDTA (to 3.4% ± 0.5%; P less than 0.01) and the fecal excretion of 111In (to 5.7% ± 1.0%; P less than 0.001), indicating that such treatment is not just symptomatic. A framework for the mechanism by which elemental diet works, centering around the importance of the integrity of the intestinal barrier function, is proposed, and also appears to provide a logical explanation for some relapses of the disease

  20. Stricturoplasty-a bowel-sparing option for long segment small bowel Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Limmer, Alexandra M; Koh, Hoey C; Gilmore, Andrew


    Stricturoplasty is a surgical option for management of severe stricturing Crohn's disease of the small bowel. It avoids the need for small bowel resection and the associated metabolic complications. This report contrasts the indications and technical aspects of two different stricturoplasty techniques. Case 1 describes an extensive Michelassi (side-to-side isoperistaltic) stricturoplasty performed for a 100 cm segment of diseased small bowel in a 45-year-old patient. Case 2 describes the performance of 12 Heineke-Mikulicz stricturoplasties in a 23-year-old patient with multiple short fibrotic strictures.

  1. Assessing pediatric ileocolonic Crohn's disease activity based on global MR enterography scores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pomerri, Fabio; Zuliani, Monica; Giorgi, Benedetta; Muzzio, Pier Carlo [University of Padova, Department of Medicine-DIMED, Padova (Italy); Al Bunni, Faise [Rovigo Hospital, Radiology Unit, S. Maria della Misericordia, Rovigo (Italy); Guariso, Graziella; Gasparetto, Marco; Cananzi, Mara [University of Padova, Department of Women and Child Health, Padova (Italy)


    This study was aimed at correlating a magnetic resonance index of activity (MaRIA) and a magnetic resonance enterography global score (MEGS) with activity indexes in a paediatric population with Crohn's disease (CD). This retrospective study included 32 paediatric patients (median age 14.5 years, 18 male) with proven CD who underwent magnetic resonance enterography (MRE). A correlation analysis was performed on the MRE-based scores, the simplified endoscopic score for CD (SES-CD), the paediatric Crohn's disease activity index (PCDAI), and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. Based on PCDAI, comparison of both global MaRIA and MEGS was made between patients with mild and moderate/severe disease activity. Global MaRIA correlated with SES-CD (r = 0.70, p = 0.001) and PCDAI (r = 0.42, p = 0.016). MEGS correlated with PCDAI (r = 0.46, p = 0.007) and CRP levels (r = 0.35, p = 0.046). MEGS differed significantly (p = 0.027) between patients grouped by clinical disease severity. MRE-based global scores correlated with clinical indexes of CD activity. Therefore, they represent a potential useful tool to predict CD activity and severity, as well as a possible promising alternative to endoscopy, to monitor paediatric patients with CD during their follow-up. (orig.)

  2. Recueillir des données probantes à l'échelle des collectivités pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet contribue à la collecte, à l'échelle des collectivités, de données probantes sur les souvenirs des victimes de violations des droits de la personne. Il vise aussi à trouver des stratégies de reconstruction post-atrocités dans un cadre local sûr. Enfin, l'équipe a créé un site Web et produit plusieurs publications.

  3. Innova on pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    19 janv. 2018 ... Les conclusions révèlent des similitudes parmi les cas de divers contextes na onaux, fournissant une riche base de preuves afin d'inspirer des ini a ves visant à améliorer l'équité en ma ère de santé. OUVRIR LE PDF | COMMANDER LE LIVRE. Innova on pour la santé des mères et des enfants d'Afrique.

  4. Comparing outcomes between side-to-side anastomosis and other anastomotic configurations after intestinal resection for patients with Crohn's disease: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Guo, Zhen; Li, Yi; Zhu, Weiming; Gong, Jianfeng; Li, Ning; Li, Jieshou


    Anastomotic configurations may be a predictor of postoperative recurrence for Crohn's disease. One previous meta-analysis showed side-to-side anastomosis was associated with fewer anastomotic leaks but did not reduce postoperative recurrence rates. After 2007, more articles that found distinct results were published. We aimed to update the meta-analysis comparing outcomes between side-to-side anastomosis and other anastomotic configurations after intestinal resection for patients with Crohn's disease. A literature search that included PubMed, EMBASE, the Science Citation Index, and the Cochrane Library was conducted to identify studies up to May 2012. Trials comparing side-to-side anastomosis with other anastomotic configurations for Crohn's disease were analyzed. Sensitivity analysis and heterogeneity assessment were also performed. Eleven trials compared side-to-side with other anastomotic configurations were included. Overall, results showed a significant reduction in the overall postoperative complications [n = 777; odds ratio (OR) = 0.60; P = 0.01], but side-to-side anastomosis did not reduce the anastomotic leak rate (n = 879; OR = 0.48; P = 0.07), complications other than anastomotic leak (n = 777; OR = 0.72; P = 0.13), endoscopic recurrence rates [hazard ratio (HR) = 0.73; P = 0.07], symptomatic recurrence rates (HR = 0.74; P = 0.20), and reoperation rates for recurrence (HR = 0.37; P = 0.06). Sensitivity analysis including two randomized controlled trials found no significant differences in short-term complications between the two groups. Sensitivity analysis including nine trials comparing only stapled side-to-side anastomosis with other anastomotic configurations showed stapled side-to-side anastomosis could reduce reoperation rates (HR = 0.38; P = 0.01). Side-to-side anastomosis did not reduce short-term complications and postoperative recurrence for Crohn's disease. Stapled side-to-side anastomosis may lead to fewer reoperations needed for recurrence

  5. Administration et gestion des contrats XL

    CERN Document Server

    Senouf, J


    Les grands contrats de travaux génèrent un grand nombre de commandes (OSVC) passées par un grand nombre de responsables techniques. Ils sont généralement basés sur des bordereaux de prix associés à un éventail de conditions économiques adaptées aux besoins complexes et variés des multiples utilisateurs du CERN nécessitant des calculs sophistiqués. L'administration des commandes, le suivi des travaux et de la facturation doivent répondre aux besoins de tous les acteurs. Les responsables techniques doivent jouir de la plus large indépendance administrative dans le respect des règlements CERN et des conditions contractuelles. Le contrôle des métrés et décomptes doit être rigoureux et d'une traçabilité complète. L'utilisation des bases de données Oracle a déjà permis l'intégration des données administratives et techniques. Le Web nous invite à une communication totale et transparente entre les utilisateurs, les services techniques et les contractants. De nouveaux types de contrat so...

  6. Approche historique des classifications en psychiatrie


    Garrabé , J.


    Resume Des le milieu du xixe siecle s?est posee la question des criteres de classification des maladies. Pour les maladies mentales, diverses classifications ont alors ete proposees par des auteurs francais (Morel) et allemands (Kahlbaum, Kraepelin). A partir de la fin du xixe siecle, le Bureau International de Statistique (Paris) a publie a une Classification Internationale des Maladies, a revision decennale (J. Bertillon). Cette tache a ete poursuivie dans l?entre-deux-guerres pa...

  7. Étude sur la nutrition menée dans des écoles de la Grenade - des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Étude sur la nutrition menée dans des écoles de la Grenade - des données probantes pour éclairer les politiques. Prévention des maladies non transmissibles. (PMNT). PROFIL DE PROJET. Le programme Prévention des maladies non transmissi- bles (PMNT) soutient la production de nouvelles connais- sances en vue ...

  8. Les effets des interfaces sur les proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches nickel/iron et cobalt/silver (United States)

    Veres, Teodor

    Cette these est consacree a l'etude de l'evolution structurale des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches Ni/Fe et nanostructures a base de Co et de l'Ag. Dans une premiere partie, essentiellement bibliographique, nous introduisons quelques concepts de base relies aux proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches metalliques. Ensuite, nous presentons une breve description des methodes d'analyse des resultats. La deuxieme partie est consacree a l'etude des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches ferromagnetiques/ferromagnetiques Ni/Fe. Nous montrerons qu'une interpretation coherente de ces proprietes necessite la prise en consideration des effets des interfaces. Nous nous attacherons a mettre en evidence, a evaluer et a etudier les effets de ces interfaces ainsi que leur evolution, et ce, suite a des traitements thermiques tel que le depot a temperature elevee et l'irradiation ionique. Les analyses correlees de la structure et de la magnetoresistance nous permettront d'emettre des conclusions sur l'influence des couches tampons entre l'interface et le substrat ainsi qu'entre les couches elles-memes sur le comportement magnetique des couches F/F. La troisieme partie est consacree aux systemes a Magneto-Resistance Geante (MRG) a base de Co et Ag. Nous allons etudier l'evolution de la microstructure suite a l'irradiation avec des ions Si+ ayant une energie de 1 MeV, ainsi que les effets de ces changements sur le comportement magnetique. Cette partie debutera par l'analyse des proprietes d'une multicouche hybride, intermediaire entre les multicouches et les materiaux granulaires. Nous analyserons a l'aide des mesures de diffraction, de relaxation superparamagnetique et de magnetoresistance, les evolutions structurales produites par l'irradiation ionique. Nous etablirons des modeles qui nous aideront a interpreter les resultats pour une serie des multicouches qui couvrent un large eventail de differents comportements magnetiques

  9. Les caractéristiques des stomates des feuilles de Ficus benjamina L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    25 mars 2014 ... gaz d'échappement des véhicules et des cheminés des usines (Barima et al., 2014). En outre, ces .... inférieures de celle-ci ont été nettoyées à l'eau distillée. Une partie de chaque face inférieure de la feuille a ..... réaction de la plante à empêcher l'absorption de polluants tout en optimisant l'absorption de ...

  10. Inventaire des cavités souterraines abandonnées et cartographie des dangers qui leur sont liés

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claire ARNAL


    Full Text Available Un inventaire national des cavités souterraines abandonnées, des accidents de sol qui leur sont imputables et de leurs conséquences dommageables a été réalisé à l’échelle de 1/1 000 000 en 1993 et 1994 par le BRGM pour le ministère de l’Environnement (Direction de la Prévention des Pollutions et des Risques. Il a conduit à élaborer des documents cartographiques de synthèse et à définir des niveaux de dangers dont la localisation permettra de lancer des études plus détaillées en vue d’assurer la sécurité des personnes et des biens

  11. [Postoperative recurrence of Crohn's disease, and its prevention]. (United States)

    Lakatos, László; Lakatos, Péter László


    Crohn's disease is a chronic, progressive disabling condition ultimately leading to stricturing and/or penetrating complications. The need for surgery may be as high as 70% in patients with severe active disease or complications. However, relapse may develop in a significant proportion of the patients after surgery leading to frequent re-operations. Despite emerging data, postoperative prevention is still controversial. After careful evaluation of the individual risk a tailored therapy should be considered. In patients with small risk for relapse mesalazine or in selected cases no-treatment may be an option. In patients with a moderate-to-high risk azathioprine should be considered together with metronidazole in the three months. Follow-up ileocolonoscopy 6-12 months after the surgery is helpful in the determination of endoscopic severity and may assist in the optimization of the therapy. In most severe cases anti-TNF agents may be appropriate for postoperative prevention and therapy.

  12. Evaluation des pratiques de gestion des adventices en riziculture ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le riz est l'aliment principal pour la quasi-totalité des populations vivant en Côte d'Ivoire. Cependant, les adventices sont considérées comme la contrainte biologique la plus importante faisant obstacle à la production rizicole. L'objectif de cette étude menée en 2015 était d'évaluer différentes techniques de gestion des ...

  13. Cartographie des zones d'intervention des partenaires techniques et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    cartographier les zones d'intervention des partenaires techniques et financiers au Bénin. L'approche méthodologique utilisée a consisté à la recherche documentaire, à la collecte de données auprès des partenaires techniques et financiers et à l'analyse de ces données. Les résultats ont permis de constater que cent dix ...

  14. Neutron Dosimetry and Irradiation of Solids; Dosimetrie des neutrons et irradiation des solides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perriot, G; Schmitt, A P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Results of work at C.E.A. from 1958 to 1960 are reviewed. The possibilities offered by classical dosimetry methods are discussed. The tests which led to the utilization, for fast neutron dosimetry, of resistivity variations induced in solid W by such neutrons are described. Experimental W irradiation results led to a definition of neutron efficiency which describes the relations between neutron energy and their effects on materials. Possibilities offered by detectors which make use of radiation damage and are sensitive to neutrons at keV energies were explored. In other work, the principal French reactors were classified according to their ability to produce damage in materials such as W. (authors) [French] Dans ce rapport on a presente les resultats essentiels de travaux qui ont ete effectues de 1958 a 1980 par des chercheurs du CEA issus de differents services. En meme temps qu'une revue des possibilites offertes a l'epoque par les methodes classiques de dosimetrie (utilisation des detecteurs par activation), on a decrit les essais qui devaient permettre d'utiliser, a la dosimetrie les neutrons rapides, les variations de resistivite qu'ils creent dans un corps solide (tungstene). L'irradiation du tungstene a montre l'importance qu'il y avait a definir 'l'efficacite' des neutrons, c'est-a-dire leur aptitude plus ou moins grande, selon leur energie, a creer des defauts dans les materiaux. L'efficacite d'un emplacement d'irradiation se trouvant liee au spectre neutronique, on a vu les difficultes qu'il y avait a utiliser les detecteurs par activation des qu'on n'avait plus affaire a un spectre en 1/E ou de fission et on a pu entrevoir les possibilites offertes par les detecteurs utilisant la creation des defauts qui repondent a tous les neutrons d'energies, superieures a quelques keV. Enfin, on a classe les principaux types de Piles Francaises selon leur aptitude a creer plus ou moins rapidement des dommages dans des materiaux comme le tungstene. (auteur)

  15. Biometrische Untersuchungen des Stylopodiums, Zygopodiums und Metapodiums pleistozäner Ursiden im Hinblick auf die Evolution des Höhlenbären und die Klassifizierung des Fundmaterials Einhornhöhle / Harz


    Athen, Kerstin Anja


    In der vorliegenden Dissertation "Biometrische Untersuchungen des Stylopodiums, Zygopodiums und Metapodiums pleistozäner Ursiden im Hinblick auf die Evolution des Höhlenbären und die Klassifizierung des Fundmaterials Einhornhöhle / Harz" wurden Daten des oberpliozänen Ursus etruscus, des pleistozänen Ursus deningeri sowie des Ursus spelaeus ausgewertet. Zur Datenerhebung wurden 249 Messgrößen an den Skelettelementen Humerus, Ulna, Radius, Metacarpalia I-V, Femur, Tibia, Fibula und Metatarsali...



    Wegmann , Grégory


    International audience; Le thème de la gestion des risques a été peu abordé en contrôle de gestion et le fonctionnement des outils traditionnels comme les budgets postulent une maîtrise des risques et des incertitudes. L'émergence de nouvelles approches en contrôle de gestion montre une évolution sur ce point.

  17. Analyse des systèmes de gestion des déchets par l’étude du mécanisme de répartition des déchets


    Bergeron, Francis


    Le renforcement de l’usage concurrentiel des déchets nous amène à étudier les processus d’approvisionnement des filières de valorisation et d’élimination sous l’angle de la circulation des flux de déchets au sein d’un système de gestion des déchets. L’objectif du présent article de recherche est de concevoir un cadre théorique autour du concept de mécanisme de répartition des déchets qui désigne le processus de distribution des flux de déchets entre les filières d’élimination et de valorisati...

  18. Crohn's disease intestinal CD4+ T cells have impaired interleukin-10 productionwhich is not restored by probiotic bacteria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvas, Christian L; Kelsen, Jens; Agnholt, Jørgen


    OBJECTIVE: Crohn's disease (CD) has been associated with low mucosal interleukin (IL)-10 production, but the mechanism behind this deficiency remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate IL-10 and interferon (IFN)-gamma production in intestinal CD4+ T cells from CD patients and healthy...... volunteers (HV) and to examine how this was affected by bacterial products and the presence or absence of autologous dendritic cells. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We cultured intestinal CD4+ T cells from CD patients (n=9) and HV (n=6) and differentiated dendritic cells from their peripheral monocytes. Intestinal T...... this imbalance in CD, but tended to do so in HV. When there were no dendritic cells, CD intestinal T cells responded to autologous bacteria with an increased IFN-gamma production (2.3+/-1.3 ng/ml) compared with HV intestinal T cells (0.3+/-0.2 ng/ml). CONCLUSIONS: Crohn's disease intestinal CD4+ T cells display...

  19. Questions de mathématiques élémentaires à l'usage des candidats aux écoles du Gouvernement, des aspirants au baccalauréat ès sciences et des élèves des établissements d'enseignement secondaire

    CERN Document Server

    Vuibert, Henry


    Questions de mathématiques élémentaires à l'usage des candidats aux écoles du Gouvernement, des aspirants au baccalauréat ès sciences et des élèves des établissements d'enseignement secondaire

  20. Contribution à l’identification des déterminants fondamentaux en évaluation des banques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Badr Habba


    Full Text Available Ce papier étudie l’influence des facteurs fondamentaux sur l’évaluation des banques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons sélectionné, sur la base d’une revue de la littérature, les caractéristiques fondamentales susceptibles d’influencer l’évaluation des banques. Ensuite, nous avons estimé un modèle économétrique mettant en relation la valeur des banques et six variables explicatives à l’aide de l’économétrie des données de panel. L’échantillon est constitué d’un panel de 82 banques cotées entre 2005 et 2013. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il existe une influence très significative de la qualité du portefeuille bancaire de crédits, du niveau de capitalisation, du niveau de diversification du portefeuille d’activités, de l’efficience et de la taille de la banque sur l’évaluation des firmes bancaires.

  1. Impacts des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux sur la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Impacts des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux sur la distribution du ... chimiques qui sont à l'origine d'une dégradation croissante de la qualité d'eau. ... Les valeurs d'indice de diversité de Shannon Weaver traduisent une grande ...



    KADARI, Abdelhamid


    Depuis les temps les plus anciens, l’utilisation des plantes dans le domaine de la santé est toujours d’actualité (1), dans la mesure où elle représente une alternative sérieuse ou tout au moins un complément appréciable à la pharmacie classique issue de la chimie moderne. En effet, plus de 25 % des médicaments prescrits dans le monde entier dérivent directement ou indirectement des plantes (2). Cependant, en tant que sources de médicaments, les plantes restent encore sous plusieurs études, s...

  3. Analyse des mécanismes de transmission des infections sexuellement transmissibles


    Abraham, Shahnaz


    Ce travail comprend une étude de l'épidémiologie des infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) et du VIH à Genève et en Suisse. Nous constatons une recrudescence des IST pendant la période analysée 1999-2004, supersosable à la situation observée dans les autres métropoles européennes, tandis que l'incidence du VIH est restée stable. Nous analysons les facteurs importants pour la transmission des IST-VIH et soulignons l'importance de poursuivre les campagnes de prévention, visant non seulem...

  4. Épuration des eaux usées des villes pour soutenir l'agriculture ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... Les eaux usées : manne liquide ? ... Les racines de la plante emprisonnent les matières solides en ... le compostage des déchets ménagers ou l'arrosage des pépinières. ... à la gestion locale de la demande », dans Épuration des eaux usées et l'agriculture urbaine, Editions Enda, Dakar, août 2002. Mbodj ...

  5. Améliorer les conditions de vie des jeunes et des femmes en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Améliorer les conditions de vie des jeunes et des femmes en développant la petite entreprise : mesure de l'impact. Durant les années 2000, la croissance économique et l'augmentation des investissements sociaux ont réduit la pauvreté et offert aux populations de l'Amérique latine de multiples débouchés sur le marché du ...

  6. Harmonische Reduktion des linken Ventrikels


    Atila, M. (Mehmet)


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die harmonische Reduktion des linken Ventrikels am Modell des ausgewachsenen Hausschweins, unter Verwendung von Saugkappen variabler Größe untersucht. In 10 Schweinen mit Herzen normaler Größe und Funktion wurde eine Saugkappe, in Größe und Form an das abzufaltende Wandsegment angepasst, auf die epikardiale Oberfläche des schlagenden Herzens gesetzt. Wir führten Messungen der linksventrik. und der pulmonalart. Drücke, des ventrikulären Durchmessers und der Her...

  7. Étude des impacts écologiques du dynamisme spatio-temporel des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    transformer radicalement les occupations du sol. Toutefois, le recul des .... également de cette protection (Roberge et Angelstam 2004). L'objectif est de ... distribution des espèces cibles a ensuite été cartographiée sur la couche d'unités de ...

  8. Contrast-enhanced MR enterography as a stand-alone tool to evaluate Crohn's disease in a paediatric population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spieler, B.; Hindman, N.; Levy, J.; Zabrieski, K.; Sahlein, D.; Seuss, C.; Kim, S.


    Aim: To assess the performance of contrast-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) alone in the evaluation of Crohn's disease in comparison to all magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) imaging sequences together in an attempt to suggest limitation of the number of overall unenhanced sequences need for the follow-up evaluation. Materials and methods: Twenty-five paediatric patients (mean age 14.1 ± 3.7 years, male = 12, female = 13) underwent MRE at 1.5 T for evaluation of Crohn's disease. Two radiologists reviewed only contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images in consensus on the first session. Whole images including unenhanced (steady-state free precession, single-shot fast spin-echo (HASTE), fat-suppressed T2-weighted) and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted sequences were reviewed in consensus during the second session with a 1 month interval, which was used as a reference standard. The readers evaluated the presence or absence of disease in 10 bowel segments in each patient. For the abnormal bowel segments, the readers then evaluated for active versus inactive disease and for the presence or absence of abscess. Sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy were calculated for detecting active inflammation. Results: There were 53/250 bowel segments with active inflammation using the reference standard imaging method. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for diagnosing active inflammation using contrast-enhanced images alone were 83.3%, 86.9%, and 84.9%. In five of the false-positive cases of detecting abscess from contrast-enhanced imaging alone, absence of abscesses was confirmed on the non-fat-suppressed HASTE images. Conclusion: The number of MRE sequences in paediatric Crohn's patients can be decreased while maintaining diagnostic accuracy using contrast-enhanced T1 and non-fat-suppressed HASTE images

  9. 50 Modélisation des propriétés diélectriques des nanocomposites ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3 Laboratoire de Physique des Solides et des Couches Minces, Faculté des Sciences,. Sémlalia ... renfort (fibres de verre, carbone ou Kevlar,..) ont alors été utilisés ... diélectrique. Par ailleurs, pour modéliser le comportement diélectrique à la.

  10. Développer le leadership dans des villes de l'Amérique latine et des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    urbanisation rapide non planifiée, les villes des pays en développement sont à la fois le principal déclencheur des changements climatiques et le lieu approprié pour mettre en oeuvre des solutions. À l'heure actuelle, les villes de taille ...

  11. Increased IGF-IEc expression and mechano-growth factor production in intestinal muscle of fibrostenotic Crohn's disease and smooth muscle hypertrophy. (United States)

    Li, Chao; Vu, Kent; Hazelgrove, Krystina; Kuemmerle, John F


    The igf1 gene is alternatively spliced as IGF-IEa and IGF-IEc variants in humans. In fibrostenotic Crohn's disease, the fibrogenic cytokine TGF-β1 induces IGF-IEa expression and IGF-I production in intestinal smooth muscle and results in muscle hyperplasia and collagen I production that contribute to stricture formation. Mechano-growth factor (MGF) derived from IGF-IEc induces skeletal and cardiac muscle hypertrophy following stress. We hypothesized that increased IGF-IEc expression and MGF production mediated smooth muscle hypertrophy also characteristic of fibrostenotic Crohn's disease. IGF-IEc transcripts and MGF protein were increased in muscle cells isolated from fibrostenotic intestine under regulation by endogenous TGF-β1. Erk5 and MEF2C were phosphorylated in vivo in fibrostenotic muscle; both were phosphorylated and colocalized to nucleus in response to synthetic MGF in vitro. Smooth muscle-specific protein expression of α-smooth muscle actin, γ-smooth muscle actin, and smoothelin was increased in affected intestine. Erk5 inhibition or MEF2C siRNA blocked smooth muscle-specific gene expression and hypertrophy induced by synthetic MGF. Conditioned media of cultured fibrostenotic muscle induced muscle hypertrophy that was inhibited by immunoneutralization of endogenous MGF or pro-IGF-IEc. The results indicate that TGF-β1-dependent IGF-IEc expression and MGF production in patients with fibrostenotic Crohn's disease regulates smooth muscle cell hypertrophy a critical factor that contributes to intestinal stricture formation. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  12. Charte du Conseil des Gouverneurs

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    Office 2004 Test Drive User

    7. favoriser des communications ouvertes et franches entre le personnel, la direction ..... de dresser le procès-verbal des réunions du Conseil et de ses comités et de veiller à ce ... et des résultats qu'il obtient, et non de sa gestion quotidienne.

  13. Étude de la compétitivité de complexation des métaux issus des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les analyses chimiques effectuées sur le phosphate naturel révèlent la présence des métaux lourds. Pour étudier les risques de rétrogradation de ces engrais phosphatés, notre étude s'est portée sur la complexation des substances humiques naturelles extraites des sols sur des ions métalliques tels que le calcium, ...

  14. Smoking does influence disease behaviour and impacts the need for therapy in Crohn's disease in the biologic era. (United States)

    Nunes, T; Etchevers, M J; Domènech, E; García-Sánchez, V; Ber, Y; Peñalva, M; Merino, O; Nos, P; Garcia-Planella, E; Casbas, A G; Esteve, M; Taxonera Samsó, C; Montoro Huguet, M; Gisbert, J P; Martín Arranz, M D; García-Sepulcre, M F; Barreiro-de Acosta, M; Beltrán, B; Alcaide Suárez, N; Saro Gismera, C; Cabriada, J L; Cañas-Ventura, A; Gomollón, F; Panés, J


    Recently, the notion that smoking may adversely affect Crohn's disease (CD) outcomes has been challenged by the suggestion that the widespread use of immunosuppressants and anti-TNF drugs might offset the adverse effects of tobacco. To reassess the influence of tobacco smoking on disease phenotype and complications on a time-dependent analysis, taking into account the different therapeutic interventions. We designed a retrospective cohort study of 3224 patients with Crohn's disease. The data were collected from the Spanish national inflammatory bowel disease registry (ENEIDA), including information regarding demographics, clinical characteristics, disease complications, therapeutic interventions and smoking status. Patients were classified as nonsmokers, smokers and former smokers, according to their present and past smoking habits. In the univariate analysis, smokers had more strictures (22.6% vs. 19.3%, P < 0.05) and less colonic involvement (7.2% vs. 10.9%, P < 0.05), and were more frequently under treatment with steroids (91.6% vs. 85.8%, P < 0.05), immunosuppressants (73.5% vs. 63.6% P < 0.05) or anti-TNF drugs (31.4% vs. 25.1%, P < 0.05) than nonsmokers. In the time-dependent multivariate analysis, smokers were found to have a significantly decreased survival free of stricturing disease (HR: 1.5, CI 95% 1.18-1.90) or perianal complications (HR: 1.50, CI 95% 1.01-1.46), and had a higher risk for requiring thiopurine therapy (HR: 1.20, CI 95% 1.05-1.30). These results suggest that, despite the widespread use of immunosuppressants and anti-TNF drugs, smokers with Crohn's disease still have a more severe disease course, with increased therapeutic requirements when compared with nonsmokers. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Utilisation des sous-produits agroalimentaires dans l’alimentation des poissons d’élevage en Côte d’Ivoire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kimou Nestor B.


    Full Text Available Cette étude évalue l’impact de l’utilisation des sous-produits agroalimentaires dans l’alimentation des poissons d’élevage en Côte d’Ivoire. Une enquête a été réalisée en 2013 dans quinze principales zones piscicoles sur les caractéristiques technico-économiques des fermes, le profil socio-économique des promoteurs et les pratiques aquacoles, particulièrement l’alimentation des poissons. Les résultats révèlent que 71 % des pisciculteurs enquêtés utilisent des sous-produits agricoles durant au moins un stade de production. Parmi eux, 53 % utilisent exclusivement des sous-produits. Le son de riz (52 % et le mélange de sons de riz et de maïs (28 % sont les plus utilisés. Les prix moyens de ces sous-produits varient entre 20 et 105 FCFA/kg. Oreochromis niloticus et Heterotis niloticus sont les principales espèces élevées en polyculture sur les fermes. Les sous-produits sont utilisés en système semi-intensif, extensif et en rizipisciculture, en majorité en zone rurale. Les pisciculteurs sont pour la plupart des agriculteurs, âgés de plus de 40 ans. Les taux d’utilisation des sous-produits sont plus élevés dans les régions de l’Ouest, du Centre-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire, par rapport à celles du Sud et de l’Est. Les rendements des fermes sont relativement faibles (544 à 2445 kg/ha/an, avec des gains moyens quotidiens de 0,87 et 9,97 g/j pour le tilapia et l’heterotis respectivement. L’analyse des stratégies des acteurs suggère la nécessité de définir des mécanismes d’accompagnement et de financement de la pisciculture, afin que ces acteurs puissent améliorer les formulations alimentaires à partir des matières premières locales et accessibles.

  16. Gestion des déchets dangereux et responsabilité sociale des firmes

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    Faouzi Bensebaa


    Full Text Available Prenant les déchets électriques et électroniques comme terrain d’observation, cette recherche étudie les fondements du commerce illégal de déchets dangereux des pays développés vers les PED. En effet, malgré la multiplication des législations, le problème des déchets dans les pays développés, loin d’être traité en amont, l’est en grande partie en aval par leur délocalisation dans les PED. Les deux lectures proposées, économique et institutionnelle, permettent de montrer comment les contraintes de coût de gestion des déchets dans les pays développés conjuguées à l’imperfection et à la non-application des législations conduisent à des comportements socialement irresponsables. À partir de là, l’implication des parties prenantes est suggérée comme solution pour éliminer ce type de comportements.Based on the analysis of the waste electrical and electronic equipments (WEEE, the research investigates the motivations for the illegal cross-border trade in hazardous wastes from developed countries to developing countries. Although many developed countries have implemented waste shipment regulations, they are passing the risks and costs of E-waste to developing countries. Indeed, E-waste is often sent for recycling and refurbishing in developing countries. The two-side proposed approach (i.e. economical and institutional suggests that both the cost for firms to comply with increasing regulations and the imperfect implementation of regulatory restrictions lead to socially irresponsible behaviours. An increasing and better involvement of stakeholders may be put forward as a solution.

  17. L’impact de la participation bancaire dans le capital des entreprises sur la politique de distribution des dividendes

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    Naoel Mezgani


    Full Text Available L’objectif de ce papier est de tester l’incidence de la participation bancaire dans le capital des entreprises non financières sur la politique de distribution des dividendes. En utilisant des données de panel des trente entreprises tunisiennes durant la période de 1999 à 2004, nous vérifions si en détenant le capital et la dette, la banque a la possibilité de contraindre la distribution des dividendes pour garantir le remboursement de ses fonds prêtés. Les résultats empiriques obtenus ne confirment pas l’impact significatif des banques actionnaires majoritaires et principaux créditeurs sur la distribution des dividendes dans les entreprises tunisiennes. Ces dernières soutiennent surtout la stabilité du niveau des dividendes payés d’une année à une autre.

  18. Dégâts des bruches sur le pouvoir germinatif des graines de quatre ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    29 févr. 2016 ... cultures vivrières de base en Afrique Occidentale et centrale (MULEBA et al., 1997). En RD Congo il est ... correspondant à deux cycles de reproduction, avec des trous ou des œufs sur elles. Les trous ... tout simplement de déterminer le nombre des bruches et leurs espèces à charger dans chaque boite ...

  19. autonomisation économique des femmes et économie du soin des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Alanna Karpa

    dépend en grande partie d'un financement versé par des bailleurs de fonds et qui est aux prises avec ... services dont leurs enfants ont besoin et à intégrer le marché du travail. ..... roulement, qui produit des services de soins de faible qualité.

  20. Association Between Variants of PRDM1 and NDP52 and Crohn's Disease, Based on Exome Sequencing and Functional Studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ellinghaus, David; Zhang, Hu; Zeissig, Sebastian; Lipinski, Simone; Till, Andreas; Jiang, Tao; Stade, Björn; Bromberg, Yana; Ellinghaus, Eva; Keller, Andreas; Rivas, Manuel A.; Skieceviciene, Jurgita; Doncheva, Nadezhda T.; Liu, Xiao; Liu, Qing; Jiang, Fuman; Forster, Michael; Mayr, Gabriele; Albrecht, Mario; Häsler, Robert; Boehm, Bernhard O.; Goodall, Jane; Berzuini, Carlo R.; Lee, James; Andersen, Vibeke; Vogel, Ulla; Kupcinskas, Limas; Kayser, Manfred; Krawczak, Michael; Nikolaus, Susanna; Weersma, Rinse K.; Ponsioen, Cyriel Y.; Sans, Miquel; Wijmenga, Cisca; Strachan, David P.; McArdle, Wendy L.; Vermeire, Séverine; Rutgeerts, Paul; Sanderson, Jeremy D.; Mathew, Christopher G.; Vatn, Morten H.; Wang, Jun; Nöthen, Markus M.; Duerr, Richard H.; Büning, Carsten; Brand, Stephan; Glas, Jürgen; Winkelmann, Juliane; Illig, Thomas; Latiano, Anna; Annese, Vito; Halfvarson, Jonas; D'Amato, Mauro; Daly, Mark J.; Nothnagel, Michael; Karlsen, Tom H.; Subramani, Suresh; Rosenstiel, Philip; Schreiber, Stefan; Parkes, Miles; Franke, Andre


    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified 140 Crohn's disease (CD) susceptibility loci. For most loci, the variants that cause disease are not known and the genes affected by these variants have not been identified. We aimed to identify variants that cause CD through detailed