
Sample records for del pasto guinea

  1. Aislamiento e identificación de cepas de Azospirillum sp. en pasto guinea (Panicum maximum Jacq. del Valle del Cesar Isolation and identification of Azospirillum sp. in Guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. of the Valle del Cesar

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    Diana M Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de factores ambientales del Valle del Cesar y el manejo agronómico del pasto guinea (Panicum maximum Jacq., sobre la población bacteriana del género Azospirillum en medios de cultivo semisólidos NFb y LGI, para lo cual se utilizó un diseño experimental en parcelas divididas con un arreglo factorial de 2 (épocas climáticas: lluvia y sequía x 2 (manejos agronómicos: agroecólogico y extractivo x 3 (muestras analizadas: suelo rizosférico, raíces y hojas. Los resultados no revelaron diferencias estadísticas significativas, lo que indica que esta bacteria puede mantener su población en condiciones de estrés por diferentes mecanismos fisiológicos. A partir de estas muestras se obtuvieron 16 aislamientos pertenecientes al género Azospirillum, a los cuales se les evaluó su actividad de reducción de acetileno como indicador de la fijación biológica de nitrógeno y su capacidad en la producción de compuestos indólicos como promotores del crecimiento vegetal. Se seleccionaron las cepas SRGM2, SRGM3 y SRGM4 obtenidas de muestras de suelo rizosférico de pasto guinea de la Estación Experimental Motilonia de Corpoica, municipio Agustín Codazzi, departamento del Cesar. Estos aislamientos se caracterizaron molecularmente por el gen 16S rRNA y según el análisis BLAST en la base de datos del GenBank y presentaron 93% de similitud con A. lipoferum (SRGM2 y SRGM3 y 94% con A. brasilense (SRGM4.The effect of environmental factors of the Valle del Cesar and the agronomic management of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq., on the bacterial population of the Azospirillum genus in semisolid NFb and LGI culture media was evaluated, for which an experimental design was used in divided plots with a 2 (climatic seasons: rainy and dry x 2 (agronomic managements: agroecological and extractive x 3 (analyzed samples: rhizospheric soil, roots and leaves factorial arrangement. The results did not reveal significant statistical

  2. Factores asociados al riesgo nutricional del adulto mayor no institucionalizado, Pasto, Colombia


    Hernández Rangel, Juanita del Pilar


    Objetivo: determinar los factores sociales, demográficos, y de salud que se asocian al riesgo nutricional de los adultos mayores no institucionalizados de la ciudad de Pasto en el año 2016. Metodología: estudio de prevalencia analítico a partir del análisis secundario de los datos para la ciudad de Pasto de la encuesta “Índice de vulnerabilidad de los adultos mayores, en tres ciudades de Colombia, 2016”. Se utilizó la Iniciativa del Tamizaje Nutricional (NSI) con la escala DETERMINE para l...

  3. Restricción del riego en la producción de biomasa del pasto Pennisetum sp

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    Jesús Enrique Chavarría Párraga


    Full Text Available La investigación se desarrolló en el sitio Garrapata, Parroquia Santa Rita, provincia Manabí; durante la época seca del año 2015. El estudio consistió en evaluar la restricción hídrica en la producción del pasto king grass morado (Pennisetum sp bajo riego por aspersión. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar, formado de tres tratamientos y seis repeticiones. Los tratamientos consistieron en aplicar tres láminas de reposición de agua 80% ETc, 100% ETc, 120% ETc, calculados a partir de los registros diarios de evaporación en un tanque evaporímetro tipo A y afectados por el coeficientes Kp (Coeficiente de tina, método FAO 33,1980. Las variables evaluadas fueron altura de planta a los 15 y 30 días del corte de igualación del pasto, altura de planta a la cosecha (m, rendimiento de forraje verde por parcela y hectárea (kg y materia seca (%. Los resultados indican que el tratamiento lámina de riego al 120% de la ETc (T3, respondió de manera favorable en altura de planta a la cosecha (2.08 m, rendimiento (53000 kg.ha-1; el tratamiento lámina de riego al 100% de la ETc (T2 obtuvo mayor contenido de materia seca (19.86%. El pasto king grass morado regado con una lámina de riego al 120% de la ETc, constituye una modalidad que mejora el rendimiento productivo y rentable del cultivo y podría aplicarse en la zona.

  4. Procesos institucionales en el pago por servicios ambientales, cuenca alta del río Pasto

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    Yesenia Alejandra Narváez


    Full Text Available El pago por servicios ambientales (PSA, es la disponibilidad que tiene un individuo o grupo social para aprovechar o conservar la oferta ambiental natural. Este estudio se realizó en cuenca alta del río Pasto, donde el principal servicio ambiental, es la provisión hídrica del 85% de los habitantes de Pasto, Nariño, convirtiéndolo en un ecosistema estratégico que requiere de alternativas viables para su conservación y manejo. El objetivo fue evaluar los procesos relacionados con PSA, adelantados por algunas Instituciones; para ello, se diseñó una entrevista estructurada, aplicada a funcionarios de cuatro instituciones, que contemplaba las variables: institución, conocimiento normativo, recursos financieros, apoyo técnico, actividades realizadas actualmente y posibles alternativas para PSA. Con el programa Decisión Explorer 3.3 y con integrantes de las instituciones se propusieron alternativas para mejorar el PSA. Se pudo determinar que en el corregimiento de Cabrera se están ejecutando las alternativas: implementación de sistemas agroforestales, familias guardabosques y adquisición de predios para avanzar en PSA. Se concluyó que en la Cuenca Alta del río Pasto, el PSA aún es incipiente pero promisorio, hay poco conocimiento institucional y los procesos se han centrado en la compra de tierras para la conservación de fuentes abastecedoras de acueductos rurales y de cabeceras municipales.


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    Luis Villalobos


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del picado sobre las características nutricionales y fermentativas de ensilajes elaborados con 3 pastos (kikuyo, rye-grass perenne y alpiste forrajero. Se elaboraron 2 microsilos de cada pasto en bolsas de polieti-leno con capacidad para 1 kg, aplicando 2 trata-mientos (picado y sin picar; se adicionó a cada microsilo 3% de melaza y 0,1% de un inóculo artesanal (hecho de leche agria, suero de queso y melaza. La especie de pasto tuvo el mayor impacto sobre las características nutricionales y fermentativas de los microsilos, mientras que el picado no mostró tendencia clara sobre los parámetros evaluados. El contenido de PC (14,40 a 19,35%, FDN (46,25 a 63,16% y la DIVMS (46,15 a 65,55% en los ensilados es indicador de su potencial para llenar gran parte de los requerimientos nutricionales del ganado lechero. El pasto ryegrass ensilado alcanzó los niveles de pH (4,41 a 4,83 menores y el pasto kikuyo los valores menores de capacidad amor-tiguadora (79,12 a 81,17 mEq NaOH 100 g-1 MS y de nitrógeno amoniacal (1,03 a 1,33%. Los ensilajes elaborados con pastos pueden uti-lizarse como suplementos con valor nutricional superior a los henos utilizados en las raciones de ganado lechero en zonas altas.

  6. Evaluación agronómica y nutricional del pasto estrella africana (cynodon nlemfuensis En la zona de monte verde, puntarenas, Costa Rica. II. valor nutricional

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    Luis Villalobos


    Full Text Available Se analizó el valor nutricional del pasto estrella africana ( Cynodon nlemfuensis a lo largo de 2 años en muestreos bimensuales, en 4 fincas comerciales de ganado lechero ubicadas en los cantones de Tilarán y Central (latitud 10°20’ N, longitud 84°50’, altitud 800 a 1200 msnm de las provincias de Guanacaste y Puntarenas, respectivamente. Las muestras se recolectaron en el aparto siguiente a ser pastoreado y se utilizó una altura de cosecha de 10 cm, para simular el pastoreo que hacen los animales. La composición nutricional promedio para los 2 años de evalua - ción fue de 23,57% MS, 20,27% PC, 2,67% EE, 10,97% cenizas, 64,21% FDN, 34,95% FDA, 4,06% lignina y 68,02% DIVMS y su contenido energético para las variables de TND, ED, EM, EN L (3X y EN G fue 61,37%; 2,71; 2,05; 1,25 y 0,78 -1 de MS, respectivamente. El valor nutricional del pasto estrella africana varió a lo largo del año como resultado de la climatología de la zona de Monteverde, siendo las fincas con influencia de la vertiente del Pacífico las de menor afectación en la calidad del forraje. El pasto estrella africana mostró un contenido de PC superior a lo reportado para dicha especie y, en general, para pastos tropicales, por lo cual no es limitante para la producción láctea, y la suplementación del ganado lechero en la zona debe utilizar fuentes que permitan una utiliza - ción eficiente del N soluble a nivel ruminal. La rotación del pasto estrella cada 25 días debe ser flexible para permitir, en conjunto con programas de fertilización, optimizar la productividad de las pasturas y su persistencia.

  7. Producción de semilla de guinea (Panicum maximum Jacq. en un sistema intensivo de ceba de ganado vacuno Seed production of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. in an intensive cattle fattening system

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    G Oquend


    Full Text Available En un suelo Pardo sialítico del subtipo Cambisol cálcico, localizado en la Empresa Pecuaria «Calixto García», en la provincia de Holguín, se estudio la producción de semilla de guinea (Panicum maximum Jacq. en un sistema intensivo de ceba de ganado vacuno, en condiciones de riego. Los tratamientos fueron cinco varieda­des del pasto guinea: A Común; B Likoni; C Mombasa; D Tanzania; y E Tobiatá. Los siguientes métodos se consideraron a su vez como subtratamientos: 1 Siembra con semilla gámica; 2 Plantación por macollas; y 3 Por vía de trasplante. La carga se mantuvo ajustada a 2 UGM/ha. En la producción de semillas existieron interacciones favorables entre los métodos de siembra y las variedades: semilla gámica-guinea Likoni; maco­lla-guinea Mombasa, Tanzania y Tobiatá; trasplante-guinea Común. En todo el sistema de explotación se obtuvo un aporte adicional superior a los $1 000/ha por concepto de producción de semilla, sin afectar la producción animal, en la que se obtuvieron ganancias superiores a los 800 g/animal/día y producciones pro­medio de 46 212 t de carne en pie por ciclo de ceba. Se considera factible la producción de semilla del pasto guinea en sistemas intensivos de ceba de ganado vacuno.On a sialitic Brown soil of the calcic Cambisol subtype, located at the «Calixto García» Livestock Production Enterprise, in the Holguín province, the production of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. was studied in an intensive cattle fattening system, with irrigation. The treatments were five varieties of Guinea grass: A Common; B Likoni; C Mombasa; D Tanzania; and E Tobiatá. The following methods were considered, in turn, sub-treatments: 1 Seeding with gamic seed; 2 Planting with tillers; and 3 Transplanting. The stocking rate remained adjusted at 2 animals/ha. In seed production there were favorable interactions between the planting methods and the varieties: gamic seed-Guinea grass Likoni; tiller-Guinea grass


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    Dilamar Dallemole


    Full Text Available El cultivo de arroz siempre estuvo presente en el rol de culturas practicadas en el cerrado brasileño, en especial, en el Mato-grossense. Dado a esa particularidad, éste estudio busca comprender mejor las relaciones existentes entre la producción de arroz con las áreas plantadas de soya, y, propiamente, con la área plantada de arroz en Mato Grosso, en el período de 1979 a 2007. Debido a la gran extensión territorial del estado, el cultivo de arroz fue siendo realizado a lo largo de los años como frontera agrícola, para apertura de nuevas áreas, con variedades adecuadas a tierras, inicialmente, con baja fertilidad. Con el desarrollo tecnológico y la posibilidad de nuevas actividades productivas, esa realidad viene se alterando y la área plantada de arroz disminuyó a lo largo de los años, perdiendo espacio para la soya y pastos. Como instrumento metodológico, se empleó un modelo de regresión múltiple, estimada por el Método de Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios (MQO, en que los resultados apuntan las correlaciones existentes entre las categorías mencionadas, lo que permite analizar con más propiedad lo que está ocurriendo con el segmento. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas confirman la influencia positiva de la producción de arroz con relación a suya área plantada, sin embargo, negativa para las áreas plantadas de soya, pastos y arroz en Mato Grosso. Aunque venga perdiendo espacio para soya y pastos, el cultivo de arroz, mismo con menor productividad y calidad inferior del grano, aún es practicado debido a su capacidad de adaptación en nuevas áreas, o mismo, en áreas degradadas

  9. Acid Fostatase Activity in soils croping with potato and pastures from the Catambuco, Pasto, Colombia Actividad de fosfatasa ácida en suelos cultivados con papa y praderas del corregimiento de Catambuco, Pasto-Colombia

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    Burbano Hernán


    Full Text Available To estimated the acid phosphatase activity (APA in soil covered with potato and prairie in Catambuco, place Pasto, Colombia; located to 2820 msnm and with average temperature of 12.4oC. The acid phosphatase activity obtained the biggest values in soil covered with prairie in winter time, in addition to that, there were high correlations between the APA and the organic matter off the soil. In the factors sampling times and use of the soil, there were significance statistical differences, with the most significance in soil covered with prairie and with recent use in potato cultivation. The APA obtained the biggest percentage in soil covered with prairie, in front of the soil cultivated with potato for the two evaluated times. Key words: Acid phosphatase activity, use of land, Solanum tuberosumCon el objetivo de estimar y comparar la actividad de la fostatasa ácida (AFA en suelos sembrados con papa y con pastos, se realizó la presente investigación en suelos del corregimiento de Catambuco, municipio de Pasto, Colombia (2.820 msnm, 12.4oC. La mayor actividad de la fosfatasa ácida ocurrió en pradera en época de invierno; además se encontraron altas correlaciones entre AFA y el contenido de materia orgánica. Para los factores épocas de muestreo y uso del suelo hubo diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas y para suelos cubiertos con pradera y con uso reciente en el cultivo de papa. La AFA alcanzó el mayor porcentaje en suelos cubiertos con pradera, frente a los suelos cultivados con papa, para las dos épocas evaluadas. Palabras claves: Actividad fosfatasa ácida, uso del terreno, Solanum tuberosum

  10. Caracterización de fincas adoptadoras del pasto Andropogon gayanus en el departamento del Cesar, Colombia Caracterización de fincas adoptadoras del pasto Andropogon gayanus en el departamento del Cesar, Colombia

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    Sere Carlos


    Full Text Available La razón expuesta por ganaderos para adoptar el pasto A. gayanus es la de poseer una especie que les provea forraje en la época seca. Quienes mayor éxito han obtenido, hasta el momento, son los adoptadores de suelos arenosos o de sabana en la parte central del departamento. En dicha zona se presentan factores de suelo como acidez, existencia de aluminio, texturas arenosas y buenos drenajes; la temperatura promedio es de 26°C, precipitaciones anuales entre 1200 y 2500 mm con una época seca (150 días sumamente fuerte. El comportamiento del pasto está limitado en la parte sur del departamento por exceso de humedad y en el norte por la presencia de bases y pH elevados. Desde el punto de vista económico, el éxito de la introducción de A. gayanus está relacionado con factores como el bajo costo de oportunidad de las tierras, la baja inversión adicional en ganados, los bajos costos de establecimiento, la complementaridad con otras pasturas en tierras mejores en la misma finca y la elevada rentabilidad marginal de la tecnología que posibilita la adopción aún en años sin incentivos para invertir en ganadería.This study was carried out in the Cesar Department, Colombia, to identify factors that have led to the adoption of A. gayanus. The expressed reason of r a n e hers is the need for a species that will supply forage during the dry season. Adopters on sandy soils in the middle part of the Zone are up to now those that most succes have been. Soils in this region are characterized by its acidity, presence of aluminum, sandy textures and good drainage. Mean annual temperatures are of 26°C with annual rainfall ranging between 1200 and 2500 mm with a marked dry season (150 days. In the south of the department rainfall is excessive while in the north high base saturation and pH of the soils do not allow the grass success fully competence. Economically, the success of promoting A. gayanus is in relation to some factors such as low opportunity


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    Luis Villalobos


    Full Text Available El nitrógeno es el nutriente de mayor importancia en la producción de pasturas y las dosis de fertilización utilizadas deben optimizar la producción de biomasa de alto valor nutricio - nal con un bajo costo y mínima afectación al medio ambiente. Se realizó un estudio con pasto alpiste (P halaris arundinacea L. cosechado cada 70 días en una finca comercial productora de leche ubicada en el distrito de Santa Rosa de Oreamuno, en la provincia de Cartago entre noviembre de 2010 a enero de 2012. Se aplicó 3 dosis de fertilización nitrogenada (100, 200 y 300 kg.ha -1 y se evaluó su respuesta produc - tiva en biomasa y valor nutricional por medio de un diseño de bloques completos al azar. La producción de materia seca no fue estadística - mente diferente (p≥0,05 entre las dosis menor y mayor (2956 y 3347 kg.ha -1 , respectivamente, mientras que mostró valores menores y mayores (p≤0,0001 entre los muestreos de febrero y abril (1632 y 4323 kg.ha -1 , respectivamente. Los ran - gos de concentraciones de proteína cruda (14,62- 19,20%, fibra detergente neutro (54,50-70,70% y energía neta de lactancia (1,14-1,32 -1 MS fueron el resultado de los cambios significa - tivos (p≤0,0001 que se presentaron a lo largo del año en el alpiste forrajero. Estrategias de ajustes en carga animal y suplementación del ganado lechero deben considerarse para llenar las limitantes estacionales encontradas en la biomasa y el valor nutricional del pasto alpiste durante el año.

  12. Evaluación agronómica y nutricional del pasto EStrella africana (Cynodon nlemfuensis en la zona de monteverde, puntarenas, Costa Rica. I. DISPONIBILIDAD DE BIOMASA Y FENOLOGÍA

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    Luis Villalobos


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la disponibilidad de biomasa y la fenología del pasto estrella africana (Cynodon nlemfuensis a lo largo de 2 años en muestreos bimensuales, en 4 fincas comerciales de ganado lechero ubicadas en los cantones de Tilarán y Central (latitud 10°20’ N, longitud 84°50’ O,altitud 800 a 1200 msnm de las provincias de Guanacaste y Puntarenas, respectivamente. La disponibilidad de materia seca pre-pastoreo y laedad fenológica promedio fueron 4484 kg.ha-1. corte-1 y 7,36 hojas verdes por rebrote, respec- tivamente. La composición botánica promediode las pasturas fue 86,81% estrella, 2,52% otrasgramíneas, 1,39% leguminosas, 1,53% malezas y 7,75% material senescente. La disponibilidad de biomasa fue mayor en las fincas con influencia climática del Oceano Pacífico y su producción disminuyó en los meses de mayor precipitación. La edad fenológica del pasto estrella africana se ubica entre 6 y 8 hojas verdes por rebrote, lo cual permite una adecuada recuperación del pasto, y disminuyó en los meses con excesos deprecipitación.

  13. Evaluación agronómica y nutricional del pasto Ryegrass perenne tetraploide (Lolium perenne producido en lecherías de las zonas altas de Costa Rica. II. Valor nutricional

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    Luis Villalobos


    Full Text Available Se determinó el valor nutricional del pasto ryegrass perenne tetraploide (Lolium perenne en 4 fincas comerciales de ganado lechero ubicadas en Chicuá de Oreamuno (latitud 09°59', longitud 83°52', altitud 3090 msnm, provincia de Cartago. Las muestras se tomaron cada 2 meses a una altura de cosecha de 10 cm sobre el suelo, simulando el pastoreo que realizan los animales durante un período de un año. La composición nutricional promedio anual fue de 25,21% PC, 46,26% FDN, 25,57% FDA, 3,29% lignina, 15,40% CNF y 77,95% DIVMS y su contenido energético, expresado como TND, ED, EM, ENL (3X y ENG, fue 61,95%, 2,92, 2,45, 1,53 y 0,92 de MS, respectivamente. El valor nutricional del pasto ryegrass perenne varió (p¿0,05 según la época del año y el manejo en finca, especialmente en lo referente al período de recuperación de las pasturas. Este pasto tiene un contenido alto de PC y CNF, que permite a nivel ruminal la producción de proteína microbial, la cual es la mejor proteína que puede consumir un rumiante. En general, el valor nutricional del pasto Ryegrass perenne producido a altitudes superiores a los 2500 msnm en Costa Rica es similar, al producido en zonas de clima templado de donde es originario.

  14. Micrositios del pasto navajita (Bouteloua gracilis en comunidades de pastizal y de matorral del Altiplano Mexicano

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    Rosalva García-Sánchez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar si hay un tipo de micrositio específico para el establecimiento de Bouteloua gracilis, con patrones recurrentes, en dos diferentes tipos de comunidades vegetales. El pasto navajita azul es una especie perenne de alto valor forrajero y resistente a la sequía. Para ello se realizó un recorrido por tres matorrales y tres pastizales del Altiplano Mexicano; los sitios estudiados fueron elegidos con base en los reportes de ejemplares colectados y herborizados. Los resultados muestran, por un lado, que en los pastizales se presentan micrositios más de tipo funcional que físico, que determinan el establecimiento de B. gracilis, debido principalmente a los altos requerimientos de humedad edáfica de las semillas para germinar y desarrollarse. El micrositio más frecuente que determina el reclutamiento de los individuos provenientes de semilla es el suelo cercano a individuos adultos de su propia especie. Por otro lado, en los matorrales se detectaron, de manera recurrente, varias condiciones de micrositio para la especie y se observó que el tipo de micrositio es determinante, tanto para el establecimiento como para el crecimiento de este y otros pastos; también, el estudio mostró que en comunidades de matorral existe una mayor diversidad de micrositios que en los pastizales, por lo que se concluye que los individuos de B. gracilis, en los matorrales, crecen asociados a micrositios específicos que le brindan protección contra la desecación.

  15. El papel del microcrédito en la actividad formal empresarial en el casco urbano del municipio de Pasto 2010

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    Nicolás Madroñero Madroñero


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la participación del sector microempresarial total del sector empresarial formal y su aporte a la generación de empleo en San Juan de Pasto, importancia que se consagra en la ley Mipyme 590. Se hace referencia sobre los principales oferentes del microcrédito, utilizados por los microempresarios formales para financiar su actividad empresarial en la ciudad, argumentando su afinidad con base a las tasas de interés ofrecidas por cada uno de los prestamistas y, se hace un análisis de la composición de la cartera bruta en relación al crédito de consumo, hipotecario, comercial y microcrédito. De igual manera se determina la incidencia del microcrédito sobre el sector microempresarial, visto desde el punto de vista del crecimiento en el valor de activos y número de empleados; además se corrobora la fuerte relación o asociación entre este tipo de cartera y el PIB municipal. El estudio también asumió la elaboración de un punto de inflexión para determinar la trascendencia del fenómeno inflacionario en el crecimiento de la cartera microcrediticia.


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    Full Text Available La investigación se llevó a cabo en la granja Los Naranjos ubicada en la Vereda La Venta del Municipio de Cajibío del Departamento del Cauca. La sombra de los árboles no permite el progreso del forraje cultivado en su entorno y no se conocen especies tolerantes a la sombra que se adapten a las condiciones de clima medio y suelos de mediana a baja fertilidad.Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior se adelantó el estudio sobre el manejo agronómico y potencial forrajero del pasto palmera (Setaria poiretiana bajo tres ambientes diferentes de sombra. La evaluación se desarrolló bajo el diseño en bloques completos al azar con 3 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. Los tratamientos en diferentes porcentajes de sombríoartificial utilizando polisombra (libre exposición, semisombra y sombra con 0,44 y 70% de sombríoy las repeticiones (bloques fueron las condiciones de sombra dadas por el sombrío del bosque en torno al proyecto. El tratamiento que mejor comportamiento agronómico presentó en cuanto a producción de materia seca fue el T1 (libre exposición; no se encontraron diferencias estadísticas para las variables vigor, cobertura, altura, porcentaje de materia seca

  17. Generación de pagos por certificados de reducción de emisiones, bajo el mecanismo de desarrollo limpio para cercos vivos en la cuenca alta del Río Pasto

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    Javier Sabogal-Aguilar


    Full Text Available Este artículo es resultado del proyecto de Restauración y Protección de Agroecosistemas Estratégicos en la Captura de Carbono, Municipio de Pasto, Nariño. Explora la posibilidad que tienen las comunidades y propietarios de pequeños predios de la Cuenca Alta del Río Pasto de contribuir a la mitigación del Cambio Climático a la vez que obtienen ingresos monetarios y otros benefi cios por la participación en proyectos del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio forestales. El documento presenta una metodología novedosa de participación de comunidades de bajos ingresos en proyec tos MDL forestales que se diferencia de las existentes por el alto contenido de participación y confi anza generada entre los pequeños productores y las instituciones desarrolladoras. Se concluye con la evidencia de viabilidad del proyecto MDL forestal planteado y los benefi cios que generó el proyecto en términos académicos, de desarrollo comunitario y de generación de potenciales proyectos que pueden ser desarrollados con posterioridad.

  18. Índice de vulnerabilidad de los hogares en el municipio de Pasto, Colombia, 2012

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    Arsenio Hidalgo-Troya

    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue medir la tasa de vulnerabilidad de las familias en el municipio de Pasto, Colombia. En una muestra de 270 familias de todos los estratos socioeconómicos, 239 en áreas urbanas y 31 en las zonas rurales, se realizó una investigación de carácter confidencial, utilizando el índice de vulnerabilidad, consistente en cinco dimensiones: demográfica, social, económica, ambiental y geográfica, así como previsión y prevención. Las familias estrato 1 y 2, así como los hogares del centro, oeste, noroeste y nordeste del área urbana del municipio, presentaron alta vulnerabilidad, incluso más que aquellas en áreas rurales. Un 50% de las familias estaban localizadas dentro de baja vulnerabilidad y un 42% estaban en nivel medio. Las familias más pobres fueron las más vulnerables, sin embargo, las familias pobres también eran vulnerables en el municipio de Pasto.

  19. Análisis de crecimiento del pasto maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp. en clima cálido subhúmedo

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    Jesús Miguel Calzada-Marín


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este experimento fue realizar un análisis de crecimiento del pasto “Maralfalfa” ( Pennisetum sp. desde la siembra hasta determinar el momento óptimo de cosecha. La morfología de la planta (MP, tas a de crecimiento (TC, altura, radiación interceptada (RI, relación hoja/tallo (H:T, hoja/no hoja (H:NH y la acumulación de biomasa aérea, se evaluaron a intervalos de 15 días, en un periodo de 180 días, a excepción de lo s dos primeros muestreos que fueron mensuales. Los datos se analizaron mediante el procedimiento GLM de SA S, bajo un diseño experimental de bloques al azar, con medidas repetidas en el tiempo, con tres repeticiones . La MP varió de manera significativa ( P <0.01 a través de los diferentes estados fisiológicos. La máxima producción de biomasa aérea y TC se alcanzó a los 151 días después de la siemb ra con 37,297 kg MS ha -1 y 247 kg MS ha -1 d -1 , respectivamente. También se registró el mayor porcentaje de RI (97.4 %, con una altura de 2.3 m aproximadamente. La producción de biomasa de tallos y la producción de material muerto del pasto mar alfalfa, están correlacionadas de manera positiva con el incremento en la edad de la planta. La máxima tasa d e crecimiento, coincide con la máxima producción de hojas y de tallos, y con la mayor producción de bi omasa total.


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    Omar Ramírez Reynoso


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el flujo de tejidos y rendimiento por corte del pasto Mombaza (Panicum maximum Jacq., cosechado a tres intervalos de corte (IC: 3, 5 y 7 semanas, durante un año, en las épocas de sequía (10-nov-2006 a 09-jun-2007 y lluvias (10-jun a 06-nov-2007. Los tratamientos (IC se distribuyeron en 12 parcelas de 17.5 m2, mediante un diseño de bloques completos al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. El IC de 3 semanas promedió mayor tasa de aparición de hojas (0.185 hojas tallo-1 d-1 durante el estudio (P

  1. Comportamiento productivo del pasto ovillo (Dactylis glomerata L. en respuesta al pastoreo.

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    Filogonio Jesús Hernández-Guzmán


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los patrones de variación en los componentes de la productividad forrajera del pasto ovillo (Dactylis glomerata L. bajo pastoreo. En Montecillo, Texcoco, Estado de México, México, de junio 2005 a junio 2006, se estudió la combinación de tres frecuencias (21, 28 y 35 días y dos intensidades (5-7 y 9-11 cm en el forraje residual de pastoreo, en un diseño de bloques al azar con tres repeticiones. Se evaluó el rendimiento anual y la distribución estacional de forraje, tasa de crecimiento, composición botánica y morfológica y densidad de tallos. La frecuencia de pastoreo de 35 días superó a las de 21 y 28 (P<0,05 en el rendimiento anual, durante primavera y verano. Independientemente de la frecuencia e intensidad de pastoreo, el rendimiento estacional se distribuyó de la siguiente forma: 49,5, 31,6, 14,1 y 4,8% para primavera, verano, invierno y otoño, respectivamente. La mayor tasa de crecimiento se registró en primavera al pastorear cada 35 días y la menor en otoño al pastorear cada 28 días (P<0,01. Durante invierno se dio mayor presencia de otras especies, siendo el pastoreo cada veintiún días a una intensidad ligera el que originó un aporte al rendimiento de otras especies del 60%. No se presentaron efectos de intensidad ni de frecuencia de pastoreo en la densidad de tallos. El mayor rendimiento y tasa de crecimiento se obtuvieron al pastorear cada 35 días.

  2. Fertilidad y extracción de nutrientes en la asociación maíz-pastos en suelos ácidos del piedemonte Llanero de Colombia

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    Rincón Álvaro


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    En un oxisol del Centro de Investigaciones La Libertad de Corpoica, a 17 km de Villavicencio, se estableció la asociación de maíz con los pastos B. decumbens, Mulato 1 y Toledo, como medio para recobrar la productividad de una pradera degradada. Los minerales aplicados 45 días antes de la siembra fueron: Ca, 555 kg ha-1; Mg, 88 kg ha-1; P, 35 kg ha-1 y S, 45 kg ha- 1, utilizando como fuente cal dolomítica, roca fosfórica y yeso agrícola; al momento de la siembra se aplicaron: 31 kg ha-1 de P, 27 de N (fuente fosfato diamónico; 37,5 de K (fuente cloruro de potasio; 3 de Zn; 0,1 de Cu; 0,5 de B y 1,2 de S (fuente borozinco. A los 15 después de la siembra (dds se aplicaron 37,5 kg ha-1 de K. La aplicación de N se fraccionó en dosis de 100 y 200 kg ha-1 a los 15 y 35 dds, respectivamente. Los análisis de suelos realizados después de la cosecha del maíz demostraron un mejoramiento de la fertilidad, ya que la saturación de bases aumentó de 24% inicial a 47%, el P disponible pasó de 2 ppm a 11,8 ppm, el S aumentó de 3 ppm a 6 ppm. En el momento de la cosecha, la mayor extracción de N fue la hicieron el grano de maíz y los pastos (43 y 45 kg ha-1, respectivamente, mientras que el P se presentó en mayor concentración en el grano de maíz (12,7 kg ha-1. Los pastos y la soca de maíz (tallos y hojas después de la cosecha se caracterizaron por un mayor contenido de K (40 y 27 kg ha-1, respectivamente. El Ca, Mg y S fueron más extraídos por los pastos (9; 8 y 6 kg ha-1, respectivamente; los minerales extraídos en mayor cantidad por el maíz y los pastos fueron N (91%, P (57% y K (58%, mientras que los de menor extracción fueron Ca (2,2% y Mg (16%.

  3. "Titán" y "Regio", variedades de pasto Buffel (Pennisetum ciliare) (L.) Link para zonas áridas y semiáridas


    Beltrán López, Sergio; García Díaz, Carlos Alberto; Loredo Osti, Catarina; Urrutia Morales, Jorge; Hernández Alatorre, José Antonio; Gámez Vázquez, Héctor Guillermo


    RESUMEN: El pasto buffel (Pennisetum ciliare) es una gramínea perenne, originaria de Sud África, de buen valor forrajero que se adapta bien a una amplia gama de suelos y condiciones climáticas. Las variedades de pasto buffel Titán y buffel Regio provienen de colectas realizadas en el centro y norte de México. Fueron evaluadas en zonas áridas y semiáridas, en temporal y riego desde 1986 hasta la obtención del registro en el año 2008. Los registros definitivos otorgados por parte del Sistema Na...

  4. Efectos del antecedente cultural en las micorrizas nativas y la productividad del pasto brachiaria (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Señal Effects of the cultural antecedent on native mycorhizae and the productivity of the brachiaria pasture (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Señal

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    P.J Gonzále


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la influencia del antecedente cultural en la micorrización nativa y en el rendimiento del pasto brachiaria (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Señal; para ello se seleccionaron dos lotes de 0,5 ha, los cuales durante cinco años previos a la siembra del pasto estuvieron ocupados, en un caso por cultivos de ciclo corto (granos, viandas y hortalizas y en otro por pastos naturales permanentes (principalmente especies del complejo Bothriochloa-Dichanthium y Teramnus labialis. En cada lote se delimitaron diez parcelas de 200 m² cada una, y en mayo de 2004 se sembró la brachiaria en surcos separados a 70 cm y a chorrillo, con una dosis de 8 kg de semilla total ha-1. Después del establecimiento el pasto se cortó cada seis y ocho semanas en los períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso, respectivamente, y en ningún momento se aplicaron fertilizantes químicos u orgánicos. En cada parcela se tomaron muestras de raíces y de suelo de la rizosfera, para determinar las estructuras micorrízicas del pasto (porcentaje de colonización, porcentaje de densidad visual y número de esporas por 100 g, así como muestras de la biomasa aérea para determinar el contenido y la extracción de macronutrientes, y el rendimiento de MS. Las parcelas que tuvieron los pastos naturales como cultivo precedente mostraron valores significativamente mayores (PThe influence of the cultural antecedent on native mycorhization and the yield of the brachiaria pasture (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Señal was evaluated; for that two 0,5 ha lots were selected, which were occupied for five years before sowing the pasture, in one case by short cycle crops (grains, tubers and vegetables and in the other by permanent natural pastures (mainly species of the Bothriochloa-Dichanthium complex and Teramnus labialis. In each lot ten plots of 200 m² each were delimited, and in May, 2004, the brachiaria was sown in rows separated by 70 cm and with drilling, with a dose of 8 kg total seed ha-1. After

  5. Déficit urbano-habitacional: Una aplicación a la comuna tres del municipio de Pasto, año 2011

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    Bayron Alberto Paz Noguera


    Full Text Available El artículo pretende aportar a la validación de teorías sobre la estimación integral de deficiencias habitacionales que el déficit convencional de vivienda no logra capturar. La hipótesis fundamental es que las condiciones habitacionales evaluadas según el impacto en la calidad de vida, no se pueden considerar en ausencia de factores que afectan externamente al hogar, pues el hombre es un ser que encuentra su bienestar en la interacción con sus pares y el entorno. Se propone la estimación del Déficit Urbano-Habitacional que incluye la valoración del déficit de vivienda, pero también de la infraestructura, los servicios y el espacio público. Para validar lo anterior, se realizó una aplicación a la Comuna Tres del Municipio de Pasto. Los resultados indican que de los cuatro componentes que integran el Déficit Urbano-Habitacional, el déficit de servicios y el de espacios públicos resultan ser los más preocupantes.

  6. Fertilización de pastos en zonas semiáridas de secano del S-W- español


    Olea Márquez de Prado, L.; Jiménez Mozo, J.


    Se presentan los resultados de aportaciones de P, K, Mg + Ca, Mo + Mn y Cu + Co sobre pastizales artificiales de leguminosas + gramíneas y pastos naturales en varias zonas de Extremadura. En pastizales artificiales la fertilización previa al establecimiento con 75-95 u. de P2O5 /Ha, duplica la producción. En pastos naturales la fertilización anual con 46 u. de P2 O5, duplica la producción y el porcentaje de leguminosas. Los mayores incrementos se consiguen con aportaciones anuales de 40 u. de...


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    Bernarda Elisa Pupiales Rueda


    Full Text Available El artículo es el resultado de la investigación realizada en el año 2010, cuyo objetivo se orientó a identificar si el Currículo del Programa de Licenciatura en Artes Visuales de la Universidad de Nariño, San Juan de Pasto, Colombia, tiene en cuenta los aspectos que determinan la pertenencia social y la pertinencia académica, para lo cual se realizó una investigación etnográfica a partir entrevistas a docentes y encuestas a estudiantes, además se realizó un análisis del currículo teórico y del Plan de Desarrollo de la Universidad de Nariño 2008-2020 pensar la Universidad y la Región. La muestra estuvo conformada por treinta y seis (36 estudiantes, de un total de ciento treinta y cuatro (134 matriculados en el programa y por veintidós (22 docentes, de los veinticuatro (24 del total, además de siete (7 miembros del Comité Curricular del Programa.


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    Eduardo Vicente Ruano Rosero


    Full Text Available Los indicadores del desempleo en Pasto han sido, históricamente, superiores al promedio nacional, situación que es motivo de preocupación para miles de personas en el Municipio. Pensar en una salida en el largo plazo, es una tarea que requiere incorporar en una Política Pública, no solo el reconocimiento a fondo de sus más destacadas características; sino también, adoptar una postura teórica que a de ser articulada a una decidida voluntad política y participación ciudadana e institucional. Este documento pretende aportar algunos de esos elementos teóricos y prácticos en el horizonte de formular una Política Pública de Empleo para Pasto.

  9. Biofiltro con cascarilla de arroz y pasto vetiver (C. Zizanioides para el tratamiento del efluente de la PTAR del INPEC – Yopal, Casanare, Colombia

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    Sandy Katheryne Higuera Infante


    Full Text Available En la investigación se evaluó un biofiltro a escala laboratorio para el tratamiento del efluente de la PTAR del Inpec de Yopal, Casanare, cuya finalidad era lograr un efluente de calidad óptima para reúso del agua en riego agrícola. Se contemplaron tres fases, la primera caracterización y análisis de los parámetros microbiológicos como fisicoquímicos del efluente. La segunda fase diseño y construcción del sistema a escala laboratorio del humedal artificial, se construyó en vidrio, usando cascarilla de arroz, intercalada con grava, se sembró pasto vetiver (C. Zizanioides y se inundó el sistema para que funcionará con flujo subsuperficial, el tiempo de retención hidráulico TRH fue de 3.4 días. La desinfección con cloro se diseñó a partir de una prueba de demanda de cloro. La tercera fase consistió en la operación del sistema a flujo continuo, el seguimiento se realizó a través de 4 muestreos con frecuencia semanal, en dos de estos muestreos se incluyó medición de DBO5, coliformes totales y fecales y conductividad.  Los resultados mostraron que la cascarilla de arroz como sustrato funciona bien, las plantas crecieron permanentemente, ayudando a disminuir la carga orgánica. Como conclusión la cascarilla puede ser un sustituto total o parcial de otros sustratos de biofiltros o humedales de flujo subsuperficial, al ser menos costosa y estar disponible especialmente en la región de la Orinoquía. Sin embargo, su uso debe complementarse con un proceso de reoxigenación del agua, ya que su condición anaerobia es un aspecto negativo para los cuerpos de agua receptores de vertimientos.

  10. Evaluación de la carrera administrativa en la alcaldía de Pasto


    Antonio Bastidas Unigarro


    Este artículo aborda la aplicación de las distintas normas de carrera administrativa (Leyes 27 de 1992, 446 de 1998 y 909 de 2004) en la Alcaldía Municipal de Pasto, en cuanto al sistema de talento humano se refiere y muestra los resultados de la investigación frente a procesos de ingreso, capacitación y estímulos, evaluación del desempeño y motivación del personal inscrito en carrera administrativa, abarcando el análisis histórico desde 1994, pero particularmente haciendo énfasis en los ...


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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se realizó en el corregimiento de Catambuco, municipio de Pasto, localizado a 01°06'33 N y 77°19 '07.8 WO; con el objeto de conocer El presente trabajo se realizó en el corregimiento de Catambuco, municipio de Pasto, localizado a 01°06 '33 N y 77°19´07.8 WO; con el objeto de conocer con tres repeticiones y 10 tratamientos distribuidos en dosis altas, medias y bajas de NPK (Altas: 529 kg/ha de úrea, 72 kg/ha de SFT, 160 kg/ha de KCl. Medias: 397 kg/ha de urea, 54 kg/ha de SFT, 120 kg/ha de KCl. Bajas: 265 kg/ha de úrea, 36 kg/ha de SFT, 80 kg/ha de KCl contrastadas con dosis altas, medias y bajas de Si (Alta 100 kg/ha, media 75 kg/ha, baja 50 kg/ha de SiO2 y un testigo sin fertilización con Si. El Si en dosis alta y NPK alto, presentó mejores resultados en altura de planta (101cm, producción de forraje verde (167,2 Ton/ha/año, materia seca (27,44 Ton/ha/año, concentraciones de P (parte aérea 0,53%y raíz 0,42%,de K (parte aérea 3,11% y raíz 2,27%. Al aplicar dosis altas y medias en el suelo,la concentración de P y K disminuyó. El tratamiento dosis alta de NPK y alta de Si presentó el mayor beneficio económico, seguido del tratamiento dosis media de NPK y alta de Si.

  12. Hacha y pastos: caminos de “civilización” en el Sur Occidente de Cundinamarca

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    Fabiola Estrada Herrera


    Full Text Available La autora interpreta el papel de la construcción de caminos y la exploración agrícola-comercial en el Suroccidente del actual Departamento de Cundinamarca durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. En este recorrido, llama la atención sobre cómo el ideario republicano de civilización conllevó a una tala irracional del bosque primario y a la introducción de nuevas especies de pastos, dos agentes de transformación que estuvieron al servicio de los ritmos que la élite decimonónica impuso a la economía local, la posesión de tierras, el control social y los proyectos agroexportadores.

  13. Evaluación agronómica y nutricional del pasto elefante (pennisetum purpureum) a partir de diferentes biofertilizantes en la Finca Los robles de la Fundación Universitaria de Popayán


    Suárez Ramos, Claudia Andrea


    Tesis (Maestría en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Contables Económicas y Administrativas, 2016 En Colombia, el pasto elefante (Pennisetum purpureum) se ha introducido como una alternativa de alimentación animal que pueda satisfacer las necesidades nutricionales y por ser una especie de crecimiento resistente a condiciones extremas de temperatura. El presente documento reporta los resultados del trabajo de investigación titulado “Eva...

  14. Producción de biomasa y costos de producción de pastos estrella africana (Cynodon nlemfuensis, kikuyo (Kikuyuocloa clandestina y ryegrass perenne (Lolium perenne en lecherías de Costa Rica

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    Luis Villalobos


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la producción de biomasa, los costos de producción y el costo del kilogramo de materia seca en los pastos kikuyo (Kikuyuocloa clandestina, ryegrass perenne (Lolium perenne y estrella africana (Cynodon nlemfuensis, a lo largo de un año, en 8 fincas comerciales ubicadas en las provincias de Cartago (2, San José (2 y Alajuela (4. La producción de biomasa promedio por ciclo para los 3 pastos fue de 3395 kg.ha-1 MS; la producción anual se ve influenciada por los días de recuperación de cada especie, mostrando valores de 40 170, 38 731 y 28 995 kg.ha-1 de MS para los pastos estrella africana, kikuyo y ryegrass perenne, respectivamente. La producción de biomasa varía durante el año y en las épocas de mayor producción de esa biomasa, los animales tienen un menor aprovechamiento de la pastura en términos porcentuales, debido a que la carga animal, los períodos de permanencia y las áreas de pastoreo no se ajustan a la disponibilidad de forraje. Los costos anuales de mano de obra, insumos y tierra promedio fueron de 72.433, 505.515 y 18.760 colones.ha-1, respectiva- mente; siendo los insumos el rubro con un peso relativo mayor en la estructura de costos de las fincas en pastoreo. Los costos del kg de MS producido y consumido, para los 3 pastos evaluados, fueron de 16,6 y 44,4 colones respectivamente, siendo el aprovechamiento que los animales hacen de las pasturas el determinante del costo del material consumido. Las fincas con mayor inversión anual en pasturas, mostraron un mayor retorno en kg.ha-1 leche.

  15. Biodiversidad íctica de praderas de pasto marino de la costa noroeste del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela

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    Luis Alejandro Ariza A


    Full Text Available Los pastos marinos son ecosistemas costeros de alta productividad, con gran diversidad y abundancia de peces, la cual es aprovechada por pescadores artesanales. En este estudio se analizó la estructura comunitaria íctica de praderas de Thalassia testudinum en Manzanillo (M y La Brea (LB, costa noroeste del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela. También, se realizaron muestreos mensuales (11-2006 al 10-2007, con la utilización de una red playera. Se capturaron 34 810 organismos agrupados en 13 órdenes, 36 familias y 83 especies. En ambas zonas, el número de especies fue similar, aunque el número de organismos vario, y se encontró para M un total de 55 especies y 13 210 organismos y para LB 58 especies y 21 600 organismos. Las especies más abundantes y de mayor biomasa en el área muestreada fueron: Nicholsina usta, Haemulon boschmae, H. steindachneri, Harengula jaguana, Halichoeres bivittatus y Hemiramphus brasiliensis. Los visitantes ocasionales fue el componente comunitario más frecuente con 59%, los cíclicos y los residentes permanentes obtuvieron 22 y 19%, respectivamente. En M la H’n fue de 1.71±0.64bits/ind; entretanto en LB fue 1.95±0.51bits/ind. Los valores de la diversidad estuvieron relacionados directamente con la equitabilidad e inversamente con la dominancia. Los bajos valores del índice de similaridad, entre localidades permite establecer que estas comunidades ícticas son disimiles, debido quizás a la estructuración de cada pradera de Thalassia y a la conectividad con otros sistemas.

  16. Bacterias celulolíticas aisladas del intestino de termitas (Nasutitermes nigriceps con características probióticas y potencial en la degradación del pasto

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    Cecilia Lara Mantilla


    Full Text Available Título corto: Bacterias celulolíticas aisladas del intestino de termitas (Nasutitermes nigriceps  Título en ingles:  Cellulolytic bacteria isolated from  termites’ gut (Nasutitermes nigriceps with probiotic characteristics and potential pasture degradationResumen: El objetivo de la presente investigación fue aislar bacterias celulolíticas del intestino de termitas (Nasutitermes nigriceps para determinar sus propiedades probióticas in vitro y su potencial en la degradación de pasto. Las termitas fueron tratadas con detergente antibacterial, separando y macerando luego, el intestino de las mismas en agua peptonada estéril. Diluciones de esta mezcla fueron inoculadas en cajas Petri con medio Luria Bertani (LB y Carboximetilcelulosa (CMC al 2%, incubando a 37º C por 24 horas, para luego revelar con Rojo Congo al 1%. Las bacterias que presentaron mayores halos de degradación fueron sometidas a tinción de Gram y a pruebas probióticas de temperatura, pH, salinidad y presencia de sales biliares, así como también a pruebas de antagonismo y degradación de pasto. Los resultados revelaron la presencia de 9 bacilos celulolíticos Gram (- de los cuales, los bacilos BTN7 y BTN8, presentaron los mejores halos de degradación, 12 y 14 mm de diámetro respectivamente, creciendo adecuadamente en las diferentes pruebas probióticas con densidades entre 106 y 108 UFC/ml; el porcentaje de degradación de materia seca fue de 39.73% y 36.10% en 48 y 72 horas respectivamente.  Las pruebas bioquímicas API E (bioMérieux SA revelaron que los bacilos BTN7 y BTN8 pertenecen al género Enterobacter sp. Los anteriores resultados abren la posibilidad de emplear, estos microorganismos como aditivos en la alimentación de rumiantes, a fin de contribuir con un mayor aprovechamiento de pastos, y otros sustratos vegetales lignocelulósicos.Palabras claves: Probióticos, Maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp., microorganismos ruminales, lignocelulosa, Enterobacter

  17. Rendimiento y calidad de forraje del pasto ovillo (Dactylis glomerata L. al variar la frecuencia e intensidad de pastoreo

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    Jorge Armando Villareal González


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue determinar el rendimiento y calidad del pasto ovillo ( Dactylis glomerata L., al variar la frecuencia e intensidad de pastoreo. Se evaluaron tres frecuencias (2, 3 y 4 semanas en primavera y verano y 4, 5 y 6 semanas durante otoño y dos intensidades de pastoreo (severa: 3 a 5 cm y ligera: 6 a 8 cm de altura de forr aje residual. Se evaluó el rendimiento de forraje, tasa de acumulación neta de forraje (TANF, composición morfoló gica y calidad del forraje. El mayor rendimiento acumulado y TANF se presentaron con pastoreo severo cada 4 y 6 sem anas y en ambas intensidades cada 3 y 5 semanas. El mayor rendimiento estacional (7,844; 7,699; 7114 kg MS ha -1 se presentó en verano en las mismas frecuencias e intensidades de pastoreo, respectivamente ( P <0.05. Durante primavera no se observaron dife rencias en rendimiento y TANF entre frecuencias de pastoreo. En otoño la frecuencia de 5 semanas superó a la de 4 ( P <0.05, pero no diferente a la de 6 semanas. En todas las estaciones del año la intensidad de pastoreo severo superó a la ligera, siendo diferentes en primavera y verano ( P <0.05. En general, el contenido de proteína total y digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca tendieron a disminuir conforme aumentó el intervalo de pastoreo, siendo en promedio de 20 y 65 %, respectivamente. Se concluye que para obtener el mayor re ndimiento y calidad de forraje, los pastoreos deben realizarse cada 4 semanas durante primavera-verano y cada 5 semanas en otoño, a una intensidad severa.

  18. Situación del mercado laboral de los profesionales en San Juan de Pasto, 2010

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    Julio César Riascos


    Full Text Available En el documento se analiza la situación laboral de los profesionales de la ciudad de Pasto. Se estudian las características generales de un profesional tomado al azar y se mide la tasa de desempleo, la tasa de ocupación, la tasa general de participación y la tasa de subempleo. Asimismo se identifican los retornos en educación por área de conocimiento y se determinan los principales factores que explican los niveles de ingreso y la probabilidad de empleo formal y estable.

  19. Efecto del tipo de desmonte sobre la descomposición de pastos nativos e introducidos en el chaco Árido de la Argentina

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    ABRIL, A


    Full Text Available ResumenLa dinámica de la descomposición y la liberación de nutrientes a partir de los restos vegetales son procesos clave para la fertilidad edáfica, por lo que resultan adecuados para estimar el grado de sustentabilidad de los sistemas productivos. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto del tipo de desmonte (total y selectivo sobre la tasa de descomposición, la liberación de N y la fertilidad del suelo de pastizales (nativos e introducidos para uso ganadero en el Chaco Árido de la Provincia de Córdoba, con la finalidad de predecir el grado de sustentabilidad de ambos sistemas productivos bajo las condiciones climáticas de la región. Se utilizó un diseño experimental de parcela dividida: desmonte (total vs selectivo/pastura (nativa vs introducida, con 4 réplicas por tratamiento.En las parcelas se colocaron jaulas de descomposición con 20 g de residuos (colectados en cada tratamiento que fueron retiradas al final de cada estación climática durante dos años. Muestras de suelo (0-20 cm de profundidad fueron tomadas anualmente en ambos tipos de desmonte y en un bosque colindante como testigo.En cada fecha de muestreo se evaluó el peso y las características químicas y biológicas de los residuos. En las muestras de suelo se determinó el contenido de nitratos, las fracciones de la materia orgánica y la respiración edáfica. Durante el primer año de estudio, la tasa de descomposición y la mayoría de los parámetros analizadosfueron muy semejantes entre tratamientos. Contrariamente, en el segundo año todos los valores fueron muy erráticos debido a que germinaron pastos dentro de las jaulas. Los parámetros de fertilidad analizados no mostraron diferencias entre sistemas de desmonte y se correlacionaron con el contenido de humedad. Nuestros resultados indican que: a las condiciones climáticas del Chaco Árido afectan la descomposición en mayor medida que la composición química de los residuos y el tipo de desmonte; b, los

  20. Una metodología muestral sugerida para la estimación de la población de la chinche de los pastos en la sabana de Bogotá

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    Galindo Julio Ricardo


    Full Text Available La chinche de los pastos (Collaria scenica Stal es una plaga
    del pasto kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum que causa alrededor de un 25% de pérdidas en el ingreso de los ganaderos en la Sabana de Bogotá. La evaluación de las poblaciones del insecto y su dinámica es esencial para el desarrollo de investigación en métodos de manejo del problema. En este trabajo se seleccionaron dos lotes de kikuyo de aproximadamente 1 ha, para determinar
    una metodología eficiente, económica y precisa de estimación
    de la población de estados inmaduros y adultos del insecto,
    utilizando la técnica deljameo. Se tomaron 39 muestras aproximadamente por lote y se hicieron visitas cada dos semanas, para un total de cinco. Con esta información se determinó el patrón de disposición espacial de la plaga y se definieron tamaños de muestra para niveles de precisión determinados. Además se propuso un tamaño del lote con fines de realización de pruebas experimentales, de 1/3 de ha. Finalmente se determinó la conveniencia de hacer paso y repaso sobre el recorrido de la unidad de muestreo, con el fin de lograr una mejor aproximación a la población total del insecto en el lote.



    Avalos, Percy; Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú.; Flores, Enrique; Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú.


    Se condujo un experimento para estudiar la dinámica forrajera, y el contenido de proteínas y energía de una pastura con el propósito de conocer el balance forrajero para un módulo de vacunos lecheros pastoreando una asociación de ryegras-trébol. El área de estudio estuvo localizada a 4200 msnm en Conocancha, SAIS Pachacutec, Junín. La tasa de crecimiento del pasto, y la temperatura y humedad del suelo fueron medidas mensualmente usando jaulas, lapiacos, cuadrantes y termómetros medio-ambienta...

  2. Índice de vulnerabilidad de adultos mayores en Medellín, Barranquilla y Pasto. (United States)

    Cardona, Doris; Segura, Ángela; Segura, Alejandra; Muñoz, Diana; Jaramillo, Daniel; Lizcano, Douglas; Agudelo, Maite Catalina; Arango, Catalina; Morales, Santiago


    Introducción. La vulnerabilidad puede entenderse como la carencia de recursos materiales e inmateriales que impide el aprovechamiento de oportunidades en distintos aspectos de la vida. Estos recursos de bienestar evitan el deterioro de la calidad de vida.Objetivo. Construir un índice de vulnerabilidad con las características de los capitales físico, humano, social y funcional de los adultos mayores de tres ciudades de Colombia en el 2016, y determinar los factores asociados con esta condición.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio transversal con información primaria mediante 1.514 encuestas a personas de 60 años o más de Medellín, Barranquilla y Pasto. En la construcción del índice se usó el análisis factorial con los métodos de componentes principales y de rotación ortogonal varimax.Resultados. Las condiciones que generaban vulnerabilidad se relacionaron principalmente con el capital humano (calidad de vida, salud mental y hábitos); los demás capitales aportaron un solo componente, así: capital físico (ocupación), capital social (acompañamiento) y capital funcional (independencia funcional). La vulnerabilidad fue mayor en los residentes de Pasto. Los factores asociados con la vulnerabilidad fueron la ciudad de residencia, el sexo, el nivel educativo y el rol en el hogar.Conclusión. En el 58,55 % de las personas mayores, la vulnerabilidad se explicó por el uso del tiempo, la independencia funcional y el bienestar subjetivo. Estos hallazgos aportan elementos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, principalmente en cuanto a la capacidad funcional para mantener la independencia, estar ocupados y fortalecer la salud mental.


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    Lino Torregroza S


    Full Text Available comercial bajo condiciones de manejo eficiente de pasturas y de suplementación estratégica durantela época seca. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluó la producción de carne de novillos F1 romo x cebúy cebú en pastoreo rotacional de pasto angleton bajo condiciones del Valle del Sinú, departamentode Córdoba. El experimento tuvo una duración de 289 días que incluyó un período completo desequía. Durante la época de lluvia, los animales se suplementaron con un kilo de semilla de algodónpor día, y en la época seca, además del pastoreo, se suministró, en promedio, 10 kilos de ensilajede maíz balanceado con .02% de urea-sulfato de amonio y suplementado con un kilo de semilla dealgodón más medio kilo de salvado de arroz. Resultados. En la pastura se estimó la producción demateria seca, la composición química y la digestibilidad In Situ de la materia seca. La carga fue de4 animales por hectárea los cuales se pesaron cada 24 días. La ganancia promedia diaria fue de0.660 y 0.728 kilos/animal/día, respectivamente para los F1 y cebú, sin diferencia estadística(p>0.05. Conclusión. La producción de carne por hectárea año fue de 963.6 y 1062.8 kilogramos,para F1 y cebú respectivamente. El valor de producción de un kilo de carne fue de US$ 0.38 paralos F1 y US$ 0.34 para los cebú, lo que demustra una buena rentabilidad

  4. Software educativo “Mundo Agroforestal”: estudio de caso, subcuenca alta del río Pasto, Nariño, Colombia

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    Ángela Lucía León


    Full Text Available Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC, son herramientas que han permitido evolucionar en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, innovación, difusión de información, adquisición y generación de conocimiento. El objetivo de la investigación fue desarrollar un “Software Educativo Agroforestal - SEAf”, dirigido a jóvenes de instituciones educativas rurales, como estrategia pedagógica para la enseñanza agroforestal. Mediante Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP, se diagnosticó el conocimiento agroforestal de estudiantes de dos instituciones educativas municipales de la subcuenca alta del río Pasto, implementando talleres participativos, encuestas semi-estructuradas y mapas parlantes; se realizó un análisis de correspondencias múltiples (ACM, que permitió diseñar y estructurar el SEAf con el programa Flash Cs4, el cual fue evaluado con pruebas Alfa y Beta. Como resultado se logró diseñar un software educativo agroforestal denominado “Mundo Agroforestal” que incluyó los gustos y preferencias de los jóvenes; de acuerdo al color, actividades lúdicas, paisajes y personajes animados que fueron plasmados en las interfaces. El software fue altamente aceptado (94% respecto a las variables diseño, facilidad de navegación, pertinencia de color, temáticas abordadas e ilustraciones; lo que permitió la validación de éste.

  5. Familia y Escuela, juntas construyendo convivencia y paz. Evaluación de una experiencia de intervención en Pasto, Colombia.

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    Carlos Eduardo Contreras Grijalba


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como objetivo describir el impacto de la réplica del programa FAST (Familia y escuelas juntas desarrollado con estudiantes, docentes y padres de familia del Jardín Infantil Piloto de la ciudad de Pasto (Colombia. Método: La reconstrucción de la experiencia vivida se realizó desde el enfoque cualitativo constructivista, utilizando un método histórico hermenéutico a través de entrevistas en profundidad. Resultados: Mejoró el funcionamiento familiar, se fortaleció la resiliencia infantil y se mitigaron los factores de riesgo desde los aportes de las teorías ecológica, sistémica y del desarrollo emocional de los niños y niñas. Conclusión: Se evidencia la gestación de una nueva convivencia desde la escuela para la familia.


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    Alcira Dueñas Martínez


    Full Text Available El propósito de este ensayo es la exploración de algunos testamentos de mujeres de variada procedencia social, en un área que fue frontera geopolítica tanto durante el imperio incaico como bajo el dominio colonial español: Pasto en el siglo XVIII (en el presente es la frontera entre las naciones modernas de Colombia y Ecuador. Enfocaré el testamento como un texto literario, no como una evidencia empírica para el estudio histórico. En tal condición, espero identificar huellas que me permitan reconstruir las mujeres que los inspiraron como sujetos de enunciación en sus diferentes posiciones dentro de la economía, la cultura y la sociedad de la época. Este ensayo explora además la auto-percepción de las mujeres testantes y su forma peculiar de asumir los roles que la sociedad colonial les asignaba. A pesar de que en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII las sociedades indígenas se habían involucrado ya en un avanzado proceso de transculturación, los testamentos estudiados permiten apreciar cómo en dicho proceso persiste una latencia de andinidad. Si bien las convenciones hispánicas de propiedad privada, herencia y prestigio, son dimensiones prominentes del testamento, no lo son menos, por aparecer en forma velada y a veces en franca evidencia, los conceptos andinos de herencia matrilineal y la connotación de poder asociada a las prendas de vestir, y la solidaridad entre mujeres, por ejemplo.



    Oscanoa, Luis; Ph.D. (c) Investigador asociado, The Mountain Institute – Laboratorio Pastizales UNALM, Lima Perú.; Flores, Enrique; Ph.D. Manejo de Pastizales, Profesor Principal EPG UNALM, Lima Perú.


    Se investigaron los pastos naturales degradados de la comunidad campesina Cordillera Blanca, Huaraz – Perú. El objetivo fue estudiar la influencia de las técnicas de mejora (T) sobre el estado ecológico (Ee), recuperación hidrológica (H) y control de la erosión (Er) del pastizal de condición muy pobre. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con arreglo factorial (3 técnicas x 6 épocas por parámetro de estudio). La investigación duró dos años, etapa en la cual se estudiaron el Ee (ve...

  8. Influencia de la suplementación con concentrado en la producción de leche de vacas Holstein x Cebú en silvopastoreo

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    1O. López

    Full Text Available La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la suplementación con concentrado en la producción y la calidad de la leche de vacas mestizas Holstein x Cebú en silvopastoreo. Se utilizaron ocho animales que pastorearon en una asociación de guinea (Panicum maximum y leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala, en un diseño Switch Back, con dos tratamientos: SS (sin suplementación y CS (0,5 kg de concentrado por kilogramo de leche producido a partir del octavo. Se midió la disponibilidad del pasto y de la leucaena, y se estimó la composición química de los alimentos. En los animales se monitoreó la condición corporal (CC, se midió la producción de leche y se determinaron las concentraciones de grasa, proteína, lactosa, sólidos totales (ST y sólidos no grasos (SNG. La disponibilidad de pasto fue 6,4 t de MS/ha/rotación, lo que, unido al ramoneo de la leucaena, permitió ofertas superiores a 100 kg de MS/animal/día. La PB de la guinea fue de 11,4 % y en la leucaena, de 25,2 %. La producción de leche del tratamiento CS fue similar a la del control (9,7 y 9,8 kg/animal/día, respectivamente, al igual que la composición de la leche (grasa, proteína, lactosa, ST y SNG y la CC de las vacas (2,70 para ambos tratamientos. Los datos sugieren que la suplementación con concentrado en vacas lecheras Holstein x Cebú, manejadas en una asociación de guinea y leucaena con elevada oferta de forraje, no incrementa la producción de leche ni mejora su calidad nutricional

  9. Determinantes de la utilización de los servicios de salud bucal en estudiantes universitarios del municipio de Pasto, 2011 / Determinants of dental health service use among university students in the Pasto municipality, 2011

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    Anderson Rocha-Buelvas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar los factores determinantes de la utilización de los servicios de salud bucal en hombres y mujeres universitarios del municipio de Pasto, Departamento de Nariño (Colombia. Metodología: en una muestra de 338 estudiantes de una universidad, se aplicó una encuesta confidencial, elaborada con base en estudios previos utilizando un modelo comportamental de uso de servicios de salud. Resultados: la prevalencia de utilización de los servicios de salud bucal fue del 57%. Se encontró con respecto a factores de predisposición, que más de la mitad de la población encuestada eran adultos jóvenes entre 20-24 años; que asistían más a la consulta los estudiantes de semestres académicos superiores y menos los de mayor edad; que la mitad pertenecían a un estrato socioeconómico medio y que una décima parte poseían un bajo apoyo social. Se encontró sobre factores de capacidad que las tres cuartas partes que respondieron tener un buen estado de salud, eran los que más utilizaban los servicios de salud bucal; que los que respondieron estar satisfechos con la apariencia de sus dientes, eran los que menos utilizaban los servicios de salud bucal; que una tercera parte había tenido un mal estado de salud bucodental y que casi la mitad tuvo problemas dentales. Sobre los factores de necesidad se encontró que cuando un estudiante tiene afectada su calidad de vida por minusvalía asiste más a la consulta odontológica en el último año. Conclusión: existen leves diferencias por sexo en la utilización de los servicios de salud bucal y que si bien en esta población el resultado fue mayor que en otros estudios, no necesariamente este resultado garantiza que tengan una mejor salud bucal. Objective: to identify the determinant factors of dental health service use among university students in the municipality of Pasto (located in the Nariño Department, Colombia. Methodology: a confidential survey was used on a sample of 338

  10. Una nueva especie del grupo Hyloscirtus larinopygion (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae del suroccidente de Colombia

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    Jonh Jairo Mueses-Cisneros


    Full Text Available Se describe una nueva especie del grupo Hyloscirtus larinopygion del Nudo de los Pastos en el departamento de Nariño, Colombia. Hyloscirtus tigrinus sp. nov. puede ser distinguida fácilmente de sus especies similares por la presencia de un tubérculo calcar carnoso y prominente, además de su distintivo patrón de coloración. Se realizan algunos comentarios sobre la coloración de la garganta y coloración ventral en Hyloscirtus caucanus, H. larinopygion, H. lindae y H. tigrinus. La coloración de la garganta es altamente variable, por lo tanto no puede ser utilizada para diagnosticar a estas especies.A new species of the Hyloscirtus larinopygion group from Nudo de los Pastos, Nariño department, Colombia is described. Hyloscirtus tigrinus sp. nov. can be distinguished easily from similar species by the presence of a fleshy and prominent calcar tubercle and by its distinctive color pattern. Some remarks on throat and ventral coloration in Hyloscirtus caucanus, H. larinopygion, H. lindae and H. tigrinus are presented. The throat coloration is highly variable and cannot be used to diagnose any of these species.

  11. Das sesmarias à resistência ao cercamento: razões históricas dos Fundos de Pasto

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    Luiz Antonio Ferraro Júnior

    Full Text Available O artigo recupera as razões históricas para o surgimento da categoria dos fundos de pasto. Nele, são utilizados dados secundários recolhidos de relatórios governamentais e obtidos em entrevistas com técnicos, agentes pastorais e comunidades pastoris. Os fundos de pasto eram apenas áreas não-cercadas de Caatinga, utilizadas para pastoreio comunal. Esse padrão de ocupação, que se desenvolveu em todo o semiárido nordestino, foi progressivamente usurpado em um processo similar aos enclosures ingleses. Na Bahia, com os avanços do capital sobre essas áreas, a partir da década de 1970, houve articulações regionais e apoios institucionais que estimularam resistências diversas. Assim, "Fundo de Pasto" passou a designar não só as áreas, mas os grupos sociais que as defendiam por delas depender. O termo Fundo de Pasto, antes regional, generalizou-se por todo o estado, principalmente após sua citação na constituição baiana. Os vínculos familiares dessas comunidades também concorreram para a resistência dessa forma de ocupação.

  12. Evaluación agronómica y nutricional del pasto Ryegrass perenne tetraploide (Lolium perenne producido en lecherías de las zonas altas de Costa Rica. I. Producción de biomasa y fenología

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    Luis Villalobos


    3090 msnm, provincia de Cartago. La disponibilidad de materia seca pre y pos-pastoreo, el aprovechamiento por hectárea y su porcentaje de utilización promedio para todas las fincas fueron 4110, 2276 y 1833 kg.ha-1 por corte y 44,82%, respectivamente. La edad fenológica y la relación hoja: tallo promedio de las pasturas de ryegrass perenne fueron 2,84 hojas verdes por rebrote, 56:44. Asimismo, la composición promedio de la pradera fue 76,09% ryegrass, 13,76% otras gramíneas (principalmente pasto kikuyo, 6,02% trébol, 1,25% malezas y 2,88% material senescente, respectivamente. La mayor producción de biomasa durante marzo y abril puede conservarse para utilizarse durante las épocas críticas de disponibilidad de forraje o cuando por razones climatológicas se reduce el número de horas efectivas de pastoreo. La evaluación de la edad fenológica en que se pastorea el pasto ryegrass perenne, indica que las fincas en la zona de estudio utilizan esta gramínea en un estado en el que sus reservas de carbohidratos se han recuperado, lo que permite obtener una producción de biomasa y valor nutricional adecuados para satisfacer las necesidades del ganado lechero de la zona.

  13. Inhibiton of Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L. and Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L. Pers by a Mulch Derived from Rye (Secale cereale L. in grapevines Inhibición del Crecimiento de Chufa (Cyperus esculentus L. y Pasto Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon (L. Pers. con mulch Vegetal Proveniente de Centeno (Secale cereale L. en Vides

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    Juan Ormeño-Núñez


    . Las siegas sucesivas del centeno formaron un mulch vegetal denso y duradero sobre las hileras de vides. El mulch orgánico fue un 81 y 82% más efectivo para controlar chufa y pasto bermuda, respectivamente, que el control químico (sobre la hilera + mecánico (entre las hileras. Dos aplicaciones de glifosato (octubre/diciembre al 2% para chufa y 1% para pasto bermuda no fueron suficientes para controlar efectivamente las dos malezas. El grado de control del total de malezas fue 67,3 y 43,0% más efectivo con el mulch vegetal que con los tratamientos químicos en Los Andes y Santiago, respectivamente. El alto control ejercido por el mulch de centeno se debió a que el crecimiento de los nuevos brotes de chufa y pasto bermuda fueron particularmente susceptibles al sombreamiento del mulch, formado antes de su emergencia primaveral y que permaneció hasta inicios del otoño, y a que la siega del centeno maximizó los efectos alelopáticos de esta variedad local de centeno. Se sugiere utilizar este tipo de manejo de las cubiertas vegetales y mulch para el control efectivo de malezas en otros frutales caducifolios tanto en huertos de agricultura convencional como orgánicos.

  14. Infección por VPH en mujeres del municipio de Pasto (Colombia) con resultados de citología normal


    Sánchez-Ortega, Claudia; Suárez, Narváez Karen; Yépez-Chamorro, Maria; Guerrero-Flórez, Milena


    Introducción. El cáncer de cuello uterino (CCU) asociado a la infección por VPH se considera un importante problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. En Colombia, es la segunda causa de muerte por cáncer en mujeres. En el municipio de Pasto (N) ubicado al suroccidente de Colombia, la tasa de incidencia es de 27,3/100.000 habitantes. Profundizar en la historia natural de la infección por VPH permitiría mejorar las estrategias de control y diagnóstico temprano para evitar la progresión de este ...

  15. Estudio de productos forestales no maderables en tres mercados de Guinea Ecuatorial

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    Obama Ondo, Crisantos


    Full Text Available The presence of vegetable oils, wild fruits, spices, medicinal plants, plant stimulants and melongos in the markets of Ebibeyín, Bata and Malabo of Equatorial-Guinea have been studied, as remarkable non-wood forest products from these markets. The possible impact of the uses of these products on the natural environments are discussed. Some suggestions about the improvement and development of the non-wood forest products in Equatorial-Guinea are given.Se han tomado datos en los mercados de Ebibeyín, Bata y Malabo, en Guinea Ecuatorial, sobre aceites vegetales, frutos silvestres comestibles, condimentos de origen vegetal, plantas medicinales, plantas estimulantes y melongos, como principales productos forestales no maderables en venta en dichos mercados. Se discuten cuestiones generales relacionadas con el medio natural y el posible impacto en él del uso de estos productos. El estudio finaliza con unas sugerencias sobre temas relativos a la mejora y desarrollo del sector de los productos forestales no maderables en Guinea Ecuatorial.

  16. Composición genérica del banco de semilla del suelo en un sistema silvopastoril multiasociado (Nota técnica

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    F Reyes

    Full Text Available En la Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes «Indio Hatuey» se desarrolló una investigación, con el objetivo de determinar la composición, por géneros, del banco de semilla de un suelo Ferralítico Rojo en explotación ganadera; el cual estaba insertado en un sistema silvopastoril multiasociado con más de diez años de explotación. Se empleó un diseño de bloques al azar con tres repeticiones, y los tratamientos fueron las profundidades de muestreo de 0-5 y 5-10 cm. Se trabajó en un lote de 4 ha sobre el que se trazaron tres franjas, divididas en parcelas de 8 x 10 m. Las muestras de suelo se extrajeron de un área de 1 m². Se identificaron ocho géneros de gramíneas y leguminosas; los más frecuentes fueron: Panicum (78,7 %, Leucaena (9,27 %, Neonotonia (6,03 % y Teramnus (2,35 %. Hubo diferencias significativas a favor de la profundidad de 0-5 cm, en la cual se encontró la mayor proporción de semillas. Neonotonia y Leucaena presentaron el mayor porcentaje de semillas duras, aunque todas las leguminosas mostraron una alta viabilidad. Se concluye que existió una alta reserva de semilla de guinea en el suelo del sistema multiasociado, así como diversidad de géneros de leguminosas. Además, se encontró un alto porcentaje de semilla en el estrato superior del suelo (0-5 cm, lo que puede constituir una ventaja en los procesos de renovación de los pastizales con estas plantas.

  17. Evaluación del pretratamiento con ácido sulfúrico diluido del pasto maralfalfa (Pennisetum glaucum x Pennisetum purpureum para la producción de etanol

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    Lady Mateus


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment of goliath grass (Pennisetum glaucum x Pennisetum purpureum for ethanol cellulosic Resumen : Evaluar la producción de etanol a partir de cultivos lignocelulósicos, específicamente pastos de rápido crecimiento en la región, constituye una alternativa a la demanda de biocombustibles. En la presente investigación se seleccionó el pasto Maralfalfa (Pennisetum  glaucum x Pennisetum  purpureum utilizando el pretratamiento con ácido sulfúrico diluido a diferentes temperaturas (110, 130, 150, 170 y 190 °C y concentraciones de ácido (0.8, 1.2 y 2.0% (p/p, seguido de un proceso de hidrólisis enzimática utilizando celulasas y celobiosas comerciales y un proceso de hidrólisis y fermentación simultanea. La máxima producción de etanol obtenido fue 117 mg etanol/ g biomasa pretratada a 190 °C y 1,2 %(p/p de ácido sulfúrico. El líquido hidrolizado fue caracterizado calculando el porcentaje de glucosa, xilosa y lignina solubilizadas y degradadas durante el pretratamiento. Palabras clave: etanol lignocelulósico; celulosa; hemicelulosa. Abstract: The goliath grass (Pennisetum  glaucum x Pennisetum  purpureum was pretreated with different sulfuric acid concentrations (0.8, 1.2 y 2.0% (w/w from low to high temperatures (110, 130, 150, 170 y 190 °C followed by enzymatic hydrolysis and SSF of remaining solids. The maximum yield was 117 mg of ethanol/g biomass to 190 °C and 1.2 % (w/w of sulfuric acid. Key words: lignocellulosic ethanol; hemicelluloses; cellulose.

  18. El mejoramiento de la gestión del talento humano a través del empowerment en las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas, transformadoras de alimentos afiliadas a ACOPI seccional Nariño


    Mora Gómez, Nelson Armando


    Tesis de grado (Maestría en Gerencia del Talento Humano). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2011 Uno de los propósitos de esta investigación fue conocer la situación en materia de Gestión del Talento Humano en las pymes del sector alimentos afiliadas a ACOPI seccional Nariño, se tomo como referencica 6 empresas de la ciudad de Pasto, que estuvieron dispuestas a ser parte del estudio. Desde la Gestión del Talento Humano se tuvo en cuenta principalmente los p...


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    Santiago Rendón Pareja


    Full Text Available El estado de las propiedades dinámicas del suelo, tales como el contenido de la materia orgánica, la diversidad de organismos, o los productos microbianos en un tiempo particular, permiten inferir sobre la calidad del suelo. Los indicadores disponibles para evaluarla, pueden variar entre localidades, dependiendo del tipo y uso del suelo, función y factores de formación del mismo. Los invertebrados se pueden constituir en indicadores de la calidad de un suelo, dado que juegan un papel vital en los procesos de ciclaje de nutrientes; además, su diversidad, número y funciones son sensibles al cambio ambiental en las condiciones del suelo, asociadas con actividades propias en los agroecosistemas. Con el propósito de cualificar la calidad del suelo en varios sistemas productivos, se evaluó la presencia de macroinvertebrados en cultivos de mora, pasto y aguacate, empleando para el muestreo la técnica del monolito propuesto por Instituto de Fertilidad y Biología de Suelos Tropicales (TSBF y luego se procedió a identificarlos a nivel de familia. La mayor cantidad de macroinvertebrados se encontró en los primeros 10 cm, siendo el cultivo de mora el que registró la mayor diversidad.The state of soil dynamic properties, such as organic matter content, diversity of organisms, or microbial products in a particular time, allow to infer about soil quality. The indicators available to evaluate, may vary among locations, depending on the type and land use, function and factors of formation. Invertebrates can be indicators of soil quality, as they play a vital role in nutrient cycling processes, furthermore, their diversity, number and functions are sensitive to environmental change in soil conditions associated with activities own in agroecosystems. In order to qualify the quality of soil in various production systems was evaluated the macroinvertebrates presence in mulberry, pasture and avocado crops, using the monolith sampling technique proposed

  20. Simulación del balance anual en sistemas de pastoreo bovino

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    Verena Torres Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Este estudio parte de una abstracción de los sistemas de pastoreo vacuno en Cuba en cuanto a la dinámica del N, P y K, determinando los procesos relevantes para el modelo de simulación. Para  tales procesos se define cómo estimar la cuantía de su contribución como fuente de entrada o salida de los nutrientes por tres posibles métodos: modelos de ajustes, procedimientos descriptivos (fórmulas de cálculos o con valores informados en la literatura. Las componentes del modelo de simulación fueron: estimación del N, P y K aportado por  bostas,  orina,  hojarasca de los árboles,  hojarasca de los pastos, removilización y contenido en la suplementación utilizada.  Estimación del N aportado por la lluvia  y  volatilizado por bostas y orina.  Estimación del N, P y K en la leche producida,  en la ganancia de peso vivo, en los animales que salen del sistema y el  extraído por los pastos. El soporte informático del modelo se programó en Borland Delphi versión 4.0 utilizando el método de Prototipo Orientado a Objeto y el mismo garantiza la rapidez, exactitud y precisión en las estimaciones que se hacen, lo que se comprobó mediante una adecuada estrategia de validación efectuada hasta la introducción del software en la investigación, la docencia y la producción con resultados muy positivos.

  1. Dosis óptima de irradiación gamma con Co60 para inducción de mutagénesis en pastos

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    Alan Álvarez-Holguín


    Full Text Available La dosis letal (DL 50 y reducción media del crecimiento (RC 50 son parámetros utilizados para seleccionar dosis de irradiación adecuadas e inducir mutaciones para realizar mejoramiento genético vegetal. El objetivo fue determinar la DL 50 y RC 50 para conocer la dosis ó p tima de irradiación c on Co 60 en semilla de pasto llorón, buffel, banderita y navajita. Se evaluaron seis dosis de irradiación con Co 60 en semilla : 100, 200, 300, 450, 600 y 900 Gray (Gy y un tratamiento control (T - 0, sin irradiación. Las variables evaluadas fueron : porcentaj e de germinación (%GE, índice de velocidad de germinación (IVG, longitud de plúmula (LP y longitud de radícula (LR. Se realizó análisis de regresión y comparación de medias con la prueba de Dunnett. Mediante la ecuación de regresión se estimó la DL 50 p ara el %GE, así como RC 50 para el resto de las variables. La DL 50 se ponderó con 55%, mientras que la RC 50 se ponderó en 15% para cada una de las tres variables restantes. En general, los valores de las variables disminuyeron (P<0.05 conforme se incremen tó la dosis de irradiación, lo cual permitió determinar la DL 50 y RC 50 para cada especie. La media ponderada se obtuvo a los 628 Gy, 712 Gy, 698 Gy y 411 Gy para pasto llorón, buffel, banderita y navajita, respectivamente. Se recomiendan las dosis plantead as en este estudio, ya que esto permitirá plantear las bases para realizar mejoramiento genético a través de mutagénesis con irradiación gamma en los pastos evaluados.

  2. Avances en la evaluación de leguminosas anuales distintas del T. subterraneum L.


    Moreno Cruz, V.; Gallardo Martínez, D.


    Dado los problemas actuales de persistencia del T. subterraneum en muchas áreas, debidas en general, al estrecho margen de adaptacóin de las variedades disponibles actualmente, se indican en el presente trabajo otras especies de leguminosas anuales que pueden ser una alternativa, en los pastos del S-O, al referido Trifolium subterraneum. Se incluye, entre las evaluaciones realizadas, las especies Medicago polymorpha, Trifolium glomeratum y Ornithopus compressus, todas ellas presentes en los s...

  3. La utilización de la teoría de benchmarking como modelo comparativo para el plan estratégico en las pymes del sector lácteo en el municipio de San Juan de Pasto 2014-2019

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    Karola López López


    Full Text Available Los actuales desafíos que enfrenta el sector lácteo en el país, obliga a generar la necesidad de una planeación estratégica, como fundamento de vital importancia para el estudio a nivel no solo sectorial, sino también empresarial; teniendo en cuenta la generación de un diagnóstico, una evaluación y una propuesta de fortalecimiento a partir de herramientas basadas en la metodología de benchmarking, que permite realizar un análisis pertinente, promoviendo cambios que contribuyan al fortalecimiento de variables clave para el desarrollo de las Pymes del sector lácteo en la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto. De acuerdo con este contexto, se ha desarrollado el presente trabajo focalizándose en recopilar y explicar la información existente acerca del estado actual de la cadena láctea del departamento de Nariño a partir de: la evaluación de entornos, el análisis sectorial utilizando el modelo de Diamante y Cinco Fuerzas de Michael Porter, y la aplicación del benchmarking estratégico a nivel regional y empresarial, considerados como elementos importantes del presente análisis. En consecuencia, se pudo establecer la cadena de valor, generando unos lineamientos estratégicos que contribuyan al mejoramiento de los procesos de la planeación y control existentes en las Mipymes lácteas de la región.


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    Margarita Arastenia Zamora Huete


    Full Text Available Se valora el uso de la plataforma virtual del recinto URACCAN-Nueva Guinea, en el área  de Ciencias Administrativas e Informática, implementada durante el II semestre del 2012. Se desarrolló bajo un enfoque cuantitativo empleando la encuesta como técnica de recolección de datos y entrevistas a fuentes específicas. La investigación da mayor relevancia a la plataforma virtual Moodle y sus características por ser el software educativo utilizado por el recinto universitario para desarrollar los procesos educativos en los entornos virtuales.Los resultados muestran el poco uso de la plataforma virtual, tanto de estudiantes y docentes, aunque la universidad ha realizado esfuerzo por capacitar a los docentes en metodologías a través de entornos virtuales; empero, el diseño de los cursos por algunos docentes no incentiva su uso: son pocos atractivos y no se aprovechan todas las opciones que la plataforma otorga para su uso eficiente. Los estudiantes y docentes ven con buenas expectativas y aprueban de manera complementaria la utilización de plataformas virtuales para el desarrollo de sus clases, ya que existen pocas condiciones en la universidad en cuanto al acceso y equipos para su implementación.SummaryThis study was carried out in order to evaluate the virtual platform use in URACCAN-Nueva Guinea campus, in the area of Administrative Sciences and Informatics, implemented during the second semester of the year 2012. It was developed with a quantitative approach using the survey as a technique for data collection and interviews with specific sources. The research gives major importance to the Moodle virtual platform and its characteristics, for being the educational software used by the campus to develop educational processes in virtual environments.The results show little use of the virtual platform, both by students and teachers, although the university has made efforts to train teachers in methodologies through virtual environments

  5. Desarrollo y validación de un método ambientalmente amigable para determinación de metales pesados en pastos

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    Amanda Lucia Chaparro


    Full Text Available Los metales pesados son peligrosos para los seres vivos y el medio ambiente, pues no pueden ser degradados y pueden llegar a los seres humanos a través la cadena trófica, por lo tanto, su determinación en diferentes matrices para consumo humano y animal, es de vital importancia. La metodología más utilizada para su extracción, es cenizas, la cual conlleva a tiempos largos de análisis y elevado consumo de energía, por esta razón, en el presente trabajo se desarrolló y validó un método ambientalmente amigable para la digestión y extracción de Cd+2 y Pb+2 en pastos, utilizando ultrasonido y espectroscopia de absorción atómica. Se evaluaron diferentes variables que afectan la digestión, como posición en el ultrasonido, peso de muestra, solvente, volumen del solvente, tiempo de sonicación y tipo de recipiente, en muestras de pastos dopadas con los metales, teniéndose como variable de respuesta, el porcentaje de recuperación. Las condiciones para extraer Cd+2 y Pb+2 en estas pasturas, fueron: 0,50g de tejido vegetal; 3,00mL de HCl:HNO3-3:1 expuestos 60min al ultrasonido, en tubos de vidrio cónicos. Este procedimiento mostró un comportamiento lineal en el rango de 0,50 - 8,00mg/Kg con R2 de 0,99 tanto para Cd como para Pb. Los límites de detección y cuantificación, fueron 0,25 y 0,43mg/Kg para Cd; 0,22 y 0,37mg/Kg para Pb. La metodología propuesta, se comparó con la técnica clásica y permitió determinar niveles trazas de estos metales tóxicos, en forraje proveniente del Magdalena medio, con porcentajes de recuperación de 97,54 y 98,62%, respectivamente.

  6. Cambios en el uso del suelo en el sudeste de Nicaragua, 1983-1992

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    Pere Pujol


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza los cambios del uso del suelo, en el sudeste de Nicaragua, durante el período comprendido entre 1983 a 1992. El estudio se practicó mediante la utilización de los sistemas de información geográfica y la teledetección. Se observaron tanto los cambios cuantitativos como su expresión territorial, a nivel general de todo el sudeste y a nivel particular de cada uno de sus municipios. El análisis se centró en las características de la evolución del uso del suelo en dicho período: la reducción del bosque denso y el aumento del bosque ralo y de los pastos.

  7. Desplazamiento forzado y condiciones de vida de las comunidades de destino: el caso de Pasto, Nariño

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    María del Pilar Bohada R.


    Full Text Available El conflicto armado en Colombia ha dejado más de 3,3 millones de personas desplazadas que buscan refugio en las ciudades. Los estudios sobre desplazamiento en el país valoran las pérdidas ocasionadas a las víctimas, pero poco analizan sus efectos sobre las condiciones de vida de las comunidades de destino. Este estudio valora los efectos del desplazamiento sobre la población residente en zonas de estrato 1 y 2 de la ciudad de Pasto, Nariño, con técnicas de evaluación de impacto. Los resultados indican que sus efectos son mixtos: negativos en seguridad y vulnerabilidad alimentaria, y positivos en confianza e infraestructura social. Lo que indica que la población desplazada no sólo genera tensiones en las comunidades de asentamiento sino que también aporta a la solución de viejos problemas sociales como la falta de infraestructura de educación y salud.


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    Full Text Available Los cambios de hábitos en el consumo de alimentos, insinúan productos de fácil preparación y oportuna adquisición en supermercados, motivo por el cual se hizo necesario indagar a los consumidores de la ciudad de Pasto, su interés y disponibilidad por adquirir Cuy, en presentaciones diferentes a la tradicional. Los objetivos desarrollados fueron valoración de la demanda potencial, realización de test de mercado, determinación de la participación de la carne de Cuy con sustitutos y diseño de estrategias de mercadeo. El modelo de investigación empleado fue el cuantitativo y obedeció a muestreo probabilístico aleatorio con estratificación proporcional. La recolección de la información se realizó mediante encuesta. La población objeto de estudio de la ciudad de Pasto correspondió a 27.428 hogares distribuidos en los estratos, tres, cuatro, cinco y seis. La muestra calculada fue de 383 observaciones, con un nivel de confianza del 95% y un margen de error del 5%. Las estrategias se formularon con base en la mezcla de mercadeo (precio, producto, plaza, promoción y publicidad. Como resultados y conclusiones se logró determinar que el consumo de la carne de Cuy es ocasional con cantidades entre una y cuatro canales. El Cuy en el momento no se vende en famas ni en supermercados, los precios se analizaron en asaderos comerciales (700 gramos de Cuy asado $24.000 y plazas de mercados (Kilo de Cuy vivo alrededor de $12.000. El porcentaje de participación de la carne de Cuy fue de 3,3% del consumo total de carnes. El estimativo de la demanda potencial para las nuevas presentaciones fue de: 92.158 unidades/año para el Cuy ahumado, 69.119 unidades/año para el apanado, y croquetas con 65.827 unidades/año, con pesos de 750 g y 500 g. Los encuestados prefirieron la carne de Cuy ahumada.The changes of habits in the consumption of foods, insinuate products of easy preparation and opportune acquisition in supermarkets, reason for which became

  9. Efectividad de métodos de control de malezas en la producción de forraje del pasto Pangola (Digitaria decumbens Stent.

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    Valent\\u00EDn Alberto Esqueda-Esquivel


    Full Text Available Efectividad de métodos de con trol de ma le zas en la producción de forraje del pasto Pangola (Digitaria decumbens Stent. En el periodo de agosto de 1998 a agosto de 1999 se condujo un experimento en Emilio Carranza, municipio de Ve ga de Alatorre, Ve racruz, México, con el objeto de determinar el efec to de tra ta mien tos de con trol quí mi co y ma nual de ma le zas en la pro duc ción de fo rraje de zacate Pangola y en la den si dad de po bla ción de ma le zas presentes al inicio del siguiente ciclo de lluvias. Se utilizó el diseño experimental de blo ques completos al azar con cua tro re pe ti cio nes. Los tra tamien tos evaluados fueron: 1. Mezcla for mulada de picloram + 2,4-D (64 + 240 g/100 l agua 2. Mez cla for mu la da de pi cloram + flu ro xi pir (40 + 40 g/100 l agua 3. Con trol ma nual mediante chapeo con machete y 4. Testigo enhierbado. Las parcelas experimentales tuvieron 30 m de longitud y 10 m de anchura. Los tra ta mien tos 1, 2 y 3 se apli ca ron el 17 de agos to de 1998, cuan do la zar za de lo ma (Mimosa albida, que fue la es pe cie de ma le za do mi nan te te nía en tre 40 y 60 cm de al tu ra y la cobertura promedio de malezas del lote experimental, era de 57,9%. Se eva luó la co ber tu ra de ma le zas y pas to y el control de ma le zas a los 29, 60, 80, 114 y 154 días des pués de la aplicación de los tratamientos (DDA. También se determinó la producción de forraje de za ca te Pan go la a los 45, 80, 143 y 178 DDA. Con pi clo ram + flu ro xi pir y pi clo ram + 2,4-D, se controló más eficientemente a M. albida y el com ple jo de ma le zas her bá ceas que con el cha peo y se ob tu vo una produc ción significativamente mayor de ma teria seca de pas to. Ambos tratamientos herbicidas presentaron menor densidad de po bla ción de ma le zas en el si guien te ci clo de llu vias que el tratamiento con chapeo.


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    Germán Marcillo


    Full Text Available A partir de consideraciones de tipo económico y matemático se especifican dos funciones de oferta y demanda de la papa en el municipio de Pasto; utilizando series de tiempo del periodo 1999 a 2010 se describen los datos de las variables empleadas para cada función a estimar; con ayuda de programas computacionales como Excel (2007 Statgraphics Centurion y Gretl (versión libre, se realizan las estimaciones de los modelos de oferta y demanda, posteriormente se desarrollan técnicas econométricas y estadística para validarlos. Finalmente, aplicando el concepto de elasticidad se analiza el efecto de cada variable con la variable en estudio. Se observó que variables como el precio y costos de producción son, en porcentaje, las que más determinan las decisiones de los ofertantes y consumidores de papa.

  11. Manejo de pastizales en sistema de producción ganaderos de Nueva Guinea, Costa Caribe Sur de Nicaragua

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    Carlos Álvarez Amador


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se encaminó a la caracterización del manejo de las pasturas que hacen los ganaderos de Nueva Guinea, Nicaragua. El enfoque de la investigación fue cuantitativo, tipo descriptiva, se tomó una muestra de 100 ganaderos. La información fue recolectada a través de encuestas, y por las características de algunas variables también se hizo uso de formatos de recolección y medición de datos. El procesamiento de la información se realizó con el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 15,0. Se encontró una diversidad representativa de especies de pastos, tanto de pastoreo continuo como de corte, con una predominancia de retana (Ischaemum ciliare y Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú, estos en su mayoría con un manejo poco tecnificado, pues los productores (mujeres y hombres aún no son conscientes que las áreas de pasturas son un cultivo y deben manejarse como tal, el período de ocupación de las pasturas promedia 7 días, con una carga animal de 2,5 cabezas de ganado/manzana y un periodo de descanso de 23 días, con niveles de degradación que van desde leve hasta severo. Abstract This research was aimed at the characterization of pasture management made by cattle farmers in Nueva Guinea, Nicaragua. The research approach was quantitative, descriptive type, a sample of 100 farmers was taken. The information was collected through surveys, and the characteristics of some variables. Data collection and measurement formats were also used. The information processing was performed with the statistical package SPSS version 15.0. A representative diversity of pasture species was found, both continuous pasture and cut, with a predominance of retana (Ischaemum ciliare and Brachiaria brizantha cv. (Women and men are still not aware that pasture areas are crop and should be managed as such, the period of occupation of the pastures averages 7 days, with an animal load of 2.5 livestock per block and a rest period of 23 days, with levels of

  12. La piratería de Nigeria como una amenaza a la seguridad marítima del Golfo de Guinea (2007-2012). Una aproximación desde el crimen organizado


    Valderrama Luna, Lina María


    Desde finales de los 70 la piratería se convirtió en un problema para Nigeria. Con el tiempo adquirió características del crimen organizado y en 2010 se transformó en un problema transnacional, afectando a Estados del golfo de Guinea. Así, a través de una base conceptual, el estudio de caso concluyó que los factores internos –como la pobreza, debilidad estatal y marginalización- y externos –siendo ellos la falta de políticas internas destinadas a las aguas y la ausencia de estrategias marítim...

  13. Temperaturas cardinales de desarrollo en la etapa siembra- emergencia de 11 pastos forrajeros

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    Noé Durán Puga


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron determinar las temperaturas cardinales de desarrollo (temperatura umbral mínima Tb, temperatura óptima To y temperatura umbral máxima Tu, e identificar un método que estime con precisión los requerimientos térmicos para la etapa siembra-emergencia (E de 11 pastos forrajeros. Ciento veinte (120 semillas de cada uno se sembraron en recipientes en condiciones controladas con un diseño experimental completamente al azar y tres repeticiones a temperaturas constantes de 15 hasta 46 ºC, en cámaras de ambiente controlado del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Las temperaturas cardinales y requerimiento térmico se estimaron mediante el método bilineal (MB y el método curvilíneo (MC, se evaluó su ajuste mediante comparación directa con los valores de desarrollo observados en ambiente controlado y coeficiente de variación de la duración de E expresada en términos de unidades calor acumuladas (UCA. Los resultados mostraron que el MB fue mejor para estimar Tb y To, y el MC fue mejor para estimar Tu. Los valores de Tb, To, Tu y UCA, fueron, Lolium perenne 9, 31, 41, 80, Festuca arundinacea 10, 31, 41, 78, Hyparrhenia rufa 12, 32, 42, 62, Eragrostis curvula 13, 32, 47, 40, Chloris gayana 13, 31, 47, 40, Melinis minutiflora 13, 31, 43, 50, Pennisetum clandestinum 12, 32, 43, 65, Brachiaria mutica 14, 32, 43, 57, Andropogon gayanus 12, 37, 48, 66, Cynodon dactylon 14, 29, 44, 48, Pennicetum ciliare 13, 30, 42, 61.

  14. Degradabilidad ruminal in vitro de ensilajes de pasto saboya (Panicum maximum jacq. con diferentes niveles de inclusión de cáscara de maracuyá (Passiflora edulis sims.

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    Alexandra Barrera-Álvarez


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la composición y degradabilidad ruminal in vitro de la materia seca, materia orgánica y materia inorgánica de los ensilajes de pasto saboya con los tratamientos T1: Pasto saboya 90%+cáscara de maracuyá 10%; T2: Pasto saboya 80%+cáscara de maracuyá 20%; T3: Pasto saboya 70%+cáscara de maracuyá 30% y T4: Pasto saboya 60%+cáscara de maracuyá 40%. Se utilizó el método de microensilaje (silos PVC de 3 kg de capacidad provistos de una válvula bunsen y mecanismo de extracción de efluentes y la técnica de degradación in vitro con el sistema de incubación DAISY II, empleando el líquido ruminal de bovinos brahman de 500±25 kg de peso promedio. Se aplicó un Diseño Completamente al Azar con seis repeticiones. El nivel de inclusión de maracuyá mejoró el contenido de nutrientes en el ensilaje, incrementando la materia orgánica, la proteína bruta y la grasa bruta y disminuyendo las fracciones de fibra. La degradabilidad de la materia seca, materia orgánica y materia inorgánica fue superior (p

  15. Influencia del polvo del horno de cemento sobre plantas y animales

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    Pajenkamp, H.


    Full Text Available Not availableEl pretendido «polvo de cemento» de los alrededores de las fábricas no es de cemento, sino que se compone, en su mayor parte, de caliza molida muy fina. Es, por tanto, un producto intermedio de la fabricación del cemento. Sería mucho más correcto llamarle «polvo del horno de cemento». Continuamente alegan los agricultores que este «polvo del horno de cemento» es dañino para plantas y animales, y en los últimos años, para probar la validez de tales asertos, se han llevado a cabo numerosas investigaciones científicas para estudiar los efectos de este polvo. Estamos hoy día en posesión de una serie· de trabajos muy completos que dan una idea clara sobre el efecto del polvo del horno de cemento. Los animales domésticos útiles (por ejemplo: corderos, vacas de leche no sufren ningún perjuicio clínico, ninguna deficiencia de su estado general, a pesar de serie administradas grandes dosis de polvo. Los ensayos agrícolas con plantas útiles (avena, trébol, remolacha azucarera, pastos que han sido efectuados durante varios años, han demostrado que ni siquiera cantidades elevadas de polvo provocan perjuicios ni influencias nefastas sobre el crecimiento y sobre la recolección.

  16. Determinación de enteroparásitos en lechuga Lactuca sativa en fincas dedicadas a su producción en Pasto, Nariño, Colombia

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    Giovanni Andrés Polo


    Full Text Available Introducción. Actualmente las verduras, como la lechuga, se recomiendan ampliamente como parte de la dieta diaria por su gran aporte nutricional, sin embargo, los consumidores al sentirse atraídos por los beneficios proporcionados por la hortaliza, están expuestos a infecciones con parásitos intestinales. Objetivo. Determinar la presencia o ausencia de enteroparásitos en la lechuga (Lactuca sativa cultivada en la zona rural de municipio de Pasto y analizar factores asociados previa caracterización de los predios. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal doble ciego de tipo descriptivo. Se tomaron 105 muestras de 21 predios en el periodo de junio a diciembre de 2013 y se procesaron mediante pruebas de flotación y sedimentación. Adicionalmente, se encuestó a los propietarios para obtener información sobre las posibles variables que influyen en la aparición de enteroparásitos. Resultados. Se encontró contaminación del 100% de las muestras, las cuales presentaban estructuras parasitarias representadas en huevos y larvas correspondientes al 95,25% con quistes de Entamoeba spp., 71,43% con ooquistes de Isospora spp., 61,90% con larvas (L3 de Strongyloides stercoralis, 28,57% con huevos de Toxocara spp. y 4,76% con ooquistes de Eimeria spp. En los factores asociados mediante la prueba de Ji cuadrado, se encontró relación entre Entamoeba spp. con acequia (p= 0,008, perros (p= 0,008 y pozo séptico (p= 0,029 Isospora spp. con compostaje (p= 0,0001, perros (p= 0,0001 y babosas (p=0,002; Strongyloides stercoralis con manipulación (p= 0,003 y Toxocara spp. con el no uso de biodigestores (p= 0,002. Conclusiones. Existe contaminación de la lechuga por enteroparásitos en las áreas de cultivo del municipio de Pasto, los cuales provienen de fuentes animales y humanas como sus principales reservorios, y otros están presentes en el medio ambiente.

  17. Características do pasto e acúmulo de forragem em capim-tanzânia submetido a alturas de manejo do pasto Sward characteristics and herbage accumulation of Tanzania grass submitted to sward heights

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    Marcos Weber do Canto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar alturas de manejo do pasto (20, 40, 60 e 80 cm em capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq., em regime de lotação contínua, nas características do dossel e acúmulo de matéria seca. Os animais utilizados foram novilhos Nelore (Bos indicus, e a taxa de lotação foi variável. Foram avaliados: a massa de forragem, a massa de lâmina de folha verde, a razão folha:colmo, a composição morfológica e a taxa de acúmulo de matéria seca. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com duas repetições. A massa de forragem aumentou linearmente com o aumento da altura do pasto. As médias de massa de forragem foram 2.767, 3.105, 3.657 e 4.436 kg ha-1, respectivamente, para as alturas de 20, 40, 60 e 80 cm. As taxas de acúmulo de matéria seca, a 20, 40, 60 e 80 cm, foram, respectivamente, 104, 108, 90 e 81 kg ha-1 por dia, o que indica que houve redução dessas taxas com a elevação da altura do pasto. A razão folha:colmo decresceu linearmente com o aumento da altura do pasto. Pastagens de capim-tanzânia, sob lotação contínua ao final da primavera e durante o verão, devem ser utilizadas entre 40 e 60 cm de altura.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate different sward height (20, 40, 60 e 80 cm in Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. pastures managed under continuous stocking. The animals used were Nellore steers, and the control of sward height was done with put-and-take techniques. Evaluations were made for: forage mass, green leaf mass, leaf:stem ratio, morphological composition and dry matter accumulation rate. The experimental design was completely randomized with two replications. Forage mass increased linearly with sward height with overall mean of 2,767, 3,105, 3,657 and 4,436 kg ha-1 at sward heights 20, 40, 60 and 80 cm, respectively. Rates of dry matter accumulation decreased with increasing sward heights and were 104, 108, 90 and 81 kg ha-1 per day for sward

  18. Resultados preliminares del forraje de Morus alba en la alimentación de vacas lecheras

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    M. Milera


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en evaluar el potencial del forraje de M. alba con vacas mestizas para la producción de leche. El trabajo se desarrolló en Cuba, la cual se encuentra localizada entre los 19° y 81’ de longitud oeste. La Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes “Indio Hatuey” está ubicada en el municipio de Perico, provincia de Matanzas, sobre un suelo ferralítico rojo, a los 22° 40’ 7’’ de latitud norte y 81° 2’ de longitud oeste, a una altura de 10.91 msnm. La evaluación se hizo con vacas mestizas del cruce Holstein x Cebú, que tenían 54 días de lactancia. El estudio se dividió en dos periodos: en el primero (que duró 53 días se suministró el forraje de morera ad libitum, sin trocear, y se pastoreó de forma restringida en gramíneas mejoradas de secano, sin fertilización; en el segundo periodo, los animales dispusieron de pastoreo de gramíneas mejoradas con un 10% de un área establecida con Leucaena leucocephala y recibieron forraje de morera restringido hasta el 1% del peso vivo; éste tuvo una duración de 87 días. Se determinó la disponibilidad de pasto, la composición bromatológica y el consumo de forraje de Morus alba, así como la producción de leche de las vacas. El forraje de morera presentó altos va- lores de proteína y bajos contenidos de fibra; los consumos en el primer periodo llegaron hasta 2.7% del peso vivo. La producción de leche promedio fue de 10.6 kg/vaca/día durante los 140 días de evaluación y la máxima producción se registró en los primeros 53 días (1 kg/vaca/día. Los resultados demostraron la alta calidad de la morera cuando se utiliza como forraje para la alimentación de vacas mestizas. En las condiciones evaluadas, es posible obtener producciones de 10 litros por animal diariamente, cuando se utiliza el forraje de morera en adición al pasto de especies mejoradas, sin suplementación de concentrados.


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    Juan Humberto Avellaneda Cevallos


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la degradabilidad in vitro de la materia seca (MS de las hojas, tallos y planta completa de cuatro variedades de pasto Guinea (Panicum maximum: Común, Tanzania, Enano y Tobiata en cuatro edades de cosecha (21, 42, 63 y 84 d. Se evaluó la composición química de las variedades. Para la digestibilidad in vitro, se empleó la primera fase de la técnica de Tilley y Terry, para lo cual se extrajo líquido ruminal de dos bovinos Brown Swiss canulados a rumen. Se evaluaron seis periodos de incubación (3, 6, 12, 24, 48 y 72 h. Para la cinética de degradación in vitro, se aplicó un diseño de bloques completos al azar (DBCA, utilizando a la corrida (2 como criterio de bloqueo y repetición; se usó una incubadora DaisyII 200 y una bolsita de degradabilidad por corrida. Se observó que la mejor degradabilidad in vitro se presenta en los primeros estadios fenológicos, y que las hojas demuestran mayores características nutricionales, seguida de la planta completa y tallos. Se demostró que las diferencias en degradabilidad no están fuertemente asociadas con la variedad de Panicum maximum, sino más bien con la edad de cosecha. Por lo que se concluye, que la degradabilidad in vitro de las variedades de pasto Guinea, difieren en función del estado de madurez de la planta.

  20. Guinea-Bissau. (United States)


    This discussion of Guinea-Bissau focuses on the following: the people; geography; history; government and political conditions; the economy; foreign relations; and relations between the US and Guinea-Bissau. In 1983 the population was estimated at 827,000 with an annual estimated growth rate of 2.2%. 87% of the population was rural, with 13% living in urban areas. The infant mortality rate is 200/1000 with a life expectancy of 42 years. The population comprises several diverse tribal groups, each with its own language, customs, and social organization. Most people are farmers and follow the traditional religious beliefs of their forebears. Most of the nonindigenous population consists of a significant Cape Verdian ethnic community, a small Portuguese community engaged primarily in commerce and civil service, and a few foreign technical consultants. Guinea-Bissau is a small enclave on the west coast of Africa, bounded by Senegal and on the south and east by Guinea (Conakry). Portugal claimed Portuguese Guinea in 1446 when the fleet of Nuno Tristao arrived on the west coast of Africa. In 1956 the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) was organized clandestinely by the Amilcar Cabral and Raphael Barbosa. The PAIGC moved its headquarters to Conakry in 1960 and began an armed rebellion in 1961. Despite the presence of more than 30,000 Portuguese troops, the PAIGC exercised influence over much of the country by 1972. It established civilian rule in the territory that it controlled and elections took place for a National Assembly. The National Assembly of the PAIGC declared the independence of Guinea-Bissau on September 24, 1973. Portugal granted "de jure" independence on September 10, 1974, when the US recognized the new nation. Guinea-Bissau is a 1-party state. Until May 1984, power was held by a provisional government responsible to a Revolutionary Council. In May 1984 the Revolutionary Council was dissolved, and the 150-member National

  1. Aplicabilidad del test rápido y de las pruebas serológicas en el control del progreso de la oncocercosis y la filariasis linfática en la región continental de Guinea Ecuatorial


    García Fernández, María Belén


    [EN] La oncocercosis y la filariasis linfática están catalogadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como Enfermedades Tropicales Desatendidas (ETD) puesto que están asociadas a entornos de pobreza y causan discapacidad y deficiencias para toda la vida. Estas enfermedades son endémicas en Guinea Ecuatorial. En 1987 el Programa Nacional de Oncocercosis y otras Filariasis del Ministerio de Sanidad inició las actividades de control. A lo largo de estos años se realizó tratamiento...

  2. Experimental aerosolized guinea pig-adapted Zaire ebolavirus (variant: Mayinga) causes lethal pneumonia in guinea pigs. (United States)

    Twenhafel, N A; Shaia, C I; Bunton, T E; Shamblin, J D; Wollen, S E; Pitt, L M; Sizemore, D R; Ogg, M M; Johnston, S C


    Eight guinea pigs were aerosolized with guinea pig-adapted Zaire ebolavirus (variant: Mayinga) and developed lethal interstitial pneumonia that was distinct from lesions described in guinea pigs challenged subcutaneously, nonhuman primates challenged by the aerosol route, and natural infection in humans. Guinea pigs succumbed with significant pathologic changes primarily restricted to the lungs. Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies were observed in many alveolar macrophages. Perivasculitis was noted within the lungs. These changes are unlike those of documented subcutaneously challenged guinea pigs and aerosolized filoviral infections in nonhuman primates and human cases. Similar to findings in subcutaneously challenged guinea pigs, there were only mild lesions in the liver and spleen. To our knowledge, this is the first report of aerosol challenge of guinea pigs with guinea pig-adapted Zaire ebolavirus (variant: Mayinga). Before choosing this model for use in aerosolized ebolavirus studies, scientists and pathologists should be aware that aerosolized guinea pig-adapted Zaire ebolavirus (variant: Mayinga) causes lethal pneumonia in guinea pigs. © The Author(s) 2014.


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    Sierra O


    Full Text Available El 29 de octubre de 2005 el huracán Beta, de categoría 1 pasó a 15 km norte de la isla de Providencia, Caribe colombiano. Con el propósito de determinar eventuales cambios estructurales de las praderas de fanerógamas marinas, se monitorearon cuatro praderas de Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König alrededor de la isla, uno y dos años después del paso del huracán. Se seleccionaron dos sitios no afectados y dos afectados por el paso del huracán. Se observó que las praderas de pastos marinos en la isla de Providencia parecen sanas y sin signos de alteraciones significativas ocasionadas por el huracán Beta. La única posible alteración de tipo estructural, fue devolver a un estado sucesional más temprano a este ecosistema en las zonas afectadas, alteración que actualmente parece haberse superado.

  4. Estrutura do pasto de capim-braquiária com variação de alturas Structure of signal grass pasture with height variation

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    Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar as características estruturais da Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk. Foram avaliadas quatro alturas de plantas (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm dentro de uma mesma pastagem, em um delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com duas repetições. A variação na altura inicial das plantas no pasto de capim-braquiária apresentou resposta linear e negativa. As massas de lâmina foliar verde, colmo verde, material morto, forragem verde e forragem total aumentaram linearmente com a altura das plantas no pasto. Contrariamente, houve redução linear na relação lâminas foliares verdes/colmos verdes com a altura das plantas no pasto (de 1,16 para 0,58. A altura das plantas no pasto teve efeito mais pronunciado sobre o aumento das massas de colmo verde e material morto que sobre a massa de lâmina foliar verde. A densidade volumétrica de lâminas foliares verdes decresceu (de 97,09 para 39,07 kg/cm.ha de MS com a altura das plantas no pasto. Mesma resposta ocorreu para as densidades volumétricas de forragem verde (de 181,62 para 107,85 kg/cm.ha de MS e forragem total (de 283,39 para 195,72 kg/cm.ha de MS. Por outro lado, não houve efeito da altura das plantas no pasto sobre as densidades volumétricas de colmos verdes e material morto, que apresentaram valores médios de 80,95 e 95,61 kg/cm.ha de MS, respectivamente. A altura das plantas no pasto teve efeito quadrático sobre a interceptação de luz pelo dossel. Áreas da pastagem com alturas de 10, 20, 30 e 40 cm apresentaram valores de interceptação luminosa de 56,15; 85,16; 93,39 e 96,57%, respectivamente. Ocorre variação espacial e temporal na estrutura do pasto de B. decumbens manejado sob lotação contínua.This study was carried out aiming to evaluate the structural characteristics of Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk pasture. Four heights of plants (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm were evaluated within the same grazing area in a randomized block

  5. El pH de la carne de cobayo (Cavia porcellus procedente del manejo deficiente del bienestar animal durante el sacrificio en la sierra central del Perú.

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    Full Text Available En la región andina del Perú es común observar el sacrificio de los cobayos sin aturdimiento ni descanso ante mortem. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el pH de la carne de cobayo (Cavia porcellus resultante de este manejo. Se evaluó el pH de 60 canales a las 0, 1, 6, 12, y 24 h posteriores al sacrificio sin descanso ante mortem ni aturdimiento. El pH fue de 6.79 ± 0.3, 6.74 ± 0.34, 6.59 ± 0.28, 6.45 ± 0.35 y 5.96 ± 0.11, a la 0, 1, 6, 12 y 24 horas post sacrificio respectivamente. La ecuación que representa la evolución del pH fue Y=6.7765-0.0231X-0.0005X2 (R2=0.996. SUMMARY. The pH of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus meat from the welfare-deficient slaughtering in the Peruvian central Andes. In Andean region of Peru is common to slaughter Guinea pig without lairage and stunning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pH of meat of Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus from the unsuitable welfare practices during slaughtering in the Peruvian central Andes. The pH of 60 guinea pig carcasses were analyzed at 0, 1, 6, 12 and 24 hours after the end of the slaughter process. The pH was 6.79 ± 0.3, 6.74 ± 0.34, 6.59 ± 0.28, 6.45 ± 0.35 and 5.96 ± 0.11 for 0, 1, 6, 12 y 24 h post slaughtering. The equation that graphs pH evolution was Y=6.7765-0.0231X-0.0005X2 (R2=0.996.

  6. Multiplicación in vitro de segmentos nodales del clon de ñame Blanco de Guinea (Dioscorea cayenensis - D. rotundata ) en sistemas de cultivo semiautomatizado


    Manuel Cabrera Jova; Rafael Gómez Kosky; Sergio Rodríguez Morales; Jorge López Torres; Aymé Rayas Cabrera; Milagros Basail Pérez; Arletys Santos Pino; Víctor Medero Vega; Germán Rodríguez Rodríguez


    Con el empleo del sistema de inmersión temporal fue posible incrementar la multiplicación in vitro de los segmentos nodales en el clon de ñame Blanco de Guinea. Con este tipo de sistema de cultivo se obtuvieron los más altos valores para la altura de la planta, número de entrenudos por planta, así como para la masa fresca y seca de las mismas. Las condiciones de cultivo creadas en el sistema de inmersión temporal para la multiplicación in vitro de los segmentos nodales lograron el más alto co...

  7. South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty; Tratado Sobre La Zona Desnuclearizada Del Pacifico Sur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    On 6 August 1985 the South Pacific Forum, a body comprising the independent and self-governing countries of the South Pacific (Australia, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Western Samoa), endorsed the text of the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty and opened it for signature [Spanish] El 6 de agosto de 1985 el Foro del Pacifico Sur, organo compuesto por los paises independientes y autonomos del Pacifico Sur (Australia, Fiji, Islas Cook, Islas Salomon, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Nueva Zelandia, Papua Nueva Guinea, Samoa Occidental, Tonga, Tuvalu, y Vanuatu), aprobo el texto del Tratado sobre la Zona Desnuclearizada del Pacifico-Sur y lo abrio a la firma.

  8. Contenido nutricional, digestibilidad y rendimiento de biomasa de pastos nativos que predominan en las cuencas ganaderas de Molinopampa, Pomacochas y Leymebamba, Amazonas, Perú

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    Manuel Oliva


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación consistió en analizar el contenido nutricional, digestibilidad in vitro y el rendimiento de biomasa de las especies y según los ganaderos son las especies de pastos nativos más importantes que predominan en las tres principales cuencas ganaderas del departamento de Amazonas: Molinopampa, Pomacochas y Leymebamba. Se muestrearon al azar, seis áreas de 0,25 m2 por tratamiento cada 60 días durante tres brotes. Las muestras obtenidas fueron mezcladas y pesadas por separado, para luego extraer una alícuota homogénea y representativa de 1 kg por especie, para ser deshidrato en una estufa a 60 °C por 48 horas, las mismas fueron sometidas a un análisis proximal. Con los valores obtenidos de cada uno de los parámetros de evaluación y luego de ser multiplicados con sus respectivos valores ponderados se calculó el valor acumulativo final siendo los resultados las siguientes Trifolium repens L (35,9, Philoglossa mimuloides-Siso menudo (35,3, Cenchrus clandestinus (32,8, Trifolium dubium (32,5 y Philoglossa mimuloides-Siso lapacho (31,3. Los valores significan la importancia acumulativa de cada especie.

  9. Equatorial Guinea. (United States)


    Equatorial Guinea is situated on the Gulf of Guinea along the west African coast between Cameroon and Gabon. The people are predominantly of Bantu origin. The country's ties with Spain are significant; in 1959, it became the Spanish Equatorial region ruled by Spain's commissioner general. Recent political developments in Equatorial Guinea include the formation of the Democratic Party for Equatorial Guinea in July of 1987 and the formation of a 60-member unicameral Chamber of Representatives of the People in 1983. Concerning the population, 83% of the people are Catholic and the official language is Spanish. Poverty and serious health, education and sanitary problems exist. There is no adequate hospital and few trained physicians, no dentists, and no opticians. Malaria is endemic and immunization for yellow fever is required for entrance into the country. The water is not potable and many visitors to the country bring bottled water. The tropical climate of Equatorial Guinea provides the climate for the country's largest exports and source of economy; cacao, wood and coffee. Although the country, as a whole, has progressed towards developing a participatory political system, there are still problems of governmental corruption in the face of grave health and welfare conditions. In recent years, the country has received assistance from the World Bank and the United States to aid in its development.

  10. Variabilidade espacial e temporal da vegetação em pastos de capim braquiária diferidos Spatial and temporal variability of vegetation on deferred signalgrass pastures

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    Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a variabilidade espacial e temporal de características descritoras da condição de pastos diferidos de Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk (capim-braquiária. Os tratamentos consistiram de combinações dos períodos de diferimento da pastagem (73, 103, 131 e 163 dias com os períodos de pastejo (29, 57 e 85 dias. Utilizou-se esquema de parcelas subdivididas e delineamento em blocos casualizados com duas repetições. Foi determinada a dispersão dos valores de altura do pasto, altura da planta estendida e do índice de tombamento do pasto. A variabilidade espacial da altura do pasto aumentou de forma linear com o período de diferimento, porém não foi influenciada pelo período de pastejo. O coeficiente de variação da altura da planta estendida diminuiu linearmente em pastos submetidos aos maiores períodos de diferimento e não foi afetado pelo período de pastejo. A variabilidade do índice de tombamento, no entanto, apresentou resposta quadrática ao período de diferimento, com ponto de máximo correspondente ao coeficiente de variação de 38,25% aos 130 dias. Em pastagens diferidas por curto período (73 dias, ocorreu variação negativa do coeficiente de variação durante o período de pastejo. Pastos de capimbraquiária sob diferimento por longos períodos possuem maior variabilidade da altura do pasto e menor heterogeneidade da altura da planta estendida. Além do efeito temporal, ocorre grande variabilidade espacial nas pastagens de capim-braquiária diferidas.It was evaluated spatial and temporal variability of status descriptive characters of Brachiaria decumbens (signalgrass cv. Basilisk deferred pastures. Treatments consisted of combinations of pasture deferring periods (73, 103, 131 and 163 days with grazing periods (29, 57 and 85 days. Randomized block design with two repetitions and subdivided plots was used. It was determined the dispersion of pasture height (PH, stretched plant height (SPH and falling index

  11. Variación de la concentración del furadán en el perfil de un andisol


    Góez G., Gloria Patricia; Zapata H., Raúl; González García, Jairo


    Con el objetivo de determinar el movimiento del Furadán en el suelo, se muestrearon las fases sólidas y líquidas de dos Andisoles ubicados bajo pasto y bajo bosque. El muestreo se hizo instalando un lisímetro en cada horizonte, luego se aplicaron 3 mL de Furadán disueltos en 6 litros de agua, equivalentes a una concentración de 181.1 ?g/ml, en la superficie de los dos Andisoles. El monitoreo se realizó durante seis meses. Para extraer el Furadán de las fases líquida y sólida del suelo se usar...

  12. Demographic and clinical determinants associated with intrauterine fetal mortality in the municipality of Pasto, 2010 - 2012

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    Daniel Jurado Fajardo


    Full Text Available Introduction: Intrauterine fetal mortality (IUFM is a public health problem because of its high rates worldwide and in low-and middle-income populations. However, it is a little-studied event and lacks visibility in public health policies, plans and programs. Objective: To analyze the sociodemographic and clinical determinants associated with IUFM in Pasto-Colombia. Materials and methods: A study, that includes 88 fetal deaths as cases and 88 live births as controls occurred in third level hospitals in Pasto-Colombia during 2010 and 2012, was carried out to determine the relationship between fetal mortality, clinical conditions (complications of pregnancy, gestational age, birth weight, prenatal controls, pathological and toxic medical history, or abortion and sociodemographic conditions (age, ethnicity, occupation, marital status, stratum, area of residence , schooling, parity, displacement condition, planned pregnancy. Results: It was identified that the risk of fetal mortality is significantly lower with the increase in gestational age (OR ajustado = 0.76 IC95% 0.62; 0.93 and birth weight (OR ajustado = 0.99 IC95% 0.98; 0.99. Other clinical and sociodemographic variables were not associated. Conclusion: The results provide evidence for planning intervention plans that prioritize women whose fetus has a lower-than-normal weight and a risk of premature birth.

  13. Malignant transformation of guinea pig cells after exposure to ultraviolet-irradiated guinea pig cytomegalovirus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isom, H.C.; Mummaw, J.; Kreider, J.W.


    Guinea pig cells were malignantly transformed in vitro by ultraviolet (uv)-irradiated guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV). When guinea pig hepatocyte monolayers were infected with uv-irradiated GPCMV, three continuous epithelioid cell lines which grew in soft agarose were established. Two independently derived GPCMV-transformed liver cells and a cell line derived from a soft agarose clone of one of these lines induced invasive tumors when inoculated subcutaneously or intraperitoneally into nude mice. The tumors were sarcomas possibly derived from hepatic stroma or sinusoid. Transformed cell lines were also established after infection of guinea pig hepatocyte monolayers with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) or simian virus 40 (SV40). These cell lines also formed colonies in soft agarose and induced sarcomas in nude mice. It is concluded that (i) GPCMV can malignantly transform guinea pig cells; (ii) cloning of GPCMV-transformed cells in soft agarose produced cells that induced tumors with a shorter latency period but with no alteration in growth rate or final tumor size; and (iii) the tumors produced by GPCMV-and HCMV-transformed guinea pig cells were more similar to each other in growth rate than to those induced by SV40-transformed guinea pig cells

  14. Efeito residual da jitirana, flor-de-seda e mata-pasto no cultivo da rúcula em sucessão a beterraba

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    Alany Moisa Bezerra Almeida


    Full Text Available O efeito residual da adubação anterior em cultivos subsequente é de suma importância, uma vez que a fertilização do solo em uma atividade tão intensa, como a olericultura, aumentaria o custo de produção sempre que fosse implantada uma nova cultura. Este trabalho foi conduzido na Fazenda Experimental Rafael Fernandes, localizada no distrito de Alagoinha, zona rural de Mossoró-RN, no período de novembro a dezembro de 2011. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito residual da jitirana, flor-de-seda e mata-pasto no cultivo da rúcula em sucessão a beterraba. A beterraba foi plantada em parcelas de 1,2 x 1,2 m e adubado com espécies espontâneas, nas quantidades: 0,6; 1,2; 1,8; 2,4 e 3,0 kg m-2 de canteiro. Após a retirada da beterraba, semearam-se sementes de rúcula nas parcelas referente aos tratamentos acima citados. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com três repetições, no esquema fatorial 5 x 3, sendo cinco quantidades e três tipos de adubos verdes (jitirana; flor-de-seda e mata-pasto. A cultivar de rúcula plantada foi a Cultivada. As características avaliadas foram: altura e número de folhas por planta, massa fresca, número de molho de rúcula e massa seca. Houve interação dos fatores estudados para massa fresca de rúcula e número de molhos. O efeito residual na quantidade de 3,0 kg m-2 de canteiro contribuiu para a massa fresca de rúcula da ordem de 762; 684 e 713 g m-2 de canteiro, equivalente a 6,0; 5,0 e 5,0 molhos de rúcula para jitirana, flor-de-seda e mata-pasto, respectivamente. Jitirana, flor-de-seda e mata-pasto são espécies promissoras para ser utilizadas como adubo verde na produção de hortaliças.

  15. Descripción del intento de suicidio como constructo de violencia en la población pediátrica femenina

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    Luis F. Guerrero-Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: caracterizar clínicamente el intento de suicidio desde el enfoque del constructo de violencia en la población pediátrica femenina. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal, multivariado, desarrollado en el Hospital Infantil Los Ángeles de la ciudad de Pasto (Nariño, sobre la atención de pacientes femeninas entre 10 y 17 años, con diagnóstico de intento de suicidio, entre los años 2009 a 2014. Resultados: 97 pacientes (IC: 95%, Z=1,96, e: 10, p=50%. Mayor incidencia entre los 13 y 16 años (88%, predominio año 2011 (37% y en los meses de abril, mayo, julio y agosto. Municipios de Nariño con mayor número de casos: Pasto, La Unión y El Tambo (56%. Putumayo (21%. Intentos de suicidio previos (33%. Mecanismo mayormente utilizado: ingestión de tóxicos y medicamentos (92%. Como factores de riesgo emocional: las discusiones con familiares (32%, las relaciones afectivas fallidas (14% y la convivencia diferente a sus padres (17%, representan más del 88%. Subregistro en la determinación de violencia intrafamiliar, abuso sexual y consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (70%. Valoración por parte de psicología (98%, y por psiquiatría (65%, frente a una ideación suicida y seguimientos menores del 5%. Discusión: la caracterización clínica del intento de suicidio desde el constructo de violencia, teniendo en cuenta el análisis de los diferentes factores de riesgo, permitirán identificar el abordaje clínico de las pacientes, fuente del adecuado plan de tratamiento, seguimiento y pautas de prevención, como base correlativa y reproducible para el manejo multidisciplinario.

  16. Application of decision trees in the identification of patterns of fatal injuries by external cause in the municipality of Pasto, Colombia

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    Ricardo Timaran-Pereira


    Full Text Available Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization (PHO and the World Health Organization (WHO accepted, since the year 1993 and 1996 respectively, that violence is a public health problem, a situation that is corroborated in the report on violence and health, in which Latin America presented a homicide rate of 18 per 100,000 people, and it is considered one of the most violent regions in the world. Objective: To detect criminal patterns with data mining techniques in the Crime Observatory of the municipality of Pasto (Colombia. Materials and methods: Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM was applied, which is one of the methodologies used in the development of data mining projects in academic and industrial environments. The source of information was the Crime Observatory of the municipality of Pasto, where the historical clean and transformed figures on the injuries of external cause (fatal and nonfatal recorded in 11 years are stored. Results: A decision tree-based classification model was built that allowed the discovery of patterns of deaths from external causes. In the case of homicide, these happened mostly in the commune 5 in Pasto under the following circumstances: during the weekends, in the early morning, in the second semester of the year and in the public thoroughfare; besides, the victims were adult men of various professions; and the cause of the homicides were quarrels and they were produced with a fire gun. Conclusion: The generated knowledge will help government and security agencies make effective decisions regarding the implementation of crime prevention and citizen security plans

  17. Estudio retrospectivo de causas de trauma maxilofacial en Pasto, Colombia de 2001 a 2006 A retrospective study of maxillofacial trauma causes in Pasto, Colombia from 2001 to 2006

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    Ana Cristina Mafla


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las lesiones maxilofaciales son una condición frecuente en diferentes países, sin embargo, están asociadas a diversas causas. Metodología: Un estudio descriptivo fue realizado de Enero de 2001 a Diciembre de 2006 en tres hospitales y una institución de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia. 701 pacientes consecutivos del "Hospital San Pedro", "Hospital Universitario Departamental de Nariño", "Hospital Infantil Los Ángeles", y el Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses Seccional Nariño - Putumayo fueron evaluados. Variables como año, género, distribución anatómica de la fractura, se incluyeron. Análisis descriptivos fueron usados para determinar porcentajes e intervalos de confianza. Resultados: Las causas más comunes fueron violencia, con 350 (49,9%, accidentes en motos con 104 (14,8%, en autos con 93 (13,3 %, y caídas con 66 (9,4%. Existió un incremento substancial de violencia en los años 2003 a 2004. Los niños de 0 a 6 años presentaron más caídas, mientras los jóvenes de 15 a 24 años se asociaron con violencia, al igual que accidentes en motos y automóviles. La violencia fue relacionada con fracturas de huesos propios de la nariz, caídas con lesiones naso-orbito-etmoidales, y accidentes en motos y automóviles con politraumatismo y fracturas panfaciales. Conclusiones: Debido a que la violencia, accidentes en motos y automóviles son las principales causas de lesiones maxilofaciales en la juventud, las políticas públicas deben ser dirigidas a ésta Salud UIS 2009; 41: 142-148Introduction: Maxillofacial injuries are a frequent condition in different countries; however, they are associated to different causes. Methodology: A descriptive study was performed from January 2001 to December 2006 at three hospitals and one institution from Pasto, Nariño, Colombia. 701 consecutive patients at "Hospital Los Angeles", "Hospital San Pedro", "Hospital Universitario Departamental de Nariño" and "Instituto de Medicina

  18. Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en una universidad privada de Pasto, Colombia/ Psychoactive substances at a private university from Pasto, Colombia

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    Edwin Giovanny Córdoba-Paz


    Full Text Available Este trabajo es resultado de una investigación de corte cuantitativo y de tipo descriptivo-transversal, que buscó describir y asociar factores sociodemográficos con consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en estudiantes de una universidad privada en la ciudad de Pasto, Colombia. Para cumplir el objetivo, se diseñó y validó un cuestionario que luego se aplicó a 242 estudiantes. Los resultados mostraron que el 21,9 % ha consumido algún tipo de sustancia psicoactiva y 12,4 % reporta haberlas consumido simultáneamente con alcohol. La marihuana es la droga más consumida (11,2 %, seguida de cocaína (9,1 %. El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas se asoció significativamente con sexo, siendo los hombres quienes más consumen (p < 0,05. También se asoció con semestre y estrato socioeconómico, es decir, que el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas varía en función de estas variables. Los datos advierten que la marihuana es la principal sustancia de consumo entre universitarios, simultánea al consumo de alcohol. El impacto preventivo debe focalizarse en variables como sexo y semestre.



    Hernández Z., Eduardo


    El presente es un trabajo de aplicación de la teledetección con el apoyo de la cartografía topográfica y de las fotografías aéreas para el levantamiento del uso del suelo en la zona cafetalera norte de la ciudad de Alajuela, Costa Rica.  La zona de estudio está situada en el Valle Central de Costa Rica.  Se trata de una zona agrícola destinada al cultivo del café, de la caña de azúcar, de pastos extensivos e intensivos y a la horticultura.  Las partes altas de montañas y cañones de ríos son c...

  20. Una aportación al estudio del cuento fang de Guinea Ecuatorial en lengua española / A CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY ABOUT THE FANG TALES FROM EQUATORIAL GUINEA IN SPANISH LANGUAGE

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    María Teresa Abaga Envó


    Full Text Available Resumen: Una lectura sobre los estudios narratológicos revela que el acto narrativo es un hecho consustancial al ser humano. “Somos el homo sapiens, porque somos el homo narrans”, diría el académico José María Merino (2002: 57. De las estructuras narrativas, el cuento oral tradicional se alza como la forma más antigua. Tan antigua y presente en todos los pueblos que componentes semánticos y formales se repiten en relatos de distintas culturas. Tales aspectos constituyen el objeto de análisis de este repertorio de cuentos fantásticos de Guinea Ecuatorial transmitidos en lengua española. En dicho entorno, el cuento oral fang se manifiesta como un arte viviente. No es un evento pensado sólo para niños; toda la comunidad participa de esta “fiesta” que se verá enaltecida por la presencia del canto. Dada la escasa proliferación de estudios del relato oral africano y en particular del guineano, se hace imperativo partir de estudios occidentales, lo cual nos desliza hacia el terreno del comparativismo. Sin embargo, no siempre dichos estudios son confirmados en esta investigación que concluye con las siguientes tesis: el criterio verdad y ficción al que se recurre para delimitar ciertas narraciones tradicionales europeas queda difuminado; uso irregular de las fórmulas de abertura y cierre; la asignación del fin lúdico de los cuentos fantásticos se acompaña del didáctico y la pretendida universalización del método estructuralista formal de Vladimir Propp, expuesta en Morfología del cuento (1987, se vislumbra inoperante, pues quedan reducidas las treinta y una funciones y la sucesión lineal de las mismas. Los temas y los motivos, arropados por el espíritu de la cultura donde emergen, son similares a los identificados en compilaciones españolas o internacionales. Finalmente, la naturaleza oral tradicional del repertorio queda patente a través de las nueve “Leyes Épicas” establecidas por Axel Orlik (1965: la Ley de

  1. La productividad de cabras ramoneando Leucaena leucocephala en las áreas semi áridas del noroeste de Venezuela


    Clavero, Tyrone; Razz, Rosa


    Un experimento de campo fue realizado en las áreas semiáridas del noroeste de Venezuela para evaluar tres tipos de dietas en cabras (pastoreo de gramíneas (pasto buffel); pastoreo de gramíneas + 0.3 kg/día de alimento comercial); pastoreo de gramíneas + ramoneo restrictivo de dos horas diarias en Leucaena leucocephala) sobre la producción y composición de la leche y la tasa de crecimiento. Los datos muestran diferencias significativas (P

  2. Estrategias para establecer pastos de temporal en zonas semiáridas de México.


    Hernández Guzmán, Filogonio Jesús


    Para incrementar la probabilidad de establecimiento de pastos, en siembras de temporal en zonas semiáridas, se caracterizaron física y fisiológicamente semillas de Banderita, Navajita; Buffel y Rhodes y, en base a dimensiones y utilizando tamiz, se clasificaron por tamaño de cariópside (TC) en chicos (Cch), medianos (CM) y grandes (CG). En Banderita y Buffel, los diámetros de tamiz para CG, CM y Cch fueron de 0.70, 0.59 y 0.50 mm y para Navajita y Rhodes, 0.59, 0.50 y 0.42 mm, respectivamente...

  3. Diversidad zoológica asociada a un silvopastoreo leucaena-guinea con diferentes edades de establecimiento Zoological diversity associated to a silvopastural system leucaena-guinea grass with different establishment times

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    Jatnel Alonso Lazo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la diversidad zoológica asociada a un silvopastoreo con leucaena-guinea, por medio de la caracterización de la composición y estructura de las aves, insectos y la macrofauna del suelo, en cuatro edades de establecimiento (3, 4, 5 y 6 años de explotación. Con las especies registradas en cada uno de estos grupos zoológicos, se calcularon los índices ecológicos: número de individuos, riqueza, diversidad y abundancia de especies, en diferentes edades del sistema. En todos los grupos, se apreció el aumento significativo en la riqueza de especies y en el índice de diversidad biológica de Shannon, en la medida que se desarrolló el sistema. Se observó incremento en la abundancia de insectos biorreguladores y, en relación con las aves, el horario de muestreo no mostró interacción con los distintos años de siembra. La macrofauna se incrementó, observándose dominancia de anélidos al 6º y 7º año de explotación, caracterizado por Polyferetrina elongata y Oligochaeta elegans. El desarrollo del silvopastoreo leucaena-guinea logra sistemas productivos pecuarios que aumentan la producción de biomasa y de otros componentes biológicos y contribuir para crear un sistema sostenible y compatible con el ambiente.The aim of this work was to evaluate the associated zoological diversity of a silvopastural system leucaena-guinea grass, by characterizing the composition and structures of the birds, insects and the macrofauna of the soil, in four establishment times of the silvopastural systems (3, 4, 5 and 6 years of exploitation. For the species recorded in each zoological group, the following ecological indices were determined: number of individuals, richness, diversity and abundance of species, in each establishment times of the system. A significant increase, in all the zoological groups, was observed for the richness of species and for the index of biological diversity of Shannon, as the system

  4. El sello de correos, como medio informativo. La antigua Guinea española, en su filatelia

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    Dr. Victoriano Darias


    Full Text Available A través de la observación detallada de las colecciones y catálogos filatélicos de un determinado país es posible obtener interesantes consideraciones históricas y periodísticas del mismo. Como ejemplo de ello proponemos en estas líneas el estudio de la faceta filatélica de la Guinea Española, territorio africano discontinuo (islas y zona continental que ocupó España desde 1778, mediante la desafortunada expedición del conde de Argelejo.


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    Elizabeth Conde-Lozano


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de la polinización libre y la autopolinización en el pasto Buffel. El estudio se realizó en el invernadero y en el campo de la Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Agronomía y Ciencias (UAMAC en el Municipio de Victoria, Tamaulipas. Se utilizaron cuatro variedades de pasto Buffel (Común, Nueces, T-1754 y Formidable las cuales fueron sometidas a dos tipos de polinización (libre y auto. Se utilizó un diseño en bloques completos al azar. Se midieron los días a floración de los órganos masculinos y femeninos. Se clasificó el polen (fértil, intermedio e infértil y los efectos de la autopolinización y polinización libre sobre las características de las semillas. No se observaron efectos sobre los días a floración de los órganos femeninos (P = 0,54, pero sí en los órganos masculinos (P < 0,03, donde las plantas de la variedad Formidable tardaron 2,3 días en madurar. El número de granos de polen fértil, intermedio e infértil no fueron afectados por la polinización ni por la variedad. En cuanto a los componentes de la semilla, todos fueron afectados (P < 0,01 por el tipo de polinización, las plantas sometidas a autopolinización mostraron las mejores características. La polinización afectó las características de la semilla.

  6. [Enteroparasite determination in Lactuca sativa from farms dedicated to its production in Pasto, Colombia]. (United States)

    Polo, Giovanni Andrés; Benavides, Carmenza Janneth; Astaiza, Juan Manuel; Vallejo, Dario Antonio; Betancourt, Patricia


    Currently, vegetables like lettuce are widely recommended as part of the daily diet given their high nutritional value; however, while consumers feel attracted to the benefits provided by the vegetable, they may also be exposed to parasitic intestinal infections. To determine the presence or absence of enteroparasites in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) grown in the rural area in the municipality of Pasto, and to analyze associated factors based on the characterization of the lands. We conducted a descriptive double blind cross-sectional study. We took a total of 105 samples from 21 properties from June to December, 2013, and we processed them by sedimentation and flotation tests. Additionally, the owners were surveyed in order to obtain information about the possible variables influencing the occurrence of enteroparasites. We detected contamination in 100% of the lettuce samples and we found parasite eggs and larvae as follows: 95.25% with Entamoeba spp. cysts; 71.43% with Isospora spp. oocysts; 61.90% with Strongyloides stercoralis larvae (L3); 28.57% with Toxocara spp. eggs, and 4.76% with Eimeria spp. oocysts. Using the chi-square test we found association between Entamoeba spp. and ditches (p=0.008), dogs (p=0.008) and septic tanks (p=0.029); between Isospora spp. and compost (p=0.0001), dogs (p=0.0001) and slugs (p=0.002); between S. stercoralis and handling (p=0.003), and between Toxocara spp. and no use of biodigesters (p= 0.002). We found contamination with enteroparasites in lettuce samples from growing areas in the municipality of Pasto with animal and human sources as their main reservoirs, although others were present in the environment.


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    Amilvia Yanett Ortiz Villa

    Full Text Available Los subproductos sólidos de carácter orgánico generados por los procesos de tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales son utilizados comúnmente como fuente de nutrientes para tratamiento de suelos. Estos biosólidos contienen nutrientes contaminantes inorgánicos como el mercurio, el cual es empleado para el estudio, por el conocimiento ampliamente documentado de su toxicidad en sistemas vivos y sus efectos en seres humanos. En este mismo sentido, y puesto que las plantas constituyen la base de la cadena trófica, se centra la atención sobre el pasto, debido a su fácil crecimiento y uso como pastura de ganadería. El mercurio en pasto fue cuantificado mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica utilizando la técnica de generador de hidruros con vapor frío. Se verificaron algunos parámetros de validación con criterios de aceptación deseables tales como linealidad (r² = 0,999, exactitud (R = 93,14-96,12%, precisión (CV = 1,11-1,69%, límites de detección y cuantificación (0,001-0,003 ppb. Se evidenció que las concentraciones de mercurio se encuentran por debajo de los valores máximos permitidos por la normatividad Internacional, presentando el biosólido como fuente confiable de nutrientes para el agro. De esta forma se establece una metodología que puede ser una buena herramienta para la determinación analítica de mercurio en pastos.

  8. Dinámica del cadmio en suelos cultivados con papa en Nariño, Colombia.

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    Liliana Insuasty B


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la fijación y movilidad de cadmio en suelos dedicados al cultivo de papa en Túquerres, Pasto y Guachucal. Se tomaron muestras de suelos no disturbadas en cilindros de PVC, las cuales, luego de aplicaciones fraccionadas de cadmio con dosis de 0, 50,100 y 150 ppm, se incubaron a capacidad de campo durante cuatro meses. En estos suelos los contenidos de cadmio total e intercambiable no sobrepasaron los límites permisibles establecidos por Organización Mundial de la Salud-Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (OMS-FAO; no obstante, la mayor cantidad del elemento se localizó en la parte superior de los núcleos, lo cual indica baja movilidad del elemento en el perfil.

  9. Verifica della qualitá delle indagini epidemiologiche per eventi epidemici di tossinfezione alimentare: l'esperienza del Servizio Igiene Pubblica della ASL RMG

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    A. Lancia


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: obiettivo dello studio è verificare il miglioramento della qualità delle indagini epidemiologiche per eventi epidemici di tossinfezione alimentare dopo l’implementazione di un protocollo aziendale condiviso tra i servizi del Dipartimento di Prevenzione della ASL RMG (SIP-SIAN-SV e l’attivazione della pronta disponibilità di una equipe dedicata.

    Metodi: sono state presi in considerazione tutti gli eventi epidemici di tossinfezione alimentare individuati dal SIP nel periodo 1998-2002: il periodo A (1998-1sem2000 è quello precedente all’attivazione del protocollo e il periodo B (2sem 2000-2002 è quello successivo. È stato realizzato un questionario per la raccolta retrospettiva dei dati archiviati; l’informatizzazione è stata effettuata con il programma EPIinfo vers. 6.0 e l’analisi con il software microsoft excel vers 7.0. Risultati: nel periodo A sono stati individuati n.14 eventi epidemici per un totale di 76 malati. Il servizio SIAN e/o SV è stato attivato nel 28% dei casi, il sopralluogo nel luogo di consumo del pasto è stato effettuato nel 42%(6/14 e nel 33% dei casi il campionamento dell’alimento ha individuato l’agente microbiologico. Nel periodo B invece sono stati individuati n.21 eventi epidemici per un totale di 202 malati. Il servizio SIAN e/o SV è stato attivato nel 71% dei casi, il sopralluogo nel luogo di consumo del pasto è stato effettuato nel 57%(12/21 e nel 57% dei casi il campionamento dell’alimento ha individuato l’agente microbiologico.

    Conclusioni: in seguito all’attivazione del protocollo è migliorata la qualità dei dati raccolti. L’istituzione di una equipe dedicata ha determinato una più accurata sorveglianza degli episodi di tossinfezione attraverso una maggiore efficienza nell’attivazione dei servizi SIAN-SV. Questa esperienza dimostra che l’integrazione tra i Servizi del Dipartimento di Prevenzione

  10. Respuesta de Physalis peruviana a la fertilización con diferentes dosis de N, P y K en el Altiplano de Pasto, Colombia

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    Amanda Silva Parra


    Full Text Available En un Andisol Typic dystrandept del Altiplano de Pasto (2800 m.s.n.m., 12.6°C, 820 mm/año y 900 h de luz solar, Colombia, se evaluaron algunas variables de crecimiento, contenido de nutrientes y producción de uvilla (Physalis peruviana como respuesta a la fertilización con N, P y K. Los tratamientos consistieron en la aplicación de urea (46% N como fuente de N, superfosfato triple-SPT (46% de P2O5 como fuente de P y cloruro de potasio-KCl (60% K2O como fuente de K, en dosis iguales para cada fuente, de 80, 150 y 300 kg/ha/año aplicados en dos épocas al momento del trasplante y 30 días después, antes de la floración. Los resultados mostraron diferencias en fuentes y dosis (P ≤ 0.01 en todas las variables analizadas. Las dosis de 300 kg/ha de urea, 150 kg/ha de SPT y 300 kg/ha de KCl favorecieron la mayor altura de planta, la materia seca y la absorción de NPK (P ≤ 0.05. La absorción de N fue mayor que la de K y éste a su vez que la de P en todas las interacciones evaluadas (P ≤ 0.05. La aplicación de 300 kg/ha de cada uno de los fertilizantes ocasiono incremento del rendimiento de P. peruviana. Por otra parte, fueron encontrados efectos positivos en la absorción NPK en relación con los rendimientos de Physalis peruviana con 300 kg/ha de urea, 150 kg/ha de SPT y 300 kg/ha de KCl (P ≤ 0.05, por tanto se recomiendan estas dosis de fertilizantes.

  11. English and Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin English) in Papua New Guinea. (United States)

    Romaine, Suzanne


    Tok Pisin, New Guinea Pidgin English, is becoming increasingly important as a "lingua franca" in Papua New Guinea, even though English is the country's official language. Urban versus rural and spoken versus written varieties of the pidgin are examined, and the influence of English on Tok Pisin is investigated. 73 references. (Author/CB)


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    Belén Carballo Leyenda


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Se ha descrito que la salud y el rendimiento laboral del personal dedicado a la extinción de los incendios forestales se ven perjudicados principalmente por el monóxido de carbono (CO. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar la exposición al CO a la que se ve sometido el personal especialista en la extinción de los incendios. Métodos: Durante 58 incendios reales se monitorizó en 44 sujetos la exposición al CO a la que se vieron sometidos. También se analizó la concentración ponderada para una jornada de 8h (VA-ED. Todos los incendios fueron divididos en función del tipo de trabajo realizado (ataque directo, indirecto y combinado y del combustible presente (pasto, matorral, bajo arbolado y mixto. Las variables analizadas fueron estudiadas mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, se usó el test de Mann-Whitney para establecer las diferencias entre medias. Resultados: La concentración media de CO en los incendios fue de 18,4±1,7 ppm, lo que supuso una VA-ED de 7,0±1,0 ppm. Las mayores exposiciones al CO se analizaron en los ataques combinados (20,4±2,3 ppm seguidas de las obtenidas en los ataques directos (17,5±2,7 ppm e indirectos (10,6±5,4 ppm. Únicamente se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (p<0,05 al comparar las exposiciones al CO generadas por la combustión del matorral (19,8±2,2 y bajo arbolado (17,2±3,9 y pasto (12,0±5,6. Conclusiones: Las exposiciones de CO analizadas se vieron influidas por el tipo de combustible y trabajo desempeñado. Los valores medios obtenidos se situaron dentro de los límites establecidos como seguros por diferentes organismos nacionales (INSHT e internacionales (NIOSH, OSHA.

  13. Prolactin family of the guinea pig, Cavia porcellus. (United States)

    Alam, S M Khorshed; Konno, Toshihiro; Rumi, M A Karim; Dong, Yafeng; Weiner, Carl P; Soares, Michael J


    Prolactin (PRL) is a multifunctional hormone with prominent roles in regulating growth and reproduction. The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) has been extensively used in endocrine and reproduction research. Thus far, the PRL cDNA and protein have not been isolated from the guinea pig. In the present study, we used information derived from the public guinea pig genome database as a tool for identifying guinea pig PRL and PRL-related proteins. Guinea pig PRL exhibits prominent nucleotide and amino acid sequence differences when compared with PRLs of other eutherian mammals. In contrast, guinea pig GH is highly conserved. Expression of PRL and GH in the guinea pig is prominent in the anterior pituitary, similar to known expression patterns of PRL and GH for other species. Two additional guinea pig cDNAs were identified and termed PRL-related proteins (PRLRP1, PRLRP2). They exhibited a more distant relationship to PRL and their expression was restricted to the placenta. Recombinant guinea pig PRL protein was generated and shown to be biologically active in the PRL-responsive Nb2 lymphoma cell bioassay. In contrast, recombinant guinea pig PRLRP1 protein did not exhibit PRL-like bioactivity. In summary, we have developed a new set of research tools for investigating the biology of the PRL family in an important animal model, the guinea pig.

  14. Endocrine tumours in the guinea pig. (United States)

    Künzel, Frank; Mayer, Jörg


    Functional endocrine tumours have long been thought to be rare in guinea pigs, although conditions such as hyperthyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism have been documented with increasing frequency so the prevalence of hormonal disorders may have been underestimated. Both the clinical signs and diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in guinea pigs appear to be very similar to those described in feline hyperthyroidism, and methimazole has been proven to be a practical therapy option. Hyperadrenocorticism has been confirmed in several guinea pigs with an adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test using saliva as a non-invasive sample matrix; trilostane has been successfully used to treat a guinea pig with hyperadrenocorticism. Insulinomas have only rarely been documented in guinea pigs and one animal was effectively treated with diazoxide. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. A Diagnosis of English Language Teaching in Public Elementary Schools in Pasto, Colombia

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    Jesús Alirio Bastidas


    Full Text Available English teaching in Colombian primary schools became a requirement because of the promulgation of the Law of Education in 1994. Taking into account that this decision produced some difficulties in the schools, a study was conducted to diagnose the state of English language teaching in primary schools in Pasto, Colombia. Data were gathered through classroom observation, a questionnaire, and interviews. The results showed that teachers are not well versed either in methodology or in the command of the English language; there was no English syllabus; didactic materials were nonexistent; and the children’s lack of motivation was the most critical problem. Teachers, institutions and the government have to take into account these findings in order to improve English learning in primary schools.

  16. Influencia de la intensidad de uso sobre algunas propiedades físicas en un suelo del Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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    Alveiro Salamanca Jiménez


    Full Text Available La intensidad de uso y manejo del suelo generalmente altera el comportamiento de sus propiedades físicas y acelera su degradación. Con el fin de medir el impacto de dicha intensidad, se llevó a cabo un muestreo en la estación experimental del CIAT-Palmira, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Se escogieron seis lotes con diferentes historiales, desde uso semestral muy intensivo hasta uso reducido con descanso por más de 10 años, y se tomaron muestras de suelo a inco profundidades del perfil para evaluar las siguientes propiedades:conductividad hidráulica, permeabilidad al aire, porosidad total, porosidad drenable, compactabilidad, porosidad residual, materia orgánica y resistenciamecánica a la penetración. Se encontró que el uso de maquinaria y las labores de fangueo mejoraron las propiedades físicas sólo en los 15 cm superficiales, pero han causado graves problemas de compactación en las profundidadesinferiores. El pisoteo del ganado también ha compactado el perfil, limitando las condiciones físicas para ser explorado por las raíces de los pastos.Los períodos de descanso han favorecido la estabilidad estructural del suelo y con ello la calidad del mismo. Se recomienda implementar prácticastendientes a reducir los riesgos por compactación, que ayuden a frenar la degradación y a recuperar la capacidad productiva de estos suelos.

  17. Dermatophytes in pet Guinea pigs and rabbits. (United States)

    Kraemer, A; Mueller, R S; Werckenthin, C; Straubinger, R K; Hein, J


    The frequency of dermatophytes in pet Guinea pigs and rabbits. To determine the frequency and types of dermatophytes in pet Guinea pigs and rabbits. First, 2153 samples collected from pet Guinea pigs (n=1132) and rabbits (n=1021) with suspected dermatophytosis and submitted to three different laboratories for fungal culture were analysed. Subsequently, healthy Guinea pigs and rabbits, animals with skin lesions and with noncutaneous diseases were examined prospectively for dermatophytes. Trichophyton (T.) mentagrophytes was the most common fungal species isolated (91.6% and 72.3% of positive cultures from Guinea pigs (n=431) and rabbits (n=83), respectively). Animals with positive fungal culture did not show any gender predisposition, but affected animals were younger than those with negative fungal culture (PGuinea pigs and 0/140 healthy rabbits. In addition, fungal cultures of Guinea pigs with skin lesions (n=26) and other diseases (n=25) were positive in 7.7% and 8.0% respectively. Samples collected from 17 rabbits with skin lesions and 32 rabbits with noncutaneous disease were all negative in culture. T. mentagrophytes is the most common dermatophyte in pet Guinea pigs and rabbits, asymptomatic carriers are regularly seen in Guinea pigs, but not in rabbits. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. 9 CFR 113.38 - Guinea pig safety test. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Guinea pig safety test. 113.38 Section... Standard Procedures § 113.38 Guinea pig safety test. The guinea pig safety test provided in this section... be injected either intramuscularly or subcutaneously into each of two guinea pigs and the animals...

  19. Estudio de las conductas prosociales en niños de San Juan de Pasto/ Prosocial Behaviors Study in Children San Juan de Pasto

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    Érika Alexandra Vásquez Arteaga


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El presente artículo es el resultado de una investigación finalizada desarrollada en tres escuelas públicas de San Juan de Pasto. El objetivo general se dirigió a develar las manifestaciones de las conductas prosociales de los niños para el diseño e implementación de una estrategia psicopedagógica. Método: La metodología se abordó desde el paradigma cualitativo, con un enfoque crítico social, de tipo investigación-acción. El presente artículo corresponde a la fase hermenéutica de la investigación en donde se emplearon como técnicas de recolección de información: narrativas, entrevistas focalizadas, observaciones participantes y sociodramas. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que la empatía puede ser vista como una señal de debilidad o como una constante necesaria de interacción; en las conductas de ayuda hay manifestaciones principalmente no altruistas y la cooperación se presenta de manera intermitente según los estímulos ambientales.

  20. La evolución del piso subalpino en la Sierra de Urbión (Sistema Ibérico, norte de españa: un modelo de impacto geoecológico de actividades humanas en el Valle de Ormazal

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    García-Ruiz, José M.


    Full Text Available This paper is a synthesis of the landscape, geomorphic and functional evolution of the subalpine belt in the Urbión Sierra, providing a geoecological perspective of the interactions between human activity, spatial organization, geomorphological dynamics and recent land use changes. Landscape changes in the subalpine belt started at least during the Late Neolithic, with forest fires that tried to waste the forest to enable the expansion of summer grasslands favouring an incipient sheep transhumance. Fires occurred also through the Chalcolithic and the Bronze and Iron Ages, and culminated during the Middle Ages. Deforestation of the subalpine belt would be responsible for the triggering of a number of shallow landslides and soil erosion in steep slopes above 1500 m a.s.l. The crisis of the transhumance since the beginning of the 19th century reduced the livestock pressure, particularly in the second half of the 20th century, and has contributed to shrub and forest expansion, whereas the area occupied by summer grasslands has been remarkably reduced. The decreasing livestock pressure suggests that forest expansion will continue in the next future, in a favourable context of global warming and declining presence of snowpack in the subalpine belt.Este trabajo es una síntesis de la evolución paisajística, funcional y geomorfológica del piso subalpino de la Sierra de Urbión, proporcionando una perspectiva geoecológica de las interacciones entre actividades humanas, organización del espacio, dinámica geomorfológica y transformaciones recientes en los usos del suelo. Los cambios paisajísticos del piso subalpino en la Sierra de Urbión se iniciaron al menos en el Neolítico tardío con incendios que procuraban eliminar el bosque para permitir la expansión de los pastos de aprovechamiento estival y así favorecer una incipiente trashumancia de ganado lanar. Los incendios se prolongaron a lo largo del Calcolítico y las edades del Bronce y del

  1. Penología e indigenismo en la antigua Guinea española

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    Pedro María Belmonte Medina


    Full Text Available Este artículo de investigacióm pretende ser un estudio histórico-juridico del derecho penal que los españoles aplicaron a los indígenas de la Guinea española. Partiendo de la base de que el derectio penal guíneano-español se basaba, principalmente, en el reconocimiento de normas indígenas de tipo consuetudinario (derecho indígena, a través de sentencias judiciales y por adaptaciones del derecho metropolitano, usando como vehículo de expresión, así mismo, la jurisprudencia aplicada por los tribunales de raza españoles, se hace un amplio estudio de las penas que los españoles aplicaron a los indígenas, dividiendo la obra en dos parles: derecho para indígenas y derecho indígena.This work tries to be a historic-juridical study about penal law that spanish people applied to natives fron the spanish guinea. From the point of view that this law was, mainly, based on the knowledge of the natives rules about habits and native law, through sentences and the adaptation of the metropolitan law, using as mass media, the jurisprudence applied by the spanish courts, a huge study, is made about the punishments spanish people applied to natives. The study is divided in two parts: native law and law for natives.

  2. Adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder in guinea pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoch-Ligeti, C.; Congdon, C.C.; Deringer, M.K.; Stewart, H.L.


    Adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder developed in 17 of 68 untreated and in 26 of 83 irradiated guinea pigs of inbred strains 2 and 13. The carcinomas spread widely by direct extension and through lymphatic and blood vessels to lymph nodes, mesenteries, omenta, abdominal wall, liver, lungs, bones, and spleen. Whole-body exposure to gamma or x radiation increased both the number of tumors and metastases in male inbred guinea pigs but not in females. Significantly fewer (9 of 98) noninbred than inbred guinea pigs developed gallbladder carcinomas after irradiation. In 9 untreated noninbred guinea pigs gallbladder carcinomas were not found. Inasmuch as the effect of irradiation was not dose-dependent, an indirect systemic effect of irradiation was postulated. This is the first report on the occurrence of spontaneous gallbladder adenocarcinomas in guinea pigs

  3. Sequía, inmigración y políticas locales: el Sahel en la encrucijada del desarrollo

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    Sara Nso


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de delimitar los principales factores socio-económicos y políticos que ponen en relación desertificación y flujos migratorios internacionales, en el área Sahel. A través del estudio -no exhaustivo para todos los países de la muestra, por ausencia de datos disponibles- de dichas realidades en Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Malí, Mauritania, Níger y Senegal, el análisis del elemento local será privilegiado, sin despreciar por ello el valor de las dinámicas regionales. Desde una perspectiva "transnacionalista", se aportarán así las claves para la comprensión global de la problemática saheliana, con el objetivo de sacar a esta región de la encrucijada del subdesarrollo.

  4. Bartonellosis en Colombia, bartonellosis de guáitara ó fiebre verrucosa del guáitara

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    Luis Patiño Camargo


    Full Text Available Desde principios de 1936 las autoridades de Nariño venían seriamente preocupadas por una mortífera enfermedad epidémica aparecida al Norte en vertientes de juanambu y del rio Mayo, enfermedad que de improviso se presentó en el Guáitara con gran virulencia. El médico doctor Max Llorente, Gobernador entonces del Departamento, inspeccionó con el Director de Higiene la zona invadida, y a su regreso a Pasto conferencio con el Colegio Médico. En la reunión se acogió el diagnostico de paludismo agudo pernicioso. Como resultado se organizó una comisión de tratamiento encabezada por un médico, y se situó en Ancuya. Por esos días el Departamento Nacional de Higiene envió un ingeniero sanitario, quien recorrió las comarcas atacadas y rindió un informe.

  5. The oil boom in Equatorial Guinea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frynas, J.G.


    In less than a decade, Equatorial Guinea has transformed itself from an African backwater into one of the world's fastest growing economies and a sought-after political partner in the Gulf of Guinea. The sole reason for this transformation has been the discovery of oil and gas. This article outlines the rise of Equatorial Guinea as one of Africa's leading oil-producing countries and investigates the political, economic and social effects of becoming a petro-state. The article is based on the author's field research in Equatorial Guinea in the autumn of 2003 and interviews with senior oil company staff, government officials and staff of international organizations as well as secondary sources. This research demonstrates how reliance on oil and gas exports can lead to profound changes in a country's political economy. (author)

  6. Dracunculiasis (guinea worm disease). (United States)

    Greenaway, Chris


    Dracunculiasis (guinea worm disease) is a parasitic disease that is limited to remote, rural villages in 13 sub-Saharan African countries that do not have access to safe drinking water. It is one the next diseases targeted for eradication by the World Health Organization. Guinea worm disease is transmitted by drinking water containing copepods (water fleas) that are infected with Dracunculiasis medinensis larvae. One year after human ingestion of infected water a female adult worm emerges, typically from a lower extremity, producing painful ulcers that can impair mobility for up to several weeks. This disease occurs annually when agricultural activities are at their peak. Large proportions of economically productive individuals of a village are usually affected simultaneously, resulting in decreased agricultural productivity and economic hardship. Eradication of guinea worm disease depends on prevention, as there is no effective treatment or vaccine. Since 1986, there has been a 98% reduction in guinea worm disease worldwide, achieved primarily through community-based programs. These programs have educated local populations on how to filter drinking water to remove the parasite and how to prevent those with ulcers from infecting drinking-water sources. Complete eradication will require sustained high-level political, financial and community support.

  7. Unilateral flank ovariohysterectomy in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Rozanska, D; Rozanski, P; Orzelski, M; Chlebicka, N; Putowska, K


    To describe a simple, minimally invasive method of ovariohysterectomy via a unilateral flank approach in guinea pigs, for use in routine desexing of healthy female guinea pigs or treatment of ovarian cysts. The subjects of this retrospective study were 41 client-owned guinea pigs submitted for routine desexing or treatment of ovarian cysts. They included 16 healthy female guinea pigs aged 8-12 months (Group 1), and 15 females aged from 9 months to 3 years (Group 2), and 10 females aged from 3 to 7 years (Group 3) with different-sized ovarian cysts. Prior to surgery, the animals received clinical examination, blood testing (complete blood count and serum biochemistry profile) and examination of the abdomen using ultrasonography, to assess the condition of the reproductive tract and ensure the guinea pigs were fit for surgery. Ovariohysterectomy was performed via a unilateral flank incision made close to the erector spinae muscle starting approximately 1 cm caudal to the last rib. Both ovaries, uterine horns, and the uterine cervix were localised, ligated, and dissected through this unilateral retroperitoneal incision. Ovariohysterectomy was successfully completed via a single flank incision in 38/41 (93%) guinea pigs. Three guinea pigs with ovarian cysts from Group 3, which were >6 years old died during surgery due to circulatory and respiratory failure under anaesthesia. In the remaining 38 cases, surgery proceeded without complications. A further two guinea pigs from Group 3 were reluctant to move or eat for the first 3 days after surgery but recovered after provision of supportive care. All 38 animals fully recovered and wound healing was normal. This is the first report of ovariohysterectomy via a unilateral flank incision in guinea pigs. This approach is a simple, minimally invasive and safe alternative to the midline or bilateral flank approaches currently used for surgery of the reproductive tract in guinea pigs.

  8. The guinea-pig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Klaus Ejner; Maibach, H I; Anjo, M D


    14C ring-labelled hydrocortisone, testosterone and benzoic acid dissolved in acetone were applied to the backs of guinea-pigs (4 microgram/cm2). Percutaneous absorption was quantified by following the excretion of tracer in urine and faeces for 5 days. Absorption of hydrocortisone and benzoic acid...... was 2.4% (s.d. = 0.5; n = 3) and 31.4% (s.d. = 9.1; n = 3) of the applied dose respectively, similar to published human absorption data. Testosterone was absorbed to a greater extent in guinea-pigs (34.9% +/- 5.4; n = 5) than man. A thioglycollate based depilatory cream significantly increased the skin...

  9. Use of a Guinea pig-specific transcriptome array for evaluation of protective immunity against genital chlamydial infection following intranasal vaccination in Guinea pigs. (United States)

    Wali, Shradha; Gupta, Rishein; Veselenak, Ronald L; Li, Yansong; Yu, Jieh-Juen; Murthy, Ashlesh K; Cap, Andrew P; Guentzel, M Neal; Chambers, James P; Zhong, Guangming; Rank, Roger G; Pyles, Richard B; Arulanandam, Bernard P


    Guinea pigs have been used as a second animal model to validate putative anti-chlamydial vaccine candidates tested in mice. However, the lack of guinea pig-specific reagents has limited the utility of this animal model in Chlamydia sp. vaccine studies. Using a novel guinea pig-specific transcriptome array, we determined correlates of protection in guinea pigs vaccinated with Chlamydia caviae (C. caviae) via the intranasal route, previously reported by us and others to provide robust antigen specific immunity against subsequent intravaginal challenge. C. caviae vaccinated guinea pigs resolved genital infection by day 3 post challenge. In contrast, mock vaccinated animals continued to shed viable Chlamydia up to day 18 post challenge. Importantly, at day 80 post challenge, vaccinated guinea pigs experienced significantly reduced genital pathology - a sequelae of genital chlamydial infections, in comparison to mock vaccinated guinea pigs. Sera from vaccinated guinea pigs displayed antigen specific IgG responses and increased IgG1 and IgG2 titers capable of neutralizing GPIC in vitro. Th1-cellular/inflammatory immune genes and Th2-humoral associated genes were also found to be elevated in vaccinated guinea pigs at day 3 post-challenge and correlated with early clearance of the bacterium. Overall, this study provides the first evidence of guinea pig-specific genes involved in anti-chlamydial vaccination and illustrates the enhancement of the utility of this animal model in chlamydial pathogenesis.

  10. Development of a Guinea Pig Lung Deposition Model (United States)


    Development of a Guinea Pig Lung Deposition Model Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. January...4 Figure 2. Particle deposition in the lung of the guinea pig via endotracheal breathing...Particle deposition in the lungs of guinea pigs via nasal breathing. ......................................... 12 v PREFACE The research work

  11. Lack of effect of ivermectin on prepatent guinea-worm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Issaka-Tinorgah, A.; Magnussen, P.; Bloch, P.


    The effect of ivermectin on prepatent guinea-worm was tested in a single-blind placebo-controlled trial; 400 adults were randomly allocated to a single dose of ivermectin (150 µg/kg) or placebo. Fifty-four of the 385 participants who were followed for 15 months developed a total of 69 emergent...... guinea-worms. There was no significant differencein the proportion of persons with emergent guinea-worms between the 2 treatment groups; 58% appeared in males. 80% of emergent guinea-worms were located below the knee. Migration of guinea-worms in the tissues was not affected. It is concluded...

  12. Estrategias para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de la mujer indígena de la comunidad de los pastos residentes en Bogotá.

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    Elizabeth Valoyes Bejarano


    Objetivo. Determinar las estrategias utilizadas en las mujeres indígenas  pertenecientes a la comunidad de los pastos y residente en Bogotá, para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de sus familias. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de casos realizado con entrevistas semiestructuradas a 8 familias indígenas residentes en Bogotá. Resultados. Las estrategias utilizadas por las mujeres fueron: ayuda del estado por medio de comedores comunitarios y jardines infantiles, redes de apoyo que conforman las mujeres con el fin de obtener apoyo económico, moral y social, empleo, consumo insuficiente de alimentos por parte de la mujer para satisfacer las necesidades de su familia, reducción de tiempos de comida, obtener alimentos en promoción o en cosecha. Conclusiones. Este estudio confirmó que la mujer es la base de la SAN en sus familias, sin embargo algunas de las estrategias utilizadas limitan su derecho a la alimentación. Por otra parte el estudio se acercó a definir la relación entre SAN, etnia y género, la cual se ha investigado poco y posee en cada una de estas categorías un número importante de variables que dejan posibilidades para seguir investigando en la comprensión de sus relaciones.

  13. Papua New Guinea. (United States)


    The situation of the island archipelago nation of Papua New Guinea is reviewed in terms of its geography, people, history, government, politics economy and foreign relations. Papua New Guinea consists of the eastern half of the main island of New Guinea (the western portion is Indonesia), and several island groups, all located northeast of Australia. The island has extreme geographical variations, ranging from precipitous mountains to extensive swamps and river valleys, all in a monsoon cimate. As a result, there are hundreds of small groups each with unique cultures and languages; over 650 languages, many unrelated to each other. The population is estimated at 3.5 million, growing at about 2.5% per year. Historically, the region has been occupied by Germany, Britain, Japan, and the U.S. The country came under the international trusteeship system in 1949, and now has a vigorous parliamentary government. The economy is based on subsistence agriculture, but is buttressed by resources such as gold, copper, and other metals, oil, timber, tropical agricultural products, fish. The only indusry is local production, since the minimum wage is too high to compete with Asian labor.

  14. Rendimiento y calidad de semilla de pasto guinea (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzania usando la fitohormona esteroidal cidef-4

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    Bertín Maurilio Joaquín Torres


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de la fitohormona esteroidal cidef-4 en el rendimiento y calidad de semilla en Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. El experimento se realizó durante el 2001 en Tejupilco, Estado de México. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron, T1=testigo, T2=4 mg L-1 de ingrediente activo (i.a. aplicados al inicio de antesis, T3=4 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados antes del espigamiento e inicio de antesis, T4=8 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados al inicio de antesis, T5=8 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados antes del espigamiento e inicio de antesis y T6=12 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados únicamente al inicio de antesis. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar, con tres repeticiones. Se evaluó el rendimiento de semilla total (RST, rendimiento de semilla pura (RSP, número de panículas m-2, longitud de panícula, semillas producidas y cosechadas por panícula, peso de 1,000 semillas y germinación. Se detectaron diferencias (P0.05 entre tratamientos. Se concluye que la fitohormona esteroidal cidef-4 incrementó el rendimiento de semilla de P. maximum cv. tanzania, independientemente de la concentración y momento de aplicación. La calidad de la semilla, no fue afectada por ninguno de los tratamientos evaluados.


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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de establecer una alternativa de corredor ecológico de conexión estructural en las comunas 1, 2, 3 y 4 de la zona nor-oriental del municipio de Medellín, orientada a la  protección del suelo verde existente y a la toma de decisiones en cuanto a la generación de nuevo suelo, utilizando las métricas del paisaje y herramientas geoinformaticas. Se utilizó un área de 400 m² como Unidad Mínima Cartografiable (UMC, encontrándose 296 ha (19,4% de áreas verdes respecto a las 1.527 ha de área de estudio, predominando la cobertura de pasto con 95,4 ha, mientras que la zona arbolada, con un área de 26,1 ha, mostró el mayor aislamiento (99,1 m, y el rastrojo alto con 48,7 ha presentó la mayor agregación (16,4 m. Se priorizaron ocho (8 fragmentos para la conservación, seleccionados a través del Índice de Calidad del Fragmento (ICF, sumando en total 26 ha. El corredor se estableció con un ancho de 80 m, arrojando un área total de 73,2 ha, asociada, en su mayoría, a retiros de quebradas.

  16. Functional analysis of guinea pig β1-adrenoceptor. (United States)

    Tanaka, Yoshio; Takahashi, Hiromi; Shibata, Sayuri; Namiki, Kana; Kimura, Sadao; Koike, Katsuo; Kasuya, Yoshitoshi


    Although similarity of pharmacological responses to certain stimuli between guinea pigs and humans has been reported, this has been poorly defined by a molecular biological approach. In this study, we cloned the gene of guinea pig ?1-adrenoceptor (ADRB1). The deduced amino acid sequence of guinea pig ADRB1 (467-aa) showed 91% and 92% identity with the human and rat ADRB1 sequences, respectively. Using HEK293T cells expressing guinea pig, human and rat ADRB1s independently, we elucidated the functional characteristics of each ADRB1. The ligand-binding profiles and the concentration-response relationships for isoprenaline-induced cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production were similar among the three ADRB1s. Isoprenaline also induced phosphorylation of extracellular-signal related kinases (ERK) through ADRB1s in a concentration-dependent manner. The minimum effective concentration of isoprenaline for phosphorylation of ERK, through guinea pig ADRB1 was the same as through human ADRB1, but markedly lower than that of through rat ADRB1. ERK phosphorylation through guinea pig ADRB1 was sensitive to pertussis toxin, a dominant-negative ras and PD98059, indicating that a G(i)-mediated pathway is involved in the ADRB1/ERK signaling loop. These results suggest that the G(i)-coupling efficacy of guinea pig and human ADRB1s may be higher than that of rat ADRB1.

  17. Las Cucharas y Leticia: dos sitios arqueológicos tardíos en el Canal del Dique. Avance de investigación

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    Diana Rocío Carvajal Contreras


    Full Text Available La información de este artículo provino del proyecto de investigación en curso “Evaluación Zooarqueológica de concheros cercanos al Canal del Dique, Fase Inicial”. Se procedió a la ubicación de los puntos identificados por Macchi en 1998, registrando dos sitios con materiales posteriores al Formativo: las Cucharas y Leticia. Las evidencias se asociaron a fechas entre los siglos XIII a XIX. Uno de ellos tal vez esté relacionado con las actividades de reapertura del Canal bajo la dirección de G.M. Totten. Por otro lado, los taxones de moluscos indicaron que las personas que habitaban en los sitios arqueológicos, principalmente Leticia, se desenvolvían en un ambiente costero con diversos hábitats de playa arenosas, playas fangosas, manglar, zonas rocosas y de alta energía, zonas intermareales o hábitats de arena-cascajo, fondo mixto, pradera de pastos, y pradera de macroalga.

  18. Rendimiento y calidad de semilla de pasto guinea (Panicum maximum Jacq.) cv. Tanzania usando la fitohormona esteroidal cidef-4


    Bertín Maurilio Joaquín Torres; Miguel Angel Moreno Carrillo; Santiago Joaquín Cancino; Alfonso Hernández Garay; Jorge Pérez Pérez; Armando Gómez Vázquez


    El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de la fitohormona esteroidal cidef-4 en el rendimiento y calidad de semilla en Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. El experimento se realizó durante el 2001 en Tejupilco, Estado de México. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron, T1=testigo, T2=4 mg L-1 de ingrediente activo (i.a.) aplicados al inicio de antesis, T3=4 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados antes del espigamiento e inicio de antesis, T4=8 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados al inicio de antesis, T5=8 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados ante...

  19. Rendimiento y calidad de semilla de pasto guinea (Panicum maximum Jacq.) cv. Tanzania usando la fitohormona esteroidal cidef-4


    Joaquín Torres, Bertin Maurilio; Moreno Carrillo, Miguel Angel; Joaquín Cancino, Santiago; Hernández Garay, Alfonso; Pérez Pérez, Jorge; Gómez Vázquez, Armando


    El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de la fitohormona esteroidal cidef-4 en el rendimiento y calidad de semilla en Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. El experimento se realizó durante el 2001 en Tejupilco, Estado de México. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: T1=testigo; T2=4 mg L-1 de ingrediente activo (i.a.) aplicados al inicio de antesis; T3=4 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados antes del espigamiento e inicio de antesis; T4=8 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados al inicio de antesis; T5=8 mg L-1 de i.a. aplicados ante...


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    Marcelo Castañeda Colorado


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de evaluar el efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada y de la edad de corte sobre la digestibilidad intestinal In vitro de la proteína del pasto kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst, se seleccionaron 16 parcelas a las cuales se les asignó uno de los siguientes tratamientos (cuatro parcelas/tratamiento: T1 (30 días de corte y 0 kg/N/Ha/Corte, T2 (60 días de corte y 0 kg/N/Ha/Corte, T3 (60 días de corte y 50 kg/N/Ha/Corte y T4 (30 días de corte y 50 kg/N/Ha/Corte. Luego de 120 días de tratamiento se recolectaron 5 submuestras de cada parcela con las que se conformó una muestra final para cada parcela en las que se analizó el contenido de proteína cruda y se realizó la prueba de degradabilidad ruminal a 16 horas y la prueba de digestibilidad intestinal In vitro de la proteína por el método de los tres pasos. Los resultados mostraron que no hubo efecto de la edad de corte, ni de la fertilización nitrogenada sobre el porcentaje de proteína cruda del pasto kikuyo. Los valores de digestibilidad intestinal como porcentaje de la proteína no degradable en rumen fueron: 52,51%, 56,14% para las praderas sin fertilizar con edad de corte de 30 y 60 días respectivamente y 43,38%, 45,40% para las praderas fertilizadas con edad de corte de 30 y 60 días respectivamente.With the purpose of evaluating the effect of the nitrogen fertilization and cut age on the In vitro intestinal digestibility of kikuyo grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst protein, 16 plots were made, everyone assigned one of the following treatments (four plots per treatment: T1 (30 cut -day and 0 kg/ N/ Ha/ cut, T2 (60 cut-day and 0 kg/ N/ Ha/ cut, T3 (60 cut-day and 50 kg/ N/ Ha/ cut and T4 (30 cut-day and 50kg/ N/ Ha/ cut. 120 days after the treatment, 5 sub-samples were harvested of each plot, which were defined as final samples for each plot and, were realized to these samples a ruminal degradability trial for 16 hours and In vitro three-step method of

  1. La quinua

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    Alfonso Portilla


    Full Text Available La Revista de la Facultad con autorización del autor se honra en reproducir el capítulo sobre la quinua del importante libro "DIVULGACION DE CONOCIMIENTOS CIENTIFICOS SOBRE LAS PLANTAS MAS UTILES y CONOCIDAS EN COLOMBIA, SU VALOR ALIMENTICIO, MEDICINAL E INDUSTRIAL. Pasto 1951". El Dr. Portilla es médico graduado en nuestra escuela y ha ejercido su profesión en la ciudad de Pasto, tan propicia a las actividades del espíritu, con lujo de ciencia, conciencia y bondad. Para los estudiantes de medicina que ya no tienen el privilegio de los estudios de ciencias naturales singularmente la botánica de que sí disfrutaron las pasadas generaciones médicas, el libro del Doctor Portilla es recomendable por ser archivo y enciclopedia de utilísimos y variados conocimientos sobre las cosas de nuestra patria.

  2. Situación laboral de la mujer profesional en Pasto, 2010: Un análisis de modelación micro-econométrica

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    Julio Cesar Riascos


    Full Text Available En el artículo se examina la situación laboral de la mujer profesional y su relación con la educación superior en San Juan de Pasto durante el año 2010. Para tal efecto, se describen las características generales de una profesional y se miden los principales indicadores asociados al mercado de trabajo bajo los parámetros proferidos por la metodología de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares del DANE versión 2009. En el documento también se cuantifican los retornos en educación por área de conocimiento y se identifican las principales variables que explican los niveles de ingreso y la probabilidad de empleo formal y estable de la mujer profesional, lo anterior después de inspeccionar 412 factores educativos y laborales y cerca de 172.000 correlaciones estadísticas. La investigación sugiere que los tres principales problemas que enfrenta la mujer profesional en el mercado laboral de la Ciudad son el elevado subempleo, en especial por insuficiencia de horas, el desempleo, y la discriminación salarial, factores que, a su turno, pueden reducirse con el acceso a niveles de postgrado permitiendo mejorar el nivel de ingresos y estabilidad ocupacional.

  3. African Journals Online: Papua New Guinea

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    African Journals Online: Papua New Guinea. Home > African Journals Online: Papua New Guinea. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register · Browse By Category · Browse Alphabetically · Browse By Country · List All Titles · Free to read Titles This Journal is ...

  4. Parasitismo intestinal en una escuela primaria de Bata, Guinea Ecuatorial Intestinal parasitism in an elementary school in Bata, Equatorial Guinea

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    William Quintero Pérez


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de precisar el grado de parasitismo intestinal según la edad, así como identificar los parásitos intestinales más frecuentes en la escuela primaria "Amiguitos de Jesús" de la ciudad de Bata, Guinea Ecuatorial, en el periodo septiembre 2002 a Junio 2003, se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo. En el mismo se encontró que el grado de parasitismo intestinal fue de un 29.9 % del total de análisis realizados, predominando sobre todo en los menores de 6 años; un 44.7% de éstos estaban infestados. Se encontró un predominio de los vermes: el más frecuente fue Trichuris trichiura, para el 95.1 % del total de niños infestados, y el áscaris lumbricoides, con un 75.6% del total de 41 infestados. De los protozoos, el más frecuente fue la ameba, existiendo en un 17.07 % de los infestados. El grado de infestación encontrado es elevado, requiriéndose programas educativos para fomentar el cuidado de los hábitos higiénicos de los niños. El predominio de los parásitos encontrados podría deberse a la contaminación de la tierra con heces fecales y a la falta de un adecuado tratamiento de las aguas para el consumo, y de infraestructura sanitaria.With the aim of defining exactly the grade of intestinal parasitism according to age, as well as identifying the most frequent intestinal parasites in "Amiguitos de Jesús" Elementary School in Bata City, Equatorial Guinea, during septembre 2002 to June 2003, a descriptive, prospective study is carried out. In the study it was found that the parasitism grade was 29.9% from the total of the analysis performed, predominating in those under 6 years of age: 44.7% of these cases were infected. A prevalence of vermes was observed, Trichuris trichiuria was the most frequent species found, representing 95,1% from the total of infected children and Ascaris lumbricoides 75,6% from the total of 41 infected. Among protozoa, amoeba was the most frequent specie observed, being present in 17

  5. Human talent development processes in a specialty clinic in Pasto, Colombia

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    Jeraldine Milena Matabajoy-Montilla


    Full Text Available Introduction: Workers in the organization play a fundamental role in meeting the corporate objectives. In this sense, it is important to identify the processes of human talent development in the health sector since they contribute to human and organizational development. Objective: The processes of human talent development training, quality of work life, occupational health, organizational climate and performance evaluation were characterized in a specialty clinic in the city of Pasto, Colombia. Materials and methods: The study was addressed from the quantitative paradigm of descriptive type with a sample of 211 collaborators. The scale called "perception of human talent development processes" was built, whose Alfa de Cronbach was 0.97. Results: The results were systematized in the statistical program IBM SPSS statistics. Statistically significant differences were found in the training category (in the categories of needs detection, plan and programmes, training evaluation and follow-up, quality of working life (in the sub-categories: meaning of work and labor commitment and performance evaluation (in the subcategories: methods and results. Conclusions: The need to continue strengthening the processes of training, quality of work life and evaluation of performance is recognized.

  6. A new species of Rhododendron from New Guinea (Ericaceae)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kores, Paul


    The Star Mountains of New Guinea are situated at the geographic center of the Island of New Guinea extending on both sides of the Indonesian-Papua New Guinea border. Access to these mountains from either side of the border which divides the island is relatively difficult and as a result few

  7. Carbonate Formation And Diagenesis In Pastos Grandes Laguna (Bolivia): Modern Analog For The South Atlantic Cretaceous Presalt Travertinoid Deposits (United States)

    Muller, E.; Ader, M.; Gérard, E.; Virgone, A.; Gaucher, E.; Bougeault, C.; Durlet, C.; Moreira, M. A.; Virgile, R.; Vennin, E.; Agogué, H.; Hugoni, M.


    The Cretaceous Presalt travertinoid deposits of the South Atlantic are usually considered as "strange deposits" having poor equivalents in modern environments. Pastos Grandes Laguna, which is located in a 2.9 Ma caldera on the andean-bolivian Altiplano (at 4450 m), is intersected by active faults with hydrothermal fluids and presents a spherulitic plateform with similar sedimentological facies to the Presalt: halite and bedded evaporites, shrub-shaped calcites, ooids, pisolites and various stromatolites. Pastos Grandes Laguna is certainly one of the best modern analog of the Presalt for investigating the on going processes of carbonate deposition and diagenesis and the influence of biology. During two expeditions, we recovered samples of gas, water and microbial mats from the hydrothermal sources to the evaporating zones on the spherulitic plateform. These samples are being analyzed to determine 1) the influence of the gases emitted at the hydrothermal sources (chemical and isotopic composition) on the chemistry of the Laguna and the mineralogy of its sediments and 2) the role of ecosystems that develop in this environment on carbonate formation. Preliminary results on gas composition, corrected for the atmospheric contribution, indicates a magmatic source of CO2 partly mantellic associated with a small crustal contribution. Other initial results have so far indicated that CO2 gas emissions, evaporation, as well as photosynthesis and respiration play a role on water chemistry and carbonate precipitation. This study will contribute to the overall understanding of the role of organisms in sedimentation and the predictive diagenetic evolution of hydrothermal and lacustrine deposits.

  8. Comportamento ingestivo de bezerros em pastos de Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria decumbens Ingestive behavior of calves on pastures of Brachiaria brizantha and Brachiaria decumbens

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    Anderson de Moura Zanine


    Full Text Available Foi conduzido um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de bezerros em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria decumbens, no sistema de lotação contínua com taxa de lotação variável. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com dois pastos representando os tratamentos, cada um com cinco repetições. O período experimental foi de 30 dias, sendo 20 para adaptação dos animais e 10 para avaliações, que consistiram de três, com duração de 24h cada, em intervalos de cinco dias. Os bezerros pastejaram menos tempo no pasto de Brachiaria brizantha, com tempo de 9,75h, enquanto que o pastejo na Brachiaria decumbens foi de 11,3h. Comportamento diferente foi observado para o tempo de ruminação: 6,8 e 6,4 para os pastos de Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria decumbens, respectivamente. O número de bocados por minuto foi menor para a Brachiaria decumbens, 31,15, enquanto que, para a Brachiaria brizantha, os bezerros pastejaram com uma taxa de bocados de 34,91 bocados por minuto. Os bezerros tiveram um ganho de peso médio diário superior no pasto de Brachiaria brizantha (390g dia-1, enquanto que, para a Brachiaria decumbens, o ganho diário foi de 340g dia-1.An experiment was carried out to evaluate the ingestive behavior of calves on Brachiaria brizantha and Brachiaria decumbens pastures, under continuous stocking with variable stocking rate. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with two treatments (two pastures, and five replicates per treatment. The experimental period lasted 30 days, consisting of days 20 for adaptation of animals and 10 for behavioral evaluations that consisted of three periods of 24:00h each, in intervals of five days. The calves spent less time grazing Brachiaria brizantha pasture (9,8h than they did on the Brachiaria decumbens (11,3h. Different rumination times had been observed, 6,8 and 6,4 h for the animals grazing Brachiaria brizantha and Brachiaria decumbens

  9. The Vaginal Microbiota of Guinea Pigs


    Hafner, L. M.; Rush, C. M.; Timms, P.


    The vaginae of four guinea pigs were swabbed and samples cultured aerobically on horse blood agar, in 5 per cent carbon dioxide on MRS agar or anaerobically on anaerobic horse blood agar. Vaginal microbiota consisted almost exclusively of gram-positive bacteria including Corynebacterium, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus and Lactobacillus species.Keywords: guinea pigs, vaginal microbiota, vaginal vaccines.

  10. Heterogeneous infectiousness in guinea pigs experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. (United States)

    Castillo-Neyra, Ricardo; Borrini Mayorí, Katty; Salazar Sánchez, Renzo; Ancca Suarez, Jenny; Xie, Sherrie; Náquira Velarde, Cesar; Levy, Michael Z


    Guinea pigs are important reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative parasite of Chagas disease, and in the Southern Cone of South America, transmission is mediated mainly by the vector Triatoma infestans. Interestingly, colonies of Triatoma infestans captured from guinea pig corrals sporadically have infection prevalence rates above 80%. Such high values are not consistent with the relatively short 7-8 week parasitemic period that has been reported for guinea pigs in the literature. We experimentally measured the infectious periods of a group of T. cruzi-infected guinea pigs by performing xenodiagnosis and direct microscopy each week for one year. Another group of infected guinea pigs received only direct microscopy to control for the effect that inoculation by triatomine saliva may have on parasitemia in the host. We observed infectious periods longer than those previously reported in a number of guinea pigs from both the xenodiagnosis and control groups. While some guinea pigs were infectious for a short time, other "super-shedders" were parasitemic up to 22 weeks after infection, and/or positive by xenodiagnosis for a year after infection. This heterogeneity in infectiousness has strong implications for T. cruzi transmission dynamics and control, as super-shedder guinea pigs may play a disproportionate role in pathogen spread. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. [Mitochondrial DNA4568 deletions in guinea-pig associated with presbycusis]. (United States)

    Wei, Xue-mei; Yang, Yuan; Liang, Chuang-yu; Zheng, Zhong


    To determine weather or not the mtDNA(4568) deletions in guinea-pig contribute to the development of presbycusis. Forty-four guinea-pigs were divided into 2 groups: group A (young control group, normal hearing, 22 guineas) and group B (aged group). The group B was subdivided into group B(1) (old normal hearing, 6 guineas) and group B(2) (old hearing loss, 16 guineas). First the guineas were tested by auditory brainstem response (ABR), and then the Cortis's tissues, auditory nerve tissues, brain and blood were harvested and the total DNA was extracted. The mtDNA(4568) deletion was analyzed by PCR. Hearing loss was occurred with age. The mtDNA(4568) deletion incidence of aged group in all tissues was significant higher than that of young control group (Ppresbycusis (B(2) group) were significant higher than that of aged normal hearing group (B(1) group) (Ppresbycusis and aged normal hearing group (P> 0.05). mtDNA(4568) deletion of guinea-pig possibly contributes to aging and mtDNA(4568) deletion in Cortis's and auditory nerve tissues of guinea-pig may be associated with presbycusis. There is no enough evidence to prove that the mtDNA(4568) deletions in brain and blood are related with presbycusis.

  12. Postratamiento en escala piloto del lixiviado del relleno sanitario Antanas (Pasto, Nariño por filtración-adsorción con arena, antracita y carbón activado

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    Andrés Felipe López Guerrero


    Full Text Available Esta investigación evaluó el postratamiento del lixiviado del relleno sanitario Antanas mediante tres filtros ascendentes en serie con arena, antracita y carbón activado granular. Se evaluaron rangos de tasas de filtración de 20-35, 60-100 y 150-300 m3/m2*d correspondientes a tiempos de contacto con el carbón de 48, 24 y 8 minutos. El seguimiento a cada condición se efectuó durante un mes, las remociones medias de DQO para dichas tasas y tiempos fueron 60,2, 54,3 y 31,4% respectivamente. El mejor desempeño del sistema dependió fundamentalmente del aumento del tiempo de contacto y no de la reducción de las tasas de filtración.

  13. Guinea pig ID-like families of SINEs. (United States)

    Kass, David H; Schaetz, Brian A; Beitler, Lindsey; Bonney, Kevin M; Jamison, Nicole; Wiesner, Cathy


    Previous studies have indicated a paucity of SINEs within the genomes of the guinea pig and nutria, representatives of the Hystricognathi suborder of rodents. More recent work has shown that the guinea pig genome contains a large number of B1 elements, expanding to various levels among different rodents. In this work we utilized A-B PCR and screened GenBank with sequences from isolated clones to identify potentially uncharacterized SINEs within the guinea pig genome, and identified numerous sequences with a high degree of similarity (>92%) specific to the guinea pig. The presence of A-tails and flanking direct repeats associated with these sequences supported the identification of a full-length SINE, with a consensus sequence notably distinct from other rodent SINEs. Although most similar to the ID SINE, it clearly was not derived from the known ID master gene (BC1), hence we refer to this element as guinea pig ID-like (GPIDL). Using the consensus to screen the guinea pig genomic database (Assembly CavPor2) with Ensembl BlastView, we estimated at least 100,000 copies, which contrasts markedly to just over 100 copies of ID elements. Additionally we provided evidence of recent integrations of GPIDL as two of seven analyzed conserved GPIDL-containing loci demonstrated presence/absence variants in Cavia porcellus and C. aperea. Using intra-IDL PCR and sequence analyses we also provide evidence that GPIDL is derived from a hystricognath-specific SINE family. These results demonstrate that this SINE family continues to contribute to the dynamics of genomes of hystricognath rodents.

  14. La agroforestería para la producción animal; un enfoque de la Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes "Indio Hatuey"


    Martín , Giraldo; Milera , Milagros; Simón , Lionel; Hernández , David; Hernández , Ismael; Iglesias , Jesus; Gonzalez Garcia , Eliel


    [début du texte]La Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes “Indio Hatuey” es la primera institución científica de la ramaagropecuaria creada por la Revolución cubana y fue fundada el 8 de marzo de 1962, con el objetivo detransferir y desarrollar tecnologías de alimentación y producción animal destinadas al Plan Ganadero CostaNorte de Cuba.

  15. Características morfogênicas e estruturais de perfilhos de capim-braquiária em locais do pasto com alturas variáveis Morphogenic and structural characteristics of tillers on areas with signalgrass pasture varying on height

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    Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a influência das variações naturais da altura da planta no mesmo pasto sobre as características morfogênicas e estruturais da Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk manejada sob lotação contínua com bovinos. Foram avaliadas quatro alturas de plantas (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm no mesmo pasto manejado com altura média de 25 cm. Adotou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso com duas repetições. A taxa de aparecimento foliar do capim-braquiária foi influenciada linear e negativamente pelas alturas das plantas no mesmo pasto. Os perfilhos presentes nos locais com maior altura apresentaram maior filocrono (9,3 dias. A maior altura das plantas no mesmo pasto promoveu maiores taxas de senescência foliar e de alongamento de pseudocolmo no perfilho. A duração de vida da folha (37,8 dias e a taxa de alongamento foliar (1,3 cm/perfilho.dia não foram influenciadas pela altura da planta. Os números de folhas vivas (4,36 e mortas (2,15 também não foram modificados pela altura da planta. Já a maior altura das plantas resultou em aumento linear de 69% no número de folhas com desfolhação. Os comprimentos do pseudocolmo e da lâmina foliar responderam linear e positivamente ao aumento na altura da planta no mesmo pasto. A variação natural na altura da planta no mesmo pasto altera as características morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-braquiária. Existe variabilidade espacial da vegetação em pastos de Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk manejados sob lotação contínua com bovinos.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the influence of natural variation of heights of plants on the same pasture on the morphogenic and structural characteristics of Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk managed under continuous stocking with cattle. Four plant heights (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm were evaluated on the same pasture managed at an average height of 25 cm. It was used a randomized block design with two

  16. Analyzing Protein Changes in Guinea Pig Tissue Lysates Using Non-guinea Pig Specific Antibodies: Procedures for Western Blotting and Examples Using 16 Individual Antibodies for Common CNS Proteins (United States)


    guinea pig model does present a significant problem...trying to correlate behavioral and protein changes due to the absence of guinea pig -specific antibodies. We...have developed a procedure to determine the specificity of commercially available, non- guinea pig -specific antibodies in guinea pig lysates.

  17. Gastric volvulus in guinea pigs: comparison with other species. (United States)

    Dudley, Emily S; Boivin, Gregory P


    Gastric volvulus has been documented in several species of animals and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. We report 2 cases of gastric volvulus in guinea pigs that died without detection of prior clinical signs. Both guinea pigs were adult female guinea pigs in a breeding colony and had given birth to multiple litters; one was pregnant at the time of death. Gastric rotations of 540° and 360° were identified at necropsy examination. These cases include the first known report of gastric rotation greater than 360° in any species. Although gastric volvulus has been reported to occur in guinea pigs, little is known about its risk factors, etiology, and pathogenesis. We conducted a literature review to compare gastric volvulus between guinea pigs and other species. Copyright 2011 by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

  18. Evaluation of Ebola Virus Countermeasures in Guinea Pigs. (United States)

    Marzi, Andrea


    Ebola virus (EBOV) pathology in humans remains incompletely understood; therefore, a number of rodent and nonhuman primate (NHP) models have been established to study the disease caused by this virus. While the macaque model most accurately recapitulates human disease, rodent models, which display only certain aspects of human disease but are more cost-effective, are widely used for initial screens during EBOV countermeasure development. In particular, mice and guinea pigs were among the first species used for the efficacy testing of EBOV vaccines and therapeutics. While mice have low predictive value, guinea pigs have proven to be a more reliable predictor for the evaluation of countermeasures in NHPs. In addition, guinea pigs are larger in size compared to mice, allowing for more frequent collection of blood samples at larger volumes. However, guinea pigs have the disadvantage that there is only a limited pool of immunological tools available to characterize host responses to vaccination, treatment and infection. In this chapter, the efficacy testing of an EBOV vaccine and a therapeutic in the guinea pig model are described.

  19. Guinea Pigs: Versatile Animals for the Classroom (United States)

    Barman, Charles R.


    Guinea pigs are presented as versatile classroom animals. Suggestions for animal behavior and genetics studies are given. Also included is information concerning sex determination and the breeding of guinea pigs, and hints on keeping these animals in the classroom. References and illustrations complete the article. (MA)

  20. Violencia contra las mujeres en tres ciudades de Colombia: Pasto, Cartagena y Cali. 2005-2009

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    Beatriz Londoño Toro


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que evidencia la gravedad de la situación de violencia contra la mujer con un examen específico de este fenómeno en las relaciones de pareja. El aporte de las investigadoras radica en la documentación de los principales problemas referidos a la dinámica de las vulneraciones, tipologías de agresores, formas de violencia e incluso períodos en que se incrementan estos fenómenos a partir de las cifras de los Observatorios Regionales de Cali, Pasto y Cartagena (Colombia. Finaliza con unas propuestas relacionadas con el fortalecimiento de las políticas públicas, respuesta estatal e institucional y diseño de mecanismos de acceso a la justicia para las mujeres.

  1. The distribution of seagrasses in Dominica, Lesser Antilles

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    S.C.C Steiner


    Full Text Available Seagrass beds are the largest organism-built marine habitat in Dominica, yet have only been surveyed since 2007. Standardized examinations along a depth gradient between 0 and 24m, focusing on magnoliophyte species composition and benthic cover of shoots at 17 seagrass bed sites, were carried out between September 10 and December 7, 2008. The Cymodoceaceae Syringodium filiforme (Kuetzing 1860 and Halodule wrightii (Ascherson 1868, as well as the Hydrocharitaceae Halophila decipiens (Ostenfeld 1902, H. stipulacea (Fosskal & Ascherson 1867 and Thalassia testudinum (Banks ex König 1805 displayed distinct regional and horizontal distribution patterns. Syringodium filiforme is the island’s dominant seagrass along the western and northern coasts, occurring at depths between 2 and 18m and with a mean benthic cover ranging from 0.9-10% along the West coast. Along the North coast it grew between 0.2 and 1m depth with a mean maximum benthic cover of 48.9%. Halodule wrightii grew along the North and West coasts, in depths between 1 and 14m in areas of recent and chronic disturbances. Its delicate morphology and sparse benthic cover (Pastos marinos son los ambientes más grandes constituidos por organismos en Dominica. Sin embargo, sólo se han examinado desde 2007. Entre el 10 de septiembre y 9 de diciembre 2008, se examinaron la composicion de especies y la densidad de magnoliofitas en profundidades de 0 a 24m. Los Cymodoceaceae: Syringodium filiforme y Halodule wrightii, tal como los Hydrocharitaceae: Halophila decipiens, H. stipulacea y Thalassia testudinum, mostraron una distribución regional y horizontal muy distinta. Syringodium filiforme fue la especie dominante en las costas del oeste y del norte de la isla. Se encontró en profundidades de 2 a 18m y con un promedio de cobertura béntica de 0.9-10% en la costa del oeste. En las costas del norte creció entre 0.2 y 1m de profundidad con un pormedio de cobertura béntica de 48.9%. Halodule

  2. [Spontaneous neoplasms in guinea pigs]. (United States)

    Khar'kovskaia, N A; Khrustalev, S A; Vasil'eva, N N


    The authors present an analysis of the data of foreign literature and the results of their personal studies of spontaneous neoplasms in 40 guinea pigs of national breeding observed during observed during a 5-year period. In 4 of them malignant tumors were diagnosed-lympholeucosis (2 cases), dermoid ovarian cysts and also cancer and adenoma of the adrenal cortex (in one animal). The neoplasms described developed in guinea pigs, aged over 4 years, and they are referred to as mostly common tumors in this species of animals.

  3. Absorption of cadmium in the newborn and juvenile guinea pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasser, L.B.; Jarboe, G.E.


    The accepted premise that absorption is enhanced in the newborn animal is based primarily on studies using the rat, which has a relatively immature gastrointestinal system at birth. This study was conducted to determine if enhanced absorption of cadmium also occurs in the guinea pig, a species that is more precocious at birth than the rat. Newborn guinea pigs were administered a single oral dose of 5 μCi of /sup 115m/Cd (0.25 mCi of /sup 115m/Cd per milligram of cadmium) between 8 and 24 hr of age and killed at intervals between 1 and 14 days after the dosing. Juvenile guinea pigs were similarly dosed with 20 μCi of /sup 115m/Cd and killed 1 to 5 days later. Guinea pigs dosed on the day of birth absorbed approximately 6% of the dose by 1 day after the dosing and nearly 25% of the dose by 11 days. This is a cumulative absorption five times that found in rats dosed at 24 hr and two times that of rats dosed at 2 hr. The residence time of cadmium in the gastrointestinal tract was longer in newborn guinea pigs than in juvenile guinea pigs but was still significantly less than that in the newborn rat. We concluded that the absorption of cadmium from the gastrointestinal tract was greater in newborn guinea pigs than in rats, even though the residence time of cadmium in the intestinal tract was less in guinea pigs than in rats and the maturity at birth of the guinea pig is greater than that of the rat. The bases of these differences were not readily apparent

  4. An annotated ornithological bibliography of Guinea-Bissau

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hazevoet, C.J.


    Guinea-Bissau, a former Portuguese colony, is a small country (36,125 km²) in West Africa bordered by Senegal in the north and Guinea (Conakry) in the east and south. Little is known about the country’s ornithology and comparatively few papers on its birds have been published. The following is an

  5. Non-terminal blood sampling techniques in Guinea pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Birck, Malene Muusfeldt; Tveden-Nyborg, Pernille; Lindblad, Maiken Marie


    Guinea pigs possess several biological similarities to humans and are validated experimental animal models(1-3). However, the use of guinea pigs currently represents a relatively narrow area of research and descriptive data on specific methodology is correspondingly scarce. The anatomical features...... of guinea pigs are slightly different from other rodent models, hence modulation of sampling techniques to accommodate for species-specific differences, e.g., compared to mice and rats, are necessary to obtain sufficient and high quality samples. As both long and short term in vivo studies often require...... repeated blood sampling the choice of technique should be well considered in order to reduce stress and discomfort in the animals but also to ensure survival as well as compliance with requirements of sample size and accessibility. Venous blood samples can be obtained at a number of sites in guinea pigs e...

  6. Crianza de hembras de reemplazo del genotipo 5/8 Holstein por 3/8Cebú en un sistema de asociación de pastos con árboles Raising replacement heifers of the 5/8 Holstein x 3/8 Zebu genotype in an associated system of pastures and trees

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    J.M Iglesias


    Full Text Available Se evaluó, en condiciones de producción, la potencialidad de un sistema asociado gramíneas-leucaena para la cría de hembras mestizas 5/8 H x 3/8 C, desde los 12 meses de edad hasta la incorporación a la reproducción. Se midieron las ganancias de peso vivo y el rendimiento y la calidad del pastizal y de las arbóreas. El pastoreo se realizó con 36 animales, en un área de la vaquería de la EEPF ¨Indio Hatuey¨(12 ha. La leucaena y los pastos se establecieron en años anteriores. La densidad de la arbórea fue de 555 árboles/ha y la poda en el período seco se efectuó a una altura de 150 cm. Se empleó una carga global de 3 animales/ha; la rotación fue de 50 días en la época poco lluviosa y de 40 días en la lluviosa. Los animales dispusieron de agua y sales minerales durante las 24 horas del día. No se ofreció suplementación energética ni proteica. La oferta diaria de pastos en el período seco estuvo alrededor de los 11 kg de MS/100 kg de PV/día al inicio y fue superior a los 7 kg al final; por concepto de poda y ramoneo de arbóreas los valores oscilaron entre los 0,295 y 0,133 kg de MS/100 kg de PV/día. En el período lluvioso la oferta de pastos fue de 16,85 kg de MS/100 kg de PV/día; mientras que la disponibilidad de leucaena en ramoneo superó los 0,285 kg de MS/100 kg de PV/día. La ganancia diaria de peso vivo promedio fue de 455 g, que permitió un peso de incorporación a la reproducción de 286 kg, a los 24 meses. El intervalo incorporación-cubrición promedio fue de 43 días. Se concluye que con este sistema silvopastoril es posible obtener ganancias adecuadas en pastoreo y pesos-edades a la incorporación aceptables para las condiciones actuales de la ganadería cubana.The potential of a grass-leucaena associated system for raising crossbred 5/8 H x 3/8 Z heifers, since 12 months of age until incorporation to reproduction, was evaluated under production conditions. The live weight gains and yield and pasture and

  7. La capacitación como elemento clave del modelo para la difusión y adopción de tecnologías de semillas en el sector ganadero cubano (Nota técnica

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    Marlen Navarro

    Full Text Available Se desarrolló un trabajo orientado hacia la identificación participativa de las necesidades de capacitación y la construcción de un proceso de aprendizaje horizontal, como base para la adopción y difusión de las tecnologías de semillas de pastos. Para valorar los factores que influyen en la adopción de dichas tecnologías se realizaron talleres locales, en los que se elaboró el árbol de problemas y el de objetivos para cada una de los problemas identificados. Con esta información y con la obtenida en los intercambios con productores de los sectores formal e informal, se diseñó el curso teórico-práctico «Producción y tecnologías de semillas de pastos tropicales». La importancia de la adquisición y profundización de conocimientos se valoró a través de los aspectos «comprobación de conocimientos» y «proyecto de perspectivas y desarrollo»; mientras que la evolución del proceso de capacitación se analizó en tres proyectos, de los presentados por cada una de las fincas en fomento. A través de la capacitación participativa se logró que los implicados en la adopción y difusión de las tecnologías de semillas de pastos propusieran los temas en que se debía profundizar

  8. Briti eliit üritas kukutada Ekvatoriaal-Guinea valitsust

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ekvatoriaal-Guineas ja Zimbabwes on vahistatud kümneid inimesi, keda süüdistatakse riigipöördekatses Ekvatoriaal-Guineas. Suurbritannia endise peaministri Margaret Thatcher'i poega Mark Thatcher'it süüdistatakse riigipöördekatse rahastamisele kaasaaitamises

  9. Prevalencia de diabetes mellitus en la ciudad de Pasto, Nariño Colombia

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    Miguel Angel Suárez Russi


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo, transversal, en la población adulta, mayor de 20 años, hombres y mujeres, habitantes de la zona urbana de la ciudad de Pasto, localizada en la zona suroccidental de Colombia, sus características son similares en alimentación y hábitos culturales al mayor porcentaje de los habitantes de Colombia de las zonas montañosas andinas, con una altura sobre el nivel del mar de 2.650 metros y una temperatura promedio de 11 grados centígrados. De una población adulta mayor de 20 años se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria sistemática de 1.430 personas. Aceptaron participar en forma voluntaria, aprovechando la estratificación de salud que tiene este municipio, distribuidos en seis sectores, sin una delimitación clara de clases sociales. Se realizó una encuesta domiciliaria sobre antecedentes familiares de diabetes y obesidad. Además se evaluaron otras variables como peso, talla, índice de masa corporal, escolaridad, para posteriormente citarlos y realizar una prueba de tolerancia a los carbohidratos, con una carga estándar de 75 gramos de glucosa, en 720 personas. Se determinó la glicemia mediante técnica de glucosa oxidasa en un equipo semiautomático cuantificando la pre y postcarga. Se emplearon para la evaluación los criterios de la OMS y National Diabetes Data Group. Al 6,0% de la población se le detectó diabetes mellitus, distribuidos en el 3,6% para mujeres y el 2,4% para los varones, siendo mayor la proporción de diabéticos entre la cuarta y quinta década. El 54,6% de los diabéticos tenían un IMC superior a 25, mientras que el 6,8% tenían problemas de obesidad con IMC superior a 30. Hubo intolerancia a los carbohidratos en el 5,3% de la población cuando se evaluó este factor aceptando la recomendación mundial de valores de glicemia entre 7,8 mmol y 11,1 mmol de glucosa en sangre venosa. El 22,5% de los sujetos diabéticos tenía antecedente materno de diabetes y paterno del 9

  10. Transmission pattern of parainfluenza 3 virus in guinea pig breeding herds. (United States)

    Blomqvist, Gunilla A M; Martin, Krister; Morein, Bror


    In searching for the cause of experimental variations in respiratory research data, serology revealed the prevalence of antibodies against parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV 3) in guinea pigs. The aim of the present study was to explore the transmission rate, course, and kinetics of enzootic PIV 3 infection in guinea pig breeding units. In the first part of the study, blood samples to be analyzed for PIV 3 antibodies were collected from guinea pigs of a PIV 3-positive breeding colony at different times after birth. In the same breeding unit, 6 of 12 2-week-old guinea pigs were relocated and separately housed. The PIV 3 serum antibody titers of the two groups were compared at various times from birth to 13 weeks after birth. In the second part of the study, the spread of infectious virus and virus persistence were explored by housing seronegative sentinel animals together with 2- to 3-week-old guinea pigs from three different PIV 3-positive breeding units. The guinea pigs remaining in the breeding colony as well as those removed and housed separately showed declining serum antibody titers for about 1 month after birth, thereafter the titers were stable until about 8 weeks after birth. Five weeks later, the mean antibody titer of the guinea pigs remaining in the breeding colony had increased to a markedly higher level than that of the relocated, separately housed guinea pigs. Seroconversion was demonstrated in 7 of the 14 sentinels housed with the 2- to 3-week-old guinea pigs from PIV 3-positive breeding units. Sentinels housed together with PIV 3-positive guinea pigs 24 weeks after the start of the experiment did not seroconvert. We conclude that young guinea pigs born to PIV 3-positive mothers were protected by maternal immunity against infection with PIV 3 during their first 14 days of life. The guinea pig offspring became infected during the period from about 2 weeks until 8 weeks after birth, as demonstrated by seroconversion of sentinel animals and an increasing

  11. Analyzing Protein Changes in Guinea Pig Tissue Lysates Using Non-guinea Pig Specific Antibodies: Procedures for Western Blotting and Examples Using 16 Individual Antibodies for Common CNS Proteins

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Johnson, Erik A; Daugherty, Kelly S


    ... behavioral and protein changes due to the absence of guinea pig-specific antibodies. We have developed a procedure to determine the specificity of commercially available, non-guinea pig-specific antibodies in guinea pig lysates...

  12. Effects of ultraviolet irradiation on skin of guinea pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Wenwen; Chen Qiang; Li Peng; Ling Ling; Lin Xiaochen; Ren Shuping; Liu Yajuan; Li Yun


    Objective: To explore the adverse effects of ultraviolet B (UV-B) on the skin of guinea pig. Methods: Guinea pig skin was irradiated with UV-B, the skin changes in external appearance, pathology, and the contents of OH and O 2 - produced in the skin were determined to study the adverse effects of UV-B on the guinea pig skin. Results: UV-B caused red swelling and desquamation of skin, with the increasing of the UV-B irradiation, the cells in stratum spinosum began to proliferate vigorously, the MDA and ROS contents in UVB radiation group were significantly higher than those in control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: UV-B can cause injury to guinea pig skin and has the potential to produce skin cancer. (authors)

  13. Blood profiles in unanesthetized and anesthetized guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Williams, Wendy R; Johnston, Matthew S; Higgins, Sarah; Izzo, Angelo A; Kendall, Lon V


    The guinea pig is a common animal model that is used in biomedical research to study a variety of systems, including hormonal and immunological responses, pulmonary physiology, corticosteroid response and others. However, because guinea pigs are evolutionarily a prey species, they do not readily show behavioral signs of disease, which can make it difficult to detect illness in a laboratory setting. Minimally invasive blood tests, such as complete blood counts and plasma biochemistry assays, are useful in both human and veterinary medicine as an initial diagnostic technique to rule in or rule out systemic illness. In guinea pigs, phlebotomy for such tests often requires that the animals be anesthetized first. The authors evaluated hematological and plasma biochemical effects of two anesthetic agents that are commonly used with guinea pigs in a research setting: isoflurane and a combination of ketamine and xylazine. Hematological and plasma biochemical parameters were significantly different when guinea pigs were under either anesthetic, compared to when they were unanesthetized. Plasma proteins, liver enzymes, white blood cells and red blood cells appeared to be significantly altered by both anesthetics, and hematological and plasma biochemical differences were greater when guinea pigs were anesthetized with the combination of ketamine and xylazine than when they were anesthetized with isoflurane. Overall these results indicate that both anesthetics can significantly influence hematological and plasma biochemical parameters in guinea pigs.

  14. A 2-D guinea pig lung proteome map (United States)

    Guinea pigs represent an important model for a number of infectious and non-infectious pulmonary diseases. The guinea pig genome has recently been sequenced to full coverage, opening up new research avenues using genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics techniques in this species. In order to furth...

  15. Hypervitaminosis D in Guinea Pigs with α-Mannosidosis (United States)

    Jensen, JanLee A; Brice, Angela K; Bagel, Jessica H; Mexas, Angela M; Yoon, Sea Young; Wolfe, John H


    A colony of guinea pigs (n = 9) with α-mannosidosis was fed a pelleted commercial laboratory guinea pig diet. Over 2 mo, all 9 guinea pigs unexpectedly showed anorexia and weight loss (11.7% to 30.0% of baseline weight), and 3 animals demonstrated transient polyuria and polydipsia. Blood chemistry panels in these 3 guinea pigs revealed high-normal total calcium, high-normal phosphate, and high ALP. Urine specific gravity was dilute (1.003, 1.009, 1.013) in the 3 animals tested. Postmortem examination of 7 animals that were euthanized after failing to respond to supportive care revealed renal interstitial fibrosis with tubular mineralization, soft tissue mineralization in multiple organs, hepatic lipidosis, and pneumonia. Analysis of the pelleted diet revealed that it had been formulated with a vitamin D3 content of more than 150 times the normal concentration. Ionized calcium and 25-hydroxyvitamin D values were both high in serum saved from 2 euthanized animals, confirming the diagnosis of hypervitaminosis D. This report discusses the clinical signs, blood chemistry results, and gross and histologic findings of hypervitaminosis D in a colony of guinea pigs. When unexpected signs occur colony-wide, dietary differentials should be investigated at an early time point. PMID:23582422

  16. Dinámica del cadmio en suelos cultivados con papa en Nariño, Colombia. Dinamic of the cadmium in soils cultivated with potatoes in Nariño, Colombia

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    Liliana Insuasty B


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la fijación y movilidad de cadmio en suelos dedicados al cultivo de papa en Túquerres, Pasto y Guachucal. Se tomaron muestras de suelos no disturbadas en cilindros de PVC, las cuales, luego de aplicaciones fraccionadas de cadmio con dosis de 0, 50,100 y 150 ppm, se incubaron a capacidad de campo durante cuatro meses. En estos suelos los contenidos de cadmio total e intercambiable no sobrepasaron los límites permisibles establecidos por Organización Mundial de la Salud-Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (OMS-FAO; no obstante, la mayor cantidad del elemento se localizó en la parte superior de los núcleos, lo cual indica baja movilidad del elemento en el perfil.The mobility of cadmium and fixation in soils cropped with potatoes in Túquerres, Pasto and Guachucal Nariño, Colombia was evaluated. Samples with an auger of 11 cm diameter and 40 cm in length were taken. On these soil samples applications of 0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm cadmium were, and incubated during a 4 month period under field capacity. In this soils the content of total exchangeable cadmium do not overcome the permissible limits established by World Health Organization-Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The highest concentration of cadmium applied in the for of total Cd and changeable Cd was found in the higher third part of cores, which indicates a low mobility of the element in the soil profile.


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    Rodolfo WingChing-Jones


    Full Text Available Se caracterizó la población de nematodos fitoparásitos presente en los pastos Sorgo negro (Sorghum almus, Camerún (Pennisetum purpureum var Camerun, King grass (Pennisetum purpureum var King grass, Tanzania (Panicum maximum var Tanzania, Brizantha (Brachiaria brizantha, Toledo (Brachiaria brizantha var Toledo, Estrella africana (Cynodon nlemfuensis, Mombaza (Panicum maximum var Mombaza, Ratana (Ischaemum ciliare y la leguminosa maní forrajero (Arachis pintoi en la localidad de San Carlos, Alajuela, de junio a noviembre del 2003. Se tomaron 5 muestras compuestas de suelo y de las raíces contenidas en el volumen de suelo para los forrajes evaluados, excepto para el pasto King grass, el Ratana y el Maní forrajero, en donde el número de muestras compuestas fue de 10 para cada material. Los nematodos Pratylenchus sp., Helicotylenchus sp., Tylenchus sp., Criconemella sp., se identificaron en 8 de los pastos y en la leguminosa evaluada. El género Psilenchus sp., solo se presentó en el pasto Tanzania, mientras que el género Xiphinema sp., en los forrajes Tanzania, Brizantha, Ratana y en el maní forrajero. El género Paratylenchus sp., se contabilizó con los forrajes Tanzania, Brizantha y Ratana. En el pasto Toledo, Camerún y en el maní forrajero se observó Hemicycliophora sp. En cambio, Meloidogyne sp., se encontró en los pastos Brizantha y Ratana. Los nematodos no fitoparásitos se identificaron en los 9 pastos y la leguminosa evaluada.

  18. Polysaccharide prodigiosan therapy of irradiated guinea pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chertkov, K.S.; Mosina, Z.M.; Khramchenkova, S.P.


    In the experiments with irradiated guinea-pigs, a therapeutic action of prodigiosan has been detected. A parenteral administration of the preparation (125 to 500 μg/kg) within the interval from 15 min to 6 hours after a short-term exposure increased the survival of animals to 50%. Prodigiosan administered to guinea-pigs given prolonged irradiation failed to affect the survival rate

  19. Ebola Virus Imported from Guinea to Senegal, 2014. (United States)

    Ka, Daye; Fall, Gamou; Diallo, Viviane Cissé; Faye, Ousmane; Fortes, Louise Deguenonvo; Faye, Oumar; Bah, Elhadji Ibrahim; Diallo, Kadia Mbaye; Balique, Fanny; Ndour, Cheikh Tidiane; Seydi, Moussa; Sall, Amadou Alpha


    In March 2014, the World Health Organization declared an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Guinea. In August 2014, a case caused by virus imported from Guinea occurred in Senegal, most likely resulting from nonsecure funerals and travel. Preparedness and surveillance in Senegal probably prevented secondary cases.

  20. Piper (Piperaceae) in New Guinea: the climbing species

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gardner, R.O.


    Sixteen climbing Piper species are accepted for New Guinea. The three endemics, P. arfakianum, P. subcanirameum and P. versteegii, are fully described. Eight taxa of unclear circumscription are noted. A new variety of P. macropiper, endemic to Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea, is described. The


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    Rafael M. Navarro Cerrillo


    Full Text Available La gestión forestal sostenible requiere de una información cartográfica adecuada. En este trabajo se elaboró una cartografía actual de la vegetación de la isla de Bioko (Guinea Ecuatorial basada en la clasificación supervisada de una imagen Landsat 7 ETM+, y una cartografía de la vegetación del piso afromontano, que incluye datos de la distribución, la superficie y los tipos forestales con presencia de Prunus africana. Se proponen seis nuevos tipos de vegetación de transición entre los bosques Guineo- Congolesa y los bosques afromontanos, y distintas formaciones afromontanas secundarias. El mapa de vegetación de Bioko tuvo un coeficiente Kappa de 0,69. Los principales errores se asociaron a las clases correspondientes a bosque secundarios de tierras bajas y a las zonas de transición entre los bosques congoleses y afromontanos. La fiabilidad del análisis mejoró en una segunda clasificación restringida a la vegetación afromontana de la isla (> 1400 m s.m., obteniéndose un coeficiente Kappa de 0,81. En este trabajo se muestra la utilidad de la teledetección para la elaboración de cartografía en zonas tropicales de escasa accesibilidad, dado que se obtuvieron resultados con una fiabilidad adecuada para la gestión forestal.

  2. ECG telemetry in conscious guinea pigs. (United States)

    Ruppert, Sabine; Vormberge, Thomas; Igl, Bernd-Wolfgang; Hoffmann, Michael


    During preclinical drug development, monitoring of the electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important part of cardiac safety assessment. To detect potential pro-arrhythmic liabilities of a drug candidate and for internal decision-making during early stage drug development an in vivo model in small animals with translatability to human cardiac function is required. Over the last years, modifications/improvements regarding animal housing, ECG electrode placement, and data evaluation have been introduced into an established model for ECG recordings using telemetry in conscious, freely moving guinea pigs. Pharmacological validation using selected reference compounds affecting different mechanisms relevant for cardiac electrophysiology (quinidine, flecainide, atenolol, dl-sotalol, dofetilide, nifedipine, moxifloxacin) was conducted and findings were compared with results obtained in telemetered Beagle dogs. Under standardized conditions, reliable ECG data with low variability allowing largely automated evaluation were obtained from the telemetered guinea pig model. The model is sensitive to compounds blocking cardiac sodium channels, hERG K(+) channels and calcium channels, and appears to be even more sensitive to β-blockers as observed in dogs at rest. QT interval correction according to Bazett and Sarma appears to be appropriate methods in conscious guinea pigs. Overall, the telemetered guinea pig is a suitable model for the conduct of early stage preclinical ECG assessment. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Petroleum service projects in the Gulf of Guinea (United States)

    Ken-Worgu, Kenneth Chukwumeka


    The goal of this record of study is to examine the major facets involved in managing several petroleum service projects located in three different countries in the Gulf of Guinea simultaneously, while effectively engaging in business development activities for the Oil and Industrial Services Group (OIS). This work also furnishes adequate background on related subject matters to enable understanding of the projects presented. The petroleum services sector is the back bone of the oil and gas industry. Services companies are vital to the success of all petroleum and energy producers in the USA, the Gulf of Guinea and the world. There is a need and demand for these service companies because they play various roles such as logistics, drilling, construction, dredging, pipe laying, procurement, food supply, human resource supply, etc. The Gulf of Guinea comprises of countries from west and central Africa. This project was limited to Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon. This area holds the largest petroleum reserves in Africa and plays a vital role in the global supply of petroleum. The Oil and Industrial Services Group (OIS), plans to establish herself as one of the leading petroleum service companies in this gulf. To manage this expansion, I have taken the role of Gulf of Guinea manager to apply my background as a petroleum engineer as well as my business skills to build a successful division of the company. This work provides a record of study of the management of services, projects and contracts carried out by the OIS group in the gulf of Guinea. The following are the specific projects in the Gulf of Guinea that I participated in: Managing delivering, maintenance and marketing of offshore vessels, Offshore pipe laying project, Integrated pipeline maintenance project, Development a petroleum technical training facilities, Agbami pipe insulation project, Engineering lift project and Capital budgeting analysis for potential investments. The details of the specific

  4. Immunoglobulin Genomics in the Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) (United States)

    Guo, Yongchen; Bao, Yonghua; Meng, Qingwen; Hu, Xiaoxiang; Meng, Qingyong; Ren, Liming; Li, Ning; Zhao, Yaofeng


    In science, the guinea pig is known as one of the gold standards for modeling human disease. It is especially important as a molecular and cellular biology model for studying the human immune system, as its immunological genes are more similar to human genes than are those of mice. The utility of the guinea pig as a model organism can be further enhanced by further characterization of the genes encoding components of the immune system. Here, we report the genomic organization of the guinea pig immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy and light chain genes. The guinea pig IgH locus is located in genomic scaffolds 54 and 75, and spans approximately 6,480 kb. 507 VH segments (94 potentially functional genes and 413 pseudogenes), 41 DH segments, six JH segments, four constant region genes (μ, γ, ε, and α), and one reverse δ remnant fragment were identified within the two scaffolds. Many VH pseudogenes were found within the guinea pig, and likely constituted a potential donor pool for gene conversion during evolution. The Igκ locus mapped to a 4,029 kb region of scaffold 37 and 24 is composed of 349 Vκ (111 potentially functional genes and 238 pseudogenes), three Jκ and one Cκ genes. The Igλ locus spans 1,642 kb in scaffold 4 and consists of 142 Vλ (58 potentially functional genes and 84 pseudogenes) and 11 Jλ -Cλ clusters. Phylogenetic analysis suggested the guinea pig’s large germline VH gene segments appear to form limited gene families. Therefore, this species may generate antibody diversity via a gene conversion-like mechanism associated with its pseudogene reserves. PMID:22761756

  5. Gastric Volvulus in Guinea Pigs: Comparison with Other Species


    Dudley, Emily S; Boivin, Gregory P


    Gastric volvulus has been documented in several species of animals and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. We report 2 cases of gastric volvulus in guinea pigs that died without detection of prior clinical signs. Both guinea pigs were adult female guinea pigs in a breeding colony and had given birth to multiple litters; one was pregnant at the time of death. Gastric rotations of 540° and 360° were identified at necropsy examination. These cases include the first known report of g...

  6. Salmonella arizonaeInfection In A Guinea Pig Breeding Unit


    GÜREL, Aydın; AYYILDIZ, Gülbin


    Salmonella arizonae infection was detected in guinea pigs kept for breeding. Two months old 50 quinea pigs were died in the breedig unit. Three death and 2 live guinea pigs were brought to Veterinary Faculty of İstanbul. The live 2 were euthanasied and necropcy was performed on all guinea pigs. The fluid about 50 cc. in the abdomen, the necrosis and pseudomembranes in the liver and spleen were observed. On histopathology, the foci of various coagulative necrosis were seen in the liver. The...

  7. Efecto de la temperatura y el pH en la producción de biomasa de Azospirillum brasilense C16 aislada de pasto guinea

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    F Romero-Perdomo

    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la temperatura y el pH en la viabilidad celular de la cepa Azospirillum brasilense C16. Se estudiaron cinco temperaturas (entre 28 y 36°C y cinco pH (de 4,5 a 8,5. El efecto de la temperatura se evaluó mediante la medición del crecimiento radial (mm de la cepa, sobre un papel de filtro en medio batata. En el caso del pH se utilizó un fermentador de tanque agitado -con una configuración tipo Rushton- para cuantificar la velocidad de crecimiento, la producción de biomasa y el tiempo de duplicación de la cepa; las condiciones de fermentación fueron: 400 rpm, 1 Lpm y 30°C, durante 24 horas. El pH y la temperatura influyeron significativamente (p < 0,05 en la producción de A. brasilense C16. La temperatura de 30°C fue la más favorable para que se multiplicara la cepa, con 23,21 mm de crecimiento radial; mientras que la mayor o igual a 34°C inhibió su crecimiento. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con un pH de 6,8, con diferencias significativas (p < 0,05 respecto al resto. Con esta condición se obtuvieron los valores más altos de velocidad de crecimiento (1,79 h-1 y producción de biomasa (8,65 log10 UFC mL-1, y el valor más bajo del tiempo de duplicación (1,09 h-1. Estos resultados poseen aplicabilidad biotecnológica, y son de gran importancia en el momento de definir y controlar las condiciones de producción masiva de biomasa de A. brasilense C16 para futuras formulaciones como biofertilizante en diversos cultivos de interés en Colombia.

  8. Estructura de un ecotono bosque Subalpino-pastos alpinos (Las Cutas, Ordesa, Pirineos Centrales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camarero, J. J.


    Full Text Available We describe the structure of a subalpine forest-alpine pasture ecotone in the Central Pyrenees, that includes altitudinal timberline and treeline, and it is dominated by Pinus uncinata Ram. We measured for each P. uncinata 21individual located inside a rectangular plot parallel to the slope: the location and several structural and groivth form variables (number and type of stems per individual. Then, P. uncinata individuals were classified according to their size (adults, poles, saplings and seedlings and growth form (krummholz —shrubby and multistemmed individuals—, krummholz with vertical stems. The ecotone structure was described through the study of groivth form and size changes of P. uncinata individuals across the ecotone and related to the area climate, that is characterized by maximum snow thickness in spring (April and strong N-NW-W winds. Most of living individuals were krummholz, located above the timberline in the area where seedlings were abundant. Bigger, vertical and unistemmed individuals predominated in the forest. The structure or growth form changes were sharp across the ecotone. Crown injuries due to wind effects were evident in shrubby individuals and predominated in those directions that showed stronger winds during the year. The snow-wind interaction can explain partially the location of the studied timberline that could be considered a local phenomenon. The spatial location of the different classes of individuals, the spatial interaction between seedlings and krummholz individuals, and the changes of growth form (from arborescent to shrubby or vice versa can modify the response of these P. uncinata populations to climate changes.

    [es] Describimos la estructura de un ecotono bosque subalpino-pastos alpinos en los Pirineos Centrales, que incluye los límites altitudinales del bosque y del árbol y está dominado por Pinus uncinata Ram. Para cada individuo de


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    To characterize the muscarinic receptor present in guinea-pig uterus smooth muscle the affinities of a series of 27 muscarinic receptor antagonists for M1 (rat cortex), M2 (rat heart), M3 (rat submandibular gland), m4 (transfected in CHO cells) and muscarinic binding sites in guinea-pig uterus

  10. Crossed Looks: Globalisations and Curriculum in Guinea-Bissau (United States)

    da Silva, Rui; dos Santos, Júlio Gonçalves; Pacheco, José Augusto


    This article focuses on education in Guinea-Bissau in the context of globalisations, examining the concept of globalisation and its relation to education and the curriculum. It focuses on the relatively neglected area of national education policies in Guinea-Bissau, comparing differences and common points of interference/influence of multilateral…

  11. Effect of fructo-oligosaccharide on nitrogen utilization in guinea pigs. (United States)

    Kawasaki, Kiyonori; Min, Xiao; Nishiyama, Ai; Sakaguchi, Ei


    The present study was conducted to determine the effects of fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) on the nitrogen (N) utilization and digestibilities of dietary nutrients through cecotrophy in guinea pigs. Adult male guinea pigs that were housed or not housed in wooden frames to prevent cecotrophy were fed a commercial pellet diet (50 g/day) with 3% and 5% glucose or FOS for 8 days in individual metabolism cages. In the guinea pigs allowed cecotrophy, addition of FOS to the diet had no significant effects on body weight gain or apparent digestibility of N, but showed significantly lower value for the urinary N excretion and acid-detergent fiber digestibility (P guinea pigs prevented from cecotrophy, FOS had no effect on N retention, but showed tendencies toward a higher value for fecal N excretion and a lower value for urinary N excretion. These results suggest that FOS stimulates cecal microbial proliferation, thereby improving N utilization in guinea pigs. © 2012 Japanese Society of Animal Science.

  12. Sex Genotyping of Archival Fixed and Immunolabeled Guinea Pig Cochleas. (United States)

    Depreux, Frédéric F; Czech, Lyubov; Whitlon, Donna S


    For decades, outbred guinea pigs (GP) have been used as research models. Various past research studies using guinea pigs used measures that, unknown at the time, may be sex-dependent, but from which today, archival tissues may be all that remain. We aimed to provide a protocol for sex-typing archival guinea pig tissue, whereby past experiments could be re-evaluated for sex effects. No PCR sex-genotyping protocols existed for GP. We found that published sequence of the GP Sry gene differed from that in two separate GP stocks. We used sequences from other species to deduce PCR primers for Sry. After developing a genomic DNA extraction for archival, fixed, decalcified, immunolabeled, guinea pig cochlear half-turns, we used a multiplex assay (Y-specific Sry; X-specific Dystrophin) to assign sex to tissue as old as 3 years. This procedure should allow reevaluation of prior guinea pig studies in various research areas for the effects of sex on experimental outcomes.

  13. El sector agrario del Ecuador: incertidumbres (riesgos ante la globalización

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    García Pascual, Francisco


    Full Text Available El artículo ofrece una visión de conjunto del sector agrario ecuatoriano. Incorpora, por una parte, el escenario esbozado por las conflictivas coyunturas políticas y económicas por las que ha atravesado el país. Por otra, el rechazo a cualquier imagen de inmovilismo o de homogeneización de la agricultura y/o del espacio rural ecuatoriano. Plantea asumir los retos y las incertidumbres que la globalización neoliberal impone al mundo agrario y al mundo rural del Ecuador, desde la perspectiva de las respuestas locales a los impactos derivados de procesos globales. En este sentido, entre 1980 y 2005, el sector agrario ecuatoriano ha dibujado una trayectoria marcada por cuatro hechos: a la consolidación de unas estructuras que siguen siendo muy desequilibradas social y territorialmente, b una ralentización del crecimiento de la frontera agrícola, un aumento de las tierras dedicadas a pastos, una reorientación de las tierras cultivadas en beneficio especialmente de ítems exportadores o de demanda masiva urbana, y un incremento considerable de la actividad ganadera, c una notable alza de la producción física junto a un significativo decrecimiento de los precios percibidos por los agricultores en términos reales, y d una notable expansión de las exportaciones agrícolas, lo que ha posible merced a una sensible disminución de los precios unitarios de los bienes agroalimentarios vendidos al exterior.

  14. Non-terminal blood sampling techniques in guinea pigs. (United States)

    Birck, Malene M; Tveden-Nyborg, Pernille; Lindblad, Maiken M; Lykkesfeldt, Jens


    Guinea pigs possess several biological similarities to humans and are validated experimental animal models(1-3). However, the use of guinea pigs currently represents a relatively narrow area of research and descriptive data on specific methodology is correspondingly scarce. The anatomical features of guinea pigs are slightly different from other rodent models, hence modulation of sampling techniques to accommodate for species-specific differences, e.g., compared to mice and rats, are necessary to obtain sufficient and high quality samples. As both long and short term in vivo studies often require repeated blood sampling the choice of technique should be well considered in order to reduce stress and discomfort in the animals but also to ensure survival as well as compliance with requirements of sample size and accessibility. Venous blood samples can be obtained at a number of sites in guinea pigs e.g., the saphenous and jugular veins, each technique containing both advantages and disadvantages(4,5). Here, we present four different blood sampling techniques for either conscious or anaesthetized guinea pigs. The procedures are all non-terminal procedures provided that sample volumes and number of samples do not exceed guidelines for blood collection in laboratory animals(6). All the described methods have been thoroughly tested and applied for repeated in vivo blood sampling in studies within our research facility.

  15. Factibilidad económica de la asociación maíz-pasto en el establecimiento de un sistema silvopastoril en el piedemonte llanero de Colombia¹

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    V Sánchez

    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar financieramente una alternativa para el establecimiento de un sistema silvopastoril de sombra (SSP-S con leguminosas arbóreas nativas, conjuntamente con la producción de ensilaje de maíz y la renovación de praderas degradadas. Para ello se plantaron árboles en surcos y entre estos se sembró maíz, que fue cosechado para ensilar. Se seleccionaron tres especies nativas adaptadas a las condiciones de acidez del suelo (4,6, y se utilizó un arreglo factorial en bloques al azar con cuatro tratamientos, constituidos por las tres especies arbóreas a evaluar y el testigo: T O: testigo, T1: Piptadenia flava (acacia flava, T2: Cassia moschata (cañafistol y T3: Mimosa trianae (yopo, con cinco repeticiones por tratamiento, para un total de 20 unidades experimentales. Posteriormente se volvió a sembrar maíz, pero asociado con pasto, y se cosechó el maíz para ensilar, con lo que se renovó la pradera y se obtuvieron ingresos por concepto de ensilaje. Estos ingresos por la venta del ensilaje amortizaron los costos de la fase de establecimiento y generaron ganancias que hicieron viable económicamente el proyecto durante dicha fase, al lograr una utilidad neta por hectárea de USD 714, un valor presente neto (VPN de USD 407 y una tasa interna de retorno (TIR de 31,63 %. En otro tipo de SSP el costo de establecimiento puede llegar a más de USD 2 500 por hectárea y el retorno de la inversión puede tardar más de cuatro años.

  16. Disponibilidad de biomasa y hábitos alimenticios de ovinos en un sistema silvopastoril con Leucaena leucocephala, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Y Cynodon nlemfuensis

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    Bernardino Candelaria-Martínez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del pastoreo a los 50, 60 y 70 días en época de lluvias y seca con nortes que son los frentes fríos, que corresponden de octubre a enero junto con la disponibilidad, calidad de biomasa y hábitos alimenticios de ovinos en un sistema silvopastoril de pasto estrella (Cynodon nlemfuensis, tulipán (Hibiscus rosasinensis y leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala. Para cada tratamiento se utilizaron 2 parcelas de 8x24 m y 6 ovejas adultas raza pelibuey. La disponibilidad de biomasa en leucaena y tulipán se evaluó mediante cosecha total de 20 a 40 plantas por tratamiento. El pasto estrella se midió antes y después del pastoreo. Las 3 especies se separaron en componentes morfológicos, y se determinó proteína cruda y fibra detergente neutra en las hojas. Los hábitos de los ovinos se determinaron mediante observación directa. La disponibilidad de biomasa total, consumo por grupo y utilización del pasto estrella fueron mayores a los 70 días y en la época de lluvias. La proporción de hoja de las 3 especies fue mayor a los 50 días; por efecto de la época, fue más abundante en lluvias, nortes y seca para estrella, leucaena y tulipán, respectivamente. La disponibilidad de PC no varió (p>0,05 por efecto de frecuencia ni época de pastoreo. El mayor tiempo de consumo estuvo destinado a pasto estrella, tulipán y leucaena. Los diseños favorecieron los sistemas silvopastoriles multiasociados pues potenciaron los efectos positivos de sus relaciones. Las frecuencias de pastoreo se ajustaron a la época del año, bajo un modelo de manejo mixto de pastoreo y podas, para mejor utilización de la biomasa.

  17. Molecular cloning and expression of the IL-10 gene from guinea pigs. (United States)

    Dirisala, Vijaya R; Jeevan, Amminikutty; Bix, Gregory; Yoshimura, Teizo; McMurray, David N


    The Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) is one of the most relevant small animals for modeling human tuberculosis (TB) in terms of susceptibility to low dose aerosol infection, the organization of granulomas, extrapulmonary dissemination and vaccine-induced protection. It is also considered to be a gold standard for a number of other infectious and non-infectious diseases; however, this animal model has a major disadvantage due to the lack of readily available immunological reagents. In the present study, we successfully cloned a cDNA for the critical Th2 cytokine, interleukin-10 (IL-10), from inbred Strain 2 guinea pigs using the DNA sequence information provided by the genome project. The complete open reading frame (ORF) consists of 537 base pairs which encodes a protein of 179 amino acids. This cDNA sequence exhibited 87% homology with human IL-10. Surprisingly, it showed only 84% homology with the previously published IL-10 sequence from the C4-deficient (C4D) guinea pig, leading us to clone IL-10 cDNA from the Hartley strain of guinea pig. The IL-10 gene from the Hartley strain showed 100% homology with the IL-10 sequence of Strain 2 guinea pigs. In order to validate the only published IL-10 sequence existing in Genbank reported from C4D guinea pigs, genomic DNA was isolated from tissues of C4D guinea pigs. Amplification with various sets of primers showed that the IL-10 sequence reported from C4D guinea pigs contained numerous errors. Hence the IL-10 sequence that is being reported by us replaces the earlier sequence making our IL-10 sequence to be the first one accurate from guinea pig. Recombinant guinea pig IL-10 proteins were subsequently expressed in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, purified and were confirmed by N-terminal sequencing. Polyclonal anti-IL-10 antibodies were generated in rabbits using the recombinant IL-10 protein expressed in this study. Taken together, our results indicate that the DNA sequence information provided by the genome project

  18. Evaluación del establecimiento de Leucaena leucocephala cv. Cunningham en una finca ganadera del municipio de Perico, Matanzas, Cuba

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    Katia Bover

    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el establecimiento de Leucaena leucocephala cv. Cunningham en una finca de la cooperativa de créditos y servicios (CCS Ramón Rodríguez Milián, del municipio de Perico. Se trabajó en un área de 6 ha, dividida en cinco cuartones, y se realizó una preparación en franjas de 2 m de ancho. Se determinó la supervivencia después del trasplante, la altura, el número de ramas y la composición florística del pastizal; así como el efecto de las labores de limpieza y el daño causado por los animales en la altura. Se aplicó un análisis de varianza y los datos se procesaron con el paquete estadístico SPSS® versión 10.0 para Windows XP. La supervivencia de las plantas fue de 98 %; la labor de limpieza tuvo un efecto positivo en el crecimiento, mientras que la defoliación de la planta por los animales afectó el establecimiento. La población de pastos naturales (jiribilla y pitilla se mantuvo alrededor de 66 % y la de las principales leguminosas volubles (teramnus, glycine y siratro disminuyó de 12 % en el tercer mes después de realizado el trasplante, a 6 % en el decimoquinto mes. El sistema se consideró establecido cuando las plantas sobrepasaron los 2 m de altura. Se concluye que la labor de limpieza influyó positivamente en el comportamiento de la altura y el establecimiento de L. leucocephala, mientras que las defoliaciones causadas por los animales lo retrasaron.

  19. Heterogeneity of Opioid Binding Sites in Guinea Pig Spinal Cord (United States)


    MEDICAL CENTER WILFORD HALL AIR FORCE MEDICAL CENTER Title of Thesis: "Heterogeneity of Opioid Binding Sites in Guinea Pig Spinal Cord" Name of...that the use of any copyrighted material in the dissertation manuscript entitled: "Heterogeneity of Opioid Binding Sites in Guinea Pig Spinal Cord...University of the Health Sciences 11 Abstract Title of Thesis: Heterogenity of Opioid Binding Sites In Guinea Pig Spinal Cord Gary Dean Zarr MAJ/ANC

  20. Diferencias en comportamientos prosociales entre adolescentes colombianos

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    Jesús Redondo Pacheco


    Full Text Available Actualmente, se evidencia la influencia de variables socio-ambientales, como la cultura, el sexo, la edad o la nacionalidad, en la adquisición, desarrollo y mantenimiento de las conductas prosociales. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las diferencias en conductas prosociales entre estudiantes de educación secundaria de las ciudades de Pasto y Bucaramanga (Colombia, a quienes se administró la escala de Conducta Prosocial del TeenageInventory of Social Skills (TISS.Participaron 2.694 estudiantes con edades comprendidas entre 11 y 17 años (1878 de Pasto y 816 de Bucaramanga. De acuerdo con los resultados,los adolescentes de la ciudad de Pasto presentaron niveles significativamente más altos de conducta prosocial que los adolescentes de Bucaramanga. Este patrón de resultados fue similar por género y edad. Abstract This paper focuses on the analysis of pro-social behavior in high school students from Pasto and Bucaramanga (Colombia. 2,694 students between 11 and 17 years old (1878 from Pasto y 816 from Bucaramanga were sampled and a Pro-social Behavior Scale of Teenage Inventory of Social Skills (TISS was administered. As a result, this research shows teenagers from Pasto showed higher levels of pro-social behavior than those from Bucaramanga. Socio-environmental variables, such as culture, sex, age or nationality influence students´ pro-social behavior development and maintenance.

  1. Colémbolos asociados con cultivos de pastos en tres zonas de vida

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    Ospina S. Claudia Marcela


    Full Text Available

    Los colémbolos son artrópodos muy pequeños,

    sin alas, similares a los insectos y extremadamente

    abundantes en gran cantidad de hábitat, siendo

    uno de los grupos de hexápodos mejor representados

    en el mundo. Son muy importantes por su influencia

    sobre la estructura de algunos suelos, no pocos viven en

    el dosel de las selvas tropicales y algunos actúan como

    dispersores de esporas dentro de los troncos en descomposición.

    En Colombia existen muy pocos estudios de

    reconocimiento de colémbolos. En la literatura se registran

    12 especies en dos localidades cerca de Buenaventura,

    agrupadas en 5 familias; así mismo, han sido

    reconocidas en diferentes estudios otras 7 especies que

    actúan como plagas en Musáceas y en flores cultivadas.

    Con el fin de contribuir al conocimiento de las familias

    de Collembola asociadas con suelos de pastos cultivados

    en el departamento de Antioquia se hicieron muestreos

    en tres zonas de vida de Holdridge (bh-P, bh-MB

    y bs-T en pastos Guinea (


    Panicum maximum, Ángleton

  2. Efficiency in the reduction of chromium by a wild bacterium in a Batch treatment type using residual water substrate from the municipality of Pasto, Colombia

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    Deisy Lorena Guerrero Ceballos


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the efficiency in the reduction of chromium in a Batch treatment type, using municipal residual water substrate inoculated with a wild bacterium. Materials and methods: The reduction percentage of hexavalent chromium of three wild bacteria previously isolated from residual water from the Pasto River was verified at laboratory scale (Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Paenibacillus sp.; the isolated that showed the highest percentage of reduction of Cr was selected and was subjected to different treatments. The analysis of results was done using descriptive statistics. Results: B. thuringiensis, B. amyloliquefaciens, and Paenibacillus sp., presented percentages of reduction of Cr (VI of 82,01%; 80,85% and 79,27%, respectively. It was determined that the third treatment (nonsterile water from the Pasto River with B. thuringiensis presented significant differences with regard to the other (p = 0.0001 α = 0.05, concluding that B. thuringiensis reduces in greater proportion the Cr (VI. The results found in this research are promising in the field of bioremediation of contaminated effluents with Chrome since they may be taken as the basis for implementing strategies of bioremediation on a large scale. Conclusion: The bacteria B. thuringiensis presented high efficiency in the reduction of hexavalent chromium (99.42% when implemented in a treatment at laboratory scale of residual nonsterile water.

  3. Molecular cloning and expression of the calmodulin gene from guinea pig hearts. (United States)

    Feng, Rui; Liu, Yan; Sun, Xuefei; Wang, Yan; Hu, Huiyuan; Guo, Feng; Zhao, Jinsheng; Hao, Liying


    The aim of the present study was to isolate and characterize a complementary DNA (cDNA) clone encoding the calmodulin (CaM; GenBank accession no. FJ012165) gene from guinea pig hearts. The CaM gene was amplified from cDNA collected from guinea pig hearts and inserted into a pGEM®-T Easy vector. Subsequently, CaM nucleotide and protein sequence similarity analysis was conducted between guinea pigs and other species. In addition, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed to investigate the CaM 3 expression patterns in different guinea pig tissues. Sequence analysis revealed that the CaM gene isolated from the guinea pig heart had ∼90% sequence identity with the CaM 3 genes in humans, mice and rats. Furthermore, the deduced peptide sequences of CaM 3 in the guinea pig showed 100% homology to the CaM proteins from other species. In addition, the RT-PCR results indicated that CaM 3 was widely and differentially expressed in guinea pigs. In conclusion, the current study provided valuable information with regard to the cloning and expression of CaM 3 in guinea pig hearts. These findings may be helpful for understanding the function of CaM3 and the possible role of CaM3 in cardiovascular diseases.

  4. Arrangement of Renal Arteries in Guinea Pig. (United States)

    Mazensky, David; Flesarova, Slavka


    The aim of this study was to describe origin, localization, and variations of renal arteries in guinea pig. The study was carried out on 26 adult guinea pigs. We prepared corrosion casts of the guinea pig arterial system. Batson's corrosion casting kit no. 17 was used as the casting medium. In 57.7% of specimens, a. renalis dextra was present as a single vessel with different level of its origin from aorta abdominalis. In 38.5% of specimens, two aa. renales dextrae were present with variable origin and arrangement. The presence of three aa. renales dextrae we found in one specimen. In 76.9% of specimens, a. renalis sinistra was present as a single vessel with different level of its origin from aorta abdominalis and variable arrangement. In 23.1% of specimens, we found two aa. renales sinistrae with variable origin and arrangement. The anatomical knowledge of the renal arteries, and its variations are of extreme importance for the surgeon that approaches the retroperitoneal region in several experiments, results of which are extrapolated in human. This is the first work dealing with the description of renal arteries arrangement in guinea pig. Anat Rec, 300:556-559, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Comparison of Human and Guinea Pig Acetylcholinesterase Sequences and Rates of Oxime-Assisted Reactivation (United States)


    of appropriate animal model systems. For OP poisoning, the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) is a commonly used animal model because guinea pigs more...endogenous bioscavenger in vivo. Although guinea pigs historically have been used to test OP poisoning therapies, it has been found recently that guinea pig AChE...transcribed mRNA encoding guinea pig AChE, amplified the resulting cDNA, and sequenced this product. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of

  6. Caracterização dos perfilhos em pastos de capim-braquiária diferidos e adubados com nitrogênio Tiller characteristics in nitrogen fertilized and deferred signalgrass pastures

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    Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o perfilhamento e as características estruturais de perfilhos em pastos de Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk sob três períodos de diferimento da pastagem (73, 95 e 116 dias e quatro doses de nitrogênio (N (0, 40, 80 e 120 kg/ha. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas. O número de perfilhos vegetativos (PV reduziu com o aumento do período de diferimento. Houve interação entre período de diferimento e dose de N para a densidade populacional de PV. O maior período de diferimento elevou o número de perfilhos reprodutivos (PR nos pastos de capim-braquiária, mas não houve efeito da dose de N sobre o número de perfilhos reprodutivos. O número de perfilhos mortos não foi influenciado pelos fatores estudados. Tanto o período de diferimento quanto a adubação nitrogenada aumentaram o peso de todas as categorias de perfilhos de capim-braquiária. As características estruturais dos perfilhos presentes nos pastos diferidos foram alteradas pelo período de diferimento e pela dose de nitrogênio. A redução do período de diferimento e a adubação nitrogenada são estratégias de manejo adequadas para aumentar o número de perfilhos vegetativos em pastos de Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk.This work aimed to evaluate the tilling and tiller structural characteristics on Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk pasture fertilized with nitrogen (N under different deferring periods. The treatments had 73, 95 and 116-day deferring periods, and 0, 40, 80 and 120 kg/ha N doses. A randomized block design with three replicates and subdivided plots was used. The number of vegetative tillers (VT reduced as the deferring period increased. Interaction between the deferring period and N doses on the VT population density was verified. The longest deferring period increased the number of reproductive tillers (RT on the B. decumbens

  7. The innate immunity of guinea pigs against highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection. (United States)

    Zhang, Kun; Xu, Wei Wei; Zhang, Zhaowei; Liu, Jing; Li, Jing; Sun, Lijuan; Sun, Weiyang; Jiao, Peirong; Sang, Xiaoyu; Ren, Zhiguang; Yu, Zhijun; Li, Yuanguo; Feng, Na; Wang, Tiecheng; Wang, Hualei; Yang, Songtao; Zhao, Yongkun; Zhang, Xuemei; Wilker, Peter R; Liu, WenJun; Liao, Ming; Chen, Hualan; Gao, Yuwei; Xia, Xianzhu


    H5N1 avian influenza viruses are a major pandemic concern. In contrast to the highly virulent phenotype of H5N1 in humans and many animal models, guinea pigs do not typically display signs of severe disease in response to H5N1 virus infection. Here, proteomic and transcriptional profiling were applied to identify host factors that account for the observed attenuation of A/Tiger/Harbin/01/2002 (H5N1) virulence in guinea pigs. RIG-I and numerous interferon stimulated genes were among host proteins with altered expression in guinea pig lungs during H5N1 infection. Overexpression of RIG-I or the RIG-I adaptor protein MAVS in guinea pig cell lines inhibited H5N1 replication. Endogenous GBP-1 expression was required for RIG-I mediated inhibition of viral replication upstream of the activity of MAVS. Furthermore, we show that guinea pig complement is involved in viral clearance, the regulation of inflammation, and cellular apoptosis during influenza virus infection of guinea pigs. This work uncovers features of the guinea pig innate immune response to influenza that may render guinea pigs resistant to highly pathogenic influenza viruses.

  8. Guinea Pig Oxygen-Sensing and Carotid Body Functional Properties (United States)

    Gonzalez-Obeso, Elvira; Docio, Inmaculada; Olea, Elena; Cogolludo, Angel; Obeso, Ana; Rocher, Asuncion; Gomez-Niño, Angela


    Mammals have developed different mechanisms to maintain oxygen supply to cells in response to hypoxia. One of those mechanisms, the carotid body (CB) chemoreceptors, is able to detect physiological hypoxia and generate homeostatic reflex responses, mainly ventilatory and cardiovascular. It has been reported that guinea pigs, originally from the Andes, have a reduced ventilatory response to hypoxia compared to other mammals, implying that CB are not completely functional, which has been related to genetically/epigenetically determined poor hypoxia-driven CB reflex. This study was performed to check the guinea pig CB response to hypoxia compared to the well-known rat hypoxic response. These experiments have explored ventilatory parameters breathing different gases mixtures, cardiovascular responses to acute hypoxia, in vitro CB response to hypoxia and other stimuli and isolated guinea pig chemoreceptor cells properties. Our findings show that guinea pigs are hypotensive and have lower arterial pO2 than rats, probably related to a low sympathetic tone and high hemoglobin affinity. Those characteristics could represent a higher tolerance to hypoxic environment than other rodents. We also find that although CB are hypo-functional not showing chronic hypoxia sensitization, a small percentage of isolated carotid body chemoreceptor cells contain tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme and voltage-dependent K+ currents and therefore can be depolarized. However hypoxia does not modify intracellular Ca2+ levels or catecholamine secretion. Guinea pigs are able to hyperventilate only in response to intense acute hypoxic stimulus, but hypercapnic response is similar to rats. Whether other brain areas are also activated by hypoxia in guinea pigs remains to be studied. PMID:28533756

  9. Guinea Pig Oxygen-Sensing and Carotid Body Functional Properties. (United States)

    Gonzalez-Obeso, Elvira; Docio, Inmaculada; Olea, Elena; Cogolludo, Angel; Obeso, Ana; Rocher, Asuncion; Gomez-Niño, Angela


    Mammals have developed different mechanisms to maintain oxygen supply to cells in response to hypoxia. One of those mechanisms, the carotid body (CB) chemoreceptors, is able to detect physiological hypoxia and generate homeostatic reflex responses, mainly ventilatory and cardiovascular. It has been reported that guinea pigs, originally from the Andes, have a reduced ventilatory response to hypoxia compared to other mammals, implying that CB are not completely functional, which has been related to genetically/epigenetically determined poor hypoxia-driven CB reflex. This study was performed to check the guinea pig CB response to hypoxia compared to the well-known rat hypoxic response. These experiments have explored ventilatory parameters breathing different gases mixtures, cardiovascular responses to acute hypoxia, in vitro CB response to hypoxia and other stimuli and isolated guinea pig chemoreceptor cells properties. Our findings show that guinea pigs are hypotensive and have lower arterial pO 2 than rats, probably related to a low sympathetic tone and high hemoglobin affinity. Those characteristics could represent a higher tolerance to hypoxic environment than other rodents. We also find that although CB are hypo-functional not showing chronic hypoxia sensitization, a small percentage of isolated carotid body chemoreceptor cells contain tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme and voltage-dependent K + currents and therefore can be depolarized. However hypoxia does not modify intracellular Ca 2+ levels or catecholamine secretion. Guinea pigs are able to hyperventilate only in response to intense acute hypoxic stimulus, but hypercapnic response is similar to rats. Whether other brain areas are also activated by hypoxia in guinea pigs remains to be studied.

  10. A First Generation Comparative Chromosome Map between Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) and Humans. (United States)

    Romanenko, Svetlana A; Perelman, Polina L; Trifonov, Vladimir A; Serdyukova, Natalia A; Li, Tangliang; Fu, Beiyuan; O'Brien, Patricia C M; Ng, Bee L; Nie, Wenhui; Liehr, Thomas; Stanyon, Roscoe; Graphodatsky, Alexander S; Yang, Fengtang


    The domesticated guinea pig, Cavia porcellus (Hystricomorpha, Rodentia), is an important laboratory species and a model for a number of human diseases. Nevertheless, genomic tools for this species are lacking; even its karyotype is poorly characterized. The guinea pig belongs to Hystricomorpha, a widespread and important group of rodents; so far the chromosomes of guinea pigs have not been compared with that of other hystricomorph species or with any other mammals. We generated full sets of chromosome-specific painting probes for the guinea pig by flow sorting and microdissection, and for the first time, mapped the chromosomal homologies between guinea pig and human by reciprocal chromosome painting. Our data demonstrate that the guinea pig karyotype has undergone extensive rearrangements: 78 synteny-conserved human autosomal segments were delimited in the guinea pig genome. The high rate of genome evolution in the guinea pig may explain why the HSA7/16 and HSA16/19 associations presumed ancestral for eutherians and the three syntenic associations (HSA1/10, 3/19, and 9/11) considered ancestral for rodents were not found in C. porcellus. The comparative chromosome map presented here is a starting point for further development of physical and genetic maps of the guinea pig as well as an aid for genome assembly assignment to specific chromosomes. Furthermore, the comparative mapping will allow a transfer of gene map data from other species. The probes developed here provide a genomic toolkit, which will make the guinea pig a key species to unravel the evolutionary biology of the Hystricomorph rodents.

  11. Validación del modelo expo-lineal precipitación-escurrimiento en un simulador de lluvia

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    Fernando Paz


    Full Text Available La necesidad de desarrollar métodos simplificados, operativos y coherentes para modelar la relación precipitación-escurrimiento a escala de eventos, permanece como uno de los grandes retos en el campo de la hidrología. Si bien existen propuestas simples de modelación como el método del Número de Curva o NC, sus bases teóricas no tienen fundamentos hidrológicos. La ventaja del método del NC es que solo requiere de un parámetro, lo cual lo hace muy atractivo en las aplicaciones. En este trabajo se analizan las bases del método del NC. Los resultados muestran que estos intentos simplificados de modelación están limitados. Por otro lado, el modelo expo-lineal de Paz (2013 es flexible en términos empíricos. Las bases teóricas de este modelo son discutidas en términos de la hidrología de área variable, en un formato suficientemente general para hacer solido su uso. El modelo se aplicó a un experimento en un simulador de lluvias con lotes de escurrimiento con diferentes tipos de suelo y coberturas aéreas de pastos. Los resultados mostraron un buen ajuste experimental a los datos, particularmente en términos de parametrizar el modelo expo-lineal en forma similar al método del NC. De estos desarrollos, se presenta un esquema de estimación de los parámetros del modelo expo-lineal que se puede usar en forma equivalente, por su simplicidad al tener un solo parámetro libre, al método del NC.

  12. A guinea pig model of Zika virus infection. (United States)

    Kumar, Mukesh; Krause, Keeton K; Azouz, Francine; Nakano, Eileen; Nerurkar, Vivek R


    Animal models are critical to understand disease and to develop countermeasures for the ongoing epidemic of Zika virus (ZIKV). Here we report that immunocompetent guinea pigs are susceptible to infection by a contemporary American strain of ZIKV. Dunkin-Hartley guinea pigs were inoculated with 10 6 plaque-forming units of ZIKV via subcutaneous route and clinical signs were observed. Viremia, viral load in the tissues, anti-ZIKV neutralizing antibody titer, and protein levels of multiple cytokine and chemokines were analyzed using qRT-PCR, plaque assay, plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) and multiplex immunoassay. Upon subcutaneous inoculation with PRVABC59 strain of ZIKV, guinea pigs demonstrated clinical signs of infection characterized by fever, lethargy, hunched back, ruffled fur, and decrease in mobility. ZIKV was detected in the whole blood and serum using qRT-PCR and plaque assay. Anti-ZIKV neutralizing antibody was detected in the infected animals using PRNT. ZIKV infection resulted in a dramatic increase in protein levels of multiple cytokines, chemokines and growth factors in the serum. ZIKV replication was observed in spleen and brain, with the highest viral load in the brain. This data demonstrate that after subcutaneous inoculation, the contemporary ZIKV strain is neurotropic in guinea pigs. The guinea pig model described here recapitulates various clinical features and viral kinetics observed in ZIKV-infected patients, and therefore may serve as a model to study ZIKV pathogenesis, including pregnancy outcomes and for evaluation of vaccines and therapeutics.

  13. Cartilage Degeneration, Subchondral Mineral and Meniscal Mineral Densities in Hartley and Strain 13 Guinea Pigs (United States)

    Sun, Yubo; Scannell, Brian P; Honeycutt, Patrick R; Mauerhan, David R; H, James Norton; Hanley Jr, Edward N


    Osteoarthritis is a joint disease involved in articular cartilage, subchondral bone, meniscus and synovial membrane. This study sought to examine cartilage degeneration, subchondral bone mineral density (BMD) and meniscal mineral density (MD) in male Hartley, female Hartley and female strain 13 guinea pigs to determine the association of cartilage degeneration with subchondral BMD and meniscal MD. Cartilage degeneration, subchondral BMD and meniscal MD in 12 months old guinea pigs were examined with histochemistry, X-ray densitometry and calcium analysis. We found that male Hartley guinea pigs had more severe cartilage degeneration, subchondral BMD and meniscal MD than female Hartley guinea pigs, but not female strain 13 guinea pigs. Female strain 13 guinea pigs had more severe cartilage degeneration and higher subchondral BMD, but not meniscal MD, than female Hartley guinea pigs. These findings indicate that higher subchondral BMD, not meniscal MD, is associated with more severe cartilage degeneration in the guinea pigs and suggest that abnormal subchondral BMD may be a therapeutic target for OA treatment. These findings also indicate that the pathogenesis of OA in the male guinea pigs and female guinea pigs are different. Female strain 13 guinea pig may be used to study female gender-specific pathogenesis of OA. PMID:26401159

  14. Prevalence of fur mites (Chirodiscoides caviae) in pet guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) in southern Italy. (United States)

    d'Ovidio, Dario; Santoro, Domenico


    Chirodiscoides caviae is the most common fur mite affecting guinea pigs; infestation is generally asymptomatic. No studies have been published on the prevalence of such mites in guinea pigs in southern Italy. We sought to evaluate the prevalence and the clinical signs of C. caviae infestation in guinea pigs in southern Italy. Clinical records of guinea pigs evaluated from August 2012 to July 2013 were retrospectively searched. In this retrospective matched case-control study, records of guinea pigs with evidence of C. caviae infestation were selected. The prevalence of C. caviae infestation was evaluated and exposure variables were assessed among guinea pigs with and without infestation using stepwise conditional logistic regression. Guinea pigs seen during the same time period, but without a diagnosis of C. caviae, were included as control animals. The prevalence of C. caviae was 32% (42 of 131); 66.6% of affected guinea pigs (28 of 42) originated from pet shops, whereas 28% (14 of 42) were privately owned. Thirty-one guinea pigs (73.8%) were asymptomatic, whereas 11 (26.1%) showed clinical signs (pruritus, alopecia, erythema and scaling). The most frequently affected area was the lumbosacral region (38 of 42). Guinea pigs in pet shops were more likely to be affected by C. caviae than owned guinea pigs (odds ratio, 5.12; 95% confidence interval, 2.32-11.29; P guinea pigs in southern Italy. Chirodiscoides mites should be sought in guinea pigs, particularly in animals coming from pet shops. © 2014 ESVD and ACVD.

  15. Beneficios de la cobertura muerta para el cultivo del tomate (Solanumlycopersicum L. en Sancti Spíritus, Cuba.

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    Kolima Peña Calzada


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la utilización de biomasa vegetal como cobertura muerta del suelo en el cultivo del tomate. Se realizaron dos experimentos en dos agroecosistemas y se utilizó como cobertura biomasa vegetal de ambas fincas. Los experimentos fueron montados en bloque al azar con tres y cuatro repeticiones. El experimento 1 constó de tres tratamientos, uno cubierto con guinea (PanicummaximaPers., otro con junco de laguna (ScirpuslacustrisL. y un Control. En el 2 se aplicaron cuatro tratamientos, uno cubierto con restos de cosecha de arroz (Oryza sativa L. otro con guinea (Panicum máxima, otro con hojas de plátano (Musa paradisiaca L. y un Control. Se realizaron mediciones de temperatura de suelo durante 8 semanas, a las 8:00 horas a las 11:00 horas a las 14:00 horas y 17:00 horas. Además se evaluaron las características morfoagronómicas del cultivo (número de frutos por planta, diámetro y masa de los mismos y el rendimiento productivo. Las características morfoagronómicas mostraron los mejores resultados en los tratamientos cubiertos. Los rendimientos en ambos experimentos fueron estadísticamente superiores donde se utilizó la cobertura del suelo.


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    Héctor Eduardo Esquivel


    Full Text Available Se estudió la dinámica sucesional y la evolución edafológica de una zona de bosque seco tropical afectada por lodos de la erupción volcánica del nevado del Ruiz el 13 de noviembre de 1985. La zona de estudio está ubicada en el municipio de Armero con una extensión de 3500 hectáreas a 450 msnm. Se levantaron 10 parcelas de muestreo de 10 x 20 m, acorde con las consociaciones establecidas por el IGAC. En total los cuatro estudios florísticos reportan 565 especies distribuidas en 72 familias, de las cuales sobresalen la familia Asteraceae, Malvaceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae y Poaceae. El número de especies ha variado significativamente, para el primer estudio 294 distribuidas en 66 familias, para el segundo 332 especies, para el tercer estudio 284 especies y para el cuarto estudio un total de 217. Al comienzo se confirma lo que Braun Blanquet planteó según la Fitosociología, que en áreas fuertemente disturbadas la vegetación inicialmente se establece en montículos; cinco años después el segundo estudio mostró la formación de asociaciones así: Rhynchelytretum, por estar dominada por el pasto Rhynchelytrum repens (Will Hubb., la asociación Indigoferetum por la alta presencia de Indigofera hirsuta Jacq., Panicetum, por el dominio de Panicum maximum Jacq. y la asociación Ficetum, por la presencia de varias especies de cauchos. La vegetación ha presentado un recambio constante y se reconoce actualmente una formación sucesional avanzada donde domina el hábito de crecimiento arbóreo, conformando relictos de bosque. El pH del suelo ha variado de 3.2 a 6.5, como también varios de los elementos evaluados.

  17. Temperature Preference in IAF Hairless and Hartley Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Kleven, Gale A; Joshi, Prianca


    The Hairless strain of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) is the result of a spontaneous recessive mutation first identified at the Institute Armand Frappier (IAF) in 1978. Despite the longstanding availability of this strain, little is known about its thermoregulatory behavior. The aim of this study was to determine temperature preference in Hartley and Hairless guinea pigs by observing each strain in a ring-shaped apparatus containing a nonlinear temperature gradient. Temperatures were maintained by separately controlled heating mats lining the apparatus. Set point temperatures ranged from 24 to 38 °C. Guinea pigs (Hartley female, Hairless female, and Hairless male guinea pigs; n = 8 each group) were placed either singly or in pairs at 1 of the 8 randomized starting points within the apparatus. Subjects were observed for 30 min and coded for location within the temperature gradient by both frequency and duration. When placed singly in the apparatus, all 3 groups spent more time in the 30 °C zones. However, when placed as pairs with a cagemate, Hartley female guinea pigs spent more time in the cooler range of temperatures from 24 to 30 °C, whereas Hairless guinea pigs preferred a range of 30 to 38 °C. These results confirm a temperature preference of 30 ± 2 °C for both Hartley and Hairless guinea pigs when singly housed. However, data from the paired housing condition suggest that context plays an important role in thermoregulatory behavior.

  18. Diagnóstico y propuesta para el perfeccionamiento de la Maestría en Pastos y Forrajes de la EEPF ¨Indio Hatuey¨ Diagnosis and proposal for improving the Master of Science Program in Pastures and Forages of the EEPF «Indio Hatuey»

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    Alicia Ojeda


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de conocer los criterios acerca del contenido de los cursos que integran la Maestría en Pastos y Forrajes, de la EEPF «Indio Hatuey», se desarrolló un proceso de diagnóstico mediante la aplicación de encuestas a egresados y a profesores de la Maestría, así como a profesores e investigadores de centros de educación superior y entidades de ciencia e innovación tecnológica. Los encuestados coincidieron en que es necesario actualizar dicho contenido, acorde con los avances en el sector agropecuario a nivel nacional e internacional, y sugirieron la inclusión de nuevos temas y/o cursos. Los aportes de los miembros del Comité Académico y la consulta de bibliografía permitieron formular una propuesta de nueva estructura y contenido de la Maestría, integrada por un conjunto de conocimientos estrechamente relacionados entre sí: 1 un diplomado básico (Bases científicas para la investigación; un diplomado de formación general (Fundamentos para el desarrollo de una ganadería agroecológica; dos diplomados de especialización, en dependencia del tema de investigación del maestrante: 1 Agronomía de los pastos y forrajes; 2 Sistemas agroecológicos de producción animal. Se concluye que dicha propuesta puede contribuir a la actualización del contenido temático y al perfeccionamiento de la Maestría, y se recomienda a su Comité Académico tener en consideración estos resultados e introducir las modificaciones propuestas en el plan de estudios, con la finalidad de garantizar un mejor desempeño de los egresados en su actividad profesional.With the objective of learning the criteria about the content of the courses that integrate the Master of Science Program in Pastures and Forages, of the EEPF «Indio Hatuey», a diagnosis process was developed, by means of the application of surveys to former students and to professors of the Master program, as well as to professors and researchers of centers of higher education and

  19. Número e peso de perfilhos no pasto de capim-braquiária sob lotação contínua = Number and weight of tillers in signalgrass pasture under continuous stocking

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    Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se estudar a relação entre o número e o peso de categorias de perfilhos em pasto de Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk sob lotação contínua com bovinos. O pasto foi manejado com altura média de aproximadamente 25 cm. Foram avaliadas quatro alturas de plantas no mesmo pasto (10, 20, 30 e 40 cm, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com duas repetições. Os números de perfilhos vegetativos, vivos e totais reduziram linearmente com a altura da planta. O número de perfilho reprodutivo aumentou de forma linear com a altura da planta (de 8 para 84 perfilhos m-2 quando se comparam plantas de 10 a 40 cm. Os pesos dos perfilhos vegetativos e reprodutivos incrementaram linearmente com a altura da planta. O peso do perfilho vegetativo (0,316 g, em média foi menor do que o peso do perfilho reprodutivo (0,401 g, em média. A relação entre o número e o peso do perfilho vegetativo foi linear e negativa, enquanto que essa relação, para o perfilho reprodutivo, foi linear e positiva. Em locais com plantas altas há menor número de perfilhos vegetativos, bem como maior número de perfilhos reprodutivos e mortos. Nos locais mais altos do pasto de B. decumbens os perfilhos são mais pesados.The experiment was conducted to study the relationship between the number and weight of tiller categories in Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk pasture managed under continuous stocking with cattle. The pasture was managed with an average height of about 25 cm. Plants offour different heights (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm were evaluated by means of the randomized block design with two replications. The number of vegetative tillers, both live and total, reduced linearly according to the plant height. The number of reproductive tillers increased linearly according to pasture plant height (from 8 to 84 tillers m-2 when comparing plants 10 to 40 cm high. Vegetative and reproductive tiller weight increased linearly according to pasture plant height. Vegetative tiller

  20. Clinical signs, therapy and zoonotic risk of pet guinea pigs with dermatophytosis. (United States)

    Kraemer, A; Hein, J; Heusinger, A; Mueller, R S


    Systematic studies about pet guinea pigs with dermatophytosis are rare. The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical signs, therapy and zoonotic risk of pet guinea pigs with dermatophytosis. Questionnaires from both owners (n = 74) of pet guinea pigs with dermatophytosis and their veterinarians (n = 101) were analysed regarding clinical signs, therapy and data pertinent to zoonotic potential. Trichophyton (T.) mentagrophytes was found in 97% of cases. In the weeks preceding the onset of the clinical signs, a new guinea pig joined the household in 43% of cases. One third of the affected guinea pigs had lived in the household for less than 3 months. Predominant clinical signs were alopecia (83%), scaling (73%) and crusting (70%). The most commonly affected body site was the head (75%). In approximately one quarter of the cases humans showed clinical signs of dermatophytosis, in half the households, only children were affected. Skin lesions were seen most often on the face, the neck and the arms. Pet guinea pigs carrying dermatophytes must be considered a serious zoonotic risk for their owners, especially for children. A major risk factor for dermatophytosis seems to be a recent acquisition of a new guinea pig. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  1. On the western fringe of baboon distribution: mitochondrial D-loop diversity of Guinea Baboons (Papio papio Desmarest, 1820 (Primates: Cercopithecidae in Coastal Guinea-Bissau, western Africa

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    M.J. Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available Like many primate species in West Africa, habitat loss and intensive hunting are threatening the poorly studied Guinea Baboon (Papio papio. These factors contributed to a significant population contraction during the last 30 years. Our study presents genetic diversity estimates for the Guinea Baboon based on a 391 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop hypervariable region I. We used non-invasively collected genetic samples from two locations in Guinea-Bissau: Cufada Lagoons Natural Park and Cantanhez Forest National Park. Although most sampling was opportunistic, we observed and collected samples from two dames (social units. Among the 25 sequences obtained, we found seven closely related mtDNA haplotypes and one highly different haplotype. The presence of this divergent haplotype suggests a contact area between genetically differentiated populations in Cufada Lagoons Natural Park, or dispersal of individuals. The samples gathered from both regions share two of the most common haplotypes in different frequencies, but also exhibit unique haplotypes. No significant genetic differentiation was found between social units from both regions, possibly due to common ancestral origin or frequent dispersal between sampling locations. The presence of different maternal lineages in the same social unit and a higher percentage of variation within social units suggest historical female-biased dispersal for Guinea-Bissau Baboons. We further compared mitochondrial genetic diversity of Guinea and Hamadryas Baboons. We found lower haplotype, nucleotide and theta diversity for Guinea Baboons, which points to different demographic histories of these species. This work supports the need for additional genetic studies within the full Guinea Baboon range.

  2. Towards global Guinea worm eradication in 2015: the experience of South Sudan. (United States)

    Awofeso, Niyi


    For centuries, the Guinea worm parasite (Dracunculus medinensis) has caused disabling misery, infecting people who drink stagnant water contaminated with the worm's larvae. In 2012, there were 542 cases of Guinea worm reported globally, of which 521 (96.1%) were reported in South Sudan. Protracted civil wars, an inadequate workforce, neglect of potable water provision programs, suboptimal Guinea worm surveillance and case containment, and fragmented health systems account for many of the structural and operational factors encumbering South Sudan's Guinea worm eradication efforts. This article reviews the impacts of six established Guinea worm control strategies in South Sudan: (1) surveillance to determine actual caseload distribution and trends in response to control measures; (2) educating community members from whom worms are emerging to avoid immersing affected parts in sources of drinking water; (3) filtering potentially contaminated drinking water using cloth filters or filtered drinking straws; (4) treating potentially contaminated surface water with the copepod larvicide temephos (Abate); (5) providing safe drinking water from boreholes or hand-dug wells; and (6) containment of transmission through voluntary isolation of each patient to prevent contamination of drinking water sources, provision of first aid, and manual extraction of the worm. Surveillance, community education, potable water provision, and case containment remain weak facets of the program. Abate pesticide is not a viable option for Guinea worm control in South Sudan. In light of current case detection and containment trends, as well as capacity building efforts for Guinea worm eradication, South Sudan is more likely to eradicate Guinea worm by 2020, rather than by 2015. The author highlights areas in which substantial improvements are required in South Sudan's Guinea worm eradication program, and suggests improvement strategies. Copyright © 2013 International Society for Infectious

  3. Family Outbreaks of Nontyphoidal Salmonellosis following a Meal of Guinea Pigs. (United States)

    Fournier, John B; Knox, Kimberly; Harris, Maureen; Newstein, Michael


    Salmonella outbreaks have been linked to a wide variety of foods, including recent nationwide outbreaks. Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also known as cuy or cobayo, has long been a popular delicacy and ceremonial food in the Andean region in South America. This case report describes three family outbreaks of nontyphoidal salmonellosis, each occurring after a meal of guinea pigs. We believe this case report is the first to describe a probable association between the consumption of guinea pig meat and human salmonellosis. Physicians should be aware of the association of Salmonella and the consumption of guinea pigs, given the increasing immigration of people from the Andean region of South America and the increasing travel to this region.

  4. Toluene-induced hearing loss in the guinea pig. (United States)

    Waniusiow, Delphine; Campo, Pierre; Venet, Thomas; Cossec, Benoît; Cosnier, Frédéric; Beydon, Dominique; Rieger, Benoît; Burgart, Manuella; Ferrari, Luc; Parietti-Winkler, Cécile


    Toluene is a high-production industrial solvent, which can disrupt the auditory system in rats. However, toluene-induced hearing loss is species dependent. For instance, despite long-lasting exposures to high concentrations of aromatic solvent, no study has yet succeeded in causing convincing hearing loss in the guinea pig. This latter species can be characterized by two metabolic particularities: a high amount of hepatic cytochrome P-450s (P-450s) and a high concentration of glutathione in the cochlea. It is therefore likely that the efficiency of both the hepatic and cochlear metabolisms plays a key role in the innocuousness of the hearing of guinea pigs to exposure to solvent. The present study was carried out to test the auditory resistance to toluene in glutathione-depleted guinea pigs whose the P-450 activity was partly inhibited. To this end, animals on a low-protein diet received a general P-450 inhibitor, namely SKF525-A. Meanwhile, they were exposed to 1750 ppm toluene for 4 weeks, 5 days/week, 6 h/day. Auditory function was tested by electrocochleography and completed by histological analyses. For the first time, a significant toluene-induced hearing loss was provoked in the P-450-inhibited guinea pigs. However, the ototoxic process caused by the solvent exposure was different from that observed in the rat. Only the stria vascularis and the spiral fibers were disrupted in the apical coil of the cochlea. The protective mechanisms developed by guinea pigs are discussed in the present publication.

  5. Epidemiological evidence of listeriosis in guinea pigs fed with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium that infects livestock and humans. We report the first outbreak of invasive listeriosis caused by L. monocytogenes in a guinea pig breeding colony. Eighty to 100% mortality rate was recorded in the colony of 80 guinea pigs within four weeks outbreak. On epidemiologic investigation ...

  6. The Guinea Pigs of a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum (United States)

    Reddy, Sarasvathie; McKenna, Sioux


    Participants in a study on learning the clinical aspects of medicine in a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum repeatedly referred to themselves as "Guinea pigs" at the mercy of a curriculum experiment. This article interrogates and problematises the "Guinea pig" identity ascribed to and assumed by the first cohort of…

  7. Spleens and holoendemic malaria in West New Guinea. (United States)



    The author describes the results obtained in recent malaria surveys in West New Guinea, where what is essentially holoendemic malaria prevails. However, the spleen-rate in adults differs markedly from what is regarded as normal under holoendemic conditions according to the definition put forward at the Malaria Conference in Equatorial Africa in 1950. The author therefore concludes that that definition is not properly applicable to New Guinea.

  8. Guinea pig maximization test

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Klaus Ejner


    Guinea pig maximization tests (GPMT) with chlorocresol were performed to ascertain whether the sensitization rate was affected by minor changes in the Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) emulsion used. Three types of emulsion were evaluated: the oil phase was mixed with propylene glycol, saline...

  9. Inner ear test battery in guinea pig models - a review. (United States)

    Young, Yi-Ho


    This study reviewed the development of the inner ear test battery comprising auditory brainstem response (ABR), and caloric, ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP), and cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) tests in guinea pig models at our laboratory over the last 20 years. Detailed description of the methodology for testing the small animals is also included. Inner ear disorders, i.e. ototoxicity, noise exposure, or perilymph fistula were established in guinea pig models first. One to four weeks after operation, each animal underwent ABR, oVEMP, cVEMP, and caloric tests. Then, animals were sacrificed for morphological study in the temporal bones. Inner ear endorgans can be comprehensively evaluated in guinea pig models via an inner ear test battery, which provides thorough information on the cochlea, saccule, utricle, and semicircular canal function of guinea pigs. Coupled with morphological study in the temporal bones of the animals may help elucidate the mechanism of inner ear disorders in humans. The inner ear test battery in guinea pig models may encourage young researchers to perform basic study in animals and stimulate the progress of experimental otology which is in evolution.

  10. Immunogenicity of guinea pig cells transformed in culture by chemical carcinogens. (United States)

    Ohanian, S H; McCabe, R P; Evans, C H


    The immunogenicity of inbred strain 2/N guinea pig fibroblasts transformed to the malignant state in vitro by chemical carcinogens was evaluated with the use of a variety of in vivo and in vitro methods including delayed-type hypersensitivity skin and tumor transplantation tests and analysis of antibody production by immunofluorescence, complement fixation, and staphylococcal protein A binding tests. Neoplastic transformation was induced by direct treatment of cells in culture with benzo[a]pyrene, 3-methylcholanthrene, or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) or by the host-mediated method by which fetuses were exposed to diethylnitrosamine or MNNG in vivo prior to cell culture. Rabbits and syngeneic guinea pigs were inoculated with unirradiated and X-irradiated clonally derived cells. Delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions to immunizing or other cells were equivalent in immunized or control guinea pigs, and no protection to tumor outgrowth from a challenge inoculum of immunizing cells was observed. Antibody activity induced in the sera of immunized guinea pigs was cross-reactive and removed by absorption with nontumorigenic cells. Rabbit antisera after absorption with fetal guinea pig cells were nonreactive with the specific immunizing or other culture cells. Chemical carcinogen-induced neoplastic transformation of guinea pig cells can, therefore, occur without formation of detectable, individually distinct cell surface tumor-specific neoantigens.

  11. Immunogenicity of guinea pig cells transformed in culture by chemical carcinogens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohanian, S.H.; McCabe, R.P.; Evans, C.H.


    The immunogenicity of inbred strain 2/N guinea pig fibroblasts transformed to the malignant state in vitro by chemical carcinogens was evaluated with the use of a variety of in vivo and in vitro methods including delayed-type hypersensitivity skin and tumor transplantation tests and analysis of antibody production by immunofluorescence, complement fixation, and staphylococcal protein A binding tests. Neoplastic transformation was induced by direct treatment of cells in culture with benzo[a]pyrene, 3-methylcholanthrene, or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) or by the host-mediated method by which fetuses were exposed to diethylnitrosamine or MNNG in vivo prior to cell culture. Rabbits and syngeneic guinea pigs were inoculated with unirradiated and X-irradiated clonally derived cells. Delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions to immunizing or other cells were equivalent in immunized or control guinea pigs, and no protection to tumor outgrowth from a challenge inoculum of immunizing cells was observed. Antibody activity induced in the sera of immunized guinea pigs was cross-reactive and removed by absorption with nontumorigenic cells. Rabbit anitsera after absorption with fetal guinea pig cells were nonreactive with the specific immunizing or other cultured cells. Chemical carcinogen-induced neoplastic transformation of guinea pig cells can, therefore, occur without formation of detectable, individually distinct cell surface tumor-specific neoantigens

  12. Natural infection of guinea pigs exposed to patients with highly drug-resistant tuberculosis (United States)

    Dharmadhikari, Ashwin S.; Basaraba, Randall J.; Van Der Walt, Martie L.; Weyer, Karin; Mphahlele, Matsie; Venter, Kobus; Jensen, Paul A.; First, Melvin W.; Parsons, Sydney; McMurray, David N.; Orme, Ian M.; Nardell, Edward A.


    A natural TB infection model using guinea pigs may provide useful information for investigating differences in transmission efficiency and establishment of active disease by clinical TB strains in a highly susceptible host under controlled environmental conditions. We sought to examine the capacity of naturally transmitted multidrug-resistant M. tuberculosis to establish infection and produce active disease in guinea pigs. Guinea pigs were continuously exposed for 4 months to the exhaust air of a 6-bed multidrug-resistant tuberculosis inpatient hospital ward in South Africa. Serial tuberculin skin test reactions were measured to determine infection. All animals were subsequently evaluated for histologic disease progression at necropsy. Although 75% of the 362 exposed guinea pigs had positive skin test reactions [≥6mm], only 12% had histopathologic evidence of active disease. Reversions (≥ 6 mm change) in skin test reactivity were seen in 22% of animals, exclusively among those with reactions of 6 to 13 mm. Only two of 86 guinea pigs with reversion had histological evidence of disease compared to 47% (31/66) of guinea pigs with large, non-reverting reactions. Immunosuppression of half the guinea pigs across all skin test categories did not significantly accelerate disease progression. In guinea pigs that reverted a skin test, a second positive reaction in 27 (33%) of them strongly suggested re-infection due to ongoing exposure. These results show that a large majority of guinea pigs naturally exposed to human-source strains of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis became infected, but that many resolved their infection and a large majority failed to progress to detectable disease. PMID:21478054

  13. Guinea pig Ia antigens are not derivatised on trinitrophenyl-modified cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clement, L T; Thomas, D W; Kask, A M; Shevach, E M [National Inst. of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, MD (USA)


    In an effort to clarify the nature of the trinitrophenyl (TNP) specific immunogen recognised by hapten-reactive guinea pig T lymphocytes, the membrane proteins of TNP-modified guinea pig macrophages have been analysed by chemical methods using nitrobenzene sulphonic acid surface labelled with /sup 125/I. The experiments provided strong evidence that the TNP specific immunogen which T lymphocytes recognise on guinea pig macrophages does not consist of directly haptenated Ia antigens.

  14. Guinea pig complement potently measures vibriocidal activity of human antibodies in response to cholera vaccines. (United States)

    Kim, Kyoung Whun; Jeong, Soyoung; Ahn, Ki Bum; Yang, Jae Seung; Yun, Cheol-Heui; Han, Seung Hyun


    The vibriocidal assay using guinea pig complement is widely used for the evaluation of immune responses to cholera vaccines in human clinical trials. However, it is unclear why guinea pig complement has been used over human complement in the measurement of vibriocidal activity of human sera and there have not been comparison studies for the use of guinea pig complement over those from other species. Therefore, we comparatively investigated the effects of complements derived from human, guinea pig, rabbit, and sheep on vibriocidal activity. Complements from guinea pig, rabbit, and human showed concentration-dependent vibriocidal activity in the presence of quality control serum antibodies. Of these complements, guinea pig complement was the most sensitive and effective over a wide concentration range. When the vibriocidal activity of complements was measured in the absence of serum antibodies, human, sheep, and guinea pig complements showed vibriocidal activity up to 40-fold, 20-fold, and 1-fold dilution, respectively. For human pre- and post-vaccination sera, the most potent vibriocidal activity was observed when guinea pig complement was used. In addition, the highest fold-increases between pre- and post- vaccinated sera were obtained with guinea pig complement. Furthermore, human complement contained a higher amount of V. cholerae- and its lipopolysaccharide-specific antibodies than guinea pig complement. Collectively, these results suggest that guinea pig complements are suitable for vibriocidal assays due to their high sensitivity and effectiveness to human sera.

  15. Molecular cloning, expression, and in silico structural analysis of guinea pig IL-17. (United States)

    Dirisala, Vijaya R; Jeevan, Amminikutty; Ramasamy, Suresh K; McMurray, David N


    Interleukin-17A (IL-17A) is a potent proinflammatory cytokine and the signature cytokine of Th17 cells, a subset which is involved in cytokine and chemokine production, neutrophil recruitment, promotion of T cell priming, and antibody production. IL-17 may play an important role in tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. In preparation for investigating its role in the highly relevant guinea pig model of pulmonary tuberculosis, we cloned guinea pig IL-17A for the first time. The complete coding sequence of the guinea pig IL-17A gene (477 nucleotides; 159 amino acids) was subcloned into a prokaryotic expression vector (pET-30a) resulting in the expression of a 17 kDa recombinant guinea pig IL-17A protein which was confirmed by mass spectrometry analysis. Homology modeling of guinea pig IL-17A revealed that the three-dimensional structure resembles that of human IL-17A. The secondary structure predicted for this protein showed the presence of one extra helix in the N-terminal region. The expression profile of IL-17A was analyzed quantitatively in spleen, lymph node, and lung cells from BCG-vaccinated guinea pigs by real-time PCR. The guinea pig IL-17A cDNA and its recombinant protein will serve as valuable tools for molecular and immunological studies in the guinea pig model of pulmonary TB and other human diseases.

  16. Hairless pigmented guinea pigs: a new model for the study of mammalian pigmentation. (United States)

    Bolognia, J L; Murray, M S; Pawelek, J M


    A stock of hairless pigmented guinea pigs was developed to facilitate studies of mammalian pigmentation. This stock combines the convenience of a hairless animal with a pigmentary system that is similar to human skin. In both human and guinea pig skin, active melanocytes are located in the basal layer of the interfollicular epidermis. Hairless albino guinea pigs on an outbred Hartley background (CrI:IAF/HA(hr/hr)BR; designated hr/hr) were mated with red-haired guinea pigs (designated Hr/Hr). Red-haired heterozygotes from the F1 generation (Hr/hr) were then mated with each other or with hairless albino guinea pigs. The F2 generation included hairless pigmented guinea pigs that retained their interfollicular epidermal melanocytes and whose skin was red-brown in color. Following UV irradiation, there was an increase in cutaneous pigmentation as well as an increase in the number of active epidermal melanocytes. An additional strain of black hairless guinea pigs was developed using black Hr/Hr animals and a similar breeding scheme. These two strains should serve as useful models for studies of the mammalian pigment system.

  17. Vestido, identidad y folklore. La invención de un vestido nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial

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    Valenciano-Mañé, Alba


    Full Text Available Focussing on clothing viewed as a body practice, this paper attempts to provide an ethnographic overview through the examination of the creation of the national dress of Equatorial Guinea. With a discussion of the importance of the personal motivation of its promoters, the reasons for its alleged failure and the recent attempts in current fashion shows in Malabo to (reproduce identity discourses, this paper also seeks to demonstrate the capacity of dress as a tool for social control, resistance and identity (recreation.

    Situando el vestido como práctica corporal en el centro de la reflexión, el artículo efectúa un recorrido etnográfico por el proceso de creación de un vestido nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial. Se presentará la importancia de la ecuación personal de sus impulsores, los motivos de su fracaso y las recientes tentativas de (reproducción de discursos identitarios en los actuales fashion shows de Malabo. De este modo, se pretende demostrar el potencial del vestido como herramienta de control social, resistencia y (recreación identitaria.

  18. Motivaciones que impulsan al cambio de trayectoria vital en los emprendedores (Pasto, Colombia, 2012-2013

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    Claudia Magali Solarte Solarte


    Full Text Available Este documento es producto de una investigación, cuyo objetivo general fue analizar las motivaciones que impulsan al cambio de trayectoria vital en los emprendedores de la ciudad de Pasto. Se trabajó con creadores de microempresas y pequeñas empresas, con quienes, bajo el enfoque de investigación cuantitativo, método empírico-analítico y tipo descriptivo, a través de una encuesta, se identificaron dichas motivaciones y se determinó cuáles de ellas tuvieron mayor incidencia. Para un mejor manejo de la información, se clasificaron las motivaciones de emprendimiento según la adaptación realizada por Rodrigo Varela sobre la teoría de Albert Shapero en cuanto a la clasificación de impulsos positivos, neutros y negativos, en la cual se tienen en cuenta componentes socioculturales, educativos e investigativos que constituyen niveles de apreciación para desentrañar motivaciones particulares que hacen posible una acción empresarial, a partir de conocimientos, valores, aptitudes, actitudes y competencias.

  19. Family Outbreaks of Nontyphoidal Salmonellosis following a Meal of Guinea Pigs

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    John B. Fournier


    Full Text Available Salmonella outbreaks have been linked to a wide variety of foods, including recent nationwide outbreaks. Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus, also known as cuy or cobayo, has long been a popular delicacy and ceremonial food in the Andean region in South America. This case report describes three family outbreaks of nontyphoidal salmonellosis, each occurring after a meal of guinea pigs. We believe this case report is the first to describe a probable association between the consumption of guinea pig meat and human salmonellosis. Physicians should be aware of the association of Salmonella and the consumption of guinea pigs, given the increasing immigration of people from the Andean region of South America and the increasing travel to this region.

  20. Effects of intranasal corticosteroids on radiated nasal mucosa of guinea pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Xinhua; Liu Yuehui


    Objective: To investigate a mechanism protected radiation-induce injure for radiated guinea pigs'nasal mucosa treated with intranasal corticosteroids(fluticasone nasal cavity spray). Methods: 50 health guinea pigs were divided into 2 groups randomly: the irradiated group (control group) with 25 guinea pigs and the administration group after irradiation (test group)with 25 guinea pigs. The nasal part of all guinea pigs were performed irradiation by the 6 MV X-ray with single 5 Gy, one time each week for three weeks. The guinea pigs of test group received intranasal corticosteroids with one time every day and one spray each side nasal cavity on the second day after three weeks irradiation. Five guinea pigs in each group were sacrificed randomly at 1 week, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and 4 months after irradiation, and the histopathologic changes were observed under optical microscope and electron microscope. At the same time, blood were drawn from the heart and the concentration of IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α in serum were measured by ELISA. Results: The early nasal mucosa inflammatory reaction of the test group was less than the control group. The coverage rate of cilia of the test group was much than that of the control group (72.9% vs 50.2%) at four months after irradiation. The atrophy of submucosal glandular organ was lessened and they displayed some extent secretory function. The concentration of IL-1 in serum was increased very much in the test group compared with the control group after irradiation and kept higher level in the first two months. After two months, it began to decrease; on four months, it still kept equivalency level with the control group. The concentration of IL-6 and TNF-α in serum were reduced all the while. Conclusions: The intranasal corticosteroids with fluticasone nasal cavity spray can reduce radiation- induced injury of guinea pigs' nasal mucosa. The concentration change of IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α in serum may be one of mechanism protected

  1. Survey of endoparasites in pet guinea pigs in Italy. (United States)

    d'Ovidio, Dario; Noviello, Emilio; Ianniello, Davide; Cringoli, Giuseppe; Rinaldi, Laura


    Little information is available on the occurrence of endoparasites in pet guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in cavies kept as pets in southern Italy. Fresh fecal samples were randomly collected from 60 guinea pigs housed in pet shops or privately owned. All fecal samples were processed using the FLOTAC pellet technique to identify and count helminthic eggs/larvae and protozoan cysts/oocysts. In addition, the specimens were analyzed also by the Remel Xpect® Giardia/Cryptosporidium immunoassay. Intestinal parasites were detected in 19 out of 60 guinea pigs (31.7 %). Paraspidodera uncinata eggs were found in 13.3 % (8/60) of the rodents examined, Nippostrongylus-like eggs in 10 % (6/60), and finally Eimeria caviae oocysts were found in 10 % (6/60) of the animals. In one case, both E. caviae oocysts and P. uncinata eggs were found. None of the samples was positive for Cryptosporidium or Giardia. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first survey of endoparasites in pet guinea pigs in Italy.

  2. In Vitro Response of Guinea Pig Peritoneal Macrophages to Legionella pneumophila (United States)


    In Vitro Responlse of Guinea Pig Peritoneal Macrophages to Legionella pneumophila It. A. KISIIIMi~O~’ .1. Ii.,W11ITE, F. G. SIREY, V. (U.1 Mc(GANN, R...Tlhe inter- act ion between L. lincumnophila andl( peritoneal macrophages front normial guinea pigs or front animials that had survived infection was...roagglujtiniat titer) guinea pig serum to The purp~ose of this study "as to investigate contain approximately 108 organisms per ml. the phagocytic and

  3. Erythropoietin and erythropoietin receptor expression in the guinea pig inner ear

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cayé-Thomasen, Per; Wagner, Niels; Lidegaard Frederiksen, Birgitte


    , this study determines expression of EPO and EPOR in the inner ear of the guinea pig. Normal guinea pig inner ears were processed for immunohistochemistry, using poly-clonal antibodies against EPO and the EPO receptor. EPO expression was exclusively found in most, but not all spiral ganglion neurons...... expressed by several cell types within the guinea pig cochlea. We hypothesize on the existence of a local paracrine system and that EPO treatment may be feasible following inner ear damage....

  4. The preparation of recombinant interleukin-6 and its protection for irradiated guinea-pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Junfu; Zhang Jie; Zhang Jianhua; Feng Jinbo; Xu Jie; Wang Baohong


    Objective: To purify recombinant human interleukin-6 from gene-engineered E. coli and study the effects of IL-6 on survival period and platelet count of irradiated guinea-pigs. Methods: Recombinant human IL-6 was expressed in gene-engineered E. coli and purified with reversed phase chromatography. Purified IL-6 was then administered to irradiated guinea-pig. Results: IL-6 could significantly prolong the survival period and increase the platelet count of irradiated guinea-pigs. Conclusion: IL-6 showed its effective protection for irradiated guinea-pigs

  5. Confinement lowers fertility rate of helmeted guinea fowl ( Numida ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... common game bird in Africa and there have been efforts to domesticate it for use as a source of human food. An important obstacle in successful domestication of guinea fowl is their low fertility rate.We studied the effects of semi-confinement on the fertility rates of helmeted guinea fowl by comparing egg fertility, hatch rate ...

  6. Anti-anaphylactic action of nordihydroguaiaretic acid in antigen sensitized guinea pigs. (United States)

    Bergren, Dale R; Valentine, Jimmie L


    Therapeutic natural products and medicinal herbs has gained popularity. The anti-antigenic action of the plant alkaloid nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) was studied in ovalbumin (OA)-sensitized guinea pigs. In one series of experiments conscious, non-sedated guinea pigs were challenged with OA aerosol. Specific airway resistance (SR AW ) was monitored using a two-chambered whole-body plethysmograph. OA aerosol increased SR AW above that produced by vehicle administration. Prior NDGA administration by a 1min 0.9% aerosol (w/vol) attenuated the increase in SR AW resulting from OA challenge. In the anesthetized guinea pig pretreated with indomethacin, pyrilamine and propranolol, intravenous OA injection increased intra-tracheal pressure above vehicle injection. Intravenous NDGA administration (5mg/kg) reduced the intra-tracheal pressure increases. In a third series of experiments plasma leukotriene C 4 was measured by radio-immunoassay in 3 groups challenged with OA aerosol: vehicle-treated OA-sensitized, OA-sensitized receiving NDGA and vehicle treated guinea pigs. NDGA pretreatment reduced plasma LTC 4 in response to OA challenge in OA sensitized guinea pigs. This study demonstrates that NDGA is an effective antigenic agent when given by aerosol or intravenous injection in either conscious or anesthetized guinea pigs, respectively. The mechanism of action of NDGA is presumed primarily be due to the blockage of 5-lipoxygenase and therefore the synthesis of leukotrienes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    The study was conducted to correlate the preferred thermal environment of the unrestrained guinea pig with the activity of its thermoregulatory effectors when maintained under a wide range of ambient temperatures (Ta). Eight male guinea pigs were used in a series of experiments o...

  8. Radiation-induced bone tumours in the guinea-pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knowles, J.F.


    A remarkably high proportion of guinea-pigs given localized irradiations of 20 Gy x-rays developed bone tumours, 46% of all irradiated with 20 Gy and 86% of those that survived at least a year. Untreated controls were not included in the present experiment, but the authors refer to an earlier experiment using guinea-pigs from the same colony where no bone tumour occurred in 69 unirradiated animals followed for their natural life span i.e. up to 87 months. It is concluded that the author's strain of guinea-pig (details given in a previous paper, Int. J. Radiol. Biol., 40, 265) is particularly prone to radiation-induced bone tumours. Their possible value for investigating processes associated with radiation induction of bone tumours is further enhanced by their relatively large size and long life span (up to 7 years). (U.K.)

  9. Lamington, Papua New Guinea Images (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dormant stratovolcano in Papua New Guinea suddenly exploded in 1951. Nuees ardentes (glowing avalanches) shot down the mountain at 100 km per hour, devastated...

  10. Vitamin C deficiency in weanling guinea pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lykkesfeldt, Jens; Trueba, Gilberto Perez; Poulsen, Henrik E.


    Neonates are particularly susceptible to malnutrition due to their limited reserves of micronutrients and their rapid growth. In the present study, we examined the effect of vitamin C deficiency on markers of oxidative stress in plasma, liver and brain of weanling guinea pigs. Vitamin C deficiency...... increased, while protein oxidation decreased (P¼0003). The results show that the selective preservation of brain ascorbate and induction of DNA repair in vitamin C-deficient weanling guinea pigs is not sufficient to prevent oxidative damage. Vitamin C deficiency may therefore be particularly adverse during...


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    Ivan Yu Sakharov


    Full Text Available Se determinó la actividad de la peroxidasa (EC en 7 frutos, 13 raíces y 31 hojas de plantas tropicales que crecen en Colombia. Se encontró que la actividad de la peroxidasa varía ampliamente de una especie a otra. Para el fruto de balazos (Monstera deliciosa se encontró que la actividad de la peroxidasa depende del grado de madurez. Por el contrario, la actividad de peroxidasa de las hojas de la palma de botella (Roystonea regia se mantiene constante todo el año. Algunas especies presentaron alta actividad de peroxidasa como la raíz de batata (Ipomoea batatas, las hojas de pasto guinea (Panicum máximum, las de dormidera (Mimosa pigra, las de higuerilla (Riciims communis L. y las de las siguientes palmas: mararai (Aiphanes caríotifolia, de botella (Roystonea regia, dactilera (Phoenix dactylifera y africana (Elaeis guineensis. Además, mediante isoelectroenfoque se hallaron peroxidasas aniónicas (pl 3.4 - 5.6 tanto en la raíz de batata como en las palmas analizadas.

  12. The guinea pig maximization test--with a multiple dose design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Klaus Ejner; Vølund, A; Frankild, S


    The guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) is usually performed with one moderately irritant induction dose of the allergen and gives a qualitative assessment-hazard identification-of the allergenicity of the chemical. We refined the GPMT by applying a multiple dose design and used 30 guinea pigs in...

  13. The guinea pig maximization test--with a multiple dose design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Klaus Ejner; Vølund, A; Frankild, S


    The guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) is usually performed with one moderately irritant induction dose of the allergen and gives a qualitative assessment-hazard identification-of the allergenicity of the chemical. We refined the GPMT by applying a multiple dose design and used 30 guinea pigs...

  14. Protective effects of isorhynchophylline on cardiac arrhythmias in rats and guinea pigs. (United States)

    Gan, Runtao; Dong, Guo; Yu, Jiangbo; Wang, Xu; Fu, Songbin; Yang, Shusen


    As one important constituent extracted from a traditional Chinese medicine, Uncaria Rhynchophylla Miq Jacks, isorhynchophylline has been used to treat hypertension, epilepsy, headache, and other illnesses. Whether isorhynchophylline protects hearts against cardiac arrhythmias is still incompletely investigated. This study was therefore aimed to examine the preventive effects of isorhynchophylline on heart arrhythmias in guinea pigs and rats and then explore their electrophysiological mechanisms. In vivo, ouabain and calcium chloride were used to establish experimental arrhythmic models in guinea pigs and rats. In vitro, the whole-cell patch-lamp technique was used to study the effect of isorhynchophylline on action potential duration and calcium channels in acutely isolated guinea pig and rat cardiomyocytes. The dose of ouabain required to induce cardiac arrhythmias was much larger in guinea pigs administered with isorhynchophylline. Additionally, the onset time of cardiac arrhythmias induced by calcium chloride was prolonged, and the duration was shortened in rats pretreated with isorhynchophylline. The further study showed that isorhynchophylline could significantly decrease action potential duration and inhibit calcium currents in isolated guinea pig and rat cardiomyocytes in a dose-dependent manner. In summary, isorhynchophylline played a remarkably preventive role in cardiac arrhythmias through the inhibition of calcium currents in rats and guinea pigs. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  15. Increased Severity of Tuberculosis in Guinea Pigs with Type 2 Diabetes (United States)

    Podell, Brendan K.; Ackart, David F.; Obregon-Henao, Andres; Eck, Sarah P.; Henao-Tamayo, Marcela; Richardson, Michael; Orme, Ian M.; Ordway, Diane J.; Basaraba, Randall J.


    Impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes were induced in guinea pigs to model the emerging comorbidity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in diabetic patients. Type 2 diabetes mellitus was induced by low-dose streptozotocin in guinea pigs rendered glucose intolerant by first feeding a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet before M. tuberculosis exposure. M. tuberculosis infection of diabetic guinea pigs resulted in severe and rapidly progressive tuberculosis (TB) with a shortened survival interval, more severe pulmonary and extrapulmonary pathology, and a higher bacterial burden compared with glucose-intolerant and nondiabetic controls. Compared with nondiabetics, diabetic guinea pigs with TB had an exacerbated proinflammatory response with more severe granulocytic inflammation and higher gene expression for the cytokines/chemokines interferon-γ, IL-17A, IL-8, and IL-10 in the lung and for interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α, IL-8, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in the spleen. TB disease progression in guinea pigs with impaired glucose tolerance was similar to that of nondiabetic controls in the early stages of infection but was more severe by day 90. The guinea pig model of type 2 diabetes–TB comorbidity mimics important features of the naturally occurring disease in humans. This model will be beneficial in understanding the complex pathogenesis of TB in diabetic patients and to test new strategies to improve TB and diabetes control when the two diseases occur together. PMID:24492198

  16. An Analysis Of Guinea Worm Infection On Yam Productivity In ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Guinea worm infection has been reported to be one of the external diseconomies factors that limit agricultural productivity of the rural farm households. The study examined the determinants of farmers' vulnerability to guineaworm infection and the effect of guinea worm infection on yam yield in the study area. A stratified ...

  17. Epidemiology of chronic kidney diseases in the Republic of Guinea; future dialysis needs. (United States)

    Bah, Alpha Oumar; Lamine, Cisse; Balde, Mamadou Cellou; Bah, Mamadou Lamine Yaya; Rostaing, Lionel


    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing worldwide and can lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Because few patients with ESRD in the Republic of Guinea have access to haemodialysis, we retrospectively evaluated the prevalence of CKD, ESRD and access to supportive therapies. 579 CKD patients (304 males; mean age: 44 ± 16 years) were admitted into Conakry nephrology department, the only centre in the Republic of Guinea, between 2009 and 2013. Most patients (63%) resided within Conakry (the capital), 12.5% came from lower Guinea, 11.7% from middle Guinea, 7.9% from upper Guinea and 4.8% from forest Guinea. Reasons for referral were increased serum creatinine (49.5%), hypertension (27%) and diffuse edema (17%). Also, 11% were diabetic, 12.5% were smokers, 17% were HIV-positive, 8.3% were HBV-positive and 15% were HCV-positive. The most frequent symptom at admission was nausea/vomiting (56%). Upon admission, 70.5% of patients already had ESRD. Although no kidney biopsies were performed it was assumed that 34% and 27% of patients had vascular nephropathy and chronic glomerulonephritis, respectively. Of the 385 ESRD patients, only 140 (36.3%) had access to haemodialysis (two sessions/week, 4 hours each). Most patients that received haemodialysis resided within the Conakry region (P Conakry, plus four new nephrology/haemodialysis centres within the Republic of Guinea, each holding ≥30 haemodialysis machines.

  18. Dinamic of the cadmium in soils cultivated with potatoes in Nariño, Colombia Dinámica del cadmio en suelos cultivados con papa en Nariño, Colombia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Burbano Orjuela Hernán


    Full Text Available The mobility of cadmium and fixation in soils cropped with potatoes in Túquerres, Pasto and Guachucal Nariño, Colombia was evaluated. Samples with an auger of 11 cm diameter and 40 cm in length were taken. On these soil samples applications of 0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm cadmium were, and incubated during a 4 month period under field capacity. In this soils the content of total exchangeable cadmium do not overcome the permissible limits established by World Health Organization–Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The highest concentration of cadmium applied in the for of total Cd and changeable Cd was found in the higher third part of cores, which indicates a low mobility of the element in the soil profile.Se evaluó la fijación y movilidad de cadmio en suelos dedicados al cultivo de papa en Túquerres, Pasto y Guachucal. Se tomaron muestras de suelos no disturbadas en cilindros de PVC, las cuales, luego de aplicaciones fraccionadas de cadmio con dosis de 0, 50,100 y 150 ppm, se incubaron a capacidad de campo durante cuatro meses. En estos suelos los contenidos de cadmio total e intercambiable no sobrepasaron los límites permisibles establecidos por Organización Mundial de la Salud–Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (OMS–FAO; no obstante, la mayor cantidad del elemento se localizó en la parte superior de los núcleos, lo cual indica baja movilidad del elemento en el perfil.

  19. Biodiversidad íctica de praderas de pasto marino de la costa noroeste del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela Ichthyc biodiversity of seagrass meadows from the Northwest coast of Cariaco Gulf, Venezuela

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    Luis Alejandro Ariza A


    Full Text Available Los pastos marinos son ecosistemas costeros de alta productividad, con gran diversidad y abundancia de peces, la cual es aprovechada por pescadores artesanales. En este estudio se analizó la estructura comunitaria íctica de praderas de Thalassia testudinum en Manzanillo (M y La Brea (LB, costa noroeste del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela. También, se realizaron muestreos mensuales (11-2006 al 10-2007, con la utilización de una red playera. Se capturaron 34 810 organismos agrupados en 13 órdenes, 36 familias y 83 especies. En ambas zonas, el número de especies fue similar, aunque el número de organismos vario, y se encontró para M un total de 55 especies y 13 210 organismos y para LB 58 especies y 21 600 organismos. Las especies más abundantes y de mayor biomasa en el área muestreada fueron: Nicholsina usta, Haemulon boschmae, H. steindachneri, Harengula jaguana, Halichoeres bivittatus y Hemiramphus brasiliensis. Los visitantes ocasionales fue el componente comunitario más frecuente con 59%, los cíclicos y los residentes permanentes obtuvieron 22 y 19%, respectivamente. En M la H’n fue de 1.71±0.64bits/ind; entretanto en LB fue 1.95±0.51bits/ind. Los valores de la diversidad estuvieron relacionados directamente con la equitabilidad e inversamente con la dominancia. Los bajos valores del índice de similaridad, entre localidades permite establecer que estas comunidades ícticas son disimiles, debido quizás a la estructuración de cada pradera de Thalassia y a la conectividad con otros sistemas.Ichthyc biodiversity of seagrass meadows from the Northwest coast of Cariaco Gulf , Venezuela. Seagrasses are highly productive coastal ecosystems with a high diversity and abundance of fishes, very important to support artisanal fisheries. We analyzed the fish community structure of Thalassia testudinum in the communities of Manzanillo (M and La Brea (LB, Northwest coast of Cariaco Gulf, Venezuela. Samples were taken monthly (Nov. 2006-Oct

  20. Variables asociadas con el uso de hábitat del manatí del Caribe (Trichechus manatus, en Quintana Roo, México (Mammalia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Axis-Arroyo


    Full Text Available La influencia de: temperatura atmosférica y del agua, vientos, nubosidad, profundidad, salinidad, abundancia de pastos y algas, y estructura de grupo; en la distribución espacial de Trichechus manatus manatus, fue estudiada en la Bahía de Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México; de noviembre de 1994 a junio de 1995. Las variables con menor asociación fueron: nubosidad y temperatura atmosférica y del agua (en contraste con lo reportado para la subespecie de Florida, Trichechus manatus latirostris; las variables con asociación moderada fueron: salinidad (como en Florida, profundidad (uso frecuente de profundidades entre 0.80 y 2 m y estructura de grupo (lo cual sugiere que la zona no es importante como área de apareamiento. La distribución espacial fue asociada principalmente con cambios drásticos en la intensidad del viento y con el alimento disponible (similar a trabajos previos realizados en México.Influence of atmospheric variables and water temperature, winds, cloudiness, depth, salinity, grass and algal abundance, and group structure on the spatial distribution of Trichechus manatus manatus was studied in Chetumal Bay, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Boat surveys were done from November 1994 trough June 1995. There was little association with cloudiness and atmospheric and water temperature (in contrast with reports for the Florida subspecies, Trichechus manatus latirostris; the variables with moderate association were salinity (as in Florida, depth (frequent use of depths between 0.80-2 m and group structure (which suggests that the zone is not an important mating area. Spatial distribution was more associated with drastic changes in wind intensity and the available food (similar to previous works in Mexico.

  1. First records in Guinea Bissau of Adamawa Turtle Dove Streptopelia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    There are no confirmed records of the Adamawa Turtle Dove Streptopelia hypopyrrha in north-eastern Guinea Bissau and there is very little information available on the biology of the species. Eight individuals of the Adamawa Turtle Dove were identified from the game bags of sport hunters in north-eastern Guinea Bissau, ...

  2. 9 CFR 3.36 - Primary enclosures used to transport live guinea pigs and hamsters. (United States)


    ... live guinea pigs and hamsters. 3.36 Section 3.36 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH..., Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Guinea Pigs and Hamsters Transportation Standards § 3.36 Primary enclosures used to transport live guinea pigs and hamsters. No person subject to the Animal Welfare...

  3. Demonstration of a specific C3a receptor on guinea pig platelets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuoka, Y.; Hugli, T.E.


    Guinea pig platelets reportedly contain receptors specific for the anaphylatoxin C3a based on both ligand-binding studies and functional responses. A portion of the human 125I-C3a that binds to guinea pig platelets is competitively displaced by excess unlabeled C3a; however, the majority of ligand uptake was nonspecific. Uptake of 125I-C3a by guinea pig platelets is maximal in 1 min, and stimulation of guinea pig platelets by thrombin, ADP, or the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 showed little influence on binding of the ligand. Scatchard analysis indicated that approximately 1200 binding sites for C3a exist per cell with an estimated Kd of 8 x 10(-10) M. Human C3a des Arg also binds to guinea pig platelets, but Scatchard analysis indicated that no specific binding occurred. Because the ligand-binding studies were complicated by high levels of nonspecific uptake, we attempted to chemically cross-link the C3a molecule to a specific component on the platelet surface. Cross-linkage of 125I-C3a to guinea pig platelets with bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate revealed radioactive complexes at 105,000 and 115,000 m.w. on SDS-PAGE gels by autoradiographic analysis. In the presence of excess unlabeled C3a, complex formation was inhibited. No cross-linkage could be demonstrated between the inactive 125I-C3a des Arg and the putative C3a-R on guinea pig platelets. Human C3a, but not C3a des Arg induces serotonin release and aggregation of the guinea pig platelets. Human C3a was unable to induce either serotonin release or promote aggregation of human platelets. Uptake of human 125I-C3a by human platelets was not saturable, and Scatchard analysis was inconclusive. Attempts to cross-link 125I-C3a to components on the surface of human platelets also failed to reveal a ligand-receptor complex. Therefore, we conclude that guinea pig platelets have specific surface receptors to C3a and that human platelets appear devoid of receptors to the anaphylatoxin

  4. Vaccination with Trypanosoma rangeli induces resistance of guinea pigs to virulent Trypanosoma cruzi. (United States)

    Basso, B; Moretti, E; Fretes, R


    Chagas' disease, endemic in Latin America, is spread in natural environments through animal reservoirs, including marsupials, mice and guinea pigs. Farms breeding guinea pigs for food are located in some Latin-American countries with consequent risk of digestive infection. The aim of this work was to study the effect of vaccination with Trypanosoma rangeli in guinea pigs challenged with Trypanosoma cruzi. Animals were vaccinated with fixated epimastigotes of T. rangeli, emulsified with saponin. Controls received only PBS. Before being challenged with T. cruzi, parasitemia, survival rates and histological studies were performed. The vaccinated guinea pigs revealed significantly lower parasitemia than controls (pguinea pigs and dogs. The development of vaccines for use in animals, like domestic dogs and guinea pigs in captivity, opens up new opportunities for preventive tools, and could reduce the risk of infection with T. cruzi in the community. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Mechanism of resveratrol-induced relaxation of the guinea pig fundus. (United States)

    Tsai, Ching-Chung; Tey, Shu-Leei; Lee, Ming-Che; Liu, Ching-Wen; Su, Yu-Tsun; Huang, Shih-Che


    Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound that can be isolated from plants and also is a constituent of red wine. Resveratrol induces relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and may prevent cardiovascular diseases. Impaired gastric accommodation plays an important role in functional dyspepsia and fundic relaxation and is a therapeutic target of functional dyspepsia. Although drugs for fundic relaxation have been developed, these types of drugs are still rare. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relaxant effects of resveratrol in the guinea pig fundus. We studied the relaxant effects of resveratrol in the guinea pig fundus. In addition, we investigated the mechanism of resveratrol-induced relaxation on the guinea pig fundus by using tetraethylammonium (a non-selective potassium channel blocker), apamine (a selective inhibitor of the small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel), iberiotoxin (an inhibitor of large conductance calcium-activated potassium channels), glibenclamide (an ATP-sensitive potassium channel blocker), KT 5720 (a cAMP-dependent protein kinase A inhibitor), KT 5823 (a cGMP-dependent protein kinase G inhibitor), NG-nitro-L-arginine (a competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase), tetrodotoxin (a selective neuronal Na + channel blocker), ω-conotoxin GVIA (a selective neuronal Ca 2+ channel blocker) and G-15 (a G-protein coupled estrogen receptor antagonist). The results of this study showed that resveratrol has potent and dose-dependent relaxant effects on the guinea pig fundic muscle. In addition, the results showed that resveratrol-induced relaxation of the guinea pig fundus occurs through nitric oxide and ATP-sensitive potassium channels. This study provides the first evidence concerning the relaxant effects of resveratrol in the guinea pig fundic muscle strips. Furthermore, resveratrol may be a potential drug to relieve gastrointestinal dyspepsia. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  6. Comparative analysis of detection methods for congenital cytomegalovirus infection in a Guinea pig model. (United States)

    Park, Albert H; Mann, David; Error, Marc E; Miller, Matthew; Firpo, Matthew A; Wang, Yong; Alder, Stephen C; Schleiss, Mark R


    To assess the validity of the guinea pig as a model for congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection by comparing the effectiveness of detecting the virus by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in blood, urine, and saliva. Case-control study. Academic research. Eleven pregnant Hartley guinea pigs. Blood, urine, and saliva samples were collected from guinea pig pups delivered from pregnant dams inoculated with guinea pig CMV. These samples were then evaluated for the presence of guinea pig CMV by real-time PCR assuming 100% transmission. Thirty-one pups delivered from 9 inoculated pregnant dams and 8 uninfected control pups underwent testing for guinea pig CMV and for auditory brainstem response hearing loss. Repeated-measures analysis of variance demonstrated no statistically significantly lower weight for the infected pups compared with the noninfected control pups. Six infected pups demonstrated auditory brainstem response hearing loss. The sensitivity and specificity of the real-time PCR assay on saliva samples were 74.2% and 100.0%, respectively. The sensitivity of the real-time PCR on blood and urine samples was significantly lower than that on saliva samples. Real-time PCR assays of blood, urine, and saliva revealed that saliva samples show high sensitivity and specificity for detecting congenital CMV infection in guinea pigs. This finding is consistent with recent screening studies in human newborns. The guinea pig may be a good animal model in which to compare different diagnostic assays for congenital CMV infection.

  7. Mosses of d’Entrecasteaux group & Louisiade Archipelago, Papua, New Guinea

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bartram, Edwin B.


    The moss collections made by L. J. Brass in connection with the 5th, Archbold Expedition to New Guinea to New Guinea in 1956 to the islands off the eastern tip of Papua comprise 166 numbers representing 87 species as outlined in the following list. Three species are described as new and 22 preceeded

  8. Infection of guinea pigs with vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus Transmitted by Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). (United States)

    Pérez De León, Adalberto A; O'Toole, Donal; Tabachnick, Walter J


    Intrathoracically inoculated Culicoides sonorensis Wirth & Jones were capable of transmitting vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus (family Rhabdoviridae, genus Vesiculovirus, VSNJV) during blood feeding on the abdomen of six guinea pigs. None of the guinea pigs infected in this manner developed clinical signs of vesicular stomatitis despite seroconversion for VSNJV. Guinea pigs infected by intradermal inoculations of VSNJV in the abdomen also failed to develop clinical signs of vesicular stomatitis. Three guinea pigs given intradermal inoculations of VSNJV in the foot pad developed lesions typical of vesicular stomatitis. Transmission by the bite of C. sonorensis may have facilitated guinea pig infection with VSNJV because a single infected C. sonorensis caused seroconversion and all guinea pigs infected by insect bite seroconverted compared with 50% of the guinea pigs infected by intradermal inoculation with a higher titer VSNJV inoculum. The role of C. sonorensis in the transmission of VSNJV is discussed.

  9. Petroleum scene heating in fledgling crude exporter Papua New Guinea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Operators, paced by a feisty independent based in Port Moresby, have drilled a string of discoveries near the infrastructure of the Kutubu development project that supports Papua New Guinea crude exports. All signs point to the increasing likelihood of good sized -- maybe world class -- oil discoveries that promise to sustain exploration and development interest beyond 2000. Also in the offing are world class gas strikes that eventually could support a liquefied natural gas export project. And integration is the newest concept in Papua New Guinea petroleum. Efforts are under way to build the country's first refineries. Most operators in Papua New Guinea believe thy have merely scratched the surface of the country's oil and gas potential. Thy agree there still will be frustrations and setbacks -- political as well as technical -- but the prevailing opinion is that these problems are no greater than they are in a number of other countries with similar exploration/development potential. The paper discusses the development of Papua New Guinea's oil and gas industry, and exploratory drilling in areas other than Kutubu

  10. Temporal Progression of Lesions in Guinea Pigs Infected With Lassa Virus. (United States)

    Bell, T M; Shaia, C I; Bearss, J J; Mattix, M E; Koistinen, K A; Honnold, S P; Zeng, X; Blancett, C D; Donnelly, G C; Shamblin, J D; Wilkinson, E R; Cashman, K A


    Lassa virus (LASV) infection causes an acute, multisystemic viral hemorrhagic fever that annually infects an estimated 100 000 to 300 000 persons in West Africa. This pathogenesis study evaluated the temporal progression of disease in guinea pigs following aerosol and subcutaneous inoculation of the Josiah strain of LASV as well as the usefulness of Strain 13 guinea pigs as an animal model for Lassa fever. After experimental infection, guinea pigs ( Cavia porcellus; n = 67) were serially sampled to evaluate the temporal progression of infection, gross and histologic lesions, and serum chemistry and hematologic changes. Guinea pigs developed viremia on day 5 to 6 postexposure (PE), with clinical signs appearing by day 7 to 8 PE. Complete blood counts revealed lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia. Gross pathologic findings included skin lesions and congested lungs. Histologic lesions consisted of cortical lymphoid depletion by day 6 to 7 PE with lymphohistiocytic interstitial pneumonia at 7 to 8 days PE. Scattered hepatocellular degeneration and cell death were also noted in the liver and, to a lesser extent, in other tissues including the haired skin, lung, heart, adrenal gland, lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen. The first cell types to demonstrate staining for viral antigen were fibroblastic reticular cells and macrophages/dendritic cells in the lymph nodes on day 5 to 6 PE. This study demonstrates similarities between Lassa viral disease in human infections and experimental guinea pig infection. These shared pathologic characteristics support the utility of guinea pigs as an additional animal model for vaccine and therapeutic development under the Food and Drug Administration's Animal Rule.

  11. Airway hyperresponsiveness induced by repeated esophageal infusion of HCl in guinea pigs. (United States)

    Cheng, Yan-Mei; Cao, Ai-Li; Zheng, Jian-Pu; Wang, Hong-Wei; Sun, Yong-Shun; Liu, Chun-Fang; Zhang, Bei-Bei; Wang, Yi; Zhu, Sheng-Liang; Wu, Da-Zheng


    Gastroesophageal reflux is a common disorder closely related to chronic airway diseases, such as chronic cough, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive disease. Indeed, gastroesophageal acid reflux into the respiratory tract causes bronchoconstriction, but the underlying mechanisms have still not been clarified. This study aimed to elucidate functional changes of bronchial smooth muscles (BSMs) isolated from guinea pigs in an animal model of gastroesophageal reflux. The marked airway inflammation, hyperresponsiveness and remodeling were observed after guinea pigs were exposed to intraesophageal HCl infusion for 14 days. In addition, contractile responses to acetylcholine (ACh), KCl, electrical field stimulation, and extracellular Ca(2+) were greater in guinea pigs infused with HCl compared with control groups. The L-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels (L-VDCC) blocker, nicardipine, significantly inhibited ACh- and Ca(2+)-enhanced BSM contractions in guinea pigs infused with HCl. The Rho-kinase inhibitor, Y27632, attenuated ACh-enhanced BSM contractions in guinea pigs infused with HCl. Moreover, mRNA and protein expressions for muscarinic M2 and M3 receptors, RhoA, and L-VDCC in BSM were detected by real-time PCR and Western blot. Expressions of mRNA and protein for muscarinic M3 receptors, RhoA, and L-VDCC were greater than in BSM of HCl-infused guinea pigs, whereas levels of muscarinic M2 receptors were unchanged. We demonstrate that acid infusion to the lower esophagus and, subsequently, microaspiration into the respiratory tract in guinea pigs leads to airway hyperresponsiveness and overactive BSM. Functional and molecular results indicate that overactive BSM is the reason for enhancement of extracellular Ca(2+) influx via L-VDCC and Ca(2+) sensitization through Rho-kinase signaling.

  12. Guinea Worm in a Frog

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Dr. Mark Eberhard, a retired parasitologist and CDC guest researcher, discusses Guinea worm infection in a wild-caught frog.  Created: 3/9/2017 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 3/9/2017.

  13. Transplacental absorption of 238Pu in rats and guinea pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sullivan, M.F.


    Pregnant rats and guinea pigs were injected intravenously with 238 Pu citrate to determine if the potential for in utero accumulation of 238 Pu by these two species is related to the stage of development at which immunity is gained. Although guinea pigs retained more 238 Pu after birth than rats, the difference was not significant

  14. Quality Attributes Of Two Species Of Indigenous Guinea Fowl Meat ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    As the duration of storage of the guinea fowl meats increased percentage of weight loss, cooking loss, pH, and tenderness scores increased (P < 0.05). Prepackaging or salting of guinea fowl meats reduced (P< 0.05) percentages of weight loss, cooking loss and increased (P < 0.05) pH, water holding Capacity and sensory ...

  15. Extraction and application of dyestuffs from the leaves of guinea ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This research work is aimed at assessing the dyeing and colouring potentials of ethanol extracts from the leaves of guinea corn and the skin of onion. It is intended to apply the purified dye extracts on textile, drink and food. The leaves of guinea corn (Sorghum bicolor) and the skin of onion (Allium cepa) were collected, ...

  16. Spontaneous occurrence of a potentially night blinding disorder in guinea pigs. (United States)

    Racine, Julie; Behn, Darren; Simard, Eric; Lachapelle, Pierre


    Several hereditary retinal disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa and congenital stationary night blindness compromise, sometimes exclusively, the activity of the rod pathway. Unfortunately, there are few animal models of these disorders that could help us better understand the pathophysiological processes involved. The purpose of this report is to present a pedigree of guinea pigs where, as a result of a consanguineous mating and subsequent selective breeding, we developed a new and naturally occurring animal model of a rod disorder. Analysis of the retinal function with the electroretinogram reveals that the threshold for rod-mediated electroretinograms (ERGs) is significantly increased by more than 2 log-units compared to that of normal guinea pigs. Furthermore, in response to a suprathreshold stimulus, also delivered under scotopic condition, which yield a mixed cone-rod response in normal guinea pigs, the ERG waveform in our mutant guinea pigs is almost identical (amplitude and timing of a- and b-waves) to that evoked in photopic condition. The above would thus suggest either a structural (abnormal development or absence) or a functional deficiency of the rod photoreceptors. We believe that our pedigree possibly represents a new animal model of a night blinding disorder, and that this condition is inherited as anautosomal recessive trait in the guinea pig population.

  17. Spontaneous reproductive pathology in female guinea pigs. (United States)

    Veiga-Parga, Tamara; La Perle, Krista M D; Newman, Shelley J


    Reproductive pathology of domestic guinea pigs is underreported to date. To provide a comprehensive review of uterine disease in guinea pigs, we performed a retrospective study of the pathology archives of the University of Tennessee, College of Veterinary Medicine. By histology, 13 of 37 uterine lesions in 23 animals were neoplastic; the other 24 nonneoplastic lesions included cystic endometrial hyperplasia (16 of 24), endometrial hemorrhage (3 of 24), pyometra (2 of 24), polyp (2 of 24), and mucometra (1 of 24). The most common guinea pig uterine neoplasms were uterine leiomyomas (6 of 13), followed by adenomas (3 of 13) and leiomyosarcomas (1 of 13). Other neoplasms included anaplastic tumors of unknown origin (2 of 13) and choriocarcinoma (1 of 13). Both anaplastic tumors and the choriocarcinoma were positive for vimentin. The choriocarcinoma was positive for HSD83B1, indicating a trophoblastic origin and its final diagnosis. All were negative for cytokeratin and smooth muscle. In multiple animals, more than 1 tumor or lesion was reported. Estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor expression was nearly 100% in uterine neoplasms. Nearly all animals for which data were available had cystic rete ovarii (18 of 19); the animal with no cystic rete ovarii had paraovarian cysts. In our study, female pet guinea pigs had a tendency to develop cystic endometrial hyperplasia and uterine neoplasia. Factors for the development of these lesions could be cystic rete ovarii, hormone dysregulation, and/or age. Other factors could contribute to the development of uterine lesions. As in other species, early ovariohysterectomy could decrease the prevalence of uterine lesions. © 2016 The Author(s).

  18. The gastrointestinal absorption and retention of niobium in adult and newborn guinea pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrison, J.D.; Haines, J.W.; Popplewell, D.S.


    The gastrointestinal absorption of 95 Nb ingested in milk by adult guinea pigs on a milk-supplemented diet was estimated as 0.8±0.2% (SEM; n=4) and a value of 1.4±0.2% obtained for guinea pigs fasted for 24 h before and 2 h after oral administration of 95 Nb in a citrate solution. The absorption in 2-day-old animals given the 95 Nb-citrate solution was estimated as 1.5±0.2% (SEM; n=3). These results support the values currently used for radiological protection purposes to calculate doses from the ingestion of niobium isotopes; these are 1% for adults and 2% for infants in the first year of life. Intestinal retention of niobium in newborn guinea pigs was low, unlike retention in other species, but consistent with observations of the retention of other elements in guinea pigs. It is considered that retention in human neonates is likely to be most similar to that in guinea pigs. (author)

  19. Jejuno-jejunal intussusception in a guinea pig (Cavia porcellus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tara J. Fetzer


    Full Text Available An approximately four-year-old male castrated guinea pig (Cavia porcellus was presented for painful defecation with a 24-hour history of hyporexia and intermittent episodes of rolling behavior. Upon presentation the patient was quiet, alert, and responsive, and mildly hypothermic. Abdominal palpation revealed an approximately 2-cm long oblong mass within the caudal abdomen. Abdominal radiographs revealed gastric dilation without volvulus and a peritoneal mass effect. The patient was euthanized following gastric reflux of brown malodorous fluid from his nares and oral cavity. A necropsy was performed and revealed a jejuno-jejunal intussusception causing mechanical gastrointestinal ileus, and gastric dilatation without volvulus. While non-obstructive gastrointestinal stasis is common and obstructive ileus is uncommon in guinea pigs, this report shows that intestinal intussusception is a differential in guinea pigs with ileus and gastric dilatation.

  20. Ecological data in support of an analysis of Guinea-Bissau׳s medicinal flora

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís Catarino


    Full Text Available This dataset presents an annotated list of medicinal plants used by local communities in Guinea-Bissau (West Africa, in a total of 218 species. Data was gathered by means of herbarium and bibliographic research, as well as fieldwork. Biological and ecological information is provided for each species, including in-country distribution, geographical range, growth form and main vegetation types. The dataset was used to prepare a paper on the medicinal plants of Guinea-Bissau “Medicinal plants of Guinea-Bissau: therapeutic applications, ethnic diversity and knowledge transfer” (Catarino et al., 2016 [1]. The table and figures provide a unique database for Guinea-Bissau in support of ethno-medical and ethno-pharmacological research, and their ecological dimensions.

  1. Experimental Research Into High Barometric Oxygen Prevention of Guinea Pig Hearing Loss, (United States)


    PREVENTION OF GUINEA PIG HEARING LOSS by Yin Jiacai, Sun Fang ren, et al. DTIC MLECTE •<• EP 2 9 1992 Approved for public release, Distribution unlimited...PREVENTION OF GUINEA PIG HEARING LOSS By: Yin Jiacai, Sun Fang ren, et al. English pages: 9 Source: Chung-Hua I Shueh Tsa Chih, Vol. 65, Nr. 11, Nov.eember...Distributionf._DL~~~t .•b • / or __ Dlist szeccat .lef ’ ~1 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH INTO HIGH BAROMETRIC OXYGEN PREVENTION OF GUINEA PIG HEARING LOSS BY: Yin

  2. Utilização de Três Fontes de Nitrogênio Associadas à Palma Forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica, Mill. Cv. Gigante na Suplementação de Vacas Leiteiras Mantidas em Pasto Diferido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albuquerque Samuel Salgado Cavalcanti de


    Full Text Available O fornecimento da palma forrageira como único alimento não atende as necessidades nutricionais do rebanho, notadamente em proteína e fibra. Nesta pesquisa avaliaram-se fontes de suplementação protéica sobre o desempenho de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com palma e pasto diferido, durante a estação seca, bem como a composição botânica da pastagem. Testaram-se três tratamentos: T1 = pasto diferido (PD + palma + cama de aviário; T2 = PD + palma + farelo de soja e T3 = PD + palma + uréia/sulfato de amônio, em um delineamento de blocos casualizados. Utilizaram-se 12 vacas mestiças 5/8 Holando-Zebu, com produção média de leite de 5,6 kg/dia/vaca e peso vivo (PV médio de 452 kg. O experimento teve duração de 121 dias, sendo 21 dias de período de adaptação. Os resultados para produção de leite in natura (3,38, 5,33 e 3,38 kg/vaca/dia, produção de leite corrigido para 4% de gordura (3,15, 4,98 e 3,11 kg/vaca/dia, variação de peso vivo (-351, 77 e -401 g/vaca/dia e consumo in natura de palma (26,3, 37,8 e 26,3 kg/vaca/dia, para T1, T2 e T3, respectivamente, demonstraram a superioridade do farelo de soja como fonte protéica, em relação aos demais tratamentos. No pasto diferido foram identificados 18 famílias, 32 gêneros e 36 espécies. O capim-milhã (Brachiaria plantaginea (Link Hitch foi o componente de maior participação na composição botânica da pastagem (28,72%.

  3. Prevalence of dermatophytes and other superficial fungal organisms in asymptomatic guinea pigs in Southern Italy. (United States)

    d'Ovidio, D; Grable, S L; Ferrara, M; Santoro, D


    Guinea pigs have been indicated as a potential source of zoophilic dermatophytes that cause human dermatomycosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dermatophytes as well as saprophytic fungi in asymptomatic pet guinea pigs in Southern Italy. Two-hundred pet guinea pigs were enrolled from both private veterinary clinics and pet shops in the Campania region, Italy, from August 2012 to September 2013. Samples were collected using the MacKenzie's toothbrush technique. The plates were incubated for four weeks at 25°C and identification of the fungal colonies was based on both macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. Two pathogenic dermatophytes were isolated in 9 (4·5%) of 200 guinea pigs; Epidermophyton species in 2 (1%) and Scopulariopsis species in 7 (3·5%). Saprophytic dermatophytes were isolated from 151 (75·5%) animals enrolled. No fungal growth was observed in 40 (20%) guinea pigs. The results of this study indicate a low prevalence of pathogenic dermatophytes in pet guinea pigs in Southern Italy but the presence of Epidermophyton and Scopulariopsis species in asymptomatic pet guinea pigs. © 2014 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

  4. Tamsulosin modulates, but does not abolish the spontaneous activity in the guinea pig prostate gland. (United States)

    Chakrabarty, Basu; Dey, Anupa; Lam, Michelle; Ventura, Sabatino; Exintaris, Betty


    To examine the effects of the α1A -adrenoceptor antagonist, tamsulosin, on spontaneous contractile and electrical activity in the guinea-pig prostate gland. The effects of tamsulosin (0.1 and 0.3 nM) were investigated in adult and ageing male guinea pig prostate glands using conventional tension recording and electrophysiological intracellular microelectrode recording techniques. Tamsulosin reduced spontaneous activity, and had different age-dependent effects on adult and ageing guinea pigs at different concentrations. 0.1 nM tamsulosin caused a significantly greater reduction of spontaneous contractile and electrical activity in ageing guinea pigs in comparison to adult guinea pigs. In contrast, 0.3 nM tamsulosin had a significantly greater reduction of spontaneous contractile and electrical activity in adult guinea pigs in comparison to ageing guinea pigs. This study demonstrates that tamsulosin can modulate spontaneous myogenic stromal contractility and the underlying spontaneous electrical activity; tamsulosin does not block spontaneous activity. This reduction in spontaneous activity suggests that downstream cellular mechanisms underlying smooth muscle tone are being targeted, and these may represent novel therapeutic targets to better treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Usos políticos del Santo Oficio portugués en el Atlántico (Brasil y África Occidental. El período filipino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guilherme Feitler, Bruno


    Full Text Available This paper studies the role that the Portuguese Inquisition should have played according to the King’s atlantic policy. This is revealed by the analysis of three diferent situations: the intent of creating an inquisitional court in Bahia, the use of the Holy Office in the repression of smuggling in Guinea, both in the 1620’s, and in the intent of establishing a Court in Rio de Janeiro in 1639, in order to stop the damages caused by the paulistas in the Missions of the River Plate.En este trabajo nos centramos en el papel que el rey pretendió dar a la Inquisición portuguesa en su política atlántica, estudiando sobre todo tres momentos reveladores: el intento de crear un tribunal inquisitorial en Bahía, la utilización del Santo Oficio en la represión del contrabando en Guinea, ambos en los años 1620, y en la tentativa de instaurar un tribunal en Río de Janeiro en 1639, con el objetivo de frenar los daños causados por los paulistas en las misiones del río de la Plata.

  6. Helminths of the guinea pig, Cavia porcellus (Linnaeus, in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Magalhães Pinto


    Full Text Available Worm burdens were evaluated and compared in two groups of the guinea pig, Cavia poreellus (Linnaeus, 1758: animals of the first group were conventionally maintained in an institutional animal house and those of the second group were openly kept in pet shops in Brazil. Animals from both sources were infected only with the nematode Paraspidodera uncinata (Rudolphi, 1819 Travassos, 1914 (10% of prevalence in guinea pigs from lhe institutional facility and 40% in those animals from the pet shop. Other helminth samples recovered from Brazilian guinea pigs during 52 years and that are deposited in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CHIOC were also analyzed. Paraspidodera uncinata and the cestode Monoecocestus parcitesticulatus Rêgo, 1960 were identified in these samples.

  7. Laugh of Art. Deformation of the Face

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jhon Felipe Benavides Narváes


    Full Text Available Reflexiones que recrean la relación entre el arte y el humor, a partir de la revisión de la obra plástica de Adrián Montenegro, ofreciendo una panorámica del arte contemporáneo de Pasto. Ejercicio de escritura que busca acentuar la deformación del rostro, y la risa, en la obra y acción artísticas.

  8. Expression Profile of the Integrin Receptor Subunits in the Guinea Pig Sclera. (United States)

    Wang, Kevin K; Metlapally, Ravikanth; Wildsoet, Christine F


    The ocular dimensional changes in myopia reflect increased scleral remodeling, and in high myopia, loss of scleral integrity leads to biomechanical weakening and continued scleral creep. As integrins, a type of cell surface receptors, have been linked to scleral remodeling, they represent potential targets for myopia therapies. As a first step, this study aimed to characterize the integrin subunits at the messenger RNA level in the sclera of the guinea pig, a more recently added but increasingly used animal model for myopia research. Primers for α and β integrin subunits were designed using NCBI/UCSC Genome Browser and Primer3 software tools. Total RNA was extracted from normal scleral tissue and isolated cultured scleral fibroblasts, as well as liver and lung, as reference tissues, all from guinea pig. cDNA was produced by reverse transcription, PCR was used to amplify products of predetermined sizes, and products were sequenced using standard methods. Guinea pig scleral tissue expressed all known integrin alpha subunits except αD and αE. The latter integrin subunits were also not expressed by cultured guinea pig scleral fibroblasts; however, their expression was confirmed in guinea pig liver. In addition, isolated cultured fibroblasts did not express integrin subunits αL, αM, and αX. This difference between results for cultured cells and intact sclera presumably reflects the presence in the latter of additional cell types. Both guinea pig scleral tissue and isolated scleral fibroblasts expressed all known integrin beta subunits. All results were verified through sequencing. The possible contributions of integrins to scleral remodeling make them plausible targets for myopia prevention. Data from this study will help guide future ex vivo and in vitro studies directed at understanding the relationship between scleral integrins and ocular growth regulation in the guinea pig model for myopia.

  9. Characterization of fetal growth by repeated ultrasound measurements in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea). (United States)

    Schumann, K; Guenther, A; Göritz, F; Jewgenow, K


    Fetal growth during pregnancy has previously been studied in the domesticated guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) after dissecting pregnant females, but there are no studies describing the fetal growth in their wild progenitor, the wild guinea pig (C aperea). In this study, 50 pregnancies of wild guinea pig sows were investigated using modern ultrasound technique. The two most common fetal growth parameters (biparietal diameter [BPD] and crown-rump-length [CRL]) and uterine position were measured. Data revealed similar fetal growth patterns in the wild guinea pig and domesticated guinea pig in the investigated gestation period, although they differ in reproductive milestones such as gestation length (average duration of pregnancy 68 days), average birth weight, and litter mass. In this study, pregnancy lasted on average 60.2 days with a variance of less than a day (0.96 days). The measured fetal growth parameters are strongly correlated with each (R = 0.91; P guinea pig. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Detection of antibodies against Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus GDVII strain in experimental guinea pigs. (United States)

    Häger, C; Glage, S; Held, N; Bleich, E M; Burghard, A; Mähler, M; Bleich, André


    A disease affecting guinea pigs called 'guinea pig lameness' characterized by clinical signs of depression, lameness of limbs, flaccid paralysis, weight loss and death within a few weeks was first described by Römer in 1911. After a research group in our facility kept laboratory guinea pigs from two different origins together in one room, lameness was observed in two animals. Further investigations revealed a serological immune response against Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV; GDVII strain) in these animals. Histopathology of the lumbar spinal cord of these animals showed mononuclear cell infiltration and necrotic neurons in the anterior horn. Therefore, all guinea pigs from this contaminated animal unit, from other units in our facility, as well as from different European institutions and breeding centres were screened for antibodies directed against GDVII. Our investigations showed that approximately 80% of all guinea pigs from the contaminated animal unit were seropositive for GDVII, whereas animals from other separate units were completely negative. In addition, 43% of tested sera from the different European institutions and breeding centres contained antibodies against GDVII. The present data confirm that an unknown viral infection causes an immune response in experimental guinea pigs leading to seroconversion against GDVII and that guinea pigs from a commercial breeder are the source of the infection. © The Author(s) 2015.

  11. Selectividad de caña de azúcar en bovinos

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    E. M. Aranda


    Full Text Available Se condujo este trabajo con el objetivo de conocer la aceptación del forraje de caña de azúcar integral en la dieta con base de pasto para bovinos adultos fistulados en rumen y duodeno estabulados; para ello, se ofreció pasto estrella africana (Cynodon plectostachyus y caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum mezclada con 1% de urea a voluntad, por separado. Se midió la composición de los alimentos, consumo de materia seca, pH ruminal y duodenal. Se utilizaron técnicas de la estadística descriptiva, como la media aritmética y error estándar. La proteína, paredes celulares y hemicelulosa fueron mayores para el pasto estrella. El consumo de MS fue de 46.6 y 38.1% para la caña de azúcar y el pasto, respectivamente; el pH ruminal tuvo valores de 7.3, disminuyendo a 6.7 a las 12 h.; y el pH de la digesta duodenal osciló de 3.7 a 4.7. Se concluye que hubo mayor aceptación por la caña de azúcar y el pH ruminal no indica valores que afecten la celulólisis ruminal.

  12. Optic nerve head and intraocular pressure in the guinea pig eye. (United States)

    Ostrin, Lisa A; Wildsoet, Christine F


    The guinea pig is becoming an increasingly popular model for studying human myopia, which carries an increased risk of glaucoma. As a step towards understanding this association, this study sought to characterize the normal, developmental intraocular pressure (IOP) profiles, as well as the anatomy of the optic nerve head (ONH) and adjacent sclera of young guinea pigs. IOP was tracked in pigmented guinea pigs up to 3 months of age. One guinea pig was imaged in vivo with OCT and one with a fundus camera. The eyes of pigmented and albino guinea pigs (ages 2 months) were enucleated and sections from the posterior segment, including the ONH and surrounding sclera, processed for histological analyses - either hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of paraffin embedded, sectioned tissue (n = 1), or cryostat sectioned tissue, processed for immunohistochemistry (n = 3), using primary antibodies against collagen types I-V, elastin, fibronectin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM, SEM) studies of ONHs were also undertaken (n = 2 & 5 respectively). Mean IOPs ranged from 17.33 to 22.7 mmHg, increasing slightly across the age range studied, and the IOPs of individual animals also exhibited diurnal variations, peaking in the early morning (mean of 25.8, mmHg, ∼9 am), and decreasing across the day. H&E-stained sections showed retinal ganglion cell axons organized into fascicles in the prelaminar and laminar region of the ONHs, with immunostained sections revealing collagen types I, III, IV and V, as well as elastin, GFAP and fibronectin in the ONHs. SEM revealed a well-defined lamina cribrosa (LC), with radially-oriented collagen beams. TEM revealed collagen fibrils surrounding non-myelinated nerve fiber bundles in the LC region, with myelination and decreased collagen posterior to the LC. The adjacent sclera comprised mainly crimped collagen fibers in a crisscross arrangement. Both the sclera and LC were

  13. Logistics of Guinea worm disease eradication in South Sudan. (United States)

    Jones, Alexander H; Becknell, Steven; Withers, P Craig; Ruiz-Tiben, Ernesto; Hopkins, Donald R; Stobbelaar, David; Makoy, Samuel Yibi


    From 2006 to 2012, the South Sudan Guinea Worm Eradication Program reduced new Guinea worm disease (dracunculiasis) cases by over 90%, despite substantial programmatic challenges. Program logistics have played a key role in program achievements to date. The program uses disease surveillance and program performance data and integrated technical-logistical staffing to maintain flexible and effective logistical support for active community-based surveillance and intervention delivery in thousands of remote communities. Lessons learned from logistical design and management can resonate across similar complex surveillance and public health intervention delivery programs, such as mass drug administration for the control of neglected tropical diseases and other disease eradication programs. Logistical challenges in various public health scenarios and the pivotal contribution of logistics to Guinea worm case reductions in South Sudan underscore the need for additional inquiry into the role of logistics in public health programming in low-income countries.

  14. Investigation Into the Humaneness of Slaughter Methods for Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcelus) in the Andean Region. (United States)

    Limon, Georgina; Gonzales-Gustavson, Eloy A; Gibson, Troy J


    Guinea pigs (Cavia porcelus) are an important source of nonhuman animal protein in the Andean region of South America. Specific guidelines regarding the welfare of guinea pigs before and during slaughter have yet to be developed. This study critically assessed the humaneness of 4 different stunning/slaughter methods for guinea pigs: cervical neck dislocation (n = 60), electrical head-only stunning (n = 83), carbon dioxide (CO2) stunning (n = 21), and penetrating captive bolt (n = 10). Following cervical neck dislocation, 97% of guinea pigs had at least 1 behavioral or cranial/spinal response. Six percent of guinea pigs were classified as mis-stunned after electrical stunning, and 1% were classified as mis-stunned after captive bolt. Increased respiratory effort was observed during CO2 stunning. Apart from this finding, there were no other obvious behavioral responses that could be associated with suffering. Of the methods assessed, captive bolt was deemed the most humane, effective, and practical method of stunning guinea pigs. Cervical neck dislocation should not be recommended as a slaughter method for guinea pigs.

  15. Vestibular morphology in the German Waltzing guinea pig. (United States)

    Kawaguchi, Sachie; Hultcrantz, Malou; Jin, Zhe; Ulfendahl, Mats; Suzuki, Mamoru


    The German waltzing guinea pig is a special strain of animal with a recessively inherited inner ear defect, resulting in deafness and a severe vestibular dysfunction. The hearing loss in the cochlea of the German strain is a result of a collapse of the Reissner membrane and the absence of scala media. The vestibular organ has not yet been described. German waltzing guinea pigs (homozygote and heterozygote) of different ages ranging from embryologic age 25 days to adulthood were investigated. The living animals were tested with four different vestibular tests, and the fetuses were controlled according to breeding. The morphology of the vestibular parts (ampulla, saccule, and utricle) was observed by using the light and transmission electron microscopy. Collapse of the membranous labyrinth was found already at embryologic age 50 days and progressed over time. Vestibular dysfunction was noted already from birth. Vestibular atelectasis has been shown to have the same morphology as the reported vestibular dysfunction in the German waltzing guinea pig. Owing to this similarity, this animal can be a good model for vestibular research.

  16. Wild genius - domestic fool? Spatial learning abilities of wild and domestic guinea pigs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sachser Norbert


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Domestic animals and their wild relatives differ in a wide variety of aspects. The process of domestication of the domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus, starting at least 4500 years ago, led to changes in the anatomy, physiology, and behaviour compared with their wild relative, the wild cavy, Cavia aperea. Although domestic guinea pigs are widely used as a laboratory animal, learning and memory capabilities are often disregarded as being very scarce. Even less is known about learning and memory of wild cavies. In this regard, one striking domestic trait is a reduction in relative brain size, which in the domesticated form of the guinea pig amounts to 13%. However, the common belief, that such a reduction of brain size in the course of domestication of different species is accomplished by less learning capabilities is not at all very well established in the literature. Indeed, domestic animals might also even outperform their wild conspecifics taking advantage of their adaptation to a man-made environment. In our study we compared the spatial learning abilities of wild and domestic guinea pigs. We expected that the two forms are different regarding their learning performance possibly related to the process of domestication. Therefore wild cavies as well as domestic guinea pigs of both sexes, aged 35 to 45 days, were tested in the Morris water maze to investigate their ability of spatial learning. Results Both, wild cavies and domestic guinea pigs were able to learn the task, proving the water maze to be a suitable test also for wild cavies. Regarding the speed of learning, male as well as female domestic guinea pigs outperformed their wild conspecifics significantly. Interestingly, only domestic guinea pigs showed a significant spatial association of the platform position, while other effective search strategies were used by wild cavies. Conclusion The results demonstrate that domestic guinea pigs do not at all

  17. Wild genius - domestic fool? Spatial learning abilities of wild and domestic guinea pigs. (United States)

    Lewejohann, Lars; Pickel, Thorsten; Sachser, Norbert; Kaiser, Sylvia


    Domestic animals and their wild relatives differ in a wide variety of aspects. The process of domestication of the domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus), starting at least 4500 years ago, led to changes in the anatomy, physiology, and behaviour compared with their wild relative, the wild cavy, Cavia aperea. Although domestic guinea pigs are widely used as a laboratory animal, learning and memory capabilities are often disregarded as being very scarce. Even less is known about learning and memory of wild cavies. In this regard, one striking domestic trait is a reduction in relative brain size, which in the domesticated form of the guinea pig amounts to 13%. However, the common belief, that such a reduction of brain size in the course of domestication of different species is accomplished by less learning capabilities is not at all very well established in the literature. Indeed, domestic animals might also even outperform their wild conspecifics taking advantage of their adaptation to a man-made environment.In our study we compared the spatial learning abilities of wild and domestic guinea pigs. We expected that the two forms are different regarding their learning performance possibly related to the process of domestication. Therefore wild cavies as well as domestic guinea pigs of both sexes, aged 35 to 45 days, were tested in the Morris water maze to investigate their ability of spatial learning. Both, wild cavies and domestic guinea pigs were able to learn the task, proving the water maze to be a suitable test also for wild cavies. Regarding the speed of learning, male as well as female domestic guinea pigs outperformed their wild conspecifics significantly. Interestingly, only domestic guinea pigs showed a significant spatial association of the platform position, while other effective search strategies were used by wild cavies. The results demonstrate that domestic guinea pigs do not at all perform worse than their wild relatives in tests of spatial

  18. Generation and Characterization of Inhibitory Antibodies Specific to Guinea Pig CXCR1 and CXCR2. (United States)

    Tanaka, Kento; Yoshimura, Chigusa; Shiina, Tetsuo; Terauchi, Tomoko; Yoshitomi, Tomomi; Hirahara, Kazuki


    CXCR1 and CXCR2 are chemokine receptors that have different selectivity of chemokine ligands, but the distinct role of each receptor is not clearly understood. This is due to the absence of specific inhibitors in guinea pigs, which are the appropriate species for investigation of CXCR1 and CXCR2 because of their functional similarity to humans. In this study, we generated and evaluated monoclonal antibodies that specifically bound to guinea pig CXCR1 (gpCXCR1) and guinea pig CXCR2 (gpCXCR2) for acquisition of specific inhibitors. To assess the activity of antibodies, we established CHO-K1 cells stably expressing either gpCXCR1 or gpCXCR2 (CHO/gpCXCR1 or CHO/gpCXCR2). CHO/gpCXCR1 showed migration in response to guinea pig interleukin (IL)-8, and CHO/gpCXCR2 showed migration in response to both guinea pig IL-8 and guinea pig growth-regulated oncogene α. The receptor selectivities of the chemokines of guinea pigs were the same as the human orthologs. The inhibitory activities of the anti-gpCXCR1 and anti-gpCXCR2 monoclonal antibodies on cell migration were observed in a concentration-dependent manner. In conclusion, we successfully obtained inhibitory antibodies specific to gpCXCR1 and gpCXCR2. These inhibitory antibodies will be useful to clarify the physiological roles of CXCR1 and CXCR2 in guinea pigs.

  19. Subacute Low Dose Nerve Agent Exposure Causes DNA Fragmentation in Guinea Pig Leukocytes (United States)


    1 SUBACUTE LOW DOSE NERVE AGENT EXPOSURE CAUSES DNA FRAGMENTATION IN GUINEA PIG LEUKOCYTES. Jitendra R. Dave1, John R. Moffett1, Sally M...DNA fragmentation in blood leukocytes from guinea pigs by ‘Comet’ assay after exposure to soman at doses ranging from 0.1LD50 to 0.4 LD50, once Data obtained for exposure to soman demonstrated significant increases in DNA fragmentation in circulating leukocytes in CWNA treated guinea pigs as

  20. Immunohistopathology in the Guinea Pig Following Chronic Low-Level Exposure to Chemical Warfare Agents (United States)


    U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense USAMRICD-TR-05-09 Immunohistopathology in the Guinea Pig Following Chronic Low...2005 2. REPORT TYPE Technical Report 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) May 2003 to April 2005 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Immunohistopathology in the Guinea Pig Following...release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Guinea pigs exposed repeatedly to low levels of chemical warfare nerve agents

  1. Prokaryotic expression and in vitro functional analysis of IL-1β and MCP-1 from guinea pig. (United States)

    Dirisala, Vijaya R; Jeevan, Amminikutty; Ly, Lan H; McMurray, David N


    The Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) is an excellent animal model for studying human tuberculosis (TB) and also for a number of other infectious and non-infectious diseases. One of the major roadblocks in effective utilization of this animal model is the lack of readily available immunological reagents. In order to address this issue, guinea pig interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) were efficiently cloned and expressed in a prokaryotic expression vector, and the expressed proteins in soluble form from both the genes were confirmed by N-terminal sequencing. The biological activity of recombinant guinea pig IL-1β was demonstrated by its ability to drive proliferation in thymocytes, and the recombinant guinea pig MCP-1 exhibited chemotactic activity for guinea pig resident peritoneal macrophages. These biologically active recombinant guinea pig proteins will facilitate an in-depth understanding of the role they play in the immune responses of the guinea pig to TB and other diseases.

  2. Deterioration of epithelium mediated mechanisms in diabetic-antigen sensitized airways of guinea pigs. (United States)

    Bano, Saidullah; Swati, Omanwar; Kambadur, Muralidhar; Mohammad, Fahim


    The onset of diabetes causes disruption of respiratory epithelial mediators. The present study investigates whether diabetes modifies the epithelium mediated bronchial responses in hyper-reactive airway smooth muscle (ASM) primarily through nitric oxide (NO), cyclooxygenase (COX), and epithelium derived hyperpolarizing factor (EpDHF) pathways. Experimental model of guinea pigs having hyper-reactive airways with or without diabetes were developed. The responses of tracheal rings to cumulative concentrations of acetylcholine (ACh) and isoproterenol (IP) in the presence and absence of epithelium and before and after incubation with NO, K + ATP and COX inhibitors, N-(ω)-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 100 μM), glybenclamide (10 μM) and indomethacin (100 μM) were assessed. In diabetic guinea pigs with hyper-reactive airways, a decrease in ACh induced bronchoconstriction was observed after epithelium removal and after incubation with L-NAME/indomethacin, suggesting damage to NO/COX pathways. Hyper-reactivity did not alter the response of trachea to ACh but affected the response to IP which was further reduced in hyper-reactive animals with diabetes. The ASM response to IP after glybenclamide treatment did not alter in hyper-reactive guinea pigs and diabetic guinea pigs with hyper-reactive airways, suggesting damage to the EpDHF pathway. Treatment with indomethacin reduced IP response in the hyper-reactive model, and did not produce any change in diabetic model with hyper-reactive airways, indicating further disruption of the COX pathway. EpDHF pathway is damaged in hyper-reactive guinea pigs and in diabetic guinea pigs with hyper-reactive airways. Diabetes further aggravates the NO and COX mediated pathways in diabetic guinea pigs with hyper-reactive airways.

  3. [Analysis of the main components of inner ear antigens inducing autoimmune Meniere's disease in guinea pigs]. (United States)

    Lu, Ling; Tan, Chang-Qiang; Cui, Yu-Gui; Ding, Gui-Peng; Ju, Xiao-Bin; Li, Yu-Jin; Cai, Wen-Jun


    To investigate the main components of inner ear antigens inducing autoimmune Meniere's disease (AIMD) in guinea pigs. The guinea pigs were immunized with isologous crude inner ear antigens (ICIEAg). Then, the hearing function was measured with auditory brainstem response (ABR), the vestibular function was measured with electronystagmography (including spontaneous nystagmus and caloric test), and inner ear histopathological changes were observed by inner ear celloidin section with haematoxylin-eosin staining and observed under light microscope. According to these results, the AIMD-model animals from non-AIMD-model ones were distinguished. The special antibodies against ICIEAg in sera were measured with ELISA. The antigen-antibody reactions against different components of ICIEAg were detected by Western blotting with sera of AIMD and non-AIMD guinea pigs respectively. Then, we analysed the contrast between them and found the main components of the ICIEAg that were positive reaction in AIMD guinea pigs and negative reaction in non-AIMD guinea pigs. The result of ELISA demonstrated that the sera of both the AIMD and non-AIMD guniea pigs contained the special antibodies against ICIEAg after immunized with ICIEAg. The difference of the amount of antibody against ICIEAg between AIMD guinea pig group and non-AIMD guinea pig group was not significant. Western blotting assay showed only the sera of AIMD guinea pig contained the antibodies against the specific antigens with the molecular of 68 000, 58 000, 42 000 and 28 000. ICIEAg contain many different components, the AIMD might only happen in the guinea pigs in which the special immunization against the main components that could induce this kind of disorder appeared. The inner ear antigens with molecular of 68 000, 58 000, 42 000 and 28 000 might be the main components inducing AIMD in guinea pigs.

  4. Pathogenesis of a Chinese strain of bovine adenovirus type 3 infection in albino guinea pigs. (United States)

    Shi, Hong-Fei; Zhu, Yuan-Mao; Yan, Hao; Ma, Lei; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Xue, Fei


    Bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAV-3) is considered one of the most important respiratory tract agents of cattle and is widespread among cattle around the world. A BAV-3 strain was isolated from a bovine nasal swab for the first time in China in 2009 and named HLJ0955. Subsequently, BAV-3 has frequently been isolated from calves with respiratory diseases in China. To date, only limited study on the pathogenesis of BAV-3 infection in cotton rats has been conducted, and the pathogenesis of BAV-3 infection in guinea pigs has not been reported. Therefore, sixteen albino guinea pigs were inoculated intranasally with HLJ0955. All of the infected guinea pigs had apparently elevated rectal temperatures (39.2 °C-39.9 °C) at 2-7 days post-inoculation (PI). Consolidation and petechial hemorrhage were also observed in guinea pigs experimentally infected with HLJ0955. Viral replication was detectable by virus isolation and titration and by immunohistochemistry in the lungs of guinea pigs as early as 24 h PI. Viral DNA was detectable in the lungs of infected guinea pigs during 11 days of observation by real-time PCR. Virus-neutralizing antibodies against BAV-3 were detectable from 11 days PI and reached a peak titer at 15 days PI. Histopathological changes mainly occurred in the lungs of infected guinea pigs and were characterized by thickening of alveolar septa, mononuclear cell infiltration, hemorrhage and alveolar epithelial necrosis. These results indicate that HLJ0955 can replicate in the lungs of guinea pigs and cause fever and gross and histological lesions. The guinea pig infection model of BAV-3 would serve as a useful system for monitoring the infection process and pathogenesis of the Chinese BAV-3 strain HLJ0955, as well as immune responses to BAV-3 vaccines.

  5. Effects of muscarinic receptor modulators on ocular biometry of guinea pigs. (United States)

    Fang, Fang; Huang, Furong; Xie, Ruozhong; Li, Cheng; Liu, Yin; Zhu, Ying; Qu, Jia; Zhou, Xiangtian


    This study investigated whether pilocarpine and cyclopentolate induce changes in ocular biometry of guinea pigs, in order to understand if guinea pigs have a similar response to these two agents as humans do. Under general anaesthesia, refraction, axial components and surface curvature in various optical interfaces of the eye were measured in 10 guinea pigs (age of 2 weeks) at baseline (0 min) and different time points (5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90 min) after topical administration of pilocarpine or cyclopentolate. The interval between the two drug treatments for the same animals was at least 24 h. Eyes treated with pilocarpine developed approximately 6D myopia (p guinea pigs have an accommodative mechanism similar to that in humans. The minimal changes produced by cyclopentolate could be due to the use of general anaesthesia, which may have reduced the susceptibility of the eye to topical cyclopentolate in the induction of cycloplegia. © 2014 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics © 2014 The College of Optometrists.

  6. Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidant Mitoquinone Reduces Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity in Guinea Pigs. (United States)

    Tate, Alan D; Antonelli, Patrick J; Hannabass, Kyle R; Dirain, Carolyn O


    Objective To determine if mitoquinone (MitoQ) attenuates cisplatin-induced hearing loss in guinea pigs. Study Design Prospective and controlled animal study. Setting Academic, tertiary medical center. Subjects and Methods Guinea pigs were injected subcutaneously with either 5 mg/kg MitoQ (n = 9) or normal saline (control, n = 9) for 7 days and 1 hour before receiving a single dose of 10 mg/kg cisplatin. Auditory brainstem response thresholds were measured before MitoQ or saline administration and 3 to 4 days after cisplatin administration. Results Auditory brainstem response threshold shifts after cisplatin treatment were smaller by 28 to 47 dB in guinea pigs injected with MitoQ compared with those in the control group at all tested frequencies (4, 8, 16, and 24 kHz, P = .0002 to .04). Scanning electron microscopy of cochlear hair cells showed less outer hair cell loss and damage in the MitoQ group. Conclusion MitoQ reduced cisplatin-induced hearing loss in guinea pigs. MitoQ appears worthy of further investigation as a means of preventing cisplatin ototoxicity in humans.

  7. Gamma Radiation (5-10 Gy) Impairs Neuronal Function in the Guinea Pig Hippocampus (United States)


    Radiation (5-10 Gy) Impairs Neuronal Function in the Guinea Pig Hippocampus TERRY C. PELLMAR AND DENNIS L. LEPINSKI Ph.vsiology Department..Irmned Forces...L. Gamma Radiation ioral effects. Within hours of irradiation with 10 Gy and (5- 10 Gy) Impairs Neuronal Function in the Guinea Pig Hippo- less...acti v- Guinea pigs were exposed to 5 and 10 Gy ’y radiation. Hippo- ity (9) are evident. campal brain slices were isolated 30 min, I day, 3 days and 5

  8. Estimación de la demanda de semillas forrajeras mejoradas de pasto miel (Paspalum dilatatum) y agropiro criollo (Elymus scabrifolus) para la producción pecuaria en la Argentina


    Pérez Camargo, Gladys M.; Schrauf, Gustavo Enrique; Ostrowski, Bernardo


    p.111-120 Se estudió la posibilidad de éxito de nuevos cultivares de Pasto miel (Paspalum dilatatum) y Agropyro criollo (Elymus scabrifolius) en la Argentina. Se realizó un análisis de demanda potencial, considerando la superficie de pasturas naturales que poseen las provincias agroecológicamente más aptas para ambas especies, estimándose la magnitud y tasa de renovación de praderas artificiales. Con esta información se plantearon cuatro escenarios con distintos porcentajes de implantación...

  9. Evaluación del efecto de la intensidad de labranza en la formación de costra superficial de un oxisol de sabana en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. II. Caracterización física en superficie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús H Galvis


    Full Text Available La metodología presentada en este artículo permitió correlacionar el sellamiento del suelo y propiedades físicas como estabilidad estructural, velocidad de infiltración, suelo erosionado, escorrentía, resistencia normal y torsional, y distribución de agregados. Los resultados mostraron que los pastos mejorados después de ocho años de sembrados produjeron una respuesta relativamente positiva del suelo a la erosión y a los esfuerzos mecánicos. Pero la labranza y la fertilización periódicas que demandó la producción de maíz, aunque prepararon relativamente bien la cama de semillas y propiciaron un buen ambiente para el almacenamiento de humedad, permitieron un incremento de la erosión hídrica y un decrecimiento de la estabilidad de la estructura.

  10. Phosphodiesterase 5 and effects of sildenafil on cerebral arteries of man and guinea pig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kruuse, Christina; Khurana, Tejvir S; Rybalkin, Sergei D


    and UK-114,542, and a PDE1 inhibitor UK-90,234 on cGMP hydrolysis were investigated in human and guinea pig cerebral arteries. The vasoactive responses of the compounds were evaluated in guinea pig basilar arteries in vitro, with concomitant measurements of cAMP and cGMP. PDE5 was found in human middle...... cerebral arteries. Sildenafil and UK-114,542 inhibited cGMP hydrolysis concentration-dependently in both species. In guinea pig arteries, sildenafil induced an endothelium-dependent vasodilatation only at concentrations above 10 nM, which was augmented by sodium nitroprusside and attenuated by reduction...... of cGMP, but was cGMP independent at high concentrations. UK-114,542 was more and UK-90,234 was less potent than sildenafil. In conclusion, PDE5 is present in human and guinea pig cerebral arteries, and is inhibited by sildenafil at micromolar levels. Sildenafil in vitro is a poor dilator of guinea pig...

  11. The Potential Neurotoxic Effects of Low-Dose Sarin Exposure in a Guinea Pig Model (United States)


    1 THE POTENTIAL NEUROTOXIC EFFECTS OF LOW-DOSE SARIN EXPOSURE IN A GUINEA PIG MODEL Melinda R. Roberson, PhD, Michelle B. Schmidt...Proving Ground, MD 21010 USA ABSTRACT This study is assessing the effects in guinea pigs of repeated low-dose exposure to the nerve...COVERED - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE The Potential Neurotoxic Effects Of Low-Dose Sarin Exposure In A Guinea Pig Model 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b

  12. Epizootic guinea pig herpes-like virus infection in a breeding colony. (United States)

    Connelly, B L; Keller, G L; Myers, M G


    A breeding colony of strain-2 guinea pigs which had been relatively free of indigenous caviid herpesviruses experienced an explosive outbreak of guinea pig herpes-like virus apparently as a consequence of intermixing groups and contamination of the water supply. A new breeding colony has been established and has been maintained apparently free of recognized caviid herpesviruses.

  13. Nickel-sulphate-induced contact dermatitis in the guinea pig maximization test

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rohold, A E; Nielsen, G D; Andersen, Klaus Ejner


    Nickel sulphate is a sensitizer in guinea pigs, but the frequency of sensitization varies from study to study. The dose-response relationship for NiSO4.6H2O was evaluated in the guinea pig maximization test in this study. 6 intradermal (0.01%-3.0% aq.) and 6 topical (0.25%-10.0% pet.) concentrati...

  14. Anticonvulsant Effects of Memantine and MK-801 in Guinea Pig Hippocampal Neurons. (United States)

    investigation we compared the anticonvulsant properties of Mem to those of MK-801 in guinea pig hippocampal slices. Extracellular recordings were...obtained from area CA1 of guinea pig hippocampal slices in a total submersion chamber at 32 deg C in normal oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF

  15. Luchas de los sectores LGBTI en Pasto, Nariño en el posconflicto

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    Scarlet Sotomayor Tacuri


    Full Text Available La categorización de víctima constituye una estrategia de participación política de los sectores LGBTI de la ciudad de Pasto. El fin de esta autodefinición es continuar la lucha por la ciudadanía plena y su reconocimiento en el departamento de Nariño, Colombia. Este colectivo es heterogéneo y tiene dificultades a la hora de construir una identidad colectiva que permita su consolidación. Sin embargo, durante los dieciséis años que lleva funcionando se ha fortalecido, mediante las luchas constantes de activistas y las transformaciones constitucionales. Se tienen en cuenta los debates feministas y de los estudios de género sobre víctimas y ciudadanía, planteándolas como definiciones opuestas; no significa que sean en sí mismas un antagonismo, sino una estrategia de movilización política en el marco de la Ley 1448 de 2011 y en los acuerdos de paz realizados entre el gobierno nacional y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia -FARC- durante los últimos cuatro años. Esto ha permitido la visibilización de sus problemáticas, a nivel social y cultural en las zonas rurales, donde se recrudece el conflicto y, en la zona urbana donde los estereotipos y estigmas son parte de la cotidianidad y se reproducen para discriminar a lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, trans e intersexuales.

  16. Serial histopathological changes in irradiated guinea pig lung receiving conventional fractionated and hyperfractionated irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Satoshi; Inomata, Taisuke; Ogawa, Yasuhiro; Yoshida, Shoji; Sonobe, Hiroshi; Ohtsuki, Yuji


    The purpose of this study is to determine serial histopathological differences in guinea pig lungs receiving the same total dose as clinically used between conventional fractionated and hyperfractionated irradiation. The guinea pigs received 80 Gy in 40 daily fractions of 2 Gy each (conventional fractionation), 80 Gy in 80 fractions of 1 Gy each twice a day (hyperfractionation), 81 Gy in 27 daily fractions of 3 Gy each (conventional fractionation), or 81 Gy in 54 fractions of 1.5 Gy each twice a day (hyperfractionation). We evaluated the histopathological changes of irradiated guinea pig lungs at 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after irradiation. The guinea pig lungs that received 81 Gy in 27 daily fractions showed histopathological changes of inflammation including formation of lymph follicles after 6 months. The lungs which received 81 Gy in 54 fractions showed similar but slightly less pronounced changes than those that received 81 Gy in 27 daily fractions. The guinea pig lungs of other groups showed no histopathological changes during the observation period. In hyperfractionated irradiation the damage to the guinea pig lung is quantitatively less than that occurring as a result of conventional fractionated irradiation of the same total dose. (author)

  17. Serial histopathological changes in irradiated guinea pig lung receiving conventional fractionated and hyperfractionated irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Itoh, Satoshi; Inomata, Taisuke; Ogawa, Yasuhiro; Yoshida, Shoji; Sonobe, Hiroshi; Ohtsuki, Yuji [Kochi Medical School, Nankoku (Japan)


    The purpose of this study is to determine serial histopathological differences in guinea pig lungs receiving the same total dose as clinically used between conventional fractionated and hyperfractionated irradiation. The guinea pigs received 80 Gy in 40 daily fractions of 2 Gy each (conventional fractionation), 80 Gy in 80 fractions of 1 Gy each twice a day (hyperfractionation), 81 Gy in 27 daily fractions of 3 Gy each (conventional fractionation), or 81 Gy in 54 fractions of 1.5 Gy each twice a day (hyperfractionation). We evaluated the histopathological changes of irradiated guinea pig lungs at 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after irradiation. The guinea pig lungs that received 81 Gy in 27 daily fractions showed histopathological changes of inflammation including formation of lymph follicles after 6 months. The lungs which received 81 Gy in 54 fractions showed similar but slightly less pronounced changes than those that received 81 Gy in 27 daily fractions. The guinea pig lungs of other groups showed no histopathological changes during the observation period. In hyperfractionated irradiation the damage to the guinea pig lung is quantitatively less than that occurring as a result of conventional fractionated irradiation of the same total dose. (author)

  18. Chlamydia caviae infection alters abundance but not composition of the guinea pig vaginal microbiota. (United States)

    Neuendorf, Elizabeth; Gajer, Pawel; Bowlin, Anne K; Marques, Patricia X; Ma, Bing; Yang, Hongqiu; Fu, Li; Humphrys, Michael S; Forney, Larry J; Myers, Garry S A; Bavoil, Patrik M; Rank, Roger G; Ravel, Jacques


    In humans, the vaginal microbiota is thought to be the first line of defense again pathogens including Chlamydia trachomatis. The guinea pig has been extensively used as a model to study chlamydial infection because it shares anatomical and physiological similarities with humans, such as a squamous vaginal epithelium as well as some of the long-term outcomes caused by chlamydial infection. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the guinea pig-C. caviae model of genital infection as a surrogate for studying the role of the vaginal microbiota in the early steps of C. trachomatis infection in humans. We used culture-independent molecular methods to characterize the relative and absolute abundance of bacterial phylotypes in the guinea pig vaginal microbiota in animals non-infected, mock-infected or infected by C. caviae. We showed that the guinea pig and human vaginal microbiotas are of different bacterial composition and abundance. Chlamydia caviae infection had a profound effect on the absolute abundance of bacterial phylotypes but not on the composition of the guinea pig vaginal microbiota. Our findings compromise the validity of the guinea pig-C. caviae model to study the role of the vaginal microbiota during the early steps of sexually transmitted infection. © FEMS 2015.

  19. Chloroquine is grossly overdosed and overused but well tolerated in Guinea-Bissau

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ursing, Johan; Kofoed, Poul-Erik; Rodrigues, Amabelia


    High chloroquine doses are commonly prescribed in Guinea-Bissau. Double dose chloroquine has been shown to be more efficacious (92% efficacy) than the standard dose (80% efficacy). However, chloroquine is toxic when overdosed and it is not known if the high doses prescribed in Guinea-Bissau are t...... prescribed to children without parasitaemia. Use of high dose CQ is concurrent with an exceptionally low prevalence of chloroquine resistant P. falciparum.......High chloroquine doses are commonly prescribed in Guinea-Bissau. Double dose chloroquine has been shown to be more efficacious (92% efficacy) than the standard dose (80% efficacy). However, chloroquine is toxic when overdosed and it is not known if the high doses prescribed in Guinea......-Bissau are taken or whether they cause adverse effects. We aimed to determine the dosage of chloroquine commonly prescribed, the doses commonly taken and if there were concentration dependent adverse events in routine practice. Chloroquine prescriptions by 8 physicians and chloroquine intake by 102 children were...

  20. Protein A Suppresses Immune Responses during Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infection in Guinea Pigs (United States)

    Kim, Hwan Keun; Falugi, Fabiana; Thomer, Lena; Missiakas, Dominique M.


    ABSTRACT   Staphylococcus aureus infection is not associated with the development of protective immunity, and disease relapses occur frequently. We hypothesize that protein A, a factor that binds immunoglobulin Fcγ and cross-links VH3 clan B cell receptors (IgM), is the staphylococcal determinant for host immune suppression. To test this, vertebrate IgM was examined for protein A cross-linking. High VH3 binding activity occurred with human and guinea immunoglobulin, whereas mouse and rabbit immunoglobulins displayed little and no binding, respectively. Establishing a guinea pig model of S. aureus bloodstream infection, we show that protein A functions as a virulence determinant and suppresses host B cell responses. Immunization with SpAKKAA, which cannot bind immunoglobulin, elicits neutralizing antibodies that enable guinea pigs to develop protective immunity. Importance  Staphylococcus aureus is the leading cause of soft tissue and bloodstream infections; however, a vaccine with clinical efficacy is not available. Using mice to model staphylococcal infection, earlier work identified protective antigens; however, corresponding human clinical trials did not reach their endpoints. We show that B cell receptor (IgM) cross-linking by protein A is an important immune evasion strategy of S. aureus that can be monitored in a guinea pig model of bloodstream infection. Further, immunization with nontoxigenic protein A enables infected guinea pigs to elicit antibody responses that are protective against S. aureus. Thus, the guinea pig model may support preclinical development of staphylococcal vaccines. PMID:25564466

  1. Congenital malformations caused by Stryphnodendron fissuratum (Leg. Mimosoideae) in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Macedo, Josenaldo S; Rocha, Brena P; Colodel, Edson M; Freitas, Sílvio H; Dória, Renata G S; Riet-Correa, Franklin; Evêncio-Neto, Joaquim; Mendonça, Fábio S


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of Stryphnodendron fissuratum pods in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) and test the hypothesis that this plant has teratogenic effects. Thus, sixteen guinea pigs were randomly divided into four groups of four animals each. Groups 10, 20 and 40 consisted of guinea pigs that received commercial food that contained crushed pods of S. fissuratum at concentrations of 10, 20 and 40 g/kg, respectively, during the period of organogenesis. Control group consisted of guinea pigs under the same management conditions that did not receive crushed pods of S. fissuratum in their food. In all experimental groups, the main clinical signs of poisoning consisted of anorexia, prostration, absence of vocalizations, alopecia, diarrhea, and abortions within the adult guinea pigs. Those that did not abort gave birth to weak, malnourished pups, some of which had fetal malformations. The main teratogenic changes consisted of eventration, arthrogryposis, amelia of the forelimbs, anophthalmia, microphthalmia, anotia and agnathia. The reductions in the number of offspring and the malformations observed in the experimental groups suggest that S. fissuratum affects fetal development and is teratogenic. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Composition and characteristics of urinary calculi from guinea pigs. (United States)

    Hawkins, Michelle G; Ruby, Annette L; Drazenovich, Tracy L; Westropp, Jodi L


    To determine the mineral composition of calculi, anatomic locations of the calculi, and findings of urinalysis and bacteriologic culture of urine and calculi in guinea pigs with urolithiasis. Cross-sectional study. 127 guinea pigs. Records of urinary calculi that had been submitted to the University of California Stone Laboratory from 1985 through 2003 were reviewed. In addition, submissions of urinary calculi for evaluation by the laboratory were prospectively solicited from 2004 through 2007. Prospectively obtained calculi were accompanied by a urine sample for urinalysis and bacteriologic culture and a completed questionnaire. All calculi were analyzed by use of polarized light microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. A subset of calculi was examined by means of x-ray diffractometry (XRD). 83% (43/52) of calculi from the laboratory database and 93% (70/75) of calculi that were prospectively solicited were composed of 100% calcium carbonate. Analysis via XRD confirmed that 5 of 6 calculi from a subset that had the greatest gross morphologic variation were composed of 100% calcite. Although many guinea pigs had received anti-microbials before bacteriologic cultures of urine were performed, Corynebacterium renale was isolated from 5 urine samples. Contrary to findings of other studies, urinary calculi analyzed for the present study were most commonly composed of 100% calcium carbonate, and infrared spectroscopy or XRD was necessary to differentiate this mineral from others. Treatments, including diet and husbandry practices, should be developed to help prevent development of calcium carbonate calculi in guinea pigs.

  3. Characterization of CGRP(1) receptors in the guinea pig basilar artery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jansen-Olesen, I; Kaarill, L; Edvinsson, L


    The purpose of the present study was to characterise receptors mediating calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-induced relaxation of guinea pig basilar artery. This was done by investigating vasomotor responses in vitro and performing autoradiographic binding studies. We also intended to study...... the importance of an intact endothelium. Agonist studies showed that peptides of the CGRP family induced relaxation of the guinea pig basilar artery with the following order of potency: human beta-CGRP=human alpha-CGRP>adrenomedullin=[acetamidomethyl-Cys(2,7)]alpha-human CGRP ([Cys(ACM)(2,7)]CGRP...... in the absence of human CGRP-(8-37). The study shows the presence of a relaxant CGRP(1) receptor on the smooth muscle cells of guinea pig basilar artery. Various endothelial factors did not influence relaxant responses....

  4. A Pilot Study of Uterine Artery Embolization with Tris-Acryl Gelatin Microspheres in Guinea Pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang Wenquan; Tan Guosheng; Guo Wenbo; Yang Jianyong


    Objective: This study was designed to establish guinea pigs as an animal model for uterine artery embolization (UAE) with tris-acryl gelatin microspheres (TAGM). Methods: Twenty-five female adult guinea pigs were randomly divided into two groups, including a uterine artery casting mould group (n = 10) and a UAE group (n = 15). Pelvic angiography and vascular casting mould were performed in the first group. The anatomical characters of the pelvic cavity in guinea pigs were described. In the second group, the technical feasibility of performing UAE with TAGM in guinea pigs was investigated. The histopathological slides of the uterus of guinea pigs after UAE were examined to inspect the outcomes of UAE. Results: The uterine artery springs from the internal iliac artery, ascends tortuously along the cervix, and gives off vertically 8–10 branches to the cervix uteri and uterine horns. The diameters of the trunk of the uterine artery and its first branch were 0.32 ± 0.027 mm and 0.14 ± 0.01 mm, respectively. For UAE animals, the dosages of 40–120 and 100–300 μm TAGM were 0.033 ± 0.003 ml and 0.015 ± 0.002 ml, respectively. On histopathological slides, embosphere particles were found in the first branches of the uterine artery, the subserous arteries, and the intramural arteries. Inflammatory reactions in the uterus were common in guinea pigs after UAE. Local or dispersed areas of necrosis in uterus also were observed in a few guinea pigs. Conclusions: Guinea pigs are an appropriate and feasible model for UAE with TAGM.

  5. Acción política y redes de solidaridad étnica entre los indios de Pasto en tiempos de la Independencia.

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    Jairo Gutiérrez Ramos


    Full Text Available This article will sketch the antecedents and the context in which Indian peasants from Pasto and its surroundings established the links of ethnic solidarity and strategies of political action that would surface during the anti-republican rebellions that occurred between 1822 and 1825. It starts with the supposition that the peasant mobilization that made these rebellions possible was not led by the traditional elite, but was rather a remarkable expression of the indigenous communities' autonomy and the centrality of their actions. It will examine the experiences that made possible the building of social, ethnic, and political networks whose greatest expression occurred during the explosion of rural violence that shocked southern New Granada and northern Ecuador in the decisive period of the war against Spanish dominance.

  6. Las colecciones de Invertebrados no Insectos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC

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    Soriano, O.


    Full Text Available The Invertebrates non Insects collections of the MNCN are composed of about 1.500.000 specimens representatives of 40 animals phyla of worldwide. These collections contains excellents representations from Iberian Peninsula, Philippines, Cuba, Ecuatorial Guinea and South America. The origin of the collections is the same that the Museum, founded in 1771 with the buy of the Franco’s Davila Collection. Subsecuently it was increased with the adquisition of new collections from spanish researches. During half century the collections have been careless. The recuration and the scientifc use began in 1985. New preservation and managements methods were used. Recently the informatitation process was started. Diferent researching lines for best curation and recuperation of historic collections information have been iniciated.

    Las colecciones de Invertebrados no Insectos del MNCN reúnen un total aproximado de 1.500.000 de ejemplares de 40 phyla animales de todo el mundo, aunque principalmente albergan excelentes colecciones de la Península Ibérica, Filipinas, Cuba, Guinea Ecuatorial y América del Sur. El origen de las colecciones es coincidente con el origen del Museo que se fundó en 1771 con la compra de la Colección Franco Dávila. Posteriormente se incrementaron con la adquisición de colecciones de invertebratólogos principalmente españoles. Las colecciones del MNCN sufrieron de la desidia y abandono durante medio siglo y, a partir de 1985 comenzó la recuperación y se retomó la misión para la que éstas fueron creadas (su uso en investigación. Se establecieron los métodos de preservación y gestión adecuados y recientemente se ha procedido a iniciar el proceso de informatización. Diferentes líneas de investigación se han puesto en marcha orientadas a desarrollar métodos más eficientes de conservación y a recuperar y completar la información necesaria de las colecciones históricas.

  7. Políticas agroambientales y ganadería en los montes de utilidad pública del País Vasco

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    Juan Cruz Alberdi Collantes


    Full Text Available Los terrenos y montes comunales han sido un recurso fundamental en la sociedad agraria vasca aportando toda una serie de aprovechamientos básicos para su funcionamiento como eran pastos, madera, helechales, agua, … Con su urbanización progresiva la explotación de muchos de sus recursos deja de tener sentido y estos espacios pasan a cumplir otras funciones, como áreas naturales, turísticas e incluso deportivas. Algunos aprovechamientos tradicionales perviven aunque han de adecuarse a las nuevas inquietudes sociales, como son las actividades ganaderas, que continúan cumpliendo una función básica en el mantenimiento del monte. Cambia su organización tradicional, antiguas prácticas de pastoreo son prohibidas y se recomiendan nuevas, los usos y áreas de aprovechamiento son delimitados. En definitiva, se incorporan conceptos medioambientales que contribuyen al correcto mantenimiento de estos espacios.

  8. Comparación de dos métodos para la estimación de los daños por sequía en pastos de dehesa


    Gliga, A.E.; Escribano Rodríguez, J.A.; Hernández Díaz-Ambrona, C.G.


    Ponencia presentada a la 51 Reunión Científica de la SEEP celebrada en la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Pública de Navarra entre el 14 y el 18 de mayo de 2012. El Sistema de Seguros Agrarios con el Seguro de cobertura de los daños por sequía en los pastos aprovechados por el ganado en régimen extensivo (línea de seguro 133) aplica la teledetección mediante un índice de vegetación (NDVI), con el fin de solucionar los problemas de peritación que surgen cuando se ...

  9. Development of a novel, guinea pig-specific IFN-γ ELISPOT assay and characterization of guinea pig cytomegalovirus GP83-specific cellular immune responses following immunization with a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)-vectored GP83 vaccine. (United States)

    Gillis, Peter A; Hernandez-Alvarado, Nelmary; Gnanandarajah, Josephine S; Wussow, Felix; Diamond, Don J; Schleiss, Mark R


    The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) provides a useful animal model for studying the pathogenesis of many infectious diseases, and for preclinical evaluation of vaccines. However, guinea pig models are limited by the lack of immunological reagents required for characterization and quantification of antigen-specific T cell responses. To address this deficiency, an enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay for guinea pig interferon (IFN)-γ was developed to measure antigen/epitope-specific T cell responses to guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) vaccines. Using splenocytes harvested from animals vaccinated with a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vector encoding the GPCMV GP83 (homolog of human CMV pp65 [gpUL83]) protein, we were able to enumerate and map antigen-specific responses, both in vaccinated as well as GPCMV-infected animals, using a panel of GP83-specific peptides. Several potential immunodominant GP83-specific peptides were identified, including one epitope, LGIVHFFDN, that was noted in all guinea pigs that had a detectable CD8+ response to GP83. Development of a guinea pig IFN-γ ELISPOT should be useful in characterization of additional T cell-specific responses to GPCMV, as well as other pathogens. This information in turn can help focus future experimental evaluation of immunization strategies, both for GPCMV as well as for other vaccine-preventable illnesses studied in the guinea pig model. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. New Methods for Evaluating Skin Injury from Sulfur Mustard in the Hairless Guinea Pig (United States)


    MUSTARD IN THE HAIRLESS GUINEA PIG Ernest H. Braue, Jr., Catherine R. Bangledorf, and Robert G. Rieder "U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical...evaluating the skin hydration state. The skin of anesthetized hairless guinea pigs was exposed to saturated HD vapor (1.4mg/ml) at 4 sites for 3, 5, 7, or 9...assessment of skin damage following cutaneous exposure to HD vapor. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Each hairless guinea pig (HGP) was exposed to saturated HD vapor

  11. Genetic factors of Ebola virus virulence in guinea pigs. (United States)

    Subbotina, Ekaterina; Dadaeva, Alexandra; Kachko, Alla; Chepurnov, Alexander


    Zaire ebolavirus (ZEBOV) causes severe hemorrhagic fever in primates, whereas in guinea pigs it induces a nonlethal infection with a mild fever and subsequent recovery. We performed 7 selective passages in guinea pigs resulted in obtaining of guinea pig-adapted strain (GPA-P7) strain. By the 7th passage, the infection with EBOV induced a lethal disease in animals accompanied by the characteristic hematological changes: leukocytosis (primarily due to neutrophilia) as well as pronounced deficiencies in platelets, lymphocytes, monocytes and significant decrease of blood neutrophils phagocytic capacity. Increasing of virulence correlated with appearance of several nucleotide substitutions: in the genes NP, A2166G (N566S), VP24, U10784C (L147P), G10557A (M71I), G10805U (R154L), and L, G12286A (V236I). It has been theoretically calculated that the mutations associated with an increase in EBOV virulence can confer characteristic secondary structure on the proteins NP (C-terminal region) and full-sized VP24. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Elementos para una Política Pública desde la Percepción del Suicidio en Nariño

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    (Colombia. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo a partir de grupos focales y entrevistas individuales con diversos sectores poblacionales en los municipios de Pasto, La Unión, Tumaco e Ipiales. Se analizaron los factores percibidos de protección y de riesgo en los niveles individual, familiar, sociocultural y político, y los resultados se validaron con la población participante. Desde la percepción de los actores sociales, el suicidio es una problemática multideterminada que involucra aspectos cognitivos, relacionales, educativos, económicos, políticos y culturales. Se destaca la necesidad de implementar políticas sociales integradas dirigidas a fomentar factores protectores como el soporte social, la educación integral y la oferta de actividades para el uso del tiempo, e implementar programas que promuevan habilidades y competencias personales, junto con el diseño de estrategias conjuntas para reducir los factores de riesgo.

  13. Concentrate supplementation in lambs finished at pasture on cost of production in the dry seasonSuplementação concentrada para cordeiros terminados a pasto sobre custo de produção no período da seca

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    Marciano Moreira da Silva


    Full Text Available The objective was evaluate the levels of concentrate supplementation (0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% of body weight – BW consisting of cottonseed with ground corn (CSGC in proportion 50% each in lambs finished on pasture (Grass Marandu slaughtered at 31.7 kg BW, on average daily gain (ADG, days of supplementation (DS and cost of production in the dry season. We used 20 lambs with initial BW 19 ± 0.5 kg in four treatments. CSGC supplementation was provided in stalls separated by level of supplementation the eighteen hours daily. We used a completely randomized design to determine ADG and DS lambs supplemented with different levels of CSGC. The data of ADG and DS were evaluated by regression analysis considering 5% significance. The different levels of supplementation CSGC influenced quadratic (p Objetivou-se avaliar os níveis de suplementação concentrada (0,0%; 0,5%; 1,0% e 1,5% do peso corporal – PC constituída de caroço de algodão com grão de milho moído (CAGM na proporção de 50% cada, em cordeiros terminados a pasto (Capim Marandu abatidos com 31,7 kg de PC, sobre ganho médio diário (GMD, dias de suplementação (DS e custo de produção no período da seca. Foram utilizados 20 cordeiros sem raça definida com PC inicial de 19 ± 0,5 kg distribuídos em quatro tratamentos. A suplementação de CAGM foi fornecida em baias separadas por nível de suplementação diariamente as dezoito horas. Foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado para avaliação do GMD e DS dos cordeiros suplementados com os diferentes níveis de CAGM. Os dados de GMD e DS foram avaliados por análise de regressão considerando 5 % de significância. Os diferentes níveis de suplementação de CAGM influenciaram de maneira quadrática (p < 0,05 o GMD e DS de cordeiros terminados a pasto. O nível de suplementação de CAGM a 1,0% do PC em cordeiros terminados a pasto no período da seca apresentou o melhor valor da receita total para carcaça quente

  14. Effects of single dose X-irradiation on the guinea-pig spinal cord

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Knowles, J F [Medical Research Council, Harwell (UK). Radiobiological Research Unit


    Lumbar or cervical regions of the guinea-pig spinal cord were irradiated with a single dose of 250 kV X-rays. The latency for paralysis, whether of hind- or fore-limbs, and the histopathology of the radiation-induced cord lesions depended critically on the radiation dose. There were definite but only minor differences between the reactions of lumbar and cervical cord to the same radiation dose. After 30 or 40 Gy there was white matter necrosis but after 20 Gy widespread demyelination associated with vacuolar spaces occurred. After irradiation of the lumbar cord with 30-40 Gy, the lesions in the guinea-pig differed from those reported in the rat. White-matter necrosis in the guinea-pig cord was only occasionally associated with spinal nerve root necrosis, whereas in the rat, nerve-root necrosis with sparing of the white matter was the main lesion. After 20 Gy to the cervical or lumbar cord the guinea-pig showed widespread demyelination and vacuolation whereas in rats vascular lesions were the main result.

  15. Acute Inhalation Toxicity of T-2 Mycotoxin in the Rat and Guinea Pig (United States)


    2/kg body weight for the guinea pig . These data show that inhaled T-2 toxin is approximately 20 times more toxic to the rat (0.05 mg T-2/kg body wt...inhaled vs 1.0 mg T-2/kg body wt ip) and at least twice as toxic to the guinea pig (0.4 mg T-2/kg body wt inhaled vs 1-2 mg T-2/kg body wt ip) than ip...administered T-2 toxin. Histopathologic examination of major organs in both the rat and guinea pig after respiratory exposure to T-2 toxin indicated

  16. The guinea pig as an animal model for developmental and reproductive toxicology studies. (United States)

    Rocca, Meredith S; Wehner, Nancy G


    Regulatory guidelines for developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART) studies require selection of "relevant" animal models as determined by kinetic, pharmacological, and toxicological data. Traditionally, rats, mice, and rabbits are the preferred animal models for these studies. However, for test articles that are pharmacologically inactive in the traditional animal models, the guinea pig may be a viable option. This choice should not be made lightly, as guinea pigs have many disadvantages compared to the traditional species, including limited historical control data, variability in pregnancy rates, small and variable litter size, long gestation, relative maturity at birth, and difficulty in dosing and breeding. This report describes methods for using guinea pigs in DART studies and provides results of positive and negative controls. Standard study designs and animal husbandry methods were modified to allow mating on the postpartum estrus in fertility studies and were used for producing cohorts of pregnant females for developmental studies. A positive control study with the pregnancy-disrupting agent mifepristone resulted in the anticipated failure of embryo implantation and supported the use of the guinea pig model. Control data for reproductive endpoints collected from 5 studies are presented. In cases where the traditional animal models are not relevant, the guinea pig can be used successfully for DART studies. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  17. Shortage of vaccines during a yellow fever outbreak in Guinea.


    Nathan, N; Barry, M; Van Herp, M; Zeller, H


    A yellow fever epidemic erupted in Guinea in September, 2000. From Sept 4, 2000, to Jan 7, 2001, 688 instances of the disease and 225 deaths were reported. The diagnosis was laboratory confirmed by IgM detection in more than 40 patients. A mass vaccination campaign was limited by insufficient international stocks. After the epidemic in Guinea, the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision for Epidemic Meningitis Control decided that 2 million doses of 17D yellow fever vaccine, bei...

  18. Molecular cloning, sequence identification and expression profile of domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus UGT1A1 gene

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    Yang Deming


    Full Text Available Domestic guinea pig is a model animal for human disease research. Uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A1 (UGT1A1 is an important human disease-related gene. In this study, the complete coding sequence of domestic guinea pig gene UGT1A1 was amplified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The open reading frame of the domestic guinea pig UGT1A1 gene is 1602 bp in length and was found to encode a protein of 533 amino acids. Sequence analysis revealed that the UGT1A1 protein of domestic guinea pig shared high homology with the UGT1A1 proteins of degu (84%, damara mole-rat (84%, human (80%, northern white-cheeked gibbon (80%, Colobus angolensis palliatus (80% and golden snub-nosed monkey (79%. This gene contains five exons and four introns, as revealed by the computer-assisted analysis. The results also showed that the domestic guinea pig UGT1A1 gene had a close genetic relationship with the UGT1A1 gene of degu. The prediction of transmembrane helices showed that domestic guinea pig UGT1A1 might be a transmembrane protein. Expression profile analysis indicated that the domestic guinea pig UGT1A1 gene was differentially expressed in detected domestic guinea pig tissues. Our experiment laid a primary foundation for using the domestic guinea pig as a model animal to study the UGT1A1-related human diseases.

  19. The provision of potable water in eradication of Guinea worm infection in Ezza North, Southeastern, Nigeria. (United States)

    Ede, Alison Okorie; Nwaokoro, Joakin Chidozie; Iwuala, C C; Amadi, A N; Akpelu, Ugochinyere Alvana


    Guinea worm is a parasite found in unprotected drinking water sources, causes considerable morbidity and loss of agricultural production among rural people. The study was to determine the current status of Guinea worm infection in Ezza North and to evaluate the impact of control measures on guinea worm infection. A total of 200 individuals in Ezza North Southeastern, Nigeria were examined for guinea worm infection. A standardized questionnaire was used to determine the effect of potable water on guinea worm eradication/control, the source of drinking water, information on the knowledge, attitude, symptom management practices, availability of health facilities and boreholes installation status. The instrument for data collection was well constructed, validated and reliable tested questionnaire by an expert. Data obtained was analyzed using Epi-Info model 3.4 versions. Results of a study indicated majority of the respondents 195 (97.5 %) have access to safe drinking water supply which indicated no case of Guinea worm infection. The active use of potable water supply was found among the age group of 20-30 years 71 (35.5 %) and higher in male (57.5 %) than females (42.5 %). The drastic reduction of Guinea worm infection to zero (0) level in Ezza North were due to multiple factors as health education, availability of functional boreholes, presence of health centers for immediate treatment if any case discovered.

  20. First record of Mugil capurrii (Mugilidae, Perciformes) in the Gulf of Guinea. (United States)

    Trape, S; Durand, J-D


    Leaping African mullet Mugil capurrii was caught along the Togolese coast in the Gulf of Guinea. This is the first record of this species which usually occurs from Morocco to Guinea Bissau and the southernmost point of its known distribution. © 2011 The Authors. Journal of Fish Biology © 2011 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.

  1. Allogeneic guinea pig mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate neurological changes in experimental colitis. (United States)

    Stavely, Rhian; Robinson, Ainsley M; Miller, Sarah; Boyd, Richard; Sakkal, Samy; Nurgali, Kulmira


    The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is of great interest because of their immunomodulatory properties. Damage to the enteric nervous system (ENS) is implicated in IBD pathophysiology and disease progression. The most commonly used model to study inflammation-induced changes to the ENS is 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene-sulfonate acid (TNBS)-induced colitis in guinea pigs; however, no studies using guinea pig MSCs in colitis have been performed. This study aims to isolate and characterise guinea pig MSCs and then test their therapeutic potential for the treatment of enteric neuropathy associated with intestinal inflammation. MSCs from guinea pig bone marrow and adipose tissue were isolated and characterised in vitro. In in vivo experiments, guinea pigs received either TNBS for the induction of colitis or sham treatment by enema. MSCs were administered at a dose of 1 × 10(6) cells via enema 3 h after the induction of colitis. Colon tissues were collected 24 and 72 h after TNBS administration to assess the level of inflammation and damage to the ENS. The secretion of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) was analysed in MSC conditioned medium by flow cytometry. Cells isolated from both sources were adherent to plastic, multipotent and expressed some human MSC surface markers. In vitro characterisation revealed distinct differences in growth kinetics, clonogenicity and cell morphology between MSC types. In an in vivo model of TNBS-induced colitis, guinea pig bone marrow MSCs were comparatively more efficacious than adipose tissue MSCs in attenuating weight loss, colonic tissue damage and leukocyte infiltration into the mucosa and myenteric plexus. MSCs from both sources were equally neuroprotective in the amelioration of enteric neuronal loss and changes to the neurochemical coding of neuronal subpopulations. MSCs from both sources secreted TGF-β1 which exerted neuroprotective effects in vitro. This study is the first

  2. Environmental state and tendencies of the Puerto Morelos CARICOMP site, Mexico

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    Rosa E Rodríguez-Martínez


    periodicidad y cantidad de lluvia, la temperatura superficial del mar y la transparencia del agua entre los años de muestreo. Durante el estudio se registraron cuatro huracanes menores. En el sitio del arrecife coralino la cobertura global promedio de algas carnosas (47% y de algas tipo tapete (36% fue elevada, mientras que la cobertura de corales (2%, esponjas (3% y la abundancia de erizos (0.04 m-2 fue consistentemente baja. Los gorgonáceos fueron dominantes y mostraron cambios en su estructura comunitaria; el número de especies aumentó de 1993 a 1995, su abundancia disminuyó después del Huracán Roxanne (1995 y se recuperó en el 2001. En cuatro estaciones de pastos marinos la biomasa total de la comunidad permaneció constante (707.1-929.6 gps m-2 pero la biomasa sobre el sustrato del pasto Syringodium filiforme y de algas carnosas aumentó gradualmente. La biomasa total (531-699 gps m-2 y productividad de hojas (0.89-1.56 gps m-2 d-1 del pasto Thalassia testudinum permaneció constante, pero la especie invirtió proporcionalmente más biomasa en el tejido de hojas sobre el sustrato al final del estudio. Los huracanes menores entre 1993 y 2005 no produjeron impactos detectables en las camas de pastos, sin embargo, el huracán mayor Wilma (Octubre 2005 cambió la composición de la comunidad en tres estaciones y causó el enterramiento completo de la vegetación en la estación costera. El cambio gradual en las comunidades de pastos marinos y arrecife registrado en 12 años de monitoreo continuo en el sitio CARICOMP puede reflejar un aumento en la contaminación causada por el rápido incremento en desarrollo urbano y turístico a lo largo de la costa y tierra adentro de Puerto Morelos, acompañado por malas prácticas de manejo del agua.

  3. Review: Mohamed Saliou Camara, Political History of Guinea since World War Two (2014)


    Carole Ammann; University of Basel


    Review of the monograph:Mohamed Saliou Camara, Political History of Guinea since World War Two, New York: Peter Lang, 2014, ISBN 9781433122439, 531 pp. Besprechung der Monographie:Mohamed Saliou Camara, Political History of Guinea since World War Two, New York: Peter Lang, 2014, ISBN 9781433122439, 531 Seiten

  4. Good Order at Sea in the Gulf of Guinea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordby, Johannes Riber; Lindskov Jacobsen, Katja

    In this chapter, we first outline the maritime security situation in the Gulf of Guinea region at present. It is examined in the context of Good Order at Sea. Second, we describe the most recent maritime security initiative launched during the Yaoundé Summit in 2013. During the summit, West...... and Central African states decided to establish six maritime zones along their coastline in order to improve the maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea. A process heavily supported by UN’s International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Finally, the chapter suggests that maritime security issues in the Gulf...

  5. Efficacy of the Tertiary Oxime Monoisonitrosoacetone (MINA) Against Lethal Sarin Intoxication in the Guinea Pig (United States)


    Sarin 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Intoxication in the Guinea Pig 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Koplovitz, I and...efficacy of MINA as a treatment for lethal sarin (GB) intoxication in guinea pigs . Male animals were challenged subcutaneously (s.c.) with 2 LD50s...oximes that are readily able to enter the brain. 15. SUBJECT TERMS oximes, brain, sarin, reactivation, nerve agents, guinea pigs 16. SECURITY

  6. Developing guinea pig brain as a model for cortical folding. (United States)

    Hatakeyama, Jun; Sato, Haruka; Shimamura, Kenji


    The cerebral cortex in mammals, the neocortex specifically, is highly diverse among species with respect to its size and morphology, likely reflecting the immense adaptiveness of this lineage. In particular, the pattern and number of convoluted ridges and fissures, called gyri and sulci, respectively, on the surface of the cortex are variable among species and even individuals. However, little is known about the mechanism of cortical folding, although there have been several hypotheses proposed. Recent studies on embryonic neurogenesis revealed the differences in cortical progenitors as a critical factor of the process of gyrification. Here, we investigated the gyrification processes using developing guinea pig brains that form a simple but fundamental pattern of gyri. In addition, we established an electroporation-mediated gene transfer method for guinea pig embryos. We introduce the guinea pig brain as a useful model system to understand the mechanisms and basic principle of cortical folding. © 2017 Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists.

  7. Evaluación de seis abonos verdes en un vertisol ústico en condiciones del Valle del Cauca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bonilla C. C. R.


    Full Text Available En el Centro Experimental de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Palmira, en un diseño de bloques completos al azar, se evaluaron seis tratamientos con tres repeticiones. (Cajanus cajan guandul arbóreo y arbustivo; Canavalia ensiformis, fríjol Canavalia; Cynodon niemfuensis, pasto estrella; Zea mays, Maíz y Cucúrbita moschata, zapallo. El pasto estrella y el zapallo fueron cultivos previos al ensayo; los otros materiales se sembraron por semilla a 50 cm en cuadro y se incorporaron al suelo a los 150 días cuando se cosechó el maíz (choclo. Maíz y canavalia aportaron mayor biomasa al suelo (10.068 y 9.748 kg/ha, respectivamente. C. cajan arbóreo y C. ensiformis aportaron las mayores cantidades de nitrógeno (254 y 213 kg/ha. El maíz y el pasto estrella, por sus altos contenidos de lignina, se descompusieron más lentamente. En casi todos los tratamientos se presentó incremento de la población microbiana, predominando la población de bacterias, seguida por hongos, fijadores de nitrógeno de vida libre y luego la población de actinomicetos. ABSTRACT Evaluation of six green manure materials in a Ustic Vertisol Soil of Cauca Valley, Colombia. This research was realized in the Experimental Center of the National University in Palmira. A design of a Randomized Completed Blocks, with six treatments and three repeticions was used. The treatments were two accesions of guandul (tree and shrub Cajanus cajan, Canavalia Canavalia ensiformis Corn Zea mays, Star grass Cynodon niemfuensis and Ramkin Cucúrbita moschata. The plot size was 20 m x 10 m. The materials were incorporated with tractor and disk plough when the maiz was colected as ear. The results showed that corn and Canavalia had the higher yields of fitomass (10068 and 9748 kg/ha, respectively. The legumes C. cajan (tree and C. ensiformis showed higher yileds of Nitrogen (254 and 213 kg/ha and biomolecules. Z. mays and C. nlemfuensis were the treatments with lower

  8. Adrenaline reveals the torsadogenic effect of combined blockade of potassium channels in anaesthetized guinea pigs. (United States)

    Michael, G; Kane, K A; Coker, S J


    Torsade de pointes (TdP) can be induced in several species by a reduction in cardiac repolarizing capacity. The aim of this study was to assess whether combined I(Kr) and I(Ks) blockade could induce TdP in anaesthetized guinea pigs and whether short-term variability (STV) or triangulation of action potentials could predict TdP. Experiments were performed in open-chest, pentobarbital-anaesthetized, adrenaline-stimulated male Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs, which received three consecutive i.v. infusions of either vehicle, the I(Kr) blocker E-4031 (3, 10 and 30 nmol kg(-1) min(-1)), the I(Ks) blocker HMR1556 (75, 250, 750 nmol kg(-1) min(-1)) or E-4031 and HMR1556 combined. Phenylephrine-stimulated guinea pigs were also treated with the K(+) channel blockers in combination. Arterial blood pressure, ECGs and epicardial monophasic action potential (MAP) were recorded. TdP was observed in 75% of adrenaline-stimulated guinea pigs given the K(+) channel blockers in combination, but was not observed in guinea pigs treated with either I(K) blocker alone, or in phenylephrine-stimulated guinea pigs. Salvos and ventricular tachycardia occurred with adrenaline but not with phenylephrine. No changes in STV or triangulation of the MAP signals were observed before TdP. Combined blockade of both I(Kr) and I(Ks) plus the addition of adrenaline were required to induce TdP in anaesthetized guinea pigs. This suggests that there must be sufficient depletion of repolarization reserve and an appropriate trigger for TdP to occur.

  9. Estructura espacial de Eucinostomus argenteus (Pisces: Gerreidae en la zona norte del Caribe colombiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Paramo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se llevó a cabo para determinar la distribución espacial de la densidad (captura por unidad de área – CPUA y de la estructura de tallas de Eucinostomus argenteus y su relación con las variables ambientales en la zona norte del Caribe colombiano. Los datos fueron se tomaron durante un crucero de investigación realizado en  la época seca (febrero de 2006 entre  Puerto Estrella (La Guajira y Santa Marta (Magdalena. Las muestras biológicas se colectaron con una red de arrastre (en estratos de profundidad < 50 m y 50-100 m siguiendo un diseño de muestreo sistemático. Los individuos maduros y de tallas mayores se encontraron distribuidos principalmente entre Manaure y Punta Gallinas, donde la plataforma continental es muy ancha y la oceanografía local esta modulada por la surgencia estacional. Los peces juveniles, se distribuyeron al sur del área de estudio, entre Boca Camarones y el Río Buritaca, cerca de la costa. En este sector la plataforma es muy estrecha y con alta productividad biológica por la presencia de ríos, manglares y pastos marinos, sirviendo como zona de alimentación y refugio para E. argenteus. En general los resultados sugieren que las variables ambientales son importantes para la distribución espacial de la abundancia y las tallas de  E. argenteus en la zona norte del Caribe colombiano, siendo la temperatura y la profundidad las variables que predijeron mejor la distribución espacial de la especie.

  10. Effects of Changing to Individually Ventilated Caging on Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Giral, Marta; Armengol, Clara; Sánchez-Gómez, Sonia; Gavaldà, Amadeu


    The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of changing to IVC housing on guinea pigs by recording several physiologic parameters in guinea pigs housed sequentially in open-top cages (OTC) and IVC. To register heart rate and locomotor activity, 10 male Dunkin-Hartley guinea pigs implanted with telemetric transmitters were moved from OTC to new, freshly prepared OTC or IVC and subsequently monitored by telemetry during the 4 d after the first cage change. Body weight and food consumption were measured twice during the study. Comparison of data from OTC- and IVC-housed guinea pigs showed no relevant differences in heart rate (mean ± 1 SD; 213 ± 10 bpm and 207 ± 9 bpm, respectively) at any time point. In contrast, locomotor activity varied: whereas activity during the first 4 h after the change of cage type was greater in IVC-housed animals, that during the following 24 h was greater in OTC but was similar between groups thereafter. Animals housed in OTC consumed more food than did those in IVC and, under both conditions, consumption was statistically related to body weight changes. Together, these results show that a change to IVC housing induced only transient increases in locomotor activity in guinea pigs without a marked increase in heart rate but with a decrease in food consumption. Because decreased food consumption was the only stress-associated sign during the 4-d observation, longer studies are needed to ascertain the importance of this finding.

  11. Cryptosporidium homai n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiiae) from the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Zahedi, Alireza; Durmic, Zoey; Gofton, Alexander W; Kueh, Susan; Austen, Jill; Lawson, Malcolm; Callahan, Lauren; Jardine, John; Ryan, Una


    The morphological, biological, and molecular characterisation of a new Cryptosporidium species from the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) are described, and the species name Cryptosporidium homai n. sp. is proposed. Histological analysis conducted on a post-mortem sample from a guinea pig euthanised due to respiratory distress, identified developmental stages of C. homai n. sp. (trophozoites and meronts) along the intestinal epithelium. Molecular analysis at 18S rRNA (18S), actin and hsp70 loci was then conducted on faeces from an additional 7 guinea pigs positive for C. homai n. sp. At the 18S, actin and hsp70 loci, C. homai n. sp. exhibited genetic distances ranging from 3.1% to 14.3%, 14.4% to 24.5%, and 6.6% to 20.9% from other Cryptosporidium spp., respectively. At the 18S locus, C. homai n. sp. shared 99.1% similarity with a previously described Cryptosporidium genotype in guinea pigs from Brazil and it is likely that they are the same species, however this cannot be confirmed as actin and hsp70 sequences from the Brazilian guinea pig genotype are not available. Phylogenetic analysis of concatenated 18S, actin and hsp70 sequences showed that C. homai n. sp. exhibited 9.1% to 17.3% genetic distance from all other Cryptosporidium spp. This clearly supports the validity of C. homai n. sp. as a separate species. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Piraatlus Guinea lahes ja Nigeerias / Eero Tepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tepp, Eero


    Guinea lahes lokkava piraatluse põhjused ja tegurid, mis seda soodustavad: seaduselüngad, looduslikud tingimused, ebapädev korrakaitse, poliitiline olustik, kultuuriline vastuvõetavus, majanduslik tasuvus. Sõjalised ja mittesõjalised meetmetest, mida rakendatakse piraatlusevastases võitluses

  13. Picture Communication in Papua New Guinea. (United States)

    Cook, Bruce L.


    Reports the major findings of a study that investigated the effectiveness of using pictures of different art styles (stick figures, faceless outline drawings, detailed black-and-white, detailed black-and-white with watercolor wash, and black-and-white photographs) with 423 new readers in Papua New Guinea. (JD)

  14. Expression of matrix metalloproteinases and ovarian morphological changes in androgenized cyclic female guinea pigs. (United States)

    Li, Jun-rong; Shen, Ting; Wang, Yan-li; Wei, Quan-wei; Shi, Fang-xiong


    This study was conducted to investigate expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and ovarian morphological changes in androgenized cyclic female guinea pigs. Adult cyclic female guinea pigs were injected daily for 28 days with medium doses of testosterone propionate (TP; 1 mg/100g), high doses of TP (2 mg/100g), or saline (control). Serum concentrations of testosterone, estradiol (E2), and progesterone (P4) were measured. Histologic sections of ovaries were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and by immunohistochemistry. Expressions of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the ovary were characterized by immunohistochemistry. After 28 days of TP injection, serum testosterone concentrations were increased dose-dependently. An appropriate dosage of TP could induce permanent anovulation in guinea pigs, making them a potential model for human polycystic ovary syndrome. MMP-2 and MMP-9 are jointly involved in the growth and atresia of ovarian follicles in cyclic guinea pigs. Increased numbers of atretic antral follicles in the ovary might be associated with the observed high expression of MMP-2 in androgenized cyclic guinea pigs. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Resultado econômico da produção de ovinos para carne em pasto de azevém e confinamento - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i1.3995 Economic results of sheep production on ryegrass pasture or feedlot - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i1.3995

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    Maria Angela Machado Fernandes


    Full Text Available O trabalho objetivou analisar a viabilidade econômica da produção de cordeiros para carne e identificar os componentes que exercem maior influência sobre o custo de produção. Este estudo foi realizado em duas etapas. Primeira etapa: experimento no Lapoc-UFPR, em 2004, que comparou a terminação de cordeiros para abate aos 32 kg: (1 desmame aos 40 dias e terminação em pasto, (2 cordeiro com mãe em pasto, (3 cordeiro com mãe em pasto e creep feeding (1% PV dia-1 de concentrado e (4 desmame aos 40 dias e confinamento. Segunda etapa: um módulo de 150 ovelhas foi projetado a partir do experimento para avaliações econômicas. Foram realizados cálculos de custo fixo, variável, total, lucratividade e rentabilidade, valor presente líquido, taxa interna de retorno e benefício:custo. O confinamento exigiu maior investimento inicial, sendo 21% maior que os sistemas em pasto. A margem líquida anual foi positiva em todos os sistemas, e o resultado econômico foi positivo apenas no sistema sem desmame. A mão-de-obra e a alimentação foram os maiores custos em todos os sistemas. A maior lucratividade foi observada com cordeiros terminados em pasto, sem desmame. Todos os sistemas apresentaram VPL negativo e TIR menor que 5% a.a. A terminação de cordeiros em pastagem sem desmame apresenta melhores resultados econômicos.This study evaluated economic return of lamb meat production and identified the compounds that have greater influence on production cost. The study was carried out in two stages. Stage 1: experiment at Lapoc-UFPR in 2004 to compare lamb finishing for slaughter at 32 kg: (1 40-days-old weaned lamb kept under pasture; (2 lamb with mother on pasture; (3 lamb with mother on pasture and concentrate (1% BW day-1 in creep feeding; and (4 40-days-old weaned lamb in feedlot. Stage 2: a module of 150 ewes was projected for economic evaluations considering meat and animals for breeding sale. Calculation of fixed, variable, total costs

  16. Impact of land management on soil macrofauna in the upper reaches of the Guames Lake, Pasto, Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coral E, Dilia M; Bonilla C, Carmen R


    The following investigation was carried out in order to evaluate the biomass, abundance, vertical distribution and diversity of the species it compared the results in three sites: a secondary forest, a field kikuyu and an onion crop field all at the Refugio Cristalino Natural Reserve, Pasto, Narino. The investigation followed the recommendations of the tropical soil biology and fertility program at the some way samples were taken to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of the sites. The results showed that the greatest abundance of organisms were found in the litter and 0-10 cm layer of soil in the secondary forest; of this abundance the Myriapodans formed the greatest part in number and in biomass. These was greater species diversity here than in the others sites, possibly due to the prime feeding and habitat conditions, notable in the organic matter in different stages of decomposition. In the Kikuyu and onion fields earthworms found in the first 10 cm profile principally represented the abundance and biomass. in general the use of the land affects the presence or absence of organisms that are fundamental in the process of soil evolution

  17. [Preliminary pharmacodynamics study on antiasthmatic action of butylphthalide in guinea pig]. (United States)

    Wang, Zhi-Wang; Wang, Yong-Hui; Ren, Yuan; Wang, Rui-Qiong; Lin, Xing-Yao; Duan, Hai-Jing


    To study the anti-asthmatic effects of butylphthalide in guinea pig. This research included isolated tra-cheal smooth muscle and in vivo animal experiments. Antispasmodic effects of butylphthalide at the concentrations of 1, 10, 100 mg/L were observed through spasmodical tracheal smooth muscle of guinea pig induced by acetylcholine or histamine ( n =10). After screened, the guinea pigs were divided into control group, model group, dexamethasone(DXM) group, high and low dose butylphthalide groups. The effects of butylphthalide on nitric oxide (NO), endothelin-1 (ET-1) and asthmatic behaviors were observed on the asthmatic guinea pigs that were stimu-lated six times by the excitation fluid (1% ACh:0.05% Hist=1:1). Butylphthalide at the concentrations of 1、10、100 mg/L had an-ti-spasmodic effects on spasmodical tracheal smooth muscle of guinea pig (15.08 ±7.68、42.41 ±13.54、77.56 ±24.82 to acetylcholine, 19.40 ±7.60、56.84 ±11.72、76.35 ±19.40 to histamine), which showed a certain dose-effect relationship. Butylphthalide could prolong asth-matic incubation period (53.3 ±13.2、33.1 ±13.0), improve asthmatic behaviors, reduce NO in serum (78.71 ±19.40、84.75 ±20.97) and ET-1 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (24.30 ±5.80、28.50 ±6.31) ( P < 0.05, 0.01). Butylphthalide has some effects of anti-asthma and one of the mechanisms is to relieve abnormal increase of NO and ET-1.

  18. Physical and chemical properties of meat from scavenging chickens and helmeted guinea fowls in response to age and sex. (United States)

    Musundire, M T; Halimani, T E; Chimonyo, M


    1. The effects of age and sex on body weight, carcass traits, physical and chemical properties of breast muscle from chickens and helmeted guinea fowls managed under village free-range conditions were assessed in random samples of 48 guinea fowls and 48 chickens obtained from local markets. 2. Guinea fowls had higher body weight, hot carcass weight, cold dressed weight and breast weight than chickens. 3. Guinea fowls had more dry matter, protein and less fat than chickens. Ash content did not differ between guinea fowls and chickens. Protein and fat increased, whereas dry matter and ash decreased with age (P meat was lighter, less red and more yellow than guinea fowl meat. Cooking loss was higher in guinea fowls, male and grower birds than chickens, females and adult birds, respectively. Shear force was affected by age, as mature birds had a higher value than growers. 5. Guinea fowl carcasses contained more meat that was leaner, higher in protein and redder compared with chicken meat. As age increased the meat increased in protein and fat content and shear force, whereas colour became darker, redder and yellower.

  19. Epidemiology of Epidemic Ebola Virus Disease in Conakry and Surrounding Prefectures, Guinea, 2014-2015. (United States)

    Rico, Adriana; Brody, Debra; Coronado, Fátima; Rondy, Marc; Fiebig, Lena; Carcelen, Andrea; Deyde, Varough M; Mesfin, Samuel; Retzer, Kyla D; Bilivogui, Pepe; Keita, Sakoba; Dahl, Benjamin A


    In 2014, Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa was first reported during March in 3 southeastern prefectures in Guinea; from there, the disease rapidly spread across West Africa. We describe the epidemiology of EVD cases reported in Guinea's capital, Conakry, and 4 surrounding prefectures (Coyah, Dubreka, Forecariah, and Kindia), encompassing a full year of the epidemic. A total of 1,355 EVD cases, representing ≈40% of cases reported in Guinea, originated from these areas. Overall, Forecariah had the highest cumulative incidence (4× higher than that in Conakry). Case-fatality percentage ranged from 40% in Conakry to 60% in Kindia. Cumulative incidence was slightly higher among male than female residents, although incidences by prefecture and commune differed by sex. Over the course of the year, Conakry and neighboring prefectures became the EVD epicenter in Guinea.

  20. Caridean shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda) from seagrass habitats in Hansa Bay, Papua New Guinea

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grave, de Sammy


    Five species of caridean shrimps collected from seagrass habitats at Hansa Bay, on the northern coastline of Papua New Guinea are reported. Four species are new to the fauna of Papua New Guinea. Morphological details of Nikoides danae, Latreutes pymoeus and L. porcinus are discussed and compared to

  1. On a new bird of paradise from Central New Guinea, Falcinellus meyeri albicans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oort, van E.D.


    Among the collection of birdskins brought home by the third expedition to Mount Wilhelmina in the Snow Mountains of New Guinea there are some specimens, males and females, of a bird of paradise, much resembling Falcinellus meyeri (Finsch) from South-east New Guinea, but differing in some points.

  2. Radiolabelled soman binding to sera from Rats, Guinea Pigs and Monkeys. (United States)

    Lenz, David E; Cerasoli, Douglas; Maxwell, Donald M


    Soman is a highly toxic organophosphorus chemical warfare compound that binds rapidly and irreversibility to a variety of serine active enzymes, i.e., butyryl- and acetyl-cholinesterases and carboxylesterase. The in vivo toxicity of soman has been reported to vary significantly in different animal species, such as rats and guinea pigs or non-human primates. This species variation makes it difficult to identify appropriate animal models for therapeutic drug development under the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Animal Rule. Since species variation in soman toxicity has been correlated with species variation in serum carboxylesterase, we undertook to determine if serum from guinea pigs, rats and non-human primates bound different levels of soman in vitro in the presence of equimolar concentrations of soman. Our results demonstrated that the amount of soman bound in the serum of rats was 4 uM, but essentially null in guinea pigs or non-human primates. The results strongly correlate with the presence or absence of carboxylesterase in the serum of animals and the difference in the toxic dose of soman in various species. Our results support prior suggestions that guinea pigs and non-human primates may be better animal models for the development of antidotes under the FDA Animal Rule. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. L-dehydroascorbic acid can substitute L-ascorbic acid as dietary vitamin C source in guinea pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frikke-Schmidt, Henriette Rønne; Tveden-Nyborg, Pernille; Lykkesfeldt, Jens


    products prone to oxidation-was studied. Our aim was to compare tissue accumulation of vitamin C in guinea pigs receiving different oral doses of either ascorbate or DHA. In all tissues tested (plasma, liver, spleen, lung, adrenal glands, kidney, muscle, heart, and brain), only sporadic differences......, we continued to explore the ability to recycle DHA in blood, liver and intestine in guinea pigs, rats and mice. These investigations revealed that guinea pigs have similar recycling capacity in red blood cells as observed in humans, while rats and mice do not have near the same ability to reduce DHA...... in erythrocytes. In liver and intestinal homogenates, guinea pigs also showed a significantly higher ability to recycle DHA compared to rats and mice. These data demonstrate that DHA in guinea pigs-as in humans-is almost as effective as ascorbate as vitamin C source when it comes to taking up and storing vitamin...

  4. Replication-defective lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus vectors expressing guinea pig cytomegalovirus gB and pp65 homologs are protective against congenital guinea pig cytomegalovirus infection. (United States)

    Cardin, Rhonda D; Bravo, Fernando J; Pullum, Derek A; Orlinger, Klaus; Watson, Elizabeth M; Aspoeck, Andreas; Fuhrmann, Gerhard; Guirakhoo, Farshad; Monath, Thomas; Bernstein, David I


    Congenital cytomegalovirus infection can be life-threatening and often results in significant developmental deficits and/or hearing loss. Thus, there is a critical need for an effective anti-CMV vaccine. To determine the efficacy of replication-defective lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (rLCMV) vectors expressing the guinea pig CMV (GPCMV) antigens, gB and pp65, in the guinea pig model of congenital CMV infection. Female Hartley strain guinea pigs were divided into three groups: Buffer control group (n = 9), rLCMV-gB group (n = 11), and rLCMV-pp65 (n = 11). The vaccines were administered three times IM at 1.54 × 10(6)FFU per dose at 21-day intervals. At two weeks after vaccination, the female guinea pigs underwent breeding. Pregnant guinea pigs were challenged SQ at ∼ 45-55 days of gestation with 1 × 10(5)PFU of GPCMV. Viremia in the dams, pup survival, weights of pups at delivery, and viral load in both dam and pup tissues were determined. Pup survival was significantly increased in the LCMV-gB vaccine group. There was 23% pup mortality in the gB vaccine group (p = 0.044) and 26% pup mortality in the pp65 vaccine group (p = 0.054) compared to 49% control pup mortality. The gB vaccine induced high levels of gB binding and detectable neutralizing antibodies, reduced dam viremia, and significantly reduced viral load in dam tissues compared to control dams (p < 0.03). Reduced viral load and transmission in pups born to gB-vaccinated dams was observed compared to pups from pp65-vaccinated or control dams. The rLCMV-gB vaccine significantly improved pup survival and also increased pup weights and gestation time. The gB vaccine was also more effective at decreasing viral load in dams and pups and limiting congenital transmission. Thus, rLCMV vectors that express CMV antigens may be an effective vaccine strategy for congenital CMV infection. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Las Micorrizas: Una alternativa de fertilización ecológica en los pastos Mycorrhizae: An alternative of ecological fertilization in pastures

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    Yolai Noda


    Full Text Available Debido a los efectos negativos que han causado los fertilizantes químicos en el deterioro del medio ambiente, se trabaja, desde hace algunas décadas, en la introducción de alternativas de fertilización en el manejo de los cultivos. La micorrización es una de las técnicas biológicas empleadas en muchos de ellos; sin embargo, en los pastos aún no se ha logrado extenderla ampliamente en la producción y los estudios han estado dirigidos a algunas leguminosas y muy pocas gramíneas. Las micorrizas permiten una aplicación exitosa mediante el recubrimiento de las semillas. Por otra parte, las relaciones micorrízicas pueden ser la clave para disminuir la cantidad de fertilizantes (especialmente fosfatos que debe aplicarse para obtener buenos rendimientos; en los suelos con altos contenidos de P la inoculación con micorriza incrementa el crecimiento y el establecimiento temprano de los cultivos. Las plantas desarrollan una calidad biológica superior, en cuanto a mayor altura, vigor y área foliar, y se incrementan los rendimientos (entre 15 y 50%. Protege las raíces contra ciertos hongos patógenos. Además, el biofertilizante permite ahorrar hasta un 50% del volumen de los productos químicos necesarios, lo que favorece la reducción de los insumos y de los costos, e influye en el ejercicio de una agricultura sostenible y ecológicamente más sana.Because of the negative effects caused by chemical fertilizers on the deterioration of the environment, work has been done, for some decades, in the introduction of fertilization alternatives in crop management. Mycorrhization is one of the biological techniques used in many of them; however, in pastures it has not been widely extended in production and the studies have aimed at legumes and very few grasses. Mycorrhizae allow successful application by means of seed covering. On the other hand, mycorrhizal relationships can be the key to decrease the amount of fertilizers (especially phosphates

  6. Location of bladder and urethral sphincter motoneurons in the male guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuipers, R; Izhar, Z; Gerrits, PO; Miner, W; Holstege, G; Gerrits, Peter O.


    Although the guinea pig is used widely in experimental medical research, including in studies on micturition control, the spinal origin of preganglionic parasympathetic bladder and somatic external urethral sphincter motoneurons is not known. In the male, guinea pig using wheat germ


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    David Horacio Ramírez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo de investigación, que se desarrolló en la microcuenca El Salto del municipio de El Santuario, se estimó la presencia del Metamidofos, en plantas de repollo (Brassica oleraceae y en el suelo y su riesgo de contaminación en aguas para el consumo humano. En el repollo el nivel de concentración del Metamidofos sobrepasó los límites máximos permisibles establecidos para esta planta por el Codex Alimentarius; en el suelo no se encontraron residuos del producto, pero sí en el agua de escorrentía y en dos sitios del cauce de la quebrada El Salto localizados aguas arriba de la bocatoma del acueducto municipal; no se detectó Metamidofos en la muestra de agua de la bocatoma del acueducto ni en la red de distribución del acueducto municipal. En la estimación cualitativa del riesgo de contaminación se utilizaron como variables de vulnerabilidad y amenaza la precipitación, la escorrentía, el coeficiente de escorrentía, el tiempo de concentración, la erosión, algunas propiedades físicas, químicas y biológicas del suelo y la pendiente de los terrenos. Se observó que el riesgo se presenta por la alta cantidad de insecticida utilizado y su frecuencia de utilización, que se incrementa según la distribución e intensidad de las lluvias y del potencial de erosión y este, a su vez, por el uso y manejo no adecuado del suelo. En la parcela experimental y en un terreno aledaño sembrado con pasto kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum, se calculó la población por unidad de área de la lombriz de tierra (Lumbricus terrestris. La ausencia de este organismo en la parcela cultivada con repollo (Brassica oleraceae se puede considerar como indicador biológico por la contaminación de este insecticida en el suelo.This investigation was done in El Salto watershed basin located in the municipality of El Santuario. It was examined the presence of Metamidofos in plants of cabbage, in soils, with risk of contamination in waters for the human

  8. The genus Baeturia Stål as represented in New Guinea (Homoptera, Cicadidae)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blöte, H.C.


    Until now only three species of the genus Baeturia have been recorded from New Guinea, viz., B. bicolorata Distant, B. viridicata Distant, and B. nana Jacobi. As I had the opportunity to study a fairly large collection of this group from different sources, collected in New Guinea, it appeared to me

  9. Interests of Border Communities in Water and Pastures: Will They Influence Nile Water Policies of the Two Sudans?

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    Samson S. Wassara


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina la relación entre los pastores trashumantes transfronterizos en torno a las los recursos acuíferos y de pastoreo. Tanto el agua como los pastos suponen el modo de vida de la población que comparte la frontera entre Sudán del Sur y Sudán. A pesar de tratarse de bienes comunes, la competencia entre los pastores nómadas de Sudán y de Sudán del Sur ha degenerado siempre en conflictos violentos registrados desde el periodo del Condominio. Sin embargo, los intereses de las comunidades que viven a lo largo del río Bahr al Arab (o río Kiir y el Nilo Blanco están localizados. De hecho, en la actualidad están más relacionados con las fronteras disputadas que con el asunto más amplio de los derechos acuíferos. Este artículo demuestra que las demandas comunitarias están politizadas a nivel nacional y sub-nacional; y que la política distrae a las comunidades fronterizas de perseguir sus objetivos realistas de acceso al agua y a los pastos. Se concluye que las comunidades pastorales fronterizas son incapaces de influenciar las políticas de agua y tierra mientras Sudán del Sur y Sudán mantengan relaciones hostiles

  10. The Papua and New Guinea Herbarium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Womersley, J.S.; Botanist, Forest


    A short account of the establishment of the Herbarium of the Department of Forests, Papua and New Guinea appeared on p. 61, no 3, volume I of Flora Malesiana Bulletin. This Herbarium has now been firmly established and is constantly receiving collections of plants from various parts of Papua and New

  11. Guinea pig model for evaluating the potential public health risk of swine and avian influenza viruses. (United States)

    Sun, Yipeng; Bi, Yuhai; Pu, Juan; Hu, Yanxin; Wang, Jingjing; Gao, Huijie; Liu, Linqing; Xu, Qi; Tan, Yuanyuan; Liu, Mengda; Guo, Xin; Yang, Hanchun; Liu, Jinhua


    The influenza viruses circulating in animals sporadically transmit to humans and pose pandemic threats. Animal models to evaluate the potential public health risk potential of these viruses are needed. We investigated the guinea pig as a mammalian model for the study of the replication and transmission characteristics of selected swine H1N1, H1N2, H3N2 and avian H9N2 influenza viruses, compared to those of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and seasonal human H1N1, H3N2 influenza viruses. The swine and avian influenza viruses investigated were restricted to the respiratory system of guinea pigs and shed at high titers in nasal tracts without prior adaptation, similar to human strains. None of the swine and avian influenza viruses showed transmissibility among guinea pigs; in contrast, pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus transmitted from infected guinea pigs to all animals and seasonal human influenza viruses could also horizontally transmit in guinea pigs. The analysis of the receptor distribution in the guinea pig respiratory tissues by lectin histochemistry indicated that both SAα2,3-Gal and SAα2,6-Gal receptors widely presented in the nasal tract and the trachea, while SAα2,3-Gal receptor was the main receptor in the lung. We propose that the guinea pig could serve as a useful mammalian model to evaluate the potential public health threat of swine and avian influenza viruses.

  12. Remuneration disparities in Oceania: Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. (United States)

    Marai, Leo; Kewibu, Vincent; Kinkin, Elly; Peter Peniop, John; Salini, Christian; Kofana, Genesis


    This paper explores the impact of remuneration differences on workers in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. In these countries remunerative differences are linked to government policy (in Papua New Guinea) and job contracts (in the Solomon Islands), and have impacted on industrial relations in both settings (strike action). A total of N = 350 professionals (n = 60 expatriates) from 54 organizations in aid, government, higher education and industry (mean response rate = 36%) responded to an organizational survey form. Remuneration ratios between international and local respondents based on the World Bank's index of purchasing power parity approached 9:1. In both sites staff compared pay and benefits (remuneration) packages: Internationally remunerated staff rated their ability higher than their local counterparts did; locally remunerated groups reported more injustice in remuneration, were more demotivated by the gaps, and were more likely to be thinking about leaving the organization. In-country workshops of N = 40 largely local stakeholders from aid and community organizations plus government ministries considered the survey's findings and recommended: in Solomon Islands, (a) introducing a policy of localization, (b) establishing a remuneration commission (already existent in Papua New Guinea), and (c) reducing the remunerative gap; in Papua New Guinea, (d) reversing the post-Independence "dual pay system" (currently official policy), (e) instituting pay-for-performance, and (f) ensuring the existent localization policy is applied to recruitment, selection, and staff career planning and management.

  13. Plague in Guinea Pigs and Its Prevention by Subunit Vaccines (United States)

    Quenee, Lauriane E.; Ciletti, Nancy; Berube, Bryan; Krausz, Thomas; Elli, Derek; Hermanas, Timothy; Schneewind, Olaf


    Human pneumonic plague is a devastating and transmissible disease for which a Food and Drug Administration–approved vaccine is not available. Suitable animal models may be adopted as a surrogate for human plague to fulfill regulatory requirements for vaccine efficacy testing. To develop an alternative to pneumonic plague in nonhuman primates, we explored guinea pigs as a model system. On intranasal instillation of a fully virulent strain, Yersinia pestis CO92, guinea pigs developed lethal lung infections with hemorrhagic necrosis, massive bacterial replication in the respiratory system, and blood-borne dissemination to other organ systems. Expression of the Y. pestis F1 capsule was not required for the development of pulmonary infection; however, the capsule seemed to be important for the establishment of bubonic plague. The mean lethal dose (MLD) for pneumonic plague in guinea pigs was estimated to be 1000 colony-forming units. Immunization of guinea pigs with the recombinant forms of LcrV, a protein that resides at the tip of Yersinia type III secretion needles, or F1 capsule generated robust humoral immune responses. Whereas LcrV immunization resulted in partial protection against pneumonic plague challenge with 250 MLD Y. pestis CO92, immunization with recombinant F1 did not. rV10, a vaccine variant lacking LcrV residues 271-300, elicited protection against pneumonic plague, which seemed to be based on conformational antibodies directed against LcrV. PMID:21406168

  14. Determinación del potencial depurador del cultivo hidropónico de Phalaris spp y Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst, mediante la técnica de la película nutriente

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    Luis Eduardo Cruz Torres


    Full Text Available El presente estudio corresponde a la segunda etapa de la evaluación de un sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas conocido como la Técnica de la Película Nutriente (TPN, utilizando dos especies de gramíneas: Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst (pasto kikuyo y Phalaris spp (pasto brasilero. Los resultados permitieron establecer que las raíces actúan como un filtro biológico de los sólidos y materia orgánica, y además absorben los nutrientes contenidos en este tipo de aguas residuales. Por otra parte, el establecimiento de una cadena trófica o "cadena depuradora" de organismos (plancton y fauna asociada contribuye en gran medida en la remoción de polutantes. Bajo las condiciones de operación, el sistema de tratamiento (TPN removió eficientemente bacterias coliformes de origen fecal, seguido por sólidos suspendidos, materia orgánica y en menor grado los nutrientes.

  15. Modeling the Disease Course of Zaire ebolavirus Infection in the Outbred Guinea Pig. (United States)

    Cross, Robert W; Fenton, Karla A; Geisbert, Joan B; Mire, Chad E; Geisbert, Thomas W


    Rodent models that accurately reflect human filovirus infection are needed as early screens for medical countermeasures. Prior work in rodents with the Zaire species of Ebola virus (ZEBOV) primarily used inbred mice and guinea pigs to model disease. However, these inbred species do not show some of the important features of primate ZEBOV infection, most notably, coagulation abnormalities. Thirty-six outbred guinea pigs were infected with guinea pig-adapted ZEBOV and examined sequentially over an 8-day period to investigate the pathologic events that lead to death. Features of disease in ZEBOV-infected outbred guinea pigs were largely consistent with disease in humans and nonhuman primates and included early infection of macrophages and dendritiform cells, apoptosis of bystander lymphocytes, and increases in levels of proinflammatory cytokines. Most importantly, dysregulation of circulating levels of fibrinogen, protein C activity, and antifibrinolytic proteins and deposition of fibrin in tissues demonstrated both biochemical and microscopic evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation. These findings suggest that the outbred guinea pig model recapitulates ZEBOV infection of primates better than inbred rodent models, is useful for dissecting key events in the pathogenesis of ZEBOV, and is useful for evaluating candidate interventions prior to assessment in primates. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  16. BCG coverage and barriers to BCG vaccination in Guinea-Bissau

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thysen, Sanne Marie; Byberg, Stine; Pedersen, Marie


    , not disclosing the delay in vaccination. Several studies show that BCG at birth lowers neonatal mortality. We assessed BCG coverage at different ages and explored reasons for delay in BCG vaccination in rural Guinea-Bissau. METHODS: Bandim Health Project (BHP) runs a health and demographic surveillance system...... covering women and their children in 182 randomly selected village clusters in rural Guinea-Bissau. BCG coverage was assessed for children born in 2010, when the restricted vial-opening policy was universally implemented, and in 2012-2013, where BHP provided BCG to all children at monthly visits...

  17. Región Occidental



    Acosta Hoyos, Luis Eduardo, Bibliografía anotada del departamento de Nariño, Pasto, Imprenta Departamental, 1966. Álvarez Lleras, Jorge, El Chocó. Apuntamientos de viajes referentes a esta interesante región del país, Bogotá, Minerva, 1923. Ariza, Andrés de, “Comentos de la rica y fertilísima provincia del Darién, año 1744”, en Anales de instrucción pública Estados Unidos de Colombia, Vol. 5, No. 29, Bogotá, mayo de 1883. Beltrán de Caycedo, M., Informe sobre las provincias del Chocó, s. p. i...

  18. Conjugated linoleic acid mitigates testosterone-related changes in body composition in male guinea pigs. (United States)

    Yang, Susan Q; DeGuire, Jason R; Lavery, Paula; Mak, Ivy L; Weiler, Hope A; Santosa, Sylvia


    We hypothesize that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may be effective in preventing the changes in total and regional body composition and increases in interleukin (IL) 6 that occur as a result of hypogonadism. Male guinea pigs (n = 40, 70- to 72-week retired breeders) were block randomized by weight into 4 groups: (1) sham surgery (SHAM)/control (CTRL) diet, (2) SHAM/conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) diet (1%), (3) orchidectomy (ORX)/CTRL diet, and (4) ORX/CLA diet. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scans were performed at baseline and week 16 to assess body composition. Serum IL-6 was analyzed using an enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay. Fatty acids (FAs) from visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue were analyzed using gas chromatography. In ORX/CTRL guinea pigs, percent total body fat increased by 6.1%, and percent lean mass decreased by 6.7% over the 16-week treatment period, whereas no changes were observed for either parameter in ORX/CLA guinea pigs. Guinea pigs fed the CLA diet gained less percent total, upper, and lower body fat than those fed the CTRL diet regardless of surgical treatment. Regional adipose tissue FA composition was reflective of dietary FAs. Serum IL-6 concentrations were not different among groups. In this study, we observed that, in male guinea pigs, hypogonadism resulted in increased fat mass and decreased lean mass. In addition, CLA was effective in reducing gains in body fat and maintaining lean mass in both hypogonadal and intact guinea pigs. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Three new species of Eleutherodactylus (Amphibia: Leptodactylidae from high elevations of the cordillera Central of Colombia

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    Lynch John D.


    Full Text Available A new species of the Eleutherodactylus orcesi group, the smallest member of the group, is described from the Páramo de los Valles (Tolima. It is very similar to E. slmoterus. From the same locality, a new species of dwarf Eleutherodactylus, lacking a tympanum, is described. It appears to be a member of the E. myersi group. Lastly, a new large black Eleutherodactylusis described from páramo and subpáramo habitats of the Cordillera Central. This species is distributed from Antioquia to Cauca. With these three species, fifteen species of Eleutherodactylus are known for páramo and subpáramo habitats of the Cordillera Central north of the Macizo de Pasto. These 15 species be long to tour species groups.Se describe una especie nueva del grupo de Eleutherodactylus orcesi del Páramo de los Valles (Tolima. Esta especie es muy parecida a E. simoterus pero se distingue por su tamaño (la especie nueva es la más pequeña del grupo. Se describe también una especie enanita del Páramo de los Valles que posiblemente es una especie del grupo de Eleutherodactylus myersl. La especie es muy distinta porque carece de tímpano. Finalmente, se describe una especie grande y negra que se encuentra desde Antioquia hacia Cauca en la Cordillera Central. Con estas especies, tenemos 15 especies de Eleutherodactylus conocidas de los páramos y subpáramos de la Cordillera Central al norte del Macizo de Pasto, que pertenecen a cuatro grupos de especies.



    Omuru, Eric; Kingwell, Ross S.


    Agricultural research priority-setting at best promotes the effective and efficient use of scarce research resources. This paper reviews firstly the priority-setting methods used in Papua New Guinea for agricultural R&D and examines the practicalities of implementing these and other methods. Secondly, this paper reports on key factors affecting the strategic directions for agricultural R&D in Papua New Guinea. These factors include:(i) the long term trends in international crop prices; (ii) l...

  1. Characterization of the guinea pig 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta5-Delta4-isomerase expressed in the adrenal gland and gonads. (United States)

    Durocher, Francine; Sanchez, Rocio; Ricketts, Marie-Louise; Labrie, Yvan; Laudet, Vincent; Simard, Jacques


    The guinea pig adrenal gland, analogous to the human, possesses the capacity to synthesize C(19) steroids. In order to further understand the control of guinea pig adrenal steroidogenesis we undertook the characterization of the guinea pig 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta(5)-Delta(4)-isomerase (3beta-HSD) expressed in the adrenal gland. A cDNA clone encoding guinea pig 3beta-HSD isolated from a guinea pig adrenal library is predicted to encode a protein of 373 amino acid residues and 41,475Da. Ribonuclease protection assay suggests that this cDNA corresponds to the predominant, if not the sole, mRNA species detectable in total RNA from the guinea pig adrenal gland, ovary and testis. The guinea pig 3beta-HSD shows a similar affinity for both pregnenolone and dehydroepiandrosterone, and in addition, a 17beta-HSD type II-like activity was also observed. A phylogenetical analysis of the 3beta-HSD gene family demonstrates that the guinea pig is in a parallel branch to the myomorpha group supporting the hypothesis that the guinea pig lineage has branched off after the divergence among primates, artiodactyls and rodents, suggesting the paraphyly of the order rodentia.

  2. Seguimiento a patógenos presentes en biosólido empleado como enmienda para revegetalizar un talud


    López Sánchez, Idalia Jacqueline; Acevedo Cifuentes, Diana Rocío; Ordóñez Ante, Carlos Andrés


    Con el fin de evaluar la factibilidad del uso del biosólido como enmienda orgánica para el establecimiento de vegetación y el control de procesos erosivos superficiales activos, se seleccionó un corte de carretera ubicado sobrela Variante a Caldas (Antioquia). Para darle amarre y cobertura al suelo, se sembraron dos especies vegetales tipo pasto Brachiaria Decumbens y Kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum), utilizando biosólido proveniente de la PTAR San Fernando, mezclado con suelo de la zon...

  3. In Vitro Activity of ABT-773 against Legionella pneumophila, Its Pharmacokinetics in Guinea Pigs, and Its Use to Treat Guinea Pigs with L. pneumophila Pneumonia


    Edelstein, Paul H.; Higa, F.; Edelstein, Martha A. C.


    The activity of ABT-773 was studied against extracellular and intracellular Legionella pneumophila and for the treatment of guinea pigs with L. pneumophila pneumonia. The ABT-773 MIC at which 50% of isolates are inhibited (MIC50) for 20 different Legionella sp. strains was 0.016 μg/ml, whereas the MIC50s of clarithromycin and erythromycin were 0.032 and 0.125 μg/ml, respectively. ABT-773 (1 μg/ml) was bactericidal for two L. pneumophila strains grown in guinea pig alveolar macrophages. In con...

  4. Developmental expression of Toll‑like receptors in the guinea pig lung. (United States)

    Ma, Lingjie; Yang, Jiali; Yang, Li; Shi, Juan; Xue, Jing; Li, Yong; Liu, Xiaoming


    The guinea pig is a useful model for investigating infectious and non‑infectious lung diseases due to the sensitivity of its respiratory system and susceptibility to infectious agents. Toll‑like receptors (TLRs) are important components of the innate immune response and are critical for lung immune function. In the present study, the differentiation of epithelial cells in the guinea pig lung was examined during gestation by studying anatomic morphology and the major epithelial cell types using cell type‑specific markers. The developmental expression of all 9 TLRs and the TLR signaling adaptors myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) and tumor necrosis factor receptor associated factor 6 (TRAF‑6) were investigated by reverse transcription‑quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blotting analysis. The formation of lung lobes in guinea pigs was observed at 45 days of gestation (dGA), along with the expression of the basal cell marker keratin 14 and the alveolar type II cell marker pro‑surfactant protein. However, the cube cell marker secretoglobin family1A member 1 and ciliated cell marker b‑tubulin IV were only detected in the lungs from 52 dGA onward. The expression levels of all TLRs, MyD88 and TRAF‑6 were determined in lung tissues harvested from embryos, newborn, postnatal and adult animals. The expression levels of all TLR signaling components displayed similar dynamic expression patterns with gestation age and postnatal maturation time, except for TLR‑4 and TLR‑7. mRNA expression levels of TLR components were significantly increased in the lungs at 45 and 52 dGA, compared with later developmental stages. These results suggest that TLR expression in the guinea pig lung is developmentally regulated, enhancing the understanding of lung biology in guinea pig models.

  5. Interrelationships of Non-Formal Mother Tongue Education and Citizenship in Guinea and Senegal (United States)

    Clemons, Andrea; Yerende, Eva


    Guinea and Senegal are multilingual countries that use French as a language of instruction in the formal educational sector with some significant exceptions. As in many other African countries, such exceptions in Guinea and Senegal, use local African languages primarily in the non-formal sector for a variety of purposes, such as adult literacy and…

  6. Lower Cretaceous Source Rock and its Implication for the Gulf of Guinea Petroleum System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frost, B.R.; Griffith, R.C.


    Current petroleum system models for the Gulf of Guinea propose Tertiary-age deltaic organic material as the principal source for the hydrocarbons found there. Although previous workers recognized numerous difficulties and inconsistencies, no alternative model has been resented to adequately explain the complete petroleum system. We propose that the principal source rock for the Gulf of Guinea system occurs in upper lower Cretaceous-age shales at the rift-drift transition. Tertiary loading and the consequent maturation of this lower Cretaceous source rock can explain the controls on tap formation, reservoir distribution and hydrocarbon types found in the Gulf of Guinea

  7. Microsatellite loci in Japanese quail and cross-species amplification in chicken and guinea fowl

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    Mizutani Makoto


    Full Text Available Abstract In line with the Gifu University's initiative to map the Japanese quail genome, a total of 100 Japanese quail microsatellite markers isolated in our laboratory were evaluated in a population of 20 unrelated quails randomly sampled from a colony of wild quail origin. Ninety-eight markers were polymorphic with an average of 3.7 alleles per locus and a mean heterozygosity of 0.423. To determine the utility of these markers for comparative genome mapping in Phasianidae, cross-species amplification of all the markers was tested with chicken and guinea fowl DNA. Amplification products similar in size to the orthologous loci in quail were observed in 42 loci in chicken and 20 loci in guinea fowl. Of the cross-reactive markers, 57.1% in chicken and 55.0% in guinea fowl were polymorphic when tested in 20 birds from their respective populations. Five of 15 markers that could cross-amplify Japanese quail, chicken, and guinea fowl DNA were polymorphic in all three species. Amplification of orthologous loci was confirmed by sequencing 10 loci each from chicken and guinea fowl and comparing with them the corresponding quail sequence. The microsatellite markers reported would serve as a useful resource base for genetic mapping in quail and comparative mapping in Phasianidae.

  8. An investigation into febrile illnesses of unknown aetiology in Wipim, Papua New Guinea. (United States)

    Bande, Grace; Hetzel, Manuel W; Iga, Jonah; Barnadas, Celine; Mueller, Ivo; Siba, Peter M; Horwood, Paul F


    In Papua New Guinea the aetiology of febrile illnesses remains poorly characterized, mostly due to poor diagnostic facilities and the inaccessibility of much of the rural areas of the country. We investigated the aetiological agents of febrile illnesses for 136 people presenting to Wipim Health Centre in Western Province, Papua New Guinea. Arboviral and rickettsial real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, malaria blood smears and a malaria PCR test were used to identify pathogens associated with a history of fever. In 13% (n = 18) of cases an aetiological agent was identified. Dengue virus type 1 was detected in 11% (n = 15) of the samples tested and malaria in 2% (n = 3). None of the other arboviral or rickettsial pathogens tested for were detected in any of the samples. Although dengue viruses have been identified in Papua New Guinea using serological methods, this study represents the first direct detection of dengue in the country. The detection of malaria, on the other hand, was surprisingly low considering the previous notion that this was a hyperendemic region of Papua New Guinea.

  9. Guinea pig model for evaluating the potential public health risk of swine and avian influenza viruses.

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    Yipeng Sun

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The influenza viruses circulating in animals sporadically transmit to humans and pose pandemic threats. Animal models to evaluate the potential public health risk potential of these viruses are needed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the guinea pig as a mammalian model for the study of the replication and transmission characteristics of selected swine H1N1, H1N2, H3N2 and avian H9N2 influenza viruses, compared to those of pandemic (H1N1 2009 and seasonal human H1N1, H3N2 influenza viruses. The swine and avian influenza viruses investigated were restricted to the respiratory system of guinea pigs and shed at high titers in nasal tracts without prior adaptation, similar to human strains. None of the swine and avian influenza viruses showed transmissibility among guinea pigs; in contrast, pandemic (H1N1 2009 virus transmitted from infected guinea pigs to all animals and seasonal human influenza viruses could also horizontally transmit in guinea pigs. The analysis of the receptor distribution in the guinea pig respiratory tissues by lectin histochemistry indicated that both SAα2,3-Gal and SAα2,6-Gal receptors widely presented in the nasal tract and the trachea, while SAα2,3-Gal receptor was the main receptor in the lung. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We propose that the guinea pig could serve as a useful mammalian model to evaluate the potential public health threat of swine and avian influenza viruses.

  10. Ensayo de fertilización del pasto puntero (Hyparrhenia rufa con un diseño de superficies de respuesta en la zona de Chaparral, Tolima

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Buritica Martínez Hernando


    Full Text Available Se realizó un esayo de fertilización con NPK empleando urea, superfosfato tripley cloruro de potasio como fuentes en pasto puntero (Hyparrhenia rufa en la vereda Espíritu Santo, municipio de Chaparral, Tolima en suelos francos arenosos de laderade baja a mediana fertilidad natural, altura de 1.000 m.s.n.m., temperatura diaria de 25 grados, precipitación promedia anual de 2.500 mms. y una estación seca bien definida entre los meses de junio a septiembre, utilizando el modelo de superficies de respuesta desarrollado por Box y Hunter, ex·puesto por Cochran y Cox y recomendado por Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario. Los modelos de regresión obtenidos, muestran incrementos crecientes en la producción de forraje verde y contenido proteínico para las aplicaciones crecientes de nitrógeno y fósforo, con máximos equivalentes a 41 toneladas/Ha y 3.5% con aplicaciones de 400 y 200 kgs/Ha de úrea y superfosfato triple. En las condiciones de ensayo, se demuestra la conveniencia de la aplicaciónde nitrógeno y fósforo en cantidades comprendidas entre 150 a 200 y 75 a too kilos de úrea y superfosfato triple por hectárea respectivamente.
    A field experiment were conducted in order to know the response of "Puntero" grass (Hyparrhenia rufa to the application of diferent amount of Urea, concentrated superphosphate and muriate of potash, in a sand 108m soil of farm located in Chaparral (Tolima at 1000 above sea level, 250C annual mean temperature, and 2.500mm annual mean precipitation. Box and Hunter's surface response model was usedas advised by the Instituto Agropecuario Colombiano.The regresion analysis shows that increasing applications levels of Nitrogen (urea and Phosphorus (superphosphate increase the amount of green forage and protein conten; highest level of forage 41 ton and protein 3.5% content were obtained using 400 and 200 kg.ha-1 of urea and superphosphate. From this information, the author recomend the use of amounts between 150

  11. Influencia del probiótico Sorbifauna en la producción y calidad de la leche de vacas mestizas en pastoreo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tania Sánchez

    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la inclusión del probiótico Sorbifauna en la producción y calidad de la leche de vacas Holstein × Cebú que pastoreaban en una asociación de Leucaena leucocephala cv. Cunningham y Megathyrsus maximus cv. Likoni; el estudio se realizó en el periodo mayo-junio de 2013, en la Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes Indio Hatuey. Se utilizaron 12 vacas (clínicamente sanas en un diseño Switch Back, con tres tratamientos: A: pastoreo en la asociación + 60 g de aditivo, B: pastoreo en la asociación + 90 g de aditivo, y C: pastoreo en la asociación + 120 g de aditivo. Se estimó la disponibilidad de pasto y se midió la producción de leche durante el experimento, para lo que se tuvo en cuenta la producción promedio inicial (10,0 ± 2,2 kg, en 84 ± 54 días de lactancia. Además, se determinaron los porcentajes de grasa, proteína, lactosa y sólidos totales. La producción de leche fue de 11,9; 12,1 y 12,2 kg/vaca/día, sin diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos, al igual que para la grasa (3,8; 4,0 y 3,9 % y la proteína (3,3; 3,4 y 3,4 %; en la lactosa y los sólidos totales se obtuvo un comportamiento similar. Se concluye que no hubo diferencias significativas en la producción y calidad de la leche en vacas de mediano potencial al incluir el probiótico Sorbifauna cuando estas pastan en un sistema silvopastoril, por lo que se recomienda evaluarlo en sistemas de gramíneas sin fertilizar.

  12. Type I hair cell degeneration in the utricular macula of the waltzing guinea pig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Severinsen, Stig A; Raarup, Merete Krog; Ulfendahl, Mats


    Waltzing guinea pigs are an inbred guinea pig strain with a congenital and progressive balance and hearing disorder. A unique rod-shaped structure is found in the type I vestibular hair cells, that traverses the cell in an axial direction, extending towards the basement membrane. The present study...... estimates the total number of utricular hair cells and supporting cells in waltzing guinea pigs and age-matched control animals using the optical fractionator method. Animals were divided into four age groups (1, 7, 49 and 343 day-old). The number of type I hair cells decreased by 20% in the 343 day......-old waltzing guinea pigs compared to age-matched controls and younger animals. Two-photon confocal laser scanning microscopy using antibodies against fimbrin and betaIII-tubulin showed that the rods were exclusive to type I hair cells. There was no significant change in the length of the filament rods with age...

  13. MMP-2 participates in the sclera of guinea pig with form-deprivation myopia via IGF-1/STAT3 pathway. (United States)

    Liu, Y-X; Sun, Y


    To investigate the expression changes of MMP-2 (matrix metalloproteinases-2) mediated by IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factors-1) STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3) pathway in the sclera of the form-deprivation myopia guinea pigs. Twenty-four three-week-old guinea pigs were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A (Control), B, C and D. Guinea pigs in group A were sacrificed after 21 days without any special treatment. Guinea pigs in group B were sacrificed 7 days after receiving stitch in the right eye. Guinea pigs in group C were sacrificed 14 days after receiving stitch in the right eye. Guinea pigs in group D were sacrificed 21 days after receiving stitch in the right eye. Eyeball refraction and axial length of guinea pigs were measured before sacrifice. Eyeballs of guinea pigs were enucleated after sacrifice. The expressions of IGF-1, STAT3 and MMP-2 in scleral tissue were detected by Western blot. Axial length extension and myopia appeared in the right eye of guinea pigs in group B. The expressions of IGF-1, STAT3 and MMP-2 in the sclera significantly increased after 7 days of occlusion compared with that in control group A (pIGF-1, STAT3 and MMP-2 in sclera significantly increased compared with that in group A (pIGF-1, STAT3 and MMP-2 in scleral significantly upregulated 21 days after occlusion (pIGF-1 in sclera were positively correlated (r = 0.962, pIGF-1, STAT3 and MMP-2 in the sclera and myopia of guinea pigs. The expressions of IGF-1, STAT3 and MMP-2 increased progressively over the time of deprivation. Additionally, overexpression of MMP-2 mediated by IGF-1/STAT3 pathway in sclera might promote the formation of myopia.

  14. Reduced noise susceptibility in littermate offspring from heterozygous animals of the German waltzing guinea pig. (United States)

    Skjönsberg, Åsa; Mannström, Paula


    The German waltzing guinea pig is a spontaneously mutated strain with severe auditory and vestibular impairment caused by a so far unknown genetic mutation. The animals are born deaf and show a circling behavior. The heterozygote animals of this guinea pig strain have functionally normal hearing and balance. However, these animals have, in earlier studies, shown an increased resistance to noise compared with normal wild-type guinea pigs. In the present study, we explored the functional hearing with auditory brainstem response thresholds before and at different time points after noise exposure. Symptom-free littermates from heterozygote couples of the German waltzing guinea pigs were exclusively used for the study, which, after the hearing test, were sent back for breeding to confirm their genotype (i.e. heterozygote or normal). The aim of this paper was to ascertain that the previously shown reduced susceptibility to noise trauma in the heterozygote animals of the German waltzing guinea pig was also evident when littermates were used as control animals. The findings are important for further analysis of the heterozygote animals of this strain and for future investigations of the underlying mechanisms behind the diverse susceptibility to exposures of loud sound.

  15. Pathogenesis of a genotype C strain of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 infection in albino guinea pigs. (United States)

    Shi, Hong-Fei; Zhu, Yuan-Mao; Dong, Xiu-Mei; Cai, Hong; Ma, Lei; Wang, Shu; Yan, Hao; Wang, Xue-Zhi; Xue, Fei


    Bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 (BPIV3) is one of the most important of the known viral respiratory tract agents of both young and adult cattle and widespread among cattle around the world. Up to present, three genotypes A, B and C of BPIV3 have been described on the basis of genetic and phylogenetic analysis and only limited studies on the pathogenesis of the genotype A of BPIV3 infection in calves and laboratory animals have been performed. The report about experimental infections of the genotypes B and C of BPIV3 in laboratory animals and calves was scant. Therefore, an experimental infection of guinea pigs with the Chinese BPIV3 strain SD0835 of the genotype C was performed. Sixteen guinea pigs were intranasally inoculated with the suspension of SD0835, while eight control guinea pigs were also intranasally inoculated with the same volume of supernatant from uninfected MDBK cells. The virus-inoculated guinea pigs displayed a few observable clinical signs that were related to the respiratory tract disease and two of the sixteen experimentally infected guinea pigs died at 2 and 3 days post inoculation (PI), respectively, and apparent gross pneumonic lesions were observed at necropsy. The gross pneumonic lesions in guinea pigs inoculated with SD0835 consisted of dark red, slightly depressed, irregular areas of consolidation in the lung lobes from the second to 9th day of infection at necropsy, and almost complete consolidation and atelectasis of the lung lobes were seen at 7 days PI. Histopathological changes including alveoli septa thickening and focal cellulose pneumonia were also observed in the lungs of guinea pigs experimentally infected with SD0835. Viral replication was detectable by virus isolation and titration, real-time RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining in the respiratory tissues of guinea pigs as early as 24h after intranasal inoculation with SD0835. The results of virus isolation and titration showed that guinea pigs were permissive for

  16. Generation and characterization of induced pluripotent stem cells from guinea pig fetal fibroblasts (United States)

    Wu, Yuehong; Li, Ouyang; He, Chengwen; Li, Yong; Li, Min; Liu, Xiaoming; Wang, Yujiong; He, Yulong


    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) represent an important tool to develop disease-modeling assays, drug testing assays and cell-based replacement therapies. The application of iPS in these fields requires the development of suitable animal models. Of the suitable species, guinea pigs are particularly important and offer significant advantages. Successful iPS generation has been accomplished in a number of species; however, it has not been reported in the guinea pig. The present study successfully generated iPS from guinea pigs (giPS) using single polycistronic virus transduction with mouse octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (Oct4), sex determining region Y-box 2 (Sox2), Kruppel-like factor 4 and c-Myc. The giPS cell lines were cultured in media containing leukemia inhibitory factor and guinea pig fibroblast cells were used as feeder cells. These cultures were expanded under feeder-free culture conditions using ESGRO Complete Plus Clonal Grade medium containing 15% fetal bovine serum on gelatin-coated dishes. The resultant cells had a normal karyotype, exhibited alkaline phosphatase activity and expressed the pluripotency markers Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog. The cells differentiated in vivo to form teratomas that contained all three germ layers of the tissue cells. The generation of giPS may facilitate future studies investigating the mechanisms underlying innate immunity, particularly for tuberculosis. These experiments provide proof of principle that iPS technology may be adapted to use the guinea pig as a model of human diseases. PMID:28393187

  17. Generation and characterization of induced pluripotent stem cells from guinea pig fetal fibroblasts. (United States)

    Wu, Yuehong; Li, Ouyang; He, Chengwen; Li, Yong; Li, Min; Liu, Xiaoming Liu; Wang, Yujiong; He, Yulong


    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) represent an important tool to develop disease‑modeling assays, drug testing assays and cell‑based replacement therapies. The application of iPS in these fields requires the development of suitable animal models. Of the suitable species, guinea pigs are particularly important and offer significant advantages. Successful iPS generation has been accomplished in a number of species; however, it has not been reported in the guinea pig. The present study successfully generated iPS from guinea pigs (giPS) using single polycistronic virus transduction with mouse octamer‑binding transcription factor 4 (Oct4), sex determining region Y‑box 2 (Sox2), Kruppel‑like factor 4 and c‑Myc. The giPS cell lines were cultured in media containing leukemia inhibitory factor and guinea pig fibroblast cells were used as feeder cells. These cultures were expanded under feeder‑free culture conditions using ESGRO Complete Plus Clonal Grade medium containing 15% fetal bovine serum on gelatin‑coated dishes. The resultant cells had a normal karyotype, exhibited alkaline phosphatase activity and expressed the pluripotency markers Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog. The cells differentiated in vivo to form teratomas that contained all three germ layers of the tissue cells. The generation of giPS may facilitate future studies investigating the mechanisms underlying innate immunity, particularly for tuberculosis. These experiments provide proof of principle that iPS technology may be adapted to use the guinea pig as a model of human diseases.

  18. In vivo effects of the IKr agonist NS3623 on cardiac electrophysiology of the guinea pig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Rie Schultz; Olesen, Søren-Peter; Rønn, Lars Christian B


    to examining the in vivo effects of NS3623. Injection of 30 mg/kg NS3623 shortened the corrected QT interval by 25 +/- 4% in anaesthetized guinea pigs. Accordingly, 50 mg/kg of NS3623 shortened the QT interval by 30 +/- 6% in conscious guinea pigs. Finally, pharmacologically induced QT prolongation by a h......ERG channel antagonist (0.15 mg/kg E-4031) could be reverted by injection of NS3623 (50 mg/kg) in conscious guinea pigs. In conclusion, the present in vivo study demonstrates that injection of the hERG channel agonist NS3623 results in shortening of the QTc interval as well as reversal of a pharmacologically...... induced QT prolongation in both anaesthetized and conscious guinea pigs....

  19. Mesothelium of Reissner's membrane in guinea pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qvortrup, K; Rostgaard, Jørgen


    The mesothelial cells of Reissner's membrane in guinea pigs were found to be connected by junctional complexes. No cell discontinuities or gaps were observed by scanning or transmission electron microscopy. These results are not in accordance with previous studies. They were achieved by in vivo...

  20. Iinformation accessibility and farmers manageriability of guinea ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study examined the farmers' access to information and their manageriability of the intervention programme in the study area. To achieve the objective, there was need to determine farmers' information accessibility and manageriability of guinea worm intervention package; then determine farmers satisfaction with the ...

  1. Viruses associated with influenza-like-illnesses in Papua New Guinea, 2010. (United States)

    Kono, Jacinta; Jonduo, Marinjho H; Omena, Matthew; Siba, Peter M; Horwood, Paul F


    Influenza-like-illness can be caused by a wide range of respiratory viruses. The etiology of influenza-like-illness in developing countries such as Papua New Guinea is poorly understood. The etiological agents associated with influenza-like-illness were investigated retrospectively for 300 nasopharyngeal swabs received by the Papua New Guinea National Influenza Centre in 2010. Real-time PCR/RT-PCR methods were used for the detection of 13 respiratory viruses. Patients with influenza-like-illness were identified according to the World Health Organization case definition: sudden onset of fever (>38°C), with cough and/or sore throat, in the absence of other diagnoses. At least one viral respiratory pathogen was detected in 66.3% of the samples tested. Rhinoviruses (17.0%), influenza A (16.7%), and influenza B (12.7%) were the pathogens detected most frequently. Children 5 years of age. Influenza B, adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus were all detected at significantly higher rates in children Papua New Guinea. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Evaluación de la zeolita natural utilizada como una tecnología productiva y limpia, aplicada al pasto Maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp) como un complemento en el uso de los fertilizantes nitrogenados


    Pérez-Marín, Manuel Francisco


    Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Gestión de Recursos Naturales y Tecnologías de Producción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Agroforestal, 2014. La necesidad de buscar alternativas para el aprovechamiento de fertilizantes en pastos de alta calidad como Maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp), lleva a investigar a la zeolita a modo de tecnología complementaria al programa de fertilización. Países como México, Colombia, Ecuador y Bolivia han utilizado la zeolita de tal forma ...

  3. Molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium isolates from humans in Equatorial Guinea. (United States)

    Blanco, María Alejandra; Iborra, Asunción; Vargas, Antonio; Nsie, Eugenia; Mbá, Luciano; Fuentes, Isabel


    The aim of the study was to perform a molecular characterization of clinical isolates of Cryptosporidium species from Equatorial Guinea. Standard laboratory methods were used to identify 35 cryptosporidiosis cases among 185 patients. PCR-RFLP successfully identified 34 Cryptosporidium species from these 35 cases, comprising C. parvum (52.9%), C. hominis (44.1%) and C. meleagridis (2.9%); over 90% of the species were isolated from HIV-positive patients. This is the first report of the molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium species isolated from humans in Equatorial Guinea and shows that zoonotic and anthroponotic transmission is present in this country.

  4. Morphometrical Study of the Temporal Bone and Auditory Ossicles in Guinea Pig

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmadali Mohammadpour


    Full Text Available In this research, anatomical descriptions of the structure of the temporal bone and auditory ossicles have been performed based on dissection of ten guinea pigs. The results showed that, in guinea pig temporal bone was similar to other animals and had three parts; squamous, tympanic and petrous .The tympanic part was much better developed and consisted of oval shaped tympanic bulla with many recesses in tympanic cavity. The auditory ossicles of guinea pig concluded of three small bones; malleus, incus and stapes but the head of the malleus and the body of incus were fused and forming a malleoincudal complex. The average of morphometric parameters showed that the malleus was 3.53 ± 0.22 mm in total length. In addition to head and handle, the malleus had two distinct process; lateral and muscular. The incus had a total length 1.23 ± 0.02mm. It had long and short crus although the long crus was developed better than short crus. The lenticular bone was a round bone that articulated with the long crus of incus. The stapes had a total length 1.38 ± 0.04mm. The anterior crus(0.86 ± 0.08mm was larger than posterior crus (0.76 ± 0.08mm. It is concluded that, in the guinea pig, the malleus and the incus are fused, forming a junction called incus-malleus, while in the other animals these are separate bones. The stapes is larger and has a triangular shape and the anterior and posterior crus are thicker than other rodents. Therefore, for otological studies, the guinea pig is a good lab animal.

  5. Evaluating of the Anticonvulsant Gabapentin against Nerve Agent-Induced Seizures in a Guinea Pig Model (United States)


    treating neuropathic pain. This study evaluated whether gabapentin could terminate or moderate nerve agent-induced seizures using a validated guinea ... pig model. Male Hartley guinea pigs were surgically prepared to record electroencephalographic (EEG) activity. After a week recovery, animals were

  6. A reliable method for reconstituting thymectomized, lethally irradiated guinea pigs with bone marrow cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terata, N.; Tanio, Y.; Zbar, B.


    The authors developed a reliable method for reconstituting thymectomized, lethally irradiated guinea pigs. Injection of 2.5-10 x 10 7 syngeneic bone marrow cells into adult thymectomized, lethally irradiated guinea pigs produced survival of 46-100% of treated animals. Gentamycin sulfate (5 mg/kg of body weight) for 10 days was required for optimal results. Acidified drinking water (pH 2.5) appeared to be required for optimal results. Thymectomized, lethally irradiated, bone marrow reconstituted ('B') guinea pigs had impaired ability to develop delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity to mycobacterial antigens and cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity to keyhole limpet hemocyanin; proliferative responses to phytohemagglutinin were impaired. (Auth.)

  7. Guinea pig for meat production: A systematic review of factors affecting the production, carcass and meat quality. (United States)

    Sánchez-Macías, Davinia; Barba-Maggi, Lida; Morales-delaNuez, Antonio; Palmay-Paredes, Julio


    In developing countries, interest in guinea pig farming is growing exponentially because it provides a regular source of high quality animal protein for domestic consumption. Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are prolific animals, grow and are capable of reproduction on a flexible diet, and are adaptable to a wide range of climates. This article mainly reviews findings on guinea pig meat production, including factors affecting raising guinea pigs, carcass and meat quality. We also present some studies that describe biological and pathologic effects on carcass component composition. During the last decades no standard procedure has been established for guinea pig carcass evaluation, which makes very difficult any comparison of results with other studies around the world. Herein we highlight a variety of factors that significantly affect carcass and meat quality. Some of these factors are production systems, environmental and genetic factors, management systems, the diet and health status, age, sex and reproductive management. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Studies of guinea pig immunoglobulin isotype, idiotype and antiidiotype

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tirrell, S.M.


    Immunization of Guinea pigs with diphtheria toxoid generated antibodies of the IgG class that were capable of neutralizing native toxin in vivo. Sera from these animals were used to affinity purify idiotypic antibodies (AB1). AB1 vaccines derived from the IgG1 class and from F(ab') 2 of IgG1 + IgG2 (IgG1/2) classes were effective in inducing a syngeneic anti-idiotype (AB2) response. Animals immunized with AB1 consisting of both IgG1/2 did not elicit a detectable AB2 response. Binding of homologous 125 I-F(ab') 2 (AB1) to the antiidiotype was inhibited 90% in the presence of DT.F(ab') 2 derived from preimmune serum or had no inhibitory effects on the idiotype-antiidiotype interactions. Two groups of outbred guinea pigs were vaccinated with alum absorbed F(ab') 2 of anti-idiotype IgG1/2 (AB2). Of the ten animals inoculated with AB2, three tested positive by RIA against 125 I-DT. Two of the RIA positive sera contained antibodies that neutralized diphtheria toxin in a rabbit intracutaneous assay. Purification of guinea pig IgG by protein A-Sepharose affinity chromatography resulted in the separation of three distinct IgG populations

  9. Replication and Transmission of the Novel Bovine Influenza D Virus in a Guinea Pig Model. (United States)

    Sreenivasan, Chithra; Thomas, Milton; Sheng, Zizhang; Hause, Ben M; Collin, Emily A; Knudsen, David E B; Pillatzki, Angela; Nelson, Eric; Wang, Dan; Kaushik, Radhey S; Li, Feng


    Influenza D virus (FLUDV) is a novel influenza virus that infects cattle and swine. The goal of this study was to investigate the replication and transmission of bovine FLUDV in guinea pigs. Following direct intranasal inoculation of animals, the virus was detected in nasal washes of infected animals during the first 7 days postinfection. High viral titers were obtained from nasal turbinates and lung tissues of directly inoculated animals. Further, bovine FLUDV was able to transmit from the infected guinea pigs to sentinel animals by means of contact and not by aerosol dissemination under the experimental conditions tested in this study. Despite exhibiting no clinical signs, infected guinea pigs developed seroconversion and the viral antigen was detected in lungs of animals by immunohistochemistry. The observation that bovine FLUDV replicated in the respiratory tract of guinea pigs was similar to observations described previously in studies of gnotobiotic calves and pigs experimentally infected with bovine FLUDV but different from those described previously in experimental infections in ferrets and swine with a swine FLUDV, which supported virus replication only in the upper respiratory tract and not in the lower respiratory tract, including lung. Our study established that guinea pigs could be used as an animal model for studying this newly emerging influenza virus. Influenza D virus (FLUDV) is a novel emerging pathogen with bovine as its primary host. The epidemiology and pathogenicity of the virus are not yet known. FLUDV also spreads to swine, and the presence of FLUDV-specific antibodies in humans could indicate that there is a potential for zoonosis. Our results showed that bovine FLUDV replicated in the nasal turbinate and lungs of guinea pigs at high titers and was also able to transmit from an infected animal to sentinel animals by contact. The fact that bovine FLUDV replicated productively in both the upper and lower respiratory tracts of guinea pigs

  10. Valoración de las condiciones que hacen habitable el espacio público en Colombia


    Pablo Páramo; Andrea Milena Burbano Arroyo


    Este artículo presenta la valoración hecha por habitantes de algunas ciudades colombianas sobre las condiciones que contribuyen a la habitabilidad del espacio público. Participaron 740 personas, habitantes de Yopal, Villavicencio, Valledupar, Popayán, Pereira, Pasto, Neiva, Montería, Medellín, Fusagasugá, Cúcuta, Cartagena, Cali y Bogotá. La evaluación de las condiciones que contribuyen o no a la habitabilidad del espacio público se llevó a cabo mediante un instrumento, compuesto por 48 ítems...

  11. The Anticomplementary Activity of ’Fusobacterium polymorphum’ in Normal and C-4 Deficient Sources of Guinea Pig Complement. (United States)


    A complement consumption assay was used to show that the anticomplementary activity of a cell wall preparation from F. polymorphum in guinea pig complement...tests with C𔃾-deficient guinea pig sera confirmed that F. polymorphum cell walls were capable of generating alternate complement pathway activity in guinea pig sera.

  12. Prevalence and zoonotic risks of Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Cheyletiella spp. in guinea pigs and rabbits in Dutch pet shops. (United States)

    Overgaauw, P A M; Avermaete, K H A van; Mertens, C A R M; Meijer, M; Schoemaker, N J


    Young rabbits and guinea pigs are often purchased as pets for children and may be infected with zoonotic skin infections. To assess the risk of acquiring such an infection from rabbits or guinea pigs, this study investigated the prevalence of the fungus Trichophyton mentagrophytes and the fur mite Cheyletiella parasitovorax in asymptomatic rabbits and guinea pigs in Dutch pet shops. In 91 pet shops a total of 213 rabbits and 179 guinea pigs were sampled using the Mackenzie technique and cultured. Clean cultures were examined microscopically and a PCR was performed on at least one sample from each pet shop. All animals were investigated for fur mite using a flea comb, a magnifying glass and white paper. From the fur of 3.8% (8/213) of the rabbits and 16.8% (30/179) of the guinea pigs, T. mentagrophytes was isolated. From 1 guinea pig (0,6%) Chrysosporium keratinophilum was isolated. Dermatophyte-positive rabbits and guinea pigs originated from 5.6% (5/90) and 27.3% (24/88) of the investigated pet shops, respectively. Fur mites were not found. Pet shops can play an important role in preventing transmission of zoonotic ringworm infections (dermatophytosis) and educating their customers. Specific preventive measures such as routine screening examinations and (prophylactic) treatment of rabbits and guinea pigs are recommended next to regular hygiene when handling animals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. HIV-1 subtypes D and F are prevalent in Guinea Conakry. (United States)

    Freimanis, G L; Loua, A; Allain, J P


    Limited data is available upon the distribution of different HIV-1/2 genotypes in the blood donor population from Guinea Conakry. To investigate the prevalence of HIV-1/2 subtypes in asymptomatic blood donors in Guinea Conakry, in order to update knowledge of HIV-1/2 epidemiology within this country. Samples from 104 blood donors seropositive for HIV-1/2 were tested for HIV-1 by real-time RT-PCR. Those negative for HIV-1 were tested with HIV-2 nested RT-PCR. Positive samples were further amplified in the HIV-1 gag and pol regions and sequenced. Subtypes were determined by phylogenetic analysis on amplicon sequences. 61 samples were positive by HIV-1 real-time RT-PCR. Of the 43 negative, 2 (4.6%) were positive for HIV-2. 52/61 (85.3%) samples were positive by nested RT-PCR. Of the 52, 43 (70.5%) and 31(59.6%) sequences were obtained in the gag and pol regions, respectively; 23 for both regions. HIV-1 subtype distribution was 1 B (2.1%), 8 F (17%), 8 D (17%) and 28 CRF02_AG (59.6%) with 2 unclassified recombinants (4.3%). Unique clusters for subtype D and F distinguished Guinea from HIV-1 subtype distribution in neighboring countries. Subtype F and subtype D strains, uncommon in West Africa, are a substantial part of HIV-1 epidemiology in Guinea. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Interstitial cells of Cajal and Auerbach's plexus. A scanning electron microscopical study of guinea-pig small intestine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jessen, Harry; Thuneberg, Lars


    Anatomy, interstitial cells of Cajal, myenteric plexus, small intestine, guinea-pig, scanning electron microscopy......Anatomy, interstitial cells of Cajal, myenteric plexus, small intestine, guinea-pig, scanning electron microscopy...

  15. Median Lethal Doses Associated with Intravenous Exposure to the Optically Pure Enantiomers of VX in Guinea Pigs (United States)


    in Guinea Pigs 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Wright, Linnzi K. M.; Forster, Jeffry S...intravenous exposure of adult, male guinea pigs to the individual VX enantiomers, and we compared those potencies to that for a racemic mixture. The P...highly toxic based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Acute Toxicity Categories for Pesticide Products. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Guinea pig

  16. Paludismo grave y complicado en niños. Hospital regional de Bata. Guinea Ecuatorial. 2003 Severe and complicated malaria in children at “Bata” Regional Hospital- Equatorial Guinea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Hernández García


    Full Text Available El paludismo grave es el causado por el Plasmodium falciparum, que cada año cobra millones de vidas en los países del tercer mundo, siendo los niños los más afectados, por este motivo se realizó estudio prospectivo, descriptivo transversal de los pacientes pediátricos que ingresaron con gota gruesa positiva a plasmodium falciparum, del mes de enero a julio del año 2003 en el hospital regional de Bata en Guinea Ecuatorial. Se encontró que el 49% de los ingresos correspondieron a los niños de 1-4 años, siguiendoles los menores de un año con 34,5% de casos. Se encontró que el 24% de los niños solo permanecieron un día en el hospital y el 67% de 2-5 días. Presentaron complicaciones 35,5% de los ingresados, la anemia severa fue la complicación que más se presentó (17,3%, los trastornos hidroelectrolíticos le siguieron con un 10%. Fallecieron 16 niños, de ellos con anemia severa 10 para (62,5%, con estadía de menos de un día fallecieron 7 pacientes y de 2-5 días otros 7 niños y entre los 6-13 días hubo 2 muertes. La principal recomendación fue que los niños con sospecha de paludismo deben ser atendidos inmediatamente para evitar las graves complicaciones de ésta enfermedad.Severe malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum taken millions of lives in Third World countries every year and being children the most affected. A descriptive, prospective, cross "sectional and correlational-casual study was carried out with pediatric patients who were admitted at Bata Regional Hospital in Equatorial Guinea after practicing a thick" film method test with positive results of plasmodium falciparum from January to July 2003, aimed at establishing clinical features of children affected by plasmodium falciparum determining the number of admissions, stay in hospital, complications and mortality, scientific methods used were empiric; analyzing documents and verbal interviews, statistic methods were: parametric samples and percentage

  17. A step forward for understanding the morbidity burden in Guinea: a national descriptive study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hu Guoqing


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Little evidence on the burden of disease has been reported about Guinea. This study was conducted to demonstrate the morbidity burden in Guinea and provide basic evidence for setting health priorities. Methods A retrospective descriptive study was designed to present the morbidity burden of Guinea. Morbidity data were extracted from the National Health Statistics Report of Guinea of 2008. The data are collected based on a pyramid of facilities which includes two national hospitals (teaching hospitals, seven regional hospitals, 26 prefectural hospitals, 8 communal medical centers, 390 health centers, and 628 health posts. Morbidity rates were calculated to measure the burden of non-fatal diseases. The contributions of the 10 leading diseases were presented by sex and age group. Results In 2008, a total of 3,936,599 cases occurred. The morbidity rate for males was higher than for females, 461 versus 332 per 1,000 population. Malaria, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, helminthiases, and malnutrition ranked in the first 5 places and accounted for 74% of the total burden, respectively having a rate of 148, 64, 33, 32, and 14 per 1,000 population. The elderly aged 65+ had the highest morbidity rate (611 per 1,000 population followed by working-age population (458 per 1,000 population and children (396 per 1,000 population while the working-age population aged 25-64 contributed the largest part (39% to total cases. The sex- and age-specific spectrum of morbidity burden showed a similar profile except for small variations. Conclusion Guinea has its unique morbidity burden. The ten leading causes of morbidity burden, especially for malaria, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, helminthiases, and malnutrition, need to be prioritized in Guinea.

  18. Treatment and control of Trixacarus caviae infestation in a conventional guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) breeding colony


    Nath, Anjan Jyoti


    A case of sarcoptic mange caused by Trixacarus caviae in a conventional guinea pig breeding colony is reported. The infestation was reported in a large colony of guinea pigs during the month of July, 2013 affecting 30 breeder guinea pigs. Severely infested animals were treated individually with subcutaneous injection of ivermectin 1 % w/v (Neomec®) at the rate of 400 µg/kg body weight 10 days apart. Three doses of ivermectin were sufficient to eliminate the parasite which tested negative afte...

  19. Catecholamine secretion by chemical hypoxia in guinea-pig, but not rat, adrenal medullary cells: differences in mitochondria. (United States)

    Harada, K; Endo, Y; Warashina, A; Inoue, M


    The effects of mitochondrial inhibitors (CN(-), a complex IV inhibitor and CCCP, protonophore) on catecholamine (CA) secretion and mitochondrial function were explored functionally and biochemically in rat and guinea-pig adrenal chromaffin cells. Guinea-pig chromaffin cells conspicuously secreted CA in response to CN(-) or CCCP, but rat cells showed a little, if any, secretory response to either of them. The resting metabolic rates in rat adrenal medullae did not differ from those in guinea-pig adrenal medullae. On the other hand, the time course of depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) in guinea-pig chromaffin cells in response to CN(-) was slower than that in rat chromaffin cells, and this difference was abolished by oligomycin, an F1F0-ATPase inhibitor. The extent of CCCP-induced decrease in cellular ATP in guinea-pig chromaffin cells, which was indirectly measured using a Mg(2+) indicator, was smaller than that in rat chromaffin cells. Relative expression levels of F1F0-ATPase inhibitor factor in guinea-pig adrenal medullae were smaller than in rat adrenal medullae, and the opposite was true for F1F0-ATPase α subunit. The present results indicate that guinea-pig chromaffin cells secrete more CA in response to a mitochondrial inhibitor than rat chromaffin cells and this higher susceptibility in the former is accounted for by a larger extent of reversed operation of F1F0-ATPase with the consequent decrease in ATP under conditions where ΔΨm is depolarized. Copyright © 2015 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Review: Joschka Philipps, Ambivalent Rage: Youth Gangs and Urban Protest in Conakry, Guinea (2013)


    Ineke van Kessel; Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden


    Review of the Monograph:Joschka Philipps, Ambivalent Rage: Youth Gangs and Urban Protest in Conakry, Guinea, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013, ISBN 978-2-343-01577-4, 238 pp. Besprechung der Monographie:Joschka Philipps, Ambivalent Rage: Youth Gangs and Urban Protest in Conakry, Guinea, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013, ISBN 978-2-343-01577-4, 238 Seiten

  1. Guinea pig maximization tests with formaldehyde releasers. Results from two laboratories

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Klaus Ejner; Boman, A; Hamann, K


    The guinea pig maximization test was used to evaluate the sensitizing potential of formaldehyde and 6 formaldehyde releasers (Forcide 78, Germall 115, Grotan BK, Grotan OX, KM 200 and Preventol D2). The tests were carried out in 2 laboratories (Copenhagen and Stockholm), and although we intended...... the procedures to be the same, discrepancies were observed, possibly due to the use of different animal strains, test concentrations and vehicles. The sensitizing potential was in general found to be stronger in Stockholm compared to Copenhagen: formaldehyde sensitized 50% of the guinea pigs in Copenhagen and 95...

  2. Charting the neglected West: The social system of Guinea baboons. (United States)

    Fischer, Julia; Kopp, Gisela H; Dal Pesco, Federica; Goffe, Adeelia; Hammerschmidt, Kurt; Kalbitzer, Urs; Klapproth, Matthias; Maciej, Peter; Ndao, Ibrahima; Patzelt, Annika; Zinner, Dietmar


    Primate social systems are remarkably diverse, and thus play a central role in understanding social evolution, including the biological origin of human societies. Although baboons have been prominently featured in this context, historically little was known about the westernmost member of the genus, the Guinea baboon (Papio papio). Here, we summarize the findings from the first years of observations at the field site CRP Simenti in the Niokolo Koba National Park in Senegal. Guinea baboons reveal a nested multi-level social organization, with reproductive units comprising one "primary" male, one to several females, young, and occasionally "secondary" males at the base of the society. Three to five units form "parties," which team up with other parties to form a "gang." Different gangs have largely overlapping home ranges and agonistic interactions between different parties or gangs are rare. Some but not all strongly socially bonded males are highly related, and population genetic and behavioral evidence indicate female-biased dispersal. Females play an important role in intersexual bond formation and maintenance, and female tenure length varies between a few weeks to several years. While the social organization resembles that of hamadryas baboons (P. hamadryas), the social structure differs considerably, specifically in terms of low male aggressiveness and female freedom. Despite substantial differences in social organization and social structure, the acoustic structure of Guinea baboon vocalizations does not differ substantially from that of other baboon taxa. With its multi-level organization, stable bonds between males and females, as well as a high-degree of male-male cooperation and tolerance, Guinea baboons constitute an intriguing model for reconstructing human social evolution. © 2017 American Association of Physical Anthropologists.

  3. Optimization of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Immunoreactivity in Formalin-fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Guinea Pig Brain Sections (United States)


    fixed, paraffin-embedded guinea pig brain sections using a variety of commercially available GFAP antibody clones. Of the 7 clones tested for cross...determining neuropathological consequences in the guinea pig following exposure to chemical warfare nerve agent.

  4. Endogenous leukotriene D4 formation during anaphylactic shock in the guinea pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keppler, A.; Oerning, L.; Bernstroem, K.; Hammarstroem, S.


    Experiments on the metabolism and excretion of i.v. administered selectively labeled [ 3 H 8 ]leukotriene C 4 in bile duct-cannulated guinea pigs indicated predominantly biliary excretion of tritium. The major leukotriene metabolite in bile was identified as leukotriene D 4 . By monitoring leukotriene excretion radioimmunochromatographically, it was shown that guinea pigs suffering from anaphylactic shock produce leukotriene D 4 endogenously. Immunological challenge of animals sensitized to ovalbumin was accompanied by an increase of biliary leukotriene D 4 concentrations from 10 +/- 1 to 86 +/- 10 nM. When considering that bile flow was decreased to about half after challenge, the excretion rate of leukotriene D 4 in bile increased from 0.88 +/- 0.16 before 3.18 +/- 0.38 pmol x min -1 x kg -1 after challenge. It is concluded that systemic anaphylaxis in the guinea pig is associated with endogenous generation of leukotriene C 4

  5. The role of inhibition by phosphocitrate and its analogue in chondrocyte differentiation and subchondral bone advance in Hartley guinea pigs. (United States)

    Sun, Yubo; Kiraly, Alex J; Cox, Michael; Mauerhan, David R; Hanley, Edward N


    Phosphocitrate (PC) and its analogue, PC-β ethyl ester, inhibit articular cartilage degeneration in Hartley guinea pigs. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain unclear. The present study aimed to investigate the hypothesis that PC exerted its disease-modifying effect on osteoarthritis (OA), in part, by inhibiting a molecular program similar to that in the endochondral pathway of ossification. The results demonstrated that severe proteoglycan loss occurred in the superficial and middle zones, as well as in the calcified zone of articular cartilage in the Hartley guinea pigs. Subchondral bone advance was greater in the control Hartley guinea pigs compared with PC- or PC analogue-treated guinea pigs. Resorption of cartilage bars or islands and vascular invasion in the growth plate were also greater in the control guinea pigs compared with the PC- or PC analogue-treated guinea pigs. The levels of matrix metalloproteinase-13 and type X collagen within the articular cartilage and growth plate were significantly increased in the control guinea pigs compared with PC-treated guinea pigs (Pguinea pigs exhibited a hypertrophic phenotype and recapitulated a developmental molecular program similar to the endochondral pathway of ossification. Activation of this molecular program resulted in resorption of calcified articular cartilage and subchondral bone advance. This suggests that PC and PC analogues exerted their OA disease-modifying activity, in part, by inhibiting this molecular program.

  6. Behavioral responses of deafened guinea pigs to intracochlear electrical stimulation: a new rapid psychophysical procedure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Agterberg, M.J.H.; Versnel, H.


    In auditory research the guinea pig is often preferred above rats and mice because of the easily accessible cochlea and because the frequency range of its hearing is more comparable to that of humans. Studies of the guinea-pig auditory system primarily apply histological and electrophysiological

  7. [Effects of electroacupuncture on cochlea morphology and expression of aquaporins in guinea pigs with endolymphatic hydrops]. (United States)

    Jiang, Liyuan; Wang, Canjun; Ni, Fangying; Chen, Huade


    To observe the effects of electroacupuncture (EA) on cochlea morphology and expression of aquaporin 1 (AQP1) in guinea pigs with endolymphatic hydrops, so as to explore the possible mechanism of EA on endolymphatic hydrops. Forty guinea pigs were randomly divided into a blank group, a model group, a medication group and an EA group, 10 guinea pigs in each one. Model of endolymphatic hydrops was established by using intraperitoneal injection of aldosterone. Guinea pigs in the blank group and model group were treated with identical immobilization as EA group but no treatment was given; guinea pigs in the medication group were treated with intragastric administration of hydrochlorothiazide at a dose of 5 mg/kg, once a day for consecutive 10 days; guinea pigs in the EA group were treated with' EA at "Baihui" (GV 20) and "Tinggong"(SI 19), once a day for consecutive 10 days. The serum ionic concentration in each group was tested by turbidimetric method; hematoxylin-eosin staining was used to measure the severity of cochlea hydrops; immunohistochemical method was used to observe the expression of AQP1 in the cochlea. (1) There was no endolymphatic hydrops in the blank group, moderate-severe endolymphatic hydrops in the model group and slight endolymphatic hydrops in the EA group and medication group. (2) The concentration of K+ and Ca2+ in the EA group was higher than that in the model group and medication group (all P0. 05). (3) The ratio of expression area of AQP1 in the model group was lower than that in the blank group (P0. 05). EA could relieve the endolymphatic hydrops in guinea pigs; the mechanism is likely to be related with up-regulating the expression of AQP1 in cochlea and ion concentration might be an important factor involved.


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    Adriana Aparecida Silva


    Full Text Available El sudoeste del estado de Goiás se destacó en la reciente expansión del cultivo de caña-de-azúcar, en particular la microrregión del Quirinópolis donde fueron sustituidos áreas de cultivos anuales, sobre todo soja, y luego áreas de pastoreo, en los Oxisol distrófico arcilloso (LVdf, que tiene un alto potencial para la compactación. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el proceso de compresión de tales suelos cultivados con caña-de-azúcar, mientras que los perfiles seleccionados fueran descomprimidos, corregidos y fertilizados antes de lo plantío de caña. Estos perfiles presentan diversas formas de uso antes de la caña de (soja/caña, pasto/caña y sucesión pasto/soja/caña, y el manejo con y sin fertirrigacion con vinaza, y se basaron en área de vegetación natural. Se evaluaron indicadores macro y micromorfológicos, pruebas de la resistencia mecánica a penetración y análisis físico-hidro del laboratorio. Los resultados indicaron compactación superficial y subsuperficial de los perfiles estudiados, independientemente de los usos anteriores, los principales indicadores la presencia de estructura tendiendo a laminares y ligeramente porosa en los niveles comprimidos y el aumento de la densidad aparente del suelo y de la resistencia a la penetración.

  9. High lenticular tolerance to ultraviolet radiation-B by pigmented guinea-pig; application of a safety limit strategy for UVR-induced cataract. (United States)

    Mody, Vino C; Kakar, Manoj; Söderberg, Per G; Löfgren, Stefan


    The purpose of this study was to determine a threshold measure, maximum tolerable dose (MTD), for avoidance of UVR-B-induced cataract in the pigmented guinea-pig. Thirty pupil-dilated anesthetized young female guinea-pigs, divided into five equal groups, received between 0 and 84.9 kJ/m(2) unilateral UVR-B. Lens extraction and in vitro lens photography occurred 24 hr after exposure. Measurement of intensity of lens light scattering served as quantifying tool for the degree of cataract. Data analysis included regression, using a second order polynomial model. The applied MTD concept was based on the UVR-B dose-response curve obtained for the pigmented guinea-pig. A smaller number of pigmented guinea-pigs, pigmented rats and albino rats underwent morphometric analysis of the anterior segment geometry. All eyes exposed to UVR-B developed cataract in the anterior subcapsular region. MTD for avoidance of UVR-B-induced cataract was 69.0 kJ/m(2) in the pigmented guinea-pig. Iris was considerably thicker in the guinea-pig than in the rats. Lens blockage by the dilated iris was lowest in the guinea-pig. Maximum tolerable dose for avoidance of UVR-B-induced cataract in the pigmented guinea-pig was 69.0 kJ/m(2), over 10-fold higher than the threshold 5 kJ/m(2) obtained by Pitts et al. in the pigmented rabbit. Maximum tolerable dose is an appropriate method for estimation of toxicity for UVR-B-induced cataract in the guinea-pig. The pigmented guinea-pig is significantly less sensitive to UVR-B exposure than the pigmented rabbit and pigmented rat. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Acta Ophthalmol.

  10. Características estruturais do pasto de capim-braquiária de acordo com a localização das fezes Structural characteristics of Brachiaria grass pasture according to the location of feces

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoel Eduardo Rozalino Santos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da localização das fezes de bovinos sobre as características de perfilhos vegetativos e reprodutivos, a massa dos componentes da planta, a densidade volumétrica da forragem e a altura do pasto de Brachiaria decumbens, cv. Basilisk, manejado sob lotação contínua. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, em esquema de parcela subdivida, considerando parcelas os locais próximos e distantes das fezes e subparcelas as categorias de perfilhos vegetativos e reprodutivos. A massa de lâmina foliar viva (LFV por perfilho em locais próximos às fezes (0,14 g foi maior que nos locais distantes das fezes (0,08 g, contrariamente ao verificado para a composição de massa de lâmina foliar morta por perfilho. A massa de LFV nos perfilhos vegetativos (0,15 g foi maior que nos perfilhos reprodutivos (0,06 g. Por outro lado, a massa de colmo (0,38 g e de lâmina foliar morta (0,20 g foi maior nos perfilhos reprodutivos. O peso dos perfilhos das plantas próximas às fezes foi maior (0,58 g que daqueles distantes das fezes (0,17 g. Em locais próximos das fezes, o número de perfilhos vegetativos foi menor, enquanto o de perfilhos reprodutivos foi maior. Maiores massas de colmo verde, forragem verde e forragem total do pasto foram observados nos locais próximos das fezes, quando comparadas aos distantes. Mesmo resultado foi obtido para a altura do pasto. A estrutura do pasto de Brachiaria decumbens é modificada pela localização das fezes dos bovinos em pastejo. A deposição de fezes por bovinos constitui fator de heterogeneidade espacial da vegetação em pastagem.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the cattle feces location on the characteristics of vegetative and reproductive tillers, dry mass content in plant components, forage volumetric density and Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk pasture height managed under continuous stocking. It was used a randomized block design

  11. DNA vaccines elicit durable protective immunity against individual or simultaneous infections with Lassa and Ebola viruses in guinea pigs (United States)

    Cashman, Kathleen A.; Wilkinson, Eric R.; Wollen, Suzanne E.; Shamblin, Joshua D.; Zelko, Justine M.; Bearss, Jeremy J.; Zeng, Xiankun; Broderick, Kate E.; Schmaljohn, Connie S.


    ABSTRACT We previously developed optimized DNA vaccines against both Lassa fever and Ebola hemorrhagic fever viruses and demonstrated that they were protective individually in guinea pig and nonhuman primate models. In this study, we vaccinated groups of strain 13 guinea pigs two times, four weeks apart with 50 µg of each DNA vaccine or a mock vaccine at discrete sites by intradermal electroporation. Five weeks following the second vaccinations, guinea pigs were exposed to lethal doses of Lassa virus, Ebola virus, or a combination of both viruses simultaneously. None of the vaccinated guinea pigs, regardless of challenge virus and including the coinfected group, displayed weight loss, fever or other disease signs, and all survived to the study endpoint. All of the mock-vaccinated guinea pigs that were infected with Lassa virus, and all but one of the EBOV-infected mock-vaccinated guinea pigs succumbed. In order to determine if the dual-agent vaccination strategy could protect against both viruses if exposures were temporally separated, we held the surviving vaccinates in BSL-4 for approximately 120 days to perform a cross-challenge experiment in which guinea pigs originally infected with Lassa virus received a lethal dose of Ebola virus and those originally infected with Ebola virus were infected with a lethal dose of Lassa virus. All guinea pigs remained healthy and survived to the study endpoint. This study clearly demonstrates that DNA vaccines against Lassa and Ebola viruses can elicit protective immunity against both individual virus exposures as well as in a mixed-infection environment. PMID:29135337

  12. Costos y beneficios de un sistema silvopastoril intensivo (sspi, con base en Leucaena leucocephala (Estudio de caso en el municipio de Tepalcatepec, Michoacán, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. M. González


    Full Text Available Se analizaron los costos en que se incurren y los beneficios económicos que se generan en un SSPi con base en Leucaena leucocephala, en terrenos de riego por gravedad, con el fin de evaluar la rentabilidad económica de las inversiones y hacer una comparación entre el SSPi y el sistema que tradicionalmente operaba o línea base (40% monocultivo de pasto Tanzania Panicum maximum, 30% de sorgo forrajero Sorghum vulgar bajo el sistema de corte y 30% de agostadero con pastos nativos. Complementando la alimentación del ganado suizo de doble propósito en el SSPi con pulido de arroz a razón de 1.50 kg diarios por vaca durante la ordeña; y en la línea base se utilizó 3.50 kg de alimento comercial diario por vaca ordeñada. Resultando, para el SSPi, una TIR del 13.30% y el VAN al 10%, un saldo positivo de $2’202,170 (pesos mexicanos y en la situación inicial o línea base se obtuvo una TIR del 0.70% y el VAN al 10% resultó negativo, con $-4’717,022 (pesos mexicanos. El SSPi incrementó de manera importante la productividad y la rentabilidad del rancho haciéndolo lucrativo, ya que con el sistema tradicional no era rentable económicamente.

  13. Condition of pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems in guinea pigs’ lungs under the condition of immobilization stress

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    Mykhailo Stepanovych Reheda


    Full Text Available We have investigated the results of alterations in indices of pro-oxidant (conjugated diene and malondialdehyde and antioxidant (superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin, catalase systems in guinea pigs’ lungs  under the conditions of immobilization stress. The experiment was conducted on 40 female guinea pigs weighing 0.18-0.20 kg. The animals were divided into 4 groups, each contained 10 guinea pigs: I – intact guinea pigs ( control, II–guinea pigs with model of IS on1st day of experiment;Ш–animals on 2nd  day of experiment;IV- group of animals on 34th day of experimental model of IS. The results of our experimental work showed  a significant accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in the lung`s tissure in different periods ( on 1st, 2nd and 34th days of immobilization stress. The state of antioxidant defence was characterized by moderate decrease of inzymes activity (superoxide dismutase, catalase and ceruloplasmin. disorders of balance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems couse oxidative stress development.

  14. Influence of body condition on reproductive output in the guinea pig. (United States)

    Michel, Catherine Louise; Bonnet, Xavier


    Reproduction is expensive. Substantial body reserves (i.e. high body condition) are usually required for females to undertake offspring production. In many vertebrates, maternal body condition positively influences reproductive output, and emaciated individuals skip reproduction. However, the impact of extremely high body condition, more specifically obesity, on animal reproductive performance remains poorly understood and research has generated contradictory results. For instance, obesity negatively affects fertility in women, but does not influence reproductive capacity or reproductive output in laboratory rodents. We examined the influence of high body condition on reproductive status and reproductive output in the guinea pig. In captivity, when fed ad libitum, guinea pigs store large amounts of fat tissues and exhibit a tendency for obesity. Our results show that obesity negatively affected reproduction in this species: both the proportion of fertile females and litter size were lower in the fattest females. Therefore, guinea pigs may represent suitable organisms to better understand the negative effect of obesity on reproduction. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company.

  15. "Stuck in thorns". The effects of power on Liberian refugees in Guinea


    Collins, Henry Ahorttor


    Abstract This thesis is about refugees who fled from Liberia to Guinea to join the miserable sea of humanity" (Malkki 1996) from January 1990 when the Charles Taylor led a rebel war that began in December 1989. Essentially, this thesis focuses on analyzing how first the bureaucratic power exercised by UNHCR and CNISR, as well as second, everyday power by Guinean majority affect Liberian refugees in Guinea, and how the refugees themself have found ways to address the challenges they meet. ...

  16. Adaptación del Inventario de Resiliencia ante el Suicidio (SRI-25 en adolescentes y jóvenes de Colombia Adapting the Suicide Resilience Inventory (SRI-25 for adolescents and young adults in Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fredy Hernán Villalobos-Galvis


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir las propiedades psicométricas del Suicide Resilience Inventory (SRI-25, adaptado al español, en una muestra de adolescentes y jóvenes escolarizados de San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. MÉTODOS: Se adaptó el SRI-25 al idioma español por medio de una traducción simple. Se contó con 573 participantes, estudiantes de colegios y universidades, de 10 a 25 años de edad. RESULTADOS: En un análisis factorial exploratorio por componentes principales se encontró una estructura de tres factores que explican el 52,83% de la varianza. Se realizaron análisis factoriales según el sexo, el nivel educativo y la etapa evolutiva, a partir de los cuales se confirmó que en todos los grupos, los ítems cargan en los mismos factores de la prueba original, a saber: protección interna, estabilidad emocional y protección externa. Se obtuvo un coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,922 para la prueba total. En cuanto a la validez de constructo, el SRI-25 presentó correlaciones significativas con medidas de autoestima, apoyo social, solución de problemas, razones para vivir, depresión, desesperanza e ideas suicidas. CONCLUSIÓN: Se comprobó que el SRI-25 es un instrumento útil para medir la resiliencia ante el suicidio en adolescentes y jóvenes escolarizados de San Juan de Pasto, Colombia.OBJECTIVE: Describe the psychometric properties of the Suicide Resilience Inventory (SRI-25, adapted to Spanish, in a student sample of adolescents and young adults from San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. METHODS: The SRI-25 was adapted to the Spanish language by means of a simple translation. This involved the participation of 573 schoolchildren and college/ university students between 10 and 25 years of age. RESULTS: In an exploratory factorial analysis by principal components, a structure of three factors was found to explain 52.83% of the variance. Factorial analysis was carried out by sex, educational level, and developmental stage. On this basis, it was

  17. [Effect of down-regulation of IKs repolarization-reserve on ventricular arrhythmogenesis in a guinea pig model of cardiac hypertrophy]. (United States)

    Wang, Hegui; Huang, Ting; Wang, Zheng; Ge, Nannan; Ke, Yongsheng


    To observe the changes of rapidly activated delayed rectifier potassium channel (IKr) and slowly activated delayed rectifier potassium channel (IKs) in cardiac hypertrophy and to evaluate the effects of IKr and IKs blocker on the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias in guinea pigs with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH).
 Methods: Guinea pigs were divided into a sham operation group and a left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) group. LVH model was prepared. Whole cell patch-clamp technique was used to record IKr and IKs tail currents in a guinea pig model with LVH. The changes of QTc and the incidence rate of ventricular arrhythmias in LVH guinea pigs were observed by using the IKr and IKs blockers.
 Results: Compared with cardiac cells in the control group, the interventricular septal thickness at end systole (IVSs), left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end systole (LVPWs), QTc interval and cell capacitance in guinea pigs with LVH were significantly increased (Pguinea pigs with LVH compared with the control guinea pigs. In contrast, IKs blocker produced modest increase in QTc interval in guinea pigs of control group with no increase in LVH animals. IKs blocker did not induce ventricular arrhythmias incidence in either control or LVH animals.
 Conclusion: The cardiac hypertrophy-induced arrhythmogenesis is due to the down-regulation 
of IKs.

  18. Determining Optimal Microwave Antigen Retrieval Conditions for Microtubule-Associated Protein 2 Immunohistochemistry in the Guinea Pig Brain (United States)


    sections of formalin-fixed guinea pig brains using different MAP-2 monoclonal antibodies. Brain sections were boiled in sodium citrate, citric acid...citric acid solution at pH 6.0 is the optimal microwave-assisted AR method for immunolabeling MAP-2 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-processed guinea pig brain...studies on archival guinea pig brain paraffin blocks, ultimately relaxing the use of additional animals to evaluate changes in MAP-2 expression between chemical warfare nerve agent-treated and control samples.

  19. Hypochlorite Solution as a Decontaminant in Sulfur Mustard Contaminated Skin Defects in the Euthymic Hairless Guinea Pig (United States)


    AD-P008 792 Hyochlorte Solution as a Decossitamrsrl nan Sultur Mustard Contaminated Skin Defects in the Euthymesc Hailess Guinea Pig Mark B. Gol, OVM...euthymic hairles guinea pigs (EHGP) (n--6) were exposed tn 0 4 LD50 HO in a hA-thickntss 8 mm surgical bmop~sy skin deflect (ioe wound) Each animal a animal model of an HO contaminated wound. The euthymic hairless guinea pig (EHGP) has been extensrvely studied and aicepted as the model of

  20. Reduced Airway Hyperresponsiveness by Phosphodiesterase 3 and 4 Inhibitors in Guinea-Pigs

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    Nöella Germain


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of selective phosphodiesterase (PDE 3, 4 and 5 inhibitors on antigen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in sensitized guinea-pigs. When the sensitized guinea-pigs were orally pre-treated with the selective PDE4 inhibitor, Ro 20-1724 (30 mg/kg, and studied 48 h after OA, a significant reduction (p<0.01 of the leftward shift of the dose-response curve to ACh was noted, whereas it was ineffective at the lower dose (10 mg/kg. Administration of the selective PDE3 inhibitor, milrinone (30 mg/kg also elicited a significant reduction (p<0.01 of the airway hyperresponsiveness, whereas the PDE5 inhibitor zaprinast (30 mg/kg was ineffective. These results show that both PDE3 and PDE4 inhibitors are able to inhibit the antigen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in sensitized guinea-pigs and support the potential utility of selective PDE inhibitors in the treatment of asthma.

  1. Ocular disease in the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus): a survey of 1000 animals. (United States)

    Williams, David; Sullivan, Ann


    Anecdotal evidence has suggested that guinea pigs have a high prevalence of ocular lesions. Here we undertook a survey of 1000 guinea pigs from populations of animals kept as laboratory animals, breeding show cavies, animals kept as pets and those from rescue and rehoming centers. Each animal was examined to assess for ocular abnormalities. A full ophthalmic examination was performed on each animal with direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy and with slit lamp biomicroscopy. Measurement of tear production using the Schirmer tear test 1 and intraocular pressure using the Tonopen applanation tonometer after topical anesthesia was undertaken in selected animals. Forty-five percent of animals examined had some ocular abnormality. The majority were lens lesions including 17% with cataract and 21% with subclinical lens abnormalities such as nuclear sclerosis. Other abnormalities included conjunctivitis in 4.7% and keratitis in 3.6%. Lipid deposition in conjunctiva was observed in 2.3% of guinea pigs and ciliary body heterotopic bone formation in 0.8% of animals. This study shows a high proportion of eyes with some degree of abnormality in animals otherwise considered healthy. Information on diseases of the guinea pig eye is important given the use of the species as a laboratory rodent and also the number kept as pets and show animals.

  2. Modeling production functions and economic weights in intensive meat production of guinea pigs. (United States)

    Pascual, Mariam; Cruz, Danny Julio; Blasco, Agustín


    A profit function for a typical commercial farm of intensive guinea pig production was designed. The simulated farm contained 86 cages with a ratio of 7:1 females/males, with continuous mating. Kits were weaned at 15 days of age and slaughtered for meat production at 90 days of age. The absolute (EW) and relative economic weights of the main traits were calculated. The highest EW were kits produced per kindling (US$25), kits weaned per kindling (US$22), kits born alive per kindling (US$20), and the number of kindlings per female and year (US$12). Profit, returns, and costs per female and year were US$15, 68, and 53, respectively. Returns came from the production of young guinea pigs and discarded reproductive adults for meat production, 90 and 10% of the total returns. The highest costs were feeding and labor, 44 and 23% of the total cost. The EW and profit did not substantially change when simulating variations of ±20% in the prices of kilograms of fattening feed and kilograms of live weight of guinea pig, showing their robustness to future variations in market prices or to variations in prices between countries. The results obtained highlight the importance of the feeding costs in the guinea pig meat production.

  3. Ebola transmission linked to a single traditional funeral ceremony - Kissidougou, Guinea, December, 2014-January 2015. (United States)

    Victory, Kerton R; Coronado, Fátima; Ifono, Sâa O; Soropogui, Therese; Dahl, Benjamin A


    On December 18, 2014, the Guinea Ministry of Health was notified by local public health authorities in Kissidougou, a prefecture in southeastern Guinea (pop. 284,000), that the number of cases of Ebola virus disease (Ebola) had increased from one case reported during December 8-14, 2014, to 62 cases reported during December 15-21. Kissidougou is one of the four Guinea prefectures (the others are Macenta, Gueckedou, and Conakry) where Ebola was first reported in West Africa in March 2014, and the mid-December increase was the largest documented by any prefecture in Guinea in a single week since the beginning of the epidemic. The Guinea Ministry of Health requested assistance from CDC and the World Health Organization to investigate the local outbreak, identify and isolate persons with suspected Ebola, assess transmission chains, and implement control measures. The investigation found that 85 confirmed Ebola cases were linked to one traditional funeral ceremony, including 62 (73%) cases reported during December 15-21. No additional cases related to this funeral ceremony were reported after January 10, 2015. After the outbreak was identified, rapid implementation of interventions limited additional Ebola virus transmission. Improved training for prompt reporting of cases, investigation, and contact tracing, and community acceptance of safe burial methods can reduce the risk for Ebola transmission in rural communities.

  4. Late effects of radiation on the lumbar spinal cord of guinea pigs: Re-treatment tolerance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mason, K.A.; Withers, H.R.; Chiang, Chi-Shiun


    Using a guinea pig model of lumbar myelopathy, various factors affecting the tolerance of spinal cord to irradiation were assessed: (a) extent of initial injury; (b) time interval between priming and test doses; and (c) animal age at the time of initial radiation treatment. A 3 cm section of lumbar spinal cord of guinea pigs was irradiated with fractionated doses of 4.5 Gy gamma rays given as 9 fractions per week. Guinea pigs were primed with 9 x 4.5 Gy in 7 days which is 60% of the ED 50 for a continuous course of treatment. After 28 or 40 weeks, animal were retreated with 6-14 fractions of 4.5 Gy. Animals were observed for 2 years following the priming dose and both the incidence and latency of myelopathy recorded. Young adult guinea pigs (8 wk old) showed both a decreased radiation tolerance and latency compared to old individuals (40 wk old). At 28 or 40 wk after 9 x 4.5 Gy, only about 8% of the initial injury was remembered in young adult guinea pigs. The amount of residual injury was dependent on the initial damage as a proportion of the tolerance dose. The spinal cord shows a greater capacity for long-term recovery than generally appreciated and re-treatment doses clinically prescribed may be lower than necessary. 8 refs., 3 figs., 2 tabs

  5. Inhibition of gastric secretion in guinea pig by relatively low dose ionizing radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batzri, S.; Catravas, G.


    We evaluated the effect of a single dose of ionizing radiation on gastric secretion in awake guinea pigs equipped with a permanent gastric cannula. Changes in gastric secretion were measured using a dye dilution technique. Infusion of histamine increased acid and fluid output and there was a positive correlation (r = 0.93) between the two. Total body irradiation with 400 cGy, like cimetidine, suppressed acid and fluid secretion under basal conditions and during histamine stimulation by 50-90%. Recovery from the radiation damage was only partial after one week. Irradiation inhibited the rise in gastric juice volume during histamine stimulation and also reduced the normal gain in body weight of the guinea pig. These results demonstrate that ionizing radiations have an immediate and long lasting effects on the gastric mucosal function of the guinea pig

  6. Comparative study of 2 surgical techniques for castration of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Guilmette, Josée; Langlois, Isabelle; Hélie, Pierre; El Warrak, Alexander de Oliveira


    The objective of this study was to compare 2 surgical approaches (scrotal or abdominal) for castration of guinea pigs and to investigate post-operative infection rates with either technique. Forty-eight guinea pigs were castrated by scrotal or abdominal technique after being randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups (n = 24). Individuals were either castrated by an experienced exotic animal surgeon (n = 12) or by an experienced small animal surgeon (n = 12). Surgical wounds were evaluated daily before euthanasia for histological evaluation 2 wks after surgery. Post-operative infection rate was significantly higher in the scrotal group than in the abdominal group, with a higher rate for the experienced small animal surgeon. Castration of guinea pigs with the abdominal technique is significantly faster and has a significantly lower post-operative infection rate than the scrotal technique.

  7. Antitussive and antibronchoconstriction actions of fenspiride in guinea-pigs. (United States)

    Laude, E A; Bee, D; Crambes, O; Howard, P


    Fenspiride is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent, which we have previously shown to have an in vivo antibronchoconstrictor action in guinea pigs. We have currently studied this action using the constrictors Substance P, neurokinin A, citric acid and capsaicin in anaesthetized guinea-pigs. Fenspiride has also been reported to produce a subjective improvement in cough in patients. We have used a conscious guinea-pig model of cough as a more definitive method to study the effect of fenspiride on capsaicin- and citric acid-induced cough. Aerosolized fenspiride (1 mg.mL-1) caused a 58% reversal of capsaicin-induced bronchoconstriction; and i.v. fenspiride ( a 45% reversal of citric acid induced bronchoconstriction. Substance P- and neurokinin A-induced bronchoconstriction were unaffected by 1 i.v. fenspiride. Aerosolized fenspiride (1, 3 and 10 mg.mL-1) administered for 4 min reduced citric acid (300 mM) induced cough, but 0.1 mg.mL-1 was without effect. Pretreatment with aerosolized fenspiride (10 mg.mL-1) caused a shift in the citric acid dose response curve to the right. For citric acid-induced cough, the duration of action of aerosolized fenspiride (10 mg.mL-1) was found to be 5 and 15 min post-treatment. Aerosolized capsaicin (30 microM) induced cough was also reduced by 3 and 10 mg.mL-1 aerosolized fenspiride, but no significant effect was found with 1 mg.mL-1. We conclude that aerosolized fenspiride reduces capsaicin- and citric acid-induced bronchoconstriction as well as induced cough in guinea-pigs in vivo. Whether a pathway common to both cough and bronchoconstriction is the site of action of fenspiride remains to be established. We postulate that fenspiride, acting as an antitussive and antibronchoconstrictor agent, would be beneficial in the clinical situation for those patients with hyperresponsive airways.

  8. Microbial flora of odontogenic abscesses in pet guinea pigs. (United States)

    Minarikova, A; Hauptman, K; Knotek, Z; Jekl, V


    Abscesses of odontogenic origin in guinea pigs pose a serious health problem and need to be treated with a combination of surgical and medical therapy. The aim of this prospective study was to describe the microbial flora of odontogenic abscesses associated with osteomyelitis in 24 pet guinea pigs, to perform antibiotic sensitivity testing, and to make recommendations for practitioners on the antibiotics of first choice. Inclusion criteria for the study included the animal being diagnosed with an odontogenic abscess which underwent surgery and was not pre-treated with an antibiotic. Inclusion criteria matched for 24 guinea pigs. Samples (pus, capsule and affected tooth/bone) for bacteriological examination were collected under sterile conditions during the surgical procedure. The most commonly isolated bacteria from abscesses of odontogenic origin were Bacteroides fragilis in 12.8 per cent (6/47) of cases, Pasteurella multocida in 10.6 per cent (5/47) and Peptostreptococcus anaerobius in 8.5 per cent (4/47). Aerobic bacterial species only were isolated in 29.2 per cent (7/24) of cases, anaerobic bacteria only were isolated in 33.3 per cent (8/24), and mixed infection with anaerobic and aerobic bacterial species was seen in 37.5 per cent (9/24). Aerobes (n=20) were sensitive to enrofloxacin and marbofloxacin in 100 per cent of samples, benzylpenicillin potassium (penicillin G, PNCG) in 90 per cent, cephalotin in 85 per cent, amoxicillin-clavulanate in 75 per cent, doxycycline in 70 per cent, gentamicin in 65 per cent and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in 55 per cent. Anaerobes (n=27) were sensitive to amoxicillin-clavulanate in 100 per cent of cases, clindamycin in 96.3 per cent, metronidazole in 92.6 per cent, PNCG in 92.6 per cent and cephalotin in 74.1 per cent. As guinea pigs are strictly herbivorous animals, based on the results of this study the recommended antibiotic treatment for odontogenic abscesses is a combination of fluoroquinolones and metronidazole

  9. Induction methods and formation process of experimental myopia in guinea pigs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mi-Duo Chen


    Full Text Available Myopia, especially high myopia, is one of the most important eye diseases in the world. For many years the researchers established a variety of animal models and animal experiments to explore the mechanism of development of myopia. Guinea pig is one of the most commonly used myopia models in recent years. It has obvious advantages in many aspects, and it is a kind of experimental animals which is worth to be further applied to different kinds of myopic experiments and to be studied thoroughly. This article reviews the induction methods and the forming process of the guinea pig myopia model.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Stuart Coronel Palma


    Full Text Available A base de sustentação da pecuária de corte no Brasil são as pastagens, implantadas em aproximadamente 171milhões de hectares. Das 35,7 milhões de cabeças abatidas anualmente no Brasil, apenas 1,5 milhões são terminadas em regime de confinamento, o restante, cerca de 34,2 milhões de cabeças, é mantido em regime de pasto. Na última década, os criadores brasileiros de gado de corte, utilizando-se de técnicas de manejo e alimentação, têm procurado produzir bovinos jovens para o abate, alcançando não só maior produtividade e qualidade de carcaça, como também retorno mais rápido dos investimentos e melhor remuneração. Considerando a necessidade do aumento da eficiência produtiva para viabilização comercial da atividade e a importância da nutrição nesse processo, uma avaliação de alternativas de suplementação torna-se necessária. Assim, com este experimento avaliaram-se os efeitos da suplementação mineral e suplementação completa (mineral, protéica, energética e vitamínica sobre as características de carcaça de novilhos Nelore, terminados a pasto, na estaçãochuvosa. Durante 156 dias, divididos em cinco períodos, foram avaliados 60 novilhos, divididos em três lotes de 20animais, com média de 292,3kg (±19,2 e 27 meses (±2,6 deidade no início do experimento e peso final dos animais de411,5kg (±24,9 de peso vivo aos 32 meses (±2,6, em pastagem de Brachiaria bryzantha cv. Marandu. Foram utilizados três tratamentos: suplemento mineral, suplemento com-pleto e suplemento completo servido em duas porções, uma com os sais minerais e outra com os demais nutrientes. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos (P>0,05 sobre o rendimento de carcaça, área do lombo, espessura de gordura, redução do peso da carcaça no resfriamento e composição da carcaça em traseiro, dianteiro e ponta-de-agulha. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Bovinos de corte, carcaça, nutrição, pastagem, suplementação.

  11. Biosynthesis of plasmenylcholine in guinea pig heart

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wientzek, M.; Choy, P.C.


    In some mammalian hearts, up to 40% of the choline phosphoglyceride (CPG) exists as plasmenylcholine (1-alkenyl-2-acyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine). Although the majority of diacylphosphatidylcholine (PC) in mammalian hearts is synthesized from choline via the CDP-choline pathway, the formation of plasmenylcholine from choline was not known. In this study, they investigated the biosynthesis of plasmenyl-choline in the isolated guinea pig heart by perfusion with [ 3 H]choline. Labelled choline containing metabolites and labelled plasmenylcholine were isolated and determined at different perfusion time points. Significant amounts of labelling were found only in choline, phosphocholine, CDP-choline, plasmenyl-choline and PC. In addition, a precursor-product relationship was observed between the labelling of CDP-choline and plasmenylcholine. Such a relationship was not observed between choline and plasmenylcholine. Hence, they postulate that the incorporation of choline into plasmenylcholine is via the CDP-choline pathway and not via base exchange. The ability to condense 1-alkenyl-2-acyl-glycerol with CDP-choline was also demonstrated in vitro with guinea pig heart microsomes


    Myronchenko, S; Naumova, O; Zvyagintseva, T


    The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of ultraviolet irradiation (UV) on morphological and functional condition of the skin in guinea pigs. The study involved 30 albino guinea pigs weighing 400-500 g subjected to local exposure to UV irradiation. Control group consisted of intact guinea pigs. Histological studies of the skin were carried out at different stages of the trial (2 hours, 4 hours, 3 days, 8 days following the exposure). Microscopic examination showed morphological signs of acute inflammation in the skin of animals within the first three days following the exposure to UV irradiation. Within 2 hours following the exposure to UV irradiation these changes were minimal with signs of mild exudative changes. In 4 hours after the exposure histological changes increased. The specimens were also found to contain altered apoptotic keratinocytes (sunburn cells). Histopathological changes persisted and reached maximum severity by the 3rd day. Within post-erythema period (the 8th day) proliferative, hyperplastic, degenerative and dystrophic changes in the skin persisted. The prolonged nature of the changes in the skin is suggestive of the development of chronic inflammation in the skin of guinea pigs subjected to local exposure to UV irradiation.




    Random-bred Hartley strain guinea pigs which do not respond immunologically to conjugates of hapten and poly-L-lysine mere mated with heterozygous guinea pigs which do. These responders were considered heterozygous for this trait since their mating resulted in at least one nonresponder offspring. Of 31 offspring from 10 breeding pairs (nonresponder x heterozygous responder) 14 were responders. There was no evidence that this trait is sex-linked. This finding confirms the view that, in guinea pigs, development of an immune response to the aforementioned conjugates is a genetically transmitted autosomal, unigenic Mendelian dominant trait.

  14. Comparison of Four Skin Decontamination Procedures Using Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL) Following Cutaneous VX Exposure in Guinea Pigs (United States)


    DC) product following cutaneous exposure to VX was affected by the DC procedure. Fur-clipped, male, unanesthetized guinea pigs were used as subjects...RSDL) Following Cutaneous VX Exposure in Guinea Pigs Irwin Koplovitz Susan Schulz Julia Morgan Robert Reed Edward Clarkson C. Gary Hurst...Decontamination Procedures Using Reactive Skin 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Decontamination Lotion (RSDL) Following Cutaneous VX Exposure in Guinea Pigs 5b

  15. The Changing Face of Librarianship in Papua New Guinea: Libraries for Life in the Papua New Guinea Information Society? (United States)

    Obi, Margaret J.

    "Libraries for life" in Papua New Guinea today is not an impossible goal to strive for to achieve with today's new and old information and communication technologies. However, in order for this to happen, a number of questions will need to be asked. There are three that need immediate attention: (1) What is an "information…

  16. Estabelecimento de leguminosas arbóreas em pastos de capim-marandu e tanzânia Establishment of leguminous trees in marandu and tanzânia pastures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Francisco Dias


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de mudas sem proteção (de cercas ou estacas de quatro espécies de leguminosas arbóreas e uma mistura eqüitativa dessas espécies, introduzidas em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu e Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, na presença de gado. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2x5, duas gramíneas (marandu e tanzânia e quatro espécies de leguminosas (Mimosa artemisiana, Pseudosamanea guachapele, Enterolobium contortisiliquum, Acacia farnesiana e uma mistura dessas espécies, com três repetições. Avaliaram-se: altura da muda, diâmetro do caule, diâmetro da copa, sobrevivência da muda, freqüência de pastejo e ocorrência de formigas. As diferenças estatísticas entre as médias da variável canônica principal, pelo teste de Scott-Knott, indicaram a formação de três agrupamentos, tendo-se destacado o grupo formado pelos tratamentos M. artemisiana e mistura de leguminosas, nos dois pastos, mais E. contortisiliquum e A. farnesiana, nos pastos dos capins marandu e tanzânia, respectivamente. Diferenças entre as médias dos tratamentos relativas a cada variável, calculadas por meio de intervalos de confiança de Bonferroni, mostraram que mudas de M. artemisiana apresentaram maior altura e sobrevivência em pasto de capim-marandu. Mudas dessa leguminosa, sem proteção, são indicadas para ser introduzidas, nas pastagens de capim-marandu da região, na presença do gado.The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of nonprotected (by fences or pickets seedlings of leguminous tree species and an equitable mix of these species, introduced in pastures of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, in the presence of cattle. The experimental design was a completely randomized one, in a 2x5 factorial arrangement, with two grasses (marandu and tanzânia and four leguminous species (Mimosa artemisiana

  17. Suplementação com cromo e desempenho reprodutivo de vacas zebu primíparas mantidas a pasto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aragón V.E.F.


    Full Text Available Foram utilizadas 126 vacas zebu primíparas, mantidas a pasto durante a estação de monta, divididas em dois grupos, suplementado (72 animais e controle (54 animais, com o objetivo de estudar a influência da suplementação com cromo (Cr sobre algumas características reprodutivas. Utilizou-se como fonte de cromo a levedura Sacharomices cerevisae adicionada à mistura mineral (0,017% Cr. Não houve diferença significativa nos pesos das crias ao nascer e ao final do experimento. O peso final das vacas foi maior no grupo suplementado (428,5kg vs. 380,5kg. A porcentagem de animais em estro foi maior no grupo suplementado (98,6% vs. 88,7% e a porcentagem total de prenhez apresentou apenas tendência em ser maior no grupo suplementado (87,5% vs. 75,47%. O intervalo parto-primeiro cio foi menor nos animais que receberam Cr (120,5 dias vs. 142,8 dias. O número de doses de sêmen por vaca inseminada (1,57 e por vaca gestante (1,85 no grupo controle foi semelhante ao de vacas inseminadas (1,69 e gestantes (1,90 no grupo suplementado.

  18. Chamber-specific effects of hypokalaemia on ventricular arrhythmogenicity in isolated, perfused guinea-pig heart

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Osadchii, Oleg E; Bentzen, Bo Hjorth; Olesen, Søren-Peter


    of hypokalaemic perfusion (2.5 mm K(+) for 30 min) were assessed in isolated guinea-pig heart preparations using simultaneous recordings of volume-conducted electrocardiogram and monophasic action potentials from six ventricular epicardial sites. Effective refractory periods, ventricular fibrillation thresholds...... for re-entrant tachyarrhythmias. Taken together, these findings suggest that proarrhythmic effects of hypokalaemia are mostly attributed to increased LV arrhythmogenicity in the guinea-pig heart....

  19. Cumulative irritancy in the guinea pig from low grade irritant vehicles and the angry skin syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Klaus Ejner; Maibach, H I


    A 4-week open cumulative irritancy test in guinea pigs discriminated between two low grade irritant vehicles, nonionic base (anhydrous) and hydrophilic ointment. The procedure might be useful as a predictive test for low grade irritants. The angry skin syndrome was established in the guinea pigs...

  20. A pro-inflammatory effect of foot and mouth disease vírus on immune and non immune guinea pigs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helio José Montassier


    Full Text Available The O1Campos strain of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV used as inducing agent in the pleurisy model was able to trigger a pro-inflammatory effect on normal and immune guinea pigs. The proinflammatory activity which was detected at two times of the pleurisy (24 and 48 hours on normal guinea pigs was characterized only by mononuclear (MN cell influx, during the first interval of the reaction and by edematogenic effect, MN and polimorphonuclcar (PMN leucocyte migration, at the last time of the reaction. The inflammatory reaction profiles recorded on immune guinea pigs (vaccinated with anti-O1Campos oil adjuvanted vaccine, both after 7 and 30 days post vaccination (pv have showed, in both interval, lower intensities than that observed in normal guinea pigs, although in the 7 days PV guinea pigs the accumulations of total leucocytes and PMN were similar to that displayed by normal animals, after 48 hours of the reaction. Besides, on thirty days PV guinea pigs the FMDV induced a significant increase in volume of exudate and MN cell infiltration, after 24 hours, and all of the inflammatory parameters values dropped to normal levels, during the second interval of the reaction. It was found a negative association between the increase in serum neutralizing antibody titer, from 7 to 30 days PV and the intensities of pleural inflammatory parameters on the immune guinea pigs. The pleurisy test revealed itself feasible to evaluate the pro-inflammatory activity of FMDV.

  1. Computed tomography analysis of guinea pig bone: architecture, bone thickness and dimensions throughout development. (United States)

    Witkowska, Agata; Alibhai, Aziza; Hughes, Chloe; Price, Jennifer; Klisch, Karl; Sturrock, Craig J; Rutland, Catrin S


    The domestic guinea pig, Cavia aperea f. porcellus, belongs to the Caviidae family of rodents. It is an important species as a pet, a source of food and in medical research. Adult weight is achieved at 8-12 months and life expectancy is ∼5-6 years. Our aim was to map bone local thickness, structure and dimensions across developmental stages in the normal animal. Guinea pigs (n = 23) that had died of natural causes were collected and the bones manually extracted and cleaned. Institutional ethical permission was given under the UK Home Office guidelines and the Veterinary Surgeons Act. X-ray Micro Computed Tomography (microCT) was undertaken on the left and right scapula, humerus and femur from each animal to ascertain bone local thickness. Images were also used to undertake manual and automated bone measurements, volumes and surface areas, identify and describe nutrient, supratrochlear and supracondylar foramina. Statistical analysis between groups was carried out using ANOVA with post-hoc testing. Our data mapped a number of dimensions, and mean and maximum bone thickness of the scapula, humerus and femur in guinea pigs aged 0-1 month, 1-3 months, 3-6 months, 6 months-1 year and 1-4 years. Bone dimensions, growth rates and local bone thicknesses differed between ages and between the scapula, humerus and femur. The microCT and imaging software technology showed very distinct differences between the relative local bone thickness across the structure of the bones. Only one bone showed a singular nutrient foramen, every other bone had between 2 and 5, and every nutrient canal ran in an oblique direction. In contrast to other species, a supratrochlear foramen was observed in every humerus whereas the supracondylar foramen was always absent. Our data showed the bone local thickness, bone structure and measurements of guinea pig bones from birth to 4 years old. Importantly it showed that bone development continued after 1 year, the point at which most guinea pigs have

  2. Wild genius - domestic fool? Spatial learning abilities of wild and domestic guinea pigs


    Sachser Norbert; Pickel Thorsten; Lewejohann Lars; Kaiser Sylvia


    Abstract Background Domestic animals and their wild relatives differ in a wide variety of aspects. The process of domestication of the domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus), starting at least 4500 years ago, led to changes in the anatomy, physiology, and behaviour compared with their wild relative, the wild cavy, Cavia aperea. Although domestic guinea pigs are widely used as a laboratory animal, learning and memory capabilities are often disregarded as being very scarce. Even less i...

  3. Notes on New Guinea Rubiaceae. Versteegia and Maschalodesme

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ridsdale, C.E.; Bakhuizen van den Brink, R.C.; Koek-Noorman, J.


    Within the rain forests of New Guinea there are many small pachycaul treelets belonging to the Rubiaceae. Generally these are rare in occurrence and poorly represented in the herbarium, due in part to the problem of protecting rami- or cauliflorous flowers and fruits during routine processing and

  4. Distinct lineages of Ebola virus in Guinea during the 2014 West African epidemic. (United States)

    Simon-Loriere, Etienne; Faye, Ousmane; Faye, Oumar; Koivogui, Lamine; Magassouba, Nfaly; Keita, Sakoba; Thiberge, Jean-Michel; Diancourt, Laure; Bouchier, Christiane; Vandenbogaert, Matthias; Caro, Valérie; Fall, Gamou; Buchmann, Jan P; Matranga, Christan B; Sabeti, Pardis C; Manuguerra, Jean-Claude; Holmes, Edward C; Sall, Amadou A


    An epidemic of Ebola virus disease of unprecedented scale has been ongoing for more than a year in West Africa. As of 29 April 2015, there have been 26,277 reported total cases (of which 14,895 have been laboratory confirmed) resulting in 10,899 deaths. The source of the outbreak was traced to the prefecture of Guéckédou in the forested region of southeastern Guinea. The virus later spread to the capital, Conakry, and to the neighbouring countries of Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Mali. In March 2014, when the first cases were detected in Conakry, the Institut Pasteur of Dakar, Senegal, deployed a mobile laboratory in Donka hospital to provide diagnostic services to the greater Conakry urban area and other regions of Guinea. Through this process we sampled 85 Ebola viruses (EBOV) from patients infected from July to November 2014, and report their full genome sequences here. Phylogenetic analysis reveals the sustained transmission of three distinct viral lineages co-circulating in Guinea, including the urban setting of Conakry and its surroundings. One lineage is unique to Guinea and closely related to the earliest sampled viruses of the epidemic. A second lineage contains viruses probably reintroduced from neighbouring Sierra Leone on multiple occasions, while a third lineage later spread from Guinea to Mali. Each lineage is defined by multiple mutations, including non-synonymous changes in the virion protein 35 (VP35), glycoprotein (GP) and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L) proteins. The viral GP is characterized by a glycosylation site modification and mutations in the mucin-like domain that could modify the outer shape of the virion. These data illustrate the ongoing ability of EBOV to develop lineage-specific and potentially phenotypically important variation.

  5. Clearance of 99mTc-labeled albumin from lungs in anesthetized guinea pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Connelly, J.C.; Peterson, B.T.


    Gamma imaging was used to measure the rate of clearance of aerosolized 99m Tc-human serum albumin (HSA) from the lungs of control guinea pigs and guinea pigs that received increased lung inflation or lung injury. Anesthetized guinea pigs were ventilated for 6 min with an aerosol of HSA and the radioactivity in the chest was monitored for 2 h with a gamma camera to determine whether the clearance rate would be a reliable assessment of lung epithelial permeability. Increased lung volumes were effected by application of 5 or 7 cm H 2 O positive end-expired pressure (5-PEEP and 7-PEEP, respectively). Lung injury was induced either by intravenous oleic acid (OA, 27-73 μl/kg) or inhalation of nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 , 80-100 ppm) for 2 h. Postmortem extravascular lung water volume (EVLW) provided an assessment of the degree of lung injury. Tracer clearance rates in animals receiving 5 or 7 cm H 2 O PEEP were not significantly different from controls (K = 0.15 ± 0.05 and 0.24 ± 0.10 vs 0.12 ± 0.03%/min, respectively, p > .05). Animals exposed to NO 2 had faster tracer clearance rates (K = 0.33 ± 0.21%/min, p 2 -exposed guinea pigs correlated well with injury as assessed by EVLW (r = .93, p 2 O PEEP (K = 0.58 ± 0.41%/min, EVLW = 8.1 ± 0.8 mL/g dry lung tissue, p < .05), but there was no correlation between these parameters in this injury model. It is concluded that imaging of the disappearance of radiolabeled HSA in the guinea pig can be a useful index of lung epithelial permeability, but this technique is limited to certain models of lung injury. 33 refs

  6. Men's behavior surrounding use of contraceptives in Guinea. (United States)

    Baldé, Mamadou Diouldé; Diallo, Boubacar Alpha; Compaoré, Rachidatou; Bah, Abdoul Karim; Ali, Moazzam; Kabra, Rita; Kouanda, Seni


    To analyze the sociocultural determinants that influence the attitude and practices of men toward contraceptive use in Guinea. A sequential, mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative study was carried out in two regions of Guinea with a low rate of contraceptive prevalence, and in the capital city of Conakry. A total of 1170 people (men and women) were interviewed. Findings showed a positive perception of family planning overall, but reluctance to use modern contraception. The reasons for non-use of contraceptive methods were primarily the hope of having many children and religious prohibition associated with customs. Making decisions on contraceptive use within a couple represents a major cause of misunderstanding between spouses. Communication within a couple on the use of contraception is quickly declined by men. The findings demonstrate the need to develop communication strategies within a couple to improve the use of contraceptives. Copyright © 2016 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Confocal Raman Microspectroscopy: The Measurement of VX Depth Profiles in Hairless Guinea Pig Skin and the Evaluation of RSDL (United States)


    USAMRICD-TR-15-01 Confocal Raman Microspectroscopy: The Measurement of VX Depth Profiles in Hairless Guinea Pig Skin and the Evaluation...5a. CONTRACT NUMBER guinea pig skin and the evaluation of RSDL 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Braue, EH...upper skin layers of hairless guinea pigs and to determine the ability of Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL) to remove or degrade VX from

  8. Effects of Potassium Channel Blockers on the Negative Inotropic Responses Induced by Cromakalim and Pinacidil in Guinea Pig Atrium (United States)



  9. A model of type 2 diabetes in the guinea pig using sequential diet-induced glucose intolerance and streptozotocin treatment (United States)

    Ackart, David F.; Richardson, Michael A.; DiLisio, James E.; Pulford, Bruce; Basaraba, Randall J.


    ABSTRACT Type 2 diabetes is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among noncommunicable diseases, and additional animal models that more closely replicate the pathogenesis of human type 2 diabetes are needed. The goal of this study was to develop a model of type 2 diabetes in guinea pigs, in which diet-induced glucose intolerance precedes β-cell cytotoxicity, two processes that are crucial to the development of human type 2 diabetes. Guinea pigs developed impaired glucose tolerance after 8 weeks of feeding on a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet, as determined by oral glucose challenge. Diet-induced glucose intolerance was accompanied by β-cell hyperplasia, compensatory hyperinsulinemia, and dyslipidemia with hepatocellular steatosis. Streptozotocin (STZ) treatment alone was ineffective at inducing diabetic hyperglycemia in guinea pigs, which failed to develop sustained glucose intolerance or fasting hyperglycemia and returned to euglycemia within 21 days after treatment. However, when high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet-fed guinea pigs were treated with STZ, glucose intolerance and fasting hyperglycemia persisted beyond 21 days post-STZ treatment. Guinea pigs with diet-induced glucose intolerance subsequently treated with STZ demonstrated an insulin-secretory capacity consistent with insulin-independent diabetes. This insulin-independent state was confirmed by response to oral antihyperglycemic drugs, metformin and glipizide, which resolved glucose intolerance and extended survival compared with guinea pigs with uncontrolled diabetes. In this study, we have developed a model of sequential glucose intolerance and β-cell loss, through high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet and extensive optimization of STZ treatment in the guinea pig, which closely resembles human type 2 diabetes. This model will prove useful in the study of insulin-independent diabetes pathogenesis with or without comorbidities, where the guinea pig serves as a relevant model species. PMID:28093504

  10. A model of type 2 diabetes in the guinea pig using sequential diet-induced glucose intolerance and streptozotocin treatment. (United States)

    Podell, Brendan K; Ackart, David F; Richardson, Michael A; DiLisio, James E; Pulford, Bruce; Basaraba, Randall J


    Type 2 diabetes is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among noncommunicable diseases, and additional animal models that more closely replicate the pathogenesis of human type 2 diabetes are needed. The goal of this study was to develop a model of type 2 diabetes in guinea pigs, in which diet-induced glucose intolerance precedes β-cell cytotoxicity, two processes that are crucial to the development of human type 2 diabetes. Guinea pigs developed impaired glucose tolerance after 8 weeks of feeding on a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet, as determined by oral glucose challenge. Diet-induced glucose intolerance was accompanied by β-cell hyperplasia, compensatory hyperinsulinemia, and dyslipidemia with hepatocellular steatosis. Streptozotocin (STZ) treatment alone was ineffective at inducing diabetic hyperglycemia in guinea pigs, which failed to develop sustained glucose intolerance or fasting hyperglycemia and returned to euglycemia within 21 days after treatment. However, when high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet-fed guinea pigs were treated with STZ, glucose intolerance and fasting hyperglycemia persisted beyond 21 days post-STZ treatment. Guinea pigs with diet-induced glucose intolerance subsequently treated with STZ demonstrated an insulin-secretory capacity consistent with insulin-independent diabetes. This insulin-independent state was confirmed by response to oral antihyperglycemic drugs, metformin and glipizide, which resolved glucose intolerance and extended survival compared with guinea pigs with uncontrolled diabetes. In this study, we have developed a model of sequential glucose intolerance and β-cell loss, through high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet and extensive optimization of STZ treatment in the guinea pig, which closely resembles human type 2 diabetes. This model will prove useful in the study of insulin-independent diabetes pathogenesis with or without comorbidities, where the guinea pig serves as a relevant model species. © 2017. Published by

  11. Pre- and postjunctional inhibitory effects of fenspiride on guinea-pig bronchi. (United States)

    Girard, V; Naline, E; Crambes, O; Malbezin, M; Malmström, R E; Lundberg, J M; Advenier, C


    Fenspiride is a drug with potential benefits in the treatment of obstructive airways disease. It has antibronchoconstriction and anti-inflammatory properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of this drug on the contractions induced in the guinea-pig isolated main bronchus and perfused lung by electrical field stimulation (EFS) or exogenously added agents. Bronchi were stimulated transmurally in the presence of indomethacin 10(-6) M and propranolol 10(-6) M, and isometric tension was measured. In the perfused lung model calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) release was determined in the perfusate fractions as a measure of neuropeptide production. Two successive contractile responses were observed: a rapid cholinergic contraction, followed by a long-lasting contraction due to local release of neuropeptides from C-fibre endings. Fenspiride (10(-6) to 10(-4) M) inhibited the nonadrenergic, noncholinergic (NANC) component of the contraction of the guinea-pig isolated main bronchus induced by EFS. Fenspiride significantly affected contractions induced by exogenously added substance P or [Nle10]-NKA(4-10) only at concentrations higher than 10(-3) M. In the guinea-pig perfused lung, fenspiride inhibited low pH- but not capsaicin-evoked release of CGRP. At higher concentrations (10(-4) M to 3x10(-4) M) fenspiride exhibited a significant inhibitory effect both on the cholinergic component of contractile response induced by EFS in the guinea-pig isolated main bronchus and on exogenously added acetylcholine. In conclusion, the result of this study suggests that fenspiride, in moderate concentrations, reduces the release of neuropeptides, including tachykinins, from sensory nerve endings at a prejunctional level. At higher concentrations, postjunctional actions on bronchial smooth muscle are also present.

  12. Validación de sustratos atractivos a oviposición para la detección de Aedes Aegypti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Villaseca C


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comparar tres tipos de atrayentes a oviposición para la detección de Aedes aegypti (agua local, infusión de pasto Stenotaphrum secundatum y solución acuosa de propionato de metilo al 0,5% en tres ciudades endémicas de Dengue del Perú. Materiales y métodos: Entre Setiembre y Octubre del 2001 se realizó un muestreo dirigido en viviendas de localidades de las provincias de Tarapoto (departamento San Martín, Satipo (Junín y Tumbes (Tumbes en base al antecedente de haber presentado, un caso confirmado de dengue o la presencia de pupas y larvas de Ae. aegypti a la inspección. En cada vivienda se colocaron 4 ovitrampas (con las 3 soluciones y una solución control: agua mineral y se observaron por 3 días consecutivos, inspeccionándolas cada 24 horas. Para el análisis se empleó el test de rango múltiple de Duncan y la prueba de Dunnett, siendo significativo un p<0,05. Resultados: De 248 ovitrampas instaladas (88 en Tarapoto, 88 en Satipo y 72 en Tumbes en 62 lugares, resultaron positivas 13,7%. El promedio global de huevos por ovitrampa. fue 8,02 (rango: 0-131 y se encontró que el promedio de huevos en la infusión de pasto fue mayor al encontrado en las otras soluciones (p<0,05. Conclusión: La infusión de pasto resultó la más efectiva sustancia atrayente en las ovitrampas empleadas para detectar Ae. aegypti.

  13. Resistencia a la penetración en un Vertisol Crómico con diferentes usos, manejos y sitios de muestreo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. A Villazón

    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de determinar la influencia del uso de la tierra, el sistema de labranza y el sitio de muestreo, sobre la resistencia a la penetración en un suelo Vertisol Crómico. Los usos de la tierra fueron: silvopastoreo, pasto natural, cultivos varios y caña de azúcar; esta última con laboreo tradicional y laboreo localizado. Los dos usos agrícolas se muestrearon en el camellón y el surco, y las profundidades fueron de 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 y 30-40 cm. La mayor resistencia a la penetración (p < 0,001 se encontró en las áreas con fines pecuarios (8,64 y 7,71 impactos dm-3 en pasto natural y silvopastoreo, respectivamente. La menor resistencia a la penetración se encontró, en orden descendente, en el surco de caña de azúcar con laboreo localizado, el camellón en cultivos varios y el surco de caña de azúcar con laboreo tradicional. Esta variable aumentó a medida que se profundizó en el perfil del suelo. En los usos pecuarios se observó una capa más cercana a la superficie, en la que se incrementó la compactación. Se concluye que la mayoría de las profundidades se clasificaron como poco compactadas y medianamente compactadas; las primeras aparecieron en la superficie, con variaciones en cuanto al espesor. Solamente se encontró una capa compactada en la profundidad de 30-40 cm, en pasto natural.

  14. L-dehydroascorbic acid can substitute l-ascorbic acid as dietary vitamin C source in guinea pigs. (United States)

    Frikke-Schmidt, Henriette; Tveden-Nyborg, Pernille; Lykkesfeldt, Jens


    Vitamin C deficiency globally affects several hundred million people and has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality in numerous studies. In this study, bioavailability of the oxidized form of vitamin C (l-dehydroascorbic acid or DHA)-commonly found in vitamin C containing food products prone to oxidation-was studied. Our aim was to compare tissue accumulation of vitamin C in guinea pigs receiving different oral doses of either ascorbate or DHA. In all tissues tested (plasma, liver, spleen, lung, adrenal glands, kidney, muscle, heart, and brain), only sporadic differences in vitamin C accumulation from ascorbate or DHA were observed except for the lowest dose of DHA (0.25mg/ml in the drinking water), where approximately half of the tissues had slightly yet significantly less vitamin C accumulation than from the ascorbate source. As these results contradicted data from rats, we continued to explore the ability to recycle DHA in blood, liver and intestine in guinea pigs, rats and mice. These investigations revealed that guinea pigs have similar recycling capacity in red blood cells as observed in humans, while rats and mice do not have near the same ability to reduce DHA in erythrocytes. In liver and intestinal homogenates, guinea pigs also showed a significantly higher ability to recycle DHA compared to rats and mice. These data demonstrate that DHA in guinea pigs-as in humans-is almost as effective as ascorbate as vitamin C source when it comes to taking up and storing vitamin C and further suggest that the guinea pig is superior to other rodents in modeling human vitamin C homeostasis. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Species differences in the localization and number of CNS beta adrenergic receptors: Rat versus guinea pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Booze, R.M.; Crisostomo, E.A.; Davis, J.N.


    The localization and number of beta adrenergic receptors were directly compared in the brains of rats and guinea pigs. The time course of association and saturability of [125I]cyanopindolol (CYP) binding to slide-mounted tissue sections was similar in rats (Kd = 17 pM) and guinea pigs (Kd = 20 pM). The beta-1 and beta-2 receptor subtypes were examined through the use of highly selective unlabeled receptor antagonists, ICI 118,551 (50 nM) and ICI 89,406 (70 nM). Dramatic species differences between rats and guinea pigs were observed in the neuroanatomical regional localization of the beta adrenergic receptor subtypes. For example, in the thalamus prominent beta-1 and beta-2 receptor populations were identified in the rat; however, the entire thalamus of the guinea pig had few, if any, beta adrenergic receptors of either subtype. Hippocampal area CA1 had high levels of beta-2 adrenergic receptors in both rats and guinea pigs but was accompanied by a widespread distribution of beta-2 adrenergic receptors only in rats. Quantitative autoradiographic analyses of 25 selected neuroanatomical regions (1) confirmed the qualitative differences in CNS beta adrenergic receptor localization, (2) determined that guinea pigs had significantly lower levels of beta adrenergic receptors than rats and (3) indicated a differential pattern of receptor subtypes between the two species. Knowledge of species differences in receptor patterns may be useful in designing effective experiments as well as in exploring the relationships between receptor and innervation patterns. Collectively, these data suggest caution be used in extrapolation of the relationships of neurotransmitters and receptors from studies of a single species

  16. Pig and guinea pig skin as surrogates for human in vitro penetration studies: a quantitative review. (United States)

    Barbero, Ana M; Frasch, H Frederick


    Both human and animal skin in vitro models are used to predict percutaneous penetration in humans. The objective of this review is a quantitative comparison of permeability and lag time measurements between human and animal skin, including an evaluation of the intra and inter species variability. We limit our focus to domestic pig and rodent guinea pig skin as surrogates for human skin, and consider only studies in which both animal and human penetration of a given chemical were measured jointly in the same lab. When the in vitro permeability of pig and human skin were compared, the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) was 0.88 (Ppig and 35% for human, and an inter species average coefficient of variation of 37% for the set of studied compounds (n=41). The lag times of pig skin and human skin did not correlate (r=0.35, P=0.26). When the in vitro permeability of guinea pig and human skin were compared, r=0.96 (Pguinea pig and 24% for human, and an inter species coefficient of variation of permeability of 41% for the set of studied compounds (n=15). Lag times of guinea pig and human skin correlated (r=0.90, Ppig skin (n=50) and guinea pig skin (n=25). For pig skin, 80% of measurements fell within the range 0.3guinea pig skin, 65% fell within that range. Both pig and guinea pig are good models for human skin permeability and have less variability than the human skin model. The skin model of choice will depend on the final purpose of the study and the compound under investigation.

  17. Changes of the kallikrein-kinin system in the course of the postirradiation syndrome in rats and guinea pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pouckova, P.; Pospisil, J.; Dienstbier, Z.


    Within the study of the postirradiation distortion of the hemocoagulation and hemostasis changes were investigated of the level of prekallikrein, kininogens, and kininases in the blood serum and plasma of the whole-body irradiated animals. The rats and guinea pigs were exposed to 800 R (206.4 -1 ) and 300 R (77.4 -1 ), respectively, of 60 Co gamma rays which represented the LD 50/30 for the two species. In the observed postirradiation time intervals i.e. 10, 30, 60, 120 min, 6, 12 and 24 hrs the changes of the level of prekallikrein were idential with those of the level of prekallikrein in the blood serum whole-body irradiated guinea pigs. At 2, 4, 7, 10, 12 and 14 days after irradiation the course of the level of the prekallikrein in the blood serum of the rats and guinea pigs showed mutual mirror symmetry. Changes were observed of the level of kininogens in the blood plasma of the rats and guinea pigs after the exposures to 800 and 300 R, respectively. In this case, the level of kininogens in the rats and guinea pigs had changed similarly, in the guinea pigs, however, the changes of the level of kininogens varied within the range of control values. The level of kininases in the blood plasma of irradiated rats reached its maximum value on the 4th day after total irradiation, and later decreased. In the blood plasma of irradiated guinea pigs the course of the level of kininases was characterized by mirror symmetry, always with maximum and minimum values on the 7th day after total exposure. (author)

  18. Use of a Far-Infrared Active Warming Device in Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Zarndt, Bethany S; Buchta, Jessica N; Garver, Lindsey S; Davidson, Silas A; Rowton, Edgar D; Despain, Kenneth E


    Small mammals have difficulty maintaining body temperature under anesthesia. This hypothermia is a potential detriment not only to the health and comfort of the animal but also to the integrity of any treatment given or data gathered during the anesthetic period. Using an external warming device to assist with temperature regulation can mitigate these effects. In this study, we investigated the ability of an advanced warming device that uses far-infrared (FIR) heating and responds to real-time core temperature monitoring to maintain a normothermic core temperature in guinea pigs. Body temperatures were measured during 30 min of ketamine-xylazine general anesthesia with and without application of the heating device. The loss of core body heat from anesthetized guinea pigs under typical (unwarmed) conditions was significant, and this loss was almost completely mitigated by application of the FIR heating pad. The significant difference between the temperatures of the actively warmed guinea pigs as compared with the control group began as early as 14 min after anesthetic administration, leading to a 2.6 °C difference at 30 min. Loss of core body temperature was not correlated with animals' body weight; however, weight influences the efficiency of FIR warming slightly. These study results show that the FIR heating device accurately controls core body temperature in guinea pigs, therefore potentially alleviating the effects of body heat loss on animal physiology.

  19. Cough reflex sensitivity is increased in the guinea pig model of allergic rhinitis. (United States)

    Brozmanova, M; Plevkova, J; Tatar, M; Kollarik, M


    Increased cough reflex sensitivity is found in patients with allergic rhinitis and may contribute to cough caused by rhinitis. We have reported that cough to citric acid is enhanced in the guinea pig model of allergic rhinitis. Here we address the hypothesis that the cough reflex sensitivity is increased in this model. The data from our previous studies were analyzed for the cough reflex sensitivity. The allergic inflammation in the nose was induced by repeated intranasal instillations of ovalbumin in the ovalbumin-sensitized guinea pigs. Cough was induced by inhalation of doubling concentrations of citric acid (0.05-1.6 M). Cough threshold was defined as the lowest concentration of citric acid causing two coughs (C2, expressed as geometric mean [95% confidence interval]). We found that the cough threshold was reduced in animals with allergic rhinitis. C2 was 0.5 M [0.36-0.71 M] and 0.15 M [0.1-0.23 M] prior and after repeated intranasal instillations of ovalbumin, respectively, Preflex sensitivity. C2 was reduced in animals with allergic rhinitis treated orally with vehicle (0.57 M [0.28-1.1] vs. 0.09 M [0.04-0.2 M], Preflex sensitivity is increased in the guinea pig model of allergic rhinitis. Our results suggest that guinea pig is a suitable model for mechanistic studies of increased cough reflex sensitivity in rhinitis.

  20. Micro-endoscopic ear anatomy of guinea pig applied to experimental surgery. (United States)

    Barros, Bruno Borges de Carvalho; Andrade, José Santos Cruz de; Garcia, Leandro Borborema; Pifaia, Gustavo Ribeiro; Cruz, Oswaldo Laércio Mendonça; Onishi, Ektor Tsuneo; Penido, Norma de Oliveira


    To describe topographic and endoscopic anatomy of guinea pig ear for development of surgical approaches in experimental studies. Experimental study. Eight adult guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) were used in this study. Four animals were described through endoscopic view and four animals were used to describe topographic anatomy. The main structures of middle ear were well identified through endoscopy view: oval and round window, ossicles and vascular structures. Temporal bone position, landmarks and its relations to skull are perceived with topographic description. Topographic anatomic description allowed exposition of temporal bone relations for external surgical approaches. Alternatively, grooves and middle ear structures were identified and may be used to transcanal accesses.

  1. C-Kit expression in the gallbladder of guinea pig with chronic calculous cholecystitis and the effect of Artemisia capillaris Thunb on interstitial cells of Cajal. (United States)

    Feng, Hua; Wang, Fang; Wang, Changmiao


    To study the c-Kit expression in the gallbladder of cholesterol lithogenic guinea pig model and the effect of Artemisia capillaris Thunb on interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs). A total of 45 guinea pigs were randomly assigned into three groups: the control group (guinea pigs fed a standard diet, normal group); the model group (guinea pigs fed a cholesterol gallstone-inducing diet); and the Chinese medicine group (guinea pigs fed the cholesterol gallstone-inducing diet and treated with A. capillaris through intragastric administration, therapy group). Each group had 15 guinea pigs. The gallbladders of the guinea pigs were harvested after 8 weeks. C-Kit expression was detected using an immunohistochemistry staining, real-time PCR, and Western blot analyses. The effect of A. capillaris on ICCs was evaluated by muscle strip contraction experiments. C-Kit expression significantly decreased in the gallbladder of model group, but increased in the Chinese medicine group. The Contractility of guinea pig gallbladder muscle strip significantly improved in the Chinese medicine group. Our results indicated that A. capillaris improves gallbladder impairment by up-regulating c-Kit expression, and it also can improve the contractile response of in vitro guinea pig gallbladder muscle strips.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Kusmiyati


    Full Text Available The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of mulch and mixed cropping grass – legume atsaline soil on growth, forage yield and nutritional quality of guinea grass. Saline soil used in thisresearch was classified into strongly saline soil with low soil fertility. The research was arrranged inrandomized complete block design with 3 blocks. The treatments were : M1 = guinea grassmonoculture, without mulch; M2 = guinea grass monoculture, 3 ton/ha mulch; M3 = guinea grassmonoculture, 6 ton/ha mulch, M4 = mixed cropping grass with Sesbania grandiflora, without mulch;M5 = mixed cropping grass with Sesbania grandiflora, 3 ton/ha mulch; M6 = mixed cropping grass withSesbania grandiflora, 6 ton/ha mulch. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance, then followed byDuncan's Multiple Range Test. The highest soil moisture content was achieved at mixed cropping grasslegumewith 6 ton/ha of mulch. The effect of mulch at saline soil significantly increased plant growth,forage yield and nutritional quality of guinea grass. Application of 3 ton/ha mulch increased plantgrowth, forage yield and nutritional quality of guinea grass. Plant growth, forage yield and nutritionalquality of guinea grass were not affected by monoculture or mixed cropping with Sesbania at saline soil.

  3. Resisting State Iconoclasm Among the Loma of Guinea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højbjerg, Christian Kordt

    -term suppression, including the exposure of secrecy, by the postcolonial authorities. In recent years the famous male ritual association known as Poro has even taken on new significance in the context of political upheaval in the war-torn border area between Guinea and Liberia. Drawing on extensive fieldwork...

  4. The guinea-pig expresses functional CYP2C and P-glycoprotein: further validation of its usefulness in drug biotransformation/transport studies. (United States)

    Hasibu, Ibrahim; Patoine, Dany; Pilote, Sylvie; Drolet, Benoit; Simard, Chantale


    The guinea-pig is an excellent animal model for studying cardiopulmonary physiology/pharmacology. Interestingly, it also possesses a number of drug-metabolizing enzymes found in humans, such as CYP1A, CYP2D and CYP3A. To evaluate the hypothesis that the guinea-pig also expresses a functional CYP2C drug-metabolizing enzyme and the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) drug transporter in various tissues. cDNAs encoding CYP2C and P-gp were obtained from guinea-pig liver or small intestine and sequenced. Western blotting was performed to confirm the expression of CYP2C and P-gp. The functional enzymatic activity of guinea-pig CYP2C was evaluated with microsomal preparations using diclofenac and tolbutamide as specific drug substrates in HPLC analyses. To further study both P-gp and CYP2C functional activities, the guinea-pig ABCB1/MDR1 and CYP2C genes were cloned. The recombinant plasmids were then transfected in HEK293 (human embryonic kidney) cells and either calcein-acetoxymethyl ester (AM) accumulation assays or 14,15-EET/DHET formation experiments were performed to evaluate either P-gp transport activity or CYP2C epoxygenase activity, respectively. The guinea-pig tissue distribution of P-gp was studied by Western blotting. Functional expression of CYP2C was demonstrated in guinea-pig liver microsomal preparations. CYP2C-mediated biotransformation of diclofenac and tolbutamide were shown. Expression of P-gp protein was detected in guinea-pig liver and small intestine. Functional activity of guinea-pig P-gp was demonstrated in ABCB1/MDR1-transfected cells. GP-CYP2C-transfected cells also showed functional epoxygenase activity. The guinea-pig expresses functional CYP2C and P-gp, thus suggesting its usefulness for further validating data obtained with other animal models in drug biotransformation/transport studies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  5. Molecular Cloning, Expression, and In Silico Structural Analysis of Guinea Pig IL-17


    Dirisala, Vijaya R.; Jeevan, Amminikutty; Ramasamy, Suresh K.; McMurray, David N.


    Interleukin-17A (IL-17A) is a potent proinflammatory cytokine and the signature cytokine of Th17 cells, a subset which is involved in cytokine and chemokine production, neutrophil recruitment, promotion of T cell priming, and antibody production. IL-17 may play an important role in tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. In preparation for investigating its role in the highly relevant guinea pig model of pulmonary tuberculosis, we cloned guinea pig IL-17A for the first time. The complete ...

  6. Mapifcación y analisis de la distribución espacial de organismos indicadores de la calidad del agua en la quebrada la Ayurá (Envigado, Antioquia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guerra Rojas Adriana


    Full Text Available Esta investigación evalúa y analiza la distribución espacial de las comunidades de perifi ton y macroinvertebrados acuáticos utilizados en la determinación de la calidad del agua, considerando los trabajos realizados previamente por el grupo GAIA de la Universidad de Antioquia sobre la Quebrada Ayurá. Se emplearon las funciones de modelos hidrológicos, preestablecidos en la herramienta SIG, con las cuales se realizó el trazado de la red de corriente. A través de la superposición de capas temáticas, se obtuvo una herramienta cartográfi ca que permitió determinar la relación entre los usos del suelo dados a las zonas aledañas donde se ubicaron las estaciones de muestreo y la población de organismos colectados e identifi cados en cada punto. Los resultados obtenidos permiten decir que tanto las comunidades de protistas y macroinvertebrados acuáticos, como los índices establecidos, BMWP Colombia, Dinius e INSF, señalan una buena calidad del recurso hídrico para la estación 1, en donde se presentan bosques de coníferas, rastrojos altos y bajos; en la estación 2 se tiene una calidad aceptable, y allí se observan algunas construcciones, pastos y monocultivos; fi nalmente en la estación 3, ubicada en la zona urbana, la calidad es inferior a las anteriores estaciones.

  7. Studies on the absorption of epoxy resin 14C-epidian 5 through the skin of guinea pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woyton, A.; Wozniak, M.; Dobryszycka, W.


    The absorption and spread of epoxy resin labelled with 14 C-epidian 5, was evaluated by measurements of radioactivity of the skin and individual organs in guinea pigs and of the ovum in pregnant guinea pigs. It has been demonstrated that the radioactive resin is slowly absorbed through the skin and reaches, by blood vessels, inner organs and the skin distant from the smeared site. The liver participates actively in the metabolism of epidian 5. The radioactivity of the nervous tissue and urine of the guinea pig bladder increased successively with the length of time, which indicates this way of excretion of the resin. In fetal membranes the level of radioactivity was considerably higher than in the placental tissue and fetal fluids. Worthy of note is also that livers of guinea pig fetuses showed an isotope mark and that radioactivity increased in the fetal pulmonary tissue. (author)

  8. Twenty-four-Hour Measurement of Intraocular Pressure in Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Ansari-Mood, Maneli; Mehdi-Rajaei, Seyed; Sadjadi, Reza; Selk-Ghaffari, Masoud; Williams, David L


    The objective of this study was to measure intraocular pressure (IOP) in intact, healthy guinea pigs (15 male, 15 female) every 2 h for a 24-h period. First, IOP was measured by using rebound tonometry (RBT). After a 1-min rest period, 0.5% proparacaine ophthalmic solution, a topical anesthetic, was applied to both eyes; 4 min after anesthetic instillation, IOP was measured by using applanation tonometry (APT). The IOP was lower during the light period (0700 to 1900) than during the dark phase (2000 to 0600). The lowest IOP by both RBT and APT (3.68 and 13.37 mm Hg, respectively) occurred at 0700, whereas maximal IOP occurred at 2300 for RBT (8.12 mm Hg) but at 2100 for APT (20.62 mm Hg). No significant differences in IOP between the left and right eyes or between RBT and APT were noted. In addition, daily variations in the IOP of guinea pigs seem to be independent of sex and body weight. The results of this study may be beneficial in the diagnosis and observation of glaucoma in guinea pigs.

  9. The induction by X-rays of chromosome aberrations in male guinea-pigs, rabbits and golden hamsters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyon, M.F.; Cox, B.D.


    The induction by X-rays of translocations in spermatogonia was studied by cytological means in spermatocytes derived from them. In the rabbit and guinea-pig, hump-shaped dose-response curves were obtained, with a linear relationship at the low doses. The shapes of the curves were similar to those reported for the mouse, except that the maximum occurred at 600-700 rad in the mouse as opposed to 300 rad in the guinea-pig and rabbit. Unlike the guinea-pig and rabbit, the golden hamster showed a hump dose-response curve without a definite peak value and with little decrease in yield at high radiation doses. Over the low dose range 100-300 rad, the slopes of the curves of translocation yield were in the order: mouse (highest), rabbit, guinea-pig and hamster. Data on sterile periods suggested that the amount of spermatogonial killing in the rabbit and guinea-pig was as great or greater than in the mouse, and that in the golden hamster it was most severe. It is suggested that the differing shapes of the dose-response curves can be explained by a lower sensitivity to translocation induction in the test species and, also especially in the golden hamster, a greater sensitivity to cell killing. The possibility of extrapolating from these data to other species is discussed

  10. External Genital Development, Urethra Formation, and Hypospadias Induction in Guinea Pig: A Double Zipper Model for Human Urethral Development. (United States)

    Wang, Shanshan; Shi, Mingxin; Zhu, Dongqing; Mathews, Ranjiv; Zheng, Zhengui


    To determine whether the guinea pig phallus would be an appropriate model of human penile development, we characterized the embryology and sexual differentiation of guinea pig external genitalia and attended to induce hypospadias in males and tubular urethra formation in females pharmacologically. The external genitalia of guinea pig were collected from genital swelling initiation to newborn stages, and scanning electronic microscopy and histology were performed to visualize the morphology and structure. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the androgen receptor localization. Bicalutamide and methyltestosterone were given to pregnant dams to reveal the role and timing of androgen in guinea pig penile masculinization. Canalization and dorsal-to-ventral movement of the urethral canal develops the urethral groove in both sexes, and then the males perform distal-opening-proximal-closing to form tubular urethra. More nuclear-localized androgen receptor is found in proximal genital tubercles of males than in females at (E) 29. Antiandrogen treatment at E26-E30 can cause hypospadias, and methyltestosterone administration at E27-E31 can induce tubular urethra formation in females. Fetal development of the guinea pig phallus is homologous to that of humans. Although guinea pig has structures similar to mouse, the urethral groove and the tubular urethra formation are more similar to humans. Antiandrogen treatment causes hypospadias in males and additional androgen induces tubular urethra formation in females. Thus, guinea pig is an appropriate model for further study of cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in distal-opening-proximal-closing in tubular urethra formation and the evaluation of the pathophysiological processes of hypospadias. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  11. A Rare Case of Atypical Renal Arteries Arrangement with Ectopic Kidneys in a Guinea Pig

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maženský D.


    Full Text Available We recorded a very rare case of atypical renal arteries arrangement in a guinea pig using the corrosion technique in the study of the arterial system. The right renal artery originated from the ventral wall of the abdominal aorta at the level of the caudal aspect of the 5th lumbar vertebra. The left renal artery originated from the left common iliac artery approximately 12 mm caudally to the aortic bifurcation. The right kidney was located ventral to the aortic bifurcation and the left kidney inside the pelvic cavity between the common iliac arteries. According to the vascular pattern, we determined that the ectopic kidneys in this guinea pig were unusual. This is the first case describing bilateral ectopic kidneys in a guinea pig.

  12. Use of recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone for evaluation of thyroid function in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Mayer, Jörg; Wagner, Robert; Mitchell, Mark A; Fecteau, Kellie


    To evaluate the effects of administration of recombinant human (rh) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) for evaluation of thyroid function in euthyroid guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Prospective, experimental study. 10 healthy, sexually intact, pet guinea pigs (approx 1 year of age). Guinea pigs were given rhTSH (100 μg, IM); plasma thyroxine concentrations were determined prior to and 3 and 4 hours after rhTSH injection. The animals were housed in 2 groups on the basis of sex and fed different commercial maintenance diets according to their husbandry. There was no significant difference in thyroxine concentrations between males and females before or after rhTSH injection. There was also no difference between thyroxine concentrations at 3 versus 4 hours after rhTSH injection. There was a significant difference between thyroxine concentrations before (median, 9.05 nmol/L [0.70 μg/dL]; 10% to 90% range, 7.39 to 16.99 nmol/L [0.57 to 1.32 μg/dL]) and after (mean ± SD, 23.95 ± 4.2 nmol/L) rhTSH injection. Euthyroid guinea pigs had plasma thyroxine concentrations of at least 7.30 nmol/L (0.57 μg/dL) and an increase of at least 2.6 times prestimulation thyroxine concentrations at 3 or 4 hours after stimulation. The results suggested that rhTSH administered IM can be used for the TSH stimulation testing in guinea pigs. We suggest thyroxine concentration in a euthyroid guinea pig should at least double 3 to 4 hours after rhTSH injection.

  13. Studies on vertical transmission of Trichinella spiralis in experimentally infected guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). (United States)

    Riva, Eliana; Fiel, Cesar; Bernat, Gisele; Muchiut, Sebastián; Steffan, Pedro


    An experimental study to enhance knowledge on the capability of Trichenella spiralis to pass from guinea pigs to progeny at different periods of pregnancy or lactation was performed. For this purpose, 18 female adult guinea pigs were inoculated with 100 or 1000 T. spiralis muscle larvae (ML) during early, late gestation and during lactation period. The presence of T. spiralis (ML) in mothers and newborns was studied through enzymatic digestion from muscle samples. ML were observed in 9 of 42 newborn guinea pigs and levels of infection were significantly higher when infections of mothers were done during late gestation (p = 0.0046) with the high infective dose (p = 0.0043). T. spiralis ML were not recovered from any of the newborns from mothers infected in the lactation period. Ten out of 18 infected mothers presented larvae 1 in their mammary glands. Muscle samples from the tongue and the masseter showed the highest larval burdens. These observations confirm previous reports on that ML of T. spiralis are capable to pass through placental tissues to reach and encyst in striated muscle groups of newborn guinea pigs. This study may also reinforce the importance of preventive programs to control trichinellosis in those endemic areas where pregnant women would have high risk of infection.

  14. Case Report of a Satin Guinea Pig with Fibrous Osteodystrophy That Resembles Human Pseudohypoparathyroidism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Gallego


    Full Text Available A case report of a 2-year-old female satin guinea pig with a history of dental overgrowth and lameness and radiological lesions of fibrous osteodystrophy is presented. The most relevant clinical findings were bone demineralization, high level of parathyroid hormone (PTH, normophosphatemia, normal ionized calcium, and low total thyroxine (tT4 with a normal renal function. Long-term treatment was based on teeth coronal reduction and maintaining a balanced diet. PTH measurement was performed with a kit suitable for rats to test 4 different paired samples of guinea pigs and resulted in similar results for each pair of measurements. Two kits routinely employed in dogs and cats failed in measuring PTH in guinea pig serum samples. The ionized calcium, PTH, and tT4 values, not previously reported in similar cases, were obtained. The determination of tT4 could be useful in the diagnosis of fibrous osteodystrophy in guinea pigs. The observed findings show similarity with human pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia, a disease caused by an inactivating heterozygous mutation of the stimulatory G protein α subunit from the maternal genome that induces multiple hormone resistance and that courses with a syndrome called Albright hereditary osteodystrophy. Naturally occurring pseudohypoparathyroidism in animals has been reported previously only in a ferret.

  15. Development of a guinea pig cutaneous radiation injury model using low penetrating X-rays. (United States)

    Rodgers, Kathleen E; Tan, Alick; Kim, Lila; Espinoza, Theresa; Meeks, Christopher; Johnston, William; Maulhardt, Holly; Donald, Melissa; Hill, Colin; diZerega, Gere S


    A guinea pig skin model was developed to determine the dose-dependent response to soft X-ray radiation into the dermis. X-ray exposure (50 kVp) was defined to a 4.0 × 4.0 cm area on the lateral surface of a guinea pig using lead shielding. Guinea pigs were exposed to a single fraction of X-ray irradiation ranging from 25-79 Gy via an XRAD320ix Biological Irradiator with the collimator removed. Gross skin changes were measured using clinical assessments defined by the Kumar scale. Skin contracture was assessed, as well as histological evaluations. Loss of dermal integrity was shown after a single dose of soft X-ray radiation at or above 32 Gy with the central 2.0 × 2.0 cm of the exposed site being the most affected. Hallmarks of the skin injury included moist desquamation, ulceration and wound contracture, as well as alterations in epithelium, dermis, muscle and adipose. Changes in the skin were time- and radiation dose-dependent. Full-thickness injury occurred without animal mortality or gross changes in the underlying organs. The guinea pig is an appropriate small animal model for the short-term screening of countermeasures for cutaneous radiation injury (CRI).

  16. Vacuna fenol-insoluble contra la brucelosis humana: evaluacion del poder inmunogenico en cobayos Phenol insoluble extract vaccine for the prevention of brucellosis in humans: evaluation in guinea pigs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Bolpe


    Full Text Available Se examinó una vacuna diseñada para inmunizar al hombre, preparada con extracto de fenol insoluble, para determinar si protegía a cobayos contra el desafío con la cepa virulenta B. abortus 2308. Se incluyeron en el experimento las vacunas vivas atenuadas B. abortus cepa 19 y B. melitensis Rev. 1, para comparar los resultados. Se vacunaron 93 animales en cada grupo, que fueron subdivididos en subgrupos de 31 y se los desafió con 10(4, 10³ y 10² unidades formadoras de colonias de la cepa B. abortus 2308 virulenta. El análisis global de los resultados demostró una protección del 11.9% en animales vacunados con el extracto de fenol insoluble, 65% en los vacunados con B. abortus cepa 19 y 95% en el grupo que recibió vacuna B. melitensis Rev. 1.A phenol insoluble extract vaccine proposed to immunize men against brucellosis was tested for its ability in protecting guinea pigs against challenge with virulent Brucella abortus strain 2308. Living attenuated Brucella abortus strain 19 and B. melitensis Rev. 1 were included in the experiment for comparison. Ninety three animals were vaccinated in each group and subdivided in subgroups of 31 for challenge with 10(4,10³ and 10² colony forming units of virulent B. abortus 2308. A global analysis of the results showed protection of 11.9%, 65% and 95% in animals vaccinated with phenol insoluble extract, strain 19 and Rev. 1, respectively.

  17. A Neolithic expansion, but strong genetic structure, in the independent history of New Guinea. (United States)

    Bergström, Anders; Oppenheimer, Stephen J; Mentzer, Alexander J; Auckland, Kathryn; Robson, Kathryn; Attenborough, Robert; Alpers, Michael P; Koki, George; Pomat, William; Siba, Peter; Xue, Yali; Sandhu, Manjinder S; Tyler-Smith, Chris


    New Guinea shows human occupation since ~50 thousand years ago (ka), independent adoption of plant cultivation ~10 ka, and great cultural and linguistic diversity today. We performed genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping on 381 individuals from 85 language groups in Papua New Guinea and find a sharp divide originating 10 to 20 ka between lowland and highland groups and a lack of non-New Guinean admixture in the latter. All highlanders share ancestry within the last 10 thousand years, with major population growth in the same period, suggesting population structure was reshaped following the Neolithic lifestyle transition. However, genetic differentiation between groups in Papua New Guinea is much stronger than in comparable regions in Eurasia, demonstrating that such a transition does not necessarily limit the genetic and linguistic diversity of human societies. Copyright © 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  18. A comparative analysis of the intestinal metagenomes present in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) and humans (Homo sapiens)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hildebrand, Falk; Ebersbach, Tine; Nielsen, Henrik Bjørn


    Background: Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) is an important model for human intestinal research. We have characterized the faecal microbiota of 60 guinea pigs using Illumina shotgun metagenomics, and used this data to compile a gene catalogue of its prevalent microbiota. Subsequently, we compared th...

  19. Spot-on Treatments of Diflubenzuron and Permethrin to Control a Guinea Pig Louse, Gliricola Porcelli (Phthiraptera: Gyropidae) (United States)

    Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus (L.)) (Rodentia: Caviidae) are pets and laboratory animals. They can be infested by a chewing louse, Gliricola porcelli (Schrank) (Phthiraptera: Gyropidae), which is fairly common in some animal rearing facilities, pet stores, and on wild guinea pigs. Infestation with G....

  20. Prevalence And Disabilities Caused By Guinea-Worm Disease ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A survey was carried out in 2001 to ascertain the status of Guinea worm disease infection among farm households in Ebonyi Local Government Area (LGA) of Ebonyi State. A total of 3,777 respondents were randomly sampled from 15 communities that comprised the LGA. The sample respondents were clinically examined ...