
Sample records for del fallo intestinal

  1. Causas de fallo en la implantación del TPM y modelo de puesta en marcha integrador

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    Rafael Mateo Martínez


    Full Text Available Las empresas modernas precisan ser competitivas para sobrevivir en el mercado, por este motivo muchas compañías se plantean estrategias como el TPM (Total Productive Maintenance para la obtención de mejoras tangibles e intangibles en la organización que les ayuden a afrontar las dificultades del negocio. La gran mayoría de las organizaciones no son capaces de acometer con éxito la implantación del TPM, por no considerar las causas de fallo que se pueden presentar durante las diferentes etapas de desarrollo del modelo de implantación. El presente trabajo de investigación define, mediante un análisis de las publicaciones y estudios de caso existentes, un modelo genérico de implantación del TPM, y recopila las barreras, facilitadores y causas más comunes de fallo que se deben de tener en cuenta en cada etapa de su desarrollo y que pueden afectar al éxito de la implementación

  2. La corte constitucional: entre la ley de gradualidad y la gradualidad de la ley. A propósito del fallo sobre el aborto


    Ilva Myriam Hoyos


    El artículo, escrito un mes después de proferido el fallo de la Corte Constitucional sobre el aborto, presenta algunas reflexiones críticas sobre el polémico fallo. La tesis central que desarrolla, con base en los comunicados de prensa del 11 y 12 de mayo de 2006, y en las declaraciones de prensa de una de las demandantes y del magistrado ponente, es que, a diferencia de lo que sostiene la Corte, en Colombia se legalizó el aborto en tres amplios supuestos. Esa legalización i...

  3. Los efectos jurídicos del fallo del Excelentísimo Tribunal Constitucional sobre la llamada “píldora del día después”


    Ángela Vivanco M.


    El tema de la llamada “píldora del día después” o “píldora del día siguiente” se inició en Chile con una serie de acciones ante los tribunales ordinarios con resultados muy contradictorios, tras lo cual el fallo del Tribunal Constitucional de abril de 2008 resultó una importante definición acerca del estatuto del embrión humano, la protección de la vida y el principio precautorio aplicado a ella, aunque no pudo extenderse a todas las materias relacionadas con la PDD por ser la competencia del...

  4. Análisis de la incidencia de los factores militares y los factores políticos en el fallo del proceso de paz del Caguán entre el gobierno colombiano y las Farc-Ep, periodo 1998-2002


    López Narváez, Yeinner Andrés


    Esta monografía ofrece un análisis encaminado a revisar la incidencia de factores militares y políticos en el fallo del proceso de negociación del Caguán. Considera que la relación entre estos dos elementos y el fallo del proceso no han sido suficientemente estudiados por los analistas, ya que el examen de otros fenómenos ha desviado la atención de los analistas acerca de la importancia de estos elementos contextuales en la respuesta positiva o negativa de un proceso de paz. La primera part...

  5. Control tolerante a fallos en un sitema de achique y separación de sentinas


    Cumelles, Laia


    El presente proyecto de final de carrera está enfocado al estudio de los fallos que pueden afectar a un sistema de achique y separación de los efluentes acumulados en las sentinas de la sal de máquinas de un buque RO-PAX, y a la detección automática de estos fallos, con el fin de conseguir una mejora de la automatización inicial del sistema y garantizar un control robusto y fiable del sistema, utilizando como referencia la Guía GEMMA.

  6. Introducción a la Diagnosis de Fallos basada en Modelos mediante Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos

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    Ramon Costa Castelló


    Full Text Available Resumen: La diagnosis de fallos basada en modelos es hoy en día un campo maduro dentro de la ingeniería de control que empieza a formar parte de los planes de estudios de grado y postgrado. Sin embargo, la falta de buenos materiales pedagógicos dificulta el proceso de enseñanza / aprendizaje. En este trabajo se muestra cómo una metodología de aprendizaje basada en proyectos se ha utilizado en las sesiones de laboratorio del curso de Diagnosis y Control Tolerante a Fallos del Máster en Automática y Robótica de la UPC utilizando un sistema real de tres depótodos. Los métodos de detección de fallos basados en observadores y la utilización de residuos estructurados para el aislamiento de fallos son introducidos a los estudiantes desde un punto de vista práctico, por medio de un conjunto de ejercicios que se proponen para alcanzar un conjunto de objetivos de aprendizaje. Palabras clave: Detección ;Diagnóstico, Residuos, Fallo, Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos.

  7. Algunas consideraciones respecto del fallo del tribunal constitucional chileno relativo a la distribución de la “píldora del día después”

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    Juan Pablo Beca Frei


    Full Text Available En este artículo damos los fundamentos jurídicos de por qué resulta plenamente legítimo que el Tribunal Constitucional chileno se pronuncie sobre algunos aspectos de las Normas Chilenas sobre Fertilidad, en lo que concierne a la entrega de anticonceptivos de emergencia. En este fallo, el Tribunal Constitucional determinó que las normas contenidas en el Decreto Supremo Nº 48, de 26 de enero de 2007, del Ministerio de Salud son –desde el punto de vista jurídico– incompatibles con nuestras normas constitucionales. El segundo aspecto que analizamos desde el punto de vista jurídico es a quién corresponde el peso de la prueba. A nuestro parecer, lo que se prueba en cualquier juicio son hechos positivos, no hechos negativos, y quien debe probar es quien alega la ocurrencia de estos hechos. En consecuencia, consideramos que el Tribunal Constitucional debió haber exigido que los recurrentes probaran que el levonorgestrel impide el implante o anidación de un óvulo fecundado y no exigir al recurrido probar un hecho negativo, cual es que el mencionado producto no impide esta anidación. Reflexionamos además sobre ciertas imprecisiones del fallo, como aquellas relacionadas con el comienzo de la vida humana y la constitucionalidad de la consejería a menores.

  8. Estrategias para aumentar la seguridad del paciente en hemodiálisis: Aplicación del sistema de análisis modal de fallos y efectos (sistema AMFE

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    María Dolores Arenas Jiménez


    Conclusiones: Las complicaciones en HD son frecuentes y la consideración de algunas de ellas como EA podría mejorar la seguridad en la asistencia, al poner en marcha medidas preventivas. La implementación del sistema AMFE permite estratificar y priorizar los posibles fallos de las unidades de diálisis, y actuar con mayor o menor premura, desarrollando las acciones de mejora necesarias.

  9. Algunas consideraciones respecto del fallo del tribunal constitucional chileno relativo a la distribución de la “píldora del día después”


    Juan Pablo Beca Frei


    En este artículo damos los fundamentos jurídicos de por qué resulta plenamente legítimo que el Tribunal Constitucional chileno se pronuncie sobre algunos aspectos de las Normas Chilenas sobre Fertilidad, en lo que concierne a la entrega de anticonceptivos de emergencia. En este fallo, el Tribunal Constitucional determinó que las normas contenidas en el Decreto Supremo Nº 48, de 26 de enero de 2007, del Ministerio de Salud son –desde el punto de vista jurídico– incompatibles con nuestras norma...

  10. Fallos del mercado y regulación económica en los servicios públicos domiciliarios. Aproximaciones a una disciplina poco entendida por los juristas

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    David de la Torre Vargas


    Full Text Available Derecho y Economía encuentran su más alto punto de interdependencia en materia de regulación económica, disciplina estudiada de antaño por los economistas, frente a la cual los juristas nos hemos ocupado principalmente a resolver los problemas frente a su ubicación en el sistema de fuentes del Derecho, o del análisis de las competencias de las autoridades encargadas de materializarla sin ir al fondo de su esencia: los fallos del mercado. Conceptos como la libre competencia, el monopolio natural, la demanda inelástica y la eficiencia económica que, entre otros, hacen parte de la cotidianidad del sector de los servicios públicos domiciliarios, son un buen contexto para profundizar sobre el conocimiento de la esencia de la regulación económica, un aspecto inexplorado hasta ahora por los juristas.

  11. Rol del fallo mecánico en la optimización del mantenimiento en una central nuclear//Role of the mechanical failure during the maintenance optimization in the nuclear power plant

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    Antonio Torres-Valle


    Full Text Available Entre las más recientes aplicaciones del Análisis Probabilista de Seguridad (1997 – 2003 de la Central Nuclear Embalse en Argentina, está el Programa de Mantenimiento Orientado a la Seguridad (2006– 2009 el cual se ha desarrollado con el empleo de la metodología de Mantenimiento Centrado en la Confiabilidad (RCM en inglés. El objetivo general del artículo es demostrar la alta contribución de los fallos mecánicos en el diseño de las políticas de mantenimiento de varios sistemas de la instalación a través del empleo de la metodología RCM. La composición, estructura y políticas de explotación de los sistemas tecnológicos de muchas instalaciones con riesgo asociado, similares a las de los sistemas analizados en este estudio, permite inferir que los resultados que se obtendrán serán equivalentes de aplicarse la metodología RCM en dichas instalaciones. Palabras claves: mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad, mantenimiento predictivo, mantenimiento preventivo, fallo mecánico, seguridad, confiabilidad, riesgo.______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract One of the most recent applications of Probabilistic Safety Analysis (1997 – 2003 to Embalse Nuclear Power Plant in Argentina, is the Safety Oriented Maintenance Program (2006 – 2009 developed with employment of the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM methodology. The general objective of the paper is to demonstrate the high contribution of the mechanical failures in the maintenance program design through the RCM methodology. The composition, structure and operation strategies of the technological systems of many risk associated facilities, similar to the analysed systems included in this study, allow deduce that the results will equivalent in case of application of RCM methodology in such facilities. Key words: reliability centered maintenance (RCM, predictive maintenance, preventive maintenance, mechanical failure, safety

  12. Estudio del comportamiento a fatiga de asfaltos mediante el uso del reómetro de corte dinámico

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    Oscar Javier Reyes Ortiz


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal del artículo fue el de determinar el comportamiento a fatiga de diferentes tipos de asfaltos a partir de ensayos en el reómetro de corte dinámico (DSR. Los ensayos en el DSR se realizaron a un esfuerzo seno-soidal de amplitud constante, a una frecuencia de 1,59 Hz y a 20 ºC. Los asfaltos estudiados fueron B-13/22, B-40/50, B-60/70, B-80/00, B-150/200 y un BM-3c (as-falto modificado. Durante los ensayos se midió la evolu-ción de la deformación, el módulo complejo, el ángulo de desfase, la energía disipada y el ratio de energía disi-pada con los ciclos de carga, parámetros para determinar el ciclo de fallo por fatiga de los asfaltos. En primer lugar se estableció en las curvas de evolución de la defor-mación con los ciclos de carga el rango de deformación de rotura, zona donde la evolución de la deformación crece en forma súbita y se presenta el fallo por fatiga. Luego del análisis del ratio de energía disipada (DER y de la evolución de la deformación con los ciclos de carga, se determinó el ciclo donde se produce el fallo. Del estudio se obtuvo un nuevo criterio de fallo de fatiga, consistente en calcular la fatiga del asfalto cuando alcanza un valor de 10% pasado el valor máximo de la curva de ratio de energía disipada. Por último, se obtuvieron las leyes de fatiga de los asfaltos con los resultados de deformación de rotura y ciclo de fallo.

  13. Sistema de detección de fallos basado en PC en calderas pirotubulares


    Rivas Pérez, R.; Feliu Batlle, V.; Sotomayor Moriano, J.


    Se ofrece un sistema basado en PC para la detección de fallos en calderas pirotubulares. Se presentan los algoritmos que posibilitan la detección rápida de fallos abruptos en esta clase de plantas, los cuales se basan en la detección de cambios en los


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    Full Text Available En la mucha literatura publicada sobre el hundimiento del famoso trasatlántico Titanic, el 15 de Abril de 1912 en las aguas del Atlántico Norte, tras chocar con un iceberg, no se ha hecho un análisis suficientemente riguroso de las causas de aquel, en relación al comportamiento de los materiales, dada la maniobra del buque y choque producidos. En las planchas de acero, material del casco, se abrió una tremenda grieta de varias decenas de metros y no existe una explicación suficientemente satisfactoria al día de hoy. El acero se calificó malo por exceso de azufre, dándole excesiva importancia a la presencia de inclusiones de sulfuro de manganeso o a su forma poco globular, habiendo también demasiada fijación en el fallo de los remaches. En realidad la causa primordial fue, en nuestra opinión, la ausencia en el acero de aleantes afinantes de grano y el correspondiente tratamiento de la chapa, que produjeron un tamaño de grano excesivo. En las condiciones de navegación, en aguas bajo 0ºC, el acero del Titanic había pasado con holgura la temperatura de transición dúctil-frágil, convirtiendo el casco en un recipiente de "cristal".

  15. La microbiota intestinal en el desarrollo del sistema inmune del recién nacido

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    Deyanira La Rosa Hernández

    Full Text Available La microbiota intestinal comprende al conjunto de microorganismos comensales que cohabitan en simbiosis con el individuo. Su programación intraútero y colonización ulterior son factores determinantes en la maduración del sistema inmune. Para enriquecer nuestros conocimientos sobre el efecto de la microbiota intestinal en la maduración del sistema inmune en el niño, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica tras consultar las bases de datos Google, Medline y el Localizador de Información de Salud de Infomed, con la utilización de descriptores como microbiota intestinal, sistema inmune, gut microbiota.

  16. Diagnóstico de Fallos en Sistemas Híbridos Mediante Anidamiento Latente de Fallos

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    Orestes Llanes Santiago


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-TRAD X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Este artículo presenta un nuevo enfoque para la detección y diagnóstico de fallos (SDDF en sistemas híbridos denominado de Anidamiento Latente de Fallos. La misma está basada en el uso de Redes de Petri Coloreadas (RdPCs que aportan su capacidad intrínseca de síntesis y de implementación en modelos realizables. Esta técnica se contrapone al clásico fenómeno de explosión combinacional que se produce mediante la utilización de metodologías basadas en Máquinas de Estados Finitos (MEFs.

  17. Ubicación óptima de reserva en un sistema serie con respecto al orden de tasa de fallo Ubicación óptima de reserva en un sistema serie con respecto al orden de tasa de fallo

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    Henry Laniado


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudia el problema de ubicar K reservas activas, cuyos tiempos de vida son variables aleatorias independientes e idénticamente distribuidas a las componentes de un sistema serie; con el objetivo de optimizar la función de tasa de fallo del sistema. A diferencia del trabajo de Singh y Singh, esta presentación obtiene los mismos resultados a partir de técnicas más elementalesIn this paper, we consider the problem of alocating K active reserves, whose lifetimes are independent identically distributed random variables, equal to the system series components; with the purpose of optimizing system failure rate function. As opposed to the work by Sing and Singh, our discussion yields the same results using more elementary methods.

  18. Debido proceso probatorio y derecho de contradicción probatoria en el trámite de revisión de fallos de tutela

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    Martha María Zapata González


    Full Text Available El debido proceso probatorio, en su aspecto de contradicción probatoria, es un derecho fundamental exigible en el procedimiento de revisión de los fallos de tutela por la Corte Constitucional de Colombia, a pesar de la celeridad propia de la acción constitucional. En la investigación de la cual deriva este artículo se estableció que en cinco expedientes de revisión de fallos de tutela relacionados con el derecho al mínimo vital de agua potable para sujetos de especial protección constitucional, la Corte Constitucional restringió gravemente el derecho de contradicción de la prueba sin justificación alguna, lo cual puede constituir una inobservancia de las garantías probatorias del derecho fundamental al debido proceso, y en especial al derecho de contradicción probatoria.

  19. Estudio y propuestas de solución para fallos recurrentes en bombas centrífugas horizontales // Study and proposal of solutions to recurrent failures in horizontal centrifugal pumps.

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    Jesús Cabrera - Gómez


    Full Text Available ResumenLa necesidad de ejecutar la investigación está dada por los fallos recurrentes que están presentandolas bombas centrífugas horizontales que interrumpen el proceso de la planta de alquilación y alimpacto económico asociado a los fallos que han tenido un elevado costo por acciones demantenimiento preventivas y reactivas, en adición a los costos asociados por pérdida deoportunidad. Se llevó a cabo un estudio para establecer las causas que originan los reiterados fallosocurridos en el sistema de bombeo. Como resultado del trabajo realizado, se identificaronoportunidades de mejora de la disponibilidad de los activos estudiados por la vía del incremento de lavida útil del los sellos mecánicos y finalmente se propuso un programa de acciones correctivas alque debe darse seguimiento y que debe tributar a la solución permanente de los problemasidentificados.Palabras claves: mantenimiento de equipos rotatorios, fallos recurrentes, confiabilidad operacional,_________________________________________________________AbstractThe necessity of making the research outlined in this paper is given by recurrent failures in a set ofhorizontal centrifugal pumps. These failures interrupt the operating process in an alkylation plant andgenerate a great negative economic impact because of incrementing maintenance costs andopportunity losses. A study was carried out in order to establish the main causes of repeated failuresin the pumping system. As a result, several improvement opportunities of availability of pumps wereidentified by increasing the useful life of their mechanical seals. Finally, a corrective action programwas proposed in order to provide permanent solutions to identified problems.Key words: maintenance of rotating equipment, recurrent failures, operational reliability, root causeanalysis, horizontal centrifugal pumps.análisis de causa raíz, bombas centrífugas horizontales

  20. Falhas na anestesia subaracnóidea Fallos en la anestesia subaracnoide Failure of subarachnoid blocks

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    Hugo Praxedes


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Desde Bier, é descrita falha de anestesia subaracnóidea que causa desconforto ao paciente e que ocorre, eventualmente, mesmo diante de profissionais hábeis que a tenham conduzido de forma tecnicamente correta. Há variação, no entanto, de conceito de falha e, principalmente, de identificação precisa de causas. O objetivo do trabalho é identificar melhor as causas deste desconforto por meio de revisão sistemática de publicações com casuística significativa. CONTEÚDO: Dividiu-se a análise em três tópicos: anatomia e suas variações; o agente anestésico, que trata da seleção do agente, suas soluções e adições, de forma a atingir o resultado mais apropriado à intervenção cirúrgica proposta; e a dose, discutindo-se concentração, volume ou dose gravimétrica, no sentido de obter resultado mais adequado tanto no que diz respeito à intensidade do bloqueio quanto à sua duração. CONCLUSÕES: As falhas são mais afeitas a fatores técnicos: avaliação anatômica adequada, escolha criteriosa da agulha e do local da punção, cuidados no armazenamento dos agentes, adequação de dose, baricidade, além de posicionamento correto do paciente durante e após punção, tudo adequado ao objetivo cirúrgico.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Bier ya describía los fallos en la anestesia subaracnoidea que causa la incomodidad al paciente, y que se da, eventualmente, incluso con la presencia de profesionales hábiles que la hayan conducido de forma técnicamente correcta. Existe una variación, sin embargo, del concepto de fallo y principalmente, de la identificación precisa de las causas. El objetivo del trabajo es identificar mejor las causas de esa incomodidad a través de la revisión sistemática de publicaciones con casuística significativa. CONTENIDO: El análisis se dividió en tres tópicos: la anatomía y sus variaciones; el agente anestésico, que trata sobre la selección del agente, sus soluciones

  1. Estudio comparativo de clasificadores empleados en el diagnóstico de fallos de sistemas industriales // A comparative study of clasification methods used in the fault diagnosis of industrial systems

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    José Bernal-de Lázaro


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un estudio comparativo del desempeño de cuatro de las técnicas declasificación más usadas para el diagnóstico de fallos en procesos industriales. Dentro de lastécnicas seleccionadas se encuentran los clasificadores Vecinos más Cercanos (VMC, MínimosCuadrados Parciales (MCP, Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA y Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial(MSV. El estudio comparativo se realiza con el objetivo de determinar las técnicas con mayorcapacidad para clasificar de forma correcta los patrones que identifican fallos en procesosindustriales a partir de los datos históricos provenientes de los mismos. Para el estudio se utilizaronlos datos obtenidos de la simulación del modelo del proceso industrial Tennessee Eastman. Lacomparación permitió comprobar cómo la capacidad de generalización de las técnicas declasificación se incrementa con el aumento de la complejidad en los clasificadores sin que estoimplique necesariamente un mayor esfuerzo computacional en el diagnóstico.Palabras claves: procesos industriales, diagnóstico de fallos, mantenimiento industrial, máquinas desoporte vectorial, redes neuronales artificiales, mínimos cuadrados parciales, vecinos más cercanos._________________________________________________________________________This paper, presents a comparative study of the performance of four classification techniques veryused in fault diagnosis of industrial processes. The selected techniques were: k-Nearest neighbor (k-NN, Partial least-squares (PLS, Artificial Neuronal Networks (ANN and Support Vector Machines(SVM. The comparison is based in the classification capacity of the historical data and thegeneralization using new observations. The four techniques are applied to historical data of theknown benchmark Tennessee Eastman industrial process. The comparison permitted to prove as thegeneralization capacity of the classification techniques grow with the complexity of classifiers withoutto

  2. Sistema de diagnóstico para la estimación de secciones en fallo en sistemas eléctricos de potencia; A Diagnostic Systems to Estimate Faulty Sections in Power Electric Systems

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    Marta Bravo de las Casas


    Full Text Available El sistema de diagnóstico para la estimación de secciones en fallo (SDESF para sistemas eléctricos depotencia (SEP expuesto en el trabajo, usa la información procedente de los relés operados e interruptoresdisparados. Está escrito en Prolog, lenguaje de inteligencia artificial e implementado en una computadorapersonal. La tarea básica de este sistema es entrenar a los despachadores y utilizarlo como una herramientade apoyo a la toma de decisiones del despachador ante situaciones de emergencias complejas con unambiente computacional de usuario amigable. Este sistema ha sido verificado prácticamente por pruebasrealizadas en el SEP del territorio central de Cuba y los resultados preliminares de las pruebas sugieren quepuede ser implementado para el entrenamiento de despachadores. Se ha demostrado la efectividad delsistema para identificar la localización del fallo muy eficientemente, por lo tanto, puede servir como uninstrumento valioso de ayuda para la localización de fallos, y puede ser usado en las universidades comomedio de enseñanza. El sistema en un futuro pudiera ser ampliado para conectarse al sistema Scada(Sircre-2 a tiempo real para la estimación de secciones en fallo on-line.  The diagnostic system to estimate faulty sections (DSEFS in power electric systems (PES shown in thework it uses the information coming from the relays and breakers operated. It is written in Prolog Language ofartificial Intelligence and implemented in a personal computer. The basic task of this system is to train thedispatchers and to use it like a support tool to the taking of the dispatcher's decisions before situations ofcomplex emergencies with an ambient computacional of friendly user. This system has been verified practicallyby tests carried out in the PES of the central territory of Cuba and the preliminary results of the tests suggestthat  it  can  be  implemented  for  the  training  of  dispatchers.  The  effectiveness  of  the

  3. Epidemiologia del parasitismo intestinal infantil en el Valle del Guadalquivir

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    Pérez Armengol Cristina


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Las parasitosis intestinales en los niños constituyen un problema de salud pública que debe ser valorado periódicamente en cada región. En este trabajo se aborda, por primera vez en la región natural del Valle del Guadalquivir, un estudio amplio sobre la prevalencia del parasitismo intestinal en la población infantil de la zona. MÉTODOS: Durante el período 1994-1996, mediante análisis coprológico y método de Graham, se ha estudiado a 1.917 niños y niñas asintomáticos, con edades comprendidas entre seis y diez años, residentes en veinte localidades del Valle del Guadalquivir. RESULTADOS: El índice global de parasitación ha sido del 27,12 %. Las especies parásitas detectadas, así como sus prevalencias fueron: Enterobius vermicularis (20,44%, Giardia lamblia (5,05%, Entamoeba coli (2,45%, Endolimax nana (1,61%, Entamoeba histolytica (0,31%, Entamoeba hartmanni (0,05%, Iodamoeba bütschlii (0,05%. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia global encontrada es similar a la de otras regiones españolas, aunque quizás pueda considerarse algo más favorable. No se detectan geohelmintos, debido posiblemente a la mejora de la infraestructura higiénico-sanitaria y a los efectos de la prolongada sequía en la zona. La giardiasis, a diferencia de las restantes protozoosis, mantiene una prevalencia relativamente alta.

  4. Parasitosis intestinal y anemia en indígenas del resguardo Cañamomo-Lomaprieta, Colombia

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    Jaiberth Antonio Cardona Arias


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las parasitosis intestinales son un problema de salud pública; producen deficiencias nutricionales y se asocian a determinantes demográficos y socioeconómicos. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal y anemia y su asociación con determinantes demográficos, socioeconómicos y sanitarios en indígenas. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico transversal con fuente de información primaria. Se estimaron medidas de resumen, pruebas de estadística paramétrica y no paramétrica, proporciones y regresión logística multivariante. Resultados: Prevalencia de anemia del 23% y parasitosis intestinal del 73%. Hubo asociación significativa de la anemia con la parasitosis intestinal y se identificó la forma de eliminación de excretas, el nivel educativo y los ingresos económicos como los principales factores de riesgo para la parasitosis intestinal en el grupo de estudio. Conclusión: Existe una elevada prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal que se asocia con la presencia de anemia y se atribuye a condiciones higiénico-sanitarias de las comunidades del resguardo indígena.

  5. Prevención y control del parasitismo intestinal en la atención primaria de salud

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    Rebeca Margarita Laird Pérez


    Full Text Available Se valoró la capacidad técnica de Médicos Generales Integrales, técnicos del laboratorio de parasitología y epidemiólogos de las áreas de salud del municipio Centro Habana, de enero a abril de 1996, con el objetivo de evaluar la calidad de la atención primaria de salud para la prevención y control del parasitismo intestinal. Se aplicaron eneustas, controles de calidad externos, y entrevistas individuales a profundidad. Se encontró que no existe integración en las acciones de los grupos evaluados, detectándose dificultades médicas para la prevención y control de las parasitosis intestinales, deficiencias técnicas en los laboratorios y desconocimientos del programa de parasitismo intestinal por los epidemiólogos. Se recomienda la capacitación de técnicos y profesionales, y la confección de una metodología que permita reorientar y optimizar el programa nacional de parasitismo intestinalThe technical capacity of the General Comprehensive Physicians, parasitology laboratory technicians and epidemiologists from the health area of "Centro Habana" municipality was assessed from January to April, 1996, aimed at evaluating the quality of primary health care in relation to the prevention and control of intestinal parasitism. Surveys, external quality controls and individual interviews were made. It was found that there was no integration in the actions of the evaluated groups. Medical difficulties for the prevention and control of intestinal parasitosis as well as technical deficiencies in the laboratories were found. It was observed that epidemiologists had little knowledge about the program of intestinal parasitism. The training of technicians and professionals and the creation of a methodology that allows to reorient and optimize the national program of intestinal parasitism were recommended

  6. Características del parasitismo intestinal en niños de dos comunidades del policlínico "XX Aniversario" Intestinal parasitism features in children from two communities of "XX Aniversario" Polyclinic

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    Gladys Antonia Cueto Montoya


    Full Text Available Dentro de las enfermedades infecciosas, aun en estos modernos tiempos, el parasitismo intestinal constituye un problema para países en vías de desarrollo y para los altamente desarrollados. Para caracterizar el parasitismo intestinal en niños de 1 a 12 años se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal durante los meses de mayo a julio de 2007, en 2 comunidades, una suburbana del reparto "América Latina" y otra urbana del reparto "Virginia", ambas pertenecientes al área de salud del Policlínico "XX Aniversario", del municipio de Santa Clara. Se visitaron las viviendas y se aplicó encuesta a los padres para obtener datos al respecto. Fueron estudiados 243 niños de ambas comunidades, a quienes se les tomó muestras de heces fecales y región anal por el método de Graham. La frecuencia general de parasitismo fue de 65,8 %, mayor en los niños del reparto "América Latina", y las especies más frecuentes fueron Giardia lamblia y Enterobius vermicularis. Una inadecuada desinfección del agua, la presencia de vectores, comerse las uñas, la poca higiene después del contacto con animales, la presencia de estos en el hogar, no lavar las verduras, andar descalzos y el hacinamiento, fueron factores que favorecieron las parasitosis.Included in infectious diseases, yet at present times, intestinal parasitism is a problem for underdeveloped countries, and for those highly developed. To characterize intestinal parasitism in children aged 1 and 12, we carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study during May to July, 2007 in 2 communities, one suburban of "América Latina" parcel and other urban of "Virginia" parcel, both served by "XX Aniversario" Polyclinic of Santa Clara municipality. We visited homes and we applied survey to parents to obtain data in this respect. A total of 243 children ware studied in both communities, taking samples of feces and of anal region by Graham method. General frequency of parasitism was of 6,8 % greater in the

  7. Aplicación del análisis modal de fallos y efectos en el proceso de donación de sangre total Application of modal analysis of failures and effects in the process of total blood donation

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    Tatiana Escoriza-Martínez


    Full Text Available La búsqueda constante de medidas para garantizar la calidad y seguridad de la sangre y hemocomponentes constituye una necesidad para el logro de la seguridad transfusional. Aunque las buenas prácticas de producción tienen el objetivo de disminuir los riesgos para obtener productos puros, seguros y eficaces, es necesario complementarlas con herramientas que permitan prevenir los posibles fallos y detectar dichos riesgos. Tal es el caso de la aplicación del Análisis Modal de Fallos y Efectos en el Banco de Sangre Provincial de Villa Clara, donde se identificaron y evaluaron las posibles fallas del proceso de donación de sangre total, lo que permitió caracterizar este proceso, identificar sus variables críticas, proporcionar las bases para proponer nuevos puntos críticos de control y establecer las acciones necesarias para la reducción o eliminación de las fallas detectadas. Esto contribuyó al aumento de la satisfacción de los servicios de transfusión hospitalarios y de los pacientes.The constant search of measures to guarantee the quality and the safe of blood and hemocomponents is a need to achieve the transfusion safe. Although the aim of the good practices of production was to decrease the risks to obtain pure, safe and effective products, it is necessary its fulfillment with tools allowing to prevent the potential failures and to detect such risks. That is the case of the application of the Modal Analysis of Failures and Effects in the Provincial Blood Bank of Villa Clara where the potential failures in the process of total blood donation were identified and assessed, allowing to characterize it, to identify its critical variables, to lay the foundations to propose new critical points of control and to establish the actions necessary to reduce or to eliminate the failures detected. All this contributed to the satisfaction of hospital transfusion services and of patients.

  8. El fallo “Smith” de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Canadá y el análisis sobre el uso de cannabis y sus derivados para uso medicinal en la actualidad en la Argentina


    Torti Iermini, Marcos Antonio


    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la problemática sobre la regulación del uso de la marihuana y sus productos derivados para uso medicinal. Para ello, se presenta el fallo “Smith” de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Canadá del año 2015. En el mismo, se analizó la cuestión a la luz de las normas que regulan la producción de la marihuana seca como único medio para poder utilizarse en tratamientos médicos, en pacientes que contaran con la autorización pertinente. Esto llevó a que s...

  9. Retardo en la caída del cordón umbilical por persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico. Presentación de caso


    Luisa Marlen Viñet Espinosa,; Luciana Stella Correa Branco


    El cordón umbilical es la estructura que en la vida intrauterina se encarga del intercambio metabólico entre la placenta materna y el feto. Después del parto este conducto liga y secciona quedando un remanente que se desprende entre el 5to y 15to día de vida. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 3 meses de edad con retardo en la caída del cordón umbilical por un cuidado inadecuado y la existencia de una malformación congénita como consecuencia de fallo en la involución del conducto onfalomes...





    El fallo del Tribunal Constitucional acerca de la llamada "Pildora del día después" o "Pildora del día siguiente" ha venido a zanjar una larga controversia que se inició en los tribunales ordinarios de justicia y que, más que determinar si el fármaco tiene o no un efecto antianidatorio, es decir, si impide o no que el cigoto pueda seguir su desarrollo en el útero de la madre, ha significado la decisión de brindar protección al embrión humano ante la posibilidad de daño, lo cual importa un pro...

  11. Determinación de las Prioridades de Mantenimiento en Turbogeneradores “Elektrosila TBФ-100-3600-T3” a partir del Comportamiento de sus Fallos; Determination of Maintenance Priorities in Turbogenerators “Elektrosila TBФ- 100-3600-T3” Based on their Failure

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    Odalys Martínez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Los generadores de potencia son de gran importancia para la producción de electricidad. Un fallo en un generador ocasiona la interrupción de su servicio, limitaciones o pérdida total de la energía generada, tiene efectos negativos sobre la economía y afecta la calidad de la vida de la sociedad. Ello conduce a la necesidad un control estricto de los generadores y sus sistemas, tal que faciliten la detección temprana de desviaciones en sus parámetros de operación e intervenir apropiadamente para impedir la ocurrencia de una avería. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de tres variantes empleadas en la determinación de las prioridades de mantenimiento de los turbogeneradores “ELEKTROSILA TBФ-100-3600-T3”, las variantes estudiadas fueron: el comportamiento histórico de los fallos, el comportamiento histórico de la energía indisponible debido a los fallos y el análisis de criticidad; los resultados, sustentados en seis años de estudio, descartaron la utilización del criterio de energía indisponible.  The power generators are very important for the electricity production. A failure in a generator causes the interruption of service, limitations or the complete loss of the generated energy, has negative effects on theeconomy and it harms quality of life of the society. This leads to the necessity of a strict control of the generators as in their systems, such that facilitates the early detection of any deviation on their operationparameters to intervene appropriately and avoid the occurrence of a failure. This paper has the objective to present the results of three variants used in the determination of the priorities of maintenance of theturbogenerators "ELEKTROSILA TBФ-100-3600-T3", the analyzed variants were: the historical behavior of failures, the historical behavior of the unavailable energy due to failures and the analysis of criticality; theobtained results, supported in six years of study, discard

  12. Clasificador neuronal de fallos en rodamientos utilizando entradas basadas en transformadas wavelet packet y de Fourier

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    Víctor Gómez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone y se evalúa experimentalmente un método de diagnóstico de fallas en rodamientos utilizando la clasificación de patrones provenientes de las señales de las vibraciones mecánicas. El método utiliza pre-procesamientos con las transformadas de Fourier y wavelet packet para luego alimentar una red neuronal clasificadora que determina el tipo de fallo. Para evaluar las variables de entrada se realiza un análisis de varianza ANOVA comparando el efecto que tienen los factores: velocidad, carga, falla en pista externa y falla en elemento rodante sobre cada uno de los parámetros propuestos como entradas para las redes neuronales artificiales (RNA. Una vez seleccionadas las variables de entrada más adecuadas, se realiza la búsqueda del clasificador más apropiado explorando diversas configuraciones de red neuronal. Se han entrenado alrededor de 2000 RNA con el propósito de encontrar el clasificador más adecuado. Los resultados de validación muestran que para el algoritmo de entrenamiento tipo gradiente conjugado escalado (trainscg se alcanza un porcentaje de éxito en la clasificación del 88,5 %, mientras que para el algoritmo de entrenamiento de Levenberg-Marquardt (trainlm se logra un 91,8 %. Adicionalmente, se resalta que en 7 ocasiones se logró el 100 % de aciertos en la clasificación.

  13. La modulación de sentencias como medio para articular la oportunidad política de la Corte Constitucional colombiana. El caso de las parejas del mismo sexo

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    Juan Pablo Sarmiento E.


    Full Text Available En el marco de la trasformación que ha sufrido el régimen de derecho de familia hacia la inclusión de parejas del mismo sexo, la Corte Constitucional ha jugado un papel central y quizá solitario. En este artículo se analizan los principales fallos de la Corte Constitucional relativos a la unificación en el ámbito de protección a las parejas del mismo sexo, extrayendo de cada uno de ellos los elementos de creación jurisprudencial más relevantes. Con lo anterior se argumentará, entonces, que por medio de diversos instrumentos interpretativos, la Corte ha instrumentalizado sus fallos para ejercer su oportunidad política en dirección a la opinión prevalente por medio del condicionamiento de las sentencias de constitucionalidad.

  14. Metabolismo del colesterol. Su regulación a nivel hepático e intestinal

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    Molina, M. T.


    Full Text Available Although all the cells in the body are able to form cholesterol, most part of this synthesis, leading to which is called endogenous cholesterol, occurs in the liver. Hepatocytes can also obtain cholesterol from the plasma lipoproteins. At the same time, cholesterol is either secreted from the liver in new plasma lipoproteins or transformed in bile acids. The extrahepatic cholesterol is mainly produced in the intestinal mucosa. In the site, it takes place the absorption of cholesterol from the diet (exogenous cholesterol, along with the biosynthesis of new cholesterol and the esterification of the molecule to be stored in the cell or secreted as plasma lipoproteins. At the cellular level, the importance of cholesterol comes from the fact that many of the membranous structures of all cells are partially composed of these substance. In this article some of these aspects of the cholesterol metabolism are reviewed. We also describe the influence of lipid composition of microsomal membranes on the activity of cholesterol metabolism regulating enzymes.

    Aunque todas la células del organismo tienen capacidad para sintetizar colesterol, la mayor parte de la síntesis de éste, que da lugar a lo que se conoce como colesterol endógeno, se realiza en el hígado. El hepatocito tiene además capacidad de captar colesterol de las lipoproteínas circulantes, y a la vez de excretarlo formando parte de nuevas lipoproteínas de origen hepático o transformado en ácidos biliares. El colesterol de origen extrahepático procede principalmente de la mucosa intestinal. Aquí se realiza la absorción del colesterol de la dieta (colesterol exógeno, la biosíntesis de nuevo colesterol y la esterificación para ser almacenado en la célula o secretado a sangre en las lipoproteínas de origen intestinal. A nivel celular, la importancia del colesterol radica en que forma parte de la mayoría de las estructuras membranosas de todas las células del organismo. En

  15. Solución de conectividad ante fallos para una red WAN empresarial


    Martín Manjón-Cabeza, José María


    El proyecto propone una solución bajo demanda y de bajo coste para poder mantener la disponibilidad de las comunicaciones de las distintas sedes de una empresa hacia el resto de la WAN corporativa ante un fallo de alguno de sus enlaces principales de la WAN contratada a la operadora. El projecte proposa una solució a la carta i de baix cost per poder mantenir la disponibilitat de les comunicacions de les diferents seus d'una empresa cap a la resta de la WAN corporativa davant una fallida d...

  16. Impacto del bloque de constitucionalidad en la interpretación del derecho común. La interpretación amplia de los abortos permitidos en Argentina


    Laura Clérico; Liliana Ronconi


    La despenalización y legalización del aborto ha encontrado en Argentina nuevos impulsos para su discusión, impulsos al que se le suma un reciente fallo de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación en el que se resolvió que la normativa local (art. 76 inc. 2º del Código Penal) debe ser interpretada en forma amplia permitiendo el aborto en casos de violación. En este trabajo nos proponemos estudiar como el máximo órgano de justicia de nuestro país plantea la cuestión del caso y como lo resuelve...

  17. Prevención del daño intestinal mediante la utilización de un antagonista del factor de activación plaquetaria en el transplante intestinal

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    Carlos Vaquero Puerta


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio comparativo en ratas singénicas de la cepa Wistar con objeto de valorar los efectos de preservación del injerto al utilizar el antagonista del factor de activación plaquetaria, WEB-2086. En la valoración ultraestructural se ha podido comprobar los efectos de esta sustancia al nivel de las células epiteliales de intestino trasplantadoA comparative study was carried out in syngeneic Wistar rats with the aim of assess the effects of the preservation of grafts when using the antagonist of the platelet activating factor, WEB-2086. The effects of this substance at the level of epithelial cells of the transplantated intestine were proved in the ultrastructural assessment

  18. Evaluación de resistencia genotípica del VIH-1 en pacientes con fallo virológico de GuatemalaEvaluation of genotypic resistance of HIV-1 in patients with virologic failure Guatemala

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    Blanca Samayoa


    Full Text Available La resistencia a la terapia antirretroviral (TARV es un factor determinante para el fallo virológico en pacientes con VIH. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los patrones genotípicos de resistencia en pacientes con fallo virológico. Fueron incluidos pacientes de las diferentes unidades de atención integral de VIH en Guatemala, de quienes se sospechaba resistencia y que necesitaban cambios en la TARV por fallo virológico, se requirió haber evaluado la adherencia y una carga viral ≥1,000 copias/ml. La información clínica y demográfica fue recolectada a través de la forma de solicitud. El análisis de resistencia se realizó a través de la metodología TRUGENE® HIV-1. La muestra se restringió a 25 pacientes por motivos de accesibilidad. El 68% de las muestras analizadas presentaron resistencia; por familia de ARV la resistencia fue de 88.2% para ITINN, 70.5% para ITIAN y 17.6% para IP. Se identificaron 79 mutaciones entre el grupo de estudio, el 46.8% de fueron asociadas a ITINN, 76.6% a ITIAN y 26.6% a IP. Para ITIAN las mutaciones más frecuentes fueron la M184V 43%, M184I 14% y K219E 10%; el 23.8% fueron mutaciones TAMs. Para ITINN fueron la V179D 16%, K103N 14%, G190A 14% y Y181C 14%. Para los IP la mutación más frecuente fue la M36I con 29%. La resistencia identificada en este grupo, fue menor a lo reportado en otros países latinoamericanos; sin embargo es similar a lo reportado por OMS en países con bajo o medio ingreso económico.

  19. Comportamiento del fallo renal agudo en niños con sepsis grave Behavior of acute renal failure in children presenting with severe sepsis

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    María del Carmen Saura Hernández


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los factores de riesgo asociados al fallo renal agudo (FRA en un grupo de niños con sepsis grave atendidos entre enero del 2004 y diciembre del 2008. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio observacional y analítico con una muestra de 171 pacientes. Se constituyeron dos grupos: el de estudio, integrado por 38 pacientes con estado de choque séptico o disfunción múltiple de órganos (DMO y FRA, y un grupo control, conformado por 133 niños en igual estadio de sepsis pero con función renal normal. Se revisaron las historias clínicas y se tuvieron en cuenta variables epidemiológicas, factores de riesgo de FRA y evolución de los casos. RESULTADOS. La incidencia de FRA fue del 22,2 %, y aunque disminuyó considerablemente en los 3 últimos años del estudio, la mortalidad fue del 42,1 %, mayoritariamente en el DMO (89,5 %. Se encontró dependencia entre la insuficiencia renal y la respuesta diurética no adecuada a la fluidoterapia (51,2 %, la inestabilidad hemodinámica por más de 24 h (46,5 %, la disfunción miocárdica (43,3 % y el uso de medicamentos nefrotóxicos (42,8 %. CONCLUSIONES. La respuesta diurética no adecuada a la fluidoterapia, la inestabilidad hemodinámica por más de 24 h, la disfunción miocárdica y el uso de medicamentos nefrotóxicos incrementan el riesgo de FRA en la sepsis grave, la cual duplica la mortalidad en relación con los pacientes que conservan la función renal. No obstante, la prevención de las formas graves de sepsis y un tratamiento adecuado de ésta disminuyen la incidencia de FRA.INTRODUCTION: The aim of present research was to determine the risk factor associated with the acute renal failure (ARF in a group of children with severe sepsis seen between January, 2004 and December, 2008. METHODS: An analytical and observational study was conducted in a sample including 171 patients. There were two groups: the study-group with 138 patients with

  20. Análisis del fallo del Tribunal Constitucional sobre la píldora del día después


    Andrés Bordalí Salamanca; Yanira Zúñiga Añazco


    Los autores analizan críticamente la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional relativa a la anticoncepción de emergencia, centrando su análisis, por una parte, en el rol del tribunal en el juego de poderes democráticos, y por otra, en la omisión de las mujeres como un sujeto de derechos relevante en la sentencia.

  1. Cuestionario de Fallos de Memoria de la Vida Cotidiana (MFE: análisis de factores con población española

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    Pedro Montejo


    Full Text Available Uno de los instrumentos más utilizados para valorar los olvidos cotidianos es el Cuestionario de Fallos de Memoria de la Vida Cotidiana (MFE. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a examinar la estructura factorial del MFE, b explorar las relaciones de los factores resultantes con el rendimiento objetivo de memoria (Listas de Palabras y Escenas de la Escala de Memoria de Wechsler - III, el estado de ánimo y la ansiedad (Escala de Depresión y Ansiedad de Goldberg y con dos preguntas generales sobre quejas de memoria. Los datos se recogieron de una muestra de 647 adultos jóvenes (19-64 años. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de una estructura de tres factores, que explicaban el 29.3 % de la varianza: Recuerdo de Actividades, Monitorización de la Comunicación y Reconocimiento. Los dos primeros factores mostraron una correlación positiva más alta entre ellos y una asociación mayor con el estado de ánimo y las quejas generales de memoria. Por el contrario, el factor Reconocimiento presentó una correlación positiva más alta con la edad y negativa con el rendimiento objetivo de memoria.

  2. Validez y reproducibilidad de la velocidad de desplazamiento de las cargas como indicador del carácter del esfuerzo


    Martínez Cava, Alejandro


    Estudios recientes han constatado que evitar alcanzar la repetición de fallo muscular durante el entrenamiento de fuerza, y más concretamente controlar el número de repeticiones que se dejan de completar en cada serie de esfuerzo, es la estrategia más acertada para optimizar las adaptaciones neuromusculares y fisiológicas de los deportistas. No obstante, hasta la fecha el atleta únicamente dispone de la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo que está realizando para detener la serie de repeticione...

  3. Retardo en la caída del cordón umbilical por persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico. Presentación de caso

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    Luisa Marlen Viñet Espinosa,


    Full Text Available El cordón umbilical es la estructura que en la vida intrauterina se encarga del intercambio metabólico entre la placenta materna y el feto. Después del parto este conducto liga y secciona quedando un remanente que se desprende entre el 5to y 15to día de vida. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 3 meses de edad con retardo en la caída del cordón umbilical por un cuidado inadecuado y la existencia de una malformación congénita como consecuencia de fallo en la involución del conducto onfalomesentérico. En conclusión, los médicos deben estar atentos ante un recién nacido con una caída tardía del cordón umbilical porque las malformaciones del conducto onfalomesentérico diagnosticadas a tiempo son susceptibles de corrección quirúrgica.

  4. La función creadora del Tribunal Constitucional

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    Clara Inés Vargas Hernández


    Full Text Available La más destacada innovación en derecho constitucional desde la segunda postguerra mundial es la aptitud de los pronunciamientos de los tribunales constitucionales para desarrollar un rol normativo positivo, mediante la expedición de diversas modalidades de sentencias atípicas, a través de las cuales pretenden brindar respuestas realistas y flexibles frente a situaciones inconstitucionales, que resultan del ejercicio mismo de su función de guardianes de la integridad y supremacía de la Constitución, del deber de determinar el sentido y alcance de valores y principios constitucionales, del esfuerzo para desarrollar el principio de conservación de las normas legislativas, de la necesidad de evitar los vacíos normativos producidos por sus fallos y especialmente para garantizar los derechos constitucionales.

  5. Problemas fundamentales de elasticidad en suelos. Aplicaciones del círculo de Mohr


    Alhama Manteca, Iván; García Ros, Gonzalo; Alhama López, Francisco


    El libro contiene fundamentos teóricos relacionados con la elasticidad aplicada a mecánica de suelos, junto con 61 problemas y 155 figuras. Describe la elasticidad aplicada a geotecnia desde sus principios fundamentales: concepto de esfuerzo y tipos, Ley de Hooke, matrices de esfuerzos y deformaciones y resolución de problemas de mecánica de suelos a través del círculo de Mohr, extendiendo su aplicación a los criterios de fallo en suelos, teoría y uso del polo, círculo de Mohr de deformacione...

  6. Rol del óxido nítrico en modelos experimentales propuestos para inducir inflamación gástrica e intestinal en ratas


    Angulo Herrera, Pedro


    Actualmente se vienen usando varios modelos que utilizan al etanol (EtOH) y la indometacina (Indo) para inducir inflamación gástrica e intestinal en forma experimental. Con el objeto de determinar cuál es el rol del óxido nítrico (NO) en la inflamación gástrica e intestinal, hemos utilizado como donadores de NO al nitrito de sodio (NIT), nitroprusiato de sodio (NPS) y metronidazol (MET); y como inhibidor inespecífico de la sintasa del NO a la NG-nitro-L-arginina-metil éster (LNAME) y el azul ...

  7. Análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de los fallos de diseño y ejecución en los proyectos de cubiertas y fachadas y de su incidencia patológica en los edificios de España


    Carretero Ayuso, Manuel Jesús


    La comprensión de las deficiencias y los fallos existentes en la construcción es clave para la mejora de la edificación en España, dado que es uno de los sectores donde se dan más problemáticas durante su proceso de producción, y en donde, además existe uno de los mayores grados de insatisfacción de los usuarios. Las fachadas y las cubiertas son una de las partes más significativas de los edificios, pues constituyen la piel que los separa del exterior, debiendo satisfacer simultáneamente dife...

  8. Gestión del tiempo y procrastinación en la educación superior


    Garzón Umerenkova, Angélica; Universidad El Bosque; Gil Flores, Javier; Universidad de Sevilla (Espala)


    La procrastinación constituye un fallo de las conductas autorregulatorias que conlleva efectos negativos a nivel académico. Analizamos el valor de la gestión del tiempo como variable predictora de la procrastinación, estudiando una muestra de 494 estudiantes universitarios colombianos de primer año, que fueron clasificados en dos grupos en función de su grado de procrastinación académica. Hemos recogido información sobre sus conductas de gestión del tiempo, medidas a través de una versión es...



    Jaramillo Llontop, Adela; Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo; Vergara Espinoza, Martha Arminda; Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo


    RESUMEN El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal y anemia en niños de 1 a 6 años, beneficiarios del Programa de Vaso de leche de la Municipalidad Distrital de Patapo - anexo La Cría, departamento de Lambayeque 2017. Fueron seleccionados 60 niños  a quienes se les realizó un diagnóstico de parasitosis intestinal con la técnica coproparasitológica simple y el test de Graham y se les determinó anemia por el metodo de hematocrito. La prevalencia de parasitos...

  10. Sincronización del ciclo celular en una línea celular modelo para ensayo de gene targeting


    Velázquez Gómez, Miguel


    La terapia génica es una campo de la biomedicina que incluye distintas técnicas orientadas a la cura de enfermedades basadas en errores en el genoma, ya sea por ausencia del gen o por pérdida de su función, a través del envío del material genético corrector (RNA, DNA) al interior de células diana, en las cuales se integra y corrige el fallo. La terapia génica puede orientarse al tratamiento de células germinales o somáticas. La modificación genética de células destinadas a generar espermat...

  11. Gestión centralizada de la iluminación en Terminal 1 del aeropuerto Barcelona-El Prat


    Borraz Rocafull, Óscar


    Este trabajo consiste en el estudio de una gestión centralizada de iluminación en la Terminal T1 del Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat. Se dan a conocer los sistemas y subsistemas del control de iluminación, con base KNX-EIB (sistema estándar de interconexión de dispositivos) y su central de gestión. También se explican los fallos encontrados al finalizar la obra de construcción de la T1 (terminada en 2009) o los sucedidos durante su operatividad. Así como mejoras para su func...

  12. Una propuesta para el diagnóstico de fallos en sistemas industriales mediante el uso de estrategias bioinspiradas A proposal to fault diagnosis in industrial systems using bio-inspired strategies

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    Lídice Camps Echevarría


    Full Text Available In this work a study on the application of bio-inspired strategies for optimization to Fault Diagnosis in industrial systems is presented. The principal aim is to establish a basis for the development of new and viable model-based Fault Diagnosis Methods which improve some difficulties that the current methods cannot avoid. These difficulties are related mainly with fault sensitivity and robustness to external disturbances. In this study, there have been considered the Differential Evolution and the Ant Colony Optimization algorithms. This application is illustrated using simulated data of the Two tanks system benchmark. In order to analyze the advantages of these algorithms to obtain a diagnosis which needs to be sensitive to faults and robust to external disturbances, some experiments with incipient faults and noisy data have been simulated. The results indicate that the proposed approach, basically the combination of the two algorithms, characterizes a promising methodology for Fault Diagnosis.En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre la aplicación de estrategias bioinspiradas para la optimización al diagnóstico de fallos en sistemas industriales. El objetivo principal es establecer una base para el desarrollo de nuevos y viables métodos de diagnóstico de fallos basados en modelos que permitan mejorar las dificultades de los métodos actuales. Estas dificultades están relacionadas, fundamentalmente, con la sensibilidad ante la presencia de fallos y la robustez ante perturbaciones externas. En el estudio se consideraron los algoritmos Evolución Diferencial y Optimización por Colonia de Hormigas. La efectividad de la propuesta es analizada mediante experimentos con el conocido problema de prueba de los dos tanques. Los experimentos consideraron presencia de ruido en la información y fallos incipientes de manera que fuera posible analizar las ventajas de la propuesta en cuanto a diagnóstico robusto y sensible. Los resultados

  13. Retos del proceso de integración Europeo. Una valoración

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    José Manuel Saiz Álvarez


    Full Text Available Las recientes ampliaciones comunitarias realizadas hacia el Este del continente europeo están provocando una serie de cambios estructurales que serán irreversibles en el tiempo. Para que el proceso de cambio sea beneficioso, desde una doble perspectiva económica y social, se ha de dar dentro de códigos de buen gobierno por parte de las empresas, lucha contra el fraude y la corrupción y la generalización de una economía social de mercado en el que los fallos de mercado sean compensados con un ligero intervencionismo estatal. Experiencia europea que puede servir de ejemplo para otros procesos de integración que se están dando en otras regiones del planeta.

  14. Comentario a la sentencia de la Sala Constitucional número 2011-010832: declaratoria de inconstitucionalidad del 60% de apoyo exigido para la huelga legal

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    Fabián Arrieta-Segleau


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye un análisis crítico de la sentencia de la Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia número 2011-010832. Esta anuló la exigencia de un porcentaje de apoyo del 60%para la declaratoria de legalidad de la huelga. Concretamente se examina las consecuencias de ese fallo en la flexibilización del ejercicio de ese derecho fundamental, en su naturaleza jurídica, y regulación procesal. Se hace referencia a la situación actual del requisito cuantitativo para asistir a la huelga, a partir del pronunciamiento del Tribunal Constitucional y las resoluciones de los órganos de control de la OIT, particularmente la Comisión de Expertos en la Aplicación de Convenios y Recomendaciones, y cuál es la labor de los Tribunales de Trabajo, ante la delegación efectuada en el voto a la hora de determinar el quórum exigido para la declaratoria de huelga legal. También se aborda la problemática provocada por el fallo al establecer que, previo a la declaratoria de ilegalidad y durante la vigencia del movimiento de presión cuando éste sea considerado legal, se debe mantener el pago de salario para las personas que huelgan. Además, se fundamenta la incidencia de esa determinación en la naturaleza jurídica de ese instituto jurídico y las posibles repercusiones prácticas para la empresa. Finalmente, se hace referencia a la participación en el movimiento de presión como justa causa de despido y la naturaleza del incidente de calificación de huelga y su repercusión en la terminación de los contratos de trabajo.


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    Full Text Available El desquicio consuntivo, el desorden territorial y el desbordado afán de lucro económico y político, hace cada vez más evidente la necesidad de racionalizar la generación y confinamiento de las basuras. Tal es el caso de la disposición final de residuos sólidos en el norte del departamento del Cauca, donde la eficiencia técnica entorno a la solución del problema choca con factores de índole institucional, que quizás se entiendan mejor desde la economía política. En este orden de ideas, el documento expone algunas interpretaciones del asunto, abordando la problemática en boga a partir de la idea de fallo de coordinación y fallos de no mercado derivados de la incongruencia entre mecanismos de decisión y acción colectiva. Por este motivo se describe el contexto de la problemática, indicando el protagonismo de los factores de presión, el papel de las instituciones involucradas y la pertinencia de las evaluaciones ambientales estratégicas; luego se examinan los lineamientos generales de la solución técnica y la percepción de los actores a través de la medición económica de sus preferencias, finalmente se concluye subrayando el vínculo entre el desequilibrio ecológico regional y la crisis de los bienes comunales.

  16. Obstrucción intestinal por persistencia de remanente del conducto vitelino en un paciente pediátrico. Presentación de un caso.


    Jorge Leguen Berwich; Yoan Varela Rodríguez; Idalmis Céspedes Marín


    El Divertículo de Meckel, anomalía congénita más frecuente del intestino delgado, resulta de una obliteración incompleta del conducto onfalomesentérico. Una forma clínica de presentación es la obstrucción intestinal por persistencia de remanente del conducto onfalomesentérico. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 2 años que tuvo dolor en fosa iliaca derecha, vómitos, distensión abdominal, irritabilidad y disminución de los ruidos hidroaéreos. Se realizaron estudios diagnósticos y se dec...

  17. La Competencia de la Justicia Militar del Gobierno Federal en la Jurisprudencia Actual del Tribunal Supremo.

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    Saulo de Tarso Fernandes Dias


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de la competencia de la Justicia Militar del Gobierno Federal para procesar y juzgar los delitos militares. El objetivo es ver cuáles son los principales aspectos orientadores de la definición de la competencia de la justicia militar usados por el Tribunal Supremo cuando evalúa los juicios de los conflictos de competencia y divergencias de las decisiones  de  los  Juzgados  y  Tribunales. Para lograr  este  objetivo,  se  realizó  una investigación doctrinal y un análisis de los principales fallos de la Corte Suprema en los últimos 04 (cuatro años. Se ha observado un cambio en la interpretación dada al artículo noveno del Código Penal Militar, llegando a la conclusión, entonces, que hay aspectos importantes a tener en cuenta en cada situación para que sea posible definir si un hecho es delito militar, ello, justifica por lo tanto la competencia de la justicia militar.

  18. Abordaje de lesiones por pénfigo ampolloso en prolapso genital

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    Olga Barredo González

    Full Text Available Las enfermedades bullosas o ampollares comprenden un grupo heterogéneo de cuadros cuya lesión elemental común es la ampolla. Los pénfigos y los penfigoides pertenecen al grupo de las enfermedades bullosas de origen autoinmunitario. El prolapso genital es el descenso o desplazamiento de los órganos pélvicos, a través de la vagina y en dirección a la vulva, que se produce como consecuencia del fallo de sus elementos de suspensión y sustentación así como la inervación y musculatura del sistema urinario e intestinal. En este caso presentamos nuestra experiencia en el manejo y tratamiento tópico de lesiones por pénfigo ampolloso en prolapso visceropélvico total que dificultaban la cirugía.

  19. Caracterización clínico epidemiológica del parasitismo intestinal en pacientes jóvenes


    Ayrelis Perovani Argüelles; Junior Vega Jiménez; Sandy Rodríguez Reyes; Yailín Cabrera Hernández


    Introducción: entre las enfermedades infecciosas, las producidas por parásitos intestinales constituyen un importante problema de salud para el hombre. Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente el parasitismo intestinal en pacientes jóvenes. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en la consulta externa del Hospital Militar Docente "Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy"; el universo de estudio estuvo representado por todos los pacientes jóvenesa tendidos dur...

  20. Caracterización clínico-epidemiólogica del parasitismo intestinal en niños de 0 a 5 años Clinical and epidemiological characterization of intestinal parasitism in children aged 0 to 5


    Yisell Urquiza Yero; Liset María Domínguez Caises; Melva Artiles Yanes


    Objetivo: realizar la caracterización clínico epidemiológica del parasitismo intestinal en niños de 0 a 5 años pertenecientes al consultorio médico Altos de Uslar, Libertador, Carabobo, Venezuela. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal durante los meses de enero a diciembre de 2006, en el que se estudiaron 83 niños que presentaban sintomatología de parasitismo intestinal o no, a los que se les tomó muestras de heces fecales. La información se obtuvo a través de encue...

  1. Caracterización clínico-epidemiólogica del parasitismo intestinal en niños de 0 a 5 años


    Urquiza Yero, Yisell; Domínguez Caises, Liset María; Artiles Yanes, Melva


    Objetivo: realizar la caracterización clínico epidemiológica del parasitismo intestinal en niños de 0 a 5 años pertenecientes al consultorio médico Altos de Uslar, Libertador, Carabobo, Venezuela. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal durante los meses de enero a diciembre de 2006, en el que se estudiaron 83 niños que presentaban sintomatología de parasitismo intestinal o no, a los que se les tomó muestras de heces fecales. La información se obtuvo a través de encue...

  2. Acción del extracto etanólico de las hojas de Maytenus macrocarpa (Ruiz. Pav.) Briq. “chuchuhuasi” sobre la motilidad intestinal


    Alosilla Uscamaita, Annie; Chaves Palomares, Fátima; Ascaño Ramírez, Alberto; Cornejo Liñán, Maria; Huamán Castro, Cynthia; Medina Morales, John; Tomaylla Lima, Frank; Torres Otarola, Claudia; Tordoya Rodríguez, Luis; Vargas Castillo, Hector; Loja Herrera, Berta; Alvarado Yarasca, Ángel; Salazar Granara, Alberto


    OBJETIVODeterminar el efecto del extracto etanólico de las hojas de Maytenus macrocarpa, “chuchuhuasi” sobre la motilidad intestinal en ratón.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOSe utilizó 50 ratones albinos machos, con pesos medios de 25 g, se empleó el método de Arbos y otros, se administró carbón activado al 5 % vía oral, dosis de 0.1ml/10g, como marcador intestinal. Los grupos experimentales fueron: Control (agua destilada 0.1 ml/10g de peso corporal), Sulfato de Atropina 1 mg/kg, Neostigmina 1 mg/kg, extra...

  3. El control del tabaquismo desde la perspectiva de la economía

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    Ángel López Nicolás


    Full Text Available Este artículo revisa los principales argumentos que la Economía pone a disposición del analista a la hora de juzgar las políticas de control del tabaquismo, y describe con detalle la cuestión de los fallos de mercado tanto desde la óptica tradicional como desde la perspectiva de los recientes avances en la literatura. De esta revisión se desprende que fumar es una elección personal que puede generar pérdidas netas de bienestar para el resto de los miembros de la sociedad y para la familia de la persona fumadora, pero sobre todo para ella misma. Sobre esta base existe justificación económica para intervenciones correctoras. El artículo concluye con la discusión sobre dos de las medidas de prevención más relevantes en nuestro país en la actualidad: la prohibición de fumar en los locales de hostelería y los impuestos sobre las labores del tabaco.

  4. Intestinal microbiota in the development of the neonate's immune system


    La Rosa Hernández, Deyanira; Gómez Cabeza, Enrique José; Sánchez Castañeda, Niurka


    La microbiota intestinal comprende al conjunto de microorganismos comensales que cohabitan en simbiosis con el individuo. Su programación intraútero y colonización ulterior son factores determinantes en la maduración del sistema inmune. Para enriquecer nuestros conocimientos sobre el efecto de la microbiota intestinal en la maduración del sistema inmune en el niño, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica tras consultar las bases de datos Google, Medline y el Localizador de Información de Salud ...

  5. Microbiota intestinal, probióticos y prebióticos

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    Carlos David Castañeda Guillot


    Full Text Available La microbiota intestinal es el elemento fundamental del “Ecosistema Intestinal”, cuyas acciones tienen un efecto beneficioso para la salud, al participar de forma activa en los procesos de digestión de nutrientes asociado a sus mecanismos sobre la homeostasis y la inmunidad del intestino. Los probióticos y prebióticos juegan un rol decisivo en la modulación de la microbiota intestinal y han demostrado sus beneficios para el tratamiento de distintas enfermedades intestinales y extra-intestinales. Se realizó una búsqueda en bases documentales de PubMed, SciELO y Latindex de publicaciones relacionadas con la microbiota intestinal, probióticos y prebióticos hasta el 30 junio 2017. Son actualizados los criterios relacionados con las funciones de la microbiota intestinal, el proceso de implantación a partir del nacimiento, el desarrollo acelerado en su composición, los distintos factores que influencian en su diversidad y estabilidad para mantener un estado de eubiosis en el curso de la vida. El desequlibrio de la misma (disbiosis es un elemento de importancia en la producción de afecciones intestinales y extra-intestinales agudas y crónicas. Se revisaron los probióticos y prebióticos, sus ventajas, tipos, indicaciones y las formas de obtención de los prebióticos. El papel de la microbiota intestinal como órgano metabólico por sus múltiples funciones, en especial la homeostasis e inmunidad intestinal y sus beneficios para la salud son revisados. La participación de los probióticos y prebióticos como terapéutica y sus efectos en enfermedades intestinales y extra-intestinales relacionadas con la microbiota y su modulación son examinados por su importancia en la práctica médica.

  6. Explorando la Paradoja de Recuperación del Servicio en Deportes: Un Estudio en Centros de Fitness


    Aparicio-Chueca, Pilar; Elasri-Ejjaberi, Amal; Triadó-Ivern, Xavier


    Los fallos en el servicio en centros deportivos pueden ocurrir en el día a día. La recuperación del servicio por parte de los gerentes es un aspecto importante que las empresas han de tener en cuenta para el éxito futuro de la organización, con el objetivo de conseguir un nivel de satisfacción adecuado por parte de los clientes. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en analizar los perfiles de usuarios de centros deportivos que han expresado tener un motivo de queja y comparar el nivel de sat...

  7. Duración del desempleo en Colombia: Género, intensidad de búsqueda y anuncios de vacantes


    Arango, Luis Eduardo; Ríos, Ana María


    En Colombia la tasa de desempleo femenina es más alta que la masculina. Al concentrarnos en la duración del desempleo, se verifica la hipótesis de que las mujeres comprometidas (i.e., casadas o en unión libre) tienen episodios de desempleo de mayor duración que los hombres de igual condición. Dados los efectos observados en las tasa de riesgo y en el tiempo de fallo, el ingreso de la pareja reduce el esfuerzo de búsqueda de un empleo tanto en hombres como en mujeres, pero esto se observa con ...

  8. Enfermedades genéticas del ADN mitocondrial humano

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    Solano Abelardo


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades mitocondriales son un grupo de trastornos que están producidos por un fallo en el sistema de fosforilación oxidativa (sistema Oxphos, la ruta final del metabolismo energético mitocondrial, con la consiguiente deficiencia en la biosíntesis del trifosfato de adenosina (ATP, por sus siglas en inglés. Parte de los polipéptidos que componen este sistema están codificados en el ácido desoxirribonucleico (DNA mitocondrial y, en los últimos años, se han descrito mutaciones que se han asociado con síndromes clínicos bien definidos. Las características genéticas del DNA mitocondrial, herencia materna, poliplasmia y segregación mitótica, confieren a estas enfermedades propiedades muy particulares. Las manifestaciones clínicas de estas enfermedades son muy heterogéneas y afectan a distintos órganos y tejidos por lo que su correcto diagnóstico implica la obtención de datos clínicos, morfológicos, bioquímicos y genéticos. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

  9. Impacto del activismo judicial sobre la garantía del derecho a la educación en Santiago de Cali

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    Gabriela Recalde Castañeda


    Full Text Available La Corte Constitucional a través de la sentencia T-025 de 2004, declaró el estado de cosas inconstitucional en el caso del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia. Este tipo de decisiones ha sido objeto de debate acerca de la función que les corresponde, o no, cumplir a los jueces dentro de la formulación y seguimiento de las políticas públicas que garantizan derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, como la educación. El denominado activismo judicial ha visibilizado la necesidad de replantear la noción clásica de la separación de poderes y las relaciones entre ramas del Poder Público. A partir de la revisión de la situación de acceso y de las condiciones de permanencia en el sistema educativo de 285 menores, vinculados a una organización de población desplazada, y con el propósito de aportar algunas conclusiones a la comprensión de las relaciones entre ramas, este artículo pretende mostrar cómo un gobierno local, en este caso el de Santiago de Cali, ha adoptado la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional para elaborar una política pública educativa dirigida a menores en situación de desplazamiento forzado. Se pretende esclarecer los alcances del activismo judicial a nivel local y predecir posibles efectos del uso de los indicadores o de la regulación que, en el caso de desplazamiento, se genera a partir del fallo judicial.

  10. Evaluación del estrés y el impacto de la fibromialgia después de autoaplicar técnicas cognitivo-conductuales

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    Mónica Teresa González-Ramírez


    Full Text Available Se diseñaron dos cursos virtuales auto-aplicados para personas con fibromialgia, basados en técnicas cognitivo-conductuales. Los objetivos fueron, (1 Evaluar los resultados del primer curso sobre estrés percibido e impacto de la fibromialgia. (2 Evaluar los resultados del segundo curso, en la disminución de, fallos cotidianos de memoria, pensamientos negativos, catastrofización, e impacto de la fibromialgia. Y (3 comparar niveles de estrés e impacto en las cuatro mediciones (pre-post, ambos cursos. Participaron 22 mujeres en el primero y 8 en el segundo. Se encontró mejoría en estrés percibido e impacto de la fibromialgia después del primer curso. Después del segundo disminuyeron: pensamientos negativos, catastrofización e impacto. Hubo una recaída en el estrés y el impacto entre ambos cursos disminuyendo nuevamente al concluir el segundo.

  11. Influencia del diámetro de la barra y del recubrimiento en las características adherentes del hormigón armado

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    Molina, M.


    Full Text Available The bond mechanism on reinforced concrete structures is analysing in this paper. A state of art review of bond phenomenon and characterisation tests, pull-out and beam tests are included. Experimental modifications of RILEM/CEB/FIP pull-out tests on prismatic specimens with different concrete cover are also studied. The objective of eccentric tests is to estimate the maximum bond stress and the loss of concrete cover influence on the reinforced concrete behaviour. Bars diameter and concrete cover influence on concrete-steel stress transfer and different types of failures are analysed finally.

    En este artículo se estudia el fenómeno de la adherencia en estructuras de hormigón armado. En primer lugar se incluye una revisión del estado del conocimiento sobre la adherencia y sobre los distintos ensayos de caracterización, principalmente tipo pull-out (ensayos de tracción sobre probetas prismáticas con diferentes longitudes de anclaje según el diámetro de la barra y ensayos Beam Test sobre vigas de hormigón armado. En segundo lugar se presentan los resultados de los ensayos tipo pull-out realizados en la nave de ensayos del Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja, en probetas prismáticas variando el diámetro y el recubrimiento de las barras según el ensayo normalizado por la RILEM/CEB/FIP con algunas modificaciones. Se realizan ensayos tanto con la barra en posición centrada como con diferentes recubrimientos. El objeto de los ensayos con excentricidad es estimar la influencia del escaso o nulo recubrimiento en el comportamiento del hormigón armado. Finalmente se analizan los diferentes tipos de fallo obtenidos en los ensayos y la influencia del diámetro de la armadura y el recubrimiento en la transferencia de tensiones hormigón acero.

  12. Caracterización clínico-epidemiólogica del parasitismo intestinal en niños de 0 a 5 años Clinical and epidemiological characterization of intestinal parasitism in children aged 0 to 5

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    Yisell Urquiza Yero


    Full Text Available Objetivo: realizar la caracterización clínico epidemiológica del parasitismo intestinal en niños de 0 a 5 años pertenecientes al consultorio médico Altos de Uslar, Libertador, Carabobo, Venezuela. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal durante los meses de enero a diciembre de 2006, en el que se estudiaron 83 niños que presentaban sintomatología de parasitismo intestinal o no, a los que se les tomó muestras de heces fecales. La información se obtuvo a través de encuestas que se aplicaron a los tutores legales. Resultados: la frecuencia general de parasitismo fue de 67,48 %, con predominio del sexo masculino sobre el femenino; las especies más frecuentes fueron Ascaris lumbricoides y Enterobius vermicularis, y se identificó con poliparasitismo un 61,45 % de pacientes. Entre los factores que favorecieron las parasitosis se detectaron la presencia de vectores, los malos hábitos higiénicos sanitarios y la ingestión de agua no tratada. Conclusiones: predominó la edad de 5 años y el sexo masculino, así como, el poliparasitismo, las infecciones por helmintos, y las malas condiciones higiénico-sanitarias de las viviendas; y como principales factores de riesgo estuvo la presencia de vectores, la insuficiente higiene de las manos y los alimentos de consumo, así como la baja calidad sanitaria del agua.Objective: to carry out a clinical and epidemiological characterization of intestinal parasitism in children aged 0 to 5 from Altos de Uslar, Libertador, Carabobo, Venezuela medical consulting room. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted from January to December, 2006 in 83 children presenting or not intestinal parasitism symptomatology in which cases feces samples were taken. Information was collected by surveys applied to legal protectors. Results: the general frequency of the parasitism was of 67,48 %, with predominance of male sex over the female one; the more frequent species were

  13. Parasitismo intestinal en niños que asisten a un círculo infantil del municipio de Puerto Padre

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    Keilan Diéguez Leiva


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, para determinar la incidencia del parasitismo intestinal en niños que asisten al círculo infantil “Flores de la Vida” del municipio de Puerto Padre, en el período comprendido entre el primero de septiembre de 2010 y el 31 de mayo de 2011. La muestra estuvo conformada por los 181 niños matriculados en esta institución. Para dar salida a los objetivos se diseñó un formulario y la revisión exhaustiva de las historias clínicas. A los padres de cada niño, previo consentimiento, se les aplicó un instrumento de recogida de datos de interés epidemiológico. Se tomaron muestras de heces fecales de los niños y fueron estudiadas por el examen directo de heces y el método de concentración de Willis-Malloy modificado. Se observó una incidencia de parasitismo intestinal de un 51,4 %, el grupo de edad más afectado fue el de sexto año de vida, con un 58,1 % y el sexo masculino con un 32,5 %, siendo los cólicos abdominales el síntoma que más acompañó a los afectados. La Giardia lamblia fue el parásito más frecuente. Los factores asociados que más abundaron en la muestra fueron el beber agua sin hervir, comerse las uñas o tener el hábito de succión digital y caminar descalzo

  14. Parasitismo intestinal en círculos infantiles

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    Miguel Gómez Vital


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 1 113 niños asistentes a 5 círculos infantiles del municipio de Santa Clara, Villa Clara; con el propósito de analizar la incidencia de parasitismo intestinal. Se les procesaron las muestras de heces fecales mediante 3 métodos coproparasitológicos; demostrándose que el 42,2 % de la muestra estaba parasitada. Las especies más frecuentes fueron la Giardia lamblia, el Enterobius vermicularis y la Entamoeba histolytica, con asociaciones de parásitos en varios casos. Estos son más frecuentes a partir del tercer año de vida. Se resalta la influencia positiva del médico y enfermera de la familia en estas instituciones.1 113 children attending 5 day cae centers in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, were studied aimed at analyzing the incidence of intestinal parasitism. Faeces samples were processed by 3 coproparasitological methods and it was proved that 42.2 % of the samples had parasites. The most frequent species found were Giardia lamblia, enterobius vernmicularis and Entamoeba histolytica with associations of parasites in several cases. These are commoner from the third year of life on. The positive influence of the family physician and nurse in these institutions are stressed.

  15. Condiciones de monitoreo para sistema de control de motores de combustión interna

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    Elio Rafael Hidalgo-Batista


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se presentan las insuficiencias existentes en el sistema de control de los motores de combustión interna pertenecientes a los grupos electrógenos, estas insuficiencias se determinaron luego de un análisis realizado al surgimiento de las fallas y a este sistema. Para la mejora del mismo se da a conocer un procedimiento que permite el seguimiento y procesamiento de las condiciones de monitoreo de estos equipos, el uso de este procedimiento ha permitido: definir los patrones de fallo de las tres variables (de ocho que se estudian que con mayor probabilidad se relacionan con el surgimiento de los fallos, mejorar el método comparativo y dos insuficiencias del sistema de control.

  16. Introducción al tema monográfico

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    Sofía Salas Ibarra


    Full Text Available Este número de Ars Medica está por entero dedicado al tema de Anticoncepción de Emergencia (AE y a la discusión de sus aspectos biológicos, éticos, sociales y jurídicos, incluyendo un análisis sobre los aspectos científicos y jurídicos contenidos en el reciente fallo del Tribunal Constitucional de Chile. Como es de conocimiento público, con fecha 18 de abril de 2008 dicho tribunal dictó sentencia sobre el requerimiento presentado por un grupo de diputados en contra del decreto supremo Nº 48 de 2007 del Ministerio de Salud, el cual prohíbe la entrega de AE en los servicios públicos de salud. Pocos días después, el Gobierno de Chile declaró la supresión de las normas sobre AE de las Normas Nacionales sobre Regulación de la Fertilidad, que forman parte del decreto supremo Nº 48, de 2007, del Ministerio de Salud, por ser inconstitucionales de acuerdo al fallo antes señalado1

  17. Prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal en niños del valle del Mantaro, Jauja, Perú

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    Luis A. Marcos Raymundo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Observar la prevalencia y factores asociados de parasitosis intestinal en Jauja, Junín. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron a 188 individuos entre 1 y 16 años de edad de los distritos de Huertas y Julcán, provincia de Jauja, departamento de Junín, Perú. A 161 se les realizó entrevista y examen clínico. Resultados: La prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal fue alta, el 100% de ellos tenían parásitos o comensales y el 64% alojaban patógenos. Las características sociodemográficas de esta población muestran las precarias condiciones de vida, pobres hábitos higiénicos y hacinamiento humano en que viven, esto explicaría la alta endemicidad de parasitosis intestinal. Los enteroparásitos más frecuentes fueron Giardia lamblia (35.1% y Fasciola hepática(19.1%. La asociación parasitaria que tuvo significación estadística fue la de Ascaris lumbricoides y Trichiuris trichiura (p<0.05. El dolor abdominal fue el síntoma más frecuente observado. El método diagnóstico con mayor rendimiento para el diagnóstico de parasitosis en general fue la Técnica de sedimentación espontánea en tubo (TSET, excepto para el diagnóstico de la fasciolosis donde la Técnica de sedimentación rápida de Lumbreras tuvo mejor rendimiento. Conclusiones: La alta endemicidad de parasitosis intestinal es causada por las precarias condiciones de vida, pobres hábitos higiénicos y hacinamiento humano presente en esta población. La alta prevalencia de fasciolosis humana en estas poblaciones demuestra que esta zoonosis es un problema de Salud Pública. ( Rev Med Hered 2002; 13: 85-89.

  18. Oclusión intestinal mecánica por DIU intrabdominal: Presentación de un caso

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    Raúl A Morales


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 43 años de edad, atendida en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico "Celia Sánchez Manduley" de Manzanillo, por presentar una rara complicación de los dispositivos intrauterinos. La paciente fue operada por un cuadro de obstrucción intestinal mecánica, a causa del paso de un segmento del intestino delgado a través del orificio de un anillo de Zipper, alojado en la cavidad abdominal. La evolución posoperatoria fue satisfactoriaThe case of a 43-year-old patient who received attention at "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Clinical and Surgical Hospital, in Manzanillo, for presenting a rare complication of the IUD is presented. The patient was operated on due to a mechanical intestinal obstruction resulting from the passage of a segment of the small intestine through the orifice of a Zipper's ring located in the abdominal cavity. The postoperative evolution was satisfactory

  19. Diagnóstico de fallos en el generador de vapor BKZ-340-140-29M

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    Alberto Prieto Moreno


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false st1:*{behavior:url(#ieooui } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} Este trabajo presenta el diseño de un sistema de diagnóstico de fallos para un generador de vapor BKZ-340-140-29M, ubicado en la Central Termoeléctrica (CTE Máximo Gómez de Mariel, Cuba. El diagnosticador diseñado utiliza un árbol de decisión, que permite el diagnóstico de los poros en el sobrecalentador y el economizador. Estos equipos fueron seleccionados partiendo de un estudio estadístico, que demuestra su gran incidencia en la disponibilidad de los bloques de la CTE Máximo Gómez

  20. Factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con obstrucción intestinal por adherencias


    Guataquira Sierra, Nidya Consuelo


    El manejo de la obstrucción intestinal por adherencias es un reto para cualquier especialista en Cirugía debido a que existe controversia sobre el alcance del manejo médico y el momento adecuado para llevar el paciente a cirugía para la resolución del cuadro clínico. En el presente trabajo se pretende, identificar los factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con obstrucción intestinal por adherencias. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en una relación ...

  1. La confiabilidad integral del activo. // The reliability of a physical asset.

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    L. F. Sexto Cabrera


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se discute sobre algunos aspectos que influyen sobre la confiabilidad de un activo físico. En él seproponen diferentes clasificaciones de fallos. Se presentan algunos elementos sobre el análisis de la confiabilidad humana ylos tipos de errores. De manera introductoria se comenta acerca de los defectos crónicos tolerados y el modelo de la trilogíade Juran. Se presentan reflexiones acerca de los procesos de deterioro gradual que puede sufrir un activo cualquiera.Finalmente, se discute sobre los costos de la confiabilidad.Palabras claves: Confiabilidad, fallo, modo de fallo, defectos crónicos, confiabilidad humana, costos de laconfiabilidad.____________________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper discusses some aspects that influence about the reliability of a physical asset. Is presented differentclassifications of failures. Some elements are proposed about the analysis of the human reliability and the types of errors, aswell as, an introduction about the tolerated chronic defects and the Juran trilogy. Reflections are presented about theprocesses of gradual deterioration. Finally, is discusses on the reliability costs.Key words; Reliability, failure, failure mode, chronic defects, human reliability, reliability costs.

  2. Constipação intestinal em pacientes admitidos em programa de reabilitação neurológica Constipación intestinal en pacientes admitidos en un programa de rehabilitación neurológica Constipation in patients admitted to the neurological rehabilitation program

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    Tânia Mara Nascimento de Miranda Engler


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Conhecer a prevalência da constipação intestinal em pacientes admitidos para reabilitação e verificar os resultados de dois modelos de condutas instituídas para reeducação intestinal durante a internação. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal, analítico, com 98 pacientes internados em enfermaria de reabilitação entre dezembro de 2009 e maio de 2010. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de constipação foi de 57,1%, não houve correlação entre as variáveis sexo, escolaridade, idade, auxílio locomoção, alteração de linguagem, atividade física, dieta e presença de constipação intestinal; a melhora na capacidade funcional foi um preditor de progresso na frequência intestinal; as condutas introduzidas apresentaram um importante papel na melhora do hábito intestinal. CONCLUSÕES: Estudos de condutas poderão fornecer subsídios no tratamento da constipação intestinal, aperfeiçoando a qualidade de vida dessas pessoas.OBJETIVOS: Conocer la prevalencia de la constipación intestinal en pacientes admitidos para rehabilitación y verificar los resultados de dos modelos de conductas instituídas para la reeducación intestinal durante el internamiento. MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal, analítico, realizado con 98 pacientes internados en una unidad de rehabilitación entre diciembre del 2009 y mayo del 2010. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de constipación fue del 57,1%, no hubo correlación entre las variables sexo, escolaridad, edad, auxilio locomoción, alteración del lenguaje, actividad física, dieta y presencia de constipación intestinal; la mejora en la capacidad funcional fue un predictor de progreso en la frecuencia intestinal; las conductas introducidas presentaron un importante papel en el mejoramiento del hábito intestinal. CONCLUSIONES: Estudios de conductas pueden ofrecer subsidios en el tratamiento de la constipación intestinal, perfeccionando la calidad de vida de esas personas.OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of

  3. Derechos humanos electorales: el caso Yatama contra el Estado de Nicaragua, análisis desde la perspectiva del sistema electoral costarricense

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    Zetty Bou Valverde


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza, en su primera parte, los antecedentes y el proceso que, desde el punto de vista del derecho electoral, expuso la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en la resolución dictada en el caso del partido político indígena YATAMA contra el Estado de Nicaragua al no permitirse su participación en las elecciones municipales del 2000. La segunda parte del artículo efectúa un examen de la normativa costarricense a la luz de las violaciones detectadas por la Corte, en punto a establecer si una sentencia de ese tipo podría o no haber tenido lugar en el contexto institucional y normativo costarricense. Finalmente se realiza un análisis de las particularidades que distinguen el régimen electoral nicaragüense y costarricense, concretamente en cuanto a sus tribunales electorales, a fin de concluir como un conflicto de ese tipo podría haber sido resuelto a lo interno en Costa Rica evitándose, en principio, un fallo como el dictado en el caso YATAMA.

  4. Morbilidad oculta por parasitismo intestinal en Lagunita, municipio Girardot, Venezuela

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    Yanelis Núñez Gómez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo de corte transversal, con el objetivo de determinar la morbilidad oculta por parasitismo intestinal en Lagunita, municipio Girardot, Venezuela; en el período de enero a octubre de 2009. El universo fue de 286 niños, lo que se corresponde con la población total del grupo de edad de menores de 15 años. De estos se seleccionaron por muestreo aleatorio simple 43 pacientes, a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario y se confeccionó una guía de observación, para describir los factores epidemiológicos que influyen en la infestación por parasitismo intestinal. Además, se les realizaron análisis de las heces fecales seriadas para el diagnóstico del parasitismo. El método estadístico fue el cálculo de las frecuencias absolutas y relativas. A través del estudio de las heces fecales seriadas se obtuvo que 27 pacientes tenían parasitosis intestinal, para una morbilidad de 62,79%, con una mayor incidencia en los niños de cinco a nueve años de edad. El sexo femenino fue el más afectado. Los factores epidemiológicos que más influyeron fueron: los malos hábitos higiénicos personales, el entorno desfavorable y el consumo de agua no potable; existió relación entre el nivel socioeconómico, los factores epidemiológicos y la morbilidad por parasitismo intestinal. Predominó la parasitosis por Entamoeba Histolytica, con 11 casos, para un 40,74%. La diarrea, las molestias abdominales y la pérdida de apetito constituyeron los principales síntomas

  5. Enteroscopia de doble balón para el diagnóstico de las enfermedades del intestino delgado en los niños Double-balloon enteroscope for the diagnosis of small intestine diseases in children

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    Héctor Rubén Hernández Garcés


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La enteroscopia de doble balón (EDB es un nuevo método que permite la visualización completa de la luz del intestino delgado. La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar la experiencia en la realización de esta técnica en niños atendidos en el Servicio de Endoscopia Pediátrica del Instituto Cubano de Gastroenterología. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo para evaluar la seguridad, eficacia y extensión de exploración de la enteroscopia de doble balón en el diagnóstico de las enfermedades del intestino delgado en niños. Para ello fueron estudiados 8 pacientes con examen físico y complementarios negativos de enfermedad del intestino delgado, atendidos entre noviembre de 2008 y octubre de 2009. En 3 de los 8 pacientes existía la sospecha clínica y radiológica de enfermedad de Crohn; en otros 3, la sospecha de tumor de intestino delgado y los restantes fueron atendidos por presentar sangramiento oculto de origen intestinal. RESULTADOS. Se practicaron 7 procedimientos por vía retrógrada y 2 por vía anterógrada; a un paciente se le realizó enteroscopia total empleando ambas vías. La duración media de la EDB por vía oral fue de 62,5 min, con un intervalo de 60 a 65 min y por la vía anal fue de 50,7 min, con intervalo de 45 a 60 min. En todos los casos se logró identificar alguna lesión que explicara los síntomas. CONCLUSIÓN. La enteroscopia de doble balón es un método seguro para el diagnóstico de enfermedades del intestino delgado en los niños.INTRODUCTION. The double balloon enteroscope (DBE is a new method allows the whole visualization of the small intestine lumen. The objective of present research was to assess the experience in the carrying out of this technique in children seen in the Pediatric Endoscopy Service of the Cuban Institute of Gastroenterology. METHODS. A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted to assess the accuracy, effectiveness

  6. O significado da mudança no modo de vida da pessoa com estomia intestinal definitiva El significado del cambio en el modo de vivir de la persona con ostomía intestinal difinitiva The meaning of the new way of life of individuals with permanent intestinal ostomy

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    Ana Lúcia Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivo identificar e analisar as principais modificações que ocorrem no modo de vida do portador de estomia intestinal definitiva e as principais estratégias desenvolvidas para enfrentar a situação de ser estomizado. O método utilizado foi a história oral de vida tópica. As histórias foram obtidas de dez entrevistas semi-estruturadas com portadores de estomia intestinal definitiva. Utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo, especificamente, a temática. Da análise, emergiram cinco temas: a experiência de deparar-se com os sinais e sintomas da doença e necessidade de realização da estomia; o aprendizado de conviver com a estomia, o equipamento coletor e a busca de alternativas para suprir o uso do equipamento coletor; o enfrentamento das mudanças no modo de alimentar-se, vestir-se e vivenciar a sexualidade; a busca da reinserção social, o desafio de enfrentar a morte e a procura de perspectivas futuras; a busca da rede de apoio: crenças religiosas e espirituais, família e associação dos estomizados.La finalidad del estudio fue identificar y analizar las principales modificaciones que ocurren en el modo de vivir del portador de ostomía intestinal definitiva así como las principales estrategias desarrolladas para enfrentar la situación de ser ostomizado. El método utilizado fue la historia oral de vida tópica conseguida a partir de diez entrevistas semiestructuradas con los portadores de ostomía intestinal definitiva. Se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido, específicamente la temática. Del análisis emergieron cinco temas: La experiencia de depararse con las señales y síntomas de la enfermedad y necesidad de realización de la ostomía; el aprendizaje de la convivencia con la ostomía, el equipo colector y la búsqueda de alternativas para suplemento del uso de equipo colector; el enfrentamiento de los cambios en el modo de alimentarse, vestirse y vivir la sexualidad; la b

  7. Beneficios de la distracción mandibular en neonatos con apnea del sueño

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    D.J. Caycedo-García


    Full Text Available La apnea obstructiva del sueño o hipoventilación obstructiva en neonatos, es distinta que en los adultos y también lo son su presentación, etiología y tratamiento. Se considera apnea del sueño cuando se produce 1 episodio de apnea por hora de más de 10 segundos de duración, con saturación menor del 87% e incremento del CO2. Existen varias causas, pero los factores anatómicos y neurofuncionales son la base del problema respiratorio superior que produce fallos en las fuerzas que contraen y dilatan la vía aérea. La retromicrognatia como causa anatómica, puede ser aislada o sindrómica. La hipoxemia y la hipercapnia aumentan la presión negativa intratorácica del paciente con la consecuencia de daño celular sin que se pueda cuantificar la gravedad de la lesión cerebral en esta etapa neonatal. En el presente estudio, observacional descriptivo, entre los años 2000 y 2011, en una serie de 49 pacientes neonatos de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Recién Nacido del Hospital Universitario del Valle y del Centro Médico Imbanaco de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia, pretendemos evidenciar los beneficios del tratamiento precoz de los neonatos que presentan retromicrognatia y apnea obstructiva o hipoventilación obstructiva, intervenidos quirúrgicamente mediante corticotomía, colocación de distractores y elongación mandibular, logrando que la apnea obstructiva desapareciera en un tiempo no superior a una semana y que la mejoría clínica de los recién nacidos con este diagnostico fuera evidente, evitando la traqueotomía y las posibles complicaciones y secuelas por hipoxia cerebral, a la vez que disminuyó la estancia hospitalaria.


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    Ana María Corredor


    Full Text Available Para estudiar el duelo traumático en familiares de víctimas de homicidio considerando el efecto de la ausencia o presencia de castigo penal para el homicida, se elaboró un estudio exploratorio de seis casos. En tres de ellos, la investigación penal iniciada por homicidio culminó en sentencia condenatoria, en otros tres no se conoció la identidad de los homicidas. Se analizaron las narraciones acerca del homicidio y sus implicaciones desde una perspectiva cognitivo emocional, y se evaluaron los síntomas del duelo traumático a través de la versión en español del Grief Experience Inventory. Se esperaba que las personas que no obtuvieron castigo para los homicidas tuvieran mayores síntomas de duelo o síntomas más agudos. Esta hipótesis fue rechazada. Las dinámicas cognitivo emocionales relacionadas con el fallo penal difirieron de los prototipos propuestos por Spungen (1998, National Organization for Victims Assistance (1985, Thompson Norris y Ruback (1996.

  9. A Machine Learning Approach for Intestinal Motility Assessment with Capsule Endoscopy


    Vilariño Freire, Fernando Luis


    Consultable des del TDX Intestinal motility assessment with video capsule endoscopy arises as a novel and challenging clinical fieldwork. This technique is based on the analysis of the patterns of intestinal contractions obtained by labelling all the motility events present in a video provided by a capsule with a wireless micro-camera, which is ingested by the patient. However, the visual analysis of these video sequences presents several important drawbacks, mainly related to both the lar...

  10. Las reformas al consejo de la magistratura: oportunidades perdidas para un Poder Judicial democrático y popular

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    Méndez Montenegro, Patricio


    Full Text Available El ensayo hace un análisis de las diferentes reformas al Consejo de la Magistratura, sobre todo en su composición, atribuciones y métodos de elección de consejeros. Se enfoca en la última reforma y el fallo de la Corte Suprema que la invalidó, declarándola inconstitucional. De la mano del estudio de las leyes y dicho fallo, se analiza la reforma desde la teoría interpretativa procedimentalista y se concluye que se han perdido varias oportunidades de crear un órgano de selección, remoción de jueces y de administración del presupuesto del Poder Judicial que promueva la diversidad ideológica dentro de ese poder, fomente la participación y control ciudadano en dicho órgano y transparente la elección de los jueces. Finalmente se proponen algunas reformas en ese sentido, que sí respetan los principios rectores de la institución.

  11. Eficacia del primer tratamiento sistémico con glucocorticoides en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Revisión sistemática y serie de casos


    López San Román, Antonio


    Los glucocorticoides son un fármaco de eficacia alta en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, consiguiendo inducir respuesta en aproximadamente un 70% de los pacientes, respuesta que perdura a largo plazo en casi la mitad de los casos. La mayor edad al diagnóstico y al inicio del primer tratamiento son los principales factores predoctores de mala respuesta a los glucocorticoides. Una política de inmunosupresión precoz de los pacientes que no se hubieran beneficiado a largo plazo d...

  12. Evaluación de confiabilidad tecnológica del parque aerogenerador de Gibara 2; Evaluation of Technological Reliability of Wind Turbine Facility Gibara 2

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    Antonio Torres Valle


    Full Text Available Las energías renovables, en particular la eólica, ocuparán un lugar importante en las próximas décadas, marcadas por el agotamiento de las fuentes de combustible fósil. En Cuba se prevé un crecimientoconsiderable en la utilización de estas fuentes energéticas. De ahí la importancia de crear las bases del uso de tecnologías confiables que garantice tal misión futura. El artículo se propone como objetivo central,realizar el análisis de confiabilidad del parque eólico Gibara 2 partiendo del empleo de la metodología de árbol de fallos y recomendar algunas posibles aplicaciones de sus resultados. Un paso esencial en la investigación es la determinación de los componentes que participarán en el árbol de fallos y elprocesamiento de la base de datos disponible en el parque Gibara 2. El documento tributa esencialmente a la identificación de los contribuyentes principales a la indisponibilidad de los parques y a la optimización dela política de mantenimiento.Renewable energy, particularly wind, will occupy an important place in the coming decades, marked by the depletion of fossil fuel sources. In Cuba significant growth in the use of these energy sourcesis forecasted.For this reason is importantthe creation of reliable technology to ensure that future mission. The paper proposes as its central objective, the analysis of reliability of Wind Farm Gibara 2 starting from its representation based on the methodology of fault tree and to recommend some possible applications of the results. An essential step in the research is the determination of participating components in the fault tree and processing of the available reliability database at the Wind Farm Gibara 2. The document essentiallyhelpsin the identification of the main contributors to the unavailability of facilities and optimizing maintenance policy.

  13. Aplicación del método de jerarquías analíticas (AHP) a la gestión de pérdidas de agua en redes de abastecimiento


    Delgado Galván, Xitlali Virginia


    Las fugas en los sistemas de distribución de agua están provocadas por todos aquellos fallos en las tuberías, accesorios o tanques de almacenamiento que provocan una pérdida de agua. La cantidad de agua que se pierde por fugas en las redes de distribución de agua potable representa para los gestores de las empresas de abastecimiento uno de los mayores desafíos a los que deben enfrentarse, no solamente por el coste del agua que se pierde, sino porque esa agua lleva implícita una serie de coste...

  14. La eutanasia y la medicalización de la vida desde una perspectiva jurídica compleja

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    Elvio Galati


    Full Text Available Este trabajo trata el fenómeno de la medicalización de la vida relacionado con el fin de esta; esboza, además, vínculos con el derecho a través de la juridización de la salud, y así incorpora como resultado este término. Se hace hincapié en un caso actual sobre retiro del soporte vital y se relaciona con la ley de derechos del paciente, fallos, legislación extranjera y doctrina médica, bioética y jurídica. El marco teórico es el del pensamiento complejo de Edgar Morin y la teoría trialista del mundo jurídico. El aporte se centra en el tratamiento complejo y trialista del fenómeno de la medicalización de la muerte. En cuanto a la metodología, se plantea la cualitativa, estudiando casos reflejados en fallos, y analizando su discurso. El tema permite tratar problemas de teoría general del derecho como el vacío legislativo y el papel del juez. Se concluye provisoriamente que Argentina tiene una cultura juridizadora, a pesar de la ley que contempla la llamada muerte digna.

  15. Asociación del virus herpes humano 8 y la hiperplasia linfoide nodular difusa del intestino delgado en la inmunodeficiencia variable común Association between the human herpesvirus 8 and the diffuse nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the small intestine in common variable immunodeficiency

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    Elena Kokuina


    Full Text Available La inmunodeficiencia variable común (IDVC es la inmunodeficiencia primaria más frecuente en el terreno clínico y sus formas de presentación son muy variables. Se describe una paciente con IDVC de adulto con síndrome diarreico crónico, pérdida de peso y linfoadenopatías difusas. Sus características inmunológicas más notables fueron una profunda hipogammaglobulinemia de las 3 clases mayores de inmunoglobulinas y la disminución numérica de las células B (CD19+ y células NK (CD3-CD56+ en sangre periférica. La biopsia del intestino delgado obtenida por panendoscopia asistida por video, reveló hiperplasia linfoide multinodular con atrofia parcial de las vellosidades. La inmunohistoquímica mostró que los nódulos consistían en centros germinales aumentados de tamaño con una distribución de células B (CD20+ y células T (CD3+, similar a la del folículo normal. No se encontró expresión diferencial de cadenas ligeras κ y λ. El método de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real (QRT-PCR detectó un número apreciable de copias del genoma del virus del herpes humano tipo 8 (VHH-8 (133 copias/µL de ADN en el ADN del nódulo intestinal biopsiado. La infección con el VHH-8 puede ser un factor importante en la patogenia de los trastornos linfoproliferativos en pacientes con IDVC.The common variable immunodeficiency (CVID is the more frequent primary immunodeficiency in clinical field and its presentation forms are very variable. We describe the case of a women presenting with adult CVID with chronic diarrhea syndrome, weight loss and diffuse lymphadenopathies, where the more marked immunologic features were a deep hypogammaglobulinemia of the three major kinds of immunoglobulins and numerical decrease of B cells (CD19+ and NK cells (CD3-CD56+ in peripheral blood. Biopsy of small intestine obtained by video-assisted panendoscope, showed the presence of a multinodular lymphoid hyperplasia with partial atrophy of

  16. Establecimiento de una base de datos de señales de vibraciones acústicas e imágenes termográficas infrarrojas para un sistema mecánico rotativo con la combinación de diferentes tipos de fallos y elaboración de guías de prácticas para detección de fallos en engranajes


    Guiracocha Guiracocha, Rómulo Andrés


    El proyecto genera bases de datos de señales de emisión acústica, señales de vibración mecánicas e imágenes termográficas sobre un sistema mecánico rotativo que servirán en el diagnóstico de fallos aplicado al monitoreo de la condición y se generan guías de práctica para el análisis de vibraciones mecánicas en caja de engranajes y evaluación térmica de rodamientos. This project generates databases of acoustic emission signals, mechanical vibration signals and thermal images on a rotating m...

  17. Evaluación de confiabilidad tecnológica del parque ae rogenerador de Gibara 2 ; EVALUATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL RELIABILIT Y OF WIND TURBINE FACILITY GIBARA 2

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    Erich Martínez Martín


    Full Text Available Las energías renovables,en particular la eólica,ocuparán un lugar importante en las próximas décadas, marcadas por el agotamiento de las fuentes de combustible fósil. En Cuba se prevé un crecimiento considerable en la utilización de estas fuentes energéticas. De ahí la importancia de crear las bases del uso de tecnologías confiables que garantice tal misión futura. El artículo se propone como objetivo central, realizar el análisis de confiabilidad del parque eólico Gibara 2 partiendo del empleo de la metodología de árbol de fallos y recomendar algunas posibles aplicaciones desus resultados. Un paso esencial en la investigación es la determinación de los componentes que participarán en el árbol de fallos y el procesamiento de la base de datos disponible en el parque Gibar a 2. El documento tributa esencialmente a la identificación de los contribuyentes principales a la indisponibilidad de los parques y a la optimización de la política de mantenimiento. Renewable energy, particularly wind, will occupy an important place in the coming decades, marked by the depletion of fossil fuel sources. In Cuba significant gr owth in the use of these energy sourcesis forecasted. For this reason is importantthe creation of reliable technology to ensure that future mission. The paper proposes as its central objective, the analysis of reliability of Wind Farm Gibara 2 starting from its representation based on the methodology of fault tree and to recommend some possible applications of the results. An essential step in the research is the det ermination of participating components in the fault tree and processing of the available reliability database at the Wind Farm Gibara 2. The document essentially helpsin the identification of the main contributors to the unavailability of facilities and optimizing maintenance policy.

  18. Sistema de diagnóstico para la estimación de secciones en fallo en sistemas eléctricos de potencia; A Diagnostic Systems to Estimate Faulty Sections in Power Electric Systems


    Marta Bravo de las Casas; Humberto Machado Fernández; Zenaida García Valdivia; Alain Álvarez Chávez; Isis Bonet Cruz; Norma E Cabrera González


    El sistema de diagnóstico para la estimación de secciones en fallo (SDESF) para sistemas eléctricos depotencia (SEP) expuesto en el trabajo, usa la información procedente de los relés operados e interruptoresdisparados. Está escrito en Prolog, lenguaje de inteligencia artificial e implementado en una computadorapersonal. La tarea básica de este sistema es entrenar a los despachadores y utilizarlo como una herramientade apoyo a la toma de decisi...

  19. Metaplasia Intestinal en la unión esófago-gástrica, frecuencia y correlaciones


    Barreda Bolaños, Fernando; Sánchez Lihon, Juvenal; Tello Huamaní, Waldo; Gómez Ponce, Regina; Díaz del Olmo, Mauricio


    La incidencia del adenocarcinoma alrededor de la unión esófago-gástrica está en incremento. La significación de la metaplasia intestinal encontrada en muestras obtenidas de la unión esófago-gástrica de aspecto normal no es clara. El propósito del presente reporte ha sido el definir la frecuencia de presentación de la metaplasia intestinal en la unión esófago-gástrica con apariencia endoscópica normal y precisar sus relaciones clínicas, endoscópicas e histológicas. METODOS: Se evaluaron 239 pa...

  20. Trasplantectomía tras fallo del injerto renal


    Antón-Pérez, Gloria; Gallego-Samper, Roberto; Marrero-Robayna, Silvia; Henríquez-Palop, Fernando; Rodríguez-Pérez, José C.


    El 4-10% de los pacientes incidentes en diálisis portan un injerto renal no funcionante y hasta en el 32% de los casos, según las series, se requiere la realización de trasplantectomía por diversas causas. La mortalidad de estos pacientes es significativamente mayor que la de aquéllos con injerto funcionante o en terapia renal sustitutiva sin injerto previo. Se han sugerido como indicaciones actuales de trasplantectomía el síndrome de intolerancia al injerto, la pérdida precoz de éste, la pre...

  1. La nueva cara del olvido

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    Carlos J. Gómez-Ariza


    Full Text Available Tradicionalmente, los fenómenos de olvido se han considerado consecuencia de un sistema cognitivo que, a veces, muestra fallos en su funcionamiento. Aunque algunos tipos de olvido pueden explicarse bien bajo este supuesto, otros pueden interpretarse desde una óptica bien diferente. La investigación reciente en este campo sugiere que olvidar cierta información facilita el recuerdo de otra relacionada.


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    Bertha Maggi De Monserrate


    Full Text Available La pandemia de la obesidad, diabetes mellitus 2, enfermedades cardiovasculares son la mejor prueba de que el tratamiento para estas patologías han fracasado, hasta ahora se ha intervenido en el factor genético y ambiental; pero surge como un posible tercer factor, la microbiota intestinal que podría estar relacionada con el síndrome metabólico el cual se ha comprobado es causante de las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles anteriores citadas. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, que permita dilucidar la situación actual de las investigaciones que establecen una relación entre la microbiota intestinal y el Síndrome metabólico. La clave para esta hipótesis fue el paradigma emergente de la esencia natural de las comunidades microbianas complejas y su importancia para la biología de los mamíferos, la salud y las enfermedades humanas. Dos proyectos llevan a cabo la tarea de descifrar la estructura y funcionalidad de la flora intestinal humana, así como su relación con estados de enfermedad, el Proyecto MetaHIT y el Proyecto de la Microbiota Humana(2007, otros autores como Diaman et al (2011, Robles-Alonso, Guarner F. (2013, Devaraj S (2013, Fernández Palomares (2013, entre otros han estudiado directamente síndrome metabólico-obesidad y diabetes mellitus 2 y microbiota intestinal. La determinación de los microrganismos de la microbiota se analiza mediante metagenómica y la secuenciación de genes ARNr 16S en heces. El desequilibrio de la microbiota intestinal (disbiosis afecta la obtención de nutrientes, energía y un sinfín de rutas metabólicas del huésped. El avance de estos estudios han determinando una mejor comprensión del papel de la microbiota intestinal en la obesidad, síndrome metabólico, diabetes mellitus 2 y enfermedades cardiovasculares.

  3. A parsimonious model to forecast financial distress, based on audit evidence

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    Carlos Piñeiro Sánchez


    Full Text Available Este artículo proporciona evidencia de que los informes de auditoría contienen evidencias relevantes para inferir la existencia de disfunciones financieras latentes. A diferencia de trabajos previos, que han estudiado el fallo financiero en grandes empresas cotizadas, fundamentalmente de EE.UU., nuestro trabajo se centra en Pymes españolas sometidas a tensiones financieras latentes. Nuestros resultados indican que la auditoría de las Pymes financieramente desequilibradas posee varias características distintivas: una tasa mayor de rotación de auditores, más informes con salvedades e incumplimientos de los plazos legales para aprobar y registrar las cuentas anuales. Empleamos estas evidencias para construir y verificar un modelo simple, o parsimonioso, capaz de anticipar eficazmente esas disfunciones. Se discuten las implicaciones para la independencia del auditor, la calidad de la información, y el pronóstico del fallo.

  4. Persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico


    Mariño, Laura P.; Fraga, Juan I.; Rubio, Soraya; Segarra, Juan; Gaetano, Mauro; Ossés, José A.


    La persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico es una de las formas de presentación más raras de los restos embrionarios derivados de este conducto. Se presenta el caso de un recién nacido en el que se constata salida de contenido intestinal a través del ombligo. Se confirma el diagnóstico de persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico mediante fistulografía umbilical, procediéndose a su corrección quirúrgica (resección de conducto onfalomesentérico). Se describe la metodología diagnóstica, s...

  5. Constipação intestinal em pacientes com tumores intracranianos Obstipación intestinal en pacientes com tumores intracraneanos Intestinal constipation in patients with intracranial tumors

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    Analuiza Cândido Torres


    Full Text Available O esforço que ocorre durante a manobra de Valsalva gera aumento da pressão intracraniana e pode descompensar pacientes com hipertensão intracraniana. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a incidência de constipação intestinal no pré-operatório de pacientes com tumores intracranianos e relacionar a constipação intestinal com a descompensação da hipertensão intracraniana. O estudo foi realizado na unidade de neurocirurgia do Hospital São Paulo, de agosto a outubro de 2003, com a avaliação de 37 pacientes. O tempo médio de pré-operatório foi de 12 dias, variando de 2 a 34 dias. Durante esse período, 6 (16,2% pacientes apresentaram constipação, sendo que todos receberam dieta laxativa e lactulose, e destes, 2 (33,3% necessitaram de enema. Todos os pacientes realizaram manobra de Valsalva durante a evacuação, e não foi observada descompensação da hipertensão intracraniana nos pacientes que apresentaram ou não constipação intestinal.El esfuerzo empleado durante la maniobra de Valsalva produce aumento de la presión intracraneana, que podría llevar a descompensación de los pacientes con hipertensión intracraneana. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron evaluar la incidencia de constipación intestinal en el preoperatorio de pacientes con tumores intracraneanos y relacionar la constipación intestinal con la descompensación de la hipertensión intracraneana. El estudio fue realizado en la unidad de neurocirugía del Hospital São Paulo, Brasil, de agosto a octubre de 2003, evaluando a 37 pacientes. El tiempo medio de preoperatorio fue 12 días, oscilando entre 2 y 34 días. Durante éste periodo 6 (16,2% pacientes presentaron constipación, considerando que todos recibieron dieta laxante y lactulosa; de estos, 2 (33,3% necesitaron de enema. Todos los pacientes hicieron maniobra de Valsalva durante la eliminación de heces; no se observó descompensación de la hipertensión intracraneana en los pacientes que

  6. Radiation susceptibility of the mouse smalleye mutants, Del(2)Sey3Hpax6 and Del(2)Sey4Hpax6, which delete the chromosome 2 middle regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nitta, Y.; Hoshi, M.; Yoshida, K.; Yamate, J.; Peters, J.; Cattanach, B.M.


    Full text: LOH at the chromosome 2 middle regions is common in the radiation-induced mouse acute myeloid leukemia (AML). To identify the suppressor or the modifier gene of AML at this region, the mouse deletion mutants, Del(2)Sey3H pax6 and Del(2)Sey3H pax6 could be the good models, as they deleted the chromosome 2 middle regions hemizygously. The allele of the partially deleted chromosome 2 was paternally generated and maintained hemizygously. The exact deleted regions of the two mutants were mapped by the PCR-based detection of polymorphism of the STS markers. The length of the deletions was 3.01Mb and 10.11MB for Del(2)Sey3H pax6 and Del(2)Sey3H pax6 , respectively. For the induction of tumors, a radiation, 3.0Gy of Co-60 and a chemical carcinogen, N-methyl-N-nitrosourea were applied to the mutants. Their tumorigenicity was compared with those of control as well as normal sibs by the Kaplan-Meier analysis. Both mutants were found to predispose to small intestinal tumors. Intestinal tumors developed spontaneously with the incidence of 30%. The radiation and the chemical accelerated the malignancy and increased the incidence of the intestinal tumors. Radiation shortened the latency of AML development in the Del(2)Sey3H pax6 mutant but not in the Del(2)Sey3H pax6 . Spontaneous AML has not been observed, nor any increase in the incidence of induced AMLs. The commonly deleted region of the two mutants, the 3.01Mb region, must be critical for the development of tumors and the high susceptibility to radiation. The role of Pax6 gene should be considered in the intestinal tumorigenesis, as the Pax6 gene plays an important role in the pancreas development during the embryogenesis. The Wt1, a tumor suppressor gene, which is deleted hemizygously in these mutants as well. The screening of homozygous deletion has been started using the induced as well as spontaneously developed tumors

  7. Estudio por emisión acústica del comportamiento a flexión de recubrimientos WC-Co obtenidos por plasma atmosférico

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    Segovia, F.


    Full Text Available Plasma sprayed cermet coatings WC-Co are used in a wide range of industrial applications, mainly due to their wear resistance even in corrosive environments. The objective of this work is to analyze mechanical response of hard metal coatings by means of three- and four-points bend tests applying acoustic emission technique to determine failure critical strength. It has been observed the effect of supported charge level in structural damage by means of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Acoustic emission has allowed us to relate damage level to stresses level and then to understand coatings failure mechanism.

    Los recubrimientos de cermet WC-Co proyectados por plasma se utilizan en un amplio rango de aplicaciones industriales, principalmente por su resistencia al desgaste, incluso en medio corrosivo. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la respuesta mecánica de los recubrimientos de metal duro mediante ensayos de flexión a 3 y 4 puntos aplicando el método de emisión acústica para determinar las tensiones críticas de fallo. Se ha observado el efecto del nivel de carga soportado en el dañado estructural mediante microscopia óptica y electrónica de barrido. La emisión acústica ha permitido relacionar el grado de dañado con el nivel de tensiones y, así, entender el mecanismo de fallo de los recubrimientos.

  8. Obstrucción intestinal por fitobezoar en un divertículo de Meckel

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    Llipsy Teresa Fernández Santiesteban

    Full Text Available El divertículo de Meckel es la anomalía más frecuente del aparato gastrointestinal y, aunque ocurre igualmente en ambos sexos, la presentación de síntomas y complicaciones es más frecuente en el sexo masculino. La obstrucción intestinal es la complicación más común en el adulto. Se reporta el caso clínico de un paciente de 41 años que se presenta con dolor abdominal y vómitos de 12 h de evolución, al cual se le diagnostica una obstrucción intestinal mecánica. La radiografía de abdomen demostró niveles hidroaéreos compatibles con el diagnóstico de obstrucción intestinal. Los hallazgos de la cirugía fueron asas de yeyuno e íleon muy dilatadas, con gran cantidad de líquido en su interior y edema, lo cual fue provocado por un fitobezoar -mayormente de fibras de mango- que ocupaba la luz de un divertículo de Meckel de base ancha. Se resecó un segmento intestinal de 6 cm, donde estaba la base del divertículo, y se practicó una anastomosis primaria en dos planos con sutura discontinua de ácido poliglicólico. El paciente se recuperó sin complicaciones en el posoperatorio.

  9. [Adult intestinal malrotation associated with intestinal volvulus]. (United States)

    Hernando-Almudí, Ernesto; Cerdán-Pascual, Rafael; Vallejo-Bernad, Cristina; Martín-Cuartero, Joaquín; Sánchez-Rubio, María; Casamayor-Franco, Carmen

    Intestinal malrotation is a congenital anomaly of the intestinal rotation and fixation, and usually occurs in the neonatal age. Description of a clinical case associated with acute occlusive symptoms. A case of intestinal malrotation is presented in a previously asymptomatic woman of 46 years old with an intestinal obstruction, with radiology and surgical findings showing an absence of intestinal rotation. Intestinal malrotation in adults is often asymptomatic, and is diagnosed as a casual finding during a radiological examination performed for other reasons. Infrequently, it can be diagnosed in adults, associated with an acute abdomen. Copyright © 2016 Academia Mexicana de Cirugía A.C. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  10. Parasitismo intestinal en una escuela primaria de Bata, Guinea Ecuatorial Intestinal parasitism in an elementary school in Bata, Equatorial Guinea

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    William Quintero Pérez


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de precisar el grado de parasitismo intestinal según la edad, así como identificar los parásitos intestinales más frecuentes en la escuela primaria "Amiguitos de Jesús" de la ciudad de Bata, Guinea Ecuatorial, en el periodo septiembre 2002 a Junio 2003, se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo. En el mismo se encontró que el grado de parasitismo intestinal fue de un 29.9 % del total de análisis realizados, predominando sobre todo en los menores de 6 años; un 44.7% de éstos estaban infestados. Se encontró un predominio de los vermes: el más frecuente fue Trichuris trichiura, para el 95.1 % del total de niños infestados, y el áscaris lumbricoides, con un 75.6% del total de 41 infestados. De los protozoos, el más frecuente fue la ameba, existiendo en un 17.07 % de los infestados. El grado de infestación encontrado es elevado, requiriéndose programas educativos para fomentar el cuidado de los hábitos higiénicos de los niños. El predominio de los parásitos encontrados podría deberse a la contaminación de la tierra con heces fecales y a la falta de un adecuado tratamiento de las aguas para el consumo, y de infraestructura sanitaria.With the aim of defining exactly the grade of intestinal parasitism according to age, as well as identifying the most frequent intestinal parasites in "Amiguitos de Jesús" Elementary School in Bata City, Equatorial Guinea, during septembre 2002 to June 2003, a descriptive, prospective study is carried out. In the study it was found that the parasitism grade was 29.9% from the total of the analysis performed, predominating in those under 6 years of age: 44.7% of these cases were infected. A prevalence of vermes was observed, Trichuris trichiuria was the most frequent species found, representing 95,1% from the total of infected children and Ascaris lumbricoides 75,6% from the total of 41 infected. Among protozoa, amoeba was the most frequent specie observed, being present in 17

  11. A criança com estoma intestinal e sua família: implicações para o cuidado de enfermagem

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    Débora Poletto


    Full Text Available La finalidad del estudio fue identificar el conocimiento del cuidador familiar hacia los cuidados del niño con estoma intestinal. Se trata de una investigación convergente asistencial, realizada en una unidad quirúrgica de un hospital escuela pediátrico. Participaron del estudio siete madres de niños con estoma intestinal. Los datos se recolectaron mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas, con análisis cualitativo de los datos. Emergieron tres categorías: las dificultades ante la nueva situación; el cuidado que necesita de conocimiento específico; y la percepción de la familia ante el cuidado realizado por el equipo de salud. Se identificó que, cuando el cuidado se brinda de manera integral para el bienestar y la comprensión del paciente y del familiar, el regreso a casa y la rutina diaria son más fáciles y se sienten más seguros para adherirse a las nuevas condiciones establecidas ante el mundo desconocido de los que sufren la condición de vivir con un estoma.

  12. Vólvulo del sigmoides: Morbilidad; estudio de 63 pacientes

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    Eddy Sierra Enrique


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio de 63 pacientes que presentaron obstrucción intestinal por vólvulo del sigmoides, a los cuales se les trató por diferentes métodos en el Hospital Yekatit 12, de Addis Abeba, Etiopía, durante el período de agosto de 1988 a julio de 1990. Esta afección se presentó en el 87,3 % de los pacientes con más de 50 años y es la causa más frecuente de obstrucción intestinal en dicha región, pues representa el 75,0 % de la serie estudiada. Se trataron médicamente de urgencia por medio de la reducción no quirúrgica del vólvulo del sigmoides un total de 12 pacientes, para el 19,0 % de la serie; en el 75,0 % de ellos se obtuvo la reducción del vólvulo, mientras que en el 25,0 % restante se fracasó. Los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de urgencia por la técnica de la desvolvulación, mostraron una recurrencia del 55,5 %. La mortalidad por tratamiento médico es cero, y por tratamiento quirúrgico es 13,7 %. Dentro de las distintas formas de tratamiento quirúrgico, el de resección y anastomosis primaria presenta el 23,8 % de mortalidadA study of 63 patients who suffered from intestinal obstruction due to sigmoid volvulus is conducted. They were treated by different methods at the Yekatit 12 Hospital, in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, from August, 1988, to July, 1990. This affection was present in 87,3 % of the patients over 50 and it is the most frequent cause of intestinal obstruction in that region, since it accounts for 75.0 % of the series studied. 12 patients were urgently treated by means of the non-surgical reduction of the sigmoid volvulus, accounting for 19.0 %. Volvulus reduction was possible in 75 % of them, where as it failed in 25 %. The results of the urgent surgical treatment by the removal of the volvulus showed a recurrence of 55.5 %. The mortality from medical treatment was null, whereas the mortality from surgical treatment was 13.7 %. Among the different forms of surgical treatment, resection and

  13. Identificación de Parásitos Gastrointestinales en dos Especies de Delfines en Cautiverio del Acuario y Museo del Mar el Rodadero ubicado en Santa Marta‚ Magdalena -resumen-


    Dave Wehdeking-Hernández; J Rodríguez; C Zuluaga; Luis Barrios; Julio Mejía


    Las infecciones parasitarias en animales tienen distribución mundial y se caracterizan por una sintomatología intestinal inespecífica; por procesos clínicos que pueden ser agudos‚ sub agudos y crónicos. La epidemiologia de las parasitosis intestinales es muy variada‚ depende del tipo de parásito‚ del área geográfica‚ del estado general del hospedero y de los hábitos poblacionales. Teniendo en cuenta que los delfines son uno de los principales atractivos del acuario‚ se estableció un protocolo...


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    José Enrique Devesa Carpio


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se pretende resaltar los fallos e inequidades del sistema de pensiones español en la actualidad, así como evaluar si la reforma de las pensiones, aprobada en 2011, ha conseguido mejorar la equidad del sistema. También se intentará distinguir qué medidas tienen un contenido político y cuál hubiera sido su configuración en el caso de que se hubiera tenido en cuenta el punto de vista actuarial, de tal forma que se pudiese alcanzar un mayor grado de contributividad. This paper aims to highlight the failures and inequities of the current Spanish pension system and to assess whether the pension reform, adopted in 2011, has improved the equity of the system. The paper also tries to distinguish which measures have a political content and what configuration the reform had had in the case of taking the actuarial point of view into account, in order to achieve a higher level of contribution.

  15. La modulación de sentencias de la Corte Constitucional: ¿juez natural para la responsabilidad del Estado legislador?

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    Juan Pablo Sarmiento Erazo


    Full Text Available Este artículo expone la investigación efectuada sobre la jurisprudencia constitucional en torno a efectos de sentencias distintas a los fallos ex nunc, que se dimensionan en el tiempo o que adicionan a beneficiarios de la norma declarada inconstitucional, y en fin, los distintos tipos de sentencias de constitucionalidad que tienen efectos patrimoniales, tanto para el Estado como para el individuo. Se argumenta que, ciertos fallos dotados de amplio margen de activismo judicial pueden conducir a la reparación de perjuicios causados al individuo por normas inconstitucionales insertas en la disposición evaluada por el Tribunal Constitucional.

  16. Metodología integrada para la evaluación de riesgos en la Red de Carreteras de Gipuzkoa


    Corominas Dulcet, Jordi; Mavrouli, Olga; Ibarbia Ilarraz, Iñaki


    Se presenta una metodología de carácter integradorpara evaluar el nivel de riesgo de fallo o rotura en estructuras y taludes anclados,terraplenes, desprendimientos en laderas y desmontes, corrientes de derrubios y deslizamientos que ha sido aplicada a la Red de Carreteras de Gipuzkoa. En la presente comunicación se proporcionan los detalles del cálculo del riesgo para desprendimientos rocosos y estructuras de contención ancladas.


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    J.F. Ortiz


    Full Text Available Se expone el caso de un perro mestizo de Fox Terrier que presentaba diarrea sanguino-lenta que no mejoró al tratamiento inicial; se detectó a la palpación una masa a nivel del colon, que se confirmó con un estudio radiográfico de tránsito intestinal; también, se diagnosticó un megacolon. Se decidió realizar una laparotomía exploratoria donde se encontró una intususcepción cecocólica y la invaginación del ciego, el procedimiento quirúrgico realizado consistió en hacer tiflectomia y enteroanastomosis término-terminal; luego de este procedimiento, el paciente se recuperó completamente del cuadro intestinal que presentaba.

  18. Identificación de criterios de orden legal y científico en el derecho probatorio del sistema penal que incidieron en el proferimiento de sentencias de los enjuiciados por delitos sexuales entre el 2009-2010 en dos municipios del Valle del Cauca

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    Cielo Tabares Valencia


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue identificar los criterios de orden legal y científico en el derecho probatorio del sistema penal que incidieron en el proferimiento de sentencias de los enjuiciados por delitos sexuales entre el 2009-2010 en dos municipios del Valle del Cauca. El método utilizado consistió en el estudio de casos en 21 fallos entre el 2009-2010, con aplicación de variables sociodemográficas, médicolegales/ científico-forenses utilizadas para la descripción de los casos. En los análisis realizados en SPSS, se calcularon medidas de tendencia central, posición y dispersión a los datos cuantitativos, y a los cualitativos se les calcularon proporciones y razones. Se usó el test de chi cuadrado y un valor de p ≤=0,05 fue considerado como significante. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron que las mujeres entre 5-14 años fueron las más afectadas, y sus agresores, prevalentes familiares. La mayoría de los casos fueron actos sexuales abusivos, dos de acto sexual agravado en concurso homogéneo y heterogéneo. El informe médico-legal estuvo en todas las sentencias, y le siguió, en orden de frecuencia, el de psicología forense. Los ausentes en su mayor proporción fueron los de biología o genética forense. La investigación realizada permitió concluir que es tarea de los jueces garantizar la integridad de los menores víctimas de abuso sexual; no obstante, para ello cuentan con poco acervo probatorio científico-forense.

  19. Obstrucción intestinal por remanente onfalomesentérico obliterado en paciente adulto: Reporte de un caso




    El remanente del conducto onfalomesentérico es una de las anomalías congénitas más raras asociadas con la permanencia del saco vitelino. Dentro de los cinco subtipos que se describen en la literatura, la banda onfalomesentérica o conducto onfalomesentérico obliterado es el de menor frecuencia. Presentamos un caso muy infrecuente de persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico, que ocasionó una obstrucción intestinal en un paciente adulto y que fue resuelto de forma quirúrgica.

  20. Clasificación de fallas con redes neuronales para grupos electrógenos : Faults classification with neuronal networks for electrogen groups

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    Luis Corrales Barrios


    Full Text Available Con el incremento del grado de dependencia de la sociedad moderna de los sistemas y procesos tecnológicos complejos, su disponibilidad y correcto funcionamiento se han convertido en una cuestión estratégica, donde las tareas de diagnóstico y clasificación de fallos juegan un rol muy importante con el fin de garantizar y mantener en operación continúa y confiable al proceso, los fallos pueden provocar desde una reducción del desempeño hasta un daño que provoque paradas en la producción. La generación distribuida de energía eléctrica a través de los grupos electrógenos instalados, no está ajena a sufrir fallas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollar un sistema para el diagnóstico y clasificación de fallos para la unidad de motores Diesel (MTU del Emplazamiento de Grupo Electrógeno Camagüey 1. La solución propuesta constituye una herramienta para evaluar la aplicación de mantenimiento preventivo antes de la ocurrencia de un fallo.With the increment of the grade of dependence of the modern society of the systems and complex technological processes, their readiness and correct operation they have become a strategic question, where the tasks of diagnostic and classification of shortcomings plays a very important list with the purpose of to guarantee and to maintain in operation it continues and reliable to the process. The shortcomings can cause from a reduction of the acting until a damage that causes stopped in the production. The distributed generation of electric power through the groups installed, is not unaware to suffer shortcomings. This work has as objective the development of a system for the diagnosis and classification of shortcomings for the Diesel unit of motors (MTU of the Location of Grupo Electrógeno Camagüey 1. The proposed solution constitutes a tool to evaluate the application of preventive maintenance before the occurrence of a failure.

  1. Clasificación de fallas con redes neuronales para grupos electrógenos; Faults classification with neuronal networks for electrogen groups

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    Luis Corrales Barrios


    Full Text Available Con el incremento del grado de dependencia de la sociedad moderna de los sistemas y procesos tecnológicos complejos, su disponibilidad y correcto funcionamiento se han convertido en una cuestión estratégica, donde las tareas de diagnóstico y clasificación de fallos juegan un rol muy importante con el fin de garantizar y mantener en operación continúa y confiable al proceso, los fallos pueden provocar desde una reducción del desempeño hasta un daño que provoque paradas en la producción. La generación distribuida de energía eléctrica a través de los grupos electrógenos instalados, no está ajena a sufrir fallas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollar un sistema para el diagnóstico y clasificación de fallos para la unidad de motores Diesel (MTU del Emplazamiento de Grupo Electrógeno Camagüey 1. La solución propuesta constituye una herramienta para evaluar la aplicación de mantenimiento preventivo antes de la ocurrencia de un fallo.  With the increment of the grade of dependence of the modern society of the systems and complex technological processes, their readiness and correct operation they have become a strategic question, where the tasks of diagnostic and classification of shortcomings plays a very important list with the purpose of to guarantee and to maintain in operation it continues and reliable to the process. The shortcomings can cause from a reduction of the acting until a damage that causes stopped in the production. The distributed generation of electric power through the groups installed, is not unaware to suffer shortcomings. This work has as objective the development of a system for the diagnosis and classification of shortcomings for the Diesel unit of motors (MTU of the Location of Grupo Electrógeno Camagüey 1. The proposed solution constitutes a tool to evaluate the application of preventive maintenance before the occurrence of a failure.


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    Marcelo Castañeda Colorado


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de evaluar el efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada y de la edad de corte sobre la digestibilidad intestinal In vitro de la proteína del pasto kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst, se seleccionaron 16 parcelas a las cuales se les asignó uno de los siguientes tratamientos (cuatro parcelas/tratamiento: T1 (30 días de corte y 0 kg/N/Ha/Corte, T2 (60 días de corte y 0 kg/N/Ha/Corte, T3 (60 días de corte y 50 kg/N/Ha/Corte y T4 (30 días de corte y 50 kg/N/Ha/Corte. Luego de 120 días de tratamiento se recolectaron 5 submuestras de cada parcela con las que se conformó una muestra final para cada parcela en las que se analizó el contenido de proteína cruda y se realizó la prueba de degradabilidad ruminal a 16 horas y la prueba de digestibilidad intestinal In vitro de la proteína por el método de los tres pasos. Los resultados mostraron que no hubo efecto de la edad de corte, ni de la fertilización nitrogenada sobre el porcentaje de proteína cruda del pasto kikuyo. Los valores de digestibilidad intestinal como porcentaje de la proteína no degradable en rumen fueron: 52,51%, 56,14% para las praderas sin fertilizar con edad de corte de 30 y 60 días respectivamente y 43,38%, 45,40% para las praderas fertilizadas con edad de corte de 30 y 60 días respectivamente.With the purpose of evaluating the effect of the nitrogen fertilization and cut age on the In vitro intestinal digestibility of kikuyo grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst protein, 16 plots were made, everyone assigned one of the following treatments (four plots per treatment: T1 (30 cut -day and 0 kg/ N/ Ha/ cut, T2 (60 cut-day and 0 kg/ N/ Ha/ cut, T3 (60 cut-day and 50 kg/ N/ Ha/ cut and T4 (30 cut-day and 50kg/ N/ Ha/ cut. 120 days after the treatment, 5 sub-samples were harvested of each plot, which were defined as final samples for each plot and, were realized to these samples a ruminal degradability trial for 16 hours and In vitro three-step method of

  3. Intestino delgado y patologías asociadas a la malabsorción intestinal


    Herrería Román, Esther


    La absorción intestinal es una función indispensable para el correcto desarrollo del ser humano. Sin embargo, no nos damos cuenta de lo vital que es hasta que sufrimos algún tipo de malabsorción que nos limita el desarrollo de una vida diaria plena. Expondremos en primer lugar la estructura, capas, células y función del intestino delgado, para comprender el desarrollo de algunas enfermedades que cursan con malabsorción, como la enfermedad de Crohn, la intolerancia a la lactosa y la intoleranc...

  4. El síndrome de Kallmann. Correlación fenotipo-genotípica.


    García Piñero, Alfonso José


    El Síndrome de Kallmann (SK) es una enfermedad genética del desarrollo, que asocia un hipogonadismo hipogonadotrópico (HH) congénito con pérdida total (anosmia) o parcial (hiposmia) del olfato. La alteración olfativa es secundaria a la aplasia o hipoplasia de las estructuras olfatorias (bulbos, tractos y surcos cerebrales olfatorios). El HH se debe a la deficiencia en la hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas hipotalámica (GnRH) como resultado del fallo en la migración de las neuronas productor...

  5. Síndrome de compartimento abdominal durante pinçamento por via endoscópica de perfuração intestinal secundária à colonoscopia Síndrome de compartimiento abdominal durante pinzamiento por vía endoscópica de perforación intestinal secundaria a la colonoscopia Abdominal compartment syndrome during endoscopic clamping of an intestinal perforation secondary to colonoscopy

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    Magda Lourenço Fernandes


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A colonoscopia é um exame muito utilizado nos dias atuais para diagnóstico, tratamento e controle de doenças intestinais. A perfuração intestinal, embora rara, é a mais temida complicação deste exame. A correção da perfuração pode ser feita através do uso de clipes posicionados por via endoscópica. O objetivo deste relato de caso foi alertar os especialistas para a ocorrência e o tratamento de síndrome de compartimento abdominal durante pinçamento endoscópio de perfuração intestinal secundário à colonoscopia. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 60 anos, estado físico ASA II, submetida à colonoscopia sob sedação. Durante o exame constatou-se perfuração acidental do intestino e optou-se por tentar pinçar a perfuração por via endoscópica. A paciente evoluiu então com dor e distensão abdominal, pneumoperitônio, síndrome de compartimento abdominal, dispnéia e instabilidade cardiovascular. Realizou-se punção abdominal de emergência, o que determinou a melhora clínica da paciente até que laparotomia de urgência fosse realizada. Após laparotomia exploradora e sutura da perfuração a paciente evoluiu clinicamente bem. CONCLUSÕES: O pinçamento por via endoscópica de perfuração intestinal secundária à colonoscopia pode contribuir para a formação de pneumoperitônio hipertensivo e síndrome de compartimento abdominal, com repercussões clínicas graves que exigem tratamento imediato. Profissionais capacitados e recursos técnicos adequados podem ser fatores determinantes do prognóstico do paciente.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La colonoscopia es un examen utilizado muy a menudo en la actualidad para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y el control de las enfermedades intestinales. La perforación intestinal, aunque sea rara, es la más temida complicación de ese examen. La corrección de la perforación puede ser hecha a través del uso de clips introducidos por vía endosc

  6. Affaire Khlaifia et autres v. Italie: Estándares del debido proceso aplicados al procedimiento administrativo de migraciones y expulsión

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    Bárbara Cortés Cabrera


    Full Text Available En septiembre de 2015, el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos resolvió el caso caratulado Affaire Khlaifia et autres v. Italie (Caso Khlaifia y otros c. Italia, relativo al reclamo presentado contra Italia por la retención ilegal, condiciones de detención, e infracciones al debido proceso de migrantes tunecinos que ingresaron ilegalmente al país, a través de embarcaciones ligeras. El fallo es sumamente interesante, pues analiza ciertos estándares jurídicos que deben aplicarse al procedimiento administrativo observado por el Estado, para la expulsión del país de los inmigrantes. El presente trabajo busca identificar los principales criterios establecidos en la sentencia, y compararlos con los estándares establecidos previamente por la doctrina y los otros sistemas de derechos humanos.

  7. Comparison of three contrast radiographic techniques in the dog large intestine; Comparacion de tres tecnicas radiograficas de contraste en el intestino grueso del perro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vargas, L.; Thibaut, J.; Olhaberry, E.; Born, R.; Deppe, R. [Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia (Chile)


    In order to compare three radiographic techniques -pneumocolon, barium enema and double contrast- in the large intestine of the dog, three radiographic series in ventrodorsal and right lateral projections were taken. Six healthy adult dogs of both sexes with an approximate weight between 5 to 10 kg were used. Three enemas were administered 24, 12 and 2 hrs. before the series of radiographs were taken. Then dogs were anaesthetized with sodium tiopental (20 mg/kg iv) and the contrast media were introduced. Pneumocolon was carried out in the first series introducing air (20 cc/kg) in the large intestine through a Foley rectal catheter. Radiographs were taken in both projections, after 5 and 15min. respectively. Barium enema was performed in the second series introducing barium sulfate (18%) in the large intestine through a Foley rectal catheter (25 cc/kg); 5 and 15 min. later, the radiographs were taken. In the third series -double contrast- the barium sulfate, which was obtained from each dog using a catheter, was substituted by a volume of air equal to that obtained from the contrast medium. Later the radiographs were taken in both projections. The radiographic plates of each series were analized comparing the characteristics of: radiographic density, outline and volume. With the pneumocolon barium enema and double contrast, the radiographic density was, in most cases, low, high and inter-mediate respectively. The radiographic outline was, in most cases, regular for the three techniques. Thee radiographic volume was similar in all of the series. From the results obtained, it is concluded that double contrast best outlines the intestinal mucosa and more information can be obtained from it [Spanish] Con la finalidad de comparar tres tecnicas radiograficas del intestino grueso del perro -neumocolon, enema baritado y doble contraste-, se tomaron tres series radiograficas en proyeccion ventrodorsal y lateral derecha en 6 perros adultos, de 5 a 10 kg de peso, que

  8. Obstrucción intestinal por remanente onfalomesentérico obliterado en paciente adulto: Reporte de un caso




    El remanente del conducto onfalomesentérico es una de las anomalías congénitas más raras asociadas con la permanencia del saco vitelino. Dentro de los cinco subtipos que se describen en la literatura, la banda onfalomesentérica o conducto onfalomesentérico obliterado es el de menor frecuencia. Presentamos un caso muy infrecuente de persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico, que ocasionó una obstrucción intestinal en un paciente adulto y que fue resuelto de forma quirúrgica. Omphalomesent...

  9. Parasitosis intestinal, su relación con factores ambientales en niños del sector "Altos de Milagro", Maracaibo Intestinal parasitosis, its relation to environmental factors in children from the "Altos de Milagro", Maracaibo

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    Madeline Espinosa Morales


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: El parasitismo intestinal de conjunto con otras enfermedades infecciosas trasmisibles, constituye el motivo por el cual un gran número de pacientes acude a los consultorios populares en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela; dentro de ellos predominan los niños y adolescentes, debido a la pobre condición higiénico- sanitaria de las barriadas. OBJETIVO: Determinar la presencia de algunos factores ambientales condicionantes en niños parasitados, del sector "Altos de Milagro"Norte, Maracaibo estado Zulia, entre diciembre de 2008 y diciembre de 2009. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo para determinar el comportamiento de la parasitosis intestinal en los niños del sector y su relación con algunos factores ambientales, para lo cual se utilizó una encuesta realizada por la autora, con la finalidad de obtener la información relacionada con las diferentes variables a estudiar. RESULTADOS: Fueron atendidos 56 pacientes, 51,7 % representó al sexo masculino, este último fue el más parasitado con un 42,7 %, predominaron las edades comprendidas entre 1-4 años con 39,2 %, la disposición inadecuada de excretas estuvo presente en un 86,6 %, así como la presencia de vectores en un 94,6 %, y 26 pacientes consumían agua no tratada (57,8 %. CONCLUSIONES: Existió una elevada presencia de la enfermedad, el sexo masculino fue el más afectado; sin embargo no mostró diferencias significativas con el otro sexo. Predominó el grupo etario de 1-4 años. El alto porcentaje obtenido en los factores ambientales estudiados, mostró que fueron importantes en el comienzo, transmisión y propagación de la parasitosis. Se recomendó efectuar programas de intervención comunitaria que impidan o limiten la aparición de estas enfermedades.INTRODUCTION: The intestinal parasitism together with other transmissible and infectious disease is the reason by which many patients come to popular consulting rooms in the Bolivarian

  10. Persistencia del conducto onfalomesenterico. Presentación de un caso


    Sánchez Portela, Carlos A; Díaz Martínez, Jesús; Ampudia Lizano, Manuel; Sosa Hernández, Roberto; Rodríguez Ramos, William


    Se presentó el caso de un paciente de 42 años de edad, operado en el Hospital General Universitario «Abel Santamaría Cuadrado» de Pinar del Río, que presentaba una fístula entero cutánea, por persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico. El tratamiento consistió en la resección intestinal y anastomosis terminoterminal. La evolución postoperatoria fue satisfactoria. A 42 year old male patient underwent an operation at "Abel Santamaria" University Hospital, Pinar del Rio. The patient presente...

  11. Vólvulo del sigmoides: Morbilidad y mortalidad. Estudio de 63 pacientes

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    Eddy Sierra Enrique


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio de 63 pacientes que presentaron obstrucción intestinal por vólvulo del sigmoides, los cuales fueron tratados por diferentes métodos en el Hospital Yekatit 12, de Addis Abeba, Etiopía, durante el período de agosto de 1988 a julio de 1990. Esta afección se presentó en el 87,3 % de los pacientes con más de 50 años y es la causa más frecuente de obstrucción intestinal en dicha región, pues representa el 75,0 % de la serie estudiada. Se trataron médicamente de urgencia por medio de la reducción no quirúrgica del vólvulo del sigmoides un total de 12 pacientes, para el 19,0 % de la serie; en el 75,0 % de ellos se obtuvo la reducción del vólvulo, mientras que en el 25,0 % restante se fracasó. Los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de urgencia por la técnica de la desvolvulación, mostraron una recurrencia del 55,5 %. La mortalidad por tratamiento médico es cero, y por tratamiento quirúrgico es de 13,7 %. Dentro de las distintas formas de tratamiento quirúrgico, el de resección y anastomosis primaria presenta el 23,8 % de mortalidadA study of 63 patients presenting with intestinal obstruction due to a volvulus of the sigmoid is carried out. Patients were treated by different methods at Yekatit 12 hospital, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia from August, 1988 to July, 1990. This entity occurred in 87,3 % of patients over 50 years of age and it is the most frequent cause for intestinal obstruction in the region accounting for 75.0 % of the series studies. Twelve patients (19.0 % of the series were treated by nonsurgical reduction of the volvulus of the sigmoid; in 75.0 % of them the reduction of the volvulus was satisfactory, while in 25.0 % the results failed to be good. Results from the emergency surgical treatment by disvolvulation showed a recurrence rate of 55.5 %. Mortality from medical treatment is null, while mortality from surgical treatment is found to be 13.7 %. Among the different forms of surgical treatment

  12. FASE INTESTINAL DE Trichinella spiralis EN MODELO MURINO

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN Trichinella spiralis se encuentra principalmente en el hombre, rata, cerdo, perro; puede infectar a cualquier carnívoro u omnívoro. Cuando la carne o sus derivados están contaminados con larvas infectantes (LI de T. spiralis y son ingeridas éstas pasan al estómago, donde sus cápsulas son disueltas por acción de los jugos gástricos, las larvas son liberadas en pocas horas, después pasan a la porción proximal del intestino delgado, donde se lleva a cabo su desarrollo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la fase intestinal de T. spiralis en un modelo murino. Un lote de 45 ratas Long Evans, se infectaron con aproximadamente 500 LI, y fueron sacrificadas tres diarias por 15 días. Se tomó un segmento de duodeno, yeyuno e íleon y se fijaron en formol al 10% para posteriormente ser procesados en parafina y teñido con hematoxilina-eosina. El resto del intestino delgado fue fraccionado, se incubó a 37 ºC por dos horas y el sobrenadante se observó al microscopio de luz. Se encontró que el implante se lleva a cabo a nivel de yeyuno e íleon, que las hembras adultas dan origen aproximadamente 60-80 larvas recién nacidas (LRN, parto vivíparo en un tercio distal y subse-cuentemente son destruidas. Los machos adultos tienen espermatozoides no ciliados. Palabras clave: larvas infectantes, adultos, larvas recién nacidas. ABSTRACT Trichinella spiralis is a parasitic disease in man, rat, pig, but can infect any carnivorous or omnivorous. When the meat or their derivates are contaminated with infective larvae (il of T. spiralis pass to the stomach, their capsules are dissolved by the stomach juice, the larvaes are liberated in few hours, and then they pass to the near portion of the slim intestine in which they develop. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the intestine phase of T. spiralis in a murine model. Fourtyfive Long Evans rats were infected with 500 li approximately, then 3 rats were sacrificed everyday

  13. Intestinal Cancer (United States)

    ... connects your stomach to your large intestine. Intestinal cancer is rare, but eating a high-fat diet ... increase your risk. Possible signs of small intestine cancer include Abdominal pain Weight loss for no reason ...

  14. Hipnosis clínica en un caso de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

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    Full Text Available Un sujeto de veinte años con una enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal fue tratado con hipnosis. Hasta donde sabemos es el primer informe que documenta el empleo de la hipnosis clínica en un paciente con enfermedad de Crohn, para reducir el estrés y afrontar las demandas originadas por la patología digestiva. Además, otro aspecto importante en el presente trabajo, es el registro exhaustivo y consecutivo de la sintomatología gastrointestinal, un punto débil en la gran mayoría de los trabajos precedentes. Al finalizar la intervención psicológica disminuyó notablemente el nivel de intensidad del estrés, el número de deposiciones diarias así como la intensidad del dolor abdominal. Estos resultados se mantuvieron a lo largo del seguimiento.

  15. Arriola, Bazterrica, y la igualdad democrática

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    Alegre, Marcelo


    Full Text Available En el fallo “Arriola, Sebastián y otros s/ causa N° 9080”, casi 23 años después de pronunciarse en “Bazterrica, Gustavo Mario s/tenencia de estupefacientes”, la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación volvió a declarar la inconstitucionalidad de la punición de la tenencia de estupefacientes para uso personal. Ahora bien, ¿Retoma la Corte en Arriola la postura sostenida en Bazterrica en cuanto a la protección de la autonomía (art. 19, Constitución Nacional? ¿O la resguarda en menor medida? ¿O, en cambio, la robustece? En este trabajo se defiende una lectura del fallo en este último sentido, fundada en que en “Arriola” se reivindica el voto que Petracchi había emitido en Bazterrica –aún más liberal que el de la mayoría–. La interpretación amplia del alcance dado en “Arriola” al principio de autonomía ciertamente se compadece con la idea de igualdad democrática.

  16. Filosofía del aula inteligente del S. XXI: críticas urgentes y necesarias


    Sánchez-Bayón, Antonio


    Este estudio trata el aula inteligente (especialmente, el modelo SEK), evaluándose sus fundamentos filosóficos y educativos, además de profundizar en sus principales problemas y retos actuales, con el tránsito al nuevo estadio de la globalización (globalización 2.0). Se diagnostican los fallos coyunturales y paradigmáticos (desmontándose inferencias, imposturas y falacias), y se pronostica acerca de los riesgos de no tomar medidas correctoras. Se presta especial atención al rie...

  17. Intestinal tract diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozenshtraukh, L.S.


    Roentgenoanatomy and physiology of the small intestine are described. Indications for radiological examinations and their possibilities in the diagnosis of the small intestine diseases are considered.Congenital anomalies and failures in the small intestine development, clinical indications and diagnosis methods for the detection of different aetiology enteritis are described. Characteristics of primary malabsorption due to congenital or acquired inferiority of the small intestine, is provided. Radiological picture of intestinal allergies is described. Clinical, morphological, radiological pictures of Crohn's disease are considered in detail. Special attention is paid to the frequency of primary and secondary tuberculosis of intestinal tract. The description of clinical indications and frequency of benign and malignant tumours of the small intestine, methods for their diagnosis are given. Radiological pictures of parasitogenic and rare diseases of the small intestine are presented. Changes in the small intestine as a result of its reaction to pathological processes, developing in other organs and systems of the organism, are described

  18. 150. ¿Tres en uno? Implante de tres dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria a un mismo paciente como terapia pre y postrasplante cardíaco. A propósito de un caso

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    J.A. Fernández-Divar


    Conclusiones: El implante ECMO es rápido y seguro, y permite mantener con vida a pacientes en shock cardiogénico grave. La reconversión a asistencias de media duración nos ayuda a mejorar el estado del paciente y que éste llegue al trasplante cardíaco en mejores condiciones. La incorporación de asistencias en pacientes con fallo primario del injerto (FPI tras el trasplante supone un avance en el tratamiento de esta patología.

  19. Litigio judicial y el derecho a la salud en Argentina

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    Verónica Gotlieb


    Full Text Available Resumen El propósito de este trabajo es explorar el perfil del litigio por el acceso a la atención de la salud, tramitado ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia Argentina, y reflexionar sobre su potencial para influir sobre la equidad y el derecho a la salud, en el marco de un proceso de crecimiento de la judicialización. Se llevó a cabo un análisis documental de 125 litigios con sentencias dictadas entre 1994 y 2013. Se observó una preeminencia de la reclamación individual (88% reclamantes personas físicas individuales, y de reclamantes afiliados a la seguridad social o a seguros privados (64%, con un esquema típico del derecho privado (87% reclama cobertura de un servicio médico. El 75% de los fallos ordenaron brindar los servicios de salud reclamados, sin visibilizar los fallos del sistema de salud, ni ordenar acciones para promover la equidad y garantizar el derecho a la salud, que alcancen a otras personas sometidas a la misma situación que el reclamante. La judicialización, hasta el momento, no está promoviendo activamente la equidad, el derecho a la salud y el diálogo interinstitucional.

  20. Sistema de bajo costo para el monitoreo por condición a aplicar en parques eólicos.; Low-cost condition monitoring system to be applied on wind turbines

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    Fidel Ernesto Hernández Montero


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo ofrecer una visión del panorama general relativo a la aplicación de las tecnologías de monitoreo por condición y de detección de fallos en el campo de la industria de energía eólica. En primer lugar, el trabajo va dirigido a analizar diversas experiencias de aplicación del mantenimiento basado en la condición en la industria eólica, específicamente para demostrar la factibilidad de su implementación. Se continúa con un estudio de los fallos más severos que se generan en las turbinas eólicas y se describe la tendencia actual de la implementación de los sistemas de monitoreo por condición y de detección de fallos. Finalmente se presenta una propuesta de sistema de monitoreo por condición de bajo costo para implementar en parques eólicos.  This paper provides a general view of the condition monitoring and fault detection system applications on wind energy converters. Firstly, implementation feasibility of condition monitoring systems is shown by analyzing several applications of condition-based maintenance on wind energy converters. Afterwards, the most critical failures in wind energy converters are described and current trends in such condition monitoring system applications are analyzed. Finally, a low-cost condition monitoring system implementation, interesting to be applied in developing countries, is proposed.

  1. Mucho ruido y pocos… DESC. Análisis del caso Gonzales Lluy y Otros contra Ecuador de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

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    Liliana Ronconi


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es reconstruir la línea argumentativa utilizada por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en la resolución del caso Gonzales Lluy y otros versus Ecuador, de 1 de septiembre de 2015, conforme la tesis de que la Corte IDH aplica el argumento de igualdad en la versión del examen de proporcionalidad estricto como eje central de su argumentación, dejando de lado un posible argumento basado en el “principio de no regresividad”. Sostengo que la decisión de la Corte IDH se asienta, fundamentalmente, en el trato discriminatorio que sufrió la demandante y su familia al poner en riesgo su vida y su integridad física y su derecho a la educación. Sin embargo, para muchos de los que trabajamos en DESC, el fallo es insuficiente, pues la Corte elude la aplicación del artículo 26 de la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos (principio de progresividad y no regresividad. La aplicación y el desarrollo de los estándares contenidos en el artículo 26 de la CADH resultan de gran utilidad práctica para los diferentes Estados de la región, generando pautas interpretativas para la exigibilidad de los DESC y otorgando herramientas concretas para evaluar su incumplimiento.

  2. Intestinal Surgery. (United States)

    Desrochers, André; Anderson, David E


    A wide variety of disorders affecting the intestinal tract in cattle may require surgery. Among those disorders the more common are: intestinal volvulus, jejunal hemorrhage syndrome and more recently the duodenal sigmoid flexure volvulus. Although general principles of intestinal surgery can be applied, cattle has anatomical and behavior particularities that must be known before invading the abdomen. This article focuses on surgical techniques used to optimize outcomes and discusses specific disorders of small intestine. Diagnoses and surgical techniques presented can be applied in field conditions. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Impact of Intestinal Microbiota on Intestinal Luminal Metabolome (United States)

    Matsumoto, Mitsuharu; Kibe, Ryoko; Ooga, Takushi; Aiba, Yuji; Kurihara, Shin; Sawaki, Emiko; Koga, Yasuhiro; Benno, Yoshimi


    Low–molecular-weight metabolites produced by intestinal microbiota play a direct role in health and disease. In this study, we analyzed the colonic luminal metabolome using capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry with time-of-flight (CE-TOFMS) —a novel technique for analyzing and differentially displaying metabolic profiles— in order to clarify the metabolite profiles in the intestinal lumen. CE-TOFMS identified 179 metabolites from the colonic luminal metabolome and 48 metabolites were present in significantly higher concentrations and/or incidence in the germ-free (GF) mice than in the Ex-GF mice (p metabolome and a comprehensive understanding of intestinal luminal metabolome is critical for clarifying host-intestinal bacterial interactions. PMID:22724057

  4. Small Intestine Disorders (United States)

    ... disease Crohn's disease Infections Intestinal cancer Intestinal obstruction Irritable bowel syndrome Ulcers, such as peptic ulcer Treatment of disorders of the small intestine depends on the cause.

  5. Algunas cuestiones jurídicas en torno al uso del cemento aluminoso

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    Olaya Adán, Manuel


    Full Text Available The legal issues raised by the use of a particular product or construction material have their references in complex administrative guidelines which take into account the corresponding technical control. Such guidelines develop with the time as the technical and scientific knowledge shapes new ideas. In the case of defects in construction which can be attributed to the use of the material in question, the legal effects reach the field of civil or, where appropriate, penal responsibility. This article analyzes different questions related to the case of the use of high alumina cement. Thefocus is limited to explaining the State of the art during the period in which the material was used to manufacture precast construction elements. The article brings a current view of the legal effects on the civil field through three reference regulations.

    La problemática jurídica que suscita el uso de un determinado producto o material de construcción tiene sus referencias en una normativa compleja de naturaleza administrativa contemplada en la correspondiente regulación técnica. Tal normativa evoluciona en el tiempo a medida que los conocimientos técnicos y científicos determinan nuevas prescripciones. En el caso de fallos en construcción achacables al uso del material en cuestión, los efectos jurídicos transcienden a ámbitos de responsabilidad civil o, en su caso, penal. En el presente artículo se analizan diversas cuestiones relacionadas con el caso del uso del cemento aluminoso. El enfoque se circunscribe a exponer el estado del arte durante el período en que el material fue empleado en la confección de elementos constructivos prefabricados y se aporta una visión actual de los efectos jurídicos en el ámbito civil a través de tres normas de referencia en la materia.

  6. Usefulness of jejunal biopsy in the study of intestinal malabsorption in the elderly Utilidad de la biopsia yeyunal en el estudio de la malabsorción intestinal en el anciano

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    B. Lobo


    Full Text Available Background: small bowel structure and function are not different between elderly people and young people. Thus, in principle it is advisable to perform diagnostic investigation of elderly patients as well as younger patients when they present with symptoms suggestive of intestinal malabsorption. A key test for the etiologic diagnosis of intestinal malabsorption, jejunal biopsy, has not been specifically examined to assess its usefulness and risk of complications in this advanced age patients. Aim: to establish the usefulness of jejunal biopsy with the Watson's capsule in the elderly patients with suspected intestinal malabsorption. Patients: patients older than 65 years referred to our Unit for performance of a jejunal biopsy from 1996 to 2001 for suspicion of intestinal malabsorption. Results: forty-seven patients were included. Appropriate biopsy sample was obtained in 45 cases, although in 3 patients a second try was required. Histologic findings: partial villous atrophy in 10 cases (22.2%, complete villous atrophy in 5 cases (11.1%, intraepithelial lymphocytosis in 5 cases (11.1%, and single cases of intestinal lymphangiectasia, amyloidosis, unspecific jejunitis, and Whipple's disease. Histology was normal in 19 cases (42%. Definitive diagnosis was celiac disease in 14 patients, bacterial overgrowth in 3, jejunitis in 3, Whipple's disease in 1, lymphangiectasia in 1, atrophic gastritis in 3, amyloidosis in 1, and ischemic colitis in 1. Jejunal biopsy achieved an etiologic diagnosis in 20 patients. There were no cases of perforations or bleeding. Conclusion: jejunal biopsy is a useful and safe test for the etiologic diagnosis of intestinal malabsorption in elderly patients.Fundamento: la estructura y función del intestino delgado en el anciano sano y en el joven no difieren. Por este motivo ante la sospecha clínica de malabsorción intestinal en el anciano siempre deben realizarse las pruebas necesarias para identificar su causa. Una prueba

  7. Generación de Patrones de Evaluación Probabilista del Mantenimiento. // Generation of Probabilistic Evaluation Patterns for Maintenance.

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    A. Torres Valle


    Full Text Available La ecuación booleana representada por los conjuntos mínimos de corte a nivel de un sistema o de todo un AnálisisProbabilista de Seguridad (APS ha sido utilizada para evaluar las configuraciones de salida de servicio de equipos durantela explotación. Ello se ha realizado a través de aplicaciones de APS para la optimización de regímenes operacionales. Laobtención de tales ecuaciones booleanas demanda de un proceso de alta complejidad matemática por lo que se requierenestudios exhaustivos, incluso para la aplicación de sus resultados. Las importantes ventajas para el mantenimiento que seobtienen de estas aplicaciones requieren el desarrollo de metodologías que acerquen estos métodos de optimización a lossistemas de gestión del mantenimiento, y faciliten su uso por un personal no especializado en los temas probabilistas. Elartículo presenta una metodología para la preparación, solución y utilización de los resultados de los árboles de fallospartiendo de esquemas tecnológicos. Este algoritmo ha sido automatizado a través del código MOSEG Win Ver 1.0.Palabras claves: Análisis probabilista de seguridad, esquemas tecnológicos, árboles de fallos, modos de fallo.____________________________________________________________________________Abstract.The Boolean equation represented by the minimal cut sets both at a system and at a Probabilistic SafetyAnalysis (PSA levels has been used to evaluate the out-of-order equipment configurations during operation.This analysis has been used during PSA applications for the optimization of facility operational states. A highmathematical complexity is usually demanded as part of the process for generating such Boolean equations.Exhaustive studies are also required even for applying their results. Given the advantages obtained from theseapplications, there is an arising need for developing methodologies that incorporate such methods into themaintenance management facilitating their use by alien

  8. Estudio integrado sobre la anemia de Fanconi: aproximación a las bases moleculares del fallo medular y de la microftalmia


    Prieto Remón, Inés


    RESUMEN: La anemia de Fanconi es una enfermedad genética rara. Presenta una gran heterogeneidad de síntomas clínicos, que van desde una aplasia medular precoz (pérdida del conjunto de células hematopoyéticasL pasando por una elevada tendencia a padecer cáncer hasta una gran variedad de anomalías congénitas. En esta tesis se ha realizado un estudio molecular sobre diferentes aspectos de la anemia de Fanconi en tres de los subtipos de la enfermedad (FA-A, FA-C y FA-D2) en un mode...

  9. The Contributions of Human Mini-Intestines to the Study of Intestinal Physiology and Pathophysiology. (United States)

    Yu, Huimin; Hasan, Nesrin M; In, Julie G; Estes, Mary K; Kovbasnjuk, Olga; Zachos, Nicholas C; Donowitz, Mark


    The lack of accessibility to normal and diseased human intestine and the inability to separate the different functional compartments of the intestine even when tissue could be obtained have held back the understanding of human intestinal physiology. Clevers and his associates identified intestinal stem cells and established conditions to grow "mini-intestines" ex vivo in differentiated and undifferentiated conditions. This pioneering work has made a new model of the human intestine available and has begun making contributions to the understanding of human intestinal transport in normal physiologic conditions and the pathophysiology of intestinal diseases. However, this model is reductionist and lacks many of the complexities of normal intestine. Consequently, it is not yet possible to predict how great the advances using this model will be for understanding human physiology and pathophysiology, nor how the model will be modified to include multiple other intestinal cell types and physical forces necessary to more closely approximate normal intestine. This review describes recent studies using mini-intestines, which have readdressed previously established models of normal intestinal transport physiology and newly examined intestinal pathophysiology. The emphasis is on studies with human enteroids grown either as three-dimensional spheroids or two-dimensional monolayers. In addition, comments are provided on mouse studies in cases when human studies have not yet been described.

  10. Parasitismo intestinal en manipuladores de alimentos

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    Miguel Nicolás Gómez Vital


    Full Text Available El parasitismo intestinal representa un significativo problema en la salud mundial. Se realiza un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo en manipuladores de alimentos de los principales centros de elaboración de la ciudad de Santa Clara, provincia Villa Clara, durante 1998. Los enteroparásitos patógenos encontrados por orden de frecuencia fueron la Giardia lamblia y la Entamoeba hitolytica; detectados por método directo y de ritchie para dichos parásitos. La técnica de kato katz fue más eficaz para el diagnóstico de los geohelmintos. Se resalta la función del personal médico en centros de trabajo.Intestinal parasitism is a significant problem for world health. An epidemiological and descriptive study was conducted among food handlers at the main centers of elaboration in the city of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province, during 1998. The pathogenic enteroparasites found by order of frequency were Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba hitolytica, which were detected by using Ritchie's and direct method for such parasites. The Katokatz's technique was more efficient for the diagnosis of geohelminth. It was underlined the function of the medical team at the working centers.

  11. Alternativas a la elevación de seno maxilar: rehabilitación del sector posterior del maxilar atrófico mediante implantes pterigoideos Alternatives to maxillary sinus lift: posterior area of the atrophic maxilla rehabilitation by means pterigoideal implants

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    X. Rodríguez-Ciurana


    Full Text Available El primer y segundo molar son los dientes que se pierden más a menudo debido a la enfermedad periodontal y al exceso de fuerzas oclusales. A pesar de la frecuencia del edentulismo parcial del sector posterior raramente se ubican los implantes más allá de los premolares debido al aumento del índice de fallos. El escaso volumen óseo y la pobre mineralización del sector posterior del maxilar comprometen la viabilidad de las rehabilitaciones con implantes a largo plazo. Además, la cresta ósea a nivel del seno maxilar, en el maxilar atrófico, no suele permitir el anclaje de implantes de 10 mm. Se han propuesto varias técnicas para rehabilitar el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico: implantes cortos, extensiones protésicas, injerto sinusal, implante cigomático. El implante pterigoideo es otro de los posibles tratamientos para rehabilitar el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico. Anclado en el hueso cortical de la apófisis del esfenoides el implante pterigoideo evita la necesidad de injertar o utilizar extensiones protésicas. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las indicaciones, la técnica, complicaciones y supervivencia del implante pterigoideo en el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico.The first and second molar are the teeth most commonly lost in the maxilla, mainly due to periodontal disease and excessive occlusal force. 1 Although partial edentulism of the posterior maxilla is common, implants are seldom placed distal to the premolars because failure rates in the posterior maxilla have historically been high. Poor volume and low density of bone are the worst conditions for long-term anchorage in the maxilla. 7 Moreover, bone under the maxillary sinus, in the atrophic maxilla, is usually insufficient to enable placement of 10 mm implants. Several techniques have been proposed to restore the atrophic posterior maxilla: short implants, prosthetic cantilevers, sinus bone graft, zigomatic fixtures. Pterygoid implants are

  12. Análisis de la sentencia de la corte constitucional (C-871-10) sobre los derechos de autor de la obra de arquitectura construida, los proyectos arquitectónicos y los planos


    Wilson Rafael Ríos Ruiz


    El reciente fallo de la Corte Constitucional deja a salvo y crea un justo medio entre los derechos morales del arquitecto-autor del proyecto arquitectónico, y el derecho de dominio de quien ejerce la titularidad de un bien inmueble construido. Así mismo determina que la obra de arquitectura construida, los proyectos arquitectónicos y los planos respectivos son objeto de protección a través de las normas autorales vigente tanto en el ámbito internacional como en el local en Colombia. Por lo ta...

  13. Entorno educativo para el aprendizaje de fundamentos de electrónica analógica, digital y de potencia


    Áriz Muñoz, Guillermo


    El objetivo del presente proyecto es el desarrollo de un cuaderno de prácticas adaptado a la formación que se desea ofrecer en la asignatura “Fundamentos de Electrónica”. Concretamente el proyecto pretende abordar la definición de prácticas de laboratorio que trabajen la capacidad de análisis teórico de circuitos electrónicos y las habilidades necesarias para su montaje y monitorización (manejo de instrumentación de medida, detección de fallos etc. Puesto que se trata del prime...

  14. Técnicas de análisis de tendencias en mediciones espectrales y de nivel total de parámetros de diagnóstico // Trend analysis techniques in spectral and total level mensurations

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    L. Penabad Sanz


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se muestra la implementación del análisis de tendencia, como tecnología predictiva, a través de laestadística matemática y su utilización en mediciones de parámetros de diagnóstico tanto espectral como de nivel total. Elempleo de esta tecnología resulta de gran importancia debido a que permite pronosticar el momento de fallo, según elcomportamiento de los niveles de los parámetros medidos, lo cual facilita la gestión del mantenimiento.Palabras claves: mantenimiento, análisis de tendencia, medición espectral, medición de nivel total, pronósticode fallo, vibraciones.______________________________________________________________________AbstractIn this article is shown the implementation of the trend analysis, as predictive technology, through the mathematical statisticand its use in spectral and total level mensurations of diagnosis parameters. The use of this technology has a great importancebecause it allows to predict the failure moment, according to the behavior of the levels of measured parameters, that whichfacilitates the administration of the maintenance.Key words: maintenance, tendency analysis, spectral mensuration, total level mensuration, failure presage,vibrations, diagnosis.

  15. Exposición médico-legal ante un fallo de la corte suprema

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    Arturo Congote Escobar


    Full Text Available Teniendo en cuenta la delicadeza del dictamen pericial que se me pide en un sumario como el seguido contra Adán Antonio Restrepo en elcual han dictaminado y fallado altos exponentes del foro y de la medicina, he estudiado muy detenidamente todas y cada una de las piezas concernientes al esclarecimiento del cuestionario propuesto por el sindicado y de las dudas tenidas por algunos funcionarios (la Corte Suprema de Justicia, agrego ahora que han hecho declarar nulo todo lo actuado desde el auto de enjuiciamiento, y, a más del estudio sobre el expediente, he indagado y procurado informarme de todos los incidentes que pudieron pasar la noche delcrimen y ya en posesión de todos estos datos entro no sólo a contestar las preguntas formuladas por el sindicado Restrepo sino también a probar, a mi leal saber y entender, que todas las dudas y acusaciones hechas 'a los cirujanos interventores en el caso que se contempla han girado y tenido por origen un error gramatical, una simple letra mal puesta, mal empleada por el Secretario que actuaba entonces en la Inspectoría de Policía del Centro. Para seguir un orden en mi exposición dejaré para lo último lo relacionado con el esclarecimiento de las dudas a que me he referido y entraré primero a contestar el cuestionario del sindicado.

  16. Strategies to increase patient safety in haemodialysis: Application of the modal analysis system of errors and effects (FEMA system

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    María Dolores Arenas Jiménez


    . Conclusions: HD complications are frequent. Consideration of some of them as AEs could improve safety by facilitating the implementation of preventive measures. The application of the FMEA system allows stratifying real and potential errors in dialysis units and acting with the appropriate degree of urgency, developing and implementing the necessary preventive and improvement measures. Resumen: Antecedentes: La población en hemodiálisis (HD es de alto riesgo. En estos pacientes un fallo puede tener consecuencias catastróficas, por lo que son necesarios sistemas que garanticen su seguridad en un entorno con alta tecnología y gran interacción del factor humano. Objetivos: Mostrar una sistemática de trabajo, reproducible en cualquier unidad de HD, que consiste en registrar las complicaciones y fallos ocurridos durante la sesión, definir cuáles de estas complicaciones podrían ser consideradas eventos adversos (EA y, por tanto, prevenibles y realizar un análisis sistemático tanto de ellos como de los fallos reales o potenciales subyacentes, evaluando su gravedad, frecuencia y detección, y estableciendo prioridades de actuación (sistema de análisis modal de fallos y efectos [AMFE]. Métodos: Examen retrospectivo de las gráficas de diálisis de todas las sesiones practicadas durante un mes (octubre de 2015 en 97 pacientes, y análisis de las complicaciones registradas. La consideración de estas complicaciones como EA se basó en el consenso entre 13 profesionales y 2 pacientes. Se valoró la severidad, frecuencia y detección de cada fallo real o potencial mediante el sistema AMFE. Resultados: Se practicaron 1.303 sesiones de HD en 97 pacientes en las que se registraron un total de 383 complicaciones (1 cada 3,4 tratamientos. De ellas, el 87,9% fueron consideradas EA y el 23,7% complicaciones relacionadas con la enfermedad de base. Se detectó un EA cada 3,8 tratamientos. Los EA más frecuentes fueron la hipertensi

  17. Prevalencia de parasitismo intestinal en escolares de 6-11 año Prevalence of intestinal parasites in schoolchildren aged 6 -11 years

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    Glenda Pérez Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 1 253 niños, como muestra representativa de la población infantil de 6-11 años de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, desde septiembre del 2010 hasta junio del 2011, para determinar la prevalencia del parasitismo intestinal en ellos. Se procesaron las pruebas de heces fecales mediante 2 métodos coproparasitológicos (directo y concentrado y se obtuvo que 37,8 % de los integrantes de la serie estaban parasitados. Predominaron los protozoarios (22,7 %, con mayor frecuencia de Giardia lamblia, el parasitismo en el grupo etario de 6-8 años (66,7 % y los escolares infectados que presentaban inadecuados hábitos higiénico-sanitarios, depósitos de residuales, agua de consumo y piso de la vivienda. A fin de minimizar este problema, se recomendó que debieran incrementarse las actividades de educación sanitaria a la población y discutirse estos resultados con los decisores de salud de la provincia, para así promover hábitos y estilos de vida saludables.A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in 1 253 children as a representative sample of children aged 6-11 years in the province of Santiago de Cuba, from September 2010 to June 2011, to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in them. Tests were processed by 2 stool parasitological methods (direct and concentrate and it was found that 37.8% of the members of the series were parasitized. Protozoa (22.7% with higher frequency of Giardia lamblia, parasitism in age group of 6-8 years(66.7% and infected schoolchildren, who had poor health and hygiene habits, waste deposits, water consumption and floor of the house predominated. To minimize this problem it was recommended to increase health education to the population and discuss these results with health decision makers in the province, in order to promote healthy habits and lifestyles.

  18. Preterm delivery and intimacy during pregnancy: interaction between oral, vaginal and intestinal microbiomes

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    Demian Arturo Herrera Morban


    Full Text Available Durante el embarazo los microbiomas bucal, vaginal e intestinal de la mujer sufren cambios para adaptarse a las demandas del cuerpo, aumentando la relación y similitud entre ellos. Debido a esto se considera pertinente realizar una revisión literaria con el propósito de determinar la existencia de factores que influyen en un microbioma específico y que posteriormente podrían modificar a los demás. Este es el caso del microbioma bucal que depende de la actividad íntima de la mujer y por consiguiente puede ser un factor que se relacione con el desarrollo de un embarazo pretérmino.

  19. El recurso de inconstitucionalidad y el triunfo de la minoría política en España. ¿Mito o realidad?

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    Lina Marcela Escobar Martínez


    Full Text Available Se analiza el caso de las mayorías y las minorías políticas en la historia democrática española durante el período de 1977-2004, fecha en la cual se realizaron las últimas elecciones, determinando quiénes constituyeron en cada caso los partidos políticos mayoritarios, y en qué medida han hecho uso las minorías políticas del recurso de inconstitucionalidad. Por otra parte, se analiza el comportamiento del Tribunal Constitucional español al resolver los recursos interpuestos por los diferentes actores legitimados para ello, estableciendo cuáles son las modalidades de fallo y si existe algún patrón de fallo según el actor que interponga el recurso. Para realizar esta investigación se recopilaron y analizaron tanto los resultados electorales como todas las sentencias que han resuelto los recursos de inconstitucionalidad desde 1978 hasta el 2004, el método analítico fue el elegido para la elaboración de las fichas jurisprudenciales y podemos afirmar que el triunfo de la minoría política en España en materia del recurso de inconstitucionalidad es más cualitativo que cuantitativo, acercándose más a un mito que a una realidad.

  20. Intestinal Lymphangiectasia (United States)

    ... Overview of Crohn Disease Additional Content Medical News Intestinal Lymphangiectasia (Idiopathic Hypoproteinemia) By Atenodoro R. Ruiz, Jr., MD, ... Overview of Malabsorption Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome Celiac Disease Intestinal ... Intolerance Short Bowel Syndrome Tropical Sprue Whipple ...

  1. Biomarcadores del metabolismo y nutrición de hierro

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    Carmen Gloria Sermini

    Full Text Available RESUMEN La anemia por deficiencia de hierro continúa siendo la deficiencia nutricional más abundante en el mundo, y son los lactantes, preescolares, mujeres en edad fértil y embarazadas los grupos de mayor susceptibilidad. Debido a esto es que se hace necesario el conocer los mecanismos de regulación de captación, transporte y absorción del metal a nivel celular, principalmente a nivel del enterocito y, una vez que el hierro entra a la circulación, conocer cuáles son los biomarcadores que permiten realizar un seguimiento del estatus del hierro corporal. En esta revisión mostramos, en primer lugar, cómo se regula la entrada de hierro a nivel de la célula del epitelio intestinal, mostrando las principales proteínas involucradas (transportadores de entrada y salida de hierro, oxido-reductasas, proteína de almacenamiento y, para finalizar, hacemos un recuento de los principales biomarcadores del metabolismo de hierro una vez que este ha entrado y circula por el organismo.

  2. Evolución en niños con falla intestinal en un hospital de referencia en Medellín, Colombia

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    M.M. Contreras-Ramírez


    Conclusiones: El manejo médico de los pacientes con falla intestinal es complejo. El soporte nutricional y la monitorización continua son de vital importancia y la morbimortalidad a largo plazo depende del reconocimiento y manejo precoz de las complicaciones asociadas.

  3. Intestinal parasites : associations with intestinal and systemic inflammation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zavala, Gerardo A; García, Olga P; Camacho, Mariela; Ronquillo, Dolores; Campos-Ponce, Maiza; Doak, Colleen; Polman, Katja; Rosado, Jorge L


    AIMS: Evaluate associations between intestinal parasitic infection with intestinal and systemic inflammatory markers in school-aged children with high rates of obesity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Plasma concentrations of CRP, leptin, TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10 were measured as systemic inflammation markers and

  4. Intestinal Obstruction (United States)

    ... Colostomy ) is required to relieve an obstruction. Understanding Colostomy In a colostomy, the large intestine (colon) is cut. The part ... 1 What Causes Intestinal Strangulation? Figure 2 Understanding Colostomy Gastrointestinal Emergencies Overview of Gastrointestinal Emergencies Abdominal Abscesses ...

  5. Amebiasis intestinal Intestinal amebiasis

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    Full Text Available Entamoeba histolytica es el patógeno intestinal más frecuente en nuestro medio -después de Giardia lamblia-, una de las principales causas de diarrea en menores de cinco años y la cuarta causa de muerte en el mundo debida a infección por protozoarios. Posee mecanismos patogénicos complejos que le permiten invadir la mucosa intestinal y causar colitis amebiana. El examen microscópico es el método más usado para su identificación pero la existencia de dos especies morfológicamente iguales, una patógena ( E. histolytica y una no patógena ( Entamoeba dispar, ha llevado al desarrollo de otros métodos de diagnóstico. El acceso al agua potable y los servicios sanitarios adecuados, un tratamiento médico oportuno y el desarrollo de una vacuna, son los ejes para disminuir la incidencia y mortalidad de esta entidad.Entamoeba histolytica is the most frequent intestinal pathogen seen in our country, after Giardia lamblia, being one of the main causes of diarrhea in children younger than five years of age, and the fourth leading cause of death due to infection for protozoa in the world. It possesses complex pathogenic mechanisms that allow it to invade the intestinal mucosa, causing amoebic colitis. Microscopy is the most used method for its identification, but the existence of two species morphologically identical, the pathogen one ( E. histolytica, and the non pathogen one ( E. dispar, have taken to the development of other methods of diagnosis. The access to drinkable water and appropriate sanitary services, an opportune medical treatment, and the development of a vaccine are the axes to diminish the incidence and mortality of this entity.

  6. Seguridad del paciente en Radioterapia Intraoperatoria: Impacto de los elementos controlados por el Radiofisico (United States)

    Tarjuelo, Juan Lopez

    Introduccion: En la administracion de la radioterapia intervienen profesionales y equipos de tratamiento, por lo que existe el riesgo de error y se precisa que dicho equipamiento funcione conforme a lo esperado. A los radiofisicos les corresponde participar en las actividades de garantia o aseguramiento de la calidad, incluyendo el control de calidad de los equipos, y en la evaluacion de los riesgos asociados. La radioterapia intraoperatoria (RIO) es una tecnica radioterapica de intensificacion de dosis, altamente selectiva, dirigida a volumenes anatomicos restringidos durante el tratamiento quirurgico oncologico, basada en la administracion de una dosis absorbida alta por medio de un haz de electrones tras el examen visual directo del lecho tumoral. Como incorporar los ultimos avances en el refuerzo de la seguridad en radioterapia es una tarea ambiciosa y compleja, resulta mas concreta y de inmediata aplicacion su introduccion en la RIO. El objetivo es analizar los elementos que reducen los riesgos y aumentan la seguridad en la RIO y su dosimetria, y valorar la funcion del radiofisico en esta labor. Material y metodos: Se emplearon el planificador Radiance de GMV y el acelerador lineal de los tratamientos de RIO Elekta Precise, controlado con el verificador diario de haces Daily QA Check 1090 y medido con las camaras de ionizacion PPC 40, FC65-G y FC65-P de PTW-Freiburg, a su vez verificadas con fuentes radiactivas adecuadas de estroncio-90 modelos CDP y CDC de IBA Dosimetry. Se realizo un analisis de modos de fallo y efectos (failure mode and effect analysis, FMEA) con el fin de identificar los elementos que forman la RIO y aplicar las herramientas necesarias para la minimizacion de los riesgos y la mejora de la seguridad en la tecnica. Se estudiaron las verificaciones diarias de dicho acelerador Precise con el control estadistico de procesos (statistical process control, SPC) y se simularon intervenciones para devolverlo al estado llamado en control. El SPC

  7. Intestinal Leiomyositis: A Cause of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction in 6 Dogs. (United States)

    Zacuto, A C; Pesavento, P A; Hill, S; McAlister, A; Rosenthal, K; Cherbinsky, O; Marks, S L


    Intestinal leiomyositis is a suspected autoimmune disorder affecting the muscularis propria layer of the gastrointestinal tract and is a cause of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in humans and animals. To characterize the clinical presentation, histopathologic features, and outcome of dogs with intestinal leiomyositis in an effort to optimize treatment and prognosis. Six client-owned dogs. Retrospective case series. Medical records were reviewed to describe signalment, clinicopathologic and imaging findings, histopathologic diagnoses, treatment, and outcome. All biopsy specimens were reviewed by a board-certified pathologist. Median age of dogs was 5.4 years (range, 15 months-9 years). Consistent clinical signs included vomiting (6/6), regurgitation (2/6), and small bowel diarrhea (3/6). Median duration of clinical signs before presentation was 13 days (range, 5-150 days). Diagnostic imaging showed marked gastric distension with dilated small intestines in 4/6 dogs. Full-thickness intestinal biopsies were obtained in all dogs by laparotomy. Histopathology of the stomach and intestines disclosed mononuclear inflammation, myofiber degeneration and necrosis, and fibrosis centered within the region of myofiber loss in the intestinal muscularis propria. All dogs received various combinations of immunomodulatory and prokinetic treatment, antimicrobial agents, antiemetics, and IV fluids, but none of the dogs showed a clinically relevant improvement with treatment. Median survival was 19 days after diagnosis (range, 3-270 days). Intestinal leiomyositis is a cause of intestinal pseudo-obstruction and must be diagnosed by full-thickness intestinal biopsy. This disease should be considered in dogs with acute and chronic vomiting, regurgitation, and small bowel diarrhea. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  8. The intestinal complement system in inflammatory bowel disease: Shaping intestinal barrier function. (United States)

    Sina, Christian; Kemper, Claudia; Derer, Stefanie


    The complement system is part of innate sensor and effector systems such as the Toll-like receptors (TLRs). It recognizes and quickly systemically and/or locally respond to microbial-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) with a tailored defense reaction. MAMP recognition by intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and appropriate immune responses are of major importance for the maintenance of intestinal barrier function. Enterocytes highly express various complement components that are suggested to be pivotal for proper IEC function. Appropriate activation of the intestinal complement system seems to play an important role in the resolution of chronic intestinal inflammation, while over-activation and/or dysregulation may worsen intestinal inflammation. Mice deficient for single complement components suffer from enhanced intestinal inflammation mimicking the phenotype of patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn's disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC). However, the mechanisms leading to complement expression in IECs seem to differ markedly between UC and CD patients. Hence, how IECs, intestinal bacteria and epithelial cell expressed complement components interact in the course of IBD still remains to be mostly elucidated to define potential unique patterns contributing to the distinct subtypes of intestinal inflammation observed in CD and UC. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. [Treatment of children with intestinal failure: intestinal rehabilitation, home parenteral nutrition or small intestine transplantation?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neelis, E.G.; Oers, H.A. van; Escher, J.C.; Damen, G.M.; Rings, E.H.; Tabbers, M.M.


    Intestinal failure is characterised by inadequate absorption of food or fluids, which is caused by insufficient bowel surface area or functioning. Children with chronic intestinal failure are dependent on parenteral nutrition (PN), which can be provided at home (HPN). In the Netherlands, HPN for

  10. The effect of gastric inhibitory polypeptide on intestinal glucose absorption and intestinal motility in mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ogawa, Eiichi [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Hosokawa, Masaya [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Faculty of Human Sciences, Tezukayama Gakuin University, Osaka (Japan); Harada, Norio; Yamane, Shunsuke; Hamasaki, Akihiro; Toyoda, Kentaro; Fujimoto, Shimpei; Fujita, Yoshihito; Fukuda, Kazuhito [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Tsukiyama, Katsushi; Yamada, Yuichiro [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Geriatric Medicine, Akita University School of Medicine, Akita (Japan); Seino, Yutaka [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); Kansai Electric Power Hospital, Osaka (Japan); Inagaki, Nobuya, E-mail: [Department of Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan); CREST of Japan Science and Technology Cooperation (JST), Kyoto (Japan)


    Research highlights: {yields} Exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal motility through a somatostatin-mediated pathway. {yields} Exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal glucose absorption by reducing intestinal motility. {yields} The GIP-receptor-mediated action in intestine does not involve in GLP-1-mediated pathway. -- Abstract: Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) is released from the small intestine upon meal ingestion and increases insulin secretion from pancreatic {beta} cells. Although the GIP receptor is known to be expressed in small intestine, the effects of GIP in small intestine are not fully understood. This study was designed to clarify the effect of GIP on intestinal glucose absorption and intestinal motility. Intestinal glucose absorption in vivo was measured by single-pass perfusion method. Incorporation of [{sup 14}C]-glucose into everted jejunal rings in vitro was used to evaluate the effect of GIP on sodium-glucose co-transporter (SGLT). Motility of small intestine was measured by intestinal transit after oral administration of a non-absorbed marker. Intraperitoneal administration of GIP inhibited glucose absorption in wild-type mice in a concentration-dependent manner, showing maximum decrease at the dosage of 50 nmol/kg body weight. In glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor-deficient mice, GIP inhibited glucose absorption as in wild-type mice. In vitro examination of [{sup 14}C]-glucose uptake revealed that 100 nM GIP did not change SGLT-dependent glucose uptake in wild-type mice. After intraperitoneal administration of GIP (50 nmol/kg body weight), small intestinal transit was inhibited to 40% in both wild-type and GLP-1 receptor-deficient mice. Furthermore, a somatostatin receptor antagonist, cyclosomatostatin, reduced the inhibitory effect of GIP on both intestinal transit and glucose absorption in wild-type mice. These results demonstrate that exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal glucose absorption by reducing intestinal motility through a somatostatin

  11. The effect of gastric inhibitory polypeptide on intestinal glucose absorption and intestinal motility in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogawa, Eiichi; Hosokawa, Masaya; Harada, Norio; Yamane, Shunsuke; Hamasaki, Akihiro; Toyoda, Kentaro; Fujimoto, Shimpei; Fujita, Yoshihito; Fukuda, Kazuhito; Tsukiyama, Katsushi; Yamada, Yuichiro; Seino, Yutaka; Inagaki, Nobuya


    Research highlights: → Exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal motility through a somatostatin-mediated pathway. → Exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal glucose absorption by reducing intestinal motility. → The GIP-receptor-mediated action in intestine does not involve in GLP-1-mediated pathway. -- Abstract: Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) is released from the small intestine upon meal ingestion and increases insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells. Although the GIP receptor is known to be expressed in small intestine, the effects of GIP in small intestine are not fully understood. This study was designed to clarify the effect of GIP on intestinal glucose absorption and intestinal motility. Intestinal glucose absorption in vivo was measured by single-pass perfusion method. Incorporation of [ 14 C]-glucose into everted jejunal rings in vitro was used to evaluate the effect of GIP on sodium-glucose co-transporter (SGLT). Motility of small intestine was measured by intestinal transit after oral administration of a non-absorbed marker. Intraperitoneal administration of GIP inhibited glucose absorption in wild-type mice in a concentration-dependent manner, showing maximum decrease at the dosage of 50 nmol/kg body weight. In glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor-deficient mice, GIP inhibited glucose absorption as in wild-type mice. In vitro examination of [ 14 C]-glucose uptake revealed that 100 nM GIP did not change SGLT-dependent glucose uptake in wild-type mice. After intraperitoneal administration of GIP (50 nmol/kg body weight), small intestinal transit was inhibited to 40% in both wild-type and GLP-1 receptor-deficient mice. Furthermore, a somatostatin receptor antagonist, cyclosomatostatin, reduced the inhibitory effect of GIP on both intestinal transit and glucose absorption in wild-type mice. These results demonstrate that exogenous GIP inhibits intestinal glucose absorption by reducing intestinal motility through a somatostatin-mediated pathway rather

  12. Intestinal subepithelial myofibroblasts support in vitro and in vivo growth of human small intestinal epithelium.

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    Nicholas Lahar

    Full Text Available The intestinal crypt-niche interaction is thought to be essential to the function, maintenance, and proliferation of progenitor stem cells found at the bases of intestinal crypts. These stem cells are constantly renewing the intestinal epithelium by sending differentiated cells from the base of the crypts of Lieberkühn to the villus tips where they slough off into the intestinal lumen. The intestinal niche consists of various cell types, extracellular matrix, and growth factors and surrounds the intestinal progenitor cells. There have recently been advances in the understanding of the interactions that regulate the behavior of the intestinal epithelium and there is great interest in methods for isolating and expanding viable intestinal epithelium. However, there is no method to maintain primary human small intestinal epithelium in culture over a prolonged period of time. Similarly no method has been published that describes isolation and support of human intestinal epithelium in an in vivo model. We describe a technique to isolate and maintain human small intestinal epithelium in vitro from surgical specimens. We also describe a novel method to maintain human intestinal epithelium subcutaneously in a mouse model for a prolonged period of time. Our methods require various growth factors and the intimate interaction between intestinal sub-epithelial myofibroblasts (ISEMFs and the intestinal epithelial cells to support the epithelial in vitro and in vivo growth. Absence of these myofibroblasts precluded successful maintenance of epithelial cell formation and proliferation beyond just a few days, even in the presence of supportive growth factors. We believe that the methods described here can be used to explore the molecular basis of human intestinal stem cell support, maintenance, and growth.

  13. Fecal markers of intestinal inflammation and intestinal permeability are elevated in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Schwiertz, Andreas; Spiegel, Jörg; Dillmann, Ulrich; Grundmann, David; Bürmann, Jan; Faßbender, Klaus; Schäfer, Karl-Herbert; Unger, Marcus M


    Intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability (both possibly fueled by dysbiosis) have been suggested to be implicated in the multifactorial pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). The objective of the current study was to investigate whether fecal markers of inflammation and impaired intestinal barrier function corroborate this pathogenic aspect of PD. In a case-control study, we quantitatively analyzed established fecal markers of intestinal inflammation (calprotectin and lactoferrin) and fecal markers of intestinal permeability (alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin) in PD patients (n = 34) and controls (n = 28, group-matched for age) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The study design controlled for potential confounding factors. Calprotectin, a fecal marker of intestinal inflammation, and two fecal markers of increased intestinal permeability (alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin) were significantly elevated in PD patients compared to age-matched controls. Lactoferrin, as a second fecal marker of intestinal inflammation, showed a non-significant trend towards elevated concentrations in PD patients. None of the four fecal markers correlated with disease severity, PD subtype, dopaminergic therapy, or presence of constipation. Fecal markers reflecting intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability have been primarily investigated in inflammatory bowel disease so far. Our data indicate that calprotectin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin could be useful non-invasive markers in PD as well. Even though these markers are not disease-specific, they corroborate the hypothesis of an intestinal inflammation as contributing factor in the pathogenesis of PD. Further investigations are needed to determine whether calprotectin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin can be used to define PD subgroups and to monitor the effect of interventions in PD. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Intestinal cytochromes P450 regulating the intestinal microbiota and its probiotic profile

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    Eugenia Elefterios Venizelos Bezirtzoglou


    Full Text Available Cytochromes P450 (CYPs enzymes metabolize a large variety of xenobiotic substances. In this vein, a plethora of studies were conducted to investigate their role, as cytochromes are located in both liver and intestinal tissues. The P450 profile of the human intestine has not been fully characterized. Human intestine serves primarily as an absorptive organ for nutrients, although it has also the ability to metabolize drugs. CYPs are responsible for the majority of phase I drug metabolism reactions. CYP3A represents the major intestinal CYP (80% followed by CYP2C9. CYP1A is expressed at high level in the duodenum, together with less abundant levels of CYP2C8-10 and CYP2D6. Cytochromes present a genetic polymorphism intra- or interindividual and intra- or interethnic. Changes in the pharmacokinetic profile of the drug are associated with increased toxicity due to reduced metabolism, altered efficacy of the drug, increased production of toxic metabolites, and adverse drug interaction. The high metabolic capacity of the intestinal flora is due to its enormous pool of enzymes, which catalyzes reactions in phase I and phase II drug metabolism. Compromised intestinal barrier conditions, when rupture of the intestinal integrity occurs, could increase passive paracellular absorption. It is clear that high microbial intestinal charge following intestinal disturbances, ageing, environment, or food-associated ailments leads to the microbial metabolism of a drug before absorption. The effect of certain bacteria having a benefic action on the intestinal ecosystem has been largely discussed during the past few years by many authors. The aim of the probiotic approach is to repair the deficiencies in the gut flora and establish a protective effect. There is a tentative multifactorial association of the CYP (P450 cytochrome role in the different diseases states, environmental toxic effects or chemical exposures and nutritional status.

  15. [Myosin B ATPase activity of the intestinal smooth muscle in intestinal obstruction]. (United States)

    Takamatsu, H


    Intestinal smooth myosin B was prepared from muscle layers around the lesion in dogs with experimental colonic stenosis and in patients with congenital intestinal obstruction. Mg2+-ATPase activity of the myosin B was compared between the proximal dilated segment and distal segment to obstruction. Experimental colonic stenosis: In early period after surgery, proximal colons showed higher activity of myosin B ATPase than distal colons, decreasing to less than distal colon as time passed. Congenital intestinal obstruction: In three cases, whose atresia might have occurred at earlier period of gestation, proximal bowels showed less activity of myosin B ATPase than distal bowels. However, in two cases, whose atresia might have occurred at later period of gestation, and two cases with intestinal stenosis, proximal bowels indicated higher activity of myosin B ATPase than distal bowels. These data suggested that the contractibility of the proximal intestine was depending on the duration of obstruction, and it was depressed in the former patients and was accelerated in the latter patients. These results suggested that the extensive resection of dilated proximal bowel in the congenital atresia is not always necessary to obtain good postoperative intestinal dynamics at the operation of the atresial lesions which may be induced at later period of gestation. They also suggested that surgery for intestinal obstruction should be performed before the depression of intestinal contractibility to get good bowel function.

  16. [Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia]. (United States)

    Popović, Dugan D j; Spuran, Milan; Alempijević, Tamara; Krstić, Miodrag; Djuranović, Srdjan; Kovacević, Nada; Damnjanović, Svetozar; Micev, Marjan


    Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a disease which leads to protein losing enteropathy. Tortuous, dilated lymphatic vessels in the intestinal wall and mesenterium are typical features of the disease. Clinical manifestations include malabsorption, diarrhea, steatorrhea, edema and effusions. Specific diet and medication are required for disease control. A 19-year old male patient was hospitalized due to diarrhea, abdominal swelling, weariness and fatigue. Physical examination revealed growth impairment, ascites, and lymphedema of the right hand and forearm. Laboratory assessment indicated iron deficiency anaemia, lymphopenia, malabsorption, inflammatory syndrome, and urinary infection. Enteroscopy and video capsule endoscopy demonstrated dilated lymphatic vessels in the small intestine. The diagnosis was confirmed by intestinal biopsy. The patient was put on high-protein diet containing medium-chain fatty acids, somatotropin and supportive therapy. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare disease, usually diagnosed in childhood. Early recognition of the disease and adequate treatment can prevent development of various complications.

  17. Convocatoria al Premio Literario Casa de las Américas 2004

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    Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico Banco de la República


    Full Text Available Premio extraordinario sobre estudios de la mujer. La Casa de las Américas convoca, por segunda vez, al Premio extraordinario de ensayo sobre estudios de la mujer, dedicado a ampliar el conocimiento de obras, figuras o grupos de mujeres latinoamericanas y del Caribe que se hayan destacado en cualquier campo de la vida intelectual, social o política. Los libros que concursen se someterán a las bases generales del Premio y podrán ser enviados a cualquiera de los lugares enumerados en la base 8 antes del 30 de noviembre de 2003. El fallo del jurado será dado a conocer conjuntamente con el de los demás premios en enero de 2004.

  18. Limitaciones del ensayo de toxicidad específica para el componente pertussis de células completas

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    Mario Landys Chovel


    Full Text Available Las vacunas que contienen células inactivadas de Bordetella pertussis se han utilizado con efectividad en los Programas Nacionales de Inmunización de todo el mundo. Pese a su reconocida eficacia, ellas se caracterizan por su elevada reactogenicidad, atribuible a la presencia de componentes como toxina pertussis y endotoxinas. Para monitorear la seguridad de estas vacunas existe el ensayo de ganancia en peso en ratones, el cual ha sido criticado por su inespecificidad, poca sensibilidad y alta variabilidad. Basado en lo anterior, el Laboratorio Nacional de Biológicos del Centro Estatal para el Control de de la Calidad de los Medicamentos en Cuba, decidió evaluar la relevancia de esta prueba para la liberación de los lotes de la vacuna DPT. Para ello se estimó la sensibilidad del método para detectar diferentes concentraciones de endotoxinas y toxina pertussis, así como la variabilidad entre ensayos. Los resultados de este trabajo mostraron que sólo altas concentraciones de endotoxinas y toxina pertussis, muy superiores a las habituales en las vacunas DPT, provocan una disminución de la ganancia en peso promedio y un fallo en la especificación de la prueba. Este elemento y la inherente variabilidad de este método resultaron claves en la decisión de no utilizarlo para la liberación nacional de lotes de la vacuna DPT.

  19. Limitaciones del ensayo de toxicidad específica para el componente pertussis de células completas

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    Vicente Perdomo


    Full Text Available Las vacunas que contienen células inactivadas de Bordetella pertussis se han utilizado con efectividad en los Programas Nacionales de Inmunización de todo el mundo. Pese a su reconocida eficacia, ellas se caracterizan por su elevada reactogenicidad, atribuible a la presencia de componentes como toxina pertussis y endotoxinas. Paramonitorear la seguridad de estas vacunas existe el ensayo de ganancia en peso en ratones, el cual ha sido criticado por su inespecificidad, poca sensibilidad y alta variabilidad. Basado en lo anterior, el Laboratorio Nacional de Biológicos del Centro Estatal para el Control de de la Calidad de los Medicamentos en Cuba, decidió evaluar la relevancia de esta prueba para la liberación de los lotes de la vacuna DPT. Para ello se estimó la sensibilidad del método para detectar diferentes concentraciones de endotoxinas y toxina pertussis, así como la variabilidad entre ensayos. Los resultados de este trabajo mostraron que sólo altas concentraciones de endotoxinas y toxina pertussis, muy superiores a las habituales en las vacunas DPT, provocan una disminución de la ganancia en peso promedio y un fallo en la especificación de la prueba. Este elemento y la inherente variabilidad de este método resultaron claves en la decisión de no utilizarlo para la liberación nacional de lotes de la vacuna DPT.

  20. Autophagy and tight junction proteins in the intestine and intestinal diseases

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    Chien-An A. Hu


    Full Text Available The intestinal epithelium (IE forms an indispensible barrier and interface between the intestinal interstitium and the luminal environment. The IE regulates water, ion and nutrient transport while providing a barrier against toxins, pathogens (bacteria, fungi and virus and antigens. The apical intercellular tight junctions (TJ are responsible for the paracellular barrier function and regulate trans-epithelial flux of ions and solutes between adjacent cells. Increased intestinal permeability caused by defects in the IE TJ barrier is considered an important pathogenic factor for the development of intestinal inflammation, diarrhea and malnutrition in humans and animals. In fact, defects in the IE TJ barrier allow increased antigenic penetration, resulting in an amplified inflammatory response in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, necrotizing enterocolitis and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Conversely, the beneficial enhancement of the intestinal TJ barrier has been shown to resolve intestinal inflammation and apoptosis in both animal models of IBD and human IBD. Autophagy (self-eating mechanism is an intracellular lysosome-dependent degradation and recycling pathway essential for cell survival and homeostasis. Dysregulated autophagy has been shown to be directly associated with many pathological processes, including IBD. Importantly, the crosstalk between IE TJ and autophagy has been revealed recently. We showed that autophagy enhanced IE TJ barrier function by increasing transepithelial resistance and reducing the paracellular permeability of small solutes and ions, which is, in part, by targeting claudin-2, a cation-selective, pore-forming, transmembrane TJ protein, for lysosome (autophagy-mediated degradation. Interestingly, previous studies have shown that the inflamed intestinal mucosa in patients with active IBD has increased claudin-2 expression. In addition, inflammatory cytokines (for example, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6

  1. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia

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    Popović Dušan Đ.


    Full Text Available Background. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a disease which leads to protein losing enteropathy. Tortous, dilated lymphatic vessels in the intestinal wall and mesenterium are typical features of the disease. Clinical manifestations include malabsorption, diarrhea, steatorrhea, edema and effusions. Specific diet and medication are required for disease control. Case report. A 19-year old male patient was hospitalized due to diarrhea, abdominal swelling, weariness and fatigue. Physical examination revealed growth impairment, ascites, and lymphedema of the right hand and forearm. Laboratory assessment indicated iron deficiency anaemia, lymphopenia, malabsorption, inflammatory syndrome, and urinary infection. Enteroscopy and video capsule endoscopy demonstrated dilated lymphatic vessels in the small intestine. The diagnosis was confirmed by intestinal biopsy. The patient was put on high-protein diet containing medium-chain fatty acids, somatotropin and suportive therapy. Conclusion. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare disease, usually diagnosed in childhood. Early recognition of the disease and adequate treatment can prevent development of various complications.

  2. Intestine transplantation

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    Tadeja Pintar


    Conclusion: Intestine transplantation is reserved for patients with irreversible intestinal failure due to short gut syndrome requiring total paranteral nutrition with no possibility of discontinuation and loss of venous access for patient maintenance. In these patients complications of underlying disease and long-term total parenteral nutrition are present.

  3. 115. Cirugía urgente en un caso de tromboembolia pulmonar con trombo acabalgado en foramen oval permeable

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    Y. Castillo


    Conclusiones: La embolectomía pulmonar bajo circulación extracorpórea es una alternativa terapéutica reservada a los casos de tromboembolia pulmonar con fallo ventricular derecho e inestabilidad hemodinámica, y puede ser utilizada de forma segura y eficaz en aquellos casos en que la fibrinólisis esté contraindicada y la localización del trombo permita su extracción quirúrgica.

  4. Distribución condicional de los retornos de la tasa de cambio colombiana: un ejercicio empírico a partir de modelos GARCH univariados.

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    Santiago Gallón Gómez


    Full Text Available Un conjunto de modelos GARCH multivariados son estimados y su validez empírica comparada a partir del cálculo de la medida VaR, para los retornos diarios de la tasa de cambio nominal del peso colombiano con respecto al dólar americano, euro, libra esterlina y yen japonés en el periodo 1999–2005. La comparación de las estimaciones para la matriz de covarianza condicional y los resultados obtenidos para la proporción de fallo y el contraste de cuantil dinámico de Engle y Manganelli (2004 presentan evidencia a favor del modelo de correlación condicional constante.

  5. Síndrome de Tourette


    Maniega López, Raisa


    Introducción: El ST o Síndrome de Tourette descubierto por el doctor Gilles Tourette en el año 1885, se caracteriza por la presencia de varios tics motores y sónicos además de fallos en la fluencia del habla. Este síndrome tiene un componente hereditario y las descompensaciones de dopamina parecen tener algo que ver con su aparición. Además del ST los enfermos pueden padecer otras formas de la enfermedad como el trastorno de tic crónico o transitorio. Esta enfermedad también se asocia con otr...

  6. Sobre la construcción de utopías y contrautopías en la Antigüedad griega a través de «lo otro». Un acercamiento a la Odisea


    Álvarez Rodríguez, Bárbara


    Hoy en día, la emigración es percibida como una de las mayores lacras que acechan a las sociedades noroccidentales. El sistema económico y de valores de éstas se ve amenazado por el peligro de una emigración masiva del sur y del oriente. La xenofobia, en su significación más originaria, inunda las calles. El extranjero, el otro, provoca miedo. Esto tal vez sea debido a un fallo en nuestra memoria histórica. No me refiero a los españoles como un pueblo emigrante, que...

  7. Intestinal Microbiota Influences Non-intestinal Related Autoimmune Diseases (United States)

    Opazo, Maria C.; Ortega-Rocha, Elizabeth M.; Coronado-Arrázola, Irenice; Bonifaz, Laura C.; Boudin, Helene; Neunlist, Michel; Bueno, Susan M.; Kalergis, Alexis M.; Riedel, Claudia A.


    The human body is colonized by millions of microorganisms named microbiota that interact with our tissues in a cooperative and non-pathogenic manner. These microorganisms are present in the skin, gut, nasal, oral cavities, and genital tract. In fact, it has been described that the microbiota contributes to balancing the immune system to maintain host homeostasis. The gut is a vital organ where microbiota can influence and determine the function of cells of the immune system and contributes to preserve the wellbeing of the individual. Several articles have emphasized the connection between intestinal autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn's disease with dysbiosis or an imbalance in the microbiota composition in the gut. However, little is known about the role of the microbiota in autoimmune pathologies affecting other tissues than the intestine. This article focuses on what is known about the role that gut microbiota can play in the pathogenesis of non-intestinal autoimmune diseases, such as Grave's diseases, multiple sclerosis, type-1 diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorders. Furthermore, we discuss as to how metabolites derived from bacteria could be used as potential therapies for non-intestinal autoimmune diseases. PMID:29593681

  8. Intestinal Microbiota Influences Non-intestinal Related Autoimmune Diseases

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    Maria C. Opazo


    Full Text Available The human body is colonized by millions of microorganisms named microbiota that interact with our tissues in a cooperative and non-pathogenic manner. These microorganisms are present in the skin, gut, nasal, oral cavities, and genital tract. In fact, it has been described that the microbiota contributes to balancing the immune system to maintain host homeostasis. The gut is a vital organ where microbiota can influence and determine the function of cells of the immune system and contributes to preserve the wellbeing of the individual. Several articles have emphasized the connection between intestinal autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn's disease with dysbiosis or an imbalance in the microbiota composition in the gut. However, little is known about the role of the microbiota in autoimmune pathologies affecting other tissues than the intestine. This article focuses on what is known about the role that gut microbiota can play in the pathogenesis of non-intestinal autoimmune diseases, such as Grave's diseases, multiple sclerosis, type-1 diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorders. Furthermore, we discuss as to how metabolites derived from bacteria could be used as potential therapies for non-intestinal autoimmune diseases.

  9. Intestinal Permeability: The Basics

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    Ingvar Bjarnason


    Full Text Available The authors review some of the more fundamental principles underlying the noninvasive assessment of intestinal permeability in humans, the choice of test markers and their analyses, and the practical aspects of test dose composition and how these can be changed to allow the specific assessment of regional permeability changes and other intestinal functions. The implications of increased intestinal permeability in the pathogenesis of human disease is discussed in relation to findings in patients with Crohn’s disease. A common feature of increased intestinal permeability is the development of a low grade enteropathy, and while quantitatively similar changes may be found in Crohn’s disease these seem to predict relapse of disease. Moreover, factors associated with relapse of Crohn’s disease have in common an action to increase intestinal permeability. While increased intestinal permeability does not seem to be important in the etiology of Crohn’s disease it may be a central mechanism in the clinical relapse of disease.

  10. Determinación de mezclas de suelo estabilizado a partir de recursos de biomasa locales para mejorar la calidad de las viviendas construidas por la población del territorio de Uige, Angola

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    Jorge Rufino


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye una investigación que, partiendo de las condiciones socioculturales, económicas y climático-ambientales de Uige, tiene en cuenta los recursos materiales, técnicos y humanos disponibles, así como las prácticas y técnicas constructivas de las tipologías tradicionales de esa región angolana, para proponer soluciones a las grandes necesidades de vivienda en el territorio. Debido a diversos factores relacionados con la caracterización de la zona de estudio, el fondo habitacional construido con tierra o suelo no tiene la durabilidad suficiente, con lo que aumentan los costos debido al deterioro y fallos de las instalaciones. De aquí que se propone y aborda la presente investigación para lograr incrementar la estabilidad del suelo y con ello la mejora de sus características como material de construcción. En este sentido el trabajo estuvo centrado en dos aspectos, primero la caracterización de la zona de estudio y la identificación de las problemáticas que inciden sobre la calidad y durabilidad del fondo habitacional construido, en segundo lugar la determinación de la mezcla suelo - estabilizador adecuada a partir del reciclaje y transformación puzolánica de residuos agrícolas locales.

  11. Intestinal Microbiota Signatures Associated With Histological Liver Steatosis in Pediatric-Onset Intestinal Failure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Korpela, K.; Mutanen, A.; Salonen, A.; Savilahti, E.; Vos, de W.M.; Pakarinen, M.P.


    BACKGROUND: Intestinal failure (IF)-associated liver disease (IFALD) is the major cause of mortality in IF. The link between intestinal microbiota and IFALD is unclear. METHODS: We compared intestinal microbiota of patients with IF (n = 23) with healthy controls (n = 58) using culture-independent

  12. Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury augments intestinal mucosal injury and bacterial translocation in jaundiced rats. (United States)

    Yüksek, Yunus Nadi; Kologlu, Murat; Daglar, Gül; Doganay, Mutlu; Dolapci, Istar; Bilgihan, Ayse; Dolapçi, Mete; Kama, Nuri Aydin


    The aim of this study was to evaluate local effects and degree of bacterial translocation related with intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in a rat obstructive jaundice model. Thirty adult Sprague-Dawley rats (200-250 g) were divided into three groups; including Group 1 (jaundice group), Group 2 (jaundice-ischemia group) and Group 3 (ischemia group). All rats had 2 laparotomies. After experimental interventions, tissue samples for translocation; liver and ileum samples for histopathological examination, 25 cm of small intestine for mucosal myeloperoxidase and malondialdehyde levels and blood samples for biochemical analysis were obtained. Jaundiced rats had increased liver enzyme levels and total and direct bilirubin levels (p<0.05). Intestinal mucosal myeloperoxidase and malondialdehyde levels were found to be high in intestinal ischemia-reperfusion groups (p<0.05). Intestinal mucosal damage was more severe in rats with intestinal ischemia-reperfusion after bile duct ligation (p<0.05). Degree of bacterial translocation was also found to be significantly high in these rats (p<0.05). Intestinal mucosa is disturbed more severely in obstructive jaundice with the development of ischemia and reperfusion. Development of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion in obstructive jaundice increases bacterial translocation.

  13. Intestinal lymphangiectasia in children (United States)

    Isa, Hasan M.; Al-Arayedh, Ghadeer G.; Mohamed, Afaf M.


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL) is a rare disease characterized by dilatation of intestinal lymphatics. It can be classified as primary or secondary according to the underlying etiology. The clinical presentations of IL are pitting edema, chylous ascites, pleural effusion, acute appendicitis, diarrhea, lymphocytopenia, malabsorption, and intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis is made by intestinal endoscopy and biopsies. Dietary modification is the mainstay in the management of IL with a variable response. Here we report 2 patients with IL in Bahrain who showed positive response to dietary modification. PMID:26837404

  14. Una mirada sobre la sentencia que confirmó la constitucionalidad de la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual (LSCA en Argentina

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    Diego De Charras


    Full Text Available El fallo de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación de Argentina que confirmó la constitucionalidad de la Ley 26.522 de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual resultó un hecho jurídico, histórico y político fundamental en la historia de la regulación de la comunicación y la libertad de expresión en el país. Esta sentencia también avaló la potestad del Estado para regular la comunicación, independientemente del soporte, sobre la base de la necesidad de garantizar la diversidad y el pluralismo. Este artículo propone un análisis de los principales puntos de este fallo ya que, a nuestro entender, asume una relevancia equivalente a nivel nacional a la que implicó la opinión consultiva 5/85 de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos a nivel regional. Por primera vez, la perspectiva de la comunicación como derecho humano por encima de los requerimientos de la mercantilización traspasó las discusiones académicas para convertirse en jurisprudencia.

  15. Static and dynamic task mapping onto network on chip multiprocessors

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    Freddy Bolaños-Martínez


    Full Text Available Las redes en circuito integrado (NoC representan un importante paradigma de uso creciente para los sistemas multiprocesador en circuito integrado (MPSoC, debido a su flexibilidad y escalabilidad. Las estrategias de tolerancia a fallos han venido adquiriendo importancia, a medida que los procesos de manufactura incursionan en dimensiones por debajo del micrómetro y la complejidad de los diseños aumenta. Este artículo describe un algoritmo de aprendizaje incremental basado en población (PBIL, orientado a optimizar el proceso de mapeo en tiempo de diseño, así como a encontrar soluciones de mapeo óptimas en tiempo de ejecución, para hacer frente a fallos de único nodo en la red. En ambos casos, los objetivos de optimización corresponden al tiempo de ejecución de las aplicaciones y al ancho de banda pico que aparece en la red. Las simulaciones se basaron en un algoritmo de ruteo XY determinístico, operando sobre una topología de malla 2D para la NoC. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores. El algoritmo propuesto exhibe un desempeño superior a otras técnicas reportadas cuando el tamaño del problema aumenta.

  16. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction (United States)

    ... Staying in bed for long periods of time (bedridden). Taking drugs that slow intestinal movements. These include ... be tried: Colonoscopy may be used to remove air from the large intestine. Fluids can be given ...

  17. Relación endoscópica entre duodenitis inespecífica y sobrecrecimiento bacteriano del intestino delgado


    Naddaf, R; Folkmanas, W


    Cuando aparece una proliferación de la flora de tipo colónico en el intestino delgado se producen alteraciones en la digestión y absorción intestinal, que clínicamente conforman el síndrome del Sobrecrecimiento Bacteriano del Intestino Delgado (SBID). En el SBID la concentración bacteriana aumenta hasta 107-109 UFC/ml en intestino delgado. El principio del test de hidrógeno espirado es la administración de un carbohidrato (Lactulosa, dxilosa, glucosa), que al ser degradado por las bacterias p...

  18. TÉCNICAS DE OFENSA Y DEFENSA A LOS FALLOS POR CORRUPCIÓN DE MEMORIA Memory Corruption Failures Attack and Defense Techniques

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    David Mora Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Las técnicas de ataque a aplicaciones por corrupción de memoria aprovechan las debilidades de los programas para obtener ejecución de código arbitrario. Estos fallos de programación han sido utilizados por diferentes ataques desde la década de los ochenta. Este documento presenta las diferentes técnicas que puede utilizar un atacante para lograr su objetivo y las precauciones que debe tener un desarrollador de aplicaciones, para evitar que su programa esté expuesto a vulnerabilidades que permitan ejecutar ataques por corrupción de memoria. Los fabricantes de sistemas operativos y compiladores introdujeron diferentes mecanismos de defensa para proteger las aplicaciones. Estos mecanismos no son excluyentes y cada uno tiene sus propios objetivos de diseño para añadir nuevas capas de seguridad.Attack techniques against memory corruption applications take advantage of the programs weakness for obtaining execution of arbitrary code. These programming failures have been used for several attacks since the 80's. This document shows several techniques to be used by an attacker in order to achieve his objectives and the precautions an application developer should have for preventing the program to be exposed vulnerable situations which may allow having attacks for memory corruption. Manufacturers of operating systems and compilers introduced several defense mechanisms to protect applications. These are not excluding mechanisms and each one of them has its own design objectives for adding new security layers.

  19. Análisis de la jurisprudencia electoral chilena

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    Carlos Manuel Rosales


    Full Text Available A partir de la reinstauración de la democracia en Chile en el año de 1989, se reestableció el funcionamiento del Tribunal Calificador de Elecciones. Este trabajo presenta un análisis de la producción jurisdiccional de este órgano jurisdiccional desde 1989 hasta 2007, para descubrir cómo funda y motiva sus fallos, los requisitos para acceder a la justicia electoral, entre otros rubros.

  20. Análisis terapéutico de precedentes: un estudio de la intersexualidad a partir de los pronunciamientos de la Corte Constitucional

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    Olga Lucia Camacho Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available A partir de la perspectiva que plantea la jurisprudencia terapéutica en el estudio de casos judiciales, fueron sometidos a revisión los nueve fallos que hasta ahora ha emitido el Alto Tribunal de la Jurisdicción Constitucional colombiano acerca del problema jurídico más importante relacionado con la intersexualidad, esto es, el de la obtención del consentimiento informado en los procedimientos de reasignación de sexo o normalización. La regla jurídica adoptada como precedente judicial genera eventuales efectos terapéuticos o anti-terapéuticos según la obtención del consentimiento informado privilegie el ejercicio de la autonomía del menor de edad intersex, o el de sus representantes legales.

  1. Intestinal Leiomyositis: A Cause of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo?Obstruction in 6 Dogs


    Zacuto, A.C.; Pesavento, P.A.; Hill, S.; McAlister, A.; Rosenthal, K.; Cherbinsky, O.; Marks, S.L.


    Background Intestinal leiomyositis is a suspected autoimmune disorder affecting the muscularis propria layer of the gastrointestinal tract and is a cause of chronic intestinal pseudo?obstruction in humans and animals. Objective To characterize the clinical presentation, histopathologic features, and outcome of dogs with intestinal leiomyositis in an effort to optimize treatment and prognosis. Animals Six client?owned dogs. Methods Retrospective case series. Medical records were reviewed to de...

  2. Diffused and sustained inhibitory effects of intestinal electrical stimulation on intestinal motility mediated via sympathetic pathway. (United States)

    Zhao, Xiaotuan; Yin, Jieyun; Wang, Lijie; Chen, Jiande D Z


    The aims were to investigate the energy-dose response effect of intestinal electrical stimulation (IES) on small bowel motility, to compare the effect of forward and backward IES, and to explore the possibility of using intermittent IES and mechanism of IES on intestinal motility. Five dogs implanted with a duodenal cannula and one pair of intestinal serosal electrodes were studied in five sessions: 1) energy-dose response study; 2) forward IES; 3) backward IES; 4) intermittent IES vs. continuous IES; 5) administration of guanethidine. The contractile activity and tonic pressure of the small intestine were recorded. The duration of sustained effect after turning off IES was manually calculated. 1) IES with long pulse energy dose dependently inhibited contractile activity and tonic pressure of the small intestine (p intestine depended on the energy of IES delivered (p intestine. 5) Guanethidine blocked the inhibitory effect of IES on intestinal motility. IES with long pulses inhibits small intestinal motility; the effect is energy-dose dependent, diffused, and sustained. Intermittent IES has the same efficacy as the continuous IES in inhibiting small intestinal motility. Forward and backward IES have similar inhibitory effects on small bowel motility. This IES-induced inhibitory effect is mediated via the sympathetic pathway. © 2013 International Neuromodulation Society.

  3. Bruxismo y parasitosis intestinal en niños de 4 a 6 años de edad en La Brea (Talara, Piura) Perú


    Baldeón Sifuentes, Cindy; Del Castillo-López, César; Balarezo Razzeto, José Antonio; Evangelista Alva, Alexis; Sánchez Borjas, Pablo; Velásquez Sánchez, José Luis


    La prevalencia del bruxismo es variada, sin diferencias por sexos, pero si por edades; más frecuente en jóvenes, disminuyendo en edades mayores. La parasitosis intestinal tiene distribución amplia en la población mundial, constituye un problema de salud pública, afecta a la quinta parte la población mundial, y en Sudamérica la proporción es aún mayor. Algunas autores mencionan al bruxismo como sintomatología asociada con parasitosis intestinal. Sin embargo, la relación bruxismo-parasitosis aú...

  4. Intestinal lymphangiectasia in adults. (United States)

    Freeman, Hugh James; Nimmo, Michael


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia in the adult may be characterized as a disorder with dilated intestinal lacteals causing loss of lymph into the lumen of the small intestine and resultant hypoproteinemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia and reduced number of circulating lymphocytes or lymphopenia. Most often, intestinal lymphangiectasia has been recorded in children, often in neonates, usually with other congenital abnormalities but initial definition in adults including the elderly has become increasingly more common. Shared clinical features with the pediatric population such as bilateral lower limb edema, sometimes with lymphedema, pleural effusion and chylous ascites may occur but these reflect the severe end of the clinical spectrum. In some, diarrhea occurs with steatorrhea along with increased fecal loss of protein, reflected in increased fecal alpha-1-antitrypsin levels, while others may present with iron deficiency anemia, sometimes associated with occult small intestinal bleeding. Most lymphangiectasia in adults detected in recent years, however, appears to have few or no clinical features of malabsorption. Diagnosis remains dependent on endoscopic changes confirmed by small bowel biopsy showing histological evidence of intestinal lymphangiectasia. In some, video capsule endoscopy and enteroscopy have revealed more extensive changes along the length of the small intestine. A critical diagnostic element in adults with lymphangiectasia is the exclusion of entities (e.g. malignancies including lymphoma) that might lead to obstruction of the lymphatic system and "secondary" changes in the small bowel biopsy. In addition, occult infectious (e.g. Whipple's disease from Tropheryma whipplei) or inflammatory disorders (e.g. Crohn's disease) may also present with profound changes in intestinal permeability and protein-losing enteropathy that also require exclusion. Conversely, rare B-cell type lymphomas have also been described even decades following initial

  5. Expression of an Intestine-Specific Transcription Factor (CDX1) in Intestinal Metaplasia and in Subsequently Developed Intestinal Type of Cholangiocarcinoma in Rat Liver (United States)

    Ren, Ping; Silberg, Debra G.; Sirica, Alphonse E.


    CDX1 is a caudal-type homeobox intestine-specific transcription factor that has been shown to be selectively expressed in epithelial cells in intestinal metaplasia of the human stomach and esophagus and variably expressed in human gastric and esophageal adenocarcinomas (Silberg DG, Furth EE, Taylor JK, Schuck T, Chiou T, Traber PG: Gastroenterology 1997, 113: 478–486). Through the use of immunohistochemistry and Western blotting, we investigated whether CDX1 is also uniquely associated with the intestinal metaplasia associated with putative precancerous cholangiofibrosis induced in rat liver during furan cholangiocarcinogenesis, as well as expressed in neoplastic glands in a subsequently developed intestinal type of cholangiocarcinoma. In normal, control adult rat small intestine, specific nuclear immunoreactivity for CDX1 was most prominent in enterocytes lining the crypts. In comparison, epithelium from intestinal metaplastic glands within furan-induced hepatic cholangiofibrosis and neoplastic epithelium from later developed primary intestinal-type cholangiocarcinoma each demonstrated strong nuclear immunoreactivity for CDX1. CDX1-positive cells were detected in hepatic cholangiofibrotic tissue as early as 3 weeks after the start of chronic furan treatment. We further determined that the percentages of CDX1-positive neoplastic glands and glandular nuclei are significantly higher in primary tumors than in a derived, transplantable cholangiocarcinoma serially-propagated in vivo. Western blotting confirmed our immunohistochemical results, and no CDX1 immunoreactivity was detected in normal adult rat liver or in hyperplastic biliary epithelial cells. These findings indicate that CDX1 is specifically associated with early intestinal metaplasia and a later developed intestinal-type of cholangiocarcinoma induced in the liver of furan-treated rats. PMID:10666391

  6. The CT signs of intestinal volvulus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji Jiansong; Wang Zufei; Xu Zhaolong; Lv Guijian; Xu Min; Zhao Zhongwei; Su Jinliang; Zhou Limin


    Objective: To improve the accuracy rate of spiral CT diagnosing intestinal volvulus. Methods: To analysis the CT findings of 9 cases of intestinal volvulus proved by operation, the main reconstruction techniques were multiplanar reformation (MPR) and sliding thin-slab maximum intensity projection (STS-MIP). Results: All the 9 cases were diagnosed accurately, the main signs were 'whirlpool' of intestine (6 cases) and vessels (9 cases),'target loop' (2 cases),'beak'(6 cases). Conclusion: 'Whirlpool' of vessels is a specific sign to diagnose intestinal volvulus, 'target loop', reduced enhancement of intestinal wall and ascites are the reliable signs to strangulated intestinal obstruction. Spiral CT and reconstructions have important value to diagnose the intestinal volvulus. (authors)

  7. La responsabilidad en el derecho penal internacional: una aproximación desde la filosofía de John Searle. Reflexiones a partir del caso Lubanga

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    Rodrigo A. González Fernández


    Full Text Available En este trabajo examinamos el tópico de la responsabilidad en el derecho penal internacional a la luz de la filosofía de John Searle, y del fallo dictado por la Corte Penal Internacional en el caso de Thomas Lubanga. En el primer acápite analizamos la declaración de responsabilidad penal en función de la teoría de actos de habla de Austin y de Searle, tratándola como un acto ilocucionario cuyo significado es dependiente de un marco institucional específico. Luego, en el segundo acápite, mostramos de qué forma tal marco puede reconstruirse como un ejemplo paradigmático de la realidad social construida descrita por Searle, especialmente en virtud del nexo entre mente, lenguaje y sociedad. A nuestro juicio, los conceptos de intencionalidad colectiva, atribución de funciones de estatus y poderes deónticos son fundamentales para entender tal nexo. En efecto, tal como argumentamos en la tercera sección, los sistemas de poderes deónticos asociados al derecho internacional no solo explican la aparición de Tribunales penales internacionales, como la Corte Penal Internacional, sino además el carácter imprescriptible de los crímenes de lesa humanidad. Los acuerdos internacionales que promueven y protegen los derechos humanos, y que tratan la imprescriptibilidad de aquellos crímenes, son objeto de análisis en la sección final, en donde exponemos algunas reflexiones finales a partir del caso Lubanga.

  8. The Effect of DA-6034 on Intestinal Permeability in an Indomethacin-Induced Small Intestinal Injury Model. (United States)

    Kwak, Dong Shin; Lee, Oh Young; Lee, Kang Nyeong; Jun, Dae Won; Lee, Hang Lak; Yoon, Byung Chul; Choi, Ho Soon


    DA-6034 has anti-inflammatory activities and exhibits cytoprotective effects in acute gastric injury models. However, explanations for the protective effects of DA-6034 on intestinal permeability are limited. This study sought to investigate the effect of DA-6034 on intestinal permeability in an indomethacin-induced small intestinal injury model and its protective effect against small intestinal injury. Rats in the treatment group received DA-6034 from days 0 to 2 and indomethacin from days 1 to 2. Rats in the control group received indomethacin from days 1 to 2. On the fourth day, the small intestines were examined to compare the severity of inflammation. Intestinal permeability was evaluated by using fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran. Western blotting was performed to confirm the association between DA-6034 and the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. The inflammation scores in the treatment group were lower than those in the control group, but the difference was statistically insignificant. Hemorrhagic lesions in the treatment group were broader than those in the control group, but the difference was statistically insignificant. Intestinal permeability was lower in the treatment group than in the control group. DA-6034 enhanced extracellular signal-regulated kinase expression, and intestinal permeability was negatively correlated with ERK expression. DA-6034 may decrease intestinal permeability in an indomethacin-induced intestinal injury model via the ERK pathway.

  9. Participación del óxido nítrico durante el desarrollo del absceso hepático amebiano Nitric oxide participation during amoebic liver abscess development

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    Joel Ramírez-Emiliano


    Full Text Available El óxido nítrico participa en funciones fisiológicas y fisiopatológicas, así como en el mecanismo de defensa del sistema inmunológico de mamíferos contra parásitos, virus y bacterias. La Entamoeba histolytica es un parásito protozoario causante de la amebiasis, la cual se caracteriza por el daño intestinal y la formación del absceso hepático amebiano (AHA. El desarrollo del absceso hepático amebiano en el hámster es similar al que desarrolla el humano, mientras que el ratón es resistente a la formación de este absceso, debido a un incremento en la producción de óxido nítrico. A diferencia del ratón, el desarrollo del absceso hepático amebiano en el hámster es debido a un exceso en la producción de óxido nítrico o posiblemente a una mayor susceptibilidad del hámster al daño producido por el óxido nítrico. Por lo tanto, sería importante realizar más estudios para determinar si en el humano, un exceso en la producción de óxido nítrico favorece la formación del absceso hepático amebiano.Nitric oxide participates in both physiological and pathophysiological functions, and it plays an important role in the mammalian immune system in killing or inhibiting the growth of many pathogens, including parasites, viruses and bacteria. Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes amoebiasis, which is characterized by intestinal damage and amoebic liver abscess development. The development of amoebic liver abscess in hamsters is similar to that in humans, whereas mice are resistant to amoebic liver abscess development due to an increase in nitric oxide production. Unlike in mice, amoebic liver abscess development in hamsters is due to an excess in nitric oxide production or possibly to a greater susceptibility of the hamster to damage caused by nitric oxide. Therefore, it could be important to elucidate if, in humans, an excess in nitric oxide production favors amoebic liver abscess development.


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    Rider Piñeiro López


    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y objetivos: El síndrome coronario agudo presenta una elevada incidencia en el cuadro de morbilidad y mortalidad de los países del mundo desarrollado. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la morbilidad por síndrome coronario agudo y su relación con algunas variables. Método: Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico, observacional, descriptivo, en 30 pacientes con el diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del ST, atendidos en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva del Centro Diagnóstico Integral “José Gregorio Hernández”, municipio Ortiz, estado Guárico, República Bolivariana de Venezuela; en el período del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2007. Resultados: La angina inestable fue la enfermedad más frecuente (80,0 % en estos pacientes. Predominaron los mayores de 49 años (80 %, del sexo femenino (63,3 %, color negro de piel, procedencia urbana y escolaridad secundaria. El tabaquismo constituyó el factor de riesgo más frecuente (56,6 %, seguido de hipertensión arterial (43,3 % y obesidad (26,6 %. Las arritmias y el fallo de bomba fueron frecuentes en pacientes con infarto; el dolor precordial mantenido, en enfermos con angina inestable. Hubo un fallecido por infarto agudo de miocardio, con más de sesenta años y menos de tres días de estadía. Conclusiones: Predominó la angina inestable, y los factores de riesgo más frecuentemente asociados, fueron la hipertensión arterial y el hábito de fumar. Abstract Introduction and objectives: Acute coronary syndrome has a high impact on morbidity and mortality rates of the developed world. The objective of this research was to determine the morbidity for acute coronary syndrome and its relation to some variables. Method: An epidemiological, observational, descriptive study was performed in 30 patients with the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation, treated at the Intensive Care Unit of the Integral Diagnostic Center "Jos

  11. Control de la obra terminada: inspección final de calidad en un proyecto de interés social

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    Francine Berghan Finger


    Full Text Available La vivienda social se asocia generalmente con una construcción de bajo nivel de calidad. Sin embargo, es importante contar con elementos objetivos para verificar esta afirmación. El control de la obra terminada es una medida de calidad. Este trabajo presenta el análisis de los problemas encontrados en un proyecto de interés social típico, financiado por el programa Minha Vida, Minha Casa y construido en Sao Leopoldo, Brasil. Se acompañó la obra por seis meses en su fase final de ejecución. Se consultaron los reportes de inspección de obra terminada y se realizaron observaciones directas en la obra. La primera inspección de entrega alcanzó una reprobación de los propietarios alrededor del 64%. En algunos casos se hicieron cuatro inspecciones hasta la aceptación de la unidad. A partir de los datos del estudio y del análisis realizado, las carpinterías y los revestimientos de cerámicos se revelaron como la mayor fuente de fallos, alcanzando más del 77% de los problemas señalados en las inspecciones. Se encontró que los fallos detectados se debieron a problemas con la mano de obra y falta de calidad en materiales y componentes utilizados, así como hubo supervisión insuficiente de los servicios. Se observó que hay necesidad de mejorar el control de calidad, aunque la constructora tenga un certificado PBQP-H (certificación brasileña similar a la ISO 9000. Los procedimientos adecuados se definieron en los documentos internos, pero no se siguieron

  12. Foreign body-associated intestinal pyogranuloma resulting in intestinal obstruction in four dogs. (United States)

    Papazoglou, L G; Tontis, D; Loukopoulos, P; Patsikas, M N; Hermanns, W; Kouti, V; Timotheou, T; Liapis, I; Tziris, N; Rallis, T S


    Intestinal obstruction resulting from an intramural foreign body-associated pyogranuloma was diagnosed in four dogs. Vomiting and weight loss were the main clinical signs. On physical examination, a mass in the abdomen was detected in three dogs. Abdominal radiography demonstrated the presence of soft tissue opacity in three of the dogs and gas-filled dilated intestinal loops in all four dogs. Abdominal ultrasonography showed hyperkinetic fluid-filled dilated intestinal loops and a hypoechoic small intestinal mass in all the dogs. Exploratory coeliotomy confirmed the presence of a jejunal mass, which was removed by resection and anastomosis in all the dogs. In one of the dogs a linear foreign body was also found cranial to the mass and was removed through a separate enterotomy incision. The lesions were diagnosed as foreign body-associated intestinal pyogranulomas on histological examination. Three dogs recovered without complications, but the fourth showed signs of septic peritonitis four days after surgery and was euthanased at the owner's request. The other three dogs remained disease-free 12 to 42 months after surgery.

  13. Efecto del tramadol en la motilidad del ciego en dos equinos sanos (estudio preliminar

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    Anastasia Cruz-Carrillo


    Full Text Available El tramadol (analgésico opioide atípico es utilizado ampliamente en humanos y, en menor proporción, en animales, por falta de productos comerciales de uso veterinario. Es un analgésico eficaz que produce efectos adversos suaves, en comparación con los opioides típicos. Se propone su uso como alternativa en el manejo del dolor en equinos, a partir de la hipótesis de que al estimular los receptores opioides de manera suave, los efectos adversos en los equinos deben ser menores. Así, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto del tramadol en la motilidad de la musculatura lisa de la base del ciego en equinos sanos. Se utilizaron tres equinos, a los cuales, mediante intervención quirúrgica, se les colocaron dos electrodos en la base del ciego, y se exteriorizaron sus extensiones por la pared abdominal, para conectarlas a un equipo de registro electromiográfico que permitió la valoración de la actividad intestinal 15 días después de colocados los electrodos y después de aplicar 1,2 mg de tramadol/kg de peso. Se comprobó que después de aplicar el tramadol hubo un descenso leve de la intensidad de las contracciones musculares, los sonidos intestinales estuvieron presentes, no hubo atonía, cólico ni estreñimiento. Adicionalmente, se comprobó su gran eficacia analgésica y la ausencia de cualquier efecto adverso. Se concluye que bajo las condiciones aquí planteadas, el tramadol no deprimió la motilidad del ciego en equinos sanos, aunque disminuyó la intensidad de las contracciones musculares en el ciego.

  14. Miopatía visceral en un recién nacido con pseudoobstrucción intestinal

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    Lilia María Sánchez Baracaldo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una recién nacida a termino con un cuadro clínico de pseudoobstrucción intestinal secundario a una miopatía infantil de víscera hueca, en quien inicialmente se pensó se trataba de una enfermedad de Hirschsprung o  un colon izquierdo hipoplásico, entidades vistas con mayor frecuencia. La base del diagnóstico definitivo fueron los hallazgos histopatológicos.

  15. Intestinal Microbiota Signatures Associated With Histological Liver Steatosis in Pediatric-Onset Intestinal Failure. (United States)

    Korpela, Katri; Mutanen, Annika; Salonen, Anne; Savilahti, Erkki; de Vos, Willem M; Pakarinen, Mikko P


    Intestinal failure (IF)-associated liver disease (IFALD) is the major cause of mortality in IF. The link between intestinal microbiota and IFALD is unclear. We compared intestinal microbiota of patients with IF (n = 23) with healthy controls (n = 58) using culture-independent phylogenetic microarray analysis. The microbiota was related to histological liver injury, fecal markers of intestinal inflammation, matrix metalloproteinase 9 and calprotectin, and disease characteristics. Overabundance of Lactobacilli, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria was observed in IF, whereas bacteria related to Clostridium clusters III, IV, and XIVa along with overall diversity and richness were reduced. Patients were segregated into 3 subgroups based on dominating bacteria: Clostridium cluster XIVa, Proteobacteria, and bacteria related to Lactobacillus plantarum. In addition to liver steatosis and fibrosis, Proteobacteria were associated with prolonged current parenteral nutrition (PN) as well as liver and intestinal inflammation. Lactobacilli were related to advanced steatosis and fibrosis mostly after weaning off PN without associated inflammation. In multivariate permutational analysis of variance, liver steatosis, bowel length, PN calories, and antibiotic treatment best explained the microbiota variation among patients with IF. Intestinal microbiota composition was associated with liver steatosis in IF and better predicted steatosis than duration of PN or length of the remaining intestine. Our results may be explained by a model in which steatosis is initiated during PN in response to proinflammatory lipopolysaccharides produced by Proteobacteria and progresses after weaning off PN, as the L plantarum group Lactobacilli becomes dominant and affects lipid metabolism by altering bile acid signaling.

  16. Diagnóstico de averías de un cambiador de tomas en carga mediante redes neuronales


    Piñas García, Miguel Ángel


    Un cambiador de tomas en carga por sus siglas en español CTC u OLTC por sus siglas en inglés (“On-Load Tap Changer”) es la única parte con movimiento en un transformador. Su Misión es realizar la operación de cambio de una toma a otra del devanado de regulación, modificando el número de espiras en uno de los devanados, en respuesta a un cambio de tensión en la red debido a variaciones en la carga. De acuerdo a una encuesta internacional realizada por el CIGRE el 40% de los fallos del transfor...

  17. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia. (United States)

    Suresh, N; Ganesh, R; Sankar, Janani; Sathiyasekaran, Malathi


    Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL) is a rare disease of intestinal lymphatics presenting with hypoproteinemia, bilateral lower limb edema, ascites, and protein losing enteropathy. We report a series of 4 children from Chennai, India presenting with anasarca, recurrent diarrhea, hypoproteinemia and confirmatory features of PIL on endoscopy and histopathology.

  18. Enfermedades genéticas del ADN mitocondrial humano Genetic diseases of the mitochondrial DNA

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    Abelardo Solano


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades mitocondriales son un grupo de trastornos que están producidos por un fallo en el sistema de fosforilación oxidativa (sistema Oxphos, la ruta final del metabolismo energético mitocondrial, con la consiguiente deficiencia en la biosíntesis del trifosfato de adenosina (ATP, por sus siglas en inglés. Parte de los polipéptidos que componen este sistema están codificados en el ácido desoxirribonucleico (DNA mitocondrial y, en los últimos años, se han descrito mutaciones que se han asociado con síndromes clínicos bien definidos. Las características genéticas del DNA mitocondrial, herencia materna, poliplasmia y segregación mitótica, confieren a estas enfermedades propiedades muy particulares. Las manifestaciones clínicas de estas enfermedades son muy heterogéneas y afectan a distintos órganos y tejidos por lo que su correcto diagnóstico implica la obtención de datos clínicos, morfológicos, bioquímicos y genéticos. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en: diseases are a group of disorders produced by defects in the oxidative phosphorylation system (Oxphos system, the final pathway of the mitochondrial energetic metabolism, resulting in a deficiency of the biosynthesis of ATP. Part of the polypeptide subunits involved in the Oxphos system are codified by the mitochondrial DNA. In the last years, mutations in this genetic system have been described and associated to well defined clinical syndromes. The clinical features of these disorders are very heterogeneous affecting, in most cases, to different organs and tissues and their correct diagnosis require precise clinical, morphological, biochemical and genetic data. The peculiar genetic characteristics of the mitochondrial DNA (maternal inheritance, polyplasmia and mitotic segregation give to these disorders very distinctive properties. The English version of this paper is available at

  19. Uso del polen de abeja en la alimentación de pollos de engorda


    de Oliveira, Maria Cristina; Loch, Fernando Carlos; Montes da Silva, Diones; Carneiro Martins, Poliana; Teixeira, Adriely Suzian; Cunha Claro, Daniel


    El polen de abeja (PA) puede ser un complemento nutricional para los animales, ya que mejora la eficiencia del uso de nutrientes, lo que aumenta su absorción, acelera el crecimiento de los animales y mejora su rendimiento productivo. El efecto del PA en la dieta de pollos de engorda se evaluó sobre la digestibilidad, rendimiento, mucosa intestinal y calidad de la cama. Para evaluar la digestibilidad, se utilizaron 200 aves en un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro tratamientos (0, 0.5, 1.0 y...

  20. Si-Jun-Zi Decoction Treatment Promotes the Restoration of Intestinal Function after Obstruction by Regulating Intestinal Homeostasis

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    Xiangyang Yu


    Full Text Available Intestinal obstruction is a common disease requiring abdominal surgery with significant morbidity and mortality. Currently, an effective medical treatment for obstruction, other than surgical resection or decompression, does not exist. Si-Jun-Zi Decoction is a famous Chinese medicine used to replenish qi and invigorate the functions of the spleen. Modern pharmacological studies show that this prescription can improve gastrointestinal function and strengthen immune function. In this study, we investigated the effects of a famous Chinese herbal formula, Si-Jun-Zi Decoction, on the restoration of intestinal function after the relief of obstruction in a rabbit model. We found that Si-Jun-Zi Decoction could reduce intestinal mucosal injury while promoting the recovery of the small intestine. Further, Si-Jun-Zi Decoction could regulate the intestinal immune system. Our results suggest that Si-Jun-Zi Decoction promotes the restoration of intestinal function after obstruction by regulating intestinal homeostasis. Our observations indicate that Si-Jun-Zi Decoction is potentially a therapeutic drug for intestinal obstruction.

  1. C??lulas madre en terapia celular card??aca


    Lobo Gonz??lez, Manuel


    La enfermedad cardiovascular, y su frecuente resultado final, el fallo card??aco del ventr??culo izquierdo, son la principal causa de morbimortalidad en los pa??ses desarrollados. La investigaci??n con c??lulas madre podr??a regenerar una variedad de c??lulas que incluye a los cardiomiocitos. Se han utilizado diferentes fuentes celulares para la terapia regenerativa card??aca, incluyendo c??lulas madre card??acas, mioblastos de m??sculo esquel??tico, c??lulas madre derivadas de la...

  2. Gastric and intestinal surgery. (United States)

    Fossum, Theresa W; Hedlund, Cheryl S


    Gastric surgery is commonly performed to remove foreign bodies and correct gastric dilatation-volvulus and is less commonly performed to treat gastric ulceration or erosion, neoplasia, and benign gastric outflow obstruction. Intestinal surgery, although commonly performed by veterinarians, should never be considered routine. The most common procedures of the small intestinal tract performed in dogs and cats include enterotomy and resection/anastomosis. Surgery of the large intestine is indicated for lesions causing obstruction, perforations, colonic inertia, or chronic inflammation.

  3. Intestinal epithelium in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Mehmet eCoskun


    Full Text Available The intestinal epithelium has a strategic position as a protective physical barrier to luminal microbiota and actively contributes to the mucosal immune system. This barrier is mainly formed by a monolayer of specialized intestinal epithelial cells (IECs that are crucial in maintaining intestinal homeostasis. Therefore, dysregulation within the epithelial layer can increase intestinal permeability, lead to abnormalities in interactions between IECs and immune cells in underlying lamina propria, and disturb the intestinal immune homeostasis, all of which are linked to the clinical disease course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD. Understanding the role of the intestinal epithelium in IBD pathogenesis might contribute to an improved knowledge of the inflammatory processes and the identification of potential therapeutic targets.

  4. Sobre las fronteras jurídicas y sociales del trabajo asalariado en Argentina: análisis de una selección de fallos de la jurisprudencia laboral entre 1993-1997

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    Héctor Palomino


    Full Text Available El estudio de las formas contractuales y la organización del trabajo, revela una convergencia de procesos registrados en los países centrales con los que vienen siendo tratados desde hace varias décadas por la sociología latinoamericana. La situación argentina constituye, al respecto, un foco de interés para el análisis, ya que la expansión de la precariedad y de la desocupación en los ´90 tendieron a desestructurar un mercado de trabajo en el que la modalidad asalariada, estable y protegida, se había consolidado desde mediados de siglo. La jurisprudencia reciente muestra el impacto de aquellas tendencias sobre las formas de representación simbólicas del trabajo en el campo jurídico, donde las decisiones de los jueces intervienen sobre las fronteras contractuales y organizativas del trabajo asalariado. Esta reflexión sobre diversas modalidades de inserción laboral, conecta temas instalados en un campo común a la sociología, el derecho y la economía, por lo que puede contribuir a afianzar la colaboración interdisciplinaria en ciencias sociales. Al mismo tiempo, el enfoque adoptado permite indagar las posibilidades de fertilización conceptual entre diversas tradiciones clásicas en sociología, y de su aporte potencial para la comprensión de la articulación del trabajo en las sociedades contemporáneas.

  5. Diagnosis of intestinal and extra intestinal amoebiasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez, Myriam Consuelo; Quiroz, Damian Arnoldo; Pinilla, Analida Elizabeth


    The objective is to carry out a review of the national and international literature as of the XXth century in order to update the advances for the diagnosis of complex odd Entamoeba histolytic / Entamoeba dispar and that of intestinal and extra intestinal amoebiasis that may be of use to the scientific community. As well as to unify the diagnostic criteria of this parasitosis known as a public health problem, and as a consequence of that, optimize the quality of population care. Data source: there was a systematic search for the scientific literature Publisher in Spanish and English since 1960 until today, this selection started on the first semester of 2006 until 2007, in the development of the line on intestinal and extra-intestinal amoebiasis of the Medical School of the National University of Colombia. A retrospective search process was carried out, systematically reviewing the most relevant articles as well as the products of this research line. In deciding how to make this article, there was a continuous search in different data bases such as Medline, SciELO and other bases in the library of the National University of Colombia, as well as other classical books related to the subject. For that purpose the terms amoebiasis, odd Entamoeba histolytic, Entamoeba, diagnosis, epidemiology, dysentery, amoebic liver abscess, were used. Studies selection: titles and abstracts were reviewed to select the original publications and the most representative ones related to this article's subject. Data extraction: the articles were classified according to the subject, the chronology and the authors according to the scientific contribution to solve the problem. Synthesis of the data: in the fi rst instance, a chronological critical analysis was carried out to order and synthesize the progress made in the diagnosis until confirmation of the experts' agreements in the field of amoebiasis was obtained throughout the world. Conclusion: this article summarizes what has taken place

  6. Intestinal transplantation: The anesthesia perspective. (United States)

    Dalal, Aparna


    Intestinal transplantation is a complex and challenging surgery. It is very effective for treating intestinal failure, especially for those patients who cannot tolerate parenteral nutrition nor have extensive abdominal disease. Chronic parental nutrition can induce intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD). According to United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) data, children with intestinal failure affected by liver disease secondary to parenteral nutrition have the highest mortality on a waiting list when compared with all candidates for solid organ transplantation. Intestinal transplant grafts can be isolated or combined with the liver/duodenum/pancreas. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) has defined intestinal donor criteria. Living donor intestinal transplant (LDIT) has the advantages of optimal timing, short ischemia time and good human leukocyte antigen matching contributing to lower postoperative complications in the recipient. Thoracic epidurals provide excellent analgesia for the donors, as well as recipients. Recipient management can be challenging. Thrombosis and obstruction of venous access maybe common due to prolonged parenteral nutrition and/or hypercoaguability. Thromboelastography (TEG) is helpful for managing intraoperative product therapy or thrombosis. Large fluid shifts and electrolyte disturbances may occur due to massive blood loss, dehydration, third spacing etc. Intestinal grafts are susceptible to warm and cold ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Post-reperfusion syndrome is common. Cardiac or pulmonary clots can be monitored with transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and treated with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Vasopressors maybe used to ensure stable hemodynamics. Post-intestinal transplant patients may need anesthesia for procedures such as biopsies for surveillance of rejection, bronchoscopy, endoscopy, postoperative hemorrhage, anastomotic leaks, thrombosis of grafts etc. Asepsis

  7. Presentation of a nationwide multicenter registry of intestinal failure and intestinal transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neelis, E. G.; Roskott, A. M.; Dijkstra, G.; Wanten, G. J.; Serlie, M. J.; Tabbers, M. M.; Damen, G.; Olthof, E. D.; Jonkers, C. F.; Kloeze, J. H.; Ploeg, R. J.; Imhann, F.; Nieuwenhuijs, V. B.; Rings, E. H. H. M.

    Background & aims: Exact data on Dutch patients with chronic intestinal failure (CIF) and after intestinal transplantation (ITx) have been lacking. To improve standard care of these patients, a nationwide collaboration has been established. Objectives of this study were obtaining an up-to-date

  8. Presentation of a nationwide multicenter registry of intestinal failure and intestinal transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neelis, E.G.; Roskott, A.M.; Dijkstra, G.; Wanten, G.J.A.; Serlie, M.J.; Tabbers, M.M.; Damen, G.M.; Olthof, E.D.; Jonkers, C.F.; Kloeze, J.H.; Ploeg, R.J.; Imhann, F.; Nieuwenhuijs, V.B.; Rings, E.H.


    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Exact data on Dutch patients with chronic intestinal failure (CIF) and after intestinal transplantation (ITx) have been lacking. To improve standard care of these patients, a nationwide collaboration has been established. Objectives of this study were obtaining an up-to-date

  9. Intestinal obstruction by eosinophilic jejunitis Aspectos quirúrgicos de la enteritis eosinofílica

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    J. M. Álamo Martínez


    Full Text Available Eosinophilic enteritis is an uncommon disease that rarely devel-ops as a surgical emergency. Although it may be associated with infestation by Ancylostoma caninum, its etiology is unknown and often related to a personal or family history of atopy. A transmural involvement may cause intestinal obstruction -more frequently in the jejunum- or even acute abdomen, which may or may not be accompanied by intestinal perforation. The latter two conditions tend to be more commonly associated with ileum disease, causing pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Patient history, eosinophil count -which may be paradoxically reduced when the disease appears in this way-, ultrasonography, and/or CT lead to the suspicion of this condition before a surgical procedure is considered. A definitive diagnosis, however, must be reached by means of an anatomopathological study. Macroscopically, intestinal loops exhibit a thickened appearance with an elastic consistency. Laparoscopic intestinal biopsy may play a major role in the diagnosis of disease.La enteritis eosinofílica es una enfermedad poco frecuente que debuta de forma extraordinaria como urgencia quirúrgica. Su etiopatogenia, aunque pudiera estar asociada a la infestación por Ancylostoma caninum, se desconoce, y en muchas ocasiones se relaciona con antecedentes personales o familiares de atopia. La afectación transmural puede ocasionar síndrome obstructivo intestinal, más frecuente a nivel yeyunal, o incluso un abdomen agudo acompañado o no de perforación entérica. Estas dos últimas entidades suelen estar asociadas más usualmente con el asentamiento de la enfermedad en íleon, provocando dolor en la fosa iliaca derecha. Los antecedentes del enfermo, el recuento de eosinófilos en sangre, que paradójicamente puede estar disminuido cuando la enfermedad debuta de esta forma, la ecografía y/o la TAC, pueden hacernos sospechar de esta patología antes de plantearse la intervención quir

  10. Intestinal Stem Cell Markers in the Intestinal Metaplasia of Stomach and Barrett's Esophagus.

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    Bo Gun Jang

    Full Text Available Gastric intestinal metaplasia (IM is a highly prevalent preneoplastic lesion; however, the molecular mechanisms regulating its development remain unclear. We have previously shown that a population of cells expressing the intestinal stem cell (ISC marker LGR5 increases remarkably in IM. In this study, we further investigated the molecular characteristics of these LGR5+ cells in IM by examining the expression profile of several ISC markers. Notably, we found that ISC markers-including OLFM4 and EPHB2-are positively associated with the CDX2 expression in non-tumorous gastric tissues. This finding was confirmed in stomach lesions with or without metaplasia, which demonstrated that OLFM4 and EPHB2 expression gradually increased with metaplastic progression. Moreover, RNA in situ hybridization revealed that LGR5+ cells coexpress several ISC markers and remained confined to the base of metaplastic glands, reminiscent to that of normal intestinal crypts, whereas those in normal antral glands expressed none of these markers. Furthermore, a large number of ISC marker-expressing cells were diffusely distributed in gastric adenomas, suggesting that these markers may facilitate gastric tumorigenesis. In addition, Barrett's esophagus (BE-which is histologically similar to intestinal metaplasia-exhibited a similar distribution of ISC markers, indicating the presence of a stem cell population with intestinal differentiation potential. In conclusion, we identified that LGR5+ cells in gastric IM and BE coexpress ISC markers, and exhibit the same expression profile as those found in normal intestinal crypts. Taken together, these results implicate an intestinal-like stem cell population in the pathogenesis of IM, and provide an important basis for understanding the development and maintenance of this disease.

  11. Non-Meckel Small Intestine Diverticulitis

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    Shamim Ejaz


    Full Text Available Non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis can have many manifestations and its management is not well-defined. We report 4 unselect cases of small intestine diverticulitis; all patients were seen by the same physician at the Emergency Center at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center between 1999 and 2014. The median age at diagnosis of these patients was 82 years (range, 76–87 years. All 4 patients presented with acute onset of abdominal pain, and computed tomography scans showed characteristics of small intestine diverticulitis unrelated to cancer. Most of the diverticula were found in the region of the duodenum and jejuno-ileal segments of the small intestine. The patients, even those with peripancreatic inflammation and localized perforation, were treated conservatively. Non-Meckel diverticulitis can be overlooked in the initial diagnosis because of the location of the diverticulosis, the age of the patient, and the rarity of the disease. Because patients with non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis can present with acute abdominal pain, non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with acute abdominal pain, and computed tomography scans can help identify the condition. Because of the rarity of non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis, few studies have been published, and the data are inconclusive about how best to approach these patients. Our experience with these 4 elderly patients indicates that non-Meckel small intestine diverticulitis can be treated conservatively, which avoids the potential morbidity and mortality of a surgical approach.

  12. Dyslipidaemia--hepatic and intestinal cross-talk.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Tomkin, Gerald H


    Cholesterol metabolism is tightly regulated with the majority of de novo cholesterol synthesis occurring in the liver and intestine. 3 Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, a major enzyme involved in cholesterol synthesis, is raised in both liver and intestine in diabetic animals. Niemann PickC1-like1 protein regulates cholesterol absorption in the intestine and facilitates cholesterol transport through the liver. There is evidence to suggest that the effect of inhibition of Niemann PickC1-like1 lowers cholesterol through its effect not only in the intestine but also in the liver. ATP binding cassette proteins G5\\/G8 regulate cholesterol re-excretion in the intestine and in the liver, cholesterol excretion into the bile. Diabetes is associated with reduced ATP binding cassette protein G5\\/G8 expression in both the liver and intestine in animal models. Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein is central to the formation of the chylomicron in the intestine and VLDL in the liver. Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein mRNA is increased in diabetes in both the intestine and liver. Cross-talk between the intestine and liver is poorly documented in humans due to the difficulty in obtaining liver biopsies but animal studies are fairly consistent in showing relationships that explain in part mechanisms involved in cholesterol homeostasis.

  13. Presentation of a nationwide multicenter registry of intestinal failure and intestinal transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neelis, E. G.; Roskott, A. M.; Dijkstra, G.; Wanten, G. J.; Serlie, M. J.; Tabbers, M. M.; Damen, G.; Olthof, E. D.; Jonkers, C. F.; Kloeze, J. H.; Ploeg, R. J.; Imhann, F.; Nieuwenhuijs, V. B.; Rings, E. H. H. M.


    Exact data on Dutch patients with chronic intestinal failure (CIF) and after intestinal transplantation (ITx) have been lacking. To improve standard care of these patients, a nationwide collaboration has been established. Objectives of this study were obtaining an up-to-date prevalence of CIF and

  14. Guia de actuación para el farmacéutico comunitario en enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

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    Estefanía Heredia Balladares

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Introducción: La presente guía está enfocada en ayudar al paciente con Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal que asiste a la oficina de farmacia, mediante la oferta de servicios de atención farmacéutica como son la farmacovigilancia y el seguimiento farmacoterapéutico que buscan promover la inclusión del farmacéutico comunitario en el equipo de salud. Objetivo: Elaborar una guía de actuación para el Farmacéutico Comunitario en pacientes con Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal Metodología: El protocolo de revisión sistemática para la elaboración de la presente guía fue desarrollado en base a los criterios en el que se establecen: Identificar la pregunta de investigación, realizar un plan de estrategia en bases de datos electrónicos, utilizar un enfoque de equipo para la extracción de información, realizar un análisis temático y resumir la información. Resultados: La elaboración de algoritmos en la presente guía permite aportar información oportuna para el farmacéutico comunitario acorde a las características individuales que se presenten en cada paciente permitiendo detectar de manera rápida y eficaz los problemas que se pudieren presentar durante la enfermedad para poder prevenirlos e intervenir de manera oportuna. Discusión: La información aportada ayuda a reforzar los conocimientos teórico-prácticos del farmacéutico comunitario, incentivándolo a promover y promocionar servicios de atención farmacéutica enfocados en las necesidades del paciente

  15. Aplicación de un modelo educativo para prevenir parasitosis intestinal

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    Rosario Román Pérez


    Full Text Available génLa parasitosis intestinal es causa de morbili - dad en niños de 0 a 14 años de edad y está asociada con medidas de higiene y factores psicosociales. En el artículo se muestra el trabjo que se diseñó y aplicó para evaluar un programa de educación para la salud sobre higiene y prevención de parasitosis intesti - nal en escolares de comunidades margina - das en Hermosillo, Sonora, México. El diseño de investigación fue de grupo de contraste, con evaluación pre/post y toma de muestras coprológicas. El programa se llevó a cabo en dos escuelas de Hermosillo, Sonora, una urbana y otra suburbana du - rante el ciclo escolar 2010-2011. Los temas trabajados fueron alimentación, prevención de enfermedades, autoestima y cuidado del medio ambiente. Los resultados muestran que la intervención logró cambios positivos a nivel de conocimientos y reducción en la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal.ero, hábitos de alimenta - ción, sobrepeso, obesidad, mayas.

  16. Adult zebrafish intestine resection: a novel model of short bowel syndrome, adaptation, and intestinal stem cell regeneration. (United States)

    Schall, K A; Holoyda, K A; Grant, C N; Levin, D E; Torres, E R; Maxwell, A; Pollack, H A; Moats, R A; Frey, M R; Darehzereshki, A; Al Alam, D; Lien, C; Grikscheit, T C


    Loss of significant intestinal length from congenital anomaly or disease may lead to short bowel syndrome (SBS); intestinal failure may be partially offset by a gain in epithelial surface area, termed adaptation. Current in vivo models of SBS are costly and technically challenging. Operative times and survival rates have slowed extension to transgenic models. We created a new reproducible in vivo model of SBS in zebrafish, a tractable vertebrate model, to facilitate investigation of the mechanisms of intestinal adaptation. Proximal intestinal diversion at segment 1 (S1, equivalent to jejunum) was performed in adult male zebrafish. SBS fish emptied distal intestinal contents via stoma as in the human disease. After 2 wk, S1 was dilated compared with controls and villus ridges had increased complexity, contributing to greater villus epithelial perimeter. The number of intervillus pockets, the intestinal stem cell zone of the zebrafish increased and contained a higher number of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeled cells after 2 wk of SBS. Egf receptor and a subset of its ligands, also drivers of adaptation, were upregulated in SBS fish. Igf has been reported as a driver of intestinal adaptation in other animal models, and SBS fish exposed to a pharmacological inhibitor of the Igf receptor failed to demonstrate signs of intestinal adaptation, such as increased inner epithelial perimeter and BrdU incorporation. We describe a technically feasible model of human SBS in the zebrafish, a faster and less expensive tool to investigate intestinal stem cell plasticity as well as the mechanisms that drive intestinal adaptation. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  17. Small Intestinal Infections. (United States)

    Munot, Khushboo; Kotler, Donald P


    Small intestinal infections are extremely common worldwide. They may be bacterial, viral, or parasitic in etiology. Most are foodborne or waterborne, with specific etiologies differing by region and with diverse pathophysiologies. Very young, very old, and immune-deficient individuals are the most vulnerable to morbidity or mortality from small intestinal infections. There have been significant advances in diagnostic sophistication with the development and early application of molecular diagnostic assays, though these tests have not become mainstream. The lack of rapid diagnoses combined with the self-limited nature of small intestinal infections has hampered the development of specific and effective treatments other than oral rehydration. Antibiotics are not indicated in the absence of an etiologic diagnosis, and not at all in the case of some infections.

  18. Intestinal microbiota in healthy adults: temporal analysis reveals individual and common core and relation to intestinal symptoms.

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    Jonna Jalanka-Tuovinen

    Full Text Available While our knowledge of the intestinal microbiota during disease is accumulating, basic information of the microbiota in healthy subjects is still scarce. The aim of this study was to characterize the intestinal microbiota of healthy adults and specifically address its temporal stability, core microbiota and relation with intestinal symptoms. We carried out a longitudinal study by following a set of 15 healthy Finnish subjects for seven weeks and regularly assessed their intestinal bacteria and archaea with the Human Intestinal Tract (HIT Chip, a phylogenetic microarray, in conjunction with qPCR analyses. The health perception and occurrence of intestinal symptoms was recorded by questionnaire at each sampling point.A high overall temporal stability of the microbiota was observed. Five subjects showed transient microbiota destabilization, which correlated not only with the intake of antibiotics but also with overseas travelling and temporary illness, expanding the hitherto known factors affecting the intestinal microbiota. We identified significant correlations between the microbiota and common intestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain and bloating. The most striking finding was the inverse correlation between Bifidobacteria and abdominal pain: subjects who experienced pain had over five-fold less Bifidobacteria compared to those without pain. Finally, a novel computational approach was used to define the common core microbiota, highlighting the role of the analysis depth in finding the phylogenetic core and estimating its size. The in-depth analysis suggested that we share a substantial number of our intestinal phylotypes but as they represent highly variable proportions of the total community, many of them often remain undetected.A global and high-resolution microbiota analysis was carried out to determine the temporal stability, the associations with intestinal symptoms, and the individual and common core microbiota in healthy adults. The

  19. Small Intestine Cancer—Health Professional Version (United States)

    Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of small intestine cancer. Other types of small intestine cancer are sarcomas, carcinoid tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, and lymphomas. Find evidence-based information on small intestine cancer treatment, research, and statistics.

  20. Parenteral Nutrition and Intestinal Failure. (United States)

    Bielawska, Barbara; Allard, Johane P


    Severe short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a major cause of chronic (Type 3) intestinal failure (IF) where structural and functional changes contribute to malabsorption and risk of micronutrient deficiencies. Chronic IF may be reversible, depending on anatomy and intestinal adaptation, but most patients require long-term nutritional support, generally in the form of parenteral nutrition (PN). SBS management begins with dietary changes and pharmacologic therapies taking into account individual anatomy and physiology, but these are rarely sufficient to avoid PN. New hormonal therapies targeting intestinal adaptation hold promise. Surgical options for SBS including intestinal transplant are available, but have significant limitations. Home PN (HPN) is therefore the mainstay of treatment for severe SBS. HPN involves chronic administration of macronutrients, micronutrients, fluid, and electrolytes via central venous access in the patient's home. HPN requires careful clinical and biochemical monitoring. Main complications of HPN are related to venous access (infection, thrombosis) and metabolic complications including intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD). Although HPN significantly impacts quality of life, outcomes are generally good and survival is mostly determined by the underlying disease. As chronic intestinal failure is a rare disease, registries are a promising strategy for studying HPN patients to improve outcomes.

  1. Determination of Intestine Inflammation Markers in Diagnostic Search in Children with Intestinal Diseases

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    N.V. Pavlenko


    Full Text Available Introduction. Prevalence of bowel diseases in children is the second, trailing only the diseases of gastroduodenal zone and growing in recent years. Actual one is the problem of differential diagnosis of functional and inflammatory intestinal diseases using non-invasive methods on the prehospital stage and as a screening. Objective. Comparative analysis of fecal markers of the bowel inflammation (lactoferrine and calprotectine with endoscopy and morphology of intestinal mucosa in children. Matherials and methods. 49 children aged 6–18 years were examined. All patients underwent endoscopic and morphological study of the intestine, coprotest, determination of fecal markers of bowel inflammation (lactoferrin and calprotectine. Results. It is shown that in young children, the intestinal mucosa mainly hadn’t endoscopic changes, coprotest and morphological examination didn’t reveal the signs of inflammation, fecal intestinal inflammation markers were negative (p < 0.05. In the group of older children, moderate or marked catarrhal changes were found endoscopically, coprotest results were typical of inflammation in the intestines, it was morphologically proved the presence of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon with signs of atrophy, the results of lactoferrin and calprotectine determination were positive (p < 0.05. Conclusion. The findings suggest that the evaluation of calprotectine and lactoferrin can be used in pediatric patients because of its non-invasiveness as diagnostic screening for the selection of patients for the further endoscopic examination and diagnostic search.

  2. Intestinal spirochetosis and colon diverticulosis Espiroquetose intestinal e diverticulose do cólon

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    Marcus Aurelho de Lima


    Full Text Available A case of intestinal spirochetosis in a 62-year-old white male is reported. The condition was characterized by chronic flatulence and episodes of intestinal hemorrhage, in addition to the evidence of hypotonic diverticular disease, with a large number of slender organisms in the colon epithelium and cryptae. Spirochetes were demonstrated by Whartin-Starry stain. The serologic tests for syphilis and HIV were positive. Spirochetosis was treated with penicillin G, and the patient remains free of intestinal complaints 20 months later.Um caso de espiroquetose intestinal é relatado em um homem branco de 62 anos. A condição foi caracterizada por flatulência crônica e episódios de hemorragia intestinal, além da evidência de doença diverticular hipotônica dos cólons, com numerosos organismos filamentosos no epitélio e nas criptas do cólon. Os espiroquetas foram demonstrados pela coloração de Whartin-Starry. Os testes sorológicos para sífilis e HIV foram positivos. A espiroquetose foi tratada com penicilina G e o paciente permanece sem queixas intestinais após 20 meses.

  3. Intestinal epithelium in inflammatory bowel disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coskun, Mehmet


    The intestinal epithelium has a strategic position as a protective physical barrier to luminal microbiota and actively contributes to the mucosal immune system. This barrier is mainly formed by a monolayer of specialized intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) that are crucial in maintaining intestinal...... of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Understanding the role of the intestinal epithelium in IBD pathogenesis might contribute to an improved knowledge of the inflammatory processes and the identification of potential therapeutic targets....

  4. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (Waldmann's disease). (United States)

    Vignes, Stéphane; Bellanger, Jérôme


    Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL) is a rare disorder characterized by dilated intestinal lacteals resulting in lymph leakage into the small bowel lumen and responsible for protein-losing enteropathy leading to lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia. PIL is generally diagnosed before 3 years of age but may be diagnosed in older patients. Prevalence is unknown. The main symptom is predominantly bilateral lower limb edema. Edema may be moderate to severe with anasarca and includes pleural effusion, pericarditis or chylous ascites. Fatigue, abdominal pain, weight loss, inability to gain weight, moderate diarrhea or fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies due to malabsorption may also be present. In some patients, limb lymphedema is associated with PIL and is difficult to distinguish lymphedema from edema. Exsudative enteropathy is confirmed by the elevated 24-h stool alpha1-antitrypsin clearance. Etiology remains unknown. Very rare familial cases of PIL have been reported. Diagnosis is confirmed by endoscopic observation of intestinal lymphangiectasia with the corresponding histology of intestinal biopsy specimens. Videocapsule endoscopy may be useful when endoscopic findings are not contributive. Differential diagnosis includes constrictive pericarditis, intestinal lymphoma, Whipple's disease, Crohn's disease, intestinal tuberculosis, sarcoidosis or systemic sclerosis. Several B-cell lymphomas confined to the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, jejunum, midgut, ileum) or with extra-intestinal localizations were reported in PIL patients. A low-fat diet associated with medium-chain triglyceride supplementation is the cornerstone of PIL medical management. The absence of fat in the diet prevents chyle engorgement of the intestinal lymphatic vessels thereby preventing their rupture with its ensuing lymph loss. Medium-chain triglycerides are absorbed directly into the portal venous circulation and avoid lacteal overloading. Other inconsistently effective

  5. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (Waldmann's disease

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    Bellanger Jérôme


    Full Text Available Abstract Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL is a rare disorder characterized by dilated intestinal lacteals resulting in lymph leakage into the small bowel lumen and responsible for protein-losing enteropathy leading to lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia. PIL is generally diagnosed before 3 years of age but may be diagnosed in older patients. Prevalence is unknown. The main symptom is predominantly bilateral lower limb edema. Edema may be moderate to severe with anasarca and includes pleural effusion, pericarditis or chylous ascites. Fatigue, abdominal pain, weight loss, inability to gain weight, moderate diarrhea or fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies due to malabsorption may also be present. In some patients, limb lymphedema is associated with PIL and is difficult to distinguish lymphedema from edema. Exsudative enteropathy is confirmed by the elevated 24-h stool α1-antitrypsin clearance. Etiology remains unknown. Very rare familial cases of PIL have been reported. Diagnosis is confirmed by endoscopic observation of intestinal lymphangiectasia with the corresponding histology of intestinal biopsy specimens. Videocapsule endoscopy may be useful when endoscopic findings are not contributive. Differential diagnosis includes constrictive pericarditis, intestinal lymphoma, Whipple's disease, Crohn's disease, intestinal tuberculosis, sarcoidosis or systemic sclerosis. Several B-cell lymphomas confined to the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, jejunum, midgut, ileum or with extra-intestinal localizations were reported in PIL patients. A low-fat diet associated with medium-chain triglyceride supplementation is the cornerstone of PIL medical management. The absence of fat in the diet prevents chyle engorgement of the intestinal lymphatic vessels thereby preventing their rupture with its ensuing lymph loss. Medium-chain triglycerides are absorbed directly into the portal venous circulation and avoid lacteal overloading. Other

  6. A etiological factors in mechanical intestinal obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asad, S.; Khan, H.; Khan, I.A.; Ghaffar, S.; Rehman, Z.U.


    Background: Intestinal obstruction occurs when the normal flow of intestinal contents is interrupted. The most frequent causes of intestinal obstruction are postoperative adhesions and hernias, which cause extrinsic compression of the intestine. Less frequently, tumours or strictures of the bowel can cause intrinsic blockage. Objective of the study was to find out the various a etiological factors of mechanical intestinal obstruction and to evaluate the morbidity and mortality in adult patients presenting to Surgical 'A' unit of Ayub teaching hospital with mechanical intestinal obstruction. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from March 2009 to September, 2009. All patients presenting with intestinal obstruction and were above the age of 12 years were included in the study. Patients with non-mechanical obstruction were excluded from the study and those who responded to conservative measures were also excluded. Results: A total of 36 patients with age ranging from 12 to 80 years (Mean age 37.72+-19.74 years) and male to female ratio of 1.77:1, were treated for mechanical intestinal obstruction. The most common cause for mechanical intestinal obstruction was adhesions (36.1%). Intestinal tuberculosis was the second most common cause (19.4%), while hernias and sigmoid volvulus affected 13.9% patients each. Malignancies were found in 5.6% cases. Conclusion: Adhesions and Tuberculosis are the leading causes of mechanical intestinal obstruction in Pakistan. Although some patients can be treated conservatively, a substantial portion requires immediate surgical intervention. (author)

  7. Inmunogenicidad de la vacuna frente al virus de la hepatitis B en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal


    Olsen Rodríguez, Renée


    La colitis ulcerosa (CU) y la enfermedad de Crohn (EC) son patologías que se denominan conjuntamente enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII). Su patogenia es poco conocida, pero si se sabe que hay una respuesta inmune frente a estructuras del tubo digestivo. El tratamiento se basa es disminuir esta inmunogenicidad administrando corticoides, inmunosupresores o terapias biológicas. Todas estas circunstancias favorecen las infecciones y reactivaciones por el virus de la hepatitis B (VHB). La pr...

  8. The extent of intestinal failure-associated liver disease in patients referred for intestinal rehabilitation is associated with increased mortality: an analysis of the pediatric intestinal failure consortium database. (United States)

    Javid, Patrick J; Oron, Assaf P; Duggan, Christopher; Squires, Robert H; Horslen, Simon P


    The advent of regional multidisciplinary intestinal rehabilitation programs has been associated with improved survival in pediatric intestinal failure. Yet, the optimal timing of referral for intestinal rehabilitation remains unknown. We hypothesized that the degree of intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD) at initiation of intestinal rehabilitation would be associated with overall outcome. The multicenter, retrospective Pediatric Intestinal Failure Consortium (PIFCon) database was used to identify all subjects with baseline bilirubin data. Conjugated bilirubin (CBili) was used as a marker for IFALD, and we stratified baseline bilirubin values as CBili4 mg/dL. The association between baseline CBili and mortality was examined using Cox proportional hazards regression. Of 272 subjects in the database, 191 (70%) children had baseline bilirubin data collected. 38% and 28% of patients had CBili >4 mg/dL and CBili 4 mg/dL, prematurity, race, and small bowel atresia. On regression analysis controlling for age, prematurity, and diagnosis, the risk of mortality was increased by 3-fold for baseline CBili 2-4 mg/dL (HR 3.25 [1.07-9.92], p=0.04) and 4-fold for baseline CBili >4 mg/dL (HR 4.24 [1.51-11.92], p=0.006). On secondary analysis, CBili >4 mg/dL at baseline was associated with a lower chance of attaining enteral autonomy. In children with intestinal failure treated at intestinal rehabilitation programs, more advanced IFALD at referral is associated with increased mortality and decreased prospect of attaining enteral autonomy. Early referral of children with intestinal failure to intestinal rehabilitation programs should be strongly encouraged. Treatment Study, Level III. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. [An experimental assessment of methods for applying intestinal sutures in intestinal obstruction]. (United States)

    Akhmadudinov, M G


    The results of various methods used in applying intestinal sutures in obturation were studied. Three series of experiments were conducted on 30 dogs--resection of the intestine after obstruction with the formation of anastomoses by means of double-row suture (Albert--Shmiden--Lambert) in the first series (10 dogs), by a single-row suture after V. M. Mateshchuk [correction of Mateshuku] in the second series, and bu a single-row stretching suture suggested by the author in the third series. The postoperative complications and the parameters of physical airtightness of the intestinal anastomosis were studied in dynamics in the experimental animals. The results of the study: incompetence of the anastomosis sutures in the first series 6, in the second 4, and in the third series one. Adhesions occurred in all animals of the first and second series and in 2 of the third series. Six dogs of the first series died, 4 of the second, and one of the third. Study of the dynamics of the results showed a direct connection of the complications with the parameters of the physical airtightness of the anastomosis, and the last-named with the method of the intestinal suture. Relatively better results were noted in formation of the anastomosis by means of our suggested stretshing continuous suture passed through the serous, muscular, and submucous coats of the intestine.

  10. Update on small intestinal stem cells


    Tesori, Valentina; Puglisi, Maria Ausiliatrice; Lattanzi, Wanda; Gasbarrini, Giovanni Battista; Gasbarrini, Antonio


    Among somatic stem cells, those residing in the intestine represent a fascinating and poorly explored research field. Particularly, somatic stem cells reside in the small intestine at the level of the crypt base, in a constant balance between self-renewal and differentiation. Aim of the present review is to delve into the mechanisms that regulate the delicate equilibrium through which intestinal stem cells orchestrate intestinal architecture. To this aim, special focus will be addressed to id...

  11. Parasitosis intestinales en niños ingresados en el Hospital Universitario Pediátrico del Cerro, La Habana, Cuba


    Núñez, Fidel A.; González, Odalys M.; Bravo, . José R.; Escobedo, Ángel A.; González, Ida


    Se realizó un estudio sobre parasitismo intestinal en 401 niños ingresados en el Hospital Universitario Pediátrico del Cerro entre los meses de mayo y junio de 1999. Para esta finalidad se tomó una muestra representativa, aleatoria y estratificada por servicios. Por cada niño, se recogieron 3 muestras de heces preservadas en formaldehído, las que se procesaron por 3 métodos parasitológicos. La prevalencia de parasitismo intestinal fue de 15 % en el hospital, y no se encontraron diferencias en...

  12. Prophylactic Ozone Administration Reduces Intestinal Mucosa Injury Induced by Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion in the Rat

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    Ozkan Onal


    Full Text Available Objectives. Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury is associated with mucosal damage and has a high rate of mortality. Various beneficial effects of ozone have been shown. The aim of the present study was to show the effects of ozone in ischemia reperfusion model in intestine. Material and Method. Twenty eight Wistar rats were randomized into four groups with seven rats in each group. Control group was administered serum physiologic (SF intraperitoneally (ip for five days. Ozone group was administered 1 mg/kg ozone ip for five days. Ischemia Reperfusion (IR group underwent superior mesenteric artery occlusion for one hour and then reperfusion for two hours. Ozone + IR group was administered 1 mg/kg ozone ip for five days and at sixth day IR model was applied. Rats were anesthetized with ketamine∖xyzlazine and their intracardiac blood was drawn completely and they were sacrificed. Intestinal tissue samples were examined under light microscope. Levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD, catalase (CAT, glutathioneperoxidase (GSH-Px, malondyaldehide (MDA, and protein carbonyl (PCO were analyzed in tissue samples. Total oxidant status (TOS, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC were analyzed in blood samples. Data were evaluated statistically by Kruskal Wallis test. Results. In the ozone administered group, degree of intestinal injury was not different from the control group. IR caused an increase in intestinal injury score. The intestinal epithelium maintained its integrity and decrease in intestinal injury score was detected in Ozone + IR group. SOD, GSH-Px, and CAT values were high in ozone group and low in IR. TOS parameter was highest in the IR group and the TAC parameter was highest in the ozone group and lowest in the IR group. Conclusion. In the present study, IR model caused an increase in intestinal injury.In the present study, ozone administration had an effect improving IR associated tissue injury. In the present study, ozone therapy

  13. Estrategia integral de formación para la mejora continua de la calidad de los servicios de salud

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    Laura Magaña Valladares


    Full Text Available El sistema de salud mexicano ha tenido logros importantes que se reflejan en la mejora creciente del nivel de salud. Empero, la heterogeneidad en la calidad de los servicios y su repercusión en la salud de diferentes grupos poblacionales continúan siendo un reto. Los costos de fallos en la calidad representan de 20 a 40% del gasto de los sistemas de salud. Es necesario desarrollar la capacidad organizacional para implementar sistemas de gestión de calidad que permitan identificar, evaluar, superar y prevenir los retos del sistema de salud. Para ello, se propone una estrategia integral de formación de recursos humanos basada en competencias y responsabilidades, que incluye programas de pregrado, posgrado y educación continua para favorecer el ejercicio efectivo de la función de calidad en los diversos niveles de responsabilidad del sistema de salud. La estrategia responde a las necesidades del sistema mexicano, pero puede ser adaptada a diferentes sistemas y contextos.

  14. Very late onset small intestinal B cell lymphoma associated with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia and diffuse cutaneous warts


    Bouhnik, Y; Etienney, I; Nemeth, J; Thevenot, T; Lavergne-Slove, A; Matuchansky, C


    As only a handful of lymphoma cases have been reported in conjunction with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia, it is not yet clear if this association is merely fortuitous or related to primary intestinal lymphangiectasia induced immune deficiency. We report on two female patients, 50 and 58 years old, who developed small intestinal high grade B cell lymphoma a long time (45 and 40 years, respectively) after the initial clinical manifestations of primary intestinal lymphangiectasia. They pre...

  15. The effect of fucoidan on intestinal flora and intestinal barrier function in rats with breast cancer. (United States)

    Xue, Meilan; Ji, Xinqiang; Liang, Hui; Liu, Ying; Wang, Bing; Sun, Lingling; Li, Weiwei


    Recent research studies have shown that the intestinal flora are related to the occurrence and progress of breast cancer. This study investigates the effect of fucoidan on intestinal flora and intestinal barrier function in rats with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced breast cancers. Sixty female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to the control group, the model group, and the F1 and F2 groups, which were fed fucoidan at concentrations of 200 and 400 mg per kg bw (body weight), respectively. Intestinal histopathological analysis was performed and 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing was used to provide an overview of the intestinal flora composition. The contents of d-lactic acid (d-LA), diamine oxidase (DAO) and endotoxin in plasma were detected by ELISA. Expression levels of the tight junction (TJ) proteins, phosphorylated p38 MAPK and ERK1/2 were measured using western blotting. Our results suggested that the intestinal wall of the model group was damaged. However, after fucoidan intervention, the villi were gradually restored. ELISA showed that the levels of plasma endotoxin, d-LA and DAO decreased in the F1 and F2 groups compared to those in the model group. Fucoidan treatment also increased the expressions of ZO-1, occludin, claudin-1 and claudin-8. Furthermore, the expression levels of phosphorylated p38 MAPK and ERK1/2 were upregulated in fucoidan treatment groups. The results of 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing indicated that fucoidan increased the diversity of the intestinal microbiota and induced changes in microbial composition, with the increased Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes phylum ratio. In conclusion, the supplement of fucoidan could improve the fecal microbiota composition and repair the intestinal barrier function. The study suggested the use of fucoidan as an intestinal flora modulator for potential prevention of breast cancer.

  16. Después de Pidal: medio siglo de renovación en el estudio de la historiografía hispánica medieval (siglos XII y XIII

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    Georges Martin


    Full Text Available Un fallo en la inmensa aportación de Ramón Menéndez Pidal al conocimiento de la historiografía hispánica de la Edad Media –y una base de su teoría del tradicionalismo– fue el desprecio por los historiadores medievales así como la ignorancia de la intencionalidad y fina semántica de sus producciones. A partir de los años 60 del siglo XX, y a lo largo de sus últimos decenios, se ha abierto un fructífero y renovador camino: primero se ha desarrollado una filología formal que, sobre la base de un...

  17. [Morphological changes of the intestine in experimental acute intestinal infection in the treatment of colloidal silver]. (United States)

    Polov'ian, E S; Chemich, N D; Moskalenko, R A; Romaniuk, A N


    At the present stage of infectionist practice in the treatment of acute intestinal infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms, colloidal silver is used with a particle size of 25 nm as an alternative to conventional causal therapy. In 32 rats, distributed in 4 groups of 8 animals each (intact; healthy, got colloidal silver; with a modeled acute intestinal infection in the basic treatment and with the addition of colloidal silver), histological examination was performed of small and large intestine of rats. Oral administration of colloidal silver at a dose of 0.02 mg/day to intact rats did not lead to changes in morphometric parameters compared to the norm, and during early convalescence in rats with acute intestinal infections were observed destructive and compensatory changes in the intestine, which depended on the treatment regimen. With the introduction of colloidal silver decreased activity of the inflammatory process and the severity of morphological changes in tissues of small and large intestine, indicating that the positive effect of study drug compared with baseline therapy.

  18. Activated STAT5 Confers Resistance to Intestinal Injury by Increasing Intestinal Stem Cell Proliferation and Regeneration

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    Shila Gilbert


    Full Text Available Intestinal epithelial stem cells (IESCs control the intestinal homeostatic response to inflammation and regeneration. The underlying mechanisms are unclear. Cytokine-STAT5 signaling regulates intestinal epithelial homeostasis and responses to injury. We link STAT5 signaling to IESC replenishment upon injury by depletion or activation of Stat5 transcription factor. We found that depletion of Stat5 led to deregulation of IESC marker expression and decreased LGR5+ IESC proliferation. STAT5-deficient mice exhibited worse intestinal histology and impaired crypt regeneration after γ-irradiation. We generated a transgenic mouse model with inducible expression of constitutively active Stat5. In contrast to Stat5 depletion, activation of STAT5 increased IESC proliferation, accelerated crypt regeneration, and conferred resistance to intestinal injury. Furthermore, ectopic activation of STAT5 in mouse or human stem cells promoted LGR5+ IESC self-renewal. Accordingly, STAT5 promotes IESC proliferation and regeneration to mitigate intestinal inflammation. STAT5 is a functional therapeutic target to improve the IESC regenerative response to gut injury.

  19. Irritable bowel syndrome immune hypothesis: the role of lymphocytes and mast cells Hipótesis inmune del síndrome del intestino irritable: Primera parte: papel de los linfocitos y mastocitos

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    M. Ortiz Lucas


    Full Text Available Objective: To review the available evidence on the role of T-lymphocytes and mast cells in the etiopathogenesis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Methods: Bibliographic retrieval on PubMed including the terms "Irritable Bowel Syndrome, "Immune System", "T-Lymphocytes" and "Mast Cells". Results: Twenty-five case-control studies and one randomized controlled trial were retrieved. Noteworthy in the blood is the increase in activated T cells destined to migrate to the bowel in these patients. A high frequency of T-lymphocytes is described in the intestinal mucosa, although the study findings are, at times, contradictory. An evident increase in mast cells (and in their activity between the terminal ileum and descending colon is also observed. Conclusions: The heterogeneity of diagnostic criteria and experimentation methods could account for some of the differences in the results found in the selected research. There are indications that give reason to believe these patients have "low-grade intestinal inflammation", and the increase in T-lymphocytes and mast cells has been associated with disorders found in IBS such as the communication between the intestine and the nervous system, the increase in intestinal permeability and changes in the microbiota.Objetivo: Revisar la evidencia disponible sobre el papel de los linfocitos T y mastocitos en la etiopatogenia del Síndrome del Intestino Irritable. de las vías biliares. Métodos: Recuperación bibliográfica en PubMed incluyendo los términos "Irritable Bowel Syndrome, "Immune System", "T-Lymphocytes" y "Mast Cells". Resultados: Se recuperaron 25 estudios casos-control y un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. A nivel sanguíneo destaca el aumento de células T activadas destinadas a migrar al intestino en estos pacientes. En la mucosa intestinal se describe un patrón elevado de linfocitos T, aunque los resultados de los estudios son en ocasiones contradictorios, y un aumento claro de mastocitos (y de su

  20. Radiation-induced recurrent intestinal pseudo-obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conklin, J.L.; Anuras, S.


    The syndrome of intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a complex of signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction without evidence of mechanical obstruction of the intestinal lumen. A patient with radiation-induced intestinal pseudoobstruction is described. The patient is a 74-year old woman with a history of chronic diarrhea, recurrent episodes of crampy abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting since receiving a 13,000 rad radiation dose to the pelvis in 1954. She has been hospitalized on many occasions for symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction. Upper gastrointestinal contrast roentgenograms with small bowel follow-through done during these episodes revealed multiple dilated loops of small bowel with no obstructing lesion. Barium enemas revealed no obstructing lesion. Each episode resolved with conservative therapy. Other secondary causes for intestinal pseudo-obstruction were ruled out in our patient. She gave no history of familial gastrointestinal disorders. Although postirradiation motility abnormalities have been demonstrated experimentally this is the first report of radiation induced intestinal pseudo-obstruction

  1. Fish oil enhances recovery of intestinal microbiota and epithelial integrity in chronic rejection of intestinal transplant.

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    Qiurong Li

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The intestinal chronic rejection (CR is the major limitation to long-term survival of transplanted organs. This study aimed to investigate the interaction between intestinal microbiota and epithelial integrity in chronic rejection of intestinal transplantation, and to find out whether fish oil enhances recovery of intestinal microbiota and epithelial integrity. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The luminal and mucosal microbiota composition of CR rats were characterized by DGGE analysis at 190 days after intestinal transplant. The specific bacterial species were determined by sequence analysis. Furthermore, changes in the localization of intestinal TJ proteins were examined by immunofluorescent staining. PCR-DGGE analysis revealed that gut microbiota in CR rats had a shift towards Escherichia coli, Bacteroides spp and Clostridium spp and a decrease in the abundance of Lactobacillales bacteria in the intestines. Fish oil supplementation could enhance the recovery of gut microbiota, showing a significant decrease of gut bacterial proportions of E. coli and Bacteroides spp and an increase of Lactobacillales spp. In addition, CR rats showed pronounced alteration of tight junction, depicted by marked changes in epithelial cell ultrastructure and redistribution of occuldin and claudins as well as disruption in TJ barrier function. Fish oil administration ameliorated disruption of epithelial integrity in CR, which was associated with an improvement of the mucosal structure leading to improved tight junctions. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study have presented novel evidence that fish oil is involved in the maintenance of epithelial TJ integrity and recovery of gut microbiota, which may have therapeutic potential against CR in intestinal transplantation.

  2. Lipo sarcoma in small intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez Iglesias, J.; Pineyro Gutierrez, A.; Taroco Medeiros, L.; Fein Kolodny, C.; Navarrete Pedocchi, H.


    A case is presented by primitive liposarcoma in small intestine , an extensive bibliographical review foreigner and national in this case. It detach the exceptional of the intestinal topography of the liposarcomas; and making stress in the relative value of the computerized tomography and ultrasonography in the diagnose of the small intestine tumors . As well as in the sarcomas of another topography, chemo and radiotherapy associated to the exeresis surgery, it can be of benefit [es

  3. [Intrauterine intestinal volvulus]. (United States)

    Gawrych, Elzbieta; Chojnacka, Hanna; Wegrzynowski, Jerzy; Rajewska, Justyna


    Intrauterine intestinal volvulus is an extremely rare case of acute congenital intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis is usually possible in the third trimester of a pregnancy. Fetal midgut volvulus is most likely to be recognized by observing a typical clockwise whirlpool sign during color Doppler investigation. Multiple dilated intestinal loops with fluid levels are usually visible during the antenatal ultrasound as well. Physical and radiographic findings in the newborn indicate intestinal obstruction and an emergency surgery is required. The authors describe intrauterine volvulus in 3 female newborns in which surgical treatment was individualized. The decision about primary or delayed anastomosis after resection of the gangrenous part of the small bowel was made at the time of the surgery and depended on the general condition of the newborn, as well as presence or absence of meconium peritonitis. Double loop jejunostomy was performed in case of two newborns, followed by a delayed end-to-end anastomosis. In case of the third newborn, good blood supply of the small intestine after untwisting and 0.25% lignocaine injections into mesentery led to the assumption that the torsion was not complete and ischemia was reversible. In the two cases of incomplete rotation the cecum was sutured to the left abdominal wall to prevent further twisting. The postoperative course was uneventful and oral alimentation caused no problems. Physical development of all these children has been normal (current age: 1-2 years) and the parents have not observed any disorders or problems regarding passage of food through the alimentary canal. Prompt antenatal diagnosis of this surgical emergency and adequate choice of intervention may greatly reduce mortality due to intrauterine volvulus.

  4. Exercise and the gastro-intestinal tract

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    on perfonnance and me value of cardiovascular training in improving performance in aerobic sports is well recognised. The role of me gastro-intestinal tracr, bom as a limiting and sustaining facror in aerobic exercises, is less well appreciared. Gastro-intestinal symptoms. The spectrum of gastro-intestinal effecrs of exercise ...

  5. Encuesta de parasitosis intestinal en niños de edad pre escolar en la ciudad de Arequipa

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    Manuel Torres-Portugal


    Full Text Available Entre 1956 y 1958 los autores han realizado investigaciones con la finalidad de determinar la incidencia del parasitismo intestinal en la población pre-escolar de la ciudad de Arequipa. Los principales resultados obtenidos son los siguientes: 1. De 1,418 niños estudiados, 1,152 estuvieron parasitados, lo que significa una incidencia de 81.2%. 2. La incidencia del parasitismo ocasionado por protozoarios fue de 79.9%; y, la de helmintos, 15.4%. 3. La. E. histolytica ofreció una incidencia de 3.4%; la G. lamblia, 18.9% y la H. nana, 11.4%. 4. Se discute la incidencia de los diversos parásitos intestinales en función de las regiones geográficas en que está dividido el Perú.

  6. Infección del tracto urinario por uso del catéter vesical en pacientes ingresados en cuidados intensivos

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    Susana Virgen Fong Reyes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 37 pacientes con infección urinaria luego de la utilización de catéter vesical, ingresados en la sala de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba desde mayo de 2011 hasta abril de 2012, con vistas a identificar las causas principales que la ocasionaron. Se halló predominio de los hombres mayores de 60 años que permanecieron expuestos al proceder durante más de 15 días (56,7 %, dado principalmente por la existencia de microorganismos en las floras intestinal y ambiental exógena. Por otra parte, los factores que propiciaron la infección estuvieron asociados a la prolongación del cateterismo vesical, al grupo etario (tercera edad, a la presencia de bacteriuria, al sistema abierto de drenaje y a la administración de antibióticos previa aparición de cepas bacterianas multirresistentes

  7. Epidermal Growth Factor and Intestinal Barrier Function

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    Xiaopeng Tang


    Full Text Available Epidermal growth factor (EGF is a 53-amino acid peptide that plays an important role in regulating cell growth, survival, migration, apoptosis, proliferation, and differentiation. In addition, EGF has been established to be an effective intestinal regulator helping to protect intestinal barrier integrity, which was essential for the absorption of nutrients and health in humans and animals. Several researches have demonstrated that EGF via binding to the EGF receptor and subsequent activation of Ras/MAPK, PI3K/AKT, PLC-γ/PKC, and STATS signal pathways regulates intestinal barrier function. In this review, the relationship between epidermal growth factor and intestinal development and intestinal barrier is described, to provide a better understanding of the effects of EGF on intestine development and health.

  8. Thyroid hormone regulation of adult intestinal stem cells: Implications on intestinal development and homeostasis. (United States)

    Sun, Guihong; Roediger, Julia; Shi, Yun-Bo


    Organ-specific adult stem cells are essential for organ homeostasis, tissue repair and regeneration. The formation of such stem cells often takes place during postembryonic development, a period around birth in mammals when plasma thyroid hormone concentration is high. The life-long self-renewal of the intestinal epithelium has made mammalian intestine a valuable model to study the function and regulation and adult stem cells. On the other hand, much less is known about how the adult intestinal stem cells are formed during vertebrate development. Here, we will review some recent progresses on this subject, focusing mainly on the formation of the adult intestine during Xenopus metamorphosis. We will discuss the role of thyroid hormone signaling pathway in the process and potential molecular conservations between amphibians and mammals as well as the implications in organ homeostasis and human diseases.

  9. Isotopic identification of intestinal strangulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, M.C.; Selby, J.B.


    A small series of eleven dogs prepared with a strangulating segment of jejunum demonstrated that a radionuclide, 99 mTc-labelled albumin, concentrates in the lumen and bowel wall of the affected intestinal segment. Modern scanning equipment accurately localized the strangulating loop. This technique has the potential of identifying patients with intestinal obstruction, in whom strangulation is a factor, prior to the development of impaired arterial inflow and frank gangrene. These findings confirmed earlier obstructions that were reported when nuclear scanning instrumentation was less sophisticated. Identification of patients at risk for intestinal strangulation requires a high index of suspicion. Excruciating cramping abdominal pain out of proportion to physical findings, roentgenogram evidence, and laboratory studies should alert the physician to the possibility of intestinal ischemia and closed loop obstruction. Radionuclide scanning in such cases may be of assistance in defining or excluding the diagnosis of a strangulating mechanism. The test is simple, relatively economical, and represents a low risk procedure to patients. It would have no place when the classic physical and laboratory findings of intestinal infarction are present

  10. Isotopic identification of intestinal strangulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, M.C.; Selby, J.B.


    A small series of eleven dogs prepared with a strangulating segment of jejunum demonstrated that a radionuclide, /sup 99/mTc-labelled albumin, concentrates in the lumen and bowel wall of the affected intestinal segment. Modern scanning equipment accurately localized the strangulating loop. This technique has the potential of identifying patients with intestinal obstruction, in whom strangulation is a factor, prior to the development of impaired arterial inflow and frank gangrene. These findings confirmed earlier obstructions that were reported when nuclear scanning instrumentation was less sophisticated. Identification of patients at risk for intestinal strangulation requires a high index of suspicion. Excruciating cramping abdominal pain out of proportion to physical findings, roentgenogram evidence, and laboratory studies should alert the physician to the possibility of intestinal ischemia and closed loop obstruction. Radionuclide scanning in such cases may be of assistance in defining or excluding the diagnosis of a strangulating mechanism. The test is simple, relatively economical, and represents a low risk procedure to patients. It would have no place when the classic physical and laboratory findings of intestinal infarction are present.

  11. Discriminación racial y el principio de igualdad

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    Rodrigo Lillo


    Full Text Available Por primera vez en nuestro país, un Tribunal sanciona una conducta discriminatoria basada en raciales.  En el texto que sigue, se intenta describir el razonamiento que, siguiendo los principios liberales y de la Doctrina de los Derechos Humanos, fundamentan fallo judicial. Además se plantea el desafío y posibilidad que constituye el principio de la igualdad - pensado desde la filosofía moral de Kant- como aporte a la resolución del conficto interétnico.

  12. Parasitosis intestinal y anemia en indígenas del resguardo Cañamomo-Lomaprieta, Colombia


    Jaiberth Antonio Cardona Arias; Yennifer Rivera Palomino; Osman Mauricio Llanes Agudelo


    Introducción: Las parasitosis intestinales son un problema de salud pública; producen deficiencias nutricionales y se asocian a determinantes demográficos y socioeconómicos. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal y anemia y su asociación con determinantes demográficos, socioeconómicos y sanitarios en indígenas. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico transversal con fuente de información primaria. Se estimaron medidas de resumen, pruebas de estadística par...

  13. Small intestine aspirate and culture (United States)

    ... ency/article/003731.htm Small intestine aspirate and culture To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Small intestine aspirate and culture is a lab test to check for infection ...

  14. Prenatal intestinal volvulus: look for cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Chouikh, Taieb; Mottet, Nicolas; Cabrol, Christelle; Chaussy, Yann


    Intestinal volvulus is a life-threatening emergency requiring prompt surgical management. Prenatal intestinal volvulus is rare, and most are secondary to intestinal atresia, mesenteric defect or without any underlying cause. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is known to cause digestive tract disorders. After birth, 10-15% of newborns with CF may develop intestinal obstruction within a few days of birth because of meconial ileus. 1 This obstruction is a result of dehydrated thickened meconium obstructing the intestinal lumen. We report two cases of fetuses with prenatal diagnosis of segmental volvulus in whom CF was diagnosed. 2016 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

  15. Telescoping Intestine in an Adult

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    Khaldoon Shaheen


    Full Text Available Protrusion of a bowel segment into another (intussusception produces severe abdominal pain and culminates in intestinal obstruction. In adults, intestinal obstruction due to intussusception is relatively rare phenomenon, as it accounts for minority of intestinal obstructions in this population demographic. Organic lesion is usually identifiable as the cause of adult intussusceptions, neoplasms account for the majority. Therefore, surgical resection without reduction is almost always necessary and is advocated as the best treatment of adult intussusception. Here, we describe a rare case of a 44-year-old male with a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma involving the terminal ileum, which had caused ileocolic intussusception and subsequently developed intestinal obstruction requiring surgical intervention. This case emphasizes the importance of recognizing intussusception as the initial presentation for bowel malignancy.

  16. Intestinal volvulus in cetaceans. (United States)

    Begeman, L; St Leger, J A; Blyde, D J; Jauniaux, T P; Lair, S; Lovewell, G; Raverty, S; Seibel, H; Siebert, U; Staggs, S L; Martelli, P; Keesler, R I


    Intestinal volvulus was recognized as the cause of death in 18 cetaceans, including 8 species of toothed whales (suborder Odontoceti). Cases originated from 11 institutions from around the world and included both captive (n = 9) and free-ranging (n = 9) animals. When the clinical history was available (n = 9), animals consistently demonstrated acute dullness 1 to 5 days prior to death. In 3 of these animals (33%), there was a history of chronic gastrointestinal illness. The pathological findings were similar to those described in other animal species and humans, and consisted of intestinal volvulus and a well-demarcated segment of distended, congested, and edematous intestine with gas and bloody fluid contents. Associated lesions included congested and edematous mesentery and mesenteric lymph nodes, and often serofibrinous or hemorrhagic abdominal effusion. The volvulus involved the cranial part of the intestines in 85% (11 of 13). Potential predisposing causes were recognized in most cases (13 of 18, 72%) but were variable. Further studies investigating predisposing factors are necessary to help prevent occurrence and enhance early clinical diagnosis and management of the condition.

  17. Update on small intestinal stem cells. (United States)

    Tesori, Valentina; Puglisi, Maria Ausiliatrice; Lattanzi, Wanda; Gasbarrini, Giovanni Battista; Gasbarrini, Antonio


    Among somatic stem cells, those residing in the intestine represent a fascinating and poorly explored research field. Particularly, somatic stem cells reside in the small intestine at the level of the crypt base, in a constant balance between self-renewal and differentiation. Aim of the present review is to delve into the mechanisms that regulate the delicate equilibrium through which intestinal stem cells orchestrate intestinal architecture. To this aim, special focus will be addressed to identify the integrating signals from the surrounding niche, supporting a model whereby distinct cell populations facilitate homeostatic vs injury-induced regeneration.

  18. Short Bowel Syndrome, a Case of Intestinal Rehabilitation

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    Dianna Ramírez Prada


    Full Text Available Case: The objective is to present the successful experience of multidisciplinary management of a patient with short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure with progression to intestinal adaptation. This is a newly born premature with intestinal atresia type IV with multiple intestinal atresia who evolved to intestinal failure and required managed with prolonged parenteral nutritional support, multiple antibiotic schemes, prebiotics, multivitamins, enteral nutrition with elemental formula to achieve their adaptation intestinal until lead to a normal diet. The evolution of these patients intestinal failure is a challenge for the health team, as it not only involves the surgical management of your condition if not basic nutritional support, fluid and electrolyte balance, hepatic dysfunction cholestasis associated infections etc. Discussion: Short bowel syndrome with progression to intestinal failure in children is a condition whose prevalence is increasing worldwide, thanks to advances in neonatal intensive care, neonatal surgery, and nutritional support of patients with conditions such as gastroschisis, omphalocele and necrotizing enterocolitis. Despite the limitations of our health system, it is possible to offer a multidisciplinary and integrated to lead to intestinal adaptation treatment.

  19. Daños de productos: Responsabilidad civil por daños ocasionados por productos documentados conformes a requisitos técnicos en el ámbito de la Comunidad Europea

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    Olaya Adán, Manuel


    Full Text Available En la CE la protección de los intereses de los usuarios, en lo que se refiere a los productos industriales, se pretende articular, básicamente, en dos sistemas que, a su vez, tratan de cumplir el objetivo de suprimir los obstáculos a la libre circulación de tales mercancías, a partir del uno de enero de 1993; un sistema preventivo basado en el cumplimiento de unos requisitos esenciales en los que prevalece la seguridad y un sistema de garantías para el perjudicado, en su caso, por los fallos de aquellos productos. El fabricante es el centro de imputación, frente al perjudicado, por los fallos de sus fabricados defectuosos (Directiva 85/374. Por otra parte, el sistema de control preventivo; basado en la elaboración de una armonización normativa vertical (Directivas de nuevo enfoque, de alto contenido técnico, junto al Planteamiento Global en materia de certificación y pruebas; asigna al fabricante un importante protagonismo como agente de control de su producción. Por otra parte, en el mismo sistema de control preventivo actúan otros agentes: organismos de certificación, laboratorios de ensayo y entidades de inspección. El fabricante se exonera de responsabilidad civil cuando prueba que el defecto del producto es debido a la conformidad del mismo con normas imperativas dictadas por los poderes públicos (art. 7 apdo d. D.85/374, y también cuando prueba que, según el estado de los conocimientos técnicos y científicos, no fue posible detectar el defecto, en el momento que el producto fue puesto en circulación (apdo. e del mismo artículo. Estas circunstancias dan pie a determinadas cuestiones que la literatura jurídica ha contemplado superficialmente. Tan sólo desde la perspectiva del conocimiento jurídico y técnico, se pueden abordar en profundidad estas cuestiones. Esto es lo que se pretende con este trabajo

  20. Precision cut intestinal slices are an appropriate ex vivo model to study NSAID-induced intestinal toxicity in rats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niu, Xiaoyu; de Graaf, Inge A. M.; van der Bij, Hendrik A.; Groothuis, Geny M. M.


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used therapeutic agents, however, they are associated with a high prevalence of intestinal side effects. In this investigation, rat precision cut intestinal slices (PCIS) were evaluated as an ex vivo model to study NSAID-induced intestinal


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    N.I. Ursova


    Full Text Available The article analyzes modern data on infants’ intestinal colics. Peculiarities of nutrition, intestinal microbiocenose in healthy infants, methods of colcs’ correction are discussed. Author describes the principles of probiotics choice based on their clinical effectiveness in infants. Milk formula «Nan Comfort» can be useful in prophylaxis and treatment of functional disorders of gastrointestinal tract in children.Key words: infants, gastrointestinal tract, anatomy, physiology, intestinal colics, nutrition, probiotics.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2011; 10 (2: 125–131

  2. Role of intestinal bacteria in gliadin-induced changes in intestinal mucosa: study in germ-free rats.

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    Jana Cinova

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Celiac disease (CD is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the small intestine that is induced by dietary wheat gluten proteins (gliadins in genetically predisposed individuals. The overgrowth of potentially pathogenic bacteria and infections has been suggested to contribute to CD pathogenesis. We aimed to study the effects of gliadin and various intestinal bacterial strains on mucosal barrier integrity, gliadin translocation, and cytokine production. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Changes in gut mucosa were assessed in the intestinal loops of inbred Wistar-AVN rats that were reared under germ-free conditions in the presence of various intestinal bacteria (enterobacteria and bifidobacteria isolated from CD patients and healthy children, respectively and CD-triggering agents (gliadin and IFN-γ by histology, scanning electron microscopy, immunofluorescence, and a rat cytokine antibody array. Adhesion of the bacterial strains to the IEC-6 rat cell line was evaluated in vitro. Gliadin fragments alone or together with the proinflammatory cytokine interferon (IFN-γ significantly decreased the number of goblet cells in the small intestine; this effect was more pronounced in the presence of Escherichia coli CBL2 and Shigella CBD8. Shigella CBD8 and IFN-γ induced the highest mucin secretion and greatest impairment in tight junctions and, consequently, translocation of gliadin fragments into the lamina propria. Shigella CBD8 and E. coli CBL2 strongly adhered to IEC-6 epithelial cells. The number of goblet cells in small intestine increased by the simultaneous incubation of Bifidobacterium bifidum IATA-ES2 with gliadin, IFN-γ and enterobacteria. B. bifidum IATA-ES2 also enhanced the production of chemotactic factors and inhibitors of metalloproteinases, which can contribute to gut mucosal protection. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the composition of the intestinal microbiota affects the permeability of the intestinal mucosa

  3. Gliadin, zonulin and gut permeability: Effects on celiac and non-celiac intestinal mucosa and intestinal cell lines. (United States)

    Drago, Sandro; El Asmar, Ramzi; Di Pierro, Mariarosaria; Grazia Clemente, Maria; Tripathi, Amit; Sapone, Anna; Thakar, Manjusha; Iacono, Giuseppe; Carroccio, Antonio; D'Agate, Cinzia; Not, Tarcisio; Zampini, Lucia; Catassi, Carlo; Fasano, Alessio


    Little is known about the interaction of gliadin with intestinal epithelial cells and the mechanism(s) through which gliadin crosses the intestinal epithelial barrier. We investigated whether gliadin has any immediate effect on zonulin release and signaling. Both ex vivo human small intestines and intestinal cell monolayers were exposed to gliadin, and zonulin release and changes in paracellular permeability were monitored in the presence and absence of zonulin antagonism. Zonulin binding, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) redistribution were evaluated by immunofluorescence microscopy. Tight junction occludin and ZO-1 gene expression was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). When exposed to gliadin, zonulin receptor-positive IEC6 and Caco2 cells released zonulin in the cell medium with subsequent zonulin binding to the cell surface, rearrangement of the cell cytoskeleton, loss of occludin-ZO1 protein-protein interaction, and increased monolayer permeability. Pretreatment with the zonulin antagonist FZI/0 blocked these changes without affecting zonulin release. When exposed to luminal gliadin, intestinal biopsies from celiac patients in remission expressed a sustained luminal zonulin release and increase in intestinal permeability that was blocked by FZI/0 pretreatment. Conversely, biopsies from non-celiac patients demonstrated a limited, transient zonulin release which was paralleled by an increase in intestinal permeability that never reached the level of permeability seen in celiac disease (CD) tissues. Chronic gliadin exposure caused down-regulation of both ZO-1 and occludin gene expression. Based on our results, we concluded that gliadin activates zonulin signaling irrespective of the genetic expression of autoimmunity, leading to increased intestinal permeability to macromolecules.

  4. Kaiso overexpression promotes intestinal inflammation and potentiates intestinal tumorigenesis in Apc(Min/+) mice. (United States)

    Pierre, Christina C; Longo, Joseph; Mavor, Meaghan; Milosavljevic, Snezana B; Chaudhary, Roopali; Gilbreath, Ebony; Yates, Clayton; Daniel, Juliet M


    Constitutive Wnt/β-catenin signaling is a key contributor to colorectal cancer (CRC). Although inactivation of the tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is recognized as an early event in CRC development, it is the accumulation of multiple subsequent oncogenic insults facilitates malignant transformation. One potential contributor to colorectal carcinogenesis is the POZ-ZF transcription factor Kaiso, whose depletion extends lifespan and delays polyp onset in the widely used Apc(Min/+) mouse model of intestinal cancer. These findings suggested that Kaiso potentiates intestinal tumorigenesis, but this was paradoxical as Kaiso was previously implicated as a negative regulator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. To resolve Kaiso's role in intestinal tumorigenesis and canonical Wnt signaling, we generated a transgenic mouse model (Kaiso(Tg/+)) expressing an intestinal-specific myc-tagged Kaiso transgene. We then mated Kaiso(Tg/+) and Apc(Min/+) mice to generate Kaiso(Tg/+):Apc(Min/+) mice for further characterization. Kaiso(Tg/+):Apc(Min/+) mice exhibited reduced lifespan and increased polyp multiplicity compared to Apc(Min/+) mice. Consistent with this murine phenotype, we found increased Kaiso expression in human CRC tissue, supporting a role for Kaiso in human CRC. Interestingly, Wnt target gene expression was increased in Kaiso(Tg/+):Apc(Min/+) mice, suggesting that Kaiso's function as a negative regulator of canonical Wnt signaling, as seen in Xenopus, is not maintained in this context. Notably, Kaiso(Tg/+):Apc(Min/+) mice exhibited increased inflammation and activation of NFκB signaling compared to their Apc(Min/+) counterparts. This phenotype was consistent with our previous report that Kaiso(Tg/+) mice exhibit chronic intestinal inflammation. Together our findings highlight a role for Kaiso in promoting Wnt signaling, inflammation and tumorigenesis in the mammalian intestine. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Análisis de la adhesión de recubrimientos del sistema Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 sobre sustratos de interés para la industria aeroespacial

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    Cinta Marraco-Borderas


    Full Text Available En la industria aeroespacial se necesitan materiales ligeros que tengan unas altas prestaciones mecánicas combinadas con una baja densidad. El carburo de silicio, el carbono reforzado con fibra de carbono y el carburo de silicio reforzado con fibra de carbono son materiales que cumplen con estos requisitos, pero a altas temperaturas presentan problemas de oxidación. Una de las formas más efectivas de prevenir este fenómeno es la utilización de recubrimientos cerámicos, cuya correcta adhesión sobre los distintos sustratos es fundamental para garantizar su funcionamiento. En el caso del presente trabajo, se analiza la adhesión de recubrimientos vítreos del sistema Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 obtenidos mediante proyección térmica por llama oxiacetilénica. Para ello, se realizan ensayos de rayado a carga creciente analizando el tipo y la carga de fallo y su relación con las propiedades elásticas y mecánicas de los recubrimientos. Los resultados indican que la adhesión sobre los sustratos carburo de silicio y carburo de silicio reforzado con fibra de carbono es buena, mientras que el carbono reforzado con fibra de carbono no es un material adecuado para recubrir.

  6. Small intestinal sulphoxidation of albendazole. (United States)

    Villaverde, C; Alvarez, A I; Redondo, P; Voces, J; Del Estal, J L; Prieto, J G


    1. The in vitro sulphoxidation of Albendazole (ABZ) by rat intestinal microsomes has been examined. The results revealed intestinal sulphoxidation of ABZ by intestinal microsomes in a NADPH-dependent enzymatic system. The kinetic constants for sulphoxidase activity were Vmax = 46 pmol/min/mg protein and Michaelis constant Km = 6.8 microM. 2. The possible effect of inducers (Arochlor 1254 and ABZ pretreatment) and inhibitors (erythromycin, methimazole, carbon monoxide and fenbendazole), was also studied. In rat pretreated with Arochlor 1254, Vmax was 52 pmol/min/mg protein, whereas oral administration of ABZ increased the intestinal sulphoxidation of the drug, Vmax being 103 pmol/min/mg protein. 3. Erythromycin did not change the enzymatic bioconversion of ABZ, but methimazole and carbon monoxide inhibited the enzyme activity by approximately 60 and 30% respectively. Fenbendazole (a structural analogue of ABZ) was a competitive inhibitor of the sulphoxidation process, characterized by a Ki or 69 microM. 4. These data demonstrate that the intestinal enzymes contributing to the initial sulphoxidation of ABZ may be similar to the hepatic enzymes involved in the biotransformation process by the P450 and FMO systems, a conclusion that needs to be further established.

  7. Small intestine diverticuli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pomakov, P.; Risov, A.


    The routine method of contrast matter passage applied to 850 patients with different gastrointestinal diseases proved inefficient to detect any small-intestinal diverticuli. The following modiffications of the method have been tested in order to improve the diagnostic possibilities of the X-ray: study at short intervals, assisted passage, enteroclysm, pharmacodynamic impact, retrograde filling of the ileum by irrigoscopy. Twelve diverticuli of the small-intestinal loops were identified: 5 Meckel's diverticuli, 2 solitary of which one of the therminal ileum, 2 double diverticuli and 1 multiple diverticulosis of the jejunum. The results show that the short interval X-ray examination of the small intestines is the method of choice for identifying local changes in them. The solitary diverticuli are not casuistic scarcity, its occurrence is about 0.5% at purposeful X-ray investigation. The assisted passage method is proposed as a method of choice for detection of the Meckel's diverticulum. 5 figs., 3 tabs. 18 refs

  8. Megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome (United States)

    Hiradfar, Mehran; Shojaeian, Reza; Dehghanian, Paria; Hajian, Sara


    Megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome (MMIHS) is a multisystemic disorder in which impaired intestinal motor activity causes recurrent symptoms of intestinal obstruction in the absence of mechanical occlusion, associated with bladder distention without distal obstruction of the urinary tract. MMIHS and prune belly syndrome may overlap in most of the clinical features and discrimination of these two entities is important because the prognosis, management and consulting with parents are completely different. MMIHS outcome is very poor and in this article we present two neonates with MMIHS that both died in a few days. PMID:23729700

  9. Antibiotic concentrations in intestinal mucosa. (United States)

    Malmborg, A S


    The concentrations in the intestinal mucosa after the initial dose of cefoxitin, piperacillin and clindamycin have been studied. The antibiotics were given at the induction of anesthesia as prophylaxis to patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery. The concentrations of the antibiotics in serum and intestinal mucosa taken during the operation were determined by the microbiological agar diffusion method. Therapeutic concentrations in intestinal mucosa were maintained during the major part of the operation period. The mean mucosa/serum concentration ratios were for cefoxitin 0.4, for piperacillin 0.5 and for clindamycin 1.2.

  10. Deciphering the porcine intestinal microRNA transcriptome

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    Keller Andreas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background While more than 700 microRNAs (miRNAs are known in human, a comparably low number has been identified in swine. Because of the close phylogenetic distance to humans, pigs serve as a suitable model for studying e.g. intestinal development or disease. Recent studies indicate that miRNAs are key regulators of intestinal development and their aberrant expression leads to intestinal malignancy. Results Here, we present the identification of hundreds of apparently novel miRNAs in the porcine intestine. MiRNAs were first identified by means of deep sequencing followed by miRNA precursor prediction using the miRDeep algorithm as well as searching for conserved miRNAs. Second, the porcine miRNAome along the entire intestine (duodenum, proximal and distal jejunum, ileum, ascending and transverse colon was unraveled using customized miRNA microarrays based on the identified sequences as well as known porcine and human ones. In total, the expression of 332 intestinal miRNAs was discovered, of which 201 represented assumed novel porcine miRNAs. The identified hairpin forming precursors were in part organized in genomic clusters, and most of the precursors were located on chromosomes 3 and 1, respectively. Hierarchical clustering of the expression data revealed subsets of miRNAs that are specific to distinct parts of the intestine pointing to their impact on cellular signaling networks. Conclusions In this study, we have applied a straight forward approach to decipher the porcine intestinal miRNAome for the first time in mammals using a piglet model. The high number of identified novel miRNAs in the porcine intestine points out their crucial role in intestinal function as shown by pathway analysis. On the other hand, the reported miRNAs may share orthologs in other mammals such as human still to be discovered.

  11. BVES Regulates Intestinal Stem Cell Programs and Intestinal Crypt Viability after Radiation (United States)

    Reddy, Vishruth K.; Short, Sarah P.; Barrett, Caitlyn W.; Mittal, Mukul K.; Keating, Cody E.; Thompson, Joshua J.; Harris, Elizabeth I.; Revetta, Frank; Bader, David M.; Brand, Thomas; Washington, M. Kay; Williams, Christopher S.


    Blood Vessel Epicardial Substance (BVES/Popdc1) is a junctional-associated transmembrane protein that is underexpressed in a number of malignancies and regulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. We previously identified a role for BVES in regulation of the Wnt pathway, a modulator of intestinal stem cell programs, but its role in small intestinal (SI) biology remains unexplored. We hypothesized that BVES influences intestinal stem cell programs and is critical to SI homeostasis after radiation injury. At baseline, Bves−/− mice demonstrated increased crypt height, as well as elevated proliferation and expression of the stem cell marker Lgr5 compared to wildtype (WT) mice. Intercross with Lgr5-EGFP reporter mice confirmed expansion of the stem cell compartment in Bves−/− mice. To examine stem cell function after BVES deletion, we employed ex vivo 3D-enteroid cultures. Bves−/− enteroids demonstrated increased stemness compared to WT, when examining parameters such as plating efficiency, stem spheroid formation, and retention of peripheral cystic structures. Furthermore, we observed increased proliferation, expression of crypt-base columnar “CBC” and “+4” stem cell markers, amplified Wnt signaling, and responsiveness to Wnt activation in the Bves−/− enteroids. Bves expression was downregulated after radiation in WT mice. Moreover, after radiation, Bves−/− mice demonstrated significantly greater small intestinal crypt viability, proliferation, and amplified Wnt signaling in comparison to WT mice. Bves−/− mice also demonstrated elevations in Lgr5 and Ascl2 expression, and putative damage-responsive stem cell populations marked by Bmi1 and TERT. Therefore, BVES is a key regulator of intestinal stem cell programs and mucosal homeostasis. PMID:26891025

  12. Evaluation value of intestinal flora detection for intestinal mucosal inflammation and immune response in patients with ulcerative colitis

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    Yan Zou


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the evaluation value of intestinal flora detection for intestinal mucosal inflammatory response and immune response in patients with ulcerative colitis. Methods: The patients who were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in Zigong Fifth People’s Hospital between March 2015 and February 2017 were selected as the UC group, and those who were diagnosed with colonic polyps were selected as the control group. Fresh excreta were collected to detect the number of intestinal flora, and the diseased intestinal mucosa tissue was collected to detect the expression of inflammatory response molecules and immune cell transcription factors. Results: enterococcus contents in intestinal tract and TLR4, NF-kB, TNF-α, HMGB-1, T-bet and RORC mRNA expression levels in intestinal mucosa of UC group were significantly higher than those of control group while bifidobacteria contents in intestinal tract and SOCS2, SOCS3, Foxp3 and GATA-3 mRNA expression levels were significantly lower than those of control group; TLR4, NF-kB, TNF-α, HMGB-1, T-bet and RORC mRNA expression levels in intestinal mucosa of UC patients with grade II and grade III flora disturbance were significantly higher than those of UC patients with normal flora and grade I flora disturbance while SOCS2, SOCS3, Foxp3 and GATA-3 mRNA expression levels were significantly lower than those of UC patients with normal flora and grade I flora disturbance; TLR4, NF-kB, TNF-α, HMGB-1, T-bet and RORC mRNA expression levels in intestinal mucosa of UC patients with grade III flora disturbance were significantly higher than those of UC patients with grade II flora disturbance while SOCS2, SOCS3, Foxp3 and GATA-3 mRNA expression levels were significantly lower than those of UC patients with grade II flora disturbance. Conclusion: The intestinal flora disturbance in patients with ulcerative colitis can result in inflammatory response activation and immune response disorder.

  13. Intestinal perfusion in the study of intestinal absorption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, S.J.


    Several techniques for studying absorption by means of intestinal perfusion have been developed. While the principle is simple, the practice is complicated by absorption of the solvent and by excretion of fluid into the lumen. To improve reliability a ''marker'' is incorporated into the system; it should behave as nearly as possible like the nutrient of interest, except that it should be unabsorbable. A great many markers, including several labelled with radionuclides, have been developed for use with numerous nutrients, and perfusion methods using double or triple tubes or occlusive balloons have been tested. The perfusion technique is too complicated for routine diagnostic use, but it offers at present the only possibility of studying the function of defined sections of the small intestine in the intact human. (author)

  14. The jagged-2/notch-1/hes-1 pathway is involved in intestinal epithelium regeneration after intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury.

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    Guoqing Chen

    Full Text Available Notch signaling plays a critical role in the maintenance of intestinal crypt epithelial cell proliferation. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Notch signaling in the proliferation and regeneration of intestinal epithelium after intestinal ischemia reperfusion (I/R injury.Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to sham operation or I/R by occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA for 20 min. Intestinal tissue samples were collected at 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 h after reperfusion. Proliferation of the intestinal epithelium was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining of proliferating nuclear antigen (PCNA. The mRNA and protein expression levels of Notch signaling components were examined using Real-time PCR and Western blot analyses. Immunofluorescence was also performed to detect the expression and location of Jagged-2, cleaved Notch-1, and Hes-1 in the intestine. Finally, the γ-secretase inhibitor DAPT and the siRNA for Jagged-2 and Hes-1 were applied to investigate the functional role of Notch signaling in the proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells in an in vitro IEC-6 culture system.I/R injury caused increased intestinal crypt epithelial cell proliferation and increased mRNA and protein expression of Jagged-2, Notch-1, and Hes-1. The immunofluorescence results further confirmed increased protein expression of Jagged-2, cleaved Notch-1, and Hes-1 in the intestinal crypts. The inhibition of Notch signaling with DAPT and the suppression of Jagged-2 and Hes-1 expression using siRNA both significantly inhibited the proliferation of IEC-6 cells.The Jagged-2/Notch-1/Hes-1 signaling pathway is involved in intestinal epithelium regeneration early after I/R injury by increasing crypt epithelial cell proliferation.

  15. Alternative Functional In Vitro Models of Human Intestinal Epithelia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda L Kauffman


    Full Text Available Physiologically relevant sources of absorptive intestinal epithelial cells are crucial for human drug transport studies. Human adenocarcinoma-derived intestinal cell lines, such as Caco-2, offer conveniences of easy culture maintenance and scalability, but do not fully recapitulate in vivo intestinal phenotypes. Additional sources of renewable physiologically relevant human intestinal cells would provide a much needed tool for drug discovery and intestinal physiology. We sought to evaluate and compare two alternative sources of human intestinal cells, commercially available primary human intestinal epithelial cells (hInEpCs and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC-derived intestinal cells to Caco-2, for use in in vitro transwell monolayer intestinal transport assays. To achieve this for iPSC-derived cells, our previously described 3-dimensional intestinal organogenesis method was adapted to transwell differentiation. Intestinal cells were assessed by marker expression through immunocytochemical and mRNA expression analyses, monolayer integrity through Transepithelial Electrical Resistance (TEER measurements and molecule permeability, and functionality by taking advantage the well-characterized intestinal transport mechanisms. In most cases, marker expression for primary hInEpCs and iPSC-derived cells appeared to be as good as or better than Caco-2. Furthermore, transwell monolayers exhibited high TEER with low permeability. Primary hInEpCs showed molecule efflux indicative of P-glycoprotein transport. Primary hInEpCs and iPSC-derived cells also showed neonatal Fc receptor-dependent binding of immunoglobulin G variants. Primary hInEpCs and iPSC-derived intestinal cells exhibit expected marker expression and demonstrate basic functional monolayer formation, similar to or better than Caco-2. These cells could offer an alternative source of human intestinal cells for understanding normal intestinal epithelial physiology and drug transport.

  16. An intestinal Trojan horse for gene delivery. (United States)

    Peng, Haisheng; Wang, Chao; Xu, Xiaoyang; Yu, Chenxu; Wang, Qun


    The intestinal epithelium forms an essential element of the mucosal barrier and plays a critical role in the pathophysiological response to different enteric disorders and diseases. As a major enteric dysfunction of the intestinal tract, inflammatory bowel disease is a genetic disease which results from the inappropriate and exaggerated mucosal immune response to the normal constituents in the mucosal microbiota environment. An intestine targeted drug delivery system has unique advantages in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. As a new concept in drug delivery, the Trojan horse system with the synergy of nanotechnology and host cells can achieve better therapeutic efficacy in specific diseases. Here, we demonstrated the feasibility of encapsulating DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles into primary isolated intestinal stem cells to form an intestinal Trojan horse for gene regulation therapy of inflammatory bowel disease. This proof-of-concept intestinal Trojan horse will have a wide variety of applications in the diagnosis and therapy of enteric disorders and diseases.

  17. Radioimmunoassay studies of intestinal calcium-binding protein in the pig. 2. The distribution of intestinal CaBP in pig tissues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arnold, B.M.; Kuttner, M.; Willis, D.M.; Hitchman, A.J.W.; Harrison, J.E.; Murray, T.M.


    Using a specific radioimmunoassay for porcine intestinal calcium-binding protein (CaBP), we have measured the concentration of CaBP in the various tissues and organs of normal pigs. Intestinal CaBP was present in highest concentration in the upper small intestine, with lower concentrations in the distal small intestine. Intestinal CaBP was also found, in lower concentrations, in kidney, liver, thyroid, pancreas, and blood. In all other tissues, including parathyroid, bone, skeletal muscle, and brain, CaBP immunoreactivity was undetectable or less than in blood. The elution profile of calcium-binding activity and immunoreactivity from gel filtration analysis of kidney and parathyroid extracts suggest that the calcium-binding protein in the parathyroid gland, and the major calcium-binding protein(s) in the kidney, are chemically and immunochemically different from intestinal CaBP. (author)

  18. Radioimmunoassay studies of intestinal calcium-binding protein in the pig. II. The distribution of intestinal CaBP in pig tissues

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arnold, B M; Kuttner, M; Willis, D M; Hitchman, A J.W.; Harrison, J E; Murray, T M [Toronto Univ., Ontario (Canada). Dept. of Medicine


    Using a specific radioimmunoassay for porcine intestinal calcium-binding protein (CaBP), we have measured the concentration of CaBP in the various tissues and organs of normal pigs. Intestinal CaBP was present in highest concentration in the upper small intestine, with lower concentrations in the distal small intestine. Intestinal CaBP was also found, in lower concentrations, in kidney, liver, thyroid, pancreas, and blood. In all other tissues, including parathyroid, bone, skeletal muscle, and brain, CaBP immunoreactivity was undetectable or less than in blood. The elution profile of calcium-binding activity and immunoreactivity from gel filtration analysis of kidney and parathyroid extracts suggest that the calcium-binding protein in the parathyroid gland, and the major calcium-binding protein(s) in the kidney, are chemically and immunochemically different from intestinal CaBP.

  19. Parenteral nutrition in intestinal failure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kurkchubasche AG


    Full Text Available Arlet G Kurkchubasche,1 Thomas J Herron,2 Marion F Winkler31Department of Surgery and Pediatrics, 2Department of Surgery, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 3Department of Surgery/Nutritional Support Service, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, USAAbstract: Intestinal failure is a consequence of extensive surgical resection resulting in anatomic loss and/or functional impairment in motility or absorptive capacity. The condition is clinically characterized by the inability to maintain fluid, energy, protein, electrolyte, or micronutrient balance when on a conventionally accepted, normal diet. Parenteral nutrition (PN is the cornerstone of management until intestinal adaptation returns the patient to a PN-independent state. Intestinal length, residual anatomic segments and motility determine the need for and duration of parenteral support. The goals of therapy are to provide sufficient nutrients to enable normal growth and development in children, and support a healthy functional status in adults. This review addresses indications for PN, the formulation of the PN solution, patient monitoring, and considerations for prevention of PN-associated complications. With the ultimate goal of achieving enteral autonomy, the important role of diet, pharmacologic interventions, and surgery is discussed.Keywords: intestinal failure, short-bowel syndrome, parenteral nutrition, home nutrition support, intestinal rehabilitation

  20. Las áreas naturales protegidas y la investigación ecológica de largo plazo en México


    M. Maass; E. Jardel; A. Martínez-Yrízar; L. Calderón; J. Herrera; A. Castillo; J. Euán-Ávila; M. Equihua


    Detrás de la actual crisis ambiental está nuestra limitada comprensión de los procesos ecológicos y sociales que operan a escalas espaciotemporales amplias. Esta falta de conocimiento ha desencadenado fallos en los esquemas de manejo y utilización de los servicios y recursos que nos brindan los ecosistemas naturales, lo que a su vez ha provocado su deterioro a escalas globales. Una respuesta de la comunidad académica a este vacío del conocimiento ha sido la formación de grupos de científicos ...

  1. Transcriptome Analysis of Three Sheep Intestinal Regions reveals Key Pathways and Hub Regulatory Genes of Large Intestinal Lipid Metabolism. (United States)

    Chao, Tianle; Wang, Guizhi; Ji, Zhibin; Liu, Zhaohua; Hou, Lei; Wang, Jin; Wang, Jianmin


    The large intestine, also known as the hindgut, is an important part of the animal digestive system. Recent studies on digestive system development in ruminants have focused on the rumen and the small intestine, but the molecular mechanisms underlying sheep large intestine metabolism remain poorly understood. To identify genes related to intestinal metabolism and to reveal molecular regulation mechanisms, we sequenced and compared the transcriptomes of mucosal epithelial tissues among the cecum, proximal colon and duodenum. A total of 4,221 transcripts from 3,254 genes were identified as differentially expressed transcripts. Between the large intestine and duodenum, differentially expressed transcripts were found to be significantly enriched in 6 metabolism-related pathways, among which PPAR signaling was identified as a key pathway. Three genes, CPT1A, LPL and PCK1, were identified as higher expression hub genes in the large intestine. Between the cecum and colon, differentially expressed transcripts were significantly enriched in 5 lipid metabolism related pathways, and CEPT1 and MBOAT1 were identified as hub genes. This study provides important information regarding the molecular mechanisms of intestinal metabolism in sheep and may provide a basis for further study.

  2. Effects of Digested Onion Extracts on Intestinal Gene Expression: An Interspecies Comparison Using Different Intestine Models.

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    Nicole J W de Wit

    Full Text Available Human intestinal tissue samples are barely accessible to study potential health benefits of nutritional compounds. Numbers of animals used in animal trials, however, need to be minimalized. Therefore, we explored the applicability of in vitro (human Caco-2 cells and ex vivo intestine models (rat precision cut intestine slices and the pig in-situ small intestinal segment perfusion (SISP technique to study the effect of food compounds. In vitro digested yellow (YOd and white onion extracts (WOd were used as model food compounds and transcriptomics was applied to obtain more insight into which extent mode of actions depend on the model. The three intestine models shared 9,140 genes which were used to compare the responses to digested onions between the models. Unsupervised clustering analysis showed that genes up- or down-regulated by WOd in human Caco-2 cells and rat intestine slices were similarly regulated by YOd, indicating comparable modes of action for the two onion species. Highly variable responses to onion were found in the pig SISP model. By focussing only on genes with significant differential expression, in combination with a fold change > 1.5, 15 genes showed similar onion-induced expression in human Caco-2 cells and rat intestine slices and 2 overlapping genes were found between the human Caco-2 and pig SISP model. Pathway analyses revealed that mainly processes related to oxidative stress, and especially the Keap1-Nrf2 pathway, were affected by onions in all three models. Our data fit with previous in vivo studies showing that the beneficial effects of onions are mostly linked to their antioxidant properties. Taken together, our data indicate that each of the in vitro and ex vivo intestine models used in this study, taking into account their limitations, can be used to determine modes of action of nutritional compounds and can thereby reduce the number of animals used in conventional nutritional intervention studies.

  3. Nivel de pobreza y estado nutricional asociados a parasitosis intestinal en estudiantes, Huánuco, Perú, 2010

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    César Gabriel Berto Moreano


    Full Text Available Introducción: Se ha encontrado una prevalencia alta de parasitosis en escolares de la amazonía; pese a ello, no hay estudios realizados que revisen su asociación con el nivel socioeconómico y estado nutricional. Objetivos: Determinar la relación entre nivel de pobreza y estado nutricional con la presencia de parásitos intestinales en estudiantes escolares del caserío Venenillo, Huánuco. Diseño: Estudio transversal-analítico. Lugar: Caserío de Venenillo, Huánuco. Participantes: Estudiantes escolares de la única institución educativa del centro poblado. Intervenciones: A 42 estudiantes se les realizó examen coproparasitológico mediante observación directa con lugol y técnica de sedimentación rápida de Lumbreras. El nivel de pobreza fue determinado mediante el índice de necesidades básicas insatisfechas (NBI; y el grado de desnutrición, por medio del índice de Waterlow. El análisis estadístico fue realizado mediante el coeficiente gamma de Goodman y Kruskal. Principales medidas de resultados: Relación de parasitosis intestinal con pobreza y estado nutricional. Resultados: Los parásitos intestinales estuvieron presentes en 97,6%. Se encontró asociación significativa entre el nivel de parasitismo y el nivel de pobreza (p=0,02; gamma=0,82. No se encontró asociación significativa entre nivel de desnutrición y parasitismo (p=0,77. Conclusiones: La parasitosis intestinal se asoció al nivel de pobreza, no así con el nivel de desnutrición en la población de estudio.

  4. Mortalidad y reintervenciones en cirugía general Mortality and reoperations in general surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zenén Rodríguez Fernández


    Full Text Available Introducción: A pesar de que el gran avance tecnológico actual en los métodos diagnósticos y terapéuticos ha permitido que los pacientes con complicaciones posquirúrgicas sean reintervenidos con mayor seguridad, la morbilidad y la mortalidad a causa de estas continúan elevadas. Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio observacional y descriptivo de 42 fallecidos que habían sido reintervenidos en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Provincial Docente "Saturnino Lora" de Santiago de Cuba, durante el quinquenio 2007-2011. Objetivo: Caracterizar a dichos pacientes según variables seleccionadas e identificar la mortalidad y sus causas. Resultados: El mayor número de fallecimientos se relacionó con la realización de varias reintervenciones después de 10 días de la operación inicial en pacientes de edades avanzadas. Las principales complicaciones que las motivaron fueron: absceso intraabdominal, evisceración, peritonitis residual y dehiscencia de suturas intestinales. Esta serie representó 24,5% del total de reintervenidos y preponderó en los diagnósticos operatorios iniciales: neoplasia de colon, úlcera gastroduodenal complicada y oclusión intestinal. Conclusiones: La edad, el número de reintervenciones, así como el tiempo entre la cirugía inicial y la reintervención elevan el índice de mortalidad, asociada a fallos multiorgánicos.Introduction: Although the current technological breakthrough in diagnostic and therapeutic methods has allowed patients with postoperative complications are more safely reoperated, morbidity and mortality because of these complications are still high. Methods: An observational and descriptive study in 42 dead patients was carried out who had been reoperated at the General Surgery Department of "Saturnino Lora" Provincial Teaching Hospital in Santiago de Cuba during the period 2007-2011. Objective: To characterize these patients according to selected variables and identify mortality and its causes

  5. Interactions between the intestinal microbiota and innate lymphoid cells (United States)

    Chen, Vincent L; Kasper, Dennis L


    The mammalian intestine must manage to contain 100 trillion intestinal bacteria without inducing inappropriate immune responses to these microorganisms. The effects of the immune system on intestinal microorganisms are numerous and well-characterized, and recent research has determined that the microbiota influences the intestinal immune system as well. In this review, we first discuss the intestinal immune system and its role in containing and maintaining tolerance to commensal organisms. We next introduce a category of immune cells, the innate lymphoid cells, and describe their classification and function in intestinal immunology. Finally, we discuss the effects of the intestinal microbiota on innate lymphoid cells. PMID:24418741


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.N. Surkov


    Full Text Available Acute intestinal infections are quite common among children. Their clinical presentations include intoxication syndrome (drowsiness, low appetite, fever etc, infectious toxic syndrome (toxicosis with exicosis, neurotoxicosi, hypovolemic or infectious-toxic shockand diarrhea syndrome. Sometimes intestinal infections can be quite severe and even lethal. However disease duration and outcome depend on timelines and adequacy of prescribed treatment. Main guidelines of intestinal infections treatment include probiotics. That is why the right choice of probiotics is important for a pediatrician. The article contains basic information upon etiopathogenesis, classification, diagnostic criteria and acute pediatric intestinal infections treatment guidelines.Key words: acute intestinal infections, etiopathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, treatment, probiotics, children. (Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. — 2011; 10 (6: 141–147

  7. Linfoma T Intestinal Monomórfico CD56+. Primer Caso Informado en Colombia y Revisión de la Literatura

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    Orlando Ricaurte G


    Full Text Available Mujer de 80 años con hallazgo incidental de masa abdominal en mesogastrio, a quien le realizan resección de intestino delgado por sospecha de absceso con síndrome adherencial. El estudio patológico de la pieza quirúrgica demostró compromiso por  linfoma no Hodgkin T monomórfico CD56+. Los linfomas T del tubo digestivo son inusuales, correspondiendo a 5% de las neoplasias linfoides de esta localización. El linfoma intestinal T monomórfico CD56+, corresponde a 10 - 20% de los linfomas T intestinales, se presenta en regiones donde la enfermedad celiaca es infrecuente y no se asocia a enteropatía. Su curso es agresivo y habitualmente se manifiesta como una emergencia quirúrgica por obstrucción o perforación intestinal.

  8. Hippo signalling directs intestinal fate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    le Bouteiller, Marie Catherine M; Jensen, Kim Bak


    Hippo signalling has been associated with many important tissue functions including the regulation of organ size. In the intestinal epithelium differing functions have been proposed for the effectors of Hippo signalling, YAP and TAZ1. These are now shown to have a dual role in the intestinal...

  9. Intestinal leiomyoma (United States)

    ... most often found when a person has an upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy or colonoscopy for another reason. Rarely, these tumors can cause bleeding, blockage or rupture of the intestines If this ...

  10. Functional characterization of folic acid transport in the intestine of the laying hen using the everted intestinal sac model. (United States)

    Tactacan, G B; Rodriguez-Lecompte, J C; Karmin, O; House, J D


    Absorption at the level of the intestine is likely a primary regulatory mechanism for the deposition of dietary supplemented folic acid into the chicken egg. Therefore, factors affecting the intestinal transport of folic acid in the laying hen may influence the level of egg folate concentrations. To this end, a series of experiments using intestinal everted sacs were conducted to characterize intestinal folic acid absorption processes in laying hens. Effects of naturally occurring folate derivatives (5-methyl and 10-formyltetrahydrofolate) as well as heme on folic acid absorption were also investigated. Folic acid absorption was measured based on the rate of uptake of (3)H-labeled folic acid in the everted sac from various segments of the small and large intestines. Folic acid concentration, incubation length, and pH condition were optimized before the performance of uptake experiments. The distribution profile of folic acid transport along the intestine was highest in the upper half of the small intestine. Maximum uptake rate (nmol·100 g tissue(-1)·min(-1)) was observed in the duodenum (20.6 ± 1.9) and jejunum (22.3 ± 2.0) and decreased significantly in the ileum (15.3 ± 1.1) and cecum (9.3 ± 0.9). Transport increased proportionately (P methyl and 10-formyltetrahydrofolate as well as heme impeded folic acid uptake, reducing intestinal folic acid absorption when added at concentrations ranging from 0 to 100 µM. Overall, these data indicated the presence of a folic acid transport system in the entire intestine of the laying hen. Uptake of folic acid in the cecum raises the likelihood of absorption of bacterial-derived folate.

  11. Regulation of intestinal homeostasis by innate immune cells. (United States)

    Kayama, Hisako; Nishimura, Junichi; Takeda, Kiyoshi


    The intestinal immune system has an ability to distinguish between the microbiota and pathogenic bacteria, and then activate pro-inflammatory pathways against pathogens for host defense while remaining unresponsive to the microbiota and dietary antigens. In the intestine, abnormal activation of innate immunity causes development of several inflammatory disorders such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Thus, activity of innate immunity is finely regulated in the intestine. To date, multiple innate immune cells have been shown to maintain gut homeostasis by preventing inadequate adaptive immune responses in the murine intestine. Additionally, several innate immune subsets, which promote Th1 and Th17 responses and are implicated in the pathogenesis of IBD, have recently been identified in the human intestinal mucosa. The demonstration of both murine and human intestinal innate immune subsets contributing to regulation of adaptive immunity emphasizes the conserved innate immune functions across species and might promote development of the intestinal innate immunity-based clinical therapy.

  12. Estudio de las alteraciones del esmalte en la enfermedad celiaca


    Bonet Coloma, Cristina


    La enfermedad celiaca (EC) es una enteropatía caracterizada por una intolerancia permanente al gluten, proteína existente en el trigo, centeno, cebada y avena que provoca una lesión severa de las vellosidades intestinales, y se normaliza tras su retirada de la dieta. La sintomatología varía de un paciente a otro dependiendo del daño de la mucosa intestinal. La presentación típica incluye diarrea, pérdida de peso, fatiga, distensión abdominal, vómitos, deficiencias nutricionales y anemia p...

  13. A new approach to predict human intestinal absorption using porcine intestinal tissue and biorelevant matrices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Westerhout, J.; Steeg, E. van de; Grossouw, D.; Zeijdner, E.E.; Krul, C.A.M.; Verwei, M.; Wortelboer, H.M.


    A reliable prediction of the oral bioavailability in humans is crucial and of high interest for pharmaceutical and food industry. The predictive value of currently used in silico methods, in vitro cell lines, ex vivo intestinal tissue and/or in vivo animal studies for human intestinal absorption,

  14. Regional specialization within the intestinal immune system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mowat, Allan M.; Agace, William Winston


    The intestine represents the largest compartment of the immune system. It is continually exposed to antigens and immunomodulatory agents from the diet and the commensal microbiota, and it is the port of entry for many clinically important pathogens. Intestinal immune processes are also increasingly...... implicated in controlling disease development elsewhere in the body. In this Review, we detail the anatomical and physiological distinctions that are observed in the small and large intestines, and we suggest how these may account for the diversity in the immune apparatus that is seen throughout...... the intestine. We describe how the distribution of innate, adaptive and innate-like immune cells varies in different segments of the intestine and discuss the environmental factors that may influence this. Finally, we consider the implications of regional immune specialization for inflammatory disease...

  15. Intestinal metaplasia induced by x-irradiation in rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Hiromitsu; Terada, Yoritaka; Fujii, Isao; Yamamoto, Yukiko; Takizawa, Shoichi


    Total 400 rad of x-ray was given in 100 or 150 rad doses to the whole body of rats at intervals of one week, and one year and a half later, rats were killed. Disaccharidase was formed in most of animals, intestinal metaplasia only with goblet cells occurred in 65% of animals, and that with intestinal type of lacuna occurred in 36% of them. When 500 rad of x-ray was irradiated to each part of stomach day after day up to the total dose of 3,000 rad, biochemical intestinal metaplasia already occurred one week after the irradiation, and intestinal type lacuna occurred 2 months after the irradiation. Intestinal type lacuna was recognized in all animals killed 499 days after the irradiation, and intestinal metaplasia with Paneth's cells occurred in 6 out of 11 cases (56%). When a dose of 1,000 rad was irradiated to stomach three times at intervals of 2 days up to the total of 3,000 rad, much intestinal type lacuna was recognized 2 months after the irradiation, gastric adenoid cancerous changes appeared 4 months after, and gastric adenoid cancer occurred 6 months after. The above-mentioned results clarified that even if x-ray of a small dose was irradiated, intestinal metaplasia occurred, and that the period from the irradiation to occurrence of intestinal metaplasia was shortened by increasing a dose of x-ray. It was also clarified that not only intestinal metaplasia but also gastric adenoic cancer occurred due to a great amount of x-ray irradiation. (Ueda, J.)

  16. Intestinal metaplasia induced by x-irradiation in rat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watanabe, H; Terada, Y; Fujii, I; Yamamoto, Y; Takizawa, S [Hiroshima Univ. (Japan). Research Inst. for Nuclear Medicine and Biology


    Total 400 rad of x-ray was given in 100 or 150 rad doses to the whole body of rats at intervals of one week, and one year and a half later, rats were killed. Disaccharidase was formed in most of animals, intestinal metaplasia only with goblet cells occurred in 65% of animals, and that with intestinal type of lacuna occurred in 36% of them. When 500 rad of x-ray was irradiated to each part of stomach day after day up to the total dose of 3,000 rad, biochemical intestinal metaplasia already occurred one week after the irradiation, and intestinal type lacuna occurred 2 months after the irradiation. Intestinal type lacuna was recognized in all animals killed 499 days after the irradiation, and intestinal metaplasia with Paneth's cells occurred in 6 out of 11 cases (56%). When a dose of 1,000 rad was irradiated to stomach three times at intervals of 2 days up to the total of 3,000 rad, much intestinal type lacuna was recognized 2 months after the irradiation, gastric adenoid cancerous changes appeared 4 months after, and gastric adenoid cancer occurred 6 months after. The above-mentioned results clarified that even if x-ray of a small dose was irradiated, intestinal metaplasia occurred, and that the period from the irradiation to occurrence of intestinal metaplasia was shortened by increasing a dose of x-ray. It was also clarified that not only intestinal metaplasia but also gastric adenoic cancer occurred due to a great amount of x-ray irradiation.

  17. Intestinal sclerosis with pseudo-obstruction in three dogs. (United States)

    Moore, R; Carpenter, J


    Intestinal sclerosis causing chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction was diagnosed in 3 dogs. The pseudo-obstruction was characterized by vomiting and weight loss of 2 weeks' to 3 months' duration. A patent intestinal lumen was determined by contrast radiography and verified at surgery. Intestinal biopsy revealed diffuse atrophy, fibrosis, and mononuclear cell infiltration of the tunica muscularis. Each dog was euthanatized because of a progressive, deteriorating clinical course.

  18. Fluorescent labelling of intestinal epithelial cells reveals independent long-lived intestinal stem cells in a crypt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horita, Nobukatsu [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Tsuchiya, Kiichiro, E-mail: [Department of Advanced Therapeutics for Gastrointestinal Diseases, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Hayashi, Ryohei [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Hiroshima University (Japan); Fukushima, Keita; Hibiya, Shuji; Fukuda, Masayoshi; Kano, Yoshihito; Mizutani, Tomohiro; Nemoto, Yasuhiro; Yui, Shiro [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Okamoto, Ryuichi; Nakamura, Tetsuya [Department of Advanced Therapeutics for Gastrointestinal Diseases, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan); Watanabe, Mamoru [Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan)


    Highlights: • Lentivirus mixed with Matrigel enables direct infection of intestinal organoids. • Our original approach allows the marking of a single stem cell in a crypt. • Time-lapse imaging shows the dynamics of a single stem cell. • Our lentivirus transgene system demonstrates plural long-lived stem cells in a crypt. - Abstract: Background and aims: The dynamics of intestinal stem cells are crucial for regulation of intestinal function and maintenance. Although crypt stem cells have been identified in the intestine by genetic marking methods, identification of plural crypt stem cells has not yet been achieved as they are visualised in the same colour. Methods: Intestinal organoids were transferred into Matrigel® mixed with lentivirus encoding mCherry. The dynamics of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using time-lapse imaging, and the localisation of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using 3D immunofluorescence. Results: We established an original method for the introduction of a transgene into an organoid generated from mouse small intestine that resulted in continuous fluorescence of the mCherry protein in a portion of organoid cells. Three-dimensional analysis using confocal microscopy showed a single mCherry-positive cell in an organoid crypt that had been cultured for >1 year, which suggested the presence of long-lived mCherry-positive and -negative stem cells in the same crypt. Moreover, a single mCherry-positive stem cell in a crypt gave rise to both crypt base columnar cells and transit amplifying cells. Each mCherry-positive and -negative cell contributed to the generation of organoids. Conclusions: The use of our original lentiviral transgene system to mark individual organoid crypt stem cells showed that long-lived plural crypt stem cells might independently serve as intestinal epithelial cells, resulting in the formation of a completely functional villus.

  19. Fluorescent labelling of intestinal epithelial cells reveals independent long-lived intestinal stem cells in a crypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horita, Nobukatsu; Tsuchiya, Kiichiro; Hayashi, Ryohei; Fukushima, Keita; Hibiya, Shuji; Fukuda, Masayoshi; Kano, Yoshihito; Mizutani, Tomohiro; Nemoto, Yasuhiro; Yui, Shiro; Okamoto, Ryuichi; Nakamura, Tetsuya; Watanabe, Mamoru


    Highlights: • Lentivirus mixed with Matrigel enables direct infection of intestinal organoids. • Our original approach allows the marking of a single stem cell in a crypt. • Time-lapse imaging shows the dynamics of a single stem cell. • Our lentivirus transgene system demonstrates plural long-lived stem cells in a crypt. - Abstract: Background and aims: The dynamics of intestinal stem cells are crucial for regulation of intestinal function and maintenance. Although crypt stem cells have been identified in the intestine by genetic marking methods, identification of plural crypt stem cells has not yet been achieved as they are visualised in the same colour. Methods: Intestinal organoids were transferred into Matrigel® mixed with lentivirus encoding mCherry. The dynamics of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using time-lapse imaging, and the localisation of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using 3D immunofluorescence. Results: We established an original method for the introduction of a transgene into an organoid generated from mouse small intestine that resulted in continuous fluorescence of the mCherry protein in a portion of organoid cells. Three-dimensional analysis using confocal microscopy showed a single mCherry-positive cell in an organoid crypt that had been cultured for >1 year, which suggested the presence of long-lived mCherry-positive and -negative stem cells in the same crypt. Moreover, a single mCherry-positive stem cell in a crypt gave rise to both crypt base columnar cells and transit amplifying cells. Each mCherry-positive and -negative cell contributed to the generation of organoids. Conclusions: The use of our original lentiviral transgene system to mark individual organoid crypt stem cells showed that long-lived plural crypt stem cells might independently serve as intestinal epithelial cells, resulting in the formation of a completely functional villus

  20. Immunization with intestinal microbiota-derived Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli reduces bacteria-specific recolonization of the intestinal tract. (United States)

    Garfias-López, Julio Adrián; Castro-Escarpuli, Graciela; Cárdenas, Pedro E; Moreno-Altamirano, María Maximina Bertha; Padierna-Olivos, Juan; Sánchez-García, F Javier


    A wide array of microorganisms colonizes distinctive anatomical regions of animals, being the intestine the one that harbors the most abundant and complex microbiota. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that it is composed mainly of bacteria, and that Bacterioidetes and Firmicutes are the most represented phyla (>90% of the total eubacteria) in mice and humans. Intestinal microbiota plays an important role in host physiology, contributing to digestion, epithelial cells metabolism, stimulation of intestinal immune responses, and protection against intestinal pathogens. Changes in its composition may affect intestinal homeostasis, a condition known as dysbiosis, which may lead to non-specific inflammation and disease. The aim of this work was to analyze the effect that a bacteria-specific systemic immune response would have on the intestinal re-colonization by that particular bacterium. Bacteria were isolated and identified from the feces of Balb/c mice, bacterial cell-free extracts were used to immunize the same mice from which bacteria came from. Concurrently with immunization, mice were subjected to a previously described antibiotic-based protocol to eliminate most of their intestinal bacteria. Serum IgG and feces IgA, specific for the immunizing bacteria were determined. After antibiotic treatment was suspended, specific bacteria were orally administered, in an attempt to specifically re-colonize the intestine. Results showed that parenteral immunization with gut-derived bacteria elicited the production of both anti-bacterial IgG and IgA, and that immunization reduces bacteria specific recolonization of the gut. These findings support the idea that the systemic immune response may, at least in part, determine the bacterial composition of the gut. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  1. The mucosal firewalls against commensal intestinal microbes. (United States)

    Macpherson, Andrew J; Slack, Emma; Geuking, Markus B; McCoy, Kathy D


    Mammals coexist with an extremely dense microbiota in the lower intestine. Despite the constant challenge of small numbers of microbes penetrating the intestinal surface epithelium, it is very unusual for these organisms to cause disease. In this review article, we present the different mucosal firewalls that contain and allow mutualism with the intestinal microbiota.

  2. Intususcepción intestinal por pólipo fibroide inflamatorio en una anciana

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    Antonio M. Maya


    Full Text Available El pólipo fibroide inflamatorio es un tumor benigno poco frecuente del tubo digestivo, descripto por Vanek en 1949. Son lesiones de etiología desconocida, originadas en la submucosa. Están formadas por células mononucleares y mesenquimatosas con citoplasma fusocelular, con una importante proporción de eosinófilos. Sus síntomas son variables, dependiendo de su localización, y son una r ara causa de intususcepción intestinal en adultos. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 82 años, que sufrió una rara intususcepción de intestino delgado, originada en un pólipo fibroide inflamatorio.

  3. Corrosión por picaduras del aluminio y de la aleación Al-6201 en soluciones de NaCl

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    Vera, R.


    Full Text Available The susceptibility of pure aluminum and aluminum 6201 alloy to pitting was investigated in sodium chloride solutions through determination of the corrosion, repassivation and pitting potentials. Potentiodynamic polarization including scratching techniques were employed being also determined the type and relative amount of corrosion damage to the metals. The morphology of the attack was determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM. The results showed a similar performance for aluminum 6201 alloy and aluminum. It was also observed that an increase in chloride concentration resulted in a decrease in the corrosion, pitting and repassivation potentials of both materials.

    Gran cantidad de estudios realizados sobre el comportamiento del aluminio y sus aleaciones han demostrado su excelente resistencia a diversos medios corrosivos. Sin embargo, en las líneas de transmisión de energía eléctrica de aluminio o de la aleación comercial Al-6201, instaladas en las costas de Valparaíso, Chile, se detectaron fallos del material, consistentes en picaduras profundas y roturas. En este estudio se evalúa la corrosión por picaduras sufrida por el aluminio y la aleación Al-6201, utilizando soluciones de diferentes concentraciones de NaCl que es el principal agente agresivo en ambientes marinos. Se determinaron los potenciales de corrosión (Ec, de repasivación (Er y de picado (Ep, mediante el empleo de curvas de polarización potenciodinámicas y técnica de raspado. La morfología del ataque se determinó mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados mostraron un comportamiento similar entre el aluminio y la aleación 6201. También se observó que el aumento en la concentración de cloruro conlleva una disminución en los potenciales de corrosión, de picaduras y de repasivación en ambos materiales.

  4. The mechanism of circulatory disturbances in the small intestinal wall and their role in the development of intestinal syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudryavtsev, V.D.; Sushkevich, L.N.


    The mechanism of vascular disorders in the wall of the small intestine, the possibility of correcting them and their significance in the development of the intestinal syndrome were analysed. The experiments in which Wistar rats were irradiated with 10 Gy yielded information on the blood flow in the small intestine, on the number of regenerating crypts, on the blood plasma volume and on arterial blood pressure. The data obtained justify to speak of an important influence of disturbances in general hemodynamics on the microcirculation in the entire organ. Reaction that fail to take place or paradoxic changes in the blood flow of tissue after injection of vasoactive substances also illustrate the significance of direct intestinal vascular damage for adversely affecting compensatory adaptation mechanisms. Markedly disturbed blood supply to the tissue and the resultant deterioration of tissue trophism at the level of an intestinal syndrome not only intensify radiogenic destructive processes in epitheliocytes, but also prevent to a certain extent the regeneration of mucous membrane of the small intestine. The possibility of achieving partial restoration of blood vessel speed in the small intestine of irradiated rats is shown if the loss of intravascular fluid is parenterally replaced with Ringer's or hemodilution solution. (author)

  5. Cytokine Tuning of Intestinal Epithelial Function

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    Caroline Andrews


    Full Text Available The intestine serves as both our largest single barrier to the external environment and the host of more immune cells than any other location in our bodies. Separating these potential combatants is a single layer of dynamic epithelium composed of heterogeneous epithelial subtypes, each uniquely adapted to carry out a subset of the intestine’s diverse functions. In addition to its obvious role in digestion, the intestinal epithelium is responsible for a wide array of critical tasks, including maintaining barrier integrity, preventing invasion by microbial commensals and pathogens, and modulating the intestinal immune system. Communication between these epithelial cells and resident immune cells is crucial for maintaining homeostasis and coordinating appropriate responses to disease and can occur through cell-to-cell contact or by the release or recognition of soluble mediators. The objective of this review is to highlight recent literature illuminating how cytokines and chemokines, both those made by and acting on the intestinal epithelium, orchestrate many of the diverse functions of the intestinal epithelium and its interactions with immune cells in health and disease. Areas of focus include cytokine control of intestinal epithelial proliferation, cell death, and barrier permeability. In addition, the modulation of epithelial-derived cytokines and chemokines by factors such as interactions with stromal and immune cells, pathogen and commensal exposure, and diet will be discussed.

  6. Lynch syndrome-related small intestinal adenocarcinomas. (United States)

    Jun, Sun-Young; Lee, Eui-Jin; Kim, Mi-Ju; Chun, Sung Min; Bae, Young Kyung; Hong, Soon Uk; Choi, Jene; Kim, Joon Mee; Jang, Kee-Taek; Kim, Jung Yeon; Kim, Gwang Il; Jung, Soo Jin; Yoon, Ghilsuk; Hong, Seung-Mo


    Lynch syndrome is an autosomal-dominant disorder caused by defective DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes and is associated with increased risk of malignancies in multiple organs. Small-intestinal adenocarcinomas are common initial manifestations of Lynch syndrome. To define the incidence and characteristics of Lynch syndrome-related small-intestinal adenocarcinomas, meticulous familial and clinical histories were obtained from 195 patients with small-intestinal adenocarcinoma, and MMR protein immunohistochemistry, microsatellite instability, MLH1 methylation, and germline mutational analyses were performed. Lynch syndrome was confirmed in eight patients (4%), all of whom had synchronous/metachronous malignancies without noticeable familial histories. Small-intestinal adenocarcinomas were the first clinical manifestation in 37% (3/8) of Lynch syndrome patients, and second malignancies developed within 5 years in 63% (5/8). The patients with accompanying Lynch syndrome were younger (≤50 years; P=0.04) and more likely to have mucinous adenocarcinomas (P=0.003), and tended to survive longer (P=0.11) than those with sporadic cases. A meticulous patient history taking, MMR protein immunolabeling, and germline MMR gene mutational analysis are important for the diagnosis of Lynch syndrome-related small-intestinal adenocarcinomas. Identifying Lynch syndrome in patients with small-intestinal adenocarcinoma can be beneficial for the early detection and treatment of additional Lynch syndrome-related cancers, especially in patients who are young or have mucinous adenocarcinomas.

  7. A comparative study on the metabolism of Epimedium koreanum Nakai-prenylated flavonoids in rats by an intestinal enzyme (lactase phlorizin hydrolase) and intestinal flora. (United States)

    Zhou, Jing; Chen, Yan; Wang, Ying; Gao, Xia; Qu, Ding; Liu, Congyan


    The aim of this study was to compare the significance of the intestinal hydrolysis of prenylated flavonoids in Herba Epimedii by an intestinal enzyme and flora. Flavonoids were incubated at 37 °C with rat intestinal enzyme and intestinal flora. HPLC-UV was used to calculate the metabolic rates of the parent drug in the incubation and LC/MS/MS was used to determine the chemical structures of metabolites generated by different flavonoid glycosides. Rates of flavonoid metabolism by rat intestinal enzyme were quicker than those of intestinal flora. The sequence of intestinal flora metabolic rates was icariin>epimedin B>epimedin A>epimedin C>baohuoside I, whereas the order of intestinal enzyme metabolic rates was icariin>epimedin A>epimedin C>epimedin B>baohuoside I. Meanwhile, the LC/MS/MS graphs showed that icariin produced three products, epimedin A/B/C had four and baohuoside I yielded one product in incubations of both intestinal enzyme and flora, which were more than the results of HPLC-UV due to the fact LC/MS/MS has lower detectability and higher sensitivity. Moreover, the outcomes indicated that the rate of metabolization of flavonoids by intestinal enzyme were faster than those of intestinal flora, which was consistent with the HPLC-UV results. In conclusion, the metabolic pathways of the same components by intestinal flora and enzyme were the same. What's more, an intestinal enzyme such as lactase phlorizin hydrolase exhibited a more significant metabolic role in prenylated flavonoids of Herba Epimedi compared with intestinal flora.

  8. Plasma intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) concentrations increase following intestinal ischemia in pigs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niewold, T.A.; Meinen, M.; Meulen, van der J.


    Intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) is an intracellular epithelial protein in the intestinal mucosa of many animals. IFABP appears in the circulation following epithelial damage, and in humans, is proven to be a parameter for damage to the mucosa. In this paper, an ELISA test designed for

  9. Intervención educativa para prevenir el parasitismo intestinal en niños de 0 a 9 años

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    Mayelín Ávila Labrada


    Full Text Available Fundamento: entre las enfermedades infecciosas, las producidas por parásitos constituyen un problema médico-social que afecta a los países subdesarrollados y a países de alto desarrollo económico. Objetivo: realizar una intervención educativa, con las madres de niños menores de 9 años pertenecientes al Consultorio Médico de Familia # 29, del reparto 26 de Julio, Bayamo, durante el período comprendido entre octubre de 2013 a marzo de 2014, para elevar el nivel de conocimiento sobre medidas de control del parasitismo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de intervención educativa, diseñado al respecto y aplicado a un grupo de madres, en el referido consultorio, perteneciente al policlínico Jimmy Hirzell, del municipio Bayamo, durante el tiempo señalado. La muestra estuvo constituida por 84 niños y sus 41 madres, a las que se les aplicó un cuestionario antes y después de la intervención. Se midieron las variables nivel de conocimientos sobre factores de riesgo, medidas preventivas y conducta a seguir ante el parasitismo intestinal. Se tomó muestra de heces fecales a los niños antes de iniciar la intervención y pasados 6 meses, para comprobar si se encontraban o no parasitados. Resultados: inicialmente, un pequeño porcentaje de madres respondieron correctamente el cuestionario aplicado, al término de la intervención esto mejoró a un 95,12%. De manera similar, al inicio solo el 26.82% manejaba adecuadamente el dominio y correcta aplicación de las medidas de prevención, luego del curso, al aplicar el cuestionario final, todos demostraron haber adquirido los conocimientos. Antes de aplicar la intervención 60 niños estaban infestados y transcurridos 6 meses después de culminada este se redujo a solo 15 niños. Conclusiones: mediante la intervención educativa se constató inicialmente la existencia de un gran desconocimiento en estos aspectos y se logró un incremento en el nivel de conocimientos, reflejándose en la disminuci

  10. [Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (Waldmann's disease)]. (United States)

    Vignes, S; Bellanger, J


    Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL), Waldmann's disease, is a rare disorder of unknown etiology characterized by dilated intestinal lacteals leading to lymph leakage into the small-bowel lumen and responsible for protein-losing enteropathy leading to lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia. PIL is generally diagnosed before 3 years of age but may be diagnosed in older patients. The main symptom is bilateral lower limb edema. Edema may be moderate to severe including pleural effusion, pericarditis or ascites. Protein-losing enteropathy is confirmed by the elevated 24-h stool α1-antitrypsin clearance and diagnosis by endoscopic observation of intestinal lymphangiectasia with the corresponding histology of biopsies. Videocapsule endoscopy may be useful when endoscopic findings are not contributive. Several B-cell lymphomas of the gastrointestinal tract or with extra-intestinal localizations were reported in PIL patients. A long-term strictly low-fat diet associated with medium-chain triglyceride and liposoluble vitamin supplementation is the cornerstone of PIL medical management. Octreotide, a somatostatin analog, have been proposed with an inconsistent efficacy in association with diet. Surgical small-bowel resection is useful in the rare cases with segmental and localized intestinal lymphangiectasia. A prolonged clinical and biological follow-up is recommended. Copyright © 2017 Société Nationale Française de Médecine Interne (SNFMI). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. Intestinal circulation during inhalation anesthesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tverskoy, M.; Gelman, S.; Fowler, K.C.; Bradley, E.L.


    This study was designed to evaluate the influence of inhalational agents on the intestinal circulation in an isolated loop preparation. Sixty dogs were studied, using three intestinal segments from each dog. Selected intestinal segments were pumped with aortic blood at a constant pressure of 100 mmHg. A mixture of 86 Rb and 9-microns spheres labeled with 141 Ce was injected into the arterial cannula supplying the intestinal loop, while mesenteric venous blood was collected for activity counting. A very strong and significant correlation was found between rubidium clearance and microsphere entrapment (r = 0.97, P less than 0.0001). Nitrous oxide anesthesia was accompanied by a higher vascular resistance (VR), lower flow (F), rubidium clearance (Cl-Rb), and microspheres entrapment (Cl-Sph) than pentobarbital anesthesia, indicating that the vascular bed in the intestinal segment was constricted and flow (total and nutritive) decreased. Halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane anesthesia were accompanied by a much lower arteriovenous oxygen content difference (AVDO 2 ) and oxygen uptake than pentobarbital or nitrous oxide. Compared with pentobarbital, enflurane anesthesia was not accompanied by marked differences in VR, F, Cl-Rb, and Cl-Sph; halothane at 2 MAC decreased VR and increased F and Cl-Rb while isoflurane increased VR and decreased F. alpha-Adrenoceptor blockade with phentolamine (1 mg . kg-1) abolished isoflurane-induced vasoconstriction, suggesting that the increase in VR was mediated via circulating catecholamines

  12. Intestinal mucus accumulation in a child with acutemyeloblastic leukemia

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    Namık Özbek


    Full Text Available Intestinal mucus accumulation is a very rare situation observed in some solid tumors, intestinal inflammation, mucosal hyperplasia, elevated intestinal pressure, and various other diseases. However, it has never been described in acute myeloblastic leukemia. The pathogenesis of intestinal mucus accumulation is still not clear. Here, we report a 14-year-old girl with acute myeloblastic leukemia and febrile neutropenia in addition to typhlitis. She was also immobilized due to joint contractures of the lower extremities and had intestinal mucus accumulation, which was, at first, misdiagnosed as intestinal parasitosis. We speculate that typhlitis, immobilization and decreased intestinal motility due to usage of antiemetic drugs might have been the potential etiologic factors in this case. However, its impact on prognosis of the primary disease is unknown.

  13. Agentes calciomiméticos en el tratamiento del hiperparatiroidismo secundario a la insuficiencia renal crónica Calcimimetic agents in the treatment of hyperparathyroidism secondary to chronic renal failure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. L. Negri


    Full Text Available La reciente identificación y clonación del receptor sensor de calcio (RSCa ha permitido tener una mejor comprensión de la regulación normal del metabolismo del calcio y entender un número de trastornos relativamente poco frecuentes del metabolismo mineral. En la glándula paratiroides el RSCa es el mecanismo responsable de modular la liberación de la hormona paratiroidea en función del nivel de calcio extracelular. Este descubrimiento también ha permitido desarrollar drogas que imitan o potencian las acciones del calcio extracelular sobre el RSCa (llamadas calciomiméticos que disminuyen la secreción de paratohormona sin incrementar el calcio sérico. Los calciomiméticos de última generación son pequeñas moléculas orgánicas que actúan como moduladores alostéricos del RSCa y se encuentran en su fase inicial de desarrollo clínico. A pesar de que la experiencia obtenida con estas drogas hasta ahora es limitada, ellas han mostrado ser efectivas para reducir los niveles de paratohormona en pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo secundario a fallo renal terminal sin inducir efectos secundarios de importancia. Es por ello que los compuestos calciomiméticos tienen un considerable potencial como nuevas drogas para el tratamiento del hiperparatiroidismo secundario y de la enfermedad ósea secundaria a la insuficiencia renal.The recent discovery and cloning of the extra cellular calcium sensing receptor (CaSR has allowed a better understanding of the regulation of normal calcium metabolism and of rare disturbances in mineral metabolism. In the parathyroid glands the CaSR is responsable for modulating parathyroid hormone release as a function of the extra cellular calcium level. This discovery has allowed the development of drugs that mimics or potentiates the actions of extra cellular calcium on the CaSR, called calcimimetics that decrease parathyroid hormone secretion without increasing serum calcium. The new calcimimetics are small organic

  14. Disrupted intestinal microbiota and intestinal inflammation in children with cystic fibrosis and its restoration with Lactobacillus GG: a randomised clinical trial.

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    Eugenia Bruzzese

    Full Text Available Intestinal inflammation is a hallmark of cystic fibrosis (CF. Administration of probiotics can reduce intestinal inflammation and the incidence of pulmonary exacerbations. We investigated the composition of intestinal microbiota in children with CF and analyzed its relationship with intestinal inflammation. We also investigated the microflora structure before and after Lactobacillus GG (LGG administration in children with CF with and without antibiotic treatment.The intestinal microbiota were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH. Intestinal inflammation was assessed by measuring fecal calprotectin (CLP and rectal nitric oxide (rNO production in children with CF as compared with healthy controls. We then carried out a small double-blind randomized clinical trial with LGG.Twenty-two children with CF children were enrolled in the study (median age, 7 years; range, 2-9 years. Fecal CLP and rNO levels were higher in children with CF than in healthy controls (184±146 µg/g vs. 52±46 µg/g; 18±15 vs. 2.6±1.2 µmol/L NO2 (-, respectively; P<0.01. Compared with healthy controls, children with CF had significantly different intestinal microbial core structures. The levels of Eubacterium rectale, Bacteroides uniformis, Bacteroides vulgatus, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium catenulatum, and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii were reduced in children with CF. A similar but more extreme pattern was observed in children with CF who were taking antibiotics. LGG administration reduced fecal CLP and partially restored intestinal microbiota. There was a significant correlation between reduced microbial richness and intestinal inflammation.CF causes qualitative and quantitative changes in intestinal microbiota, which may represent a novel therapeutic target in the treatment of CF. Administration of probiotics restored gut microbiota, supporting

  15. Differentiation-dependent activation of the human intestinal alkaline phosphatase promoter by HNF-4 in intestinal cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Line; Bressendorff, Simon; Troelsen, Jesper T


    The intestinal alkaline phosphatase gene (ALPI) encodes a digestive brush-border enzyme, which is highly upregulated during small intestinal epithelial cell differentiation. To identify new putative promoter motifs responsible for the regulation of ALPI expression during differentiation of the en...

  16. Lymphangiectasia of small intestine presenting as intussusception

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    Katoch Pervez


    Full Text Available Intussusception is defined as telescoping of a segment of gastrointestinal tract into an adjacent one. In small children, it is the commonest cause of intestinal obstruction. More than 90% of childhood intussusceptions are idiopathic. We report a rare case of localized small intestinal lymphangiectasia, presenting as intussusception in a 6-month-old male child. The child presented with features of acute intestinal obstruction for which he was later operated. The gross examination of excised ileocecal mass revealed intussusception. Histopathologic examination revealed lymphangiectasia of small intestine, which acted as a lead point for ileocecal intussusception. Postoperative period was uneventful.

  17. Lymphangiectasia of small intestine presenting as intussusception. (United States)

    Katoch, Pervez; Bhardwaj, Subhash


    Intussusception is defined as telescoping of a segment of gastrointestinal tract into an adjacent one. In small children, it is the commonest cause of intestinal obstruction. More than 90% of childhood intussusceptions are idiopathic. We report a rare case of localized small intestinal lymphangiectasia, presenting as intussusception in a 6-month-old male child. The child presented with features of acute intestinal obstruction for which he was later operated. The gross examination of excised ileocecal mass revealed intussusception. Histopathologic examination revealed lymphangiectasia of small intestine, which acted as a lead point for ileocecal intussusception. Postoperative period was uneventful.

  18. Inflammasome in Intestinal Inflammation and Cancer

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    Tiago Nunes


    Full Text Available The activation of specific cytosolic pathogen recognition receptors, the nucleotide-binding-oligomerization-domain- (NOD- like receptors (NLRs, leads to the assembly of the inflammasome, a multimeric complex platform that activates caspase-1. The caspase-1 pathway leads to the upregulation of important cytokines from the interleukin (IL-1 family, IL-1β, and IL-18, with subsequent activation of the innate immune response. In this review, we discuss the molecular structure, the mechanisms behind the inflammasome activation, and its possible role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases and intestinal cancer. Here, we show that the available data points towards the importance of the inflammasome in the innate intestinal immune response, being the complex involved in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, correct intestinal barrier function and efficient elimination of invading pathogens.

  19. Multispectral tissue characterization for intestinal anastomosis optimization (United States)

    Cha, Jaepyeong; Shademan, Azad; Le, Hanh N. D.; Decker, Ryan; Kim, Peter C. W.; Kang, Jin U.; Krieger, Axel


    Intestinal anastomosis is a surgical procedure that restores bowel continuity after surgical resection to treat intestinal malignancy, inflammation, or obstruction. Despite the routine nature of intestinal anastomosis procedures, the rate of complications is high. Standard visual inspection cannot distinguish the tissue subsurface and small changes in spectral characteristics of the tissue, so existing tissue anastomosis techniques that rely on human vision to guide suturing could lead to problems such as bleeding and leakage from suturing sites. We present a proof-of-concept study using a portable multispectral imaging (MSI) platform for tissue characterization and preoperative surgical planning in intestinal anastomosis. The platform is composed of a fiber ring light-guided MSI system coupled with polarizers and image analysis software. The system is tested on ex vivo porcine intestine tissue, and we demonstrate the feasibility of identifying optimal regions for suture placement.

  20. Intestinal mal-rotation in adults. CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vazquez Munoz, Enrique; Ramiro Ramiro, Esther; Perez Villacastin, Benjamin; Learra Martinez, Maria C.; Franco Lopez, Maria A.


    We review 7 adult cases of intestinal mal-rotation who were studied with CT. All patients had a small bowel located in the right hemi abdomen, abnormal location of superior mesenteric vein relative to superior mesenteric artery. Superior mesenteric vein was located anteriorly and to the left of superior mesenteric artery. In patients who suffered intestinal volvulus a 'whirlpool' sign was observed, due to the helicoidal torsion of the intestine and mesentery surrounding superior mesenteric artery. In 3 cases CT demonstrated absence or poor development of the pancreas uncinate process. In 2 patients CT revealed polysplenia. CT played a major role in 3 patients with volvulus as a complication of intestinal mal-rotation. CT also demonstrated unsuspected mal-rotation in one asymptomatic patient. In 3 cases with classic symptoms CT confirmed the intestinal mal-rotation diagnosed by barium studies. (author)

  1. Bioactive Milk for Intestinal Maturation in Preterm Neonates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Yanqi

    The fetal small intestine grows dramatically fast during the second and third trimester of human pregnancy. Many intestinal functions are therefore affected by preterm birth, including gastrointestinal motility, digestive and absorptive function, mucosal barrier function, and the intestinal...

  2. La confiabilidad integral del activo.

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    L. F. Sexto Cabrera


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se discute sobre algunos aspectos que influyen sobre la confiabilidad de un activo físico. En él se proponen diferentes clasificaciones de fallos. Se presentan algunos elementos sobre el análisis de la confiabilidad humana y los tipos de errores. De manera introductoria se comenta acerca de los defectos crónicos tolerados y el modelo de la trilogía de Juran. Se presentan reflexiones acerca de los procesos de deterioro gradual que puede sufrir un activo cualquiera. Finalmente, se discute sobre los costos de la confiabilidad. This paper discusses some aspects that influence about the reliability of a physical asset. Different classifications of failures are presented. Some elements are proposed about the analysis of the human reliability and the types of errors, as well as, an introduction about the tolerated chronic defects and the Juran trilogy. Reflections are presented about the processes of gradual deterioration. Finally, is discusses on the reliability costs.

  3. Starved Guts: Morphologic and Functional Intestinal Changes in Malnutrition. (United States)

    Attia, Suzanna; Feenstra, Marjon; Swain, Nathan; Cuesta, Melina; Bandsma, Robert H J


    Malnutrition contributes significantly to death and illness worldwide and especially to the deaths of children younger than 5 years. The relation between intestinal changes in malnutrition and morbidity and mortality has not been well characterized; however, recent research indicates that the functional and morphologic changes of the intestine secondary to malnutrition itself contribute significantly to these negative clinical outcomes and may be potent targets of intervention. The aim of this review was to summarize current knowledge of experimental and clinically observed changes in the intestine from malnutrition preclinical models and human studies. Limited clinical studies have shown villous blunting, intestinal inflammation, and changes in the intestinal microbiome of malnourished children. In addition to these findings, experimental data using various animal models of malnutrition have found evidence of increased intestinal permeability, upregulated intestinal inflammation, and loss of goblet cells. More mechanistic studies are urgently needed to improve our understanding of malnutrition-related intestinal dysfunction and to identify potential novel targets for intervention.

  4. Los mecanismos de solución de conflictos en asuntos de inversión en el NAFTA y la admisibilidad de la amicus curiae para las ONG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick Dumberry


    Full Text Available La primera parte de este artículo trata de un resumen del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norte América (NAFTA y cuestiona acuerdos entre inversionistas y Estados (capítulo 11. Las normas  relevantes  serán analizadas bajo  la  luz de creciente cantidad  de casos. La segunda parte se ocupará del fallo reciente en el caso Methanex versus Estados Unidos de América, donde se decidió que el Tribunal tenía el poder bajo el artículo 15 (1 del UNCITRAL-reglas de arbitraje-y bajo NAFTA-capítulo 11- para aceptar un reporte amicus curiae sometido por varias organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG. Es la primera vez dentro del contexto de NAFTA o de procesos de arbitraje entre inversores y Estado que amicus curiae haya sido aceptado por actores no estatales. El artículo examina en detalle el razonamiento del Tribunal de Arbitramento y su probable impacto en el futuro en los mecanismos de arreglo de disputas entre inversionistas – Estados.

  5. Enteric Virome Sensing—Its Role in Intestinal Homeostasis and Immunity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rebecca N. Metzger


    Full Text Available Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs sensing commensal microorganisms in the intestine induce tightly controlled tonic signaling in the intestinal mucosa, which is required to maintain intestinal barrier integrity and immune homeostasis. At the same time, PRR signaling pathways rapidly trigger the innate immune defense against invasive pathogens in the intestine. Intestinal epithelial cells and mononuclear phagocytes in the intestine and the gut-associated lymphoid tissues are critically involved in sensing components of the microbiome and regulating immune responses in the intestine to sustain immune tolerance against harmless antigens and to prevent inflammation. These processes have been mostly investigated in the context of the bacterial components of the microbiome so far. The impact of viruses residing in the intestine and the virus sensors, which are activated by these enteric viruses, on intestinal homeostasis and inflammation is just beginning to be unraveled. In this review, we will summarize recent findings indicating an important role of the enteric virome for intestinal homeostasis as well as pathology when the immune system fails to control the enteric virome. We will provide an overview of the virus sensors and signaling pathways, operative in the intestine and the mononuclear phagocyte subsets, which can sense viruses and shape the intestinal immune response. We will discuss how these might interact with resident enteric viruses directly or in context with the bacterial microbiome to affect intestinal homeostasis.

  6. Measures to minimize small intestine injury in the irradiated pelvis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, N.; Iba, G.; Smith, W.R.


    Small intestine injury causes long-term suffering and high mortality. Five of 187 of our patients had developed serious small intestine injury. Four patients had corrective surgery. Three patients died. All were women. Subsequently, all patients who received definitive pelvic irradiation had small intestine roentgenograms to determine its location and mobility. Female patients, thin patients, and elderly patients had larger amounts of small intestine in the whole pelvis, a deeper cul de sac, and a greater incidence of relatively immobile small intestine. Patients with relatively immobile small intestine in the treatment field may be predisposed to injury. There was no relationship of the incidence of relatively immobile small intestine to prior pelvic surgery. We used the findings from the small intestine roentgenograms to modify individually the radiotherapy regimen so as to minimize the risk for small intestine injury. Patients were placed in the prone position to displace the small intestine out of the treatment fields used for booster dose irradiation. The treatment field was modified to exclude the small intestine. The total tumor dose delivered was determined by expectations for cure vs complications. To date, none of the patients in this study group has developed small intestine injury. Cadaver studies showed the feasibility of elective shortening of the pelvic cul de sac. The small intestine can be displaced away from the bladder, prostate, or cervix. (U.S.)

  7. Enteric Virome Sensing-Its Role in Intestinal Homeostasis and Immunity. (United States)

    Metzger, Rebecca N; Krug, Anne B; Eisenächer, Katharina


    Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) sensing commensal microorganisms in the intestine induce tightly controlled tonic signaling in the intestinal mucosa, which is required to maintain intestinal barrier integrity and immune homeostasis. At the same time, PRR signaling pathways rapidly trigger the innate immune defense against invasive pathogens in the intestine. Intestinal epithelial cells and mononuclear phagocytes in the intestine and the gut-associated lymphoid tissues are critically involved in sensing components of the microbiome and regulating immune responses in the intestine to sustain immune tolerance against harmless antigens and to prevent inflammation. These processes have been mostly investigated in the context of the bacterial components of the microbiome so far. The impact of viruses residing in the intestine and the virus sensors, which are activated by these enteric viruses, on intestinal homeostasis and inflammation is just beginning to be unraveled. In this review, we will summarize recent findings indicating an important role of the enteric virome for intestinal homeostasis as well as pathology when the immune system fails to control the enteric virome. We will provide an overview of the virus sensors and signaling pathways, operative in the intestine and the mononuclear phagocyte subsets, which can sense viruses and shape the intestinal immune response. We will discuss how these might interact with resident enteric viruses directly or in context with the bacterial microbiome to affect intestinal homeostasis.

  8. JAK/STAT-1 Signaling Is Required for Reserve Intestinal Stem Cell Activation during Intestinal Regeneration Following Acute Inflammation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camilla A. Richmond


    Full Text Available The intestinal epithelium serves as an essential barrier to the outside world and is maintained by functionally distinct populations of rapidly cycling intestinal stem cells (CBC ISCs and slowly cycling, reserve ISCs (r-ISCs. Because disruptions in the epithelial barrier can result from pathological activation of the immune system, we sought to investigate the impact of inflammation on ISC behavior during the regenerative response. In a murine model of αCD3 antibody-induced small-intestinal inflammation, r-ISCs proved highly resistant to injury, while CBC ISCs underwent apoptosis. Moreover, r-ISCs were induced to proliferate and functionally contribute to intestinal regeneration. Further analysis revealed that the inflammatory cytokines interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha led to r-ISC activation in enteroid culture, which could be blocked by the JAK/STAT inhibitor, tofacitinib. These results highlight an important role for r-ISCs in response to acute intestinal inflammation and show that JAK/STAT-1 signaling is required for the r-ISC regenerative response.

  9. Análisis de la sentencia de la corte constitucional (C-871-10 sobre los derechos de autor de la obra de arquitectura construida, los proyectos arquitectónicos y los planos

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    Wilson Rafael Ríos Ruiz


    Full Text Available El reciente fallo de la Corte Constitucional deja a salvo y crea un justo medio entre los derechos morales del arquitecto-autor del proyecto arquitectónico, y el derecho de dominio de quien ejerce la titularidad de un bien inmueble construido. Así mismo determina que la obra de arquitectura construida, los proyectos arquitectónicos y los planos respectivos son objeto de protección a través de las normas autorales vigente tanto en el ámbito internacional como en el local en Colombia. Por lo tanto el proyecto arquitectónico como grupo de elementos de dibujo, planos, perspectivas, diseños presenta una connotación o forma bidimensional; en tanto que la obra arquitectónica acabada presenta una especificidad de volumen tridimensionalidad, que la hace ser la representación real del proyecto.

  10. Manifestaciones reumatológicas de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal Rheumatologic manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Octavio Germán Muñoz Maya


    Full Text Available La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII se caracteriza por la activación inapropiada del sistema inmune de la mucosa intestinal y sus dos formas de presentación son: la colitis ulcerativa y la enfermedad de Crohn. Las manifestaciones extraintestinales se presentan hasta en el 36% de los pacientes y pueden comprometer cualquier órgano o sistema. La disfunción inmune se caracteriza por el desequilibrio entre los mediadores proinflamatorios y los antinflamatorios y se expresa como una enfermedad sistémica. Las manifestaciones reumatológicas asociadas a la EII son de tres tipos: la artritis periférica, la espondiloartropatía y una tercera categoría que incluye lesiones dérmicas, oftálmicas y del metabolismo óseo, entre otras. El manejo de estas manifestaciones se basa en la terapia sistémica para el control de la actividad inflamatoria local utilizando esteroides, derivados de la 5-ASA, inmunomoduladores y, en los últimos años, terapia anti-TNF. The main feature of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD is the continuous activation of the mucosa-associated immune system; the disease has two major forms of presentation: ulcerative colitis and Crohn´s disease. The extraintestinal manifestations are present in 36% of patients, and any organ can be affected. There is an imbalance between proinflammatory and antinflammatory cytokines leading to a systemic disease. The rheumatologic manifestations of the IBD are: Peripheral arthritis, spondyloarthropathy and a third category that includes dermic and ocular lesions as well as metabolic bone disease. Control of the extraintestinal manifestations is based on systemic therapy with steroids, 5-ASA derivatives and biological anti-TNF therapy.

  11. Intestinal Volvulus in Idiopathic Steatorrhea (United States)

    Warner, H. A.; Kinnear, D. G.; Cameron, D. G.


    Volvulus of the intestine has recently been observed in three patients with idiopathic steatorrhea in relapse. Two patients gave a history of intermittent abdominal pain, distension and obstipation. Radiographic studies during these attacks revealed obstruction at the level of the sigmoid colon. Reduction under proctoscopic control was achieved in one instance, spontaneous resolution occurring in the other. The third patient presented as a surgical emergency and underwent operative reduction of a small intestinal volvulus. Persistence of diarrhea and weight loss postoperatively led to further investigation and a diagnosis of idiopathic steatorrhea. In all cases, treatment resulted in clinical remission with a coincident disappearance of obstructive intestinal symptoms. The pathogenesis of volvulus in sprue is poorly understood. Atonicity and dilatation of the bowel and stretching of the mesentery likely represent important factors. The symptoms of recurrent abdominal pain and distension in idiopathic steatorrhea necessitate an increased awareness of intestinal volvulus as a complication of this disease. ImagesFig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 3Figs. 4 and 5Fig. 6 PMID:13998948

  12. Regulation of intestinal health by branched-chain amino acids. (United States)

    Zhou, Hua; Yu, Bing; Gao, Jun; Htoo, John Khun; Chen, Daiwen


    Besides its primary role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, the intestine also interacts with a complex external milieu, and is the first defense line against noxious pathogens and antigens. Dysfunction of the intestinal barrier is associated with enhanced intestinal permeability and development of various gastrointestinal diseases. The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are important nutrients, which are the essential substrates for protein biosynthesis. Recently, emerging evidence showed that BCAAs are involved in maintaining intestinal barrier function. It has been reported that dietary supplementation with BCAAs promotes intestinal development, enhances enterocyte proliferation, increases intestinal absorption of amino acids (AA) and glucose, and improves the immune defenses of piglets. The underlying mechanism of these effects is mediated by regulating expression of genes and proteins associate with various signaling pathways. In addition, BCAAs promote the production of beneficial bacteria in the intestine of mice. Compelling evidence supports the notion that BCAAs play important roles in both nutrition and intestinal health. Therefore, as functional amino acids with various physiological effects, BCAAs hold key roles in promoting intestinal development and health in animals and humans. © 2017 Japanese Society of Animal Science.

  13. Therapeutic hypothermia reduces intestinal ischemia/reperfusion ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The detached intestinal epithelial cells in hypothermia group showed ... of apoptosis than those in normothermia group at 4 h (17.30 ± 2.56 vs. ... intestinal ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury, which could be attenuated by therapeutic hypothermia.

  14. Gintonin absorption in intestinal model systems

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    Byung-Hwan Lee


    Conclusion: The present study shows that gintonin could be absorbed in the intestine through transcellular and paracellular diffusion, and active transport. In addition, the lipid component of gintonin might play a key role in its intestinal absorption.

  15. Spectrum of diseases in acute intestinal obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masud, M.; Khan, A.; Gondal, Z.I.; Adil, M.


    To determine the etiological spectrum of acute intestinal obstruction in our clinical setup Military Hospital Rawalpindi. Study Design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: Surgical department of Military Hospital, Rawalpindi from Jul 2012 to Jul 2013, over a period of about 1 year. Material and Methods: A total of 120 patients with acute mechanical intestinal obstruction who underwent laparotomy were included in our study while those with non-mechanical intestinal obstruction like history of trauma and paralytic ileus were excluded from the study. All the patients were selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique. Emergency laparotomy was done and operative findings were recorded. Results: A total of 120 patients with mechanical intestinal obstruction were included in this study out of which 93 (69.17%) were female and remaining 27 (30.83%) were males. Male to female ratio was 1:2.24. Age range of patients was 22-85 years. Out of 120 patients operated for acute intestinal obstruction post-op adhesions were found in 37 (30.83%) patients followed by intestinal tuberculosis in 23 (19.17%) patients, obstructed inguinal hernias in 13 (10.83%), gut malignancies in 15 (12.5%) , Meckel's diverticulum with bands in 7 (5.83%), volvulus in 7 (5.83%), perforated appendix in 6 (5%), intussusception in 2 (1.7%), inflammatory bands in 5 (4.17%), trichobezoar and faecal impaction in 2 (1.7%) while in 3 (2.5%) patients no definite cause was found. Conclusion: Post-op adhesions are the commonest cause of mechanical intestinal obstruction in our setup followed by intestinal tuberculosis as second most common clinical pattern of presentation. (author)

  16. Neonatal intestinal obstruction in Benin, Nigeria

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    Osifo Osarumwense


    Full Text Available Background: Intestinal obstruction is a life threatening condition in the newborn, with attendant high mortality rate especially in underserved subregion. This study reports the aetiology, presentation, and outcome of intestinal obstruction management in neonates. Materials and Methods: A prospective study of neonatal intestinal obstruction at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin, Nigeria, between January 2006-June 2008. Data were collated on a structured proforma and analysed for age, sex, weight, presentation, type/date of gestation/delivery, aetiology, clinical presentation, associated anomaly, treatment, and outcome. Results: There were 71 neonates, 52 were males and 19 were females (2.7:1. Their age range was between 12 hours and 28 days (mean, 7.9 ± 2.7 days and they weighed between 1.8 and 5.2 kg (average, 3.2 kg. The causes of intestinal obstruction were: Anorectal anomaly, 28 (39.4%; Hirschsprung′s disease, 8 (11.3%′ prematurity, 3 (4.2%; meconeum plug, 2 (2.8%; malrotation, 6 (8.5%; intestinal atresia, 8 (11.3%; necrotising enterocolitis (NEC, 4 (5.6%; obstructed hernia, 4 (5.6%; and spontaneous gut perforation, 3 (4.2%. Also, 27 (38% children had colostomy, 24 (33.8% had laparotomy, 9 (12.8% had anoplasty, while 11 (15.4% were managed nonoperatively. A total of 41 (57.7% neonates required incubator, 26 (36.6% needed total parenteral nutrition, while 15 (21.1% require d paediatric ventilator. Financial constraint, late presentation, presence of multiple anomalies, aspiration, sepsis, gut perforation, and bowel gangrene were the main contributors to death. Neonates with lower obstructions had a better outcome compared to those having upper intestinal obstruction ( P < 0.0001. Conclusion: Outcomes of intestinal obstruction are still poor in our setting; late presentation, financial constraints, poor parental motivation and lack of basic facilities were the major determinants of mortality.

  17. Tissue response after radiation exposure. Intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otsuka, Kensuke; Tomita, Masanori; Yamauchi, Motohiro; Iwasaki, Toshiyasu


    Gastrointestinal syndrome followed by 'gut death' is due to intestinal disorders. This syndrome is induced by high-dose (>10 Gy) of ionizing radiation. Recovery from the gastrointestinal syndrome would depend on the number of survived clonogens and regeneration capability of crypts. These tissue alterations can be observed by high-dose radiation, however, cellular dynamics in crypts can be affected by low-dose radiation. For example, Potten et al. found that low-dose radiation induce apoptosis of intestinal stem cells, which produce all differentiated function cells. Recently, intestinal stem cells are characterized by molecular markers such as Lgr5. Since intestinal adenomas can be induced by deletion of Apc gene in Lgr5 + stem cells, it is widely recognized that Lgr5 + stem cells are the cell-of-origin of cancer. Duodenal Lgr5 + stem cells are known as radioresistant cells, however, we found that ionizing radiation significantly induces the turnover of colonic Lgr5 + stem cells. Combined with the knowledge of other radioresistant markers, stem-cell dynamics in tissue after irradiation are becoming clear. The present review introduces the history of gastrointestinal syndrome and intestinal stem cells, and discusses those future perspectives. (author)

  18. Bile acids in regulation of intestinal physiology.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Keating, Niamh


    In addition to their roles in facilitating lipid digestion and absorption, bile acids are recognized as important regulators of intestinal function. Exposure to bile acids can dramatically influence intestinal transport and barrier properties; in recent years, they have also become appreciated as important factors in regulating cell growth and survival. Indeed, few cells reside within the intestinal mucosa that are not altered to some degree by exposure to bile acids. The past decade saw great advances in the knowledge of how bile acids exert their actions at the cellular and molecular levels. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of the role of bile acids in regulation of intestinal physiology.

  19. Factors influencing physiological FDG uptake in the intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasuda, Seiei; Takahashi, Wakoh; Takagi, Shigeharu; Fujii, Hirofumi; Ide, Michiru; Shohtsu, Akira


    The intestine is a well-known site of physiological 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) accumulation in positron emission tomography (PET). To identify factors influencing physiological FDG uptake in the intestine, the intensity of FDG uptake was evaluated in a total of 1,068 healthy adults. Non-attenuation-corrected whole-body PET images were obtained for all subjects and visually evaluated. Subjects were then classified into two groups according to the intensity of intestinal FDG uptake. Sex, age, presence or absence of constipation, and serum glucose, hemoglobin A 1 c, and free fatty acid levels were compared between the two groups. High intestinal FDG uptake was observed at an overall rate of 11.0%. Sex (female), age, and bowel condition (constipation) were found to affect intestinal FDG uptake. The factors we identified lead to further questions the relationship between intestinal motility and glucose uptake that warrant further study. (author)

  20. Evolutionary insights into postembryonic development of adult intestinal stem cells

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    Ishizuya-Oka Atsuko


    Full Text Available Abstract In the adult vertebrate intestine, multi-potent stem cells continuously generate all of the epithelial cells throughout the adulthood. While it has long been known that the frog intestine is formed via the development of adult intestinal stem cells during thyroid hormone (TH-dependent metamorphosis, the basic structure of the adult intestine is formed by birth in mammals and it is unclear if the subsequent maturation of the intestine involves any changes in the intestinal stem cells. Two recent papers showing that B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (Blimp1 regulates postnatal epithelial stem cell reprogramming during mouse intestinal maturation support the model that adult intestinal stem cells are developed during postembryonic development in mammals, in a TH-dependent process similar to intestinal remodeling during amphibian metamorphosis. Since the formation of the adult intestine in both mammals and amphibians is closely associated with the adaptation from aquatic to terrestrial life during the peak of endogenous TH levels, the molecular mechanisms by which the adult stem cells are developed are likely evolutionally conserved.

  1. Related radiation effects on the intestine and their treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bardychev, M.S.; Kurpeshcheva, A.K.; Kaplan, M.A.


    Late radiation injuries of the intestine are frequent after radiation therapy of malignant tumours of female genitalia and some other tumours due to which the intestine gets into the irradiation field. On the basis of the analysis of 80 patients with late radiation injuries of intestine which developed at remote terms after radiation therapy of cervix uteri cancer and corpus uteri (65 patients) and other tumours, peculiarities of the clinical course and treatment of radiation enterocolitis, rectosigmoidites and rectites are discussed. In 39 patients these injuries were concomitant with late radiation injuries of the skin and subcutaneous soft tissues. The clinical course of radiation unjuries of the intestine was defined by the character of the pathological process in the intestine and was more sharply marked in patients suffering from radiation enterocolites. It was established that one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of late radiation injuries of the intestine was a disorder of the absorption function of the intestine. Local treatment of radiation injuries of the intestine should be combined with a general one the important component of which is a parenteral diet

  2. Chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction syndrome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yeon, Kyung Mo; Seo, Jeong Kee; Lee, Yong Seok [Seoul National University Children' s Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction syndrome is a rare clinical condition in which impaired intestinal peristalsis causes recurrent symptoms of bowel obstruction in the absence of a mechanical occlusion. This syndrome may involve variable segments of small or large bowel, and may be associated with urinary bladder retention. This study included 6 children(3 boys and 3 girls) of chronic intestinal obstruction. Four were symptomatic at birth and two were of the ages of one month and one year. All had abdominal distension and deflection difficulty. Five had urinary bladder distension. Despite parenteral nutrition and surgical intervention(ileostomy or colostomy), bowel obstruction persisted and four patients expired from sepses within one year. All had gaseous distension of small and large bowel on abdominal films. In small bowel series, consistent findings were variable degree of dilatation, decreased peristalsis(prolonged transit time) and microcolon or microrectum. This disease entity must be differentiated from congenital megacolon, ileal atresia and megacystis syndrome.

  3. Ultrasonography of small intestinal obstructions: a contemporary approach. (United States)

    Garcia, D A A; Froes, T R; Vilani, R G D O C; Guérios, S D; Obladen, A


    To assess the accuracy of intestinal ultrasound for diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in dogs and cats. A prospective clinical study was performed. Inclusion criteria were dogs and cats with clinical signs suggestive of gastrointestinal obstruction. Animals with no obstruction detected on ultrasound were excluded if they could not be monitored for 48 hours to confirm absence of obstruction. Sonographic diagnosis of small intestinal obstruction was based on identification of at least two findings suggestive of intestinal obstruction. Ninety-two patients suspected of having intestinal obstruction were included. Correct diagnosis of intestinal obstruction was made in 21 cases (23%), and in 68 (74%) this diagnosis was excluded. Interpretation of the images on prospective analysis had sensitivity, positive predictive, specificity and negative predictive values of 100%, 87.5%, 95.8% and 100%, respectively. Ultrasonography is an excellent method for investigation of animals with gastrointestinal disorders, and is particularly useful for excluding obstructive processes. © 2011 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

  4. Patología de las cimentaciones


    Uriel Ortiz, Ángel


    Not available.Este artículo se dedica a los fallos de cimentaciones intrínsecos, cuya causa está en el incorrecto diseño de la cimentación o en su defectuosa construcción. Se excluyen los fallos inducidos por operaciones constructivas en las proximidades o por los efectos de nuevas estructuras, que serán el objeto de otro artículo. Los fallos de cimentaciones son demasiado frecuentes y muy raramente pueden calificarse de inevitables. Causan daños estructurales, cuando no el colapso compl...

  5. Natural compound methyl protodioscin protects against intestinal inflammation through modulation of intestinal immune responses


    Zhang, Rongli; Gilbert, Shila; Yao, Xinsheng; Vallance, Jefferson; Steinbrecher, Kris; Moriggl, Richard; Zhang, Dongsheng; Eluri, Madhu; Chen, Haifeng; Cao, Huiqing; Shroyer, Noah; Denson, Lee; Han, Xiaonan


    Dioscoreaceae, a kind of yam plant, has been recommended for treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions. However, the mechanisms are poorly defined. Methyl protodioscin (MPD) is one of the main bioactive components in Dioscoreaceae. Here, we aim to determine the mechanisms by which MPD ameliorates intestinal inflammation. Surgical intestinal specimens were collected from inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) patients to perform organ culture. Experimental colitis was induced in mice by dextran ...


    Whipple, G. H.; Stone, H. B.; Bernheim, B. M.


    Closed duodenal loops may be made in dogs by ligatures placed just below the pancreatic duct and just beyond the duodenojejunal junction, together with a posterior gastro-enterostomy. These closed duodenal loop dogs die with symptoms like those of patients suffering from volvulus or high intestinal obstruction. This duodenal loop may simulate closely a volvulus in which there has been no vascular disturbance. Dogs with closed duodenal loops which have been washed out carefully survive a little longer on the average than animals with unwashed loops. The duration of life in the first instance is one to three days, with an average of about forty-eight hours. The dogs usually lose considerable fluid by vomiting and diarrhea. A weak pulse, low blood pressure and temperature are usually conspicuous in the last stages. Autopsy shows more or less splanchnic congestion which may be most marked in the mucosa of the upper small intestine. The peritoneum is usually clear and the closed loop may be distended with thin fluid, or collapsed, and contain only a small amount of pasty brown material. The mucosa of the loop may show ulceration and even perforation, but in the majority of cases it is intact and exhibits only a moderate congestion. Simple intestinal obstruction added to a closed duodenal loop does not modify the result in any manner, but it may hasten the fatal outcome. The liver plays no essential role as a protective agent against this poison, for a dog with an Eck fistula may live three days with a closed loop. A normal dog reacts to intraportal injection and to intravenous injection of the toxic substance in an identical manner. Drainage of this loop under certain conditions may not interfere with the general health over a period of weeks or months. Excision of the part of the duodenum included in this loop causes no disturbance. The material from the closed duodenal loops contains no bile, pancreatic juice, gastric juice, or split products from the food. It can be

  7. Efectos de la desnutrición sobre la colagenización de anastomosis intestinales: análisis de procolágeno y telopéptido carboxiterminal mediante radioinmunoanálisis Role of malnutrition in intestinal anastomosis collagenization: an analysis of procollagen (PINP and carboxyterminal telopeptide (ICTP by radioimmunoassay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. M. Álamo


    Full Text Available Introducción: diversos factores influyen en la cicatrización correcta de las suturas intestinales tras la práctica de una resección intestinal. Uno de los factores más implicados es el estado nutricional del paciente. Objetivos: evaluar la influencia de la desnutrición inducida sobre la viabilidad de una anastomosis intestinal primaria mediante el análisis del procolágeno (PINP como marcador de la síntesis de colágeno I, y del telopéptido carboxiterminal del colágeno I (ICTP como marcador de la destrucción del mismo. Métodos: 40 ratas Wistar y material de radioinmunoensayo. Métodos: diseñamos 2 grupos de ratas, 20 animales por cada grupo: grupo control (A y grupo "desnutrición" (B. Se analiza PINP e ICTP mediante RIA sobre tejido colónico homogeneizado, preanastomótico y anastomótico. Resultados: existen unos niveles menores de PINP en el colon de las ratas del grupo B comparado con el colon del grupo A (0,3620 y 0,4340 µg/g respectivamente (p = 0,032. Hay un mayor nivel de ICTP analizado en el colon del grupo B (0,9545 en contraposición a 0,8460 µg/g en el grupo A (p = 0,875. En las anastomosis del grupo B existe una menor síntesis de PINP en comparación con el grupo A (0,376 y 0,468 µg/g respectivamente, p = 0,002. Conclusiones: la anastomosis colónica incrementa los niveles de PINP e ICTP en el tejido cicatricial (p = 0,000; la malnutrición reduce la colagenización de las anastomosis (p = 0,000.Introduction: some clinical, anatomo-pathological, and technical factors influence the correct healing of intestinal suture following an intestinal resection. One of the most influential factors is patient nutritional status. Objectives: to evaluate the influence of malnutrition on the viability of primary intestinal anastomosis by the analysis of collagen I deposition. Methods: 40 Wistar rats, radioimmunoassay material. We used 2 groups of rats, 20 animals in each group: a control group (A and a "malnutrition" group (B

  8. Intestinal cholesterol secretion : future clinical implications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jakulj, L.; Besseling, J.; Stroes, E. S. G.; Groen, A. K.


    Together with the liver, the intestine serves as a homeostatic organ in cholesterol metabolism. Recent evidence has substantiated the pivotal role of the intestine in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). RCT is a fundamental antiatherogenic pathway, mediating the removal of cholesterol from tissues

  9. Intestinal cholesterol secretion: future clinical implications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jakulj, L.; Besseling, J.; Stroes, E. S. G.; Groen, A. K.


    Together with the liver, the intestine serves as a homeostatic organ in cholesterol metabolism. Recent evidence has substantiated the pivotal role of the intestine in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). RCT is a fundamental antiatherogenic pathway, mediating the removal of cholesterol from tissues

  10. Primary intestinal hodgkin′s lymphoma: An uncommon presentation

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    Shruti Sharma


    Full Text Available Primary intestinal lymphoma is a rare lymphoproliferative neoplasm of the small intestine. The primary nature is established on the basis of lack of evidence of lymphoma on chest X-ray, computerized tomographic scan, peripheral blood or bone marrow puncture. Tumor involvement is limited to the gastrointestinal tract, the criteria for inclusion are that the symptoms related to the small intestine are predominant or the only symptoms at the time of laparotomy. Hodgkin′s lymphoma (HL primarily in the small intestine is a rare entity and an uncommon presentation of the disease. Ileum is the more common site of infliction than the jejunum because of its abundant lymphoid follicles. Here, we present a case of primary intestinal HL, in a 30-year-old male.

  11. Linfangiectasia intestinal e linfangite lipogranulomatosa em dois caninos Intestinal lymphangiectasia with lipogranulomatous lymphangitis in two dogs

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    Marcia Regina da Silva Ilha


    Full Text Available Relatam-se dois casos adicionais de linfangiectasia intestinal e linfangite lipogranulomatosa (LI/LL em caninos. Sinais clínicos manifestados pelos animais afetados incluíam diarréia crônica, perda de peso, dificuldade respiratória e anorexia. À necropsia, a mucosa do intestino delgado apresentava-se pálida, macia e com aspecto aveludado mais evidente conferido por vilosidades esbranquiçadas, alongadas, mais visíveis e densamente aglomeradas formando tufos. Na borda mesentérica da serosa intestinal, havia lesões arredondadas, lisas, elevadas, firmes, brancacentas, de 1-3mm de diâmetro, que também acompanhavam os vasos linfáticos mesentéricos que estavam salientes e distendidos por material espesso e esbranquiçado. Carcaças em mau estado corporal, edema subcutâneo e efusões cavitárias também foram observados. Microscopicamente, havia acentuada ectasia dos vasos quilíferos das vilosidades intestinais associada à presença de lipogranulomas intramurais ou mesentéricos. No presente estudo, o diagnóstico definitivo de LI/LL foi realizado através do exame histológico do intestino delgado e mesentério associado. Desconhece-se a prevalência dessa enfermidade em caninos no Brasil.Two additional cases of intestinal lymphangiectasia with lipogranulomatous lymphangitis (IL/LL in dogs are described. Clinical signs in the affected animals included chronic diarrhea, weight loss, labored breathing and anorexia. At necropsy, the mucosa of the small intestine was pale, soft and had numerous white, elongated villi clumped together in tufts giving the surface of the intestinal mucosa a pronounced velvety pattern. White, round, smooth, raised, firm, pinpoint lesions, varying from 1-3mm of diameter, were observed on the serosal surface of the small intestine on its mesenteric border and along prominent mesenteric lymphatic vessels distended with thick, chalky white paste. Thin carcasses. subcutaneous edema and cavitary effusions were also

  12. Effects of probiotics and antibiotics on the intestinal homeostasis in a computer controlled model of the large intestine

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    Rehman Ateequr


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Antibiotic associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile infection are frequent complications of broad spectrum antibiotic therapy. Probiotic bacteria are used as therapeutic and preventive agents in these disorders, but the exact functional mechanisms and the mode of action are poorly understood. The effects of clindamycin and the probiotic mixture VSL#3 (containing the 8 bacterial strains Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus consecutively or in combination were investigated and compared to controls without therapy using a standardized human fecal microbiota in a computer-controlled in vitro model of large intestine. Microbial metabolites (short chain fatty acids, lactate, branched chain fatty acids, and ammonia and the intestinal microbiota were analyzed. Results Compared to controls and combination therapy, short chain fatty acids and lactate, but also ammonia and branched chain fatty acids, were increased under probiotic therapy. The metabolic pattern under combined therapy with antibiotics and probiotics had the most beneficial and consistent effect on intestinal metabolic profiles. The intestinal microbiota showed a decrease in several indigenous bacterial groups under antibiotic therapy, there was no significant recovery of these groups when the antibiotic therapy was followed by administration of probiotics. Simultaneous application of anti- and probiotics had a stabilizing effect on the intestinal microbiota with increased bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Conclusions Administration of VSL#3 parallel with the clindamycin therapy had a beneficial and stabilizing effect on the intestinal metabolic homeostasis by decreasing toxic metabolites and protecting the endogenic microbiota from destruction. Probiotics could be a reasonable

  13. Flora bacteriana aeróbica del tracto digestivo del vampiro común, Desmodus rotundus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae

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    Gloriana Chaverri


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la flora bacteriana del vampiro común (Desmodus rotundus primordialmente debido a que los datos al respecto están desactualizados, y además por la gran importancia económica de esta especie de murciélago. Veintiún murciélagos fueron recolectados y su flora bacteriana identificada separadamente a nivel de estómago e intestino. Las bacterias fueron identificadas con el Analytical Profile Index (API, y los resultados analizados con el paquete APILAB. Un total de treinta especies fueron aisladas en 16 hembras y cinco machos. Las especies más comunes fueron Escherichia coli y Staphylococcus aureus, aunque otras especies, como Acinetobacter johnsonii, Enterobacter sakazakii, Staphylococcus chromogenes, S. hyicus y S. xylosus también se aislaron con frecuencia. El número de especies identificadas en el estómago y el intestino fue significativamente diferente, siendo el intestino más diverso. Esto ha sido encontrado anteriormente en otros mamíferos, y se atribuye probablemente a la reducción en acidez. Asimismo, la mayoría de las especies identificadas en este estudio forman parte de la flora bacteriana normal del tracto digestivo de mamíferos, aunque también se encontraron otras bacterias comunes en la piel de mamíferos y en ambientes acuáticos Las bacterias de la piel podrían estar colonizando el estómago y/o intestino del vampiro cuando éste tiene contacto con sus presas, lo que sugiere que el hábito alimentario de esta especie facilita su colonización por microorganismos que no se encontrarían comúnmente en su tracto digestivo. Ya que también se identificaron bacterias comunes en ambientes acuáticos, es probable que D. rotundus consuma agua cuando esté disponible, lo que respalda los resultados de otros investigadores, y sugiere que esta podría ser una fuente adicional de invasión microbiana.Aerobic bacterial flora from the digestive tract of the common vampire bat

  14. Surgical management of radiation injury to the small intestine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Swan, R.W.; Fowler, W.C. Jr., Boronow, R.C.


    Severe injury of the small intestine represents one of the most tragic complications of radiation of the pelvis and abdomen. Not uncommonly, patients die from the radiation or the treatment of its intestinal complications. More commonly, patients become intestinal cripples, secondary to chronic partial obstruction of the small intestine and malnutrition associated with the stagnant loop syndrome, as previously reported by one of us. Management results have been discouraging, usually because of a general lack of clinical recognition and understanding of radiation injury to the intestine. Medical management has not been satisfactory. It may provide temporary relief from symptoms, but not long-lasting. Surgical management, although frequently curative, has been associated with high death and morbidity rates. Many surgical procedures have been used in treating radiation injury to the small intestine. Generally, these fall into two categories: first, intestinal resection with primary anastomosis; and second, enteroenteric or enterocolic bypass. In the literature are reflected advocates for each method of surgical management.

  15. Surgical treatment of radiation induced injuries of the intestine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmitt, E.H.; Symmonds, R.E.


    In the patient who has received high dose irradiation of the pelvis and abdomen, all abdominopelvic operations should be avoided, unless it is absolutely essential. Persisting obstruction, hemorrhage, intestinal perforation with peritonitis and with abscess and fistula formation are valid indications for surgical intervention. Ninety-three patients have been operated upon for these complications after irradiation. Some anastomotic dehiscence occurred in ten patients. Six operative deaths occurred. Of the 93 patients, 65 were managed by means of complete resection of the involved segment of intestine, followed by restoration of intestinal continuity by means of an end-to-end anastomosis. This is the treatment of choice when the involved area can be safely resected. In the absence of actual intestinal necrosis and when segments of strictured small intestine are adherent deep in the pelvis, and intestinal bypass procedure may represent the treatment of choice. This was accomplished in 20 patients, two of whom eventually required a second operation for resection of the bypassed segment of intestine.

  16. Surgical treatment of radiation induced injuries of the intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmitt, E.H.; Symmonds, R.E.


    In the patient who has received high dose irradiation of the pelvis and abdomen, all abdominopelvic operations should be avoided, unless it is absolutely essential. Persisting obstruction, hemorrhage, intestinal perforation with peritonitis and with abscess and fistula formation are valid indications for surgical intervention. Ninety-three patients have been operated upon for these complications after irradiation. Some anastomotic dehiscence occurred in ten patients. Six operative deaths occurred. Of the 93 patients, 65 were managed by means of complete resection of the involved segment of intestine, followed by restoration of intestinal continuity by means of an end-to-end anastomosis. This is the treatment of choice when the involved area can be safely resected. In the absence of actual intestinal necrosis and when segments of strictured small intestine are adherent deep in the pelvis, and intestinal bypass procedure may represent the treatment of choice. This was accomplished in 20 patients, two of whom eventually required a second operation for resection of the bypassed segment of intestine

  17. Análisis de la sentencia expedida por la Jueza 5a. de lo Civil en el caso "El Gran Hermano"

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    Santiago Guarderas Izquierdo


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un análisis sucinto de la sentencia dictada dentro del caso conocido como “El Gran Hermano” con particular énfasis en los aspectos en los que el fallo incurre en errores jurídicos.  Se parte de una revisión objetiva que no anticipa un criterio respecto de la responsabilidad determinada para los demandados. Por el contrario, se centra en aquellos elementos que restan mérito a la decisión y sus fundamentos que no son compatibles con el régimen jurídico aplicable, aun con independencia de la decisión de fondo. Temas como la prejudicialidad en asuntos de indemnización de daños y perjuicios derivados de un delito, la naturaleza de la responsabilidad de los coautores de un delito o cuasidelito, el concepto del monto de la reparación en caso de daños morales y su forma de cuantificación, las diferencias entre daño moral y daño patrimonial y la necesidad de usar el método de ponderación en eventos de colisión de derechos son abordados doctrinaria y jurisprudencialmente con ocasión de los criterios expuestos por el juez que conoció de la causa en la sentencia. Aunque el fallo no se ejecutó porque el actor desistió de la demanda, conmovió las esferas judiciales por las partes contendientes en el juicio: el Presidente de la República y dos periodistas.

  18. Macrophages in intestinal homeostasis and inflammation (United States)

    Bain, Calum C; Mowat, Allan McI


    The intestine contains the largest pool of macrophages in the body which are essential for maintaining mucosal homeostasis in the face of the microbiota and the constant need for epithelial renewal but are also important components of protective immunity and are involved in the pathology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, defining the biological roles of intestinal macrophages has been impeded by problems in defining the phenotype and origins of different populations of myeloid cells in the mucosa. Here, we discuss how multiple parameters can be used in combination to discriminate between functionally distinct myeloid cells and discuss the roles of macrophages during homeostasis and how these may change when inflammation ensues. We also discuss the evidence that intestinal macrophages do not fit the current paradigm that tissue-resident macrophages are derived from embryonic precursors that self-renew in situ, but require constant replenishment by blood monocytes. We describe our recent work demonstrating that classical monocytes constantly enter the intestinal mucosa and how the environment dictates their subsequent fate. We believe that understanding the factors that drive intestinal macrophage development in the steady state and how these may change in response to pathogens or inflammation could provide important insights into the treatment of IBD. PMID:24942685

  19. Small Intestinal Obstruction Caused by Anisakiasis

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    Yuichi Takano


    Full Text Available Small intestinal anisakiasis is a rare disease that is very difficult to diagnose, and its initial diagnosis is often surgical. However, it is typically a benign disease that resolves with conservative treatment, and unnecessary surgery can be avoided if it is appropriately diagnosed. This case report is an example of small intestinal obstruction caused by anisakiasis that resolved with conservative treatment. A 63-year-old man admitted to our department with acute abdominal pain. A history of raw fish (sushi ingestion was recorded. Abdominal CT demonstrated small intestinal dilatation with wall thickening and contrast enhancement. Ascitic fluid was found on the liver surface and in the Douglas pouch. His IgE (RIST was elevated, and he tested positive for the anti-Anisakis antibodies IgG and IgA. Small intestinal obstruction by anisakiasis was highly suspected and conservative treatment was performed, ileus tube, fasting, and fluid replacement. Symptoms quickly resolved, and he was discharged on the seventh day of admission. Small intestinal anisakiasis is a relatively uncommon disease, the diagnosis of which may be difficult. Because it is a self-limiting disease that usually resolves in 1-2 weeks, a conservative approach is advisable to avoid unnecessary surgery.

  20. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia in adults - diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

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    Jocić Tatiana


    Full Text Available Introduction. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare disorder, characterized by abnormal dilation of intestinal lymphatic vessels and extensive enteric loss of lymph rich in plasma proteins, lymphocytes and chylomicrons. The main characteristics of the disease are hypoalbuminemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, lymphocytopenia, and more rarely, the deficit of liposoluble vitamins and anemia. Except for primary, there are secondary lymphangiectasia, associated with celiac disease, malignant, infective and inflammatory diseases of the small intestine, fibrosis, liver and cardiovascular diseases. Case report. A male, 33 years of age, presented for his medical examination suffering from diarrhea and edema. The diagnosis was established upon the histological examination of a small intestine biopsy during double balloon enteroscopy, which revealed changes only in one segment of the intestine examined. Such a finding was later confirmed by the video endoscopy capsule. Conclusion. The diagnosis of intestinal lymphangiectasia is usually established before the age of 3, but it can also be diagnosed in adults. The diagnosis is based on the histological analysis of the intestinal mucosa biopsy, obtained by endoscopic procedures. The diagnosis of primary intestinal lymphangiectasia is also made upon the exclusion of secondary causes.

  1. Intestinal Anisakiasis Treated Successfully with Prednisolone and Olopatadine Hydrochloride

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    Hideki Toyoda


    Full Text Available The clinical characteristic of gastrointestinal anisakiasis is severe abdominal pain after eating raw fish. Intestinal anisakiasis is more uncommon than gastric anisakiasis. Most patients with intestinal anisakiasis need hospitalization because anisakiasis can cause intestinal obstruction, ileus, peritonitis or intestinal perforation. We report a case of intestinal anisakiasis. A 43-year-old woman presented with symptoms of intermittent abdominal pain 2 days after eating raw fish. Her brother had eaten the same food and had been suffering from gastric anisakiasis. Abdominal ultrasonography in this patient showed localized jejunal wall thickening with dilated lumen of proximal jejunum and ascites. According to the clinical course and examinations, she was diagnosed with intestinal anisakiasis. Administration of prednisolone 5 mg/day and olopatadine hydrochloride 10 mg/day improved her symptoms quickly without hospitalization. Prednisolone was administered for 10 days, and olopatadine hydrochloride was administered for a total of 6 weeks according to ultrasonographic findings. Six months after the treatment, the abdominal ultrasonography demonstrated normal findings. This case demonstrates that ultrasonography was quite useful for the diagnosis and surveillance of intestinal anisakiasis. Furthermore, treatment with corticosteroid and an antiallergic agent could be an option for patients with intestinal anisakiasis.

  2. Muerte encefálica: consideraciones clínicas y legales

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    W. Arnold Hoppe, Dr.


    Full Text Available Temor y ambivalencia son aspectos centrales en la matriz sociocultural relacionada con la muerte encefálica. Para el médico que debe evaluar pacientes y certificar el diagnóstico de muerte encefálica es crucial contar con una sólida comprensión de la fisiopatología, los criterios diagnósticos y de los exámenes complementarios. La existencia de un marco legal coherente y completo para el diagnóstico de muerte encefálica, independiente de la potencial donación de órganos, es ciertamente crucial para el médico. La relevancia que tiene en este sentido el fallo del Tribunal Constitucional de Chile del 13 de agosto de 1995 se analiza en profundidad.

  3. Intestinal lymphangiectasia associated with recurrence of histiocytosis X. (United States)

    Hui, C K


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia may occur as a primary congenital disorder or a secondary disorder. Secondary lymphangiectasia could be associated with diseases such as abdominal carcinoma, retroperitoneal fibrosis or chronic pancreatitis. This is the first reported case of intestinal lymphangiectasia associated with recurrent histiocytosis X. This case report illustrates the need for more prospective, well-designed studies to determine the natural history and outcome of intestinal lymphangiectasia in the duodenum. Hopefully, these studies will also help clinicians identify which group of patients with intestinal lymphangiectasia in the duodenum is more likely to have a secondary cause.

  4. Upper intestinal lipids regulate energy and glucose homeostasis. (United States)

    Cheung, Grace W C; Kokorovic, Andrea; Lam, Tony K T


    Upon the entry of nutrients into the small intestine, nutrient sensing mechanisms are activated to allow the body to adapt appropriately to the incoming nutrients. To date, mounting evidence points to the existence of an upper intestinal lipid-induced gut-brain neuronal axis to regulate energy homeostasis. Moreover, a recent discovery has also revealed an upper intestinal lipid-induced gut-brain-liver neuronal axis involved in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. In this mini-review, we will focus on the mechanisms underlying the activation of these respective neuronal axes by upper intestinal lipids.

  5. Intestinal Parasitic Infections among Pregnant Women in Venezuela

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    Full Text Available Introduction. Intestinal parasitic infections, especially due to helminths, increase anemia in pregnant women. The results of this are low pregnancy weight gain and IUGR, followed by LBW, with its associated greater risks of infection and higher perinatal mortality rates. For these reasons, in the setting of no large previous studies in Venezuela about this problem, a national multicentric study was conducted. Methods. Pregnant women from nine states were studied, a prenatal evaluation with a coproparasitological study. Univariated and multivariated analyses were made to determine risk factors for intestinal parasitosis and related anemia. Results. During 19 months, 1038 pregnant women were included and evaluated. Intestinal parasitosis was evidenced in 73.9%: A lumbricoides 57.0%, T trichiura 36.0%, G lamblia 14.1%, E hystolitica 12.0%, N americanus 8.1%, E vermicularis 6.3%, S stercoralis 3.3%. Relative risk for anemia in those women with intestinal parasitosis was 2.56 ( P<.01 . Discussion. Intestinal parasitoses could be associated with conditions for development of anemia at pregnancy. These features reflect the need of routine coproparasitological study among pregnant women in rural and endemic zones for intestinal parasites. Further therapeutic and prophylactic protocols are needed. Additional research on pregnant intestinal parasitic infection impact on newborn health is also considered.

  6. Intestinal Parasitic Infections among Pregnant Women in Venezuela (United States)

    Rodríguez-Morales, Alfonso J.; Barbella, Rosa A.; Case, Cynthia; Arria, Melissa; Ravelo, Marisela; Perez, Henry; Urdaneta, Oscar; Gervasio, Gloria; Rubio, Nestor; Maldonado, Andrea; Aguilera, Ymora; Viloria, Anna; Blanco, Juan J.; Colina, Magdary; Hernández, Elizabeth; Araujo, Elianet; Cabaniel, Gilberto; Benitez, Jesús; Rifakis, Pedro


    Introduction. Intestinal parasitic infections, especially due to helminths, increase anemia in pregnant women. The results of this are low pregnancy weight gain and IUGR, followed by LBW, with its associated greater risks of infection and higher perinatal mortality rates. For these reasons, in the setting of no large previous studies in Venezuela about this problem, a national multicentric study was conducted. Methods. Pregnant women from nine states were studied, a prenatal evaluation with a coproparasitological study. Univariated and multivariated analyses were made to determine risk factors for intestinal parasitosis and related anemia. Results. During 19 months, 1038 pregnant women were included and evaluated. Intestinal parasitosis was evidenced in 73.9%: A lumbricoides 57.0%, T trichiura 36.0%, G lamblia 14.1%, E hystolitica 12.0%, N americanus 8.1%, E vermicularis 6.3%, S stercoralis 3.3%. Relative risk for anemia in those women with intestinal parasitosis was 2.56 (P Intestinal parasitoses could be associated with conditions for development of anemia at pregnancy. These features reflect the need of routine coproparasitological study among pregnant women in rural and endemic zones for intestinal parasites. Further therapeutic and prophylactic protocols are needed. Additional research on pregnant intestinal parasitic infection impact on newborn health is also considered. PMID:17093349

  7. Osteoporosis del embarazo y la lactancia Osteoporosis during pregnancy and lactation

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    Marcelo Sarli


    Full Text Available Durante el embarazo y la lactancia la mujer debe formar y mantener el esqueleto del feto y del neonato, lo que demanda importantes adaptaciones hormonales y metabólicas. La absorción intestinal de calcio aumenta desde el inicio del embarazo siendo máxima en los últimos trimestres. Se produce una hipercalciuria que desaparece al suspender la lactancia. El calcio de la leche proviene de la reducción en su excreción urinaria y de un aumento de la resorción ósea. Las concentraciones de 1,25 (OH(2 D(3 se duplican desde el comienzo del embarazo manteniéndose elevadas hasta el parto, debido a un aumento de la actividad de la 1-alfa-hidroxilasa placentaria, normalizándose durante la lactancia. Los estrógenos, prolactina y lactógeno placentario, hormonas implicadas en el aumento de la absorción intestinal de calcio, aumentan conjuntamente. La parathormona (PTH se mantiene en rango normal o bajo, por lo tanto sus acciones fisiológicas serían ejercidas por el péptido relacionado con la PTH (PTHrP, cuyos niveles aumentan tardíamente en el embarazo y permanecen elevados durante el parto y la lactancia. La calcitonina se eleva durante el embarazo, cae durante la lactancia, y se normaliza al finalizar la misma. El papel fisiológico del factor de necrosis tumoral, interleuquina 1, interleuquina 6 y osteoprotegerina todavía no han sido aclarados. Los cambios analizados favorecen, en casos excepcionales, el desarrollo de osteoporosis generalizada y regional. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar la bibliografía publicada sobre la fisiopatología y clínica de estas entidades.During pregnancy and lactation women have to form and maintain fetus and newborn skeleton. These processes require maternal hormonal and metabolic adjustments. During the first weeks of pregnancy, calcium intestinal absorption rise and reach a maximum in the last trimester. Hypercalciuria can be detected until lactation is stopped. During lactation, calcium that is

  8. Intestinal Colonization Dynamics of Vibrio cholerae.

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    Salvador Almagro-Moreno


    Full Text Available To cause the diarrheal disease cholera, Vibrio cholerae must effectively colonize the small intestine. In order to do so, the bacterium needs to successfully travel through the stomach and withstand the presence of agents such as bile and antimicrobial peptides in the intestinal lumen and mucus. The bacterial cells penetrate the viscous mucus layer covering the epithelium and attach and proliferate on its surface. In this review, we discuss recent developments and known aspects of the early stages of V. cholerae intestinal colonization and highlight areas that remain to be fully understood. We propose mechanisms and postulate a model that covers some of the steps that are required in order for the bacterium to efficiently colonize the human host. A deeper understanding of the colonization dynamics of V. cholerae and other intestinal pathogens will provide us with a variety of novel targets and strategies to avoid the diseases caused by these organisms.

  9. Intestinal Iron Homeostasis and Colon Tumorigenesis

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    Yatrik M. Shah


    Full Text Available Colorectal cancer (CRC is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths in industrialized countries. Understanding the mechanisms of growth and progression of CRC is essential to improve treatment. Iron is an essential nutrient for cell growth. Iron overload caused by hereditary mutations or excess dietary iron uptake has been identified as a risk factor for CRC. Intestinal iron is tightly controlled by iron transporters that are responsible for iron uptake, distribution, and export. Dysregulation of intestinal iron transporters are observed in CRC and lead to iron accumulation in tumors. Intratumoral iron results in oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, protein modification and DNA damage with consequent promotion of oncogene activation. In addition, excess iron in intestinal tumors may lead to increase in tumor-elicited inflammation and tumor growth. Limiting intratumoral iron through specifically chelating excess intestinal iron or modulating activities of iron transporter may be an attractive therapeutic target for CRC.

  10. Does measurement of small intestinal diameter increase diagnostic accuracy of radiography in dogs with suspected intestinal obstruction? (United States)

    Ciasca, Taízha C; David, Frederic H; Lamb, Christopher R


    The ratio between maximal small intestinal (SI) diameter and the height of the body of the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5) in radiographs has been reported as a diagnostic test in dogs with suspected intestinal obstruction. In order to assess the effect of the SI/L5 ratio on the accuracy of radiographic diagnosis of intestinal obstruction, lateral abdominal radiographs of 37 dogs with small intestinal obstruction and 48 nonobstructed dogs were mixed and examined independently by six observers who were unaware of the final diagnosis and who represented a range of experience. Observers first examined radiographs subjectively and stated the likelihood of obstruction (definitely not, probably not, equivocal, probably, definitely). Observers subsequently reexamined the radiographs, determined the SI/L5 ratio, and again stated the likelihood of obstruction. The most frequent cause of obstruction was foreign body (29/37, 78%). Dogs with SI obstruction had a significantly larger median SI/L5 ratio than nonobstructed dogs (P = 0.0002). Using an SI/L5 ratio of 1.7 for diagnosis of intestinal obstruction, sensitivity and specificity were 66%. Use of the SI/L5 ratio was not associated with increased accuracy of diagnosis for any observer, regardless of experience, hence this test may have no diagnostic impact. © 2013 Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound.

  11. [Intestinal volvulus. Case report and a literature review]. (United States)

    Santín-Rivero, Jorge; Núñez-García, Edgar; Aguirre-García, Manuel; Hagerman-Ruiz-Galindo, Gonzalo; de la Vega-González, Francisco; Moctezuma-Velasco, Carla Rubi


    Small bowel volvulus is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction in adult patients. This disease is more common in children and its aetiology and management is different to that in adults. A 30 year-old male with sarcoidosis presents with acute abdomen and clinical data of intestinal obstruction. Small bowel volvulus is diagnosed by a contrast abdominal tomography and an exploratory laparotomy is performed with devolvulation and no intestinal resection. In the days following surgery, he developed a recurrent small bowel volvulus, which was again managed with surgery, but without intestinal resection. Medical treatment for sarcoidosis was started, and with his clinical progress being satisfactory,he was discharged to home. Making an early and correct diagnosis of small bowel volvulus prevents large intestinal resections. Many surgical procedures have been described with a high rate of complications. Therefore, conservative surgical management (no intestinal resection) is recommended as the best treatment with the lowest morbidity and mortality rate. Copyright © 2015 Academia Mexicana de Cirugía A.C. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  12. Fitobezoar associado à endometriose intestinal: uma rara causa de obstrução intestinal Intestinal endemetriosis associated to phytobezoar: a rare of bowel obstruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Roberto Amorim


    Full Text Available A endometriose intestinal é uma patologia benigna que afeta preferencialmente a porção retossigmóidea, sendo pouco frequente a localização em íleo terminal. Trata-se de um caso de uma paciente de 29 anos que foi admitida com dor abdominal difusa, náuseas e vômitos. Na propedêutica da obstrução intestinal a tomografia computadorizada revelou massa heterogênea em topografia ileocecal. Submetida a laparotomia exploradora onde foi feita a remoção de fibras vegetais mal digeridas aglomeradas em íleo terminal e ressecção de segmento íleoceco cólico devido a presença de estenose na válvula ileocecal. O exame anátomo patológico revelou endometriose intestinal e fitobezoar. A paciente evoluiu bem com alta no terceiro dia de pós operatório.Intestinal endometriosis is a benign pathology, it occurs most often on the rectosigmoid portion, and the finding isn`t very common on the terminal ileum. On this article the autors present a report from a 29 years old pacient, who had a difuse abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Computadorized tomography (CT showed a heterogeneous mass on the ileocaecal area . An exploratory laparotomy was performed , badly metabolized vegetable fibers were removed from the terminal ileum, and a surgical removal of the ileocaecal - colic portion was done, since there was a stenosis on that area. The anatomical-pathologic study showed intestinal endometriosis and phytobezoar The patient had a good follow up and got out the hospital on the third day after surgery.

  13. Prematurity reduces functional adaptation to intestinal resection in piglets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aunsholt, Lise; Thymann, Thomas; Qvist, Niels


    Background: Necrotizing enterocolitis and congenital gastrointestinal malformations in infants often require intestinal resection, with a subsequent risk of short bowel syndrome (SBS). We hypothesized that immediate intestinal adaptation following resection of the distal intestine with placement ...

  14. Vasoactive intestinal peptide is a local mediator in a gut-brain neural axis activating intestinal gluconeogenesis. (United States)

    De Vadder, F; Plessier, F; Gautier-Stein, A; Mithieux, G


    Intestinal gluconeogenesis (IGN) promotes metabolic benefits through activation of a gut-brain neural axis. However, the local mediator activating gluconeogenic genes in the enterocytes remains unknown. We show that (i) vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) signaling through VPAC1 receptor activates the intestinal glucose-6-phosphatase gene in vivo, (ii) the activation of IGN by propionate is counteracted by VPAC1 antagonism, and (iii) VIP-positive intrinsic neurons in the submucosal plexus are increased under the action of propionate. These data support the role of VIP as a local neuromodulator released by intrinsic enteric neurons and responsible for the induction of IGN through a VPAC1 receptor-dependent mechanism in enterocytes. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Primary small intestinal volvulus after laparoscopic rectopexy for rectal prolapse. (United States)

    Koizumi, Michihiro; Yamada, Takeshi; Shinji, Seiichi; Yokoyama, Yasuyuki; Takahashi, Goro; Hotta, Masahiro; Iwai, Takuma; Hara, Keisuke; Takeda, Kohki; Kan, Hayato; Takasaki, Hideaki; Ohta, Keiichiro; Uchida, Eiji


    Primary small intestinal volvulus is defined as torsion in the absence of congenital malrotation, band, or postoperative adhesions. Its occurrence as an early postoperative complication is rare. A 40-year-old woman presented with rectal prolapse, and laparoscopic rectopexy was uneventfully performed. She could not have food on the day after surgery. She started oral intake on postoperative day 3 but developed abdominal pain after the meal. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed torsion of the small intestinal mesentery. An emergent laparotomy showed small intestinal volvulus, without congenital malformation or intestinal adhesions. We diagnosed it as primary small intestinal volvulus. The strangulated intestine was resected, and reconstruction was performed. The patient recovered uneventfully after the second surgery. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of primary small intestinal volvulus occurring after rectopexy for rectal prolapse. Primary small intestinal volvulus could be a postoperative complication after laparoscopy. © 2018 Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Asia Endosurgery Task Force and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  16. El papel de la procrastinación académica como factor de la deserción universitaria


    Angélica Garzón Umerenkova; Javier Gil Flores


    Se presenta una revisión teórica sobre las tendencias en el estudio de la procrastinación académica y lo que estas pueden ofrecer a la comprensión de la deserción universitaria. La procrastinación es aplazar aquello que debe ser hecho y está asociado con un fallo auto-regulatorio en el comportamiento de la gestión del tiempo. Inicialmente, se define qué es la deserción universitaria, las variables y modelos teóricos de los que se ha partido para su explicación y se presentan la...

  17. La macrografía como método de análisis de roturas en servicio. Caso práctico: camisas de cilindro


    Cerro Prada, María Elena; Lopez Vazquez, Luis Bernardo; Torralba Marco, Rosario


    En este trabajo se analizan en profundidad tanto las características metalúrgicas (composición y estructura) como las geométricas (forma, anclaje, textura superficial, rugosidad), de las camisas de cilindro, así como la influencia de dichas características en la aparición de diversos tipos de fallos y/o un elevado consumo de aceite del motor.Los parámetros esenciales en las medidas de estas características son analizados a partir de la inspección macrográfica de la pieza. El fenómeno de cavit...

  18. ¿Cómo realizar elecciones inauténticas sin morir en el intento? El caso de México y su sistema electoral


    Cansino, César


    Si hay un caso en el mundo que por sí solo haya implementado y perfeccionado todas las modalidades posibles e imposibles de elecciones inauténticas, ese caso es sin duda México. Parte de la explicación de ello se encuentra en el sistema electoral mexicano, diseñado para que reine la discrecionalidad sobre el imperio de la ley. En este estudio se analiza el fenómeno con los fallos que al cobijo de la ley realizó el Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación en ocasión de los comici...

  19. Las áreas naturales protegidas y la investigación ecológica de largo plazo en México


    Maass Moreno, Manuel; Jardel Peláez, Enrique; Martínez Yrízar, Angelina; Calderón Aguilera, Luis; Herrera Silveira, Jorge; Castillo Álvarez, Alicia; Euán Ávila, Jorge; Equihua Zamora, Miguel


    Detrás de la actual crisis ambiental está nuestra limitada comprensión de los procesos ecológicos y sociales que operan a escalas espacio-temporales amplias. Esta falta de conocimiento ha desencadenado fallos en los esquemas de manejo y utilización de los servicios y recursos que nos brindan los ecosistemas naturales, lo que a su vez ha provocado su deterioro a escalas globales. Una respuesta de la comunidad académica a este vacío del conocimiento ha sido la formación de grupos de científicos...

  20. Dificultades en la discriminación auditiva en niños entre 3 y 7 años. Estudio diferencial por sexos


    Álvarez Alfageme, Manuela Isabel


    En este trabajo, intento plasmar, los resultados de un estudio realizado sobre dificultades en la discriminación auditiva, en una muestra de sujetos de ambos sexos entre los 3 y los 7 años de edad. Se aplicó una prueba de evaluación fonológica a una pequeña muestra de 12 niños que acuden a rehabilitación logopédica dos días por semana para mejorar sus problemas del lenguaje y/o habla. Los resultados muestran unas alteraciones comunes en todos ellos, y dichos fallos tiene relación con la...

  1. Intestinal actinomycosis: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loureiro, C.M.; Labrunie, E.; Pannaim, V.L.N.; Santos, A.A.S. dos; Pereira, A.A.


    Intestinal actinomycosis: a case report. The authors describe a case of intestinal actinomycosis, which was manisfestated by abdominal mass and suggested, clinical and radiologically, a bowel carcinoma. They discuss the pathogenesis, and the clinical and radiological manisfestations of this disease, and its differential diagnosis. This is an infrequent disease which must be considered whenever suggestive clinical aspects are associated with a radiological ''malignant pattern'' of a bowel lesion. (author) [pt

  2. Precision-cut intestinal slices as a culture system to analyze the infection of differentiated intestinal epithelial cells by avian influenza viruses. (United States)

    Punyadarsaniya, Darsaniya; Winter, Christine; Mork, Ann-Kathrin; Amiri, Mahdi; Naim, Hassan Y; Rautenschlein, Silke; Herrler, Georg


    Many viruses infect and replicate in their host via the intestinal tract, e.g. many picornaviruses, several coronaviruses and avian influenza viruses of waterfowl. To analyze infection of enterocytes is a challenging task as culture systems for differentiated intestinal epithelial cells are not readily available and often have a life span that is too short for infection studies. Precision-cut intestinal slices (PCIS) from chicken embryos were prepared and shown that the epithelial cells lining the lumen of the intestine are viable for up to 4 days. Using lectin staining, it was demonstrated that α2,3-linked sialic acids, the preferred receptor determinants of avian influenza viruses, are present on the apical side of the epithelial cells. Furthermore, the epithelial cells (at the tips) of the villi were shown to be susceptible to infection by an avian influenza virus of the H9N2 subtype. This culture system will be useful to analyze virus infection of intestinal epithelial cells and it should be applicable also to the intestine of other species. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Manipulating proteostasis to repair the F508del-CFTR defect in cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Esposito, Speranza; Tosco, Antonella; Villella, Valeria R; Raia, Valeria; Kroemer, Guido; Maiuri, Luigi


    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a lethal monogenic disease caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene that entails the (diagnostic) increase in sweat electrolyte concentrations, progressive lung disease with chronic inflammation and recurrent bacterial infections, pancreatic insufficiency, and male infertility. Therapies aimed at restoring the CFTR defect have emerged. Thus, a small molecule which facilitates chloride channel opening, the potentiator Ivacaftor, has been approved for the treatment of CF patients bearing a particular class of rare CFTR mutations. However, small molecules that directly target the most common misfolded CFTR mutant, F508del, and improve its intracellular trafficking in vitro, have been less effective than expected when tested in CF patients, even in combination with Ivacaftor. Thus, new strategies are required to circumvent the F508del-CFTR defect. Airway and intestinal epithelial cells from CF patients bearing the F508del-CFTR mutation exhibit an impressive derangement of cellular proteostasis, with oxidative stress, overactivation of the tissue transglutaminase (TG2), and disabled autophagy. Proteostasis regulators such as cysteamine can rescue and stabilize a functional F508del-CFTR protein through suppressing TG2 activation and restoring autophagy in vivo in F508del-CFTR homozygous mice, in vitro in CF patient-derived cell lines, ex vivo in freshly collected primary patient's nasal cells, as well as in a pilot clinical trial involving homozygous F508del-CFTR patients. Here, we discuss how the therapeutic normalization of defective proteostasis can be harnessed for the treatment of CF patients with the F508del-CFTR mutation.

  4. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia. A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Georgios Mitsiakos


    Full Text Available Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia, first described by Waldmann et al. in 1961, is a rare congenital malformation of the lymphatics, presented with generalized edema, hypoproteinemia and lymphopenia. Diagnosis is based on endoscopy findings and pathology.We present here a case of a male neonate, second child of an indigenous woman, delivered by caesarean section. Prenatally, multiple cystic abdominal masses were identified by ultrasound. The patient was treated successfully with enterectomy and anastomosis. Histopathology revealed primary intestinal lymphangiectasia with no features of malignancy.Intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare pathology, which should be differentiated while exploring abdominal masses, hypoproteinemia and edema especially in neonates.

  5. Coagulation of sheep intestinal and prefemoral lymph. (United States)

    Hanley, C A; Johnston, M G; Nelson, W


    We have determined the most suitable method for the automated analysis of the clotting parameters in sheep intestinal and prefemoral lymph as defined by the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Times (APTT; measure of intrinsic coagulation pathway) and the Prothrombin Times (PT; measure of extrinsic coagulation pathway). As opposed to optical density systems, the use of a Fibro-System Fibrometer was found to provide the most consistent assessment of coagulation with the endpoint being the time to fibrin strand formation. We measured APTT in sheep intestinal and prefemoral lymph of 59.78 +/- 7.69 seconds and 51.03 +/- 10.49 seconds respectively. These values were more prolonged than those obtained from sheep blood plasma but only in the case of intestinal lymph were the differences significant (p less than 0.025). Human blood APTT values were significantly less than both sheep blood (p less than 0.05) and sheep intestinal (p less than 0.001) and prefemoral lymph (p less than 0.01). PT values were found to be 21.56 +/- 1.14 seconds in intestinal and 22.00 +/- 1.88 seconds in prefemoral lymph. These values were also significantly greater than those obtained from sheep blood (both p less than 0.001). Human blood PTs were significantly less than both sheep blood (p less than 0.001) and intestinal and prefemoral lymph (both p less than 0.001). Measurement of APTT and PT values in intestinal lymph and PT determinations in prefemoral lymph were not affected by storage in the refrigerator or freezer. There was some indication that APTT values in prefemoral samples were susceptible to storage artifacts; however, the differences in coagulation times were not significant.

  6. Irf4-dependent CD103+CD11b+ dendritic cells and the intestinal microbiome regulate monocyte and macrophage activation and intestinal peristalsis in postoperative ileus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pohl, Judith Mira; Gutweiler, Sebastian; Thiebes, Stephanie


    and large intestinal POI suggested a potential role of the intestinal microbiota. Indeed, antibiotic treatment reduced iNOS levels and ameliorated POI. Conclusions: Our findings reveal that CD103+CD11b+ DCs and the intestinal microbiome are a prerequisite for the activation of intestinal monocytes...

  7. Persistencia de Conducto Onfalomesentérico como causa de obstrucción intestinal en el adulto: Reporte de un caso en el Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue


    Gutiérrez Ccencho, C; Luna Cydejko, JC; Gutiérrez De Aranguren, CF; Revoredo, Fernando; Soto Tarazona, A; Olazábal Ramírez, V


    La persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico ha sido reportada en diversas publicaciones pediátricas ya sea a través de la aparición de un divertículo de Meckel que es la forma más común, o ya sea por la aparición de segmentos con permeabilidad parcial o total del mismo. Se han presentado casos esporádicos donde esta anomalía ha originado episodios de obstrucción intestinal en lactantes y niños, especialmente bajo la forma de una banda fibrosa remanente. La presentación en el adulto, sin em...

  8. Wnt, RSPO and Hippo Signalling in the Intestine and Intestinal Stem Cells. (United States)

    Kriz, Vitezslav; Korinek, Vladimir


    In this review, we address aspects of Wnt, R-Spondin (RSPO) and Hippo signalling, in both healthy and transformed intestinal epithelium. In intestinal stem cells (ISCs), the Wnt pathway is essential for intestinal crypt formation and renewal, whereas RSPO-mediated signalling mainly affects ISC numbers. In human colorectal cancer (CRC), aberrant Wnt signalling is the driving mechanism initiating this type of neoplasia. The signalling role of the RSPO-binding transmembrane proteins, the leucine-rich-repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptors (LGRs), is possibly more pleiotropic and not only limited to the enhancement of Wnt signalling. There is growing evidence for multiple crosstalk between Hippo and Wnt/β-catenin signalling. In the ON state, Hippo signalling results in serine/threonine phosphorylation of Yes-associated protein (YAP1) and tafazzin (TAZ), promoting formation of the β-catenin destruction complex. In contrast, YAP1 or TAZ dephosphorylation (and YAP1 methylation) results in β-catenin destruction complex deactivation and β-catenin nuclear localization. In the Hippo OFF state, YAP1 and TAZ are engaged with the nuclear β-catenin and participate in the β-catenin-dependent transcription program. Interestingly, YAP1/TAZ are dispensable for intestinal homeostasis; however, upon Wnt pathway hyperactivation, the proteins together with TEA domain (TEAD) transcription factors drive the transcriptional program essential for intestinal cell transformation. In addition, in many CRC cells, YAP1 phosphorylation by YES proto-oncogene 1 tyrosine kinase (YES1) leads to the formation of a transcriptional complex that includes YAP1, β-catenin and T-box 5 (TBX5) DNA-binding protein. YAP1/β-catenin/T-box 5-mediated transcription is necessary for CRC cell proliferation and survival. Interestingly, dishevelled (DVL) appears to be an important mediator involved in both Wnt and Hippo (YAP1/TAZ) signalling and some of the DVL functions were assigned to the nuclear DVL

  9. Protective effect of salvianolic acid B against intestinal ischemia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that SAB may protect the intestine by attenuating oxidative stress and inflammatory response and hence, may be potentially for treating IIRI. Keywords: Salvianolic acid B, Intestinal Ischemia-reperfusion, Antioxidants, Inflammation, Intestinal permeability ...

  10. burden of intestinal parasites amongst hiv/aids patients attending

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ABSTRACT. Background: Intestinal parasitic infections cause severe diarrhea especially in debilitated subjects with clinical ... Regional Hospital, Entamoeba histolytica and other intestinal parasites represented a common burden. .... Attempt was made to go through all the fields of ..... Control of Intestinal parasite Infections.

  11. Diversity and functions of intestinal mononuclear phagocytes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joeris, Thorsten; Müller-Luda, K; Agace, William Winston


    The intestinal lamina propria (LP) contains a diverse array of mononuclear phagocyte (MNP) subsets, including conventional dendritic cells (cDC), monocytes and tissue-resident macrophages (mφ) that collectively play an essential role in mucosal homeostasis, infection and inflammation. In the curr......The intestinal lamina propria (LP) contains a diverse array of mononuclear phagocyte (MNP) subsets, including conventional dendritic cells (cDC), monocytes and tissue-resident macrophages (mφ) that collectively play an essential role in mucosal homeostasis, infection and inflammation....... In the current review we discuss the function of intestinal cDC and monocyte-derived MNP, highlighting how these subsets play several non-redundant roles in the regulation of intestinal immune responses. While much remains to be learnt, recent findings also underline how the various populations of MNP adapt...

  12. Flavanol-Enriched Cocoa Powder Alters the Intestinal Microbiota, Tissue and Fluid Metabolite Profiles, and Intestinal Gene Expression in Pigs. (United States)

    Jang, Saebyeol; Sun, Jianghao; Chen, Pei; Lakshman, Sukla; Molokin, Aleksey; Harnly, James M; Vinyard, Bryan T; Urban, Joseph F; Davis, Cindy D; Solano-Aguilar, Gloria


    Consumption of cocoa-derived polyphenols has been associated with several health benefits; however, their effects on the intestinal microbiome and related features of host intestinal health are not adequately understood. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of eating flavanol-enriched cocoa powder on the composition of the gut microbiota, tissue metabolite profiles, and intestinal immune status. Male pigs (5 mo old, 28 kg mean body weight) were supplemented with 0, 2.5, 10, or 20 g flavanol-enriched cocoa powder/d for 27 d. Metabolites in serum, urine, the proximal colon contents, liver, and adipose tissue; bacterial abundance in the intestinal contents and feces; and intestinal tissue gene expression of inflammatory markers and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) were then determined. O-methyl-epicatechin-glucuronide conjugates dose-dependently increased (Pcocoa powder. The concentration of 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid isomers in urine decreased as the dose of cocoa powder fed to pigs increased (75-85%,Pcocoa powder/d, respectively. Moreover, consumption of cocoa powder reducedTLR9gene expression in ileal Peyer's patches (67-80%,Pcocoa powder/d compared with pigs not supplemented with cocoa powder. This study demonstrates that consumption of cocoa powder by pigs can contribute to gut health by enhancing the abundance ofLactobacillusandBifidobacteriumspecies and modulating markers of localized intestinal immunity. © 2016 American Society for Nutrition.

  13. [Intestinal intussusception due to ileal gastrointestinal stromal tumor--a case report]. (United States)

    Andrei, S; Andrei, A; Tonea, A; Andronesi, D; Preda, C; Herlea, V; Popescu, I


    Intestinal occlusion due to intussusception produced by intestinal tumors is a very rare condition. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are also rare digestive neopasias, with an impredictable malignant behavior, which are usually growing outside the intestinal wall, being rarely the initiators of an intestinal intussusception. We present the case of a 59 years old female, admitted in our hospital to elucidate the etiology of her iron deficient anaemia, which developed an intestinal occlusion at the intestinal preparation for colonoscopy. The abdominal CT scan performed in emergency conditions highlighted occlusive intestinal tumor complicated with intestinal intussusception. We performed an emergency laparotomy that revealed intestinal occlusion due to ileo-ileal intussusception produced by an ileal tumor. The surgical intervention consisted in segmental ileal enterectomy including the tumor with latero-lateral entero-enteral anastomosis. The patient recovered without complications. The histopathological and immunohisto-chemical examinations established the diagnose of gastro-intestinal stromal tumor with high risk malignant behavior, therefore the patient was guided in the oncological department for specific treatment and oncological surveillance.

  14. Situaciones especiales en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal: primer consenso latinoamericano de la Pan American Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (PANCCO (Segunda parte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.K. Yamamoto-Furusho


    Full Text Available Este es el primer Consenso Latinoamericano de la Pan American Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (PANCCO que corresponde a situaciones especiales en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII. El objetivo de este consenso es concientizar a la comunidad médica de todos los países de América Latina acerca del embarazo, la vacunación, las infecciones y las neoplasias, incluyendo el cáncer colorrectal, así como los aspectos pediátricos en pacientes con EII.

  15. Accumulative effect of food residues on intestinal gas production. (United States)

    Mego, M; Accarino, A; Malagelada, J-R; Guarner, F; Azpiroz, F


    As mean transit time in the colon is longer than the interval between meals, several consecutive meal loads accumulate, and contribute to colonic biomass. Our aim was to determine the summation effect of fermentable food residues on intestinal gas production. In eight healthy subjects, the volume of endogenous intestinal gas produced in the intestine over a 4-h period was measured by means of a wash-out technique, using an exogenous gas infusion into the jejunum (24 mL/min) and collection of the effluent via a rectal Foley catheter. The exogenous gas infused was labeled (5% SF6 ) to calculate the proportion of endogenous intestinal gas evacuated. In each subject, four experiments were performed ≥1 week apart combining a 1-day high- or low-flatulogenic diet with a test meal or fast. Basal conditions: on the low-flatulogenic diet, intestinal gas production during fasting over the 4-h study period was 609 ± 63 mL. Effect of diet: during fasting, intestinal gas production on the high-flatulogenic diet was 370 ± 146 mL greater than on the low-flatulogenic diet (p = 0.040). Effect of test meal: on the low-flatulogenic diet, intestinal gas production after the test meal was 681 ± 114 mL greater than during fasting (p = 0.001); a similar effect was observed on the high-flatulogenic diet (599 ± 174 mL more intestinal gas production after the test meal than during fasting; p = 0.021). Our data demonstrate temporal summation effects of food residues on intestinal gas production. Hence, intestinal gas production depends on pre-existing and on recent colonic loads of fermentable foodstuffs. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. The Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissues in the Small Intestine, Not the Large Intestine, Play a Major Role in Oral Prion Disease Pathogenesis (United States)

    Donaldson, David S.; Else, Kathryn J.


    ABSTRACT Prion diseases are infectious neurodegenerative disorders characterized by accumulations of abnormally folded cellular prion protein in affected tissues. Many natural prion diseases are acquired orally, and following exposure, the early replication of some prion isolates upon follicular dendritic cells (FDC) within gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) is important for the efficient spread of disease to the brain (neuroinvasion). Prion detection within large intestinal GALT biopsy specimens has been used to estimate human and animal disease prevalence. However, the relative contributions of the small and large intestinal GALT to oral prion pathogenesis were unknown. To address this issue, we created mice that specifically lacked FDC-containing GALT only in the small intestine. Our data show that oral prion disease susceptibility was dramatically reduced in mice lacking small intestinal GALT. Although these mice had FDC-containing GALT throughout their large intestines, these tissues were not early sites of prion accumulation or neuroinvasion. We also determined whether pathology specifically within the large intestine might influence prion pathogenesis. Congruent infection with the nematode parasite Trichuris muris in the large intestine around the time of oral prion exposure did not affect disease pathogenesis. Together, these data demonstrate that the small intestinal GALT are the major early sites of prion accumulation and neuroinvasion after oral exposure. This has important implications for our understanding of the factors that influence the risk of infection and the preclinical diagnosis of disease. IMPORTANCE Many natural prion diseases are acquired orally. After exposure, the accumulation of some prion diseases in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) is important for efficient spread of disease to the brain. However, the relative contributions of GALT in the small and large intestines to oral prion pathogenesis were unknown. We show that the

  17. The Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissues in the Small Intestine, Not the Large Intestine, Play a Major Role in Oral Prion Disease Pathogenesis. (United States)

    Donaldson, David S; Else, Kathryn J; Mabbott, Neil A


    Prion diseases are infectious neurodegenerative disorders characterized by accumulations of abnormally folded cellular prion protein in affected tissues. Many natural prion diseases are acquired orally, and following exposure, the early replication of some prion isolates upon follicular dendritic cells (FDC) within gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) is important for the efficient spread of disease to the brain (neuroinvasion). Prion detection within large intestinal GALT biopsy specimens has been used to estimate human and animal disease prevalence. However, the relative contributions of the small and large intestinal GALT to oral prion pathogenesis were unknown. To address this issue, we created mice that specifically lacked FDC-containing GALT only in the small intestine. Our data show that oral prion disease susceptibility was dramatically reduced in mice lacking small intestinal GALT. Although these mice had FDC-containing GALT throughout their large intestines, these tissues were not early sites of prion accumulation or neuroinvasion. We also determined whether pathology specifically within the large intestine might influence prion pathogenesis. Congruent infection with the nematode parasite Trichuris muris in the large intestine around the time of oral prion exposure did not affect disease pathogenesis. Together, these data demonstrate that the small intestinal GALT are the major early sites of prion accumulation and neuroinvasion after oral exposure. This has important implications for our understanding of the factors that influence the risk of infection and the preclinical diagnosis of disease. Many natural prion diseases are acquired orally. After exposure, the accumulation of some prion diseases in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) is important for efficient spread of disease to the brain. However, the relative contributions of GALT in the small and large intestines to oral prion pathogenesis were unknown. We show that the small intestinal

  18. Advanced three-dimensional culture of equine intestinal epithelial stem cells. (United States)

    Stewart, A Stieler; Freund, J M; Gonzalez, L M


    Intestinal epithelial stem cells are critical to epithelial repair following gastrointestinal injury. The culture of intestinal stem cells has quickly become a cornerstone of a vast number of new research endeavours that range from determining tissue viability to testing drug efficacy for humans. This study aims to describe the methods of equine stem cell culture and highlights the future benefits of these techniques for the advancement of equine medicine. To describe the isolation and culture of small intestinal stem cells into three-dimensional (3D) enteroids in horses without clinical gastrointestinal abnormalities. Descriptive study. Intestinal samples were collected by sharp dissection immediately after euthanasia. Intestinal crypts containing intestinal stem cells were dissociated from the underlying tissue layers, plated in a 3D matrix and supplemented with growth factors. After several days, resultant 3D enteroids were prepared for immunofluorescent imaging and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis to detect and characterise specific cell types present. Intestinal crypts were cryopreserved immediately following collection and viability assessed. Intestinal crypts were successfully cultured and matured into 3D enteroids containing a lumen and budding structures. Immunofluorescence and PCR were used to confirm the existence of stem cells and all post mitotic, mature cell types, described to exist in the horse intestinal epithelium. Previously frozen crypts were successfully cultured following a freeze-thaw cycle. Tissues were all derived from normal horses. Application of this technique for the study of specific disease was not performed at this time. The successful culture of equine intestinal crypts into 3D "mini-guts" allows for in vitro studies of the equine intestine. Additionally, these results have relevance to future development of novel therapies that harness the regenerative potential of equine intestine in horses with gastrointestinal disease

  19. Adopción por parejas homosexuales: de la realidad social hacia el reconocimiento judicial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cristina Valencia


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como propósito realizar una descripción de los argumentos empleados por las Altas Cortes de Colombia, México y Brasil en torno al reconocimiento del derecho a la adopción por parejas homosexuales; presentando las diferencias y similitudes respecto al abordaje que en las sentencias analizadas se da sobre el concepto de familia, los derechos del niño, el derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad y el derecho a la igualdad. Teniendo en cuenta que se trata de un tema polémico, se consideró pertinente describir el contexto social en medio del cual se formula cada sentencia, presentando de forma breve las posturas de grupos de interés como la comunidad LGBTI, el clero, el Estado y los representantes de partidos políticos, respecto del fallo, utilizando para este fin algunos reportes de los principales medios de comunicación on-line y posturas de doctrinantes en los países seleccionados.

  20. Microfluidic Organ-on-a-Chip Models of Human IntestineSummary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amir Bein

    Full Text Available Microfluidic organ-on-a-chip models of human intestine have been developed and used to study intestinal physiology and pathophysiology. In this article, we review this field and describe how microfluidic Intestine Chips offer new capabilities not possible with conventional culture systems or organoid cultures, including the ability to analyze contributions of individual cellular, chemical, and physical control parameters one-at-a-time; to coculture human intestinal cells with commensal microbiome for extended times; and to create human-relevant disease models. We also discuss potential future applications of human Intestine Chips, including how they might be used for drug development and personalized medicine. Keywords: Organs-on-Chips, Gut-on-a-Chip, Intestine-on-a-Chip, Microfluidic

  1. Intramural intestinal hematoma causing obstruction in three dogs. (United States)

    Moore, R; Carpenter, J


    Intramural hematoma of the intestine caused intestinal obstruction in three dogs. Two dogs were examined because of vomiting and anorexia of several weeks' duration. In one of these, an intramural hematoma of the duodenum was associated with chronic pancreatitis. A cause was not found in the second dog. The third dog, which had clinical and radiographic evidence of gastric dilatation, was found at surgery to have hemoperitoneum associated with a ruptured intramural intestinal hematoma. In 1 dog, the hematoma was evacuated through a serosal incision. In the other 2 dogs, the problem was resolved by resection of the involved segment of intestine, followed by anastomosis. All 3 dogs recovered without complications.

  2. Temporary intestinal ischemia for radiation protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lote, K.


    The most important determinant of cellular radiosensivity is the tissue oxygen content at the time of irradiation. The purpose of the present experimental work was to assess a new iscemia-inducing method in order to reduce normal tissue radiation damage during radiotherapy. Temporary ischemia was induced in a cat small intestine by degraded starch microspheres. Regional arterial and tissue blod flow immediately fell by 85% with subsequent normalization within 26 minutes after microsphere injection. No tendency of small vessel thrombosis caused by starch sphere embolization in combination with previous or current intestinal irradiation was detected. Starch sphere remenants were rapidly engulfed by, and persisted within tissue macrophages for 14 days without causing intestinal inflammatory reactions. In vitro studies showed that human platelets neither adhered to nor were aggregated by starch microspheres. The new method, wich occlude arteriolar vessels distal to the mesentric arterial arcades and thus largely excludes collateral blood flow, seems suited to provide effictive and selective feline small intestinal hypoxic radiation protection. This conclusion may also be valid in man

  3. Recurrent small intestine intussusception in a patient with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome Invaginación recurrente del intestino delgado en un paciente con síndrome de Pentz-Jeghers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orestis Ioannidis


    Full Text Available Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is a rare hereditary autosomal dominant disease caused by a mutation of the tumor suppressor gene serine/threonine kinase 11 located in chromosome 19p13.3. It is characterized by the presence of extensive mucocutaneous pigmentation, especially of the lips and the occurrence of hamartomatous polyps throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal hamartomas occur predominantly in the small intestine and can become symptomatic leading usually to intestinal obstruction and abdominal pain. We present a case of recurrent intestinal obstruction caused by small bowel intussusception treated by reduction, enterotomy and polypectomy and followed by intraoperative enteroscopy and endoscopic polypectomy.

  4. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body* (United States)

    Nicolodi, Gabriel Cleve; Trippia, Cesar Rodrigo; Caboclo, Maria Fernanda F. S.; de Castro, Francisco Gomes; Miller, Wagner Peitl; de Lima, Raphael Rodrigues; Tazima, Leandro; Geraldo, Jamylle


    Objective To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. Materials and Methods This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. Results None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases), increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases), identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases), and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case). Conclusion In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation. PMID:27818542

  5. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nicolodi, Gabriel Cleve; Trippia, Cesar Rodrigo; Caboclo, Maria Fernanda F.S.; Castro, Francisco Gomes de; Miller, Wagner Peitl; Lima, Raphael Rodrigues de; Tazima, Leandro; Geraldo, Jamylle


    Objective: To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. Results: None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases), increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases), identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases), and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case). Conclusion: In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation. (author)

  6. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. (United States)

    Nicolodi, Gabriel Cleve; Trippia, Cesar Rodrigo; Caboclo, Maria Fernanda F S; de Castro, Francisco Gomes; Miller, Wagner Peitl; de Lima, Raphael Rodrigues; Tazima, Leandro; Geraldo, Jamylle


    To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases), increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases), identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases), and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case). In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation.

  7. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nicolodi, Gabriel Cleve; Trippia, Cesar Rodrigo; Caboclo, Maria Fernanda F.S.; Castro, Francisco Gomes de; Miller, Wagner Peitl; Lima, Raphael Rodrigues de; Tazima, Leandro; Geraldo, Jamylle, E-mail: [Hospital Sao Vicente - Funef, Curitiba, PR (Brazil)


    Objective: To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. Results: None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases), increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases), identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases), and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case). Conclusion: In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation. (author)

  8. Intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Cleve Nicolodi

    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: To identify the computed tomography findings suggestive of intestinal perforation by an ingested foreign body. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of four cases of surgically proven intestinal perforation by a foreign body, comparing the computed tomography findings with those described in the literature. Results: None of the patients reported having ingested a foreign body, all were over 60 years of age, three of the four patients used a dental prosthesis, and all of the foreign bodies were elongated and sharp. In all four patients, there were findings indicative of acute abdomen. None of the foreign bodies were identified on conventional X-rays. The computed tomography findings suggestive of perforation were thickening of the intestinal walls (in all four cases, increased density of mesenteric fat (in all four cases, identification of the foreign body passing through the intestinal wall (in three cases, and gas in the peritoneal cavity (in one case. Conclusion: In cases of foreign body ingestion, intestinal perforation is more common when the foreign body is elongated and sharp. Although patients typically do not report having ingested such foreign bodies, the scenario should be suspected in elderly individuals who use dental prostheses. A computed tomography scan can detect foreign bodies, locate perforations, and guide treatment. The findings that suggest perforation are thickening of the intestinal walls, increased mesenteric fat density, and, less frequently, gas in the peritoneal cavity, often restricted to the point of perforation.

  9. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and other preprovasoactive intestinal polypeptide-derived peptides in the female and male genital tract: localization, biosynthesis, and functional and clinical significance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ottesen, B; Fahrenkrug, J


    Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, a neuropeptide with wide distribution in the central and peripheral nervous system, has a broad spectrum of biologic actions. The demonstration of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide containing nerve fibers within the female and male genital tract 17 years ago...... indicated a putative role for this peptide in the local nervous control of reproductive functions. The genes encoding the preprovasoactive intestinal polypeptide precursor molecule and the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor have been identified. The gene expression has been studied by the use...... in the genital tracts (i.e., blood flow and nonvascular smooth muscle relaxation). In the ovary vasoactive intestinal polypeptide seems to play an important role as regulator and/or modulator of folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis. In the male genital tract vasoactive intestinal polypeptide seems to participate...

  10. The Brain–Intestinal Mucosa–Appendix– Microbiome–Brain Loop

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Vitetta


    Full Text Available The brain and the gut are connected from early fetal life. The mother’s exposure to microbial molecules is thought to exert in utero developmental effects on the fetus. These effects could importantly underpin the groundwork for subsequent pathophysiological mechanisms for achieving immunological tolerance and metabolic equilibrium post birth, events that continue through to 3–4 years of age. Furthermore, it is understood that the microbiome promotes cues that instruct the neonate’s mucosal tissues and skin in the language of molecular and cellular biology. Post birth mucosal lymphoid tissue formation and maturation (most probably including the vermiform appendix is microbiota-encouraged co-establishing the intestinal microbiome with a developing immune system. Intestinal mucosal tissue maturation loops the brain-gut-brain and is postulated to influence mood dispositions via shifts in the intestinal microbiome phyla. A plausible appreciation is that dysregulated pro-inflammatory signals from intestinal resident macrophages could breach the loop by providing adverse mood signals via vagus nerve afferents to the brain. In this commentary, we further suggest that the intestinal resident macrophages act as an upstream traffic controller of translocated microbes and metabolites in order to maintain local neuro-endocrine-immunological equilibrium. When macrophages are overwhelmed through intestinal microbiome and intestinal epithelial cell dysbiosis, pro-inflammatory signals are sustained, which may then lead to mood disorders. The administration of probiotics as an adjunctive medicine co-administered with antidepressant medications in improving depressed mood may have biological and clinical standing.

  11. Neural influences on human intestinal epithelium in vitro. (United States)

    Krueger, Dagmar; Michel, Klaus; Zeller, Florian; Demir, Ihsan E; Ceyhan, Güralp O; Slotta-Huspenina, Julia; Schemann, Michael


    We present the first systematic and, up to now, most comprehensive evaluation of the basic features of epithelial functions, such as basal and nerve-evoked secretion, as well as tissue resistance, in over 2200 surgical specimens of human small and large intestine. We found no evidence for impaired nerve-evoked epithelial secretion or tissue resistance with age or disease pathologies (stomach, pancreas or colon cancer, polyps, diverticulitis, stoma reversal). This indicates the validity of future studies on epithelial secretion or resistance that are based on data from a variety of surgical specimens. ACh mainly mediated nerve-evoked and basal secretion in the small intestine, whereas vasoactive intestinal peptide and nitric oxide were the primary pro-secretory transmitters in the large intestine. The results of the present study revealed novel insights into regional differences in nerve-mediated secretion in the human intestine and comprise the basis by which to more specifically target impaired epithelial functions in the diseased gut. Knowledge on basic features of epithelial functions in the human intestine is scarce. We used Ussing chamber techniques to record basal tissue resistance (R-basal) and short circuit currents (ISC; secretion) under basal conditions (ISC-basal) and after electrical field stimulation (ISC-EFS) of nerves in 2221 resectates from 435 patients. ISC-EFS was TTX-sensitive and of comparable magnitude in the small and large intestine. ISC-EFS or R-basal were not influenced by the patients' age, sex or disease pathologies (cancer, polyps, diverticulitis). Ion substitution, bumetanide or adenylate cyclase inhibition studies suggested that ISC-EFS depended on epithelial cAMP-driven chloride and bicarbonate secretion but not on amiloride-sensitive sodium absorption. Although atropine-sensitive cholinergic components prevailed for ISC-EFS of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, PG97-269-sensitive [vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptor 1

  12. Intestinal endocrine cells in radiation enteritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pietroletti, R.; Blaauwgeers, J.L.; Taat, C.W.; Simi, M.; Brummelkamp, W.H.; Becker, A.E.


    In this study, the intestinal endocrine cells were investigated in 13 surgical specimens affected by radiation enteritis. Endocrine cells were studied by means of Grimelius' silver staining and immunostaining for chromogranin, a general marker of endocrine cells. Positively stained cells were quantified by counting their number per unit length of muscularis mucosa. Results in radiation enteritis were compared with matched control specimens by using Student's t test. Chromogranin immunostaining showed a statistically significant increase of endocrine cells in radiation enteritis specimens compared with controls both in small and large intestine (ileum, 67.5 +/- 23.5 cells per unit length of muscularis mucosa in radiation enteritis versus 17.0 +/- 6.1 in controls; colon, 40.9 +/- 13.7 cells per unit length of muscularis mucosa in radiation enteritis versus 9.5 +/- 4.1 in controls--p less than 0.005 in both instances). Increase of endocrine cells was demonstrated also by Grimelius' staining; however, without reaching statistical significance. It is not clear whether or not the increase of endocrine cells in radiation enteritis reported in this study is caused by a hyperplastic response or by a sparing phenomenon. We should consider that increased endocrine cells, when abnormally secreting their products, may be involved in some of the clinical features of radiation enteropathy. In addition, as intestinal endocrine cells produce trophic substances to the intestine, their increase could be responsible for the raised risk of developing carcinoma of the intestine in long standing radiation enteritis

  13. Regulation of intestinal protein metabolism by amino acids. (United States)

    Bertrand, Julien; Goichon, Alexis; Déchelotte, Pierre; Coëffier, Moïse


    Gut homeostasis plays a major role in health and may be regulated by quantitative and qualitative food intake. In the intestinal mucosa, an intense renewal of proteins occurs, at approximately 50% per day in humans. In some pathophysiological conditions, protein turnover is altered and may contribute to intestinal or systemic diseases. Amino acids are key effectors of gut protein turnover, both as constituents of proteins and as regulatory molecules limiting intestinal injury and maintaining intestinal functions. Many studies have focused on two amino acids: glutamine, known as the preferential substrate of rapidly dividing cells, and arginine, another conditionally essential amino acid. The effects of glutamine and arginine on protein synthesis appear to be model and condition dependent, as are the involved signaling pathways. The regulation of gut protein degradation by amino acids has been minimally documented until now. This review will examine recent data, helping to better understand how amino acids regulate intestinal protein metabolism, and will explore perspectives for future studies.

  14. Ultrasonographic findings of intestinal intussusception in seven cats. (United States)

    Patsikas, M N; Papazoglou, L G; Papaioannou, N G; Savvas, I; Kazakos, G M; Dessiris, A K


    The medical records of seven cats with intestinal intussusception that were diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography and exploratory laparotomy were reviewed. In transverse ultrasonographic sections the intussusception appeared as a target-like mass consisting of one, two or more hyperechoic and hypoechoic concentric rings surrounding a C-shaped, circular or non-specific shaped hyperechoic centre. Part of the intestine representing the inner intussusceptum, located close to the hyperechoic centre and surrounded by concentric rings, was also detected. In longitudinal sections the intussusception appeared as multiple hyperechoic and hypoechoic parallel lines in four cases and as an ovoid mass in three cases. In one case the ovoid mass had a 'kidney' configuration. Additional ultrasonographic findings associated with intestinal intussusception included an intestinal neoplasm in one cat. The results of the present study demonstrate that the ultrasonographic findings of intestinal intussusception in cats bear some similarities to those described in dogs and humans, are relatively consistent, and facilitate a specific diagnosis.

  15. Bovine lactoferrin regulates cell survival, apoptosis and inflammation in intestinal epithelial cells and preterm pig intestine. (United States)

    Nguyen, Duc Ninh; Jiang, Pingping; Stensballe, Allan; Bendixen, Emøke; Sangild, Per T; Chatterton, Dereck E W


    Bovine lactoferrin (bLF) may modulate neonatal intestinal inflammation. Previous studies in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) indicated that moderate bLF doses enhance proliferation whereas high doses trigger inflammation. To further elucidate cellular mechanisms, we profiled the porcine IEC proteome after stimulation with bLF at 0, 0.1, 1 and 10g/L by LC-MS-based proteomics. Key pathways were analyzed in the intestine of formula-fed preterm pigs with and without supplementation of 10g/L bLF. Levels of 123 IEC proteins were altered by bLF. Low bLF doses (0.1-1g/L) up-regulated 11 proteins associated with glycolysis, energy metabolism and protein synthesis, indicating support of cell survival. In contrast, a high bLF dose (10g/L) up-regulated three apoptosis-inducing proteins, down-regulated five anti-apoptotic and proliferation-inducing proteins and 15 proteins related to energy and amino acid metabolism, and altered three proteins enhancing the hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) pathway. In the preterm pig intestine, bLF at 10g/L decreased villus height/crypt depth ratio and up-regulated the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and HIF-1α, indicating elevated intestinal apoptosis and inflammation. In conclusion, bLF dose-dependently affects IECs via metabolic, apoptotic and inflammatory pathways. It is important to select an appropriate dose when feeding neonates with bLF to avoid detrimental effects exerted by excessive doses. The present work elucidates dose-dependent effects of bLF on the proteomic changes of IECs in vitro supplemented with data from a preterm pig study confirming detrimental effects of enteral feeding with the highest dose of bLF (10g/L). The study contributes to further understanding on mechanisms that bLF, as an important milk protein, can regulate the homeostasis of the immature intestine. Results from this study urge neonatologists to carefully consider the dose of bLF to supplement into infant formula used for preterm neonates. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B

  16. HDAC1 and HDAC2 restrain the intestinal inflammatory response by regulating intestinal epithelial cell differentiation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naomie Turgeon

    Full Text Available Acetylation and deacetylation of histones and other proteins depends on histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases (HDACs activities, leading to either positive or negative gene expression. HDAC inhibitors have uncovered a role for HDACs in proliferation, apoptosis and inflammation. However, little is known of the roles of specific HDACs in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC. We investigated the consequences of ablating both HDAC1 and HDAC2 in murine IECs. Floxed Hdac1 and Hdac2 homozygous mice were crossed with villin-Cre mice. Mice deficient in both IEC HDAC1 and HDAC2 weighed less and survived more than a year. Colon and small intestinal sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, or with Alcian blue and Periodic Acid Schiff for goblet cell identification. Tissue sections from mice injected with BrdU for 2 h, 14 h and 48 h were stained with anti-BrdU. To determine intestinal permeability, 4-kDa FITC-labeled dextran was given by gavage for 3 h. Microarray analysis was performed on total colon RNAs. Inflammatory and IEC-specific gene expression was assessed by Western blot or semi-quantitative RT-PCR and qPCR with respectively total colon protein and total colon RNAs. HDAC1 and HDAC2-deficient mice displayed: 1 increased migration and proliferation, with elevated cyclin D1 expression and phosphorylated S6 ribosomal protein, a downstream mTOR target; 2 tissue architecture defects with cell differentiation alterations, correlating with reduction of secretory Paneth and goblet cells in jejunum and goblet cells in colon, increased expression of enterocytic markers such as sucrase-isomaltase in the colon, increased expression of cleaved Notch1 and augmented intestinal permeability; 3 loss of tissue homeostasis, as evidenced by modifications of claudin 3 expression, caspase-3 cleavage and Stat3 phosphorylation; 4 chronic inflammation, as determined by inflammatory molecular expression signatures and altered inflammatory gene expression

  17. Sand impaction of the small intestine in eight dogs. (United States)

    Moles, A D; McGhite, A; Schaaf, O R; Read, R


    To describe signalment, clinical findings, imaging and treatment of intestinal sand impaction in the dog. Medical records of dogs with radiographic evidence of small intestinal sand impaction were reviewed. Sand impaction resulting in small intestinal obstruction was diagnosed in eight dogs. All dogs presented with signs of vomiting. Other clinical signs included anorexia, lethargy and abdominal pain. Radiographs confirmed the presence of radio-opaque material consistent with sand causing distension of the terminal small intestine in all dogs. Four dogs were treated surgically for their impaction and four dogs were managed medically. Seven of the eight dogs survived. Both medical and surgical management of intestinal sand impaction in the dog can be effective and both afford a good prognosis for recovery.

  18. Proyecto de producción y comercialización del kumis, como un nuevo producto lácteo y una alternativa para la nutrición


    Campos Merchan, Leidy; Gonzabay Yagual, Lyset; Mejia Coronel, Marco Tulio


    En la actualidad es fácil encontrar buen número de lácteos y alimentos que mejoran el funcionamiento intestinal, la absorción de nutrientes y ayudan al sistema de defensas, todo ello gracias a la benéfica acción de lactobacilos o bacterias lácticas que trabajan armónicamente con la flora intestinal. La tendencia mundial es de creciente interés hacia el consumo de productos que además de valor nutritivo aporten beneficios a las funciones fisiológicas del organismo humano. Esta demanda ha ge...

  19. A deconvolution technique for processing small intestinal transit data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brinch, K. [Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Glostrup Hospital, University Hospital of Copenhagen (Denmark); Larsson, H.B.W. [Danish Research Center of Magnetic Resonance, Hvidovre Hospital, University Hospital of Copenhagen (Denmark); Madsen, J.L. [Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Hvidovre Hospital, University Hospital of Copenhagen (Denmark)


    The deconvolution technique can be used to compute small intestinal impulse response curves from scintigraphic data. Previously suggested approaches, however, are sensitive to noise from the data. We investigated whether deconvolution based on a new simple iterative convolving technique can be recommended. Eight healthy volunteers ingested a meal that contained indium-111 diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid labelled water and technetium-99m stannous colloid labelled omelette. Imaging was performed at 30-min intervals until all radioactivity was located in the colon. A Fermi function=(1+e{sup -{alpha}{beta}})/(1+e{sup (t-{alpha}){beta}}) was chosen to characterize the small intestinal impulse response function. By changing only two parameters, {alpha} and {beta}, it is possible to obtain configurations from nearly a square function to nearly a monoexponential function. Small intestinal input function was obtained from the gastric emptying curve and convolved with the Fermi function. The sum of least squares was used to find {alpha} and {beta} yielding the best fit of the convolved curve to the oberved small intestinal time-activity curve. Finally, a small intestinal mean transit time was calculated from the Fermi function referred to. In all cases, we found an excellent fit of the convolved curve to the observed small intestinal time-activity curve, that is the Fermi function reflected the small intestinal impulse response curve. Small intestinal mean transit time of liquid marker (median 2.02 h) was significantly shorter than that of solid marker (median 2.99 h; P<0.02). The iterative convolving technique seems to be an attractive alternative to ordinary approaches for the processing of small intestinal transit data. (orig.) With 2 figs., 13 refs.

  20. Interactions Between Diet and the Intestinal Microbiota Alter Intestinal Permeability and Colitis Severity in Mice. (United States)

    Llewellyn, Sean R; Britton, Graham J; Contijoch, Eduardo J; Vennaro, Olivia H; Mortha, Arthur; Colombel, Jean-Frederic; Grinspan, Ari; Clemente, Jose C; Merad, Miriam; Faith, Jeremiah J


    It is not clear how the complex interactions between diet and the intestinal microbiota affect development of mucosal inflammation or inflammatory bowel disease. We investigated interactions between dietary ingredients, nutrients, and the microbiota in specific pathogen-free (SPF) and germ-free (GF) mice given more than 40 unique diets; we quantified individual and synergistic effects of dietary macronutrients and the microbiota on intestinal health and development of colitis. C56BL/6J SPF and GF mice were placed on custom diets containing different concentrations and sources of protein, fat, digestible carbohydrates, and indigestible carbohydrates (fiber). After 1 week, SPF and GF mice were given dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) to induce colitis. Disease severity was determined based on the percent weight change from baseline, and modeled as a function of the concentration of each macronutrient in the diet. In unchallenged mice, we measured intestinal permeability by feeding mice labeled dextran and measuring levels in blood. Feces were collected and microbiota were analyzed by 16S rDNA sequencing. We collected colons from mice and performed transcriptome analyses. Fecal microbiota varied with diet; the concentration of protein and fiber had the strongest effect on colitis development. Among 9 fiber sources tested, psyllium, pectin, and cellulose fiber reduced the severity of colitis in SPF mice, whereas methylcellulose increased severity. Increasing dietary protein increased the density of the fecal microbiota and the severity of colitis in SPF mice, but not in GF mice or mice given antibiotics. Psyllium fiber reduced the severity of colitis through microbiota-dependent and microbiota-independent mechanisms. Combinatorial perturbations to dietary casein protein and psyllium fiber in parallel accounted for most variation in gut microbial density and intestinal permeability in unchallenged mice, as well as the severity of DSS-induced colitis; changes in 1 ingredient

  1. Circadian disorganization alters intestinal microbiota.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robin M Voigt

    Full Text Available Intestinal dysbiosis and circadian rhythm disruption are associated with similar diseases including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease. Despite the overlap, the potential relationship between circadian disorganization and dysbiosis is unknown; thus, in the present study, a model of chronic circadian disruption was used to determine the impact on the intestinal microbiome. Male C57BL/6J mice underwent once weekly phase reversals of the light:dark cycle (i.e., circadian rhythm disrupted mice to determine the impact of circadian rhythm disruption on the intestinal microbiome and were fed either standard chow or a high-fat, high-sugar diet to determine how diet influences circadian disruption-induced effects on the microbiome. Weekly phase reversals of the light:dark (LD cycle did not alter the microbiome in mice fed standard chow; however, mice fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet in conjunction with phase shifts in the light:dark cycle had significantly altered microbiota. While it is yet to be established if some of the adverse effects associated with circadian disorganization in humans (e.g., shift workers, travelers moving across time zones, and in individuals with social jet lag are mediated by dysbiosis, the current study demonstrates that circadian disorganization can impact the intestinal microbiota which may have implications for inflammatory diseases.

  2. Laparoscopic Treatment of Intestinal Malrotation in Children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ooms, N.; Matthyssens, L.E.; Draaisma, J.M.T.; Blaauw, I. de; Wijnen, M.H.


    Purpose Intestinal malrotation is a congenital intestinal rotation anomaly, which can be treated by either laparotomy or laparoscopy. Our hypothesis is that laparoscopic treatment leads to less small bowel obstruction because of the fewer adhesions in comparison to laparotomy, without increasing the

  3. Flavanol-Enriched Cocoa Powder Alters the Intestinal Microbiota, Tissue and Fluid Metabolite Profiles, and Intestinal Gene Expression in Pigs1234 (United States)

    Jang, Saebyeol; Sun, Jianghao; Chen, Pei; Lakshman, Sukla; Molokin, Aleksey; Harnly, James M; Vinyard, Bryan T; Urban, Joseph F; Davis, Cindy D; Solano-Aguilar, Gloria


    Background: Consumption of cocoa-derived polyphenols has been associated with several health benefits; however, their effects on the intestinal microbiome and related features of host intestinal health are not adequately understood. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the effects of eating flavanol-enriched cocoa powder on the composition of the gut microbiota, tissue metabolite profiles, and intestinal immune status. Methods: Male pigs (5 mo old, 28 kg mean body weight) were supplemented with 0, 2.5, 10, or 20 g flavanol-enriched cocoa powder/d for 27 d. Metabolites in serum, urine, the proximal colon contents, liver, and adipose tissue; bacterial abundance in the intestinal contents and feces; and intestinal tissue gene expression of inflammatory markers and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) were then determined. Results: O-methyl-epicatechin-glucuronide conjugates dose-dependently increased (P cocoa powder. The concentration of 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid isomers in urine decreased as the dose of cocoa powder fed to pigs increased (75–85%, P cocoa powder/d, respectively. Moreover, consumption of cocoa powder reduced TLR9 gene expression in ileal Peyer’s patches (67–80%, P cocoa powder/d compared with pigs not supplemented with cocoa powder. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that consumption of cocoa powder by pigs can contribute to gut health by enhancing the abundance of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species and modulating markers of localized intestinal immunity. PMID:26936136

  4. Congenital cytomegalovirus related intestinal malrotation: a case report. (United States)

    Colomba, Claudia; Giuffrè, Mario; La Placa, Simona; Cascio, Antonio; Trizzino, Marcello; De Grazia, Simona; Corsello, Giovanni


    Cytomegalovirus is the most common cause of congenital infection in the developed countries. Gastrointestinal involvement has been extensively described in both adult and paediatric immunocompromised patients but it is infrequent in congenital or perinatal CMV infection. We report on a case of coexistent congenital Cytomegalovirus infection with intestinal malrotation and positive intestinal Cytomegalovirus biopsy. At birth the neonate showed clinical and radiological evidence of intestinal obstruction. Meconium passed only after evacuative nursing procedures; stooling pattern was irregular; gastric residuals were bile-stained. Laparatomy revealed a complete intestinal malrotation and contextually gastrointestinal biopsy samples of the appendix confirmed the diagnosis of CMV gastrointestinal disease. Intravenous ganciclovir was initiated for 2 weeks, followed by oral valgancyclovir for 6 month. CMV-induced proinflammatory process may be responsible of the interruption of the normal development of the gut or could in turn lead to a disruption in the normal development of the gut potentiating the mechanism causing malrotation. We suggest the hypothesis that an inflammatory process induced by CMV congenital infection may be responsible, in the early gestation, of the intestinal end-organ disease, as the intestinal malrotation. CMV infection should always be excluded in full-term infants presenting with colonic stricture or malrotation.

  5. Is isomerism a risk factor for intestinal volvulus? (United States)

    Landisch, Rachel M; Loomba, Rohit S; Salazar, Jose H; Buelow, Matthew W; Frommelt, Michele; Anderson, Robert H; Wagner, Amy J


    Isomerism, or heterotaxy syndrome, affects many organ systems anatomically and functionally. Intestinal malrotation is common in patients with isomerism. Despite a low reported risk of volvulus, some physicians perform routine screening and prophylactic Ladd procedures on asymptomatic patients with isomerism who are found to have intestinal malrotation. The primary aim of this study was to determine if isomerism is an independent risk factor for volvulus. Kid's Inpatient Database data from 1997 to 2012 was utilized for this study. Characteristics of admissions with and without isomerism were compared with a particular focus on intestinal malrotation, volvulus, and Ladd procedure. A logistic regression was conducted to determine independent risk factors for volvulus with respect to isomerism. 15,962,403 inpatient admissions were included in the analysis, of which 7970 (0.05%) patients had isomerism, and 6 patients (0.1%) developed volvulus. Isomerism was associated with a 52-fold increase in the odds of intestinal malrotation by univariate analysis. Of 251 with isomerism and intestinal malrotation, only 2.4% experienced volvulus. Logistic regression demonstrated that isomerism was not an independent risk factor for volvulus. Isomerism is associated with an increased risk of intestinal malrotation but is not an independent risk factor for volvulus. Prognosis study. Level III. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. A. Lityaeva


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the parietal microbiota of the intestine in children with a verified syndrome of excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine. Clinical and laboratory examination of 25 children at risk of intrauterine infection at the age of 8 months — 4 years with a verified syndrome of excess bacterial growth in the small intestine was performed based on the results of the hydrogen breath test. Investigation of the species and quantitative composition of the parietal intestinal microbiota was carried out with the help of the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method with determination of the concentration of microbial markers by drop of blood (laboratory of bifidobacteria of the Federal Budgetary Institute of Science Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology name after G.N. Gabrichevsky. It was revealed that all of them recorded a high concentration of microbial markers of gram-negative anaerobic bacteria of the colon and viruses of the Herpes family due to a deficit of representatives of priority genera (Propionibacterium Freunderherii 5-fold, Eubacterium spp. 4.8-fold, Bifidobacterium spp. 4-fold, Lactobacillus spp. 1.5-fold with an excess of endotoxin (by 1.5—2-fold and a decrease in plasmalogen (by 2-fold. These data testify to the inflammatory process of the small intestinal mucosa, which aggravates the disturbances in its functioning and confirm the informative nature of the gas chromatography and spectrometry method.

  7. A clinico-radiological reappraisal of intestinal tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tandon, R.K.; Sarin, S.K.; Bose, S.L.; Berry, M.; Tandon, B.N.


    Intestinal tuberculosis is still common in developing countries. In 186 patients with intestinal tuberculosis, clinical features, radiological findings and complications were carefully recorded and compared with those from earlier studies with a view to study any possible changes after the liberal use of antitubercular drugs. Sixty two percent of the patients in the present series had had prior exposure to antitubercular drugs. The incidence of systemic symptoms like fever and anorexia, alternating diarrhoea and constipation, peritoneal and lymph node involvements and associated pulmonary lesions were less frequently observed. On the other hand, an indolent and complicated course with intestinal obstruction (47 %) and lower gastrointestinal bleeding (5.5 %) and frequent colonic involvement (19 %) often necessitating surgical intervention appeared to have become more frequent than reported in earlier series. Awareness of these changes in the clinical profile of intestinal tuberculosis should be helpful in the diagnosis and management of the condition. (author)

  8. Stem cell self-renewal in intestinal crypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simons, Benjamin D.; Clevers, Hans


    As a rapidly cycling tissue capable of fast repair and regeneration, the intestinal epithelium has emerged as a favored model system to explore the principles of adult stem cell biology. However, until recently, the identity and characteristics of the stem cell population in both the small intestine and colon has remained the subject of debate. Recent studies based on targeted lineage tracing strategies, combined with the development of an organotypic culture system, have identified the crypt base columnar cell as the intestinal stem cell, and have unveiled the strategy by which the balance between proliferation and differentiation is maintained. These results show that intestinal stem cells operate in a dynamic environment in which frequent and stochastic stem cell loss is compensated by the proliferation of neighboring stem cells. We review the basis of these experimental findings and the insights they offer into the mechanisms of homeostatic stem cell regulation.

  9. Oral Administration of Probiotics Increases Paneth Cells and Intestinal Antimicrobial Activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia I. Cazorla


    Full Text Available The huge amount of intestinal bacteria represents a continuing threat to the intestinal barrier. To meet this challenge, gut epithelial cells produce antimicrobial peptides (AMP that act at the forefront of innate immunity. We explore whether this antimicrobial activity and Paneth cells, the main intestinal cell responsible of AMP production, are influenced by probiotics administration, to avoid the imbalance of intestinal microbiota and preserve intestinal barrier. Administration of Lactobacillus casei CRL 431 (Lc 431 and L. paracasei CNCM I-1518 (Lp 1518 to 42 days old mice, increases the number of Paneth cells on small intestine, and the antimicrobial activity against the pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella Typhimurium in the intestinal fluids. Specifically, strong damage of the bacterial cell with leakage of cytoplasmic content, and cellular fragmentation were observed in S. Typhimurium and S. aureus. Even more important, probiotics increase the antimicrobial activity of the intestinal fluids at the different ages, from weaning (21 days old to old age (180 days old. Intestinal antimicrobial activity stimulated by oral probiotics, do not influence significantly the composition of total anaerobic bacteria, lactobacilli and enterobacteria in the large intestine, at any age analyzed. This result, together with the antimicrobial activity observed against the same probiotic bacteria; endorse the regular consumption of probiotics without adverse effect on the intestinal homeostasis in healthy individuals. We demonstrate that oral probiotics increase intestinal antimicrobial activity and Paneth cells in order to strengthen epithelial barrier against pathogens. This effect would be another important mechanism by which probiotics protect the host mainly against infectious diseases.

  10. St. John's wort attenuates irinotecan-induced diarrhea via down-regulation of intestinal pro-inflammatory cytokines and inhibition of intestinal epithelial apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Zeping; Yang Xiaoxia; Chan Suiyung; Xu Anlong; Duan Wei; Zhu Yizhun; Sheu, F.-S.; Boelsterli, Urs Alex; Chan, Eli; Zhang Qiang; Wang, J.-C.; Ee, Pui Lai Rachel; Koh, H.L.; Huang Min; Zhou Shufeng


    Diarrhea is a common dose-limiting toxicity associated with cancer chemotherapy, in particular for drugs such as irinotecan (CPT-11), 5-fluouracil, oxaliplatin, capecitabine and raltitrexed. St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum, SJW) has anti-inflammatory activity, and our preliminary study in the rat and a pilot study in cancer patients found that treatment of SJW alleviated irinotecan-induced diarrhea. In the present study, we investigated whether SJW modulated various pro-inflammatory cytokines including interleukins (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6), interferon (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and intestinal epithelium apoptosis in rats. The rats were treated with irinotecan at 60 mg/kg for 4 days in combination with oral SJW or SJW-free control vehicle at 400 mg/kg for 8 days. Diarrhea, tissue damage, body weight loss, various cytokines including IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IFN-γ and TNF-α and intestinal epithelial apoptosis were monitored over 11 days. Our studies demonstrated that combined SJW markedly reduced CPT-11-induced diarrhea and intestinal lesions. The production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α was significantly up-regulated in intestine. In the mean time, combined SJW significantly suppressed the intestinal epithelial apoptosis induced by CPT-11 over days 5-11. In particular, combination of SJW significantly inhibited the expression of TNF-α mRNA in the intestine over days 5-11. In conclusion, inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines and intestinal epithelium apoptosis partly explained the protective effect of SJW against the intestinal toxicities induced by irinotecan. Further studies are warranted to explore the potential for STW as an agent in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs to lower their dose-limiting toxicities

  11. Scintigraphic visualization of bacterial translocation in experimental strangulated intestinal obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galeev, Yu.M.; Popov, M.V.; Salato, O.V.; Lishmanov, Yu.B.; Grigorev, E.G.; Aparcin, K.A.


    The purpose of this study was to obtain scintigraphic images depicting translocation of 99m Tc-labelled Escherichia coli bacteria through the intestinal barrier and to quantify this process using methods of nuclear medicine. Thirty male Wistar rats (including 20 rats with modelled strangulated intestinal obstruction and 10 healthy rats) were used for bacterial scintigraphy. 99m Tc-labelled E. coli bacteria ( 99m Ts-E. coli) with an activity of 7.4-11.1 MBq were administered into a section of the small intestine. Scintigraphic visualization of bacterial translocation into organs and tissues of laboratory animals was recorded in dynamic (240 min) and static (15 min) modes. The number of labelled bacteria, which migrated through the intestinal barrier, was quantified by calculating the translocation index (TI). Control indicated no translocation of 99m Ts-E. coli administered into the intestine through the parietes of the small intestine's distal part in healthy animals. Animals with strangulated obstruction demonstrated different migration strength and routes of labelled bacteria from strangulated and superior to strangulation sections of the small intestine. 99m Ts-E. coli migrated from the strangulated loop into the peritoneal cavity later causing systemic bacteraemia through peritoneal resorption. The section of the small intestine, which was superior to the strangulation, demonstrated migration of labelled bacteria first into the portal and then into the systemic circulation. The strangulated section of the small intestine was the main source of bacteria dissemination since the number of labelled bacteria, which migrated from this section significantly, exceeded that of the area superior to the strangulation section of the small intestine (p = 0.0003). Bacterial scintigraphy demonstrated the possibility of visualizing migration routes of labelled bacteria and quantifying their translocation through the intestinal barrier. This approach to study bacterial

  12. Intestinal lymphangiectasia mimicking primary peritoneal carcinoma. (United States)

    Steines, Jennifer C; Larson, Joshua H; Wilkinson, Neal; Kirby, Patricia; Goodheart, Michael J


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia is an obstruction of the lymphatic system. We report on a patient with mesenteric adenopathy and an elevated CA125 level, which were suspicious for peritoneal carcinoma. Further evaluation and bowel resection identified intestinal lymphangiectasia. This disease should be considered in patients with mesenteric adenopathy and a small bowel mass. Copyright © 2010 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Feline Intestinal Lymphosarcomas in Egypt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fayez Awadalla Salib


    Full Text Available Feline intestinal lymphosarcomas are mostly caused by Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV. Unfortunately, there is no available vaccine for FeLV in Egypt. The diagnosis of feline intestinal lymphosarcomas depends upon abdominal palpation, x-rays examination, ultrasonography, direct ELISA and histopathology of masses excised during laparotomy. The recorded clinical signs in intestinal lymphosarcoma affected cats were variable including vomiting, fever, anorexia, ascites, anemia, dyspnea, constipation and emaciation. The affected lymph nodes were mesenteric, mediastinal and retropharyngeal. The prevalence of intestinal lymphosarcomas in the examined cats was 4.03 % (11 out of 273 cats. The prevalence was higher in queens than toms (2.93 % and 0.73 % respectively. The Siamese cats had higher prevalence than the Sherazy ones (2.56 % and 1.47 % respectively. X-ray films and ultrasonographic images performed on the eleven cats suffered from intestinal lymphosarcomas revealed ascities and abdominal masses. The comparison of ELISA and histopathology (of excised masses results showed that 9 out of 11 intestinal lymphosarcoma affected cats were infected with FeLV that proved not all cases of intestinal lymphosarcoma were caused by FeLV. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of ELISA to diagnose intestinal lymphosarcoma in cats were 81.81 %, 100 % and 92 % respectively. Gross autopsy of the collected lymph nodes, livers, kidneys revealed that gross lymphadenopathy involving one or more nodes, hepatomegaly and kidney enlargement. Microscopically, the examined tissues specimens showed that the normal architecture of the examined lymph nodes, livers, and kidneys has been replaced by a diffuse infiltrate of both lymphocytes and lymphoblasts. The vast majority of the cells are small lymphocyte-type cells with round basophilic nuclei and a sparse rim of cytoplasm. The eleven intestinal lymphosarcoma affected cats exposed to abdominal exploratory surgery (laparotomy

  14. Free Total Rhubarb Anthraquinones Protect Intestinal Injury via Regulation of the Intestinal Immune Response in a Rat Model of Severe Acute Pancreatitis

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    Yuxia Xiong


    Full Text Available Intestinal mucosal immune barrier dysfunction plays a key role in the pathogenesis of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP. Rhubarb is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine as a laxative in China. It markedly protects pancreatic acinar cells from trypsin-induced injury in rats. Free total rhubarb anthraquinones (FTRAs isolated and extracted from rhubarb display the beneficial effects of antibacteria, anti-inflammation, antivirus, and anticancer. The principal aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of FTRAs on the protection of intestinal injury and modification of the intestinal barrier function through regulation of intestinal immune function in rats with SAP. We established a rat model of SAP by injecting 3.5% sodium taurocholate (STC, 350 mg/kg into the biliopancreatic duct via retrograde injection and treated the rats with FTRAs (36 or 72 mg/kg or normal saline (control immediately and 12 h after STC injection. Then, we evaluated the protective effect of FTRAs on intestinal injury by pathological analysis and determined the levels of endotoxin (ET, interleukin 1β (IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α, nitric oxide (NO, myeloperoxidase (MPO, capillary permeability, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptors 3 (NLRP3, apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD domain (ASC, casepase-1, secretary immunoglobulin A (SIgA, regulatory T cells (Tregs, and the ratio of Th1/Th2 in the blood and/or small intestinal tissues or mesenteric lymph node (MLN cells. Moreover, the chemical profile of FTRAs was analyzed by HPLC-UV chromatogram. The results showed that FTRAs significantly protected intestinal damage and decreased the levels of ET, IL-1β, TNF-α, and NO in the blood and TNF-α, IL-1β, and protein extravasation in the intestinal tissues in SAP rats. Furthermore, FTRAs significantly decreased the expressions of NLRP3, ASC, and caspase-1, the number of Tregs and the ratio of Th1/Th2, while

  15. Redistribution of intestinal microcirculatory oxygenation during acute hemodilution in pigs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schwarte, Lothar A.; Fournell, Artur; van Bommel, Jasper; Ince, Can


    Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) compromizes intestinal microcirculatory oxygenation; however, the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. We hypothesized that contributors herein include redistribution of oxygen away from the intestines and shunting of oxygen within the intestines.

  16. Is nonoperative management of adhesive intestinal obstruction ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Nonoperative management of adhesive intestinal obstruction gives good results in adults but there are scant studies on its outcome in children. This study reports outcomes and experiences with nonoperative and operative management of adhesive intestinal obstruction in children in a resource-poor country.

  17. Congruent Strain Specific Intestinal Persistence of Lactobacillus plantarum in an Intestine-Mimicking In Vitro System and in Human Volunteers.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bokhorst-van de Veen, H. van; Swam, I. van; Wels, M.W.; Bron, P.A.; Kleerebezem, M


    BACKGROUND: An important trait of probiotics is their capability to reach their intestinal target sites alive to optimally exert their beneficial effects. Assessment of this trait in intestine-mimicking in vitro model systems has revealed differential survival of individual strains of a species.

  18. Congruent Strain Specific Intestinal Persistence of Lactobacillus plantarum in an Intestine-Mimicking In Vitro System and in Human Volunteers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bokhorst-van de Veen, van H.; Swam, van I.; Wels, M.; Bron, P.A.; Kleerebezem, M.


    BACKGROUND: An important trait of probiotics is their capability to reach their intestinal target sites alive to optimally exert their beneficial effects. Assessment of this trait in intestine-mimicking in vitro model systems has revealed differential survival of individual strains of a species.

  19. [Interaction of effective ingredients from traditional Chinese medicines with intestinal microbiota]. (United States)

    Zu, Xian-Peng; Lin, Zhang; Xie, Hai-Sheng; Yang, Niao; Liu, Xin-Ru; Zhang, Wei-Dong


    A large number and wide varieties of microorganisms colonize in the human gastrointestinal tract. They construct an intestinal microecological system in the intestinal environment. The intestinal symbiotic flora regulates a series of life actions, including digestion and absorption of nutrient, immune response, biological antagonism, and is closely associated with the occurrence and development of many diseases. Therefore, it is greatly essential for the host's health status to maintain the equilibrium of intestinal microecological environment. After effective compositions of traditional Chinese medicines are metabolized or biotransformed by human intestinal bacteria, their metabolites can be absorbed more easily, and can even decrease or increase toxicity and then exhibit significant different biological effects. Meanwhile, traditional Chinese medicines can also regulate the composition of the intestinal flora and protect the function of intestinal mucosal barrier to restore the homeostasis of intestinal microecology. The relevant literatures in recent 15 years about the interactive relationship between traditional Chinese medicines and gut microbiota have been collected in this review, in order to study the classification of gut microflora, the relationship between intestinal dysbacteriosis and diseases, the important roles of gut microflora in intestinal bacterial metabolism in effective ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines and bioactivities, as well as the modulation effects of Chinese medicine on intestinal dysbacteriosis. In addition, it also makes a future prospect for the research strategies to study the mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicines based on multi-omics techniques. Copyright© by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.

  20. Intestinal obstruction in germ-free dogs. (United States)

    Heneghan, J B; Robinson, J W; Menge, H; Winistörfer, B


    Mechanical occlusions were created in the intestines of four germ-free dogs. At the time of the operation, a control loop of mid-intestine was perfused in vivo and then excised for examinations in vitro, which included the determination of the equilibrium uptake of phenylalanine and of beta-methyl-glucoside, the influx kinetics of phenylalanine and morphometric analysis of the mucosa by microdissection and stereological techniques. Seven days after establishment of the occlusion the abdomen was reopened, and loops above and below the occlusion were perfused, and then excised for the same tests in vitro. Unlike occluded loops of conventional dogs, the intestine of the germ-free animal above the occlusion does not secrete water and electrolytes into the lumen. Its transport properties in vitro do not differ from those of the control loop, and the morphometric analyses reveal only slight changes in villus structure. The loop below the obstruction undergoes marked atrophy, as has been observed in conventional dogs. The results suggest that the copious secretion that occurs above an intestinal obstruction in normal animals is due to the presence of an abundant bacterial population in the obstruction fluid.

  1. Barreras al acceso a la justicia en el acoso laboral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Camacho Ramírez


    Full Text Available En Colombia, la Ley 1010 de 2006 normativiza la corrección, prevención y sanción de las conductas de acoso laboral. A pesar de la ley, en la práctica se hace poco efectivo el acceso a la justicia para las víctimas de conductas de hostigamiento en el trabajo, como se evidencia de las pocas denuncias y pocos fallos sancionatorios. En este artículo de reflexión se analizan las barreras jurídicas y materiales que impiden acceder a la justicia en los casos de mobbing cuyos resultados hacen parte del proyecto “Prácticas de acoso laboral, y su forma de resolución jurídica en Colombia” llevado a cabo por investigadores de sociología y jurisprudencia de la Universidad del Rosario.

  2. Chronic primary intestinal pseudo-obstruction from visceral myopathy Pseudo-osbtrucción intestinal crónica primaria debida a miopatía visceral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. T. Muñoz-Yagüe


    Full Text Available Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is an uncommon syndrome characterized by relapsing episodes suggesting intestinal obstruction during which no mechanical causes are identified to account for symptoms. Etiologic factors may be manifold. Among them a number of neurologic conditions, gastrointestinal smooth muscle myopathies, endocrino-metabolic and autoimmune diseases, and the use of selected drugs stand out. We report a case of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction originating in a sporadic, primary intestinal myopathy that corresponds to no type thus far described. A histological study of the intestinal wall showed disrupted muscle bundles and the presence of interstitial edema. Myocytes had severe degenerative changes, and no alterations were seen in submucosal and myenteric plexus neurons. The activity of enzyme complexes in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, and of thymidine phosphorylase was normal. No mitochondrial DNA changes were seen.La pseudo-obstrucción intestinal crónica es un síndrome infrecuente caracterizado por episodios recidivantes, sugestivos de obstrucción intestinal, durante los cuales no se detectan causas mecánicas que justifiquen la sintomatología. Los factores etiológicos pueden ser múltiples. Entre ellos destacan diversas enfermedades neurológicas, miopatías de la musculatura lisa gastrointestinal, enfermedades endocrino-metabólicas y autoinmunes y el uso de determinados fármacos. Presentamos un caso de pseudo-obstrucción intestinal crónica originada por una miopatía intestinal primaria y esporádica que no corresponde a ningún tipo descrito hasta el momento. El estudio histológico de la pared intestinal mostró que los haces musculares estaban desestructurados y que existía edema intersticial. Los miocitos presentaban marcados cambios degenerativos y no existían alteraciones en las neuronas de los plexos submucoso y mientérico. La actividad de los complejos enzimáticos de la cadena

  3. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  4. ESPEN guidelines on chronic intestinal failure in adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pironi, Loris; Arends, Jann; Bozzetti, Federico


    : The following topics were addressed: management of HPN; parenteral nutrition formulation; intestinal rehabilitation, medical therapies, and non-transplant surgery, for short bowel syndrome, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, and radiation enteritis; intestinal transplantation; prevention/treatment of CVC-related...... organ failure. Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) is the primary treatment for CIF. No guidelines (GLs) have been developed that address the global management of CIF. These GLs have been devised to generate comprehensive recommendations for safe and effective management of adult patients with CIF. METHODS......: The GLs were developed by the Home Artificial Nutrition & Chronic Intestinal Failure Special Interest Group of ESPEN. The GRADE system was used for assigning strength of evidence. Recommendations were discussed, submitted to Delphi rounds, and accepted in an online survey of ESPEN members. RESULTS...

  5. Stem cell self-renewal in intestinal crypt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Simons, B.D.; Clevers, H.


    As a rapidly cycling tissue capable of fast repair and regeneration, the intestinal epithelium has emerged as a favored model system to explore the principles of adult stem cell biology. However, until recently, the identity and characteristics of the stem cell population in both the small intestine

  6. Encountering Meckel's diverticulum in emergency surgery for ascaridial intestinal obstruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amin Abid


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Meckel's diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract. In children with intestinal ascariasis, the diverticulum remains asymptomatic or rarely the Ascaris lumbricoides may lead to its complications in the presence of massive intestinal roundworm load. Given that preoperative diagnosis is seldom carried out, when Meckel's diverticulum is found at laparotomy for obstructive intestinal complications of roundworm, the diverticulum should be removed as complications may occur at any time. The aim of this study was to describe the findings of concomitant presence of Meckel's diverticulum who had surgical intervention in symptomatic intestinal ascariasis in children. Methods A retrospective case review study of 14 children who had surgical intervention for symptomatic intestinal ascariasis having the presence of concomitant Meckel's diverticulum was done. The study was done at SMHS Hospital Srinagar, Kashmir. Results A total of the 14 children who had ascaridial intestinal obstruction with concomitant presence of Meckel's diverticulum were studied. Age of children ranged from 4-12 years, male:female ratio was 1.8:1. Nine patients had asymptomatic Meckel's diverticulum, whereas 5 patients with symptomatic signs were found in the course of emergency surgery for ascaridial intestinal obstruction. Conclusion Meckel's diverticulum in intestinal ascariasis may pursue silent course or may be accompanied with complications of the diverticulitis, perforation or the gangrene. Incidental finding of the Meckel's diverticulum in the intestinal ascariasis should have removal.

  7. Drug absorption from the irradiated rat small intestine in situ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venho, V.M.K.


    The absorption of acidic drugs phenobarbitone and sulphafurazole, basic drugs mecamylamine and quinidine, and a neutral drug isoniazid was studied in situ. Rats were irradiated 750 rad whole-body with 60 Co and the absorption experiment was done three and six days thereafter using the cannulated small intestine of urethane-anaesthetized rats. Drug disappearance from the intestinal lumen and drug levels in the whole blood and intestinal wall were measured. In control rats phenobarbitone showed the most rapid absorption and mecamylamine the slowest. Irradiation retarded the disappearance of all drugs from the intestinal lumen on the third postirradiation day. Fluid absorption was also diminished. On the sixth postirradiation day the absorption of phenobarbitone, sulphafurazole and mecamylamine had returned to the control level, but the absorption of quinidine and isoniazid was still retarded. After i.v. administration of drugs they were not significantly excreted into the intestinal contents and irradiation did not modify excretion. The distribution of drugs between the intestinal fluid and the intestinal wall was complete in the first 10 min of experiment. Mecamylamine and quinidine were lowered in the whole blood by irradiation. Blood levels of drugs did not correlate well to the rate of disappearance of drugs from the intestinal lumen. The reversible changes in absorption induced by irradiation are probably secondary effects of irradiation on intestinal morphology, permeability and transport capacity, composition, and possibly blood flow. (orig.) [de

  8. Factoring the intestinal microbiome into the pathogenesis of autoimmune hepatitis. (United States)

    Czaja, Albert J


    The intestinal microbiome is a reservoir of microbial antigens and activated immune cells. The aims of this review were to describe the role of the intestinal microbiome in generating innate and adaptive immune responses, indicate how these responses contribute to the development of systemic immune-mediated diseases, and encourage investigations that improve the understanding and management of autoimmune hepatitis. Alterations in the composition of the intestinal microflora (dysbiosis) can disrupt intestinal and systemic immune tolerances for commensal bacteria. Toll-like receptors within the intestine can recognize microbe-associated molecular patterns and shape subsets of T helper lymphocytes that may cross-react with host antigens (molecular mimicry). Activated gut-derived lymphocytes can migrate to lymph nodes, and gut-derived microbial antigens can translocate to extra-intestinal sites. Inflammasomes can form within hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells, and they can drive the pro-inflammatory, immune-mediated, and fibrotic responses. Diet, designer probiotics, vitamin supplements, re-colonization methods, antibiotics, drugs that decrease intestinal permeability, and molecular interventions that block signaling pathways may emerge as adjunctive regimens that complement conventional immunosuppressive management. In conclusion, investigations of the intestinal microbiome are warranted in autoimmune hepatitis and promise to clarify pathogenic mechanisms and suggest alternative management strategies.

  9. Diabetes mellitus and impairment of intestinal barier function


    Hoffmanová, Iva


    Introduction: Impairment of intestinal barrier function is involved in pathogenesis of immune mediated diseases (such as type 1 diabetes mellitus or celiac disease) and metabolic diseases (such as type 2 diabetes mellitus). Aims of study: The first aim was to analyze impairment of mucosal part of intestinal barrier in both type of diabetes and to describe differences when compared to celiac disease, which is a typical condition associated with impairment of intestinal barrier function. The se...

  10. Typhoid Intestinal Perforation: 24 Perforations in One Patient

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Intestinal perforation is a common cause of peritonitis necessitating emergency surgical intervention. Perforation ... Mortality rates of typhoid intestinal perforation (TIP) cases are ... may be obscured clinical features with resultant delays in.

  11. Monozygotic twins with discordant intestinal rotation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, Vance L.; Nwomeh, Benedict C.; Long, Frederick


    Previous case reports have suggested a strong concordance of intestinal malrotation among identical twins. This has led to the recommendation that the asymptomatic twin undergo screening when malrotation is discovered in the identical sibling. We present a case of monozygotic twins in which one twin presented with intestinal malrotation with midgut volvulus while the other twin was found to have normal gastrointestinal anatomy. (orig.)

  12. Monozygotic twins with discordant intestinal rotation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, Vance L.; Nwomeh, Benedict C. [Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Columbus Children' s Hospital, Columbus, OH (United States); Long, Frederick [Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Radiology, Columbus Children' s Hospital, Columbus, OH (United States)


    Previous case reports have suggested a strong concordance of intestinal malrotation among identical twins. This has led to the recommendation that the asymptomatic twin undergo screening when malrotation is discovered in the identical sibling. We present a case of monozygotic twins in which one twin presented with intestinal malrotation with midgut volvulus while the other twin was found to have normal gastrointestinal anatomy. (orig.)

  13. Intestinal Stem Cell Niche: The Extracellular Matrix and Cellular Components

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laween Meran


    Full Text Available The intestinal epithelium comprises a monolayer of polarised columnar cells organised along the crypt-villus axis. Intestinal stem cells reside at the base of crypts and are constantly nourished by their surrounding niche for maintenance, self-renewal, and differentiation. The cellular microenvironment including the adjacent Paneth cells, stromal cells, smooth muscle cells, and neural cells as well as the extracellular matrix together constitute the intestinal stem cell niche. A dynamic regulatory network exists among the epithelium, stromal cells, and the matrix via complex signal transduction to maintain tissue homeostasis. Dysregulation of these biological or mechanical signals could potentially lead to intestinal injury and disease. In this review, we discuss the role of different intestinal stem cell niche components and dissect the interaction between dynamic matrix factors and regulatory signalling during intestinal stem cell homeostasis.

  14. Tumor del estroma gastrointestinal Tumor of the gastrointestinal stroma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Felipe Montero León


    Full Text Available Los tumores del estroma gastrointestinal, conocidos según sus siglas en inglés como GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumors, son tumores mesenquimales que aparecen en cualquier lugar a lo largo del tracto intestinal. Este trabajo tiene el propósito de presentar una paciente de 60 años de edad que asiste a la consulta de ginecología del Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología, por presentar dolor en el epigastrio, que se irradia al flanco derecho, con un aumento de volumen en la fosa iliaca derecha, y por ultrasonografía se plantea un tumor de ovario derecho, que se proyecta hacia el epigastrio y a hipocondrio derecho. Se describe la intervención quirúrgica y los hallazgos encontrados en estudios macro y microscópicos, así como en estudios posteriores por inmunohistoquímica de la lesión. Se concluye con un diagnóstico de tumor del estroma gastrointestinal y los resultados de las intervenciones quirúrgicas y medicamentosas realizadas. Se recomienda valorar la importancia de una estrecha relación entre cirujanos generales y ginecólogos frente a enfermedades inesperadas, por su difícil diagnóstico preoperatorio, que conllevan a un tratamiento quirúrgico adecuado, y que por la complejidad que requieren, necesitan de la competencia de ambas especialidades quirúrgicas.The tumors of the gastrointestinal stroma, known in English language as GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumors are mesenchymal tumors appearing in any place throughout the intestinal tract. The objective of present paper is to present the case of a female patient aged 60 came to Genecology consultation of the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology due pain in epigastrium irradiating to right flank with increase of volume in the right iliac fossa and by ultrasonography it is a tumor of right ovarium projecting to epigastrium and the right hypochondrium. The surgical intervention is described as well as the findings noted in macro- and microscopic studies

  15. El entretenimiento preventivo de la maquinaria y del material. Capítulo V

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    Chinchilla, M.


    Full Text Available The measure of confidence that the reliability of a machine inspires depends on the probability that each partial system shall function without failure. The determination of the margin of safety depends on personal judgement based on the initial tests and controls to be carried out on the various mechanisms. Consequently the instructions provided by the manufacturers should always be followed, as well as tests that are the result of sound practical experience in the past. The habit of «what should be done», and «how shoult it be done» should be general rules for each type of machinery and ought to be carefully followed. It should not be left to the personal judgement of a particular person what kind of tests and safety precautions to undertake. Such a procedure would be too subjective, and would not constitute a balanced set of overhauling tests to control correctly the state of efficiency of the machine.EI poder confiar en el funcionamiento correcto de una máquina se basa en la garantía que sus diversos sistemas ofrezcan de no presentar fallos ni averías durante la realización del trabajo. La apreciación del margen de seguridad depende de la evaluación personal que pueda efectuarse sobre las pruebas y controles previos de los diversos mecanismos, por lo que siempre deben seguirse las instrucciones dadas por la casa suministradora, así como aquellas que sean fruto de la experiencia y buen juicio de los usuarios. El «qué hay que hacer» y «cómo hay que hacerlo» deben ser unas normas genéricas para cada máquina y que se observen fielmente, sin dejar que la apreciación personal de un individuo sea la que decida acerca de las diversas operaciones de control que hay que realizar, ya que esta decisión sería demasiado subjetiva y, por ende, expuesta a no formar un conjunto equilibrado de operaciones de revisión y control.

  16. Volvulus as a complication of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    C.T. de Betue (Carlijn); D. Boersma (Doeke); M.W. Oomen (Matthijs W.); M.A. Benninga (Marc); J.R. de Jong (Justin)


    textabstractChronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome (CIPS) is a severe motility disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that presents with continuous or recurrent symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without evidence of a structural lesion occluding the intestinal lumen. Mechanical

  17. Volvulus as a complication of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Betue, Carlijn T.; Boersma, Doeke; Oomen, Matthijs W.; Benninga, Marc A.; de Jong, Justin R.


    Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome (CIPS) is a severe motility disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that presents with continuous or recurrent symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without evidence of a structural lesion occluding the intestinal lumen. Mechanical obstruction

  18. Controlling the frontier: regulatory T-cells and intestinal homeostasis. (United States)

    Bollrath, Julia; Powrie, Fiona M


    The intestine represents one of the most challenging sites for the immune system as immune cells must be able to mount an efficient response to invading pathogens while tolerating the large number and diverse array of resident commensal bacteria. Foxp3(+) regulatory T-cells (Tregs) play a non-redundant role at maintaining this balance. At the same time Treg cell differentiation and function can be modulated by the intestinal microbiota. In this review, we will discuss effector mechanisms of Treg cells in the intestine and how these cells can be influenced by the intestinal microbiota. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Intestine-Specific Mttp Deletion Decreases Mortality and Prevents Sepsis-Induced Intestinal Injury in a Murine Model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pneumonia (United States)

    Dominguez, Jessica A.; Xie, Yan; Dunne, W. Michael; Yoseph, Benyam P.; Burd, Eileen M.; Coopersmith, Craig M.; Davidson, Nicholas O.


    Background The small intestine plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sepsis and has been referred to as the “motor” of the systemic inflammatory response. One proposed mechanism is that toxic gut-derived lipid factors, transported in mesenteric lymph, induce systemic injury and distant organ failure. However, the pathways involved are yet to be defined and the role of intestinal chylomicron assembly and secretion in transporting these lipid factors is unknown. Here we studied the outcome of sepsis in mice with conditional, intestine-specific deletion of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mttp-IKO), which exhibit a block in chylomicron assembly together with lipid malabsorption. Methodology/Principal Findings Mttp-IKO mice and controls underwent intratracheal injection with either Pseudomonas aeruginosa or sterile saline. Mttp-IKO mice exhibited decreased seven-day mortality, with 0/20 (0%) dying compared to 5/17 (29%) control mice (p<0.05). This survival advantage in Mttp-IKO mice, however, was not associated with improvements in pulmonary bacterial clearance or neutrophil infiltration. Rather, Mttp-IKO mice exhibited protection against sepsis-associated decreases in villus length and intestinal proliferation and were also protected against increased intestinal apoptosis, both central features in control septic mice. Serum IL-6 levels, a major predictor of mortality in human and mouse models of sepsis, were elevated 8-fold in septic control mice but remained unaltered in septic Mttp-IKO mice. Serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels were reduced in septic control mice but were increased in septic Mttp-IKO mice. The decreased levels of HDL were associated with decreased hepatic expression of apolipoprotein A1 in septic control mice. Conclusions/Significance These studies suggest that strategies directed at blocking intestinal chylomicron secretion may attenuate the progression and improve the outcome of sepsis through effects mediated by

  20. Intestine-specific Mttp deletion decreases mortality and prevents sepsis-induced intestinal injury in a murine model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessica A Dominguez

    Full Text Available The small intestine plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sepsis and has been referred to as the "motor" of the systemic inflammatory response. One proposed mechanism is that toxic gut-derived lipid factors, transported in mesenteric lymph, induce systemic injury and distant organ failure. However, the pathways involved are yet to be defined and the role of intestinal chylomicron assembly and secretion in transporting these lipid factors is unknown. Here we studied the outcome of sepsis in mice with conditional, intestine-specific deletion of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mttp-IKO, which exhibit a block in chylomicron assembly together with lipid malabsorption.Mttp-IKO mice and controls underwent intratracheal injection with either Pseudomonas aeruginosa or sterile saline. Mttp-IKO mice exhibited decreased seven-day mortality, with 0/20 (0% dying compared to 5/17 (29% control mice (p<0.05. This survival advantage in Mttp-IKO mice, however, was not associated with improvements in pulmonary bacterial clearance or neutrophil infiltration. Rather, Mttp-IKO mice exhibited protection against sepsis-associated decreases in villus length and intestinal proliferation and were also protected against increased intestinal apoptosis, both central features in control septic mice. Serum IL-6 levels, a major predictor of mortality in human and mouse models of sepsis, were elevated 8-fold in septic control mice but remained unaltered in septic Mttp-IKO mice. Serum high density lipoprotein (HDL levels were reduced in septic control mice but were increased in septic Mttp-IKO mice. The decreased levels of HDL were associated with decreased hepatic expression of apolipoprotein A1 in septic control mice.These studies suggest that strategies directed at blocking intestinal chylomicron secretion may attenuate the progression and improve the outcome of sepsis through effects mediated by metabolic and physiological adaptations in both intestinal and

  1. Paneth cells, antimicrobial peptides and maintenance of intestinal homeostasis. (United States)

    Bevins, Charles L; Salzman, Nita H


    Building and maintaining a homeostatic relationship between a host and its colonizing microbiota entails ongoing complex interactions between the host and the microorganisms. The mucosal immune system, including epithelial cells, plays an essential part in negotiating this equilibrium. Paneth cells (specialized cells in the epithelium of the small intestine) are an important source of antimicrobial peptides in the intestine. These cells have become the focus of investigations that explore the mechanisms of host-microorganism homeostasis in the small intestine and its collapse in the processes of infection and chronic inflammation. In this Review, we provide an overview of the intestinal microbiota and describe the cell biology of Paneth cells, emphasizing the composition of their secretions and the roles of these cells in intestinal host defence and homeostasis. We also highlight the implications of Paneth cell dysfunction in susceptibility to chronic inflammatory bowel disease.

  2. Potential Role of Probiotics in Mechanism of Intestinal Immunity

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    Imran Rashid Rajput and Wei Fen Li*


    Full Text Available Probiotics are nonpathogenic bacteria exert a constructive influence on health or physiology of the host. Effect of probiotics in the intestinal defense against variety of diseases is well known. The probiotics are involved in the mechanism of intestinal defense, support as antagonist against pathogens, improve intestinal epithelial layer and boost the innate as well as adaptive immunity. However these responses are also exerted by intestinal components. The intestinal components as well as probiotics play a reciprocal role to enhance the immune response of the individual. The possibilities of mechanism of action include the stimulation of epithelial cells, activation of dendritic cells via toll-like receptors (TLRs, conversely produce cytokines. These observations reviewed together advocate that specific immunomodulatory properties of probiotic bacteria should be focusing on mechanism of action via antigen presenting cells (APC.

  3. Mucosal immunity to pathogenic intestinal bacteria. (United States)

    Perez-Lopez, Araceli; Behnsen, Judith; Nuccio, Sean-Paul; Raffatellu, Manuela


    The intestinal mucosa is a particularly dynamic environment in which the host constantly interacts with trillions of commensal microorganisms, known as the microbiota, and periodically interacts with pathogens of diverse nature. In this Review, we discuss how mucosal immunity is controlled in response to enteric bacterial pathogens, with a focus on the species that cause morbidity and mortality in humans. We explain how the microbiota can shape the immune response to pathogenic bacteria, and we detail innate and adaptive immune mechanisms that drive protective immunity against these pathogens. The vast diversity of the microbiota, pathogens and immune responses encountered in the intestines precludes discussion of all of the relevant players in this Review. Instead, we aim to provide a representative overview of how the intestinal immune system responds to pathogenic bacteria.

  4. Transcriptome changes during intestinal cell differentiation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tadjali, Mehrdad; Seidelin, Jakob B; Olsen, Jørgen


    The expression of 18149 genes have been analysed during the differentiation of the human intestinal cell line Caco-2. cDNA probes from undifferentiated and differentiated Caco-2 cells were separately hybridised to EST DNAs spotted in an array on a nylon membrane. A remarkable change in the transc......The expression of 18149 genes have been analysed during the differentiation of the human intestinal cell line Caco-2. cDNA probes from undifferentiated and differentiated Caco-2 cells were separately hybridised to EST DNAs spotted in an array on a nylon membrane. A remarkable change...... cells by performing reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction on RNA extracted from laser dissected intestinal crypt and villi. In a screen of eight transcripts one - SART3 - was identified as a marker for human colonic crypts....

  5. Recent Advances in Intestinal Stem Cells. (United States)

    McCabe, Laura R; Parameswaran, Narayanan


    The intestine is a dynamic organ with rapid stem cell division generating epithelial cells that mature and apoptose in 3-5 days. Rapid turnover maintains the epithelial barrier and homeostasis. Current insights on intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and their regulation are discussed here. The Lgr5+ ISCs maintain intestinal homeostasis by dividing asymmetrically, but also divide symmetrically to extinguish or replace ISCs. Following radiation or mucosal injury, reserve BMI1+ ISCs as well as other crypt cells can de-differentiate into Lgr5+ ISCs. ISC niche cells, including Paneth, immune and myofibroblast cells secrete factors that regulate ISC proliferation. Finally, several studies indicate that the microbiome metabolites regulate ISC growth. ISC cells can be plastic and integrate a complexity of environmental/niche cues to trigger or suppress proliferation as needed.

  6. Ectoparasites and intestinal helminths of speckled pigeon ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ectoparasites and intestinal helminths of speckled pigeon ( Columba guinea Hartlaub and Finsch 1870) in Zaria, Nigeria. ... Science World Journal ... A total of 30 (20 males and 10 females) Speckled Pigeons trapped from the wild in Zaria and its environs, Nigeria, were examined for ectoparasites and intestinal helminths, ...

  7. Intestinal malrotation and volvulus in adult life

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haak, Bastiaan W.; Bodewitz, Sander T.; Kuijper, Caroline F.; de Widt-Levert, Louise M.


    Midgut volvulus due to intestinal malrotation is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction when occurring in adult life. This paper documents the difficulties in reaching an early diagnosis. We describe the case of an 85-year-old man with non-specific abdominal complaints for 20 years, who presented

  8. [Videocapsule endoscopy as a useful tool to diagnose primary intestinal lymphangiectasia]. (United States)

    Vignes, S; Bellanger, J


    Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (Waldmann's disease) lead to a protein-losing enteropathy due to lymph leak into intestinal tract. A 28-year-old woman presented a bilateral lower limb lymphedema. Laboratory examination showing lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia, hypogammaglobulinemia suggested the diagnosis of primary intestinal lymphangiectasia. Gastroscopy was normal and second duodenum biopsies were negative. Videocapsule endoscopy gave evidence of intestinal lymphangiectasia of the small bowel. Videocapsule endoscopy may be proposed to confirm intestinal lymphangiectasia and to precise their localization when gastroscopy is not conclusive.

  9. Antibody response to Giardia muris trophozoites in mouse intestine. (United States)

    Heyworth, M F


    The protozoan parasite Giardia muris colonizes the mouse small intestinal lumen. This parasite is cleared immunologically from the intestine of normal mice. In contrast, T-lymphocyte-deficient (nude) mice have an impaired immunological response to G. muris and become chronically infected. In the present study, trophozoites were harvested from the intestinal lumen of immunocompetent BALB/c mice and nude mice and examined for surface-bound mouse immunoglobulins by immunofluorescence microscopy. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG, but not IgM, were detected on trophozoites obtained from BALB/c mice, from day 10 of the infection onwards. Trophozoites from nude mice showed very little evidence of surface-bound mouse immunoglobulin at any time during the 5-week period immediately following infection of these animals with G. muris cysts. Intestinal G. muris infection was cleared by the BALB/c mice but not by the nude animals. The data suggest that parasite-specific IgA and IgG bind to G. muris trophozoites in the intestinal lumen of immunocompetent BALB/c mice. Intestinal antibodies that bind to trophozoite surfaces are likely to play an important part in the clearance of G. muris infection by immunocompetent mice. The inability of nude mice to clear this infection at a normal rate is likely to be due to impairment of Giardia-specific intestinal antibody production.


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    Full Text Available El creciente aumento de pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII, sumado a la multiplicidad de alternativas terapéuticas y a la poca experiencia en general de los médicos para tratar estas patologías, ya que son enfermedades emergentes, ha facilitado que se cometan errores tanto en el diagnóstico como en el tratamiento de las EII. En este artículo, se presentarán los más frecuentes e importantes, según la experiencia del autor, con el objeto de corregir estas conductas y alertar a los equipos médicos sobre éstas. El listado incluye errores cometidos en la historia clínica, laboratorio general, endoscopia y tratamiento.

  11. Influence of fentanyl and morphine on intestinal circulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tverskoy, M.; Gelman, S.; Fowler, K.C.; Bradley, E.L.


    The influence of fentanyl and morphine on the intestinal circulation was evaluated in an isolated loop preparation in 37 dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital intravenously. Selected intestinal segments were pumped with aortic blood at a constant pressure of 100 mm Hg. A mixture of 86 Rb and 9-micron spheres labeled with 141 Ce was injected into the arterial cannula supplying the intestinal loop, while mesenteric venous blood was collected for activity counting. A strong correlation was found between the clearances of rubidium and microspheres (r = 0.97, P less than 0.0001), suggesting that the shunting of 9-micron spheres through the intestines reflects the shunting of blood through nonnutritive vessels. Intravenous fentanyl decreased oxygen uptake (O 2 up), and vascular resistance (VR), and increased blood flow (BF), rubidium and microsphere clearances (Cl-Rb, Cl-Sph, respectively), and permeability--surface area product (PS) in a dose-related fashion. Intravenous morphine in a dose of 1 mg X kg-1 increased Cl-Rb (nutritive BF) without changes in total (nutritive and nonnutritive) BF. This increase in nutritive BF is probably related to morphine-induced histamine release. Morphine in a dose of 5 mg X kg-1 was accompanied by vasoconstriction that was completely abolished by alpha-adrenoceptor blockade. The data suggest that morphine-induced intestinal vasoconstriction is mediated via a release of epinephrine, apparently from the adrenal medulla. It is concluded that changes in the intestinal circulation during anesthesia with narcotics might play a certain role in the cardiovascular homeostasis during anesthesia and surgery. An increase in oxygen content in portal venous blood, resulting from a decrease in intestinal oxygen uptake, should facilitate hepatic oxygenation

  12. Influence of fentanyl and morphine on intestinal circulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tverskoy, M.; Gelman, S.; Fowler, K.C.; Bradley, E.L.


    The influence of fentanyl and morphine on the intestinal circulation was evaluated in an isolated loop preparation in 37 dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital intravenously. Selected intestinal segments were pumped with aortic blood at a constant pressure of 100 mm Hg. A mixture of /sup 86/Rb and 9-micron spheres labeled with /sup 141/Ce was injected into the arterial cannula supplying the intestinal loop, while mesenteric venous blood was collected for activity counting. A strong correlation was found between the clearances of rubidium and microspheres (r = 0.97, P less than 0.0001), suggesting that the shunting of 9-micron spheres through the intestines reflects the shunting of blood through nonnutritive vessels. Intravenous fentanyl decreased oxygen uptake (O/sub 2/up), and vascular resistance (VR), and increased blood flow (BF), rubidium and microsphere clearances (Cl-Rb, Cl-Sph, respectively), and permeability--surface area product (PS) in a dose-related fashion. Intravenous morphine in a dose of 1 mg X kg-1 increased Cl-Rb (nutritive BF) without changes in total (nutritive and nonnutritive) BF. This increase in nutritive BF is probably related to morphine-induced histamine release. Morphine in a dose of 5 mg X kg-1 was accompanied by vasoconstriction that was completely abolished by alpha-adrenoceptor blockade. The data suggest that morphine-induced intestinal vasoconstriction is mediated via a release of epinephrine, apparently from the adrenal medulla. It is concluded that changes in the intestinal circulation during anesthesia with narcotics might play a certain role in the cardiovascular homeostasis during anesthesia and surgery. An increase in oxygen content in portal venous blood, resulting from a decrease in intestinal oxygen uptake, should facilitate hepatic oxygenation.

  13. Intestinal parasites and tuberculosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anuar Alonso Cedeño-Burbano


    Conclusions: The available evidence was insufficient to affirm that intestinal parasites predispose to developing tuberculous. The studies carried out so far have found statistically insignificant results.

  14. Estenosis Hipertrófica del Píloro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernando Forero Caballero


    úsculo liso ocurre hacia las doce semanas de gestación y que la sintomatología clínica de la estenosis hipertrófica del píloro se presenta cuando se ha establecido la alimentación oral.

    Los defectos de la inervación y la ausencia de algunas células nerviosas esenciales en el soporte básico de las funciones fisiológicas de las neuronas del músculo pilórico hipertrofiado puede ser un factor importante en su etiopatogenia, como la disminución del nivel de la sintasa del óxido nítrico. Se sugiere que la falta de producción, recepción o sensibilidad del polipéptido vaso activo intestinal que induce a la relajación del esfínter, contribuye al espasmo muscular y a la estenosis hipertrófica del píloro.

    Otros investigadores consideran que la pérdida de expresión e-Kit en el músculo liso puede ser un factor determinante en la etiopatogenia de la hipertrofia pilórica. Se ha observado cierta predisposición genética de parte de la madre, no obstante no se encuentra algún factor materno que influya en la descendencia de las madres que han tenido hipertrofia pilórica.

    Se han reportado casos de asociación con polihidramios y en fetos de 7 meses...

  15. CT diagnosis of concealed rupture of intestine following abdominal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji Jiansong; Wei Tiemin; Wang Zufei; Zhao Zhongwei; Tu Jianfei; Fan Xiaoxi; Xu Min


    Objective: To investigate CT findings of concealed rupture of intestine following abdominal trauma. Methods: CT findings of 11 cases with concealed rupture of intestine following abdominal trauma proved by surgery were identified retrospectively. Results: The main special signs included: (1) Free air in 4 cases, mainly around injured small bowel or under the diaphragm, or in the retroperitoneal space or and in the lump. (2) High density hematoma between the intestines or in the bowel wall (4 cases). (3) Bowel wall injury sign, demonstrated as low density of the injured intestinal wall, attenuated locally but relatively enhanced in neighbor wall on enhanced CT. (4) Lump around the injured bowel wall with obvious ring-shaped enhancement (4 cases). Other signs included: (1) Free fluid in the abdominal cavity or between the intestines with blurred borders. (2) Bowel obstruction. Conclusion: CT is valuable in diagnosing concealed rupture of intestine following abdominal trauma. (authors)

  16. Claudins, dietary milk proteins, and intestinal barrier regulation. (United States)

    Kotler, Belinda M; Kerstetter, Jane E; Insogna, Karl L


    The family of claudin proteins plays an important role in regulating the intestinal barrier by modulating the permeability of tight junctions. The impact of dietary protein on claudin biology has not been studied extensively. Whey proteins have been reported to improve intestinal barrier function, but their mechanism of action is not clear. Recent studies, however, have demonstrated increased intestinal claudin expression in response to milk protein components. Reviewed here are new findings suggesting that whey-protein-derived transforming growth factor β transcriptionally upregulates claudin-4 expression via a Smad-4-dependent pathway. These and other data, including limited clinical studies, are summarized below and, in the aggregate, suggest a therapeutic role for whey protein in diseases of intestinal barrier dysfunction, perhaps, in part, by regulating claudin expression. © 2013 International Life Sciences Institute.

  17. TREM-1 Promotes Pancreatitis-Associated Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shengchun Dang


    Full Text Available Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP can cause intestinal barrier dysfunction (IBD, which significantly increases the disease severity and risk of mortality. We hypothesized that the innate immunity- and inflammatory-related protein-triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1 contributes to this complication of SAP. Thus, we investigated the effect of TREM-1 pathway modulation on a rat model of pancreatitis-associated IBD. In this study we sought to clarify the role of TREM-1 in the pathophysiology of intestinal barrier dysfunction in SAP. Specifically, we evaluated levels of serum TREM-1 and membrane-bound TREM-1 in the intestine and pancreas from an animal model of experimentally induced SAP. TREM-1 pathway blockade by LP17 treatment may suppress pancreatitis-associated IBD and ameliorate the damage to the intestinal mucosa barrier.

  18. Ruminal and Intestinal Digestibility of Leucaena Foliage

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 30, 2013 ... Keywords: Intestinal digestibility, protein fodder, mobile nylon bag, a three-step technique ... A potential strategy for increasing the quality and availability of feed for small ruminants in the dry ... to measure intestinal disappearance of DM and CP using the mobile bag method described by De Boer et al.

  19. Intestinal parasites in children, in highly deprived areas in the border region of Chiapas, Mexico Parasitosis intestinal en niños, en áreas de alta marginación socioeconómica de la región fronteriza de Chiapas, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emma Marianela Morales-Espinoza


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among children in highly deprived areas, and its possible association with demographic and socioeconomic indicators. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From March to September 1998 in a convenience sample of 32 communities of the border region of Chiapas, Mexico, selected at random based on the level of poverty and distance from the community to the nearest health care unit (OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal en niños de zonas de alta marginación y su asociación con indicadores demográficos y socioeconómicos de interés. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: En una muestra de 1478 menores de edad, de entre 1 a 14 años, provenientes de 32 comunidades de la región fronteriza de Chiapas, México, de marzo a septiembre de 1998, se recolectaron tres muestras de heces fecales, seleccionadas aleatoriamente a partir del grado de marginación (alto y muy alto del municipio al que pertenecen, y distancia de la unidad de salud más cercana a la comunidad (<1 hora; 1 hora o más. En una de cada cuatro viviendas con niños menores de 15 años de edad, seleccionadas aleatoriamente, se obtuvieron tres muestras de heces fecales de éstos. Se efectuaron análisis bivariados con la prueba de ji cuadrada y multivariados con modelos lineales generalizados. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia global de parasitosis fue de 67% (intervalo de confianza IC 95% 64-70%. Sesenta por ciento de los niños estaban multiparasitados. La prevalencia de Entamoeba histolytica/E dispar fue de 51.2%, de Giardia lamblia, 18.3% y de Ascaris lumbricoides, 14.5%. La mayor prevalencia de E histolytica/E dispar se asoció con la edad y hablar algún idioma indígena; la de Ascaris lumbricoides con el sitio de obtención de agua y la carencia de refrigerador y electricidad. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario hacer intervenciones locales de salud (calidad del agua, sistemas de desagüe, programas de educación sanitaria (promoción de la

  20. Determination of intestinal viability by Doppler ultrasonography in venous infarction. (United States)

    Cooperman, M; Martin, E W; Carey, L C


    The accuracy of Doppler ultrasound in predicting the viability of ischemic intestine secondary to venous obstruction was assessed. Twenty loops of ischemic intestine were created in dogs by temporarily obstructing venous return from the bowel. Doppler arterial flow signals within the intestine quickly disappeared following venous occlusion. In ten segments, arterial signals promptly returned following release of venous occlusion. Nine of these ten segments were viable at reoperation 24 hours later. In ten segments, no arterial signals could be detected following release of venous occlusion, and only one segment proved to be viable. Doppler ultrasound findings were far more accurate in distinguishing between viable and nonviable intestine thatn were clinical guides to intestinal viability. PMID:7352777